r ^ 1 \^' GUIDE TO ^riuttb Books anli JHattustrtpts RELATING TO ENGLISH AND FOREIGN Heraldry and Genealogy BEING A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF WORKS OF THOSE BRANCHES OF LITERATURE BY GEORGE GATFIELD Mitchell and Hughes 140 Wardoue St-reet. 1892. Ofily 300 Copies Printed. G3 ERRATA. Page 37, col. 2, last title but one, date 1705, read 1795. - ,, 38, ,, „ 1st title, read published by Jenner and Knewstub. ' ,, 47, „ I, gth title, MS. 4959, read Add. MS. 4959. - ,, „ „ 2, last title but one, MS. 205, read Lans. MS. 205. - ,, 56, ,, ,, loth title, Harl. MS. 584, read 5847. - ,, 84, ,, ,, last title but one, for Sutter, read Sutton. - 5> '^Zli 5J j> lO'St title, for Rockford, read Rochford. - „ 164, ,, I, 8th title, for Nichols, read Nicholas. ^ „ 168, „ ,, 14th title, for Nottingham, read Northampton. - ,,189, ., ,, last title, for Nichols, read Brydges. - ,, 191, ,, 2, 2nd title, for Wm. H. Cotton, read Wm. A. Cotton. ,, 201, ,, ,, 1st title, for J. Almon, read E. Kimber. - ,, 208, ,, „ 7th title, for J. Almon, read E. Kimber. - ,, 215, ,, I, 9th title, date 1704, read 1713. - jj 245, ,, „ 4th title, for Crusades, read Crusaders. ^ ,, 285, ,, I, 3rd line, for Henry read Herbert. ^ ,, 296, ,, 2, 2nd title, read Collections for the pedigrees of Beaty, etc. Add. MSS. 31,013 ; 31,014.^ , 306, „ I, 9th title, for Banks, read Bancks. ^ „ 390, „ 2, 8th title, 3rd line, for Henry read Herbert.' ,, 498, ,, 2, Trafford Tables, add by Stephen Tucker. - 5 J 504? „ ,i 6th title, for 6774, read 6776. ^ 168 CONTENTS, General and Flags 239 Miscellaneous Works I Honour 241 Heraldic Treatises ... 22 Crusaders ... 244 Heraldry ... 37 Orders of Chivalry and Arms 45 Knighthood 245 Crests 64 Ceremonials, Processions, Mottoes 65 AND Tournaments 268 Seals 66 Family Histories, Pedi- Pedigrees ... 69 grees, & Peerage Cases 284 Royalty 74 America 522 Nobility & Gentry 85 Austria 540 Ecclesiastical 103 Belgium 543 Parliamentary 106 Denmark 547 Public Officers no France 548 English Counties 117 Germany 575 Ireland 199 Italy 590 Scotland 206 Netherlands 601 Wales 218 Portugal 606 British Islands 225 Russia AND Poland 608 India 225 Spain 612 West Indies 227 Sweden and Norway .. . 617 Parish Registers 227 Switzerland . 619 Wills 229 Miscellaneous . 621 Sepulchral Monuments, Addenda . 623 Inscriptions, Index • 635 Obituaries, and Epitaphs ... 2.^1 • A GUIDE TO BdoIis aub JISS. itlatiitg to Itralbtg aitb (geiteal0g2. ^^^•^m^iS^s^ GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. A History of the COLLEGE of ARMS, and the lives of all the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants, from the reign of Richard III. founder of the College, until the present time, with a prelimi- nary Dissertation relative to the differ- ent orders in England, particularly the gentry since the Norman Conquest, by Rev. Mark Noble. London, 1895, 4'- A Catalogue of the Library of the College or Oihce of Heralds, London, by R. D. B. L. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 689. A Catalogue of all the Officers of Arms, shewing how they have risen by degrees ; first, to be a Pursuivant extraordinary, after that an Herald, and lastly a King of Arms, 1595, by Thomas Lant, Port- cuUis. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 80. A Catalogue of the Kings of Arms, in the form of a pedigree, with their armorial bearings, by Nicholas Charles, 1635. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5880. The First Fondacion of the Office of Armys, and whereof it bygan, translate owte of Latyn into Englis. MS. Ashm. Lib. Oxford. The first foundation of the Office of Arms, etc. " Les Couleurs en armorye." — " Chapitre des Roys d'armes tenu a Rouen." 1421. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,495. De la primitive Institution des Roys, Heraulds et Poursuivans dArmes, par Jean Le Feron. Paris, 1555, 8'^- Proposed regulations for the Office of Arms, temp. Henry VIII. See ArchcB- ologlcal Journal, xiii., 1^. Lond., 1856, 8«- Orders established by the Societie of Armes of Loudon. London, 1616, 8°- A regulation of Fees appointed to be paid by all degrees to the Officers of Arms, for reoristerinpr their Funeral Certifi- cates. Printed by order of the Com- missioners for executing the office of Earl Marshall. Folio sheet, 1618. Collections relating to the Heralds' Office. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4101. Collections relating to the College of Arms, and to subjects of Heraldry, written by or addressed to John Anstis, Esq., Garter King of Arms. 18th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8934. A Calendar of divers presidents and collections concerning the Offices and Officers of Arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1184. An account of the Office of Arms in the time of Elizabeth, and the duties of the Heralds. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 205, f. 113 b. An Ordinance of Parliament for Regu- lating the Heralds' Office. London, 1646. 4«- Precedents of the Office of Arms, with other Heraldic Collections. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6297. Heralds' College. Orders of Thomas of Lancaster for placing the Heralds in attendance on the King, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,721. Heralds' College. The causes of disorder in the Office of Arms, with copies of earlier regulations of the Earls Marshal, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,747. The Right to bear arms. See Notes and Queries, fifth series, vols, xi, xii ; sixth series, vols. I, ii. Petitions of Baronets for a Badge of GrENEEAL AND MlSCELLANEOPS WoRKS. distinction and claims to Vestments and Decorations. Privately printed, 1814—1835, 80- An attempt to recover a list of the works which profess to treat of the Baronets and Peers of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Joseph Hunter, 19th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,607. Catalogues of Heraldic Authors will be found in Dallaway's Origin and Progress of Heraldry, and Sir Egerton Brydges' Censura Literaria. Series Alphabetica Latino- Anglica Nomi- num Gentilitiorum, sive Cognominum plurimarum Familiarum quaa multos per annos in Anglia floruere, by Thos. Gore. Oxon, 1667, S'^- Catalogus in certa Capita, sen classes, alphabetico ordine concinnatus, pleror- umque omnium authorum (tam anti- quorum quam recentiorum) qui de Re Heraldica Latine Gallice, etc., scripse- mnt: a Tho. Gore. Oxon, 1668, 4«- Catalogus in certa Capita, seu classes, alphabetico ordine concinnatus, etc., qui de Re Heraldica Latine Gallice, Italice, Hispanice, Germanice, Anglice, scripserunt, by T. Gore. Oxon, 1674, 4*^- An interleaved copy of Gore's Catalogus, with copious MS. notes, by John Anstis. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6150. Bibliotheca Genealogica, das ist, ein Verzeichniss aller alten und neuen genealogischen Biicher von alien JSTationen in der Welt, etc. by Joh. Hubner. Hamburg, 1729, 8'^- A Catalogue of ancient and modern Books on Heraldry, Genealogy, Nobility, Knighthood, and Precedence, by Tho. Moule. Lond. 1817, 8«- Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnae Brittianise. An Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, Nobility, Knight- hood and Ceremonies ; with a list of Provincial Visitations, Pedigrees, Col- lections of Arms and other manuscripts ; and a supplement concerning the princi- pal Foreign Genealogical Works, by Thomas Moule. Lond. 1822, 4"- Catalogue of Works on the Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the Library of C. G. Young, York Herald, by Sir Charles George Young. London, 1826, 8«- Another edition, Lond. 1827, 8'^- Catalogue of the Arundel MSS. in the Library of the College of Arms, by C. G. Young. London, 1829, 8o- Not published. Catalogue of Works on the Peerage and Baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the Library of Sir C. G. Young. Privately printed, 1838, 8o- Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to Genealogy and Heraldry, preserved in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, at Edinburgh. Lond. 1852, 8o- Only 10 copies printed. ♦ Bibliotheque Heraldique. — Nobilitaire Universel, recueil general des Genealo- gies Historiques des Maisons Nobles de I'Europe, par De Magny. Paris 1866, &c. 40- Heraldic Literature, by Walter de Gray Birch. See Knight's English Cyclo- poedia. Arts and Sciences, Supplement. Lond. 1873, 4^^- A List of Works on Heraldry, or contain- ing Heraldic Illustrations, in the National Art Library, South Kensing- ton Museum. Lond. 1880, 8«- Second edition, Lond. 1884, 8«- Handbook to the Topography and Family History of England and Wales, by Camden Hotten. London, [1864] 8"- Bibliotheca Familiarum Nobilium, by 0. Gundlach. Neustrelitz, 1883, 8'^- Catalogue of the Library of the late Leonard Lawrie Hartley, Esq. Part II. comprising Genealogy, Heraldry, Dignities, etc. Sold by Puttick and Simpson, Leicester Square. Lond. 1886, 80- Account of Visitation Books and in whose hands. See Gutch's Collectanea Curiosa, vol. ii. Oxford, 1781, 8°- Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations, with references to many other valuable genealogical and topographical Manu- scripts in the British Museum. Second edition. Lond. 1825, 8"- Heralds' Visitation Disclaimers. Impensis Dn, Thomre Phillipps, Barti. 1854, fob Disclaimers at the Heralds' Visitations, by John Paul Rylands. A Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence : including lists of the Great Public Functionaries, from the Revolu- tion to the present time, by Charles R. Dodd. Lond. 1842, 12«- GrENERAL AND MiSCELLANEOrS WORKS. 3 Report of the Lords Committees of Privileges appointed to examine Prece- dents of Peers advanced to higher Dignityl entering their Proxies accord- ing to their former Titles. Ordered to be prmted 13 May, 1817. Reports from the Lords Committees touching the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, etc. With Appendixes. 5 vols. Ordered to be printed, 1829. Account of^fees, corrodies, pensions, etc., paid out of the Exchequer to members of the suppressed Monasteries, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary [1535-6]. Arranged by counties and contains several thou- sand names. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8102. Entry-Book of Fees on Patents, Creations, etc. 1752-1783. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,711. Reference List of the Rolls of Arms and other early authorities for ancient coat armour, by James Oreenstreet and Charles Russell. Lond. 1881, 8°- See also " The Genealogist," vol. v. London, 1881, 8"- An Index of the Heirs of Noble Families, from the reign of Edw. I. to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Claud. C. VIII. Index of the Noble Families in England, whose Pedigrees are to be found in the books of the Heralds' Office in London. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Julius, B. XI. An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds' Visitations, and other Grenealogical Manuscripts in the British Museum, by Richard Sims. Lond. 1849, S^- Indexes to the County Visitations in the Library at Middle Hill, 1840, and to a few others in the Harl. MSS. British Museum, the Bodleian Library, and Queen's College, Oxford. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Medio- Montanis, 1841. Index to Visitation Books in the Heralds' College, by Thomas Sheriff, Rouge Dragon, which gives a list of Visitations and also of the collections by Vincent and Philpot. An Index to the Heraldic Manuscripts in the Harleian Collection, by Humphrey Wanley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6052. Index to Pedigrees, not included in the Heralds' Visitations. See Class-Cata- logue of Biography and Genealogy in the British Museum. Not published. General Index to Printed Pedigrees ; which are to be found in all the Principal County and Local Histories, by James Coleman. Lond. 1866, 8"- An Index to the Pedigrees contained in the Printed Heralds' Visitations, etc., etc. By George W. Marshall. Lond. 1866, 80- Index to Printed Pedigrees contained in County and Local Histories, and in the more important Genealogical Collec- tions, by Charles Bridges, London, 1867, 8"- The Genealogists' Guide to printed pedi- grees. Being a general search through Genealogical, Topographical, and Hio- graphical Works relating to the United Kingdom, by Geo. Wm. Marshall, London, 1879, 8«- The Genealogists' Guide, being a general search through Genealogical, Topo- graphical, and Biographical Works, Family Histories, Peerage Claims, etc., by George W. Marshall, second edition, Lond. 1885, S*'- Index to MSS. of Arms by John Holland. 3 vols., MSS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A., Vicar- age Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Haydn's Universal Index of Biography. Edited by J. Bertrand Payne. London, 1870, 8«- Farrar's Index to Births and Marriages in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 — 1862. 2 vols. London, 1886, 8«- Index Society, London. Publications. London, 1878, &c. 8*^' In progress. The Index Library : A series of Indexes and Calendars to British Records. Edited by W. P. W. Phillimore. Lon- don, 1888, &c. 8"- Issued monthly. Indexes to pedigrees printed in Graves' " Cleveland," Whitaker's " Craven," Hunter's " Doncaster," Poulson's "Holdemess," and Thoresby's " Duca- tus Leodiensis," by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,703 A— E. Index to English-speaking Students who have graduated at Leyden University. Edited by Edward Peacock for the Index Society. London, 1879, 8°- Index of Obituary Notices for the year 4 Geneeal and Miscellaneous Woeks. 1880. Printed for the Index Society. London, 1882, 4- The Herald and Genealogist. Edited by J. G. Nichol. 8 vols. Lond. 1863-74,8"- Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Edited by Joseph Jackson Howard. [Quarterly series.] Lond. 1866—1870, large 8°- Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. New series. Edited by Jos. J. Howard. Lond. 1870—1883, Large 8«- Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. Edited by J. J. Howard. Second series. Lond. 1884, &c. 8«- The Genealogist. A Quarterly Magazine, relating to Genealogy, Heraldry, Family History, and Topography. Edited by G. W. Marshall. Lond. 1875, etc., 80- The Genealogist. New series, edited by Walford D. Selby. 5 vols., Lond. 1884 —89, 8"- The Genealogist. New series, edited by Keith W. Murray. Lond. 1889, &c., 8^- Le Roy-d'Armes, par le Marquis de Magny. Flor. 1867, 4'^- Le Hiraut d' Armes ; Revue Internationale d'histoire et d'archeologie heraldique. Brux. 1869, etc., 8'^- Published periodi- cally. King of Arms. A Journal of Fashion, Family History, and Literature, Lond. 1873—74,40- Nos. 1—15, allpubUshed. Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire Genealo- gique. Diplomatique et Statisque. Published annually at Gotha, 12^- Wappen — Almanach der Souverainen Regenten Europa's. Rostock, n.d. 4P- Ensemble les Gestes, Alliances genealo- giques, Mariages et Armories des Dues Marquis, Comtes, Vicorates, et Barons, estans de present en honneur en la Court d'Angleterre, 1569. With Arms in colour. Brit. Mus., Eg. MS. 2388. Genealogiae Imperatorum, Regum, Princi- pum Electorum. By H. Henninges. Ulyss, 1587, fol. Basilikon opus genealogicum catholicum de prsecipuis familiis Imperatorum, Regum, Principum, aliorumque Proce- rum orbis christiani, ab El Reusneri Leorine. Francof., 1592, fol. Theatrum Genealogicum ostentans omnes omnium jetatum Familias Monarcha- rum, Regum, Ducum, Marchionum Principum, Comioum, etc. By H. Henninges. 5 vols. Magd., 1598, fol. Delle Corone de Prencipi Christiani. D. M. Lonigo. Roma., 1601, fol. Principum Christianorum Stemmata, etc. Antonio Albizzi. Aug. Vind. 1608. fol. Other editions in 1609 and 1627. General and Miscellaneous Woeks. Genealogiarum Imperatorum, Eegum, Ducum, Marchionum, Comitum, etc. Europe, Asia, and Africa, by E. Diephold. Hala3-Sax., 1628, 4«- Arboretum Genealogicum Imperii Princi- pum EuropsB Regum, a lludolpho I. Imp. descendent. Joamie Gans. Col. 1638, fol. Catalogue or Tables of the Kings of Eng- land, from the first Caesar, Kings of Wales, Princes and Lords of Pompland, Kings and Lords of Man, Isle of Wight, of all the Bishops since the Conversion of the Saxons, and of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls and Barons, to the year 1652. 1652, 12«- Wagneri Descriptiones genealogies pra3ci- puarum Familiarum Magnatum in Europa. Ulma?, 1663, 12o- Le Palais de la Gloire ; contenant les Genealogies historiques des illustres Maisons de France, et de plusieurs nobles Families de TEurope, par P. Anselme. Paris, 1664, 4^- Genealogise Imperatorum, Regum, Du- cum, Comitum et aliorum Procerum Orbis Christiani (900 — 1664), cum Auctorio, by N. Rittershusi. Contain- ing numerous pedigrees. Tubingse, 1664—68, fol. Theatrum Nobilitatis Europecse tabulis, etc., by Philip Jac. Spener. Franc. 1668—78, fol. Teatro della Nobilta del Monda ; . . . dove si leggono molte f amiglie imperiali, regie, ed altre titolate . . . con le loro armi insieme, etc., by Filadelfo Mugnos. 2 vols., Napoli, 1680, fol. Historia insignium illustrium sen operis heraldici pars specialis. Continens delineationem insignium plerorumque Regum, Ducum, Principum, Comitum & Baronum in Cultiori Europa, etc., by Phil. Jac. Spener. Franc. 1680-90, foL Insignium Theoria : seu operis Heraldici pars generalis. P. J. Spenerus, Franc. 1690, fol. P. J. Speneri Opera Heraldica,«.^., Insig- nium Theoria, quae circa Insignia, horum Originem, Scuta, Metalla, Colores, etc., tractat — Historia Insig- nium Illustrium, continens Delinea- tionem Insignium pleorumque Regum, Ducum, Principum, Comitum et Bar- onum Europae, cum Explicatione singularum, Tesserarum, et multis ad Familiarum Decora, Titulos, etc. spec- tantibus. 2 vols. Franc. 1717—35, fol. Tables of the Emperour, Kings, and all the Sovereign Princes, and Electoral that are now alive in Europe. Lond. 1693, 24^'- Observations historical and genealogical ; in which tlie original of the Emperor, Kings, and other Sovereign Princes of Europe are drawn down to the year 1690 ; by Anthony William Schowart ; . translated and enlarged, by C. B. Lond. 1693, 8o- Almanac ou Calendrier pour I'annce 1693, etc., continued as, Almanach Royal ; Almanach National; Almanach Impe- rial ; Almanach Royal ; Almanach Royal et National ; Almanach National, Annuaire de la Republique Fran^aise ; Almanach Imperial ; and now con- tinued as Almanach National, 1888. Paris, 1693 etc., 8o- Le grand armorial, ou cartes de blasons, de chronologic et d'histoire, par Jean Chevillard. Paris, 1700, fol. A Table of the Emperors, Kings, Elec- toral, and all other Sovereign Princes, 1700, 120- The Present State of the Universe, or an Account, 1st, of the Rise, Birth, Names, Matches, Children, &c., of all the present chief Princes of the World ; 2, Their Coats of Arms, Mottos, Devices, Liveries, &c. ; 3, Names of their chief Towns and Population ; 4, Their Revenue, Power, and Strength ; 5, Their respective Styles and Titles or Appellations. TJie tJiird edition. London, 1701, 12" Reprinted in 1704. Great Historical, Geographical, Genea- logical, and Poetical Dictionary, by Jeremy Collier. 2 vols. 1701, fol. Tables of all Emperors, Kings, Queens, Electors, and all the Sovereign Princes and Princesses that are now or have been lately alive in Europe. 1703, 8*^- A Survey of the Lineal Descent of the Sovereign Princes in Europe, by William Alexander. Edinburgh, 1703, 8"- Another edition, 1704, 3 parts. A Genealogical Account of most of y® best Families in Europe writ in y® year 1706. CoUect'd from several hands. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5945. 6 GrENEEAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WoRKS. Historischen Geschlechts-Tabellen. Erste Supplement, by J. Stridbeck. Augs- burg, 1707—1714, obi, 4«- Tables of the Sovereigns of Europe. London, 1712, S"- Tables Genealogiques des Patriarehes, des Rois, des Empereurs, et autres Princes, depuis la Creation du Monde, par Claude De Lisle. Paris, 1718, 4'>- Souverains du Monde : ouvrage qui fait connoistre la Gr.'nealogie de leurs Maisons, leurs Armoiries, etc., par Guillaume Cavelier les Fils. 4 vols. La Haye, 1718, 12'^- Another edition, 4 vols., La Haye, 1722, 12"- Nouvelle edition augnientee. 5 vols., Paris, 1734, 16>- Proposals for Printing by subscription the Translation of the Genealogical Tables of all Emperors, Kings, and Sovereign Princes, in every part of the World, from Adam to these times, by James Anderson. Collected by Joh. Hubner, 1719, oblong 4^- Quartiers Genealogiques des Illustres et Nobles Families d'Espagne, d'Alle- magne, d'ltalie, de France, de Bour- gogne, de Loraine, et des XVII. Provinces, par Laurent Le Blond. Brux., 1721, 4'^- Historical Compendium from the Creation to 1722, containing the Characters, Deaths, and Succession of the Emperors, Popes, Kings, Governors, etc. 1722, 16"- Lexicon Genealogicum, by Johann Hubner. Hamb., 1727, 8«- Another edition, 1751, 8"- Other editions. Kurtze Fragen aus der Genealogie, by Johann Hubner. Leip., 1725 — 28, 8'^- Another edition, 1719, 8^'- Supplementa zu seinen historischen, genealogischen, Fragen, by Johann Hubner. 11 vols. Leip., 1720—55, 12°- Geuealogische Tabellen, von Joh. Hubner. 4 vols. Leip., 1737 — 44, fol. Supple- ment — Tafeln zu J. Hubner Genealogi- schen Tabellen. Kopenhagen, 1822 — 24, fol. Registrum Regale : or the Genealogy of Sovereign Princes, containing a particu- lar Account of the Rise, Births, Marri- _ ages, and Issue, of the chief Princes in Europe : the Order of Succession in most Christian Countries : the Coats of Arms, Mottos, and Devices, of the several Royal Families, etc. Loud. 1728, S''- Registrum Regale, etc. Eton, 1774, 4"- EuropIiischesgenealogischesHandbuch . . ausgefertiget von G. F. Krebel. Leip. 1725—1792. A Genealogical History of the present Royal Families of Europe, by M. Noble. Lond. 1731, 12"- Royal Genealogies : or Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings and Princes, by James Anderson. Lond. 1732, fol. Royal Genealogies : or the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam to these Times, by James Anderson. 2nd edition. London, 1736, fol. Geuealogische Archivarius, welcher alles, was sich taglich unter den itztlebenden hohen Personen in der Welt. Leipzig, 1732—38, 8''- Continued as Genea- logisch Historisch Nachrichten, etc. Leip. 1739 — 51, 8'*- Continued as Neue Genealogisch-Historische Nachrichten, &c. Leip. 1750—63, 8'^- Continued as Fortgesetzte Neue Genealogische- Historische Nachrichten, etc. Leipzig, 1762— 77, 8«- No more published. Genealogies historiques des anciens Patriarehes, Rois, Empereurs, et de toutes les Maisons Souveraines qui out subsiste jusqu'a present, tirees de Hubner, etc., par Louis Chasot de Nantigny. 4 vols. Paris, 1736—38, 40. Historical, Genealogical, and Classical Dictionary, with Abstract of Heathen Mythology. 2 vols. Lond. 1743, 8"- Geschicht en Geslagtkundige Aaumer- kingen aantooneude. Genealogical and Historical Tables of the Royal Houses ofEm^ope. Haarlem, 1745, fol. Chronological Historian : containing a Regular Account of all Material Trans- actions and Occurrences relating to English Affairs to the 14th year of King George II. With the Creations and Promotions of the Nobility, Ministers of State, Judges, etc., by Mr Salmon. 2 vols. 1747, 8'^- Jahrliches genealogisches Hand — Buch. Edited by G. Schumann. 2 vols. Leip., 1747, 8«- GrENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WoEKS. Abdildung und Beschreibung aller hohen Ritter — Ordcn in Europa. By Mathias Gott. Eichler. Augsburg, 1750, IS^- Europiiisches Genealogisches Hand — Buck, etc., by Gottlieb Schumann. 2 vols. Leip., 1752, 8'- Dictionnaire genealogique, heraldique, clironologique et liistorique contenant I'origine des premieres Maisons de France, des maisons principales de I'Europe avec Supplement, par La Cheuaye des Bois. 7 vols. Paris, 1757 —65, 12'^- The Court and City Register for the year 1758, etc. Lond. 175S, &c. 12o- St. James's Register, or Royal Annual Kalendar for 1766, illustrated with the Coats of Arms of the Nobility. Lond. 1766, 12« Europaisches Genealogisches Handbuch. Edited by Gottlob Friedrich Krebel. Leip. 1766, S^- Other editions in 1776, 1780, 1782, 1784, and 1792. Genealogie Ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement, de tons les Rois et Princes de Maisons Souveraines de I'Europe actuellement vivans, reduite en 114 Tables de 16 quartiers. Berlin, 1768, fol. Quartiers genealogiques des illustres et nobles families d'Espagne, d'Alle- magne, d' Italic, de France, de Bour- gogne, de Lorraine, et des XVII. pro- vinces; avec leur qualites et titres, les armes blasonnees, &c., &c. Par Le Blond. 2 vols. Bruxelles, 1773, 8«- Iconologie Historique et Genealogiques des Souverains de I'Europe. Paris, 1773, 8«- Fragmens Genealogiques, by Dumont. Geneve, 1776, 12'' Almanac genealogique pour I'annee 1779. 2 parts. Lauenbourg [1778], 16°- Tables Genealogiques des Maisons Souve- raines de I'Europe, par, C. G.de Koch. Strasbourg, 1780, 4^- Another edition, Stras. 1780, 4^- Tables Genealogiques des Maisons Souveraines de I'Europe ; avec une table, par C. G. Koch. Stras. 1782, 4°- Another edition, Paris, 1818, 4jO. A Genealogical History of the Present Royal Families of Europe, the Stadt- holders of the United States, and the Succession of the Popes from the fifteenth century to the present time ; with the characters of each Sovereign. Illustrated with Tables of De'scent, by Mark Noble. Lond. 1781, 12«- Historisch-genealogischer Calendar oder Jahrbuch der merkwiirdigsten neuen Welt — Begebenheiten. Leip. 1784, &c., S2^ Fielding's Regal Tables, or genealogical descent of all the Sovereign Princes of Europe : their titles, succession, de- scents, etc., by John Fielding. Lond. [1785], 12"- Historisih Genealogischer Almanac. Brauns. 1792, 16«- Almanac historique et Genealogique. Berlin, 1792, 24"- Almanac genealogique instructif et amus- ant pour I'annee 1795. Berl. 1794, 12"- Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World, from the earliest to the present period ; exhibiting in each Table their immediate successors, collateral branches, and the duration of their respective Reigns, by the Rev. William Betham. Lond. 1795, fol. Europaisches genealogisches Handbuch auf das Jahr 1800. Ausgefertiget von C. F. Jacobi. Leip. 1800, 8''- Atlas Historique, Genealogique, etc. par A. Le Sage. Printed in the year 1801, fol. Gothaischer Genealogischer Hof -Kalendar nebst diplomatisch-statistischem Jahr- buche. Gotha, 1784, &c. A Genealogical Table of the Present Families of all the Sovereigns in Europe, deducing their Descents for near Two Centuries, with all their immediate and collateral Branches, as well as intermarriages and connections, by Philip Luckombe. Lond. 1802, fol. Stammtaf eln der vornehmsten aussereuro- paischen Furstsenhauser des Mittlern und neuen Zeitalters, von Geo. Aug. von Breitenbauch. Leip.,- 1804, obi. 4"- Atlas historique, genealogique, chronolo- gique et geographique, par A. Le Sage. Paris, 1805, fol. Genealogical, Historical, and Chronologi- cal Atlas, by C. Y. Lavoisne. Lond. 1807, fol. London Kalendar, or Court and City Register for England, Scotland and Ire- land, for 1807, cojitaiulu^ 106 plates of arms of the Nobility. London, 1807. %^- 8 GEiraHAL AND MiSCELLANEOrS WOEKS. Histoire Genealogique des Maisons souve- raines de I'Europe, depuis leur origine jusqu'a present. Par Viton Saint- Allais. 2 vols. Paris, 1811, S*'- Genealogische Tabellen zur Erlaiiterung der Europiiisehen Staatengescliichte, von T. G. Voigtel. Halle, 1811, 4"- Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, andGeographical Atlas, by M.Lavoisne. New edition, by C. Gros and J. Aspin. Lond. 1814, fol. Another edition, 1840. Tables Gencalogiques des Maisons Souve- raines du Nord et de I'Est de I'Europe, par C. G. Koch. Paris, 1815—1818, 4'^- Historisch-Genealogischer Kalendar. Ber- lin, 1815—1849, 12^- and 8«- Genealogia Ant i qua, or Mythological and Classical Tables ; compiled from the best authors on Fabulous and Ancient History, by William Berry. Lond. 1816, fol. Genealogischer Kalendar. Historisch- heraldisches Handbuch. Berlin, 1817 — 46, 120- Atavise Kegiae, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Florence, 1820, 4"- Genealogisch - historisch - statistischer Almanach. Weimar, 1824—48, 12'^- Stemma Illustria, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Paris, 1825, fol. Only 100 copies printed for private distribution. Stemmata Anglicana, a Miscellaneous Collection of Genealogy, shewing the descent of numerous Eminent and Baronial Families not noticed by Dugdale, Collins, Edmondson, or other writers, by T. C. Banks. London, 1825, 4^- Baronia Anglica Concentrata. By Sir T.C. Banks. Eipon, 1844, 4''- Tableaux Genealogiques et Historiquesde I'Empire Brittanique, accompagnes de Notes critiques, et de quatre Disserta- tions historiques Critiques, par F. W. O. L. von Reden. Hanovre, 1880, fol. Sechzig genealogische audi chronologische u. statistische Tabellen zu Fiirstentafel und Fiirstenbuch der europaischen Staatengeschichte, von J. F. Bamber- ger. Kegensburg, 1881, fol. Fiirstenbuch zur Fiirstentafel der europaischen Staatengeschichte, von J. F. Bamberger. Kegensburg, 1881, 8*'' Abbildungen der Wappen ssemtlicherEuro- pa^ischen Souveraine, der Republiken und freien Stsedte, herausgegeben von C. H. von G elbke. Berlin, 1832, fol. Historical-Genealogische Tafeln, etc., by Dr. F. Fiedler. Wesel, 1884, 4"- Genealogisches Staats Handbuch. Sieben und Sechzigster Jahrgang. Edited by J. L. and F. A. Kluber. Frankfurt am Main, 1839, etc., 8'^- This is a con- tinuation of the Neues genealogisches Peichs und Staats Hand-Buch. Stemmata Baronialia. Prospectus, etc., of a proposed work on the State of the Baronies by Writ, by Francis Townsend. Containing pedigrees of the De Veres, Scropes, Stapleton, Tyrell, etc. London, 1840? fol. European Nobility. Illustrations de la Noblesse Europeenne. Paris, 1841, 4f- Genealogisches Taschenbuch fur 1842 — 48. Von F. Gottschalck. Dresden, 1841—47, 16^- Annuaire de la noblesse de France, des maisons souveraines de I'Europe, par Borel-d'Hauterive. 36 vols. Paris, 1843—84, 120- Livre d'Or de la Noblesse Europeenne, etc., par Claude Drigon de Magny, Marquis, et Leon de Givodan, Comte. 5 vols. Paris, 1844—52, 4"- Origines Patricia3, or a Deduction of European Titles of Nobility and Dig- nified Offices from their primitive sources, by P. T. Hampson. London, 1846, 8«- Genealogie des Maisons Souveraines de I'Europe, depuis le l^'" Janvier 1846 jusqu'a Guillaume 1^^ le Conquerant Due de Normandie, Roi d'Angleterre. [Par Bellencontre.] Paris, 1846, fol. Genealogisches Taschenbuch der freiherr- lichen Hauser auf das Jahr 1848, etc. Edited by Fr. C. vonKr. Gotha, 1847 —53, 16"- Continued as Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch, etc. Edited by H. Soltmann. Gotha, 1854, etc., 16^' In progress. Louth's Historical, Biographical and Genealogical Atlas of the principal events in the History of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Italy. 1851, fol. Memorial Universel Genealogique, Bio- graphique, et Heraldique. A I'lnstitut des Archives Historiques. Paris, 1851, &c. 4^- In progress. General akd Miscellaneous Works. 9 Atlas historique, genealogique, chrono- logique, et geographique, par A. Le Sage. Brux. 1853, fol. A Concise historical, biographical, and genealogical atlas of the Principal Events in History, by Heneage Lowth, with additions from Le Sage, etc. Lond [1851] fol. A Genealogical and Chronological chart of the royal arms and distinguished Houses of Europe, from the earliest period to the present time, with the . Arms, Flags, and principal orders of Knighthood belonging to each, by Frederick D. Hartland. London, 1854, fol. A Chronological Dictionary or Index to the Genealogical Chart of the royal and distinguished Houses of Europe, by Frederick D. Hartland. London, 1854, fol. Genealogie der in Europa Regierenden Fiirstenhauser, von Kamill von Behr. Leipzig, 1854, 4"*- Zweite Auflage. Leip. 1870—72. 4P- Memorial universal genealogique, biogra- phique et heraldique des Souverains, des chefs et membres des maisons princieres, des autres maisons nobles, des hommes d'etat, des membres des chambres legislatives, des magis- trats et des hommes de science de toutes les nations. Three parts. Paris, 1854—55, 4« Genealogische Geschichte der Europais- chen Staaten, von Karl Gottfried Naumann. Jena, 1855, 4'^- Historisch - Genealogischer Atlas seit Christi Geburt auf unsere zeit, von Dr. Karl Hopf. Gotha, 1858, fol. The Genealogy of Creation, newly trans- lated from the unpointed Hebrew Text of the Book of Genesis, by Henry F. A. Pratt. Lond , 1861, H^- Genealogical Diagrams illustrative of the History of Scotland, England, France, and Germany, from the 9th century to the present time. By W. Graham. Edinburgh, 1862, 4P- Dumont. Fragments genealogiques. 6 vols. Gand, 1862, W- Le Nobiliaire Universel, ou Recueil General des Genealogies Hfstoriques et Veridiques des Maisons Nobles de I'Europe, par M. le Comte de Magny. 7 vols. Paris, 1854—61, 4''- Second series, 8 vols. Paris, 1865 — 8,1, 4"- La Noblesse Europeenne, par Le Comte de Givodan. Paris, 1856, 4"- Statesman's Year Book, a Statistical, Genealogical and Historical Account of the States and Sovereigns of the Civi- lized World. Lond. 1864—1889, 8"- A Chronological Becord : containing the remarkable events from the creation of the world to the present time ; to which is added a list of the Kings and Queens of the leading countries of Europe ; the Popes of Rome ; the Presidents of America, and the Peerage of Great Britain, by D. O'Gorman. 3rd edition. Manchester, 1865, 8*^ Atlas Universel d'Histoire et de Geographic. Par M.N. Bouillet. Paris, 1865, 8"- Contenant, Tableaux genealo- giques des dieux et de toutes les families historiques de I'antiquite et des temps modernes, I'art heraldique, ordres de chevalerie et decorations, &c. Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire et de Geographic. Par M. N. Bouillet. Paris, 1866, 8°- Contenant les ordres de chevalrie civils et militaires, la genea- logie des maisons souveraines et des grandes families. Etudes sur I'Histoire et la genealogie de quelques-unes des principales maisons souveraines de I'Europe, par E. Lehr. Strasb. 1866, 4o. Indicateur Nobiliaire de France, de Bel- gique, de Hollande, d'AUemagne, d'Espagne, d' Italic, et d'Angleterre, d'apres les collections Manuscrites des Bibliotheques Publiques de Belgique. Paris, 1869, 8°- Les Families d'Outre-Mer de Du Cange, publiees par E. G. Key. Paris, 1869, 4o- Genealogische Taschenbuch der Bitter- und-Adels-Geschlechter. Briinn, 1870, etc., 32°- In progress. Heraldisch-genealogische Zeitschrift. Or- gan des heraldischen Yereines Adler in Wien. Vienna, 1871, etc., fol. In progress. Historical and Genealogical Tables, English and Continental, by Dr. William Davis. London, [1873], So- Genealogical Tables illustrative of Modem History, by Hereford B. George. Cla- rendon Press Series. Oxford, 1874, 4P- 10 General and Miscellaneous Wobes. Genealogie der Europaisclien llegenten- hauser fur 1875, &c., by Ernest Engel. Berlin, 1874 to 1882, S'>- In progress. Stammtafeln ; mit Anhang : Calendarium medii aevii. By H. Grote. Leip., 1877, 8"- [This work contains genealogies of all the great and noble families of Europe.] Chronological and Genealogical Tables Illustrative of English History, by J. C. Curtis. Lond. 1880, 4<^- Almanach genealogischer, der regierenden Fiirstenhauser Europa's. Dresden, 1881, &c. IG*^- Annuaire gcnealogique des Maisons Prin- cieres regnant en Europe depuis le commencement du XIX®- siecle, par H. R. Hiort-Lorenzen. Berlin, 1882, etc., 8°- In progress. Dictionnaire Nobiliaire, par A. A. V. van Oijen. La Haye, 1884, 8«- Familien-Calendarium der Souverainen Hauser Europas, by L. Clericus. Magd. Genealogical and Historical Chart of Ancient Sovereigns, by Jane E. F. M. Peers. Torquay, single sheet. Conspectus Heraldicse, Succincta, curiosa et perspicuaratione adornatse, in duas partes digestae : Insignia, by C. Bussingii. Hamburg, oblong 12*'- n.d. A Tentative Chronological Synopsis of the History of Arabia and its Neigh- bours, from B.C. 500,000 (?) to A.D. 679, by J. W. Redhouse. London, 1887, 80- Histoire, contenant une sommaire description des Genealogies, &c. de tous les Princes et Grans Seigneurs, dont la pluspart estoient FrauQois, qui ont jadis commande es Royaumes de Hierusalem, Cypre, Armenie, & Lieux circonvoisins, par Steph. Lusignans. Paris, 1579, 4o- Another edition 1613. Histoire gcnealogique des Tatars, traduite du Manuscrit Tatare de Abulgasi Bayadur Chan ; par Varennes de Mondasse. Leyde, 1726, 12o- Histoire Generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, etc. avant et depuis Jesus Christ jusqu'a present, par Joseph de Guignes. 5 vols. Paris, 1756, 4''- The Five Great Monarchies of the ancient Eastern World. By G. Rawlinson. London, 1871, 8o- The Sixth Great Monarchy of the Oriental World ; or the History of Parthia. By G. Rawlinson. London, 1873, 8«- The Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy, or the History of the Sassanian, or New Persian Empire. By G. Rawlin- son. London, 1876, 8'^- Early Sassanian Inscriptions, Seals and Coins, illustrating the Early History of the Sassanian Dynasty, containing Proclamations of Ardeshir Babek, Sapor I., and his Successors. By Edward Thomas. Lond. 1868, 8"- Records of the Gupta Dynasty. Illustrated by Inscriptions, Written History, Local Traditions and Coins. By Edward Thomas. Lond. 1876, 4<'- History of the Mongols, from the 9th to the 19th Century. By Henry H. Howorth. London, 1880, 8«- Genealogical Gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters, for the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1885, etc., 80- In progress. The Royal Register, Genealogical and Historic, for 1831, by Peter Joseph Burke. London, 1831, W- The Register and Magazine of Biography; a record of births, marriages, deaths, and other genealogical and personal occurrences. Edited by Thompson Cooper and Edw. Walford. West- minster, 1869, 8«- The Baptist Annual Register, by Dr. John Rippon. London, 1798—1803, 80- A large number of genealogical documents is deposited in the Public Record Office: there is not a separate catalogue of them, but a brief abstract of each document is given in the Domestic Series of Calendars of State Papers, published by the Record Commission. An index will be found at the end of each volume. Collectanea de Familiis Diversis quibus nomen est Phillipps, presertim vero de illis apud Wanborough in Com. Wilton, et apud Broadway, in Com. Wigorn. Inter annos 1816 & 1840. Cura et opeT.P. [SirThos. Phillipps] Compilata. Typis Medio-Montanis, fol. [This work numbers nearly 1000 pages, containing Wills, Deeds, Inquisitions, Registers, GrENEIlAL AND MiSCELLAKEOUS WoRKS. 11 Court llolls, and several hundred Pedigrees of Families in almost every county in England and Wales.] Heraldic Miscellanies, consisting of the Lives of Sir William Dugdale, Garter, and Gregory King, Esq., Windsor Herald, written by themselves, with an exact copy of the third part of " Tho Boke of St. Albans," jBrst printed in 1486. J. Dallaway. London, n.d. 4^^- Descriptions of Ceremonies, and Heraldic Collections, Edw. IV. to Mary. 16th century, MS. Alnwick Castle. Collectanea Excerpta Genealogia. By John Anstis, Garter King-at-Arms. Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 56, 179, 194 to 197. Collectanea by John Anstis. 2 vols. Stowe MS. 419, 2, and 3, Brit. Mus. Heraldic, Genealogical, and Historical Collections, by John Anstis. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,291. Genealogical and other Collections by WilHam Camden. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. JuL F. XI. Collectanea Genealogica e cartis et registris cum Sigillis delineata. By Nicolas Charles. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. C. Yii. Excerptorum genealogico-historicorum. By Raymundus Duellius. Lips. 1725, fol. Extracts from the Records of the Escheats, with Indexes of the Names of families, etc., by Thomas Cole. 7 vols. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 410, 411, 756—760. Index Nominum in libris dictis Cole's Escheats, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Middle Hill, 1852, 12«- Collectanea historica et genealogica, by Sir llichard St. George, Clarenceux, King of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10,108. Collectanea historica et genealogica, by Jacobi Strangman. Brit Mus. Cott. MS. Yitel. F. XII. Collectanea Heraldica et Historica, by Francis Thynne. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Cleop. C. III. Collectanea by Francis Thynne. A folio volume containing collect^)ns relating to history, genealogy, and heraldry, dated Feb. 14, 1562. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 198. Heraldic Collections, by Francis Thynne, 1595. Brit. Mus. Sloaji MS. 3836. Collectanea Genealogica. Edited by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1881, etc. 8*^ Inprogress. Collectanea Genealogica. (By Mr. Maidment at the request of the late Earl of Crawford, &c._) Edin. 1883, 4P- Only 69 copies privately printed. Collection of several things concerning the law and practice of Arms, and Holmes of Chester his boldness. MS. No. 55. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Diaries'of the Marches of the Boyal Army, 1644 to 1646 ; with heraldic church notes, etc., by Richard Symonds. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 911 ; 939 ; 944; Add. MS. 17,062. These Diaries were edited for the Camden Society in 1860, by C. E. Long, Esq. Calendarium Genealogicum, Hen. III. and Edw. I. Edited by C. Roberts. 2 vols. Lond. 1865, 8^^- Calendarium Genealogicum. See " The Genealogist," new series, vol. 2 - [Le 4« volume contient un traite du blason avec plus de 230 armoiries gravees.] Einleitung zur Heraldik, von Jungendres. Niirn- 1729, 8«- Essais sur la Noblesse de France, par C. de BoullainvilHers. Amst. 1732, 8° Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments, on claims and Controversies concerning Baronies by Writ, and other Honours. With an Appendix, by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1734, fol. A Treatise concerning Dignities, Titles, Offices, etc., granted by Kings of England, for the Honour and Mainten- ance of their Eldest Sons, etc. London, 1737, 4P- La science de la jeune noblesse. Par Duchesne. 2 vols. Paris, 1739 12°- ReichsErz-Schild-Herrn-Amt, by Schwarz. Treatise on the office of Shield-hearer^ at the Court of the Emperor of Germany. Altdorff, 1739, 4P- An History of Land-Honours and Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite^ by T. Madox. Lond. 1741, fol. The Advantages of the Hanover Succession, and English Ingratitude, freely and impartially considered and examined. London, 1744, 8«- Essays upon several Subjects, concerning British Antiquities, by Henry Home. Edinburgh, 1747, 8'^- [The subjects of these essays are — The Feudal Law, the Constitution of Parliament, Honour and Dignity, Succession and Descent, and the hereditary and indefeasible Rights of Kings.] The Art of blasonry {hi German), by Paul Reinhard. Nuremberg, 1747, 8"- Livre du Blazon, contenav-t une ample Explication des Metaux et Couleurs, etc. Paris, 174D, lol. The Decree and Establishment of the Kings Maiestie, upon a controuersie of Precedence, betweene the younger sonnes of Viscounts and Barons, and Heualdic Treatises . 33 the Baronets ; And touching some other points also concerning, aswell Bannerets, as the said Baronets. Lord Somers's Tracts, 3rd collection, vol. 1. London, 1751, 4«- Histoire de la Pairie de France et du Parlement de Paris, ou Ton traite aussi des Electeurs de I'Empire et du Cardinalat ; par M. D. B. On y a joint des Traites touchant les Pairies d'Angleterre, et I'origine des Grands d'Espagne, Par Jean le Laboureur. 2 vols. Londres, 1753, 12'*- The Analysis of Nobility in its Origin ; as Military, Mercantile, and Literary, Proofs, Privileges, Duties, Acquisition, and Forfeiture thereof. Interspersed with several curious Monuments of History, relating to Laws of Chivalry, Creations, Degradations, Jousts, Tour- naments, Combats, &c. Translated from the original German of Baron Von Lowhen. With Notes collected from the best English Antiquaries, and other authors. London, 1754, S^- Traite historique et moral du blason, par Dupuv-Demportes. 2 vols. Paris, 1754,'^12o- L'Arte del Blasone, etc. By Marco Antonio, . Conte, Ginanni. Venezia, 1756, 4'^- Nouvelle Methode raisonee du Blason, ou de I'art Heraldique du P. Menestrier, mise dans un meilleur ordre & augmentee de toutes les connoissances relatives a cette science, par M. L^^-"^ (Lemoyne). Lyon, 1770, 8"- Another edition, Lyon, 1780, 12«- The Antiquity and Office of the Constable of England, by several authors. See " A Collection of Curious Discourses," by Thos. Hearne, vol. ii. London, 1771, 8«- The Antiquity, Authority and Succession of the High Steward of England, by several authors. See " A Collection of Curious Discourses," by Thos. Hearne. vol. ii. London, 1771, 8^- Treatises on the Offices of High Steward, Constable and Marshal of England, etc., with Papers respecting Duels, and Tracts on the Office of ArinB. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS., Titus, C. I._ Miscellaneous Collections relating to the offices of Lord High Constable, Lord High Steward, and Earl Marshall. Stowe, MS., 418. 'Brit. Mus. Letters to a Peer, concerning the Honour of Earl-Marshall, by J. Anstis. London, 1706, 8«- A Short Enquiry into the Nature of the Titles conferred at Portsmouth by His Majesty, August, 1773, showing the Origin and Ancient Privileges of Knights Banneret. London, 1773, 8«- A short Enquiry into the nature of the titles conferred at Portsmouth, and in the Camps, by his Majesty in 1773, and 1778 ; shewing the origin and ancient privileges of Knights Banneret. [By Sir Wm. Fitzherbert.] 2nd edition, London, 1779, 8°- Remarks on British Antiquities (Judicial Combats, Ancient Writs, Ancient and Modern Use of Armorial Bearings, Form of Funeral Service, etc.) By W. Borthwick. Edin. 1776, 8«- The origin of the distinction of ranks, by John Millar. London, 1779, 8o- The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks, by J. Millar. Basil, 1793, 8"- A French translation of the 2nd edition. Precedency. By Joseph Edmondson, Mowbray Herald, London, 1780, 12«- 2nd edition, London, 1785. 12°- Ralph Brooke, York Herald, his Answer and Opinion to the Question of the Lord Maiors, Knights and Aldermen of London for Precedency above ancienter Knights than themselves, not Alder- men of London, etc. See Gutch's Collectanea Curiosa. vol 1. Oxford, 1781, 8°- An enquiry into the origin and manner of creating Peers, by Richard West. London, 1782, S"^- Origin, Progress, and Present State of the Peerage of England, by John Fielding. Lond., 1782, 12«- Treatise on Ancient Armour, by Francis Grose. Lond., 1786, 4°- Amst., 1773, 12o- Inquiry into the Origin and Progress of Heraldry in England, by James Dalla- way. 1793. 8«- Abuses committed by Painters, and others, to the prejudice of the Officers of Arms, by William Smith, Rouge Dragon. Dedicated to Lord Burghley. 34 Heraldic Teeatises. Inscribed " Liber Petri le Neve alias Norroy, A.D. 1794." MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northamptc^. Two Letters of the Origin, Antiquity, and History of Norman Tiles, stained with Armorial Bearings, by J. H. Major. London, 1794, 8«- A Treatise on French Heraldry, etc., with emblazoned Coats of Arms. MS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Book of Ranks and Dignities of British Society. London, 1805, S^- The Origin of the Distinction of Ranks ; or, an Inquiry into [the Circumstances which gave rise to Influence and Authority in the different Members of Society, by John Millar. Fourth edition, Edinburgh, 1806, S^- An introduction to Heraldry, containing the Rudiments of the Science in general and other necessary particulars con- nected with the subject, by William Berry. London, 1810, 8«- A Treatise on the origin and nature of Dignities or Titles of Honour ; con- taining all the Cases of Peerage, with the mode of proceeding in Claims of this kind, by William Cruise. London, 1810, 8o- Second edition, London 1823, S"^- The antient Usage in bearing of such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly called Arms by Sir Wm. Dugdale, Knt. With additions, containing a short Introduction to the Science of Heraldry, and Art of Emblazonry. Whereto is superadded Honores Anglicani ; or, Titles of Honour of the English Nobility, by T. C. Banks, Esq. London, 1811, fol, Observations respecting Precedence, and some of the Distinctions of Rank, by Thomas Brydson. Edin, 1812, l^'^- An historical and critical Enquiry into the Nature of the Kingly office, and how far the act of coronation, with tha oath established by law, is a solemnity indispensible to the exercise of the Regal dignitv, by Sir Thos. C. Banks. London, 1814, 8«- Another edition, 1826, 8°- Manuel heraldique ou Clef de I'art du Blason, par Foulque Delanos, Limoges, . 1816, S''- The Round Table. The Order and Solemnities of Crowning the King, and the Dignities of his Peerage. With remarks in vindication of both. London, 1820, 8«- The Glory of Regality ; an Historical Treatise of the Anointing and Crowning of the Kings and Queens of England, by Arthur Taylor. London, 1820, 8o- Essai sur les Noms d'Hommes, de Peuples et de Lieux, par Eusebe Salverte. 2 vols. Paris, 1824, 8«- An introduction to the knowledge of English heraldry, by Joseph Hunter, 1827. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,478. Notes relating to the Office of Heralds, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,480. An Enquiry into the place and quality of the Gentlemen of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Chamber, by N. Carlisle. London, 1829, 8°- Disquisition on the Right of Jurisdiction in the Peerage Successions, particularly the Peerage of Scotland, by Sir T. C. Banks. 1830, 8«- The Art of explaining the Origin and Use of Armorial Bearings. London, 1834, 120- Science of Archery, shewing its affinity to Heraldry and capability of Attain- ment, by A. P. Harrison. 1834, 8«- A Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastardy, with a Report of the Ban- bury Case, etc., by Sir N. H. Nicolas. London, 1836, 8o- On the Nobility of the Briti&h Gentr}^ or the Political Ranks and Dignities of the British Empire compared with those on the Continent by Sir James Lawrence. Lond. 1824, S""- Other editions in 1825, 1828, 1840. The Rights of Heirship ; or the Doctrine of Descents and Consanguinity, etc., by H. S, Causton. London, 1842, 8«' Riddell's Law and Practice in Scottish Peerages. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1842, Plain Hints for understanding the Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of England, etc., by Archibald Barrington. London, 1843, 8" Lectures on Heraldry, in which the Principles of the Science are familiarly explained, and its application shewed Heraldic Treatises. 35 to History and Architecture, by Archibald Barrington. London, 1844, 8'^- Armorial Universal : precede d'un Traite complet de la science du Blason ; et suivi d'un Supplement, par Jouffroy d'Eschavannes. 2 vols. Paris, 1844, 1848, 8«- Science des Armoiries, par M. de Magny. Paris, 1845, 4'^- A Paper on Heraldry, by Mr Partridge. See Athenceum. Aug. 1847, p. 915. Histoire du blason et science des armoiries, par P. Eysenbaeh. Tours, 1848, 8«- Inquiry into the E-ise and Growth of the lloyal Prerogative in England, by J. Allen, A new edition by B. Thorpe. London, 1849, 8«- Order of Precedences, with Authorities and remarks, by Sir Charles George Young. London, 1851, 8'^- Privately printed. The Pursuivant of Arms : or Heraldry founded upon Facts, by James Robinson Planche. London, 1852, 8«- 2nd edition, 1859 ; 3rd edition, 1874. The True Use of Arms : reprinted from the original edition 1592, by W. Wyrley. London, 1853, S''- L'Art de composer les livrees au milieu du XIX® siecle d'apres les principes de la science heraldique. Par De Saint- Epain. Paris, 1853, 8'^- A Plea for the Antiquity of Heraldry, with an attempt to expound its theory and elucidate its history, by Wm. Smith Ellis. London, 1853, 8'^- Nouveau Manuel complet du Blason, etc. (Manuels-Roret). Par. J. F. Jules Pautet du Parois. Paris, 1854, IS^- Nouveau traite historique et archeologique de la vraie et parfaite science des armoiries, par Marquis de Magny. 2 vols. Paris, 1856, 4o- Usages of Knighthood, by F. Kottenkamp. London, 1857. La Science du blason, accompagnee d'un armorial general des families nobles de I'Europe, par Vicomte de Magny. Paris, 1858, 8«- Treatise on Heraldry, by J. F. Y. Mogg. London, 1858, 8"- • Essay of Heraldry, by J. F. Y. Mogg. New edition, London, 1859, 12«- La Science des Armoiries, par W. Maigne. Paris, 1860, Vl^- Abrege methodique de la science des armoiries, suivi d'un glossaire des attributs heraldiques, par W. Maigne. Paris, 1860, 12«- Le Blason des Couleurs, par Hippolyte Cocheris. Paris, 1860, 8°- The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland, by George Seton. Edinburgh, 1863 8^- Nouveau Traite de Blason, 'ou science des armoiries mise a la portee des gens du monde et des artistes, d'apres le P. Menestrier, D'Hozier, Segoiug, Palliot, etc., 460 blasons, 800 noms de famille, par Victor Bouton. Paris, 1853, 8*^- Archeologie heraldique. Le Roy d'Armes, etc., par C. D. de Magny, Marquis. Florence, 1867, 4o- A Dissertation on the History of Hereditary Dignities, etc., with special reference to the Case of the Earldom of Wilts, by W. F. Finlason. London, 1869, 8'^- The Science of Heraldry : with a practical introduction thereto, by R. Willis. London. 1872, o- Traite de I'Art Heraldique, etc., par Victor Bouton. Paris, 1873, 12o- Genealogies. An Essay. London, 1876, 8«- Art, heraldique, etc., par Le Beffroi. 4 vols. Bruges, 1863—76, 4"- Le Debat des Herauts d'Armes de France et d'Angleterre, by John Coke, edition commencee par Leopold Pannier. Paris, 1877, 8« On the Laws of Arms, chiefly in connection with changes of Name, a Lecture bv Edw. Bellasis. Lond. 1880, fol. La Science des Armoiries, avec Gravures dans le texte, par Bachelin-Deflorenne. Paris, 1880, 8'^'- Traite complet de la science du blason, par Jouffroy d'Eschavannes. Paris, 1880, 80. The Book of Precedence, by Sir J. Bernard Burke. London, 1881, 8°- Die Reichersberger Felide und das Nibelungenlied. Eine genealogische Studie, von F. X. Woeber. Meran, 1885, 8'^- The Kinship of Men, an argument from Pedigrees or Genealogy viewed as a Science, by Henry Kendall. London, 1888, 80- 36 Heraldic Tbeatises. '' The Probationer hys fyrste Assaye in the mystery es of Armorye." " The Probationer's second Day's Discourse, of the Dignity of the Shielde and of Creastes." Brit. Mus., Harl. MSS. 5836—5838. A Discourse concerning the Prerogative of the Crown. Apparenthj in the handwriting of William Camden. Stowe MS. 209. Brit. Mus. A short historical account of such marks and ensignes of honour as are commonlj^ called Armes, &c., thereunto are added certain briefe observations toucliing the Antiquitie of Heralds, &c. Stowe MS. 529, Brit. Mus. The Boke of Noblenes, that sheweth how many Sortes and Kyndes there is ; and specially to those whiche do folowe and vse the Tryne and Estate of Warre ; translated out of Laten into Frenche, and now in Englisshe, by me John Larke. E. Wyer, no date, 12''- A Treatise of the Nobility of this Realm, according to the Law, Avith the Pedigrees of many Noble Families. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 1429. ^ The etymology, origin, and history of all English titles of honour from the most approved records and authorities, 17th century. Stowe MS. 4-13. Brit. Mus. Orders and Statutes for placing of all noble Estates, with their Arms coloured, bv John Typtofte. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 6079. The Book of Precedence of all Estates, and placing to their degrees, Stowe MS. 275. Brit. Mus. On the Precedency of Peers, by Lord Chancellor Truro. No date, 8"- 50 copies only printed for private friends. Baronies by Writ. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5019. Precedents of Baronyes by Wryttte, descending with the landes to the heirs males, and not to the heirs females. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 566. A Treatise describing Baronies and Dignities. [This treatise is about the baronies of Abergavenny and Grrey.] MS. Wrest Park, Beds. On privileges of baronage, nobility, knights, and knighthood, bv John Selden. MS. E. Trinity ^College Dublin. On the Office of Armes, by Robert Glover. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6591. Treatise of the institution of Officers of Arms, by Julius Caesar. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28549, f. 54 ; 29901, f. 40. Of the antiquity and duty of heralds and the several officers relating thereto. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. E. ii. A Discourse of Arms, by Francis Thinne, Lancaster Herald. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6591. Of the Antiquity of arms in England. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust E. Y.^f. 7L A Treatise on Heraldry and Arms ; and a Discourse concerning the Office of Arms, by Sir William Segar. Brit. Mus ; Add. MS. 8933. A Treatise of Heraldry and Royal cere- monies by Henry Lilly. " The originall of Herehawghtes." brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6079. Antiquites de I'Art Heraldique. Pv J. Thorold. Yarmouth' n.d. 12"- Rudiments of the Arte of Armorye, by John Gwillim. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,680. Blason d'Armoiries, contenant une Instruction generale, et brefve methode pour apprendre facilement la vraye intelligence dicelles, avec les differences des Couronnes, Tymbres, Lambrequins, Cimiers, supportz ou tenans, Ordre de Chevaleries, &c., 1629. Brit Mus, Harl. MS. 4038, Tractatus de insigniis et armis pingendis, by Bartoli a Saxoferrato. Brit Mus. MSS. Cott. Nero- A. tii, Arundel 489, Harl. 6149, Add. 28791. Treatise on heraldic colours, the creation of dignities, the ordering of battles, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28549. The Courtier's Academic, comprehending seven several dayes Discourses ; wherein be discussed seven noble and important arguments, worthy of all gentlemen to be perused : 1, of Beautie ; 2, of Humane Love ; 3, of Honour ; 4, of Combate and single fight ; 5, of Nobilitie ; 6, of Riches ; 7, of Prece- dence of Letters or Armes, by Count Haniball Romei, and translated into English by J. K. London, n,d., 4°- Heraldic Teeatis^s. 37 Kemarks on the Origin and Usage of Arms, the Ensigns Armorial of Foreign Nations, and Antiquity of the Eojal Arms of England, by Martin Leake. Origin of the Armorial Searings of the Cross and five Crescents, the Mermaid, etc., borne by Efys and others, by W. S. Ellis. No date, S''- Iwatorg. Class-Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to Heraldiy and Genealogy in the British Museum. 6 vols. fol. Not published. Catalogue of Books of Heraldry, by John Bagford. Brit. Mus. Sloan, MS, 885, p. 142. Ancient Heraldic and Antiquarian Tracts, bv Sir James Balfour. Edinburgh, 1837, 4''- [Only 70 copies printed.] Tracts relating to Heraldry, 17th century. By Francis Thynne, Lancaster Herald. Brit. Mus. MSS. Lans. 254, 255 ; Cott. Tit. C. 1. Heraldic Collections, the greatest part of which formerly belonged to Sir John Paston, Knight, in the reign of Edw. IV. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 285. Heraldic Collections, chiefly of the time of Henry YIII, and Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber. E. VIII. Heraldic, Genealogical, and Historical Collections, by John Anstis, Garter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14291. Collection of .ipapers, etc. relating to Heraldry, by Wm. Camden. I7th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust, E, 1. Heraldical Collections, by Eobert Glover. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 872. Eobert Glover's Heraldic Collections, 2 vols, folio. College of Arms. Transcript of Glover's Heraldic Collections, by W. Smith, Eougedragon, A.D. 1600. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 245. Heraldic Collections by St, George and Lily, in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St James' Place. Heraldical Collections of William Penson, Chester-Herald, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1107. A Collection of Heraldry, ancient and modern ; relating chiefly to the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain : Inter- spersed with various Histories tending to an Illustration of the same ; 18th century, three volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 25,139—25,141. The Heraldic Calender. By WiUiam Skey. 1846. Fac Simile of an ancient Heraldic Manu- script, emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay. Edin. 1822, fol. Fac Simile of an ancient heraldic manu- script emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay, 1542. Edited by David Laing. "^ Edin. 1878, fol. [Fifty copies only printed.] An Abridgment of Heraldry, or a very plain and^easy way for the ready under- standing of that Art. And for com- pleating the same, here is added forty Crests, being of great use for such as study the art. London n. d. single sheet. Heraldic Alphabet. — Ein sonderliches Alphabeth Durchb. Wapen vor Standes undandere Kinder, etc., von C. Matthaeo. Berlin, 1708, 4''- Heraldisches A. B. C. Buch, von Dr. Karl Eitter von Mayer. Miinchen, 1857, 8°' Heraldisches Alphabet, von A. M, Hildebrandt. Frankfurt, 1884, 4^- Historical Anecdotes of Heraldry and Chivalry, tending to shew the Origin of Many English and Foreign Coats of Arms, Circumstances and Customs. Illustrated with engravings. By Mrs. Susannah Dobson. Worcester, 17#5, 40. ^ ^ L> Anecdotes of Heraldry. In which is set forth the origin of the armorial bearings of many families, by Chas. Norton Elvin. "^London, 1864, S^- 38 Heraldht. A book of such Beasts, as are most useful for drawing, graving, or Armes-painting and chaseing, designed by F, Barlow, and engraved by William Vaughan, 1664. 'JiM'^ ^ J^^..t,*v- O^A-'vxetira/t./^. Les Animaux ' du Rlason Croquis Drolatiques, par Godef roy de Crollalanza. Pise, 1880, 12«- Heraldic Anomalies i or Rank Confusion in the Order of Precedence, by Arch- deacon E. Nares. 2 vols. London, 1823, 8"- Another edition, 1824. Heraldic Antiquities, by Thomas Willi- ment. Brit. Mus. Not published. A plea for Ihe Antiquity of Heraldry, etc., by W. S. Ellis. London, 1869, 8«- The Antiquities of Heraldry, collected from the literature, coins, gems, vases; and other monuments of pre-Christian and Mediaeval times, with a catalogue of early Armorial Seals, by Wm. Smitli Ellis. London, 1861), 8'^- An Application of Heraldry to the Illustrations of various University and Collegiate Antiquities, by H. A. Wood- ham. Cambridge, 1841, 4^- The Art of Heraldry, in two parts, to- gether with the atchievements of each degree, etc., according to the excellent method of Guillim's Heraldry, by Richard Blome. Lond. 1685, 8'^- Second edition, Lond. 1693, 8«- Das alte wahre Heroldts-Kunst, by Christian Maximilian Spener. Colin an der Spree, 1705, 4P- Examen artis heraldicse maximam partem ex insigni opere Spereriano collectum, by J. Weber, 3rd edition. Jenae, 1713, 8«- The Art of Heraldry, Containing, The Original and Universality of Arms and Ensigns, &Q. Embellished with Forty Copper-plates, containing above 900 Coats of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed for J. Osborn. London, 1730, Le Arts, Heraldique, Archeologie, par Beffroi. 4 vols. Bruges, 1863—76, 4P- Barber's Art of Heraldry, with forty-one plates of arms, " Blazoned by the late Thomas Barber." Stowe, MS. 784. Brit. Mus. Badges, Crests, and Standards, temp. Henry VIII. See " Collect, Topog, et Genealog." vol. iii. p. 49. Badges, Cyphers, Monograms, etc., of the British Army, by Jenner and Knewstur. London (1869), 8'>- Drawings of the Royal Arms, Standards, Crowns and Cyphers, and Devices of England, by — Sarney. folio. A Complete Body of Heraldry : contain- ing an Historical Enquiry into the origin of Armories, and the Rise and Progress of Heraldry ; the Institution of the Offices of Constable, Marshal, and Earl-Marshal of England ; the Erection, Creation, and Establishment of Kings, Heralds, Pursuivants, and other Officers of Arms, with their several and respective Duties, Badges, Liveries, &c. The proper Methods of Blazoning and Marshalling Armorial Bearings, etc., etc., by Joseph Edmondsou. 2 vols. London, 1780, fol. Book of Heraldry, by Gregory King, Lancaster Herald. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6591. A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates {Ex-Lihris). By the Hon. J. Leicester Warren. London, 1880, 8«- Notes on Book Plates, by A. W. Franks. Printed for private distribution, 1887, 8"- Illustrations of Armorial China. One hundred copies privately printed, 1887, fol. On Collars of the Royal Livery, by J. G. N. Gentleman's Magazine, for 1842. Ye Comic History of Heraldry, by R. H. Edgar, illustrated by W. Vine. London, 1878, 8"- Common-place book of heraldic and historical collections, by Robert Comaundre (oh. 1613) Rector of Tarporley, Co. Chester. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2642. The differences of Crosses in Arms exem- plified. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 882, f. 36 b. Heraldica curiosa. J. A. Rudolphi. Niiraberg, 1698, fol. The Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illus- trations from Old English Writers, by Mark Anthony Lower. Lewes, 1845, 8«- The Heroical Devises of M. Claudius Paradin, Canon of Beavieu. Where- unto are added the Lord Gabriel HeealdrY. 39 Sjmeons' and others. Translated out of Latin into English by P. S. London, 1591, 240- Minerva Britannia, or a Garden of Heroical Denises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impressas of sundry natures, by Henry Peacham, London, 1612, 40. The Art of making Devises, treating of Hieroglyphicks, Symboles, Emblemes, Armes, Blazons, etc., by Henry Estienne, Lord of Fossez, and trans- lated into English by Thos. Blount. London, 1646, 4'^- Another edition, with additions, 1650. Alphabet de Chiffres, Devises, Emblemes, Medailles et autres Figures hierogly- fiques, by Nicolas Verrien. Paris, 1685, 80- Eecueil d'Emblemes. Devises, etc., par Nicolas Yerrien. Paris, 1696, 80- Another edition. Par. 1724, 8^- La science et I'art des devises, etc., par Claude Francois Menestrier. Paris, 1686, 8«- Knight's Gems ; or Device Book. By Fr. Knight. London, 1836, 8°' Heraldic Devices discovered on the Effigies of Richard II. and his Queen, by John Nichols. London, 1841, 4«- Historic Devices, Badges, and War- Cries, by Mrs. Bury Palliser. London, 1870, 80- Dictionnaire des Devises historiques et heraldiques, avec figures et une table alphabetique des noms, par A. Chassant & Henri Tausin. 3 vols. Paris, 1878, 120- Heraldic Dictionary compiled by Richard Coffin, of Portledge, Sheriif of the County of Devon. MS. 17th century. In the possession of J. R. Pine Coffin, Esq. Portledge, North Devon. [In this library there is another Heraldic Dictionary, the name of the compiler is not given,] Dictionnaire Heraldique, par Jaques CheviUard. Paris, 1723, 12o- A New Dictionary of Heraldry, explaining the Terms used in that Science ; with their Etymology, and different Versions into Latin. Containing all the Rules of Blazon, with Reasons for* the same. The original signification of Bearings. And a concise Account of the most noted Orders of Knighthood, by James Coats. London, 1725, 8'^- Second edition, 1739. Another edition, 1747, S^- Dictionnaire heraldique, contenant tout ce qui a rapport a la science du Blason, avec r explication des termes, &c. Par Gastelier de la Tour. Paris, 1774, 8o- Another edition, 1777, 8°- Encyclopoedia Heraldica ; or, complete Dictionary of Heraldry. By William Berry. 4 vols. London, 1828, 4P- Aristoglyphics ; or. Heraldic Dictionary of the Arms borne by the nobility of the British Empire. London, 1838, 240- Dictionnaire Heraldique. See " Nouvelle Encyclopedie Theologique," vol 15, par J. P. Migne. Paris, 1852, 4P- Le Blason. Dictionnaire et Remarques par le C'^- Armedee de Foras. Grenoble, 1883, 4«- Katechismns der Heraldik, von Eduard Freiherm von Sacken. (Webers lUus- trierte Katechismen.) Leip, 1885, 8^' A Dictionary of Heraldry, with upwards of two thosuand five hundred Illustrations, by Charles Norton Elvin. London, 1889, S"- A Display of Heraldrie : Manifesting a more easie accesse to the knowledge thereof then hath beene hitherto published by any, through the benefit of Method ; whereunto it is now reduced by the industry of John Gwillim, Pursuivant of Armes. London, 1610, fol. Other editions in 1632, 1638, 1660, 1664, 1666, 1679, and 1724. Guillim's Display of Heraldry. Fifth edition, with a prefatory letter by Richard Blome. London, 1664, fol. Guillim's Display of Heraldry, by John Barkham. The sixth edition, improved with large additions. To which is added, a Treatise of Honour, Military and Civil, according to the laws and customs of England, by Captain John Logan : likewise a Supplement of Scarce Tracts relating to the Office of Arms, etc. Londen, 1724, fol. The Armes taken out of the originall Manuscript of Mr. John GuiUim, Pursuivant of Armes, out of which he formed the boke he Printed, Intituled. The Display of Heraldry, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,681. 40 Heraldry. The Banner Displayed, or an abridgment of Guillim's Display of Heraldry ; being a complete system of heraldry in all its parts, by Samuel Kent. 2 vols. London, 1726-28, 80- The British Banner Display 'd; A Complete System of Heraldry. Wherein the Antiquity, Dignity, and Use of Arms, in regard to the Distinction, Honour, and Connexion of Families, are exhibited. Comprehending an accurate Abridgement of the last edition of Gruillim, by Samuel Kent. 2 vols. London, 1755, 8<>- A Display of Heraldry, by William Newton. London, 1816, 8*^- The Elements of Heraldry, and an Alphabet of English Arms. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,709. The Elements of Armories, by Edmund Bolton. London, 1610, 4P- The Elements of Heraldry ; containing a clear definition, and concise Historical . Account of that ancient, useful, and entertaining Science. The Origin and divers kinds of Coats of Arms, with their essential and integral Parts considered separately, etc., by Mark Anthony Porny. London, 1765, 8<^- Other editions,' 1771, 1787, 1795. Elements of Heraldry, with a description of the figures in the display, containing the Blazon of numerous armorial bearings, etc., by Archibald Barrington. Lond. 1846, 12«- The Elements of Heraldry : containing an explanation of the principles of the science, and a glossary of the technical terms employed. With an essay upon the use of Coat-Armor in the United States, by William Henry Whitmore. New York, Cambridge, 1866, 8'^- Encyclopoedia of Heraldry, by J. and J- B.Burke. London, 1844, V'- English Heraldry, from 1600 to 1642. Stowe MS. 250, Brit. Mus. English Heraldry, by Charles Boutell. With illustrations drawn and engraved on wood by K. B. Utting. Lond. 1867, 8''- Fourth edition, containing 450 illustrations. Lond. 1879, 8^- Heraldry, British, French, and German, by C.'^H. Smith, 4 vols, [about 1840], 4P- South Kensington Museum. Heraldry of Fish. Notices of the princi- pal families bearing fish in their arms, by Thomas Moule. London, 1842, 8'^- The Mermaid, and the Symbolism of the Fish, in Art, Literature, and Legendary Lore, by Llewellyn Jewitt. See " The Reliquary," vols, xix, xx. London, 1879, &c., 8"- Fishes of Fancy, with notices of the Fishes of Heraldry, by P. Bobinson. London, 1883, 8«- Flowers and Heraldry, or Floral Emblems and Heraldic Figures, by R. Tyas. London, 1851. 8"- Modern and Antique Gems. [Containing examples for seal engraving, with mottoes, crests, garters and cyphers.] By F. Knight. Lond. 1828, 8"'- A Glossary of terms used in British Heraldry, with a chronological table illustrative of its rise and progress, by H, Gough. Oxford, 1847, 8^- The Grammar of Heraldry. Containing I. Rules of Blazoning, Cautions and Observations. 2. Practical Directions for Marshalling ; with Discourses on several Parts (or Ornaments) of an Atchievement. 3. A Large Collecl:ion of Arms by way of Example, Alpha- betically digested. With two Appendices; And a List of the Subscribers, to most of their Arms and Titles. By Samuel Kent. London, 1716, 8°- Second edition, 1718, 8«- The Grammer of Heraldry, or Gentle- man's Vade Mecum, &c., by Samuel Kent. Third edition, to wliich is added a copious Dictionary, being a curious Explanation of all the terms used in Heraldry. London, 1724, 8«- A Grammar of British Heraldry, consist- ing of Blazon and Marshalling, with an Introduction on the Rise, Origin, and Progress of Symbols and Ensigns, etc , by William Sloane Evans. London, 1847, 8'^- Second edition, 1854, 8''- Grammaire heraldique, contenant la definition exacte de la science des armoiries, suivie d'un ' vocabulaire explicatif et de planches d'armoiries, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1853, 18«- Other editions, 1857, 12«- 1861, 120- The Grammar of Heraldry, with the Armorial bearings of all the Landed Heealdet. 41 G-entry in England, prior to the sixteenth century. Illustrated. By John Edwin Cussans. London, 1866, S^ Grammatica Araldica ad uso degli Italiani, dal Cavaliere F. Tribolati. (Manuali Hoepli.) Milano, 1887, 12"- A Guide to the Study of Heraldry, by J. A. Montagu. London, 1810, 4^^- Handbuch der theoretischen und prak- tischen Heraldik, by Otto Titan von Hefner. Miinchen, 1863, 4'^- Another edition, Gorlitz, 1887, 4"- The Handbook of Heraldry ; with instructions for tracing pedigrees and deciphering ancient MSS. Illustrated with plates and woodcuts, by John Edwin Cussans. Lond. 1868, S"^- Other editions. 1869, 1882. Heraldisches Handbuch, by F. Warnecke. Frankfort, 1881, 4^- Heraldic Miscellanies, chiefly relating to funerals, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6292. Heraldic Miscellanies, the last date is 1616. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. C. YIIT. Heraldic Miscellanies. The latest date annexed to the shields is 1646. At the end are descriptions of the arms of the principal aboriginal families of Ireland called the Milesians. Stowe MS. 528. Brit. Mus. Heraldic Miscellanies, consisting of the Lives of Sir Wm. Dugdale, Garter, and Gregory King, Lancaster Herald, and third part of the Boke of St. Albans, 1486. London, 1793, 4^- Heraldic Sheets, by G-. Musgrave. Lon- don (1863 ?) 4«- Heraldry Epitomized, containing a Short and Easy Way to Attain that Art. Collected by John Seller. Lond. 1679, 12«- Another edition, 1682, 16«- Heraldry. Eeprinted from the " Ency- clopoedia Londinensis." London, 1811, 40. History of Heraldry, w^ith a Complete Glossary of Terms, by Thomas Eobson. Sunderland, 1830, 4"- Heraldry in History, Poetry, and Komance, by E. J. Millin^ton, Lon- don, 1858, 80- Another eStion, Lon- don, 1861, 8«- The Pursuivant of Arms : or Heraldry Founded upon Facts, by Jas, E. Planche. Lond. 1812, 8'^- New edition, Lond. [1859] 8°- Third edition, Lond. [1874] 8«- Hints on Heraldry for the use of Ladies, with instructions for working armorial bearings, by John Brydon. Second edition, Lond. 1853, 12"- Heraldry : Ancient and Modern. Includ- ing Boutell's Heraldry, edited and re- vised, with additions by S. T. Aveling. London, 1873, 4o- Heraldry in England and America. A Paper read before the Albany Institute, Jan, 31, 1884, by Geo. E, Howell. Eeprinted from the Press. Albany, 1884, 8«- Heraldry, English and Foreign, with a Dictionary of Heraldic Terms, b}' Eobert C. Jenkins. Lond. 1886, 8'^- Heraldry in England. The History and Science of Heraldry concisely explained by E. H. Eenton. London, J 887. 4o- Heraldry ; its application to decorative purposes, by Arthur Yorke. London, 1887-8, 40- Heraldic Desiderata, by W. S. Ellis. " The Genealogist," new series, iv and v. London, 1887, 88, S°- Heraldry and Heraldic Painting, by W. H. Clifford. Heraldry in Miniature, containing all the Arms and Crests of the Peers, Bishops, Baronets, etc., with a Dic- tionary of Terms. Lond. 1794, 12o- Heraldry in Miniature, containing all the arms and mottos of the Peers, Peeresses, and Bishops of England, Scotland and Ireland ; with the Baronets of Great Britain ; also an Introduction to the science of heraldry. London, 1808, 8°- New Heraldry in Miniature, containing all the Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottos of the Peers, Peeresses, and Bishops of England, Scotland, and Ireland. London, n.d. 12^- Illustrations of Heraldry, by W. Heath. London, 1828, obi. fol. Heraldic Illustrations, designed for the nse of herald painters, and engravers, by Frederick Knight. Lond. 1843, 4o- Heraldic Illustrations, comprising the Armorial Bearings of the Principal Families of the Empire, with Pedigrees and annotations, by John Burke and Sir John Bernard Burke. Lond., 1845, 8«- 42 Heraldet. Illuminated Supplement to the Heraldic Illustrations, with annotations, by Sir John Bernard Burke. Lond. 1851, 80- Knight's Heraldic Illustrations. London, 1865, 4^- Heraldic Illustrations, specimen crests and fancy gems designed for the use of artists, bv F. Knight and J. Kumley. Edin. 1870, 4"- Insignium Armorum Emblematum Hiero- glyphicorum et Symbolorum quae ab Italis Imprese Nominantur, by Abra- ham Fransi. 1588, 4^- Insignia, by Guil. Camdeni. Oxon. 1624, 40. Introduction to the art of heraldry (in German)^ by S. J. Jungendres. Nuremberg, 1729. B"- A short and easy Introduction to Heral- dry, in which all the terms are displayed in a clear and alphabetical manner, by Hugh Clark and Thomas Wormull. London, 1772, 8'^- Other editions in 1775,1777, 1779, 1781, 1788, 1804, 1812, 1818, 1829, 1838, 1845. An Introduction to Heraldry, by Hugh Clark. Revised and corrected, by James Robinson Planche. 18th edition. London, 1866, 8^- An Introduction to Heraldry ; containing the Rudiments of the Science in general, and othernecessary particulars connected with the subject, by William Berry. London, 1810, B^- An Introduction to Heraldry, wherein its most useful terms are displayed at length, and accompanied with twelve Lithographic Plates of reference, con- taining upwards of 400 Examples ; collected from the most eminent, ancient and modern authors. Litho- graphed by J. D. Bird. Lond. 1823, 8«- An introduction to the knowledge of the Heraldry of England, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,619. Familiar Introduction to Heraldry, by Archibald Barrington. Lond., 1848. 80- Lectures on Heraldry, by Archibald Barrington. Lond., 1844. 12°- The differences of Lions in Arms exem- plified. Brit. Mus., Lans. MS, 882. f. 38. A Manual of Heraldry for Amateurs, by Harriet Dallaway. Lond., 1828. 12°- The Manual of Heraldry, a concise des- cription of the several terms used, and a Dictionary of every Designation in the science. London, 1846, S""- Fifth edition, Lond., 1858, 8"- New edition, Lond. [1876.] 8''- A Manual of Heraldry, historical and popular, with illustrations, by Chas. Boutell. Lond., 1863. 8«- Second edition, Lond , 1863, 8«- Third edition, enlarged, Lond., 1864, S^- Practical Manual of Heraldry, and of Heraldic Illuminations, with a glossary of the Principal Terms used in Heraldry, by F. J. Baigent and C. J. Russell. London, 1864, 8«- Heraldic Manuals. " Edinburgh Review," April, 1865. On the Assay Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, by C. 0. S. Morgan. London, 1852, 8^- Table of the Annual Assay Office Letters used in marking plate, from the earliest period of their use to the present time, by C. 0. S. Morgan. London 1853, 8«- Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate, by William Chaffers. London, 1863, 8«- Sixth edition, revised and considerably augmented. To which is added a history of L'Orfeverie Fran^aise, and twelve plates of French Hall Marks, etc. London, 1883, 8o- Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain, by William Chaffers. London, 1863, 8°- Fourth edition revised and augmented. London, 1874, 80- Marks and Monograms on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain, by William Chaffers. London, 1886, S^- Old English Plate, ecclesiastical, decorative and domestic ; its makers and Marks, by Wilfred Joseph Cripps. London, 1878, 80- Second edition, revised. London, 1881, 8°- Third edition, enlarged. London, 1886, 8°- Old French Plate ; with tables of the Paris date-letters, and fac-similes of other marks, by Wilfred Jos. Cripps. London, 1880, S"- College and Corporation Plate, a handbook to, by Wilfred Joseph Cripps. London, 1881, 8°- Heraldry. 43 English Plate Marks ; giving tables of the alphabetical date letters and other hall-marks, by Wilfred Jos. Cripps. London, 1882, 8"- Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figurees, Lettres Initiales, Noms Abreges. etc. par Francois BruUiot. New edition augmented. 3 parts. Munich, 1832, 4"- Monograms, by George Barclay, etc. London, 1860, 8^- Monograms, treating of their history, by H. B. Wheatley. London, 1862, 12'^- Illuminated Crest Book, or Bepertorium for Monograms, etc. London, 1867 The Book of Monograms, Devices and Illuminations, by Lith. Omnichromo Printing Company. London, 1868, 8«- Monograms, Historical and Practical, by D. G. Berri. London, 1869, S''- Monograms and Cyphers, designed by H. Benoir, heraldic artist, alphabetically arranged. Edinb. 1870, 4«- Monograms, New Series, by J. Gordon Smith, heraldic artist. [This work is intended to supplement that of Renoir.] Guide de I'amateur d'objets et de curios- ite, ou collection des Monogrammes des principaux sculpteurs en pierre, metal, et bois, par Joh. Geo. Theo. Graesse. Dresde, 1877, 8°- Monograms of three or more letters, by Charles De Flandre, Glasgow [1879 P] fol. Dictionnaire du Chiffre Monogramme and couronnesnobiliaires,par C. Demengeot. Paris, 1881, fol. Remarks on Mediaeval Heraldry, with a view to an Ordinary of Arms, by W. S. Walford. See the Archceological Journal, v, 9. London, 1848, 8^- Memoranda in Heraldry, by Peter Le Neve, Norroy King of Arms. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. III. Edited by John Gough Nichols. London, 1858, 8^- Le Monde Heraldique, par Marc de Vissac. Clermont Ferrand, 1870, 8°- The Heraldry of Nature, or Instructions for the King at Arms, comprising the Arms, Supporters, Crests, and Mottoes, both in Latin and English, of the Peers of England. London, 1785. 12°' Heraldic Note-Book of William Fox containing descriptions of the Arms, with genealogical- notes, of English Kings, Princes, and Nobility, 1774. Brit. Mus., Add. MS., 29,278. A Brief Historical Discourse of the Origin and Growth of Heraldry, by Thos. Philipott, London, 1672. 8«- Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with Explanatory Observations on Armorial Ensigns, by James Dallaway. Gloucester, 1793, 4P- [This contains biographical sketches of heraldic authors ; and a list of books con- nected with genealogy.] What is Heraldry ? or, an Enquiry into the Origin and Nature of Armorial Ensigns in connection with History, Biography, Poetry, and the Arts, by William Partridge. Privately printed, 1854, fol. Heraldry : its Origin, Antiquities, Uses, and Advantages, by Henry Hays. New York, 1856. 12«- Examples of the Ornamental Heraldry of the Sixteenth Century, by Sir W. Stirling Maxwell. First and Second Series. London, 1867-68. fol. Praktische Heraldik, von C. F. von Hansen. Gorlitz, 1887. 8«' Practical Heraldry ; or an Epitome of English Armory, showing how and by whom arms may be borne, by Chas. Worthey. Lond., 1889. 8«- The First Principles of Heraldry, by George Bickham. London, n.d. 8°- The St. James's Magazine, and Heraldic and Historical Register. Edited by J. B. Burke. The Heraldic Register, 1849-50, with an annotated Obituary. 2 vols. London, 1850, 8°- [No more published,] Sacred Heraldry and Arms appropriated to Saints. An Appendix to Dr. Husenbeth's " Emblems of the Saints." Privately printed, 1883. The Science of Heraldry. The Arms are coloured, 16th cent. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 2259. The Science of Heraldry, by R. Willis. London, 1872, 8«- Shields. — Heraldic and Ornamental, for Carriage Work. Collection of Draw- ings. South Kensington Museum. 44 Heealdrt. The Signification of most things that are borne in Heraldry, with the explana- tion of their Natural Qualities, and of those persons that they ought properly to be borne by. By Aaron Crossly. Dublin, 1724, fol. Slogans of the North of England, by M. A. Denham ; with an Introduction by J, Fen wick. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1851, 4«- Roll of Swan Marks, time of Henry VIII. MS. Tatteshale, Co. Lincoln. Collection of swan-marks, temp. Hen. VIII., with remarks by Sir J. Banks. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6302. Book of Swan Marks, chiefly for Norfolk, MS. Stow Hall, Co. Norfolk. A book of the marks of Swans, with the names of the gentlemen who have right to make use of them. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4977. A book of swan-marks, temp. Eliz. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6301. The orders for Swanne Bots by the Statutes and by the Ancient orders and customs used in the Kealme of England. Followed by swan-marks used by the proprietors of lands on the Rivers Yare and Waveney, co. Norf. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23732. Swan-Marks of English owners ; with a table of names prefixed, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2412. A Collection of Swan-marks, temp. Jas. I. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS, 2413. Swan Marks in Alphabetical arrangement, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3405. Mark of Syr Thomas Frowyke's Swans. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 541 f. 228. Swan Marks, by Edward Peacock. See Archaeological Journal, yols. 41 & 42. London, 1884—85, 8°- Synopsis of Heraldry and Tabular Dis- play, by Robert Wiseman, MS. belong- ing to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. A Synopsis of Heraldry ; or, The most plain, short, and easie way for the perfect attaining of that Art, contain- ing all necessary Directions, in order thereunto ; There being about 300 Coats of Arms, and about 50 Crests engraven upon Copper-plates ; and the Atchievements of the Kings of England since K. Egbert of the Saxon Race. [Payne Fisher.] London, 1682, 12o- A Synopsis of Heraldry, by C. N. Elvin. London, 1860, 8«- A Synopsis of Heraldry ; or, a short and easy method of acquiring the art of blazon, with engravings illustrating the arms of many families, by Chas. Nor- ton Elvin. London, 1866, 8o- A System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical ; With the True Art of Blazon, according to the most approved Heralds in Europe : Illustrated with suitable examples of Armorial Figures, and Atchievements of the most con- siderable Sirnames and Families in Scotland, &c. Together with Historical and Genealogical Memorials relative thereto, by Alexander Nisbet. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1722 — 42, fol. Other editions in 1804, 1816. Tresor Heraldique ; ou Mercure, Armorial, etc., par Charles Segoing. Paris, 1657, fol. A Summary View of Heraldry, in reference to the usages of Chivalry, and the general economy of the Feudal System ; with an Appendix, respecting such Distinctions of Rank as have place in the British Constitution, by Thomas Brydson. Edinb. 1795, 8°- "Herald Painter's Work book." Col- lections of arms in trick of English, Irish and Scotch Nobility of the l7th century, with their crests and supporters, apparently the work of Thomas Penson. MS. 17th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Heraldic Scrap-book of John Pincke, genealogist, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31896. Heraldic Work Book, containing an account of the expenses incurred for heraldic pageantry at Cromwell's funeral and the prices for heraldic work from 1656to 1670, StoweMS. 536. Brit. Mus. Herald Painter's Register book, contain- ing tricks of the arms painted by him in 1738—1740. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12456. Heraldic work-book of John Mason ; consisting of drawings of arms for hatchments, and accounts of funeral expenses; 1729—1740. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,691. The Wreath of Heraldry. By J. Thorold. Bath, n.d. 12°' 45 ^ritts. Class- Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to Arms in the British Museum. 3 vols. fol. Not puhlished. Encyclopoedia Heraldica ; or Complete H;; Dictionary of Heraldry, by W. Berry. W 4i vols, [including 1 vol. of plates of arms]. London,l828. 4^- The British Herald, or Cabinet of Armorial Bearings of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, by Thomas Eobson. 3 vols. Sunderland, 1830, 4^- [There are two copies of this work in the British Museum, one of which is largely augmented with coloured arms and manuscript additions.] Itobson's British Herald ; or Registry of English, Scotch and Irish Arms, Com- prehensive Glossary, Blazoning, etc., by Thos. MacDonald. MS. 19th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., E.S.A., Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. General Armorial. Rehbinder och Rothlieb, Matrikel ofwer Swea Rikes Ridderskap och Adel, med historiska och Genealogi- ska Anmarku. Stiernman. 5 vols. Stockholm, 1781—1823, S^- The General Armory of England, Scotland and Ireland, by John Burke and John Bernard Burke. London, 1842, 8<^- Another edition, London, 1844, 8°' Encyclopoedia of Heraldry, or General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland, comprising a Registry of all Armorial Bearings from the earliest to the present time, including the late grants by the College of Arms. By John Burke and John Bernard Burke. Third edition, with a supplement. London, 1847, 8o- A General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales ; comprising a registry of Armorial bearings from the earliest to the present time, by Sir John Bernard Burke. London, J.878, S^- [An enlarged edition of the work of J. Burke and Sir J. B. Barke published in 1842.] The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales ; comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the earliest to the present time. With a Supplement, by Sir Bernard Burke. London, 1884, 8«- Armorial universel, precede d'un Traite complet de la science du blason, par Jouffroy d'Eschavannes. 2 Vols. Paris, 1844—58, 8^- J. Siebmacher's grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, von Dr. Otto Titan von Hefner. 21 vols. Nurmb. 1858—1878, J. Siebmacher's grosses und allgemeines Wappenbuch, von M. F. A. Gritzner und A. M. ffildebrardt. Nurmberg, 1870—88, 4«- In progress. Armorial General, contenant la description des Armoiries des Families Nobles et Patriciennes de I'Europe ; precede d'un Dictionnaire des Termes du Blason, par J. B. Rietstap. Gouda, 1861, 8°- Deuxieme edition. Gouda, 1883, &c., 8«- Panoplie. (Universal Armoury.) By A. M. Perrot. Paris, 1864, 4o- Blason General y Nobleza del Universo, por Pedro de Gracia Dei. Madrid, 1882, 40. Engravings of the Arms of many of the Heralds are given in Movile's''BibUotke- ca Heraldica.''^ Collection of fabulous arms in a sort of alphabet in blason, and the Arms in blazon of the Archiepiscopal and Episcopal Sees of England and Wales, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2200. The Iceni and their Arms, by T. Proctor- Borroughs, Esq., F.S.A. See the Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. 36. The Names and Arms of the Saxons that divided this Island into seven Kingdoms. 17th cent. Brit. Mus., Harl, MS. 3287. Arms. Britannia Saxonica, arms of Anglo-Saxon Kings in colours, by Gr. W, Collen. London, 1833, 4''- And Harl. MS. 4033. Brit. Mus. Arms of the Normans who passed into England at the time of the Conquest. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 17,455, f. 64. Arms of Hugh Lupus, Erie of Chester, and his viii barons. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1039. The Armorie of Nobilitie : wherein is contained, the five Conquerors of Eng- land ; the seven Kings that reigned at one time ; the reason of the several alterations of the Arms of England ; the Arms and Issue of the Kings of England ; with the Creation of all the Noblemen since the Conquest to 32 Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 18. C. XVII. The names of the Five Conquerors of this Island with theire armes ; the names of the Saxons that divided this Island into seaven Kingdoms, with their arms ; and the names and armes of all such noblemen as were in the tyme of Edward the Confessor, or hath byne since created unto this present, 1606, with a continuation to 1621. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bute. Eccleston Square, London. Arms of Ancient Barons, from William I. to Henry III. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832, f. 170. Names and Arms of the Ancient Nobility and Knights of England and Wales, temp. Hen. III. See " Antiquarian Repertory," vol. i. Insignia quoedam G-entilitia depicta. 13th century. Coloured. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Nero D. I. f. 170. Coats of Arms, coloured. 1273. Matthew Paris. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 14. C. yii. Wappen aus den Werken des Matthias von Paris. Edited by — Pusikau. Berlin, 1881, 8'^- [Contains the rolls of arms in coloured lithographic facsimile.] Account of the Shields of Arms as given in the Works of Matthew Paris. Matthoei JParisiensis Historia Major, vol. VI. Edited by Dr. H. R. Luard for the Master of the Rolls. Lond. 1882, 8°- Arms of Crusaders. See " The English Crusaders," by J. C. Dansey. London, 1849, 40- Nomina et insignia gentilitis nobilium equitumque sub Edwardo Primo, Rege militantium,by Edw. R. Mores. Oxford, 1749, 4'^- Arms of the Ancient Nobility and Knights Bannerets of England in the reign of Edward I. Stowe MS. 417. Brit. Mus. Names and Arms of Barons and Knights, temio. Edw. I. Her. Coll., MS. M. 16. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2116. Names and Arms of the Earls of England, temp. Edw. I. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxx. Les noms et les armes a Banerez de Engle- terre, au temps du R. Edw. I. ? Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. A. xviii. A Book of Arms : containing the Names and Arms of the Bannerets of England. The Names and Arms of the Knights in every Shire, temp. Edw. I. And the Names of all who were with King Edw. I. in Scotland and France. Brit. Mus., Harl MS. 6137. Arms of the Knights of the several Counties of England, in the time of Edward 1. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 1068. Arms of English Knights, according to the several Counties wherein they resided, time of Edw. I. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 2213. The Arms of the Nobility and Gentry in the Reign of King Edward I., in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848. Arms of the Kings of England before the Conquest, and of the Nobility and Knights of England in the time of Edward I. and 11. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4033. Liber Johannis Cooper ex dono Susanne Philipott relicte Johannis Philipott, Somersett ; containing the names and arms of those who were at various Parliaments, tempp. Edw. I: and Edw. II. ; the names and arms of Bannerets of England ; Arms of great Lords ; Roll of Karlaverok, etc. MS. belonging to Lieut.-Col. Carew. Crowcombe Court, Co. Somerset. Arms of Noblemen, temp. Edw. I. and II. Caius Coll. Camb., MS. 570. Arms of Knights, temp. Edw. II. Ashm. Lib. MS. 831, p. 100. A Genealogical Roll of English Sovereigns, from Egbert to Edward III., with arms of nobles, foreign kingdoms, etc., also Arms. 47 thenamesand arms of the lords, captains, and others who were slain or drowned at the siege o£ Calais, 1347. Vellum roll, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,502. Arma principis, ducum, comitum, sive comitatnm. Being coloured coats of arms of the Prince of Wales and Nobility of England. Vellum roll. 14th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 29,505. The Arms emblazoned of Christian Emper- ors, Kings, and Dukes, and of the Kings of Britain, and several families of the English Nobility, from the earliest times to the reign of Edw. III. with notes concerning the Arms of the Kings of Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 882. Arms of English Nobility, temp. Edw. III. Ashm. Lib., MS. 15 (A). An Antient Book, containing 672 Shields of Arms of King Edward III., and Princes of the Blood Royal, Noblemen, and Knights, 1345—1351. Ashm. Lib., MS. 804. Collectanea de Insignibus Gentilitiis Nobilium Familiarum Gentis Anglorum, temp. Edw. III. Brit. Mus., Cott. MS. Tib. E. ix. Coats of Arms. Coloured. 14th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. G563. Collection of several hundred coats of arms, including all the English Nobility and many of the Gentry of the 15th century, with 19 large escutcheons of Kings and Emperors. About the end of Edw. IV. MS. No. 114. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. The Armoury of Nobility, wherein is con- tained a brief discourse of the right, title, claims, disposition, and reign, match, and issue of the Kings of Eng- land, with the creations of all the Nobility, from William the Conqueror to Henry V., by Robert Cooke ; amended by Robert Glover and Tho. Lant, 1589. Brit. Mus;;^MS. 4959. The Arms of King Henry VI., Edmond Earl of Lancaster, Gilbert of Clare, Earl of Gloster, and several other noble Personages. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber E. yiii. f. 104. Arms of the Nobility and Crentry of England, and of many foreign Princes and States, coloured. Temp. Henry VI. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 521. Arms in colours, of Saints, Emperors, Kings, and English Nobility and Gen- try. 15th cent". Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 6163. Collection of Arms emblazoned of English Families, probably of those possessing lands or holding offices in France, 15th cent. Brit. Mus., Add. 11,542. Facsimile of a Contemporary Roll with the Names and Arms of the Sovereign and of the Spiritual and Temporal Peers who sat in Parliament held at West- minster, on the 5th of February in the Sixth Year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1515, by Thomas Willement. Privately printed, 1829, 4P- Arms, in colours, of Royal Families, and of the Nobility and Gentry of England, circa, Henry VIII., by the Rev. William Bedford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,581. A Collection of English Arms in Trick, of the time of Henry VIII. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,468. Booke and Register of Arms. Fac-simile of an ancient heraldic Manuscript, emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Arms, 1542. Edited by D. Laing. 1822, fol. Only 100 copies printed. The Blasyoure of the Armes of Kyngis, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Royal, MS. 18. D. II. Arms, chiefly of the English Nobility, in Colours, 16th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1922. Collection of Arms of English Nobility and Gentry, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,215. Pictures and Armes of Knights Bannerets, lethfcentury. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4205. Collection of Arms, in colours, I6th cen- tury. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 1503. Collection of Arms, in colours, by Henry Babington, 1550. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 838. Arms, emblasoned, of the nobility and gentry from the Trent northward, copied from an old roll of Sir Marma- duke Constable, Knt., 1558, with an alphabetical index of names. Brit. Mus. '^MS. 205, f, 241. The Arms of all the Kings and Queens of England, from the time of William the 4S Aems. A volume formerly belonging Burleigh, Conqueror, to Queen Elizabeth, with the Arms of the Nobility, the time of their creation, and titles, all properly blazoned. By llobt. Cooke, Claren- cieux. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4958. Book of Arms of the Nobility of Eng- land from the Conquest ; chronologi- cally arranged under the reigns of the different sovereigns to Queen Elizabeth. IIS. No. 234.. Woburn Abbey. A Collection of the Armorial Bearings of the Nobility and great Eamilies of England, from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Society of Antiquaries. MS. 136, art. 9. Armorial l-^earings of English Nobilitv. Stowe MS. 208. Brit. Mus. [This MS. was compiled in the time of Queen Elizabeth, and most probably for Lord Burghley.] to Lord containing — 1st. Arms of English Knights arranged under counties ; 2nd Arms of Knights at the seige of Carlaverock ; 3rd Genealogy of English and French Nobility. MS. No. 305. Lambeth Palace. Blason of the Armsof theEnglish Nobility, fe7np. Elizabeth, with their Quarterings, Crests, and Supporters. Brit. Mus. Harl MS. 216. Arms of English Nobility, with an account of Dukes made in King Edward the Third's time. Compiled in the reign of Elizabeth. Stowe MS. 256. Brit. Mus. Arms of divers of the English Nobility, emblasoned, time of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth. Brit. Mus., Lans. MS. 858. English Arms, coloured and in trick, with Arms granted by Sir Grilbert Dethick, Garter, temp. Elizabeth. Brit. Mus.. Add. MS. 26,753. Arms, in colours and emblazoned, of the English Nobility, from the Conquest to cirea 1572 ; apparently by " Aug. Sty ward " or Steward, Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2162. Works of Armorie, devyded into three bookes ; entituled, the Concordes of Armorie, the Armorie of Honor, and of Cotes and Creastes, collected and gathered by John Bossewell. London, 1572, 4i^' Another edition, London, 1597, 4°- Boswell's Works of Armorie, 1597, with coloured arms by John Cain, the herald of Oswestry. Hengwrt MS. 235, at Peniarth. Le Blason des Armoiries, par H. de Bard. Vincent, 1581, fol. Verses to Queen Elizabeth, by Wm. Teshe, 1582. Beautifully written on vellum, with the Koyal Arms, and the Arms of eighteen of the Nobility emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3137. Arms of Knights before 1583. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 565. A Boke of the Armes, and of the Cotes and Names of Englyshe Knvghtes, 16th cent. Stowe MS. 210. Brit Mus. The Arms and Descents of all the Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscountcs, and Lords that have been created in England, from William the Conqueror to 1584. Tlie Arms are coloured, and the book neatly written. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6099. Arms of the Gentry of England, accord- ing to Counties, by J. Holland, 1584. Her. Coll. Philipot, MS. 18, w. Arms of the Nobility, from 1066 to 1586, in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5525. A large Collection of the Arms of the English Gentry, tricked, 16th cent. Brit. Mus., Harl. 809. The Blazon of Gentrie, by John Feme. London, 1586, 4'^- Arms of English Families, in alphabetical order of names ; " Collige et escript par 11. Brooke, alias Rougecroix, pursu- uant D'armes, an°- 1587." Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,834. Arms and Names of Erles Marschalls of England, from the Conquest to 1590. Caius Coll. Camb, MS. 670, ff. 203, 217. A Collection of Arms, with the names, which were truly written, and copied, in Sept. 1596, out of a very old roule, wrought in colours, on velojne. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4965. Collection of Arms and Pedigrees, by Brooke, alias York Herald, 1598. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Arms of English and Irish Nobility, by Robt Glover. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 5885. Arms. 49 Collection of Arms, by Robert Glover, Esq., Somerset Herald. MS. Vol. iii. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Names and blazon of Arms of families of different counties, by Samuel Todde, at the latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, MS. No. 47. Ettington Hall, Co, Warwick. Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of England and Ireland. About A.D. 1600. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Kipon, at Studley Royal, Co. York. NotitijE et Insignia Illustrium Familiarum AngliiB, a temp. Edw. Conf. ad Jac. I. Magd. Coll. Camb. Pepys MS. 13. Arms of the Nobility of England, temp. Henry VIII. — Jac. I. Ashm. Lib. MS. 805. Arms and Crests of English Families. A folio, also containing several grants of Arms in the reign of Elizabeth and James I., by Camden, St. George, and others. The arms and crests are very numerous and are collected from every County in England. Stowe MS. 261. Brit. Mus. The Variations of the Armes, and Badges of the Kings of England, from the tyme of Brute untill y^^ present yeare of our Lord, 1604. By W. Segar, Garter king of Armes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6085. Arms and Pedigrees of the ancient nobility of Britain, with proper blazons from the Conquest to 1572, and then continued to 1606. MS. No. 45. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Collection of Arms of the principal Families of England, 1607. by Scipio Squire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,262. Collection of Armes, copied from the original of Mr. Norroy, 1607. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6589. Book of the Arms of England, by Esther Inglis, 1609. See the Archceological Journal, xix. 188. London, 1862, 8o- Arms of English and Scotch Kings and Nobles, time of James I. Stowe MS. 264. Brit. Mus. Arms and Pedigrees of English families from the Conquest to James J[. Two volumes. Stowe MS. 271. Brit. Mus. Arms of all the Nobility of England, from the Conquest to King James I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883. Arms, or Atchievements of the Viscounts, and Barons . of England, by John Withie. temp. James I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 905. Arms and quarterings of English Nobility, temp. James I. MS. No. 258. Lam- beth Palace. Arms and Quarterings of the Nobility of England, temp. James I. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 14,305. Coats of Arms, chiefly of English Fami- lies, temp. James I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,411. Arms, Pedigrees, and Seals of English families, with grants of arms by Cam- den, Glover, Cook, and other heralds of the reign of James I. Stowe MS. 262. Brit, Mus. The Arms, partly in colours, and partly tricked, of divers Families, with an Account of the time when, and by whom their Patents were granted. 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6169. Creations of English Nobility, and Arms of English Kings and Barons, from Edward the Confessor. MSS. 16th and 17th centuries, in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. Arms and quarterings of upwards of a thousand families, chiefly of the 16th and 17th centuries. Stowe MS. 278 Brit. Mus. Arms of Nobility of England, Scotland, Italy, and the Netherlands, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,676. The Names, Arms, Crests, Mottoes, and Supporters, of the Nobility of England, to the year 1629. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1114. A Booke of Armes, or remembrance, wdierein are one hundred Godly Em- blemata, in peeces of brasse, very fine graven, and adorned pleasant to be seen ; First by Georgetta de Montenay. Franckfurt-am-Mayn, 1619, 8'^- Arms of Wales, Salop, Herts, Bedford- shire, Kent, &c. 1623. Stowe MS. 788. Brit. Mus. Names and Arms of Knights made from 1485 to 1624. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Claud. C. III. The Arms of all the temporal Peers of England, according to their Precedence 50 Arms, in Parliament, A.D, 1628. Painted bv John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1379, Arms of the English Baronets. Painted by John Withie. A.D. 1630. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1381,1360. Arms and Crests of English Baronets, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1477. Tricks of Arms of Baronets, from 1611 to 1641. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,281. Arms of Baronets, A.D. 1611 to 1643. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 517. The Arms of the Kings of England, from Brute to Charles I. ; togetlier with the Descents, Arms, Crests, Supporters, Quarterings, and Mottoes of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, and Barons now extant, 1635, and since enlarged by John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl.' MS. 1073. The Atchievements of the English Nobility, living about the 16th year of King Charles I., all painted with lively colours, by John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1456, Alphabetical list of names of several fami- lies with the arms they severally bore • of all the counties in England. Liber Bogcri DodsivortJi, 1635. MS. C. 9. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Arms of the Archbishops, Bishops, Chan- cellors, Masters of the Kolls, Treasurers, Constables, Chief Justices, Chief Barons, and Admii-als of England, and of the Viceroys of Ireland, from the Conquest to the year 1636. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 12,443. JPallasArmata, Tlie Gentleman's Armorie. London, 1639. 8"- Arms and Pedigrees of English Nobility, by Svlvanus Morgan, 1643. Stowe MS. 266. Brit. Mus. Arms of English Nobility in the reigns of James I. and Cliarles I. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 8. Armorial Bearings from 1511 to 1650. Stowe MS. 775. Brit. Mus. Arms of Oliver Cromwell and his Privy Councillors. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1460. A collection of coat armours belonging to several families of England, put into alphabet, by John Hopkinson, 1654. MS. vol. iv. Eshton Hall, Co, York. Arms, in trick, of various English Families, collected by John Brace, 1658, with later additions and an index. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,757. The quarterings of a great many families copied from painted glass windows, tombs, and monuments of various kinds, in every County of England, time of James 1. to Charles II. Stowe MS. 521. Brit. Mus. Arms, Crests and Supporters of English Nobility in the reign of James I., Charles L, and Charles II. 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 1. The Sphere of Gentry : Deduced from the Principles of Nature, An Historical and Genealogical work of Arms and Blazon ; In which is contained. The Genealogies of the Patriarchs and Heroes, Standards of the Jews, Hiero- glyphics of the Egyptians, Symbols of the Grecians, Arms and Ensignes of the English Nation, etc., by Sylvanus Morgan. London, 1661 fol. Arms and Notices of Peers of England in 1664. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 14,321. The Coats, Crests, and Supporters of most of the Viscounts and Barons of Eng- land, about 1665. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1478. Arms of English Families, time of Charles 11. Stowe MS. 267. Brit. Mus. Arms of English, Scotch, and Irish families, a large folio containing upwards of 2000 coats, time of Charles 11. Stowe MS. 279. Brit. Mus. The Arms of the Nobility of England, together with their Crests, Supporters, and quartered coats, collected by Samuel Waker, 1670. [In this vol. are portraits of Charles II., and of his Queen Catherine]. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 4960. The Arms of all the Lawyers of the several Inns of Court, contained in Dugdale's Historical Memorials. Second edition, with additions. Printed in 1671. Brit. Mus. Add. MB. 26710. f. 104. Sketches of Arms executed for English families by the heralds' officers down to 1678. Stowe MS. 530. Brit. Mus. The Academy of Armory, or, a storehouse of Armory and Blazon. Containing the several variety of Created Beings, Arms. 51 and how born in Coats of Arms, both Foreign and Domestick, by Randle Hohne. Chester, 1688. fol. [The original manuscripts are deposited in the British Museum, Harl. MSS. 2026—2035.] The Academy o£ Armory, by Eandle Holme. MS. Bodl. Lib. Oxford. Academy of Armory, by Kandle Holme. 1701. fol. Alphabetical Index to the Arms in Holme's "Academic of Armory." Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8861. Index to the Names of Persons contained in the Academy of Armory and Blazon, by Eandle Holme. London, 1821, fol. Only 50 copies privately printed. The Arms and Crests of the Members of the House of Commons, 1688. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 26,701. A Catalogue of the Five Conquerors of this Island and their Arms ; and a Catalogue of the Arms belonging to England, with the causes of alteration hereof, from the reign of Edward the Confessor until this present year (1689) . Brit. Mus.StoweMS. 275. Arms of Lords Keepers, Justices, and Law Officers, 15th to 17th century. Caius Coll. Camb., MS. 598. Heraldic collections, in colours. 17th century. Two folio volumes in the possession of Sir Alex. Acland-Hood, at St. Audries, Co. Somerset. Arms in colours of English and Scottish Nobility ; names and arms of Foreign Princes, Potentates, and Nobles. MS. 17th century. Berkeley Castle. A valuable Collection of the names and Arms of EngHsh Families, 17th century. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Ee. ii. 21. Arms of English Families, tricked, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,472. Queen's Coll. Oxf., MS. xli. A Collection of Arms in trick, alpha- betically arranged, with an Alphabet of Arms, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1072. A Collection of Arms of Families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1073. Coats and Crests of English families, in trick, earlv 17th century. " MSS. Taylor." "Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2440. Arms of the Ancient Nobility, with Crests, Supporters, etc., 17th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 6. Arms of Scotch and English Families. 17th century. Stowe MS. 263, Brit. Mus. Arms of the Nobility of England and Ireland, I7th cent. Stowe MS. 652, Brit. Mus. Collection of Surnames of Families, with their several arms emblazoned, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 752. Miscellaneous Collection of Coats of Arms, coloured, by Withie, Bysshe, etc., I7th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1410. Collection of Arms of the Nobility and Grentry, bv John Saunders, etc., I7th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1421. The Arms of the Kings and Nobility of England and Scotland, in chronological order, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4030. Arms, together with a short account of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Vis- counts, and Barons of England, I7th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4035. A Book of Arms, coloured, of the ancient Nobility and Gentry of England, 17th century. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 6186. Collections and Descriptions of Coats of Arms, I7th centurv. Brit. Mus. Sloan MSS. 77 ; 1461 ; 1928 ; 3714 ; 4912. Collection of Arms, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 4967—68, 4970—73. Coats of Arms, in trick, of English fami- lies, collected about the middle of the 17th century ; with additions by the Kev. D. T. Powell. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,439. Arms and Quarterings, etc. of English Sovereigns, by the Rev D. T. Powell. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,441. Arms of English Families, in alphabetical order, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18, 594. A Collection of English Coats of Arms, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,814. The Armes taken out of the originall Manuscript of Mr. John Guillim, Pur- suivant of Armes, out of which he formed the booke he Printed, Intituled. The Display of Heraldry. 17th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,681. 52 Aems. Arms in trick, and some in colours, of English families, many of them of London, with engraved arms of the City Companies of London, 17th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,682. Herald-Painter's book of English Arms, in trick ; with notes relating to hatch- ments, funeral charges, etc., 17th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,683. Ar.ns and Crests in trick, partly coloured, as granted to English gentlemen by various heralds, from the time of Henry V. to the middle of the 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,702. A Full Collection of Arms, in trick, of Eaglish families, arranged alphabeti- cally. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,706. Arms of English families, in trick. 17th century. Belonged to Sir George Nayler, Garter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,439. Blazon of Arms, and Genealogical notes of English Families, in alphabetical order, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30, 947. Catalogue of Arms of the English Nobility, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,103. Arms of the Gentry of England, arranged by counties ; all written and tricked within printed Escutcheons, by John Saunders. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1457. Arms of English Gentry, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,972. Arms of English gentry, and successions of peers, 1619. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31895. The Arms of the Gentry of England, in alphabetical order. 17 th century. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883, f. 122. Drawings of Armorial Bearings of Eng- lish Families since the Eevolution, 4 volumes. Stowe MSS. 537. Brit. Mus. The Arms, Crests, and Supporters of 85 Peers of England, richly emblazoned, and a history of the succession of the first eight of them, 18th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4032. Arms of English, Scotch, and Irish fami- lies, a folio of the last century contain- ing 884 pages and several thousand shields of arms. Stowe MS. 270. Brit. Mus. Arms of English Families in various Counties, 18th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 12.442 ; 12,444 ; 12,445. Arms of Baronets, and other Gentlemen, 18th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,446. Notitia Anglicana ; shewing the achieve- ments of all the English Nobility, and their several titles of honour ; to which is added, a concise essay, on the nature, rise, and intent of arms and armory ; by Andrew Johnston, with engravings of the arms by Gardiner. 2 vols. London, 1724. 8°- A Collection of Arms of various English Commoners, blazoned by Charles Town- ley, A.D. 1730. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,832. Armorial Bearings from various churches, with a list of the places from which they were collected, time of George XL Stowe MS. 789. Brit. Mus. A collection of Arms taken out of Guillim, Ashmole, and other eminent heralds, containing the arms of the King (Geo. II.), the Eoyal Family, and the Peers and Peeresses of England, of Scotland, and of Ireland ; the arms of the Baronets of England, the arms of the Knights of the Garter ; and the arms, crosses; banners, &c., of the religious and military orders of the world. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bute. Eccleston Square, London. A new and Compleat Sett of all the Coats of Arms of the Nobility of Eng- land, with the Supporters, Crests, and Mottoes to each Coat, by Samuel Har- ding. London, 1741. 4o- Tabulae illustres ; or the Paternal Arms of the present Nobility of Great Britain and Ireland, with their titles and the Stile of the Eldest Sons. London, 1745, 12«- Another edition, 1748, 12«- Tahulce Ulustres ; and a Table for ex- plaining the Blazon. Corrected to this day, April, 1. 1748. by Ej^-Cave. Lon- don, folio sheet. A Collection of the Arms and Crests of different families, with the date of their grant and confirmation in many instan- ces, by Charles Townley, York Herald, 1748. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS, 14,830; 14,831. Aems )8 Arms of the English Nobility, with Sup- porters, Crests, and Mottos : and Tables of Dates to Family Honours, ; viz. Origin, Knights, Baronets, Garters, K Peerage, &c., by John Millan. Lond. S. 1749, 80- Another edition, Lond. i 1752, 80- Arms of English nobility and gentry ; Residents in London and Westminster, with Arms ; and a List of Knights, 1558 to 1752. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,102. Arms of the Baronets of England and Nova Scotia, etc., by John Millan. London, 1753. 8«- Arms of Baronets created bv Q. Anne, K. Geo. I. and II., 1709—1752. See Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xxiii. London, 1753. 8«- Amorial bearings of numerous English and Welsh families, about 1770. Stowe MS. 535. Brit. Mus. The ancient Arms of the Nobility as depicted on large stone shields in West- minster Abbey, by William Fox, 1774. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,278, f. 8. Arms and Devices in Painted Glass, in possession of the Rev. Wm. Cole of Milton near Cambridge, 1765, and and 1778. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834, ff. 194—204, 344—359, 390—399. A Collection of Escutcheons emblazoned in their proper colours, by J. Harden, Student in Armoury, at Petworth, 1778. MS. belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S. A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. The Arms of the Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland, brought down to the year 1778, engraved by Hugh Clark and Thomas Wormull, with the Mottos translated into English. Lon- don, 1778, 120- The Arms of the English Baronets and the Knights of the Bath, with the Dates of their creation, brought down to the present time. London, 1779. 120- Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Badges of the Sovereigns, with the Arms of the Knights of the Garter, from the Crea- tion of the Order to the je^ 1780 ; begun by Sir W. Segar, and continued by J. Edmondson, in 21 vols, on vellum. Beautifully delineated in their proper colours. Brit. Mus. Kings MSS. 398—416. Miscellaneous Collection of Coats of Arms, Pedigrees, etc., by William Fox, 1775 to 1782. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8939 to 8944. A New and Correct Collection of Arms, Crests, &c., alphabetically displayed, with the blazoning annexed to each Coat ; together with a Table of Houses and their Distinctions, also the Metals, Colours, Furs, Bordures, Chiefs, Lines, Points of the Escutcheon, and Terms used in Heraldry, in a manner not before attempted, by Philip Bryan. London, 1782, fol. Armorial distinctions of the Principal Persons introduced into the Pictures painted by B. West, in the Audience Chamber at Windsor Castle, 1787 — 1790. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 423. Ancient Metallic Arms, by G. Pearson, 1796. Collections of Coats of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of England, Ire- land, Scotland and Wales. MSS., 17th and 18th centuries, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S. A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Arms of English Families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,322. Miscellaneous Collection of Arms of English Families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,833. Miscellaneous collection of Arms of English Families, in trick, and blazoned, by Sir Charles Townley, Garter King of Arms. The original sketches, many' of them apparently for patents, or funerals ; among them (f. 33) is a design of arms for the Society of Anti- quaries, 18th century, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,834. Arms and Notices of distinguished English, Scotch, and Irish Families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,372, Arms of English families, in colour and in trick, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,754. Arms of English Families, in trick, from Silversmiths' file-books ; with Arms in blazon, from Camden's grants, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,755 54'^ Abms. Arms, in blazon, and in trick, and colours, of English Families of the names commencing with the first letter of the alphabet, and a few of the second, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,756. Arms of English Episcopal Sees and of various families, with a few genealogical and heraldic notes, monumental inscriptions, etc. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,785. Miscellaneous English arms, for hatch- ments and funerals, middle of 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29784. The Arms of the Peers, Peeresses, &c. of England, Scotland and Ireland, the Insignia of the different Orders of Knighthood, with the Baronets of Great Britain, and the Dates of their Creation. London [1801] 12«- The Principal, Historical, and Allusive Arms borne by Families of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, with their respective Authorities. Collected by an Antiquary. [De La Motte.] With a representation of the Arms on Copperplates. London, 1803. Regal Heraldry. — The Armorial Insignia . of the Kings and Queens of England, from Coeval Authorities, by Thomas Willement. London, 1821, V- Arms of the Peers, Peeresses, etc. of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1821, 8'^- Armorial insignia as used in England, 1828. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,478. Arms of English Families, copied from an old manuscript, by F. Pawsey, 1831. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2441. The Royal Arms of England. Showing the changes that they have undergone from the time of Af red the Great, A.D. 872, to the accession of Queen Victoria, 1837. Four sheets, London, H""- Regal Armorie of Great Britain, from the time of the Ancient Britons, to the Reign of Queen Victoria ; the Institu- ,tion of Chivalry, and the origin of Emblematic Insignia, in Ancient Nations, by Alexander Brunet. London, 1839, 12°- The Arms of the principal persons who appeared at the Marriage of our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria with His Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg, etc. 1840. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21968. Armorial Bearings of various persons and places will be found in The ArchcBo- logical Journal. London, 1845, etc. 8«- Miscellanea Heraldica. A Boke of Armes compiled from authentic Sources, by W. Partridge, 1845. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,968. Observations upon, and sketches of, the Royal Arms in St. Nicholas's Church, Great Yarmouth, by Thos. Wm. King, Rouge Dragon, 1847. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27967, f. 273, &c. Armorial Bearings, their Use and Inherit- ance, by P. G. Hamerton. London, 1851. 8«- A Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain, by Sir J. B. Burke. 2 vols. London, 1852, 3, 8^- Second series, London, 1854, 8«- A selection of Arms authorized by the laws of heraldry, by Sir John Bernard Burke. London, 1860. 8"- The National Arms of the United King- dom, with coloured illustrations, by James King. London, 1887. 8«- Drawings of the Armorial Bearings of the Dukes of Buckingham, Somerset, Devon- shire, and other noble and illustrious families of England and Ireland. Three hundred shields executed in colours, by P. Absalom. Stowe MS. 520* Brit. Mus. 892 Surnames of the Families whose Arms compose a Shield of Quarterings of Alliances appertaining to the most noble Algernon Percy, Duke of North- umberland, together with their respective blazon. See Illustrations of Alnwick, Prudhoe, and Warkworth. 40. Printed for private distribution, by C. H. Hartshorne. Collection of 537 engravings of Coats of Arms. National Art Library, South Kensington Museum. Arms of the Royal and Noble Families of England and Scotland, printed, with explanations in MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bute. Eccleston Square, London. Arms. 55 Armorial of various Earls and Barons, blasoning their arms and quarterings, with names. MS. Crowcombe Court, Co. Somerset. Names and Arms of the chief families of Great Britain and Ireland. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Arms of Peers, with supporters and mottoes. MSS. Nos. 50 and 52. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Arms of Knights, Noblemen, and Gentle- men, of England and Ireland. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MSS. I. 71, 88, 98, 113, art. I ; F. 125. Arms and genealogies of English and Irish Peers ; grants to officers of arms, &c. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Drawings of the Arms of Illustrious Families and Castles. Illuminated MS. No. 278. Mostyn Hall, Holy- well. Arms of the Nobility from early times. [There are 174 in number. The last two are "Robert Devereux, created Earl Marshal," and " Thomas, Lord Howard, son of Thomas, late Duke of Norfolk."] MS. belonging to the Marquis of Hertford. Arms, Crests and Supporters of English, Irish, and Scotch Nobility. Her. Coll., Norfolk. MS. 33; Vincent MS. 172. Collections of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of England, Scotland, and Ire- land. MSS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. Names of English and Irish Families, with their Arms, 3 vols. MSS. Trinity College, Dublin. A Collection of Arms in Westminster Abbey, on Seventy-one copper-plates. Folio, no date. Arms of the Knights Baronets. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Dd. ix. 58. Arms and Quarterings of Baronets. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9372. One hundred arms of Baronets, by Thos. Wotton. 120- Collections of Coats of arms, mostly co- loured ; two volumes large folio. MSS., in the possession of the Marquis of Ripon, at Studley Royal, Co. York. Armorial. Two volumes foli^, in the possession of the Marquis of Ripon, at Studley Royal, Co. York. Collections of Arms, in alphabetical order* MS large folio. Lamport Hall, Co" Northampton. Collections of drawings of Coats of Arms, chiefly coloured. Hatton Collection. Alphabets of Arms, containing U2)wards of 50,000 Coats. See Edmondson's " Heraldry ; " Berry's " Heraldry," and Burke's " Armoury." Dictionary of Arms, 16th century. 2 large folio volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,013, 18,014. Alphabets of Arms of Families in various Counties, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5820; Add. MS. 14,319. Alphabets of Arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 752, 839, 860, 899, 1051, 1090, 1134, 2055, 2092, 2200, 5830, 5833, 5859, 5890, 2089, 1351, 1414, 6112. An Alphabet of Arms, in the hand- writing of Sir Christopher Barker, Garter, with his grants at the end of each letter. Stowe MS. 790. Brit. Mus. Alphabett in Blazon p'Flower als Norreys Roi d'Arms. 3£S. Hatton Collection. Heraldic Collections, by the Rev. Wm. Cole ; chiefly consisting of an Alphabet of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5855. Grafton's Alphabet of Arms. Her. Coll., Vincent MSS. 159, 160. Vincent's Alphabet of Arms. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 179, P. Collections ofi Arms alphabetically arranged. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,594. Alphabets of Arms. Her. Coll. MSS. E.D.N. 29; 35-54. Transcripts of Alphabets of Arms, etc., from MSS. in Queen's College, Oxford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8933. An Alphabet of English Arms, by Ralph Brooke, 1587. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,834. Al])habet [of Arms of English Families, described in blazon, 16th centurv- Brit Mus. Add. MS. 26,703. Letters B and C of an alphabetical list of English Families, with the blazon of their arms, 1600. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 987. Alphabet of English Arms, in blazon, by Thomas Dutton, 1603. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,705. The Alphabet of Honnor : Contayning the proper Coates of Armes of all the Gentry of England, aswell Auncient as 56 AUMS. Moderne ; Together with the Succession of all the Princes, Dukes, Marquisses, and Earles of this Kingdome of Eng- land since the Conquest, 1619. Erit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,895. An Alphabet of Arms, collected about the year 1628. MS. Alnwick Castle. Alphabet of English Arms, 17th century, 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 26,7M; 26,745. Alphabet of Arms of English families to the letter Q., I7th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26710 Alphabet of Arms, containing " The Blazon of a grate many of the Coates of Arms of the Gentry of England." Two MSS. 17th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq , F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Five Alphabets of Arms, MSS. ]7th and 18th centuries, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Blazon of Arms. An Alphabet of Arms with some of the blazon represented in trick, by Alex. Deuchar. MS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Fsq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Alphabet of Arms of English Families, by Thomas Glynn, 17th and 18th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,024. An Alphabet of Arms, of English Fami- lies, collected by Barak Longmate, Engraver, 1760-1793. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,373. Dictionary of Arms, British and Foreign, by Samuel Kent. Lond. 1717. 4P- A list of Printed Grants of Arms. See " The Genealogist," new series, vol. III. Loudon, 1886. 8"- Grants of Arms by Baker. Her. Coll. MSS. E.D.N. 55-58. Grants of Arms by Benolt. Her. Coll. MS. G. 4 (2). Camden's gifts, or a true Collection of such Coats of Arms and Crests as have been granted and allowed and confirmed by William Camden, Esq., alias Clar- enceaux Herald. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3485. Collection of Arms and Crests, called "Camden's gifts." Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5839. Patents of Arms granted by William Camden. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,710. Grants of Arms by Camden. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6095. Her. Coll., MSS. E.D.N. 55-58. Arms granted by William Camden, and Edward Bj^sshe, in trick. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,758. Grants and Confirmations of Arms, by Cooke, Dethick, Barker, Dalton, Flower, Bysshe, Segar, Camden, St. George, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1116, 1144, 1172, 1359, 1438, 1441, 5846, 5847. Grants of Arms by Dethick, Cooke, and Flower, from 1552-1584 ; with a few by Camden, and Segar, 1604-1633. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 18582. Arms and Pedigrees ; consisting princi- pally of grants of arms by Dethick, Camden, Cooke, Flower, W^alker, Sandford, and others, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 9. Grants of Arms by Cooke. Her. Coll., MSS. F. 13; H. 10 (2); E.D.N. 55-58; Vincent, 198. Ashm. Lib. Oxf. MS. 834. Grants of Arms by Dalton. Her. Coll. MS. H. 6 (2). Grants of Arms by Sir Gilbert Dethick, who was Garter in the reign of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Eliza- beth, with some subsequent grants by his son, Sir Wm. Dethick, and by Sir Wm. Segar, &c. Stowe MS. 791. Brit. Mus. Grants of Arms by Dethick. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5847; Add. MSS. 12,454, 18582. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 162, 163. Qu. Coll. Oxf., MS. cxLV. Grants of Arms by Flower. Ashm. Lib. Oxf., MS. 834. Her Coll., MS. H. ii. (2), Grants of Arms by Glover. Ashm. Lib., MSS. 834, p. I., 844, art. ii. Grants of Arms by Harvey. Her. Coll., MSS. 2, H 5 ; H 10 (2) ; Vincent 169. Grants of Arms by Hawley. ^Her Coll., MS. H. 5 (2). Aspidora Segariana, or the grants and confirmations of arms by Sir William Segar, Knt. Garter King at Arms, temp. James I. and Charles I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12225. Abms. 5? k A collection of Arms, coloured, chiefly granted or allowed by Sir William Segar, principal King of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4966. Grants of Arms by William Segar. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6140. Her. Coll. MSS. E.D. N. 55—58 ; M. 2. Grants of Arms by Walker, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,294. Grants of Arms by Henry VI. to Eton College ; to St Nicholas', or King's College, Cambridge ; to Koger Keys and his Brother and Descendants ; and to Nicholas Cloos. See Excerpta I£istorica,hj Samuel Bentley. London, 1831, 8«- Grants of Arms, by divers Kings at Arms, and tricked by John Gough the Paynter-Stayner, 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1422. Book of Kegistration of all Grants of Arms, from the reign of Edw. VI. Coll. of Arms, Dublin. Grants of Arms, from Edw. I. to Eliza- beth. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. CXL. Grants of Arms, and Patents of Creations, Edw. IV. to Eliz. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 4900. Grants of Arms, principally temp. Eliza- beth. Qu. Coll. Oxf., MS. CXLY. Docquets of Patents for Arms from 35th of Henry VI. to 45th of Elizabeth. The grants are by Guy an, Bichmount, Carlisle, Dethick, Camden, and others, in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Stowe MS. 259. Brit. Mus. An alphabetical list of arms granted since A«- 10. Eliz. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. E. ii. Notices of patents of arms, granted in the years 1540-1565, and in 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940. Arms and Crests granted to divers Per- sons, 1574-1597. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,297. Names of Persons who obtained Grants of Arms, from 10 Eliz. to the year 1600. Brit. Mus., Cott. MS. Faust. E. ii. f. 223. Grants of Arms, from Edw. III. to Chas. I. Qu. Coll. Oxf., MS. cxxxix. Arms of English and Irish Families. A collection of grants of Arms from Edward III. to Charles I. Stowe MS. 269. Brit. Mus. Grants of Arms, from 33 Eliz. to 8 Chas. I. Qu. Coll. Oxf., MS. cxxxyii. Collection of Grants by many noble men in England, with their arms delineated ; and descents of certain noble families, taken from charters, and ancient seals, with an index of names, by Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald, 1611. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. C. Yir. Grants of Arms, 16th and 17th centuries. Ashm. Lib., MS. 858. Grants of Arms by various Heralds, from the reign of Elizabeth to A.D. 1686. Brit. Mus., Add. MSS. 14,293, 14,295. Memoranda of grants of Arms in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. 3vols. MSS. in the possession of the Marquis of Eipon, at Studley Eoyal, Co. York. Arms, Patents, and Pedigrees ; a collec- tion of Patents and Grants of Arms from the time of Glover to Sir John Vanbrugh, 1715. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 10. Grants of Arms. Qu. Coll. Oxf., MS. CXLYI. Grants of Arms to Joseph Stubbs, of Warrington ; Dorothy Smallshaw, of Polton-le-Moors ; Eichard Withington Bromley Sanderson, of Cheetham ; Thomas Grazebrook Eylands, of High- fields ; Isaac Parker, of Moorhouse Hill ; and Gilbert Greenall, of Walton Hall. See " The Genealogist," vol. iy. London, 1880, 8«- Grants of Arms to Andrew Dominick, Peter Legh, Eichard Boughey Monk Lingard, the Descendants of Eoger Eowson Lingard, the Descendants of Thomas and Alexander Lingard, Mary Lingard, Albert Wood, and John Leyland. See " The Genealogist," vol. 5. London, 1881, 8«- An Alphabetical Dictionary of about 50,000 Coats of Arms belonging to Families in Great Britain and Ireland, upon a new plan (Prospectus), by J, W. Papworth. Lond., 1857. S'>- Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms belonging to Families in Great Britain and Ireland, forming an extensive Or- dinary of British Armorials upon an entirely new plan, by John W. Pap- worth, edited by Alfred W. Morant. London, 1874, 8° 5§ Arms* An Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms of Families, States, Towns, etc., in Europe (Great Britain excepted) ; being a comprehensive Ordinary of Foreign Heraldic Bearings. Collected and arranged by Alf . Wm. Morant. 5 vols, large folio. Brit. Mus., MSS. 81960—3196^. An Ordinary of Arms, by W. Berry. See his " Encyclopoedia Heraldica," vol. I, Copy of a Roll [or Ordinary] of Arms in the hands of Wm. Jenings, Chester Herald, time of Henry VII. The original roll was most ■prohably made in the time of Edward III. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12224. The Ordinary from Mr Thomas Jenyns' Booke of Armes. Edited by James Greenstreet. See Walford's Antiqua- rian. Vols. Yiii — X. London. 1885, &c. 8"- Ordinary of Arms, by Robert Glover. Brit. Mus., Cott. MS. Tiber. D. x ; Harl. MSS. 1392, 1459. An Ordinary of English Arms, in trick, enlarged from Glover's work, with an index, 1719. Brit, Mus., Add. MS. 26,690. An Ordinary of Arms, augmented and improved by Robert Glover. See " A Complete Body of Heraldry," by J. Edmondson, vol. i., 1780, fol. Ordinary of Arms by Gervase Holies. Her. Coll. MS., E.D.N,, 21. A n Ordinary of A rms, emblazoned, time of Henry VIII. Brit. Mus., Lans. MS. 858. Ordinarie Coates of Armes of sundry surnames, in colours, circa Henry VIII. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 5848. Flower's Ordinary of Arms. A copy of the original, the accuracy of which appears from the inscription, " Bridie Id. Feb. A.D. 1578 par moy William Fflower, alias Norroy Roy d'armes ; R. Glover, Somersett." Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 200. An Ordinary of Arms in Colours, by Thomas Chaloner, 1588, Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 1465. Ordinaries of Arms, by Smith and PhiHpot. Her. Coll., E.D.N. 22. Vincent's Ordinary of Arms. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 178. Ordinaries of Arms. Brit. Mus., Harl. MSS. 1078, 1387, 1404, 1409, 2021, 2212, 5803, 1458, 4146. Ordinaries of Arms of Families of various Counties, 17th century. Ashm. Lib., Wood MS. 8468. Brit. Mus., Add. MSS. 14,320, 19,521, 19,522. Her. Coll. MSS. E.D.N. 21, 22, 23. Torr's Ordinary of Arms, 18th century. Brit. Mus , Eg. MS. 2575. Collections for an ordinary of English arms, 18th century. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 24,853, Ordinary of Arms. Heraldic MS. with arms in trick, from the Library of J. R. Blanche, Somerset Herald. 2 vols., now in the possession of Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. ' Roll of Battle Abbey, or a List of the Principal Warriors who came over frona Normandy with William the Conqueror and settled in this Country, A.D. 1066 — 7, with the Arms of the Principal Barons in gold and colours. Single sheet. The Roll of Battle Abbey, annotated, by John Bernard Burke. London, 184^, 160- Roll of Battle Abbey 1066. Arms of the Principal Knights at the Battle of Hastiness, by Arthur P. Harrison. Lon- don (1859), 4«- Roll of Arms of ' Ye Barons who obtained Magna Charta, 1215.' Single plate, 40. Magna Charta Regis Johannis, A.D. MCCXV., with the arms emblazoned in gold and colours, by J. Whit taker, 1816. Fac-simile of the Magna Charta of King John, A.D. 1215, with the Arms of the Barons, by J. Pine, London. Fac-simile of the " Magna Charta Regis Johannis, June 15th, 1215." With the Names and Arms of the Witnesses, Published by J. Nethercliff and Son, London. ^* Fac-simile of the Magna Charta of King John, 1215, with the Seals of the King's Securities, and Shields of ye Barons in Arms. Published by John Camden Hotten, afterwards by Chatto and Windus, London. AftMS. » Historical Essays on the Magna Charta of King John, with Explanatory Notes and Heraldic Devices, by 11. Thomson. London, 1829, 8"- Eoll of Arms of Henry III., 1245, with letterpress. Nine plates, 4'*- lloll of Arms of the reign of Henry III., in colour, with descriptions in French and English. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 29,796. Three Rolls of Arms of the latter part of the thirteenth century, together with an index of names and an alphabetical ordinary of the coats. Edited for the Society of Antiquaries, by W. S. Walford and C. Spencer Perceval. London, 1864, 4"- A Roll of Arms of the Thirteenth Cen- tury, with Introductory Remarks by Weston Stjdeman Walford. Archceo- logia, vol. 39. Roll of Arms, known as the Roll of King Henry III., emblazoned by Arthur P. Harrison. London, (1848*^?) 4P- Glover's Roll of Arms of the reign of King Henry III. Edited by G. J. Armytage. 1868, 4^- Les Armes de noble Chivaliers, quefurent al tornement faict a Donstaple, 7 Hen III. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 1301, art. 82. See also Nichols " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol iy. p. 389. Charles' Roll of Arms of the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward I., edited by George J. Armytage. Privately printed. Scotland in 1298. Documents relating to the Campaign of King Edward the First. Edited by Henry Gough. Paisley and London. 1889. 4<'- [Contains two copies of the Roll of Arms of the Commanders on the English side, and copies of two Rolls of their Horses, forming a kind of Army List.] Names and Arms of the Nobles who were with King Edw. I. at the siege of Karlaverock, 1300. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 7H, f. 33 ; 1068 f . 1 ; 1196 f . 53 ; 1408 f. 143 ; 1487 f. 37*'- ; 2000 f. 23 ; 2213 f. 28 ; 4033 ; Calig. A. xviii. f . 21 ; Lans. 209 f . 267 ; Add. 5848 f, 155 ; 21968 f 312. The siege of Carlaverock in tli^ xxyiii. Edward L, A.D. MCCC , with the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and Knights who were present on the occasion. By N. H. Nicolas. London, 1828, 4P- The'^Roll of Arms of the Princes, Barons, and Knights who attended King Edward I. to the Siege of Caerlaverock in 1300, edited from the Manuscript in the British Museum, with a transla- lation and notes, by Thomas Wright. London, 1864, 4o- Roll of Karlaverock, coni aining the banners and shields of the Knights in Arms at the siege of 10th July, 1300. Em- blazoned by A. P. Harrison, etc. London, 1846, 4^- Two Rolls of Arms of King Edward I., with some Prefatory Remarks, by Charles Spencer Perceval. Archceologia^ vol, 39. Rolls of Arms, time of Edward L, etc, Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6589, 1446. A Roll of Arms of Peers and Knights in the Reign of Edward II., by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. London. 1828, 4Q- Roll of the A rms of the Knights at the Tournament at Stepney, 2. Edw. II. See Nichols, " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. IY. p. 61. Names and Arms of the Knights at the Tournaments of Dunstable, temp. Edw. II, and III. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1068 f. 6—18 14081 141. 2213 f 24. 6148 f. 144^- 6589 f . 99. Add. MS. 5848 f 145 Otho D. iy. f. 92. Lans, MS. 860 f 9. Rolls of Arms of Peers and Knights in the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward III. by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. London, 1828, 8o- Roll of Arms of the Reign of Edward III. in the possession of Stacy Grimaldi, Esq. See Nichols' "Coll, Top, et Gen." vol. ii. Printed separately in 1835. Arms of Knights with Edward III. at Calais. MS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. Theis be the names and armes, as well of noble men and knightes, as were with the noble and victoriouse prince Kinge Edward the 3. in his warres in Fraunce and Normondy, as also at his victory of Cane and Callis. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 16,940. The Names and Arms, coloured, of the principal Captains as well as Noblemen 60 AfeM^. as Knights, that were with Edw. III. at the siege of Calais, 1345 ; together with the Arms of many of the ancient NobiUty. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6595. Catalogue of the Names and Arms of the principal Captains, as well Noblemen as Knights, which were with King Edward III. at the Siege of Calais. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8547. '• The names of the lordes and captens that weyr sleyn and dront on the sey at the sege of Callas [1347], w*^^ mony a man mo off worschip," witli their arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,502. Calais Eoll of Arms. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber. E. ix, Harl. MS. 1156 ff. 82—6. Nomina et Insignia gentilitia Nobilium Equitumque sub Edvardo primo rege Militantium, accedunt classes exer- citus Edvardi tertii regis Caletem obsidentes, edidit E. R. Mores. Oxon, 1748. 4"- Printed for private dis- tribution. The Third Calais Eoll of Arms. See "The Antiquarian Magazine and Biblio- grapher," vol. I. London, 1882. 8«- Names and Arms of those who were with Henry V. at the Siege of Rouen, anno 1418. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 50. The names of them that were with the King Henry the V. at the siege of Roane. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 19,208. The Rouen Roll of Arms, by James Greenstreet. See Notes and Queries, sixth series. Vols, ii, iii. 1880, 1881. Roll of Arms of the Prince of Wales, and the Nobility of England, in colours. 14th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,505. Roll of Arms of the reign of Richard IL, edited by Thomas Willement. Lon- don, 1834. 4^- Another edition, 1843. 40- Roll of Arms of King Richard II., em- blazoned by Arthur P. Harrison. London, (1848?) 4«- The Military Rolls of Arms. Temp. Henry VI. By James Greenstreet. See •' The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer," vol. iv. London, 1883. 80' Roll of Arms of English Nobility, Knights, etc., 15th century. Society of Anti- quaries, MS. 17. Roll of Arms containing 24 emblazoned coats on vellum, 15th or early 16th century. MS., belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., P.S.A., Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Facsimile of a Contemporary Roll wdth the Names and Arms of the Sovereign and of the Spiritual and Temporal Peers who sat in Parliament held at Westminster, on the 5th of Feb. 1515. By Thomas Willement. 1829. 4"- The arms are printed in colours, and the work was limited to 50 copies. Religious Orders. — Arms of the Knights; a roll of vellum, 16th century. Belong- ing to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Roll of Arms of Peers, temp. Henry VIII., by Thomas Willement. Lon- don 1828 obi. fol. Roll of Arms of English Nobility from 1066 to 1580. Contains arms in trick and notices of each person. MS. belong- ing to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A., Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Roll of Arms of the English Nobility, time of Elizabeth. Brit. Mus., Harl. MS. 2116. The Nobility Rolls of Arms, by James Greenstreet. See Notes and Queries, 5th series, vols 5 to 8. The Gentry Roll of Arms, by James Greenstreet. See " Tha Antiquarian and Bibliographer," vol. ii. London, 1882, 80- Brit Mus., Harl. MS. 6137. Copies of old and authentic Rolls of Arms of Kings, Barons, and Knights, 16th century. MS. No. 16 Wrest Park, Beds, The Boroughbridge Roll of Arms. Edited by James Greenstreet. See The Genealogist. New series, vols. 1 and 2. London. 1885. 8°- The Camden Roll of Arms, by James Greenstreet, Published by the British Archaeological Association, 1882, from the original MS., Cott. Roll, xv. 8. Brit. Mus. The " Camden " Roll of Arras as an Ordinary. Edited by James Green- street. See " The Genealogist," vol. 3. London, 1879. 8o- The " Dering " Roll of Arms, edited by James Greenstreet and Charles Russell. See " The Reliquary," vols, xvi, xvii, xviii. London, 1875. 8°- Arms. 61 The " Falkirk " Roll of Arms, by James Greenstreet. See " The Reliquary," vol. XYi. London, 1857, 8°- Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6589. The Harleian Roll of Arms, by James Greenstreet. See " The Genealogist," new series vol. iii. London, 1886, 8"- Holland's Roll of Arms. See "The Antiquarian Magazine and Biblio- grapher." Vol. I. London, 1882, 8"- Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4033, fol. 60. The " Nativity " Roll of Arms, temp. Edward I., by James Greenstreet. See "The Reliquary," vol. xv. London, 1874, 8«- Philipot's Roll of Arms. See " The Antiquarian Magazine and Biblio- grapher," vol. I. London, 1882, 8«- Blanche's Roll of Arms. Edited by James Greenstreet. See " The Genealogist," vol. iii. London, 1886, 8"- Notes on the Foreign Coats in Blanche's Roll of Arms, by G. W. Watson. The Genealogist, new series, vol. yi. Lond. 1890, 8«- The Poivell Boll. Copy of a Roll of Arms, in colours, of English families, 1345 — 1351 ?, in the Ashmolean Library, Oxford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,677. The "Segar" Roll of Arms as an Ordinary. Edited by James Greenstreet. See " The Genealogist," vol. it. London, 1880, 80- The Rows Rol, containing Armorial Bearings of the English Nobility. This Rol was laburd and finished by Master John Rows of Warrewyck, with intro- duction by W. Courthope, Esq. London, 1845, 4P- Only 100 copies of this heraldic work was printed. Rows Roll. This celebrated roll is in the library at Kimbolton Castle, and a duplicate in the Heralds' College, London; another in the British Museum, Lansd. MS. 882. Roll of the Earls of Warwick, by John Rous. Copied by Wm. Dugdale. Oxf. Ashmole MS. 839. The "Warwicke Roll of Arms." See Archceological Journal, vol. x., 261. London, 1853, 8'^- Roll of Arms ; wherein are tha» Arms of the Kings of England, from Edward the Confessor and the old Arms of France and Spain ; together with the Arms of the Earls of Chester. Brit. -Mus. Harl. MS. 2116. A Role of Armes wrought on vellum in coUers, being sometime in the hands of Clarenceulx [Richard] Lea, 17th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,690. Arms of Abbies, Monasteries, and other Religious Houses, Sees in England and Ireland, Universities, Schools, Public Hospitals, Inns of Court, Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Societies, Trades, etc. etc. See Edmondson's " Body of Heraldry.'" — Dugdale's " Monasticon.'^ —Tanner's " Notitia:' Arms of English Sees, impaled, with the Coats borne by those Archbishops and Bishops that sat in the House of Lords in 1735. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,829. Arms of English Episcopal Sees, and of various Families, with a few genea- logical and heraldic notes. Monumental inscriptions, etc. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29, 785. Arms of Sees, Cathedrals, and Families of England. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Arms of Religious Houses in England, by the Rev Wm. Cole, 1765. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5819, f. 211. Arms and Ensigns belonging to Religious Houses. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 16. Arms of Sees, Colleges, Towns, etc. Her. Coll. MS. M. 5. Arms of Monasteries in the Diocese of Norwich. See Index Monasticus, by R. Taylor. London, 1821, fol. Arms of the Archbishopricks, and Bishop- ricks of England according to their several ranks. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883, f. 103. Arms of Archbishops and Bishops, by Robert Glover. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 872, f. 75. Arms of the Archbishops, Bishops, etc. from the Conquest to the year 1636. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,443. The Arms of the Archbishops of Canter- bury, down to Matthew Hutton, ob. 1758. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,752. Arms, etc. of the Archbishops of Canter- bury, from Lanfranc to John Moore. Lamb. Lib., MS. 555. The Armorial Bearings of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury. See Lambeth 62 Aems. Palace and its Associations, Appendix C, by J. Cave-Browne. London, 1883, The Blazon of Episcopacy, by the Rev. W. K. Riland Bedford."^ London, 1858, 80. Arms of the Episcopates of Great Britain and Ireland, emblazoned and ornamented by Albert H. Warren, with an Intro- ductory Notice and Heraldic Notes by the liev John Woodward. London, 1868, 8^- Arms of Bishops and their Sees, Abbies, Priories, etc. Her. Coll., MSS. L. 8, 10 ;M. 5. Grants of Arms to Bishops and certain Clergymen. Ashm. Lib., Wood MS. 8569. Arms of Cities, Bishops, etc. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. I. 17. Ecclesiastical Armorial of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies. See Crockford's Clerical Directory ; and the Clergy List. London, 1889, etc. 8 "• English and Scotch Arms, time of George II., containing the arms of Bishops, Abbots, Monasteries, Colleges, Inns of Court, Hospitals, Cities, &c. Stowe MS. 268. Brit. Mus. Arms of the College of Physicians, and the Members of it, 1666. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4000. Arms of Cities and Corporations, I7th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1073. The Emperial Achievement of our Dread Soveraigne King Charles, together with the Armes, Crests, Supporters, and Mottowes of all the several Companies, and Corporations of the famous Citty of London ; as they now bear them. London, n.d. 4"- Arms, in trick, of all the Companies of London, and of the Chief Corporations, or Cities, of England, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 472. Arms of the Companies of the City of London, and some Foreign Arms. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4011. Description of England in 1588, with coloured views of the chief towns, etc. by William Smith. London, 1879, 4°- This is a fac-simile of Sloan MS. 2596 in the British Museum ; and contains the Arms of the English Counties and Principal Nobility. Atlas of Europe, by Joannis Blaeu. [Vol. V. is devoted to England, and contains the arms of the Counties, Colleges, and Nobility, in colours.] Amst. 1662, fol. The Arms, or Common Seals, of all y® Cities and Borough Towns in Eng- land and Wales, with a brief Account, as far as could be procured, of their Foundation, Government, &c., by William Jackson. London, 1714. fol. Anns of Towns, Cities, Keligious Houses, etc. Brit. Mus., Add. MSS. 5819, f, 211 ; 9372 ; 6331, ff, 1, 51. Britannia depicta ; or, Ogilby Improved, by John Owen, (Arms of Towns, Peers, Bishoprics, etc). 3 vols, London, 1736. 8«- Arms, in colours, of the Counties of England, by Arthur P. Harrison. London (1850?) 4"- Description of the Arms of the Counties, Towns, and Boroughs in England and Wales. 1848, IQ^- Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales, by S. Lewis. 7 vols. London, 1849—50, 4'^- Contains the Arms of the Cities, Boroughs, Bishoprics, Universities, and Colleges, and the Seals of the various Municipal Corporations. Wapenboeck, ou armorial de 1334 — 1372, contenant les npms et armes des princes Chretiens, ecclesiastiques et seculiers de I'Europeet particulierement de I'Empire d'Allemagne. Par Gelre, Heraut d' Armes [i.e. — Heynen], public par M. Victor Bouton. 4 vols. Paris, Brux. 1881—86, fol. Armorial de France, Angleterre, Ecosse, Allemagne, Italic, etc., compose vers 1450 par Gilles le Bouvier. from the original MS., by M. Vallet. Paris, 1866, 8«- Arms, coloured and emblazoned, of princes and nobles of France, England, Spain, and other countries, preceded by an introduction on the science of heraldry; compiled by Francquevie, ^ herald of Valenciennes, 1485. Brit.* Mus. Eg. MS. 1644. Arms, in blazon and colours, of princes and " seigneurs a banieres," of France, England, Burgundy, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Portugal, 1482 — 1504. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,700. Arms. 63 Le Blason d'Armes : par le Sieur de Maumetz and de Bancourt. Et aussi, Aiiltres Traictez concernant I'origination de liois d' Armes, Herauldz d'Armes. (fee, I'an 1540. Brit. Mus. Eov. MS. 20 B XYi. Den Waepen-Boeck van Gunslo Billet, Aut Schepen der Stede van Ghendt ; anno 1662. Containing arms in colours of the principal royal and noble families of Europe, circa 1540 — 1550. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,937. Wappenbuchlein zu Ehren des Komischen Kay. und Bii. Mt. etc. sampt andorn der Furnemsten auslandischen Kiini- greichen Sovil derselben Wappen zubekhumen sind gewesen durch, by Virgil Solis. Nurmberg [1560?], 4«- Reproduced in facsimile. Wappenbucli des heiligen Romischen Reichs und allgemainer Christenheit in Europa insonderheit des Teutschen Keyserthumbs. By M. Schrot. (About 1000 coloured Coats of Arms ) Miinchen, 1581, fol. Description of the Arms of Royal and Princely Houses of Europe. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1906. Arms in colours, of the Electors of Germany, and of Princes and chief Nobility of France, the Low Countries, England, Spain, Russia, Poland, etc., with "L'Arbre de Jesse" and " L'Arbre de Noblesse," compiled in the time of the Emperor Charles V. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,610. Armoiries des Priucipales Puissances. [In colours.] Paris, single sheet. The ensigns and arms of several empires, kingdoms, principalities, dukedoms, etc. in alphabetical order. IIS. No. xix. 8. Towneley Hall, Burnley. , Arms, in colours, of Kingdoms of Europe p- and Asia, l()th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,707, f. 18 b. Arms of the Emperors of Germany, Abyssinia, and Constantinople ; of the Kings of France, England, Spain, &c. ; and of the Dukes, Princes, and • Gentry of France and Normandy, coloured, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber. D. ii. . Book of Arms, in colours, Oriental and European, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,694, Arms of the Kingdoms and principal Nobility of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Den- mark, Bosina, Servia, Wallachia, etc. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1039. Arms, in colours, of the reigning Sovereigns of Europe, with some others, as the Earl of Warwick, Count Mazarino, etc. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,325. Collection of Arms, in trick, chiefly Foreign, but also containing some Scotch and Irish ; early 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,096. Armorial Universel, contenant les Armes des principales Maisons, Estatz et Dignitez des plus considerables Roy- aumes de I'Europe, par C. Segoing. Paris, 1634, fol. Others editions in 1654 and 1660. Le Nouveau Armorial Universel; con- tenant les Armes et Blasons des Maisons Nobles et Illustres de France, et autres Royaumes et Estats de I'Europe, etc. par Claude Le Cellyer. Paris, 1663, fol. Recueil des Armoiries des Roj's, Princes, Dues, Comtes, Marquis, Barons, Seigneurs, Yilles et Noblesses de France, Angleterre, Italic, Allemaigne, Pay-bas, Espagne, et autres Provinces de I'Europe, par F. Maurice du Pre. 1639. folio. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 886. Das erneurte Teutsche Wappen-buch, in welchem dess H. Romische Reichs Potentaten Fiirsten, Namen Wappen, etc. By Johann Siebmacher. Continued by P. Fiirst. Niirnberg, 1655—67. obi. 4P- ^rneuert-und vermehrtes Wappen-Buch, Herrschafften in Kupffern vorgebildet, [by Johann Siebmacher, continued by P. Flierst], und vormalens in fiintf anjetzund in sechs Theilen benebenst einem Anhang (" Des itzt-herrschenden Europaeischen Staats neu-eroffneter Wappen-Spiegel ") auf das Neue verfertiget, etc. Niirnberg, 1696, 97. fol. Das grosse und vollstiindige anfangs Siebmacherische, hernacher Fiirstische, und Helmerische, nun aber Weigelische Wappen-Buch in Sechs Theilen, nebst einer Vorrede J. D. Kohlers. By Johann Siebmacher. Supplement 1 — 4. Niirnberg, 1734—65. fol. 64 Arms. Le Blason de la noblesse ou les preuves de noblesse de toutes les nations de I'Europe, par Claude FrancisMenestrier. Paris et Lyon, 1683, 12<'- Giuoco d'Arme dei Sovrani e degli Stati d'Europa. da Bernardo Griustiniani. By Claude Oronce Fine Brianville, Abbe. Napoli, 1692. 32o- Jeu d'armoiries des souverains des etats d'Europe, par Brianville. Lyon s. d. 8«- Coloured arms of Sovereigns and of States. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat. Co. Wilts. Arms of the Emj)eror, and many other princes of Europe, with those of the Archbishops, Bishops, Princes, Towns, and Nobles of various parts, delineated in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6154. Arms of Patriarchs, Princes, Abbots, etc. Her. Coll., Vincent MS. 153. Arms of Emperors, foreign Kings and Princes, coloured By Henry Lily. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6119. An Album of Autographs and Arms richly emblazoned, which belonged to Frederic, Count Palatine, and his son Charles Lewis. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 436. Drawings of the Arms of various Foreign Noblemen and Gentlemen, chiefly German and Italian. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4976. Arms in trick of Princes and Nobles of Ireland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, and Poland. MS. No. 39. Wrest Park, Beds. Miscellaneous coats of arms in trick of Foreign Nobility. MS. No. 307. Lambeth Palace. One hundred and Sixty Coats of Foreign Shields of Arms, drawn and coloured by a German artist. Obi. S*^- n.p., n.d. National Art Library, South Kensington . Notes and sketches of arms found in JVl anuscripts in the British Museum, the Bodleian Library, the Fitzwilliam Muse- um at Cambridge, the National Library at Paris, etc., by John Holmes, in four volumes, containing French, Italian, English, Spanish, German, and Flemish coats, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS 20,754—20,757. A Collection of Foreign Coats of Arms, alphabetically arranged by Alfred William Morant. 4 vols Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 31,965—31,968. Crtsts. Crests of several families. Her. Coll. MSS. M. 12 ; Vincent 168. English and Scotch Crests. Stowe MS. 527. Brit. Mus. Two Ordinaries of Crests, tricked by John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1388 ; 1475. A Collection of Crests of the Nobility and Gentry, drawn and etched by William Sharp, Herald-Painter. Lon- don, 1778, 4P' Book of Ornamented Crests by J. Lock- ington. London, 1791. 4'^- Elven's Heraldry, comprising upwards of 2500 different Crests, selected from Nisbet, Guillim, Mackenzie, Edmond- son, and Others, from the Crusades down to the present time. Also the different Terms, with remarks and observations, by J. P. Elven, London, 1815. 120- British Crests : containing the Crests and Mottoes of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland, together with those of the principal Cities ; and a Glossary of Heraldic Terms, by Alexander Deuchar. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1817, 8o- Crests 65 Crests of the Nobility and Gentry of the United Kingdom of Grreat Britain and Ireland, by F. Knight and J. liumley. London, 1827. 4^ The Book of Family Crests, comprising nearly every family bearing, with the surnames of the bearers, their mottos, etc., by J. P. Elven. 2 vols. London, 1828. 12^- The Heraldry of Crests : containing upwards of three thousand five hundred crests illustrative of those borne by twenty thousand families, by J. P. Elven. London, 1829. 12'- Book of Family Crests, 4000 engravings. Explanations, Surnames, Grlossary, Index, etc., by J. P. Elven. 2 vols. London, 1838. 12''- The Book of Family Crests, accompanied by upwards of four thousand engravings, a dictionary of Mottos, an essay on the origin of Arms, Crests, and a glossary of terms by J. P. Elven. Sixth edition. London, 1851. 8'^- 8th edition enlarged. Lond. 1856. S^- 9th edition enlarged. Lond. 1859. The Book of Family Crests. [A. republi- cation of J. P. Elven's " Heraldry of Crests," with many additions]. Tenth edition much enlarged. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1862. 8°- Book of Family Crests and Mottoes, 4000 engravings printed in colours, by - T. CuUeton, of Cranbourn street, London. The Be ok of Family Crests ; comprising nearly every Family Bearing properly Blazoned and Explained, by H. Wash- bourne. London, 1840, 8'"- Another edition, 2 vols. Lond. 1862. 8"^ Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland. By James Fairbairu. Edited by Joseph Maclaren. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1860, 8''- Royal Book of Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India, and Australasia, derived from the best authorities and family records. 2 vols. London, n.d. S''- [This is a new edition of Fair- bairn's Crests.] Illuminated Crest Book,^ or repertorium for monograms, crests, etc. London, 1867, 4'^- Knight and Rumley's Heraldic Illustra- tions of Crests and Fancy. Edin. (1870) 40- Knight and Butters' Crests of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India and Australia, derived from best Authorities. Edited by Joseph MacLaren. 2 vols. Lond. [1885], 80- JlDttOtS. Lists of Mottoes. See Edmondson's "Body of Heraldry." Berry's "Ency- clopoedia Heraldica," vol. i. liobson's " British Herald," (Supplement). On Mottoes of arms, by several learned antiquaries and heralds. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. E. y. 149. Symbola Heroica : or the Mottoes of the Nobility and Baronets of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1736, 12°- One hundred and twenty- six.Sepulchral Mottos ; consisting of original verses, ete. London, 1819, S^- One hundred and forty- seven sepulchral mottos, etc. Second edition, London^ 1820, 8"- Privately printed for the Author. A Translation in Verse of Mottoes of the Nobility and Peers of England and Scotland, by Amicus. 2 \»ols. London, 1825, 80- The Book of Mottoes, borne by Nobility and Gentry, Public Companies, Cities, etc. Selected from the •' Book of Family Crests," and other sources, London, 1851, I6''- Mottoes. A Hand-Book of Mottoes borne by the Nobility, Gentry, Cities, Public Com- panies, etc., by C. N. Elvin. London, 18G0, 80- New Readings for the Motto of H.ll.H. tlie Prince of Wales and for his plume of Ostrich Feathers, by Dr. William Bell. 2 Parts. London, 1861—62, 8«- Stub. Class-Catalogue of Seals in the British Museum. 2 vols. fol. Not published. Catalogue of Peals in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, by W. de Gr. Birch, Printed by order of the Trustees. 2 vols. London, 1887. 8^- Descriptive Catalogue of Casts of Seals, by John Doubleday. MS. Brit Mus. Lists of Seals in the British Museum. See R. Sims's " Hand-Book," pp. 78, 274, 276. List of Seals added to the British Museum, since 1851. '^qq Archceological Journal. vol. X. p. 11. The Great Seals of England from the time of Edward the Confessor to the reign of William the Fourth, with his- torical and descriptive notices, by Edw. Edwards, and engraved by Ihe process of Achilles Collas. Lond, 1837, fol. See also Wailly's EJemens de Paleo- graphie, ii. Paris, 1838, 4^- The Great Seals of England from the earliest period to the present time, arranged and illustrated with descrip- tive and historical notes, by Alfred Benjamin Wyon, completed by Allan Wyon. London, 18«7. fol. Great Seals of England, see F. Sandford's Genealogical History of England. Lond. 1707. fol., and Speed's History of Great Britaine. 3rd edition. Lond. 1634. fol. Soals of the Sovereigns of England, see Tresor de Numismatlque et de Glyptlque, par M. C. Lenormant. Paris, 1834—37. fol. On the Great Seals of King Edward the Confessor, William the Conqueror, William XL, Henry L, and Stephen, by Walter de G. Birch. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Ro3^al Society of Literature. Notice sur les Attaches d'un Sceau de Richard-coeur-de-Lion, par M. Leopold Delisle. Paris, 1854, 8o- On the History of the Great Seals of England, especially those of Edward III., by Robert Willis. Reprinted from the Archaeological Journal, vol. ii. Lond. 1846, 8^'- Remarks on one of the Great Seals of Edward the Third, by the Rev. W. H. Gunner. Reprinted from the Archaeo- logical Journal, No. 31. The same with additional observations by W. S. Walford. The Seals of Henry YI. as King of France, by A. B. Wyon. See Journal of the ArclicBological Association., vol. 40. London, 1884, 8o- Seals of the Sovereigns of England from Edward the Confessor to Henry VIII. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5950. The Seals of the Kings of England, from Edward the Confessor to King James I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 39. Drawings of seals and arms of sovereigns and nobility of England, by Nicholas Charles, Lancaster herald, A.D. 1611. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. G. vii. On the Great Seals of James I., and Charles I., by Walter de G. Birch. Reprinted from the Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1870. Seals. 67 The Opening of the Great Seal of Eng- land ; Containing certain brief, historical and legal Observations, touching the Original, Antiquity, Pro- gress, Use, Necessity of the Great Seal ofthe Kings and Kingdom of England, in respect of Charters, Patents, Writs, Com- missions, and other Process, by William Prynne. Lond. 1643. Lord Somer's Tracts 3rd Collection, vol. i. Lond. 1751, 4<«- Jus Sigilli, or the Law of England, touching the Great Seals, the Privy Seals, the Exchequer Seals and the -Signet, by J. Brydale. Lond. 1673. 240- A Dissertation on the Antiquity and Use I^L of Seals in England. Collected by J. ^ Lewis, 1736. Lond. 1740. 4P- A paper on the General Arrangement of Seals. See Archaeological Journal, vol. VIII. p. 74. Eeraarks on the Seals of the Barons of England, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lon- don, 1826. 4P- Observations on Seals, by Sir Henry Ellis. Printed in the Archdologia. vol. xviii. p. 12. figlish Seals, by Walter de Gray Birch. See Knight's English Cyclopaedia. Arts and Sciences. Supplement. Lond. 1873. 4«- On dated Seals, by H. Syer Cuming, Esq. See the Journal ofthe British Arch- aeological Association^ xxvi. 213. Lon- don, 1870. 8;- On the Seals of Pichard, Duke of Glou- cester, and other Admirals of England, by Thomas J. Pettigrew. See Collec- tanea Archaeologica. vol. i. Lond. 1861. 4«- Recueil des Sceaux du Moyen Age, dits Sceaux Gothiques. Par Boullemier. Paris, 1779. 4*^- Notices of Mediaeval Seals, by Albert Way, and W. S. Walford. See The Archaeological Journal, vols, viii ; x. ; xi. ; xiii. ; xiv. ; xv. ; xviii. Lond. 1848-61. 80- Examples of Mediaeval Seals preserved at Wisby in Gottland, by the Rev. Fred- erick Spurrell. See the Archcsological Journal, xii. 256. , Remarks on Personal Seals during the middle Ages, by T. Hudson Turner. Seethe Archaeological Journal, v. 1, 7. Lond. 1848. S''- Early Armorial Seals by W. S. Ellis, see The Genealogist, new series, vol. v. Lond. 1888. 8o- A Collection of engravings and drawings of ancient seals of English Kings, celebrated personages, religious houses, private families, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,056. Sigilla Antiqua: Engravings from Ancient Seals attached to Deeds and Charters in the Muniment Room, of Sir Thomas Hare, Bart, of St owe Bardolph, with descriptions by the Rev. J. H. Dashwood. Stowe Bardolph, 1847, fol. Privately printed. Copies of Ancient Seals and Charters, with a few Drawings of Arms, bv Lake Allen. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8157. Aspilogia : by John Anstis, Garter King at Arms, with Original Drawings of Seals, copies of Ancient Deeds, etc. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 289. Drawings of Ancient Seals, Coins, etc. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 290. Notice of Dr. Rawlinson's collection of Seals at the Bodleian Library. See Archaeological Journal, xix, 369. Lond. 1862. 8o- Calendar of Seals of Ancient Charters in the Treasury Room of Canterbury Cathedral. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,759. Seals of Civil Corporations, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,480. On Seals of the Corporation of Canterbury, and of the Free Grammar Schools of Southampton and Crewkerne, by H. Syer Cuming, Esq. See the Journal of the British Achceological Associ- ation, xxviii, 347. Ecclesiastical Seals. See Notitia Mo- nastica ; by John Tanner. Nasmith's edition. Camb. 1787, fol. The Seals of English Bishops, by W. H. St. John Hope. Lond. 1887, 8"- Drawings of Seals of the Cathedral and of the Dean and Chapter of Ely. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,056. The Seal of Cardinal Andrea de Valle, A.D. 1517, with remarks on some other Cardinals' seals of that period, by C. Drury E. Fortnum. Archaologia, vol. 50. London, 1887, 4°- 68 Seals. Eemarks on the Discovery of the Ancient Seal of the Archdeaconry of North- ampton, with Kemarks on the subject of Ecclesiastical Seals in general, by the Eev. A. W. Brown, 1845. Medals, Coins, Great Seals, ImpressionvS from the Works of T. Simon, chief Engraver of the Mint to Charles I. By Geo. Vertue. Lond., 1753, 4^- Second edition, London, 1780, 4"- Dactyliotheca, by the Hon. R. C. Neville. Privately printed. Register of Detached Seals, Numbered XLVii. 1 to 2453, by Henry Laing, with an index of names. MS. Brit. Mus. Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Seals, mostly Scottish, by Henry Laing. MS. Brit. Mus. Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals, Royal, Baronial, Ecclesiastical, and Municipal. Embra- cing a period from A.D. 1094, to the Commonwealth, by Henry Laing. Edinb. 1850, 4o- Supplemental Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Scottish Seals, Royal, Baronial, Ecclesiastical, and Municipal. Embra- cing the period from A.D. 1150 to the 18th century, by Henry Laing. Edinb. 1866, 4'^- Selectus dijDlomatum et numismatum Scotise thesaurus, bv James Anderson. Edinb. 1739, fol. Diplomata Scotia? ex Archetyphis in Bibliotheca Thomse Astlei, Arm. asservatis. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 504. An Account of the Seals of the Kings, Royal Boroughs, and Magnates of Scotland, by Thomas Astle. Lond. 1792, fol. An Account of the Seals of the Kings, Royal Burghs, and Magnates of Scot- land, by Thomas Astle, Esq. See Vetusta Monumenta^ vol. iii. Published by the Society of Antiquaries. Lond. 1796, fol. Draughts of Seals belonging to the Nobility of Scotland. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6107. Abstracts and copies of Charters relating to Scotland, with drawings of the Seals, by Sir James Balfour, dated at Stirling, 1602. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4693. Catalogue of Seals connected with Wales, in the Museums of Swansea, Caernarvon, and Ludlow, by R. Ready. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," third series, vol. 6. Lond. 1860. 8o- Calendar of Foreign Seals, see Class • Catalogue of Seals in the British Mu- seum. Not published. Sigillologia. Being some account of tlie Great or Broad Seal of the Con- federate States of America, by Joannes Didymus. Washington, 1873. 8''- Papal Bulls, see Class-Catalogue of Seals in the British Museum. Dactyliotheca seu annulorum sigillarium quorum apud priscos tam Grajcos quam Romanos usus promptuarium. By Abr. Gorlseus. Leyden, 1601. 4"- Other editions in 1672 and 1695. Orbis Literatus Germaino-Europseus, in Synopsi reprsesentatus. J. G. Hagel- gan. [Numerous woodcuts of Seals of Universities and learned Corporations.] Francof. 1737. fol. Osservazioni istoriche sopra i Sigilli antichi dei secoli bassi. By Domenico Maria Manni. 30 vols. Firenze, 1739- 86. 4«- . ^ ^ Recueil de Documents et de Memoires relatifs a I'Etude speciale des Sceaux. Published by the " Societe de Sphra- gistiques." Paris. Les Sceaux, par M. Lecoy de la Marche. [An illustrated history of Seals.] Paris, 1889. Austria ex Archivis Mellicensibus illustrata. By Hueber. Contains above 400 engravings of Seals. Lipsic, 1722, fol. Drawings of Seals of Kings and Dukes of Bohemia, with Municipal and Ecclesiastical Seals of Prague and Eger. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,998. Archives de I'Empire. Collection de Sceaux, par M. Douet d'Arcq. 3 vols. Paris, 1863—1:868, 4P- Inventaire des Sceaux de I'Artois et de la Picardie, par G. Demay. Paris, 1877, 40. Seals of Brittany. See Histoire de Bretagne, par D. G. A. Lobineau. 2 vols. Paris, 1707, fol. Sceaux et blasons de la ville de Melun, par Eugene Gresy. Melun, 1863. 8o- Recueil de Sceaux Normands et Anglo- Normands. par A. L. D' Anisv- Caen. 1834. obi. 4°- Seals. 69 Sigillographie de la Normandie (Eveche de Bayeux,) par M. Paul de Farcy. Caen 1875. 4«- Inventaire des Sceaux de la Normandie, par. Gr. Demay. Paris, 1881. 4P' Sigillographie de Toul, par C. Robert. Metz, 1868. 4«- De Veteribus Germanarum aliarumque Nationum Sigillis, cura. J. M. Heinec- cii. Franc, et Lips. 1709. fol. Pen-and-ink drawings of Imperial, Epis- copal, Monastic, and other Seals, from Henry V. of Germany [1106] to 1749, with drawings of Monumental Brasses, 1744. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,181. Drawings of Seals, being chiefly those of the noble families of the Netherlands and the Rhenish Provinces, with de- scriptions in Latin or German. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,345. Sigilla Comitum Flandriae et Inscriptiones Diplomatum ab iis editorum ; cum expositione historica, by 0. Vredius. Brugis. 1639. fol. Sceaux des Comtes de Flandre et Inscrip- tions des Chartres par eux publiees, par, Oliv. Vredius. Bruge, 1641. fol. ^^bigms. Class-Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to Heraldry and Genealogy in the British Museum, 6 vol^ fol. Not published. Class- Catalogue of Biography, Notes and Genealogies in the British Museum, 7 vols. Not published. For single pedigrees, see Class-Catalogue of Biography and Genealogy, and Indexes to Additional MSS. in the British Museum ; Sims's Index to the Heralds' Visitations ; and Marshall's Genealogists' Guide to Printed Pedi- grees. Pedigrees of Noble Families related to the Blood Royal, time of Henry VII. See Nichols' Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica^ vol i. Pedigrees from the Plea Rolls. See Nichols' Collectanea Topograpliica et Genealogica, vol. i. pp. 128, 254. Pedigrees of families in various Counties out of Records of the King's Bench and Common Pleas. MS. circa 1600. Crowcombe Court, Co. Somerset. A pedigree from Adam to the year A.D. 688. A roll about 50 feet long^ written in English about the beginning of the 15th century. Belvoir Castle. Long pedigrees of British Kings down to Cadwallader ; and extracts from Chronicles. A vellum roll, 14tli century, belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Genealogies of Anglo-Saxon, Danish, Anglo-Norman, and Welsh Princes and Kings, and of English Dukes and Earls, 16th century. MS. vol. xlvii. Lord Calthorpe's Library, Grosvenor Square, London. Genealogies of the Princely Families of Jerusalem and Neighbourhood. See Mecueil des Historiens des Croisades. Published by the Academic Royale des Inscriptiones et Belles Lettres, vol. 2. Paris, 1841, etc. fol. Pedigrees of several noble families whose founders came into England with William the Conqueror, and of some others. MS. No. XL. 3. Townley Hall, Burnley. Pedigrees of Baronial and other Norman and English families, etc., by the Rev. R. W. Eyton. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 31,938—31,942. Pedigrees of English Nobility, with coloured Coats of Arms ; entitled " Baronagium Anglise 1597. Magnatum 70 PEDiaEEES. scillicet illius Regni Stemmata recen- tiora, ad consanguinitates affinitatesque, per intermixta Connubia discernendas, delineata." 3£S. No. 278. Lambeth Palace. Pedigrees of all that ever were Barons of this Kingdom. Her. Coll , MS. H. D. N. 18. Pedigrees of old Barons bj tenure. Her. Coll. MS. F. 2. Pedigrees of the Barons of England in the reigns of Henry III., Edward I., and Edward II. MS. No. 233. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. Pedigrees of English Barons. Bodl. Lib. MSS. 4144—4148. Pedigrees of Knights, by Kobert Cooke. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 46. Catalogue of Knights, with their Pedi- grees, made from the 1st year of Charles II. to Queen Anne. Collected by Peter Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5801, 5802. Pedigrees of the Knights made by Charles II., James II., William and Mary, and Anne, by Peter Le Neve. Edited by Geo. Wm. Marshall, Harleian Society^ vol. vii. London, 1869, 8o- The Arms and Pedigrees of 216 Baronets of England. Jesus Coll. Oxf. MS. LXXI. Pedigrees of Baronets, time of James I., and Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5188. Pedigrees of Baronets created by Chas. II., Jas. II., Will, and Mary, Will. III., and Queen Anne, by Peter Le Neve. Her. College. Genealogical notes and pedigrees of the families of Baronets, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,455. Collections of Genealogies, for the most part of Bishops and Authors. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8469. Genealogical tables of some of the old Nobility of England. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. F. IX. Arms and descents of several noble families, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus B. VIII. Pedigrees of English Kings and Nobility, in the handwriting of Lord Burleigh. MS. No. 302. Lambeth Palace. Pedigrees of Peers living in 1587. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 806. Pedigrees of English Families, compiled about 1587. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,471. Arms and pedigrees of noble English families from the Conquest to Eliza- beth. Stowe MS. 415. Brit. Mus. Pedigrees of the Nobility, written in Queen Elizabeth's reign. MS. No. 2. Peniarth. Pedigrees of families in London and else- where. Temp. Eliz. MS. Crowcombe Court, Co. Somerset. Arms and Pedigrees of English Families, with a copious index, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 4. Collection of Pedigrees and Arms, 16th century. MS. No. 24. Wrest Park, Beds. Pedigrees and Arms, in colours, of the Kings of England and Wales, the Nobility and many of the Gentry, anno 1600. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6156. Pedigrees of the English Nobility com- piled in the year 1600. Brit. Mus. Eg. M8. 987. Genealogies and arms of the Kings and Nobles of England down to and inclu- ding the reign of James 1. MS. No. 20. Wrest Park, Beds. Pedigrees of the English Nobility, time of James I. Jesus Coll. Oxf. MS. lxxxi. The intermarriages and descents of many English Families, derived from original authorities, time of James I. Stowe MS. 525. Brit. Mus. Extracts from original visitations of forty English counties, in the reign of James I. and Charles I. Stowe MS. 787. Brit. Mus. Arms and Pedigrees of English families, the writing is of the reign of Charles I. Stowe Mfc. 781. Brit. Mus. English Pedigrees, with grants of Arms, etc. from the vear 1200 to 1630. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 257. Catalogue and pedigrees of English Nobility, 16th and 17th centuries. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Eipon, at Studley Koyal, Co. York. A Collection of Genealogyesof y® Famelyes of seuerall Countyes. With the Arms in trick, and the autographs of Henry Ball, Windsor Herald, and Peter Le Neve, ISorroy. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32659. PEDiaEEES. 71 Ancient Pedigrees of English Nobility, with grants of Arms, etc. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 5. Pedigrees and notes of various families, English and Welsh, 17th century. MS. No 170. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. Pedigrees of English Families, 17th century. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. lxxiv. English Pedigrees, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 2. Pedigrees of English Families of various Counties, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1095 ; Add. MS. 12,474. A Collection of descents of several northern families who have been active against the Scots ; with other memorials relat- ing to them, 1668. MS. vol. xi. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Pedigrees of English Peers to the year 1780. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,835. English Pedigrees, with copies of Ancient Deeds, from the reign of Edward I., on which the Pedigrees are founded, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 3. Pedigrees of British Noble Families. MS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Pedigrees, copies of inquisitions, extracts from visitations, and other papers relating to various families, 19th century, 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23,688, 23,689. The auncient descent of divers noble and worthie howsen and gentlemen of great worshipp springing from them, with the coats of arms. MS. No. 141. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. Pedigrees of English Nobility. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5022. Ashm. Lib. MS. 831. Papers relating to family history, prin- cipally pedigrees of noble families, MS. vol. XXI. belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Collection of Pedigrees and Descents of many Noble Families ; mostly, if not all, allied to the House of Norfolk, with the Arms painted, and illustrated with Notes and Narrations. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1411. The Genealogies of many Ancient Families in England. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. I. 104. . Miscellaneous pedigrees, and various genealogical notes of many noble families in England, with an alpha- betical index. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. .Faust. E. ii. Collections of pedigrees and arms of the Nobility and Grentry of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, Westmoreland, etc. MSS. C. 10 ; 11. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Arms and Pedigrees of English families. Stowe MS. 653. Brit. Mus. A Book of Pedigrees of several of the Gentry of England. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8465. Arms and Pedigrees of Anglo-Irish Families, 17th century ; with a catalogue of the chief Governors, Lieutenants, Lord Justices and Deputies to the year 1584. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 7. Genealogical tables of families in England and Ireland. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Collections of Genealogies and Arms of English and Irish Families. MSS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. Pedigrees, genealogies, obits, and heraldic collections, relating to English and Irish Families. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. English and French Nobility. A large volume in the handwriting of William Glover, Somerset Herald, containing genealogies and arms of English and French nobility. MS. No. 257. Lambeth Palace. Pedigrees of Foreign Princes, shewing their relation in degrees of kindred to Anne, queen of James I. In the hand- writing of Lord Burleigh. MS. No. 299. Lambeth Palace. Pedigrees of English and French nobility, partly in the handwriting of Lord Burleigh. MS. No. 313. Lambeth Palace. Pedigrees of English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Flemish Families, partly in the handwriting of Lord Burleigh. MS. 318. Lambeth Palace. Arms and Pedigrees of English, Scotch, and Foreign Nobility, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,676. Pedigrees, with coloured arms, of the Royal Families of Europe, and of the Noble Houses of Germany, the Low Countries, and Italy. Dutch, circa 1700. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,480. 72 Pedigeees. Etude sur les Genealogies Bibliques, par L'Abbe de Broglie. Privately printed, 1888. Pedigrees of Huguenot Families, by M. Gr Wynne- Griffith. See The Antiquarian Magazine, vol. yii. p. 10. London, 1885, 8«- Collections of Eiehard Bagot, containing genealogies of Barons, Earls, Gentry, etc. of England. 16th century. il!f>S^. belonging to Lord Bagot. Blithefield, Co. Stafford. Manuscript Pedigrees, by Sir Thomas Banks. 3 vols, circa 1790 — 1820, in the possession of Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Koad, Dublin. Bell's Genealogical Collections. 5 vols. MSS. Alnwick Castle. Pedigrees of the Sovereigns and Nobility of England, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,450. Genealogical collections of Sir W. Betham, entitled " Chaos," relating to English and Irish Families, and containing pedigrees, monumental inscriptions, collections for a peerage and baronetage of Ireland, etc., 19th century. Four volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23,684—23,687. Pedigrees and arms of more than four hundred English families, by Wm. Camden. Stowe MS. 522. Brit. Mus. Camden's Visitation of England, a tran- script of the reign of Charles II. with additions from 1615 to 1650. Stowe MS. 524. Brit. Mus. Descents of English Families, by Wm. Camden. Bodl. Lib., MS. 4162. Pedigrees of English Families, in the handwriting of Nicholas Charles. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. Lxxi. Genealogies of Princes and Nobles of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc., by Kobert Cooke, Clarencieux, 1574. MS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. A Collection of Arms and Pedigrees extracted from Visitations of y® several Counties of England, made about y« year MDCCXX, by Eobert Dale, Kichmond Herald ; with an index, by lioger Huggett, 1759. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 25,133—25,138. Genealogical Collections, by Sir Simon D^Ewes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 380, 381. ^aronagium Genealogicum^ or the Pedigrees of the English Peers, deduced from the Earliest Times of which there are any attested Accounts, including as well Collateral as Lineal Descents. Originally compiled by Sir William Segar, and continued to the Present Time, by Joseph Edmondson. 5 vols. London, 1764, fol. A Supplemental volume in 1784. Baronagium Genealogicum, by Joseph Edmondson, with many valuable manu- script additions by Francis Hargrave. British Museum Library. Genealogical Collections by Henry Ferrers, of Badsley Clinton in Warwickshire, Esq., and James Strangeman, Esq. in the time of Q. Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Lans. MSS. 860, a. b. The Pedigrees of North of England Families, by Joseph Foster. In pro- gress, 1889. Pedigrees from Gascoigne and others. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,114. Genealogies of England by Glover, Somer- set Herald. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Pedigrees of the Noble Families of Eng- land, by Kobert Glover. Ashm. Lib. MS. 799. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 205, art. 3. Pedigrees of various Families, by Robert Glover, 16th century. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cl. Robert Glover's Book of Pedigrees, Arms, and Notes relating to the English Nobility. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 807. Succinct Genealogies, by Robert Halstead- London, 1685, fol. Pedigrees and proofs of Halsted's Genea- logies. MS. No. 56. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Pedigrees of English Families, by Clarence Hopper. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28,015—28,017. Pedigrees of various Counties, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,456. Miscellaneous Genealogies, collected by Joseph Hunter at Bath, 1820—1833. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,457. Pedigrees of "Familiseminorum gentium " of England, by Joseph Hunter ; with index of names, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,458. [An index to this volume of pedigrees printed in the Genealogist^ new series, 1890.] Pedigteees* n Collection of pedigrees of English and Foreign Kings, Noblemen, and Gentle- men, by Nathaniel Johnston. 16th century. MS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Collections of Pedigrees by Dr Johnston, chiefly of Yorkshire and Lancashire. MSS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Sampson Lennard's Genealogical Collec- tions. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1178. The Descents and Pedigrees of the English Nobility, by Peter le Neve. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5808. Collections for Pedigrees of the British Nobility in 1707, by Peter Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Hart. MS. 6180. Several volumes of pedigrees of the English Nobility by Lilly and others in the possession oftheEarlof Egmont, at St. James' Place. A large collection of Pedigrees of English Families, by Thomas Lloyd, 18th and 19th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,409. Original Pedigrees, and some letters by Charles Morgan, dated " near Carleon," to Gregory King, Rouge Dragon, at Herald's Office. MS. Thick folio. Three other volumes of Pedigrees. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Miscellaneous Pedigrees and Arms, col- lected by the Rev. D. T. Powell. 18th and 19th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 17,454 ; 18,917. Pedigrees of English families, by Henry St. George, circa 1630. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,984. Genealogical Collections of Sir Richard St. George, Clarencieux herald, who died A.D. 1635. Brit. Mus. Lans. MSS. 861 —863. Heraldic Collections of James Terry, Athlone Herald. Brit. Mus. Harl. J^IS. 4036. Royal and Noble Pedigrees, by Jo. Tilston, Esqr., Student in Antiquities, contain- ing : — The genealogy of the Dukes of Normandy ; the genealogy of the Royal Houses of England down to 1677 ; pedigrees of Howard Duke of Norfolk, Seymour, Hastings, Wriothesley, Stewart, Earl of Lennox, Warren, Earl of Surrey, Howard in all its branches, Egerton in all its branches, ^d Neville in all its branches. M6\ No. XY. Towneby Hall, Burnley. Torr's English Genealogies. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2573. Pedigrees of the Nobility of England, of several Foreign Princes, and of Families of Shropshire, by Robert Vaughan. Hengwrt MS. 550, at Peniarth. Pedigrees of the families of Anwyl of Park, Lloyd of Aberllevenny, and copies of ancient documents relating to the Pulestons. Hengwrt MS. 61, at Peniarth. Genealogical notes by Robt. Hegge con- cerning the families of Nevill, Lumley, Hansard, Maddyson, Salvin, Burton, Bellassis, Hilton, Hedworth, Tailboyg, Bulm6r, Elmden, Claxton, Conyers, Millott, Bainbrigge, Barnes, Strother, Felton, Fenwyke, Vessye, Umfravile, and Lisle. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,423. Collection of Pedigrees, partly in the handwriting of J. Edmondson, Mow- bray Herald, of the families of Michel, Clinton, Odingsells, Bulkeley, Coyt- more, Poyntz, Doughty, Wickham, Holgate, Keresforth, Smith, Drury, Chichley. Howard, Hyde, Parsons, Grey, Elliott, Hodgson, Persehouse, Bristow, Cotes, Jones, Wylde, Benson, Mason, Whitton,Elliston, Blayney, Wentworth, Fitz Gerald, Isted, and Smally. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,819. Genealogical notes on the families of Turberville, Stradling, De la Bere, Bassett, St. John, Gamage, Vernon, Tildsley, Walcott, and Pereira. MS. 342. Hatfield Library. Heraldical Collections, Pedigrees, Arms, etc. The pedigrees comprise the names of Prince Rupert, Darcy, Wassingley, Drewe, Puilesden, Trist, Rich, Seymour, Bertie, Chideock, Arundell, Paulet, Percy, Bouchier, Roos, Digby, Spencer Bray, Blount, Grey of Codenor, Wilton and Rotherfield, Hamon, Plumbe, Tewdor, and Vere, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1194. Pedigrees of the families of Thorowgood, Cobham, Emp. Ferdinand, James YI. of Scotland, Hon. Fred. Stuart, Fenys Lord Say, Cecil, Burleigh, Cheyney, John Lord Mount] oye, etc. MSS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salis- bury. 74 Pedigeees. Pedigrees and Arms of the families of Sturry, Harnage, Burton, Davies, Skel- ton, Edwards, Poynar, Eynes, Purcell, Madoc ap Grruffith, Tudor Trevor, Tanat of Habcr Tanat, Price of New Towne, Lutley of Bomcroft, Banastre, Charlton, Gribons, Langley, Studley, Harries, Hunt of Longnor, Owen of Shrewsbury, Owen of Machinleth Higgons, Nicholas Tomkins of Here- ford, Walcot, Holland, Bowdler, Corbet, Clyve, Hussey, Oatley, Lee, Needham, Pugh, Herbert, Puleston. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6153. Pedigrees on 23 rolls of vellum and paper, of the families of Stanning of Devon- shire ; Tankard of Yorkshire ; Beck- with ; Rudston ; Eisley of Buckingham- shire ; Hatfield of Langhton ; Pinckney ; Brydges ; Clifton ; Vavasor ; liedman and Lovett, etc. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 252. Genealogical collections relating to the families of Bowes, Strathmore, Dock- wray, Delaval, Ratcliffe, Hodgson, Brandling, Ordes, Shafto, Philipson, Creswell, Lisles, Widdrington, Forster, Ker, Teasdale, Allgood, Bainbridge, Mallabar, Middleton, Fryer, Grillum, Anderson, Simpson, Grreene, Askew, Hulman, Straker, Heslop, Maude, Thompson, Blackett, Clayton, Fenwick, Gribbons, Leadbitter, Scott, Burdon, Stevenson, Wharton, Hall, Bigges, Hesilrigg, Jennison, Aynsley, Twed- dell, Cramlington, Ellison, Hodshon, Airey, Lowes, Davidson, Trial, Annes- ley, Anglesey, Earl of, Craster, Vane, Lord Londonderry, Lambton, Earl of Durham, Astley, Hastings. MSS. Alnwick Castle. ^^Ogaltg. The Book of Princes, or a Guide to the Public Journals, containing the Princes Invested with Sovereign Dominion, the Princes not in vested with such D ominion , etc., by P. J. Burke. London, n d. 120- Genealogical and chronological Tables of the British Sovereigns, from the year 800. London, Single sheet. The History of Great Britaine. With sundry descents of the Saxon Kings, their mamages and armes, by John Speed. Third edition, London, 1632. fol. Another edition, enlarged. 1650. Genealogies of the Saxons and Kings of Lloegria. Hengwrt MS. 87, at Peniarth. Britannia Saxonica. A Map of Britain during the Saxon Octarchy, also the Genealogies of the Saxon Kings, etc., by Wm. CoUen. 1823, 4«- Five Genealogical Rolls of the Kings of England, from Julius Caesar, with arms, etc. MS. Hatton Collection. Genealogy of the Kings of Britain, from Const ans [A.D. 446] to Henry, with biographical notices. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,058. Genealogies of English Monarchs, from the Roman Conquest. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,835. Notes and descents of the ancient Saxon, Danish, and Norman Kings ; ending with the issue of Henry II. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. F. IX. f. 49. History of the Norman Kings of England, from a New Collation of the Con- temporary Chronicles, by Thomas Cobbe. London, 1869, 8«- A Surveigh of the Monastery of Faver- sham in the County of Kent, by Tho. Southouse. To which is added, An Appendix of the Descent of King Stephen, by Tho. Philipot, Esq. London, 1671, 12o- Genealogical Roll of the Kings of Eng- land, from Ethelbert to Henry III. Vellum, 13th century. Brit. Mu-s. Add. MS. 30,079. Genealogy of the Kings of England, from Alfred to Henry III. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 951. Royalty. 75 Pedigree of Edward the First, illuminated with portraits, 14th century. Brit. Mus. Roj. MS. 20 A. ii. The history of King John, King Henry III. and King Edward 1. wherein the ancient sovereign dominion of the Kings of England over all persons in all causes, is asserted and vindicated, by William Pyrnne. London, 1670, fol. History of the Kings of England, to the reign of Richard II. Vellum roll, 14th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,368. Genealogy, with biographical notices, of " all the Kynges that hath reygnyd in Ynglond sith Christ Jesu and syth the tyme of Julius Cesar, and howe long every of thayme hath reygnyd unto the vere of oure Lorde 1396." Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29503., Genealogical Roll of English Sovereigns, from Egbert to Edward 111., with bio- graphical notices to 1406, and with arms of nobles, foreign kingdoms, etc. Vellum roll, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,502. Genealogical Roll of the Kings of England down to Henry V. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 2732 A. Arms of Henry V., beautifully coloured, A.D. 1414. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 19. E. 1. The Alliance between the Kingdoms of England and France, whereby the title of England to the Crown of France appeareth. With the arms of the sovereigns, in colours, the last date is 1422. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 280. Genealogy of the Saxon and Roman Kings, brought down to Henry VI. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1076. Genealogical and historical roll of the Kings of England, the descent being traced from Adam to Henry VI. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,950. Genealogy, with biographical notices of the Kings of England, from " Adelstan, primus dux de Saxonibus," to the coronation of Henry VI., in 1429. Vellumroll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,504. La Genealogie du Henry VI., Roy de France et d'Angleterre ; peincte. Pre- sente a la Royne par •ie Comte de Schrosbery, en habit de j artier. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 15 E. vi. Pictures of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to Henry VI. in colour?, with notes concerning their respective coronations, deaths, and burials, by Lidgate ?. Latin^ temp. Henry VI. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Julius. E. i\. Figures of Kings of England, from William I. to Henry VI. in their surcoats of Arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4205. An ancient parchment Roll illuminated, with historical passages of the Life of Edw. IV. and his pedigree. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7353. King Edward the Fourth's Pedigree. Fifty-two pages on vellum. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 202. Genealogies of the Kings of England from Egbert to Edward IV., with historical notes. Vellum roll, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,026. Genealogy of the Kings of England to Edward IV., in whose reign it was WTitten, on a vellum roll, with arms emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 253. Genealogy of Edward the Fourth of England, showing his title to the Crowns of Wales, France, and England, in three lines of descent. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,268. A. The descent of Richard Duke of York from Brutus ; with various coats of arms, in colours. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vesp. E. Yii. Descent of King Edward IV. to shew his title to the crown as heir of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1076. Genealogy of Henry VII. and affinity of the House of Stewart with him, drawn up for the Earl of Granard by Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Moira, Baroness Hastings, etc., with many curious traditional anecdotes. MS. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. Genealogy of the Royal House of England [Henry VII.], by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,480. Succession of ancient British Kings, from Morgan to Rodyon or Rodian, with note of duration of their several reigns. Vellum roll, end of the 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,268 B. 76 ROYALTT. " Linea Anglorum Regum ante Conquest- um," ab Egberto usque ad Hen. VIII. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Lans. Roll 5. Genealogy of the Kings of England, from Egbert to Henry VIII. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Lans. Roll 6. The Historie and Lives of the Kings of England from William 1. to Henry VIII., by William Martyn. London, 1615. fol. Another edition, London, 1638, fol. Les six Mariages de Henri VIII., par Jules d'Argis. Paris, 1874, 8''- A New History of the Succession of the Crown of England. And more par- ticularly, from the time of Egbert till King Henry the Eighth, by J. Eraser. London, 1690, 4o- An Epitome of the Title that the Kynges Maieste of Englande hath to the Souereigntie of Scotlande, continued upon the auncient Writers of both Nacions, from the begin nyng. Printed by Richard Grafton, 1548, S^- A Genealogical Table from Adam to King Edward the Sixth, illuminated with small heads of each person named. By John Fried. Blumenbach. Kings ^iS. 395. Brit. Mus. Genealogie of the Kinges of England, by G. Godet. London, 1560. fol. A Declaration of the Succession of the Crown Imperial of England, by John Hales. London, 1563. 4<^- A short historical collection, touching the Succession of the Crown. [Edward the Confessor to Philip and Mary.] Harleian Miscellany, vol. iv. London, 1809, 4<»- Genealogical Roll of the Kings of Eng- land from the Creation of the World to Queen Elizabeth, with their collateral branches. Illuminated coats of arms. MS. Roll 562. Hatfield Library. Genealogical and Historical Roll of the Kings of England, from Adam to Queen Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,345. Genealogical History of the Kings of England from Egbert, A.B. 801 to Elizabeth, in whose reign the MS. was written. Stowe MS. 416. Brit. Mus. A short history of the Kings of England, from the Conquest to Queen Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4083. . Genealogical Tables beautifully emblasoned and ornamented, about the year 1570, containing the Descent of Queen Elizabeth from Robert, first Duke of Normandy. Kings MS. 396. British Museum. Regnum Britanniae tandem plene in Heptarchiam redactum a Saxonibus, expulsis Britannis, etc.. A*' 686. Linea Valesiorum, et Linea Anglise, etc. By Richard Lyne. 1574. The Genealogies of all the Kings of England since the Conquest, with their successors and offspring, etc., 1580. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 975. The original MS. of the Treatise of R. Dolenmn, alias Parsons, Jesuit, concern- ing succession in the Throne of England. Everingham Park. A perfect and exact arbor and genealogy of all the Kings, Queenes, and Princes of y® blood Royall of England, from William the Conqueror unto our time, wherby are to be seen the grounds of all the pretenders to the same crown att this day, according to the book of R. D. [Doleman. alias Parsons] sett forth of the said pretender, and their severall claymes, A.D. 1594. MS. Alnwick Castle. A Conference about the next Succession of the Crowne of Ingland : Where- unto is also added, a new and perfect Arbor or Genealogie of the Discents of all the Kinges and Princes of Ingland, from the Conquest unto this day, by Robert Parsons and others. Published by R. Doleman. London, 1594, 12°- An answer to this Work was printed at Collen, 1660, 8°- called " A Discoverye of a Counterfecte Conference." Answer to the first part of a certaine conference, concerning Succession, pub- lished by R. Doleman. By Sir John Hayward. Lond. 1603, 4o- A conference about the next Succession to the Crown of Ingland, by R. Doleman ; with a Genealogy of the Kings, etc., of Ingland from the Conquest, by Robei-t Parsons. Lond. 1681, 8<^- The Right of Succession asserted, against the false reasonings, etc., of R. Doleman, alias Parsons, by Sir John Hayward. Lond. 1683, 8°- ROTAtTY. 77 Discourse cctocerning the succession to the Crown of England, by Peter Went worth, 1598. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,664. " The Progenie of the Monarchs of the Englishmen, conteyning the Titles and Reignes of them ; the Coronations and parentage of them and their wy ves ; the Names, Armes, Nativities, Manages, Deceasses, Burialles and Issue of them, theire wyves and theire children, 1595." Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1416. [This MS. is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, and was, most probably, designed to be presented to her.] Notes on the Heraldry of the Monument of Queen Elizabeth, in Henry the Seventh's Chapel, Westminster Abbey, by the Rev Joseph Hunter. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," New Series vol. 1. London, 1850, 8o- Arbor Regalis, sive genealogia Jacobi Primi, Magnse Britannise Regis, et Reginaj Annse, filise Friderici Regis D anise ; a M. Colman ; with coloured arms. Vellum roll, A.D. 1604. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,970. The Variation of the Arms and Badges of the Kings of England, from the time of Brute to the year 1604, by William Segar. Beautifully illuminated on vellum, and dedicated to King James I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6085. " The Arms of all the Kings of England, from the Conquest untill the fift yeare of the reygne of King James, King of Great Brittayne with his issue male." Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883. The most royally ennobled Genealogie of the high and mightie Prince, and most renowned Monarch, James, by the grace of God King of great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, by Thomas Lyte. London, n.d. Genealogical History of England, from William I. to James I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,405. The Genealogy of King James, etc., with his lineal descent from Noah, etc , to- gether with a brief Cronologie of the memorable acts of the famous men touched in this Genealogie, with many other matters worthy of note, by G. 0. Harry. London, 1604, -4°. Genealogical notes of the Sovereigns of the isknd of Great Britain, from Brute to James I., and of the Nobility from the Conquest, with their Arms properly emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 875. The Genealogies of King James I. and Queen Anne his wife, from the Con- quest, by Morgan Colman. 1608, 4''- An Account of the Princes of Wales, from the first Institution, till Prince Henry, eldest son to K. James I. by Richard Connak. London, 1751, 8"- Published by J. L. Phillipps, from a Manuscript in Trinity College Library, Cambridge. The Declaration of King James concern- ing the Title of Prince Charles to the Duchy of Cornwall. Lond. 1613, fol. A Collection of divers matters concerning the marriages of Princes' children, to- gether with divers abstracts of the treaties thereof, by Sir Thomas Wilson. Dedicated to King James I. 1617. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,576. Basiliologia : a Book of Kings ; being the trve and liuely Effigies of all our English Kings, from the Conquest vntil this present, with their seuerall Coats of Arms, Impresses, and Deuices, and a briefe Chronologic of their Lines and deaths, by H. Holland. London, 1618, fol. A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, and Viscounts of this Realm of England, since the Norman Conquest, by Ralph Brooke. Lond. 1619, fol. Second edition, enlarged. Lond. 1622, fol. A Pattern for a King's Inauguration. By King James. 1620. 12o- Memorial of all the English Monarchs, from Brute to King James, in Heroyicall Verse, by John Taylor, the Water Poet. London, 1622, 8°- A Briefe Remembrance of all the English Monarchs, with their Raignes, Deaths, and places of Burial ; from the Norman Conquest unto our most gratious Soveraigne. By John Taylor. London, n. d. 4"- The History and Pedigree of the Portrait of Prince Charles, painted by Velasquez in 1623, by J. Snare. Reading, 1847, 8o- Les Alliance par marriage d'entre les maisons royales de France et de Angle- terre, 1624 120- 78 Royalty.' The Covntrie Gentleman Moderator- Collections of such intermarriages, as haue beene betweene the two lloyall Lines of England and Spaine, since the Conquest : with a short view of the stories of the Hues of those Princes. By Edm. Garrard. London, 1624. 4''- Geneaology of the Kings of England . from Egbert to Charles I., with arms in colours. Circa. 1625. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,795. Genethliacon, sive Stemma Regis Jacobi, Genealogia scilicet Regia, Catholica, Anglo Scoto Cambro Britannica. A Gulielmo Slatyer. As an Appendix belonging to the first part of Falce Albion, being the Historic of the Kinges and Princes of Great Britain. London, 1630. fol. A Catalogue of all the Kings which have reigned in England since the first entrance of the Romans, also of the Kings and Princes of Wales. London, 1641. 12«- The trve Effigies of our most illustrious Soveraigne Lord, King Charles, Qvieene Mary, with the rest of the Royall Progenie ; also a Compendium or ab- stract of their most famous Genealogies and Pedegrees, expressed in Prose and Verse, With the Times and of Places of their Birth. London, 1641. 4'^' The Number and Names of all the Kings of England and Scotland to 1649, by John Taylor. London, 1649. S^- Stemma iSacrum., The Royal Progeny delineated, etc., etc. ; by Giles Fleming, Rector of Waddingworth, in the county Lincolne. London, 1660. 8*^ Divi Britannici : being a Remark upon the Lives of all the Kings of this Isle, from the year of the world 2855, unto the year of Grace 1660, with heraldic illustrations, by Sir Winston Churchill. Lond. 1675. fol. A Genealogie of the Succession of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror, unto our present King Charles the Second. With all their achievements truly blazoned, first col- lected, and after revised, by Edw. Cook. London, folio sheet. A brief account of the Royal matches, or matrimonial alliances, which the Kings of England have made from time to time since the year 800 to 1662, etc., by J. H. [James Howell.] London, 1662, 4"- The Royal Stem, being a Relation of all the most principal Actions from William the Conqueror to the end of the year 1664, With the Picture of King Charles the Second. London, 1665, folio sheet. A Chronicle of the Kings of England, by Sir R. Baker. London, 1670, fol. Other editions. A Genealogical History of the Kings of England, from the Conquest to the year 1677, by Fr. Sandford. London, 1677, fol. 2nd edition enlarged by Samuel Stebbing, 1707. The Case of the Succession to the Crown of England stated, in a Letter to a Member of the House of Commons. London, 1679, 4P- The Case Put, Concerning the Succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York. London, 1679, 4'^- JurcB Coroiice ; or Royal Rightr, and Prerogatives. London, 1680, 8"- A Brief History of the Succession, Collected out of the Records, and most authentick Historians, for the satisfaction of the E. of H. By Thomas Hunt. London, 1681, fol. Reprinted in 1714. The Great Point of Succession discussed, with a full and particular Answer to a late Pamphlet, intituled A Brief History of Succession., etc.., by R. Brady. London, 1681, fol. The Right of Primogeniture in Succession to the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by William Lawrance. London, 1681, 4«' An Expedient for the settling of the Nation, discoursed with His Majesty in the House of Peers at Oxford, 24 March, 1680. By Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. 1681. 4P- The Great and Weighty Considerations relating to the Duke of York, or Suc- cessor of the Crown, Offered to the King, and both Houses of Parliament ; Considered, by T. Hunt. London, 1682. 8«- A genealogical Table of the successions of the Kings of England, from Egbert the first sole English monarch ; with all ye royal atcheivements blazoned, 1682. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 884. Royalty. 79 Genealogical tables of the Kings of Eng- land from Egbert to Charles II. Also genealogical tables of the present Nobility of England, 1682. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 206. A Short Historical Account of the Kings of England from Canutus, the first Monarch, and from William the Con- queror. Illustrated with all their Atchievements Blazon'd. London, 1684. fol. England's Monarchs : or, an account of the Kings of England, from the invasion of the Komans to this time, by R. B. [Richard Burton] i.e. Nathaniel Crouch. London, 1685. 12o- England's Monarchs from William the Conqueror to William and Mary, by R. B. [Richard Burton, i.e. Nathaniel Crouch.] London, 1694, 12o- The True Portraiture of the Kings of Engl9,nd, drawn from their Titles, Successions, Raigns and Ends. London, 1688. 4^^- The Fundamental Constitution of the English Grovernment, Proving King William and Queen Mary our Lawful King and Queen. 1620. folio. [William Atwood.] Regum, Pariumque Magnse Britannise historia genealogica ; cum seneis Insig- nium tabulis, &c. Par, Jac. Wil. Imhof. Norimberg, 1690. fol. Biographical account and Genealogy of the Sovereigns of England, from William the Conqueror to William and Mary ; with all the collateral alliances, and the arms of each of the sovereigns, in colours. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 280. Anglia Libera ; or, the Limitation and Succession of the Crown of England explain'd and asserted ; As grounded on His Majesty's Speech ; The Proceedings in Parliament ; The Desires of the People ; The Safety of our Religion ; The nature of our Cor stitution ; The Balance of Europe ; and Tiie Rights of all Mankind, by Jo. Toland. London, 1701, 8«- Limitations for the next Foreign Successor, or a New Saxon Race. London, 1701, 40. The Succession of the Crown of England considered. London, 1701, 4^- The Royal Family described, or The Characters of James I., Charles I. and II., James II., with The Pedigree of Queen Anne. London, 1702, 4P- The Genealogy of the Kings and Queens of England, from William the Conqueror to Queen Anne, with all their Portraits, by — Hullsburgh. 1702. The Right of Succession to the Kingdom of England, in two Books ; Against the Sophisms of Parsons the Jesuite, who assumed the counterfeit name of Doleman ; By which he endeavours to overthrow not only the Rights of Succession in Kingdoms, but also the Sacred Authority of Kings themselves, by Sir Thomas Craig. London, 1703, fol. Three Historical Essays : viz. 1. Proves the Title of the Kings of England to the Crown of France ; 2. Delineates the Titles of the Houses of York and Lancaster to the Crown of England; 3. Derives the Title of K. Hen. VII. with his Pedigree and Issue, the Union of the two Houses in him, etc., by Tho. Staveley. London, 1703, 4r- Short and Plain Description of the Royal Family of Great Britain, shewing who of their descendants profess themselves Popish, and who not. Edinb., 1704, 40. The Hereditary Succession in the Protestant Line unalterable. In answer to the Scots' Bill of Security. London, 1704, 4P- The Superiority and direct Dominion of the Imperial Crown of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland, and the Divine Right of Succession to both Crowns, inseparable from the Civil, asserted. In Answer to Sir Thomas Craig's Treatises of Homage and Succession., by W. Atwood. London, 1704, 8"- The Superiority of the Crown of England reasserted. London, 1705, 4"- An Historical Essay, shewing that the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland is Imperial and Independent. Wherein the gross mistakes of a late Book, Intituled " The Superiority and direct Dominion of the Imperial Crown and Kingdom of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland," and of 80 Royalty. some other Books to that purpose, are exposed, by James Anderson. Edin- burgli, 1705, 8'^- Eusehia Triumphans. The Hanover Succession to the Imperial Crown of England ; an Heroic Poem, by Elkannah Settle, London, 1705, fol. The Queen an Empress, and her Three Kingdoms one Empire ; or Brief remarks upon the Present, and a Pros- pect of the future State of England, Scotland, and Ireland in a happy Union. In a Letter to a Noble Peer. London, 1706, 4"- A Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, &c. First published in King Charles the Second's Reign by Francis Sandford ; and continued to this Time with many new Sculptures, Additions and Annotations, as likewise the Descents of divers Illustrious Families, now flourishing, maternally descended from the said Monarchs, or from Collateral Branches of the Royal Blood of England, by Samuel Stebbing, London, 1707, fol. History of the Royal Family of England, from the Conquest. An abridgment of Sandford' s Genealogical History. London, 1713, 8°- De Jure Divino ; or, An Assertion, that the Title of the House of Hanover to the succession of the British Monarchy, (on failure of issue of her present Majesty) is a Title Hereditary and of Divine Institution, by John Asgill. London 1710,8'^' Her Majesty's Reasons for Creating the Electoral Prince of Hanover a Peer of this Realm ; Or the Preamble to his Patent as Duke of Cambridge, in Latin and English ; with Remarks upon the same, by J. Toland. London, 1712. The History of the Royal Family : or a Succinct Account of the marriages and Issue of all the Kings and Queens of England from the Conquest, by T. Walker. London, 1713. 8«- Hereditary Right of the Crown of Eng- land asserted ; the History of the Succession since the Conquest cleared, and the English Constitution vindicated from the misrepresentations of Higden's View and defence of the English Con- stitution. [By Geo. Harbin.] Pub- lished by Hilkiah Bedford. London. 1713. fol. [Mr Bedford was fined 1000 marks and imprisoned three years for publishing this work.] Reasons against the succession of the House of Hanover. London, 1713. 8'^- A letter to the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, concerning one of his predecessors Bishop Merks, on occasion of a new volume in folio, for the Pretender, entituled The Hereditary Bight to the Crown of England asserted. By White Kennet. Printed in 1713. The late Bishop of Carlisle's Speech against the deposition of Kings, and in Vindica- tion of Hereditary Right and Lineal Succession to the Crown of these Realms. 1714, 8«- An historical Account of George Lewis the First, King of Great Britain ; con- taining his genealogy, life, etc. London 1714, 12''- A Brief History of the Succession of the Crown of England. Wherein Facts, collected from the best Authorities, are oppos'd to the novel Assertors of inde- feasible Hereditary Right. By Lord Somers, 1714. Lord Somers's Tracts, 4th Collection, vol. 4, London, 1751, 40. The Succession of the House of Hanover vindicated, against the Pretender's Second Delaration, in folio, entitled The Hereditary Bight to the Crown of England asserted, Sfc., by J. Asgill. London, 1714, S< The Present Constitution and the Pro- testant Succession vindicated : In Answer to a late Book, entitled The Hereditary Bight to the Crown of Englaiid asserted., etc. London, 1714, 8«- Parliamentary Right Maintained ; or, The Hanover Succession justified, wherein The Hereditary Bight to the Crown of England is considered. In Three Parts. 1714, 8°' An Historical Account of the Ancient and Modern State of the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornwall, andEaiddom of Chester : To which is added. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Patent, both in Latin and English ; also an Account of his Dignity, Privileges, Arms, Rank and Titles, and Royalty. 81 of his sons and daughters, by Sir J- Doddridge. Second edition, London, 1714, 8»- Complete History of England, with the Lives of the Kings and Queens, from the Earliest Accounts to the Death of William III., by Bishop White Kennett. 3 vols. 1719, fol. The True and Ancient Hereditary Right con- sidered, and explained. London, 1729, 8"- His Majesty King George II. 's Hereditary Right proved, in Answer to the Nonjuror. London, 1729, 8«- Short History of the Regal Succession, by J. Lindsay. 1731. Royal Genealogies ; or, the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam, to these times, by James Anderson. 2 vols. London, 1732, fol. The Scripture Genealogy. To which is added the Genealogy of the Csesars, British Kings, Saxons, Danes, Normans, Tudurs, Stuarts, and the Antiquity of the Illustrious House of Hanover, by John Reynolds. Chester, 1739, 4'^- A Collection of the Names of all the Princes of England, such as have been the Kings' Eldest Sons, from the Reign of Hen. III. to 1609, by Richard Connak. London, 1747, 8''- Sixteen Branches of King George, engraved from an original embellishment, by Sir Thomas Brand. 1749. Single sheet. Heads of the Kings of England, with some of the Princes, etc., and twenty-two plates of the Monuments of the Kings, by Houbraken and Vertue. London, 1736-51, fol. An Account of the Baptism, Life, Death, and Funeral of the most incomparable Prince Frederick Henry, Prince of Wales, by Sir Charles Cornwallis. Printed in 1751, 8«- The Royal Compendium, being a Genealogical History of the Monarchs of England, from the Conquest to the Present Time. Treating distinctly of their Marriages, Children, and Collateral Branches, and shewing their Titles, Offices, Births, Deaths, etc. London, 1752, 80- An Antigallican Sermon, preached in the year 1756, upon the Terms of National Unanimity. With a Genealogical Table, shewing His Majesty's Connexions with the Crowns of these Kingdoms, long antecedent in time to the marriage of his Ancestors with the Stuart Family, by the Rev. John Free. See Gents. Mag. ii. pt ii. p. 966. The Genealogy of the Royal Family of Great Britain, by George Allan. 1763. Two folio sheets. The Descent of the Crown of England, by J. Ritson. London, 1778. Single sheet. Genealogy of the Kings of England, from Adam to Geo. III. 1780. Long vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,345. The Order of Hereditary Succession to the Crown of these Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1783, fol. A Genealogical Table of the Royal Families of England, from the Norman Conquest, to the year 1790 ; compiled by John Bentley, and engraved by B. Longmate. London, 1790, fol. An Historical and Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Scotland, from the eariiest accounts to the present time, by John Brown. Edinburgh, 1792. Memoirs of the Kings of Great Britain of the House of Brunswic-Lunenburg, by W. Belsham. 2 vols. London, 1793, 8^- Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Norman Conquest to the present time, by R. Dodsley, with thirty -three portraits, etc. by Bewick. Yernor and Hood, 1799, 12«- A chronological history of the Kings of England, from the Norman Conquest down to the present time. York, 1800, 12^- Curialia, or an historical account of some branches of the Royal Household, by Samuel Pegge. 5 parts. London, 1782 -1806, 4''- A Genealogical Table of the Royal Families of Great Britain, with their Collateral Branches, shewing in one view propin- quity between them ; intended to eluci- date their History, by Graeme Spence. Single sheet, 1806. Recollections of Royalty, from the Death of William Rufus, in 1100, to that of Cardinal Y^ork, the last lineal descend- ant of the Stuarts in 1807, by Charles Jones. 2 vols. 1828, 8«- A brief history of the Succession to the Crown of England. Ilarleian Miscellany vol. 1. London, 1808, 4«- 82 ROTALTT. History made easy, or a Genealogical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England since the Conquest, by F. Reynard. Winchester, 1809. Single sheet. The Chronicle of the Kings of Britain, translated from the Welsh copy attri- buted to Tysilio, by the Rev. Peter Roberts. London, 1811, 4^- The Arms, Supporters, Badges, etc. of the Sovereigns, with the Arms of the Knights Companions of the most Noble Order of the Garter. Delineated in their proper Colours. Begun by Sir Wm. Segar, Knt. and continued by Joseph Edmond- son. From Edw. III. to Geo. III. A^ellum, 19 volumes. 4'^- Brit. Mus. Kings MSS. 398 to 416. The Pedigree of King George the Third, Lineally deduced from King Egbert, first sole Monarch of England, by Jl. Wewitzer. London, 1812, B*^- Table of Descent of the Kings of England, from Egbert to George the Tliird, illustrating their Titles to the Sove- reignty of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ; the Claim of Edward the Tliird to the Throne of France ; and the Contest between the Houses of York and Lancaster. Folio sheet, no date. Genealogical Table of the Sovereigns of England, from the Norman Conquest to the present time ; shewing their Descents, Births, Accessions, Marriages, Deaths, and Arms, by Edward Byam. London, 1812, single sheet. A Genealogical History of the English Sovereigns, from William I. to George III. inclusive, accompanied with a brief statement of the principal events in each Reign, Biographical Notices of all the Noble Families connected with the Royal Houses, and illustrated by Genealogical Tables, by William Toplis. London, 1814, 4«- Lists of the Succession and Descent of the Kings and Queens of England, from the Conquest to the present time, by Herbert Jenkins. Leicester, 1814, 12° A Genealogy of the Kings of England and their Issue, from William the Conqueror to the Present Time, shewing also the Foreign and English Families who have intermarried with them, by liichard Mitchell. London. 1814, single sheet. Second edition, 1817. Third edition, 1820. History of the Kings of England, by William of Malmesbury, translated by Sharpe. London, 1815^, 4''- 150 Claimants to the Throne of Great Britain. Published by W. Finch. London, 1818. Chart. George III., his Court and Family. 2 vols. London, 1820, 8o- Regal Heraldry. The Armorial Insignia of the Kings and Queens of England, from Coeval Authorities, by Thomas Willement. London, 1821, 4'^- Memoirs of Princess Charlotte of Wales, with historical Memoir of the House of Saxe-Coburg, by R. Huish. 1821, 8°- George the Third, his Court and Family. 2 vols. London, 1824, S""- A Genealogical History of the Ancient Royal Family of England, by T. C. JJanks, London, 1824, 4'^- Tlie Arms and Descents of all the Kings of England, from Egbert to Elizabeth, bv William Segar ; with brief additions to G\'orge IV. Brit. Mus. Md. MS. 27,438. Stemmata Illustria prtecipue regia, bv Sir S. E. Brydges. Par. 1825, 4"- The sixteen Genealogical Quarterings, or the Paternal and J/Tatornal Descents for four generations, of all the Monarchs of England, from the Conqueror to the ])resent Sovereign, with all their Arms, etc., bv the Rev. D. T. Powell, 1829. folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,441. Tableaux Genealogiques et Historiques de I'Empire Brittanique, accompegnes de Notes critiques et de quatre Disser- tations, par F. Baron de Redan, Hanover, 1830. fol. Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of George III., 1760-1830, bv Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols. London, 1882. 8''- The Royal Register, Genealogical and Historic, by Peter Joseph Burke. Lon- don, 1831. 8«- Key to the Juvenile Historians genealo- gical table of the Royal Families of England, bv M. P. Hastings. Chester, 1834, 8«- The Genealogy of the Royal Families of England, shewing the Succession to the Crown, from Egbert the Saxon to William the Fourth, by William Berry. London, n.d. folio. Royalty. 83 A Genealogical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest to King William IV. Folio sheet. Biographical Sketches of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest to Victoria, by Mary Howitt. London, n.d. 8^- A Genealogical List of the Sovereigns of England, from the Conquest to the present time, by F. H. Lightfoot. London, 1S3S, 8*''- Historical Memoirs of the Queens of England from the Commencement of the twelfth century, by Hannah Law- rence. 1838, 8'^- Book of Royalty, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. London, 1839, fol. A Genealogical, chronological, and historical Chart of the Kings and Queens of England, by J. A. Long. Manchester, 1841, single sheet. Another edition, 1855, single sheet. Chronological Chart of British Sovereigns from William I. to Victoria, by J. Taplin. [Portraits.] London, single sheet. The Ancestry of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and of His Royal Highness Prince Albert, comprised in 32 tables, with biographical memoirs and heraldic notices, by G. R. French. London, 1841, 8^- A Genealogical and Historical Table of the Royal Family of England, from the Norman Conquest to the present time, by John James Yates. Lond. 1813, single sheet. Lives of the Princes of Wales, Heirs to the British Throne, by R. F. Williams. Lond. 1813, 8^- Chronological Chart of British Archi- tecture ; with the Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of the Sovereigns of England, by Archibald Barrington. London, 1843, fol. Plain Hints for understanding the Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of the Sovereigns of England, by Archi- bald Barrington. London, 1843, 8«- Royal Descents : a Genealogical List of the Several l^ersons entitled to quarter the Arms of the Royal Hou^s of Eng- land, by C. E. Long. London, 1845, 40. Badge and Mottoes of the Prince of Wales, by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. London, 1846, 4"- Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest, by Agnes Strick- land. 12 vols. London, 1844—47, 8o- Other editions in 1852, 1854, 1864, 1869. Genealogical Chart of the Royal Family of Great Britain, by Chas. Galbraith. Lond. 1848, fol. The Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their Descendants, Sovereigns, and Subjects, by John Burke and Sir John Bernard Burke. 2 vols. London, 1847—51, 8"- The Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with pedigrees of Royal descents in illustration, by Sir John Bernard Burke. " A re-issue in a con- densed and remodelled form " of the large work of J. Burke and Sir J. B. Burke. Synopsis of the Genealogical Descent of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, by Daniel Warren. London, 1849, 120 A Genealogical and Historical Chart, shewing the Descent of Queen Victoria from William the Conqueror and Robert Bruce of Scotland, by George Sim. London, 1851. An improved genealogical Chart of the Royal Family of England from William the Conqueror to Queen Victoria. Lond. 1851, single sheet. The Royal Family of England, containing Remarks on the Principle of the Royal Succession, with a Genealogical account of the Roval Family, by Frederick Hawley. London, 1851, S''- Lives of the Princesses of England, from the Norman Conquest, by M. A. E. Green. 6 vols. London, 1849-55, Queens before the Conquest, by Mrs. M. Hall. 2 vols. Lond. 1854, 8«- Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover, by John Doran. 2 vols. London, 1855. ^^- 2nd edition, 1855, 80- 4th edition, 1875, So- Armorial Bearings of the Prince of Wales. See " Archaiologia Cambrensis," third series, i. 142 ; ii. 211. London, 1855- 56, 80- 84 KOYALTT. Biographical Sketches of the Queens of England, illustrated with portraits, by William Howitt. London, 1856, 8«- Royal Descents and Pedigrees of Founder's Kin, by Sir John Bernard Burke. Lon- don, 1855-58, 8''- Domestic Memoirs of the Royal Family and of the Court of England, by Robt. F. Williams. 3 vols. Lond. 1860, 8«- The Book of the Princes of Wales, heirs to the crown of England, by John Doran. London, 1860, 12o- History of the " Thorn Tree and Bush," from the earliest to the present time, shewing the descent of Her Majesty from the Half Tribe of Ephraim, by Theta, M.D. Privately printed, 1862, 8^- A History of the Kings of Ancient Britain, from Brutus to Cadwaladr. Abridged from the Collectanea Cambrica. With Notes, by Manlev Pope. London, 1862, 8'- Portraits and Memoirs of the Royal Family of England. [Portraits en- graved by D. J. Pound] Lond. 1862, 40. Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Grreat Britain. Drawn and engraved by J. C. Davis, and published by John Malcolm. London, 1862 ? Single sheet. Malcolm's Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Great Britain. Drawn and engraved by J. C. Davis, and published by Bacon and Co. London, 1863. Single sheet. The Family Alliances of Denmark and Great Britain from the earliest times to the present. Illustrated by genea- logical tables, and a plate of the arms of Denmark, by John Gough Nichols. London, 1863. >• Biographical Sketches of the Queens of Great Britain, from the Norman Con- quest to the reign of Victoria, or Royal Book of Beauty, by Mary Howitt. London, 1865, 8o- Victoria, Queen of England — Descent of Her Majesty Victoria, queen of Eng- land from the Arsacid Kings of Arme- nia. By S. M. Pandutetzie. Smyrna, 1866, 8«- Genealogical Handbook of English History, shewing the dynasties of all the English P. A. Lonor. with other Pedigrees Additions and correc- Sovereigns, etc., bv J London, 1870, fol. " Chart of England, Historical, Genea- logical, Chronological, etc. Compiled by J. P. A. Long. London, 1870, single slieet. Genealogy of the Royal Family of Eng- land. Oxf. [1874] single sheet. A Royal Descent and Memorials, tions. Compiled by Thomasin Elizabeth Sharpe. London, 1875, 4"- Additions and Corrections for " A Royal Descent, with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by Thomasin Elizabeth iSharpe. London, 1881, 40- The Succession to the English Crown, by A. Bailey. London. 1879. 8«- Index of the Styles and Titles of Sovereigns of England, by Walter de Gray Birch. London, 1879, 8^- Claimants to Rovaltv, bv J. H. Ingram. London, 1882, >• ' The Genealogy of the Family of the Empress of India [i.e. Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland.] By George Atkinson. Bombay, 1883, 8"- The }loyal Pedigree, by J. A. Temple. London, 1883, '8'^- The Lives of the Princesses of Wales, by Barbara Clav Finch. 3 vols. Loudon, 1883, 8'^- Royal Descents, by Joseph Foster. London, 1885, 4«- The Royal Family of England. [A genealogical tree illuminated.] By D. W. Le Valley. London, 1885, single sheet. Her Majesty : her ancestors and her family. Together with the lives of the Prince Consort and the seven sons of George III., by Jas. Ewing Ritchie. Lond. [1887], 8'^ A Jubilee Genealogical Tree, showing the Descendants of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Illustrated London ^ews, Saturday, March 12, 1887. The Genealogy of the English Sovereigns from Egbert. Showing specially the descent of Queen Victoria from Egbert and William the Conqueror. Arranged by W. T. SuttS, of Ludgate Hill. London, 1889, single sheet. ^ Liber Resris. MS. Hatton Collection. Royalty. 85 ^Marriages, Cliristnings, and Funeralls of Princes. MS. Hatton Collection. Lineage and acts of English Kings, by John Narbon. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. The Koyal Line of England, a Lithographic Sketch. Lond. n.d. Kegal Tablet from the Conquest, London, single sheet. ^DfatUtg mti 0nttrg. A Catalogue of Works on the Peerage and Baronetage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, etc., bv Sir C. Gr. Young. London, 1827, 8'^- Lists of British Peers and Peeresses, from 1066 to 1806. See Beatson's " Political Index," vol. i. The Peerage of England and of Great Britain, to 1851. See Haydn's "Book of Dignities," part vi. Creations of Nobility. See The Patent Rolls in the Public Record Office. Duties to be paid at the Creation of a Baron, Earl, Marquis, or Duke. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4712, art. 25. A Collection of Patents of Nobility. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3319. Creations of Peers, by successive Kings of England, from King Stephen to Henry VIIL Ashmolean Library. Creations of Nobility bj^ every King since the Conquest to Queen Mary. MS. 16th century, folio. Campsall Hall, Co. York. History of the Creation of the Nobility of England, from the Conquest to Elizabeth. Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxf. MS. cccxxiii. Creations of Nobility, etc., from Edward the Confessor to Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6113. Collections out of ancient records and parliamentary rohs, concerning the Baronage of England, their rights and privileges of peerage, etc. l6th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus c.v. Creations of Peers, from the Conquest to the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth ; ending with Henry Norris, LordNoii'is ofRycot. 3IS. 16th century. Arley Hall, Co. Chester. Creations of the Nobility of England, with Arms in trick, 1582. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,985. Creations of Nobility, from the Conquest to the year 1586. Bodl. Libr. MS. 4161. Creations of Nobility, from the Conquest to A.D. 1592. Ashm. Libr. MS. 763, p. 113. Queen's Coll. Oxf. MS. cxiii. The Names and Creations of all the Nobility of England, to the year 1597. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4848. Peers created at Hampton Court, and at the Tower of London, anno 1603, 1604. Ashm. Lib. MS. 763, p. 88. Creations of Nobility, from Henry II. to James I. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 217. Chronological Lists of the Peerages created by King James the First. See Pro- gresses, Processions, etc., of King James the First, by John Nichols, vol. i. London, 1828. 4o- Creations of Peers, Baronets, and Knights, from the Reign of Elizabeth. Coll. of Arms, Dublin. Creations of English Nobility, from Edward the Confessor, 17th century. MS. in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, St. James' Place. Creations of Peers, by King Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. Ashm. Lib. MS. 832. 86 Nobility and Gentry. Creatioues Nobilium Anglia3, a Matilde usque ad aunum 17 Caroli I. Aslim. Lib. MS. G522. Catalogue of the Lords created by the Kiug since the Grreat Seal was carried away froui the Parliament, by Lord Littleton, etc. Lond. 1645, 4"- Creations of Peers, time of Charles II. Ashm. Lib. MS. 838. Patents of Nobility granted by William and Marv, etc. Brit. Mus." Eg. MS. 743. Creations of Nobility in the several reigns from the Conquest to 1580. Ends with the summons of Frederick Lord Wind- sor on his attaining the age of 21 years. At the begining are some shields of arms, 1700. MS. belonging to the Marquis of l^>ath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Patents of Nobility, with a list of creations, 1GS9-1713 ; and a List of the Lords Privy Seal and Commissioners, 1571- 1701 . P>rit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,500. An Inquiry into the Manner of Creating Peers. "^By li. West. Lond. 1719, 8"- Animadversions on the Inquiry into the the Manner of creating Peers : Avith some hints about pyrating in learning, in a Letter to llicliard W 1, Es(| Lond. 1724, 80- An Enquiry into the Origin and Manner of creating Peers, by llichard West, Esq., Lord-Chancellor of Ireland. Lond. 1782, 8«- The prerogative of creating Peers. London, 1832. 8°- A new edition, Lond. 1856, 8«- Catalogue of Old English Barons, with dates of Summons. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 12. List of the Barons. See The Barons War, including the battles of Lewes and Evesham [1264 and 1265.] By W. H. Blaauw. Lond 1841. 8'^- Second edition. Lond. 1871, S'^- Baronagium Angliai, or Vincent's Great Baronage. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 20 ; 447. St. George's Collections concerning the English Baronage. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5019. Collections relating to the English Baronage. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Ripon at Studley Koyal, Co. York. Ces sort les Nomes, et les Amies de Barones d'Engleterre. Temp. Edward 1. Brit. Mus'. Sloan MS. 1429. List of Barons, time of Edward I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5482 f. .23 b. The Baronage of England, 16tli century. Brit. Mus Add. MS 18,643. Baronagium Anglia3. Begins with the Marquis of Winchester, and ends with Norreys of Rycot, 1586. MS. No. 36. Wrest Park, Beds. Baronagium Anglian. 1587. Brit Mus. Harl. MS. 806. The Baronage of England, by Bobert Cooke, amended by II. Glover, and augmented with Knights of the Garter, by Lant, 1589. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 1*8. C. XYii. The Baronage of England, by Kobert Cooke, to 1584 and 1597. Cains Coll. Camb. MS. 578. Her. Coll. Norf . MS. xxxiv. ; A'^incent. 93. Queen's Coll. Oxf. MSS. L.vxTir. ; cxxxiii- ; cxxxvi. Lambeth Lib. MS. 278. The Baronage of England, by llobort Cooke, Clarenceux ; continued to the year 1624 ; with the arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,594. Cooke's Baronage, said to have been drawn by him for the Earl of Leicester. Brit. jVius. Add. MS. 4958. Another copy, Add. MS. 5504. The Baronage of England, by Kobert Cooke. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1966, 2190, 4223, 7382. Stemmata et Arma plurium Baronum Anglia3, 1597, Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5183. The Baronage of England, with the Arms and Crests of each particular Family, 1597. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4754. An English Baronage from the Conquest to 1604, by Balph Brooke, Kouge-croix. IIS. No. xxyi. Towneley Hall, Burn- ley. The Barons of England, from the time of Edward the Confessor to the year 1608, with the Arms blazoned, and a short account. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS, 3287. Another copy. MS. No. 30. Wrest Park, Beds. A Baronage with Arms, from the time of Edgar Atheliug. Arms, blazon, and creations, temp. James I. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Nobility and Gentry. 87 Tlie Baronage of England, to James I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,594. The Baronage of England, by John Selden. MS. Hatton Collection'. The priviledges of the baronage of Eng- land when they sitt in Parliament. Collected by Mr Selden, of the Inner Temple. 31S. Alnwick Castle. The Privileges or Special Rights belong- ing to the Baronage of England, by John Selden, 1620. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,599. Book of Precedents, concerning the Baron- age of England : collected by J. Selden, 19 James I. by order of the House of Peers, to be kept in the Parliament Office. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4873. The Privileges of the Baronage of Eng- land, when they sit in Parliament, by John Selden. Lond. ] 642, &"■ Privileges of the Baronage. Collected from Bolls, Courts, Registers, Statutes, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2306. Privileges of the Baronage of England, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,645. The Baronage of England, or an historical account of the lives and most memor- able actions of our English Nobility, in the Saxons' time, to the Norman Conquest ; and from thence of those who had their rise before the end of King Henry the Third's reign, etc., by Sir Wm. Dugdale, 2 vols. Lond. 1675- 76, fol. A Small Specimen of the many Mistakes in Sir William Dugdale's Baronage, bv Charles Hornby. London, 1730, 8o- " Three Letters, containing Remarks on some of the nmnberless Errors and Defects in Dugdale's Baronage, and occasionally on some other authors, by Charles Hornby. Lond. 1738, 8°- Specimen of the many mistakes in Sir William Dugdale's Baronage, by Dr. Richard Rawlinson, 1730. Reprinted in Heath's Bagland Castle. Monmouth, 1801, 8«- A very beautiful copy of Dugdale's Baronage of England, with the arms blazoned. Caius College, Cambridge. The Baronage of England, by William Dugdale, with manuscript notes and additions, by the author. Another with notes by Le Neve. Bodleian Library. A Transcript of the Additions and Emen- dations of Dugdale's Baronage of England, by Anthony Wood, written by Moses WilHams. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1056. Wood's additions and corrections of Dug- dale's Baronage. Bodl. Libr. No. b588. Notes and additions for a new edition of Sir William Dugdale's " Baronage of England " continued to 1811, by Thomas Christopher Banks. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,585. The Manuscript Collections for Dugdale's Baronage is preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, at Oxford. Nos. 6491- 6536. Barons by Tenure and by Writ : Ex- tracted from a Manuscript of Sir Thomas St. George, Garter- King- of - Arms, 1686. Edited by Sir C. G. Young. Lond. 1860. 8«- English Baronage, or an historical account of the lives of our Nobility, by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1727. 4P- Baronia Anglica, or, History of Land- Honors and Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite, by Thos. Madox, Lond. 1736. fol. another edition, 1741. The dormant and extinct Baronage of England ; or an historical and genealo- gical account of the lives, public employments, and most memorable actions of the English nobility who have flourished from the Norman Con- quest to the year 1806 (1809) ; deduced from public records, etc. By SirT. C. Banks. 5 vols. Lond. 1807- 37, 4P- Baronia Anglica concentrata ; or, a concentrated account of all the Baronies commonly called Baronies in Fee : deriving their origin from Writ of Summons, etc., by Sir T. C. Banks. 2 vols. Ripon, 1844, 4P- Idea of a New Baronage, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,623. Les Noms et les Armes a Banerez de Engleterre, au temps du R. Edw. I. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. A. XVIII. The Names and Arms of the Baneretts and Knights, temp. Edw. II. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8495. 88 Nobility and Gentry. Noiriina Bannenitum, temp. Edw. III. Brit. Mus. LaiLs. MS. 804, f. 92. Bannerets made 5 Hen. VIII. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5482, f. 9b. A Genealogical History ofEnglisli Nobility, from the Conquest, bv John Vincent. Ashm. Libr. Wood MS. 8467. Illorum Magnatum Stemmata quorum haireditas, deficientibus masculis, ad fajminas devoluta est. Her. Coll, Vin- cent MS. 2. Collectanea, praecipue de Familiis Nobilibus Angliffi. Brit. Mus. Cott. MSS. Titus A. V. ; VI. Collectanea de Insignibus Gentilitiis Nobilium Familiarum Gentis Anglo- rum, etc. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber. E.ix. A Roll of the Peers of the Kingdom of England, according to their Birth and Creation. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll Z, 26. A Collection of y® Nobility of England, in MS. with arms, coloured. The Hatton Collection. Of the Peers of England. 3IS. Hatton Collection. Of the Nobilitie by the law of England. 3IS. Hatton Collection. Titles of Nobility. MS. vol. xvi. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Heraldic Notes on the Nobility of England, beginning with Cornw^ all and ending with Glanvil. MS. No. 232. Woburn Abbey. Antiquity Revived, setting forth the Originals and Descents of the Nobility, Barony, and Gentry of the Realme, bv R. Butcher. St. John's Coll. Camb. MSS. H. 3 ; 4. Observations concerning the Nobillitye of England, auntient and moderne, bv Sir John Borough. MS. No. 233. Woburn Abbey. The Court Companion : containing the Arms of the Peers, Peeresses, and Bishops of the United Kingdom ; an Introduction to Heraldry ; Heraldic Dictionary ; Degrees of Peerage in England, Orders of Knighthood, etc. London, n.d. 12o- Names and Arms of the Ancient Nobility and Knights of England and Wales, time of Henry III. Antiquarian Repertory^ vol. i. '' Les nommes et armes a baniers d'Enletere ; " list of Earls of England, and " Les nommes de contes et grands seigneurs d'Angleterre," temp. Edw. I. With a table of Precedency of English Peers. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,208. Names of the Earls and Barons created by Edw. I. and Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. P. X. La Noblesse et la Gentry Anglaises dans les Guerres de France au xv® siecle. Polio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,156. De origine nobilitatis. Origo. 1475 ? 4"- The Boke of Noblesse ; addressed to King Edward the Fourth on his invasion of France in 1475. With an Introduction by John Gough Nichols. Roxburghe Club, 1860. 4"- List of Dukes, Earls, and Knights, present, and Knights of the Bath created at the Coronation of Ric. III. 1483. See Eoccepta Hlstorica, by Samuel Bentley. London, 1831. S*^- Names of noblemen and gentlemen of several counties in England in the time of Hen. VII. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. E. ii. The Kinges Booke of all the Lordes, Knightes, Esquiers and Gentlemen of this Realme of England. 17 Hen. VII. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 813 f. 62. Names of Noblemen in the Procession to Parliament in 1512, with their Arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5831. Genealogies of Kings of England to Henry VIIT. Articles for office of arms. Lists of English nobility, mayors and sheriffs of London. Formerly belonged to Nicholas Narbon, Ulster king at arms. MS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. An index of the Heirs of Noble Families, extracted from the Escheats and other Records in the Tower, from Edw. 1. to the end of the reign of Henrv VIII. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Claud. C.^viii. The Names and Arms, in colours, of the Nobility, as they were placed in the Parliament House, at a Parliament holden at Westminster, A.D. 1553. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6170. Catalogue of English Nobility, from the Conquest to Queen Elizabeth. St. John's Coll. Camb. MS. I. 14. Nobility and Gentry. 89 The English Mobility, from the Couquest to Queen Elizabeth, with the Arms in eolours, and an index. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. : ^ The Names and Armes of all the noble men then beinge or created since the Conqueste of Englande, and by whom they were created. Written in the reign of Q. Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 859 ; Sloan MS. 241. Proterologos, or the Nobilitie described ; in which the Armes, Creations, and failing or determining of most of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, and Vis- counts with many of the Barons from the Norman Conquest to Qu. Elizabeth, are plainlie set downe, by Alexander Evesham. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 214. The Nobility of England displayed, from the earliest times to the reign of Queen EKzabeth. Ashm. Libr. MS. 797. Collections of Walter Bagot. Containing the names of all the spiritual and temporal Lords ; the names and arms of Dukes, Marquisses, Counts, Vis- counts, Barons, Earls, and Knights since the Conquest. M>S'. 16th century. Belonging to Lord Bagot. Blithefield, Co. Stafford. Extracts from records of noble English families, 16th century. MS. No. 42. Wrest Park, Beds. Lists of Peers, tempp. Hen. VI., Hen. VIIL, and Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5758, ff, 1, 14, etc. ^ The Names of the Lords of every Manor throughout the counties of England, from A.D. 1316 to 1559. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6281. A Transcript of the Hook called '• Nomina Villarum," kept in the Office of the Treasurer liemembrancer in the Exchequer. Lists and Genealogies of the Nobility of England by J. Bernard ; dedicated to Charles IX. of France, 1569. French, with paintings and arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2388. Book of the Nobilitie given to the Queen's Majesty 1572. [This book contains 502 coats of arms beautifully coloured.] MS. No. 44. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Names, Arms and Crests of tj^e Nobility of England, 1572, in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1482. Catalogue of tlie Nobility of England, from the reign of William the Con- queror to the Creations of 1572, with Coats of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,277. Osorius de Nobilitate et Gloria. Londini, 1580. 12^^- Catalogue of the Nobility of England, to the year 1580, by Kobert Cooke, Clarencieux, with the arms in colours. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 17,455. Arms and Descents of the Nobility from the Conquest to 1586. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5525. List of Nobility in various reigns, with coloured arms and descriptions of the persons, circa. 1600. MS. No. 119. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Arms and JVIatches of the Nobilitie of England, from Henry VIIL to A.D. 1602. Ashm. Lib. MS. 805. p. 181. Notices of Viscounts and Barons. J/>S'., written about A.D. 1602. In the pos- session of the Marquis of Ripon, at Studley Eoyal, Co. York. A Catalogue of the Nobility of England, from the Conquest to the year 1605, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12.448. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Dd. i. 25. The Sirnames of all the families that have been peers, in England and Wales, from the time of William the Conqueror to the present time. [James I.] Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814. f . 80. Genealogical notes of the Sovereigns of the Island of Great Britain, from Brute to James I., and of the Nobility from the Conquest, with their Arms properly emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 875. Notitise et Insignia Illustrium Familiarum Anglise, a temp. Edw. Conf. ad Jac. 1. Pepysian MS. 13. Magd. Coll. Camb. Account of the English Nobility since the Conquest to 1607. The Arms of each Nobleman are both painted and described by blazon. Ascribed to Robert Cooke. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1183. Nobilitas Politica vel Civilis. Personas scilicet Distinguendi, et ab oiigine inter Gentes, ex Principum gratia nobilitandi Forma. By Robert Glover. Lond. 1608, fol. List of the Nobility of England, arranged according to their several authorities and degrees, distinguishing those of 90 Nobility and Gentry. ancient descent, and those created in the reign of James I. MS. 1615. Ahiwick Castle. Catalogue of Nobility, 1616, hy Henry Knapp. Stowe MS. 533. Brit. Mus. A Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Marquesses, Earles, and Viscounts, of this Eealine of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeere 1619. Together with their Armes, Wives, and Children ; the times of their Deaths and Burials, by Ralph Brooke, Esquire, Yorke Herauld. Lond. 1619, fol. Another edition, 1622. A Discoverie of Errours in the first Edition of the Catalogue of Nobility, published by Ralph Brooke, York Herald, 1619, and printed heerewitli, word for word, accordingto that Edition, with a Continuance of the Successions, from 1619 untill this present yeare 1622, by Augustine Vincent. Lond. 1622, fol. Notes concerning errors in Brooke's Catalogue of Nobility, by Mr. Francis Burdett, 1619, 4'^- Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1194. fol. 41. Catalogue of the English Dukes, Mar- quisses. Earls, and Viscounts, by Raphe Brooke. London, 1622, fol. An interleaved copy of this book, with coloured arms, corrections, explanations, and additions, by Jacob Chaloner, 1628. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2164. A Catalogue of all those which usurped the Names and Titles of Gentlemen Avithout authority, and were disclaimed in Exeter, and many other Towns Cor- porate within the various Counties of England, 1620, folio. Privately printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. Williams' Catalogue of the Nobility of England, etc., 1620. Hatton Collection. Lists of the Peers of Scotland, England and Ireland, temp. Jas. I. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814, f. 90, &c. Memoirs of the Peers of England, during the Reign of James the First, by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Lond. 1802, 40. Catalogues of the Nobility of England. Time of James I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS.17,685. Inl626. Add. MS. 14,285. In 1632. Add. MS. 12,512. In 1642. Corp. Chr. Coll. Oxf. MS cxcix. Names and armes of Dukes and Marquises in England since the Conquest. 17th century. MS. Eshton Hall, Co. York. A Catalogue of the Nobilitie of England, and a collection as well of his Majesties Courtes of Record as of his Household, the Counsells of the North of Wales and the Marches, the Admiralty, the Armorye, the Minte, Towues of Warre, Castles, Bulwarkes, etc. 1626. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,285. The Nobility of England, their Titles, Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes, set forth in their several Colours, by John Withie, 1629. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1114. History of the Earls and Barons of Eng- land, drawn up about 1630, by John Archer. MS. Everingham Park. A list of the English Nobility drawn up in 1630, with a note of the religion to which each belongs. It consists of 155 names, and has been drawn up by, or for the use of, the Bishop of Chalcedon. 3fS. in the custody of the Bishop of South wark. A Catalogue of the Nobility of England, Scotland and Ireland, with an addition of the Baronets of England, the dates of their Patents, the several Creations of the Knights of the Bath, from the Coronation of King James to this present, by Thomas Walkley. Lond. 1630, 40- A Catalogue of the Dvkes, Marqvesses, Earles, Viscovnts, Barons, of the King- domes of England, Scotland and Ireland, with their Names, Sirnames, and Titles of Honour. With the Knights of the Garter, Knight Baronets, Knights of the Bath, from the first of K. James, and Knight Bachelors, from the first of K. Charles to this present. Collected by T. Walkley. Lond. 1632, 8''- Another edition, Lond. 1642, 8°- A New Catalogue of the Dukes, etc., by T. Walkley. Lond. 1652, B^- A New Catalogue of the Dukes, etc., by T. Walkley. Lond. 1658, 8°- The Successions of the History of England from the beginning of Edward VI. to the end of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Together with a List of the Dukes, Marquisses, Earls, Viscounts, and Barons of England, to this present time, by John Stowe. Lond. 1638, fol. Nobility and Gentet. 91 Ad Nobllem Brltanniini, or an Abstract of England's Jloyal Peers, by William Turner. Lond. 1041, 4"- A Catalogue of the sanies of the Dulies, Manjuisses, and Earles, etc., that have absented themselves from Parliament. Printed in 1642, 4"- Catalogue of the Nobility, from the Con- quest to Charles I,, with their Arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 17. The Creation, Issue, and Succession of all the Nobilitie of England since the Con- quest to the time of Charles I. ; witli notes of issue, arms, etc. in alphabetical order. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,748. A Letter to the Earl of Manchester, con- cerning the whole carriage; of the House of Peeres in generall. Lond. 1648, 40. _ The names of all the nobilitie in and since the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by John Taylor. Lond. 1658. 8^' A Plea for the Honse of Peers ; on a Full Vindication of the Just, Ancient, and Hereditary Ilight of the Lords and Barons of this llealm to sit and judge in all the Parliaments of England, etc. by William Prynne. Lond. 1058. iP* England's Glory, or Catalogue of the Lords of the Privy Council, with the Knights of the Garter, and the House of Peers. — Also Lord Bishops, House of Commons, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, Barons and Baronets, made since his Majesties llestoration, and the time of their Creations, List of Knights of the Bath, and the Preparations and Habits at their Installment at the Coronation, also a Catalogue of the Lower House of Convocation now sitting at Westminster. Lond. 1660. 8*^ A Catalogue of the Peers of the Kingdom of England, according to their birth and creations. Lond. 1660, folio sheet. A Catalogue of the Peers of the Kingdom of England, according to their Birth and Creations. 1660. Lord Somers's Tracts, vol.iv. Lond, 1748. 4P- A Genealogical History of the Creation and Succession of all our Princes, Dukes, Earls, Viscounts, and Barons, con- • tinned to the reign of Cli^iles II., by John Vincent. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8467. Collection of the Nobility of England, from the Conquest to Charles 11. MS. vol. viii. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Descents of sevei-al of the Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland, from AVilliam I. to Charles II. MS. vol. x. Eshton Hall, Co. York. A Perfect Catalogue of the Peeres of the Realm of England. Lond. 1661. 4P- A Catalogue of Nobility ; viz. The Names and Titles of all such Dukes, Earls, Viscounts, Barons, and Baronets, as have been made since His Majesties Most Happy Kestauration. Lond. 1661. 8' Another edition, 1662. History of the Worthies of England, by Thomas Fuller. Lond. 1662. fol. A new edition, with a few explanatory notes, by J. Nichols. 2 vols. Lond. 1811. A new edition, with explanatory notes and copious indexes, by P. Austin Nuttall. 8 vols. Lond. 1840. S^- Polls of the Peers of the Kingdom of England, according to their birtli, creations, and offices, June 18, 1660 ; May 10, 1661; Feb. 18, 1662-8. Signed Edw. Walker, Garter. Garter s rolls. Parchment Collection. House of Lords. A catalogue of all the English Nobility now living, 1668. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,710. Letters B. and C. of an alphabetical list of English families, with the blazon of their arms. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 987. De Anglorum Gentis Origin! Disceptatio, by R. Sheringham. Cantab. 1670, An Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry, which are (or lately were) relating unto the several Counties of England and Wales ; as to their Names, Titles, and Seats, by which they are (or have been) generally known and distinguished, by R. Blome. Lond. 1673, fol. Catalogue of the English Nobility for the Sessions in Parliament, anno 1677-8. College of Arms. A Catalogue and historical account of all the present Nobility of England, drawn into genealogical tables or schemes of descent, 1682. Brit. Mus. Lans. AJS. 884 92 Nobility and Gentet. The arms of the Nobility of England, to which is ])reiixed a printed sheet des- cribing the transcript as " A Catalogue of the Nobility of England according to their respective precedencies, as it was presented to His Majesty by John Dugdale, Esq., Windsor Herald, Deputy to Sir William Dugdale, Kt., Garter Principal King of Arms, on New Year's Day, 1684." MS. No. xlyi. Towneley Hall, Burnley. A Catalogue of the Nobility of England, according to their respective precedences, as presented to his Majesty on New Year's dav, 1684, by John Dugdale. Lond. 1685, fol. A Perfect Copy of All the Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this Eealme, from the 49 of Henry III. to this present ; With Catalogues of such Noblemen as have been summoned to Parliament in Right of their wives, by Sir William Dugdale. • Lond. 1685, fol. Collection of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom, whose Honours and Estates have by some of their Ancestors been acquired by the practice of the Law, etc., by H.P.Gent. Lond. 1685, 12"- The Grandeur of the Law : or An exact Collection of the Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdom, whose Honours and Estates have by some of their Ancestors been acquired, or considerably augmented by the Practice of the Law, or Offices and Dignities relating thereunto. By H. Philipps. Lond. 1685, 12'^- A True List of the Lords summoned by the Prince of Orange to meet at West- minster, 1688, folio. A true List of the Knights, Citizens, etc. summoned by the Letter of the Prince of Orange to meet at Westminster, 1688, folio. A Catalogue of the Nobility [Prince George of Denmark, etc.] and principal Gentry (said to be) in Arms with the ♦ Prince of Orange, and in several other parts of England. Lond. 1688, fol. A Catalogue of all the English Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, and Barons, now living, 1663, with the times of their Creation, and Coats of Arms, continued to 1689. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,710, ff. 112-152. * Index Villaris : hereto is added A True and Perfect List of the Nobility of England, with their Principal Houses, and the Counties in which they are, by John Adams. Lond. 1690, fol. A Memorial to the Nobility and Gentry of England, demonstrating that it has been the custom for the English Nobility and Gentry to attend their Kings in their wars abroad. Lond. 1693, 4«- An Exact Catalogue of the Nobility of England, and Lords Spiritual, according to their respective Precedencies ; with all their Titles of Honor ; together with their paternal Coats of Arms ; and also those of the Archiepiscopal and Epis- copal Sees in Blazon, by Eobert Dale. Lond. 1697, 8«- Collections relating to the Peerage, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6303. Catalogue of the Nobility of England? 17th century. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 1455. Table of the Nobility of England, with their arms, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 2172. A Table of England's Successions, con- taining a Catalogue of the Kings, Archbishops, Bishops, Present Nobility, Successions of Parliament, Lord Mayors, and the Roll of Battail Abbey, in Sussex. Lond. 1705, 12°- The Peerage of England : or, a Genealo- gical and Historial Account of all the Flourishing Families of this Kingdom. Lond. 1709. 8<'- Other editions in 1710, and 1711. Magnatum apud Anglos Privilegia : Or, the Privileges and Preheminences belong- ing to our English Peerage. Extracted from the Writings of the most cele- brated Authors, Ancient and Modern. Together with several Remarks relating to our Temporal Peerage, by way of Introduction, 1712. Lord Somers's Tracts, 3rd Collection, vol. 4. Lond. 1751, 4«- Memoirs (British and Foreign) of the Lives and Families of the most illustrious Persons who dy'd in the year 1711. Lond. 1712-13, S^- [This is strictly a genealogical work.] Nobility and Gentry. 98 Reflexions on a Paper lately printed, entitled a Letter to Sir Miles Wharton, concerning occasional Peers. Lond. 1713, 8°- A Catalogue of the Peers and Peeresses of England, rankt according to their first creation for y® better distinguish- ing their antiquity. Taken March y® 25^th 1713, 12th Queen Anne, and carried onto the 2nd of Grcorge I. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bute. Eccleston Square, London. An Exact List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal ; as also a compleat List of the Knights and Commissioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgessses both of the last and ensuing Parliament of Great Britain, etc. Lond. 1713, 8"- The Peerage of England ; or, an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Present Nobility, containing the Descent, Creations, and Remarkable Actions of them and their Ancestors. by Arthur Collins. Second edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1714. Third edition. 1715. A Supplement to the Peerage of England ; containing several additions and correc- tions not printed in the former editions. Lond. 1716, 8'^- Catalogue of Peers and Peeresses of Eng- land, form 1294 to 1716. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6287. A Catalogue of Peers and Peeresses of England, ranked according to their first creations, A.D. 1716. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 499. The Peerage of England. 2 vols. 1717, 8°- Of the several Degrees of Gentry, and their Precedency. With the Antiquity and Usefulness of Arms, Lond. 1719, 120- Some Considerations humbly offered, relating to the Peerage of Great Britain. Bv a Gentleman. Lond. 1719, 8°- Lord Beilhaven's Speeches on the Union, Wherein the Peerage of the two King' doms of Scotland and England is considered. 1719, S°- The Joint and Humble Address of the Tories and Whigs, concerning the intended Bill of Peerage. Lond. 1719, 40. A Letter from a Member of the House of Commons to a Gentleman without doors. Relating to the Bill of Peerage lately brought into the House of Lords. Together with Two Speeches for and against the Bill, supposed to be spoke in the House of Commons. [Robert Vise. Molesworth.] Lond. 1719, Two Lists ; shewing the Alterations that have been made in the House of Commons, from the beginning of the Reign of K. Henry YIII. to the End of that of King James I. And in the House of Peers, from the Accession of King James I. to this Time, with some Observations. Lond, 1719, 4^^- [This book was published in reference to the Peerage Bill.] The Moderator. Numb. 1. To be con- tinued occasionally. The Arguments for and against such a Bill as is talked of for the Regulating the Peerage, fairly stated. With some Reflexions upon the Whole. By a member of Parliament. Lond. 1719, 4'^- The Plebeian. To be continued Weekly. No 1. Considerations upon the Reports relating to the Peerage. By a member of the House of Commons. [Sir R. Steele.] Lond. 1719, 4«- The Patrician. To be continued Weekly. No. 1. Being Considerations on the Peerage. In answer to The Plebeian. IBj One who is neither a Knight, nor a Member of the House of Commons. Lond. 1719, 4«- The Old Whig. On the State ot the Peer- age, with remarks upon The Plebeian. Two numbers by Jos. Addison. Lond. 1719, 4'^- The thoughts of a member of the Lower House, in a Relation to a Project for Restraining and Limiting the Power of the Crown, in the Future Creation of Peers. [By Sir Robert Walpole.] Lond. 1719, 4«- Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled " The Thoughts of a member of the Lower House, in a Relation to a Project for Restraining and Limiting the Power of the Crown in the Future Creation of Peers." [Charles Mordaunt, E. of Peterborough.] Lond. 1719, S^- 94 NOBILTTT AND GrENTRT. of the Peerage- A letter to the Earl of Oxford, concerning the Peerage Bill. [Sir H. Steele.] Lend. 1719, 8«- An Account of the Conduct Ministers with relation to the Bill. Lond. 1719, B'^- Considerations concerning the Nature and Consequences of the Bill now depending in Parliament, relating to the Peerage of Great Britain. Lond. 1719, 8«- The Reasons against The Peerage Bill, Examined and Answered. Lond. 1719, 40. The British Compendium ; or, Budiments of Honour, wherein are contained, the genealogy of all the present Nobility of England. To which is added an introduction to Heraldry, by Francis Nichols. Lond. 1718, 8«- Other editions in 1719, 1720. 1721, 1723, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1729, 1731, 1732, 1738, 1741, 1746, 1751. Continued as: — The English Compendium, containing the Genealogies of all the Nobility of England. 3 vols. Lond. 1753, 12"- Other editions in 1760, 1766, and 1769. The Limitation of the Peerage, The Security of the People, 1720. Notitia Anglicana, showing the Atchieve- ments of "all the English . Nobility, and their several titles of honor, by Andrew Johnston. 2 vols. Lond. 1724, S*^- Georgii Regno Honores, or a short account of the Peers and Peeresses of Great J Britain and Ireland, created or advanced in their Peerage, by His Majesty King George, and of the Bishops, Baronets, Knights of the Garter, etc., with a list of both Houses of Parliament, &c. by John Phillips. Lond. 1724, B'^- The English Baronage ; or an historical account of the lives and most remark- able actions of our nobility, with their descents, by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1727,4"- The Peerage of England ; containing a genealogical and historical account of all the l^eers of England, etc. by Arthur Collins. 3 vols. Lond. 1735, 8"- Second edition, 4 vols. Lond. 1741 , 8'^- Fourth edition, 7 vols. Lond. 1768, Fifth edition, 8 vols, Lond. 1779, 8°- Supplement to the fifth edition, by B. Longmate, Lond. 1784, S^- Another edition augmented and continued by SirE. Brvdges. 9 vols. Lond. 1812, A Supplement to the Peerage of England, by Arthur Collins, containing a suc- cession of the Peers from 1740, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1750, H""- Symbola Heroica : or, the Mottoes of the Nobility and Barr>nets of Great Britain and Ireland. A List of the Nobility of each Kingdom ; of the Knights of the Garter, Thistle, and Bath ; and of the Baronets, etc. Lond. 1736, 16^^ Characters of the British Nobility, by J. Macky. Lond. 1742, S""- History of the English Peerage, by Wm. Guthrie. Lond. 1742-43, i^- A Short View of the Families of the Present English Nobility : their Marriage, Issue, and immediate ancestors ; the Posts of Honour and Profit they hold in the Government ; their Arms, Mottoes, and chief Seats, etc. by Nicholas Salmon. Lond. 1751, 8"- Other editions in 1758 and 1761. The Analysis of Nobility in its Origin, by Baron von Lowhen. Lond. 1754, A Catalogue of the Peers of England, ranked according to their First Creation, for the better distinguishing their Antiquity, 1294-1760. "' The latest is Lord Sondes, 20 May, 1760. Folio. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 424. Collections relating to the Precedency of the Peerage, etc. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,792. The Question of the Precedency of the Peers of Ireland in England fairly stated. Lond. 1761, 8"- A Complete History of the English Peer- age ; from the best Authorities, by William Guthrie, Esq. Illustrated with elegant copperplates of the Arms of the Nobility ; blazoned in the Heralds' Office, by the Proper Officers. Lond. 1763, 4"- A List of the English, Scots, and Irish Nobility ; Archbishops and Bishops ; Clianeellors, and Kee])ers of the Great vSeal ; &c. &c. Specifjdng the dates in which they were severally created, by Charles Whitworth. Lond. 1765,8'^' A Complete English Peerage. Containing a Genealogical, Biographical, and Nobility and Gentry. 95 Historical Account of the Peers of this Keahn, together with the Different Branches of each Family ; to M^hich is prefixed a Succinct History of the Houses of Brunswic, Brandenburgh, Saxe-Gotha, and Mecklenburgh. By the Kev Alexander Jacob. 2 vols. Lond. 1766, &c. fol. 'J'lie Peerage of England. A Complete view of the several Orders of Nobility, their Descents, Marriages, Issue, and Kelations ; their Creations, Armorial Bearings, etc., by E. Kimber. Lond. 1766, 12^' The New Peerage, or Present State of the Nobility of England : containing an Account of all the Peers, either by Tenure, Summons, or Creation, their Descents and Collateral Branches, their l^irths, Marriages, and Issue, also their Paternal Coats of Arms, Crests, Sup- porters, and Mottoes, by E. Kimber. 3 vols. Lond. 1769, S^- Other editions in 1778, 1784. 1790. The British Museum copy of " The New Peerage," 1778 edition, contains numerous manuscript notes by Sir Wm. Musgrave. The Compendious Peerage of England. See the " Universal Magazine." Lond. •1767, &c. 8'- The Pocket Herald, or a Complete View of the Present Peeras^e of Eno'land, Scotland, and Ireland. Containing an accurate Account of their Births, Marriages, and Issue, with all their Arms, Spiritual and Temporal, and Peeresses, &c. by J. Almon. 2 vols. Lond. 1769, 12"- The Extinct Peerage of England, contain- ing an Account of all those Noble Families whose Titles are extinct. From the earliest accounts to the present time, by J. Almon. Lond. 1769, 12'^- The Extinct Peerage of England, con- taining a Succinct Account of all the the Peers whose Titles are Expired, with their Descents, Marriages, and Issues, Offices in Government, and Memorable Actions, from the Conquest to the year 1769, by Soloman Bolton. Lond. 1769, S''- A List of the Peers existing at the time of King James I. his accession to the Crown, and of those who have been since advanced to the Peerage, etc. Lond. 1772, S*^- The Complete English Peerage : or, a Genealogical and Historical Account of the Peers and Peeresses of this llealm, to the year 1772. By Fr. Barlow. 8 vols. Lond. 1772-73, 8^- Another edition, 2 vols. Lond. 1775, 8*^- A Companion to the Peerage ; an alpha- betical List of the Daughters of Dukes, Marquises, and Earls, who are married to Commoners, by Joseph Edmondson. Lond. 1776, 8«- List of the Peers of England, 1776. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 255. A collateral table of precedency. Shewing at one view the rank of the several degrees of Nobility. Published by J. Ridley. Lond. 1778, 12«- The Pocket Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland. 1778, 8''- The Peerage of England (printed for T. Booker). 2 vols. 1779, 8"- The Peerage of the Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by H. Clark and T. Wormull. Lond. 1779, 12o- Origin, Progress, and Present State of the Peerage of England, by John Fielding. Lond. 1782, 12«- Nature and descent of ancient Peerages, by George Wallace. Edin. 1785, 8"- The Present Peerages : with plates of Arms, and an Introduction to Heraldry, together with several Lists incident to the work. The Plates of Arms revised by Joseph Edmondson, Esq. Mowbrav- Herald. Lond. 1785, 8''- A Companion to the Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, by J. Edmondson. Lond. 1786, S''- Alphabetical roll of the names and armorial bearings of upwards of three- hundred families of the present nobility and gentry of England, Scotland, Ire- land, etc. See " Kespublica," by Sir John Prestwich. Lond. 1787, 4"- The Pocket Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; containing the Descent and Present state of every Noble Family. 2 vols. Lond. 1788, 8«- The English Peerage, or a View of tlie Ancient and Present State of the Eng- lish Nobility : To which is subjoined, a Chronological Account of such Titles I as have become Extinct, from the Nor- 96 Nobility and Gentry. man Conquest to the beginning of the year 1790. By C. Catton. 3 vols. Lond. 1790, 4- Fielding's New Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; containing the Descent and Present State of every Noble Family of the Three Kingdoms. Lond. 1790, 12'^- The Pocket Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, containing the Descent and Present State of every Noble Family ; with the Extinct, Forfeited, and Dormant Titles of the Three King- doms, by B, Longmate. A new edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1790, 12^- 2nd ed. 1793. 3rd ed. 1812. Supplement, 1H13. The Peerage of Great Britain and Ire- land, including the extinct ; with an index, portraits and other engravings, byKobert Pollard. Lond. 1793, 4'>- [Only one volume published.] Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; together with an extinct Peerage of the Three Kingdoms, List of all their Family Names, Titles of Elder Sons, &c. and Translation of their Mottos, by Geo. Kearslev. Lond. 1796, 120- Other editions in 1799, 1802, 1804. Reflections on the late Augmentations of the English Peerage. To which are added, a Short Account of the Peers in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and a Catalogue of all the Knights created in that Illustrious Reign, by E. Brydges. Lond. 1798, 8° Historical and Genealogical Notes relating to the English, Irish, and Scotch Nobility, by John Lodge, 18th century, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,709. Magnates Britannici : A View of all the Royal and Noble Families of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Thomas Blore. MS. belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Names of the Gentry of England, at various periods. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 293; 7020. Names and Arms of the Gentry in the respective Shires of England. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. I. 67. Lists of the Gentry of England. Bodl. Lib. MS. 6512. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8495. Northern Gentry : containing the Histori- call Pedegrees of some eminent families, under the Degree of Nobility, in some of the most Northern Counties of England, by J. Torr, 18th centurv. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2574. The Correct Peerage of England, Scot- land, and Ireland, with the extinct and forfeited peerages, etc., by John Debrett. 2 vols. Lond. 1803, 12«- The Peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; containing an account of all the Peers of the L^nited Kingdom, by John Debrett. 2 vols. Lond. 1805, 12o- [There have been 21 editions of this work published, the last in 1836.] Debrett's Complete Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland. Twenty-second edition, with additions and coats of arms from drawings by Harvev. Edited by W. Courthope. Lond. 1839, 80- The Genealogical Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Debrett, revised, corrected, and continued by G. W. Collen. Lond. 1810. 8^>- Other editions in 1841, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1849. The Illustrated Peerage and Baronetage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Debrett. London, 1864, 8«- Debrett's Illustrated Baronetage and Knightage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Edited by R. H. Mair. Lond. 1865, etc. 8"^- Published periodically. Debrett's Illustrated Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and House of Commons. Lond. 1866-68, 8'^- [After the year 1868, the Peerage, Baronetage, and House of Commons were published separately.] Debrett's Illustrated Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Edited by R. H. Mair. Lond. 1865, etc. 8"- [From 1866-68 this work was published with the preceding, and now published annually.] The Manual of Nobility. Exhibiting the Distinctions of Armorial and Heraldic Bearings ; the Several Degrees and Rank of Nobility, a list of the Peers, &c., by T. C. Banks. Lond. 1807. 8^- Second edition, Lond. 1832, 80. Nobility and Gentet. 97 Hie Manual of Hank and Nobility, or a Key to the Peerage. Lond. 1828 8"- i]iogTaphical Peerage of Great Britain, in Avhich are Memoirs and Characters of the most celebrated Persons of each Family (usually termed " The Scanda- lous Chronicle "), by Sir Egerton Brydges. 4 v. Is. Lond. 1808-17, 4o- England, vols, i and ii. Scotland, vol. iii. Ireland, vol. iv. The Present Peerage of the United Kingdom, with the Arms of the Peers and Baronets, to which is prefixed the established Order of Precedency, and an English Translation of the Mottos. Printed for John Stockdale. Lond. 1808, 120- Other editions in 1810, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1833. Vindication of the Peers' Right to advise the Crown, Printed in 1808, 8o- A Fair and Candid Address to the N. bility and Baronets of the United Kingdom ; accompanied with Illustrations and Proofs of the Advantage of Hereditary liank and Title in a Free Country, by W. Playfair. Lond. 1809, 8«- British Family Antiquity : illustrative of the origin and progress of the rank, honours, and personal merit, of the Nobility of the United Kingdom ; with indexes, engravings of arms and chrono- logical charts, by William Playfair. 9 vols. London, "1809-11, #• And Atlas in folio. Vol. I, contains English Dukes, Marqueses and Earls. II, English Viscounts, Barons, Peeresses and Baronesses. III. Scotch Peerage. IV. and V. Irish Peerage. VI. and VIL English Baronetage. VIII. Scotch Baronetage. IX. Irish Baronetage. A Genealogical and biographical history of the dormant and extinct Peerage of England, from the Norman Conquest, by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1812, 8 • [Only one volume published.] A List of the Peers existing at the time of King James the First his accession to the Crown, and of those who have since been advanced to the Peerage, by claim of writ, or by patent, etc. Lond. 1819, fol. Royal Calendar. Peerage, Baronetage and Companionage for 1819, by W. Stockdale. Lond. 1819. The Peerage Chart, for the year 1820. Lond. 1820. Report from the Lords Committees appointed to search the Journals of the House, Rolls of Parliament, and other records and documents, -for all matters touching the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, &c. &c. Printed 25 May, 1820, fol. Reports from the Lords Committees on the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, with Appendixes. 5 vols. Lond. 1826-29, fol. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with biographical and historical memoirs of their lives and actions, by Edmund Lodge. Lond. 1821, &c. fol. Other editions in 1835, 1849, and 1854. Baronagium Waste-book, 1824, by Joseph Hunter ; containing genealogical notes relating to the English Nobility, supplementary to such Avriters as Milles, Brooke, Vincent. Dugdale, and Collins. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,447. Stemmata Anglicana, a collection of Genealogy shewing the descent of numerous eminent and Baronial Fami- lies not mentioned by Dugdale, Collins, Edmondson, nor any other Peerage writer. By T. C. Banks. Lond. 1825, Stemmata Illustria, pra?cipue Regia, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Paris, 1825, fol. [This w^ork contains descents of several houses of the English Nobility, and about 360 quarterings of arms. 100 copies printed for private distribution.] A Synopsis of the Peerage of England, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. 2 vols. Lond. 1825, 8'^ A Compendium of the British Peerage, by Charles White. Lond. 1825, S^- A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the United Kingdom, by John Burke. Lond. 1826, 8''- First edition. Con- tinued periodically to 1837. Continued as : — A Genealogical and Heraldic Diction- ary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, by John and 98 Nobility and Gentet. Sir John F^ernard Burke. Lond. 1840, etc. S°- Continued annually. Sam's Annual Peerage of the British Empire. 2 vols. London, 1827, 8«- The Annual Peerage of the Britivsh Empire. To which is added the Baronet- age and arms of the Peers. Revised and corrected by Edm. Lodge. Edited by A. E. and M. Innes. 4 vols. Lond. 1827-29, 12" Liber Honorum ; or, Mirror of the Peer- age. Corrected June, 1828. In two parts. Lond. 1828, IG-^- Jones' Views of the Seats, Mansions, and Castles in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, with historical descriptions of the Mansions, lists of pictures and statues, and genealogical sketches of the families. 6 vols. Lond. 1829-30, 40. Tableaux G-enealogiques de I'Empire Britannique, par F. Baron de Reden. Hanover, 1830, fol. The French and English Peerage, See Quarterlv Review vol. 42. Lond. 1830, 8"- Genealogical Peerage of England, Scot- land and Ireland, by William Berry. [Nos. 1-4.] Plates of Arms. Lond. [1832 ?] fol. The genealogies are of the Royal Family of Engla,nd, and the Dukes of Beaufort, Bedford, Prandon, Buckingham, Cambridge, Cumberland, Devonshire, Dorset, Gloucester, Grat- ton, Leeds, Manchester, Marlborough, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Portland, Richmond, Rutland and Sussex. Genealogical Peerage of the British Empire, exhibiting its Present State, and deducing the existing Descents from tlie Ancient Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by John Sharpe. 2 vols. Lond. 1830, 8'^- ' Other editions in 1833 and 1834. The Genealogy of the existing British Peerage with l)rlef skc^tehes of tiu) family histories of tlie Nol)iIity, and engravings of ai-nis, by Edm. Lodge. Lond. 1832, 12"- Third edition, Lond. 1834, 8^- New and enlarged edition, 1849. Another edition, including the Baronetage, Lond. 1859, 8'^- The Peerage of the ]5ritish Empire, by Edmund Lodge. To which is added the Baronetage of the Three Kingdoms. Edited by A.E. and M. Innes. Twenty- seven editions. Lond. 1832—1858, S*^- Continued as : — The Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, by Edmund Lodge. Revised and enlarged by A. E. and M. Innes. Lond. 1859, etc., S''- Published annually. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great I^ritain and Ireland, enjoying territorial possessions or high official rank, by John Burke. 4 vols. Lond. 1833— 38, 8"- A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry or Cotnmoners of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Burke. [Thisisanother edition of the preceding.] 4 vols. Lond. 1837—38, 8"- A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Burke and Sir John Bernard Burke. 3 vols. Lond- 1843—49, 8«- A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the landed gentry for 1850. (Supplement, Corrigenda, and General Index.) By Sir John Bernard Burke. 3 vols. Lond. 1850-53. 8'^- Other editions in 1855, 1862, 1868, 1871, 1879, 1882, 1886. Genealogical and Heraldic Gleanings, Illustrative of the History and Descent of English Nobility, by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1837, 4«- Ridgway's Peerage of the United Kingdom, for the years, 1837, etc., with the arms of the Peers, and a list of their second titles. To which are pre- fixed the established order of precedency, and an English translation of the mottoes. Lond. 1837—1863, 12-' Published periodically. Peerage for the People, by William Carpenter. Lond. 1837, 8"- Other editions in 1841 and 1850. List of all the Dowager Peeresses and and Pe(Mrss(>s, 1838, Lond, 183^, fol. The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland, including all the titled classes (1841—1855) by R. C. Dodd. Lond. 1841—55, 8«- Continued by R. P. Dod. Lond. 1856, etc., 8"- Coutinued annually. Nobility and Gentry. 99 lloyal Descents, a Genealogical List of Persons entitled to quarter the Arms of the Eoyal Houses of England, by C. E. Long. Lond. 1845, 4«- Hansard's Pocket Peerage for 1845. Lond. 1845, 12"- Histories of Noble English Families, by Henry Drummond. Article from the Quarterly Eeview, May, 1843. History of Noble Briiish Families. Illustrated by their Armorial Bearings, Portraits, Monuments, Seals, etc. Edited by H. Drummond. 2 vols. Lond, 1846, fol. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerages of England, Ireland, and Scotland, extinct, dormant, and in abeyance, by J. and J. B. Burke. Third edition. Lond. 1846, 8^- A Genealogical History of the dormant and extinct peerages of the British Empire, by Sir Bernard Burke. [A new edition of a" Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary," etc. by John Burke. Lond. 1866, 8«- A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peer- ages of the British Empire, by Sir Bernard Burke. New edition. Lond. 1883, 80- Another edition. 1884. Genealogical and Biographical notes relating to English Noble Houses, by Joseph Hunter, 1847. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,448. Supplement, 24,450. Gentium Majoram Notitise. Genealogical collections concerning the Noble Fami- lies of England, by Joseph Hunter, 1854. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,449. Supplement, 24,450. De la Noblesse et de la Gentry, la plus ancienne d'Angleterre, d' Irlande, et d' Ecosse, et seule Heraldique, d' apres le Blason, par T. J. E. Pan. 1847, 80- Wright's Supplement to the Peerage of 1845-1847. Forming a combination to all Genealogical and Heraldic Records of the United Kingdom. Lond. 1846- 48, 8«- Romance of the Peerage ; or, Curiosities of family history, by George Lillie Craix. 4 vols. Lond. 1848-50, 8^- The Genealogy of the Existing British Peerage, by Edmund Lodge. Lond. 1849, 80- Who's Who in 1849. Edited by H. R. Addison, afterwards by C, H. Cakes. Lond. 1849, etc. 16«- Published annually. Descents of the Peers of Great Britain and Ireland, from Henry the Seventh. Compiled by Henry Lord Farnham, Cavan ? 1850, S^- The Pocket Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland, by Henry Rumsay Forster. 4 vols. Lond. 1852-5, 12«- The handbook of the Aristocracy ; the Peerage, and House of Commons, by E. Morton, Lond. 1855, 4'^- Hardwicke's Shilling Peerage, compiled by Edward Walford. Lond. 1855, etc. 18°- Continued periodically. Records of the Great and Noble. By Edward Walford. Lond. 1857, 8'^- Hardwicke's Shilling Knightage. Com- piled by Edw. Walford. Lond. 1857, etc. 18"- Continued periodically. Hardwicke's Titles of Courtesy, containing an Alphabetical List of all those ]\] embers of Titled Families, whose names do not fall within the Scope of the Peerage, Baronetage and Knight- age. Compiled by Edward Walford. Lond. 1859, 8^- Noble and Gentlemen of England ; or. Notes touching the Arms and Descents of the Ancient, Knightly, and Gentle Houses of England, arranged in their respective Counties, by E. P. Shirley. Lond. 1859, 4°- Another edition, Lond. 1866, 4'^- Peerage of Commerce for the United Kingdom ; a record of eminent com- mercial houses and men of the day, by D. Puseley. Third edition. Lond. 1860, 8«- The County Families of the United King- dom ; or, the Royal Manual of the titled and untitled Aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland, etc., by Edward Walford. Lond. 1860, 8«' Second edition, greatly enlarged. Lond. 1 884, go. Thij-d edition, greatly enlarged. Lond. 1865, 8'^- fourth edition, greatly enlarged. 'Lond. 1868, 8"- Continued periodically. Our untitled Nobility, by John Tillotson, with illustrations by C. Green. Lond. 1863, 8°- Another edition, Lond. 1871, 8«- 100 Nobility aio) Gtentet. The Crown Peerage for 1866, etc. Con- taining an alphabetical list of the House of Lords, with complete lists of the Scotch and Irish Peers. Also the Baronetage of the United Kingdom, and the British Knightage, by Edw. Walford. 3 vols. Lond. 1H66-1868, 12"- Debrett's Illustrated Heraldic and Bio- graphical House of Commons and Judi- cial Bench. Compiled and edited by R. H. Mair. Lond. 1867, etc. 8'^- Published periodically. Titled Men ; a pocket companion to the peerage, baronetage, etc., by John Debrett. Lond. 1869—72, S^-" A Letter to Mrs. Partington on the House of Peers, by a Peer. Lond. 1871, 8" Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; to which is added much Information respecting the immediate Family connections of the Peers. Edited by R. H. Mair. Lond. 1872, etc., 8'^' Continued annually. The Upper Ten Thousand. An alpha- betical list of all members of noble families. Compiled and edited by A. B. Thom. 3 vols. Lond. 1875— 77. 8'- Continued as : — Kelly's Handbook of the Uppor Ten Thousand. 2 vols. Lond. 1878— 79. 8"- Continued as : — Kelly's Handbook to the Titled, Landed, and Official Classes. Lond. 1880, etc., 8°- Continued annually. Stemmata Britannica : A Genealogical Account of the Untitled Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain, by Joseph Poster. Lond. 1877, 8"- Part I. all published. Our Old Nobility, by Noblesse oblige [Howard Evans.] Reprinted from the Echo Newspaper, with additions, two series. Lond. 1879, 8''- The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the British Empire for 1880, hj Joseph Foster. Lond. 1879, 8" Other editions for 1881 and 1882. A Review of a Review of Mr Joseph Foster's " Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of the British Empire," by Mr. Stephen Tucker. Aj^pearing in the number of the " Genealogist''' periodical ^ for January, 1880. By Edward Bellasis. Printed for private circulation, The Complete Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and House of Commons (1884), by Edward Walford. Lond. 1884, 32<^- Published annually. A New Peerage. A complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, edited by G. E. C. See The Genealogist, new series, vols. I. &c. Lond, 1884, &c., 8"- The Royal Lineage of our Noble and Gentle Families, together with their paternal ancestry. Compiled by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1885, 4P- The Official Haronage of England, showing the Succession, Dignities, and Offices of every Peer from 1066 to 1885, with sixteen hundred illustrations, by James E. Doyle. 3 vols. Lond. 1886, 4P- Review of Doyle's Official Baronage, by J. H. Round. " The Genealogist," new series, vol. iii. Lond. 1886, 8°- Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage. Personally revised by the Nobility. Royal edition. Edited by Dr. R. H. Mair. Lond. 1886, 8«- Webster's Royal Red Book. Comprising Court Guide, Peerage, House of Commons, Ambassadors, etc. Pub- lished by A. Webster and Company. Lond. 1887, &c., 8^- ^ Genealogical Collections, illustrating the History of Roman Catholic Families of England, being additions to the Lawson Manuscript : edited by Stephen Tucker and J. Jackson Howard. Folio. Parts I — III. 1887, &c. In progress. Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant, alphabetically arranged and edited by G. E. C. Vol. I. A and B. Lond. 1888, 8"- In progress. Reprinted from " The Genealogist," new series, iv. &c. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights, by Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King of Arms. Fiftj^-first edition. Lond. 1889, 8^'- Dod's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for 1889. Including all the Titled Classes. Forty- Nobility aitd Gentet. 101 ninth year of publication. 1889, 8^^ Lond- The Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, as at present existing, by Edmund Lodge. Fifty-eighth edition, revised and corrected. Lond. 1889, 8'^- The County Families of the United Kingdom : A Koyal Manual of the Titled and Untitled Aristocracy of Great Britain and Ireland by Edward Walford. Twenty-ninth annual publi- cation. Lond. 1889, 8'^- Who's Who in 1890. Lond. 1890, IG*^- [This work was commenced in 1849, and has now reached its forty-second year of publication.] Lists of Baronets of Great Britain, from their creation to 1806. See Beatson's s Political Index, vol i. ; and of Ireland, I vol. iii. • List of the Baronets of Nova Scotia to the year 1807. See Beatson's Political Index, vol. iii. Creations of Baronets, from the Eeign of Elizabeth. Coll. of Arms, Dublin. Letter to the King on the place and pre- cedence of Baronets, by Francis Bacon. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4292. The Names, Arms, and Precedencies of all the Knights Baronets created by King James, since 1611. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4044. His Majestie's Commission to all the Lords and others cf the Privie Counsell, touching the Creation of Baronets. Lond. 1611, 4'>- Three Patents, concerning the honovrable degree and dignitie of Baronets ; The first containing the Creation and Grant. The second, a Decree, with addition and other Privileges. The thirde, a Confirmation and Explanation. Lond. 1617, 4"- Three Patents Concerning the Honovrable degree and dignitie of Baronets. Im- printed at London by Robert Barker, Anno 1617. Lord Somers's Tracts, 3rd collection, vol. i. Lond. 1751, 40. A List, in Order, of All such as it hath pleased his Most Excellent Ma*^- to Honour with the Degree, Title, and Dignity of Baronets, untill •this 18th yeare of his most happy raygne. A^- Dni. 1620. Folio sheet. A Book of the Baronets of England, until the 16th year of King James 1. The Arms are coloured. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 3320. Baronets Created by King James I. [Arms]. By Tho. Wotton. Small 40- n.d. Liber Baronettorum, tempp. Jac. I. et Car, I. creatorum. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 5188. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 520. Baronets in order of Creation, from 1611 to 1631. Qu. Coll. Oxf, MS. cxix. Names and Arms of Baronets, from their Creation to 1641. Her. Coll. MS. 12. A catalogue of English Baronets from 9 James I. to 1646, with their arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865 f. 140. Baronets made since the Restoration of King Charles. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8587, f. 79. A Catalogue of the Baronets of this Kingdom of England, from the first erection of that Dignity untill this time. Lond. 1667, 8"^- Anns and Crests of Baronets, from Sir Nicholas Bacon to Sir George Walker, 1679, tricked and painted with colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1477. A Book of Baronets, beginning with Sir Nicholas Bacon, and ending with Sir Hugh Stukeley. Her. Coll. Philipot. MS. Pe. 7. A Catalogue of Baronets from the first creation until 1681. Lond. 1681, 12o- The Baronetage of England ; being an Historical and Genealogical Account of Baronets, from their first Institution in the Reign of King James I. Contain- ing their Descents, the remarkable actions and employments of them and their Ancestors ; as also their Marriages, Issue, &c. with their Coats of Arms and Crests engraved and blazoned, by Arthur Collins. 2 vols. Lond. 1720, 80- Second edition 1742, 8«- A Catalogue of Baronets, from James I. to 1721. See Guillim's Display of Heraldry, i. 183. The English Baronets, being a Genea- logical and Historical Account of their Families, by Thomas Wotton. 3 vols. Lond. 1727, 12°- The English Baronetage ; Containing a GeneaWieal and Historical Account of 1 102 Nobility and Gentet. all the English Baronets, now existing : Their Descents, Marriages, and Issues ; Memorable Actions, both in War and Peace ; Religious and Charitable Dona- tions ; Deaths, Places of Burial and Monumental Inscriptions. By Thomas Wotton. 4 vols. Lond. 1741, 8''- The English Baronetage, by Wotton and Smyth. Interleaved copy with copious MS. notes in the British Museum. 10 vols. Lond. 1741, 8"- English Baronetage, by Thomas Wotton, printed in 1741 ; interleaved with manuscript additions and corrections of the author. Ih-it. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,114-24,119. Letters, with pedigrees and information relative to their families, sent by Baronets or persons connected with them to Thomas Wotton for the pur- pose of his Baronetage, 1725-1746. Brit. Mus. Add. MS8. 24,120 ; 24,121. A New Baronetage of England, or a Genealogical and Historical Account of the Present English Baronetage, with their Arms accurately engraved and blazoned. To which is added, a Complete List of all the Persons who have been advanced to this Dignity, from the first Institution of it, by J. Almon. 3 vols. Lond. 1769, 12"- The Baronetage of England ; containing a Genealogical and Historical Account of all the English Baronets now exist- ing, with their Descents, Marriages, and memorable Actions both in War and Peace. Illustrated v^dth their Coats of Arms ; also a List of all the Baronets who have been advanced to that Dignity from the first Institution thereof, by E. Kimber and K. Johnson. 3 vols. Lond, 1771, 8^^- The Baronetage of England, or, the History of the English Baronets, and such Baronets of Scotland, as are of English Families ; with Genealogical Tables, and Engravings of their Armorial Bearings, by the Kev. William Betham. 5 vols. Ipswich, 1801-5, 4o- The New Baronetage of England ; con- taining as well a concise Genealogical History, as the Present State and Alliances of the English Baronets, and Baronets of Great Britain, from the Institution 1611 to the Union with Ireland 1800; With their Armorial 13earings ; and a List of the Baronets of the United Kingdom since created. 2 vols. Lond. 1804, 12''- The Baronetage of England : containing a New Genealogical History of the existing Baronets, and Baronets of Great Britain and of the United King- dom ; from the Institution of the Order, in 1611, to the last Creation. With their Armorial Bearings correctly engraved. Printed for John Stockdale. London, 1806, 12"- Another edition, 1883. The Baronetage of England ; Containing their descent, and present state ; their collateral branches, etc., from the institution of the Order in 1611, by John Debrett. 2 vols. Lond. 1808, 12"- Third edition considerably enlarged. Lond. 1815, 12"- Other editions in 1819, 1824, 1828. Seventh edition, with lists of the Baronets of Nova Scotia and Ireland, edited by W. Courthope. Lond. 1835, 8'^- Another edition, Lond. 1839, 8"- Debrett's Baronetage, of England revised, corrected and continued, by G. W. Collen. Lond. 1840, 8«- The Baronetage Chart for 1821. London, single sheet. Synopsis of the extinct Baronetage of England ; containing the date of the the creation, with the Succession of Baronets, and their respective Marriages and Dcatlis. Bv William Courtliope. Lond. 1835, 8"- "^ Position of the English Baronets of the British Empire and other Branches of the Gentry of the Bealm compared with the lesser Nobility of the Continent at Home and Abroad, by a Traveller. Lond. 1837, S^- Original Letters and Papers, written by collateral descendants of extinct and dormant Baronetcies, in reply to questions proposed to them by John Burke, relative to the history of these baronetcies, etc. 1832—1838. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,569. The Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, by John Burke and John Bernard Burke. Lond. 1838, 8"- Baronetage of the British Empire for MDCCCXLi (1848, 1844). [By Sir K. Nobility and Gentry. 103 Broun, Bart.] Arms of all the English Baronets, with a plate of Baronets achievements, etc. 8 vols. Lond. 1840— 4:X 8"- The Baronetage for 1844. Being a genealogical account of the Families forming the sixth degree of Dignit}', Hereditary or High Nohility in the British Empire, by Sir Kichard Broun. Lond. 1844, 8'^- The Baronetage of the British Empire for 1841. Lond. 1841, 8"- A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland, by John Burke and John Bernard Burke. Lond. 1841, 8«- Another edition, 1844. Hardwicke's Shilling Baronetage and Knightage, compiled by Edward Walford. Lond. 1855, etc., 8''- Con- tinued annually. Tlie Illustrated Baronetage and Knightage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Debrett. Lond. 1865, etc. 8^^- Other editions. Debrett's Illustrated Baronetage, with the Knightage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; to which is added much information respecting the immediate Family Connections of the Baronets. Lond. 1872, etc. The Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire ; forming the second ! part of the Peerage, etc. for 1882, by I Joseph Foster. Westminster, 1882, 8^- I The Shilling Baronetage (1884). Con- taining an alphabetical list erf the Baronets of the United Kingdom, sliort biographical notices, dates of creation, etc., by Edward Walford. Lond. 1884, 32«- Published annually. Debrett's Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage. Illustrated with 800 Armorial Bearings. Eighty-first year of publication. Lond. 3 889. 8^- Collection of Peerage Cases, with Anstis's notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,818. Pedigrees and Peerage Cases collected by Sir Wm. Betham, with an alphabetical index. 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,690. Reports of Cases decided in the House of Lords on claims of peerage, etc. By C. Clark and W. Finellv. Lond. 1849, &c. 8^^- Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Claims of Peerage, etc. Lond. 1882. fol. Catalogue of Evidence taken before the House of Lords on Claims to Peerage Titles, with the Cases of various Claim- ants and Pedigrees and other Papers relating to Heraldry, Famih^ History, Public Records, Historical MSS. etc. Lond. 1888, H^- €alt%mtmi Catalogue of Priors, Deans, Archdeacons, Canons, and other Ecclesiastical Digni- taries of England. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8567. Succession to Bishoprics, Deaneries, etc., by Torre. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2576. Names of Priors, Abbots, etc. temp. Henry VIII. will be found in the " Valor Ecclesiasticus," ana in Dug- dale's " Monasticon." Names of Abbots and Bishops in the Procession to Parliament in 1512, with their Arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5831. A Series of Abbots of the principal Monasteries in England, from 1101 to 1550. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7520, art. 1. Account of English Bishops to 1600. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4900. 104 Ecclesiastical. A Catalogue of the Bishops of England, since the first planting of the Christian religion in this Island, together with a brief History of their lives and memor- able actions, by Francis Godwyn. Lond. 1601. 4"- Another edition, Lond. 1G15. 40. A Catalogue of Ministers ejected out of their Livings for Conscience' Sake. London, 16(53. The Lives of the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England from the foundations of their Sees to about 1670. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,089. A True and Exact List of the Members of both Houses of this present Convo- cation, Sununoned to meet on the sixth day of November, A.D. 1689. Lond. 1689. Folio sheet. An exact Catalogue of the Nobility of England, etc. ; Together wit]» their paternal Coats of Arms ; and also those of the Archiepiscopal and Episcopal Sees in Blazon, by Bobert Dale. Lond. 1697. S'^- A True and Exact List of the Members of both Houses of this present Con vocation, begun the Twentieth day of October, 1702, in the Chapter-House of St. Paul's. Lond. 1702. Folio sheet. List of all the Church Dignitaries in England and Wales, 1715. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6110, art. 2. Le Neve's Lists of Ecclesiastical Digni- taries. A.D. 596— A.D. 1715. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6417. Fasti Ecclesia3 Anglicanae : or, an Essay towards deducing a llegular Succession of all the Principal Dignitaries in each Catliedral, Collegiate Church or Chapel in those parts of Great Britain called England and Wales, by John Le Neve. Lond. 1716. fol. Part of Le Neve's Fasti Ecclesias Angli- canaB, with numerous MS. additions. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 81,979. Collections for a Continuation of Le • Neve's " Fasti," by the Bev. John Denn, D.D., brought down to about the year 1797. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,823. Le Neve's Collections for his " Fasti Ecclesia) Anglicana3." Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6404-6418. [This collection con- tains an Obituary, from 1658 to 1680.] Fasti Ecclesia^ Anglicana3, or, a Calendar of the Principal Ecclesiastical Digni taries in England and Wales, and of the Chief Officers in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, from the earliest time to the year 1715, by John Le Neve. Corrected and continued from 1715 to the present time, by T. Duifus Hardy. 3 vols. Oxford, 1854. S"^- Collections towards the Fasti Ecclesiye Anglicanae, by the Rev. Thomas Stone, in four vols.' Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,767-18,770. The Lives, Characters, Deaths, Burials and Epitaphs, &c. of all the Protestant Bishops of the Church of England, since the Reformation as settled by Queen Elizabeth, Amio Dom. 1359. By John Le Neve. Lond. 1720, 8"- Parts 1 and 2 only published. De Antiquitate Britauniae Ecclesia^ et privilegiis Ecclesia? Cantuariensis. By Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Can- terbury. (With Arms of the Arch- bishops.) Londini, 1729. fol. A Collection of the Arms of the several Sees impaled with the Coats borne by those Archbishops and Bishops that sat in the House of Lords in 1735, by Charles Townley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,829. A Catalogue of Bishops, by Francis Godwyn. Cant. 1743. other editions. Lists of Patrons to Churches in England and Wales. See " The Clergyman's Intelligencer." Lond. 1745. 8"- .Also Browne Willis' " Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum." London, 1763. 4"- New edition, by the Rev. T. Lloyd, I Loudon. 1788. 8''- I List of Divines between 1663 and 1775 I -svill be found in Chamberlayne's " Anglise Notitia," or " Present State of Great Britain," published annually down to that period. Lists of Chancellors and Vicars-General, to about 1756. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,821. A Catalogue of Bishops, containing the Succession of Archbishops and Bishops of the Provinces of Canterbury and York, from 1688 to the present time, by J. S. Browne. Lond. 1812. 8«- Ecclesiastical Biography with Notes, by C. Wordsworth. 6 vols. 1818, 8«- ' Ecclesiastical. 105 Tlie Ecclesiastical Guide ; containing Names of all Incumbents and Patrons. 2ud edition, Lond. 1822. Succession of Archbishops and bishops to 1825. See Nicolas' " Synopsis of the Peerage," vol. ii. p. 817. Lives of the Bishops of Winchester, Sherborne, Salisbury, Bath and Wells, by the Rev. S. H. Cassan. 4 vols. 1824- 29. 8'^- Lists of Church Dignitaries, to the year 180r>, will be found in Beatson's " Political Index," vol. i. and to the year 1851, in Haydn's " Book of Dignities," also in Gilbert's " Clerical Guide." 4 vok. London, 1817-1836. And in the " Clergy Lists," which are published annually. Biographical Memoirs of the Bishops of Engiand and her Colonies, from the earliest period to the present time, by M. E. C. Walcott. London, 1858, 8^- Lives of the English Cardinals, including Historical Notices of the Papal Court, by F. Williams. 2 vols. 1868, 8'^- Apostolical Succession in the Church of England, by A. W. Haddan. 1869, Lists of Catholic Bishops. " Series Episcoporum Ecclesise Catholica3, by P. Pius Bonifacius Gams. Ratisbon, 1873, &c., 4^^ Our Bishops and Deans, Victorian Era of the Church, History of Episcopacy, Bp. Wilberforce, Archbp. Tait, Archbp. Thomson, Bps. of London, W^inchester, and Durham, Ritualism, Literary Deans, etc., by the Rev. F. Arnold. 2 vols. Lond. 1875, 8"- Episcopal Succession in England to 1858. '* Registrum Sacrum x^nglicanum. An attempt to exhibit the course of Epis- copal Succession in England. ' ' Clarendon Press, 4'^- The Episcopal Succession in England, Scotland, and Ireland, A.D. 1400 to 1875, by W. Maziere Brady. Rome, 1876, 8- Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanse, or a calendar of all Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in England and Wales, by Joseph Foster. In pro- gress, 1889. List of Chancellors of the JDiocese of Bangor, from 1357 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 54. Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells from the earliest to the present period, by Stephen H. Cassan. 2 vols, Lond. 1829—30, 8'- List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Bristol, from 1542 to 1762. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 5833, f. 56. Nomina, insignia, etymologise, insignium- que descriptiones uniuscujusque senti pertinentis ad singulum Cantuariensem Archiepiscopum a Conquestu. MS. 555. Lambeth Palace Library. Vicars General of Canterbury Diocese, from 1508 to 1762. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 50. Heraldic notices of Canterbury Cathedral. To which is added a Chronological list of the Archbishops of Canterbury with the blazon of their respective arms, by Thomas Willement. Lond. 1827, 40. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, by Walter Farquhar Hook. 12 vols. Lond. 1860—76, 8^- The Armorial Bearings of the Archbishops of Canterburv, from Lanfranc, A.D. 1070 to Archibald Campbell Tait, 1868. See " Lambeth Palace and its Associa- tions," by J. Cave-Browne. Lond. 1882, 8"- List of the Archbishops and Bishops of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, from their first appointment to the pre- sent time. See Crockford's Clerical Directory for 1889. Lond. 1889, 8-- List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Carlisle, from 1169 to 1754, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 112. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Chester, from 1541 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 114 List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Chichester, from 1252 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 58. See also Selsey. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Durham, from 1308 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 115. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Ely, from 1339 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 62. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Exeter, from 1233 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 64. 106 Ecclesiastical. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Gloucester, from 1541 to 1702. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 65. List of the Cliancellors ()f the Diocese of Hereford, from 124G to 17G2. J3rit. .Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. (56. List of the Chancellors or Vicars Greiieral of the Diocese of Lichfield, from 1300 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 73. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Lincoln, from 1217 to 1778. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 79. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of London, from 1505 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 86. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Norwich, from 1171 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 88. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Oxford, from 1541 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 13. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Peterborough, from 1541 to 1760. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 94. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of liochester, from 1259 to 1771. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 98. Lives and Memoirs of the Bishops of Sherborne and Salisbury, from the year 705 to 1824, by S. H. Cassan. Salis- bury. 1824. 80- List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Salisbury, from 1534 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 100. Succession of the Bishops of Selsey and Chichester, 681-1870, by Mackenzie E. C. Walcott, "The Sacristy," a Monthly Review, vol. 2. London, 1872. 4'»- Ljst of Chancellors of the Diocese of Wells, from 1330 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 102. The Lives of the Bishops of Winchester from Birinus the first Bishop of the West Saxons to the present time, by Stephen H. Cassan. Lond. 1827. go. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Winchester, from 1502 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 104. List of the Chancellors of the Diocese of Worcester, from 1300 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 105. List of the Chancellors or Vicars- General of the Diocese of York, from 1279 to 1772- Brit Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 107. Clerical fragments, or notes relating, principally, to the clergy of Yorkshire, 1566-1714, collected by William Paver, from gatherings completed in the year 1833. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,695. Index to clerical fragments, 29,696. Notes chiefly relating to the Clergy of Yorkshire, by William Paver, in alpha- betical order of names. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,697. Notices of ministers ejected from benefices in the County of York. Derived from Dr. Calamy's Nonconformists' Memo- rial ; with genealogical and other additions, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,698. ^arltammtars. «-cXZ]§Erza>-»^»»KEB Noblemen in all Kings' reigns, and when summoned to Parliament. Her. Coll. MS. L. 7. List of Peers as they sat in Parliament at various periods. Coll. of Arms, Dublin. Ileturns of Kepresentatives in Parliament, made by Boroughs in divers counties. Bi'it. Mus. Hari, MS. 161, p. 238. Returns of Members of Parliament in dif- ferentreigns. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1191. Names of Barons summoned to Parlia- ment, 4 Edw. II.— 22 Edw. III. Her. Coll. MS. M. 1. Names of the Lords of the Parliament, 31, 32 Hen. VI. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 158, ff. 108, 116, 119. Paeliamentaey. 107 An account of all the Parliaments holden in each reign, from 49 Hen. III. to the end of Edvv. IV. See Prynne's " Brevia Parliamentaria rediviva," 1G60, 4''- 4 vols. Writs of summons to parliament, 49 Henry III. to 2 Henrv VIII. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus C. V. Names of the Lords of the Parliament, 5 Henry VIII. Brit. Mus. 158, f. 109. Fac-Simile of a Contemporary Koll, with the Names and the Arms of the Sover- eign, and of the Spiritual and Temporal Peers who sat in the Parliament, 5 Feb. 6 Hen. VIII. bv Thomas Willement. London 1829, obi. fol. Koll of Knights and Burgesses returned to Parliament, 1 Edw. VI. MS. 216. Hatfield Library. All the Knights and Burgesses that were of the Parliament for every shire and town of England, the xiij yeare of Queen Elizabeth, 1571. MS. Tabley House, Cheshire. List of Lords of Parliament and their eldest sons, 1588. Brit, Mus. Lansd. MS. 104, art. 23. List of Knights and Burgesses returned to Parliament, anno. 35 Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS. 255, f. 180. Two Lists, shewing the Alterations in the House of Commons from the Reign of Henry VIII. to the end of James I. and in the Peers from the Accession of James I. Lond. 1701. 4"- Reprinted in 1719, A Perfecter Platforme then hath hitherto been published, of the Lower House of this present Parliament, 1627. With the names of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the Upper House ; as also of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Counties, Cities, and Burroughs of England and Wales ; and the Barons of the Ports, of the Lower House. Lond. 1627. A Catalogue of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall, etc. and also the names of the Knights of the Counties, Citizens and Burgesses for the Boroughs, and Barons of the Ports for the House of Commons of this ParP- \^iereunto is annexed a Catalogue of the Nobility of Ireland, and Knights Baronets, and Knights of the Bath of England made bv King James and King Charles. Lond. 1628, S*'* Tlie Order and Manner of the Sitting of the Lords as Peeres of the Bealme in the higher House of Parliament, also the Names of the Knights for the (bounties. Citizens, Burgesses, for the Boroughs, and Barons for the Ports, for the House of Commons. Lond. 1628. 4P- The Order of Sitting of the Upper House in the High Court of Parliament, as also the Armes of the Lords both Spiritual and Temporal, exactly deline- ated. This 2nd Edition being newly beautified with the pedigree of our Soveraigne, etc. Lond. 1630. A Catalogue of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, Bishops, and Barons that sit in this parliament at West*- minster, Nov. 1640. Lond. 1640. 12o- [At the end of this book there is a catalogue of the secluded members and of the ' Pumpers,' with a list of the King's Judges.] Constitutional Returns of the Long Par- liament, assembled November, 1640 ; with lists of the leaders of the ' Cavalier ' and ' Roundhead ' parties. See " Stu- dies and illustrations of the Great Rebellion," by John Langton Sanford. Lond. 1858. S^- A New Catalogue of the Lords and Com- mons of this Parliament at Westminster. Nov. 1640, to which is added the names of the Lords and Commons assembled in the pretended Parliament at Oxford, etc. Lond. 1646. 8°- The names of the Lords and Commons assembled in the Pretended Parliament at Oxford, January, 1643, together with a catalogue of such Noblemen and Barons in order as they have been made since the great seal deserted Parlia- ment. Lond. 1646. 12«' A list of names of the Members of the House of Commons, etc., by M. El. [ Henry Elsynge. ] Single sheet, 1648. A list of the Members of both Houses of Parliament that were forcibly secluded by the Army in the Year 1648. Lord Somers's Tracts, 3rd Collection, vol. 2. Lond. 1751, 40- 108 Paeliamentaet. The Names of the Members of Parliament called to take upon them the Trust of the Government of this Commonwealth, which began on Munday the fourth of June, 1653. Lond. 1654<. 4^'- See also Somers's Tracts, 3rd Collection, vol. 2. Lond. 1751. 4"- A List of the Names of the Long Parlia- ment, Likewise of the Parliament held at Oxford, and Those of 1653, 1654, 1658, and 1659. Lond. 1659. 8''- A List of the Names of the Persons returned to serve in Parliament in the Year 1056 for the several Counties and Corporations within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging. Lord Somers's Tracts, vol. 3. Lond, 1748. 4«- Members of Parliament for London, 1640, 1654, 1656, 1659. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5840, f. 417. The Antient Land-mark, Screen or Bank betwixt the Prince and People, by the Right of Inheritance of the Nobility and Baronage of England to sit in Parliament. 1659. 4^- List of Members of Parliament, from 1541 to 1660. See Willis's Notitia Parliamentaria, 1750. 8'^- The ancient Method and Manner of holding Parliaments in England. Being the Collections of Henry Elsynge, Esq. Lond 1660. 8''- Another edition, corrected and enlarged from the author's original manuscript. London, 1768. 12-' Order that no Lord of Parliament shall be charged, or set at Arms upon any Act for the train-bands Militia or otherwise. Lond. 1660, fol. A Catalogue of the Names of all such who were summoned to any Parliament (or reputed Parliament) from the year 1640 to 1661. Lond. 1661. 8« An Apology for the Ancient Eight and Power of the Bishops to Sit and Vote in Parliaments : As the first and principal of the three Estates of the Kingdome, by the Kev. Jeremiah Stephens. Lond. 1661, 40- In Answer to this Quodlibetical Question, whether the Bishops make a funda- mental and essential part of the English Parliament. 1661. 4'^- The ancient and present inanner of holding Parliaments in England, with their Priviledges, by Henry Elsynge. London, 16G3. 8'^- Third edition,'' Lond, 1675. 8"- A List of the Knights, Citizens, Bur- gesses, and Barons of the Cinque Ports, that are Ileturned to Serve in the Parliament of England, 1679. Lond. 1679, folio sheet. The Privileges and Practice of Parlia- ments in England. Lond. 1680. A perfect copy of all Summons to Parlia- ment, from 49 Hen. III. to this present, by Sir Wm. Dugdale. Lond. 1685. fol. Historical Collections : Or a brief account of the most remarkable Transactions of the Two last Parliaments held and dissolved at Westminster and Oxford. With exact Lists of the Members of each Parliament. Lond. 1685. 8°- A True List of the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, summoned by the Letter of his Highness the Prince of Orange, to meet at Westminster the 22nd of January 1688-9, as they have been returned to the Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. Collection of Tracts by Lord Somers, vol. II. Lond. 1748. 4«- A true List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal summoned by the Letter of his Highness the Prince of Orange to meet at Westminster, Jan. 22, 1688-9. Lord Somers's Tracts, 2nd collection, vol. III. Lond. 1750. 4^- A True List of the Knights, Citizens and - Burgesses of the Parliament. At West- minster in October, 1690. Lond. 1690. Folio sheet. A True List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Together with the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the Parlia- ment at Westminster on the 22 of this Instant November, 1695. Lond. folio sheet. A True List of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Together with the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the Parlia- ment, which met at Westminster the 6th of February, 1700. Lond. 1700. Folio sheet. A true List of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of this present Parliament, Parltamentart. ]09 appointed by Proclamation to meet at Westminster, on Thursday the 6th of February, 1700-1. Lord Somers's Tracts, 2nd collection, vol. iv. Lond. 1750, 4"- List of Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of Parliament, 6th Feb. 170L i^rit. Mus.Harl.MSS. 1789; 1791. Abstracts of the Returns to Parliament for all the counties, cities, and boroughs of England, between 1702 and 1710 ; taken from the original records in the Rolls Chapel. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,661- An exact List of the Lords : as also of the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, etc. of the Parliament, summoned to meet on the 17th of March l7it. Fifth edition. Lond. 1719, 8°- An exact list of the Lords, the Knights of shires, citizens and burgesses of the Parliament, summoned to meet the tenth of May 1723. To which is added an alphabetical list of all the members returned to serve in this Parliament. Lond. 1723, 8'^- A true List of Peers Introduced or satt first in Parliament, 1660 to 1733. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 199, f. 23. An exact list of the Lords spiritual and ' temporal, with an alphabetical list of the Knights, citizens, and burgesses of the present Parliament. Lond. 1734, 120- Another edition, 1741, 12^^- The British Representative; or, a General List of the Knights, Commissioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgesses returned to all the Parliaments of Great Britain, by T. Astley. Lond. 1739, 12«- The Parliamentary Register, Containing Lists of the Twenty -four Parliaments from 1660 to 1741, with a List of the House of Lords, and Peers for Scotland, and of the Peers extinct since the Restoration. Lond, 1741, 12° Some necessary Considerations relating to all future Elections of Members to serve in Parliament, to which is added a List of 167 worthy good Patriots, lately traduced in a scandalous Libel, commonly called the Black List ; also a List of 223 honest Gentlemen, who signaliz'd themselves in th^ Defence of the Rights of the Commons of England in the Point of Impeachments. Lord Somers's Tracts, 4th collection, vol. 3- Lond. 1751, 4«- New Parliamentary Lists : containing the Peers of England, and those elected on the 26th of April 1768, to represent the Kingdom of Scotland ; likewise the Members, as lately chose, in order to form the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain. Ornamented with the Arms, Crests, etc. of the 479 Peers which constitute the Peerage of the three Kingdoms. Second edition. 1 ond. 1768, 12«- The manner of holding Parliaments in England, by Henry Elsynge. Corrected and enlarged by T. Tyrwhitt. Lond. 1768, 8°- A perfect copy of all Summons to Parlia- ment, from 49 Hen. III. to this present, by Sir Wm. Dugdale. Lond. 1685. Second edition, about 1794. A Correct Alphabetical List of the Lords and Commons, constituting the Two Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Brit, and Ireland, appointed to meet December 15th, 1806, 47 Geo. III. Printed for E. Bentley. Lond. 1806, 12«- A Chronological Register of both Houses of the British Parliament, from 1708 to 1807, by Robert Beatson. 3 vols. Lond. 1807, 8"- A Biographical Index to the Present House of Lords ; corrected to October, 1808. By the Author of the Political Index. [Robt. Beatson.] Lond. 1808, 12"- The Pre-eminence and Pedigree of Parlia- ment, by James Howell. Harleian Miscellany. Lond. 1K08, 4"^- Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland, being a history of the House of Commons, Counties, Cities and Boroughs of the United Kingdom, by T. H. B. Oldfield. 6 vols. London, 1816, 8-- Dignities, Feudal and Parliamentary, and the Constitutional Legislature of the United Kingdom, by Sir W. Betham. Lond. 1830, 8«- Vol. i. only pub- lished. Hereditary Seats in the House of Lords unconstitutional except by the tenure of Land Baronies, by — Arnott. Lond. 1837, 8«- 110 Parliamentaet. The Register of Parliamentary contested Elections to ISlil, giving candidates' names, colours, etc., compiled by H. S. Smith. Lond. 1841, 8^^- Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons, from the time of King Edward III. to Queen Victoria, by J. A. Manning. Lond. 1851, S"- Hardvvicke's electoral representation of the United Kingdom, from the lieform Act of 1832 down to the present time, by Edw. Walford. Lond. 1856, 8°- Hardwicke's Shilling House of Commons, compiled by Edward Walford. Lond. 1-55-59. 18'^- Continued as :— The Shilling House of Commons, by Edward Walford. Lond. 1860, etc. 18o- Con- tinued periodically. Debrett's Illustrated Heraldic and Bio- graphical House of Commons and Judicial Bench. Compiled and edited by R. H. Mair. Lond. 1887. etc. 8"- Published periodically. Returns of Members of Parliament. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed. Two parts. 1878. fol. Part I. contains — Parliaments of England, 1213-1702. Part II. contains — Parliaments of Great Britain, 1705- 1796. Parliaments of the United Kingdom, 1801-1874. Parliaments and Conventions of the Estates of Scotland, 1357-1707. Parliaments of Ireland, 1559-1800. Parliaments of England. 1213-1702 ; Index to Part I. Lond. 1878. fol. Members of Parliament. — England, Ireland, and Scotland. See Collectanea Genealogica, by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1882, etc. 8"- The Shilling House of Commons (1884). Containing a list of all the Members of the British Parliament, their town and country addresses, etc., by Edward Walford. Lond. 1884. 32o- ' Published annually. Debrett's House of Commons and the Judicial Bench. Illustrated with 800 Armorial Bearings Twenty-third annual edition. Lond. 1889. 8"- Dod's Parliamentary Companion. Fifty- seventh year, (sixty-third issue.) Lond. 1889. 12«- iPtifaUc ©fRcm. A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland : or, a Complete Register of the Hereditary Honours, Public Offices, and Persons in Office, from the earliest period to the present time, by Robert Beatson. Third edition corrected and enlarged. 8 vols. Lond. 1806, 8«- First edition, 1786. Second edition, 1788. The Book of Dignities, bv Joseph Haydn. Lond. 18al, 8"- A Manual of Dignities, including Lists of Great Public Functionaries, from the Revolution to the present time, by C. R. Dodd. Lond. 1842, 12«- Anglia3 Notitia, or the Present State of England, by Edward Chambcrlayne. Lond. 1669, &c. 8"- Thirty-eight editions, published annually. A Help to English History, by Peter Heylyn. Lond. 1773, 8o- Other editions. Great Officers of England, with Forms of their Patents. Her. Coll. MS. B. 24. Names of Her Majesty's Commissioners, and Lists of the Nobility and all the Public Officers, in 1585. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3194. NaiiK^s of Great Officers of the Queen, from 1558 to 1588. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 104, art. 24. Nobilitas Politica vcl Civilis. Personas Scilicet Distinguendi, et ab origin e inter Gentes, ex Principum gratia uobilitandi Forma. By R. Glover. Lond. 1608, fol. A Catalogue of the Officers of the Crown, anno 1618. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3299, art. 92 ; Harl. MSS. 4257 ; 6381. Public Officees. Ill Nomina Thesaurariorum Anglise et Scaccarii, ab anno 940 ad anno 1635. Brit. Mus. Harl. 4029, f. 17. An Impartial Account of the Names o£ His Majesty's most Honourable Privy- Council, and Principal Officers of this Kingdom, now in Commission, &c., under the Most Puissant and Renowned Prince, King James II. Lond. 1686. Folio sheet. Lists of Officers of State and Judges, temi?. William III. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7512. The True State of England, Containing Lists of the Privy Council ; of the King's Household ; of the Household of 'the Prince and Princess of Wales, and that of the Princesses Anne, Carolina, and Amelia. Of the Great Officers of State, and the several other Officers employ'd in the Civil and Military Government of this Kingdom, &c. To which is added a complete List of the Knights of the Bath, and their Esquires. Lond. 1726, 8°- The Court Register, containing a Series of all the Great Officers, Prime Ministers, etc.. from Chas. II. to 1733, by William Sliford. Lond. 1733, 8^- Second edition, 1782. The Book of the Court ; Exhibiting the Origin, Peculiar Duties, and Privileges of the several Ranks of the Nobility and Gentry, more particularly of the Great Officers of State, and Members of the Royal Household, by W. J. Thoms. Lond. 1838, 8^^- List of Administrations in England, from the reign of Henry VIII, to that of Victoria. See Haydn's " Book of Dignities." A Catalogue of English Ambassadors to Foreign States, 1335-1770, by John Holmes. Two volumes. Brit. Mus. Add MSS. 20,765 ; 20,766. List of Ambassadors, etc. from Great Britain to Foreign States, to the year 1851. 8ee Haydn's "Book of J)ignities." List of Ambassadors and Ministers em- ployed in Foreign Affairs during the reign of Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Birch MS. 4164, art. 76. List of Ambassadors to and from Eng- land, from 1664 to 1680. ^rit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6273, art 4. Army, see Army Lists, published l)y Authority. New Annual Army List, by H. G. Hart. London, 1857, &c. 8"- New Army List, by H. G. Hart London, 1857, &c. 8«- The names of all the principal officers and captains of the army marching north- ward when the two Earls of Northum- berland and Westmoreland rebelled, 1 December, 1569. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207 C. f. 764. Names of the Officers of the Army at Tilbury. 1588. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 18 C. XXI, f. 43. Names of the Principal Officers of the Queen's Forces. 1595, Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 78 art. 56. Officers of the Ordnance, temp. James I. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 17 A. xxxi, art. 3. List of Officers of the Ordnance, 14 Henry VIII.— 1634. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6176, fol 29. List of Officers in the Army of Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6804. List of Colonels, temp. Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 38, art. 22. The Army Lists of the Roundheads, and Cavaliers, containing the names of the Officers in the Royal and Parliamen- tary Armies of 1642. Edited by Edward Peacock. Lond. 1863. 4P^ Re- vised edition and enlarged. Lond. 1874. 40' Portraits of the Parliamentary Officers of the Civil War, with Biographical Notices. Only 100 copies printed, 1873, 12'^- List of Officers of the Army, 1687. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4847. Lists of the principal Officers in the Army of James II. Brit. Mus. Lans. ]\JS. 1163. A List of the Officers of King James's Army, Oct. 1688. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,082, ff, 108, &c. King James Second's Army List, , 1689, bv John D'Alton. Dublin, 1855, S^- Bnt. Mus. Add. MS. 9763. Establishments and accounts of the Army and Navy, 1592-1695. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7018. Army List in 1694. Brii/. Mus. Add. MS.. 17,918. 112 Pfblic Officers. Lists of the Militia, Avitli names of the Officers in the several counties of Eng- land and Wales, 1697. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 162G. Army and Navy Lists, etc., from 1689 to 1701. 6 vols. All Souls' Coll. Oxf. MS. clii. Establishments, muster-rolls, and other papers relating to the Army, 1640-1702. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,082. Lists of the Commissioned Officers of the English Army in Ireland, 1686-1705. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9762. Army Lists, and Debentures, from 1699 to 1710. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 9755- 9762. A List of the Generals, Lieut-Generals, Major-Generals, Brigadier- Generals, and Colonels with the dates of their respec- tive Commissions, 1728. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,188. Papers relating to the Establishments of the Army, etc., 1664-1743. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,897. Returns of His Majesty's Forces, 1768- 1775. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,256- 29,259. A List of all the Officers of the Army, viz., the General and Field Officers, the Officers of the Several Troops and liegi- ments, Independent Companies and Garrisons, with an Index. June, 1780, Roll Call of Waterloo, with brief notices of the principal officers, by Chas. Dalton. Lond. 1890. S'^- Lives of the most Eminent British Military Commanders, by the Rev G. R. Gleig. 3 vols. 1831. 8«- Historical Records of the British Army, comprising the History {and colours'] of every Regiment, by R. lannon. 70 vols. Lond. 1834-47. 8'^- List of the Officers of the Army, &c. 1853-1857. 5 vols. London, 1853, &c. Soldiers of the Victorian Age. By Charles Rathbone Low. 2 vols. 1880. 8^^- Ranks, Badges and Dates in Her Majesty's Army and Navy and Auxiliary Forces, by Captain Ottley Lane Perry. [With Armorial Ensigns and their Bearers.] London, 1887. S*'- Second edition enlarged, 1888. B^- The British Army : its Regimental Records, Badges, Devices, etc., by Major J. H. Lawrence- Archer. London, 18^'8. 8«- List of the Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artiller}', as they stood in the year 17()3, with a continuation to the present time (1815), with dates of their Promotions, Successions, etc. Greenwich, 1815. fol. An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Royal Artillery, from 1800 to 1851, byH. S. Smith, Lond. 1851, &c. S"- List of Officers of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, from the year 1716 to the Present Date. Revised edition, by J. Kane. Woolwich, 1869. 4"- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Eighty-fifth Bucks Volunteers, the King's Light Infantry Regiment, from 1800 to 1850, by H. S. -Smith. Lond. 1851. S'^- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Seventy-ninth Regiment, or Cam- eronian Highlanders, from ISOO to 1851, by H.^ S. Smith. Lond. 1852. S^- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Eighty-eighth Hegiment or Con- naught Rangers, from 1800 to 1852, by H. S. Smith. Lond. 1852. 8^^' An Alphabetical List of the Fourth (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards, from 1800 to 1856, by Henry Stooks Smith. Lond. 1856, S^- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Grenadier Guards, from 1800 to 1854, by H. S. Smith. Lond, 1854, 8^- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Eleventh Regiment of Hussars, from 1 800 to 1850, by Henry Stooks Smith. Lond. 8*^' A Complete Roll of Officers and their services, of the Second Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot, from 1661 to 1880. By Lieut-Col. John Davis. In pro- gress, 1 888. This is to form the fourth volume of the History of the Regiment, by Lieut.-Col. Davis An Alphabetical List of the Offxcers of the Rifle Brigade, from IhOO to 1850, by H. S. Smith. Lond. 185 L 8"- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Ninety -fourth Regiment, Scotch Bri- gade, from 1800" to 1869, by H. S. Smith. Lond. 1869, 8°- Public Officers. 113 I {oil of the Officers of the York and Lancaster Regiment, containing a com- jjlete record of their services, including dates of commission, etc., by Major Gr. A. Kaikes, from 1756 to 1884. London, 1885, 80- An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Yorkshire Hussars, from the Formation of the Regiment to the present time, by H. S. Smith. Lond. 1853, 8o- List of the Lord Chamberlains of England, from William the Conqueror to Edward de Yere, Earl of Oxford, in the 4th year of Q. Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6134. A Catalogue of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal, from the the Conquest to 1671. See Dugdale's " Origines Juridiciales." Names of the Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal, with Dates of Patents, etc. Her. Coll. Yincent MS. 214. Lists of Chancellors, Treasurers, Admirals? Knights, etc. MS. vol. vi. Eshton Hall, Co. York. List of the Chancellors of England. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 542. f. 14. List of the Chancellors of England, from the Conquest to Nicholas Heath [1555]. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1153, f. 15. Names of Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal, from Henry YIII. to Queen Elizabeth, 1558. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 3, art, 79. Catalogue of the Chancellors of England, from Athelstan to 1593. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6778, f. 33. Custodes Rotulorum Cancellarise Anglise, ab ann. 1294 ad ann. 1621. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5063, f. 28. Nomina Cancellariorum Angliae, ab ann. 718 ad ann. 1625. Brit. xMus. Harl. MS. 4029, f. 11. The Catalogue of the Chancellors of England, the Lord Keepers of the Great Scale ; and the Lord Treasurers of England, With a Collection of divers that have beene Masters of the Rolles, by J. Philipot. Lond. 1636. 4o- The Names and Arms of the Lord Chan- cellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the time of William the Conqueror to 1.646. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1357, 6100. A Brief Discourse touching the Office of Lord Chancellor of England, by John Selden. Together with a true Catalogue of Lord Chancellors, and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Nor- man Conquest, untill this present Year, 1671, by Sir Wm. Dugdale. Lond. 1671. fol. Other editions in 1672, and 1677. The Lives of all the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, and Lords Commis- sioners of the Great Seal of England ; etc. by an Impartial Hand. 2 vols. Lond. 1712. 8°- The Chancellors from the Conquest to 1806. London, 1806, 4°- Privately printed. Series of Lord Chancellors, Keepers of the Great Seal, Masters of Rolls, Yice- Chancellors, Chief Justices, etc. from Queen Elizabeth to the present time, by H. W. Woolrych. 1826. 120- A Catalogue of the Lord Chancellors, Keepers of the Great Seal, Masters of the Rolls, etc., by Tho. D. Hardy. London, 1843. 8«- The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV., by John, Lord Camp- bell. 8 vols. London, 1845-69. 8o- Lists of Governors of the Colonies to 1851. See Haydn's " Book of Digni- ties." The Names of Privy Councillors, 37, 38, Hen. YIII, and 4-7 Edward YI. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 160, f. 286. List of Privv Councillors, from 1536 to 1545. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6989, f. 80. Names of Privy Councillors, in Mary's davs. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS. 160, f. 277. Names of Privy Councillors since 1 Eliz- abeth, Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 160, f. 281. Names of Noblemen, Knights, etc. of the Privy-Council, from anno 1 of Edw. YI. to 1575. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 104, art. 14. England's Glory, or an Exact Catalogue of the Lords of his Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, with the Knights of the Garter, etc. Lond. 1660. 8« 114 Pttblic Officees. List of Privy Councillors, appointed by James II. in 1684. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1163. Names of the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. Lond. 1689, single sheet. The Lords and others of the Privy Council temi^. Will. III. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7512, art. 2. Lists of Officers of the Customs, Excise, Stamps and Taxes, to 1851. See Haydn's " Book of Dignities." Names of the Chancellors of the Exchequer, from 48 Hen. III. to 12 Jac. I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1G3, f. 312. Officers of the Exchequer and of England. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSB. 5169, 5170. Officers of the Court of lievenue, the Exchequer, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7020, art. 10. Names of the Chief Justices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, with Dates of their Patents, and some Arms. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 203 ; 213 ; 223. Chief Justices : Coloured arms. An heraldic MS., by William Burton, addressed to Sir E. Coke ; belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Stemmata Genealogica capitalium Justi- ciariorum de Bancis utrisque, 1615. The arms and pedigrees of the Chief Justices, dedicated to Sir Edward Coke, by William Burton. MS. Alnwick Castle. List of the Chief Justices in Eyre, North and South of Trent, from 2 Hen. III. to 37 Hen. VIII. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vesp. r. iv. f. 64. Names of the Justices of the Henches, from Edw. I. to 1556. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 3, arts. 47, 48. Names of Justices of Assize, Counsellors of the North, Counsellors of the Marches of Wales, Sheriffs, etc. A D., 1562. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1218, f. 64. An alphabetical list of Judges, with their arms, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 123. The Names of his late Majesty's (William III.) Judges and Councell learned in the Law ; the Lords and others of the Privy Council ; the Justices of the Peace in England and Wales, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7512. Chronological Tables of the Great Law Officers from the Reign of Elizabeth, with their Promotions, Deaths or Kesignations, by H. T. Woolrych. 1826, 24"- The Lives of the Chief Justices of Eng- land, from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield, by John, Lord Campbell 3 vols. London, 1849-57, 8«- The Judges of England ; with sketches of their lives, 1066-1864, by Edward Foss. 9 vols, Lond. 1848-1864, 8° A Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, from the Conquest to the present time, 1066-1870, by Edward Foss. Lond. 1870, 8'^- Lists of Justices of the Peace throughout England. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 474. A Book of all the Justices of the Peace in England and Whales. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7512, art. 3. Liber Pacis, or Lists of the Nobility and Gentry, anno t Eliz. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1218, f. 1. '' Liber Pacis de anno regni Peginse Elizabeth sexto-decimo [1573-4]:" A list of the Sheriffs, Judges of Assize, Councils of the North and Wales, and of persons in the Commission of the Peace in the several counties of England and Wales. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2345. Names of all the Justices of the Peace in England, anno 1 579. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 18. D. iii. Names of Gentlemen in Commission for the Peace in England and Wales, 1582. Brit. Mus. Lans. 35, art. 40. Liber Pacis, or a List of Nobility and Gentry in England and Wales, quali- fied to act as Justices of Peace, circa^ 1584. hrit. Mus. Lans. MS. 737, f. 149. Names of Northern Justices, 1587- Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 53, art. 86. Names of Justices of the Peace in every County, 1587. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 53, art. 91. Lists of Nobility and Gentry in the Com- mission of Peace, 34 Eliz. [1592]. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1218, f. 154. List of the Justices of the Peace, A.D. 1625. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1622. The Names of the Justices of the Peace for England and Wales, March 1, 1651. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 391. Public Officers. 115 Lists of Justices of Peace for each County, a7ino 1653. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. D*d. viii, I. Nomina Magistroruin llotulorura in Can- cellaria, ab ann. 25 Edw. 1. ad ann. 1 Car. I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4029, f. 10. See also Dugdale's " Origines Juridiciales." Origines Juridiciales, by W. Dugdale. 3rd edition, London, 1680, fol. Abridged and continued to 1739, under the title of " Chronica Juridicialia." Lists of Justices of Peace in England and Wales, circa 1680. All Souls' Coll. Oxf. MS. ccxxiii. Lists of Justices of the Peace, 1680, see Eleventh Report of Historical MSS. Commission, 172. Lond. 1887, 8'^- A List of the Deputy-Lieutenants and Commission Officers of England and Wales. All Souls' Coll. Oxf. MS. CCXXIII. Names of Lieutenants and Deputies in England, teinj). Eliz. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 18, C. xxr. p. 38. Names of the Lords Lieutenants of the several counties of England and Wales, 1697. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1626. The Office of Marshal of Englaad, taken from a manuscript in the possession of Joseph Edmondson, Esq., Mowbray Herald. MS. early 19th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. On the Great Offices of Lord High Steward, Lord High Constable, and Earl Marshall of England, with other Offices appendant to them, by Sir Robt. Cotton, Camden, Selden, Tate, etc., 17th centurv. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 414. Tracts on the Office of Marshall, 17th and l!-^th centuries. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5878, 6240, 6779, 7384. Papers relating to the Office of Earl Marshal. Brit. Mus. MSS. Tit. C. i. ; Harl. 4176 ; Add. 5937, 6297, 9023 ; Lans. 867—8. Ashmole, Lib. 7355». Miscellaneous Collections relating to the offices of Lords High Chancellor and Constable, and Earl Marshall, temp. Chas. II. Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 418; 811. On the »ame, origin, duties, ^d privileges of the Earl Marshall, by John Anstis. Brit Mus. Stowe MS. 196. Letters to a Peer, concerning the Honour of Earl Marshal. Letter i. shewing that no Earl Marshal can be made during the minority of an Hereditary Earl Marshal, by John Anstis. Lond. 1703, 8^'- Another edition in 1706. Catalogue of Marshals ; list of Peers in 1577; Ordinances of John Tiptoft 6 Edw. IV., etc. MS. Dytchley, Co. Oxford. Names of the Erles Marschalls of Eno-- land, from the Conquest to 1590. Caius. Coll. Camb. MS 670, fP. 203, 217. Catalogues and Descents of the Marshals of England, from Hen. I. to 1638. Together with their arms, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6168; Lans. MS. 195'. See also Dallaway's " Heraldic Miscellanies," p. 49; and Noble's "College of Arms." Navy, see "Navy Lists," published by Authority. List of the Admirals of England. Brit. Mus. .^loan MS. 1301, art. 6. Names of the Vice- Admirals of England. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 474, f. 97. List of the Royal Navy of England, anno. 1546. Trin. Coll. Camb., Pepys MS. 99- Captains serving against the Spaniards, 1588. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 14 B. xiii. Lists of the Admirals of England, from Edward 11. to 1590. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6082, art. 22 ; 6843, f. 151 ; 6848, art. 30. Names of the Officers of the Navy, te?7ip. Elizabeth : Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 18 C. xxi, pp. 4, 9. Memoirs of the Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, by J. Barrow. Lond. 1845, 8«« List of the Admirals of England, from 8 Hen. III. to 16 James I. See Spel- man's " Grlossarium Archaiologicum," 1626, p. 16. List of Officers of the Navy, temp. Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7504. Register of Admissions and Promotions of Officers employed in the English Navy between 1660 and 1688. Trin. Coll. Camb. Pepys MS. 128. A list of all the Officers of the Nav}^ 1691. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6003. Characters of Great Men and Officers of the Navy in the reign of Queen Anne. Brit. Mus, Harl. MS. 6760. 116 Public Officers. Lists of Officers of the Navy, from 1660 to 1750. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 7464 ; 7504; 7472; Add. MSS. 11603; 11604 ; 14418. A list of the Captains of the Eoyal Navy with the dates of their Commissions, &c. 1673-1739. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31242. Lives of British Admirals, by John Camp- bell. 4 vols. Lond. 1779. New edition, by Yorke and Stevenson, 8 vols. Lond. 1812-17, 8^^- Abridged edition, 1849. W- Lives of the British Admirals, and Naval History of Great Britain, from the days of Csesar to the present time. By Dr. John Campbell. Seventh edition, London, 1870. 8"- Biographia Navalis ; or Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from 1660 to the present time, by John Charnock. 6 vols. Lond, 1794—98. 8"- Boyal Naval Biography ; or Memoirs of the Services of all the Flag Officers, Superannuated Bear- Admirals, lietired Captains, Post-Captains, and Com- manders, by John Marshall. 12 vols. Lond. 1823-30, 8'^- A Naval Biographical Dictionary, com- prising the Life, etc. of every living officer in Her Majesty's Navy, by William R. O'Byrne London, 1849. 8"- The Annual lioyal Naval Obituary for 1855, by H. S. Smith. Lond. 1856. 8^- "^ Names of the Masters of the Rolls, from 50 Hen. III. to 12 Jas. I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 163, f. 310. List of the L(Tds Privy Seal and Com- missioners, 1571-1701. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,500. Foreign Secretaries of the Nineteenth Century to 1834, by Percy M. Thorn- ton. 2 vols. Lond. 1881. Second edition, 3 vols. Lond. 1881-83, 8"- The _ Names of ^ Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Re- ceivers, Auditors, Justices of the Peace, and other Civil Officers, are given in the Valor Ecclesiasticus. A List of Sheriffs of the English Counties, from 31 Hen. I. to 4 Edw III. See the Thirty-first Annual Rc])ort of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. London, 1870, S*'- Notes on early sheriff's, by the Rev. R. W. Evton. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,944". List of Sheriffs from 1154. See Berry's Pedigrees of several counties. Names of Sheriffs, etc., in England, A.D. 1562, Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1218, f. 64. List of Sheriffs in England, from Hen. II. to Elizabeth inclusive. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. clxv. The Names of Sheriff's throughout England and Wales, 1582. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 35, art. 41. Names of the High Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Lieutenants and their Deputies, and Commissioners of the several counties, with the names of all the Vice Admirals of England. 1585. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 474. Catalogue of the Sheriffs of England to the last year of Queen Elizabeth. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 10, Pb. Catalogue of the High Sheriffs of England, from Hen. II. to Jas. I. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 47. Nomina Vicecomitum in diversis Comita- tibus, tempp. Hen. II., John, Edw. III., Hen. VIIL, Eliz., Jac. I., Car. I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 259. Nomina Vice-Comitum Anglise. Hen. II. —Car I. Brit, Mus. Harl. MS. 5171. The Succession of the High Sheriffs of divers Counties from the Reign of King Henry II. to that of King Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2122. A true catalogue of all the Sheriff es for England and Wales for the yeare 1642, etc. Lond. 1642, folio sheet. A true catalogue of all the Sheriffs for England and Wales for the year 1645, etc. Single sheet. November 15, 1654. A perfect list of the high sheriffs in England and Wales for the year ensuing. Lond. 1654, folio sheet. Lists of High Sheriffs of different Counties during the time of the Usurpation. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832. f. 181. Lists of Sheriffs to 1662. See Fuller's " Worthies." A Catalogue of Sheriffs of England and Wales, from Hen. II. to George I. Sion Coll. Lib. Lists of Sheriff's to 1748. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1218, f. 113 b. Public Officers. 117 A List of the Sheriffs, under-Sheriffs, and their London Agents in England and Wales for the year 1824, Woolwich, 1824, folio sheet. Roll of the High Sheriffs of England and Wales for 1877, recording the Arms and the Lineages of those Families whose members have been appointed by her Majesty to serve the ancient and hon- ourable office of High Sheriffs to their respective counties for the current year, by S. J. Bertrand Payne-Payne. Lond. 1878, 40- Privately printed. Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons, by James Alex. Manning. Lond. 1850, 8«- Sir Kobt. Cotton, Camden, Selden, Tate, and other learned Antiquaries upon the great offices of Lord High Steward, Lord High Constable, and Earl Marshall of England, temp. Chas. 11. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 414. An Historical Dissertation on the Origin, Antiquity, and Functions of the Office of Lord-High- Steward of England. Lond. 1776. 8''- Collections concerning the Lords Steward and Marshal, in the time of Edw. IV., by Fr. Thinne. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. C. Yin. Succession of the Lords High Stewards of England, from the time of William the Conqueror to Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2194. The Lives and Successions of the Trea- surers of England, from Odo, Treasurer to King Athelstan, to Hugh Lord Segrave, 1385, with coloured sketches of their Armorial Bearings, by Francis Thynne,1593. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 68. i^^ttglisij Cottnttts. o>.=rJX^S^S^ BEDFORDSHIRE. Warburton's and Pomfret's Genealogical Collections towards a History of Bed- fordshire. Brit. Mus. Lans. MSS. 887 ; 888. The miscellaneous heraldical collections of John Pomfret, Rouge Croix pursuivant ; with pedigrees and notes relating to Bedfordshire families, and epitaphs, etc. from several churches in that county. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 854. Heralds' Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1566. Her. Coll. H. 15 ; Phil. 49 P. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1531, 4600, 5867. Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1582, 3. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1097, 1390, 2109, 3968, 5186. Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1586. Queen's College, Oxf. cxiy. Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1634. Her. Coll. C. 31. Brit. Mus* Harl. MSS. 4108, 5828. The Heralds' Visitations of Bedfordsliire in 1566, 1586, and 1634. Edited by F. A. Blaydes for the Harleiau Society. London, 1884, 8o- Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1669. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1405 ; Stowe MS. 645. Pedigrees of Bedfordshire Families. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 1. P. ; 2. P. ; Vincent MS. 139. Collection of Bedfordshire Pedigrees, circa 1600. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Pedigrees of Bedfordshire Families, by St. George, to about 1621. Caius CoU. Camb. MS. 541, art. 13. Arms and pedigrees of Bedfordshire, &c. families, 1654. Stowe MS. 644. Brit. Mus. Collections of Descents and Arms for Bed- fordshire and London, with the name of Peter Le Neve, 1691. 31S. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. 118 English Counties. Genealogia Beclfordiensis. Edited hj F. A. Blaydes. In progress, 1887. Arms and Crests in Harvej's Visitation of Bedfordshire in 1506. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Arms of Bedfordshire Families, by Bysshe, 1669. Her. Coll. MS. D. Thynne's Collection of Arms, and In- scriptions in several Churches in Bed- fordshire. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Cleop. C. iii. The Monumental Brasses of Bedfordshire, by the Kev H. Addington. See " Archaeological Journal," vol. 40. London, 1888, 8"- Collections of Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in Bedfordshire. 3IS. Woburn Abbey. Church Notes in Bedfordshire. Collected by the Kev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9460. Monumental Inscriptions, and drawings of arms in St. Paul's Church Bedford, and in Maulden Church, Bedfordshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834, pp. 247—285. Monumental Inscriptions, and drawings of Coats of Arms in the Churches of Elstow, and Houghton— Conquest, Co. Bedford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5830. Arms and Epitaphs in the Churches of Eaton-Soken, Little Barford, and St. John's Bedford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832, f. 81. A Summary Catalogue of Monumental Art, existing in Parish Churches in Bedfordshire. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. i. edited by John Gough Nichols. London, 1846, 8"- Lords of Manors in co. Bedford. 9 Edw. II. lirit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,092. List of the High Sheriffs of Bedfordshire, from 1646 to 1756. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832, f. 182^- Names of Freeholders in the Counties of Bedford, etc. A.D. 1561. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 5. Copy of the poll at an Election of Members of Parliament for the County of Bed- ford, 1727. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,909. List of the Mayors of Bedford from the year 1647, see " Becords etc. of the Corporation of Bedford." Bedford, 1883, 40- Privately printed. Arms and Inscriptions in Biggleswade Church, Bedfordshire, 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841, f. 89. Extracts from the Parish Begisters of Campton, Co. Bedford. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. iii. p. 121. Extracts from the Parish Begisters of Cople, Co. Bedford. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. v. p. 362. Names and arms of the Knights at the Tournaments of Dunstable, temp. Edw. IL and III. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1068 f. 6 ; 1408 f. 141 ; 2213 f. 24 ; 6148 f. 144 ; 6589 f. 99 ; Add. 5848 f. 145 ; Lans. 860 f. 9 ; Otho 1). it. f. 92. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Hawnes, Co. Bedford. See Nichols' " Coll Top. et Gen." vol. iii. p. .-5. Monumental Inscriptions, and drawings of Coats of Arms in Milbroke Church, Co. Bedford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5831. BERKSHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Berkshire. MS. No. XLYir. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Heralds' Visitation of Berkshire, 1531. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,479. Her. Coll. H. 20. Visitation of Berkshire, by Wm. Hervey, Clarencieux, 1566. 3ISS Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Her. Coll. G. 5 ; H. 9 ; Phil. 49 p. Bodl. Lib. Gough MS. Copy of Visitation of Berkshire made in 1566 ; transcribed and augmented by William Smith, alias Rouge Dragon, 1600. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Visitation of Berkshire, 1566, enlarged to 1602, 3. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl.' 1081, 1139, 1532, 5822, 5867 ; Add. 14,283. The Visitation of Berkshire, A.D. 1566. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe. Privately printed. Visitation of Berkshire, 1584. Brit. Mus. Harl MS. 1153. Visitation of Berkshire, 1597. Caius Coll. 531. Qu. Coll. Oxf. Ixxxii. Visitation of Berkshire, 1023. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Folio. Visitation oit" Berkshire. 1623. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 4108, 6173. Her. Coll. C. 18. ; E. D. N. I. Ashmole, Lib. 852. English Counties. 119 Visitation of Berkshire, 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5828. The Visitation of Berkshire, taken in the year 1623, by Henry Chitting, Chester, &e., with some additions of the former visitations taken in 1566, and 1661. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4961. Visitations of Bedfordshire and Berkshire, time of Charles I. and Charles II. Stowe MS. 645. Brit. Mus. Visitation of Berkshire, 1664. Brit. Mus. Hark MS. 14S8. Her. Coll. C. 12. Ashmole, Lib. 851. Visitation of Berkshire, 1664—66. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1530 ; Add. 14,284. The Visitation of Berkshire, 1664-6, by Elias Ashmole. (Harl. MSS. 1483, 1530.) Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe, Exeter, 1882, >■ See also The Genealogist., vol. v. Lond. 1881, 8°- Pedigrees of Berkshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5819. Ashm. Lib. MS. 852. Her. Coll. Phil. MS. 3. P. Pedigrees of several of the most noted Families in Berkshire, extracted from a Genealogical MS. written about 1601. See appendix to Ashmole 's " Antiquities of Berkshire." Pedigrees of Berkshire Families, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,445. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Berkshire. Collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other authentic Manuscripts, by William Berry. London, 1837, fol. Collection of Pedigrees of Berkshire fami- lies, with genealogical notes, by John Kichards, 1837. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 28,668. Armorial bearings and Index to Pedigrees I . of Berkshire families, by John Richards, f 1834. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,669. Arms and Crests in Hervey's Visitation of Berkshire, 1566. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Ashmole's Collection of Arms, Epitaphs, etc. in Churches in Berkshire, 1666. Ashm. Lib. MSS. 571, 850, 1137. Monumental Inscriptions in Berkshire, etc., collected in 1660. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4170, 6365. The Arms, Epitaphs, anc^ Fenestral Inscriptions, with the draught of the Tombs, in all the Churches in Berkshire, published under the title of " The Antiquities of Berkshire," by Elias Ashmole. 3 vols. Reading, 1736, foL Church Notes in Berkshire, collected by the Rev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9460. Drawings of the ancient Monastic Seals of Berkshire, by B. Howlett. [This originally formed part of Caley's collection of drawings of Monastic Seals]. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,282. Lords of Manors in Co. Berks, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,092. A Catalogue of the principal Gentry living in 1665. Ashm. Lib. MS. 7235. Biographical and Genealogical Notices of the Members of Parliament of Berk- shire, from Edward VI. to Victoria, by Robert H. O'Byrne. L(.nd. 1848, 8''-' List of Institutions to the Vicarage of Hurley, Berks, 1304—1887, by Rev. F. T. Wethered. Privately printed, 1888. The Worthies and Celebrities connected with Newbury, Berks, and its neigh- bourhood, by Henry Godwin. Newbury, 1859, 4«- List of the Mayors of Reading, from 1399 to 1803. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28662. f. 256. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Shottesbrooke, Berks. 1586—1812. " The Genealogist," vol. yii, Lond. 1883. 80- Parish Register of Steventon, Co. Berks, 1556-1599. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2395. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Welford, Co. Berks. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. v. p. 359. Copies of Polls for the Borough of Wind- sor at three Elections for Parliament, 1794,1802 and 1804. Windsor, 1804, 8«- Poor Knights of Windsor of the Founda- tion of S. Travers. Windsor, 1849, 8«- BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Buckinghamshire, undated. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5868. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 4 P, 5 P. Bodl. Gough MS. Visitation of Buckinghamshire by Wm. Hervey, Clarencieux, 1566. MS. Lam- port Hall, Co. Northani])tou. Her. Coll. MSS. H. 9, H. 15, Phil. 49 P. Vincent 138. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1429, 3968, 5181, 5832, 5867. 120 English Counties. The Visitation of the County of Bucking- ham, A.D. 1566. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe. [Harl. MS. 5867.] Privately printed. See also The Genealogist, vol. VII. Lond. 1883, 8o- Visitation of Buckinghamshire, 1574. Her. Coll. MSS. F. 1., G. 3., E.D.N, ii. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1139. Visitation of Buckinghamshire, 1574 — 6, enlarged to 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1533. Visitation of Buckinghamshire. A copy of Philipot's and Ryley's visitation in 1634, with several other coats of arms, collected by Samuel Walker, in 1669. Stowe MS. 646. Brit. Mus. Visitation of Buckinghamshire, 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1102, 1136, 1151, 1193, 1234, 1391, 1405, 5828. Her. Coll. C. 26, Phil. 49 P. Qu. Coll. cxxY. Caius Coll. 534. Visitation of Buckinghamshire, 1634, preceded by Epitaphs and Arms copied from various Churches, inscribed " Abram White, ejus liber, 1678." MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Pedigrees of Buckinghamshire families, by Robt. Cooke, 1583. MS. belonging to Lord Braye, at Stamford Hall. Pedigrees of Buckinghamshire Families, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,445. Pedigrees of the Families in 'the County of Buckinghamshire. Collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other authentic Manuscripts, by William Berrj', London, 1837, fol. Pedigrees of Buckinghamshire Families. Her. Coll. Phi]. MS. 35 ; Pb. W. Extracts and Pedigrees from the Kegister of Nutley Abbey, Co. Bucks, 1591. Her. Coll. MS. G. 5 (2). Arms and Pedigi-ees of Buckinghamshire Families, with a List of the Justices of Bedfordshire and Bucks, from the reign of Henry II. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 647. Arms and Crests in Hervey's Visitation of CO. Bucks, 1566. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184 Arms of Buckinghamshire Families, by Bysshe, 1669. Her. Coll. MS. D. 25. Lords of Manors in co. Buckingham, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,092. The Worthies of Buckinghamshire, and Men of Note of that County, by Robert Gibbs. 1884, 4''- A Register of the Names and Occupations of all Persons residing within the County of Buckingham, between the ages of 15 and 60 years, by John Penn, Esq., High Sheriff, 1798, 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 804. Poll Book for the County Election, May 1831, giving a list of 2500 freeholders. 1831. History of the Deanery of Buckingham ; with an account of the Earls and Dukes of Buckingham and the High Sheriffs of the County, by Browne Willis. London, 1755, 4*^- Muster Roll of the trained bands of Buckinghamshire, 1624. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 802. Original returns of the trained bands of Buckingham and Newport hundreds, co. Bucks, 1660—62. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 803. Drawings representing the costume of the Royal Bucks Militia in 1793, with the names, etc. of the Officers, by Sir Wmx. Young. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 805. History of the Hundred of Cotslow, containing the Epitaphs, Inscriptions and Arms in all the Parish Churches, with extracts from the Parish Registers, by Browne Willis, with lists of Rectors, 1772. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5840. History of the Hundred of Newport, co. Buckingham, containing the Epitaphs, Inscriptions and Arms in all the Parish Churches, with extracts from the Parish Registers, by Browne Willis. 1765, with lists of Rectors-. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5839. Church Notes in Buckinghamshire, col- lected by the Rev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9460. Monumental Inscriptions in Buckingham- shire, collected in 1660. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4170, 6821; Lans. MS. 712. Monumental Inscriptions, with drawings of Coats of Arms in the Churches of Fenny-Stratford, Chesham, Woburne, Milton, Keynes, Haversham, Wolverton, and Beauchampton, co. Buckingham, by the Rev. Wm. Cole, 1754. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836. Enolish CorNTrfis. 121 Monumeotal Inscriptions, and drawings of Coats of Arms in the Churches of Stukely, Drayton -Parslow, Stoke-Ham- ond, Walton, Newton-Longueville, and Wavenden, co. Buckingham. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5830. Drawings of coats of arms, and monumental inscriptions in Blechlej^ Church, Copy of the Parith Register, from 1579 to 1763, and list of the Kectors, from 1196 to 1765. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5821. Coloured drawings of Coats of Arms, and Monumental Inscriptions in Burnham Church, Buckinghamshire, with extracts from the Parish Registers. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Burnham in Buckinghamshire, 1561 to 1774. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5847. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Burnham, co. Bucks. See Nichols' '• Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. iv. p. 286. Monumental Effigies found at Chenies in Bucks. By W. H. Kelke. See Arcli(jeological Journal. Vol. x. Sepulchral Monuments at Clifton Reynes, by W. H. Kelke. See ArchcBologlcal Journal, vol. XI. Abstracts from the Parish Register of Denham in the County of Bucks, 1564 —1688. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3361. Grant of Arms to Eton College, 27 Henry YI. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841. Arms in Eton College, with a Catalogue of the Fellows, 1777. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848. f. 206. Monumental Inscriptions in Eton College Chapel. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5831. Catalogues of the Eton scholars from 1443 to 1774, with short biographies, have been printed, under the title of " Registrum Regale, sive Catalogus Praepositorum, Sociorum et Alumnorum in Coll. Etonensi, in Coll. Reg. Cantab. Cooptatorum, 1443—1774." Etonse (Pote), 1774, 4« Alumni Etonenses ; or a Catalogue of the Provosts and Fellows of Eton College, from 1443 to 1797, with an Account of their Lives and Preferments, by Thomas Harwood. Birmingham, 1797, 4°- Catalogus Praepositorum et^ Sociorum Coll. Etonensis, in Com. Bucks. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8583, f. 120. Eton School Lists, from 1791 to 1877, with Notes and Index by Stapleton, giving Lists of the Provosts, Fellows, Masters, etc. 1885, 4P- Memoirs of Eminent Etonians, by Edward S. Creasy. 1850, 8'^- Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians, by J. H. Jesse. 2 vols. London, 1875, W^- The Parish Registers of Great Hampden, CO. Bucks, 1557 — 1812 ; together with copies of the Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard, and a list of the successive Rectors. Edited by Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite. Only 100 copies privately printed. Lords of the Manor of Hartwell, from the Conquest to the present time. Peveral, De Hertewell, Luton, Hampden and Lee. By W. H. Smyth. 2 vols. London, 1851—64, 4"- Notes on Supulchral Memorials in Hughendon Church, Buckinghamshire, by Albert Hartshorne, Esq. See The Archceological Journal., xxxiv, 279. London, 1877, 8'^- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Iver, CO. Bucks. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. iii, p. 279. List of Rectors of Great Lynford in Buckinghamshire, from 1277 to 1755 ; with monumental inscriptions. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5829. The Catholic Registers of Weston Under- wood, Bucks. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887, fol. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Cambridgeshire, no date. Brit. Mus. Hari. MSS. 6774, 6775, 6830. Her. Coll. Phil. M8S. 6. P. ; 7. P. Visitation of Cambridgeshire, 1575. Her Coll., G. 10, G. 14, G. 18. A^isitation of Cambridgeshire, 1570 — 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940. Visitation of Cambridgeshire, 1575, en- larged to 1619. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS, 1534. Copy of part of the Visitation of Cam- bridgeshire, made between the years 1573 and 1579, with coloured arms, by Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812. f. 142. Visitation of Cambridgeshire, by Henry St. George, 1619. Brit. Mus. MSS. Add. 4962 ; Hari. 1043, 1401, 2198, 122 English (Bounties. 6769, G770. Her. Coll. C. ii ; Vincent 131. Cains Coll. 542. Qn. Coll. xciii. bocll. Lib. MS. Copy of the Visitation of Cambridgeshire in 1619 ; with additions by the Kev. Wm. Cole ; arms in colours, 1764. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812. The Cambridgeshire Visitation, bv Henry St. George, 1619, from MSS. Phillipps No. 63. Edited by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Medio-Montanis, 1840, fol. Heralds' Visitation of Cambridgeshire, 1665. Her Coll. C. 39. Copy of the Visitation of the County of Cambridge by Sir H. St. George, 1684, by Kev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 5822. Pedigrees of several Gentlemen now inhabiting the County of Cambridge, bytheEev. Wm. Cole, 1747. .Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812, f . 154. Heraldry and Pedigrees of Cambridgeshire Families, 2 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5798, a, b. Arms and Descents of Cambridgeshire Families from the Visitation of 1619. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2198, 2230. The Names, Habitations, and Arms of all the Gentlemen in Cambridgeshire. Bodl. Lib. Gough MS. Names and arms of the Cambridgeshire Gentry in the time of Charles II. and in 1761. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812. f. 195 b, etc. Drawings of Arms and Monuments, with copies of Monumental Inscriptions in the several Churches and Colleges in Cambridgeshire, by the Kev Wm. Cole. Cole's MSS. in the British Museum. Nos. 5802-5813, 5819, 5820. Church Notes, etc. in Cambridgeshire, collected by the Kev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 9461, 9465. Drawings of coats of arms, and monu- mental inscriptions in the Churches of Barton, Cumberton, Hardwick, Down- ham, Great and Little Wilbraham, Kenet, Littleport, Emneth, and Over. Brit. ]\Ius. Add. MS. 5821. Arms and Epitaphs in Sawston Church, Cambridgeshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 5832, f. 151. Epitaphs in Cambridgeshire, A,D. 1713. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,425. Monumental Inscriptions in Cambridge- shire. See Blomefield's " Collectanea Cantabrigiensia." 1750, 4«- Pri- vately printed. Lords of Manors in co. Cambridge, 9 Edvv. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,092. List of Sheriifs of Cambridgeshire. See Carter's " History of Cambridgeshire." List of Sheriffs of Cambridgeshire, from Hen. II. to 17 Jas. I. ^^u. Coll. Oxf. MS. xciii. f. 6. A List of the Sheriffs for the Counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, from 1654 to 1749, with the names and dates of a, few earlier ones. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5810, f. 4. Names and Arms of Justices of Peace, Co. Cambridge, A.D. 1601, 1619. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xciii. Short Memorials, with the Arms embla- zoned, of the present Justices of the Peace for the Count v of Cambridge, A.D. 1740. By the Kev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5808. Extracts from the Parish Kegisters from Great and Little Abington, 1748. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5823. List of the Mayors of Cambridge. See Blomefield's " Collectanea Canta- brigiensia .'' List of the Mayors and Bailiffs of Cam- bridge, 1263-1500. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5813, f. 131 b. ; 5833, f . 123, &c. List of the Mayors of Cambridge, from 1488 to 1501. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4116, f. 8. Names of Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace within the Town of Cam- bridge, 1597. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 84, art. 99. Lists of Cambridge Officers, 1708-1782. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5813, f. 200 b. ; 5960, f . 27. Collections, containing the Monuments in the Parish Churches and Chapels in: Cambridge, with all the Arms in and about the Colleges, by Francis Bloom- field, 1724. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 84. Monumental Inscriptions in divers Churches and Chapels iu Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2129, 6121, 6821. History of the University of Cambridge, by Edm. Carter. London, 1753, 8°- Another by G. Dyer. 2 vols. Lond. 1814, 8«. English Counties. 123 Memorabilia Cantabrigiie ; or, An Account of the Colleges in Cambridge, by Joseph Wilson. Jjondon, 1803, 8"- Description of both the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, with their arms, and the arms of every college of both of them, witli the first founders and prin- cipal benefactors to those Universities, by A. Lewis. The arms are coloured. MS. No. 125. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. The Foundation of the University of Cambridge, with the names and arms of all such noble persons as have been Earls of Cambridge and Chancellors of the University for 100 years last past, also of the founders, benefactors, masters, etc. Collected by S. G. Sanderson. 16G2, MS. Kimbolton Castle. The Foundation of the Universitie of Cambridge. With the Arms of each College, Founders and Officers, etc., beautifully coloured by John Scot in 1617 and 1621. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4017, 4283. Add. MS. 11720. Lists of the Chief Officers of the University of Cambridge. See Le Neve's " Fasti," new edition by Thomas DufFus Hardy. 3 vols. Oxford, 1854, 8«- Catalogus Cancellariorum, Pro-Cancellari- oruni, Procuratorum. et eorum qui in Acad. Cantab, ad Gradum Doctoris aspirant ; et numerus omnium Grad- uatorum, etc., ab ann. 1500, ad. ann. 1571, per Matth. Parkerum, Arch. Cant. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8567. Catalogus Artium Baccalaureorum in Universitate Cantabrigia? ab Anno Domini 1500, usque ad Annum 1735, a reverendo et dignissimo Viro Gulielmo Kichardson. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5885. List of Bachelors of Arts, Cambridge, from 1500 to 1777. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. Registrum Gratiarum, Graduum, etc., a veteri libro procuratorum, 1488 — 1544. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6399, A. Lists of Cambridge Graduates, 1500 — 1775. Brit. Mus. Add. M:^S. 5851, f. 224 ; 5884, f. 33. Graduati Cantabrigiensis, 1823, with MS. additions by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,209, 19,210. Graduati Cantabrigienses. Bdited by Henry Kichard Luard. Cantabrigiensis, 1884, 8«- The Cambridge University Calendar. This calendar was commenced about the year 1799, and has been continued annually to the present time, 1890. Athenae Cantabrigienses. By Charles Henry Cooper, and Thompson Cooj^er. (^ambridge, 1858 etc. S''- Collections for an Athene Cantabrigienses ; alphabetically arranged, by the Rev. Wm. < ole. 23 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5862 to 5884 Collections for an Athense Cantabrigiensis, made about 1732. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Ff. iii. 32. Lives of the illustrious Men that have been educated in the University of Cam- bridge, from the foundation thereof unto the year 1715, by Morris Drake Morris. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 7176, 7177 ; Add. 5856—5858, 6114 f. 12. The Names of London Scholars, Members of certain Colleges in Cambridge, 1575. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 20, art. 82. Alphabetical List of the several Gentlemen Avho have gained Honors and Prizes in the University of Cambridge. Camb. 1836, 12«- Copy of a Grant of Arms to the Professors of the University of Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812, f. 151. The Arms of the several Colleges of Cam- bridge. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883, f. 118. Arms of the Colleges of Cambridge. [Coloured]. London, single sheet. Seals and Armorial Bearings of the Uni- versity and Colleges, of Cambridge, by W.H.St. John Hope. Lond. 1882, 40- An application of Heraldry to the Illus- tration of various University and Collegiate Antiquies, by H. A. Wood- ham. Piihlications of the Cambridge Antiqiiarian Society vol. I. Camb. 1848, ^^^ Drawings of Monuments in Cains College, Cambridge, 1777. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. A short account of the Masters of Christ's College, Cambridge, with their coats of arms, by the Rev. Wm. Cole, from 1506 to 1754. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5821. Arms and Epitaphs in Christ's College Chapel, Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Add, MS. 5832, f. 116. 124 English Counties. Extracts from the Records of Christ's College, Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6981. An Alphabetical Series of Masters of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to- gether with their Counties, times of Admission, and Degrees, from the Foundation in 1351 ; of all Fellows from 1 140 ; and of all other Students from 1544. See Masters' " History of Benet College, Camb." [A prior list of members had been pulished in 1749 ] An Account of such Antiquaries as have received their Education in (^orpus Christi College, Cambridge, with their arms in colours, by the llev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5852, 5886. Catalogue of Masters, Fellows, and Graduates of Emanuel College, Cam- bridge, with a list of Admissions from 1584 to 1734. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. Admissions to Gonville and Caius College in the University of Cambridge. 1558- 1689. Edited by J. Venn and S. C. Venn. London, 1887, 8«- Account of King's College, Cambridge, by H. Maiden. Camb. 1769. 8o- Registrum Regale, sive Catalogus Prse- positorum, Sociorum et Alumnorum, o CoUegio Etonensi in Coll. Reg. Cantab. Cooptatomm,1443-1774 Etonse (Bote), 1774. 40- Alumni Etonienses, or a Catalogue of the Provosts and Fellows of Eton College, and King's College, Cambridge, from the Foundation in 3443 to the year 1797, with an Account of their Lives and Preferments, by T. Harwood. Birmingham, 1797, 4*^- A Catalogue of all the Provosts, Fellows, and Scholars, of King's College, Cam- bridge, from the foundation in 1441. Together with their several Preferments in Church and State, the places of Sepulture, Monumental Inscriptions, Coats of Arms, etc. by Wm. Cole. 4 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5814- 5817. Biographical Notices of all the Provosts, Fellows, and Scholars of King's College, from the Foundation. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5802, if. 116-168 ; 5955 ; 5960. Catalogue of Provosts, Fellows, and Scholars elected into King's College, Cambridge, from 1441-1703. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6114. Caius. Coll. MS. 173. Account of the Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, from 1478-1620. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5954. Arms of the Provosts of King's College, Cambridge, with some account of their lives. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5802. List of the Fellows of Magdalen College, ('ambridge, from 1575 to 1735. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. A Catalogue of the Masters, with their Arms emblazoned, of Queen's College, Cambridge, bv the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5808. Arms in Queen's College, Cambridge, with a Catalogue of all the Fellows and Treasurers, 1777. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, f . 163. Arms of Benefactors to Queen's College, Cambridge, preserved on Wainscot in the Master's Lodge. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, p. 326. List of Masters and Fellows of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, to 1798. See Loder's " History of Framlingham," Woodbr. 1798, 4«' Biographical List of Masters of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, with their Arms, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5820, ff. 132 b, 172; 5853, f. 170 ; 6402, f. 131. A List of the Fellows of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 1777. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. List of the Masters and Fellows of St. Catherine's Hall, Cambridge, 1733. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851. Biographical notes of the Masters of St. John's College, Cambridge, with their arms in colours, 1775. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5850. Mr Baker's Catalogue or Lists of Bishops educated in St. John's College, Cam- bridge, with their Arms in colours, 1775. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5850. Admissions to the College of St. John the Evangelist in the University of Cam- bridge. Edited by J. E. B. Mayor. Camb, 1883, 8°- Drawings of coats of arms, and monu- mental inscriptions in Sydney-Sussex College, Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5821. English .Counties. 125 List of Masters of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, from 1546 to 1699. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 130. List of the Fellows, Masters, Scholars, Pensioners, etc. of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1773. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5846. Admissions in Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1635 to 1647. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5851, p. 159. List of the Masters of Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge, with their arms blazoned, as they appear in the Master's Lodge ; together with the arms in other parts of the College, 1780. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5859. Arms taken in Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1742, with copies of Monumental Inscriptions. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5804, f, 85. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Cherry-Hinton, from 1538 to 1753. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5845 p. 218. Extracts from the Parish Kegisters of Cottenham, 1572 to 1776. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5849. Lists of the Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of Elv. See Bentham's " History of Ely Cathedral." Camb. 1771. 4"- 2nd edition, Norwich, 1812. 4^^- Supple- ment by W. Stevenson, 1817. Also Miller's " History of Ely Cathedral." Lond. 1807. 8^- A Catalogue of the Principal Members of the Conventual and Cathedral Church of Ely, viz. Abbesses, Abbots, Bishops, Priors, Deans, Prebendaries, and Arch- deacons, from 673 to 1756. [By James Bentham.] Camb. 1756. 4'^- Account of the Arms of the Bishops of Ely. by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5822, f. 140. Shields of Arms in Ely Cathedral, 1768. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5832, 5842. Account of the Ely Tablet of Knights and Monks. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832, fol. 101. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Hockington, 1561-1776. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5849. The Register Booke of the Parishe of Impington, from 1562 to 1684. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5821. Arms at Lanwade in Cambridgeshire, 1779. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, p. 449. Extracts from the Parish Register of Madingley, Co. Cambridge, 1539 to 1698. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5852. Painted Arms in the Windows of the Rev. Wm. Cole's House at Milton near Cambridge, 1778. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834, ff. 194-204, 344-359, 390-399. Parish Register of Papworth Everard, Co Cambridge, from 1565 to 1(J91. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,854. Church Notes, and extracts from the Parish Register of Stow cum Quoy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832, f. 94 b. Antiquities of St. Mary's Chapel at Stourbridge, near Cambridge, by J. S. Cotman. Yarmouth, 1819, fol. Marriage Registers from h't. Mary's Church Whittlesey, by J. Coleman, 1879. Copy of a Book containing Registers of Births, Burials, and Marriages, and other records belonging to the General Baptist Church of Wisbeach. Harrow, 1860, 8«' CHESHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Cheshire, 1532, 3. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2076. The Visitation of Lancashire and part of Cheshire, made A.D. 1533 by Thomas Benalt. Edited by William Langton. Chetham Society. Manchester, 1876. 4°- Visitation of Cheshire, 1566, 1580, and 1613. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1170, 1988. Her. Coll. D. 3; E.D.N. 17. Qu. Coll. LXXX. Visitation of Cheshire by Wm. Flower and Robt. Clover, 1580. MS. Earl Grosvenor's Lib. Eaton. MS. Condover Hall, Shropshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1045, 1152, 1424, 1505, 2167, 5182. Her. Coll. D. 14; E.D.N. 17. Chetham Lib. 6694. Brief notes of the evidences, pedigrees, etc., concerning the county palatine of Chester, taken out of the book of the visitation of Chester, made by Wm. Flower, alias Norroy King-at-Arms, taking with him Robert Glover alias Somerset herald, his Mareschal, A.D. 1580. The original remayneth with Sir W. Neave alias Clarencieux King- of-Arms. MS. 17th. centurv. Eaton Hall, Co. Chester. 126 English CorNTiES. The Visitation of Clieshire in 1580, by Robert Glover. Edited by Paul K viands for the Harhdan Society. London, 1882, 8^- Visitation of Cheshire, 1591. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS:S. 2101, 2163. Visitation of Cheshire, 1603, 4. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 774. Visitation of Cheshire, 1580, 1612, 13, Ui-it. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1070, 2187. Visitation of Cheshire, by Glover, in 1580 ; by St. George in 1613 ; by Flower in 1566. MS. Baginton Hall, Warwick- shire. Visitation of Cheshire, 1612 — 3. Her. Coll. C. 6. Brit. JVIus. Harl. MS. 1535. A copy of y^- visitation Book of Cheshire ann. 1613, by Robert Smyth, from one in y®- possession of Tho. Wotton, of Kingston, Surrey, with an Alphabetical list of y®- Gentrye, arms Blazon'd, 1752. Hrit. Mus. Add. MS. 29783. Visitation of Cheshire, 1630. Brit, ivlus. Add. MS. 5529. Visitation of Cheshire, 1613 — 1G64. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2142. Visitation of Cheshire, 1663. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2119. Her. Coll. C. 38. Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry of Cheshire since the Conquest. Bodl. Lib. Gough MS. ^ Collection of Cheshire Pedigrees. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 120. Pedigrees of Cheshire Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,33(). Harl. MS. 1057. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 9, C ; 10, L. Pedigrees of Cheshire and Lancashire Families. Caius Coll. Camb. MSS. 533, 547. Copies of old deeds and genealogies of old Cheshire Families, with arms in colour, well drawn. MS. Tabley House, Che- shire. Cheshire Genealogies, with coloured arms, large folio. MS. Tabley House, Che- shire. The descents or genealogies of certain families of the gentry of Bucklow Hundred, by Sir Peter Leycester, 1665. [The families are Booth, Daniel, Dutton, Holford, Leycester, Mainwaring, Mob- berley. Toft, Warburton, and M ere ] Tabley House, Cheshire. Pedigrees of Cheshire families, by J. Boothe, with arms, and sometimes ille- gitimate issue. There are some addi- tions in 1613, and 1655. MS. No. 137. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Pedigrees and arms of Cheshire families, 17th. century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2589. Genealogia fundatorum monasterii de Stanlaw, et de Whalley ; with rolls of noble families, their pedigrees and arms, by Thomas Talbot. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vesp. D. XVII. Pedigrees of Cheshire families, by Joseph Hunter, 19th centurv Brit. Mus Add. MS. 24,444 Pedigrees of Cheshire families, by George Wilkinson, 1786-1788. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,782. County Families of Lancashire and Che- shire by James Croston. 1887. 4"- Cestrise Comitatus descriptus, etc. by John Legh, 1638. Consisting chiefly of notices of Cheshire families, with draw- ings of their arms, coloured or in trick. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,778. Bostock's Heraldic Collections for Che- shire, 1572 Brit Mus Harl. MS. 139. The armes of such Gentlemen as now do dwell, or heretofore have dwelled in the Countie Palatine of ( hester, written in Anno Domini 1594. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,740. Armorial of Cheshire : " Collections out of Records by Roger Wilcoxon, given to me at my Visitation taken for Cheshire, 1613. Ri. St. George, Norroy." Collections of Cheshire pedigrees. MS 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Eaton Hall, Co. Chester. [This volume was used by Mr. Ormerod, the historian of Cheshire.] Arms of Cheshire families, time of Charles I. Stowe MS. 774. Brit. Mus. A full and accurate Collection of the Arms belonging to the Gentry of Cheshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4965. Arms of Cheshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2230, f. 18. Chetham Lib. ]VIS. 8019. Heraldical Collections concerning Chester, by Randle Holme. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1988. Arms of Cheshire and Lancashire families described, 1682. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,786. English Cottnties. 127 Arms, Monuments, etc., of Cheshire Families, collected by Ashmole. Ashm. Lib. MS. 7260. Arms of the Monasteries, and of the Nobility and Gentry of Cheshire Brit. Miis. Harl. MS. 1940. Alphabet of Arms of the Gentry of Cheshire, 1656. Brit. Mus. Add' MS 26710, f. 77. An Alphabet of the Arms of Cheshire and Lancashire, blazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 893. Ordinaries of Cheshire Arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 246, 521, 893, 1382. 1457, 2055, 2088, 2157, 2167. Crests of Cheshire Families by Randle Holme. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1963. Common-place book of heraldic and his- torical collections, by Robert Com- maundre (ob. 1613), Rector of Tarporle}^ CO, Chester. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2642. Miscellanea Palatina : consisting of genea- logical essays illustrative of Cheshire families, and a memoir of the Cheshire Domesday Roll, by George Ormerod. Privately printed. Lond. 1851, 8^- The Regester Booke of Funeralls in the Countves . f Chester, etc. begun AD. 1600, by William Segar. [This MS. contains the arms emblazoned of the persons buried, and particulars relating to themselves and their families] . Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 879. The Register Book of Funerals in North Wales, Cheshire, etc, begun 28 May, 1606. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 204L Cheshire and Lancashire Funeral Certifi- cates, A D. 1600 to 1678. Edited for the Record Society by J. Paul Rylands. Lond 1881-2, 8"- ^Monuments and Arms of Cheshire fami- lies, collected by E. Ashmole. Ashm. Lib. MS. 7260. Monumental inscriptions, and drawings of coats of arms in the ■ hurches of Bun- bury, Budworth, Tarporley, and Over in Cheshire, with lists of dignitaries of those ' hurches, from 1321 to 1757, by the Rev. Wm. L'ole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 5830. An extensive (lollection of Monumental Inscriptions, by the third Randle Holme. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 2151. Miscellaneous Collection of Chifrch Notes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2071, 2103. Lancashire and Cheshire Historical and. Genealogical Notes. Edited by Josiah Rose, Reprinted from the Leigh Chronicle " Scrap Book." Part I. Leigh, 1878, &c, 8^- Cheshire Gleanings, by W. E. A. Axon. Manchester and London, 1884. A Memoir on the Cheshire Domesday Roll, with Notices of the Justiciaries of Chester in the 13th century, by George Ormerod. Not published, 1851. 80- Certaineverie rare Observations of Chester, and some parts of Wales ; with divers Epitaphes, Coats Armours, and other Monuments, verie orderlie and labori- ouslie gathered together, by Sampson Erdeswicke, 1574. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 473. List of Cheshire Officers. Brit. Mus. Harl MS. 280, f. 50 b. List of Sheriffs of Cheshire from the reign of Edw. III. to 1699. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1920, f. 15. Names of Gentlemen of Worship in Co. Chester, 1575. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 20, art. 39. Names of Knights, Esquires, and Gentle- men in Co. Chester, 1579, 1580. Brit. i Mus. Harl. MS. 1424, f. 7. List of Cheshire Gentlemen, 24 Hen. YIII. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1920, f . 38. The Names of all the Inhabitants within the County of Chester, A.D. 1641. Brit. Mus.'Harl. MS. 2107. List of Cheshire Gentlemen who com- pounded for their estates, temp. Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043, ff. lis, 128. Names of Freeholders in Cheshire, 1579, 1580. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1424, f. 7. temp. Chas. II. Harl. MS. 1920, ff. 46, m, 69. Worthies of Cheshire. Border Counties Worthies, bv E. G. Salisbury. Oswestry, 1880 Arley Charters. A Calendar of Ancient Family Charters, preserved at Arley Hall, Cheshire, the seat of R. E. Eger- ton-Warburton, Esq., with Notes, etc., by W. Beamont. Lond. 1866, 4'^- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Backford, in Cheshire. See Nichols " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. iv. p. 232. 128 English Coun^ties. An Account of the Earls and Bishops of Chester. MS. 17th century. Tabley House, Cheshire. Catalogue and Lives of the Bishops of Chester, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,336. List of the Mayors and Sheriffs of Chester, 1326—1584. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,777. Briefe notes of Antiquitye of the famose Cittye of Chester, with the Succession of the names of all the Mayors and Sheriffes, etc., to the year 1622, and continued to 1646. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,779. A list of the Mayors and Sheriffs of Chester, beginning in an early year of Edward the Third, and continued by various writers to the year of our' Lord 1784. MS. h. Corporation of the City of Chester. Lists of the Recorders, Mayors, and Sheriffs of Chester, down to 1657. MS. Tabley House, Cheshire. The antiquities of the most antient and famous Cittie of Chester ; with a Col- lection of the Mayors who governed the Citty and the time they governed ; and a coppie of a collection of the Justices of Chester, 1602. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,780. Catalogue of the Justices of Chester. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5095, f . 89. Names of the Corporation of Chester, 1601. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2003, f . 665. Monumental Inscriptions from the Parish Churches of Chester, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,781. Copy of the Parish Registers of St. Brid- get, St. Mary-on-the-Hill, St. Olave, and Trinity Churches, in Chester, from 1598 to 1653. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2177. Description of the armorial bearings and copies of inscriptions in the churches of St. Michael, St. Bridgett, St. Mary, St. Olive, and St. John, at Chester. Stowe MS. 648. Brit. Mus. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Farndon, in Cheshire, commencing 1601. See Nichols' "Coll. Top. et Gen." Vol. IV. p. 233. The Shields of Arms formerly in the win- dows of the parish Church of Lymm, Co. Chester, as illustrative of the origin of several local coats of arms, by J. P. Rylands. Liverpool, 1879. 8o- A History of the Town and Parish of Nantwich, by James Hall, [containing extracts from the Parish Registers, and a History, with pedigrees, of the families of Maisterson, Wilbraham, Church, Main waring, Wettenhall, Tom- kinson, Minshull, Goldsmith, Gerard, Malbon, Wright, Comberbach, Wick- sted, Eddowe and Bowman.] Nantwich, 1883, 4P- The Register Book of Christenings, Wed- dings, and Burials within the Parish of Prestbury, in the Countv of Chester, 1560-1636. Edited for"^ the Record Society by James Croston. Lond. 1881, 80- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Prestbury, Cheshire. See Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica vol 3. Lond. 1889, S*^- Stockport Parish Registers, Transcribed by E. W. Bulkeley. In progress, 1887. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Tar- porley in Cheshire, from 1589 to 1755. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836. Historic Gleanings ; viz. extracts from the Registers of the Parish Church of St. Hilary, Wallasey, Cheshire, etc., by Edw. M. Hance. Liverpool, 1886, 8°- Warrington Church Notes. The Parish Church of St. Elfin, Warrington, and the other churches of the Parish, by William Beaumont. Warrington, 1878, 80- An attempt to identify the Arms formerly existing on the windows of the Parish Church and Austin Fidary at Warring- ton, by William Beaumont. Warring- ton, 1878, 8°- Extracts from the parish register of Whit- church, Co. Chester, 1633-1740. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,444. CORNWALL. Heralds' Visitation of the County of Corn- wall. MS. without title or date in the possession of J. R. Pine Coffin, Esq. Portledge, North Devon. Visitation, with Arms and Pedigrees of Cornwall, &c. families, by Thomas Benholt. Stowe MS. 649. Brit. Mus. Visitation of Cornwall undated : another 1530. Her. Coll. G. 2 ; H. 18. English Counties. 129 Visitation o£ Cornwall, 1531. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,315. Visitation of Cornwall, 1561, 2. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3288. Visitation of Cornwall, 1570-1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940. Visitation of Cornwall, 1573. Her. Coll. MSS. E. 15 ; G. 6; H. 16. Caius Coll. 553. Visitation of Cornwall, 1573-1620. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1079. Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1142, 1149, 1162, 1164, 1397. Her. Coll. C. i ; E.D.N. 2. Caius Coll. 532. Bodleian Lib. 5054. Visitation of Cornwall 1620, Edited by Sir N. H. Nicholas, pp. 1-28. Lond. 1838, fol. No more published. The Visitation of the County of Cornwall in the year 1620. Edited by Lieut.-Col. J. L. Vivian, and H. H. Drake. Harleian Society, vol. ix. London, 1874, 4^- The Visitations of Cornwall, comprising the Heralds' Visitations of 1530, 1573, and 1620. Edited, with additions, by Lieut.-Col. J. L. Vivian. London, 1879, etc. 4P- In progress. A very valuable collection of Cornish Pedigrees. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4031, ft. 76-90. Pedigrees of Families in Cornwall, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,448. Blazon of Arms of Cornish Families. Exeter Cath. Lib. MS. 33. Arms of the Cornish Families from the Visitation of 1620. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1482, f. 5. Arms, in trick, of Cornish Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. A Discourse of Devon and Cornwall, with Blazon of Arms, by John Hooker. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5827. An Alphabet of Arms of Cornwall, 1717- 18. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,833. Her. Coll. E.D.N. 52. Arms of the Gentry of Cornwall. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 891, ff. 1-6 ; 1956 ; 4632, f. 23. Names of gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall, with their arms, in alphabetical order. Brit. Mus. Cott. MSS. Faust. E. iii., Calig. B. iii. Names of the Gentry of Cornwall, anno 1728. See Norden's " Specu^ Britannise Pars." The Ancient Boroughs of Cornwall, with Notes on their Arms and Devices, by 11. N. Worth. See the Journal of the British Archceological Association, xxxiii, 179. London, 1877, S^- Cornwall — The Duchy and Dukes of Corn- wall, by Stephen I. Tucker. See the Journal of the British Archceological Association, xxxiii, 60. London, 1877, Cornwall — The Earls of Cornwall, by J. R. Blanche, Esq. See the Journal of the British Archceological Association, xxxiii, 46. London, 1877, S^- Cornish Worthies : Sketches of some Eminent Cornish Men and Families, by Walter H. Tregellas. 2 vols. Lond. 1884, 80- The Parliamentary Representation of Cornwall to 1832, by W. P. Courtney. 1889. Glossary of Cornish Names, by John Bannister. Lond. 1869—71, 8°- Patronymica Cornu-Britannica ; or, the Etymology of Cornish Surnames, by R. S. Charncck. 1870, 8o- The Western Antiquary, or Devon and Cornwall Note Book. Edited by W. H. K. Wright. Plymouth, 1882, &c., 4P' Monumental Brasses of Cornwall, with Descriptive, Genealogical and Heraldic Notes, by E. H. W. Dunkin. Privately printed, 1882, 4o- Heraldic Church Notes from Cornwall. Edited by Arthur J. Jewers. London and Plymouth, 1887, 8'>- Church Notes in Cornwall, collected by the Rev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9462. Parochial and Family History of the Parish of Helland, Cornwall, by Sir John Maclean. 1873, 4P' Kilkhampton Abbey revised ; or. Monu- mental Records for 1780. Bj the Rev, Sir Herbert Croft. Another edition, 1788. Monumental Inscriptions in Landulph Church, by Rev. F. V. Jago. 1815, 4P- The First Book of the Parish Registers of Madron, in Cornwall. Edited with Appendix and Notes, by George Brown Millett. Penzance, 1877, 4o- The Registers of St. Columb Major, Cornwall, 1539 to 1780. Illustrated by Arms of Arundell, Hoblyn, Jewers, 130 English Counties. Molesworth, St. Aubyn, and Truscott. Edited by E. J. Jewers. Lond. 1881, 40. Parish of St. Menefreda, alias St. Minver, with plates and pedigrees. 1876, 4^- Only 15 copies privately printed. Parishes of St. Teath and Temple, with plates and pedigrees. 1876, 4<*- Only 15 copies privately printed. Parochial and Family History of the Parishes of Tintagel and Trevalga, by Sir John Maclean. Privately printed, 1877, 40- Parochial and Family History of Trigg Minor in Cornwall. by Sir John Maclean. 3vols. London, 1868-1879, 4P- CUMBERLAND. Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archie- ological Society. Kendal, 1874, etc., 8°' Heralds' Visitation of Cumberland, 1615, Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1536. The Visitation of the county of Cumber- land in the year 1615. Taken by II. St. George. Edited by F. Fetherston. Harleian Society, vol. vii. London, 1872, 40- Visitation of Cumberland, etc. in 1664, by Sir William Dugdale. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,116. Collection of descents of several of the Nobility and Gentry of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland, by J. H., of L., in Yorkshire, 1669. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Notes on the Heraldic Visitations of Cumberland. By Richard S. Ferguson. See Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society, vol. ii. Kendal, 1876, 8«- Arms and Crests of the Gentry of Cum- berland, tricked by J. Saunders. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1457. Arms from the Visitations of Cumberland. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1234, 1374, 2055,3391. Arms of the Chief Families of Cumberland. Machael's MSS. vol. vi. CarHsle Cathedral. Arms of Cumberland Families. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 576. Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Cumberland. Privately 'printed in colours. Loud, 1818, 4p- The Heraldry of Cumberland, by Richard S. Ferguson. See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Anti- quarian Society," vol. i. Kendal, 1874 80- The Heraldry of Naworth and Lanercost, by R. S. Ferguson. See " Transaction, of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. iv. Kendal, 1879, 80- Church Notes in Cumberland, collected by the Rev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9462. List of Sheriffs of Cumberland, from 1 Henry II. to 22 Chas. I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2122. Carlisle Cath. MS. vol. V. A Book of the Sheriffs of Cumberland and Westmoreland, from the reign of Henry II. Machel's MSS. vol. vi. Carlisle Cathedral. The Sheriffs of Westmoreland and the Early Sheriffs of Cumberland, by Sir Geo. F. Duckett. " Reprinted from the Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland An tiquarian Society, " vol. IV. Kendal, 1879. S^- The Worthies of Cumberland, by Henry Lonsdale. 5 vols. Lond. 1867—1875. Cumberland and Westmoreland M.P.s, from 1660 to 1867, by Richard Fergu- son. Carlisle, 1871. 8'^- An Account of the most considerable Estates and Families in the County of Cumberland, from the Conquest to James I., by J. Denton. Edited by R. S. Ferguson. Kendal, 1887. 8o- An alphabetical catalogue of the Gentry of the County of Cumberland, with their Arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 101. Names of Cumberland Gentlemen. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. iii, f. 192. Lists of Persons in public and private stations. See Jollie's " Cumberland Guide." Carlisle, 1811. 8«- Extracts from the Parish Register of St. Bees' with comments on the same, by Wm. Jackson, Esq. See " Transac- tions of the Cumberland and Westmore- land Antiquarian Society," vol. 1. Kendal, 1874. 8«- All the Monumental Inscriptions in the Graveyards of Brigham and Bridekirk English Counties. 131 near Cockermouth in the County of Cumberland, from 1666 to 1876, by Henry Thomas Wake. Cockermouth, 1878. 80- ^ Bridekirk and its Registers, by William Browne, Esq. See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. iv. Kendal, 1879, 8"- Account of the Religious Houses within the Diocese of Carlisle, with the Names of the Chancellors, Archdeacons, Rectors, etc. Carlisle Cath. MS. 4. The Parish Registers of St. Mary's and St. Cuthbert's Churches, Carlisle. See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. ii. Kendal, 1876. S^- The Registers of the Parish of Dean, Cumberland, by the Rev. W. Shew wen. ' See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. iv. Kendal, 1879. 8«- Extracts from the Registers of Grey stoke Church, during the reigns of Elizabeth and the Stuart Kings, by the Rev. T. Lees. See " Transactions of the Cum- berland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. i. Kendal, 1874. 8o- The Old Hay ton Registers, by the Rev. R. W. Dixon. See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. iv. Kendal, 1879. 80- DERBYSHIRE. The Genealogical and Manorial History of the County of Derby, by John Pym Yeatman. In progress 1887. Visitations of Derbyshire, 1569. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 886, 1484, 2113, 2134, 6592. Her. Coll. Vincent, 146. Ashmole Lib. 798. Towneley Hall, Burnley, No. xli. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1569-1611. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1093 ; Add. 14,317. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1611. Brit. Mus, MSS. Eg. 996 ; Harl. 1153, 1486, 1537. Her. Coll. C. 4 ; Vincent, 146. Qu. Coll. xci. Caius Coll. 529. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1634. Her. Coll. C. 33. Visitation of Derbyshire, J662. Her. Coll. C. 34. Visitation of Derbyshire, 1662, 3. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1082, 6104; Add. 6705. The Visitation of Derbyshire, taken in 1662, and reviewed in 1663, by Wm. Camden. Edited by Golding and Law- rence. London, 1879. 8°- Collection of Pedigrees of Derbyshire Families, by Samuel Mitchell, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,113. Pedigrees of Derbyshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5809. Her. Coll. Philipot 48 P., 50 P. and Vincent MS. 399, V. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xcvii Derbyshire Pedigrees, by Llewellynn Jewitt, Thomas Norris Ince, etc. See " The Reliquary," vols, vii, ix, x, xi, xii. Lond. 1867, &c. 8«- Miscellaneous genealogies, chiefly of Derbyshire and Yorkshire families, with arms coloured and in trick, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,436. Arms of Derbyshire Families. Ashm, Lib. MS. 854. Arms of Derbyshire Families, 16th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9827. Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Derbyshire, &c. Printed separately from Lyson's History. London, 1818. 4,0. A Derbyshire Armory, by John Sleigh. See " The Reliquary," vols v. and vi. London, 1865. S"- Extracts from the Parish Registers relat- ing to Norman Families, by the Rev. W. Hope. See " The Reliquarv," vol. ii. Lond, 1862. S^- Genealogical notes on families of Cos. York and Derby ; with extracts from parish registers, etc., by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,605. Church Notes in Derbyshire, by E. Ashmole. Ashm. Lib. MS. 854. Church Notes in Derbyshire. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1026, 1486 ; Add. 6701. Sketches and Church Notes in Derbyshire, by the Rev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 9448, 9463. Lords of Manors in Co. Derby, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,092. Lists of Sheriffs for Co. Derby, from 1140 —1825. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6675, f . 153 ; 6700, f . 133. 132 English CorNTiEs. A list of the names of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Derby, from 1650 to 1773, and a list of the Bailiffs of the Borough of Derby, from 1513 to 1698 ; together with a list of the Sheriffs of the County from 1140 to 1796. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6705. List of the Sheriffs, Knights, and Burgesses of the County of Derby, 1640. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043, ff. 22, 145. Names of the Knights and Gentlemen resident in Derbyshire, A.D. 12 Hen. VI. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043, f. 32. The lost certificates of Knight's Fees for the counties of Nottingham and Derby, by J. P. Yeatman. Lond. 1886, 8«- Scraps from my Note-Book ; or Gleanings of curious facts connected with the family history of D shire [Derby- shire], by the Rev. Robert Bigsby. London, 1853, 12o- Part 1 only published. Derbyshire Gatherer of Archaeological, Historical, Biographical Facts, etc., by W. Andrews. 1880, 12°- The Reliquary. Edited by Lie welly nn Jewitt. 26 vols. Lond. 1860—1886, 8°- [Contains a large amount of heraldic and genealogical information, with numerous pedigrees of Derbyshire families.] Derbyshire Signs, Described and Illustrated by Llewellynn Jewitt. See " The Reliquary," vols. 7 to 14. Lond. 1866, &c. 8°- Monumental Inscriptions in Ashbourn Church, Derbyshire, written by Sir Brooke Boothby, bart., and Miss Seward. Ashbourn, 1806, 12o- A Note on some Armorial Bearings on the Tower of Cubley Church, Derbyshire, by Llewellynn Jewitt. See "The Reliquary." vol. XV. Lond. 1874, S^- The First Volume of tlie Registers of Chesterfield Parish Church, by Frederick Bradley. 'ISee " The Reliquary," vol. viii. Lond. 1868, S°- Catalogue of Bailiffs of Derby, from 5 Hen. VIII. to 13 Chas. I., and Mayors from 13 Chas. I. to 1698. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6705, f. 92 b. St. Alkmund's, Derby, and its Oldest Parish Register, by the Rev. W. Beresford. See " The Reliquary," vols, xi, xii. Lond. 1871, 8°' Extracts from the Parish Registers of Fenny-Bentley, in the County of Derby, by John Sleigh. See " The Reliquary," vol. vii. Lond. 1867, 8o- Church Notes, in Chapel- en-le-Frith, with Pedigrees of the Families of Reynolds and Ashe, by Henry Kirke, etc. See " The Reliquary," vol. vii. Lond. 1867, 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Grindon, Monyash and Taddington, Derbyshire, by John Sleigh. See " The Reliquary," vol. v. Lond. 1865, 8''- The Parish Registers of Hathersage, by the Rev. Francis Jourdain. See " The Reliquary," vol. x. Lond. 1870, 8o- Notes from "The Book of Record " for the Inhabitants of Holmesfield, Derby- shire, by Charles Jackson. See " The Reliquary," vol. xx. Lond. 1880, 80- Extracts from the Parish Registers of S. Giles', Great Longsdon, and Holy Trinity, Ashford-in- the- Water, by John Sleigh. See "The Reliquary," vol. ii. Lond. 1862, 8«- Notes from Parish Registers of Marston Montgomery, County of Derby, by the Rev. John H. Clarke. See " The Reliquary," vol. vii. Lond. 1867, 80- A Statutory List of the Inhabitants of Melbourne, Derbyshire, in 1695. With Commentary, &c., by R. E. Chester Waters. Privately printed, 1884. Church Notes of Staveley and Crich, Derbyshire. See Nichol's " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. i. p. 34. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Tideswel], in the county of Derby, by Benjamin Bagshawe, jun. See " The Reliquary," vol. viii. Lond. 1868. 8^- Extracts from the Parish Register of the Parish of North Wingfield, by J. Chas. Cox. See "The Reliquary," vol. xiii. Lond. 1872. S^- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Youlgreave and Wormhill in the County of Derby, by John Sleigh. See " The Reliquary,"" vol. iv. Lond. 1864. 8«- DEVONSHIRE. Visitation, with Arms and Pedigrees of Devonshire families, by Thomas Benholt. Stowe MS. 649. Brit. Mus, English Counties. 133 Visitation of Devonshire, 1531. Her. Coll. G. 2, H. 18. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 12,479, 14,315. Ashmole Lib. 763. Bodl. Cough MS. Visitation of Devonshire, 1562. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1169, 1567, 3288, 5185. Visitation of Devonshire, 1564, by Robt. Glover. MS. belonging to J. R. Pine Coffin, Esq. Portlege, N. Devon. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl, 1091, 1399, 5840, 5871 ; Add. 14,288. Her. Coll. D 7, G19, 2H7, H15. All Souls' Coll. Grafton 58. The Visitation of the County of Devon, in the year 1564, with additions from the earlier visitation of 1531. Edited by Fred. Thos. Colby. Exeter, 1881, 4o- Privately printed. Visitation of Devonshire, 1565. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 889. Visitation of Devonshire, 1564, 1620, and 1637. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1538. Visitation of Devonshire. 1620. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1080, 1163, 1164, 1169. Her. Coll. C. i. Caius Coll. 530. Bodl. 5054. Devonshire Pedigrees, recorded in the Herald's Visitation of 1620, by WilHam Camden ; with additions from the Harleian Manuscripts, and the printed collections of Westcote and Pole, by John Tuckett. London, 1859, 4«- The Visitation of the County of Devon in the year 1620. Edited by F. T. Colby. Harleian Society, vol. vi. London, 1872, 80- Visitation of Devonshire, 1620. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. The Visitations of the County of Devon. Edited with Additions, by Lieut. -Col. J. L. Vivian. Exeter, 1887, &c., 4P- Collections of Devonshire Pedigrees byH. Cotgrave. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2189. Another with additions bv Ralph Brooke. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3967. Collection of Devonshire Pedigrees, with the Arms in Blason, by Thomas West- cote. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2297. A view of Devonshire in 1630, with Pedigrees of most of its gentry. By Thomas Westcote. Exeter, 1845, 4P- Genealogies of the most Noble Families in Devonshire. Qu. Coll. OsS. MS. No. CCL. Pedigrees of Devonshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2121, f. 45, - Visitation of Durham by Wm. Flower, in 1575. Studley Royal, Co. York, MS. Wrest Park, Beds. No. 34 MS. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1171. Her. Coll. Phil. 11 P. Qu. Coll. Oxf. cxxvi. Dur. Cath. Allan 3. Pedigrees from the Visitation of Durham in 1575. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,477. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Durham, taken by William Flower, Esq., otherwise called Norroy Kinge of Armes, in the yeare of our Lord God 1575. Edited by Nicholas John Philipson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1820, fol. Visitation of Durham, 1575 and 1615. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1153, 1168, 1397, 1540. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Durham, taken by Richard St. George, Esq. Norroy King of Armes, in the year of our Lord 1615. Sunderland. [1816?] fol. Visitation of Durham, 1666. Her. Coll. C. 22, 41 ; Vincent, 118. Caius Coll. 541. Qu. Coll. cxxviii. Visitations of Durham, 1575, 1615, 1666. Edited by Joseph Foster. London, 1887. Privately printed. Genealogical Collections for •Durham. 3 vols. MSS. Alnwick Castle. Pedigrees of Durham Families. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xcvii. Pedigrees of Families residing in the Bishoprick of Durham. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2118. Catalogue or abstract of pedigrees of several families in the counties of York, Durham, and Leicester, with tables, by J. H. MS. xxiv. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Arms from the Visitation of Durham, 1575. Caius. Coll. Camb. MS. 541, art. 5. Arms from the Visitation of Durham, 1615. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1374. Peerages connected with the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. 3 vols. MSS. Alnwick Castle. An alphabetical catalogue of the Gentry of the county palatine of Durham, with their arms. 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 88. History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, with an account of the Landed Gentry, Heraldic Visitations, etc., by W. Fordyce. 2 vols. 1857, 4o- Northumberland and Durham Family History. 11 vols. MSS. Alnwick Castle. Two Dissertations upon the Mint and Coins of the Episcopal Palatines of Durham, by Mark Noble. Plates of Coins, Coats of Arms, etc. Birmingham, 1780, 4P- Lists of Sheriffs and other public officers of Durham. See History and Antiquities of Durham, by W. Fordyce. 1857, &c., 4P- List of the Knights and Burgesses who have represented the County and City of Durham in Parliament, by Sir Cuth. Sharpe. Durham, 1826, 4°- Second edition, Sunderland, 1831—33, 4°- Recusants in the Diocese of Durham in 1611, arranged under the heads of Knights and their wives, Knights' wives, Esquires and their wives, Esquires' wives. Gentlemen and their wives. Gen- tlemen's wives. Gentlemen, Gentlewomen and Vulgar. Broadside. In the custody of the Bishop of Southwark. Proclamation by Henry St. George, NoiToy King of Arms, publishing the names of persons who had usurped the title of gentleman within the County Palatine of Durham, 16 Sept., 1615. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,423, Harl. MS. 5844. The Origin and Succession of the Bishops of Durham, by George Allan. Printed in 1779, 40- 136 English Counties. Church Dignitaries of Durham. See Sanderson's " Antiquities of the Cathe- dral Church of Durham." Newcastle, 1767, 12«- Sanctuarium Dunehnense et Sanctuarium Beverlacense ; or, Kegisters of the Sanctuaries of Durham and Beverley ; 1837. Printed by the Surtees Society. Chronicon Mirabile seu Excerpta Memora- bilia & Registris Parochialibus Com. Pal. Dunelm, bv Sir Cuthbert Sharpe. Sunderland, islo, S^- The Monumental Inscriptions of the Cathedral, Parish Churches, and Ceme- teries of the City of Durham, by CM. Carlton. Durham, 1880, S"- The first llegister-Book of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials solemnized at the Chapel of Denton, in the Parish of Gainford, in the County of Durham. Transcribed by J. R. Walbran. Ripon, 1842, 80- Index to the First Volume of the Parish Registers of Gainford in the County of Durham 1560 to 1784, by the Rev. Jos. Edleston. 1889, ^^^ Genealogical Additions to the History of Stockton- upon-Tees. See " The Topo- grapher and Genealogist," vol. ii., edited by John Gough Nichols. London, 1853, 80- ESSEX. Heralds' Visitation of Essex, undated. Heralds' College, MS. Towneley Hall, Burnley, MS. xlviii. Visitation of Essex, 1552. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 7098. Visitation of Essex, 1558. Brit. Mus. Hari. MSS. 1484, 3968. Visitation of Essex, 1570—1590. Her. Coll. I). 11 ; H. 10. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940. Visitation of Essex, 1612, 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 887, 1398, 6065. Qu. Coll. xcv. Her. Coll. C. 15. Visitations of Essex, 1558, 1583, 1614, and 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1137 ; 1146 ; 1541 ; 2198. Visitation of the County of Essex by George Owen, alias York Herald, and Henry Lilly, Rouge Rose, anno 1634. MS, No. 127. Ettington Hall, Co. Warw. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 655. Harl. MSS. 1083, 1432, 1542, 2198, 7017. Add. MS. 4308. Her. Coll. C. 21 ; Phil. 13 P. The Visitations of Essex in 1552 by Hawley ; 1558 by Hervey ; 1570 by Cooke ; 1612 by Raven ; 1634 by Owen and Lilly ; with Miscellaneous Pedi- grees and Berry's Pedigrees. Edited by W. C. Metcalfe for the Harleian Society. 2 vols. Lond. 1878—9, 8o- Visitation of Essex, 1664. Her. Coll. D. 21. A Visitation of the County of Essex, 1664—68, by Sir Edw. Bysshe, edited by J. J. Howard. Lond. 1888, 80- Pedigrees of Essex Families, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15416. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Essex. Collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other Authentic Manu- scripts, by William Berry. Lond. 1840, fol. Pedigrees and Arms of Essex Families. Brit. Mus. MSS. Stowe 654, 655, 656, 657, 658; Harl. 4944; Add. 14,290. Her. Coll. Vine. 124. Quartered coates of the Nobility and Gentry of Essex, by John Morley. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 188. Arms of Essex Families, by Bvsshe. Her. Coll. MS. D. 21. Arms of Essex families, described in alpha- betical order with the names of their places of residence. Stowe MS. 531 ; 532. Brit. Mus. Arms of Essex Families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,609. Arms of Essex Families, by Chas. K. Probert, 1877. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,529. Water-colour Drawings of Churches in Essex, interspersed with coats of arms, monumental brasses, and inscriptions, by Edw. John Carlos. 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,705. Ancient Sepulchral Monuments in Essex, by F. Chancellor. In progress. Monumental Records and Arms collected from various Churches and Mansions in the County of Essex, by Chas. K. Pro- bert, 1856, &c. 6 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,520—33,525. Indexes to the Pedigrees, Arms and Epi- taphs of Essex Families, contained in several printed books and manuscripts, by Chas. K. Probert, 1879. 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,526—33,528. tJKGLiSH Counties. i37 Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in Essex. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6762. Epitaphs in the County o£ Essex, A.D. 1713. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,425. llemarks on Ancient Seals, with Notices of some others pertaining to the County of Essex, by H. W. King. See Transac- tions of the Essex Archaeological Society, i, 201. Colchester, 1858, So- Pedigree of Gill of Jenkins, and of Spicer, Adams, and Cooper of New Jenkins, Co. Essex. Privately printed, 1872, 4"- Names of Noblemen in the County of Essex, 1633. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2240, f. 16. List of Nobility and Gentry of the County of Essex, who have subscribed to a new Map of the County, by John Warbur- ton. Lond. 1722, 4o- Memorials of the Antiquities and Archi- tecture, Family History, and Heraldry of the County of Essex, by A. Suckling. Lond. 1845, 4«- Names of Justices of the Peace in Co. Essex, 1633 to 1640. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2240, f. 2 ; 5190, art. 7. A List of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Essex. Lond. 1730, single sheet. Inquisitiones post mortem, Co. Essex, Eic. III. to Jac. 1. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 93. Names of Freeholders in Essex, 1633. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2240, f. 6 ; Lans. MS. 5. An Exact List of the Names of the Free- holders that voted for the Knights of the shire for the County of Essex, March, 1722, giving the names of 4600 freeholders, 1724, 8«- Poll for Knights of the Shire to represent the County of Essex, 1734, by Cham- pion Bramfill, 1734, 8«- Poll Book for Knights of the Shire to represent the County of Essex, 1768, giving the names and places of abode of nearly 5000 freeholders. Chelmsford, 1768, 8°- An Alphabetical List of the Freeholders of the County of Essex, collected from the several Polls of 1763, 1768, and 1774, by T. M. Clark. Lond. 1775, 8«- Eegister of the Electors of the Northern Division of the County of^ssex, 1841, 2. Chelmsford, 1842, 8°- The Poll for two Knights of the Shire to represent the Southern Division of the County of Essex, 1857. Chelmsford, 1857, 8"' Association of the inhabitants of Essex, formed at a meeting held at Chelmsford, 8 Oct. 1745, to support George 11. against the Pretender. With numerous signatures. Vellum Roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,301. Monumental Inscriptions, and drawings of coats of arms in the Churches of Ash- don, and Kadwinton, Co. Essex. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5831. The Parish Registers of Bobbingworth, Essex. Privately printed by Fred. A. Crisp, 1884, fol. Sepulchral Memorials of Bobbingworth : monumental inscriptions in church and churchyard, pedigrees, wills, etc. 100 Copies privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1888. fol. Drawings of Arms and Monuments, with copies of Monumental Inscriptions in Clavering Church, Essex, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5804, f . 130. The Parish Registers of St. Leonard's, Colchester, from 1670. Twelve copies privately printed by Frederick Arthur Crisp, 1886, 8«- Among the Tombs of Colchester. Col- chester, 1880, 80- Arms and Epitaphs in the Churches of Hadstock, Harlow, Lofts, Maunden, and Saffron Walden, Co. Essex, 1746. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836. Coats of Arms, Monuments, and Inscrip- tions in the Churches of Littlebury, Earl's Colne, Castle Heveningham, Creshall, and Elmedon in Essex, by the Rev. Wm. Cole, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5811. Baptisms at Margaret Roding, Essex, 1538 — 87. See The Genealogist, new series, vi. 12. Loud. 1889, S^- The Parish Registers of Ongar, Essex. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1886, fol. fv The History of Rocji^ford Hundred (together with the parishes comprised within the Union) , from former Authors, Ancient Manuscripts, and Church Registers, including notices of Churches and Chapels, The Clergy ; Biography 138 English Coukties. and Genealogy of Families, etc. bj Philip Benton. Eochford, 1867, &c. 8°' Some Account of St. Osyth's Priory, Essex, and its Inhabitants, loith numer- ous pedigrees, by J. Watney. Privately printed, 1871, S"- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Stanway, Co. Essex. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. iv. p. 305. Parish Registers of Stifford, Co. Essex : Baptisms 1568 to 1783 ; Marriages 1572 to 1753 : Burials 1752 to 1783. Thirty copies privately printed for Fred. Arthur Crisp, 1885, fol. Parish Registers of Stock Harvard cum Ramsden Bellhouse, Essex, by the Rev. E. P. Gibson. See the Arehceological Journal, xxxvii, 406. Lond. 1880. 8'^- Registers of Stock Harvard, Co. Essex, from 1563 to 1700. Edited by Edward Pendarves Gibson. London, 1881. 8''- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Theydon Mount, from 1564. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. viii. p. 406. Our Parish Registers ; being Three Hun- dred Years of curious Local History as collected from the Original Registers, Churchwardens' Accounts, and Monu- \ mental Records of the Old Parish of Waltham Holy Cross, by W. Winters. Waltham Abbey, 1885. 12o- GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Visitation of Gloucestershire, undated. Caius College, 553. Towneley Hall, Burnley, MS. xlviii. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1530 — 31. Her. Coll. H. 20. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,479. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1569. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 615. Her. Coll. D. 12, G. 9. Ashm. Lib. 831. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1583. Her. Coll. Vincent, 115. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1041. Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1623. Her. Coll. C. 17. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1543. Visitation of the County of Gloucestershire, 1623, by IJenry Chitty and John Phil- lipot, with Pedigrees from the Visitations of 1569 and 1582—3, edited for the Harleian Society by Sir John Maclean and W. C. Heane. Lond. 1885, 8°- Visitation of Gloucestershire, 1682 — 83. Her. Coll. MS. K. 5. The Visitation of Gloucestershire, b}^ T. May, G. King, and H. Dethick, 1682, and 1683. With additions, edited by T. Fitz-Roy Fenwick and Walter C. Met- calfe. Exeter, 1884, 4P Pedigrees of many ancient Gloucestershire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2121, f. 72. Pedigrees of Gloucestershire Families . Her. Coll. MSS. 16, L ; 37, L ; 14, P ; 15, P. Pedigrees of Gloucestershire Families to 1619. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 553, f. 184. Pedigrees and Arms of Gloucestershire Families, 16th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1191, 6174, 6185. Arms and Pedigrees of Gloucestershire Families, circa 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6139. Arms of Gloucestershire Families, Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xcviii. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2230. Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Gloucestershire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1042, f. 79. A Collection of Coats of Arms borne by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Gloucester. Edited by Sir G. Nayler. Lond. 1792. 4P- Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Gloucestershire. See Sir R. Atkyns's and S. Rudder's Histories of Glouces- tershire. Monuments. See S. Lyson's " Collections for Gloucestershire." Historical, Monumental, and Genealogical Collections relative to the County of Gloucester ; printed from the original papers, by Ralph Bigland. 3 vols. Lond. 1791, fol. Historical, Monumental and Genealogical Collections relative to the County of Gloucester, by Ralph Bigland, 1791. Continuation by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 1872. fol. Lords of Manors in Co. Gloucester, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,093. Lists of Sheriffs of Gloucestershire, from Hen. II. to 1601. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1041, f. 18. Knights in the County of Gloucester, time of Edw. I. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 553, art. 2. English Counties. 139 Gloucestershire : — Knights of the Shire from 1547 to 1803 ; and High Sheriffs from 1154 to 1800. See Rev. Thos. lludge's History of Grloucestershire. vol. 1. Gloucester, 1803. 8"- Nomina Justiciarior. ad Pacem in Com. Glouc. 1 Eic. III., 1 Edw. VI., et 22 Car. II. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 231, ff. 44, 51. Lists of the Justices of the Peace for Gloucestershire, in 1601 and 1620. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1041, f. 18. Some Account of the Landholders of Gloucestershire named in Domesdav Book, A.D. 1086, by Alfred S. Ellis\ Privately printed, 1880. 8"- Collections by Henry Powle concerning the chief persons in the county of Glou- cester, A.D. 1689. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 232. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries. Edited by Kev. Beaven H. Blacker. Lond. 1881, &c. 8«- Excerpta ex Eegistris Parochialibus in Com. Glouc, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. 2 vols. pp. 106 and pp. 62. Medio- Montana, 1854. [The above two vols, differ from each other.] Extracts from the Parish Registers of Aston-sub-Edge, Co. Gloucester. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. vii. p. 279. Extracts from Mickleton, Aston-sub-Edge, Ebrington, &c. Registers, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Typis Medio-Montanis, 1854. Privately printed. Berkeley Manuscripts ; abstracts and extracts of Smyth's Lives of the Berkeleys, including all the pedigrees in that manuscript. To which are annexed a history of the castle and ]Darish of Berkeley, etc. By T. D. Fosbroke. Lond. 1821. 4''- List of Dignitaries of the Diocese of Bristol. See Boswell's "Ecclesiastical Division of the Diocese of Bristol." Corporation Dignitaries of Bristol. See A. Hooke's " Memoirs of Bristol." Lond. 1748. S^- Bristol Poll Book for Dec. 1832, giving the names, occupations, and addresses of the householders, freeholders and freemen. 1833. S'>- The Municipal Seals and Armtrial Ensigns of the City of Bristol, by J. R. Planche. See the Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association, xxxi. 180. Lond. 1875. 8'^- Drawings of Arms and Monuments, and copies of Inscriptions in Bristol Cathe- dral and St. Mary Redcliffe Church, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. 1746. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5811. Coats of Arms, coloured and in trick, ascribed to the Family of Chatterton and to other Bristol Families, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5766. B. Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of Charlton Kings, Glouces- tershire ; with extracts from the Parish Registers, and some Churchyard Inscrip- tions. Transcribed by the Rev. B. H. Blacker. Lond. 1876, 4o- Privately Printed. Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Transcribed by B. H. Blacker. Lond. 1877. 40- Privately printed. Clifton College Register, a List of Clif- tonians, 1862-1887. Edited by E. M. Oakeley. 2 vols. 1887. The personalties of the Forest of Dean, a relation of its successive officials, gentry, and commonalty, by H. G. NichoUs. 1863. 12o- Monumental Inscriptions, and drawings of arms in Gloucester Cathedral, 1746. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836. Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of Gloucester. See "The History of Gloucester." Cirencester, 1781. 8°- Registers of Kemjjsford : baptisms, mar- riages, and burials, 1653 to 1700, by W. H. Black. 50 Copies privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887. fol. Lords of Tetbury. See History of Tethury^ by A. T. Lee. Lond. 1857. 4°- Names of Noblemen slain at Tewkesbury. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 692, f. 164, b. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. H. 48, f. 200. HAMPSHIRE. Visitation of Hampshire, 1530. Her. Coll. MSS. H. 7, H. 18, D. 13. Visitation of Hampshire, 1531. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,479. Visitation of Hampshire, 1552-53. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 7098. Visitation of Hampshire, 1575. Her. Coll G. 16, G. 17, H. 5. 140 English Counties. Visitation of Hampshire, 1575-76. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1054, 1139, 1186, 1483, 3968; Add. 16,940, 17,065. Caius Coll. 536. Visitation of Hampshire, 1622. Her. Coll. C. 19, Vincent, 130. Visitations of Hampshire, 1530, 1575, 1622 to 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1544. Arms and Descents of the Hampshire Gentry, by John Withie, and others. 1530-1657. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1473, Visitations of Hampshire, 1575, 1622, 1686. Ex. MSS. PhiUipps (Sir Thomas). Typis Medio-Montanis, 1854. fol. Visitation, with Arms and Pedigrees of Hampshire families, by Thomas Benholt. Stowe MS. 649. Brit. Mus. Pedigrees of Hampshire Families, 16th century. Qu. Coll. Oxf. cxxxi. Pedigrees of Hampshire Families. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 17, C ; 29, L ; 18, P ; 19, P. Pedigrees of Hampshire Families, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,447. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Hampshire, collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other authentic Manuscripts, by William Berry. Lond. 1833, fol. Pedigrees and Arms of Hampshire families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5865. Arms and Pedigrees of Hampshire families, 1626. Stowe MS. 659. Brit. Mus. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1564. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Various Heraldic Memoranda relating to Hampshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8156. Copies of Monumental Inscriptions and drawings of Arms in Churches in Hampshire, including Winchester Cathe- dral, by A. J. Jewers, 19th cent. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2364. Church Notes in Hampshire. See Nichols' " Coll. Top. et Gen." Vol. vii. p. 211 ; vol. viii. pp. 43, 132, 210, 369. Sheriffs of Hampshire, tempp. Hen. III. and Edw. I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 310, f. 125. Lords of Manors in Hampshire, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,093. List of Names of the Hampshire Nobles, time of Henry VIII. See Nichols' *' Topographer," vol. i. p. 459. Genealogical Anecdotes of Eminent Families in Hampshire. See " Gents. Mag." vol. LVii. pp. 680, 1056, 1152. The Archives of Andover, by the Bev. C. Collier and the Eev. R. H. Clutterbuck. Andover [1887, &c.], 8°- Church Notes of Highclere and Burghclere, Co. Hants. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. iii. Edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1858, 8o- The Parish Registers of Priors Dean and Colmer, to the end of the Year of Our Lord 1812. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Hervey. Colmer, 1886, 4P- Les Noms des Maires de la ville de South- ampton depuis Fan du Seigneur 1498 jusqu' a 1671 ; partly in French, partly in English, with biographical and his- torical notices. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 868. Southampton — The Heraldry and exterior decorations of the Bar Gate, by Benjamin Wyatt Greenfield. Published by the "Literary and Philosophical Society." Southampton, 1876, S^- Church Notes in North Stoneham, Hamp- shire, 1754. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836 ff. 140-146. A new History of the Isle of Wight, with Genealogical Notices of the Inhabitants, by George Hillier. Poll Book for the Election, Isle of Wight, 1832, also for the County, giving the names and addresses of all the free- holders in the Island. 1832. 8°- Church Dignitaries of Winchester. See Gale's "History of the Cathedral Church of Winchester." Lond. 1715. 8^ — Also Milner's " Ecclesiastical History of Winchester." 2 vols. Winchester, 1798, 4P- 2nd edit. 1809. 2 vols. A Paper on the Seals of Winchester, by J. G. Nichols. See the Winchester volume xlix of the "Archaeological Institute," pp. 103 and 111. Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Winchester Cathedral. See Gale's " History of Winchester Cathedral." Lond. 1715. 8°- Reprinted in Cassan's " Lives of the Bishops of Salisbury." 2 vols. Lond. 1827. Lists of the Masters, Scholars, Commoners, etc., of St. Mary's College, Winchester, 1393-1856. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 22,136 ; 22,137. English Cottn'ties. 141 Extracts from the Registers of Winchester College, by Mackenzie E. 0. Waleott ; containing the names and brief notices of eminent alumni from 1397 to 1832. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,632. Rolls of Winchester School, 1706, 1784, 1822, 1835. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29744 a and b, 29535-6; Eg. MS. 2362. HEREFORDSHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Herefordshire. MS. No. XLViii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Visitation of Herefordshire, 1569. Her. Coll. MSS. D. 12. Caius Col. 553. Brit. Mus. Harl. 615, 1159, 1545. Ashm. Lib. 831. The Visitation of Herefordshire, by Robert Cooke, 1569. Edited by Frederic William Weaver. Privately printed, 1886. 8«- Visitation of Herefordshire, 1586. Brit. Mus. MSS. Add. 19,815 ; Harl. 1140, 1442. Her. Coll. Vincent, 115 ; Phil. 20 C. 21 P. Visitation of Herefordshire, 1619. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1434. Visitation of Herefordshire, 1634. Her. Coll. MSS. (;, 25, C. 28. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2230, f. 110. Pedigrees and Arms of Herefordshire Families, with notes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1140, 2121, 2141, 5799, 6139, 6596. The Heraldry of Herefordshire ; being a collection of the Armorial Bearings of Families which have been seated in the County at various periods down to the present time, by Ceorge Strong. Lond. 1848. fol. Herefordshire Arms. MS. No. 110. Ettington Hal], Co. Warwick. Arms and Crests from Cooke's Visitation of Hereford. Her. Coll. Vincent. MS. 184. Arms of Families in Herefordshire, with the origin of their surnames, 1602. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4056. Arms of Hereford families, time of Charles I. Stowe MS. 774. Brit. Mus. Arms, in trick, of Herefordshire Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Coloured drawings of Arms and Monu- ments, with copies of Inscriptions in Churches in Herefordshire, by D. Parkes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,010; 21,011. Monumental Brasses of Worcestershire and Herefordshire, by C. T. Davis, 1884. Monumental Inscriptions in the Cathedral Church of Hereford, copied from the Tombs, Monuments, Brass Plates, and Memorial Windows, by Rev. Francis F. Havergal. Lond. 1881. 4''- The Tombs, Brasses, and Monumental Sculpture in Hereford Cathedral, by the Rev. C. Boutell and the Rev. Herbert Haines. See the Journal of the British ArchoBological AssociatioUy xxvii. Lond. 1871. 8«- Drawings of Coats of Arms in Hereford Cathedral, 1746. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5811. Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Hereford Cathedral. See Rawlinson's " History of the City and Cathedral of Hereford." Lond. 1717. 8''- On Certain Sepulchral Effigies in Hereford Cathedral, by M. H. Bloxam. See the ArchcBological Journal., xxxiv, 406 ; xxxvi, 237. Lond. 1877. 8°- Drawings in Indian ink of Monastic and other Seals of Herefordshire. Formerly part of Caley's collection of drawings of Monastic Seals. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,101. Lords of Manors in Co. Hereford, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,094, List of the Sheriffs of Herefordshire, to tliipyearl659. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6726. List of the principal gentlemen in Here- fordshire, 1645. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 911, f. 78 b. List of Persons objected to as Voters for the County of Hereford, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. Roll 1372. A History of the Castles of Herefordshire and their Lords, by the Rev. Charles J. Robinson. Lond. 1869. 4P- A History of the Mansions and Manors of Herefordshire, by the Rev. Charles J. Robinson. Lond. 1873. 4P- History of the Bishops of Hereford to 1602. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4056. Fasti Heref ordenses, and other antiquarian memorials of Hereford, by F. T. Havergal. With illustrations, by G. C. Hadden. Edin. 1869. 4*'- List of the Dignitaries of Hereford Cathedral. See Rawlinson's " History of the Cathedral Church of Hereford." Lond. 1717. 8<>- 142 English Counties. Collections out of a Register of the Church of Hereford, from A.D. 1393. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6203. Names of the Mayors of the City of Hereford, 7 Ric. II. to 2 Chas. I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2141. An Alphabetical Copy of the Poll taken at the City of Hereford, May 11th, 1741. Gloucester, 1741. 4o- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Sutton St. Nicholas, co. Hereford, 1591- 1810. " Genealogist," vol. tii. Lond. 1883. 8°- HERTFORDSHIRE. A Visitation of Hertfordshire, privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, in his " Topographer " for March 1821. Visitation of Hertfordshire, from a MS. formerly belonging to Dr. Michael Lort. Brit. JVlus. Add. MS. 5812. Visitation of Hertfordshire, 1572. Her. Coll. MSS. G. 16, G. 17, G. 19 ; Phil. 37, L. Cheetham Lib. 7995. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1433, 1546, 6147. Visitation of Hertfordshire, 1615. Queen's Coll. xcvi. Visitation of Hertfordshire, by Sir Henry St. George, &c., in 1579 and 1634. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 788 ; Harl. MS. 1504. Visitation of Hertfordshire, 1634. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1234, 1547 ; Add. 5812 ; Stowe 761. Caius College, 549. Cheetham Lib, 7995. Hertfordshire Visitations, made by Cooke, 1572, and St. George, 1634, with Hert- fordshire Pedigrees from Harleian MSS. 6147 and 1546, edited by W. C. Met- calfe, for the Harleian Society. Lond. 1886. 8«- Visitation of Hertfordshire, 1669. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1429. Her. Coll. Vin- cent 122. *' Excerpta ex libro M""^ Grafton de Visi- tatione com. Hertfordia)." Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7022, art. 15. Pedigrees of Nobility and Gentry of Hertfordshire, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,446. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Hertfordshire. Collected from the Heraldic Visitations and other authentic Manuscripts, by William Berry. Lond. 1842, fol. Arms of Hertfordshire Families. Bodl. Lib. Gough MS. Arms and Crests from Cooke's Visitation of Hertford. Her. Coll. Vincent 184. Arms and pedigrees of Hertfordshire, &c. families, time of Charles II. Stowe MS. 645. Brit. Mus. Arms from Bysshe's Visitation in 1669. Her. Coll. D. 24. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1405. Arms, in trick, of Hertfordshire Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Chauncy and Salmon's History and Antiquities of Hertfordshire, illustrated with a great variety of Prints and Drawings of Monuments, etc., with MS. notes, &c. by Thomas Baskerfield, in three volumes, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 9062-9064. Drawings and engravings illustrating the topography of Co. Herts, arranged in alphabetical order of places, 16th to the 19th century. Five vols. fol. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32348-32352. Monumental Brasses in Hertfordshire Churches. " The Antiquary," vol. xiv. Lond. 1886. 4<°' Church Notes in Hertfordshire, by E. Ashmole. Ashm. Lib. MS. 1137 Names of Freeholders in the Counties of Hertford, etc. A.D. 1561. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 5. A List of the Nobility and Gentry of the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hertford, who have subscribed, and ordered their Coats of Arms to be inscribed on a New Map of those Counties, by John Warburton. Lond. 1772. 4«- The new Domesday Book of Hertfordshire, containing lists of persons holding property in Hertfordshire and other counties ; holding property in Hert- fordshire only ; and persons holding land in other counties only, but stated to be resident in Hertfordshire, etc. Compiled from the official return issued in 1873. Hertford, 1879. 8«- Poll Book for Knights of the Shire for the County of Hertford, 1774. Hert. 1775. 8o- Poll Book for the Election of the County of Hertfordshire. June, 1796. S^- An Account of the Altars, Monuments, and Tombs existing A.D. 1428 in Saint English Counties. 143 Alban's Abbey. By John Amunde- sham. Edited by H. T. Eiley. St. Alban's, 1873. 4o- The Early Heraldry of the Abbey Church of St. Alban's, now St. Alban's Cathe- dral, by the Kev. Charles Boutell. See the Journal of the British Archaeolo- gical Association, xxxiv, 16. Lond. 1878. 8«- Drawings of Brasses in St. Alban's and Watford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,966. Extracts from the Parish Eegister of Ardeley, co. Hertford, by George W. Marshall. 1886. 8«- Monumental Inscriptions, with drawings of arms in the churches of Barkway and Barley, co. Hertford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5886. Church Accounts of Berkhampstead, co. Herts, 1584-1748. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18773. The Kecords of St. Michael's Parish Church, Bishop's Stortford. Edited by J. L. Glasscock. Lond. 1882, 8«- Transcript of the Parish Register of Hex- ton, CO. Herts, by E. Steele. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6233. A booke, or registre, conteyninge all Christeninges, Maryages, and Buryalls with the parish of Knebworthe, from 29 Sept. 1598 to 1720. MS. Dr. Wil- liams' Library. Grafton Street, London. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Visitation of Huntingdonshire, undated. Heralds' College. Visitation of Huntingdonshire, 1564 — 6. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 890. Her. Coll. H. 15. Visitation of Huntingdonshire, 1613. Brit. Mus. MSS. Julius P. viii ; Faust. E. 1; Harl. 1054, 1075, 1179. Her. Coll. C. 3 ; E. D. N. 8 ; Vincent, 125, Phil. 228. Caius Coll. 524. Queen's Coll. xeiv. The Visitation of the County of Hunting- don, under the authority of William Camden ... by his deputy Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald, A.D. 1613. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Camden Society. Lond. 1849, 4^^- Pedigrees of families in Co. Hunts, with arms and crests in trick : The King's Commission for the visitati?>n in 1602, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5825. Pedigrees and Arms of families in Co. Hunts. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6774. Arms and Pedigrees of Huntingdonshire Families, chiefly collected by Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 763. Heraldical and Topographical Collections for the County of Huntingdon, by Sir Robt. Cotton. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 921. Church Notes in Huntingdonshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1179. Add. MS. 24,590. Nomina et Insignia Militum Comitatus Huntingdon, temp. Edward I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7565. Lords of Manors in Co. Huntingdon, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,094. List of Sheriffs of Huntingdonshire, from Hen. 11. to 17 Jas. I. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xciii. f. 6. A List of Sheriffs for the Counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, from 1654 to 1749, with the names and dates of a few earlier ones. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5810. f . 4. A List of the Gentlemen Freeholders of the County of Huntingdon, 1768. MS. No. 281. Woburn Abbey. Drawings of Arms and Monumental Inscriptions in the Church of God — manchester, 1765. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834, f . 129. KENT. The Saxon Dynasty. Pedigree of the Kentish Kings, by Robert Charles Jenkins. Folkestone, 1867. S^- On the Jute, Angle, and Saxon Royal Pedigrees, by the Rev. Daniel Heniy Haigh. Archoeologia Cantiana vol. VIII. Lond. 1872. 8«- Perambulation of Kent, by W. Lambarde. Blach Letter. 1576. 4°- [First edition, containing an account of the Nobility, omitted in subsequent editions.] Visitation of Kent, Undated. Heralds' College. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 818. Visitations of Kent, with Arms and Pedigrees of Kentish families. Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 534, 654, 762, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768. Visitation of Kent, 1530-1. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,479. Her. Coll. D. 13. Vincent, 116. 144 English Counties, Visitation of Kent, 1574. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1484, 1824; Add. 5532. Her. Coll. H. 2. Caius Coll. 536. Queen's Coll. ci. Cheetham Lib. 6694. Visitation of Kent, 1589. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1196. Visitation of Kent, 1592- Her. Coll. G. 12. Visitation of Kent, 1594. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16940. Visitation of Kent, 1589 and 1619. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS, 2198. Visitation of Kent, with arms in colours, 1619. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 23,750. The Visitation of the County of Kent, taken in the year 1619, by John Phili- pott. Published in the " Archseologia Cantiana," vols. IV. V. vi. Lond. 1861-66. S^'- The Visitation of the County of Kent in 1619, by John Philipott. Edited, with Notes by J. J. Howard. Lond. 1863-6. 8°' [3 parts only published.] Visitation of Kent, taken in the year 1619, by J. Philipott, Deputy to W. Camden. Lond. 1870. 8o- [This was published from a copy in the handwrit- ing of Sir E. Dering, now preserved in the Surrenden Library.] Visitations of Kent, 1619, 1621. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1106, 1432, 1548, 6138 ; Add. 5526, 5538. Her. Coll. C. 16; Phil. 23 P. Caius Coll. 550. Qu. Coll. xcix. Visitation of Kent, 1623, with additions, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,311. Her. Coll. MS. D. 18. Visitation of Kent, 1574-1640. Society of Antiquaries MS. 164. Visitation of Kent, 1663. Her. Coll. D. 18. Soc. Antiq. 163. Visitation of Kent, by Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, King of Arms, 1665 ; with a few later additions. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8931, 8932. Some Pedigrees from the Visitation of Kent, 1663-1668. Annotated by Jos. J. Howard and llobt. Hovenden, with index, etc. Lond. 1887. 4P' 100 copies privately printed. Visitation of Kent, 1619-1765. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5507 ; 16,279. A very large Collection of Kentish Pedi- grees. Soc. of Antiq. MS. 173. Pedigrees of Kentish Gentlemen. Her. Coll. Philipot MSS. 24, C. ; 25, P. ; 12, Pc. ; 26, 27, L. Pedigrees of Kentish Gentry. By Jacob Chaloner (?). Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1104. Glover's Genealogies of Kentish Gentry, 1571. Her. Coll. Phil. MS. 33, W. Pedigrees of Kentish families to A.D. 1574, with Arms roughly tricked, and corrections in the handwriting of Lord Burleigh. MS. No. 312. Lambeth Palace. Pedigrees and Arms of Kentish Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5862, 6175; Add. 5480, 5509, 5520, 5528, 5534. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 145. Lambeth Lib. MS. 312. Pedigrees of Kentish Families, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,448. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Kent. Collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other authentic Manu- scripts, by William Berry. Lond. 1830, fol. Collections for the County of Kent, con- sisting of pedigrees, etc , by the Rev. D. T. Powell, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 17,733. Genealogical Notes of Kent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 5538. Shields of Arms in colours, from the windows of Grey Friars, Greenwich. Two paper rolls ; te7np. Hen. VII. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2341, A. and B. Early Kentish Armory, by William Smith Ellis. ArchcBologia Cantiana^ vol. xv. Lond. 1883, 8«- Arms of ancient Kentish Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6587, f. 43. Arms of Families of Kent. Soc. of Antiq. MSS. 156; 158—162. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5843. Arms of Baronets, Knights, and Nobility of Kent, with the Arms of the several Sees, by John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 908. Arms, in colours, of Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen of the County of Kent, 1593. MS. No. 300. Lambeth Palace. A Collection of Kentish Arms, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,306. Arms of Kentish Families, 16th century Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,983 ; HarL MS. 4108. ENOLisn Counties. 145 Arms of all the gentlemen of Kent, temp. Jiimes I., alphabetically arranged. MS. No. 138. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Armorial bearings chiefly of the Nobility and Gentry of Kent, by Philipot, about the year 1616. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 534. Arras, etc. of Kentish Families, 1624. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,594, f. 106. Arms of Kentish Families to Charles II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,226. Collection of Kentish Armes, by Filmer Southouse. The Arms emblazoned on vellum, xviii. cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,307. Arms, in trick, of Kentish Families, 1706, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Arms and Genealogies of Families in Kent. Collected by Edward Hasted. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5480. Arms, Pedigrees, and Monuments of Kentish Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5486. Arms and Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in Kent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5805. Notes of Monuments in several Parish Churches in Kent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,259. Notes of Arms, Monuments, etc. in Churches in Kent, drawn up by Peter Le Neve, 1603—1624. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5479. A Collection of Monuments and Arms in Churches of Kent, attributed to J. Philpott. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3917. Coloured drawings of Church-Monuments, etc., in Deptf ord and the neighbourhood, Co. Kent, by E. Bate, C. Lennell, and others. 1839—1841. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,945. Coloured drawings of Church-Monuments, etc., in Greenwich, Woolwich, Charlton, and the vicinity, Co. Kent, by C. Len- nell, and others. 1841. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,946. The Monuments and painted glass of up- w^ards of one hundred churches, chiefly in the eastern part of Kent. By Philip Parsons. Canterbury, 1794, 4P- Notes of Brasses formerly existing in Dover Castle, Maidstone, and Ashford Churches, by Herbert L. Smith, Esq. ArcJicBologia Cantiana, vol. i. Lond. 1858, 80- Notes of Brasses, Memorial Windows, and Escutcheons, formerly existing in Ashford and Willesborough Churches, by Herbert L. Smith. Archceologia Cantiana^ vol. ii. Lond. 1859, S*'- Kentish Brasses. Collected by W. D, Belcher. Lond. 1888. 4o- Water-colour drawings of churches in Kent, interspersed with Coats of Arms, monumental brasses, and inscriptions, by Edw. John Carlos, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,705. Drawings and engravings illustrating the topography of Co. Kent, arranged in alphabetical order of places, 18th and 19th centuries. Twenty- three vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32,353— 32,375. Lords of Manors in the county of Kent, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,094. A brief account of the several Bailiffs, Sherifs, Custos's, and Lord Mayors of the City of London, who, either them- selves, their ancestors, immediate descendants, have possessed lands in the County of Kent, or have by birth sprung from thence, with the coat armour belonging to each of them, 1209 — 17t)5, M8. No. XXVIII, Towneley Hall, Burnley. A List of the names of such persons as find and bear Arms within the Hundred of Calchill, Co. Kent, and are belonging to the trayned Band now under the command of Sir John Darell, Knt. Brit. Mus. Harl. EoU V, 14. List of the Nobility and Gentry of Kent, by Thomas Colwell of Faversham, 1624, with arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,594. Names of the Gentlemen of Kent in the reign of Hen. VII. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. E. ii. f . 216. List of the Gentry of Kent in the time of Henry VII., by James Greenstreet. Lond. 1877, S^- See also Archcdologia Cantiana, vol. xi. Gentry of Kent, with their Lands, from 12 Hen. II. to Edward VI. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 4, Pb. A catalogue of the Wardens of the Five Ports, with their arms. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Lansd. MS. 865, f . 60. 146 English Cor^TiES. Catalogue of Lord Wardens of the Cinque Ports. See Somner's " Roman Ports in Kent." Coronation ceremonies and customs relative to the Barons of the Cinque Ports as supporters of the Canopy, by Sir Thos. Mantell. Dover, 1820, 4°- Constables and Lieutenants of Dover and Rochester Castles. Her. Coll. Phil. MS. 34. An historical catalogue of the High Sheriffs of Kent. See Villare Canti- nnurn^ by Thos. Phillipot. Lond. 1659, fol. Another edition, 1776, fol. The Kentisli Chronologer. Comprising a list of tlie nobility, lord lieutenants, baronets, high slieriffs, etc., by Walter Rowles. Lond. 1807, S^- Kniglits of the shire of Kent. MS. Hatfield House. Holders of Knights' Fees in Kent at the Knighting of the King's Son, Anno 38. Henry III. (A.D. 1253, 4). By James Greenstreet. Lond. 1878, 8°- See also Archceologla Cantiana, vol. Xll. Index of Proj^rietors of Lands in Kent. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5517—5519. Pahs Flnhim, and Inquisition t^s Post Mortem, for the County of Kent, see Archseologia Cantiana. Lond. 1858, &c. 8«- Poll for Knights of the Shire to represent the County of Kent, by Leonard Barthol- omew, Sheriff, with an alpliabetical list of the freeholders. Rochester, 1791, 8^^- Poll for the Knights of the Shire to I'epresent the County of Kent in Parlia- ment, 1835, printed. Poll Book for Knights of the Shire to represent the western division of the county of Kent, in 1837, including the whole of the registered electors, Avitli a general index. Maidstone, 1837, 8°- Poll Books for an Election of Knights of tlie Shire for East Kent, 1832 and 1837. 8°- Register of Persons entitled to vote for the Eastern Division of the County of Kent. Maidstone, 1851, 4o- Poll Book for Two Knights of tlie Shire to Represent the Eastern Division of the County of Kent, 1865. 8°- Biographical Dictionary of Kentish Authors. 5 vols. ]3rit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,470—18,474. Kentish Administration G-rants, A.D. 1559—1603. Epitomised by Leland L. Duncan. Published by the Kent ArchceoJof/ical Society. Extracts from the Parish Registers in Kent. Soc. of Antiq. MSS. 180 ; 183. Selections from the Early Registers of the parishes of Grreenwich, Deptford, Charl- ton, Woolwich, Eltham and Lee. Hasted' s History of Kent, new edition, by Henry H. Drake, part 1. Lond. 1886, fol. Tour through the Isle of Thanet, including a particular description of the Churches, and copies of the Monumental Inscriptions, by Z. Cozens. Lond. 1793, 4"- A Corner of Kent ; or some account of the Parish of Ash-next-Sandwich, ivith Genealogical and Heraldic Notes, bv J. R. Planche. Lond. 1864, 8o- Rectors of Adisham, 1285 to 1881 ; and of Woodchurch, 1314 to 1841, by the Rev. Canon Scott Robertson. ArcJice- ologia Cantiana, vol. xiv. Lond. 1882,8^- Rectors of Biddenden for 600 years. Single sheet, 1888, fol. Extracts from Bromley Church Register, of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, with a hst of the Ministers, 1604 to 1704. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3361. Names and Arms of the Abbots of St. Augustine, and Archbishops of Canter- bury. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Cleop. C. iii. f. 194. Accounts of the Deans, Priors, and Archdeacons of Canterbury. See Dart's "History of Canterbury Cathedral." — Somner's "Antiquities ot Canterbury." — " A Description of the Cathedrals of Canterbury and York." Lond. 1755, folio.— Woolnotli's " Illustration of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury." Lond. 1816, 4"- Historical Description of Canterbury Cathedral, its Antiquities, Epitaplis, Archbishops, etc., by J. Duncombe. 1783, 8«- Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Canterbury Cathedral. See Dart's " History of Canterbury Cathedral." Lond. 1726, fol. — " Historical Description of Canter- bury Cathedral." Cant. 1772 and 1778, 80-— Woolnotli's "Canterbury Cathedral." Lond. 1816. 4P' English Counties. 147 The Register Booke of Christninges, Marriages, and Biirialls within the precinct of the Cathedrall and Metro- politieall Church of Canterburie. Edited by Jl. Hovenden. Ilarleian Socleff/, vol If. Lend. 1878, 4'^- The Register Booke of Christeninges, Marriages, and Burialls in Saint Dunstan's, Canterbury, 1559—1800. Edited by J. . Meadows Cowper. Canterbury, 1887. Privately printed. The Booke of Regester of the Parish of St. Peter, in Canterbury, for Christen- ings, Weddinges. and Buryalls, 1560 — ISOO. Edited by Joseph Meadows Cowper. Privately printed, 1887. Our Parish Books and what they tell us : Holy Cross, Westgate, Canterbury, by J. Meadows Cowper. 2 vols. Canter- bury, 1881. The Memorial Inscriptions in the Church and Cliurchyard of Holy Cross, West- gate, Canterbury, bv J. M. Cowper. Privately printed [1888.] l"- Poll Book for the Canterbury Election of July 1880, with an alphabetical list of all the freemen of the City of Canter- bury. 1880, 8«- Chislet, Kent. Its Monuments, Vicars, and Parochial Records, by the llev. Francis Haslewood. Privately printed, 1887. The Rectors of Cliffe at Hoo, 1229 to 1880, by Canon Scott Robertson. ArcJiceologia Cantiana, vol. xv. Lond. 1888, 8^- Cobham Church, Monuments in, by J. Gr. Waller. Aj^choeoJof/la Cantiana, vols XI and XII. Lond. 1877—78, 8''- Charters of Cumbwell Priory, with plates of Seals. ArchcBologla Cantiana, vol. V. &c. Lond. 1868, &c., 8^- Alphabetical Index to all the names of persons en tered in the Parochial Registers of Davington, in tlie County of Kent ; to which is a])pended a summary of the number of baptisms, marriages, and burials, in each successive year. Thomas Willement, patron, 1852. Corrected up to August 21, 18G1. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,887. Copy of tlie Register of Freemen of Dover, 1601—1722. Brit. Mus« Add. MS. 29,625. Registers of the French Church at Dover, Kent. Edited by Frederick Arthur Crisp. Privately printed, 1888, sm. fol. Exti-acts from the Parish Registers of Down, Co. Kent. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. ii., edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1853, 8o- Funeral Monuments in the Church of Faversham. See " History of the Abbey Church of Faversham," by John Lewis. 1727, 4P- Ickham Church, its Monuments and its Rectors, by the Ilev. Canon Scott Robertson. ArclicBolof/ia Cantiana, vol. xiv. Lond. 1882, 8o- The Kegister of the Parish Church of S. Margaret, Lee, in the County of Kent, from 1579 to 1751. Edited for the Lewisham Antiq^mrian Society by L. L. Duncan and A. (). Barron. Lee, 1888, 8'^- The Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard of S. Mary, Lewisham. Edited by H. C. Kirby and L. L. Duncan for the Lewisliam Antiquarian Societj/. Lee, 1889, fol. A llegister of the Burialls in the Parish of Littlebourne, in Kent, since the Act of Parliament for burying in Wooll. Made in y^ year 1678, by John Gostling, Vicar. [The entries extend from 15 Oct. 1678 to 28 Mar. 1680 ] Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,748. Parish Register of Lyminge, Co. Kent, 1514—1676. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 88,782. Notes from the parochial register of Orlestone, by W. I. Lightfoot, Esq. Arcliceologia Cantiana, vol. ii. Lond. 1859, 80- Church Dignitaries of Pochester. See "History of llochester Cathedral." by Dr. Rawlinson. Lond. 1717, 8"- lieprinted in 1728. Also " Custumale Roffense," by J. Thorpe. Lond. 1788, fol. Repertory of Incumbents and Dignitaries within the Diocese of Rocliester, by the Rev. John Denne, D.D., brought down to about 1795. I3rit. Mus. Add. MSS. 11,819 ; 11,820. Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Rochester Cathedral. See 'History of the Cathe- dral Church of Rochester," by Dr. liawlinson, Lond. 1716 and 1728, 8o- 148 English CorNTiEs. Monumental Inscriptions in the Diocese of Rochester. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 6587. Monumental Inscriptions in the several Churches and Chapels within the Diocese of llochcster. " Registrum Roffense," part ii., by John Thorpe. Lond, 17G9, fol. Index to the Monumental Inscriptions in Thorpe's Registrum Roff ense. Privately printed,' no date, 4°- History and Antiquities of Rochester Cathedral, containing the Inscriptions on the Tombs, also those in Canterbury, supplementary to Somner and Batteley. 1717, 8®- On the Seal and Counterseal of the City of Rochester, by W. H. St. John Hope. ArclioeoJogia, vol. 49. Lond. 1885, 4°- Some Account of Brasses formerly in the Church of Sevington, by Herbert L. Smith. Archoeologia Canttana,Yo\Ay. Lond. 18G1, 8'^- An Account of the Grand Court of Shepway, holden on the Bredenstone Hill at Dover, by E. Knocker. Lond. 1862, 4'^- Memorials of Smarden, Kent, by tlie Rev. Francis Haslewood . [This work contains biographies of fifty Rectors, from A.D. 1205 to the present time, monumental inscriptions, genealogies of the famiUes of Sayer and Pell, etc.] Lond. n. d. 4"- Notes on Warehorne Church and its Stained Glass, with indices to the Parochial Registers of Warehorne and Newenden. Archoeolofjia Cantiana, vol. iv. Lond. 1861, 8"- Parochial History of Westerham, Kent, with copious extracts from the Registers, by Granville Leveson Gower. Wester- ham . . . 8"- LANCASHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Lancashire. JSIS. No. XLViii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Table of names of a Visitation of Lancashire, undated. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1057. Visitation of Lancashire, 1533. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 2076. The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, made in the year, 1533, by Thomas Benalt. Edited by William Langton. ChetJiam ^Society, Man- chester, 1876, etc., 4°- Visitation of Lancashire, 1567. Brit. Mus. MSS. Hari. 891, 1152, 1158, 1468, 2086, 6159 ; Add. 12,477, 22,652. Her. Coll. D. 3; E. D. N. 9. Cains Coll. 523, 527. Qu. Coll. C. Chetham Lib. 6715. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1567, by William Flower. Edited by F. R. Raines. Chetham Society^ vol. 81. Manchester, 1870, ¥■ Visitation of Lancashire, 1567, with additions by Handle Holmes to 1704. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1987. Visitation of Lancashire, by William Tonge, Xorroy, 1580. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Visitation of Lancashire, 1567, 1613. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1549. Visitation of Lancashire, 1613. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1437. Her. Coll. Q. 5. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1613, by Richard St. George. Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines. Chetham Society^ vol. 82. Manchester, 1871, 4P- Visitation of Lancashire, 1664. Her- Coll. C. 37. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1664- — 5, by Sir William Dugdale. Edited by Rev. F. R. Raines. Chetham Society. Manchester, 1872, 4P- A Fragment illustrative of Sir William Dugdale's Visitation of Lancashire. Chetham Society ,\o\. xxiv. Manchester, 1851, 4'^- Pedigrees of the County Families of Lancashire, by Joseph Foster. The heraldic illustrations by J. Forbes- NixoQ. London, J 873, 4P- Pedigrees of Lancashire and other families, bv Christopher Towneley, about 1650. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,114. Pedigrees of Lancashire Families, by Christopher Towneley, 1670. 3 vols, ih'it. Mus. Add. MSS. 32110—32112. Lancashire Pedigrees in alphabetical order, by John HopLcinson, 1671. J5rit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,741. Pedigrees of Lancashiiic and Yorkshire families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32116. English Counties. 149 Pedigrees of Lancashire and other families. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Pedigrees of Lancashire families, by Nathaniel Johnston. MS. T. 2. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Pedigrees and Arms in Lancashire, alphabetically arranged. IIS. C. 7. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Pedigrees of Lancashire Families. Ashm. Lib. MS. 834, art. v. p. 16 Her. Coll. Phil. MS. 50, P. Pedigrees of Lancashire families. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 205. Pedigrees of Cheshire and Lancashire Families. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 533. Lancashire Pedigrees, collected by Thomas Barritt in 1782. Chetham Lib. MS. 8019. Catalogue or abstract of pedigrees of several families in the counties of York, Lancashire, and Lincoln. MS. vol. xxv. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Arms of Lancashire Families. Chetham Lib. MS. 8019. An Alphabet of the Arms of the Gentle- men of Cheshire and Lancashire, blazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 893. Arms of Cheshire and Lancashire families described, 1682. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,786. Arms of Lancashire Families, alphabeti- cally, from " one Captain Booth, who lined nere Stopford in Cheshire." Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,741, f. 533. Arms in the Register of the Abbev of Furness. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, Ordinaries of Lancashire Arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 893, 1234, 1367, 1382, 1452, 1457, 1940, 2017, 2053. The Armorial bearings existing in the Churches of Prescot, Wigan and Liver- pool in the year MDXC. By John Paul liy lands. Liverpool, 1881, 8o- Genealogical Collections for a History of Lancashire, by Dr. R. Keurden. Chet- ham Lib. MS. 6702. [Some volumes by the same collector are in the College of Arms.] Cheshire and Lancashire Families, by G. Ormerod, 1851, 8°- Privately printed. County Families of Lancishire and Cheshire, by James Croston. 1887, 4°- Notitia of the Families of the County Palatine of Lancaster, com])iled from Heraldic Visitations, Ordinaries of Arms, Genealogical and Topographical Manuscripts and Printed Works relative to the County, by William John Roberts. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,653. Evidences of Lancashire Gentry. Brit, Mus. Add. MSS. 30,145 ; 30,146. Transcripts of Evidences of Lancashire Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32,103 to 32,109. Ducatus Lancastrise Calendarium. From Edw. I. to Eliz. By order of the Commissioners on Public Records. 3 vols. Lond. 1823—34, fol. A description of -the duchy and county palatine of Lancaster, unto which is added a genealogical table of all the dukes and earls of the same, and of other the ancient and noble families from whence they had not only their offspring, but also how they increased their possessions, etc. from time to time. MS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Vicecomites Lancastriae ab anno 1 Hen. II. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5088, f. 1. The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. Edited by John Harland. Manchester. 1859, 4o- Names of all the Gentlemen of the Best Callinge within the Countye of Lan- caster, Whereof Choyse ys to be made of a certain number to Lend vnto her Matye. moneye vpon Privie Scale in January, 1588. From a manuscript in the possession of the Rev. F. R. Raines. OTietJiam Society^ Miscellanies, in. 1862, 40. Hale and Orford. An account of two old Lancashire Houses : with memorials of the respective owners to the present time, by Wm. Beamont. Warrington, 1786, 8«- Lists of Escheators, Stewards of Black- burnshire. Lawyers, and Sheriffs of the County, by John Hopkinson, 1671. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,741, f. 510. The Parliamentary Representation of the County and Borough Constituences of Lancashire, 1285-1885. Compiled from Official and other Sources, to which are added Biographical and Genealogical Notices of the Members, by W. 150 English Counties. Duncombe Pink, and the Rev. Alfred B. Beaven. In progress, 1889. Lists of Freeholders in Lancashire, A.D. 1600. Brit. Mns. Harl. MSS. 2012, f. 185 ; 2077, 2085, 2112. Lancasliire Worthies, by V. Espinasse. Lond. 1871—77, !"• Portraits of Eminent Personages of Lancashire, Members of Parliament, Literary, Ecclesiastical and Scientific Celebrities. From 1810—45. Portfolio of Fragments relative to the history and antiquities, topography, and genealogies of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, by M. Gregson. Third edition, edited by J. Harland. London, 1809, fol. The jlegester Booke of Funeralls in the countves of Lancaster, etc., begun A.D. 1600,' by William Segar. [This MS. contains the Arms emblasoned of the persons buried, and particulars relating to themselves and their families.] Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 879. The -llegister Book of Funerals in North Wales, Lancashire, etc., begun 28 Mav, 1006. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2011. Lancashire. Funeral CertiGcates. Edited by Thomas William King. With additions by the Bev. F. B. Baines. Chef ham Soclett/,\ol. Lxxv. Manchester, 1868, 10- Cheshire and Lancashire Funeral Certifi- cates, A.D. 1600 to 1678. Edited by J. J^aul Bylands. Record Society. Lond. 1881—2, H^- Lancashire and Cheshire Historical and Genealogical Notes Edited by Josiah Bose. ileprinted from the Leigh Chronicle " Scrap Book." Part 1. Leigh, 1878, S'^- Lancashire Gleanings, by William E. A. Axon. Manchester and London, 1883, 8''- Letters on the claims of the College of Arms in Lancashire, in the time of James I., by L. Smethley and Bandle Holme. Edited, with notes by F. B. Baines. Chethani Socleft/, JMlscellanles, vol. V. Manchester, 185i, 4°- East Lancashire Nomenclature and Boch- dale Names, by H. C. March. 1880, 8o- The Bolton Parish Church Registers, from the earliest records to the present time. Published in the " The Bolton Weekly Journal." 1887. Begistrum Sanctie Marise Furnesii, ])ar Abbate Guill. Dalton, with numerous coats of arms of Sovereigns and the Nobility, beautifully coloured, written about the vear 1412. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 38,2 ii. The Earlier Jlegisters and Parisli Accounts of Hawkshead, by the Bev. J. Allen, Vicar. See Transactions of the Ciiniher- land and Wesfmorelaiid Antiquarian Society, vol. iv. Kendal, 1879, 8"^- History of the parish of Kirkham, Lanca- shire, by Henry Fishwick, witli numerous pedigrees. 1874, 4"^ The Begisters of the Parish of Leigh, Lancashire, from Februarv, 1558, to March 1625. Edited by J H. Stanning, M.A., Vicar. Leigh, 1883, 8''- " In Memoriam ; " or. Funeral llecords of Liverpool Celebrities. Liverpool, 1876, Historic Gleanings : Transcripts of the Burgess Jlolls of Liverpool, by Edw. M. Hance. Liverpool, 1886, 8'^- A History of Longridge and District, by Tom C. Smith. Containing an account of " Old Halls and old Families," with ])edigrees of the famiUes of Cave- Browne- Cave, Hothersall, Openshaw, Cottam, Townlev, and Dewhirst. Preston, 1888, 4« ' Manchester Worthies, and their Founda- tions ; or six chapters of Local History, by E. Edwards. Manchester, 1855, 8o- Observations on the Armorial Bearing of the Town of Manchester, by W'. B. Whatton, Manchester, 1824, l"- Brief accounts of the Wardens of Man- chester College, with their arms in colours, from 1422. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834 pp. 83, 160—184. The Admission Begister of the Manchester School with some notices of the more distinguished scholars. Edited for the Chetham Society by the Bev. Jeremiah Finch Smith, 3 vols in 4. Manchester, 1866, 4"- Extracts from tlie Begisters of Ormskirk Church, by James Dixon. Liverpool, 1874, 8«- ' Extracts from the Begisters of the Parochial Chapel of Padiliam, in the County of Lancaster, by Major Fish- wick. See " The Beliquary," vol. xii. Lond. 1872. English Counties. 151 History of the Parliamentary Eepresenta- tion of Preston during the last hundred years, by William Dobson. Preston, 1856, 80- 2nd edition, 1868, 12o- The Vicars of Rochdale (1191^—1877), by the Llev. Canon Haines, edited by Henry H. Howorth for the Ohetham Societi/. Two parts. Manchester, 1883, 4«' The Registers of the Parish Church of Rochdale, in the Countv of Lancaster, from A.D. 1582 to 1616. Edited by Lieut. -Col. H. Fishwick. Rochdale, 1888, 80- History of the Ancient Hall of Samlesbury in Lancashire, with an Account of its earlier possessors, and particulars relating to the descent of the Manor, with three tables of pedigrees, by James Croston. Privately printed, 1871, fol. The Parish Registers of the Chapelry of Stretford, near Manchester, by John Eglinton Bailey. See "The Reliquary," vol. xvii. Lond. 1876, 8o- History of the Old Independent Chapel, Tockholes, near Blackburn, Lancashire, by Benjamin Nightingale. In progress, 1886. [Contains pedigrees of the families of Leigh, Aspden, Brindle, Cocker, Gregson, Kershaw, Nightingale, Redmayne, Richardson, Smith, Sumner, and Worsley, and Lives of its Ministers, etc.] Documentary Notes relating to the District of Turton, Co. Lancaster, with folding pedigrees of the Kay, Taylor, and Barlow Families. Compiled by James C. Scholes. Bolton, 1882, 80- Registers of Ulverston Parish Church, Lancashire. Edited by the Revs. C. W. Bardsley and L. K. Ayre. Ulverston, 1881—1885, 4«- An Attempt to Identify the Arms formerly existing in the Windows of the Parish Church and Austin Friary at Warrington, by William Beamont and Paul Rylands. Warr. 1878. Annals of the Lords of Warrington for the first five centuries afterthe Conquest. By William Beamont. Glietham Sociefi/, vols. 86 and 87. Manchester, 1872—3, 40. Annals of the Lords of Warrington and Bewsey, from 1587 to f833, by W. Beamont. Manchester, 1873, 4P' Warrington Church Notes. The Parish Church of St. Elfin and the other churches of the parish, by Wm. Beamont. Warr. 1878, S^- LEICESTERSHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Leicestershire, 1563. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,065 ; Harl. MS. 810. Her. Coll. F. 7 ; G. 11 ; H. 12. Visitation of Leicestershire, by Samson Lennard, Bluemantle, and Augustine Vincent, Rouge Rose, 1619. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. MS. 51. Ettington Hall, ('o. Warwick. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1180, 1187, 1189, 1195, 1369, 1431, 6125, 6183. Stowe 768. Her. Coll. C. 8 ; Vincent, 127. Caius Coll. 519. New Coll. cccxxx. Qu. Coll. LXXXIX. The Visitation of the County of Leicester in 1619, by Wm. Camden [and his deputies, Lennard and Vincent]. Edited by John Fetherston. Ilarleian Society, vol. 2. Lond. 1870, 8° Leicestershire Pedigrees and Royal Descents, by the Rev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher. Leic. 1886, 4P- Pedigrees of Leicestershire Families, from Sir Geo. Naylor's library. MS- Baginton Hall, Warwickshire. Pedigrees and Arms, apparently by Nicholas Charles. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1113. Pedigrees of Leicestershire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6590. Her. Coll. MS. E. L Phil. MSS. 28, P ; 29, L. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxxi. Pedigrees of families of Leicestershire. MS. 17th century, in the possession of the Marquis of Ripon, at Studley Royal, Co. York. Heraldic Collections relating to Leicester- shire families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,710. Catalogue or abstract 'of pedigrees of several families in the counties of York, Durham, and Leicester, with tables, by J. H. MS. Vol. xxiv. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Arms of a Visitation of tlie County of Leicester, taken by Sampson Leuard, alias Bluemantle, and Augustin Vincent, poursuivants-at-arms, A.D. 1619. MS. No. 120. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. 152 English Cottntibs. Arms and Pedigrees of Leicestershire, &c. families. Stowe MS. 771. Brit. Mus. The arms and names of knights, esquires, and gentlemen within the county of Leicester living in 1564, set out as it was performed by Robert Cook then Chester herald. " The original that this was copied forth of was done on Velom in colours, in the hands of Henr}^ Farrars of Baddesley Chinton, co. Warwick, 1593." MS. No. 131. Ettington Hall, co. Warwick. The description of Leicestershire, contain- ing matters of antiquitye, historye, armorye, and genealogy, by Wm. Burton, London. 1622. fol. Second edition. Lynn, 1777. fol. Burton's Leicestershire Collections, with coats of arras and genealogies. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. G046, 31917, 27985 f. 76. Burton's History of Leicestershire, with large additions to the Pedigrees, by K. Gascoigne. Jesus Coll. Camb. Genealogical Notices of the County of Leicester. See " Bibl. Top. Brit." vol. vii. The Armorial Windows erected in the reign of Henry VI. by John Viscount Beaumont and Katherine Duchess of Norfolk in Woodhouse Chapel in Chamw^ood Forest, by J. G. Nichols. Westminster, 1860. 4P- Privately printed. On some of the Sepulchral Monuments and Effigies in Leicestershire. By M. H. Bloxam. Northampton, 1866. 12o- Church Notes in Leicestershire. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 197. An inventory of the Church Plate of Leicestershire, with some account of the Donors thereof, by the Rev. Andrew Trollope. In progress, 1889. Historia brevis Comitum Leicestrise, cum insignibus gentilitiis. Pra^mittitur nota de Gulielmo Conquestore. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 882, f. 3. List of the Sheriffs of Leicestershire to A.D. 1622. See Burton's " History of Leicester," p. 323. List of Leicestershire gentlemen who com- pounded for their estates, temp. Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043, f. 38 b. Freeholders' Book for the County of Leicester, A.D. 1630. See Nichol's " History of Leicestershire," vol. i. pt. i. p. xcii. The Poll for a Knight of the Shire to represent the County of Leicester, 1775. Leicester, 1775. 4P- The Poll Book for the Election of Two Knights of the Shire of Leicester, can- didates Geo. A. L. Keck, Lord Robt. Manners, and Thos. Paget. 1830. S"' Register of Persons entitled to vote in the election of Knights of the shire for the Northern Division of the County of Leicester. Leicester, 1832. 8"- Sepulchral Effigies in Bottesford Church, Leicestershire, by M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1869. 8°- Parish Registers of Claybrook, co. Leices- ter, A.D. 1563-1636. A.D. 1637-ieC4. A.D. 1664-1685 In the possession of Lord Braye, at Stanford Hall. The Poll for Electing Two Burgesses to represent the Borough of Leicester in Parliament, 25th July, 1837. Leicester, 1837. 80- Roman Catholic Register of Leicester and Hinckley, 1785 to 1837. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,629. The Rectors of Loughborough, by the Rev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher. Lough. 1883. 80- The Parish Registers of Lougliborough, in the County of Leicester, by W. G. Dimock Fletcher. London, 1873. 8«- See also " The Reliquary," vol. xiii. London, 1872. 8o- The History of Market Harborough, with that portion of the hundred of Gartree, Leicestershire, containing the parishes of Baggrave, Billesdon, Bosworth, etc. With an account of the Lords of the Manors and their Pedigrees, etc., by John H. Hill. Leicester, 1875. 4«- The Parish Registers of Newton- Linford, Leicestershire, 1677-1679. Ten copies privately printed, by Frederick Arthur Crisp, 1884. fol. Parish Registers of Swinf ord, Co. Leicester, A.D. 1559—1632. A.D, 1707—1741. In the possession of Lord Braye, at Stanford Hall. LINCOLNSHIRE. Visitation of Lincolnshire, Heralds' College. undated. English Counties. 153 Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1562. Her. Coll. E.D.N. 10; D. 8. Caius Coll. 545. Qu. Coll. xcii. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1190, 1484. Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1562 — 1564. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 810 ; 1097. The Visitation of the County of Lincoln in 1562—4. [By Robert Cooke]. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe. Lond. 1881. 8o< See also The Genealogist, vols. 3, &c. Lond. 1879. 8«- Pedigrees of Lincolnshire Families, 1562 and 1592. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1436 ; 2145. Visitations of Lincolnshire, 1564 and 1592. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1550. The Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1592, by Richard Lee. Harl. MS. 1550! " The Genealogist," vol. v. &c. Lond. 1881. 8"' The Visitation of the County of Lincoln, 1592. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe. Lond. 1882. 8«- Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1570 — 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940. Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1592. Her. Coll. G. 4; H. 11. Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1592, 1634. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17506. Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1634. Her. Coll. C. 23. Pedigrees of Lincolnshire Families, with arms in trick, and with notes of arms, and notes of " Coates and Creastes in the beginninge of Mr. John Archer's booke of Lincolnshire," by Henry Paget. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,742. Lincolnshire Pedigrees by Everard Green, reprinted from The Genealogist, 1879. 8«- Pedigrees and Arms of Lincolnshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5874. Her. Coll. MS. E. 1 ; Phil. 30, P ; 31, P ; Vincent 150. Pedigrees of Families of Lincolnshire. MS- 17th century. In the possession of the Marquis of Ripon, at Stud ley Royal, Co. York. Catalogue or abstract of pedigrees of several families in the counties of York, Lancashire, and Lincoln. MS. vol. xxv. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Arms of Lincolnshire FanfUies. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5845. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1564. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. The Union of Honovr. Containing the Armes of Kings, Dukes, etc., of Eng- land, and the Gentry of Lincolnshire, by James Yorke. Lond. 1640. fol. Arms of Lincolnshire Families from Bysshe's Visitation of 1666. Her. Coll. MS. D. 23. An Alphabet of Arms of Lincolnshire, 1717-18. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,833. Arms, in trick, of Lincoln Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Arms, in colours, from Lincoln Minster, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,752. Collections relating to Lincolnshire Fami- lies, by Gervase Holies, 1639, &c. Brit. Mus. Lans. MSS. 207 A to F. Collections relating to Lincolnshire Fami- lies, 18th century. Qu. Coll. Oxf. Ixxxv. Antiquities of the County of Lincoln, consisting principally of Monumental Inscriptions, with the Coats of Arms of the Gentry, in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6829. Lincolnshire Church Notes of the time of Charles I., by Justin Simpson. See " The Reliquary," vol ix. Lond. 1869. 80- Church Notes in Lincolnshire, 1592-1634. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17506. Tables of the High Sheriffs of Lincoln- shire, and of the Knights of the Shire, Citizens, and Burgesses in Parliament, from the earliest account to the present time. [White.] Lond. 1779. 4P- List of Sheriffs of Lincolnshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6118, f. 405. Lists of Members returned to Parliament, and Sheriffs of the County of Lincoln. See " The History of Lincohi," 1816. 8«- The Lincolnshire Survey, temp. Henry I. Edited by James Green«treet. London, 1884. fol. A Roll of the Owners of Land in the Parts of Lindsey in Lincolnshire in the Reign of Henry I. Translated and compared with the Domesday Survey by Robt. Edra. Chester Waters. Lin- coln, 1883. [Reprinted from the Asso- ciated Architectural Societies' Reports and Papers, vol. XYi., 1882. 154 English CorNTiES. ]iecords relating to the County of Lincoln, temp. Hen. III. Witli index. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 62S9. Ancient Baronies in the Countv of Lincoln, with the Descents of their owners, con- tinned to A.D. 1(516. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5531, Names of Freeholders in the Counties of Lincoln, etc., A.I). 1561. Brit. JSlus. Lans. MS. 5 Names of gentlemen in the hundreds of Lincolnshire, with notes, by Lord Burghley. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. The Worthies of Lincolnshire b}' Rev. Morgan G. Watkins. Lond. 1885. 8« Obituary and llecords from the Counties of Lincoln, llutland, and Northampton, 1800-1859, by Justin Simpson. Stam- ford, 1861. 8«- Lincoln Marriage Licences : An abstract of the allegation Books preserved in the Registry of the Bishop of Lincoln, 1598—1628. Edited by A. G-ibbons. Lond. 1888, 8o- Account of the Baptisms and Burials within the Hundred of Boothb v - Graff or, Co. Lincoln, from 1688. See " Gent. Mag." 1782, p 75. Sepulchral Monuments and Effigies in Boston Church Lincolnshire, by M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1770, 8°- List of the Mayors of the Town and Borougli of Great Grimbsy, from 1200 to 1669. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207, A, f. 523. Monumental Antiquities of Great Grimsby, byliev. George Oliver. Hull, 1825, 80- Names of the Mayors, Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Chamberlains of the City of Lincoln since 1313. Lincoln, 1787, 120- Lists of Mayors, Bailiffs, and Sheriffs of the City of Lincoln, from 1314 to 1815. See " The History of Lincoln." 1816, 80- Lincoln City Poll Book. Lincoln, 1820, 80- Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. George's Stamford, by Justin Simpson. See " The Reliquary," vol. viii. Lond. 1868, 8'^- Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. Mary's Stamford, by Justin Simpson. See " The Reliquary," vols, ix, x, xi. Lond. 1869, 8o. Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. Martin's Stamford, by Justin Simpson. See "The Reliquary," vol. xii, xiii, xiv. Lond. 1872, &c., 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. Michael's Stamford, by Justin Simpson. See " The Reliquary," vols, xv — xx. Lond. 1873, &c. 8o- Extracts from the Parisli Registers of St. John's, Stamford, by Justin Simpson. See " The Reliquary." vols, xx, etc. Lond. 1880, 8^^- The Parish Registers of Stubton, Lincoln, 1577—1628. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp. 1881, fol. LONDON. No. Heralds' Visitation of London. MS. XLA^iii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Part of a Visitation by Mr. Clarenceaux, Kyng of Armes, of several Churches in London, [1532-1533.] Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 544. f. 111. Visitation of London, 1568. Her. Coll. MSS. F. 1, G. 10. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1463. Qu. Coll. (lxxii.) The Visitation of London, taken by Robert Cooke A.D. 1568 ; and since augmen- ted both with descents and arms. Published by the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, vol. II. Visitation of London in the yeai* 1568, by Robert Cooke, and since augmented with descents and arms. Edited by J. J. Howard and G. J. Armytage. Harleicin Society. Lond. 1869. ^^^ Index to the Visitation of London, 1568. Privately printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. Visitation of London, 1633, 4. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1476. Her. Coll. C. 24 ; K.g. ; Phil. 32 L. Visitation of London, 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1444. The Visitation of London in 1633-34. Edited by J. J. Howard and Col. J. L. Chester for the Ilarleicm Society. Two parts. Lond. 1883, 8°- Visitation of London, 1634. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Visitation of London, with Arms and Pedigrees of London Families ; the pedigrees traced to 1649, and followed by grants of Arms by Sir Richard and En&lish CorxTiEs. 155 Sir Henry St. George, and Sir Wm. Segar. Stowe MS. 709. Brit. Mus. ' Visitation of London, IGGl. Her. Coll. J). 19. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 108G, 1096. J^edigrees of London and Middlesex. Her. Coll. Vineent MS. 119. Anns and descents of London Families Brit. Mus. Harl MSS. 185S ; 2280. Arms and Pedigrees of London Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5810, 2181. Arms and Genealogies of the Nobility and Gentrv of London, continued to A.D. 1610. "^Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5588. Arms and Crests of London Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5869. Arms of the Families of the City of London, in 1668. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 6076. Arms of all the Lord Mayors of London. See Heylyn's " Help to English History,'' *^bv Wright. Loud. 1778, 8«- The Arms or Atchievements of the City of London, and most of the Companies therein ; together with the Arms of the Collegiate Church of Westminster. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 109S. Arms of the Companies of London. Her. Coll. MS. C. 24 (2). Arms of the Mayors, Sheriifs, Aldermen, etc. of London. Her. Coll Pliilipot MS. 22, Pb. Fac-simile of a Heraldic MS. entitled, " The Names and Amies of them that hath beene Aldermen of the Ward of Aldersgate since the tyme of King Henry VI. untill this present veare of our Lorde 1616." By John Withie. Eeproduced and briefly annotated, by F. C. Price. Lond. 1878, 16«- [This is a fac-simile of Harley MS. 909, in the British Museum.] The ancient and Modern Arms of the several Companies ; together with the Arms and Names of tlie Lord-Mayors, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, from the first Mayor to 1618. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1819. Armorial of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, from Fitz-Aylwin to the year 1680. The arms are coloured until the year 1622, after which cUte they are only pencilled. MS. No, 9. Wrest Park, Beds. Arms of the incorporated Companies of the City of London, together with the Arms of the Lord Mayors, Sheriff's and several of the Aldermen 1621. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6860. Ancient and present Arms of the City of London, with the Arms of the several Companies, Mayors. Sheriffs and Aldermen, A.H/ 1681. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1164. Arms of Lord Mayors and Sheriff's of London, time of Charles I. Stowe MS. 272. Brit. Mus. Arms of the City Companies and Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London, time of Charles I. 2 vols. Stowe MS. 278. Brit. Mus. Arms, in trick, of all the Companies of London, with the names of the most eminent persons who were members of the same, 17th centurv. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 472. A Collection of The Amies, Crests and Sup]3orters of all the Companies in London ; Divers faults that are in all the Former, are in these amended ; and many Arms that were never done, are hereunto added. Lond. 1678. The Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles, and Mottos of every distinct Company and Corporation Societie in the Honourable City of London, engraved by Richard Wallis. Lond. 1677, fol. Arms of the Corporation and Companies of the City of London ; and the Arms of the Mayors and Sheriffs, by John Withie. 1695. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1049, 6076. The Arms of the Twelve principal Com- panies of the City of London : engraved and printed for S. Bower, Painter, in Budge-Pow. 1698. Arms of the Twelve Principal Companies of the City of London. Printed for Austin Oldisworth. Lond. 1701, fol. Names and Arms of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, from 1189 to 1705. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6178. The PraDtorian Banner displayed ; or the Arms of the Maj^ors of London, by P. Wright. Lond, 1773, 8«- Arms, in coloiu's, of the City Companies. By W. E. Jackson, 2 sheets. Lond. (1863.) 4<'- 156 English Oottnties. Ensigns of the Trained Bands of the City of London, by li. Symonds, 1643. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 986. London in Arms displayed ; or, the dis- tineons millitary and civill of all y® Comanders of Horsse troopes and Collonells of the Trained Bands, 1647. Written by John Lucas, and inscribed by him to Col. John Hardwicke. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,308. London Pageants. I. Accounts of 55 Royal Processions. II. List of Lord Mayors Pageants, by J. G-. Nichols. Lond. 1831. 8«- Lord Mayors' Pageants, Illustrated, by F. W. Fairholt. Percy Society. Lond. 1843-4. 8«- List of the Livery of London, by T. Tomlins. Lond. 1775. fol. The History of the Twelve great Livery Companies of London, by William Herbei-t. 2 vols. Lond. 1837. 8«- Names of the Persons of the several Companies of London. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4778. History of the Honourable Artillery Com- pany, by A. Highmore. Lond. 1804. 80- History of the Hon. Artillery Company, by Capt. Gr. A. Raikes. 2 vols. Lond. 1878-79. 80- List of the Clockmakers' Company of London, from 1631 to 1732, by Octavius S. Morgan. See Archmological Journal, vol. 40. London, 1883. S^: The Grocers' Company, by J. B. Heath. Lond. 1854. 4^- Original Grant of Arms to the Company of Innholders, London, 1634. In the library of the Innholders Company. The Ironmongers Company, by J. Nicholl. Lond. 1866. 4P- The Vintners' Company, their Muniments, etc. Biographical notices of Eminent Members. Edited and revised by Thomas Milbourn. Illustrated with portraits. Lond. 1888. 4°- Facsimile of the original Charter granted by llic. III. to the Company of Wax- chandlers, with Arms and Seals, published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour street, London. Lists of Mayors, Recorders, Common Sergeants, etc. of London, to 1851. See Haydn's " Book of Dignities." Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, A.D. 1188, to A.D 1274, by A. Fitz-Thedmar. Translated with notes and illustrations by H. T. Riley. Lond. 1863. 4"- Catalogue of Mayors and Sheriffs of London. Her. Coll. Norfolk MS. Names of the Maires and Sheriffs of London, sene Kynge Richardis Days to the Mayoralty of William Purches. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 541, f . 215. Names of the Bailiffs, Mayors, and Sheriffs of London, 1 Ric. I. to 7 Henry VI. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vitel. F. ix. List of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London, from 1 Ric. I. to 10 Henry VI. 15th century. St. John's Coll. Oxf. MS. Ivii. f. 138. Names of the Wardens, Mayors, and Sheriffs of London, from 1 Rich. I. to 21 Hen. VI. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 565. f. 10. Names of the Bailiffs, Mayors, and Sheriffs of London, from 1 Ric. I. to 23 Edw. IV. Brit. Mus. Cott. MSS. Jul. B. i. f. 2 ; Jul. B. ii. f. 2. Mayors from 1 to 23 Hen. VIII. Jul. B. 1. f. 92^- Names of Mayors and Sheriffs of London, from 1419 to 1444. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Cleop. C. iv. f. 31. Catalogue of Mayors and Sheriffs of London to the year 1475. Her. Coll. MS. H.D.N. 19. Names of the Bailiff's, Mayors, and Sheriffs of London, from 1 Itich. I* to 3 Mary. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vitel. F. XII. f. 337. Grafton's Chronicle of England ; to which is added his table of Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of the City of London from the year 1189 to 1558. By Richard Grafton. 2 vols. Lond. 1809. 40. List of the Lord Mayors of London, from 1214 to 1605. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 719. The Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London, with their Arms to 11 James I. Her. Coll. Phil. MS. 22, Pb. Series of Mayors ond Sheriffs of London, from 1 Ric. I to A.D. 1629, with some Arms and Historical Notes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1049. f. 21. Lists of Sheriffs and Lord Mayors of London, 1520 — 1724, with the names English (vOTTnties. 157 of the companies of which they were members. MS. collections vol. 5 in the possess%)n of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. Lists of Mayors, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Members of Parliament, of London, to 1772, by Will. Chancellor. Lond. 1772. 8^- See also Donee's " Customs of London," pp. xix — lii. Lives of illustrious Lord Mayors, and Aldermen of London, by W. Woodcock. With Chronological List of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs. Lond. 1816. Register of admission to the freedom of the C/ity of London, tempp. Henry VIIL and Edward VI. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2408. The Citizens of London and their Rulers, from 1060 to 1867, by B. B. Orridge. Lond. 1867. 8«- Famous City Men, by J. Ewing Ritchie. Two editions. Lond. 1884. 8°- Names of Glentlemen of Account residing in London and its Suburbs, Nov. 1595. Hrit. Mus. Lans. MS. 78, art. 67. [Privately printed by Sir C. Gc. Young, Garter, in 1832.] A Catalogue of Inhabitants of the several Parishes in London, A D. 1638. Lamb. Pal. Lib. MS. 272. List of the Principal Inhabitants of London, 1640. Edited by W. J. Harvey. Lond. 1886. 4P- Collection of the Names of the Merchants living in and about the City of London, 1677. Reprinted, 1878. 12°- Names of the Parishioners, Inhabitants, and Occupiers of Land, in the Parish of St. James's Clerkenwell, 1677. Brit. Mus, Sloan MS. 3928. List of Members returned for the City of London, from 1660 to 1768. See London Magazine, 1771, p. 408. List of London Electors, A.D. 1723—4. Brit. Mus. Harg. MS. 139, pp. 369- 417. London's Roll of Fame, 1757 to 1884. Published by Cassell & Co. Lond. 1884. 40 Reportorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale London inense ; an Ecclesiastical Paro- chial History of the Diocese of London ; containing an Account of the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons. Dignitaries, and Prebendaries, from the Conquest, of the several parish churches, and the Patrons and Incumbents, etc., by Rich. Newcourt. 2 vols. Lond. 1708-10. fol. Marriage Licences. — Allegations for Mar- ' riage Licenses issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to 1828— by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, 1558 to 1699— also from the Faculty Office of the Abp. of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869, extracted by Col. Chester, and now edited by G. J. Armytage, for the Harleian Society. 4 vols. Lond. 1886-7. 8« London Marriage Licenses, 1521-1869. Transcribed by the late Colonel Chester, D.C.L., edited by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1887. 8«- Registry of Births for London, from Christmas 1747, and since. Her. Coll. Norfolk, MSS. A. 1; B. ]. Burials and Christenings in London, from 8th to 15th April, 1618. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 7, C. xvi. art. 16. Names of Persons dead, or removed from London since the last Assessment for the Subsidy. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 63, art. 9. A Collection of Monuments in divers churches, with most of the coats of arms painted. They are chiefly in Lon- don and Westminster. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 878. Arms and Inscriptions upon Funeral Monuments and Grravestones in London Westminster, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6835. Notes of Monuments, Arms, and Inscrip- tions in London Churches, by P. Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,499. Collection of Inscriptions on Monuments and Gravestones in London. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 516. Monumental Inscriptions in several Churches in London. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1096, ff. 110-117 b ; 6072. Epitaphs in and about London. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 835, 5348. Interments in the several Churches in London. Her, Coll. MS. F. 9. Persons of consequence ])uried in several Churches in London, to the 27th of March, 1533. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 644. 158 ENaLisH Counties. Collection of Pennons and Hatchments, in Churches in and about London, A.I). 16G5, by Thos. Holfourd. Heralds' College. The Catalogue of most of the Memorable Tombes, Grave-stones, plates, escutch- eons, or atchievements, in the demolisht, or yet extant churches of London, from St. Katherine's beyond the Tower, to Temple Barre, by P. Fisher. Lond. 1668. 4«- The Catalogue and account of many memorable persons who had visible tombs, plated grave- stones, liatchments or escutcheons in any of the new burnt or yet extant churches of London, from S. Catherine's near the Tower, to Temple Bar. By P. Fislier. Lond. 1G70. 4'^- Catalogue of the Tombs in the churches of the City of London, A.I). 1666, by Major Payne Fisher. Ilevised and edited by G. Blacker Morgan. Lond. 1885. 4"- Privately printed. Catalogue of persons who died in London, -with the date of their deaths, bv Pich. Smith of the Poultry, 1628 to 1675. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 8361. Epitaphs, collected principally from churches in and about London, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1160. Drawings in water-colours of Monuments and Tombs in London and the Neigh- bourhood, by Thomas Gosden. 2 vols. 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. .23,153-23,154 Gleanings from Churchyards, particularly those of London, by G. A. Walker. Lond. 1839. H^- Modern Tombs ; or Gleanings from the the Public Cemeteries of London, by A. W. Hakewill. Lond. 1851. 4''- Lists of the Society of Antiquaries, 1775- 1805. Lond. 4o- The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial ]legisters, 1571 to 1874, and Monu- mental Inscriptions of the Dutcli Pefor- med Church, Austin Friars, London. With a short account of the Strangers and their churches. Edited by William. John Charles Moens. Privately printed. Lymingtcm, 1884. 4"- The original Registers of Bunhill-Fields Burying-G rounds, arc at the Pegistrar General's Office, Somerset House, Lon- don. Inscriptions upon the Tombs and Grave- stones in tlie Dissenters Burial Place near Bunhill Fields. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6212. Collections relating to the Dissenters' Burial-ground at Bunhill Fields, Lon- don, by Jolni Hip])on, in 11 volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28,513-28,523. The Inscriptions upon the Tombs, Grave- stones, etc., in the Dissenters' Burial- place near Bunhill-fields. Lond. 1717. 8'^- Printed for E. Curll, in Fleet Street. Bunhill Memorials. Sacred Reminiscen- ces of Three hundred Ministers and othei- persons of note, who are buried in Bunhill Fields, with Inscriptions on their Tombs and Gravestones, etc. Edited by J. A. Jones. Lond. 1849, 120- List of Carthusians [Charterhouse] 1800 to 1879. Edited bv W. D. Parish. Lewes, 1879. 8^- Burials in the Charter House, London. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Gen- ealog," vol. iv. p. 308. A List of all the Scholars of Christ's Hospital sent to the Oxford or Cam- bridge Universities. Lond. 1885. 4°- Christ's Hospital List of University Exhibitioners, 1566—1885, by A. W. Lockhart. Second edition. Lond, 1886. Privately printed. The City lioad Chapel, London. Monumental and Biographical Associa- tions, by George J. Stevenson. Lond. 1872, 80- The Fleet registers ; comprising the .history of Fleet marriages and some account of the parsons and marriage- house keepers, by J. S. Burn. London, 1833, 8«- [Tlie Chief ])art of tlie Fleet Registers are deposited in the Registrar General's Office, Somerset House, London.] The Fleet ; its River, Prison, and Marri- ages, by J. Ashton. Lond. 1888, 8«- Registrum eoruni qui sepeliuntur in Ecclesia et Capellis f rat rum minor ; London. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. A^itel. F. xii, f. 273. Register of Sepulchral Inscriptions exist- ing temjy. Hen. VIII. in Grey Friars' Church, London. See Nichof s " Coll. Top et Gen." vol. v. pp. 274, 385. English CorNTiEs. 159 Lists of Admissions of the Court or College of Gray's Inn, 1521—1677. Arms of the Members in Colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1912. Kegister of Admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521 to 1881. See Collectanea Genea- logica^ vol. 1. by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1882, 8°- The Eegister of Admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521—1889, together with the Kegister of Marriages in Gray's Inn Chapel, 1695—1754, by Jos Foster. Lond. 1889, 8«- Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, by John Ward. Lond. 1710, fol. An account of the monuments, etc. in the Guidhall, London. Lond. 1849, 8'^- A History of the Inns of Court and Chancery, including an account of the eminent men of the four learned and honourable societies, Lincoln's Inn, the Inner Temple, the Middle Temple, and Gray's Inn, etc., by R. R. Pearce. Lond. 1848, 8- The Inns of Court Calendar : a Record of the Members of the English Bar, their Inns of Court, dates of admission and call, with their academical degrees, appointments, etc., by Charles Shaw. Lond. 1877, 8«- Letter on the origin of the arms belong- ing to the two Honourable Societies of the Inner Temple ; the Pegasus and the Holy Lamb, by the Hon. Daines Barrington. See Arcliwologia. ix, 127. Students admitted to the Inner Temple, 1571-1625. Edited bv W. H. Cooke. Lond. 1868. 8«- Students admitted to the Inner Temple, 1547-1660. Edited by W. H. Cooke. Lond. 1878. 8"- Masters of the Bench of the Hon. Society of the Inner Temple, 1450-1883 ; and Masters of the Temple, 1540-1883. Lond. 1883. 8'>- Privately printed. A Register of the Scholars admitted into Merchant Taylors' School, from 1562 to 1874. Compiled from.authentic sources and edited with Biographical notices, by the Rev. Charles J. Robinson. 2 vols. 1882-3. 80- Names of all persons of noble blood buried in the Monastery of the Mimories. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 205, f. 21. The Roll of the Royal College of Physi- cians of London, 1518-1800. By William Munk. 2 vols. Lond. 1861. 8'^- Another edition, 1878. 8o- List of the Fellows, Members, etc. of the Royal College of Physicians. Printed by the Society, 1889. List of Fellows of the Royal Geographical Society. Printed by the Society, 1889. History of the Royal Institution, its Founders, and its first Professors, by Dr. Bence Jones. Lond. 1871. 8o- The Register of St. Antholin, Budge Row; and St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, Lon- don. Harleian Society. Lond. 1883. 8°- The Registers of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, Transcribed bv the Rev. A. W. Cornelius Hallen. Lond. 1886, &c. S^- The Register Book of the Parish of St. Christopher le Stocks, in the City of London. Edited by Edwin Freshfield. Lond. 1882, 4P- The Registers of St. Dionis, Backchurch. Edited by Col. J. L. Chester. Harleian iSociety.' Lond. 1878. 8°- Divers matters relating to the City of London, or parish of St. Dunstan's in the West, by John Saunders, 1686. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1472- Church Notes in St, Dunstan's in the West, London. See Nichol's " Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. iv. p. 96. Burials at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London. See Nichol's Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. iv. p. 116. Extracts from the Registers of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London. See Nichol's " Topographer," vol. v. pp. 202, 365. The Marriage Registers of St. George, Hanover Square, London. Edited for the Harleian Society^ by John H. Chapman. 2 vols. Lond. 1886, &c. 8°- The Parish Registers of St. James', Clerk en well. Edited by Robt. Hoven- den. Harleian Society. 3 vols. Lond. 1884-87, 80- Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. James's, Westminster. See " The Topo- grapher and Genealogist," vol. iii. Edited bv John Gough Nichols. Lond. ]85S. 8"-' The Register of St. Mary Aldermary, London. Edited by Col. J. L. Chester. Harleian Society. Lond. 1880. 8^- 160 English Cottkties. Marriages at St. Mary le Strand, London, from A.D. 1605, transcribed by James Green stre(?t. " The New York Genea- logical and Biographical Record." vol. XVIII. New York, 1887. 8«- Weddings at St. Mary-le-Strand, London, from A.D. 1606 to 1625, by J. V. L. Pruyn and James Greenstreet. " The Genealogist," new series vols, iv & Y. Lond. 1887-88. 8«- The transcript of the Registers of the United Parishes of S. Mary Woolnoth, and S. Mary Woolchurch Haw, in the City of London, from 1538 to 1760. Edited by J. M. S. Brooke and A. W. C. Hallen. Lond. 1886. 8«- Registers of the Parish of St. Mary Woolnoth, &c. By Rev. J. M. S. Brooke. Lond. 1886. The Register of St. Michael, Cornhill, London. Edited by Col. J. L. Chester for the Harleian ^Society. Lond. 1882, 80- Inscriptions on the Mural Monuments and Tablets, Gravestones, and Tomb- stones, in the Church and Churchyard of the Parish of St. Michael, Crooked Lane, in the City of London, 1831, 8^- [Removed for the London Bridge improvements.] Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. Olave, Hart Street, London. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Geneag." vol. ii. p. 311. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church of St. Olave's Jewry, London. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887, fol. Drawings and copies of inscriptions of sepulchral monuments in old St. Pan- eras church and churchyard, London, by Charles Booth, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,488. A Collection of curious and interesting Epitaphs, copied from the monuments of distinguished and noted characters in the Ancient Church and Burial Grounds of St. Pancras, Middlesex, by Frederick Teague Cansick. Lond. 1866. Ij^^- A collection of curious and interesting Epitaphs, copied from the existing monuments of distinguished and noted characters in the cemetries and churches of St. Pancras, Middlesex, by Frederick Teague Cansick. Lond. 1872, 4°- Dignitaries of St. Paul's Cathedral. See Dugdale's "History of St. Paul's." Lond. 1658. fol. 2nd edition. London, 1716. fol. New edition, by Sir Henry Ellis in 1818. Biographical Illustrations of St. Paul's Cathedral, with an appendix of Digni- taries, etc., by G. L. Smyth. Lond. 1843. 8^^- Epitaphs, Inscriptions, etc. in St. Paul's Cathedral. See Dugdale's "History of St. Paul', London." Enlarged by Maynard 1716, and by Sir H. Ellis in lSi8. All in folio. Also the latter portion of Arithmaei " Mausolea." Franef. 1618. 12^- Monumenta Sepulchralia Sancti Pauli. The Monuments, etc., of Kings, Nobles, Bishops, and others buried in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, until this present' yeere 1614. By H. H. (Henry Holland.) Lond. 1614. 40. The monuments, inscriptions, and epitaphs of kings, nobles, bishops, and others buried in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul ; together with the Foundation of the said Church, a Catalogue of all the Archbishops, bishops of London, etc., and the monuments continued untill 1633, by Henry Holland. Lond. 1633. 40- The Tombes, Monuments, and Sepulchral Inscriptions, lately visible in St. Paul's Cathedral, completely rendered in Latin and English, by P. Fisher. Lond. 1684. 4P- The monuments and genii of St. Paul's Cathedral and of Westminster Abbey, by G. L. Smyth. 2 vols. Lond. 1826. 80- The Admission Registers of St. Paul's School, from 1748 to 1876, edited with biographical notices, by Rev. Robt. B. Gardiner. Lond. 1884. 8'^- A Register of all the Christninges Burialles, Weddinges, within the Parish of Saint Peeters upon Cornhill. [From the reign of Q. Elizabeth]. Edited by Granville W. G. Leveson Gower. Harleian Society. Lond, 1877, Notices of Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter, Tower of London. By Doyne C. Bell. Lond. 1877, 8°- English (bounties. 161 The Register of St. Thomas Apostle, Lon- don. Edited by Col. J. L. Chester. Harleian Society. Lond. 1881, S^- Baptisms in Somerset House Chapel, from 1732-1775 ; Marriages in the same, from 1714-1758 ; and Burials in the Vault there, from 1720-1770. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart, in 1831, 8«- A copy of the names of all the marri- ages, baptisms, and burials which have been solemnized in the Private Chapel of Somerset House, Strand, extending from 1714 to 1776. With an index and copious genealogical notes. Lond. 1862, 4«- The history of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple, by Charles C. Addison. Lond, 1842. 8"- Third edition, 1852, 8o- Names of such as have been buried in the Temple Church, from 1623 to 1652. Ashm. Lib. MS. 8576. The Monumental Effigies of the Temple Church, by Edward llichardson. Lond. 1843, fol. Dignitaries of Westminster Abbey. See Hart's " History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's Westminster," 2 vols. Lond. 1742. — Another Account. 2 vols. Lond. 1812, 4''- —Also Neale and Brayley's " History of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. Lond. 1818. Westmonasterium ; or the History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster : containing a particular history of the lives of the Abbots, and the lives of the Deans to this time. By John Dart. 2 vols. Lond. 1742, fol. Deans of Westminster, from 1549 to 1731. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 132. Deans and Prebendaries of Westminster, from 1560 to 1620. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Claud. A. viii. f. 69. Biographical Illustrations of Westminster Abbey, bv Geo. L. Smyth. Lond. 1843, 80-'' Eeges, Reginae, Nobiles, & alij in Ecclesia Collegiata B. Petri West- monasterij sepulti, vsque ad annum reparta3 Salutis 1600, by William Cam- den. Lond. 1600, 4P- Otlftr editions in 1603 and 1606. Catalogue of the Kings, Queens, and Nobilities, with others whose bodies are interred within the Church of St. Peeter at Westminster, and Chappell of Henry the Seventh, collected and gathered from sundry authors as well as from the monuments themselves, with the in- scriptions as on them exprest, &c., with the coats of arms. MS. No. 140. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. List of the Abbots, Bishops, and Deans of Westminster, and the names of the Prebends installed since the Reforma- tion ; a description of the Royal Tombs with those of the Nobility and others in the several Chapels and parts adjoin- ing St. Peter's, Westminster, with the several Inscriptions on their Monu- ments, &c., also the Funeral Procession of John, Duke of Marlborough, by John Buswell. 1755. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,379. Notes of Monumental Inscriptions in Westminster Abbey, etc. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Cleop. C. iii. ff. lb, 55, 67, 94, 95, 103, 156, 198b, 204, 215b. Historical Account of Westminster Abbey; with the Epitaphs, Inscriptions, Coats of Arms, etc., by H. Keepe. Lond. 1682, 8»- The Antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey (Jhurch of Westminster : con- taining all the inscriptions, epitaphs, etc, upon the tombs and grave stones, by J. C, i.e. J. Crull. Lond. 1711, 8*^- Fifth edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1742, 8«- An account of the interment of celebrated persons in the vaults of Westminster Abbey, from 1705 to 1745, and also the funeral of Princess Louisa in 1768. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 514. An account of some ancient monuments in Westminster Abbey, by Sir Joseph Ayloffe. Lond. 1780, fol. Drawings of Monuments, etc., in West- minster Abbey, by the Rev. D. T. Powell, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,694. Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Westmins- ter Abbey. See Arithmaei " Mausolea Regum, Reginarum, Dynastarum, No- bilium, London! Anglorum in occiden- tali urbis angulo structa." Francf. 1618. 120- And Neale and Brayley's 162 English Counties. History of Westminster Abbey. 2 vols. Lond. 1818, 4o- Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. An- cient oil paintings, and sepulchral brasses in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, engraved from drawings by G. P. Harding, with an historical, biographical and heraldic description, by Thomas Moule. Lond. 1825, fol. Monuments and Genii of St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey, by G. L. Smyth. Lond. 1826, S^- The history and antiquities of Westmin- ster Abbey, and Henry VII. 's Chapel ; their tombs, ancient monuments, and inscriptions. Lond. 1856, 4°' Gleanings from Westminster Abbey, by Sir G. G. Scott. Oxf. and Lond. 1863, 8^- Burials in the Chapter House, Westmin- minster, temp. Henry VIII. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. i. p. 21. Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in Westminster Abbey, from 1607 to 1705. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." Vol. vii. pp. 162, 248, 355 ; vol. viii- p. 1. The Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster. Edited and annotated by J. L. Chester. Lond. 1876, 4P- The List of the Queen's Scholars of St. Peter's College, Westminster, by Joseph Welch. Lond. 1852, S^- Lists of Masters and Scholars of West- minster School, from 1561 to 1738. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025 ; Add. MS. 8872. Westminster School, Past and Present, by Frederick H. Forshall Lond. 1884. S^- Account of Inmates within the City of Westminster, and its Liberties, 1582. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 35, art. 32. List of Members of Parliament for West- minster, from the Kestoration to 1770. London Magazine, 1772, p. 483. Poll Book for a Citizen for the City and Liberty of Wesminster, 1749, S*'-'^ Poll Book for electing two representatives in Parliament for the City and Liberty of Westminster, June, 1818, giving the names, addresses and occupations of nearly 11,000 voters. London, 1818, 8<'- MIDDLESEX. Visitation of Middlesex, 1572. Her. Coll. G. 16, G. 17. Visitation of Middlesex, 1634. Her. Coll. C. 28. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1551. Visitation of Middlesex, 1663. Her. Coll. D. 17. The Visitation of Middlesex, 1663. from the MS. in the Heralds' College, D. 17. Edited by Joseph Foster. Privately printed, 1887. The Visitation of Middlesex, begun in the year 166B by William Ryley, and Henry Dethick. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. " Salisbury, 1820. fol. Collections of Descents and Arms of the Gentlemen of Middlesex, by Samuel Waker, 1663. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4964. Visitation of Middlesex, 1664. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1468 ; 1096. Pedigrees of London and Middlesex. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 119. Arms and Crests from Cooke's Visitation of Middlesex. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. A Dissertation on the Armorial Ensigns of the County oj Middlesex, and of the Abbey and City of Westminster, bv Sir John Hawkins. Lond. 1780, 4P- ' Drawings of Arms in Mr. Horace Wal- pole's House at Strawberry Hill, in the parish of Twickenham, by the Rev. Wm. Cole, 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841. A List of the Nobility and Gentry of the Counties of Middlesex, Essex, and Hert- ford, who have subscribed, and ordered their Coats of Arms to be inscribed on a New Map of those Counties, by John WarburtoD. Lond. 1722. 4«- London and Middlesex Illustrated : By a true and explicit Account of the Names, Residence, Genealogy, and Coat Armour of the Nobility, Principal Merchants, and other Eminent Families, all Blazon'd in their proper colours. By John War- burton. Lond. 1749, 8"- Church Notes in Middlesex, collected by the Rev. S. Lysons. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 9470, 9471. Church Notes in Middlesex. Her. Coll. Phil. MS. 19, Pd. English Counties. 163 The Antiquities of Middlesex, being a collection of the several church monu- ments in that county, by John Bowack. Lond. 1705-6, fol. Epitaphs in the County Middlesex, A.D. 1713. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,425. Coloured drawings of Arms and Monu- ments, with copies of Inscriptions in Churches in Middlesex, by D. Partes. Brit Mus. Add. MSS. 21,010 ; 21,011. Water-colour drawings of churches in Middlesex, interspersed with coats of arms, monumental brasses, and inscrip- tions, by Edw. John Carlos, 19th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,706. A Collection of Curious and Interesting Epitaphs, copied from the existing monuments of distinguished and noted characters in the churches and church- yards of Hornsey, Tottenham, Edmon- ton, Enfield, Friern Barnet and Hadley, Middlesex, with biographical notices and descriptions of Armorial Bearings, by Frederick Teague Cansick. Lond. 1875, S''' Equitable and Necessary Considerations and Resolutions for Association of Arms, to be presented to the Gentry and Commonalty of Middlesex at their meeting at Nixhall, 1642. Lords of Manors in the County of Middlesex, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,094. List of Freeholders in Middlesex, 1684. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3790, f. 152. Middlesex County Kecords. Edited by John Cordy Jeaffreson for the Middlesex County Becord Society, vol. I. London, 1886. Historical Notices of Enfield, containing also brief biographical Notices of Distinguished Persons who formerly resided in the Parish, by J. Tuff. Enfield, 1858, 8o- Coloured drawings of Coats of Arms, and copies of monumental inscriptions in Fulham Church, Co. Middlesex. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5831. Miscellanea Genealogica, and Pedigrees of the families of liadclyffe, Mildmay, &c., &c. No. 4305. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Hackney Pedigrees, Churcl^ notes, wills, etc. 9 vols. Nos. 4313—21. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Rectors and Vicars of Hackney, with lists of Officers from 1581—1850. Nos. 4235, 3211, and 4422. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Notes and extracts relating to Hackney people and families. No. 4107. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Armorial Bearings of Families connected with Hackney, with many Notes on their inter-marriages, etc. 14 vols. Nos. 3301-14. Tyssen Library, Hack- ney._ Arms in Hackney Church, Co. Middlesex. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841, p. 146. Some Accounts of the Monuments in Hackney Church, by R. Simpson. Printed for private circulation, Guil- ford, 1881. 40- See also Nos. 1609 and 4420, Tyssen Libr. Hackney. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church- yards of St. Augustine's, St. John's, and St. Thomas', Hackney. Nos. 4109, 4110, 4241. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Memorials of St. John at Hackney, by R. Simpson. Guilford, 1882, 4P- Inscriptions from the New Gravel Pit (Unitarian) Churchyard, Paradise Place, Hackney, Middlesex. Lond. 1883. 8°- 50 Copies privately printed. Registers and Calendars of Births, Chris- tenings, Marriages, and Burials in Hackney. Nos. 321 1 and 4108. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Registers of St. Thomas' Sq., Hackney. Nos. 1625, 1627 and 4236. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Registers of Marriage-licences from the Consistory Court, and of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials from seven London churches, referring to Hackney and neighbourhood. No. 4227. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Marriage Licences to Inhabitants of Hackney, 1779-1863. 7 vols. Nos. 3201-7. Tyssen Librarv, Hackney. Hackney Wills. 19 vols. " Nos. 4313-21 ; 3319, 20 ; 4103-5 ; 4119 ; 3208 ; 3421-3. Tyssen Lib. Hackney. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Hammersmith, Co. Middlesex. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. iii. p. 316. Sepulchral Brasses at Harrow-on-the-Hill, plates, by Alfred Heales. London and Middlesex Archcdological Society, vol.1. 164 English Counties. Church Notes taken at Highgate. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 7943. Arms and Inscriptions in the Parish Church of Hornsey, and Highgate Chapel, with extracts from Hornsey Parish Eegister, 1750. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836. The Parish Eegisters of Staines, 1644- 1694. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp. 1886. fol. Parish Register of Staines, 1653 to 1694. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2004. Stanwell Church and its Monuments, by Alfred Heales. The Tournament of Tottenham. By Gilbert Pilkington. 1631. The Tournament of Tottenham, and the Feast, by Thos. Wright. London, 1838, 4°- MONMOUTHSHIRE. County Families ^of Monmouthshire, by Thomas Nichols. London, 1875, 8o- Worthies of Monihouthshire. See Border Counties Worthies, by E. C Salisbury. Oswestry, 1880, 8<'- Treatise on the Barony of Abergavenny with Pedigrees, 1642, 12o- Some account of the Ancient Monuments in the Priory Church, Abergavenny, by C. 0. S. Morgan. Newport, 1872, 8o- Annals of Chepstow Castle, or six cen- turies of the Lords of Striguil from the Conquest to the Revolution, edited by Sir John Maclean, containing the histories of the families of Fitz-Oshern^ Clare, Marshal, Bigod, Plantagenet, Manny, Hastings, Herbert, Tudor, Somerset, Cromivell, and Mowhray. Exeter, 1883, 4°- Privately printed. Extracts of Marriages from the Register of Tin tern Abbey, Co. Monmouth. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6148, f. 16. NORFOLK. Heralds' Visitation of Norfolk, undated. Heralds' College. Visitation of Norfolk, 1503. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1174; 1177; 4755; 5189; 6093; 6166; Add. 5522; 11,388; 14,309 ; 19,816. Her. Coll. O. 1 ; H. 3; Vincent, 123. Caius. Coll. 555. Qu. Coll. cxv. Bodl. Rawlinson, MSS. The Visitation of Norfolk in 1563, by W. Harvey, Clarenceux King of Arms. Edited by C H. Dash wood and con- tinued by Augustus Jessopp for the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. Norwich, 1878, &c, 8°- Visitation of Norfolk, 1589. Her. Coll. MS. H. 17. Qu. Coll. MS. xc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940 ; Harl. MS. 2230. Visitations of Norfolk, 1563, 1589. 1594 and 1613. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS, 1154 ; 1552. Visitation of Norfolk, 1613. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS, 5823. Her. Coll. C. 15. Visitation of Norfolk, 1664, 1668. Her. Coll. D. 20. An index to the Visitation of Norfolk, made A.D. 1664, with an Introduction by Charles H. Athill, Blue Mantle, &c. Edited by the Rev. C. H. Evelyn White. Ipswich, 1885, 4P- Only 150 copies printed. Descents and Arms of Norfolk Families, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1363. Pedigrees of Norfolk Families. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 33, P ; 34, P ; 35, P. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4756. Notes of Pedigrees, Arms, Monuments, etc. mostly of Norfolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5522. Historical and Heraldical Collections relating to the County of Norfolk, by Robert Kemp. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 901. Miscellaneous Heraldic, and other papers, relating to Norfolk, 1846. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,967. Three Norfolk Armories. Edited by Walter Rye. Norwich, 1886, 8«- Alphabet of Arms of Families in Norfolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,481. Arms of Norfolk Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1101. Arms of Norfolk Families, by Bysshe. Her. Coll. MS. D. 21. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1563. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Quarterings of arms, in pen and ink, of Norfolk families and of English Peers, by Thomas Stirling, and C. Capon, 1689 and 1692. Brit. Mus. Egerton MS. 2161. Arms, in trick, of Norfolk Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. English Counties. 165 Arms and Crests of Norfolk Families, 18th century, 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,298, 14,299. Arms of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex families, 1726. Stowe MS. 532. Brit. Mus. Arms in Norwich Cathedral. No date, 8°- A brief Declaration of the arms in the Abbey of Thetford. See " The Anti- quarian Magazine and Bibliographer," vol. I. Lond. 1882, S^- Collections made out of the several Churches in Norfolk and Suffolk, and G-entlemen's houses in those parts, 6y William Harvey, Clarencieux King of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4969. Church Heraldry of Norfolk, giving Descriptions of all Coats of Arms in Norfolk Churches, with the Inscriptions attached to them, by the Rev. Edmund Farrer. Norwich, 1885, &c., 8^- In progress. Epitaphs from Churches in Norfolk. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 676^. Entry Book, with Funeral Escutcheons of Families in Norfolk, 1st Nov. 1686 to 4th Aug. 1719. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,223. Monumental Inscriptions by Benjamin Mackerell, in sixty-two Churches in the Countv of Norfolk, 1743-1745. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,526. Sepulchral Monuments and Epitaphs in Churches in Norfolk, 1772. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2583. The Monumental Inscriptions in the Hundred of Happing, Co. Norfolk, bv Walter Rye. Norwich, 1886. So- Monumental Inscriptions in the Hundred of Holt, €0. Norfolk. Collected by Walter N. Dew. Edited by Walter Rye. Norwich, 1885. Journal of Tours by Craven Ord in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, from 1781 to 1797 ; illustrated with engrav- ings of brasses, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,823. Engravings of the most remarkable of the Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk, by J. S. Cotman. Yarmouth, 1819, 4P- Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Nor- folk and Suffolk by John Sell Cotman, with an introductory essay by Dawson Turner. Second edition, fol. Lond. 1839, Norfolk Seals. Sigilla antiqua Norfol- ciensia. By J. Ives. Lond. 1772, 8°- Privately printed. Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, by Francis Blomefield, 1805 to 1807 ; with the continuation by Charles Parkin, 1807 to 1810 ; and with coloured drawings and engravings of arms, seals, etc., inserted and entered on the margins. Eleven volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23,013-23,023. Index Nominum ; being an Index of Christian and Surnames (with arms) mentioned in Blomefield's History of Norfolk, arranged in alphabetical order by John Nurse Chadwick. King's Lynn, 1862, 8o- Collection of drawings and engravings of portraits, coats of arms, sepulchral monuments, etc., by Dawson Turner, to illustrate Blomefield's History of Norfolk, 1810-1847. Alphabetically arranged under names of places, in twenty-nine volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23,024-23,052. Additional draw- ings and engravings, in ten vols. Add. MSS. 23,053-23,062. Collectanea Thomse Cibbonsii, Arm., Historiam Familiarum tam Norfolcien- sium quam Suffolciensium illustrantia. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 970-972. Lords of Manors in the County of Norfolk, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,095. Vicecomites Norfolcise ; or Lists of the Sheriffs of Norfolk, A.D. 1154 to 1841 ; chronologically and alphabetically arranged, with their Armorial Bearings. Stow Bardolph, Norfolk, 1843, 40- Privately printed. List of Sheriffs in Co. Norfolk, 1643-1663. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6398, f . 65 b. Lists from the Reformation to 1837, of Lord Lieutenants, Baronets, High Sheriffs, and M.P.'s of the County of Norfolk ; Mayors, Bishops, Deans, etc. of Norwich; and Lists of Persons connected with the County, of whom portraits have been issued, by W. C. Ewing. Norwich, 1837, S^- Knights made by Queen Elizabeth and James I. in their Progresses through Norfolk, Suffolk, etc. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 442. 166 English Counties. List of Norfolk Benefices, with the Names of their respective Incumbents and Patrons, Dates of Presentation, etc. by Dawson Turner. Norwich, 18-17, S^- Poll Book for the Election for the County of Norfolk, May, 1734. [Giving the names and addresses of nearly 9000 Norfolk freeholders.] Norwich, 1734. Poll Book for Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, July, 1802. 1802, 80- Poll Book for Two Knights of the Shire for the County of Norfolk, 1835, with the entire register of voters. Norwich, 1835. 8°- A History, topographical, genealogical, and biographical, of the parishes of West and East Bradenham, Avith those of Necton and Holme Hale in the County of Norfolk, by Geo. A. Carthew. With an introduction by A. Jessopp. Norwich, 1883, 4«- The Origin of Famil}' or Sur-names, with special reference to those of the inhabi- tants of East Dereham, Co. Norfolk, by Geo. A. Carthew. Norwich, 1883, H^- The Ancient Begister of North Elmham, from 1538 to 1631, transcribed by Augustus George Legge, and illustrated by notes and notices of families, etc. Norwich, 1888, 8»- Chronological Table of tlie Mayors of Lynn-Kegis, from 1268 to 1772. See Parkin's " Topography of Freebridge Hundred." Chronological List of the Mayors of Lvnne, etc., from 1517 to 1673. Brit. Mus. Add. MS., 8937. The Parish Begisters of Afarsham, Norfolk, from 1538 to 1836. Edited by Bev. A. T. Mitchell, of Marsham Hall, Norwich, 1889, 8^- The History of the Cathedral Church of Norwich, with Biographical Anecdotes of the Bishops, etc., by John Britton. Lond. 1816, !'>• Tombs and Monuments in Norwich Cathedral. See " liecords of Norwich." 1736—1738, 120- Also Sir Thomas Browne's " Posthumous Works." Lond. 1712, 1721, 8^'- Browne's Bepertorium, or some Account of the Tombs and Monuments in Norwich Cathedral. Norwich, 1720, The ancient Sculptures in the . Boof of Norwich Cathedral, described and illustrated, by E. M. Goulburn. London, 1876, fol. Catalogue of the Priors, Deans, Chan- cellors, etc., of Norwich, to 1712. See "Posthumous Works of Sir T. Browne," Appendix. — Also Blomefield's "History of Norfolk." The Monumental Inscriptions, fenestral and other arms in the Parish Churches of the City of Norwich, by Benjamin Mackerell, 1723. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,525. List of the Mayors and Sheriffs of Norwich. See Knapton's " A Compleat History of Norwich." Also Eldridge's History of Norwich. Calendar of Norwich Freemen, from 1317 to 1603, by Walter Bye. Norwich, 1889, 8«' The First Book (1538—1707) of the Parish Registers of St. George, Tomb- land, Norwich, transcribed by G. B. Jay. In progress, 1888. Discipline of the Walloon Church at Norwich, 1589. With signatures of the officers of the church from 1589 to 1695. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2568. Edited by Lucy Toulmin Smith in the Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany^ vol. ii. 'Norwich, 1880, 8°- The Walloons and their Church at Norwich, 1565—1832; their History and Begisters. Edited by Wm. John Chas. Moens for the Huguenot Society, London. Lymington, 1888, 4P- History of the Beligious Orders and Communities in Norwich, by John Kirkpatrick. Norwich, 1845, 8*^- Poll Book for the Election for Norwich, 1794. Norw. 1794, 8°- Poll Book for the City and County of Norwich. July, 1830. Norwich 1830, 8«- Another in 1832. Sepulchral inscriptions with drawings of arms in the church, old and new church- yards, and cemetery of Great Yarmouth, Co. Norfolk, copied principally by John Fletcher Cooper, 1830-1845. 4 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,738-23,741. Monumental inscriptions in the church of St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, Co. Norfolk, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,742. English Counties. 167 Sepulchral Reminiscences of a market town as afforded by a list of the interments within the Parish Church of St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, by Dawson Turner. Yarmouth, 1848, 8°* Poll Book of the Election for Great Yarmouth, July, 1830. 1830, 8«- Poll Book for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, 1852. 1852, S^- NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1564. Her, CoH. MSS. H. 4 ; H. 15 ; Vincent, 41. Queen's Coll. cxii. Caius. Coll. 541. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1566. Brit. Mus.Harl. MSS. 890. 1138, 1171. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1574, by Richard Lee, Portcullis, Marshal to Clarencieux. — And another Visitation time of James I. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1617. Qu. Coll. cviii. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1618. Her. Coll. C. 14. The Visitations of Northamptonshire made in 1564 and 1618-19, with Northamp- tonshire Pedigrees from various Harleian MSS. Edited by W^alter C. Metcalfe. Lond. 1887, S"- Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1566 and 1619. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1094,1553. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1618, 19. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1084, 1184, 1187, 1188, 1467. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1681. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6330. Visitation of Northamptonshire, 1681 and 1682. With Index. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Pedigrees and Arms of Northamptonshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6066. " MS. Baronagium Anglise ; " a book of arms and pedigrees of Northampton- shire families. Hatton Collection. Pedigrees of Northamptonshire Families Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 112, 113, 114. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. Ixxiv. art. 2. Arms and Pedigrees of Northamptonshire families. The latest date is 1619. Stowe MSS. 770, 771. Brit. Mus. Arms and pedigrees of Northamptonshire, &c. families, 1654. S1»we MS. 644. Brit. Mus. Indexes to Pedigrees in Baker's History of Northamptonshire, by Sir Henry Dry den. Privately printed. Stemma Chicheliana : A Genealogical Account of some of the Families derived from Thomas Chichele, of Higham- Ferrers, co. Northampton, by Dr. Buckler. Oxford, 1765, 4P- Supple- ment, Oxf. 1775, 40- Genealogical Notes of some Families connected with Northamptonshire, and in particular with Great Harrowden, by Samuel Sharp, Esq. Northamptonshire Architectural Society. 1880, 8°- Arms of Northamptonshire Gentry. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1045, f. 150 ; 1353 f. 61. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1566. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Arms, in trick, of Northamptonshire Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Copies of Records in the Tower, etc., relating to Manors and Families in Northamptonshire. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 36-38. The History and Antiquities of North- amptonshire by John Bridges, 1791, with large additions by Thomas and William Dash, consisting of MS. notes, engraved portraits, arms, etc., and drawings of churches, seats, sepulchral monuments, etc. 5 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32117-32121. Coloured drawings of Monuments, Brasses, etc., in the Churches of Green's Norton, Paulers Pury, and Eston Neston, co. Northampton, by Thomas Fisher. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,966 Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in Northamptonshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6365, 6763 ; Lans. MS. 1042. Church Notes in Northamptonshire, by E. Ashmole. Ashm. Lib. MS. 1137. Church Notes in Northamptonshire. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 197. Epitaphs in the County of Northampton, A.D. 1713. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,425. Sepulchral Memorials, consisting of en- gravings from the Altar Tombs, Effigies, and Monuments, contained within the County of Northampton. By W. H. Hyett. Lond. 1817, fol. 168 En'Glish Countses. An endeavour to classify the Sepulchral remains in Northamptonshire ; or, a discourse on funeral Monuments in that County, by C. H. Hartshorne. Cam- bridge, 1840, 80- The Brasses of Northamptonshire, by Franklin Hudson. Lond. 1853, fol. Recumbent Effigies in Northamptonshire, with descriptions, by A. Hartshorn e. Lond 1867, fol. On the Mediaeval Sepulchral Antiquities of Northamptonshire, by M. H. Bloxam, Esq. See the Arcli(eological Joicrnal^ XXXV, 242. Lond. 1878, 8«- Remarks on the Discovery of the Ancient Seal of the Archdeaconry of Northamp- ton, by the Rev. A. W. Brown. 1845. Lords of Manors in co. Northampton, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,095. List of the Sheriffs of Northamptonshire, 1 Hen. II. to 33 Hen. VIII., extracted from the Pipe Rolls. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12497, f. 478. List of Sheriffs in Northamptonshire, 1646-1069. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6398, f. m. Names of Justices of the Peace in Co. Northampton and Rutland, 1587. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 54, art. 75. Northamptonshire Poll Books, from 1702 to 1831, reprinted from Poll Books in the possession of Mr. Geo. Baker. Northampton, 1832, 4'>- Popular Biography of Northamptonshire, by John Cole. Lond. 1839, 16'^- The Baptists and Quakers in Northamp- tonshire, 1650-1700, by the Rev. J. Jackson Goadby. Northampton, 1883. Obituary and Records from the Counties of Lincoln, Northampton, &c., 1800- 1859, by Justin Simpson. Stamford, 1861, 8«- Northamptonshire Notes aud Queries, an Illustrated Quarterly Journal devoted to the Antiquities, Family History, Traditions, Parochial Records, etc. of the County. N;i3(ttiii^Uttj, 1884, &c. 8°- In progress. ^^"^^^^I^^"^^ Extracts from the Parish Registers of Great Billing, Co. Northampton. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." Vol. viii. p. 189. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church, and extracts from the Registers of the Parish of Cosgrove, Northamptonshire, 1754. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5836. Account of the Earls of Northampton, from William the Conqueror, etc. Northampton. 1820, 12"- Names of the Mayors and Bailiffs of Northampton, from 1 Ric. II. to I Edw. IV. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. G. 44, art. 4. Poll Book for the Election of Burgesses for the Town of Northampton, June, 1790. Monumental Inscriptions, and drawings of Coats of Arms in Passenham CliurcL Brit. Mus Add. MS. 5831. On the Effigies and Monumental Remains in Peterborough Cathedral. By M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1861, 8"- Memoir on the Monumental Remains in Peterborough Cathedral, by M. H. Bloxam. See Archceological Journal., xviii, 394 ; xix, 134, Lond. 1861—62, 8«- Tlie Old Registers of the Parish of S. John Baptist, Peterborough, b}^ the Rev. W. D. Sweeting. Peterborough, 1884, 8«- Parish Register of Stanford, Co. North- hampton, A.D. 1607—1668. In the possession of Lord Braye, at Stamford Hall. NORTHUMBERLAND. Account of the Kings and Dukes of Northumberland, &c. MS. C. Campsall HalL Co. York. Visitation of the Northern Counties in 1530, by Thos. Tonge. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1499. A transcript of this MS. is in the Heralds' College. Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties in 1530, by Thomas Tonge. Edited by H. D. Longstaffe. Siirtees Society, vol. xli. Durham, 1863, 8''- The Visitation of the County of North- umberland, begun by Wm. Flower, Norroy, 1575. In the possession of the Marquis of Ripon, at Studley Royal, Co. York. Visitation of Northumberland, 1575. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1171 ; Add. MS. 12,477. Visitation of Northumberland, 1575, 1(;15. Qu. Coll. cxxvi. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1554. English Counties. 169 The Visitation of the County of North- umberland, taken by Kichard St. George, Esq. 1615. Ahiwiek Castle. MS. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1153, 1374, 1429, 1448. Caius. Coll. MS. 541. Visitation of Northumberland in 1615, bv II. St. George, edited by G. W. Marshall. Lond. 1878. 8'^' Privately printed. Pedigrees from the Heraldic Visitation of Northumberland, 1615. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 1858. Arms and Pedigrees of Northumberland families, 1658. Stowe. MS. 276. Brit. Mus. Visitation of Northumberland, 1666. Her. Coll. MS. C. 41. Some Account of the Ancient Families of Northumberland. See W. G. Grey's Survey of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 4P- Genealogical Collections for Northum- berland. 3 vols. MSS. Alnwick Castle. Pedigrees of Northumberland Families. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xcvii. Arms of Northumberland Families. Caius. Coll. Camb. MS. 576. Arms, in trick, of Northumberland Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Arms of Northumberland Gentry, by Joseph Barber. Lond. 1743. Cei'taine very rare observations of North- umberland, Cumberland, etc. with divers Epitaphes, Coat-Armours, and other Monuments, verie orderlie and labouriouslie gathered together by Sampson Erdeswick. [Kichard son's Newcastle Tracts, vol. vii.] Newcastle, 1848. 40- Peerages connected with the Counties of Northumberland and Durham. 3 vols. MSS. Alnmck Castle. Northumberland and its ueighbourlands. Lives of the Nobility of Northern England, by Sarah S. Jones. Newcas- tle-on-Tyne [1863], 4o- Northumberland and Durham Family History. 11 vols. MSS. Alnwick Castle. Archaeologia iEliana, or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of New- castle-upon-Tyne. Two Iferies, New- castle, 1856, &c., S^- In progress. The Local Historian's Table Book, of remarkable occurrences, historical facts, etc., connected with the counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland and Durham, by M. A. liichardson, 5 vols. Lond. 1841-46, 8"- [This work is illustrated with numerous coats of arms of the Nobility of Northumber- land, the incorporated companies, and contains lists of the Mayors and Sheriffs of Newcastle.] Sheriffs of Northumberland, by John Hodgson Hinde, Esq. See "jArchseologia iEliana," vol. vi. New series. New- castle, 1865, 8'^- List of Gentlemen of Property in North- umberland, 1522. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. vi. f. 432. Survey of the Debateable and Border Lands, taken A.D. 1604. Edited and published (from Add. MS. 14,048, in the British Museum) by Boundell P. Sanderson, of Peacock Gap, Morpeth, Northumberland. 1890, 4o- Note :— The above swrvey contains the names of all the Border landowners and cus- tomary tenants of Northumberland and Cumberland, with the extent of their individual possessions and holdings. An alphabetical catalogue of the Gentry of Northumberland, with their arms. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 97. List of Freeholders in Northumberland, A.D. 1639. Durham Cath. Lib. Hun- ter MS. 23, p. 297. Poll-Books at the Election of Knights of the Shire for Northumberland, a?ino 1747. Brit. Mus. Lans. MSS. 523, 524. Poll Book for the Election for the County of Northumberland, October, 1774, (giving a list of 2114 freeholders.) 1774, 8«- Poll Book of the contested Election for the County of Northumberland, July, 1826. 1827, 80- Poll Book for the Election for the County of Northumberland, July, 1841, and copies of the poll books for 1722 and 1734. 1841, 8«- Poll Book for the Election for the North- ern Division of the County of North- umberland. 1847, 80- 170 English Counties. Pedigrees and Early Heraldry ot the Lords of Alnwick. See The History of the Barony of Alnwick, by George Tate. 2 vols. Alnwick, 1866—9, 8"- A Collection of Armorial Bearings, Inscriptions, etc., in the Parochial Chapel of Saint Andrew, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, by M. A. llichardson. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1818, S^- Collection of the coats of arms, monumental inscriptions, and drawings of the tombs in St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle-on- Tyne ; and the arms of several families in Newcastle and Northumberland. Collected by J. Lambert, A.D. 1773. MS. No. XXI. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Armorial Bearings, Inscriptions, etc., in St. Nicholas's Church, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, and Chapelries of Grosforth and Framlington, by M. A Eichardson. 2 vols. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1820, 8°- A descriptive and historical account of the Monuments and Tombstones in the Church of St. Nicholas, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, illustrated. Compiled by E-ichard Welford. Newcastle-npon-Tyne, 1880, 40. An Explanation of the Arms of the several Incorporated Companies in the Town and County of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, according to Gruillim, Bailey, and others, by W. Whitehead and T. Jameson. Newcastle, 1776, 8°- The Armorial Bearings of the several Incorporated Companies of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, with a brief historical account of each company, by James Walker, and M. A. Richardson. New- castle, 1824<, 8«- List of Sheriffs and Mayors of Newcastle- on-Tyne ; with Arms, etc., to 1432. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2425. Poll Book of the Election for Newcastle, 1774. 1774, 8«- Poll Book of the Election for Newcastle, 1775. 1775, 8«- The Poll at the Election for Members to serve in Parliament for the Town and County of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1780. Before Isaac Cookson, Esq., Sheriff, with a list of about 2240 freemen. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1780, 4'^- Poll Book List of Burgesses of the Borough of Newcastle-on-Tyne, also List of Persons who claim to have their names inserted, etc. 1835, 8°- History of the Battle of Otterburn, fought in 1388 ; with memoirs of the warriors engaged in that memorable conflict, by Robert White. London, 1857, 4^"- NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Visitation of the Northern Counties, starting at Nottingham, by Thos. Tonge, 1530. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1499. [Printed and published by the Surtees Society, vol. xli. Dur. 1863, 8^- ] Visitation of Nottinghamshire, 1569. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 886. Her. Coll. Vincent, 117. Qu. Coll. cxvii. Caius Coll. 541. Visitation of Nottinghamshire, 1575. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 117. Visitation of Nottinghamshire, 1569, 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1555. The Visitation of the County of Notting- ham in the year 1569 and 1614, with many other decents of the same County. Edited by Geo. W. Marshall. Harleian Society. Lond. 1871, 8°- Visitation of Nottinghamshire, 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1082, 1400, 5870. Her. Coll. C. 9. Visitation of Nottinghamshire, 1662. Her. Coll. C. 34. Pedigrees, Evidences, and other matters relating to Nottinghamshire Families, collected by Sir Richard St. George. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 871. Pedigrees of Nottinghamshire Families. Her. (Joll. Vincent MS. 399. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. xcvii. Pedigrees of Nottinghamshire Families, with Extracts from Deeds, Monumental Inscriptions, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6593. Genealogical Notes relating to Notting- hamshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1171. A Nottinghamshire Armory, compiled by Captain A. E, Lawson Lowe. See "The Reliquary," vols, xv, xvi, xix, xx. Lond. 1874, &c. 80. Arms of Nottinghamshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1457 A Collection of Arms and Monuments in Nottinghamshire. Ashm. Lib. MS. 854. Alphabet of Arms of Nottinghamshire Gentry. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1057. English Cottnties. 171 Arms of Nottinghamshire Families, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9827. Arms from the Visitation of 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5870. Arms, in trick, of Nottinghamshire Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Arms of Families in Annesley, Titheby, and Whatton. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1393. A Collection of Monuments in Notting- hamshire. Ashm. Lib. MS. 854. Tombstone Inscriptions in Nottingham- shire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6121. Observations illustrative of the Accounts given by the Ancient Historical Writers of the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487, with interesting particulars of the Houses of Plantagenet and Neville, by R. Brooke : with arms and pedigrees Liverpool, 1825, 8'^- Privately printed. Lords of Manors in co. Nottingham, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 26,095. A List of the High Sheriffs of Notting- hamshire since the year 1545. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207. C. f. 411. List of the Sheriffs of Nottinghamshire, from 1745-1795. See Thoroton's " History of Nottingham," 2nd edition vol. ii. The lost certificates of Knights' Fees for the counties of Nottingham and Derby, by J. P. Yeatman. Lond. 1886. S"- Notes concerning the Baronets of Not- tingham, and their behaviour to Charles I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043, f. 184. Lives of Nottinghamshire Worthies and of Celebrated and Remarkable Men of the County from the Norman Conquest to A.D. 1882, by Cornelius Brown. 1882. 4«- List of Freeholders in Nottinghamshire, A.D. 1561, and 1698. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6846, f. 306 ; 7020, art. 1 ; Lans. MS. 5. A Copy of the Poll taken for the County of Nottingham, 4th and 5th of April, 1722, before John Grundy, Esq. Nottingham, 1722. The Old Registers of the Parish of Atten- borough-c um-Bramcote, Notts., with Extracts and Notes, by the Rev. E. Collett. See " The Reliquary^" vols xii, xiii. Lond. 1872, 8°- Epitaphs in West Bridgford Churchyard. No date, 4P- The Registers of Carburton, Co. Notting- ham, 1528—1812. Edited by Geo. W. Marshall. Privately printed. Mommiental Inscriptions in Edwalton Churchyard. No date, 8'^ The Parish Registers of Lenton, Co. Nottingham, by Capt. A. E. L. Lowe. See " The Reliquary," vol. xiii. Lond. 1872, 8«- A Catalogue of the Earles of this Towne of Nottingham, with a brief Historicall Collection of their loyalty, Armes, and Deaths, Anno 1141—1360. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043, f. 140. The Register of Perlethorpe, Co. Notting- ham, 1528—1812. Edited by Geo. W. Marshall. Worksop, 1887. Privately jDrinted. Notes on the Old Registers of the Parish of St. Swithun, East Retford, Nottinghamshire, with Extracts, by the Rev. E. Collett. See " The Reliquary," vols, xvi, xvii. Lond. 1875, &c., 8°- On the Sepulchral Effigy of Archbishop Sandys, in the Minster Church, South- well, Nottinghamshire, by M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1870, 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Stapleford. 4^- Drawings of Monuments and Arms in Teveral Church, Notts. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 31,336. OXFORDSHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Oxfordshire. MS. No. XLViii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1530. Her. Coll. MS. H. 20. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,470. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1566. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1097, 3966, 5867. Her. Coll. G. 5 ; H. 9 ; Phil. 49 P. Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574. Her. Coll. MSS. F. 1 ; G. 3 ; G. 14 ; E.D.N. 11; Vincent, 128. Brit. Mus. MSS. Add. 11,388 ; Harl. 808, 1095, 1412, 1556, 3968, 5187, 5812, 6166 ; Lans. 880. Qu. Coll. cxxxii. Caius Coll. 538. Pedigrees, chiefly from the Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1574. Pub. Libr. Camb. MS. Dd. xi. 69. 172 EsTGLiSH Counties. The Visitation of Oxfordshire in 1574. Published in " The Topographer," vol. 1. 1821, 8«- Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1G34. Erit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1480, 1557, 5828. Her. Coll. C. 29. Cains Coll. 538. Qu. Coll. cxxTX. Visitations of Oxfordshire, 1574 and 1634. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. The Visitations of the County of Oxford in 15(36, 1574, and 1634. Edited and annotated by W. H. Turner, Harleian Society, vol! v. Lond. 1871, 4o- Visitation of Oxfordshire ; with Arms and Pedigrees of Oxfordshire families. Apparently a transcript of Philipot's Visitation of 1634-5. Stowe MS. 773. Brit. Mus. Arms and Pedigrees of Oxfordshire fami- lies. The latest descent is dated 1634. Stowe MS. 772. Brit. Mus. Pedigrees and Arms of Oxfordshire Fami- lies, 1665. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3966. Pedigrees and Arms of Oxfordshire Fami- lies. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 15, P ; 36, P. Oxfordshire Pedigrees. Edited by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Evesham, 1825, fol. Privately Printed. Arms and descents of Oxfordshire Fami- lies, with a table of 111 names. 16th century. MS. Crowcombe Court, Co. Somerset. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1566. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Arms of Oxfordshire Families from the Visitation, bv Bysshe, 1668. Her. Coll. MS. J). 25. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1405. Arms, etc. taken at a Visitation of the County of Oxford, 17th century. MS. No. 120. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Coats of Arms in Churches and Gentle- men's Seats in Oxfordshire, by Gr. Lee, Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8505. Monumental Inscriptions in Oxfordshire. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8586. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4170. Church Notes in Oxfordshire. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 192, w. Collection of Epitaphs and Arms in most of the Churches in Oxfordshire. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8505. 1 Oxfordshire Church Notes, transcribed from the papers of Ant. a Wood, by the Pev. John Gutch. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6033. Monumental Inscriptions from the MSS. of Anthonv a Wood, Dr. Hutton, and Mr. Hinton, by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Evesham, 1825, fol. Names and Arms of the Ancient Knights of the County of Oxford. See Anti- quarian Repertory, vol. i. p. 101. Lords of Manors in the County of Oxford, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,096. Lords Lieutenant and High Sheriffs of Oxfordshire, 1086-1868, with bio- graphies of the most celebrated, by John M. Davenport. Oxford, 1868. §0. Privately printed. Names of Freeholders in the Counties of Oxford, etc. A.D, 1561. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 5. Names of Gentry in Oxfordshire summoned to compound for not being made Knights, A.D. 1630. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8495, f. 58. Chipping-Norton Kegister, Co. Oxford, 1560-1686. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. An Index to the Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials in the Parish of Ducklington, by William Dunn Macray. Oxford, 1880. 80- [Published by the North Oxfordshire Archaeological Society.] Parochial History of Enstone, Oxfordshire ; Manorial Records, Parish Registers, etc., by the Rev. J. Jordan. 1857, 8°- Catalogue of Mayors and Bailiffs of Oxford till 2 Charles I. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8502.— till 1695. Ibid. 8523. Historical Collections : or a brief account of the two Parliaments held at West- minster and Oxford, with exact lists of the Members of each Parliament. Lond. 1865, 80- An Account of the Nobility and Gentry buried in and about Oxford. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8466. Monumental Inscriptions in Oxford. See Wood's "History of Oxford.'* 1773, 4p. English Counties. 173 Memoir on Monuments in Oxford Cathedral, hj M. H. Bloxam. See Archaeological Journal, ix, 150. Lond. 1852, 80- Sepulchral Monuments in Oxford Cathe- dral, by Matthew Holbeche. See Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain, held at Oxford, 1850. Lond. 1854, 8«- Notes of Epitaphs, Arms, etc., in various Churches and Colleges at Oxford, 1656 —1661. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,610. Collections out of the Eegisters of all the Parishes in Oxford, by Antony a Wood, from about 1538 till 1677. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8524. Visitation of the University of Oxford. Ashmolean Museum, Wood MS. 852. Register of the University of Oxford. Edited by Rev. C. W. Boase and Andrew Clark, from 1449. Printed for the Oxford Historical Society. Oxford, 1885, &c. 8«- Register of the Visitors of the University of Oxford, 1647—1658. Edited by Montagu Burrows. Camden Society. Lond. 1881, 4«- The Arms of the several Colleges of Oxford. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883, f. 118. The Arms of the Colleges of Oxford. By H. Shaw. With historical notices of the Colleges by John W. Burgon. Oxford, 1855-56* 4«- Arms of the Colleges of Oxford, [coloured.] London, single sheet. Description of both the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, with their arms, and the arms of every college of both of them, with the first founders and principal benefactors to those Universities, by A. Lewis. The arms are coloured. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Alumni Oxonienses, 1500-1714. Edited by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1889, 4'^- Alumni Oxonienses : The members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886: Their parentage, birthplace, etc., by Joseph Foster. 4 vols. London, 1887, &c. 4«- Athena? Oxonienses. An exact History i of all the Writers and Bishops who \ have had their education* in the University of Oxford, to which are added the Fasti, or Annals of the said University, by Anthony a Wood. 2 vols. London, 1721. 4o- A new edition with additions, etc. by Philip Bliss. 4 vols. London, 1813-20. 4o- The History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, by Anthony a Wood, edited by Dr. Gutch. Oxford, 1786. 4« Appendix, 1790. New edition, 2 vols. Oxford, 1792-1796. 40. Lists of the Chief Officers in the Univer- sity of Oxford. See Le Neve's " Fasti," new edition by T. D. Hardy. 3 vols. Oxford, 1854, 8°- Lists of the Chancellors, High Stewards, Burgesses, Vice-Chancellors, Proctors, etc, of the University of Oxford, 1749. See Pointer's " Oxoniensis Academia.'^ List of Chancellors of Oxford, from 1505 to 1641. Univ. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxviii. ff. 5, 6. List of the Heads of Colleges in Oxford, from the earliest times to 1810. See Chalmers' " History of the University of Oxford," p. 475. List of Doctors, Masters, Proctors, etc. of the University of Oxford, from 1563 to 1628. Univ. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxviii. f. 21. Names of all the Doctors and Masters of Arts in everv College in Oxford, 1616. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8587, f . iii. Admissions to Degrees at Oxford, from 1505 to 1690. Ashm. Lib. Wood MSS. 8506-8511. Oxford Matriculations, 1581-1886. By Col. Chester and Joseph Foster. In progress, 1889. Names of all the Fellows, Scholars, and Commoners of every College or Hall in Oxford from 1540 to 1690. Ashm. Lib. Wood MSS. 8475, 8510, 8511, 8512. A Catalogue of all Graduates in Divinity, Law, and Physick, etc. in the Univer- sity of Oxford, 1659 to 1726. To which are added, the Proceeders, the Chancellors, etc. ; also the Parliament Men for the said University, from 1603 to 1727. Oxford, 1727, S^- The University of Oxford Calendar. [This Calendar was commenced in 1810, and has been continued annually to the present time, 1889.] 174 English Cotjts'ties. Worthies of All Souls, Four Centuries of English History, illustrated from the Archives of the College, by Montagu Burrows. Lond. 1874, S^- Catalogue of the Fellows and Masters of Baliol College, Oxford, from 1502 to 1642. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 53. Names of Fellows of Brazen-Nose College, from 1538 till 1555. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, ff. 162, 165. Lists of Persons of Christ Church College, Oxford, from 1547 to 1735, Ashm. Lib. Wood MSS. 8490 ; 8541 ; 8542. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 120. Register of the Kectors and Fellows, Scholars, Exhibitioners and Bible Clerks of Exeter College, Oxford, with illus- trative documents, and a History of the College, by the Rev. Charles William Boase. Oxford, 1879, 4'^- Memorials of Merton College, Oxford, by Geo. C. Brodrick. Printed for the Oxford Historical Society. Oxford, 1886, 8'>- Catalogue of the Fellows of Lincoln College, Oxford, from 1436 till 1681. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 133. List of Persons of Oriel College, Oxford, ad ann. 1665, Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 63. Names of Persons of Pembroke College, Oxford, who were Officers in the Army of Charles I. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 242. Catalogue of Fellows of Queen's College, Oxford, for forty years after the Foundation. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 96. Names of the Scholars of St. Edmund's Hall, Oxford, from 1573 till 1693. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 267. Catalogue of Fellows of St. John's College, Oxford, till 1617. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 204. A Register of the Presidents, Fellows, Demies, Instructors in Grammar and in Music, Chaplains, Clerks, Choristers, and other Members of S. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, from the Povindation to the present time, by J. R. Bloxam. 8 vols. Oxford, 1853—85, 8« Notes from the Muniments of St. Mary Magdalen College, Oxford, from the twelfth to the seventeenth century, by Wm. Dunn Macray. Oxf . and Lond. ^ 1882, 8"- Catalogue of Persons of Trinity College, Oxford, ad ann. 1600. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, f. 172. Names of Persons of University College, Oxford, from 1381 to 1654. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490. Catalogue of Persons of Wadham College, Oxford, from 1615 to 1713. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8490, if. 225, 240. The Registers of Wadham College, Oxford. Edited by Rev. R. B. G-ardiner. In progress, 1889. The History, Description and Antiquities of the Prebendal Church of Thame, including a transcript of all the monu- mental inscriptions remaining therein ; extracts from the registers, together with divers original pedigrees, genealo- gical notes, etc., by the Rev. Fred. Geo. Lee. London, 1883, fol. [The pedigrees in this work are of the families of Ballowe, Beke, Belson, Bertie, Blancks, Borrows, Borough, Cave, Gierke, Cottrell, Cozens, Cromwell alias Williams alias Smythe, Crosse, Deane, Dormer, Griffin, Hedges, Herbert, King, Kipling, Knollys, Lee, Lupton, Mande- ville, Norreys, Patten, Pettie, or Petty, Phillips, Quartermain, Reynolds, Rose, Stone, Talbot, Wakeman, Walpole, Warner, Way, Wenman, Williams, and Wykeman.] Heraldic Notices of Yarnton Church, Co. Oxiord, tvithjylates of arms. 1844. 8^- RUTLANDSHIRE. Visitation of Rutlandshire, 1618. Brit. Mus Harl. MSS. 1094, 1558. Her. Coll. C. 14; Vincent, 132. The Visitation of the County of Rutland, in the year 1618-19. taken by W. Camden. Edited by E. J. Armytage, Sarleian Societi/. vol iii. Lond. 1870. 8«' Visitation of Rutlandshire, 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5828. Arms and pedigrees of Rutlandshire, &c. families, 1654. Stowe MS. 644. Brit. Mus. Lords of Manors in co. Rutland, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,096. Sheriffs of Rutland to 1788. See Wright's " History of Rutland." English Counties. I J oils of Justices of the Peace, Coroners, etc. for the County of Rutland. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 54, art. 75 ; Add. Charter 873. Obituary and Records from the Counties of Lincoln, Rutland, &c., 1800-1859, by Justin Simpson. Stamford, 1861. 8«- Church Notes in Rutlandshire. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 197, C. Extracts from the Parish Register of Whissendine, co. Rutland, 1637-1781. "The Genealogist," vol. vii. Lond. 1883, 8«- SHROPSHIRE. Visitation of Shropshire, undated. Heralds' College. Visitation of Shropshire, 1569. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 615. Her. Coll. G. 9. Visitation of Shropshire, 1584. Her. Coll. Vine. MS. 115 ; D 10. Pedigrees of the Grentry of Shropshire, by Thomas Knight, 1584. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1161. Visitation of Shropshire, 1584, enlarged to 1620. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1241. Visitation of Shropshire, 1591. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2163. Visitation of Shropshire, 1592-1666. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6172. The Visitation of Shropshire made and taken by Robert Treswell, Somerset, and Agustine Vincent, Rougecroix, Officers of Arms, Marshalls and Deputies of William Camden Esq. Clarencieux King-of-Arms in 1623, together with the visitation made by Richard Lee, Portcullis, Marshall and Deputie to Robert Cooke, Clarencieux King-of-Arms A.D. 1584, with other collections by me, John Withie. Stowe MS. 778. Brit. Mus. Visitation of Shropshire. 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1057, 1112, 1472, 1982. Her. Coll. C. 28; Vincent, 134. Caius Coll. 533. Shrewsbury School Library MS. Visitation of Shropshire, 1584 and 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1396. Pedigrees and Arms of Shropshire Families, from the Visitations of 1584 and 1623, with additions. Brit. Mus. ^dd. MS. 14,314, Pedigrees of Shropshire Families, from the Visitation of 1623, with many important additions. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1988. The Visitation of Shropshire in 1623. by Robert Tresswell and Aug. Vincent, with additions from the pedigrees of Shropshire Gentry in 1569 and 1584 and other sources. Edited by Geo. Grazebrook and John P. Rylands. Harleian Society. Two parts. Lond. 1889. 8«- The Heralds' Visitation of Shropshire in the years 1584, 1623, and 1637. MS. XL Walton Hall, York. Index to a manuscript volume of Shrop- shire Visitations, probably that collected . by John Gough, in 1642. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,323. Visitation of Shropshire, 1663. Her. Coll. C. 35. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2119. The Names and Arms, in trick, of the Gentry of Shropshire as they are entered in theVisitationof that County, made in anno 1663, by Isaac Richardson. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,025. Genealogical Collections for Shropshire, 1662 and 1668. Ashm. Lib. MS. 854. Visitation and heraldic collections for Shropshire, 16th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5178, 5179. Collections from the Visitation of Shrop- shire, 16th century. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxvii, f. 80. A Visitation by y® Heralds in Com. Salop, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,330, f. 61. b. Descents and Arms of Shropshire, &c. families, by Randle Holme. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1984. Pedigrees of Shropshire Families, chiefly of Welsh Descent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1157. Pedigrees of Families of Wales and Shropshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6153. Challoner's Collection of Shropshire Pedi- grees. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2163. Pedigrees of Shropshire Families. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 37. P : 48, P; 50, P. Pedigrees and arms of Shropshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5848, 7510. Arms of Shropshire Families. Stowe MSS. 774, 776. Brit. Mus. 176 English Cor^TiEs. Arms and Pedigrees of Shropshire Fami- lies, ascribed to Kichard Chandles, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS, 21,017; 28,616. Shropshire Arms and Lineages : compiled from the Heralds' Visitations and ancient MSS. By F. W. Kittermaster. Lond. 1869-, 8«- Arms, in trick, of Shropshire Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. The Armorial Bearings of Several Fami- lies which are at present, or have been in times past connected with Shrop- shire. [By the Rev. W. G. Rowlands.] Shrewsbury, 1834, 4°- Privately printed. The County Seats of Shropshire. Giving a full and authoritative description of the principal Mansions, their Family History, Armorial Bearings, etc. In progress, 1887. Ecclesiastical Notes, with Illustrations of upwards of DCCCC armorial bearings of the Lords of Manors, Patrons of livings. Ministers and Proprietors, by T. F. Dukes, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,018. Church Notes in Shropshire, taken 1584. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 195, P. Arms and Inscriptions in Churches, etc. in Shropshire, by Mr. Ashmole, 1663. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,331. Coloured drawings of Monuments and Inscriptions, from Churches and Chapels in Shropshire, by the Rev. Edward Williams, 1792-1803. Two volumes, large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,236; 21,237. Coloured drawings of Arms and Monu- ments, with copies of Inscriptions in Churches in Shropshire, by D. Parkes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,010 to 21,016. Coloured drawings of Churches, Monu- mental Inscriptions, Arms, etc. chiefly within the County of Salop, by D. Parkes, 1806-1831. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,180 ; 21,181. The Regester Booke of Funeralls in the countyes of Shropshire, etc. began A.D. 1600, by William Segar. [This MS. contains the Arms emblasoned of the persons buried, and particulars relating to themselves and their families.] Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 879. The Register Book of Funerals in North Wales, Shropshire, etc., begun 28 May, 1606. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 2041. Collections relating to co. Salop, made in the 18th century, by Wm. Mytton and Edw. Lloyd, Brit. Mus. Add. MSS, 30,311-30,331. Lords of Manors in co. Salop, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,096. The Sheriffs of Shropshire, with their Amorial Bearings ; and Notices, Genea- logical and Biographical, of their Fami- lies. By Rev. John Brickdale, Blake- way. Shrewsbury, 1831, fol. A Catalogue of the Sheriffs of Shropshire and Members of Parliament for that County, and of the Boroughs of Shrewsbury, Bridgenorth, Ludlow, Bis- hop's Castle, and Much Wenlock, gen- erally to the reign of George IV., by William Hardwicke. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,730. Border Counties Worthies, by E. G. Salisbury. 2nd series. London, 1880, 12«- Copy of the Parish Register of Alvelev, Co. Salop; 1636—1812. Brit. Mus. Add. M6. 28,737. On Baschurch, County of Salop, and its Registers, with the pedigrees of the families of Clive and Bather, by the Rev. W. A. Leighton. See " The Reliquary," vol. vi. Lond. 1866, S''- Copy of the Parish Register of Bobbington, Co. Salop; 1662—1812. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,738. List of the Bailiffs of Bridgnorth, Co. Salop, compiled by William Hardwicke, 1814. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,731. Copy of the Parish Register of St. Leonard's, Bridgnorth, Co. Salop ; 1636—1812. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,735. Copy of the Parish Register of St. Mary Magdalen, Bridgnorth, Co. Salop ; 1662—1812. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,736. The Parish Registers of Broselv. Edited by Alf. F. C. C. Langley.*'l889, &c , An Account of the Manor of Claverley and its Lords through a long series of ages down to the present time, 1824, by William Harwicke. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,245. English CorxTiES. 177 Copy of the Parish Register of Claverley, Co. Salop; 1636—1812. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,739. Human Nature displayed in the History, Antiquities and Memoirs of Myddle, by Kichard Gough, 1834. Sir Thomas Phillipps remarks : — " This is one of the most extraordinary topographical and genealogical works ever written." Pri- vately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, fol. Copy of the Parish Register of Quatford, Co. Salop; 1636-1811. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 28,740. On the Norman Earls of Shrewsbury, by James Robinson Plan che Esq., Rouge- Croix. See " Collectanea Archseologica," vol. i. Lond. 1861. 4''- Catalogue of the Bailiffs of Shrewsbury, from 1372 to 1614. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Dd. iv. 38. Lists of the Mayors, Sheriffs, and Bailiffs of the Town of Shrewsbury, from 1732 to 1741 ; accompanied by heraldic and historical notices. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,024. Etchings of the Church. Monuments, etc. of Tong, Salop. By S. F. Every. Lond. 1841. fol. Extracts from Court-Rolls of the Manors of Worfield, Claverley, etc., with notices of -the families of Hardwick, Perton, Ferrers, Overton, Farncote, Rogers, Brooke, Morse, Bruyn, Pitch- ford, and Lee, by Edward Hardwicke. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,245. SOMERSETSHIRE. Visitation, with Arms and Pedigrees of Somersetshire, &c. families, by Tho. Benholt. Stowe MS. 649. Brit. Mus. Visitation of Somersetshire. 1531. Her. Coll. D. 13, H. 18. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 12,479; 14,315. Ashmole. Lib. MS. Visitation of Somersetshire, 1573. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1385; Add. ;. 2,477, 17,065. Her. Coll. Vincent, 141, 147; F. 7; E.D.N. 6. Visitation of Somersetshire, 1573, 1591, ■ 1635. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1559. The Visitations of the County of Somerset in the years 1531 and 1573. Together with additional Pedigrees, (jjiiefly from the Visitation of 1591. Edited by F. W. Weaver. Exeter, 1885, S^- Visitation of Somersetshire, 1591. Her Coll. G. 19. Visitation of Somersetshire, 1633. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1141, 1145, 1445. Her. Coll. C. 22. Caius Coll. 540. Visitation of Somersetshire, 1623, with additions from earlier Visitations and Continuations by R. Mundy. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Typis Medio-Montanis, 1838-42. fol. The Visitation of the County of Somerset in the year 1623. Edited by F. T. Colby. Harleian iSociety^ vol. xi. Lond. 1876, 8o- Copy of the Warrant to the Heralds requiring them to warn all Esquires and Grentlemen to appear before them at their Visitation, 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1196 f. 144. List of those who were disclaimed in the County of Somerset, 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1538, f . 310. Arms from the Visitation of Somersetshire, 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1482. Pedigrees of Somersetshire Families. Qu. Coll. Oxford. MS. cxxxi. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 37, L ; 38, P ; 48, P ; 50, P. Collection of pedigrees of Somersetshire families, in the possession of Sir Alex- ander Acland-Hood, Bart., at St. Andries, Co. Somerset. Somersetshire pedigrees, penes Jo. Anstis, Garter, Oct. 1737. The book compiled 1636 ; copied 1737 by me. P. In the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. Arms and Pedigrees of Somersetshire families, of the reigns of James 1. and Charles II. Stowe MS. 779. Brit. Mus. Arms of Somersetshire Families, by Bysshe, 1672. Her. Coll. MS. D. 27. Arms, in trick, of Somersetshire families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Accounts of some of the Sejiulchral and Incised Slabs of North-West Somerset- shire, by R. W. Paul. 1882. fol. An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Old Stone Crosses of Somerset, by Charles Pooley. London, 1877. 8«- Lords of Manors in co. Somerset, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,097. Lists of the names of Knights, Sheriffs, Members of Parliament, etc. for the County of Somerset, see Collinson's History, vol. I. Bath, 1791, 4o- 178 English Coitnttes. Somersetshire Worthies, with copies of the inscriptions engraved on the sculptured memorials of Pjm, Locke, Blake, Ken, Young, Speke, and Byam, in the Shire- Hall, Taunton, by Robt. A. Kinglake. Lond. 1867, S^- Somerset Incumbents. From the Hugo MSS. 30,279; 80,280 in the British Museum. Edited by Fred. Wm. Weaver. Bristol, 1889, 4i°- A Tour in quest of Genealogies in Somer- setshire, etc., by a Barrister [H. Jones]. Lond. 1811, 8"- Catalogue of the Bishops of Bath and Wells, by Francis Godwin, see Duo rerum Anglicaruon Scriptores veteres, etc., by T. Otterbourne. Oxon. 1732, 80- Lives of the Bishops of Bath and Wells, from the earliest times, by the Bev. S. ' H. Cassan. Lond. 1829, 8'^- Extracts of Burials from the Registers of Bath Abbey. See The Genealogist, new series vol. vi. Lond. 1890, 8«- Dunster and its Lords, by H. C. Maxwell Lyte, Esq. See the Arcliceological Journal, xxxvii. Lond. 1880, 8°- Memoranda, Historical, and Genealogical, relating to the Parish of Kelston, in the County of Somerset, by F. J. Poynton. Privately printed, 1878-9, 4"- History and Antiquities of Nailsea Court, Co. Somerset, with Genealogical Notes, by the Rev. Frederick Brown. See the Journal of the British Archceological Association, xxxii, 370. Lond. 1876, 8'^- Descriptions of the Monuments and Effigies in Porlock Church, Somerset, with pedigrees of Courtenay, Bonville, and Lady Jane Grey, by Maria Halli- day. Torquay, 1882, 8^- A Supplement to the above work by B. W. Greenfield, containing pedigrees of Sir Nigel Loryng, and Hylle of Spaxton, with References, Wills, etc. Privately printed by Halliday of Glenthorne. STAFFORDSHIRE. The Visitation of Staffordshire, arms in trick and pedigrees ; and copies of seals from Charters, 16th century. MS. in the possession of Lord Hatherton. Teddesley, Co. Stafford. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1530, 1. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,479. Brit. Brit. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1563. Mus. Harl. MS. 2145. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1566. Mus. Harl. MS. 886. Visitation of Staffordshire, before 1583. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2113. Visitation of Staffordshire, by Robt. Glover, 1583. MiS. belonging to Lord Bagot, Blithefield, Co. Stafford. MS. Baginton Hall, Co. Warwick. Mas'. belonging to Lord Braye, Stanford Hall. Qu. Coll. MSS. cvi, cxi. Bodl. Lib. Gough and Dodsworth MSS. Her. ColL Vine. MS. 133; E. D. N. 13. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 818, 1077, 1415, 1570, 6128. The Visitation of Staffordshire, made by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, A D. 1583 ; illustrated by lithographs of Coats of Arms. Edited for the William ^alt Archceological Society, with an introduction and notes, by Henry Sidney Grazebrook, Esq. Lond. 1882, 80- Visitations of Staffordshire, 1583 and 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2198, 1173. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1614. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1439, Stowe 777, 782. Her. Coll. C. 10. Caius Coll. 528. Visitations of Staffordshire, 1583 and 1664. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1429, 1985; Lans. MS. 843. Heraldic Visitations of Staffordshire in 1583, 1614, and 1663—4. Collections for a History of the County, published by the Wm. Salt Archceological Society. Birmingham, 1880, &c., 8"- VW^ 1,1^ i" The Heraldic Visitation of Staffordshire, by Sir Richard St. George, Norroy, in 1614, and by Sir William Dugdale, Norroy, in 1663 and 1664. Edited and Annotated by H. Sydney Grazebrook, Esq., for the William Salt Archceo- logical Society, vol. v. pt ii. London, 1885, 8"- Forty copies separately printed. Visitation of Staffordshire, 1663, 64, by Wm. Dugdale. Her. Coll. Dugdale MS. C. 36. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6104. Copy of Arms taken in the Visitation of the County of Stafford, in 1663 and 1664, by Wm. Dugdale ; with extracts from Glover's Visitation of Staffordshire. MS. C. 7. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Br;t. Mus. Lans. MS. 857. English Counties. 179 A Copy of the Arms taken in the Visita- tion of the Co. of Stafford, in the years 1G63 and 1G64, by WiUiam Dugdale, Esq., Norroy, King of Anns ; also the names of those who disclaimed at the same datejbyHenrj' Sydney Grazebrook. See Historical Collections, by The Wm. Salt A.rchoeologLcal Society^ vol. ii. Birmingham, 1881, 8o- Visitation of Staffordshire by Sir William Dugdale in 1663 — 4. Privately printed bv Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Middle Hill, 1854, fol. Descents and arms of many Staffordshire families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2043. Pedigrees of Staffordshire Families. Ashm. Lib. MS. 834, art. 5. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 39, L ; 47, L. Soc. of Antiq. MSS. 99 ; 139. Collection of Staffordshire Pedigrees. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Some Pedigrees of Staffordshire Families, taken tem2). Elizabeth, with continu- ations. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1995. Collections for a History of Staffordshire, printed by the Wm. Salt Archoelogical Society, vol. iv, pt. 2, contains the pedigrees of the families of : — Brump- ton, Chetwynd, Giffard, Grlazeley, Peshall, Blount, James, Blake, Ashton, Engleton, Leigh, and Knightly. Lond. 1883, 80- Arms of Staffordshire Families. See Plot's " Natural History of Stafford- shire." 1686, folio. Also Shaw's " History of Staffordshire." Arms and pedigrees, chiefly of the County of Stafford, 1572. Stowe MS. 274. Brit. Mus. Arms and Seals of Staffordshire families, 1583. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2203. Arms of Staffordshire Families. Ashm. Libr. MS. 853. Le Blazon des Armoiries des Nobles et Gentlehomes del Countie de Stafford, early 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,705. Coloured drawings of Arms and Monu- ments, with copies of Inscriptions in Churches in Staffordshire, by D. Parkes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,010 ; 21,011. , Sepulchral Inscriptions, etc., of Stafford- shire. Ashm. Lib. MS. 853. Church Notes in Staffordshire. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 197, C. Epitaphs in Staffordshire, A.D. 1713. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,425. Lords of Manors in co. Stafford, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,096. List of Sheriffs for Staffordshire. See S. Shaw's "History of Staffordshire," p. xiii. Names of Knights, Esquires, and Gentle- men within the County of Stafford, A.D. 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1439, f. 2. Names of the Justices of Peace in the County of Stafford. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1439 ; 7020, art. 3. Obligatory Knighthood, temp. Charles I., with the names of those Staffordshire gentlemen who compounded with the Commissioners, for not taking upon themselves the order of Knighthood at the coronation of that King, by Henry Sydney Grazebrook. See Historical Collections, by The Wm. Salt Archceo- logical Society, vol. ii. Birmingham, 1881, 80- The Monumental Effigies and Tombs in Elford Church, Staffordshire, by Edward Kichardson ; with a Memoir and Pedigree of the Lords of Elford, by M. Thorpe. Lond. 1852, fol. Extracts from the Parish Kegisters, etc., of the Parish of Leek, by John Sleigh. See " The Reliquary," vol. iii. Lond. 1863, 8«- Names of the Inhabitants of Lichfield, temp. Anne. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7022. Church Dignitaries of Lichfield. See Abingdon's " Antiquities of the Cathe- dral Church of Lichfield." London, 1717, 40- And Harwood's " History of the (Jhurch of Lichfield." Glouces- ter, 1806, 4P- Account of Persons buried in Lichfield Cathedral, and in the Churches of Lich- field. See Abingdon's '' Antiquities of Worcester Cathedral." Lond. 1717, 8°- Monuments in Lichfield Cathedral. See " A History of Lichfield Cathedral," by J. B. Stone. Lond. 1870, 4P- A detail of the Lords of the Manor of Pattingham, Co. Stafford, from the earliest period, to the present time, by William Hardwick, 1824. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,245. 180 Englsh Counties. Pedigrees of Families in the Parish of Shenstone, co. Stafford. See Bihl. Top. Brit. vol. ix. SUFFOLK. Visitation of Suffolk, undated. Her. College. Visitation of Suffolk, by Ealph Brooke, undated. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 891. Visitation of Suffolk, 1561, etc. Briifc. Mus. MSS. Harl. 155, 1103, 1177, 1136, 1449, 1560, 5842 ; Add. 14,309. Her. Coll. G. 14, H. 14, Vincent, 144. Caius Coll. 554. Qu. Coll. clxiy. Bodl. Lib. Cough MS. Visitation of Suffolk, made by William Harvey, 1561. With additions from Family Documents, Original Wills, Jermyn, Davy, and other MSS. etc. Edited by Joseph Jackson Howard. 2 vols. Lowestoft, 1866—71, 8o- Visit'ation of Suffolk between 1570 and 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,940. Visitation of Suffolk, 1577. Her. Coll. G. 7, H. 13, H. 14. The Visitations of Suffolk, 1561, 1577 ; and 1612. With Notes and an Appendix of Additional Suffolk Pedigrees. Edited bj Walter C. Metcalfe. Exeter, 1882, go. Privately printed. Visitations of Suffolk, 1585—1608. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1484, 1560. Visitation of Suffolk, 1611^13. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1169, 1820. Visitation of Suffolk, 1672. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1103. Collection of Pedigrees of Suffolk Families and of Families connected with the County, with genealogical and bio- graphical notes, compiled by David Elisha Davy. 43 vols, alphabetically arranged. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19114 —19156. Index to Davy's Collection of Suffolk Pedigrees, by George Gatfield. Eeprinted from The Genealogist^ new series, vols. v and vr. Lond. 1888, &c., 8o- Pedigrees of various Suffolk Families, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,190—19,196. Jennyn's Collection of Pedigrees and Arms of Suffolk Families from the earliest period, arranged alphabetically, and illustrated by extracts from and references to Original Documents, in seventecH vols, Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8201—8217. Pedigrees of Suffolk families, with arms in colours, by Harry Jermyn ; viz., Castell, Sorrell, Butts, Bacon, Claxton, Barrow, Waldegrave, Wingfield, Jermyn, etc , 19th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,097. Pedigrees and Arms of the Gentry of Suffolk. Bodl. Lib. Gough MS. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5523, 5524, 12,471 ; Harl. MS. 5842. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 33, P ; 40—42, P. Arms and Pedigrees of Suffolk Families, collected by Harvey, Clarencieux king at arms, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 876. Arms and Pedigrees of Suffolk Families Stowe MS. 771. Brit. Mus. Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 772. Arms of Suffolk Families, by Bvsshe. Her. Coll. MSS. D. 21 and 22. Alphabet of Arms of Suffolk Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,481. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1561. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Arms and Crests of Suffolk Families, 17th century, 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,298 ; 14,299. Drawings of Coats of Arms borne by Suffolk Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8218. Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Suffolk, with the Names of those who bear them, by liobert Baldrey. 1800, 40. The Armoury of Suffolk, by David Elisha Daw, 1848. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,157 ; 19,158 ; 19,189 f. 152 ; 19,195, ff. 23-48, 99-146. Arms of Suffolk Families, drawn and coloured by Lucy Elizabetli Davy, afterwards Barlee. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,159. Arms of Suffolk, etc., families, 1726. Stowe MS. 532. Brit. Mus. Index to Monumental Inscri])tions in Suffolk. From Davy's Suffolk Col- lections. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,761. Drawings of Churches, Monuments, etc., in Suffolk, by Henry Davy. Arranged in alphabetical order of parishes, in six vols., large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,176-19,181. English Counties. 181 Copies of Inscriptions and Coats of Arms, in Churclies in Suffolk, 19th ceiaturj, bj Sir Wm. Betham. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,032. A valuable series of Church Notes in Suffolk, taken in the years 1655-G. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,520. Monumental Inscriptions in divers Churches in Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6724, 6762. Journal of Tours by Craven Ord in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, from 1781 to 1797 ; illustrated with engrav- ings of brasses, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,823. Engravings of Sepulchral Brasses in Suffolk and Norfolk, by John S. Cot- man, with an introductory Essay by Dawson Turner. Lond. 1839, fol. A Summary Catalogue of Sepulchral Memorials and Remains of Ancient Art existing in Parish Churches in Suffolk. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," edited by John Gough Nichols. 3 vols. Lond, 1846—1858, 80- Slgilla Antiqua Suffolciensia. Brit. Mus. Add. iMS. 21,056. Collections made out of the several Churches in Norfolk and Suffolk, and Gentlemen's houses in those parts, by William Hai-vey, Clarencieux King of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4969. Collectanea Thomae Gibbonsii, Arm., Historiam Familiarum tam Norfol- ciensium quam Suffolciensium illus- trantia. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 970 —972. Collections from various Ilecords relating to Suffolk Families, by Simond D'Ewes. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 639. Historical and Heraldical Collections re- lating to the County of Suffolk, by Robert Kemp. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 901. Antiquitates Suffolcienses ; or an Essay towards recovering some account of th£ Ancient Familys in the County of Suffolk, by Sir Richard Gipps. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5829 ; 20,695. Topographical and Geneological Descrip- tion of the County of Sffi'olk. By Augustine Page. Ipswich, 1847, 8^- Histor}"- and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk, with Genealogical and Architec- tural Notices, Pedigrees, etc. by the Rev. Alfred Suckling. 2 vols. Lond. 1848. fol. A Breviary of Suffolk, or a plain and familiar description of the County, dedicated to Sir Rob. Crane, Knt. by Mr. Reyce, 1618. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3873. [Copies of this MS. were made by Jermyn and Davy for their Suffolk collections, and that portion which contains the Suffolk Armoury by Rev. Wm. Cole, now in the British Museum, and numbered respectively, Add. MSS. 8200 ; 19157 ; 5829.] Paper read before the Archaeological Institute of Suffolk, at Ickworth, 1856, by the Rev. Lord Arthur Hervey. With 12 plates of arms and brasses, and many tables of pedigrees. Lowes- toff, 1858, 40- Privately printed. Collections for a parochial history of Suffolk, including copies of charters and inscriptions, drawings of churches, brasses, coats of arms, etc., in alpha- betical order of hundreds, by David Elisha Davy. Thirty- seven volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,077—19,113. Jermyn's Collection relating to Suffolk, arranged in alphabetical order of hun- dreds. Thirty-three volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8168-8200. List of the Dukes and Earls, Members of Parliament, and Sheriffs of the County of Suffolk ; Extracts from Heralds' Visitations, and Descriptions of the armorial Bearings of its Gentry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8197. List of the Knights of Suffolk who accom- panied Edw. III. to his Foreign Wars. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 1301, f. 86. Knights' Fees in Co. Suffolk, etc., 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,624. Knights made by Queen Elizabeth and James I. in their Progresses through Suffolk, Norfolk, etc. Her. Coll. Vin- cent MS. 442. Lords of Manors in co. Suffolk, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,Oa7. Synopsis of the Lords of the several Manors in the County of Suffolk ; alphabetically arranged under parishes, by I). E. Davy, in four vols, folio, 1835-38. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS^ 19,161-19,164. 182 English Counties. Lists of Sheriffs of Suffolk, with their Arms ; lists of the Knights of the Shire, with biographical notices, and lists of State Officers, etc., with notices of Brasses, Seals and Coins, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,172. The Nobility and Gentry related unto the County of Suffolk, with their seats, etc. Lond. 1670, fol. Biographical Notices of eminent individ- uals who were natives of Suffolk ; and a copy of the History of its ancient Families, by Sir K. Gripps. Two vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8199, 8200. Names of Persons of Quality slain in the Great Ilebellion, in Suffolk, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,186, f. 74. Names of llecusants in various parishes in the County of Suffolk, 1559. MS. 589. Hatfield House. List of the Land Holders of Suffolk in the time of William the Conqueror. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8198. List of landowners in Suffolk, from the 12th to the 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,189, f. 120. Names of Freeholders in the Counties of Suffolk, etc., A.D. 1561. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 5. Poll Book for the County of Suffolk, 1734. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33059 B. Suffolk Freeholders in 1770 and 1790. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 19,188, ff. 133, etc. Athense Suffolcienses, or a catalogue of Suffolk Authors, with some account of their lives, and lists of their writings, by D. E. Davy. Four vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,165—19,168. Catalogue of Suffolk writers, with lists of their works, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,169. Biographical notices of Suffolk writers, by D. E. Davy, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,170. Catalogues of engraved Portraits of Persons connected with the County of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy, 1849. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,173 ; 19,174 ; 19,183 ; 19,189, f. 185 b. Names of Saxons now converted into surnames; with list of Suffolk surnames, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,194, f. 75. An Alphabetical list of Suffolk surnames, with the origins of them, as far as they can be made out, by D. E. Davy, 1843. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,160. Suffolk Surnames. By N. J. Bowditch. Boston, 1858, 8^- Another edition, 1861, 80- Index to Suffolk families and places mentioned in various publications, by Harry Jermyn. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,099. Coloured drawings of Frescoes, Monuments, etc., in the Church of Belton, Co. Suffolk, 1848. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,053. The Register Book of Bramfield, Co. Suffolk. See Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, vols, iii and iv. London, 1889—90, 8«- The Parish Registers of Brundish, Suffolk. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1885, fol. Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials of Carlton, 1538 to 1886. 50 Copies privately printed. Registers of Chillesford ; baptisms, 1740 to 1812 ; marriages, 1754 to 1812 ; burials, 1740 to ^ 1812. 100 Copies privately printed. Registers of Culpho : baptisms, marri- ages, and burials, 1720 to 1886. 100 Copies privately printed. Parish Registers of Ellough, Suffolk, 1545 to 1812. Fifty copies privately printed for Frederick Arthur Crisp, 1886, 8«- The History or Memoirs of Framlingham and Loes Hundred in Suffolk, contain- ing an Account of the Lords and Ladys thereof, the Churches, Nobility, etc., with numerous coats of arms in colours, 1712. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,245. Registers of Frostenden ; baptisms, 1539 to 1791 ; marriages, 1538 to 1754 ; burials, 1538 to 1791. 50 Copies pri- vately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887, fol. The Great Men of Hadleigh, by Hugh Pigot. Lowestoft, 1860, 8«- Public Men of Ipswich and East Suffolk. Reprinted from the " Suffolk Mercury." Ips. 1875, 8«- Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish of St. Matthew's, Ipswich, compiled and annotated by the Rev. Francis Haslewood. Privately printed. English Counties. 183 llegisters of Kelsale : baptisms, 1538 to 1812 ; marriages, 1538 to 1886 ; burials, 1538 to 1812. 50 Copies privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887, fol. Genealogical Abstracts of Deeds relating to Families connected with the Parishes of Mattishall and E-eepham, in the County of Suffolk. Twelve copies privately printed by Fred. Arthur Crisp, 1885, fol. The Parish Registers of Pakenham, Suffolk. Privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1888, fol. The Parish Kegisters of Tannington, Suffolk. Privately printed for Fred, A. Crisp, 1884, fol. Notices of the Parish Church of Thoring- ton, Suffolk ; with List of Kectors ; Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths ; with Monumental Inscrip- tions ; &c. To which is added a Pedi- gree of the Family of Bence, with Registers and Monumental Inscriptions, by Rev. T. S. Hill. Lond. 1884, 8«- SURREY. Visitation of Surrey, 1530. Her. Coll. H. 7, D. 13. Visitation of Surrey, 1552, 3. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 7098. Visitation of Surrey, 1572. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,065. Caius Coll. MS. 536. Visitation of Surrey, 1572 and 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1433. Visitation of Surrey, 1530, 1552, 1572, and 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1561. Visitation of Surrey, 1622, 3. Queen's Coll. cxvi. Caius Coll. 535. Her. Coll. C. 2 ; Vincent, 129. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1046, 1397, 1430, 1147, 5830 ; Add. 4963, 12,478. The Visitation of Surrey, A^- 1623, by Samuel Thompson and Augustyne Vincent. Edited by J. J. Howard. Only 25 copies privately printed. The Visitation of Surrey, 1623. Pub- lished in the " Collections of the Surrey Archaeological Society," vol. I. etc. Visitation of Surrey, 1662. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5533. Her Coll. D. 15. The Visitation of Surrey, taken in 1623, with Collections of Coats and Pedigrees of the Gentry of the sailte County, begun in 1669, and finished in 1671, by Samuel Waker. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4963. Table to a Visitation Book of Surrey, by John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1057, f. 16. A collection of Pedigrees from the Visita- tions of Surrey, &c., by James Gresham, with continuations and notes by him and Peter Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,311. Descents and arms of Surrey, &c. families, by Randle Holme. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1984. Pedigrees of Surrey Families. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 13, p ; 43, P ; 44, P. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxxi. Pedigrees of Surrey Families, by William Berry. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 15,446. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Surrey, Collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other authentic JVlanu- scripts, by William Berry. Lond. 1847, fol. Arms from the Visitation of Surrey, in 1623, with additions. Her. Coll. MS. E.D.N. 14. Water-color drawings of churches in Surrey interspersed with coats of arms, monu- mental brasses, and inscriptions, by Edw. John Carlos, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,706. Drawings of Monuments, etc. in Camber- well, Battersea, and Bermondsey, co. Surrey, 19th century, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,112. Church Notes in Surrey. Ashm. Lib. MS. 1137. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6409. Lords of Manors in the county of Surrey, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,098. Lists of Sheriffs for Surrey and Sussex, from 1 Hen. II. to 1789. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5705, ff. 54, 60 ; 5832, f. 181 ; 6171, f. 19; 6344, coll. Lists of Knights of co. Surrey. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5705, p. 53 ; 6167. f. 3 b. Names of the Gentry of Surrey, 12 Hen. VI. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6171, f. 22. Justices of Peace of the County of Surrey. Brit. Mus, Harl. MS. 6850, f. 251. Copy of the Poll for Knights of the Shire for the County of Surrey, 1780, taken before Charles Eyre, Esq., Sheriff. Guildford, 1780, fol. 184 English Counties. Extracts from the Parish Kes^isters of Addington, Co. Surrev^ Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. vii. p. 286. The llegisters of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, The Genealogist., new series, vol. vi. Lond. 1890, 8o- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Camberwell, Co. Siirrey. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et. Genealog." vol, iii. p. 142. Roman Catholic Register of Cheam and Woburn, in Surrev, 1755 to 1800. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,632. Monumental inscriptions and arms in Chertsev Church. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6171. Croydon Palace : Its Architecture and Heraldry. See " The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer," vol. iv. Lond. 1883, 8°- In Memorinm Groydoiiienskini. Croydon in the Past : Historical, Monumental, and Biographical : being a History of the Town as depicted on the Tombs, Tablets, and Gravestones in the Churches, Churchyards, and Cemetery of the Parish, including the neighbouring villages of Beddington, Shirley and Addington. Croydon, 1883, 8^- Monuments and Antiquities of Croydon Church, by John Corbet Anderson. Croydon, 1855, fol. On the Monumental Effigies in Croydon Church, by M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1856, 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Croydon, Co. Surrey. See Nichols' "Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol ii. p. 292 ; vol iii. p. 307 ; vol. iv. p. 91 ; vol. V. p. 42. See also Steinman's "History of Croydon." Lond. 1834, SO- Parish Register of Croydon Old Church, by J. C. Anderson. Croydon, 1878, 8«- An account of the Monuments in the Col- legiate Church of Lingfield, in the County of Surrey, by Sir James Burrow, Knt. 1760. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1967. The Parish Registers of SS. Peter and Paul, Mitcham, Surrey, from A.D. 1563 to 1679, by Robert Garraway Rice. See " The Reliquary," vol. xviii, xix, XX. Lond. 1878, 8<>''' Extracts from the Parish Registers of Morden, Co. Surrey, 1634—1812. -'The Genealogist," vol. vii. Lond. 1883, 8°- A History of the Parish of Mortlake, with extracts from the Parish Registers, from 1578 to 1886, by John Eustace Anderson. Lond. 1886, 8°- For private circulation. Monumental Inscriptions in the Church- yard of St. Mary's, Newington, Surrey, Lond. 1880. Weddings at St. Saviour's Southwark, from A.D. 1606 to 1625. The Genealo- gist, new series, vol. vi. Lond. 1890, 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Streatham, Co. Surrey. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Geneal." vol. iii. p. 309. The Registers of the Parish of Wandsworth in the County of Surrey (1603—1787). Transcribed by John Traviss Squire. Lond. 1887, 8«- The Registers of Windlesham, from 1677 to 1783, with Biographical Notices of Past and Present Families now residing in the Parish, etc., by W. U. S. Glanville-Richards. Privatelv printed, 1881, 8«- Catholic Registers of Woburn Lodge Chapel and Weybridge, Surrey. Pri- vately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1888, fol. SUSSEX. Visitation of Sussex, undated. Heralds' College. Visitation of Sussex, 1530. Her. Coll. D. 13. Visitation of Sussex, 1570. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17065. [Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps.] Visitation of Sussex, 1574. Her. Coll. MS. D. 11. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1484. Visitation of Sussex, 1530, 1570, 1633. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1562. Vistation of Sussex, 1633, 4. Her. Coll. C. 29 ; E.D.N. 15. Brit. Mus. MSS. Hari. 1135, 1076, 1084, 1194, 1406, 4109, 6164. Pedigrees from the Visitation of Sussex, etc. 1633. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,311. Visitation of Sussex, 1662. Her. Coll. D. 16. English Counties. 185 Pedigrees taken from an old Visitation of Sussex, with additions, by Tlio. Cole. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 892. A Collection of Pedigrees of Sussex Fami- lies, with several trickings of their Arms ; with transcripts of a great many ancient deeds and charters relating to the county. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 873. Arms and Pedigrees of Sussex families, in the reign of James I., Charles L, and Charles II. Stowe MSS. 645 ; 654 ; 771 ; 780. Brit. Mus. Collection of Sussex Pedigrees, by Sir William Burrell, with Coats of Arms, neatly drawn and coloured, with an alphabetical index to each volume. Six vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5691- 5696. Pedigrees of Sussex families, continued after the year 1750, by Sir William Burrell. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5711. Collections of Sussex Pedigrees. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6346 ; 6347 ; 6350. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 121. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxxi. Pedigrees of Sussex Families, by William Berry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,449. Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Sussex. Collected from the Heraldic Visitations, and other authentic Manu- scripts, by William Berry. Lond. 1830, fol. Arms of the Gentry of Sussex, written and tricked by John Withie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 906. Arms, in trick, of Sussex Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,008. Catalogue and Arms of Sussex Baronets. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. '6344, col. 31. Notitia Sussexiensis, sive Sussexia Anti- qua et Nova ; to wit, an account, Chorographical, Genealogical, Histori- cal, of the County of Sussex. Collected from liecords. Charters, Deeds, Manu- scripts, and other Authorities. Inter- spersed with Inscriptions, Epitaphs, Arms, etc. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6343, 6344. Collection of Monuments and Inscriptions, with Extracts from Parish Pegisters of Sussex, by Sir William Burrell, three vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5697-5699. Monumental Inscriptions in the County of Sussex, copied by Mr.«Gell, 1820. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,081. Nobility of Sussex. See " The History of the Castles, Mansions, and Manors of Sussex," by D. G. C. Elwes. Lond. 1876, etc. 40- Lords of Manors in the county of Sussex, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,098. Lists of Sheriffs for Surrey and Sussex, from 1 Hen. 11. to 1789. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5705, ff. 54, 60 ; 5832, f. 181 ; 6171, f. 19. List of the Sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex with their arms, from Henry II. to Charles I. inclusive. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6344. Lists of Knights in Co. Sussex. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5705, ff. 53, 280. List of Justices of Peace of the County of Sussex, 1781. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5701, f. 200. Glimpses of our ancestors in Sussex, by Charles Fleet. Lewes, 1882, 8^- Glimpses of our Ancestors in Sussex, and Gleanings in East and West Sussex, by C. Fleet. Second series. Lewes, 1883, §0. Privately printed. The Worthies of Sussex, by Mark Anthony Lower. Lewes, 1865, 4P- The Parliamentary History of the County of Sussex, and of the several Boroughs and Cinque Ports therein, by W. D. Cooper. Lewes, 1834, 4P- Poll Book ^or the Sussex Election, March, 1820. Chichester, 1820, S^- •The Sussex Archceological Collections contain a large amount of heraldic and genealogical information. Bodiam and its Lords, by Mark Anthony Lower. Lond. 1871, 8^- Lists of the Incumbents and Dignitaries of Chichester, by the Pev. John Denne, D.D. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,822. See also Abingdon's " Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Chichester." London, 1717, 4«- Catalogue of the Bishops of Selsey and Chichester. Edited from a MS. of the 14th century, after 1373, by M. E. C. Walcott. Lond. 1869, 8o- Monumental Inscriptions in Chichester Cathedral, etc. See Abingdon's " Anti- quitiesof the Cathedral." Lond. 1717, 8o- Sepulchral Efiigies at Chichester, by M. H. Bloxam. See Journal of the Archceological Association, vol. 42. Lond. 1886, S^- 186 English Counties. Account of the Election at Cliichester, March, 1820, including the Poll Book. Chichester, 1820, S^' Copy of the Parish llegister Book of St. Andrew's Edburton. Sussex, 1558 — 1673. By the Kev. C. H. Wilkie. Brighton, 1881, H^- Index to the Registers of Edburton, 1558 to 1673. 50 Copies privately printed. Notices of Sepulchral Memorials at Etchinghara, Co. Sussex, by Spencer Hall. Archceological Journal^ vol. vii. Hurstpierpoint ; its Lords and Families, ancient and modern, by W. H, Smith Ellis. Sussex Archceological Collections, vol. XT. Lond. 1859, 8«- Names of Knights who were present at the battle of Lewes, 1264. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,423, f. QQ. Extracts from the early Parish Register of Warminghurst, Sussex, by C. Bridger. Privately printed in 1853. History of Winchelsea, Sussex, with Notices of the Ancient Families, by W. D. Cooper. Lond. 1850, 8o- WARWICKSHIRE. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1563. Her. Coll. MSS. F. 7 ; G. 11 ; H. 12. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1564. Brit, Mus. Harl. MS. 810. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1563 and 1619. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1563. Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1100, 1195. Her. Coll. C. 7. Caius Coll. 548. Qu. Coll. CLX. Visitation of Warwick, taken in 1619 by S. Lennard and A. Vincent, being Marshalls for W. Camden, edited by J. Fetherston . Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, vol. 1. Warwick, 1859, ^^^ The Visitation of the County of Warwick in the year 1619. Taken by William Camden. Edited by John Fetherston. Harleian Society, xii. London, 1877, 80- Visitation of Warwickshire, 1619 — 21. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1167. The Visitation of the County of Warwick by Thos. May and Gregory King, 1682 1683. Her. Coll. MS. K. 3. Pedigrees selected from the Visitation of the County of Warwick, by Thomas May, and Gregory King, in 1682, etc. Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, vol. 1. Warwick, 1859, ^^^ Warwickshire Pedigrees selected from the Visitation of the County of Warwick, 1682 — 3. 20 Copies privately printed, 1865, 8''- An Index to the Warwickshire Visitations in the Harleian Library, privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Pedigrees of Warwickshire Families from Sir Geo. Naylor's Library. MS. J5a- ginton Hall, Warwickshire. Warwickshire Pedigrees, of the reign of James I. Stowe MS. 783. Brit. Mus. Pedigrees of Families of Warwickshire, MS. 17th century. In the possession of the Marquis of Ripon, at Studley Royal, Co. York. Sir William Dugdale's Warwickshire Collections. Ashm. Libr. MSS. 6491— 6513. Collections for the continuation of Hug- dale's Antiquities of Warivickshire, with drawings of churches, monuments, coats of arms, etc., and an alphabetical index of Warwickshire famiMes, with their arms blazoned, by the Rev. Thos. Ward, 2 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,264, 29,265. Arms and Pedigrees of Warwickshire Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6060. Her. Coll. MSS. E. 1. ; Phil. 29, L. ; 45, P. ; Vincent 126. Warwickshire Arms and Lineages : Com- piled from the Heralds' Visitations and ancient MSS., by F. W. Kittermaster. Lond. 1866, 8«- Arms of the Gentry of Warwickshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1353. On some rare and curious Sepulchral Monuments in Warwickshire, of the 13th and 14tli centuries, by M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1864, 8«- Coloured drawings of Arms and Monu- ments, with copies of Inscriptions in Churches in Warwickshire, by D . Parkes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,011 to 21,016. Church Notes in Warwickshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2009, 7022 ; Add. MS. 21,012. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 197, C. List of Sheriffs of Warwickshire. See Burton's " History of Leicestershire," p. 323. Also " Dugdale's " History of Warwickshire," vol. ii. p. 1149. English CorNTiEs. 187 Lists of the Sheriffs of-' Warwickshire from 1 Hen. II to 1849, and Members of Parliament for the County, and for the Boroughs of Warwick and Coventry from 23 Edw. I to 1 Geo. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29264. List of the Knights of Warwickshire, 1589. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4102. The Worthies of Warwickshire who lived between 1500 and 1800, by F. L. Col- vile. Warw. 1870. 4«- Catalogue of residents in the County of Warwick, temp. Elizabeth. See Nichols' " Collect. Top. et Gen." vol. viii. p. 298. —In 1733 and 1742, ihid., p. 361. List of Warwickshire Noblemen and Gen- tlemen, in the year 1723. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 846, f. 249. Poll Book for the Election at Warwick, Nov. 1820. Warw. 1821. 8'^- Poll Book for the Northern Division of the County of Warwick, 1832. Warw. 1833. S''- The Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine. Edited by John Fetherston. Contains numerous pedigrees, coats of arms, etc. of Warwickshire families. Warw. 1859, &c. 8«- The Midland Antiquary. Edited by Wil- ham F. Carter. Birmingham, 1882, &c. 8'^- In progress. Independency in Warwickshire : A Brief History of the Independent or Congre- gational Churches in that County : containing Biographical Notices of their Pastors, by John Sibree and M. Caston. Coventry, 1855. 8«' Records of the Woodmen of Arden (an Archery Club) from 1785, with Roll of Members of the Society. Edin. 1885, §0. Printed for private circulation. Inhabitants of Birmingham, Edgbaston, and Aston, 1327. From the Original Roll in the Public Record Office, by W. B. Bickley. Birm., 1885. Men and names of Founders, Freeholders and Indwellers of Birmingham, from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century, by Joshua Toulmin Smith. Birm. and Lond. 1864. S^- The Streets and Inhabitants of Birming- ham in 1770. Reprinted from Sketchley and Adams's Tradesman's True Guide and Universal Directory. 8irm. 1886. Only fifty copies printed. List of the Mayors of Coventry, from 1348 to 1688. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6388. Mayors, Bailiffs, and Sheriffs of Coventry. Coventry, 1830. 12o- Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of St. Michael, Coventry, with plates of arms, by John Astley. Coven- try, 1884, 4«- Coats of Arms under the benches in Coven- try free school. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 209, f. 264. Drawings of coats of arms and monu- mental inscriptions in Dunchurch Church, Co. Warwick. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5830, f. 70. Index to the Registers of Leek Wooton ; baptisms, marriages, and burials, 1685 to 1742. 25 Copies privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887, fol. Rugby School Register. From 1675 to 1867 inclusive. Rugby, 1867, 8«- Rugby School Register. Volume I. from 1675 to 1849 inclusive. With annota- tions and alphabetical index. Rugby and London, 1881, 8«- Extracts from the Vestry-Book of Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, by J. 0. Halliwell. 1865, 4"- From the Registers of St. Margaret's Church, Wolston cum Brandon. Co. Warwick, 1558—1811. The Genea- logist, new series, vi. Lond. 1889, 8°- WESTMORELAND. Visitation of Westmoreland, by Sir Richard St. George, 1615. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1374. The Heraldic Visitation of Westmoreland, made in the year 1615, by Sir Richard St. George, Knt. Lond. 1853, 8o- Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615. Privately printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. Typis Medio-Montanis fol. Visitation of Westmoreland, 1615, 1638. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1435. Visitation of Westmoreland, etc. in 1664, by Sir William Dugdale. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,116. Her. Coll. MS C. 39. Collection of descents of several of the nobility and gentry of the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland, by J. H., of L., in Yorkshire, 1669. Eshton Hall, Co. York. 188 English Counties. Notes on the Heraldic Visitations of Westmoreland, by Kichard S. Ferguson. See Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Societi/, vol. ii. Kendal, 1876, 8»- Arms of the Cliief Families of Westmore- land. Machel's MS. vol. vi. Carlisle Cathedral. The Heraldry of Westmoreland, by llichard S. Ferguson. See Transac- tions of the Cumherland and JVest- moreland Antiquarian Society^ vol. i. Kendal, 1874, 8« Westmoreland Church Notes, being the Heraldry, Epitaphs and other In- scriptions in the Churches and Church- yards of that County. Collected by Edward Bellasis. Kendal, 1888, &c., 8«- An alphabetical Catalogue of the Gentry of the County of Westmoreland, with their arms. 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 8G5, f . 104 Names of Gentlemen in Westmoreland. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. iii. f. 192. The Worthies of Westmoreland, or no- table persons born in that County since the Ileformation, by George Atkinson. 2 vols. London, 1849,^ Vl^^ A Book of the Sheriffs of Cumberland and Westmoreland, from the reign of Hen. II. Machel's M8. vol. vi. Car- lisle Cathedral. The Sheriff's of Westmoreland and the Early Sheriff's of Cumberland, by Sir Geo. F. Duckett. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Cumherland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society, vol. iv. Kendal, 1879, 8«- Cumberland and Westmoreland M.P.'s from 16G0 to 1867, by Richard Fer- guson. Carlisle, 1871, 8o- Poll for Knights of the Shire, taken at Appleby, June and July 1826, with an Appendix, List of Voters, etc. 1826, 8°- Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Arch- aeological Society. Kendal, 1886, &c. 8*'- [Containing a large amount of genealogical and heraldic information.] Descents of Families residing in the Barony of Kendal, 1638. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1564. Description of the Parishes in the Barony of Kendal, wherein the Coats of Arms of ye Gentlemen at their severall Seats and on Monuments in the Churches, &c. are noted in their order, etc. Machel's MS. vol. ii. Carlisle Cathedral. Notes on the Kirkbythore Registers, by the ]{ev. R. Bower. See Transactions of the Cumherland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society, vol. iv. Kendal, 1879, 80- WILTSHIRE. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1530. Her. Coll. MS. H. 20. Visitation ofWiltshire in 1531, by Thos. Benolt. Brit. Mus. MSS. Add. 12,479, Stowe 649. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1565. Queen's Coll. MS. Lxxix. Her. Coll. MSS. G. 8; Vincent, 147. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 888, 1111, 1181, 1565, 5184. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1565, 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1443. Caius Coll. 543. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1165. Her. Coll. C. 22 ; E. D. N. 16. The Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623. Edited by George W. Marshall. London, 1882, 40. Visitatio Heraldica Comitatus Wiltonia^, A.D. 1623. Privately printed by Sir. Thos. Phillipps. Typis Medio— Mon- tanis, 1828, fol. Index to the Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. A Note of all such as have usurped the name and title of gentlemen, without authority, and were disclaimed at Salis- bury in Sept. 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1538 f. 309^- Visitation of Wiltshire, ] 677. Privately printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. Typis Medio-Montanis, 1854, fol. The Heralds' Visitation of Wiltshire, and Notes of Pedigrees of Wiltshire Families, by F. A. Carrington. Wilts Archcdolog. 'Mag. Dec. 1855. Pedigrees of Wiltshire Families. Her. Coll. Phil. MSS. 10, L. 46, P. Arms and Crests from Harvey's Visitation of 1565. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 184. Arms from the Visitation of Wilts in 1623. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1054, 1482. En-glish CorNTIES. 189 An alphabet in blazon of the patomall coates crests and mottoes of all [or the maior part of] the gentrey in the County of Wilts, by Thomas Gore, 1663. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,020. Arms of Wiltshire Families, by Bysshe, 1677. Her. Coll, MS. D. 28. An Account of the Armorial Decorations formerly in the Windows of Fonthill Abbey, Wilts, by Justin Simpson. See "The Reliquary, 1867, vol. Lond. A Tour in Wiltshire, etc. in quest of Genealogy, by a Barrister (H. Jones). Lond, 1811, 80- Collections for Wiltshire, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Salisbury, 1819, S^- [This volume contains a collection of Inscrip- tions from Monuments, etc., in the Churches of Wiltshire.] Monumental Inscriptions in the County of Wilton, edited and printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Typis Medio- Montanis, 1822. fol. The Monumental Brasses of Wiltshire : a . series of examples of these memorials, ranging from the 13th to the 17th centuries. By Edward Kite. Lond. 1860, 4"- On the succession of the Abbesses of Wilton, wath some notice of Wilton Seals, by James E. Nightingale. From the Wiltsliire ArchcBological Magazine. Devizes, 1881, 8o- Earldom of Wiltes. A Dissertation on the History of Hereditary Dignities, particularly as to their course of Descent and their Forfeiture by Attainder, with special reference to the Case of the Earldom of Wiltes, by W. F. Finlason. 1869, 8«- Wiltshire and its Worthies, by J. Stratford. Salisbury, 1882, 4«- Lords of Manors in Co. Wilts, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,098. A List of Wiltshire Sheriffs, by John Edward Jackson. Devizes, 1856, 4"- Members of Parliament, High Sheriffs, Gentry, etc , of Wiltshire. See Sir E. C. Hoare's Reijerlorium Wiltoiiense. Bath, 1821, fol. Privately printed. List of Nobles and Gentry ^f Wiltshire, temp. Henry VII. See Nichol s' " Topo- grapher," vol. ii. p. 96. ^-^f^]^- Wiltshire Gentry, temp. Car. I. et II. Pri- vately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. North Wiltshire Musters, anno 30 Hen. VIII. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Index to the Pedes Finium for Wiltshire, 1 Geo. I. to 11 Geo. II. Privately printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. 1853. Extracts from Wiltshire Parish Ilegisters, by Sir Tliomas Phillipps. Privately printed. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Aldbourn, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. vi. p. 385. The Parish Register of Alderbury, Co. Wilts, from 1606 — 1648, with additional entries to 1672. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,441. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Bed wyn Magna, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. v. p. 28. of Bedwyn Parva. p. 359. Registers of Broad Chalke, Co. Wilts, 1538—1780. Edited by the Rev. C. G. Moore. 1880, 8«- Only 80 copies privately printed. Church-Notes, and Extracts from the Parish Registers of Chilton Foliot, Co. Wilts. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. iii. Edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1858, S^- Parish Notes [Choulderton, Wilts.] By E. P. Barrow. Salisbury, 1889, S^- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Chute, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' " Col- lect. Top. et Gen." vol. viii. p. 190. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Collingbourne Dueis, Collingbourne Kingston, Burbage, and Tidcombe, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' " Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. vii. pp. 72, 175. Parish Register of Durneford, Wiltshire, to A.D. 1650, by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Salisbury, 1823, S^- Privately printed. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Easton, Froxfield, and Hungerford, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' '• Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. v. pp. 36, 39, 359. ^ Extracts from the Parish Registers of West, or Bishop's Lavington, co. Wilts, by Herbert F. Roe. "The Genea- logist," new series, vol. iv. Lond. 1887, H"- 190 ENaLISH COFNTIES. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Market Lavington, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' "Coll. Top. et Gen." vol. viii. p. 201. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Mahuesburj, Co. Wilts. See Nichols' "Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol vi. p. 237. Marlborough College Register from 1843- 1879 inclusive, with alphabetical index. Privately printed, 1880, 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of St. Peter and St. Paul the Apostles, and St. Mary the Virgin, Marlborough. See Nichols' " Collect. Top. et Gen." vol. V. p. 260. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Milton Lislebon, near Pewsey, Co. Wilts. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. iii. Edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1858, 8«' Extracts from the Parish Registers of Preshute, Mildenhall, Ogbourn Saint Andrew, and Ogbourn St. George. See Nichols' " Collect. Top. et. Genealog." vol. V. p. 346. Deans, Precentors, Chancellors, etc. of Salisbury. See " History of Salisbury." Lond. 1719. — " Descriptions of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury." Salis. 1787, 4° — Britten's " History of the Cathedral Church of Salisbur3^" Lond. 1814, 4P- — Dodsworth's " Account of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury." Salisbury, 1814, 4"- A Correct List of the Bfshops and Mayors of Salisbury, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time ; viz. the Bishops from the year 705, the Mayors from the 5^ear 1227, with some Account of the See of Salisbury. Salisbury, 1798, 12°- Fasti Ecclesise Sarisberiensis, or a Calendar of the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons, and Members of the Cathedral Body at Salisbury, from the Earliest Times to the Present, by William Henry Jones. Salisbury and London, 1879, 4«- Lists of the Mayors of Salisbury, from 1095-1740 ; and from the 14th year of the reign of Edw. III. Vellum rolls. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 22,839, A and B. A correct List of the Mayors of New Sarum, or Salisbury. By J. Easton. Salisbury, 1826, 12«- Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Salisburv Cathedral. See " History of the Cathe- dral Chur.ch of Salisbury and the Abbey Church of Bath." Lond. 1719, 28, 8^- — " Description of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury." Salis. 1787, 4o- Copies of the Epitaphs in Salisbury Cathedral, cloisters and cemetery, accompanied by translations and notes, historical and biographical. With a general survey of the Churches in Salisbury, and a concise history of the Family of Montacute, by James Harris. Salisbury, 1825, 8o- Lives and Memoirs of the Bishops of Sherborne and {Salisbury from the year 705 to 1824. By Stephen H. Cassan. Salisbury, 1824, 8°- The Registers of Stourton, Co. Wilts from 1570 to 1800. Edited for the Harleian Soeiety by the Rev. John Henry ElUs. Lond. 1887, 8«- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Stratton Saint Margaret, and South Marston, in Wiltshire. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. WORCESTERSHIRE. Visitation of Worcestershire, 1530. Her. Coll. MS. H. 20. Visitation of Worcestershire, 1531. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,479. Visitation of Worcestershire, 1569. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 615, 1043, 1133, 1352, 1486, 5841. Her. Coll. D. 12, G. 9 ; Vincent, 115. Caius Coll. 533. Qu. Coll. clxiii. Ashm. Lib. MS. 831, p. 197 b. The Visitation of the County of Worcester, made in the year 1569, with other pedigrees relating to that County from Richard Mundy's Collection. Edited for the Harleian Society by W, P. W. Phillimore. Lond. 1888, 8o- Visitation of Worcestershire, 1569 and 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1566. Visitation of Worcestershire, 1634. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,816. Her. Coll. C. 30. Visitation of Worcestershire, 1682, 83, Her. Coll. MS. The Visitation of the County of Worcester, begun by Thomas May and Gregory King, 1682, and finished by Henry Dethick, 1683. With additions by Sir English CorNTiES. 191 Tho. Phillipps. Edited by Walter C. Metcalfe. Exeter, 1883. 8"' Privately printed. Visitation of Worcestershire, 1683. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Index to the Visitations of Worcestershire, 1569 and 1683. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Pedigrees of Worcestershire Families, some to 1620. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 553, f . 34. Genealogical Descent of Worcestershire Families. Soc. of Antiq. MS. 145, art. 4. Pedigrees and Arms of Worcestershire Families, Monumental Inscriptions, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS 5814. Arms and Pedigrees of Worcestershire Families, circ. 1634. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6139. Arms of Worcestershire Families, from the Visitation of 1569. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,816. The Heraldry of Worcestershire, being a roll of the Arms borne by the several noble, knightly, and gentle families which have had propert}^ or residence in that County from the earliest period to the present time, with genealogical notes, etc., by H. S. Grazebrook. Lond. 1873, 4«- Monumental Brasses of Worcestershire, &c., by C. T. Davis. 1884. Coloured drawings of Arms and Monu- ments, with copies of Inscriptions in Churches in Co. Worcester, by D. Parkes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,010 ; 21,011. Rambles and Researches among Worcester- shire Churches. With Historical Notes relating to the several Parishes, by Geo. K. fctanton. Lond. 1885. Biograj^hical Illustrations of Worcester- shire ; including Lives of Persons, Natives or Residents, Eminent either for Piety or Talent ; to which is added, a List of Living Authors of the County, by John Chambers. Wore. 1820, 8o- Marriages at Bretforton, Co. Worcester, 1538 to 1752. Lond. 1831, 8«- Privately printed oy Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Bretforton, 1538 to 178^ Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Broadway, 1680—1771. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Bromsgrove Church ; its History and Antiquities. Compiled from the Parish Books, Registers, and other sources, by William it Cotton. Lond. 1881. ^ A short Account of Lichfield Cathedral, more particularly the Painted Glass with which the windows are adorned, and the Monuments. Fifth edition. Lich. 1843, 8o- Arms, Monuments and Inscriptions from the Cathedral and Cloisters of Worcester, and from the Churches of Malvern and Evesham. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2205. Drawings of Coats of Arms, and copies of Monumental Inscriptions in Great Malvern Church, and Worcester Cathe- dral, 1746. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5811. Catalogues of Deans and Prebendaries of Worcester ; Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8587, f . 1. — Abingdon's " Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester." London, 1717, 4o- — And Thomas's " Survey of the Cathedral Church of Worcester." Lond. 1736, 4P- Marriage Licences in the Diocesan Registry at Worcester, by Thomas Procter Wadley. " The Genealogist." vol. VI. Lond. 1882, 8o- The Sepulchral Remains and Effigies in the Cathedral Church of Worcester, by M. H. Bloxam. Rugby, 1862, 8o- Memoir on Effigies and Remains in Worcester Cathedral, by M. H. Bloxam. See Arcliceological Journal, xix, 385 ; XX, 273, 339. Lond. 1862, 63, 8o- Church Notes in Worcester Cathedral. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5811, f. 129 ; 6728, f . 47 ; 6742, f . 13 b. Catholic Registers of the City of Worces- ter, 1685 to 1837. 50 Copies privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp, 1887, fob YORKSHIRE. Heralds' Visitation of Yorkshire. 3IS. No. XL VIII. Townely Hall, Burnley. Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties in 1530, by Thomas Tonge. Published by the Sni'tees Society, vol. XLi. From Harl. MS. 1499 in the British Museum. Durham, 1863, H°' 192 English Counties. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1530. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1499. Her. Coll. D. 4 ; E.D.N. 4 ; Vincent, 163. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1530, 1552. Her. Coll. MSS. D. 9, E. 0. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1563. Her. Coll. MS8. D. 2, D. 5, H. 19. Ashm. Lib. M>^. 834. The Visitation of Yorkshire by Wm Flower in 1563-64. Edited by Chas. B. Norcliffe. Harleian Society. Lond. 1881, 80- Visitation of Yorkshire, by William Tonge, Norroy, 1580. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1575 and 1585. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1171. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584, 1585. Brit. Mus. MSS. Add. 17,065 ; Harl. 1182, 1394, 1415, 1571, 6070 ; Lans. 900. Her. Coll. D. 5 ; Duo-dale MS. ; Phil. 51, P. ; Vincent, 110. Caius Coll. 575. Qu. Coll. Ixxxvi. Indexes to manuscripts in the British Museum, relating to the genealogy of Yorkshire families, viz.., Harley MSS. 1420, 1571, 2118, 4198, 4630, 6070, and Lansdowne MS. 900, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,66 k The Visitation of Yorkshire, made in the year 1584-5 by Ilobert Clover. Edited by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1875, 8<'- Visitation of Yorkshire, 1530, 1584 and 1612. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1487. Index to the pedigrees in the Harl. MS. 1487. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9805. Index to all the names and Kesidences in the Visitations of Yorkshire for 1530, 1584^, and 1612, contained in Harley MS. 1487, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,663. Arms and Pedigrees of the Gentry of the West liiding of Yorkshire. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4630. [A very useful addition to Harl. MS. 1487.] Hopkinson's pedigrees of gentry of the West Biding of Yorkshire, transcribed from Harleian M.S. 4630 ; with indexes, 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,645, 29,046. Pedigrees of the Gentry of the West Biding of Yorkshire ; with notes of surnames, arms, etc., by John Hopkin- son. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,739. Pedigrees in the West Riding of Yorkshire, from Dugdale, Hopkinson, Dr. John- ston, and others, with continuations and additions by Bichard Frank. Two vol- umes large folio. CampsallHall, Co. York. Collections of coats of arms and descents of several families of the nobility and gentry of Yorkshire, collected in 1672 by John Hopkinson. 2 vols. MSS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Yorkshire Genealogy, by Joseph Hunter ; containing Pedigrees and notes from the Visitations of 1563, 1584—1585, 1565 — 1566; Pedigrees of the West Riding, and Miscellaneous genealogies, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,473. Visitation of Yorkshire of 1584, 1585, by Robert Glover, and continued to the year 1612, by Sir Richard St. George, with later additions by Silvanus Morgan and Thomas Lloyd, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,011. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584, 5 and 1612. Her. ColL Vincent M>!. 111. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1612. Her. Coll. MS. C. 13. Pedigrees of the Visitation of Yorkshire, taken 1584. with continuations to 1656. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 522. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1584, 5 and 1665. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1420. Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665. Brit. Mus. MSS. Add. 12,482 ; Lans. 826. Her. Coll. C. 40. Durh. Cath. Allan, 5. The Visitation of Yorkshire, taken in the yeares 1665 and 1666 by William Dugdale, Esqr. Norroy King of Armes ; with additions and index. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,644. Pedigrees from Sir Wm. Dugdale's Visi- tation of Yorkshire, 1665, 1666. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,469 f. 75. The Visitation of the County of York by Sir Wm. Dugdale, begun in 1665 and finished in 1666. Edited for the Surtees Societf/, by R. Davies. Durh. and Lond. 1859, 8o- Index to Sir Wm. Dugdale's Visitation of the County of York, 1665, 6. By G. J. Armytage. Lond. 1872, S«- Thirty-seven letters from Sir Wm. Dugdale to Dr. N.Johnston, concerning his visita- tions of Yorkshire, in 1665 and 1666, and two in 1678. MS. vol. 17. Camp- sall Hall, Co. York. En^glish Counties. 193 iiist o£ disclaimers at the Visitation of Yorkshire, by Sir Wm. Dugdale in 1665-66. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,692, f, 123. The Heraldic Visitation of Yorkshire [of 1580, 1584, 1612 and 1665-6] consoli- dated, and the Pedigrees re-arranged and placed in alphabetical order, with additions from legal evidence and other creditable sources, by William Paver. 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,647 -29,649. Supplement to William Paver's Consoli- dated Visitation of Yorkshire, 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,650-29,6.52. Index to every Surname contained in William Paver's Consolidated Visita- tions of Yorkshire by the said William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,653. List of Pedigrees and Alliances in William Paver's Consolidated Visitations of Yorkshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,654. Residences and Armorial Bearings of the Families whose pedigrees are contained in William Paver's Consolidated He- raldic Visitations of Yorkshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,655. Genealogical Scraps, relating principally to Yorkshire Families, but not to any of those whose pedigrees appear in William Paver's Consolidated Visitation of Yorkshire ; derived from various sources of evidence and information by the said William Paver, 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,656—29,658. Supplement to AVilliam Paver's Genea- logical Scraps, by the said William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,659. Genealogical Scraps derived from old deeds by William Paver, with index. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,660. List of the Families or Names in William Paver's Genealogical Scraps. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,661. References to pedigrees of Yorkshire families, printed and in manuscript, by William Paver ; with Additions and Corrected Additions. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,665. Index of the names of Yorkshire families, by William Paver ; with references to his own collections, and notes of those families whose pedigrees a^ in print. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,666. Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire. Compiled by Joseph Fos- ter, and authenticated by the members of each family. 2 vols. London, 1874, 40. Pedigrees and arms from the Visitations of Yorkshire, with additions, 16th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,477. Arms and Descents of Yorkshire Families, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4198, 6070. Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,116. Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 205. Genealogies of Yorkshire families. MS. vol. vi. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Descents of several Yorkshire families, by Dr. Richardson. MS. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Collections of Yorkshire Pedigrees. Ashm. Lib. 834, art. iii. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxxi. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 2118, f. 48. Pedigrees of Yorkshire families, by Nathaniel Johnston. MS. T. 2. Camp- sail Hall, Co. York. Arms and Pedigrees of Yorkshire, etc., families. Stowe MS. 771. Brit. Mus. Arms and Pedigrees of the Northern Nobility and Gentry ; including York- shire, Lancashire, Cheshire, and Dur- ham, 17th century. MS. No. xix. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Collections of Yorkshire pedigrees, in the possession of F. Bacon Frank, Esq., at Campsall Hall, Co. York. Pedigrees of Yorkshire Gentry, by Thomas Beckwith, F.S.A., painter, of York. MS. vi. Walton Hall, Co. York. Evidences of Northern Gentry. MS. No. XII. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Accounts of Thribergh and Reresby fami- lies, and accounts of the families of Dalton, Brinsforth, Ickles, Temple, Brough, Golham, Thamworth, and Constable. MS. Y. 1. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Pedigrees of Yorkshire Families, temp. Elizabeth, with some continuations. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 1995. Genealogical Collections chiefly relating to Yorkshire families, by Joseph Hun- ter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,453. 194 English Cotjnties. Miscellaneous genealogies, chiefly of York- shire and Derbyshire families, with arms coloured and in trick, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,436. Genealogical notes on families of cos. York and Derby ; with extracts from parish registers, etc., by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,605. Catalogue or abstract of pedigrees of several families in the counties of York, Durham, and Leicester, with tables, by J. H. MSS. xxiv and xxv. Eshton Hall, Co. York. The valuable unpublished Collections for the County of York, by John Charles Brook, Esq., Somerset Herald, in several folio volumes, are in the Library of Heralds' College. Yorkshire Genealogical Gatherings, by William Paver. Contains Justices of the Peace ; Lists of wills ; index to monumental inscriptions, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,699. Gathering Index, being references to various Manuscripts, &c., &c,, such as Parish Eegisters, Tuitions and Cura- tions. Local Histories, and the like, and relating chiefly to pedigrees of Yorkshire families, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,662. Genealogical fragments relating princi- pally to Yorkshire ; including scraps relating to Yorkshire families ; Lists of Knights, etc. by William and Percy Woodroffe Paver, 1852. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,692. Genealogical catalogues, or lists illustra- tive of the genealogy of the county of York, compiled or transcribed by William Paver. Contains lists of SheriiTs of Yorkshire from 1069-1845 ; Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of York ; County gentry, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,694. Miscellaneous Genealogical and other papers relating to Yorkshire, by William Paver, Brit. Mus. Add MS. 29,674. Collections relating to the County of York ; consisting of Inquisitions, Escheats, Pedigrees, Charters, etc. by Henry Paget. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,737. Collections for a history of South York- shire, by Joseph Hunter ; consisting chiefly of monumental inscriptions, pedigrees, and extracts from parish registers ; 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,439. Arms in Flower's Visitation of York- shire, 1563. Her. Coll. MS. 2. H. 8. Arms of Knights of Yorkshire, time of Edw. I. ; and Arms, etc. taken from Churches and Houses in Yorkshire, 1584, 85. Brit. Mus. Hark MS. 1088. Arms of the Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6832. Collection of coats of arms and descents of several families of nobility and gentry of the East Eiding of York- shire, 1672. MS. vol. xxii. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Collection of coats of arms and descents of several families of nobility and gentry of the North Hiding of Yorkshire, 17th century. MS. xxiii. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Armorial of Yorkshire (the arms are in their proper colours). Campsall Hall, Co. York. Armorial Bearings of the principal families of Yorkshire. MS. iv. Walton Hall, Co. York. Collection of Coats of Arms and Descents of several families of the nobility and gentry of the East Riding of Yorkshire. MS. v. Walton Hall, Co. York. Descriptions of the Arms of Yorkshire Families. A.D. 1638. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 901. Warburton's Collections relating to the Arms of Yorkshire Families. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 908. Arms, in trick, of Yorkshire Families, 1706. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21008. Arms, in colours, from Doncaster, Pom- fret, and other churches in Yorkshire, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,752. Arms and Inscriptions in Yorkshire Churches. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5078. Drawings of Ancient Seals of Yorkshire, by James Torre and others. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2577. Tokens issued in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries in Yorkshire. Also the Seals of all the Corporations in that County, by William Boyne. Headingly, 1858, 4''- Enr(^LiSH CorNTiEs. 195 The Churches of Yorkshire Illustrated, by W. H. Hatton. Enriched with monumental inscriptions and extracts from the parish registers. London, 1880, &c. 4P- Church Notes in Yorkshire. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 197, C. Qu. Coll. Oxf . MS. Ixxxvi. Collection of Church Notes and of Tran- scripts from Church Registers of the North Riding of Yorkshire, made by Mr. Dixon, of Middlesham. MS. yii. Walton Hall, Co. York. Extracts, genealogical, from monumental inscriptions in Yorkshire churches, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,676. Index to the foregoing Extracts, 29,688, f. 157. Abstracts of marriage licences granted by the Ecclesiastical Court of York from 1567 to 1714, by William Paver, 2 ■ vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,667. 29,668. Index to the foregoing Abs- tracts, Add. MS. 29,669. Extracts from marriage licences granted by the Ecclesiastical Court of York from 1567 to 1714, by William Paver. This volume consists principally of licences relating to the gentry and persons in a good position. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,670. Index to the fore- going Extracts, Add. MS. 29,671. Notes of marriage and other licences granted in the Ecclesiastical Court of York from 1609 to 1618, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,672. Notes derived from marriage licences granted by the Ecclesiastical Court of York from 1609 to 1618, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add, MS. 29,673. Extracts from Parish Registers of York- shire, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,674, 29,675. Index to the foregoing Extracts, 29,688, f. 79. Extracts from Yorkshire parish registers, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,469. Notices of births, marriages and deaths of gentry of Yorkshire, and of many citizens of York, from 1772—1833; extracted from newspapers by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,690. Index to the foregoing Noftces by P. W. Paver, 29,691. Particulars of births, marriages and deaths, of Yorkshire gentry, etc., from 1716 to 1762, derived from the Historical Register and Gentleman's Magazine ; with index to the surnames. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,693. Lords of Manors in Co, York, 9 Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,099. Names and arms of Yorkshire Knights who served under King Edward I. in Scotland and elsewhere. MS. C. il. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Lists of Knights, etc. by tenure in York- shire ; from the Red Book in the Exchequer. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 900, ff. 8, 57. A Catalogue of Knights, Baronets, Esquires, and Gentlemen of Yorkshire, by R. Gascoigne. Heralds' College. A Catalogue of all the Sheriffs of York- shire, from 1154—1709. "John Hopkinson's Booke." Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,738. A catalogue of the Sheriffs of Yorkshire, from 1155 to 1652, with their arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 129 b. Collection of all the Sheriffs of Yorkshire, from A.D. 1155 ; with their arms. MS. XXXV. Eshton Hall, Co. York. Justices of the peace for Yorkshire, 1647- 1730. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 29,674, f. 146. Biographical Notes on the Yorkshire Tenants named in Domesday Book, by Alfred S. Ellis. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vols, iv and v. Lon- don, 1877, 8«- Some Account of the Landholders of Yorkshire named in Domesday Book, A.D. 1086, by Alfred S. Ellis. London, 1878, 80- Privately printed. Names of Freeholders in the Counties of York, etc. A.D. 1561. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 5. Lists of most of the principal Freeholders of Yorkshire in 1741, and of Grantees of Abbey Lands, etc. 1510-1706, by William Paver. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,700. The Parliamentary Representation of Yorkshire, by Henry Stooks Smith. Lond, and Leeds, 1854, W- 196 English OorN-TiEs. Parliamentary Eepresentation of York- shire, from the earliest Representative Parliament on record at the present time, by Godfrey R. Park. Privately printed, 1886, 8''- Poll Book for the Election for the County of York in May, 1807, giving the names, addresses, &c. of 23,000 free- holders. 1807, 8°- West Riding Poll Book, for the Election of August, 1837, giving the names and addresses of 3000 freeholders. 1837, S^- Lives of the Illustrious Worthies of York- shire, by H. Coleridge. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1852, 8°- Portraits of Yorkshire Worthies with biographical notices, by E. Hailstone. 2 vols. Lond. 1869, 4«- Celebrities of the Yorkshire Wolds, by Frederick Ross. Lond. 1878, S^- Yorkshire Families. See " Old York- shire," edited by William Smith. 4 vols. Lond. 1880-83, 8^- and 4o- Catalogue of all the Gentry in the County of York, together with their coat armour, 1638. MS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. An alphabetical Catalogue of Yorkshire Gentry, together with their coat armOur, collected in 1638. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 68. Catalogues of Ecclesiastical Dignitaries of Yorkshire. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8567. Burton's " Monasticon E bora- cense." And "A Description of York Cathedral." York, 1768, 12^- A List of the Roman Catholics in the County of York in 1604. Translated from the Original MS. in the Bodleian Library, and edited with genealogical notes, by Edward Peacock. Lond. ■ 1872, 8«- A Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen (of the Catholic Religion) that were slain in the late war in defence of their King [Charles I.] and country. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,674, f. 133."^ Names of the Bailiffs of Liberties, Con- stables of Wapentakes, Coroners, and Bailiffs within the Co. York. See " Nomina Villarum Eboracensium." York, 1768, S^- 2nd ed. York, 1792, obi. 8«- Also Langdale's " Top. Diet, of Yorkshire." 1809, 8«- The Rev. Oliver Heywood, B.A. His Autobiograph}^, Diaries, Anecdote and Event Books, 1630 to 1702, illustrating the General and Family History of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Edited by J. Horsfall Turner. 4 vols. 1882-85, 8°- Yorkshire Longevity ; or records and biographical anecdotes of persons who have attained to extreme old age within that County, by William Grainge. Pateley Bridge, 1864, 8o- The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topo- graphical Journal is replete with heraldic and genealogical information concerning that county. Lond. 1870, etc , 8*^- In progress. Observations on the Arms of Aldeburgh, by Sir George F. Duckett. Reprinted from the Yorkshire Archceological Journal. 1881. Annals of the Church and Parish of Almondbury, loith pedigrees, by Chas. Aug. Hulbert. 1882, 8o- Worthies, Families, and Celebrities of Barnsley and the District, by Joseph Wilkinson. London and Derby, 1883, 8«- A Monument of Armes found engraven in stone in the Abbey of Bolton, 1586. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll, 0, 13. The Bolton Weekly Journal, Jan. 1887, &c , contains copy of Bolton Parish Register. Extracts from the Parish Register of Bradfield, Co. York, 1559—1670. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,729. The Bradford Antiquary. Published for the Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society. Brad. 1881, &c., 8«- The Registers of the Parish Church of Calverley in the West Riding of York, by Samuel Margerison. 2 vols. Brad- ford, 1880—1883, 12"- The History of Cleveland, Co. York, with the Origin and Genealogy of the prin- cipal Families within the district, by the Rev. John Graves. Carlisle, 1808, 4P- Subsequent editions. A List of the Mayors of Doncaster, from 1493 to 1641. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6387. Records and Family notices of military and naval officers who are, or have been, connected with Doncaster, etc., by William Sheardown. Done. 1873, 8o- English Counties. 197 Extracts from the Parish Registers of Drypool, in the East Riding of York- shire, by W. C. Boulter. See "The Reliquary," vols, x, xi. Lond. 1870, 8°- Collections for a history of the parish of Ecclesfield, Co. York, with pedigrees, etc., by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,438. The First Book of the Marriage, Baptismal, and Burial Registers, of Ecclesfield Parish Church, Yorkshire, from 1558 to 1619, by Alfred Scott Catty. Lond. and Shef. 1878, 4«- Monumental Inscriptions in St. Oswald's Church, Guiseley, Yorkshire, by Geo. J. Armytage. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vi. Lond. 1881, 8«- Biographia Halifaxiensis ; or, Halifax ^ Families and Worthies. A Biographical and Genealogical History of Halifax Parish, by J. Horsfall Turner. 1883 &c. 8°- [See also Watson's History of Halifax.] Halifax Church Registers. See " The Parish Church Magazine," 1881. Chapters on the Early Registers of the Parish Church of Halifax, from the Local Archseological Collection of E. J. Walker. Halifax, 1885, 8«- Extracts from Registers of baptisms, marriages and deaths kept by the Rev. I Thomas Dickenson, a dissenting I minister at Northowram, in the parish of Halifax, 1702—1743 ; and by Oliver Heywood, 1676—1701. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,443. Monumental Inscriptions at Haworth, by G. W. Marshall. 1888. Extracts from the Parish Registers of Hornby, Co. York. See " Topographer and Genealogist," vol. iii. Edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1858, S'>-\ Register of Marriages in the Chapel of God's House Hospital near Hull, 1695 — 1715. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Ingleby Greenhow Register, 1539 — 1800, by the Rev. Mr. Hawell. Canterbury, 1889, 8«- List of the Mayors, Sheriffs, and Chamber- lains of Kingstou-upon-Hull. See Gent's " Annates llegioduni Ilullini.'" Armorial Bearings of Families connected with the Town and County of Kings- ton-upon-HuU, and the Seigniory of Holderness, by T. T. Wildridge. Hull, 1886, 40- The Parish Registers of Kirkburton, co. York. Edited by Mrs. R. Collins. Lond. 1887. The Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds, with Pedigress of the Nobility and Gentry, by Ralph Thoresby. Lond. 1715, fol. 2nd edition by T. D. Whitaker. 2 vols. Leeds, 1816, fol. Biographia Leodiensis ; or, Biographical Sketches of the Worthies of Leeds and Neighbourliood, from the Norman Con- quest to the Present Time, by the Rev. R. V. Taylor. Lond. 1865-67, 80- Th e Registers of Topcliffe Chapel, and the old Chapel (St. Mary 's-in-the- Wood), Morley, in the West Riding of the County of York. Baptisms 1656-1836. Burials 1656-1888. With biographical and explanatory notes, by William Smith. Privately printed, 1888, 8°- Monuments in Normanton Church, with Genealogical Notes, by Geo. W. Tom- linson. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. v. Lond. 1879, 8«- Boothroyd's History of Pontefract during the Civil War, contains Pedigrees of Distinguished Royalists and Parliamen- tarians. Pont. 1807, 80- Richmondshire, its ancient Lords and Edifices, with short Notices of memor- able Men, by W. H. LongstafPe. Lond. and Rich. 1852, 8«- A verbatim copy of all the Monuments, Gravestones, and other Sepulchral Memorials in Ripon Cathedral and burial ground. Copied and arranged by Thom* Wilson. Ripon, 1847, 12«- Ripon : its Wakemen and their Ancient Badge, by Thomas Carter, Esp. See the Archceological Journal., xxxii, 394. Lond. 1875, 80- Provosts of Rotherham College, by John Guest. See " The Reliquary," vol. xvii. Lond. 1876, B^- The Parish Registers of St. Chad, Saddle- worth. Co. York, 1613-1751, Edited by John Radcliffe. UiDpermill, 1887, 80- On two heraldic bench-ends in Great Sandal Church, by James Fowler. See " Yorkshire Archselogical and Topo- graphical Journal," vol. i. Lond. 1870, 80- 198 English Counties. Scarborough Worthies, by John Cole. Scar. 1826, S°- 18 Copies privately printed. An historical account of the town and lordship of Sheffield, and Hallamshire, with an historical account of the fami- lies of Lovetot, Furnival, Verdun, and Talbot to the time of Henry VIII. MS. Carapsall Hall, Co. York. Collections for a history of Sheffield, by Joseph Hunter ; consisting chiefly of monumental inscriptions, extracts from the parish registers, pedigrees of Shef- field families, and drawings of monu- ments and coats of arms, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,437. Pedigrees of families of Sheffield, Co, York, by Joseph Hunter, 1847, &c. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,474. Extracts from the parish register of Shef- field, Co. York. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,466. Some of the more remarkable entries in the Parish Eegister of Sheffield, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,471. Copy of a Register of children baptized by the Rev. Timothy Jollie, dissenting minister at Sheffield, 1681-1702. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,436. On the Monuments in the Shrewsbury Chapel in the Parish Church, Sheffield, by the Rev. J. Stacy e. See the Journal of the British ArehcBological Asso- ciation, XXX, 176. Lond. 1874, 8^- Temple Newsam : its history and anti- quities. Comprising an account of the Ancient Preceptories of Knights Templars there and at Temple Hurst. The Baronial Houses of Darcy, Lennox, Stewart, and Irwin. Leeds, 1890, 4*^- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Tong, Co. York. See Nichols' '' Collect. Topog. et Genealog." vol. viii. p. 364. Catalogue of Ancient Arms and Armour at Upland, by John Beardmore. London, 1844, fol. The Notabilities of Wakefield and its neighbourhood, by John Cameron. Lond. 1843, S<': Wakefield Worthies ; or, biographical slietches of men of note connected by birth, or otherwise, with the town of Wakefield in Yorkshire, by J. H. Lup- ton. Lond. 1864, 8°- Extracts from the Parish Registers of Wath, near Ripon. See " The Topo- grapher and Genealogist, " vol. iii. Edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1858, 80- The History of Whitby, with the Original and Antiquity of many particular Fami- lies in Yorkshire, by Lionel Charlton. York, 1779, 4«- Fasti Eboracenses, or Lives of the Arch- bishops of York, by W. H. Dixon. Lond. 1863, 8«- A List, or Catalogue of all the Mayors, and Bayliffs, Lord Mayors and Sheriffs, of the most Ancient, Honourable, Noble, and Loyall City of Yorke. From Edward the First, untill 1664. York, 1664, 4«- A List or Catalogue of all the Mayors and Bayliffs, Lord Mayors, and Sheriffs, of the City of York to the year 1664. Published by a true lover of antiquity, etc. [C. Hildyard.] York [1715.] 8«' A List of all the Mayors and Bailiffs, Lord Mayors and Sheriff's of the City of York, from the time of Edward I. until this present year 1664. Additions and a continuation to 1677. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6115. Mayors, Bailiffs, and Sheriffs of York. Bodl. Lib. MS. 5062, f. 144. List of the Mayors, Bailiffs, and Sheriffs of York, from Edw. I. to 1719. See Torr's " Antiquities of York," Gent's " History of York ; " and -'The History of York,'" 1785, vol. iii. The Register of Burials in York Minster, accompanied by Monumental Inscrip- tions, and illustrated with Biographical Notices, by Robert H. Skaife. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vols, i— iii. London, 1870, 8*^- The Register of Baptisms in York Minster, by R. H. Skaife. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. vi. Lond. 1881, Memoir on a Heraldic Window in York Cathedral, by C. Winston and W. S. Walford. See Archceological Journal^ xvii, 22, 132. Lond. 1860, S^- Collection of Epitaphs and Arms from the Cathedral and other churches in York, by Dodsworth, 1612. MS. F. 2. Campsall Hall, Co. York. EiraLisH CorNTiES. 199 Copies of epitaphs in York Minster. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 900, ff. 455— 4i72. Monumental Inscriptions in Churches in York. See " The History of York." 3 vols. 1785, 120- —And forr's " Anti- quities of York." 1719, 8«- Pedigrees of the Families of the City of York, by W. Paver. York, 1842, So- Guild-Book of the Barber Surgeons of York, with the Arms of the Company emblazoned, 15th to the 18th centuries. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2572. fedaitir. "General History of Ireland, with the lives and reigns of 124 succeeding monarchs of the Milesian Race, by Geoffrey Keating. Third edition. Dubl. 1738, fol. The General History of Ireland, by Geof- frey Keating, translated with amend- ments by D. O'Connor. Illustrated with coats of arms, etc. (The Genea- logy of the Posterity of H. Fionn, the posterity of Ir, etc.) Dubl. 1723, fol. Other editions in 1726, 1732, 1809 and 1857. Miscellaneous Collections relating to the History of Ireland, with an Account of some of the Families of Ireland. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4821. Essai historique sur I'lrlande, contenant I'origine de toutes les families nobles de ce pays et suivi de la chronologic des Rois, par P. Comte O' Kelly d'Agh- rim, Bruxelles, 1837, 8«' Ancient Ireland : her Milesian Chiefs, her Kings and Princes, her Great Men, her Apostle St. Patrick, etc., by Martin A. O'Brennan. Dublin, 1855, S^- A Manuscript in the Irish language on the genealogies, achievements, and liberality of the chiefs of Teallach Eachdhach and their relatives. Among the chiefs are named Brian, Fearghal, Maghnus, Niall and Thomas Mac- Samhradhain, &c. MS. 1. (^lonalis, Castlerea. The Genealogies, Tribes, and Customs of Hy-Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's Country, from the Book of Lecan, in the Library of the lloyal Irish Academy, and from the Genea- logical MS. of Duald Mac Firbis, in the Library of Lord Roden, by John O'Donavan. Irish Arch. Soc. 1844, 40. Historical Portraits of Irish Chieftains, by C. B. Gibson. Lond. 1871, 8<^- The Irish Chieftains, or Struggles for the Crown, by C. F. Blake Forster. Dub- lin, 1872, 8«- A book containing all the Inhabitants of Ireland since the creation of the world, until the Conquest of the English, with a brief catalogue of all the kings of the several races .after the coming of St. Patrick, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4817. The Question of the Precedency of the Peers of Ireland in England, fairly stated in a Letter to an English Lord, by a Nobleman of the other Kingdom, J. Perceval, E. of Egmont. Dublin, 1739, 80- Reprinted at London, 1761, The Scale of Precedence in Ireland. Pub- lished by Authority. Ulster Office, Dublin, 1876, 12«- A View of the Legal Institutions, Hono- rary Hereditary Offices, and Feudal Baronies established in Ireland during the reign Henry 11. , by W. Lynch. Lond. 1830, 8°- Case illustrative of the Law and Usage of the Prescriptive Baronies of Ireland ; as distinguished from the Law of Baronies by Writ, peculiar to England, by W, Lynch. Lond. 1835, fol. 200 Ieeland. A Brief of sundry Eecords concerning Ireland, remaining in the Tower of London, with copies of Creations of divers Noblemen of that Kingdom. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 323. Copies of the Creations of divers Noble- men of the Kingdom of Ireland, from 1199 to 1439. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4784, f. 343. List of the ancient Nobility of Ireland that are extinct. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4788, art. 8. Stemmata Nobilium Antiquorum Hiber- nia. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 26, 27. Tabulae Genealogica3 et Nomina Virorum in Hibernia. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. I. 103. Pedigrees of Magennis, and other Irish families. M.H. Trinity College, Dub- lin. The Descent of Irish Families to the time of Henry II. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 599. Genealogies of all the Ancient Families of Ireland. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. D. 18. Genealogies of Irish Families. Lamb. Lib. MS. 257. Pedigrees of Irish Nobility. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1425. The Descentes of the meere Irishe Fami- lies, with the severall Monarchs of them which ruled in that lande, whose Go- vernment continued until H. 2. King of Englande, conquered and suppressed them. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 599. A Book of Pedigress, wherein most of the Descents either of the mere Irish, or of the English Families in Ireland, are mentioned. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 626. Fourteen volumes, containing miscel- laneous Pedigrees and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland. Office of Arms, Dublin. Pedigrees and obits of families in Ireland. J/aS'/S'. Trinity College, Dublin. Genealogies of Irish Families. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tit. C. X. f. 46b. Various Pedigrees of Irish Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2094; 2218, Eg. MSS. L33; 135; 139. Pedigrees of Scotch and Irish families, with the Arms finely executed in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6151. Description of Ireland, with Notes of the Peerage, etc. 16th and 17th centuries, MS. Chetham Lib. Manchester. Collections respecting Peers of Ireland. M8S. Trinity College, Dublin. Books containing Lists of the Peers as they sat in Parliament at various periods ; and also of the Creations of Peers, Baronets, and Knights, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to the present time. Office of Arms, Dublin. The names of the Peers of Ireland re- turned by Jacob Newman, Esq. to the King of Arms, in the reign of James I. according to the liolls of Parliament. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814 f. 43. The Nobilitie of the Kingdome of Ire- land rated to the subsidie by the Eight honorable St. Arthur Chichester, knight etc. 1615. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4792 f. 152. Four Visitation-books, containing the Pedigrees and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of several Counties in Ireland, from 1568 to 1620, taken by virtue of commissions directed to Nicholas Nar- bonne and Daniel Motyneux, Ulster Kings of Arms. Office of Arms, Dublin. A List of the Nobility of Ireland, with a catalogue of the Governors, Lieutenants and Deputies, since the Conquest to the year 1622, with their arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 49. Illustrations, historical and genealogical of King James's Irish Army List, by John D'Alton. 2 vols. Dubl. 1855, 8o- Illustrations, Historical and Genealogical of King James's Irish Army List (con- taining 500 of the most ancient Fami- lies in Ireland), in the War of the llevolution, by John D'Alton. Second and enlarged edition. 2 vols. Loud. 1861, 8«- Four volumes of the Pedigrees and Arms of the Peers of Ireland, called " Lord's Entries," pursuant to an order of the House of Lords, dated 12th August, ] 707. Office of Arms, Dublin. The Irish Compendium ; Containing the titles of all the Nobility of Ireland, etc., by Fr. Nichols. Lond. 1722, 12«- Collections for a Peerage of Ireland, by Aaron Crossley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4815. Ieeland. 201 The Peerage of Ireland; Or an exact Catalogue of the Present Nobility, both Lords Spiritual and Temporal, With an Historical and Genealogical Account of them, by Aaron Orossley. Dubl. 1725, fol. British Compendium, or Genealogy of the Irish Nobility, by Fr. Nichols. Lond. 1725, 12«- The Irish Compendium ; Containing the titles of all the Nobility of Ireland, with their arms, also a Supplement shewing the antiquity, dignity, and use of arms, by Francis Nichols, Lond. 1727, 8«- Other editions, 1735, 1745. List of the Peerage of Ireland, with their Titles at large, Dates of their respective Creations, the Blazon of their Arms, and Mottos. See Gentleman' 8 Magazine, Supplement. 1749. Lond. 1749, 8^' Pedigrees and notices of Irish Families, collected by John Lodge, with numerous additions by Sir W. Betham, 10 volumes, 18th and 19th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23,693—23,702. The Peerage of Ireland, by John Lodge, Deputy Keeper of the Kecords in the Bermingham Tower, Dublin, 1754. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 23,703—23,708. Historical and genealogical notes relating to the English, Irish, and Scotch Nobility, by John Lodge, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,709. Collections for a Baronage of Ireland, by John Lodge ; with additions by Sir William Betham, and an alphabetical index. 18th, 19th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,710. The Peerage of Ireland ; or, a genealogical history of the present nobility of that kingdom ; with their paternal coats of arms, by John Lodge. 4 vols. London, 1754, 8'^- Another edition, 7 vols. Lond. 1789, 8«- Irish Compendium : or, Rudiments of Honour, containing the Descents, Marriages, Issue, Titles, etc., of all the Nobility of Ireland. Fifth edition. Lond. 1756, 12<'- Another edition, 1757. Short View of the Families of the present Irish Nobility, by Nathaniel Salmon. Lond. 1759, 8«- ^ The Peerage of Ireland : A Genealogical and Historical Account of all the Peers of that Kingdom, their Descents, Col- lateral Branches, Births, Marriages, and Issue. Together with the Paternal Coats of Arms, Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes. Also Complete Lists of the Baronets, extinct Peers, and Chief Governors of Ireland, etc.,by Ji Almon. 2 vols. Lond. 1768, 8«- C.-hU^^^y^^^ The Peerage of Ireland, a complete View of the several Orders of Nobility, their Descents, Marriages, Issue, etc., by E. Kimber. Lond. 1768, 12«- The New Peerage, or Present State of the Nobility 3 vols. Lond. 1769, 8«- Vol. 3 contains Ireland. Pedigrees and Arms of the Peers of Ire- land, 1789. Coll of Arms, Dublin. Pedigrees of Irish Peers, taken from Lodge's Peerage, edition 1789 ; with a I few additions. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. I Add. MSS. 14,838 ; 14,839. I The Peerage of Ireland, or a Genealogical j History of the present Nobility of that I Kingdom. With engravings of their paternal Coats of Arms, by John Lodge. Revised, enlarged, and con- tinued to the present time, by Mervyn Archdall. 7 vols. Dubl. 1789, 8o- Ireland in '98. Sketches of the Principal Men of the Time, by Dr. Richard R. Madden, edited by J. Bowles Daly. With numerous portraits, etc. Lond. j 1888, 8«- i Peerage of Ireland. See " British Family Antiquity," by W. Playfair, vols. iv. j and V. Lond. 1809, 4P- A Biographical Peerage of Ireland, in which are memoirs and characters of the most celebrated persons of each family. Lond. 1817, 12o- Biographica Hibernica. A biographical dictionary of the worthies of Ireland from the earliest period to the present time, by Richard Ryan. 2 vols. Lond. 1819-21, 8«- Remarks upon the Ancient Peerage of Ireland, attributed to W. Lynch. Dubl. 1829, so- Historical Sketches of the native Irish and their Descendants, by Chr. Ander- son. Edinb. 1830, 8o- An appeal in the Cause of ex-Parlia* mentary Peers of Ireland and Scot- land, by Lord Rossmore. Lond. 1830, 8«- 202 Ireland. Ancient Baronage o£ Ireland : with a comparative examination into the usages or laws of descent of the peerage of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by Edw. Bermingham calling himself Baron Athenry. Lond. 1833, 8"- The United Irishmen ; their lives and times, with numerous portraits, by Rich. Eobt. Madden. First series, Lond. 18i2, 8^- Second series, Lond. 1843, 8«- Third series. 3 vols. Dubl. 1846, 120- The United Irishmen, their lives and times, by Rich. Tlobt. Madden. With additional Memoirs, etc. revised. First series, 2nd edition. Dubl. 1858, 8°- Second series, 2nd edition. Dubl. 1858, 80- The Heraldic Calendar : a List of the Nobility and Gentry whose Arms are Registered, and Pedigrees Recorded in the Heralds' Office in Ireland, by W. Skey. Dubl. 1846, 8«- On Irish Families of Welsh Extraction. See ■' Archseologia Cambrensis," new series, vol. 3. Lond. 1852, 8o- A A^isitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Oentlemen of Great Britain and Ireland, by Sir J. B. Burke. Lond. 1852, 8«- 2nd series 1854. Con- cluding volume 1855. Genealogical Tables relating to Ireland. See " Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeo- logical Society." Dubl. 1853, etc. S^- A History of the Clauna-Rory, or Rudi- cians, by Richard F. Cronnelly. Dubl. 1864, 80- Irish Family History ; being an histori- cal and genealogical account of the Gaedhals, from the earliest period to the present time ; compiled from auth- entic sources by Richard Francis Cronnelly. Dubl. 1865, 8«- Life and Letters of Florence MacCarthy Reagh, Tanist of Carbery, MacCartliy Mor, with a History of the Ancient Families of the South of Ireland, by Daniel MacCarthy. Lond. 1867, 8o- Returns of the present state of the Irish and Scotch Peerage, etc. Lond. 1874, fob Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Representative Peerage of Scotland and Ireland. Lond. 1874, fol. The Irish Nation : its history and bio- graphy, by James and F. Wills. 3 vols. Edin. 1875, [1871-75], 8"- Irish Pedigrees ; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, by John O'Hart. Dubl. 1876, 12"- Second edition, 1880. 8''- Third edition, 1881, 8«- . The Irish and Anglo-Irish Landed Gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland : or a Supplement to Irish Pedigrees, by John O'Hart. Dubl. 1884, 8°- A Compendium of Irish Biography : com- prising sketches of Distinguished Irish- men, and of Eminent Persons connected with Ireland by Office or by Writings, by Alfred Webb. Dubl. 1878, 8«- The Peerage of Ireland. See "The Genealogist," new series, vols. iv. &c. Lond. 1887, &c. 8''- Knights made by the Earl of Essex in Ireland. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS 304. Knights of Ireland, temp. Elizabeth. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. A List of Persons who received the Honor of Knighthood or other Dignities in Ireland, from 1599 to 1639. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4784, f. 202. Knights made in Ireland from 1666 to 1678, and those made by Sir William Drury just before his death. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4763, f. 12. List of the Baronets of Ireland, from their creation to 1806. See Beatson's Political Index, vol. iii. Baronets of Ireland. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 635. The Names of the Baronets of Ireland to the year 1630. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1441, f. 39 b. A Book of the Pedigrees and Arms of the Baronets of Ireland, under a Royal warrant, dated 30th September, 1789. Office of Arms, Dublin. Baronetage of Ireland. W. Playfair's British Family Antiquity, vol. ix. Lond. 1811, 4«- Landowners in Ireland. Return of owners of land of one acre and upwards in the several counties, counties of cities, and counties of towns in Ireland. Printed by Order. Lond. 1876, fob The Landowners of Ireland : An Alpha- betical List of the Owners of Estates of 500 acres and upwards, by U. H. H. De Burgh. Lond. . . . 8°- Ireland. 203 The Names and Arms of the Governors, Lieutenants, Lord Justices, and Deputies of Ireland, since the Conquest thereof by Henry II. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 2120, f . 10 ; 5866 ; Cott. MS. Vitel. C. xvii. f . 318. Series Custodum, Justiciariorum, Deputa- torum, et Locumtenentium Hibernia?, ab adventu Hen. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4796, f. 63. Nomina Magnatum Hiberniaj, 5 Hen. III. . [1221]. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus, B. XI. f. 31. Catalogus Majorum Hiberniae, ab ann 1309 ad ann. 50 Edw. III. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4797, f. 47. List of the Lords Lieutenant of Ireland, from 1540. Durh. Cath. Allan MS. 7, p. 140. Names of Governors, Lieutenants. Depu- ties, and Justices of Ireland, from its Conquest to 1552. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. I. 78, art. 1. Lists of the Lords Lieutenants, Lords Deputies, and Lords Justices of Ireland, from 1501 to 1643. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1932 arts. 2, 5. Lord Deputies, Lieutenants, and Justices of Ireland, from the Conquest thereof to 1670. See Leycester's " Historical Antiquities," pp. 76 — 83. History of the Viceroys of Ireland, with Notices of Dublin Castle and its Occu- pants in Former Times, by J. T. Gilbert. Lond. 1865, 8o- List of the Officers of State for Ireland to 1806. See Beatson's " Political Index," vol. iii. — To 1851. See Haydn's "Book of Dignities." The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Ireland ; from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria, by J. R. O' Flanagan. 2 vols. Lond. 1870, S^- The History of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland, from A.D. 1186 to A.D. 1874, by Oliver J. Burke. Dubl. 1879, 8°- List of the Officers of the several District Corps of Ireland, with the dates of their Commissions. Dubl. 1797, 8°- The Irish Bar, by J. R. O'Flanagan. Lond. 1879, 80- The Irish Brigades in the^ Service of France, by T. C. O'Callaghan. Glasgow, 1886, 80- The Names of certeine of the Chiefe of the English Families in Ireland, men- tioned in the liecords in Bermingliam's Tower. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4787, f. 56. Names of the Gentlemen of the several Counties of England ordered to provide Men for the defence of Ireland, temii. Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4757, f, 145. Lists of Converts and Protestant Settlers in Ireland to the year 1772. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 77. A Book containing Entries of the Royal Licences for changes of Name and Arms, etc. Office of Arms, Dublin. Registrum Testamentorum Dioeces. Dub- lin, temp. Jo. Archiep. Dublin, 1472. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. B. 52. Clerical and Parochial Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, taken from the diocesan and parish registers, MSS. in the principal libraries and public offices of Oxford, Dublin, and London, by W. M. Brady. 3 vols. Lond. 1864, 8o- Ancient Funeral Monuments of Ireland, by John Weever. Lond. 1631, fol. Fourteen volumes of the Entries of the Funeral Certificates of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, being attested accounts of the Arms, of the time of death, the place of burial, and of the marriages and issue of the several per- sons whose funerals were attended by the officers of Arms or their Deputies, from the year 1595 to about the year 1698. Office of Arms, Dublin. A Collection of Funeral Certificates of many of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, who died from 1634 to 1729, with tricks of their Arms, and an index ; also Ceremonials for the Funeral of various degrees of Nobility and Gentry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4820. Funeral Certificates of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland. See Collectanea G enealogica., by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1882, 8«- Illustrations of the Sculptured Crosses of Ancient Ireland, by H. O'Neill. Lond. 1857, fol. Heraldic and Historical Collections by Daniel Molyneux, Ulster King-of-Arms, 1597—1633. MS. Trinity CoUege, Dublin. 204 Ieeland. Heraldic Collections of James Terry, Athlone Herald, with an index. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4036. The Names and Arms, in colours, of the Earls, Viscounts, and Barons of Ire- land. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1482. Arras of Irish Nobility and Gentry. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4024, 5866 ; Add. MSS. 4814, 4821, 5522. Caius ColL Camb. MS. 1248. Coll. of Arms MSS. 6-11. Arms, Crests, and Supporters of Irish Nobility. Her. Coll. Norfolk MS. 83 ; Vincent MS. 172. Arms of Irish Nobility. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1071, 1373, 1403. Arms of Irish Families. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4039, 4040. Arms of many of the Irish Nobility and Gentry. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4974. A Booke of the Arms of several Noble- men and Gentlemen of Ireland. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 625. The Armes of the Nobility of IVeland and of Certayne gentlemen of the same Countrye, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus B. XII, f. 556. Arms of Irish families, in alphabetical order, partly coloured. Belonged to Sir George Nayler, Garter. Brit. Mus. j Add. MS. 26,^5. Arms of Irish Noblemen, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3526, Irish Arms, collected by John Holland, I 1585. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 15, Pe. The Arms of Knights dubbed in Ireland. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MS. C. 25. Arms of Knights, Noblemen, and Gentle- men of Ireland. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MSS. I. 71, 88, 98, 113, art. 1 ; F. 125. Arms of Knights created by Sir William Kussell, Lord Deputye of Ireland, 1st Sept. 1594. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1386, f. 100. A true coppye of an auncient Booke of Armes of the Irishe Nobility and Gen- try, collected by Mr. Thomas Poyninges, with additions by Mr. Chaloner, the second Randle Holme, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2120, f. 40. Names and Arms, beautifully coloured, of the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland, from Henry ll. to 1603. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 5866, 6096. Arms of Irish Nobility, including Crea- tions, to 1627. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 560. The Arms of the Nobility of Ireland, painted by Jacob Chaloner. A.D. 1629. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1362. The Armes, Creasts, Supporters, Quarter- ings, and Mottcs, with the Titles of the Nobilitie of the Kingdoine of Ireland, anno 1634, by Jacob Chaloner. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,704. Arms and Descents of Irish Peers, 17th century. MS. Lamport Hall, Co. Northampton. Arms, chiefly of Irish Families, alphabeti- cally arranged to letter D, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,318. Arms of Irish Families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,096. Books of Registration of all Grants of Arms, from the reign of Edward the Sixth to the present time. Office of Arms, Dublin. Grants of Arms by the Office of Arms in Ireland, with several Catalogues of Arms in alphabetical order ; and Aaron Crossly'sCollectionsf or a Peerage of Ire- land. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 4814, 4815. Copy of the Grant of Arms to the Brick- layers and Plaisterers Company of Dublin. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814, art. 10. The Arms of the most eminent Families in Great Britain and Ireland, by A. Johnston. 2 vols. Lond. 1742, 8o- The Arms of the Provinces, Cities, and Chief Towns of Ireland, and the princi- pal Settlements of the Clan na n-Gael. Published by Marcus Ward & Co. Belfast, 1882, single sheet. Arms of Irish Sees. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6331, f. 51. Sigilla EcclesifB Hibernica3 Illustrata. The Episcopal and Capitular Seals of the Irish Cathedral Churches illustrated, by Eichard Caulfield. Cork, 1853, 8o- An account of the Religious Houses in Ireland, with the names and arms of the founders and benefactors thereof, likewise the arms of the ancient Irish, and of the English who came into Ireland in the reigns of Hen. II., Rich. I. and John, also of many of the nobility and gentry of Ireland, temp, Jas. I. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814. Ieeland. 205 Lists of Irish Bishops to the year 1806. See Eeatson's " Political Index," vol. iii. — to the year 1851, Haydn's " Book of Dignities.'' Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernicse. The Succession of the Prelates and Members of the Cathedral Bodies of Ireland, by Henry Cotton. 5 vols. Dubl. 1851-1860, 8°- 4 Poll of the Names of the Nobility, Archbishops, Bishops, etc. of Ireland, 1611. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 629, f. 43. Archbishops, Bishops, and other Digni- taries of Ireland, from 1660 to 1726. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6850, f. 252; Add. MS. 21,126. Names of the Irish Bishops. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4799, f. 17. The Proceedings in order to, and in the Consecration of the Twelve Bishops at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Sun- day the 27th of January, 1660. By Dr. Dudley Loftus, Vicar-General for the Kingdom of Ireland. Lond. 1661. 8«- List of the Names of the Popish Parish Priests throughout the several counties of Ireland, with the Names of Sureties. Dubl. 1705, fol. Claims of Suffering Loyalists. List of Persons who have suffered Losses in their Property in the County of Antrim, etc. and who have given in their names to the Commissioners. Dubl. 1799, fol. Genealogies of the Principal Families in the County of Clare, by C. F. Blake- Forster. The Kegister of the Parish of the Holy Trinity (Christ Church), Cork, from July, 164e3, to Feb., 1668, with extracts from the parish books from 1604 to 1668. Edited bv Richard Caulfield. Cork, 1877, 8^- Memoirs of the Archbishops of Dublin, Established and Roman Catholic, from the earliest date to Archbishops Whately and Murray, by John D 'Alton. Dubl. 1838, 80- Histor}^ of the Archbishops of Dublin since the Reformation to 1641, by Rev. D. Moran. Dubl. 1864, 8«- _ Catalogus Majorum, Prsepositorum, et Balivorum, civit. Dublin. %h ann, 1229 ad ann. 1302. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4793, p. 67. Catalogue of the Mayors, Sheriffs, and Bailiff's ©f Dublin, from 1406 to 1566. Trin. Coll. Dubl. MSS. B. 58 ; C. 59. The Register of the Mayors of Dublin, from 1406 to 1622. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4791. The Names of the Lords of the Parliament holden at Dublin, 25th April, 1585. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Titus B. xiii. f. 381. Extracts from Dublin registers of baptisms, marrriages, and burials, 17th century. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Inscriptions on the Monuments, mural tablets, etc. in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, by the Rev. John Finlayson. Dubl. 1878, 8'^- Historical Handbo'ok to the monuments, inscriptions, etc. of the Collegiate, National, and Cathedral Church of St. Patrick, Dublin, by Alexander Leeper. Dubl, 1878, 80 Extracts from the Parish Registers of Saint Nicholas, Dublin. See '• The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. ii., edited by John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1853, 8- History of the City of Dublin. To which are added, biographical notices of eminent men, etc., by J. Warburton, J. Whitelaw, and R. Walsh. 2 vols. Lond. 1818,40- History of the University of Dublin. With biographical notices of many eminent men educated therein, by William B. S. Taylor. Lond. 1845, 80- Catalogue of Graduates in the University of Dublin from the earliest time to Dec. 1868, by James H. Todd. Dubl. 1869, 80 Another edition, 1884, S"- A List of the Claims as they are entered with the Trustees at Chichester House on College Green, Dublin, on or before the tenth of August, 1700. Dubl. 1701, fol. Genealogies of the Principal Families in the County of Galway, by C. F. Blake- Forster. The Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country. Translated, with notes, by John O 'Donovan for the Irish Archaeological Society. Dubl. 1843, 4P' 206 Ieeland. Selections from Old Kerry Records, historical and genealogical, with intro- ductory memoir, notes, and appendix, by Mary A. Hickson. Lond. 1872, 8«- Second series, 1874, 8°- Ecclesiastical History of the Bishops of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. Compiled by Daniel O'Byrne. Dubl. 1867, 8«- Epitaphs on the Tombs in the Cathedral of Saint Canice, Kilkenny, collected by John OThelan. Dubl. 1813, fol. Bonds on Marriage Licences. Diocese of Killaloe, 1680 to 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,883. The Council Book of the Corporation of Kinsale, from 1652 to 1800. by Richard Caulfield. Privately printed, 1879, 8«- Names of the Inhabitants of Kinsale, Randon, and the neighbourhood, whose Wills were proved in the Registry of the Diocese of Cork, from 1600—1800, with the dates. See The Council Book of the Corporation of Kinsale, by Rich. Caulfield. Privately printed, 1879, 8«- Limerick ; its history and antiquities, and genealogical notes and illustrations, by Maurice Lenihan. Dubl. 1866, 8o- Early Monumental Remains in Lismore Cathedral, by E. Fitzgerald. Kilkenny ArchcBological Society, vol. in. Note of the Nobility and Gentry of Mun- ster, 1579. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 597. Alliances of the Lords, Chieftains, and Gentlemen of Munster, and especially of Florence Maccarthy. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Recollections of Skeffington Gibbon (A. O'Kelly), from 1790 to 1829 ; being an Epitome of the Lives and Characters of the Nobility and Gentry of Roscom- mon, etc. Dubl. 1824, 8o- History, antiquities, and present state of the Parishes cf Ballysadare and Kil- varnet in the County of Sligo ; with notices of the O'Haras, the Coopers, the Percevals, and other local families, by Terence O'Rorke. Dubl. 1878, 8«- History of the Catholic Archbishops of Tuam, from the Foundation of the See to the Death of the Most Rev. John McHale, D.D. By Oliver J. Burke. Dubl. 1881. Stotlatttr. Origin and Descent of the Gael, the Picts, Caledonians and Scots, by Jas. Grant. Edinb. 1814, 80- The Scottish Gael ; or Celtic manners as preserved among the Highlanders, by James Logan. 2 vols. Lond. 1831, 8°- Another edition, edited by A. Stewart. 2 vols. Inverness, 1876, ^^• The History of the Picts and Scots, with a Catalogue of their Kings and of the Roman Governors who fought against them. [By H. Maule.] See Miscel- lanea Scotica, vol. 1. 1818, 12°- The Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments, bv Col. Forbes Leslie. 2 vols. Edinb. 1866, 8o- Catalogue of the Kings of Scotland. Lond. 1610, fol. Table of the Reigns of the Kings of Scot- land. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6091. Pedigrees of the Twelve Competitors for the Crown of Scotland, time of Edw. I. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 52. Genealogy of Scottish Kings from Brut to Robert Bruce. Vellum roll, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,504. Genealogy and Succession oi the Kings of Scotland. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 252. Pedigree of the Kings of Scotland. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4712. Pedigrees of the Kings of Scotland, from Robert Bruce to Queen Mary. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. iv. f . 224. Scotland. 207 An Epitome of the title that the Kynges Maiestie of England, hath to the souereigntie of Scotlande, by Nicholas Bodrugan, otherwise Adams. Black letter. Printed by R. Grafton, Lond. 1548, 12^- Cejtayne Matters concerning the Realme of Scotland, Genealogie of all Kings of Scotland ; most rare and wonderful things in Scotland. 1603. fol. Chronicle of the Kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First to James the Sixth. Edinb. 1830, 4«- A briefe Chronicle of all the Kings of Scotland : Declaring what Year of the World they began to reign, how long they reigned, etc., printed for David Melvill, Aberdeen, 1623. Reprinted in the Sarleian Miscellany, vol. iii. Lond. 1809, 4"- Genealogy of the Scottish Kings, xvii cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4872. Genealogies of the Royal Family of Scot- land to the time of the Stewarts, inclu- sive. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,620 Medulla Historise Scotise, being a History of the Lives and Reigns of the Kings of Scotland, from Fergus I. to Charles II , by William Alexander. Lond 1685, 12o- A defence of the Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland. With a True Account when the Scots were governed by Kings in the Isle of Britain, by Sir George Mackenzie. Lond. 1685, 12''- The Atiquity of the Roj^al Line of Scot- land farther cleared and defended, against the exceptions lately offer'd by Dr. Stillingfleet in his Vindication of the Bishop of St. Asaph, by Sir George Mackenzie. Lond. 1686, 12«- A Short Historical and Genealogical Account of the Royal Family of Scot- land, from Kenneth II. who conquered the Picts, and of the Surname of Stewart. By Duncan Stewart. Edinb. 1739, 4P- The Right of the House of Stewart to the Crown of Scotland considered. Edinb. 1746, 8°- Tables of the Succession of the Kings of Scotland, from Malcolm III. to Robert I., their Marriages, Children, and Time of their Death ; also of the Kings of England and France, and of the Popes who were their Contemporaries, by Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes. Edinb. 1776, 4P- An Historical and Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Scotland, from the earliest accounts to the present time, 1797, by John Brown. Lond. Single sheet. An Historical and Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Scotland, to the year 1811, by J. Brown, 2nd edition. Lond. 1811. Remains of the Scottish Kings in Dun- fermline, by J. G. Daly ell. Edinb. 1809, 80- Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses connected with the Regal Succession of Great Britain, by Agnes Strictland. 8 vols. Edinb. and Lond. 1850—1859, 8^- Heraldical and Genealogical Manuscripts relating to the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland. Lyon Office, and the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Genealogies of Scottish Kings and Nobility. MS. No. 320. Lambeth Palace. The Genealogie of the Kings of Scotland, and the whole Nobilitie of Scotland, their Surnames and Titles of Honour, etc. Edinb. (about 1604), 4°- Historical Account of the Ancient Fami- lies of Scotland. Advocates' Lib. Edinb. MS. in folio. A short Account of the Nobility of Scot- land. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6119, f . 57. List of the Nobility of Scotland, their Marriages and Issue. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. iv. f. 240. An account of the Kings, Nobility, and principal Gentry of Scotland, with very masterly trickings of their Arms, by Joseph Holand, Esq. 1585. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 877. List of Noblemen of Scotland, A.D. 1588. Queen's Coll. Oxf. MS. L. The Names, Matches, and Arms of the Kings, Queens, and Nobility of Scot- land, etc. anno 1588. Ashm. Libr. Wood MS. 8549. Genealogical Papers relating to the Scottish Nobility, sec. xvi, xvii. Lam- beth Lib. MSS. 316, 320. The Genealogies of the Families of Scot- land, collected by Sir George Mackenzie, His Majesty's Advocate. Arranged in alphabetical order. MS. No. 2. Catholic College of Blairs. 208 Scotland. Pedigrees of Scotch Nobility. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 84. Genealogies of several noble Scotch Houses. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4637. Pedigrees of Scotch and Irish families, with the Arms finely executed in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6151. Arms and Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland, by John Withie, etc. 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1423. Estimate of the Scottish Nobility during the minority of James the Sixth. With preliminary observations, by C. Rogers. Grampian Club. Lond. 1873, 8«- [The original MS. is in the Record Office.] A List of the Nobility of Scotland as they were ranked in the year of our Lord . . . with their arms. [Early 17th century]. Brit. Mus.j Lans. MS. 865, f . 46. Illuminated Peerage of Scotland, beauti- fully painted and ornamented by order of King Charles the First, by the Herald Painters of the Lyon Office Edinburgh, for his Majesties private Library. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,260. Genealogy of the Scotch Earls. MS. 1634, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Description of Scotland, containing a Supplement of these Peers who were mentioned in the first edition, and an account of these since raised to and further advanced in the Peerage until 1694, by William Camden. Second edition. Edinb. 1695, 8°- The Peerage of Scotland : Containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom. Collected from the Publick Records of the Nation, the Charters and other Writings of the Nobility, and from the most approved Histories, by George Crawfurd, Esq. Edinb. 1716, fol. An Exact List of the Peers of Scotland, at the Time of the Union. Lond. 1719, folio sheet. The British Compendium (Scotland). 1719, 12^- : — Afterwards known as the " Scot's Compendium." Rudiments of Honour; or, the second part of the British Compendium, wherein is contained a particular account of the present Nobility of Scotland, viz. their descents, with all their coats of arms. To which is added, an intro- duction to the Science of Heraldry, by Francis Nichols. Lond. 1720, le^- The British Compendium ; or, Rudiments of Honour ; vol. 2 containing the origin of the Scots and succession of their Kings, also the titles of all the Scottish Nobility, with their arms, and an intro- duction to Heraldry, by Francis Nichols. Lond. 1725, S"- Other editions in 1729, and 1741. An account of various noble Scottish families, with topographical notes, written in 1728. MS. No. 5. Catholic College of Blairs. List of the Peerage of Scotland, with their Titles at large. Blazon of their Arms, Dates of their Creations, and Mottos. See Gentleman'' s Magazine. Supplement, 1749. Lond. 1749, 8° Short View of the Families of the Scottish Nobility, their Titles, Marriages, Issue, Descents, etc., with a list of all those Peers who have served in Parliament since the Union, by Nicholas Salmon. Lond. 1759, 8°- The Peerage of Scotland, containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the_ Nobility of that Kingdom, from their Origin to the present generation, by Robert Douglas. Edinb. 1764, fol. The Peerage of Scotland : A Genealogical and Historical Account of all the Peers of that Ancient Kingdom, their Des- cents, Collateral Branches, Births, Marriages, and Issue. Together with a like account of all the attainted Peers ; and a Complete Alphabetical List of those Nobles of Scotland whose titles are extinct, by 3[, A^iidn. Lond. 1767, 8«' I. h'.^J-^ The Peerage of Scotland, by E. Kimber. Lond. 1767 12^' The New Peerage, or Present State of the Nobility. 3 vols. Lond. 1769. 8°- [Vol. 2 contains Scotland.] Considerations on the Present State of the Peerage of Scotland. By a Peer of Scotland. Patrick Murray, Lord Eli- bank. Lond. 1771. 8o. Thoughts on the origin of Feudal Tenures, and the descent of ancient Peerages in Scotland, by George Wallace. Edinb. 1783. 40- Scotland. 209 The Scots Compendium ; or, Eucliments of Honour, containing the succession of Scots Kings, from Fergus. Also the Nobility of Scotland, with their Coats of Arms, to which is added a list of Scots Baronets, by Francis Nichols. Lond. 1752, 8«- Other editions in 1756 and 1764. The Nature and Descent of Ancient Peerages connected with the State of Scotland, the Origin of Tenures, the Succession of Fiefs, and the constitu- tion of Parliament in that Country, by George Wallace, Esq. Second edition. Edinb. 1785, SO- Proceedings relating to the Peerage of ^'cotland, from January 1707, to April 1788, by William Kobertson. Edinb. 1790, 4«- Memorial to Shew that the eldest Son of the King has right by his birth to the Principality and Great Stewardship of Scotland, and is a Peer of that King- dom, by the Style and Titles of the Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, etc. 1791, 4''' Report of Claims preferred to the House of Lords in the Cases of the Cassillis, Sutherland, Spynie, and Glenc^rn Peerages, 1760-1797. With Appendixes of illustrative documents, by J. Maid- ment. Edinb. 1882, S''- Only 50 copies printed. The Baronage of Scotland ; containing an historical and genealogical account of the gentry of that Kingdom, by Sir Robert Douglas. Edinb. 1798, fol. A Collection of Pedigrees of Scotch Families, to the year 1798, 2 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,836 ; 14,837. Historical and genealogical notes relating to the English, Irish, and Scotch Nobility, by John Lodge, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,709. Don, a poem. With notes, giving an account of the ancient families, by Charles Dawson. Aberdeen, 1805, 12o- Another edition, Edinb. 1814, S""- Lists of Peers of Scotland to 1806. See Beatson's " Political Index," vol. iii. Peerage of Scotland. See Britisl^ Family Antiquity, by W, Playfair, vol. iii. Lond. 1809, 4P- Baronetage of Scotland. W. Playfair's British Family Antiquity, vol. viii. Lond. 1811, 40- The Peerage of Scotland, containing an Historical and Genealogical Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom, from their Origin to the Present Generation, by Sir Robert Douglas. Revised and corrected, with a continuation to the present period, by John Philip Wood. 2 vols. Edinb. 1813, fol. The Scots Compendium ; or, pocket peer- age of Scotland, including the dormant, attainted, and extinct titles, etc. Edinb. 1826, W- Scots Compendium ; or, Pccket Peerage of Scotland, including the Dormant, Attainted, and Extinct Titles, with Descent, Marriage, Issue, etc. With an Account of the Regalia, List of Peers, etc. 2 vols. Edinb. 1829, 12o- An Appeal: in the Cause of the Ex- Parliamentary Peers of Ireland and Scotland, by Lord Rossmore. Lond. 1830. 80- A letter to the Earl of Roseberry in relation to the proceedings at the late Election of Scotch Peers, by Sir T. C. Banks. Edin. 1830, H^- Letters to Lord K , on the Rights of Succession to Scottish Peerages, by Sir T. C. Banks. 1830, 8«- Case of the Baronets of Scotland and Nova Scotia. Lond. 1836, 8o- A list of Claims to Scotch Peerages, from 1788 to 1838. See the Gentleman's Magazine for April, 1839. List of Scottish Peerage Claims, from 1788 to 1838. From the Gentleman's Magazine. Lond. 1839, S''- Pedigrees. See Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their Des- cendants, by John Burke. Lend. 1848-51, 80- Remarks on Scottish Peerages : their Limitations by Patent and otherwise ; particularly with reference to the Barony of Bruce of Kinloch, by J. E. Bradwell Bruce. 1868, S^- Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Representative Peerage of Scotland and Ireland. Lond. 1874, fol. Returns of the present State of the Irish and Scotch Peerage, etc. Lond. 1874. fol. 210 Scotland. Notes on Dignities in the Peerage of Scotland which are Dormant or which have been Forfeited, by William Oxen- ham Hewlett. Lond. and Edinb. 1882, so- Genealogical Notes anent some Ancient Scottish Families, by David Marshall. Privately printed. 1884. The Great Historic Families of Scotland, by Dr. James Taylor. 2 vols. Lond. 1887. 4P- Only 250 copies printed. Armes of Scotland and England, 1559 ; being those assumed by Mary, as Queen of Scots and Dauphiness of France, quartering the arms of England. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. x. f. 17. Note of the Arms of the Nobility of Scotland. Advocates Libr. Edinb. MS. [The most ancient volume of Kecords of Scottish Arms known to exist is in this library.] Arms of the Kings, Nobility and Gentry of Scotland, with a short account of the Families sometimes annexed, by Henry Lily, l^rit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6119. Arms of Scotch Nobility, etc. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 258. Arms of the Nobility of Scotland. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 4975. Arms of the Nobilitv of Scotland. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vesp. E. viii, f. 29.— Harl. MSS. 1384, f. 79 ; 2120, ff. 3-7. Add. MSS. 5522, f. 114 ; 17,537. Trin. • Coll. Dubl MS. I. 72. Arms, Crests, and Supporters of Scottish Nobility. Her. Coll. Norfolk MS. 33 ; Vincent MS. 172. Arms, Crests, and Mottoes of Scottish Nobilitv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6298, ff. 145*152. Arms and Effigies of some of the Scottish Kings, with Arms of many ot: the Scottish Nobilitv. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 115. Arms of certain Scotch Families Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1042, ff. 54-57; 5392. Her. Coll. MSS. 1-5. An Ordinarv of Arms of Scotland. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4732. Portraits and Arms of Ilobert I., David II., and Ilobert II., of Scotland, and of their wives ; arms of the Hamiltons, with their wives ; and arms of other noblemen of Scotland, with crests ^vnd mottoes ; in colours, Kith centurv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,694. The Armes of the Crown e of Scotland, and the Nobilitie of the same ; with their Crestes, Supporters, and Mottoes, in colours, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,695. Arms of Scottish Noblemen, 16th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3526. Facsimile of an ancient Heraldic MS., emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay, Lyon King of Armes, 1542. Edinb. 1822, fol. Scottish Arms, being a collection of armo- rial bearings, A.D. 1370 to 1678. Re- produced in facsimile from contempo- rary manuscripts. With heraldic and genealogical notes, by KobertB. Stodart. 2 vols. Edinb. 1881, foL Arms, coloured, of the Kings and Nobility of Scotland, by Kobt. Jermvn, 1585. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6101. Scottish Arms. Edinb. 1591, 8*^ The Armes of King James VI. and of the Nobility of Scotland, in colours, A.D. 1602. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1482. " The Armes of King James now King of Great Brittaine with his issue male, and all his Nobilitye of Scotland as they are at this present." Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 883, f. iii. The Atchievement of King James VI. of Scotland, and the Atchievements of the Scotch Nobility, in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1371. A Collection of the names and Arms, in proper terms of blazon, belonging to the second degree of Gentry in Scotland, bv James Pont. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS, 940. An Alphabet of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland, 1624, by James Pont. Advocates Lib. Edinburgh. Arms of Scotch Peers, with supporters, crests, and mottoes, in gold, silver, and colours, on engraved outline shields, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,696. Arms of Gentilmen and Squyres in Scot- lande, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1039. A few Arms of Scottish Families, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,096. llegister of Arms, by Sir James Balfour, Lyon King of Arms, temp. Charles I, Advocates Lib. Edinb. MS, Scotland. 211 Arms, Crests, and Supporters of Scotch Nobility ; and a Catalogue of the English Nobility with their precedence according to their several creations, as presented to King Charles II. by Sir William Dugdale, 1 Jan. 1677. Stowe MS. 265. Brit. Mus. The Kecord Book of the Armorial Bear- ings of the Kings of Scotland and Great Britain, and of the Archbishops, Bishops, Nobility, and G-entry of Scot- land, commencing in 1678. Lyon Office, Edinburgh. Arms, in colours, of the Scottish Nobility, with notices of Families, 1681. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,537. Ordinary of Arms of Scotland, by Sir George Mackenzie, 17th cent. Also a collection of Arms, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3740. The Badges or Arms of the Nobility of Scotland, coloured, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Vesp. E. viii. Arms in trick of Scottish Families, in alphabetical order, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,697. Arms, in colours, of the Nobility and Gentry of Scotland, Registered in the Lyon Office of Arms, 1721. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,701. [This manu- script was copied for Alexander Nisbet, for the publication of his " System of Heraldry," 2 vols. Edinb. 1722-1742 foL] The arms of the Nobility of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by H. Clark. Lond. 1778. 120- Simbol Armorial des Armoiries de France, et d'Escoce et de Lorraine, par J. Le Feron. Paris, 1855. Select us diplomatum et numismatum Scotia3 thesaurus, by James Anderson. Edinb. 1739. fol. Introduction to Anderson's Diplomata Scotiaj, by T. Kuddiman. 1773, 12o- Another, 1782, 12o- Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1513-1824, edited by James B. Paul. Published by Authority. Lond. 1882. 8«- The Salt - Foot Controversy ; and an Appendix containing some ^^marks on the present state of the Lyon Office. Only 100 copies printed. 8°- The Lyon Office in Retreat, by Joseph Foster. Lond. n.d. So- Concerning Officers of Arms at Edinburgh, and Injunctions, by Sir David Lindsay, Lyon King of Arms, to be observed by all Officers of Arms, 1574. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19797 pp. 252— 257. The Institution of the Order of the Knighthood of John in Scotland. The Names of the Knights Baronets made by Sir Wm. Alexander, Earl of Stirling, by his patent from his Majesty of Nova Scotia, 1625—1638. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,797 pp. 317, 332. Northern Notes and Queries, or The Scottish Antiquary. A Magazine of Archaeology, Etymology, Folklore, Genealogy, Heraldry, etc. 2 vols. Edinb. 1886—88, 8°- In progress. Various Tracts concerning the Peerage of Scotland, collected from Public Records, original Instruments, and authentic Manuscripts, by James Carmichael. Edinb. 1791, 4«- Ancient Heraldic and Antiquarian Tracts, by James Balfour. Edinb. 1837, 8°- A Collection of the most Remarkable Accounts that relate to the Families of Scotland, drawn up by Sir George Mackenzie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3740 ; Add. MS. 12,464. Short Remarks concerning many of the Scotch Nobility, by Secretary Davison. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 290, f. 255 ; 291, fE. m, 77, 78, 80. A Vindication of Robert the Third, King of Scotland, from the Imputation of Bastardy ; by the clear proof of Elizabeth Mure (daughter of Sir Adam Mure, of Rowallan), her being the first lawful wife of Robert the Second, then Steward of Scotland, and Earl of Stratherne, by George, Viscount of Tarbat- Edinb. 1695, 4o- Allegations against the surmised Title of the Queen of Scotes, and Favourers of the same. 1565, 4i^- A defence of the honour of the right highe, mightye and noble Princesse Marie Queue of Scotlande, of her right, title and intereste to the succession of the crowne of England, by John Leslie, Bishop of Ross. Lond. 1569, 12°- Second edition, Leodii, 1571, 12°- 212 Scotland. A Treatise concerning the Defence of the Honour of the right high, mightie and noble princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland : with a declaration of her right, title and interest to the succes- sion of the Cro^vne of England, by Morgan Philippes. Leodi, 1571, S''- [Third edition of this work, originally suppressed, written by John Lesley, Bishop of Ross.] Histoire Abregee de tous les Roys de France, Angleterre et Escosse, raise en ordre par forme d'Harraonie ; contenant aussi un brief discours de I'ancienne alliance, et mutuel secours entre la France et I'Escosse, par David Chambre. Paris, 1579, 8<'- [This was written to prove the legality of the title of Mary Queen of Scots to the English Throne.] A Treatise touching the Right, Title and Interest of Princesse Marie, Queen of Scotland, and of King James, to the Croune of England, with a genealogical tree, by John Leslie, Bp. of Ross. Rheims, 1584, 8^- [First published in Latin, in 1580.] Du Droict et Titre de Marie Royne d'Escosse et de Jaques VI. a la Succes- sion du Royaume d' Angleterre, luith genealogical table, by Jean Lesslie, Evesque de Rosse. Rouen, 1587, 12"- Description of the Western Isles of Scotland, called Hybrides, in the year 1549. With genealogies of the chieff ckns of the Isles collected by me. Sir Donald Monro. Edinb. 1774. 8«- Another edition, 1805. The Highlanders of Scotland, their Origin, History, and Antiquities, by W. F. Skene. 2 vols. Lond. 1837, 8'^- A History of the Highlands and Highland Clans, Stuart Papers, etc. Illustrated by a series of portraits, family arms, and other illustrative engravings, by James Browne. 4 vols. Lond. 1845. 8o- The Clans of the Scottish Highlands, illustrated by figures, displaying their dress, tartans, arms, and social occupa- tions, from sketches by R. R. Mclan. With description and historical memo- randa of character, mode of life, etc., by James Logan. 2 vols. Lond. 1845- 47. fol. J Gaelic Gatherings ; or, the Highlanders at Home, from the original paintings by R. R. Mclan. with descriptive letterpress, by James Logan. Lond. 1848. fol. Another edition, 1863. Clans of the Highlands of Scotland, by Thomas Smibert. Numerous coloured 'plates of the Tartans, and arms in gold and colours. Edinb. 1850. 8^- Highlanders of Scotland. Portraits illus- trative of the principal Clans and FoUowings, and the Retainers of the Royal Household at Balmoral in the reign of Queen Victoria, by Kenneth Macleay. Lond. 1870. fol. Clanship and the Clans, by M. H. Towry, Edinb. and Lond. 1870. 8«- History of the Scottish Highlands, High- land Clans, and Highland Regiments, by John S. Keltic. Edinb. and Lond., 1875. 8«- The Book of the Club of True High- landers. A record of the dress, arms, customs, etc. of the Highlanders, by C. N. Mac Intyre North. 2 vols. Lond. 1881, fol. A List of the Scottish Knights who were taken or slain at the battle of Homildon Hill, A.D. 1402. MS. belonging to G. F. Luttrell, Esq., Dunster Castle. A List of the Princes, Dukes, Earls, &c., of the Scots King's party slaine and taken prisoners. Lond. 1651, fol. Lists of Persons engaged in the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745, showing their places of abode, the particular acts of rebellion committed by them, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,796. A List of Earls and Lords in Scotland. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig. B. v. f. 156. The Royal Province of Scotland and her Baronets, by Major Francis Duncan. Lond. 1878, 8'^- List of Scottish Bishops to 1688. See Beatson's " Political Index," vol. iii. — to 1851, Haydn's " Book of Dignities." A Large new Catalogue of the Bishops of the several Sees within the Kingdom of Scotland, down to the Year 1688, by Robert Keith. Edinb, 1755, 4P- Keith's Catalogue of the Bishops of Scotland, with MS. addditions. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8143. Catalogue of the Bishops of Scotland, by R. Keith. Edited by Dr. Russell, Edin. 1824, S^- 1 Scotland. 213 Keith's Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, by- Russell, 1824, 80- See a copy with MS. additions in the British Museum. Add. MSS. 8143, 8144. Fasti Ecclesise Scoticanse : the Succession of Ministers in the Parish Churches of Scotland, from the Reformation, A.D. 1560, to the Present Time, by Hew Scott. 3 vols, in 6 parts. Edin. 1866 —71, 4«' Reliquiae Divi Andrese ; or, the state of the See of St. Andrews, [Fifeshire] with historical memoirs of some of the most famous Prelates and Primates thereof, by George Martine. St. Andrews, 1797, 4°- Vitae Dunkeldensis Ecclesiae Episcoporum, a prima sedis fundatione ad annum 1515. Ab Alexandre Myln, ejusdem Ecclesise Canonico, conscriptsB. Edited by T. Thomson. Bannatyne Club. Edin. 1823, 4o- Second edition, 1831. The Lord Advocates of Scotland from the Close of the Fifteenth Century to the Passing of the Reform Bill, by George W. T. Ormond. 2 vols. Edin. 1883. Sketches of the Lives and Characters of eminent English Civilians, with an Historical Introduction relative to the College of Advocates, and an enumer- ation of the whole series of Academic Graduates admitted into that Society, from the Reign of Henry VIII. to the close of the year 1803, by one of the Members of the College. Lond. 1804, 8«- List of Officers of State of Scotland to 1806. See Beatson's " Political Index," vol. iii. — To 1851, see Haydn's " Book of Dignities." List of the Chancellors of Scotland. See Crawfurd's "Lives of the Officers of Scotland," also Chalmers' " Caledonia*." The Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown and State of Scotland, from the Reign of King David I. to the Union of the Two Kingdoms, by George Crawfurd. Edin. 1726, fol. Memoirs of the secret services of John Macky, including, also, the true Secret History of the English and Scots Nobility. Lond. 1733, S^- [The "Characters of the Court" ha« references to many Scottish Peers and Officers of State.] An Historical Account of the Senators of the College of Justice, from its Insti- tution in 1532, by G. Brunton and D. Haig. Edin. 1832, S°- Scotland's Soveraignty asserted, being a dispute concerning Homage, against those who maintain that Scotland is a Few, or Fee-Leige of England, and that therefore the King of Scots owes Homage to the King of England. By Sir Thomas Craig. Lond. 1695, 8^- A Vindication of the Honour of Scotland, by Sir Thomas Urquhart. Edin. 1782^ 120. Thoughts on the Disqualifications of the Eldest Sons of the Peers of Scotland to elect or be elected from that Country in Parliament, by Alexander Eraser, Lord Saltoun. Lond. 1788, 8°- Second edition in 1789. Some Reasons against the transfer of the Jurisdiction of the House of Lords in regard to Scottish Titles of Honour to the Court of Session, by W. 0. Hewlett. Lond. 1883, S"- A List of the Nobility and Gentry, now sitting in the Scots Parliament, who were for and against the Union of the Two Kingdoms, 1706. Lord Somers' Tracts, 4th Collection, vol. 3. Lond. 1751, 40- Names of Lords and Commoners in the Scottish Parliament, August 1560. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Calig, B. ix. f. 144. Members of Parliament, Scotland, inclu- ding the minor Barons, the Commis- sioners for the Shires, and the Commis- sioners for the Burghs, 1357 — 1882, on the basis of the parliamentary return 1880, with genealogical and biographi- cal notices, by Joseph Foster. Second edition, revised and corrected. Lond. 1882, 8«- Privately printed. Return of Owners of Lands and Heritages in Scotland, arranged by counties. Lond. 1874, 4°- De Origine, Moribus et Rebus gentis Scotorum, by J. Lesley. First edition. Portraits and pedigrees. Romae, 1578, 4P- Another edition 1675. Theatrum Scotiie : containing the Pros- ])ects of Their Majesties Castles and Palaces, Towns and Colleges, Abbeys, Churches, etc., with a short description of each place, and a list of the Nohility 214 Scotland. with their Arms engraved^ by John Slezer. Lond. 1693, £ol. Other editions in 1708 and 1874. Portraits of Illustrious Persons o£ Scot- land, with Biographical Notices, by J. Pinkerton. 1794, 4"- Biographia Scoticana ; or, a brief histori- cal account of the Lives of the most eminent Scots Worthies from P. Hamil- ton, who was born about the year of our Lord 1503, to J. Renwick, who was executed 1688, by John Howie. 2 pts. Glasgow, 1781, 82, 8«- Third edition corrected and enlarged. Edinb. 1796, 8«- Fourth edition, Dundee, 1809, 8"- Another edition, Leith, 1816, 8"- The Scots Worthies who suffered for the cause of reformation in Scotland, revised and enlarged. By John Howie. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1830, 8"- Other editions, revised and corrected, in 1858 ; 1870 ; 1874 ; 1875 ; 1876. Lives of Scottish Worthies, by Patrick Fraser Tytler. 3 vols. Lond. 1831— 33, 180- The Popular Scottish Biography; being lives of eminent Scotsmen. Edinb. 1841, 12°- The Scottish Nation ; or, the Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours, and Biographical History of the People of Scotland, by William Anderson. 3 vols. Edinb. 1859. 8°- Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen, with numerous authentic Portraits, by Robert Chambers. New edition, revised and continued by the Rev. Thos. Thomson. 3 vols. Lond., Glas. and Edinb. 1868-70, 8«- Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotchmen, by Robert Chambers. 3 vols. Lond. 1873, 8'^- Border Memories ; or Sketches of promi- nent Men and Women of the Border, by W. R. Carre. Edinb. 1876, 8'^- The martial atchievements of the Scots nation : being an account of the lives, characters and memorable actions of such Scotsmen as have signalised them- selves by the sword at home and abroad, by Patrick Abercromby. Edin. 1711- 15, fol. The Book of Scotchmen eminent for Achievements in Arms and Art, Church and State, Law, Legislation, and Litera- ture, Commerce, Science, Travel, and Philanthropy, by Joseph Irving. Paisley, 1881, 8«- Concerning some Scotch Surnames, by C. Innes. Edinb. 18G0, 4'^- Scotland and Scotsmen in the Eighteenth Century, from the MSS. of John Ramsay, Esq. of Ochtertyre, edited by Alexander Allardyce. 2 vols. Lond. and Edinb. 1888, 8''- The History of the Royal Company of Archers, the Queen's Body-Guard for Scotland, with coloured portraits, by J. B. Paul. Edinb. 1875, ^^■ Papers relative to the Royal Guards of ^'cottish Archers in France. Edited by A. Macdonald for the Maitland Club. With a reprint of the tract by A. Houston, entitled "L'Escosse Francaise, etc., Paris, 1608." Edinb. 1835, 4'>- Les Ecossais en France, Les Fran^ais en Ecosse, par Francisque Michel. 2 vols. Lond. 1862, ^^• The Scot Abroad, by John Hill Burton. Edinb. and Lond. 1864, 8"- New edition. Edinb. and Lond. 1881, 8'' Scots Men -at- Arms and Life Guards in France from their formation until their dissolution, 1418 — 18.30, by W. Forbes-Leith 2 vols. Edinb. 1882, 4o- Memoirs concerning the ancient Alliance between the French and Scots, and the Privileges of the Scots in France, with the original French. Edinb. 1751, 8°- Collections for a Feudal History of Scot- land. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4532. An Inquiry into the Origin and Limitations of the Feudal Dignities of Scotland, by William Borthwick. Edinb. 1775, 8o- The Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland, by George Seton, Advocate. Lond. 1863, 8«- The Ceremonial of the Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots with the Dauphin of France. 1557, 4o- Reprinted in 1818, for the Roxburgh Club. 1. The Riding of the Parliament of Scot- land, in 1606 and 1681, and the Cere- monials observed in 1685. 2. The Statutes and Fees of the Order of the Thistle, &c. 3. The Suspension of Lyon, King of Arms. 4. A Particular Description of the Regalia of Scotland, by John Nichols. Bihl. Topog. Brit. Lond. 1788, 4«' Scotland. 215 Documents relative to the Keceptiou at Edinburgh of the Kings and Queens of Scotland, A.D. MDLXI— A.D. MDCL. Edinb. 1822, 4°- The Order of the Cavalcade at the Open- ing of the First Parliament of King James Vll. at Edinburgh, 23 April, 1685. Koyal Progress in Scotland, in 1842, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart. Edinb. 1843, 4"- Illustrations of the Royal Progress to Scotland in 1842. Edmb. 1844, 4o- Effigies of the Kings and Queens of Scotland from Baliol I. to Mary, Queen of Scots ; and Arms of Scottish Nobility and Gentry to 1604. IfS. No. 316. Lambeth Palace. Inscriptiones,Historicse Regum Scotorum, by Johannes Jonstonus. Amsterdam, ,1602. Reprinted in 1603. Funerals, with a collection of Epitaphs in Latin and English by eminent Scotch- men of the day, by Patrick Forbes, Bishop of Aberdeen. Aberdene, 1635. 4o- An Theater of Mortality; or the illustrious inscriptions extant upon the several monuments within the Grey -friars churchyard, and other churches and burial-places within the city of Edin- burgh and suburbs, by R. Monteith. Edinb. 1704, 8«- Theatre of Mortality, or a Collection of Funeral Inscriptions over Scotland. Edinb. i^^m-^ 80- ly^ ^ Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland, (being a reprint of the scarce Theater of Mortality collected by R. Monteith, and published in 1704-13, with large additions.) ByD.Macvean. Glas. 1834. 120- The ancient sculptured Monuments of the County of Angus, including those at Meigle in Perthshire, and one at For- doun in the M earns. Edited for the Bannatyne Club, by P. Chalmers. Edinb. 1848, fol. Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland. 1851, 80- Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland, by the Rev. Cha4es Rogers. Published by the Orampian Club. 2 vols. Lond. 1871, 72, 8"- Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial Grounds and Old Buildings in the North East of Scotland, with Historical, Biographical, Genealogical and Anti- quarian Notes, also an Appendix of Illustrative Papers, by Andrew Jervise. 2 vols. Edinb. 1875-79, 4«- Inscriptions on the Tombstones and Monuments erected in memory of the Covenanters, with historical introduc- tion and notes, by James Gibson. Glas. [1876.], 8«- A Succinct Survey of the City of Aberdeen, with a Catalogue of Chief Magistrates since 1330, by A. Johnstoun, translated into English by J. B. Printed by John Forbes, Aberdeen, 1685. Reprinted for Buchan 1833, 12"- The History of Aberdeen ; with biographi- cal sketches of eminent men connected with the Bishoprick and Colleges, by W. Thom. 2 vols. Aberd. 1811, 120 Lives of eminent men of Aberdeen, by James Bruce. Aberd. 1841, 12*'- Fasti Aberdonenses, 1494 to 1854. Spalding Club. Edinb. 1854, 4o- List of the Deans of the Guild of Aber- deen, from 1436 to 1875, by Alexander Walker. Aber. 1875, 8'^- Printed for private circulation. Aberdeen Town Hall Armorial Bearings. Aber. 1877, 8o- Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen, by John Cruickshank, with a Memorial sketch of the author, by Prof. Geddes. Aberd. 1888, 4«- List of PoUable Persons within the Shire of Aberdeen, 1696. Edited by J. Stuart. 2 vols. Aberd. 1844, 4°- Inverurie and the Earldom of Garioch with a genealogical appendix of Garioch Families, by John Davidson. Edinb. 1878, 4«- Records of Argyll : legends, traditions, and recollections of Argyllshire High- landers, by Lord Archibald Campbell. Edinb. 1885, 8«- Topographical Description of Ayrshire ; more particularly of Cunninghame ; to- gether with a genealogical account of the principal families in that Bailiwick, by George Robertson. Edinb. 1820, 4p. 216 Scotland. A Genealogical Account of the Principal Families in Ayrshire, more particularly in Cunninghame, by George Kobertson. 3 vols. Irvine, 1823—25, S^- Supple- ment, 1827, 80- History of the County of Ayr ; with a Genealogical Account of the Families of Ayrshire, by James Paterson. 2 vols. Ayr, 1847—52, S"- An Account of the Tournament at Eglin- ton, revised and corrected by several of the Knights. To which is prefixed a sketch of Chivalry, and of the most remarkable Scottish Tournaments, by James Aikman. Edinb. 1839, 4«- Tournament at Eglintou, 28th and 30th August, 1839. Glas. 1839, 12<'- Egflinton Tournament. By John The Richardson. Lond. 1843, fol A History of Kilmarnock, from an early period to the present time ; including biographical notices of the more eminent individuals belonging to the locality, by Archibald Mackay. Kilmarnock, 1848, 8«- Second edition, 1858. Third edition, 1864. The Names of 136 Knights and Noble- men that were with Edw. III. at the Siege of Barwick. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6063. Dryburgh Abbey, its Monks and its Lords. Third edition, Lond. 1864, 8^- History of the County of Bute, and Families connected therewith, by John E. Reid. Glas. 1864, 4'^- Caithness Family History, by John Henderson, Edinb. 1884, 4*'- Notes of Charters, etc., by the Right Hon. Thomas Earl of Melrose, to the Vassals of the Barony of Drem : From 1615 to 1627. Edinb. 1830, 8"- Only 35 copies printed. History of Dumbartonshire, with Genea- logical Notes of the Principal Families in the County, by Joseph Irving. Dumbarton, 1860, 4«- The Book of Dumbartonshire ; a history of the county, burghs, parishes, and lands, memoirs of families, etc., by Joseph Irving. 3 vols. Edinb. 1879, 40. The Historical Families of Dumfriesshire and the Border Wars, by C. L. John- stone. Edinb. 1888, 4«- Second edition, Dumf. 1889, 8°- List of Knights at the Siege of Karlave- rock, 1300. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Cahg. A. XVIII. Names and Arms of the Lords and Knights who were with King Edward I. at the siege of Karlaverock, A.D. 1300. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1068; Stowe MS. 201. Les Noms et les Armes des Chevaliers qui etaient a la Siege de Caerlaverok, 1300. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, f. 155. Other lists of names of the nobles at the siege of Karlaverock. 1300. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1196, f. 53 ; 2213, f, 28; 2000, f . 23 ; 1408, f 143 ; 1487, f . 37 b ; 4033 ; 78, f. 33. The Siege of Carlaverock, with the Arms of the Earls, Barons, and Knights who were present on the occasion, by Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1828, 40. Roll of Karlaverock containing the ban- ners and shields of the Knights in Arms at the Siege of, 10th July 1300. Emblazoned by A. P. Harrison, etc. Lond. 1846, 4«- The Roll of Arms of the Princes, Barons, and Knights who. attended King Edward I. to the siege of Carlaverock in 1300. Edited by Thos. Wright. With the Coat-Armours emblasoned, etc. Lond. 1864, 4"- The Book of Carlaverock, by William Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1873, 4«- Memorials of St. Michael's, the Old Parish Churchyard of Dumfries, by William MacDowall. Edinb. 1876, S^- Biographical Annals of the Parish of Coliuton, Edinburghshire, by Thomas Murray. Edinb. 1863, 8''- The Ancient and Modern State of the Parish of Cramond, to which are added Biographical and Genealogical Collections respecting some of the most considerable families and individuals connected with the district, bv John Philip Wood. Edinburgh, 1794, 4«- [The Genealogical and Biographical Section comprises the families of Law, Loch, Mackenzie, Hope, Inglis, Elphin- ston, and Howison.] An Historical Account of the Blue Blan- ket, or the Craftsmen's Banner : con- taining the Fundamental Principles of Scotland. 217 the Good Town, with the Powers and Prerogatives of the Crafts of Edin- burgh, etc. The second edition en- larged and adorned with the fourteen Corporations' Arms, by A. Pennecuik. Edinb. 1780, 12«- Sketch of the History of the High Con- stables of Edinburgh, by James D. Marwick. Edinb. 1865, 4o- Privately printed. A Catalogue of the Graduates in the Faculties of Arts, Divinity, and Law, of the University of Edinburgh, since its foundation. Edinb. 1858, 8"- Portraits of the High Officers and Pro- fessors of the University of Edinb. by W. Hole. Edinb. 1884, 4 • An Theater of Mortality, or, The Illus- trious Inscriptions upon Monuments in Edinburgh, etc. by E. Monteith. Edinb. 1704, 80- Monumental Inscriptions, selected from Burial-Grounds at Edinburgh, by A. Duncan. Edinb. 1815, 8"- The Epitaphs and Monumental Inscrip- tions in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edin- burgh. Collected by James Brown. With an introduction and notes by D. Laing. Edinb. 1867, 8«- Notes on Burghead [co. Elgin], with Notices of Families connected with the place, by Robt. Young. Elgin, 1868, 8«- Privately printed. The lioyal Tombs at Dunfermline [Fife- shire]. By E. Henderson. Dunferm- line, 1856, 12«- The Fife and Kinross Register for 1818, (1828) containingaccurate lists of public offices, office-bearers, etc. within these counties. Cupar, 1818-1828, 12«- Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Men of Fife of past and present times, by M. F. Conolly. Cupar-Fife, 1866, 80- Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail, [Fifeshire.] With introductory remarks by the Rev. C. Rogers. Pub- lished by the Grampian Club. Lond. 1877, 8«- Register of Baptisms and Marriages in the town of Leslie, in the County of Fife, in Scotland. Burntisland, Kir- kaldy, and Falkland are also mentioned in it, from A.D. 1606 to 1645. MS. Wore. Coll. Oxford. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns, by Andrew Jervise. Edinb. 1861, AP- Memorials of Angus and the Mearns, by Andrew Jervise ; re-written and cor- rected by Rev. James Gammack. 2 vols. Edinb. 1885, ^^■ Dundee Celebrities of the nineteenth cen- tury : being a series of biographies of distinguished or noted persons connected by birth, residence, etc. with the town of Dundee, by W. Norrie. Dundee, 1873, 8o- Roll of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee, 1513-1886. Privately printed, 1887. Mary ton Parish. Landed Proprietors from the Twelfth Century, by William R. Eraser. Montrose n.d. 12°- Re- printed from the Montrose Standard. Coltness Collections, 1608-1840. Edited by J. Dennistown for the Maitland Clnh. Edinb. 1842, 4r- An Inquiry as to the Armorial Insignia of the City of Glasgow, by A. Mac- george. Glas. 1866, 4P' Privately printed. The Old Country Houses of the old Glas- gow Gentry, wath descriptive notices of the Houses and Families. Glas. 1870, 4P- Second edition, Revised and enlarged by J. G. Smith and J. 0. Mitchell. Glas. 1878, 4P- Glasgow Registers : — Liber ProtocoUorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, notarii et scribaj Glasguensis, 1499-1513 ; also Rental Book of the Diocese of Glasgow, 1509- 1570 ; edited by J. Bain and the Rev. Dr. Rogers for the Grampian Club. 2 vols. Lond. 1875, 8^- Social Life in Former Days, chiefly in the Province of Moray. Illustrated by Letters and Family Papers, by Edward Dunbar Dunbar. Edinb. 1865, 8«- Second series, 1866. The Jacobite Lairds of Gask, by Thomas Lawrence Kington Oliphant. Pub- lished by the Grampian Club. Lond. 1870, 8«- The Red Book of Menteith, see under Family History " Menteith." The Provosts of Methven : Biographical Notices of the Provosts, with Charters, etc. by T. Morris. Edinb. 1874, S^- Printed for private circulation. 218 ScOTLAlfD. Transcript of the Register of Baptisms Muthill, Perthshire, from 1697 to 1847. Edited by the Kev. A. W. C. Hallen. Privately printed, Edinb. 1887, S'^- Perthshire in bygone days : one hundred biographical essays, by P. 11. Drum- mond. Lond. 1879, 8«- The Book of Perth. Edited by J. P. Lawson. Edin. 1847, 8<*- The Presbytery of Perth ; or, memoirs of the members, ministers of the several parishes within the bounds, from the Eeforraation to the present time, l)y John Wilson. Perth, 1860, 8^ A Genealogical History of the Eoyal Family of Stuart, from the year 1031, to the year 1710 ; to which are prefixed a general description of the Shire of Renfrew, and a deduction of the Noble FamiHes, proprietors there, down to the present time, by George Crawfurd. 2 parts. Edin. 1710, fol. History of the Shire of Renfrew, contain- ing a Genealogical History of the Royal House of Stewai't, also a Genea- logical History of the Nobility and Gentry of the County of Renfrew, by George Crawfurd. Paisley, 1782, 4<^- Renfrewshire, by Crawfurd and Robertson, with Genealogical History of the Royal House of Stewart and other Noble and Ancient Families. Paisley, 1818, 4^- A History of the Battle of Bannockburn, fought A.D. 1314, with notices of the principal warriors who engaged in that conflict. With map and armorial bearings, by Robert White. Edin. 1871, 8«- Scotland in 1298. Documents relating to tlie campaign of King Edward I., and especially to the Battle of Falkirk. Edited by Henry Gough. Paisley, 1888, 4«- The Parish of Strathblane, and its Inhabi- tants from Early History : A Chapter of Lennox History by John Guthrie Smith. Glas. 1886, 4«- The Sherifdome of Wigtoun, by T. Pont. 1600, fol. The Agnews of Lochnaw. A History of the Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, wdth contemporary anecdotes, traditions, and genealogical notices of old families of the Sheriffdom, 1330 to 1747, by Sir Andrew Agnew. Edin. 1864, 8^ History of the Lands and their Owners in Galloway, by P. H. Mackerlie. 5 vols. Edin. 1870—78, 8«- TOala The Royal Tribes of Wales, by Philip Yorke. Lond. and Wrexham, 1799, 4^^- The Descents of the British Kings and Princes, to A.D. 1233. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1949. Genealogies of the British Kings, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 18,268, a.b. Arms and Pedigrees of Welsh Princes. MS. Tabley House, Cheshire. The Princes of Upper Powys, by th^ Hon. and Rev. George Thomas Orlando Bridgeman. See "Collectanea Archa3- ologica," Vol. i. Lond. 1861, 4P- History of the Princes of South Wales, by the Rev. the Hon. George T. O. Bridgeman. Wigan, 1876, 8°- Privately printed. The History of the Princes, the Lords Marcher, and the Ancient Nobility of Powys Fadog, and the Ancient Lords of Arwystli Cedewen, and Meirionydd, by J. Y. W. Lloyd. 4 vols. Lond. 1881-84. 8«- ^ ^ A book written chiefly in Celtic, being Triads, and containing genealogies of Welsh Princes, etc, MS. Hatton Collection. Wales. 219 A short History of Wales, from A.D. 688 to A.D. 936, with some Genealo- i^ies and Epitaphs. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3325. History of Welsh Heroes, with Pedigrees, etc ' Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4181. Collection of Pedigrees, containing the fifteen tribes and five royal tribes of Wales.— "Y Llyfr Gwyn." In the hand writing of llobert Yaughan, I7th century. Hengwrt MS. 85. Peniarth. British Antiquities revived, or a friendly contest touching the Soveraignty of the Three Princes of Wales in ancient times, to which is added the Pedigree of the Earl of Carbery and an account of the five Koyall Tribes of Cambria, by Robert Vaughan. Oxford, 1662, 4"- Another edition, Bala, 1834, 4'^- Genealogy and Heraldry, by Robert Vaughan, the antiquar}'^, of Hengwrt. Hengwrt MS. 436, at Peniarth. On the Tribe of Ednowain Bendew, by H. F. J. Vaughan. See " Archieologia Cambrensis," fourth series. Vols. 7 to 10. Lond. 1876—79, S^- Cambria Triumjplians^ or Brittain in its perfect Lustre, shewing the Origen and Antiquity of that Illustrious Nation. The Succession of their Kings and Princes, from the first, to King Charles of Happy memory. The manner of the Investure of the Princes, with the Coats of Arms of the Nobility, by Percy Enderbie. Lond. 1661. fol. Reprinted in 1810. Owen Glendower. History of the Ancient Britons ; Genealogical and Topographi- cal, by Rev. Tho. Thomas. Haverford- west, 1822, 8«- Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales ; con- taining a Record of all Ranks of the Gentry, their Lineage, Alliances, Ap- pointments, Armorial Ensigns, and Residences ; with many ancient Pedi- grees and Memorials of Old and Extinct Families. By Thomas Nicholas. 2 vols. Lond. 1872, S^- Annals, etc., of the County Families of Wales, by Thomas Nichol^. Second edition revised and much enlarged. 2 vols. Lond. 1875, 8o- The Originals and Descents of the Nobility, Barony, and Gentry, in the Realme of England and Principality of Wales, by Richard Butcher. St. John's Coll. Camb. ]>ISS. H. 3 ; 4. Genealogical History of the ancient and present Nobility and Gentry of Wales, by Hugh Thomas. Brit. 'Mus. Harl. MSS. 6823, 6831, 6870. Names and Arms of the Ancient Nobility and Knights of England and Wales, temp. Hen. III. See the Antiquarian Repertory, vol. i. Ancient Descents of Gentlemen in Wales. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 180. Welsh and Anglo-Saxon Genealogies, in Welsh, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,761. The Ancient Descent of divers noble houses and worthy gentlemen springing from Wales, with the Arms in trick, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,914. Descents and Arms of Welsh Families, temp. Henry vii. Ashm. Lib. MS. 32. Visitation of Wales, 1530, Her. Coll. H. 8 ; Vincent, 148. Copies of some Pedigrees in Fellows' Visitation of Wales, 1530. Her. Coll. MS F. 9. The Original Visitation of the three Counties, " uwch Conwy." MS. No. 33. Peniarth. [This MS. was printed, but very incorrectly, from a copy, under the editorship of Sir Samuel R. Meyrick. 1846.] Heraldic Visitation of Wales, and part of the Marches, between the years 1586 and 1613, by Lewys Dwnn. " Edited by Sir Samuel-Rush Meyrick. 2 vols. Llandovey, 1846, 4^- Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, by Randle Holmes, 17th century. MS. No. 4. Peniarth. Genealogical Collections, by Robert Vaughan, of Hengwrt. MS. No. 6. Peniarth. Collection of Pedigrees, mostly of Wales, in the autograph of Robert Vaughan. Hengwrt MS. 96. Peniarth. Genealogical Collections, chiefly by Grif- fith Hiraethog, I6th century. Hengwrt MSS. 107, 109. Peniarth. 220 Wales. Collections of Pedigrees by Griffith Hiraetliog and William Lleyn, 16th century. Hengwrt MSS. Ill, 112. Peniapjbh. A genealogical MS. of the fifteenth cen- tury, mostly in the autograph of Guttyn Owen. Hengwrt MS. 113. Peniarth. A genealogical MS. in Welsh, early 15th century. Hengwrt MS. 121. Peniarth. Collection of Poetry and Genealogy, by Simwnt Vychan, 16th century. Hengwrt MS. 130. Peniarth. Collection of Poetrj^ and Genealogy, writ- ten about the year 1505. Hengwrt. MS. 171. Peniarth. Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, chiefly in the handwriting of John Davies, 17th century. Hengwrt MS. 198. Peniarth. Collection of Poetry and Welsh Pedi- grees, with lists of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Flint and Denbigh, chiefly by Sion Tudur and John Jones, 16th century. Hengwrt MS. 203. Peniarth. Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, nearly all in the autograph of John Cain, 17th century. Hengwrt MS. 216. Peniarth. Welsh Genealogies, chiefly in the hand- writing of Griffith Hiraethog, the Welsh genealogist and poet, 16th century. Hengwrt MSS. 238, 256, at Peniarth. Welsh pedigrees. Hengwrt MSS. 93, 95, 105, 121, 232, 324, 458, 502, 513, 537, at Peniarth. A very valuable collection of Welsh pedigrees. Hengwrt MS. 455, at Peniarth. Collections of Welsh Pedigrees. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 537, f. 211. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 135-137. Collections of Welsh Pedigrees, with notices of the Nobility, and descriptions of their arms. MSS. Nos. 113; 114. 16th century. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, with an Ordinary of Arms, by Peter Ellis. Two volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28033; 28034. Genealogies of the principal Families of Wales, in 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 15,017 ; 15,018. Pedigree of Rowland, son and heir to Thomas Pughe, of Pymwern, and descents of families in connection, 1642 ; Descent of Jane, mother to Kowland Morgan ; Descent of Gwladis, daughter of Sir David Gam, knt. ; and various other pedigrees of Welsh families, par- ticularly of Owen, Gwyn, and Lloyd, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,915. A collection of Pedigrees of Welsh Families, by Jevan ap John Wyn, 1579. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,916. Pedigrees of a few Welsh Families, com- piled about 1587. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,471. A Collection of Welsh Pedigrees, compiled circ. 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,114. Pedigrees of Welsh families in Cos. Car- marthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan, by Lewis Dwnn, Deputy Herald, 1586 — 1613. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2585. Pedigrees of Welsh families, by George Owen of Henllys, 1590—1603. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2586. Pedigrees of Welsh families, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2587. Welsh Pedigrees, 17th century. Formerly belonged to Wm. Phillips. MS. No. xxxviii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Collection of Welsh Pedigrees by David Williams, of Bodeulwyn, chiefly relating to the families of Lloyd, Vaughan, Holand, Conway, and Ellis. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,896. Collection of Welsh Genealogies, compiled by Hugh Thomas, deputy to Garter King-at-Arms in 1703, with additions. [These genealogies are comprised in four volumes and are known as the Golden Grove Book. They belong to the Right Hon. the Earl of Cawdor and are deposited in the Public Record Office, London.] Collection of Pedigrees of Welsh Families, 17th and 18th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,917—14,919. Miscellaneous Welsh Pedigrees, collected by Lewis Morris and William Morris, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,942. Collections of Pedigrees of Welsh Families, 16th to 18th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6915 ; 9864—9867 ; 15,041. Genealogical Collections relating to Wales. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1970—1979, 2291, 2299, 2414, 3325, 3525, 3538, 5058, 5800, 6068, 6102, 1969, 1997, 2218, 4031, 6153, 2094. Wales. 221 Long pedigree, with coloured arms, com- mencing with Paen de Gamedge, A.D. 1066, and others, in three lines down to 1608, when Robert Sydney, Viscount Lisle, married Barbara Gamedge. Com- piled by Thomas Jounes, of Fountain Gate, Co. Cardigan, West Wales. MS. Tatteshale, Co. Lincoln. The Scripture Genealogy, by John Rey- nold's, 1739, consisting chiefly of Welsh pedigrees, and a Display of Heraldry, with a Genealogy of Watkin Williams Wynne, Esq. of Wynnstay. Hengwrt MS. 234, at Peniarth. Genealogies of Families of North Wales, and a tract on Heraldry. MS. No. 1. In the possession of J. R. Ormsby- Gore, Esq. Brogyntyn, Co. Salop. Collection of North Wales Pedigrees, written in the year 1540, by Jeuan ap David. Hengwrt MS. 195. Peniarth. Collection of elegies and laudatory verses, in Welsh, concerning the pedigrees, marriages, and children of the gentry of North Wales, by John Cain of Os- westry, 17th century. Hengwrt MS. 215. Peniarth. Genealogical Collections of some of the principal families of North Wales ; 16th century. Hengwrt MS. 295, at Peni- arth. Collection of pedigrees of families of North Wales, and notes of burials, etc. of many persons, mostly of the neigh- bourhood of Llansilin in Denbighshire, by John Davies, Hengwrt MS. 419, at Peniarth. North Wales Genealogies ; also a collec- tion of heraldic notes, taken mostly from churches and mansions in Shrop- shire, Cheshire and Wales, 16th cen- tury. Hengwrt MS. 428, at Peniarth. Collection of Pedigrees, principally of South Wales, by George Owen, of Kemes, 17th century. MS. No. 3. Peniarth. Pedigrees of South Wales. MS. No. 23. Peniarth. Collection of Pedigrees of South Wales, by William Lleyn and Griffith Hirae- thog, 16th century. Hengwrt MS 206. Peniarth. Index to Welsh Pedigrees in MS. Phil- lipps, 1119. Privately Printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. Arms of the Princes, Noblemen, and Gentlemen of Wales. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,018, f . 307. The Arms, in colours, of the old Founders of Welsh Families ; beginning with Brutus. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1946, 1370, 1143, 1386, 4291. Welsh booke of Armes and Descents from Cadwalader unto Gerard (ancestor of those of Lancashire, Sr. Tho. Gerard, - Genealogical Tables of the Deities, Prin- ces, Heroes, and Remarkable Person- ages of the Hindus, by Francis Hamil- ton. Edinb, X819, fol, Text in S^- 226 India. Genealogies of the Hindus, extracted from their Sacred Writings, with an Intro- duction and Alphabetical Index, by Francis Buchanan. 2 vols. Edinb. 1819, 80- and fol. Histor}^ of the Boondolas, containing an Account of the Ancient Bajahs, record- ing the Virtues, Fame and Praise of Kajah Punchum and his Descendants, the Defeat of Soobh Kurun, and Death of Shujjan Rae and his Family, etc., by Captain W. 11. Pogson. Calcutta, 1828, 40- Memoirs of a Malayan Family, written by themselves, and translated by W. Marsden for tlie Oi-iental Translation Fund. Lond. 1830, 8"- Historical Sketch of the Princes of India, stipendiary, subsidiary, protected, tribu- tary and feudatory, by John Clunes. Edinb. 1883, 8«- Oriental Annual, containing Scenes in India and Lives of the Mogul Emper- ors, by the Rev. John Hobart Caunter. Lond. 1834, &c., 80- Alphabetical list of the Hon. East India Company's Bengal Civil Servants. With a list of the Governors-General of India ; also of the East India Direc- tors, with Dates of their Appointments, Deaths, etc., from 1773—1838, by Dodwell and Miles. Lond. 1839. General Register of the Hon. East India Company's Civil Servants of the Bengal Establishment, from 1790 to 1813, comprising the Dates of their respective Appointments, Furloughs, Retirements, Deaths. Also a list of the Governors- General of India, etc., etc., by Ram- chander Doss. H. T. Prinsep. Cal- cutta, 1844, 8"- Alphabetical list of the Hon. East India Company's Bombay Civil Servants. With a list of the Governors-General of India ; also of the East India Direc- tors, from 1773—1839, by Dodwell and Miles. Lond. 1839, S""- Alphabetical list of the Officers of the Madras Army, with the Dates of their respective Promotion, Retirement, Resignation, or Death, whether in India or Europe, from the Year 1760 —1837, by Dodwell and Miles, Lond. 1838, 8«- Alphabetical list of the Hon. East India Company's Madras Civil Servants ; with a list of the Governors-General of India ; also of the East India Directors, with dates of their Appointments, Death, etc., from 1773—1839, by Dod- well and Miles. Lond. 1839, 8«- Portraits of the Princes and People of India in the years 1838 — 41, by the Hon. Emily Eden. Lond. 1844, fol. History of the Reigning Family of Lahore, with some Account of the Jummoor Rajahs, the Seik Soldiers and their Sirdars ; with Notes on Malcolm, Prinsep, MacGregor, Lawrence, Stein- bach, &c., by Major G. C. Smyth. Edited by Major G. Carmichael. Cal- cutta, 1847, 8"- The History of Hyder Shah, alias Hyder Ali Khan, Bahadur, or New Memoirs concerning the East Indies, with His- torical Notes, Portraits and Plates. Lond. 1848, S"- The Bengal Obituary ; or, a Record to Perpetuate the Memory of Departed Worth. Being a Compilation of Tablets and Monumental Inscriptions from vari- ous parts of Bengal and Agra Presiden- cies. With Biographical Sketches and Memoirs. Calcutta, 1848, 80- Th e Bengal Obituary, or a Record to Perpetuate the Memory of Departed worth, being a Compilation of Tablets and Monumental Inscriptions in British India, since the formation of the Settle- ment to the present time. 1851, 8''- Histoire des Mongols, depuis Tchinguiz- Khan, jusqu'a TimourBey ou Tamerlan, par C. b'Ohsson. 4 vols. Paris, 1852, S^- Extracts from Capt. Colin Mackenzie's Work, regarding the Dominions of the late Tippoo Sultaun, and Correspon- dence and Memorials of Prince Gholam Mahomed and his Family. Calcutta, 1854, 8«- The History of India from the Earliest Ages. By J. Talboys Wheeler. Com- prising the Vedic 'Period and the Maha Bharata. The Bamayana and the Brahmanic Period. Hindu., Buddhist^ Brahmanical Bevival. Mussidman Bule. Lond. 1867, &c., 8«- Lives of Indian Officers, by Sir John Wm. Kaye. 2 vols. Lond. 1867, 8°" New edition, 1889. India. 227 I The History of India, as told by its own Historians. The Muhammadan Period. By Sir Henry Elliot. Edited and con- tinued by John Dawson. 8 vols. Lond. 1SG7— 7*7,8^- The Clu'onicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, illustrated by Coins, Inscrip- tions, and other Antiquarian Remains, by Edward Thomas. Lond. 1871, 8«- A short account of the Lives of the Bish- ops of Calcutta, gathered from their published Biographies, and from other sources, by W. C. Bromehead. Cal- cutta, 187(>, 8«- Lapidarium Zeylanicum, being a Collec- tion of Monumental Inscriptions of the Dutch Churches and Churchyards of Ceylon, by L. Ludovici. Colombo, 1877, 4'^- Next-of-Kin Marriages in Old Iran, by Darab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana 1888. The Dinkard with a Commentary by Peshotan Dastur Behranjee Sanjana. Translation Fimcl^ Bombay, vol. v. 1888. W^t%i Jrttrits. Pedigrees of West India Families, com- piled by Ca]:)t. J. H. L. Archer, and others, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,228. Monumental Inscriptions of the British West Indies from the earliest date, with annotations, illustrative of the histories and genealogies of the seven- teenth century. With engravings of the Arms of the principal families, by Jas. Hen. Lawrence Archer. Lond. 1875, 4«' Antigua and the Antiguans ; a full account of the Colony and it? inhabitants. [With an appendix containing genea- logies of the principal settlers in the island.] 2 vols. Lond. 1844, 8''- Monumental Inscriptions in Barbadoes and Jamaica before 1750, with selections from those of later date and extracts from the parish registers, by J. H. Lawrence Archer, 1857, 1858. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,608. Monumental Inscriptions of Barbadoes and Jamaica. By J. H. Lawrence- Archer. Reprinted from the Gentle- man's Magazine. Cavaliers and Roundheads in Barbados, 1650—1652, by N. Darnell Davis. Demerara, 1883, 18«- List of marriages on record in the parishes of St. Catherine and St. Andrew, Jamaica, 1666—1679. Brit. -Mus. Add. MS. 21,931. Lists of Testators registered in the office of the Island Secretary, Jamaica, 1663 —1750. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,931. Genealogical collections of Charles Edward Long relating to families connected with Jamaica, 18th and 19th centuries, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,968. ^Pattsij Registers. Separate parish registers will be found under Counties. The Marriage Registration Acts (6 & 7 Will. IV. Cap. 85 & 86), with Instruc- tions, etc., by John Southerden Burn. Lond. 1836. 12'^- * Registers, by John Henley-on-Thames, Plea for Parish Southerden Burn. 1867 ? 4''- Pamphlet shewing the necessity for some Legislative Provision for the better Custody and Preservation of Old Parish Registers, Kendal, 1878, W"- 228 PaEISH EEaiSTERS. The Preservation of Parish Registers, by T. P. Taswell-Langmead. Parish Registers, by the Rev. F. Procter, of Wilton. Observations on Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials, as preserved in Parochial Registers, with sundry Specimens of the Entries of Marriages, Baptisms, &c., in Foreign Countries. Intersper- sed with divers Remarks concerning proper Methods necessary to preserve a Remembrance of the several Branches of Families, &e., by Ralph Bigland. Lond. 1764, 4^- Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State, Custody, and Authenticity of Registers or Records of Births or Baptisms, Deaths or Burials, and Marriages in England and Wales, other than the Parochial Regis- ters. Lond. 1838, fol. Parish Registers and Chapelry Registers extant in the year 1831. G vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 9555—9560. Printed Parish Registers, by Geo. W. Marshall. See The Genealogist. New Series, vol. 2. Lond. 1885, R^- A large number of Baptismal and other Registers, prior to the Registration Act of 1837, has been deposited in the Registrar General's Office, Somerset House, London, where information respecting them may be obtained, and search allowed on payment of a small fee. Lists of Non-Parochial Registers and Records in the Custody of the Regis- trar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Lond. 1859, fol. Registrum Ecclesia3 Parochialis. The History of Parish Registers in England, also of Scotland, Ireland, the East and West Indies, foreign countries. Dissen- ters, the Fleet, Kings Bench, Mint, Chapel Royal, etc., by John Souther- den Burn. Lond. 1829, 8^'- Second edition, 1862. The Fleet Jlegisters, including May Fair, the Mint, Chapel Royal, St. James, Savoy, and Kings Bench, are deposited in the Office of the Registrar General, Somerset House, London. They con- sist of 239 volumes and about 1000 pamphlets or pocket-books, dating from 1682 to 1754, only a few of them are indexed, The Fleet Registers ; comprising the his- tory of Fleet Marriages and some account of the Parsons and marriage- house keepers ; with extracts from the Registers ; to which are added notices of the May Fair. Mint, and Savoy Chapels, by J. S. Burn. Lond. 1833, 8«- Second edition, 1834, 8^- Registers of Births kept by various Dissenting Ministers and deposited in Dr. Williams's Library, are now deposi- ted in the Office of the Registrar- i General, Somerset House, London. I These registers date from 1730 to 1805. Births, Deaths, and Marriages. The Registrar's Kalendar.aud Compendium, by Chas. A. Cocke. Lond. 1852, single sheet. A Summary of the Population, with a statistical chart of the marriages, births and deaths from 1839, by Chas. A. Cocke. Lond. 1852. Two sheets. Parish Registers, reprinted from the Home and Foreign Reviews, by R. Edm. Chester Waters. London, 1870, 8'^- Printed for private circulation. Parish Registers in England : Their History and Contents. With Suggestions for securing their better Custody and Preservation, by Robert Edmond Chester Waters. A new edition, rewritten throughout and enlarged. Lond. 1883, 12«- The Register of Baptisms, Marriages, Admissions, into the Confraternity of the Rosary, etc., kept by the Rev. Fr. James Dominic Darbyshire 0. P. Roman Catholic Chaplain at Standish Hall, in Lane, Gifford Hall, in Suff., and Ugbrooke Park, Devon, from 1727 to 1755. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,632. Extracts from Registers of Abbeys, and other Records, concerning Pedigrees, with Drawings of Seals, in 1598, 1611, and 1691, by Ralph Brooke. Brit. Mas. Harl. MS. 4757. A duplicate of a MS. in the Heralds' College. Register of marriages and deaths of acquaintances and persons of rank, by Robert Dalrymple, 1805—1820. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,151. Chronicon Mirabile: Extracts from Parish Registers, principally in the North of England, by Sir C. Sharpe. Sunderland, 1825, 80- Parish IIeoisteks. 220 Extracts from parish and other registers, pedigrees, etc., collected by Joseph Hunter in various parts of England, but chiefly in Yorkshire and the neigh- bouring counties, 1802—1859. Thirty- seven volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,568—24,604. Extracts from Parish Registers, by Reginald Stewart Boddington. Lond. 1879, 4*^- Privately printed. The Nonconformist Register of Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths, 1644—1702, 1702—1752, compiled by the Revs. 0. Heywood and T. Dickenson, generally known as the Northowram or Coley Register, of Puritans and Anti-Puritans in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, London, etc. Edited by J. Horsfall Turner. Brighouse, 1881, 8"- Otticial List of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, to 1st Jan. 1881. Catalogue of Wills among the MSS. in the British Museum, by J. Bruce, 19th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,201, B. Munimenta antiqua. Index to Letters of Administration. Edited by Fred. A. Crisp. Lond. 1888, &c. fol. A collection of concise precedents of Wills, by Chas. Weaver. Lond. 1882, 8«- Copies of Wills of various persons, 1499 —1693. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,151. The last Will and Testament "of Alfred the Great. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 296. Royal Wills, and other matters relating to Heraldry, &c. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 429. A collection of all the Wills, now known to be extant, of the Kings and Queens of England, etc., from William the Conquerer to Henry the Seventh, by John Nichols. Lond. 1780. 4"- Collection of Wills of the 16th and 17th centuries, 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Stowe MSS. 294. Testamenta Vetusta : being Illustrations from Wills, of Manners, Customs, &c., as well as of the Descents and Posses- sions of many Distinguished Families, from the reign of Henry II. to the Accession of Queen Elizalieth, by Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 2 vols. Lond. 1826, 8'^- Extracts from Wills, etc. in support of English Pedigrees of the 15th and 16th centuries. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 430. Abstracts of Wills recorded in the Regis- try of the University of Cambridge, from 1500—1590. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 7030, f . 307 ; 7033, f. 200. Abstracts of Wills proved in the Registry of the Bishop of Ely, at Cambridge, from 1478—1551. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7043, ff. 153—177, 265. Extracts from the Registers of Wills in the Diocese of Ely. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5861. Copies of Cheshire Wills. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1991. Wills copied from the " Great Register Book," in the Will Office within the Abbey Court of the City of Chester. 1520 to 1660. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2067. An Index to the Wills and Inventories now preserved in The Court of Probate at Chester, from A.D. 1621 to 1650. With two appendices, of Lane. Ches. Will and Administrations, from 1650 to 1660, by J. P. Earwaker. Becord Society, 1881. 8'^- An Index to the Wills and Inventories now preserved in the Court of Probate at Chester, from AD. 1660 to 1680. 230 Wills. With an appendix. Edited by J. P. Earvvaker, for the Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society. Vol. 15, Manchester, 1887. 8°- Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and In- ventories. Chetham Society, vols. 33, 51, 51. Manchester, 1853—60. 4P- Wills and Inventories relating to Cum- berland, etc. Edited by James Kaine. Surtees Society. Durham, 1853, 8°- Notes on the Wills in the Great Orphan Book and Book of Wills in the Council House at Bristol, by the Ivev. T. P. Wadley. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archcbological Society. Bristol, 1812, Index of Wills at Gloucester, by Sir Thomas Phillips. Privately printed. Early Kentish Wills. By James Green- street. Lond. 1857, 8°- See also Archceologia Cantiana.^ xi. Extracts from the Kegisters of Wills in the Diocese of Canterbury, temjo. Hen. VII.— 1731. 4 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32,660—32,663. Abstracts and copies of Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,583 ; 25,467, Kentish Administration Grants A.D. 1559 — 1603. Epitomized by Leland L. Duncan. Kent Archceological Society. Lancashire Wills and Inventories. Chetham Society, vols. 33, 51. 54. Manchester, 1853—60, 4«- Wills and Inventories relating to Lancashire, etc. Edited by James Kaine. Surtees Society. Durham, 1853, 8«- A List of the Lancashire Wills proved within the Archdeaconry of Kichmond and now preserved in Somerset House, London, from A.D. 1457 to 1748 and of Abstracts of Lancashire Wills belonging to the same • Archdeaconry, from A.D. 1531 to 1652. Edited by Lieut. -Col. Henry Eishwick for the Lancashire and Cheshire JRecord Society. Vols. 10, 13. Manchester 1884, 86, 80- An Abstract of all the Wills and Admini- strations recorded in the Episcopal Kegisters of the Old Diocese of Lincoln, 1280—1547, by Alfred Gibbons. Privately printed, 1888, 8«- Calendar of Wills proved and enrolled in the Court of Husting, A D. 1258 to A.D. 1688. Preserved among the Archives of the Cor[)oration of the City of London at the Guildhall. Edited bv Keginald K. Sharpe. Part I. A.D. 1258 to A.D. 1358. Printed by the Corporation, 1889, 8°- In progress. Notes out of Wills in the Prerogative Office. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6148, ft. 12, 17, 63, 100, 123, 138, 144. Extracta ex Testamentis in Praerogat. Officio. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 972, f. 110. Abstracts of various Wills from the Ilegis- try in Doctors' Commons. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 938. Collections out of the Wills in the Pre- rogative Office. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8584. Collectanea quaidam ex Kegistris Testa- mentorum in Curia Pra^rog. Lond. anno 1651. Bodl. Lib. MS. 4164. Wills out of the Prerogative Office. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 31, p. 139. The Eifty Earliest English Wills in the Court of Probate, 1387—1439. Edited by F. J. Eurnival for the JEarly Eng- lish Text Society. London, 1882, 8o- Wills from Doctors' Conunons, 1495 to 1695. Camden Society, Lond. 1863, 4P- Notes of unpublished Wills at Somerset House, by W. S. Ellis. "The Genealo- gist," new series, vol. iv. Lond. 1887, S"- Hackney Wills. 19 vols. Tyssen Lib. Hackney. Copies of London and Surrey Wills, 1542 —1545. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,925. Testamenta Lambethana, being a complete list of all the Wills and Testaments recorded in the Archiepiscopal Kegisters at Lambeth, from A. D. 1312 to 1636. Extracted by Dr. Ducarel, etc. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Typis Medio-Montanis, 1854, fol. Calendar of Lambeth Wills. " The Genea- logist," vols. V. Yi. Lond. 1881-82. 8«- Calendar of Lambeth Administrations. " The Genealogist," vol. vii. Lond. 188S, 8«- Calendar of Wills relating to the Counties of Northampton and Kutland, 1510 to 1652. Edited by W. P. W. PhiUi- more, for the Index Library. Lond. 1888, 80- Wills. 231 An Index to Wills proved in the Court of the Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and to such of the llecords and other Instruments and Papers of that Court as relate to Matters or Causes Testamentary, by the Kev. John Griffiths. Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1862, 80- Some Collections out of the Will Office in Oxford, by Anthony a Wood. Ashm. Lib., Wood MS. 8562, f. 223. Lichfield Wills, 1510-1652, relating to the counties of Salop, Stafford, Derby, Warwick and Cheshire. " The Index Library." vol. iv. Lond. 1889, 8«- Somersetshire Wills, by Fred. Wm. Weaver. Abstracts of Somersetshire Wills, from the collections of Rev. Fred. Brown, privately printed for Fred. A. Crisp. Two series, 1887-88, fol. Wills, partly copies and partly original, of Suffolk testators. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,190, 19198. Wills and Inventories from the Begisters of the Commissary of Bury St. Edmund's and the Archdeacon of Sudbury. Edited by S. Tymms. Camden Society. Lond. 1850, 8°- ' [The first will is dated 1370, and the last 1649.] Abstracts of Wills from the Registry of the Archdeacon of Sudbury, between 1354 and 1560. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 294, ff. 156—162. Collectanea ex Registris Testamentorum, in Cur. Archid. Sudburiensis, anno 1633, remanentibus. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 639, f. 121. Extracts from the will-books at Ipswich, 1437—1530 ; relating chiefly to be- quests to churches and religious houses, by John Wodderspoon. 1848. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,345. Abstract of Wills relating to Ipswich, Co. Suffolk, 1437—1547, by William Stevenson Fitch. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,964. Wills and Inventories relating to West- moreland,etc. Edited by James Raine. Surtees Society. Durhain, 1853, S^- Abstract of Wills from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond in Yorkshire, from ^1522. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 7029. Copies of Yorkshire wills, and of the will of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1547 — 1784. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,476. Abstracts of Wills from the Archdeaconry of Richmond, by Christopher Towueley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32115. Extracts from Wills relating to York- shire, 1389—1802; made from the registers at York by William Paver and others. 10 volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS.129,677— 29,686. Indexes to the foregoing Extracts of Wills, 29,687, 29,688. Testamenta Eboracensia, or Wills register- ed at York, illustrative of the History of the Province of York, from 1300 downwards. Vols 4, 30, 45, 53. Surtees Society. Edited by J. Raine. 5 vols Newcastle, 1836—84, 8«- Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond. Edited by J. Raine. Surtees Society^ vol. 26. Durham, 1853. S"- S^pltljral H0niimmts, Ittsmptiatts, ©faitiiarus, attb (^pttapljs. Report of the Sepulchral Monuments Committee. Antiqiuirian Society. Lond. 1872, fol. Notices and drawings of monumental brasses, effigies, etc., will be found in The Archcsological Journalp2ii\di in the Journal of the British Archceological jissociation. The following Collections of Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses are in the Dept. of MSS. of the British Museum ; an index has recently been made, and may be consulted in the Department. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses in various parts of England, collected by Craven Ord. 32,478. Large folio. 232 Sepulchral Mo^umet^^ts, Inscrtptioxs, Obituaries, & Epitaphs. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, collected by Francis Douce ; arranged topo- graphically : — Bucks. 32479. A. 1—4. Cambridge, „ B. Cumberland, „ C. Essex, „ J). 1, 2. Herts, „ E. 1—7. Kent, „ F. 1—12. Middlesex, „ G. 1 — 3. Norfolk, „ H. 1—10. Northampton, „ I. 1 — 3. Oxford, „ K. 1—3. Salop, „ L. Suffolk, „ M. 1—14. Dublin, „ N. 1, 2. Miscellaneous „ 0. 1 — 9. Paper Rolls. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses in Cos. Somerset, Wilts, and Gloucester. Paper Rolls. 32,480, A— X. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, collected by the Rev. George Rowe, arranged topographically : — Beds, 32481. A. 1—12. Bucks, „ B. 1—5. Cambridge, „ C. 1 — 33. Cornwall, „ D. 1—8. Derby, „ E. 1, 2. Dorset, „ F. Durham, „ G. Essex, „ H. 1—10. Gloucester, ,, I. Herts, „ K. 1—12. Kent, „ L. Lincoln, „ M. 1, 2. Middlesex, „ N. 1 — 5. Monmouth, ,, O. Norfolk, „ P. 1—6. Northampton, „ Q. 1 — 9. Somerset, „ R. 1 — 4. Suffolk. „ S. Warwick, „ T. 1—5. Westmoreland „ U. Worcester, „ V. York, „ W. 1—13. Miscellaneous, ,, X. 1, 2. Paper Rolls. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, arranged topographically : — Bucks 32482 A. 1—25 Gloucester, „ B. Herts, „ C. 1, 2. Oxford, „ D. 1—9. Somerset, „ E. 1, 2. Paper Rolls. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses and In- scriptions in tlie County of Suffolk, collected by David Elisha Davy. In two cases, arranged under the Hundreds : — 32483. Hoxne, ff. 1—35, 214—220. Hartismere, ff. 36—52. Cosford, ff. 53—66. Colnies, if. 67—69. Carlford, fC. 70—74. Bosmere and Clavdon, ff. 75 — 92. Blvthing, ff. 93—142. Blackbourne, If. 143—158. Babergh, ff. 159—213. 32484. Ipswich, ff. 1 — 25. Lackford, If. 2—34. Loes, ff. 35—56. Mutford and Lothingland, ff. 57—83. Plomesgate, ff. 84—119. Risbridge, ff. 120—154. Samford, ff. 155—175. Stow, ff. 176—179. Thedwastre, ff. 180—188. Thingo, ff. 189—222. ThredHng, ff. 223—225. Wangford, ff. 226—264. Wilford, ff. 265—273. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses arranged topographically : — Cambridge, 32485. A. 1—6. Devon, „ B. 1—2. Essex, „ C. Gloucester, „ D. 1 — 6. Hereford, „ E. 1—3. Herts, „ F. 1—3. Kent, „ G. 1—6. Northampton, ,, H. 1 — 6. Middlesex, „ I 1—11. Oxford, ., K. Suffolk, „ L. 1—5. Warwick „ M. 1—8. Wilts, „ N. Worcester, „ O. 1, 2. Wales, „ P. 1, 2. Ireland, „ Q. 1 — 5. Miscellaneous ,, R. 1, 2. Paper Rolls. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, in Co. Bucks, and elsewhere. 32486. Folio. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, arranged topograhically. SEPULCHRA.L MONUMENTS, INSCRIPTIONS, < Dbituaeies, & Epitaphs. 233 Cambridge, 32487. A. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, collected Kent, „ B. 1- -25 by Rev. Henry Addington, chronolo- Middlesex, „ C. 1- -3. gically arranged (but not strictly) Surrey. ,, D. 1 — 4. under ranks of Ecclesiastics, Knights Wales, „ E, 1- -5. an d Esquires in Armour, Ladies, and Paper Rolls. Civilians or persons in civil dress, in iiubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, arranged one or more series in the several cen- topographically : — turies. Fifty-four large folio volumes. Cambridge, 32488 A. 1- Gloucester, ,, B. 1- Herts, ,, C. -2. -4. 32490 A. Ecclesiastics, 14th cent. „ B. Knights, 13th and 14th centt. „ C. Knights, Civilians and Ladies, Norfolk, „ D. 1- —3. 14th cent. Paper Rolls. 5) D. Ecclesiastics, 1400—1450. E. Do. 1450—1499. Rubbings of Sepulchral Brasses, collected 5? F. Do. circ. 1400— c^'r^?. 1490. by the Rev. ^neas Barkly Hutchison, 55 G. Do. circ. 1360— c/rc. 1490. arranged topographically : — )} H. Do. 1451—1498. Beds, 32489 A, 1—15, 17. 55 I. Knights and Esquires, Berks, „ B, 1400—1446. Bucks, „ C. 55 K. „ „ 1450—1499. Cambridge, „ D. 1—29. 55 L- „ „ 1400— c^Vc. 1420. Chester, „ E. 55 M. „ „ 1422— ciVc. 1490. Cornwall, „ F, 1—42, 44- -52. 55 N. „ „ 1451—1497. Cumberland „ G, 1 — 3. 55 0. „ ,. 1400— ciVc. 1490. Denbigh, „ H. 1—6. 55 P. Ladies, circ. 1400—1496. , Derby, „ I, 1-10 55 Q. „ 1452—1499. Devon, „ K, 1—39. 55 R. „ circ. 1400— c^>c. 1490. Dorset, „ L. 55 S. Civilians, 1400—1439. Essex, „ M, 1—21. 55 T. „ circ. 1400—1499. Glamorgan ,, N. 55 V. „ 1450—1499. Gloucester, „ 0, 1—33. 55 W. „ 1450—1499. Hants, „ P. 55 X. „ circ. 1495. Hereford, ,. Q, 1, 2. 5* Y. Ecclesiastics, 1500—1591. Herts, „ R, 1—27. '5 Z. „ 1501—1545. Kent, „ S, 1—23. 55 AA. „ circ. 1500—1594. Kirkcudbright T, 1—5. 55 BB. Knights, 1500—1548. Lancaster, „ U. 1 — 10 55 CC. „ 1550—1599. Leicester, „ V. 55 DD. „ 1500—1548. Lincoln, „ W, 1—3. 55 EE. „ 1550—1599. Middlesex, „ X, 1—22. 55 FF. „ 1500—1596. Monmouth „ Y. 55 GG. „ circ. 1500—1597. Norfolk „ Z, 1—55 55 HH. Ladies, 1501-1549. .Northampton AA, 1 — 5 55 II. „ 1551—1599. Nottingham,, BB, 1—6 55 KK. „ 1502—1549. Oxford, „ CC, 1—34 55 LL. „ 1557—1599. Somerset, „ DD, 1—10 55 MM. „ circ. 1500—1592. Suffolk, „ EE, 1—77 55 NN. „ 1505—1599. Surrey, „ EE, 1—12 55 00. Civilians, 1500—1547. Sussex, „ GG, I — 14 55 PP. „ 1552—1599. Warwick, „ HH. 1—3 55 ^^Q. „ 1500—1546. Wilts, „ II, 1—7 55 RR. „ 1501, 1553—1599. York, „ KK, 1—17 55 SS. „ circ. 1500— c/rc. 1590. Miscellaneous LL, 1 — 80 « 55 TT. „ 1500—1600. Belgium, „ MM. 1—16 55 VV. „ circ. 1500—1593. Papers Rolls. 55 WW. „ 1500—1543. 234 Sepulchral Monuments, Inscriptions, Obituaries, & Epitaphs. 32490 XX. „ 1553—1599. „ YY. „ circ. 1500—1599. „ ZZ. Ecclesiastics,l 603—1660. Knights, CiVc. 1600—1656. Ladies, circ. 1600 — 1633. „ AAA. Ladies 1600—1649. „ BBB. „ 1646. „ CCC. Civilians, 1600—1648. „ DDD. „ 1600—1642. „ EEE. „ 1600—1642. „ FEE. „ circ. 1600—1773. [The names o£ persons and places will be found in the index.] Impressions taken from Coffin plates of the English Nobility and Gentry ; 1727—1831. Collected by Sir George Nayler, Garter King at Arms, with an Index to each volume, and a few Biographical Notes. To these are added a few additions, down to 1842, by "William Barclay. 14 volumes, large folio, Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 22,292— 22,305. A series of Monumental Brasses, from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century. Drawn and engraved by J. G. and L. A. B. Waller. Lond. 1840—46. fol. Illustrations of Monumental Brasses. Edited for the Cambridge Camden Society by J. M. N., i.e. John Mason Neale. Camb. 1846, 4P' A list of the Monumental Brasses remain- ing in England, arranged according to Counties, by Charles Robertson Man- ning. Lond. 1846, 8«- Monumental Brasses and Slabs of the Middle Ages, by the Rev. C. Boutell. Lond. 1847, 8°' Manual for the Study of Monumental Brasses, with a Catalogue of 450 Rubbings in Possession of the Oxford Architectural Society. Lond. 1848. 80- The Monumental Brasses of England, by the Rev. Charles Boutell. Lond. 1849, 80- A list of the sepulchral brasses of Eng- land : alphabetically arranged in counties, by Justin Simpson. Stamford. 1857, 8o- A Manual of Monumental Brasses. By H. Haines. Oxford, 1861, S^- Monumental Brasses of England, col- lected with a view to re- editing Haines's Manual, by J. Sparvel Bayley. 3 vols. MSS. 1880, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Memorial Brasses engraved by T. J. Gawthorp. Lond. 1865, 8o- Drawings and rubbings of shields of arms from monumental brasses in various churches in Kent and London. 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,088. A Book of Fac-similes of Monumental Brasses on the Continent of Europe, with brief descriptive notes, by the Rev. W. F. Creeny. Norwich, 1884, fol. Funeral Monuments, and effigies of the Kings of England. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5951. Funeral Trophies of several of the Nobility of England, painted in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1178. Monumental Inscriptions. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6121. Armorial Ensigns and Monumental Inscriptions in various Churches in England. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 919. Monuments and Inscriptions in several Counties, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5806. Church notes taken by Randle Holme in various Counties. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2129. A Collection of Monumental Inscriptions, by Lord Oxford. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6894 A large collection of Monumental draw- ings. Epitaphs, and Arms, from many of the churches in London, and other parts of England, collected chiefly by Henry St. George, Esq., and Nicholas Charles, Esq. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 874. Funeral In scriptions and Arms in Churches . collected by Aug. Vincent. Her. Coll. Vincent MSS. 175 ; 177. Illustrium Virorum Elogia, with portraits^ coats ofarmSf devices etc..^ by J. Phil. Tomasini. Pat. 1630, 4P- Another edition, 1644. Illustrium Virorum Elogia Sepulchralia, edidit Edvardus Popham, Col. Oriel Oxon,nu23er Soc.Londini, apud Dodsley. Oxon. 1778, 80- Ancient funerall monuments within the United Monarchic of Great Britaine and Ireland, and the Islands adjacent, by John Weever. Lond. 1631, fol. Sepulcheal Monuments, Inscriptions, Obttuaries, & Epitaphs. 235 An Alphabetical Index to Weever's Funeral Monuments, printed 1631, by the Kev. Archdeacon Denne. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,824. Ancient Funeral Monuments within the United Monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland, etc., by John Weever. Third edition with additions. London, 1767, 4P- The original MS. is in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, Nos. 127 ; 128. An Alphabetical Index in Manuscript is in the Brit. Mus. Add. MS 11,824. Monumentaillustrium Virorum et Elogia, by M. Z. Boxhorn. Amsterdam, 1G38, fol. Monumenta Illustrium virorum et Elogia, editio nova aucta Antiquis Monumentis in Agro Trajectino repertis. Traj., 1671, fol. Les Tombeaux des Personnes illustres ; avec leurs eloges, genealogies, armes, et devises, par Jean le Laboureur Paris, 1642, fol. Another edition, 1679. Funeral Escutcheons of Nobility and Gentry, from 1651—1663. Her. Coll. MS. E.D.N. 30. Deus et liex. Rex et Episcopus : Carmen ad Clerum cui Carmini sua superaddidit Elogia Sepulchralia, by P. Fisher. Lond. 1675, 8«- Des Decorations Funebres, par Claude FranyGis Menestrier. Paris, 1684, 8<^- An Theater of Mortality ; or a Collection of Funeral Inscriptions over Scotland. Collectedand Englished by R. Monteith. Edin. 1704-13, 8°- Monumental Inscriptions upon Arch- bishops and Bishops of England and Wales, collected by John Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Harl MSS. 6407, 6414, 6416. Monumental Inscriptions, by John Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 3605- 3616, and 6404-6418. Monumental Inscriptions, from A.D. 1600 to 1649, by John Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5321. [Partly printed inLeNeve's " Monumenta Anglicana."] Index to Le Neve's Monumental Inscrip- tions, 1501-1529. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6408. The same from 1650-1679. Harl. MS. 6418. • Monumenta Anglicana : being Inscrip- tions on the Monuments of several Eminent persons deceased in or since the year 1600 to the end of the year 1718. By John Le Neve, 5 vols. Lond. 1717-19, 8"- Sepulchrorum Inscriptions ; or a curious Collection of above 900 of the most remarkable Epitaphs, Ancient and Modern, Serious and Merry, in the Kingdoms of Great Britain, Ireland, etc. with an index of each person's name, by James Jones. Westminster, 1727, 8'^- 100 pages only of vol. ii. were printed. Miscellaneous Collection of Coats of Arms, Church Notes, etc. by William Fox. 1775-1782. Brit. Mus. Add MSS. 8939-8944. Nenia Britannica ; or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain from the earliest period to its general conversion to Christianity. By Rev. James Douglas. Lond. 1793, fol. Sepulchral Memorials in Great Britain applied to illustrate the History of Families, Manners, Habits, and arts at the different periods, from the Norman Conquest to the 17th century ; with Introductory Observations, by Richard Gough. 3 vols. Lond. 1786-1796, fol. Drawings of Sepulchral Monuments in English Cathedrals and Churches, by Smart Lethieullier, and Charles Fred- erick, |in three volumes, 18th century, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 27,348- 27,350. Collection of, Inscriptions, Monuments, Brasses, Coats of Arms, etc. of several Counties of England, by the Rev. David Thomas Powell. In eight volumes. Vol. I. Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Vol. II. Berkshire. Vol. III. Cambridgeshire, Hereford- shire, and Hertfordshire. Vol. IV. Devonshire and Dorsetshire. Vols. V. and VI. Essex. Vol. VII. Leicester- shire, Lincolnshire and Norfolk. Vol. VIII. Somersetshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 17,456-17,463. An Essay on National and Sepulchral Monuments, by William Wood. Lond. 1808, 4«- Histrionic Topography ; or, the birth- places, residences, and funeral monu- ments of the most distinguished actors. By J. N. Brewer. Lond. 1818, B^- 236 Sepulcheal Monuments, Inscriptions, Obittjakies, & Epitaphs. Select Funeral Memorials. Edited by Sir S. E. Brydges. Printed at Lee Priory, Kent, 1818, 4"- Coloured drawings of Monuments, Brasses, etc , by G. Shepherd, 1820. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 16,9(56 ; 16,967. The Monumental llemains of noble and eminent persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain. By Edw. Blore. Lond. 1826, 4«- The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, selected from our Cathedrals and Churches,from the Norman Con- quest to the reign of Henry VIII., by C. A. Stothard. With an Introduction and Descriptions by Alfred John Kempe. Lond. 1817—32, fol. Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, from William I. to Henry VIII. selected from our Cathedrals and Churches, by Chas. Alfred Stothard. With Historical Descriptions, and Introduction, by John Kempe. A New Edition, with a large body of Additional Notes by John Hewitt. Lond. 1876, 4o- The same, large paper, fol. A Glimpse at the Monumental Architec- ture and Sculpture of Great Britain, by M. H. Bloxam. Lond. 1834, 8«- Fragmenta Sepulchralia. A Glimpse at the sepulchral and early monumental remains of Great Britain, by M. H. Bloxam. Oxf. 1840—50, 8«- Privately printed. Antique and Armorial Collections ; con- sisting of notices of various archi- tectural and monumental antiquities, in various counties of England and in Pioardy, by the Rev. Alfred J. F. Suckling, 1821—1839, sixteen vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,476—18,491. Vetusta Monumenta ; or, Ancient Monu- ments illustrative of the History and Topography of Great Britain. Society of Antiquaries. 6 vols. Lond. 1737 — 1840, fol. The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. Drawn and etched by T. Hollis and G. Hollis. Lond. 1840, etc. fol. Parts 1—6. Monumental Drawings of celebrated Persons, by Thos. Gosden. 1842, 4'^- Brit. Mus. Lib. not published. Memoir on the Preservation of Monu- mental Inscriptions, b^ T. W. King. See The Archceological Journal., i, 135. Lond. 1845, Bo- Peculiarities of Monumental Effigies in Wales. See "ArchseologiaCambrensis," I vols. 2 and 3. Lond. 1847—48, 8«- Testamentary burials and monumental inscriptions, transcribed from James Torre's Manuscript in the Chapter Library at York, bv Percy Woodroffe Paver, 1848. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. ' 29,689. Christian Monuments in England and Wales. With numerous illustrations, by the Rev. Charles Boutell. Lond. 1849, 80- A Manual for the Study of the Sepulchral Slabs and Crosses of the Middle Ages, by the Rev. E. L. Cutts. Lond. 1849, 8«- Notices of Sepulchral Monuments in English Churches, by W. H. Kelke. Lond. 1850, 80- Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and New Worlds, a Pilgrimage to many Lands, with Notices of Funeral Customs, by R. R. Madden. 2 vols. 1851, 8°- Notes on the Churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey, with the Sepulchral Memorials and other Anti- quities, by A. Hussey. Lond. 1852, 8o- New designs for monuments, tombs, etc., by D. A. Clarkson. 3 vols. Lond. 1852—65, fol. Christian Monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various Classes of Sepul- chral Monuments which have been in use in this Country from about the Era of the Norman Conquest to the time of Edward IV., by Chas. Boutell. Lond. 1854, 80- Tapographia ; or a collection of Tombs of royal and distinguished families, col- lected during a tour of Europe, by Frederick D. Hartland. Cheltenham, 1856, 4«- Monuments Funeraires du Moyen-Age, par G. G. Ungewitter. Leip. 1856, fol. Manual of Sepulchral Monuments, by E. Trollope. Lond. 1858, 8o- The Graves of Our Fathers, by C. H. Hale. Lond. 1858, S^- Church-notes, monumental inscriptions, pedigrees, etc., collected by Joseph Hunter in various parts of England, Sepulchral Monuments, Inscriptions, Obituaries, & Epitaphs. 237 but chiefly in Yorkshire and the neigh- bouring counties, 1802—1859. Thirty- seven volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,508—21,604. British Monumental Inscriptions ; gathered occasionally, from divers Churchyards, bv E. Roffe. 2 vols. Lond. i859— 61, 4'^- Only 16 copies privately printed. Walks in the Way of Old Weever, by Edwin Koffe. Lond. 1862, 4«- Only 16 copies privately printed. The Tomb Seeker. Funeral Records, by Edwin Koffe. Lond. 1863, 4P- Onfy 16 copies privately printed. Queen Eleanor's Crosses, by John Abel. Lond. 1864, fol. Ancient Stone Crosses of England, by Alfred llimmer. Lond. 1875, S^- Sundry Slips of Yew, set to the memory of divers citizens of London. Inscrip- tions from church vard tombs, by Edwin lloffe. Lond. 18(54, 4^- Only 16 copies privately printed. A Basket of Bright Berries from the Yew Trees of Paradise, [i.e. A few monu- mental inscriptions! gathered by Edwin Koffe. Lond. 1864, 4"- Privately printed. History from Marble. Being Ancient and Modern Funeral Monuments in England and Wales, by Thomas Dingley, Gent. Printed in Photolithography by Vincent Brooks, from the original in the possession of Sir Thomas E. Win- nington, Bart. With an Introduction, etc. by John Grough Nichols. Printed for the Camden ^Society. Lond. 1867, 4''- Inscriptiones Brittannise Christianse, edidit E. Huebner. Ber. and Lond. 1876, 4P On certain Sepulchral Crossed-legged Effigies of Civilians, by M. H. Blox- ham. See the Archceological Journal, xxxiii, 235. Lond. 1876, 8"- Our Ancient Monuments and the Land around them, by C. P. Kains- Jackson. With an Introduction by Sir John Lubbock. Lond. 1880, 4'^- English Military Effigies and their relation to the history of Armour, with references to some examples in Derbyshire, by the Baron ^e Cosson. See Archaeological Journal, vol. 43. Lond. 1886, 8«- Mawson's Obits, etc. [From the College of Arms.] See " The Genealogist," new series, vol. iii, &c. Lond. 1886, &c, 8° The Tombstone Library, a Collection <»f Monumental Inscriptions, Epitaphs, etc., culled from various parts of the Kingdom, and out-of-the-way sources. Illustrated with Views, Coats of Arms, &c., with occasional Genealogical Notes, Extracts from llegisters, etc. In progress, 1889. Lombardic Inscriptions from Ancient Sepulchral Monuments in England, Scotland, and Wales, with several from Churches in France, b}- J. C. Buckler. With drawings, and rubbings. 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,766. Basilea, the sepulchral inscriptions in the cathedral and the church of St. Peter at Basle, of its eminent scholars and their families, by Joseph Hunter ; with an introduction and remarks on the monument of Erasmus. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,622. Sepulchral Memorials of the English at Bruges, and Caen. See " The Topo- grapher and Genealogist," vol. ii., edited bv John Gough Nichols. Lond. 1853, 8'^- Abstracts of funeral certificates, from 1579 to 1660 ; and from 1614 to 1651. The funeral bearings are described in shields and writing of the reign of Charles II. Stowe MSS. 515 and 517 Brit. Mus. Funeral Certificates by Heralds. Original MS. 17th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. A Collection of Funeral Certificates, be- gun by the first Randle Holme, and continued by the second and third Randle Holme, from 1616 to 1680 ; with coloured Arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2180. An Obituary, with an account of several persons in England, by John Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3625. Le Neve's Obituary, from 1658 to 1680. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 6404—6418. Index to the Obituary and Biographical Notices in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731—1780, by R. H. Farrar. Part I, Indesc Society. Lond. 1886, 8°- 238 Sepulchral Motsttments, Inscriptions, Obituaries, & Epitaphs. An Obituary, alphabetically arranged, by Sir William Musgravo. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5727—5740. Supplement, Add. MSS. 5741—5740. An Obituary of the Nobility, Gentry, etc., of England, Scotland, and Ireland, prior to 1800, collected by Sir William Musgrave, Bart, See Collectanea Genealogica, by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1882, 80- The Tlegister and Magazine of Biography, A Record of Births, Marriages, Deaths and other genealogical and Personal Occurrences. Printed by Nichols & Son. Parliament Street, Westminster. Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions from English Cathedrals. Corp. Christ. Coll. Oxf. MS. cccix, f. 97. A Collection of Epitaphs, taken from Churches in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6762. A Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions in various parts of England, and par- ticularly from the Churches in London. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 843. Miscellaneous Collection of Epitaphs, by the Ilev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5832, f. 165, etc. Epitaphs collected in various parts of England, in the handwriting of Dr. Hutton. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5329. Epitaphs in several Churches in England, collected by B. Sheldon. Ashm. Lib. Wood MSS. 8550, 8551. Epitaphia sive Monumenta Sepulchrorum, ab Francisco Thynne, in sua Anglise peregrinatione collecta, etc. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3836. Epitaphs in various Counties, collected by Ant. a Wood. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8505. Epitaphs arranged under heads, by the Rev. Sir. Richard Kaye, Bart. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,562. A Collection of Epitaphs in the Counties of Northampton, Cambridge, Stafford, Essex, and Middlesex, with an account of some persons buried without any monumental inscriptions, by J. Clement, 1713. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,425. A Collection of Epitaphs, by W. Toldervy. 2 vols. Lond. 1755, 12'^- Select and Remarkable Epitaphs on Illustrious and other Persons, in several parts of Europe. And compendious Accounts of the Deceased, their Lives and Works, by John Hackett. 2 vols. Lond. 1757, 120- A new and select Collection of Epitaphs, including the most remarkable Inscrip- tions in the Collections of Hacket, Jones, and Toldervy, together with one thousand Epitaphs never before pub- lished, by T. Webb. 2 vols, Lond. 1775, 80- A large Collection of Epitaphs, epitaphial verses, elegies, etc., made between the years 1764 and 1778, by Thomas Hay- ward of Hungerford, in 34 vols., with 7 vols, of Indexes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 13,916—13,953. [Vols. 28 and 29, and the 1st vol. of the index are wanting.] Frobisher'g New Select Collection of Epitaphs, Humorous, Whimsical, Moral and Satyrical. York (about 1790), 8"- The Epitaph Writer ; consisting of original epitaphs, arranged on a new plan, to which is prefixed, an essay on epitaph writing, by John Bowden. Chester, 1791, 12''- A Select Collection of Ancient and Modern Epitaphs and Inscriptions, by Thomas Caldwell. 1791, 12o- Another edition, 1796. Collection of Epitaphs, in verse and prose, with notes of Churches, antiquities, etc., by Thomas Combe, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,272. Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions, ancient and modern, including many never before printed. 1802, 12<'- Another edition, 1822. A Collection of Epitaphs and Monu- mental Inscriptions. Historical, Bio- graphical, Literary, and Miscellaneous, to which is prefixed an Essay on Epitaphs, by Dr. S. Johnson. 2 vols. Lond. 1806, 12"- Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, with anecdotes of dis- tinguished and extraordinary persons. Ipswich, 1806, 12«- A collection of moral and interesting epitaphs and remarkable monumental inscriptions, by Wm. Hennev. Lond. 1814, 12°- Sepulchral Gleanings ; or, a collection of Epitaphs from various parts of England, by William Snow. Lond. 1817, 12o- Sepulctt-ral Monuments, Inscriptions, Obituaries, & Epitaphs. 239 Church-yard Gleanings, and Epigrammatic Scraps : being a Collection of liemark- able Epitaphs and Epigrams, by William Pulleyn. Lond. [1820 ?] 12o- Collection of Ancient and Modern Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, by W. Graham. 1823, 12o- Collection of Epitaphs and Ilemarkable Monumental Inscriptions, by E. Orchard. 1827, 8°- Churchyard Lyrist, consisting of five hundred original Inscriptions to Com- memorate the Dead, by G. Mogridge. Lond. 1837, 120- . A general volume of Epitaphs, original and selected, with an historical and moral essay on the subject, by a clergy- man. [Benjamin Kichings.] Lond. 1840, 8^^- Voices from the Tombs, or Epitaphs original and selected, with an Historical and Moral Essay on Sepulchral Customs and Monumental Inscriptions, by the Kev. B. Richings. Lond. 1858, 8«- A Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions on the most illustrious persons in all Ages and Countries, by S. Tissington, with Index. Lond. 1857, 8«- Chronicles of the Tombs. A select col- lection of epitaphs, preceded by an essay on epitaphs and other monumen- tal inscriptions, by Tho. Jos. Pettigrew. Published in Bohn's Antiquarian Lib- rary. Lond. 1857, 8"- Chronicles of the Tombs. A select collec- tion of epitaphs, etc., by Tho. Jos. Pettigrew. Published in Bohn's Refer- ence Library. Lond. 1888. 8''- Gleanings in Graveyards : A Collection of Curious Epitaphs, by H. E. Norfolk. Second edition. Lond. 1861, W- Third edition, 1866. Epitaphiana ; or Curiosities of Church- yard Literature, by W. Fairley. Lond. 1873, 80- Epitaphs, or. Church-yard gleanings. Collected by Old Mortality, Jun. Lond. 1874, 8°- Enlarged edition, 1887. Epitaphs ; quaint, curious, and elegant. With remarks on the obsequies of various nations, by Henry James Loaring. Lond. [1876] 8«- Antiente Epitaphes, from A.D. 1250 to A.D. 1800 ; collected and sett forth in Chronologicall order, by T. F. liaven- shaw. Lond, 1878, 8"- Curious Epitaphs. Collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ire- land, with Biographical, Genealogical, and Historical Notes, by William Andrews. Lond. 1883, 8'^- Gleanings from God's Acre ; being a Collection of Epitaphs, by John Potter Briscoe. Edinb. 1884. Collection of Hebrew Epitaphs in Italy, by Dr. A. Berliner, 1881. Jflags. Flags of all Nations. Lond. 1864, 16"- Reynold's Flags of all Nations. Lond. 1872. A Popular Account of the History and Uses of our own Flags and of those of other Nations, Ancient and Modern, by A. Macgeorge. Lond. 1881, 4<'- Flags ; some Account of they^ History and Uses, by A. Macgeorge. Lond. 1882, 4P' Flags and Signals of all Nations, on 71 plates, coloured. Edited by G. C. Hounsell. Lond. 1882, fol. Musgrave's Royal, Naval, and Mer- chant Flags of all Nations. Lond. 1887, 80- Colours of Flags of the ships at sea belonging to the several Princes and States in the world. Lond. 12''- No date. 240 Fl.vgs. The Naval Fla^^s of all Nations. Liver- pool, 1S20, i"- Two hundred and thirty-five illustrations of the Maritime Flags of all Nations, by John William Norie. Lond. 1842, 8«- Three hundred and six illustrations of the Maritime Flags of all Nations, by John William Norie, newly arranged and auc^mented by J. S. Hobbs. Lond. 1848, 8«- Universal Yacht Signals, coloured illus t rat ions of Flags, by G. H. Ackers. 1847, 8^^- Flags used in the Commercial Code of Signals. Lond. 1857, 12''- Album des Pavilions, Guidons, Flammes, de toutes les puissances maritimes, par Alexandre Le Gras. Paris, 1858, 4'^- The Flags of all maritime nations, to which is added the coats of arras of the various nations of the world. Printed in colors. W. T. Amies Philadelphia, 1880, obi. S'^- On the Banners of the Bayeaux Tapestry, and some of the earliest Heraldic charges, by Gilbert J. Fi^ench. Lond. 1857. 8'^- Privately printed from the Journal of the Archaeological Associa- tion of Great Britain and Ireland, July, 1857. An Account of Banners and Standards, Guidehommes or Guydons, Pencils or Pennons, and Streamers. See Retros- pective Bevieiv, vol. i. p. 114. Banners and Supporters, in colours. ITemp. Hen. VI. ?] Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber, E, viii. f. 180. A description of the Standards used by the Peers and others who accompanied Edward IV. in his expedition into France in 1475, as Avell as those borne in that of Henry VIII. in June 1513. See Retrospective JRevieiv, vol. ii. p. 510. A Description of the Standards borne in the Field by Peers and Knights, in the reign of Henry VIII. from a MS. in the College of Arms, marked I. 2. compiled between the years 1510 and 1525. See Excerpta Historicn, by Samuel Bentley. Lond. 1831, 8'^- Drawings of the Devices used in Colours, in the Parliament Army, in their Re- bellion against King Charles I. Brit. Mus, Harl. MS. 2275. The Standards and Arms of Robert, Earl of Essex, and of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Generals of the Parliamentary Forces, A.D. 1642, with the names, colours, and arms of their officers, collected and painted by Jonathan Turville. MS. Dr. Williams' Library, Grafton St. London. Ensigns of the Trayned Bands of the City of London etc. by K. Symonds, 1613. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS 986. Banners of the Parliamentary Army, in the time of Charles I., with the Arms of the Captains. Brit. Mus. Sloan, MS. 5247. " London in Armes displayed ; or the distincons millitary and Civill of all ye Comanders of Horrse troopes and Collonells of the Trained Bands, 1647," bv John Lucas. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,308. List of the Colours taken by the Earl of Essex, with th^ names of the battles in which they were taken ; and a list of the Colours taken by Sir Thomas Fair- fax at Knasby Field, 14 June, 1645. MS. Dr. Williams' Library, Grafton St. London. Colours and Standards taken from the Scots at Preston, 1648, and at Dunbar in Scotland, 1650, by the Lord General Cromwell. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1460. The National Flags of the Commonwealth, by H, W. Henfrey. See the Journal of the British Archceological Associa- tion, xxxi, 54. Lond. 1875, 8°- Respubliea ; or a Display of the Honors, Ceremonies, and Ensigns of the Com- monwealth, under Oliver Cromwell, with the Names, Armorial Bearings, Flags, and Pennons of the different Commanders, bv Sir J. Prestwich. Lond. 1787, 4^- "^ The Union Flag of Great Britain, with coloured illustrations, by Arthur P. Harrison. Lond. (1859.) 12"- Royal and National Ensigns, emblazoned by Arthur P. Harrison. Lond. (1859.) Johnson's New Chart of National Em- blems. See Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas. New York, 1865, fol. Military Flags, in colours. Historical Records of the British Army, by Richard Cannon. Lond. 1837, &c. 8«- Flags. 241 The Coloai's of the Grenadier Guards, by Robert French M'Nair, Lond, 1870, 40. History of the Flag of the United States of America, and of the Naval and Yacht-Club Signals, Seals and Arms with a Chronicle of the Symbols, Stan- dards, Banners, and Flags of Ancient and Modern Nations, by Geo. Henry Preble. Boston, 1880, 8«- llecherches sur les Enseignes des Maisous particulieres, par E. de La Queriere. Paris, 1852, 8^- Recherches sur les Drapeaux Francais. Oriflamme, Banniere de France, Mar- ques Nation ales etc. par Gust. Dcsjar- difts. Paris, 1874, fol. Historical Memoranda connected with the Flag of France, by C. T. Richard- son. Ramsgate, 1875, 8°- ^onDUt. The Earl Marshal's Book on the Record of the Court of Honour. College of Arms. Roll of the Court of Honour : ' Placita Exercitus Regis,' 1296. Record Office. The Booke of Honor and Armes, wherein is discovered the causes of Quarrel, and the nature of Injuries, with their Repulses. Also the means of satis- faction and pacification, with divers other things necessarie to be knowne of all Gentlemen, and others professing Armes and Honor, bv William Segar. Lond. 1590, 4»- Honor Military, and Civil, contained in foure bookes ; viz. 1. Justice, and Jurisdiction Military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Com- bats for life and Triumph. 4. Pre- cedencie of Great Estates, and others ; by William Segar. Lond. 1G02, fol. Segar's Honor MiHtary and Civil, partly reprinted in " Miscellaneous Antiqui- ties," by H. Walpole. Strawberrv- Hill, 1772, 4'^- Honour discoursed of in the theory of it, and practice, with directions for a pru- dent conduct in occurrences of incivility and civility, dedicated to Henty, Bishop of London. By Richard Baker. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 881. Vincentio Saviole, His practice : in two bookes. The first intreating of the use of the Rapier and Dagger. The second of Honor and honorable Quarrels. Lond. 1595, 4-^ The Mirror of Honor, by John Norden. Lond. 1597, 4«- The Catalogue of Honor, or Treasury of true Nobility peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine, by Thomas Milles. With a Treatise of Nobility. Translated out of Latyne into English. Lond. 1610, fol. Titles of Honour. By John Selden. Lond. 1614, 4P- Other editions in 1631 and 1672, fol. The Mirrour of Majestic, or the Badges of Honour conceitedly emblazoned, with Emblems annexed, Poetically unfolded, by H. G. Lond. 1618, 4P' The Mirrour of Majestic, or the Badges of Honour Conceitly Emblazoned. Facsimile of 1618. Edited by H. Green and J. Croston for the Holbein Society. Manchester, 1870, 4'^- Le Theatre d'Honneur et de Chevalerie, ou I'Histoire des Ordres Militaires des Roys et Princes de la Chrestiente et leur Genealogie : De I'lnstitution des Armes et Blasons, etc. Par Andre Favyn, Paris, 1620, 4«- 242 HoNorR. Extraits du Theatre d'Honneur, d' Andre Favjn. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 795. The Theater of Honour and Knighthood. Contajnjng the Originall of all Mon- archies, Kingdomes, etc., with their Emperours, Kings, Princes, and Go- uernours, to the present time. The First Institution of Armes, Emblazons, etc. With all the Ancient and Moderne Military Orders of Knighthood in every Kingdome, by Andrew Favine. Trans- lated from the French. Lond. 1623, fol Extract from Favine' s Theatre of Honour on Precedencie and Excellencie. Lond. 1623, fol. The Book of Honour, or five Decades of Epistles of Honour, by Francis Mark- ham. Lond. 1625. fol. The Citie's Advocate, in this Case or Question of Honor and Armes, Whether Apprenticeship extinguisheth Gentry ? Lond. 1629., 4«- The Cities great concern, in this Case or Question of Honour and Arms. TVhe- iher Ajoprenticeship extingtdshctJi Gentry ? Discoursed ; with a clear refutation of the ]:)ernicious error that it doth, by John Philip ot. Lond. 1675, 12°- The Union of Honour. Containing the Armes, Matches, and Issue of the Kings, Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls of England, from the Conquest untill this present yeere, 1640. With the Armes of The English Viscounts and Barons now living ; and of the Gentry of Lincolnshire, by James Yorke, Lond. 1640. fol. Le vray Theatre d'Honneur et de Cheva- lerie, ou le Miroir heroique de la Noblesse, contenant les Combats ou Jeux sacrez des Grecs et des Komains, les Tournois, les Joustes, etc. par Marc de Vulson, de la Colombiere, 2 vols. Paris, 1648. fol. Le Trophee d' Amies Heraldiques. Paris, 1650. 4«- Observations upon the Inconveniences that have attended the frequent pro- motions to Titles of Honour and Dignity since King James came to the Crown of England, b}' Sir Edward Walker, Knt. Lond. 1653, fob Honor liedivivus : or an Analysis of Honour and Armory, by Matthew Carter. Lond. 1655, W^- Other editions in 1660 and 1669. JEEonoior redivivus : Or, The Analysis of Honor and Armory ; Eeprinted with many useful and necessary additions ; and supply'd with the Names and Titles of Honour of the present Nobility of England, The Bishops, Baronets, Members of Parliament, etc. by Matt. Carter. Third edition. Lond. 1673, S*'- List of the names of gentlemen whose coats are emblazoned in Carter's Ana- lysis of Armoury, 1655, 1660, 1673. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1194. fol. 35. Tresor Heraldique. Par. C. Segoing. Paris, 1657. fol. La Spada di Honore libro prime, etc. By Berlingiero Gessi. Bologna, 1671, 4«- [No more published.] The Honours of the Lords Spiritual Asserted, and their Privileges to Vote in Capital Cases in Parliament, main- tained by Reason and Precedent. Lond. 1679, fol. Symbola Heroica, by Francis Petrasancta. "" Amsterdam, 1682, 4"- The ancient usage in Bearing of such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly caird Arms, with a Catalogue of the present Nobility and Baronets of Eng- land, by Sir Wm. Dugdale. Oxf. 1682, 8*^- Second edition, corrected, Oxf. 1682. Another edition, with additions. Lond. 1811, fol. The Laws of Honor : or an Account of the Suppression of Duels in France. Extracted out of the King's Edicts. Eegulation of the Marshals, Eecords of Parliament. Published for the use of English Gentlemen, who have the Honour to carry Arms, and Dedicated to the Earl Marshal of England, by Thomas Flesher. Loud. 1685, 8''- Britain's Glory, and England's Bravery. Wherein is shewed the Degrees of Honour from the Prince to the Pea- sant ; with the Honour of the Nobles, and Privileges of the Commons. As also Honour of Arms, Power of Heralds, Signification of Charges in Coat Ar- mour ; with an Armorial Dictionary, explaining the terms of heraldry, by Benjamin Smithurst. Lond. 1689, 12»- HONOXJR. 243 An alphabetical list of all the counties, cities, market, and parochial towns, villages, and principal seats, and of antient surnames in England, &e. which are now in titles of honour in the present temporal nobility of England, with an account of their patents and dates. By John Ogilbie, 1698. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3955. Earl- Marshall. — Letter to a Peer con- cerning the Honour of Earl-Marshal. Lond. 1703, 80- Honores Anglicani : or, Titles of Honour of the Temporal Nobility of the Eng- lish Nation, by Simon Segar. Lond. 1712, 8<^- Another edition, 1715. The Laws of Honour : or, a Compendi- ous Account of the ancient Derivation of all Titles, Dignities, &c. as well Spiritual as Temporal, Civil or Mili- tary, by R. Gosling. Lond. 1714, 8'*- Another edition, 1726. The British Compendium ; or, Rudiments of Honour, etc., by Francis Nichols. Lond. 1720, 8«- Other editions in 1721, 1723, 1725, 1729, 1733, 1746, 1752. The English Compendium ; or Rudiments of Honour. Containing the genealogies of all the Nobility of England, their titles, posts, and seats, by Fr. Nichols. Tenth edition, corrected and enlarged, 3 vols. Lond. 1753, 8«- Notitia Anglicana, shewing the Atchieve- ments, Quarterings, Coats, Crests, Sup- j^orters, Mottos, Titles of Honour, etc. by Andrew Johnston. Lond. 1724. Titles and Honours conferred by King George I. and his present Majesty in Great Britain and Ireland, by John PhiKpps. Lond. 1728, 8o- Proposals for printing by subscription a book intituled The Grand Theatre of Honour, Nobility and Chivalry in French and English, by Abel Boyer and John Innes. Lond. 1723 ? 4°- The Grand Theater of Honour and Nobility ; Containing The Science of Heraldry, with a Complete Dictionary of all the Terms proper thereto ; The Atchievements and Blazon of the Emperors, Kings, Princes, and Sove- reign States of Christendom,»by Abel Boyer. French and English. Lond. 1729, 4P- Baronia Anglica. An History of Land- Honors and Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite. Verified by Records. By- Thomas Madox. Lond. 1741, fol. Memoir on the Descent of titles of Honour, particularly Baronies through the female line, by Sayntlowe Knive- ton. See Arch(Bologia, iii, 285. " Collection manuscrite et blasonnee des titres de noblesse, chevalerie et autres marques d'honneur, accordees par sa Majeste I'lmperatrice Reine apostolique Marie Therese, notre souveraine, des I'an 1741 jusques a la fin de I'an 1762 ; par le chevalier de Holleber d'Ascow." Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1907. Respublica : A Display of the Cere- monies, Honours, and Ensigns of the Commonwealth, with Names, Armorial Bearings, etc. of upwards of 300 fami- lies, by Sir John Prestwich. Lond. 1787, 4'^- A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland ; or a Com- plete Register of the Hereditary Honours, Public Ofiices, and Persons in Office, from the earliest periods to the present time, by Robert Beatson. Edinb. 1786, 8o- Second edition, 2 vols. Lond. 1788, 8«- Third edition, 3 vols. Lond. 1806, 8«- An Index of Honour : containing a variety of valuable information on all Dignities, Ceremonies, Precedency, etc., etc., by Hugh Clark, author of the " Introduction to Heraldry," etc. MS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., P.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Comparative Rank, between the Army, Navy, Governors, Lieutenancy of Counties, Medical, Judicial, Fiscal and Commercial Appointments, etc. By an Officer. Lond. 1808, 8°- A Chronological Table of the Nobility of the United Kingdom, shewing at one view their exact order of Precedency, etc., to which is annexed the Form of Precedence as it regards to remaining Orders of Society. Lond. 1819, 8°- The Broad Stone of Honour ; or, Rules for the Gentlemen of England, by K. H. Digby. Lond. 1822, 12°- Broad Stone of Honour, or the True Sense and Practice of Chivalry, in four 244 Honour books ; Godefridus, Morus, Tancredus, and Orlandus, by Kenelm H. Digby. 4 vols. Lond. 1827-29, 8°- Second edition of Book I., Godefridus, 1829. Broad Stone of Honour ; or, the True Sense and Practice of Chivalry, Com- plete, by Kenelm Henry Higby. 5 vols. Lond. 1876-77, S"- Only 50 copies printed. The Broad Stone of Honour. The fourth book, Orlandus, by K. H. Bigby. 2 vols. Lond. 1876, S°- Dignities, feudal and parliamentary, by Sir William Betham. Lond. 1830, 8^- Observations on the Clauses containing Grants of Precedency in Patents of Peerage, with remarks on the Statute, 31 Hen. VIII. for Placing the Lords, by Sir N. Harris Nicolas. Lond. [1832?] 8«- British and Ct)ntinental Titles of Honour, by a Traveller. Lond. 1842, 8«- Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour, by Sir Bernard Burke. Lond. 1858, 8°- Titles of Honour ; by Sir Thomas St. George, Garter King of Arms. Edited by C. G. Young. Lond. 1864, 8«- Privately printed. National Honours and their noblest claimants, by Robt. Bigsby. Lond. 1867, 80- An Index of Hereditary English, Scot- tish and Irish Titles of Honour, by Edward Solly. Index Society. Lond. 1880, 80- The British Roll of Honour. A descriptive account of the Recognised Orders of Chivalry in various countries, and their Insignia, also detailed lists of the British subjects (now living) who have been enrolled in these Orders, by Peter Lund Simmonds. Lond. 1887, 8''' The Field of Honour : being a complete and Comprehensive History of Duelling in all Countries, by Major Ben. C. Truman. Lond, 1884, 8<^- ' Crusabtrs. Some account of the Knights who accom- panied St. Louis, King of France, and Prince Edward, afterwards King of England, in their Crusades to the Holy Land, will be found in Bentley's Excerpta Historica. Lond. 1831, '^"'■ Recueil des Historiens des Croisades, public par les soins de 1' Academic des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. Paris, 1841, etc. Recueil des historiens des Croisades, public par les soins de 1' Academic des Inscriptions. Historiens Orientaux. Tom. III. Paris, 1884, 4P' Bibliotheque des Croisades, par Joseph Fran^ais Michaud. 4 parts. Paris, 1829, 8°' Tableau historique des trois premieres Croisades, by Joseph Fran^ais Mic- haud. Londres, 1805, 12^- Another edition, Paris, 1838, 16°- Histoire des Croisades, by Joseph Fran^ais Michaud. 7 vols, Paris, 1819-22, 8"- Other editions in 1825, 1836, 1841, 1857, and 1877. Histoire des Croisades abregee a I'usage de la jeunesse, par Joseph FrauQais Michaud. 2 vols. Paris, 1844, 12'^- Another edition. Tours, 1867, 8''- The History of the Crusades, by Charles Mills. 2 vols. Lond, 1820, 8« Fourth edition in 1828. Versailles. Salle des Croisades, edited by Chas. Gavard, with Coats of arms em- blazoned. Paris, [1844], fol. Ceusaders. 245 Armoiries des Salles des Croisades (tome VI des Galeries historiques du Palais de Versailles). Paris, 1844, fol. La noblesse de France aux Croisades, par lloger. Paris, 1845, Bo- Chronicles of the Crusades, being Con- temporary Narratives, by Eichard of Devizes, Lord Joinville, etc. 1848, 80- The English Crusades, with 300 Coats of arms emhlazoned in gold and coloitrs. by James Cruikshank Dansey. London, 1849, 40- History of the Crusades by Joseph Fran- 9ais Michaud. Translated from the French by W. Kobson. 3 vols. Lond. 1852, 8°- New edition, 3 vols. Lond. 1881, 80- Histoire genealogique du Musee des Croisades, par Amed. Boudin. Paris, 1858—61, 4«- The Crusades, by George W. Cox. Lond. 1874, S^- ^ Histoire generale des Croisades, par Guillaume de Tyr, texte fran9ais du XIII. siecle, revue et annotee par M. Paulin Paris. 2 vols. Paris, 1879— 80, 8«- Les Chevaliers Limousins a, la premiere Croisade, par Arbellot. Paris, 1881, 8°- (Btiim of C^ikltg anir lnigl)t|)0oli. Catalogue of the Ecclesiastical and Secular Orders of Knighthood throughout Christendom, with their Arms blazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025. An Account of the European Orders o* Knighthood, with the Arms in colours- Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,480. A short account of all the Orders of Knighthood, degrees of Gentlemen, and an account of the origin and significa- tion of various arms. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814 f . 64. " Equites Anglicani ;" or a Catalogue of the several Degrees of Knighthood in England, from Edw. III. to the end of the reign of Charles I. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8480. The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; and A Brief Account of all other Military Orders of Knighthood in England, Scotland, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, etc. With the Ensigns of the several Orders, by Elias Ashmole. Lond. 1693, fol. Ordinum Equestrium et Militafam Cata- logues in Imaginibus expositus, by P. Bonanni. Koma. 1711, 4°- Dictionnaire encyclopedique des ordres de Chevalerie civils et militaires depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu' a nos jours, etc., par W. Maigne. Paris. 1861, 12°- Kitten-Orden in Europa, by G. Eichler. Augspurg. 1759, 4<^- Almanach der Eitter-Orden von Friedrich Gottschalck. Leip. 1817—19, 8°- No more published. Ordens-Lexikon. Wien, 1868. sm, 4^- German Orders. Historische Sammlung aller Kitterorden der Verschiedenen Nationen, von A. M. Perrot. Leip. 1821, 40- Die Prussischen Orden, von L. Schneider. Berl. 1867, &c., fol. Les Ordres de Chevalerie de I'Empire de la Russie, par C. H. de Gelbke. Leip. 1839, 40- A concise History of Knighthood : containing the Religious and Military Orders which have been instituted in Europe. With descriptions of their Mantles, Caps, Collars, Stars, Ribbons, and Mottoes. Also Accounts of the Installations of the Garter, Bath, Thistle, and St. Patrick ; and correct Lists of the Knights of each, by Hugh Clark. 2 vols. Lond. 1784, 8«. 246 Ordees of Chivalry and Knighithoob. An Accurate Historical Account of all the Orders of Knighthood at present existing in Europe. To which are prefixed, a Critical Dissertation upon the Ancient and Present State of those Equestrian Institutions, and a Prefatory Discourse on the Origin of Knighthood in general, by Sir L. Hanson. Printed at Hamburgh for J. White. 2 vols. Lond. 1802^, S^- Knighthood. Reprinted from the " Ency- clopaedia Londoniensis," with five coloured plates showing all the Insignia of Knighthood. Lond. 1811, 4^- Original Institutions of the Princely Orders of Collars, viz., the Garter, the Annunciation, the Golden Fleece, St. Michael, the Holy Ghost, and the Thistle, by Sir Wm. Segar. Edinb. 1823, 4«- A Complete System of Knighthood, by Thomas liobson. Sunderland, 1830, 40- Concise Account of the several Foreign Orders of Knighthood, and other marks of honourable distinction, especially of such as have been conferred upon British Subjects, together with the Names and Achievements of those gallant Men who have been presented with Honorary Swords or Plate by the Patriotic Fund Institution, by N. Carlisle. Lond. 1839, 8«- History of the Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire, that of the Guelphs of Hanover, the Medals, &c., conferred for Naval and Military Services, by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 4 vols. Lond. 1842, 4«- A concise description of the Insignia of the Orders of British Knighthood, witli Illustrations shewing the manner of wearing them, the proper mode of using them in Heraldry, exemplifying how they should be emblazoned, by John Hunter. Lond. (1844), fol. The Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdoms, by T. Wille- ment. Lond. 1854, 4"- The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honors, of all nations : comprising an historical account of each order, from the earliest to the present time. Embellished with fac-siiidle coloured Illustrations of the Insignia of the various Orders, b}'^ Sir John Bernard Burke. Lond. 1858, 8'^- The Orders of Knighthood, British and Foreign, with a brief Keview of the Titles of Rank and Merit in Ancient Hindustan. Calcutta, 1884, 4:'^- Collections towards a History of the Court of Chivalry, or of the Duties, Privileges, and Proceedings of Heralds, etc., by John Anstis, Esq., Garter Principal King of Arms, in 14 volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 9009—9022. Collections relating to the Court of Chivalry. Lincoln's Inn Lib. Hale MS. xi. Ordinances, Statutes, Rules, etc., of Chivalry. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl, 69, 2129, 2358, 2413, 60(54 ; Tib. E. viii. Records of the Court of Chivalry, called the Earl Marshal's Book. College of Arms. De I'art de Chevalerie, 4 Livres, par Flave Vegece. Translates par Jehun de Meun I'an 1284. Roval MSS. 20 B. I. and 20 B XV. Brit. Mus. Les Establissemeuz de Chevalerie, en 4 livres, 14th century. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 20. B. XI. Quelques Ordres d'Armes, en France, 1406. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 20 B. xyi. Livres des Fais d'Armes et de la Noblesse de Chevalerie, par Christine de Pisan, 15th century, illuminated. Brit. Mus. Roy. MSS. 15 E. vi ; 19 B. xviii. " Des fais d'Armes et de Chevalerie," by Christine de Pisan. Beautifully written on vellum, and is dated at London in 1434. Brit. Mus. Harl. l^IS. 4605. Christines de Pisan. Here begynneth the Book of Fayttes of Arms and of Chyualrye. [By Xprystinc of Pyse.] Translated by William Caxton. Lond. 1489, fol. Le Livre de 1' Ordre de Chivalrie 15tli century. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 14. E. II. Le livre des fais darmes et de Chevalerie, 4 books, 15th century. Belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. A Buk of thordre of Clievalry or Knight- hood, translated out of Franche into Ynglishe by William Caxton dwelling in Westminster. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6149. Orders of Chivalry and Knighthood. 247 Knyghthode, translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe, at a requeste of a gen tyl and noble Esquyer, and presented to Kyng llychard III., by William Cax- ton. Lond. 1484, 4'^- Buke of the Order of Knyghthood, translated from the French, by Sir Gilbert Hay, for the Abbotsford Club. From the MS. in the Abbotsford Library. Edin. 1847, 4«- Anfang : vrsprung : vund herkomen des Thurnirs in Teutscher nation. Wieuil Thurnier bisz vffden letsten zu Worms, auch wie, vnd an welchen ortten die gehalten, vnd dnrch was Fiirstenn, Grauen, Hernn, Kitter vnnd vom Adel. Siemern, 1530, fol. Another edition in 1532. Continuation in 1579. Origine de Cavalieri, di Francesco San- sovino. Venetia, 1566, 8*^- Other editions in 1570, and 1583. Delia Origine de' Cavaglieri del Tosone, et di altri ordini, de' Simboli, et delle Imprese, di Lodovico Arrivabene. Gennaio, 1589, 4^^- The Mirrour of Princely Deeds and Knighthood. Translated out of the Spanish by Margaret Tyler. Lond. 1599—1601, 4«- De r Origine et Institution de divers Ordres de Chevalerie tant Ecclesi- astiques que Profanes, par M. P. de Beloy. Montauban, 1604, 12o- Origines Equestrium sive Militarium Ordinum, by Aubertus Mirseus. Antv. 1609, 4P- DelicisB Equestrium sive Militarium Ordinum, et eorundem origines, statuta, symbola, et insignia. By Franciscus Mennenius. Coloniae, 1613, 8"- Le Theatre d' Honnevr et de Chevalerie de r Institution des Armes, Duels, Joustes & Tournois, par Andre Favyn. Paris, 1620, 4"- II Cavaliere, descritto in tre libri ; con figure. Antonino Ansalone. Messina, 1629, 40- Notes of Proceedings in the Court of Chivalrie, before the Earle of Lindsey, Lord Constable, and the Earle of Arun- dell and Surrey, Earl Marshall, in the matter of Donald Le Ileay mnd David Ramsay, 1631—2. MS. No. 235. Woburn Abbey. Ordres de Chivalerie en divers Koyaumes. Ensemble plusieurs memoires et titres touchant les chevaliers, 1180 — 1636. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,544. Tesoro milita de Cavalleria Antiguo y moderno, by Micheli y Marques. Madrid, 1642, fol. Tracts on Chivalry. From Edw. IV. to Chas. I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 69. Nouveau theatre du monde, contenant I'origine de tous les ordres militaires, et de chevalerie de la chrestiente, tant Anciens que Modernes, par Davity. 2 vols. Paris, 1661. Chevaliers des Ordres du Hoy de France decodes, depuis I'an, 1662 ; with their arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,993, f. 26. Historic Chronologiche della vera origine di tutti gl' Ordini equestri e reli- gione Cavalleresche, by B. Giustiuiano. Venetia, 1672, 4o- Historic Chronologiche dell' Origine degli Ordini Militari, etc., by Bernardo Giustiniani. Venezia, 1692, fol. Histoire des Ordres Keligieux et des Ordres Militaires, by A. Schoonebeek. 4 vols. Amst. 1695—99, 8«- Histoire des Keligions ou Ordres Militaires de r Eglise, et des Ordres de Chevalerie, par Monsieur Hermant. Kouen, 1698, 8'^- Another edition, 2 vols. Rouen, 1726, 8«- Arms and Collars in colours of various orders of knighthood, crosses, heraldic ornaments, &c. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14325, Della Scienza chiamata Cavalleresca, con le aggiunte di Bellincini,by Scip. Maffei. Trento, 1717, 4«- Dissertations Historiques et Critiques sur la Chivalerie, ancienne et moderne, par Honoro de Sainte Marie. Paris, 1718, 4^0- Histoire des Ordres Monastiques, Reli- gieux, et Militaires, par P. Helyot. 8 vols. Paris, 1714—19, 4«- Histoire des Ordres Militaires ou des Chevaliers, des Milices Seculieres et Regulieres d Fun et de I'autre Sexe, qui ont etc etablies jusques a present. Avec de Figures qui representent les differens habillement de ces Ordres. Nouv. edit, par L'Abbe Giustiniani. 4 vols. Amst. 1721, 8«- 248 Orders of Chivalrt and Knighthood. Memoires sur I'Ancienue Cliivalerie, par M. de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye. Paris, 1753. 4o- Memoires sur rancieune Chevalerie eon- sideree comme un establissement poli- tique et Militaire, par M. de La Curne de Saiute Palaye. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1759, 8''- Memoires sur I'Ancienne Chevalerie. Nouvelle edition, augmentee d'un vol- ume, par Jean-Baptiste de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye. 3 vols. Paris, 178L 12°- Another edition in 1795. Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry, by La Curne de Sainte Palaye. Translated by Susannah Dobson. Lond. 1784, 8^- . Memoires sur 1' ancienne chevalerie, par Lacurne de Sainte-Palaye, avec intro- duction et notes historiques par Ch. Nodier. 2 vols. Paris, 1826, 8*^- Delle Tessere Cavalleresche di bronzo tenute al collo Lezione, &c. ByD- M. Manni. Firenze, 1760, 4"- Letters on Chivalry and liomance, by Kichard Hurd, Bishop of Worcester. First and second editions. Lond. 1762, 80- ■ Abrege Historique des Ordres de Cheva- lerie anciens et modernes, Brux. 1776, 120- Privilegien der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Kitterschaft, von F. C. Jensen und D. H. Hegewisch. Kiel, 1797. 4^- A short account of ancient Chivalry, and description of Armour, by Sir Tomkyns Hilgrove Turner. Lond. 1799. 8^- Abrego Chronologique de 1' histoire des ordres de chevalerie depuis I'ordre de Saint- Jean de Jerusalem ou de Malteen 1113 jusqu' a 1' Ordre royal de Hol- lande, en 1807, par Dambreville, Paris, 1807. 8«- Tableau Chronologique et Historique des Ordres de Cliivalerie, par J. Lablee. Paris, 1807. 8«- Histoire generale des Ordres de Cliiva- lerie civils et militaires existans en Europe, par Viton de Saint Allais. Paris, 1810, 4"- Livraison 1 only puhlished. Les Chevaliers uormands en Italic et en Sicile, et considerations generales sur I'histoire de la chevalerie, par De Chastenay. Paris, 1816, 80- Code des ordres de Chevalerie du lloyaume, ornc de gravures represen- tant les decorations, par Viton Saint Allais. Paris, 1819, 4'^- Collection Historique des Ordres de Chevalerie Civils et Militaires, existant chez les differens peuples du monde, suivie d'un tableau chronologique des Ordres eteints, par A. M. Perrot. Paris, 1820, 4'^- Supplement a la Collection Historique des Ordres de Chevalerie, Civils et Militaires, existant chez les dilferens Peuples du Monde, par L. T. Fayolle. Paris, 1846, 4«- The History of Chivalry or Knighthood and its Times, by Charles Mills. 2 vols. Lond. 1825, 8"- Another edition, 1826. History of Chivalry and the Crusades, by Kev. Henry Stebbing. 2 vols. Edinb. 1826, 12«- De la Chevalerie ancienne et moderue, avec la maniere d 'en faire les preuves pour tons les ordres de chevalerie, par Claude Fr. Menestrier. See Collection des meilleurs dissertations, etc. torn. 12. 1826, etc., 8'^- Seraphimer Ordens Historia, by G. W. af Tibell. Stockholm. 1826, 4"- Storia ed Analisi degli antichi llomanzi di Cavalleria e dei Poemi Komanzeschi d' Italia con dissertazioni sull' Origin e, sugl' Istituti, sulle Cerimonie de Cavalieri. By Dottore Giulio Ferrario. 3 vols. Milano, 1828, 29, 8«- History of Chivalry, from the Earliest Time to the Siege of Malta in 1530, byG. P. K. James. Lond. 1830, 12o- Another edition New York, 1843, 12«- Gelbke, Pitterorden und Ehrenzeichen, ou Description des Ordres de Cliivalerie, Croix de Merite et autres Marques de Distinction en usage chez toutes les Maisons Souveraines et autres Gouver- nemens. Orders of Kniglitliood em- blazoned. Berl. 1832, fol. Iconografia storica degli ordini religiosi e cavalleresclii, by Gaetano Giucci. 9 vols. Koma, 1836—47, fol. Histoire de la Chevalerie, par Koy. Tonrs, 1839, 18»- Illustrations of Ancient State and Chi- valry, from MSS. in the Ashmolean Museum ; edited by W. H. Black. Boxhurghe Club. Lond. 1840, 4P- Oedebs of Chivalet and Knighthood. 249 An Account of the Controversy between Eeginald, Lord Grey of Kutliyn, and Sir Edward Hastings, in the Court of Chivahy, in the lieign of K. Henry nil. Edited by C. U. Young. Lond. 1841, S""- Privately printed. Der l^itteraal. Eine Geschichte des Kitterthums, seines Entstehens und Eortgaugs, seiner Gebrauche und Sitten, von Fr. Kottenkamp. G2 Plates by F. M. von Keibisch. Stutt. 1842, obi. 40. Precis historique des Ordres de Chevalerie, etc., par Jacques Bresson. Paris, 1844, 80- Ordres de Chevalerie, et marques d'Hon- neur de toutes les nations, par A. Wahlen. 2 vols. Brux. 1844—55, 8«- Another edition, 1872. The Ancient Knight : or, Chapters on Chivalry, by John Fuller Kussell. Lond. 1849, 12«- The Cavaliers of England, by Henry William Herbert. Lond. 1852, 12o- The Chevaliers of France from the Cru- saders to the Marechals of Louis XL, by Henry William Herbert. New York, 1853, 12"- Dictionnaire historique des Ordres de Chevalerie crees chez les differents peuples depuis les premiers siecles jusqu'a nos jours, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1853, 12o- 2nd edition, 1860. Chronique de tons les Ordres de Chevalerie et Marques d'Honneur, avec les dessins des Decorations, par H. Schulze. 2 vols. Berl. 1855, fol. Histoire de la Chivalerie en France, par Libert. Paris, 1856, 12«- History of Chivalry and Ancient Armour, with descriptions of the Feudal system, the usages of Knighthood, etc., by Fr. Kottenkamp, translated from the Ger- man by the Rev. A. Lowy. Illustrated with sixty- two coloured engravings. Lond. 1857, obi. 8''- Noblesse, blason, ordres de chevalerie, manuel heraldique, par E. de Toulgoet. Paris, 1859, S^- Dictionnaire historique des Ordres de Chevalerie crees chez les differents peuples depuis les premiers siecles jusqu' a nos jours, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Par. 1860, 12«- Llistoria de las Ordenes de Caballeria y de las condecoraciones Espanolas. By Jose Gil Dorregary. 5 vols. Madrid, 1864-5, fol. Histoire des Ordres de Chevalerie et des distinctions honorifiques en France, par F. F. Steenackers. Paris, 1867, 4"- The Orders of Chivalry, by J. H. Law- rence-Archer. London, 1871, 4"- [This book contains a list of works on the Orders of Knighthood. Only 107 copies were printed, of which 7 were on large paper.] Another edition, 1887. Histoire et Legislation des Ordres de Chivalerie et Marques d' Honneur, par Leopold van Hollebeke. Brux. 1875, fol. Liste et Origin de tons les Ordres de Chevalerie, Militaires et Civils, qui ont ete institues par les Papes et par les Princes Chretiens jusqu' a la fin du xyi® siecle, par Daviti. Turin, 1876, 120 Libre del Orde de Cavayleria, by Ramon Lull. Black letter' facsimile. Barcelona, 1879, 4''- Baltisches Wappenbuck. Den Ritters- chaften von Livland, Eltland, Kurland and Oesel, von Carl A. von Klingspor. Stockholm, 1882, 40- The British Roll of Honour. A descrip- tive account of the Recognised Orders of Chivalry in various countries, and their Insignia, etc., by Peter Lund Simmonds. Lond. 1887, 8«- The Orders of Knighthood. From the original statutes of the various orders, by J. H. Lawrence-Archer. Lond. 1888. Essay on the Spirit and Influence of Chivalry, by John Batty. Containing chapters on Chivalry in connection with Archaeology and Heraldry, Orders of Knighthood, etc. Lond. 1890, 8°' Lists of Knights. Knights made by Abbots in the time of King Henry 1. or before. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. E. v. f . 40. Les nommes de Chevaliers en le Campe de Henrici iij"^ ; arranged under counties. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,208. A List of all Knights in England, in the time of Henry III., Edw. 1., and Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5803. 250 Ordees of Chitalet and Knighthood. The Names of the Knights in most of the Counties of England, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 855. Knights of Henry VII. etc. Privately printed by Sir Tho. Phillipps. Middle Jlill, 1810 ? 8«- List of Knights made in the Reign of Henry Vlll., 16th century. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cxxiii. Drawings of Knights and Bannerets, and Knights on horseback tilting, all in their surcoats of Arms, Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4205. Lists of Knights created in England, from Richard 11. to Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5482, ff. G— 18. Lists of Knights made in the several lieigus, from Henry VIL to Elizabeth. Queen's Coll. Oxf. MS. Ixxxvii. Knights made temp. Elizabeth. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8495, f . 54. The Names and Arms of Knights created in the Reigns of Hen. VIL, Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., Mary, and Elizabeth ; and the Names of such as were Knighted by King James I. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Claud. C. iii. A Catalogue of Knights made in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. (578. Lists of Knights from Edw. III. to James I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6063. A List of Knights made by King James I. in the first year of his reign. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207, C. f. 767. A note of such Knights as were made since the King's [James I.] cominge into Englande. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5855. List of Knights made between 1603 and 1624. Qu. Coll. Oxf. MS. cvii. Curious account of Knights made by James I., by Philip Gawdy to his brother, Bassingborne Oawdy. MS. Roy don Hall, Co. Norfolk. A Catalogue of Knights made in the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. Ashm. Lib. Wood. MS. 8580. Knights made by King James and King Charles, from 1603 to 1636. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6062. Catalogue of Knights made by King Charles I. Ab Ao. 1624 Ad Ann. 1646. Chronologically and Alphabetically, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Privately printed. Middle Hill 1853, 12o- Another edition, 1853, fol. Lists of Knights made in different Reigns, 17tl) cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS'. 5482. A Perfect Collection, or Catalogue of all Knights Bachelaurs made by King James since his coming to the Crown of England, faithfully extracted out of the Records, by John Philipot. Lond, 1660, 80- A List of Knights made since His Majesty came to London, May 29, 1660. Single sheet. Knights made from the Reign of Henry VIII. to that of Charles II. inclusive. Ashm. Lib. Dugdale MS. 25, R. p. 156. List of all the Knights created by Kings James I. and Charles I., from the beginnings of their reigns until 1642. Also Knights created tempp. Charles II. and James II. MS. collections vol. V. in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. An alphabetical catalogue of all the Knights made by King Charles I. and II., and James II. to the year 1686. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 870, f . 62. A Book of Knights Banneret, Knights of the Bath, and Knights Bachelor made between the 4th year of King Henry VI and the Restoration of King Charles II., with the Arms given in Cotton MS. Claudius [C. iii.], from 1 King Henry VII. to 28 Queen Elizabeth, and Knights made in Ire- land between the years 1566 and 1698, together with an Index of Names, by Walter C. Metcalfe. Lond. 1885, 4''- Knights made at the Tower of London, before the Coronation of Queen Anne. Trin. Coll. Dublin, MS. E. 73, art. 3. Alphabet of Knights Bachelors, from Elizabeth to George I. Her. Coll. MS. M. 18 (2). List of Knights with their Arms from 1558 to 1752. From the Towneley Library. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,102. A Catalogue of Knights, from 1660 to 1760, by P. Townsend. Lond. 1833. 8«- Lists of Knights Batchelors made by James I., and continued to the present time (1789). Her. Coll. MS. M. 5. Orders op Chivalet and Knighthood. 251 Calendar of Knights, containing the Knights Batchelors, British Knights i of Foreign Orders ; also the Knights of the Garter, Thistle, Bath, St. Patrick, and the Guelphic and lonion Orders, from 1760 to 1828, by Francis Towns- end, Pursuivant of Arms. Lond. 1828, 8"- The Knightage of Great Britain and Ire- land, by John Burke and Sir John Bernard Burke. Lond. 1811, 12''- Haydn's " Book of Dignities," contains Lists of Knights of the Garter, Bath, Thistle, and St. Patrick, to 1851. The Knights of England, France and Scotland, by Henry William Herbert. New York, 1852, 12^^- The Shilling Knightage, Published annually by Ivobt. Hardwicke. Com- piled by E. AValford. Lond. 1857, etc. 18'^- The ShiUing Knightage (1881). Con- taining an alphabetical list of the Knights of the United Kingdom, short biograpliical notices, dates of creation, addresses, etc., by Edward Walford. Lond. 1884, 32«- Published annually. Names of ancient Knights in Counties in England, with their arms. MS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. Knights of different Counties. Caius Coll. Camb. MS. 571, art. 4. Separate Orders. Alcantara, see also St. lago. Manuscripts relating to the Military Order of Alcantara. Brit. Mus. MSS. Eg. 485 ; 486 ; Lans. 171 ; Harl. 3476 ; Vesp. C. VI. f. 385; Add. 28361, 28365, 28367, 28374. 28375. Catalogue des Chevaliers de 1' Ordre du Collier de Savoye, Diet de 1' Aunon- ciade ; avec leurs Noms, Surnoms, Qualitez, Armes, et Blasons, depuis son Institution, par Francois Capre. Turin, 1654, fol. Adnotationes historicae de origine, anti- quittaae excellentia ordinis Aquilae albae, by J. F. Sapieha. Coloniae, 1730, 40- Foundation- Deed of the military order, commonly called the Order of Arminius, dedicated to St. Michael byfi^'erdinand I. King of Naples, 29 Sept. 1465. Latin. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28628. " Estatutes des Chevaliers de la Table ronde," with Arms beautifully em- blazoned, and other Matters relating to the Order. On vellum. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5301. Catalogue of the Knights af the Kound Table in the time of King Arthur, by Handle Holme. ]5rit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2094 f. 91. A Catalogue of the Knights of the Round Table, with their Arms and ensigns. . Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 13 b. A Catalogue of the Knights of the Hound Table with their several ensigns or coat armour. MS. No. xix. 7. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Les Noms et Armoiries des Chevaliers de la ronde Table, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Boy. MS. 19 B. ix. Gyron le Courtoys Auecques la deuise des armes de tons les Cheualiers de la table ronde. Editio Princeps. Paris, circa 1500, fol. La deuise des armes des Chevaliers de la Table ronde, lesquels estoyent du tres renomme and vertueux Art us. Boy de la grand Bretaigne. Avec la descrip- tion de leurs Armoiries. Paris, 1520, 12''- Other editions in 1585 and le590. The Auncient Order, Societie, and Unitie Laudable, of Prince Arthure, and his Knightly Armory of the Round Table: with a Threefold Assertion friendly in favour and furtherance of English Archery at this day, by Rich. Robinson, Lond. 1583, 4P- King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, [Translated from the French by Sir. Thos. Malory.] William Stansby, for Jacob Bloome. Black letter. Lond. 1634, 4P- The most ancient and famous history of the renowned Prince Arthur. As also all the noble acts of his Knights of the Round Table, by Sir Thomas Malory. 3 vols. Lond. 1816, 12o- [Other editions.] The Round Table, the Order and Solem- nities of Crowning the King and the dignities of his Peerage. Lond. 1820, 8«- La Mort d' Arthur. The History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Compiled by Sir Thomas 252 Orders of Chivalry and Knighthood. Malory, Knight. Edited from the edition of 1634, with introduction and Notes by Thomas Wright. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1856, 8«- Second edition, 1856, &c. King Arthur and his Knights of the Kound Table, illustrated by G. H. Thomas. Lond. 1862, 8''- King Arthur and Knights of the Hound Table, by T. Cragoe. See the Journal of the British Archceological Associa- tion, xxxiii, 338. London, 1877, 8«- Collections relating to the History of the Order of the Bath, by S. S. Banks. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6324—6328. Knights of the Bath, from Henry VII. to James I. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6063. Discourse concerning the Knights of the Bath, by Francis Thynne, 1605. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12530. The Grlory of Knighthood, containing the true and exact manner, ceremony, and creation of the Knights of the most Sacred Order of the Bath, observed at the Coronation of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the First; and the Statutes of the Order of the Garter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6337. Knights of the Bath at the Coronation of King James I. and Henry Prince of Wales ; at the Creation of Charles Prince of Wales ; and at the coronation of King Charles I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f. 153. The Names, Arms, and Crests of all the Knights of the Bath, made at the Coronation of James I., at the Creation of Charles Duke of York, Henry Prince of Wales, and at the Coronation of Charles I. and II. By John Withie and John Saunders. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1462. A True Eelation of the Ceremonies at the Creating of the Knights of the Honourable Order of the Bath, the 18th and 19th April, 1661. With a perfect List of their names, in the same order as they were Knighted by His Majesty. Lond. 1661, 4o- The Manner of creating the Knights of the ancient and honourable Order of the Bath ; with a List of those Persons who are to be created Knights of the Bath at his Majesty's Coronation 22 April, 1661. Harleian Miscellany. vol. I. Lond. 1808, 4«' The Manner of Creating the Knights of the Ancient and Honourable Order of the Bath, according to the Custom used in England in time of Peace. Lond. 1661, 4P^ The Arms of the Knights, and of various Gentlemen-Esquires to the Knights, of the most Honorable Order of the Bath. Printed in the year 1725, fol. The Statutes of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. London, 1725, 4'^- Another edition, 1772. Beprinted, 1787, 4^^' Another edition, 1812. Statutes of the most Honourable Order of the Bath. Stukeley's Palceograhia, Lond. 1725, 4P' An Historical Account of the Honour- able Order of the Bath. Lond. 1725, 8o- Sketches of the Order of the Bath, 1725. Eeprinted, 1772, 4P- Observations introductory to an Historical Essay, upon the Knighthood of the Bath, by John Anstis. Lond. 1725, 8°- The Knights of the Bath : a Poetical Tale, by Thomas Cook. Printed in the year 1725. Les Armes des Chevaliers de I'Orde du Bain [and of their Esquires.] Engraved by James Sympson, 1726 ? fol. Commentatio de honoratissimo Ordine Militari de Balneo cujus origo, pro- gressus exponuntur et honoratissimorum Equitum nomina, tituli, et insignia, by J. C. Dithmar. Francofurti, 1729, fol. Nachrichten von dem englischen Kriegs- und Eitterorden des Bades. [Translated from the Latin.] Nebst den Gesetzen dieses Ordens. Aus dem Lateinischen und Englischen, etc. by J. C. Dithmar Frankfurt, 1744, fol. The Procession and Ceremonies ob- served at the time of the Installation of the Knights Companions of the most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, upon Thursday, June 17, 1725, with the Armes, Names, Titles, &c. of the Knights Companions, and of their Esquires, as they are fixed up in Henry Yjjth's Chapel in Westminster Abbey, by John Pine. Lond 1730, fol. Statutes of the most Honourable Order of the Bath. Lond. 1745, 4P- The Installation of the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Bath, with Ordees of Ciiivalet and Knighthood. 253 the several Inscriptions on their plates of arms placed in their stalls in St. Peter's, Westminster, with the names of their Esquires and Officers of the Order, by John Buswell, 1755. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 38,379. The Statutes of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Printed in the year 1772, 4«- The Arras of the English Baronets, and the Knights of the Bath, with the dates of creation. Lond. 1779, 12°- Statutes ot the Order of the Bath, by John Anstis. Lond. 1787, 4«- The Arms of the Knights of the Bath who were Installed, May 19, 1788, and the Arms of their Esquires. Lond. 1788, fol. A minute and particular statement of the Ceremonies that will take place at Westminster Abbey on Thursday the 19th May, 1803, at the Installation of the Knights of the Bath. Lond. 1803, 8°- Statutes of the Order of the Bath. By order of the King. Lond. 1803, S^- The Arms of the Knights of the Bath who were Installed May 19, 1803, and the Arms of their Esquires. Printed in 1803. fol. List of Knights of the Bath to 1806. See Beatson's Political Index, vol. iii. The Procession and Ceremony of the In- stallation of the Knights of the Bath, in Henry the Seventh's Chapel, at Westminster, on Monday the 1st of June, 1812. Two coloured engravings by Frederick Nash. 1812. Arms of the Knights of the Bath in- stalled in 1812, with an accompanying description in French. Printed in 1812, fol. Statutes of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Lond. 1812—20, 4"- Statutes of the most honourable Order of the Bath. Lond. 1840, 4«- Ceremonial of Creation of Knights of the Bath, by Albert Way. See The Archaological Journal, v. 258. Lond. 1848, 8«- Nouveau Calendrier du tres illustre Ordre equestre de Baviere, par Jean Bap. Casimer de Hahn. 1776, !£«• " The Constitution of the Loyal and Friendly Society of the Blew and Orange," with the Arms and Badge of the Society and other devices, by A. Bradley. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2346. Calatrava, see also St. lago. Copies of documents in the archives of the Knights of Calatrava. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14013. Letters and papers relating to the Mili- tary Order of Calatrava, 1613 to 1658. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28436, 28437. Difiniciones de la Orden y Cavalleria de Calatrava. Conforme al Capitulo General celebrado en Madrid, Ano 1652. 1660, fol. Knights of the Carpet, at the marriage of Prince Arthur, 16 Nov. 17 Hen. VII. ; and Knights of the Carpet, made at the said marriage. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 41. f. 18 b ; 6062, art. 11. Aultres Chevaliers de Carpet, with their arms blazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 394. f. 140 b. Christ of Portugal. Constitui^ois da ordem de Christo do Reino de Portugal; with other papers relating to the order, about 1573. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20846. f . 118. The Order of the Coif, by Alexander Pulling. Lond. 1884. Knights of the Cross, by Mrs. Agar. Lond. 1857, 12«- Proclamation and rules of the Order of the Dragon, instituted by the Comte de Foix, with challenges to combat. 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,840. Green Book, or Register of the Order of the Emerald Star, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Not published. Breviarium Equestre, seu de Illustrissimo and Inclytissimo Equestri Ordine Elephantine : observationibus illustrat. et continuat. a Jano Bircherodio. By Ivari Hertzholmii. Havnise, 1704, fol. [This work contains portraits and arms of the knights of the Order.] Der Elephanten - Orden und seine Ritter. Berlien. Kopenhagen, 1846, 8*^- Noms, surnoms et armes des nobles rois de L'Epinette, precedes de I'ordann- ance de 1429 et des lettres-patentes donnees a Bruxelles en 1516. Facsimile d' apres un MS., par Victor Bouton. Paris, 1870, 71, 4«- 254 Orders or Chivalry and Knighthood. Histoire de 1' Ordre do Font-Evraud, et Vie de Rob. d' Abruissel, par Honorat Niquet : Paris, 1642, 4"- Rules and Ordinances respecting the Order of Knights cf the Garter. Brit. Mus. HarL Roll Y, 27. Book of Orders for Knights of the Garter, with names from its institution. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Statutes and Ordinances of the most noble Order of the Garter. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6119. Statutes of the Order of the Garter, in Latin and French, with a picture of a knight in his robes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,549, f. 67. The Statutes of the Order of the Garter. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 882, f. 77. Statutes and Ordinances of the Order of the Garter. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6288, 6290, 6291. Statutes of the Order of the Garter on vellum, written for Sir Henry Lee, knight, MS Dytchley, Co. Oxford. Statutes of the Garter in English, on vellum. This volume formerly belonged to Sir George Naylor, Garter. MS. No. 123. Ettington Hall, Co. War- wick. The Statutes of the Order of the Garter. Signed by Greg. Hascard, Register of the order. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3451. Statutes and Ordinances of the most noble Order of St. George, named the Garter. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 235, 278, 394, 567, 1356, 6087. History and Statutes of the Order of the Garter ; Arms and Crests of Knights of the Garter ; and Miscellanies rela- ting to the Order of the Garter. Stowe MSS. 518, 519, 520. Brit. Mus. The Collection of Sir Thomas Saint George, Garter King at Arms, concern- ing the ceremonial of the Order of the Garter. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 881. Collections relating to the History of the Order of the Garter, by S. S. Banks. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6321—6323, 6336. Collections relating to the Order of the Garter. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1776. Collections from various sources respect- ing the Order of the Garter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6298. The Black Book of the Garter. MS. Hatton Collection. The First Knights of the Garter, with original drawings of contemporary date. A folio containing 27 drawings of the First Knights of the Garter in their robes, and described as " Draughts, or the Effigies of the First Knights or Founders of the Order of the Garter," &c. Stowe MS. 213. Brit. Mus. Knights of the Garter from the Founda- tion of their Order. Lichfield Cath. MS. No. 6. Propositio Clarissimi Oratoris Magistri Johannis Russell decretorum doctoris ac adtunc Ambassiatoris Xpanissimi Regis Edwardi Dei gracia regis Anglie et Francie ad illustrissimii principem Karolum ducem Burgundie super sus- ceptione ordinis garterij. etc. No date, 4- Arms of the Knights of the Garter done apparently for Henry IV. of France, his arms being the first in the book. MS. No. 107. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. Arms of Knights of the Garter teonp. Henry V. Exquisitely emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1864. De r Ordre de la Jarretiere. 15th century. Brit. Mus. Royal MS. 15, E vi. art 15. Tractatus vulgariter dictus La Gerretiere, alias speculum Anglorum, editum per fratrem Mondonum Belualeti. In Cluniaco, 1463. Brit. Mus. Add. M8. 19,950. For an account of this book, see Hearne's " Duo rerum Anglicarum Scriptores, viz. T. Otterbourne et J. Whethamstede," 1732. Appendix to Preface. The Arms, Supporters, Crests, and Mottoes, of fifteen knights of the Garter. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Hail. MS. 332. Statutes, Ceremonies, etc, of the Order of the Gaiter. IGth cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1776. Statutes of the Order of the Garter, with a Comment showing the different alter- ations which have been made therein, both before and subsequent to the reign of Henry VIIL Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6334. Oedees op Chi valet and Knighthood. 255 The Statutes of the Order of the Garter, with a letter of King Hen. VIII. of England, and one from Francis I. of France, on conferring the Order on the latter, and the King's warrant to the Heralds on the subject, 22nd Oct. 1527. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5712. The Statutes in English of the Order of the Garter explained and declared by King Henry VIII. MS. 16th century. Petworth House, Co. Sussex. The Arms, in colours, of the Knights of the Garter, the last of whom is Sir llichard Wingfield, 8 Hen. VIII. Brit. IVlus. Harl. MS. 6162. Arms of Knights of the Garter. Temp. Henry VIII. MS. No. 46. Ettingtou Hall, Co. Warwick. _ The Names and Arms of the Knights of the most honourable Order of the Garter, since the Installation of Edw. III. until Edw. VI. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6170. Account of the Order of the Garter, time of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6074. Articles agreed on ior the Order of Knights of the Garter, 1552. Brit. Mus. Koyal MSS. 18, A. I— IV. Statutes of the Garter reformed by King Henry VIII., with additions to the 1st of Elizabeth. MS. Petworth House, Co. Sussex. The Statutes of the most Noble Order of the Garter, to the time of Queen Elizabeth 397. The Proceeding of the Sovereign and Knights Companions at the Feast of St. George, designed by Marcus Gerard, and set forth in the twentieth yeare of Queene Elizabeth, by Thomas Daws, sometime Rouge-Croix Pursuivant of Arms. 1578. Arms of Knights of the Garter, temp. Elizabeth, tinely coloured for Sir H. Sidney. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 80,808. Arms, Quarteiings, and Crests, of the Knights of the Garter, by John Hol- land, 1588. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 9, Pe. Arms in colours of Knights of the Garter, . from Edw. III. to Queen Elizabeth, by Thomas Lant, alias PortcuUis Pursiu- vant of Arms. 1589. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 18. C. xvii. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. The antiquitie of Windsore Castle and of the Order of the Garter 1592. MS. No. 34. Wrest Park, Beds. The Honour of the Garter displaied in a poem gratulatorie. Eutituled, to the worthie and renowned Earle of North- umberland, created Knight of that order, and installed at Windsore anno regni Elizabethe 35, die Junii 26 ; by George Peele. Lond. 1593, 4"- Arms, in trick, of such of the Knights of the Order of the Garter as were foreigners, from the institution of the Order to A.D. 1594. MS. Stonyhurst College. Insignia Armorum Augustissimse. Con- taining the Arms of the Knights of the Garter, embla,soned on vellum, 1602. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 417. Insignia Nobilium Ordinis Periscelidis A.D. 1603. Richly emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 12. A. xlii. " La fundacion de la companie de Gartier dans le chastel de Wyndesor " ; the statutes and ordinances of the order ; and the stiles of the King's Majesty, the prince and companions of the Garter, used at the feast of St. George, at Whitehall, 1604. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Jul. C. ix. Statutes of the Order of the Garter, re- newed by Henry VIII. ; Exemplif. per Gwill. Dethick, Garter principal King of Arms, 1604. Vellum, with the arms of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,434. The Martyrdome of Saint George of Cappadocia : Titular Patron of Eng- land, and of the most Noble Order of the Garter. Lond. 1614, 4o- Fennor's Desci iptions, or a True Relation of Certaine and diuers Speeches, spoken before the King and Queen's most excellent Majestic, etc., by William Fennor. Lond. 1616, l-^- [One of the speeches is " The originall and continu- ance of the most Noble Order of the Garter."] Knights of the Garter, by William Segar, with their arms blazoned in tinctures, from 1603 to 1619, on vellum. Eton Coll. Lib. MS. 256 Ordees of Chivalry at^d Knighthood. Overtures for an Academ, or College roial, to bee the certain Seat of the doctrines and exercises of Honor, sub- ordinated to the Garter, as the signs and ceremonies of Honor, have theyrs ; with the Names of the Knights upon Sainct Georges day xxiii April, CIC.DCXX, and a drawing of St. George on horse-back, coloured. Brit Mus. Harl. MS. 6103. The Arms and Titles of the Knights of the Garter, in the year 1625, collected by the Sieur de Yalles, The Arms are blazoned in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4710. The Historic of that famous Saint and Souldier of Christ Jesus, St. George of Cappadocia : The Institution of the most noble Order of St. George, named the Garter. A Catalogue of all the Knights thereof untill this present, by Peter Heylyn. Lond. 1631, 4^' Arms, blasoned, of all the Knights of the Garter, from the Institution of the Order to the reign of Charles I., ending with the Duke of Lennox. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5831. A Catalogue of Knights of the Garter since the first foundation to the time of Charles I. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 865, f, 112. An account of those noblemen who were Knights of the Garter during the Civil Wars, &c. by Sir Edw. Walker. Stowe MS. 423. Brit. Mus. Les Noms, Surnoms, Qualitez, Armes, et Blazons, de tons les Princes, Seig- neurs, Commanders, Chevaliers, et Officiers, de I'Ordre et Milice de la Jartiere, depuis I'lnstitution en 1347, jusqu' a Present. Paris, 1647, fol. A Perfect Catalogue of all the Knights of the most noble Order of the Garter, f I om the first Institution of it, until this present April anno 1661. Where- unto is prefixed a short Discourse touching the Institution of the Order, Patron, Habit, and Solemnities of it, with many other particulars which concern the same by J. N. 1 ond. 1661, 4"- St. George for England ; or a Relation of the Manner of the Election and Installation of the Knights of the most noble Order of St. George, called the Garter, which is to be solemnized on the 15, 16, and 17th of April next, at the Castle of Windsor. Lond. 1661. 4^^- The History of that most famous Saint and Souldier Saint George of Cappa- docia. The Instutition of that most Noble Order of St. George, commonly called the Garter, by Peter Heylyn. Lond. 1661, 4P- The Historic of St. George of Cappa- docia, etc. The second edition corrected and enlarged. By Peter Heylyn. Lond. 1663, 4P- The History of the Life and Martyrdom of St. George, the Titular Patron of England, with his conversion of Arabia, by killing of a dreadful Dragon, and delivering the King's Daughter, by Thomas Lowick, Gent. Lond. 1664. 4°- Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by Sir Henry de Vic, 1661— 1671. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,284. The Order of the Ceremonies used at the Celebration of St. George's Feast at Windsor, when the Sovereign of the most Noble Order of the Garter is present. Lond. 1671, 4°- The Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Collected and digested into one body by Elias Ashmole, of the Middle Temple, Esq. Windsor Herald of Arms. A Work furnished with a variety of matter relating to Honor and Noblesse. Lond. 1672, fol. Another edition, 1693. " Statua nobilissimi Ordinis Garterii." Signed by Gregory Hastard, Registrar of the Order, with the arms, in colours, of George William Duke of Brunswick Liineburg, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,071. The Arms, Crest, etc. of King Charles II., and the Arms of twenty-three Knights of the Garter, painted in colours. 17th cent. Brit, Mus. Harl. MS. 1479. Proceedings of the most noble Order of the Garter, and documents relating to the same between 1623—84. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bute. Eccleston Square, London. Winzingeroda de Ordine Equitum S. Georgii et Periscelidis coerulca? in Anglia. Jenae, 1683, 4'^- Other editions in 1701 and 1740. Oedebs op Chivalet akd Knighthood. 257 An Account of the Ceremony of Invest- ing His Electoral Highness of Bran- denburgh with the Order of the Garter. Performed at Berlin on the 6th of June, 1690. Lond. 1690, 4o- New Historical Account of St. George for England and the original of the most noble Order of the Garter, by Thomas Salmon. Lond. 1704, S^- The History of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Lond. 1712, 8«- The Statutes of the Order of the Garter, written on vellum for Henry Duke of Kent, 1714. MS. No. 41. Wrest Park, Beds. Memoirs of St. George the English Patron ; And of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Being an Introduction to the intended History of the Anti- quities of the Castle, Town, and Borough of Windsor, by Thomas Dawson. Lond. 1714, 8°- " The History of the Order of the Garter, its Ceremonies, Laws, etc., to which is prefixed a Discourse of Knighthood in general, and the several Orders extant in Europe, by Elias Ashmole ; con- tinued to the present time, and illus- trated, by Thomas Walker. Lond. 1715, 80- Introduction to the Register of the Order of the Garter, etc., by John Anstis. Lond. 1720, fol. The Form of an Installation of a Knight of the Garter. Lond. 1720, IS^- The Form of the Installation of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by John Anstis. Lond. 1724, 8o- The Register of the Order of the Garter ; from its cover in Black Velvet, usually called The Black Booh ; with notes, and an introduction, and a specimen of the lives of the Knights ; with plates and an index, by John Anstis. 2 vols. Lond. 1724, fol. Ceremonies to be observed in presence of the Soverign and Knights Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Lond. 1730, 4P- The Institution of the Order of the Gar- ter, a Dramatic Poem, by Gilbert West. Lond. 1742, 4P- Commentatio de Ordine Eqmitum S. Georgii et Periscelidis Coeruleae in Anglia, Oder, Vom Engellandischen Ritter-Orden, St. Georgen und der Blauen Hosen-bandes. By H. G. von Thulemeyer. Editio IIII. Jenae, 1744, 4°- The History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle and the Royal College and Chapel of St. George ; With the In- stitution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the Ceremonies of the Installation of a Knight of the Garter ; Also an account of the first Founders and their suc- cessors Knights-Companions to the present time, by Joseph Pote. Eton, 1749, 4P- Blazon d'Armoiries de tons les Chevaliers de la Jarretiere, avec leurs Noms, Sur- noms, et Titres, depuis la premiere Institution de cet Ordre, par Edouard Roi d'Angleterre, 1350—1752. The Arms illuminated. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6278. A Dissertation on the Original of the Equestrian Figure of the St. George and of the Garter, Ensigns of the most noble Order of that name. Illustrated with copperplates, by John Pettingall. Lond. [1753] 4P- The Form of an Installation of a Knight of the Garter. Lond. 1756, S^- The Ceremonies of the Installation of a Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, by John Anstis. Lond. 1757, 120- An Historical Account of the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from its first Institution in the year 1350, to the present Time, by John Buswell. Lond. 1757, 8o- Other editions in 1758 and 1763. The Arms, Supporters, Badges, &c. of the Sovereigns, with the arms of the Knights Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from Edw. III. to Geo. III., delineated in their proper colours. Brit. Mus. Kings MSS. 398—416. The Statues of the most noble Order of St. George, by Stephen Martin Leake, Garter King of Arms. Lond. 1766, ^^^ Only 60 copies printed. The Songs, Choruses, and Serious Dialogue of the Masque, called the Institution of the Garter, or, Arthur's Round Table restored. New edition. Lond. 1771, 8« 258 Orders op Chtvalet and Knighthood. The Institution of the Order of the Garter, by E. Ashmole. Lond. 1772, fol. [The original MSS. are in the Ashmolean Library at Oxford, Nos. 1097—1135.] A Procession of the Knights of the most Noble Order of the Garter, by Eichard Cooper. [An engraving, published in 1783.] An Historical and Critical Enquiry into the Existence and Character of St. George, Patron of England, of the Order of the Garter, and of the Anti- quarian Society, in which the Assertions of Edward Gibbon, and of certain other writers, concerning this Saint, are dis- cussed, by the Rev. J. Milner. Lond. 1792, 8'^ Plates of the Twenty Four Knights of the most Noble Order of the Garter, whose Achievements were placed in the Royal Chapel of St. George within the Castle of Windsor, 1801. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 418. Plates of the Seven Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, installed April 23, 1805. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 419. Ceremonies to be observed in the presence of the Sovereign and Knights Com- panions, Order of the Garter, at Windsor. 23 April, 1805. An Authentic Account of the Installation of the Knights of the Garter at Windsor, April 23, 1805 : giving the particulars of the Origin of the Institution ; a des- cription of the Robes worn by the Knights ; together with the various ceremonies, the grand processions, and every other interesting event. Lond. 1805, 8^^- List of Knights of the Garter to 1806. See Beatson's Political Index, vol. iii. Journal of G. F. Beltz, Lancaster Herald, on his mission for investing His Majesty Alexander, Emperor of all the Russias, with the Ensigns of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, 1813. MS. belong- ing to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Yicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Programme des Ceremonies qui doivent s'observer a I'investiture de Sa Majeste le Roi de Dannemarc, avec les Orne- mens et Habillements du tres noble Ordre de la Jarretiere. Lond. 1822, 4®- Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Privately printed. Lond. 1837, 40. The Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Lond. 1840, 40- Memorials of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from its foundation to the present time : Including the History of the Order ; Biographical Notices of the Knights in the Reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. By Geo. Frederick Beltz. Lond 1841, 8°- Review of the Memorials of the Order of the Garter from its Foundation to the Present Time, with Biographical Notices of the Knights in the Reign of Edward III. and Richard II. by G. F. Beltz. Lond. 1841, 8«- Garter Plates with appropriate descriptions, published 1842 to 1805. Observations on the Order of the Garter, by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1845, 40- Observations on the Institution of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. See " Archae- ologia," vol. XXXI. Lond, 1846, iP- The Statutes of the most Noble Older of the Garter. Privately printed, 1859, 40. Notes on the Order of the Garter, by Joseph Hunter, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,480. Armorial Register of the Sovereigns and Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Garter ; their Names, Titles, etc. from A.D. 1343 to the present time ; giving the armorial insignia, etc. of all the Knights of the Garter, emblazoned in Gold and Colours, from the Original Stall Plates in St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Privately printed under the patronage of the Queen and the late Prince Consort. Garter- Knights Degraded. By John Alt Porter. See Walford's Antiquarian, vol. x. Lond. 1886, 8°- Toison d'Or. Order of. Statuta Ordinis, Latin. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 420. Rules and Ordinances of the Order of Knighthood, called the Golden Fleece. Written on vellum, and beautifully illuminated with Portraits and Arms of Knights of the Order. 15th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6199. Oedees of Chivalet akd Knighthood. 259 The statutes of the Order of the Golden Fleece. A folio on vellum, describing, (! in French, the ceremonials used at the installation of tiie English Kings, and containing treatises on Heraldry, the Statutes of the Garter, &c. Stowe MS. 211. Brit. Mus. Les Ordonnances de I'Ordre de la Toison d'Or. An vers, n.d. fol. Le songe de la thoison dor : fait & copose par Michault Tailleuent. Paris, s.d. 12"- La Thoison d'Or, by Guillaume, Bishop of Tournay. Troyes, 1530 fol. Armoiries des Chevaliers de I'ordre de la Thoiso]! d'Or, jusqu' a 1546. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,938. Ordine de Cavalieri del Tosone, da Sansovino. Acad. Venet. Aldo, 1558, 40. " Liure de lordre du Thoison dor," con- taining the arras of all knights of the order to the year 1559, in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,713. Chevaliers de I'Ordre du Thoison d'Or. (Arms of the Knights, with portraits of the Chiefs of the Order. Jan. 1429 to Aug. 1559. Jf/S'. No. 230. Woburn Abbey. " Recoeul de toutes les Fetes Chapitres de la tres noble Ordre du Thoison d' Or," 1429-1559 ; with arms and titles of Sovereigns and Knights, and notes bv the Rev. D. T. Powell. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,072. Ordenliche Beschreibung mit was stat- tlichen Ceremonien und Zierlichkeiten die Rom. Kay. May. unser allerg- nedigster Herr sampt etlich andern Ertzhertzogen, Fiirsten und Herrn den Orden dess Guldin Fluss in disem 85 Jahr zu Prag und Landshut empf angen und angenommen, by Paul Zehendt- ner von Zehendtgrueb. Dilingen, 1587, 4«- Extracts relating to Knights of the Golden Fleece, by M. Lois Gollut. 1592. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1906, f. 177. Arms of the Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece, from the Institution of the Order in 1429, to the year 1602. The Arms are emblazoned tl^-oughout, and Portraits introduced. Brit. Mus. Kings MS.421. Livre de I'ordre de la Thoison d'Or, jusqu' a 1559 ; containing the names, titles, and arms of the knights, with accounts of the chapters of the Order, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,9e39. Arms of Knights of the Golden Fleece, 16th and 17th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 20,072 ; 21,938 ; 26,713 ; Eg. MS. 1906. A large and curious collection of coats of arms, coloured and in trick, relating to the Order of the Toison d'Or. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 638. Statuts et Ordonnances du tres noble Ordre de la Thoison d'Or ; ensemble aucunes additions et mutations faictes sur iceulx, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 641. La Toyson d'Or. Par Salomon Triss- mosin. Paris, 1613, 8°- Le Blason des Armoiries de tons les Chevaliers d I'Ordre de la Toison d'or, depuis la premiere institution jusques a present, par J. J. Chifflet. French and Italian. Antw. 1632, 4°- Breviariura Historicum Inclyti Ordinis Velleris Avrei, by Jules Chifflet. Antwerp, 1652, 4P- Breviarium Historicum ordinis Aurei Velleris ; oder historic des Toison- ordens, der Ritter vom Guldenen Vliiss ; aus dem Lateinischen teutsch iibersetzt, und Anraerckungen erlaii- tert, und biss auf unsere Zeiten fort- gesetzet, by Jules Chifflet. Nurnberg, 1741, 4P- Le Blason des Armoiries de tons les Chevaliers de I'Ordre de la Toison d'Or, depuis la premiere institution jusques a present, par Jean Baptiste Maurice. Brux. 1667, fol. Aries seu Aurei Velleris enconium, by Gott. Vendelinus. Antwerp, 1688, 4P- Mausolee de la Toison d'or, ou les tom- beaux des chefs et des chevaliers du noble ordre de la Toison d'or, con tenant ieurs eloges, inscriptions, epitaphes, alli- ances, etc. Amst. 1689, 12°- Historia de la insigne Orden del Toyson de Oro. By Julian de Pinedo y Salazar, 3 vols. Madrid, 1787, fol. Histoire de I'Ordre de la Toison d'Or, depuis son institution jusqu' a la ces- sation des chapitres generaux, par le 260 Oedees of Chivalet and Knighthood. Baron de Keiffenberg. Brux. 1830, 4P- A separate volume of Plates in folio. Arms of Knights of the Golden Fleece, with notes of their lives, from 1429 to 1838, by the Eev. D. T. Powell. 2 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 17,437 ; 17,438. An account of the Hanoverian Order of the Guelphs (in German) by Schsed- tler. Hanover, 1816. fol. Der Guelfenorden des Konigreichs Han- nover, von Horn. Luneb. 1823, 8*^- Statutes of the Order of the Guelphs, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. London, 1828, 4'^- Only 100 copies printed for Members of the Order. Portraits and Arms of Members of the Hand-bow Company of Amsterdam, 1477—1659. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 983. List of Knights of the Order of the Saint Esprit. MS. 504, undated. Drop- more, Maidenhead. Blazon d'Armoiries de tous les Chevaliers de rOrdre du Saint Esprit, depuis la premiere Institution par Henri III. Eoi de France, 1578. jusques a present, avec leur Noms, Surnoms, et Titres. The arms illuminated. Brti. Mus. Add. MS. 6279. Le Livre des Statuts et Ordonnances de r Ordre du benoist Sainct Esprit, estably par le tres-chrestien Roy de France et de Pologne Henry, troisieme de le nom. Paris, 1580, 4^- Other editions in 1703, 1740. Les Armoiries des Chevalliers de Saint Esprit, delieraent peintes ; avec les portraicts des Koys de France H. 3 et 4, et Louis 13 ; faits I'an 1619. Brit. Mus Koy. MS. 19, B. xt. Armes des Chevaliers et Commandeurs de r Ordre du JSainct Esprit, crees par le Roy Louys 13'"'^' Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,325. Chevaliers et Commandevrs de 1' Ordre dv S. Esprit. Creez au Chapitre tenu par le Rov Lovys XIII., par J. Morin. Paris, 1619, fol. Recit veritable de ce qui s'est fait et passe aux ceremonies observes a la reception des chevaliers de 1' ordre du S. Esprit, en I'Eglise des Augustins a Paris, etc. Paris, 1620, 8o- The Arms of the Knights of the Ordre du Saint Esprit, from the first Creation in 1577 to 1622, superbly drawn, and blazoned, on 302 leaves of vellum. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4037. ^ Les Armes et Blasons des Chevaliers de rOrdre du Sainct Esprit, creez par Louys XIII. Roy de France et de Navarre, par Jacques Morin. Paris, 1623, 40- La Royale Institution des I'Ordre et Milice du S. EsjDrit ; avec le forme du voeu et serment fait au Roy, par Mes- sieurs les Cardinaux, Prelats and Offi- ciers des Ordres de sa Majeste. Paris, 1633, 8«- Recognoissance Royale dans le choix et eslection faite par le Roy, de Messieurs les Chevaliers des Ordres de sa Majeste. Avec le rolle des noms & qualitez des Prelats & Seigneurs des nouveaux Chevaliers qui ont este proclamez dans le Chapitre tenu a Fontainebleau le cinquieme May, 1633. Ensemble les Articles qui doivent observer & accompli lesdits Sieurs Chevaliers. Paris, 1633, 8^- Les veritables Ceremonies royales, faicte a la reception de Messieurs les Cheva- liers de rOrdre du S. Esprit dans le Chasteau de Fontaine-bleau le 14, 15 & 16 May, 1633, etc., etc. Paris, 1633. 8«- Les noms, surnoms, armes, et blasons des Chevaliers et Officiers de I'Ordre du S. Esprit, par Pierre d'Hozier. Paris, 1634, fol. Les Armes & Blasons des Chevaliers de rOrdre du Sainct Esprit Creez par Louys XIII. Roy de France et de Navarre. Paris, 1635, fol. Les Noms, Surnoms, Qualitez, Armes, ot Blasons de tous les Princes, Seig- neurs, Commandeurs, Chevaliers et Otficiers de 1' Ordre et Milice du ben- oist Sainct Esprit depuis la premiere Institution jusques a present, avec les Statuts, Ordonnances et Reglements dudit Ordre, par Francois La Fleiche. Paris, 1643. fol. Recueil des Noms, Surnoms, Qualitez, Armes, et Blasons, de tous les Princes, Seigneurs, Commandeurs, Chevaliers, et Officiers de I'Ordre et Milice du benoist Sainct Esprit, 1578 — 1658, ^rit. Mus. Kings MS. 422. Oedees of Chivalet akd Knighthood. 261 Les Noms, Surnoms, Qualitez, Arms et Blasons des Chevaliers de I'ordre du Saint Esprit crees par Louis, quator- zieme du nom, Roy de France et de Navarre, par M. Martineau. Paris, 1662, fol. Creations des Chevaliers de I'Ordre du St. Esprit, faites par Louis le Grand, ou Armorial Historique des Chevaliers de rOrdre, par le S^- F. de La Pointe. Paris, 1689, 4«- Statuts et Ordonnances de I'Ordre du benoist Saint Esprit, par M. M. Du Chesne et Haudicquer de Blancourt. Paris, 1689, 12«- Recherches historiques de I'Ordre du Saint Esprit, par Du Chesne et Haudicquer de Blancourt. 2 vols. Paris, 1699, 12o- Office des Chevaliers de 1' Ordre du St. Esprit, printed on vellum. Paris, 1703, 80- Les Statutes de I'Ordre du St. Esprit estably par Henri 111°^^ du nom, Koy de France et de Pologne, au mois de Decembre Fan mdlxxyiii. De I'lm- primerie Royale, 1703, 4°- Recherches historiques de I'Ordre du Saint Esprit. Par. Du Chesne. 3 vols. Paris, 1710, 12''- : Diplomata Pontificia et Regia Ordini j Regulari, et Hospitali Sancti Spiritus Monspeliensi Concessa. Paris, 1723, fol. Les Statuts de I'ordre du St, Esprit estably par Henry IlL 1578. Paris, 1724, 4o- Statuts et catalogue des Chevaliers, Com- mandeurs et Officiers de I'Ordre du Saint-Esprit, avec leurs Noms, etc., depuis rinstitution jusqu'a present, par P. le Simplicien. Paris, 1733, fol. [Contains many coats of arms.] Statuts de I'Ordre du St. Esprit, etabli par Henri III. Roy de France, 1578. Imprimerie Royale, 1740, 4^- L'ordre du St. Esprit. A folio MS. on paper, containing the arms of the various Knights of the order carefully coloured. Circa 1750, belonging to the Marquis of Bute. Eccleston Square, London. Catalogue des Chevaliers Commandeurs et Officiers de I'Ordre du Saint Esprit, avec leurs Noms et Qualitez,* depuis rinstitution sous Henry III. en 1578, jusqu' a present. Paris, 1760, fol. Histoire de I'Ordre du St. Esprit, par G. F. P. Poullin de St. Foix. 2 vols. Paris, 1767, 120- Histoire generale de I'Ordre du Saint Esprit, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,940. Les Noms, Qualites, Armes et Blazons, des Souveraines, Chefs et Grands Maisters, CJhevaliers, Commandeurs et Officiers, de I'Ordre du Saint Esprit, depuis rinstitution en 1578 jusqu' a I'an 1699. Par Jacques Chevillard. Continued to 1830 by the Rev. D. T. Powell. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,442. Les Ceremonies tenues et observees a I'Ordre et Milice du Sainct Esprit, et les noms des Chevaliers qui sont entrez en eceluy : faites soubs le tres-Chrestien Henry troisiesme du nom Roy de France. See Archives curieuses de Vhistoire de France. M. L. Cimber. 1st series, vol. 9. Paris, 1834, 8"- Statuts de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit au droit desir ou du Noeud, institue a Naples en 1352 par Louis d' Aujou premier du nom, roi de Jerusalem, de Naples et de Sicile. Manuscrit du xiv^- siecle conserve au Louvre dans le musee des souverains, Fran^ais, avec une notice sur le peinture des miniature et la description du manuscrit par M. le Comte Horace de Viel-Castel. Paris, 1853, fol. Abrege historique des Chevaliers et officiers commandeurs de I'Ordre du Saint-Esprit, depuis son institution jusqu' a la revolution de 1789, suive de la liste des personnes admises aux honneurs de la cour. Geneve, 1873, 40. Arms in trick of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2147, f. 99. Der Orden vom heil Grabe. By J. Hermens. Koln and Neuss, 1870, 4'^- Calendarium inclyti Ordinis equestris D. Huberto sacri, with engraved portraits, arms of the Knights, plates of the ceremonies, etc. Aug. Vind. 1761, 12"- Another edition, Heidelberg, 1775, 12«- Another edition, 1786. Papers concerning the Military Order of the Immaculate Virgin. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 6141, art 13., Cott. Titus A. XXIV. 262 Ordbes op Chivalet and Kt^^ighthood. Letters of Vitellozzo Vitelli, Cardinal and Chamberlain of the Eoman Church, creating Pietro, son of Baptista d'Claricini, alias de Gambaro, of Bologna, a Knight of the Lateran, with the arms of Vitelli and Gambaro, 1568. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23715. L'Ordre de Leopold et les Marques d'Honneur depuis 1830, par Leop. van HoUebeke. Brux. 1888, fol. Malta, Knights of, see St. John. Statutes of the Imperial Military Order of Maria Theresa, instituted 18th June, 1757. Translated from the German by G. F. Beltz. Lond. 1801, 4«- Montesa, see St. lago. The Jewels of Pythian Knighthood. Edited by John Van Valkenburg. Cincinnati, 1889, 8°- Rhodes, Knights of, see St. John. Fondation, Vie et Reigle du grand Ordre militaire & monastique des Chevaliers lieligieux du glorieux Pere S. Antoine en Ethiopie, par Dom J. Baltazar. Paris, 1632, 12«- Diploma of the Order of Santa Carolina, founded by Caroline, Princess of Wales, wife of George IV., to commemorate her visit to Jerusalem in 1816. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30170, f. 56. Ordini Equestri esistenti negli stati di Santa Chiesa. By Pietro Giacchieri. Roma, 1853, fol. Literse sive Diploma Job. And. Angeli Flavii, Ducis Drivastensis, Mil. S. Georgii Supremi Magistri, quibus Dominus Ascanius Tmperialis Eques ejusdem Ordinis creatur, Roma, 1597. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,036. Privileges granted by various Popes and Emperors to the Counts of Drivast, as Masters of the Order of St. George. Rome, 1603, 8«- See also Add. MS. 12,036, Brit. Mus. Statuti, etc. de Cavalieri Aug. di San Giorgio Martire. Bologna, 1621, 4^- The Imperial Constantinian Order of St. George, a Review of Modern Impostures and a sketch of its true history, by Prince Rhodocanakis. London, 1870. 40. Prince Demetrius Rhodocanakis, the Imperial Constantinian Order of St. George. Reply to the Criticism of the Saturday Review. 2 parts. 1870, 4P- St. George and St, Michael, by George Macdonald. 3 vols. London, 1876, 8°- St. lago. Papers relating to the Military Order of Santiago, Calatrava, and Alcantara. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 16,483 f. 159; 28,364; 28,365; 28,374; 28,375; 28,436; 28,367. Tratado de los ordines de Santiago, Cala- trava, Alcantara y Montesa, por Pedro de Cantos Benitez. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 485 ; 486. Chronica de las tres Ordenes y Cavallerias de Sanctiago, Calatrava, y Alcantara, by Radesy Andrada. Toledo, 1572, fol. Historia de las Ordenes Militares de San- Jago, Calatrava, y Alcantara desde su Fundacion hasta el Rey D. Filipe II , by F. Caro de Torres. Madrid, 1629, fol. St. John Baptist. La Regla delos Cavalleros Hospitaleres del Orden de S. Juan Baptista, 1492. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,554. Bullae of the Master and Convent of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Brit. Mus. Det^- Seals, E.B. 1 to 11. The Knights Hospitallers in England : being the Report of Prior Philip de Thame to the Grand Master Elyan de Villanovafor A.D. 1338. Edited by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking, M.A., with an Historical Introduction by John Mitchell Kemble. Camden Society, vol. Lxv. Lond. 1857, 4o- Charter of the Master of the House of St. John of Jerusalem, etc., at Rhodes, constituting Henry VII., King of England, Protector and Patron of the Knights of the Order throughout Christendom ; with leaden seal attached, 1506. Latm. Brit. Mus. Cott. Ch. VI. 10. Statuta ordinis domus Hospitalis Hierusa- lem, by D. Rodriguez edi curavit. Knights Hospitallers of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, afterwards styled Knights of Rhodes, and afterwards Knights of Malta. Roma, 1556, fol. A short account of the Hospitallers, or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, afterwards called Knights of Rhodes, and lastly Knights of Malta. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4206. Arms of certain Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1386, f . 48^- Orders of Chivalry and Knighthood. 263 Militaris Ordinis Johannitarum Rhodior- um, aut Melitensium Equitum, Eeruin memorabilium pro liepublica Christiana in Asia, Africa, et Europa contra Barbaros, Saracenos, Arabes et Turcas fortiter gestarum ad Annum 1581 Historia Nova. Guagini SarmaticB Descriptio, by Henricus Pantaleonus. Basileae, 1581, fol. Statuta Hospitalis Hierusalem, Indice adject 0, edente P. Veltronio. Plates bj Thomassin, Rome, 1586 — 88, fol. Deir Istoria della Sacra Religione et Illustrissima Militia di S. Giovanni Gierosolimitano. By Giacomo Bosic*. 2 vols. Roma, 1594— 160^, fol. Other editions 1621—84 and 1695. Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de I'hospital de S. Jean de Hierusalem, par Pierre de Boissat. Lyon, 1612, 4°- Histoire des Chavaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem, jusqu' a Tan 1571 ; traduite de I'ltalien, par le feu Sieur de B.S.D.L.; avec les annotations de Jean Baudoin, et les Statuts du meme Ordre, par Giacomo Bosio. 2 vols. Paris, 1643, fol. Sommaire des Privileges octroyez a I'ordre de S. Jean, tant en Hierusalem, Cypre, Rhodes, qu' a Malte ; avec les Vies de tons les Grands Maistres, etc., par Anne de Naberat. Paris, 1627 — 29, fol. Another edition, 1642, 4P- Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem, cy-devant escrite par le feu S.D.B.S.D.L. & en cette demiere edition par J. Baudoin, ceuvre enrichie par F. A. de Naberat. Paris, 1629, fol. Traduction des statuts de I'Ordre de Saint Jean de Hierusalem ; avec des annota- tions, et des figures, par Jean Baudoin. Paris, 1643, fol. Histoire des Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem, avec les Statuts, les Ordonnances, etc. par Sieur de Boissart, augmentee par Baudoin et Naberat. 3 vols. Paris, 1659, fol. Martyrologie des Chevaliers de St. Jean de Hierusalem, dits de Malte, contenant leurs Eloges, Armes, Blasons, Preuves de Chevalerie, etc., par M. de Gous- sancourt. 2 vols. Paris, ^43, fol. Recueil des privileges octroyez a I'ordre de S. Jean de Hierusalem, par les Papes, Empereurs, Rois, Princes et Potentats de la Chrestiente. Par Desclo/eaux. 3rd. edit. Grenoble, 1653, 4P- Privileges des Papes, Empereurs, Rois et Princes de la Chretiente, accordez a I'ordre de Saint-Jean de Hierusalem. Par D'Escluseaulx. Paris, 1700, fol. Statuti della Sac. Religione di S. Giovanni Gerosolimitano con le Ordinazioni dell' ultimo Capitolo Generale, il Modo di far i Processi, I'Ordine che si tiene nel dar I'Abito ed i Privilegi. Borgo Novo, 1674—75, fol. Original letters addressed to Pierre Adrien de Vignacourt, Grand Master of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, by Knights and others connected with the order, 1690—1696. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,099. Historia della Sacra Religione Militare di S. Giovanni Gerosolimitano detta di Malta, by B. Dal Pozzo. 1703, &c. iP- Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitallers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appelles depuis les Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd 'hui les Chevaliers de Malthe, par I'Abbe Rene Aubert de Vertot. 4 vols Paris, 1726, 4«- Another edition, 7 vols. Paris, 1755, 8°- Another edition, 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1757, 12o- Another edition, 7 vols. Paris, 1761, 12°- History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, known as the Knights of Malta, by M. I'Abbe de Vertot. 3 vols. Dublin, 1818, 8''- Geschichte des Ritterlichen Johanniter- Orden, und dessen Herren-Meister- thums in der Mark, Sachsen. Pommern und Wendland, etc. by J. C. Dithmar. Franc. 1728, 4P- Genealogisch-Historische Nachricht von denen Herren-Meistern des Ritterlichen Johanniter-Ordens in der Marck, Sachsen, Pommern und Wendland, samt des jetzigen Herren-Meisters Prinz Carln Wahl und Installation. By J. C. Dithmar. Frank, 1737, 4P- Memorie de' Gran Maestri del Sacro Militar Ordine Gerosolimitano,. 3 vols. Parma. 1780, 4P- Annales Historiques de I'Ordre Souverain de St. Jean de Jerusalem depuis I'annee 1725 jusqu' au moment present. St. Petersbourg. 1799, 8«- 264 Oedebs oe Chivalbt ATfD Knighthood. Observations sur I'Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem et de Malte. Par le Col. Marq. Despinay. Paris, 1825, 40. Papers relative to the History of the Scotish Knights Templar, and their Successors of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. 1828, 4o- Monumens des grands maitres de I'ordre de Saint- Jean-de- Jerusalem, ou vues des tombeaux eleves a Jerusalem, a Ptolomais, a Rhodes, a Malte, avec notices historiques, par L. F. Marq. de Villeneuve-Bargemont. 2 vols. Paris, 1829, 8«- History of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, by W. Till. Lond. 1834, 8°- Notice historique sur I'Ordre Hospitalier et Militaire de St. Jean de Jerusalem, par A. Kassorgesky. Moscow, 1835, 8«- The Knights of St. John, a Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 15th, 1836, by F. Faber. Oxf. 1836. 80- Collezione di Monumenti e Lapidi Sepol- crali dei Militi Oerosolimitani nella Chiesa di San Giovanni in Malta ; disegnati in contorno litografico da Rafaelle Caruana. 3 vols. Malta, 1838—40, fol. The History of the Holy, Military, and Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusa- lem ; or Knights Hospitallers, etc., by J. TaafEe. 4 vols. Lond. 1852, 8«- Drawings of sculptured arms of the Knights of St. John at Budrum, under the direction of C. T. Newton in 1853. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,998. See also Newton's Discoveries at Halicarnassus, published in 1863. Synoptical Sketch of the illustrious Order of Knights-Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem and of the Venerable Langue of England, by Sir Rich. Broun. Lond. 1856, 80- Knights of St. John. London, 1858, 12«- Ordre souverain des hospitallers reformes de Saint-Jean, Jerusalem, Rhodes et Malte. Organisation de son premier couvent en France. Paris, 1859, 8°- Statutes of the Order of St. John, with memoir, by Robt. Bigsby. Derby, 1862, 8«- The History of Moor Hall, a camera of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem in the parish of Harefield, CO. Middlesex, by Rev. Thos. Hugo. Lond. 1866, 8«- A Concise Account of St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, and of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, by John Wilson. London, 1867, S''- Etudes historiques sur I'Ordre de Saint- Jean de Jerusalem, par M. A. De Marsy. Amiens, 1874, 8*^- Coats of Arms of the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem who have reigned in Malta, engraved by the pupils of the government primary- school of Valletta. Single sheet [1880], fol. Des Sceaux des Prieurs Anglois de I'Ordre de I'Hopital aux Douzieme et Treizieme Siecles, par J. Delaville le Roulx, Extrait des Melanges d'Arch. et Hists. pub. par I'Ecole Fran^aise de Rome. Rome, 1881. Note sur les Sceaux de I'Ordre de Jean de Jerusalem, par J. Delaville le Roulx. Soc. Nat. de Antiq. de France, vol. xli. Paris, 1881. Hospital of the Knights of St. John. By the Rev. W. K. R. Bedford. Edinb. 1882. Les Archives, la Bibliotheque et le Tresor de I'ordre de Saint- Jean de Jerusalem a Malte, par J. Delaville Le Roulx. Paris, 1884, 8'^- List of the Knights of Malta, arranged alphabetically, 1525—1679. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,920. Le Martyrologe des Chevaliers de Malte, par F. Mathieu de Goussancourt. Paris, 1643, fol. D'Auboeuf, Histoire des Chevaliers de Malte, par Rene d'Aubert de Vertot. 4 vols. Paris, 1726, 4^- The History of the Knights of Malta, illustrated with 71 heads of the grand masters, etc. by Aubert de Vertot. 2 vols. Lond. 1728, fol. Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitallers de Malte, par I'Abbe de Vertot. 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1742. 12o- Letter from the Hon. Mr. Horace Wal- pole relating to English Knights of Malta, June 17, 1772. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5844, f. 29. OeDEHS of CniTALElf AND KNIGHTHOOD. 265 Codice Diplomat ico del sacro militare Ordine Grerosoliinitano, oggi di Malta. Lucca, 1733, fol. Ancient and Modern Malta, containing a full and accurate Account of the present state of the Islands of Malta and Gaza, the History of tlie Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, etc. by Louis de Boisgelin, Knight of Malta. 2 vols. Loud. 1815, 4«- Achievements of the Knights of Malta, by A. Sutherland, (Constable's Mis- cellany, vols. 63, 64.) 2 vols. Edinb. 1830, 120- L'Ordre de Malte ses Grands Maitres et ses Chevaliers, par Viton de Saint- Allais. Paris, 1839, 8«- A History of the Knights of Malta, by Whitworth Porter. 2 vols. Lond. 1858, 80- Another edition, 1863. History of the Knights of Malta ; or, The Order of St. John of Jerusalem, by Major-Gen eral Whitworth Porter. New and revised edition. Lond. 1883, Memoirs of the Knights of Malta, by Robt. Bigsby. Derby, 1869 Ordre de Malte. Les commanderies du grand Prieure de France, d'apres les documents inedits, conserves aux Archives nationales de Paris, par E. Mannier. Paris, 1872, 8«' L'Ordre des Chevaliers de Malte. Son passe — -son present, son avenir. Vienne [1876?] 80- Les Chevaliers de Malte, par J. de la Graviere. 2 vols. 1887. Autograph Letters of the Knights of the Order of St. Lazare of France, in answer to a summons to attend a Chapter of the Order, on the 17th Dec. 1721 ; alphabetically arranged. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8859. Histoire des ordres royaux, hospitaliers- militaires de Notre Dame du Mont- Carmel et de Saint- Lazare de Jerusalem, par Gautier de Sibert. Paris, 1772, 40. Pre9is historique des Ordres de S. Lazare et de S. Maurice, par Luigi Cibrario. Lyon, 1860, S^- Histoire de 1' Ordre Royal et ^ilitaire de Saint-Louis, par M. D 'Aspect. 3 vols. Paris, 1780, 8«- Memoires historiques concernant 1' Ordre Royal et Militaire de Saint-Louis et I'institution du Merite militaire. Par Meslin. Paris, 1785, 4o- Histoire de I'ordre militaire de Saint Louis, depuis son institution en 1693, jusqu' en 1830, par Alex. Mazas, ter- minee par Theo. Anne. 2 vols. Paris, 1855 — 57. 8*^- Second edition enlarged, 3 vols. 1860—61. L'Ordine Equestre di San Marino. By Oresti Brizi. Napoli, 1865, fol. Le Livre de I'Ordre du tres Chrestien Roy de France, Loys XL de I'honneur de Sainct Michel, 1476. Written on vellum and beautifully illuminated. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4485. Le Liure des ordonnances des Chevaliers de I'ordre du tres-chrestien roy de France Loys XI. a I'honneur de Sainct Michel. Paris, 1512, 8o- Le Livre des Statuts & Ordonnances de rOrdre Sainct Michel (1 Aug. 1469), etc. Paris, 1550 ? 4o- Statuts de I'Ordre de St. Michel. Illus- trated by Simonneau. Paris, 1725, 4°- Chevaliers de I'Ordre de S. Michel, le Roi, Grand-Maistre, chef et souverain. Paris, 1756, fol. Liste des Messieurs les Chevaliers de I'Ordre de Saint Michel. Paris, 1773. 80- The Statutes of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George. Coloured plates. London, 1832, 4^°- Additional Statutes and Lists published in 1841. List of Knights of the Order of St. Michel to its union with that of the St. Esprit, in 1548, with Arms in colours, by the Rev. David Thomas Powell, circa 1836. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17.436. Les chevaliers bretons de Saint-Michel, depuis la fondation de I'ordre en 1469 jusqu' a I'ordonnance de 1665, notices recueillis par le Comte d'Hozier, publieea avec une preface et des notes par G. de Carne. Nantes, 1884, 8o- List of Knights of St. Patrick to 1806. See Beatson's Political Index, vol. iii. The Fundamental Laws, Statutes, and Constitutions of the Ancient and most benevolent Order of the Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick. Dublin, 1763, 80' Third edition, 1799. Oeders or CHivALSf AND KnighthooD* Papers relating to the institution of the order of St. Patrick in the handwriting of Joseph Edmondson, 1783. Statutes of the order, and ceremony of installation . Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,410 ; 6283 f . 29. Statutes of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick. Dublin, 1809, So- Ceremonial Order of St. Patrick. 1819. See the " Dublin Gazette " relating to the installation of Knights of the Order of St. Patrick. Statutes and Ordinances of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick. Dublin, 1831, 8«- Installation as a Knight of St. Patrick, H.E.H. the Prince of Wales. From the " Dublin Gazette," May 8th, 1868. Letters confirming the title of Alexander de Peregrinis, as Knight of the Order of St. Peter, 1549 ; and printed copies of the bulls of foundation and confirmation of the Order, with the arms of Pope Paul III. and Peregrin! stamped on the covers. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,127. Statuti , Capitoli et Constitutioni del Ordine de' Cavalieri di Santo Stephano fondato dall' illustrissimo S. Cosimo dei Medici. Fiorenza, 1562, fol. Another edition in 1577 — 84. Another edition, Pisa, 1746, 40- Memorials of the Star Club, held at Fen- ton's Hotel, St. James's Street, London, comprising Memoirs of the Members, with plates of their Arms emblazoned. London, 1860, &c., fol. Privately printed for the Members of the Club only. The Statutes of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, 19 April, 1866. [London, 1866], 4o- Histoire de la condamnation des Temp- liers, par Pierre Dupuy. Paris, 1654, 4P- Other editions in 1685, 1700 and 1713. Histoire de I'Ordre Militaire des Temp- liers, ou Chevaliers du Temple de Jerusalem, depuis son Establissement jusqu' a sa Decadence et sa Suppression, par Pierre Du-Puy. Nouvelle edition. Brux. 1751, 40- The Templars' Trials : an attempt to estimate the evidence published by Dupuy, etc., by J. Y. A. Morshead. Lond. 1888, 8°- History of the Templars, by 0. G. Anton* German. Leip. 1779, 8°- Histoire critique et apologetique de I'ordre des Chevaliers de Jerusalem dit Templiers, parli. P. Mansuet, J[eunel. 2 vols. Paris, 1789, 4P- Histoire de I'Ordre des Chevaliers du Temple de Jerusalem, dits Templiers, (par le Pere Eomain Joly.) 2 vols. Paris, 1789, 4P- Statutes of the Order of Knights Temp- lars. G-erman., Ber. 1794, 8*^- Memoires historiques sur les Templiers. 1805, 80. Monumens historiques relatifs a la con- damnation de Chevaliers du Temple, et I'abolition de leur ordre, par T. J. M. Raynouard. Paris, 1813, 8o- Templaria : — Papers relative to the history, privileges, and possessions of the Scottish Knights Templars, and their successors the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. Edinb. 1828, 4°- Twenty-five copies only printed. Manual of the Knights of the Order of the Temple. Translated from the Paris edition, by Guyot, by H. Lucas. Liverpool, 1830, V2P- Proces Templiers publie par M. Michelet. Collection de Documents, etc. vol. i. Paris, 1835, 4P- A Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars, by James Burnes. Edinb. 1837, 4P- History of the Knights Templars' by James Burnes. Edinb. 1840, 4P- Ordre des Chevaliers du Temple. Statuts de Chevaliers de I'Ordre du Temple, etc. Edited by Auguste de Flandre, i.e. Count Vander Meere. Brux. 1840, 40- Regli et statuts secrets des Templiers, precede, de I'histoire de establissement, de la destruction, et de la continuation moderne de I'Ordre du Temple. Par C. H. Maillard. Paris, 1840, 8o- La Regie du Temple, etc. Societe de V Histoire de France. Paris, 1886, S^- History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple, by Ch. G. Addison. Lond. 1842, 4P- 2nd edition, 1842. 3rd edition, 1852. Statutes of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple, as established in Scotland. Edinb. 1843, 4P' O^DEES Ot t/HIVALEt AiTD KjflGHTHOOI). 267 Armorial Bearings o£ the Knights Temp- lars ; and Memoir on Effigies commonly appropriated to them, by W. S. Wal- ford. See Arcliceological Journal^ vol. I. Lond. 1845, S^- The Templars Chart, or hieroglyphic monitor : containing all the emblems and hieroglyphics explained in the orders of Knights of the lied Cross, Knights Templars, and Knights of Malta, by Jeremy L. Cross. Third edition, New York, 1852, S^- 4th edition, 1856. Cross's Templar's Chart. Thoroughly revised by W. M. Cunningjham. 2nd edition. Philadelphia, 1866, 8°- Historia del origen y destruccion de los Templarios. Valladolid, 1853, 4P- A K^ervice for encampments of Knights Templars, with a sketch of the history of the Order. Dubl. 1859, 4P- Geschichte des Ordens der Tempelherren. By Ferd. Wilcke. 2 vols. Halle, 1860, 8°- Documents sur les ordres du Temple et de Saint Jean de Jerusalem en Kouer- gue, suivis d'une notice historique sur la Legion d'honneur et du tableau de ses membres dans le meme pays, par Hippolyte de Barrau. Rodez, 1861, 8°- Calendar of the Order of Masonic Knights Templar for the year 1861 (1862), containing the roll of encampments, muster call of grand officers, etc. Lond. 1861, 62, 8«- The Persecutions of the Knights Temp- lars, by A. 0. Haye. Edinb. 1865, 8o- The Last of the Knights Templars, by Thos. Billington. Preston, 1866, 8o- History of the Knights Templars of the State of Pennsylvania, from Feb. 14th A.D. 1794 to Nov. 13th A.D. 1866, by Alfred Creigh. Philadelphia, 1867, 8«- Statutes for the Government of the Royal exalted Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templars, and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta. Lond. 1872, 8«- Another edition, 1873. Great Priory Statutes for the Government of the United Orders of the Temple, and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, in England and Wales and the Dependencies thereof. Lond. 1873, 80- Proceedings of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templars, 19th Triennial Con- clave, New Orleans, Louisiana. Daven- port, Iowa, 1874, 80- The Grand Encampment and Knights Templars' Triennial Conclave, at Chi- cago, Aug. 16 — 19, 1880, together with a History of the Order, etc., by W. S. Walker and C. W. Northup. Chicago, 1880, 8«- Historia general de la religiosa y militar orden de los caballeros del Temple, by M. Bruguera. Madrid, 1881, 40- Historischer. Bericht vom Teutschen Ritter-Orden zu Jerusalem, by J. C. Venator. Historical account of the Teutonic Order of Knighthood^ from 1198 to 1697. Niirnberg, 1680, 4P- Historia Ordinis Equitum Teutonicorum Hospitalis S. Marise V. Hierosolymi- tani, cum Appendice Bullarum et Diplo- matum, R. Duelli. Vennse, 1727, fol. Histoire de I'Ordre Teutonique, par un Chevalier de I'Ordre. 8 vols. Paris, 1784—1790, 80- Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici. Edited by Ernest Strehlke. Berl. 1869, 4P- Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Thistle, 1737. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,261. The Statutes and Fees of the Order of the Thistle. Sihliotheca, Topographica^ Britannica, vol. v. Lond. 1784, 4°* List of Knights of the Thistle to 1806. See Beatson's Political Index, vol. iii. Statutes and Orders of the most Ancient and the most Noble Order of the Thistle. Lond. 1827, 8«- Statutes of the Order of the Thistle, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond. 1828, 40. Only 50 copies printed for Members of the Order. The Victoria Cross. An Official Chronicle, from the Institution of the Order in 1856 to 1880. Edited by R. W. 0. Byrne. Lond. 1880, 8°- 268 Ctitmoitials, ^roctssiorts, anb Courttammts. Catalogue of a Collection of Works on Pageantry, bequeathed to the Society of Antitparies of London, by F. Wm. Fairholt. Lond. 1869, 8«- Papers relating to Heraldry and Cere- monials ; chiefly in the handwriting of Nicolas Charles. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,417. Ceremonials and Heraldic Proceedings, from the Coronation of Henry VII., 1485 to 1653. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 985. Memoranda and extracts from printed works and the London Grazettes relating to public ceremonials, orders of knight- hood, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6307 ; 6308 ; 6312. Curiosities of Ceremonials, Titles, Decora- tions and Forms, or International Vanities, by F. Marshall. Lond. 1880, 80- Orders to be observed by the Ofiicers of Arms, made by Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, 1568 ; and by Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, 1604 — 1614. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,747. CORONATION CEEEMONIES. The Coronation Service or Consecration of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, as it illus- trated the origin of the Constitution, by the Rev. Thomas Silver. Oxford, 1831, 80- Considerations on the Coronation Oath, to maintain the Protestant Reformed Religion, and the Settlement of the Church of England, as prescribed by stat. 1 William and Mary, ch. 6, and stat. 5 Anne, ch. 8, by John Reeves. Lond., 1801, 80- Letters to a Nobleman on the Coronation Oath, by Charles Butler. Lend. 1801, 80- Considerations on the Coronation Oath, humbly submitted to the Attention of the Legislature, by an Officer of Rank in the Royal Navy. Lond. 1820, 8o- Coronation and Reception of Princes. MS. Hatton Collection. Ordo consecrationis sive coronationis regis. Circa temp. Hen. I. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Claud A. III. f. 17. Collections concerning the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, 16th ceutury. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tiber. E. VIIL Collections relative to Coronations, Pro- cessions, and other Heraldic matters, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harg. MSS. 496, 497. Coronation of King Richard the Third and his Consort Queen Anne, 1483. See Excerpta Historica, by Samuel Bentley. Lond. 1831, 8o- An account of the form and ceremonials of English Coronations in the reign of Henry VII. Stowe MS. 420. Brit. Mus. The Order of Ceremonies observed in the Anointing and Coronation of Henry IV., King of France and Navarre, 27th Feb. 1594. Translated out of the French, and printed by John Windet. Roan (1594), 4P- A Joyful! Medytacion to all Englonde of the Coronacyon of our moost naturall Souerayne Lorde Kynge Henry the Eyght, by S. Hawes. 1508. Single sheet. The Coronation of Claude, Queen of Francis I. of France, with illuminated drawings representing the ceremonies, and the Court costume of the time. Stowe MS. 425. Brit. Mus. Ferdinandi. Regis Bohemise et Hungarise, etc. Coronatio Pragse celebrata anno 1527. Cavalcata solenne del Papa Clemente VII. e di Carlo V. Imperatore, per la sua Coronatione in Bologna I'anno 1530, by Engelbertus Bruning. Coronatione del Principe Don Fernando Re de' Romani, de Ungarie, et de Bohemia, etc. alii xii. de Gienaro 1531, nella citta di Aquisgrano, Ital. et Spagn ; con figure. 4P- Ceeemonials, Peocessions, and Toxjenaments. 269 The Cerymonies of the Coronacion of the moost excellent Queene Elysabeth, the xv^ of January, anno 1558. MS. Ashmolean Museum, No. 863. Ceremonies observees au Sacre et Corone- ment de Henry IV, lioy de France, par N. de Thou. Paris, 1594. England's CsBsar. His Majestie's most royall Coronation, together with the manner of the solemne shewes prepared for the Honour of his entry into the Citie of London. Eliza her Conona- tion in Heaven : and London's sorrow for her visitation, by Henry Petowe. Lond. 1608, 4P' Coronation Claims from Richard II. to James I. Stowe MS. 422. Brit. Mus. Coronation Claims, time of James I. Stowe MS. 419(1) Brit. Mus. Le Ceremonial de France, ou description des Ceremonies, Rangs, et Seances observees aux Couronnemens, Entrees, et Enterremens des Roys et Roynes de France, et autres Actes et Assemblees solemneles, par Theodore Godefroy. Paris, 1619, 4P- Coronatio Caroli Quinti ; Imperatoris, aeneis figuris illustrata ab Henrico Hondio ; cum apparatu et ordine, quo, pompa funebris Ejusdem, Bruxellis a palatio ad Divse Grudulse Templum pro- cessit ; cum figuris aeneis ab eodem Hondio. By Engelbertus Bruning. Hagse Comitis, 1619, fol. The Ceremonies, Form of Prayer, and Services used in Westminster Abbey at the Coronation of King James I. With the Coronation of King Charles I. in Scotland. Lond. 1685, fol. Coronaciones de los Reys de Aragon con dos Tratados del Modo de tener Cortes del mismo Autor y de Gr. Martel. Gr. de Blancas. Carago^a, 1641, 4P- The True Manner of the Crowning of Charles the Second, King of Scotland, on the first day of January, 1650. Folio. The Forme and Order of the Coronation of Charles the Second, King of Scot- land, England, France, and Ireland, as it was acted and done at Scoone the first day of January. 1651, by Robert Douglas. Aberdeen, 1654 4P- Re- printed at London, 1660, 4°- Again at Edinburgh, 1725, 8«' Le sacre et couronnement de Louis XIV. Roy de France et de Navarre, dans I'Eglise de Reims, le septieme Juin 1654. Par Le Maire. Reims, 1654, 8«- Signal Loyalty ; Together with various forms of Prayers, Supplications, Votes, Acclamations, Ceremonies, and Solem- nities, used at the Coronations of Emperors and Kings, especially of the Kings of England, by William Prynne. 2 parts. Lond. 1660, 4P- A Collection out of the Book called Liber Reg alls, remaining in the Treasury of the church of Westminster, touching the Coronation of the King and Queen together, according to the usual Form. Lond. 1660, 4P- Second edition, 1661. Preparations for the Coronation of King Charles II., with account of several preceding Coronations. Stowe MS. 423. Brit. Mus. The Manner and Solemnitie of the Corona- tion of His Most G-racious Majestic King Charles II., by William Heawood. Manchester, 1861, 4<^- Collection relating to Ceremonials at Coronations, including " The Manner of the most happy returne into Eng- land of our gratious sovereign Lord King Charles the Second and his Pro- ceeding through London upon l^ewsday the 29th of May, 1660 ;" together with the installation of Knights of the Garter and of the Bath, creations of noblemen, and his Majesties coronation at Westminster, 23 of April, 1661, etc. Collected by Sir Edward Walker, knt. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30195. A Circumstantial Account of the Pre- parations for the Coronation of His Majesty King ^Charles the Second, and a minute Detail of that splendid Cere- mony, with all the particulars connected with it, including the Installation of Knights, Creation of Peers, etc., by Sir Edward Walker, knight. Lond. 1820, 8«- A Proclamation declaring his Majesties pleasure touching his Coronation. Lond. 1660, fol Form and Order of the Coronation of Charles II. at Scoone. Aberdene, 1660, 40. 270 CeEEMONIALS, PeOCESSIONS, and TorE»"AMENTS. The Manner of the Solemnity of the Coronation of King Charles II. Lond. 1660, fol. Some Account of the Coronation of King liichard II ; with an engraving repre- senting the various forms of crowns, from Edward the Confessor to Charles II., by Alfred John Kempe. Lond. 1831, V Only 50 copies printed. Cavalcade and Coronation of King Charles II. Lond. 1661, fol. A Proclamation relating to the Procession at the Coronation of King Charles II. Lond. 1661, fol. The Form of his Majesties Coronation — Feast, 23 April, 1661. Lond. 1661, fol. A Eolle of his Majesties [Charles II.] Royall Proceeding through London, 22 Aprill, 1661, beinge the day before his Majesties Coronation. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,774. The Proceeding [or order of the procession] to his Majesties [Charles II.] Coronacion from Westminister Hall to the Abbey Church on Tewesday, the 23th of Aprill, 1661. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,775. Festa Georgiana, or the Gentries and Countries Joy for the Coronation of the King on St. G-eorge's Day. Lond. 1661, fol. Neptunes Address to his most Sacred Majesty Charles the Second, congratu- lating his Coronation, celebrated the 23rd day of April, 1661, in several Designements and Shews upon the Water before Whitehall, at his Majesties Returne from the Land Triumphs. Lond. 1661, fob Coronation of Charles 11. at Manchester, in 1661, with that of George III. in 1761, by W. Heawood. Lond. 1863, 40. Proceedings of the Court of Claims on the services and fees claimed at the Coron- ation of Charles II. Stowe MS. 421. Brit. Mus. Coronation of Charles II. — Account of the Cavalcade, Triumphal Arches, Speeches, and the Ceremony. Lond. 1685, fol. The Entire Ceremonies of the Coronations of His Majestic King Charles the Second, and of Her Majestic Queen Mary, con- sort to James the Second, as published by those learned Heralds, Ashmole and Sandford. Lond. 1761, 8°- Le Couronement de Soleiman trosieme Eoy de Perse, par Chardin. 1G71, 12«- An Account of the Ceremonial at the Coronation of King James II. and his Queen. Lond. 1685, fol. The Description of the Coronation of His Sacred Majesty K. James II. and His most Illustrious Consort Queen Mary, celebrated on the 25th day of April, 1685. Lond. 1685, 4«- An account of the procession and cere- monials at the Coronation of James II. Stowe MS. 424. Brit. Mus. An Heroick Poem on the Coronation of His Majestic King James II., by Elkanah Settle. 1685. The History of the Coronation of James II. and of his Royal Consort Queen Mary, by Francis Sandford. Lond. 1687, fol. Form of King William III. and Queen Mary's Coronation. Lond. 1688, folio. The Earl Marshal's Order touching the Habits of the Peeresses at the Corona- tion of King William and Queen Mary. Lond. 1689, folio. The Proceeding to the Coronation of their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, from Westm^- Hall to Westm"-- Abbey, 11th Apr. 1689. Single sheet. An account of the Ceremonial at the Coronation of King William and Queen Mary, on April 11th, 1689, folio. Ltix Occidentalis, or Providence displayed in the Coronation of King William and Queen Mary, and the Happy Accession to the Crown of England, with other Remarks, by Thomas Rogers. Lond. 1689, 40- Preussische Kronungs-Geschichte von Friderich der dritte und Sophie Char- lotte, 18 Jan. 1701 : ander druck, mit kupfern. Colin an der Spree, 1712, fol. The Earl Marshall's Order relating to the Coronation of Queen Anne, 1702, folio. Trait 6 du Sacre et Couronnement des Rois et des Reines de France, et de tons les Princes Souverains de I'Europe, aug- ment e de la relation de la Ceremonie du Sacre de Louis XV., par Nicolas Menin. Paris, 1723, 12o- Another edition, Amsterdam, 1724, 12°- Ceremonials, Processions, and Tournaments. 271 A Description of the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of France ; with an historical Account of the Institution of that august Ceremony in France, and in other Kingdoms in Europe, hy Nico- las Menin. Lond. 1723, 8«- A new edition. Lond. 1775, S^- An historical and Chronological Treatise of the Anointing and Coronation of the Kings and Queens of France ; and of all the Sovereign Princes of Europe. To .which is added, an exact relation of the Ceremony of the Coronation of of Louis Xy.,byMcolas Menin. Lond. 1723, 80- The form, order and ceremonies of Coronations, used at the investiture of all the Sovereign Princes of Europe, and the ceremony of the present King of France [Louis XV.] Translated from the French of Nicolas Menin. Lond. 1727, Bo- Collections relating to Coronations, from Richard II. to George II. Brit. Mus. Lans. MSS. 278 to 284. A Complete Account of the Ceremonies observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, etc. Lond. 1727, 4o- Coronation of George II. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1190. The Form of the Proceeding to the Royal Coronation of their Majesties King George II. and Queen Caroline, from Westminster Hall to the Abbey Church of St. Peter in Westminster, on Wed- nesday the 11th of this Instant, October, 1727. Folio. The Solemnities at the Coronation of King George II. Printed in the year 1727, 8^- The Ceremonial of the Coronation of His most sacred Majesty King George II. and His Royal Consort Queen Caroline. By order of Wilham Hawkins, Esq. Ulster King of Arms of all Ireland. Dublin, 1727, fol. [A copy of this work is in the possession of the Mar- quis of Ripon, at Studley Royal, Co. York., with an account of, and claims, &c., made at the coronation.] An Account of the Coronation of King George 11. and Queen Caroline, 11th Oct. 1727, also of their Eiitertainment at the Guildhall the day following. Lond. 1760, S^- Processus factus ad coronationem serenis- simi Domini Georgij Secundi Regis Magnse Britanniae, &c. et Regins8 Carolinse, consortis ejus, 11 Oct, 1727. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,773. Verses on the Coronation of their late Majesties King George the second and Queen Caroline, October 11, 1727, spoken by the Scholars of Westminster School, on January 15 following. Lond. 1761, 8°- A particular Account of the Solemnities used at the Coronation of His Sacred Majesty King George II. (Our late most Gracious Sovereign) and of His Royal Consort Queen Carolina, on Wednesday the 11th of October, 1727. Also, a List of the Claims of several Persons to do service at the Coronation, etc. Lond. 1760, 8°- Second edition, 1761. Coronatio Annse Joannownse Russorum Imperatricis, 28 Aprilis 1730, descripta Sermone Russico : cum effigie Impera- tricis, et aliis figuris. Petropoli, 1730, fol. Beschreibung der Salbung und Cronung von Anna Joannowna Kayserin und Selbstherrscherin von ganz Russland, 28 April, 1730 ; nach dem Russischen Original Teutsch iibersetzet ; mit por- trait und figuren. St. Petersburg, 1731, fol. Kong Christian VI. og Dronning Sophise Magdalense Salvings Act 6, Jun. 1731, ved Christen Willumson Worm : med deres portraiter, und andre figurer. Schr. Pap. Kiobenhaun. Coronation Pageant at Moscow. Ob- stoyetelnoe Opisanie Koronovania Imperatritsy Elisabet' Petrovny, 1742. Sanktpeterburg, 1744, fol. Kong Friderich V. og Dronning Lovises Salvings — Act, ved Peder Hersleb, d. 4, Septembr 1747 ; med deres por- traiter, und andre figurer. Schr. Pap. Kiobenhaun (1749), fol. Memoranda and extracts relating to Coronations of the Sovereigns of Eng- land, from William I., to George III. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6307. Account of the Ceremonies observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, with a Description 272 Ceeemonials, Prosessions, and Tournaments. of the Royal and Sacred Ornaments with which they are Invested. Lond. 1760, 4°- An Account of the Ceremonies observed at the Coronation of our most Gracious Sovereign George III. and his lioj^al Consort Queen Charlotte, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of September. Lond. 1761, 4«- Orders to be observed on Tuesday the 22nd of September, being the day appointed for their Majesties Corona- tion, in pursuance of an Order in Council. Lond. 1761, fol. The Form and Order of the service, that is to be performed, and of the Cere- monies that are to be observed, in the Coronation of their Majesties King George III. and Queen Charlotte, in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, West- minster, on Tuesday the 22nd day of September, 1761. Lond. 1761, 4o- The Form of Proceeding to the Coronation of King George III. and Queen Char- lotte, on the 22nd day of September, 1761. Printed in 1761, fol. An Account of the Ceremonies observed in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England ; viz.. King James II. and his Royal Consort, King William III. and Queen Mary, Queen Anne, King George I. and King George II., and Queen Caroline. Lond. 1761, 40. Thoughts on the Coronation of His Pres- ent Majestv King George III. Lond. 1761, fol. " A Faithful Account of the Processions and Ceremonies observed in the Corona- tion of the Kings and Queens of Eng- land : exemplified in that of their late Most Sacred Majesties King George the Third and Queen Charlotte, with all the other interesting Proceedings connected with that magnificent Festi- val, embellished with elegant engravings. Edited by Richard Thomson. Lond. 1830, 80- Coronations of King Charles the Second at Manchester, 23rd of April, 1661. Also the Coronation of King George III. and Queen Charlotte at Manchester, 22nd Sept. 1761. With biographical notices of the principal persons taking part in each celebration, by William Heawood. Lond. 1863, 4°- Privately printed. Sacre et Couronnement de Louis XVI., Roi de France et de Navarre, dans I'Eglise de Reims, le 11 Juin, 1775. Precede de recherches sur le Sacre des Rois de France, depuis Clovis jusqu' a Louis XVI., et suivi d'un Journal Histo- rique de ce qui s'est passe a cette auguste Ceremonie. Paris, 1775, 4*^- Louis XVI. King of France. Ordre de la Marche et des Ceremonies qui se sont observees au Sacre et Couronne- ment de S. M. Louis XVI. Paris, 1775, 4°- Histoire du Couronnement ; ou Relation des Ceremonies religieuses, politiques, et militaire, qui on cues lieu pendant les Jours memorables consacres a cele- brer le Couronnement et le Sacre de sa Majeste imperiale Napoleon, Premier Empereur de Francois. Paris, 1805, 8«- Description des Ceremonies et des Fetes qui ont eu lieu pour le Couronnement de leurs Majestes Napoleon, Empereur des Franyais et Roi d' Italic, et Jose- phine, son Auguste Epouse. Paris, 1807, fol. Collections relative to the Claims at the Coronations of several of the Kings of England, beginning with King Richard II. ; being curious and interesting Documents, derived from authentic sources, by John Nichols. Lond. 1820, 80- Historical and Descriptive Account of the Ceremonies performed at the Inaugu- ration of the Kings of England. The Ancient Coronation- Procession from the Tower to Westminster. To which is added a Minute Desci-iption of the Regalia. Embellished with Engravings. Lond. 1820, 8«- Account cf the Processions and Ceremo- nies observed in the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of England, by Richard Thomson. Lond. 1820, 8"- Only 100 copies printed. The Round Table : The Order and Solemnities of Crowning the King, and the Dignities of his Peerage, with remarks in vindication of both. Lond. 1820, 80- I Ceremonials, Processions, and Tournaments. 273 he Grlorj of Kegality, an Historical Treatise on the Anointing and Crown- ing of the Kings and Queens of Eng- land, by Arthur Taylor. Lond. 1820, 8'^ Coronation Ceremonies and Customs, relative to the Barons of the Cinque Ports as supporters of the Canopy, by T. Mantell, Esq. Dover, 1820, 4'^- Substance of the Argument before the Privy Council, in support of the Queen- Consort's Right to be Crowned. Lond, 1821. Chronological Data of the Coronation- Days of the Kings and Queens ot England, from Alfred the G-reat to George the Fourth. Originally com- piled by John Anstis, Esquire, Grarter King of Arms. Lond. 1821, 8'^- The Ceremonies to be observed at the Koyal Coronation of His Majesty King George IV. on Thursday, the 19th day of July, 1821. Lond. 1821, fol. The Coronation. A correct description of the forms and ceremonies to be obser- ved at the ensuing coronation ; together with a concise account of the procession, and other interesting proceedings that took place in the former magnificent festival ; from which and upon the same scale, the present preparations are formed, with engravings. Lond. [1821.] 8'^- History of the Coronation of George IV., with Concise History of Coronations from the Heptarchy, by Robert Huish. Lond. 1821, .8''- A Brief Account of the Coronation of his Majesty, George IV. July 19, 1821. Coloured plates. Lond. 1851, 8^- A View of the Inside of Westminster Abbey, with the Ceremony of the Coronation of George IV. engraved by C. Turner, from a picture by Frederick Nash. 1821. Ceremonial of the Coronation of King George IV. in the Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster, printed in letters of gold, with about 50 coloured plates of por- traits, and folding plates of the proces- sion, coronation, etc. Published by J. Whittaker. Lond. 1822, fol. Ceremonial of the Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty, Ki^^ George the Fourth. Coloured plates. Lond. 1823, large folio. Interesting Ensrlish Coronation Anecdotes, a Collection of agments relative to Coronation Ceremonies (in- cluding the Disused Ceremonies). 1823, 12«- The Coronation of King George the Fourth, by Sir George Nayler. Lond. 182-1, fol. The Coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Fourth, solemnized in the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster upon the nineteenth day of July, 1821. Undertaken by Sir George Nayler, and since his death completed from the official documents. Lond. 1839, fol. The Ceremonies to be observed at the Coronation of King William IV. and Queen Adelaide. See also London G-azette. London, 1831, fol. The Form and Order of Service and Ceremonies of the Coronation of Wil- liam IV. and Qneen Adelaide. Lond. 1831, 4^- Official Account of the Ceremony of the Coronation of King William IV. Lond. 1831, fol. Coronation of King George IV., solemn- ised at St. Peter's Westminster, de- picted in a series of 45 coloured plates, with Descriptive Account from Official Documents by Sir George Nayler. Lond. 1837, fol. The Earl Marshal's Orders concerning the Robes, Coronets, &c. which are to be worn by the Peers and Peeresses at the Coronation of Her Most Sacred Majesty Queen Victoria. With list of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and List of the Dowager Peeresses and Peeresses, by William Woods, Deputy Garter. Lond. 1838, fol. The Ceremonies to be observed at the Royal Coronation of Her Most Sacred Majesty Queen Victoria in the Abbey- Church of Westminster, on Thursday 28th June, 183S. By order of Norfolk^ Earl Marshal. Lond. 1838, fol. The Names of the Peers and Peeresses who attend the Solemnity of the Coro- nation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Thursday, 28th June, 1838, fol. The Form and Order of the Service that is to be performed, and the Ceremonies that are to be observed, in The Corona- 274 Ceeemonials, Processions, and Tofrnaments. tion of Her Majesty Queen V^ictoria in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, on Tuesday, the 28th of June 1838. Lond. 1838, 4o- The Coronation of Queen Victoria. Lond. 1838, fol. Coronation Ilecords. The Coronation of Victoria Queen of England, in West- minster Abbey, June 28, 1838, a Histoiical Chronicle of the Inaugural Kites, State Pageantry, etc. Lond. 1838, 8'^- Royal Kecoids ; or, a Chronicle of the Queens Kegnant of England, by James Kobiuson Planchc. Lond. 1838, 8^- Fores' Correct Representation of the State Procession on the Occasion of Her Majesty's Coronation. Lond. 1838, 80- State Procession of Her Majesty's Coro- nation. Printed " By Authority," by J. Hartnell. Lond. 1838. Folding sheet. Coronation of Her Most Sacred Majesty Queen Victoria. See Supplement to "The London Gazette," July, 1838. The " Sun " newspaper, printed in gold, containing an Account of the Corona- tion of Queen Victoria, June 28, 1838. A Complete Collection of printed matter and manuscripts relating to the Coronation of Queen Victoria, 1838, in the possession of Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road. Dublin. The Coronation Stone, by W. F. Skene. Edinb. 1869, 4^- Crowns and Coronations ; A History of Regalia in all Times and Countries, by William Jones. 91 Illusti ations. Lond. 1883, 8'^- BAPTISMAL CEREMONIES. Ceremonials of the christenings of Prince Edward, son of Henry VIII. , and Prince Arthur, son of Henry VII. ; Orders for the office of Constable of England, etc., by Thomas of Wood- stock, Duke of Gloucester. Brit Mus. Stowe, MS., 516. A True Accompt of the most Triumphant, and Royall Accomplishment of the Baptism of the most Excellent, Right High, and Mighty Prince Henry Frederick, by the Grace of God, Prince of Scotland, and now Prince of Wales. As it was solemnized the 30 Day of August, 1594. Lord Somor's Tracts, 2nd collection vol. I. Lond. 1750, 4P' A True Account of the Baptism of Henry Frederic Prince of Scotland, and since of Wales. Edinb. 1703, 4o- MARRIAGE CEREMONIES. Account of the Marriage of the Princess Margaret, Sister of King Edw. IV. 1468. See Excerpta Historica., by Samuel Bentley. London, 1831, 8"- The Solempnities and triumphes doon and made at the spousells and marriage of the King's daughter the Lady Marye to the Prynce of Castile, Archeduke of Austrige. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis for the Boxhiirghe Cliib, from a London edition by Pynson, probably of 1507. Lond. 1818, 4"- Ceremonial of the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots, with the Dauphin of France. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Hoxlurgle Ohih. Lond. 1818. 4P- Friederichen Pfaltzgraven bey Rhein, &c. Reisz, Empfahung dess Ritterlichen Ordens, Heyrath und Heimfiihrung der Princessin Elizabethen Tochter Jacobi I. Heidelberg, 1613, 4P- [The marriage festivities of Frederic V. Elector- Palatine, with Elizabeth, daughter of James I., King of Eng- land.] A Relation of the Glorious Triumphs and Order of the Ceremonies in the Marri- age of King Char-les and Henrietta Maria. The Treaty of Marriage between K. Charles and Henrietta Maria. Lon- don, 1625, 40- Epithalamium Gallo Britannicum : or Great Britaines, Frances, and the most partes of Europes unspeakable joy for the most happy Union and blessed Con- tract of the High and Mighty Charles, Prince of Wales, and the Lady Henri- etta Maria, etc. London, 1625. 4<'' A True Discourse of all the Royal Pas- sages, Triumphs, and Ceremonies, ob- served at the Contract and Marriage of the high and mighty Charles, King of Gi'cat J?ritaine ; and the most excel- lentest of Ladies, the Lady Henrietta Marie of Burbon. London, 1625. 40. Ceremonials, Processions, and TorsNAMENTS. 275 The Marriage of Prince Fredericke and the King's daughter the Lady Eliza- beth upon Shrove Sunday last. Printed by T. C, for W. Barley. Lond. 1613, 4i^- [Reprinted in Lord Somer's Tracts, vol. i., Lond. 1751, 4<'- Again in the edition of 1809, vol. 3.] Epithalaraia, or Nuptial Poems upon the most blessed and happy Marriage be- tween the High and Mighty Prince Frederick the Fifth, Count Palatine of the Rhyne, and Thrice Excellent Prin- cess Elizabeth, sole daughter to our dread Sovereign James, King of Great Britain, by George Wither. London, 1613. 4«- The Marriage Ceremony of King Charles II. London, 1679. fol. Description de ce qui s'est passe ii Turin, au mariage de Charles Emanuel et Elizabeth Therese, Italian and FrencJi. Turin, 1737. fol. Description des Festes donnees par la Yille de Paris a I'occasion du mariage de Mdme Louis-Elizabeth et de Dom Philippe, by J. F. Blondel. Paris, 1740. fol. An Epithalamium, on the most sacred Marriage of his most gracious Majesty King George the Third, to her serene Highness Princess Charlotte, of Meck- lenburgh-Strelitz. And a Panegyric on the Coronation of their sacred Majesties King George the Third and Queen Charlotte, by George Pooke. London, 1763. S^- Description des Ceremonies et des Fetes qui ont eu lieu pour le Mariage de S. M. I'Empereur Napoleon avec S. A. 1. Madame I'Archiduchesse Marie Louise d'Autriche, par Charles Percier et P. F. L. Lafontaine. Paris, 1810. fol. Discours des ceremonies du mariage d'Anne de Foix, de la Maison de France, avec Ladislas YL roi de Boheme et de Hocgrie, pubKe pour la premiere fois d'apres le manuscrit original, par Le Roux de Lincy. Paris, 1861. 8«- Memorial of the Marriage of H.R.H. Albert Edward Prince of Wales and H.R.H. Alexandra Princess of Den- mark, by W. H. Russell. London, 1863, fol. FUNERAL CEREMONIES. The Order of a funeral of a great estate ; the proceeding to the parliament, and the interment of Queen Elizabeth, wife of Henry VII. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 516. L'Ordre observe a I'enterrement de Pierre II. Due de Bourbon I'an 1503, par Jacques de Bigue. Paris, 1619. 4P' Pompes Funebres d'Anne de Bretagne. A quarto on vellum, containing illu- minated drawings of the processsion and ceremonies at the obsequies of Anne of Brittany, with descriptions of the chief mourners and other personages who attended. Also her pedigree, &c. 1514. Stowe, MS. 426. Brit. Mus. Commemoration et Avertissement de la Mort de Anne, Royne de France, Duchesse de Bretaigne. Written on vellum, and ornamented with numerous illustrations and coats of Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6277. A Retrospective Sketch by Francis Ford With an Account of Mary Tudor's Funeral from the Archives of the Col- lege of Arms. Bury St. Edmunds, 1882, 8°- Funeral of the Lady Anne of Cleves, 1557. See Excerpta Historica^ by Samuel Bentley. London, 1831. 8°- Sir Edward Waldegrave's Account of the Burial of King Edward VL, by Craven Ord. See the Archcdologia^ xii, 334 — 396. The Funeralles of King Edward the Sixt, by Wm. Baldwin. Reprinted from the edition of 1560, edited by J. W. Dodd. Boxhurghe Cluh. Lond. 1817. 4P- Funeral Roll of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper, 1558, in the possession of Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Funeral Procession of William, Prince of Orange, with portraits, etc., engraved by Goltzius. 12 plates. 1584, Obi. fol. The Procession at the Obsequies of Sir Philip Sydney, Knight, drawn and in- vented by Thomas Lant, gentleman, servant to the said honourable Knight, and engraven on copper by Derick Theodore de Brijon. London, 1587. 276 Ceeemonials, Peocessions, and Tournaments. Collection relative to the Funeral of Mary, Queen of Scots. Edited, with notes, by Pitcairn. 125 Copies printed for W. and D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1822, 8^- The Scottish Queen's Buriall at Peter- borough, upon Tuesday, being Lammas- day, 1587. " Ffunerals sarvid to my knowledge sithens anno 1583." By Sir Nicholas Dethick, Windsor Herald. The descrip- tions give the date and place of the deceased's death, the arms of his family, the names of the presiding heralds, and the order of precedence of all ranks. Stowe MS. 513. Brit. Mus. Pompa Funerale fatta da Cardinale Mon- talto, nella Traportatione dell'Ossa di Papa Sisto V., by B. Catani. Roma, 1591, fol. Funeral of Queen Elizabeth. See " Ve- tusta Monumenta." London, 1791, fol. Transcript of the order and proceedings at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth. Stowe MS. 427. Brit. Mus. EU7.ahGtha qimsi viuens, Eliza's Funerall. A fevve Aprill drops, showered on the Hearse of dead Eliza : or the Funerall Tears of a true-hearted Subiect. Bj' H. Petowe. London, 1603, 4^- State and Funeral Proceedings, time of Elizabeth and James I., with the Coro- nation of King James and Queen Anne his wife, 1603. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6284. The Funeral Ceremonies of Charles, third Duke of Lorraine, etched by F. Brentel, was published at Nancy, 1608, fol. Discours des Ceremonies, honneurs, et pompe funebre faits a I'enterrement du Prince Charles 3 du Nom Due de Lor- raine, etc., par Claude de la Ruelle. Nancy, 1609, 8«- Pompa Funebris, etc. C. D. L. R. Inven- tor. Fridericus Brentel fecit. Her- man de Loye excudit. Nancy, 1611, obi. fol. [71 plates comprising many hundred figures in characteristic cos- tume.] Amplissimo hoc Apparatu et pulchro or- dine Pompa Funebris Bruxellis a Pala- tio ad diva? Gudulae templum processit, cum rex Hispaniarum Philippus Caroli V. Hagae-Comit, 1619, fol. [37 coloured plates of the procession, containing his- torical por-traits of the chief nobles of Spain, the low Countries, Germany, etc., in their Court Costume, with their bearings and insignia ] Caroli V. Pompa Coronationis et Pompa Funebris, 77 plates from designs by J. N. Hogenberg, Lucas and John Dueti- cum. Hagse, H. Hondius, 1619, fol. Theatre funebre ou sont representeez les funerailles de plusieurs Princes, et la vie, trespas, et magnifiques obseques de Albert le Pie de treshaulte memorie, Arehiduc d'Austrice, Due de Bour- goigne, Brabant, &c. Faicts a Brux- elles le 12 de Mars 1622. Par M. Adrian de Meerbeck d' An vers. Brussels, 1622, 12«-; Pompa funebris et Vita Alberti Pii Archi- ducis AustrisB, &c., veris Imaginibus expressa a J. Francquart. Bruxellae, 1623, obi. fol. The true manner and forme of the Pro- ceeding to the Funerall of the Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, 1646, illustrated by William Marshall. London, 1646. 4"- Pompa funebre nell', Esequie celebrate in Roma al Cardinal Mazarini, by E. Benedetti. Roma, 1661. fol. A short account of the Life and Death of Pope Alexander the VII., with a des- cription of his Funeral Machine, and Elegies erected in St. Peter's Church in Rome. Together with an Exact Relation of the particular Ceremonies performed at the Creation and Corona- of this present Pope Clement the IX. With a catalogue of all the Cardinals. Translated out of the Italian copies printed at Rome, by P. A. Gent. Lon- don, 1()67. 4'- The Order and Ceremonies used for, and at the Solemn Interment of the Most High, Mighty, and Most Noble Prince George, Duke of Albermarle, Earl of Torrington, etc., by Francis Sandford. Plates engraved by R. White and J. Collins. London, 1670. Oblong, fol. The Order and Ceremonies used at the Funeral of His Grace George Monk, Duke of Albermarle, Earl of Torring- ton, etc. Extracted from the Account thereof published by Francis Sandford, London, 1722, 4"- Ceeemonials, Processions, and Tournaments. 277 Monumentum meritis et honori Ernesti Pii Saxon consecratum. Funeral of Ernest, Duke of Saxony, at Frieden- stein, March, 1675. Norinbergse, 1677, fol. The Solemnities used at the Funeral of John Duke of Rothes, Chancellor of Scotland, 23 August, 1681, folio. Justa Funebria, sive Castrum Doloris et Honoris Joannis Frederici, Ducis Brunsvic et Lunenburg. Rinteln, 1685, fol. Funeralia Marise II. Britanniarum Reginse, Guillelmi III. Conjugis ; descripta a L. Grutero. Harleim, 1695, fol. Funeral Ceremonies, etc., collected bj Eandle Holme, 17th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2129. Sacra Exequialia in Funere Jacobi II. Mag. Brit. Regis, exhibita ab Card. Barberino in Templo Sancti Laurentii ; cum Oratione in Funere, a C de Aquino. Romse, 1702, fol. The Earl Marshal's Order relating to the Solemn Interment of her late Majesty Queen Anne. London, 1714, fol. Funeral ceremonies, performed, chiefly in the Netherlands, in honour of sovereigns and princes, from 1497 — 1720. With some engravings. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,851. Relazione del Funerale celebrate nella Chiesa Metropolitana di Milano dell' Imperadore Carlo VI. Milano, 1741, fol. Lyk-Staetsie van Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, Prince van Orange. Funeral procession of William Prince of Orange, Feb. 1752. Gravenhage, 1755, fol. The Ceremonial of the Interment of his late most excellent Majesty King George the Second of blessed memory, from the Prince's Chamber to West- minster Abbey, on Tuesday, the 11th day of November, 1760. Printed in 1760, fol. Convoi — Funebre de S. A. R. Anne, Princesse Royale de la Grand Bretagne, Princess Douairiere d'Or^ge et de Nassau, le 23 Fevrier, 1759. Engraved by Fokke. La Haye, 1761, fol. The Ceremonial of the Public Funeral of the late Vice- Admiral Horatio, Viscount Nelson, K.B. &c. &c. &c. on Wednes- day, January the 8th, and Thursday, January the 9th, 1806. London, 1806, fol. The Order to be observed in the Public Funeral Procession of the late Rt. Hon. William Pitt 22nd Feb. 1806. Collections concerning the Marshalling of the Public Funerals of Royal and Distinguished Persons, with Admission Tickets. 2 vols 1806—1844. MSS. belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S. A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Funerals and funeral arrangements. Cam- hridge Camden Society, afterwards Ecclesioloyical Society. Lond. 1851, 80. The order of proceedings and ceremonies observed in the public funeral of the Duke of Wellington, by Sir Charles George Young. London, 1852, fol. Panorama of the State Funeral of the Duke of Wellington, accurately drawn and coloured, by Henry Aiken and G. A. Sala. London, 1853, large sheet. Pompe Funeralia des Obseques du feu Roy Dom Phelippes. IJng Chant nouvel touchant I'aliance d' angleterre, epitaph and Coats of Arms, by J. Lemaire. Harlem, 1868, 4P' PROCESSIONS AND ENTERTAIN- MENTS. Mediaeval Triumphs and Processions, by J. Drummond. Edin. 1874, 4"- Only fifty copies printed, on large paper, for private circulation. The Entry of the Emperor Charles V. into the City of Bologna 5 Nov. 1529. Reproduced from a series of engravings printed at Venice in 1530. Privately printed for Sir Wm. Stirling-Maxwell. Edinburgh, 1875, fol. Procession of Pope Clement VII. and the Emperor Charles V. after the Coro- nation at Bologna, 24th February, 1530. By Nicolas Hogenberg. A Reproduc- tion in facsimile, with an Historical Introduction by Sir W. Stirling-Max- well. Edinburgh, 1875, fol. La Magnificence de la Superbe et Triumphante entree de la noble & antique Cite de Lyon faicte au Tres- 278 Ceremonials, Peocessions, and Tournaments. chrestien Roy de France Henry deux- iesme de ce Nom, et a la Royne Catharine son Espouse le 23 de Sep- tembre, 1548. Lyon, 1549, 4o- Entree du Roi Henry II. faite en Paris, Juin 1549. Paris, 1549, 4o- La tres admirable Entree du Prince Philipes d'Espaignes, fils de I'Empe- reur Charles V. ensemble la vraye description des Spectacles, etc. en Anvers, 1549, descritepar C. Grapheus. Anvers, 1549, fol. Le Triumphe d' Anvers : Entree du Prince Philipes, filz de I'Empereur Charles V. en la Ville d'Anvers, anno 1549, par Greffier. Anvers, 1550, fol. The Quenes Maiesties Passage through the Citie of London to Westminster the daye before Her Cononacion, anno 1558. London, Jan. xxiii. 4^- Black letter. Bref et sommaire recueil de ce qui a este faict, et de I'ordre tenue a la Joyeuse et Triumphante Entree de tres-puissant Prince Charles IX. en sa bonne Ville et Cite de Paris, avec le couronnement de tres-haut princesse Madame Elizabet d'Austriche son espouse xxix de Mars 1571. Paris, 1571,40- Entree du Roy Charles IX. en sa Ville de Paris, Mars 1571, par Bouquet. Paris, 1572, 4P- Entree de Francoys, frere unique du Roy ; Due de Brabant, d'Anjou, etc. en sa Ville d'Anvers. Anvers, C. Plantin, 1582, fol. Pandectse triumphales sive pomparum et festorum ac solemnium apparatuum conviviorum, spectaculoram, etc. Par Fr. Modius. 2 vols. Francof, 1586, fol. [This work contains a great many coats of arms, &c.] The Entry of King James, the Sixth of that name, and Queen Anne his wife, into the Towns of Lyeth and Eden- borough, 1st of May, 1590. 1590, 4o- Rejouissances (les deux plus grandes) de la Ville de Lyon pour I'Entree du Roy Henry IV. et pour la Publication de la Paix, par P. Matthieu. 2 vols. Lyon, 1598, 40- Heraldic Miscellanies, consisting of a great variety of curious particulars relating to the Royal Processions, Ceremonies, etc. time of Eliz. and James I. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 277. The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, among which, are interspersed other solemnities, public expenditures, and remarkable events during the Reign of that Illustrious Princess, by John Nichols. 4 vols. London, 1788-1821, 4^'- The Progresses, Processions, and Magni- ficent Festivities of King James the First, His Royal Consort, Family, and I Court, by John Nichols. 4 vols. Loud. | 1828, 4°- The True Narration of the Entertainment of his Royal Majesty (King James) from the time of his departure from Edinburgh, till his receiving at Lon- don ; with all, or the most, speciall occurrences. Together with the names of those Gentlemen, whom his Majesty honoured with Knighthood. Lond. 1603, 4°- King James his entertainment at Theo- balds : with his welcome to London, together with a Salutorie Poem, by John Savile. London, 1603, 4«- The Magnificent Entertainment: Given to King James, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, vpon the day of his Majesties Triumphant Passage (from the Tower) through his honorable citie (and Chamber) of Lon- don, by Thomas Dekker. London, 1604, 4«- The seven Archs of Triumph erected in honour of King James the First, at his Majestie's Entrance and Passage through his honourable Citty of Lon- don, by Stephen Harrison. London 1604, fol. The most Royall and Honourable Enter- tainment of the famous King, Christian the fourth, King of Denmark, etc , the 16 day of July, 1606, in Tylbery-Hope, with a relation of his meeting, by our royall King, the Prince and Nobles of our realme, and admirable entertain- ment at Theobald's, by Henry Roberts. 1606, 4«- Esequie d'Arrigo IV. Re di Francia, cele- brate in Firenze, descritte da Giraldi. Firenze, 1610. fol. The Queen's Entertainment at Bristow by Robert Nayle. London, 1613, 4°- Ceremonials, Processions, and Tournaments. 279 A Eelation of the Eoyal Entertainment given by the Lord Knowles to Queene Anne, in her progress towards Bath, by Thomas Campion, 1613. 4°- Les Triumphees, Entrees, Cartels, Turnois, Ceremonies, et autres magnificences faites en Angleterre, et au Palatinat, ponr le Marriage et Reception de Mons. le Prince Erideric V. Comte Palatin du Rhin, Electeur, et de Madame Elizabeth, Fille unique et Princesse de la Grande Bretaigne, etc. Heidelberg, 1613, 4<<>' Panvinii Triumphi ornatissimi, uti L. Paulus de Rege Macedonum Perso capto, Africanus iEmilianus de Car- thaginiensibus excisis, et alii Impera- tores Romani triumpharunt, etc. Antv. 1614, obi. fol. The Fishmongers' Pageant on Lord Mayor's Day, 1616, with illustrative Documents and Introduction by J. Gr. Nichols. London, 1844, fol. Delineation der fiirstlichen Auffziig und Ritterspilen des Fiirsten Johann Frid- erich Hertzogen zu Wiirttemberg, etc. durch Esaiam von Hulsen. Tubingen, 1618, fol. [92 Plates of processions, festivities, tournaments, etc.] Entree du Roy Louis XIII. et de la Reyne Anne d'Autriche dans la Ville de Lyon, Decembre 1622. Lyon, 1624, fol. A Trve Relation and Jovrnall, of the manner of the Arrivall, and magnificent Entertainment given to the High and Mighty Prince Charles, by the King of 8pame. Lond. 1623, 4«- A Continuation of a former Relation of the Entertainment of the Prince at Madrid. Lond. 1623, 4o- The Joyfull Returne of Prince Chailes from the Court of Spain, with a Rela- tion of his magnificent Entertainment at Madrid. Lond. 1623, 4«- Entree de tres haut et tres puissant Prince Henry de Bourbon, Prince de Conde en la Ville de Dijon, le 30 de Septem- bre, 1632, par P. Malpoy, Dijon, 1632, fol. Marie de Medicis entrant dans Amster- dam, by G-. Barleus. Amst. 1638, fol. Entree de la Reyne Mere. Maria de Medicis dans la Glrande llretagne, par Puget de la Serre. Londres, 1639, fol. Entree de la Reyne Mere dans les Pro- vinces Unies des Pays-bas. Londres, 1639, fol. Englands Comfort and Londons Joy : Expressed in the Royall, Triumphant, and Magnificent Entertainment of our Dread Soveraigne Lord, King Charles, at his blessed and safe returne from Scotland, on Thursday the 25 of Novem. 1641, by the Right Honour- able Richard Grurney, Esquire, Lord Major, with the Right Worshipful Knights, Aldermen, and Sherift'es, and Companies of this famous City of London. London, 1641, 4^^- King Charles his Entertainment, and Londons Loyaltie, being a true Relation and Description of the mannei- of the Citties Welcome, and expression of the Subjects love to His Royall Majestic, at his Return from Scotland, by J. H. London, 1641, 4«- Ovatio Carolina : The Triumphant Man- ner of Receiving his Majesty into his City of London upon his safe and happv Return from Scotland. London, 164f, 4"- Esequie Sontuose fatte alia Ser. Isabella Reina di Spagna, nella Chiesa Maggiore di Milano. Decembre 1644. Milano, 1644, fol. ' Les Armes Triomphantes de Son Altesse le Due d'Espernon, pour le sujet de son Heureuse Entree faite dans la Ville de Dijon. Dijon, 1656, fol. Relation en Forme de Journal du Voyage et Sejour que Charles II. Roy de la Grrand' Bretagne a fait en Hollande en 1660. La Haye, 1660, fol. The Magnificent Triumphs and Entertain- ment of King Charles the Second, etc., at Guildhall, 5 July, 1660, 4«- London's Clory, In King Charles the Second's Entertainment at Guildhall (Allen, Mayor). By J. Tatham, London, 1660, 4o- London's Glory represented by Time, Truth, and Fame ; at the magnificent Triumphs and Entertainments of his most Sacred Majesty Charles the II., The Dukes of York and Gloucester, The Two Houses of Parliament, Privy Councill, Judges, &c. at Guildhall, on Thursday, being the 5th day of July, 1660. London, 1660, 4P- 280 Ceremonials, Peocessions, and Touenaments. Louis XIV. IRstoire de la triomphante Entree du lioj et de la Kevne dans Paris le 26 d'AoustlGGO. Paris, 1665; fol. Oloria Britannica ; or a Panegyricke on His Majesties Passage thorow London to his Coronation. London, 1661, 4°- The Kelation of his Majesties Entertain- ment passing through the City of Lon- don to his Coronation ; with a descrip- tion of the Triumphal Arches and Solemnity, etc. by John Ogilby. Lon- don, 1661, fol. A Copie of the List or Roll of His Majes- ties Proceeding from the Tower to Whitehall, as it will be marshalled by the Lords deputed for the Office of Earl Marshal. Loudon, 1661, fol. The Entertainment of his Most Excellent Majestic Charles 11. in his passage through the City of London to his Coronation, containing an exact account of the whole solemnity, etc. To these is added a Brief Narrative of his Majestie's Solemn Coronation, by John Ogilby. London, 1662, fol. The Glories and Magnificent Triumphs of the Blessed Pestitution of His ^^acred Majesty King Charles the Second, from his arrival in Holland 161 o till this present, comprising all the Honours and Grandeurs done to and conferred by him, etc., by James Heath. London, 1662, 80- The Entertainment of the King and Queen by the City of London on the Thames, exprest and set forth in several shews and Pageants, the 3rd April, by J. Tatham, gent. 1662. The Solemnity of the Earl of Sandwich's Embassy to Lisbon to conduct Queen Catherine to England, with her Pecep- tion, and the King's Procession on the liiver from Hampton Court to White- hall, by Theodore and Koderic Stoop, 1662. L'Entree Triomphante de Louis XIV. et Marie Therese d'Austriche son Espouse dans la Ville de Paris, (par J. Troncon). Paris, 1662, fol. London Triumphant ; or, the City in Jollity and splendour ; expressed in various Pageants : invented and per- formed for Sir liobert Hanson, Lord Mayor of London, by Tho. Jordan. London, 1672, ^o- London's Iloyal Triumph performed at the Instalment of Sir J. Smith, Lord Mayor, by T. Jordan, 1684. Progress of the first Duke of Beaufort, Lord President of Wales, in 1684. Privately printed. Komste van zyne Majesteit, William III. in Holland. Plates engraved hy Van Gunst and Bomeyn de Hooghe. Graav. 1691, fol. An Exact lielation of the Entertainment of His Most Sacred Majesty William III. King of England, Scotland, Prance and Ireland ; Hereditary Stadtholder of the United Netherlands, etc., at the Hague, Jan. 2Cth, 1690 — 1. By an English Gentleman. London, 1691, 8°- De publijke intrede van Willem de III. gedaeu in 's Gravenhage op den 5 Feb. 1691, etc. Blates engraved hy LugJcens. Grav. 1691, 4^'- The Triumphs of London : performed on Saturday, Oct. 29th, 1693, for the Entertainment of the Bight Hon. Sir John Fleet, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London : containing a true Description of the several Pageants : Together with an exact Relation of the most splendid Entertainments prepared for the Reception of their Sacred Majes- ties, by Elkannah Settle. London, 1693, 4P' A Ceremonial for the Reception of His Most Sacred Majesty George, by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, &c. upon his arrival from Holland to his Kingdom of Great Britain. Lon- don, 1714, fol. Rejouissanccs et Fetes magnifiques en Baviere an Mariage du Prince Elec- toral avec la Princesse Roiale de Boheme, par P. de Bretagne. Munique, 1723, fol. Triumphans novem Seculorum Imperii Romano-Germanici, ab anno 800 ad 1725, by Pfeffel. Aug. Vind. 1725, fol. The Procession and Ceremonies observed at the Time of the Installation of the Knights Companions of the Most Honourble Military Order of the Bath, upon Thursday, June 17, 1725, with the Arms, Names, Titles, &c. of the Knights Companions, and of their Esquires, by John Pine. London, 1730, fol. Ceremonials, Processions, and Tournaments. 281 I The Ceremonies to be observed in the Presence of the Sovereign and Knights Companions of the Most Noble Order of the Garter at Windsor, on the 10th of June, 1730. 4° Marise Clementinse, Magna Britannise, FrancijB, et Hiberniae, Kegina, cum Parentalia. Latin and Italian. Eoma, 1736, 4P- Fetes donnees par la Ville de Paris, a r occasion du Mariage de Madame Louise Elizabeth de France, et de Dom Phi- lippe, Infant d'Espagne. Paris, 1740, fol. Opisanie Koronatzii, etc. An Account of the Empress Elizabeth Petrofna entering Moscow on the 28th February, and being crowned on the 25th April, 1742. St. Petersburg, 1744, fol. Fetes donnees par la Ville de Strasbourg, a I'arrive et pendant le sejour de Louis XV. Paris, 1744, fol. Inhuldigung van Willem Karl Henrik Friso, Prinse van Orange, als Mark- graaf van Vere. Amsterdam, 1751, fol. Inhuldigung hetselfde als Erfheer van Vliessingen. Amsterdam, 1753, fol, Inhuldigung van William V. als Erfheer van Vliessingen. Middleburg, 1767, fol. Descrizione delle Feste celebrate in Parma I'anno 1769 per le Nozze di sua Altezza Keale I'lnfante Don Fernando colla Keale Archiducessa Maria Amalia. Parma, 1769, fol. Le Triomphe de I'Empereur Maximilien I. Une suite de 135 planches gravees en bois d'apres le dessins de Hans Burgmair, accompagnees de I'ancienne description dictee par I'Empereur a son Secretaire Marc Treitzsaurwein. French and German. Vienna, 1796, fol. Triumphs of the Emperor Maximillian, a facsimile reproduction edited by Alfred Aspland, with an historical text, partly derived from the Weiss Kunig. 2 vols. 1873-75 obi. fol. & 4«- An Account of the visit of His Koyal Highness the Prince Regent and their Imperial and Royal Majesties the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia, to the Corporation of t£e City of London, June, 1814. Printed for the Corporation, 1814, fol. An Account of the Visit of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, and their Imperial and Royal Majesties the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia, to the University of Oxford, in June, 1814. Oxford, 1815, fol. A Faithful Account of the Processions and Ceremonies of the Kings and Queens of England ; exemplified in that of their late Most Sacred Majes- ties King George the Third, and Queen Charlotte, by Richard Thomson. Lon- don, 1820, 80- Entree Triomphale du Due d'Angouleme, Generalissime de I'Armee des Pyrenees. Paris, 1825, obi. fol. Accounts of Sixty Royal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London : chiefly extracted from contemporary writers. Edited by John Gough Nichols. London, 1831, 8o- London Pageants. Account of fifty-five Royal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London. And a biblio- graphical list of Lord Mayors' Page- ants, by John Gough Nichols. London, 1837, 8«- Spooner's Panoramic View of the Queen's Coronation Procession. London, 1839, oblong 120- Spooner's Panoramic View of the Queen's Marriage Procession through the State Apartments of St. James's Palace to the Altar of the Chapel Royal. Lon- don, 1840, obi. 8°' Memorial of the Royal Progress in Scot- land, by Sir Thos. D. Lauder. Edin. 1843, 4«- The Arrival of the Marquis of Douglas, and his Illustrious Bride, Her Highness the Princess Marie of Baden, at Hamil- ton Palace, Sept. 14th. 1843. 1844, fol. Only 30 copies printed. Notices and Illustrations of the Costume, Processions, Pageantry, etc. formerly displayed by the Corporation of Nor- wich, Norwich, 1850, fol. Royal Visits and Progresses to Wales, and the Border Counties of Cheshire, Salop, Hereford, and Monmouth, fi'om the first Invasion of Julius Caesar to Queen Victoria, by Edward Parry. Second edition. London, 1851, 4"- Royal Progresses and Visits to Leicester, by Wm. Kelly. Leic. 1884, 4P- 282 Ceremonials, Processions, and Tournaments. Celebration of Her Majesty's Jubilee, 1887. Lond. 1887, fol. TOURNAMENTS. Thurnier Buecb Warhafftiger Ritterlieher Thaten, so in dem Monat Junii des vergangnen lx. Jars in und ausserhalb der Statt Wienn durch Hannsen von fi'rancolin Burgunder. Black letter. Vienna, n.d. fol. Thournier, Kampf unnd Ritterspeil inn Eroberunge aines gefahrlichenn Thurns, unnd Zauberer Schloss, auch der abentheurlichen Insell, unnde giildinn Schwerdts-Sampt anderen wunderbar- lichen Bancketen, Lust-und Freuden- Spielen, etc. Wien, n.d. fol. Les Tournois de Chauvenci, Donnes vers la fin du treizieme siecle, decrits par Jacques Bretex, 1285. Annotes par feu Philibert Delmotte, et publics par H. Delmotte, son fils. Valenciennes, 1835, 8°- Challenges between English and French Knights, 1399 to 1424. French. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,357. Account of the Tournament held at Nu- remberg in 1446, in German; with coloured figures of the Knights. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 869. Earl of Worcester's Ordinances, etc. to be observed in all Jousts and Tourna- ments, temp. Edw. IV. ; and the Duke of Gloucester's Orders for the Office of Constable of England, temp. Ric. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,735. Challenges to perform Feats of Arms, and Narrative of the Tournament between Anthony Wydeville Lord Scales, and the Bastard of Burgundy. 7 Edw. IV. 1467. See JExcerpta His- torical by Samuel Bentley. London, 1831, 8«- Turnierbuch. Die 36 Turniere welche seit Heinrich dem Vogelsteller, 938—1487, in Deutschland gehalten worden sind. Miinchen, 1824, 4P- Armorial des Tournois. Jouste faicte a Tournay I'an 1330. (Joustes tenues a Gand en 1508.) Fac-simile d'apres un MS. Par Victor Bout on. Paris and Bruxelles, 1870—72, 4o- Description of the Jousts held at West- minster, 13 February, 1510, by Henry VIII. upon the Birth of Prince Henry, from the Original Roll in the College of Arms. London, 1835, 4P- Heraldic notice of Jousts held 15 Nov. 1515 ; with the Arms of the Knights. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1906, f. 90. Anfang, Ursprung, und Herkommen des Thurniers in Teutscher nation, etc. By Georg Ruexner. Siemern, 1532, fol. Coloured Prints of Ruxner's Book of Tournaments. Siemern, 1532, fol. Turnier Buch Herzog's Wilhelm IV. von Bayern, von 1510 bis 1545. Miinchen, 1817, obi. fol. Thournier Kampff, unnd Ritterspiel, Inn Eroberunge aines Gefahrlichenn Thiirns unnd Zauberer Schloss, Auch der Aben- theurlichen Insell unnd Giildinn Schwerdts. Zu Ehren dem Hochge- bornen Durchleuchtigen Fiirsten und Hcrrn Philipsen, Princen auss His- panien, &c. Zu Bintz und Marienberg Ritterlich gehalten. Black letter. Frankfort, 1550, fol. Account of the Tournaments held at Nuremberg, by the Emperors of Ger- many and other Princes, as well as by the Inhabitants, from 1198 to 1561, in German., illustrated with numerous coloured shields of arms, and figures of armed knis^hts. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,683. Thurnier Book, von Anfang, Ursachen, Ursprung, und Herkommen der Thurnier in heyl. Romischen Reich Teutschen Nation, by Georg Ruexner. Franck- furt, 1566, fol. Thurnierbuch, das ist, Wahrhafte, eigen- tliche und kurze Beschreibung von Anfang, Ursachen, Ursprung und Herkommen der Thurnier im heyligen Romischen Reich Teutscher Nation. By Georg Ruexner. Franck-a-M. 1578—9. fol. Pandectae triumphales, sive Pomparum et Festorum ac Solennium Apparatuum, Conviviorum, Spectaculorum, ludorum denique omnium nobiliorum tomi duo. Fr. Modii. Francof. 1586. fol. Thurnierbiichlein. darinnen 36 Thurnier von Heinrich I. angefangen bis auff Maximilianum I. sind gehalten worden. Clamorinus. Ankunfft, etc. der Frey- herren auf Tautenburg. 2 vols. Dres- den, 1590—1. 4P- Ceremonials, Processions, and Tournaments. 283 Spangenbergk Adelspiegel, ander Teil. The Mirror of Nohility, shewing its origin, increase^ preservation, etc. loith numerous original Documents respect- ing Tournaments, Books of Heroes, etc. Schmalkaldei), 1594. fol. Descrizione delle Teste fatte nelle Keali Nozze de 'Sereniss. Principi di Toscana D. Cosimo de Medici e Maria Madda- lena, Arciducessa di Austria. Firenze, 1608. 4P- [Folding plates of Tourna- ments.] Carrousels and Tournaments at the Marriage of John Frederic, Duke of Wiirttenburg. with Barbara Sophia, Princess of Brandenburg, at Stuttgart, November, 1609. Schw. Gmiind, 1609. obi. fol. Account of Jousting at Nuremberg, in the year 1546 ; Notices of the arrivals at the Electoral diet held at Nuremberg, in October, 1611 : with the Arms in colours of the Members, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,556 Combat d'Honneur concerte par les 4 Elemens sur I'heureuse Entree de Madame la Duchesse de la Valette, en la Ville de Metz. Metz, (1624) fol. II Torneo di Bonaventura Pistofilo. Bologna, 1627, 4^- Contains 117 plates of Knights in Armour. Traite des Tournois, Joustes, Carrousels, et autres Spectacles Publics, par CI. Fr. Menestrier. Lyons, 1669, 4^- Burgermeisteri Bibliotheca Equestris ; I. Ultra 50 Scriptoris de Nobilitate et Ordine Equestri ; II. Eixner's Thur- nier-Buch. 2 vols. Ulm, 1720, AP- -J. Miiller Discurs of Georg Ruexner's Teutsches Tournier-Buch pro Script© authentico zu halten, etc. 1765, etc. 40. An account of some Tournaments and other martial diversions. Of Jousts and Tournaments. A Triumph before King Edward III. 1343, etc. Of the like actions in armes since the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The original occa- sions of the yearly Triumphs in Eng- land. Walpole's Miscellaneous Anti- quities, No. I. Strawberrv Hill, 1772, 40. The Tournament ; or Days of Chivalry. With engravings. Lond. J823, 8°- Les Tournois du Roi Rene, d'apres les Manuscrits et les Dessins originaux de la Bibliotheque Boyale, publics par Champollion Figeac pour le texte et les notes explicatives, L. J. J. Dubois pour les planches. Twenty large coloured plates. Paris, 1826—27, foh Pas d' Armes de la Bergere maintenu au Tournoi de Tarascon avec un Precis de la Chevalerie et des Tournois et la Relation du Carrousel execute a Sau- mur le 20 Juin 1828 par G. A. Crapalet. Paris, 1828. Le Pas d'Armes de la Bergere maintenu au Tournoi de Tarascon ; publie d' apres le Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi, avec un precis de la Chevalerie et des tournois, et la relation du Carrousel execute a Saumur, en presence de S.A.R. Madame, Duchesse de Berry, le 20 Juin, 1828, par G. A. Crapelet. Second edition. Paris, 1835, S°- L'Hystoire et Cronicque du Petit Jehan de Saintre et de la Dame des Belles Cousines sans aultre nom nommer ; ensemble les combats, les joustes et tournays tant a pied, comme a cheval ou il s'est trouve en son temps, par Antoine de La Salle. Paris, 1830, S^- L'Epervier d'Or, ou Description His- torique des Joustes et des Tournois qui, sous le titre de Nobles Rois de I'Epi- nette, se celebrerent a Lille au Moyen- Age. Nouvelle edition considerablement angmentee, par Lucien de Rosny. Paris, 1839.. 8o- Tournaments, or the Days of Chivalry, its origin, nature, and effects : Knight- hood, its ceremonials, etc. Lond. 1839, 12°- Das Niirnberger Gesellenstechen von Jahre 1446, nach der im obern Gauge des Rathhauses, befindlichen Stukko — Abbildung, radirt und herausgegeben von Philip Walther, mit einer geschich- tlichen Erliiuterung von Georg "Wolf- gang Karl Lochner. Zweite Auflage. Nurenberg, 1853. Obi. fol. Le Pas des Armes de Sandricourt, relation d'un Tournoi donne en 1493 au Chateau de ce nom, publie d'apres un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de I'Arsenal, par A. Vayssiere. Paris, 1874, 120- 284 j^mils listories, ^ebigms, anb ^^mge Cas^s. Abbott — Account of the Abbott Family. See Surrey Arclmological Collections, vols, ii ; iii. A Genealogical Eegister of the Descendants of George Abbott of An- dover, George Abbot of Kowley, Thomas Abbot of Andover, Arthur Abbot of Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Braudford, etc.. and George Abbot of Norvvalk, etc., by the Rev. Abiel Abbot and the Rev. Ephraim Abbot. Boston, 18-17. 80- —Pedigree of the Family of Abbott, of Suffolk. Single sheet, 1862. Aberdeen, Earl of, see Gordon. Abergavenny, see also Neville. Abergavenny — The Genealogie or Descent of the Noble and Ancient Barons of Abergaveny : from the first begining thereof: untill this present yeare, 1598. With their coats of arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6156 ff. 59 b, &c. Case of the descent of the Barony of Abergavenny, 1598. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4749, 4768. — ' The succession of the Baronnes of Bergavenny, briefly sett downe, specially to sett foorth how the dignitie of that Barony hath alwayes gon with the possession of the place, etc. Dedi- cated to Queen Elizabeth. MS. belong- ing to the Marq. of Abergavenny, Eridge Castle. -A Treatise of the Nobility of this realme according to the Lawe. [This relates to the Barony of Aber- gavenny]. MS. belonging to the Marq. of Abergavenny, Eridge Castle. -Abergavenny Family. Treatise on the Nobilitie of the Realme, with mention of Statues as are incident thereto, upon a debate of the Barony of Abergavenny. [By W. Bird ?] Lond. 1642, 8o- Pedigrees and genealogies touching the title of Abergavenny. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Abergavenny — Reports of Proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'Isle. With an Appendix containing the cases of Abergavenny, etc. by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond. 1829, 8"- ■ Descent of the Lordship of Abergavenny. See '^ Archseologia Cam- brensis," new series, vol. v. Lond. 1854, 8°- Abernon— The Abernon Family, See Surrey ArchcBological Collections, vol. V. p. 53. Aboyne — Claim of George, Earl^ of Aboyne, to the title of Marquess of Huntly, etc. See Sessional Papers, 197 of 1838. Acard — Pedigree of the Family of Acard of Foleston or Foston, Co. Derby, from the first of the family mentioned in Domesday to Thomas Acard who lived in 1310, with Memoranda of the family of Wildegos of Foleston. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll A. 1. Acary — Genealogie de la Maison d' Acary, par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828, S^- Acquaviva — Istoria della Famiglia Acqua- viva, by Baldass Storace. Roma, 1738, 4,0. Adair— The Adair Family. See " The Agnews of Locknaw." by Sir A. Agnew. Edin. 1864. 80- Adam — Genealogy of the Adam Family, by William Adam. Albany, 1848. go. -Memoir of the Family of Sir John ap Adam of Badamscourt. See " Orme- rod's Strigulensia," Art. xii. Adams, see also Thayer ; Vinton. Adams — The Genealogy of the descend- ants of several ancient Puritans, by the names of Adams, Bullard, Holbrook, Rockwood, Sanger, Wood, Grout, Goulding, and Twitchell, by the Rev. A. Morse. Boston [U.S.], 1857. 80- -Genealogy of the Adams Family of Kingston, Massachusetts, by George Adams. Boston, 1861, 8°- Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 285 Adams — History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families^ of Am- herst, Massachusetts, by He»^ Baxter Adams. Amherst, 1880. 8"- Privately printed. —Some Descendants of William Adams of Ipswich, Mass., by William S. Appleton. Boston, 1881, 8'^- Adkin — Pedigree of Adkin, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,596. Afflect — Pedigree of the Family of Afflect, with genealogical notes, bv D. E. Davy, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,114. Agnew — The Agnews of Lochnaw. A History of the Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, bv Sir Andrew Agnew. Edin. 1864. S-^- " Agout, see Bonne. Aguayo — Descripcion Genealogica de la Casa de Aguayo, por Don Antoino Ramos. Malaga, 1781. fol. Aguillon — Pedigree of the Family of Aguillon, w^ith genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,114. Aiguillon — Memoire pour les dues et pairs, contre le comte d'Agenois, sur I'erection d' Aiguillon en duche-pairie, par M. Aubry. Paris, 1831, 4°- Aiguirande — Genealogie de la maison d'Aiguirande, par M. P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828, 8^- Ailsa, Marquess of, see Kennedy. Airlie, Peerage of, see Oglivy. Airth, see also Allardice ; Strathern. Airth — Airth Papers. London, 1839. Privately printed by H. Gurney, Esq., in reference to the claim of Robert B. Allardice, of Urie, Esq., to the Earldom ' of Airth and Monteith. Alton — An Inquiry into the Origin, Pedi- gree, and History of the Family, or Clan, of Aitons, in Scotland, by W. Alton. Hamilton, 1830, 8«- Alabat — ^Ligne directe depuis Jean Alabat jusques a Jacques Alabat, ecuyer, sieur de Vignery. Paris, n.d. 4P- Alberro — Pruebas de Nobleza de Thomas de Alberro, 1693, with the arms of Los Lagos, and of Solar y Fuerte del Apellido de Albero. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,648. • Albert — Maison d' Albert en Touraine, Picardie, etc. Paris, 1734, 4P- Albert — Memoire pour le prince de Grim- berghen (Louis- Jos. d' Albert de Luynes.) Paris, 1750, 4"- Alberti — Gli Alberti storia e documenti, by L. Passerini. Fir. 1869, 4^- Albini, see also Arundel. An Historical Account of the Families of Albini and Mowbray. See " The East Anglian." vol. ii. pp, 43, 55, 69, 86, 100, &c. -Account of the Family of Albini, Earls of Arundel, etc. Journal of the British ArchcBolofjical Association, vols, xxiii., 25-29 ; xxvii., 137 ; xxix., 261. Alcock, see Sands. Aldborough, Earl of, see Stratford. Arms of Aldeborough (or Aldborough), by Sir George Duckett, Bart. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. vi. Lond. 1881, 8''- -Notices of the Aldeburgh Family, from the Harwood Evidences, by Sir Geo. Duckett, Bart. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. iv. Lond. 1877. 8'^- Aide, see Estienne, Alden, see also Thayer ; Vinton. Alden — Memorial of the Descendants of Hon. John Alden, by Ebenezer Alden. Randolph, Mass. 1867. 8^- Supple- ment, 1869, 80- Alder, see Heron. Aldrich — Pedigree of the Family of Aldrich, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19114. Alexander — Claim of William Alexander to the Earldom of Stirling. See Sessional Fapers, May, 1760 — Mar. 1762. Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings, &c., to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful rights. Also a Genealogical Account of the Family of Alexander, Earl of Stirling, etc., by Ephraim Lockhart. Edin. 1836, 4'^- Trial of Alexander Humphrys, or Alexander, styling himself Earl of Stirling, for Forgery, &c Edited by W. TurnbuU ; with Introductory Notice of the Earldom of Stirling. Edin, 1839, 8«- 286 Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Alexander — Memorials of the Earl of Stir- ling and of the House of Alexander, by the lie v. Charles llogers. 2 vols. Edinb. 1877, S°- Pedigree of the Family of Alex- ander, with genealogical notes, b}^ D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19114. Alger — A Genealogical History of that branch of the Alger Family which springs from Thomas Alger of Taunton and Bridgewater in Massachusetts, 1665—1875, by Arthur M. Alger. Boston, 187G, 8«- Allan — Wills of several members of the Family of Allan of Darlington. Privately printed at the Darlington Press, 4i°- Memorials of the Families of Allan, Hylton, and Clervaux. Darlington Press. Darlington, 1850, 4°- Only 50 copies printed. -Parentalia Memoranda : Lineage of the Allans of Staffordshire, Hyltons of Westmoreland, Clervaux and Chator Families of Croft in Richmondshire, by W. Hylton Longstaffe. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1852, 8°- Privately printed, Allardice — Case of Robert Barclay Allar- dice, claiming the title of Earl of Airth ; with Pedigree and two appen- dices. Lond. 1838. fol. Claim of Robert B. Allardice, Esq., to be the Earl of Airth. With genealogical tree. See Sessional Papers 162 of 1839. -History of Earldoms of Strath- ern, Monteith, and Airth ; with a Report of the Proceedings before the House of Lords, on the claim of Robert Barclay Allardice, Esq., to the Earldom of Airth, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond. 1842, 8«- -Case of Mrs. Margaret Barclay- AUardice, claiming Earldom of Airth With Minutes of Evidence, and folded pedigree. 1870, fol. Alleman — Eloge des personnes illustres de la Famille des Allemans de Magde- bourg. Leip. 1710, S^- Allen, see also Ailing ; Hardwicke ; Vinton ; Weitzel. Allen — Genealogical Sl^etches of the Allen Family of Medfield ; with an . Account of the Golden Wedding of Ellis and Lucy Allen, also an Account of the Golden Wedding of Gershom and Abigail [Allen] Adams, by Joseph Allen. Boston, 1869, 12°- -Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families, among the Early Settlers of this Continent, and their Descendants, by Asa W. Allen. Salem, 1872, 12«- -A Genealogy of Samuel Allen of Windsor, Connecticut, and some of his Descendants, by William S. Allen. Boston, 1876, 8«- Privately printed. -A Genealogy of the Allen Family from 1568 to 1882. Compiled by Hon. William Allen. Revised by Joshua Allen. Farmington, Maine, 1882. 8«- -An Account of a Part of the Suf- ferings and Losses of Jolley Allen, a native of London. With a Preface and Notes, and a brief genealogy of the family, by Mrs. F. M. Stoddard. Boston, 1883. 8°- -Genealogy of the Allen Family of Manchester, Mass., from the Earliest Settlement to the year 1886, by John Price. Salem, 1888. 8'^- -Allen, Alleyne, and Allin pedigrees with genealogical notes, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,114. Allerton — The Allertons of New England and Virginia, by Isaac J. Greenwood. Reprinted from the New England Genealogical Register ^ 1890. Allin, see Allen. Ailing — Genealogical Sketches of Roger Ailing of New Haven, 1639 ; Gilbert Allen of Morristown, N.J. 1736 ; and Thomas Bancroft of Dedham, Mass. 1640 ; and some of their Descendants, by J. K. Allen and E. Salter. Lan- sing, Mich. 1883. 8o- AUington — Pedigree of the Family of Allington, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19114. Allyn, see Candee. Almanze — La Genealogie et les Alliances de la Maison d' Almanze, par Pierre Palliot. Dijon, 1659, fol. Alno — The Descent and Succession of the House of Alno or Alneto, 1682. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6767. Account of the Family of Alno, or de Alneto See Halstead's Succinct Genealogies^ 1685. Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peerage Cases. 287 Alston — Various pedigrees of the Family of Alston, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19114. Alten — Sammlung von Kegesteu zu einer Familien-geschichte der Herren von Alten, by Victor von Alten. Hanover, 1888, 40- Alvares — Genealogy of Alvares de Pereira. 3IS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Alvensleben — Urkundenbuch zur Ges- chichte des Geschlechts von Alven- sleben und seiner Besitzungen, von G. A. Mulverstedt. 10 Parts Magd, 1877 —78, 80- Alvord — The Burke and Alvord Memo- rial. A genealogical account of the descendants of Alexander Alvord, of Windsor Conn., by John A. Boutelle. Boston, n.d. 8°- Amboise — Genealogie des Seigneurs d' Amboise, par M. Cartier. Paris, 1852, 8°- Notice historique et genealogique sur la Maison d' Amboise, par M. Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1856, 12°- Amicottes — Original grant of Arms to Alexander Amicottes of Astroppe, co. Lincoln, by Sir Christopher Barker, Garter. 3 Edw. VI. [1549.] Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,520, A. Ammidown — Genealogical Memorial, and family Becord of the Ammidown Family, and a Partial Record of some other Families of Southbridge, Mass., by Holmes Ammidown. New York, 1877. 8«- Amory — D'Amerie, Emery, Amory. Re- printed from the Neio Eng. Hist, and Gen. Begister for October, 1869. : Boston, 1869. Ancaster — Case upon the petition of his Grace the Duke of Ancaster and Lord Robert Bertie, concerning the office of Lord Great Chamberlain of England, 1780. folio. Andelot — Notice biographique sur la Mai- son d'Andelot, par L. C. Cambarieu. Paris, 1854, 8°- Anderson — Descent of the Family of Anderson of Newcastle - u|i(on - Tyne, A.D. 1592. Vellum roll. Soc. of Antiq. MS. 5. Anderton — The Family of Anderton, of Lostock. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province, iii. 774. Andrews, see also Lever. Andrews — Grant of Arms to Richard Andrews, of Synton, Co. Worcester, Gentleman. 1529. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 199. Andrews' Memorial, by Alfred Andrews. New-Britain, Conn. -Genealogical History of John and Mary Andrews who settled in Farmington, Conn. 1640: embracing their Descendants to 1872, by Alfred Andrews. Chicago, 111. 1872, S^- -Memoir of the Ancestry of Dr. Lancelot Andrews, Bishop of Win- chester, See " History of Stiff ord and its neighbourhood," by the Rev. Wm. Palin, and " Transactions of the Essex Archseological Society," vol. i. new series. Colchester, 1878, 8°- -Genealogy of the Andrews of Taunton and Stoughton, Mass. des- cendants of John and Hannah Andrews, of Boston, Mass., 1656—1886, by Lieut. Geo. Andrews. Privately printed, 1887, 8°- -Pedigree of the Family of Andrews, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19115. Androuet — Les Androuet du Cercean et leur maison du Pre-aux-Clercs (1549- 1645), par Ad. Berty. Paris, 1857, 8o- Anfrie — Lettre sur la Noblesse de la Famille d' Anfrie de Chaulieu, par I'abbe Jacq. Destrees. Brux. 1745, 120- Ange — Notice sur la filiation de la Famille de I'Ange, origin aire de I'Albanie, par Demetrius Comnene. Paris, 1824, S^- Angenoust — Genealogie de la Famille des Angenoust. Paris, n.d. fol. Angervill — Pedigree of the Family of Angervill, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19115. Anglesea, Earldom of, see Annesley; Mountnorris ; Mulgrave ; Valentia. Anguish — Pedigree of the Family of Anguish, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19115. 288 Family Histories, Pedkirees, and Peerage Cases. Angus, see also Douglas ; Hamilton. Angus — History of the House and Race of Douglas and Angus, by David Hume. Edin. lQ4ii. fol. Other editions in 1743, and 1748, S'^- Anicia — Selva Grenealogica d' alcune Fa- miglie della Casa Anicia, by F. Tomasini. Terza impressione. Ven. 1699, 40- Anjou — The Life and Times of Margaret of Anjou, and of Rene " The Good," with Memoirs of the House of Anjou, by M. A. Hookham. 2 vols. 1872, Annandale, Peerage of, see Hopeioun ; Johnstone, Annesley — Claim of James Annesley, Esq. to the Earldom of Anglesea, before the Irish Court of Exchequer, 1743. ■JSTewcastle-on-Tyne, 1744, fol. Trial at Bar between C. Craig, Lessee of J. Annesley and K. Earl of Anglesey. Sessional Papers, 1744. -Case of Ann, Countess of Anglesey, lawful wife of Richard Annesley, late Earl of Anglesey, and of her three surviving Daughters. Lond. 1766, 8<'- -Case of Arthur Annesley, Vis' count Yalentia, upon his claim to be Earl of Anglesea and Baron Annesley. Sessional Papers, 1799. fol. Claim of William Richard, Earl of Annesley, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers K. 1855. Ansbert — Ansberti Familia Rediviva, sive superior et inferior stemmatis beati Arnulli linea ; by M. A. Dominicy. Par. 1648, 4« Anson — Genealogical Tables of the Family of the Right Hon. Viscount Anson, Baron Soberton. Privately printed, n.d. fol. Pedigree of the Right Hon. Thomas Anson, Viscount Anson, of Shugborough, in co. Stafford. Lond. 1806, fol. Privatel}'- printed. Anstruther — Claim of Dame Ann Pater- son Anstruther to the title of Baroness Polewart or Polewarth. See Sessional Papers 101 of 1818. An sty — The Family of An sty, of Stow- quy. See Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Report No. 6, 1856. Anthoine — Genealogie des Anthoines originaires de Champagne, 1713, fol. Anthon — Narrative of the Settlement of George Christian Anthon in America, with an appendix, by Chas. Edw. Anthon. Privately printed, 1872. 8*^- Antrim — Petition of Rt. Hon. Mark, Earl of Antrim, etc. claiming a Right to Vote ac Elections of Representative Peers for Ireland. Sessional Papers, 1858. Appleton, see also Baker ; Oliver. Memorial of Samuel Appleton, Massachusetts ; with Genealogical No- tices of some of his Descendants, by Isaac Appleton Jewett. Boston, 1850. 8«- 'A Genealogy of the Appleton Family, by W. S. Appleton. Boston, 1874. 4P' Pedigree of the Family of Appleton, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19115. Apthorp — The Pedigree of the Noble and Ancient Family of Apthorp, of Wales and Gamlingay in Co. Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812, f. 183, b. Apuldrefield — Account of the Apuldre- field Family, of Kent. See Account of the Manor of Apuldrefield, by G. S. Steinman. Lond. 1851, S-^- Arc — Discovrs sommaire tant dv nom et des armes, que de la naissance et parente de la Pucelle d' Orleans et de ses f reres, par Charles du Lys. Paris, 1633, 4"- • New edition by M. Vallet de Veriville. Paris, 1856, 8«- Nouvelles Recherches sur la Famille et le nom de Jeanne d' Arc, dite la Pucelle d' Orleans, accompagnees de tableaux genealogiques, etc. par M. Vallet de Viriville. Paris, 1854, 8'^- De la noblesse de Jeanne d' Arc, etc. par G. A. de La Roque. Orleans, 1878, 80- — La famille de Jeanne d' Arc. Docu- ments in edits, Genealogie, Lettres de J. Hordal et de CI. du Lys a Ch. du Lys, par E. Bouteiller et de G. Braux. Paris, 1878, 8o- — Nouvelles recherches sur la famille de Jeanne d'Arc, enquetes inedites, genealogie, par E. Bouteiller et G. de Braux. X'aris, 1879, 8«- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 289 Archer — Genealogy of the Family of Archer. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,622, Letters and Papers relating to the Archer family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,971. -Various pedigrees of the Family of ^ Archer, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,115. -Memorials of English Families of the Surname of Archer, by J. H Lawrence-Archer. Edinb. 1856, 4"- Another edition, 1861. Arco, Coimts of. Chronik der Grafen des Heil. Kom. lleichs von und zu Arco Genannt Bogen. Graz, 1886. 8''- Arden — The Assignment of Arms to Shakespeare and Arden, 1596 — 1599, with introduction by Stephen Tucker, Somerset Herald. Lond. 1844. 4P- Ardern — A Memoir on the connection of Arderne, or Arden, of Cheshire, with the Ardens of Warwickshire, by George Ormerod. Lond. 1843. 8«- The Ardern Family of Warwick- shire, and Staffordshire. See " Shake- spereana Genealogica," by G. R. French. Lond. 1869, 8°- Accounts of the Family of Ardern. See G. Ormerod's " Miscellanea Pala- tina," part ii. andDrummond's "Noble British Families," vol. i. Ardres — Genealogique des Maisons de Guines, d' Ardres, etc. par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1631. fol. Argenteau — Notice biographique sur la Famille d' Argenteau, par le vicomte Jules de Saintry. Paris, 1852. 8"- Argentine — Collections concerning the Argentine Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,115. Argiot — Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la Maison Argiot, seigneur de la Ferriere. Toulon, 1830, 4P- Argyll, see also Campbell. Argyll — The Life of John, Duke of Ar- gyle and Greenwich ; containing a Genealogical Account of His Grace's Family and Ancestors, by Robert Campbell. Lond. 1745. 80- The Marquis of Argyle's last Will and Testament. Harleian Miscel- lany, vol. VIII. London, 1811. 4P- Papers relating to the Aj^yle Fam- ily, edited by James Maidment, Edinb. 1834, 4P- Only 50 copies printed* Argyll — History of the Argyll Family. The " Mac Cullum More." By the Eev. Hely Smith. Lond. 1871, 8o- House of Argyll and the Colla- teral Branches of the Clan Campbell, from the year 420 to the present time. Glasgow, 1871. 8«- -The Clan Campbell, and the Marquis of Lome. An Epitome of the story of the House of Argvll. by J. H., [John Hogg.] Lond. 1871.' 8«- -Information anent the Pedigree of the Noble and Antient House of Lochow, now called the House of Argyll, with some little touch of their Actions, &c. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,797, p. 58. The Argyll Family. " Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878. 8«- Ariegeois — Histoire des Ariegeois, Comte de Foix, vicomte de Couserans, etc., par Duclos. 3 vols, Paris, 1881-83. 8o- Armagnac — Precis historique et genealo- gique de la Maison d'Armagnac, de Castenet, par M. Gluck. Cahors, 1850, 80- Armiger — Pedigrees of the Family of Armiger, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,115. Armin, see also St. Medard. Armin — Stemmata et Genealogia vetus- tissimarum et clarissimarum f amiliarum de Sancto Medardo et de Armin, Domi- norum de Osgodby, Co. Lincoln, 1601. The arms are well drawn and coloured . Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4783. An account of the Family of the Armyns of Asgardby [Osgodby], in Lincolnshire, with extracts of letters relating to the same, chiefly during the reigns of James I. and Charles I. 318. Dr. Williams' Library, Grafton St. London. Armynot — Genealogie de la Famille d' Armynot du Chatelet, par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828. 8«- Armitage — Account of the Armitage Family, by Cyrus Armitage. 1850. 8°- Arms — A Genealogical Record of the Arms Family in this Country, em- bracing all the known descendants of William First, who have retained the family name, by Edward W. Arms. Troy, N.Y. 1S77, 8°- 290 Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peebage Cases. Armstrong — The Armstrong Family of Windham, N.H., by Leonard A. Morri- son. Reprinted for the use of the family, 1884, 8«- Arnaud — Memoire sur I'Etat de la Famille des Arnauds de Montorcier, depuis le 13® siecle jusqu'en I'an 1788, par F. Aug. de la Roche. Mulhouse, 1851, 4°- Notice historique et gen^alogique sur la Maison d'Arnaud, par le Comte Arthur de la Rochette. Lyon, 1850, 8"- Arniston — The Arniston Memoirs : Three Centuries of a Scottish House, 1571- 1838. Edited from the Family Papers bv G. W. T. Omond, Advocate. Ediub. 1887, 8'^- Arnold, see also Thayer. Arnold Genealogical Tree, of Rhode Island, by Geo-ge C. Arnold. New York, 1877. Broadside. Genealogy of the Family of Arnold in Europe and America, by J, W. Dean, H. T. Drowne and E. Hubbard. Boston, 1879, 80- Arnot — Certificates of birth and descent of John Arnot, of Lochrig ; with Seals, and with border of Coats of Arms. Brit. Mus. Eg. Ch. 413 ; 414. Arpad — Les Fils d'Arpad, par M. Germain-San ut Paris, 1861, 8''- Arronches. Marques de, see Sousa. Arundel — See also Fitz-Alan ; Howard ; Lancaster. Pedigrees of the Families of Nevill, Arundell, etc., about 1532. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P. 3. -Drawings of the Arundel Mon- uments and Brasses, by G. Shepherd, 1820. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,967. -Genealogy of Albenye, Earls of Arundel. Arms beautifully coloured Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. The Earls of Arundel, from the Conquest to this time. See the Antiquities of Arundel, by Charles Caraccioli. Loud. 1766, 8'^- -Lives of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, and of Anne Dacres, his wife, edited by the Duke of Norfolk. 1857, 80- -The early Genealogical His tory of the House of Arundel, being an account of the origin of the Families of Montgomery, Albiei, Fitzalan, and Howard, by John Pym Yeatman. Lond. 1882, fol. The Arundel Family of Clif- ton. See " Archseologia," xviii. 99. Sir Edward Arundel, of Aynho, Knt., his descent and kindred. " Topographer and Genealogist," ii. 312—339 ; iii. 240—255. Notes of Evidence relating to the Earldom of Arundel. ^Sessional Papers^ 1860, fol. Arzac, see Croix. Ashburner — Pedigree of the Ashburner Family, Co. Lancaster, with Arms and Seals. Privately printed, 1872, 4P- Ashburnham — History of the Family of Ashburnham. See Drummond's "Noble British Families." Ashby — Genealogical Notices of the Family of Ashby, of Harefield, Co, Middlesex. " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," y. 125 — 141. Ashtown, Baron, see Trench. Ashwin — Pedigree of Ashwin of Bret- forton, Corbet of Quinton, and Rawlings. Single sheet. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. Askewe, see Fell. Aspremont — Genealogie de la Maison d'Aspremont, par le S^- d'Harchies. S. 1. n. d. 4''- Memoires touchant la comte souveraine d'Aspremont pour justifier : I. Qu' elle appartient a M'"*'- Charles, Comte d'Aspremont et de Dun, Comme aisne et Chef du nom et Armes de sa Maison, etc. Imp. de Remy Soubret, 1662, fol. At^seburg — Asseburger Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte des Geschlechts Wolfen- biittel-Asseburg, von J. Graf von Bocholtz-Asseburg. 2 vols Hannover, 1876, 4P- Astlev — Stemmata praeclarse familise de Astley. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6160. Claims of Sir Jacob Astley, Bart., and of Henry le Strange Style- man le Stiange, Esq., to be co-heirs to the title of Baron Hastings. See Sessional Papers 211 of 1840 ; 55 of 1841. Case of Sir Jacob Astley, of Melton Constable, claiming to be a co-heir of the Barony of Camoys ; with proofs and pedigree. 1840, fol. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 291 Aston — Tixall Letters, or the Corres- pondence of the Aston Family and their friends during the 17th century, by Arthur Clifford. 2 vols. 1815, S^- Genealoo:ical Notices of the intermarriages, and Memorials of the Aston Family. See Clifford's " De- cription of the Parish of Tixall." Paris, 1817, 8°- Astry — Genealogical Memoirs of Families of Chester and Astry, descended from Henry Chester, Sheriff of Bristol, 1470, and Sir Ealph Astry, Kt. Lord Mayor of London, 1492, by R. E. Chester Waters, Lond. 1881, 4«- Privately printed. Athenry — A Manual of the Origin and Descent of the Barony of Athenry. [Dublin? 1820?] fol. Athenry Peerage, see Birmingham ; Sewell. Atholl, see also Murray ; Pobertson. Claim of the Duke of Atholl to the Barony of Strange. See Sessional Papers, Feb. and Mar. 1726. The Case of the Duke of Atholl, claiming the Barony of Strange [1736.] Folio. With a Pedigree. The Earldom of Atholl, by J. A. Robertson. Privately printed. 1860, 8°- -Case of Charlotte, Duchess Dow- ager of Atholl, respecting her claims to the office of Great Chamberlain of England. [1765 ?] fol. Atkins — Discovery of the Atkins Monu- ments at Clapham. by J. W. Grover. See JournaX of the Archceological Association, vol. 42. Lond. 1886, S^- Atlee — Genealogical Record of the Atlee Family. The Descendants of Judge William Augustus Atlee and Colonel Samuel John Atlee of Lancaster County, Pa. By Edwin Atlee Barber. Phila- delphia, 1884, 80- Atwater — A Genealogical Register of the Descendants, in the Male line, of David Atwater, one of the original Planters of New Haven, Conn., to the Fifth Generation. New Haven, 1851. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants in the male line of David Atwater, one of the original planters of New Haven, Conn., to the Sixth Gene- ration, by E. E. Atwater. New Haven, 1873, 8«- Aubais — De la Genoa logic de Monsieur le baron d'Aubais, par Jacques Deyron, 1646, 8*^- Second edition, Grenoble, 1653. Reprinted at Amiens in 1855. Aubusson — Table Genealogique et His- torique des anciens Vicomtes de la Marche, Seigneurs d'Aubusson, et celles de toutes les branches qui en ont descendues depuis I'an 860, par Jean Du Bouchet. Paris, 1682, fol. Genealogie de la Maison d'Aubusson, par Viton de Saint- Allais. Paris, 1832, 8°- [Extract du JSfohili- aire Universel.'] Audejans — Genealogie de I'ancienne et noble Famille d' Audejans, par le baron de Croeser. Bruges, 1789, fol. Aufsess — Geschichte des uradelischen Auf sess 'schen Geschlechtes in Franken, etc., von Otto Aufsess. Berl. 1889, 8o- Autriche, see Rochefoucauld. Auvergne — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison d'Auvergne et de Turenne, par Christofle Justel. 2 vols. Paris. 1645, fol. •Table genealogique de la Maison d' Auvergne, par M. Baluze. Paris, 1704, fol. -Histoire Genealogique de la Maison d' Auvergne, justifiee par Char- tres, titres, histoires anciennes, et autres preuves anthentique, par Etienne Baluze. 2 vols. Paris, 1708, fol. [This work was suppressed immediately after publication by order of the French King.] Avan, Lords of, see Jestyn. Aveland, see Willoughby. Ayer, see Corliss. Aylesbury^ — Pedigree of the Marquis of Aylesbury's descent from Bruce of Scotland. MS. Tottenham Park, Library. Aylesford — Case of the Hon. Charles Wightwick Finch, of Leamington, claiming to be Earl of Aylesford, with pedigree. Sessional Papers. Case of Edith, Countess of Aylesford, on behalf of Guy Bertrand, claiming to be Earl of Aylesford, in I opposition to the Claim of Hon. Charles W. Finch. Sessional Papers. Minutes of Evidence, &c., in the Aylesford Peerage Claims. Sess- ional Papers, 1855. 292 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Aylmer — Claim of the Rt. Hon. Adol- phus Lord Aylmer, etc., to vote at Elections of Eepresentative Peers for Ireland. With Pedigree. Sessional Papers^ 1859. Second Claim, with Minutes of Evidence, etc., 1860. Aylsworth — Eegister of the Aylsworth Family, by Sylvester Aylsworth. Utica, 1810. Aylward — The Genealogy of the Family of Aylward, of Aylward's Town, from A.D. 1400 to 1746. MS. Stony- hurst College. Babcock — The Babcock Family, by Albert Wells. Albany, 1861, 8«- Pabington — The Babingtons, Knights of St. John, by G-. T. Clark, Esq. See the Arcliwological Journal^ xxxvi, 219, Lond. 1879, 8«- — ^ The Pedigree of the Family of Babington, of Dethick and Kingston, with their alliances. " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," viii. 313 — 360. Inedited additions to the Pedigree of Babington. " Topographer and Genealogist," i. 133 — 141, 333 — 343. Babthorpe — The Babthorpe Family, of Babthorpe, and Osgodby. See H. Foley's Becords of the English Pro- vince, iii. 192. Bacou' — Collections concerningthe Family of Bacon, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19116. On the Family of Koger Bacon, by T. Bond. See " Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society." 1879. Taunton, 1880, 8'^- Bade — Histoire chronologique, genealo- gique et politique de la maison de Bade, etc. par Viton de Saint Allais. 2 vols. Paris, 1807, 8"- Badlesmere — Memoirs of the Family of Badlesmere. See Scrope's " History of Castle Combe." 1852, 4»- Pedigree of the Family of Badlesmere, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19116. Bady — Notice genealogique sur la Famille de Bady, par Michaux aine. (Adrien Joseph.) Valenciennes, 1845, 8*^- Baglion — Genealogie des Seigneurs de la Duiierie, sortis d'un puisne d^ TjHustre Maison des Baglions ouBaglioni, Seig- neurs souverains de Perouse en Italic, par Pierre D'Hozier. Paris, 1662, fol. Bagot — Memorials of the Bagot Family ; compiled in 1823, by Lord Bagot. Blithefield, 1824, 4o- Privately printed. : Memorials of the Bagot Family, privately printed in 1824, and after- wards largely annoted by the late Lord Bagot. Pedigree of the Bagot Familv from Henry I. MSS. Blithefield, Co. Stafford. Bagshaw — Pedigree of the Family of Bagshaw, of the Ridge, Co. Derby. Single sheet. Bagshawe — The Bagshawes of Ford : a Biographical Pedigree, by William H. G. Bagshawe. Lond. 1886, 4«- Bailey, see Corliss ; Weitzel. Baillie — Lives of the Baillies, by James William Baillie. Edinb. 1872, 4o- Case of Alexander Dundas Ross Cochrane Wishart Baillie, on his claim to the title of Baron Wharton. 1843, folio. Bain — Genealogical chart of the Family of Bain, Co. Haddington, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinb. 1871, 4«- Baird — Account of the Surname of Baird. Edited by W. N. Eraser. Edinb. 1856, 4"- Dominus fecit. Genealogical Col- lections concerning the Sii-name of Baird, and the families of Auchmedden, Newbyth, and Sauchton Hall in parti- cular. Reprinted from the MS. of William Baird, in the Advocate's Library, Edinburgh. Lond. 1870, 4<^- Only 50 copies printed. Baker — Genealogy of the Descendants of Edward Baker of Lynn, Mass. 1630. By Nelson M. Baker, of Lafavette, N.Y. Syracuse, 1867, 8'- Ancestry of Priscilla Baker who lived 1674 — 1731, and was wife of Jsaae Apj)leton of Ipswich, by W. S. Appleton. Cambridge, 1870, 8'^- A Memoir of the Family of Baker, formerly of Shinfield, Berks. By Tho. Y. Baker. Westminster, 1878, 4'^- Genealogy of Richard Baker, born in England, died in Dorchester, Mass. 1689. Compiled bv Edra. J. Baker. Boston, 1889, S^-" Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 293 » Baker — Various pedigrees of the Family of Baker, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,116. ■ Collections relating to several branches of the Family of Baker, including the original Confirmation of Arms and Crest to George Baker of London, 1573. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,611—33,616 ; Add. Ch. 36,453. Balcarres, see Crawf urd ; Lindsay. Batch Pedigree, by Dr. G. B. Balch, of Yonkers, N.Y. Broadside, 1890. Balcom — Genealogy of the Balkcom or Balcom Family of Attleboro', Mass. Copied from Town and County Kecords, etc., by David Jillson. pp. 12. Baldwin, see also Vinton Genealogy. Baldwin — Nathaniel Baldwin and one line of his descendants, by Byron A. Baldwin. Boston, 1871, 8^- A Kecord of the Descendants of John Baldwin, of Stonington, Conn., with Notices of the other Baldwins who settled in America in Early Colony Times, by John D. Baldwin. Worcester, 1880, 8°- The Baldwin Genealogy, from 1500 to 1881, by Charles Candee Baldwin. 2 vols. Cleveland, Ohio, 1881, 80- Investigations concerning the Family of Baldwin of Ash ton Clinton, Bucks, by Joseph Lemuel Chester. Boston, 1884, 8o- Privately printed. Balfour — Claim of Robert Bruce of Kennet, to be Lord Balfour of Burley, see Sessional Papers, 237 of 1861. Claim of F. W. Balfour to the dignity of Lord Balfour of Burley, see Sessional Papers, G of 1862 ; A of 1864 ; D of 1867 ; C of 1867-8 ; F of 1868-9. Balguy — The Genealogy and History of the Balguy Family, from the Norman Conquest to the present day ; with alliances and Pedigrees of Heiresses of Ancient families now represented by the Balguys. Compiled by the Genea- logical Society, with Translations from original Documents. 19th century, large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,185. Baliol — Pedigree of the Familjf of Baliol, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,116. Ball, see also Druce. Records of Anglo- Irish Families of Ball, by Rev. W. Ball Wright. Dublin. 1887, 8''- Ballard — Genealogy of the Family of Ballard, certified by Phillipot, Somerset Herald, in 1634. "^ Vellum Roll, with arms emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 253. Ballou — An Elaborate History and Genealogy of the Ballous Family in America, by Adin Ballou. Woonsocket, 1888, 8'^- Balmerino, Lord, see Kilmarnock. Bampfield — Pedigree of Bampfield, of Hardington, cO: Somerset, privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Bart. Banastre — Notice of the Family of Robert Banastre, one of the Benefactors of Basingwerk Abbey, See " Archaeologia Cambrensis," vol. i. Lond, 1846, 8^- Banbury — Proceedings relating to the case of the Earl of Banbury. See Sessional Papers, July 1660 — Feb. 1697. 'The True Countess of Ban- bury's Case, relating to her Marriage, rightly stated. Lond. 1696, fol. -The Arguments in the con- troverted point of Peerage in the case of Charles Knowles, otherwise Earl of Banbury. Lond. 1716, folio. Claims of the Earls of Ban- bury to that Earldom. See Sessional Papers, 14, 48, 87, 126 of 1808 ; 20 of 1809; 64 of 1810 ; 11, 33 of 1811 ; 111 of 1812. -Case of William, Earl of Banburv, as to the Earldom of Banbury. 1809, folio. -Law of Adulterine Bastardy, with Report of the Claim of the Earl- dom of Banbury, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond. 1836, 8«- Bandon — Minutes of Evidence of Francis, Earl of Bandon, &c. claiming a right to Vote at Elections of Representative Peers of Ireland. Sessional Papers, 1857. Bane, see Leighton. Banks — The Banks Family of Maine, by Chas. Edw. Banks. Boston, 1890, 8^'- 294 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peeoiage Cases. Ban try — Claim of the Right Hon. Eichard, Earl of Bantiy, and Viscount of Blar- haven, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers. 216 of 1851. Bar, see also Dreux ; Lorraine. Bar — Stemmata Lotharingise ac Barri Ducum. Par Francisco de Hosiers. 7 vols. Paris, 1580. fol. Genealogie des Comtes et Dues de Bar. Paris, 1627. 4P- Barbank — Contributions to the Genealogy of the Barbank and Burbanck Families in the United States, by G. T. Ridlon. Saco, Me. 1880. S^- Barber — My wife and my Mother. [With 84 additional pages of American genea- logies] By Heman H. Barber. Hart- ford, 1864. 12°- Barbor — Pedigree of the Family of Bar- bor. Broadside. Barclay, see also Maule. Barclay — A Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie, formerly of Mathers ; extracted from ancient registers and authentic documents, by K. Barclay. Aberdeen, 1740. ^^- Privately printed. A Genealogical Account of the Barclays of Urie, for upwards of seven hundred years, by R. Barclay. London, 1812, 80- — Brief Memoirs of the Barclay Family. Lond. 1851, 12o- Bardolf — Collections concerning the Familv of Bardolf, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19116. Baring — The Family of Baring. See " The Great Governing Families of England,'' vol. ii. p. 121. The Baring Family, See " The History of the Suburban Parish of St. Leonards, Exeter," by Robert Dymond. Exeter, 1873, 8o- Barker — Pedigree of the Family of Barker of Salop. Privately printed, 1877, 4P- Collections concerning the Familv of Barker, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19116. Barlow — Pedigree of the Taylors and Barlows of Turton and Entwisle. Compiled by James C. Scholes. Single Sheet, 1882. Barmon — Recherches genealogiques et heraldiques sur la Famille Nicolazo de Barmon et ses alliances, par M. de Pontaumont. Cherbourg, 1858, 8°- Barnard — Genealogical Account of the Barnard Family. Privately printed 1816. Barnardiston — Collections concerning the Family of Barnardiston, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19116. Barne and Barnes, pedigrees with notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Barnes, see also Dawson. Barnes Family — Memoir of Ambrose Barnes, Merchant and Alderman, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Surtees Society^ 1868, 80- Barnewall — Claim of Matthew Barnewall, Esq., to be Viscount Barnewall of Kingsland and Baron Turvey. See Sessional Papers 14 of 1812 ; 27 of 1812-13 ; 61 of 1813-14. Case of Matthew Barnewall, Esq., claiming the titles of Viscount Barnewall and Baron Turvey. 1814, fol. Baron net — La Famille du Baron net, par E. Marcel. Paris, 1881. Barr — Memoir of Mrs. Mary Barr : with genealogical information relative to the Barr family of Scotch origin. Cin- cinati, 1863, 8°- Barres — Notice genealogiques sur Jean des Barres, chevalier, 1289, par Eugene Gresy. Paris, 1850, 8o- Barrett — Thomas Barrett of Braintree, Vy^illiam Barrett of Cambridge, and their Early Descendants, by Jos. H. Barrett. Loveland, Ohio, 1888, 8°- Genealogy of the Descendants of Thomas Barrett, sen., of Braintree, Mass., by Wm. Barrett. Saint Paul, Minn. 1888, 8o- Collections concernino^ the Family of Barrett, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,117. Barrington, see also Cromwell. Barrington — Correspondence and papers of the Family of Barrington, of Bar- rington Hall, Co. Essex, Circ. 1490 to 1713. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 2643 to 2651. ■Pedigree of the Family of Barrington, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,117. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 295 Barrington — The History of the Bar- rington Family, edited by G. Alan Lowndes, M.A. See " Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society," new- series, vols. 1 and 2. Colchester, 1878, 8«- Barry — Pedigrees of the Family of Barry. with genealogical notes, byD. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Claim of James R. Barry to vote at Elections of Irish Peers, as Viscount Buttevant. See Sessional Facers 215 of 1825. Barrow — Pedigree of the Family of Bar- row, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Bartholomew — Address of the Hon. An- drew J. Bartholomew, of Southbridge, Mass., on the occasion of the first re- union of the descendants of Lieut. William Bartholomew. Boston, 1882, 80- Record of the Bartholomew Family, Historical, Genealogical and Biographical, by George Wells Bar- tholomew. Austin, Texas, 1885, 8"- Bartlett — Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of the Bartlett Family in England and America, by Levi Bart- lett. Lawrence, 1876, 8^- ■ Memorials of Robt. Lawrence and Robt. Bartlett, and their Descend- ants, by H. Bartlett Lawrence. Privately printed, 1888, 8'^- Bartolozzi and his Works. With a Sketch of Bartolozzi 's f amity, by Andrew W. Tuer. 2 vols. Lond. 1881. Bartow Genealogy : Containing every one of the Name of Bartow descended from Doctor Thomas Bartow, who was living at Crediton in England, A.D. 1672. With references to the books where any of the name is mentioned, by E. B. Two parts. Baltimore, 1875 and 1878, 8«- Bartow Genealogy. Containing every one of the name of Bartow and other Descendants of Dr. Thomas Bartow, of Crediton, England, by Rev. Evelyn Bartow. Supplement. Balti- more, 1879, 80- The Bartow Family in England, by the Rev. Evelyn P. Bartow. Privately printed, 1886, 8« Bascom — A Genealogical Record of Thomas Bascom and his Descendants, by Edw. D. Harris. Boston, 1870, 8"- Basing — Genealogia dominorum de Sancto Johanne de Basing ; extracts from ancient documents, with arms. Dedi- cated to William Paulet, Marquess of Winchester, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,923. Baskerville, see Cecil. Bass, see Thayer. Basset, see also Chasteleine. Basset — Historical Descent of the Family of Basset of Welledone. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6152. Genealogy of the Family of Basset, of Drayton, Wickham, etc., with coloured arms, 1588. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1411 pp. 63—66. Bastard — Genealogique de la Maison de Bastard, originaire du Comte Nantais, existant encore en Guienne, au Maine, en Bretaigne, et en Devonshire. [By H. de Bastard, Count d'Estang ?] Paris, 1847, 8"- 100 copies privately printed. Lnventaire des sources, etc., de la Maison de Bastard. Paris, 1847, 4P- Armoiries de la Maison de Bastard. Paris, 1847, 4P' Another edition, 1854, 8«- Armoiries des Maisons alliees a la Maison de Bastard. Paris, 1847, 4<'- -Papier Memorial de la Famille Bastard, 1585 — 1721, public et annote par P.A.D. Piet-Lataudrie [1887.] See Societe de Statistique du Departe- ment des Deux-Sevres. Memoires, 3® serie, torn 4. Bate — Genealogies of the Families of Bate and Kirkland, of Ashby-de-la Zouch, by J. Paul Rylands. Lond. 1877, 4"- Privately printed. Bateman — Pedigree of Bateman, Parker, and Levinge, by John Sleigh. 1865. Single sheet. Bates, see Butler ; Dawson. Batteley — Memoirs of the Family of Batteley. 8ee Nichols' " Illustrations of Literary History," iv. 85. Baux — Inventoire Chronologique et Analytique des Chartes de la Maison de Baux, par le Dr. L. Barthelemy. Marseille, 1882, B^- 296 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Bavent — Pedigree of the Family of Bavent, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,117. Baviera — Arbori delle Famiglie nella Baviera, by Cesare Campana. Verona, 1592, 4P' Genealogie de la Maison Pala- tine de Baviere, historiee par Celiers et gravee par Le Fevre en 1676. Baxter — Memorial of the Baxter Family, by Joseph Nickerson Baxter, of Boston. Printed for the Family, 1879, 8^- Bayard — Table genealogique de la Faraille de Bayard, par Azevedo Continho y Bernal (J. F. A. F. de). Louvain, 1753, fol. Col. John Bayard (1738— 1807) and the Bayard Family of America, by Gen. James Grant Wilson. New York, 1885, 8«- Bayart — Histoire de Pierre Terrail, seig- neur de Bayart, suivie d'annotations genealogiques, par Alfred de Terrebasse. Paris, 1828, 8°- Second edition, Lyon, 1832, S''- Baynard — Pedigree of the Family of Baynard, with genealogical notes, by D.E, Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Some account of Ralph Bai- nard and the Honor of Castle Baynard, by Miss Fry, with coloured arms. See " Transactions, of the Essex Archseo- logical Society," vol. 5. Colchestor, 1873, 8°- Bayning pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Baynton — Pedigree of the ancient Family of Baynton of Bromham and Falstou, CO. Wilts, and of their descendants the Elmslies, with a royal lineage through Gundreda, daughter of Queen Matilda, from King Alfred the Great and the Emperor Charlemagne, by A. S. Ellis. Beal, see More. Beale — Collections concerning the Family of Beale, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Bearss — A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Bearse or Bearss Family in America, 1618 — 1871, by John Bearss Newcomb. Elgin, 111. 1871, 8°- Privately printed. Beatson — Genealogical History of the Family of Beatson, by Alex. John Beatson. Edin. 1854, 4''- Another edition 1860. Privately printed. Beaty— Pedigree of the Family of Beaty, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,013. :)i , in4. Beauchamp, see also Jennens. Beauchamp — Account of the Illustrious Family of Beauchamp, by Daniel Row- land, see Neville. Notes relating to the Beau- champ Family from the time of William the Conqueror to Henry VTII. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4551. -History of the several Earls of Warwick by Joseph Edmoudson. Lond. 1766, 8«- ■Description of the Beauchamp Chapel, and the Monuments of the Earls of Warwick, by Richard Gough, printed by J. Nichols. Lond. 1804, 4«- History of the Earls of War- wick, see Vitruvius Britannicus^ by P. F. Robinson. Lond. 1833, fol. Warwick, House of. Rows' Rol : Thys rol was laburd and finished by Master John Rows of Warwyk. London, 1854, 4P' 100 Copies privately printed. -Historv of the Earls of War- wick, with their Arms emblazoned, and Portraits of them neatly painted in water-colours, ascribed to John Rouse. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 882. -Collections concerninsr the Family of Beauchamp, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Beaudignies — Genealogie des Vicomtes de Beaudignies, originaires du Cambresis, par F. M. Goethals. Brux. 1845, 4°- Beaufor, see Temple. Beaufort — Pedigree and genealogical notes of the Familv of Beaufort. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2146, ff. 14, b— 21. Notice historique, genealogique et biographique sur la tres-ancienne et tres-illustre Maison de Beauffort, par Ch. Popliniere. Brux. 1851, 4«- Beaumont, see also Howard ; Lancaster. Beaumont — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Beaumont, 1728, 4°- -Extrait de I'Histoire genealo- gique de la Maison de Beaumont, par Annet de Perouse. Paris, 1757, 4<'- Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 297 Beaumont — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Beaumont, en Dauphin 6, par I'Abbe Brizard. 2 vols. Paris, 1779, fol. Evidence on the Beaumont Claim of Peerage, taken in 1794 and 1840. 1840, folio. ' Collections concerning the t Family of Beaumont, bj D. E. Davy, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 39117. Beaumont — Barony of, see Stapleton. Beauvau — Histoire G-enealogique de la Maison de Beauvau, justifiee par Titres, Histoires et autre bonnes preuves, par S. et L. de Saincte Marthe. Paris, 1626, fol. Beauveau — Histoire d'une sainte illustre Pamille de ce siecle (la Famille du Marquis de Beauveau), par le P.L. (Lempereur). Paris, 1698, 12''- Beavan — Pedigree of the family of Beavan of Wales. By Edward Beavan, of the Inner Temple. A Roll seven feet long I ■ by eight inches wide. Privately printed. Beck — Pedigree of the Family of Beck, of Upton. Compiled by Matthew Greg- son, and continued by Wm. Harrison. No date, 8"- • • Beck pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Notes respecting the Family of Beck, of Yorkshire. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 900, f . 444. Becket — On the kindred of Archbishop Becket. Archceologia Cantiana, vol, 10. Lond. 1876, 8«- Beckford — Graphical and Literary Illus- trations of Fonthill Abbey, with genealogical and heraldic notices of the Beckford Family, by John Britton. Lond. 1823, fol. Bedford, Duke of, see Russell. Bedingfield — Collections concerning the Bedingfield Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19117. Seize Quartiers of Sir H. P. Bedingfield, Bart, folio sheet. Claim of Sir Henry P. Beding- field of Oxborough, Co. Norfolk, Bart., to the Barony of Grandison. See Sessional Papers, 82 of 1854; B. of 1855. . ■Case on behalf of Sir E. P. Bedingfield, claiming the Barony of Grandison. 1855. Folio, pp. 32, and 4 folding pedigrees. Beecher, see also Dawson. Beecher — Notes and Pedigree of the Beecher family, by John Holmes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,774. Beekman — Some Records of the Beekman Family, by Jas. R. Gibson. Privately printed, 1888. 8''- Beevor, see Lancaster. Beffroy — Genealogie de la Maison de Beffroy, par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828, 8"- Beke — Observations on the Pedigree of the Family of Beke, of Eresby, co. Lincoln, by Charles T. Beke. " Col- lectanea Topographica et Genealogica," iv. 331—345. Belhaven, Lord, see Hamilton. Bell, see also Hardwicke. Bell — Genealogy of the Family of Bell. See a Genealogical Account of the Descendants of John Gaunt, by J. G. Bell. Lond. 1855. 4P- Pedisrree of Bell, of Burcott. See Family History of Hardwicke, by H. J. Hardwicke, 1877, p. 112. Bellew — Minutes of Evidence of Patrick, Baron Bellew, claiming a right to vote at Elections of Representative Peers for Ireland. Sessional Papers, 1856. Bellocampo — Genealogy of the Family of Bellocampo, Barons of Bedford. Arms beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Bellows — Historical sketch of Col. Ben- jamin Bellows, founder of Walpole : An Address on occasion of the gather- ing of his Descendants to the conse- cration of his Monument at Walpole, N.H. Oct. 11, 1854, with an Appendix, by Henry W. Bellows. New York, 1855. 80- Belloy — Genealogie de la Maison de Belloy, par. CI. Fr. Marie, Marquis de Belloy. Paris, 1747. 4P- Belmonti — Genealogia dell' antica famig- lia detta delle Caminate de Belmonti & de Ricciardelli, by P. Belmonti. Rimino, 1671. fol. Belmore — Minutes of Evidence of Somer- set Richard, Earl of Belmore, claiming a right to vote at Elections of Represen- tative Peers of Ireland. Sessional Papers, 1856. 298 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Belot — Maison de Belot de Ferreux, par M. de Birague. Paris s.d. fol. [Ex- tracted from the Archives historiques ; and from Hozier's Armorial.'] Bemand, see Hardwicke. Benavides — Genealogie de la Maison de Benavides, en espagnol. Don Diego Vinceucis de Vidania. Naples, 1696, fol. Bence — Pedigree of the Family of Bence, with Registers and Monumental Inscriptions, etc. See Notices of the Parish Church of Thcrington, Suffolk, by the Rev. T. S. Hill. 1884, 8«- Bence pedigree, with genealo- gical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bendish pedigree, with genealogical notes, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bendysh, see Cromwell. Benedict — The Genealogy of the Benedicts in America, by Henry Marvin Benedict. Albany, 1870, 4P' Bennet — The Bennet Family of Ipswich, Massachusetts, by John M. Bradbury. Boston [U.S.] 1875, 8o- ^ Notes on the Ancient Cheshire Families of Bennett with their Colla- teral Branches, by Edw. H. Hance. Liverpool, 1889, 8°- Collections concerning the Family of Bennett, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Benson — The Benson Family of New- port, Rhode Island. Together with an appendix concerning the Benson Family of America, of English Descent. New York, 1872. Privately printed. Bensted pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bentinck — The Bentinck Family. See The Great Governing Families of England, i, 162. Die Erbfolgerechte der Mantel- kinder mit Hinsicht auf den Graflich Bentinckshen llechtstreit, etc. von A. W. Heffter. Berlin, 1836, 8o- Bentinck Family. Votum iiber den Reichsgraflich Bentinck'schen Erb- folgerechtsstreit, by A. Michaelis. 3 parts. Tubingen, 1841—45, S^- Die Geschichte des graflich Aldenburg- Bentinck'schen Erbfolges- treites, by K. A. Tabor. Mainz, 1847, 8o» Bentivoglio — Origine della Famiglia Bentivoglio, by Vincenzo Armanni. Bologna, 1682 8o- Berdwell pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bergen — The Bergen Family : or, the Descendants ef Hans Hansen Bergen, one of the Early Settlers of New York, by T. G. Bergen. New York, 1866, 8^^- ' — The Bersren Family : or the Descendants of Hans Hansen Bergen, with notes on the genealogy of several Long Island families, bv Tennis G. Bergen. Albany, N.Y. 1876, 8«- Bergevenny, see Lancaster. Berkeley, see also Throckmorton. Berkeley — Abstracts of Smith's "Lives of the Berkeley s," by T. D. Fosbroke. London, 1821, 4«- A sketch of the history of Berkeley, its castle, church, and the Berkeley Family, by James Herbert Cooke. Gloucester [1875 ?] 16«- -The Lives of the Berkeleys, Lords of the Honour, Castle, and Manor of Berkeley, in the County of Glouces- ter, from 1066 to 1618, by John Smyth. Edited by Sir John Maclean. 3 vols. Gloucester, 1883, 4P- Pedigree of the Berkeleys of Camden. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 9. Pd. Pedigree and Arms of the noble Family of Berkeley. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2275. Genealogy of the Barons of Berkeley, arms beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. -Pedigrees of Berkeley of Spech- ley, in Worcestershire, from 1463 to 1725. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5821, fP. 213 b— 216 b. Notes and Pedigree of the Family of Berkeley, of Cotheridge, co. Worcester, 1780. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5842, pp. 276—287. — The B^^^^^^j Family, a Narra- tive, by Mary Tudor, Sister-in-law to the Countess. London, [1822 ?] 8o- Claim of N. Berkeley, Esq. to the Barony of Botetoui-t. See Sessional Papeo's, Dec. 1763— Apr. 1764. Case of Norborne Berkeley, Esq., in relation to the Barony of Bote- court. 5 pages and pedigree. "F^AMILT HiSTOElES, PEDIGEEES, AND PeEEAGE CasES. 299 Berkeley — Case of W. F. Berkeley, for the Earldom of Berkeley, Feb. 1811. 4 2:)ages and pedigree. Claim of William Fitzhardinge Berkeley to be Earl of Berkeley. See Sessional Papers. May, 1799 — June, 1802 ; 14, 16 of 1811 ; 115 of 1829. -An Address to the Right Hon- ourable the Peers of the United King' dom of Great Britain and Ireland, from Mary, Countess of Berkeley. Lond. 1811. 8«- A Narrative of the Minutes of Evidence respecting the Claim to the Berkeley Peerage, as taken before the Committee of Privileges in 1811 ; together with the entire evidence of the persons principally concerned. Lond. 1811. 8^- Case of Sir Maurice Frederick Fitzhardinge Berkeley, of Berkeley Castle, in relation to his Claim to the Title, Htnor, and Dignity of Baron of Berkeley, 1860 fol. Supplemental Case on behalf of Sir Maurice F. Fitzhardinge Berkeley, claiming to be Baron of Berkeley. 1860. Appendix to the Claimant's Supplemental Case (Earldom of Arun- del). 1860. Case and Speeches in reference to the Barony of Berkeley. 1860. fol. Authorities and Precedents in Support of the Claim to the Barony of Berkeley. 1862. fol. Lists of Books relating to the Berkeley Peerage Claim, in Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual, Bohn's edition; and Notes and Queries, 3rd Series, vol. vi. p. 326. Bermont — Grenealogie de la Famille de Bermont. Extraite du tome second des Archives G enealogiques etc. de la Nohlesse de France, publiees par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1829. 8°- Bernard pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bernay — Genealogie des Seigneurs de Bernay, 1717. !S. 1. n. d. 4o- Berners pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. MusTAdd. MS. 19118. Berners — Pedigree of Bourchier, Lord Berners, deduced from the Bohuns, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll A 33. Berners, Barony of, see Wilson. Berney pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bernhard — Diploma of Nobility and grant of Arms to Joseph Bernhard von Steinkiill, of Augsburg, 1774. With the Arms in colours. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1848. Bernier — Genealogie de noble Famille Bernier d'Hongers Wal), originaire de Valenciennes, par F, V. Goethals, Brux. 1845, 4P- Bernis — Genealogie de la Maison de Pierre de Bernis, dans le Bas-Langue- doc, par C. F. Hippolyte. Second edition. Paris, 1844, 8°- Berry — Histoire Genealogique de Berry, par Gaspar Thaumas de la Thaumas- siere, Paris, 1689, fol. Essais genealogiques sur les anciennes families du Berry, par Rifle. Bourges, 1870, 8«- Berthout — Recherches sur la Famille de Berthout, par Felix Van den Bran den. Brux. 1844, 4P- Another edition, 1845. Bertie, see also Ancaster. Bertie — Memoir of Peregrine Bertie, eleventh Lord Willoughby D'E]:esby, with four Genealogical Tables. Lond. 1838, 8«- Account of the Bertie Family of Bersted, Co. Kent. Five Generations of a Loyal House, by Lady Georgina Bertie. Lond, 1845, 8o- Charters of the Berties of Bertiested, or Bersted, by G. T. Clark. See The ArchcBological Journal xxxi, 284. Lond. 1874, 8«- Berton — Vita Ludovici de Berton, par R. P. D. Amat de Graveson. Romse, 1724, 12°- [Containing the genealogy of the House of Berton of Crillon.] Besbedge — Family Records of some of the Descendants of Thomas Besbedge (Bisbee) of Scituate, Mass., in 1634, by William B. Lapham. Augusta, Me. 1876, 8«- 300 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Bessac — In Memoriam. A brief sketch of John Wm. Bessac ; with some account of his family, by Geo. Park and Benj, L. Bessac. "Albion, N. Y. 1863. Bessay — Inventaire des titres de la Maison de Bessay, produit par Messire Fran9ois, comte de Bessay. Paris, 1665, 4<^- Best — An Account of the Family of Best of Elmswell. See Surtees Society, vol. for 1857. Betham pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Eavy, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 1*9118. Bethune — Histoire Grenealogique de la Maison de Bethune, Dues de Sully, par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1639, fol. Histoire genealogique des branches de la Maison de Bethune existantes en Flandre et en Artois, et connues pen- dant plusieurs siecles sous le nom de Desplanques, justifiee par preuves mises en ordre par M. I'abbe Douay. Pour servir de supplement a la Grenealogie de la Maison de Bethune dressee par A. Du Chesne en 1639. Paris, 1783— [1818].^ fol. ■Memoire historique et genealo- gique sur la Maison de Bethune, par Mons. Dubisson. Par. 1739, 4*^- Notice sur la Maison de Bethune- Hesdigneul des anciens Comtes ISouve- rains de Flandre et d' Artois, par A. Boudin. Par. 1844, S^- Another edition by Tisseron, Par. 1845, 8°' ■Eecords, Genealogical Charts, and Traditions of the Families of Bethune and Faneuil, by J. L. Weise. New York, 1866, 4«- A History of the Bethune Family. Translated from the French of Andre du Chesne, with additions from family records and other sources. Together with a sketch of the Faneuil Family, with whom the Bethunes have become connected in America, by Mrs. John A. Weisse. New York, 1884, 4o- -Case of Sir John Trotter Bethune of Kilconquhar, Fife, on his claim to the honours of Lord Lindsay of the Byres. Edin. 1877, fol. Claim of Sir John Trotter Beth- une to be Lord Lindsay. See Sessional Papers, D of 1877 & 1878. Betts pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bevan — The Descendants of Silvanus Bevan of Biddlesworth Hall, Co. Nor- folk, and of Fosbury House, Co. Wilts. Single sheet. Privately printed, 1876. Bevilacquia — Memoire Storiche della nobila Famiglia Bevilacquia. By A. Frozzi. Parma, 1779, 4 '• Bickerton — A concise Account of the Fall and Eise of the Family of the Bicker- tons of Maiden Castle. By John Bickerton, 1777, 8o- Bicknell — A Memorial of a Eespectable and Eespected Family, and especially of Joshua Bicknell. Boston, Mass. 1880, 80- The Bicknells. Proceedino^s and Addresses at the Second Family Eeunion at Weymouth, Mass. Sept. 20 and 21, 1882. By the Publication Committee for the Family. Boston, 1883. 8"- The Bicknells. Inscriptions on Tombstones in Barrington, E.I. Pri- vately printed, Bidwell — Genealogy of the Bidwell Family, from the first to the seventh generation, by Edwin M. Bidwell. Albany, 1884, 8o- Pedigree of the Bidwell Family, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bigelow — Eeport of the Bigelow Family Eeunion at Lincoln Park, Worcester, Mass. June 21, 1887. By Gilman Bigelow Howe. Buffalo, 1887, S^- Bigod — Collections concerning the Bigod Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Bill— History of the Bill Family. Edited by L. Bill. New York, 1867, S^- Billings, see Thayer. Binney — The History and Genealogy of the Binney Family, by C. J. F. Binney, Albany, 1886, 8o- Birague — Maison de Birague. France, Italic et AUemagne. Marquis, Comtes et Barons, par M de Birague. Paris, 1855, fol. Bird — Genealogical Sketch of the Bird Family, having its origin in Hartford, Conn. Hartford, 1855, 8"- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 301 Bird — The Bird Family. A Genealogy of Thomas Bird, of Dorchester, Massa- chusetts, and some of his Descendants, by William Blake Trask. Boston, 1871, 8«- Birmingham — Case of Edward Birming- ham of Dalgan, Claiming to be Lord Birmingham, Baron of Athenry, etc. With Supplement, Minutes of Evidence, Pedigree, etc. 183G. Claim of John Birmingham, of Dalgin, Esq., to the Barony of Athenry. See Sessional Papers, 17, 269 of 1836. -A Manual of the Origin and ) Descent of the Barony of Athenry Folio, pp. 6. Birnie — Account of the familie of Birnie of that Ilk, and of their descendants, by John Birnie of Broomhill, 1728. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,850. Account of the Families of Birnie and Hamilton of Bromhill, I edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull. Edinb. 1838, 8"- Only 60 copies printed. Bisbee, see Besbedge. Biscoe — Pedigree of the Family of Biscoe, by John Challenor Covington Smith. Lond. 1887, 4«- Bismarck Family by A. F. Riedel, see Verein fur GescJiichte der Mark Brandenburg, vol. ii, Berl, 1841, &c. 8«- -Die Familievon Bismarck, by Georg Schmidt. Rathenow, 1888. 8" Bisse — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Bisse, by Fi ancis Grigson. Illustrated with engravings of arms, seals, etc. Privately printed. Bissell, see Dawson. Bisshopp — Minutes of Evidence relative to the Claims of Sir Cecil Bisshopp, Bai-t., of Parham Park, to the title of Baron Zouche. See Sessional Papers, vol. viii. 259. Bissy — Extrait du premier volume du Nohiliaire Universel de France. De Bissy, par M. De la Chabeaussiere, 1855, 4P Blacas — Genealogie de la Maison de Blacas, extraite du tome xi.^e VHist. Geneal. et Her. des Pairs de France^ par Courcelles. Par. 1830, 4^- Blackburn — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Blackburn and its Alliances, by the Rev. F. J. Poynton. Privately printed, 1874, 4''- Blackburne — Hale Hall, with notes on the Family of Ireland Blackburne. Liverpool, 1881, 4P- Privately printed. Blackett — Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Blackett, Bart., wnth Pedigree of the Calverleys of Calverley in York- shire, and the Blacketts of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, and Northumberland. Newcastle, 1819, 12°- -Obsequies of Certain of the Family of Blackett of Newcastle. Newcastle Reprints, vol. i., by H. A. Richardson. Newcaetle, 1847, 8o- Only 100 copies printed. •Funeral accounts of the Family of Blackett, Baronets of Wallington, Co. Northumberland, 1691—1759. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,421. Blackmonstre — Pedigree of Blackm on stre, Huish, etc., on vellum. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P. 3. Blackmore — Facsimile of the Grant of Arms to John Blackmore of London, 1661, by Sir Edw. Bysshe, Clarenceux. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour Street, London. 1889. Pedigree of the Blackmore Family, by C. E. B. Bowker. Privately printed, 1888. Blackwood — Account of the Printing- house Family of Blackwood. See "The Critic," Nos. 522-528. Claim of the Right Hon. Frederick Temple Blackwood, Baron Dufferin and Claneboye, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers 245 of 1848. Bladweil — The Genealogy of the Family of Blodwell, or Bladweil; deduced from Richard Blodwell of Great Thurlow, Co. Suffolk, to Charles Blad- weil of Swanington, Co. Norfolk, and John Bladw^ell of London, 1754 ; with the arms emblazoned. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. JVJS. 14,393. Blague pedigree, with genealogical notes, bv D. E. Davy, Brit. Mug. Add. MS, 19,118. 302 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Blake — A Genealogical History of William Blake of Dorchester, and his Descendants, by Samuel Blake. Boston, 1857, 8«- A liecord of the Blakes of Somersetshire, especially in the line of William Blake, of Dorchester, Mass. With One Hranch of his Descendants. From the Notes of Horatio G-. Somerby. Boston, 1881, 4'^- Privately printed. Blake Pedigree, with genealogi- cal notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,118. Blakey — Evidences of the Blakey Family. MS. No. yiii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Blanch — Historia dell a Famiglia Blanch. D. C. Tutini. Naples, 1670, 4o- Blanchefort, see Bonne. Bland — Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Bland, by Nicholas Carlisle. 100 copies privately printed. Lond. 1820, 4'^- Blennerhasset — Collections concerning the Blennerhasset Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Blin — Notice biographique et genealo- gique de M. le Vicomte Blin de Bour- don, par M. de Lansac. Par. 1847, 8°- Blodwell, see Bladwell. Blois, see also Chastillon. Blois — Collections concerning the Blois Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19118. Blomfield — Collections concerning the Family of Blomfield, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Blondel — Genealogie des Barons de Blondel de Beauregard de Yiane, des Barons de Cuinchy, etc., par F Goethals. Brux. 1845, 8«- Bloomfield, Baron, see Douglas. The Bloomfield Family, of Honington, see " Correspondence," of Bobert Bloomfield. 1870. Bloss Genealogy. Descendants of Edmund and Mary Bloss, by J. 0. Bloss. New- York, 1886, 8«- Printed for private circulation. Blosse pedigree by D. E. Davy. 19119. Blount — Account of the Blount Family. See " The Compleat Gentleman," by Henry Peacham. 1661, 4" x^^. with genealogical notes, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. Blount — Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Blount. Lond. 1826, 40. Privately printed. Large pedigrees of the Family of Blount, with arms and quarterings in trick. 17th century. Biit. Mus. Add. MS. 32659, ff. II, 81^' 89. Bloxham — Pedigree of the Family of Bloxham. Oxford, n.d. 4"- Blund pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Blundell pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Blunt — Pedigrees of Blunt, Goddard, and Carew, by Sir Thomas Philij^ps. Privately printed. Boase — An Account of the Families of Boase, or Bowes, etc. Printed for Charles, William, George, Clement, and Frederick Boase. Exeter, 1876, 4P- Boccapaduli — Notizia della Famiglia Boccapaduli Patrizia Bomana ordinata E Distesa da Marco Ubaldo Bicci. Kome, 1762, fol. Boddington — Portions of Vincent and Boddington Pedigrees, compiled by Reginald Stewart Boddington. Lond. 1876, 4°- Privately printed. Bode — The Pedigree of John Bode, of Rayley, Co. Essex, made by Sir Wm. Dethick, 1601 ; and amplified by Sir Wm. Segar, 1617 ; with the arms emblazoned. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,565. Bodenham, see Weld. Boderie — Les La Boderie. Etude sur une Famille Normande, par le comte H. de La Ferriere-Percy. Par. 1857, 8«- Bodiam — The Family of Bodiam, by Mark Anthony Lower. Lond. 1871, S^- Bogardus, see Gale. Bohun, see also Howard, Bohun — The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, Esq., Licenser of the Press in the reign of William and Mary, with folded descent, by S. W. Bix. Beccles, 1853, 4"- Privately printed. Oi'igin and Arms of the Family of Bohun. See Journal of the Brit. Arch. Ass. vol. xxvii., 182-191. Collection concerning the Family of Bohun, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 19,119, Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. 303 Bois — Collection concerning the Family of Bois, by 1). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,119. Boisscliot — Copies of royal commissions and other documents relating to the public services and family connections of Ferdinand de Boisschot, Baron de Saventhem, Chancellor of Brabant, with coloured coats of arms, 1543-1645, in Fre7ic}i, Dutch, and Spanish. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,969. Notes of Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc., of the Family of Boisschot, Lord of Erps, to the year 1624. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 20,687. Genealogical Historv of the Family of Boisschot, with drawings of arms, seals, etc., drawn up in proof of the right of Francois de Boisschot, Comte d'Erps, to bear the arms of the house of Roouere, Lords of Stack enborch, 1656. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,688. -Copies of Documents relative to the Houses of Zierotin and Boisschot, 1647-1768. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,689. Original and certified copies of Documents and heraldic collections relative to the family of Boisschot, between 1308 and 1787. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,691. Boissy — Genealogie de la Famille des fondateurs de la maison et college de Boissy, par Chassebras de Brease et Chassebras de Cremaille. Paris, n.d. 40. Abrege cronologique du College de Boissy, avec la genealogie de la Famille de ses fondateurs, par J. Chevillard. Paris, 1724, fol. Bokenham — Notes and Extracts from numerous authorities respecting the Family of Bukenham or Bokenham, of Norfolk aud Suffolk, from A.D. 1066 to 1883, by Henry Maudslay and W. P. Ivatts. Lond. 1884, 4P- 250 copies privately printed. ^Abstract of llecords, etc. to prove the Claims and Title of Katherine, wife of Richard Bokenham of Weston- Mercate, Co. Suffolk, to the Barony of Beiners. 1717, folio. Collection concerning #ie Family of Bokenham, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Bokenliam — Claim of Mrs. Bokenham to the Barony of Berners. See Sessional Papers, Mar. — June, 1720. Bold — Register of Marriages, Christen- ings, and Burials of the Bold Family of Earn worth, from 1540 to 1673. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,654. Boldero pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Boleyne — Historical Anecdotes of the Families of the Boleynes, Carej's, and Joscelyns, by Emily Gr. S. Reilly. Privately printed, 1835. 4"- Historical Anecdotes of the Families of Boleynes, Careys, Mor- daunts, Hamiltons, and Jocelyns, arranged as an elucidation of the Genealogical Chart at Tollymore Park, etc. by Emily Reilly. Newry, 1839, 40. Privately printed. Bolle — Account of the Parish of Scamp ton, Lincolnshire, with Anecdotes of the Bolle Family, by Archdeacon C. Illingworth. Lond. 1808, 4P- Another edition, 1810. Bolles— Genealogy of the Bolles Family in America, by John A. Bolles. Boston, 1865, 4°- Boiling — A Memoir of a portion of the Boiling Family in England and Vir- ginia. Richmond, Va. 1868. Printed for private distribution. Bolton — Genealogical and Biographical Account of the Family of Bolton in England and America, bv Robert Bolton. New York, 1862, 8'^"' : The Descendants of William Bolton of Reading, Mass., by Charles Knowles Bolton, of Cambridge, 1888, 80- The Boltons of Old and New England, with a genealogy of the descendants of Wm. Bolton of Reading, Mass. 1720, by C. K. Bolton. Albany, 1889, 8«- Bolton pedigrees, with genea- logical notes, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,119. Bonaparte Pedigree, including his Collateral Branches, and Great Military and State Officers. 4th edition. Lond. 1814, 16°' 304 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Bonaparte — Das Haus Buonaparte, ein genealogischer Versuch, bv Christoph Friedrich Cotta. Carlsruhe. 1814, 8«- Buonaparte sa famille et sa cour par un chambellan force a I'etre. 2 vols. Paris, 1816, 8«- -Memoirs of Napoleon Bona- parte, his Court and Family, by Madame Junot, Duchess d'Abrantes. With portraits of the Buonapartes. 2 vols. 1836. 8« -Biographic de la famille Bona- parte, par Henri Carred. Paris, 1848, folio sheet. -A genealogical table of the Bonaparte Family. London, 1852, 4<''- Napoleon Dynasty ; or, the History of the Bonaparte Family, an entirely new work, by the Berkeley Men. New York, 1852. 8«- Napoleon Louis, and his Times ; with notices of his writings ; a Memoir of the Bonaparte Family, etc., by Henry W. De Puy. New York, 1856. S"' -Symbolisme des noms de Bonaparte et de Napoleon, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1859. 8"- The Marriaores of the Bona- partes, by the Hon. Dennis Arthur Bingham. 2 vols. Lond. 1881, 8"- 2nd edition, 1882. -The Life of Napoleon Bona- parte, with biographies of the Bonaparte Family and Napoleon the Third, by John Stevens Cabot Abbott. Lond. 1882, 83. 80- -The Family of Bonaparte and its branches. Single sheet. Lond. 1885 -Le Prince Lucien Bonaparte et sa Famille. 1889, 8o- Bonar — The Bonar Family of Bonare, &c. See " Popular Genealogists," Edinb. 18G5, 8«- Bond — Pedigree of the Family of Bond, of the Isle of Purbeck, in the County of Dorset, by Thomas Bond. Lond. 1839, fol. Another edition in 1858. Privately printed. Bond pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Bonfils — Genealogie historique et authen- lique des Families Bonfils et de Lapey- rouse-liochon, suivie d'un Appendice sur Aug. la Maison de Montholon, par Castan. Besan9on, 1856, 8°- Bonnault — De Bonnault, seigneurs de Saint-Georges, etc. par F. Combes d'Auriac. Par. 1855, 4"- Bonne — Histoire Genealogique des Families de Bonne, de Crequy, de Blanchefort, d'Agout, de Vesc, de Montlor, de Maubec, et de Montauban, par Guy Allard. Grenoble, 1672, 40. Bonneval — Notice historique sur la Mai- son de Bonneval, par L. Valter. Par. 1844, 8"- Bontecou — The Bontecou Genealogy. A Kocord of the Descendants of Pierre Bontecou, a Huguenot llefugee from France, in the Lines of his Sons, by John E. Morris. Hartford, Conn. 1885, 8«- The Ancestry of Daniel Bonticou of Springfield, Mass. by John E. Morris. Hartford, Conn. 1887, 8«- Bontine — Case of W. Cunninghame Bontine, Esq. in opposition to the claims of Mrs. M. Barclay Allardice, Widow, to the dignities of Earl of Strathern etc., 1871. Minutes of Evidence on the above Case, Sessional Facers, 1870—74. Bonython — The Bonythons, of Bonython, in Cornwall. See " Gentleman's Maga- zine," Feb. 1868, p. 179 ; also " The Antiquary." April. 1881, p. 191. The Bonython Family of Maine, by Dr. Charles E. Banks. 1884, PP 7, Booge — A Short and General Account of the Family of People by the name of Booge in the United States. Privately printed. Booth — Genealogical Tables of the Noble Families of Grey, and of Booth, Baron Delamer. Compiled by Joseph Edmondson, 1770, fol. Boothe — The Family of Richard Boothe (an original settler in Stratford, Conn.) traced through some branches of his posterity. New York. 1862. 12"- Records of some Robert Boothe, of Saco, Maine, 1642. Compiled by J. H. Booth. Milwaukee, 1869-1877. -Genealogical of the Descendants of yo. Printed for free distribution, Family Histories, Pedi&eees, and Peerage Cases. 305 Bophin — The case of the cliildren of Col. J. B., commonly called Lord Bophin, hy John Burke. Single sheet. Lond. 1700? Borgia — Saggio di Albero Genealogico e di raemorie su la famiglia Borgia, by L. N. Cittadella. Torino, 1872. 8°- Borlase — History of the Family of Borlase, of Cornwall, The Genealogist^ New series, vol. 2. Lond. 1885, 8<^ The Descent, Name and Arms of Borlase of Borlase, by W. C. Borlase. Lond. 1889. Borradaile — Sketch of the Borradailes of Cumberland, by A. F. Borradaile. Lond. 1881, 4o- Borrett-Collection concerning the Family of Borrett, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Borron — Borron Genealogy. Compiled by J. Paul Rylands. Printed for private circulation, 1873, 4"- Borthwiek — Claim of Henry Berth wick to the title of Lord Borthwiek, see Sessional Papers, Jan. — Apr. 1762. Case of Henry Morthwick, claiming the title of Lord Borthwiek, March i762. Keprinted in 1868. Case of John Borthwiek of Crookstown, claiming the title of Lord Borthwiek, March, 1762. Reprinted in 1868. -Claim of John Borthwiek, Esq., to the title of Lord Borthwiek. See Sessional Papers. Feb. 1774 — Nov. 1776. Claim of Archibald Borthwiek, Esq., to the title of Lord Borthwiek. See Sessional Papers, 83 of 1812 ; 26 of 1812—13 ; 77 of 1813—14 ; 49 of 1814—15. -Claim of Cunninghame Borth wick to the title of Lord Borthwiek, See Sessional Papers, C of 1868 — 9 ; B of 1870. Bossi — Chronica Bossiana, with a genea- logical table of the Visconti, by Donati Bossii. Mediolaui, 1492. fol. Bostock, see Cotgreve. Bostock — Pedigrees of the Family of Botestoch or Bostok. Brit. Mus. Harl. Rolls A 31, 32. Bosville — Some Account of Maidstone in Kent, to which are added Genealogical Tables of the Bosville FamilJ^, by J. H. Baverstock. Lond. 1832, S'^- Bosville — Notes respecting the Family of Bosville, of Newhall. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 900, f. 439. Boteler, sec also Stanley. Boteler — Notes on the Armorial Bearings of Boteler, of Brantfield, in Herts, and Drake of Devon, by Sir W. Drake. Privately printed, 1874, 8"- Botetourt pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Botetourt, Barony of, see Berkeley: Botfield, see also Thynne. Botfield — Stemmata Botevilliana. Memo- rials of the Family of Botfield, anciently Boteville, in the County of Salop. Norton Hall, 1843, 4«- Only 25 copies printed. Stemmata Botevilliana. Memo- rials of the Families of De Boteville. Thynne, and Botfield, by Beriah Bot- field. Westminster, 1858, 4P- Bouberch — Details historiques, genealo- giques et heraldiques sur Robert de Rouberch et sur la Maison du meme nom, par le comte de Roubers-Abbe- ville-Tuncit. Amiens, 1842, 8o- Notice sur la Maison de Bou- bers-AbbeviUe-Tunci. Par. 1845, 8o- Boucherat — Le Coq royal, ou le Blazon mysterieux des Armes de Mons. Boucherat, par Brice Bauderon de Senecey. Mascon, 1687, 12^- Bouglon — Notice historique sur la Famille de Bouglon. Extrait de la Pevue Hist, de la Noblesse, par Jules Delpit. Par. 1841, 8«- Bouille — Maison de Bouille par le comte de Bouille. Bordeaux, 1857, 8o- Bouillon — Discours du duche de Bouillon et du rang des dues de Bouillon, par Ch. Justel. Paris, 1633, 4'^- Actes et Titres de la Maison de Bouillon, avec des remarques, par De Gaigniers. Par. et Col. 1698, 12«- Boulter — Two brief genealogical tables showing certain descents in tlie Family of Boulter of Worcestershire, and Kingston-upon-HuU. Privately printed by W. C. B. 1871. Bouquier — Famille de Bouquier. Ex- trait de I'hist. her. et univ. de Noblesse de Provence, par Artefeuil. Mars. X853, 80- 306 Family Histories, PEDiaEEEs, and Peeeage Cases. Bourbon — Memoires et Recueil de I'Ori- gine, Alliance et Succession de la Royale Faraille de Bourbon. [Attribues a P. de Belloy et a Pellisson.] La Rochelle, 1587, 80- Genealogie regise domus Bor- bonise. Paris, 1590, fol. -Histoire du Roy Loys IX. avec la genealogie de la Maison de Bourbon, par Jean, Sire de Joinville. Genevse, 1505, 12"- Memoirs deJean, Sire de Joinville, avec la genealogie de la Mai- son de Bourbon, par Jean, Sire de Joinville. Paris, 1G66, 12«- -Descente Genealogique de la Maison de Bourbon, depuis St. Louis jusqu' a present, par Henry De Montagu. Paris, 1609, 8'^- ■Genealogical tree of the House of Bourbon. Paris, 1620, fol. Genealosrie de la Maison Royale de Bourbon, par Charles Ber nard. Paris, 1644, fol. -Genealogie de la Maison Royale de Bourbon, avec les eloges et les portraits des Princes qui en sont sortis, par Ch. Bernard. Paris, 1646, fol. -History of the Royal Families of Austria and Bourbon, by J. Banks. 1708. ^ Enlaces Genealogicos de las Augustas Casas de Bourbon y Austria, by Macedo, consisting entirely of genealogical tables. Valencia. 1765, fol. Histoire de la Maison de Bourbon, par J. L. RipaultDesormeaux. 5 vols. Paris, 1772—88, 4"- ■ Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, 1700 — 1788 by Archdeacon Coxe. 5 vols. Lond. 1815, S'>- Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale de Bourbon, par N. L. Achaintre. 2 vols. Palis, 1825, 8^- -Historical Memoirs of the House of Bourbon. 2 vols. 1831, 8o- Les six d'Orlcans. Essai Bourbon — Histoire des Dues de Bourbon et des Comtes de Forez, par Jean-Marie de la Mure. 3 vols. Paris, 1860-68, 4o- •Genealogie de la Maison de Bourbon, 1256 a 1869, par L. E. Dus- sieux. Paris, 1869, 8°- Genealogical Chart, shewing all the branches of the Ex-Royal House of Bourbon, now living, etc. by F. J. Jeffery. Lond. 1869, 8«- Album Genealogique des Princes de la Maison de Bourbon, par V. A. Dumax. Paris, 1873, fol. Armorial du Bourbonnais, par le C*® George de Soultrait. Moulins, 1875, fol. -Les Bourbons de France, par A. de Cesena, 1887. Bourchier, see also Berners ; Cocke. Bourchier pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Genealogies of the Families of Bourchier, Cranfield, and Greville. MS. No. 19. Knole Park, Co. Kent. Bourgoing — Notice historique et genea- logique sur la famille de Bourgoing en Nivernais et a Paris, par lo comte George de Soultrait. Lyon, 1855. 8"- Bourke — List of manuscripts relating to the family of Bourke, with a Genealogy of the family of Mac William Bourke. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,515. Bournonville — Descente genealogique de rillustre Maison de Bournonville, par Pierre d'Hozier. Paris, 1657, fol. Doze frutos de la Muy An- Historique sur la branche Cadette de ' la Maison de Bourbon. Paris, 1835, 8°- -Extrait des genealogies des Maisons de Bourbon, de Bretagne et de Trogoff-Kerlessjs. Par. 1846, fol. tigua y Ilustre Casa de Bournonville, by E. Casallos. Barcelona, 1680, fol. Bouteiller — Maison de Bouteiller, par M. de Birague. Paris, 1854, fol. Boutery — Notice sur la Maison de Bou- tery, par un Gentilhomme Picard (M le Marq. de Belleval.) Amiens, 1860, 8°- Bouton — Histoire Genealogique des Comtes de Chamilly de la Maison de Bouton, au Duchc de Bourgopgne, par Pierre Palliot. 2 parts Dijon 1665 and 1671. fol. Bowdoin, see Temple. Bowen, see Hughes. Bower — Pedigree of the Ancient Family of Bowers, in the Counties of Wilts, Dorset, Somerset and Southampton, 1632. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 307 Bower — Notes concerning the Bower Family of Gloucestershire, by Herbert Bower, 1871. Printed for private cir- culation. Kev. John Bovver, first Minister of Derby, Conn., and his Descendants, by C. C. Baldwin. Privately printed, 1879. 8«- Bowers, see Johnson. Bowes, see also Boase. Bowes — Illuminated Pedigree of the Bowes Family. Vellum roll, Elford Manor House. Bowes pedigree, with genealogi- cal notes, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,119. Claim of the lit. Hon. Thomas Bowes to the Titles of Earl of Strath- more and Kinghorn ; also the Petition of John Bowes, claiming the same Titles. Sessional Papers, 1821. l^owett — Pedigree of Bowett, of Hurst- pierpoint. See Sussex Archceological Collections, vol. xi. 1859. Also Coll. Top. et. Gen., part 32, pp. 340—60. Boyce, see Druce. Boyd — Notices of the Family of Boyd. See The History of Killmarnock, by Archibald M'Kay, pp. 19—37. Kill- marnock, 1864, 8''- The History of the Boyd Family and Descendants, by William P. Bovd. Conesus, N. Y., 1884, 8^- Boyle — Papers relating to the Family of Boyle, 1598—1640. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,832. ^Memorials of the Illustrious Family of Boyle, particularly of Charles, Earl of Orrery, by E. Budgell, 1732, 8o- -Memoirs of the lives and cha- racters of the Family of the Boyles, particularly of Charles Earl of Orrery, by E. Budgell ; with an appendix, containing the character of E,. Boyle, by Bishop Burnet and others. Third w edition, Lond. 1737, 8°- m Memoir of the Lives and Char- acters of the illustrious family of the Boyles ; one Henry Boyle, Speaker of the House of Commons, and Lord Justice of Ireland. Dubl. 1754, 12°- -Sixty-four " Quartiers " of Major Gerald Edmund Boyle, and his Brothers and Sisters, by * Edmund Montagu Boyle. Single sheet, 1882, Boylston, see Vinton Genealogy. Boyne — Claim of Gustavus Frederic, Viscount Boyne, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, 0. of 1855. Boynton — American Boynton Directory, containing the Address of all known Boyntons, Boyingtons and Byingtons in the United States and British Dominions, by JohnFarnham Boynton. Syracuse, N.Y. 1884, 8«- Boys — A Pedigree of the Family of Boys, by W. Boys and W. Boteler. Printed on a single sheet for private distribution, Brabant — Genealogy of the House of Brabant from the year 51 B.C. to the time of Philip 2nd of Spain, A.D. 1565. [In Dutch.] Gheprint Thantwerpen, 1565, fol. Brabazon — Genealogical History of the Brabazon Family, from its origin to Sir William Brabazon, who died in 1552, and thence down to Sir W. J. Brabazon now surviving. Edited by H. Sharpe. Paris, 1825, 4^- Privately printed. Bracebridge — The Family of Bracebridge, of Atherstone, etc. See Shakespereana^ by G. P. French, p. 510. Bracket, see Hughes. Bradbury, see also Goodwin. Bradbury Memorial. Record of some of the Descendants of Thomas Bradbury of Agamenticus (York) in 1634, and of SaUsbury, Mass. in 1638. With a brief sketch of the Bradburys of Eng- land, compiled from the collections of John M. Bradbury, by Wm. B. Lapham. Portland, 1890, 8°- Braddill — Evidences of the Braddill Family, from the reign of Edward I. to Charles II. MS. No. xyii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Bradford — Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of William Bradford, of New Plymouth, by Guy M. Fessenden. Boston, 1850, 8°- Bradley — History of the Bradlee Family, with particular reference to the Des- cendants of Nathanial Bradley, of Dorchester, Mass., by Samuel Bradlee Doggett. Boston, 1878, S^- Bradshaw — An account of the Bradshaw family aud of Joho Bradshaw, the 308 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. President of the Hij^h Court of Justice which condemned King Charles. See Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire, by James Croston. Man- chester, 1882. Braganza — Genealogical Account of tlie Family of Braganza, 1580. MS, Hat- held House. Bragdon, see Leighton. Bragelongne — Discours gonealogique. Origine et genealogie de la Maison de Bragelongne, par Pierre de Brage- longne. Paris, 1689, 8«- Brahaea — Genealogia Brahsea, sive Cer- tissimse traducis Pervetustse Prosapise Illustrissimorum comitum Brahseorum, Comitum in Wisingsburg, L. Baronum de Ridboholm et Lindholm, &c., by Joh. Gustavi (Enewinge. Holmise, 1647, fol, Imagines Illustrissime Familias Brahese. Wisingsburg, 1673, fol. Braham pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Brampton pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19119. Braraston — Autobiography of Sir John Bramston, K.B. of Skreens, from the original Family MS., with Pedigree. Camden Society, Lond. 1845, 4"- Bramston pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,120. Brancas — Notice historique sur la Maison des Dues de Brancas, de Lauraguais, etc., par E. Dutilleul. Par. 1856, 8»- Pieces et documents pour M. Hibon de Frohen, grand d'Espagne et ducde Brancas, etc. Avec tableau genea- logique. Par. 1859, 4" Brand — Original grant of Arms and Crest to Ellis Brand, Esq. of Whersted, CO. Suffolk, 1741. Brit. Mus. Add. Koll 27,004. Collection concerning the Family of Brand, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,120. Brandenbourg — Kitratti della Casa Elet- torale di Brandeburgo. G. Leti. 2 vols. Amst. 1687. 4P- Memoires Brandenbourg — Anecdotes pour servir a I'histoirie de la Maison de Brandebourg. Franc. 1772. S^- —Copper-plates of Sundry Medals of the Family of Brandenburg. 40- No date. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, by L. Iv-anke, from the German by Sir Alex, and Lady Gordon* Lond. 1849. 8°- -Genealogy of the Swabian pour servir a I'Histoire de Brandebourg. Berl, 1750. branch of the House of Brandenburg, from 1380 to 1759. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,712. Brandon — Collection concerning the Family of Brandon, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,120. Copies of various Papers, etc. relating to the Peerages of Brandon ' and Dover, (about 1769) 4«' Pri- vately printed by the Duke of Hamil- ton. Case of the Most Noble Doug- las, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, touching the Peerage of Brandon. Large folio, 1782. Braose, see also Breose ; Bruce. Braose — Notices of the last of the Braose Family ; the Family of Lord Hoo and Hastings ; and of the family of Oxen- bridge of Sussex, by W. D. Cooper. Lond. 1856, 8«- Eeprinted from the Stcssex Archceological Collections, vol. VIII. The Family of De Braose, 1066 — 1326, by Dudley George Cary Elwes. Lond. 1883, 8"- Braque — Observation sur les Titres de la Maison de Braque, par Francois de Braque. Par. 1685, 4"- Brattle — An Account of some Descend- ants of Capt. Thomas Brattle, compiled by Edward Doubleday Harris. 1867, 4«- Bray, see also Vaux. Bray — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Bray of Barrington, Cos. Gloucester and Berks. Privately printed. Braye, Peerage, see Cave. Brayes, see Dreux. Breadalbane — Contribution to Historical Genealogy. The Breadalbane Succes- sion Case : How it rose and how , it stands, by James Paterson. Edinb, 1863, 8"- Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 309 Breadalbane — Statement of the Breadal- baue Case, by A. Sinclair. Glasgow, 1866, 8«- Address to the Peers by the Dowager Countess of Breadalbane and Holland, with Pedigree. Peb. 1877, fol. pp. 14. ]]readalbane Peerage, see Campbell, Jjreakenridge — Genealogy of the Des- cendants of James Breakenridge, who emigrated from Ireland, 1727. Col- lected by Cornilea A. Gould. Ware, Mass. 1887, 8«- Brechin, see Panmure. Brecht — Genealogie de la Famille de Brecht. Small folio, 1780 ? Privately printed. Breda — Histoire de la souverainete de Sheerenberg, par C. A. Serrure. Seconde partie contenant la genealogie de la Maison de Iireda. Gand, 1859, 4°- Brederode — Historia genealogica Brede- rodiorum ; auctore Petro Cornelissonio Brockenbergio. Ing.-Bat. 1587, S^- Origine, progres. etc. des illus- tres Seigneurs de Brederode, par Paulus Voet. Amst. 1663, 4o- Het Kasteel en die Edelen van Brederode, Mit vier platen, etc. Amst. 1861, 4«- Brehaut — Genealogie de la maison de Brehaut en Bretagne. Par. 1867, 8°' Supplement a la genealogie de la maison de Brehaut. Par. 1869, 8®- Breose — Genealogy of the Family of Breose, Barons of Gower. Beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Brereton — Observations upon one of the old Cheshire Families, by Sir Fortu- natus Dwarris. See " Archseologia," vol. xxxiii. Lond. 1849, 4i^- Bresson — Biographies des membres de la Famille Bresson, par Henri Leon Bresson. Paris, 1888, 8°- Bret — Maison le Bret. Genealogie His- torique, par le Comte Eobert Cardin le Bret. Le Mans, 1889, 4o- Breton — Account of the f amilv of Brito or Breton. MS.l^. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Brett— The Brett Family. [A sketch]. By Frederick Brown. Privately printed 1882, 8«- Breul — Notice sur la Maison du J^reul de Sacconney, par P. L. Laiue. Par, 1828, 80- Brewes — Collection concerning the Family of Brewes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19120. Brews — Pedigree of the Ancient Family of Brews. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, f. 8. Brewster — Collection concerning the Familv of Brewster, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19120. Briconnet — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Briconnets, par Guy Bretonneau. Paris, 1620, 4P- Another edition, 1628. Bridge — An Account of the Descendants of John Bridge, one of the Early Settlers of Cambridge, 1632, by the Rev. Wm. F. Bridge. Boston, 1884, S'>- Bridges — Claim of Sir Brook W. Bridges, Bart., to be Baron Fitz waiter. See Sessional Papers, 159 of 1842 ; 104 of 1843 ; 51 of 1844. Case of Sir Brook W. Bridges, Bart, with pedigrees and suj)plement. 1842. Bridgewater, Earl of, see Egerton. Briechin, see Maule. Brienne — Histoire des Comtes de Brienne, contenant un precis genealogique de cette illustre maison, par Bourgeois. Troyes, no date, 8°- Les Seigneurs de Brienne, par le vicomte Ferdinand de Maussarre. Par. 1856, 8°- Brigantes, see Douglas. Briggs — A Partial liecord of the Des- cendants of Walter Briggs of West- chester, N.Y. To which is added some account of his ancestry, collateral branches, etc. by Sam. Briggs. Cleve- land, 1878, 4P' Printed for private circulation. The Archives of the Briggs Family, by Samuel Briggs. Cleveland, Ohio, 1880, 8°- -We and Our Kinsfolk. Ephraim and Rebekah Waterman Briggs. With a few Collateral Branches. Edited by Mary Balch Briggs. Boston, 1887, S^- Brigham — A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puri- tans, by the Rev. Abner Morse. [Volume II. is devoted to the genealogy of the family of the Brighams, sprung from Thomas Brigham of Cambridge.] Boston, 1859, 8«- 310 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Casks. Bright— The Brights of Suffolk, England; represented in America by the descend- ants of Henry Bright, Jun., by J. B. Bright. Boston, 1858, S'^- Brinon — Genealogie de la Maison de Brinon, par Dn Kosset. Par. 1057, fol. Brinton —The Brinton Family, by Daniel G. Brinton, of Media, Pennsylvania. Privately printed, 1879, 4'^- Brisbane — Genealogical Tables of the Families of Brisbane of Bishoptoan and Brisbane ; Makdougall of Makerstoun ; and of Hay of Alderstoun, etc., from family title-deeds, etc., by William Fraser. Edinb. 1840, fol. Brittany, Duke of, " Begistrum Honoris de Richmond," by Roger Gale, folding table after preface. Lond. 1722, fol. Brittany, Earl of, pedigrees with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19120. Broc — History of the Family of Broc, of Shephale. See " Halstead's Succinct Genealogies," 1085. Brocas — The Family of Brocas, of Beaure- paire and Roche Court, by Montagu Burrows. Lond. 1880, 8'^- The House of Brocas, by Mon- tagu Burrows. Revised by T. E. Kebbel in the National Review, April 1887. Brock, see Tupper. Brodie — The Genealogy of the Brodie Family, from Malcolm, Thane of Brodie, 1249—1802, by W. Brodie. Eastbourne, 1802, obi. fol. Brodrick — Genealogical Memoranda rela- ting to the Family of Brodrick. Lond. 1872, 4"- Printed for private circula- tion. ■ Claim of the Riglit Hon. Charles Brodrick, Viscount Middleton, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, IQloi 1854, Broglie — Genealogie de la Maison de Broglie. Par. 1843, 8'^- Broke — Notices of the Family of Broke. See Journ. of the Brit. Arch. Associ- ation, vol. xxix, p. 228. Brome pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19120. Bromley, sec Cromwell. Bromley — Stemmata et Propagation es Antiqua Familiie de Bromleigh Comi- tus Salopise, 1623. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32059, f. 87. Pedigree of Bromley, Lord Montfort, Baron of Horseth, with coloured Arms, 1708. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812, f. 179 b. Account of the Family of Bromley of Holt Castle in Worcester- shire, 1780. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5842, ff. 139, 277—285. Bronte — The Bronte Family, with special reference to Patrick Bramwell Bronte, by Francis A. Ley land. 2 vols. Lond. 1880, 8^- Brook — Extracts from the Court Rolls of the Manor of Claverley relating to the ancient family of Brook ; with a detail of the family including that of Sir Robert Brook, by William Hardwick. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,245. Brooke — Pedigree of Sir John Brooke claiming to be Lord Cobham, by George Owen, York Herald. MS. L. J., X. 157. House of Lords. -The Pedis'ree, shewins^ the 32 quarters, of Brooke, Lord Cobham, temp. Eliz. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P, 1. -Collection concerning the Family of Brooke, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19120. Brooke, Barony of, see Verney. Brooks Memorial. Communications on the Death of Charles T. Brooks of Newport, R. I by E. f3. Willson, etc., with a brief genealogy by Luke Brooks. Salem, 1884, 8'^- Broome — Pedigree of the Family of Broome, of Sandbach, Cheshire. Single sheet. Brossard — Tableau gcnealogique et historique de la Maison de Brossard, par Jacques du Frementel. 1705, 4P- Brosse — Notes historiques sur la Ville, le Chateau de Boussac et la famille de Brosse, par M. Aucapitaine. Par. 1853, 8"- Brotherton — Genealogy of the Family of Brotherton, Earls of Norfolk "^and Marshals of England. Arms beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Brothier — Origine des Families Brothier, Comtes d'Antioche, anciens seigneurs de Lavaux, Rolliere, des Roys de Chambes etc. ; en Poitou, Nivernais, Aunis et Savoie. Broadside, 1880. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 311 Brouchoven — Genealogie de la Maison de Brouchoven, par M. D^^^ S. D. H^^ (de Visiano, sieur de Hoove.) 1771, fol. Broughton pedigree, with genealogical notes, by T>. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Browell — The Browell Family. Diary of Mark Browell, of Newcastle, gent. J^ew castle Beprints, vol. i., by H. A. Richardson, 1817, 8°- Only 100 copies printed. Brown — Memorials of the Browns of Fordell, Finmount, and Vicarsgrange, by Robert R. Stodart. Printed for private circulation, 4P- The Browns of Nottino-ham. [By Gilbert Cope, of West Chester, Pennsylvania.] Privately printed. -Family Record of Silas Brown, Jr. New York, 1879, 80' A Monograph of the Notice of the Ancient Family of Broun of Colstoun in Crawford's MS. Baronage, by J. B. Brown-Morison. Privately printed, 1881. -A Biographical sketch of Capt. Oliver Brown, an Officer of the Revolu tionary Army, New York. [With a genealogical account of his descendants, etc.] By the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1882, 8o- Privately printed. Browne, see also Lynde. Browne — Collection concerning the Family of Browne, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Pedigree of the Family of Browne of Frampton in Dorsetshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5839, p. 464. Genealogical Memoranda re- lating to the Browne and Hawkins Families. Privately printed, n.d. Sir Anthony Browne and his Descendants. See " Ancestral Stories of Great Families," by John Timbs. Lond. 1869, 8"- -The Chad Browne Memorial, consisting of genealogical memoirs of a portion of the descendants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne. With an Appendix, containing sketches of other Early Rhode Island Settlers, 163a»to 1888. Compiled by a Descendant. Brooklyn, 1888, 80- Privately printed. Browne — The Browne Family, Viscount Montacute. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province^ 2nd Series, p. 428. Statement of the Claim of Henry Browne, Esq. to the dignity of Viscount Montague, by H. Prater, Esq. Lond. 1849, 8o- Case of Henry Browne, Esq., on his claim to the title of Viscount Montague, 1851, 4«- With four folded pedigrees. Brownrigg pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Brace, see also Balfour ; Upton. Bruce, Barony of, see Buckingham. Bruce — History of the Family of Bruce. See Drummond's Nohle British Fami- lies, vol. I. A Genealogical view of the origin and descent of the Bruce Family, in the History of Scotland, by R. Kerr, i. XXV. — xlix. Genealogy of the branch of the Bruce Family settled in Ireland, Heirs Male of the Bruces of Newtoune, and eldest Cadets of Airth. Broadside. Three Letters, containing Re- marks on some of the numberless Errors and Defects in Dugdale's Baron- age, by Charles Hornbj'. Lond. 1738, 8**- [This work relates to the families of Clare and Bruce.] Sir George. [A plate of the tomb of Sir George Bruce in the Church of Culross, Perthshire.] Lond. 1852,fol. The Descent of the Lands of Kennet and the Barony of Burleigh. 18(50, 4P- Privately printed. -Pedigree of the Bruces, Barons Bruce of Kinloss, showing the heirs of line and the collateral heirs male. Broadside, 1865 ? Remarks on the Scottish Peer- ages, particularly with reference to the Barony of Bruce, of Kinloss, by James E. Brudenall Bruce. Lond. 1868, 8o- Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns, with an historical introduction, by M. E. C. Bruce. Edinb. 1870, 4P- Notes on the Origin of the Baronial House of Bruce of Airth, by Major W. B. Armstrong, 1887. 312 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Bruce — An Historical Account of the Family of Brus, op Bruce, of Skelton and Danbj Castle, in Yorkshire ; as also of the lloyal Family of Bruce in Scotland. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3879. Acoount of the royal and noble family of Bruce, from the Conquest ; with pedigrees of Braose, Connington, Eure, Tison, Constable, Clifford, Fitz- hugh, Hastings, Omfraville, and others. MS. N. 2. Campsall Hall, Co. York. -Descent of the Family of Bruce. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8539. Genealogical table of Bruce, Earl of Elgin. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28569 f. 164. Case on behalf of Kobert Bruce of Kennet, claiming dignities of Lord Balfour of Burleigh, etc. Lond. n.d. fol. Bruning — Pedigree of the Family of Bruning, of Wymering and East Meon, near Havant, Co. Hampshire, from Edw. I. by John Philipot, Somerset Herald of Arms. 1629. Vellum roll, belonging to C. J. Eyston, Esq. of East Hendred, Wantage. Brunne— Historisch-GenealogischeBesch- reibung des uhralten adelichen Gesch- lechts derer von Brunne, by Thomas Philipp Hagen. BerHn, 1759, 4°' Brunswick — Genealogies of the Princely Houses of Brunswick and Luneburg, with coloured Portraits and Coats of Arms, from 919 to 1641. 2 vols., large folio. Brit. Mus. Kings MSS. 168; 169. The Genealogy of the Most Serene and Most Illustrious House of Brunswick and Lunenburg, the present Koyal Family of Great Britain, by John Disney. A.D. 1714. Broadsides. The History of the Most Serene House of Brunswick-Lunen- burgh, in all the Branches : from its Origin to the Death of Queen ..Vnne, by I). J. [David Jones,] Lond. 1715, go. A Genealogical History of the House of Brunswick and Lunen- burg, by J. F. Feller. Leipsic, 1717, 80- Memoirs of the House of Brunswick, from the most early accounts of that illustrious Family to the end of the reign of King George I. To which are added eight large Tables comprehending the Genealogy of that House, by H. llimius. Lond. 1750, 40- A Succinct History of the Houses of Brunswic, Brandenburgh, Saxe-Gotha, and Mecklenburgh. Pre- fixed to the liev. Alex. Jacob's Complete English Peerage. Lond. 1766, fol. Memoirs of the House of nrunswic-Lunenburg, Kings of Eng- land, George I., IL, III,, by Belsham. 6 vols. Lond. 1793-95, 8"- Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, by E. Gibbon. Lond. 1814, 40- History of the House of Brunswick, by W. Beid. 1816, 4"- Genealogy of the House of Brunswick, by Sir A. Halliday. Lond. 1821, 8°- — ■ Une Mesalliance dans la Maison de Brunswick (1665-1725), Eleonore Desmier d'Olbreuze Duchesse de Zell, par le Vicomte Horric de Beaucaire. Paris, 1884, 8°- A Mesalliance in the House of Brunswick, from the French of Viscount Horric de Beaucaire. Lond. 1886, 80- The Brunswick Accession, b}- M. Thornton. Lond. 1887, Percy 80- Bruyere — La Genealogie de la Famille de la Bru;yere en Dauphine, par Guy Allard. No date, 4''- Bryan — Notes concerning the Family of Bryan, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19120. Claim of George Bryan, Esq , of Jenkinstown, to be Lord Baron of Slane. See 8essio?ial JPapers, 157 of 1830 ; 64 of 1830—31 ; 41, 75 of 1831. Case of George Bryan claiming the Barony of Slane, folio. Additional case of George Bryan claiming the Barony of Slane. 1831 — 32. Brychan — The Genealogy and Issue of the Family of Brychan, by John Lewis, with remarks on the Brychan Descendants. Brit. Mus, Harl. MS. 4181, ff. 33—48. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 313 Brydges — Miscellaneous Notes regarding iirydges Alliances. Chandos claim of Peerage, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Paris? 182(>? fol. Memoir of the early pedigree of the family of Brydges, by Sir S. E, Brydges. Geneva, 1831 ? Single sheet. Pedigree of the Descendants of John Brydges of Harbledown. Folio. Single sheet. Proofs of the Pedigree of John Brydges of Harbledown. Folio. Single sheet. General Pedigree of the Rev. Edward Tymewell Brydges. Folio. Single sheet. List of the arreat shield of quarterings of Sir E. Brydges, made out by Edmund Lodge. Lond. 1826, fol. Atavise Begiae, by Sir Eger- ton Brydges. Florence, 1820, 4"- [Contains genealogical tables of the families connected with that of Brydges.] Privately printed. -Stemmata Illustria prsecique Regise, auotore Sir Egerton de Bruges, Bart. Paris, 1825, fol. Lecc Terra, a Discussion on the Laws of England (Letters, Notes, and Poems relating to the Brydges family). Geneva, 1830—31, 8«- Claim of E. T. Brydges, Clerk, to the Barony of Chandos, 1790. Folio. -The Case of Edward Tyme- well Brydges. claiming the Barony of Chandos of Sudeley, with Appendices, pp. 24. Folio. See also Sessional Papers, 1790 and 1802—3. Bucareli — Nobleza de la f amilia y casa de Bucareli. Madrid, 1775, 4°- Buccleuch — The Ettricke Garland : being two songs on the lifting of the banner of the House of Buccleuch. [By Sir Walter Scott and James Hogg.] Edinb. 1815, S^- The Buccleuch Family. "Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878, 8^ Buchan, Earldom of, see Mackenzie. Buchanan — Account of the Family of Buchanan of Leny, by Robert Buchanan, about 1560. MS. No. 50Jbelouging to Sir John Maxwell Stirling Maxwell of Keir. Buchanan — A Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Family, and surname of Buchanan, by W. Buchanan. Glas- gow, 1723, 8«- " Inquiry into the Genealogy, etc. of Highland Clans and Families of Buchanan, by W. Buchanan, Esq. Edinb. 1755, S^- Reprinted, Glasgow, 1820, 120- -History of the Ancient Sur- name of Buchanan, and of Ancient Scottish Surnames, by W. Buchanan. Glas 1793, 8«- Buckhurst Peerage, see Sackville ; West. Buckingham, Duke of, see Villiers. Buckingham — Case of Richard Plantage- net, Duke of Buckingham and Cliandos, on his claim to the dignity of Lord Kinloss, 1867, pp. 10.— Supplemental case of the same, '1867, pp. 30. Petition of G.W.F. Mar- quis of Aylesbur}-, in opposition to the cHim of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Buckingham, etc., of the dignity of Lord Kinloss, 1867. Remarks on Scottish Peerages, particularlj' with reference to the Barony of Bruce, claimed by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, by Sir S. E. Brydges. Lond. 1868, The Buckingham Family ; or, the Descendants of Thomas Buckingham, One of the First Settlers of Milford, Conn., by Wm. A. Buck- ingham. Hartford, Conn. 1872, 8°- Buckler — Bucleriana : Notices of the Family of Buckler, by Charles Alban Buckler. Lond. 1886, 4o- Buckley, see Thomas. Buckner — Some account of the family of Buckner. See " A Royal Descent ; with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond. 1875 and 1881, 4«- Bude — L'Histoire genealogique de la Maison des Budes, par Jean le Laboureur. Paris, 1656, fol. Histoire du Comte de Guebriant Marechal de France, avec I'histoire Genealogique de la Maison des Budes, justifiee par des preuves authentiques, par Jean le Laboureur. Paris, 1657, fol. 314 Family Histokies, Pedtgeees, and Peeeage Cases. Bueil — Monuments Funeraires Epigra- phiques, Sigellographiqes, etc. de la Famille de Bueil. Societe Francaise. vol. XLiv. Paris, 1878, 8"- Buffon — Buffon, sa famille, ses eollabora- teurs et ses familiers, memoires, par Bazile, son secretaire, annotes et augmentes de documents inedits avec cinq portraits sur acier, par Nadault de Buffon. Paris, 1863, 8«- Bugby — A Kecord of some of the Des- cendants of Edward Bugby, who settled in Roxburv, Mass. in 1634. Killingly, Conn. 1877. 4P- Bugg — Surnames and Sirenames, and an historical account of the Names of Buggy and Bugg, by James Finlayson. Lond. [1863], 8«- ^ ^ Buisseret — Biographic des Families de Buisseret, de Cornemont et Vernimmen, par llaymond de Bertrand. Avec armoiries. Dunk. 1845, 8*'- Buisson — Memoire historique et genealo- gique sur la maison du Buisson, branche de Courson-Cristot, Normandie, par Du Buisson de Courson. Tarbes, 1868, S*'- Bukenham, see Bokenham* Bulkeley — The Bulkeley Family ; or the Descendants of Rev. Peter Bulkeley, who settled at Concord, Mass. in 1636. By Rev. F. W. Chapman. Hartford, 1875, 8«- Bullard, see Adams. Bullard — A Genealogical Sketch of Dr. Artemas Bullard, of Sutton, and his Descendants, by William Summer Barton. Worcester, 1878, 8o- Bullen — Pedigree and genealogical notes of the Family of Bullen. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2146 ff. Mt* — 21. Pedigree of the Bullen Family, with the Arms beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6160. Bully— Maison de Bully, notice histo- rique et genealogique, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1874, 8°- Billow — Familienbuch der von Biilow, bv J. F. J. von Biilow. Berl. 1850, fol." Geschichte des Wappens des Geschlechts von Biilow, by G. von Biilow. Berl. 1871, 4P- Bulstrode — Original Letters, by Sir Rich- ard Bulstrode. With a preface by E. Bysshe giving an account of the author's life and family. Lond. 1712, 8°- Bulstrode — Pedigree of the family of Bulstrode. See the History of Syon Monastery, hj G. J. Aungier. Lond. 1840, 8«- Bimbury — Collection concerning the Family of Bunbury, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Bunny — Entries relative to the Bunny Family, in the Normanton Parish Register, by W. S. Banks. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. iii. Lond. 1875, 80- Bunodiere — Genealogie et tables de la Maison de L. M. A. de la Bunodiere, etc. Rouen, 1771, 4«- Buonaparte, see Bonaparte. Burbank, see Barbank. Burdet, or Burdett. Appendix to the Case of Sir J. S. Sidney, claiming to be Lord Lisle. Burdett-Coutts — The Baroness Burdett- Coutts. "Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878, 80- Bures pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Burford — Account of the Barony of Burford, Co. Salop. See Journal of the British Archaological Association. vol. xxiv. pp. 136-150. Burgess and Egerton — Ataviae Regia?, by Sir Egerton Brydges. A genealogical worh^ relating to the families of Burgess and Egerton, comjiiled for private use, and of which only 60 copies inere printed. Florence, 1820, 4«- Burgess Genealogy : [Descendants of Thomas and Dorothy Burgess, who settled in the Plymouth Colony in 1637.] Privately printed. Boston, 1865, 8^- Burgh — Collection concerning the family of Burgh, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. The Genealogy of Burgh. The particular Families of the Burghes of Clarickard. Lamb. Lib. Carew MSS. 623, f . 58 ; 635, f. 26. Burghersh — Collection concerning the Family of burghersh, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Burghley, see Cecil. Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 31^ Burgundy — Histoire des Dues de Bour- gogne de la Maison de Valois, par M. de Barante. 13 vols. Paris, 1826, 12o- Histoire des Dues de Bour- gogne de la Maison de Valois, 1364- 1477, par M. De Barante. Enriche d'un grand noinbre de notes par M. ; Gachard. 2 vols. 1838, 8'' Les Dues de Bourgogne (Preuves), par Cointe de Laborde. 3 vols. Paris, 1849-52, 8'^ Genealogies of the House of Burgogne. MSS. E. Trinity College, Dublin. Burke — Pedigrees of the family of Burke, Earls of Clanricarde and Mayo down to 1748 and 1767 respectively ; with a list of persons that had or have any kindred or alliance with the same, by Chevalier Thomas O'Gorman. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,130. Papers relating to the family of Burke, of Ireland, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,683. History of the family of De Burgo, or Burke, in Latin and Irish, with coloured drawings. MS. Trinit}" College, Dublin. ■ —The Burke and Alvord Memorial. I. A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Ilichard Burke, of Sudbury, Mass. II. A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of Alex- ander Alvord, of Windsor, Ct., by John A Boutelle. Boston [Mass.] 18()4, 8°- Burleigh — The Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh Family of America, by Charles Burleigh. Portland, 1880, 8"- Burley — Grants and Descents of the Family of Burlev of Co. Salop. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS.'5814, f. 59, &c. Burlington — Claim of the Earl of Bur- lington to the Barony of Clifford See Sessionvl Papers, May, 1737. Case of Richard, Earl of Burlington, claiming the Barony of Clifford. Burnaby — Pedigree of the Family of Burnaby, of Leicestershire. See " Col- lectanea Genealogica," vol. i. Edited by Jos. Foster, Lond. 1881, 8<'- Burncs — Notes on the Name and Family of Burnes, by James Burute. Edinb. 1851, 8^- Printed for private circula- tion. Burnet — Letters and Papers relating to the Burnet Family, 1693—1803. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 11,403 ; 11,404. Burnett — Genealogical Account of the Family of Burnett, of Burnetland and Barnes, in the Sheriffdom and County of Peebles, by Montgomery Burnett. 1845, 4 • Another edition. Edinb. 1880, 4-- Burnham — The Burnham Family ; or Genealogical Records of the Descend- ants of the Four Emigrants of ths Name who were among the Early Settlers in America, by Robert Burn- ham. Hartford, 1869, 8"- Burns — Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns, and of the Scottish House of Burns. By the Rev. Charles Rogers. 1877, 8"- ■The Kilmarnock Mirror and. Literary Gleaner. (Burnsiana Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Biography, etc.) 2 vols Kilmarnock, 1818, &c.. 8°- Burr — A Genealogical History of the Burr Family in America, with a genea- logical record from 1570 to 1878, by Charles Burr Todd. New York, 1878, 8«- Burrage — The Burrage Memorial. A Genealogical History of the Descend- ants of John Burrage who settled in Charlestown, Mass. in 1637, by Alvah A. Burrage Boston, 1877, 8''- Burrel — Case of Peter Burrel, Esq., and P B.E. his wife, Baroness Willoughby d'Eresby, upon their claim to the office of Lord High Chamberlain of England. With Appendix, 1787. Burrell — Excerpta ex Registris Neopoli- tanis, spectantia ad familiam Burrel- lorum. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8674. Burroughs — Collection concerning the Family of Burroughs, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Burrow — An Account of the Manor of Starburgh in Lingfield, with the Arms and crest of Sir James Burrow^, Knt., 1760. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1967. Burton — Gen ealogiade Burton deLindley, CO. Leicester. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6046. Pedigree of the Family of Bur- ton, of Lincolnshire, 1192 to 1738. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,224. 316 Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, akd Peerage Cases. Burton — Pedigree of the Family of Bur- ton, of Burton Joyce, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Koll P. 12. Burwcll pedigree, with genealogical notes, by I). E. i)avy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Bus— Le Maison du Bus, par Felix- Victor Goethals. Busi — Grant of Arms to Carolo Francesco Busi, of Bergamo, 1718. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,061. Busk— The Genealogy of the Busk Family, and some of the collateral Branches, by Hans Busk. Lond. 1864, fol. Bussche — GeschichtedervondemBussche, by F. G. von dem Bussche, 2 vols. Hildesheim, 1887, fol. & 8«- Bussy, see Peverell. Butler, see also Dunboyne. Butler — Some Account of the Family of the Butlers, particularly of the late Duke of Ormond. London, 1716, 8«- Account of the Family of Butler of the House of Ormond, com- piled by Robert Rothe. MS. No. 3. Clonalis Castlerea. -Collection concerning the Family of Butler, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 19,121. Pedigree of the Butler Familv ofYalton. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. lb C. 1. p. 41. ■Genealogical Memoranda of the Butler Family; addressed to the Rev. Thos. Butler, by Walter Butler, with a continuation to 1844, by Captain John Butler. American Mission Press, 1845, 80- Thomas Butler and his Descen- dents, of Butler's Hill, South Berwick, Maine, 1674 to 1886, by Geo. H. Butler, New York, 1887. Some account of Deacon John Butler of Pelham, N.H. and of his descendants, by Caleb Butler. Privately printed, 1849, 8°- ■Butler Genealogy. Dedication of a Monument to Deacon John Butler, First Settler of Pelham, at Pelham, N.H. June 9, 1886. Albany, N.Y. 1887, 8^- -Butleriana, Genealogica et Bio- Descendants, as well as the Bates, Harris, Sigourney and other families, with which they have intermarried, by James Davie Butler. Albany, 1888, 8°- -Claim of Garret Butler, Esq., graphica : or Genealogical notes con- cerning Mary Butler and her to the Title and Dignity of Viscount of Galmoye, Avith Pedigree. Folio. Butterfield— The Butterfields of Middle- sex, by Geo. A. Gordon. Reprinted from the J^ew En(/. Gen. Begister, 1890. Buttevant, Viscount, see Barry. Button — Collections relating to the Families of D'Annville of Bitton, Gloucestershire ; and the Le Grand alias Button, of Wiltshire and Glamor- ganshire, by "Alton." Lond. 1888, 4°- Only 105 copies printed. Butts — Collection concerning the Family of Butts, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19121. Byam — Chronological Memoir of the Three Clerical Brethren, Henry, John, and Edward Byam, sons of Lawrence Byam of Luckham, from 1574 to 1614, etc. by E. S. Byam. Ryde, 1854, 12° • Chronological Memoir of the Byam Family, with pedigree shewing the descent from Caractacus, King of Britain, by Edward S. Byam. Tenby, 1862, 8«- Byrch — License to Col. Thos. Byrch, of Byrch, Lancashire, to bear and use the family arms granted to one of his pre- decessors for service against France, March 5, 1660. Record Office, MS. ccxx, 7. Byres, see also Weitzel. Byres — The Families of Moir and Bjtcs, by Andrew J. Mitchell Gill, of Savock. Edinb. 1885,40- Byrom — Pedigrees and Notes of the Family of Byrom. See The Private Journal, etc.. of John Byrom. Chet- ham Society, vol. xliv. Manchester, 1858, 4P- An account of the Byrom family, of Kersell Cell. See JVooks and Cornel's of Lancashire and Cheshire, by James Croston. Manchester, 1882. Notices of the Family of Byrom. See Journal of the British Archaeologi- cal Association, vol. xxviii. p. 396. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and PEERAaE Cases. 317 Byron, see also Gordon. Byron — Pedigree of George Gordon, Sixth Lord Byron of the Family of Burun or Buron or Byron, hy Edward Bernard. Lond. 1S70, folio sheet. Evidences of the Byron Family, by Christopher Towneley. MSS. v. and A^ii. Towneley Hall Burnley. • Original Correspondence of Lord Byton, with a pedigree of his family. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2611. Cabeza — Genealogia de la Casa de Cabeza de Vaca, by J. Pellicer de Tovar. Madrid, 1652, fol. Cabot — Memoire pour MM. de Cabot de la Fare, contre de Famille de la Fare. Mende (1828), 40- Cabrera — Casa de Cabrera en Cordoba ; obra genealogica, historica, dedicada al Senor D. Ferd. de Cabrera : que lleva en Cordoba la unica linea de varones agnados de esta casa. Cordoba, 1779, fol. Cadenhead — The Family of Cadenhead, by George Cadenhead. Aberdeen, 1887, St- eadier — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Cadier de Yeauce, etc. par M. de Martres. Paris, 1847, 4°- Cadogan — The Cadogan pedigree, with genealogieal notes, by I). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Patent of creation of William Lord Cadogan as Baron of Oakley, Co. Buck.. 1 May, 1718. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch. 16,154. Caernarvon, Earl of, see Dormer Csesar — History of the Twelve Caesars, first Emperors of Bome, b}^ Edward Leigh. Paisley, 1791, 12'^- Life of Sir Julius Csesar, Knt. With Memoirs of his Family and Descendants. Illustrated by seventeen portraits. To which is added "Numerus Infaustus," by Charles Csesar, Esq. Lond. 1810, 4'^- -Life of Sir Julius Csesar, Master of the Bolls to King James I. and Charles I., with Memoirs of his Family and Descendants, by Edm. Lodge. Lond. 1827, 4«- Caesennia — Petri Antonii Brascii de Familia Caesennia. Rome, 1731, 4^- Cage Pedigrees, with gene^ogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Cainea — Case of Sophia Delia Cainea to the Barony of Camovs, with pedigree, 1838, folio. Cais, see Dal-Cais. Caitlmess Family History, by John Hen- derson. 1884, 4"- Caithness, Earldom of, see Sinclair. Calaway, see Dawson. Caldwell Records. John and Sarah (Dill- ingham) Caldwell, Ipswich, Mass., and their Descendants ; Sketches of Fami- lies connected with them by Marriage ; Brief Notices of other Caldwell Fami- lies, by Augustine Caldwell. Boston, 1873, 8«- The Early Card wells, Notting- ham, England, by Augustine Caldwell, Ipswich, Mass. 1888, broadside. Call — Rubbing of the monumental stone of William Call, oh 1683, with notes relating to the family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,191, f. 95. Calmet — Illustrissimi Aug. Calmetii. Refutatio Systematis Genealogici a R. P. M. Hergott, compositi, E. Gallico. Ven. 1748, 4P- Calthorp — Collections relating to the Family of Calthorp. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 970, 988, 1154, 1438 ; Lans. 870 ; Add. 19122. Calverley, see also Blackett. Calverley — Transcripts of Charters, with various pedigrees and genealogical notes, by Simon Segar, 1714 ; and a Genea- logical and Historical account of the Calverley Family, by Ralph Thoresby. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27412. The Genealogy of the right antient and hon^'® family of Calverley of Calverley, by Simon Segar, 1715 ; with emblazoned arms. Vellum o^oU. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,414. Pedigree of the family of Calverley to the close of the 17th cen- tury, with emblazoned arms. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,415. -Genealogical accounts and pedigrees of the family of Calverley, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,410. -Descent of the Family of Calverley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,423, f. 182. Camano — Noticia de la Familia de Camano. Privately printed, n.d. 4°- 318 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Camelford, Lord, see Pitt. Cameron — The Life of Doctor A. Cam- eron, with a genealogy of the Camerons, by Archibald Cameron. Lond. 1752, Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, chief of the Clan Cameron; with Account of the History and Antiquities of that Family, and of the neighbouring Clans. Edited, with Notes and Appendix, bv James Macknight. Edinb. 1812, !«• " Camoys Peerage, see Astley ; Stoner. Campagne — Notes of the Campagne Family. See Journal of the British ArchceoJogical Association^ vol. xxx. p. 123, etc. Campbell — The Marquis of Lome and the Clan Campbell. An Epitome of the Story of the House of Argyll. London and Edinburgh, u.d. 8°- A Letter to Mrs. Campbell of Uarbreck, containing an account of the Campbells of liarbreck, from their tirst Ancestor to the present time, by F. W. Campbell. Ipswich, 1830, 4«- Campbell Family. See " The Black Book of Tay mouth, with other Papers from the Breadalbane Charter Boom," edited, with preface, by Cosmo Innes. Edinb. 1855, 4P- Privately printed. The Campbell Family. See " The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor." Edited by C. Innes, for the Spalding Club. Edinb. 1859, 4«- See also " The Spectator," 1864, pp. 1357, 1385, 1413, 1442, 1469. -The House of Argyll and the Collateral branches of the Clan Camp- bell, from 420 to the present time. Glasgow, 1871, 8''- The Mac Callum More: A History of the Argyll Family, from the earliest times, by the Bev. Hely Smith. Lond. 1871, 8''- Pedigree of James Beid Campbell of Inverardiue, Cornwall, Canada ; and Sir George Duncan Gibb, Bart., of Falkland, Fife, by Sir. G. D. Gibb. 1872. Single sheet. -A Memorial History of the Campbells of Melfort, Argyllshire by Margaret Olympia Campbell. Jjond. Campbell — Bobert Campbell and his Descendants, by Henry F. Douglas, of Providence, B. I. Privately printed. Case, and further Case, of Dougal Campbell, M.D. claiming the title, etc. of Earl of Annandale, 1844, fol. 1882, 4° Case of Charles William Campbell in opposition to J. A. Gavin Campbell, both claiming to be Earl of Breadalbane. [1864], 4^^- Claim of John Campbell, Esq. to the dignities of Earl of Breadal- bane and Holland, with pedigree. Sessional Papers. C of 1867 and A of 1867—8. Case on behalf of John Campbell, Earl of Aberdeen in the Peerage of Scotland, claiming a writ of Summons to Parliament as Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. Folio. —Claim of Bt. Hon. John Campbell, Earl of Aberdeen, of a Writ of Summons to Parliament as Viscount Gordon. Sessional Papers, 1872. Case of the Bt. Hon. John Campbell, claiming to be Viscount Gordon, with pedigree. Sessional Papers, 1872. Claim of Gavin Campbell to be Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, with pedigree. Sessional Papers., B of 1872, F of 1877. Candage, see Cavendish. Candee — The Candee Genealogy. With Notices of Allied Families of Allyn, Catlin, Cooke, Mallery, Newell, Norton, Pj^nchon and Wadsworth, by C^harles Candee Baldwin. Cleveland, Ohio, 1882, 8«- Candish, see Cavendish. Cantellini — Origines Magawlyanse glorio- sissimo generationum genealogia fami- lisee Cantellinse et Leicestriai, by M. A. Franck von Franckenstein. Pragse, 1736, fol. Cantelma — Historia della Famiglia Can- telma. P. Vincenti. Napoli, 1604, 4"- Cantillon — Notice historique, genealo- gique, et biographique de la Famille de Cantillon. [Beprinted from the Bevue historique de la Nohlesse, by Borel d'Hauterive, and Heraldic lllustra- tions,hy John Burke,] Paris, 1841, 8°* Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 319 Cantilupe — Collection concerning the Family of Cantilupe, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Cantrell— Notices of the Cantrell Family of King's Newton. See " The History of Melbourne, Co. Derby," by J. J. Hriggs. Derby, 1852, 8°- Canynges — Memorials of the Canynges' Family and their Times. Their claim to be regarded as the Founders and Kestorers of Westbury College and lledcliffe Church, to which is added Memoranda relating to Chatterton, by George Pryce. Bristol, 1854, S"^- Cape] — Collection concerning the Family of Capel, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Capell — The Capells of Rayne Hall, by the Baron de Cosson. See ArchcBologi- cal Journal^ vol. 40. Lond. 1883, 8'^- Capen, see Thayer. Capet — De Origine, et Atavis Hugonis Capeti, illoruraque cum Carlo Magno, Clodoveo, atque antiquis Francorum Regibus Agnatione et Gente. By M. Zampini. With ])edigree. Paris, 1581, 8"- De Genti ac Familise Hug-onis Capeti, origine et justo progressu ad dignitatem Regiam. Alphonsus Delbe- neus. Lyon, 1595, 4^- Capizucchi — Delia Famiglia de'Capizuc- chi, diramata da un medesimo Stipite coi Conti di Tun. Y. Armanni. Roma, 1668, 4''- Capper — Collection concerningthe Family of Capper, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Capron — Genealogy of the Descendants of Banfield Capron, 1660 to 1859, by Fred. A. Holden. Boston, 1859, 12o- Caracciola— Cronica della Famiglia Car- acciola. Francesco De' Pietri. Napoli, 1605, 4" Carafa — Histoiia Geuealogica della Fa- miglia Cavafa. Don Biagio Aldimari. 3 vols. Napoli, 1691, fol. — ^ Dimostrazione, die i Sigg della Roccella siano li primogeniti della Famiglia Carafa, by Giacinto Falleti. Reggio, 1691, 4'^- -Osservazioni sopra la Primogeni- Carafa — Original letters and papers relat- ing to the Family of Carafa, Dukes of Nocera, 1525—1656. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,631. Carbonel — Collection concerning the Family of Carbonel, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Carbury, Earl of, see also Vaughan. Carbury — The Pedigree of the Earl of Carberey. See " British Antiquities revived," by R. Vaughan. Oxford, 1662, 4^- Carcassonne — Histoire des Comtes de Car- cassonne, par G. Besse. Beziers, 1645. 4°- Cardaillac — Genealogie de la Maison de Cardaillac, par Henry Victor Cardaillac. Paris, L664, fol. Cardinall — Pedigrees and notes of the Cardinall Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Carew, see also Blunt ; Carey. Carew — Pedigree of Carewe of Carew Castle, CO. Pembroke. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Genealogical history of the House of Carew, with the genealogies and arms of the illustrious families with whom they have been allied, proved by records, &c., &c., by John Anstis. M8. in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. Papers relative to the Family of Carew. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 420, P. -Pedigree of Carew, from V^illiam tura de' Signori di Forli nella FHmiglia Carafa della Spina, llv Giacinto Falleti. Reggio, X691, 4«- " the Conqueror, Adam Mongomerey de Carew, in Enghareth, and W^illiam Mohon called Sapell. 1573. Illumi- nated. Brit. Mus. Harl Roll, P 9. The original Patent for creating George Carew, Earl of Totnes. Anno. 1. Car. 1. Brit. Mus. Lans. Roll 10. -The History and Pedigree of Carew, by Sir Will. Pole of Devonshire. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8547. Pedigree of the Family of Carew, by R. Brooke, Rouge Croix, 1589. Vellum roll, iirit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,988. Carey, see also Boleyne. Carey — Genealogy of the Family of Carye, Barons of Hunsdon. Arms beautifully colouied. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Pedigree of the Caiy Family, with the Arms beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 616U 320 Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peerage Cases. Carey — Pedigree and genealogical notes of fche Family of Carey. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 211G, fF. 14 b— 21. Descent of the Family of Cary, of Tor Abbey, Co. Devon, from Sir John Cary of Cokington, by Francis Hargrave, 1798. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,499. -Records of the Family of Cary, Viscount Fallvland. By C. J. Robinson Westminster, 18G4, 8«- Collection relating to the Carey and Carew Families, by D. E. Davy. Hrit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. -Cary Memorials. By S. F. Cary. Cincinnati. 1874, 4' Claim of W. F. Carey, Esq., to the Barony of Hunsdon. See /Sessional Papers, Feb.— Mar 1707. •Papers relating to the Claim of Wm. Ferdinand Carey, Esq., to the Dignity of Baron of Hunsdon, with Pedigrees. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6694. Carlisle — Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of Carlisle, by N. Carlisle. Lond. 1822, 4'^- Privately printed. The Seize Quartiers of G. W. F. Howard, 7th Earl of Carlisle. Broad- side. Carlos — Pedigree of the Carlos Family of Broomhall, Co. Stafford, in support of their claims to a large fee-simple estate, after 1784. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,844 E. Carlyle — Notices on the early history of the family of Carlyle, by Thomas Carlyle. See Journal of the British ArchcBological Association, vol. ix. pp. 174—181. Caraiarthen, see Osborn. Carmichael, see Coulthart. Carnegie — History of the Carnegies, Earls of Southesk, and their kindred. By Wm. Eraser, 2 vols. Edinb. 1867, 4«- Case of Sir James Carnegie, of Southesk, Bart., on his claim to be Earl of Southesk, &c. 1848. 30 pages, folio. Minutes of Evidence on the Petition of Sir James Carnegie, Bart., claiming to be Earl of Southesk, Baron Carnegie of Kinnaird and Leuchars. 1848, 1854, 1855, fol, Carnin — De la Maison de Carnin et de la Famille de le Peyvre. Bruges, n.d. fol. Carnot — Les Trois Carnot. Histoire de cent ans, par Maurice Dreyfous. Paris, 1888, 4''- Carondelet — Table gencalogiquo des soixante-quatre quartiers de Mademoi- selle Marie Therese Max. Alex. Caron- delet de Potelles, par J. L. Chevillard. Paris, 1746, fol. Precis genealogique et his- torique de la Maison de Carondelet. Paris, 1784, 4'^- Carpenter, see also Dawson. Carpenter — Lineage of the Lloyd and Carpenter Family. Compiled bv C. P. Smith. Camden [U.S.] 1870, 80- Genealogy of one Branch of the Carpenter Family, by Martin L. Roberts. Willimantic, Conn. 1877. 8"- Genealogical and Historical Record of the Carpenter Family (in America), and a full History of the Carpenter Estate of England, by James Usher. New York, 1883, 8'^- Carpentier — Famille de Carpentier, Seig- neurs de Guvigny, par Jean Cay on. Nancy, 1860, 4«- Carr, see Heron. Carr — History of the Carr Family of Northumberland. In progress, 1890. Carrara — Stemma Carrariensium, An- guillariae Comitum, Carrariae Ducum, etc, 1641, fol. Dissertazione [on the Carrara Family, in answer to Count R. Caronini, by G. R. Papafava.] Padua 1764, 4«- Dissertazione intorno la Famig- lia da Carara. Modena, 1768. 8^- — Genealogia della Famiglie ger- mane della Casa de Carrara, by G. R. Papafava. Podova, 1771, 4°- Privately printed. Carre — The Family of Carre of Sleaford, Co. Lincoln, by Maurice P. Moore. Sleaford, 1863, S^- Carrie — Some Account of the Ancient Earldom of Carrie. By Dr. Andrew Carrick, with notices of the Earldom after it came into the families of Bruce and Stewart. By Janjes Maidment. Edinb. 1857. 8o- Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. 321 Carrington — Pedigree of the family of Carrington, alias Smith, subsequently Lords Carrington, drawn up on occa- sion of a law-suit, 1764. Erit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,844 C. Carrington and Smith, of Ashby Polvile. Extracted from Leicester- shire Pedigrees and Royal Descents, by the Eev. W. G. Dimock Fletcher. Leic. 1886, 4«' Carruth — Descendants of John Carruth, 1749—1880, by William W. Carruth. Boston, 1880, S^- Cars — LeDuc de Cars (de Perusse), avec la description des armes, par M. de Biiague. Paris, 1844, 8"- Carstairs — Letters and Correspondence of Kev. John Carstairs, of Glasgow, 1649 — 68, with Account, of his life, and genealogy of the Family, by Rev. Wm. Ferrie. 1846, 8"- Carter — Pedigrees and notes of the Carter Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Bi-Centenary Memorial of Jere- miah Carter, who came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682, containing a historic genealogy of his descendants down to the present time, by Thomas Maxwell Potts. Canonsburg, Pa. 1888, 8°- A Genealogy of the Descend- ants of Samuel and Thomas, sons of Rev. Samuel Carter, 1640—1886. A contribution to the History of the first Carters of Lancaster, Lunenburg, and Leominster, Mass. Collected for the Carter Association by Mrs. Clara A. Carter and Mrs. Sarah A. Carter. Clinton, 1887, 8«- Carteret — A History of the Noble Family of Carteret, by Arthur Collins. Privately printed in 1756, 8«- Carthew — Collection relating to the Carthew Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Carver — Pedigree of the Family of Carver, of Halesworth, with copies of Carver wills. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Cary, see Carey ; Dawson. Caryll — Some account of the Caryll family. See " A Royal Decent ; with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Loud. 1875 and 1881, 4P- Caryll— The Caryll Family, of West Grinstead, etc. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province, iii. 534. Family of Caryll Correspondence, 1672—1768. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28,227—28,235. Carysfort — Claim of the Earl of Carysf ort to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, 212 of 1857. Sess. 2. Casamayor — Descent of the Family of Casamayorga, or Casamayor from the Royal Houses of Castile and Leon. Lond. 1871, 4"- Privately printed. Casey — Pedigree of the Family of Casey, by Francis Hargrave, 1798. Roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,499. Casilina — Discorso intorno all' origine, e condition e di Rovigo, e della famiglia Casilina, etc. Edited by C. and F. Casilino. Ven. 1578, 4P- Cassels — Records of the Family of Cassels, and Connexions, by R. Cassels. Edinb. 1870, 4°- Only 75 copies printed. Cassillis, see also Kennedy ; Ruglen. Report of Claim preferred to the House of Lords in the case of the Cassilis Peerage, by James Maidment, Esq. Edinb. 1840", 8«- Castaigne — Famille Castaigne. Notes historiques et genealogiques, par J. F. E. Castaigne. Angouleme, 1866, 4'- Only 50 copies printed. Castel — Genealogies des Maisons de Castel et de Gravarret, extraites du tome premier des " Archives genealo- giques et historiques de la Noblesse de France," publiees par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828, 8°- Castell Pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy, and a list of the names and arms of the families mentioned in the pedi- gree. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Castellane — Notice historique sur la Mai- son de Castellane, par H. de Les trees. Paris, 1843, 8°- Another edition, published by Tisseron and Quiney. Paris, 1845, 8^ Castelnau. — Memoires de Michel de Castelnau. Seigneur de Mauvissiere, &c. par Jean La Laboureur, avec les preuves et des armoiries gravees en taille-douce. 2 vols. Paris, 1659, fol. Second edition, 3 vols. Brux. 1731, fol 322 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Castigliona. — Elogi Istorici di alcuni personaggi della Famiglia Castigliona, by Ant. Befta. Mantua, 1606, 4"- Castle-Stewart — Claim of Lord Castle- Stewart to the title of Lord Ochiltree. See Sessional Papers, April, 1790 — June, 1793. Castleton — Pedigrees and notes of the Castleton Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Catelyn — Pedigree and notes of the Caibelyn Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Catlin, see Candee. Caucci — Papers relating to the family of Caucci of Ascoli, 1387—1750. Latin and Italian. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,014. Caumont — Grenealogie de Bertrand de Caumont de Beauvilla, par B. de Cau- mont. 1757, 40 Notice historique sur la Maison de Caumont de la Force, extraite des archives des notabilites de I'epoque, par Tisseron. Paris, 1847, 8«- Cavaillon — Genealogie succincte et exacte de la Maison des Cavaillons, par Cavaillon de Mallijac, 1710, 8«- Cavalcanti — G enealogica, et altre Scrit ture della Famiglia de' Cavalcanti, by Albero. Firenze, 1752, fol. Cave — Claim of Sarah Otway Cave, of Stamford Hall, to be Baroness Braye. See Sessional Papers, 40 of 1836 ; 91 of 1838 ; 171 of 1839. Additional Case of Sarah Otway Cave, of Stamford Hall, in the County of Leicester, widow. Claiming the Dignity of Baroness Braye. 1836, fol. Cavendish — The Cavendishes. See The Great Governing Families of England. Vol. I. p. 137. Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish, by White Kennet, D.D. Lond. 1708, 8«- Another edition, 1732. Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley and Ogle, by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1752, fol. The Lives of all the Earls and Dukes of Devonshire descended from the renowned Sir William Caven- dish, one of the Privy Counsellors to King Henry VIII. Illustrated with Reflections and Observations on the most striking Passages in each Life, by J. Grove. Lond. 1764, S'^- Cavendish — Collection concerning the Cavendish Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Notices of the Manor of Cavendish, in the County of Suffolk, and of the Cavendish Family while possessed of that Manor-, by Thomas Kuggles. See ArcJiceologia, xi. 50, &c. 'An Account of the Cavendish, Candish or Candage Family, by R. G. F. Candage. Bangor, Me. 1889, 8°- -Observations on the Family of Cavendish, bv St. Loum Knyveton. Brit. Mus. Add*! MS, 5861. Caverly — Genealogy of the Caverly Family from the year 1116 to the year 1880. Lowell, Mass. 1880. 12o- Caverno — Record of the Caverno Family, by A. Caverno. Dover. N.H. 1874. 120. Cawdor — The Book of the Thanes of Cawdor. Edited by C. Innes. Spald- ing Cluh. Edinb., 1859, 4P- Cayley — Pedigree and notes respecting the Cayley Family, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19122. Caylus — Notice historique sur la maison de Caylus, par A. de Cenesa. Extrait de la Pevue gen. hiog. pol. et lit. Paris, 1843, 8"- Caze — De Caze. Lyonnais, Provence, He de France, vicomtes de Caze, barons de la Bave, etc. par Fr. Combe d'Auriac. Paris, 1855, 4P- Cecil, see also Sitsilt. Cecil— The Life of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, with biographical notices of his successors the Earls and Marquises of Exeter and a brief notice of the Family Monuments, etc. By W. H. Charlton. Stamford, 1847. 8«- An illuminated pedigree, contain- ing eighteen descents of the Family of Cecil, by Robert Cooke and Robert Glover, 1580. In the Library at Hat- field House. Pedisrrees and alliances of the Families of Cecil, Walcote, Baskerville and Ward. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Hatfield House. Family Histories, pEDiaREES, and Peerage Oases. 323 Cecil — Pedigree of Thomas Cecil, first Earl of Exeter. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, f. 28. History of the Cecil Family. See Drummond's Noble British Families. vol. i. The Cecils. See The Great Gov- erning Families of England^ vol. ii. p. 61. I Story of the Cecils. Stories of < Old Families, by W. Chambers. Edin. and Lond. 1878, 8«- Celle — Genealogie de Maison de la Celle, extraite du tome troisieme des Archives gen. et hist, de la Noh. de France, publiees par P.L. Laine. Paris, 1830, 8«- Cennini — Notizie biograQche de B. Ceii- nini, with pedigree by F. Fantozzi. Firenze, 1839, 8' Cervellon — Genealogia de la Familia de Cervellon, by Manuel Mariano Kibera. Barcelona, 1733, 4^- Ceva — Grimaldi — Genno [sic] geneologico [sic] delle famiglie Ceva — Grimaldi, by F. de Angelis. Napoli, 1840, 8'>- Cevoli — Delia Xoblissima antichita di Casa Cevoli. By Aldiberti. Fiorenza, 1673, 12«- Chabannes — Memoire sur la filiation de la Maison de Chabannes, Chabanees, ou de Chabanois, par I'abbe de Chaban- nes, 1759, 80- Memoire sur la Maison de Chabannes, 1759, 80- Additions, 1759. Chabot — Notice historiqueetgenealogique sur la Maison de Chabot, sous la direction de Louis-Gerard de Eohan- Chabot. Paris, 1834, 8«- Chaddock, or Chattock, see Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. New Series, i. 134. and Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, i. 457. Chadwick — A Genealogical Account of the Families of Chadwick, of Chadwick, and Chadwick, of Healcy, Kid ware, New Hall, etc., by Joseph Howard. Man- chester, 1840, 4*^ Reports on the Estate of Sir Andrew Chadwick and the recent Proceedings of the Chadwick Associ- ation in reference thereto, by Edmimd Chadwick, to which is prefixed the History of Sir Andrew Chadwick, by J. 0. Chadwick. Lond. 1881, 4P- Chalmers Family. See Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers. D.D., by Wm. Hanna, vol. 1. Edinb. 1849, S''- New edition, 1878. Chalons — Lettre touchant Beatrix, Com- tesse de Chalons, laquelle declare quel fut son Marj', quels ses Enfants, ses Ancestres, et ses Armes. Avec une table genealogique, par P. F. Chifflet. Dijon, 1656, 4«- Chamberlain — Collection relating to the Chamberlain Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Chambers — Notes respecting the Family of Chambers, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,122. Chambly — Notice historique sur la Maison de Chambly, par Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1850,^ V2P- Chamborant — Inventaire des Titres origi- naux genealogiques des branches exist- antes de la Maison de Chamborant, en Champagne, etc., par Barthelemy de Chamborant de Droux. Paris, 1784. fol. Chambre — Genealogie de la Maison de la Chambre. Paris, .1594, 4o- Chambres — Account of the Family of Chambres of the Hawes, in Westmore- land, A.D. 1700. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,323. Chamier — Memoir of D. Chamier, Minister of the Reformed Church; with notices of his Descendants, by William Courthope. Lond. 1852, 8o- Chamilly, Comtes de, see Bouton. Champagne — Abrege chronologique de la Maison de Champagne, par Fran9ois de La Pointe. Dijon, n.d. fol. Genealogie de la Maison de Champagne, en Bretagne et en Anjou. Paris, 1778, fol. [Intended to form part of vol. xi of D'Hozier's Registre de la Noblesse de France, but this is all that ever appeared of the volume.] Essai sur les Sceaux de Comtes et des Comtessesde Champagne. Planches, etc. Par M. H. Jubainville d'Arbois. Paris, 1856, fol. Histoire des Dues et des Comtes de Champagne depuis le vi®- siecle. Par M. H. Jubainville d' Arbois. 7 vols. Paris, 1859—69, 80- 324 Family Histories, PEDiaREES, a-n-d Peerage Cases. Cliampnej' — The Christian Mother. An Address at the Funeral of Mrs. Susanna (Park) Champney, with an Appendix containing a Genealogical Notice of the Champney and Park Families, by Fred. Aug. Whitney. Boston, 1855, 8°- History of the Champney Family, illustrated. Chicago, 1867, 8« Chanaleilles— Genealogie historique de la Maison de Chanaleilles, seigneurs et barons de Jagonas, etc. Extraite du XIX tome du JSohiliaire universel de France, par Viton de Saint-Allais. Paris, 1840, 8°- ^ Genealogie historique de la Maison de Chanaleilles, seigneurs de Chanaleilles de la Valette, etc. par Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1856, 40- Chandler— The Chandler Family. The Descendants of William and Anuis Chandler, who settled in lioxbury, Mass. 1637, by George Chandler. Bos- Ion, 1872, 8«- The Chandler Family. The Descendants of William and Annis Chandler, who settled in lioxbury, Mass., 1637, by George Chandler. Worcester, Mass. 1883, 8'^- Printed for the family. Chandos, see also Brydges ; Buckingham. Chandos — Papers and Documents t elating to the Chandos claim of Peerage, by Sir S. E. Brydges. Geneva, fob List of Papers and Documents [relating to the Case of the Chandos peerage] by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Lond. 1823, fol. Papers on the Chandos Peerage, n. d. folio. Privately printed. A Letter relative to the Barony of Chandos By Sir N. H. Nicolas. Privately printed. A lleview of the Chandos Peer- age Case, adjudicated 1803, and of the pretensions of Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Bart., to designate himself per Legem Terrae Baj*on Cliandos of Sudelev, by G. F. Beltz. Lond. 1834, Chapin — The Chapin Genealogy, con- taining a very large proportion of the Descendants of Dea. Samuel Chapin, who settled in Springfield, Mass., in 1642, by Orange Chapin. Northamp- ton, 1862, 8°- Chapin — The Chapin Gathering. Pro- ceedings at the Meeting of the Chapin Family in Springfield, Massachusetts. Springfield, 1862,8o- -A Genealogical Eecord, with short biographical sketches of some of the Descendants of Capt. Josiah Chapin and allied families, 1635 — 1889. Fort Wayne, Ind. 1889, 12'^- Chapman — The Chapman Family ; or the Descendants of llobt. Chapman of Say- Brook, Conn. ; with Genealogical Notes of William Chapman, who settled at New London, Conn. ; Edw. Chapman,- who settled at Windsor, Conn. ; John Chapman of Stonington, Conn. ; and Rev. Benj. Chapman of Southington, Conn., by Rev. F. W. Chapman. Hart- ford., 1854. 8«- The Descendants of Ralph Chapman, b}^ Charles B. Gerard. New- burgh, N.Y. 1876. 4P- Chaponay — Histoire genealogique de la Famille de Chaponay, par Guy Allard. 1694. 4°- Chapt — Notice historique et genealogique sur la Maison Chapt, de Rastignac, par M. Bertrandi. Paris, 1858. 12"- Charette — Notice historique sur la Maison de Charette, par Borel d'hau- terive. Paris, 1851, 8°- Charles — Pedigree and notes respecting the Family of Charles, of Kettleburgh, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Charleville — Claim of the Right Hon. Charles William George, Earl of Charleville in Ireland, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, 198 of 1852—3. Chartier — Descendans de Simon Chartier, fils de Michel Chartier. Descendans de Genevieve Chartiei-, etc. See Ahrege cTiron. de la fond, du College de Bolssij, by J. Cheviilard. Par. 1724, fol. Chase — A Genealogical Memoir of the Chase Family of Chesham, Bucks. By Geo. B. Chase. Boston, [U.S.] 1869, -Genealogy of the Ancestors and Descendants of Joseph Chase who died in Swanzey. His will proved March, 1725. By the Hon. Oliver Chase, Fall River, X874, 8«- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, aistd Peeeage Cases. 325 Chase — Record of the Descendants of Rev. Nathaniel Chase, of Buckfield, Me, with a brief account of his Ances- tors. Also Records of some of the Descendants of Edmund Chase, of Minot, Me. Augusta, 1878, S^- Genealogy of a Portion of the Descendants of Wm. Chase, who came to America in 1630, by Geo. W. Chase. Washington, 1886, 8o- Chasteauneuf — Abrege de la Genealogie de Chasteauneuf, par D. F. Gastelier de la Tour. Paris, 1760, 4«- Chasteauvillain, see Drew. Chasteigner — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison des Chasteigners, Seigneurs de la Rochepozay, de Saint Georges de Rexe, de Lindoys de la Rochef aton, etc., par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1634, fol. Genealogie historique de la Maison de Chasteigner, en Poitou, par M. Clabault. Par. 1779, 4«- Tableau genealogique de la Maison de Chasteigner, comprenant toutes les branches, par Clabault. Par. 1779, fol. Chastelain — Les Chastelains de Lille, leur ancien estat, office et famille ; I'estat des anciens comtes de la Republique et Empire Remain, des Goths, Lombards, Bourguignons, Francois et au regne d'iceux des Forestiers et Comtes anciens de Flandre, etc., par Vander Haer. Lille, 1611, 40- Chasteleine — The historical descent of the Families of Chasteleine and Basset of Welledone, finely executed, with deeds and Seals, painted on large sheets of vellum. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6152. ■ Collection respecting the Family of Chasteleyn, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Chasteler — Genealogie de la Maison du Chasteler, avec les preuves, par Fr. Gab. Jos. Marquis de Chasteler, etc. Brux. 1768, fol. Second edition, 1777. Chastellard — De Chastellard, ancienne- ment d' Hauterive en Dauphine, par A. M. d'Hozier de Serigny. Par 1756, fol. Chastellux — Notice historique de la Maison de Chastellux, par J^ Valter. Extract de la jRevue gen. hiog. pol. et lit. Paris, 1884, S^- Chastellux — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Chastellux, par le Comte H. P. C. de Chastellux. Aux. 1869, 40. Chastillon — Histoire de la Maison de Chastillon sur Marne ; avec les Genealogies et Armes des Illustres Families de France et des Pays-Bas. Par Andr. Du ("hesne. Paris 1621, fol. Genealogie de la Maison de Chastillon-sur-Marne, extraite du tome XI de r Hist. gen. des Pairs de France^ par le Chev. de Courcelles. Paris, 1830, 4"- Annales historiques, etc. Histoire de la Maison de Chastillon- Chastillon, par Simien Despreaux. Paris, 1824, 8«- Memoire pour etablir la com- munaute d'origine des Maisons de Blois, Chastillon et Marconnay, par M. de Saint-Pons. Paris, 1830, 4o- Refutation d'un memoire public par MM. de Marconnay, pour etablir leur pretendue comjuunaute d'origine avec la Maison de Chastillon, par (P. L. Laine.) Par. 1830, 4^- Chastre — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Chastre, par Jean le Laboureur. See MemoiresdeCastelnau. Par. 1659, fol. Ohatelet — Histoire de la Maison du Chatelet, branche puinee de la Maison de Lorraine, par A. Calmet. Nancy, 1741, fol. Chator, see Allan. Chatre — Precis historique, chronologique et genealogique de la Maison de la Chatre, par B. de Chamborant. Par. 1789,. fol. Chattan — Historical Memoirs of the House and Clan Mackintosh, and of the Clan Chattan, by Alexander M. Shaw. 2 vols. 1880, 4P- Only 50 copies printed. Chatterton, see also Canynges. Chatterton — New facts relating to the Chatterton Family. [Reprint of cor- respondence between J. Taylor and J. H. Ingram.] Edited by Wm. George. Bristol, 1883, 8o- New Facts relating to the Chatterton Family, gathered from Manuscript Entries in a " History of the Bible," which once belonged to the 326 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Parents of Thomas Chatterton the Poet, and from Parish llegisters, by William George. Bristol, 1883, 8"- Chatterton — The Chattel ton Family, See Antiquarian Magazine^ iv. 196. Lon- don, 1883, 8'^- Chaulieu — Lettre critique de M. I'ahbe d' Estrees, sur la Noblesse de la Maison de Chaulieu. Brux. 1745, 12"- Chanlnes — Memoire pour M. le due de Chaulnes de la Maison d' Albret. Avec tableau gencalogique, par Savin du Mouy. Par. 1772, 4"- Chauncey — Pedigree of the Family of Chauucey. Compiled by Stephen Tucker, Lancaster Herald. Lond. n.d, 4P- lie- printed, with additions, in 1884. Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President Chauncey, his Ancestors and Descendants, by William Chauncey Fowler. Boston, 1858, 8'"- Conditions of Success in Genea- logical Investigations, illustrated in the character of Nathaniel Chauncey, by W. C. Fowler. Boston, 1886, 8"- Chaworth — Pedigrees of the Family of Chaworth, and of sundry ancient Familiesfrom whom they weredescended. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 24. Chaytor — Some account of the Family of Chaytor. See " A Koyal Descent ; with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond. 1875 and 1881, 4P- Cheek, see Cheke. Cheever — Ezekiel Cheever and some of his Descendants, by John T. H^-ssam. Boston, 1879 and 1884, 8o- Ezekiel Cheever, reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genea- logical Register, with additional Notes, by John T. Hassam. Boston, 1887, 8"- • Bartholomew and Richard Chee- ver and some of their Descendants, by John T. Hassam. Boston, 1882, 8o- -Cheever Pedigree, by William B. Trask. Single sheet. Only 31 copies were printed. Cheke — Collection respecting the Family of Cheek or Cheke, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Cheneviere — Notice genealogique sur la famille Cheneviere, de Geneve origin- aire du Lyonnais, [par Theophile Dufour.] Gen. 1884, 8°- Chepstow, Lords of, see Strigul. Cherisey — Notice sur la Famille de Che- risey, Extrait de la Stat, hist, de la Moselle^ publiee par Verronnais. Metz, 1844, 8«- Cherleton — Notes on Joyce Cherleton and her Descendants by H. F. J. Vaughan. See " Archseologia Cambreusis,'' fourth seiies, xi. Lond. 1880, 8"- Chesse, see Croix. Chester — Genealogical Memoirs of the extinct Family of Chester of Chicheley, their Ancestors and Descendants, by Robert Edmond Chester Waters. 2 vols. Lond. 1878, 4P- Privately printed. Genealoofical Memoirs of the Families of Chester, of Bristol, Barton Regis, London, and Almondsbury, des- cended from Henry Chester Sheriff of Bristol, 1470 ; and also of the Fami- lies of Astry of London, Kent, Beds, Hunts, Oxon, and Gloucestershire, des- cended from Sir Ralph Astry, Kt., Lord Mavor of London, 1493, bv R. E. Chester Waters. Lond. 1881, 4o- -Genealogical Notes of the Fami- lies of Chester of Blaby, Leicestershire, and Chester of Wethersfield, Conn., New England, by Robt. Edmond Ches- ter-Waters. Leicester, 1886, 8°- Genealogies and arms of the Earls and Knights of Chester. See Collections of Richard Bagot, in the possession of Lord Bogot. MS. late 16th century. Blithefield, Co. Staf- tord. -Pedigree of the Family of Ches- ter of Cockenhatch in Hertfordshire. B.it. Mus. Add. MS. 5808, f. 181. Chester, Earldom of.— A complete collec- tion of printed books and manuscripts, on the dispute between Sir Peter Jjey- cester and Sir Thomas Mainwaring, about the legitimacy of Amicia, daugh- ter of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of Chester. Tabley House, Cheshire. A Defence of Amicia, daughter of Hugh Cyvelock, Earl of Chester, against Sir Peter Leycester's declaration of her illegitimacy, by Sir Thos. Mainwaring, Bart. London, 1673, 12«- An answer to Sir Thomas Mainwaring's " Defence," by Sir Peter Leycester, Bart. 1673, 12o- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases 327 Chester, Earldom of. — An Advertisement to the Reader, by Sir P. Leycester. Unanswered, n d. A Reply to an Answer of the Defence of Amicia, etc., etc., by Sir Thomas Main waring, Bart. Lond. 1673, 120- Addenda ; or some Things to ! be added to Sir Thomas Maiuwaring's * Book. Nov. 1673. 12o- An Answer to Sir P. Leycester's "Addenda," by Sir T. Mainwaring. Lond. 1673—4. 12o- Two Books, etc. etc, by Sir P. Leycester. A.D. 1674. Peroratio ad Lectorem, by Sir P. Leycester, 17th Dec. 1675. — An Answer to Two Books, etc., by Sir T. Mainwaring. Lond. 1675. 12«- A Reply to Sir T. Mainwaring's " Answer," by Sir P. Leycester. A.D. 1675. 12° An Admonition to the Reader, by Sir T. Mainwaring, 1676. W- An Answer to Sir T. Mainwar- ing's "Admonition," by Sir P. Leycester. Lond. 1677. 12o- A Reply to Sir P. Leycester's " Answer " to Sir T. Mainwaring's " Admonition." Manchester, 1854. 120- Now first printed by J. G. Bell, from the original in the Bodleian Library. The Legitimacy of Amicia, etc., clearly proved, by Sir T. Mainwaring, Bart. Lond. 1679. 12o- See tJTour. of the Brit. Arch. Ass^^- vii. 123 ; Nichol's Coll. Top. et Gen. ii. 249 ; Howard's Misc. Gen. et Her. new series i. 412. Chesterfield, Earldom of, see Stanhope. Chetwode — Some Account of the Family of Chetwode, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833 f. 43. Genealogical collections relat- ing to the Chetwode Family, by Stephen J. Tucker. 50 copies privately printed, 1884. 40- Chetwood — Case of Jonathan Chetwood, Esq,, claiming the Title of Baron de Wahul, with pedigree. Chevallier — Pedigree of the dChevallier Family, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit, Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Chevignard — Recherches genealogiques sur la famille Chevignard, par M. Albert Albrier. Dijon, 1867. 12«- Chevrieres, see Croix. Chew, see Thomas. Cheyney — Church Notes relating to the Family of Cheyney. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8979. Chichele — Stemmata Chicheleana : or a Genealogical Account of some of the Families derived from Thomas Chichele of Higham-Ferrers in the County of Northampton, by Benjamin Buckler. Oxford, 1765. 4P' A Supplement to the " Stem- mata Chicheleana," with large additions to the Tables of Descents. Oxford, 1775. 4o- Chichester — History of the Family of Chichester, from 1086 to 1870, also of the Chichesters, Marquesses of Donegal, and Barons Templemore, by Sir A. P. B. Chichester, Bart. Lond. 1871, 4P- Notes Genealogical, Historical and Heraldic of the Family of Chiches- ter, of Co Devon, by Sir Wm. Rich. Drake. Lond. 1886, 4«- Child, or Childe. See English Merchants, by H. R. Fox Bourne. Yol. i. p. 332. Lond. 1866, 8o- Genealogies of the Child, Childs and Childe Families of the Past and Present in the United States and the Canadas from 1630 to 1881, by Elias Child. Utica, 1881, 8o- Childeborne — Grant of Arms to Alexander Childeborne, of London, Gentleman, 1539. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 202. Childebrand — Virum Stemma Childe- brandinum. See Jo. Jac. Chiflet's Opera. Vol. ii, Antwerp, 1650, fol. Chilton pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy, and copies of the wills of Rev. Thomas and Jacob Chilton. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Chipman — The Chipman Lineage, par- ticularly as in Essex County, Mass., by R. Manning Chipman. Salem, 1872, 80- Chittenden Family : William Chittenden of Guilford, Conn., and his Descen- dants. Compiled by Alvan Talcott. New Haven, 1882, S^- 328 Fi-MiLT Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Choke — Genealogical notes respecting the Choke or Chokke Family, of Avington, Berks, by Frederick Brown. Newbury, 1882, 8«- Cholier — Notice Genealogique sur la Famille Cholier de ^ ibeins. De Samuel Guichenon. Publiee par M. C. Guigue en 1861. Paris, 1870, 8"- Cholmley — Memoirof Sir Hugh Cholmley, Knt., with some Account of his Family, 1787, 4"- Only 100 copies printed. An extensive pedigree of the Family of Cholmeley of Ashton-under- Lyue. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,305, f. 149. Cholmley, Cholmeley, Chol- mondeley, or Cholmundeley. Miscel- lanea Genealogica et Heraldica^ vol. ii. p. 218. Christie — Genealogical Memoirs of the Scottish Houne of Christie, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Royal Ilistorical Society Lond. 1878, 8«- Church— The Church Family, by Dr. Alonzo H. Quint. Reprinted from the "Dover Enquirer." Dover, N. H. 1879, 80- Cignano — Arbor genealogica gentis de Cignano quam D. Caroli per Lineam rectam eodem ex stipite descendentis. De Rubeis. Bononiae, 1678, 4P' Cigni — History of the Cigni Family. Written on vellum in the year 1532. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 203. Cilnea — DescrizionedellaFamiglia Cilnea, bv Bartolomeo Macchioni. Napoli, 1681, 4P- Oppositione di alcuni Eruditiall 'Esamina della Descrittione della Famiglia Cilnia, con le Risposte del Medesimo, by Bartolomeo Macchioni. Rome, 1691, 4P- Della Famiglia Cilnea, by B. Macchioni. Roma, 1699, 4P- Cirier — Genealogie de la Famille Cirier, par N. L. M. Dominique Cirier. Par. 1850, fol. Clanranald — Moidart ; or Among the Clanranalds, by Rev. C. Macdonald. Oban, 1890. Clanrouald — Vindication of the Clanronald of Glengary, with Remarks as to the Descent of the Family who style them- selves of Clanrouald. Edinb. 1821, SO- Clapp — The Clapp Family Meeting at Northamj^tou, August 24, 1870. Boston, 1870, 8«- The Clapp Memorial. Record of the Clapp Family in America, con- taining Sketches of the Original six Emigrants, and a Genealogy of their Descendants, etc. by Ebenezer Clapp. Boston, 1876, 8o- Clare — A Small Specimen of the many Mistakes in Sir William Dugdale's Baronage, bv Charles Hornby. Lond. 1730,8"- [This work relates to the family of Clare.] Account of the Family of Clare, Earls of Gloucester and Hereford. See Journal of the British Archmoloyical Association, vols, xx, p. 270 ; xviii, p. 272, &c., xxvi, 150—160. Collection by D. E. Davy respect- ing the Family of Clare. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Clarell — Account of the Family of Clarell, of Tickhill. MS. E. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Clarence — Claim of William Henry, Duke of Clarence, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Paper s., 1805. Clark, see also Robinson. Clark — Records of the Descendants of Hugh Clark of Watertown, Mass. 1640—1866. By John Clark. Boston [U.S.] 1866, 8"- An Account of the Ancestors and Descendants of John Lardner Clark and Sophia Marion Ross, who were married 1st August, 1797. By Clifford Stanley Sims. Prescott, Canada, 1870, 8<'- A Few^ Genealogical Items con- nected with the Family descended from William Clark, of Haddam, Conn. New York, 1880, 8"- A Record of the Descendants of John Clark of Farmington, Conn. The Male Branches brought down to 1882. The Female Branches One Generation after the Clark name is lost in marriage, by Julius Gay. Hartford, Conn. 1882, §0. Clarke — Collection respecting the Family of Clarke, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. T^AMiLT Histories, Pedigrees, akd Peerage Cases. 329 Clarke — Records of the descendants of T. Clarke, of Plymouth, 1623—1697, by Samuel C. Clarke. Boston, Mass , 1869, 8^^ Genealogy. Records of the Descendants of Thomas Clarke, Ply- mouth, 1632—1697. Compiled by the Rev. Wm. W. Johnson. North Green field. Wis. 1884, 8«- A Genealocjical Statement of the Clarke Family of Boston, Mass. 1731 ; with Review of the same, by Isaac J. Greenwood. New York, 1879, S^- Printed for private distribution. -The Gedney and Clarke Families of Salem, Massachusetts, by H. F. Waters. Salem, 1880, 8"- •Genealogy of the Descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of Newbury, Mass., by George K. Clarke. Boston, 1883, 8°- -Genealogy of the Descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of Newbury, Mass. Ten Generations, 1642—1885, by Geo. K. Clarke. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, 1885, 8°- Clarkson — Pedigree of the Family of Clarkson with notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Genealogical History of Thomas Boston Clarkson and Sarah Caroline Clarkson. Privately printed. Memoirs of Matthew and Gerardus Clarkson, of Philadelphia, 1735—1790, by John Hall and Sam. (Clarkson. [With an account of their ancestry and descendants.] 1890, 8°* Clavering— Pedigree of the Family of Clavering, of Essex, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Claxton — Collection respecting the Family of i laxton, of Norfolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Claypoole, see Cromwell. Clayton — Memorials of the Clayton Family ; with unpublished Correspon- dence of the Countess of Huntingdon, Lady Glenorchy, etc., by T. W. Aveiing. Lond. 1867, S""- Some Account of the Clayton Family of Thelwall, co Chester, by J. Paul Rylands. Liverpool, 1880, 8«- -Collection relating to the Family Cleaver — Pedigree of the Families of Cleaver and Peach. Privately printed, 187L Clesve — The true Lyniall Disceut and Pedigree made drawn and engrossed by the principal Harould of the mightie Duke of Cleeve. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll O, 9. Clement— The Claim of the Rt. Hon. C. R. J. F. Clement, to the Title and Dignities of Viscount Taafe. 1856 — 7, Clench — Genealogy of the Family of Clench, of Leeds and of Holbrook, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Clere — Collection concerning the Family of Clere, of co. Norfolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Clermont, see also Fortescue. Clermont — Table genealogique des Seig- neurs de la Mai son de Clermont en Dauphine, Comtes de Tonnerre, par Robt. Levvyt. Troyes, s.d. 8°- Maison de Clermont-Tonnerre et M. le due de Clermont-Tonnerre, par le vicomte Jules de Saintry. Extrait du Pantheon hiog. univ. Par. 1853, 8«- Chateau de Bertangles, en Picardie, par le marq. Amedee de Cler- mont-Tonnerre, 1853, 4P- {^Contains historical and genealogical notes of the Souse of Clermont. ~\ Note relative a la Maison de of Clayton, Lord Sundoy, and of Yoxford, etc., bv D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Clermont-Tonnerre et a I'adoption du nom de Tonnerre, etc., par le marq. Amedee de Clermont-Tonnerre. Avec tableau genealogique. Paris, 1853, 40. Notes genealogiques pour M. le due de Clermont-Tonnerre, M. le marquis et M. le comte de Ckrmont- Tonnerre, par Chaix d'Est-Ange et Etienne. Avec tableau genealogique. Par. 1856, 4P- Clervaux, see also Allan. Clervaux — Memorials of the Families of Allan, Hylton, and Clervaux. Darling- ton Press. Darlington, 1850, 4P- Only 50 copies printed. The House of Clervaux, its descendants and alliances, by W. Hylton Longstaffe, Esq. Newcastle, 1852. 4P- 330 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, ais^d Peerage Cases. Cleve, Counts of. Stam-Bnch der Graffen unci Hertzogen von Clcve. Arnhem, 1G77, fol. Cleveland — A Genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, a great grandson of Moses Cleveland, of Wobnrn, Massachusetts, by H. G. Cleveland. Chicago, 1879, 8«- A Genealogical Kegisterof the Descendants of Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass., an Emigrant in 1035 from England, with a Sketch of the Clevelauds of Virginiaand the Carolinas, by James Butler Cleveland, Albany, N. H. 1881, 80- Excerpts from Genealogical Records ; showing lineage of Hon. Grover Cleveland, by H. G. Cleveland. 1884. Stephen Grover Cleveland, a Sketch of his Life. [With a chapter on the Cleveland Family.] By Deshler Welch. New York, 1884, 12«- -An Account of the Lineage of General Moses Cleveland of Canterbury Conn., the Founder of the City of Cleveland, Ohio, by H. G. Cleveland. Cleveland, 0. 1885. 4«- elide rou or Clitheroe of Salebury. Pedi- gree, with notes of the family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,146. Clifford, see also Bruce ; Vipont ; Weld. Clifford — Collectanea Cliffordiana in three parts, containing 1. Anecdotes of Illustrious personages of the name of Clifford. II. Historical and Genea- logical Notices of the Clifford Family. III. Clifford, a Tragedy. By A. Clifford. Paris, 1817, 8°- Cliffordiana : An Account of the Cliffords of Chudleigh. Edited by the Rev. Geo. Oliver. Exeter, 1827, 12°- Titles of Honour and Pedigrees, especially touching Clifford. Lincoln's Inn Lib. Hale MS. xcvii [civ]. Collections relating to the Family of Clifford, of Skipton in Craven, 17th century. Queen's Coll. Oxford, MS. cv. • The Cliffords of Craven. See " Ancestral Stories of Great Families, by John Timbs. Lond. 1869. 8«- Clifford. — Some Account of the Clifford Family. Brit. Mus. Sloan. MS. 4102. •Treatise concerning the Descent of tlie Ancient Family of Clifford, by Sir Matthew Hale. MS. Lincoln's Inn Library. Evidences of the Cliffords ; of great interest and value. Bodl. Lib. bodesworth MSS. 70 ; 74 ; 83. Clifford, Barony of, see Burlington. Claim of the Countess Dowager of Dorset, and the Earl of Thanet, to the Barony of Clifford. See Sessional Facers, May, 1663— Nov. 1694. Proofs of claim of Lady Anne Clifford to Baronies of Clifford, West- moreland, and Vesey. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. Clifton — Pedigree of Sir John Clifton, Knt., with genealogical notes of the Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Claim of the Hon. Bertha L Clifton of Wharton Hall. Lytham, Co. Lancaster, to the Peerage of Grey de Ruthyn, 52 pages. Sessional Papers, 1876. -Case of Lady Bertha L. Clifton, -Genealogical History of the Family of Clifford, Earls of Cumber- land, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6177. with pedigree, and Statement showing the various Summons issued to the Families of De Grey from 1294 to 1355, fol. Clinchamps — Maison de Clinchamps, histoire genealogique, par Noulens. Paris, 1884, 8«- Clinton, see also Meynill. Clinton — Memoirs of the Clinton Family, bv Henry Fynes- Clinton. Lond. n.d. Clinton, Barony of, see Trefusis. Clitheroe, see Cliderou. Cloncurry — Claim of the Right Hon. Edward, Baron Cloncurry, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, 160 of 1854. Clopt on— Pedigree of the Knyvetts, and Cloptons of Kentwell, by Sir Simmonds d'Ewes. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll, C. 15. ^ Papers relating to the Family of Clopton of Kentwdl. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 127. Collection relating to the Family of Clopton, of Clopton Hall, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 19,123. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 331 Clopton — Clopton and the Cloptons, by Artliur Hodgson. See the Journal of the British ArchcBological Association, xxxii, 238. Lond. 1876, 8"- Clovelej, see Dod. Cluguy — Genealogie de la Maison du Clugny. Dijon, 1723, 4P- Cobb — Pedigrees, with notes of the Cobb Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mns. Add. MS. 19.123. Cobbold — Collection respecting the Family of Cobbold, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Cobham, see also Salisbury. Cobham — Genealogy of the Cobham Family, with those of the Earl of Hereford, and the House of Peveral, from Edw. I. to Phillip and Mar v. MS. Roll 561. Hatfield Library. Carta3 et alia Becorda ad Familiarum de Cobham spectantia, etc. MS. 2. Hatfield House. Sepulchral Memorials of the Cobham Familv, by F. C. Brooke. 1836—74, folio!' Memorials of the Cobham Family, By John Gougli Nichols. See Collect. Top. et Gen. Vol. vii, pp. 320—345. The Lords of Cobham, their Monuments, and the Church, by J. G. Waller. Archceologia Cantiana, vols, xi, xii. Lond. 1877—78, 8«- Cock — Recueil genealogique de la Famille de Cock, par N. J. Stevens. Brux. 1855. 4«- Cockayne — Cockayne Memoranda : Col- lections towards a Historical Record of the Family of Cockayne, by Andrew Edward Coekavne. 2 vols. Congleton, 1869—73, 80- " Cockayne Family, see Topo- grapher and Genealogist, iii. 437 — 461. •Monuments of the Family of Cockayne. See Journal of the Bri Archceological Association. Vol. vii, pp. 374—383. Cockburn — The House of Cockburn of that Ilk, by Thos. H. Cockburn-Hood. Edinb. 1888, 4«- Cocke — Some particulars of the Descent of the Manor of Little Stamb ridge, not recorded in Essex History ; with an account of the Families of Cocke and Bourchier, its former possdSsjors, by H. W. King ; with Pedigrees. See " Transactions of the Essex Archaeo- logical Society," vol. ii. new series. Colchester, 1870, 8o- Cocket — Pedigree of the Family of Cocket, of Ampton, with notes by I). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Cockfield — Collection respecting the Family of Cockfield, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19123. Cocksedge — Pedigree of the Family of Cocksedge, of Bury, with genealogical notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,123. Coddington — William Coddington in Rhode Island Colonial Affairs. [With a genealogy of the Coddington Family.] By Dr. Henry E. Turner. Providence, 1878, 4«- Coe — Record of the Coe Family, 1596 to 1856. New York, 1856, 8«- Another edition, 1859. Coender — Nobiliarium Groniuganum van Wilhelm Coender van Helpen, door H. 0. Feith. Gravenage, 1886, 4P- Coflfln — Genealogy of the early Generations of the Coffin Family in New- England. Boston, 1870. ^^- See also New-Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register, for 1870. The Coffin Family, its Armorial Bearings and Origin of the Name, by John Coffin. Boston, 1881. 8o- -The Coffin Family. The life of Tristram Coffin of Nantucket, Founder of the family line in America, wdth Anecdotes, &c., of his Descendants, and some Information concerning the Ancient Families named Coffin. Nan- tucket, 1881, 8°- The Life of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, Baronet. His English and American Ancestors, by Thomas C. Amory. Boston, 1886, 8o- Coggeshall — Collection relating to the Family of Coggeshall, of Essex and Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Account of the Family of Coggeshall, see History of Coggeshall in Essex, by Geo. F. Beaumont. Lond. 1890, 80- The Coggeshall Coat-of-Arms, Illustrated Account of, by the Rev. S. W. Coggeshall. Issued by Charles P. Coggeshall, of Chicago, to members of the Family. Broadside. Family Histobies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Coglnll— The Family of Coghill, 1377 to 1879. With some sketches of their maternal ancestors, the Slingsbys of Scriven Hall, 1135 to 1879. By J. H. Coghill. Cambridge, 1879, 8°- Cogswell — The Cogswells in America, by E. 0. Jameson. Boston, 1884, 8"- Coit — The Coit Family, or the Descend- ants of John Coit, who appears among the Settlers of Salem, Mass. in 1638, etc. By the Rev. F. W. Chapman. Hartford, 1874, 8o- Coke — Collection respecting the Family of Coke, of Norfolk and Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19124. Account of Parentage, Birth, and Family of Sir E. Coke ; with particulars of his life, written by himself. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6687'! Harg. MS. 494 f. 139. Notices of the Coke Family. See The History of Melhourne, co. Derby, by J. J. Briggs. Derby 1852, 8°- Coke of Trusley, co. Derby, and Branches therefrom : a Family History by Major John T. Coke. Privately printed," 1888, 4o- Colas — Histoiregenealogique de la Famille de Colas, d'Orleans, par Le Caingneulx, chanoine de Saint-Aignan. 1768, 40. Colbert, see also EstouteviUe. Colbert— Devises heroiques sur les armes de M. de Colbert, par Oronce Fine de Brianville. Par. 1667, 4'^- ■ La Gvyvre mysterievse, ov explication des armes de la tres-illvstre Famille de Colbert, par Brice Bavderon. Macon, 1680, 8o- Colby — Colby of Great Torrington, Devon. Some Account of that Family and its alliances for five generations, by Fred. Thomas Colby. 1878, 4"- Printed for private circulation. An Appendix to Colby of Great Torrington, containing an account of Families of the same name in other counties, and additional notes, by F. T. Colby, 1880, 40- Printed for private circulation. Pedigrees of Five Devonshire Families, Colby, Coplestone, Reynolds, Palmer, and Johnson, by F. T. Colby. Exe. 1884, 4o- Colb}'- — Pedigrees of the Family of Colby, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Colclough — Case of Jane S. Boyse, for- merly Colclough, claiming the Wexford Estates, under the Will of Caesar Colclough of Tintern Abbey in Co. Wexford, with folding pedigree. Lond. 1853, 4«- Cole — The Genealogy of the Family of Cole, of the County of Devon, and those of its branches which settled in Suffolk, Hampshire, Surrey, etc., by James Edwin Cole. Lond. 1867, 8o- Privately printed. The Genealogie or Pedigree of the Right Worshipfull and Worthie Cap- taine Sir William Cole of the Castle of Eneskillen in the County of Ffirma- naugh. By Sir W. Segar and W. Penson. 1870, 4°- Privately printed. ■Genealogy and Arms of the Family of Cole of Enniskillen, see " Miscel- lanea Genealogica et Heraldica," ii. 234—250. Lond. 1876, 40- Pedigree of the Family of Cole, of Sudbury, etc. with notes by D, E. Davy, and copy of the will of Wm. Cole, of Ipswich, 1727. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. -Isaac Kool ((^ool or Cole) and Catherine Severn, mar. Oct, 15, 1764, at Tappan, Rockland, Co. New York, Their Descendants complete to May 1, 1876. Also their American Ancestors. Compiled for the family by Rev. David Cole. New York, 1876, 8''- -Early Genealogies of the Cole Families of America (including Coles and Cowles), by Frank T. Coles. Columbus, 0. 18H7, 8o- Notes respecting the Family of Cole of Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5819, ff 155b— 210b. -Arms, and Monumental Inscrip- tion of the Rev. William Cole, of Cam- bridge, written by himself. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5808, f. 183b. Remarks on the Arms of the Family of Cole, of Cambridge, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841, f. 183. Coleman — The Coleman Family. Des- cendants of Thomas Coleman in the line of the oldest son. Nine Generations, Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 333 1598 to 1867, 269 years. Philadel- phia, 1867, 8«- Colepeper — A Genealogical History of the Family of Colepeper, from 1513 to 1664, with the arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7565, ff. 57—117. Original Papers and Letters relative to the Family of Colepeper, 1649—1749. Brit. Mns. Add. MS. 11,324. Leases and Documents rela- ting to the Family of Culpeper, 1639 — 1689. Brit. Mus. Add. Chart. 1774— 1781. Colfe — Memorials of the Family of Colfe. Bibliothexa ColfancB Catalogus, by W. H. Black. Privately printed, 1831, 8«- Coligny — Table genealogique de I'illustre Maison de Coligny, dressee sur chartes et titres avtentiques en attendant I'his- toire, par le Sieur du Bouchet. Paris, 1640, fol. Preuves de I'Histoire de la Mai- son de Coligny, par Jean du Bouchet. Paris, 1662, fol. Colins — Genealogie de la Maison de Co- lins, par M. D *** S. D. H *** (De Visian, sieur de Hoove). 1773, fol. Collard — Pedigree of the Family of Col- lard, by Edw. Maynard Collard, Illus- trating its History, and indicating its Collateral Branches. See " Chislet, Kent," by the Eev.. Francis Haslewood. Privately printed, 1887. Colleoni — La Discendenza di Bartolomeo Colleoni, Osservazioni del conte Ven- ceslao Martinengo — Colleoni. Bergamo, 1875. 8 • Another edition, 1876. Collett — Collection concerning the Family of Collett, of Westerfield, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Colley — Pedigree of the families of Colley, Wellesley, and Cusack, from the begin- ning of the 13th century to about the year 1770. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 13,914 A. Collier — Pedigree of the Familj' of Collier, compiled by Reginald Stewart Bodding- ton. Lond. 1878, 4'^- Privately printed. Colligny — Genealogie de la Maison de Colligny en Bresse. Paris, 1565, 8°- Collins — A genealogical TaJ^le shewing the Descent of John Stratford Collins, Esq., etc. Broadside. Collins — Genealogy of the descendants of Isaac Collins, son of Chas. Collins of New Castle, Co. Del., by John Collins. 1867. Broadside. Collinson — A short account of the Family of Collinson, of Hendon and Sprough- ton, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Colman, see also Dawson. Colman— Memoirs of the Colman Family including their correspondence, by K. B. Peake. 2 vols. Lond. 1841, 8«- Pedigrees of the Family of Col- man, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Coloma— Genealogie de la Maison de Coloma. Malines, 1759, fol. Another by P. A. Livin, comte de Coloma. Louvain, 1777, fol. Another by J. F. A. F. de Azevedo Courtinho y Bernal. No date, fol. Colomb — A Genealogical History of the House of St. Colomb, by Claude le Laboureur, 1673. Colonna — Collections relating to the Family of Colonna, etc. Italian. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8407. Historia della Augustissima famiglia Colonna. Don Filadelfo Mugnos. With a preface by O. d' Agostino. Venetia, 1658, fol. Casa del conte Colonna d' Istria. Bastia, 1860, 4P- Colquhoun — Historical Sketch of the Family of Colquhoun in Scotland. Printed for private circulation. The Chiefs of Colquhoun, and their Country. By W. Eraser. Edinb. 1869, 4'^- Colshyll — Pedigrees of the families of Nevill, Colshyll, &c., about 1532. Brit. Mus. Harl. Eoll P. 3. Colt — Genealogical Memoirs of the Families of Colt and Coutts, by the Kev. Charles Rogers. Printed for the Cottonian Society. Lond. 1879, 8^- Another copy printed for the Moyal Historical tSociety. Lond. 1879, 8°- Genealogy of the Family of Colt, with notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. ■History and Genealogy of the Colts of that Ilk, etc. Edinb. 1887, 4jO. Privately printed. 834 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Columbers — Collection concerning the Family of Columbers, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Colvile, see also Peverell. —Collection relating to the Family of Colvile, by J). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Colville — Claim of Charles John Colville of (.^ulross, to vote at Elections of Scotch Peers. See Sessional Fapers. 36 of 1850. Combauld — Cenealogie de la Maison de Combauld, par Pierre D'Hozier. Paris, 1629, 4'^- Comberbach— Collections for a Genealo- gical account of the Family of Comberbach. By Ceorge W. Marshall. Lond. 1866, S^- Comberforde — Pedigree of the Family of Comberforde, 1594. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,326. Comborn — Actes importans concernant la Maison des vicomtes de Comborn, par C. L. J. G-. de Lasterie, Vicomte de Comborn, &c. Par. 1774, 4o- Comin — Pedigree of the Comin Family, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Comnene — Precis historique de la Maison imperiale des Comnenes, par le prince Demetrius Comnene. Amst, 1784. 8°- Notice sur la Maison Comnene et sur ses vicissitudes, etc. parle prince Demetrius Comnene. Par. 1816, 8°- Compton — An Account of the different Earls of Northampton, from the time of William the Conqueror : with an historical description of the noble family of Compton. Northampton, 1820, 120- History of the Compton family. See Drummond's Nohle British Families, vol. 1. On the Descent and Arms of the House of Compton, of Compton Wyniate, in the County of Warwick, Earls and Marquises of Northampton, by Evelyn Philip Shirley. See Archceo- logia, vol. 43. Conant — Pedigree of the Conant Family. Compiled by Frederick Odell Conant, of Portland, Me. Broadside, 1884. History and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America. Thirteen generations, 1520—1887, by Fred. Odell Conant. Portland, Maine, 1887, S-^- Privately printed. Conde — Explication de la genealogie de Henri, Prince de Conde, premier prince du Sang de France. Avec une table genealogique, par K,. P. F. Joseph Texera. Paris, 1596, 8'^- [The same in Latin 1596 and 1598. Memoire pour servir a I'histoire de la maison de Conde. 2 vols. Paris, 1820, 8«- -La Maison de Conde, par Guibout. Kouen, 1856, 8°- Histoire de Princes de Conde pendant les xvi® et xvn® siecles, par M. le Due d'Aumale. 2 vols. Paris, 1863—64, 8«- History of the Princes de Conde in the 16th and I7th centuries. Tran- slated from the French of M. le Due d'Aumale by Pobert Brown Borthwick. 2 vols. Lond. 1872, 8°- Coney — Pedigree, with notes respecting the Family of Coney, of Linton. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5812, f. 204 b. A Brief Study in Genealogy, Connin, Conny, Coney, Cony. By oneofthe Family [Joseph H. Williams.] Cambridge [U.S.], 1885, 4o- Fifty copies printed for private distribution. Condit — Genealogical Record of the Condit Family ; Descendants of John Condit, who settled in Newark, N.J., 1678 — 1885. Also an Appendix containing a Brief Record of the Harrison, Williams, Pierson, Smith, Lindsley, Munn, and Whitehead Families, by Jotham H. Condit and Eben. Condit. Newark, N.J. 1885. Conflans — La Genealogie de la Maison de Conflans, par Charles Rene d'Hozier. Chalons, n d. fol. Coningsby, see also Mar. Coningsby. — The Family of Coninsgby of Coningsby and Marden. See Mcrden Manor, by Thomas Coningsby, 1722, fol. Connable— Genealogical Memoir of the Cunnabell, Conable or Connable Family. John Cunnabell of London, England, and Boston, Massachusetts, and his Descendants, 1650—1886, by Edw. J. Connable and Jolm B. New^comb. Jackson, Mich. 1886, 8«- Connington, see Bruce. Conny, see Coney. Family Histoeies, PEDiaEEES, and Peeeage Cases. 335 Constable, see also Bruce ; llogor. Constable — Collection conceining the Constable Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. The Family of Constable, of Yorkshire. See The Compleat Gentle- man, by Henry Peacham, 1634, 4P- ■Pedigree of the Family of Constable, of Yorkshire. Single sheet. -G-enealogy of the Family of Constable of Chester. Brit. Mus. Harl MS. 1830. The Constable Family, of Everingham, etc. See H. Foley's Becords of the English Province, iii, 204. -History of the Family of Constable, of Everingham. Compiled about 1620. MS. Everingham Park. -Genealogies of the Family of Constable and their connections. MS. No. LYiii. Towneley Hall, Burnley. -Arms, Pedigrees, Notes, Ex- tracts, etc. relating to the Family of Constable of Halsham, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 245, f. 114. Constant — Notice genealogique sur la branche de la Maison Constant de Kebecque, connue sous le nom de Seymour de Constant, par le baron G. C. Seymour de Constant. Abbeville, 1837, 8«- Constantin — Genealogie de la Famille de Constantin, extraite du tome second des Archives gen. et hist. de la Noh. de France, pub. par P. L. Laine. Par. 1829, 8'"- Conti — Historia della Famiglia Conti di .^ Padova, etc. by Salici. Vicenza, 1605, I 4"- ■' Genealogia di Casa Conti, by Dionigi. Parma, 1663, 4"- -Albero et Istoria della Famiglia de'Conti di Marsciano, by Abbate D, Ferd. A^ghelli. lioma, 1667, fol. Converse — Family Records of Deacons James W. Converse and Elisha S. Converse. Compiled and edited by William G. Hill. Maiden, Mass., 1887, go. Privately printed. Conway, see also Eawdon, Conway — The Conway Family, of Aber- conway. See " llawdon Papers," 1819. Edited by Ed. Berwick. Conway — A circular pedigree of John Conway taken out of a pedigree by Robert Davies, of Grissancy, Esq , who died in 1633, by Griffith Hughes, Deputy Herald. 1634. Copied in 1794. Of the original only two copies were made. In the possession of the Marquis of Hertford. Conyer — History of the Conyer Family, by Nathaniel Johnston. MS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Conyers, Barony of, see Osborn. Cook — " Genealogia et prosapia Edwardi Cook Armigeri." 1597. Brit Mus. Harl. MS. 6160. Cooke, see also Candee ; Stafford. Cooke — Collection concerning the Family of Cooke, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. The Seize Quartiers of the Family of Bryan Cooke, Esq., of Owston, etc., and of Frances his wife, by W. B. Cooke, 1857, 4''- Printed for private circulation. Pedigree of the Cooke Family of Gidea Hall, Romford, Co. Essex, with some account of Sir Thomas Cooke, Alderman of the City of London. See "Illustrations of Jack Cade's Rebellion," by B. B. Orridge Lond. 1869, 8°- — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Cooke of Kingsthorpe, etc. Lond. 1873, 4P- Privately printed. -A Genealogy of the Families bearing the Name of Cooke, or Cook. Principally in Massachusetts and Con- necticut, 1665 to 1882, by James Cook. Lowell, Mass. 1882, 8"- Cool, see Cole. Coombs — The Descendants of Thomas White, etc. With Brief Notices of the Coombs Family, by Perley Derby. Boston, 1872, 8«- Cooper — Collection concerning the Family of Cooper, of Worlington, Yoxford, etc., by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Notices of the Coopers, etc. See History of the Parishes of Ballysadare and Kilvarnet, Co. Sligo, by Terence O'Rorke. Dublin, 1878, 8«- -Descendants of Peter Cooper of Rowley, Mass., by Albion K. P. Cooper, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Portland, Me, 1885, 40. 336 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Cooper — Thomas Cooper of Boston and his Descendants, by Fred. Tuekerman. Boston, Mass. 1890, S'^- Cope — A Kecord of the Cope Family, as established in America, by Oliver Cope, with the residences, dates of births, deaths and marriages of his descendants as far as ascertained, by Gilbert Cope. Philadelphia, 1861, 8«- Some account of the Cope family. See " A Eoj^al Descent ; with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond. 1875 and 1881, 4'^- Copeland, see Thayer. Copinger — History of the Copingers, or Coppingers, of the City of Cork (including those of Ballyvolane and Barryscourt), and Buxhall and Laren- ham' in Suffolk. Edited by W. A. Copinger. Only 150 copies printed, 1884, 8«- Copland — Pedigrees of the Family of Copland, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124 Copledike — Genealogy of the Family of Copledike, of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124, Copleston — Pedigrees of the families of Nevill, Copleston, etc. about 1532. Hrit. Mus. Harl KoU P. 3. Coplestone, see also Colby. Copley — Collection concerning the Family of Copley alias Grosthead, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Copping — Pedigrees of the Families of Coppin and Copping, with notes by D. E. Davy, and copy of the will of Valentine Copping, 1726. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Coppinger — Collection concerning the Coppinger Family, of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Coquille — Genealogie de la Maison des Coquilles, par Guy Coquille, Frivately 'printed^ 4i"- Corbet, see Ashwin. Corbett — Collection respecting the Corbett Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Corday — Genealogie de la FamiUe de Charlotte I'orday. See Memoir es de Fleury, 1807. Cordelier — Genealogie de la Maison de Cordelier et ses alliances, No place, 1830, 8°- Cordcll — Genealogy of the Family of Cordell, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Corera — II Corelio dove si vedono le origine di Este e della famiglia Corera di Venezia, by Giacomo Zabarella. Padova, 1664, 4«- Corlies, see Corliss. Corliss — A Genealogical llecord of the C'orliss Family of America ; including some of the families connected by inter- marriage ; among which are Neft", Hutchins, Ladd, Eastman, Koby, Ayer, Kingsbury, Merrick, Haynes, Messer, George, Hastings, Bailey, Davis, Dustin, Pattee, Hinds, &c. Also notes on the Corlies Family, by Augustus W. Cor- liss. Yarmouth, Maine, 1875, 8*^- Corneille — Lettre a M. I'abbe Trublet contenant la genealogie de Corneille, par M. Dreux du Padier. 1757, 12'^- Cornell, see Sands. Cornemont, see Buisseret. Cornulier — Genealogie de la Maison de Cornulie-, en Bretagne, par J. Laine. 3 parts,Nantes, 1847—63, 8«- Supplement a la genealogie de la Maison de Cornulier, par E. F. P. T. de Cornulier— Luciniere. Avec la des- cription des armes. Nantes, 1860, 8°- Cornwall — The Earls of Cornwall. By J. P. Blanche, Esq. Somerset Herald, V.P. See the Journal of the British Archceological Association, vol. 33. The Duchy and Dukes of Cornwall, by Stephen J. Tucker, Pouge Croix Poursuivant. See the Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. 33. Cornwallis — Genealogical Collections re- lating to the Cornwallis Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,124. Monuments to the Cornwallis Family, in Brome Church, Suffolk, by the Hon. Anne Townshend ; with MS. notes, heraldic descriptions, and pedi- gree of the Cornwallis family, by D. E. Davy, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,182. -A Description to accompany the tables of Descent of the Cornwallis Family. Blazoned by Louisa, Mar- chioness Cornwallis. London, 8°- Correra — Istoria della Famiglia Correra, by G, Zabarella. Padua, 1664, 4°- Family Histoeies, PEDiaEEES, and Peeeage Casbs. 337 Corsyo^edol — Acoounts of the Family of Corsygedol from 1180 to 1770. MSS. Nos. 202 ; 203. Mostyn Hall, Holy- well. Corten — Table Clironologique de la Famille de Corten, Patrons de I'eglise de N. Dame a Malines, avec les Inscriptions Sepulchrales des personnes celebres enterrees dans cette eglise, et tables des families Heyns alias Smets, Bayard, Liebecke, Van der Lind, Brecht, Van Kiel et Van Criechingen, par J. F. A. F. Azevedo Coutinho y tBernal. Louvain, 1753, fol. Privately printed. Corwin— The Corwin Genealogy (Curwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the United States, by Edw. Tanjore Corwin. New York, 1872, 8°- The Parentage of Matthias Corwin of South old, L.I., and his llelationship to George Corwin of Salem, Mass., by Henry F. Waters. Salem, 1881, S''- Cory — The Family of Cory, of Bramerton. See Sepulchral Beminiscences^ p. 107, by Dawson Turner. Yarmouth, 1848, 8«- Costentin — Genealogy of the Family of Costentin, of Lower Normandy, Seig- neurs de Tourville, and papers relating to the descent of Anne Hylarion de Costentin, Comte de Tourville. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,403. Cotgreve — Pedigree of Cotgreve, through the families of Kosingreve, Multon, and Bostok. Brit. Mus. Harl. Boll D 18. Cotman — Particulars relating to the Family of Cotman, of Yarmouth, from L the Court-rolls of Topcroft and i Bungay, and from the Begister-Books of Yarmouth, 1848. Brit. Mus. Add. f MS. 27,967. Cottell— A History of the Cotel Cottell, or Cottle Family of the Counties of Devon, Somerset, Cornwall, and Wilts. By W. H. Cottell. Lond. 1871, 8«- Cottenham — Lord Cottenham's Earldom. Lond. 1850, 8o- 2nd edition, Lond. 1850, 8«- Cotton, see also Howard ; "Orus ; Walton. Cotton — Gens Cottoniana Cantabrigien- sis ; or. An Account of the antient and worthy Family of Cotton, seated at Lanwade and Maddingley in the County of Cambridge, 1763. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841. Cotton — Genealogie of one of the worthic houses of the Cottons of Cotton, near Chester. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6160. Collection respecting the Family of Cotton, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,125. -The English Ancestry of the Bev. John Cotton, of Boston. From the Collection of H. G. Somerby, of London. Reprinted from the Heraldic Journal Boston, U.S.A., 1868. Coucy — Traite des Nobles ; I'Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Couci, par F. de L'Alouete. Paris, 1577, 40. Genealogique des Maisons de Guines, de (^oucy, etc., par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1631. fol. ■Histoire de la Ville et des Seigneurs de Coucy, avec des Notes, par Dom Toussaints Du Plessis. Paris, 1728. 4P- -Memoires historiques sur la Maisons de Coucy, la Dame de Faiel et Eustache de Saint- Pierre, par M. De Belloy. Paris, 1770. 8«- Histoire de la ville et des sires de Coucy, par E. de I'Espinois. Paris, 1859. 8«' Coulthart — Coulthart ofCoulthart, Collyn, and Ashton-under- Lyne, derived from the Family Muniments, and brought down to A.D. 1853. By Alex. Cheyne and Geo. Parker Knowles. Single sheet. ■A Genealogical and Heraldic Account of the Coultharts of Coulthart and Collyn, Chiefs of the name ; from their first settlement in Scotland to the year 1854 ; to which are added seven other Pedigrees of Families, that became incorporated with the House of ( oul- thart. [Ross of Renfrew, Macknyghte of Macknyghte, Glendonyn of Glen- donyn, Carmichael of Carspherne, Forbes of Pitscottie, Mackenzie of Craig Hall, and Gordon of Sorbie.] By Geo. P. Knowles. Lond. 1855, S"- Privately printed on vellum. -Motes and Memoranda to the Coulthart and Ross Pedigrees, 1864, 338 Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peerage Cases. Coultliart — ■ Notices of tlie Coulthart Falnil3^ See " Herald and Genealo<^ist," iii. 17-24, 151, 252— 25G; "Popular Genealogists," pp. 22 — 51, Edinburgh, 1865, 8^' ; also the Manchester Guar- dian, 30 May, 1865. Courbeau — Abregehistorique de la Maison de Courbeau, de Marseille, par le Baron • de B***. Mars. 1857, 8"- Courbon — Genealogie de la Maison de Courbon de la Koche- Courbon — Blonac. Nontron, 1859, 8«- Courcy — Papers relating to the claim of John de Courcy to the Baronies of Kingsale and of Courcy of Kingrone, in 1760. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23692. Claim of John de Courcy to be Baron Kingsale, and Baron Courcy of Kingrone. See ^'Sessional Papers, 144 of 1831— 32. Couronnel — Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la Maison de louronnel, comtes de Wilier val, etc. par Borel d'Hauterive. Par. 1859, 8° Courtenay — Vellum Roll, about 12 feet long by 3 feet wide, containing the pedigree of the Courtenays from the earliest times, and full of coats of arms most beautifully painted. Compiled by Sir Peter Balle. Powderham Castle, Co. Devon. Account of the Courtenay family by Sir Peter Balle, 1625. Dedicated to Sir W. Courtenay of Powderham. MS. Powderham Castle, Co. Devon. -Discours sur la Genealogie de la Maison de Courtnay, par Helie du Tillet, sieur de Goves. Paris, 1603. 80- -Kepresentation du merite de I'instance faicte, par Messieurs de Courtenay pour la conservation de la dignite de leur Maison. Paris, 1603, 80- -De stirpe et Ori^-ine Domus de Courtenay, qua3 ccepita a Ludovicj Crasso huius nominis sexto Francorum liege Sermocinatio. Table gonealogique, etc. Paris, 1(307, 8o- » Representation du procede tenu en I'instance faiete - Crosse — Pedigree of the Family of Crosse of Finborough, with notes by D. E. Davy, and copies of the wills of Samuel Crosse of Bredfield and of John Crosse of Bealings. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,125. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 343 Crossland — Genealogy of the Crossland Family, of Crossland Hill, near Almondbury, 1707. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 253. Crostliwaite — The Crosthwaite Registers, by J. Fisher Crosthwaite, Esq. See Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society, vol. ii. Kendal, 1876, 8°- Croun, see Pedwardine. Croy — Traicte et brief Discours de I'origine et descente des Princes, Dncs, Comtes, etc. de la Maison de Croi. par Isaac S. de Malmedy. Paris, 1566, 8«- ■ La Genealoffie et Descente de la Maison de Croy ; avec les blasons et armoiries, par Jean Scohier. Douay, 1589, fol. Le Levre contenant la Genealogie de la Maison le Croy, 1601. Richly illuminated. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8824. Livre Contenant la Genealogie et Descente de ceux de la Maison de Croy, par Jacobus de Bye. Privately printed about 1620, fol. [For an account of this book, see Memoirs dio Due Charles de Croy, by Baron de Reeffenburg. Brux. 1845, 8o- ] Genealogie et descendance de la Famille de Croy. par Jacques Chevillard. 1715, fol. Chronologic historique des dues de Croy, contenant les preuves sur I'origine royale, la filiation de toutes les branches et les grandes illustrations de cette Maison. Avec tableaux genealogiques, etc. par L. Leroy. Grenoble, 1790, 8«- -Copie d'un Manuscrit appartenent aux archives de la Maison de Croy, (Signe Lebret.) Par. 1845, 4°- -Genealogie critique et litteraire des Maisons de Croy-Chanel et de Croy- d'Havre de Santerre, par Alex. Barginet. Par. 1820, 8°- -Notice genealogique sur la Maison de Croy-Chanel de Hongrie, par M. H. de Croy-Chanel. 1859, 8o- Crozer — The Crozer Family of Bucks County. Teuton, 1866, 8«- Cubham, see Cropper. Cubieres — Notice historique et genea- logique sur la Maison de Cubieres, par F. Combe d'Auriac. Par. 1853, 4«- Cubitt — Collections for a History of the Family of Cubitt, by Geo. Cubitt, Esq. M.P. The Norfolk Antiquarian Mis- cellany. Part I. Norwich, 1873, 8o- Pedigree of the Family of Cubitt, of Bucklesham, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,125. Cuddon — Pedigree of the Family of Cuddon, of Shaddingfield, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,125. Cugnac — Genealogique historique de la Maison de Cugnac, par I'abbe Lespine. Extraite du tome xvii. du Nohl. univ. de France. Par. 1828, 8"- Culant — Memoire genealogique pour Rene-Alexandre, marquis de Culant, contre le sieur de la Chcsnaye-des-Bois. Par. 1765, 4P- Culcheth — Genealogies of the Families of Culcheth, of Culcheth ; and Risley, of Risley, both in the County of Lancaster, by J.' Paul Rylands. Lond. 1876, 4P' Privately printed. Cullum — The Cullum pedigree with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,125. Cumberford — Pedigree of Cumberford, of Cumberford, near Tamworth, Co. Stafford, with arms emblazoned. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,326. Pedigrees of the Families of Cumberford or De Comerford and De la Roche with alliances ; and with emblazonments of arms of Crequj and allied families, by R. Bigland, 1786. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,942. Gumming — A Table shewing the Families descendedfrom Sir Alexander Gumming of Coulter, Aberdeenshire. Broadside, 187V. Cumyn — Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns, with an historical introduction, by M. E. C. Bruce. Edinb. 1870, 4P- Cunningham pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,125. Currer — A Skeleton Pedigree to illustrate the descent [Richardson] of the late Miss Currer of Eshton Hall, and of John George Smyth of Heath, Esq., from Jane, the sister of John Hopkin- son of Lofthouse, the Antiquary. Long slip. u.d. su Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Curson, see Ciirzon. Curtis — lleeords of some of the Descen- dants of William Curtis, Koxbury,lG32. Compiled by Samuel C. Clarke. Pp. 29. Curwen, see also Giles. Curwen — A Pedigree of the Family of Curwen of Workingham, including the branches of Stubbs, of Poulton, and of Helsington, showing their descent from the lloyal Houses of England and Scotland, etc. Single sheet, no date. Curwin, or Curwen, see Corwin. Curzon — Pedigrees of the Curson and Curzon, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 19,125. ■ Account of the Family of Curzon, by H. Jermyn, 1812. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,197, f. 128. Case of Sir Nathaniel Curzon, claiming the Barony of Powes. 1731. Cusack — Pedigrees of the families of Cusack, Wellesley, and Colley, from the beginning of the 13th century to about the year 1770. 13,914 A. -Geuealosries Families of genealotrical Brit. Mus. Add. MS. des Maisons Cusack et de Lespinasse, extraite tome premier des Arch. gen. et hist de du de L. la Nohl. de France^ publiees par P, Laine. Par. 1828, 8«- Cushing — The Genealogy of the Gushing Family, by Lemuel Cushing. Mon- treal, 1877, 8"- Cushman — A historical and biographical genealogy of the Cushmans : the des- cendants of llobert Cushman, the Puritan, from the year 1617 to 1855. Bj H. W. Cushman. Boston [U.S.], 1855, 8°- Cutler — Collections concerning the Family of Cutler. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS\ 8206 ; 19,125. • A Genealogical Record of several Families bearing the name of Cutler in the United States, by Abner Morse. Boston, 1867, B^- A Cutler Memorial and Genea- logical History. Compiled by Nahum S. Cutler. Privately printed, 1889, 8"- Besearches in Genealogy relat- ing to the Cutler Family, made in England in a summer vacation, 1888, by a Descendant, John Lewis Cutler. Privately printed, 1889, 4o- Cutter — A History of the Cutter Family of New England, b}^ Dr Benjamin Cutter. Boston, 1871, 8"- History of the Cutter Family of New England. Supplement. 1871- 1874. Boston, 1875, 8"- Cutts — The Descent of the Manor of Horham, and of the Family of Cutts, by H. W. King ; and Pedigree of the Family of Cutts, by G. H. llogers- Harrison. See Transactions of the Essex ArchcBoJogical t^ociety, iv. 25-43. Colchester, 1869, 8o- History of the Cutts Family, by Mr Cutts Howard. In progress, 1887. Cuzzaniti — Genealogia della Famiglia Cuzzaniti di Messina, descritta pel Barone Giuseppe Galluppi. 2nd edition, Messina, 1875. 8«- Cybo — Istoria della famiglia Cybo, des- critta dal Dottor Francesco de Petris, Napoletano : dedicated to Prince Albe- rico Cybo, 25 Oct. 1599. Revised by the author in the year 1616. Coloured arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,042. Dabney — Sketch of the Dabneys of Vir- ginia, with some of their family records, by Wm. H. Dabney of Boston. Chicago, 1888, S'^- D'Abrichcourt — The D'Abrichcourt Family, by J. Maskell. See " The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliogra- pher," vol. iii. Lond. 1883, 8"- Dacres — Pedigree of the ancient family of Dacres. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, p. 15. Dade — Collections concerning the Family of Dade, of Ipswich, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Dade, of Suffolk. Illustrated with numerous engravings of arms, etc. 50 copies privately printed, 4°- Dagworth — Collections concerning the Family of Dagworth, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Dal-Cais — A History of the Dal-Cais or Dalcassians, descendants of Cais, of the line of Heber, by Richard Cronnellv. Dublin, 1865, 8"- Dalhousie — Claim of the Earl of Dal- housie to Vote at Elections of Repre- sentative Peers for Scotland. 1862. Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 345 Dalison Documents and Pedigree, by Canon Scott Robertson. Archwologia Gantiana, vol xv. Lond. 1883, 8''' Dainiahoy, see also Falconer. Dalmalioj — The Family of Dalmahoy, of Dalmahoy, Katho, co. Edinburgh, by Tho. Falconer. Privately printed, Lond 1870? 8«- Dahymple, see also Stair Dalrymple — Story of the Dairy mples. "Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878, 8«- — The name of Dalrymple : with a Genealogy of one Branch of the Family in the United States, by W. H. Dalrymple. Haverhill, Mass. 1878, 18'^- Dalton — Pedigree of the Dalton Family of Bury, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. i3rit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Dalyngiuge — Notices of the Family of Sir Edward Dalyngruge, of Bodian Castle, by Mark Ant. Lower. ^'ee Sussex ArclicBological Collections, vol. xii. 18G0. Damas — Glenealogie de la Maison de Damas en Forez, Bourgogne, etc., par P. L. Laine. Par. 1839, 8o- Dammartin pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Damon Memorial, or Notices of Three Damon Families who came from Old England to New England in the XYiith Century, by Samuel Chenery Damon. Honolulu, H. I. 1882, 12o- Dampierre — Histoire de la Maison de Dampierre, par I'abbe Maistre. Paris, 1884, 80- Dana — Memoranda of some of the Des- cendants of Richard Dana, by Rev. John Jay Dana. Boston, 1865, 80- Dane — Remarkable Providences in the course of my Life, by John Dane of Ipswich, 1682. To which is added a Pedigree of the Dane Family, and a few notes. Boston, 1854, S^- Daniell — Pedigree of the Daniell Family of Suffolk, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. MusT Add. MS. 19126. D'Annville — Collections relating to the Families of D'Annville of Bitton, Gloucestershire ; and the Le Grand alias Button of Wiltshire and Glamor- ganshire, by " Alton." Lond. 1888, 4P- Only 105 copies printed. Dante — Delia Famiglia di Dante, by L. Passerine, see Dante's Alighieri, vol. i. 1865. La Famiglia degli Allighieri in Ferrara, by L. N. Cittadella. Fer. 1865, 8'^- Dan vers — Pedigrees of Danvers, deduced from John Danvers of Cotherop, two rolls, one on vellum, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Rolls P 5, 10. Claim of George John Danvers Butler Danvers, Earl of Lanesborough, to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland. Sessional Papers, 96 of 1848. Dapifer — Fragments concerning Eudo Dapifer and his Family, by Miss Fry. See " Transactions of the Essex Archae- ological Society," vol i. new series. Colchester, 1878, 8o- Da Ponte — Genealogy of the Family of Da Ponte of Casamassimo, 1700. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,670. Darcy — Collections concerning the family of Darcy, consisting of transcripts of ancient deeds and charters, with draw- ings of seals annexed to them ; extracts from the assize and other rolls, fines, pleas, inquisitions, escheats, etc., and pedigree, 1639. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207. A. Collections relating to the Families of Darcy and Monteagle during the 15th and 16th centuries, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,451 ; 24,452. -Abstract of a manuscript contain- ing evidences of the Darcy family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,612. Evidences of the Families of Darcy and Wimbish. The Darcy evidences from the Conquest to 1593 ; the Wim- bish evidences from 1298 to 1552. MS. No. XXII. Towneley HaU, Bum- ley. -Darcy pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Darell, see also Dawnay. 346 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Davell— The Darell Family, of Scotncy Castle, Sussex. See H. Foley's "Records of the English Province," iii. 476. Darling — Memorial to my Honoured Kindred, by Charles W. Darling. Utica, 1888, 8«- Darlington — Sesqui-centennial gatliering of the Clan Darlington, at the residence of B. Darlington, in East Bradford, Chester County, Pennsylvania, on the 20th of Aug. 1853. Lancaster, 1853, 8°- Darnley, Earl of, see Stuart ; Lennox. Darrell— Pedigrees of the families of Darrcll ; Fitzherbert, afterwards Finch ; and Thynne. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Dart Genealogy, by Wra. C. Sharpe. Seymour, Conn. 1888, 12«- Darwin — Pedigree of the Family of Dar- win, by H. Farnham Burke. Lond. n.d. 40- Dashwood — Pedigrees of the Dashwoods, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Daundy pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Daunt — Some account of the Family of Daunt, by John Daunt. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1881, ^^- ^ ^ Dauphin — Histoire genealogique et chronologique des Dauphins de Vien- nois depuis Guigues I. jusques a Louis V. par Gaya. Paris, 1683, 12°- Memoires pour servir a 1' Histoire de Dauphine, sous les Dau- phins de la Maison de la Tour du Pin, avec observations sur les Usages Anciens, et sur les Families. Paris, 1711, fol. -Histoire de Dauphine et des Princes qu'ont porte le nom de Dau phins, par Pierre Moret de Bourchenu. 2 vols. Geneva, 1722, fol. -Documents historiques inedits pour servir a I'Histoire du Dauphine. par le Comte Douglas. Grenoble, 1874, 40. Davenport, see also Mobberley. Davenport — A History and Genealogy of the Davenport Family in England and America, from A.D. 1086 to 1850, by A. Benedict Davenport. New York, 1851, 80- Davenport — A Supplement to the History and Genealogy of the Davenport Family in England and America, from 1086 to 1850, and continued to 1876, by Amzi Benedict Davenport. Stamford, Conn. 1876, 8'^'- Privately printed. Davers — Collection concerningthe Family of Davers, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. David — GenealogisB Domini Nostri Jesus Christ, dei et Davidis filii, synopsi gemiua et tribus libris expressa et exposita. Francofurti, 1594, fol. A newly invented Table for exhibiting the Genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ, with notes, by Robert Berkley Greene. Lond. 1822, 8° Genealogy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Dublin, 1834, single sheet. The Genealogies of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with the Genea- logy of the House of David, from Adam to the close of the Old Testament, by Lord Arthur Hervey. Cambridge, i 1853, 8«- ' j Davidson — Davidson Genealogy, by C. T. M'Creed}^, 1867. Single sheet. Herald and Genealogist, vol. V. p. 368. Davies, see Mutton. Davis, see also Corliss ; Weitzel. Davis — The Davis Family Record, edited by Chas. H. S. Davis. A Monthly . Journal devoted to the History and I Genealogy of the Davis Family. ' Meriden,'Conn. 1867, &c. 8«- Dolor Davis. A Sketch of his Life, with a Record of his Earlier Des- cendants, by Horace Davis, 1881, 8°- Privately printed. -Samuel Davis, of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis, of Dudley, Mass., and their Descendants, by George L. Davis. N. Andover, 1884, 8«- Davy — Collections relating to the Family of Davy, by D. E. Davy, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,126. Dawes — William Dawes and his Ride with Paul Revere ; to which is appended a Genealogy of the Dawes Family, by Henry W. Holland. Boston, 1878, 4«- One hundred copies privately printed. Dawnay — Pedigree of the Family of Dawnay, [afterwards Viscounts Downe] Family Histoetes, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. 347 and its alliance with Darell of Sesay, with the Dawnay Arms, &c. .17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P7. Dawson — Pedigrees of the Dawsons of Suffolk, with genealogical notes, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,126. Biographical Notices of the Dawson Family. See Nichols' Literary Illustrations^ vi. 851. • A Collection of Family Records, with biographical sketches and other memoranda of various families and individuals bearing the name of Dawson, by Charles C. Dawson. Albany, N.Y. 1874, 80 A Record of the Descendants of Robert Dawson, of East Haven, Conn. Including Barnes, Bates, Beecher, Bissell, Calaway, Carpenter, Cary, IColman, Doolittle, Doud, Douglass, Dresser, Evans, Fox, Fuller, Grannis, Johnson, Meloy, Morse. Parsons, Perkins, Richmond, Rogers, Sigourney, Sill, Smith, Stone, Tuttle, Van Buren, Walker, Werdon, Whittlesey, Woodruff, fand other Families, with Biographical and Genealogical Notes, by Charles C. Dawson. Albany, N.Y. 1874, 80- Day — Collections concerning the Family of Day, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. A Genealogical Register of the Descendants, in the male line, of Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn. By G. E. Day. New Haven, 1840, 8o- Second edition, Northampton, 1848, 8°- Ye Hystorie of a Countre Business att Stanstede, Essex, 1687 to 1887. Edited by Jos. J. Green. Ashford, 1887, sm. 4"- Note. This contains a brief account of the family of Day, from 1658 to 1850, and of the family of Green, from 1840 to 1887. Dayrell — The History of the Dayrells of Lillingstone Dayrell, by E. Dayrell. Jersey, 1885, S^- Dean — Descendants of Thomas Deane of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, by John Ward Dean. Boston, 1883, 80- Privately printed. A Genealogy of the Descendants of James Dean, one of the First Settlers of Oakham, Mass., by G. M. Dean. Boston, 1889, 4o- Deane — Collections concerning tlie Family of Deane, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,126. Brief Memoirs of John and Walter Dene and of the Early Genera- tions of their Descendants, by William Reed Dene. Boston, 1849, S^- -Biographical Sketch of John G. Deane and brief mention of his con- nection with the Northeastern Boundary of Maine : also Memoranda about Members of the Family, by Llewellyn Deane. Washington, 1887, 8°- De Backer — Genealogical collections re- specting the families of De Backer, Schot- Douglas, Van Impden, Van den Broeck, etc. partly in Dutch and partly in French, 1770—1780. By J. B. de Vos. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 797. De Blaquiere— Claim of the Rt. Hon. John De Blaquiere, Baron of Ardkill, to Vote at the Elections of Representa- tive Peers for Ireland. Sessional Papers, 224 of 1863 ; B of 1864. De Boteville, see Botfield. De Cano — Genealogy of the Family of De Cano, from 1600 to 1730, with the Arms and quarterings, emblazoned in Colors. Large folio. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 632. De Cock — Recueil Genealogique de la Famille De Cock, par N. T. Stevens. Brux. 1855-58, fol. Decter Ubstammung der Familie Decter, von Dr. Aug. Potthast. Berlin, 1863, 40. Dedel — Geslachtslijst van der Descen- denten, etc., van Abr. Dedel, by ('ount J. C. E. van Lynden. Utrecht, 1883, 80- De Diva, see Peverell. Dee — A Genealogical Account of some of the Families derived from Bedo Dee. Lend. 1815, 4P- Printed from Wilson's History af Merchant Taylors' School. The Genealogy of Dr. John Dee, deduced from the ancient British Monarchs, and various Welsh families, with notes, by Dr. Dee. Brit. Mus. Cott. Rolls XIII. 38 ; XIV. 1. De Ferrars, see Ferrers. De Gorram, see Gorham. De Hochefried — Documents relating to the De Hochefried Family. Antwerp, 1827, 80- ^ 348 Family Histories, Pedigeees, at^d Peerage Cases. De Insula, see Lisle. De L' Angle Pedigree, by Henry Wagner. ArchcGologia Cantiana, vol. xv. Lond. 1888, 8«- De la Beche — Memoir on Effigies in Aid- worth Church, and Notice of the De la Beche Family, by W. S. Walford. See ArchiBoJogicalJoiirnal, xiv. 144. Lond. 1857, 8"'- Delamare, see Seymour. Delamater Family Genealogy. Descend- ants male and female of Claude Dela- mater, who settled at New York in 1652, with their allied families, by Lafa- yette Delamater. Albany, 1882, 8''- De la Pole — Collections concerning the Family of De la Pole, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. De la Porte — Histoire Cenealogique des Families Nobles du nom de De la Porte, par A. De la Porte. Poit, 1882, 8°' De la Prynne — Memoir of the Family of De la Prynne, by De la Prynne. Edited for the Surtees Society, by C. Jackson. Durham, 1870, 8°- Delaron — Genealogie de la Famille Delaron, par De la Tour- Varan. St. Etienne, 1858, 8o- De la Roche — Original Papers and Deeds relating to the Family of Roche, of Cork, 1543—1740. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,868. The history of the antient family of De Rupe or De la Roche, of Pembrokeshire, illustratedf rom original charters, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,457. -Copies of Original Charters of the Family of De la Roche of Pem- brokeshire, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," vols. 3 and 4. New series. Lond. 1852, 8°- -Copies of Original Charters relating to the Family of De la Roche of Roche Castle, by Rev. Jos. Hunter and Rev. J. M. Traherne. Tenby, 1852, go. Privately printed. Genealogie historique et critique de la Maison de la Roche- Aymon, par I'abbe J. d'Estrees. Paris, 1776, fol. -Pedigrees of the Families of Cumberford and De la Roche with alliances j and with emblazonments of Arms of Crequy and allied families, by R. Bigland, 1786. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,942. De la Touche — Genealogy of the De la Touche Family seated inDunois Blesois, Orleanais, France, prior to and con- tinued after a branch of it had settled in Ireland, 1690—95. Edited by General Sir Anthony B. Stransham, 1882, 4«- Only 22 copies printed for private circulation. Del Bene — Discours genealogique de la Maison Del-Bene. Titre du livre des Illustres Maisons de Florence, intitule ; La Toscane Frangoise, par I. B. Tris- tan I'Hermite-Souliers. Par. 1662, 40. Delley — Genealogie historique de la Maison de Delley d'Agnens, originaire de Pays de Vaud. Extraite du tome XX du Noh. Univ. de France, par Viton de Saint-Allais. No date, 8o- Delvin, Barony of, see Nugent. De Marisco, see Montmorency. De Mauley, see Shaftesbury. Denison — A Record of the Descendants of Capt. Geo. Denison of Stonington. With Notices of his Father and Brothers, and some account of other Denisons who settled in America, by John Denison Baldwin and William Clift. Worcester, 1881, 8o- Denison Memorial : Two Hun- dredth Anniversary of the death of Major-General Denison. Biographical Sketch by D. D. Slade. Historical sketch by Aug. Caldwell. Ipswich, Mass. 1883, 8o- History of the Denison Family, of Yorkshire, by Noel Denison. In progress, 1890. Denny — A Sketch of the Royal Presents to the Denny Family in the reigns of Hen. VIII., Eliz., James I. and Chas. I. with pedigree. Dublin, 1868, 80- Genealogy of the Denny Family in England and America. Descendants of John Denny of Combs, Suffolk, England, in 1439. Compiled and pub- lished by C. C. Denny. Leicester, Mass. 1886, 8o- -Collections relating to the Families of Denny and Dennys, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 349 Denzell — Collections concerning the Family of Denzell. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207 F. Descent of the Family of Den- zell. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 33G7. De Poly — Memoirs of the De Poly Family ; with a Narrative of the Life of Antoinette, Baroness De Poly, written by herself. Northampton, 1822, S-^- Derby, Earls of, see Stanley. Dvrehaugh pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19126. Derham — Genealogy of the Derhams, of Crimpsham, Co. Norfolk, to 1663. On a vellum roll, with the arms embla- zoned. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 254(1). Dering — The Genealogy of the Family of Dering of Surrenden Dering, Kent, by the Rev. Francis Haslewood. Privately printed, 1876, 4o- The Dering Pedigree, edited by Dr. J. J. Howard and the Kev. Francis Haslewood. Archaeologia Cantiana, vol. 10. London, 1876, 8«- -Chartse Deringianse ; being a collection of Deeds and Charters for- merly preserved in the Surrenden Library, most of them relating to the Deering Family. Transcribed by Mr. Hasted. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5481. Derwentwater, see also Radcliffe. Derwentwater — Some particulars relating to the Derwentwater Family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5822, f. 117. De Sars — Some Account of the Family of De Sars. See " A Royal Descent, with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond. 1875 and 1881, 40. Desborough — Pedigree of the Desborough Family of Cambridge. Brit. Mus. Egerton MS. 2519. Desmond, Earls of, see also Fitzgerald. Pedigree of the Earls of Desmond, from Gerald de Windsor [temp. Hen. I.] to James Fitzgerald, Earl of Desmond, who died in 1601. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,331. Pedig^ree of the Earls of Desmond — The Desmonds of Ireland. See Geraldine Documents., edited by the Rev. Sam. Hayman. Dublin, 1870, 80- The Old Countess of Desmond, w^th pedigrees, etc. by R. Sainthill. 2 vols. Dublin, 1861—63, 8°- D'Este, see Este. Desuergers — Precis historique sur la Famille Desuergers de Sanois, etc. par E. Pascallet. Par. 1857, 8«- Dethick pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,127. De Valencia — On an apparent indiffer- ency to English titles of honour of the familv of De Valencia, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,619. De Vallibus, see Vaux. De Valoniis, see Panmure. De Veaux, see De Voe. Devereux — A Funeral Sermon by the Bishop of St. David's at the buriall of the Right Hon. Walter Earle of Essex and Ewe, etc., 26 Nov. 1576. Lond. 1577, 4°- [This work contains verses on the Earl's pedigree, with genea- logical tables, and shields of arms.] Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I., by the Hon. W. B. Devereux. 2 vols. Lond. 1853, S^- Arms and genealogy of Wal- ter Devereux, Earl of Essex, with poems on his death. MS. Trinity College, Dublin. -Devereux pedigree, with notes Desmond, by Sir William Betham. Lond. 1873, single sheet. Historical Memoi^ of the Geraldine Earls of Desmond, 18th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,166. by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. De Vesci — Genealogy of the Constables De Vescy. Brit. Mus. Cott. Charter xiv. 9. Claim of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Viscount de Vesci to Vote at the Elec- tions of Representative Peers for Ire- land. 1856. Devil — The Pedigree of the Devil, by Frederic T. Hall. Lond. 1883, 8«- De Voe — Genealogy of the De Veaux Family. Introducing the numerous forms of spelling the name by various branches and generations in the past eleven hundred years, by Thomas F, De Voe. New York, 1885, B^- 350 Famii^t Histobtes, Pediguees, and Peerage Cases. Devon, Dukos and Earls of, see Cavendish ; Courfcnay ; Red vers, Lives of the Earls and Dukes of Devonshire, with Genealogies of Emi- nent Men, their Contemporaries, by Jos. Grove. Lond. 1704, 8«- -On the Earls of Devon, by James Robinson Planche, Esq., Rouge-Croix. See '' Collectanea Archieologica," vol. i. Lond. 1861, 4«- -Report on the Claim to the Earl- dom of Devon in the House of Lords. With Notes, and an Appendix contain- ing Copies of Patents, and Cases illus- trative of the Claim, by Sir N. Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1832, 8«- De Wasteney — Some Account of the De Wasteney Family, of Colton, by F. P Parker. Birmingham, 1879, ^Notes on the Pedigree of the De Wasteney Family, by the Rev. F. P. Parker. The William Salt Archceological Society, vol. iii. Lond. 1882, 8«- D'Ewes, see also Granville. D'Ewes — Collections concerning the Family of D'Ewes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. Collection of Papers relating to the Genealogy of the Family of D'Ewes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 381. -The Lyneall Descent and Pedi gree of the family of the Ewes or D'Ewes, with additions and notes by Sir Simonds D'Ewes. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll D, 25. The descent of the ancient familie of D'Ewes, formerly Loids of Kessel in Gelderland. [Pedigree of Sir Simonds D'Ewes.] Illuminated on vellum. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll, 0, 8. ■Pedigree of the Family of Ewes or D'Ewes. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll, 0,9. Some Notes on Facts in the Biography of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, by John Bruce. See The ArchcBologi- cal Journal, xxvi, 323. Lond. 1869, 8°- De Witt— The De Witt Family in Ulster County, New York, by Thomas G. Evans. New York, 188G, 8«- Dexter — A Genealogical Chart of the Descendants of Gregory Dexter, by S. C. Newman. Providence, 1857. The Dexter Genealogy ; being a record of the families descended from Rev. Gregory Dexter, with Notes, etc. by S. C. Newman. Providence, 1859, 12*^ D'Eye pedigree, with notes by D. E, Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. D'Eyncourt — Genealogical History of the Family of Tennyson D'Eyncourt, by John B. Burke, Esq. Lond. 1846, 12°- Dickens — Pedigrees of the Families of Dickens, of Branches Park and Cop- dock, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. Dickinson, see Lyman. Dickson, Clan, see Dixon. Dietrichstein — Descent of Carl Hannibal Graf von Dietrichstein, with coloured arms ; officially certified, 1729. Vel- lum roll. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 18,010. Dietterich — Original patent of nobility and arms, granted by the Emperor Joseph II. to Franz Joseph von Diet- terich, and his three brothers Carl Joseph Ignaz, Friderich Maria, and Georg Franz, with the additional title of von Schonhoffen, 1773 ; and a French translation, 1785. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 1503 ; 1504. Dilke — Psdigree of the Family of Dilke of Maxtoke, by S. Lennard, 1866. Dillon — Epitome of the Case on the Claims of the Dillon Family of Proud- ston to the Great Chamberlainship of all England, by Sir J. J. Dillon, Knt. Privately printed, Lond. 1829, 4'»- [This Claim was originally printed in folio, without date, some years before 1829.] Dingwall, Lord, see Cowper. Dinsmore — A Golden Wedding, and the Dinsmore Genealogy, from about 1620 to 1865. Augusta, 1867, 8«- Dinwiddle — The Official Records of Robert Dinwiddle, Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1 751—1758. With an Introduction and Notes, and a genealogy of his family, by R. A. Brock. Richmond, Va. 1883, 8o- Diodate — Mr. William Diodate (of New Haven, from 1717 to 1751) and his Fi-MiLT Histories, Pedigrees, and Peera-QE Cases. 351 Italian Ancestry, read before tlie New Haven Colony Historical Society, June 28, 1875, by Edward E. Salisbury. Privately printed, 4°- Disbrowe, see Cromwell. Disney — Letter relating to the Disney pedigree, by John Disney, Feb. 22, J 720. Brit.Mus. Eg. MS. 2721, f. 418. •Claim of Molyneux Disney, Esq. to the Barony of Hussey. with Remarks by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU, Esq. Edinb. 1836, 8'^- Forty copies privately printed. -Kemarks on the Hussey Peer- age, with Pedigrees, by W. B. D. D. Turnbull. Edinb. 1842. [Only 40 "'^ copies printed, and intended as a supple- ment to the "Claim of Molyneux Disney," 1836.] Disraeli — Pedigree of Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, of Hughenden. See Collectanea Genealogica^ vol. i. Edited by Jos. Foster. Lond. 1881, 8«- Dixon, see also Oliver. Dixon — Pedigree of the Family of Dixon, of Heaton Koyds. Single sheet. — : The Scotch Border Clan Dickson, the Family of B. Homer Dixon, and the Family of De Homere or Homer, by B. Homer Dixon. Toronto, 1884, 12^- Printed for private distribution. Facsimile of Confirmation of Arms and Grant of Crest to Gayus Dyxon of Tonbridge, 1565. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour Street, London. Dod, see also Oliver. Dod — Pedigrees of Dod of Calverhall from 1393 ; and of the Cloveleys, by Mr. FoliotandSirWm. Dugdale. MS. belonging to Whitehall Dod, Esq. of Llanerch, St. Asaph. A Family Record of Daniel Dod, who settled with the Colony of Bran- ford, 1644, where he died in 1665, by Stephen Dodd. Printed for the author 1839, 80- Genealoories of the male descend- ants of Daniel Dod, of Branford, Conn, a native of England, 1646 to 1863, by B. L. Dod. Newark, N. J. 1864, 8^^- -Pedigree of the Dod Family of grees of the Families of Dod of Edge, Henshawe of Lockwood, and Humph- reys of Bold with. Twent3^-five copies privately printed, 1867, 8"- Dodd — Ancestry and Descendants of Lewis Dodd and Elizabeth (Baldwin) Dodd, by C. C. Baldwin. Cleveland, 1887, 8 '• Privately printed. Dodge, see also Sands. Dodge — Early Records of the Dodge Family in America, by R. R. Dodge. Sutton, Mass. 1879, 12"- Report, Full, Authentic and Complete, of the Proceedings of the Reunion of the Dodge Family in America, July 10, 1879, by Robert Dodge of New York, City. New York, 1879, 8"- Dodsworth, see More. Dolgorukov — History of the Family of Dolgorukov, by A. V. Dolgorukov. Russian. 1853, S*'- History of the Family of Clovelley, by Sir Wm. Duardale, with a continuation to the year 1844 by Sir Albert Wood, together with the pedi- Dolgorukov — Argutinsky by Prince Vsevolod Dolgorukov. Russian. 1869, &c. 8«- Dondel — Genealogie et Annales de la Maison Dondel de Sille par J. M. R. Lecoq-Kerneven. Rennes, 1874, 8°- Done — Egerton and Done Families. A short account of the Possessors of Oulton, by Sir Philip Malpas Grey — Egerton, 1869, 4"'- Printed for private distribution. Doneraile, Viscount, see Hayes. Donoughmore, Earl of, see Hely. IJoolittle, see Dawson. Dorat — Genealogie Historique de la Maison Robert du Dorat, par Henri Aubugeois de la Ville du Best. Poitiers, 1877, 8'>- Dore — Account of the Family of Dore, of Compton Beauchamp, co. Wilts, etc. 40. Privately printed. Account of the Family of Dore, of Longleat, co. Wilts, 4"- Privately printed. Account of the Family of Dore of Longcot, etc., co. Berks, 4^- Privately printed. Dormer — Pedigree of the Family of Dor- mer of Buckinghamshire, drawn up on occasion of a law-suit, resj^ecting the Grove- Park estate, about 1765. Brit, Mus. Add. MS. 14,844 B. 352 Family Histories, Pedigrees, a?^d Peerage Cases. Dormer — Grenealogie de la Maison des Lords Dormers, Comptes de Caernarvon, etc. par M. D****. Antwerp, 1771, fol. See also an account of the Dor- mers in the " Nohiliaire de Brabant," vol. iv. 79. Dorsannes — Genealogie de la Famille des Dorsannes, par Gilbert de Murat de Caieron. Bourges, 1662, 8°- -Genealogie de Messieurs Dor- sannes, par le S'" Nicolas Catherinot. Par. 1673, 4^"- Another edition in 1686. Dorset, Earl of, see Sackville. Douce — A Genealogical Account of the Family of Douce of Goreing, in the County of Oxon, by George Douce. Lond. 1735, 4«- Doud, see Dawson. Doudeanville, see Rochefoucauld. Doughty pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy, and copy of the Will of Rev. Geo. Doughty of Martlesham. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. Douglas, see also Brigantes. Douglas — History of the Family of Douglass of Tilwhilly or Tilquhillie. Bath, n. d. S"- The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus by David Hume. Edinb. 1644, fol. 2nd edition, 1648. 3rd edit. 2 vols. 1743, 8°' 4th edit. 2 vols. 1748, 8«- -Observations on Hume's History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus, by Thos. Crauford. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4601. A Synopsis of the Genealogy of the most Ancient and Most Noble Family of the Brigantes, or Douglas, by Peter Pineda. Lond. 1754, 8«- [This work is printed in English and Spanish.] Drumlanrisr Castle and the Douglases, by Craufurd Tait Ramage. Dumfries, 1876, 8''- Family of Douglas. See Bor- der Memories ; or, Sketches of promi- nent Men and Women of the Border, by Walter Riddell Carre. Edinb. 1876, 80- The Douglas Book, in four volumes, by William Eraser. Edinb. 1885, 8'- -A Collection of Family Records Memoranda of various Families and Individuals bearing the name Douglas, or allied to Families of that name, by Chas. Henry Jas. Douglas. Provi- dence, 1879, 8°- Douglas — Case of the Respondents in the Trial of Archibald James Edward Stewart, alias Douglas, against the Duke of Hamilton and others. Circa 1760, fol. •Memorial for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esq. ; and for Margaret, Dutchess of Douglas, and Charles, Duke of Queen sherry. Defenders ; against George-James, Duke of Hamil- ton, etc. Pursuers. 1766. 4''- Proof for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esquire, Defender ; in the Reduction, the Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton, and Sir Hew Dalrymple, against him. 28th Jan. 1766. •Proof, in the conjoined Pro- cesses, George-James, Duke of Hamil- ton, Lord I'ouglas Hamilton, etc. against the person pretending to be Archibald Stewart, alias Douglas Defender. The Pursuers Proof, and the Condescendence of Facts. Printed for the Lords of Session. Dec. 19, 1765, and Feb. 5, 1766. Memorial for Georo^e James Douglas, Duke of Hamilton, and others, against the Person pretending to be Archibald Stewart, alias Douglas, with Sequel, Objections and Appendix. 1767. -The Speeches and Judgement of the Right Hon. the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, upon the im- portant Cause, His Grace George James Duke of Hamilton, and others. Pur- suers; against Archibald Douglas, Esq. Defender, by William Anderson. Edinb. 1768, 8«- A State of the Evidence in the Cause between His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and others, Pursuers, and Archibald Douglas, of Douglas, Esq., Defender, with Remarks, by Robert Richardson. Lond. 1769, 4''- -Archibald Doucrlas ao-ainst the and Biographical Sketches and other Duke of Hamilton and others, by James Montgomery and Fletcher Marton, with pedigree. 1769, 4*'- Family Histories, pEDiaREEs, and PEEUAaE Cases. 353 Douglas — Letters Mansfield, from to the Rt. Hon. Lord Andrew Stuart, Esq., relating to the Douglas Cause. Dublin, 1773, 8"- Abstract of the Evidence taken the service of the Ri^ht Hon. m S\dvester Douglass, Lord Grlenbervie, etc., with a G-enealogical Table. Edinb. 1815, 4P- Privately printed. Claim of John Arthur Douglas, Baron Bloomfield, to vote at Elections of Scotch Peers. Sessional Papers, 109 of ISm. Douglass, see Dawson. Doujat — Grenealogie de Messieurs Doujat et de leurs alliances en 1688, avec blasons. Folio. Dove — Pedigree of the Dove Family of Ipswich and Scole, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,127. Dover, Earldom of, see Brandon. Dow, see Stranahan. Downe — Pedigrees of the Families of Downe and Downes, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,127. . — Claim of Hugh Richard, Vis- I count Downe, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers^ B of 1871. Case on behalf of Hugh Richard, Yiscount Downe, with pedigree. Folio. Downing — Collections respecting the Downing Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. Doyle — Claim of the Right Hon. Lady Susan Doyle to the Barony of North. See Sessional Papers, 72 of 1837. Case of the Ris^ht Hon. Lady Susan Doyle, in relation to the Barony of North, with Appendix. 1837. D'Oyly— History of the House of D'Oyly, by W. D'Oyly Bayley. 2 parts, Lond. 1815, 80- -Collections relating to the D'Oyley Family, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19i27. Pedigrees of the early D'Oylys, &c. by W. D. Bayley. " Topopgraher and Genealogist," i. 36(5—378 ; ii. 18— 27, 513. Drake-^Life of Sir Francis Drake, with the historical and genealogical account of his family, etc contammg also an account of the Richmond Family, Lond. 1828, 8"- Drake — Some unpublished Papers relat- ing to the Family of Sir Francis Drake. Edited by Rev. Thos. Hervey. Colmer, 1887, 80- Grenealogical and biographical account of the family of Drake in America, with some notices of the antiquities connected with the early times of persons of the name in Eng- land, by Samuel Gardener Drake. Boston U.S., 1815, 12'^- A tabular pedigree of the Family of Drake, by S. G. Drake. Boston, 1867. Notes on the Armorial Bearings of Boteler of Herts, and Drake of Devon, by Sir W. Drake. Privately printed, 1874, 8« Draper — An Account of the Silver Wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Draper, at Westford, N.Y. 1871, including the Historical Essays on the Draper and Preston Families. Albany, 1871, 8"- Drayton — History of the Drayton Family, of Drayton. See " Succinct Genealo- gies," by R. Halstead, 1685, fol. Dresser, see Dawson. Dreux — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison Royale de Dreux, de Bar, le Due de Luxembourg et de Limbourg, du Plessis, de Richelieu, de Brayes et de Chasteauvillain, par A. Duchesne. Paris, 1631, fol. [This work contains the history of the ancestry of Cardinal Richelieu.] Deduction genealogique en abrege de la Maison de l3reux, par Alex, de Redonde Dreux. 1665, fol. Remarques sur la Deduction genealogique, etc. de Dreux, par de Gournay. Par. 1666, fol. Genealogie historique de la Maison de Dreux. Suite de la genea- logie historique des Princes de la Maison de Dreux, branche des Seigneurs de Bu et de Baigneux. No date, fol, Drieux — Abrege genealogique de la parente de M. Drieux dit Driutius, accompagne de plusieurs remarques et tables genealogiques, avec figures, par le Baron Chas. E. de Croeser de Berges. Bruges, 1785, 8°- 354 Family Histories, PEDiaBEEs, AT^rD Peerage Cases. Driver — The Driver Family : a Genea- logical Memoir of the Descendants of Eobt. and Phebe Driver of Lynn, Mass. With an appendix containing twenty-three allied families 1592 — 1887, by a descendant, Harriet Kuth (Waters) Cooke. New York, 1889, 8«- Droullin — Notice historiqne et genealo- gique sur les Maisons de Droullin et de Godefroy de Menilsflaise, par Borel d'Hauterive. Par. 1855, 12«- Drowne — Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Drowne. M.D. of Ehode Island, with Notices of his Ancestors, 1616—1879, by Henry T. Drowne. Providence, 1879, 8°- Druce — Genealogical Account of the Druce Family of Goreing, co. Oxon, by George Druce, of London, wdth the Families of Whistler, Horsenail, Boyce, Ball, Kent, Shorter and Wal- pole, and their kindred. Lond. 1735, 4^- Reprinted and edited by Chas. Bridger in 1853. 50 Copies privately printed. Drummond, see also Lines. Drummond — A Genealogical Memoir of the most noble and ancient House of Drummond, and of the several Branches that have sprung from it, from its first Founder Maurice to the present Family of Perth, by David Malcolm. Edinb. 1808, 12«- The Detection of Infamy ; earnestly recommended to the justice and deliberation of the Imperial Parlia- ment of GreatBritain, by an unfortunate Nobleman. Lond. 1816, 8'^- [This pamphlet relates to the House of Drummond, and the titles of the Earl of Perth, and Duke of Melfort.] An Interesting Statement of the claim of Thomas I )rummond to the Earldom of Perth, interspersed with copious Memoirs of the Noble House of Drummond. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1830, 8°- Sequel to this work. 3 pages, 8°- Genealogy of the Most Noble House of Drummond; collected bv the Hon. W. Drummond, edited by D. Laing. Edinb. 1831, 4''- Only 100 copies printed for private distribution, and 4 copi«s only printed on large paper. Drummond — History of the Drummond Family. See W. Drummond's " Noble British Families." Vol. ii. Memoirs of the Drummond Family. See "The Red Book of Grandtully," by William Eraser. Vol. I. Edinb. 1868, 8^- ■ — The Genealogy of the Most Noble House of Drummond. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4238. The Genealogy of the Family of Drummond. MS. No. 2. Catholic College of Blairs. ■ The Genealoffie of the most noble and ancient House of Drummond. Collected in the year 1681. Dedicated to James, Earl of Perth, Lord Drum- mond, etc. MS. in the possession of the Earl of Kinnoul. at Dupplin. -Report on the MSS. of Charles Stirling - Home - Drummond Moray, Esq., of Blair Drummond, and Ardoch in the County of Perth, by William Eraser. See Te7ith Beport of Historical 3ISS. Commission. Lond. 1885, 8<^- -Cla im of GeorgeD r u mmond Duke of Melfort, to the Earldom of Perth. See Sessional Papers., 233 of 1846; 107 of 1847; 326 of 1848; 432 of 1852-53. Drury — Collections concerning the Family of Drury, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,127. The Line of Descent from Hugh Drury of Boston, 1640, to Edwin Drury of Wilmette in 1880. Broadside. Du Bois — Record of the Family of Louis Du Bois, who emigrated from France to Ameri:;a in 1660. Privately printed, 1860, 8'^- Du Buisson — Maison Du Buisson, par Amedee Dubuisson de Courson. Tarbes, 1868, 8'^ Du Cane — Some Account of the Family of Du Quesne, by Lieut. -Col. Edm. Fred. Du Cane. Lond. 1876, 4«- Duchat — Fragment de genealogie de la Famille de le Duchat, contenant les branches etablies en la ville de Metz. Avec deux tableaux genealogiques. 1782, 4P- Duckett — Duehetiana ; or, Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Ducket ; from the Conquest to the Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 355 present time, by Sir Geo. F. Duckett, Barfc. Lond. 1869, 4P- Another edition in 1874. Dudley Pedigree : by Cooke, Clarencieux, 1580, vellum ; large folio, very beauti- ful. MS belonging to the Marquis of Bath, Longleat,'Co. Wilts. The Italian Biography of Sir Eobt. Dudley, Knt., known in Florentine History as II Duca di Nortombria ; to which are added some biographcial notices of Dame Alice, his wife, folded genealogy, etc. Oxford, n.d. 8'^- Privately printed. -The Dudley Genealogies and Family Kecords, by Dean Dudley, Boston [U.S.], 1848, 8«- -The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of New England, by George Adlard. Lond. 1862, 8<'- -History of the Dudley Family. with Genealogical Tables, Pedigrees, etc., by Dean Dudley. 4 parts. Wake- field, Mass., 1886—90, 8«- Dufferie — Genealogie des seigneurs de la Dufferie, sortis d'un puisne de I'illustre ) Maison des Baglions, seigneurs souve- rains de Perouse en Italic, par Pierre d'Hozier. Par. 1662, fol. Dufferin, Baron, see Blackwood. Dugdale — The Life, Diary, and Corres- pondence of Sir William Dugdale, with portraits and pedigrees, by W. Hamper. Lond. 1827, 4o- Du Hamel — Genealogie de la Maison Du Hamel, par J. Laine. 1834, 8o- Duke — Collections concerning the Family of Duke, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. i9,127. Dulaurens — Genealogie de Dulaurens, originaire de Naples, par J. B. I'Hermite de Souliers. Aries, 1656, 4®- Dumbar — Genealogy of the Dumbar Family. See Nederlands Families- ArcMef^ by J. H. Scheftier. Roterdam, 1878, 8«- Dummer — Pendomer, Co. Somerset, by T. Bond, with pedigree of Dummer, of Penne Domer. See " Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society," 1871. Taunton, 1872, 8«- Du Moulin Pedigree, by Heni^ Wagner. Archceologia Cantianay vol. xv. Lond. 1883, 80- Dun, see Meeson. Dunally, Lord, see Prittie. Dunbar — History of the Dunbar Family. See Drummond's " Noble British Families," vol. ii. Dunboyne — Case of the Rt. Hon. Theo- bald Fitzwalter Butler, 14th Baron of Dunboyne, on his Claim to the Title and Dignity of Baron of Dunboyne, in the Peerage of Ireland, with folded Pedigree. Lond. 1858, 4P- Evidence on the Petition of T. Fitz-W. Butler, Lord Dunboyne, claiming the Dignity of Lord Baron of Dunboyne. 1859, folio. Claim of T. Fitz-W. Butler, Lord Dunboyne, claiming the dignity of Lord Baron Dunboyne. See Sessional Papers, C of 1859 ; A of 1859, Sess. 2 ; C of 1860. -Minutes of Evidence on the above Claim, 1859—60. Folio. Dunch, see Cromwell. Dunch — Genealogy cf the Family of Dunch, of Witnam, in the county of Berks, to the year 1683, by Sylvanus Morgan, on a vellum roll, with the arms emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 254 (5). Dundas — History of the Family of Dun- das. See " Drummond's Noble British Families," vol. ii. Dundonald— Case on behalf of Thomas Barnes, Earl of Dundonald, claiming the dignities of Earl of Dundonald and Lord Cochrane of Paseley and Ochiltrie in the Peerage of Scotland, with fold- ing Pedigree. 1861, foKo. Minutes of Evidence on the Earl of Dundonald's Petition, pp. 139. 1861, fol. Dungannon — Grant of Supporters to the Arms of Mark Trevor, Esq., Viscount Dungannon, etc. 1662. Original. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,225. Dunhaan — A History of Altrincham and Bowdon, with an Account of the Barony and House of Dunham, by Alfred Ingham. Altrincham, 1879, 4,0. Dunnel — The True Genealogy of the Dunnel and Dwinell Families of New England, by Henry Gale Dunnel. New York, 1862, 4o- 356 Family Histobies, PEDiaEEES, and Peerage Oases. Dunot — Memoire pour la Famille Dunot, ou Ton voit ses preuves do noblesse, ses services et ses alliances, par J. A. Dunot de Saint-Maclou. 1676, S''- Dunraven, Earl of, see Wjndham. Dunraven — Memorials of Adare Manor, with historical notices of Adare, by Edwin Wyndhani Quin, Earl of Dun- raven. Printed for private circulation, 1865, 40- Dunsandle, Baron, see St. Greorge. Dunsany — Case of llandal [Plunkett], styling himself Lord Baron of Duu- sany. Lond. 1720, fol. Minutes of Evidence of Edward [Plunkett], Baron Dunsany, claiming a right to vote at the election of repre- sentative Peers for Ireland. Lond. 1823, fol. Claim of theliight Hon. Edward, Baron Dunsany, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional I'apers^ 49 of 1823 ; 158 of 1854. Dunstanville — Memoirs of the Family of Dunstanville. See Scrope's " History of Castle Combe," 1852. Dunster, Lords of, see Mohun. Dunster and its Lords, 10G6-1881. By H. C. Maxwell Lyte, M.A., F.S.A. 1882, 8"- Printed for private circula- tion. See also Archceological Journal, xxxvii. Lond. 1880, 8°- Henry Dunster and his Descen- dants, by Samuel Dunster, of Attle- borough, Mass. Central Falls, K.I. 1876, 12°- Dunthorn pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 19,127. Duntreith, Lairds of, see Edmonston. Dupont — Genealogie de la famille Dupont de Castille, par A. Le Boucq de Ternas. Douai, 1869, 8"- Only 40 copies litho- graphed. Du Prat — Genealogie de la Maison Du Prat. Par Le Marquis Du Prat. Versailles, 1857, 8o- ■ — Glanes et Kegains rccoltes dans les Archives de la Maison Du Prat, parle Marquis Du Prat. Versailles, 1865, 8°- Du Quesne — Some Account of the Family of Du Quesne, and especially of the branch whicli settled in England in the rei^n of Queen Elizabeth, by Lieut. - Col. Edm. Fred. Du Cane. Lond. 1876, 4°- Durbuy — Des Comtes de Durbuy et de la Roche aux xi® et xii® siecles, par S. P. Ernst. Liege, 1836, 8°- Durfort — Genealogie de la Maison Dur- fort. Paris, 1771, 4o- ■Precis historique sur la Famille de Durfort — Duras, par Jean Favre. Marmande, 1858, 8°- Durward — Pedigrees of the Durward Family, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19127. Dustin, see Corliss. Dwight — The History of the Descendants of John Dwight of Dedham, Massa- chusetts, by B. W. Dwight. 2 vols. New York, 1874, 8«- Dwinell — The True Genealogy of the Dunnel and Dwinell Families of New England, by Henry Gale Dunnel, New York, 1862. 4P- Dyer — Pedigree of Sir Thomas Dyer, Bart. Privately printed by T. B. Shenton, at Cheltenham, 1854. Single sheet. Chief Justice Dyer. [With some account of his family, and the arms of Dyer and Farewell.) See " Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society." 1870, Taunton, 1871, 8''- -Some Kecords of the Dyer Family. Compiled hj Cornelia i). Joy-Dver. New York, 1884, 12«- For private circulation. Notes respecting the Life and Family of John Dyer, the Poet. By W. H. Longstaffe. See Burke's "Patrician," iv. 7,264, 420; v. 75, 218. Dyke — Case of Sir Percival Hart Dyke, Baronet, of Lullingstone Castle in the County of Kent, on his Claim to the Title and Dignity of Baron Bray, with Pedigree. Privately printed, 1836, fol. Dymoke — Case of Lewis Dymoke, Esq., claiming the Barony of Marmyon, 1814, fol. Additional case of Lewis Dymoke, claiming the Barony of Marmion, 1817, fol. -Claim of Lewis Dymoke, Esq. to the Baron V of Marmyon. Sessional Papers, 47 of 1S18 ; 48 of 1819. Eachard — Collection concerning the Family of Eachard, of Norfolk, by D. B.Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Family Histoeies, PEDiaEEES, and Peeeage Cases. 357 Eager — A Genealogical History of the Eager Family, and their maternal connexions in the Co. o£ Kerry, by F. J. Eager. Dublin, 1861, 12°- Earle — Kalph Earle and his Descendants. Compiled by Pliny Earle, M.D., of Leicester, Mass. 1860. Tabular pedigree. The Earle Family. Kalph Earle and his Descendants, by Pliny Earle of Northampton, Mass. Wore. 1888, 80- Eastman, see also Corliss. Eastman — Genealogy of the Eastman Family for the first four generations, by Rev. L. li. Eastman. Reprinted iroi\it\\Q Neiv Eng.IIist. Gen. Begister. Boston, 1867, 8o- Eaton — The Dedham Eatons from 1635 to the Fifth Generation, by Daniel C. Eaton, of the Eighth Generation. New Haven, 1884, 8«- Genealogical Sketch of the Nova Scotia Eatons. Compiled by Rev. Arthur Wentworth Eaton. Halifax, N.H. 1885, 80- Report of the Fifth Annual Reunion of the Eaton Family Associa- tion, held at Boston, Oct. "31, 1888. New Haven, 1888, S^- Eccles — Descendants of John Eccles of Warley, bap. 1742 (int. at Sowerby near Halifax, Yorkshire), by R. J. H. Eccles. Lithographed. Lond. 1880. Echingham pedigree, with genealogical notes, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS\ 19,128. Echlin — Genealogical History of the Echlin Family, by John R. Echlin. Second edition. Edinb. [1882], 8o- Echyngham — Notices of the Family of Echyngham of Echyngham, by Spencer Hall, Esq. Lond. 1850, 8o- Privately printed. Eckher — " Eckhersches Stammbuch :" a genealogical history of the family of Eckher, or Ecker, illustrated with painted figures, coats of arms, monu- ments, etc., from 1090 to 1718. German. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 25,113. Eddy — Memoir of Col. Jonathan Eddy, of Eddington, Me. With some Account of the Eddy Family, and of the Early Settlers on the Penobscot Jliver, by Joseph W. Porter. Augusta, 1877, 8<>- Eddy— The Eddy Family Tree. Compiled by Charles Eddy, M.D. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1880, broadside. Genealogy of the Eddy Family, by Charles Eddy. Brooklyn, 1881, The Eddy Family. Reunion at Providence to celebrate the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Landing of John and Samuel Eddy at Plymouth, Oct. 29, 1630. Boston, Mass. 1881, 8<'- Second edition 1884. Edgar — An Account of the Sirname of Edgar : and particularly of the Family of Wedderlie in Berwickshire, by J. H. Lawrence-Archer. Lond. 1873, 4P- Collection respecting the Family of Edgar, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Edge — Pedigrees of the Family of Edge, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Hrit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Edgerly — The Edgerly Familv, by James A. Edgerly. Boston, 1880^ 8o- Edmonstone — The Genealogy of the Lairds of Ednem and Duntreth, from 1063 to 1699. Glasgow, 1699, 8«- Reprinted at Edinburgh, 1834, 8o- Genealogical Account of the Family of Edmonstone of Dun- treath, by Sir A. Edmonstone of Dun- treath. Edinb. 1875, 4P- Ednowain — On the Tribe of Ednowain, by H. F. J. Yaughan. See " Archaeo- logia Cambrensis," fourth series, vols. vii, viii, ix, x. Lond. 1876 — 79, 8°- Edwards — Collection concerning the Family of Edwards of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. The Memorial Yolume of the Edwards Family Meeting at Stock- bridge, Mass. Sept. 6—7, A.D. 1870. Boston, 1871, 8«- Windsor Farmes. A glimpse of an Old Parish, by John A. Stough- ton. [Chiefly concerning the Edwards family.] Hartford, 1883, 8°- Egerton — Egerton and Done Families. A short account of the Possessors of Oulton, by Sir Philii^ Malpas Grey — Egerton. 1869, 4P' Printed for pri- vate circulation. The Pedigree of Francis Henry Egerton, afterwards Earl of Bridgwater, 1806. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. QQ, 358 Family Histouies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Egerton — Letter of Sir Holland Egerton on his family Arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f . 168 b. ■ Descent and Alliances of William Egerton and his heirs, by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. Lond. 1805, fol. Privately printed. Compilation of Evidences and Authorities to illustrate the Lives of Thomas, John, and Francis Egerton, by F. E. Egerton. Paris, 1812, fol, Privately printed. Eglinton — Biographical account of the Eglinton Family. See Account of the Tournament at Eglinton, by James Aikman. Edinb. 1839, 4o- Egmont — Abrege historique de la genea- logie de la Maison d'Egmont, par M. le Coq-La-Magdeleine. No date, 40. Egmont, Earls of, see Perceval. Eldred — Pedigrees of the Eldred Family of Suffolk, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Elford — The Monumental Effigies, etc., in Elford Church, by Edw. liichardson, with a Memoir and Pedigree of the Lords of Elford, by M. Thorpe. Lond. 1852, fol. Eliot — Genealogy of the Family of Eliot of Port-EUot, Co. Cornwall. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5839 p 451. Genealogy of the Eliot Family, by William H. Eliot. Pevised and en- larged by William S. Porter. New Haven, Conn. 1854, 8«- -Tabular Pedigree of the Eliot Family, by W. H. Whitmore, 1857. A Genealoorical Sketch of the Eliot Family of Boxwell, Co. Essex, and America. See " The Pilgrim Fathers of Nazing," by W. Winters, 1874, 8«- Privately printed. ■Sketch of the Eliot Family, by Walter Gr^me Eliot. New York, 1887, 8°- EUery — Pedigree of Ellery, of the United States of America, arranged by Harrison Eller}^ Boston, 1881, single sheet. Ellicott, see Thomas. Elliot Family, see Border Memories ; or, Sketches of prominent Men and Women of the Border, by Walter Kiddell Carre. Edinb. 1876, 8^- Elliott — Collection concerning the Family of Elliott, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. j Add. MS. 19128. J Genesis of a New England Branch of the Family. [Andrew Elliott of Beverley.] 1650 to 1850, 4"- Ellis — Account of the ElHs Family, with Pedigree. The Ellis Correspondence, by George Agar ElHs, vol. i. Lond. 1829, 8«- Notices of the Ellises of England, Scotland and Ireland, from the Conquest to the present time, including the fami- lies of AKs, Fitz-Elys, Helles, etc., by Wm. Smith Ellis. With three supplements. Lond. 1857 — 1875, 8°- Fourth and Last Supplement to Notices of the Ellises of England, Scotland and Ireland, by William Smith Ellis. Lond. 1881, 8"- -Remarks on the Arms assio^ned to the Name of Ellis and its Synonyms, tending to show a common origin of most of the Families bearing them, and of Lacy, Lucy, St. Leger, Lizures, St. Liz, Disney, Deivill, Holies, etc. See " The Topographer and Genealo- gist," vol. iii. Lond. 1858, 8«- -Pedigrees of Ellis, and Fitz-Ellis. By W. S. Ellis: " Topographer and Genealogist," iii. 270—297. -Collection concerning the Family of Ellis of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Claim of C. A. Ellis to be Lord Howard of Walden. Sessional Fapers^ 3 of 1806—7. -Biographical Sketches of Richard Ellis the first Settler of Ashfield, Mass., and his Descendants, by E. B. Ellis. Detroit, 1888, 8o- Elmer — Genealogy and Biography of the Elmer Family, by Lucius Q. C. Elmer. Bridgeton, N.J. 1860, 8°' Printed for the use of the family. Elmsley, see Baynton. Elphinstone — A Genealogical Tree of the Noble House of Elphinstone, by J. Brown, 1808, single sheet. Elsevier — Pecherches historiques genea- logiques et bibliographiques sur les Elzevier, par M. de Reume. Brux. 1847, 80- Family Histories, Pedigbees, aot) Peerage Cases. 359 Elsevier — Annales de rimprimerio Else- virienne, ou Histoire Je la Fainille des Elsevier, par C. Pieters. Gand, 1851, 8«- -Annales de Tiraprimerie des Elsevier, ou histoire de leur fainille et de leurs editions. Seconde edition, revue et augmentee, par Charles Pieters. Gand, 1858, 8«- Elstob— The Elstob Family. William and Elizabeth Elstob the learned Saxonists. Newcastle Keprints, by H. A. Kichardson, vol i. Newcastle, 1847, 8°- Only 100 copies j)i*inted. Elton — A Genealogical Account of the Mayo and Elton Families, by the Rev. C. H. Mayo. Chiswick Press, 1882, 4jO. Elvert'eldt — Geschichte des Geschlechtes der Freiherren von Elverfeldt, by E. A. Heyden. 2 vols 1883, 4i«- Elwes — The Life of John Elwes, Esq., with a pedigree of the family, by Edward Topham, Lond. 1790, 8'^- Collection concerning the Family of Elwes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Genealogical Notices relating to the Elwes Family. Reprinted from " Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica. ' ' Lond. 1867, 8*'- For private circu- lation. Ely — History of the Ely Re-union held at Lyme, Conn. July 10, 1878. New York, 1879, 8^- ^ Records of the Descendants of Nathaniel Ely the Emigrant, who settled first in Newtown, Mass. &c. Compiled by Heman Ely. Cleveland, Ohio, 1885, 40- Elzevier, see Elsevier ; Estienne. Emerson — Ralph Waldo Emerson : His Maternal Ancestors. With some Reminiscences of Him, by David Greene Haskius. Boston, 1887, 8^- Emery — Genealogy of the Emery Family, by Rufus Emery. Salem, n.d. S'^- 'Annual Reunion of the Emery Family, Boston, Mass. Privately printed, 1888, 8o- Emmerton — Materials towards a Genea- logy of the Emerton Family, by James A. Emmerton. Salem, 1881, b^- Pri- vately printed. Engaine — Collection concerning the Family of Engaine, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Engeham — Illuminated genealogies of the families of Engeham of Co. Kent, 1651 ; Hales of Hales Place, 1621, with continuation by Sir Isaac Heard ; and Pym of Brymore, 1583 by Dethick, and 1643 by Ryley. Belonging to P. P. Bouverie, Esq., at Brymore. Enghien — Histoire de la Maison d'Eng- hien, &c., par Pierre Colins. Mons. 1634, 4^- Second edition. Tournay, 1643. Eoghan — A History of the Clan Eoghan, by R. F. Cronnelly. Dublin, 1864, 8«- Eon — La Vie, etc., de Mademoiselle d'Eon de Beaumont, suivie de la genealogie de la Maison da meme nom, par De la Fortelle. Paris, 1779, S^- Epernon — Memoire sur I'extinction du Duche-pairie d'Epernon, joar M. Magueux. Paris, 1711, 4P- Erbach — Historische Genealogie des reichsgraflichen Hauses Erbach, etc., by J. P. W. Luck. Frankfurt-am-Mayn, 1786, fol. Geschichte der Grafschaft Erbach. Erbach, 1840, 8°- Erdeswick — Pedigree of the Family of Erdeswick. Privately printed, 1878, 4P- Stemmata et propagationes antiquse familise de Erdeswicke of Sondon in Stafford, with arms em- blazoned, 1586. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5410. Erskine — The Honourable Henry Erskine, Lord Advocate for Scotland ; with notices of certain of his kinsfolk, by Lieut-Col. A. Fergusson. Edinb. 1882, 8«- Escalante — Memorial de los Casa de Escalante, y servicios de ella, by Dona Maria de Guevara Manrique. Vallado- lid, 1654, fol. Escalopier — Genealogie de M. le President I'Escalopier. Chaalons, 1628, 8<'- Escal — Memoire genealogique de la Mai- son de I'Escal, de Verone. Avec blasons par P. P. Choffard. 1763, 8o- Espinay — Abrege genealogique de ' la Maison d' Espinay, par Mon. de Kaer- daniel. No date, fol. Essex, Earl of, see Devereux ; Cromwell. Este, see also Corera. 360 Pi-MILY HiSTOEIES, PeDIGEEES, AND PeEEAGE OaSES. Este — Genealogy of the House of Este, by Girolamo Falletti. [Ferrara, 1561 ?] iol Historia dei Principi d'Este, by Gio. Batt. Pigna. With 2^edigrees and coloured arms. Ferrara, 1570, fol. Another edition, Vin. 1572, 4P' Con- tinned to the year 1746. ■ History of the House of Este, from the Time of Forrestus, with Account of the Kevohition in Italy, from 1452 till 1598. Lond. 1681, 12°- -Descent paternal and maternal of Augustus D'Este from James II. Kin of Scotland, by Sir. A. F. D'Este. Single sheet, 1831. -A Letter concerning a Bill filel on behalf of Sir Augustus D'Este, from Sir J. J. Dillon. Lond. 1831, 8«- Papers elucidating the Claims of Sir Augustus d'Este, K.C.H. ; and Sir J. J. Dillon's Letter to a Noble Lord, explanatory of a bill in the Court of Chancery, tiled on behalf of Sir Augustus D'Este. Lond. 1831, 8°- Case of the Children of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, elucidated, bv Sir J. J. Dillon. Lond. 1832, 4^- Papers and Correspondence in Re- gard to the Eights of Augustus, of Este, etc. by Sir Augustus D'Este. Lond. 1841, 8°- Printed for private distribution. • Claim of Augustus Frederick D'Este to be Duke of Sussex. Sessional Papers, 142 of 1844 ; 177 of 1844. Case of Augustus Frederick D'Este on his Claim to the Dukedom of Sussex. 1844. Estienne — Annales de I'lmprimerie des Estienne, ou histoire de la famille des Estienne et de ses editions. Par lienouard. Second edition, Paris, 1843, 80- Tableau genealogique et heraldique de la Famille Estienne depuis I'an 1270 jusqu'en 1826. Paris, 1852, single sheet. Tableau genealogique et • biographique des trois grandes families d'lmprimeurs-librairesles plus celebres. Les Estiennes en France, Les Aide en Italic, Les Elzevier aux Pays-Bas. Lille, 1853, fol. Estienne — Les Estiennes et les types grecs de Fran^'ois P*"- etc. 1856, 8"- Estofte — A True and perfect Gc^nealogie of the right worshippfull familie of John Estofte, of Estofte, Esquire, in y® county of Yorke, by Daniel King, 1660. A long roll, illustrated with coats of arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,569. Estouteville — Kecueil de Titres de la Maison d'Estouteville. [Containing also the genealogy of J. B. Colbert, marquis of Seignela3^ Paris, 1741, 8«- Estrade — Genealogie de la Maison d'Estrade en Agenois, par Scipion Dupleix. Bourdeaux, 1655, 4P- Eudes — Notice sur les trois f re res, Jean, Francois, et Charles Eudes ; avec une genealogie de la Famille Eudes, par Gustave Levavasseur. Paris, 1855, 8"- Eure, see also Bruce. Eure — Pedigree of the Family of Eure, of Earby, Ingleby, Walton, etc. Single sheet. Notice of a Koll of Arms of the Family of Eure, Barons of Moulton, bv W. S.^Walford. See The Archceologl cal Journal, xvii, 218, 271. Lond. 1860, 8''- Eustache de Saint-Pierre, see Coucy. Eustis — Genealogy of the Eustis Family, by Henry Lawrence Eustis. Boston, 1878, 8«' Evans, see also Dawson. Evans — The Evans Family, (by J. R. Appleton and Morris C. Jones,) New- castle-on-Tyne, 1865, 8°- Privately printed. Evelin — Facsimile of the Grant of Crest to George Evelin, of Long Ditton, 1572. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour street, London. Evelyn— The Case of the Evelyn Family on a Bill intitled. An act for vesting certain houses in Blechingly, Co. Surrey. [Lond. 1734 ?] single sheet. Pedigrees of the Evelyn Family. See " Memoirs Illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, Esq., F.R.S." Edited bv William Bray. Vol. 1. Lond. 1818. 4o- The Hundred of Wotton, and the Family of Evelyn, by E. W. Bray- ley. 1846. 8^- Family Histories, Pedigeees, akd Peebagi: Oases. 861 Evelyn — Pedigrees and Notes of the Evelyn Family. See " Life of John Evelyn," by Mrs. Godoljihin. Lond. 1848. 8«- The Evelyns in America : Com- piled from Family Papers and other Sources, 1608—1805. Edited and An- notated by G. D. Scull. Oxford, 1881. 8"- For private circulation. ■ Pedigree of the Evelyn Family in the different Branches. Single sheet. Everard, see also Cromwell. Everard Collection concerning the Family of Everard, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,128. Everett — Genealogy of theEverett Family, by Edw. F. Everett, of Charlestown, Mass. Keprinted from the New Eng. Hist. Gen.Hegister. Boston, 1860 8"- Everingham — Pedigree of the Family of Everingham. Brit. Mus. Harl. Boll P, 12. Ewing — Record of the Family of Ewing who emigrated from Ireland to America in 1718. 150 Copies privately printed, 1858, 8"- Exeter, Earls of, see Cecil. Eyre — Notes of the Family of Eyre. See Journal of the British ArcJiceo- logical Association, Vol. xxx. p. 401, etc. Evidence on the Petition of Thomas Eyre, Esq., claiming the Honours, &c. of Earl of Newburgh ; and also of Cecilia, widow of Charles, Marquis Bandini, &c. claiming the same, with supplemental case and pedigree. Ses- sional JPai^ers, 1857 — 58. ■ Evidence on the Petitions of Thomas Eyre, claiming the Honours of Earl of Newburgh, Viscount Kinnaird and Baron Livingstone, etc. 1867, fol. Eyston — Pedigree of the Family of Eyston of East Hendred in the County of Berks. Lond. 1875, 4°- Printed for private circulation. Pedigree of the Famil v of Eyston . Privately printed, 1883. Fabens- — Some of the Descendants of Jonathan Fabens of Marblehead, by George A. Perkins. Salem, 1881, 8°- Faiel, see Coucy. Fairfax, see also Thomas. ^ Fairfax — Correspondence of the family of Fairfax, of Denton, co. York, chiefly on private affairs, 1600—1827. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 30,305 ; 30,306. Fairfax Correspondence. His- torical Notes of the Family. Edited by G. W. Johnson. 4 vols. Lond. 1848. The Fairfaxes of England and America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including letters from and to Hon. Wm. Fairfax, and his sons Col. George Wm. Fairfax, and llev. Bryan, eighth Lord Fairfax, by Edward D. Neill. Albany, N.Y. 1858, 80- The Fairfax Family. See "A Life of the Great Lord Fairfax," by Clements B. Markham. Lond, 1870. 8«- -Collection concerning; the Family of Fairfax, by D. E. Davy Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19129. An Account of the Family of Fairfax. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6862. Extracts from printed and other sources relating to the family of Fairfax ; with pedigrees, genealogical notes, etc. " The pedigree of y« family of Fairfax, C. F. [Charles Fairfax] de Menston." Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2146, ff. 12—65. Transcripts of charters relat- ing to the Family of Fairfax, of Co. York; tempp. Hen. III.— Edw. IV. with pedigree. Brit. Mus. Eg. ]\IS. 2147. -Charters and Documents relat- ing to the Family of Fairfax of Denton. Co. York, 1430—1758. Brit. Mus. Add. Charters 1782—1811. Papers relating to the Family of Fairfax, 1635—1790. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 11,325—11,327. Case of the Ilev. Bryan Fair- fax, claiming the title of Lord Fairfax, of Cameron, 1800, folio. Falconer, see also Faulknor. Falconer — Biographical notes, printed and manuscript, of persons of the name of Falconer, with lists of their works, carried up to 1845. ^j Thomas Fal- coner. Brit. Mus. Library 699. f. 28. Extracts from the Gentle man's Magazine, etc., chiefly relating to the Falconer Family. Collected by Tho. Falconer. Lond. 1864; 12o- 362 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, anb Peeeage Cases. Falconer — Will of J. Dalmalioy [the father of Mary Falconer] . The Wills of various members of the Falconer Family, edited by Thomas Falconer. Privately printed. Lond. 18G6 ? John Falconer. Cryptomenysis patefacta, etc. [Bibliography of the writings of the Falconer family, with biographical notices, by Thos. Falconer. Lond. 1866, 8°- — — Some Account of the Sur- name of Falconer. See Dalmahoy, The Family of, 1867. Falconer of Leighton. age, pp. G. [Edinb. 1870 ?] 8«- Pedisrree of the Family of Le Line- Fauconer, Falkener, and Fawkener in Leicestershire and Kutland. See The Genealogist, new series, vol. 1. London, 1884. 8°- Falstaff — Memoirs of the Family of Falstaff. See Scrope's " History of Castle Combe." 1852 ; also D. Turner's " History of Caister Castle." 1842. Fane, see Vane. Faneuil, see also Bethune. Faneuil — Records, Genealogical Charts, and Traditions of the Families of Bethune and Faneuil, by J. L. Weisse. New York, 1866. 4"- A History of the Bethune Family, together with a sketch of the Faneuil Family, by Mrs. John A. Weisse. New York, 1884. 40- Fanshawe — Account of the Family of Fanshaw. See "Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe," 1829. 8°- Notes, Genealogical and Historical, of the Fanshawe Family. Lond. 1868, etc. 4o- Fare, see also Cabot. Fare — La Genealogie de la Maison de la Fare, par C. li. d'Hozier. Montpellier, 1695, fol.^ Genealogie de la Maison de la Fare en Languedoc, par le P. Alexis (Pierre Caquet.) Paris, 1766, So- Farewell, see Dyer. Farington, see also Farrington. Farington — Corrected Pedigree of Far- ington of Farington, and Farington of Warden, compiled from Documents. Lond. n. d, Privately printed broad- side. Farington — The Farington Family. See the Farington Papers. Edited by Miss Farington, for the Chetham Society, vol. 89. Manchester, 1856, 4P- Farley see Fisher, Farmer — A Family Register of the Descendants of Edw. Farmer, by John Farmer. Concord, 1813. Genealogical Memoir of the Family by the name of Farmer, who settled at Billerica, Mass. Hingham, 1828, 8«- Farnese — Indice de las glorias de la Casa Farnese, by Luis de Salazar Y. Castro. Madrid, 1716. fol. Farnham — Royal Descents of Henry Maxwell, K.P., seventh Lord Farnham, etc. 2 vols. 8"- Privately printed. The Seize Quartiers of Henry Maxwell, 7th Lord Farnham. Folio sheet. Royal Descents of Lord Farn- ham ; from Henry II. King of England, forming an Introduction to the Royal Descents from Henry III. 4^- -Royal Descents of Lord Farn- ham, from Henry II. King of England, including (besides numerous Royal, and Noble Descents in England, Scot- land, and Ireland) those through the Kings of Castile, Portugal, Sicily, and France. Long folio. Paternal Royal Descent of Lord Farnham, from Hen. III. King of England. Long folio. -Royal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, from Henry III. King of Eng- land; illustated with the Seize Quartiers of distinguished persons included in the Descents. 2 vols. 4P' -Royal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, from Henry III. King of England, including numerous Plantagenet Des- cents ; also the combined descent of three of the daughters of Richard Widvile, K. G. Earl of Rivers. The whole embodying a numerous selection of Descents of Families the most dis- tinguished in English History, and the most celebrated in the Annals of Eng- lish and Irish Chivalry. Long folio. -Royal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, from Henr}" III., Edward I., and the subsequent Kings of England, etc., etc., and from Robert Bruce, King of pAMii-T Histories, Pedigeees, a^d Peebage Cases. 868 i Scotland ; to which are added Descents f from a few other distinguished person- ages. Cavan, 1850. 8«- Farnham — Farnham Descents, from Henry III. and the suhsequent Kings of England. 3 parts, 1860. 4«- lioyal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, from Edward I. King of England, compiled from authentic sources. Long folio. ■ llojal Descents of Anna Frances Hesther, Baroness Farnham, from Edvv. III. King of England, through all his four sous, who left issue. Long folio. -Koyal Descent of Lord Farn ham, from Edward III., through Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence ; John of Gaunt ; Edmond, Duke of York ; and Thomas, Duke of Gloucester ; distinguishing in red characters the descent through Kings Edward IV. and Henry VII., compiled from authentic Records. Long folio, Royal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, from Henry VII. King of Eng- land. Folio. Royal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, through the Howards, Dukes of Norfolk ; showing the douhle Descent, through seven successive Knights of the Garter, in the first line ; and through four successive Knights of the Garter, in the second line. 4<^- Royal Descent of Lord Farn- ham, from Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, 4P- -Seize Quartiers (92, all com plete), connected with the Royal Des- cents of Lord Farnham. Cavan, 1850, 8«- ■Genealogy of the Farnham Family. By the Rev. J. M. W. Farn- ham. Chicago, 1886, 12o- -Genealogy of the Farnham Family, by Rev. J. M. W. Farnham, Second edition, with Supplement. New York, 1889, 12o- Farquharson, see Oliver. Farr — Pedigree of the Family of Farr of Beccles, with genealogical notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Farrar — Memoir of the Farrar Family. Privately printed. Boston, 1853, 80- Farrington Memorial. A Sketch of the Ancestors and Descendants of Dea. John Farrington, of Wrentham, Mass. To which is appended the Genealogy of his wife, Cynthia Hawes. Privately printed, 1879, S^- Farwell — Farwell Ancestral Memorial. Henry Farwell, of Concord and Chelms- ford, Mass., and all his descendants to the fifth generation, by D. P. Holton. New York, 1879, 8o- Fastolf — Collection concerning the Family of Fastolf, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19^,129. Faubournet— Genealogie de la Maison de Faubournet de Montferrand, extraite du tome xvii du iVo5. univ. de France, par Courcelles. Par. 1820, 12°- Faucigny— Genealogie de la Maison de Faucigny-Lucinge, par Ferd. Vic. Amedee, marquis de Faucigny-Lucinge, Par. 1826—27, 4«- Fauconberg, Earl of, see Cromwell. Fauconberge Memorial : An account of Henry Fauconberge, LL.D. of Beccles, with Pedigree of that Family, and of Revett of Brandeston, by S. W. Rix. Ipswich, 1849, 4o- Faudoas — ^Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Faudoas en Guyenne, jDar J. L. de Faudoas de Seguenville. Par. 1688, 4P' Another edition greatly augmented, Montauban, 1724, 4"- Faulknor — Autobiography of the Faulk- nors of Havant Park and Stub- bington House, Hants. Privately printed. Faur — La Genealogie de la Maison de Favr, avec blason grave par M. Frosne. Tolose, 1649, fol. Faure — Notice sur les Families du Faure et de Gimel, de Limoges, par Elie du Faure. Vers. 1854, 8«- Fawkener, see Falconer. Fawkes — The Fawkes of York in the six- teenth century ; including Notices of the Early History of Guye Fawkes, by Robert Davies. Westminster, 1850, 12«- Faxon, see also Vinton Genealogy, Faxon — Genealogical Register of the Des- cendants of Richard Faxon, from his settlement in this country to 1843, by Wm. Faxon. Hartford, 1843, 180' 364 Family Histoeies, pEDiaBEEs, akd Peeeage Cases. Faxon — The History of the Faxon Family, of Braintree, Mass., M'ith a Genealogy of Branches of many allied Families, by George L. Faxon. Springfield, Mass. 1880, 12«- Fay — Gencalogie de la Maison de Fay en Sangterre, par Ch. d'Hozier. 1721, 40- Genealogie de la Maison de Fay en Yelay, par Denys-Franyois Gastelier de la Tour. Paris, 1762, 4<'>- Memoire genealogique sur la Maison de Fay de Terssac. par M. de la Chesnaye-des-Bois. [Extract from the Diet, de la Nohlesse, by Des Bois.] Feather — Collections relating to the Sur- name of Feather, by George W. Mar- shall. Worksop, 1887, 8«- Feilding — The Descent of William Feild- ing, Earl of Denbigh and Desmond, from Egbert, King of England ; and from Kodulph of Habspurg, Founder of the House of Austria. Beautifully coloured, on vellum. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1902. History of the illustrious Family of the Feildings, &c. By Nathaniel Wanley. See Nichols' Leicester, iv. 273-293. Felbrigg pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fell— The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their friends, with an account of their ancestor A. Askewe, by Maria Webb. Lond. 1865, 8«- Fell Family. Registers of Fells and their Connections. Printed and published by the Fell Association. 1885, 4P- Feltham pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Felton — Account of the Felton Family, of Suffolk, by Lord Arthur Hervey. Beprinted from the Transactions of the Suffolk Institute of ArchcBology, 1860. . Collection concerning the Family of Felton, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. ■ A Brief Account of some of the Descendants of Nathaniel and Mary Felton of Salem, Mass., by Cyrus Felton. Boston, 1877, S^- 55 coj^ies only printed. . A Genealogical History of the Felton Family, Descendants of Lieutn I Nath. Felton, who came to Salem in 1633. With Supp. and App., by Cyrus Felton. Marlborough, 1886, S^- Felton — Memoranda concerning the pedigree and family history of the Feltons by Peter Le Neve. Gawdy MS. 724. See also the Tenth Report of Historical MSS. Commission, Appen- dix II. p. 117. Lond. 1885, 8°- Fenelon, see Salignac. Fenn pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fenner — Genealogy of the Fenner Family, by the Rev. James P. Root, of Provi- dence, Rhode Island. Privately printed 1887, 80- Fenwick — The Gathering Ode of the Fenwyke of Northumberland, by I. F. Newcastle, 1843, 8°- Fer — Genealogie de MM. le Fer, originaires de Blois. 1787, fol. Fermor — Pedigree of Fermor of Tusmore. Single sheet. Fermor Family. See " Genea- logical Collections of Roman Catholic Families in England," part i. edited by J. J. Howard and H. F. Burke. Lond. 1887, fol. Fermoy — Minutes of Evidence, etc., of Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke Roche, Baron Fermoy, Claiming a Right to Vote at Elections of Representative Peers for Ireland. Sessional I^apers, 1856 and 1857. Claims of Baron Fermoy, with Extinct Irish Peerages. Return, giving dates of Extinction of the three Irish Peerages, in consequence of which Her Majesty has been advised to create the Barony of Fermoy. Fernald, see Leighton. Ferrara — Genealogy of the Dukes of Ferrara from 1105. Burghley MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Epitome de I'Origine, et Succes- sion de la Duche de Ferrare, par Gab. Simeoni. Paris, 1553, 8°- -Prosapia nobilis et illustrissimi familise de Ferrariis, 1598. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6160. — — Teatro Genealogico et Istorico deir Antiche and Illustri Famiglie di Ferrara, by Alfonso Maresti. 3 vols. Fer. 1678, fol. Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 365 Ferrard — Patent of creation of Margaretta, Baroness Oriel, wife of John Foster, Speaker of the Irish House of Com- mons, as Viscountess Ferrard in the Kingdom of Ireland ; 11 Oct. 1797. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,270. Ferrars — An account of the religious discipline that was kept up for several years in the family of Nicholas Ferrars, gentleman, at Little Gridding, begun about 1626. Extracted from a MS. account consisting of about 160 pages in folio, 1733. MS. Dr Williams' Library, Grafton St. London. : A Genealogical Table, shewing the Descent of the Family of De Ferrars (to which George Townshend, now Earl of Ijeicester, and Baron of Chartley, is Lineal Heir) from Coheirs both of the Saxon and Norman Earls of that County, single sheet. See also Burton's Antiquities of Leicester- shire, page 167 ; and Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,041, f. 173. Ferrers — Earl, see Shirley. Ferrers pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Armorial Bearings of the Family of Ferrers, by J. R. Planch e. See Journal of the British Archceological Association, vii, 220-232. The House of Ferrers. See " Ancestral Stories of Great Families," by John Timbs. Lond. 1869, 8«- Case of Bt. Hon. Washington Sevvallis Shirley, Earl Ferrers, claiming his writ of Summons to Parliament, with Pedigree. 1843, fol. Ferrier pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Ferrueci — Cenni Storici della Famiglia Ferucci. Firenze, 1853, fol. Fetherston — The " London Money " inquiry, with the Lineage of Sir Henry Fetherston. Bart., by W. M. Eggle- stone. Darlington, 1876, 8°- Fettermon, see Fisher. Fettiplace — Armorial Bearings, and Genealogical notice of the l^amily of Fettiplace. See Journal of the British Archceological Association^ xvi, 150 ; 201-204. ' Fezensac, see Montesquieu. Ffoulkes — Pedigree of the Family of Ffoulkes of Kriviat. Privately printed. Field— The Family of Bev. David D. Field, of Stockbridge, Mass., with their Ancestors, by Henry M. Field. Pri- vately printed, 1860, 12''- Appendix in 1864. A Genealogical Sketch of the Family of Field of the West-Riding of Yorkshire, England, and of Flushing and Newton, in Long Island, New York. With a tabular pedigree, by Osgood Field, of London. Privately printed, 1874, 8°- -Genealogy of the Fields of Provi- dence, Rhode Island, as traced by Mrs. Harriet Brownell. Providence, 1878, §0. Printed for private distribution. Fienes — Pedigrees and notes of the Family of Fienes by D. E. Daw. Brit= Mus. Add. MS. 19,129 Fiennes — Miscellanea, concerning the Names and Families of Fiennes. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 1834 ; 1835. Fiesca — Trattato della Famiglia Fiesca, by Federico Federici. Geneva, n. d., fol. Fife — Claim of the Earl of Fife to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers^ 216 of 1857, Sess. 2. Filangieri — Casa Filangieri, from a MS. of Carlo de Lellis, published by B. C. Gonzaga. Naples, 1887, 4"- Fildsley — Genealogy of the Family of Fildsley, of Chesterlous. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Filmer, see also Phillimore. Filmer — Grant of Arms by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, to Robert Filmer of East Sutton. East Sutton Park, Co. Kent. Finch, see also Darrell. Finch — Genealogy of the Family of Finch of Sussex, etc., with their Arms elegantly emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5811. Pedigree of the Family of Finch, by Philpot. Privately printed. Wills and other records relating to the Family of Finch, by James Green- street. Reprinted from Archceologia . Cantiana, vol. xiii. Lond. 1879, 8°* Fincham Family. See " Historical Notices of the Parish of Fincham," by Wm. Blyth. King's Lynn, 1863, S^- 366 Family Histories, Pedigrees, an^d Peeraoe Cases. Findlater — Genealogy of the Family of Findlater, 16th century, MS. C alien House, Banff. Fingon — Memoirs of Clan Fingon, by Eev. Donald D. Mackinnon. Tun- bridge Wells, [1884] 8°- Finnimore, see Phillimore. Firebrace pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Firmin pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fisher — Original grant of Arms and Crest to William Fisher, of London, mer- chant, 1660. Brit. Mus. Woll. Ch. IV. 67. Pedio-rees of the families of Fisher, Bp. of Salisbury, and of Yar- mouth, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. ^Add. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. G-enealogy of Joseph Fisher and his Descendants, and of the allied families of Farley, Farlee, Fettermon. Pitner, Beeder and Shipman, by C. W. Fisher. Troy, N.Y. 1890? 8"- Fiske — Collection concerning the Family of Fiske, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. A Genealogy of a Fiske Family. Sixteen Generations. Period 1399- 1867, [by Alfred Poor.] From His- torical Collections of the Essex Insti- tute, vol. vni. Salem, Mass. 4^- The Fiske Family, a History of the Family (Ancestral and Descendant) of the Hon. Wm. Fiske of Amherst, N.H. with brief notices of those con- nected with them by marriage, by A. A. Fiske. Chicago, 111. 1865, 12«- Second edition, 1867. Fitch, see Stranahan. Fitte — Armorial de la Noblesse de Guienne, etc. Notice genealogique sur la Famille de la Fitte. Par Gab. O'Gilvy. Bord. 1857, 4o- Fitton — An Account of the Fitton family, of Gawsworth. See " Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire," by James Croston. Manchester, 1882. Fitts — Genealogy of the Fitts or Fitz Family in America, by James Hill Fitts. CHnton, 1869, 8°- Fitz-Ailward, see Stanley. Fitzalan, see also Arundel. Fitzalan — Account of Fitzalans, Earls of Sussex. ^QQJournalof the British Arch- csological Association, vol. xxiii. p. 31. Notices of Sir Bichard Arun- dell, &c. and the Pedigree of his line of the Fitz-Alan Family. Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vi. 1-20. The Houses of Fitz-Alan and Stuart ; their Origin and early History, by R. W. Eyton. No date. See also the Arch. Journal, xiii. 333. London, 1856, 8«- Genealogy of Fitz-Alan, Earls of Arundel. Beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Pedigrees of the Family of Fitz- Alan, Earls of Arundel, etc. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, pp. 5, 55 etc. Add. MS. 19,129. Fitzgerald, see also Grandison. Fitzgerald — Commencement, progres, et la fin de la famille des Geraldins, Comtes de Desmond, etc., by Daniel O'Daly. Uunkerque, 1697, S^- Sketch of the History and Descents of the Geraldines, of the Queen's County, from 1550 to 18'03. Printed for private circulation. The Geraldines, Earls of Des- mond, by Daniel O'Daly. ^Translated from the Latin, with notes and illustra- tions, by C. P. Meehan. Dublin, 1847, 12«- Unpublished Geraldine Docu- ments, edited by the Bev. Samuel Hay- 'man and the Bev. James Graves. 4 vols. Dublin, 1870—1881, 8«- See also "Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society," 3rd series vol. i.. 4th series vols, i., iv. and v. Dubl. 1873, etc 8o- The Pedigree of the Geraldines of Desmond, from Oterus of Windsor to Maurice Fitz Gerald, who first came to the Conquest of Ireland with Bichard Earl Strongbow, in the 16th year of Henry 11. See Geraldine Documents. ■ The Pedigree of the Fitz- geralds of Dromany in y® County of Waterford, comonly called Loids of y® Decies. See Geraldine Documents. Pedigree of Fitzgerald,Kniglit of Kerry ; Fitzgerald, Seneschal of Imokilly ; and of Fitzgerald of Cloyne in Imokilly. See Geraldine Docu- ments, part xi, Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 367 Fitzgerald — Relation of the Fitz Geralds of Ireland, A.D. 1688, by Thomas Kussell. See Geraldine Documents. Historical Memoirs of the Geraldine Earls of Desmond. MS. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. -The Earls of Kildare, and their Ancestors, from 1057 to 1773 2nd edition, Dubl. 1858, 8o- 3rd edition, 1858. Addenda, 1862. -Pedigree of the families of Windsor, and of Fitzgerald, Earls of Kildare and Desmond. 17th century Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll. P, 8. -The descents of the Fitz Geralds who were Earls of Kildare and Desmond, Lords of Sligo, etc. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4814, f. 34. -Fitz-Gerald Family, of Ire- land. ^Qnlrish Antiquarian Hesean by Sir William Betham. 221. -On the Family and Con- nections of Robert Fitz Gerald, by J. R. Planche. See the Jou,rnal of the British ArchcBological Association. xxviii, 113. Lond. 1872, 8«- The Genealogy and Obiits of the Fitzgeralds. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 623, f. 60. Claim of the Ris^ht Hon. Fitzmaurice — The Fitz Maurices of Ire- land. See Geraldine Documents part i, edited by the Rev. Samuel Hayman. Dubl. 1870, 8°- Fitz-Osbert pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fitz-Otes — Notes relating to the Family of Fitz-Otes or Fitz-Otho, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fitz-Ralph pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fitzroy — Collection concerning the Family of Fitzroy, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. The Fitzroy Family. See the Great Governing Families of England. By Sanford and Townsend. Vol. i. p. 344. Fitz-Simon, see Eraser. Fitzwalter— The History of the Noble Robert Fitzwalter, Lord of Woodham, in Essex, and of his Ancestors, by W. V. Lond. 1616, 4«- Account of Robert, Lord Lady Henry Fitzgerald, and Sir H. Hunloke, Bart, to the Barony of Ross. See Sessional Papers., 15 of 1803-4 ; 32 of 1805. Fitzherbert, see also Darrell. Fitz-Herbert — The Fitz-Herbert Family, of Swinnerton. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province., ii. 198 ; iii. 792. Fitzhugh, see also Bruce. litz-Hugh — A small quarto volume, com- piled by the late Sir Henry Lawson, to illustrate the pedigree and possessions of the baronial family of 1^'itz-Hugh. MS. Brough Hall, Co. York. Fitzjames — On the bamily of Fitzjames, by Frederick Brown. [Reprint from the Somerset Arch, and Nat. Hist. Society's Proceedings, 1878.] 1878. 8<^- Fitz-Lewis — History of the Family of Fitz-Lewis, of Westhorn^on. See Hd\.^iQ2idi' ^Succinct Genealocjies, 1685, and Add. MS. 19,129. Brit. Mus. Fitzwalter, and of his Family, by John Charles Brooke. See Archceologia^ v, 211 • ix 255 ' -The Fitz-Walter Family. See Journal of the British Archceological Association, vol. xv. p. 26. -Fitzwalter pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,129. Fitz-Walter, Peerage of, see Bridges. Fitz-Warine — The Family of Fitz- Warine. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," new series, vol. 3. Lond. 1852, 8"^- Fitzwilliam — Account of the Family of Fitzwilliam. MS. E. Campsall Hall, Co. York. The Fitzwilliam Family. See The Great Governing Faviilies of England., bv Sanford and Townsend. Yol. I. p. 112. Memoirs of the families of Fitzwilliam and Wilson of Bromhead, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,473. Fleetwood, see also Cromwell. Fleetwood pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Facsimile in Gold and Colours of the Grant of Arms by Thomas Hawley, Clarenceux, to Thomas Flete- wood of London, 7 Hen. viii. Pub- 368 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. lislied bj Mitchell and Hughes, War- dour street, London. Fleetwood — The Fleetwood Family, of Stoke Newington. See Bihliotheca Topographlca Brltannica, by J. Nichols. No. IX. Fleming, see also Cromwell. Fleming — Historical and Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Fleming, of Slane, in the County Palatine of Meath, by Sir W. Bethami' Dubl. 1829, fol. Privately printed. Biggar and the House of Fleming, by W. Hunter. Biggar, 1.SG2, 8*^- 2nd edition, Edinb. 1867, 4«- -Pedigree of the Famil}' of Fleming of Hampshire. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 5839, f. 229. Claim of Charles R. Fleming to be Earl of Wigtoun. See Sessional Papers, Jan., Mar. 1762. -Case of James Fleming, the Claimant as Heir Male to the Barony of Slane, pp. 15. Case of James Fleminsf, Lord Baron of Slane, claiming a right to Vote at Elections of Representative Peers for Ireland. Sessional Fapers, 1827. Fletcher, see also Longridge. Fletcher Chart, by E. H. Flet- cher, 1848. ■Fletcher Genealogy ; an account of the Descendants of Robert Fletcher of Concord, Massachusetts, by Edw. H. Fletcher. Privately printed, 1871, Fletcher Family Reunion, by G. M. Elliott. Lowell, Mass. 1876, 8"- Second Reunion, 1878. Genealogical and Historical Sketches of the Fletcher Family, Des- cendants of Robert Fletcher of Concord, Mass. 1630, etc., by G. M. Elliott. Lowell, Mass. 1878, 8°- Flint — Genealogical Register of the Des- cendants of Thomas Flint of Salem. Compiled by John Flint and John H. Stone. Andover, 1860, 8« \ Floyd — Genealogical Descent of the Floyd Family. See " Archaeologia Cambren- sis," third series, iv. 408. Lond. 1858, Fogg — Genealogical Account of a few of the families of the Early settlers in Eliot (a township in Maine), and of a branch of the Moody family, 1638 — 1850, by Dr. Fogg. Saco, 1851, 8^- [The families are, the Foggs, the Hills, and the Moodies.] Fogge — Family Chronicle of Richard Fogge, of Danes Court, in Tilmanstone, with a pedigree of the Fogge Family. Archceologia Cantiana, vol. v. Lond. 1863, 8'>- Foix — Historia Fuxensium Comitum, et de Regni Navarrre, origine et Regibus, Tractatus. Bertrandi Helioe. Thou- louse, 1540, 4P- Histoirede Foix, Beam, et Navarre, par Pierre Alhagaray. Paris, 1609, 4<^- -Suite genealogique de la tres illustre Maison de Foix moderne, dite autrefois de Graillv. (Par Martin.) Paris, 1649, fol. Veritable origine de la Maison de Foix. Toul. 1666, fol. Histoire des comtes de Foix de la premiere race. Gaston III. dit Phce- bus. Par Hte Gaucheraud. Paris, 1834, 8"- Foljambe — Notices of the Family of Fol- jambe. Bj Nathaniel Johnston, 1701. " Collectanea Topographica et Genea- logica," i. 91 — 111, 333—361; ii. 68—90. Collections for the Family of Foljambe, of Alwarke. MS. E. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Folkes — Collection concerning the Family of Folkes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Folsom— Descendants of the First John Folsom, through Dea. John, Lieut. Peter, and Ephraim Folsom. Boston, 1876, 8°- Printed for private circu- lation. A Genealogy of the Folsom Family: John Folsom and his descendants, 1615 — 1882, by Jacob Chapman. Concord, N. H. 1882, 80- Fonnereau — Collection concerning tlie the Family of Fonnereau, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Foote— The Foote Family : or, the des- cendants of Nathaniel Foote, with genealogical notes of Pasco Foote, J. Foote and others of the name who settled in New York, by Nath. Good- win. Hartford, 1849, 8°- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Foote — A case with pedigree and opinion stated, signed "Henry Brooke Oxon., Jan. 21, 1737," stating to the effect that Mr. Foote (afterwards the cele- brated actor, Samuel Foote) was a "cognatus" and a " consanguineus " of the Founder of Worcester College, etc. 3IS. Wore. Coll. Oxford. Forbes, see also Coulthart. Forbes — Genealogy of the Family of Forbes, from the account of Matthew Lumsden of TuUiekerne, in 1580. Edited by W. Forbes. Inverness, 1819,^80- A description of the genealogy of the House of Forbes, by Mr. Matthew Lumsden of Tulliekairn. MS. No. 13. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. Memoranda relating to the Family of Forbes of Waterton, from a MS. of John Forbes, b. 1754, etc. by J. Forbes. Aberdeen, 1857, 4"- Printed for the family. The Earls of Granard. A Memoir of the Noble Family of Forbes, by the Hon. John Forbes. Edited by G-. A. Hastings, Earl of Granard. Lond. 1868, 8«- -Memoirs of the House of Forbes, Earls of Granard in Ireland, by Admiral the Hon. John Forbes, dated London 1770. Published by the Earl of Granard, 18G8. MS. No. 12. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. Forbin — Notice sur la Maison de Forbin, par Maury. Paris, 1815, 8«- Ford — Pedigree of the Ancient Family of fforde of fforde greene, co. Stafford, Ford of Ellell Hall and Morecombe Lodge, Lancaster, Adel, Yorkshire, Enfield-01d-Park,Middlesex,andAbbey- field, CO. Chester. With Photograph copies of the Original Deeds of fforde greene, from A.D. 1288. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,291. Fordyce — Family Record of the Name of Dingwall f'ordyce in Aberdeenshire. With appendix containing notices of other families referred to, by Alexander Dingwall Fordyce. Fergus, Canada, 1885, 8« Foresta — Genealogie de la Maison de Foresta, extraite du tome i. des Arch, geneal. et hist, de la Noh. de France, par P. L. Laine. Par. 1828, 8°- Forestier — Le Forestier du Buisson- Sainte-Marguerete, par C.A.B. Ver- sailles, 1888, 4"- Forez, Comtes de, see Bourbon. Formeville — Notes historiques sur la Famille de Formeville, par Borel d' Haute rive. Extrait de 1' Annuaire de la JSTohlesse, 1861. Par. 1861, 4o- Forneux — Genealogical table of the ancestors and relations of Ralph de Forneux. MS. belonging to the Marq. of Abergavenny, E ridge Castle. Forster, see also Hardwicke. Forster — Epistolarium, or, fasciculi of curious letters, with a few poems, and some account of the writers as preserved among the MSS. of the Forster Family. By F. [T. Forster.] 2 vols. Printed for private circulation, 1845-50, 8o- Collections concerning the fami- lies of Forster and Foster, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Some Account of the Pedigree of the P'orsters or Fosters of Cols Hesledon, co. Durham, by Joseph Foster. Sunderland, 1862, "40- Pri- vately printed. A Pedigree of the Forsters and Fosters of the North of England, and of some of the Families connected with them [Bacon of Staward Peel, &c., Baynes of London, Heath of Kepyer, &c.. Fell of Swarthmoor Hall, Abraham of Swarthmoor Hall, Dodshon of Goun- dou, Maude of Kendal, &c., Braith- waite of Kendal, Crewdson of Kendal, Benson of Leeds, Birkbeck of Settle, Clapham of Newcastle, Spence of North Shields, Lloyd of Dolobran, Fox of Grove Hill]. By Joseph Foster. Printed for private circulation, 1871, 40. A Pedigree of the Forsters and Fosters, by Joseph Foster. 2nd edition, Sunderland, 1871, 4°- The Pedigree and Descendants of Jacob Forster, of Charlestown, Massachusetts, bv Edw. Jacob Forster. Charlestown, 1870, 8o- Forsytli — A Genealogical Record. Forsyth of Nydie, by Forsyth de Fronsac. New Market, Virg. 1888, 8°- Fort — Robert le Fort, sa famille et son origine, par Rioult de Neuville. Tou- louse, 1873, 4°' 370 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Forte — Pedigree of Foi-te of Barbadoes, by Capt. Nathaniel Forte, of Clifton. Single sheet, 1878. Fortebracci — Letteralstorica-Genealogica della Famiglia Fortebracci da Montone. By G. V. Giobbi Fortebracci. Bologna, 1689, 40- Fortescue — Life, Works and Family History of Sir John Fortescue, by Thomas (Fortescue) Lord Clermont. 120 copies printed for private distri- bution. 2 vols. Lond. 1866, 4"- History of the Family of Fortescue, by Thomas, Lord Clermont. 2 vols. London, 1869, fol. 2nd edition, 1880. -Notitise and Pedigrees con- cerning the Family of the Fortescues, 18th century. Erit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,629, f. 63. -Claim of the Right ^Hon. Thomas Fortescue, Baron Clermont in Ireland, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, 330 of 1852-3. Forth — Pedigree of the Family of Forth, J of Hadleigh, with notes by I), E. Davy. 1 Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Fortia — Histoire de la Maison de Fortia, originaire de Catalogue, par Agricol J. F. X. E. S. P. A. de Fortia d' Urban. Par. 1808, 12"- Genealogie de la Maison de Fortia, extraite du tome second des Arch, genial, et hist, de la Noh. de France, par P. L. Laine. Par. 1829, 8^- Foster, see also Forster. The Foster Family, of Cobdoke. See H. Foley's 'Records of the English Province, 2nd Series, p. 445. -The Foster Family. One Line of the Descendants of William Foster, son of Reginald Foster, of Ipswich, Mass., by Perly Derby. Boston, 1872, 8«- The Grandchildren of Col. Fowler — A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Capt. Wm. Fowler, of New Haven, Connecticut. Milwaukee, 1870, 8«- The Powler Family: A Genealo- Joseph Foster of Ipswich and Glou- cester, Mass. 1730—1804. Compiled by Joseph Foster. Philadelphia, 1885. 8^- Fouilloux — Notice genealogique sur Jacques du Fouilloux. Paris, 1852, 8^- Fowler — A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Ambrose Fowler, of Windsor, and Capt. William Fowler, of New Haven, Conn. Boston, 1857, S^- gical Memoir of the Descendants of Philip and Mary Fowler of Ipswich, Mass. Ten Generations: 1590—1882. By a descendant, M. A. Stickney. Salem, Mass. 1883, S"- -William Fowler, the magistrate. and one Line of his Descendants, by William Chauncey Fowler. 8"- pp. 12. Fox, see also Dawson. Fox — The last Will of George Fox, the Quakers' great Apostle, as it was written by his own hand. Harleian Miscel- lany, vol. vii. Lond. 1811, 4°- A Short Genealogical Account of some of the various Families of Fox in the West of England, to which is appended a pedigree of the Crokers, of Lineham, etc. by C. H. Fox. Bristol, 1864, 4"^- Privately printed. A revised genealogical Account of the various families descended from Francis Fox, of St. Germans, Cornwall ; to which is appended a Pedigree of the Crokers, of Lineham, by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1872. 4"- Privately printed. Genealoo-ical Memoranda relatinar to the Family of Fox of Brislington. Lond. 1872, 4''- Privately printed Genealogical notes and Arms of Families of the name of Fox, 1774. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,278. Collections concerning the Family of Fox, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 19,130. Foxe — Biographical Notes on J. Foxe the Martyrologist, with an account of his family, by William Winters. Walt- ham Abbey," 1876, 8''- Framlingham — Memoranda relating to the Pramlinghams, by Peter Le Neve. Gawdy MS. 342, and Tenth Report of Historical MSS. Commission, Appendix ii. p. 53. Lond. 1885, 8'^- — Framlingham pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Francis — Genealogia sive prosapia anti- quissimse familise Richardi Franceys, de Tyckenhall. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 0160. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 371 Francis — Notes relating to the Family of Francis of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. M8. 19130. Frangipani — Genealogiadegl'Illustrissimi Signori Frangipani Romani, por Did. Benedetto Pucci. Venetia, 1621, 4°- Frankland, see Cromwell. Franklin — The Franklin Ancestry and Descendants in Col. Lewis Bache (1779) Line to 1889. Interspersed with historico-genealogical Events, by Wm. Bache. Reprinted from the New Eng- land Register, 1887,8°- Fraser — The true Genealogie of the Erasers, by James Fraser. 1666. MS. Advocates' Lib. Edinb. Annals of such Patriots of the distinguished Family of Fraser, Frysell, Sim-son, or Fitz-Simon, as have signa- lised themselves in the Public Service of Scotland, by A. C. Fraser. Edinb. 1795, 80- Another edition, 1805. Historical Account of the Family of Frisel or Fraser, particularly Fraser of Lovat, by John Anderson. Edinb. 1825, 4P- The Erasers of Philorth. [A family history. With plates.] By Alexander Fraser. Edinb. 1879, 4P 150 copies privately printed. Memorial for those of the Sir- name of Fraser, [a document in support of the claim of Simon Fraser, Lord Fraser of Lovat, to that Barony.] Edinb. 1729, 4P- -A reprint of fifteen pamphlets, relative to the dispute between Simon Fraser and H. Mackenzie, about the Barony of Lovat. Edinb. 1729—30, 4P- [Brit. Mus. Libr. 138. b. 8. and G. 1925.] A list of Creations of Lords of Parliament, etc. [In support of the claim of Simon Fraser to the Barony of Lovat.] Edinb. 1730, 4P- A collection of documents relating chiefly to the claim of Simon Frazer to the Barony of Lovat. Edinb. 1725—45, 4P' Brit. Mus. Lib. 6573, e. -Information for his Majesty's Advocate, Respondent to the claim of Alexander and Archibald Fjjaser to the Estate of Lovat, etc, by A. C. Fraser. Edinb. 1749, 4° Fraser — Information for Alexander and Archibald Fraser, Claimants of the Estate of Lovat, bv J. Ferguson. Edinb. 1750, 4P- Memorial for Alexander and Archibald Fraser, Heirs of Entail of the Estate of Lovat. Edinb. 1750, single sheet. -Minutes of Evidence of Thos. Alex. Fraser, claiming the Barony of Lovat. Lond. 1827, fol. -Claim of Thos. A. Fraser, of Lovat, Esq., to the Barony of Lovat. See Sessional Papers, 93, 178 of 1826- 7 ; G of 1854-5 ; L of 1856 ; H of 1857. -Case of T. Fraser, of Lovat, , — — — , claiming the title of Baron Lovat. Folio, pp. 11. Additional Case. Folio, pp. 9, and folding Pedigree. 1854. ■Minutes of Evidence of John Fraser, of Carnarvon, claiming the Honour and Dignity of Lord Lovat ; and of the Rt. Hon. Simon, Lord Lovat, in opposition to the above claim. •Case of John Fraser, with pedigree ; and Case of Lord Lovat, with pedigree, 1885. -The Lovat Peerage and Estates. A short history of the Case, with inte- resting documentary evidence in support of the claim of John Fraser. [1885] . 4P- Frecheville — Pedigree of the Frecheville and Musard {Families, Lords of Crich and Staveley, co. Derby. " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," iv. 1—28, 181—218. Freeman — Pedigree of Freeman, of Eber- ton, Blockley, and other places. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Large folio. ■Freeman of Suffolk ; pedigrees and notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. The Fi-eeman Genealogy, in three parts, viz : I. Memorials of Edmund Freeman of Sandwich, and his Descendants ; II. Memorials of Samuel Freeman of Watertown, and his Descendants ; III. Notes, Histori- cal and Genealogical, of Families of the name of Freeman. Boston, 1875. Freiherr — Beitage zu einer Familien- Geschichte der Freiherren von Uslar- Gleichen, von Edmund Freiherr. Hannover, 1888, 4°- 372 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Freke — A Pedigree or Genealogye of the Family of the Frekes, by K. and J. Freke, 1825. Oblong folio. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. French, see also Cromwell ; Thayer ; Vinton. French — Memoir of the Family of French (De la Freyne, De Freyne, Frenshe, Ffrench, etc.) By John D'Alton. Dublin, 1847, S^- A Pedigree of the Family of French, by Nathaniel Bogle French, 1866, folio. Privately printed. Family Gathering on the French Homestead in Dunstable, Mass. Oct. 8. 1879. Printed for private circula- tion. John French of Braintree, Massachusetts. Notes on the Frenches in connection with Krance, England, Ireland, Scotland and the United States. Compiled bv A. D. Weld French. Boston, 1885, 8"- Lieut. William French and his descendants, by John M. French, of Milford, Mass. pp. 8. ■ Pedigree of Lieut. William French. Broadside. Frere — Collection relating to the Family of Frere bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. "19,130. — Frere Parentalia. Containing pedigrees of the family of Frere^ of Roydon, co. Norfolk, and Finningham Co. Suffolk. Privately printed, 1843, 40. Pedigree of the Family of Frere of Roy don in Norfolk, and Finningham in Suffolk, complied by Horace Frere. Privately printed 1874, 4P- Freston — Collection concerning the (^'amily of Hreston, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 19,130. Frettwell, see Swift. Freville — Pedigree of the Freville Family. Privately printed for E. H. G. De Freville. Frevile pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. The Genealogical History of the Freville Family, with some Account of their Monuments in Little Shelford Church, Cambridgeshire, Bj A. W. Franks. See Publications of Cambridge- shire Antiquarian Society, No. xiv. Vol. II. Camb. 1844. f- Freville — Family notes of Freville. See Journal of the JSritsh ArchoBological Association, vol. xxix. p. 298. Frippellippes — La Genealogie de Frippel- lippes, et rabais de son caquet, par Ch. Huet, dit La Hueterie. Paris, . . . 16« Frisel, see Eraser. Frome — Pedigree of Frome, privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Broadside. Frost, see also Leighton. Frost — Pedigree of the Family of Frost of Suffolk, with genealogical notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Genealogy of the Frost Family, Elliot, York county, Maine. No date, pp, 27 -Our Family Records : compiled by Francis Avlmer Frost. Privately printed, 1888, V Frowick pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Hrit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130. Fry — Memoir of Col. Joshua Fry, of Virginia, with an autobiography of his son. Rev. Henry Fry, and a Census of their Descendants, by Rev. P. Slaugh- ter. 1880, 8«- Fugger Family Portraits. Fuggerorum et Fuggerarum. Aug. Vind. 1618, fol. Second edition, Augspurg, 1620, fol. Pinacotheea Fuggerorum S.R.I. Comitum ac Baronum, editio nova multis imaginibus aucta. Ulmse, 1754, fol. [139 Portraits of the Fugger Famil}'-, engraved by L. and W. Kilian.] Die Miinzen des graflichen und fiirstlichen Hauses Fugger, von J. V. Kull. See Bayerische Numismatische Gesellschaft, Mittheilungen, etc. viii. Munich, 1882, &c. ^^- Fugger Family, Barons of Kirchberg and Weissenhorn, by G. Wenzel. See Magyar Tudomdnyos Akademia. Pest. 1882-83, 8°- Fullarton — Case of William Fullarton, Esq., claiming the title of Lord Spynie, 1785. Fuller, see also Dawson ; Noyes. Fuller — Collections relating to the Family of Fuller, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,130, Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Oases. 373 Fuller — Historical Notices o£ Thos. Fuller and his Descendants, with a Genealogy of the Fuller Family. Eeprinted from the New Eng. Hist, and Geneal. Kegister, 1859. Boston, 1859, 8« Kecords of some of the Descen- dants of John Fuller, Newton, 1644- 98, by S. C. Clarke. Boston [U.S.] 1869, 80- The Family of Fuller. Some Royal, Noble and Gentle Descents of the Kerry Branch, by James Franklin Fuller. Dublin, 1880, fol. Twenty copies only printed. -Chief Justice Fuller, a Descend- ant of one of the Early Settlers of Dedham, by Don G. Hill. Dedham Rist. Soc. 1888, 8°- Furjonniere-Genealogie des seigneurs de la Furjonniere, par A. M. d'Hozier de Serigny. 1761, fol. Furneaux — Pedigree of the Family of Forneaux, Devon, A.D. 1550 to 1875, by H. Furneaux. Privately printed, 1876, 40 Furnival, see also Lovetot, Collections relating to the Family of Furnival, 18th century. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 18,446. Account of the Furnival Family. See Journal of the British Archaeolo- gical Association, vol. xxx, 117, 150, 154, 163-170, 239-243, 289. Fynmore, see Phillimore. Fynney — -Account of the Fynney Family, See Gentleman's Magazine, 1781. p. 262. Gaddi — Trattato Storico della Famiglia de'Gaddi. Padova, 1642, 4«- Gaell — Pedigree of the Family of Gaell of Hadleigh, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gage — An Account of the Gage Family. See Gage's History of Hengrave, pp. 225—252. Collection concerning the Family of Gage, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gainsborough — Collection concerning the Family of Gainsborough, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Galard — Documents historiques sur la Maison de Galard, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1871—76, 8^- Gale — Memoirs of the Gale Family. Reliquce Galeanos^ by li. and S. Gale. 1781. Memoirs and Pedigree of the Family of Gale. Bihl. Top. Brit. vol. iii. Lond. 1790, 4«- Memoirs of the Gale Family. By K, W. Blencowe. See Sussex Archceo- logical Collections, xii. 45. -Genealogy of the Gale Family, by Hon. Geo. Gale of Galesville, Wiscon- sin. Reprinted from the New. Eng. Hist. Gen. Beg. 1864, pp. 9. The Gale Family Records in Eng- land, and the United States ; to which are added the Tottingham Family of New England, and some account of Bogardus, Waldron, and Young Families of New York, by George Gale. Galesville, Wisconsin, 1866, 8<^- Gallandet, see Oliver. Gallemant — La Famille de Gallemant, par le P. Charles-Placide Gallemant. Paris, 1651, 8°- Gallifet — Notice historique et geneal o- gique sur la Maison de Gallifet, par Borel d'Hauterive. Extrait de Annuaire de la Noblesse de 1851. Paris, 1851, 8'^- Galloway, Earl of, see Stewart. Galluzzi — Narrazione Storico-Genealogica della Famiglia Galluzzi. By Francesco Galluzzi. Firenze, 1740, 4°- Gal way — Henry de Ruvigny, Earl of Galway. A filial Memoir, with a pre- fatory Life of his Father, by the Rev. D. C. A. Agnew. Edinb. 1864, 4'^- Gamaches et ses seigneurs, par M. F. I. Darsy. Amiens, 1856, 8°- Gand — Genealogique des Maison s de Guines, de Gand, etc., par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1631. fol. Gardiner — Collections respecting the Family of Gardiner, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19131. The Papers and Biography of Lion Gardiner, 1599-1663. With an Appendix, (a brief genealogy of the author, and a chapter on the Gardiner arms). Edited by Curtiss C. Gardiner. St. Louis, 1883, 4P- Lion Gardiner and his Descen- dants, with illustrations. Edited, with notes critical and illustrative, by C. C. Gardiner. St. Louis, 1890, 8«- 374 Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peeeage Cases. Gardner — Minutes of Evidence, etc. of Alan Legge Gardner, claiming the Barony of Gardner. 1825-26, fol. Case of Alan Legge Gardner, with pedigree. Large folio, pp. 8. •Keport of the Proceedings of the House of Lords on the Claims to the Barony of Gardner, by D. Le Marchant. Lond. 1828, 8° Treatise on the Law of Adul- terine Bastardy (relative to the Gardner Peerage claim), by Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1836, 8«- -Descendants of Eichard Gardner, of Woburn, of the name of Gardner. Boston, 1858. Printed for private circulation. Garjfield — Concerning President Garfield's Ancestry, bv the Eev. Edward G. Porter. Cambridge, 1881, 8^- President Garfield's New Eng- land Ancestry, by George F. Hoar. Worcester, Mass. 1882, 8«- The Garfield Family in England, bv William P. W. Phillimore. Boston, 1883. 80- The Gai-field Family in England. 'The results of an attempt to ascertain the English Ancestry of the late Presi- dent Garfield. Eeprinted from the New England Eegister. 1887. Gargan — Genealogie Historique de la Maison de Gargan. Metz, 1881, 8°- Garneys — Collections relating to the Garneys family of Suffolk, etc. by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19131. Extracts from the parish register of Morningthorpe, Norfolk, with copies of monumental inscriptions, etc. relat- ing to the family of Garneys. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,193. Garnham pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Garrard pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Garrick genealogy, see Life of David Garrick, by Percy Fitz-Gerald. Vol. 1. Gartheston, see Manfield. Gascoyne — Pedigree of Gascoyne, to the death of Sir Edward Gascoyne, Bart., 1750. Printed on vellum. Gasquet — Notice biographique sur la Famille de Gasquet, par E. Perraud de Thoury. Paris, 1857, 8«' Gataker pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gate pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gates — Genealogical Eecord. Gates [of America.] Privately printed, 1887, Gatton — Charters of Cumbwell Priory, with a pedigree of the Gatton Family. Archceologia Cantiana^ vol v. Lond. 1863, 8°- Gaudagni — Genealogia della Famiglia Gaudagni, by L. Passerini. Firenze, 1873, 8«- Gaullier — Genealogie de la Famille de Gaullier, par M. Ch. L. Ducas. Extraite du tome xxi du JSobiliaire universel de France, par Yiton de Saint- Allais. Par. 1843, 8«- Gaunt — A Genealogical Account of the Descendants of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, King of Castile, etc. by John Gray Bell. Lond. 1855, 4P' Privately printed. Gavel pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gavre — Histoire Genealogique de la Mai- son de Hallu wyn Gavre, with coloured Arms, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,383. Gawdy — Collections relating to the Gawdy Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gay — John Gay of Dedham, Mas- sachusetts, and some of his Descendants, by Fred. Lewis Gay, of Boston. Boston, 1879, 8°- Gayant — Gayant, le Gcant de Douai, sa Famille, et sa Procession, par Le Con- seiller Quenson. Douai, 1839, 8°- Gayer — Memoir of the Family of Gayer, by Arthur Edw. Gayer. Westminster, 1870, 4P- Gayot — Notice sur la Famille des Gayot- Mascrany de la Bassiere, par M. Lud. d'Assac. Lyon, 1846, 8<'- Gedding pedigree, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases, 375 concerning the Brit. Mus. Lans. Gedney — Collections family of Gedney. MS. 207, A. f. 253. The Gedney and Clarke Families of Salem, Massachusetts, by H. ¥. Waters. Salem, 1880, 8o- Gee — Mr. Beamont's History of Win- wick : Charles Herle and the Gee Family, by John E. Bailey. Man- chester, 1878, 8«- Geer — Historical Sketch and Genealogy of George and Thomas Geer, from 1621 — 1856, by James Geer. Hartford, 1856, 120- Geffrard, see Motte. Gensefleisch — La Famille Gensefleisch a Strasbourg, par A. Saum. Stras. 1868, 80- Gentis — Familiaj Julise Gentis, by Joan. Glandorpio. Basilese, 1576, 12''- George, see Corliss. Gerald, see Fitzgerald. Geraldine Knights. See " Irish Anti- quarian Researches," by Sir Wm. Betham, 1827, 8<'- Gerard pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Gernon — Collection concerning the Gernon Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19131. Some Account of Robert Gernon and his Successors, the Barons Mont- fichet, by Miss Fry. See " Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society," vol. 5. Colchester, 1873, 8o- Gerould — The Genealogy of the Family of Gamaliel Gerould, son of Dr. Jaques (or James) Jerould of the Province of Languedoc, France, by the Rev. Samuel L. Gerould. Bristol, N.H. 1885, 8«- Supplement to the Genealogy of the Family of Gamaliel Gerould, by Henry Gerould. Bristol, N.Y. 1890, Gerrish — Genealogical Record of the compiler's branch of the Gerrish Family, by John J. Gerrish. Portland, 1880, 180- Gevaudan — Genealogie de la Famille de Gevaudon, extraite du tome second des Arch. Geneal. et Hist, de la Noh. de France, pub. par P. L. •Laine. Par. 1829, 80- Ghibellin, see Guelph. Giac — Liste genealogique de la noble et illustre Famille Giac, en Auvergne et en Guienne, par P. L. Laine. Par. 1847, 4^- Gibb — Pedigree of James Reid Campbell of Inverardine, Cornwall, Canada, and Sir George Duncan Gibb, Bart., of Falkland, Fife, by Sir Geo. D. Gibb. 1872. Single sheet. Pedigree of the Ancient Scottish Family of Gibb, Lords of Carribber, Knights and Baronets of Falkland, by Sir Geo. Gibb. London, 1874. Single sheet. ■Life and Times of R. Gib, Lord of Caribber and Master of the Stables to James V. of Scotland, with Notices of his Descendants, edited by Sir G. D. Gibb. 2 vols. 1874, 8o- Gibbs — Family Notices, by William Gibbs of Lexington. Privately printed, 1845, pp. 8. Report of a search made in Eng- land for the Gibbs Family in the U.S.A., by Columbus Smith. Contain- ing a short history and several genea- logies of the Gibbs Family. Middle- bury, 1848, 8o- Memoirs of the Gibbs Family, of England and America, by Wm. Gibbs. Edited with additions by J. W. Gibbs. Philadelphia, 1879, 4P- Gibon — •Memoire genealogique et his- torique de la Maison de Gibon, ou Gibon Porhoet. Paris, 1790, 4P- Maison de Gibon des anciens comtes de Porhoet. Paris, 1822, fol. Gibson — Collections respecting the Gibson Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Pedigree of Gibson of Bampton, by Chas. Dalton. Folding sheet, 1886? Gicquel — Maison de Gicquel. Notice historique et genealogique, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1877, S^- Giez — Esquisses genealogiques de I'anci- enne Maison des barons de Giez, barons d'Orbigny, par E. Perraud de Thonry. Par. 1851, S^- Gilliers — Genealogie de la Maison des Gilliers, seigneurs de la Ville-Dieu, etc. par Pierre d'Hozier. Paris, 1631, fol. Another edition in 1652. 376 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Giffard — Pedigrees of the earl}'" Giffards, with notes by I). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Pedigree of Giffard and Solers of Weston Subedge, and Harward, of Weston Subedge and Bretforton. Pri- vately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Who was my Grandfather ? A biograpliical sketch, by Sir A. H. Gif- fard. Privately printed, Lond. 1805, 8«- -The Tombs of the Giffards, with 8"- a pedigree of the Family, by James Hicks Smith. Wolverliampton, 1870, -Charters and Notices relating to the Family of Gift'ard, by J. K. Planche See Journal of the British Archceolo- gical Association, vols, viii) 348-351 ; xxix, 24, 58-68, 225-226. GifFord— The Family of the Giffords, by J. K. Planche, Esq. See the Journal of the British Archceologlcal Associa- tion, xxix, 58. Lond. 1873, S^- Pedigree and notesof the Family of Gifford, of Gloucestershire, London, etc., with extracts from parish registers. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2289, ff, 119- 124. Gilbert pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Narrative of the Captivity, etc. of Benjamin Gilbert and his family in 1780. Lond. 1780, 12^- Second edition in 1790. Third edition, to whicli is prefixed a short Account of the Gil- bert Family, Philadelphia, 1848, 12o- Genealogical Memoir of the Gilbert Family in both Old and New England, by J. W. Thornton. Boston, 1850, 8''- Privately printed. Gile, see Guild. Giles— The Giles Memorial. Genealogical Memoirs of the Families bearing the name of Giles, Gould, Holmes, Jennison, Leonard, Lindall, Curwen, Marshall, Kobinson, Sampson, and Webb, by John A. Vinton. Boston [U.S.], 1864, 80- Gill — The Genealogy of the Family of Gylle, or Gill, of Hertforishire, Essex and Kent, illustrated by Wills and other Documents, by Gordon Gyll. Lond. 1842, 4o- I Gill— The Genealogy of the Family of Gylle, or Gill, of Hertfordshire. "Col- lectanea Topographica et Genealogica," viii, 274—297, 410. Gillson — Genealogy of the Gillson and Jillson Family, by David Jillson. Cen- tral Falls, 1876, 8^^- Gilman — A Genealogical and Biographical Becord of that Branch of the Family of Gilman descended from the Hon. Coun- sellor John Gilman, by Arthur Gilman. Privately printed, 1863, 8'^- Genealogy of the Gihnan Family in England and America, by Arthur Gilman. Albany, 1864, 8^- • The Gilman Family traced in the line 01 Hon. John Gilman of Exeter, N.H., with an account of many other Gilmans, by Arthur Gilman. Albany, N.1.1869, 8«- Gilpin of England, by Thomas Gilpin, lithographed by A. Kollner. Philadel- phia, 1852, folio slieet. The Gilpin Family, from Bichard de Guylpyn in 1206, in a line to Joseph Gilpin, the emigrant to America. With a Notice of the West Family, who like- wise emigrated. 1870, 8°- Memoirs of Dr. 11. Gilpin and of his po&terity in the two succeeding generations, together with an account of the author, and a pedigree of the Gilpin I'amily, by Wm. Gilpin. " Cumber- land and Westmoreland Archaeological Society," 1879, 8<^- — Memoirs of Dr. Bichard Gilpin, of Scaleby in Cumberland, and of his posterity, with an account of the author, and tlie Gilpin pedigree, by William Gilpin, edited by William Jackson. 1884, 80- Gilsland — The names of the descendants of the Barons and Lords of Gilsland, from the Conquest of England. 3IS. No. IT. Carlisle Cathedral. Gimel, see Faure. Gipps pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Girling pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Giustiniani — Silva Genealogica d'alcune Famiglie della Casa in cui si Tratta di Giustiniani, by Tomassini. Yenezia, 1699. 40- Family Histoeies, PedigtieHs, aitd Peerage Cases. 377 Giustiniaui — Plowden's Disquisition con- ceruing the Law of Alienage, illustrated in an elaborate Opinion of Counsel upon the Claim of Prinee Giustiniani to the Earldom of Newburgh. Paris, 1818. 8«- . Case of Ceeilia, Princess Gius- tiniani, &c., claiming the dignity of Countess of Newburgh 1857. fol. Supplemental Case and Pedigree, 1857. Glanville — Pedigree of the Norman Family of Glanville of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Dorset, Yorkshire, and Cornwall, from 1050 to 1870. Oblong 1'^- Litho- graph, 1880 ? Records of the Anglo-Norman House of Glanville, from A.D. 1050 to 1880, by Wm. Urmiston S, Glanville- llichards. Lond. 1882, 4f^- Collections respecting the Glanville Family by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Glasenapp — Geschichte, etc. von Glase- napp, by E. von Glasenapp. Berlin, 188-1. 8"- Gledstone— The Gledstones and the Siege of Cocklaw, by Mrs. OHver. Edinb. 1878. 8°- Printed for the Hawick Archceological Society. Glemham — Collections respecting the Glemham Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. (xlenbervie. Lord, see Douglas. Glencairn — Claims preferred to the House of Lords in the Case of the Glencairn Peerage, by J. Maidment, Esq. Edinb. 1810. Only 60 copies printed. Glendonyn, See Coulthart.^ Ulendour — The History of the Island of Anglesey, with a Genealogical Account of Owen Glendour. 1775, 4P- -Owen Glendower's Arms, by John ap William ap John. See " Archse- olos^ia Cambrensis," new series, vol. 4. ■ Lond. 1853, 8«- Gloucester, Earls of. Notes on the Norman Earls of Gloucester, by Dr. Powell. See Journal of the British Archceological Associatioti, yol. xxv, 27-41. The Earls of Gloucester and Hertford, by J. R. Planche, Esq. See the Journal of the British Archceologi- cal Association, xxvi, 14S. Lond. 1870, 80- Gloucester — The Earls of Gloucester and Hertford. See " The Land of Morgan," by Geo. T. Clark. Lond. 1883, 8«- Glover — The Pedigree and Arms of the Glovers, of Mount Glover, by D. O. C. Fisher and Sir John B. Burke. Lond. 1858, 8«- Glover Memorials and Genealo- gies. An account of John Glover of Dorchester, and his descendants, by A. Glover. Boston, 1867, 8«- Godbold — Collection concerning the God- bold Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Goddard — Pedigree of Goddard of Swin- don, Clive-Pipard, and Purton. Single sheet, about 1830. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. A Genealogy of the Descen- dants of Edward Goddard, by W. A. Goddard. Worcester [U.S.] 1883, So- Pedigree of the family of Goddard of Swindon, Co. Wilts. Copied by Francis Goddard, Clerc, Vicar of Hilmarton, Wilts, 1858. A roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,237. Memoir of the Goddards of North Wilts. Compiled from Ancient Records, Registers, and Family Papers, by Richard Jefferies. Swindon, 1873, 4^0. Privately printed. Godefroy, see also Droullin. Godefroy — La Genealogie avec les gestes et nobles faitz d'armes du tres preux et renomme prince Godeffroy de Boulion et des ses Chevalereux freres Baudouin et Eustace. Paris, 1504, fol. La Genealogie, avec les gestes et nobles faits d'armes du prince Gode- froy de Bouillon et de ses chevaleureux freres Baudouin et Eustace, par Pierre Desrey, de Troyes. Paris, 1511, fol. Another edition, Lyon, 1580, 8°* Godet — Notice genealogique et historique sur lafamille Godet en Champagne, par Barthelemy. Paris, 1878, S^- Godfrey — Collections respecting the God- frey Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Godoy — Patent of Charles IV. King of Spain, constituting Don Manuel de Godoy Alvarez de Faria, Principe de la Paz, 1797. Prefixed are the Arms of Godoy, with Supporters, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,060. ms Family Histoeies, Pedigeues, and Peeeage Cases. Goethals Family. Goethals Kronyksken, 3ic. by T. N. L. Sehelliuek. Gend. 1830, 80- Esquisses biographiques sur la Maison de Goethals, redigees par M. le chev. de la Basse-Mouturie. Paris, 1835, 80- Seconde edition, 1837 ; another by Taffard in 1838. Goldesborough — Memorials of the Goldes- borough Family, Illustrated, by Albert Goldsbrough, M.A. In progress, 1887. Golding and Goldingham pedigrees, with copious notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Gonzales — Cronica de el Gran Cardenal de Espana, Don Pedro Gonzalez de Mendo^a, ivith arms, portrait and a genealogical plate, by Pedro Salazar de Mendo^a. Toledo, 1G25, fol. Gondi — Histoire et preuves genealogiques de la Maison de Gondi. With por- traits. Paris n.d. 4^- Eemarques sommaires sur la Maison de Gondi, par le sieur P. d'Hozier. Paris, 1652, 4°- -Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Gondi, par Jean de Corbi- nelli. 2 vols. Paris, 1705, 4o- Plates in folio. Gonville pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Gonzaga, see also Nevers. Gonzaga — Doctoris A. P. Gonzaga. Calci Operis addita Genealogia totius Familise. Ant. Possevino. Mant. 1628, fol. Portraits of the Marquises and Dukes of Mantua of the House of Gonzaga. Aug. and Paris, 1620 — 58. fol. -Memorie di tre celebri princi pesse della fg,miglia Gonzaga, by I Affo. Parma, 1787, 4o- -Indirizzo as^l' Italiani, etc. principally concerning the family of Gonzaga of Mantua, with a genealogy, &c. [Rome, 1848.] 4o- -Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la f amille imperiale et royale des Princes de Gonzaga, par Aime Ferraris. Turin, 1851, 8o- -Notice historique des Ordres de Chevalerie appartenant a la maison royale des Princes de Gonzaga, Dues de Mantoue, etc. by the Marquis Alexandre de Villamora. Lyon, 1863, 4P- Second edition, augmented. Mar- seille, 1866, 40- Gonzaga — TuUa Famiglia dei Principe Gonzaga di Mantova, by Alexandre de Villamora, Marquis. Confutazione dell' opera del Conte P. Litta. Napoli, 1867, 40- ■Di Celebri processi, giudizi supplizi e tragiche avventure apparnenti alia storia d' Italia i Gonsaga di Casti- glione, by Giov. Fogu. Sassari, 1867, 80- Gooch — Collections relating to the Gooch Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19132. Goode — Virginia Cousins. A Study of the Ancestry and Posterity of John Goode, of Whitby, with notes upon related Families, by G. Browne Goode. Richmond, 1888, 4«- Goodhue. Biography of the first Settle- ment of the Family and the Name of Goodhue, at Ipswich, in 1636, and Genealogy to 1833 ; with an Address by Deacon Sam. Goodhue ; arranged by Steph. Goodhue. Boston, 1833, pp. 16. Goodinge, see Johnstone. Goodrich — The Goodrich Family Mem- orial, containing the English History of the Family, by the Ilev. Hiram P. Goodrich, of St. Louis, Mo. Part I. Chicago, 1883, 8o- The Goodrich Family in America ; together with a short account of the Family in England. Edited for the Goodrich Family Association, by Lafayette Wallace Case. Chicago, 1889, 80' Goodricke — History of the Goodricke Family. Edited by Charles Alfred Goodricke. Lond. 1885, 8<'- Privately printed. Abstracts of Goodricke Wills. (Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Cam- bridge.) Bj C. A. Goodricke. In progress, 1887. Goodridge Memorial. Ancestry and Des- cendants of Moses Goodridge, who died at Constantino, Mich., 23 Aug. 1838, by Sidney Perley. Washington, 1884, go. Privately printed. Goodwin — Collections relating to the Family of Goodwin, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,132. Family Histobies, pEDtanEEs, and Peerage Cabes 379 Goodwin — Goodwin and Bradbury Arms, drawn by Harriet Bainbridge for W. F. Goodwin, Capt. U. S. A. Litho- graphed by F. Geese. Pub. by West and Johnson. Eichmond, Virg., 1869, 40. Gordon, see also Coulthart. Gordon — The History of the Ancient Family of Gordon, by William Gordon. 2 vols. Edinb. 1726, 8«- A Concise History of the Antient and Illustrious House of Gordon, by C. A. Gordon. Aberdeen, 1754, 12«- Privately printed. Surgundo (a Metrical History of the Feuds of the Gordon Family), by C. K. Sharpe. Edinb. 1837, 4'^- 50 Copies privately printed. -Pedigree of George Gordon, sixth Lord Byron, of the Family of Burun, or Buron, or Byron, by E. Bernard, 1870. Single sheet. A Concise History of the Ancient and Illustrious House of Gordon, by C. A. Gordon. Aberdeen, 1890, 8«- -Collections for the history of the Gordon family are in the possession of His Grace the Duke of llichmond. MSS. unpublished. Claim of Sir Charles Gordon to the Earldom of Sutherland. Sessional Papers, Dec. 1767— Jan. 1768. Case of Sir Kobert Gordon, claiming the title, honour and dignity of Earl of Sutherland. Edinb. 1769, fol. -Supplemental Case of Sir Robert Gordon, Bart., claiming the title of Earl of Sutherland, with two Pedigrees, 1770. ■ In the Question concerning the Peerage of Sutherland. Brief for the Counsel of Sir. llobert Gordon, Bart., claiming the title and dignity of Earl of Sutherland. Lond. 1771 ? 4P- Gore — Genealogy of the Payne and Gore Families. Edited by W. H. Whitmore for the JBrince Society. Boston, 1875, 8«- Gorges — Pedigree of Gorges, of Chelsey, etc. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Genealogical Table •£ the Issue and Descendants of Sir Thomas and Lady Helena Gorges, to about the year 1640, with Portraits of Sir Thomas and Lady Helena, and of four of their children. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Lans. KoU 9. Gorges — Pedigree of Sir Ferdinando Gorges (founder of the State of Maine, U.S.A.), by Frederick Brown. 100 Copies privately printed from the Historical and Genealogical Register. Boston, 1875, 8«- Gorham — Genealogical Account of the Breton and Anglo-Breton Families De Gorram. In the Maine, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, and Nottinghamshire, during the 12th, 13th, and 14th cen- turies, by the llev. George C. Gorham. Lond. 1837. 8o- The Descent of the Manar of Gorhambury in Hertfordshire, and the Family of Gorham, from wliom that estate derived its name. " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," v. 182 —199, 329—345 ; vi. 284—289 ; viii. 81—116. Gorton — The Gortons of G orton and other places in Lancashire, with Addi- tions, by J. Higson. Lond. 1873. 8°- Privately printed. Gosnold — Collection concerning the Family of Gosnold, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Gosson — Genealogie de la famille Gosson, Seigneurs d'Ambrines, &c. par A. Le Boucq de Ternas. Douai, 1875, 8o- Only 37 copies printed. Gotha, see Saxe-Coburg and Sax-Gotha. Gotherson, see Scott. Gotz — Genealogical notes of the Family of Gotz, of ISTuremburg, to the year 1733 ; with Arms in colours, and with four engraved portraits of J ohann Con- rad Gotz, 1688—1690. Folio. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19,068. Gough pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Gould, see also Giles. Gould pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. The Ancestry and Posterity of Zaccheus Gould of Topsfield. A con- densed abstract of the Family Records, by Benj. Apthorp Gould. Salem, 1872,80- 380 Family Histobies, pEDiaEEEs, and Peeeage Cases. Gould— Pedigree of the Family of Gould, by R. S. Boddington. Lond. 1880, 4«- Privately printed. Goulding, see Adams. Gouldsmyth — Someaecountof the Family of Gouldsmyth. See " A Koyal Deseent ; with other pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond 1875 and 1881, 4«- Genealogy of the Gould- smyth Family, by Miss Sharpe. re- printed from "The Genealogist," 1878. Gourjault — Genealogie de la Maison de Gourjault, en Poitou. Extraite du tome onzieme des Arch, geneal. et hist, de la Nob. de France, par. M. Laine. Par. 1817, 8«- Gourlay — Memorials of the Scottish House of Gourlay, by the Kev. Chas. Kogers. Privately printed. Edinb. 1888, 4P- Gournay, see also Gurney ; Yvery. Gournay — Eecherches historiques sur la Normandie (et les seigneurs de Gournay), par. M. du Bois, Paris, 1843, 8«- Ilecord of the House of G ournay, with Supplement. By Daniel Gourney. Lond. 1848 and 1858, 4P- —On the House of Gournay, by T. J. Pettigrew, Esq., See " Collectanea Arclijeologica," vol. ii. Lond. 1863, 4P- Gower — Collections respecting the Family of Gower, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. My Father's Family. — The Gowers. " My Reminiscences," by Lord Ronald Gower, vol. i. Lond. 1883, 8''- Gower, Barons of, see Breose. Gowrie — Papers relating to William, JFirst Earl of Gowrie, and Patrick Ruthven, his fifth and last surviving son. Lond. 1867, 8«- Goyon — Notice historique sur la Famille de Goyon-Matignon, par Gabriel de Goyon-Matignon. Paris, 1853, 8<^- Gozon — Essai genealogique sur le rameau de la Maison de Gozon etabli au Chateau d'Ays en Querci, par I'abbe Lavaissiere. Villefranche, n.d. 4°- Grace — A Survey of TuUaroun, etc., being a Genealogical History of the Family of Grace. Dubl. 1819, So- Only 50 copies printed. Grace — Grace Family — A Survey of Tullaroan, or Grace's Parish in the Cantred of Grace's County and County of Kilkenny, by W. Shaw Mason. Diibl. 1849, 8«- ^ Memoirs of the Family of Grace being a Genealogical History of the Family from their Settlement in Ire- land, time of Henry II. to the present time, by Sheffield Grace. 2 vols, Lond. 1823, 8° Privately printed. Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey (with monumental inscriptions, etc. re- lating to the family of Grace), by S. Grace. Lond. 1823, 4P- -An ancient feudal war-song, the slogan of the retainers and clansmen of the family of Grace, Barons of Courts- town, by S. Grace. With translations. Lond. 1839, 8«- Fifty copies privately printed. A Descriptive and Architectural Sketch of the Grace — Mausoleum in the Queen's County, Ireland, by Wm. Shaw Mason. Dubl. 1849, 8°- Pedigree of the Family of Grace. See Nichols' " Bibl. Top. Brit." vol. vii. part ii. p. 360. ■Genealos^ical notes of the families of Grace and Radcliffe, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,623. Graden — Grant of Nobility and Arms to Leopold Grad, with the addition of von Graden to his name, 1759. The arms are emblazoned on vellum, and bears the signature of the Empress Maria Theresia, of Germany. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,905. Graf — Descent of Carl Hannibal Graf von Dietrichstein, with coloured arms, 1729. Vellum Boll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,010. Graham, see also Howard. Graham — An Historical and Genealogical Tree or Table of the most Ancient and Illustrious Family of Graham, from the Marquis Graham tO' Sir William de Grame, including 26 Generations of this Great and Noble Scotch Family, by John Brown. Single sheet, n.d. The Grahams or Graemes of the Debateable Land, by Joseph Bain. See ArchcGological Joxi^rnal., vol. 43. Lond. 1886, S^- Family Histories, Pedigeees, ai^d Peerage Cases. 381 Grrammout — Notice historique sur la Maison des dues de Grammont, par le marquis du Prat. Vers. n.d. S°- I Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par Comte A. Hamilton, avec des Notes par M. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill, 1772, 4P- Another edition, with 72 portraits by Harding, I79e3, 4«- Gramont — Histoire et Genealogie de la Maison de Gramont. Paris, 1874, 4''- Granard, Earls of, see also Forbes. Granard — Memoirs of the Earls of Granard, ivith 'pedigrees, by Admiral John Forbes. Lond. and Dubl. 1868, S^- Claim of the Earl of Granard to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers^ 217 of 1857, Sess. 2. Grandison, Barony of, see Bedingfield. Grandison, Viscount, see Jersey. Grandison — The Genealogy of the P,t. Hon. John Earl of Grandison as des- cended of the House of Desmond by the name of Fitz Gerald. MS. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. Case on behalf of Sir Henry Paston Bedingfield, Bart, claiming to be a co-heir to the Barony of Grandi- son. Supplement Case and Minutes of Evidence, with pedigrees and arms. 1854 — 58. Sessional Papers. Grandtully — Memoirs of the Grandtully Family. The Ped Book of Grand- tully, by William Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1868, 8'^- Grannis, see Daw^son. Grant — Memoires historiques, genealo- giques, etc. de la Maison de Grant, en Ecosse, en Normandie, en Allemagne, en Suede, en Dannemarc, etc. par Charles Grant, Vicomte de Vaux Lond. 1796, 8o- The Ancestry of General Grant, and their Contemporaries, by E. C. Marshall. New York, 1869, 8^- Ane Account of the rise and offspring of the name of Grant. Lond. 1876, 8"- Privately printed. The Chiefs "of Grant, by Sir Wm. Eraser. 3 vols. Edinb. 1883, 4«- Genealogical Notes ,• I. Ameri- can Ancestry of U. S. Gra^^t, by Dr. H. E. liobinson. Only 50 copies privately printed, 1885, 8°- Grante, see Grente. Granville — Pedigree of Granville of Sto we, CO. Devon, and of D'Ewes of Willes- born, CO. Warwick. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. The Granvilles. See The Great Governing Families of England, by Sanford and Townsend. Vol. ii. -The Seize Quartiers of G. G. Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Folio sheet. Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Granville avec ses genealo- gies, etc. in the handwriting of John Anstis. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 419 (4). Gravarret, see Castel. Graves — Pedigree of Graves, of Bath. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Lond. 1831, folio sheet. Gravina — La Casa Gravina cenno e tavolo genealogiche, per Vincenzo Palizzolo Gravina, Barone di Ramione. Palermo, 1887, fol. Gray Genealogy ; being a Genealogical Record and History of the Descend- ants of John Gray, of Beverly, Mass. ; including sketches of other Gray Fami- lies, bv M. D. Kaymond. Tarry town, N.Y. 1887, 80- Grazebrook — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Grazebrook, by G. Grazebrook. Lond. 1878, 4P- Privately printed. Greaves — Collections relating to the Family of Greaves, by James West. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4243. Green, see also Day ; Vinton. Green — Collections concerning the Fami- lies of Green and Greene, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. A Memoir of Thomas Green, Esquire, of Ipswich ; with a critique on his writings, and an Account of his Family and Connections, by J. Ford. Ipswich, 1825, 4"- Only 100 copies printed, -Notice of the Family of Green of WorlingAvorth, Suffolk. Wood- bridge [1835?], 80- An Account of Percival and Ellen Green and some of their Descend- ants, by Samuel Abbott Green. GrO' ton, Mass. 1876, 8«' 382 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Greene — History of the Greene Family, of Drayton. See Halstead's Succinct Genealogies, 1685. • — A Genealogical sketch of the Descendants of Thomas Greene of Mai- den, Massuchusetts, by S. S. Greene. Boston, 1858, H^- Greenes of Warwick in Colonial History, by Henry E. Turner, M.D, Newport, R.T. 1877, 8^^ Greenhalgh — Memoranda of the Green- halgh "Family, by Joseph Dodson Greenhalgh. Bolton, 1869, 8«- For private circulation. Memoir of Capt. John Greenhalgh, Governor of the Isle of Man, 1640—1651, with a Pedigree of Greenhalgh of Brandlesome, co. Lan- caster, by Wm. Harrison. Manx Society, vol. xxx. Douglas, 1878, Greenleaf— A Genealogy of the Green- leaf Family, by Jonathan Greenleaf. New York, 1854, 8'^- Greenstreet — Memorials of the Ancient Kent Family of Greenstreet, by James Greenstreet. Privately printed, pp. 32. 1891. In progress. Pedigree of the Ancient Kent Family of Greenstreet, by James Green- street. Privately printed, pp. 32. 1891. In progress. Greenwood — Pedigree of Greenwood, by Isaac J. Greenwood. New York, 1868. Single sheet. Grefeuille — Charles de Grefeuille et sa Famille, par A. Germain. Montpellier, i 1860, 4P- Gregorie — A Short Account of the Familj^ of Gregorie, from the time tliey gave up the name of Macgregor, and took that of Gregorie, by Henry Gregory. 1873, 80- Grelley — Observations on the Baronial Family of Grelley, by W. R. Whatton. Manchester, 1824,4''- Privately printed. Grente — Famille de Grente ou Grante, seigneurs du Mesnil, de Villerville, etc., par M. de Birague. Paris, n.d. fol. Gresham — Genealogy of the Family of Gresham, by Granville Leveson Gower. Lond. 1883^ 4°- Privately printed. Collection respecting the Family of Gresham, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Greville — The Greville Family, of War- wickshire. See " Shakespereana," by G. R. French, p. 507. An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville, including the History and Succession of the several Earls of War- wick since the Norman Conquest, by J. Edmondson. Lond. 1766, 8« Genealoo^ies of the Families of Bourchier, Cranfield, and Greville. MS: No. 19. Knole Park, co. Kent. Grey, see also Temple. Grey — Collections for the pedigrees of the De Greys, and the alliances of the family ; pedigrees and arms. MS. No. 4. Wrest Park, Beds. Pedigree, with coloured arms, of the Family of Grey, by Lawrence Holinshead, dedicated to Henry Lord Grey, 16th century. MS. Collections by Le Neve for the Family of Grey. Wrest Park, Beds. •Genealogy of the ancient Family of Grey, of Codnor^ Wilton, Barton, Rotherfield, Ruthin, etc., with Arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1411, pp. 9—12. Some account of the family of Grey of Wilton, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS." 5821, ff. 186 b to 224 b. A Roll containing the Pedigrees of Grey, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll O 15. Collections relating to the Family of Grey, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. ■Genealosrical Tables of the Noble Families of Grey, Earl of Stamford, and of Booth, Baron Delamer, by Jos. Edmondson. 1770, fol. ^The Greys of Howick. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend. Vol. i. Edward Grey, the last Feudal Baron of Powys, his Will and Inven- torie of his Household Stuff, &c. Introduction by David Jones, with notes by H. W. King. Reprinted from Montgomeryshire Collections. Lond. 1885, 8'>- -Grey de Ruthyn. Claim of Bertha L. Clifton to the Barony of Grey de Ruthyn. See Sessional FaperSj B of 1876, Family Histories, Pedi&ebes, and Peerage Cases. 883 Grice, see Le Grice. Griffin — Case of Sir John Griffin Griffin, I in relation to the Barony of Howard of ' Walden, 1784. Claim of Sir John Griffin Griffin to the Baron}^ of Howard de Walden. Sessional JPapers, 3 and 9 of 1806-7. — A. Partial History of the Griffin Family in Massachusetts. Lowell, 1 1888, 8«- (trrifflng — Genealogy of the Descendants of Jasper Griffing, by Clara J. Stone. Completed by Mrs. H. D. Cone. Stock- bridge, Mass., 1881, 8"- Griffith — The Griffith Family. See " Archceologia Cambrensis,'' 1861, p. I ston, of Bradfeild, in the County of Essex, Kt. and Baronet. Brit. Mus. MS. Harl. 1389. Grimston — Collections relating to the Family of Grimston, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Claim of the Rt. Hon. James 158. Account of the Families of Griffith, Yonge, and Williams. See " Observations on the Snowdon Moun- tains," by John Thomas, and printed after his death by Wm. Williams. Lond. 1802, 8«- Grigby — Pedigree of the Grigby Family of Drinkstow, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS 19,133. Grignols — La Famille des Grignols- Talleyrand descend-elle des anciens comtes de Perigord, par M. de F. . , (Flassan). Paris, 1836, 8^- Reponse deM.de Saint- Allais a M. de Flassan, a I'occasion de sa brochure intitulee : La Famille des Grignols-Tallevrand. Deuxieme edi- tion. Par. 1836, 8^- Grimaldi, see also Ceva-Grimaldi. Grimaldi — The Royal Descent of the Marquess Grimaldi, by S. Grimaldi. Privately printed. Genealogica et historica Gri- maldae gentes Arbor. By Car. de Ve- nasque Ferriol. Paris, 1647, fol, The Genealogy of the Family of Grimaldi of Genoa, and of England, etc., by Stacy Grimaldi. Lond. 1834. Single sheet. Grimoard — Recherches sur la famille de Grimoard, et sur ses possessions terri- torials au xiv® siecle, par Albanes. Mende, 1866, 8'^-^ Grimouville — Genealogie de la Maison de Grimouville, par de Grimouville- Larchant. St. Malo, 1818, 8« Grimston — The auncient and right wor- shipful Descent of Sir Harbottle Grim- Walter, Viscount Grimston, to Vote at the Elections of Peers for Ireland. Sessional Fapeo^s, 1860. Griswold — Ancestry and Arms of Gris- wold. Printed by H. M. Gardner of Brooklyn, N.Y. about 1872. The Griswold Family of Con- necticut, with Pedigree, b}* Prof. Edward E. Salisbury. Reprinted from the Maqazine of American History, April, 1884. Grolee, see also L'Aubespin. Grolee — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Grolee, par Guy Allard. Grenoble, 1688, 4P- Groom — Pedigrees of the Families of Groom and Groome, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Groot — Hugo de Groot en zijn geslacht [with plates], by A. A. Vorstermann van Oijen. Amsterdam, 1883, 8^- Gros — Notice sur le mausolee de la Fa- mille de Gros, avec des donnees histo- riques sur cette Famille, par I'Abbe F. Vande Putte. Bruges, 1842, 4^- Gross — Collection concerning the Family of Gross, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. i9,133. Grossolles — Notice historique sur la Mai- son de Grossolles de Flamarens, par Borel d'Hauterive. [Extract from the Annuaire de la Nohlesse, 1853.] Par. 1853, 8«- Grosthead, see Copley. Grosvenor, see also Scrope. Grosvenor — Account of the Descent of William de Grosvenor. Privately prin- ted in 177^), 8"- Grosvenor Family, see The " Great Governing Families of Eng- land," vol. i; and "Herald and Genealo- gist," vols, iv — vi. Grouches — Genealogie historique de la Grouches-de-Chappy en Picardie, par M. Claubault. Par. 1778, 4'^- Grout, see also Adams. 384i Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peerage Cases. Grout — The Genealogy of the Descend- ants of Capt. John Grout, bv Abncr Morse. Boston, 1858, S-^- Grove — Pedigree of Thomas Grove of Feme House, co. Wilts, drawn up by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Evesham, 1819. Grudgfield pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy, and copy of the will of William Grudgfield of South Elmham, 1601. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Guadagni — Genealogia e Storia della Famiglia Guadagni, descritta da Luigi Passerini. Firenze, 1873, S''- Guarini — I Guarini, famiglia nobile Ferrarese oriunda di Verona, by L. N. Cittadella. Bol. 1870, 8'^- Guebriant, see also Bude. Guebriant — Histoire du Mareschal de Guebriant ; avec 1' Histoire Genealo- giquede laMaison du mesme Mareschal, etc., par Jean le Laboureur. Paris, 1G7G, fol. Guelph — Origines Guelficte, by Ch. Lud. , Scheidii. 2 vols. Han. 1699, fol. -Origines Guelficse, by 0. L. Scheidii, with Supplement and Index by J. H. Jung. 5 vols. Han. 1750— 53, fol. -The Genealogy and Chronologi cal History of the Illustrious Family of Guelph, or Welph, the Renowned Ancestor of our Sovereign, George, King of Great Britain. Lond. [1716?] 8°- -A Genealogical History of the House of Guelph, or Royal Family of England, by Andrew Halliday. [Genea- logical tables of the House of Bruns- wick-Luneburg ] Lond. 1821, 4^- -Les Guelfes en 1867 (ou la dynastic de Hanovre). Paris, 1867, 8o- Goffredo di Crollalanza. Gli Emblemi dei Guelfi e Ghibellini. Ri- cherche e Studi de NuUus. Opera coronta dair Academia Araldica Italiana al Concorso del 1876. Pisa, 1878, 12o- Genealogy of the Family of Guelph, by H. G. Grandaur. See " Die Geschichtschreiber der Deutschen Vorzeit," etc. by G. H. Pertz, vol. xv. Berlin. 1882, 8^- Guelph Family. Hohenstaufen- Welfen und Hohenzollern, etc. by B. Bauer. Han. 1885, 8«- Guerin — Huguenot Guerins and their Descendants ; together with biographi- cal sketches of others of the name, b}^ W. C. L. Guerin. London, 1873, 8'^- Guerrers, see Munoz. Guerry — Extraits genealogiques, histo- riques, necrologiques, ou nomenclature relative aux parents et allies du comte Arraand de Guerry de Maubreuil, &c. Rouen, 1855, 8°- Guidi — Albero e Istoria della Famiglia de Conti Guidi, by Scipione Ammirato. Firenze, 1610, fol. Guignard — Geuealogie des Seigneurs de Guignard de Samois, de Leyritz, etc., par Maurice Cousin, Corate de Cour- champs. Paris, 1839, 8^- Guild — Genealogy of the Descendants of John Guild, of Dedham, Massachusetts, by Calvin Guild. Providence, 1867, 8«- •Eightieth Birth-Day Anniversary of Deacon Reuben Guild, West Ded- ham, Massachusetts. Together with the Genealogy and Personal History of the West Dedham Branch of the Guild Family. Providence, 1873, 12^ Printed for private distribution. Lebanon Branch of the Guild Family in Connecticut, and some of his Descendants, bvL. A. and G. S. Guild. Woodbury, 1886, 12o- -The Genealogy and Historj^ of the Guild, Guile and Gile Families, by Charles Burleigh Portland, Me. 1887, go. Guile, see Guild. Guillamore — Claim of Standish, Baron 0' Grady and Viscount Guillamore, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, I of 1856. Guille of Guernsey. Some Account of that Family for fifteen generations, privately printed. Exeter, 1882, 4P- Guines — Genealogique des Maisons de Guines, d'Ardres, de Gand, et de Coucy et de quelques autres families qui y ont este alliees, par Andre Du Chesue. Paris, 1631, fol. Guise — The Contre-Guyse : wherein is deciphered the pretended title of the Guyses, and the first entrie of the family into France. 1589, 4P- Histoire de Dues de Guise, par De Bouille. Paris, 1849, 8«- Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 385 Guizot— La Famille Guizot, monographie bibliographique, par J. M. Quorarcl. Paris, 1857, 8«- Guldeford— The Family of Guldeford, by The llev. Canon 11. C. Jenkins. Archce- ologia Cantiana, vol. xiv. Lond. . 1882, 8«- Gundreda de Warrenne, see Warren. Gunning — Documents of the Gunning Family of Hoo, in Kent, by Lieut. George Gunning. Cheltenham, 1834, 8^- Privately printed. Appendix to Gunning Family Documents. Cheltenham, 1834, 8«- Gunnison — A Genealogy of the Descend- ants of Hugh Gunnison, of Boston, Mass., covering the period 1610 — 1876. Compiled by George W. Gunnison, for the use of the Family. Boston, 1880, 18«- Gurdon — Collections concerning the Family of Gurdon, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,133. Gurney — The Record of the House of Gournay, by Daniel Gurney. Privately printed in 1848. 4^ Three Hundred Years of a Norman House : The Barons of Gour- nay from the 10th to the 13th century, with genealogical miscellanies by James Hannay. Lond. 1867, 8«- Guthrie, see Sands. Guttyns, see Hardwicke. Gwydir — The History of the Gwedir Family, by Sir John Wynne. Lond. 1770, 80- History of the Family of Gwedir, by Sir John Wynne. See Hon. DainesBarrington'sJii'sce^Z«7?/e5. Lond. 1781, 4P- The History of the Gwydir Family, by Sir John Wynne, first pub- lished by the Hon. 1). Barrington, with an introduction and notes by a native of the principality. Puthin, 1827, 4«- •History of the Gwyder Family, by Sir John Wynne. Edited by A. Roberts. Oswestry, 1878, 4P- -History of the Gw^^dor Family, by Sir J. Wynne, with additional ])edigrees and notes by Bp. Humphreys. 3IS. No. 14. In the possessiion of J. R. Ormsby-Gore, Esq. Brogyntyn, Co. Salop. Gwynne — Military Memoirs of the Great Civil War and of John Gwynne, 1822, 4P- Gwysaney — Genealogical History of the House of Gwysaney, by J. B. Burke. Lond. 1847, fol. Printed for private circulation. Habsburg — Who was Ita Countess of Habsburg ?, by Sir S. Egerton Bryd- ges. Paris, 1826, 8^^- Privately printed. Haddock — Correspondence of the Family of Haddock, 1657—1719. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, for the Camden Society. Lond. 1881, 4'^- Hahn — Geschichte und Urkunden des Geschlechts Hahn, von Dr. G. C. F. Lisch. 4 vols. Schwerin, 1844—56, 8o- Haig — The Haigs of Bemersyde : A Family Historv. By John Russell. Edinb. and Lond. 1881, 8«- The Pedigree of the Haigs of Bemersvde, by C. E. Haig. Privately printed^ 1884. Haight, see Hoyt. Haines — Ancestry of William Shipley Haines, with some Account of the Descendants of John and Joseph Haines and Colonel Cowperthwaite. Compiled by William Francis Cregar. Philadel- phia, 1887, 8'^- Hakes — The Hakes Family. By Harry Hakes, of Wilkes-Barre. Wilkesbarre, 1886, S""- Second edition, with addi- tions and corrections in 1889. Haldane, see Roger. Hale-Correspondence of the Hale Famih% of Kings Walden, Co. Herts, 1526— 1814. Two vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33572 and 33573. Wills of members of the Hale Family and others, 1549 — 1777. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33577. •Thomas Hale of Newbury, Mass. His English Origin and Connections, by the Hon. Robt. Hale. Boston, 1881, 8«- Genealogy of Descendants of Thomas Hale of Watton, England, and Newbury Mass., by Robt. S. Hale. With additions, edited by G. R. Howell. Albany, 1889, 8«- Hales, see also Engeham. Hales — Pedigree of Christopher Hales, of Lincoln, Bart. Lond. 1870. Printed for private circulation. 38G Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Hales — Brief Notes on the Hales Family, by the Eev. 11. Cox Hales. Archceolo- gia, Cantiana^ vol. xiv. Lond. 1882, Haliburton, see also Scott. Haliburton — Memorials of the Halibu,r- tons, edited by Sir Walter Scott. Edinb. 1820, 4« Eeprinted in 1842. Hall — Facsimile of the Grant of Arms to Joseph Hall, D.D. Bishop of Exeter, 1(531. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour street, London. The Family of Hall. See " Mis- cellanea Genealogica et Heraldica," ii. 255 ; New Series i. 30, 127, 457— 476. Also the "East Anglian," iii. 213 ; iv. 205. Pedigree of the Family of Hall of West Stockwith, in the Parish of Mis- terton, Notts. Single sheet, n.d. The Hj.11 Family, settled at the town of Medford, Mass., by William Henry Whitmore. Boston, 1855. 8"- Biographical Notes of our Beloved Parents,' Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, late of Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland, 1876, 120- The Genealogy of the Hall Family, or Ancestors and Descendants of Noah Hall, by J. D. Hall. Davidsonville, Conn. 1882. 8'^- The Halls of New England, Genea- logical and Biographical, by Kev. David B. Hall. Albany, 1883; 8'^- Genealogical Notes relating to the Families of Hon. Lyman Hall of Georgia ; Hon. Sam. Holden Parsons Hall of Binghamton, N.Y. and Hon. Nathan Kelsey Hall. Arranged by Theo. Parsons Hall, of Detroit. Alban v, N.Y. 1886, 8"- Printed for private distribution. Notes on the Surname of Hall, by G. W. Marshall. Exeter, 1887, 8«- Hallen — An Account of the Family of Hallen or Holland, from A.D. 1280 to A.D. 1885, by A. W. Cornelius Hallen. Privately printed, Edinb. 1885, 4"- Halmael — Do Nelatenschap van der beer Johan van Halmael, door J. L. B. de Muralt, Utrecht, 1881, fob Ham — Genealogical Essay of the Family of Ham. Lond. 1730, 8'^- Hamal — Notice historique sur la Maison de Hamal. Paris, 1856, 8°- Hamel — Tableau genealogique des dif- ferentes branches et rameaux de la Maison de Hamel en Picardie, Cham- pagne et Guienne. Paris, n.d. fob Genealogie de la Maison du Hamel, par M. Laine. 2 vols. Paris, 1834-38, 8'^- Hamilton, see also Birnie ; Boleyne. Hamilton — Lives of the Dukes of Hamil- ton by Dr. Burnet, with autograph notes, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,259 The Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton and Chatelherault, by Gilbert Burnet. Lond. 1677, fob -Titres et pieces justificatives des legitimes pretentions de la Maison de Hamilton, sur le duche de Chatel- lerault, etc. dans le don fait par le roi Henri 11. a Jacques Hamilton. Paris, 1713, 4''- -llequete pour milord comte de Selkirk, touchant la restitution du duche de Chatellerault, etc. a Jacques Hamilton, Paris, 1713, 4P- Consultation pour James Hamilton, Marquis d'Abercorn, etc. Maintien et confirmation du Titre Hereditaire de Due de < batellerault, concede a James Hamilton par Henri II. lioi de France, en 1548, y^Aih pedi- grees. Paris, 1865, 4o- Memoirs of the Life and Family of James, late Duke of Hamil- ton. 1717, 8'>- Account of the Hamiltons, of Broomhill, and their descent, by John Birnie of Broomhill, 1728. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,850. -Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the House of Hamilton ; with Genealogical Memoirs of the several branches of the Family, by John Anderson. Edinb. 1825, 4'^- Supplement in 1827. An Inquirj-- into the Pedigree, Descent, etc. of the chiefs of the Hamilton Family, and showing how they acquired their estates, b}' William Alton. Glasgow, 1827, 8'^- Memoirs of the House of Hamilton, corrected by Dr. F. H. Buchanan. Edinb. 1828, 4"- Family Htstobies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 387 iramilton — Reply to Dr. Buchanan's " Memoirs of the House of Hamilton," by J. Ptidclell, Esq. Eclinb. 1828, 4"- • Account of the Families of Birnie, and Hamilton, by J. Birnie. Edinb. 1838, 4«- Particulars of the arrival of the Marquis of Hamilton and Princess Marie at Hamilton Palace. Glasgow, 1844, fol. 30 Copies privately printed. -Genealogy of the House of Hamilton, with brief accounts of the families of Arkman of Kosse, &c. ; Birnie of Broomhall ; Bryson of Neils- land ; Chancellor of Sheilhill ; Lock- hart of Cleghorn ; Maxwell of Calder- wood ; Mowat of Stenhouse ; Robert- son of Harnock ; Somerville of Cam- busnethan ; and Hay of Craignethan Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,005. The Hamilton - Douo^lases. See " The Spectator," 1864, pp. 1209, 1238, 1270, 1298, 1325. The PediOTce of the Hamil- ton Family, b}^ Audi Alteram Partem. London, 1867, 8°- -Memoranda relating to the Hamilton Family, by J. Carmichael Ferrall. MS. 19th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicar- age Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. The Hamilton Manuscripts ; containing some Account of Upper Clandeboye, Great Ardes, etc., by Sir James Hamilton, with Memoirs of him, his son, and grandson ; their families and descendants. Edited b^ T. K. Lowry. Belfast (1867), 4^- Hamilton Family. See the ]leport of the Historical MSS. Com- mission on the Hamilton Papers. Lond. 1888, 8«- Arms, in colours, of the Family of Hamilton, of Scotland. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,694. Cltiim of the Duke of Hamil- ton and Brandon to the Earldom of Angus. See Sesdonal Pcqiers, Jan. to Mar. 1762. Memorial for George- James, Duke of Hamilton, etc., Lord Douglas Hamilton, etc., against the person pre- tending to be Archibald Ste\mrt, alias Douglas, Defender. With a sequel of the Memorial, &c. 1767, 4<»- Hamilton — Case of the Most Noble Douglas, Duke of Hamilton and Bran- don, touching the Peerage of Brandon, 1782. Case of William Hamilton, of Wishaw, claiming to be Lord Bel- haven and Stenton, 1795. Supplemen- tary Case, 1795. -Claim of William Hamilton, Esq. to the Barony of Belhaven and Stenton. See Sessional Pajjers, Jan. 1795— Apr. 1799. State of the Evidence pro- duced for proving the claim of William Hamilton, of Wishaw, to be lawful Heir Male of James, last Lord Bel- haven. Privately printed in 1796, Claim of James Hamilton and R. W. Hamilton to the Dignity of Lord Belhaven See Sessional Papers, C of 1874 ; B of 1875. Hamlin. By Charles E. Hamlin. Pri- vately printed, 1885, 8"- Hammond, see also Cromwell. Hammond- — Collections relating to the Hammond Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add- MS. 19134. Hampden, see also Cromwell. Hampden — Account of the Hampdens, of Hartwell. See "^des Hartwel- lianai," by W. H. Smyth. 2 vols. Lond. 1851—64, 4'^- Hanau, House of. Grundliche Unter- suchang der Frage, etc. [By Wol- fahrt.] Hanau ? 1734, fol. Hanbury pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19134. Some account of the Family of Hanbury of Pont y Pool. See " The Monthly Visitor," xiv. 236. Lond. 1802. 12«- Hanmer, see also Jennens. Hanmer — The Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart, with a Memoir of his Life. To which are added other relicks of a Gentleman's [the Bunburv] family, with pedigree. Edited by ^ir H. Bunbury. Lond. 1838, S^- A Memorial of the Parish and Family of Hanmer, by John Lord Hanmer. Lond. 1877, H^- Hanmer pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit^ Mus. Add. MS. 388 Fi.MiLY Histories, PEDiaEEES, and Peerage Cases. Hanover — Annals of the House of Han- over, bv Sir Andrew Halliday. 2 vols. Lond. 1820, 8^- Hanson — Ancient Pedigree of the Han- son Family, of llastrick, by George John Arinytage. See " Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Jour- nal," vol.'i. Lond. 1870, 8>^- Harcourt, see also L'Aubespin. The Harcourt Papers. Edited by Edward William Harcourtof Stanton Harcourt, and Nuneham Courtenay in the County of Oxford, Esquire. 11 vols. 8"- 50 copies printed for private circulation, Harconrt — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison d' Harcourt, enrichie d'un grand nombre d'Armoiries, Alliances, Genea- logies, etc. par G. A. La lioque. 4 vols. Paris, 1662, fol. Another edition, 1664, 1668. Maison des dues d'Harcourt- Beuvron, chief actuel : F. E. G. due d'Harcourt, cree pair de France en 1837. Par M. de Birague. Paris, n.d. fol. Hardinge — Memoirs of George Hardinge, Senior Justice of Brecon, Glamorgan, and Kadnor, with Anecdotes of the Hardinge Family, by J. Nichols. Lond. 1818, 8'^- Only 50 copies printed. Notices of the Hardinge Family. See " Tlie History of Mel- bourne, CO. Derby," by J. J. Briggs. Derby, 1852, 8"- Hardwick — Extracts selected from the Court rolls of the Manor of Pattingham, CO. Stafford, etc., mostly relating to the Family of Hardwick ; with a detail of the family of Hardwick, of Hardwick, and other places, bv William Hardwick, 1824. Brit. Mus!' Add. MS. 29,245. Hardwickc — History of the family of Hardwicke, of Stafford, Salop, etc.; with pedigrees of the families of Guttyns, Foi-ster, Purton, and Bemand of Salop, Bell of Bureott Wright of Monaghan, and Allen of Tliurnscoe ; with arms, crests, and mottoes, by Herbert Junius Hardwicke. Sliefheld, 1878, 8^- Pri- vately ])rinted. Genealogy of the Family of Hardwicke, of Hardwick and Cliilton, 1866. Folio slieet. Hardy — A Pedigree of Hardy, of Barbon, CO. Westmoreland, (Ancestors of Hardy of Birksgate, CO. York), by Chas. Fred. Hardy. ^ Privately printed, 1888, 8«- Hare — Collections concerning the Hare family by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS^ 19,131. Hari — Harivansa ; ou Histoire de la Famille de Hari ; Ouvrage formant nn Appendice du Mahabharata ; et traduit sur rOrigine Sanscrit par A. Langlois, for the Oriental Translation Fund. 2 vols. Paris, 1834, 35, 4P- Harlakenden — Pedigree of Mabel Har- lakenden, by liev. Henry Jones of Bridgeport, Ct. Single sheet. Pedigree of Harlakenden, of Kent, and Essex, by G. Steinman Steinman, Esq. See The Topographer and Genealogist., i. 228 — 258, 395 ; ii. 215—223. Harlakenden Family, by the Rev. Canon Scott Robertson. ArchcBoloqia Cantiana, vol. xiY. Lond. 1882. Harland — Inscriptions wrote on the monuments in the parish church of Sutton, CO. Y^'ork, in memory of the Harlands. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,703. F. Harleston of Denham and Mendlesham, with notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,134. Harley — History of the Family of Harley. See Drummond's Noble British Families, vol. i. The Reasons which induced Her Majesty to create the Right Honourable Robert Harley, Esq., a Peer of Great- Britain, by J. Toland. Lond. 1711, 40. Reasons foi creating Robert Harley, Esq., a Peer of Great Britain. Ilarleian Miscellany, vol. i. Lond. 1808, 4«- -Account of the Harley Family, by Arthur Collins. Privatelv printed, 1741, 4^- Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, A'^ere, Harley, etc., by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1752, fol. Pedigree of the Family of Harley, emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Hari. Roll Y, 14. Family Histoeies, Pedigtiees, and Peerage Cases. 389 Harloy — Memoirs of the Family of Harley of Wimpole, Earls of Oxford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834. Some long pedigrees of Plarley and Kodney families in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. Harling pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19.134. Harnes — Precis historique sur la Maison de Harnes, 963 a 1230, attribuee a Michel de Harnes. Par M. A. Demar- quette. Douai, 1856, 8«- Harrington — The Genealogy of the Family of Harrington. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4041. Pedigree of Harrington of Aldingham, with coloured coats of arms. Vellum roll, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,889. Account of the Descendants of Sir James Harrington of Exton. Pub. Lib. Camb. Dd. vii— 23. Pedigree of Harrington of Exton, Co. Rutland, A.D. 1670. Qu. Coll. Oxf MS. cii. Harris, see also Butler. Harris — Robert Harris and his Descen- dants. With Notices of the Morey and Metcalf Families, by Luther M. Harris. Boston, 1861, 8«- — ■ A Narrative of the Descendants of Samuel Harris, of Fordingb ridge, Hants ; together with a Notice of the Family of Masterman of London, by Joseph Foster. London, 1878, 4P- Memoir of Thaddeus William Harris, M.D. by Edward D. Harris. [With two pedigrees.] Cambridge, 1882, 80- The Harris Family. Thomas Harris of Ipswich, Mass., in 1636 ; and some of his Descendants through Seven Generations to 1883, by Wm. Sam. Harris. Nashau, 1883, 8°- New-England Ancestors of Katherine-Brattle and William-Cary Harris. Printed for private circula- tion, 1887, 40- Harrison, see also Condit. Harrison — Pedigrees and notes of the Harrison familv, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS"; 19,134. —Abstract of the Bedigree of Field Marshal G. H. de S. N. Planta- genet-Harrison. Lond. 1850? 4i^- Harrison — Petition of General Plan- tagcnet-Harrison to the House of Lords touching the Duchy of Lancaster and the Forfeited Estates, etc. Lond. 1858. Pedigree of the Family of Harrison, Co. Norfolk, etc. Great Yarmouth, 1863, broadside. -A Lancashire Pedigree Case or a History of the Trials for the Harrison Estates, 1873 to 1886, by J. P. Earwaker. Warrington, 1887. Hart-^Original Memoirs and historical accounts of the Families of Shakespeare and Hart, with their coats of arms, by John Jordan. Edited by J. 0. Halli- well. Lond. 1865, S^- The Hart Family, of Warwick- shire, see " ShakespereanaGenealogica," by G. R. French. lilemorials of the Hart Family of East Kent ; comprising extracts and copies of all marriage licences and wills concerning the family, preserved in the Registry at Canterbury, from A.D. 1466 to A.D. 1854. Also extracts from the Parish Registers of Folke- stone, Newington-next-Hythe, and Cheritou, of entries concerning the same family. Compiled by W, H. Hart. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,861. History of the Hart Family of Warminster, Pennsylvania, to which is added the Genealogy of the Family from its first settlement in America, by W. W. H. Davis. Privately printed, 1867, 8'^- Geuealoo-ical Historv of Deacon Stephen Hart and his Descendants, 1632-1875. With an Introduction of miscellaneous Harts and their Pro- genitors ; to which is added a list of all the Clergy of the name found, all the Physicians, all the Lawyers, the Authors, and Soldiers, by Alfred Andrews. Hartford, 1875, S^- Pedigree of the Harts, by Alfred Andrews New-Britain, Conn. Hart-Dyke — Case of Sir Percival Hart- Dyke, Bart., on his claim to the title of Baron Bray, 1836. Folio, pp. 20. Hartley — Memorial of Robei*t Milham Hartley. Edited by his son I>iaac Smithson Hartlev. Privately printed, 1882, 8«- 390 Fa-Milt Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Uases. Hartopp, see also Vaux. Hartopp — The Hartoj^p Familj^ of Stoke Newington. See Nichols' Bill. Top. Brit. No. IX. Pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,134. Hartwell — Second Annual Keunion of the Hartwell Family, at Concord, Mass., Sept. 18, 1885, 8o- pp. 15. Handbook of Hartwell Genea- logy, 1036-1887. By L. W. Dens- more. Boston, 1887, 8"- Harvey — Collections relating to the Harvey Family, bv D. E. I)avy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,134. — : Genealogy of the Family of Harvey of Folkstone, London, Croydon, etc. Compiled from original sources with notes, by Wm. J. Harvey. Lond. 1889, 4A Harward, see Giffard. Harvvood, see also Kob mson Harwood — A Genealogical History of the Harwood Families descended from James Harwood who was of English Origin and resided in Chelmsford, Mass., bv Watson H. Harwood. Potsdam, N.Y. 1879, 12'- Brief account of tlie Harwood Family of Newmarket, with pediojree, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,134. Haskell — The Descendants of Tliomas White, of Marblehead, and Mark Haskell of Beverley, Mass. etc., by Perley Derby. Boston, 1872, 8"- Haslewood — Descent, with coloured arms, of the Haselwood Family. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 200. " The Genealogy of the Family of Haslewood, Shropsliire Braucli, traced back to A. D. 1H4, with brief biographical Memoirs of all the members of the family, by the Bev. Francis Haslewood. Lond. 1875, 4*^- Privately printed. 1 The Genealogy of the Family of Haslewood, Wickwarren, Belton, and Maidwell Branches. Counties : Worcester, Ilutland, Nortliampton, proving their union with Lo Neve's Knights, by the Kev. Francis Hasle- wood. Lond. 1875, 4P- Privately printed. Nugent Be Haslewood — The Genealogy of the Family of Haslewood, Staffordshire and War- wickshire Branches ; also. The Genealogy of Haslewood, Barbadoes Branch, with complete index, by the Bev. Francis Haslewood. Lond. 1881, 4"- Privately printed. Hassam — The Hassam Family, by John T. Hassam. Beprinted from the New- England Historical and Genealogical llegister for October, 1870. Boston, 1870, 8"- Notes and Queries concerning the Hassam and Hilton Families, by John T. Flassam. Boston, 1880, 8"- Hastings, see also Astley ; Bruce; Corliss ; Longville. Hastings — The Huntingdon Peerage, comprising a detailed Account of the Evidence and Proceedings connected with the Restoration of the Earldom, also a Genealogical and Biographical History of the Illustrious House of Hastings, including a Memoir of the pi-esent Earl and his Family, by Henry Lond. 1821, 4»- The Hastings Family of Sussex. See (Contributions to the Sussex Archaeological Collections^ by W. D. Cooper. London, 1856, S^- The Hastings Memorial. A Genealogical Account of the Desceu; dants of Thomas Hastings, of Water- town, Mass. from 1034 to 1864. Boston, 1806, 8'^- The Bise and Bace of Hastings by George T. Clark. See The Archceo- lorfhcal Journal^ vol. xxvi. London, 1869, 8'^- History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings Families of Am- herst, Massachusetts, by Helj^ l^axter Adams. Privately printed, 1880, 8''- Extracts from Leicestershire Kegisters relating to the Hastings Family, by Kev. W. G. D. Fletcher. Leicestersliire Architectural and ArclioBological Society, Sept. 1884. History of the Hastings Family, A.D. 1583. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4774. Transcripts of Charters, Hecords and other papers concerning the Family of Hastings, Earls of Hun- tingdon. "Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3881. Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeaoe Cases. 391 Hastings — Memoirs of the Family of Hastings, collected by their descendant E. Moira, daughter of Theophilus, and sister of Francis, Earls of Huntingdon, and wife of John, Earl of Moira. MS. Castle Forbes, Co. Longford. Genealogical Collections re- lating to the Family of Hastings, by Sir Wm. Dugdale, and others. Col- oured Arms. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4849, Add. MS. 19,134. -Notices of the Family of Hastings, Earls of Pembroke, by WiL liam Hardwick. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,245, f. 80. -Shield of Arms of the Family of Hastings, of one hundred quarter- ings, in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833, f. 19b. Case of Hans Francis Hast- ings, claiming the Titles, etc. of Earl of Huntingdon, edited by Sir Samuel Komilly, 1817, 8®- Descent of the Barony of Hastings. See Sessional Papers, 148 of 1857. Claim of Edith Maud, Coun- tess of Loudoun, wife of C. A. Hast- ings, to the Baronies of Botreaux, Hungerford, De Malyns, and Hastings. See Sessional Papers, D of 1870 ; D of 1871. Case of Edith Maud, Coun- tess of Loudoun ; and case of C. E. Hastings, Earl of Loudoun (supple- mental to the Case of Edith Maud, deceased, his late Mother) respecting the Baronies of Montacute, &c. with pedigrees. 1873-74. Minutes of Evidence of Chas. Hatton — Pedigree of the Family of Hatton, of Thames Ditton, in Surrey, 1684 ; with coloured shields of arms. Vellum Boll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,646. Pedigree of Sir Thomas Hatton, Baronet, of Long-Stanton in Cam- bridgeshire, with the arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5852 pp. 262- 280. -Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials Edw. Hastings, Earl of Loudoun, praying that the Abeyance of the Baronies of Montacute, Monthermer and Montagu may be determined in his favour. 1874*^ Hatch — Major Timothy Hatch, of Hart- ford, Ct., and his Descendants, by Edward Hatch Fletcher. New York, 1879, 120- Hatley pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,134. Hatton — A book of the Hatton genea- logy. MS. Hatton Colkjction. A Roll containing the Pedigrees of Hatton, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl.Koll 0, 15. of the Hattons of Hatton, Juxta Daresbury, in Cheshire, by T. Helsby. See " The Peliquary," vol. xv. Lond. 1874, 8«- Hatton Family Correspondence, 1601—1704. Edited for the Camden Society by E. M. Thompson. 2 vols. Lond. 1878, 4«- Haucourt, Marquis de, see Mailly. Haughton, Baron, see Hollis. Hautoy — Maison du Hautoy, par I'abbe J. J. Bouvier. Avec blasons. Nancy, 1777, 4«- Preuves de la branche des mar- quis du Hautoy de Clemery, tvith engravings of arms, par I'abbe J. J. Bouvier. Nancy, 1777, 4"- Haven — The Genealogy of the Descen- dants of Richard Haven of Lynn, by J. Adams. Boston, 1843, 8«- The Genealogy of the Descen- dants of Richard Haven, of Lynn; being a republication of the first edition, with additional pages, corrections, and the addition of many other branches, by the same Author. [Josiah Adams.] Boston, 1849, 8«- Havers of Thelton Hall, pedigree and notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,134. Havilland, see also Tupper. Havilland — A Chronicle of the ancient and noble Norman Family of De Havil- land, originally of Haverland, in Normandy, now of Guernsey ; including the English branches : with genealogi- cal sketches of the principal English Families who have intermarried with them. Privately printed bv Lieut. -Col. Thomas Fiott De Havilland. 1852, folio. Havvarden — Claim of the Rt. Hon. Cornwallis, Viscount Hawarden, to Vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland. 1857. 302 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Hawes, see also Farrington ; Walton. Hawes — Colleotions relating to the Family of Hawes, by I). E. Davy. IJrit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,131. Hawkes — Genealogical Notes of the Hawks Family, by F. E. Waters. See The Herald and Genealogist, vii. 142. Gleanings relative to the Family of Adam Hawkes, one of the Early Settlers of the Third Plantation of Massachusetts Bay, bv Nathan M. Hawkes. Salem, 1889, 8"- Hawkins, see also Walton. Hawkins — Genealogical Memoranda re- lating to the Browne and Hawkins Families. Privately printed, n.d. 4''- The Hawkins Family, of Nash, Kent. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province, iii. 491. Hawks, see Longiidge. Hawley — Genealogy of the Havvley Family of Marblehead. by William D. Hawley. Privately printed, 1887, 8°- The Hawley Record, by Elias S. Hawley. Buffalo, N.Y. 1890, fol. Hay — He Nobilissime Gcntis Haiorum origine Carmen Historicum. Edinb. 1703, S''- Historical Account of the Familv of Hay, of Leys. Edinb. 1832. Genealogical Table of the Hay Family of Alderstoun, bv William Eraser. Edinb. 1840, fol. " Genealogy of the Family of Hay, of Leys. By Alexander Deuchar. Folio sheet. Hayden, see also Vinton ; Weitzel. Hayden — Genealogy of the Hayden Family. From Stiles's "History of Ancient Windsor." Albany, 1859, 8«' • Sketch and Genealogy of the First Three Generations of the Connec- ticut Hay dens, by Jabez H. Hayden, of Windsor Locks, Conn. Hartford, 1885, 8"- Records of the Connecticut Line of the Hayden Family, by J. H. Hayden. Windsor Locks, 1888, 40. Haydock — The Haydock Papers, by Jos. Gillow. Lond. 1888, 4«- Hayes — Genealogie of the Hayes of Tweeddale, by Father R. A. Hay. Edited by James Maidment. Edinb. 1835, 4P- Only 108 copies printed. Hayes— Claim of the Right Hon. Henry Ha^'es, Viscount Doneraile of Ireland, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. See Sessional Papers, 1G3 of 1854. George Edward Hayes. A Memorial. Edited by Chas. Wells Hayes. Buffalo, New York, 1882, 8«- George Hayes of Windsor and his Descendants, by the Rev. Charles W. Hayes. Two parts. Buffalo, N.H. 1883 and 1884, 8°- Hay man — Memorials of the Hay man Family, and their Armorial Bearings, by the Rev. Canon Hayman. See " The Reliquary," vol. xxi. Lond. 1881, 8"- Haynes, see Corliss. Hayward — Pedigree of the Hayward Family of Felixtow, with genealogical notes by D. K. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,135. Centennial Gatherino; of the Hayward Family, with address &c. by ncerning the Hassam and Hilton Families, by John T. Hassam. Boston, 1880, 8°- The Dover Settlement and the Hiltons, by J. T. Hassam. (Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.) Boston, 1882, 8«- Short History of the Castle, Family, and Estates of the Hiltons of Hilton Castle, by the Rev. W. P. Swaby. 1884, 8«- Hiude — Descent of J. Youde Hinde, Esq., of Clochfaen. See "Archa^^ologia Cam- brensis," third series, vol. xiii. Lond. 1867, 80- Hinde — Some Particulars concerning the Family of Hinde, of Maddingley. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7029, f. 539. Hinds, see Corliss. Hingeston pedigree, with notes by D. E^ Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19135. Hinman — A Family Record of the Des- cendants of Serg. Edw. Hinman, of Stratford, Conn, about 1650, by R. R. Hinman. New York, 1856. Hinsdale — Chronicles of the Hinsdale Family. Compiled by Albert Hins- dale. Cleveland, 1883, 12°- Hitchcock — Excerpts from the Hitch- cock Genealogy, by H. G. Cleveland. New York, 1886, 8"- Hoare — Pedigrees and Memoirs of the Families of Hore of Rishford, Co. Devon ; Hoare of Walton, Co. Bucks : Hoare of London, Co. Middlesex ; Hoare of Mitcham, Co. Surrey ; Hoare of Stourton, Co. Wilts ; Hoare of Barn- Elms, Co. Surre^^ ; Hoare of Boreham, Co. Essex, by Sir Richard Colt Hoare. Privately printed in 1818, folio. Some Account of the Early His- tory and Genealogy, with Pedigrees from 1330, unbroken to the Present Time, of the Families of Hore and Hoare, with all their Branches. Col- lected and compiled by Edward Hoare, Esq. of Factory Hill, Co. Cork. 1883, 4P- Hoare of London, pedigree and notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19135. Hobart, see also Cromwell ; Thayer. Hobart — Collections concerning the fami- lies of Hobart and Hobert, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19135. William Hobart, his Ancestors and Descendants, by L. Smith Hobart. Springfield, Mass. 1886, 12o- Hobbs — Genealogy of the Hobbs Family of Massachusetts, by George Hobbs. Boston, 1855, 8«- Hochpied — Documents relating to the De Hochepied Family. Privately printed at Antwerp, 1827, S^- Hodges — Record of the Families in New England of the name of Hodges, by Rufus Hodges. Cincinnati, 1837, 8«- Genealogical Record of the Hodges Family in New England, by A. D. Hodges. Boston, 1853, S^- 39G Family Histoeies, Pedtgbees, and Peeeaoe Cases. Hodilow — An Account of the Family of Hodilow of Cambridgeshire, Essex, etc. " Topographer and Genealogist," ii. 28-72, 54.4. HodsoU — Pedigree of the Family of Hodsoll, by James Greenstreet. Loud. 1881, 8''' Wills and other Records relat- ing to the Family of Hodsoll, by James Greenstreet. lieprinted from "Archse- ologia Cantiana," xiy. Loud. 1882, SO- Hogben, see Scott. Hoheuzollern — Genealogie des Hock- fiirstlichen Hauses Hohenzoller, by J. Keiuer. Stutt. 1843, 8'- Genealogie des Konigs- hauses der Hoheuzollern, etc. by Carl Hensel. Posen, 1854, fol. Histoire de Hoheuzollern au Moyen Age par Geo. Schaefer. Paris, 1859, 4«' Alterthiimer und Kunst- denkmale des Hauses Hohenzolleru. By Rudolph von Stillfried. 2 vols. Berlin, 1852-67, fol. Hoheuzollern Beschreibunc? und Geschichte der Burg, Urstamm der Grafen von ZoUern, von Dr. R. G. StiUfried^Alcantara. Nurnb. 1870, 8«- -Wahlspriiche der Hoheu- zollern, bv Heinrich von Muchler. , Breslau, 1883, fol. Holbrook, see also Adams ; Vinton. Holbrook — Record of the Descendants of Silence Holbrook, of Weymouth, Mass., [by Chas. W. Holbrook.] Worcester, 1851, S'^- Holcroft — Notes on the Family of Hol- croft, with an account of their Arms, by J. P. Rylands. Leigh, 1877, S^- Privately printed. -Arms of Thomas Holcroft, of Holcroft, CO. Lancaster, by Mercury Patten, A D. 1600. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1917. Holderness, Lords of — The Early Lords of Holderness, by J. R. Planche, Esq. See the Journal of the British Arch- cvologlcal Association^ xxx, 121. Lond. 1874, S*'- Holditch pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy, and copy of will of John Hol- dyche of Dennington. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Holland, see also Hallen. Holland — A True and Elaborate Relation, and exact pedigree of those Lancasterian and Derbyshire Families of Hollands, &c. by Henry Holland. 1615, 8«- The Hollands of Wales. See " Archa3ologiaCambrensis," third series, vols. 12 and 13. Lond. 1886, 7. 8o- A Roll containing the Pedi- grees of Holland, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl Roll 0, 15. Collections concerning the families of Holland and Hollond, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Holies — Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, etc., by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1752, fol. Collections concerning the family of Holies, of Co. Lincoln. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207 A & E. Hollis — Letters Patent of King James I. creating Sir John Hollis, Knt. Baron Haughton of Haughton, co. Notts. Illuminated. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32975. Hollister — Tlie Hollister Family of America ; Lieut. John Hollister of Wethersfield, Conn, and his Descend- ants. Compiled by Layfayette Wal- lace Case. Chicago, 1886, 8«- Holme — Account of the various Randle Holmes. See " Cheshire and Lanca- shire Historic Society," Session I. p. 86, and Moule's " Bibliotheca Heraldi- ca," p, 240. Holmes, see also Giles. Holmes of Gawdy Hall, pedigree and notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Holmes — A Letter of Directions to his Father's Birth-place, by John Holmes, with Notes and a Genealog}^, by D. Williams Patterson. New York, 1865, 8«- A Record of some of the Des- cendants of John Holmes, who settled in Woodstock, Conn, in 1686. Kill- ingly. Conn. 1877, 4^- Holt — Collections concerning the Holt Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. A Genealogical History of the Holt Family in the United States, more particularly the Descendants of Nicho- las Holt of Newbury and Andover, Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 397 Mass., by Daniel S. Durrie. Albany, 1864, 80- Holte — A History of the Holtep of Aston, by A. Davidson. Birmingham, 1854, 4"- Home — Genealogical Account of the P Family of Home of Wedderburne. Privately printed, 4"- Case of Alexander Home, claim- ing to be Earl of Marchmont, 17 pages, and folding pedigree. 1822, folio. Claim of Alexander Home, Esq. to the title of Earl of Marchmont. See Sessional Papers, 40 of 1822. Claim of Francis Home, Esq. to the title of Earl of Marchmont. See Sessional Papers 113 of 1838 ; 141 of 1839 ; 67 of 1840 ; 33 of 1842 ; 103 of 1843. Homer — The Scotch Border Clan Dickson and the Family of De Homere or Homer, by B. Homer Dixon, Toronto, 1884, 12''- Honeywood, see also Knatchbull. Honeyvi^ood — The Posterity of Mary Honeywood, at her death in 1620. The Honeywood Evidences, &c. " Topo- grapher and Genealogist," i. 397 — 411, 568—576 ; ii. 169—185, 189—192, 256—269, 312—389, 433—446. Evidences of the Family of Honeywood, Co. Essex, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,604. Honings pedigree, with notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Honore — Genealogie de la familleHonore, Seigneurs du Locron, &c. par A. Le Boucq de Ternas. Douai, 1866, 8^- Hoo, Lord, see Braose. Hoo pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Hopetoun — Claim of James Hopetoun, to the title of Marquis of Annandale. See Sessional Papers Apr. May, 1794 ; Dec. 1795. Hopkins, see also Thomas. Hopkins pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Genealogy of One Line of the Hopkins Family, descended from Tho- mas Hopkins in Providence, from 1641 to 1692, by a Descendant. Providence, 1881, 4'^- For private distribution. Hopton — Collection resjjectingi the Hop- ton Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add, MS. 19136. Horn, see also Mantell. Horn — Genealogical History of the Counts of Horn, from the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries ; with the arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,684. Hornblower — Josiah Hornblower and the first steam engine in America, and a Genealogy of the Hornblower Family, by William Nelson. Newark, N.J. 1883, 8^- Homes — Memoire apologetique pour la branche alnee de la Mai son de Homes, par Gobbe. Paris, 1722, 8°- Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Homes, par F. V. Goethals. Brux. 1848, 4P- Recueil Genealogique et His- torique de la Maison de Homes ; Anvers, 1842, par Monsieur le Corate Jean de Homes ; with genealogical tables, coats of arms, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,070. Horsenail, see Druce. Horton Genealogy ; or. Chronicles of the Descendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, Long Island, 1640. Compiled by Geo. F. Horton. Philadelphia, 1876. Hosmer — Genealogy of the Hosmer Family, by James B. Hosmer^ Hart- ford, i861, 8^- Hothara pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,136. Houghton — Evidences of the Houghton Family, from Henry IT. to Charles L MS. No. XX. Towneley Hall, Burnley. — : Pedigrees and Evidences of the Family of Houghton, of Pendleton, and Westley. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 30, 146, f . 119. 19,136, f . 145. The Houghton Association. Keporfc of the Agent to England. New York, 1848, 8°- Hovell — Pedigrees and evidences of the Hovell Family of Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,136. Hovenden — Genealogical Memoranda re- lating to the Family of Hovenden. Privately printed. Howard, see also Arundel; Ellis; Griffen; Jennens ; Stanley. Howard — Catalogue of Books relating to the Howard Family and Pedigrees. See " The East Anglian," vol. ii. p. 341. 398 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Howard — History of the Howard Family, of Effingham. See 11. Halstead's Succinct Genealogies, 1685, fol. The Arraignment of Thomas Howard, Duke of Noi-folk, Lord High Steward of England. Also a brief Derivation of the Most Honourable Famil}' of the Howards. With an Account of what Families they are related to by Marriage. London, 168.5. HarJeian Miscellany^ vol. vi. Lond. 1810, 40- -The Antiquities of Arundel with an abstract of the Lives of the Earls of Arundel, by C. Carraccioli. Lond. 1766, 8«- Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, by Charles Howard. Lond 1769, 8^- New edition, Lond. 1817, S''- An account of the illustrious family of Howard. Westminster Magazine, 1783. Proceedings in relation to the Baronv of Howard of Walden in 1784, Lond. 1807, fol. Genealogical History of the Howard Family, by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1812, 8«- •An Analysis of the Genealogical History of the Family of Howard, with its connections, showing the legal course of Descent of tliose numerous Titles which are generally, but presumed erroneously attributed to be vested in the Dukedom of Norfolk, by Sir S. E. Brydges. Lond. 1812, 8"- — The Mysterious Heir ; or, Who is Mr. Walter Howard ? Lond. 181^ 80- The Mysterious Heir — being theCaseof Mr. Walter Howard' claiming the Dukedom of Norfolk, etc. Lond. 1816, 8"- The Howard Family. An Abstract of the Lives of the Earls of Arundel. See History of Arundel, by C. Wright. Lond. 1818, 8«- Genealogical History of the Noble House of Howard. Lond. 1830, 8"- -Indication of Memorials, Monu- ments, Paintings, and Engravings of Persons of the Howard Family, and of their wives and Children, and of those who married Ladies of the Name, and of the Kepresentatives of some of its branches now extinct, by Henry Howard. Corby Castle, 1834, fol. Privately printed. Howard — History and Antiquities of the Castle and Town of Arundel, including the Biography of its Earls, by the Rev. M. A. Tierney. 2 vols. Lond. 1834, S^- The Howard Family, See " Account of Naworth Castle." Carlisle, 1844, 12«- The Howard Papers, with a Biographical Pedigree and Criticism of the Howard Family, by H. K. S. Causton. Lond. 1863, 8°- The House of Howard. See "Ancestral Stories of Great Families," by John Timbs. Lond. 1869, 8o- Some Records of the Ashtead Estate, and of its Howard possessors, etc. [Compiled by F. E. Paget, and containing pedigrees of the Howard and Gtame. Grahme, or Graham Families.] Lichfield, 1873. 4"- Family Notices of Howard. See " Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association," vol. xxx, 246, &c. The Worthies of Cumberland. The Howards, by Henrv Lonsdale. Lond. 1872, 8o- My Mother's Family.— The Carlisle Howards. See " My Remi- niscences," bv Lord Ronald Gower, vol. 1. Lond. 1883, 8°- Brass commemorating Sir Robert Howard, affixed to the wall of Clun Church, Salop. Printed broadside ; and Add. MS. 33,610. G. Brit. Mus. -The genealogie of the princelie familie of the Howards, exactly deduced in a right line from the xv*^^ yeere of th^ raigne of King Edgar, sole monarch of England in the yeere of our redemp- tion DCCCCLxx., before the Norman Conquest 96 years, to this present xiiij^^ yeere of the raigne of our dread Soveraigne Charles, mdcxxxviii. Collected and disposed by the industry of Hen. Lilly, Rouge Dragon. MS. belonging to the Marquis of North- ampton. [A finer heraldic volume than this need not be wished for. The drawings and their colourings are of the first class.] Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 399 i> Howard — Genealogies of the Noble House of Howard and allied Noble Families, with ai-ms in colours, 1600. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1411. Historia Comitura Arundelise. Brit. Mus. Royal Roll 14 B. xlii. A Discourse of the Earls of Arundel, from the Conquest. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 8. Pedigree of Howard in its various the Family of branches, with drawings of the monuments at Stoke- juxta-Neyland. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075. Notes of the Pedigree of Howard, bv John Holmes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,774. The Genealogy of the Families of Howard, A^illiers and Beaumont. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4041. The descent of the Family of Howard, and also of such families as are descended from them with arms in colours. Collected by Richard Parker, 1615. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4221. The Arms of the Howards, and their Descendants, beautifully painted on vellum, with a short Account of each Family. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4259. Collections relating to the families of Howard, Pembroke, Bohun, Cotton, etc. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Julius C, VII. Collections relating to the Family of Howard, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Howe, see also Jennens. Howe — Pedigrees and notes of the Families of Howe and Howes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,136. Filial Tribute to the Memory of Rev. John Moffatt Howe, M.D. [with genealogical and historical facts], by Rev. John M. Reid. Privately printed, 1889, 80- Howel — Geschichte der Freiherren und Herren von Howell von A. Fahne. Coin, 1860, fol. Hoy land — A Pedigree of Hoy land, Mar- shall, Stacey,Helleley, etc. Large sheet, lithographed. Hoyt Family. A Genealogicaf History of John Hoyt of Salisbury, and David Hoyt of Deerfield, Mass., and their Descendants : with some account of the Connecticut Hoyts, etc., by D. W. Hoyt. Boston, 1857, 8«- Hoyt — Record of the Hoyt Family Meeting, held at Stamford, Connecticut, June 20 and 21, 1866, by David W. Hoyt. Boston, 1866, 8<^- A Genealogical History of the Hoyt, Haight, and Hight Families, with some account of the earlier Hyatt Families, etc., by David W. Hoyt. Boston, 1871, 8°- Hozier — Notice sur la famille d'Hozier, par E. de Barthelemy. See Armorial general de France, by L. P. and A. M. Hozier. Paris, 1867, 8°- Huart — Notice historique etgenealogique sur la Famille d'Huart, titree comte de Teutwert, baron d'Huart et de Jamoigne, par le baron Emmanuel d'Huart. Lux. 1853, 8«- Hubbard pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,136. Historical Sketch of Hon. William Hubbard, and his Descendants, since 1630, by Edm.. Tuttle. West Meriden, 1859, 12° Descendants of George Hubbard, from 1600 to 1872, by L. P. Hubbard. New York, 1872, 8«- Hubbell — History of the Hubbell Family, containing a Genealogical Record, by Walter Hubbell. New York, 1881, 8°- Huddleston — Memoirs and pedigree of the Family of Huddleston. MS. Vol. 3, in the possession of the Bisliop of Southwark. Hughes— Hughes and allied Families. [Viz. Tuttle, Bowen, Jones, and Brackett.] Privately printed. Small 4P- Hugo — A Memento of Victor Hugo, profusely illustrated by Charles Hugo. Edited by J. Hetzel. Paris, 1855, 8»- Huish — ^Pedigrees of the families of Nevill, Huish, and others, about 1532. Brit Mus. Harl. Roll. P, 3. Hull — Records of some of the Descend- ants of Richard Hull, New Haven, 1639—1662, by S. C. Clarke. Boston [U.S.] 1869, 8'^- Hulton — Genealogy of the Family of Hulton, of Hulton, co. Lancashire. Privately printed, 8°- 400 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Hume — History of the Family of Hume See Drummond's Noble British Fami- lies, vol. II. Davidis Humii de Familia Humia Wedderburnensi Liber. Edited bv Dr. John Miller, for the Ahhotsford dlub. Edinb. 1839, 4''- Humet — Notes on the early family of Humet. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxix, 369. Humphrey — The Humphrey Family of North Yarmouth. Maine, by Capt. James J. Humphrey. Yarmouth, Maine, 1882, 8'^- Humphreys, see also Dod. Humphreys — The Humphreys Family in America, by Fred Humphreys, assisted by 0. M. Humphreys, H. R. Stiles, &c. New York, 1883, &c. 4^^ In progress. Hungerf ord — Account of the Hungerford Family. See " Topographical Survey of the Great Road from London to Bath, by A. Robertson. 2 vols. 1792, 8"- Hungerf ordiana ; or, Memoirs of the Family of Hungerford, collected by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. Shaftesbury, 1823, S''- Only 100 copies printed. -The Hungerford Family. See " Ancestral Stories of Great Families, by John Tinibs Lond. 1869, 8«- Collections relatincc to the Familv of Hungerford, by Peter Le Neve. Brit. Mus. Lans MS. 901,145. Historv of the Hunoferford Family in all its Branches, with docu- mentary proofs, by K. Brown, ci^^ca 1880. 'Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33412. Hunloke, see also Fitzgerald. Hunloke Family. See " Genealogical Collections of Roman Catholic Families in England," part ii. Edited by J. J. Howard and H. F. Burke. Lond. 1887, fol. Hunsdon, Baron, see Carey. Hunt, see also Sands. Hunt — Genealogy of the name and family of Hunt. Compiled by T. B. Wyman. Boston [U.S.], 1862—3, S'^- Huntingdon — The Huntingdon Peerage, by H. N. Bell. Lond. 1820. 4^'- 2nd edition, 1821. Huntingfield. — Pedigree and Evidences of the Huntingfield Family, by 13. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19136. Huntington — Memories, Counsels, and Reflections, by an Octogenary. [Con- tains an autobiography and genealogi- cal notes of the Kev. Dan. Huntington of Hadley.] (Jamb. 1857. A Genealogical Memoir of the Huntington Family in this Coun- try ; embracing all the known Descendants of Simon and Margaret Huntington, by the Rev. E. B. Huntington. Stamford, Conn. 1863, 80- Huntingtower, Lord, see Manners ; Tollemache. Huntley — Claim of George, Marquis of Huntley to be added to the Union Roll of the Peers of Scotland, with pedigree, 1838. Huntley Peerage, see Aboyne. Hun ton — Philip Hunton and his Descend- ants, by Daniel T. V. Huntoon. Canton, Mass. 1881, 8°- Hurault — Genealogie de la Maison des Hurault, par Jacques Hurault, marquis de Vibraye. Avec la description des armes des Families alliees. Paris, 1636, 40. • Memoires d'Estat, avec une Instruction a E. son fils et la Genealogie de la Maison des Huraults, par Phil. Hurault, Comte de Chiverny. 2 parts. Paris, 1636, 4<;>- Hurlbut. — A Paper read at a Family Meeting of some of the Descendants of Samuel Hurlbut, born at Chatham, Conn., 1748, and his wife Jerusha (Higgins) Hurlbut, held at Racine, Wis^, Sept. 20, 1860. By Henry Higgins Hurlbut. [22 pages and a folding pedigree.] Racine, Wis. 1861, 8'' -The Hurlbut Genealogy, or Record of the Descendants of Thos. Hurlbut, of Saybrook and Wethersfield, Conn., by Hen. H. Hurlbut. Albany, 1888, 8"- Hurry — Memorials of the Family of Hurry, of Great Y^armouth, Norfolk, by Chas. John Palmer, and of New York, by E. A. Hurry. Norwich, 1873, 4"- 1 50 copies privately printed. Family Histories, PEDiaEEES, and Peerage Cases. 401 Hussey — Descent of the familie* of Hussey and Mortimer, from Hugo de Lacj, who died A.D. 1186. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 13,014 A. Descent of the family of Hussey, with miscellaneous genealogical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,985, f. 49. -The Hussey Family, of Sleaford. See Creasy's History of Old and New Sleaford, p. 108. -Remarks on the Hussey Peerage. Edinb. 1842, 8«- Privately printed. Hussey, Barony of, see Disney. Hutchins, see also Corliss. Hutchins — The Autobiography of Levi Hutchins ; with a Preface, Notes, and Addenda, by his youngest son. Cam- bridge, 1865, 16''- [Contains a genealogical account of the descendants of Gordon Hutchins, andother families.] Hutchins Genealogy. Compiled by Charles Hutchins. Boston, 1885, 8« Hutchinson — Memoirs of the Life of Col. Hutchinson, by Lucv Hutchinson. Lond. 1808, 4''- — ■■ Narrative of a Tour in 1857, for the purpo&e of hunting up Memorials of the Hutchinson Family of Lincolnshire, by P. O. Hutchinson. Privately printed, 1857. A Brief Genealogy of the Descendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver, by W. H. Whit- more. Boston, 1865, 4"- Notes upon the Ancestry of William Hutchinson and Anna Mar- bury, from researches recently made in England, bv J. L. Chester. Boston, 1866, 4''- The Hutchinson Family : or the Descendants of Barnard Hutch- inson of Cowlam, England. Compiled by Perley Derby. Salem, 1870, 8«- ■ A -brief Narrative of the Hutchinson Family. Sixteen sons and daughters of the Tribe of Jesse, by Joshua Hutchinson. Boston (U.S.) 1874, 8''- -Correspondence and Papers of the Hutchinson Family of America 1741 to 1880 2658 to 2669 -The Descendants ^f Henry Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. Hutchinson. Compiled by D. Barbour. Boston, 1888, single sheet. Hutchinson. Angleterre, Etats - Unis d'Amerique, et France, pp. 9, folio. Reprinted from Le Noh iliaire JJniversel de France, by L. de Magny. Hutton — The Life of William Hutton, and the History of the Hutton Family, during several generations from 1570 to 1798. by William Hutton, 3799. Edited from original manuscripts by Llewellynn Jewitt. Lond. 1872, 8o- The Life of William Hutton : To which is subjoined, the History of his Family ; WTitten by himself, and published by his daughter, C. Hutton. Lond. 1816, 8°- Another edition, 1841. French translation by E. Char- ton, 1864. Hyatt, see Hoyt. Hyde Genealogy ; or the Descendants in the Female as well as in the Male Lines from William Hyde of Norwich, with their places of residence and dates of birth, marriages, &c., and other par- ticulars of their families and goncestry, by Reuben Hyde Walworth. 2 vols. Albany, 1864, 8°- Hylarion, see Costentin. Hylle, see Loryng. Hylton — Memorials of the Families of Allan, Hylton, and Clervaux. Dar- lington Press. Darlington, 1850, 4'^- Only 50 copies printed. Hynde — Gens Cerviana Cantabrigiensis sive Madingleiensis, or an account of the Family of Hynde of Madingley in Cambridgeshire, "1763. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841. Ince — Pedigree. of Ince of Mansfield, in the County of Nottingham, etc., by Thomas Norris Ince of Wakefield, etc. Privately printed at Doncaster, about 1857, 4P- Inchiquin — Case of Lucius, Lord Inchi- quin, on his right to vote at elections of Peers for Ireland, Avith pedigrees, 1861, fol. Minutes of Evidence on the Petition of Lucius, Lord Inchiquin, claiming a right to vote at the elections of representative Peers for Ireland. Sessional Papers, 1861-2. Ingham — Collection concerning the Ingham Family of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mas. Add. MS. 19137. Ingoldsbj, see Cromwell. 402 Family Histoeies, PEDiaEEEs, and PEERAaE Cases. Ingraham — To the descendants of Ti- mothy Ingrahara. Information res- pecting the great Ingraham Estate in Great Britain, by Gr. R. Gladding. Providence, 1850, W- Innes, see also Falconer ; Pocock. Innes — An Historical Account of the Origin and Succession of the Family of Innes. From the original MS. in the Duke of Roxburgh's possession. Edinb. 1820, 4— Notes and pedigrees of the Legatt family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19139. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases 413 Legge — Some Account of the Family of the Legges, of Wolley, in Hereford- shire, some of whom went over to Ire- land. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 855. Legh — Pedigree of the Family of Legh, of Lyme. Single sheet. ■ Roll of the Legh Family of War- rington, in the possession of Thomas Legh, Esq., of Lyme Park. Edited for the ChetJiam Society by Wm. Beamont. Manchester, 1849, 4''- A History of the House of Lyme, in Cheshire. Compiled from Documents of the Legh Family of that House, and from other sources, by W. Beamont. Warrington, 1876, 8"- A Succinct account of the Legh families, with pedigrees. See History of the Ancient Parish of Prestbury, by Frank Renaud. Glietliam Society, Leigh — Minutes of Evidence of George Leigh, Esq., claiming to be Baron Leigh of Stoneley, in the Co. of War- wick. Sessional Papei's, 1828—29. Appendix to the Case of George Leigh, claiming to be Baron Leigh, of Stoneley, 1828, folio. 1876, 4P- An account Legh family 1 of the of Adlington. See '• Nooks and Corners of Lancashire and Cheshire," by James Croston. Manchester, 1882. Le Hunt pedigree, with notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19139. Leicester, Earls of, see Ferrers ; Sidney. Leicester — Origiues Magawlyance glorio- sissimo generationum genealogia fami- lijB Cantellinae et Leicestriae, by M. A. Franck von Franckenstein. Pragse, 1736, fol. Genealogical notes of the Earls of Leicester, from Robert Blaun- cheraeynes [ob. 1190] to Simon de Montfort [ob. 1265]. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,502. The genealogy of the erle of Leycester, with arms. MS. No. 16. f. 52—65. Wrest Park, Beds. On the Genealogy and Ar- morial Ensigns of the Anglo-Norman Earls of Leicester, by J. R. Blanche, Esq., Rouge Croix. See " Collectanea Archseologica," vol. ii. Lond. 1863, 40. Leigh, see also Lee. Leigh — Case of George Leigh, Esq. claiming the Peerage Dignity of Baron Leigh of Stoneley. Lond. 1826, fol. Petition to the House*of Lords on the Leigh Claim of Peerage. Lond. 1827, 80- The Leigh Peerage, being a report of the evidence taken before the Lords' Committee on the Claim of George Leigh to the title of Baron Leigh of Stoneley, with notes, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1832, 8«- -: The Leigh Peerage ; a full and complete History of the Claim of George Leigh to the dormant title of Baron Leigh, of Stoneley, in the county of Warwick, by H. Causton. Second edition. 2 vols. Lond. 1834, 8«- A relation of Facts relating to the Stoneleigh Case, by Charles Griffin, 1850, 12«' Pedigrees of the Family of Leigh. See " Stoneleigh Abbey," by F. L. Colville. Warwick, 1850, S*^- Privately printed. Pedigrees of the Leigh Family. See "The Cistercian Abbey of Stoneley, and its Occupants," by the Rev. J. M. Gresley. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 1854. Only 71 copies printed. Notices of the Family of Leigh of Addington, by Granville Leveson- Gower. Lond. 1878, S^" -Genealogical Memoir of the extinct family of Leigh, of Addington, etc. by H. S. Sweetman, 1860. With a preface bv Maria Halliday. Torquay, 1887, 8'^- Lancashire and Cheshire His- torical and Genealogical Notes, reprinted from the Leigh Chronicle, part ii. p. 110. Leighton — History of the Leighton Family. See Botfield's Stemmata Botevilliana, pp. 157—204. The Genealogy of Capt. Wm. Leighton who came to this country from England in 1650 and settled at Kittery, Maine. With Collateral Notes relating to the Frost, Hill, Bane, Wentworth, Langdon, Bragdon, Par- sons, Pepperrell, Fernald, Nason, and other families, by Tristram F. Jordan. Albany, 1885, 8°- 414 Family Histories, Pedigrees, ai^b Peerage Cases. Leigliton Bromswolcl, Barony of, see O'Brian. Leiper — A Short Account of the First Permanent Tramway in America. To Avhich is added a Biographical Sketch of its Projector, Thomas Leiper, Esq., [and a genealogical record of his des- cendants]. By Robt. P. Kobins. Philadelphia, 1886, 8°- Leland — The Leland Magazine ; or, a Genealogical Kecord of Henry Leland and his Descendants, embracing nearly every person of the name of Leland in America, from 1653 to 1850. By Sherman Leland. Boston, 1850, 8°- Leman — Collections relating to the Leman Family of Norfolk and Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19139. -A correct, brief, and interesting Account of the Leman Case, etc. ; to which is now added the Pedigrees of the Male and Female Descendants of Sir Wm. Leman, Bart. lleprinted from the " Nottingham Eeview." Not- tingham, 1810, 80' Lempriere — A Monograph of the House of Lempriere, recording by tabular pedigrees, etc. its history from A.D. 970 to 1862, by Jas. B. Payne. Lond. 1862, 4«- Le Neve — Will of Thomas Neve of Spar- ham, 1555 ; and copies of Epitaphs of members of the Neve, or Le Neve family, 1558-1678. Add. Charters 14219-14221 ; Pedigrees and notes of the family. Add. MSS. 19139 ; 23061. f. 55. Brit. Mus. Lennox — The Family of Lennox. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend. Voi. II. p. 287. Claim of Margaret Lennox of Woodhead to the Title, Honours, and Dignity of the Ancient Earls of Levenax or Lennox, with genealogical table. Edinb. 1813, 4«- Claim of the Earl of Darnley to the Title of Duke of Lennox, etc., with pedigree. 1830, fol. History of the Partition of the Earldom of Lennox, with a Vindication of the Antiquities of Merchiston and Thirlestane, by Mark Napier. Edinb. 1835, 8-^ Lennox — Additional Remarks upon the Question of the Lennox or Husky Representation, by John Riddell. Edinb. 1835, 8o- Memoirs of the Lennox Family, bv Wm. Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1874, 4«- — "The Lanox of Auld." An epistolary review of " The Lennox, by Wm. Frazer." By Mark Napier. Edinb. 1880, 4^"- Leny — Account of the Family of Leny of Leny, by Robert Buchanan, about 1560. MS. No. 50 belonging to Sir John Maxwell Stirling Maxwell of Keir. Leonard, see also Giles. Leonard — A Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard Family, containing a full account of the first three generations of the Family of James Leonard, by Wm. R. Deane. Boston, 1851, 8«- Le Plat — La Veritable Origine de le tres-noble Maison de Le Plat, avec une Table Genealogique de sa ligne princi- pale et directe. 1667, fol. Leslie — Laura Lesleiana explicata, sive enumeratio Personarum utriusque sexus cognomine Leslie. Gaa^cii, 1692, fol. Historical Records of the Family of Leslie, from 1067 to 1868—9. Col- lected from public and authentic private sources, by Col. Charles Leslie, K.H. 3 vols. Edinb. 1869, 8«- Historical Records of the Family of Leslie, from 1067 to 1869, by Colonel Leslie. 3 vols. Aberdeen, 1880, 80- Lespinasse, see Cusack. Lestang — Discours genealogique de la Maison de Lestang, par Jacques de Lestang. Aix, n.d. 12*^- Lestrade — Maison de Lestrade, par M. de Birague. Paris, n.d. 8'^- Le Strange, see also Hastings. Le Strange — Collections relating to the Family of Le Strange, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19^39. Notices of Sir N. Lestrans^e and his Family, by John Gough Nichols. Camden Society. Lond. 1839, 40- Case of Henry Le Strange Styleman Le Strange, on his Claim to the Title and Dignity of Baron Hast- ings, 1840, fol. See also Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24813 ff. 241—265. Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peerage Cases. 415 Lothbridge — Royal Descents of Sir John Hesketh Lethbridge, Bart., of Sandhill Park, Co. Somerset. Lond. 1871, 4"- Privately printed at the Chiswick Press. Leusse — Souvenir de Famille. Notice historique et gencalogique sur la Famille de Leusse, par Andre Hyppo- lite, comte de Leusse. Lyon, 1848, 8*^- Leverett — A Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Elder Thomas Leve- rett of Boston, by N. B. Shurtleff. Boston, 1850, 8°- A Memoir, Biographical and Genealogical, of Sir John Leverett, Knt., Governor of Massachusetts, 1673 — 9 ; of Hon. John Leverett, F.E-.S., etc. ; and of the Family generally. Boston, 1856. 8°- Beport of the Committee on Heraldry on the question " Was Gov. John Leverett a Knight?" Boston, 1881, 8^- Reprinted from the New Eng. Hist, mid Gen. Register, vol. 35. Levering — The Levering Family ; or, a Genealogical Account of Wizard Levering, and Gerhard Levering, two of the Pioneer Settlers of Roxborough Township, by Horatio Gates Jones. Philadelphia, 1858, 8o- Privately printed. Leveson, see Temple. Leveson-Gower — The Leveson-Gowers. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Towns- end. Vol. I. p. 266. The Seize Quartiers of G. G. Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Gran- ville. Broadside. Levinge, see also Bateman. Levinge — History of the Levinge Family, by Sir R. Levinge. 1813, i""- Jottings for Early History of the Levinge Family, by Sir Richard G. A. Levinge. Part I. only pnh- lisJied. Dublin, 1873, 4P Leviston, see Livingston. Lewis, see also Fitz-Lewis ; Winslow. Lewis — Pedigree of John Lewis of Harpton. Hengwrt MS. 228 (11) at Peniarth. Pedigree of the Family of Lewis of Harpton, 1862, by Sir George Cornewall Lewis. See " Ai^kaeologia Cambrensis," third series, vol. 10. Lond. 1864, S"- Lewknor — Pedigree and Notes respecting the Family of Lewknor. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Associa- tion." vols. xxiv. 356-360; xxx. 50-61. Add. MS. 19140. Brit. Mus. Leybourne — On the Heart-Shrine in Ley bourne Church, and the Family of De Leybourne. ArcJicdologia Cantiana, vols. V. and yii. Lond. 1863, 68, S*'- Le3'burn, see Yarker. Leycester, see also Mobberley. Leycester — Genealogical Collections of the Family of Leycester are in the Library of Tabley House, Cheshire. Liagre— Genealogie de la Famille de Liagre, par Alph. Goovaerts. Anvers, 1878, 40- Libby — The Libby Family in America, 1602—1881, by Charles T. Libby. Portland, Me. 1882, 8o- Liberty — De Libertat : Lineage of the Family, by A. L. Liberty. Lond. 1888, Liebeecke — Table Genealogique de la Famille de Liebeecke, par J. F. A F. Azevedo Coutinho y Bernal. Louvan, 1753, fob Lifford — Claim of the Right Hon. James, Viscount Lifford to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, P. of 1855. Lignieres — Maison de Lignieres, etc. [A genealogical history.] \\y Jean Cayou. Nancy, 1862, 4«- Linange — Recherches liistoriques et genealogiques sur la Maison de Li- nange— Dabo, par Ruhl. Strasb. 1789, 40. Linch, see also Lynch. Linch — Esquisses historiques sur la Famille de Linch et sur les deux Douze Mars. Paris, 1825, 8'^- Lincoln— A Genealogical Account of the Earls of Lincoln. See F'erne's Blazon of Qentrie, Lond. 1586; and The Genealogist, new series, vols. v. and vi. Lond. 1890, 8'^- Pedigrees of the Earls of Lin- coln and Chester. Her. Coll. Phili- pot MS. 28, Pd. The Countess Lucy : Singular or Plural P A contribution to the "Genealogist" for April, July, and October, 1888, by R. E. G. Kirk. Exeter, 1889, 8o- 416 Family Histobies, Pedigeees, and Peekage Cases. Lincoln — The Earldom of Lincoln. See " Topographer and Genealogist," i. 9-28. A Lecture on Noah Lincoln of Boston, with Genealogical and ]>io- graphical Notices, by Chandler Eob- bins. Boston, 1856, S^- Notes on the Lincoln Families of Massachusetts, by S. Lincoln, lle- printed from the JVeu). Eng. Hist. and Gen. Register. Boston, 1865, 8«- The Lineao-e of President Abra- ham Lincoln, by Samuel Shackford, of Chicago. Boston, 1887, 8«- Reprinted from the "New England Hist, and Gen. Register." Lind — The Genealogy of the Family of Lind, by Sir Robert Douglas. Wind- sor, 1795, S'^* Privately printed. Table Genealogique de la Famille de Van Der Lind, par J. F. A. F. Azevedo Coutinho y Bernal. Privately printed. 1753 ? Lindal], see Giles. Lindsay, see also Crawfurd ; Bethune. Lindsay — Claim of the Earl of Lindsay to be Earl of Oxford. Sessional Papers, May— Dec. 1660. Case of James, Earl of Balcarres, etc., claiming the titles of the Earldom of Crawford, and Barony of Lindsay. [Bv J. Riddell.] Edinb. [1845.] fol." The Lindsays of America ; a Genealogical Narrative and Family Record, by Marg. I. Lindsay. Albany, 1889, 4«- Lindsley, see Condit. Lingen — The Family of Lingen, by J. T. Burgess, Esq. See The Archcuological Journal, xxxiv, 373. Lond., 1877, 8'^- Lisle, see also Sidney. Lisle — Pedigree of de Insula or Lisle, of Wodyton, Isle of Wight. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 29. Pd. ^ L'Isle pedigree, with copious notes, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Case of the Barony of Lisle. Privately printed in 1790, folio. -Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'Isle, in the House of Lords ; with notes, etc., by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond. 1829, 8«- Lisle — Robert de Insula de Rubeo Monte: (Harwood Evidences), ^i^ Sir George Duckett, Bart. 1876? Reprinted from the " Yorkshire Archaeological Journal." Listowel— Claim of William, Earl of Listowel, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers. F of 1856, Litchfield — Genealogy of the Descen- dants of Lawrence Litclifield, the Puritan, by Rev. Abner Morse. Boston, 1855, 8"- Litchfield, Earls of, see Lee. Little — Descendants of George Little who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1640. Compiled by George T. Little. Camb. 1877, 4P- The Descendants of George Little who came to Newbury, Massa- chusetts, in 1640, by Geo. Thos. Little. Auburn, Me. 1882. 8''- Littlehale — A Genealogy of the Littlehale Family in America from 1633 to 1880. By F. H. Littlehale. Dallas, Texas, 1880, S^- A Complete History and Genealogy of the Littlehale Family in America from 1633 to 1889, by Fred. H. Littlehale. Boston, 1889, 8"- Littleton — Pedigree of the family of Lyttleton, showing its alliance with Talbot and Manners ; Avith coloured coats of arms. Vellum Roll. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,332. ■Genealogy of the Family of Littleton, with the arms and quarter- ings in trick, and drawings of monu- mental effigies, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32659 ff 39^ -51^ • Collections for the historv of the Littleton Family by Mr. Ferny- hough, from 1235 downwards. MS. in the possession of Lord Hatherton. Teddesley, Co. Stafford. -Genealogical Act^ount of the Family of Lyttleton. Society of Antiq. MS. 151. -History and descents of the Family of Littleton of Frankley, Co. Worcester. Brit. Hus. Harl. MS. 5814, ff. 39-58. -The Littleton Family of Vir- ginia. Privately printed, 1887, 8^- -Family notes of Littleton. See " Journal of the British Archaeolo- gical Association," vol. xxix, 298, Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 417 Livingstone^ — Abstract of Evidence for proving Sir Thomas Livingstone of Ogilface, etc. Heir-Male of James, First Earl of Callandar, etc. who died in the Seventeenth Century, with Pedigree. 1821, folio. Notice genealogique sur la Famille de Livingston, Levingston ou Leviston, par M. L le Maistre. Ton- nerre, 1856, 8'^- The Livingstons of Callendar and their Principal Cadets. A Family History by Edwin Brockholst Living- ston. Privately printed, 1887. A Biographical History of Clermont or Livingston Manor, before and during the War of Independence. Clermont,'N.Y. 18G9, 8'^- Livington — Certificates of birth and descent of liobert Livington, of Benham ; with Seals, and with border of Coats of Arms, 1680. Brit. Mus. Eg. Ch. 415 ; 416. Lloyd, see also Vaughan. Lloyd — The Lloyd Family of Bronwydd, Co. Cardigan. See " Archaeologia Cambrensis," Suppl. 1861, p. 158. Pedigree of the Lloyds and Owens of Peniarth, by the Kev. Richard Thomas. MS. No. 29. Peniarth. Pedigree of Henry Lloyd, other- wise Rosindall, of Cheyme, in the County of Surrey, Esq., including a pedigree of the Lumley family, from which he was descended, 17th century, parchment rolls. Heugwrt MS. 422, at Peniarth. Lineage of the Lloyd and Carpen- ter Family. Compiled by C. P. Smith. Camden [U.S.] 1870. 8"- -Description of the Armorial In- signia of the Vaughans, with Memorials of the Lloyds of Dolobran and other cognate Families, by the Kev. W. V. Lloyd. With numeroics plates of arms. 1881. S'^- Locke. — Book of the Lockes. A Genea- logical and Historical Record of the Descendants of William Locke, of Woburn, with an appendix containing a History of the Lockes in England, also of the Family of John Bocke, of Hampton, by J. Goodwin Locke. Boston and Cambridge, 1853. 8^- Locke — The Descent of Margaret Locke, third wife of Deputy Governor Francis Willoughby, by Col Joseph L. Chester. Boston, 1881. 8'^- Lockhart, see Cromwell. Lockwood — Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lockwood Family in America, from A.D. 1630, by Fred. A. Holden and E. D. Lockwood. Privately printed, 1889, 8o- Locquenghien — Genealogie de la Maison de Locquenghien, par I'abbe C. Stroo- bant. Anvers, 1855, 8'^- Loevvenstein — Stemma Leostenianum sive Genealogia Illustrium, etc. Franc- furti, 1624, 4°- Another edition, 1626. Vorliiuf ige anzeige von dem Successions-Recht des Hochfurstlichen Hauses Lowenstein in alle Graflich- Markishe Landi, etc. Wertheim, 1776, fol. Lofft — Pedigree of the Family of Christo- pher Lofft, with genealogical notes by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Logy — Memoirs of the Logy Family, of Logy. See " The Red Book of Grand- tully," by Wm. Eraser. Vol. 1. Edinb. 1868, 80- Lol worth — Account of the Family of Lolworth, of Madingley and Cam- bridge. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5824 f. 16 b. Lomagne — Abrege de la genealogie des vicomtes de Lomagne, par L. Chasot de Nantigny. 3757. Londham — Account of the Family of Londham. MS. E. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Londonderry — Claim of the Right Hon. Frederick William Robert, Marquess of Londonderry, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, 316 of 1854. Long — Pedigree of Long of Wraxall, Drayton, etc. from the MS. Collections of Sir George Na3'lor, etc., 1828, re- printed 1878, with Mr. C. E. Long's last corrections and additions, by Wm. Long, Esq. Single sheet. The Family of Long of Wraxall. See " Journal of the British Archaeolo- gical Association," vol. xxi, 193. 418 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Oases. Long — Pedigree of Long of Semington, etc. from the MS. Collections of Sir George Naylor, etc., 1829, reprinted 1878, with Mr. C. E. Long's latest additions, by Wm. Long, Esq. Single sheet. Pedigree of the Longs of Melk- sham, Hood Ashton, etc., curante Gulielrao Long, A.M., 1878. Single sheet. Pedigree of the Longs of Seming- ton, Pood Ashton, and Preshaw branches, curante Gulielmo Long, A.M. A.D. 1878. Single sheet. Pedigree of the Longs of Seming- ton, Patterne, etc., curante Gulielmo Long, A.M., A.D. 1878. Single sheet. Pedigree of the Longs of Preshaw, Hants, curante Gulielmo Long, A.M., 1878. Single sheet. Historical Account of the Family of Long, of Wiltshire, by Walter Chitty. Privately printed, 1889, 8'^- Pedigrees of Long and Longe families, with notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Longe — Papers and Letters relating to the Pamilv of Longe of Whaddon, Co. Wilts. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 11,757 ; 15,559—15,561. Longevile — Claim' of . . . Longevile to the Barony of Hastings and lluthin. Sessional Papers, Nov. 1G40 and Feb. 1G40— 1. Longman — An Account of the Printing- house Family of Longman. See " The ' Critic," Nos. 507, 509, 511. Longridge — Genealogical Notes of the Kindred Families of Longridge, Fletcher, and Hawks, by Kobert Edmund Chester Waters. Privately printed, 1872, 4"- See also "The Herald and Genealogist," vol. vii. p. 142. Longworth, see Yelverton. Lonvilliers, Seigneurs de, par L. de Barmon. Cherbourg, 1854, 8"- Loomis — The Descendants of Joseph Loomis, who came from Braintree, England, in the year 1(538, and settled in Windsor, Conn, in 1G39. By Elias Loomis. New Haven, 1870, 8"- Second edition revised and enlarged in 1875. Loomis — The Descendants [by the Female Branches] of Joseph Loomis, who came from Braintree, England, 1G38, and settled at Windsor, Conn. 1G39, by Elias Loomis. 2 vols. New Haven, 1880, 8"- Lome, Marquis of, see Campbell. Lorraine — An Account of the Genealogy, and other Memoirs concerning the Family of Lorraine, of Kirkharle- Tower in the County of Northumber- land. Newcastle Reprints, vol. 2, bv H. A. Pichardson. 1849, 8''"'- lieprinted from the edition of 1740. — Les Genealogies des Princes, les Ducz de Lorraine Marchis, avec le discours des alliances et traictez de mariages en icelle Maison de Lorraine jusques au due Fran^oys dernier decede, par Edmotid du Boullay. Paris, 1549, 80 Gcnealogie des Dues de Lorraine. 1G24, 4^- Considerations et Memoires Historiques sur la Genealogies de la Maisons de Lorraine et Bar, par Louis Chantereau le Febvre. Paris, 1G42, fol. [The first part only of this work has been published.] Les Genealogies Historiques des illustres Maisons de Lorraine et de Savoye, et de phisieurs nobles Families de France, avec un ta'aite fort curieux : la Science du Blazon. Paris, 1GG3, Le Palais de I'Honneur : con- tenant les Genealogies historiques des illustres Maisons de Lorraine et de Savoye, et de plusieurs nobles Families de France ; ensemble I'origine et I'explication des Arms, &c. par le P. Anselme. Paris, 1GG4, 4"- Another edition, 1G68. L'Orio-ine de la tres illustre Maison de Lorraine, avec un abrege de I'Histoire de ses Princes, par Benoit. Toul. 1704, 12"- Ti aito historique et critique snr I'origine et la Genealogie de la Maison de Lorraine, avec les chartes servant de preuves aux faits avancez dans le corps de I'ouvrage. Par Balei- court, [i.e. Louis Charles Hugo.] Berlin, 1711, 8"- [Suppressed' by Arret du Parlement, 17 Dec. 1712.] Family Histobtes, PEDiaREEs, and Peebage Cases. 419 Lorraine — Traite historique et critique sur I'origine et la Genoalogie de la Maison de Lorraine. Par Ealeieourt 1740, 8«- A dissertation upon the High lioad of the Duchy of Lorraine, trans- lated from tlie French, by S. • Fraser, with notes historical and genealogical relating to the Family of Lorraine, and an appendix, by Dom Aug. Calmet. Lond. 1729, S^- The History of the House of Lorraine, with an exact Genealogy of that most Illustrious Famdy. Lond. 1731, 8°- -Histoire genealogique de la Maison du Chatelet Branche puiuee d( la Maison de Lorraine, par Dom A, Calmet. Nancy, 1741, fol. ■Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Lorraine, par le Marquis De Ligniville. 1743, 8«- -Abrege de I'histoire genea- logique de la Maison de Lorraine, par le Marquis de Ligniville. Commercy, 1743, 8<^- AViother edition, Paris, 1770, -Ch:.ipelle ducale de Nancy ou noticehistoriquesurlesDucsde Lorraine, leurs Tombeaux, par le Vte L. F. de Villeneuve-Bargemont. Nancy, 1826, 80- Les Dues de Lorraine, 1048 to 1737, par Jean Caj^on. Nancy, 1854, 40- Alliances et Genealogies des Dues de Lorraine ; des Clodomir, Eoy de France orientalle, commenceant I'an 319, jusques a Charles III., by Jan Popinet ; with the Arms in colours ; and with additions relative to the Dukes Henry II. and Charles IV. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,471. Preuves de Noblesse de M":? Charles de Lorraine, Comte d' Ar- magnac, etc. 1724. The arms of Charles de Lorraine emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,360. Ijort — Pedigree of the Family of Lort, with the Arms in Colours, by George Owen, York Herald, 1637 ; wtth notes by the llev. Wm. Cole, 1772. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5846, f. 8. Loryng — Pedigrees of Sir Nigel Loryng, K.G., and Hylle of Spaxton, with Keferences, Wills, etc. by B. W. Greenfield. Privately printed, 1883 Lothropp — A Genealogical Memoir of the Lo-Lathrop Family in this Country, Embracing the Descendants of the Kev. John Lothropp of Scituate and Barnstable, Mass., and Mark Lothrop of Salem and Bridgewater, Mass., and the First Generation of Descendants of other Names, by the liev. E. B. Huntington. ],iidgefield. Conn. 1884, 8''- Loudham pedigree, with copious notes by by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mite. Add. MS. 19140. Loudoun — Case of the Right Hon. Edith Maud. Countess of Loudoun, co-heiress of the Barony of Botreaux, etj. 1870. folio. —Claim of the Kiorht Hon. Editli Maud, Countess of Loudoun, to the Barony of Montacute, etc. 1873, folio. -Claim of C. E. Hastings, Earl of Loudoun, to Peerages of Montacute, Monthermer, and Monta- gue. Sessional l^apers, E of 1874. ■ — Claim of the Earl of Loudoun to vote at Elections of Peers of Scot- land. Sessional Papers^ E of 1877. Lovaine pedigree, with copious notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,140. Lovat — Paper on the Lovat Peerage Case, 1727, 40- Lovat, Barony of, see Fraser. Loveday pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Lovelace — Original Grant of Arms to liic4iard Lovelace of Hurley, Co. Berks, 1577. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch. 13612. The Kentish Family of Love- lace, by the Kev. A. J. Pearman. ArchcBologia Cantiana, vol. 10. Lond. 1876, 8«- Lovell — A Roll containing the Pedigrees of Lovell, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll O, 15. . Collection concerninof the Familv of Lovell, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Lovetot — Collections relating to the Family of Lovetot, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,446 ; 19,140. 420 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Lovetot — Historical Account of the fami- lies of Lovetot, Furnival, Verdun, and Talbot. MS. Campsall Hall, Co. York. • Account of the ancient and noble Families of Lovetot, Furnival, and Verdon, by Nath. Johnston, 1694. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6158. ^ The family of Lovetot of Shef- field and Worksop. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," voL XXX, 148-156, 158-165, 238, 239. Low — Descendants of William Low of Boston, Mass., by E. D. Barbour. Broadside, 1890. Lower — The Family of Lower, see " Archaiologia," xviii. 98. Lowjee — A Memorial of the descendants and representatives of Monackjee Lowjee and Bomanjee Lowjee, by Jamsetjee Naurozjee. [Bombay, 1840,] 8^- Lowndes — Claim of William Selby Lowndes to the Title of Lord Monta- cute. Sessional JPapers, 297 of 1861 ; D of 1862 ; D of 1863 ; E of 1864. Claim of William Selby Lowndes' to the Title of Lord Mon- thermer. Sessional Papers, 298 of 1861 ; D of 1862 ; E of 1863 ; F of 1864. Lowndes of South Carolina. An Historical and Genealogical Memoir, by George B. Chase. Boston, 1876, 80- Lowther — The Lowther Family. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend. Vol. i, 54. ■ Gerard Lowther's House in Penrith, with some particulars of his life, and genealogical sketch of the Lowther alliances by William Jackson. See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. iv. Kendal, 1879, 8«- Lucas — Collections respecting the Family of Lucas, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Lucy pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Ludington — The Ludington Family, the First of the Name in America, by Lewis S. Patrick. Marinette, Wis. 1886 8°' Ludlow — Pedigree of Ludlow of Hill Deverill, co. Wilts. Single sheet, 1884. Privately printed. Ludovisi — Grants of arms and family honours to Joannes Mathias and Peter Ludovisi, 1719—1722. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 25606 to 25609. Confirmation of the grants to J. M. and P. Ludovisi d' Orley et de Clarenz of the grade of Knighthood of the Ancient Equestrian Order of Nobles of Hungary ; and of the name and arms of the Family of Orley of Luxembourg, 1734 ; with coloured arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,610. Documents relatins: to the Family of Ludovisi d' Orley, from 1715 to 1773, in German, Latin, and French ; with the signatures and seals of the various officials, and paintings of the different coats of arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,611. Certificates of baptism, ordina- tion, etc., of the family of Ludovisi de Clarenz, 1710 to 1735. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25fll. Ludwell — The Ludweil Genealogy, by Cassius F. Lee, of Alexandria, Va. 1879, 8"- Ludwig Genealogy, by M. II. Ludwig. Augusta. 1866, 8"- Lukin — Collection respecting the Lukin Family, by D. E. Davv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Lukis — Pedigree of Lukis of Guernsey, etc., privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps, 1857. Folio sheet. Lumley, see also Lloyd. Lumley — Monuments of the Family of Lumley at Chcster-le-street, by J. R. Planche. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association." VoL xxii, 29, 31,-46, 86, 87. The pedigrees, manages, deaths, and burials of v® Lord Lumleys. 36 Hen. Vlll. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 902, f. 419. Lunenburgh, House of, see Brunswick. Lunsft)rd — Pedigiee and Arms of the Family of Luiisford, of Lunsford, from the time of Edward the Confessor to 1647 ; with copies of charters and seals. Biit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5800 if. 27—37. Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 421 Lunsford — Pedigree of the Family of Lunsford, of Lunsford and Wilegh, co. Sussex. By John Gough Nichols. " Collectanea Topographica et Genea- logica." iv, 189—156. Lur — Notice gencalogique sur la Maison de Lur, par Henry de Lur-Saluces. Bordeaux, 1S55, 8"- Lusignan — Genealogie de la Maison de Lusignan, par Etienne deCypre. Paris, 1586, 4'^- Histoire de Melusine qui sert d' Origine a I'ancienne Maison de Lusignan, par F. Nodot. Paris, 1698, 8"- Histoire de Melusine, Prin- cesse de Lusignan et de ses Fils, par F. Nodot. Paris, 1700, S^- -Histoire des rois de Chypre de la Maison de Lusignan, traduite de ritalien de Giblet. 2. vols. Paris, 1732, 120 •Notice historique sur la Maison de Lusignan, par E. d'Escha- vanues. Paris, 1853, 8o Histoire de Melusine, et de ses tils. Suivie de I'Histoire de Geof roy ;\ la grand-dent sixieme fils de Melusine, Prince de Lusignan, par Fran. Nodot. Niort [1876,] 8«- -The Koyal Family of De 1 Lusignan in the 19th century, by I Prince Leon de Lusignan. Lond. j 1880, 80- j -—Marie de Lusignan et la Maison Koyale de Chypre, de Jerusalem et d' Armenie, par Anton ia Padula. Genes, 1884, 8«- Genealogie de la Maison de Lusignan. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 2011, f. 46. Luttrell pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Genealogical Account of the Family of Lutrell, Lotterel, or Luttrell. Milborne Port, 1774, 4^- Privately . printed. tuvel, see Ivery. Luxembourg, Due de, see Dreux. Luxembourg — Histoire de la Maison de Luxembourg par N. Vignier, jiouvel- lement mise en lumiere, avec autres pfeces sur le mesme sujet, par And. Du Chesne. Paris, 1617, S^- Luxembourg — Histoire de la Maison de Luxembourg, par Nic. Vignier. avec une continuation jusques a present, par N. G. Pavilion. Paris, 1619, 4o- •Genealogie de la Maison de Luxembourg-Beon, par Benoit rUsurier de Bouehevret. Paris, 1714, fol. -Factum pour Charles de Luxembourg de Beon, chef du nom et des armes de la Maison de Luxem- bourg, par Benoit I'Usurier de Bouehevret. Avec un tableau genca- logique. Paris, 1715, fol. Second factum, 1715, par M. Tartarin. -Genealogy of the House of Luxembourg, by Roland Bournel, seigneur Boncourt, etc. Captaine Dauxy, by order of his lord and master Jacques de Luxembourg. Illustrated by pen and ink drawings of armorial bearings. French. MS. No. 10. Wrest Park, Beds. Arms of the Luxembourg Family and their alHances. 3fS. No. 21. Wrest Park, Beds. Luysnes — Apologie contre les Politiques et Genealogie de Madame de Luysnes, par hercules Dardenne de Cherbeyt. Paris, 1618. Lyman — Genealogies of the Lymans of Middlefield, of the Dickinsons of Montreal, and of the Partridges of Hatfield, by Jas. T. Dickinson. Boston, 1865, 8«- Lyman Anniversary. Proceed- ings at the Reunion of the Lyman Family, held at Mt. Tom and Spring- field, Mass. August 30th and 31st, 1871. Albany, 1871, 8«- •Genealogy of the Lyman Family, in Great Britain and America, bj- Lvman Coleman. Albanv, 1872, Lyme— History of the House of Lyme (in Cheshire), by W. Beamont. War- rington, 1876, 8°- Lymerston — On the family of Lymer- ston, with armorial bearings. See " Journal of the Archaeological Asso- ciation," vol. xi, 277-302. Lynch, see also Linch. Lynch— The family of Lynch. See " Journal of tlie British Archseological Association," vol. xxi, 288. 422 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Lynch — Notices liistoriqnes sur quelques ineinbres de la Famille do Lynch. Paris, 1842, 8^- Lynch Genealogy. Genealo- gical Memoranda of the Lynch Faniilv of Kent, etc. Lond. 1885,'^4"- Lynde — The Diaries of Benjamin T-ynde and Benjamin Lynde, Jr , with an Appendix containing the Pedigree of Browne and Lynde [and an account of the Family of Lynde]. Boston, [Mass.] 1880, 8^- Privately printed. Lynden — Annales Genealogiques de la Maison de I^ynden, emhellies de diverse figures, par F. 0. Butkins. Antwerp, 1(526, fol. Lynn — Pedigree of Lynn of Woodbridge, with genealogical notes by I). E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19140. Lyte — Notices of the Lyte Family .of Lytes Gary Manor House, by William George. Bristol, [1879]. S"- Pedigree of Lyte, by H. M. Lyte. Single sheet, 1867. Mabelly — Aperyu gcnt'alogique sur la descendance de Daniel Mabelly d'Au- bais, 1700, par le docteur Piron. Mont- pellier, 1860, 24'^- MacCall — Memoirs of my Ancestors. A Collection of Genealogical Memoranda " respecting several old Scottish Families, with an Appendix consisting of a Genealogy of the McCall Family, by Hardy Bertram McCall. Birmingham, 1884, 4"- Mac Galium More, see Campbell. MacCarthy— Gcncalogie de la Maison MacCarthy, anciennement souveraine des deux Momonies ou de I'lilande meridionale, publiee dans la cinquieme tome des Archives geneal. et hist, de la Noblesse de France, par P. L. Laine. Par. 1834, 8"- Life and Letters of Florence MacCarthy [with genealogical tables], by Daniel MacCarthy. Lond. 1867, 8"- -A Historical Pedigree of the Sliochd Feidhlimidh, the MaeCarthys bv Daniel MacCarthy. Exeter [1880], 8^- M'Clellan — The Case of Lieutenant John M'Clellan, claiming the title of Lord Kirkcudbright, with additional Appen- dix, 1769. Sessional Faj)ers, Dec. 1768— April 1769. McCoinbie — Memoir of the Family of McCombie, a Branch of tlie Clan Mcintosh, compiled from History and Tradition, by William McCombie Smith. Edinb. 1887, W"- MacConnel — Facts and Traditions col- lected for a family record. Edinb. 1861, 4''- Privately printed. McCormick, see Weitzel. McCrillis— Pecords of the McCrillis Families in America, by H. 0. McCrillis. Taunton, 1882*, S''- MacDonald— The life of Archibald MacDonald of Barisdale, with an account of his family, by an impar- tial hand. Lond. 1754, 4'^- A Genealogical table of the ]7otent and independent Sovereigns, Lord"^ of the Isles, etc., comprehending the Macdonnells and MacDonalds, by John Brow^i. Lond. 1816, large sheet. Letters to the Editor of the Inyerness Journal, chiefly relating to the Title of Macranald, and the " Chief of the Clan Macdonald, Lord of the Isles." 1817—18. Edinb. 1818, 8^- Historical and genealogical account of the Clan or Family of Macdonald, from Somerlett, King of the Isles, to the present period, more particularly as relating to the senior branch of that family, viz. the Clan Ranald, in two parts. Edinb. 1819, 8'^- Extracts from the Inver- ness Courier, relative to the Ancient Kingdom of the Isles and Konaldson Controversy. 1 822, 8"- History of the Macdonalds and Lords of the Isles, with Genealo- gies of the Pi-incipal Families of the Name, by Alex. Mackenzie. Inverness, 1881, 40- Genealogy of the Mac Donald Family. [American Branches from 1690 A.D.] Edition B. Com- prising all names obtained up to Feb- ruary, 1876, by Frank Virgil Mac Donald. New Haven, Conn. 1878, obi. 80- and 4°- Supplement No. 1. to Edi- tion B of the MacDonald Genealogy, containing Records of the Descendant?; of Jesse Mackville, together with Remarks on the Early History of the Family Histories, PEuiaEEEs, and Peerage Cases 423 Peter Family, by Frank V. MacDonald. Camb, 1880, 4«- MacDonald — Contributions to the Early History of Bryan MacDonald and Family, settlers in 1680 on Red Clay Creek,*^ Delaware, by F. Y. McDonald. San Franciso, 1879, 4^- A Family Memoir of the MacDonalds of Keppoch, by Angus MacDonald. Edited by Clements Robert Markham. Lond.''l885, 8"- Macdonell, see also Macdonald. Macdonell— An Historical Account of the Macdonells of Antrim, by George Hill. Belfast, 1873, 4"- McGillycuddy — The McGillycuddy Papers : a selection from the family archives of " The McGillycuddy of the Reeks," by W. M. Brady. Lond. 18<)7, 4'^- Macgregor — Historical Memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor, by K. Macleay. Glasgow, 18i8,^12«- An- other edition, 1819. Another edition, Edinb. 1881, 80- Machell — The Machells of Crackenthorpe, by Edward Bellasis. Reprinted from the " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society." Kendal, 1886, 80- Mcintosh, see McCombie. Mackay— History of the House and Clan of iVlackay, containing besides accounts of many other Scottish Families, by Robert Mackay. Edinb. 1829, 4^'- Privately printed. Mackenzie, see also Buchan ; Coulthart. Mackenzie — -The Genealogie of the Mac- kenzies, preceding the year 1661 Written in the year 1669 by a person of quality. IIS. Stouyhurst College. The Genealogy of the Mac- kenzies preceding the year 1661, by a Person of Quality. Dingwall, 1843, 80- The Genealogy of the Mac- kenzies, by J. W. Mackenzie. Edinb. 1829. 40- Only 50 copies printed. The Mackenzies of Seaforth. Mackenzie — History of the Clan Mac- kenzie and the Genealogies of the Principal Families, by Alex. Mackenzie. Inverness, 1879. 8^^- Case of Sir Colin Mackenzie, Bart., on his claim to the Title of Earl of Buchan, with appendix, 1832, fql. Sir Colin Mackenzie's Claim See The Earls of Cromarfie, by Wm. Eraser, vol. i. Edinb. 1876,^''- -Genealogical Tables of the Clan Mackenzie, by James Dixon Mackenzie. Edinb. 1879. 8°- and fob to the Title and Dignit}^ of Earl of Buchan and Lord Auchterhouse. Pri- vately printed about 1840, fol. MackinnoD — Genealogical Account of the Family of Mackinnon, by Sir A. M. Downie. Republished with an intro- duction, etc. by Lauchlan Mackinnon. Second edition. Lond. 1883, 4''- -Reply from the author of " Memoirs of Clan Fingon " [D. D. Mackinnon] to a pamphlet, entitled " The Family of Mackinnon," by L. Mackinnon. Tunbridge Wells, [1884.] 80- McKinstry — Genealogy of the Makinstry Family, with a preliminary essay on the Scotch — Irish Immigration to America, by William Willis. Portland, 1858, 8«- Second edition, 1866. Mackintosh — Historical Memoirs of the House and Clan Mackintosh, and of the Clan Chattan, by Alexander M. Shaw. 2 vols. 1880, 4o- Only 50 copies printed. Macknyghte, see Coulthart. Mac Laughlin — The MacLaughlins of Clan Owen. A study in Irish History, by John Patrick Brown, A.B. Boston, 1879, small 4«- Maclean — An Historical and Genealo- gical Account of The Clan Maclean, from its first settlement at Castle Duart in the Isle of Mull to the pre- sent period, by a Seneachie. Lond. 1838, 8«- A History of the Clan Mac Lean from its first Settlement at Duart Castle in the Isle of Mull to the present period. Including a genea- logical Account of some of the Principal Families, by J. P. Mac Lean. Cin- cinnati, 1889, 80- Macleod — History of the Macleods of Lewis, by Alexander Mackenzie. See the "Celtic Magazine," vol. xiii, &c. Inverness, 1887, 8o- 424 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Mac Mahon — Meinoire sur la Noblesse de Jean- Kaptiste de Mac Mahon. Signe, Seguier, Gerbier, et Grandin. Paris, 17(>3, 4^^- MacManus — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Sotheran of Counties Durham, etc., and to the Sept of MacManus. Loud. 1871, 4" P r i \' ately pri n t ed . McMorogh, see Kavanagh. Macranald, see also Macdonald. Macranald — Letters to the Editor of the Inverness Journal, by " Fear llaonuil- lich," etc., relating to the title of Macranald. Edinb. 1818, 8^- Mac Sheely — Notice genealogique sur la Famille Mac Sheely, of Ireland and France, par M. Amedee de la Ponce. Paris, 1818, 8'- Macv — Genealogy of the Mac}^ Family, from 1635 to 1868. Compiled by Sil- van us J. Macy, New York. Albany, 1868, 4'^- Madingley — ^Account of the Family of Madingley of Madingley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS." 5824, f. 11. Mahomet — Lives of Mahomet and his Successors, by Washington Irving. 2 vols. Lond. .1850, S"*- Another edition, Philadelphia. 1878, 8^- Mailly — Extrait de la Genealogie de la Maison de Mailly, suivi de I'histoire de la Branche des Comtes de Mailly, Marquis d' Haucourt, et de celle des Marquis du Quer,noy, dresse sur les Titres Originaux sous les yeux de M. de Clairambaut, et pour I'histore par M***. [Simplicien et M. do Clairam- baut.] Paris, 1757, 4"^- Uecueil de differentes pijces concernant I'histoire Genealogique de la Branche des Comtes de Mailly, Marquis d' Haucourt, et des Marquis du Quesnoy, en Flandres, qui en sont issues ; avec des tables genealogiques, et des blazons. 1763, fol. Extrait des titres concernant la Maison de Mailly. Paris, 1776, 40. Le Premier degre de la descen- dance male de Girard de Mailly. Paris, 1856, fol. Mainwaring — History of the Main waring Family, compiled in 1669, by Sir William Duocdale for Sir Thomas Main warning. Cheshire. MS. Peover Libr. Mainwaring — A Short History of the Mainwarning Family, by R. M. Finley. Lond. [1890,] 8^- Printed for piivate circulation. Maitland — Genealogy of the Family of Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, by A. Dalzel. Edinb. 1785, 4^- Privately printed. Genealogical and Historical Account of the Maitland Family, by George Harrison Rogers Harrison, Lond. 1869, 4^ Printed for private circulation. ■ — ^Maitland of Lethiuo'ton and the Scotland of Mary Stuart : a His- tory, by John Skelton. Edinb. 1H88, 8"- Case of Sir J. Ramsay Gibson Maitland, Bart., with pedigree. Ses- sional Papers, 1885. Case of Major F. H. Mait- land, with pedigree. Sessional Papers^ 1885. — Minutes of Evidence of Major Fred. Henry Maitland and of Sir Jas. Ramsay Gibson Maitland, Bart., both claiming the Titles, &c., of Earl of Lauderdale, &c. Sessional Papers, 1885. Maijor, see Cromwell. Major — (Jenealogy of the Major Family of Hampshire, attested by Phillipot, Somerset Heiald Vellum Roll with arms emblazoned. B'it. Mus. Stowe MS. 253 (1). — — Some Account of the Families of Major and Henniker, by John Henniker Major. Lond. 1803, 4^- Makdougall — Genealogical Table of the Makdougall Family of Makerstown, by William Eraser. Edinb. 1840, fol. Makepeace — The Genealogy of the Make- peace Families in the United States : from 1637 to 1857, by William Make- peace. Boston, 1858, 12'^- Makgill — Abstract of the proof which makes out the case of James Makgill, claiming the title of Viscount Oxford, with a Pedigree. Folio, n.d. Malaspina — Historia dell' origin e et suc- cessione della Famiglia Malaspina ; mendata in luce da Aurora Bianca d' Este, by Thomaso Poracacchi. Verona, 1585, 4P- Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 425 Malet — Arms and monumental inscrip- tions relating to the family of Malet, from the parish church of Irby. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207, a. Notices of an English Branch of the Malet Family, by Arthur Malet. Lond. 1855, 8"- " Printed for private circulation. Maller-y, see Candee. Malieverer, see also Mauleverer. Malleverer — Descent of Sir Thomas Mal- leuerer, Knt., of AUerton, Co. York, with arms in colour, and a drawing of "the scale of sire Johne Malleu[er]er, Kuighte, wherewith he sealed in the 46 vere of K. Edwarde the thyrde." Vel- lum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,753. Malmesbury, Earl of, see Shaftesbury. Malortie— Histofische Nachrichten der Familie von Malortie, 1132-1872, von Eru. von Malortie. Hanover, 1872, 8"- Malthus — Collections for a History of the Family of Malthus, by John O. Payne. Privately printed. Lond. 1890, 4«- Maltravers — Proofs of the Mautravers Pedigree. See Nichols' " Collect. Top. et Gen." Vol. vi. p. 334. Malus — Familie de Mains, seigneurs du Mesnil, de Mauroy, etc., par M. de Birague. Paris, s.d. fol. Manas — Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la Kami lie de Manas. Castelsarrazin, 1855, 4P- Manby — The Descent of Manby, of Middleton in Yorkshire ; of Elsham in Lincolnshire ; and of Hilgay in Nor- folk. Single sheet, and MS. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23054, f . 177. Mancini — Discours historique et genealo- gique sur I'illustre et ancienne Maison de Mancini, par Jean-Baptiste I'Her- raite de Soliers. Paris, 1661. Mandeville — Collections concerning the Families of Mandeville and Maunde- ville, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Manello — Delia famiglia Manello patrizia Veneta, narrazione, by E. A. Cigogna. Ven. 1841, 8^- Manessier — Table genealogique de la Maison de Manessier de Guillermaisnil, par J. L. Chevillard. Paris. 1746, fol. Famiglia Manfield — Genealogical tables of the families of Manfield and Gartheston. MS. belonging to the Marq. of Aber- gavenny, Eridge Castle. Manini — -Scrie illustre della Manini, b}^ Tomasini. Vicenza, 1690 4"- Mann— Collections concerning the Family of Mann, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,141. Extracts from the Parish Ilegis- ters of Little Ouseburn, co. York, of Entries relating to the Family of Mann, between the Years 1565 and 1694. "The Genealogist," Vol. vii. Lond. 1883, 8'^ Mann Memorial ; a Kecord of the Mann Family in America. Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Man of Scituate, Mass. Preceded by English Family llecords and an Account of the Wrentham, Boston, Lexington, Vir- ginia, and other Branches of the Manns who settled in this Country, by George S. Mann. Boston, 1884, 8" Genealogy of the Mann family, by Rev. Joel Mann, of New Haven, Connecticut. 12"- pp. 24. Manners, see also Peverell ; Littleton. Manners — The Manners Family. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sandford and Townsend. vol. i, 290. Claim of William John Manners to the Dignities of Earl of Dysart and Lord Huntingtow^r in the Peerage of Scotland. 1880-81. Case of William John Manners, with folded Pedigree. 1880. Manning — Collections concerning the Family of Manning, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Mannock pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Manny — Collections concerning the Family of Manay, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,141. Mansell — An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Family of Maunsell, Mansell, or Mansel, by W. W. Mansell. Lond. 1850, 4P- Privately printed. Pedigree of Mansell, of Car- marthen ; Morgan, of Coed y Gores ; 42G Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Sherwin, of Sfradey ; and Picton, of Nevorne. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Mansell — The Mansels of Margam ; and Mansell Evidences. The Descent from Scurlage. See " Archa3ologia Com- brensis," third series, vol. x. Lond. 1864, 8°- The History of tlie Noble Family of the Mansels, by J. W. CI. 1754. 'Brit. Mus. Eg. MS"! 2439. Epitaphs of Sir Edward and Thomas Lord Mansell. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 205. Manssfeld- — Histoire der Graffschalft Manssfeld ; uebst einer genealogisch- historischen Beschriebung der Manss- feldischen Grafen und Herren alter Stamme und Linien, von Anfang bis auf unsere Zeiten ; mit einer ansicht der Schloss Manssfeld, stammtafeln, und register. By E. C. Francke. Leip- zig, 1723, 4''- Mantell — Proof and Pedigrees of Man- tell and Horn, in Kent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5521. Mantua — Notes on the Pedigree of Her Most Serene Highness Ann Groom, Duchess of Mantua and Montferrat in Italy, and of her son C. O. G. Napier, Prince of Mantua, by John Kiddell. Lond. 1879, 8°- The Pedigree of the Duchess of Mantua, Montferrat and Ferrara. A new edition, revised and enlarged. Lond. 1885, 4P- Printed for private circulation. Sua altezza serenissima 11 Duca di Mantova et la sua Casa, by L. Car- uevali. Mant. 1885, S*^- Mar — Some of the Particulars of the first Restoration of the Earldom of Mar in 1565. Privately printed, n.d. 8^- — : Some of the Particulars of the First liestoration of the Earldom of Mar in 1565, and its confirmation in 1567 and 1587. [By J. F. E. G. Erskine.] Edinb. 1868 ? 8°' The History of the Earldom of Mar, by W. 0. Hewlett. Privately printed -Claim of John F. Miller, Earl of Mar, etc. to the title of Earl of Kellie, Viscount Fen ton, etc. Sessional Papers, 133 of 1831-2 ; 212 of 1834 ; 206 of 1835. Mar—Case of J. F. Miller Erskine, Earl of Mar, claiming the Title, &c. of Earl of Kellie. pp. ll and pedigree. Minutes of Evidence of the Earl of Kellie and the Earl of Mar respect- ing the election of representative Peers for Scotland. 1869. -Case, Supplementary Case, and Appendix of J. F. Erskine Goodeve Erskine respecting the Earldom of Mar, with pedigree, 1873. •On the Question of Precedence as to the old Earldom of Mar, {by J. F E. G. Erskine.] Edinb. 1868?''80' Essential Points in the Case of the Succession to the Earldom of Mar, [by J. F. E. G. Erskine.] Edinb. 1868 ? 8«- •Claim of Walter Coningsby, Earl of Kellie, to the Title of Earl of Mar. Sessional PajJers, D of 1867-8 ; F of 1870 ; A of 1871 ; D of 1872 ; C of 1873 ; B of 1874 ; A and A* of 1875 ; 161 of 1877. See also the " Herald and Genealogist," iv. 375 ; vii. 1. ; and " The Genealogist," ii. 73. -Mar, Ancient and Modern, or Genealogical History of the Earldom of Mar. Lond. 1875, 8o- Printed for private circulation. •Paper on the Mar Peerage read before the Alloa Society of Natural Science and Archseology ; together w^ith the Judgment of the Committee of Privileges ; with pedigrees, etc., by the Rev. A. W. Hallen. May 4th, 1875, 4P- Are there two Earls of Mar ? Lond. and Edinb. 1877, 8o- -The Earldom of Mar in Sunshine and in Shade, during Five Hundred Years, by A. W. C. Lindsay, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. 2 vols. Edinb. 1882, 8°- •The Later Earldom of Mar. By J. Horace Round. See " The Antiquarian and Bibliographer, vols, ii, iii. Lond. 1882, 8«- The Earldom of Mar. See " The Genealogist," new series, vol. iii. Lond. 1886, 8o- •Mar Peerage. Nuda Veritas. Shall Wrong Prevail ? [An historical enquiry as to the rightful ownership of the Mar estates.] Lond. 1888, 8°- Family Histoeies, Pediguees, and Peerage Cases. 427 Mill' — The Proceedings in the Case of tlie Earldom of Mar, 18G7-85, by II. J3. Swinton Lond. 1889, 8'^- Marclie — Genealoory and Arms of the Family De la Marche, traced from the Comtes de Drenx, to the year 153G. French. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,470. Marchmont, Earldom of, see Home. Marck^ — Gencalo^ie de la tres illiistre Maison de la Marck en Allemagne, de la(inelle est yssu Monsieur le comte de Mauleurier, par Francois I'Alouette. Paris, 1584, fol. Marcounay, see Chastillon. Marjoribanks — The Lyon Office and the Marjoribanks Family. See Collectanea Genealofjica^ vol. iii. by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1883, S-^- Markham — A History of the Markham Family, by Pev. David Fred. Mark- ham. Lond. 1854, 8o- Privately printed. Genealogy of the Markharas. Finished at ye charges and prayers of Francis Markham. Edited by Clements Kobert Markham. 2 parts. Lond. [1872], 8'- Historv of the Markhams of Northamptonshire, by Christopher A. Markham. Northampton, 1890, 8«- Marlborough — The Family of Marl- borough. See " The Topographical Survey of the Great Road from Loudon to Bath," by A. Robertson, 2 vols. 1792, 8«- Marley — Les Seigneurs de Marley, par Adrian Maquet. Paris, 1882, 8«- Marmion— Pedigree of the Marmion Family, from the Convpest to 1327. Poll. Brit. Mils. Cott. Roll xtti, 32. — Biographical and Genealogical History of the Family of Marmyun, of Tain worth Castle, by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1817, 8«- -History of the Baronial Family of Marmion, Lords of the Castle . of Tamworth, by C. F. R. Palmer. Tamworth, 1875, 8«- Marmion, Barony of, see Dymoke. Marney — Pedigree of Marney. See " Transactions of the Essex Archseo- logioal Society," vol. iii. Colchester, 1865» 8"- . ^ ^ Marolles — Les Memoires de Michel de MaroUes abbe Villeloin, et les genea- logies de quelques families allices dans la sienne, etc. 2 vols. Paris, 1G5G- 57, fol. Marra — Discorsi delle Famiglie e.stinte, forastiere, o non comprese ne' Seggi di Napoli, imparentate colle casa della Maria, by Don Ferrante della Marra. Napoli, 1G41, fol. Marres — Pedigrees of Marres of Bathay, in the Lower End, in Bretforton, Co. Wigorn. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Marriot — Collections concerning the Familv of Marriot, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Marsh — Genealogy of the Marsh Family, of Salem, Hartford, New Haven, Braintree, Boston, and Plainfield. Edited by D. W. Marsh. Amherst, 1886, 80- Genealogy of the Familv of George Marsh, who came from Eng- land in 1635 and settled in Hingham, Mass., by E. J. Marsh. Leominster, 1887, 8«- -The Genealogy of John Marsh of Salem, and his Descendants, 1633- 1888, bv Col. L. B. Marsh. Boston, 1888, 8o- Marshall, see also Giles ; Hoyland. Marshall — A Table declareinge how the right honourable George Earle of Shrewesbury now Earle Marshall of England is lineally discended, and by the preheminence of his birth is the first and cheife heire in bloud to Willm. Marshall E : of Penbrok high Marshall of England in the dayes of Kinge John And how tlie Office of Marschall was alienated from the right heires. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, f. 14. The Issue of the Earl of Strongbow's Daughter, married to William Marshall. Lamb. Lib. Carew MS. 623, f. 63. -The early pedigree of the Marshall Family, with copious notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. — ; Miscellanea Marescalliana, being Genealogical Notes on the Surname Marshall. Collected by Geo. Wm. Marshall. 2 vols. Lond. 1883- 428 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Marshall — The Marshall Family, or a Genealogical Chart of the Descendants of John Marshall and Elizabeth Markham his wife. Sketches of Individuals and Notices of Families connected with them, by W. M. Paxton. Platte City, 1885, 8^- Marshara pedigree, from 1325 to 1838, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mas. Add. MS. 19141. Martigue — Description de la genealogie de la Maison de Martigne I'Effriere, par le Seigneur des Chateliers. La Fleche, 1649, fol. Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Martigne I'Effriere, par Maistre Jacques le Loyer. La Fleche, 1657, fol. Martin — Various pedigrees, with genealo- gical notes, of the Martin Family, of Suffolk, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS.*^ 19,141. Pedigree of the Martin Family. Privately printed by Sir. Thomas Phillipps, 1833, folio. Notices Genealogical and His- torical of the Martin Family of New England ; with some Account of their Descendants, by Henry J. Martin. Boston and New York, S^'- Martrin — Documents genealogiques sur la Famille de Martrin, d'apres I'ouvrage de M. H. de Barrau, sur les Families du Roiiergue. Rodez, 1856, 8^^ Martyn — Genealogical Memoranda rela- ting to the Family of Martyn, by M. Williams. Lond. ' 1873, 4P- Privately printed. Marvin — Genealogical Sketch of the Descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin, who came to New England in 1635, by T. R. Marvin. Boston, 1848, 12° Masham, see Cromwell. Masini — Genealogia della Famiglia Masini. By . . . Masini. Venezia, 1748, 40. Mason — Capt. John Mason. [Containing an account of his family.] Publication of the Prince Society. Boston. 1887,40- Massasoit — Indian History, Biography and Genealogy ; pertaining to the Good Sachem Massasoit of the Wam- panoag Tribe, and his Descendants, by Ebenezer W. Peirce, of Freetown- North Abington, Mass. 1878, 12«- Massow — Nachrichten iiber das Gesch- lecht Derer von Massow, von P. H. A. and E. L. V. Massow, Berlin, 1878, Massy — Claim of H. H. J. Lord Massy to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers^ H of 1856. Master — Some Notices of the Family of Master, bv G. S. Master. Privately printed, 1874, 8"- Masterman — Notice of the Family of Masterman of London. See "A Narra- tive of the Descendants of Samuel Harris," by Jos. Foster. Lond. 1878, 4'^- Masterton — A Critical Examination of the Genealogv of Masterton of that Ilk, Parkmilf, etc. Lond. 1878, 8«- Privately printed. Mastin — Stemma Mastin;© Gent is. Hieronymo Agnello. Venetiis, 1626, 4"- Matharel — Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la Maison de Matharel. Extrait de V Annuaire de la Nohlesse, vol. 14, 1857. Par Borel d'Hauterive. Paris s.d. 4''- Mather — Genealogy of the Mather Family from about 15*00 to 1847. Bv J. Mather. Hartford, 1848, 8o- A Memoir of the Pev. C. Mather, D.D., with a genealogy of the family, by Samuel Gardner Drake. Boston, U.S., 1851, 8^- Matheson — -History of the Mathesons, with genealogies of the various branches, by Alexander Mackenzie. Inverness, 1882, 8«- Mathew — Facsimile of the Confirmation of Arms to Dame Mary Mathew, wife to Sir. Andrew Jude, Lord Mayor of London, 1558. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour Street, London. •Genealogical notes and j)edigree of the Family of Mathew, of Bury, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,141. Matignon — Histoire de marechal de Matignon, par M. de Cailliere. Paris, 1661, fol. Mattel — Collections relating to the Family of Mattel, etc. Italian. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8407. Maubec, see Bonne. Family Histories, Pedigrees, ai^td Peerage Cases. 429 Mauduit — The Family of Mauduit, of Werminster. See R. Halstead's Suc- cinct Genealogies, 1685. Maule — Chartulary or Register of the Families of Maule, Valoignies, Briechiu, and Barclay of JBrechin, bv H. Maule. MS. 1732. Brechin Castle. Genealogy of the Maule Family, with brief account of Thomas Maule of Salem, the ancestor of the family in the United States. Privately printed, 1872 ? 8«- Registrum de Panmure; Records of the Families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin -Barclay, united in the line of the Barons and Earls of Panmure. Compiled by the Hon. Harray Maule, of Kelly, 1733 ; edited by John Stuart. 2 vols. Edinb. 1874, 4t^- Only 150 copies printed for private distribution. Mauleverer, see also Malleverer. Mauleverer — Genealogy of the Family of Mauleverer of Arncliffe. Lond. 1869, go. Privately printed. Maunsell, see also Mansell. Maunsell — Poetical History of the Family of Maunsell, Preface and Notes by G. Baker. Northampton, 1867, S^- Maxwell, see also Farnham. Maxwell — Memoirs of the Maxwells, of Pollok, by William Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1863, 4o- Memoirs of the Maxwells. See " The Book of Carlaverock," by W. Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1873, 4«- — Inventories of the Muniments of the Families of Maxwell, Herries and Nithsdale in the Charter-Room at Terregles, by Wm. Eraser. Edinb. 1865, 8"- Report on the Family Muni- ments of Sir John Maxwell Stirling Maxwell, of Keir and Pollok, Bart., at Keir House, in the County of Perth, by WilHani Eraser. Tenth Beport of Mistorical MSS. Commission. Lond. 1885, 8«- — ^ Minutes of Evidence, etc. : claiming to be Lord Herries, of Terre- gles in the Peerage of Scotland, including pedigree. Supplement to the Case and pedigree. Sessional Papers^ 1853. Maxwell — Case of William Maxwell, of Carruchan, Esq., in opposition to the Petition of William Constable Maxwell. Supplemental Case ; Appendix and Pedigrees. Sessional J^apers., 1848 and 1853. Speeches by Counsel, etc., concerning the Barony. Sessional Papers, 1854. -Case of Wm. Maxwell, of Petition of William Constable Maxwell, Esq., claiming as of right to be Lord Herries of Terregles, with pedigree. Sessional Papers, 1849 — 1888. Case on behalf of William Con- Carruchan, Esq., claiming to be Earl Nithsdale, Lord Maxwell, Eskdale, Carlisle, and Herries. 55 pages, and folding pedigree. 1857, fol. May — Pedigrees of the Family of May, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. The Genealogy of the Descendants stable Maxwell, of Nithsdale, etc., of John May, who came from England to Roxbury in Americ^a, 1640. Boston, 1878. 4«- Mayer — Memoir and Genealogy of the Maryland and Pennsylvania Family of Mayer, 1495—1878, by Brantz Mayer. Baltimore, 1878. 4P- Privately printed. Mayhew — Collection concerning the Mayhew Family bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Maynard pedigree, with notes b}^ D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Recherches historiques sur une Famille poitevine (Maynard — Mesnard), par Henri de la Citardiere. Eontenay, 1857, 8o- Maynard-Mesnard en Poitou, par le Baron de Maynard. Eontenay, 1858, 8" Mayne — Monumental Brasses of the Family of Mayne. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xi, 265. Mayo — A Genealogical Account of Mayo and Elton Families of Wilts and Here- ford ; with an Appendix containino- Genealogies of certain Families allied by Marriage to the Family of Mayo, by the Rev. C. H. Mayo. Chiswick Press, 1882. 4^- Claim of the Right Hon. Robert, Earl of Mayo, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers^ 294 of 1849. 430 Family Histotiies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Meadows — Collections respecting the Meadows Family, by D. E. Davy Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19141. Mears — Biographical Notice of Henry Hallam Mears, Sr., to which is appended a Genealogy of the Mears Family, by Prof. John W. Mears. Philadelphia, 1873, 12«- Mecenate — Dell' origine famiglia patria e azzioni di Caio Mecenate da varie imposture di Seneca, etc., by Francesco Dini. Venetia, 1704, 4"- Medici, see also Rochefoucauld. Medici — Cosmo Medici Florentinorum Duci. Antiquorum Csesarum genea- logia3, & affinitates, etc. by Enea Vico. Venice, 1553, single sheet. Histoire des Hommes Illustres de la Maison de Medici, avec un Abbrege des Comtes de Bolongne et d'Auvergne, par Jean Nestor. Paris, 1564, 4°- Discorsi al serenissimo Francesco Medici Gran Duca de Toscana, by Vincenzo Borghini. Fir. Guint. 1584, 5, 4'^ Vita di Cosimo de' Medici prime Gran Duca di Toscana, by Aldo Manucii. Bologna, 1586, fol. Storia della famio-lia de' Medici, et aquisto della sua Sovranita sopra la liepublica Fiorentina, 16th century. Hrit. Mus. Add. MS. 15458. — —Account and Pedi":ree of the House of Medici, of Florence, by Pet. Ubaldini, about 1600. Brit. Mus. Harl. Koll P, 11. La Toscanede Gabriel Chappuys, containing the genealogy of the House of Medici. Paris, 1601, '6^-' Storia della Famiglia de Medici. Gio. Batista Stozzi. Firenze, 1610, 4P- Le Brillant de la Rovne, ou les vies des hommes illustres du nom de Medicis, par Pierre Boissat. Lyon, 1613, 8«- Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Medicis ; contenant les vies et faits remarquables des hommes illustres, etc., par Pierre Boissat. Lyon, 1620, 8«- Les Anecdotes de Florence, ou r Histoire secrete de la Maison de Medicis, par Antoine Varillas. La Haye, 1685, 12«- Translated into English by F. Spence. Lond. 1686, 8°- Medici — Les Anecdotes de Florence, ou I'histoire de la Maison de Medicis, par Antoine Tarillas, 18th eenturv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,474. Storia Fiorentina and the House of Medici, by B. Varchi, with genea- logical tree. Colonia, 1721, fol. Dei Gran Duchi di Toscana della Peale Casa de Medici, by G. M. Bianchini. Venezia 1741, fol. ■Memoires genealogiques de la Maison de Medicis, depiiis son origine jusqu' a la mort de Francois IL, par Nicolas Tenhove. La Have, 1773 — 75, 8°- Memoirs of the House of Medici, from its origin to the death of Francisco the Second, Grand Duke of Tuscany, from the French of Nicholas Tenhove, by Sir. R. Clayton. 2 vols. Bath, 1797, 4«- — Del Maernitieo Lorenzo de Medici, cronica scritta dal senatore Gherardo Bartolini Salimbeni colla storia Genealogica di q^uesta Illustre Casata. Firenze, 1786, 8°- -Memoirs of the House of Medici, with genealogical tables, by Mark Noble. Lond L797, 8«- ■Florence, its History, the Medici, etc. by C. Yriarte, translated by C. B. Pitman. 1802, fol. -History of Tuscany, including Memoirs of the Medici Family, by Lorenzo Pignotti, translated by John Browning. 4 vols., 1826, 8«- Memoirs of the House of Medici. MSS. in the possession of Sir Charles Bunbury, Bart., at Bury, Co. Suffolk. Meeres, see Peverell. Mees- — Genealogie van het Geslacht Mees, door C. J. Polvliet. Amst. 1882, 4o- Meeson — Genealogical Beeords of the Families of Meeson, Muddle, Soife, Dun and Tucker, by Frederick Meeson. Privately printed, 1888, fol. Meghem — Collections relating to the Family of Meghem, of Brabant, and its alliances, compiled at the close of the 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,991. Meinell — History of the Moinell family by Nathaniel Johnston. MS. Camp- sail Hall, Co. York. Family Histories, Pediquees, and Peerage Cases. 431 Melbourne — Notices of the Melbourne Family. See " The History of Mel- bourne, Co. Derby," by J. J. Briggs. Derby, 1852, 8«- " Melfort, see Drummond. Mello — Chronologie des barons de Mello, du XI® siecle jusqu'en 1842. Paris, 1842, 4«- Meloy, see Dawson. Melun — Histoire de Melun, avec la Vie de Bourchard, Conte de Melun, et Amyot, Evesque d'Auxerre, avec le Catalogue des Seigneurs et Dames lUustres de la Maison de Melun, par Sebastien Eouillard. Paris, 1628, 4''- Genealogie de la Maison de Melun, par Delacour. Avec table gt5nealogique et blason, et la description des armes des Families alliees. 1737, Mendelssohn — The Mendelssohn Family, 1729—1827. From Letters and Journals, by Sebastian Hensel. With eight Portraits, drawn by Wilhelm Hensel. Translated by Carl Klinge- mann. With a Notice by George Grove, D.C.L. 2 vols. Lond. 1881, 8"- Mengin — Notice historique sur la Maison de Mengin, par C. Duval d'Yerres. Extrait de la Revue generate hiogra- l^ique, 1844, par M. E. Pascallet. Paris, 1844, 8«- Menou — Notice historique sur la Maison de Menou. Extrait de V Annuaire de la Noblesse de 1852, par Borel d'Haute- rive. Paris, 1851, 8"- Preuves de I'Histoire de la Maison de Menou, par Borel d'Haute- rive, sous la direction de M. le Comte Jules de Menou. Paris, 1853, 4P- Menteith— The lied Book of Menteith, by William Eraser. 2 vols. Edin. 1880, 4«- Only 150 copies privately printed. The Red Book of Menteith Reviewed, by George Burnett. Edinb. 1881, 4"- Merania— De Ducibus Meraniae ex Comitibus de Audechs ortis Praeside, by Jo. Davide Koelerop. Altorf, 1734, 8"- Mercer — The Mercer Chronicle, by an Irish Sennachy. Lond. 1866, 8°- Mercosur — Genealogies des Ma#!ons de Mercoeur et de Lastic, par F. P. Saint- Marc. Agen, 1860, 8°- Meredith — Pedigree of Jeuan Meredydd or Meredith ; with coloured coats of arms. Vellum roll, late 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,854. History of the Meredith and Vaugham Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14894. Meriet — Genealogy of the Somersetshire Family of Meriet, traced in an unbroken line from the reign of the Conqueror to Henry V., by B. W. Greenfield. Taunton, 1883, 8'^- Merode — Geschichte der Famille Merode. By E. Richardson. Prag. 1877, etc. 8«- Merrick, see also Corliss. Merrick Genealogy. A Genealogical Circular, Very Respectfully Addressed to all the Merricks in America, [by Rev. James L. Merrick of South Amherst, Mass. 1860, 4P- ] Mervyn — Kasciculus Mervinensis ; being notes, historical, genealogical, and heraldic of the family of Mervvn, by Sir W. R. Drake. Lond. 1873, 4P- Privately printed, Tabular Pedisfree of the Durford Abbey Branch of the Mervyn Family. No date. Mesgrigny — Arbre genealogique de la Maison de Mesgrigny, par F. La Pointe. No date. Messer, see Corliss. Messine — La Famille Messine des Praillon notice accompagnee de documents inedits par Etienne Chaiavay. Paris, 1876. 8"' Messinger— Genealogy of the Messinger Family. Compiled by Hon. George W. Messinger. Albany, 1863. 8«- Metcalf, see also Harris. Metcalf — Genealogy of a Branch of the Metcalf Family, who originated in West Wrentham, Mass. ; with their connections by Marriage, by F. W, Metcalf. Privately printed, 1867. S*^- Methold— Pedigree of the Methwold Family, now called Methold, from ll80toL870. Privately pnnted, 4«- Methuen — f edigree of Methuen, of Corsham, co. Wilts. Privately printed by Sir. Thomas Phillipps, Bart. Mewar — Chitor and the Mewar Famil3\ Privately printed by Dr. Stratton. Allahabad, 18^1, 4«- 432 Family Histoeies, pEDiaREEs, and Peerage Cases. Meynill — On the Descent of Me3'nill and Clinton. " Topographer and Genealo- gist," i. 3^9-865, 492. Micklethwaite pedigree, with genealogical notes b}' D. E. Davy. Erit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. Middleton, Viscount, see Brodrick. " The true and perfect genea- logie of the auncient family es of iVJ idle- tons of Midleton in the Countie of Sallop, by Thomas Chaloner, from Koderick surnamed the great King of IS'orth Wales to the year 1613, embla- zoned with arms in gold and colours. Vellum roll. Brit. xVlus. Sloan AJS. 3977. — Collections concerning the Middleton Family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. SI. MS. 4222. -Genealogy of the antient and knightly family of Middleton, by Ralpl Bigland. The Earls of Middleton and the Middleton Family, by A. C. Biscoe. Lond. 1876, 8«- Milbourne — Account of the Milbourne Aims-Houses, and a Brief Account of the Founder and his family, by Thomas Milbourne. Lond. 1867.^ S''- ^ Milburn — The Milburns of Talkin, by the Kev. H. Whitehead. See "Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol iv. Kendal, 1879. 80- Mildmay-Notitia St. Johanniana: Genea- logical M emoirs of the Family of St. John. 1713, 8'^- Pedigrees of the Families of Mildmay of Moulsham Hall, Es&ex, and St. John of Farley, Hampshire. Lond. 1803, 4o- Privately printed. -Genealogical Memoranda re- lating to the Family of Mildmay, Lond. 1871, 4'^- Privately printed. ;j^iles — Genealogy of the Miles Family. [By Kev. Hen. A. Miles.] Lowell, 1840? Millais — The Lineage and Pedigree of the family of Millais, recording its History from 1331 to 1865, by J. Bertrand Payne. Lond. 1865, 4'^ Privately printed. Millicent— Account of the Family of Millicent, by Mr. Lonsdale. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, p. 431. Mills, see also Vinton Genealogy. Mills — (Collections concerning the Fami- lies of Milles and Mills, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. Milton — Milton Genealogical Investiga- tion, by Joseph Hunter. Lond. 1850, 12"- •Milton pedigree, with genea- logical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. -Genealosrical notes and extracts from records, relating to John Milton and his family, by Joseph Hunter, with a printed pedigree. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,501. -Papers connected with Milton and his Family, edited for the Chetham Society, by J. F. Marsh. Manchester, 1851, 4^^- -Genealogy of the Milton Family, by Miss Sharpe, reprinted from " The Genealogist." 1878. Minamoto — Gen Ji itto Shi : a complete Account of the Minamoto Family, in Japanese. Circa, 1840, 8''- Minckwitz — Notice genealogique sur la Famille de Minckwitz, par Alphonse Fosset. Grammont, de Zutter, 1845. Miner Pedigree, by W. H. Whitmore, reprinted from f he New Eng. Hist, and Geneal. Beglster, 1859. Boston, 1860, 8«- Minshull Pedigrees. From the Heraldic Visitations of Cheshire, 1613 and 1663, in the College of Arms. Privately printed, 1869, 4^- ^ Pedigrees of the Family of Minshull, of Church Minshull. See " Cheshire and Lancashire Historic Society." Session 2. pp. 84, 232. -Genealogy of the Minshull Family, by Miss Sharpe, reprinted from '"'The Genealogist," 1878. Mirriam — Some Miriams and their con- nection with other families, by Rufus N. Merriam. Worcester, Mass., 1888, Mit — Geslachtslijst der Familie Mit, by A. A. Vorsterman van Oijen. Graven- hage [1885], 8"- Mitchell — Sketch of an Anniversary Festival of the Mitchell Family, held at South Britain, New Haven Co. Oct. 5th, 1858. New York, 1859, 18«- Family Histories, Pediguees, and Peerage Cases. 433 B Mitchell — (Tcnealogieal Momoranda rela- tini^ to the Mitchell and Sjkes Families. Lond. 1878, -i'^- Privately printed. The Mitchell Family of North Yarmouth, :^e. By William Mitchell Sargent. Yarmouth, Me. 1878, 8«- Mitton — Some Account of the Family of Mitton, or Mytton, of Co. Stafford. See " The Wm. Salt Archaeological Society," vol. i. Birmingham, lc80, 80- Mobberley— Copies of Charters and Genealogies of the Families of Mobber- ley, Leycester, Lee, and Davenport J/*S'. 17th century. Tabley House, Cheshire. Mobbs' Claim to the Weulock Estates. Outline of the Case of Mr Joshua Mobbs, Pedigree of the Mobbs Family, Will of John Mobbs. of Islington, etc. Lond. 1866, 8"- Mocenico-^La rosa, overo origine e nobilita del la famiglia Mocenico, by Giacomo Zabarella. Padova, 1658, Moceniga — ^Istoria della Famiglia Moce- niga, by Zabarella. Padua, 1685, 4r.. Mohun — The Mohun Family, Lords of Dunster, by H. C. Maxwell Lyte. See the Arcli(BoIorjical Journal, xxxvii. Lond. 1880, 8«- Moir — The Families of Moir and Byres, by Andrew 'J. Mitchell Gill, of Savock. Edinb. 1885, -i^- MolaC — Genealogie de la Maison de Molac, par V. P. A. du Paez. Rennes, 1629, 4^ Molesworth, Viscount, see Pigot. Moliere — La Famille de Moliere et ses representants actuels d'apres les docu- ments authentiques, par Edm. Reverend du Mesnil. Paris, 1879, 12"- Molineux — Memoir of the Molineux Family, by Gisborne Molineux. Privately printe<:l. Lond. 1882, 4^^- Moller — Geschlechts register der Ham- burgischen Kamilie Moller, von Joach. Moller. Hamb. 1876, 4"- Molyneux — Pedigree of Molyneux, of Castle Dillon, and Evesham 1819. Privately printed by Sir *Thomas Phillipps. Second edition, 1840, folio sheet. I Molyneux — Account of the Family and I Descendants of Sir Thomas Molyneux, Knt., by Sir Capel Molyneux. Edited by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Evesham, 1820, 4«- Try alls of Lord Molyneux. Published by the Chetham Society, vol. LXI. -Evidences of the Molyneux Family from the Conquest to Charles I. MS. No. XXVI. Towneley Hall, Burnley. -Drawings of the Monuments and Bevagua, Arms of Molyneux in Teversal Church Notts. Brit! Mus. Add MS. 31,336. Mompelier — Tableaux des Descendans de Marie Dame de Mompelier. Mompelier, 1614, fol. Monaldesca — Storia di Casa Monaldesca, by Alfonso Ceccarelli da Ascoli, 1580, 4P- Monck, Viscount, see Stanley. Monckton — A Genealogical History of the Family of Monckton, comprising a full account of the Yorkshire and Kentish Branches, with some particulars of the principal Members of the Notting- hamshire, Staffordshire and Northamp- tonshire Branches, by David Henry Monckton. Loud. 1887, 4P Monk — The Pedigree and Descent of his Excellency General George Monk. Lond. 1659, 4«- Monke — The Case of the Heirs-at-Law to George Monke, late Duke of Alber- marle. Lond. 1709, 8''- Monspey — Notice necrologique sur Aime- Louis-Tobie de Monspey, precedee d'un aper^u genealogique et historique sur la Famille de Monspey, par Th. de Senneville. Paris, 1849, 8'^- Montacute — A concise history of the Family of Montacute, Earls of Salis- bury. See " Epitaphs in Salisbury Cathedral," etc., by James Harris. Salisbury, 1825, 8°- Collections concernins: the families of Montacute and Montague, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. The GeneaWie of the ancient and illustrious Family of the Monta- cutes, alias Montagues. By John Tilston, 1670. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1389. 434 Family Htstories, Pedighees, and Peerage Oases. Montacute, Barony of, see Lowndes ; Hastings. Montague — The Montague Family. See "The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Tovvnsend. Vol. i. p. 303. Pedigree of the Family of Montague. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxii, 452. -Collection of documents re- lating to the families of Montagu and Rich. ytanchester MSS. Public Record Office, London. -Meeting of the Montague Family at Hadley, Mass., Aug. 2, 1882 Edited by the Rev. Richard Montague, of Providence. Boston, 1882, Bo- History and Genealogy of the Montague Family of America, compiled by Geo. Wm. Montague. Revised and Edited by Wm. L. Mon- tague. Amherst, Mass., 1886, 8"- -The Montasrus of Bousrhton and their Northamptonshire Homes, by C. Wise. Kettering, 1888, 8^ Montague, Viscount, see Bi-owne. Montaignac — Genealogie de la ]!^Iaison de Montaignac, ou de Montagnac, dressee par Cheriu. Sedan, 1856, 8"- Montaigne — Michel de Montaigne, son origine, sa famille, par Theoplile Mal- vezin. Bordea^ix, 1875, 8'^- Montalt — The ancient family of Montalt. See G. Ormerod's " Pareutalia," 1851 ; and Add. MS. 19,142, Brit. Mus. Montarco — Despacho confirmatorio de los Blasones de Armas, Nobleza y Geuealogia, etc., que por todas lineaa pertenecen a Don Juan Fr. Ant. de los Heros Conde de Montarco, Marques de Somaruelos, etc. Madrid, 1791, fol. Montauban, see Bonne. Montauzeri — In gentiles imagines, aive insignis Caroli a Sancta Maura duels Montauzerii, lemma epigraphicum, by A. de la Roque, 1665, 4^- Montbeliard — Factum concernant la Maison de Montbeliard, avec le testa- ment d' Estienne, seigneur de Mont- faucon, et le tableau gencalogique de sa descendance, 1665, 4"- Montchalon — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Montchalons en L«ionnais, par M. Melleville. Laon, 1856, 8<»- Montchensy — Collections relating to the ancient Family of Montchensy, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. Montchenu — Genealogie de la Maison de Montchenu, par Guy Allard. Grenoble, 1698, 4'^- Montclar — Genealogie de la Famille de Montclar. Clermont-Ferrand, 1851, 8''- Monteagle — Collections relating to the families of Monteagle and Darcy during the 15th and 16th centuries, by Joseph Hnnter. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,451, 24,452. Monte Feltro — Arbore istoriato della Casa di Monte Feltro, Conti di Urbino, etc., with a genealoErical table. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,027. Monteil — Notice historique et genea- logique sur la Famille Monteil. Jliberac, 1861, 12«- Monteith, Earls of, see Airth ; Strathern. Montesquieu — Precis pour la Maison de Montesquiou, contre les sieurs la Boul- b^ue, par Treilhard. Paris, 1783, 4"- Titres des sieurs de la Boul- bene, ou pieces justiiieative» de leur veritable genealogie. Paris, 1783, 4i^- [Other acccounts were published con- cerning the genealogy of the family of Montesquieu in 1788.] — Genealogie de U Maison de Montesquiou-Fezensiu; suivie de ses preuves, par L. N. H. Cherin et rabbe. de Verges. Paris, 1784, 4"- Avec tableau genealogique in folio. Histoije de la Maison de Montesquiou-Fexensac, par le due de Fenzensac. 2 vols. Paris, 1837 aud 1847. 8^' - — — — — Note sur la descendance de la Maison de Montesquieu des comtes do Fezensac, par le due de Fezensac. Paris, ] 852, B'^- De " SQCondat Montesquieu. Extrait du tome ii du Nohiliairf. de GuifUne et Gascogne, par O'GilVy. Bordeaux, 1858, 8"- Montfichet, Barons, see Gemon. Montfode — Nuga? AntiqusB (comprising Genealogical Notices of Montfode of that Ilk, and Descendant*), bv J. C. Malcolm. Glasgow, 1847. 4r- Only 50 copies printed. Montfort, Lord, see Bromler. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 435 Montfort — Life of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, etc., bv George Walter Prothero. Lond. 1877. 8"- The Descent and Pedigree, with Arras, of the Families of Mount- fort and Nevile. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5879. Add. MS. 19,142. Montgomery, see also Arundel ; Carew. Montgomery — Memorables of the Mont- gomeries. Glasgow, 1770, 4^^- 75 Copies reprinted, Edinb. 1822. The Genealogy of the Montgomeries of Smithton, by Sir Eobert Douglas. Windsor, 1795, S'^- Privately printed. The Montgomery Manu- scripts ; containing Memoirs of the first, second, and third Viscounts Montgomery, etc., by W. Montgomery. Belfast, 1830, 12«- -The Monts^omerv ManU' scripts : (1603 — 1706) compiled from family papers by Wm. Montgomery of Rosemount. Edited with notes b}^ the Kev, G. Hill. Belfast, 1869, 4^^- -Kepoi-t on the Muniments of the Eight Honourable Archibald William Montgomerie, Earl of Eglin- ton and Winton, at Eglinton Castle, in the County of AyF, by William Eraser. Tenth Bfiport of the Hisiori- cal MSS. Commission. Lond. 1885, -A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomerv', comprieing the lin^s of Eglinton and jf^raidgtane in Scotland, and Mount-Alexander and Grey -Abbey in Ireland, bv E. G. S. Reillj. Privately printed, 'lS39, 4."- ■ ^ — ^ — Genealogie de la Maison de Montgomery, par M. Amodee Boudin. Extrait de V Histoire gentWogique du muHee des Croisades, Palais de Ver- sailles. Paris, 1858, 4"- -Memorials of the Mont- gomeries, Earls of Eglinton, bv William Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1859, 4"- Privately printed. A Genealogical History of the Family of Montgomery, including the Montgomery Pedigree, by T. H. Montgomery. Philadelphia, i863, 4'^- The Montgomery Family of America. See The Curio, vol. i. New York and Lendon, 1887, 4«- Montgomery — Pedigree of the Family of Montgomery, of Cubley. Single sheet. Mouthermer, Barony of, see Lowndes. Montholon, see Bonfils. Montjoie — Essai sur 1' histoire de la Maison et Baronnie de Montjoie, par I'Abbe Richard. Besan^on, 1860, ^«- Montlor, see Bonne. Montluc — Recherches historiques et ge- nealogiques sur la Maison de Montluc, et sur sa parente avec la Maison de Montesquieu, par Borel d' Hauterive. Paris, 1842, 4o- Montmorency, see also Rochefoucauld. Montmorency — Traicte sur les genealo- gies, alliances, etc., de la Maison de Montmorency, par. Fran. Rose ou Jean de la Gessie. Paris, 1579, 8«- Genealogie de la Maison de Montmorency. Paris, 1595, 8°- Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Montmorency, et de Laval, justifiee par preuves, et enrichie de plusieurs figures, par Andre Duchesne. Paris, 1624, fol. Histoire de la Maisron de Montmorenci, coiitenant la genealegie de la Maison et son histoii'e depuis I'annee 960 jusqn' en 1531. Par M. Desormaux. 5 vols. Paris, 1764, 12'^- ^A Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Montmorency, styled De Marisco, or Moi'res, by Hen-ey de Montmorency -Morfes. Paris, 1817, 40. Pi-ivately printed. ^ — ■ — ■ — Les Montmorencj'de France et les Montmorency d'Irlande : [par le Colonel Herve de Montmorency- Morres. G^^iAaloglcal tables. Paris, 1828, 4«- Frivately printed. -^ -Une Faraille de heros, ou Histoire des peraonnagea qui ont illustro le 'Hom de Montmorenci, par L^once de Bellesrives. Limoges, 1855, 8"- Mont-Real — Genealogie de la Maison de Mont-Real, par M. Jacques Bourdin. Lyon, 1855, 4^ Montresor — The Montresor Journals, edited by G. D. S«ull, 18S2. New York Historical Societu Collections. New. York, 1881, etc. b«- Montrose — Life and Time^ of Montrose ; illustrated from original MSS., inclu- ding Family Papers now first published 436 Family Histoeies, Pedtgeees, and Peeeage Cases. from the Montrose Charter Chest, and other private repositories, by Mark Napier. Edinb. 1840, 8°- Montrose — Memorials of Montrose. Edited by Mark Napier, for the Mait- land Club. Edinb. 1848, 4«- Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose, by Mark Napier. 2 vols. Edinb. 185G, 8°- Montrose, Dukedom of, see Crawfurd. Monty — Recueil genealogiques de la Maison de Monty, autrefois Crociany, par le S. Oronce Fine de Brian ville. Nantes, 1684, 4o- Moody, see also Fogg ; Swift. Moody — Collection re^^ecting the Family of Moody, by D. E. Davy.' Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,142. Biographical Sketches of the Moody Family ; embracing notices of ten Ministers and several Laymen, from 1633 to 1842, by (diaries Moody. Boston, 1847. Genealoijical Account of a few Mordaunt — The Mordaunt Family. See 11. Halstead's Succinct Genealogies, 1685. Historical Anecdotes of the Families of the Boleynes, Mordaunts, etc., by Emily C. S. Keilly in 1835. Kevised in 1839. Privately printed. 40. -Genealogy and Arms of the noble House of Mordaunt, by Tho. Weston, with a supplement on the House of Alno, or Alneto. 1682. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6767. -Pedigree of the Family of of the families of the Early Settlers in Eliot, and of a branch of the Moody Family, from 1638 to 1850, by Dr. Foc?^. Saco. 1851, 1,2«- Moor — Collections respecting the families of Moor and Moore, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,142. Moore — Genealogical Memo-randa of the Family of De la Morr or Moot-e de Moorehayes, in the Parish of Collump- ton, in the County of Devon, from A.D. 1120 (cirr'a) to A.D. 1884, by the Eev. Cecil Moore. Part-.i. Lond. 1884, 8^- One hundred coats of arms borne by the name of Moore, or by names like it. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1577, f. 113 b. Morant — The Ancestry and Descent of the llev. Philip Morant, the Essex Historian, by G. H. Rogers-Harrijfon. See "Transactions of the Essex Archaio- logical Society," v«l. iv. Colchester, 1869, 8"- Moray — Report on the Manuscripts of Charles Stirling - Home - Drummond Moray, Esq. of Blair-Drummond, etc., by William Eraser. Tenth licport of Historical MSS. Commission, Lond. 1885, 80- Mordaunt, from " Osbert le Mordaunt a Norman Knt." to 1710. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, f. 22. A Roll containing the Pedi- grees of Mordant, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll 0, 15. More — The Lineage of Sir Thomas More, by Edward Foss, Esq. Archceologia, vol. 35. Pedigree and genealogy of John More of Tainton, Co. Oxford, compiled from charters in 1639 ; with pedigrees of the families of Lake, Beal, Dods- worth, etc. Jf^'. vol. 15. Campsall Hall, Co. York. The More Family. See " Ances- tral Stories of Great Families," by John Timbs. Lond. 1869; Chauncey's Herts, p. 534 ; and Eg. MS. 2384 f . 6. Brit. Mus. Moreton — Correspondence and Papers of the Family, of Moreton, temp. Hen. YII, to 1812. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,935—33,942. — An old Cheshire Family [Moreton] : their Home and Grave, by the Rev. John Pickford. The Antiquarian Magazine, vol. v. p. 190. Lond. 1884, S'^- Morey, see also Harris. Morey — A Genealogv of one branch of the Morey Familyl631— 1890, by E. W. Leavitt. Privately printed, 1890, 8«- Morgan, see also Mansell. Morgan — The Genealogy of the Worship- ful Charles Morgan, Esq., one of the Queen's Gentlemen Ushers. Embla- zoned, 1602. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll Z, 20. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases 437 Morgan — Our Family Genealogy. (Mor- gan and Avery). Privately printed, Hartford, 1851. Morgan Genealogy. A History of James Morgan of New-London, Conn., and his Descendants, from 1G07 to 1869. With an Appendix, contain- ing the History of his brother, Niles Morgan, of Springfield, and some of his Descendants, by Nathaniel H. Morgan. Hartford, 1869, 8'^- — Genealogy of Morgan, of Llan- tarnam Abbey, Monmouthshire, and of Monasterevan, Co. Kildare, by G. B. Morgan. Folio sheet. 1884. Morin — Notice sur la Maison de Morin et sur la baronnie de Sendat, par M. J. P. Samazeuilh. Nerac, 1861, 8«- Morley — Collection concerning the Family of Morley, of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19142. Morley, Lord, ^ee Parker. Mornay — Vies de plusieurs anciens Seigneurs de la Maison de Mornay, avec leur Genealogie, par Rene de Mornay. P^iris, 1689, 4°- Morres, see Montmorency. Morrill— The Morrills of the Seventeenth Century and the First Generation of the Eighteenth in America, bv E. D. Morrill. Broadside, 1886. Morris — Pedigree of Morris of Over End in Bretforton, Co. Wigorn. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Memoranda of the Descendants of Amos Morris, of East Haven, Conn. Published by A. S. Barnes & Co. New York, 1853, 12°- The Morris Tree, complied by Anthony Saunders Morris, drawn by Thomasine Harris of Philadelphia. 1861. A Genealogical and Historical Register of the Descendants of Edward Morris, of Roxbury, Mass. and Wood- stock, Conn., by Jonathan Flynt Morris. Hartford, Conn. 1887, 8«- Morrison — Traditions of the Morrisons (Clan Macghillemhuire), Hereditary 'Judges of Lewis, by Captain Thomas. From the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries Lond. 1878, 4^- The History of the*Morison or Morrison Family, with most of the " Traditions of the Morrison " (Clan Mac Ghillemhuire) , Hereditary Judges of Lewis, by Capt. F. W. L. Thomas of Scotland, and a Record of the Des- cendants of the Hereditary Judges to 1880 ; a Complete History of the Morison Settlers of Londonderry, N.H. of 1719, and their Descendants, with Genealogical Sketches. Also of the Brentwood, Nottingham, etc. Morisons, and Branches of the Morisons who settled in Delaware, Pennsylvania, etc., by Leonard A. Morrison. Boston, Mass. 1880, 8«- Morse, see also Dawson. Morse — The Morse Family, of Enfield, CO Stafford, and of Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29245, f. 53 ; 19142, f. 268. Memorial of the Morses ; con- taining the History of Seven Persons of the Name, who settled in America in the 17th century, with a catalogue of ten thousand of their descendants, by Rev. Abner Morse. Boston, 1850, The Morse Monument, erected at Medfield, Mass., April 27, 1858, by their Descendants. Lithographic print. ■Memorials of the Family of Morse, by Henry D. Lord. Boston, 1889, 8"- Mortain — Recherches historiques. Bio- graphic et genealogie de la Famille de Mortain, originaire de Normandie par Ch. de Mortain. Ma9on, 1856, 40- Mortemar — Recueil sommaire et genea- logique de Maisons de Mortemar, de Saulx, et leurs alliances, par Adam, sieur de Sychar. Poitiers, 1622, fol. Mortimer — Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of the Familv of Mortimer, by J. R. Blanche, 1868'', S^- See also the " Journal of the British Archseo- logical Association," xxiv. 28 — 35. Genealogical notes and j^edi- grees of the Mortimers, with coloured coats of arms. MS. No. 25, Wrest Park, Beds. ; and Add. MS. 19,142, Brit. Mus. Descent of the families of Mortimer and Hussey, from Hugo de Lacv, who died A. D. 1186. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 13,914 A. 438 Family Histories, Pedigoiees, and Peeeage Cases. Morton — Pedigree of Sti-angwayes and Morton. Compiled by G. H. Jlogers- Hari'ison. Privately printed, 1878. Moseley pedigree froiii 1512— 1822, with genealogieal not^s," bv ]). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10,142. Genealogical Sketch of one Branch of tlie Moseley Family. New- buryport, 1878. 8*^- Only 40 copies ])rinted. Mosley— Family Memoirs, by Sir O. Moslev. Printed for private circulation. 1849, '^4^- Mostuejouls- — Genealogie de la Maison de Mostuejouls en Uouergue, par P. L Laine. Kodz, 1840, 8«- ^ Mostyn, see also Vaux. Mostyn— Pedigree of the Mostyn Family, bv Robert Vaughan, 1668. Hengwrt MS. 519, at Peniarth. Moulton Collection concerning the Moulton Family by J). E. I)avy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,142. Mounteagle, see Monteagle. Mount-Edgcumbe — The Early History of the Family, of Mount-Edgcumbe, by the Riglit Hon. The Earl of Mount- Edgcumbe. See tlie Journal of the British Archceolo(]ical Association, xxxiii, 15. Loud. 1S77, 8'^- Mountgatret — Claim of tl:e l^ight Hon. Henry Edmund, Viscount Mountgarret, and of Pierre Somerset, Viscount Mountgarret, to vote at Elections of Peers. See Sessional Pajiers, 159 of 1854; Q. of 1855. Mountnorris — Claim of George, Earl of Mountnorris, in Ireland, to" the Titles of Earl of Anglesey and Baron Annesley of Newport Pagnell. Sessional Papers, 65 of 1819. Moussaye— Gent'alogie de la Maison de Moussaye, par le marqiiis Louis de la Moussaye. Paris, 1842, 8'^- Moustier -(Jenealogie de la Maison de Moustier, originaire de Bourgogne, par I'abbc Guillaume. Besanyon, 1757, 4" Mowbray, see also Albini ; Stourton. Mov^bi-ay — Pedigre^es df the Ancient Feimily of Mbwbrav, with genealogical note^^." Brit. Mus/ Eg. MS. 1075, f. 30 b ; Add. MS. 19142. Mowbray — Genealogy of the Family of Mowbray, Dukes of Norfolk, etc., beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Mowry — The Descendants of Natlianiel Mowry, of Rhode Island, by William A. Mowry. Providence, 1878, 8^^- A Family History. Richard Mowry, of Uxbridge, Mass., his Ancestors and Descendants, by William A. Mowry. Providence, 1878, 8'^- Moyencourt, see also Tyrel. Moyencourt — Genealogie de la Famille de Movencourt, par M. Cuvillier- Morel-D'Acy. Paris, 1868, 8o- Moyne — Genealogie de la Famille des le Moyne, originaire de Champagne. 1667, 4^^- Moyria— Genealogie de la Maison de Moyria. 1669,"fol. Muddle, see Meesou. Mudge Memorials : being a genealogical, biographical, and historical account of the name of Mudge in America from 1688 to 1868, bv A. Mudge. Boston, 1868, 4'>- Mudge Memoirs : being a recorrl of Zachariah Mudge and some Mem- lK3rs of his Family, together with a genealogical list of the same. Edited by Stamford Raffles Flint. Truro, 1888, 4^'- Only 100 copies printed. Mulford — A Genealogy of the Family of Mulford, by William Remsoti Mulford. Boston, 8"- pp. 12. Mulgrave— Claim of Constantine, Lord Mulgrave, to the Earldom of Anglesea. Sessional Papers, Feb. 1770— Apr. 1772. Multon, see Cotgreve. Munn, see Condit. Muno7. — Pruebas de nobleza de Pedro Mufioz Guerrero y Arjona, 1778, with the arms of Guerrero. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. ]\iS. 24,649. Mu'.:ro — Remarkable passages in the life of Col. James Gardiner, with an appendix relating to the ancient family of the Munixx?s, of Fowlis, by Philip Doddridge. Lond. 1818, 8«- Other cxlitions'in 1814, 1815, 1817, 1828, 1-828, 1848, 1856, 1864. Munsell — The Windsor family of Mun- sell, frdiii Stiles's Windsor. [By Joel Munsell] Albany, 185'9, S^- Family HisTOEiEa, PEDianEEs, and Peerage Cases. 439 Munsell^ — Biographical Sketch of Joel MuDKcll, by Geo. R. Howell. To which is appended a Genealogy o£ the Munsell Family, by Frank Munsell. Boston, 1880, 8«- Munson — Proceedings of the first Munson Family lleuuion at New Haven, Aug. . 17, 1887. New Haven, 1887, 8« ■ Historical Address at the first Munson Family Keunion, Aug. 17, 1887. New Haven, 1887, 8«- Murray — Notices of the Family of Murray, and their Memorials in Dun- fermline Abbey, by W. D. Bruce. See ArcJicBological Journal, xiii, 397. Lond. 185G, 8^^- Family Papers of Sir Alexander Murray, Bart., of Stanhope. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,141. An Account of the Printing- house Family of Murray. See "The Critic," Nos. 496-9. -Claim of John Murray .to the Dukedom of Atholl. Sessional Paper Feb. 1764. Musachi — Breve memoriadelidiscendenti de nostra Casa Musachi. SeeChroniques Greco-liomanes, by C. Hopf. Berlin, 1873, 8°- Musard, see Frecheville. Muskett — Collections relating to the Family of Muskett, bv J. J. Muskett, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,861. Mutton— Pedigree of Sir Peter Mutton, Kt., Chief Justice of North Wales, with some of the descents of Lady Mutton his wife, and all the coats that Mr. Mutton Davies is of right to bear, being 27 in all. About 60 shields of arms are ranged round the circumfe- rence. The shield of arms with many quarterings of Mutton Davies is in the centre. Llanerch Hall, St. Asaph. Mygatt — A Historical Notice of Joseph Mygatt, one of the Early Colonists of Cambridge. Mass., with a record of his Descendants, bv Frederick T. Mvgatt. Brooklyn, N.Y"! 1853. Nadaud — Notice genealogique et bio- grapliique sur la famille Nadaud, par M. Albert Albrier. Limoges, n.d., S*'- Naf, see Neff. NairnGj s(?e Lansdowne. « Nakhoda Miida — Memoirs of a Malayan faiiiiily, written by themselves, and translated from the original by W. Marsden. Oriental Translation Fund. Lond. 1830, 8"- Memoires de Nakhoda Muda de Samangka, ecrits par lui et ses enfants. Traduits pour la premiere fois en fran^'ais sur la version Anglaise de W. Marsden par A. Marre. Paris, 18(58, S*^- Naufan — Pedigree of the Famil}^ of Nan- fan. MS. Coughton Court, War- wickshire. Nangle — Genealogical Memoir of the Anglo-Norman Catholic Family of Nangle, of Garisker, County Kildare. Privately printed. Napier, see also Groom. Napier — Memoirs of John Napier of Mer- chiston, his lineage^ life and times, by Mark Napier. Ediub. 1834, 4"- Nugae Antiquae. Grenealogical Notices of the Napiers of Kilmahew in Dumbartonshire. [By P,. M. Kerr.] Glasgow. 1847—49, 4o- Only 50 copies printed. Narbonne — Abregc genealogique de la Maison de Narbonne — Pelet, avec I'ex- plication de ses amies, par Charles de Baschi, marquis d'Aubais. No date, 40. Nash — -The Nash Family, in part, traced down from Thomas Nasli, an Emigrant from England in 1638. Compiled by the Kev. Sylvester Nash, with additions by H. S. Noble. Watertown, N. Y., 1850. The Nash Family ; or Pecords of the Descendants of Thomas Nash of New Haven, Conn 1640, by the Rev. Sylvester Nash, Hartford, 1853, The Nash Family, of Old Strat- ford. See " Shakespereana Genealo- gica," by G. ,R. French, p. 385. Nason, see also Leigh ton. Nason — Genealogy of Richard Nason, compiled by J. Caldwell. Boston, 1859, 180- Nassau — History of the House of Nassau, by John Durant de Breval. Lond. 1734, 80- ' — Nassauische Geschlechts-Tafel dei Walramischen Stammes, by J. G. Hagelgans. Frankf. and Leip. 1753, fol. 440 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Nassau— Pedigree and Notes concerning tlie Family of Nassau, Earl of Roch- ford, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11),U8. Naunton — Stenima seu Propagatio per- antiquiD Equestris famila) de Naun- ton, 1S03. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,098. An extensive pedigree, with copious notes of the Family of Naun- ton, by 1). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,148. —Monuments of the Family of Naunton ; and Shield of Sir llobert Naunton. See Journal of the British ArchceoJofjical Association, xxx, 76. Neal — The Neal Record : being a list of th(3 descendants of John Neale, one of the early Settlers of Salem, Mass. Compiled by Theodore Augustus Neal. Boston, 1850, 8" Neale, see Cromwell. Nealley — Genealogical Tree of theNealley Family of Nottingham, N. H., by Edward B. Nealley. Bangor, Me. 1878, single sheet. Neff, see also Corliss. Neff — -A Chronicle regarding Rudolf and Jacob Niif of Frankford, Pennsylvania, and their Descendants ; including an account of the Neifs in Switzerland and America, bv Elizabeth Clifford Neff. Cincinnati,'l886, 4"- Negus — Pedigree and Notes of the Family of Negus of Norfolk, and copy of the Will of William Negus of Melton, co. Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,148. Neill — Historical Notes of the Ancestry and Descendants of Henry Neill, M.D. Privately printed, 1880, 8^- Nelson — The Royal Descent of Nelson and Wellington, from Edw. 1., by Gr. K. French. Lond. 1858, 8«- -Pedigrees of the families of Nelson, with a few notes by ]). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. ' MS. 19148. Nerber— The Family of Nerber of Castle- J3 See " ArchsDologia third series, vol. xiii. ton in Glamorgan Cambrensis, Lond. 1807, 8"- Netterville — Case of James Nettervillci Esq., claiming the title of Viscount Netterville. 1829, fob Netterville — Claim of James Netterville, Esq. to the title of Viscount Netterville, in Ireland. Sessional Papers, 200 of 1880 ; 85 of 1888 ; 141 of 1884. -Case of Arthur James Netter- ville, claiming to be Viscount Netter- ville. Lond. n.d. folio. Claim of Arthxr James Netterville to the dignity of Viscount Netterville. ■ Sessional Papers, 278 of 1801 ; E of 1802 ; F of 1808 ; D of 1804 ; B of 1807. Neuchatel — Tableau genealogique et he- raldique de la Maison de Neuchatel, par Jean G relict [Coloured arms.] Neu- chatel, 1888, fol. sheet. Nevers— I3iscours des Droits appartenans a la Maison de Nevers et Duchez de Brabant, Lembourg et Ville d' An vers. [Jean Heroard de Vaugrigueuse.] Paris, 1581, 4P- Insinuatione di un compendioso discorso delle giuste ragioni, che li;\ la Casa di Nevers. With a genealogical talle. Paris. 1028, 4"- Narration de la descente et genealogie des Princes de la Maison de Gonzagues et de la succession de le due de Nevers aux Estats et Duchez de Mantoue, etc., par Nic. Baillot. Troyes, 1629, 8^'- Nevill, see also Stanley ; Plantagenet. Nevill— History of the Neville Family. See Dnimraond's " Noble British Families," vol. ii. Observations illustrative of the Accounts given by the Ancient Histori- cal Writers of the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487. To which are added some interesting particulars of the illustrious Houses of Plantagenet and Neville, by Richard Brooke. Liverpool, 1825, 8'^- ■ An Historical and Genealoffical account of the Noble Family of Nevill, particularly of the House of Aberga- venny, and also a history of the Old Land Barony of Abergavenny. With some account of the Illustrious Family of the Beauchamps, etc., by Daniel J{ovvland. Lond. 1880, fol. Privately printed. A Sketch of the Stock of Nevill Earls of Northumberland in the Saxon Times, and of its Descendants Earls of Family Histories, Pedigrees, ai^d Peerage Cases. 441 Westmoreland, etc., and Territorial Lords of Uab}^, Brancepefh and Bar- nard Castle, By W. E. Surtees. New- castle, IS43, 8''- Nevill — ^De Nova Villa : or, the House of Nevill in Sunsliine and Shade, by Henry J. Swallow. Prepared from original MSS. and published under the patronage of the most Hon. William Nevill, Marquis of Abergavenny. Loud. 1885, 8°- Honours and Alliances of the Family of Nevil. See Archctologia, xiii, 7, 18. The Descents and Matches of all the Nevills and of theire Howsas since the Conqueste A vellum roll, IGth century. Nevill Documents, Record Office. —A miscellanie of thino^s very observable of that most illustrious and sometime princely family of the Nevills. MS. belonging to the Marq. of Aber- gavenny, E ridge Castle. — • Pedigrees of the families of Nevill, etc. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P, 3. ^^op.y of a MS. relating to the family of Nevile of Che vet, compiled by Henry Nevile in 1595. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,471, f. 52. Gcuealoofical Collections relatins: to the various branches of the Nevill Family, by John and Peter Le Neve, and D. K Davy. Brit Mus. Harl. MS. 3882 ; Add. MS. 19,143. Pedigree of the Family of Neville, Earls of Northumberland and West- moreland. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4712. Pedigree of the Nevills, Lords of Kaby and Earls of Westmoreland. Ashm. Lib. Wood MS. 8486. Genealomcal lioll of the Pedi- grees of the Nevile, Earls of West- moreland and Barons Latimer, and Cornwallis Families, compared with the original in the Heralds' College and signed by Jo. Philipott, Somerset Herald, 1637. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 2. Pd. Pedigrees of several branches of the Nevills.' Her. Coll. Philipot MSS. Pb. 2 ; 3. Claim of Henry Nevtlle to the Barony of Abergavenny. See Sessional Papers, April 1605— June 1610. Nevill — A treatise, whether the Barony of Abergavenny be descended wnto the daughter and heire of tlie Hon. Henry Nevill, the late Baron, etc. Lond. 1612, 12'^- New — Notes of English Families of the name of New, by P. P. New. Roch- dale, 1886, 4"- Newburgh — The Case of the Earl of Newburgh, and Lord Viscount Kiimaird (as to the Derwent water Estate). Lond. (1783), 8°- Newburgh, Earldom of, see Eyre ; Giustiniani. Newcomb— Genealogical Memoir of the Newcomb Family, containing records of nearly every person of the name in America, from 1635 to 1874. Elgin, Illinois, 1874, 8''- Newcomen — Pedigree of Newcomen of Saltfletby. See "Journal of the British Archaeological Association," ix, 94. Newell, see also Candee. Newell — Thomas Newell, who settled in Famington, Conn. A.D. 1632, and his Descendants A Genealogical Table, by Mrs. Mary A. (Newell) Hall. Southington, Conn. 1878, 12P- Newhall — The Newhall Family of Lynn, Massachusetts, by Henry F. Waters. Salem, 1882, 8"- Newport — Genealogical Account of the Family of Newport, of- High Ercall, Salop, afterwards Earls of Bradford, by Hon. G. T. 0. Bridgeman. Bridge- north, 4P' Privately printed. Newton — Evidences of the Newton Family. MS. No. iy. 5. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Some notices of the Families of Newton and Noyes, of East Mascalls in Lindfield, etc., by Thomas Herbert Noyes. Lond. 1857, S^- Genealoi2:ical Memoranda re- lating to the Family of Newton, with facsimile of signatures of Sir Isaac Newton, his seals and arms. Privately printed, 1871, 4P- -Account of the Family of Sir Isaac Newton, by Dr. T. Keid. See " Edinb. Phil. jJurn." iii. 293. Nicholas — Pedigree of Nicholas of Rynd- way, Co. Wilts, 1679. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,869, a, b. 442 Family Histories, pEDiaREEs, and Peerage Cases. Nicholas — Genealogical Memoinuda re- lating to the Family of Nicholas, by Major Griftin Nicholas. Hounslow, 1874, 4"- Printed for private circu- lation. Nichols — An Account of the Family of NichoU, Nicholls, or Nicolls, of Lon- don, and Ampthill, with notes and documents relating to the Family of NichoU, of Fssex, with their Pedigree, by F. M, Nichols. " Topographer and Genealogist," iii. 533— 5G2, Nicholson — Nicholson of Badsworth, etc. originally of Carlton near Barnsley, compiled from lioyston and Badsvvorth Kegisters, etc., by T. N. Ince of Wake- field. 1861, 4^^- Nicoll — The Nicoll Family of Orange County, New York. New York, 1886, 40. Privately printed. Nidau — Les Comtes de Nidau, par Jean Grellet. Extrait du Musee Neuchate- lois, etc. Neuchatel, 1888, S'^- Niles, see Vinton Genealogy. Niort — Notice historique et genealogique concern ant une ancienne Famille de Languedoc (Famille Niort), par Charles Nicolas et Urbain Lucas. Paris, 1853, 8«- Noailles — Lettres, harangues et compli- ments a la tres-ancienne et tres-illustre Maison de Noailles, par G. Pontier. Par. 1696, 8'^- LeBiographe universal. Maison de Noailles. Par Amedee de Cesena, Par. 1842, 8«- Noble — History and Genealogy of Thomas Noble, of Westficld, Mass. With Genealogical Notes of other fami- lies by the name of Noble, by Lucius M. Boltwood. Hartford, Conn. 1878, go. Privately printed. Noe — Genealogie de la Famille de la Noe, par le Marquis Theodore de Quatre Barbes. Par. 1855, 12o- Notice historique et genealogique sur Noe-les-Mallets, par Lucien Con- stant. Bar-sur-Seine, 8"- Noel, see Newell. Noon pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19143. Normant — Genealogie de la Famille le Norman t, par M. Ed. le Normant des Varannes. Orleans, 1853, fol. Normant — Arbre genealogique de la Famille le Normant, par M. Ed. le Normant. Orleans. 1853, fol. Norres — Memoir of the Lancashire House of Noreis, or Norres ; and Norres, of Bolton, etc. See G Ormerod's " Pa- rentalia," 1851 ; also " Cheshire and Lancashire Historic Society, Session 2 pp. 138, 240. Genealogical Declaration respec- ting the Family of Norres, by Sir William Norres, of Speke, in 1563; accompanied by an abstract of Ancient Charters. " Topographer and Genea- logist," ii. 357—383. Norris — Pedigree of the Norris Family for three generations, represented in a Carving over a Chimneypiece, at Speke Hall, co. Lancaster. See Arch- wologia, xiv, 20. North — Pedigrees of the Family of North. See Koger North's Life of Lord Keeper North ; and the Life of Sir Dwdley North. Lond. 1742 and 1744, 4P- Lives of the three great Norths, by Boger North, with biographical notes, by H. Boscoe. 3 vols. Lond. 1826, 8o- Some Particulars concerning: the Family of North, of Cartleige. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7029, f. 539. Arms . and Monuments of the Family of North, of Kirtling. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5819, f. 115 b. Genealogical Collections concern- ing the Family of North, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,143. Family of North, Correspondence, 1660—1728. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32500; 32501. North, Barony of, see Doyle. Northampton — An Account of the different Earls of Northampton, from the time of William the Conqueror : with an historical description of the noble family of Compton. North- ampton, 1820, 120- Descent of the Family of the Earl of Northampton, with Portraits in pen and ink. Brit. Mus. Lans. Boll, 9. Northcote— The life of the Earl of Iddesleigh, with a complete history of the Northcotc family^ by Charles -Worthy. Second edition. Lotid. 1887, 8°- Family Histoeito, PEDiaR"EEs, and Peerage Cases. 443 North end — Descendants of Ezekiel North- end, of Rowley. Salem, 1874, 8''- Norrhrup Genealogy, hy Hon. A. judson Northrup, of Syracuse, N.Y. [1889], 8«-_ Northumberland, see Neville ; Percy ; Lancaster. Nortliwood — Genealogical Notices of the ' Northwoods. See " Archseologia Can- tiana," ii. 9—42. Lond. 1859, 8«- Norton, see also Candee. Norton — Collections respecting the Family of Norton, by D. E. Davy. Jkit. Mus. Add. MS. 19143. A Genealogy of the Norton Family, with miscellaneous notes, lie- printed from the New Eng. Hist, and Geneal. Begiste)\ 1859. Boston, 1859, Nowell — Genealogical Collections relating to the Family of Nowell, or Noel. Ashni. Lib. MSS. 1750 ; 1750 B. ; and 17G3. Noyes, see also Newton. Noyes — A Genealogical Account of the Noyes Family, together with the Dike Family and the Fuller and Edson Families, by Jacob Noyes. Abington, 1861, 8'^ Nugent^ — Claim ol: Governor Nugent, and Andrew Nugent, Esq., to be co-heirs of the Barony of Delvin. i^essionnl Papers, 144 of ] 831— 32. —Claim of William Thomas Nugent to be Baron Nugent of Kiver- ston, in Ireland. Sessional Papers, 208 of 1839. Nunn — Pedigrees of the Nunn Family of Suffolk, with notes bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19143. Nuthall— The Nuthall Family of Golyn- rode. See G. Ormerod's " Farentalia," 1851. Xyau — Genealogie et alliances de MM. de Nyau, Comtes de Chateaubourg, par Charles de Nyau. Paris, 1685, 12"- Oakes — Collections respecting the Family, of Oakes, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,143. O' Brian — Claim of Lad}^ O'Brian to the l^arony of Leighton Bromswold. Ses- sional Pajjers, Jan. — Feb. 1673. An Account of tli^ O'Brian Family. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Dd. ill. 83. O'Brien — Historical Memoirs of the O'Briens, with Notes, Appendix, aid Genealogical Table of their several branches, by John O'Donoghue. Dublin, 1860, 8o- ' > Copies of the Pedigrees of the various branches of the O'Brien Familv, Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 101. O'Byrne — Historical Beminiscences of the O'Byrnes, O'Tooles, O'Kavanahs, and other Irish Chieftains, by K. H. O'Byrne. Lond. 1843, 8«- O'Carroll— The Family of O'Carroll, of Ireland. See " Irish Antiquarian Researches," by Sir Wm. Betham, 1827. Ochiltree, Peerage of, see Castle-Stewart. Ockham— Claim of R. G. N. M., Viscount Ockham, to the Barony of Wentworth, Sessional Papers, H. of 1863 ; G. of 1864. 0' Con or— Memoirs of Charles O'Conor of Belanagare, with a Historical Account of the Family of O'Conor, b}' the Rev. C. O'Conor. Dublin, 1796. 8^- Claim of Maurice O'Connor, of Mount Pleasant, in King's Count}', Esq., claiming to be Baron of Killeen. Sessional Papers, 144 of 1831—32. Odin — Pedigree of the Odin Family. Reprinted from the New Eng. HistH and Geneal. Peqisier. Boston, 1858, 8«- Odingsells — Collections respecting the Family of Odingsells, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,143. Odiorne^ — Genealogy of the Odiorne Family. With Notices of otlrer Families connected therewith, by James C. Odiorne. Boston, 1875, 8"- Odlin — The Odlin Family. Descendants of John Odlin, of Boston, in the Line of his Grandson, the Rev. John Odlin, of Exeter, N.H. By John Taylor Perry. Exeter, N.H. [1887], 8"- O'Donell— The Family of Q'Donell, of Ireland. See " Irish Antiquarian Researches," by Sir W. Betham, 1827. OfHey Family. A True Account of the Alienation and Recovery of the Estates of tire Offleys at Norton, in 1754, with remarks on the version of the story hy the author of " Treinaine," and '' De Yere " [Mr. Ward], by the Rev. Joseph 4M Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Hunter. Loud. 181.1, 12'^- See also Sir Harris Nicolas's edition of Isaak Walton's Coinjilete Angler, p. 1. Lond. 1875, 8^- Ogilvy— Claim of Walter Ogilvy, Esq. to the title of Earl of Airlie, and Lord Ogilvy. Sesuonal Papers, 67 of 1812 —13 ; 60 of 1813—14. Case of Walter Ogilvie, Esq., claiming the Titles, etc. of Earl of Airlie, and Lord Ogilvie of Alith, etc. 1813, fol. Ogle — Historical Collections of the Noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, bv Arthur Collins. Lond. 1752, fol. An Account of the Family of Ogle. Ediub. 1812, 8^- Privately printed." Baronum Osrleorum Northum- briensisFamiliaePerantiquse, Descensus. Bodl. Lib. MS 4160. Oglethorpe — Memorials of James Ogle- thorpe, Founder of the Colony of Georgia, with genealogical memoranda of the family, by T. M. Harris. Boston, 1841, 8«- O'Hara^ — Notices of the O'Haras, etc. See History of the Parishes of Bally- sadare and Kilvarnet, Co. Sligo, by Terence O'Korke. Dublin, 1878, 8«- O'Hart — The last Princes of Tara ; or a brief sketch of the O'Hart ancient Eoyal Familv, by John O'Hart. Dub- lin,* 1873, 8«-*' O'Kavanah, see O'Byrne. Olcott — Descendants of Thomas Olcott (Allcock), one of the First Settlers of Hartford, Ct., by Nathaniel Goodwin. Hartford, 1845, 8«- The Descendants of Thomas Olcott, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Conn., by Nathaniel Good- win, lie vised edition with additions, by Henry S. Olcott. Albany, N.Y. 1874, 8«- Olderabourg — Histoire de la Maison d'Oldembourg, by M. Jnlien, 1751. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15475. — ■- Genealogical Chart of the Oldenburg Dynasty, shewing respec- tively the title of Christian IX. of the Ducal House of Glucksburg to the throne of Denmark. London, Liver- pool, 1864. single sheet, fol. Oldembourg— Genealogical Chart, show- ing all the Branches of the House of Oldenburg, commonly styled Schleswig- Holstein, now living and occupying the Thrones of Denmark, Russia, Olden- burg, and Greece, and formerly those of Sweden T?nd Norway. Single sheet. Oldis— Memoirs of the Family of Oldis. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4240. Oliphant — The Oliphants, Lairds of Gask, by T. L. Kington Oliphant. Grampian Cluh. Lond. 1870, 8'^- The Oliphants in Scotland, with a selection of original Documents from the Charter Chest of Gask. Edited by Joseph Anderson. Edinb. 1879, 4P- One hundred copies pri- vately printed. Oliver — A Brief Genealogy of the Des- cendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1865, 4P- Ancestry of Mary Oliver, who lived 1640 — 1698, and was wife of Samuel Appleton of Ipswich, by Wm. S. Appleton. Cambridge, 1867, 4P- Oliver Papers and pedigrees as connected with the Families of Pas- field, Dixon, Weldon, Dod, Selwyn and Farquharson of Invercauld. Lond. [1868] 4P- Oliver Genealogy, a Record of the Descendants of Joseph, Reuben, and Levi Oliver, and of Pierre Elisee Gallandet, by Rev. H. E. Hay den. New York, 1888, 8o- Olmstead — An abridged Genealogy of the Olmstead F'amily of New-England, by Elijah L. Thomas. Albany, 1869, 12«- O'Meagher — Some Historical Notices of the O'Meaghers of Ikerrin, by Jos, C. O'Meagher. Lond. 1886, 4''- Oneby — An extensive pedigree of the Oneby Family, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS 19143. O'Neill — Antrim Castle, the seat of Lord Massereene and Ferrard, loith a pedigree of tlie O'Neill Family, by C. H. O'Neill. 1860, 4«- Opdyke — The op Dyck Genealogy, con- taining the Opdyck, Opdycke, Opdyke, Opdike American ])escendants of the Wesel and Holland Families, by Chas. W. Opdyke. New York, 1889, S^- Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 445 Orange — Histoire dos Princes a Orange de la Maison de Nassau ; avec des portraits. Amsterdam, 1G92, 12^- Another edition, 1693, 8«- Lives of all the Princes of Orange, from William the Great, founder of the Commonwealth of the United Provinces, by Baron Maurier, with Life of William the Third, by Thomas Brown. Loud. 1693, 8«' 2nd edition, 1702. -The History of the House of Orange ; together with the history of William and Mary, King and Queen of England, from their accession to 1693, hy Richard Burton. A new edition. Westminster, 1814, 4^- Ord — Pedigree of the Ord Family, with genealogical notes, by D. E. Davv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,143. Orford, Earl of, see Walpole. Orignv — Memoire sur la Famille des d' Origny. 1757, 12"- Orleans, see also Bourbon, Orleans — Notices biographiques des princes et princesses de la Maison d'Orleans. Paris, 1824, 8"- Precis historique, genealogique, et litteraire de la Maison dX)rleans, par Gabr. Peignot. Paris, 1830, 8'^- Families d'Orleans. Publiee par D. Ivel. Paris, 1830, IS'' Genealoo-ie de la Maison Orley, see Ludovisi, Ormerod — The Ormerod Family, of Ormerod, etc. See G. Ormerod's " Parentalia," 1851. Pedigree of the Family of Ormerod, of Cheshire. Single sheet. Ormesby-Gore Pedigree. Privately d'Orleans-Longueville. No date, -l^* Genealogie de la Maison d'Orleans -de - Rere ' et d'Orleans - Cresse3"-la-Tasserie, tiree des Memoires d'Aimon Proust de Chambourg. Orleans, n.d. 4^- Histoire des dues et du duche d'Orleans, comprenant I'histoire et la des(iription de la Beauce, du pays Chartrain, du Blesois, du Vendomois, du Gatinais, du Perche et de ce qui constituait I'ancienne generalite d'Orleans, par Philipon de la Madelaine. Illustree par MM. Baron, Francais, C. Nanteuil, etc. Paris, 1845, S^-' Memoirs of the House of Orleans, bv W. Cooke Tajlor, LL.D. 3 vols. Lond. 1849, 8«- Documents authentiques sur les biens de la famille d'Ot leant, par A. de Lassalle et L. de La Roque, Paris, 1852, 80- printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Ormond — History of the House of Ormonde, by William Roberts, Ulster King-of-Arms, 1648. IIS. Trinity College, Dublin, The Pedigree of the Most Noble House of Ormond, by Richard Lawlesse. See " Geraldine Documents," edited by the Rev. Samuel Havman. Dublin, 1873, 8"- An extensive Pedigree of Thomas, late Earl of Ormond and Ossory, by Robert Rothe, in 1616. Brit. Mus": Add. MS. 4792, f. 30. Claim of the Earl of Ormonde and Ossory to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional PaperSy 104 of 1821. Ormond, Duke of, see Butler. Ormsby — Pedigree of the family of Ormsby, formerly of Ormsby in Lin- colnshire, now in Ireland. Edited by J. F. Fuller. Lond. 1887, 4«- Orsini^ — Historia di Casa Orsini con quattro Libri de gli Huomini illustri, by F. Sansovino. 2 vols. Yenetia, 1565, fol. Orus — Pedigree of the Families of Orus and Cotton. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4102. Osborn— Claim of G. W. F. Osborn, called Marquis of Carmarthen, to the Barony of Conyers. Sessional Papers, Apr. 1797— June 1798. Case of G. W. F. Osborn, Mar- quis of Carmarthen, in relation to his claim of the Barony of Convers, 1798. Osborne— The Osbornes. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sauford and Townsend. Vol. i. p. 330. Osmonde — Confirmation of Arms by Robt. Cooke, Esq., Clarencieux King of Arms, to Henry Osmonde, of Lon- don, 21 July, 1577. The arms are painted in colours. Brit. Mus. Woll. Ch. XL 88. 446 Family Histories, PEDiGfuEEs, ai^b Peebage Cases. Osraoy — Notice hiographique sur la Maison d'Osmoj et M. Charles-Henry le Boeuf, comte d'Osmoy, par A. de Montvel. Extrait du Pantheon hio- graphiqtce universel. Paris, 1854, Ossory, Earls of, see Ormond. O'Sullivan More's Pedigree. Early Ages of the Ii'ish Nation, and History, and the ancient Establishment of the Milesian families, with reference to the descendants of Heber. 1790, 4° Otis — A Genealogical and Historical Memoir of the Family of Otis ; des- cended from John Otis, an Early Set- tler at Hingham, Mass., by Horatio Nelson Otis. Boston, [1850], 8'^- A Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Richard Otis, by Horatio N. Otis. Boston, 1851, 8^^- O'Toole, see O'Byrne. Otter — Pedigree of the Family of Otter of Welham, in the County of Notts, and elsewhere, with notes, by Captain A. E. LawsonLowe. Privately printed, 1880, 4'^- Owen, see also Lloyd. Owen — Collections relating to the family of Owen of Peniarth, Porkington, Dolgelley, etc. Hengwrt MSS. 59, 63, G4, at Peniarth. Pedigree of Owen of Llnnllo, etc. by G. Grazebrook. 1888. Oxenbridge, see also Braose. Qxenbridge— The Oxenbi4dgeR of Brede Place^ Sussex, and Boston, Ma«s., by W. D. Cooper. Lond. 1860, 8'' Oienden — -Family of Oxenden Corres^ pondence, 1589—1710. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 27999—28005. Oxford, Earls of, see also Lindsay j Makgill ; Vere. —The Descent of the Earldom of Oxfowl, by John Gough Nichols. See " Proceedings of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain," held ait Oxford, 1850. Lond. 1854, 8^- Packard pedigree, with genealogical notes by I). E. Davy, and copy of will of Daniel Packard of Middleton, 1819. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19144. ^The Genealogies of Samuel and Abel Packard of Bridgewater and Cummington, Mass., by Rev. Theo. Packard. Now York, 1871, 8«' Packard— Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Land- ing of Samuel Packard in this country, Aug. 10, 1638, at Brockton, Mass. Issued by the Packard Memorial Association, 1888, 8'^- Pad elf or d, Tabular pedigree, by S. C. Newman. Providence, 1859. Page — Collection concerning the Family of Page, of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19144. — Page Family Chart, lithographed by L. F. Citti. Richmond, Va. No date. Paget— The Paget Family. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanfordand Townsend. Yol.i.p. 276. Pagon — Armes de la Maison de Pagon. Paris, 1669, 12''- Paine, see also Thayer. Paine — The Paine Family Register, or Genealogical Notes and Queries. Albany, 1857, &c. 4"- In progress. Paine family records. A journal of genealogical and biographical infor- mation respecting the American fami- lies of Payne, Paine, Pavn, etc., edited by H. D. Paine. Albany, 1878, &e. 8"- Genealogical Notes of the Paine Family of Worcester, Mass., by Natha- niel Paine. Albany, 1878, 8"- Privately printed. Paine Genealogy, Ipswich Bi'anch ; including a brief history of the Nor- man Race, from its Origin until the Conquest and the Crusade in which Hugh de. Payen served, by Albert W. Paine. Bangor, Maine, 1881, 8^- Pakenham — An Ancient Book relating to tlie Pakenham Family, ternp. Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Campbell Charter XVII. Collections concercing the Pakenham Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. .Mus. Add. MS. 19144. -Genealogy and Arms of the Family of Pakenham of Pakenham, with extracts from the Leger Book of Bury. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32659, f. 127 b. &c. Palavicini, see Cromwell. Palgrave, see also Sands. Palgiave — Palgrave Family Memoi-ials, edited by Chas John Palmer and S. J. Tucker, assisted by Charles Bridger. Norwich, 1878, 4^^ Privately printed. Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 447 Palizzolo — Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Paliz- zolo, of Palermo, Sicily. See " Storia delle Famiglie Illustri Italiaue." Fir- enze, 1880, fol. Palmer, see also Colby. Palmer — Pedigree of the Ancient Family of the Palmers of Sussex, compiled from the original MS. in the possession of Sir Chas. J. Palmer, Bart., of Dorney Court. Together with extracts from liegisters, etc. by Koger Jenyns. Lond. 1867, 4« , — Copies of Willsof Henrj^, Helen and John Palmer, of Snape, Co. Suffolk, 1535, 1565, 1573 and 1602. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,151. Add. Ch. 26,342. Pedigree of the Palmer family, Parker — Pedigree of Sir John Parker. See Strype's ' ' Life of Archbishop Parker," vol. 3. ■Collections concerning the Parker with notes by D. E. Davy, and copy of the will of Edmund Palmer of Kend- ham, 1710. Brit. Mus. Add. lyiS. 19144. -Notes of the pedigrees of the family of Pahiier, of Augmenning, Wingliam, and Parham. MS. in the possession of Sir Alex. Acland-Hood, Bart., at St. Audries, Co. Somerset. Palmer Kecords. Proceedings, or Memorial Volume of the First Palmer Family lieunion held at Stonington, Conn. 1881. Edited by Noves F. Palmer. Jamaica, L.I. 1^81. 8«- ^ Supplement, 1882. • A Brief Greuealogical History of the Ancestors and Descendants of Deac. Stephen Palmer of Candia, with some account of «ther the lines of descent, from Thomas Palmer, one of the Founders of Ivowlev, Mass. in 1639. Brooklyn, 1886, 8° Panciatichi- — Genealogia e Stona della famiglia Panciatichi, by L. Paj^sei-ini. Firenze, 1858, 8^- Pan mure, see Maule. Papafava — Albero della Famiglia Papa- fava di Padova, by P. Ceoldo. Veiiezia, 1801, 4«- Papillon — Memoirs of Thomas Papillon, of London, ]\Ierchant, 1623—1702, by Major Papillon, a Lineal Descendant. LoAd. 1887, 8«- Privately printed Park, see Champney. Parker, see also Bateman. Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,144. Pedigree of Henry Parker, Lord Morley, by John Holmes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS.'20,768. Genealog}^ and History of the Family of Parker, of Norton and Woodthorpe, co. Derby. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,469. -Pedigree of the Family of Parker. See Parker's " Description of Brows- holme." Lond. 1815. 4-^- The Genealogy of Wm. Thornton Parker of Boston, Mass., by Wm. T. Parker. Newport, 1888, S''- -Parker Family ; Eecord of the Boxbury Branch of the Parker Family of Beading, Mass., and some of their Descendants, by G. H. Parker. Cull- man, 1890, 8"- Parkes — Grant of Arms to Richard Parkes, of Willingworth, co. Stafford, 1614. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 201. Parkhurst — A Fragment of the Park- hurst Genealogy. Prepared from the Kecords, by Charles H. Parkhurst. Providence, 1883, 8"- For private distribution. Parkyns of Hadleigh and Chediston, pedigrees and notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,144. Parr— The Parrs of Kendall Cattle. (Pedigree of the PaiTs, etc.) Bv Sir Geo. F. Duckett. 1875, S^- The Parrs of Kendal Castk, by Sir George Duckett. See " Transac- tions of the Cumberland and West- moreland Antiquarian Society," vol. ii. Kendall, 1876, 8«- -Parr pedigree, with not^s by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,144. Parrocel — Monographic des Parroeel ; essai par Etienne Parrocel, avec tableau genealogique. Mars. 1861, 8^ Parry — Family Records. Philadelphia, 1877, 8''- Privately printed. Parsons, see also Dawson ; Leighton. Parsons— Letters Patent granting to Eichai'd Parsons, of Bellamont in the County of Dublin, the Dignities of 448 Family Histories, Pedigbees, ai^d Peerage Cases. Baron of Oxmantown and Viscount lioss, 2 July, 1(581. Parsons — Grant of Anns to Sir William Parsons from Richard St. George, Ulster King at Arms, 1G82. MSS. 6 and 7. Parsontown Castle. Genealogy of the Family of Joseph Parsons, [1850 ?] 8o- -Descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons, who settled in Sprinorfield in 1635. Single sheet. Descendants of Thomas and Katherine (Hester) Parsons, of Eng- land, through their Grandson Dea. Benjamin of Springfield, Massachu- setts, bv D. P. Holton. New York, 1878, folio sheet. -A partial genealogy of the descendants of S Parsons of East Hampton, L.I 1650, by G. R. Howell. Albany, 1879, 8''- Parthemore — Genealogy of the Parthe- more Family, 1744—1885, by E. W. S. Parthemore. Harrisburg, Pa. 1885, 8"- Partridge, see Lyman. Pasfield, see Oliver. Paske — Pedigree of the Paske Family of Needham Market, with notes bvD. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS/l9144. Passerini — Storia e genealogia delle famiglie Passerini e de' Rilli, by L. Passerini. Firenze, 1874, 4'^- Paston, see also Peverell. Account of the -Paston family, by F. Worship, Esq. Reprinted from the " Journal of the Norfolk Archaeological Society." -Account of a MS. Genealogy of the Paston Family, in the possession of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, by F. Worship, with folding pedigree. 1852, 80- ■A Pedigree of the Family of Paston, in Norfolk, extracted from the Paston Letters, vol. 1. Single sheet. Sketch of the History of Caistor Castle, including Biographical Notices of Sir John Fastolfe and of different individuals of the Paston Family, edited by Dawson Turner. 1842, 8"- Some account of the Paston Paston — Paston Pedigrees, with genealo- gical notes. Brit.. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,144; 28,062 f. 118. Paterson — Birthplace and Parentage of William Paterson, Founder of the Bank of England, etc., by W. Pagan. 1862, 12^'- family. See " A Royal Descent, with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe Lond. 1875 and 1881, 4«- ■ Paterson Genealogical Regis- ter, by James P. Andrews. Colerain, 1867,''8«- Pattee, see Corliss. Patterson — A Record of the Families of Robert Patterson (the Elder), Emigrant from Ireland to America, 1774, etc., by Wm. Ewing Du ]^ois. Pliladelphia, 1847, 80- Pauncefote — Collections relating to the Family of Pauncefote, Co. Gloucester. Lamb!^ Lib. MS. 1221. Pay en, see also Paine. Payen — Genealogie de la famille Payen, I3arons de Lallocu, Comtes de la Buc- quiere ; suivie d'un fragment genealo- gique sur les Marquis de Bacquehem, par A. Le Boucq de Ternas. Douai, 1864, 8"- Only 25 copies printed. Payne, see also Paine. Payne — The Genealogy of the Payne and Gore Families. Edited by W. H. Whit- more. Prince Society. Boston, 1875, 4°- • Genealogy of the Family of Payne, by W. H. Whitmore. Published by the Prince Society, Albany, New York. Albany, 1878, 8«- Pazzi — Dei fuochi d'allegrezza artifiziati per la Famiglia dei Pazzi di Firenze nel Sabato Santo. By D. M. Manni. Firenze, 1867, 8«- Poabody — Genealogy of the Peabody Family, by C. M. Endii'ott. Revised and corrected by Wm. S. Peabody. With a partial Record of the Rhode Island branch, by B. F. Pabodie. Bos- ton, 1867, 8«- Peach — Pedigree of the Family of Peach. Privately printed. Pearce, see also Peirce. Pearce Genealogy, being the Record of the Posterity of Richard Pearce, an Early Inhabitant of Portsmouth in Rhode Island, by Col. F. C. Pierce. Jlockford. 111. 1888. 8«- Pearson — Collections for the pedigrees of Pearson, etc., 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 31013 ; 31014. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 449 Peeci — Genealogia clei Conti Pecci signori di iVrgiano, by L. Fumi ed A. Lisini. Pisa, 1880, 40- Peche, see also Peverell Peelie — Collectiou concerning the Peche Family, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS."'l9144 Peche of Lullingstone, by the Eev. W. A. Scott Robertson. Lond. 1886. Peck — A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck, who emigrated with his family to this country in 1638 ; and Records of his father's and grandfather's family in England, with Pedigree, Coats of Arms, . etc., by Ira B. Peck. Boston, 1868, A Genealoscical Account of the Descendants in tlie Male Line of William Peck, one of the founders in 1638 of the Colony of New Haven, Conn., by Darius Peck. Hudson, 1877, 8°-*' Pecori — Famiglia Pecori de Firenzi, by L. Passerinr. Firenze, 1868, S'^- Pedvvardine— Chartulary of the Family of Pedwardine, relating to lands in Cos. Lincoln, Northampton, etc., with a Descent, and Arms in Colours, of the families of Croun and Pedvvardyn ; late 12th Century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32101. Peel — Pedigree of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, and the Peels of Lan- cashire, from the year 1600 to 1846, by John Davies. Manchester, 1846, broadside. Pedigree of the Family of Peel, of Peele Fold, Lancashire, compiled by Joseph Foster. Single sheet. 1875. Pegge — The Pegge Family. See " Derby- shire Archaeological and Natural History Society," vol. 2. Peirce— The Peirce Family of the Old Colony ; or the Lineal Descendants of Abraham Peirce, who came to America as early 'as 1623, by Ebenezer W. Peirce. Boston, 1870, 8o- Peirce Genealogy, being the Record of the Posterity of John Pers, an early Inhabitant of Watertown in New England ; with Notes on the History of other Families o# Pierce, Pearce, etc., by Fred. Clifton Peirce, Esq. Worcester, 1880, S^- Pelham — Correspondence of the Family of Pelham of Sussex, 1543 to 1722. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. .33084^. Correspondence of Thomas Pel- ham of Stanmer, with members of his family. 1754-1813. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33091—33093. •Correspondence of Thomas Pel- ham, Earl of Chichester, with members of his family, 1762—1826. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33126—33130. •Miscellaneous papers of the Family of Pelham and its collateral branches, 1533 — 1825. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33137—33140. -Correspondence and Papers of the i'amilv of Pelham, Earls of Chi- chester, 1711—1825. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33441. ■Will of Elmuud Pelham, dated 5 July, 1604. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch. 29500. •Patents of honours and appoint- ments conferred upon the Duke of Newcastle, from 1714 to 1765. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,063. •Papers relating to the Funerals of Members of the Family of Pelham, 16th— 18th centuries. Brit Mus Add. MS. 33,610 T. Historical and Genealoo-ical Notices of the Pelham Family, by Mark Anthony Lower. Privately printed, 1873, fol. Notes concerning Peter Pelham, by W. H. Whitmore. Cambridge, [U.S.] 1867, 8"- Herbert Pelham, his ancestors and descendants. (Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genea- logical Register.) By Joseph Samuel Chester. Boston, Mass., 1879, 8'^- Pembroke, Earls of, see also Howard ; Valence. A cataloo-ue of all the Earls of Pembroke that have been sithence Tihe Conquest in order as they succeeded, with the yssues of diverse of them together with thyre proper coate armor and a briefe remembi-ance writen touch- ing some matters of eche of the saide Erles, &c., &c., by Geo. Owen. MS. No. 108. Ettington Hall, Co. Warwick. -The Earls, Earldom, and Castle of Pembroke, by Geo. T. Clark, 450 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Esq. See " Archseologia Carabreiisis," third series, vols. 5, (3, & 7. Lond. 1859, etc., 8«- Pembroke — The Earls, Earldom, and Castle of Pembroke, by G. T. Clark. 1880, 8°- Pendaglia — Quattro Conti ne quali la Genealogia della Magnifica Casa Pendaglia, with genealogical tree, by B. Pendaglia. Ferrara, 1568, 4P Pendrell — The Pcndrell Familj^, by Kichard Peake. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," third series, vol. 5. Lond. 1859, 8^- Pendril,orPendrel. Notices rela- ting to the family of Pendril, with deeds containing signatures of the f amil3\ See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxix, 222, 363. Pengry — A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Moses Pengry of Ipswich, Mass.. by Wm. M. Pingry. Ludlow, Vt. 1881, 8^^- Penhallow — Memoir of the Penhallow Family ; with copies of Letters and Papers of an eai'ly date, by Pearce W. Penhallow. Boston, 1878, 8«- Penhallow Papers, with copies of letters and papers of an early date, as published in the Ncav Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register, 1878, and now with additions and brief notices of some contemporary families, by Pearce W. Penhallow. Boston, 1885, 8«- Peniarth — Collections for a Genealogy of the Family of Peniarth, in Merioneth- shire. MS. No. 5. Peniarth. Peniston— Pedigree of Peniston of Corn- well, CO. Oxon. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. The Pedigree of Thomas Peni- ston of Dean, in the County of Oxford, 17 Eliz. Brit. Mus. Harl.'RoU 0, 18. Penn — Brief Memoir of William Penn, with pedigree, by Priscilla Wakefield. 1816. William i^enn, proprietary of Pennsylvania, his ancestry and descen- dants. Philadelphia, 1852, broadside. The Penns and Penningtons of the seventeenth century, in their domestic and religious life : illustrated by original family letters : also incidental notices of T. Ellwood, by Maria Webb. Lond. 1867, S^- Penn — A Pedigree and Genealogical Notes from Wills, Registers, and Deeds, of the Highly l)istinguished Family of Penn, of England and America. Compiled by James Cole- man. Lond. 1871, 8*^- Penniman, see Vinton Genealogy. Pennington — The Penns and Penningtons of the seventeenth century, in their domestic and religious life ; illustrated by original family letters, etc., by Maria Webb, Lond. 1867, S^- Pedigree of Sir Josslyn Pennington, fifth Baron Muncaster of Muncaster and ninth Baronet, by Joseph Foster. Lond. 1878, 4"- Privately printed. •Pedigree of the Family of Pennington, of Philadelphia, in America, and Essex and Bucks, in England. See " Collectanea Genealogica," vol. i., edited by Jos. Foster. Lond. 1881, 80- Penrhyn — Observations on the Snowdon Mountains, with a Genealogical Account of the Penrhyn Families, by Wm. Williams. Lond. 1802, 8»- Penrice — The Castle and Family of Pen- rice, in Gower. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," third series, vol. 12. Lond. 1866, S^- Pepperell, see also Leighton. Pepperell— Life of Sir William Pepperell, Bart., by Usher Parsons. Boston, 1855, 8"- See also Appleton's Cyclo- paedia of American Biography, vol. 4. New York, 1888, 8"^- Peppoli — Peppoli, Genealogia di sua Famiglia. Bologna, 1686, fol. Pepys — Genealogical T^edigrees of the Family of Pepys, and of the Impington Branch thereof. Edinb. 1844, 4'^- -Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, Esq., from his MS. Cypher in the Pepysian Library, with a Life and notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke, with additional notes by Rev. Mynors Bright, and a Pedigree of the Family by P. H. Pepys, Esq. 6 vols. Lond. 1875—79, 8^- Genealogv of the Pepys Family, 1273—1887. YWith illustrations and pedigrees.] By Walter C. Pepys. Lond. 1887, 4«- Family Histories, Pedigrees, a:n-d Peerage Cases 451 Perclie — Histoiro des Corates du Perche de la Ftimille des Rotrou, par M. 0. Bes Murs. Paris, 185G, 8-^- Perceval, see also Yver3^ Perceval — History of tbe Perceval Family. See Drummond's " Noble British Families," vol. 2. ■ Account of the Perceval Family, of Allerton. See " Cheshire and Lan- cashire Historic Society." Session I. p. 61. " Notes concerning my family, 1717," chronological extracts and memoranda relating to the family of Perceval of Ireland [afterwards Earls of Egmont] 160G— 1708, by Sir John Perceval, 5th Baronet ; with drawings of Arms, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,988. A brief account of the Family of Perceval, Earls of Egmont. Lond. [1740], 8'' Notices of the Perce vals, etc. See History of the Parishes of Bally- sadare and Kilvarnet, Co Sligo, by Terence O'Rorke. Dublin, 1878, Sevei-al volumes of collections for the history of the House of Perci- val, in the possession of the Earl of Egmont, at St. James' Place. Percy— The Percy Family. See "The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend,i. 21. Remarks on the far descended and renowned Titl<3 of Lord Percy, by Alexander Sinclair, 8°- Descent of the most noble race of Percy, Earls and Dukes of Northum- berland ; from public and private archives, chronicles, manuscript sources of evidence, historians, Dugdale, Ed- mondson, Collins, and other authorities. See Illustrations of Alnwick, Piudhoe, and Wark worth, by C. H. Hartshorne. Privately printed, no date, 4^ -A History of the Family of the Percys, Barons Percy, and Earls of Northumberland, etc., by Arthur Collins. Loud. 1750, 8"- Extracts of the History and Genealogy of the Noble Families of the Earl and Countess of Northumberland, by R. Griffith. Dublin, 1764, 8'^- Privately printed. *ercy — A sketch of the male descendants of Josceline de Louvaine, the second House of Percy, Earls of Northumber- land, Barons Percy, etc. by William Edward Surtees. Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 1844, 8"^- Privately printed. Chronicle of the Family of Percy. [A metrical pedigree, edited by J.B. i.e. John Besley.] Imprinted at New- castle, by M. A. Richardson. New- castle Reprints, vol. i. 1845, 8° The Old Heraldry of the Percys, by W. H. D. Longstaffe. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1860, 8o- Privately printed. The Old Heraldry of the Percys. ^ae Archceologia .^liana, vol. ly. New- castle, 1860, 8«- Obituary Notices published on the Death of Algernon, Duke of Nor- thumberland. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1865, 4"- More Percy Anecdotes, Old and New, 1H65, pp. 12. Privately printed. The Percies in Scotland, by Joseph Bain. See the Archceological Joiornal, vol. 41. Lond. 1884, 8«- Annals of the House of Percv from the Conquest to the 19th century, by E. B. De Fonblanque. 2 vols. Lond. 1887, 8"- Younger Branches of the House of Percy. " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," ii. 57 — ^Q. -Several manuscript histories and pedigrees of the Percy Family are in the Librar}^ of his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, at Alnwick Castle. -Heere beginneth the prologue of litle treatice following, w^^ is the descente of the Lords Percyes, made and compiled briefly by me, William Gamble, Cleake and secretary to the right noble Hen. of Northumberland. 1729, 3IS. Alnwick Castle. : — Genealogia Dominorum de Percie. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 882, f . 74. Pedigree of the Per^y Family. Her. Coll. MS. D. I. Genealogy of the Perc}^ Family from the vear 890, to the time of Edw. III. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4276. Notices of the last surviving branch of the noble family of Percy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,470, f. 176. 452 Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. Percy — Evidentise Antiquorura Domi- norum de Percy. Bodl. Libr. MS. 5016. A short Discourse of the Pedi- grees of the Families of Percy and Stanley. Supposed to be in the autograph of Ben Jonson. MS. No. 15. Peniarth. -Account of the Family of Percy of Worcester and Bridg worth, by Bp Percy. Before 177t5. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,326. -Collections relating to the Percy Family, by Bp. Percy, 1778, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32.327. -Genealogical notes of the Percy Family, Earls and Dukes of North umberland, bv Bp. Percy, circa 1778. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32,328. The Case of James Percy, Clay man t to the Earldom of North- umberland. Lond 1685, fol. Case of Hugh, Baron Percy, on his Claim to the Office of Lord Chamberlain of England. 1780, fol. Claim of James Percy, the Trunk-maker, to the Earldom of Northumberland, as descended from Sir Ingelram or Ingram Percy ; Will of Sir Ingram ; Descent and Succession of the Percys, Earls of Northumber- land, &c. " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," vi. 266—283, 370— 380. Short Account of the Proceed- ings of James Percy, late of Ireland, in pursuance of his right to the Earldom of Northumberland. No date, broadside. Perez— Carta executoria a pedimiento de Pero Perez de la villa de la Parr, of proof of nobility, 18 July, 1542, fol- lowed by a certificate of nobility to Gabriel Perez, 1573, with coloured arms. Spanish. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,678. Perkens, see Dawson. Perkins — The Name of Perkins as found on the Essex County llccords, by Augustus T. Perkins, Esq. Salem, Mass. n.d. 8*^- See also "Historical Collections of the Essex Institute," vol. xiii. Perkins Family of Connecticut, by Fred. B. Perkins. Boston, 1860, 80- Perkins — The Family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Massachusetts, by Geo. A. Perkins, M.D. Salem, 1882, &c. 8«- The Family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Mass. Part in. Descend- ants of Sergeant Jacob Perkins, by Geo. A Perkins. Salem [1889]. 8«- ^ A Private Proof printed in order to Preserve certain matters connected with the Boston Branch of the Perkins Family. Boston, 1885, S"^- -Letters concerning the Perkins Family. Salem Press, 1887, ^^■ Perrenot — La verite sur I'origine de la Famille Perrenot de Grandville, par M. Ad. Marlet. Dijon, 1859, 8« Perrien — Notice necrologique et genealo- gique sur le comte Arthur de Perrien de Crenan, par E. de Saint-Maurice Cabany. Paris, 1853, 8«- Perrin— Genealogy of the Perrin Family, by Glover Perin. St. Paul, 1885, 12«- Perrot — Notes on the Perrot Family, by E. L. Barnwell. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," third series, vols. 11 and 12. Lond. 1865, QQ, 8°- Perrot Notes ; or some account of the various branches of the Perrot Family, by E. L. Barnwell. Printed for the Camhrian ArclicBological Asso- ciation. Lond. 1867, 8"- Perry — Perry Genealogies, containing the genealogy of the Family of Perry of the counties of Somerset, Gloucester, etc., and of William Perry, of Turville in Bucks, and of Penshurst Place, Kent, to the year 1649. MS. No. LII. Towneley Hall, Burnley. The Case of Elizabeth Perry, of Penshurst-Place, in Kent, respecting her Claim to the Barony of Sydney of Penshurst, with pedigree. Lond. 1782, fol. •Descendants of Jonathan Perry of Topsham, Maine, to the Fifth Genera- tion, by A. L. Perry. Augusta, 1890, 8«- Perth — Table of Descent of the Houses of Perth and Melfort. See Drummond : "The Detection of Infamy." Lond. 1816, 8«- Perth, Earldom of, see Drummond. Perton — An Account of the ancient family of Perton, Lords of Perton, and their old residence in the parish of Family Histobies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 453 Tattenhall in the county of Stafford, bv William Hardwick, 1824. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 29,245. Pesari — II Carosio, overo origine della famiglia Pesari di Venetia. By Conte Giacomo Zabarella. Padova, 1659, 4"- Peter — Early History of the Peter Family. See MacDonald, Supplement. Petre, see also Sturton. Petre — The Petre Family, of London, Essex, &c. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province, 2nd series, p. 585. Petre Family. See " Genealogical Collections of Roman Catholic Fami- lies in England, part 1, edited by J. J. Howard and H. F. Burke. Lond. 1887, fol. -Variations in the Petre Arms, by Stephen Tucker, Esq. See the Archceo- logical Journal^ xxxiii, 335. Lond. 1876, 8''- Petre, Lords, see Weld. Pettus — Collection respecting the Pettus Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19144. Pett3'--Fitzmaurice — Brief Account of the Family of Petty-Fitzmaurice. No date, 80- The Petty-Fitz- Maurices. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend. Vol. ii. p. 133. Peverel, see also Cobham. Peverel — Pedigree of the Families of Peverell, Picot, Peche, Peyton, Paston, Trusbut, Roos, Manners, De Diva, Bussy, Meeres, and Colvile, with coloured Arms. Brit; Mus. Add. MS. 5812, f . 203 b. Collection respecting the Peve- rell Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19144. ■Armorial bearings of the Family of Peverel, by J. R. Plancho ; and an account of the Peverel Family of Not- tingham. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vii. 220- 232 ; viii. 194—232. Peyton, see also Peverel. Peyton — Collections concerning the Pey- ton Family by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19144. See also Memoir of W. M. Peyton, by J. L. Peyton. Lond. 1872, S^- Phelips Family. See " Genealogical Col- lections of Roman Catholic Families in England," part II. Edited by J. J. Howard and H. F. Burke. Lond. 1887, fol. Collections concerninor the Phelip, Philips and Phillips Families of Suffolk and Norfolk. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 19144. Phelps — Family Record of Oliver Sey- mour Phelps. Privately printed single sheet. Genealogy of Othniel Phelps, Esq., of Aylmer, Canada West, by Oliver Seymour Phelps, Esq. St. Catherines, 1862, 8°- The Phelps Family. An inte- resting letter touching the Genealogical Record, of one branch of the Phelps Family, by Oliver Seymour Phelps. Big Rapids, 1878, 8o- -An Ancestral Amulet for Frank Wilson Phelps, by O. S. Phelps. Privately printed. Portland, 1885, 80- Philbrick — Thomas Philbrick and his Family, 1583—1883. By the Rev. Jacob Chapman. Boston, 1884, 8"- A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, descended from the Emigrant Thomas Philbrick, 1583—1667. By the Rev. Jacob Chapman. Exeter, 1886, 8o- Philips, see also Phelip. Philips — Pedigree of Philips, of Wan- borough, and Cleve Pipard. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Phillimore — Some Notices of the Finni- more, 'Phillmore, Fynmore, Fillmore, Filmer, and their Allied Surnames, by William P. W. Phillimore. Stroud, 1883. Memorial of the Family of Fynmore, with Notes on the Origin of Fynmore, Finnimore, Phillimore, Fill- more, Filmer, etc., and Particulars of some of these Surnames from the Year 1208 to the Present Time, by Wm. P. W. Phillimore. Lond. 1886, 8o- Phillipps — Pedigree of Phillipps of Picton Castle, CO. Pembroke : and its branches of Phillipps, of Abertowin, Rushmore, etc. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Phillips, see also Phelip. 454 Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Phillips — Papers of the Family of Phillips, of Wispington, co. Lincoln, 1542—1701. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33319. Phillips' Genealogies, inclu- ding the Family of George Phillips, First Minister of Watertown, Mass., and other Families, by Albert M. Phillips. Auburn, Mass., 1885, S^- Phippen — Genealogical liecord of the Family of Phippen, by G. D. Phippen. Boston, 18G8, 8"- Phoenix — The Descendants of John Phce- nix, an early Settler in Kittery, Maine, by S. Whitney Phoenix. New York, 1867. 100 Copies privately printed. Pic— Notice sur la Famille de f ic de la Mirandole, a propos du tableaux de Paul Delaroche, par H. Pic. i'aris, 1854, 8"- Picard — The Picards or Pychards of Stradewy, now Tretower Castle, Breck- nockshire, etc. ; with some account of the Family of Sapy, of Herefordshire. [With illustrations and genealogical tables.] Lond. 1878, 4«- Pickering — Genealogical data respecting John Pickering of Portsmouth, N.H.^ and his Descendants, by K. H. Eddv. Boston, 1884, 8«- Supplement to Genealogical Data respecting John Pickering of Portsmouth, N.H and his Descendants, by 11. H. Eddy. Boston, 1884, 8"- The Pickering Genealogy, by Charles Pickering Bowditch. Boston, 1887. Pickhale— Pedigrees of the families of Nevill, Pickhale, etc., about 1532. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P, 3. Picot, see Feverel. Picquot — Genealogie de la famille de Picquot de Magny, par M. L. Du Feugray. Caen, 1852, 8^'- Picton, see Mansell. Pierce, see also Whitcomb. Pierce-^My Ancestors in America, by Wm. Blake Pierce. Chicago, 1864, 8''- Pierce Genealogy, being the Kecord of the Posterity of Thomas Pierce, an Early Inhabitant of Charles- town, in New England, with Wills, Inventories, Biographical Sketches, etc. by Fred. Beech Pierce, of Hoston. Worcester, 1882, S^- Pierce — Pierce Genealogy, No. IV. ; being the Becord of the Posterity of Capt. Michael, John, and Capt. Wm. Pierce, who came into tliis country from England, by Fred. C. Pierce of Bockford. Albany, 1889, 8« Pierpoint Family. See " Sussex Archie- ological Collections," vol. xi. 1859 ; also " Topographer and Genealogist," March, 1847. Pierpoint pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Pierson, see also Condit. Pierson Genealogical Records By Lizzie B. Pierson, of Andover, Mass. Albanv, N.Y. 1878, 8«- Pigot — Pedigree of the Family of Pigot, from Hugh Pigot, of Peplow, 1630, by William Hardwicke A roll, 19th century. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 28,734. Pedigree of the Pigott Family, of Salop. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,616, f. 23. Claim of the Right Hon. Richard Pigot, Viscount Moles worth, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, 76 of 1821. Pilkington — Genealogy of the Pilking- tons of Lancashire, compiled by John Harland. Edited by Wm. E. A.*^ Axon. Printed for private circulation in 1875, 40. Pinaigrier — Les Pinaigrier, par M. Doub- let de Boisthibault. Extrait de la Bevue avclieolo(jie[ue^ x® annee, Paris, 1854, 8«- Pingon — Arret de la Royale Chambre des Comptes concern ant les Armoiries de la JVIaison de Pingon, 19 Jan. 1779. (E. p. Pingonii vita, a se ipso con- scripta, illustrationibus a J. X. Nasio adjectis.) Turin, 1779, 4o- Pingry, see Pengry. Pinot — Genealogie de la Famille Pinot du Petit-Bois, extraite du tome ii des Arch, genial, et hist, de la Noh. de France, pub. par M. Laine. Paris, 1829, 8o- Pins — Notice genealogique. De Pins, de Piis, de Pis, de Pys, Finis (en latin de Pinibus). Branche etablie en Guienne, Agenais, Condomois,Bazadais. Bordeaux, 1852, 4°- [See also Hist, etc. des Pairs de France, par Cour- celles.] Family Histobtes, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 455 iri Pipenpoy — Descente genealogique de la noble fainille de Pipeupoy, de Brabant, by Richard de Grez, Herald, 1732 ; with the arms in colours. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,009. Piper — Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Piper, of Dublin, N.H. Boston, 1849, 8«- Pitchford — An Account of the ancient Family of Pitchford, of Pitchford. Co Salop, by William Hardwick. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,245. Pitkin Family of America. A Genealogy of the Descendants of Wm. Pitkin, the Progenitor of the Family in this Coun- try, 1659 to 1886. With Additional Notes of the Family, by A. P. Pitkin. Hartford, Conn. 1887, 8«- Pitman, see also Thurston. Pitman — Descendants of John Pitman, the first of the name in the Colony of Khode Island, by Charles Meyrick Thurston. New York, 1868, S^- Pitner, see Fisher. Pitt — Narrative of Thomas Pitt, Lord Camelford, and Proofs of his Claims to the Peerage. 1785, 4«- Pitteurs — La Maison Pitteurs et de Pitteurs-Hiegaerts, par Stephen liaphe. Paris, 1853, 8«- Pitts — Memorial of the Lives and Ser- vices of James Pitts and his sons John, Samuel and Lendall, 1760— 1780. With Genealogical and Historical Appendix, by Daniel Goodwin. Chicago, 1882, go. Privately printed. Pix — Pedigree of the Family of Pix of Hawkhurst, Kent, and of Ewhurst and Northiam, Sussex ; continued from the Visitation of 1663 to 1888, by Alfred C. Hardy. Single sheet, 1888. Plampin — Notes respecting the Family of Plampin of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Plantagenet — The Great Plantagenet. Or a continued succession of that Koyall Name, from Henry the Second, to our Sacred Soveraigne King Charles, by Sir Geo. Buck. Lond. 1635, 4o- Histoire d'Angleterre con- tenant la maison de Plantagenet by David Hume. Translated hy Madame Plan tagenet—ObservatioE son the accounts given of the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487. To which are added some inte- resting particulars of the illustrious Houses of Plantagenet and Neville, by Eichard Brooke. Liverpool, 1825, S°- Memoir on Marks of Ca- dency borne by the sons of King Edward III. and by others of the family of Plantagenet, by W. S. Wal- ford. See the Archceological Journal, vii, 156. Lond. 1850, S^- lades. By a descendant. [Notes on the later Plantagenets, and their descendants.] Venice, [1888] 8°- First lines of exact know- ledge concerning the history of the House of Plantagenet, by Joseph Hun- ter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,619. Plantagenet pedigree, with B* 120. [Belot.] Amsterdam, 1769, notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,145. Playfair, see lioger. Playford — History of the Playford Family, of Suffolk, bv Lord Arthur Hervey. 1860. Playters — Collection relating to the Playters family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Plessis, see also Dreux. Plessis — Genealogie de la Maison du Plessis-Mauron-de-Grenedan, par H.du Plessis-de-Grenedan. Rennes, 1844, 8^- Plimley — Some account of the Plimley family. See " A Koyal Descent; with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond. 1875 and 1881, 4P- Plimpton — A Genealogy and Historical Notices of the Family of Plimpton or Plympton in America, and of Plumpton in England, by L. B. Chase. Hartford, Conn. 1885, 8«- Plompton — Genealogy of the Plomptons, of Plompton, in Yorkshire, to the year 1714. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 253 (6). Plumpton, see also Plimpton. Plumpton — Historical and Biographical Notices of the Family of Plumpton, of Plumpton, Co. York. Camden Society. Lond. 1839, 4P- A short history of the Plumpton Family, with a description of the Tomb of Nigell de Plumpton, in Spofford Church. See Archceologia, vi. 337. 456 Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Plumpton — Evidences of the Plumpton Family, by Christopher Townelev, 1061. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 82,113." Plumstead — Chronicles «if the I'lumstead Family, ^vith some family letters, compiled and arranged, \vith notes, by Eugene Devereux. }-'hiladelphia, 1887, Flunkett, see Dunsany. Pocock — Pedigree of f ocock connected with Innes, from the j'ear 1160. Lithograph, circa 1810, fol. Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and her descendants, with biographical sketches, by Wyndham Kobertson. Richmond, Ya. 1887, 8'^- Poix, see Tyrel. I'ole— The Beanties of Shute, with a Biographical Account of the Family of Pole, by D. M. M. Stirling. Exeter, 1831. Titles and Alliances of the Famih^ of Pole. See Archoeologia, xiii, 18. The Rise and Fall of the De la Poles. See Gentleman s Magazine, 1866, ii. 292. The De la Poles, by the Bev. John Jas. Haven. Privately printed 1889, 8o. Polewart, Barony of, sec Anstruther ; Scott. Foley — Several pedigrees and genealogi- cal notes of the Polev Family. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 19145. Boxsted Hall. Family of Foley. Privately printed, 1859, 8'»- Polignac — Maison de Polignac, par M. le'^baron de * * *. Paris', 1830, 8^- Follin — Genealogie des Pollin de Boques. — Genealogie des Pollin du Mesnil- J)urand. — Genealogie des Bioult du Mesnil-Durand. I'aris, 1850, fol. Pollock Genealogy A Biographical Sketch of Oliver Pollock, Esq., of Carlisle, Pennsylvannia. With Genealogical Notes of his Descendants, and Genea- logical Sketches of other Pollock Families in Pennsylvania, by the Bev. Horace Edwin Havden. Harrisburg, Pa. 1883, 8^- Pollox-Maxwell — The Cartulary of Pollox- Maxwell, bv William Eraser. Ediub. 1875, 40- Polwarth — Minutes of Evidence on the Petition of Dame Anne Patterson Anstruther, claiming the Title of Baroness Polewart or Polwarth, 1818 —1838, fol. Poly — Memoirs of the Family De Poly, with a narrative of the life of A ntoinette. Baroness de Poly, written by herself. Northampton, 1822, 8*^- Pon(,-es — Cronica de la excellentissima Casa de los Ponces de Leon, by P. Salazar de Mendoya. Toledo, 1620, 4P- Pond — A Genealogical llecord of Samuel Pond, and his Descendants by Daniel Streator Pond. New London, Ohio, 1875, 8"- Ponsonby — A shot t account of tlie worthy and noble Familj^ of the Ponsonby s of Sysonby. See " The Lives of all the Earls and Dukes of Devonshire," by J. Grove. 1764, p. 62. Pont — La Baronnie du Pont (Pont l' Abbe), ancien eveche de Cornouailles, par A. du Chatellier. Paris, 1858, 8''- Ponte — Storia Genealogica della Famiglia del Ponte, Patrizia Bomana e Napole- tana. Si^ntanna. Napoli, 1708, fol. Pontus — Histoire de Pontus de Thyard de Bissy, suivie de la Genealogie de cette Maison, par Gaspard Pontus de Thyard. Neufchatel, 1774, 8^- Notes liistoriqnes et genealo- giques sur Pontus de la Gardie et sur la Famille, par M. Mahul. Extrait du tome ii des Meinoires de la Societe. Carcassonne, 1858, 8*^- Poore — Pedigree of Poore, of Rushall Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. : — Memoir and Genealogy of John Poore, ten Generations, 1615 — 1880, including the posterity of numerous daughteis, bv Alfred Poore. Salem, Mass. 1881, 4'- The Poor-Poore Familv Gather- ing at Newburyport, Mass. Sept. 14, 1881. New York, 8"- The Poor-Poore Familv Gather- ing at Haverhill, Mass, Sept. 14, 1887, by A.lfred Poore. Salem, 1890, 8«- Pope, see also Turner. Pope — Pedigree and notes of Sir Thomas Pope, and copy of the will of William Pope of Brandestone, 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Pope, his Descent and Family connections, bv Joseph Hunter. Lond. 1857, 8«- Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 457 Pope — Pope. Additional Facts concern- ing his Maternal Ancestry (Turners). By llobert Davies. Lond. 1858, Genealogy of a portion of the Pope Family, together with biogra- phical notices of Col. William Pope of Boston, and some of his descendants. Boston, 18G2, 8«- Notice of some of the Descendants of Joseph Pope of Salem, by Henry Wheatland. 1867, 4«- -Ancestry of Capt. Ebenezer Pope. Genealogical Notes. Elizabeth, N.J. 1882, 8"- -Genealogy of Thomas Pope (1608 - — -1683) and some of his Descendants, by Franklin Leonard Pope. Boston, 1888, 8'^- •A History of the Dorchester Pope Family, 1631—1888. With sketches of other Popes in England and America, bv Chas. Wm. Pope. Boston, 1888, Porcher — Descente genealogique d'Es- tienne Porcher, halntant de la ville de loigny. Paris, 1650, 4'^- Porry — Notice historique sur la Maison de Porry, de Provence, par Eugene de Porry. Mars. 1859, 18'^- Portal — The Portal Famil)^. London, 1863, 4'^- Porte — Genealogie de la Famille de la Porte, par F. C. M. Frederic de Cherge. Angoul. 1857, 4o- Porter — A Genealogy of the Descendants of Richard Porter, who settled at Wey- mouth, Mass. 1635, and allied Families; Also some Account of the Descendants of John Porter, who settled at Hiug- hani, Mass. 1635, by Joseph W. Porter. Burlington, Me. 1878, 8«- The Descendants of John Por- ter of Windsor, Conn., in the Line of his Great Grt^at Grandson, Col. Joshua Porter, M.D. of Salisbury. With some Account of the Families into which thev married. Saratogo Springs, N.Y. 1882, 8«- -Genealogy of the Family of Porter, of America, by Henry P Andrews and P. Porter Wiggins, in progress, 1889. Portier, see Croix. Portland, Earl of, see Weston. Pot — Genealogie de la Maison de Pot, en Berri, etc., par Barthelemy de Cham- borant de Droux. Paris, 1782, fol. Potts — M emorial of Thomas Potts, junior, who settled in Pennsylvania, with an Historic- Genealogical Account of his Descendants to the Eighth Generation, by Mrs. Thomas Potts James. Cam- bridge, 1874, 4°- IVivately printed. Poulton — The Poulton Family, of Bour- ton and Desborough. See H. Foley's " Records of the English Province," vol. 1. 1877, p. 155. Powell — Case of John Kynaston Powell, showing his right to the Barony of Powes. Folio. Power — The Powers Family : Genea- logical and Historical Record of Walter Power and some of his Descendants to the Ninth Generation, by Amos H. Power. Chicago, 111. 1884, 8°- Powis — The Feudal Barons of Powis, by M. C. Jones. Lond. 1868, 8^- Claim of Edward James, Earl of Powis, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. 1861, folio. Powis, Baron, see Grey. PoAvys, Barony of, see Kynaston. Poynings — Collection respecting the Poynings family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Poyntz — Collection of Papers relating to the History of the Poyntz Family. In the possession of Mr. Browne, of Beddington in Kent. ■ An Historical and Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Poyntz, by Sir John Maclean. Privately printed, 1886. Prat — Maison du Prat, seigneurs de Veyrieres, de Precy, barons de Thoury, par C. L. Ducas. Paris, 1843, 8°- Genealogie historique, anecdotique et criticque de la Maison du Prat, par le Marquis du Prat. Vers. 1857, 8<^- Pratt — Collection relating to the Pratt family, by I). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Pratt ]\I emorial, by Rev. Stillman Pratt. Middleboro' [1860], 4°- The Pratt Family ; or the Des- cendants of Lieut. Wm. Pratt, one of the First Settlers of Hartford, &c., with Genealogical Notes of John Pratt, of Hartford ; Peter Pratt, of Lyme ; 458 Family Histoeies, PEDiaREES, and Peerage Cases. John Pratt, of Say-Brook, by Rev, F. W. Chapman. Hartford, 1864, 8«- Pratt— Sketch of the Life of Samuel F. Pratt, with some Account of the early history of the Pratt Family, by Wil- liam P. Letchworth. Buffalo, 1874, 8« The Pratt Family. A genealogical record of Matthew Pratt of Weymouth, Mass., and his American descendants, 1623—1888, by Francis G. Pratt. Boston, 1889, 8^^- Preble — A Genealogical Sketch of the Preble Families resident in Portland, Me., A.D. 1850. Privately printed. Portland, 1850, 8«- — '■ Pedigree of Henry Oxnard Preble, Susie Zabiah Preble, and George Henry Rittenhouse Preble. Single sheet, about 1851. (xenealogical Sketch of the First Three Generations of Prebles in America ; with an Account of Abra- ham Preble the Emigrant, their com- mon Ancestor, and of his grandson Brigadier General Jedidiah Preble and his Descendants, by Geo. Hen. Preble. Boston, 1868, 8«- Printed for private circulation . Preissac — Genealogie de la Maison de Preissac, par M. (Denys) Fr. Gastelier de la Tour. Paris, 1770, 4P- Prentice — Tlie History and Genealogy of the Prentice or Prentiss Family in New England, from 1631 to 1852, by C. J. F. Binney. Boston, 1852, 8«- The History and Genealogy of the Prentice or Prentiss Family of New England, etc. from 1631 to 1883. By C. J. F, Binney. Second edition. Boston, 1883, 8^- Presbyter — The Coat of Arms of Sir John Presbyter. Printed in the year 1658. See Lord Somers's Tracts, 4th Collec- tion, vol. i. Lond. 1751 ; and Harleian Miscellany, vol. vii. Lond. 1811. Prescott — The Prescott Memorial ; or a Genealogical Memoir of the Prescott Families in America. In two parts, by William Prescott. Boston, 1870, S'^- Preston, see also Draper. Preston — The Names, Arms, and Blazon of every coate appertaining unto the right wo*""- Katherine Preston, wife of Thomas Preston of Howker, in the the county of Lane""- and eldest daugh- ter to the Hona^"- Gilbert Houghton, of Houghton Tower, Knight and Barr*- By Daniel King, 1648. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,457. Preston — Prestons of Suffolk and Nor- folk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 19145. ^Memorial of R. R. Preston of Cockerham, to the Earl Marshall, as to proving his pedigree. 120 Copies privately printed, 1841, S*^- Memoranda of the Preston Family, by Orlando Brown. Albany, 1864, 8«- [The first edition was printed in 1842 for the family.] Prettyman — Several pedigrees and genea- logical notes of the Prettyman family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Price — Centennial Meeting of the Des- cendants of Philip and Rachel Price. Philadelphia, 1865, 12«- Prichard — Genealogy of the Descendants of the Prichards, formerly Lords of Llanover, Monmouthshire, with an appendix of the Pedigrees of the Houses with whiyh that family inter- married, by the Rev. Thomas Gregory Smart. Enfield, 1868, 8^- Prince — Some Memoirs of the Life and writings of the Rev. T. Prince, together with a pedigree of his family, by Samuel Gardner Drake. Boston, U.S. 1851, 80- A Chronological History of New England, by Thomas Prince. Third edition, to wdiich is added a memoir of the Author, etc. and a Genealogy of his Family, by Samuel Gardner Drake. Boston, U.S. 1852, 8«- Elder John Prince, of Hull, Mass. A Memorial, biographical and genealogical, by Geo. Prince. Pub- lished by the author, 1888, 12''- Prittie — Claim of the Right Hon. Henry Prittie, Lord Dunally, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers N. of 1855. Proctor — The First Settlers of the Proc- tor Family in New England. Ogdens- burg, 1873, 12o- Puffer — The Family of Puffer of Massa- chusetts, by W. S. Appleton. Boston, 1883, 8°' Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 459 Puis — Notice historique et genealogique sur la Famille du Puis, anciennement Puiche, du Puich et du Puch, par Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1854, B*'- Pulter — Genealogy of the Pulter Family, of Lincolnshire, with their arms and seals, on a vellum roll, time of Charles II. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 254 (4). Purton, see Hardwicke. Purvis — Collection relating to the Purvis family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19145. Pusey — The Pusey Family. See ArchcB- ologia, xii. 400. Putnam, see Upton. Puydufou — Table G-enealogique de la Maison du Puydufou, par Aug. du Paz. No date, folio. Puy-Montbrun — Histoire genealogique des Families du Pvy-Montbrvn et de Mvrinais, par Gvy Allard. 2 vols. Grenoble, 1682, 4"- Pye, see Cromwell. Pym, see Engeham. Pynchon, see Candee. Quarre — Notice historique et genealogique sur la Maison Quarre, comtes d'Aligny, etc. en Bourgogne. Extrait de 1' Annuaire de la JVohlesse de 1855, par Borel d'Hauterive. Paris s.d. 18«- Quatrebarbes — Precis genealogique de la Maison de Quatrebarbes, par le comte Theodore de Quatrebarbes. Angers, 1839, 8°- Queen sbury — Case of Charles, Marquis and Earl of Queensbury, &c. claiming to be enrolled among the Peers of Scotland, &c. Folio, 1812. With folding pedigree. Subsequent Cases, see Sessional Papers, 1812 and 1872. Quelen — Abrege historique de la Maison de Quelen. Bourd. 1727, fol. Quesnoy, Marquis de, see Mailly. Quincy — The Quincy Family of Strat- ford. See " Shakespereana Genea- logica," by G. 11. French, p. 390. Memoranda respecting the Fami- lies of Quincy and Adams. 1841? ^^- pp. 9. A brief account of the Quincy Family of Boston, Mass. Reprinted from the Neiu Eng. SisP and G-en. Eegister, 1857. With additions and corrections. Boston, 1857, 8°' Quirina — II Galba, overo Historia della famiglia Quirina di Poma, Yenezia, etc. by Giacomo Zabarella. Padova, 1670, 40- Another edition, 1671. Rabett — Pedigree of the Rabett Family of Bramfield, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Rabutin — Histoire genealogique de la maison de Rabutin, par le Comte de Bussy. Radcliife— Life of Sir G. Radcliffe, Knt., by T. D. Whitaker, 1810, 4''- Some account of the Family of Radclilfe. See " Memorials of Dilston Hall," etc. by W. S. Gibson. Lond. 1850, H<'- Some Account of Francis Radcliffe, 1st Earl of Derwentwater, and of his descendants. Newcastle, 1856, 4«- The Radcliffes of Derwent- water. See " Ancestral Stories of Great Families," by John Timbs. Lond. 1869, S^- Jottings of original matter from the Diary of Amelia, Countess and Heiress of Derwentwater, and from the Journal of John, 4th Earl of Derwentwater, etc., bv Amelia Rad- cliffe. Lond. 1869, 8«- Pedigrees and notes of the Family of Ratcliffe or Radcli:ffe. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Genealoofical notes of the families of Grace and Radcliffe, by Jos. Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24623. Radclyffe — Genealogy of the Family of Radclyffe, by James Ellis. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1850, 8°- Radstock — Claim of Lord Radstock to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Ses- sional Papers, 213 of 1857, sess. 2. Radziwil — Fasti Radiviliani Gesta illus- trissimse Domus Ducum Radziwil Com- pendio continentes, by Alb. Wijuk Koialowicz. Vilnse, 1640, 4P- Icones familise ducalis Radi- vilianse. Inscriptionibus historico- genealogicis, illustratse, 1346 to 1758. [165 plates.] By M. F. Wobe. Petro- poli, 1875, fol. Ragny — ^Etude historique sur les Mar- quis de Ragny et de Mont-Real, 460 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Oases. accompagnee de notes biographiques, etc. [Contient I'histoire de la Maison de Kagnj-Magdelaine.] Par Jacques Bourdin. Lyon, 1860, 4o- Raigecourt — Detail des preuves de la Maison de Kaigecourt, par J. J. Bouvier. Nancy, 1775, 8"- Maison de Kaigecourt, par J. J. Bouvier. Nancy, 17/7, 4'^- Raikes — Historical and Biographical Account of the llaikes Family. Lond. and Northampton, 1881, 8®- Rainborowe — The Rainborowe Family. Gleanings by Henry F. Waters, with Annotations by Isaac J. Greenwood. New York, 1886, 8^- Fifty copies privately printed. Raine - Pedigree of Raine, with copies of the wills of William Raine of Alde- burgh, 1722, and of Henry Raine of London, 1736. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Rais — Gonealogie des seigneurs de Rais du Breil, par Andre du Chesne. Paris, 1621, 4«- Raj — History of the Bhinga Raj Family, by Raja Udayapratapa Siiih. Calcutta, 1883, 8«- Raleigh — The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, from his Birth to his Death on the Scaffold, with Accounts of his Family, etc. Lond. 1740, S^- Raleigh genealogy. The Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, based on con- temporary documents preserved in the Rolls House, the Privy Council Office, Hatfield House, the British Museum, and other Manuscript Repositories, British and Foreign, by Edward Edwards. 2 vols. Lond. 1868, 8°- -Raleigh Pedigree. Extracted from the records of the College of Arms. Lond. 1869, 4*^- Privately printed. Randall — Genealogy of a branch of the Randall Family, 1666 to 1879. Norwich [U.S.] 8«- n.d. Ranfurly — Claim of the Earl of Ranfurly to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional JPapers, 96 of 1857 — 8. Ransom — A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Captain Samuel Ran- som of the Continental Army, by his Great-great-grandson Capt. Clinton B. Sears. St. Louis, 1882, S^- Rant — Pedigree and notes of the Family of Rant, with copies of the wills of William and John Rant of Worsted. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Rantzau — Genealogia Ranzoviana. [By P. Lindebergius ?] Helmstadt, 1585, Another edition Witebergae, 1586. Another edition, 1587. -Das Haus Rantzau. Eine Familien-Chronik. Celle, [1866 ?] 8^- Rantzow — Eloge historique de la Noble et illvstre Maison de Rantzow, par C. Malingre. [Avec la genealogie et le blason de la Famille.] Paris, 1641, 40- Ratcliffe, see Radcliffe. Rathdonnell — Claim of Lord Rathdonnell to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, B of 1868-9. Rawdon — A Sketch of the Descent of the Rawdon P^amily from the Conways. See " The Rawdon Papers," by the Rev. Edw. Berwick. Lond. 1819, 8°- Rawlings, see Ashwin. Rawlins, see Rollins. Rawson — Memoir of Edward Rawson from 1651 to 1686 ; with genealogical notices of his descendants, by Sullivan S. Rawson. Privately printed. Boston, 1849, 8«- A revised memoir of Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1650 to 1689, with genealogical notices of his descendants, including nine generations, by E. B. Crane. Worcester, Mass. 1875,80- Privately printed. The Ancestry of Edward Rawson, by E. B. Crane. Wore. Mass. 1887, 8o- Ray, see also Sands. Ray — Collections relating to the Family of Ray, of Norfolk and Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Sketch of the Life and Times of Dr. David Ray. [With an account of the meeting of the descendants of Dr. Ray on the 125th anniversary of his birth, Sept. 7, 1876.] Boston, 1881, 16^- For private circulation. Raymond — Genealogical Memoranda re- lating to the Family of Raymond, of Kintbury, Berks. Privately printed, 1886. Family Histoeies, Pedigbees, and Peerage Cases. 461 Raymond — Genealogies of the Raymond Families of New England, 1630 to 1886. With a Historical Sketch of some of the Raymonds of Early Times, their Origin, etc. bv Samuel Raymond. New York, 1886, 8«- Rayner — Memoranda of the Family of Rayner. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6256. Rays — Cartulaire des sires de Rays, par Paul Marchegay. Paris, 1857, 8"- Read — Collections relating to the Famil- ies of Read, Reade, Rede, Reed, and Reid. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. —Tabular pedigree of the Read family. Providence, 1859. Reade — Copies of all Papers recorded in the Heralds College connected with the claim made in the year 1810, by a per- son calling himself Sir William Reade, to the title of Baronet, &c. 1832, folio. Letter of Sir W. Betham relative to the Reade Pedigree ; and Reports respecting certain Claims to Baronies in Ireland. With folded Pedigree. 1832, fol. Recourt — Cenealogie de la Maison de Recourt, par A. F. N. de Recourt. Reims, 1782, 4«- Rede, see Read. Redfield — Genealogy of the Redfield Family in the United States. Stereo- typed by J. S. Redfield. 1839. Genealogical History of the Redfield Family in the United States, by John Howard Redfield. Being a Revision and Extension of the Genea- logical Tables, compiled in 1839, by William C. Redfield. Albany, 1860, 8°- Redgrave pedigree and notes, with copy of the will of Thomas Redgrave of Woodbridge, 1715. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Redman — Notices and Pedigree of the Family of Redman of Harwood and Levens, by Sir George Duckett, Bart. Reprinted from the " Yorkshire Archaeological Journal," 1876. Lond. 1877, 80 Redvers — Pedigree, etc., of Baldwin de Redvers, Earl of Devon. See "Journal of the British Archaeological* Associa- tion," vol. XXX, 170 — 172, 196 ; and Add. MS. 19146, Brit. Mus. Reed — History of the Reed Family in Europe and America, by J. W. Reed. Boston, 1861, 8°- Reeder, see Fisher. Reeve — Collections relating to various families of the name of Reeve. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Regnon — Genealogie de la Maison de Regnon, par A. L. Drigon, Vicomte de Magny. Nantes, 1859, fol. Reichel — Pedigree of the Family of Reichel, descended from Valentin Reichel the elder, of Geisingin Saxony, by Rev. Oswald Jos. Reichel. Lond. 1872, fol. Stemma vetus Reich elianum, by Oswald Joseph Reichel. Privately printed, 1878, large sheet. Rekowski genealogy, 1300—1887, by Franz von Wotoch-Rekowski. Berlin, 1887, 40- Repps — Collections concerning the Family of Repps of Norfolk and Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Reresby — Genealogy of the family of Reresby, by Sir John Reresby. The pedigree is traced from Sir Adam de Reresby in the 12th century to the author's own time ; and is accompanied with drawings of arms and monuments, 1708. Two volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,442, 29,443. Resseguie — The Resseguie Family. A historical and genealogical record of Alexander Resseguie of Norwalk, Conn., and four generations of his descendants, compiled by John E. Morris. Hart- ford, Conn., 1888, 8«- Retz — Les Sires de Retz et le chateau de Machecoul, par Ch. Mourain de Sour- deval. Tours, 1845, 8''- Revett, see also Fauconberge. Revett — Collections relating to the Revett Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Rexford— I Wish to Make a Complete Genealogical Record of the Rexfords. [By J. D. Rexford, of Janes ville, Wisconsin, 1881, 8''- ] Reygate — Collections for the family of Reygate, of Sterton, Co. York. MS. E. Campsall Hall, Co. York. Reyner, see Lane. Reynolds, see also Colby ; Cromwell. 462 Family Histories, Pediorees, and Peerage Cases. Keynolds — Memoirs of the Reynolds Family. See " Some Account of the Town of Plvmpton Maurice," &c. By William Cotton. Lond. 1859, 8"' Collections concerning the Ileynolds Family of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. A Genealogy of Kunnels and Reynolds Families in America ; with Records and brief Memorials of the Earliest Ancestors, and of many of their Descendants, by M. T. Runnels. Boston, 1873, 8«- Rhodes — Pedigree of the Family of Rhodes of New Zealand, by F. W. Hoyle. Sheffield, 1865, 4«- Rhodocanakis — Reply to a Criticism in the Saturday Review, on the Imperial House of Rhodocanakis. Westminster, 1870, 4«- Life and Writings of Constantine Rhodocanakis, a Prince of the imperial houses of Ducas, Comnenus, etc. honorary physician of Charles II. Athens, 1872, fol. [The history of the family is chiefly concerned by this pub- lication.] Genealosria della Casa Imperiale dei Rhodocanakis di Scio. [By Prince Demetrius Rhodokanakis.] 1884, fol. Ricciardelli — Genealogia dell' antica famiglia detta delle Caminate de Bel- monti & de Ricciardelli, by P. Belmonti. Rimino, 1671, fol. Rice — A Genealogical History of the Rice Family : descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice who came from Berk- hampstead, England, and settled at Sudbury, Mass. in 1638 or 9. By A. H. Ward. Boston, 1858, 8«- Rich, see also Cromwell ; Montague. Rich pedigree, from Edw. II. to 1824, with genealogical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19146. Richards — The Richards Family. A Genealogical Register of the Descen- dants of several ancient Puritans, by Rev. Abner Morse, vol. iii. Boston, 1861, 8<^- A Sketch of some of the Descendants of Owen Richards, who emigrated to Penns3dvania previous to 1718, by Louis Richards. Philadelphia, 1882, 80- Richardson, see also Yinton. Richardson — Annals of the Cleveland Richardsons and their Descendants. From Family MSS etc. by Geo. Richardson . Newcastle - upon - Tyne, 1850, 12^- The Richardson Memorial, comprising a full history and genealogy of the posterity of the three brothers, E. S. and T. Richardson, by J. A. Vinton. Portland, Me. 1876, 8''- Notes on the Richardson and Russell Families, by James Kim- ball, of Salem. Salem, 1880, S^- A Skeleton Pedisrree to illus- trate the descent of the late Miss Currer, [Richardson Family.] Single sheet. Richelieu, see also Dreux. Richelieu — Epitome Genealogico del eminentissimo Cardenal Duque de Richelieu, y discursos politicos sobre algunas acciones de su vida, by El Capitan Man, Fernand de Villa Real. Portrait, plate of arms and genea- logical table. Pampelona, 1641, 4°- Richmond, see also Dawson ; Drake. The Richmonds of High head Castle, Co. Cumberland, by William Jackson. Reprinted from the " Trans, of the Cumb. and Westm. Antiq. and Archaiolog. Society," vol. 2, 1875. Kendal, 1876, 8«- Richmond, Earls of. An Historical Discourse upon the Ducal Family of Britanj', Earls of Richmond, by Roger Gale. Being the substance of his Preface to the " Registrum Honoris de Richmond." Bibl. Top. Brit. vol. iii. Lond. 1790, 4"- Genealogia comitum Riche- mund post conqusestum Anglise : cum pictura Gulielmi I. regis, dantis terras et villas quae nuper fuerunt comitis Edwini in Eboracshire, nepoti suo Alano, Britannise comiti. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Faust. B. vii. Earls of Richmond. "History and Antiquities of Richmond," by C. Clarkson. Richmond, 1824, 4'^- Ricker — Records of some of the Descend- ants of George and Maturin Ricker, who were early at Dover, N.H. ; and who were killed by the Indians, 1706. Compiled by William B. Lapham. Augusta, Me. 1877, 8o. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 463 liiddell. See Border Memories ; or, Sketches of prominent Men and Women of the Border, by Walter Riddell Carre. Edinb. 187G, 8«' ; and The Genealogist, new series, vol. vi. 1889. Pedigree of Sir James Riddell, Bart., of Ardnamurchan, containing an abstract of tlie descents, with the authorities annexed. Edinb. 1791, 40. A Genealoijical Sketch of the Riddell Family, by W. P. Riddell. New Orleans, 1852, 8"- -History of the Ancient Rye- dales and their Descendants in Nor mandy, Great Britain, Ireland and America, from 860 to 1884. Comprising the Genealogy and Biography for about One Thousand Years of the Families of Riddell, Riddle, Ridlon, Ridley, etc. Illustrated with portraits, coats-of- arms, etc., by G. T. Ridlon. Manches- ter, N. H. 1884, 8°- Ridle}' — Notes, Pedigrees, Extracts from Registers, etc. of the Ridley Kamily. MS. 19th century, belonging to Arthur Yicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Rieux — Memoire de Rene, sire de Rieux, prince de la Maison de Bretagne, mar- quis d'Oiiessant, et la genealogie de sa Maison, par Math. Marais. Paris, (1710), 4^'- Riland — Three Hundred Years of a Family Living, being a History of the Rilands of Sutton Coldiield, bv the Rev. W. K. Riland Bedford. Birm. 1889, 4'^- Rilli, see Passerini. Riollet — Notice historique et genealogique sur la Famille de Riollet, de Bourgogne, etc. Brioude, 1860, 8"- Rioult, see Pollin. Ripley — Genealogy of a part of the Ripley Farailv, bv IL W. Ripley. Harlem, N.Y^ [1866] 12"- Second and enlarged edition. Newark, N.J. 1867, 12'^- Risley — Genealogies of the Families of Culcheth. and Rislev, of Risley, bv J. Paul Rylands. Lond. 1876, 4''- Pri- vately printed. • Rivail — Aymar du Rivail et sa Famille, par M. Giraud. Lyon, 1859, 8^- Rivers — The Rivers Famil v, of Hampshire- Brit. Mus. Egerton MS. 2379, f. 37. Rivers, Earl, see Savage. Rivoire — Genealogie historique de la Maison de Rivoire. Paris, 1819, 8'^- Roberdeau — Genealogy of the Roberdeau Family, including a Biography of General Daniel Roberdeau, by Rober- deau Buchanan. Washington, 1876, 8°- Roberts — The Roberts' of Kent. See " The Annals of Cranbrook Church," by W. Tarbutt, 1870, 8«- Descendants of John Roberts of Simsbury, etc. by L. A. Roberts. Brooklyn, 1888, 8"- Rooberts, or Roberts, of Glas- tonbury, Boresall, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6347 ff. 2 b— 7 b. Robertson — The history and martial atchievements of the Robertsons of Strowan, by the Hon. Alexander Robertson. Edinb. 1775 ? 12«- Comitatus de Atholia. The Earldom of Athole, the Family of De Atholia and their descendants, the Robertsons, by James A. Robertson. Edinb. 1860, 8^- Printed for private circulation. Robin — Gleanings of "The Robin Family," by a Robin. 1880, 8°- Privately printed. Robins — Family Record of the Ancestors of Ephraim and Abigal Robins and their descendants. Hartford, n.d. single sheet. Robinson, see also Giles. Robinson — Pedigrees of the Robinsons of Suffolk, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Genealogical History of the Families of Robinsons, Saffords, Har- woods, and Clarks bv Sarah Robinson. Bennington [U.S.] 1837, 12°- -Memoir of the Rev. William Robinson, Pastor of the Church in Southington, Conn. With some Account of his ancestors in this country, by his son, Edward Robinson. New York, 1859. Printed for private dis- tribution. Robsart — Genealogical notes respecting the famih^ of Robsart, with the pedi- gree of Amy Robsart, wife of the Earl of Leicester. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. 464 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Eoby, see Corliss. Eocaberfci — Compendio de las Grandezas y prerogativas soberanas de la anti- quissima Casa de los Vizeondes de Kocaberti, Condes de Perelada Barones, y Marqueses de Anglesola. Madrid, 1651, fol. Privately printed. Kocheaymon — Genealogie historique et critique de la Maison de Eocheaymon, pour servir (le second volume) au Sup- plement de I'Histoire de la Maison de France, etc. par I'abbe J. d'Estrees. Paris, 1776, fol. Abregc de la genealogie de la Maison de la lioche-Ayraon, par I'abbe J. d'Estrees. Paris, 1776, re- printed at Bordeaux, 1839, fol. Rochechouart — Histoire de la Maison de Rocbechouart, par le General Comte de Rocbechouart. 2 vols. Paris, 1859, 4°- Rocbefoucauld — Genealogies des maisons de la Rochefoucauld, de Montmorency, de Stuart, de Savoie-Soissons, d'Au- tricbe, de Medicis et des Landgraves de Hesse. Par Saint-Martin d'Arone. Genealogie de I'ancienne et illvstre Maison de la Rochefoucaud, par Andre du Chesne. Paris, 1622, fol. Genealocrie de la Maison de Rocbefoucauld, par Pierre d'Hozier. Paris, 1654, 4^^- -Supplement a la genea- logie de la Maison de la Rocbefoucauld, par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828, 40' Le Due de Doudeauville (la Rocbefoucauld), par M. de Birague. Par. 1844, 4o- Rocbette — Notice bistorique et genealo- gique sur la Maison de la Rocbette en Auvergne, etc., par d'Assier de Valen- cbes. Lyon, 1856, 8°- Also an Appen- dix, 1856. Rocbii — De Insignibus Familiarum,by P. Rocbii. Lucae, 1576, S*"- Rock — Memoirs of Captain Rock, witb some Account of bis Ancestors, written by bimself. Lond. 1824, 12»- Rockwell — A Sermon preacbed at tbe Funeral of Martin Rockwell of Cole- brook, Dec. 11, 1851, by Rev. Jos. Eldridge. Witb an Appendix and a Genealogy of tbe Rockwell Family. Printed for tbe Descendants of Samuel Rockwell. New Haven, 1852, S''- Rockvvood, see also Adams. Rockwood — A Historical and Genealogical Record of tbe Descendants of Timotby Kockwood, by E. L. Rockwood. Bos- ton [U.S.] 1856, 80- Rocles — Genealogie de la Maison de Kocles, en Vivarais, extraite du tome v du Diet, tiniv. de la Nohl. de France., par le Cbev. de Courcelles. Paris, 1822, 8«- Rodman — Notes on tbe Rodman Gene- alogy, by William Woodbridge Rodman. New Haven, Conn. 1887, 8"- Rodney, see Harley. Roederer — La Famille Eoederer, de 1676, a 1790. Notice par Antoine Marie Roederer. Paris, 1850, 8«- Roger — Tbe Scottish Branch of tbe Nor- man House of Koger. Witb a genea- logical Sketch of the Family of Play- fair, by Charles Rogers. Lond. 1872, go. X^i-inted for private circulation. The Scottish House of Koger, with notes respecting the Families of Playfair and Haldane of Bermony, by Charles Rogers. 2nd edition. Edinb. 1875, 8^- Four Perthshire Families : Roger, Playfair, Constable, and Haldane of Barmony, by Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinb. 1887, 4^^- Privately printed. Rogers, see also Dawson. Roofers. See Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 258. The ancient Family of Rogers of Farncote, bv William Hardwick, 1824. Brit. Mus. Add. i\JS. 29,245, f. 43. Exemplification of Arms to R. Rogers Coxwell Rogers, of Dowdeswell. Privately printed, 1850, 4'^- Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, bs^ a Descendent. Boston, 1851 ? S*'- See also New. Eng. Hist, and Gen. Regis- ter, April, 1851. John Rogers the Compiler of Authorised Eno-lisb Bible : the first Embracing a genealogical account of bis family ; biographical sketches of some of his principal descendants, etc., by Joseph Lemuel Chester. Lond 1861, 8°- Genealogy of Rogers of Dowdes- well, CO. Gloucester. Privately printed, 1869, 4P- Family Histories, PEDiasEEs, and Peeeage Cases 465 Kogers — Descendants of Eev. Daniel llogers, of Littleton, Mass. Privately printed, 1885. Roggenbacli — Chronik der Freiherrlichen Eamilie von Koggenbach, by Max Freiherrn. Freiburg, 1888, 8«- llogier — Les Preuves de noblesse que fait devant mess, les commissaires nommez par Sa Majeste M. Eugene Rogier, ComtedeVillenevve,etc. Paris, 1660, S'^- Rohan — Le Rang et prerogatives de la Maison de Rohan. Paris, 1660, fol. Grenealogie de la Maison de Rohan, extraite du tome xii du Diet, de la Nohlesse, par M. de la Chesnaye- des-Bois. Paris, s.d. ^^^ Rokeby — Qi]conomia Rokebeiorum, a his- tory of the family of Rokeby, by Ralph Rokeby, Secretary to the Council at York, 1565. Brit. Mus Add. MS. 24,470, f . 294. Claim of the Right Hon. Mat- thew, Baron Rokeby, to vote at Elec- tions of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, 153 of 1830. Rolin — Etude historique sur le Chan- celier Rolin et sur la Famille, par Ch. Bigarne. Dijon, 1860, 8«- Rollinghen — Genealogical Table, with arms emblazoned, showing the eight quarters of Jean Ernest, Baron de Rollingham. A vellum roll, 18th cen- tury. ' Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15151. Rollins — Notes relating to Rawlins or I Rollins, with Notices of Early Settlers of the name in America, and Family Records, by John R. Rollins. Law- ' rence, Mass. 1870, 8o- Records of Families of the name of Rawlins or Rollins in the United States. Compiled by John R. Rollins. Lawrence, Mass. 1874, 4'"- Romanof — The Russian Empire and the House of Romanof, bv W. Anderson. 1815, 8-- Rommecourt — Genealogie de la Maison de Rommecourt, anciennement nommee de Raumecuris originaire d'AUemagne, par Louis-Marie, comte de Romme- court. Paris, 1701, 8<^- Ronaldson, see Macdonald. Roncherolles — Notice sur la Maison de Roncherolles et sur M. le fomte du Hamel, par Lefebure Bisson. Paris, 1851, 80- Rookwood — Pedigrees and Evidences of the Family of Rookwood, of Co. Suffolk. See " Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica," ii. 120 — 147 and Add. MS. 19147, Brit. Mus. The Rookwoods of Stanning- field. See H. Foley's " Records of the English Province," iii., 785. Roome — Descendants of Peter Willerase Roome, by Peter Roome Warner. New York, 1883. 8«- Privately printed. Roos, see also Peverell Roos — Some account of the family of Roos, of Hamlake, with pedigrees. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19147 ff. 146— 164. 26740 ft'. 99^- —103^- Roos, Barony of, see also Fitzgerald. Report of the Case concerning the Barony of Roos or Ros. Brit. Mus. Harg. MS. 130. Root Genealogical Records, 1600 — 1870. Comprising the General History of the Root and Roots Families in America, by James Pierce Root. New York, 1870. 8'^- Roquelaure — Genealogie de la Maison de Maison de Roquelaure, tiree du volume vii. de I'Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique des Grands Oliiciers de la Couronne, etc., par le P. Alexis (Pierre Caquet.) Paris, 1762. 8''- Roscommon Peerage Claims, edited by J. S. Taylor. Lond. 1822. 8'^- Claim of the Earl of Roscom- mon to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers 122 of 1823 ; 62 of 1824 ; 46 of 1825 ; 116 of 1826 ; 40 of 1826-7 ; 138 of 1828. The Roscommon Claim of Peer- age, explained in the Speeches delivered in the Sessions of 1827 and 1828, before the Lords Committee of Privi- leges ; with the decision of the House of Lords thereon, by J. S. Taylor. Lond. 1829. 8«- Rose — Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose, of Kilravock, from the year 1290 to 1847, by H. Rose, con- tinued by L. Shaw. Edited by Cosmo Innes for the Spalding Club. Edinb. 1848, 40- Rose v. Rose, Appellant's Case in the House of Lords, 1787. Rosel — Stemmata Rosellana ; compiled from Inquisitions post mortem. Parlia- mentary Records, Chancery Reports, 466 Family Histories, Pediobees, and Peerage Cases. etc., by ClifPord Stanley Sims. Phila- delphia. 1859. Kosenkrantz — Familien Rosenkrantz's Historie af A. Heise. 2 vols. Kiob. 1874—82, 40- Rosewell — Sir Henry Rosewell ; a Devon Worthy. His Ancestry and History, by Fran. B. James. Privately printed, 1888, 80- Eosindall, see Lloyd. Rosingreve, see Cotgreve. Rosmadec — Science Hero'ique, avec la Genealogie de la Maison de Rosmadec, par Marc Vulson de la Colombiere. Paris, 1614, fol. Genealogie succincte de la Maison de Rosmadec, par le sieur d' Hozier. Enrichie par Marc Vulson de la Colombiere. Paris, 1644, fol. Second edition, 1669. Ross, see also Coulthart. Ross — Ane Breve Cronicle of the Earlis of Ross, including Notices of the Family of Ross, of Balnagown. Edinb. 1850, 4°- Privately printed. A genealogical account of the Rosses of Dalton in the County of Dumfries, from their first settlement in Scotland, to the year 1854, by Geo. Parker Knowles. Lond. 1855, S^- Privately printed. —I. Ross di Sicilia. Cenni Storici e Genealogici, per il Cav. G. B. Di Crollalauza. Pisa, 1878. 8«' Ross, Viscount, see Parsons. Rossi — Historia de Rossi Parmigiani, bj V. Carrari. Ravenna, 1581, 8^- Rostaing — Recueil memorial des Lettres Patentes du changement de nom du chasteau et comte de Bury en Blaisois en comte de Rostaing, etc., avec blasons. Paris, 1656, 4"- Trophees medalliques des seigneurs de Rostaing, par Henry Chesneau. Paris, 1661, fol. Rothschild — Notice sur la Famille de Rothschild (par Mayer), publiee dans les Archives des liommes du jour, par M M. Tisseron et de Quincv. Paris, 1846, 8«- The Rothschilds : The Financial Rulers of Nations, by John Reeves. Lond. 1887. Rotours — Notice historique sur la Maison de Rotours, extraite de VAnn. de la Nohl. de France^ par Borel d'Haute- rive. Paris, 1853, 18o- Roucy — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Roucy et de Roye, par P. Moret de la Fayolle. Paris, 1675, 12o- Table genealogique de la Maison de Roye et comtes de Roucy, par David Blondel. No date, fol. Rouer — Families de la France coloniale. Les Rouer de Villeray, par M. Margry. Paris, 1851, 8o- Rous — Several pedigrees and genealogical notes of the family of Rous and Roos. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Roussillon, see L'Aubespin. Routard — La Maison et Famille de Routard, par Richard Routart. Brux. 1688, 4P- Rouvroy, see also Croix. Rouvroy — La Genealogie de la Maison de Rouvroy, par Pierre d'Hozier. Paris, 1632, fol. Roux — Explication de I'Epitaphe, etc. a la memoire de M. Claude le Roux, baron d' Acquigny, etc. [This work contains the genealogy and arms of the family.] Rouen, 1692, 4^- Histoire genealogique de la Maison de le Roux, par Pierre d'Hozier. No date, 4'^- Rouxel — Etude Historique et Genea- logique sur les Rouxel de Medavy Grancey, par Victor Des Digueres. Paris, 1870, 8'^- Roxburghe, Dukedom, see Innes ; Ker. Row — Memoirs of the Family of Row, by James Maidment. Edin. 1828. 4°- 40 copies privately printed. Rowallane — The Historie and Descent of the House of Rowallaue, written in or prior to 1657, by Sir William Mure. Glasgow, 1825, 8«- Rowe — " Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica," i. 162, 166. New Series, ii. 252. " The descent, armes, and pedi- gree of the ancient Famelye of A-rowe or Rowe in the county of Kent, proued of old Records, Deeds, and Monuments," with coloured arms, Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,797. Family Histories, PEDiaEEEs, and Peerage Cases. 467 Rowley — Pedigree of Admiral Sir William Kowley, with some account of his Family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Roy — Genealogie de la Mai son le Roy, conseiller au parlement de Rouen. Paris, 1693, 4°- Genealogie de la Maison le Roy, marquis de Valanglart et comtes de Barde, extraite du tome 1 des Arch, geneal. de la Nobl. de France, par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1828, 8o- Royall — The New England Royalls, by Edw. Doubleday Harris. Boston, 1885, 8'^- Roye, see Roucy. Rubens — Genealogie de P. P. Rubens et de sa Famille, par L. J. Verachter. Anvers, 1840, 8«- Rucellai — Genealogia e Sfcoria della Famiglia Rucellai. By Luigi Passerini. Firenze, 1861, 8o- Riidinger — Original patent of nobility and arms, granted by the Emperor Joseph I. to Caspar Riidinger, with the additional title of Von Rudingsfels. 1710. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1502. Ruggles — Pedigree of Ruggles of Essex, 1547 to 1827, with genealogical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Ruglen — Claim of William, Earl of Ruglen, tobe Earl of Cassilis. Sessional Paj^ers, Mar. 1760— Feb. 1761. Runnels — A Genealogy of Runnels and Reynolds Families in America ; with Records and brief Memorials of the Earliest Ancestors, and of many of their Descendants, by M. T. Runnels. Boston, 1873, 8«- Rusca — Istoria della Famiglia Rusca, by Onorato Rusca. Yercelli, 1665, 40. ^11 Rusco overo Historia della Famiglia Rasca, by R. Rusca. Venetia, 1680, 4r- ■Casato Rusca o Rusconi Tavole genealogici con Appendice alle Memorie storiche, by Lodi. Bologna, 1877, fol. Rush — Pedigtees of the Rush Families of Surrey and Suffolk, witii genealogical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Rushbrooke — Genealogical notes respect- ing the Family of Ruslibrooke, of Rushbrooke Hall, with pedigree. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Russell, see also Cromwell. Russell — Collection of genealogical papers relating to the Russell Family of Bedford. Woburn Abbey. The Russells. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend, ii. 25. The Bedford Family. "Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878, 8°- The Origin and Genealogy of the Russell Family. See Stephen Dodd's '' History of Woburn," 1818, pp. 72—80. An Historical Account of the Original and Rise of the Russells, Earls of Bedford. Lond. 1684, 120- Anecdotes of the House of Bed- ford, from the Norman Conquest, to the present time. Lond. {circa 1800), 8°- Historical Memoirs of the House of Russell, by J. H. Wiffen. 2 vols. Lond. 1833. S^- -A sketch of the History of the House of Russell, by David Ross. Liverpool, 1848, S*'- The Russells, of Bermondsey and Sydenham. See " Gentleman's Magazine," vol. 54, p. 888. Russell pedigrees with genealo- gical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Arms of families of the name of Russell, in the handwriting of Gregory King. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,690, f. 28. Genealogy of that Branch of the Russell Family, which comprises the Descendants of John Russell, of Woburn, Massachusetts, 1640—1878, by John Russell Bartlett. Providence, 1879. 8"- Privately printed. Notes on the Richardson and Russell Families, by James Kimball of Salem. Salem, 1880. 8°- Rust — Pedigree of the Rust family of Stovvmarket, with genealogical notes and copy of the will of John Rust, 1775, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19147. Rutgers — The Rutgers Family of New York, bv Ernest H. Crosbv. New York, 1886, 8«- Rutherford, see also Thomas. Rutherfords of that Ilk. By Thomas H. Cockburn Hood. Printed for private circulation, 4^- 468 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Rutherford — Claim of Alexander Kuther- ford to the title of Lord Rutherford. Sessional Papers, Dee. 1761 — Mar. 1762. Ruthin, Barony of, see Longevile. Rutter Pedigree. Single sheet. See also " The Reliquary," Vol. xiii. Ryder — Life of Mrs. A. F. Ryder, a centenarian, also a list of her Ancestors and Descendants, by John H. Ryder. Boston, 1888, 16"- Rye — Genealogie de la Maison de Rye, par Julius Chifflet. 1664, fol. An Account of the Family of Rye, by Walter Rye. Lond. 1876, 8«- Ryedale, see Riddell. Ryland — Rylands of the Rylands, within West Houghton, co. Lancaster, by J. Paul Rylands. Reprinted from the " Genealogist," for July, 1880 ; pp. 9. Rys — Emblazoned pedigrees of Rys ap David ap Ithel, and of Thomas ap Rys and of Alice Tanad his wife, parch- ment rolls, 17th century. Hengwrt MSS. 425 and 420, at Peniarth. Sable — Histoire de Sable, premiere partie, genealogie des maison s de Sable et de Craon, avec des remarques et des preuves, par Menage. Paris, 1683. fol. Sabin — The Sabin Family of America. The four Earliest Generations, by the Rev. Anson Titus. Wevmouth, Mass. 1882. 80- Sackville — Pedigree of the family of Sackville, Earls of Dorset, to the cliil- dren of Richard, third Earl, 1622. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,844 A. Sackville pedigree, with genea- logical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. • Grants and Patents to the House of Sackvile, with other evidences to prove their Pedigree. Her. Coll. Pliili- pot MS. 9. Pc. -Memoirs of the Noble Family of Sackville, by A.Collins. Lond. 1741, 8°. A Topographical Sketch of Knole, Co. Kent, with a Brief Gene- alogy of the Sackville Family, by J. Bridgman. Lond. 1797. 8°- Other editions, the last in 1817. Genealogical History of the Sackville Family. See ""^Guide to Knole House," by J. H. Brady. Sevenoaks, 1839. 12^- Sackville — Sackville Family. Historical Notices of the Parish of Withyham in the County of Sussex, vrith a Descrip- tion of the Church and Sackville Chapel. Lond. 1857. 4P- Case of the Rt. Hon. Reginald Windsor Sackville, Earl de la Warr, claiming the Barony of Buckhurst, co. Sussex. 1876 pp. 33. Minutes of Evidence on the Buckhurst Peerage Claims. Sessional Fapers, 1876. Safford, see Robinson. Sage — Genealogical Record of the Des- cendants of David Sage, a native of Wales ; born 1639, and one of the first settlers of Middletown, Connecticut, 1652. [By E. L. Sage.] Middletown, Conn. 1878, 8^- Sailhas — Genealogie de la Maison de Sailhas, avec blason. Auch, 1858, 4*^- St. Amour, see L'Aubespin. St. Astier — Genealogie historique de la Maison de Saint- Astier, extraite du tome xvii du Xohil. univ. de France, par Courcelles. Paris, 1820, 12°- St. Aulaire — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de St. Avlaire dv nom de Beav- poil en Limosin, etc., par Antoine de Sainct-Aulairo. Paris, 1652, fol. St. Chamond — Genealogie de la Maison de Saint-Cbamond, par Maurice de Boissieu. Societe de la Diana. Recueil de Memoirs, tom. ix, Montbrison, 1873, 8«- St. Clair, see also Sinclair. St. Clair — Genealogie of the Saintclaires of Rosslyn, by Father R. A.. Hay. Edinb. 1835, 4'- Only 120 copies printed. Memoir on tlie Genealogy and Succession of the St. Clairs of Roslyn, by Alex. Sinclair. The ArchceoJogical Journal, xiii, 392. Lond. 1856, 8^- The Case of Charles St. Clair, Esq., claiming the title of Lord St. Clair. 1782, folio. St. Colombe— Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Sainte-Colombe et autres Maisons alliees, par CI. L. A. P. (Claude le Laboureur). Lyon, 1673, 8^- St. Gelais — Notice litteraire sur la famille Saint-Gelais, par J. F. E. Castaigne. Angouleme, 1836, 12o- Only 100 copies printed. Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 469 St. George — Claim of the Right Hon. Dennis St. George, Baron Dunsandle and Clanconal, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers, 211 of 1849. St. Hermine — Genealogie de la Maison de Saint-Hermine. Par. 1780, S^- Saintignon, Maison de, par I'abbe J. J. Bouvier. Nancy, 1778, 4«- St. John, see Cromwell ; Mildmay. St. Mauris — Genealogie historique de la Maison de Saint-Mauris, du comte de Bourgogne, par C. E. P., M^^ de Saint- Mauris. 1830, fol. St. Medardo — Stemmata et Genealogia vetustissimarum et clarissimarum fami- liarum de Sancto Medardo, et de Armin, Dorainorum de Osgodby, Co. Lincoln, 1601. The arms are well drawn and coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4783. St. Nicholas — Collectanea qusedam de Antiquitate et Prosapia Sti. Nicholai, in Com. Cane. Her. Coll. Philipot MS. 20, Pd. St. Phalle — Essai geuealogique sur la Maison de Saint-Phalle, par le chev. Gougenot des Mousseaux. Coulom- miers, 1861, 4«- ^ ^ St. Simon— Table genealogique pour faire voir que la Maison de S. Simon descend par femmes de la roj'ale Maison de France, par Pierre d'Hozier. Paris, 1631, fol. Another in 1632. Genealogia de la antiqua familia y casa de San Simon, by D. Juan Verdier de Portdeguy. Madrid, 1808, fol. Sales — Le Pourpris historique de la Maison de Sales de Thorenc en Gene- vois, par Ch. Aug. de Sales. Annessy, 1659, 4P- Histoire de la tres ancienne et illustre Maison de St. Francois de Sales, cvesque et prince de Geneve, par Nic. de Hauteville. Paris, 1669, 4"- ■Genealoojie de la Famille de Sales, by A. D. [Alphonse Despine.] Annecy 1870 ? single sheet. Salignac — Genealogie de la Maison de Salignac-Fenelon, extract des Arch, geneal. et hist, de la Noh. de France, pub. par P. L. Laine. Paris, 1844, go. • Saligne, Famille de, par Leon Aude. 1858, 80- Salisbury, Earls of, see also Montacute. Salisbury — Genealogical and Historical Account of the ancient Earldom of Salisbury, by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1832, 80- Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, with Memorials of Ela, Countess of Salisbury, and of the Earls of Salisbury, and of the Houses of Salis- bury and Longspe, &c. By W. L. Bowles, and J. G. Nichols. Lond. 1835, 8«- The Earldom of Salisburj', by John Gough Nichols, Esq. See "Pro- ceedings of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britian," held at Salisbury, 1849. • Marriao-e Settlement of the Earl of Salisbury and the daughter of Lord Cobhaio, 1589, with sketches of the lives and pedigrees of the parties to the deed, edited by C. E. Bowles. Lond. 1889, 4P- Salle — Histoire de la maison des Salles, originaire de Beam, depuis son, etab- lissement en Lorraine, par Dom. Aug. Calmet. Nancy, 1716, fol. •Genealogie de la Salle, originaire du pays et comte de Soule en Gascogne, par le Metayer, et attestee par Lacroix. Paris, 1774, fol. Salter — First Families of Old Monmouth. Salter Family, by J. E. Still well. New York (1882), 8«- -Memorial Services and Notices of George William Salter of Washington, B.C. With an Appendix containing a Genealogy of G. W. Salter. Washing- ton, 1882, 8"- Saltonstall pedigree, by G. D. Phippen. Boston, 1857 ; and Add MS. 19148, Brit. Mus. Saltoun^ — -Clahn of Lord Saltoun to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, E of 1856. Salusbury — The Genealogy or Perdegrey of John Salusbury, gent, one of his Ma'ties poore knights of Windsore, descended from the worthey famely of Salusbury of Le\\Tiey, w'thiu the County of Denbighe, etc. 1622 and 1627. Parchment rolls. Hengwrt MSS. 423 and 424, at Peniarth. Testimonial to the Descent of Foulke Salusbury, and his Claim to be 470 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. entitled a Gentleman. See 5tli Annual Keport of the Oxford Heraldic Society. Oxford, 1839, 8«- Salvaing — Genc'alogie de la Maison de Salvaing, par Denis Salvaing de Boissieu. Grenoble, 1683, 12o- llelation des principaux eveneraents de la vie de Salvaing de Boissieu ; suivie d'une critique de sa gcnealogie, etc., par Alfred de Terre- basse. Lyon, 1850, 8o- Salvarola — Memorie sopra la Famiglia di Signori Altani, Conti di Salvarola. Yenezia, 1717, 4"- Salvin — The Salvin Family. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxx, 116. Sampson, see also Giles. Sampson — Collections relating to the Sampson Familv, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add.^'MS." 19148. Genealogical Memoirs of the Sampson Family in America, from the arrival of the Mayflower in 1620 to the present time, by John Adams Vinton. Boston, 1864, 8«- Sanborn — Genealogy of the Sanborn Family, by N. Sanborn. Boston, 1856, 80- The Sanborns of England and America, by V. C. Sanborn. Concord, Mass. 80- pp. 11. San croft — An Account of Archbishop Sancroft, with a pedigree of the Familv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. The Sancroft Family, by the Bev. John Jas. liaven. Privatelv printed, 1889, 8o- Sandford — Notes and Arms of the Sand- ford Family. See "Journal of the British Archieological Association," Vol. xxx, 116—118. Sands — Descent of Comfort Sands and of His Children. With Notes on the Families of Bay, Thomas, Guthrie, Alcock, Palgrave, Cornell, Dodge, Hunt, Jessup. New York, 1886, S^- Sandys, see Temple. Sanger, see also Adams. Sanger — Genealogy of the Descendants of Bichard Sanger, the Puritan, by Rev. Abner Morse. Boston, 1851, 8^- Sangro — L' Historia della Famiglia di Sangro, by Filiberti Campanile. Napoli, 1618, fol. Sankev — Memorials of the Family of Sankey, A.D. 1207—1880, printed from the Genealogical Collection of Clement Sankey of Eaglesbush, Neath. Privately printed, 1880. 8o- The Sankey Pedigrees. Swan- sea, 1880, 8°- Printed for private circulation. Sanois, see La Motte Geifrard. Sanson — Memoirs of the Sansons, from private notes and documents, 1688 — ■ 1847. Edited by Henry Sanson. 2 vols. London, 1876, 8°- Sanuta — Istoria della Famiglia Sanuta, by Zabarella. Padua, 1679, 4P- Sapy — Some Account of the Family of Sapy. See " The Picards," etc. Lond. 1878, 80- Sargent, Large tabular pedigree, by Sam. Andrews. Boston, 1851. Genealogy of the Sargent Family, Descendants of William, of Maiden, Mass., by Aaron Sargent. Boston, 1858, 8«- Col. Paul Dudley Sargent of Sullivan, Maine. Bangor, 1887, 8«- [This work contains a genealogical record of the descendants of Col. Sargent.] Sarsfield — The Family of Sarsfield. By the Bev. Richard Caulfield. " Herald and Genealogist," ii. 205—215. Sartiges — Gencalogie de la Maison de Sartiges, extraite du 6® vol. du Nohili- aire d' Auvergne^ par J. B. Bouillet. Clermont-Ferrand, 1852, 8«- Sassenage — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Sassenage, branche des anciens comtes de Lion et de Forests, par Nic. Chorier. Grenoble, 1669, 12'^- Another edition, Lyon, 1672. Re- printed at Paris in 1696. Sassi — Albero della famiglia de Sassi, by C. F. P. D. [H. Curtife.] Rome ? 15 ? single sheet. Saulx, see also Mortemar. Saulx — Genealogie des seigneurs de Saulx, au duche de Bourgogne. 1633, 80- Saumery, Famille de, par Leon de Rossi. Paris, 1856, 8«- Saunderson — Collections for the Pedigrees of the Family of Saunderson, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 31,013 ; 31,014. Family Histoetes, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 471 Saussaye — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de la Saussaye, par Alonso Pean. Lyon, 1860, 4''- Sauvage — Notice biographique sur la Maison Sauvage de Saint-Marc, par Jean de Soisy. Paris, 1851, S^- Savage — Pedigree of the Savages, from John the Savage Lord of Stansby, 4 Edw. IT, with the Arms emblazoned. Vellmn roll. Brit. Mus. Lans. Roll 8. -The Pedigree of Jhon Savage, Earl Kivers, 1582, with the arms emblazoned. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Lans. Roll 7. -The Ancient and Noble Family of the Savages of the Ards, with sketches of English and American Branches of the House of Savage. Compiled from Historical Documents and Family Papers, and Edited by a. F. A. Lond. 1888, 4o- Savery — The Savery Families of America (Savory and Savery). By A. W. Savary. Boston, 1887, S"- Savile — The Early Ecclesiastical History of Dewsbury, by J. B. Greenwood ; with an Account of the Savile Family, of Lupset, Thornhill and Howley, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. Lond, 1859, 8°- The Savile Family. See " Watson's History of Halifax^" Memoirs of the House of Saville, by Robert Samber of New Inn, Glent. A.D. 1717. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 204. Pedigree of the Familv of Saville, down to 1732. Brit. ' Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, p. 37. Savonarola — La Casa di Fra. G-. Savona- rola in Ferrara, by L. N. Cittadella. Fer. 1873, 8^- Savonnieres — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Savonnieres en Aniov. Oii la pluspart des Genealogies de ses Alliances sont representees ; avec les Blasons des Armes, par L. Trincant. Poictiers, 1638, 4^- Savoy, HoMse of, see also Lorraine. Savoy — Chronique de Savoye, avec les Figures de toutes les Alliances des Manages qui se sont faicte en la Maison de Savoye, par Guill. Paradin. Lion, 1561, folio. Savoy — Apologie Fran^oise pour la sere- nissime Maison de Savoye contre les scandaleuses invectives intitulees : Premiere et Seconde Savoysienne, par R. P. Monod. Chambery, 1631, 40. Corona Reale di Savoia, by F. A. Chiesa, 2 vols. Cuneo, 1655, 4°- Histoire Genealogique de la Roy ale Maison de Savoye, justifee par les Preuves autentiques ; enrichee de plusieurs portraits, seaux, monnoys, sepultures, et armoiries ; avec une table, par Samuel Guichenon. 2 vols, Lyon, 1660, fol. Nouvelle edition, 4 vols. Turin 1778—80, fol. L' Histoire de la Maison Royale de Savoye, par T. Blanc. 3 vols. Lyon, 1668, 8''- Abrege de I'Histoire de la Royale Maison de Savoye, par T. Blanc. Lyon, 1693, 80- Cronologia de Principi della Real Casa di Savoja. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 133. Memoirs of the Royal House of Savoy. Shewing by what maxims and policy that family has arrived to its present grandeur. Lond. 1707, 8°- Memoires Historiques sur la Mai- son Royale de Savoie, avec Tables Genealogiques, par Beauregard, 3 vols. Turin, 1816, 8° Traites Publics de la Royale Maison de Savoie. 8 vols. Turin, 1836—61, 4P- Tavole Genealogiche della Real Casa di Savoia, da Filice Carrone. Torino, 1837, 4o- -Les Princes de la Maison Royale de Savoie, par Edouard Marie de Barthelemy. Paris, 1860, 12^- Histoire de la Maison de Savoie, par Mme. la Princesse Christine Tri- vulce de Belgiojoso. Paris, 1860. Le Illustri AUeanze della Real Casa di Savoia, colla descrizione delle feste nuziali celebrate in Torino, cenni genealogico — storico — descrittivi, by Leone Tettoni and Maurizio Marocco. Torino, 1868. 8^- Casa di Savoia. Memoria di Ghe- rardo Ghirardini. Bologna, 1877. 80- Savoy — Soissons, see Rochefoucauld. I 472 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Sawin — Suiiiinary notes concerning John Sawin and his posterity, by Thomas E. Sawin. Wendell, 180(j. 8"- Sawyer — Golden Wedding. Fiftieth Anniversary of tlie Marriage of Jesse Sawyer and Elizabeth Goodell, Feb. 11, 1869, Belvidere, Illonois. With Notices of the Family since 1839. Utica, N.Y. 1869. 8«- A Genealogy of some of the Descendants of VVilliam Sawyer of Newbury, Mass., embracing ten Gene- rations and one hundred and seyen families, by Nathaniel t-'awyer and Jos. B. Walker. Manchester, N.H. 1889, 80- Saxe-Goburg — -Prince Albert's Ancestry : a brief Historical account of the Duke- dom and Ducal-House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, by the Key. Edward Tauer- schmidt. Lond. 1810, 12"- Histoire de la Maison de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, par M. An^. Scheler [ W. Weick.] Brux. 1846, fol Sax-Gotha — History of Ernestus the Pious, iirst Duke of Sax-Gotha, and Bernard the Great, Duke of Sax- Weimar ; with a short liistory of John William, Prince of Gotha ; and Genea- logical Tables of the House of Sax- Gotha. 1740, 80- Saxony — The House of Saxony, tracing tlie descent of the present branches, with a Memoir of Prince Leopold (afterwards King of the Belgians), by Fred. Shoberl. Lond. 181<), 8'^- Say — Collection respecting the Family of Say, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Saye and Sele, Barony of, see Tvvistleton. Sayer, see also Sears. Sayer — Collection respecting the Sayer Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit Mus. Add. MS." 19 148. Sayve, see Croix. Say ward — The Sayw^ard Family ; being the History and Genealogy of Henry Sayward of York, Maine, and his Descendants. With a brief account of other Saywards in America, by C. A. Sayward. Ips. Mass. 1890, S^- Scales — Pedigree and genealogical notes of the Scales Family. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 19148. Scales, Barony of, sec Tempest. Scaliger — Geuealogia Scaligera, by Cris. Bronzini. [Home 1608], single sheet. _ Atche degli Scaligeri, presso Santa Maria Antica in Verona. [Verona, 1845 ?] single sheet. Seals — Origen, Casa y Familia de Seals o de la Scala, etc. by Seals y Salzedo (Diego de). Valencia, 1681, fol. Scannus Genealogy, by Christopher Teel- ing MacCready. Dublin [1873] single she?t. Schenck — The Kev. William Schenck, his Ancestry and his Descendants, com- piled by A. D. Schenck. Washington, 1883, 8'^- Schenk — -Memoir of Johannes Schenk, the Progenitor of the Rush wick, L. 1. Family of Schenk, by P. L. Schenk. Flatbush, L. I. 1876. Scheriehaven, Pedigree of the Family, with emblazoned Coats of Arms. MS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S. A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Schidlovicz. (Dzlalynski, T. Comes) Liber Geneseos Illustris Familie Schidlovicie. Kornik, 1848, fol. Privately printed. Schoraberg — Splendor Familise Schom- bergica) in Nuptiis Heslerio-Schom- bergicis, by P. M Sagittarius. Alterburgi, (1676.) l"^- Schonberg — Geschichte des Geschlechtes von Schonberg Meissnischen Stammes, von Alb. Fraustadt and Bern, von Schonberg. 3 vols, Leip. 1869-1878, 8'>- Schooff — Table genealogique de la Familie de Schooft', ])ar Azevedo Coutinho y Bernal, 1753 ? folio. Schot — Douglas, see De Backer. Schuyler Family. By Joel Munsell. Privately printed from the New York Gen. and Bioq. Record, 1874 8*^ Schwenkenf elder — Genealogical llecords of the Descendants of the Schwenken- felders, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1733, 1734, 1736, 1737. From the German of the Rev. Belthasar Heebner, and from other sources, by the Rev. Reuben Kriebel. Manayunk, 1879. 8o- Schwerin — Allgemeine Geschichte des Geschleclits von Schwerin von Dr. L. Gollmert, Welhelm Grafen und' Leo- nard Grafen von Schwerin. 3 vols. Berlin, 1878, fol. Family Histoeies, PEDiaBEES, aitd Peeeage Cases. 473 Sclpio — Dissertation sur Tarbrc genealo- gique de la Famille des Scipions, by Louis Dutens. London, 1787 ? 8<^- Les Nuits Romaines au Tombeau des Scipions ; ouvrage traduit de 1' Italien [of A. Verri], avec notes. 2 vols. Paris [1812.] 12«- Memoirs of the Life of the Elder Scipio Afrieanus, with Pedigree, Notes and Illustrations, 1817, 8'^- Die Krief^e der Scipionen in Spauien 53G--518 A.U.C. By Johann Frantz. of Munich. Miinchen, 1883. 8«- Scorraille— Table genealogique de la Maison de Scorraille, par. Mon. du Bovchet. Paris, 1681, fol. Scorza — Arbor sive Genealogia Familia; Scortias. A. Scortise, cum Supplementis B. Ferrari. Neapoli, IGll, fol. Albero o genealogia della Famiglia Scorza tradotta dal dottor P. Vineenti, con Sopplementi di B. Ferrari ed aggiuntione fatta dal P. Vineenti. Neapoli, 1G12, fol. Scott — A true history of several families of the name of Scot, of Roxburgh and Selkirk, etc., by Walter Scot, of Sat- chells. Edinb.' 1688, 4"- Other editions in 1776 and 1786. Pedigree of Scott of Stokoe, compiled by William Scott, Newcastle, 1783, 8«- 2nd edition, 1827, 4«- 3rd edition, London, 1852, 8°- Pedigree of the Scott Family, of Stokoe, 1882. Reprinted from the original edition of 1783. Letters of William Scott, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, father of Lords Stowell and Eldon. With a pedigree of the family of Scott. Newcastle Reprints, voL 2, by M. A. Richardson. 1849, 8«- -Antiquity of the name of Scott, with brief historical notes, by Martin B, Scott. Cleveland, 1869. Memorials of the Family of Scott, of Scotts-Hall, Kent, by J. R. Scott. Lond. 1876, 4o- The Scott Monuments in Bra- bourne Church, by Mr. Jam^ R. Scott. Archcdologia Cantiana, vol. 10. Lond. 1876, 80- Scott — Scott Family. See Border Memories ; or. Sketches of prominent Men and Women of the Border, by Walter Riddell Carre. Ediub. 1876, So- Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., of Abbotsford ; with a Reprint of his Memorials of the Haliburtons, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Printed for the Royal ILhtorical Society^ 1877, 8^- The Scottsof Buccleuch. Memoirs, Muniments, etc. with illustrations, by William Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1878, 4*^- Dorothea Scott, otherwise Gotherson and Hogben. Annotated by G. D. Scull. Oxford, 1882, 4°- • — Dorothea Scott, otherwise Gotherson and Hogben, of Egerton House, Kent, 1611—1680. [With four tabular pedigrees.] A ncAv and enlarged edition, bv G. D. Scull. Oxford, 1883, ^^- Printed for private circulation. -Upper Teviotdale and the Scotts of Buccleuch. In progress, 1887. Claim of Hugh Scott, Esq., to be Baron of Polewart. Sessional Fapers, 45 of 1831. Scranton — A Genealogical register of the descendents of John Scranton of Guil- ford, Conn., bv the Rev. E. Scranton. Hartford, U.S"., 1855, S''- Scrase — Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Scrase, by Mark Anthony Lower. Lond. 1856, 8o- See also SussQX Archoeolofjical Collections^ vol. viii. Scripps — ^History of the Scripps Family, by James E. Scripps. Detroit, 1882, 12*^- Printed for private circulation. Scrivener — Copies of the Grant of Arms to Ralph Scrivener of Ipswich, 1576, his will, 1607 ; and the wills of Thomas, John, and Charles Scrivener, of Sibton; together with a pedigree and notes of the Family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Scrope — The Scrope and Grosvenor Roll, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas. 2 vols. Lond. 1832, S^- Privately printed. A Collation of the First Volume of Sir N. H. Nicolas' Edition of the Scrope and Grosvenor Roll. Reprinted from the " Cheshire Sheaf." 1879. 474 Family Histories, PEDiaREEs, and Peerage Cases. Scrope — History of the Family of Scrope. See " The History of Castle Combe, by Gr. P. Scrope. Lond. 1852, 4"- Pri- vately printed. Collections relating to the Ancient and Noble Family of Scrope, of Castle- Combe. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 28,205 —28,213 ; and Add. Charters 18207— 18556. Scrope pedigree, with abstracts of the wills of John, Lord Scrope, and Lady Anne Scrope, 1494 and 1498. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. The Scrope Family. See "Archse- ologia," xvi. 342—346. -Case of Simon Thomas Scrope, claiming to be Earl of Wiltes, 1859, Folio, pp. 19, and folding Pedigree. Additional Case of Simon Thomas Scrope, claiming to be Earl of Wiltes. Folio, pp. 47, and folding Pedigree. 1859. Claim of Simon Thomas Scrope to be Earl of Wiltes. Papers, K of 1862 ; B of 1863 ; B of 1865 ; E of 1867 ; A of 1868-9 ; 100 and 101 of 1868-9. Scudamore — A View of the Ancient and Present State of the Churches of Door, Home Lacy and Hempstead, endow'd by the Bight Honourable John, Lord Viscount Scudamore ; With some Memoirs of that Ancient Family, and an Appendix of Records and Letters, relating to the same Subject, by Matthew Gibson. Lond. 1727, 40. Letters and Papers relating to the Family of Scudamore of Home- Lacy, in Herefordshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 11,041—11,059 ; 11,689 ; 11,816. -Charters and Deeds relating to the Estates of the Family of Scuda^ more in Co. Hereford, from Hen. III. to 1698. Brit. Mus. Add. Charters 1308 to 1371 ; 1813 to 1973. Notes of the Scudamore Family. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association, vol. xxix, 66. Scull — Genealogical Notes relating to the Family of Scull. Compiled by G. D. Scull. Private impression, 1876, 40- Seagrave — Genealogy, Biography and History. Genealogy of the Seagrave Family, from 1725 — 1881, as descended from John and Sarah Seagrave, who came from England. With several Appendices, by Daniel Seagrave. Wor- cester, 1881, 8"- Sears — Pictures of the Olden Time, as shown in the fortunes of a family of the Pilgrims. With a genealogy [of the family of Sayer or Sears], by Edmund Hamilton Sears. Boston, U.S. 1857, 8«- Pictures of the Olden Time, etc. With a genealogy of the family of Sayer or Sears, by E. H. Sears. Pri- vate edition. Boston, 1857, S^- Some Doubts concerning the Sears Family, by Samuel Pearce May. Bos- ton, 1886,' 8°- The Descendants of Richard Sares (Sears) of Yarmouth, Mass., 1638 — 1888. With an appendix containing some notices of other Families by the name of Sears, by Sam. P. May. Albany, 1890, 8°- Searston Family of Colchester, England, by David Sears. Boston, U.S. 1855, go. Privately printed. Seaver — The Seaver Family. A genea- logy of Robe ft Seaver of Roxbury, Mass. and some of his descendants, by Wm. Blake Trask. Boston, 1872, 40- Seckford — Pedigree and notes of the Seckford Family, with copy of the will of Dorothy Seckford of Seckford Hall, 1672. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Sefton — Sketch of the House of Stanley, and the House of Sefton, by D. Ross. Lond. 1848, 8"- Segrave pedigree, with copious notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Genealogy of the Family of Segrave, Barons of Caloughden. Illu- minated. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4957. Segrave, Barony, see Stourton. Sequier — Histoire Genealogique de la tres noble, et illustre famille des Sequiers. Brit. Mus. Harl MS. 4938. Carte de la genealogie de la Maison des Segviers, depuis I'an 1129. Paris, 1642, fol. Selby — Statement of Facts of the Lawful Coheiresses of John Selby, laying claim Family Histobies, Pedigrees, and pEERAaE Cases. 475 to property in the possession of William Selbv Lowndes, by Th. Selby Bettle. Greenwich, 1822, 4°- Selby — Selbyana. An Attempt to Elucidate the Origin and History of a once considerable Family in the County of Buckingham, Selby of Wavendean. Carlisle, 1825, 8^ Selden — Calvin Selden of Lyme and his children. With a genealogy of the Descendants of Calvin Selden, by Daniel C. Eaton. New Haven, 1877, 8'^- Not published. Selwyn, see Oliver. Semple — Genealogical History of the Family of Semple, from 1214 to 1888. Compiled and arranged by Wm. Alex. Semple, of Broad Brook, Conn. Hart- ford, Conn. 1888, S^- Senarclens — Genealogische diductie voor Ch. P. de Senarclens de Grancy, by P. J. Bidder van der Does de Bije. Pri- vately printed, 1873, 4^- Senectere — Les origines de Clairmont, par Jean Savaron, augmentees de re- marques, notes, et recherches curieuses ; ensemble des genealogies de I'ancienne maison de Senectere, etc., par P. Durand. Paris, 1662, fol. First edition, Clairmont, 1607, 8o- Senecterre — Genealogie de la Maison de Senecterre, par F. Fay on. Lyon, 1688, 4«- Seriere — Notice historique sur la Famille de Seriere, seigneurs de la Sagne, etc., en Languedoc. Extraite de VAnn. de la Nohl. de France^ par Borel d'Hau- terive. Paris, 1854. 8«- Seton — An Historical Genealogie of the ancient and noble House of Seton, by Sir Richard Maitland, 1545, enlarged by Alexander, Viscount Kingston, 1687. Advocate's Lib. Edinburgh. ■ Genealogy and history of the illustrious house and surnames of Seton, by Sir Rich. Maitland. Brit. Mus. Harl MS. 6091. -The history of the House of Sey- toun to the year 1559, by Sir R. Mait- land, with the continuation by Alexan- der, [Seton] Viscount Kingston to 1687. Maitland Club. Glasgow, J.829, 4°- [101 Copies purchased for the Banna- tyne Club.'] Seton — Genealogy of the House and Sur- name of Setoun, by Sir R. Maitland, edited by C. K. Sharpe. Edinb. 1830, 4o- Story of the Setons. " Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878, 8o- Seton of Parbroath in Scotland and America. Printed for private cir- culation. New York, 1890, 8o- Sevigne — Details historiques sur les ancetres, le possessions et les descend- ants de madame de Sevigne, par CI. Girault. Paris, 1819, 16«- Sewell— Claim of T. B. D. H. Sewell, Esq., to the Barony of Athenry. Sessional Papers, 144 of 1831 — 2 ; 203 of 1836. Sewster, see Cromwell. Seymour — Memoirs of the Life, Family, and Character of Charles Seymour, Duke of Somerset. Lond. 1749, 80- The Seymours. See "The Great Governing Families of England, by Sanford and Town send, ii. 245. -Pedigree of the Seymours, including Sturmy, Delaware, etc., with arms, seals, etc. Long roll. Totten- ham Park, Libr. Seymour pedigree, with genea- logical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. -The Attorney-General's Re- port of Sir Edward Seymour's Title to the Dukedom of Somerset, and also of the Petition of Berkeley Seymour, Esq. Claiming the same. 1750, folio, Seyssel — Abrege historique et genea- logique de la Maison de Seyssel, par Boudier de Villemort. Paris, 1 739, 4°- Sforza— Delia Famiglia Sforza, by N. Ratti. 2 vols. Rome, 1795, 4P' Shackford^Capt. John Shackford and his Family by Samuel Shackford. Chicago, lil. 1889, 8o- Shaftesbury, Earl of — Genealogical Tree, showing the descent of the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. ; the Earl of Malmes- bury ; the Lord De Mauley ; and Henry Gerard Sturt, by Thos. Parr Henning, Esq. 1868. Single sheet. Shakspere— Pedigrees of the Shaksperes of Essex, and Stratford on Avon, by Charles Augustus Veley. Kee " Tran- sactions of the Essex Archaeological Society," vol. 3. Colchester, 1865, 8°- 476 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Shakspere — Original Memoirs and his- torical accounts of tlie families of Shakespeare and Hart, with their coats of arms, continued to the year 1790, hy John Jordan. Edited by J. 0. Halli- well. Lond. 18G5, S^- Shakespereana Genealogica, by G. li. French. Lond. 18G9, 8^'- The Assignment of Arms to Shakespere and Ardern, 1596 — 1599, with Introduction, by Stephen Tucker, Somerset Herald. Lond. 1884, 4o- Notices of the Shakespeare Family in the Archives of Warwick Castle. See " Journal of the British ArchtBological Association," vol. v. 163. Prolegomena and notes rela- ting to Shakespeare and his family, by Joseph Hunter, 19th centurj'. Three volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,494—24,496. Shand — Some Notices of the Surname of Shand, particularly in the County of Aberdeen, by O. S. Norwich, 1877, S^- Shardelow pedigree, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Sharnburn — Vetusta Historia Familise de Sharnburn. See Bishop Gibson's " Keliquife Spelmannianse." Oxford, 1698. fol. Vetusta Historia FamiHse de Sharnburn. Ashm. Lib. MS. 1141, art. 5. Sharpe — Kecords of the Sliarpe Family in England and America, from 1580 to 1870, by W. C. Sharpe. Ssymour, Ct. 1874, 120- Sharpe Genealogy and Miscel- lany, by W. C. Sharpe. Seymour, Conn. 1880, 120- Sharpies — Family Record, etc. of the Sharpies Family in North America, by Joseph Sharpies. Philadelphia, 1816, 12«- Sharpless — Genealogy of the Sharpless Family, descended from John and Jane Sharpless, 1682, together with an Account of the English Ancestry of the Family of Gilbert Cope. Philadel- phia, 1887, 4P- Shattuck — Memorials of the descendants of William Shattuck, the progenitor of the families in America that have borne his name, by L. Shattuck. Boston, 1855, 8^- Shaw — A Genealogical Account of the Highland Families of Shaw, by Alex- ander Mackintosh Shaw. Lond, 1877, 8«- A Biographical Sketch of Kobert Gould Shaw (1776—1853). With a genealorjy. Printed for the Family, 1880, 8"' Collection respecting the family of Shaw, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Sheffield — A Character of John Sheffield, late Duke of Buckinghamshire, with an account of the pedigree of the Sheffield family. To which is annexed his Grace's last will and testament. Lond. 1729, 8"- Sheldon — An Historical Account of the Family of Sheldon of Weston in War- wickshire, and of Beoley in Worcester- shire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29265 f. 215, &c. Pedigree of Sheldon of Rowley, Co. Stafford, etc. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. The Sheldon Family, of Wor- cester. See Berry's History of Guern- sey, p. 155. -The Sheldon Magazine ; or, a Genealogical List of the Sheldons in America, with biographical and histori- cal notes, and notices of other families Avith which they intermarried. By the Rev. Henry Olcott Sheldon. Sidnej^ 1857, &c. 80- Shelley Memorials, from authentic sources, edited by Lady Shelley. Lond. 1859, 8°- Second edition, 1859 ; third edition, 1875. Pedigree of Percy Bysshe Shelley, certified by Stephen Tucker, Rouge Croix, 1880. Single sheet. The Pedigree of Percy Bysshe Shelley, now hrst given from the Records of the College of Arms, edited by H. Buxton Forraan. Privately printed, 1880. 4«- Only 100 copies printed. Shelton — Collection relating to the Shel- ton Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Shepard — Descendants of Edward Shep- ard, Cambridge, Mass. (1639), by James Shepard, Naman Sheppard, A. E. B. Shepherd. Boston, 1878, 8°- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 477 Shepard — A Genealogical History of William Shepard, of Fossecut, Kortli- amptonshire, England, and some of his Descendants, by George L. Shepard. Boston, Mass. Salem, Mass, 1886, S^- Sheppard — Collections relatiog to the Sheppard Family, Ly D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19148. Pedigree of the Family of Sheppard. Lond. 1883, 4"- -Genealogy of the Sheppards of Minchin Hampton, etc., by W. A. Sheppard. Tabular pedigree, 1887. Sheraton — Pedigree of the family of Sheraton, of Co. Durham, with arms in trick, 19th century, large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,180. Sherburn — Pedigree of the Family of Sherburn, of Stonyhurst, co. Lancaster. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, p. 41. Sheridan — Memoirs of the liight Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with a particular account of his Family and Connections, by John Watkins. Lond. 1817, 40- Genealogical Tables of the Families of Sheridan, Lefaun, and Knowles, by Francis Harvey. Lond. 1875, 8"- Only 40 copies privately printed. -The Lives of the Sheridans, by Percy Fitzgerald. 2 vols. Lond. 1886, 80 Sherley, see Shirley. Sherman — liecords of the Sherman Family, as relating to the Ancestors and Descendants of Benjamin Sherman from Henry Sherman, co. Suffolk, Eng- land, by David H. Sherman, 1887, 8«- Sherwen, see Mansell. Shieffelin, see Thomas. Shillaber — A Family Souvenir. Record of Proceedings at the First Gathering of Descendants of John Shillaber at the Old Homestead, Peabody, Mass. 1877. Boston, 1877, 16«- Shipmau, see Fisher. Shippen— Genealogy of the Descendants of Dr. Wm. Shippen, the Elder, of Philadelphia, by Robert Buchanan. Washington, 1877, 8''- Privately printed. Descendants of Willifcm Ship- pen. Compiled by Charles R. Hilde- burn, Single sheet. Shirley — Pedigree of the Family of Sher- ley, from the Conquest, signed by Cooke and Glover. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll 0, 17. Genealogical History of the House of Shirley, by Thomastos Calo- leimon. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4023 ; 4028 ; 4928. — ' Shirley pedigrees, from 1085 to 1825, with abstracts of Shirley wills. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Stemmata Shirleiana ; or, the Annals of the Shirley Family, byE. P. Shirley. Lond. 1841, 4"- 2nd edition, 1873. The Sherley Brothers, an his- torical memoir of the lives of Sir T. Sherley, Sir A. Sherley, and Sir R. Sherley, by one of the same House [E. P. Shirley.] Published by the Eoa;- hwyhe Club. Chiswick, 1848, 4P' Account of the Family of Shir- ley of Warwickshire, Sussex, etc., by T. Ward. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29265 ff. 186—212 b. Case of Rt. Hon. Washington Sewallis Shirley, Earl Ferrers, claiming his Writ of Summons to Parliament, witli Pedigree. Shorter, see Druce. Shrewsbury, Earl of, see also Talbot ; Marshall. Memoirs of the Countess of Shrewsbury and her descendants. MS. IStli century. Spencer House, St. James's, Claim of Bertram Arthur, Earl of Shrewsbury and Waterford, to the Office of Lord Hio^h Steward of Ire- land. Case of the Earl of Shrews- bury on his Claim to the Office of Lord Steward of Ireland, with pedigrees. 1855. -Claim of the Rierht Hon. Right Bertram Arthur, Earl of Shrewsbury and Karl of Waterford, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, 162 of 1854 ; 828 of 1854-5 ; 284 of 1856 ; 290 of 1857-8. Evidence on the Petition of Henry John Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, claiming the Title, Dignity and Peerage of Earl Shrewsbury, with Pedigrees and Arms. 1857-58. 478 Family Histories, Pedigrees, an^d Peerage Oases. Shrewsbury — Case on behalf of Lord Edmund Bernard Fitzalan Howard, by Henry Granville, Duke of Norfolk, his Father and Guardian, and of the Duchess, his Wife, in opposition to the Case of Henry John Chetwynd, Earl Talbot, claiming the Honour and Dignity of Earl of Shrewsbury : with pedigree, 1857 — 58, fol. Minutes of Evidence taken on the petition of Earl Talbot for the Title of Earl of Shrewsbury, and on the petitions in opposition, pedigrees and plates, 1857 — 8, folio. Case and Claim of Henry John, Earl of Shrewsbury, &c. to the Office of Lord High Steward of Ireland, 1863. Shuey — History of the Shuey Family in America, from 1732 to 1876, by D B. Shuey. Lancaster, Pa. 1876, 80- Shuldham pedigree, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Sibley — The Ancestry, Life and Times of Hon. Henry Hastings Sibley, by Nathaniel West. St. Paul, Minn. 1889, 80- Siddons, see Kemble. Sidney — Papers of the Family of Sidney, Earls of Leicester, 1559—1685. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 32683. ■ The Pedigree of Sir Philip Sidney, by Eobt. Cook, Clarenceaux, King of Arms, copied from the original Koll in the possession of Alex. Nesbitt, Esq., of Hatchford. Privately printed, 1869, 4<'- Origin of the Family of Sidney, with some account of Sir Henry, Sir Philip, and Mary Sydney, Countess of Pembroke. See "Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxiv. 313—327. The Genealogies of sundry Noble Houses whereof Elizabeth, daughter and sole heir to fcir Philip Sidney is descended, 1714. Vellum roll, with arras emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 253 (2). ■Case of Sir John Shelley Sid- ney, Bart., in relation to the dignity of Baron L'Isle, with an Appendix. 1824, fol. Sidney — Claim of Sir John S. Sidney, Bart., to the Barony of De L'Isle. Sessional 'Pai^ers, 140 of 1824 ; 177 of 1825 ; 59 of 1826. Sieveking — Die Familie Sieveking, von Dr. A. Leesenberg. Berl. 1886, 8o- Sigourney, see also Butler ; Dawson. Sigourney — Genealog}^ of the Sigourney Family, bv H. H. W. Sigourney. Boston [TJ.S ] 1857, 8°- Sill, see also Dawson. Sill — Genealogical Chart of the Sill Family, from 1637 to 1855, by Henry A. Sill. Cuyahoga Falls, 0. 12 folio sheets. Genealogy of the Descendants of John Sill, who settled at Cambridge, Mass., in 1637. Albany, 1859, 12o- Silsbee — A Genealogical Account of Henry Silsbee and some of his Descen- dants, by James A. Emerton. Salem, 1881, 8°- Silva — Historia Genealogica de la Casa de Silva, by Don Luis de Salazar y Castro. 2 vols. Madrid, 1685, fol. Simiane — Genealogie de la Maison de Simiane, par Saint-Martin d'Arennes. Paris, 1669, fol. Genealogie de la Familie Simi- ane, par Guy Allard. Grenoble, 1672, 40- Another edition, 1697. -Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Simiane, par le K. P. Dom- inique Hobert de Briancon. Lyon, 1680, 12« Sims ~ Genealogy of the Sims Family, by Clifford Stanley Sims. Single sheet. Simson. see Eraser. Sinclair, se also St. Clair. Sinclair — Proof taken by William Sinclair of Ratter, Esq., in the competition of brieves betwixt him and James Sinclair in Riess : With a Tree of the Family of Caithness. Privately printed, 1767. 4"- Genealogy of the Sinclair Family, of Ballyrussell, by Christopher Teeling MacCready. Dublin, 1867, folio sheet. The Earls of Caithness of the Sinclair line, by Geo. M. Sutherland. See the " Celtic Magazine," vol. xiii. &c. Inverness, 1887, 80- The Sinclairs of Ensrland. Lond. 1887, 8«- -Claim of William Sinclair, Esq., to the title of Earl of Caithness. Ses- sional Papers. Feb. 1771— Feb. 1790. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 479 Siptoft — Memoirs of the Family of Sip- toft. See Scrope's " History of Castle Combe." 1852. 4^ Sitsilt — Genealogy of the Sitsilts of Haultereinnes in Evas, Hereford, in two branches. Sir W. Cecil, Ld. Burghley, and Wm. Sitsilt of Haulte- reinnes. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. SkefRngton — The Skeffingtons of Tun- bridge, by Robert Chapman. Archceo- logia Cantiana. vol 10. Lond. 1876, 8«- Skinner — Notes respecting the Family of Skinner, with copy of the will of Henry Skinner of Ipswich, 1739. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Skip with — A Brief Account of the Skipwiths of Newbold, Metheringham and Prestwould, by Fulwar Skip with. Tunbridge Wells, 1867, 80- Privately printed. Skitelthorpe — Pedigree of the Family of . Skitelthorpe, of Southgate, Middlesex. Single sheet. Skrymsher — Memorials of the Skrymsher Family, of Norbury and High Offley. See " Gents, Mag," January, 1809. Slafter — Memorial of John Slafter, with a Genealogical Account of his Des- cendants, by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1869, 8°- Privately printed. Slane— Barony of, see Bryan ; Fleming. Sleigh — Pedigree of the Family of Sleigh. 1864. Folio sheet. Portraits and Arms of Gervase and Samuel Sleigh, by James Edwyn Cole. See " The Reliquarv," vol. viii. Lond. 1868, 8«- Slingsbj', see also Coghill. Slingsby — Diary of Sir Henry Slingsby, of Scriven, Bart., &c., with a Genea- logical Memoir, by Daniel Parsons. Lond. 1836, 8«- Sloane — Account of the Family of Sir Hans Sloane, by himself. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3984. Memoir of Sir Hans Sloane, by Dr. Birch, with pedigree and other papers concerning him. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4241. Slocum — A Preliminary to the Slocum Genealogy, by Charles E. Slocum. Boston, 1880, 8^1 Slocum — A Short History of the Slocums, Slocumbs and Slocombs of America, Genealogical and Biographical, from 1637 to 1881, by Chas. Elihu Slocum. Syracuse, N.Y. 1882, 8<>- Smith, see also Carrington ; Condit ; Dawson. Smith — Pedigree of the Family of Smith of Queensborough, Co. Leicester, to about 1764. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,844, d. Pedigrees and evidences of the families of Smith and Smyth, of Suf- folk, etc., by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Collections relating to Henry Smith, Esq., sometime Alderman of London, etc. Lond. 1800, 8o- -Notices relating to Thomas Smith of Campden, and to Henry Smith, Alderman of London, by the late Rev. C. P. Gwilt, B.A. With plates and pedigrees. Lond. 1836, 8°- Privately printed. -Family Register of the Des- cendants of Nathaniel Smith Jr., to which is prefixed some Notices of his Ancestors. Utica, 1849, 12° Genealogy of the Family of William Smith of Peterboro' N.H. Keene, 1852, 8«- History of the Family of Smith, of Nottingham. By Aug. Smith. Lond. 1861, fol. -Annals of Smith of Cantley, Balby, and Doncaster, County York, by H. E. Smith. Sunderland, 1878, 40- -A Genealoo^ical Sketch of the Families of Rev. Worthington Smith, D.D., and Mrs. Mary Ann (Little) Smith, of St. Albans, Vt., by Edward Worthington Smith. Chicago, 1878, go. Genealog-ical Records of Wel- lington Smith and Family, by Welling- ton Smith, 1889, 4P- A Genealogical History of the Descendants of the Rev. Nehemiah Smith of New London County, Conn., 1638—1888, by B. H. Allen Smith. Brooklyn, 1889, S^- ■Grant of Arms in 1499, and of a Crest in 1565, to the Family of Smith, alias Heriz, of the County of 480 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Leicester. See " The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. iii. Lond. 1858, 8«- Smith — A Booke of y® armes of most houses of y6 Smithes in England & Grermanie. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 578. 'Arms of the several Families of Smith, coloured. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3526. Collection of Arms by the name of Smith, 2 vols. Her. Coll. MS. E.D.N. 24. The Heraldry of Smith ; being a Collection of the Arms borne by, or attributed to, most Families of that Surname in Great Britain, Ireland, and Germany, by H. Sydney Graze- brook. Lond. 1870, 8°- ■The Heraldry of Smith in Scotland, with genealogical annotations being a Supplement to Grazebrook's Heraldry of Smith. Lond. 1873, 40. Smollett — Account of the Family of Smollett of Bonhill, with a series of Letters hitherto unpublished, by Dr. Tobias Smollett, arranged by J. Irving. Dumbarton, 1859, 4°- 20 Copies printed for private circulation. Smyth, see also Currer; Smith. Smyth— The Lives of WiUiam Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln, and fcir Eichard Sutton, Knight, founders of Brasen Nose College, with pedigrees, by li. Churton. Oxford, 1800, S^- Smyth Family of Balynatry in the county of Waterford. Pedigree compiled by ^ir Wm. Betham, with a table of the seize quarters, and several royal and noble descents. 1856, S^- Genealo^ijia dell' antica e nobile famiglia Smyth di Ballynatray nella Contea di Waterford, by Sir Wm. Betham. Lncca, 1868, 8"- Snelhng — Pedigrees of Snelling, of Co. Suffolk, with copy of the will of Barry Snelling, 1722. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Snively — Genealogical Memoranda. Snively, A.D. 1659~A.D. 1882. Com- piled and arranged by lie v. William Andrew Snivel v. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1883, 4P- Snowdon, see Thomas. Soame — Pedigrees and evidences of the family of Soame, of Norfolk, etc., by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Sobremonte — Patent of Charles III. of Spain, granting to Don Joseph de Sobremonte the title of Marques de Sobremonte, and Yisconde del Vail, 1761 ; with the arms of Sobremonte richly emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Add. MS.*'l7,059. Soffe, see Meeson. Sohier — La veritable origine de la tres- illustre Maison de Sohier, avec une table genealogique de sa ligne principale et directe, etc.; par J. C. D. D. Leyden, 1661, fol. Soisson — Les comtes et le comte de Soissons, par Barthelemy. Paris, 1877, 8"- Solers, see Giffard. Solms — Genealogia Comitum Solmeu- sium dominorum, in Muntzenbergk, etc., by A. O. Billgen. Giesse, 1621, 4«- Genealo2:ia das ist : Stamm- baum, Geburts oder Geschlechts Regis- ter dess Griifflichen Hauses Solms, by A. 0. Billgen. Franckfurt am Meyn, 1622, 4'^- Geschichte des Grafen — und Fiirstenhauses Solms, von Iludolph Graf zu Solms-Laubach. Franckfurt am Main, 1865, 8»- Somers — The Somers family of White Ladies. See Life of Lord Summers, by B. Cooksey. Worcester, 1791, 4°' Papers relating to the Somers Family. Pub. Lib. Camb. MS. Dd. xiv. 25. Somerset — The Somersets. See ''The great governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend, ii, 190. Pedigree and genealogical notes of the Family of Somerset. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2146, ff. 14^-— 21. On the Earls and Dukes of Somerset. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xii, 312—328. Somerset, Dukedom of, see Seymour. Somerville — Memorie of the Somervilles ; being a history of the baronial house of Somerville, by James, Baron Somer- ville. Edited by Sir Walter Scott. 2 vols. Edinb. 1815, S^- Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 481 Somervillo — Minutes of Evidence of the lit. Hon. William Meredjtli Somer- ville, J3aron Athlumney, claiming a right to Vote at the Elections of Representative Peers of Ireland. 18(34. Soncino — Annali tipografici dei Soncino, etc. by G. Manzoni. Bologna, 1883, etc. 8"- Dei Soncino, etc., by M. Soave. Yen. 1878, 8°- Sotheron — Genealogical Memoranda re- lating to the Family of Sotheron, of Durham, Northumberland, York, etc., and to the Sept of Mac Manus, by Charles Sotheron. Lond. 1871, 4°* Privately printed, Soubiran — Maison de Poubiran de Cara- paigno. Notice historique et genea- logique, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1874, 8«- Soule— The Soule Family of North Yar- mouth and Freeport, Maine, by Dr. Chas. E. Banks and Enos Chandler Soule. Yarmouth, Maine, 1882, 8"- Soultrait — Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la Famille Richard de Soul- trait. Extrait de VAnn. de la Nohl. de 1851, par Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1851, 12«- Sousa — Theatro historico, genealogico y panegyrico erigido a la immortalidad de la Casa de Sousa ; continuada en la linea de los Marquesas de Arronches ; con figuras, by Manuel de Sousa Moreyra, Paris, 1694, fol. Southampton, Earl of, see Wriothesley. Souther — Memoranda relating to Na- thaniel Souther, the First Secretary of the Plymouth Colony, and the Des- cendants of Joseph Souther of Boston. Springfield, 111. 1886, 8"- Southesk, Earldom of, see Carnegie. Southwell— The Family of Southwell, of Norfolk. See H. Foley's Records of the English Province, 1st series, p. 301. Collections relating to the Familv of Southwell, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Southwick— Grenealogy of the Descend- ants of Lawrence and Cassandra South- wick, of Salem, Mass., by J^pies M. Caller, and M. A. Ober. Salem, 1881, 12°' Souvre — Gcnealogie de la Maison de Sovvre, par I'Hermite de Souliers. Paris, 1665, 4P- Soyecourt — Livregenealogique et chrono- logique des seigneurs de Soyecourt, par J. A. de Seigliere, marquis de Soye- court. 1723, 4P- -Notice sur la Maison de Soyecourt. Paris, 1845, 8^ Spalding Memorial : a Genealogical History of Edward Spalding, of Massa- chusetts Bay, and his Descendants, by Samuel J. Spalding. Boston, 1872, 8«- Spalding Memorial and Per- sonal Reminiscences, by Ph. Spalding. Privately printed, 1887, 8°- Spare — Descendants of Samuel Spare. Compiled by John Spare. New Bed- ford, Mass., 1884, 8o- Spark and Sparke pedigrees, with genea- logical notes, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Sparks — Genealogical Memoranda relat- ing to the Sparks and Tickell Families, by Reginald S. Boddington. London, 1877, 4^- Privately printed. Sparrow — Pedigrees and evidences of the Family of Sparrow, of Norfolk, Suffolk, &c., by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. Specott — Pedigree of Specott. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll 0, 16. Speed, the Antiquary, and his descendants. See " Journal of the liritish Archaeo- logical Association," vol. ixi, 289. Spencer, see also Temple. Spencer — Grant of Arms by Richemount, otherwise Clarencieux, to John and Thomas Spencer, sons of William Spencer, of the County of Warwick, 26 Nov. 1504. Spencer House, St. James's. Letters and Papers relating to the Family of Spencer, or Spenser, of Althorp, Co. Northampton, and Worm- leighton, Co. Warwick ; 1522 — 1656 Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,079. -The Genealogy of the ancient and noble Family of Spencer, Earls of Winchester, etc., and Barons of Worm- leighton, etc. 1679. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6135. Collections concerniner the concerning Family of Spencer, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19149. 482 Family Histories, PEDiaREES, and Peerage Cases. Spencer — Coloured drawings, by T. Trotter, of Sepulchral Monuments, with copies of the Inscriptions, of the Spencer Family, from 1522 to 1783, in St. Mary's Church, Great Brington, and in the " Dormitory of the Spencer Family." Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,965. The Spensers. See " The Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend, i. 358. ■Account of the Spencer Family, of Althorp. See " Mdes Althorpiana?' Vol. I., by Thos. Frognall Dibden. London, 1822, 4"- ■ — Spencer Family Historj'- and Genealogy, by Kobt. C. Spencer of Milwaukee. Privately printed, 1889, obi. 4°- Claim of the Hon. Charles Henry Spencer, Baron Garvagh, to Vote at Elections of Representative Peers for Ireland, 1853. Spens — Genealogie des Spens de Lath- allan, d'origine ecossoise, desquels il existe en France deux branches. Bordeaux, 17r6, 4"- Sphacciotto — Diploma of Doctor and Laureate in Surgery, with armorial bearings, etc., granted to Stammateilo Dimitropulo Sphacciotto, 1626. On vellum, with ornamental borders, por- trait and arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,727. Spicer — Some account of the Spicer Family. See T. Kisdon's ''Survey of the County of Devon." Lond. 1723, 8«- Spinola — Istoria della Famiglia Spinola, discritta dalla sua origin e fino al secola XYI ; con tavola Genealogica, ed indice, by M. Deza. Piacenza, 1694, fol. Spofford — A Family Record of the Des- cendants of John Spofford, and Eliza- beth his wife, who came from England, and settled at Rowfey, in 1638, by Jeremiah Spofford. Haverhill, 1851, 8«- A Genealogical Record of Families spelling their name Spofford, Spafford, Spafard, and Spaford, des- cendants of John Spofford of York- shire, and settled at Rowley, Mass., by Dr. J. Spofford. Memorial edition by A. T. Spofford. Boston, X888, S"- Spooner Pedigree, from Visitation of Warwickshire, 1683. With arms and Notes relating to the Spooner Family, by T. P. Wadley. Memorial of William Spooner, 1637, and of his Desceudants to the Third Generation ; of his Great- Grandson, Elnathan Spooner, and of his Descendants to 1871, by Thomas Spooner. Cincinnati, 1871,* 8o- -Records of William Spooner of Plymouth, Mass., and his Descendants, by Thomas Spooner. Cincinnati, 1883, 8^- Spots wood — Genealogy of the Spots wood Family in Scotland and Virginia, by C. Campbell. Albany, 1868, 8"- Spottiswood — Genealogy of the Spottis- woode Family. Only 12 copies privately printed, n.d, 8°- The Spottiswoode Miscel- lany, [contains a Genealogy of the Family of Spottiswoode]. 2 vols. Edinb. 1844, 8«- Sprague — The Genealogy of the Spragues in Hingham, from William Sprague who arrived at Naumkeag from Eng- land in 1628. Hingham^ 1828, S'>- Memorial of the Sprague Family, by Richard Soule. Boston, U.S., 1847, 8o- Spring — Pedigrees and evidences of the Family of Spring, of Suifolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5832 f. 213, &c. ; •19,149 ff. 385—411. Spruggins — Portraits of the Spruggins Family, by the Countess of Morley. 1829, 40- Privately printed. Spurgeon — Pedigree and notes of Spurgeon of Yarmouth, with copy of the will of John Spurgeon, 1802. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,150. Spynie — Report of Claims preferred to the House of Lords in the case of the Spynie Peerage, by James Maidment, Esq. Edinb. 1840, 8°- Only 60 copies printed. Stacey, see Hoy land. Stafford, see also Jerningham. Stafford — The Stafford Peerage ; wherein the Right of Richard Stafford Cooke, Esq. to the Barony of Stafford, is con- trasted with the Claim made by Sir George Jerningham, Bart. To which are prefixed Genealogical Tables, containing Family Histories, Pedi&eees, and Peeeage Cases. 483 a Lineal Descent of the two Noble Can- didates, deduced for nearly 2000 years, embracing the Pedigree of England's lioval Family down to the present day, by John Campbell. Loud. 1818, 4'^- Stafford— Pedigree of the Family of Staf- ford, from the time of William the Conqueror to 1690. Brit. Mus. Eg, MS. 1075, f. 16. Pedicrree of the Family of Stafford, brought down to 1G90. Prit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,758. Descent of the House of Stafford from H. de Polnin. Pedigree of Stafford of Amelcote, and Ikomshulf ; Arms of Stafford and others ; and a memorandum that Henry Lord Stafford caused all these escutcheons to be taken oft* sundry old monuments in divers churches. With other evidences of the Family. Signed H. Stafford. Stafford MSS. in the possession of Lord Bagot. Blithefield, Co. Stafford. Collections for a History of the Family of Stafford. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 14,409, f. 266 ; 19,150. Titlings of offices taken out of the Checker, relating chiefly to the Stafford Family. MS. 330. Hatfield Library. A Contribution to the Genealogy of the Stafford Family in America, containing an account of Col. J.. Stafford, and a complete record of his descendants in the male lines, by Henry Mervin Benedict. Albany, 1870, 8^ Stair — Annals and Correspondence of the Viscount, and the first and second Earls of Stair, with portraits, by John ■ Murray Graham. 2 vols. Ediub. 1875, 8°- -Claim of James Dalryraple to the Earldom of Stair. Sessional Paper Mar. 1747— May 1748. -The Case of James Dalrymple, to the title of Earl of Stair, 1748, folio, -The Case of John, Earl of Stair, &c., claiming the title of Earl of Stair, 1748, folio. Stalins — Genealogy of the Family of Stalins of Flanders, with arms in colours, and with copies of monumental inscriptions, extracts from ^'egisters, etc. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,679. Stanhope — Notices of the Stanhopes as Esquires and Knights, and until their first Peerages in 1605 and 1616. Lend. 1855, 8«- — ^ Notices relating to the Family of Stanhope. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. XXX. 450, etc. Claim of George Philip Stan- hope to be Earl of Chesterfield. Sessional Papers, E. of 1873. -Case on behalf of George Philip Stanhope, claiming to be Earl of Chesterfield. Lond. 1873, fol. Stanley, see also Percy. Stanley — The History of the Family of Stanley, written in verse, about the time of Henry V^IIL, by Bp. Stanley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5830 f. 103 b. Poetical History of the Family of Stanlev, Earls of Derby, by E. G. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5860, p. 323. -Pedigree and arms of the family of Stanley, Earls of Derby, showing its alKances with the Royal Family of England, the families of Howard, Nevill, Woodville, and others, temp. Eliz. Biit. Mus. Harl. Poll P, 2. A short Discourse of the Pedi- grees of the Faftiilies of Percy and Stanley. Supposed to be in the auto- graph of Ben Jonson. MS. No. 15. Peniarth. Pediarree of Umfreville and Stanley, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Poll P, 6. Memoirs ; containing a genealo- gical and historical account of the House of Stanley, from the Conquest to the year 1735, by John Seacorae. 2 parts. Liverpool, 1787 ? 4°- Memoirs containing a genealo- gical account of the House of Stanley, from the Conquest, by John Seacome. Manchester, 1767, 4P- Other editions, with continuations in 1783, 1793, 1801, 1821, and 1840. . The History of the House of Stanley, &c. Also a Memoir of the late Countess of Derby. Liverpool, 1830, 8o- The Stanley Legend. A Genealo- gical Memoir illustrative of the early traditional connexion of Boteler, of Amouuderness, Fitz-Ailward, Lathom, 484 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. and Stanley, by Geo. Ormerod. West- minster, 1839, 80- Stanley — Sketch of the House of Stanley, and the House of Sefton, by D. Ross. Lond. 1848, S^- The House of Stanley ; including the sieges of Latham House, by Peter Draper. Ormskirk, 1864, 8<'- -The Great Stanley ; or, James, seventh Earl of Derby and his noble Countess in their Land of Man, by J. G. Gumming. Lond. 1867, 8°- -The Stanleys of Knowsley, a history of that noble family, including a sketch of the political and public lives of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby, and the lU. Hon. Lord Stanley, M.P., by W. Pollard. Livenjool, 1868, 80- -The Stanleys of Knowsley, see the " Great Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Townsend. i. 90. Historical Sketches of the House of Stanley, and Biography of the E.G. 14th Earl of Derby, b/ T. Aspden. Preston, 1877, 4^- The Stanley Families of America, by Israel P. Warren. Portland, Me. 1887, 8«- •Remarks on the Crest of the logical Association of the -Claim Family of Stanley, by J. R. Planehe. See " Journal of the British Archseo- vol. vi, 199—209. Right Hon. Charles Stanley, Viscount Monck, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Tapers, 121 of 1849. Stannus — Stannus Genealogy, by Chris- topher Teeling MacCready. Dublin, 1873. single sheet. Stansfeld — History of the Stansfeld Family, including the Stansfelds of Stansfeld, Todmorden, Halifax, Leeds, Canada, and elsewhere, by John Stansfeld. Leeds, 1885, 4'^- Stapelton — Chronicles of the Yorksliire Family of Stapelton, by H. E. Chet- wynd-Stapylton. Loud. 1884, 8'^- Staples — Proceedings at the Dedication of a Monument to Sergeant Abraham Staples, of Mendon, Mass. Oct. 31, 1877. [With some account of his ancestry and descendants]. Providence, 1880, 8°- Stapleton — Royal Descents from Henry III. King of England, of Sir Thomas Stapleton, Bart., by H. Maxwell, 7th J3aron Farnham. Privately printed. Pedigree and evidences of the Stapleton Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19150. -Case and Pedigree of Thomas Stapleton, of Carlton, Esq., in relation to the Barony of Beaumont, with additional case prefixed, 1795, folio. -Claim of Thomas Stapleton, of Carlton, Esq., to the Barony of Beaumont. Sessional Papers, Apr. 1791— May, 1798 ; 64 of 1840. Starkie — The Starkie Family of Penning- ton and Bedford, in the Parish of Leigh, CO. Lancaster, by J. Paul Rylands. Leigh, 1880, 8o- Starr — A History of the Starr Family oi New England, from the Ancestor Dr. Comfort Starr, of Ashford, Co. Kent, England, by B. P. Starr. Hartford, Conn. 1879, 8«- Statham — Sir John Statham of Wigwell, by John Sleigh, with a folding pedigree of the Statham Family. Privately printed, n.d. 8° Staufensis Staufensis. Altorti, 1727, 4*^ Staunton — Memoir of the Life and Family of the late Sir G. L. Staunton, Bart. ' Havant Press, 1823, 8»- Facsimile of the Grant of Crest to John Staunton, Citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, 1575. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour Street. London. -Pedigree of Staunton of Genealogia Familiae Augrusta Sibton, with notes and copy of the will of Thomas Staunton of Westminster, 1778. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19150. Stebbing — Collections relating to the Stebbing Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19150. Stebbins — A Genealogy of the Family of Mr. Samuel Stebbins, and Mrs. Llannah Stebbins, his wife. Hartford [U.S.] 1771, 4'^- Reprinted in 1880. The Family of stebbins, see American Genealogy, by W. H. Whitmore. Albany, 1862, 4P' Family Histoeibs, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 485 Stebbins — An Inquiry as to the heirs at law of Maria Stebbins, of New York. Compiled by A. S. Wheeler. New York, 1880, S^- Genealogical Notes of the Descendants of Eber Stebbins of Wil- braham (1773- — 1826), and his wife Elizabeth Bliss (1781—1831), also of other Families connected by Marriage. Compiled by Solomon Bliss Stebbins. Boston, 1886, 4°- Steele Family : a Genealogical History of John and George Steele, of Hartford, Conn., 1635 — 6, and their Descendants. With an Appendix, containing genea- logical information respecting other families of the name who settled in different parts of the United States, by Daniel Steel Durrie. Albany, 1859, 8°- Stella, see Valerio. Stephens — Account of the Stephens Family, with Pedigree. See " Cha- venage," by R. Huntley, 1845. Stepneth — Original Grant of Arms to Albany Stepneth, of Pendergast, in County Pembroke, Esquire, 1605. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7025, f. 200. Stepney — Some Notices of the Stepney Family, by R. Harrison . Lond. 1870, 8«- Sterne^Henry Sterne's Statement of Facts. Lond. 1837, 8o- Pedigree of the Sterne Family. See Fitzgerald's Life of Sterne. Lond. 1864, 8°- Stetson — A genealogical and biographical sketeh of the name and family of Stet- son, from the year 1634 to 1847, by John Stetson Barry. Boston [Mass,] 1847, 80- Steward or Stuart, see also Cromwell. Steward — Some Particulars concerning the Family of Steward, of Teversham. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7029, f. 539. Collections relating to the Family of Steward, of S waff ham, co., Norfolk. The genealogy is illustrated throughout with coats of arras in blazon, and a shield with all the quarterings of the family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,644. Pedigrees and evidences of the Steward Family, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS.'^IDISO. Stewart, see also Johnson ; Stuart. Stewart — Genealogical History of the Family of the Stewarts, Lives, Marriages, and Issue of the most remarkable Persons and Families of that Name, with a General Description of Renfrewshire, by Geo. Crawfurd. Edinb. 1710, fol. Reprinted in 1782. -A Genealogical History of the Royal House of Stewart, with a Genealogical Account of the Illustrious House of Hanover, from the time of their intermarriage with the Stewart Family to the year 1782, by George Crawfurd. Continued by G. Robertson. Paisley, 1818, 4«- The Ridit of the House of Stewart to the Crown of Scotland considered. Edinb. 1746, 8°- Case between R. Stewart of Garth and Anne Stewart of Inchgarth, 1784, fol. A View of the Evidence for proving, that the present Earl of Galloway is the lineal Heir male, and lawful Representative of Sir William Stuart, of Jedworth, so frequently mentioned in History, from the year 1385 to the year 1429. Privately printed in 1796, 4P- Genealogical History of the Stewarts, to which is added a Genea- logical Table relative to the History, by Andrew Stuart. Edinb. 1798, 4«- Supplement 1799. -The Genealogical History of the Stewarts refuted. Edinb. 1799, 80- -View of the Evidence for proving that the Paternal Ancestor of the present Earls of Galloway was the second son of Sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley, etc., by E. Williams, 1801, 40. Privately printed. An Abstract of the Evidence adduced to prove that Sir William Stewart of Jedworth, the Paternal Ancestor of the present Earl of Gal- loway, was the second son of Sir Alexander Stewart of Darnley ; proving that Lord Galloway, after the death of the Cardinal of York, becomes the chief of the Family of the Stewarts. [By the Rev. E. Williams.] Printed in the year 1801, 4P^ 486 Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Stewar-b — A Letter on a Disputed Point of Genealogy in the Stewart Family, by George Chalmers, Esq. No date. The Salt-Foot Controversy, as it appeared in Blackwood's Magazine, involving the Descent of the Family of Stewart, of Allanton ; with some remarks on the present state of the Lyon Office, by John Kiddell. Edinb. 1818, 80- Only 100 copies printed. — Coltness Collections, comprising Memorials of tlie Stewarts of Allanton, Coltness, etc., by Mrs. Calderwood. Edited, for the Maitland Chch, bv J. Dennistoun. Edinb. 1812, l*'^- Stewartiana, containing the Case of Robert II. and Elizabeth Mure, and questions of legitimacy of their issue, with incidental reply to C. Innes ; new evidence conclusive upon the origin of the Stewarts, and other Stewart Notices, etc., by Jolm lliddell. Edinb. 1843, H^- Memoirs of the Stewart Family. See "The Red Book of Grandtully," vol. I., by William Eraser. Edinb. 1868, 8«- Memorials of the Stewarts of Forthergill, by C. P. Stewart. Edin- 1879, 40- -The Stewarts of Appin, by John H. J. Stewart. Edinb. 1880, 4^- Account of the Stewart Family, painted on glass, at Stuntncy, in the County of Cambridge. See the ArchcBologla, viii, 821. Stewart-Robertson — Genealogical Table of the Descent of James Stewart- Robertson of Edradynate, etc. Folio broadside, 1878. Stickney — The Stickney Family : a Genealogical Memoir of the Descen- dants of William and Elizabeth Stick- ney, from 1687 to 1869, by iViatthew Adams Stickney. Salem, Mass. 1869, 8"- -Longevity and Personal Memoirs of the Stickney Fiimily of Massachusetts and New England. Privatelv printed, 1887, 8o- Stiff— The" Stiff Family, by W Phillimore. Reprinted fron Stiles — The Connecticut Family of Stiles. From Stiles's History of Ancient Windsor. Albany, 1859, 8''- Contributions towards a Genea- burgh. cestershire 1884. Notes and Que)\ P. W. Glou- , July, logy of the (Massachusetts) Family of Stiles, 1659—1860, by Henry R. Stiles. Albany, 1863, 4o- Stillfried — Geschlichtliche Nachrichten vom Geschichte Stillfried von Rattonitz. 2 vols. Berlin, 1870, 4o- Stillwell — Notes on the Descendants of Nicholas Stillwell, the Ancestor of the Stillwell Family in America, by Wil- liam H. Stillwell. New York, 1883, S^- Stirling, see also Alexander. Claim of William Alexander to the Earldom of Stirling. Sessional Papers, May 1760— Mar. 1762. The Stirling Peerage, by Thomas Christopher Banks, 1826, with MS. additions and notes by Charles Devon. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,855. The Stirling Peerage ; com- prising an Account of the Resumption of the Titles by the Present Earl of Stirling, by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1826, 4P- Pedigrees of the Earldom of Stirling and Dovan, by Sir 1'. C. Banks. Lond. 1882, 8'^- An analytical statement of the Case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, containing an explanation of his territorial rights and privileges in Nova Scotia and Canada, etc., by Sir T. C. Banks. Lond. 1832, 8«- — Case of the Right Hon. Alexander, Earl of Stirling, by J. I. Burn. Lond. 1838, 8°- Narrative of Oppressive Law Proceedings, and a Genealogical Account of the Family of Alexander, Earls of Stirling, by Ephraim Lock- hart. Edinb. 1836, 4'^- Privately printed. ~ The Stirling Peerage : Trial of Alex. Humphreys, or Alexander, styling himself Earl of Stirling, for Forgery, edited by W. B. D. D.'Turnbull, Esq. Edinb. 1839, 8"- Report of the Stirling Trial, by Archibald Swinton, Esq. Edinb. 1839, Family Histoeies, Pedi&bees anb PEEitAGE Cases. 487 Stirling— The Stirlings of Keir, and their Family Papers, by W. Fraser. Edinb. 1858, 4P' Only 150 copies privately printed. Comments in refutation of a recent work, " The Stirlings of Kier and their Family Papers," by John Kiddell. Edinb. 1860, 4°- -The Stirlings of Craigbernard and Grlorat, Representatives of the House of Cadder and the Earls of Bothwell, by Joseph Bain. Edinb. 1883, 8°- Privately printed. — Abstract of the Evidence of Andrew Stirling, Esq. of Drumpellier, claiming to be heir-male of Robert Stirling of Bankeyr, etc., who died 1537. With folded pedigree. Stochove — Grenealogie de la famille de Stochove, par le Baron Chas. E. de Croeser de Berges. Bruges, 1790, fol. Stoddard — A Genealogy of the Family of Anthony Stoddard, of Boston. Boston, U.S. 1849, 8«- Anthony Stoddard of Boston, Mass., and his descendants. A genea- logy originally compiled by Chas. and E. W. Stoddard. Revised and enlarged by E. W. Stoddard. New York, 1865, 8«- John Stoddard of Wethers- field, Conn, and his Descendants, 1642 —1872. A Genealogy, by D. Williams Patterson. Printed for private circu- lation, 1873, S''- Stolberg — Genealogy of the House of Stolberg, from Thomas Bruce Earl of Ailesbury, and a Genealogy of the House of Stuart, from John Sobieski King of Poland, by Mr. Astle. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 467. Stone, see also Dawson ; Upton ; Weitzel. Stone — Genealogy of the Stone Family, originating in Rhode Island, by Richard ■ C. Stone. Providence, 1866. Descendants of Daniel Stone of Dorchester, Mass., by Waterman Stone, Esq. of Providence. Boston, 1882, 8«- ■The Family of John JStone, one of the first Settlers of Guilford, Conn, by Wm. L. Stone. Albany, 1888, S^- Stoney— Some Old Annals of f he Stoney Family, by Major Stoney. London, 1879, 4P- Privately printed. Stonor — Claim of Thomas Stonor, Esq., to the Barony of Camoys. Sessional Papers, 118 of 1838 ; 167 of 1839. Case of Thomas Stonor claim- ing the Barony of Camoys. Additional Case of Thomas Stonor, claiming the Barony of Camoys. -Case on behalf of Thos. Stonor, of Stonor, Esq., on his Claim to be Senior Co-heir to the Barony of Camoys. Privately printed, n.d. fol. Storrs — The Storrs Family (England and America). Genealogical and other Memoranda, collected and compiled by Charles Storrs. New York, 1886, 8«' Privately printed. Stosch — Genealogie des Geschlects derer von Stosch. By Melchior Frid. von Stosch. Breslaw, 1736, fol. Stoteville — Pedigrees and evidences of the Family of Stoteville or Stuteville, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19150. Stoughton — Collections relating to the Famil}^ of Stoughton, formerly of Stoke, near Guilford. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6174. Stourton, Lords, see also Weld. Genealogical Tree, showing the descent of the Lords Stourton, the Lords Petre, and the ancient house of Weld of Lulworth Castle, by Tho. P. Henning. Westminster, 1868. Broad- side. •Evidence on Petition of Lord Stourton for termination of Abeyance of Dignity of Lord Mowbray. Sessional Papers, D of 1876 ; A of 1877. Case of Alfred Joseph, Lord Stourton, claiming to be Senior Co- heir to the Barony of Mowbray ; with Additional Case; Minutes of Evidence; Pedigrees, Arms, etc. 1877, folio. Evidence on Petition of Lord Stourton, praying that the Abeyance of the Dignity of Lord Segrave may be determined in his favour, with pedigree and proofs, 1877. Stoyte — Extracts concerning the family of Stoyte, preceded by a genealogical table. From the Rev. William Cole's MSS. British Museum, etc. Lond. 1875 ? 8o- Strachan — Memorials of the Strachans, Baronets of Thornton, Kincardine- shire, and of the family of Wise of 488 Family Histories, Pedigeees, akd Peerage Cases. Hillbank, formerly Wyse of Liuian in the County of Forfar, by tlie Rev. Charles Kogers. Lond. and Edinb. 1873, 80- Another edition, 1877. The Strachan Family. Brit. Mus. Hargrave IIS. 85, fol. 81. Stradling Correspondence. A Series of Letters written in the Eeign of Queen Elizabeth, with Notices of the Family of Stradling, of St, Donat's Castle, Glamorgan, edited b}^ Eev. J. M. Trahearne, with pedigree. 1840, 8*^' Pedigree of the Stradling Family, of Glamorganshire. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,852. Letter from Edward Strad- ling to Sir "William Cecil, giving an account of the family of Stradling. MS. No. 16. Wrest Park, Beds. Views of the Castle of St. Donat's Glamorganshire, with a notice of the Stradling Family, by Geo. T. Clark. Shrewsbury, 1871, 4"- Stranahan — Genealogies of the Stranahan, Josselyn, Fitch and Dow^ Families in North America. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1868, §0. Privately printed. Strange, Barony of, see Atholl. Strangford — Lives of the Lords Strang- ford, with their Ancestors and Con- temporaries through Ten Generations, by E. B. De Fonblanque. Lond. 1877, 8°- Strangman — The Strangman Pedigree, by H. W. King. See " Transactions of the Essex Archreological Society," vol. 3, pp. 95, 116, Colchester, 1865, 8°- Strangwayes — Pedigree of the Strang- wayes and Morton. Compiled by G. H. Kogers — Harrison. Privately printed, 1878. Stratford — Claim of the llight Hon. l^enjamin O'Neale Stratford, Earl of Aldborough, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Facers, 155 of 1854. Strathern — History of the Earldoms of Strathern, Monteith, and Airth, bv Sir N.H.Nicolas. Lond. 1842, 8°- -.. — The Earls of Slratherne, their Succession and Alliances, 1240—1822, by Joseph Bain. Sec " The Genea- logist," new series, vol. v. London, 1888, 8°' Strathmore, Earldom of, see Bowes. Streeter — Some Account of the Early Streeters of Massachusetts, by Edward Doubleday Harris. Brooklyn, N.Y. [1882] 8'^- Streynsham — Notes relating to the Family of Streynsham, of Fevershara, Kent, by General Sir Anthony Stran- sham. Privatel}^ printed, 1881, 4"- Strickland — Short account of the Strick- land Family, by Agnes Strickland, with pedigree and arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,150. Strigul — On the Earls of Strigul and Lords of (>hepstow, by J. B. Blanche. See " Journal of the British Archaeolo- gical Association," vol. x. pp. 265-274. Strode — The Strodes of Somersetshire, by Thomas Serel. See " Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society," 1866. Taunton, 1867, 8«- Strong — The History of the Descendants of Elder John Strong, of North- ampton, Mass., by Benj. W. D wight. 2 vols. Albany, 1872, S^- Strother Journal, 1784, 1785, with genealogical notes of the family. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2479. Becords of the Family of Strother, by A. Strother. Bath, 1881, 4«- Strozzi — Lamento sopra la Eotta in le Chiano d'Arezzo, by P. Strozzi. Re- printed by Sir S. E. Brydges, with notes and Strozzi pedigree. Geneva, 1821, 8"- Only 12 copies printed. Strutt — On the Ancestry of Sir Denner Strutt, Bart., the Cavalier, by H. W. King, with pedigree. See "Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Society," vol. 5. Colchester, 1873, 8«- Strype — Letters relating to the family of Strype Jirit. Mus. Add. MS. 5853. Stuart, see also Stewart ; liochefoucauld ; Stolberg. Stua? t — The Genealogy of the High and Mighty Monarch, •James, by the Grace of God, King of Great Brittayne, etc., with his lineal descent from Noah, by divers direct lynes to Brutus, first Inhabiter of this lie of Brittayne, by George Owen Harry. Lond. 1604, 4°- • — ■ Genealogie de la Maison royale de Stuart, par M. G. de Novblanche. Paris, 1640, fol. Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. 489 Stuart— Stuart Family. The True Effigies of our Most Illustrious Soveraign Lord King Charles, Queene Mary, with the Kest of the Koyall Progeuie; also a Compendium or abstract of tlie most famous Genea- logies and Pedigrees. J. Sweeting, 1641, 4'^- Memoires of the Family of the Stuarts, by J. Watson. Lond. 3683, 8«- A Defence of the Royal Lin^ of Scotland, by Sir George Mackenzie. Lond. 1685,''8^- The Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland further defended, by Sir George Mackenzie. Lond. 1686, 8"- La Race et la Naissance, la Vie et la Mort, de Marie Stuart. Amster- dam, 1695, 18^- -Chronological, Genealogical and Historical Dissertation of the Roj^al Family of the Stuarts, beginning with Milesius, the stock of those they call the Milesian Irish, and of the old Scottish Race ; and ending with his present Majesty King James the Third, &c., by Matthew Kennedy. Paris, 1705, 8"- -The Royal Family of the Stuarts vindicated from the False Imputation of Illegitimacy, etc. Lond. 1711, 8°- Genealosrical and Historical account of the Illustrious Family of Stuart, by David Symson. Edinb. 1712, 8«- Another edition, 1713. An Essay on the Origine of the Roval Family of the Stewarts, by Richard Hay. Edinb. 1722, 4«- -A Short Historical and Genea^ logical Account of the Royal Family of Scotland, from Kenneth II., who con- quered the Picts, and of the Surname of Stewart, b}- Duncan Stewart. Edinb. 1739, 4«- — A Genealogical Chart of the Illustrious House of Stuart, beginning with James the First, King of Great Britain, by Philip Luckombe. Lond. 1779, a roll. Histoire de la Maison de Stuart sur le Trone d' Angleterre, by David Hume, ttan slated by A. F. ?*revost d' Exiles. 6 vols. Lond. and Par. 1788, 120- Stuart — Historical Genealogy of the Royal House of Stuart, from the Reign of Robert II. to James VI., taken from the most Authentic Authors, both Scotch and English, by the Rev. Mark Noble. Lond. 1795, 4P- An Historical and Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of Scotland, from the most early accounts to the present time, 1811. Including also several Royal and Noble Families at home and abroad, who have sprung therefrom, whether lineally or colla- terally, by John Brown. Second edition, Lond. 1811. -A Genealogical Account of the Royal House of Stuart from the Year 1043, down to the present Period, bv Thomas Waterhouse. Grantham, 1816, 80- -A Genealogical and Historical Sketch of the Stuarts of the House of Castlestuart in Ireland, by the Hon. Andrew G. Stuart. Edinb. 1854, 4P- Memoirs of the Court of Eng- land during the Stuarts, including the Protectorate. By John Heneage Jesse. New edition revised. 3 vols. Lond. 1855, 8«- -The Descendants of the Stuarts. An unchronicled page in England's history, with pedigrees, etc., by William Townend. Lond. 1858, V- 2nd edition, 1858. -Les Derniers Stuarts a Saint- Germain en Laye, par la Marquise Campana de Cavelli. Paris, 1869, 8°- -Les Derniers des Stuarts, par Marquise Campana de Cavelli. 2 vols, Paris, Lond. and Edinb. 1871, 4P- The last Four Princesses of the House of Stuart, by Agnes Strickland. Lond. 1872, 8«- La Famille des Stuarts, par E. Dubois. Rouen, 1874, 8°- Th9 Stuart Calendar, a Cen- tenary Memorial of the Royal House of Stuart. Lond. 1888, 12o- — —The Stuart Dynasty : Short Studies of its Rise, Course, and Early Exile, by Percy M. Thornton. Lond. 1890, 8«- -The Houses of Fitz-Alan and Stuart : their Origin and early History, by R. W. Eyton. No date. 490 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, akd Peerage Cases. Stuart — Relics of the Koyal House of Stuart. Illustrated by a Series of 40 Plates in colours by Wm. Gibb, an Introduction by John Skelton, and Descriptive Notes by W. , St. John Hope. Lond. 1891. Claim of the Right Hon. John Stuart, Earl of Darnley, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers, 293 of 1849. Claim of H. W. V. Stuart to the Dignity of Lord Stuart de Decies. Sessional Papers, A of 1876. Stubbs — Pedigree of William Stubbs, Esq., of Salford, Co. Warwick. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. 1849. Genealogy of the Family of Stubbs. See " A Royal Descent ; with other Pedigreee and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe Lond. 1875 and 1881, 40. Sture — Notes on the Sture Family of England, by Rev. W. H. Hornby Steer. " The Antiquary," vol. xv. Lond. 1887, 4P- Sturmy, see Seymour. Sturt, see Shaftesbury, Earl of. Sturton, Barony of, see Hamilton. Stuteville, see also Stoteville. Stuteville — Notices of the Stuteville family, consisting of pedigrees, copies of charters, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,782. Styrap — The Sty rap Family. See , " Journal of the British Archeeological Association," vol. xxix, 65, etc. Suarez — Relaciones Genealogicas de la Casa de los Marqueses de Trocifal Condes de Torresvedras, su varonia Zevallos de Alarcon, y por la casa y primer apellido Suarez, by Don Antonio Suarez de Alarcon. Madrid, 1656, fol. Suckling — Collections relating to the Suckling Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,150. Suene — Some Account of Suene of Essex, his Family and Estates, by Miss Fry. See " Transactions of the Essex ArchsBological Society," vol. 5. Col- chester, 1873, 8°' Sullivan — The Pedigree, or Genealogie of Mr. Timothy Sullivan, to Adam our prothoparent. Brit. Mus. Sloane MS 761. SuUivant — A Genealogy and Family Memorial. By Joseph Sullivant. Columbus, Ohio, 1874. [This privately printed work contains genealogies of the Sullivants and of several families connected with them.] Sully — Memoires de Max. de Bethune, Due de Sully, principal Ministre de Henry le Grand, with a series of 67 Portraits. 3 vols. Londres, 1745, 40. Sulyard — Pedigrees and notes of the Sulyards of Suffolk and Norfolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,150. Sumner — Memoir of Increase Sumner, Governor of Massachusetts, by his son Wm. H. Sumner. Boston, U.S. 1854, 8«- Record of the Descendants of William Sumner, of Dorchester, Mass., 1636, by William Sumner Appleton. Boston, 1879, S"- -Memorials of the Rev. Joseph Sumner, of Shrewsbury, Mass., 1762- 1824. 50 Copies privately printed, 1888, 8°- Sundon, Lord, see Clayton. Surgeres — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Sugeres en Poitou, etc., par Louis Vialart. Paris, 1717, fol. Surlet — Brefve demonstration del'identite de la noble et ancienne Maison de Svrlet et de Chockier. Avec une deduction genealogique. Liege, 1649, 40. Surrey, Earl of, see Warren. Sussex, Duke of, see also Este. Sussex— The Case of the Children of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Sussex, elucidated by Sir J. Dillon. Lond. 1832, 4P- Sutherland, Earldom of, see also Gordon. — -A Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland, from its origin to the year 1630, by Sir Robert Gordon, Bart. ; with a continuation to the year 1651. Edinb. 1813, fol. Genealogy of the Earls of Sutherland. " Ex libris Roberti Mylne, scribse," 17th century. MS. No. 10. Brechin Castle. — ■ Case of George Sutherland of Forss, Esq., claiming the title of Earl of Sutherland, 1769, fol. pp. 7. Family Histories, PEDiaREEs, and PEERAaE Cases. 491 Sutherland — Additional Case of George Sutherland of Forss, Esq., claiming the title of Earl of Sutherland. 1770, folio, pp. 11. The Case of Elizabeth, claim- ing the Title and Dignity of Countess of Sutherland, by D. Dalrymple. 1770, 40- ■ The Additional Case of Elizabeth, claiming the Title and Dignity of Countess of Sutherland, by her Guardians, by D. Dalrymple. Printed in the year 1770, 4°- -Additional Case of Elizabeth, claimino- to be Countess of Sutherland, by Lord Hailes, with addition of the scarce " Brief for Sir 11. Gordon," and Table of Consanguinity. 1771, 40. The Sutherland Peerage, 1771. [A narrative of the claims of Sir Kobert Gordon.] Edinb. 1830, 8«- -Claims preferred to the House of Lords in the Case of the Sutherland Peerage, by James Maidment, Esq. Edinb. 1840, 8°- Only 60 copies printed. Sutton— The Pedigree of Sutton. See Churton's " Life of Sir Eichard Sutton." p. 533. History of Dudley Castle and Priory, including a genealogical account of the families of Sutton and Ward, by Charles Twamley. Lond. 1867, 8«- Sutton-Dudley — The Sutton-Dudleys of England, and the Dudleys of New England, by George Adlard. Lond. 1862, 8«- Swalclilfe, see Wykeham. Swett— Mementos of the Swett Family, by John W. Thornton. Eoxbury, 1851, H^- 100 copies privately printed. ? Swift — A Pedigree of Swift, showing their Descent from the Families of Leech, Moody, Frettwell, and others. Large sheet. Swillington — Pedigree and evidences of the Swillington Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,150. Swinnerton — Notes on the Family of Swynnerton, of Swynnerton, and other places, by the Kev. Charles Ifwinnerton. See " The Keliquary," vols, xviii, xix, XX, xxi. Lond. 1877, &c. S^- Swinnerton — An Account of the Family of Swinnerton of Staffordshire. TVin. Salt Arch(Bological Society^ vol. vii. Lond. 1886, 8«' On the Armorial Bearings of the Swynnertons, by the Rev. Charles Swinnerton. ^\^e "The Keliquary," vol. XX. Lond. 1880, 8«- The Staffordshire Family, of Swynnerton." See " The Anti- quary, vol. XV. Lond. 1887, 4'^- Swynford — Memoir on the Issue of Katherine de lloelt, wife of Sir Hugh Swynford, and afterwards of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster ; with Notices of the Swynford Family. See "Excerpta Historica," by Samuel Bentley. Lond. 1831, 8o- _ Documents relating to the Family of Swynford, from the Kettle- thorpe title-deeds of Colonel Cracroft- Amcotts, by the Bev. Edwin Jarvis. See the " Archaeological Journal," xxi, 254. Lond. 1864, 8«- Sydenham — The Family of Sydenham, of Brympton, Co. Somerset, with plates of Arms, by H. Stanley Head. " See " Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica," vol. iii. Lond. 1889, S^- Sydney — An Account of the Sydney Family. Privately printed at the Lee Priory Press, Kent, in 1816, 8«- Genealogical and historical ob- servations, also memoirs of the lives of the Sydneys, and their noble ancestors, the Dudleys, etc. by Sir Philip Sydney. " Letters and memorials of State," by Arthur Collins. 2 vols. Lond. 1746, fol. Lives of the Sydneys, with Index, by Collins. MS. vol. xxi. Belonging to Lord de L'Isle and Dud- ley. Penshurst, Co* Kent. Sydney, Barony of, see Perry, Sykes — Sykes of Ackworth. Broadside, on vellum, no date. The Sykes Family, anciently of Flockton, in the Parish of Thorn- hill, Co. York, since of Basildon, Co. Berks, etc. [A. Narrative Genealogy.] Lond. 1865, 8o- Pedigree of the Family of Sykes of Bretton West, Co. York. Printed for William Sykes, Surgeon, about 1877. Broadside. 492 Family Histoeies, pEDiaREEs, and Peebage Cases. Sykes — Genealogical Memoranda rela- ting to the Mitchell and Sykes Fami- lies. Lond. 1878. 4«- Privately printed. Sylvane — Family notes of Sylvane. See " Journal of the 13ritish Archa3ological Association." vol. xxx, 117. Sylvester — Gens Sylvestrina ; Memorials of some of my good and religious An- cestors, and eleven generations of a Puritan Familj^, by Josph Hunter. Printed for private distribution in 1846, 12«- Symmes — The Symmes Memorial. A Biographical fcSketch of the Rev. I Zachariah Symmes, with a Genealogy and brief Memoir of some of his Des- cendants. Also embracing Notices of many of the name, both in Europe and America, by John Adams Vinton. Boston, 1873, 8«- Symonds — Collections relating to the Family of Symonds of Norfolk and Suffolk. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19150; 23041 f. 20 ; 27967. Sztaray — A Nagymihalyi es Sztari Grof Sztaray Csalad Okleveltara Grof Szaray Antal. Budapest, 1887, S""- Taafe — Memoirs of the Family of Taafe. Reprints from MSS. and Rare Tracts, 1397—1722. Vienna, 1856, 8°- Claim of Viscount Taaffe to peer- age of Taaffe. Sessional Papers^ F of 1857 ; sess. 2 ; B of 1857-8 ; B of 1859, sess. 2 ; D of 1860. Taillepied — Notice historique de la Maison de Taillepied, par Borel d' Hauterive. Extrait 1' Anmmire de la noblesse, 1850. Paris, 1850, 12o- Notice sur la Famille Taille- pied de Bondy, par de Vaucher. Paris, 1847, 80- Tainter — A History and Genealogy of the Descendants of Joseph Taynter, who sailed from England, April, A.D. 1688, and settled at Waterton, Mass. Pre- pared by Dean W. Tainter. Boston, 1859, 8«- Taintor — Genealogy and History of the Taintor Family, from the period of their emigration from Wales to the present time, by Charles M. Taintor. Greenfield, Mass. 1847, l2o- Talbot, see also Littleton ; Lovetot. Talbot— The Talbots. See " The Great Governing Families of England, by Sanford and Townsend, vol. i. p. 239. Notes, and Monuments in Sheffield Church, of various members of the Talbot Family, Earls of Shrews- bury. ISee " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vols, xxix, 301 ; xxx, 51, 169, 175—181. The Earls of Shrewsbury con- nected with Sheffield Manor. See " Journal of the British Archjeological Association," vol. xxx, 42 — 51, 150, 243 ; vi, 440. Talbot Papers in the College of Arms. See " Journal of the British ArchtBological Association," xxx, 308 —324. Propagines et Stemmataantiquse Familise Talbotorum, ad ann. 1596. Brit. Mus. Cott. Ch. xiii. 37. Pedigree of the Family of Talbot, with Extracts from Ancient Deeds, etc. Durham Cathedral, Allan MS. 2. -Descent of George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, from William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1075, f. 14. -The Honour of tlie Seals ; or Memoirs of the Noble Family of Tal- bot, by Charles Talbot. Lond. 1737, 8°- Genealogical Memoir of the Ancient and Noble Family of Talbot, of Malahide, Co. Dublin, 1829, fol. The Talbots of Malahide. Anti- qioarian Magazine, iv. 251. Lond. 1883, 80- Maison des Comtes de Shrews- bury, etc. Paris, 1841, 8<'- -Pedigree of Talbot, of Lacock Abbey, co. Wilts. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. -Talbot's Tomb in the parish church of St. Alkmunds, Whitchurch, Shropshire, by W. H. Egerton. Oswes- try, 1885, 8«- ^— The House of Talbot. «' fcee " Ancestral Stories of Great Families," by John Timbs. Lond. 1869, 8«- -Pedigrees and Evidences of the Talbot Family, of Lancashire, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 30,145 J 30,146. Family Histories, Peuigeees, and Peerage Cases 493 Talbot — Collections relating to the Family of Talbot, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,446 ; 19,151. Memorials of the families of Talbot, Howard and Cavendish, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,441. -Brief notes relating to Francis, George, and Gilbert Talbot, Earls of Shrewsbury, their families and con- nections, by Joseph Hunter, 1808. Brit. Mus. Add. M:^. 24,613. A Kalendar chiefly of the Talbots and their Alliances. Her. Coll. MS. R. B. 29. Claim of the Right Hon. James, Baron Talbot of Malahide, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers, 106 of 1851. Claim of H. J. C. Talbot, to the title of Earl of Shrewsbury. Sessio7ial Papers, D of 1857, sess. 2 ; A of 1857-8. Case of H. J. C. Earl Talbot claiming to be Earl of Shrewsbury, 1857. Case on behalf of Lord E. B. F. Howard, etc. in opposition to the Case of H. J. C. Earl Talbot, claiming the Honour and Dignity of Earl Shrews- bury. Lond. 1857 (?) fol. Minutes of Evidence on the Petition of Earl Talbot to be Earl of Shrewsbury. 1857, fol. Proceedinors before the Com- mittee of Privileges on the Claim of Earl Talbot to the Earldom of Shrews- bury ; speech of Mr Serjeant Byles, 1857, fol. -Proceedings before the Com- mittee of Privileges on the Claim of Earl Talbot to the Earldom of Shrews- bury ; the Speech of the Solicitor- General. Lond. 1858, fol. Additional statement and Case of Major Talbot, of Castle Talbot, in opposition to the Claim of Earl Talbot to the Earldom of Shrewsbury, with three folding Pedigrees. Lond. 1858, 40. ■Proceedings, etc., judgment and resolution of the Committee of Privi- leges on the Claim of Earl ^albot to the Earldom of {Shrewsbury. Lond. 1858, fol. Talbot — Minutes of Evidence on the Earl of Shrewsbury's Claim to be Lord High Steward of Ireland. 1863, fol. Talcott — Talcott Pedigree in England and America, from 1558 to 1876. Compiled by S. V. Talcott. Albany, 1876, 8«- Talleyrand, see Grignols. Talmach — Collections concerning the Family of Talmach. of Suifolk, etc., by D.'E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19151. Tame — The Tames of Fairford, by Henry F. Holt. See " Journal of the British Archreological Association, "1871. Lond. 1871, 8"- Tames of Fairford, by H. F. Holt. Privately printed, 8^- Tamhorn — Genealogy of the families of Whittington and Tamhorn, with arms Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. emblazoned 253 (5). Pediofree of Tamhorne and Whitington, on vellum, l7th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll N, 22. Tanner — Pedigree of Bishop Tanner, with genealogical notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,151. Tappan — The Family Records of James and Nancy Dunham Tappan of the Fourth Generation, formerly of Wood- bridge, Middlesex County, N. J. and their Children of the Fifth Generation, with their Descendants, bv Peter P. Good. Liberty, 1884, 8^'- Life of Rev. Daniel Dana Tap- pan, with an account of the Tappan Family, by His Children. Boston, 1890, 8o- Tarbock — Extracts from the Registers and Transcripts of Registers of the Parish Churches of Huyton and Prescot, Co. Lancaster, relating to the Family of Tarbock of Tarbock, by T. Helsby. See "The Reliquary," yol. xii. Lond. 1872, 8«- Tasburgh pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,151. Tassis — Les Marques d'honneur de la Maison de Tassis, par Jules Chifflet. Anvers, 1645, fol. Another edition, 1665. Taswell — Pedigree of the Taswell Family, from the Visitation of Lond. 1664, 40. 494 Family Histoeies, PEDiaEEES, axd Peerage Cases. Tattershall — Notices of the Family of Tat- tershall. See " Topographical Account of Tattershall." Horncastle, 1813, 8«- De dominis de Tateshale ])Ost Conquest um per Successionem, Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tib. C. viii, f. 4. ■Pedigree of the Family of Tattershall, of Co. Lincoln ; with Arms in colours, 19th century. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,858. . — Collections concerninc^ the family of Tatteshale, hv 1). E. Davy. Brit. 'Mus. Add. MS. 19151. Taverner jDcdigree, with notes hv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mas. Add. MS. 19151. Taylor — Pedigrees of the Taylors of Cam- bridge, Norfolk, etc., with notes by D. E. i)avy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19151. Reunion of the Family of Joseph Taylor, at Middletown, New Jersey, in 1861. New York, 1861. Printed for private circulation. The Family Pen. Memorials, biographical and literary, of the Tay- lor Family, of Ongar, by Isaac Taylor. 2 vols. Lond. 1867, 8°- 'ome Account of the Taylor Family (originally Taylard), bj'- Peter Alfred! Taylor. Lond. 1875, 4o- Pedigree of the Taylors and Barlows of Turton and Entwisle. Com- piled by James C. Scholes. Single sheet, 1882. Tempest — Case of Sir Charles Kobert Tempest, claiming to be a co-heir to the Barony of Scales. 49 Pages, folio, and four folding Pedigrees. Minutes of Evidence on Scales' Peerage, pp. 707. 1857—1863. Claim of Sir C. R. Tempest to the Barony of De Scales. Sessional Papers, A of 1857 ; C of 1857, sess. 2 ; E of 1857—8 ; D of 1859, sess. 2 ; B of 1860 ; C of 1863 ; H of 1864 ; C of 1865. Temple — Genealogical collections relating to the Family of Temple, with pedi- grees and arms of the families of Beau- for, Grey, Spencer, Sandys, and Leve- son. MS. belonging to Lord Braye, at Stanford Hall. An Account of the Temple Family, with notes and pedigrees of the Family of Bowdoin, bv W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1856, 8°- Temple— The Family of Temple. [Re- printed from the Cornhill Magazine.'] See " Three Hundred Years of a Norman House," bv James Hannay. Lond. 1867, 8«- The Family of Temple. See "Herald and Genealogist," iii. 885— 410. Tenney — Genealogy ofthe Ten ney Family, more particularly of Daniel Tenney, of La Porte, Lorain County, Ohio, from 1634 to 1875, by Horace A. Tenney. Madison, Wis. 1875, S^- Tennyson-D'Eyncourt — Genealogical History of the Family of Tennyson- D'Eyncourt, by J. B. Burke. Lond. 1846, 12^^ Tenremonde — Histoire Genealogique de la Famille do Tenremonde originaire de la Flandre-Wallonne, 12(58 k 1864, par Amedee de Ternas. Douai, 1870. 8"^- [Only 60 copies printed.] Terrail, see Bayart. Terrasson — Memoire sur les syavans de la Famille de Terrasson, par I'abbe C. (de Cursay). Paris, 1761, 12''- Terry — The English Founders of the Terry Family. Edited by Henry K. Terry. Printed for private circulation. Notes of Terry Families in the United States of America, by Stephen Terry. Hartford, Conn. 1887, 8"^ Textor — Notice historique et genealo- gique sur la Maison Textor de Ravisi. Extraite de V Aiimiaire de la Nohlesse, par Borel d'Hauterive, Paris, 1854, 8«- Thacher — The Thacher Family. Facts touching the early history of the Thacher Family in England, by Peter Thacher. Boston, 1885, 8°- pp. 6. Thacker — Account of the Family of Thacker, of Kent. See "Liber Estrise," by W. F. Shaw. Lond. 1870, 4'^- Thackeray — The Pedigree of Thackeray, lieprinted from the " Herald and Genealogist." Westminster, 1864, 8°- Thanet, Earl of, see Tuft on. Thatcher — Memoir of the Hon. Peter Thatcher, of Cleveland, Ohio, by Samuel Briggs. [With a genealogy of the family]. Cleveland, 1883, '8«- Printed for the family. Thayer, see also Vinton Genealogy, Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peebage Cases. 495 Thayer — Famih^ Memorial. Part I. Genealogj' of fourteen early settlers of New England, of the names of Alden, Adams, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Capen, Copeland, French, Hobart, Jackson, Paine, Thayer, Wales and White. Part II. Genealogy of Ephraim and Sarah Thayer, by Elisha Thayer. Hingham, 1835, 8«- Memorial of the Tliayer Name from the Massachusetts Colony of Weymouth and Braintree, embracing Genealogical and Biographical Sketches of Richard and Thomas Thayer and their Descendants from 1686 to 1874', by Bezaleel Thayer. Oswego, 1874, 8'^- Thelluson — Treatise on the Thelluson Act, by J. F. Hargrave, 1842, 8«- Collections relating: to the Family of Thelluson, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19151. Theodoro — Historia della Famiglia Theo- doro, by F. Barnaudo. Napoli, 1644, 40. Theodosius — Familia Theodosii Magni cum probationibus, by Job. Wolf. Texter. Alt. 1715, 4°- Thesan — Gonealogie historique de la Maison de Thesan du Poujol, par J. B. A. d'Aldeguier. Toul. 1860, fol. Thibault — Genealogie de la Maison des Thibaults, par Jean Boyer de Prade. 1654, 4'^- Thiville — Genealogie de la noble, ancienne et illustre Maison de Thiville, par Nicolas Thiville. Paris, 1662, 4°- Thomas, see also Sands. Thomas — Tabular pedigree of the Thomas Family, by N. Thomas. Eden, Me., about 1850. Genealogical Notes : Containing the Pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, and of the following con- nected families : >'nowdon — Buckley — Lawrence — Chew — Ellicott — Hopkins — Johnson — Rutherford — Fairfax Shieft'elin — Tyson and others, and illustrated by coats of arms, etc , by Lawrence Buckley Thomas. 2 Parts, Baltimore, 1877, 4°- -Sir Rliys Ap Thomas and his Family, illustrated bj'^ the Poems of contemporary Bards, by H. "^. Lloyd. See " ArchaeologiaCambrensis," fourth series, vols, ix, x. Lond. 1878, 8°- Thomond, Earl of, see Cromwell. Thompson pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davj', and copy of the wills of Dorcas Tomson, 1707, and of Brilliana Thompson, 1743. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,151, Memorials of the Families of Mr. James Thompson and of Dea. Augustus Thompson of Goshen, Conn. Hartford, 1854, 8"- A Memoir of Judge Ebenezer Thompson, of Durham, New Hamp- shire, with some account of his Parent- age and Offspring, by Mary P. Thomp- son. Concord, 1886, 8''- Printed for private circulation. Memorial of James Thomp- son, of Charlestown, Mass., 1630-1642, and Woburn, Mass., 1642—1682 ; and of eight generations of his descendants, by Rev. Leander Thompson. Boston, 1887, 8«- Thomson — Pedigree of the Family of Thomson, of Kenfield, in Petham. No date, 4P- John Thomson and Family, by John Bodine Thompson. Williams- port, 1889, 80- Thornhagh — Some indeavours towards an Historicall account of the Family of the Thornhaghs, of Fenton, Co. Notts., 1683. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,997. The Nottinghamshire Family of Thornhagh, from the original MS. of 1683. [Reprinted from the Reli- quary.] 1877, S^"- Thornton Genealogy, by J. W. Thornton. Boston, 1845. Another in 1850, single sheet. Thorold — The Descent of the Family of Thorold, by the Yen. Edward Trollope. Lincoln, 1874, 4P- Thorp — Collections relating to the Family of Thorp, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19151. Threipland — The Threiplands of Fingask. A family memoir written in 1853 by Robert Chambers, LL.D. Lond. and Edinb. 1880, sm. 4^'- Throckmorton— Gens Throckmortoniana ; or, A History of the Family of the Throckmortons, 1762. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 5841, 5845. Gens Throckmortiana ; or, a History of the family of Throck- 496 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. morton. MS. Cough ton Court, War- wickshire. Pedigrees of the Family of Throckmorton, by Browne Willis, and D. E. Davy. M8S. Coughton Court, Warwickshire, and Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19151. Alliances in the Fami- lies of Throckmorton, Tresham, and Willington. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Alliances between the Throckmortons and Berkcleys, from the Berkeleye MSS. Coughton Court, Warwickshire. Thumery — Alliances de la Maison de Thumery, ou sont desclares les noms, ages, qualites, armes et blasons, des seigneurs qui en sont sortis. The entries and coats are from 1250 to 1637. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,435. Thun-Hohenstein — Das Grafenhaus Thun-Hohenstein, by Dr. L. Glueck- selig. Prag. 1867, fol. Thurlow — Collections concerning the Family of Thurlow, by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 19,151, 19,152. Thurston — Collections concerning the Family of Thurston of Suffolk, etc. by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,151. Genealogy of Charles Myrick Thurston, and of his wife, liachael Hall Pitman. With an appendix con- taining the names of many descendants of Edw. Thurston and Hen. Pitman. 3y C. M. Thurston. New York, 1865, Descendants of Edward Thurston, the first of the name in the (Jolony of Rhode Island, by Charles Myrick Thurston. New York, 1868, 80- Thurston Genealoo^ies, 1635 — 1880. Compiled by Brown Thurston, Portland Maine, 1880, 8^- —The Doings at the First National Gathering of Thurston s at Newburyport, Mass., June, 1885. With a History of the Thurston Genealogies, by Brown Thurston. Portland, Me. 1885, 8''- Thwing : a Genealogical, Biographical and Historical Account of the Family, by Walter Eliot Thwing. Boston, 1883, 8«- Thynne, see also Darrell. Thynne — Stemmata Botevilliana. Me- morials of the Family of De Boteville, Thynne, and Botfield, by B. Botfield. Lond. 1843, 8"- Another edition, 1858, 4« Historical Account of the Family of Thynne otherwise Botfield. (By J. Morris). Westminster, 1855, go. The Family of Thynne, other- wise Botfield. Hy James Morris. See " Topographer and Genealogist," iii. 468—491. PediOTee of Thynne from 1010 to 1741. Large folio, beautifully exe- cuted. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Tibtoft, see Tiptoft. Tichborne — A letter from Sir Henr}^ Tichborne, Bart., to his son Sir Henry Joseph Tic?iborne, containing a history of the family, &c. [He died A.D. 1689]. StonVhurst College. Pedigree of the Tichborne Family. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. vii. 143. The Foundation of the Tich- borne Dole, vol. xi, 283—90. -Pedigree and Arms of the Tichborne Family, of Co. Southamp- ton, from Sir Poger Tichborne, Knt. temp. Hen. IT. to Sir Robert Tich- borne, Lord Mayor of London, 1657. Brit Mus. HarL MS. 5800 ff. 38—42. Tickell — Genealogical Memoranda rela- ting to the Sparks and Tickell Fami- lies, by Reginald Stewart Boddington. Privately printed. Lond. 1877, 4«- Tilley — Genealogy of the Tilley Family, by R. Hammett Tilley. Newport, R.I. 1878, 8''- Tillots )n— The Tillotson family. See "Life of Dr. John Tillotson," by T. Birch. Lond. 1752, 8o- Another edition, 1753. Tilney— The Tilney Family, of Norfolk, Suffwlk, etc. See Thompson's " History of Boston," p. 373. Collections rclatino* to the Family of Tilney of Suffolk, etc., by D. E. Davy. Brit!^ Mus. Add. MS. 19152. Timperley pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19152. Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. 497 Tindall — Genealogy of the Family of Tindall of cos. Northumberland, Nor- folk, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19152. Tinker — The Ancestors of Silas Tinker in America from 1637, by A. B. Tinker. Akron [1889], 8'' Tiptoft — Collections relating to the Family of Tiptoft, Tibtoft, or Tibetot, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19152. Tirwhytt — Collections concerning the family of Tirwhytt, of Co. Lincoln. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 207 A. Tison, see Bruce. Tisseuil — Genealogie de la Maison de Tisseuil, seigneurs de la Monede, Gre- nord, etc., par Barthelemyde Chambo- rant de Droux. Paris, 1783. fol. Titian — The Life and Times of Titian. With some account of his Family, by J. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle. 2 vols. Lond. 1877, 8^- Second Edi- tion, 1881. Titus — The Titus Family in America. Three Generations, by the Rev. Anson Titus. New York, 1881, 8'^- Todd— The Todd Genealogy ; or. Regis- ter of the descendants of Adam Todd, with notices and genealogies of many persons connected with them, by Richard Henry Greene. New York, 1867, 8«- Toiras — Histoire du mareschal de Toiras, par Michel Baudier. [Avec la genea- logie et les blasons.] Paris, 1644, fol. Toker — Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Toker, of co. Kent. 1853. See also Burke's " Visitation of Seats and Arms," second series, vol. i. Tollemache — Case of Albert Edwin, son of Wm. Lionel Felix Tollemache, Lord Huntingtower, in opposition to the claim of William John Manners. Folio, pp. 18. Tolson — Pedigree of the Tolsons. Single sheet. Tolson Appeal Case, before the House of Lords, 1828, folio, pp. 60. Tomes — Pedigree of the Tomes Family, of Marston Sicca, co. Gloucester. Privately printed, 4*^- Toni — Arms of the Family of Toni in the east window of Monkland Church, and (grants to Ralph de Toni. See '•Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxvii, 365 — 6. , Tooke — Memorials of the Tooke Family. Reprinted from the Gentleman's Maga- zine. Lond. 1839, 8°- Toppan — The Toppans of Toppan's Lane, with their descendants and relations. Collected and arranged by Joshua Coffin. Newburyport, 1862, 8''- Torrey — Memoirs of Major Jason Torrey, of Bethany, Wayne County, Pa. With a genealogy of his ancestors and des- cendants, bv David Torrey. Scranton, Pa., 1885, V ■Genealogical Notes, showing the Paternal Line of Descent from William Torrey of Combe St. Nicholas, Somer- set County, England, A.D. 1557, to Jason Torrey of Bethany, Penn., with the Descendants of Jason Torrey and his Brother and Sister to A.D. 1884. Compiled by John Torrey. Scranton, Pa. 1885, 80- A Contribution towards a Genealogy of all Torreys in America, by D. Torrey. Detroit, 1890, 8'^- Totonicapan — Titre Genealogique des Seigneurs de Totonicapan. Traduit de I'Espagnol par M. de Charency. Alen^on, 1885, 8<'- Tottingham, see Gale. Tour — Table genealogique de la Maison de la Tour d'Auvergne. Paris, 1666, fol. Memoire sur la Famille de la Tour d'Auvergne. Paris, 1823, 4o- Genealogie de la tres-illustre sou- veraine Maison de la Tour, par le Sieur Flacchio. 3 vols. Brux. 1709, fol. -Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Dauphine sous les Dauphins de la troisieme race, de la Maison de la Tour- du-Pin, par J. P. Moret. Paris, 1717, fol. -Notice historique sur la Maison de la Tour du Pin, par E. de Bartbelemv. Paris, 1861, 8°- -Tableaux Genealogiques et Rai- sonnes de la Maison de la Tour-du-Pin, par M. Jean-Bap tiste Moulinet. Paris, 1870, 4«- -Genealogie de la Famille Gay de la Tour, par J. P. S. Gay de la Tour. Paris, 1772, fol. Genealogie de la Maison de la Tour de Lauraguais, par Dom Caffiaax. Paris, 1778, 4P- 498 Family Htstoeies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Tour — Notice sur la Maison cle la Tour- en-Voivre, et sur son alliance avec la Maison de Soyecourt, par E. D. D. Comte de la Tour. [With a genea- logical table.] Paris, 1834, 4o- Ancienne Chevalerie de Lorraine. Notice genealogique sur la Maison de la Tour en Voivre, par M. Sailly. Metz, 1851, 40- Histoire des hommes illustrcs de Townshend pedigrees, with genealogical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19152. The Townshend Family, by C. H. Townshend. Boston [U.S.] 1875, 8°- -The Townshend Family of la f araille de la Tour de Noe. Toulouse, 1875, 8°- Tournon — Poerae historial touchant I'origine, I'antiquite et excellence de la Maison de Tournon, par F. de Belle- forest. Paris, 1568, 8°- Towle — Some of the Descendants of Philip Towle of Hampton, N.H., by Mrs. A. E. T. Lindsay. Reprinted from the New England Genealogical Begister. 1889. Town — Historical and Biographical Notes of the Family of Town. Genealogical Memoranda of the Ancestry and Des- cendants of John Town, of Georgia, Vermont, by Henry Town. Compiled by Edwin Hubbard. Chicago, 1878, 8"- Towne — A Genealogical account of the Towne Family, of Massachusetts and England, by Wm. B. Towne. Boston, 1868. The Towne Memorial, compiled by Edwin Hubbard. Chicago, 1880 S^- Towneley — Evidences and pedigrees of the Towneley Family. MSS. Nos. ii ; XX ; XXIX. Towneley Hall, Burnley. Add. MSS. 30145 ; 30146 Brit. Mus. Townley — History of the Lawrence- Townley and Chase-Townley Estates in England. With copious historical and genealogical notes of the Lawrence, Chase and Townley Families bv James Usher. New York, 1883, 8^- Townsend — A Memorial of John, Henry, and Ilichard Townsend, and their Descendants, by J. Townsend. New York, 1865, 8«- Genealogy of the Townsend Family. Compiled by Benjamin D. Townsend of Lime Spring, Iowa. Alfred Gentry, N.Y. 1879, 8^'- Notes on the Townsend Lynn, in Old and New England. Genealogical and Biographical, by Charles Hervey Townshend. Eevised, Third edition. New Haven, 1882, 8«' ^Claim of certain Persons to be Children of the Marquis Townshend. Sessional Papers, 116 of 1842 ; 46, 97 of 1843. Tracy — Memoirs illustrating the Noble Families of Tracy and Courtenay. Canterbury, 1796, 8"- Tracy Family of Toddington, Glouc, see " Hyde Genealogy," Appen- dix, by K. H. Walworth. Albany, 1864, 8«- -Claim of James Tracy, Esq. Family, by Henry F. Waters, Salem, 1883, 8°' to be Viscount and Baron Tracy, of liathcoole. Sessional Papers, 46 of 1841 ; 59 of 1843 ; 162 of 1847 ; 156 of 1848 ; 107 of 1849 ; II. of 1855. ^ Case of James Tracy, on his claim to the titles of Viscount and Baron Tracy, with Minutes of Evidence, and Pedigrees. 1839—1849. Case of Benjamin Wheatley Tracy, with Minutes of Evidence and Pedigree. 1854. Case on behalf of Matthew Tracy, claiming the Title of Viscount Tracy. Lond. 1862, fol. Trafford — Tables shewing the descent of the Hon. E. M. (Petie), Avife of E. S. Trafford, from King Henry VII. and two of the daughters of Charles II., by Edward Southwell Trafford. Privately printed, 1884, fol. 73j ^ki^^^ yt-^c-ke^ . Trask — History and Genealogy of the Trask Family ; including the Lineal Ancestors and all the Descendants of liev. Nathaniel Trask. With a_ brief mention of other Branches of the Family in New England, by R. D. Trask!' Portland, Me. 1877, 12«- Travers — A Collection of Pedigrees of the Family of Travers : or Abstracts of certain Documents collected towards a History of that Family, by S. Smith Travers. Arranged by Henry J. Sides. Oxford, 1864, 4<'- Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. 499 Trofusis— Claim of R. C. W. Trefusis, Esq., to the Barony o£ Clinton. Sessional Papers, June 1793 — Mar. 1794. Case of E. G. W. Trefusis, in relation to the Barony of Clinton, with folding Pedigree, folio. Tremouille — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de la Tremouille, par S. de Sainte Marthe. Paris, 1568, 8«' Other editions in 1667 and 1678. Les Havtes et illvstres alliances de la Maison de la Tremoille, par Charles Soyer. Paris, 1647 fol. Another edition, 1649, 4P- Chartrier de Thouars. Documents historiques et genealogiques [relating to the family of La Tremoille.] Edited by Charles Louis, Duke de la Tremoille. Paris, 1877, fol. Trench — Claim of Frederic Mason Trench, Baron Ashtown, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers^ M. of 1855. ■ Tresham — The Ruins of Liveden, with Historical Notices of the Family of Tresham, by Thomas Bell. Lond. 1847, 4P- Another edition, 1872. A Complete Account of the Buildings erected in Northamptonshire, by Sir Thomas Tresham. Together with many particulars conoerning the Tresham Family and their home at Eushton, by J. Alfred Gotch. 1883, 40- The Tresham Pedigree, by Edw. Falkener. Eeprinted from North- amptonshire Notes and Qtteries, 1SS6. Northampton, 1886, 8o- Trevor, see also Cromwell ; Dungannon. Trevor — The Pedigree of John Trevor, of Trevalyn, Esq. by Wm. Lleyn, with notes by Edward ap Eoger, otherwise Eyton ; and a few other pedigrees, 16th century. Hengwrt MS. 110. Peniarth. Triest — Genealogie et Armoiries de la Famille de Triest, et de ses Allies, with arms in colours. French and Dutch. Four volumes, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 21,941—21,944. Trimouille — Genealogie de la Maison de la Trimouille, par Joseph Texera. Paris, 1596, 8«' Trinci — Istoria della Famigli* Trinci. Durante Doria da Leonessa. Fuligno, 40. Trissol — Genealogie du S*"- Jean Louis Melchior Trissol. Paris, 1824, 4P- Trissina — Historia dell' origine e fatti illustri della Famiglia Trissina, by Beni. Milan, 1626, 4P' Trocifal, Marques de, see Suarez. Trollope— The Family of TroUope, by the Ven. Edward Trollope. Lincoln, 1875, 40. Trott — The Trotts of Dorchester and Boston, by Edw. D. Harris. Boston, 1889, 40- Troutbeck — Debate on the Troutbeck Estate in the House of Lords. Lond. 1836, 80- Petition of Eight of Catherine Eobson and Isabella Ainslie, presented 5 June, 1845, fol., pp.. 80, and two genealogical tables of the Troutbecks. Trowbridge — Genealogy of the Family of Deacon James Trowbridge, of Dor- chester, afterwards of Newton, Mass., by Otis Trowbridge. Boston, 1854, 8°- The Trowbridge Family ; or, the Descendants of Thomas Trowbridge, one of the First Settlers of New-Haven, Conn., by F. W. Chapman. New- Haven, 1872. 80- Trubshaw Family Eecords. Stafford, 1876, 40 Truhendingen — Geschichte der Graf en von Truhendingin, von Dr. Sebastian Englert. Wurzburg, 1886, 8o- Trusbut, see Peverell. Tucher — Genealogy of the family of Tucher, of Nuremberg, compiled by Chr. JScheurl, in 1542 ; and continued to the year 1573. Folio. German. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,475. Tuck Genealogy. Eobert Tuck of Hamp- ton, N.H., and his Descendants, 1838—1877. By Joseph Dow. Boston, 1877, 8<'- Tucker, see also Meeson. Tucker — A genealogical and historical account of the Descendants of Henry Tucker, by Geo. H. Tucker. New York, 1851, S^- Tuddenhara — Collections concerning the Family of Tuddenham, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19152. Tudor— History of the House of Tudor, by David Hume. 2 vols. Lond. 1759, 40. 500 Family Histories, Pedigrees, a.nd Peerage Cases. Tudor — The History of the race of Tudor ap Ednyfed, by J. G. J. Greene, 1858, 8«- . Penmynydd aud the Tudors, by J. Williams. " See " Archa3ologia Cambreusis," third series, vol. xv. Lond. 1869, 8°- Tuer — Notes and Arms of the Family of Tuer. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5819, f. 178 b. Tufton — Memorials of the Family of Tufton, Earls of Thanet, by E. Pocock. Gravesend, 1800, S^- Turapling — Geschicte des Geschlechtes von Tumpling, bv Wolf von Tumpling. Weim, 1888, 8°-^ Tupper — Family llecords. Containing Memoirs of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, Lieut. E. W. Tupper, and Col. W. de Vic Tupper. with Notices of Maj.-Gen. Tupper and Lieut. C. Tupper, to which is added a Life of Col. Havil- land, by F. Brock Tupper. Guernsey, 1835, 8'^- Turbeville — Genealogy of Pagan Turbe- ville, Lord of Coylif, indorsed by Lord Burghley. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. Turene — Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Turene, par Christolle J ustel. Paris, 1645, fol. Turing — The Lay of the Turings, a sketch of family history, by H. M. K. with folding pedigree. Privately printed, 1830, 4"- Turner — Pedigree of Dawson Turner, Esq., of Norfolk. Single sheet Genealogy of the Descendants of Humphrey Turner, with family records, by Jacob Turner. Boston, 1852, 8^- Pedig:ree and Arms of the Turvey, Baronage of, see Barnewall. Tuscany — Mathildis Comitissre Genea- logia. F. Contelorii. Interamnae, 1657, 8«- [Mathilda Countess of Tuscany.] Tuthill — Collections concerning the Family of Tuthill, bv D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19152. A Family Meeting of the Des- cendants of John Tuthill, one of the Original Settlers of the Town of South- hold, N.Y. August 28, 1867, pp. 60. Tuttle, see also Dawson ; Hughes. Tuttle — The Descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from Old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketclies, by Geo. Fred. Tuttle. Rutland, A^t. 18S3, 8"- Genealogical Record of a Line of Turner Family and its representatives, by Hubert Smith. Arranged and edited by R. Woof. Lond. 1871, 4"- Collections relating to the Families of Turner and Tumor, of Suffolk and Norfolk, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 19152. Turnour — Pedigree of Turnour, Earl of Winterton. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. 1831, folio sheet. Turpin — The Turpin Family, an outline sketch by J. M. Bancroft. New York, 1879. Single sheet. Descendants of John and Joanna Tuttle, of Ipswich, Mass., from 1635 to 1885, by Joseph W. Tuttle. Platts- burgh, N.Y. 1885, 8"- Twells — Notes and Extracts from Parish Registers of the Family of Twells. " The Genealogist," vol. yi. Lond. 1882, 8"- Twining — Genealogy of the Twining Family, Descendants of Wm. Twining who came from Wales, or England, and died at Eastham, Mass. 1659. With information of other Twin in gs in Gt. l^iitain and America, by Thos. J. Twining. Chicago, 189U, 8'^- Twistleton — Claim of John Twistleton, Esq., to the Baron j of Saye and Sele. Sessional Papers., Mar. 1733. The Case of John Twistleton of Broughton, in Co. Oxford, n.d. folio. Case of Col. Thomas Twisle- ton, of Broughton Castle, in relation to the Barony of Saye and Sele, with pedigree, 1781. Claim of the Rev. Frederic Benjamin Twistleton, to the Barony of Save aud Sele. See Sessional Papers, 316 of 1847 ; 101 of 1848. Case of the Rev. F. B. Twistleton on his claim to be Baron Saye and Sele, 1848, fol. pp. 72. Twitchell, see Adams. Twysden — Documents disclosing a passage in the history of the Twysden Family, by the Rev. L. B. Larking, &c. Family Histokies, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. 501 i Archceologia Cuiitlana^Yol. viii. Lond. L872, 8'^- Tvc — Collections concerning the Family "of Tye of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mils. Add. MS. 19,152. Tyler — Letters and Times of tlie Tylers, by Lyon Gr. Tvler. 2 vols. Eiclimond, Va,, 1884—85, S'>- Tyndale — Genealogy of the Family of Tyndale, together with the Pedigrees of several Families with whom they formed alliances, and shewing the con- nection with the line of Plantagenet, by B. W. Greenfield. Lond. 1818, fol. Tynte — Case of Charles K. K. Tynte, on his claim to the title of Baron Wharton, with pedigrees, 1843, fol. Minutes of Evidence on the petition of 0. K. K. Tynte of Halsvvell, Somerset, praying that the abeyance of the Barony of Wharton be determined in his favour, 1844-45, folio. TA'rel — Histoire Genealogique et Iler- aldique de la Maison de Tyrel et dcs Families de Movencourt et de Poix, 1030 to 1869, par M. Cuvillier-Morel- D'Acy. Paris, 1869, 8'^- Tyrrell — Collections relating to the Family of Tvrrell of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, etc., bv D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,152. Tyrwhitt — Notices and Notes of the Family of Tyrwhitt of Northumberland, Lincoln, Salop, and Denbigh. Privately printed 1872, 8«- Tyson, see Thomas. T3^ssen — A brief account of the Tyssen Family. No. 3214. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Tyttery, see Henzey. Tyzack, see Henzey. Ubaldini — Istoria della casa degli Ubaldini, e la vita di N. Acciaioli e I'Origine della famiglia degli Acciaioli descritta da G. di Lorenzo Ubaldini e M. Palmieri. Firenze, 1588, 4''- Udney — Udney v. Allott ; Supplemental Appendix to Cause in the House of Lords, 1860, 4'^ pp. 13. Ufford — Collections relating to the Family of Ufford, of Suffolk and Norfolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19153. L^ghi — Memorie della FamigHll degli Ughi. By Simone Bouini. Lucca, 1687, 40. Ugo — Gli Ugo di Sic ilia cenno ed Albero Genealogico, per V. Pallizzolo Gravina, Barone di Kamioue, &c. Palermo, 1878, 4P- Umfreville, see also Bruce. Umfreville — Pedigrees of Umfreville and Stanley. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P, 6 ; Add. MS. 19153. Underwood — The Underwood Families of Massachusetts, by Prof. Lucien M. Underwood. Privately printed, 8°- pp. 8. . . , Unton— The Unton Inventories, with Genealogical Notices of the Unton Family, by J. G. Nichols. Printed for the Berkshire Ashmolecm Society. Lond. 1841, 4 • Upham — Family History, Notices of the Life of John Upham, the first Inhabitant of New England who bore that name ; with an account of his descendants, ancestors of Hon. Nath. Upham of Rochester, by A. G. Upham. Concord, N.H, 1845. ' -Genealogy and Family History of a Branch of the New England Upham Family, settled in California, showing the Ancestors of Isaac Upham of San Francisco and others, by F. K. Upham. Printed for private circu- lation, 1884, 120- A Sketch of the Life and Character of Dea. Joshua Upham of Salem, Mass. To which ate appended a Sketch of his First Wife, his Ancestral History and a Genealogical List of his Descendants, by Prof. James Upham. Boston, 1885, 12^- -Genealogy of the Family His- tory of tlie Uphams of Castine, Maine, and Dixon, Illinois, with Genealogical Notes of other Families. Compiled by F. K. Upham. Printed for private circulation, 1887, S''- Upton — The Upton Memorial. A Genea- logical Record of the Descendants of John Upton, of North Reading, Mass., the Original Emigrant and the Pro- genitor of the Families who have since borne his name. Together with short Genealogies of the Putnam, Stone and Bruce Families, by John Adams Vinton. Bath, Me. 1874, S'^- Printed for private use. 502 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Upton — Descendants of Josiah and Catherine Upton of Charlemont, Mass., by William H. Upton. 8^- pp. 11. Urbino — Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, from 1-140 to 1630, by James Dennistonn. 3 vols. Lond. 1851, 8<'- Urfe — Les d' Urfe aux XYi« et xvii® siecles, par Aug. J. Bernard. Paris, 1^39, SO- Origine de la Maison d' Urfe, par Aug. Bernard. Montbrison, 1817, S^- Urquhart — A peculiar j^romptuary of Time : wherein is displayed an exact directory for all particular Chronologies in what family soever, and that by deducing the Pedigree of the Name of Urquhart in the House of Cromartie, since the Creation to 1652. Lond. 1652, 8''- Keprinted in the octavo edition of Sir Thomas Urquhart's Tracts. Edinb. 1774. The true Pedigree, and lineal Descent, of the family of Urquhart in the house of Cromarty, since the creation of the World to 1774, by Sir Thomas Urquhart. Edin. 1774^^ 12o- Usher — Genealogy of the Usher Family of New England, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1869, 8"- Ussher — Grenealogical Memoirs of the Ussher Families in Ireland, by Rev. Wm. B. Wright. Dubl. 1889, 4«- Genealogy of the Ussher family. See Ussher's Miscellaneous Collections in the librarv of Trinity College, Dublin. Vaballath — De Familia Vaballathi Numis illustrata, Opusculum postumum, curante Josepo Khell. H. Froelich. Vindob, 1762, 4o- Valbella — Generation de Valbella, ex- tracho de I'histori jornaliero de messiro Nouvat de Valbella. Aix, 1649, 4o- Valdes — Claro Origin y descendencia ilvstre de la antigua Casa de Valdes, sus varones famosos, etc., by Rodrigo Mendez Silva. Madrid, 1650, 4o- Valence — Collections concerning The Family of Valence, Earls of Pembroke, by D.'E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,153. The Enamelled Heraldic Shield of William de Valence, Earl of Pem- broke. 1296, by Charles Bontell. Lond. 1864, fol. Valentia. Viscount, see also Annesley. Claim of Arthur, Viscount Valentia, to the Earldom of Anglesea. Sessional Papers. Feb. 1770 — Apr. 1772. Several Claims to the Title of Viscount Valentia, etc. Dublin, 1773. fol. Minutes of Proceedings on the Claims to the Title of Valentia, Printed for the Irish House of Lords. Dublin, 1773, fol. Case of Arthur, Viscount Valentia, claiming to be Earl of Anglesea, 1799, folio, pp. 24. Valentine — The Valentines in America, 1644—1874, with Notices of the Family in England, by T. W. Valentine. New York, 1874, 8«- Valerio — Gli Valerii, overo origine e nobilta della gente Valeria di Roma, di Padoua e di Venezia dove con la vita di Volusio e di Stella, poeti Padovani si ha notizie della gente Valeria, etc., by Giacomo Zabarella. Padova, 1666, 4°- Valignana — Genealogia della Famiglia Valignana. By Isidoro Nardi. Rome, n.d 4P- Vallentin — The Family History of James Vallentin. Compiled from the works of the Chevalier Ed. de Magny, etc., by J. J. Farthing. Lond. [1869 ?] 4°- Valette — -Genealogie de I'illvstre Maison de la Valette, par Bernard Gelede. Tolose, 1633, fol. Valoines, see also Maule. Valoines — Collections respecting the Family of Valoines, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19153. Valori — Notic.e historique sur la Maison de Valori, par Louis Rosand. Paris, 1844, 80- Van Brunt — Genealogy of the Van Brunt Family, 1653—1867, by T. G. Bergen. Albany, 1867, 8«- Van Buren, see Dawson. Vance — An Account, Historical and Genealogical, of the Family of Vance in Ireland, Vans in Scotland, anciently Vaux in Scotland and England, and originally de Vaux in France, by W. Balbirnie. Cork, 1860, 4P' A correct pedigree of the Vance Family, from the year A.D. 1610, by Wm. Vance. Lond. 1882, single sheet. Family Histories, Pedigtrees, and Peerage Cases. 503 Van den Broeck, see De Backer. Van der Heyden — Notices historiques et genealogiques sur les nobles et tres- anciennes Maisons Van der Heyden, par N. J. Van der Heyden. An vers, 1847, 8«- Van Der Lind — Table Genealogique de la Famille de Van Der Lind, par J. F. A. F. de Azevedo Coutinho y Bernal. Small folio, 1753 ? ^ ^ Van dei' Noot — Table Genealogique de la Famille de Van der Noot, par J. F. A. F. Azevedo Coutinho y Bernal, 1771, £ol. Vane — The Vanes or Fanes. See " The G-reat Governing Families of England," by Sanford and Tovvnsend, i. 66. Van Impden, see De Backer. Van Malcote— G^nealogie de la famille Van Malcote, par P. A. Du Chastel de la Howardries. Tournai, 1877, 8°- Only 100 copies printed. Vanneck — Collections concerning the Family of Vanneck, of Huntingfield, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,153. Van Oyen — Genealogie van het geslacht Van Oyen, Cock Van Oyen, Van Oyen zu Fiirstenstein en Vorsterman Van Oyen, door A. A. Vorsterman Van Oyen. Groningen, 1888, fol. Vans, see Vance. Vans-Agnew, see The Agnews of Lochnaw, by Sir A. Agnew. Edinb. 1864, S^- Van Voorhis — Notes on the Ancestry of Major Wm. Roe Van Voorhis of Fish- kill, Duchess County, New York, by Elias W. Van Voorhis. New York, 1881, 8«- A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, or the Descendants of Steven Coerte Van Voorhees of Holland and Flatland, by Elias W. Van Voorhis. New York and Lond. 1888, 4^- Van Wagenen — Genealogy of the Van Wagenen Family, from 1650 to 1884. By Gerrit Hubert Van Wagenen of Kye, Westchester County, N.Y. Printed for private distribution in 1884, 8°- Varagne — Genealogie de la Maison de Varagne de Gardouch en Lfcnguedoc, par D. F. Gastelier de la Tour. Paris, 1763, 40- Another edition, 1769. Varenne — La Famille Varenne de Feuille d'apres des documents authentiques, par Albert Albrier. Lyon, 1872, 8o- Varian — The Book of the Varian Family. With some Speculations as to their Origin, etc., by Sam. Briggs. Cleveland, Ohio, 1881, 8-^' Varney — ^A Discourse commemorative of John Riley Varney, with an Aj)ipendix relating to his Ancestry^ by Geo. B. Spalding. Dover, N. H. 1888, 8<>- Vassall Pedigree, 1500—1890, by the Rev. Wm. Vassall. Privately printed, 1890, 4P- Vaughan, see also Meredith ; Weld. Vaughan — British Antiquity Revived, touching the Sovereignty of the three Princes of Wales, with Pedigree of the Earl of Carbery, etc. by Robert Vaughan ; also the Pedigree of the Author, continued to 1834. Bala, 1834, 4P- ■ A short account of the Family of the House of Corsj^gedol, from Osburn Wyddel, in the time of Lleweln the great Prince (1228) of Wales down in the direct male line to William Vaughan, Esq., the present possessor, 1770. MS. No. 202. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. The Vaughans of Cors y Gedol. See " Archa3ologia Cambrensis," fourth series, vi. Lond. 1875, S"- Pedigree of Sir Richard Vaughan, K.B., Lord Vaughan of Molingar and Earl of Carberry, with coloured coats of arms. Brit. Mus. Add. Roll 24,746. Private Papers of Richard Vaughan, Earl of Carbery. See " ArchiEologia Cambrensis," fourth series, xii. Lond, 1881, 8°- Reminiscences of the Vaughan Family, and more particularly of Benjamin Vaughan, LL.D., by John H. Sheppard. Boston, 1865, 8«- -On the Family of Vaughan of Hergest. See " Archseologia Cambren- sis," fourth series, vol. ii. Lond. 1871, ^^• ■Description of the Armorial Insignia of the Vaughans of Llwy- diarth, with Memorials of the Lloyds of Dolobran, and other cognate Fa- milies, by the Rev. W. V. Lloyd. With mtmei'ous plates of arms. 1881, 8°- 504 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Vaux — See also Vance. Sketch of a Genealogical Account of the Family of Vaux. Vans, or De Vail i bus, by V. Agnew. Pembroke, 1800, 4.'^- Privately printed from Nis- bet's " Heraldry." " Pedigrees of the Lords Vaux of Harrowden, Co. Northampton. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 49. -Collections concerning the Family of Vaux, of Norfolk, Suffolk, etc., by T). E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19153. Minutes of Evidence in the Vaux and Bray Peerages 183G, fol. -Case of Edward B. Hartopp, Esq., on his Claim to the Title and Dignity of Baron Vaux of Harrowden, with pedigree. Privately printed, 1836, fol. -Case of George Mostyn, of Kid- dington, on his Claim to the Barony of Vaux, of Harroden, and also of E. Bourchier Hartopp, Esq., with pedi- gree, 1836. Claims of George Mostyn, and E. B. Hartopp, to the Barony of Vaux of Harrowden. Sessional JPapers, 41 of 1836. Speeches delivered upon the Claims to the Barony of Vaux of Harrowden. Lond. 1836, 8^- Vavasour — A Pedigi-ee of the Family of Vavasour, of Spaldington, in Yorkshire. Compiled by Thomas Beckwith. York, 1780, 4«- • Arms, Pedigrees, Notes, Extracts, etc., relating to the Family of Vavasour. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 245. f. 125. Vecellio — Titiano Vecellio Vita, con I'Arbore della sua vera Consanguinita. Venetia, 1622, 4o- Ventris — Pedigree and evidences of the Family of Ventris, of Norfolk, Cam- bridge, Suffolk, etc., by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,153. Verdon — Pedigree and evidences of the Family of Verdon, by D. E. Davy. ■ Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,153. Verdun, see also Lovetot. Verdun — Notes on the Family of Verdun. See " Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association," vols, xxi, 294 — 315 ; xxii, 311 ; xxix, 369—70. Vere — History of the Vere Family, of Addington. See " Succinct Genea- logies," by R. Halstead. 1685, folio. — Historical Collections of the Noble I'amilies of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, etc., by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1752, fol. Memoir on the Descent of the Family of De Vere, Earls of Oxford, by J. G. Nichols. See Archaological Jonrnnl, vii, 313 ; ix, 17. Lond. 1850, 1852, 8« Notes on the Family of De Vere, Earls of Oxford, by Ashhurst Majendi, and Richard Almack. " See Tran- sactions of the Essex Archieological Society," vol. i. Colchester. 1855, 8o- ■The Fighting Veres : Lives of Sir P^rancis Vere and .^ir Horace Vere, by Clements R. Markbam. Lond. 1888. ■ —The Genealoo;y, Arms, Honours, Matches, and Issues of the ancient and illustrious Family of Vere, Earl» of Guisnes in Normandy and of Oxford. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 4189, (3134, 6774ri^. -The Arms, Honours, Matches, and Issues of the ancient and illustrious Family of Vere, by Persival Goulding. Brit. Mus. Harg. MS. 494. History of Vere, Earl of Oxford. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 445. Pedigree of the Vere Family. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 4102. Tlie Case of the Earl of Oxford, with his genealogy, etc. De Termino Hillarii Anno Primo Regis Caroli. Le gr-and case de Comte de Oxford. 3IS. No. 198. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. History and pedigrees of the Family of Vere, 1843. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19153 if. 154—225. Notes and references relating to the Family of De Vere, Earls of Oxford, by Chas. K. Probert, 1871. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33530. Notes concerning; the De Vere Family, Earls of Oxford. No. 3214. Tyssen Library, Hackney. Vergy — Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Vergy, avec les Preuves de I'Histoire, par Andre Du Chesne, 2 vols. Paris, 1625, fol. Family Histories, Pedigkees and Peeeage Cases. 505 Veriiey Family. Letters and Papers, down to 1689, from the original MSS. Edited by John Bruce, witli Pedigree, and Index. Camden Society. Lond. 1853, 4'^- — : Claim of Sir Richard Verney to the l>arony of Brooke. Sessional Papers, Dec. 1G94— Feb. 1G95. Vernimmen, see Buisseret. Vernon — Historical Memoir of the House of Vernon (by Tho. Stapleton). Un- finished, no date. Only 100 copies printed. The Vernon Family and Arms, by Harrison Ellery. Boston, Mass. 1879, 8^- Letter from Dr. Vernon, of Trinity College, Cambridge, relating to his Fkmilv, \l789. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5833,*^ f. 173 b. Collections relatinj? to the Family of Vernon, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,446 ; 19153. Vertus — (lenealogie des divers membres de la Famille de Vertus, par Amand de Vertus. Chateau -Thierry, 1860, fol. Vesc, see Bonne. Vescy— Collections concerning the Family of'Vescy, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19153. Vesins — ^Abrege de la gonealogie de la Maisou de Vesins, par le comte Cousin de Courehamps. Paris, 1837, 8° Veteripont — Genealogical History of the Family of Veteripont. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS 6177. Viall — John Viall of Swanzej^, Mass., and some of his Descendants, by David Jillson. Providence, B.I. 1885, 8'^- Vicars — Pedigree of the Family of Vicars. MS. belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq. F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Vielcastel — Genealogie historique de la Maison de Vielcastel, extraite du tome XYii du Noh. itniv. de France, par Courcelles. Paris, 1820, 12o- Vilas — A Genealogy of the descendants of Peter Vilas. Compiled and edited by C. H. Vilas. Madison, Wis. 1875, 8«- Villafranca — Noticia de la Gra* Casa de los Marqueses de Villafranca, y su parentesco con las mayores de Europa, en el Arbol Genealogico de la ascen- dencia en ocho grandos por ambas lineas. ]^y Fray Geronimo de Sosa. Napoles, 1674, U'- Villaine — Histoire genealogique de la Famille Villaines de la Villenne, par J. P. de la Villaine. Riom, 1841, 8"- Villanova — Notizie ^mtiche e moderne di Casa Villanova in Bologna, poste in luce da Gio Benedetto Villanova, ultimo di essa Famiglia. Bologna, 1686, 4P- Villates — Des Villates en France et aux Pays-Bas, par le Comte L. de la Boute- tiere. Haarlem, 1881, 4P- Villeneuve — Histiore Genealogique de la Maison de Villeneuve en Languedoc, par M. Pavillet. Paris, 1830, 4o- Villiers, see also Howard Villiers— The Villiers Family. See " The Great Governing Families of Eng- land," by Sanford and Townsend, ii. 96. The Genealogy and Pedigree of the most ancient and noble Family of Villiers. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7i78., Genealogy of the Family of Villiers. Arms, pedigrees, and extracts from records. 31S. 17th century, belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. The of Villiers 4041, art. 2. Account Geuealoi Brit ^y of the Family Mus. Harl. MS. of the Family of Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6862. Account of the Family of Vil- liers, by the Rev. Wm. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5834, pp. 4—21. Claim of John Villiers to be Earl of Buckingham. Sessional Papers, April 1709. The Case of George Villiers, claiming the title of Earl of Bucking- ham, etc. 1724, folio. Vincent — Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald, born 1584, died Jan. 1625 — 6, with some particulars relative to his Family, Names of his Contem- poraries in office, &c., by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1827, S^- Portions of Vincent and Bod- dington Pedigrees, compiled by Regi- nald Stewart Boddington. Lond. 1876, 4P- 50G Family Histoeies, Pedigeejes, and Peeeage Cases. Vintimille — Histoire geiiealogique cle la Maison de Vintimille, par le R. P. Dominique Robert de Brian^on. Ville- Iranche, 1681, 4«- Vinton — The Vinton Memorial, compris- ing a genealogy of the descendants of John Vinton of Lynn, 1648, by J. A. Vinton. Boston, 1858, 8o- Vinton Genealogy. Sketches of the descendants of John Vinton of Lynn, 1648 ; and of several allied families, namely, those bearing the names of Alden, Adams, Allen, Boyi- ston, Faxon, French, Haydeu, Hol- brook, Mills, Niles, Penniman, Thayer, White, Richardson, Baldwin, and Green, by J. A. Vinton. Boston, 1858, 8°- Vipart — Geneal 'gie de la Maison de Vipart, en Normandie, par F. A. de Vipart. 1751, 4«- Vipont — Collections out of Three Books of Pedigrees, Charters, etc. belonging to the FamiUes of Viponts and Clif- fords ; compiled by order of the Coun- tess of Pembroke, and now in the possession of y® Rt. Honble, the Earl of Thanet. Machel's MS. vol. iv. Carlisle Cathedral. Vischer — Genealogie de la Maison de Vischer, par M. D*** S. D. H*** [De Vigiano seigneur de Hove.] Ant- werp ? 1773, fol. Vitro — Histoire Genealogique des Maisons de Vitre et de La Val, par P. Le Baud, avec un Catalogue des Nobles de Bretagne, par L'Hozier. Paris, 1634, fol. Vivian — Pedigree of the Family of Vivian of Cornwall. Reprinted with additions from the Visitations of the County of Cornwall, edited by Col. J. L. Vivian. 1886, 4« Vivier — Origine des illustres Seigneurs du Vivieren Languedoc, par M. du Vivier, Baron de Saint-Ferriol. 1704, 12°- Voltaire — Voltaire au College, sa famille, etc., par Henri Beaune. Paris, 1867, 8*^- Volusio, see Valerio. Voorhis, see Van Voorhis. Vouziers — Chronologic des vicomtes et seigneurs de la terre de Vouziers, depuis le quatorzieme siecle jusqu' en 1792, par C. Pale. Vouziers, 1843, 180- Vyner — Papers of the Family of Vyner, of Easthorpe, Co. Warwick, 1632 — 1766. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33319. Pedigree of the Family of Vyner, 1879. Privately printed single sheet. Vyner. A Family History, with Pedigree. Privately printed, 1885, 8«- Vyner. A Family History. Supplement. Privately printed, 1885, 8«- Vyner. The Family History. Revised and enlarged. [By Charles James Vyner.] Privately printed, 1887, 8«- -Vyner Pedigree, single sheet 1887. Wade — Collections concerning the Family of Wade, of Suffolk, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Wads worth, see also Candee. Wadsworth — Two Hundred and Fifty Years of the Wadsworth Family in America, by Horace Andrew Wads- worth. Lawrence, Mass. 1883, 4'^- Wagenen, see Van Wagenen. Wainflete — Particulars relating to Bishop Wainflete and his Family, at Wain- flete, in the County of Lincoln, by John Pickburn. See Vetusta Monu- menta, iii, pt. 6 ; Archceologia, x, 473. Waite — The Waite Family of Boston, by Henry E. Waite. 8o- The Waite Family of Maiden, by Deloraine P. Corey. Maiden, 1878, 8«- Printed for private distri- bution. Wake — A brief Enquiry into the anti- quity, honour and estate of the Name and Family of Wake, by Arch- bishop Wake. Edited by Miss E. Bennett. Warminster, 1833, 4°- Only 100 copies printed. A Memoir of a Branch of the Wake Family of Northamptonshire and elsewhere, 1666 to 1860, by Henry Thos. Wake. Carlisle, 1861, 8«- Only 100 copies printed. A Memoir of Hereward, the Saxon Patriot. By E. Trollope, with six Pedigrees of the Family of Wake. Compiled by Thomas Close. See " Reports and Papers of the Associated Architectural Societies," for 1861. Family Histoeies, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. 507 Wakeman — Original grant of Arras to Kobert Wakenian, of Bere, Co. Devon, by Wm. Camden, Clarenceaux, 1G16. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch. 2GG07. Walcote, see Cecil. Walcott — Collections relating to the Family of Walcott, with coloured coats of arms, etc., by Mackenzie E. C. Walcott, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,743. Waldegrave — Collections relating to the Family of Waldegrave, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Case of George Edward Waldegrave on his petition to be sum- moned to Parliament for the Earldom of Waldegrave, with Pedigree, 1887. Waldo — Notes respecting the Family of Waldo, by M. C. Jones. Privately printed, 1863, 8«' See also the " Herald and Genealogist," 1864. The Genealogy and Biography of the Waldos of America, from 1650 to 1883, by Joseph D. Hall. Daniel- sonviUe, Conn. 1883, 12"- Waldrade — Histoire de Waldrade de Lother II. et de leurs descendants, par le Baron Ernouf. Paris, 1858, 8«- Waldron, see also Gale. Waldron — John Waldron of Dover, N.H. and his Descendants. Peprinted from the " Dover Enquirer." Dover, 1879, 8o- Wales, see Thayer. Walker, see also Dawson. Walker — Memorials of the Walkers of the Old Plymouth Colony, embracing genealogical and biographical sketches, etc., by J. B. H. Walker. Northamp- ton, U.S. 1861, 80- Waller pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Genealogie van het Geslacht Waller door F. G. Waller. Graven- hage, 1888, 4«- Walpole, see also Druce. ■ Genuine Memoirs of the Life and Character of the Eight Honour- able Sir Kobert Walpole, and of the Family of the Walpoles, by W. Mus- grave. Lond. 1732, 8«' Other editions in 1738 and 1745. •Pedigree of Walpole, Earl of Walpole — Collections relating to the Family of Walpole, by D." E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Houghton and the Walpoles, by J. H. Broome. Lond. 1865, 8«- Evidences of the Early Pedi- gree of the Family of Walpole of Houghton. The Norfolk An tiquarian Miscellany. Part 1. Norwich, 1873, 8«- Walpole of Whaplode, co. Lin- coln. Being a genealogy of the Whap- lode Branch of the family of Walpole of Houghton, Co. Norfolk, by Augustus Jessopp and Everard Green. Norwich, 1874, fol. -One Generation of a Norfolk Orford, Avith the arms in %>lours, by the Rev. W. Cole. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5841. House [the Walpoles of Houghton, &c]. By Augustus Jessopp. Nor- wich, 1878, 4P- Second edition, Lond. 1879, 8°- The Walpoles. " Stories of Old Families," by W. Chambers. Edinb. and Lond. 1878, 8«- The Walpole Family, of Nor- folk. See H. Foley's " Records of the English Province," 2nd series, p. 235. Walther — Genealogy of the Family of Walther of Augsburg, with arms in colours ; compiled by Ulrich and David Walther, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,474. Walton — The Complete Angler, by Izaak Walton, with Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. [Con- taining pedigrees of Walton, Cotton, Hawkins, Hawes and Cranmer.1 Lond. 1875, 80- Walworth, see Williams. Walwyn— Pedigree of the Family of Walwyn, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll N, 11. Extracts from the Parish Regis- ters of Lugwardine, Co. Hereford, of the Family of Walwyn, from 1538 to 1716. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6135 f. 16. Wang She Tsung Poo, a Genealogy of the Wang Family, during twenty- five generations, traced up to the reign of Chaou Tsung, of the Tang dynasty, with portraits of the chief dignitaries of the Family, by Chin Hung Shing. Chinese. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16281. 508 Family Histoeies, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Wanton — History of the Wanton Family of Newport, Rhode Island, by John liussell Bartlett. Providence, 1878, Warhui'ton — Memoir of the Family of Warburton of Garryhineh, King's County, Ireland. Dublin, 184.8, 8"- The Warburtons of Arley, by J. E. Bailev. Manchester, 1881, Ward, see also Cecil. Ward — Pedigree of Ward of Newcastle and Strorashall, Co. Stafford, and Ogborn, Great Bedwin, etc., Co. Wilts, by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Folio sheet. ^Pedigree and Arms of the Family of Ward, of Bixley, Co. Norfolk. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 7565, f. 19. Collections relating to the Families of Ward and Warde, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Memoranda of the Family of Ward. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6256. Ward Family ; Descendants of William Ward who settled in Sudbury, Mass. in 1689, w^itli an Appendix, by A. H. Ward. Boston, 1851. 8«- History of Dudley Castle and Priory, including a genealogical account of the families of Sutton and Ward, by Charles Twamley. Lond. 1867, 8"- A Memoir of the Kev. Nathaniel Ward, A.M., author of the Simxple Cobbler of Agawam in America, with Notices of his Family, by John Ward Dean. Albany, 1868. 8'^- Wardon, see Dawson. Ware — Journal of an Expedition against Quebec, in 1775 ; to which is appended Notes and a Genealogy of the Ware Family, by Joseph Ware. Boston, 1852, 8''- The Descendants of Robert Ware of Dedham, Massachusetts, by Miss Emma F. Ware, of Milton. Boston, 1S87, 8°' The Genealogy of Kobert Ware of Dedham, Mass. Additions and Corrections, by Emma F. Ware. Privately printed, 1887, 8«- Wareing of Bury, etc. See G . Ormerod's Parentalia, 1851, 8«- Warneford — Pedigree of Warneford, of Sevenhampton. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Single sheet. Warner — Collections relating to the Family of Warner, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. The Posterity of William Warnei-, one of the early settlers of Ipswich, Mass., 1637, by Edward Warner. Peprinted from the New I'lngland Historical Register, vol. xx. Boston, 1866, 8°- Waroquier — Genealogie de la Maison de Waroquier, Seigneurs du Bois d'Alas, d'Anisy, etc., par Comte Louis Charles de Waroquier. Paris, 1782, 4P- Fragmente Genealogique de la Maison de Waroquier, Seigneurs du Bois de Peclu, la Motte, Planques, Combles, Mericourt et S. Affrique, par Comte Louis Charles de Waroquier. 2 parts. Paris, 1789, 4P- Warren — Genealogy of Warren, Earls of Surrey. Beautifully coloured. Brit. Mus. Hari. MS. 4957. Genealog}^ of the Family of Warren of Poynton. Lambeth, Lib., MS. 1221. Collections concerning: the Family of Warren, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,154. -The History of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, with the Descent of the Warrens of Poynton, Co. Chester, and Stapleford, Co. Notts ; by the Be v. J. Watson. Warrington, 1776, 4P- —Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, and their Descendants, to the present time, by John Watson. 2 yols. Warrington, 1782, 4P- -Bibliographical and Critical Account of Watson's Memoirs of the Earls of Warren and Surrey (from the Herald and Genealogist) by J . Gough Nichols. Lond. 1871, 8«- Account and Genealogy of the Warrens, Earls of Sussex. See "'Journal of the British Archaeological Associa- tion," vols, xxiii, 21, 32 ; xxiv, 21. -Pedigree of Warren and Pier- point. See " Sussex Archseological Collections," vol. xi. 1859. Also *' Topographer and Genealogist," Mar. 1847. Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peeeage Cases. 509 Warren — Observations on the parentage of Gundreda, the daughter of William Duke of Normandy, and wife of William de Wai-enne, by Sir Geo. h\ Duckett. Lond. 1877, 8"- — ■ Gundreda de Warrenne ; proofs that she was neither daughter, nor step- daughter of William the Conqueror, by K. E. Chester Waters. Lond. 1884, 8'^- Gundreda de Warrenne, by Edmond Chester Waters. See " Archae- ological Journal," vols. 41 and 43. Lond. 1884 & 86, 8'=- Notice histcrique et genealo- gique sur la Famille de Warren et sur ses etablissements suceessifs en Angle- terre, en Irlande, en Lorraine et en Toscane, par le comte F. P. E. de AVarren. Nancy, 1861, 4«- Genealogy of the Family of Warren, with some Historical sketches, by John Collins Warren. Boston [U.S.] 1854, 4"' Privately printed. Genealogy of the Warren Fami- ly, from liichard, who came in the Mayflower in 1620 to 1872. Albany, N.Y. 1874, 8«- -A Genealogy of one branch of the Warren h'amily with its inter marriages, 1637 —^1890, by M. P. Warren, edited by E. W. Leavitt. Pri- vately printed, 1890, 8^'- Warrington — Annals of the Lords of Warrington. Chetham Society^ vols. 86 and 87. Manchester, 1872, 8°- Warwick, Earls of, see Bcauchamp ; Greville. Washington — The Washingtons : A Tale of a Country Parish in the Seventeenth Century, by J. Nassau Simpkinson. Lond. i860, 8"- ^^ Facsimiles of the Memorial Stoneal^" the last English ancestors of George Washington in the parish Church of Brington, Northampton- shire. Boston, 1862, fol. Washington pedigree, by T. W. Gwilt Mapleson, ])rinted in colours, and published by T. Sinclair of Philadelphia. A Preliminary investiga- tion of the alleged ancestrj-'^of George Washington, by J. L, Chester. Two editions. Westminster and Boston, 1866, 8"- [Reprinted from the "Herald and Genealogist," London, and the " Heraldic Journal," Boston.] An Examination of the English Ancestry of George Washing- ton, bv Henry P. Waters. Boston, 1889, 8'^- -Tlie Pedigree and History of the Washington Family, involving a period of eighteen centuries, and in- cluding flfty-tive generations down to General George Washington, bv Albert Welles. New York, 1879, 4"-*' Yorkshire as the Home of the Washingtons, by W. Newsome. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1879, 4'^- Pri- vately printed. Bibliotheca ana, by Spohn Baker, 1888. Washington i- Philadelphia, The Washingtons and their Connection with Warton, by Henry Whitman. Boston [1889], 4P- Notes on the Ancestry of General Washington, by James Green- street. Twelve copies reprinted from the Genealogist, 1890. Wasteney. see De Wasteney. Waterhouse — Pedigrees of the Family of Waterhouse, by E. Protheroe, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 31,010 ; 31,011. Pedigrees of branches of the Family of Waterhouse, of Kirton, Warley, Skircote, Whit(5hurch, and Castle-Waterhouse ; five rolls. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,012, A to E. Genealogical collections for the family of Waterhouse, of Halifax. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,013. -Explanatory statement con- cerning the pedigree of Waterhouse, of Halifax. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,015. Descent of the Family of Waterhouse, of Wellhead, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,016. Copies and Extracts from Wills of the Family of Waterhouse. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,016 ; 31,017. Rough Pedigrees of the Family of Waterhouse, etc. 18th and 19th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,018. 510 Family HrsTOniES, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Waterliouse — Extracts i'rom parish regis- ters, court-rolls, wills, etc. relating to the Family of Waterhouse, 18th and 19th centuries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,019. Correspondence on searches respecting the History of the Water- house Family, 1814 — 1831. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,020. ■ Pedio:ree of the Waterhouse Family, by the Kev. Joseph Hunter, with letters, from 1828 to 1834. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,021. Waterland — Collections for the pedigrees of Waterland, etc., co. Lincoln, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 31013 ; 31014. Watkins — Pedigree and armorial bearings of William Watkins of Llangorsse, co. Brecknock, 1G09, with coloured coats of arms. Poll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,333. ■ A catalogue of the descendants of Thomas Watkins of Chickahominy, Ve., ancestor of the families of the name in Virginia, by F. N. Watkins of Prince Edward, co. Va. New York, 1849, 12 " Watson — A biographical sketch of El- kanah Watson, with a brief genealogy of the Watson Family early settled in Plymouth Colony, by Wm. P. Deane. Albany, 1864, 8«- John Watson, of Hartford, Conn., and his Descendants. A Genea- logy, by Thomas Watson. New York, 1865, 8''- The Watsons of Pockingham Castle, by Charles Wise. In progress, 1890. Watt — Memorials of the Lineage, Early Life, Education and Development of the Genius of James Watt, by G. Williamson. Watt Chih. Edinb. 1856, 4«- Wauchope — History and Genealogy of the Family of Wauchope, by James Paterson. Edinb. 1858, 4«- Waudru — Genealogie de Sainte Waudru, comtesse de Hainalt. Mons, no date, 8°- Wanton, see Cromwell. Wavrin — Notice biographique sur la Maison Wavrin- Villers-au-Tertre et M. le Comte Victor do Wavrin, par Leon Saint-Rome. Paris, 1853, S^- Way — George Way and his Descendants, Historical and Genealogical. Their connection with the early Penobscot (Pejepscot) Grants, and the famoute lawsuits resulting therefrom, 1628 — 1821. By Granville Way. Boston, 1887, 8«- Way ley — Genealogia Familiaj de Waleys, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Poll N, 10. Weare — The Weare Family of Hampton, New Hampshire, and North Yarmouth, Maine, by William M. Sargent. Yar- mouth, Me. 1879, 8"- Webb — Genealogical Notes of the Webb Family, by Edward Stanley Waters. Salem^ 18S0, 8o- Weber — Grant of Arms made to Gottfried Weber, merchant of Nuremberg, 1767 ; the arms emblazoned on vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,604. Webster — Webster Genealogy. Com- piled and printed for presentation only by Noah Webster. New Haven, 1836, 40. Webster Genealogy, by Noah Webster, with notes and corrections. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1876, 40- Genealoo;v of some of the Des- cendants of John Webster, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1635, by Wm. B. Lapham and J. 0. Webster. Augusta, Maine, 1884, 80- Wedel — Urkuudenbuch zur Geschichte des Schloszgesessenen Geschlechtes der Graf en und Herren von Wedel, by H. F. P. von Wedel. Leip. 1885, 4o- In progress. Wedgwood — The Wedgwoods ; being a Life of Josiah Wedgwood, with Notices of his Works, and their Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other Families, by Llewellynn Jewitt. Lond. 1865, 8«- The Wedgwoods ; being a Life of J. Wedgwood from his private correspondence and family papers, by Eliza Meteyard. Lond. 1865—66, Memorials of Wedgwood, by EKza Meteyard. Lond. 1874, 4"- -The Wedgwood Family of Burslem. See Chaffer's " Marks and Monograms." Lond. 1874, S^- Family Histories, Pedighees, and Peerage Cases. 511 Weeks — Genealogy of the Family of George Weekes, of Dorchester, Mass., 1635 — 1650 ; with some Information in regard to other Families of the Name, by Kobt. D. Weeks. Newark, N.J. 1885, 8«- Eeport of the Weeks Family Meeting for the Centennial Celebra- tion, Aug. 23, 1888. Middlebury, 1888, 8«- ■Leonard Weeks of Greenland, Wellesley — Pedigree of the families of Wellesley, Cusack, and Colley, from the beginning of the 13th century to about the year 1770. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 13,914, A. A Series of Drawings of the New Haven, and Descendants, 1639 — 1888, by Kev. Jacob Chapman. Albany, 1889, 8«- Weitzel— The Weitzel Memorial. His- torical and Genealogical Register of the Descendants of Paul Weitzel of Lancaster, Pa., 1740. Including Sketches of the Families of Allen, Byers, Bailey, Crawford, Davis, Hayden, McCormick, Stone, White and others, by Kev. Horace Edwin Hayden. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1883, 8°- Welby — Notices of the Family of Welby. Grantham, 1842, 8''- Privately printed. Weld, see also Stourton. Weld — Genealogical Tree, showing the descent of the Lords Stourton of Stourton Castle ; the Lords Petre ; the Lords Clifford of Chudleigh ; and the ancient and honourable Catholic Gentle Houses of Weld of Lul worth Castle ; Weld of Chideock House ; Weld-Blundell of Ince-Blundell ; Bodenham of Rothetwas ; and Vaughan of Courtfield, by Thos. Parr Henning, Esq. 1868. Single sheet. Genealogical Tree showing that the chiefs of the House of Weld, of Chideock House have intermarried with ladies in whose veins flowed the Blood- Koyal of France and England, by Tho. P. Henning. Lond. 1873, single sheet. Weldon, see Oliver. Welles — A brief general history of the Welles, or Wells Family, by Albert Welles. New York, 1848, 8o- History of the Welles Family in England and Normandy, with the Derivation from their Pi'ogenitors of some of the Descendants in the United States, by Albert Welles. New York, 1876, 8«- ^ Wellesley — Origin of the Name of Wellesley, by Serel. Lond. 1881, 8«- Orders oi Knighthood, together with the Batons and Medals, conferred upon his Grace the Duke of Wellington. Lond. 1852, fol. [Finely printed in gold and colours.] -The Eoyal Descent of Nelson and Wellington from Edw. I., by G. R. French. Lond. 1853, 8«- Wellman — Genealogy and History of the Wellmans of New England, bv James Wellman. Salem, 1867, 8«- Wells, see also Welles. Wells- — Collections relating to the Wells or Welles Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Genealogy of the Wells Family, of Wells, Maine, by Chapman K. Wells. Milwaukee, 1874, 8«- William Wells of Southhold and his Descendants, A.D. 1638 to 1878, by the Rev. Charles Wells Hayes. Buffalo, N.Y. 1878, 8"- Wemyss — Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss, by Sir William Froser. 3 vols. Edinb. 1888, 4o- Wendell — The Direct Ancestry of the late Jacob Wendell, of Portsmouth, N. H., by James Rindge Stanwood. Boston, 1882, 8^- Wentworth, see also Johnson ; Leighton. Wentworth — Collections relating to the Family of Wentworth, of Nettlestead, Codham, Gosfield, Mendham, Strafford, • etc., by D. E. Daw. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19154. Account of the Wentworth Family. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,870, fol. 31, Miscellaneous Papers relating to the family of Wentworth, circa 1671 —1739. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,230. The Wentworth Genealogy, comprising the Origin of the Name, the Family in England, and a particu- lar Account of Elder William Went- worth, the Emigrant, and of his Des- cendants, by John Wentworth. Printed for private distribution, 2 vols. Bos- ton, 1870. 512 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peeeage Cases. Weiitvvorth — The Wentworth Genealogy : English and American, by John Went- worth. 8 vols. Boston, 1878, S^- Pedigrees and Notes of the Wentworth Family of Northampton- shire. See " Genealogical Notes of some families connected with Nortli- amptonshire," by Sam. Sharp. 1880, S*^- Wentworth Woodhouse and its Owners, by the liev. Alfred Gatty. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. vi. Lond. 1881, S*^- Wentworths at Bermuda, by the Hon. John Wentworth, LL.D. Boston, 1882, 8'^- Wentworth Genealogy, by Hon. John Wentworth, LL.D. Chi- cago, 1888, 8°- • Three Branches of the Family of Wentworth, by Wm. Loftie Rutton. In progress,' 1890. Wentworth, Barony of, see Ockham ; Johnson. Wesley — Lives of the Weslevs, bv J. Whitehead. 2 vols. 1793, 8«- Memoirs of the Wesley Family, collected principally from Original Documents, by Adam Clarke. Lond. 1823, 8«- A Biographical History of the Wesley Family. By John Dove. Lond. 1833, 8'^ Account of the Family of Wesley. See " History and Topo- graphy of the Isle of Axholme," by iiev. W. B. Stonehouse. Lond. 1839, 40. Memorials of the Wesley Family : including biographical and historical sketches of all the members of the family for two hundred and fifty years ; together with a Genealogical Table of the Wesleys, witli historical notes for more than nine hundred years, by George J. Stevenson. Lond. and New York, 1876, S^- West, see also Gilpin. West — Claim of Hon. Mortimer Sackville West, to be Lord Buckhurst, etc., with pedigree, pp. 64. Westmeath — Claim of A. F. Earl of Westmeath, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers, with pedigree, and Case. Sessionol Papers, F of 1871. Westmoreland, Earls of, see Neville. Westmoreland — The Barony of West- moreland. A folio volume tracing the pedigree and succession from the first Baron in the reign of King John to Anne de Clifford in 1G28, and ending with a narrative of the division which arose in the family on the death of the 17th Baron concerning the title to its hereditary honours. Stowe MS. 207, Brit. Mus. Weston — A Genealogy of the family of Weston, ancestors of Richard, 1st Earl of Portland, with that of Cave, maternal ancestors of the same Earl ; with arms blazoned in colours, draw- ings of monuments, etc. 17th century Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18667. Pedigree of the family of W^eston, of Sutton Place, co. Surrey, by Sir William Segar, Garter 1632. Arms in colours. A large vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,890. Pedigrees of the Weston Familv. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5816. Collections relating to the Weston Familv, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. MS:. MS. 19155. The Westons of West Horsley and Sutton. See " Ancestral Stories of Great Families," bv John Timbs. Lond. 1869, 8"- Some account of the Weston Family of Staffordshire. See "The Wm. Salt Archaeological Society," vol. i. Birmingham, 1880, S'^- The Descendants of Edmund Weston, of Roxbury, Mass., for five generations, by Thomas Weston. Boston, 1887, 8'^- Wetmore — The Wetmore Family of America, and its Collateral Branches ; with Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical Notices, by J. C. Wetmore. Albany, 1861, 8«- Wettin — Stamm-Baum des erlauchten Hauses Wettin. By M. E. J. von Witzleben. [Engraved on 9 sheets.] Meissen, 1856, fol. The Early Ancestors of the Prince of Wales of the House of Wettin, bv Shepherd T. Taylor Lond. 1884 Wezener or Wiesener — Some Account of the Family of Wezener or Wiesener, of the town of Lauban in the Margra- Family Histories, PEDiaREEs, and Peerage Cases. 513 viate of Upper Lusatia, by Robert C. Jenkins. Privately printed in 1865. Small 4"- Chiswlck Press. Whaddon — Stemma Dorainorura de Whaddon, with coloured arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5840, p. 276. Whalley, see Cromwell. Wharton — Wharton Hall and the Whar- ton Family, by the Kev. Dr. Simpson. See " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian Society," vol. i. Kendal, 1874, S"- Wharton, Barony of, see Tynte ; Baillie. Whatton — Descent of the Family of Whatton. Extracted from the Gentle- mail's Magazine. Lond. 1825, 8'^- Wheeler — Description of Otterden Place, Co. Kent, with Cenealogieal Memoirs of the Family of Wheeler, by the Kev. T. Rackett. Lond. 1882, 8o- Whetley — Assignment of the ancestral coat of Arms and crest to William Whetley, of Sowthereke, Co. Norfolk, 1563. Brit. Mus Add. Ch. 15557. Whipple, gee also Lane. Whipple — A Brief Genealogy of the Whipple Family ; compiled for Oliver Mayhew Whipple, Esq., by John A. Boutelle, of Woburn. 1857. — A Brief Genealogy of the Whipple Families who settled in Rhode Island. In two parts. By Henry E. Whipple. Providence, 1873, 8« Inquiries relating to the Ancestors and Descendant of Job Whipple, of Cumberland, Rhode Island, and Greenwich, Washington County, New York, by Frank V. McDonald. Cambridge, Mass , 1881, 4P Whistler, see Druce. Whitcomb — Memorial of the Whitcomb and Pierce Families, by Wm. F. Whit- comb. Boston, 1888, 8"- White — See also Thayer, Vinton, Weitzel. White — Collections relating to the White Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19155. Memorials of Elder John White, one of the first settlers of Hartford, Connecticut, and of his Descendants, by Allyn S. Kellogg. Hartford, 1860, Notices of the Coombs Family, by Perley Derby. Boston, 1872, So- White— The White Family, of Maiden, by D. P. Cory. Maiden, 1878, 8"- Account of the Meeting of the Descendants of Col. Thomas White, of Maryland, June 7, 1877. Philadelphia, 1879, fol. Genealogical Memoranda relating The Descendants of iChomas White, of Marblehead, and Mark Has- kell, of Beverley, Mass. With brief to the Family of White, of Horsham, &c., by R. C. Rice. Lewes, 1886, 8«- History of the Family of White, of Limerick, Knockentry, Cappagh- white, etc., by John Davis White. Cashel, 1887, 4P- Ancestry of the Children of James Wm. White, M.D., compiled by Wm. F. Cregar. Philadelphia, 1888, 8«- The Descendants of Wm. White, of Haverhill, Mass. Genealogical Notices by D. A. White, 1863. Ad- ditional Genealogical and Biographical Notices by Annie F. Richards. Boston, Mass., 1889, 8'^- Whitehead, see Condit. White Knight — Pedigree of the White Knight, from the Russell and Colter MSS., by James Graves. Revised and corrected by W. M. Hennessy. Single sheet, 1881. Whitgreave — The Whitgreave Family. See " Journal of the British Archaeo- logical Association," vol. xxix, 24. Whiting — Memoir of Rev. Samuel Whit- ing, D.D. and of his wife, Elizabeth St. John ; with references to some of their English Ancestors and American Descendants, by William Whiting. Boston, 1871. Only fifty copies, privately printed. Genealogical Notes of the Whit- ing Family, by And. Fuller Whiting, of Hartford Ct. Privately printed 1888, 8°- Whitman — Memoir of John Whitman and his Descendants, by Ezekiel Whit- man. Portland, 1832. History of the Descendants of John Whitman, of Weymouth, Mass., by Chas. W. Farnham. New Haven, 1889, 8«- Whitmore — Pedigree of the Family of Whitmore, ending with Richard Whit- more of Caunton, Co. Nottingham. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll N, 21. 514 Family Histories, Pedigrees, and Peerage Cases. Whitmore — Descent of the Familj^ of Whitmore [of Staffordshire]. lie- printed from the " Herald and Genea- logist, vol. iv. 18G7, 80- llecord of the Descendants of Francis Whitmore of Cambridge, Mass. Compiled by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1855, 8«- Notes on the Manor and Family of Whitmore, by W. H. Whit- more. Boston, 1856, 8*^- See also The Genealogist, new series, vol. vi. Lond. 1889, 8«- Whitney — Notes on the Genealogy of the Family of Whitney. Boston, U.S., 1850, 4P' A Brief Account of the Des- cendants of John and Elinor Whitney of Watertown, Massachusetts. Boston, 1857, 8«- A Branch of the Whitney Family. Keprinted from the New Eng. Hist, and Geneal: Register. Boston, 1858, pp. 7. Incidents in the Life of Samuel Whitney, died at Castine, Maine, 1808. With some account of his descendants, and other Family Memorials, by H. A. Whitney.' Boston, 1860, fol. 125 copies only printed. The Whitney Family of Con- necticut and its Affiliations ; being an attempt to trace the descendants, as well in the female as the male line of Henry Whitney, from 1649 to 1878. To which is prefixed some account of the Whitneys in England, by S. Whit- ney. 3 vols. New York, 1878, 4P- Some of the Descendants of John and Elinor Whitney, who settled in Watertown, Mass., in 1635. Com- piled by Wm. L. Whitney. Pottsville, Pa. 1890, 8«- Whitstone, see Cromwell. Whittier — Genealogy of Two Branches of the Whittier Family, from 1620 to 1873, by D. B. Wluttier. Boston, 1873, 8« Genealogy of the Wliittier Family, by Charles Collyer Whittier. Boston, Mass. 1882. Broadside. Whittington — Genealogy of the Families of Whittington and Tamhorn, on vel- lum rolls, with arms emblazoned. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 253 (5). Whittington — Pedigree of Tamhorne and Whittington. On vellum, 17th cen- tury. Brit. Mus. Harl. Koll N, 22. Whittlesey, see also Dawson. Whittlesey — Memorial of the Whittlesey Family in the United States. Whit- tlesey Association, 1855, 8''- Wiche — Account of the Family of Wiche, of Alderley. See " Cheshire and Lan- cashire Historic Society." Session i. 12. Wicker — Papers relative to the Family of Wicker, of Sussex. 1782, folio. Wickham — Descent of the Family of Wickham, of Swalcliffe, co. Oxon, and their kindred to the Founder of New College. " Collectanea Topographer et Genealogica," ii. 225—245, 368— 387 ; iii. 178—239, 345—376. Wicklow— Case of C. F. A., Earl of Wicklow, on his claim to vote as Earl of Wicklow. 1869, 4P- pp. 34. Claim of the Earl of Wicklow to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, 102, 274, E of 1868—9 ; A, E of 1870. -Report of the Lord Chancellor on the Earl of Wicklow's claim to vote at the Elections of Irish Peers ; with Minutes of Evidence ; Pedigrees, etc. And also the Case on behalf of the Infant Son of Will. Geo. Howard, with Speeches of Counsel, and Judgments. Sessional Papers, 1869 — 70. Wiclif — John Wiclif and his English Precursors, by Professer Lechler, tans- lated from the German with additional notes, by Peter Lorimer. Lond. ] 881, 8°- Wicquet — Genealogie de la Maison du Wicquet, extraite du tome premier des Arch, geneal. et hist, de la nohl. de France, par P. L. Laine, Paris, 1828, 8«- Widekind — Stemmata Widekindi sive Ducum Saxoniae. By E. Reusnerus, 1610, fol. Wiesener, see Wezener. Wiggin— CharlesE. Wiggin, 1813—1888. [History and genealogy of the Wiggin Family.] Privately printed, 1888, S''- Wight— The Wight Family. Memoir of Thomas Wight of Dedham, Mass., with genealogical notices of his descendants, from 1637 to 1840. By D. P. Wight, Boston, 1848, 8o- Family Histoeies, Pedigbees and Peebage Cases. 515 f Wight— The Wights. A Kecord of Thomas Wiglit of Dedham and Med- held, and of his Descendants, 1635 — 1 890, by Wm. Ward Wight. Milwaukee, 1890, l'^' Wigley — Entry-Book of the Wigley Family, containing copies of deeds, receipts, etc. temp. Eliz. — Chas. I. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 6704. Pedigrees and Arms of the Wigley Family. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 6668, 6669, 6670, 6675, 6696. Wigtoun, Earldom of, see Fleming. Wilbraham — " liememb ranees " of the Wilbraham family, from the Year 1550 to the present time, JifS. Delamere House, Co. Chester. Wildegos, see Acard. Wilders — Book of the Wilders. A Con- tribution to the History of the Wilders from 1497 in England, to the Emigra- tion of Martha and her family to Massachusetts Bay in 1638, and so through her family down to 1875 ; with a G-enealogical Table, by Rev. Moses H. Wilder. New York," 1878, Wilkins, see Cromwell. Wilkinson — Facsimile in Gold and Colours of the Grrant of Arms to John Wilkinson of London, 1519, by Thomas Wriothesley, Carter, and Thomas Benolt, Clarenceux. Published by Mitchell and Hughes, Wardour Street, London. • Collections concerning the Family of Wilkinson, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,155. ■ Memoirs of the Wilkinson Family in America, by Rev. Israel Wilkinson. Jacksonville, 1869, S"- Willard Memoir ; or, life and times of Major S. Willard ; with notices of three generations of his descendants, also some account of the name and family in Europe, from an early day, by Joseph Willard. Boston, 1858. 8"- Willard Memoir. Sketch of the Life of Maj. Simon Willard, with Notice of some of his Descendants to the Ninth Generation, by D. H. Wil- lard. Cincinnati, 1879, 8o- Willey — Preliminary Outline of the Des- cendants of Isaac Willey or New London, Conn., by Henry Willey, of New Bedford. New Bedford, Mass. 1886, 80- Willey — Isaac Willey of New London, Conn, and his Descendants, by Henry Willey. New Bedford, 1888, 8«- Williams, see also Condit ; Cromwell ; Griffiths. Williams — Pedigree of Williams of Llan- ffwyst, with coloured arms, 17th cen- tury. Boll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,334. Pedigree and papers relating to the Family of Williams of Llande- gwning, and of some branches of the Herbert Family. Hengwrt MS. 70, at Peniarth. -The true pedigree of Reginald Williams, Esq. concurringe with the auntient evidences of Wilaston house, w*^ the treue descents and passage of the manores of Willaston magna and Trevnant, in the counti of Salop. A long paper roll. Hengwrt MS. 421, at Peniarth. -The Extraction (pedigree) of Edward Williams of Meillionyth in y^ County of Carnarvon, Esq., by John Williams of Rhodogeidio, 1675. To- gether with the extraction of his wyf, Mrs. Susan Williams. A long paper roll. Hengwrt MS. 427, at Peniarth. Collections concerning the Family of Williams, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,155. -The Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams in America, particularly of the descendants of Robert Williams of Roxbury, by S. W. Williams. Greenfield, 1847, 8«- The Williams Family, tracing the Descendants of Thomas Williams, of Roxbury, Mass., by Geo. H. Williams, of Utica. Boston, 1880. The Williams Family, tracing the Descendants of Ezekiel Williams of Roxbury, Mass., by Thomas W Seward, Utica, N.Y. Boston, 1882, 8^- -The Surnames and Coats of Arms of the Williamses, with an Account of Robert Williams of Rox- bury, and some of his Descendants, by A. D. Weld French. Privately printed, 1886, 8«- -Williams Genealogy of Ame- rica, by Alex. H. Wright. New Haven, 1887, 80' 516 Family Histories, Pedigbees, and Peeeage Cases. Williams — The Groves and Lappan (Monaghan County, Ireland.) An account of a Pilgrimage thither in search of the Grenealogy of the Williams Family, by John Fletcher Williams. Privately printed, St. Paul, 1889, 8<'- Twenty-Seven Charts of Roger William's Descendants. See "Ancestry of Rhode Islanders," by John 0. Austin. Albany, 1889, 4«- Willink — Stam-Boch der Willingen ; of Geslacht-Register van Jan Willink en Judith Busschers, 1591—1767, by P.B. Deventer, 1767 fol. Willis — The Genealogy of Browne Willis of Whaddon Hall, and Eaton cum Membris, Co. Buckingham. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5839 p. 448. Willoughby, see also Bertie ; Locke. Willoughby — Pedigree and Deeds of the Family of Willoughby of Risley, Co. Derby. Her. Coll. Vincent MS. 31, pp. 235—272. Pedigree of the Family of Willoughby D'Eresby. A folio MS. of 62 pages, written on vellum. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 205. Descent of the Willoughby Family, of co. Notts. A roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,607. ■Collections by Robert Glover relating to the Willoughby Family. 1582, &c. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 245 ff. 88—113. -Collections relating to the Willoughby Family, by D. E. Davy Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19155. Report to the Willoughby Association, U.S.A., by Columbus Smith, 1864, relative to the Willoughby Property in England, etc., likewise several genealogies of different branches of the Family. Meddlebury, 1864. The Willoughby Family of New-England, by Isaac J. Greenwood. New York, 1876, 8^- One hundred copies privately printed. -Suggestions and Inquiries respecting the Ancestry of Col. William Willoughby, by Mrs. E. M. Salisbury. Privately printed, 1885, 8"- •Claim of Henry Willoughby to the Barony of Willoughby of Par- ham. Sessional Papers^ Feb. 1733. Willoughby — Case of Henry Willoughby, Esq., claiming the title of Willoughby of Parham. 1767, fol. Evidence on petition of Lady Aveland for determination of Abeyance of Barony of Willoughby de Eresby. Sessional Papers, G of 1871. -Case of Lady Aveland, with pedigree, 1871. Wilmer — History of the Wilmer Family, together with some of its Descendants, by Chas. Wilmer Foster and Joseph J. Green. Privately printed, 1888, 4o- Wilson, see also Johnson. Wilson — Pedigree of Wilson of York, Pocklington, etc. [Dorothy Wilson of York, the Benefactress.] Broadside, n.d. Pedigree of the Wilson Family. See " Sussex Archseoiogical Collections," vol. xi. Lond. 1859, 8'^- -A Memoir of John Wilson, from Family Papers, etc., by Mrs. Gordon. 2 vols. 1862, 8o- Sonofs of the Wilsons, with a Memoir of the Family. Edited by John Harland. Second edition. Edinb. 1866, 4°- The Pedio:ree of Wilson of Higrh Wray and Kendal, and the Families connected with them, b}' Joseph Fos- ter. Lond. 1871, fol. -A Memoir on the Origin, Des- cent, and Alliances of the Famil}^ of Wilson of Broomhead, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. See " Yorks. Arch, and Top. Journ." vol. v. Lond. 1879, 8«- Memoirs of the families of Fitzwilliam and Wilson of Broomhead, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,473. A cataloo^ue of all the Wilsons whose Wills were proved at York, from the first book or record in the Office, dated in the year 1389, to the year 1660, by Richard Mackley. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,730. -Account of Manors belonging to the Wilson Family, of Carlton House, Kent. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1967. ■Collections relating to the Family of Wilson, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19165. Family Histories, Pedigrees, a.kd Peerage Cases. 517 Wilson — Claim of Eobert Wilson, Esq., to the Barony of Berners. Sessional Papers, 73 of 1831—32. The Case of Robert Wilson, Esq., on his claim to the Barony of Berners, with statement of the Claim and Pedigrees. Printed for private use, 1832, fol. Wiltes, Earldom of, see also Scrope. History of Hereditary Dignities, with reference to the Earldom of Wiltes, by W. F. Finlayson. Lond. 1869, S^- Wiltheim — Notice historique sur la Famille de Wiltheim, par Neyen, Luxembourg, 1842, 4°- Wimbish, see Darcy. Winchell — Genealogy of the Family of Winchell in America. Embracing the Etymology and History of the Name, by Alexander Winchell. Ann Arbor, 1869, 80- Wincoll pedigrees, with notes by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19155. Windsor — An Historical and Genealogical Account of the Family of Windsor, by Arthur Collins. Lond. 1754, 4«' Familia Antiqua Windeso- riensium, a Conquesta Anglise, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P, 8. -Windsor pedigrees, with notes, and copies of the wills of Andrews, Lord Windsor, 1543 ; William, Lord Windsor, 1558 ; and of Thomas Wind- sor of Stanwell, 1479. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19155. -A Monograph of the Windsor Family, with a full account of the Rejoicings of the coming of age of Robt. Geo. Windsor-Clive, Lord Wind- sor, by W. P. Williams. Cardiff, 1879, 80- Wing — A Historical and Genealogical Register of John Wing, of Sandwich, Mass., and his Descendants, 1632 — 1881, by Conwav Phelps Wing. Car- lisle, Pa. 1881, 80- Wing Family. By W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1884, 8°- pp. 4. Wingate — History of the Wingate Family in England and America, with genea- logical tables, by Charles E. L. Win- gate. Exeter, N.H. 1886, 8o- Wingfield — A History of the Wingfield Family, by Lord Powerscourt. In progress, 1887. Wingfield — Genealogical collections rela- ting to the Families of Wingfield, of Suffolk, Norfolk, Huntingdon, etc. Brit. Mus. MSS. Harl. 1411 ff. 27— —30 ; Add. 19155 ff. 295—360. Effigies of the Wingfield Family. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxx, 76, &c. Winkley — Documents relating to th,^ Winkley Family, collected by Wm. Winkley. Privately printed at the Harrow Press, 1863, 8o- Winslow Memorial. Family Records of the Winslows and their Descendants in America, with the English Ancestry as far as known, by D. P. Holton, 2 vols, New York, 1877 and 1888, S^- Winslow-Lewis Chart, by David Parsons Holton. New York, 1837, single sheet. —Radial Charts of the Wins- low and Lewis Families, by D. P. Holton, 1877. Winsor — A Genealogical Account of the Ancient Winsor Family in the United States, introduced by an Account of their Progenitors in the Male Line, for several generations previous to the emigration to America, by Olney Win- sor. Providence, 1847. 8"- Winstanley, see Cropper. Winter — A Pedegry of all the severall Howses wherof S"^ William Wynter Knight is linsely descended, made by Clarenciaulx Cooke the last of Aprile Ano- 1589. [With the Arms of the several families in colours]. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6156 f. 62b, &c. Winterton, Earl of, see also Turnour. Case of behalf of Edward. Earl of Winterton, to vote at Elec- tions of Irish Peers. Dublin, n.d. folio. Claim of Edward Turnour, Earl of Winterton, to vote at Elections of Irish Peers. Sessional Papers, C of 1872. Winthrop — Collections relating to the Family of Winthrop or Winthorpe, of England and America, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. Winthrop Papers, etc. See " Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections." Third series, ix. &c. Boston, 1825, &c. 8°- 518 Family Histories, Pedigeees, and Peerage Cases. Winthrop — Notes on the Winthrop Family and its English connections before its emigration to New England, by W. H. Whitmore. Albany, 1864, 8°- Life and Letters of John Winthrop, Governor of the Massachu- setts Bay Company at their emigration to New*^ England, 1030, by II. C. Winthrop. 2 vols. Boston, 1804—67, 8«- -Some Account of the Early Generations of the Winthrop Family in Ireland. Privately printed for cor- rection and addition by Kobt. Chas. Winthrop. Cambridge, 1883, 8® Only 33 copies printed. A Short Account of the Winthrop Family. Privately printed for convenient reference. Cambridge, 1887, 40- Wise — Memorials of the Strachans, Baronets of Thornton, Kincardineshire, and of the Familj'- of Wise of Hillbank, by the Rev. Charles Eogers. Privately printed in 1873, small 4'^- ■ Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Privately printed, 1877, 4«- Wiseman — Collections relating to the Family of Wiseman, bv D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19150. Wisendo — Wisendisches Denk-Buch : an entry-book of the births, deaths, etc. of members of the family of Francis Wisendo, of Wisenburg, 1613—1000. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,459. Wishart — Life of G. Wishart and a genealogical history of the family of Wishart, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinb. 1870. 8°- Wistar — The Wistar Tree, by Mrs. Mary Ann (Wistar) Chase, drawn by T. Harris of Philadelphia. Wiswall — The Wiswall Family of Ame- rica. Four Generations, by the Rev. Anson Titus. Privately printed, 1886. 80- Witter —Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families, among the Early Settlers of this Continent and their Descendants, by Asa W. Allen. Salem, 1872, 120- Wodehouse — On the Wodchouse Family, of Kimberley. See Blomefield's " His- tory of Norfolk," octavo edition, ii. 540—558. Collections concerning the Wodehouse Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. Wolcott — Memorial of Henry Wolcott, one of the First Settlers of Windsor, Connecticut, and of some of his descen- dants, by Samuel Wolcott. New York, 1881, 8»- Wolfe — The Wolfes of Forenaghts, etc. Co. Kildare, Ireland, by Major R. Wolfe. Privately printed, 1885, 8'^* Wolferston — Collections concerning the Family of Wolferston, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. Wolff — A ceniennial memorial of Chris- tian and Anna Maria Wollf, 1863, with brief records of their children and rela- tives. Philadelphia, 1863, 8o- Wollaston — Genealogical Memoirs of the Elder and Extinct Line of the Wol- lastons of Shenton and Finborough, their Ancestors and connexions, by Robert Edm. Chester Waters. Lond. 1877. 4«- Collections relating to the Family of Woollaston, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. WoUeye, see Legge. Wolseley Family. Memoir of Lieut. - Gen. Sir G. J. Wolseley, by Charles R. Low. 2 vols. Lond. 1878, S^- Second edition, 1883. Sir Garnet Wolseley's ancestry. A contribution to the history of the family. Carlow. 1874, 12o- [Reprinted from the Carlow Sentinel newspaper, 1874.] Wolsey, see also Cropper. Wolsey — The History of the life and times of Cardinal Wolsey, in which are interspersed the lives of the most eminent persons, by Joseph Grove. 4 vols. Lond. 1742—44, 8o- Second edition, 1748. Wolzogen — Geschichte des Reichsfrei- herrlich von Wolzogen'schen Gesch- lechts, von K. A. Freiherr von Wolzo- gen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1859, 8o- Wombwell — Pedigrees and notes of the Womb well Family, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. Family Histobies, Pedigrees, akd Peerage Cases. 519 Wood, see also Adams. Wood — Facsimile of the confirmation of Arms by Thomas Benolt, Clarenceux, to John Wode of Harstone, co, Devon, 1532. Published by Mitchell and ' Hughes, Wardour street, London ; and in " Miscellanea Genealogica et Her- aldica," 2nd series vol. 3. Lond. 1889, Pedigrees and notes of the Families of Wood and Woods, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,156. •Pedigree of the Family of Wood, of Littleton, Co. Middlesex, 1726. Brit. Mns. Add. MS. 26,758. Memorials of the Family of Wood of Largo. Collected and arranged by Mrs. F. M. Montagu. Privately printed, 1863, 4o- -Genealogical Memoirs of the Kindred Families of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Wood, Bishop of Lichfield, by li. E. C. Waters. Lond. 1877, 4°- -A Family History, by Ephraim Wood, of Chicopee, Mass. at the 50th Anniversary of his Parents Wedding. 1883, 12«- Brief History of the Descend- ants of Thomas Wood and Ann his Wife, by Amasa Wood. Worcester, Mass. 1884, 8°- Descendants of the Brothers Jeremiah and John Wood. Compiled by William S. Wood. Worcester, Mass., 1885, 8°- Woodbridge — The Woodbridge Record, being an Account of the Descendants of the Rev. John Woodbridge, of New- bury, Mass., by Louis Mitchell, New Haven, 1883, 4P' Privately printed. The Woodbridge Family, by Miss Mary K. Talcott, of Hartford, Connecticut. 8°- Woodbury — A Contribution to the His- tory of the Ancient Family of Wood- bury, by Robt. S. Rantoul. (Reprinted from the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, vol. xxiv.) Woodd — A family Record, or Memoirs of Basil Woodd and of several deceased members of his family. Lond. 1834, 120. Woodd — Pedigrees and Memorials of the Family of Woodd, of Conyngham Hall, CO. York, and Hampstead, Middlesex. And of the Family of Jupp, of London and Wandsworth. Lond. 1875, 4o- Genealogical, Heraldic, and other Records, with Tables of Founder's Kin, of the Family of Woodd, by Henry Woodd. Privately printed. Lond. 1886. fol. [This work contains numer- ous pedigrees of the various branches of the Woodd family and of families allied therewith, including Dampier, Digby, Hollond, Robinson, Sole, Coffin, Harris, Mitton, Ballard, Trevor, Hamp- den, DeYere, Dynham, Keate, Martin, Hedges, Eversen, Jenninges, Oteley, Bromley, Onslow, Yonge, Eyton, Tal- bot, Ipstones, Corbet, Newport, De Burgh, Giffard, De Courtenay, Fitz Alan, Myddelton, and others.] Woodman — A List of some of the Des- cendants of Mr. Edward Woodman, who settled at Newbury, Mass., A.D. 1635, by Joshua Coffin. Mineral Point, Wis. 1855, 12«- A List of the Descendants of Mr. Joshua Woodman who settled at Kingston N.H. about 1736, by J. H . Woodman. Privately printed in 1856, 8«- The Woodrnans of Buxton, Maine, by Cyrus Woodman. Boston, 1874, 8^- Printed for private use. Woodroffe — Some account of the Wood- roffe family. See " A Royal Descent ; with other Pedigrees and Memorials," by T. E. Sharpe. Lond. 1875 and 1881, 4«. Pedigree of Woodroffe, of Plusterwine, co. Gloucester. Lond. 1876, 4°- 50 copies privately printed. -Pedigree of Woodrooffe with Memorials and Notes, collected by S.M. Woodrooffe. Privately printed, 1878, 4°- Woodruff, see Dawson. Woodville, see Stanley. Woodward — Genealogy of the Woodward Family of Chester, co. Pennsylvania. Compiled bv L. Woodward. Wilming- ton, 1879, 8«- ■Descendants of Samuel Wood- ward of Bristol, Maine. Compiled by Frank E. Woodward. Portland, Maine, 1887, 4P- 520 Family Histohies, PEDiaEEEs, and Peerage Cases. Woolrich — Pedigrees and notes of the Family of Woolrich, Wolriehe orWor- lich, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,156. Wooster, see Worcester. Woracziczky — Syntagma Historico-Ge- nealogicum de ortu, atque progressu Illustrissimse et Antiquissimj© l)omiis Woraczickiorum de Pabienicz, by M. A. Franck de Franckenstein. Edited b}"- F. H. Woracziczky Count of Pa- bienicz. Pragae, 1716, fol. Worcester — The Worcester Family ; or the Descendants of Rev. Wm. Wor- cester, with a brief notice of the Connecticut Wooster Family, by J. F. Worcester. Lynn, 1856, 8^- Life and Times of the Marquis of Worcester, by H. Dircks, 18(55, H^- [Contains a Genealogy of the Family.] Worden — Some Kecords of Persons by the name of Worden, particularly of over one thousand of the Ancestors, Kin, and Descendants of John and Elizabeth Worden, of Washington County, by 0. N. Worden. Lewis- burg, 1868, 8^^- Wordsworth — Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Wordsworth. Collected by Edwin Jackson Bedford, with an elaborate pedigree. 50 Copies privately printed. 1881, 4i^- Worsley — Pedigree of the Family of Worsley, of Hovingham Hall. Single sheet. Worthington — The Worthington Family, of Blainscough. 8ee H. Foley's " Records of the English Province," 2nd Series, p. 133. Wortley — Memoirs and notes of the Family of Wortley. See " Journal of the British Archa3ological Association," vols, ixii, 417 ; xxx, 379—386. Wray — History of the Wray Family of Gleutworth, by Charles Dalton. 2 vols. Lond. 1880, 8^- Appendix to the History of the Wrays of Glentworth, by Charles Dalton. Lond. 1880, 8«- Wren — Wren Parentalia, or. Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens, but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, by Stephen Wren. Lond. 1750, fol. Wren — Parentalia, or Memoirs of the family of Wren, being a portion of the original MS. from which was printed the work entitled " Parentalia or Memoircs of the Family of the Wrens," etc. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,071. ir Christopher Wren, his Family and his Times ; with Original Letters, etc. bv Lucy Phillimore. Lond. 1882, 8"- The Wren PedifT^ree. See the Genealogist, new series, vols, i and vi. Marriage Settlement of Chris- topher, son of Sir Christopher Wren, and Dame Constance Burgoyne, 1715. Will of Christopher Wren, Esq. of Wroxal, Co. Warwick, 1745 ; proved 1747. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch. 16,169; 16,170. -Wren, Citizen of London, Wroxall, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,265, f. 9. Wright, see also Hardwicke. Wright— Collection of Pedigrees and genealogical memoranda of the family of Wright, by D E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. Wriothesley — Pedigree of the Family of Wriothesley, from Gundreda the daughter of William the Conqueror, and from the Barons de Dunstanville, emblazoned on vellum, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. Roll P, 4. -The Genealogy of Henry Wriostheley, Earl of Southampton, Baron Tichiield, 1590. Brit. Mus. Harl. Rolls 0, 12 ; 13. Wroth— Account of the Family of Wroth, from the time of Edw. VI. to 1697. MS. in the possession of Sir Alexander Acland-Hood, Bart., at St. Audries, Co. Somerset. Wyat — Family of Wyat, by Reginald Stewart Boddington. Lond. 1877 ? 8«- Wyatt — Genealogical Memoranda relating to Richard Wyatt, of Hall Place, Shackleford, citizen ajad carpenter of London, etc. by Edward Basil Jupp. Lond. 1870, S'^- 150 copies privately printed. Wykeham — William of Wykeham and his Colleges, by Mackenzie E. C. Wal- cott. Winchester, 1852, 8°- Family Histobies, Pedigeees, and Peerage Oases. 521 Wykeham — William of Wykeham and his Colleges, by Mackenzie E. C. Walcott, 1852 ; interleaved with MS. additions by the author, and numerous insertions of coloured coats of arms, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 29,723 ; 29,724. -Attempt to establish the descent of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, from the family of Wykeham of Swalcliffe, by C. Wyke- ham Martin, 1852. -Was William of Wykeham of the Family of Swalcliffe? By Charles Wykeham Martin, Esq. See "The Topographer and Genealogist," vol. iii. Lond. 1858, 8«- -Tabula Genealogica exhibens cognatos et affines W"^^ de Wykeham, etc. See Lowth's " Life of Wykeham." Wylde — Pedigree of the family of Wylde of Worcestershire, 1763. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5821 f 214 b. Wyudham — Pedigree of the Family of Wyndham, from A.D. 1139. MS. Stonyhurst College. Collection concerning the Wyndham Family of Felbrigg. Bi;it. Mus. Add. MS. 19156. Claim of the Right Hon. Edwin Richard Wyndham, Earl of Dunraven, to vote at Elections of Peers. Sessional Papers, 107 of 1851. Wynkoop P^amily ; a Preliminary Genea- logy, by Richard Wynkoop of New York. New York, 1866, 8«- Wynkoop Genealogy in the United States of America : also a Table of Dutf'h given names, by Richard Wynkoop, of New York. Second edition. New York, 1878, S"- Wynne — Pedigree of the Family of Wynne, of Glyn, Wern, and Peniarth, to the present time ; containing copies of, and abstracts from Deeds, etc. MS. 31. Peniarth. Collection of documents relating to the Family of Wynne, and to the town and Castle of Harlech. Two vols. Hengwrt MS. 58, at Peniarth. Pedigree of the Family of Wynne, of Peniarth, in the County of Merioneth, etc., by W. W. E. Wynne. Lond. 1872, S^- , Pedigree of the Wynnes and Joneses of Wern, by the _^Rev. Richard Thomas, of Penmorva. MS. No. 9. Peniarth. Wynne — The Family of Wynne. See " Archseologia Cambrensis," 1852, p. 69. Wynne Family. See " The History of the Gwedir Family," by Sir J. Wynne ; and " Miscellanies," by the Hon. D. Barrington. Lond. 1781, 40- Wynter — The Family of Wynter, at Dirham, Gloucestershire, by John Bar- row. See "'Journal of the British Archaeological Association," ,vol. i, 321. Yale — The Yale Family, or the descend- ants of David Yale, with Genealogical Notices of each family, by E. Yale. New Haven, 1850, 8'^- Yallop — Pedigree of Yallop of Bowthorp, CO. Norfolk, with genealogical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,156. Yarker — Genealogy of the Surname Yarker, with the Ley burn and several allied Families resident in the cos. of Yorkshire, Durham, Westmoreland, and Lancashire, including all of the name in Cumberland, Canada, America, and Middlesex. Collected by John Yarker, of Withington. Manchester, 1882. 40, Yarner — A Collection concerning the Family of Yarner of Wicklow. 1870, 8o- [With a portrait of Sir A. Yarner.] Yaxley — Collections relating to the Family of Yaxley of Yaxley, by D. E. Davy. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,156. Yea — The History of the Family of Yea, by A. J. Monday. Taunton, 1885. 4P- and 8°- Privately printed. Yelverton — A Complete History of the Yelverton Family, since the reign of Edward II., to which is added some account of the Longworth Family. Manchester, 1861, 8°- Yonge, see Griffith. York — Union of the Two Noble and Illustrious Families of Lancastre and Yorke, by E. Halle. Lond. 1548, fol. Black letter. Other editions in 1550 and 1552. The White Rose ; or a Word for the House of York, vindicating the Right of Succession. In a letter from Scotland to a Peer of the Realm, by W. B. Lond. 1680, fol. 522 Family Histoeies, PEDiaEEES, an-d Peeeage Cases. York — A Genealogy of the Houses ol York aud Lancaster, with the Arms of tlie Kniglits of the Garter, to the year 1589, drawn by T. Talbot, and engraved by Jodocus Hondiiis. ■ Memoirs of the llival Houses of York and Lancaster, historical and biogra])1iieal, by Emma lloberts. 2 vols. Lond. 1827, 8°- Yorke — Pedigree of Yorke, of Hildrop and Hanniugton, co. Wilts. Privately printed by Sir Thomas Phillipps. Young, see also Gale. Young — Pedigrees of Young of Brad- field Hall and of Clare, with genealo- gical notes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,156. ■ A Short Memoir of James Young, Merchant Burgess of Aberdeen, and Each el Cruickshank, his Spouse, and of their Descendants. Aberdeen, 1860, 40. The 1 amily of Young, of West Rasen. See H. Foley's " Pecords of the English Province, S.J." p. 629. Younghusband — Notes on the Family of Younghusband, of Northumberland, by R. W. Twigge, Esq. Lond. 1877, 8°- Privately printed. Youngman — Genealogy and Biographical Sketches of the Youngman Family, by David Youngman. Boston, Mass., 1882, 8«- Yvery — A Genealogical History of the House of Yvery ; in its different branches of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval, and Gournay, by James Anderson. 2 vols. Lond. 1742, S^'- Yvery — An Epitome of the Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, Luvel, Perceval, and Gournay, by J. Ander- son. No date, 8°- Zabarella — De Augusta origine et nobili- tate Famiglise Zabarella, by B. Bruder- senius. Patavii [1670] 40- Aula Zabarella sive elogia illustriorum Patavinorum, by J. Ca- vaccia and G. Zabarella. Patavii, 1670, 40. Zabeltitz — Die Familie von Zabeltitz, by Dr. Eg. Schmidt. Pathenow, 1888, 8"- Zabriskie — Historical Sketch of the Zab- riskie Homestead, Flatbush, L.I., with biographical accounts of some of those who have resided in it (and a pedigree of the Zabriskie family), by C. A. 0. Zabriskie. Brooklyn, "N.Y. 1881, 4«' Zane — Istoria della Famiglia Zane, by Zabarella. Padua, 1661, 40- Zangen — Grant from the Emperor Charles VI. to Johann Christian Zangen, con- ferring the rank of nobility and armorial bearings (which are finely emblazoned), and reciting his military services, 1715. In German. On vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,177. Zeno — Trasea Peto, overo origine della Famiglia Zeno di Venetia, by J. Zaba- rella. Patavii, 1646, 4P- Zierotin — Copies of Documents relative to the houses of Zierotin and Boisschot ; 1647—1768. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,689. Zollikofer — Die Familie Zollikofer, von E. Gotzinger. St. Gallen, 1887, 4«- Zouche, Peerage of, see Bisschop. ■♦^►H^M^^ glmertta. Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, illustrated with portraits, by John Stevens Cabot Abbott. Boston, 1867, S^- The Great Seal of the Commonwealth. (Massachusetts House Document No. 345.) By Mr. Whitmore. S^- pp. 18. Our Flag. Origin and progress of the flag of the United States of America, with an introductory Account of the symbols, etc., and flags of ancient and modern nations, by Geo. Hen. Preble. Albany, 1872, S^- Ameeica. 523 History of the Flag of the United States of America, and of the Naval and Yacht-Club Signals, Seals and Arras, with a chronicle of the symbols, flags, etc. of ancient and modern nations, by Geo. Hen. Preble. Second revised edition. Boston, 1880, S^- Royal Arms and other Regal Emblems and Memorials in use in the Colonies before the American Revolution, by Rev. Edm. E. Slafter. Boston, 1889, 8«- Coats of Arms of the United States of America. See Johnson's New Ilhis- trated Family Atlas. New York, 1865, fol. Elements of Heraldry, Explanation of the Principles of the Science, and a Glossary of Terms ; with an Essay on the Use of Coat-Arms in the United States, by W. H. Whitraore. New York, 1866, 8«- America Heraldica. A Compilation of Coats of Arms, Crests, and Mottoes of Prominent American Families, settled in this Country before 1800. Edited byE.deV. Vermont. Illustrated by Henry Rykers. New York, 1887. fol. Arms of Goodwin and Bradbury. Drawn by Miss Harriet Bainbridge, of London, for William T. Goodwin, Capt., Lithographed by F. Geese, Richmond, Ya. Concord, N.H. 1869. The Heraldic Journal, recording the Armorial Bearings and Genealogies of American Families. 4 vols. Boston, 1865—68, 80- Brief History of the New England His- toric Genealogical Society, by J. H. Sheppard. Albany, 1862, S^- New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Devoted to the History, Biography, Genealogy, and Antiquities of America. Edited by John Ward Dean. Published quarterly by the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1847, &c., S^- [This very valuable work consists of 41 volumes, and is still in progress, 1887.] The New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Record. Devoted to the interests of American Genealogy and Heraldry. Issued quarterly? 18 vols. New York, 1870—1887, 8o- [This valuable periodical is still in progress.] The American Genealogist. Being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications containing information issued in the United States, arranged chronologically, by William H. Whit- more. Albany, 1868, 8"- Fourth edition, revised and enlarged, 1886. The Genealogist, Edited and published by N. L. (yollamer. Washington, 1887, &c., 16"- Published monthlj^ The Curio ; an Illustrated Magazine, devoted to Genealogy, Biography, Heraldry, Book-plates, Coins, Auto- graphs, etc. New York, 1887, &c. 4P- The American Genealogical Queries, by R. H. Tilley. Newport, R.I. 1887, 8o- In progress. Illustrated Archaeological and Genea- logical Collections, (Comprising Pedi- grees, Fac-Similes of Antique Chiro- graphy, Autographs, Seals, Coats of Arms, Crests, &c. Illustrating the History, Genealogy and Archaeology of NewEns^land. Edited by Dean Dudley. Boston, 1861, 4«- The Original Li&ts of Persons of Quality; Emigrants, Religious Exiles ; Political Rebels, etc., who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations 1600—1700. Edited by John Camden Hotten. London, 1874, 8°- Passengers of the Mayflower in 1620, by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. Boston, 1849. Lists of Emigrants to New England, etc. in 1635, by Joseph Hunter. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,516. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, by Alexander Young. Boston, 1844, 8^^' History of the Puritans in England, and the Pilgrim Fathers, by W. H. Stowell and Daniel Wilson. London and New York, 1849. The Pilgrim Fathers ; or, the Founders of New England in the reign of James the First, by W. H. Bartlett. London, 1853, 8°- Second edition, 1854. Third edition, 1866. The Pilgrim Fathers, being Collections concerning the Church, or Congregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby in North Nottinghamshire in the Time of James 1., the Founders of New Plymouth, the parent Colony of New England, by Joseph Hunter. London, 1854, S^- 524 America. Lives of the Chief Fathers of New Eng- land. 6 vols. Boston, 1870, S^- Memorials of the Pilgrim Fathers. John Eliot and his Friends of Nazingand Wal- tham Abbey, from original sources, by W. Winters. Waltham Abbey, 1882, 8« Records of Pioneer Families, by N. Y. Avon. Rochester, 1871, 8«- Genealogical Register of the First Settlers in New England, with genealogical and biographical notes, by John Far- mer. Lancaster, Mass. 1829, 8°- A Genealogical Register of the Descend- ants of k^everal Ancient Puritans, b}-- the Rev. Abner Morse. 3 vols. Bos- ton, 1857—1864, 80- Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before May 1692, by James Savage. 4 vols. Boston, 1860—62, 8<^- Genealogical notes and errata to Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, by C. H. Dall. 1881, 80- A Genealogical Cross Index to the Four Volumes of the Genealogical Diction- ary of James Savage, by 0. P. Dexter. New York, 1884, 8«- Handbook of American Genealogy, by Wm. H. Whitmore. Albany, 1862, 4«- Biographia Genealogica Americana ; an Alphabetical Index to American Genea- logies and Pedigrees contained in State, County and Town Histories, printed Genealogies, and kindred works, by Daniel S. Durrie. Albany N.Y. 1868. 8^ Second edition, revised and enlarged, 1878. Third edition, revised and en- larged, 1886. American Ancestry : giving the name and descent in the male line of Americans whose ancestors settled in the United States previous to the Declaration of Independence, by Thos. P. Hughes. 3 vols. Albany, 1887—88, S^; Our Ancestors, Privately printed, 1869. Our Ancestors, a Genealogical and Bio- graphical Magazine. Edited by M. A. De L. Van Horn. Published by the Genealogical Association of Phila- delphia. Philadelphia, 1882, &c. 8° Our Patronymics. Genealogical sketches of Several American families, by Eliz. Edwards — Gifford. Privately printed, 1888, 80- American Genealogy, being a history of some of the Early Settlers of North America, by J. B. Holgate. New York, 1851, 4P- The families named are Rapalje, Johnson, Van Rensselaer, Gardiner, Beckman,Bleecker, De Graaf, Hoffman, Kip, De Lancey, Barclay, Roosevelt, Van Schaick, Livingston, Jay, Lawrence, and Osgood. The Cavalier Dismounted : Origin of the Founders of the thirteen Colonies, by W. H. Whitmore. Cambridge, 1867, 8«- A History of the Irish Settlers of North America from the Earliest Period to 1850, by Thomas D'Arcy M'Gee. Boston, 1855, 8«- My Wife and my Mother. [With 84 additional pages of American genealo- gies.] Bj Heman H. Barbour. Hart- ford, 1864, 12«- Barbour's Genealogical Appendix to Memoir of My Wife and Mother. Notes of 57 families. 1885, 12°- Fragments of Family and Contemporary History. Gathered by T. H. R. [Thos. H. Robinson.] This work comprises the families of Robinson, Blaine, and McCords, descendants of early colonists of the Cumberland Valley. Pittsburgh, 1867, 8^- The Todd Genealogy, or Register of the Descendants of Adam Todd, of the names of Todd, Whitten, Brevoort, Coolidge, Bristed, Sedgwick, Kane, Renwick, Bull, Huntington, Dean, Astor, Bentzen, Langdon, Boreel, Wilks, De Nottbeck, Ward, Chanler, Gary, Tiebout, Bruce, Bobbins, Waldo, WoodhuU, Odell, Greene, and Foster, with Notices and Genealogies of many persons and families connected with the before-mentioned Descendants, by Richard Henry Greene. New York, 1867, 8«- The Bergen Family. With notes on the Genealogy of some of the branches of the Cowenhoven, Voorhees, Eldert, Stryker, Stoothoof , Cortelyou, Suydam, Wyckoff, Lott, Barkeloo, Lefferts, Mar- tense, Hubbard, Van Brunt, Vanderbilt, Vanderveer, Van Nuyse, and other Long Island families, by Teunis G. Bergen. Albany, N.Y. 1876, 8°. | Ameeica. 525 Early New England People. Some Account of the Ellis, Pemberton, Wil- lard, Prescott, Titcomb, Sewall, and Longfellow, and Allied Families, by Sarah Eliz. Titcomb. Boston, 1882. 80- Schuyler's Colonial New York, or Philip Schuyler and his Family, by Gr. W. Schuyler. 2 vols. 1885. [Contains the connected families of Fort, Jans Anneke, Livingston, Schuyler, Scribner, Verplanck, Van Cortlandt, Van Kens- selaer, Van Schlichtenhorst.] Family Memorial, Part I. — Genealogy of Fourteen families of the early settlers of New England. Part II. — Genea- logy of Ephraim and Sarah Thayer, by Elisha Thayer. Hingham, 1835, 8«- Family Memorials. A Series of Genea- logical and Biographical Monographs on the Families of Salisbury, Aldworth- Elbridge, Sewall, Pyldren-Dummer, Walley, Quincy, Gookiu, Wendell, Breese, Chevalier - Anderson, and Phillips. With fifteen Pedigrees and an Appendix, by Edward Elbridge Salisbury. Privately printed, 1885, fol. Seventeen Pedigrees from " Family Me- morials," by Edw. E. Salisbury. New Haven, 1885, fol. Privately printed, folding sheets. [These are pedigrees of the families of Salisbury, Sewall, Dummer, Walley, Quincy, Wendell, Phillips, Bromfield, McCurdy, etc.] The Pickering Genealogy, by Charles Pickering Bowditch. Boston, 1887. Note — This work contains genealogies of several American families besides that of Pickering, among which are — Lee, Higginson, Frye, Mackey, Orne, Paine, Diman, Green, Prince, Millet, Goodhue, Peirce, Phippen, Henfield, Goodale, Ropes, Symonds, Nichols, Bowditch, Cabot, Goddard, Pickman, Lyman, Gardner, Williams, Lowell, Wingate, Dodge, Silsbee, etc. Genealogical and Biographical Mono- graphs on the Families of Lord, Mc Curdy, Pitkin-Wolcott, Ogden- John- son, Diodate, etc., including notices of the Maroins, Lees, De Wolfs, and other families, by Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Salisbury, of New Haven, Connecti- cut. In progress, 1887. Essex Families in New England, by Colonel Joseph Lemuel Chester. See Transactions of the Essex Archceolo- gical Society, iii, 37 ; iv, 189. Col- chester, 1865—9, 8«- Result of some Researches among the British Archives for information rela- tive to the Founders of New England ; made in the years 1858, 1859, and 18G0, by Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1860, 4°- Gleanings from English Records about New England Families, by James A. Emmerton, and Henry F. Waters. Salem, 1880, 8«- The facilities for genealogical research in the registries of probate in Boston [Mass.] and London, by J. T. Hassam. (Reprinted from the New England Hist, and Gen. Register.) Boston, 1884, 80- An alphabetical list of ministers who settled in New England from 1630 to 1670, with the places where they officiated. MS. Dr. Williams' Library, London. List of Persons admitted to the Order of Deacons in the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, from A.D. 1785 to A.D. 1857. By the Right Rev. George Burgess, D.D. Bishop of Maine. Bos- ton, 1874, 120- Index to Bishop Burgess's List of Persons ordained Deacons in the Protestant Episcopal Church. Boston, 1874. 12o- History of the Society of Friends in America, by James Bowden. 2 vols. 1850, 8«- The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America to the 1st of Nov. 1790, by John Aspland. Virginia, 1791, 4P A list of the Graduates and those who have received degrees, at all the New England Colleges, forming a complete index to the triennial catalogues of all the colleges in New England, by John Farmer. Boston, 1835, 8«- Biographica Americana ; Lives of the most distinguished persons of North America, by B. F. French. New York, 1825, 8«- The Library of American Biography, conducted by Jared Sparks. 23 vols. Boston and Lond. 1834 — 47, 12o- 526 Ameeica. Memorial Biographies. Published by the New England Historic Genealogical SoclcUj. Boston, 1846, &c., 8«- Journals of the llev. Thomas Smith and the Kev. Samuel Deane, with Notes and Biographical Notices, by W. Willis. Portland, 1849. [The Notes in this work abound in pedigrees.] The Illustrated American Biography ; containing correct Portraits and brief Notices of the principal actors in American History, by A. D. Jones. 6 vols. New York, 1853, &c., 8«- Portraits of Eminent Americans now living, with biograpliical and historical memoirs, by John Livingston. New York and London, 1853, 8«- American Biographical Dictionary, con- taining an account of the lives, characters and writings of the Most Eminent Persons in North America, from its first settlement, by William Allen. Third edition. Boston, 1857, 8°- National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans ; including Orators, States- men, Naval and Military Heroes, Jurists, Authors, etc., etc. With Bio- graphical and Historical Narratives, by Evert A. Duyckinck. 2 vols. New York, 4P- Portraits of British Americans, by W. Notman, with biographical sketches, by F. Taylor. Montreal, 1865, 8o- Williams Biographical Annals. With an introduction by Rev. S. Irenseus Prime, D.D. l^j Rev. Calvin Durfee, D.D. New York, 1871, 8«- [This is a collection of biographical sketches of the alumni of Williams College.] Dictionary of American Biography, in- cluding Men of the Time, by Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1872, 8o- The United States Biographical Diction- ary and Portrait Gallery of eminent and self made men. Chicago and New York, 1877, etc. 4'- In progress. The Biographical Sketches of Prominent Persons and Genealogical Records of many Early and other Families in Medway, Mass., 1713—1886, by E. O. Jameson. Millis, Mass., 1886, 8«- Appletons' Cyclopoedia of American Biography, edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske. Illustrated lolth momerous portraits. 7 vols. New York, 1887-89, ^^^ Officers of our Union, Army and Navy ; their Lives, their Portraits. Edited by Dean Dudley. Boston, 1862, &c. Southern Generals, who they are, and what they have done. Lond. 1865, 8«- Iowa Colonels and Regiments : by Capt. A. A. Stuart. Des Moines, Iowa, 1865, 8°' The American Loyalists, or Biographical sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution ; alphabetically arranged, logical Sketches of some old Families, by John Hill Martin. Philadelphia, 1877, 8^- History of Chester Co. Pa., with bio- graphical and genealogical sketches, by >^ J. S. Futhey and G. Cope. Phil. 1881, 40. Chicago Antiquities. Comprising original Relations, Letters and Notes pertaining to Early Chicago, by Henry Hurlbut. Chicago, 1881, 8°- Memorials of the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts, by Francis Drake. Boston, 1873, 8«- Historical and Genealogical Record of First Settlers of Colchester County, by T. Miller. Halifax, 1873. Old Families of Concord, Mass., and a Record of their Descendants in Part to the Present Generation. Edited by Charles Edward Potter. Boston, 1887, 40. A List of the representatives of the town of Concord from the Colonial period to the present time, with dates of their election, etc., including the names of other officers, 1672 to 1887. Groton Historical Se7'ies, vol. 11. Groton, 1887, 8« A Catalogue of the names of the early Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut, with the time of their arrival in the Country and Colony, etc., by Royal Ralph Hinman. Hartford, 1852, &c., 8'^- Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut a»d Mas- sachusetts, by Nathaniel Goodwin. ^ Hartford, 1856, 8'>- Memorial, Genealogy, and Ecclesiastical History. To which is added an Appendix, with explanatory Notes and Index, by Alfred Andrews. Chicago, 111., 1867, 8'^ A History of St. Mark's Parish, Culpepper County, Virginia. With Notes of Old Churches and Old Families, by Rev. Philip Slaughter. Culpepper, 1877, 12<>- A Decennial Catalogue of the Class which graduated at Dartmouth College, July 28, 1842, &c., by Truman Rickard. Boston, 1858, 8''- Sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, from the first graduation in 1771 to the present time, by the Rev. George T. Chapman. Cambridge, 1867. History of the Counties of Dauphin and Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, Biographical and Genealogi- cal, by William Henry Egle. Phila- delphia. 1883, 8«- The Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths, and Intentions of Marriage in the Town of Dedham. Volumes 1 and 2, with an Appendix containing Records of Marriages before 1800, returned from other Towns, under the Statute of 1857. 1635—1845. Edited by Don Gleason Hill. Dedham, Mass. 1886, 8«- Dedham Historical Register. Published by the Dedham Historical Society. Dedham, Mass. 1890 &c. 8o- Genealogies, Necrology, and Reminis- cences of the Irish Settlement on the Forks of the Delaware, by Rev. John C. Clyde. Published by the Author, 1879. History of Derby, Conn., with genealo- gies, by Samuel Orcutt. 1880,^ 8«- Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Dorchester. Boston Highlands, 1869, 8«- The Ancient Proprietors of Jones's Hill, Dorchester, including brief Sketches, of the Jones, Stoughton, Tailer, Wis- wall, Moseley, Capern and Holden Families, by David Clapp. Boston, 1883, 8°- For private distribution. History of Douglas, Mass., by Wm. A. Emerson. Boston, 1879, 8«- [Con- tains genealogies of Dudley, Hill, Hunt, Hawson, Stone, Thayer, Wallis, and Whipple.] 530 Amebica. The History of Dublin, N.H., Contain- ing the Address by Charles Mason, and the Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration, June 17, 1852, with a Register of Families, by L. W. Leon- ard. Boston, 1855, 8'>- General History of Duchess County, N. Y., by Philip H. Smith. Pawling, 1877. Bi-Centennial of Old Dunstable. Address by Hon. S. T. Worcester, and Some Notice of Persons and Families of the Early Times of Dunstable, including Welds, Tyngs, Lovewells, Farwells, Fletchers, Bancrofts, Joneses and Cut- lers, by John B. Hill. Nashau, N.H. 1878, 80- A History of the Town of Duxbury, Massachussetts, with Genealogical Registers, by Justin Winsor. Boston, 1849, 80- History of Easthampton, its settlement and growth, together with a Genealogi- cal Record of its original Families, by Payson W. Lyman. Northampton, 1866, 120- The East-Haven Register : in three parts. Containing the names, marriages, and deaths of the families which first settled or have resided in East-Haven, from 1644 to 1823, by Stephen Dodd. New-Haven, 1824, 12*- Genealogical History of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts, by William L. Chaffin. In progress, 1887. A short Genealogical Account of a few of the Families of the Early Settlers in Eliot, and of a branch of the Moody Family, by William Fogg. Saco, 1851, 16«- The Essex Memorial for 1836, embracing a Register of the Count v, by James R. Newhall. Salem, 1836." Fall River, Mass., and its Industries with Biographical and Genealogical Sketches, by F. M. Peck and H. H. Earll. Fall River, 1878, 4'^- The History of Farmington, Franklin Co., Maine, 1776—1885, by Francis Gould Butler. Farmington, 1885, 8o- [About 800 pages of this work are devoted to genealogy.] History and genealogy of Fenwick's Colony, by Thomas Shourds. Bridge- ton, 1876, S*'- Tombstone Inscriptions from the Church- yard of the First Reformed Dutch Church of Fishkill Village, Dutchess County, N.Y. Compiled by E. W. Van Voorhis. Printed for private dis- tribution, 1882, 8«- History of Framingham, Mass., 1640 — 1847, with a Notice of Sudbury and its first Proprietors ; also a Register of Families with genealogical sketches, by Wm. Barry, Boston,' 1847. History of Framingham, etc., with a Genealogical Register, by Charles Adams. Brookfield, 1886, 8«- A History of the Town of Franklin, Mass.; from its Settlement to the Completion of its First Century ; with Genealogical Notices of its Earliest Families, etc., by Mortimer Blake. Flanklin, Mass. 1879, 8o- Franklin Historical Magazine. A Maga- zine devoted to the History and Topo- graphy of Franklin County [Maine]. By J. Swift. Farmington, Maine, 1881, &c., 8°- Published quarterly. History of Gardiner, Pittston, and West Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians, and New Plymouth Purchase, comprising Historical Matter from 1602 to 1852. With Genealogical Sketches of many Families, by J. W. Hanson. Gardiner, 1852, 12'^- History of the Town of Gilsum, New Hampshire, from 1752 to 1879, by Silvauus Hay ward. [Part 3 is devoted to family registers, alphabetically arranged.] Manchester, N.H. 1881, 4«- History of the Town of Goshen, Hamp- shire County, Mass., from its first settlement in 1761 to 1881, with Family Sketches, by Hiram Barrus. Boston, 1881, 8*^- History of Grafton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, inckiding the genea- logies of seventy-nine of the old families, by F. C. Peirce. Worcester [Mass.] 1879, 8^»- History of Greenwich, Conn., with genea- logies, by D. M. Mead. New York, 1857, 12«- History of the Town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley, Massachusetts. With Appendices, containing Family Registers, &c., by Caleb Butler, Boston, 1848, 8<>- Ameeica. 531 Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Groton, Massachusetts. With Notes and an Appendix, by Samuel A. Green. Groton, 1878, 4«- A Brief Account of some of the Early Settlers of Groton, Massacliusetts ; being the Appendix to " Groton Epi- taphs." By Samuel A. Green. Groton, 1878, 4fi- Only thirty copies printed. Groton Historical Series. No. xiii. A Register of Births, Deaths and Mar- riages in Groton, 1664 — -1693, and of Marriages, 1713—1793. As copied from the Middlesex County liecords. Groton, 1886, S^- Genealogies of the Hadley Families, embracing the Early Settlers of the Towns of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst, and Granby. Northampton. 1862, 8«- History of Hadley, etc., by Sjdvester Judd, with Family Genealogies, by L. M. Boltwood. Northampton, 1863. A Historical Sketch of the town of Han- over, Mass., with Family Genealogies, by John S. Barry. Boston, 1853, 8°- Historical Sketch of Old Hanover, Rev. Thomas H. Robinson. With a Notice of the Church at Conewago, by A. Boyd Hamiltion. Dauphin County Historical Society, 1878, 8o- Note :— This work contains lists of names, baptisms, marriages, etc. History of Hard wick, Massachusetts. With a Genealogical Register, by Lucius R. Paige. Boston, 1883, 8'*- Early Settlers of Harrison, Me., with an Historical Sketch of the Settlement, and Genealogies, by Rev. G. T. Ridlon, Skowhegan, 1877, S''- Memorials of the Gradutes of Harvard University, by John Farmer. J}^ew Hampshire Ilistorical Society, vol. 4. Concord, 1836, 8«- Harvard Memorial. Biographies of the Harvard Students who fell in the War of Secession, 1860 — 64, 2 vols. Cam- bridge, 1866, 8«- Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1642 — 1677, by John Langdon Sibley. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1873 & 1881, 8«- Harvard University Memoirs. Boston, 1886, 80- Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the Law School of Harvard University, 1817—1887. Camb. 1888, 8o- History of the Town of Henniker, Merri- mack County, New Hampshire, with a Genealogical Register of the Families of Henniker, by Leander W. Cogswell, Concord, 1880, 8«- History of tha Town of Hollis, N.H., from its First Settlement to the Year 1879. With many Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers, their Descendants and other Residents, by Samuel T. Worcester. Boston, 1879, 8«- Extracts from the first Book of Church Records in Hopkinton. See " Farmer and Moore's New Hampshire Collec- tion," vol. ii. pp. 171, 172. 1824, &c. History of Hubbardston, Worcester Co., 1686 — 1881, with genealogies, by Rev. J. M. Stone. Hubb, 1881, H^- History of the County of Hudson, New Jersey, from its earliest settlement to the present time. [With genealogies of New Jersey families.] By Chas. H. Winfield. New York, 1874, 8o- The Hammatt Papers. Vol. i. contains " The Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Mass., 1633—1700," by Abraham Hammatt. 1854. Ipswich, 1880, 8°- Published quarterly. Old Kent ; the eastern shore of Mary- land, with genealogical histories, etc. Edited by G. A. Hanson. Baltimore, 1876, 8«- Kilbourn Historical and Genealogical Society, Kilbourn House, Milton, Ct. Proceedings, etc. Register, in alphabetical order, of the Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island, N.Y., from its first settlement by Europeans to 1700. With contribu- tions to their biographies and genea- logies, by T. G. Bergen. New York, 1881, 8'^- Kings County Genealogical Club, Collections. New York, 1882, &c, 8°- Old Knickerbocker Families. The Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the old Dutch Church of Kingston, N.Y., from its organization in 1660 to 1810, by R. R. Hoes. In progress, 1889. 532 Ameeica. The Early liecords of Lancaster, Mass. 1643—1725. Edited by Henry S. Nourse. Lancaster, 1884, 8<'- History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon. Containing a brief account of the Indians, and notices of the first settlers, giving the names of nearly five thousand of them, by I. D. Kupp. Lancaster, Pa. 1884, S*'- History of the Town of Lexington, Middlesex County, Mass., from its first Settlement to 1868, with a genea- logical Register of Lexington Families, by Charles Hudson. Boston, 1868, 8«- A Biographical History of the County of Litchfield, Ct. Comprising biographical sketches of distinguished Natives and llesidents of the County, together with complete lists of the Judges, Sheriffs, Senators, etc., by Payne Kenyon Kilbourn. New York, 1851, 8°- The History of Long Island, with Genealogies of the principal Families, by B. F. Thompson. N. York, 1839, S*'- Second edition revised and enlarged, 2 vols. 1843. The Bergen Family ; with notes on the genealogy of several Long Island families, by T. G-. Bergen. Albany, 1876, 8«- Longmeadow, Mass. Centennial Celebra- tion, 1883, with Genealogies. Hartford, 1884, 8'- The Parish liegister of St. Anne's Church, Lowell, Mass. llev. Theodore Edsou, Rector. Lowell, Mass. 1885, S"- Tlie Maine Genealogist and Biographer. A Quarterly Journal. Edited by Wm. B. Laphara. Augusta, Me. 1875, &c. 8°- Maine Historical and Genealogical Re- corder. S. M. Watson, publisher. Port- land, Maine, 1884, &c. 4'^- Periodical publication. Maine Wills, 1640—1760. Edited, with notes, by William M. Sargent. Port- land, 1887, 8°- A History of the Law, the Courts, and the Lawyers of Maine, by Wm. Willis. Portland, 1863, 8'>- History of the Town of Marlborough, Middlesex County, Mass., from its first settlement in 1657 to 1861 ; with a genealogy of the Families to 1800, by Charles Hudson. Boston, 1862, 8«- The Founders of Maryland as portrayed in Manuscripts, Provincial Records and Early Documents, by Rev. Edward D. Neill. Albany, 1876, 8°- Old Kent : The Eastern Shore of Mary- land. With Genealogical Histories of old and distinguished Families of Maryland and their connection by marriage, &c., by Geo. A. Hanson. Baltimore, 1876. 8°- Genealogical Notes of Maryland Families, illustrated by coats of arms, etc., by Lawrence Buckley Thomas. 2 parts. Baltimore, 1877, 4«- Massachusetts Historical Society. Col- lections, four series of 10 vols, in each. Boston, 1792—1871, 8° In progress. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts, by Alexander Young. Boston, 1846, 8« Rich Men of Massachusetts, with brief Sketches of nearly fifteen hundred characters, by Abner Forbes and J. W. Greene. Boston, 1852. The Massachusetts Civil List for the Colonial and Provincial Periods, 1630 — 1774. Being a List of the names and Dates of Appointment of all the Civil Officers constituted by authorit}^ of the Charters, or the Local Govern- ment, by Wm. H. Whitmore. Albany, 1870. 8"- List of Members of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati ; including a Complete Roll of the Original Members, with Brief Biographies, by Francis S. Drake. Boston, 1872. 8'^- Massachusetts Families. " Hammatt Papers." Ipswich, 1881. 8^- Register of Families settled at the Town of Medford, Mass., by William Henry Whitmore. Boston, U. S. 1855. 8^'- History of the Town of Medford, Middle- sex County, Mass., from its first settlement in 1630 to the present time, by Charles Brooks. Boston, 1855, 8«- [Appended to this history is a " Regis- ter of Families," of about 72 pages.] History of the Town of Medford, Middle- sex County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement in 1630 to 1855, by Charles Brooks. Revised, enlarged, and brought down to 1885, by James M. Usher. Boston, 1886, 8<'- [This work contains 66 pages of genealogies.] I Ameeica. 533 The Historical and Genealogical Re- searches and Recorder of Passing Events of Merrimack Valley. Being a Repository of Antiquities relating to the History, Biography, Genealogy, Heraldry, Archaeology, etc. of the Valley. Edited by Alfred Poor. Haverhill, 1857, &c., fol. Catalogue of the Graduates of Middlebury College ; embracing a Biographical Register and Directory, by Thomas Scott Pearson. Windsor (Vt.) 1853, 80- Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Third edition, 1881—3. Hartford, Conn. 1883, 8°- History of the Town of Milford, Wor- cester County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement to 1881. In two parts. Part I. strictly Historical. Part II. Biographico- Genealogical Register, by Adin Ballou. Milford, 1882, 8°- History of New Milford and Bridgewater, Conn., with genealogies, by Samuel Orcutt. 1882, S^- Inscriptions on Tombstones in Milford, Conn., erected prior to 1800 ; together with a few of aged persons who died after that date, by N. G. Pond. New Haven, 1889, S^- Milton Cemetery. A catalogue of the Proprietors of Lots, together with a Record of Ancient Inscriptions on all tablets in the Cemetery prior to and including A.D. 1800. A.D. 1687— A.D. 1800. Boston, 1883, 8«- Register of Marriages in Milton, Mass., from the Diary of Rev. Peter Thacher, 1686—1727 Boston, 1883, S^- University of Mississippi. Catalogues of the Officers, Students, etc. are published every third year. First Families of Old Monmouth, by J. E. Stillwell. New York, 1882, S^- First Families of Old Monmouth and of Ocean Counties, New Jersey, by Edwin Salter, 1882. See the Monmouth Democrat; and the New Jersey Gourier. History of the Town of Montpelier (Vermont), 1781 to 1861, with Bio- graphical Sketches of its CitiSens, by D. P. Thompson. Montpelier, 1860, 80- Bill of Mortality. Being a Register of the Deaths which have occurred in the Presbyterian and Baptist Congrega- tions of Morris-town, New Jersey, for thirty-eight years past. Printed by Jacob Mann. Morris-town, 1806. History of the Episcopal Church, in Narragausett, Rhode- Island. With notes containing Genealogical and Bio- graphical Accounts of distinguished men, families, etc., by Wilkins Updike. New York, 1847, 8«- The Narragausett Historical Register, a Magazine devoted to the Antiquities, Genealogy and Historical Matter illus- trating the History of the Narragausett Country or Southern Rhode Island. Editor, James N. Arnold. Hamilton R.I. 1882, &c., 8« Published quarterly. Contributions to the History of Ancient Families of New Amsterdam and New York, by Edwin R. Purple, with additions and emendations, by Samuel S. Purple. New York,' 1881, fol. Privately printed. Genealogical and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain, Conn., by A. Andrews. Chicago, 1867, 8°- History of Newburgh, N.Y., with genea- logies, by E. M. Ruttenber. Newburgh, lb5i)— 61. Genealogical Address giving a brief His- tory of the Parishioners and Founders of the Federal Street Church, Newbury- port, from 1745 to 1862, by Moody D. Cook. Newburyport, 1862. Collections, Topographical, Historical, and Biographical relating principally to New Hampshire, by J. Farmer and J. B. Moore. 2 vols. Concord, 1822-23. A list of Councellors of New Hampshire from 1680 to 1837, by John Farmer. New Hampsliire Historical Society, vol. 5. Concord, 1837, 8«- Manual of the New Hampshire Senate. First 101 years under the Constitution, from June 2, 1784, to June 3, 1885. Compiled by the Hon. Geo. C. Gilmore. Manchester, N.H. 1884, 18°- A Collection of New Hampshire Registers, by Joseph A. Stickney. Great Falls, N.H. 1887, 18«- Catalogue of the Persons admitted to the First Church in New Haven, from 1685 to 1847, by the Rev. John Davenport. 534 America. 2 vols. New Haven, 1847 and 1854, 120- The History of New Ipswich from its first grant in 1730 to the present tilne ; with genealogical notices of the princi- pal Families, by F. Kidder and A. A. Gould. Boston, 1852, 8«- History of Newport, N. H., 1766—1878, with genealogies, by Edmund Wheeler. Concord, 1879, 8^ A Histor}^ of the Early Settlement of Newton, Massachusetts, from 1639 to 1800. With a Genealogical Eegister of its Inhabitants prior to 1800, by Francis Jackson. Boston, 1854, 120- Sketches of the First Emigrant Settlers in Newton Towship, Old Gloucester County, West New Jersey, by John Clement. Camden, N. J. 1877, 8«' The Annals of Newtown in Queen's Count}^ New York : containing its History from its first settlement, to- gether with a particular account of numerous Long Island Families now spread over this and various other States of the Union, by James liiker. New York, 1852, S^- A Copy of the Poll List of the Election for liepresentatives for the City and County of New York. New York, 1761, 40- The same for 1768. The same for 1769. Names of Persons for whom marriage Licences were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York previous to 1784, by Edmund B. O'Callaglian. Printed by order of G. J. Tucker, Secretary of State. New York, 1860, 80- The New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Record. Devoted to the interests of American Genealogy and Biography. Issued Quarterly. New York, 1870, &c. 8«- History of New York during the Revolu- tionary War, with biographical and genealogical notices, by Thomas Jones. 2 vols. New York, 1879, 8«- Correct Arms of the State of New York, as established 1778, by H. A. Homes.- Albany, 1880, 8'^- Report of the Commissioners on the Correct Arms of New York, by H. A. Homes. Albany, 1881, 8°- Second Paper on the Correct Arms of New York, as established by law since March 16, 1778. By Henry A. Homes. Albany, 1882, 8«- Harlem (City of New York) : Its Origin and Early Annals. With sketches of numerous families, by James Riker. New York, 1881, 8"- Genealogical Notes relating to New York and New England Families, by S. V. Talcott. Albany, 1883, 8"- History of Northampton, Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon, and Schuylkill Counties, con- taining a brief history of the First Settlers by I. I). Rupp. Harrisburg, 1845, 8«- Inscriptions on the Tombs and Grave- stones in the " Old Burying Ground," and in the Graveyards of Northamp- ton ; with annals of the Town, by Thomas Bridgman. 2 vols. North- ampton, 1850. The Ancient Historical Records of Nor- walk, Connecticut, by Edwin Hall. Norwalk, 1847, 12^- [The "Genea- logical Register," which occupies about 106 pages of small type, in this work, contains a list of Early Settlers and their Families.] Centennial History of Norway, Oxford Co., Maine. Including an account of the Grantees, Early Settlers and Pro- minent Residents, etc. With Genea- logical Registers and an Appendix, by William Berry Lapham. Portland, Me., 1886, 8«- Historj^ of Nottingham, Deerfield and North wood, Rockingham County, N.H., with Genealogical Sketches, by Rev. Elliot C. Cogswell. Manchester, 1878, 8«- History of the County of Orange. With a History of the Town and City of Newburgh ; General and Biographical, by E. M. Ruttenber. Newburgh, N.J. 1875. History of Oxford. Part First. Church Records, Births, Marriages, Deaths, etc., by W. C. Sharpe. Seymour, Conn. 1885, 12«- History of Paris, Maine, from its Settle- ment to 1880, with a History of the Grants of 1736 and 1731, together with personal Sketches, a copious Genea- logical Register, and an Appendix, by (^ America. 535 Wm. B. Lapham and Silas P. Maxim. Paris, Me. 1884, 8«- Pawlet, Vermont, for 100 3'ears, by H. Hollister. Albany, 1867, 12«- [Con- tains over 100 pages of family sketches.] A Collection of Memorials of divers deceased Ministers and others in Penn- sylvania, New Jersey, etc. from the First Settlement to 1787. Philadelphia, 1788, 80- Eeprinted in London. Letters and Papers relating chiefly to the Provincial History of Pennsylvania. Edited by Thomas Balch. Phil. 1835, go. Privately printed. [Prefixed is much interesting genealogical memo- randa relating to American families.] A Collection of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch. French, Portu- guese and other immigrants in Penn- sylvania ; chronologically arranged from 1727 to 1776, by I. Daniel Rupp. Harrisburg, 1856, 12o- A Collection of upwards of Thirty Thou- sand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Penn- sylvania, from 1727 to 1776, with a statement of the names of Ships, whence they sailed, &c. also an Appen- dix containing Lists of more than one thousand German and French in New York, prior to 1712, by I. Daniel Rupp. Second revised and enlarged edition. Philadelphia, 1876, 8"- The Biographical Dictionary of Penn- sylvania of the Nineteenth Century. . Philadelphia, 1874, 40- Historical Register : Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical, relating to Interior Pennsylvania. Edited by William H. Egle, M.D. Harrisburg, Pa. 1883, &c. 80- Published quarterly. Pennsylvania Genealogies, Scotch, Irish, , and German, by William Henry Egle. > Harrisburg, 1886, 8«- History of the Town of Peterborough, N.H., with Genealogies, by Albert Smith. Boston, 1876, S^- The Historic Mansions and Buildings of . Philadelphia, with some Notice of X- their Owners and Occupiers, by Thomp- son Westcott. Philadelphia, 1877, 8°- Inscriptions in St. Peter's Church-Yard, Philadelphia. Copied and arfanged by the Rev. William White Robinson. Camden, 1879, 12°- y Marriage Records of Gloria Dei Church, " Old Swedes," Philadelphia, by Park , M'Farland. Philadelphia, 1879, H^- Old Swedes' Church, Philadelphia, Mar- riage Records, 1750 — 1863. Carefully transcribed from the Original Records, by Paul M'Farland, Jr. Philadelphia, Pa. 1882, 8«- Collections concerning the Early History of the Founders of New Plymouth, the first Colonists of New England, by Joseph Hunter. London, 1849, 12°- Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth, part II. A genealogical Register of Ply- mouth Families, by Wm. T. Davis. Boston, 1883, 8«' Alphabetical index of births, marriages and deaths recorded in Providence, R.I., 1636—1850, by E. M. Snow. Providence, 1879, 8«- " Catalogue of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity, edited by Charles W. Smiley, of Madi- son, N. J. Ninth edition, 1879. The first edition was printed in 1842, and the subsequent editions in 1844, 1847, 1849, 1852, 1855, 1864 and 1870. Genealogical History of the Town of Reading, Mass., including the present towns of Wakefield, Reading, and North Reading, by Hon. Lilley Eaton. Boston, 1874. The History of Reading, Conn., from its first settlement to the present time. With Genealogical notes on the Adams, Banks, Barlow, Bartlett, Bartram, Bates, Benedict, Betts, Burritt, Bur- ton, Chatfield, Couch, Darling, Fair- child, Foster, Gold, Gorham, Gray, Griffin, Hall, Hawley, Hill, Heron, Hull, Jackson, Lee, Lyon, Lord, Mal- lor}^, Meade, Rogers, Rumsey, Sanford, Smith, and Snow Families, by Chas. Burr Todd. New York, 1880, S^- Documentary History of Rhinebeck, in Duchess County, New York, embracing biographical sketches and genealogical records of our first families, by Edward D. Smith. Rhinebeck, 1881, 8°- Census of the Inhabitants of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations, in the year 1774, arranged John R. Bartlett. Providence, by 1858. 536 America. Kecollections of Olden Times, with Genea- logies of Kobinson, Hazard and Sweet Families of K. Island, by T. 11. Hazard. Newport, 1879, 8«- The Genealogical Dictionarj^ of Khode Island ; comprising three generations of settlers who came before 1690 ; with some families carried to the fourth generation, by John Osborne Austin. Albany, 1887, 4^^' Ancestry of Thirty-Three Rhode Island- ers (born in the 18th century) ; also Twenty-seven Charts of Jloger Willi- ams's Descendants ; and an Account of Lewis Latham, with a Chart of his American Descendants ; and a List of 180 portraits of Rhode Island Gover- nors, Chief Justices, Senators, etc., by John 0. Austin. Albany, 1889, 4P- Richmond County Enrolment List. New York, 1863, 4^'- History of the Town of Richmond, Che- shire County, New Hampshire, from its first settlement to 18«2, by William Bassett. Boston, Mass. 1884, 8°- [Nearly one half of this work is de- voted to genealogies.] History of Rindge, N.H., with a genea- logical register, by Ezra S. Stearns. Boston, 1875, 8«- Pioneer Record of Early Settlers of Ross, Co. Ohio, by I. J. Finley and R. Put- man. Cincinnati, 1871, 8*^- Copy of the First Book of Births and Burials, &c. of the Town of Rowley, with Notes, by Matthew A. Stickney. " Historical Collections of the Essex Institute," vols. 4, 5 & 6. Salem, 1863—1864. Copy of the Record of Deaths of the First Church in Rowley, Mass., by Geo. B. Blodgette. Salem, 1878, The History of Roxbury Town, Massa- chusetts, by C. M. Ellis. Boston, 1847, 8<^- "[Forty-five pages of this work are devoted to Genealogical History.] A History of Rutland, Worcester County, Massachusetts, with a Biography of its first Settlers, by Jonas Reed. Wore. 1836, 12«- Inscriptions from the Burying Grounds in Salem, Massachusetts. Boston, 1838, 80- Memorial Notices, Inscriptions, etc. in Harmony - Grove Cemetery, Salem. Salem, 1866, pp. 80. Notes and Extracts from the Records of the First Church in Salem, 1629 to 1736, by James A.Emmerton. Salem, 1879, 8«- Record of the Parish List of Deaths, 1785—1819, by Rev. Wm. Bentley. Salem, 1882, 8«' Eighteenth Century Baptisms in Salem, Massachusetts. Compiled from the original records, and alphabetically arranged, by James A. Emmerton. Salem Press, 1886, 8«-' The Salem Press Historical and Genea- logical Record. Published quarterly. Salem, Mass. 1890, &c. 8"- In j^rof/ress. A Genealogical History of the Hoyt Family, and a List of the First Settlers of J'alisburv and Amesbury, Mass. etc., by David W. Hoyt. Boston, 1871, 8«- Records of the First Church at Salisbury, Mass., 1687—1754, by William P. Upham. Salem, 1879, 8o- History of Salt Lake City, with bio- graphical memoranda. By authority of the City Council. Revising Com- mittee, John R. Winder, R. T. Burton, Geo. A. Mears, etc. Utah, 1886, 4o- History of Sanbornton, New Hampshire. In two volumes. Vol. ii. Genealogies, by Rev. M. T. Runnels. Boston, 1881, 8'^- Early Settlers of Sangamon Co. 111., by J. C, Powers. Springfield, 1876, 8°- Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the first settlers of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800, by Jonathan Pearson. Albany, 1873, 4*^- History of Seymour, Connecticut, with Biographies and Genealogies, by W. C. Sharpe. Seymour, 1879, 8'^- The History of Ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle : Including Early Pemaquid, Damariscotta, and other places; Together with the Genealogy of more than four hundred families, by Rev. David Quimby Cushman. Bath, Me. 1882, 8«- A genealogical register of the descendants of the earl}^ planters of Sherborn, HoUis- ton, and Medway, Mass., by Rev. Abner Morse. Boston, 1855, 8®- Ameeica. 537 A Genealogical Register of the Inhabitants and History of the Towns of Sherborn and Holliston, by Rev. Abner Morse. Boston, 1856, 8°- History of the Town of Shirley, Massa- chusetts, from its Early Settlement to A.D. 1882, by Seth Chandler. [With genealogies of its principal inhabitants.] Shirley, Mass. 1883, 8°- History of the Town of Shrewsbury, Mas- sachusetts, 1717 to 1829, including an extensive Family Register, by Andrew H. Ward. Boston, 1847, 8°- Centeimial History of Somerset County, by Abraham Messier. Somerville, 1878. [This work contains much valuable genealogical information of the early settlers and their descendants.] Names of the First Settlers of Somersworth, N.H , between 1650 and 1700. See " New Hampshire Historical Collec- tions," vol. iii. p. 39. The Early History of Southampton, L.I. New York, with Genealogies. Revised, corrected and enlarged, by Geo. Rogers Howell. New York, 1866, 12°- Second edition, Albany, 1887, 8«- Genealogical Memorial and Family Re- cord of the Ammidown Family, and a Partial Record of some other Families of Southbridge, Massachusetts, by Holmes Ammidown. New York, 1877, 8"- Journal. First Settlers of Southold, L. I., First Proprietors of Orient, etc., by Aug. Griffin. Orient, 1857. History of Spencer, Mass., from its Earliest Settlement to 1860. Second edition with Genealogies, by James Draper. Worcester, 1841, 8"- Registration of Births, Marriages, and l3eaths of Stamford Families, including every name, relati(mship, and date now found in the Stamford Registers, from the first record down to the year 1825, by Rev. E. B. Huntington, Stamford, Conn. 1874, 8«- Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths of the Town of Sturbridge, Mass. From the Settlement, 1738 to 1816. Southbridge, Mass. 1879, 8^ Suffolk County Enrollment List. New York, 1863, 4P- History of Suffolk County, New York, with illustrations and sketches of prominent families, etc. New York, 1882, 40- History of the Town of Sutton, Mass., 1704 — 1876, with a genealogical ac- count of the Sutton Families, by W. A. Benedict and H. A. Tracy. Wore. 1878, 8«- History of Thomaston, Rockland and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first Exploration, A.D. 1605 ; with family Genealogies, by Cyrus Eaton. 2 vols. Hallowell, 1865, 12«- A full and complete history of the Town of Torrington, Conn., from its first settlement in 1737, with biographies and genealogies of its families, by Samuel Orcutt. Albany, 1878, 8°- Genealogy of Early Settlers of Trenton and Ewing, N. J., by Rev. E. F. Cooley. Trenton, 1883, 8«' Truro Baptisms, 1711—1800. By John Harvey Treat. Lawrence, 1886, 8°- A History of the Town of Union, in the County of Lincoln, Me., to the middle of the nineteenth century ; with a Family Register of the Settlers, before the year 1800, and their Descendants, by John Langdon Sibley. Boston, 1851, 12«- The Pioneers of Utica. Being sketches of its Inhabitants, etc. by M. M. Bagg. Utica, N.Y. 1877. Virginia Pay Rolls of Militia entitled to Land Bounty. Richmond, Va. 1851, 8°- Muster Rolls of the Virginia Militia in the war of 1812, being a Supplement to the Pay Rolls. Richmond, Va. 1852, 80- Historical and Biographical Sketches of Virginia, by Rev. Wm. H. Foote. Phil. 1855, 80- Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia, by Bishop Meade. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1857, 8°- Reprinted in 1861. Genealogy of the Page Family in Vir- ginia ; also a condensed Account of the Nelson, Walker, Pendleton and Randolph Families. With references to other distinguished Families in Vir- ginia. By one of the Family. New York, 1883, So- 538 Amueica. X? Collections of the Virginia Historical Society. New Series, vol. v. Documents chiefly unpublished relating to the Huguenot emigration to Virginia, &c. With an Appendix of Genealogies. Edited by II. A. Brock. Richmond, Va., 18^^6, 8°- Walpole [N.H.] as it was and as it is, a complete history of the Town from 1749 to 1879 ; together with a history of one hundred and fifty families, previous to 1820, &c., by George Aldrich. Claremont, N.H. 1880", 8«- The History of Waterbury, Connecticut ; With an Appendix of Biography, Genealogy and Statistics, by Henry Bronson. Waterbury, 1858, 8°- The History of Waterford, Oxford County, Maine, comprising Historical Address, by Henry P. Warren ; Kecord of Families, by Rev. William Warren, etc. Portland, 1879, S^- Genealogies of the Families and Descend- ants of the Early Settlers of Water- town, including Waltham and Weston, with the Early History of the Town, by Henry Bond. 2 vols. Boston, 1855, 8°- Second edition, 1860. Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Watertown, collected by William Thaddeus Harris, with Notes by Edw. Doubleday Harris. Boston, 1869, 8«- An Obituary Record of Graduates of Colby University (Waterville College until 1866), from 1822 to 1870. Waterville, 1870, S^- History of Wayne County, Indiana, with biographical and family sketches, by A. W. Young. Cincinnati, 1872, 8«- History of Wells, Vt., with biographical and genealogical sketches, by Hiland Paul. Rutland, 1869, 12o- A History of the County of West- Chester, by Robert Bolton. 2 vols. New York, 1848, S^- [Great attention has been paid by the author to the genealogical portion of this work.] Memorial of the Reunion of the Natives of Westhampton, Mass., September 5, 1866. Waltham, 1866, 8°- West Springfield, Mass., Centennial Celebration, March 25, 1874, with genealogies, etc. West Spring. 1874, 80- Historical address at the Town of Wil" braham, withan appendix of genealogies, by R. P. Stebbins. Boston, 1864. Catalogues of the Officers and Students of Williams College. Troy, 1830 to 1841, 8«- Annals and Family Records of Winchester, Conn., by John Boyd. Hartford, 1873, Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society. Devoted to local history and genealogy in the town of Winchester, Massachusetts. Winchester, 1884, &c., 80- History of Ancient Windham, Ct. Genealogy. Containing a Genealogical Record of all the early Families of Ancient Windham, embracing the present towns of Windham, Mansfield, Hampton, Chaplin and Scotland, by William L. Weaver. Willimantic, 1864, &c., 8«- The History of Windham in New Hamp- shire, 1719 — 1883, embracing nearly one-third of the ancient settlement and historic town of Londonderry, N.H., with the History and Genealogy of its First Settlers and their Descendants, and most of the families of its past and present inhabitants, by Leonard A. Morrison. Boston, Mass. 1883, S^- The History of Ancient Windsor, Conn., including East Windsor, etc. Also the Genealogies and Genealogical Notes of those Families which settled within the limits of Ancient Windsor, Connecti- cut, prior to 1800, by Henry R. Stiles. New York, 1859, S"-. Memorial Record of the Fathers of Wis- consin, by H. A. Tenney and D. At- wood. Madison, Wis. 1880, S''- Genealogical Records of Wobum, 1641 to 1855. Boston, 1871. Woburn Records of Births, Deaths and Marriages, from 1640 to 1873, by Edw. F. Johnson. Woburn, Mass. 1890, 8°- Transcript of Epitaphs in Woburn First and Second Burial Grounds, chrono- logically arranged, with brief illustra- tive notes, by Wm. R. Cutter and Edw. F. Johnson. Woburn, Mass. 1890, 8o- History of the Town of Wolcott (Con- necticut), from 1731 to 1874, with genealogies, by Samuel Orcutt. Water- bury, 1874, 8<> America. 539 History of Ancient Woodbury, Conn., from 1659 to 1854 ; including the Towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlehem, Roxbury, and a part of Ox- ford and Middlebury. [With numer- ous pedigrees and arms.] By William Cothren. Waterbury, Conn., 1854, 8«- Supplementary vol. 1872. History of Ancient Woodbury, Connecti- cut, "from 1G59 to 1879, including Washington, Southbury, Bethlehem, Roxbury, &c. containing the genealo- gical statistics of the same, by William Cothren. 3 vols. Woodbury, 1879, 8°- The History of Woodstock, Me. With Family Sketches and an Appendix, by Wm. B. Lapham. Portland, 1882, 8«- Epitaphs from the Cemetery on Worces- ter Common, with Notes, by W. S. Barton. Worcester, 1848. Reminiscences of Worcester, Mass., from the earliest period. Historical and Genealogical, by Caleb A. Wall. Wore. 1877, 80- North Worcester ; its first Settlers and Old Farms, by Caleb A. Wall. Wore. 1890, 80- Wyoming Historical and Genealogical Society. Proceedings, etc. Wilkes- barre, Pa. 1882, &c. 8«- The Historical Record : a quarterly publi- cation devoted principally to the Early History of Wyoming Valley and Con- tiguous Territory ; with notes and queries, biographical, antiquarian and genealogical. Edited by F. C. John- son. Published quarterly. 3 vols. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 1890, 8«- Families of the Wyoming Valley : Bio- graphical, Genealogical and Historical. Sketches of the Bench and Bar of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, by George B. Kulp. 3 vols. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. 1885—89, S^- Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale College, 1861, etc. New-Haven, Conn. 1861, &c. 8«- In progress. Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, with Annuls of the I College History, 1701—1745, by F. B. Dexter. New York, 1885, S""- Yale and her Honor-Roll in the Ameri- can Revolution, 1775 — 1783, by Henry P. Johnston. New York, 1888, 8«- Old Times. A Magazine devoted to the preservation and publication of Docu- ments relating to tlie Early History of North Yarmouth, Maine, including Genealogical Records of the Principal Families, etc. Edited by Augustus W. Corliss. Yarmouth, Maine, 1877, &c. 8°- Quarterly periodical. Arms of the Dominion of Canada, by John Woodward. See Notes and Queries, sixth series, vol. ii. pp. 104, 214. Statement with Reference to the Knights Baronets of Nova Scotia, by Sir T. C. Banks. Edinb. Ifc31, 8«- British-American Association, and Nova Scotia Baronets. Report of Action, Brouu against the Globe, etc. Edinb. 1846, 8«- Only 70 copies printed. Sir William Alexander and American Colonization. Including the Roll of Knights Baronets of New Scotland, etc., by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter. Published by the Prince Society. Bos- ton, 1873, 4«- Dictionnaire Genealogique des Families Canadiennes depuis la fondation de la Colonic, par Cyprien Tanguay. 6 vols. Montreal, 1 871—89, 8°' In progress. A travers les registers. Notes recueillies, etc., par Cyprien Tanguay. Montreal. 1886, 80- Escudo de Armas de Mexico : celestial proteccion de esta nobilissima ciudad de la Nueva-Espana, y de casi todo el Nuevo Mundo, by Gayetano de Cabrera y Quintero. En Mexico, 1746, fol. Genealogy of Kings, in Mexican picture writing, from Puebla. Brit. Mus. Add* MS. 30,088. Account of the Abipones an Equestrian People of Paraguay, by Martin Dob- rizhoffer, translated from the Latin by Sara Coleridge. 3 vols. Lond. 1822, 80- Histoire des Yncas, Rois de Perou, avec cartes, et des figures. Traduit par Jean Baudoin, Amsterdam, 1706, 120. 540 Austria. Heraldisch-Genealogisclie Zeitschrift. Organ des heraldischen Vereines ' Adler' in Wien. Vienna, 1871, etc. fol. This work is still in progress, 1888. Sanctorum Patronorum et publicorum Insio^niorum liep^norum et Familiarum illustrium lUirici Imperii quse magna cura singularique diligcntia collegit atque depinxit Stanislaus Rubeich Rex Insigniorum Imperatoris Stephani Stephany Nemagnich libellus. S. Rubeich. MS. in the library of the Monasterium de Monte Sancto Ordinis D. Basilii. [The portraits and arms in this MS. are beautifully drawn and coloured.] Genealogise et Arma Domuum Austriacse, SaxonicsB, et Palatinse. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3471. De Domo Hapsburgensi et Austriaca. Hague, 1530, 4°- Austriacse Gentis Imagines, by F. Fertii. (Eniponti, 1558, fol. 57 Portraits of the Emperors and Nobility of Austria, with short biographical notices, by Gaspar ab Avibus Patavinus. La Genealogia della gloriosissima Casa d' Austria, Poema ; Canti x. (in ottava rima) ; con figure in leyno, by G. Bossi. Yenetia, 1560, 4'^- Commentarii in Genealogiam Austriacum, by J. Wolfgangi. Basle, 1564, fol. Genealogise septem Elect orum S. Imperii, by Justi Wolfangi. Francofurti, 1571, 40. Genealogia Prosapise Austriadis, ab Adamo ad Philippum, by Francisci Sixti, Carmelitse. Neapoli, 1573, 4^^' Don John of Austria, or Passages from the History of the Sixteenth Century. MDXLVii. MDLXXViii. By Sir William Stirling Maxwell. Illustrated with numerous portraits. 2 vols. Lond. 1883, fol. Only 115 copies printed. Albero di casa d' Austria, by Scipione Ammirato. Flor. 1585? single sheet. Austrasiae Reges et Lotharingiae Duces Iconibus et Epigrammatis ad vivum expressi, by N. Clement. Colonia, 1591, 4P' Les Rois et Dues d'Anstrasie, by N. Clement, translated into IVencli by F. Guibaudetus. Boul. 1591, 4°- Historia Austriaca : with genealogical tree, and coats of arms emblazoned in gold and colours, by G. de Roo. O^niponti, 1592, fol. Genealogical tables, tracing the quarter- ings of Sovereign Princes of Flanders, of the Houses of Valois, of Austria, Spain, and Portugal, and their wives, with arms in colours, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,707. Vera genealogia e discendenza della prosapia d' Austria, etc., by C. Vitigano. Napoli, 1599, 4«- Habsburgiaca sive de Antiqua, et vera Origine Domus Austriae, etc., by Fran- ciscus Guillimannus. Mediolani, 1605, 40. Genealogia Austriaca, by Abr. Hossmann. Lipzig, 1612, 80- Traicte de I'antiquite et preeminence des Maisons d'Habsbourg et d'Austriche ensemble de la descente genealogique des Archiducz serenissimes Albert et Isabelle Claire Eugenie, Princes des Pais has, etc., par Adrien Baltyn 1616. Contains portraits, heraldic and alle- gorical designs, etc., coloured. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,290. Serenissimorum Austriae Ducum, Archi- ducum, Regem, Imperatorum Genea- logia, a Rudolpho I. Hapsburgensi Caesare ad Ferdinandum II. 1623, fol. De la vraye origine de la Maison d'Austriche, etc., by T. Godefroy. Lyons ? 1624, 4«- Genealogy of the House of Austria, by Fran. Paludanus. Latin. Brux. 1626, single sheet. Genealogia Austrise Ducum, Principum, Regum, et Imperatorum. Octav. a Strada. Francfort, 1629, fol. Memoires des desseins de la Maison d' Austriche, by P. Hay, Sieur du Chastelet. Geneve, 1633, S^- Austria. 541 u Arboretum Genealogicum, exhibens omnes fere Imperii, Principes, et Europae hodie Reges, linea recta descendentes a Rudolpho I. by Gaus. Genealogical Tables of the Souse of Austria. ColoniiB, 1638, £ol. Stemma Austriacum annisabhincmillenis. See J. J. Cheflet's Opera. Vol. II. Ant. 1650, fol. Prospectus genealogicus. [A genealogical table of the House of Austria.] Vienna, 1657, single sheet. Dissertatio de Hapsburgo-Austriaco- Germanico Domo. J. G. Kieffer. Arg. 1671, 8«- Dissertatio Polemica de Prima Origine Augustissim36 Domus Habspurgo- Austriacse, by J. L. Schonleben. Labaci, 1680, fol. De prima et vera Origine Domus Haps- burgo-Austriacse. Joh.Lud. Schonleben. Labaci, 1681, fol. The Rights of the House of Austria to Spanish Succession, published in Vienna, 1701, translated and printed in the Harleian Miscellany, vol. 1. Lond. 1808, 4P- Origines Magawlyanse, gloriosissimo generationum tractu ad hsec usque tempora deducta, seu genealogia Magawlyorum liberorum dominorum de Calrigia, una cum adjectis familia3 Cantellinse et Leicestrise ad rem praesentem necessariis notitiis. Opus posthumum, luci publicse datum opera J Griffin, etc. By Michel Adam Franck von Fran cken stein. Praga?, 1736, fol. Genealogia Diplomatica Augusta) gentis Habst3urgicae, qua continentur vera gentis hujus exordia, antiquitates, &c., par M. Herrgott, 3 vols. Vien. 1737, fol, Histoire generale de I'Auguste Maison d' Autriche, par J. L. Kraif t. Portraits and 'plates of arms. 3 vols. Brux. 1744—45, fol. Vindicise Actorum Murensium Pro et Contra. E. D. P. Marquardum Herrgott Genealogise DiplomaticsB Augustae Gentis Habsburgica) Auctorem seu Acta Fundationis Murensis Monasterii, by P. F. Kopp. 1750, 4°- Monumenta Augusta) Domus .Austriaca), by M. Hergott. 3 vols. Vienna, 1750—53, fol. A Compendious History of the House of Austria, and the German Empire, etc., by John Bancks. Lond. 1761, 8«- Specimen Genealogico-Progonologicum ad illustrandam Prosapiam Hapsburgo- Lotharingicam, by Coronini. Venezia, 1770, fol. Tables genealogiques des augustes Mai- sons d' Austriche et de Lorraine, par le Marquis de Ligniville et Baron de Zur- lauben. Paris, 1770, 8«- AUgemeines Adels-Archiv der osterrei- cliischen Monarchic, etc., by Carl Fried. Benj. Leupold. Wien, 1789—92, 40. De I'origine delle Augusti Case d' Austria e di Lorena Dissertazione, by Casati. Milano, 1792, 4«- History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy by Rho- dolph of Hapsburgh to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218 to 1792, by William Coxe. 3 vols. Lond. 1807, 4P- Other editions in 1820; 1847— 52 ; and in BoTin's Standard Library^ 1846, etc. Recensus Diplomatico-Genealogicus Ar- chivii Campililiensis, by C. Hanthaler 2 vols Vienna, 1819—20, fol. This work is a continuation of the same author's " ^asti Gaonpililienses,'' 1747 —54. Osterreichisches Adels-Lexikon, von Johann Georg Megerle von Muhefeld. Wien, 1822^ 8^- Another edition, 1824. Storia generale della casa d' Austria. 24 vols. Venezia, 1833—35, S"- Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg, by E. M. Lichnowsky. 8 vols. Wien, 1836 —44, 8«- Stammbaum der Regenten Osterreichs. Von Leopold I. dem Erlauchten aus dem Hause Babenberg vom Jahre 984 bis Ferdinand I. aus dem Hause Habsburg-Lothringen, by Leop. Pirtzl. Wien, 1842, obi. fol. Esquisses genealogiques concernant un grand n ombre de families alliees entre elles et remontant a Saint Louis, Rodolphe de Habsbourg, Jean Sans — Terre, saint Ferdinand, etc. [Par Jean Charles Aime du Hays.] Paris, 1848, S""' Another edition, 1864. 542 Attstria. Uegesten zur Geschichte der Markgrafen und Herzoge Oesterreichs aus dem Hause Babenberg, by A. von Meiller. Wien, 1850, 4«- Specchio d'onore della Augustissima Casa d' Austria. Trieste, 1SG8, 4'^- Die Kaiserstein. Geschichte des Hauses, von Pusikan. Edited by Alfred Grenser. Wien, 1873, 8«- Deutsche Kiiustter im Dienste der He- raldik, by Alfred Grenser, illustrated by A. Franz. Wien, 1876, 4o- Hans Baldung genant Grien, und seine heraldische Thatigkeit. Zwanzig Wap- pen — Entwiirfe des Meisters in Besitze der " Albertina " zu Wien, etc. Illus- trated by A. Franz, by Alfred Grenser. Wien, 1878, 4o- Magyarorszag czimertara, by K. Taganyi, G. Altenburger and B. Eumbold. Budapest, 1880, etc. fol. Chronik der Graf en des Heil. Horn. Reichs von und zur Arco genannt Bogen. Wien, 1886, 8^^- A Heraldika Vezerfonala, by Baro Nyary Albert. Budapest, 1886, &c., 4P- In progress. Armorial of Austria, by Johann von Francolin. German. Augspurg, 1566, 40. Spiegel der Ehren, etc. Plates of Arms of the Emperors of Austria from A.D. 1212 to 1519, by Johann Jacob Fug- ger. Numb. 1668, fol. Album Amicorum of Johann Wilhelm Then, of Lintz, in Austria, containing autographs of scholars and others, accompanied by coloured coats of arms, 1566—1570. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,853. Album of Christopher Grundner, of Efferding, containing autograph in- scriptions of his friends, with coloured coats of arms, 1586 — 1616. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1205. Coloured Arms of Noble Families of Austria, etc. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,694. Arms of Hungarian, Bohemian, Austrian, and Prussian Families, emblazoned, 1712—1749. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 26,070-26,072. Wappenbuch der Oesterreichischen Mon- archic. Herausgegeben von J. A. Tyroff. Nurnb. 1831, S^- Wappen — Gallerie des hohern Adels der gesammten Provinzen des osterreichis- chen Kaiserstaates, by J. Schindler, etc. Wien, 1836—39, 8«- Die Tiroler Wappenbiicherim Adelsarchive des K.K. Ministerium des Innern zu Wien, von Hugo von Goldegg. Inns- bruck, 1875, 8°- Wappenbuch des Konigreichs Ungarn, by G. Altenburger and B. Rumbold. Budapest, 1880, &c. 8"- Wappenalbum der graflichen Familien Oesterreich— Ungarns, by A. M. F. Gritzner and A. M. Hildebrandt, Leipzig, 1883, &c. 8«- Drawings of funeral escutcheons and armorial bearings of the Royal Families of Austria and France, and other heraldic drawings, with descriptions in French and German, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,985. Series Genealogica et Chronologica Judi- cum, Ducum, et Regum Boemise, by J.C. Speneri. Wittembergse, 1612, 4P- Ditior Hesperidum ramis defenditur arbos, etc. [A genealogical tree of the Kings of Bohemia and Hungary], by Egidius Sadeler. Pragse, 1629, fol. Miscellanea Historica Regni Bohemie. By Bohuslai Balbini. 10 vols. PragsB, 1679—88, fol. [This work contains several portraits of Bohemian Kings, and coats of arms, with numerous genealogical tables of the noble families of Bohemia] . A Stammbuch or Album containing a col- lection of autographs and arms richly emblasoned, which once belonged to the Elector Charles Lewis, son of Frederic, King of Bohemia, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Kings MS. 436. Genealogy of the Princes of Bohemia. Single sheet, no date. Brit. Mus. Libr. 131. h. 5. (24.) Specimen Archontologise Carinthise, by E. Frolich. Vienne, 1758, 4"- Tentamen genealogico-Chronologicum promo vendai seriei Comitum et rerum GoritijB, ab anno 1000, ad 1500 ; cum tabulis genealogicis, charta Comitatum Goritiae et Gradiscae, et figures. Rudol- ph us Coroninus. Vienna, 1759, fol. Polhaimbisch Spital Buech zu Griessk- hierchen, 1608 to 1624. Containing autograph inscriptions, with arms in F Austria. 543 colours, of benefactors of the Hospital founded by the family of Polheim at Grieskirchen in Austria. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,472. Attioni de lie dell' Ungaria, by C. Spontone. Pedigrees and arms. Bologna, 1602, fol. Armorial of Hungary. Insignia Specta- bilium perillustrissimarum ac Nobilium Familiarum Inclyti Regni Hungarise, Decades VI. Arms are coloured hy J. M. Korahinshy. Pressburg, 1748, 4P- Account of the establishment of the Society of Rifle-shooters at Ottenheim, 1572, by Hans Adam and Wilhelm Jorger, Counts of ToUetli ; with coloured drawings of their Arms, and of the Banners, etc. of the Society. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,749. Copioso Eistretto de gli Annali di Rausa, et ensierae si narra i costumi, gli habiti, e le Pamiglie Nobili d'essa, by P. Luccari. Yenetia, 1605, 4*^- Gentis SilesijB Aunales, etc., by Joac. Cureus. Witebergie, 1571, fol. Silesiacarum Rerum Scriptores cum Supplemento, by P. W. Sommersberg. 3 vols. Lips. 1729—32, fol. [This work contains numerous genealogical tables.] Wappen Buch aller Geistlichen des Piirstenthumbs Steyer. Griitz, 1567, 40- Reprinted, 1880. Das Wappen der Stadt Wien, seine Entstehung und Geschichte, by Alfred Grenser. Wien, 1866, S^- Belgium. Belgium, King of, see Saxony. Genealogia Ducum Burgundise, Braban- tise, Flandriae, Hollandiae, ab Hectore Trojano, usque ad Carolum V., by Edm. Dintero. Argent. 1529, 8«- Vergier Genealogique, contenant les descentes de plusieurs Ducqs, Contes, Barons, et Seigneurs nobles de la Cres- tienete ; recuillez par P. C. Butkens, en Anvers, A.D. 1620. 2 vols. Polio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 12,450 ; 12,451. Stemmata Principum Belgii, by Aubert Le Mire. Brux. 1626, 12«- Jurisprudentia Heroica sive de Jure Beigarum circa Nobilitatem et Insignia demonstrate incommentario ad Edict um serenissimorum Belgii Principum Albert! et Isabellas emulgatum 14 Dec. 1616. By P. Christinaus. Brux. 1668, fol. [This work contains numerous portraits and coats of arms in colours.] Belgian Biography. BibliotheoR Belgica, by Joannis Pran. Foppens. 2 vols. Brux. 1739, 4°- Monumens Anciens essentiellement utiles a la France, aux Provinces de Hainault, Flandre, Brabant, Namur, Artois, Liege, Hollande, Zelande, Prise, Cologne, etc., par J. Comte de Saint- Genois. 4 vols. Paris, 1782—1806, fol. [This work contains large folding pedigrees and coats of arms.] Amusemens genealogiques, par le comte J. de Saint- Genois. Vienne, 1788, fol, Dictionnaire historique, ou Histoire abregee de tous les hommes nes dans les XVII Provinces Belgiques, etc. [J. B. Christyn.] Paris, 1786, 12«- Les Nobles dans les Tribunaux, traite de droit, enrichi de ])lusieurs curiosities du Blason, par H. F. de Malte. Liege. 1816, fol. Recueil heraldique et historique des families nobles de Belgique, par F. A. P. T. Baron de Reiffenberg. Anvers, 1845 ? 4«- 240 Pages only published. Armorial du Royaume de Belgique, par le Baron Isidore de Stein d'Altenstein. 2 vols. Brux. 1845—56, 4P' 644 BELGirM Annuaire de la Noblesse de Belgique, par le baron Isidore de Stein d' Altenstein. Brvx. 18^7, etc. 12<'- Recherches Historiques sur les Costumes, Civils et Militaires, des Gildes et des Corporations de Metiers, leurs drapeaux, leurs armes, leurs, blasons, etc., par F. de Vigne. Gand, 1847, 4<'- Moeurs et usages des corporations de metiers de la Belgique et du nord de la France et recherches historiques sur les costumes civils et militaires des Gildes et des corporations de metiers, leurs drapeaux, leurs armes, leurs blasons, etc., par F. de Vigne. Gand, 1857, 8«- Biographies nationales. La Noblesse Beige, par Ch. Poplimont. With por- traits and arms in colours. 3 vols. Brux. 1849-55, 4«- Dictionnaire Genealogique et Heraldique des Families Nobles du Royaume de Belgique, par Felix Victor Goethals. 4 vols. Brux. 1849—52, 4'^; Onoraasticon du Dictionnaire heraldique des families nobles du royaume de Belgique, par F. Y. Goethals. Brux. 1865, 4«- Table alphabetique de tous les noms con- tenus dans le Dictionnaire genealo- gique, etc. de Felix V. Goethals, par Alphonse Kerry. 1883, 4P- Nobiliaire de Belgique, par N. J. van der Heyden, assisted by Baron L. de Herckenrode. 2 vols. Anvers, 1853 — 56, 8°- Miroir des Notabilities Nobiliaires de la Belgique, des Pays-Bas et du Nord de la France, par Felix Victor Goethals. 9 vols. Brux. 1857—61, 8^- Livre d'or du noblesse d'Austrasie ; Belgique, etc. par Gabriel Ogilvy, vol. 1. only. Brux. 1861, 4P- Armorial des Alliances de la Noblesse de Belgique, par le baron Isidore de Stein d' Altenstein. Brux. 1863, &c. 4P- Le Beffroi. Arts, Heraldique, Archeo- logie. Edited by W. H. J. W^eale. Bruges, 1863, etc. 4''- Periodical publication. La Belgique Heraldique, recueil histo- rique, chronologique et biographique, de toutes les Maisons nobles reconnues de la Belgique, par Ch. Poplimont. 11 vols. Brux. 1863—67, S^- Archeologie des Families de Belgique, par Felix Victor Goethals. Brux, 1864, 4P- L'Art de verifier les Genealogies des Families Beiges et Hollaudaises. Par J. Huyttens. Brux. 1865, 8«- Biographie Nationale de Belgique. Pub- lished by the Koyal Academy of Sciences, etc. 8 vols. Brux. 1866 — 85, 8''- In progress. Indicateur Nobiliaire de France, de Belgique, etc., par Felix Victor Goethals. 1869, 8«- Dictionnaire des cris d'armes et devises des personnages celebres et des families nobles et autres de la Belgique, Pays- Bas, nord de la France et principautes de Liege, par le comte Alphonse O'Kelly. Brux. 1865, ^^■ Belgium. Etat nominatif alphabetique des Families qui font partie de la Noblesse du Royaune. Brux. 1882, 8«- La Belgique et sa noblesse officielle et non officielle, par P. N. de Kessel. Bruges, 1886, etc., S''- In progress. Collection of Rubbings from Monumental Brasses in Churches in Belgium. Dept. of MSS. Brit. Mus. Notitia Marchionatus Sacri Romani Imperii hoc est Urbis et Agri Antverpi- ensis, Oppidorum, Dominiorura, Monas- teriorum, Castellorumquae sub eo, by J. Le Roy. Plates of aiwis, seals., and monuments. Amst. 1678, fol. Historise Episcopatus Antverpienses. With the arms of the Bishops and Ahheys. Brux. 1717, 4P- Verzameling der Graf -en Gedenkschriften van de Province Antwerpen. Monu- mental Inscriptions, etc. 6 vols. Anvers, 1856—71, 4P- Antwerp Armorial, in colours. See " Histoire de la Ville d' Anvers," by Eugene Gens. Anvers, 1861, 8'^- Album of Charlotte de Straten, containing mottoes, autograph signatures and coloured arms, chiefly of members of Brabant families, 1595—1599. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,704. Ducum Brabantise Chronica, by Hadrianus Barlandus. Antwerp, 1600, fol. Chronique de Dues de Brabant, illustra- ted with portraits, par Hadrianus Bar- landus. Anvers, 1612, fol. BELGirM 545 Prelats, Barons, Chevaliers, Escuires, Viles, Franchises et Offieiers du Duehe de Brabant, par P. de L'Espinoy. Gand. 1G28, 4''- Trophees tant saeres, que profanes du Ducho de Brabant ; contenant I'ori- gine, s accession, et descendence des JDucs, et Princes de cette maison, &c. par Christophre Butkens. Brux. 1657, fol. Nouvelle edition, augmentee, etc. 4 vols. La Have, 1724—26, fol. Inventaire General des " Trophees de la Duche de Brabant," par F. Cristophre Butkens, imprimees a Anvers, 1652, compiled by Jean Charles de Cordes, 1684. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12452. Les Portraits des Souverains Princes et Dues de Brabant avec leur chronologic, armes, et devises, par Meyssens pere et fjls. Anvers, 1664, fol. Genealogie des Dues de Brabant avec leurs portraits, par Denis Waterloos. Brux. 1668, fol. Traite de I'origine des dues et duches de Brabant, par J. B. de Vaddere. Brux. 1672, 4"' New edition, 2 vols. Brux. 1784, 80- Topographia Gallo-Brabantiae, qua Bomanduse Oppida Municipia et Doraiuia illustrantur, by J. Le Roy. Plates of Arms. Amst. 1692, fol. Prospectus Castellorum et Prsetoriorum Proceruni et Nobiliuni Brabantia?, by J. Le Koy. Amst. 1696, fol. Castella et Prsetoria Nobilium Brabantiae, [Including Louvain, Brussels, Antwerp, etc]. By J. LeRoy. Lug. Bat. 1699, fol. L'Erection de toutes les Seigneuries et Families titrees du Brabant, par J., baron de Le Boy. Leide, 1699, fol. New edition, Amst. 1707, fol. Le Grand Theatre Sacre du Duche de Brabant, par Jacques Le Roy. Nume- rous woodcuts of views, coats of arms, tombs, etc. La Haye, 1729, fol. Another edition, 2 vols. 1734. Le Grand Theatre Profane du Duche de Brabant, par Jacques Le Roy. 2 vols. La Haye, 1730, fol. Chronologique historique des Chanceliers, Conseillers, Secretaires, et Presidents du Grand Conseil de Brabant^ 1326 — 1794, avec leurs armoiries. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,666. Seigneurs de Braine le Chateou et Haut- Ittre, par Stroobant. Brux. 1849, 8"' Recueil heraldique avec des Notices genealogiques et historiques sur un grand nombre de Families noble et patriciennes de Bruges, par F. Van Dycke. Bruges, 1851, 8«- Bruges et Le Franc, ou leur magistrature et leur noblesse avec des donnees liistoriques et genealogiques sur chaque famille, par J. J. Gailliard. 5 tomes and supplement. Bruges, 1857 — 64, 4o. Armorial de Bruges, by J. J. Gailliard. Bruges, 1863 ? 4P- Description of the Church of St. Peter of Anderlecht, near Brussels ; illustrated w^ith coloured drawings of monuments, coats of arms, etc., and copies of in- scriptions, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,990. Genealogical tables, tracing the quarter- ings of sovereign princes of Flanders, of the houses of Valois, of Austria, Spain and Portugal, and of their wives, with their arms in colours, and an armorial of Flanders, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26707. Les Genealogies et anciennes Descentes des Forestiers et Comtes de Flandre ; par Corneille Martin. Anvers, 1580, fol. Other editions in 1598 and 1612. Another edition, Paris. 1672. Flandria descripta, by J. Marchanti. Antverpiae, 1596, 8^- Guidonis Flandriae Comitis Vita, varii Svccessvs, et tristis tandem Exitvs, by Lamb. Vander Burchius. Ultraj. 1615, 8«- Recherche des Antiquitez et Noblesse de Flanders, contenant I'Histoire ,Genea- logique des Comtes de Flandres, des grands baillys, maistres, etc., par Ph. de I'Espinoy. Douay, 1631, fol. [This work contains over 1000 coats of arms.] Table Generale, Douay, 1759, fol. SigillaComitum Flandriae et Inscriptiones diplomatum, cum Expositionehistorica, by Olivarius Vredius. Brugis, 1639, fol. French translation, 1641. Flandria Generosa, seu compendiosa series genealogiaj Comitum Flandria3, cum eorumdem gestis heroicis ab anno 792 usque ad 1212. By D. G. Galopinus. Montibus, 1643, 4P- 546 Belgium. Genealogia Comitum Flandri3e,aBalduino Ferreo usque ad Philippum IV. Hisp. Kegem, variis sigillorum figuris repre- sentata ; by Oliv. Vredius. Brugis, 164ii— 43, fol. Genealogies des Comtes de Flandre depuis Baudouin Bras-de-Fer jusqu' a Philippe IV. lioi d'Espagne, per Oliv. Vredius. 2 vols. Bruge, 1644, fol. Opera Historica et Genealogica Comitum FlandriaB eorumque Sigillorum, by Olivarius Uredius. Bruges, 1650, fol. Effigies des Forestiers et Comtes de Flandres, par J. Meyssens. An vers, 1663. Histoire des Comtes de Flandres. La Haye, 1698, 12o- Nouv. edit. 1731. Theatre de la Noblesse de Flandre et d' Artois et autres Provinces de Sa Majeste Catholique, 1424 — 1707, par Jean Le Koux. Lille, 1708, 4"- Kecueil Genealogiquede plusieursMaisons illustres d' Espagne, d Italie, et de Flanders, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,473. Collection of Armorial Bearings of Flemish Families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 11,666. Arms of German and Flemish states and families. Brit. Mus. Kg. MS. 1906. Chronologia Prselatorum sen Praepositorum insignis Eeclesiae Collegiatie et I'aro- chialis B. Marise Virginis, Brugis Fiandrorum ; per Johannem Vander Stricht, Pra^positum xlij. A.D. 1745 ; continued to 1789, with arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,945. Dits de Cronike ende Genealogie van den Prinsen van Vlaenderlant, by Jan van Dixmude. Ypre, 1839, 8'^- Histoire gonealogique et heraldique de quelques families de Flandre, etc., par Philippe Kervvn de Volkaersbeke. 20 vols. Gand, 1841-68. fol. Histoire des Comtes de Flandre, jusqu' a r avenementdela MaisondeBourgogne, par Edward Andre Joseph Lo Glay. 2 vols. Paris, 1843, 8'^- Noblesse et Che valeric du Comte de Flandre, d' Artois, et de Picardie, par Paul Jioger. Amiens, 1843, 8'^- Armorial de Flandre, par A. F. J. Borel d' Hauterive, see Armorial general de France, vol. 1. Paris, 1856, 8°- Histoire genealogique et heraldique de quelques families de Flandre, par M. Kervyn. Gand, 1857, fol. Inscriptions funeraires et monumentales de la Flandre occidentale, avec des donnees historiques et genealogiques, par J. J. Gailliard. 3 parts. Bruges, 1861—67, fol. Quartiers Genealogiques des Families Flamandes, par Ed. Dhont de Waepen- aert. Bruges, 1863, 4"- Another in 1871. La Noblesse de Flandre du x^- au xviii^- siecle, par le comte d'Hane de Steen- huyse et Jules Huyttens. 2 vols. 1863-64, 8«- Armorial de Flandre, par Corneille Gailliard. Brux. 1866, 4o- Le Chevalerie dans les Flandres. Armorial des Tournois, etc., par Victor Bouton. Paris, 1867, 8^- Les Armoiries des Comtes de Flandre, par Busscher. Brux, 1872, 8'^- The Early Flemish Painters : notices of their Lives and Works, by J. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle, Second edition, Lond. 1872, 8''- Inventaire des sceaux de la Plandre, par D.;may. 2 vols. Paris, 1873, 4°- Filiation de families de la Flandre, par Alph. de Vlaminck 2 vols Gand, 1875, 8'>- Recueil des Genealogies inedites de Flandre, par Arthur Merghelynck. 2 vols Bruges, 1877, 8"- Le Nobiliaire de Gand, ou fragments genealogiques de quelques families noble qui ont reside ou qui resident encore en cette ville, par Gustave van Hoorebeke. Gand, [1848 ?] 8''- Annuaire Statistique des Families de Gand, par Gustave Van Hoorebeke. Gand, 1858, &c. 32o- La deseente des comtes de Ha.mault depuis la destruction de Troye, with an armorial of Hainault. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1906. Annales de la Province et Comte d' Haynau. Contenant les descentes de la Noblesse, etc., par Francois Vinchant. Mons, 1648, fol. Another edition, 6 vols. Brux, 1848—54, 1/^- Chronologic des Gentils-Hommes re^us a la Chambre de la Noblesse des Etats du Pays et Comte de Hainault, depuis BELaiTJM. 547 1530 jusqu' en 1779. With genea- logical tables au(\. coats of arms. Paris 1780, fol. Armorial du Hainaut, par A. F. J. Borel d'Hauterive, see Armorial general de France, vol. 1. Paris, 1856, 8°- Le Miroir des Nobles de Hesbaing [Hesbay, province of Liege], by Jacques de Hemricoart ; commenced in 1353 and finished 1398. Contains genealogies with arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,389. Miroir des Nobles de Hasbaye, avec les Genealogies de la Noblesse de Liege depuis I'an 1102, jusqu' en 1398, mis du vieux par St. de Salbray, par J. de Hemricourt. Brux. 1673, fol. Another edition, 1715. New edition augmented by C. F. Jalheau, Liege, 1791, fol. Another edition, Brux. 1854, 4*^- Collection de Tombs, Epitaphes et Blasons recueillis dans les Eglises et convents de la Hesbaye, auxquels on a joint des notes genealogiques sur plusieurs anciennes families qui ont habite ou habitent encore ce pays, par le Baron J. S. F. J. Leon de Hercken- rode. Gand, 1845, 8«- Recueil heraldique des Bourguemestres de la cite de Liege, la genealogie des Eveques et Princes, et des principales families de ce pais ; avec leurs armes et blasons, etc., par J. G. Loyens. Liege, 1720, fol. Continuation du Recueil heraldique des Seigneurs, Bourguemestres, etc. de Liege, avec leurs genealogies, armes, etc. Liege, 1783, fol. Biographic Liegeoise, ou Precis Historique etChronologique de toutesles Personnes qui se sort rendues celebres par leurs talens, leurs vertus ou leurs actions dans I'Ancien Diocese et Pays de Liege, les Duches de Limbourg, etc. 2 vols. Liege, 1836, 8o- Le Recueil heraldique des Bourgmestres de la cite de Liege, par S. Bormans. Brux. 1866, 8°- Les Maisons nobles du pays de Liege, par de Rye, editees par S. Bormons et E. Poswick. Liege, 1870, 8°- Arms of the connections of the seven patrician families of Louvain. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1906, f. 170. Septem Tribus patricise Lovanienses. Lov. 1754, 120- Album Amicorum loannis de Valencia, 1574 — 1577 ; containing names and arms, in colours, of persons of note at Louvain and at Douay. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,364. Cronique contenant I'estat ancien et moderne du pays et conte de Namur. La vie et gestes des seigneurs, contes et marquis d'iceluy, par Paul de Croon- endael, depuis les origines jusqu' a la mort de Jean III. 2 vols. Bruxel les, 1878—79, fol, [This work contains a great number of seals and arms in colours] . Notice sur les Seigneurs de Tyberchamps, par C. Stroobant. Brux. 1851, 8'^- JBitttnarfe. Kongeligt Dansk genealogisk og heraldisk Selskab. Lexicon over Adelige Fami- lier i Dan mark, Norge og Hertugdomene. 2 vols, and Supplement. Copenhagen, 1780—1872, 4«- Genealogisk-biographisk Selskab. Genea- logisk og biographisk Archiv. Copen- hagen, 1840—42, 8«- Genealogist Kalender for de regjerende Huse, som nedstamme ±m nong Christian den Fierde. By J. P. Rasbech. Copenhagen, 1843, 8«- S. Willelmi Abb. S. Thom^e de Paraclito genealogia regum Danorum. See J. P. Migne's Patrologise, vol. 209. Chronica Regnorum Aquilonarium Danise, Sueciae, Norvegie, &c., by Albert Krantz. Strasburg, 1562, fol. Another edition, 1575. Regum aliquot Daniae Genealogia et Series Anonymi, ab Haraldo Blachtent, sen Lividi Dentis, anno 931, ad Canu- tum VI. 1180, edita, notisque illustrata, ab Henrico Ernstio. Sorse, 1646, 8^- 548 Denmarb:. De Equestris Ordinis Danebrogici ab Augustissimo Eege Dn. Christiano V. Dan. Norweg. &c. Monarcha nuper Instaurati Origiue, by Thomas Bartho- linus. Hafnise, 167(5, fol. Neu inventierter Genealogischer Stainm Baum aller Konige in Danemarck, etc., by M. Seutter. Augsburg, 1730 ; single sheet. Successions and characters of the Kings of England, Denmark, etc. 1751, 12''- The Genealogies of the High-bora Prince and Princess George and Anne, of Denmark, shewing the lineal Descent of those two noble and illustrious Families : with their matches, Issue, Times of death. Places of sepulchre, Impresses, Devices, etc., by Henry Keepe. London, 1784. 12"- Tabula Walderaari I'"^ Kegis Daniae tam matris Ingerburgis, quam Reginae Sophiae, originem et cognationem Russicam illustrans. By Antonius Christianus Wedekind. 1816. Single sheet- The Northern Courts ; containing Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark since 1766, bv John Brown. Lond. 1818, 8"- The Family Alliances of Denmark and Great Britain, from tlie earliest times io the present. Illustrated by genea- logical tables, and a plate of the arms of Denmark. By John Gough Nichols. London, 1863, H"- Genealogical Chart, shewing the right of the present King [of Denmark] to the throne of Denmark, and the claim of the Duke of Augustenburg to the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein, etc., by Frederick John JefPery. Liverpool and London, 1864, single sheet. Genealogical Chart of the Oldenburg Dynasty, shewing respectively the title of Christian IX. of the Ducal House of Glucksburg to the throne of Den- mark. London, 1864, single sheet. Rosenborg : Notes on the Chronological Collection of the Danish Kings, by C. Anderson, translated by Ch. Shaw. Copenhagen, 1868, 8«- Danise Regum Icones. [Genealogical tree and 103 portraits.] Hafnise, no date, fol. Portraits Historiques des Hommes Illustres de Dannemark, avec leur tables Genealogiques, par Tycho Hof- man. Copenhagen, 1746, &c. 4"- Stamtavle over Sla^gten Lemvigh med de deri indgiftede Slaegter (Schumacher, Fog, Knap, Prtetorius, Westengaard, Tybring, Hoppe, Blad, Borchgrevink, • Hammer, Kragballe, Balslow, m fl.) ved L. Kragballe. Copenhagen, 1875, Stamtavle over Oluf Bangs Efterkom- mere Paa Sva^rdsiden efter trykte og Haandskrevne Kilder ordnet og bear- beidet af F. E. Hundrup. Copenhagen, 1875, 4^>- Stamtavler over fire Roeskildske Familier; . Boreli, Bruun, Bronniche og Kornerup, Anden Udgave, by F. E. Hundrup. Roskilde. i888, 4o- The Ecclesiastical Seals of Denmark, by Dr. Henry Petersen. 1887. fxmtt Archives genealogiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, ii vols, Paris, 1828—50, 8«- [Vol. IT edited by P. L. Laine.] Bibliotheque et archives du college heral- dique et archeologique de France, dirige par M. le comte de Givodan. Paris, 1862, &c. 8«- In progress. Bibliothcque Heraldique de la France, par Joannis Gnigard. Paris, 1862, 8" La France Heraldique, par Ch. Poplimont. 8 vols. Bruges, 1870—74. 8«- Archives de I'Honneur, ou Notices sur la Vie Militaire, par F. Babie. 4 vols. Paris, 1805, S^- Fbance. 549 Le Roy d' Amies, par le R. P. Marc Gilbert de Varennes. Paris, 1640, fol. Lo Heraut d'Armes. Paris, 1862, 8«- Le Heraut d'Armes ; revue illustree de la noblesse. Directeur le C*®- A. de Bizemont, Gerant Victor Bouton. 2 vols. Paris, 1863—77, 8«- Fraginens Genealogiques. By Dumont. 6 vols. Gand, 1862, 8«- Bulletin, etc. de la Societe Heraldique et Genealogique de France. Annee 1. Paris and Caen, 1879, 8^- No more published. Histoire des liois de France jusqu 'en Fan 1223. Illuminated MS. No. 275. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. Pedigree of the Kings of France from the reign of Hugh Capet to the death of Charles VI. This MS. was compiled about the year 1451, and was taken out of the Garde Meuble, at Paris, when it was jjlundered during the French Revolution. Stowe MS. 411. Brit. Mus. Pedigrees and Arms of the Kings of France. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6165. Genealogies, Effigies et Epitaphes des Roys de France, par Jean Bouchet. Poictiers, 1531, 4P- Other editions, Paris, 1537, Poictiers, 1545. Epitaphes des Roys de France, depuis Pharamond jusques Fran^oys I. avec les Effigies, [by Jean Bouchet.] Bordeaux, [1540 ?] 8'^- Chronique des Roys de France depuis Pharmond jusques au Henry II., avec catalogue des Papes et des Empereurs. . Brux. 1553, 8°' Alliances genealogiques des Rois et Princes de Gaule, par Claude Paradin. Lyon, 1561, fol. Alliances genealogiques des rois et princes de Gaule. Seconde edition augmentee en laquelle ont este adjoustes les blasons ou escartelages des armoiries, par Claude Paradin. Geneve, 1606, fol. Recueil des Rois de I'France, leurs Cou- ronne et Maison, par J. ])u Tillet. Paris, 1580, fol. Other editions in 1602 and 1607, 4P- Genealogie et Descente des Roys de France depuis Pharamond I. jueques a Henry III. par Le Clerc. Paris, 1583, fol. De la Noblesse de la troisiesme Maison de France, par Nic. Vignier. Paris, 1587, 8«- Exegesis Genealogica sive Explicatio Arboris Gentilitia Invictissimi ac Potentissimi Galliarum Regis Henrici, ejus nomiuis IIII. Regum LXV. Navarrae III. Regum XXXIX. J. TexersB. Lug. Bat. 1592, 4« Genealogia Henr. IV. Fr. Regis., par Jos. Texera. Lugd. Bat. 1592, 4«- Traduite par Heris, 1595. Stemmata Regum Franciie et Navarrae, by Jos. Texera. Lugd. Bat. 1619, 4P- Histoires des Roys de France Charles V., VI., VIL, et"^ de Louys XI. par J. Chantier. Illuminated MS. No. 274. Mostyn Hall, Holywell. Cronologie Armiriale. Contenant les Regnes et Actes plus signalez des tres augustes Roys de France. Avec la Genealogie de sa tres Illustre Maison de Bourbon. 1618. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4355. Le Renouvellement des Alliances de France, et de Savoye, par Scipion Guilliet. Paris, 1619,'^4«- Histoire genealogique de la Maison de France, par Scevole et Louis de Sainte- Marthe. 2 vols. Paris, 1619, 4o- Second edition, 1628. Histoire genealogique de la Maison de France, avec les illustres families sorties des Reynes et Princesses du Sang. Par S. et L. de Sainte-Marthe. 2 vols. Paris, 1647, fol. Recherches historiques sur les Alliances Royales de France et de Savoye, par P. Monod. Lyon, 1621, 4'^- Alliances de France et de Savoye, par P. Monod. Lyon, 1625, 4«- Histoire Genealogique de Roys de France, par Jaques de Charron. Paris, 1630, 120- Vrais Portraits des Rois de France, par J. de Bie. Paris 1634 fol. Another edition, 1636. Albero della Genealogia di Perione Re di Gaula (padre del cavaliere Amadis di Gaula), by Mambrino Roseo. Roma, 1637, single sheet. Les Eloges de nos Rois, et des Enfans de France, qui ont este Daufins de Vien- nois, etc. Avec des remarques curieuses du pais et de la Noblesse de Daufine, 550 France. avec les vies des Princes et Seigneurs qui ont este Gouverneurs pour nos Kois de Daufine, par F. H. de Coste. Paris, 1643, 4"- La Veritable Origine de la seconde et troisiesme lignee de la Maison Koyale de France, par Le Sieur Jean Du Bouchet. Paris, 1646, fol. L'Empire Francois, etc., avec les cartes genealogiques de la Maison Royale, par Laurens Turquoj^s. Orleans, 1651, fol. Histoire de Charles VT. Eoy de France, avec un discours succinct des vies et moeurs, et de la genealogie, et des armes de toutes les personnes illustres du temps, mentionnees en cette histoire, par Jean le Laboureur. 2 vols. Paris, 1663, fol. Genealogie des Rois de Francs et de tous les Princes et Princesses, par D. A. Thuret. Paris, about 1666, fol. Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de France, &c., &c., par le Pere Anselme. 2 vols. Paris, 1673, 4''- Second edition, 1712. Best edition 9 vols. Paris, 1726-33, fol. Tableaux Genealogiques, ou les Seize Quartiers de nos Rois, par Laboureur et Menestrier. Paris, 1683, fol. La critique de I'origine de I'auguste Maison de France, par A. Jourdan. Paris, 1683, 12°- Histoire du Roy Louis le Grand par les medailles, emblemes, devises, jettons, inscriptions, arinoiries, et autres monu- mens publics, recueillis, et expliquez. Nouvelle edition, par Claude IVan^ois Menestrier. Paris, 1691, fol. Another edition, 1693. Ejiitome of all the Lives of the Kings of France, by R. Burton. Lond. 1693, 8«- Les Dauphins de France. Les noms, qualitez, armes et blasons de nos Seigneurs les Dauphins Fils de France, etc. par Jacques Chevillard. Paris, 1700, single sheet. Chronologic des Rois et Reines de France, depuis Faramond jusqu' a present, par Jacques Chevillard. Paris, 1-701, single sheet. Histoire de la Monarchic Fran^oise, avec Suite des Dauphins, par M. Berey. Paris, 1711—12, fol. Aunales de la Monarchic Fran^oise, depuis Pharamond jusqu' a Louis XV. par M. de Limiers. 3 vols, Amst. 1724, fol. Les Mcmoires de Michel de Castelnau, depuis I'An 1559, jusqu' en 1570, par Jean le Laboureur. Nouvelle edition, revue par Jean Godefroy, et augmeutee de plusieurs pieces secretes et originales concernant les Regnes de Francois II., Charles IX., Henry III., etlaRegence de Catherine de Medicis, jusqu' en 1578 ; avec les preuves et des Armoiries gravees en taille-douce. 3 vol. Brux. 1731, fol. Genealogie historique de la Maison royale de France, par Chasot de Nantigny. Paris, 1738, 4o- Memoirs of the Kings of France, of the race of Valois, by Sir Nathaniel Wraxall. 2 vols. London, 1777, S^- Genealogie de la Maison de France, par J. B. P. Jullien de Courcelles. Paris, 1822, 4"- Genealogical Memoirs of the Royal House of France, by Richard Barro Dunning, Baron Ashburton. Lond. 1825, fol. Privately printed. Histoire du sacre et du couronnement des rois et des reines de France, par Al, Le Noble. Paris, 1825, S"- Du Sacre des Rois de France de son origine et de la Sainte- Ampoule suivis du detail des Ceremonies usitees au courronnement de nos Rois dans V Eglise Metropolitain de Reims. By F. Lacointa. Paris, 1825, 8° Branches des royaux lignages, chronique metrique de Guillaume Guiart. Paris, 1828, 8^- Memoirs of the Queens of France, from the Earliest Periods to the Present, by Mrs. Forbes Bush. 2 vols. Lond. 1843, 8°- The Court and Family of Francis the First, King of France, by Julia S. H. Pardee. (With numerous portraits.) 2 vols. Lond. 1849, 8°- Another edition, 3 vols. 1887. Sacre et Couronnement des Rois et des Empereurs en France. Par D'Arge. Paris, 1852, 12o- A genealogical and chronological chart of the Kings of France, by E. A. Porteus. Lond. 1854, single sheet. Feance. 551 La Cassette de Saint-Louis, Roide France, par Edmond Ganneron. Paris, 1855, fol. Tableaux genealogiques des Souverains de la France et de ses grands Feuda- taires, par E. Gamier. Paris, 1863, 40. Les Comtes de Paris, histoire de r avenement de la 3™® race, par Mourin. Paris, 1872, S"- Le Secret du Koi, par le Due de Broglie. 2 vols. Paris, 1878-9, 8«' La Maison de France, par Amedee Gayet de Cesena. Paris, 1884, 8o- Genealogies de soixante et sept tres nobles Maisons yssues de Merovee avec leurs Blasons, par E. de Cypre. Paris, 1586. Les Genealogies des Maisons issues de Merovee, parFr. Estienne de Lusignan. Paris, 1632, 4P- Peges Fraucorum Merovingici documen- torum, by J. L. L. Gebhardi. [Line of succession of the Merovingian Kings.] Luneburgi, 1736, 4^- Des Antiquities de la Maison de France, et des Maisons Merovingienne et Cortienne ; et de la diversite des opinions sur les^ Maisons d'Autriche, de Lorraine, de Savoye, Palatine, et pleusieurs autres Maisons Souveraines, par Gilbert Charles Gendre. Paris, 1739, 4«- Catalogue des tres Illustres Chanceliers, Grand Maistres, Admiraulx, Marechaux, Prevostz de Paris et Connestables de France, par Jean Le Feron. 6 vols. Paris, 1555, 4o- Advertissement envoye a la Noblesse de France tant du part du Roy, que des rebelles et conjurez. Paris, 1574, 12^- Traite des Nobles et des Vertus dont ils sont formes, leur charge, voca- tion, rang et degre ; avec I'Histoire genealogique de la Maison de Couci, par F. de L'Alouete. Paris, 1577, 4'^- Advertissement a la Noblesse sur une lettre imprimee & publiee soubs le nom du Roy de Navarre a la dicte Noblesse. 1580, 12o- De la Noblesse, Anciennete Remarques & Merites d'Honneur de la troisieme Maison de France, par Nic. Vignier. Paris, 1587, B^- • Catalogue des noms, surnoms, faits et vies des Connestibles, Chanceliers, Grands Maistres, Admiraux et Mares- chaux de France, ensemble des Pre- vosts de Paris, avec la figure et blason de leurs armoiries, par Jean Le Feron. Paris, 1598, fol. Antiquites Gauloises, et I'Histoire de rOrigine des D ignites et Magistrats de France, &c. par Claude Fauchet. Paris, 1610, 4P- Traictez des premiers Officiers de la Coronne de France soubz noz Roys de la premiere, seconde et troisieme lignee, par Andre Favin. Paris, 1613, S^- Excellentium Familiarum in Gallia Ge- nealogise, par J. W. Imhoff. Norimb. 1617. Institution de la Noblesse. Tol. 1618, 12°- Le Renovvellement des Anciennes Alli- ances et Confederations des Maisons et Couronnes de France et de Savoye, par Scipion Guilliet. Paris, 1619, 40- Histoire de la Maison de Chastillon sur Marne ; avec les Genealogies et Armes des Illustres Families de France et des Pays-Bas, par Andr. Du Chesne. Paris, 1621, fol. Les Families de la France illustrees par les Monumens, des Medailles anciennes et moderne, par Jacques de Bie, Paris, 1634, fol. Other editions in 1636 and 1639. Histoire des Dignitez Honoraires de France, par Claude Maliagre et S. Lazare. Paris, 1635, 8 '• Les tombeaux des personnes illustres avec leurs Genealogies, Armes et Devises. Par Le Laboureur. Paris, 1642, fol. Les Eloges de tous les Premiers Presidens du Parlement de Paris, depuis 1334, jusques a present, ensemble leurs Genealogies, Armes et Blazons en taille-douce, par J. B. L' Hermite- Souliers et Fr. Blanchard. 2 vols. Paris, 1645, fol. Les Presidens au Mortier du Parlement de Paris, leurs Emplois, Arms, Blasons, Genealogies, etc. depuis 1331 jusques a present, par F. Blanchard. 2 vols. Paris, 1647, fol. Genealogique des tres-illustres Maisons de France, de Lorraine, tant ancienne que moderne, Dagsbourg, Champagne, Bar-le-Duc, Joinville, &c., avec leurs descendances, alliances, &c. Par D. P. de S.C.R.F. Paris, 1649, fol. 552 Fbance. GenealogisB Francicse plenior Assertio, par David Blondel. 2 vols. Aiiist. 1654, fol. Histoire des Connestables, Chanceliers ct Gardes des Seaux ; Mareschaux, Admi- raux, Sur-intendans de la Navigation, des Grauds-Maistres de la Maison du Koy, et des Prevosts de Paris, avec leurs armes et blasons, par Jean Le Feron, augmento par Denjs Godefroy. Paris, 1658, fol. La Haute Chevalerie Fran^oise ou la Go- nealogie, Noms et Amies des Illustres Seigneurs du Royaume, par L. C. (Le Ceilyer.) Paris, 1660, 4'^- L'Estat Nouveau de la France dans sa perfection. Contenant I'liistoire, et le rang des Princes, Dues, Pairs, etc. Paris, 1661, 12« Tables Genealogiques des Dues et Pairs de France et des Seigneurs Illustres qui en descendent, par S. Martin. Paris, 1664, fol. Tableau genealogiques de la Maison royale de France et des six Pairies laiques : Bourgogne, Normandie, Guy- enne, Tolose, Flandre, Champagne. Par Ph. Labbe. 2nd edit. Paris, 1664, 12^ Histoire des Secretaires d'Estat, avec les Eloges, les Armes, Blazons et Genea- logies, etc. par Sieur Favelet-du-Toc. Paris. 1668, 8«- Genealogies des Maitres des Requestes ordinaires de I'Hotel du Roy. Paris, 1670, fol. Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de France, des Pairs, Grand Officiers, etc., par Pere Anselme. 2 vols. Paris 1673, 4"^- Second edition, 2 vols. Paris, 1712. Third edition, 9 vols. 1726—1733. Histoire des Chanceliers, et Gardes des Sceaux de France, depuis Clovis, jusqu' en 1677 : enriche de leurs armes, blasons, et genealogies, par F. Du- chesne. Paris, 1680, fol. Tableaux genealogiques ou les seize quartiers de nos Rois depuis Saint- Louis jusqu'a present, des Princes et Princesses qui vivent et de plusieurs Seigneurs ecclesiastiques de ce Roy- aume. Par Le Laboureur. Paris, 1683, fol. Excellentum Familiarum in Gallia, Ge- nealogia, by Jac. W. Imhoff. Norim- berg, 1687, fol. Histoire des Secretaires d'Estat, I'Origine et le Progrcs de leurs Charges, avec les Eloges, les Armes, Blasons et Genea- logies de tous ceux qui les ont posse- decs, par Fauvelet du Toe. Paris, loss, 4« Les Vies des liommes illustres et grands capitaines Fran^-ois qui sont peints dans la Galerie du Palais-Royal. Avec leurs armes et devises, par Marc de Vulson. Paris, 1692, 12«. Hommes Illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce siecle, avec leurs Portraits au Naturel, par O. Perrault. 2 vols. Paris, 1696—1700, fol. Nosseigneurs les Ducs-Pairs de France, et autres Dues vivans en 1701, par Jacques Chevillard. Paris, 1702, obi. fol. Caracteres de la famille royale, des minis- tres, et des principales personnes de la cour de France. Villefranche, 1703, 8° L'Etat de la France; contenant les Princes, Dues et Pairs, Marechaux et Grand Officiers de la couronne et de la maison du Roy, avec les noms des officiers de la maison du Roy, leurs gages et privileges, par Jalabert et Pradier Bar. 3 vols. Paris, 1718, 120- Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale de France, des Pairs, Grands Officiers de la Couronne & de la Maison du Roy : & des anciens Barons du Royaume: par Pere Anselme. 9 torn. Paris, 1726—1733, fol. Quatrieme edition, corrigee et completee par Pol Potier de Courcy, etc. 1868, etc. 4«- Essais sur la Noblesse de France, con- tenans une Dissertation sur son Origine et Abaissement, par M. le Comte De Boullainvilliers, &c. Amsterdam, 1732, 8«- ^ Les genealogies historiques des Rois, Empereurs et Heros de 1' antiquite, exposees dans des Cartes genealogiques et chronologiques, par Chasot de Nantigny. Paris, 1738, 4o- Histoire de la Noblesse de France du Comte-Venaissin, d' Avignon, et de la Principaute d' Orange, par Pithon- Curt. 4 vols. Paris, 1743-50, 4^- Feance. 553 Dictionnaire universal, historique, chrono- logique, &c. des marechaussees de France, eontenant 1' histoire des con- netables et marcchaux de France ; leurs Armes, Blasons et les faifcs les plus memorables de leur vie. Par De Banclas. 2 vols. Paris, 1748, 4^^- Tablettes historiques, gencalogiques et clironologiques, parChasot de Nautigny. 6 vols. Paris, 1749—55, 12o- Histoire de la Pairie de France et du Parlement de Paris, par Le Laboureur. 2 vols. Londres, 1753, 12«- Le grand diet ionn aire historique, eonte- nant les genealogies des families ed France, etc., par L. Moreri. 10 vols. Paris, 1759, fol. Dictionnaire des titres originaux pour les Fiefs, le Domaine du Koi, 1' histoire, la genealogie et generalement tons les objets qui concernent le Gouverne- ment de 1' Etat, par Blondeau de Charnage. 4 vols. Paris. 1764, 12«- Calendrier des princes et de la noblesse de France, par La Chenaje-Desbois. 2 vols. Paris, 1764 and 1769, 12o- Dictionnaire Genealogique et Heraldique des Maisous souveraines et principales, des Families nobles du rojaume, et le Nom et les Armes seulement de celles dont les Genealogies n' ont pas ete publiees, avec les deux Supplements, par F. A. La Chenaye Desbois. 7 vols. Paris, 1757—65. [This is the first edition of the Dictionnaire de la Nohlesse.~\ Bictionnaire de la Noblesse, eontenant les Genealogies, THistoire, et la Chrono- logic, des Families Nobles de France, avec un Tableau Genealogique, Histori- que, des MaisonsSouverains de I'Europe, &c., par F. A. Aubert Chenaye-Desbois. 12 vols. Paris, 1770—78, 4« Dictionnaire de la Noblesse par F. A. Aubert de la Chenaye Desbois. Second edition. 15 vols. Paris, 1770—1786, \P- Troisieme edition, 1863—76, 4«- Les quatre ages de la Pairie de France, ou histoire generale et politique de la Pairie de France, par L.Y. Zemganno. Maestricht, 1775, 8«- Tresor genealogique, ou extraits des titres anciens qui concernent les maisons et families de France et des environs, par CaJSiaux. Paris, 1777, 4P- Catalogue des Certificats de Noblesse delivres par Cherin pour le service militaire, 1781 — 1789, etc., par Louis de La lioque. Paris, 1864, 8"- Liste des Titres de Noblesse, Chevalerie, et autres Marques d'Honneur, accor- does par Sa Majeste I'lmperatrice Keine Marie Therese, des I'an 1741, jusques a la fin de I'an 1782. 2 parts, Brux. 1763 and 1783, fol. Etat de la France, ou les vrais Marquis, Comtes, Vicomtes, et Barons, par L. C. Waroquier de Combles. Paris, 1783, 8"- Kemarques sur la noblesse, par Maugard, avec Supplement, Dissertations et Notes historiques. Paris, 1788, 8°- La Sentinelle de la Noblesse. Nos. 1, 2. [1788]. 8°' Histoire de la Noblesse Hereditaire et Successive des Gaulois, par C. T. de Bevy. Liege, 1791, 4«- [Vol. 1 only published.] Genealogies of noble families of Franco ; memoir touching precedence in State Ceremonies ; miscellaneous coats of arms in trick, etc. 18th century. Irench. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,342. Histoire de la Chevalerie Fran^aise, ou Recherches Historiques sur la Chiva- lerie depuis la Fondation de la Monarchic jusqu' a Napoleon-le- Grand, par J. M. Gassier. Paris, 1814, ^''^ Nobiliaire Universel de France ; ou recueil general des genealogies his- toriques des maisons nobles de ce royaume, par Viton de Saint-Allais. 21 vols. Paris, 1814—43, 8«- Nobiliaire Universel de France, par Viton de Saint-Allais et M. De La Cha- beaussiere 21 vols. Paris, 1872 — 77, 8°- ^ Les Families Fran9ais considerees sous le rapport de leurs Prerogatives, Honori- fiques, Hereditaires, etc., par A. L. de Laigue. Paris, 1815, 8^- Les families fran^aises, I'origine de la noblesse, I'institution de la Pairie, et I'etablissement des ordres de Cheval- erie, de la Legion-d'Honneur, et des noms et armoiries, par A. L. de Laigue. 2nd edit. Paris, 1818, 8«- Dictionnaire encyclopedique de la Nob- lesse de France, par Viton Saint-Allais. 3 vols. Paris, 1816, S^- 554 FRiJJ'CE. Dictiounaire veridique des origines des maisons nobles ou anoblies du rojaume de France, par Laine. 2 vols. Paris, 1818, 8«- Dictionnaire universel de la Noblesse de France, par J. B. P. JuUien de Cour- celles. 5 vols. Paris, 1820—22, 8«- Dictionnaire Historique et Biographique des Generaux France, depiiis le onzieme siecle jusqu'en 1820, par J. B. P. Jullien de Courcelles. 9 vols. Paris, 1S20— 23, 8"- Histoire Genealogique et Heraldique des Pairs de France, par J. B. P. Jullien de Courcelles, 12 vols. Paris, 1822— 1833, 4°- Etat actuel de la Pairie de France, ou historiques et genealogiques presentant I'origine, les alliances des Pairs, par Ch. de Courcelles. 3 vols. Paris, 1826,4"- Noms Feodaux ou Noms de ceux qui ont Tenu Fiefs en France [from th© 12th to the 18th century]. 2 vols. Paris, 1826, 8« ^ Archives genealogiques et historiques de la Noblesse de France, par P. Louis Laine. 11 vols. Paris, 1828—50, 8"- Annuaire historique de I'ancienne noblesse de France, par Viton de Saint Allais. Paris, 1835, etc. 8°- Memorial Historique de la Noblesse, par A. J. Duvergier. 2 vols. Paris, 1839 —40, 8''- Histoire des Classes Nobles, et des Classes Anobles ; par A. Granier* Paris, 1840, 8«- La Noblesse ancienne et la Noblesse d' a present, suivi d'un appendice sur la souverainete, par le comte de Zeller. Paris, 1841, 8«- Eevue historique de la noblesse, par Borel-d'Hauterive. 4 vols. Paris, 1841, 8^- \ Annuaire de la pairie et de la noblesse de France et des maisons souveraines de I'Europe, public sous la direction de A. F. J. Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1843 — 1848. Continued as : Annuaire de la Noblesse de France. 1849, etc. Livre d'Or de la Noblesse de France et autres pays, publiee par M. le Marquis de Magny et le Comte de Givodan. 5 vols. Paris, 1844—52, 4«- La Noblesse de France aux croisades, public par PaulEoger. Paris, 1845, 8°- Nobiliaire de France, par Paul Roger. Paris, 1847, &c. 8«- De la Noblesse du royaume de France pour I'annee 1848, faisant suite aux Etrennes a la Noblesse et a I'Etat de la Noblesse qu'a publics de la Che- naye-Desbois. Paris, 1848, 12o- Des Titres de I'ancienne noblesse, par Chas. R. H. Langlois d'Estaintot. 1848, 24^' Annuaire de la Noblesse de France, public sous la direction de A. F. J. Borel d'Hauterive. Paris, 1849—89, 12«- Memorial Universal Genealogique, Bio- graphique, et Heraldique. A I'lnstitut des Archives Historiques. (Special edition for France, vol. 1.) Paris, 1851, 4«- Nobiliaire Universel de France, ou Recueil general des genealogies histo- riques des maisons nobles de I'Europe, public sous la direction de L. de Magny. 12 vols. Paris, 1854—75, 8°- Le Nobiliaire Universel de France, Recueil general des genealogies historiques des Maisons Nobles et Titrees de la France, etc., par L. de Magny. 2® serie. 13 vols. Paris, 1865—90, 4«- La Noblesse de France, Histoire, mceurs, institutions, par Jean Cohen. Paris, 1855, 8«- Calendrier Historique, Heraldique et Genealogique des Families Nobles de France, pour 1856. Par J. X. Carre de Busserolle. Kouen, 1856, IS^- Histoire de I'origine et des institutions de la noblesse de France, par Cohen de Vinkenhoel. Paris, 1856, 8«- De la Noblesse au xix siecle et du retab- lissement des dispositions penales ap- plicables a I'usurpation des titres, par Edouard Marie de Barthelemy. Paris, 1857, 12« Des Titres de Noblesse et des noms nobiliaires, par J. Girard. 1857, 12o- De la Noblesse comme institution im- periale, par le marquis de Lelievre de la Grange. Paris, 1857, 12''- De la Noblesse actuelle en France, par Edm. Scnemaud. Paris, 1857, 8°- La Noblesse et les titres nobiliaires dans les societes chretiennes, par^ le prince de Crouy-Chanel. Paris, 1857, S^- France. 555 Du Retablissement legal de la Noblesse, par Felix Germain. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1857, IG"- Les Nobles et les Villains du temps passe ou Reclierches critiques sur la noblesse et les Usurpations Nobiliaires, par A. A. L. Chassant. 2 vols. Paris, 1857 —1858, 80- Only 18 copies printed. Miroir des Notabilites Nobiliaires de da Belgique, des Pays-Bas et du Nord de France, par F. V. Goethals. 9 vols. Brux. 1857—61, 8"- The noblesse de France avant et depuis 1789, par Edouard Marie de Barthe- lemy. Paris, 1858, 12«- Les Principes de 1789 et les titres de noblesse, par Ernest Hamel. Second edition. Paris, 1858, 16«- Nobiliana. Curiosites Nobiliaires et He- raldiques, par Alph. Chassant. Paris, 1858, 12«' Des Usurpations de Titres Nobiliaires, par Chas. li. II. Langlois Estaintot. 1858, 16«- De la Noblesse et de I'Application de la loi contre les usurpations nobiliaires, par Pol Potier de Courcy. Nantes, 1858, 8« Code de la Noblesse Fran^aise, ou Precis de la legislation sur les titres, epithetes, noms, particules nobiliaires et honori- fiques, les armoiries, etc., par le comte P. de Semainville. Paris, 1858, 16°- Second edition, 1860, S"- La Noblesse Flamands de France, par Louis de Baecker. Paris, 1859, 12°- Noblesse, blason, ordres de chevalerie, manuel heraldique, par E. de Toulgoet. Paris, 1859, 8«- De la Noblesse des medecins et des avocats en France jusqu' au xviii® siecle, par Claud. Brouchoud. 1860, 8«- liecherches sur les Noblesse maternelle, par Anatole de Barthelemy. Paris, 1861, 8°- De la Noblesse fran^aise en 1861, par un maire de village (le marquis Godard de Belbeuf), 1861, S^- Catalogue des Gentilhommes en 1789, et des Families anoblies ou titrees depuis le premier Empire jusqu' a nos jours 1806 — 1866, par Lo\iis de la Roque et Ed. M. de Barthelemy, Paris, 1861—1866, 8<>- Dictionnaire des Fiefs, seigneuries, chatellenies, etc. de I'Ancienne France; contenant les noms des terres et ceux des families qui les ont possedees, leur situation provinciale, les dates de possession, etc. par H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1862, 8«- Histoire Complete de la Noblesse de France, depuis 1789, jusque I'annee, 1862, par N. Batjin. Paris, 1862, 8^ Des Distinctions honorifiques, et de la Particule, par Henri Beaune. Second edition, Paris, 1862, 8°- Sommaire detaille des Genealogies des Families mentionnees dans les tomes XIII — XT. du Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, par F. A. La Chenaye Desbois. Paris, 1863, 4P' Memorial Nobiliaire du regne de Louis XIV"., contenant les noms de toutes les families qui se sont illustrees dans le clerge, dans les armees de terre et de mer, dans la magistrature, etc. par L. Schauer de Marckolsheim. Paris, 1863, 12«- Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, par De la Chenaye-Desbois et Badier. Troi- sieme edition. 19 vols. Paris, 1863 —1876, 4«- Revue historique nobiliaire et biographi- que, publiee par Sandret. 17 vols. Paris, 1863—1877, 8«- Tableaux genealogiques des souverains de la France et de ses grands feudataires, par C. E. Garnier. Paris, 1864, 4«- La Noblesse de nos jours, par Amedee Gouet. Paris, 1864, 12o- Catalogue de la Noblesse des Colonies et des Families Anoblies ou titrees sous FEmpire, la Restauration et le gouver- nement de Juillet, par L. Laroque et Ed. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1865, 8°- Archives des Families. Paris, 1865, obi. 40- Etat present de la Noblesse Fran^aise, par M. Buffin, etc. Paris, 1866, 8o- Les Dues et les Duches Fran9ais avant et depuis 1789, par Edouard Marie de Barthelemy. Paris, 1867, 8«- Histoire genealogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France, des pairs, grands-officiers de la couronne et de la maison du roi, et des anciens barons du royaume : originaux par le Pere Anselme ; continuee par M. Du 556 Feance. Foiirnaj, revue, corrigee etaugmentoe, 4tli editiou corrigee, etc. par M. Potior de Courcy. 3 vols, Paris, 1868 — 70, ludicateur Nobiliaire de France, de Belgique et d'Angleterre, par Felix Victor Goethals. 1869, 8«- Dictionnaire des Anoblissements, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1869, 8^- De la Repression des usurpations de uoms et titres de Noblesse Jurisprudence nobiliaire, par le marquis de Magny. 3rd edition. Paris, 1869, 8o- Nobiliaire Universel de France ; ou, llecueil General des genealogiques historiques des maisons nobles de ee royaume. Par Yiton de Saint Allais, 21 vols. Paris, 1872-77, S''- Etat Present de la Noblesse Prangaise, contenantle Dictionnaire delaNoblesse, par A. Bachelin-Deflorenne. Paris, 1873, 8'^- L'Impot du Sang, ou la Noblesse de France sur les champs de bataille, par J. Fr. d'Hozier. 3 vols. Paris, 1874 —81, 80- Dictionnaire des Anoblis, 1270 — 1868, suivi du Dictionnaire des Families qui ont fait Modifier leurs Noms, 1803 — 1870. Paris, 1875, S^- Tresor genealogique de Dom Villevieille, public par Henry Passier. Paris, 1875, etc. 4«- Lists o£ Ambassadeurs et charges d' Affaires de France in England, with remarks on their correspondence, &c. by M. Armand Baschet. See 37th Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. London, 1876. 8«- A Catalogue of French Ambassadors to England, 1351— 1700, by John Holmes, with a notice on the French Ambas- sadors of the 13th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20761. Notices of French Ambassadors to Eng- land, 1381 — 1762, by John Holmes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,762. A Catalogue of French Ambassadors to to England, 1327—1841, by John Holmes. Two volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 20,763 ; 20,764. Dictionnaire des Celebrites de la France? classees par ordre alphabetique et par departements, par Hon ore J. P. Fis- quet. Paris, 1878, 8«- Galerie Heraldo — Nobiliaire de la Franche — Comte, par Louis Suchaux. 2 vols. Paris, 1878, 8'»- La noblesse fran^aise sous I'ancienne monarchie, par Louandre. Paris, 1882, 12°- Etrennes de la noblesse, ou Etat actuel des families nobles de France, par Gilles Le Bouvier, 1884, 8°- Etat Present de la Noblesse Fran^aise, contenant le Dictionnaire de la No- blesse, et I'armorial general de France, par Ch. d'Hozier. Public sous la direction de M. Bachelin — Deflorenne. Fifth edition, considerably augmented. Paris, 1884—87. 8<^' Calendrier des Princes et de la Noblesse, pour 1885, etc. Paris, 1885, &c. 18°- In progress. Annuaire de la Noblesse de France, et des Maisons Souveraines d I'Europe, public sous la direction de M. Borel d' Hauterive et du Vte Albert Reverend, 1891, 47thyear of publication. Paris, 1891, 8°- Histoire de la Legion d'Honneur, par Charles R. E. Saint — Maurice. Paris, 1833, 8o- Pastes de la Legion d'Honneur, Bio- graphic de tons les decores et de I'histoire legislative et reglementaire de I'ordre, par MM. Lievyns, Verdot, Begat. 3® edition. 5 vols. Paris, 1843—47, 80- Manuel de la Legion d'Honneur, ou Guide du legionnaire, par Charles Saint-Maurice. Paris, 1844, lO^- Constitution de la Legion d'honneur, par A. Dorat. Paris, 1845, 8°- Manuel du legionnaire, ou Recueil des principaux decrets, lois, ordonnances, etc. relatifs a I'ordre de la Legion d' Honneur, par Gabriel de Chamberet. Paris, 1852, 16«- Annuaire de I'Ordre Imperial de la Legion d' Honneur, etc. Edited by H. Bau- douin. Paris, 1853, etc. 8"- La Legion d' Honneur, son institution, sa splendeur, ses curiosites, par Alex- andre Mazas. Paris, 1854, S^- France. 557 Code des membres de la Legion d'honneur, des decores de la medaille militaire, des medailles de Crimee, de la Baltique, de Sainte-Helene, et des ordres etran- gers, par Louis Tripier. Paris, 1859, 12"- La Legion d' Honneur. Livre d'or de la France, histoire, politique et bio- graphique de I'ordre depuis sa creation, publiee sous la direction d' Ern. Clair, par une reunion d'ecrivains fran^ais et etrangers. Paris, 1860, 8"* Les Comediens et la Legion d'honneur, par Marcus Nothing. Paris, 1863, La Croix d'honneur et les Comediens, par Ernest Legouve. Paris, 1863, 8^- Notice sur les grands chanceliers de la Legion d'Honneur, par A. Regnault, Paris, 1864, 8"- Pantheon de la Legion d'Honneur, par A. Davons et A. Boudin. Paris, 1865, 8«- Archives de la Legion d'honneur. Paris, 1865, 8«- Almanach de la Legion d'honneur pour 1867. I''^- annee. Paris, 1867, 16'- Legion d' Honneur, par A. d' Amade. Nice, 1873, 8«- Livre d'or, conteuant la liste generale des personnes qui ont souscrit pour la reconstruction du palais de la Legion d'honneur, incendie le 23 mai 1871. Paris, 1871, 8«- Biographic des J^ocietes Fran^aises de Tir. Annuaire prepare et publie par 1' Union Nationale des Societes de Tir de France en 1889. [With the devices of the societies.] Paris, 1889, 8"- Genealogies of French Nobility. MS. No. 301. Lambeth Palace. Genealogies of French Families. MS. No. 317. Lambeth Palace. Arms and pedigrees of the French nobility of the reigns of Louis XIV. and XV. with numerous shields of arms em- blazoned. Stowe MS. 410, Brit. Mus. Genealogies of Princely Families of France. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 30,342. Plusieurs Genealogies des principales Families originaires de Paris ou etablis a Paris, quoiqu' ayant une origine etrangere ; alphabetically Arranged, with the arms coloured. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,473. Double des Proces Verbaux ; contenant les Preuves de Noblesse faites par les Gentilshommes re^us en la Chambre de la Noblesse aux Etats de Bourgogne, a commencer de 1 680 ; in three large folio volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 15,650—15,652. Reformation de la Noblesse de 1' Evesche de Quimpercorentin ou Cornouailles, pendant les annees 1426, 1444, et 1536. Large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,910. Genealogies of French Families, in alpha- betical order, with their arms in colours, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,607. Histoire de la Pairie de France, b}' Jean Le Laboureur. cio^ca, 1666. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,742. Genealogies of the Royal and Noble Families of France, with Arms, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,373. " Portraits et caracteres des personnes les plus Illustres de la Cour de France," in three parts, noticing the royal family, the marshals and nobility, and the ministers of state, 1703. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,507. La France Chretienne, ou Estat des Archevechez et Evechez de France ; leur Scituatiou, leur distance de Paris, le nom des Cathedralles, et de leurs 1^^ Eveques le nombre de ceux qui les ont possede, et le Blazon de ceux qui le possedent a present. Par Jacques Clievillard. Par's, 1692, 4P- Gallia Christiana, in provincias ecclesias- ticus distributa ; qua series et historia archiepiscoporum, episcoporum, et abbatum Francioe, etc., by Denis de Sainte-Marthe. 16 vols. Paris, 1715 —1865, fol. Another edition, 1870, etc. in progress. Le Clerge de France, par Alexis Nacquet. Paris, 1725, 4° Bibliotheque Sacree, ou dictionnaire universel des sciences ecclesiastiques, par les Peres Richard et Geraud. 29 vols. Paris, 1822—29, 8«- [The last two vols, contain a catalogue of the French Bishops.] La France Pontiticale (Gallia Christiana). Histoire Chronologique & Biographique des Archeveques & Eveques de tons les Dioceses de France depuis I'etab- 558 Feakce. lissement du Christianisme jusqu' a nos jours, par Honore J. P. Fisquet. 22 vols. Paris (1864—1871.) 8'^- Arras, in colours, of the Sees and Bishops of France during the 18th century, with some later additions by another hand. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,472. Armorial de I'Fpiscopat Fran^ais, par Taupin d'Auge. Paris 1870 ? etc. 4«- In progress. Armorial des Cardinaux, archeveque et evqcues contemjDorains de France, par Henri Tausin. Saint-Quentin, 1874, 180- Le Blason des Armes, avec les Armes de Princes et Seigneurs de France, par Claude Nourry. Lyon, sine anno. 12^- L'Armorial, ou collection des armoiries de toutes les villes de France. Paris, n.d. 32«- Le blason des armes auec les armes des princes et seigneurs de France. Lyon, 1503, 8«- Le Blason des celestes et tres Chres- tiennes armes de France ; contenant le devis des troys fleurs de Sapience, justice et bon conseil assises au champ de vertu, par Jacques de La Mothe. Eouen, 1549, 8"- Le Simbol Armorial des Armoiries de France, d'Ecosse, et de Lorraine, par Jean Le Feron. Paris, 1555, 4''- LeJardin d' Armoiries. Gall, et Belg. Gendt, 1567, 12 • Arms of the Kings and chief Nobility of France in the time of Henry IV., and an account of the institution of the several orders of knighthood, the names of those belonging to the order of the St. Esprit in 1594, and lists of the chief officers of the crown, the princi- pal courts of the realm, etc. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 557. Tableaux des Armoiries de France, par P. Moreau. Paris, 1609, 8^' Another edition, 1630, fol. L'Estat et Comportement des Armes ; contenant 1' Institution des Armoiries, et Methode de dresser des Genealogies, &c. Par M. Jean Schoier Beau- montois. Paris, 1620, fol. Blason des Armoiries, auqucl est raon- strce la maniere de laquelle les Anciennes et Modernes out use en icelles, derniere edition, revue et cor- rigee, par H. de Bara. Paris, 1628, fol. Abrege du Blason des Armoiries. Folio single sheet. Les armoiries des ConnestRbles, Grands- Maistres, Chanceliers, Admiraux, Mareschaux de France, et Preuosts de Paris, avec leurs noms, &c., par Jean Le Feron. Paris, 1628, fol. Armoiries des premiers Pairs qui jadis on appelloit les Douze Pairs de France, et celles des modernes Ducz, Pairs et non Pairs, qui vivent aujourdhuy, par le Sieur de Valles. 1633. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 1229. Recueil des Armes de plusieurs Nobles Maisons et Families de France, par Claude Magneney. Paris, 1633, fol. Another edition, 1663. Grand-Pre (Cesar). Cesar Armorial, recueil des Noms Armes et Blasons de toutes les Illustres principales et Nobles Maisons de France. Paris, 1654. Tresor heraldique, ou Mercure armorial. Enrichy de Figures et du Blason des Maisons Nobles et considerables de France, &c., par Ch. Segoing. Paris, 1657, fol. Promptuaire Armorial et general, etc., par Jean Boisseau. Paris, 1657-58, fol. Le Trophee d' Armes Heraldique. [By Nic. et Jean de La Coste.] Troisieme edition. Paris, 1659, 4'^- Blason des Princes, Pairs, et Officiers de la Couronne de France. Paris j 1661. La vraye et parfaite Science des Ar- moiries ; augmente par Pierre Palliot ; avec des figures, et une table des families, par Louvan Geliot. Paris, 1661, fol. La vraye et parfaite science des Armoir- ies, ou L' Indice Armorial, de Louvan, Geliot augmente ; avec des figures, et une table, par P. Palliot. Paris, 1664, fol. Armorial Universal, contenant les Armes et Blasons des Maisons nobles et illustres de France. Paris, 1663, fol. Origine des Armoiries ; avec une table, et des planches, par C. F. Menestrier. Paris, 1680, 12o- Recueil de plusieurs Pieces et Figures d' Armoiries, par Marc Vulson, Sieur de la Colombiere. Paris, 1689, fol. Fbance. 559 Un Jeu de Cartes du Blason, par Claude Fran9ois Menestrier. Lyon, 1692 (1696), 120- Le Blason de France, ou Notes curieuses sur I'Edit concernant la Police des Armoiries ; avec un Dictionnaire de tous les termes du Blason, et des Planches, par Thibault Cadot. Paris, 1697, 8«- Le grand armorial, par Jean Chevillard. Paris, 1700, fol. Tableau de I'Honneur, ou abrege metho- dique de la science du blason, par Jacques Chevillard. [42 Plates with brief accompanying letterpress, chiefly illustrating the heraldry of France.] Paris, 1698—1705, fol. Dictionnaire heraldique contenant les armes and blasons des princes, prelats, grands-Officiers de la Couronne & de la Maison du Koi, etc., par J. Chevil- lard. Paris, 1723, 12^' Armorial General de la France, par L. P. d'Hozier & A. M. d'Hozier. 6 vols. Paris, 1738—68, fol. Indicateur du grand Armorial General de France, par Charles d'Hozier. 2 vols. Paris, 1865, 8"- Armorial general ou registre de la noblesse de France, par L. P. d'Hozier, repro- duction textuelle de I'edition originale de 1738 — 68, avec les parties com- plementaires. 25 vols. Paris, (Didot,) 1865—1873, fol. Armorial des priucipales Maisons et Families du royaume, particulierement de celles de Paris et de I'lsle de France, par P. P. Dubuisson. 2 vols. Paris, 1757, 120- " Epreuves Generales des Caracteres, copie par Leclabart, Ecrivain imitateur de Caracteres d' imprirnerie. A Paris, 1783 ; " consisting of pen-and-ink copies of specimen of type, etc. inclu- ding Dubuisson's Armorial, 1757. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,086. Armorial de la Chambre des Comptes, depuis I'Annee 150(3, precede d'un Etat de Messieurs les Officiers jusqu'en 1506, par Mile. Denys. Paris, 1769, 4°- Second edition, 1780. Armes des Gouverneurs, des Lieutenans de lioy, des Prevots des Marchauds et Echevins, des Procureurs et Avocats du Eoy, etc. de la Ville de Paris, par P. F. Beaumont. Paris, 1776, fol. Armorial General de I'Empire FrauQais, &c. presente a sa Majeste I'Empereur et Koi, par Henry Simon. Paris, 1812, fol. Vol. I 'only pnhlisJiecl Armorial des Families de France, par Viton de Saint- Allais. Paris, 1817, 8°' Vol. I. only puhlisJied. Armorial General de la Chambre des Pairs de France, par Jullien de Cour- celles. Paris, 1822, 4«- Armorial National de France, recueil complet des Armes des Yilles et Pro- vinces du Territoire Fran^ais, par H. Traversier. Paris, 1842—1860, 4P^ Nouveau manuel complet du blason, ou code heraldique, par J. Pantet. Paris, 1843, 18°- Armorial Historique de la Noblesse de France, par Henry J. G. de Milleville. Paris, 1845, 4«- Armoires des Maisons alliees a la Maison des Bastard, originaire du comte Nan- tais, existant encore en Guienne, au Maine, en Bretagne, et en Devonshire Paris, 1847, 8«- Album de Blasons des Archives genea- logiques et historiquesfde la Noblesse de France. Paris s.d. (about 1850) 8°- Kecherches sur I'Origine du Blason et en particulier sur la Fleur de Lis, avec xxir planches gravees, par A. de Beau- mont. Paris, 1853, 8«- Armorial de la Noblesse de France, par MM. d'Auriac et Acquier. 11 vols Paris, 1855—69, 4«- Armorial general de France, par A, F. J. Borel d'Hauterive. 3 Vols. Paris 1856—78, 8«- Kecueil d' Armoiries des Maisons Nobles de France, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1860, 8°- Histoire de la Bibliophilie : Reoherches sur les Bibliotheques des plus celebres Amateurs, Armorial des Bibliophiles. Paris, 1861—64, fol. 10 Parts only published, by Techener. Album de blasons des archives genea- logiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, par J. Laine. Paris, 3 862, 8"- Armorial Departemental [of France.] Par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac et A. D. L. F. E. de Piolenc. Paris, 1863, etc., 80-. 560 Feance. Armorial de la Franclie — Comte suivi de la liste des maisons revues dans les chapitres nobles de la Province, dans le Parlement, le Gouvcrnement muni- cipal, par Adr. Bonvallet. Besan^on, 1863, 12«- Armorial des villes, des communautes religieuses et des corporations civiles de la Frauche- Comte, par Aristide Dej. Vesoul, 1865, 8°- Armorial general des registres de la Noblesse de France, resume et precede d'une notice sur la famille d'Hozier, par E. de Barthelemy. By L. P. and A. M. Hozier. Paris. 1867, 8«- Les Mysteres du Blason de la Noblesse et de la Feodalite, Curiosites bizarreries et singularites, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Par. 1868, 8°- Lettres inedites de L. P. d'Hozier et de J. Du Castre d'Auvigny, sur 1' Armorial et r Hotel Royal du Depost de la Noblesse publiees par J. Silhol. Paris, 1869, 8«- Armorial du Bibliophile, avec illustrations dans le texte, par Joannis Guigard. 2 vols. Paris, 1870—73, 8«- Nouvel Armorial du Bibliophile. Guide de I'amateur des livres armories par Joannis Guigard. Paris, 1890, 8«- La France heraldique, par Ch. Poplimont. 8 vols. Bruges, 1870—74, g^- Armorial General de France, par C. D'Hozier, publie par H. Bouchot. Dijon, 1875, etc. S^- Indicateur des Armoiries des Villes, Bourgs, Villages, Monasteres, Commu- nautes, Corporations, etc., contenues dans I'Armorial general de D'Hozier, par Ulysse Pobert. Paris 1879 8"- Armorial Special de France, par A. B. d'Agnieres. Paris, 1877, 8^- Galerie heraldo-nobiliaire de la Franche- Comte, by L. ISuchaux. 2 vols. Paris, 1878, S^- Blason populaire de la France, par Henri Gaidoz et Paul Sebillot. Paris, 1884, 12"- Armorial des princes, dues, marquis, barons et comtes remains en France, crees de 1815 a 1890, etc., par L. de Magny. Paris, 1891, 8«- Arms of French Nobility, b}^ Robert Glover. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5885. Les Armories des gentilshommes de France. L'Armorial de Normandie, commen9ant a Guillaume Longue espee, 2nd due de Normandie. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tib. D. II. 63. The Arms of Provinces which belonged to Charles the Bold, Duke of Bur- gundy. 1482—1504. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,700. Arms, in colours, of the Grand-masters, Chancellors, Marshals, Admirals, and Provosts of France, from 618 to 1622. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,325. Arms of the French Nobility, in colours, and described by Nicolas Quesnel, 1630. In French. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 26,692 ; 26,693. Coloured coats of arms of the Members of the Parliament of Paris, in the years 1647—1699. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,994. Arms, in colours, of the Constables of France, from the time of Childeric to Louis XIII. with biographical notices. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,325. Armoiries des provinces, villes, et seig- neuries annexees a la France, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 796. Arms, in colours, of the Royal Family and chief Nobility of France, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,455, 167. Arms, in colours, of all the Provinces and chief Towns of France, with the signatures of the principal inhabitants, 19th century, 4 volumes, large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 32,052 to 32,055. Arms of the Goldsmiths' Company of France. See " Histoire de 1' Orfev- rerie-Joaillerie de la France et de la Belgique," par Paul Lacroix. Paris, 1850, 8«- Seals of the Sovereigns, etc. of France. See " Tresor de Numismatique et de Glyptique," par M. C. Lenormant. Paris, 1S34— 37, fol. Lilium Francicura A'eritate historica botanica et heraldica illustratum, par I. J. Cbifletius. Antverpise, 1658, fol. Sopra I'Effigie di Cesare. (Charles V.) By A. F. Doni. Vinegia, 1550, S^- . Feance. 561 Les Tombeaux des Personnes illustres avec leurs Eloges, Genealogies, Armes et Devises, par J. Le Laboureur. Paris, 16J.2, fol. Les Monuments de la Monarchie Fran^aise, etc. par Bernard de Montfaucon. 5 vols. Paris, 1729—33, fol. Another edition, La Haye, 1745, fol. English translation. 2 vols. London, 1750, fol. Bulletin Monumental ou Collection des Memoires sur les Monuments His- toriques de France, publie sous les auspices de la Societe Fran^aise pour la Conservation et la description des Moniiments nationaux, et dirige par M. de Caumont. Paris, Caen, Tours, 1834, etc. 8"- In progress. Drawings of funeral escutcheons and armorial bearings of the Royal Families of Austria and France, and other heraldic drawings, with descriptions in French and German, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,985. Histoire de la Chevalerie Fran9ais depuis la Fondation de la Monarchie jusqu' a ce jour, par J. M. Gassier. Paris, 18i4, 8«- Des Distinction honorifiques et de la particule, par Henri Beaune. 2 edit. Paris, 18o2, 12^- Histoire de la Milice Fran^oise, par Gabriel Daniel. 2 vols. Paris, 1721, 4''- Another edition, Amst. 1724, 40 Panoplie ; ou Reunion de tout ce qui a trait a la guerre, depuis I'origine de la nation fran^aise jusqu' a nos jours, par J. B. L. Carre. 2 vols. Chalons et Paris, 1795, 4''- Les Ex-Libris Fran9ais depuis leur origine jusqu' a nos jours, Nouvelle edition, revue, tres-augmentee et ornee de vingt-quatre planches, par. A. Poulet-Malassis. Paris^ 1875, 8«- Kecherches sur les drapeaux francais, oriflamme, banniere de France, marques nationales, coleurs du roi [with coloured plates], par Gustave Adolphe Desjar- dins. " Paris, 1874, 8«- Les Mayeurs et les Maires d' Abbeville, 1184—1847, par F. C. Louandre. Abbeville, 1851, 8°- Names of the Combatants at the •Battle of Agincourt. See " History of the Battle of Agincourt," by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. Lond. 1827, 8°- Second edition, 1832. Nobiliaire du Departement de I'Ain, (Bresse, Dombes, Bugey et Pays de Gex), xvir et xviii siecles, par Jules Baux. 2 vols. Bourg-en-Bresse, 1862 —64, 80- Notes sur I'anciennete des families du departement de I'Ain, par un Dombiste. Bourg-de-Bresse, 1878, 12«- Alen^on, see Perche. Genealogie des Comtes d'Amanza, par Pierre Palliot. Paris, about 1660, fol. Recueil de plusieurs nobles et illustres maisons du diocese d' Amiens, et a I'environ, des Alliances et vertueux actes des Seigneurs en suite des antiquitez d' Amiens, par A. de La Morliere. Amiens, 1630, 4P- Les antiquitez, etc. d'Amiens. Recueil de plusieursNobleset illustres Maisons. Armorial ou sont dechiffrees les armes que portent toutes les maisons, etc., par A. de La Morliere, corrige et augmente par le Sieur d'Hozier, etc. Troisiesme edition. Paris, 1642, fol. First edition, 1627. Histoire d'Ancenis et de ses Barons, par E. Maillard. Nantes, 1860, 8o- Deuxieme edition augmentee, 1881. Armorial des Maires de la ville d'Angers, par Lambron de Lignim. Angers, 1845, 4'- Histoire de la Ville et des Comtes d' Angoulesme, par Francis de Corlieu. Angoulesme, 1631, 4*^- Anjou, see also Bourgogne ; Touraine. La Chronique et la Genealogie des Comtes d' Anjou, de la Maison de France, par Antoine de la Salle. Paris, 1517, 4«- Histoire des anciens Comtes d' Anjou et de la Construction d' Amboise. Paris, 1681, 4P Histoire sommaire des Comtes et Dues d' Anjou, par Bern, de Girard. Paris, 1818, 8o- Armorial general de 1' Anjou, par Joseph Denais. 3 vols. Angers, 1878 — 85, 8o- Aquitaine, see also Auvergne. Histoire des Hois et des Dues d' Aqui- taine et des Comtes de Poitou, par A. D. de la Fontenelle et J. P. M. Dufour. Paris, 1842, 8o- 562 Feance. Des Origines du premier Duche d' Aquitaine, par C. Perroud. Paris, 1881. La Noblesse d' Armagnac en 1789, par le vieomte de Bastard d' Estang. 1862, 80- La Chevaleri d' Armenson, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1860, 4P- Troisvilles, d' Artagnan et les trois mous- quetaires. Esquisses biograpliiques et heraldiques suivies d' une notice sur les denx compagnies de mousquetaires et de la liste de leurs capitaines, par De Jaurgain. Paris, 1884, 8°- Theatre de la Noblesse de Flandre et d' Artois et autres Provinces, par Jean Le Eonx. Lille, 1708, 4«- Notice de I'etat ancien et moderne de la province et Comte d' Artois, par Bultel. Paris, 1748, 12'^- Noblesse et chevalerie du comte de Flandre, d' Artois, et de Picardie, par Paul Koger. Amiens, 1843, S^- Armorial d'Artois et de Picardie, par M. Borel D' Hauterive. 2 vols. Paris, 1856, etc. 8«- Inventaire des Sceaux de 1' Artois et de la Picardie. Par G. Demay. Paris, 1877, 1.''- La Chancellerie d' Artois, ses officiers et leur genealogie, par A. Le Boucq de Ternas. Arras, 1882, 8"- Armorial du Departement de I'Aube, par Alp. Iloserot. Troyes, 1879, 8«- Armorial general des personnes, domaines, compagnies, corps et communautes de I'Aude. Carcassonne, 1876, 8^^- Livre d'or du noblesse d'Austrasie : Bel- gique, etc, par Gabriel Ogilvy, tome 1. Brux. 1861, 4«- Peclierches et memoires servant a I'his- toire del'ancienne villa et cite d'Autun, par J. Munier, 1660, l^- [This con- tains the arms etc, of the Counts of Autun.] Armorial de la ville d'Autun, par Harold de Fontenay. Autun, 1868, 8° Auvergne, see also under Family History. Stemma Arvernicum sive Genealogia supremorumprincipum Comitum Arver- niae, Hucumque Aquitanise, etc., by Chris. Justel. Paris. 1644, fol. Nobiliaire d' Auvergne, par J. B. Bouillet. 7 vols. Clermont-FeiTand, 1846-53, 8o- Dictionnaire heraldique de I'Auvergne, par J. B. Bouillet. Clermont-Ferrand, 1857, 80- Armorial historique du diocese et de I'Etat d' Avignon, par Henri Eeynard- Lespinasse. 1875. 4^- Monuments de I'Abbaye du Mont Saint — Michel, au Diocese d'Avranches, decrits par M. De Eothemont. Paris, 1882, 4^ Monographic de Baumes de Venisse, par I'Abbe A. Allegre. Carpentras, 1888, 80- Beam, see also Gascogne ; Landes. Histoire de Foix, Beam, et Navarre, en laquelle est montree I'origine, accroisse- ment, alliances, genealogies droits, et successions des families jusqu'a Henrie IV. Eoi de France et de Navarre, Seigneur Souverain de Beam et Comte de Foix, par Pierre Alhagaray. Paris, 1609, 4P- Genealogie des Seigneurs Souverains de Beam, par J. P. De Lescun. Paris, 1616, 4«- Histoire de Beam, con tenant I'origine des Eois de Navarre, des Dues de Gas- cogne, Marquis de Gothic, Princes de Beam, Comtes de Carcassonne, de Foix, et de Bigorre, &c. par Pierre De Marca. Paris, 1640 fol. Armorial de Beam, 1696 — 1701, par A. de Dufau et J. B. E. de Jaurgain. Paris, 1889, etc, S^- Beaujolais, see also Lyons. Histoire du Beaujolais et des Sires de Beaujeau, suive de I'Armorial de la Province, par le Baron Ferd. de la Eoche la Carelle. 2 vols Lyon, 1853, 40. Memoires des Pays, Yilles, Comte et Comtes, Evesche et evesques, pairie, commune et personnes de renom de Beauvais et Beauvaisis, par I'Oisel. Paris, 1617, 4«- Armorial des Eveques de Beauvais, par Count Arthur De Marsy. Paris, 1865, 8^- Berry, see also Bourgogne. Histoire de Berry (et les armes des Maires de la ville de Bourges), par Jean Chaumeau. Lyon, 1566, fol. Histoire du Berry, contenant tout ce qui regarde cette Province et le Diocese de Bourges : la Vie et les Eloges des bommes illustres, et les Genealogies France 563 des Maisons Nobles, etc. Par G. Thaumas de la Thaumassiere. Bourges, 1689, fol. New edition, 4 vols. Bourges, 1865—71, 8o- Nouvelle Histoire du Berry ; avec les histoires, heraldiques, genealogiques etc. des maisons et families nobles de Berry, par M. Pallet. 5 vols. Paris, 1783—86, 8«- Histoire gonealogique de quelques Families du Berry, par le V*® Ferdinand de Maussabre. Bourges, 1859, ^^^ Histoire des dioceses de Besan^on et de Saint-Claude, par 1' Abbe liichard. 2 vols. Besan^on, 1847—1851, 8o- Les Sceaux de la Commune, 1' Hotel de Ville et le Palais de Justice de Besan9on, par Aug. Castan. Besan- ^on, 1872, 8«- Htstoire de Blois, contenant les Anti- quitez et Singularitez de Blois, les Eloges de ses Comtes, les Vies des Hommes illustres qui sont nez au pays de Blois ; avec les Noms et les Arraoiries des Families nobles, par J. Bernier. Paris, 1682, 4'^- Notes pour servir a la biographic des srrands hommes de la ville de Bordeaux et du departement de la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1858, 8«- Nobiliaire du departement des Bouches- du-Rhone, histoire genealogique, par Gourdon de Genouillac et de Piolenc. Paris, 1863, 8°- Boulogne, see also Ponthieu. Genealogie des Comtes de Bolongne extraicte du Due Jean de Berry, etc. Paris, 1564, 4^ Genealogies de quelques noble families de Bourbonnais et autres lieux, par J. Megret. Moulins, 1685, 4«- Armorial du Bourbonnais, par le Q^^ George de Soultrait. Moulins, 1857, 8°' Deuxieme edition, 2 vols. 1890. [Arms are printed in colours.] Histoire des Koys, Dues, et Comtes de Bourgogne et d'Arles, depuis 408, jusqu'en 1350 ; avec plusieurs tables genealogiques, &c., par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1619, 4^- Histoire Genealogique des Dues de Bourgogne, de la Maison de France, des Dauphins de Viennois, • et des Comtes de Valentinois, par Andre Du Chesne. Paris, 1628, 4o- Histoire du Parlement de Bourgogne, contenant les noms, surnoms, armes, et blasons des Families Nobles, par P. Palliot, F. Petitot, etc. Dijon, 1649, fol. Other editions in 1660 ; 1733 ; 1749. Genealogie curieuse a I'honneur de quan- tite de Noblesse de Bourgogne et de Hassigny, par Gerard de Hauterive. Dijon, 1653, 12«- Estat de I'lllustre Confrerie de Saint George, autrement dicte de Rougemont en la Franche Comte de Bourgogne, par Pierre de Loisy. Besan^on, 1673, 40. De Prjeclara genealogia Burgunda et regia aliisque multis prsefulgentibus familiis, qua? cum ea conjunguntur, e quibus omnibus Philippus 11. Hispa- niarum et Indiarum rex linea recta descendit, a Doctore Antonio Gomezio de Montemayor. 2 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 313 and 314. Double des Proees Verbaux ; contenant les Preuves de Noblesse faites par les Gentilshommes re^us en la Chambre de la Noblesse aux Etats de Bouro-oo^ne, a commencer de 1680. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 15,650—15,652. Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne de Filipe le Hardi (1364) avec les vies des Empereurs Maximilien et Charles V. par De Fabert. Cologne, 1687, 12^- Another edition, 2 vols. 1689. Genealogie de Messeigneurs les Princes, Dues de Bourgogne, Anjou, et Berry, par Jacques Chevillard. Paris, 1700 ? single sheet. Recueil de la noblesse de Bourgogne, Limbourg, Luxembourg, Gueldres, Flanders, Artois, Haynau, Hollande, Leelande, Namur, Malines et autres provinces representant les noms et surnoms des titres et de ceux desquelles lettres paten tes de che valeric, denoldesse, declarations d'armoiries. etc., par Jean Le Roux. Lille, 1715, 4P- Armorial de Bourgogne et de Bresse, par J. Chevillard. Paris, 1726, fol. Blasons des Gentilshommes de Bourgogne, par Jacques Chevillard. Paris, 1726, 40. Histoire genealogique et historique de Bourgogne. Paris, 1736, 4^- 564 Peance. Histoire Genealogique des Sires de Salins au Comte de Bourgogne, avec notes historiques et genealogiques sur Taacienne noblesse de cette province, par Jean Baptiste Guillaume. Besan^on, 1757—8, 40- Catalogues et Armoiries des Gentils- hommes qui ont assiste a la tenue des Etats Generaux du Duche de Bour- gogne, depuis I'an 1548 jusques 1682, published by J. F. Durand. Dijon, 1760, fol. Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois, 1364—1477. par Brugiere de Barante. Third edition, 13 vols. Paris, 1824—26, S°- Fourth edition, 10 vols. 1830. Fifth edition, 14 vols. 1837. Seventh edition, 12 vols. 1854. Recherches historiques et statistiques sur I'ancienne seigneurie de Neufchatel, au comte de Bourgogne, par I'Abbe Richard. Besan^ou, 1840, S"^- Histoire du Parlement de Bourgogne de 1733 a 1790, par A. S. Des Marches. Chalon, 1851, fol. Catalogue des Gentilshommes de Bour- gogae, par Louis de la Roque et Ed. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1861, 8«- Armorial general de Bourgogne, par Henri Personne. 1863, 4'* La Noblesse aux Etats de Bourgogne de 1350 a 1789, par Henri Beaune et Jules d' Arbaumont. Dijon, 1864, 40. Armorial de la generalite de Bourgogne, par D'Hozier. 2 vols. Dijon, 1875 — 76, 8«- Monographic de 1' Abbaye de St. Yved de Braine, avec la description des Tombes, etc, par Stanislas Prioux. Paris, 1859, fol. Histoire de Bresse et de Bugey, Gex et Yalromey, &c., avec les genealogies de toutesles Families Nobles, etlespreuves, par Samuel Guichenon. Lyon, 1650, fol. Armorial Historique de Bresse, Bugey, etc., par Edm. Reverend du Mesnil. Lyon, 1872. 4<*- (See also Bourgogne.) Histoire de Bretaigne, des rois, dues, comtes, et princes d' icelle, etc., par Bertrand d' Argentre. Paris, 1588, fol. Other editions in 1605, 1612, 1618, 1668, 1681 and 1695, Histoire Genealogique de plusieurs Maisons Illustres de Bretagne, enrichie des Armes et Blasons, par Fr. Aug. du Paz. Paris, 1619, fol. Histoire Genealogique des Maisons de Vitre et de La Val, par P. Le Baud, avec un Catalogue des Nobles de Bretagne, par P. d' Hozier. Paris, 1634. La vie, gestes, mort et miracles des Saincts de la Bretaigne Armorique, ensemble un ample catalogue chrono- logique et historique des evesques des neuf eveschez d' icelle. Accompagne du blason de leur armes, &c., par Albert le Grand. Nantes, 1637, 4o- Histoire de Bretagne, jusqu'en 1458; avec les chroniques des Maisons de Vitre et de Laval, par Pierre le Baud ; avec le Breviaire des Bretons et 1' Armorial des Maisons de Bretagne, par Pierre d' Hozier. Paris, 1638, fol. Histoire du Mareschal de Guebriant, contenant le recit de ce qui s'est passe en Allemagne dans la guerre de France et Suede, et des Estats Alliez contre la maison d' Autriche. Avec I'histoire genealogique de la maison des Budes, et de plusieurs autres des principales de Bretagne. Par Jean La Laboureur. 2 vols. Paris, 1656, fol. Armorial breton, contenant les noms, qualitez, armes et blasons des Nobles, Annoblis, etc., par Guy Le Borgne. Rennes, 1667, 4o- Armorial de Bretagne, par G. L. B. (Guy Le Borgne). Rennes, 1681, fol. Memoires sur I'Etat du Cierge et de la Noblesse de Bretagne, par R. P. Toussaint de Saint Luc. [103 Plates of arms.] Paris, 1691, 8°- Reprinted at Rennes in 1858. Histoire de Bretagne, enrichie de portraits et tombeaux en taille douce, avec les preuves, les Sceaux, etc., par Gui. Alexis Lobineau. Avec armoiries et tables genealogiques. 2 vols. Paris, 1707, 4« Nobiliaire de Bretagne ; ou Catalogue des Nobles de la province de Bretagne, par J. Chevillard. Paris, 1720 and 1758, fol. Succession Chronologique des Dues de Bretagne, par M. de la Gibonais. Nantes, 1723, 8"- Feakce. 565 Liste generale de Nos Seigneurs du parle- ment de Bretagne, depuis son erection en 1554. Kennes, 1725—1754, 12«- Histoire des Dues de Bretagne, &c., par I'Abbe Francois Guyot des Fountaines. 6 vols. Paris, 1739, 12o- L'Ordre des Bannerets de Bretagne, et leur origine. Caen, 1827, 4^- Histoire des Roiset des Dues de Bretagne, par Iloujoux. Paris, 1829, 8^- Nouvelle edition, 4 vols. Paris, 1839, S^- Nobiliaire de Bretagne, par M. le Chevalier de Beauregard. Paris, 1840, 8«- La Bretagne ancienne et moderne. (Plates of arms). By Pierre Pitre-Chevalier. Paris (1844), 8«- Armorial general de Bretagne, depuis 1400 jusqu'en 1668, par Briant de Laabriere. Paris, 1844, 8^ Armorial de Bretagne, contenant les noms et prenoms des families Bre- tonnes, I'origne connue des families &c. par Guerin de la Grasserie. 2 vols. Rennes, 1845 — 48, fol. Supplement, et Suite du Supplement, published in 1856. Nobiliaire de Bretagne ou Tableau de I'Aristocratie bretonne ; Contenant les noms et arras de tons les gentilshommes bretons, par P. Potier de Courcy. Saint-Pol-de-Leon, 1846, 4o- Biographie Bretonne ; recueil de notices sur tous les Bretons qui se sont fait un nom, par P. Levot. 2 vols. Vannes and Paris, 1852, 4<^- Abrege du Nobiliaire de la province de Bretagne, par le Pere du Perre. Kennes, 1853, S^- Histoire des Dues de Bretagne, par Celine Pallet. Limoges, 1854, 12°- Dictionnaire heraldique de Bretagne, par Pol Potier de Courcy. Saint- Brieuc, 1855, 80- Nobiliaire et Armorial de Bretagne, 2^- edition corrigee et augmentee, par Pol Potier de Courcy. 3 vols, Nantes, 1862, 40- Recherches sur le Chevalerie du Duche de Bretagne, par A. De Couffon de Kerdellech. 2 vols. Nantes, 1877, 8"- Moeurs et coutumes des Fanjilies bre- tonnes avant 1789, par Edouard Frain. Rennes, 1880—82, B^- Only 100 copies printed. A Register of the Nobles in the Bishop- ric of St. Pol de Leon, in Bretagne, 1426, 1441, 1443—1448. Large folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,909. Armorial et Nobiliaire de I'eveche de Saint Pol de Leon en Bretagne en 1443, par le Marquis P. de Refuge, Deuxieme edition, avec une intro- duction et des notes par Pol Potier de Courcy. Paris, 1863, S^- Histoire des Comtes de Brienne, conte- nant un precis genealogique de cette illustre maison, accompagnee de nom- breux documents historique, etc. par Bourgeois. Troyes, 1818, B^- Le Blason de Brou, par Antoine Du Saix, reimprime par A. Yayssiere. Bourg-en-Bresse, 1876. W- Only 95 copies printed. The Names and Arms, coloured, of the principal Captains as well Noble- men as Knights, that were with Edw. III. at the siege of Calais, 1345. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6595. Histoite genealogique des Pais-Bas, ou Histoire de Cambray et du Cambresis, enrichies des genealogies, eloges, et armes des Comtes, Dues, Eveques, & presque de 4000 families nobles, tant des XYii provinces que de France, par J. Le Carpentier. 2 vols. Leide, 1664, 4<^- Armorial du Cambresis, par M. Borel d'Hauterive, see Armorial general de irance, vol. i. Paris, 1856, S^- Histoire des Comtes de Carcassonne, par Guillaume Besse. Beziers, 1645, 4*^- Histoire de Carcassonne, avec les preuves, par le Pere Bouges. Paris, 1741, 4°- Traicte du Comte de Castres et dee Seig- neurs et Comtes d'iceluy, par D. Defos. Tolose, 1633, 4o- Notice genealogique sur les Comtes de Castres, par C. Stroobant. Anvers, 1853, 8°- Armorial de la ville a Chalons-sur-Marue, par Ed. de Barthelemy. Chalons, 1856, 12«- Armorial general de la generalitie de Chalons-sur-MarnC) apres de manuscrit original et annotce par Ed. de Barthe- lemy. Chalons, 1862, 12o- Premier Livre des memoires des Comtes de Champagne et de Brie, par Pierre Pithou. Paris, 1572, 1581, 4«- 566 France. Campaaia3 Comitum genealogia et brevis Historia ex variis chronologis, etc., Claudii Moissaat, eolbcta. Paris, 1605, 1607, 8«- Coustumes du Bailliage de Troyes en Charapaigne, le premier livre des Memoires des Comtes de Charapaigne et Brie ; la genealogie des diets Corates, par P. Pithou. Troyes, 1609, ¥^ Genealogie des Comtes de Champagne, de Troyes, de Meaux, et de Brie, par Pierre Pithou. Paris, 1672. 4o- Kecherche de la Noblesse de Champagne, faites par ordre de Louis XIV. sous la direction de M. Caumartin, par Charles I)' Hozier Chaalons, 1673, fol. Other editions, in 1852 and 1868. Proces Verbal de la recherche de la noblesse de Champagne, par L. F. Lefevre de Caumartin. Chaalons 1673, 8«- Notes de Monsieur de Caumartin sur la llecherche des Nobles de la Province de Champagne en 1673, par C. 11. d'Hozier. Paris, 1883, 12«- Histoire des Comtes de Champagne et de Brie, par Kobert-Martin le Pelletier. 2 vols. Paris, 1735, 12o- Another edition in 1753. Nobiliaire de Champagne ou Catalogue des Nobles de la province de Cham- pagne de Caumartin et Larcher, par J. Chevillard. Paris 1758, fol. Histoire des comtes de Champagne et de Brie, par De I'Allier J. B. Beraud. 2 vols. Paris, 1842, 8«- Les Armoiries des comtes de Champagne, par H, d'Arbois de Jubainville. Paris, 1852, S"' Essai sur les sceaux des Comtes et des Coratesses de Champagne, etc. par M. H. d'Arbois de Jubainville. Paris, 1856, fol. De la Noblesse maternelle en Champagne, et de I'abus des changements de noms, par Pierre Biston. Chalons, 1859, 8o- Second edition, 1859. Histoire des dues et des comtes de Cham- pagne, depuis le vi® siecle jusqu' a la tin du xiii^ siecle, par M. H. d' Arbois de Jubainville. 7 vols. Paris, 1859 —69, 8"- Catalogue des Gentilshommes de Cham- pagne, par L. de la Koque et E. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1861, 80- Factum of the Earl of Arran touching the Kestitution of the Duchy of Cha- telherault, mdclxxxv. Edited by W. B. D. D. Turnbull. Edinburgh, 1813, 8"- Only 60 copies printed. Histoire de Chatelleraud et du Chatelle- raudais, par Lalanne. 2 vols. Cha- telleraud, 1859, 8"- Histoire des Fiefs et Principaux Villages de la Seigneurie de Commercy, avec un tableau genealogique et chronolngique des Seigneurs de Commercy, par Charles E. Dumont. 2 vols. Nancy, 1856, 8"- lleformation de la Noblesse de I'Evesche de (.^uimpercorentin ou Cornuailles, 1426, 1444, et 1536. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,910. Les Corses fran^ois contenant I'histoire genealogique des plus illustres Seigneurs et Gentilshommes de I'lsle de Corsegue. par Jean Baptiste de I'Hermite Souliers, Paris, 1662, 12"- Another in 16()7. Dangeau et ses Seigneurs (1064 — 1790), par M. Maurice de Possesse. Chartres, 1878, 8«- Projet de I'Histoire genealogique des Families Nobles de Dauphino, par Guy Allard. Grenoble, 1669, 4"- L'Estat politique de la province de Dauphine, avec les genealogies des families de cette province, par Nicolas Chorier. 4 vols. Grenoble, 1671 — 72, 12«- Nobiliaire de Dauphine, ou Discours his- torique des Families nobles qui sont en cette Province, avec les Blasous de leurs Armoiries, par Guy Allard. Grenoble, 1671, 12o- Another edition in 1696. Histoire genealogique des Maisons de Dauphine, par Guy Allard. 3 vols. Grenoble, 1672—80, 4'^- Another edition, 4 vols. 1697. Description du Dauphine, avec I'histoire genealogique des Dauphins Viennois, depuis Guigue I. jusqu' a Louis V., par C. Z. A. Francf. 1693, 12«- Le Nobiliaire de la province de Dauphine, par Nicolas Chorier. 4 vols. Grenoble 1697, 12"- Histoire de Dauphine et des Princes qui ont porte le nom de Dauphins, etc., [v^^ith genealogical tables and plates of seals and arms], by J. P. Moret de BourcLenu. 2 vols, Geneve, 1722, fol. Feakce. 567 Catalogue des Gentilshommes de Dauph- ine, bj L. de la Roque et Ed. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1861, So- Armorial de Dauphine, contenant les Armoiries figurees, accompagnees de notices genealogiques completant les nobiliaires de Chorier et de Gruy A Hard, par Gr. de Rivoire et de la Batie. Lyon, 1867, 4«- Genealogies et Armoiries Dauphinoises, par E. Maignien. Grenoble, 1870, 8°' Another edition, 1876 — 85. Armoires de la Ville de Dijon, par G. Saint Pere. Paris, n.d. 4P- Armorial de la Chambre des Comptes de Dijon d'apres le manuscrit inedit du Pere B. Gautier, par Jules D'Arbau- mont. Dijon, 1881, 8«- Memorial de Dombes en tout ce qui concerne cette Ancienne Souverainete, son Histoire,ses Princes, son Parlement, et ses Membres, avec liste nominative, un Armorial, etc. 1523 — 1771, par M. P. d'Assier de Valenches. Lyon, 1 854, 40. Galerie Douaisienne, ou Biographic des Hommes llemarquables de la Ville de Douai, par 11. H. Duthilla3ul. Douai, 1844, 80- Notice historique sur le seel communal, les armoiries et les cachets municipaux de la ville de Dunkerque, par Carlier. Dunkerque, 1855, 8«- La famille Faulconnier et les anciens grands baillis de Dunkerque, par Car- lier. Lille, 1868, 8«- Histoire des Seigneurs d'Enghien terminez es Families de Luxembourg et de Bon- bon, par P. Colins. Mons. 1634, 4<'- Second edition, augmented, etc. Tour- nay, 1643, 4P- Histoire des eveques d'Evreux, avec des notes et des armoiries, par A. Chassant et G. E. Sauvage. Evreux, 1846, Les Archives Heraldiques d'Evreux, par le Yicomte de Burey. Evreux, 1890, 40- Histoire des Comtes de Foix, par M. H. Gaucheraud. Paris, 1834, 8o- Forez, see also Lyons. Repertoire heraldique, ou Arnacrial ge- neral du Forez, par L. Pierre Gras. Lyon, 1874, 8«- Gascogne, see also Guienne. Maison historiques de Gascogne, ou galerie nobiliaire de cette province, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1863, 8°- Maisong historiques de Gascogne, Guienne, Beam, Languedoc et Perigord, par Joseph Noulens. Paris, 1865, etc. S^- Histoire Generale du Pays de Gastinois, Senonois, et Hurepoix, &c., avec les Genealogies des Seigneurs, &c., par Guillaume Morin. Paris, 1630, 4*'- Guienne, see also Gascogne. Nobiliaire de Guienne et de Gascogne. Kevue des families d'ancienne Chevalerie ou anoblies de ces provinces, anterieures a 1789, avec leurs genealogies et armes, par H. G. O'Gilvy. 4 vols. Bordeaux, 1856—83, 8«- [Vol. 3 by J. de Bourrousse de Laft'ore.J Guines, see Ponthieu. La Conionction des Lettres et des Armes des Illustres Princes Charles, Cardinal de Lorraine (1525 — 1574), et Fraupois due de Guyse (1519—1563). Par Nicolas Boucher. Rheims, 1579, 4P- Histoire des Dues de Guise, par De Bouille. 4 vols. Paris, 1849, 8°- Biographic ou galerie historique des hommes celebres du Havre, par Levee. Havre, 1828, S^- Jametz et ses seigneurs, par Buvignier Verdun, 1861, S^- Armorial des Landes et partie du Beam, par le baron de Cauna. 3 vols. Bor- deaux, 1863—69, 80- Clerge et Noblesse des Landes. Armorial, par le baron de Cauna. 2nd edit. Bordeaux, 1864, 8o- Languedoc, see also Gascogne. Catalogue general des Gentils-Hommes de la Province de Languedoc, par Henri de Caux. Pezenas, 1676, fol. Armorial des Estats du Languedoc. Montpellier, 1686, 4o- Armoial des Estats de Languedoc,parD.F. Gastellier de la Tour. Paris, 1767, 4P- Essai historique sur les Etats-generaux de la Province du Languedoc, par Trouve. 2 vols- Paris, 1818, 40- [With plates of Arms, etc.] Noblesse du Languedoc, genealogies des nobles Families de cette province. Toul. 1847, 40- Armorial de la Noblesse de Languedoc, par L. de La Roque. 4 vols. Paris, 1860—61, 8« 668 Fbance. Catalogue des Gentilshommes de Lan- guedoc, par L. de La Koque et Ed. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1861, S^- Annuaire Historique et Genealogique de la province de Languedoc, par Louis de La Koque. Paris, 1861, &c., 8"- Armorial de la Noblesse de Languedoc, Generalite de Toulouse, par Louis de La Roque. Toulouse and Paris, 1863, &c., 8«- Armorial des eveques de Laon, par Arthur Demarsj. Arras, 1865, 8"' Tablettes de la Succession des Seigneurs de Laval, de Mayenne et de Chateau — Gontier, par Leon Maitre. Paris, 1870, fol. La Marche de Lille 1556, par J. Van Driesten. [Facsimile of an heraldic MS. containing 291 arms in colours.] Lille, 1884, 4«- Nobiliaire de la Generalite de Limoges, par Simon Descoutures. 1666, fol. Nobiliaire du diocese et de la generalite de Limoges, par Joseph Nadaud, edite par I'abbe Rov-Pierrefitte. Lim. 1856, Nobiliaire du diocese et de la generalite de Jjimoges, par I'abbe Joseph Nadaud, public par I'abbe A. Lecler. 4 vols. 1880, 8«- Histoire des Vicomtes et de la Vicomte de Limoges par P. Marvaud. 2 vols. Paris, 1878, 8°- Etude sur les comtes et vicomtes de Limoges anterieur a I'an 1000, par R. de Lasteyrie. Paris, 1875, S*^- See also " Bibliotheque de I'Ecole des Hautes-Etudes," vol. xyiii. Nobiliaire du Bas-Limousin, par J. J. M. C. de Bergues-La-Garde. Tulle, 1873, 8«- Eloge historique de la Ville de Lyon, avec les Blasons des Prevosts, des Marchauds et des Echevins, par F. Menestrier. Lyon, 1669, 4«- Armorial de la Noblesse, pour les pays de Lyonnois, Forez et Beaujolois, par Claudine Brunand, Lyon, 1669, fol. Histoire abregee ou eloge historique de la ville de Lion. Par Brossette. Lion, 1711, 4«- Armorial des prevots, des marchauds et echevins de la ville de Lyon, 1596 a 1789, par A. S. Des Marches. Chalon- sur-Marne, 1844, 4°- Armorial General du Lyonnais, Forez et Beaujolais. Lyon, 1860, 4"- Essai d'une monographic des armoiries de la ville de Lyon, par Leon Charvet. Lyon, 1860, S^- Les Origines des families consulaires de la ville de Lyon, depuis 1790, par Vital de Valous. Lyon, 1863, 8"- Essai d'un nobiliaire lyonnais, ou Role des families nobles existantes et repre- sentees dans I'ancienne circonscription de la generalite de Lvon, par Vital de Valous. Lyon, 1864, 8"- Livre d'or du Lyonnais, du Forez et du Beaujolais, par Monfalcon. Paris, 1865, 8''- Des Armoiries des Comtes de Lyon et de Forez et des Sires de Beaujeu, par A. J. Bernard. Lyon. 1867, 8«- Les Titres de la noblesse ancienne et moderne du Lyonnais, transcrits sur les registres de la cour d'appel de Lyon (1808—1858), par L. Niepce. Lyon, 1880, 8"- Abrege de la genealogie des vicomtes de Lomagne divisee en trois races. Avec une dissertation sur la Branche de Candale de la Maison de Foix, par Chasot de Nantigny. Paris, 1757, 12"- Monographic du bourg et de la terre de Maiche, suivie de notices historiques sur I'ancienne seigneuries de la Franche — Montague, par I'Abbe Richard. Besanyou, 1862, 8"^ Maine, see also Touraine. Memoires des anciens Comtes du Maine, par P. Trouillard. Paris, 1643, S^- Dictionnaire topographique, historique, genealogique et bibliographique de la province et du diocese du Maine, par A. R. Lepaige. 2 vols. Mans, 1777, SO- Liste de Messieurs les Officiers de la Maison de Ville du Mans, depuis Fan 1474 jusqu'en 1756. Mans, 1756, 40. Armoiries des eveques du Mans accom- pagnees de celles du corps ecclesiastique et civil de ce diocese, par Th. Cauvin. Le Mans, 1837, 12° Essai sur I'armorial du diocese du Mans, par Th. Cauvin. Le Mans, 1840, U<> Essai sur I'Armorial de I'ancien Diocese du Mans, par A. de Maude. Le Mans, 1865, 80- Feance. 569 Table Genealogique et Historique de^ anciens Yiscomtes de la Marche, Seigneurs d'Aubusson, par Jean du Bouchet. Paris, 1682, fol. Armorial de la Noblesse de la Marche en 1789, par J. P. A. de La Porte. Deuxieme edition. Poictiers, 1874, 8«- Les Seigneurs de Marh^ ; avec notes, armoiries et sceaux, par Adrien Maquet. Paris, 1882, 8"- Arinoritd de la ville de Marseille, recueil officiel dresse par les ordres de Louis XIV. Par le comte Godefroy de Mont- grand. Mars. 1864, 4"- Armorial des echevins de Marseille, de 1660 a 1790, par Octave Teissier et J, Laugier. Mars. 1883,4"- Armorial & Sigillographie des Eveques de Marseille, par 1' Abbe J. H. Albanes. Mars. 1884, 4"- Histoire des Seigneurs de Majenne, par J. B. Guyard de la Fosse. Mans, 1850, 12«- Inscriptions Sepulcrales des Eglises, couvents, hospices, etc., de la Yille de Mons, etc., par Leopold Devillers. Mons, 1858, 4«- Only 100 copies printed. Nobiliaire et armorial de I'ancien bailliage et comte de Montfort-l'Amaury, par Adrien Maquet et le comte Ad. de Dion. i8eo, 8°- Notes pour servir a un Nobiliaire de Montpellier. Par le baron C. de Tourtoulon. Mont. 1856, 8°- Additions aux Notes, etc., 1856. Biographic Montpellieraine. Montpellier, 1877, etc., 80- Premiers Presidents des Cours Souveraines (de Montpellier), 1603—1867, par Louis de La Koque. Mont. 1878, 8°- Les Armoiries de la Ville de Nancy ; origine et description par C. Jambois. Nancy, 1879, 12o- Tombeau de rran9ois II. dernier Due de Bretagne et de Marguerite de Foix dans la Cathedrale de Nantes, par M. Columb. Nantes, s.d. 4°- Catalogue des maires, echevins, procureurs- syndics et greffiers de la ville de Nantes, 1564—1722. Nantes, s.d. fol. Armorial de eveques de Nantes par Ste- phane de La Nicolliere. Nantes, 1868, 80- Le Livre Dore de I'lIotel-de-Ville de Nantes, par Alex. Pcrthuis et S. de la Nicolliere-Teijeiro. 2 vols. Nantes, 1873, 8«- Histoire des Dues, Marquis, et Comtes, de Narbonne. par Guillaume Besse. Paris, 1660, 4"- Notice genealogique sur les Vicomtes de Narbonne, par C. Stroobant. Anvers, 1852, 80- Armorial d I'Ancien Duche de Nivernais, par G. Richard, Count de Soultrait. Nevers, 1844, 12«- Another edition, Paris, 1847, 8"- Arnaorial historique et archeologique du Nivernais, par G. Richard, Count de Soultrait. Societe Nivernais des Sciences, etc. 2 vols. Nevers, 1879, 8°- Epigraphie heraldique du departement de la Nievre, par De Somay. Angers, 1882, 8«- Armorial des maires de Niort suivi de la liste alphabetique des maires echevins et pairs de cette ville, de 1307 a 1789 et de celle des conseillers municipaux de 1786—1865, par Alfred Bonneau. Niort, 1866, 8°- A Chronicle of the Dukes of Normandy, from the beginning to the death of Henry the First, King of England. French. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1717. Gentis Normannicse quae Apuliam, Cala- briam et Siciliam, ab anno 1035 usque ad annum 1195 rexit, ex authoribus qui [Hieronymi] Surita3 Annalibus succedunt. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,958. Genealogy of the Dukes of Normandy, from Kollo to William the Bastard. Vellum roll, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29,504. History and Genealogy of the Dukes of Normandy. MS. belonging to the Marquis of Bath. Longleat, Co. Wilts. Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae sub Begibus Angliaj. Edited by Thomas Stapleton for the Society of Antiqua- ries, London. 2 vols. Lond. 1840, 8°- The Ducal Family of Normandy. See " Journal of the British Archaeological Association," vol. xxx, 123, etc. Arms of ancient Families of Normandy, from a manuscript of about the year 1380. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,455, f. 70. 570 France. List of the Armorial Bearings of the principal families of Normandy, 1346 —1439. Brit. Mus. Add. MS.ll,542. La Cronique des Nobles de neuf elections du Duche de Normandie, a s^avoir, Lizieux, Falaize, Caen, Bayeux, Vire, Avranches, Coutances, Carentan, et Vallongnes, par Kemon Monfault, 1463. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 778. Histories Normannorum Scriptores An- tiqui, &c. GenealogitE Kegum, Ducum, Comitum, et Nobilinra, &c. par Andra3 Du Chesne. Paris, 1619, fol. Histoire Generale de Normandie ; avec I'histoire des Dues, leur Genealogie, et leurs Conquestes, par Gabr. Du Moulin. Bouen, 1631, fol. Histoire generale des Maisons nobles de la province de Normandie, par le Sieur de la Roque. 2 vols. Caen, 1654, fol. Noms, surnoms, et demeure des Nobles do la gcneralitc de Caen, certifiez par Guy Chamillart, 1666. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 779. Becherche de la Noblesse en la Generalite de Caen en 1666 et annees suivants par Guy Chamillart. 2 vols. Caen, 1887, 8«- Nobiliaire de Normandie, ou Catalogue de la Province de Normandie. conte- nant les noms, qualitez, armes, etc. de tous les nobles de cette province, par Jacques Louis Chevillard. Paris, n.d. fol. Nobiliaire de Normandie, par Pierre Paul Dubuisson. Paris, 1720, fol. [This is another edition of J. L. Chevillard's JVohiliaire, etc.] Another edition, 1725. A letter to George, Earl of Leicester, President of the Society of Antiquaries, by J. Henniker. London, 1788. 8°- [This letter was written from Caen in reference to the Armorial Bearings of the Companions of William, Duke of Normandy, in the Conquest of England; with plates of arms.] Guillaume de Jumiege, les Dues de Normandie, avec la Vie de Guillaume le Conquerant, par Guil. de Poitiers, pub. par Guizot. Paris, 1826, 8°- The Dukes of Normandy from the Time of RoUo to the Expulsion of King John by Philip Augustus of France, by Jonathan Duncan. Lond. 1839, 8° Chronique des Dues de Normandie par Benoit, etc. See " Collection de docu- ments inedits sur 1' histoire de France. Premiere Serie. Histoire politique," etc. Paris, 1839, 4^- Chronique des Dues de Normandie, par M. Francisque Michel. 3 vols. Paris, 1836—44, 4"- Histoire des Dues de Normandie, et des Rois d'Angleterre, par F. Michel. Societe de VMstoire de France. Paris, 1840, 80- Les Dues Hereditaires de Normandie, etc., par J. P. A. de La Porte. Bouen [1855?], 8°- Etudes heraldiques sur les anciens monu- ments religieux et civils de la ville de Caen, par II. Bordeaux, Caen, 1847, 8°- See also Societe Frangais, vol. XIII. Paris, 1847, 8o- Histoire des anciennes Corporations d' Arts et Metiers et des Confreries Beligieuses de la Capitale de la Normandie, par Ch. Ouin-Lacroix. Roueij, 1850, 8*^- Biographic Normandie, par Theodore Lebreton. 3 vols. Rouen, 1857-61, 8°- Blason Populaire de la Normandie ; com- prenant les Proverbes, Soubriquets et Dictons relatifs a cette ancienne Province et a ses Habitants, par A. Canel. 2 vols. Rouen et Caen, 1859, 8«- Armorial des Villes et Corporations de la Normandie, 2nd edition, augmentee et omee de Blasons, par A. Canel. Paris, 1863, 80- Catalogue des gentilshommes du bailliage de Vire qui ont pris part a I'assemblee de la noblesse du grand bailliage de Caen, par Isidore Cantrel. Caen, 1863, 8«' Nobiliaire de Normandie, public par une Societe de Genealogistes, avec le con- cours des principales families nobles de la province, sous la direction de Edou- ard de Magny. Paris [1863, 64.] 8«- Nobiliaire de Normandie, par Gabriel O'Gilvy. London, 1864, 8°- Catalogue des Gentilshommes de Nor- mandie, et de Poitou, par La Roque et Barthelemy. Paris, 1865, 8«- Histoire des dues de Normandie jusqu' a la mort de Guillaume le Conquerant, par Labutte, preface d'Henri Martin. Paris, 1866, 8o- Feakce. 571 Sigillographie de la Normandie (Eveche de Bayeux.) By Paul de Farcy. Caen, 1875, 4'^- IvGcherches Nobiliaires en Normandie par un gentilhomme Normand sous-prefet et autiquaire, 1866 — 1876. Caen, 1877, 8''- Inveritaire des sceaux de la Normandie, par Demay. Paris, 1881, 4o- Anciennes Families de Normandie. Le Forestier du Buisson - Sainte - Mar- guerete. Croquis Genealogiques depuis le xv^ siecle. Par C. A. B. Versailles, 1888, 40- Le Sires de Noyers, par Ernest Petit. Auxerre, 1874, 8«- Arjnorial de eveques de Noyon, par Arthur Deraarsy. Noyon, 1864, S*^- Genealogies des Principaux Families de rOrleans, par C. de Vassal. Orleans, 1862, 8«- Nobiliaire de I'Ork'anais, par C. de Vassal. Orleans, 1863, 8"- Catalogue des Dues, Connestables, Chan- celiers, Grands-Maistres, Admiraulx, Mareseliaulx, Prevostz de Paris, dequis le Itoy Clotaire, avec la figure et blason de leurs Armoiries, par Jean Le Feron. Paris, 1555, fol. Catalogue et Blazons de tons les Con- seillers du Parlement de Paris depuis ]G00 jusqu' en 1710 exclusivement, witli short biographical notices. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,434. Noms, Qualities, et Armes des Gouver- neurs, Capitaines, et Lieutenans Gene- raux de la Ville, Prevote et Vicomte de Paris. Paris, 1731, fol. Armorial de la Chambre des comptes de Paris, par D'Yanville. 4 vols. Paris, 1866—74, 4«- Les armoiries de la ville de Paris, sceaux, emblemes, couleurs, devises, b'vrees et ceremonies publiques. Par Coetlogon et Tisserand. 2 vols. Prris, 1873 and 1875, 40- Histoire des pays et comte du Perche et du duche d'Alen^on ou est traite des anciens seigneurs de Bellesme etc., par Gilles Bry. Paris, 1620, 4o- Notice chronologique et historiqjje sur les anciens Comtes du Perche, par Lange. Caen, 1834, 8°- Perigord, see Gascogne. Memoires des Citoyens Nobles de de ville de Perpignan, par I'abbe Joseph Xaupi. Perp. 1742, fol. Another edition, 1769. Kecherches historiques sur la Noblesse des Citoyens Honores de Perpignan, par I'abbe Joseph Xaupi. Paris, 1763, 12"- Another edition, 1776. Picardie, see also Artois. Nobiliaire de Picardie, contenant les Generalitez d' Amiens, de Soissons, Pays recouquis, et partie (Iq I'Election de Beauvais, par Franc;ois Haudicquier de Blancourt. Paris, 1693, 4"- Another edition, 1695. Recherches de la Noblesse de Picardie. Contenant les genealogies des gentils- hommes de cette province, par N. de Villers deRousseville. Amiens, 1708 — 17, fol. Nobiliaire de Picardie, ou Catalogue des Nobles de la Generalite d'Amiens, par J. Chcvillard, et continue par P. P. Dubuisson. Paris, 1758, fol. Tresor genealogique de la Picardie ; ou, recueil de documents inedits sur la Noblesse de cette Province, par un Gentilhomme Picard [Count \i. de Belle val]. 2 vols. Amiens, 1859—60, 80- and4«- llecherches sur I'Orfevrerie et la Bijou- terie, avec planche de blasons des Orfevres picards, par F. Pouy. Amiens, 1872, 80- Armorial de Picardie, Generalite de Soissons, public par J. Borel D' Hau- terive. Paris, 1878, 8^- See also Armorial general de France, vol. 3. 1856, etc. Poitou, see also Normandy ; Aquitaine ; Touraine. Histoire des Comtes de Poictou, et Dues de Guyenne, depuis ran 811 jusques au Roy Louis de jeune, par Jean Besly. Paris, 1647, fol. New edition, 1840, 8«- Dictionnaire historique, biographique et genealogique des Families d I'Ancien Poitou, par Henri Filleau. 2 vols. Poitiers, 1840—54, 8°- Etat du Poitou sous Louis XIV, rapport au roi et memoire sur le clerge, la noblesse, la justice et les finances, suivi du catalogue des nobles, et de la liste des condamnes comme faux-nobles, par Dugast Mastifaux. Fontainay - le - Comte, 1865, S^- 572 France. Armorial du Poitou et etat des nobles reserves dans toutes les elections de la generalite, par Gouget. Niort, 1866, 8«- Armorial de la noblesse du Poitou pour les Etats Generaux en 17S9, par J. P. A. de La Porte. Poictiers, 1874, 8«- Catalogue general. Preuves de noblesse et armoiries des families nobles de Poitou, par J. X. Carre. Tours, 1887, S^- Histoire Genealogique des Comtes de Pontieu, et Maieurs d'Abbeville, oil sont rapportez, leurs Actions Heroyques, leurs Armoiries, etc., depuis I'an 1083 jusqu' a 1657, par J. Sanson. Paris, 1657, fol. Abrego des antiquitez de la ville de Pontoise, et personnes illustres de la dite ville, divise en 11 partes. Rouen, 1720, 8«-^ Notice genealogique sur la branche aine© des Dues et Comtes de Ponthieu, par Schayes. Brux. 1843, S^- Nobiliaire de Ponthieu et de Viraeu, par Eene de Belleval. 2 vols. Amiens, 1861—64, 8'^- Second edition, 1875. Recherches genealogiques sur les comtes de Ponthieu, de Boulogne, de Guines et pays circonvoisins, par La Gorgue- Rosny. 3 vols. Boul. 1874—75, 8«- Genealogie des comtes de Provence, depuis I'an 577 jusqu' a present, tra- duite du Latin de M. de Clappiers, sieur de Vauvenargues, par Francois Du Fort. Aix, 1598, 8«- Another edition, 1603, 4«- Critique du Nobiliaire de Provence de I'Abbe Robert [de Brian^on], conte- nant I'epurement de la noblesse du pais, la difference des Gentilshommes de sang, d'origine de nom et d'armes, d'avec les nobles de race, des ennoblis, et de la noblesse de robbe, la difference enfin sur les diverses especes de Noblesse, etc. 1611. Large folio. Brit. Mus. Ad4 MS. 15,653, L'Histoire et Chronique de Provence. Par C. de Nostradamus. Lyon, 1614, fol. [This work contains many arms and genealogies.] Histoire des Comtes de Provence, enrichee de leurs Portraits, de leurs Sceaux et des Monnoyes de leurs temps, (et de genealogies), par A. de Ruffi. Aix, 1655, 1664, fol. L'Etat et le Nobiliaire de la Provence, par L'Abbe Robt. de Brianson. 3 vols. Paris, 1693, 12'^- Dissertation Historique sur I'Origine des Comtes de Provence, de Venaissin, de Forcalquier, et des Vicomtes de Mar- seille, par Louis Antoine de Ruffi. Marseille, 1712, 4"- Projet d'une histoire des hommes illustres de Provence, par Bougerel. Aix, 1718, 40. Histoire de la Principale Noblesse de Provence, par B. de Maynier. Aix, 1719, 4«- Armorial general de la Noblesse de Provence, par Honore Coussin. Aix, 1756, fol. Histoire Heroique et universelle de la Noblesse de Provence, avec huit grandes cartes Armoriales, par K. Artefeuil. 2 vols. Avignon, 1776, 4P- Supplement, 1786, 40- Dictionnaire de la Provence et du Comte Venaissin, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 2 vols. Marseille, 1786—87, 4«- La Noblesse de Provence, par le comte Horace de Viel-Castel. 2 vols. Paris, 1839, 8°- Liste des gentilshommes de Provence qui ont fait leurs preuves de noblesse de 1787 a 1789, par le comte Godefroy de Montgrand. Marseille, 1860, S^- Catalogue des Gentilshommes de Provence et de la principaute d'Orange, par L. de la Roque et E. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1861, 8°- Armorial des communes de Provence, par Louis de Bresc. Paris, 1867, S^- Les armoiries historiques de la ville de Rodez, par Lunet. Rodez, 1876, 8^- Tombeaux de la Cathedrale de Rouen, par Jean Achille Deville. Rouen, 1833, 80- Other editions in 1837 and 1881. Armorial des archeveques de Rouen, avec des notes genealogiques et biogra- phiques, par Jules Thieury. Rouen, 1864, 40- Catalogue et Armorial des Messieurs du Parlement de Rouen, par Steph. de Merval. Evreux, 1867, 4«- Abrege Historique et Genealogique des Comtes et Vicomtes de Rouerque et de Rodez, ou se voit I'Origine de Gilbert, France. 573 Comte de Provence, inconnue jusqu' a present. Rodez, 1682, 4o- Documens Historiques et Genealogiques sur les Families du Rouergue, par H. de Barrau. 4 vols. Rodez, 1 853 — 60, 8o- Histoire de Sable, contenant les Seigneurs de la Ville de Sable, jusqua a Louis I. Due d'Anjou et Roi de Sicile, premiere partie, qui comprend les Genealogies des Maisons de Sable et de Craon, par Gilles Menage. Paris, 1G83, fol. Nobiliaire de Saint-Mihiel, par Charles E. Dumont. 2 vols. Nancy & Paris, 1864—65, 8«- Le Noblesse de Saintonge et d'Aunis con- voquee pour les Etats Generaux de 1789, by L. De La Morinerie. Paris, 1861, 8'^- Roles saintongeais, suivis de la table alpbabetique generale des nobles des Elections de Saintes et de St. Jean d'Angely. Niort, 1869, 8°- La Saintonge et les Seigneurs de Plassac, par E. Marquis de Dampierre. Paris, 1888, 8''- Histoire de Saint-Vallier, de son abbaye, de ses seigneurs, et de ses habitants, suivie d'une liste des plus anciennes families de Saint-Vallier, par Albert Caise. Paris, 1867, 12'^- Savoy, see also under Family History. Les Grandes Chroniques des Dues de Savoie, par B. C. S. Champier. Paris, 1516, fol. Chronique de Savoye, par Paradin de Cuyseaulx. Genealogical tahle. Lyon, 1552, 4P- Chronique de Savoye, par Guill. Paradin. Avec les figures (blasons) de toutes les alliances des mariages qui se sont f aicts en la maison de Savoye, 'Second edition, Lyon, 1561, fol. Third edition, 1602. Genealogie des Princes de Savoye, by Julian Taboet. Translated from the Latin into French, by P. T. A. Lyon, 1560, 40- Sabaudorum Ducum Principumque His- toria Gentilitia Libri duo. By Lamb. Vander Burchius. Lugd. Bat. 1599, 4P- Historia Compendiosa di Cherasco^jl felice dominio della sereniss. Casa di Savoia, by R. P. Francesco Voersio, Mondovi, 1618, 40- Fiori di Blasoneria per ornare la Corona di Savoja, by F. A. della Chiesa. Cuneo, i655, 4P- Corona Reale di Savoia, o sia, Relatione delle Provincie e Titoli ad essa appar- tenenti, etc., by F. A. della Chiesa. 2 vols. Cuneo, 1655—57, 4°- Second edition, Torino, 1777. Histoire de I'Etablissement de la Maison de Savoye, dans ses Etats. Paris, 1691, fol. AugustsB Regiseque Sabauda), domus Arbor Gentilitia?. By F. M. Ferrero a Labriano. Latin and French. Turin, 1703, fol. Storia dei Principi de Savoia del Ramo d'Acaia signori del Piemonte, by P. L. Datta. 2 vols. Torino, 1832, 8°- Families historiques de Savoie, par Costa de Beauregard. Avec blasons et tableau genealogique. Chambery, 1844, 4<'- Documents genevois inedits sur la genea- logique historique de la maison sou- veraine de Savoie du XII® au XV*^ siecle, par Ed. Mallet. Gen. 1856, 40. La Sicile et la Maison de Savoie, par Costanzo Ferrari. 1860, 8o- Les Princes de la Maison Royale de Savoie, par Ed. M. de Barthelemy. Paris, 1860, 12o- Les Alliances mutuelles des Maisons de France et de Savoie, par Julien Bou- dant. Lihrairie nouvelle^ 1861, 8°- Armorial et nobiliaire de I'ancien duche de Savoie, par E. Amadee de Foras. 6 vols. Grenoble, 1863—67, fol. Armerista delle Famiglie nobili e titolate della Monarchia di Savoja, by Alessan- dro Franchi-Verney. Torino, 1873, fol. Tracts and Papers relative to the Claim of the House of Savoy to the Kingdom of Cyprus. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8634. Armorial des Archeveques de Sens, par Gustave Julliot. Paris. 1862, 4P- Notes pour servir a un armorial des Eveques de Senlis, par Arthur De Marsy. Doumoulin, 1866, 8'- Histoire de la Ville de Soissons et de ses Rois, Dues, Comtes, et Gouverneurs, avec une suite des Evesques, &c., par Claude Dormay. 2 vols. Soissons, 1664, 40 574 Feance. Armorial General de I'Election de Soissons, par Edouard Marie de Barthe- lemy. Paris, 1866, 8°- Only 100 copies printed. Biographie des hommes celebres du de- partement de la Soinme. 2 vols. Amiens, 1835—37, 8«- Armorial et genealogie des families Steplianoises, par J. A. de La Tour- Varan. 3 vols. St. Etienne, 1854-63, Ro- Du blason et des Armoiries dans le Ton- nerois, par L. le Maistre. Auxerre, 1847, S'^- De Genti et Familia Marchionum Gotliia3, qui postea Comites Saneti ^Egidii et Tolosates dicti sunt. By Alton sus Delbene. Lyon, 1607, 40- Histoire des comtes de Tolose avec quel- ques trai'tez et ehroniques anciennes concernant la merae histoire, par Guill. Catel. Tolose, 1623, fol. Traite de la Noblesse des Capitouls de Toulouse, par G. de la Faille. With additions by Bosc. Toulouse, 1707, 4°- Biographie Toulousaine, ou dictionnaire historique des personnages qui se sont rendus celebres dans la ville de Tou- louse, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. [Baron Houdaucourt, J. F. Laurent-Gousse and A. L. C. A. Du Mige.] 2 vols. Paris, 1823, 8«- Histoire des Comtes de Toulouse, par Moline de Saint- Yon. 4 vols. Paris, 1859—61, 8« Dissertation critique sur les armoiries de la ville de Toulouse, par le vicomte de Juillac-Vignoles. Toulouse, 1863, 4o- Nobiliaire Toulousain, inventaire general des titres probants de noblesse et de dignites nobihaires, par Alphonse Bremond. 2 vols. Toulouse, 1863, 8^- Other editions in 1868 and 1871. Genealogie des Comtes de Toulouse, avec leurs portraits, par J. G. Laurac. Nouvelle edition. Toulouse, 1864, 8° Armorial des Capitouls de Toulouse, tire de I'Armorial de France de d'Hozier, public par Victor Bouton. 1876, 12«- Histoire genealogique de la Noblesse de Touraine, par Jean Baptiste Tristan I'Hermite de Souliers. Paris, 1665, fol. Inventaire de histoire genealogiqui; de la noblesse de Touraine et pais circon- voisins, par Jean Baptiste Tristan I'Hermite de Souliers. Paris, 1669, fol. ( Memoires chronologiques, archeologiques et heraldiques pour servir a I'histoire ecclesiastique de I'ancienne province de Touraine, par J. X. Carre de Busserolle. Tours, 1853, S"'- Calendrier de la Noblesse de la Touraine, de I'Anjou, du Maine et du Poitou, par J. X. Carre de Busserolle. 2 vols. Tours, 1867—8, W Armorial General de la Touraine, etc. par J. X. Carre de Busserolle. Tours, 1867, 80- Supplement in 1884. Another edition in 1888. Archives des Families Nobles de la Touraine, de I'Anjou, du Maine et du Poitou, par J. X. Carre de Busserolle. 2 vols. Tours, 1889—90, 8«' Histoire des Seigneurs de Tourgoing, par Alex. Pruvost. Tourgoing, 1863, 8«' Armorial de Tournai et du Tournaisis, par A. F. J. Boziere. Tournai, 1859, 8«' La Chatellenie d'Oisy : vente & demem- brement de son domaine par Henri IV., avec les genealogies des families de Tournay dit Longnet, &c., par A. Le Boucq de Ternas. Douai, 1874, 8''- Only 35 copies printed. Notice genealogiques tournaisiennes, dressees sar titres, par le comte Du Chastel de la Howardries. Tournai, 1878—85, 8«- Recueil des Noms de tons les Maires et Echevins de la ville de Tours, 1461 — 1679. Tours, 1679, 4o- Armorial des Maires de la ville de Tours, par Lambron de Lignim. Tours, 1847, 40: Armorial des Archeveques de Tours, par M. Henri Lambron de Lignim. Tours, 1854, 8«- Armorial des barons diocesains du Valev, par I'abbe Jean Theilliere. 1880, S^- "^ Histoire de la Noblesse du Comte Veuaissin, p'Br Pithou-Court. 4 vols. Paris, 1743—50, 4^- Armorial du Vendomois, par A. de Maude. Paris, 1867, 8«- Histoire des Comtes hereditaires du Vermandois 9^ — 12® siecles, par M. Fouquier-Cholet. 1832, 8«- Palais de Versailles, histoire genealogique du mnsee des Croisades, par Amedee Boudin. 4 vols. Paris, 1858—66, 4<^' Frat^ce. 575 His?toire genealogique des Dauphins de Viennois depuis Guignes I. jusques a Louis v., par Louis de Gaya. Paris, 1683, 120- Histoire des dauphins de Yiennois, d'Auvergne et de France, par Le Quien de la Neufville. 2 vols. Paris, 1760, 12°' Les families de Vitre de 1400 a 1789, avec listes et pieces justificatives, par Edouard Frain. Kennes, 1877, 12"' Armorial historique de I'Yonne, par A. Dey. Sens, 1862, 8«. 0txmmxu^ Handbuch der neuesten Genealogie ; mit liegister, by J. C. Gatterer. Niirn- berg, 1772, 8«- Adels-Lexikon oder Handbuch iiber die historischen genealogischen und diplo- matisehen, zum Theil auch heraldisehen Nachrichten vom hohen und niedern Adel, besonders in den deutschen Bundesstaaten, by J. 0. von Hellbach 2 vols. Ilmenau, 1825—26, 8«- Adels. Lexicon der Preussichen Monar- chic, by Baron Leopold von Ledebur. 3 vols. Berlin, 1854^56, 8«- Neues allgemeines Deutsches Adels- Lexicon im Vereine mit mehreren Historikern herausgegeben von E. H. Kneschke. 9 vols. Leipzig, 1859 — 70, 8« Archiv fur Deutsche Adels-Geschichte, Genealogie, Heraldik und Sphragistik. By Dr L. Freiherr von Ledebur. Berlin, 1863, 8"- Bibliotheca Familiarum Nobilium. Ke- pertorium Gedruckter Familien-Ges- chichten und Familien-Nachrichten. Ein Handbuch fiir Sammler, geuea- logische Forscher, Bibliothekare und Autiquare, by O. Gundlach. Neu- strelitz, 1883, 8^- Almanach der Ritter-Orden von Fried- rich Gottschalck. Leipzig, 1817, 8<>- Genealogisches Taschenbuch der deut- schen graflichen Hauser auf das Jahr 1825, etc. Gotha, 1824—53, 16«- Continued under the title of Gothais- ches genealogisches Taschenbu#h, etc. Gotha, 1854, etc. 16'^- In progress. Genealogisches Jahrbuch des deutschen Adels. Stuttgart, 1843—46, S^- Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der graflichen Hauser auf das Jahr 1857. Gotha, 1857, 16«' Deutscher Herold. Monatsschrift fiir Heraldik, Sphragistik und Genealogie. Organ des Vereins fiir Siegel-und Wappenkunde zu Berlin. Herausgege- ben, von A. M. Hildebrandt-Mieste. Berlin, 1870—71, 4o- Continued as Der Deutsche Herold Organ des Vereins fiir Heraldik und Genealogie zu Berlin. Kedigirt von G. A. Seyler, L. Clericus, & A. M. Hildebrandt. Berlin, 1872—1885, 4o- In progress. Viertelsjahrsschrift fiir Heraldik. S])hra- gistik und Genealogie. Redigirt von Gustav Adelbert Seyler, etc. 15 vols. Berlin, 1873—1887, S^- This work is still in progress. Pedigrees and Arms of the Emperoi-s of Germanv. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6165. Stammtafel des Deutschen Kaiserpaares Wilhelm I. und Augusta. Zuriickge- fiihrt auf den Kaiser Sigismund. Berlin. Single sheet. Genealogia Imperatorum, ac Regum, aliorumque Principum, ab Adamo usque ad annum 1555. Romse, 4^'- D.D.D.D. Fridenreycho Rom. Imperii VII. viro J. H. observantiae ergo dev. p., etc. [Genealogical tree of the Emperors of Germany, and their collateral Houses], by JohannHeroldt. 11 plates, Basle ? 1555. Genealogise septem Electorum S. Imperii, by Justi Wolfangi. Francofurti, 1571, 40. 576 Gebmant. Genealogical tables of the quarterlngs of the Emperors Maximilian, Ferdinand, and Charles V., and their wives, with arms, 16th century. French. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,707. Genealogies of the ruling Families of Germany. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4788. Illustriss, Juliacensium Principum Tabula Geuealogica et Eifigies, by C. Passaji. Colonise, 1610, fol. Arboretum Genealogicum. (Descendants of the Emperor Kudolph I.) By Johann Gans. Coloniae Agrippinae, 1638, fol. Tabulae Genealogicse, Quibus exhibentur Prsecipuae Familise Hodiernorum Prin- cipum Imperii. By J. G. Cotta. Tubingse, 1685, fol. The right of Succession to the Empire of Germany hereditary and elective. Lond. 1711, S''- Notitia Sacri Komani Germanici Imperii Procerum, by J. W. Inhoff. 2 vols, Tubingi^, 1732—34, fol. Die Deutschen Kaiser, nach den Bildern des Kaiser-Saales, etc. By A. Schott and Karl Hagen. Franckfort, 1847, fol. Contains 51 full-length portraits of all the German Emperors in their robes of state, from 768 to 1802; brilliantly coloured. Memoirs of the Court of Prussia by Dr. E. Vehse, translated by Demmler. With portraits. London, 1854, 8*^- German Royal Family. Zur Geschichte des Heraldischen Doppel-Adlers, by Fred. Chas. Jos. Prince. Stuttgart, 1871, 4P- Neber den Ursprung des dynastischen NamensRenk, von F. B. Reich. Gera, 1874, 8o- Genealogische Tabellen und die wechsel- seitigen verwandschaftlichen Bezieh- ungen der Regentenhauser : Baben- berg, der Premysliden, Piasten, Arpaden ; der Hiluser Anjou, Luxem- burg, Jagajlo, Wasa, Habsburg und Lothringen, by Krizek. Tabor, 1878, folio sheet. Ueber die Lehenbiicher der Kurfiirsten und Pfalzgrafen Friedrich I. und Ludwig V. Badischen Hist. Comm. Karlsruhe, 1886, 4*^- Chronica und Antiquitates des alten Kaiserlichen Stiffts, der Roraischen Burg, Colon ia und Stadt Marsburg, in Obern Sachssen, by Ernst Brotuff. Contains numerous 'pedigrees and arms. Leipzig, 1557, fol. Stammbuch, oder Erzolung aller nam- haffter und inn Teutschen Historien beriimpter Fiirsten, Graffen und Her- ren Geschlechter, by A Hoppenrod. Straszburg, 1570, fol. Stammbuch der Herrschafften inn den Siichsischen Landen, by A. Hoppenrod. Straszburg, 1570, fol. New Titularbuech, das ist, wie man ainer jeden Person ziischreiben soil, vom hochsten biss auf£ den niderigsten Grad, etc., by Samuel Zimmerman. Ingolstat, 1579, 4P- Basilikon Operis Genealogici Catholici auctorium, stirpes et familias Coraitum, Baronum, aliorumque Procerum Sacri Imperii Romani, et praicique Germa- nise continens, by Elias Reusnerus. Francof. 1592, fol. Emblemata nobilitati et vulgo scitu digna, etc., by Theodor de Bry. Franco- furti ad Mocnum, 1592. Obi. 12'^- Ein Tractat, von dem dreyfachten Rit- terstand, und alien Ritter Orden der Christenheit, so viel daren biss auf den heutigen Tag gestifftet und angerichtet worden, etc., by Hier. Megiser. Fianck- furt am Mayn, 1593, 4P- Stambuch nnd Kurtze Erzehlung, Vom ursprung und Hehrkomen der Chur und Fiirstlichen Heuser, Sachsen, Bran- denburg, Anhalt, und Laweuburg, by Balthasar Menz. Wittenberg, 1598, 8°- Stambuch : Dorinnen der Chur und Fiirsten zu Sachsen Hochlobliche, etc., by B. Menz. Wittenberg, 1598, 8«- Imperatorum, Regum Atque Archiducum, necnon Comitum, Baronum, Nobilium, clarissimorum Virorum Imagines quorum Arma in Ambrosiana? Arcis Armamentario conspiciuntnr, by J. Schrencki. Qj^niponti, 1601, fol. Genealogia Imperatorum, Regum, Prin- cipum, Comitum, Baronum et Dynas- tarum Germanorum totius Orbis Christiani, sive Opus Genealogicum Catholicum, nunc recensitum et indice auctum, by Elias Reusnerus. Fanco- furti, 1612, fol. Geema^tt. 677 Grermania Topo-Chromo-Stemmatogra- phica. By Gabriel Bucelinius. Ulmse, 1655, fol. Splendor Familise Schonbergicse inNeptiis Heslerio Schonbergicis, by Paulus Albertinus Sagittarius. Altenburgi [1676], 4«- Sylloge genealogico-historica, e numero prsecipuarum familiarum, quibus suos Principes Germania nostra debet, by Phil. Jac. Spener. Francofurti, 1677, SO- Historia insignium illustrium sen operis heraldici. Two parts by Philipp Jacob Spener. Francofurti, 1680—90, fol. Spicilegium Rittershusianum, sive tabulae genealogicse aliquot stemmatum quae N. liittershusius prseteriit. Par J. W. Irnliof . Pans, 1683, fol. Germanici Imperii Procerum Notitia Historico-Heraldico-Genealogica. By J. W. Imhoff. Tubing, 1684, fol. Another edition. Stut. 1699, fol. Die Familie und Stam-Register des beriihmten Franzoischen Mareschals und Hertzogs von Boufflers in Deuts- cher Sprach herausgegeben. L. Fr. de Boufflers. 1696, 4o- Pedigrees, with coloured arms, of Noble Houses of Germany, etc. circa 1700. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,480. Graff en- Saal der seit Caroli Magni Zeiten in Deutschland florirten graefflichen Geschlechter. Des heil. Romischen Reichs Ubr alter Filrsten-Saal, by Fried. Lucae. 2 vols. Franckfurt, 1702—5, 40- Die hochste Zierde Teutsch-Landes und Bortresslichfeit des Teutschen Adels,by Georg Helwich. Franckfurt, 1707, fol. Monumenta Nobilitatis Antiquse Fami- liarum Illustrium, imprimis Ordinis Equestris, in Ducatibus Bremensi et Verdensi, by Mushard. Bremen, 1708, fol. Historia des uralten Geschlechts der Graff en und Herren von Werthern, nebst dessen Wapen-Beschreibung der in der Historic angefiihrten Ges- chlechter, und kurze genealogische tabellen, by Petrus Albinus. Leipzig, 1716, fol. • Die Gross und Landmeister des Deutschen Ordens. 51 plates, by Johann Salver. Herbip, (Wirzberg,) 1716, fol. Des heil. Rom. Reichs genealogisch- historisches Adels-Lexicon. by J. F. Gauhe. Leipzig, 1719, 4P- Another edition, 2 vols. 1740-47, 8«- Genealogische Adels-Historie, by V. Knoe- nig. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1727—36, fol. Die Hoheit des Teutschen Reichs Adels, by Damian Hartard, von Hattstein. 3 vols. Fuldu, 1729—40, fol. Churmarckische Adels — Historic, oder genealogische Beschrei-bung derer in der Chur-und Marck-Brandenburgh bliihenden altesten und ansehnlichsten Adelichen Geschlechter. Erstes Stuck. J. C. Dithmar, Franckfurth, 1737, fol. No more published. Weitere Feststellung der Hananischen Genealogie gegen eines sogenannten Jacob Imhoffen Diplomatische Erlan- terunge, &c., von Jacob Im-Hausse. Hanen, 1741, 4P- Geschlechtsregister der Reichsfrey un- mittelbaren Ritterschaft Landes zu Franken loblichen Orts Baunach, von Job. Got. Biedermann. Bavreuth, 1747, fol. Historisch-Genealogisch Abhandlungen, by J. L. L. Gebhardi. 4 vols. Luneb. and Leip. 1747—67, S^- Historische untersuchung der ehmahligen Kamps-Renn-und Ritter-Spiele, von J. C. Ludwig. 1750, 8«- Schoepflini Alsatia Illustrata. 2 vols. Colmar, 1751—61, fol. Vol. ii. con- tains Genealogical Tables of German Noblemen of the Empire. Nachrichten von dem Adel in Teutsch- land mit Mantissa Documentorum, by C. L. Scheldt. 2 vols. Hannover. 1754—55, 4«- Historia Genealogica Dominorum Holz- schuherorum ab Aspach et Harbach in Thalheim, by J. C. Gatterer. Norim- berg, 1^55, fol. Genealogise veterum Comitum Gemini- pontis specimen I. stemma veterum Comitum Saraepontis et Geminipontis ad eandem stirpem referendorum ex Ssec. XI, XII, et xiii., exhibens, by G. C. CroUius. Biponti, 1755, 4°- Genealogische Adels-historie, by F. L. A. Hoerschelmann. Gotha, 1772, fol. Proben des hohen deutschen Reichs Adels, by Johann Octavian Salver. Wirzburg, 1775, fol. 578 Geemant. Genealogische Greschichte der Erblichen Reichs-Stande in Teutschland, by Gebhardi. Genealogical History of the Hereditary Nobility and Gentry of Germany. 3 vols. Halle, 1777 — 85, 4'^- Abriss der Genealogie, by J. C. Gatterer. Gottingen, 1788, 8°- Diplomatische Nachrichten Adelicher Familien, von A. W. B. von Uechtritz. 7 vols. Leipzig, 1790—95, 8«- Origines et successiones comitum Wettin- ensium, by Cellario. Halae Magde- burgicae, 1797, 4^'- Nachrieht von dem Ursprung und Schicksalen des Geschlechts der von Herttenstein von Ludwig Bartholoma von Herttenstein, Com. Palat. Caes. With coloured coats of arms, etc., 18th centurv. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,647. Sechzig Genealogische, auch Chrono- logische u. Statistische Tabellen zu Fiirstentafel und Fiirstenbuch der Europaischen Staatengeschichte, von I. F. Bamberger. Kegensburg 1831, fol. Das goldene Ehrenbucb der gewerbe und ziinfte, by Carl Heideloffs. Niirnburg, 1834, 12°- The Nobility of Prussia (in German), by Zedlitz-Neukirch. 5 vols. Leipzig, 1842—43, 8^'- Der Schwanenorden sein Ursprung, Zweck und seine Geschichte. Halle, 1844, 8«- Historisch — Genealogisches Adelsbuch des Grossherzogthums Baden, von Fr. Cast. Stuttgart. 1845, 8«- Genealogische Tafeln zur Staatenges- chichte der Germanischen und Slawis- chen Volker, von Dr. Pr. Max. Oertel. Leipzig, 1845, obi. 8°- Archiv des neuesten Ordenswesens, von F. F. Biedenfeld. Weimar, 1846, iP- Grabdenkmaler. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters, etc., by J. G. L. Dorst. Gorlitz, 1846, 4P- Die drei deutschen Farben und ein deutsches Wappen, etc., by C. S. T. Bernd. Bonn, 1848, 8°- Geschichte der Kolnischen Julichschen und Bergischen Geschlechter, von U. Fahne. 2 vols. Coin und Bonn, 1848—53, fol. Deutsche Graf en-Haeuser der Gegenwart. In heraldischer, historischer, und genea- logischer Beziehung, by Ernst Heinrich Kneschke. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1852 — 54, 80' Dynastische Forschungen, by Baron Leopold von Ledebur. Berlin, 1853, &c., 8« Adels Lexicon der Prussischen Monarchic, von L. F. Ledebur. 3 vols. Berlin, 1855, 8«' Der Kittersaal, by Franz Kottenkamp. Stuttgart, 1842, obi. 4«- English translation. London, 1857, obi. 4'*- Geschichte des Deutschen Ritter-Ordens, von Joh. Voight. 2 vols. Berlin, 1857—59, 8«- Stammbuch des bliihenden und abgestor- benen Adels in Deutschland, by Otto Titan von Hefner. 4 vols. Ragens- burg, 1860—66, 4«- D i e Kunst — und sittengeschichtliche Entvvickelung der Heraldik, etc., by Baron Heinrich von Ledebur. Berlin, 1861, 8«- Die Dynasten Freiherren und Grafen von Bocholtz, by A. Fahne. 4 vols. Coin, 1863, &c. fol. Geschichte der Welfischen Stammewap- pen, by Dr. H. Grote. Leip. and Hannover, 1863, 8o- Ueber den Gebrauch der heraldischen Helm-Zierden im Mittelalter, by Count Hohenlohe - Waldenburg . Stuttgart, 1868, 4« Deutsches Fiirsten und Ritter-Album, by Carl Alexander Heideloff. Stutt- gart, 1868, 4«- Altbayerische Heraldik unter zugrunde- legungeines neuen allgemeinen Systems der wissenschaftlichen Heraldik, by Otto Titan von Hefner. Miinchen, 1869, &c. 8'^- Genealogie des Erlauchten Stammhauses Wittelsbach, von Dr. Christian Haeutle. Miinchen, 1870, 4« Ueber den Doppeladler, by Bernhard von Koehne. Berliu, 1871, 8o- Schlesische Fiirstenbilder des Mittelalters, by Dr. Hermann Luchs. Breslau, 1872, 4«- Kritisches Worterbuch der heraldischen Terminologie, etc., by Curt 0. von Querfurth. Nordlingen, 1872, 8o- GEBMAinr. 579 Genealogische Tabellen fur die Hervor- tretendeu Partien der Weltgeschichte, von C. S. Wellschlaeger. Eisenbach, 1874, 80- Zwei Rechtsgutachten die Ebenbiirtig- leitsf rage im Fiirstlichen und Graf lichen Hause Lippe betreffend, von Dr. H. A. Baehariae, und Dr. Heinrich Boepfl. Heidelberg, 1875, S^- Geschlechts, Namen und Wappensagen des Adels deutscher Nation, mit 178 [. Wappen-Abbildungen, etc., by John Geo. Theodor Garaesse. Dresden, 1876, 80- Eine alte Genealogie der Welfen mit den Fortsetzungen und einem Anhang aus Berthold von Zwiefalten Ubersetzt von H. G. Grandaur. See Die Geschicht- schreiber der Deutschen Yorzeit, etc. by G. H. Pertz. Vol. xv. Berlin, 1882. 8«- Genealogisch-Statistische Tafeln, von E. von der Becke-Kliichtzner. Stuttgart . . . fol. Arms of Sovereign Houses and of Flemish and German Families. Brit. Mus. Eg. ; MS. 1906. Arms of the Emperor Maximilian, and other German Princes, by Robt. Glover. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5885. Stam und Wapenbuch, etc. (Engrav- ings of shields, mantles, etc.) By Heinrich Wiring. N.p., n.d., 8«- Wappenbuch ; a Book of Arms of German Princes and Families, etc. collected and emblazoned, apparently, by Hans, Burgrave and Pursuivant of Frederic II. Margrave of Branden- burgh. On vellum, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,681. Wappenbuch, or Book of Arms of Ger- man Families, Cities, etc. emblazoned; arranged in the order of Cities, Provinces. Bishoprics, Dukes, Earls, Barons, etc. : followed by the Arms of the Duke of Burgundy ; the King of Spain ; the King of France ; the Pope, etc. 1531. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,680. Wapen Des heyligen Romischen Reichs Teiitscher Nation, von J. Koebel. Frankfurth-am-Main, 1545, fol. Le Jardin d' Armoiries ; contenant les Armes de plusieurs Nobles Royaumes • et Maisons de Germanic Inferieure. Gendt, 1567, 12o- Wappenbuch darincen aller geistlichen Prelaten, Herren, und Landleut, auch der Statt des Fiirstenthumbs Steyer Wappen und Insignia, by Z. Bartsch. Gratz, 1567, 8o- Reprinted, Graz. 1872, 8«- Wapen des Heiligen Romischen Reichs Teutscher Nation, etc., by Jost Amman. Franckfurt, 1579, fol. Wappenbuch, von Martin Schrot. [About 1000 coats of arms in colours.] Mun- chen, 1581, fol. Wapen and Stamm-Buch, etc. Arms of the German Electors, etc., by Jost Amman. Franckfort-am-Mayn, 1589, 4P- Neues Wapenbuch, von Hans Sibmacher. Norimbergse, 1605, obi. 4P- Das erneurte Teutsche Wappenbuch, in welchem dess H. Romische Reichs Potentaten Fiirsten, Namen Wappen, etc., by Johann Siebmacher, 5 Theilen und anhang. Niirnb. 1655, etc. obi. 4P' Continued by P. Furst. Das erneuerte und vermehrte Teutsche Wappenbuch : in welchem dess Heiligen- Romischen Reiches Hohe-potentaten, Fiirsten, Grafen, Herren, etc. Wappen- schilde, helm, kleinodien, etc. ausge- bildet zu ersehen. Paulus Fiirsten, 5 vols, Niirnberg, 1657, obi. 4P- Erneurt-und vernehrtes Wappenbuch, Herrschafften in Kupffern vorgebildet, by Johann Siebmacher. Niirnb. 1696 —97, fol. Continued by P. Furst. Das grosse und vollstandige anfangs Siebmacherische, hernacher Furstische, und Helmerische, nun aber Weigelische Wappen — ^Buch in Sechs Theilen, nebst einer Vorrede J. D. Kohlers (Supplement 1 — 4.) Joh. Sibmacher. Niirnberg, 1734—65, fol. AUgemeines grosses und Vollstandiges Wappenbuch, by Joh. Siebmacher. Nurnb. 1777, fol. Supplement, parts 1—12. Johann Siebmacher's grosses und allge- meines Wappenbuch in Verbindung mit Mehreren neu herausgegeben, und mit historischen, genealogischen und heraldischen. Notizen begleitet von 0. T. von Hefner. Nurnb. 1856, &c., 4P- In progress. 580 (xERMANT. Drawings of the arms of various foreign noblemen and gentlemen chie% Ger- man and Italian, 1661 — 1669. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 497G. Wappen der Konigl. Frejen Stadt Epperies in Ober Abdancken aussge- legt durch, by Jobann Weber. Leutscb, 1668, 8"- Coats of arms of noble German families, in colours, collected by Philiberto Vernati, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 2035. Heraldic Drawings and cuts of shields of arms with mantlings, etc. German MS. 17th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq, F.S.A. Vicarage Librarj", Clyde lload, Dublin. Twelve German coats of arms, in colours, taken from Imperial diplomas, etc. circa 1700. Vellum. Hrit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,502. Arms of Hungarian, Bohemian, Austrian and Prussian families emblazoned, 1712—1749. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 26,070—26,072. Arms emblazoned of the Bp. of Augs- burg and his coadjutor, and members of the Chapter, in 1718 ; and Arms in blazon of various German Families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,973. Wappenbuch : A Collection of embla- zoned coats of arms of sovereigns, reigning houses, nobility, and private families principally German, circa 1721 —1724. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,460. Wappen-Kunst, by J. S. Beckenstein. Peters, 1731, S'^- Der Wappen Callender, 1735, etc. con- tains numerous genealogies and coats of arms. Eegister of Arms and Letters of Nobility granted by the Emperor of Germany between 1738 and 1761, with the arms emblazoned in colours. Brit, Mus. Eg. MS. 782. Verhandlung der Heroldoder Wapen- Kunst insgemein und Historischen Ursachen der jenigen Wapen, derer sich die in dem Welt Theil Europa residierende Keyser und Konige, by B. Wegelin. St. Gallen, 1739, i2«- Arms, in colours, granted to German Families, 1746 — 1753, with devices of Imperial Notaries, 1746—1763. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 24,647. Probe einer wochentlichen Wappeu- belustigungen. Niirnberg, 1756, 4P- Wappenbelustigungen. S. W. Getter's (Wochentliche.) Augsburg, 1764 — 65. Wappenbuch, etc. A general body of heraldry, chiefly German. 4 vols. Niirnb. 1772—76, 8"- Arms in blazon of various German Families, occasionally accompanied with autograph inscriptions, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,973. Coloured Arms of German and Italian families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,435. Wappenbuch der Preussischen Monarchic. 28 vols. Niirnb. 1828—1867, 4«- AllgemeineSchriftenkundedergesammten Wappen wissenchaft mit beurt h eilenden, und audern zur Biicher und Gelehrten- geschichte gehorenden Bemerkungen, von C. S. T. Bernd. 4 vols. Bonn, 1830—41, 8«- Wappenbuch der Preussischen Khein- provinz, mit Beschreibung der Wappen, by C. S. T. Bernd. Bonn, 1835—42, 8«- Wappenbuch sammtlicher zur Ehstliin- dischen Adels matrikel gelioriger Familien, etc , by Paul Edward Damier. Revel, 1837, 4« Bitter und Burger zu Costenz, Wappen- buch, etc. Parts i — iv. By Conrad Gruenenberg. Halle, 1840 — 50, fol. Wappen- Wissenschaft, von C. S. T. Bernd. ^ vols. Bonn, 1841, 8'^- Die Hauptstiicke der Wappen-wissens- chafts mit vielen Beispielen und Abbildungen erlautert, by C. S. T. Bernd. Bonn, 184L— 49, 8^- Wappen-Almanach, Zweite Ausgabe, etc. Rostock, 1842, 4P- AUgemeines Wappenbuch, etc., by J. G. Leonhard Dorst. 2 vols. Gorlitz, 1843—47, 8". Die Allgemeine Wappen wissenschaft, by C. S. T. Bernd. 2 vols. Bonn, 1849, 8«- Wappenbuch der Koniglichen, Gross- herzoglichen und Herzoglich Sach- sischen Staaten, by I. A. Tyroff. 13 vols. Niirnberg, 1852—67, 8o- Handbuch der Wappenwissenschaft in Anwendung und Beispielen von wirklich gefiihrten Wappen, etc., by C. S. T. Bernd. Leipzig, 1856, 8°- Gebmant. 581 Heraldisches A. B. C, Buch, Geschichte, Litteratur, Theorie und Praxis, by Dr. C. Ritter Mayer. Miinchen, 1857, S*^- Geschichte des Koniglich Preussischen Wappens, by Dr. H. Grote. Leipzig, 1861, 4«- Heraldisches Original-Musterbuch. By Otto Titan von Hefner. Miinchen, 1862—64, 4°- Kulturgeschichtliche Brief e, etc., von II. von Retberg (Gruenenberg's Wappen- buch). Leipzig, 1865, 12°- Compendium der Heraldik, by J. G. L. Hesekiel and L. von Ledebur. Berlin, 1866, 8«- Wapenboeck, ou armorial de 1334 a 1372 de I'Europe et particulierement de I'Empire d'Allemagne, par Heynen, publie par M. V. Bouton. 4 vols. Paris and Brux. 1881—86, fol. Das Wappenrecht der Biirgerlichen, by F. Hauptmann. Bonn, 1882, 8'^- Heraldischen Austellung zu Berlin 1882, Katalog der Bearbeibet von Ad. M. Hildebrandt. Berlin, 1882, 8°- Heraldische Meisterwerke von der Inter- nationalen Ausstellung fur Heraldik zu Berlin im Jahre 1882, etc. By Ad. M. Hildebrandt. Berlin, 1882, fol. Wappen Album der Graflichen Familien Deutschlands, Oesterreich — Ungarns, von Gritzner and Hildebrandt. Leip. 1883—88, 4«- In progress. Die Geschichte der Deutschen Wappen- bilder. Aus Ralf von Retberg's Nach- lasse. Frankf. 1888, 4^^- History of Seals in Germany, by Dr. Melly of Vienna. Yossberg on the Seals of Prussia and the Cities of Northern Europe. Berlin. German Seals. Monumenta Eerum Germanicarum, by E. J. de West- phalen. 4 vols. Lipsise, 1739, fol. Die Siegel der deutschen Kaiser, Konigne und Gegenkonige, etc., by B. J. Roemer-Buechner. , Frankfurt, 1851, 80- Die Siegel der Stadt Frankfurt-am-Main, by Dr. Romer-Biichner. Frankfurt, 8° Die Siegel der Wettimer bis 1324, von Dr. Otto Posse. Leip. 1888, 1»1. A large collection of casts of German seals is preserved in the Dept. of MSS. British Museum. Album Amicorum of Hieronymus Coler of Nuremberg ; containing autograph inscriptions, and coloured coats of arms, 1562—1599. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1184. Autographs collected by Jonas and Petrus Portner, of Nuremberg ; 1567—1608 ; with coloured coats of arms. Brit. Mus, Eg. MS. 1186. Album of Eberhardus ab Eltershofen ; containing autograph inscriptions and coloured arms of his friends, dated principally at Tubingen, 1571 — 1597. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1189. Album amicorum Johannis Breijsgen, with coloured coats of arms, 1572 — 1577. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 679. Cuttings from Albums of Paul Henstein and others, containing coloured coats of arms, drawings, etc., 1572 — 1749. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,483. Album of Paul Behaim, of Nuremberg ; containing inscriptions by his friends, with coloured coats of arms, 1574 — 1580. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1192. Stammbuch, or Album Amicorum. of Alexander Faber of Stuttgard ; con- taining autographs obtained principally at Padua and Tubingen, together with coloured coats of arms and full- length figures, 1574 — 1590. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,699. Album amicorum et patronorum pro familia et posteritate Girbertorum ; containing inscriptions of Professors, Noblemen, and others in Italy and Germany, with coloured coats of arms, 1574—1708. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,343. Genealogise sen Amicitise liber Emerani Lerchenfelderi, Ratisbonensis : Album with inscriptions of professors and students at Jena, etc., with coloured coats of arms, 1579—1623. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,813. Album Amicorum of Thomas Ernst, or Ernestus, of Nordlingen, containing autographs and coloured coats of arms, principally of professors and scholars at Nordlingen, Wittenberg, and Augs- berg, 1582—1617. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,615. Album of Veit Georg Holtzschuher, con- taining autograph inscriptions of his friends, with coloured coats of arms, 582 G-EEMANT. etc. 1589 — 1593, dated principally at Jena and Strasburg. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1209. Sfcammbuch, or Album Amicorum, of Johann Jacobus Welser, of Augsburg ; containing Autographs, with the Arms, in colours, of various persons, collected in the years 1592—1595. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,734. Album Amicorum of Andreas Khreitzerr, or Kreiitzer, containing autograph in- scriptions, with emblazoned coats of arms, 1594—1597 Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,027. Album of Wilhelm Hoffman, of Rotten- berg, containing autograph inscriptions of professors and others, with coloured coats of arms, dated at Jena, 1597 — 1616. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1221. Album of Franz Hartmann, of Frankfurt on Oder, containing autograph in- scriptions of many noble persons, professors, and others, with coloured coats of arms, etc., 1597 — 1617. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1222, Album of Conrad Schortz, containing autograph inscriptions, with coloured arms, etc., dated at Nuremberg, 1599 — 1608. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1226. Album of Johann Oertel. of Nuremberg, containing autograph inscriptions, with coloured coats of arms, etc., 1599 — 1611. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1225. Album of Jeronimus Keutter vonn Niirmberg ; containing Autographs, and Arms of the writers, in colours ; collected principally in Nuremberg, Hamburg, and Leipsic, 1600 — 1614. Brit. Mns. Add. MS. 15,846. Autograph inscriptions of the friends of Christoff Brinckman von Ohr, princi- pally at Nuremberg, with coloured drawings and coats of arms, 160] — 1624. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1572. Album of Chi-istoff Welhammer, of Amberg, containing autograph inscrip- tions, with coloured coats of arms, etc. dated at Nuremberg, etc., 1602— 16 o2. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1227. Album of Frantz Christoph von Teuffen- bach auf Miissweeg, containing auto- graph inscriptions of titled persons, and others, with coloured coats of arms, 1602—1651. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1229, I Album of Henrico Pflaumer Bibracensi ; containing autograph inscriptions, with coloured coats of arms of his friends, 1603. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,709. Album Amicorum of Gervasius Fabricius, of Saltzburg, containing the emblazoned Arms and Autograph inscriptions of his fellow students and others at Wurtz- burg, and elsewhere, 1603 — 1637 Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,025. Album of Johann Jacob, Count Konigsegg, Baron von Aulendorf, Canon of Stras burg and Cologne, containing auto- graph inscriptons, with coloured coats of arms, of his friends ; 1604 — 1619. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,932. Album Amicorum of Moyses Walens, of Cologne, with many paintings and coloured coats of arms, 1605 — 1615. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,991. Stammbuch, or "Hand und Wappenbuch," of Giinther, Freyherrn von Herberstein; containing Autographs, with the Arms in colours, of various persons, collected at Wittenberg and Padua, 1607—1622. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,735. Album of Benedict Coler or Koler, of Nuremberg, containing autograph in- scriptions, with coloured coats of arms, of his friends, 1607—1630. Brit. Mus, Eg. MS. 1231. Album of Paul Behaim, of Nuremberg, containing autograph inscriptions of professors and others, and accompanied with coloured coats of arms, etc., 1608 —1612. Brit Mus. Eg. MS. 1241. Album of Guillaume de Kuytter, contain- ing autograph inscriptions of Princes, Nobles and others, with numerous emblazoned coats of arms, 1608 — 1630. Brit. Mas. Sloan MS. 3416. Album of Charles de Bousy, containing autograph inscriptions of Princes, Nobles and others, with numerous em- blazoned coats of arms, 1608 — 1638. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 3415. Album of Johann Leonhard Kotz, of Auerbach, containing autograph in- scriptions of professors and others, accompanied with coloured coats of arms, etc.. 1611—1632. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1246. Album Amicorum of Hans Heinrich PQ- gram, of Nuremberg, containing auto- graph inscriptions, with emblazoned Geemant. 583 coats of arms and paintings, 1611-1615. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,028. Album Amicorum of Sir Thomas Cum- ing of Scotland, when resident at the University of Heidelberg, containing the autographs, with coloured arms, of many noble and learned persons, 1612—1616. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,083. Album of J. H. Imhoff, containing in- scriptions of the professors and students of the Universities of Altorf and Jena ; including sons of the Dukes of Saxe- Weimar, Juliers, Cleves, and Berg ; with coats of arms in colours. 1612—1616. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,066. Album of Georg Paul Schreiber, con- taining autograph inscriptions obtained atRatisbon, Auerbach, and other places, and accompanied with coloured coats of arms, etc., 1612—1622. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1247. Starambuch, or " Hand nnd Wappen- buch," of Georg. Andre, Freyherrn zu Herberstein ; containing Autographs, and, generally, the Arms, in colours, of numerous persons, collected prin- cipally at Strasburg and Steir, 1 612 — 1623. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,736. Album Amicorum of Anne Botnia, containing autograph inscriptions, with coloured coats of arms, 1613 — 1617. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,974. Album Amicorum of Hans Sigismund von Bernstein ; containing coloured arms and inscriptions of Germans, dated at Padua in the years 1613 — 1617. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,478. Album Amicorum of Maria Magdalena Briederin ; containing inscriptions in German, with coloured drawings and coats of arms ; 1613 — 1618. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,712. Starambuch, or Album Amicorum of Frederic de Botnia, containing Auto- graphs and Arms, in colours, collected at Saumur in the years 1616 — 1618. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,889. Album of Abraham Crato, Notary of Neuburg, containing autograph in- scriptions, with coloured coats of arms of residents of Neuburg, 1617 — 1620. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1253. Album Amicorum of Carl von Pflaumern, containing autograph inscriptions of his fellow students in Ingoldstadt and Freiburg, and of others, with coats of arms in colours, 1617 — 1725. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,710. Album Amicorum of Hans Eitel Neu- pronner, containing autograph inscrip- tions and coloured coats of arms, 1619 —1625. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,969. Album Amicorum Christophori Oelhafen, Norimbergensis ; containing autograph inscriptions, and coloured coats of arms, 1619—1637. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,342. Album of Chris. Miiller of Ulm ; con- taining inscriptions of professors and students of Ulm, Strasburg and Tubingen ; 1623—1632. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,067. Album of Erasmus Topler, of Nuremberg, containing autograph inscriptions of professors and others, at Altorf and Nuremberg, with coloured coats of arms, 1625—1637. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1272. Album of Johan Riedner, of Nuremberg, containing autograph inscriptions of professors and students of Altorf, with coloured coats of arms, 1626 — 1633. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1276. Album of Johannis Hassfurter, contain- ing numerous (ioats of arms in colours, 1627—1630. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 933. Album of Georg Wolff von und zu Frankhing, containing autograph in- scriptions of his family and friends, with coloured coats of arms, 1630 — 1677, dated at Padua, Ratisbon, etc. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1288. Stammbuch or Album Amicorum of Georgius Christophorus Hochman von Hochman, containing numerous colour- ed arms, and other paintings, 1640 — 1693. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,845. Autographs collected at the College of Altdorff in the years 1650, 1668— 1670, with the Arms of some of the writers. Brit Mus. Add. MS. 15,849. Album amicorum of Girolamo Conte d'Archinto, containing coloured coats of arms and autograph inscriptions of German noblemen and others, 1689 — 1694. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28,680. 584 Geemant. Album of Carl Goepner, of Nuremberg, containing autograph signatures of professors and others, with coloured coats of arms, 1619 — 1632 : and memoranda relating to the family of Alt of Nuremburg, in the years 1698 —1783. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1262. Album of H. Pflaumer, containing auto- graph inscriptions, and coats of arms in colours of his friends, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,709. Album of J. Barthius, of Ratisbon, con- taining autograph inscriptions of pro- fessors and students of Jena, Altorf, etc., with paintings and coats of arms, 1712—1720. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1582. Autographs of learned Professors and others, occasionally with their Arms, 1744—1751. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,848. Album by Adalbert von Stuelpnagel. Berlin, 1847, 4o- [Facsimiles of the handwriting of members of the Lands- tande Preussens 1847, with coats of arms and other illustrations.] Die Wapen der Regimentz Fehigen Geschlechteren loblicher Statt Bern, 1720, wie auch die Geschlect Wappen der ewigen Einwohneren ; emblazoned. Folio. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 858 Heraldisches Musterbuch, etc., von Ad. M. Hildebrandt. Berlin, 1872, 4^ Neu-vermehrte Heraldica Curiosa, by J. A. Rudolphi. Frauckfurt, 1718,fol. The Teutonic Name-system applied to the Family Names of France, England and Germany, by Robert Ferguson. Lond. 1864, 8« Chronique d' Alsace avec les genealogies et armoires des Dues, Comtes et Seigneurs d'Alsace, &c. par B. Hert- zogen. S trail sbourg, 1592, fol. La veritable origine des tres illustres Maisons d'Alsace, de Lorraine, d'Austriche, de Bade, etc. Avec les tables genealogiques des descentes des dites Maisons, par Jerome Vignier. Paris, 1649, fol. Genealogies of Families of Alsace, with arms, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,384. Armorial de la generalite d'Alsace, par Anotala de Barthelemy. Paris, Colmer, 1861, 8°' Dictionnaire Biographique d'Alsace. Moulhouse, 1869, 4°- L'Alsace Noble suive de le Livre d'Or du Patriciat de Strasbourg, par M. Ernest Lehr. 3 vols. Paris, 1870, 4«- Catalogue et Armorial des Presidents Conseillers et Gens du Roi du Conseil Souverain d'Alsace, par L. Muller. Paris, 1875, 8«- Paneg;yricus Genealogiarum illustrium Principum Dominorum de Anhalt. 1519, 4«- Genealogia und Chronica der Durch- lauchten Hauses der Fiirsten zu Anhalt, etc., by Ernst Brotuff. Leip. 1556, fol. Genealogia und Chronica der Fiirsten zu Anhalt, Graven zu Ballenstedt, und Ascanien, auf 1055 jahr, mit Philippi Melanchthonis Vorrede ; mit colorirten Wopen, und register, by Ernst Brotuff. Amberg, 1602, fol. Geschlechter Buch, etc. Portraits and Arms of the Patricians of Augsburg, by Jost Amman. Franckfort am Mayn, 1580, fol. Commentarius Rerum Augustanarum Yindeliarum, ivith map and pedigrees, by Car. Stengel. Ingolst, 1647, 4°' Tablettes Genealogiques des Dues de Zaeringen, Margraves et Grand- Dues de Bade. By Tuerkheim. Darmstadt, 1810, 8^^- Der Ziirino-ische L5we, oder die Uhnen des furstlichen Hauses Baden und dessen Grundung, von Josef Bader. Frei- burg, 1837, 8" Stamm-Tafeln des Adels des Gross- herzogthums Baden, etc., von E. von der Becke-Kluechtzner. Baden, 1886—88, fol. Bavarise Ducum et Com. Palat. Reni stemma, by S. Ammirato. Single sheet, 1588. Genealogia serenissimor. Boiariie Ducum, et quorumdam genuinae Effigies a Wolffg, Kiliano Aug^- By C. Gewaldus. Aug. Yind. 1605, fol. Genealogia Boiariae Ducum, et quorumdam genuinoB effigies. 1620, fol. House of Bavaria. Historia genealogica Palatino-Neoburgico-Bavaria, by G. F. Buckisch und Loewenfels. Glatz, 1687, 4P' Geemant. 585 House of Bavaria. Vindicise arboris genealogies) Augusta) gentis Carolino- Boicse, by Ign. Franc. Xav. Wilhelm. Monachii, 1730, fol. Another edition, by Palignesius, 1732. Monita genealogica autori Vindiciarum [I. F. X. de Wilhelm] arboris genea- logicse augustae gentis Carolino-Boicse, by Palignesius, pseud, [i.e. Gottfried Philipp von Spanigel.] Alestadii, 1732, 40. Annotations on the extinction of the House of Bavaric, by Joh. Jac. Mosers. Oerman. Franck, 1778, 4P- Die erloschenen und noch bliihenden alt- adelichen bayrischenFamilien. Eegens- burg, 1798, 4P- A Chronological Catalogue, or short Remembrance of the Princes Electors Palatine of the Ehine, that have been of the House of Bavaria unto this Day ; together with their Succession and Lives, printed by William Jones. Second edition, Lond. 1631. Harleian Miscellany, vol. iii. London, 1809, 40. Wappenbuch des Konigreichs Bayern. Coats of Arms of the Bavarian Nobility. Niirnberg, 1833, %^- Die Theilungen Bayerns unter den Wit- telsbachern und die Wiedervereinigung der einzelnen Theile, nebst turgen geschichtlichen Notizen, nach Fren- densprung, Heinisch und U. Spruner, von T. F. Steigervvald. Wursburg, 1863. Single sheet. " Baj^risch Stammen-Buch ; " an Histori- cal and Genealogical account of Bavarian Families, by Wigulaus Hund, in 4 volumes, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,653—24,656. Pedigrees and Arms of the Electors Pala- tine and Bavaria. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 61t)5. Historiae Antiqvissimae Comitatvs Ben- themiensis Libri tres, by J. H. Jungh. Hannoverae, 1773, 4P- I Origines Bipontinse, seu HistorisB Comi- j turn Geminipontis Genealogico-Diplo- i matica, by G. C. Crollius. 2 vols. 1 Biponti, 1762—69, 4^^- j Historische Beschreibung der iChur und ! Mark Brandenburg, etc. By Joh. j Chris. Bekmann. 2 vols. Berlin, 1751 | —53, fol. i Aquilonales Marchiones Electores Bran- denburgici documentorum authoritate asserti ; cum tabulis genealogicis. By J. L. L. (Jebhardi. Lips. 1742, 4«' Stamm-und Regenten-Baum der Herzogen zu Braunschweig, by J. J. Winckel- mann. 1677, fol. The History of the Most Serene House of Brunswick-Lunenburgh, in all the Branches thereof : from its origin to the death of Queen Anne, by J. D. London, 1715, 8°- Conspectus Historiae Brunsvico-Lune- burgicse Universalis in Tabulas chrono- logicas et genealogicas divisus. By Erath. Bruns. 1745, fol. De origine et familia illustrium Domi- norum de Catalin, qui hodie sunt Domini a Bappenheim, Liber ; cum figuris, by M. Pappenheim. Augusta Vindel, 1553, fol. Stam-Buch der Grafen und Herzogen von Cleve. Arnhem, 1679, 8«- De admiranda, sacra, et civili magnitu- dine Coloniae, etc. (Heraldic plates), by ^Egidius Gelenius. Colonise Agrip- pine, 1645, 4P- Wapen Buch der Obrigkeit in Dantzig. By Nic. Lang. Dantzig, 1694, 12o- Vollstandige hoch-graflich-Erbachische Stamm-Tafel, etc., von Daniel Schneider. Francf . 1736, fol. Genealogie der hohen Graf ten Hauser im Franckischen Kraijse, &c., von Joh. Got. Biedermann. Erlangen, 1745, fol. Genealogie der hohen Fiirsten-hauser im Frankischen Krayse, von Joh. Got. Biedermann. Vol. i. Bayr. 1746, fol. No more published. Frisia, seu de Viris rebusque Frisiae illustribus libri duo. Plates of arms, by Martinus Hamconius. Franckarae, 1620, 4P- De Gente et Familia Marchionum Gothiae, by Alphonsi Del Bene. Lugd. 1607, 8«' Hanovarian Army List, 1773. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,513. Geschlechts und Wappenbuch des Koni- greichs Hannover und des Herzogthums Braunschweig herausgegeben, von Dr. H. Grote. Hanover, 1843, 4P- 586 Gebmaist. Neues Wappenbuch des bliihenden Adels in Konigreiche Hannover und Herzog- thume Braunschweig, von 0. T. Hefner. Miinchen, 1862, 4"- Ceder-Baum des Herrn Georgen des andern, Landgraffens zu Hessen, by Johann Tack. About 1()60, fol. Hessisehes Wappenbuch, by W. Wessel. Cassel, 1623, \2^- Histoire gencalogique de la Maison souveraine de Hesse. 2 vols. Stras- bourg, 1819, 8«' Hohenzollern, see also under Family History. Monumenta Zollerana. Urkunden-Buch zur Geschichte des Hauses Hohen- zollern, von R. F. von Stillfried und Dr. T. Miercker. 7 vols. Berl. 1852 —61, 4°' Histoire de Hohenzollern au moyen-age, par Georges Schaefer. Paris 1860, fol. Urkundenbuch fiir die voegte von Hunolstein, by Fr. Toepfer. 3 vols. Numb. 1866—72, 4P- Lorraine, see also under Family History. Alliances et Genealogies des Dues de Lorraine. Brit. Mus. Add MS. 15471. Genealogia Lotharingorum Ducum, by S. Campegio. Lugd. 1537, fol. Les Genealogies des Princes les Dues de Lorraine Marchis, avec le discours des alliaces et traictez de mariages en icele maison de Lorraine, etc., par E. Du Boulay. Strasb. 1549, 8«- Stemmata Lotharingise et Barri ducum tomi Yii. ab Antenore Trojano ad Caroli III. ducis tempora, by Francis de Rosieres. Paris, 1580, fol. Origine, Genealogie et Demonstration de cette excellente et heroique Maison de Lorraine, etc. [By Jacques Baron.] Paris, 1589, 8«- Les E-ois et Dues d'Austrasie, par N. Clement de Treille, traduits en fran^ois par F. Gibaudet. Coulonge, 1591, 4° Austrasiae Reges et Lotharingias Dues, by N. Clement. Coloniie, 1619, 4"- Alliances genealogiques de la Maison de Lorraine, par P. Bire. Nancv, 1593, fol. Delnsignibusgentilitiis Ducum Lotharin- gorum, by J. C. Bulinger. Pisis, 1617, |o. Genealogie des Comtes et Dues de Bar jusques a Henry due de Lorraine et de Bar I'an 1608. Recueillie de plusieurs histoiresanciennes, par Theod. Godefroy. Paris, 1627, 4P- Suite historique des Dues de la Basse- Lorraine, etc., par le Sieur du Bosc de Montandre. Paris, 1662, 4P- La clef ducalle de la maison de Lorraine, avec un catalogue des Saincts et Sainctes, etc., de Lorraine, par Jacques Saleur. Nancy, 1663. fol. Le Palais de I'Honnevr : contenant les Genealogies Historiqves des Illustres Maisons de Lorraine et de Savoye, et de plusieurs nobles Families de France, par F. Anselme. Paris, 1664, 4'^- Le simple crayon, utile et curieux de la Noblesse et des Duches de Lorraine et Bar, et des Eveschez de Metz, Toul et Verdun. Avec les armes, blasons, etc., par Mathieu Husson I'Escossois. Paris, 1674, fol. Reprinted in 1857, 40. Histoire ecclesiastique et civile de Lor- raine, par le R. P. Dom Aug. Calmet. 3 vols. Paris, 1728, fol. New edition, 7 vols. 1745—57. Tabulae genealogicse serenissimse Gentis Lotharingicse, etc., see " Rerum Silesia- carum Scriptores," part 2, by F. W, Sommer, 1729, fol. Memoire pour etablir en favour des Princes de Ligne, le droit de succeder aux Etats de Lorraine et de Bar, par M. de Laveidy. Paris, 1739, 4«- Annoblis tant du Duche de Lorraine que de celui de Bar, par le Due Rene, avec le blason de leurs armes depuis 1382. Par Lallain de Montigny. Liege, 1753, 8«- Nobiliaire, ou Armorial General de la Lorraine, et du Barrois, en forme de Dictionnaire, par Ambroise Pelletier. Nancy, 1758, fol. Nobiliaire du Duche de Lorraine et de Bar, par le Due Rene, avec le blason de leurs armes a commencer depuis 1382. Par Lallain de Montigny. Liege, 1761, 8'^- Reprinted, Gand, 1862 8«- Memoire historique et critique sur la Genealogie de la Maison de Lorraine, par Michel Ducrost. Basle, 1762, 40, Geemany. 687 Suite des portraits des Dues et Duehesses de la Maison royale de Lorraine, avec la Dissertation historique et chrono- logique de Dom Aug. Calmet. 2 vols, Florence, 1762—63, fol. Dissertation historique sur I'ancienne Chevalerie et la Noblesse de Lorraine, par de Bermann. Nancy, 1763, 12°' Tables genealogiques des Augustes Mai- sons d'Autriclie et de Lorraine, par Baron de Zurlauben. Paris, 1770, 8<^- Les Gentilshommes verriers, ou recher- ches sur 1' Industrie et les Privileges des verriers dans I'ancienne Lorraine, par M. Beaupre. 2nd edition, Nancy, 1846, 8"- Ancienne Chevalerie de Lorraine, ou Armorial historique et genealogique des Maisons qui ont forme ce Corps Souverain, par Jean Cayon. Nancy, 1850, 4'>- Armorial des Yilles, Bourgs et Commu- nautes de la Lorraine et du Barrois, par J. Cayon. Nancy, 1853, 4P- Les Dues de Lorraine, 1048 — 1737, par J. Cayon. Nancy, 1854, 4''- Tableau genealogique et chronologique des dues hereditaires de Lorraine, 1048 —1736. Paris, 1856, fol. De I'ancieDne Chevalerie de Lorraine. Documents inedits, par Victor Bouton. Paris, 1861, 8''- Armorial de Lorraine, llecueil des armes de I'ancienne chevalerie de Lorraine, public d'apres un manuscrit du noble J. Callot, par Alfred Grenser. Leipsic, 1863, 4^- Armorial de villes, bourgs et villages de la Lorraine, du Barrois et des Trois- Eveches, par C. Lapaix. Nancy, 1868, 4''- Second edition, 1877, 8«- Nobiliaire de Lorraine et Barrois, ou Dictionnaire des families, etc. de Dom Pelletier, par Felix Collin de Paradis. Nancy, 1878, 8'^- Preuves de noblesse des cadets-gentils- hommes du roi Stanislas, due de Lorraine, par le Comte de Riocour, 1881, 8°' Armorial Historique et Genealogique des Families de Lorraine, au xix® siecle, par J. A. Georgel. Elbeuf,J.882, 4o- Complement au Nobiliaire de Lorraine de Dom Pelletier, par Henri Lepage et L. Germain. Nancy, 1885, 8°- Genealogia Familiae Augustae Lucem- burgensis, by Abr. G. Faber. Rostock ? 1750? 4«- Genealogie oder Stam-und Geschlecht Register der vornehmsten Liinebur- gischen Adelichen Patricien-Gesch- lechter, by J. H. Biittner. Liineb. 1704, fol. [Genealogical tables of the Nobility of Luneburg, with their armorial bearings, etc.] Histoire du Duche de Luxembourg et Comte de Chiny, par J. Bertholet. Contains plates of' arms, seals, etc. 8 vols. Luxembourg, 1741 — 43, 4P- Armorial Luxembourgeois, par de Kessel Arlon, 1868, 8«- Livre d'or de la noblesse Luxembour- geoise, par de Kessel. Arlon, 1869, 8°- Jets Over Nederlandsche en Luxem- burgsche Ridderorden. Gravenhage, 1874, 80- Die Familien-Namen des Grossherzog- thums Luxemburg. Luxemburg, 1887, 8°- Die Stadtewappen des Herzogthums Madgeburg. Ein heraldischer Nachk- lang des 4 Juni 1880, etc., by Ludg- wig Clericus, Madgeburg, 1880, 8'^- Urkunden — Sammlung zur Geschichte des Geschlechts von Maltzahn, von G. C. F. Lisch. 5 vol. Schwerin, 1842 _— 53, 8o. Die mittelalterlichen heraldischen Kamp- fschilde in der St. Elisabeth-Kirche in Marburg, by F. Warnecke, Berlin, ■ 1884, 4«- Der neueren Historic des Hauses zu Mecklenburg, by J. V. Stever. Ros- tock, 1739, 4« Histoire de la Maison et des etats de Mecklenbourg, par Mallet. 2 vols. Suerin, 1796, 4«- Tableau historique et genealogique de la Maison grand-ducale deMecklembourg, par Viton St. Allais. Paris, 1838, fol. Mecklenburg Armorial. Mecklenbur- gisches Wappenbuch. Edited by G. M. C. Masch. Rostock, 1838, 4«- Compilations in French, on the Nobilit}^, Magistrates, and Antiquities of Metz. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 4400. Metz Ancien, par J. F. G. Gerard, Baron d'Hannoncelles. 2 vols. Metz, 1856, fol. 588 GrEEMANT. Tinted drawings of Monuments in the Church of St. Anthony, of the Fran- ciscan Convent in Munich, with copies of Inscriptions, by Carl Seliger. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1153. Genealogia Comitum oder Geschlechts, dominorum in Miintzenbergk, etc., by Albrecht Otto Billgen. Giesse, 1621, " A brief description of the famovs cittie of Norenberg in High Germany," written by W. Smith, circ. 1594. Contains some large shields of arms of many quarterings, and numerous coloured coats of arms of the senators and gentry of that city. MS. No. 508. Lambeth Palace. Geschlecht-Buch der Stat Niirnberg : comprising the arms emblazoned of the city and its dependencies, a list and arms of the Burgraves, from the 14th to the 16th centuries, the names and arms of the Mayors and Nobles, etc., etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,467. Geschlecht-Buch des heiligen Eeichs Stat Niirnberg, or. Genealogies of the Imperial City of Nuremberg, compris- ing the ancient and modern pedigrees of the noble families. Compiled about 1670—1690. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,468, Collectanea Genealogica Norimbergensia, by J. W. Kress von Kressenstein, 17th century. Accompanied by full length figures supporting shields of arms. 4 vols, folio. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS 1929 to 1932. Beschreibung des Heiligen Eeichs Stat Niirnberg, Statt, Marckt, Schlosser und Closter ; with arms of places, in colours. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,471. Nurnbergisches Schonbart-Buch und Gesellen-Stechen, etc. Nuremberg, 1765—66, 4P- The early history of the city of Nuren- berg, 913 to 1332, with an account of the Tournament held there in 1198, and lists of the Mayors, Burgraves, and others, 1099 to 1788, arranged under their respective families, with portraits in colours and their arms emblazoned. German. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 930. Joh. Got. Biedermann's Geschlechts- register des Patriciats der vormaligen Eeichstadt Niirnberg, 1854, von C. F. W. von Volckamer. Niirn. 1854, fol. La Genealogie des illustres Comtes de Nassau, novellement imprimee, par J. Orlers. Leyden, 1615, fol. Other editions in 1620 and 1624, and a Latin edition in 1616. Auriaca, sive Wilhelmi III. Principis Auriaci Comitis Nassauiensis, etc. Foederatarum Provinciarum Belgii imperatoris, augusta regiaque nobilitas. By J. Zabarella, Patavii, 1648, 4P- Genealogv of the Counts of Nassau, from 682 to" 1724. German. Roll. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,598. Collectanea Nassovica ; oder Beytrage zu einer mehr vollstandigen genealogie und Historic der uralten Grafen und Fiirsten hauses Nassau ; 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,473. Account of the Society of Eifle- shooters at Ottenheim, by Hans Adam and Wilhelm Jorger, Counts of Tolleth ; with coloured drawings of their arms and banners, 1572. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,749. Pommersches Wappenbuch, by J. T. Bagmihl. 5 vols. Stettin, 1843—55. 4« Stammtafeln des Pommersch-Eiigischen Fiirstenhauses und seiner Nebenlinien, by Dr. Eobert Klempin. fetettin, 1876, 4*0. Arms, in colours, of Bishops of Ratisbon, 470—1790. rellu7n. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,999. Die Herren von Sangerhausen und ihre Besitzungen, Urlandlicher Beitrag zur Geschichte der Stadt Sangerhausen, von Clemens Menzel. Halle, 1881, 8^- Saxonica, sive de Saxonica3 Gentis, vetusta Origine, &c., by Albert Krantz. Colon. 1520, fol. Genealogiae Imperatorum, Eegum, Prin- cipum Comitum et Dynastarum qui circo Saxon ico, Westphalico, etc., by Hier. Henninges. Ulyssese, 1583, fol. Genealogiae aliquot familiarum nobilium in Saxonia, by Hier. Henninges. Hamb. 1590, fof. Genealogiae et ArmaDomuum Austriacse, Saxonicse, et Palatinse. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3471. Gebmaitt. 589 Steiiimata Widekindi sive Ducum Saxoniae, by E. Reusnerus. 1610, fol. Insignia Serenissimse faniiliae Saxonic3B verbis fecialium enunciiita, et commen- tario illustrata, by Phil. Jac. Spener. Francofurti, 1668, 4«- Ritralti della Casa Elettorale di Sassonia, by Gr. Leti. 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1688, 4^- Historia Geneal 'gica Principum Saxon iaj Superioris, par J. G. Eckhart. Lips. 1722, fol. Inclytorum Saxonise Sabaudiajque princi- pum, arbor gentilitia, by Emanuel Eiliberto Pingoue. Aug. Taur. 1777, 40. Prince Albert and the House of Saxony ; with a particular Memoir of the Reigning Family of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha, by Frederick Shoberl. 1810, Gynaeceum Silesiaeum Ligio-Bre-geuse, by Zepke. [History and Pedigrees of the Female Nobility of Silesia.] Bress- law, 1626, fol. i Arms in colours of Families in Silesia ; I cut out and inlaid ; with names in German. From the Loewenheim Library, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 19,476. Schlesischen Adel, by Job. Sinapio. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1720, 4'^ Schlesisches Wappenbueh, oder die Wap- pen des Adels, im Souverainen Herzog- thum Schlesien, der Grafschafc Glatz, und der Ober-Lausitz, hj J. G. L. Dorst. 3 vols. Gorlitz, 1845—48, 40. Beitriige zur Geschichte des Schleschen Adels, von Rudolph Stillfried. 2 Heft. Berlin, 1860, 8^- Wappenbueh der Schlesischen Stadte und Stadtel, von Hugo Saurma. Berl. 1870, 4'' Die Schlesischen Siegel bis 1250—1300, von ASchultz und Dr. P. Pfotenhauer. Breslan, 1871—79, 4«- Umstiindliche historisch— genealogische Geschlechtsgeschichte deren Frey- Herren von Vohlin in Schwaben von I.I.V. und in reinen Form gebracbt von Friderich von Prielmayr, 1758. With portraits, drawings of monu- ments, and coloured arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,057. Zur Genealogie der Schwaben spiegel- handschriften, by C. Haiser. 2 vols. Weimar, 1876— 77, 4'- Geschichte des fiirstlichen Hauses Wald- burg in Schwaben, von Dr. Jos. Vochezer. Kempten, 1888, &c. 8'^- Historia des Hauses Schwartzburg, by L. Yv^. H. Heydenreich. Erfurt, 1743, 4"' The Mayors of Strasbourg (m German), by J. M. Pastori. Stras. 1761, 120- Les Armes de la Ville de Strasbourg, par F. Reiber, 1878, 4"- Das Goldene Buch von Strassburg, by Kindler von Knobloch. Wien, 1885 — 86, 8"^- Account of a shooting match held at Ulm ; with lists of the competitors, and coloured drawings of their banners, and of the arms of the towns they came from, 1556. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,000. Geschichte der Westphalischen Gesch- lechter von A. Fahne. Coin. 1858, fol. A series of coloured representations of the princes, and of the arms of the various competitors at Wurtemburg, 1560, by Liennhartt Flexel of Augsburg. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,306. Wappenbueh des gesammten Adels im Konigreich Wurtemberg. 4 vols. Nuremberg, 1833—1850, 8o- Historiscli-Genealogisches Adelsbuch des Konigreich s Wiirttemburg, von Fr. Cast. Stuttgart, 1839, 8°- Wurtembergisches Wappenbueh, etc. Bj J. G. L. Dorst. Halle, 1846, 4«- Die Wiirttembergischen Familien Stif- tungen, von Ferd. Fried. Faber. 24 Heft. Stuttgart, 1853—58, 8«- Tabletts Gcnealogiques des Illustres Maison des Dues de Zaeringen Mar- graves et Grands-Ducs de Bade. Darmstadt, 1810, 8°- 590 JItals. Maauale di genealogia per la storia del Medio Evo e Moderna, by Filippo Ferri-Maneini. Second edition. Osimo, 1876—78, obi. fol ^ Annuario della Nobilta Italiana. Pisa, 1877, etc. 12°- In progress. Giornale Araldico - G^enealogico - Diplo- inatico. Publicato per cura della R. Accaderaia Araldica Italiana, Diretto dal Cav. G. B. Di Crollalanza. Nuova Serie, Anno V. &c. Pisa, 1880, &c. 80- * Puhlished monthly . Annuario genealogico-statistico o I'antico Vesta- Verde, 1881. Mijano, 1880. Reges Langobardi Regni Italia. [A genealogical table ; engraved by N. van Aelst.] By A. Breventanus. Rome, 1693, single sheet. Another edition about 1665, 2 sheets. Genealogies Historiques des Rois, Empe- reurs, &c. d' Italic, de la Maison royale de France, et de Bourgogne. 4 vols. Paris, 1736, 4P- Memoranda of families elected to the grand council in 1379, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,431, f. 200 b. Ragionamenti di Nobilita, by Marco de la Frata et Montalbano. Fiorenza, Torrentino, 1548, 12o- De Nobilitate Civili et de Nobilitate Christiana, by H. Osorius. Florentia), 1552, 4o« Delle Famiglie illustri d' Italia, by Fran. Sansoviuo. Venice, 1582, 4«- Basilicon Genealogici Catholici Aucta- rium, Illustres Stirpes et Familias comitum, Baronum, aliorumque pro- cerum Sacri Imperij Romani, et prae- cique Germanise Nostrse Continens, by Elia Reusner. Francofurti, 1592, fol. Delia Origine et de'Fatti delle Famiglie Illustri d'ltalia, di M. Francesco San- sovino. Venezia, 1609, 4P- Another edition, 1670. Della Nobilta d'ltalia, by Francesco Zazzera. 2 vols. Naples, 1615—28, fol. Corona della nobilta d'ltalia, overo com- pendio dell' istorie delle famiglie illustri, by Giorg. Pietro Crescenzi I Romani, 2 vols. Bologna, 1639—42. 4P' I L'ltalie Fran^oise, ou les Eloges, Genea- logiques et Historiques des Princes, tSeigneurs et Grand Capitaines de ce pays, affectionnez a la Couronne de France, etc., with their arms, by J. B. L'Hermite Tristan de Soliers. Paris, 1664, 4°- Notizie di Nobilta, by Giuseppe Cam- panile. Napoli, 1672, 4P' Columnensium Procerum Imagines et Memorise, by Abbate D. de Santis. Romse, 1675, 4^ Pedigrees, with coloured arms, of Noble Houses of Italy, etc., circa 11 00. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,480. Historia Italise, et Hispanise Genealogica &c., by Jac. Wil. Imhof. Nuremburg, 1701, fol. Corpus HistorisB Genealogise Italia, et Hispanise, by J. W. Imhof. Norimb. 1702, fol. I Signori che hanno dominato suUa Corte di Quarantola e sulla Mirandola dal 1115 al 1707, by Felice Ceretti. Mirandola, 1879, 80- Genealogise viginti illustrium in Italia Familiarum, by Jac. Wil. Imhof. Amst. 1710, fol. Italia Sacra sive de Episcopis Italia, et Insularum adjacentium, etc., by D. Ferdinando Ughello. 10 vols. Venetiis, 1717, &c., fol. [This work is profusely illustrated with coats of arms.] Gestorum ab Episcopis Salutiensibus, by Saluzzo. Illustrated with coats of arms of 23 Cardinal Bishops. Parma, 1783, 8«- Istoria genealogica, e cronologica delle due nobilissime Case Adorna, e Botta anti- chissime, e celeberrime, I'una in Genova, e I'altra in Milano e Pavia, da Buona- ventura de Rossi. Fir. 1719, fol. L'ltalia Nobile nelle sue citta a ne' cavalieri figli delle medesime, etc., by Lodovico Araldi. Ven. 1722, 12o- Gli Scrittori d'ltalia, cioe notizie storiche, e critiche, intorno alle Vite, e agli scritti dei Letterati Italiani, by Giam- maria AJazzuchelli. 2 vols, in 6 parts. Bresciano, 1753—63, fol. Italy. 591 Eecueil Genealogique de plusieurs Mai- Colonna di Roma, iii. sons illustres d'Espagne, d'ltalie, et de Concini di Arezzo, ii. Flanders, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Condulmero di Venezia, ix. Add. MS. 12,473. Contrari di Ferrara, vii. De patricia Consentina Nobilitate, by Corraro di Venezia, iii. Fabricius Castiglius Morellus. Venetia, Correggio, da Oorreggio, ii. 1813, fol. Da Camino della Marca di Trevigi, i. Famiglie Celebri Italiane, del Conte Da Polenta Signori di Ravenna, ix. Pompeo Litta. 10 vols. Milano, 1819, Dal Verme di Verona, ii. etc., fol. D'Alviano d'Orvieto, viii. In dice Generale delle Famiglie Celebri Della Gherardesca di Pisa, Conti, ix. Italiane, del Conte P. Litta. 1874. Delia Pusterla di Milano, iv. Acciaioli di Firenze, vii. Delia Rovere di Savoni, Duchi d' Ur- Accolti di Arezzo, ii. bino, ix. Acquaviva di Napoli, vi. Del Monte di Monti S. Savino, ii. Adorno di Genova, vii. Del Monte S* Maria nell' Umbria- -See Aicardi — See Yisconti. Bourbon. Aldobrandini di Firenze, iv. D'Este, ii. Alidosio d'linola, viii. Duchi di Savoja — See Savoja. Alighieri di Firenze, ii. Ecelini, i. Altemps di Eoma, vi. Erizzo di Venezia, iv. Alviano — See D'Alviano. Este — see D'Este. Appiani di Pisa, ii. Euffreducci di Fermo, ix. Archinto di Milano, vi. Facchinetti di Bologna, ii. Arcimboldi di Milano, i. Faggiaola nel Montefeltro, viii. Ariosto di Bologna, vii. Farnesi, Duchi di Parma, ix. Attendolo Sforza, i. Ferrero di Biella, vi. Barbo di Venezia, ix. Fogliani di Reggio, iii. Bentivoglio di Bologna, iii. Foscarine di Venezia, iii. Bevilacqua di Verona, viii. Fregoso di Genova, vii. Birogo di Milano, viii. Gaddi di Firenze, ii. Bojardo di Reggio, ii. GaUio, i. Bonacolsi di Mantova, i. Gambacorta di Pisa, vi. Boncampagni di Bologna, iii. Gambara di Brescia, ix. Bonelli di Boma, vi. Ghihni d' Alessandria, vi. Borromeo di S. Miniato, iv. Giovio di Como, i. Bourbon del Monte, vi. Giustiniani di Venezia, vi. Buonarroti di Firenze, vii. Gonzaga di Mantova, iii. Buondelmonte di Firenze, vii. Gozzadini di Bologna, vi. Calabria, Duchi di, vi. Grassi di Bologna, viii. Calcagnini di Ferrara, vii. Guiceiardini di Firenze, ii. Camposampiero della Marca di Trevigi, Guidi di Romagna, ix. ix. Hohenstauffen — see Re di Napoli. Candiano di Venezia, ii. Lando di Venezia, vii. Cantelmi di Napoli, ii. Lannoy di Napoli, iv. Capponi di Firenze, x. Landovisi di Bologna, viii. Carpegna nel Montefeltro, viii. Lupi, March esi di Soragna, x. Carraresi di Padova, i. Macchiavelli di Firenze, iii. Casali di Cortona, vi. Madruzzo di Trento, vi. Castiglioni di Milano, i. Malaspina, viii. Cavalcabo di Cremona, i. Malatesta di Rimini, x. Cavaniglia di Napoli, i. Manfredi di Faenza, ix. Cesarini di Roma, i. • Marchesi di Monferrato, vii. Cesi di Roma, i. Marescotti di Bologna, iv. Cima di Cingoli, x. Martelli di Firenze, iii. 592 Italy. Massimo di Roma, iv. Mauruzi di Tolentino, vi. Medici di Firenze, ii. Meli e Marchesi Meli Lupi, Principi di Soragna, x. Mocenigo di Venezia, x. Monferatto, Marchesi di, vii. Monte di Monte — see Del Monte. Monte (Del) S* Maria — see Bourbon. Montefeltro, Duchi d'Urbino, viii. Morozzo di Mondovi, x. Navagero di Yenezia, vi. Normanni, Re di Sicilia — see Re di Sicilia. Ordelaffi di Forli, ix. Orseolo di Venezia, ii. Orsini di Roma, vii. Ottoboni di Venezia, iii. Ottoni di Matelioa, x. Paleologo Marchesi di Monferrato, vii. Pallavicino, iv. Panciatichi di Pistola, ix. Pazzi di Firenze, viii. Paretti di Montalto, i. Piccolomini, gia Todeschini, di Siena, ii. Pico della Mirandola, i. Pio di Carpi, i. Pucci di Firenze, x. Puglia, Conti e Duchi di, vi. Pusterla — See Pusterla. Rangoni di Modena, iii. Re di Napoli della Casa di Sue via, viii. Re di Sicilia, Normanni, vi. Rossi di Parma, ii. Roverella di Ferrara, iv. Saluzzo, Marchesi di, x. S*- Maria dell' Umbria — See Bourbon del Monte. Sanvitale di Parma, i. Savelli di Roma, x. Savoja (Duchi di), v. Scaligeri di Verona, i. Sforza (Attendolo), i. Sicilia, Re Normanni di — See Re di Sicilia. Simonetta di Calabria, i. Sinibuldi di Pistojo, vi. Smeducci di Sanseverino, x. Soderini di Firenze, ix. Stampa di Milano, viii. Steno di Venezia, ix. Strozzi di Firenze, iv. Suevia — See Re di Napoli. Tiepolo di Venezia, iii. Torelli di Ferrara, vi. Tornabuoni di Firenze, iii. Torriani di Valsassina, viii. Trinci di Foligno, i. Trivulzio di Milano, i* Urbino —See Montefeltro. Valori di Firenze, i. Varano di Camerino,iii. Verme — See Dal Verme. Vettori di Firenze, iii. Villani di Firenze, vi. Visconti di Milano, i. Visconti, gia Aicardi di Milano, ii. Vitelli di Citta di Castello, ii. [The copy in the Library of the British Museum is bound up alphabetically.]. Famiglie celebri Italiane, dispensa 185, Perillo di Napoli, by Pompeo Litta, Torino, 1885, fol. Biografia Soncinate di Paolo Ceruti. Milano, 1834, 4«- Biografia degli Italiani lUustri. Com- pilata da Letterati Italiani. Edited by Emilio de Tipaldo. 10 vols. Venezia, 1834—45, 8«- Citta e Famiglie nobile e celebri dello StatoPontificioDizionario storico, by P. E. Visconti. 3 vols. Roma, 1843-47, 8o- Recherches sur les Monuments et I'Histoire des Normands et de la Maison de Souabe dans I'ltalie Meri- dionale, par A. Huillard-Breholles, publiees par les soins de M. le Due de Luynes. Paris, 1844, fol. Panteon dei Martiri della liberta Italiana. Edited by Gabriele D'Amato. [Illus- trated with numerous portraits ] 2 vols. Torino, 1852, 8°- Indicateur Nobiliaire de France, d'ltalie d'apres les collections manuscrites des bibiotheques publiques de Belgique. 1869, 8«- Le Famiglie Celebri Medioevali dell' Italia Superiore, by Carlo Dionisotti. Torino, 1887, 8°- Libellus scutorum sen signorum publi- corum Regnorum ac statuum sacri Romani Imperii. By Virgil Solis. Nuremberg, 1555, 4*^- Trattato dei colori nelle arme, nelle livree et nelle divise, by Sicillo, herald to Alfonso, King of Aragon. Venetia, 1595, 8°- Earlier editions in 1503, 1507, 1520?, 1530? and 1565. Re- printed in ''Le Tresor des Pieces rares," etc. Paris, 1855, 8°- Italy. 593 Roman Empire. Erneuert Wappen- Buch, by J. Siebmacher. Nuremburg, 1696, fol. Arms of Italian Nobility, by Robert Glover. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5885. Trickings of arms belonging to Italy. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 856, f. 52, b. etc. Italian Arms, emblazoned, xc. Armi di Podesta di Fiesole. MS. 17th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A. Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Tesserae Gentilitiae, cum Glossario voca- bulorumartis tesserariae Italice reddito, by Silvester Petra Sancta. (Plates of about 2000 Coats of Arms.) Romse, 1638, fol. L'Araldo overo dell' Arme delle Famiglie trattato, by G. Bombaci. Bologna, 1651, 4P- Drawings of the arms of various foreign noblemen and gentlemen chiefly Italian and German, 1661—1669. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 4976. II Mercurio Araldico in Italia, premessa air Araldo Veneto, hj G. C. de Beatino. 2 vols. Venetia, 1686, 8o- Coloured Arms of Italian Families. 17th and 18th centuries ; two large folio volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 26686 ; 26687. Delle Antichita delle Armi Gentilizie, by C. Cittadini. Lucca. 1741, 8«- Foresti (Foresto) delle Gentilizie Insegne, volgarmente dette Armi delle Famiglie. Brescia, 1745, 4P- Arte del Blasone, by Mar. Ant. Ginanni. 1756, fol. [This work contains 881 shields of Arms of Italian families.] Armoiries Blasonnees des principales et lUustres Maisons d'ltalie, in colours, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,711. Coloured Ai-ms of Italian and German families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,435. Teatro Araldico ovvero raccolta generale delle Armi ed Insegne (xentilizie delle piiiillustrienobiliCasate che esisterono un tempo e che tuttora fioriscono in tutta r Italia, illustrate con relative genealogico-storiche nozioni , da L. Tettoni e F. Saladini. Coloured plates. 8 vols. Lodi and Milano, 1841 — 48, 4°' Grammatica Araldica ad uso degl' Italiani, by F. Tribolati. Pisa, 1881, 8° Tombe e Monumenti lUustri d'ltalia, descritti e delineati. Milano, 1822, 4P- Album of Sigismundus Ortelius ; con- taining autograph inscriptions of his friends, with coloured coats of arms; 1573—1579. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1191. Album amicorum et patronorum pro familia et posteritate Girbertorum ; containing inscriptions of Professors, and of noblemen and others in Italy and Germany ; with coloured coats of arms ; 1574—1708. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 17,343. Album of Sebastian Zach, of Augsburg, containing autograph inscriptions of his friends, with coloured coats of arms, dated principally at Pisa, Florence, and Rome, 1581—1600. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1199. Album of Joachim Weyerman, contain- ing autograph inscriptions, dated at Verona and Genoa, and accompanied with coloured coats of arms, etc., 1606—1613. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1236. Album of Paul Praun, containing auto- graph inscriptions of various persons, accompanied generally with their arms, in colours ; dated at Lucca, Augsburg, Hamburg, and Bologna, 1617—1634. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1258. Copies of documents and tracts relating to the city of Bologna, with coloured arms, from 1357 to 1718, 6 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 16526—16531. Arms of Italian families. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26676 ; Eg. MS. 886. Delia Nobilta di Bologna, compresa nel suo Specchio della Nobilta d'Europa, by F. Amadi. Cremona, 1588, 4P- Trattato de gli Huomini illustri di Bologna, etc., by Bartolomeo di Galeotti. Ferrara, 1590, 4<'- Cronologia delle Famiglie Nobili di Bologna, by Pompeo Scipione Dolfi. Bologna, 1644, 4°' Chronologia delle Famiglie Nobili di Bologna, con le loro Insegne e nel fine iCimieri, by P. S. Dolfi. Bologna, 1670, 4P- 594 Italy. Blasone Bolognees, cioe Arme Gentilizie di Famiglie Bolognesi, Nobili, Citta- dinesche, e aggregate, con annotazioni, by F. Carnetoli. 5 vols. Bologna, 1791—93, £ol. Vite dei Pittori ed Artefici Bolognesi, by Antonio Bolognini Amorini. Bologna, 1841-43. 80- Aviccenna da Urbino, Memorie della Cita di Cingoli ; with appendix of docu- ments relating to the family of Cima of Cinqoli, and 15 plates of arms. Jesi, 1644, 4®- La Nobilta della citta di Como, by Thomaso Porcacchi. Venetia, 1569, 40. De Patricia Cosentina Nobilitate Moni- mentorum Epitome, by F. C. Morelli. Illustrated with portraits and coats of arms. Venetia, 1713, fol. Epitome de I'Origine et Succession de la Duche de Ferrare, par Gabriel Simeon. Paris, 1552, S^- Cavalerie della Citta di Ferrara, by Jean Feron. 1566, 4^- Annali della Citta di Ferrara, con I'effigie di tutti gli Prencipi & Signori della casa d'Este, per Filippo Roddi, 1600. Brit. Mus. Harl. MSS. 3310 ; 3311. Ferrara d'Ora imbrunito, by Ant. Libanori. [With descriptions of the arms of the Cardinals, Bishops, etc., by Alf. Maresti.] 3 vols. Fer. 1665—74, fol. Teatro Genealogicoet Istorico dell' antiche et illustri Famiglie di Ferrara, by Alfonso Maresti, 3 vols. Ferrara, 1678—1708, fol. Annals of Ferrara, with Genealogies of the Dukes, etc. circa 1700. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,330. Discorso della Nobilta di Firenze e de Fiorentini, by Paolo Mini. Firenze, 1593, 80- Another edition, 1614. Reprinted in " La Toscana illustrata," vol. I, by A. Santini, 1755, 4o- Discorso intorno al modo del fari gli Alberi delle Famiglie Nobili Fiorente, by Borghini. Fiorenza. 1602, 4«- Delle famiglie nobili Florentine. Parte prima. Edited by S. Ammirato Firenze, 1615, fol. Arms of forty-eight illustrious Families in Florence, 1618. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3412. Senatori Fiorentini raccolti da Ferdinando Leopoldo del Migliore. About 150 coats of arms. Fir. 1665, 18°- Priorista di Firenze ; Lists of Priori, Consoli, and other principal Magistrates of the City of Florence, arranged alphabetically under families, with their arms in colours ; also the arms of the Florentine Towns, Wards, Com- panies, etc. 1686. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,612. Inclytai Nationis Florentinse Familiae, by Ignatii Ursulini. Romse. 1706, 80- Istoria degli Scrittori Fiorentini, by P. Guilio Negri. Ferrara, 1722, fol. Lists of the Gonfalonieri and Priori of Florence to the year 1531, and of the Senatori to 1737 ; arranged under families : with the arras in colours and with figures exhibiting the cos- tumes of the officers. Prefixed are the arms of the wards, quarters, etc. of the city. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1170. Storia Genealogica della Nobili ta e Citta- dinanza Fiorentina, con Notizie appartenenti raccolte da diversi autori, by G. M. Mecatti. 3 vols. Napoli, 1751—55, 4^- II Senato Fiorentino o sia Notizia di Senatori Fiorentini dal suo principio fino al presente data in Luce da Domenico Maria Manni. Florence, 1771, 4- Delle eccellenze e grandezze della nazione Fiorentina, etc. (Plates of Arms and Heraldic Banners.) Firenze. 1780, 8«- Priorista Fiorentino of Francesco Sega- loni, with arms, and additional notes. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,433. The Priorista of Florence of Francesco Segaloni, revised by Lionardo Buini ; with arms in colours. Prefixed are genealogical trees of Buini, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2036. A book of Arms, coloured, entitled, " II Feciale di tutta la nobilita Fiorentina." 18th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3472. A Catalogue of the Priors, Abbots, etc. of the Monastery Degli Angioli at Florence. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 5848, f. 151. Italy. 595 Sepulchral inscriptions of Florentine Families in churches in Rome and Pisa, 1630 and 1640. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,969. Nobilta di Genova ; cioe. Armi delle Casate nobili della citta di Genova amraesse al governo della Republica, da lui raccolte, ed intagliate da Hiero- nymo David ; con veduta della citta neir frontispizio, byAgostino Fransone. Genova, 1636, fol. Battilana Genealogie delle Famiglie Nobili di Genova. 3 vols. Genova, 1825—33, fol. Libro della Nobilta di Genova. 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23988. An account of the Golden Book of Genoa, and of the Nobility of Genoa, by Stacy Grimaldi, 1860. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,989. Genealogise viginti illustrium Familiarum Lampugnanse, bv Francisci Nobili. Parma, 1697, fol." The original Succession and Progeny of the Lombard Kings, continued from Agilmundus to this day. English and Latin. Lond. 1681, fol. Brit. Mus. Lib. 599, i. (3). Historia della Nobilta, et degne qualita del Lago Maggiore, by P. Morigi. Milan, 1603, 8« Arbori delle Famiglie che hanno signoreg- giato con diversi titoli in Mantova, by Cesare Campana. Mantova, 1590, 8°- An Account of the Families in Messina, Italian. 16th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3576. Memorie de Pittori Messinesi e degli esteri che in Messina. Mess. 1821, 8«- Nobiliario della Citta di Messina, by Gius. Galluppi. Napoli, 1877, 4P- Stato presente della Nobilta Messinese. by G. Galluppi. Milano, 1881, 8^- Genealogia domus Vicecomitum, Ducum Mediolani, "per magistrum Petrum de Castelleto ; " 1403 : the direct descent only, from the earliest time, with medallion portraits. Vellum. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,814 Sommario delle Vite de Duchi di Milano, cosi Yisconti, come Sforzeschi^accolta da diversi Auttori, by ScipioneBarbuo. Venetia, 1574, fol. Another edition, 1584. Tutti i Duchi di Milano Visconti Sfor- zeschi et Austriaci. [A genealogical tree], by S. Ammirato. Flor. 1576, single sheet. La Nobilta di Milano, by P. Morigi. Milano, 1595, 4P- La Nobilta di Milano, by Paolo Morigi ; col supplimento di Girolamo Borsieri. Milano, 1619, 8o- Nobilta e Progenie de Sig. Sessanta del Consiglio Generale di Milano. See Historia di Milano, etc., by P. Morigi. Ven. 1592. Historia delle vite di Duchi et Duchesse di Milano, by Ant. Campo. Milano, 1642, 4P- Pedigrees of Milanese Families, alpha- betically arranged, and brought down to the year 1724, a list of names is prefixed, folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,617. II Patriziato Milanese, di Felice Oalvi. Milano, 1875, 8«- Famiglie Notabili Milanesi. Cenni storici e genealogici raccolti da F. Bagatti-Valsecchi, F. Calvi, L. A. Casati, D. Muoni, L. Pulle. [Por- traits and plates of arms illuminated in gold and colours.] 4 vols. Milano, 1875—85, fol. Biblioteca Modenese o Notizie della Vita e della Opere degli Scrittori Natii degli Stati del Serenissimo Signor Duca di Modena, by Giro. Tiraboschi. 6 vols. Modena, 1781—86, 4P- Continuation, 5 vols. Reggio, 1833—37. Tutti i Re di Napoli et Sicilia, Normandi, Suevi, Angioni, Aragonesi, Castigliani, et Austriaci. [A genealogical tree], by S. Ammirato. Flor. 1576, single sheet. Delle famiglie nobili Napoletane. Edited by S. Ammirato. 2 parts. Flor. 1580 and 1651, fol. Neapolitanorum Regum Vitse et Effigies Auctore B.G. Containing six genea- logical trees, and twenty-five portraits by D Custodis. Aug. Vind. 1605, fol. L'Armi, overo Insegne de' Nobili, ove sono i discorsi d' alcune Famiglie Nobili del Regno di Napoli, by Fili- berto Campanile. Napoli, 1610, fol. Second edition, 1618. 596 Italy. II Regno di Napoli, diviso in dodici Pro- vincie, etc., by Enrico Bacco. (Wood- cuts of shields of arms.) Napoli, 1618, 8«- Teatro degli Huomini illustri che furono grand' Ammiragli nel Regno di Napoli, by P. Vincenti. Napoli, 1628, 4°- Discorsi delle Famiglie estinte, forastiere, non comprese ne' seggi di Napoli, imparentate colla Casa della Marra, by Don Ferrante della Marra, dati in luce da C. Tutini. Napoli, 1641, fol. Deir origine e fundatione de' seggi di Napoli, by C. Tutini. Napoli, 1644, 40- Another edition, 1754. Vindex Neapolitanse Nobilitatis, animad- versio in F. Aelii Marchesii librum de Neapolitanis familiis, by C. Borrelli. Napoli, 1653, 4"- Discorsi delle Faniiglie Nobili del Regno di Napoli, by Carlo de Lellis. 4 vols Napoli, 1654—1701, fol. Naples Fran^oise, ou les eloges, genea- logiques, et historiques des Princes, Seigneurs, et grands Capitaines du Royaume de Naples, par J. B. L' Hermite Tristan de Soliers. Paris, 1663, 40- D^scrittione del Regno di Napoli, nella quale si tratta della citta di Napoli con le Famiglie nobili, by C. E. Caracciolo. Napoli, 1671, 4^- Lo Splendore della Nobilita Napolitana, de Carlo Torelli. Napoli, 1678, 4^^- Memorie historiche di diverse famiglie nobili, cosi Napoletaue come forastiere, etc., by Biagio Aldimari. Napoli, 1691, fol. Notizie di alcuni Re di Napoli e person - aggi illustri, cosi anche di alcune famiglie di detta citta e regno, 17th century. Brifc. Mus. Add. MS. 12,465. Notizie di famiglie nobili, ed illustri della citta, e regno di Napoli, con la genea- logia della f amiglia Latro ; by Guiseppe Reecho. Napoli, 1717, 4o- Memorie storiche degli Scrittori nati nel Regno di Napoli, by Camillo Minieri Riccio. Napoli, 1844, 8^ Alcuni Monumenti Sepolcrali fatti in Napoli, by Michele Ruggiero, Napoli, 1851, fol. Genealogia di Carlo I. di Angio, by Camillo Minieri Riccio. Napoli, 1857, 80- Genealogia di Carlo II. d' Angio, Re di Napoli, by Camillo Minieri Riccio. Napoli, 1882, etc. S^- La nobilta Napoletana, by C. Padiglione. Napoli, 1880, 8°- I Blasoni monumenti di storia nella Facciata del Duomo di Napoli, by Bened. Minichini. Nap. 1881. 8«- Museo Novarese, by L. Agostino Cotta. Containing Irief sketches of tJie principal families of Novara. Milano, 1701, fol. Sommario dell' origine e nobilta d'alcune Famiglie della Citta di Padova, by Giacopo Cagna. Padova, 1589, 4P' Another edition, 1623. Tito Livio Padovano, overo historia della Gente Livia Romana, e Padovana. Et della f amiglia Sanuta Veneziana, etc., by Giacomo Zabarella. Padova. 1669, Coloured drawings of the Monuments in the Chapel of St. Antony of Padua ; with a Register. The dates are from 1327 to 1796. Brit. Mus, Add. MS. 22,476. Cenni storici sulle Famiglie di Padova e sui monumenti dell' universita. Padova, 1842, 4«- Annali della felice Citta di Palermo, coll' Apparato al Palermo Nobile, by Agostino Inveges. 3 vols. Palermo, 1649, fol. (Nearly 300 coats of arms in colours.) Istoria della antichita, nobilita, e delle cose notabili della citta di Pavia, by Stef. Breventano. Pavia, 1570, 4P- Verngia. Matricula artificum Artis Sartorum civitatis Perusii. Thestatutes of the guild, and the names of the associates from 1368 to 1801. Written on vellum, with the arms of the com- pany in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21965. Piedmont, see also Sardinia. Discorsi sopra le Famiglie Nobili del Piemonte, da Fran. Agostino. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8548. Cariche del Piemonte e Paesi Uniti colla serie cronologica delle persone che le Hanno occupate ed Altre Notizie di Nuda Istoria dal fine del secolo decimo sino al Dicembre 1798, by Count Galli. 3 vols. Torino, 1798, 8°- Italy. 597 Famiglie esistenti di Pistoja ch'hauno goduto, e godono il Gonfalonierato. Del Cav^- Pier. Lor. Franchi, 1700. 3 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 20,522 —20,524. Arme Pistoiese : arms of the families of Pistoja, by Alfonso Brunozzi, 1733. Folio. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,434. Genealogia Imperatorum, ac Regum. Romse, 1555. Imperatorum Romanorum ex Familia Austriae, by H. Dasselius. Hamb. 1590, S'^- Romanorum Imperatorum Effigies, by G* B. Cavalieri. Rome, 1590, S°- An- other edition, 1592. Imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea, by Jacobi de Bie. Antwerp, 1615, 4P- Lives of all the Roman Emperors, being exactly collected from Julius Csesar, until the now reigning Ferdinand the Second, by R. Brathwait. London, 1636, 12«- Medailles illustrees des anciens Empereurs et Imperat rices de Rome, par J. B. le Menestrier. Dijon, 1642, 4«- Lives of the Empresses, consorts of the twelve Cajsars of Rome, and Characters of the most celebrated Favourites, Courtiers, etc., by De Serviez, trans- lated by G. James. 1723, S^- Histoire des Empereurs Romains depuis Auguste jusqu' a Constantin, par J. B. L. Crevier. 6 vols. Paris, 1750 — 56, 40 Other editions, 1818—19, and 1824—28. The History of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine, by J. B. L. Crevier. Translated from the French by J. Mill. 10 vols. London, 1814, 8°- Monumens de la Vie privee des douze Cesars et Monumens du Culte secret des Dames Romaines, par Hugues d' Hancarville. Caprees, 1780, 4'^- Ad sex primorum Caesarum genealogicam Arborem Commentaria, by J. B. Rotundus. Neopoli, 1787, 4<^- Tables genealogiques des Heros des Romans, avec un catalogue des prin- cipaux ouvrages en ce Genr^, by L. Dutens. [1796?] 4o- Les Cesars. Histoire des Cesars jusqu' a Neron. Tableau du monde remain sous les premiers empereurs, par le Comte de Champagny. 2nd edition, 2 vols. Paris, 1850, 8''- History of the Roman Emperors, from Augustus to the Death of Marcus Antonio, by the Rev. R. Lynam. 2 vols. London, 1853, 8"- The Lives of the Twelve Csesars, by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. The Trans- lation of Alexander Thomson, M.D., revised and corrected by T. Forester, Esq. Bohn's Classical Library. London, 1855, 8«- The Pageant of Popes, contayninge the Lyves of all the Bishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of grace 1555, by John Bale. Englished with sondrye additions by J. 8. (John Studley.) London, 1574, 40. Epitome Pontilicum Romanorum, a S. Petro usque adPaulum IIIL, Cardina- lium item nomiua, dignitatum tituli, insignia, etc., by 0. Pavinio. Venetius, 1557, fol. Panvini, Pontificum Romanor. Epitome. Venice, 1557 ; with fifty pages of MS. additions, drawings of armorial bear- ings, &c., carrying the Papal successions down to Clement VIII. in 1592. Brit. Mus. Stowe MS. 412. Pontificum Romanorum Effigies, by G. B. de Cavalieri. [236 engraved portraits.] Rome, 1585, 8°- Illustriores Effigies L. Pontificum Romanorum, by G. B. Cavalieri [with plates of Popes by other artists.] Rome, 1589, fol. Pontificum Romanorum Effigies a Christo usque ad Urban um VIII. JEng raved 'portraits. Antverpia3, 1679, fol. Vitaj et Gesta summorum Pontificum, etc., by Alfunsus Ciaconius. Romse, 1601, fol. Another edition, 2 vols. 1630. Fasti Romanorum ad A.D. 1674, by Count G. Zabarella. Patavii, 1674, 4o- Vitse Pontificum Romanorum, by Alphonsi Ciaconi. 4 vols Rome, 1677, fol. Continuation, by A. M. Guarnacci. 2 vols. Rome, 1751, fol. [Contains the arms of the Popes and Cardinals.] Historia Summorum Pontificum, a Mar- tino v., etc., by Claude du Molinet. Luteti«j, 1679. fol. 598 Italy. Relation of the Life and Character of Pope Innocent XII., and of the Cardinals and eminent men of whom the Papal Court was then composed. Illustrated with portraits and arms of the persons described, 1691. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33,754. Histoire des Papes depuis S. Pierre jusqu' a Benoit XIII. (par F. Bruys). 5 vols. La Haye, 1732—34, 4*^ History of the Popes, from the Founda- tion of the See of Rome to the present time, by Archibald Bower. 7 vols. 1749—66, 4''- History of the Popes, by Leopold von Ranke. English translations. London, 1842 and 186(5, Glasgow, 1846—47. Traveller's Library^ vol. 19, 1856, and Bohn's Standard Library, 1846. Dictionnaire des Papes, ou Histoire Complete de tousles Souverains Pontifes depuis Saint-Pierre jusqu' a Pie IX., par M. Gr. F. Gheve. Encydopedie Theologique, vol. 32, par J. P. Migne, Paris, 1857, 8''- Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum 1198. Edited by Philipp Jaffe. Berolini, 1851, 4"- Another edition, Lips. 1881 — 88. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum inde ab a post Christum natum 1198 ad a. 1304, by August Potthast. Berolini, 1873, 4'^- Another edition, Roma, 1874. Romanorum Pontificum Regesta. Cu- rante D. Gregorio Palmieri. Romae, 1884, 12«- Dictionnaire des Cardinaux, contenant de Notions Generales sur le Cardinalat, la Nomenclature complete par ordre alphabetique, des Cardinaux de tons les temps et de tons Ics pays, par M. 1' Abbe G.B., public par M. I'Abbe Migne. Enclyclopedie Theologique^ vol. 31. Paris, 1857, 8«- Lives of the Cardinals of Rome. Italian. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6198. Gentium et Familiarum Romanorum Stemmata, by Rich. Streinn. Paris, 1559, fol. Another edition, 1571. Memoir on the origin of the most ancient and noble families of Rome, by Cas- tallus Metallinus, ].565. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,713. Account by Castallus Metallinus of the Families in his own district of Rome. Italian. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8433. Familiae Romanse qu3B reperiuntur in Antiquis Numismatibus adjunctis Familiis xxx et Libro A. Augustinus, by Fulvi Ursini. Romae, 1577, fol. Another edition, Paris, 1663, fol. Genealogical notices of the principal Families of Rome written about the year 1660 ; with an index of families prefixed, and illustrated with coloured coats of arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,580. II Nobile Romano o'sia Trattato di Nobilta, by G. P. de' Crescenzi Romani. Bologna, 1698, fol. De Familiis Romanorum, by Antonius Augustinus, see " Thesaurus Antiqui- tatum Romanorum," vol. 7, by J. G. Grajvius. 1G94. Lists of Consuls and Senators of Rome, 1220—1765 ; with notices of the Senators and of their families ; and lists of the noble families of Rome, 1746 and 1753. Italian. Brit, lilus. Add. MSS. 20,060 ; 20,074. Raguaglio compitissimo di tutte le Nobilta (delle) famiglie antiche e modern e di Roma, by Theodoras van Meyden, and a transcript by Giovanni Francesco Grassi, 1752, with lists of noble Roman Families by the same, 1748. Brit, Mus. Add. MSS. 20076 ; 20077. Historia delle Famiglie antiche e nobili Ro- mane ; with their Arms in colours, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3546. Account of the origin and history of some of the principal families of Rome. Italian. ISth century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,844. Rome, Regal and Republican, a Family History of Rome, by J. M. Strickland. London, 1854, 8«' Le Livre d'Or du Capitole, Catalogue officiel de la Noblesse Romaine, annote par le Comte de Tournon. Paris, Lyons, 1864, 8«' Le Grand Chapelet Pontifical compose selon I'art Heraldic du Blason en faveur des Princes et Grands Seigneurs qui se rangent dans le Giron de I'Eglise. Par le Rev. Pere Archangelo-Locusto. 17thcentury. Brit. Mus. SloanMS. 111. Italy. 599 Les Armes blasonnees des Pontifes Eomains, par Mich. Georg. Abbeville, 1659, 4''- Grand Armorial des Papas, par le baron de La Villestreux. 18G3, fol. Les Armoiries dans les troupes romaines, par Paul Lecesne. Paris, 1873, S"*- Epitaphs of the Catacombs ; or Christian Inscriptions in Rome during the first four Centuries, by the Rev. Canon Northcote. London, 1878, 8'^- Raccolta di Targhe fatte da Professori primarj in Roma, by Juvarra. Rome, 1722, 4''- [54 plates of monuments, representing the Escutcheons of Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, and others.] Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions in the Churches aud Cemeteries of Rome. 12 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 8490—8501. Drawings of Sepulchral Monuments in Rome, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,349. Biographia Sarda, by Pietro Martini. 3 vols. Cagliari, 1837—38, S^- Dizionario Biografico degli Uomini Illus- tri di Sardegna, by D. Pasquale Tota. 3 vols. Torino, 1837, 8°- Sardinia and Piedmont. Memorie cronologiche e genealogiche di Storia nazionale. Torino, 1852, 4^' I raguagli historici del Yespro Siciliano, by Filadelfo Mugnos. Palermo, 1645, 4P- Second edition, 1669, Teatro Genealogico delle famiglie nobili titolate feudatarie ed antiche nobili del Regno di Sicilia, by Filadelfo Mugnos. 2 parts. Palermo, 1647—55, fol. La Cartagine Siciliana, historia divisa in due libri : I. Nome, sito et origine della citta di Caccabe hoggi Caccamo ; 11. la Descendenza di xiv. nobilissime Famiglie Normanne, Francese e Spag- nuole, che Than signoreggiato, by Agost. Inveges. Palermo, 1661, 8«- Histoire des Rois de Sicile et de Naples, des Maisons d' Anjou, c'est a dire Charles I. et Charles T.I.,by DesNoulis. Paris, 1707, 4«- Histoire des Rois de Deux SicSes de la Maison de France, par Chas. P. de Monhenault d' Egly. 4 vols. Paris, 1741, 12-' Della Sicilia Nobile, by F. M. Emanuele de Gaetani Marchese di Villa Bianca. 4 vols. Palermo, 1754 — 59, fol. Normans in Sicily, by H. G. Knight. Lond. 1838, 8«- Saracenic and Norman remains to illus- trate the " Normans in Sicily," by H. G. Knight. Lond. 1840, fol. La Sicile et la Maison de Savoie, par Costanzo Ferrari. Paris, 1860, H°- La Nobilta del Regno delle due Sicilie, per Erasmo Ricca, continued by R. A. Ricciardi. Napoli, 1859—1887, 40- II Blasone in Sicilia ossia raccolta araldica, by V. Palizzolo Gravina. [History of the great families of Sicily, profusely illustrated with coats of arms.] Palermo, 1871—75, fol. Arme delle Famiglie Nobili di Siena che al presente si trouvano, e godono, o possono godere gli onori del Supremo eccelso maestrato, quest' anno 1706. Augusta Taurinorum, with portraits, genealogical trees and coats of arms, by P. Pingoni. Taurini, 1577, fol. Genealogical Tree of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, by Scipione Ammirato. Flor. 1585 ? single sheet. Another edition, 1630? La Toscane, de Gabriel Chappuys, con- tenant les noms, limites et grandeur de Toscane, ses richesses, valeur, noblesse ; ensemble de ses magnanimes Chefs et Dues de la Maison de Medici. Paris, 1601, 8«- La Toscane Fran^oise, contenant les eloges, genealogies, des princes, seigneurs & grands capitaines de la Toscane : ensemble, leurs armes, etc., par Jean Bapt. Tristan L'Hermite de Soliers. Aries, 1458 [1658], fol. Another edition, Paris, 1661, 4P- Istoria Genealogica delle Famiglie Nobili Toscane, et Umbre, by Eugenio Gamurrini. 5 vols. Fiorenza 1668 — 85, fol. Serie degli antichi Duchi e Marchesi di Toscana, by Cosimo della Rena. 3 parts. Firenze, 1687 — 91, fol. [Con- tains numerous pedigrees.] Storia delle Monete dei Gran Duchi d Toscana. Fiorenza, 1756, 4^- Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana, with descriptions, by V. Gozzini. Firenze, 1819, fol. 600 Italy. Sommario storico delle FamigHe celebri 1 Toscane, by Demostene Tiribilli- Giuliani. Firenze, 1855, &c. 4'^- Famiglie celebri Toscane, by Luigi Passerini. Firenze, 1862—04, 4^ Le Arrai dei Municipi Toscani, by L. Passerini. Firenze, 1864, 8*^- Lives of the Dukes of Urbino, and Accounts of the disputed Kight of Succession to that Duchy. Italian. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8511. Bibliografia Veneziana compilata da G. Soranzo in aggiunta e continuazione del " Saggio " di E. A. Cigogna Ven. 1885, 4" List of Noble Venetian Families, with notices of their origin, and of the individuals in whom they may have terminated ; and notices of Venetian citizens who offered military service in the years 1379 and 1381. Italian. 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,659. Lives of the Doges of Venice to the year 1427. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8575. La origine delle nobilissime famiglie et casade della inclita citade de Venetia con le sue arme. With the chronicle of Venice to 1427, and arms of the Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,431 El Primo Nasimento de le nobilisime famiglie et schiate et chaxade de la inclita cita de Venetia, con le sue insegnie, ete. ; with coloured arms, 15th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,475. Origin of the Families of Venice, and list of the Doges to the year 1480 Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10148. Alphabetical list of noble families of Venice, with notices of their origin, etc., and with their arms in colours ; preceded by notices and lists of persons and families distinguished by connection with state offices, from the 12th to the 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 18,659 ; 24,284. Venetorum nobilium insignia, with i numerous coloured coats of arms. f Eton Coll. Lib. MS. Arma Gentilicia, sive Insignia vera Nobiliu Civitatis Venetiarum viven- tium, Anno Domini. 1561. MS. No. 231. Wobum Abbey. Arme Blasoni, o' Insegne Gentilitie delle Famiglie Patritie esistenti nella Serenissima Republico di Venetia. No place or date, 12"^- vellum. Arme overo Insegne di tutti li nobili della cittil di Venetia, c'hora vivono, by Aless. Vecchi. Venetia, 1578, 4P- Another edition in 1587. " Raccolta delle Arme et Origine de alquanti nobili Veneziani, 1590." Arms in colours, with short historical notices of the principal families of Venice. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,726. L'Arme di tutti li Nobili della Citta di Venetia. Venezia, 1596, 4"- Alphabetical Catalogue etc. of Venetian Families, with their Arms emblazoned, from 709—1605. Brit. Mus. Kings MSS. 149; 150. Le Arme, overo Insegne di tntti li Nobili della Citta di Venezia. [Coloured plates.] Ven. 1619, 4P- Cronica di tutti li Dosi Venitiani, etc., being a short account of the Doges and the principal Venetian families, with their coats of arms in colours, to the year 1625. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14,287. Teatro dell' armi delle famiglie nobili vecchie e nove del inclita citta di Venetia, etc. Ven. 1650 ? fol. Genealogia delle nobili Famiglie che di presente formano il Veneto Consiglio, nel 1672 ; with arms in colours of the principal Venetian Families, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16512. Illustrioris nobilitatis Venetse centum tabulae progonologicae, by Griacomo Zabarella. See "Theatrum Nobili- tatis Europese," by Phil. Jac. Spener. Francofurti, 1668—78, fol. Genealogie dei Nobili Veneti, di Marco Barbaro, detto II Gobbo, 1679. Arranged in alphabetical order of Families. Large folio. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1155. L'Araldo Veneto, overo universale arme- rista, mettodico di tutta la scienza araldica, etc., by G. C. de Beatiano. Ven. 1680, 4P- Corona della Nobilta Veneta, Dedicata al Signer Angelo Maria Labia, by P.V. N? V? 1688. Brit. Mus. Add. MS, 17352. Italy. 601 Libro de Nobili di Venezia ; with coloured arms, 1695. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,476. Venetian Arms in Colours, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,501. Arme, blasoni o insegne gentilitie delle famiglie patritie esistenti nella Re- publica di Venetia, by Vincenzo M. Coronelli. Ven. 1700 ? le^- II Blasone Veneto descritto ne' 45 Tomi della Biblioteca universale, by Vincenzo M. Coronelli, Venezia, [1702], obl.4o- History of the noble families of Venice, from the years 421 to the middle of the 17th century, with additions down to 1704 ; with the arms in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 22,500. The Nobility of Venice (in German), by Wagenseil. Altdorf, 1704, 12^- La Nobilita Veneta, o sia, tutte le Eamiglie Patrizie con le figure de suoi Scudi ed Armi, con un discorso del Blasons, by D. C. Freschot. Venetia, 1707, 12'^- "The most complete Armorial of Venice," Quaritch. Libro d'Oro ; ossia enumerazione delle famiglie nobili Venete, et loro individui, 1550—1722. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 10,741—10,755. Relazione delle Famiglie Patrizie Venete ora esistenti, e discritte nel libro d'oro stampato I'anno 1744. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,132. Ecclesia Torcellanae antiquis monumentis. by F. Cornelio [Cornaro]. 3 vols. Venice, 1747, 4P- Ecclesise Venetse antiquis monumentis, by F. Cornelio. Supplement a ad Ecclesias Venetas et Torcellanas. 15 vols. Venice, 1749, 4P- Notizie Istorico-Critiche, intorno la Vita, e le Opere degli Scrittori Viniziani, by Giovanni degli Agostini. 2 vols. Ven. 1752—54, 4«- A List of Venetian Ambassadors to Eng- land, 1502 — 1763, with some account of their relations, by John Holmes. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,760. Famiglie Patrizie Venete. Venezia, 1774, A List of Venetian Ducali [1367—1794] in the British Museum, the National Library at Paris, and various private collections, with sketches of Arms, des- criptions of Medals of Doges, etc., by John Holmes, 19th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 20,758, Repertorio genealogico delle Famiglie confermate Nobili e dei Titolati Nobili esistenti nelle Provincie Venete, com- pilato da Francesco Schroeder. 2 vols. Venezia, 1830, S^- Vite degli Illustri Pittori Veneti e dello Stato, by Cav. Carlo Ridolfi. Second edition. 2 vols. Padova, 1835 - 37, S^'' Serie dei Dogi di Venezia, by Antonio Nani. Portraits of all the Doges, with their coats of arms, 2 vols. Ven. 1840, 4«- Libro dei Nobili Veneti ; ora per la prima volta messo in luce. Firenze, 1866, 8°- La Venezia e Casa di Savoja, etc. 1866, 80. History of Verona, with emblazoned arms, by Fr. Corna da Soncino, 1477. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14097. La Nobilta di Verona, by Gio. Francesco Tinto. Verona, 1592, 4P- Reprinted in 1598. Notizie storiche delle Chiese di Verona, etc., by G. B. G. Biancolini, (Arms of the Bishops). Verona, 1749, 4P' Di alcuni antichi Veronesi Guerrieri, by Giovanni Orti Manara. Verona, 1 842, fol. Istoria della citta di Viterbo, by F. Bussi. Roma, 1742, fol. ' S*::3 a^«> CC»<^ss=- Portugal Note : A few typographical inaccuracies in this section are unavoidable. Catalogo Chronologico, Historico, Gene- alogico, e Critico das Rainhas de Portugal, por D. Joze Barbosa. Lis- boa, 1727, 4°- Diccionario Aristocratico. Lisboa, 1840, Dictionnaire Historico- A rtistique du Portugal, par le Comte A. Raczynski. Paris, 1847, 8«- ] Archivo Heraldico-Genealogico, contain- • ing genealogical notices of Portuguese families, by Vise, de Sanches de Baena. 2 vols. Lisbon, 1873, 4<'- A Treatise on the Succession to the Crown of Portugal, after the Death of Henry. Portuguese. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 8709. Pedigree of Antonio, King of Portugal [1580], with laudatory verses on the Royal Pedigree of Portugal. Brit. Mus. Cott. Ch. XV. 22. Taboa genealogica da casa real de Portu- gal desde D. Affonso V. ate a extinc^ao da linha directa em 15S0. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 588 f., 87. De Portugallise Ortu, Regni initiis: Gene- alogia Begum PortugallicB, by Joseph Teixera. Paris, 1582, 4"- Genealogical Tables, very richly illumin- ated, of the descent and alliances of the Royal House of Spain and Portu- gal from the earliest period to the 16th century, on 13 sheets, and known as the Portuguese drawings. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,531. Portugal. 607 Descents of the Kings of Portugal, printed and in manuscript ; with other papers relating to the Crown of Portu- gal, etc., 16th century. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Nero B, 1. Genealogical tables, tracing the quarter- ings of Sovereign Princes of Flandres, of the Houses of Yalois, of Austria, JSpain, and Portugal, and their wives, with arms in colours, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,707. Descent of the Houses of Portugal and Spain, from Hen. III. King of Eng- land :. Stemmata Begum et competi- torum LusitanisB. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 807, ff. 78 and 83^- Genealogical Table, from John I. King of Lusitania. Brit. Mus. Sloan MS. 2764, art. 4. Genealogical table of the Kings of Portu- gal. MS. in the possession of the Marquis of Salisbury. L'Origine des Roys de Portugal, issus en ligne masculine de la Maison de France, qui regne aujourd'hui, par Theodore Godefroy. Paris, 1610, 4i''- Other editions in 1612, 1616, 1624. Entreveues de Charles IV. Discours sur rOrigine des Roys de Portugal, yssus en ligne masculine de la Maison de France, par Theodore Godefroy. 3 parts. Paris, 1613, 4«- Succession del Senor Rey Don Filipe II. en la Corona de Portugal, by Manuel y Vasconcelos. Madrid, 1639, 8°- Joanni IIII. PortugalliseRegisuccessionis, etc. [A genealogical tree of the Kings of Portugal], by Livius Tagocius. Ulysiponse, 1641, single sheet. Genealogia Regum Lusitanise, etc., by Antonio de Sousa de Macedo. Lon- dini, 1643, 4o- Kings of Portugal. Arbore reale delli Re di Portogallo : nel quale si mostra la successione del Re D. Giovanni IIII. Single sheet 1650 ? Brit. Mus. Libr. 131, h. 5. (ii.) A genealogical history of the Kings of i Portugal, by Sainte-Marthe ; translated from the French, and continued to the year 1662, by Francis Sandford. Lon- don, 1662, fol. ^ Stemma regium Lusitanicum, sive historia genealogica f am ilia) regise Portugallicse, par J. W. Imhof. Amst. 1708, fol. Historica Genealogica da Casa Real Portugueza, desde a sua origem ate o presente, com as Familias Illustres, que procedem dos Reyes, etc. Provas da Historia Genealogica tirades dos Archivos, etc., by A. Caetano de Sousa. 20 vols. Lisboa, 1735—48, fol. Colleac^o de Genealogias Reaes de Portu- gal, by J. de Alarcao Velasques Sar- mento. Lisbon, 1754, fol. Quem he o legitimo Rey de Portugal ? Questao Portugueza, por um Portuguez residente em Londres. [Paulo Midosi.] Londres, 1828, 8«- Who is the legitimate King of Portugal ? A Portuguese question, by a Portuguese residing in London. [P. Midosi.] Lond. 1828, 8«- Designs for Monuments of the Kings of Portugal, from Alphonso I. to Joseph 1. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,360. Genealogies of Poi'tuguese families, with a few coats of arms in outline. MS No. 319. Lambeth Palace. Livro das Linhagens de Portugal, by the Conde Don Pedro, 1606. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,962. Flores de Espana, Excelencias de Portu- gal, by Anton, de Sousa de Macedo. Lisbon, 1631, fol. Theatro Genealogico que contem as Arvores de Costados das principaes Familias de Portugal & suas Con- quistas, by Nasaozarco y Colona (Prior D. Tivisco de). Napoles (1712) fol. Nobiliarchia Portugueza Tratado da No- breza Hereditaria, e Politica, by Antonio de Villas Boas, Esampayo. Lisbon, 1727, 4P- Noticias de Portugal, as Origens de todos OS appellidos, e Armas das Familias nobres, as Moedas, e Elogios de Varoens illustres, by Manoel Severim de Faria. Lisbon, 1740, fol. Memorias Historicas, e Genealogicas dos Grandes de Portugal, por D. Antonio Caetano de Sousa. Lisbon, 1742, 4P- Second edition, Lisbon, 1755, 4°- Origem da Nobreza Politica, Blasoens de Armas, Appellidos, Cargos, et Titulos Nobres, by Alvaro Ferreira de Vera. Lisbon, 1791, 8°- Collec^ao de Memorias relativas a' s vidas dos Pintores, e Escultores, e Architetos, 608 POETFGAL. e Gravadores Portuguezes, por Cyrillo Volkmar Machado. Lisboa, 1823, 4P- The Heraldry of Spain and Portugal, by Rev. John Woodward. " The Genea- logist," new series, vol. v. London, 1888, 8^- The Eoyal Arms of Portugal, with the Arms of the Countries in Africa, Asia, and America, conquered by the Portu- guese ; beautifully coloured, 1573. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 31,317. Genealogy of the House of Portugal, with the arms of Portuguese Nobility. Brit. Mus. Harl MSS. 1074 ff. 174,211 ; 1233 f . 6b- Trickings of the arms of Portugal and its nobility. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 856, f. 45. A Collection of engravings representing seals, coins, and medals of the kings of Portugal, by G. F. L. Debrie and De Eochefort, 1736-1775. Brit. Mus. Lib. 603 k, 8«- Primeira Parte da Funda^ao, Antiguidades e Grandezas da mui insigne cidade de Lisboa, e sens varoens illustres, etc., by Luis Marinho de Azevedo. Lisboa, 1652, fol. Russia anir ^olanlr. AEEANaED Chronologically. Note : Owing to the difficulty in obtain- ing the proper typ3 for this section, a few typographical inaccuracies are unavoidable. There are several genealogical and heral- dic manuscripts, relating to Russian and Polish families, in the libraries at St. Petersburg, Podkamieniu, Warsaw, Lwow, Krakow, etc. PolonisD Regni Arma, by Marc Ambrosi. Antverpise, 1562, fol. Panosza, to jest herby znakomitych familij wojewodztwa ruskiego i podol- skiego, by B. Paprocki. w Krakowie, 1575. Gniazdo Cnoty, zkad Herby Rycerstwa, &c., by Bartl. Paprocki. w Krakowie, 1578, fol. Herby rycerstwa polskiego, na piec ksiag rozdzielone, by Barth. Paprocki, [Polish armorial.] w Krakowie, 1584, fol. Another edition, Krakow, 1858, 4'^- Other heraldic works by B. Pap- rocki in 1593, 1599, 1602 and 1609. Radivilias sive de vita et rebus praecla- rissimae gentis immortalis memoriae Radivilii, by Joannes Radvanus. Vil- nae, 1592, 4«- Polish Armorial Bearings : being those of various duchies and towns within the Kingdom of Poland, 1600 ? 4o- Brit. Mus. Library, 605 d, 28 (3). Gelenii Historia et Vindicise Riehezse, Reginse Poloniarum, cum sua Genea- logia. Colon. 1602, 4^- Icones et Vitse Principum ac Regum Polonise, by S. Neugebaueri. Francof. 1620, 4«- Herby Krolestwa Polskiego, by Jan Alex. Gorczyn, 1630 i 1653, Krakow. Orbis Polonus, by Simon Okolski. 3 vols. Crakoviae, 1641, fol. Gelenii Historia et Vindiciae Richezae, Comitissse Palatinse Rheni, Reginae Poloniarum, cum sua Genealogia. Colon. 1649, 4P- Arma sive Insignia praecipuarum Fami- liarum regni Polonise, by Markus Am- brosius. Paris, 1650? 8«- Polonica, sive originum Polonicarum stemmata centum ; hoc est Jo. Casi- miri Poloniae, etc. Regis, augusta et heroica nobilitas, etc. By J. Zabarella. Patavii, 1650, 4"- Poczet Herbow Szlachty Korony Polskiey y Wielkiego Xiestwa Litewskiego Gniazdo y Perspektywa Staroswickiey Russia and Poland. 609 Cnoty, plodney Matki, wyzjtyich Swietych, etc. (A poetical account of the Polish Nobility), by Wacl. Potocki w Krakowie, 1696, fol. Ansprache, So derPolnische Adel. [Polish Nobility.] Leip. ? 1697, 4^''' Brit. Mus. Lib. 1852, d. 1. (76.) Epistola Nobilis Poloni super electione, Saxonise Electoris in Regem Poloniae. By J. Zabarella. Zervestse, 1697. 4'^- Series Chronologioa Ducum et Regum Polonorum, by Count G. C. Clementini. Roma3 1702, single sheet. Armamentarium Regni Poloniae, by S. Rzaczynski. Posnaniae, 1715. S°' The Prerogative of Primogeniture, shew- ing that the Right of Succession to an Hereditary Empire depends not upon Grace, &c,, &c. Written on Occasion of the Czar of Muscovy's Reasons, in his late Manifesto, for the Disherison of his Eldest Son, from the succession to the Crown: To which is added. The Manifesto itself. London, 1718, 80- Historia Illustrissimse Domus Sapiehanse ab origines sua Genealogico syllabo per gloriosos Heroum ejusdem ac con- nexarum Familiarum, etc., by R. P. Antonius Aloysius Misztolt. Vilna, 1724. 4^- \ Europa in Serenissimo Leszczyniorum domo inclusa per Equitem Polonum, by Casimirus Wieruszowski. Franco- furti, 1728. 8«- Korona Polskaprzy Zlotej' Wolnosci, etc., by K. Niesiecki. [Genealogical History of the Polish Nobility, alphabetically arranged.] 5 vols. Coll. Lwowsk. Soc. Jes. 1728-43, fol. Another edition, Lipsk, 1839-45, 8«- Histoire des Rois de Pologne, par P. Massuet. 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1734. Stemmatographia. [Heraldry of the Sla- vonic Countries.] By Christopher Jeffarovitch. Vienna, 1741, 4^- Heraldyka to jest osada klejnotdw rycer- stwa i wiadomosci znakow ryceriskich, dotad w Polsce nie objasniona. By Jozef Aleksander JablonoWvski. Lwow, 1742 11748. 4«- Tabulae genealogicae Jablonovia«ae. By Josephus Aleksander Jablonowski. Am- sterodami, 1743, fol. Another edition, Varsaviae, 1749, fol. Genealogia domus Potocciorum. (Opera omnia Pauli comitis in aureo Potok Pilavitae Potocki.) Stanislaus a St. Laurentio Konarski, Varsaviae, 1747, fol. Inflanty w dawnych swych i wielorakich, az do wieku naszego dziejach, by J. A. von Huelsen. Wilno, 1750. Herbarz Wielu Domow Korony Polskiey y W. X. Litewskiego, by S. J. Dun- czewski. 2 vols. Cracow, 1757, fol. Zbior krotki herbow Polskich i wslawio- nych cnota i naukami Polakovv, by Benedykt Chmielowski. Wars. 1763, 8^- [Based upon K. Niesiecki's Korona Polska, edited by M. Groell.] Chroscinski Stanislaus Adalbertus. Cly- peus Serenissimi Joannis III. Brigae, 1771, fol. Celsitudo Illustrissimarum, familiarum D. Stanislai Potocki Vexilliferi Regni et D. Josephae Mniszchown. Leopoli, 1774, fol. Succession of the Family of Romanow, now reigning in Russia. London Magazine, vol. 44. Lond. 1775, 8o- Wiadomosc genealogiczna o domie Brzo- stowskich od wejscia z Polski do Litwy. Wilno 1776. To samo po lacinie, Wilno 1796 i po f rancuzku Rzym 1797 i Wilno 1811. Imion w herbownych z urodzenia szlachet- nego uroczystoscia wyrachowanych Summaryuse, etc., by Waclaw War- szycki. Gdansku, 1782, 8°- Wiadomosc o herbach domow Szlachec- kich w koronie i W. ksiestwie Lite- wskiem, by E. A. Kuropatnicki. War- sawie, 1789. 4o- Zbior nazwisk szlachty z opisem herbow, etc., by Piotr Malachowski. Luck, 1790, S°- Another edition, Lublin, 1805, 8°^ Zycia Sapiehow y listy od Monarchow, Ksiazat, &c., by K. KognoAvicki. Wars. 1790-91, 4P' Wappenbuch des Curliindischen Adels, von J. E. Neimbts. Mitau, 1793, 4,0. Heraldyka, by Wincenty Wieladko. Wars. 1794-96, 8°- Armorial Bearings and Account of the Noble Families of Russia. 3 vols. St. Petersburgh, 1798-99, 4^- Bussian. 610 ErssiA AND Poland. Abrege historique et chronologique des regnes de tous les Souverains de la Kussie. Paris, 1806, S^- MonumentaEegum Poloniae CracoTiensia. Wars. 1827, fol. Herby rycerstwa polskiego (Pamietnik Sandomierski). By Fr. Jablonski. Wars. 1829, 12«- Heraldyee, by Bogumil Piatt. Siedlce, 1830. 40- Heroldya i porzadek otrzymywania od niej utwierdzenia szlachectwa, by Ignacy Terlecki. Petersburg, 1832, 8«' La Eussie, la Pologne et la Finlande, tableau de toutes les Parties de la Monarchie Eusse, par J. H. Schnitzler. S. Petersburg, 1835, 8o. Wappen-Bucli sammtlicher zur Ebstlan- dischen Adelsmatrikel gehoriger Fami- lien, by P. E. Damier. Eeval, 1837. 40. Herbarz Polski Barrowicz, by Kaspra Niesieckiego. 10 vols. w Lipsku, 1839-46, 8«- Account of the Eussian Nobility, etc., by Prince Petr V. Dolgorukov. Mussian. 1840-41, 8<^- and 1854-57, 8o- Armorial des Families Nobles du Grand- Duche de Finlande, by G. A. Kajanus. Helsingfors, 1840-43, 4P- Heraldyka czyli nauka o herbach, by E. E. Malinowski. Wars. 1841, 4P- Notices sur les principales Families de la Eussie, par Le Prince Pierre Dolgorouky et Comte d'Almagro. Paris, 1843, 12^- Cossacks of the Ukraine, comprising Biographical notices of their Chiefs, by Count Henry Krasinski. 1848, 8°' ! Liber geneseos illustris Familie Schid- lovicie, 1531. Edited by A. T. Count Dzialynski. Privately printed. Paris, 1848, fol. Insignia sen clenodia Eegni Poloniae, by Joannes Dlugosz. Krakow, 1851, 8^- Spis szlachty krolestwa Polskiego, z dodaniem informacyi o dowodach szlachectwa. Wars. 1851-54, 12*^- Herbarz rodzin szlacheckich Krolestwa Polskiego, by Pawliszczew. Wars. 1853, 80- Herbarz Krolestwa Polskiego — Polmsches Wappenbuch hrsg. V.K.K. Herolds — Amt. 2 Thle in 1 Bd. mit 246 fein color, Wappen. Wars. 1853. Text in JPolish and Russian. Genealogia domu urodzonych Kossakow- skich herbu Slepowron, ulozona przez Wieladka, uzupelnil i wydal 1854 r. S. K. w Wars. Eussia and the Eussians, comprising an account of the Czar Nicholas and the House of Eomanoff, by John Wm. Cole. London, 1854, 8o- Materyaly do monografii rodzin Kamien- skich, by Julian Aleksander Kamienski. Lwow, 1854-1856, 8°- Eusskaya heraldyka. By Aleksander Lakier. Petersburg, 1855, 8°- Herby Eycerstwa Polskiego. By Ba,rtl. Paprocki. Bibl. Polska, 1855, &c., Eossijskaya rodoslownaya kniga, by K. Dolgorukow. 2 vols. Petersburg, 1855, 8«- Herbarz Polski i imionospis zasluzonych w Polsce ludzi wszystkich stanow i czasow, etc., by Hipolit Stupnicki. 3 vols. Lwow, 1855-1862, 4«- Genealogia Sapiehdw, by J. Loski. Wars. 1856, 80- Est — und Livlandische Brieflade, by Dr. F. G. Bunge und Baron E. Toll. Eeval, 1856, 8«- Herby w Polszce (Polska, dzieje i rzeczy jej). By Joachim Lelewel. Poznan, 1856, 8«- Poczet szlachty Galicyjskiej i Bukowin- skiej. Lwow, 1857, 4°- Gallerja nieswiezska portretow Eadzi- willowskich, by Edward Kotlubaj. Wilno, 1857, 40- Historyczne pamiatki dopelnil i wydal J. Bartoszewicz. By Tomasz Swiecki. Wars. 1858. Materyaly do historyi Duninow, by J. Dunin Szpott. Lwow, 1858. Quelques verites a la Noblesse Eusse. Paris, 1858, 12<'- Notices sur les principales Families de Eussie, par Prince P. Dolgorouky. Berlin, 1858. Zycie Janusza Eadziwilla, by Edw. Kotlubaj. Wilno, 1859, 8°- Herbarz, tekst L. Chodzki, by Wilczynski. Paryz, 1859. Skarbiec Polski, by Julian Aleksander Kamienski. Lwow, 1859, 8°- Notice sur les principales families de la Eussie, par Prince Petr V. Dolgorukov. Nouvelle edition. Berlin, 1859, 8°' Russia and Polai^d. 611 Encyklopedya Powszechna. 28 vols. Wars. 1859-1867. 8"- Monografie historyczno — genealogiczne niektdrych rodzia polskich i litewskich. Bv Stanislaw Kazimierz Hr. Kossakow- ski. 3 vols. Wars. 1859-1872. 8o- Second edition, 1874. Vol. 1 only pub- lished. Maison imperale de Russie. Tableau genealogique depuis 1762 jusqu'en 1861, par Dr. C. A. J. Behne. Paris, 1861, 8«- Monografia domu Kraszewskich, by K. Kraszewski. Poznan, 1861, 8^- Notice sur les sceaux et les armoiries de la Russie, par le baron de Koehne. Berlin, 1861, 4o- Znaki pieczetne ruskie, noty heraldyczne. Paryz, 1862, S^- Legendy Herbowe, by Franciszek Kowal- ski. Zytomierz, 1862, 8o- Tablice genealogiczne do historyi Polski. [Genealogical table of the Kings of Poland.] By I. Ch. O. P. L[ipnow- skiego]. Wars. 1862, fol. Rodowody domu Stadnickich herbu Syreniawa, od roku 1388 do roku 1861, by K. Stadnicki. Lwow, 1862, fol. Account of the Russian Nobility. Russian. Berlin, 1862, S^- Notices sur les Families illustres et titrees de la Pologne. Paris, 1862, 80- Wappenbuch des bliihenden Adels von Galizien, by Hefner. Miinchen, 1863, 40. Carte politique, statistique et heraldique de la Wolhynie, de la Podolie et de rUkraine provinces de I'ancienne Pologne. Bruxelles, 1863, fol. Franciszku Loskim. By J. Loski. Wars. 1864, 8o- Kronika domowa Dzieduszyckich, by Maurycy Dzieduszycki. Lwdvv, 1865, 80- Wappenbuch der Stadte des G^pssherzog- thums Posen, by F. A. Vossberg. Berlin, 1866, 4«- Akta Grodzkie i Ziemskie, z archiwum bernardynskiego we Lwowie. Lwow, 1868. Tablica rodowodow Luszczynskich herbu Sasulozyl z dokumentow i metryk Bogdan Luszczynski, 1868 roku. rodzinie Jana Kochanowskiego, o jej majetnosciach i fundacyach. Kilkan- ascie pism urzedowych, by Josef Gacki. Wars. 1869, 8°- Slownik Heraldyczny, by Stanislaw Krzyzanowski. w Krakowie, 1870, 8°- Herbarz I. K. Milewskiego, (dopelnienie Niesieckiego.) With a preface by Z. Gloger. Edited by J. Lepkowski. Krakowie, 1870, 8o- Kronika domu Bonieckich herbu Boncza, by Adam Boniecki. Wars. 1876. Przewodnik Heraldyczny, by A. A. Kosinski. Krakow, 1877, 8''- Pomniki Krdlow Polskich w Katedrze Krakowskiej na Wawelu. [Kings of Poland.] Krak. 1879, fol. K. Stadnickiego przyczynek do Herald3'ki Polskiej w srednich wiekach. w Lwowie, 1879, 16«- Zlota Ksiega Szlachty Polskiej przez Teodora Zychlinskiego. Posen, 1879, &c. 16^- Periodical 'publication. Baltisches Wappenbuch, Wappen samm- tlicher den Ritterschaf ten von Livland, Estland, Kurland und Oesel zuge- horiger Adelsgeschlechter, by C. A. von Klingspor. Stockholm, 1881, &c. 40- Russian Genealogy and Heraldry, by Alek. Platon, Barsukov. 4 vols. 1881, &c. 80- In progress. Spis Nazwisk Szlachty Polskiej, by J. S. Dunin Borkowski. Lwow, 1887, ^^• Kilka slow heraldyce Polskiej, by Count Stanislaw Mieroszowski. Krakowie, 1887, 8"- Annuaire de la Noblesse de Russie. St. Petersburg, 1889, etc., 8"- Periodical publication. Arbor Gentilitiae Illustrissimae Comitis de Ocieszyno Briihl, gentis in Regno Polonise avita nobilitate. Tablica genealogiczna rytowana przez Moitte. 612 Spain. Spanish Genealogy and Heraldry, see " Quarterly Eeview," vol. 62. London, 1838, 80- Catalogo Real y Genealogico d' E span a, by Rodrigo Mendez de Silva. Madrid, 1656, 4«- Bibliotheca Hispanica historico — genea- logico — heraldica ; cum indice, by Gerhardus Ernestus de Franckenau. Lips. 1724, 4«- I Diccionario Historico, Genealogico y Heraldico de las Familias Ilustres de la Monarquia Espanola, por D. Luis Vilar y Pascual. 8 vols. Madrid, 1859 — 66, 8°- Arcliivo Heraldico ; Armas, Timbres y Blasones de nuestra ilustre Nobleza Espaiiola, Apendice a todos los No- biliarios Espanoles, by F. Piferrer. 2 I vols. Madrid, 1863—66, S^- I Anales de la Nobleza de Espana, Madrid, i 1880, etc. 8°' In progress. Historia de las Ordenes de Caballeria y de las Condecoraciones Espaiiolas. Published by Jose Gil. Dorregaray, with an introduction by J. E. Hartzen- busch. 3 vols. Madrid, 1864-65, 4°- [The plates are coloured and illumi- nated.] Genealogical Tables, very richly illumina- ted, of the descent and alliances of the Royal House of Spain and Portugal from the earliest period to the 16th century, on 13 sheets, and known as the Fortu(/uese draicings. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12531. Illuminated coat of arms, headed: — "Thys is the Seconde Arche whych shalbe in Triumph of the Maryage of the Kinge of Spayne and the dowghter of the French Kynge," 1559. MS. I 588. Hatfield House. * History of the Royal descent of Spain, by Don Pedro. Spanish. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3575. Descents of the Kings of Spain, with the Arms of the Spanish and Portuguese Bishops and Nobility. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1074, f . 174. Genealogical tables, tracing the quarter- ings of Sovereign Princes of Flanders, of the Houses of Valois, of Austria, Spain, and Portugal, and their wives, with arms in colours, 16th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,707. Pedigrees of Kings of Spain, 16th century. MS. No. 16, f. 90. Wrest Park, Beds. El Conde Lucanor ; dirigido por Gonzalo Argote de Molina. — Succession y linage de Don Juan Manuel. Sevilla, 1575, 4'^- The same with notes, &c. 1642. La Monarchia di Spagna, overo dell' unione delle Corone, e Regni dell' Augustissima Casa d'Austria, etc., by G. P. de' Crescenzi Romani. Pia- cenza, 1650, fol. A Genealogy of the Kings of Spain : from the first Kings of Leon and Castile to Charles III. of the line of Austria, by Franciscus Moret. Lon- don, 1700? folio sheet. The History of the Roj^al Genealogy of Spain : or, an abridgment of what has pass'd in that great monarchy from the Creation of the World to this present time. Abridged and translated from Mariana's History of Spain from the Spanish into French, by De La Roche Guilhem ? , and into English by T. Richers. Lond. 1724, 8«- Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from the accession of Philip the Fifth to the death of Charles the Third, 1700 to 1788, by Wm. Coxe. 3 vols. Lond. 1813, 4P- Second edition, 5 vols. Lond. 1815, 8''- Sumario de los rej^es de Espaiia, publicado por E. de Llaguno y Amirola. Madrid, 1781, 4P- Memoirs of the Queens of Spain, by Anita George. Edited with an intro- duction and notes by Julia S. H. Pardoe. Lond. 1850, etc. 12o- Annals of the Queens of Spain, from the period of the conquest of the Goths to the reign Her Majesty Isabel II., etc. bv Anita George. New York, 1850, 80- Spain. 613 Relation of the military gentlemen and others of Spain in 1577 under Philip II. Spanish. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3315. Genealogies and arms of Spanish Nobility, partly in the handwriting of Lord Burleigh. M8S. Nos. 314 and 315. Lambeth Palace. Compendio de algunas Historias de Espana y especialmente de la Familia de los Girones y de otros muchos Linajes, por G. Gudiel. Alcala, 1577, fol. Arbori delle Famiglie regali di Spagna ; cioe. Re antichi di Spagna, Re di Legione e di Castiglia, Re di Sobrarbe e di Navarra, Conti di Castiglia, Conti di Barcellona, Re d'Aragona, Re di Portogallo ; dal principio del Mondo, fin' a quest 'anno 1590, por Cesare Campana. Verona, 1591, ^^^ Tratado de Nobleza, y de los titulos y ditados que oy dia tienen los Varones elaros y Grandees d' Espana, por J. B. Guardiola. Madrid, 1591, 4P- Illustrationes genealogicas de los Catho- licos Reyes de las Espaiias, y de los Reyes de Francia, y de los Emperadores de Constantinopola, etc. by Estevan de Garibay. Madrid, 1596, fol. " The Anatomie of Spain," by Harye Bedwood, 1599, with pedigrees and coloured coats of arms. Eton Coll. Lib. MS. La Corona de Hespana ; Historia que trata de los reinos, senorios, y estrados del Rey de Hespana, con sus origines, sucesion y blasones, etc., al Rey Don Felipe 3, la escrivio loan de Aguirre, 1600. The arms are in colours. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,957. Chronica del Emperador Don Alonzo YII., y Descendencia de los Casas de San- doval, Osorio, Acuiiha, etc., by P. de Sandoval. Madrid, 1600, fol. lUustrissimse per totam Hispaniam et antiquissimse Gironum Familise, et simul Ducum, Principum et Comitum, qui per Gironas uxores Familiam pro- pagarunt ; quae sunt xxxvii Tabulse. 1605. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,958. Nobiliario Genealogico de los Reyes y Titulos de Espana, por Alonzo Lopez de Haro. fol. 2 vols. Madrid, 1622, Discursos de la Nobleza de Espana, por B. Moreno de Vargas. Madrid, 1622, 40. The present estate of Spayne ; with a catalogue of all the nobility with their revenues, by J. Wadsworth. London, 1630, 4P- Discursos Ilustres Historicos, i Genealo- gicos (sobre Toledo, el Cid, los Esco- bares, etc.), por D. Pedro de Rojas. Toledo, 1686, 4P- Declaracion mystica de las Armas de Espana, invictamente belicosas, by J. de Caramuel y Lobkowitz. Bruselas, 1636, fol. Ilustracion del Renombre de Grande Principio, Grandeza y Etimologia, Pontifices, Santos, Emperadores, Reyes, etc., by Juan Ant. Tapia y Robles. Illustrated with portraits, Madrid, 1638, 4«- Tesoro de Cavalleria, by Joseph Micheli Marquez. Madrid, 1642, fol. Vindicise Hispanise ; in quibus Arcana Regia publico pacis bono, luce do- nantur. Editio altera; cuiaccesserelumi- na nova genealogica, etc., by J. J. Chif- flet. Antverpise, 1647, fol. Genealogiae Francicae plenior assertio, adversus Joannis Jacobi Chiffletii Vindicias ELispanicas, aliaque in opera Francisci nominis injuriam edita ; cum Prsefatione, etc., by David Blondel. 2 vols. Amst. 1654, fol. Compendio de las mas senaladas hazanas que obro el Capitan Alonso de Cespedes; su ascendencia, y descendencia, con varios ramos genealogicos que desta casa ban salido, by Rod. Mendez Silva, and Juan de Mena. Madrid, 1647, 12o- Ascendencia illustre, gloriosos hechos, y posteridad noble del famoso Nunc Alfonso Alcaide de la imperial Ciudad de Toledo, by Rod. Mendez Silva, and Juan de Mena. Madrid, 1648, 4P- (This work contains numerous coats of arms, and a genealogy of the Cervantes family.) Discursos de la Nobleza de Espana, por Bernabe Moreno de Vargas. Madrid, 1657, 4P- Papeles Genealogicos : printed and manu- script papers, relating to some of the noble families of Spain, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21,963, 614 Spain. Dialogues on the Arms and Descent of the Nobility of Spain, by Antonio Agostino, Archbishop of Tarragona, 17th century, Spanish. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1888. An Historical Account of the Kise and Pro- gress of the Families of Ynchaurandieta, Maquibar, Lecuona, and Elizondo ; and how and when they carae to inter-marry; with their several Armorial Bearings, beautifully painted on vellum, A.D. 1697. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1894. Historia Italise et Hispanise Grenealogica seu Stemma Desiderianum, cum Insig- nium iconibus : Accessit Genealogia familise Sfortianse, by Jae. W. Imhof. Norimbergie, 1701, fol. Corpus Historise Genealogicse Italia?, et Hispanise, bv J. W. Imhof. Norimb, 1702, fol. Casas Illustres de Espafia hasta el ano de 1702 ; por el chrouista mayor de Cas- tilla, Dn. Luis de Salazar y Castro, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 14324. Recherches Historiques et Grenealogiques des Grands d' Espagne, par J. W. Im- hof. Amsterdam, 1707, 12°- Genealogise xx. illustrium in Hispania f amiliarum ordine alphabetico exhibitse, exegesi historica perpetua illustratae, iconibusque Insignium exornatse, by J. W. Imhof. LipsiiB, 1712, fol. Historische und genealogische Nachrich- ten von denen Grandes oder Grossen in Spanien, par Jac. Wilhelm Imhof. Hamburg, 1712, 12'- Quartiers Genealogiques des Illustres et Nobles Families d' Espagne, d' Alle- magne, d' Italic, de France, de Bour- gogne, de Loraine et des xvii Pro- vinces, par Laurent Le Blond. Bruxelles, 1721, 4« Dialogos de las Armas, i linages de la Nobleza d' Espaiia, con la vida del autor por Mayans i Siscar. Antonio Augustin, Arzobispo de Tarragone. Madrid, 1734, 4P' Theatro Universal de Espana, por Fran. Xavier de Garma y Salcedo. 4 vols. Madrid, 1738—1751, 8«- Espana Sagrada, by Henrique Florez, and others. 51 vols. Madrid, 1754 — 1879, 8«- Historia Chronologica y Genealogica del primivo Origen de la Nobleza de Espana, su Antiguedad, Clases, y Difer- encias, by Jos. Man. Trelles Villade- moros. 8 vols. Madrid, 1760, 4P- Proofs of nobility of Thomas de Alberro, 1693 ; Pedro Munoz Guerrero y Arjona, 1778 ; Francisca Lecuona y Alberro, muger de Pedro Munoz Guerrero y Arjona, 1778 ; with arms. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 24,648-24,650. Retratos de los Reyes de Espaiia, by Manuel Rodriguez. 6 vols. Madrid, 1782-97, 4P- Retratos de los Espanoles Ilustres, con un epitome de sus vidas. [108 Spanish portraits.] Madrid, 1791, fol. Linages de Espana con los apellidos de cadauno, y de Don de huvieron su principio, ylarazon por que las tomaron, by Juan Perez de Vargas. MS. 18th century, belonging to Arthur Vicars, Esq., F.S.A., Vicarage Library, Clyde Road, Dublin. Nobiliario de Espana, por Don Lorenzo de Padilla, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,470. Recueil Genealogique de plusieurs Mai- sons illustres d' Espagne, d' Italic, et de Flandres, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,473. Diccionario Historico de los mas Ilustres Profesores de las Bellas Artes en Es- paiia, por D. Juan Augustin Cean. 6 vols. Madrid, 1800, 12°' L' Espain : Noticia de las Ordenes de Caballeria de Espana, Cruces y Medalls de distincion con Estamps. Madrid, 1815, 160- Noticias de los Arquitectos y Arquitectura de Espana, por Eugenio de Llaguno y Amirola. 4 vols. Madrid, 1829, 8°- Tizon de Espana. Sobre los lineages de los Senores de Espana. Edited by Sir Thos. Phillipps. 1835, fol, Discursos de la Nobleza de Espana, by Moreno de Vargas. Madrid, 1836, 4P- Iconografia Espafiola. Coleccion de Re- tratos, Estatuas, Mausoleos, de Reyes, Reinas, grandes Capitanes, escritores, y otros personages celebres de la nacion, con texto biografico, y descriptivo en Espanol y Frances, by Valentin Car- derera y Solano. 2 vols. Madrid, 1855 y 64, fol. Nobiliario de los Reinos y Seiiorios de Espaiia. Contiene las armas y blasones Spain. 615 de los reinos, provincias, ciudades, villas y principales pueblos de Espaiia, etc., por Francisco Piferrer. Segunda edi- cion. G vols. Madrid. 1857-60, 8"- [The arms are illuminated in gold, silver, and colours.] Linajes Nobles de Espana, por D. Juan Jose Vilar Psayla. Madrid, 1867, 4«- El Peregrino curioso y Grandezas de Es- pana, by B. de Villalba y Estaiia. Pub- licato la Sociedad de Bibliofilos Espa- noles. Madrid, 1886, B^- Discursos historicos sobre diferentes pue- blos y derechos de las casas de Villena, Escalona, Belmonte, y Aguilar de Campo, por Don Pedro de Salanova. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 419 ; 420. Historical and genealogical accounts of Families of Spain, with pedigrees and arms. Spanish. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 467-473 ; 480 ; 481. Collections of legal and historical docu- ments, relative to families in Spain. Spanish. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 474 ; 475 ; 482—484. Annals of the Artists of Spain, by Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell. Illustrated with portraits 3 vols. 1848, 8°- Tratado de la Ciencia del Blason, por Costa y Turrel. Barcelona, 1856, 8o- The Heraldry of Spain and Portugal, by Eev. John Woodward. " The Genea- logist," vol. V. new series. London, 1888, 8«- Trickings of the arms of Spain and its pro- vinces. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 856, f . 42b- Arms, in colours, of Kingdoms held by Philip II. of Spain. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,707, f. 18. Arms of the King of Spain and of the Spanish and Portuguese Nobility, by Robt. Glover. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 5885. Arms of Spanish Noblemen, 16th cent. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 3526. Libro de Armas de los may ores Senores de la Espana. By A- de Salazar. Par. 1642, 4«- Ciencia heroyca reducida a las leyes heraldicas del blason, etc., by Jose de Aviles. 2 vols. Barcelona, 1725, 8^- Another edition, Madrid, 1780, S"- Monarquia Espafiola, Blazon de su Nobleza, by Rivarola y Pineda (J. F. F. de). 2 vols. Madrid, 1736, fol. Rasgo Heroyco : Declaration de las Em- pressas, Armas y Blasones con que se ilustran y conocen los principales Rey- nos, Provincias y Villas de Espana. By Antonio De Moya. Madrid, 1756, 4P' Blason de Espana. Libro de Oro de su Nobleza. Resena Genealogica y des- criptiva la Casa Real, la Grandeza de Espafia y los Titulos de Castilla, por D. A. de Burgos. 6 vols. Madrid, 1853—60, fol. Tratado de Heraldica y Blason adornado con laminas por D. J. Asensio y Torres. Tercera edicion revisada corregida y aumentada por F. Piferrer. Madrid, 1854, 80- Apendice al Tratado de Heraldica y Blason. Contiene las insignias de la magistratura Espafiola, y las princi- pales ordenes de caballeria y cruces de distincion Espanola y estrangeras, etc. Por F. Piferrer. Madrid, 1854, S^- Blasones Espanoles, por D. E. Esteban y Cantalozella. Barcelona, 1H83, 8<'- Nobleza del Andaluzia, by Gonzalo Argote de Molina. Sevilla, 1588, fol. A Collection of papers and tracts, manu- script and printed, chiefly genealogical, relating to Aragon and Sicily [1568 — 87], by Diego Vincencio de Vidania. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 21960. Indices rerum ab Aragonia3 Regibus ges- tarum ab initiis regni ad annum 1610, tribus libris parati et expositi, by Geronimo Zurita. Csesar Augustse, 1578, fol. Genealogical tree of the Kings of Aragon. Single sheet, no date. Brit. Mus. Libr. 131, h. 5. (21.) Tabulse Genealogise Regum Aragoniae, etc. See "Hispania Illustratae," by And. Schottus. 4 vols. Francofurti, 1603—8, fol. Genealogicse tabulse aliquot ; et primum Regum Aragonise, et illustris Aragonicaa familise Lanuzarum, ex Blanca. 1605. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,958. De Gente Aquaviva Aragonia. Historica, Genealogica, etc. by B. Storace. Rome, 1732, 4«- Istoria della famiglia Acquaviva Reale d'Aragona, con un discorso prodrome della nobilta, nomi, ed insegne degli antichi e de' moderni, etc., by B. Storace. Romse, 1738, 4P' 616 Spain. I Fundacion, Nombres, j Armas de la Ciudad de Astorgo, by Pedro de Junco. 2nd edition, Pamplona, 1639, 4P' Historia de los Condes de Barcelona, by F. Diago. Barcelona, 1603, fol. Nobiliario de D. Pedro Conde de Barcelos, hijo del Rey D. Dionis de Portugal ; ordenado y ilustrado con notas y indices, by J. B Lavana. Roma, 1640, fol. Nobiliario del Conde de Barcelos, Don Pedro, hijo del Rey Don Dionis de Portugal, traduzido con nuevas notas por Manuel de Faria y Sousa, Madrid, 1646, fol. Los Condes de Barcelona vindicados, y Cronologia y Genealogia de los Reyes de Espana, by Prospero de Bofarull y Masearo. 2 vols. Barcelona, 1836, Executorial de la Nobleza. Antiguedad y Blasones del Valla de Baztan, by J. de Goyeneche. Madrid, 1685, 4'^- Grandezas y antiguedades de la Isla y ciudad de Cadiz ; en que se escriven muchas ceremonias que usava la Gentili- dad, by Joan BaptistaSuarez de Salazar. Cadiz, 1610, 4P- Historia de los Reyes de Castilla y de Leon, Don Fernando el Magno ; Don Sancho ; Don Alonso VI. ; Dona Urraka; Don Alonso VII. Emperador de Espaiia, por P. Sandoval. Pamplona, 1615, fol. Another edition in 1634 ; another, Madrid, 1792, 4^°- Origen de las dignidades seglares de Castilla y Leon ; con relacion summaria de los Reyes de estos reynos, by Pedro Salazar de Mendoza. Toledo, 1618, fol. Another edition, Madrid, 1657. Crouica de la excellentissima Casa de los Ponces de Leon, by Pedro Salazar de Mendoza. Toledo, 1620, 4"- Coronica de los seiiores Reyes de Castilla, etc. : dase notieia de differentes Fami- lias y illustres Varones, etc., por Alonzo Nunez de Castro. Madrid, 1665, fol. Historia y Nobleza de el Reyno de Leon, etc., por D. Lazaro Dias del Valle. The second part of a history of Castile and Leon, from 1407 to 1665 ; with genealogical tables, coloured coats of arms and portraits, engraved and by hand. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1878. Memorias de las Reynas Catholicas. His- toria genealogica de la Casa Real de Castilla, y de Leon, etc., by Hen. Florez. 2 vols. Madrid, 1761, 4'^- Second edition, 1770. Creacion, Antiguedad, y Privilegios de los Titulos de Castilla, por J. Berni y Catala. Valencia, 1769, fol. Aparato para la correccion y adicion de la obra de Berni, por Ant. Ramos. Malaga, 1777, fol. Coleccion de las Cronicas y Memorias de los Reyes de Castilla. 7 vols. Madrid, 1779—87, 4'^- Semanario curioso historico, etc. El blason de Cataluiia, deducido de los echos heroycos de los nobles, cavalleros, etc., por E. Barrellas. Lo saca a luz de las tinieblas del olvido Don P. A. de Tarazona, etc. 5 vols. Barcelona, 1750? 120- Adarga Catalana, arte heraldica, y reglas del blason, con esemplos de las piezas, esmaltes, y ornatos de que se compone un Escudo, by Xavier de Garma y Duran. 2 vols. Barcelona, 1753, 4«- Memorias. Un Diccionario Critico des los Escritors Catalanes, by Felix Torres Araat. Barcelona, 1836, 4°- Armas i triumfos. Hechos heroicos de los hijos de Galicia. Elogios de su nobleza i de la maior de Espaiia i Europa, by Felipe de la Gandara. Madrid, 1662, 4°' Nobiliario, Armas, y Triumfos de Galicia, hechos heroicos de sus hijos y elogios de su Nobleza, etc., by Felipe de la Gandara. Madrid, 1677, fol. Genealogias del nuevo reyno de Granada, by Juan Florez de Ocariz. 2 vols. Madrid, 1674—76, fol. Leon, see Castile. Teatro de las Grandezas de la villa de Madrid, by Gil Gonzalez de Avila. Madrid, 1623, fol. Historia de la Antiguedad, Nobleza, y Grandeza de la villa de Madrid. Madrid, 1629, fol. Hijos dc Madrid Ilustres, by Jos. Ant. Alvarez v Baena. 4 vols. Madrid, 1789—91, 80- Cronica de los Duques de Medina Sidonia, por Pedro de Medina, 1561. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 479. Stemmata Regum Francise et Navarrse, par Jos. Texera. Lugd. Bat. 1619, 40. Spain. 617 Genealogia Universale di tutti i Ee di Navarra, bj Girolamo Mattel. Bol- ogna, 1671, 40' Cronica de los Reyes de Navarra, con notes por J. M. Yanguas y Miranda. Pamplona, 1843, 4o- Descrizione delle feste celebrate in Parma I'anno 1769, per le Auguste Nozze di sua altezza reale I'lnfante Don Ferdi- nando colla reale Archduchessa Amalia. Parma, folio. Memorie degli Scrittori e Letterate Par- migiani, by Padre Ireno Affo. 7 vols. Parma, 1789—1833, 4«- Hijos de Sevilla Ilustres, hy D. Firmin Arana de Varflora. Vasquez, 1791, 8°- Gloria de Tarazona, escrita por un Hi jo de la Patria. [ Pascual Ranzon. ] Madrid, 1708, 4o. Historia de la imperial, nobilissima, y esclarecida ciudad de Toledo ; funda- cion, antiguedades, grandezas, etc., by D. Pedro de Rojas. 2 vols. Madrid, 1659, fol. Condes de Tolosa, etc., by Salazar de Mendoza. Toledo, 1620, 4o- Nobiliario de el Valle de la Valdorba, illustrada con los escudos de armas de sus Palacios y casas Nobles, etc., by Don Fr. de Elorza y Eada. Pamplona, 1714, 40- Chronyca de la Inclita y Coronada Ciu- dad de Valencia y de su reyno, en el qual son contenidas todas las familias o linages militares de la ciudad y reyno, por estilo moderno y muy verdadero, por Martin de Vicyana. 3 vols. Valen- cia and Barcelona, 1564 — 66, fol. Cronica de Valencia y de su Reyno, por Martin de Vicyana. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 409—412. Papeles varios genealogicos. Linages illustres de Valencia y su reino, por Martin Viciana, etc., 1786. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10242. Tratado de la Nobleza de la Corona de Aragon especialmente de Valencia comparada con Castilla, by M. Madra- many y Calatayud. Valencia, 1788, 4P- Trobes en que tracta dels Llinatges de la Conquista de la Ciutat de Valencia e son Regne, by Jaume Febrer. Madrid, 1596, fol. Another edition, Valencia, 1796, 4«- Biblioteca Yalenciana de los Escritores que florecieron hasta neustros dias, por D. Justo Pastor Fuster. 2 vols. Valencia, 1827, fol. Linages de Vizcaya, por Lopez Garcia de Salazar. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 477. Noticia de la Gran Casa de los Marqueses de Villafranca, y su parentesco con las mayorcs de Europa, en el Arbol Genea- logico de la ascendencia en ocho grades por ambas lineas, by Fray Geronimo de Sosa. Napoles, 1674, 4P^ Aeeanged Cheonologically. Stemma Eegum Suecise. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 588 f . 90. Theatrum Nobilitatis Suecanse, etc., by Johan Messenius. Holmise, 1616, fol. Arma Suecica, das ist Beschreibung dess Kriegs welchen Gustavus Adolphus wider der Rom. Kays. Mayst. Ferdi- nand II. und Catolischen Liga Kriegs- volck, etc., 1630 — 31 in Teutschland gefiirt [von J. P. Abelin, pseud. Arlanibffius]. 1631, 4°- Genealogia Regum Suecise, ab Andrea Hiltebrando. Stetini, 1631, 4°- The genealogy and pedigree of the most illustrious kings of Sweden, by And. Hildebrandt. Translated into English by Sir S. L. Knight. London, 1632, 4o- Genealogia oder Stam-Linie Gustavi Adolphi, etc., by And. Hiltebrandus. Alten Stettin, 1633, 4P- De antiquis verisque Regni Suecise insig- nibus, by J. Schefferi. Holm, 1678, 4°- 618 Sweden and Noewat. Suecia, antiqua et modierna ; [containing upwards of 350 engravings of palaces, etc., and coats of arms of the nobility and gentry], by Count Dahlberg. Holmise, 1693—1714, obi. fol. Att och Stammgard for den Konung Carl den XII. Sweriges Konung, t'under- danighet anlagder af Johan Fred. Peringskiold. Stock. 1700, single sheet. Then forsta Boken af Swea och Gotha Minnings Merken, etc., by J. F. Per- ingskiold. 2 vols. Stock. 1710—19, fol. Wilkina Saga, sive Historia Wilkinen- sium, Theoderici Veronensis, ac Niflun- gorum, etc. Island. Suec. et Latine. Genealogical tables. Edited by J. F. Peringskiold. Stockholm, 1715, fol, Chronicum Genealogicum widare af Lars Siggesson samt af Erik Sparre upteck- nade, by A. Bylou. Edited by J. F. Peringskiold. Stockholm, 1718, 4o- Attartal for Swea och Gotha Konunga Hus, etc., by Joh. Fred. Peringskiold. Stock. 1725, fol. Then Adelige och Larde Swenske Sio- Man, by C. N. Bechstadius. Stock- holm, 1734, 4°- Swea och Gotha Hofdinga-Minne, by A. A. von Stiernman. [Chronological, genealogical and heraldic] Stock. 1745, 40- Another edition, 1836. Sweriges Rikes Riddcrskaps och Adels Wapen Bok, by D. G. Cedercrona. Stockholm, 1746, fol. [Profusely illustrated with armorial bearings.] Gothlandiska Samlingar, by J. Wallin. 2 vols. Stockholm, 1747—76. [This work contains articles on Churches, Seals, Coats of Arms, etc.] Matrikel ofwer Swea Rikes Ridderskap och Adel, med historiska och genealo- giska Anmarkningar. 2 vols., 1754 — 55, by A. A. von Stiernman ; 3 vols., 1781—94, by J. A. Rehbinder; 2 vols., 1818—23, by C. F. Rothlieb; and 11vol., 1850, by C. G. Kroningssvard. Stockholm. 1754—1850, 4^^- Svea Rikes Ridderskaps och Adels Wapenbok, by P. Carlskiold. Stock- holm, 1764—81, fol. The Northern Courts, containing Original Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Sweden and Denmark since 1766, etc., by John Brown. 2 vols. Lond. 1818, 8°- Svea Rikes Ridderskaps och Adels Wapen- Bok. [Plates of many thousands of Coats of Arms, Quariteh.^ Stock- holm, 1830, fol. Samling af wapen for de adelige atter som aro introducerade a storfursten- domet Finlands riddarhus jemte Wap- enbeskrifning pa Svenska och Franska spraket, by G. A. Kajanus. French translation by F. Granbom. Helsing- fors, 1840—43, 4o- Svenska Konungalangden fran och med Gustaf I. intill narvaraiide tid. Med Portratter och Biografier. Stockholm, 1842. Diplomatarium Dalekarlicum. Urkunder rorande Landskapet Dalarne, etc. [with supplement, register, and genealogical tables], by C. G. Kroningssvard and J. Liden. Stock. 1842—53, 4o- Svenska Adelns. Attar. -Taf lor. Utgifna af Gabriel Anrep. 4 vols. Stockholm, 1858—64, 8o- Svenska Kroningar. Beskrifningar och Anekdoter, med portratter etc. Stock- holm, 1860, 160- Swedish Coronations. Svenska Kronin- gar. See Ore-Skrifter for Folket. No. 2. Stockholm, 1862, etc. 16°- Svenska Prinsessor. See Ore-Skrifter for Folket, No. 44. Stockholm, 1862, &c. 160- Les Princesses de la Suede, par E * * *. [i.e. C. E. A. A. A. Princess of Sweden and Norway.] Stockholm, 1864, 12o- En kunglig familjs Bibliografi \_i.e. of the Royal Family of Sweden] . Stockholm, 1867, 80- Sveriges Ridderskaps och Adels Wapen- bok, by Friherre A. W. Stjernstedt. 5 vols. Stockholm, 1867, etc., 4P- [The arms are printed in colours.] Svenska Stagtboken. Utgifven af Gabriel Anrep. Stockholm, 1871, &c., so- Swedish Nollemen. Svenska Adel-mans oden ocksa en Adelskalender. Stock- holm, 1872, 120- Svensk Heraldik, by B. Schlegel and C. A. Klingspor. Upsala, 1874, 8°- Svenska Adelns Attartaflor, etc., by B. Schlegel, and C. A. Klingspor. Stock- holm, 1875, 80- Sveriges Adel under 1600 — 1700 talen, by C. A. Klingspor. Upsala, 1876, etc. 8°- Sweden and Noewat. 619 Svenska Slott, by C. A. Klingspor and B. Schlegel, 1877, 4o- Uplands Herregardar, med beskrifvande text a£ C. A. Klingspor och B. S. Teckningar af J. Geissler, etc. Stock- holm, 1877, etc. obi. 4«- Baltisches Wappenbuch, by C. A. Klings- por. Stockholm, 1883, &c. fol. Svenska Slott och Herresiiten. Tyreso, by C. A. Klingspor. Stock. 1885, 40. Svenska Slott och Herresaten. As, by C. A. Klingspor. Stockholm, 1886, 40- NORWAY. Sternma Regum Daniai & Norwegise : Catalogus Kegum Danise & Norwegiee. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 588 f. 89. Historia Rerum Norvegicarum : in qua praeter Norvegia? descriptionem, pri- mordia gentis, instituta, mores, incr©- menta, genealogia, chronologia, etc., continentur, by Torfagus. 4 vols. Hafn, 1711, fol. Lexicon over Adelige Familier i Danmark, Norge og Hertugdomene. Kongelige Danske genealogisJce og Jieraldiske Selshah. 2 vols, and supplement. Copenhagen, 1780—1872, 4°- The Heimskringla ; or Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturleson, Preliminary Dis- sertation, by Samuel Laing. 3 vols. 1844, 8«- Ore-Skrifter for Folket. Nos. 1—66. Stockholm, 1862, etc., 12°- In progress. Norske Stamtavler, by Wilhelm Lassen. Christiania, 1868, 4^' Norwegian Kings. Om norske Kongers Hylding og Kroning i seldre Tid. Christiania, 1873, 8o- The Early Kings of Norway, by Thomas Carlyle. Lond. 1875, 8«- Konunga-tal ; or. Genealogy of the Kings of Norway. See Corpus Poeticum Boreale, etc. Vol 2, by G. Vigfusson and P. Y. Powell, Oxford, 1883, S^- The Heimskringla ; or the Sagas of the Norse Kings, from the Icelandic of Snorre Sturlason by Samuel Laing, Esq. Second edition, revised, with notes, by Rasmus B. Anderson. 4 vols. London, 1889, 8°- SbJit^^tlatttr. Le Tableau de la Suisse et autres alliez de la France es hautes Allemaynes, par Marc Lescarbot. Paris, 1618, 4"^- [Contains the arms of the Cantons.] Fragmens genealogiques, by Dumont. 4 vols. Geneve, 177G, 12«' Nobiliaire militaire suisse, contenant la genealogie, 1' histoire et la chronologic des families nobles de la Suisse, avec des preuves, par 1' abbe J. Fr. Girard. 2 vols. Basle, 1776—1787, 8o- Memoirs of a Family in Swisserland : founded on facts. [By A. Ormsby.] 4 vols. London, 1802, 12o- Coats of Arms of the Nobles and Knights who were killed by the Swiss, together with Leopold, Archduke of Austria, in the battle of Sempach, Anno 1386 ; with drawings of the Standards taken by the Swiss in this and other battles. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,698. Coloured Arms of Families of Switzer- land, 17th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 15,694, ff. 166-172. Les Armoiries des cantons suisses. Essai sur leurs origines et leur signification, par Adolphe Gautier. Geneve, 1865, 8«- Les Armoiries et les couleurs de la con- federation et des cantons suisses, par Adolphe Gautier. Second edition, 1879, 80- Die Wappen der xxii Kantone Schweizer- ischer Eidgenossenschaft, etc. By Alfred Grenser. Braunschweig, 1866, 8«- 620 SwiTZEELAND. Kantons-WappenderSchweiz. In colours. \ Bern [1874.] Single sheet. Brit. Mas. Lib. 1856, d. 1. (10.) Tableau des drapeaux suisses, par Adolphe Gautier. Geneve, 1887, 8«- Album of Joannes Molitor, of Nurera- 1 berg, containing'autograph inscriptions, dated principally at Altorf, 1581-1591, with coloured coats of arms and draw- ings. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1198. Album of Johann Christoff Piihler, of Nuremberg, containing autograph in- scriptions of professors and others, with coloured coats of arms ; dated princi- pally at Altorf and Ratisbon, 1590 — • 1594. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1210. Album of Marc Ertinger, of Villach, con- taining autograph inscriptions, accom- \ panied with coloured coats of arms, * 1617—1632. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 1256. Album Amicorum of Johann Argoud, of Geneva ; containing the autographs and arms of Professors and others at Zurich, 1640. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 16,402. Album Amicorum Georgii Sigismundi Au, Altorfini ; containing autograph inscriptions, accompanied by coloured drawings and coats of arms, 1752. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,975. Original Register of Baptisms in th© Parish of St. Theodore at Basle ; 1490 — 1737. German. 2 vols. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 1927 ; 1928. L'Ecusson de la ville de Eribourg, par A. Henseler, 1880, 4P- Chronologic historique des Comtes de Genevois, contenant celle des Eveques- Princes, etc., par A. J. Levrier.. 2 vols. Orleans, 1787. S^- Notices genealogiques sur les families Genevoises depuis les premiers temps iusqu' a nos jours, par Jacques Augus- tin GalifEe. 5 vols. Geneve, 1829-1884. 8°- Armorial Genevois, etc., by J. D. Bla- vignac. Geneve, 1849, 8°- Armorial historique genevois, par J. B. G. Galiffe et A. de Mandrot. Geneve 1862, 40- Helvetiae descriptio; urbium et oppido- rum delineationibus, sigillorum formis, etc., illustrata, a Johanne Veglensi Episcopo, 1707, with the arms of Borghesi. Coloured. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 18,285. Annales Heremi Deiparae Matris Monas- terii in Helvetia, etc. With Arms of the Abbots, by C. Hartmannus, Fri- burgi, 1612, fol. Lucerna Lapidaria qusB Titulos Moni- menta Epitaphia Inscriptiones, ac Sepulchra tum gentilium, tum chris- tianorum via Elaminia et Arimini scrutatur. By G. Malatesta Garuffi. Arimini, 1691, 4P- Murtenschlachtfeier. Fete de Morat, 1876. Historischer Zug gezeichnet von Carl Jauslin. Bern, 1876, obi. 8o. Murten, Battle of. 400 jahrige Jubel- feier der Schlacht bei M., am 22 Juni, 1876. Album des historeschen Zuges, etc., von C. Jauslin und G. Roux. Bern, 1877, obi. fol. [Ensigns, etc., in colours.] Histoire abregee des Comtes Souverains de Neuf-Chatel, avec leur table genea- logique, par M. Desmolins. Paris, 1707, 12°- Memoire pour etablir le droit de Madame la Duchesse de Lesdiguieres sur la souverainete de Neufchatel et de Valangin, avec la genealogie des Comtes de Neufchatel, par Mathieu Terrasson. Paris, 1707, fol. Armorial historique du Canton de Vaud, par Aiphonse de Mandrot. Lausanne, 1856, 4P- Regiments und geschlechter buch der Statt Zurich. The arms of the families are in colours, and the biographical notices are carried down to 1678, but those of the Grebel family to 1737. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 25,694. Arms, in colours, of Families of Zurich, circ. 1765 — 1770. 4 vols. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 1986—1989. Zurich Armorial : Die WappenroUe von Zurich, 1860, 4P- 621 Jltstdlantotts. ABYSSINIA. ARABIA. ARMENIA. EGYPT. GREECE. JAPAN. JAVA. MOROCCO. PERSIA. PERU. TRIPOLI. TURKEY. Arms of Emperors of Abyssinia, in colours Brit. Mus. Cott. MS.^Tib. D. ii. 58-68 Essai sur I'Histoire des Arabes avant rislamisme, pendant I'epoque de Mahomet, par A. P. Caussin de Perceval. 3 vols. Paris, 184?7— 48, S^- Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia, by W. Robertson Smith. Cambridge, 1885, 8'^'- Genealogical Catalogue of the Kings of Armenia by Prince Hubboff, translated for the Oriental Translation Fund by James Glen. Miscellaneous translations, vol. 2. Lond. 1831, &c. 8<'- Genealogical tables of Armenian Kings and Nobles. See Melanges Asiatiques tires du Bulletin de 1' Academic Imperiale des Sciences, tom. 4. St. Petersburg, 1860, S^- Ancient Families of Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc., by R. Reineck. Bas. 1574, fol. Ptolemsei Reges iEgypti. [A genealogical tree], by S. Ammirato. Flor. 1586, single sheet. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks, de I'Egypte, par Taki-Eddin-Ahmed- Makrizi, traduite en Fran^ais par M. Quatremere. Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund. 2 vols, Paris, 1837— 45, 4«- The XXII. Egyptian Royal Dynasty, with some Remarks on XXVI. and other Dynasties of the New Kingdom, by Dr. Richard Lepsius. Translated by William Bell, with two lithographic plates of Genealogies. London, 1838, 40. The Monumental History of Cgypt, as recorded on the Ruins of her Temples, Palaces, and Tombs, by W. Osburn, London, 1854, S^- Thebes, its Tombs and their Tenants, by A. H. Rhind. Lond. 1862, 8'^- Privileggia [sic] imperiali confirma- tiones apostolicae diplomata regum ac principum ad favorem familiae Angelae Flaviae Comnenae, etc. Venetiis, 1671, 40- Precis historique de la Maison Imperiale des Comnenes, depuis David dernier Empereur de Trebisonde, jusqu' a D. Comnene, Capitaine de Cavalerie. Amsterdam, 1784, 8«- Coup d' oeil historique et genealogique sur I'origine de la Maison Imperiale de Comnene, par E. P. D.' Baron Henin de Cuvillers. Venise, 1789, 8«- Genealogy of the Comnenes, Emperors of Greece, to 1821 ; Privately printed, by Sir T. P. Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the Earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus, by H. F. Clinton. 3 vols. Oxford, 1834, 4"- Stemmata Atheniensia. Comprising the Families of Miltiades, Thucydides, Socrates, Aristeides, Theramenes, Callias, Alcibiades, Pericles, Cleisthenes, Peisistratus, Solon, Plato, Andocides, and Lysias. By F. M. London, 1837, 40. Chroniques Greco-Romanes, avec notes et tables genealogiques, par Charles Hopf. Berlin, 1873, 8°- [Genealo- gical tables of the princes de la Moree ; Dues d'Athenes ; Negrepont ; Dues de I'Archipel ; Andros et Paros ; Dynastes Venitiens de I'Archipel ; Dynastes Italiens et autres de I'Archipal ; Families Nobles de TArchi- pel ; Dynastes Genois de I'Archipel ; Despotes et Dynastes d'Epire et de Thessalie ; Despotes Grecs et Grands Feudataires de la Moree.] Lives of Greek Statesmen, by Sir G. W. Cox. 2 vols. Lond. 1885, Bo- Ceremonies usitees au Japon pour les marriages et les funerailles, etc. par Isaac Titsingh, traduit du Japonais 622 MiSCELLANEOrS. par feu M. T. Paris, 1819, 8° Planches, oblong, 8°- Memoires et Anecdotes sur la Djnastle regnante des Djogouns Soaverains du Japon, par M. Titsingh. Paris, 1820. Illustrations o£ Japan ; Memoirs of the Sovereigns of Japan, Description of their Feasts and Ceremonies, etc., by Isaac Titsingh. Translated from the French by F. Shoberl. London, 1822, 4,0. Japanese Heraldry. See the Japanese Cyclopsedea, published at Yeddo. Japanese Heraldry. A paper read before the Asiatic Society of Japan, 25th Oct. 1876, with Illustrations, by Thomas R. H. McClatchie. See Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan^ vol. v. part i. Yokohama, 1877, 80- A Dictionary of Family Badges and Mercantile Marks, byTanaka. Japanese Tokio, 1882. obi. 12°- Japanese Marks and Seals, by James Lord Bowes. Liverpool, 1882, 4P- Japan : by J. J. Kein. [Contains a History of the Japanese People ; Arms of the Mikado, and of the Tokugawa, etc.] Translated from the German. Lond. 1884, 8°-^ Imperial University of Japan, Calendar for 1887—88. De Inlandsche Ran gen en Titels op Java en Madoera, by L. W. C. Van den Berg. Batavia, 1887, 4P- The descents of the King of Fez, and of the Xariff's family, now Kings of Morocco, Fez, and Therudant. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Nero B. viii. 58. Eelaciones de las Cosas de Persia, la Genealogia de sus Reyes, Guerras de Persianos, Turcos y Tartaros, y las que vido en el Viaje que hiza a Espaiia y su Conversion y la de otros dos Caval- leros Persianos, by Don Juan de Persia. Valladolid, 1604, 4°- Relaciones d'el Origen, Descendencia y Succession de los Reyes de Persia, y de Harmuz, by Pedro Teixeira. Amberes, 1610, 8«- History of the Early Kings of Persia, from Kaiomars to the conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great. Translated from the original Persian, with notes, &c., by D. Shea. London, 1832, 8o- The Moslem Noble, his Land and People, with some Notices of the Parsees or Ancient Persians, with Illustrations, by Mrs. Young. London, 1857, 8«- Nobilta deir Asino di Attabalippa dal Peru del Mondo Novo, by A. Banchieri. Yenetia, 1592, 8o- Narrative of a Ten Years' Residence at Tripoli in Africa, comprising authentic Memoirs and Anecdotes of the reigning Bashaw, his Family, and other persons of distinction, by R. Tully. London, 1816, 80- La Genealogie du Grand Turc, etc. Lyon, 1570, 16«- Chorograffia et breve historia universale deir Isola de Cipro, principiando al tempo di Noe, per in sino al 1572 ; with genealogical tables, by Steffano di Lusignano. Bologna, 1573, 4"- Histoire contenant une sommaire des- cription des Genealogies de tons les Princes & Grans Seigneurs, dont la plupart estoient Francois, qui ont jadis commade es Royaumes de Hie- rusalem, Cypre, Armenie, & Lieux circomvoisins, par Stef. di Lusignano. Paris, 1579, 4P' Les droicts, autoritez et prerogatives que pretendent au Royaume de Hierusalem, les Princes & Seigneurs Spirituels & Temporels cy apres nommey : le Pape, Patriarche, Empereur, Rois de France, Angleterre, Arragon, etc. par Estienne Lusignan de Cypre. Paris, 1586, 4P- Reges Macedonum. [A genealogical tree], by S. Ammirato. Flor. 1586, single sheet. Histoire generale du Serrail et de la Cour du Grand Seigneur, Empereur des Turcs ; ensemble I'Histoire de la Cour du Roi de la Chine, par Michel Baudier. Paris, 1624, 4P- The Shajrat Ul Atrak, or Genealogical Tree of the Turks and Tartars ; trans- lated and abridged by Col. William Miles. Lond. 1838, S^- Notitia Dignitatum, accedunt Notitia L^rbis Constantinopolitanse, by Otto Seeck. Berolini, 1876, 8"- Memoire sur les noms propres et les titres Musulmans, par M. Garcin de Tassy. 2nd edition. Paris, 1878, 8«. MiSCELLANEOrS. 623 Arms of the Emperors of Constantinople, in colours. Brit. Mus. Cott. MS. Tib. D. II. 58—68. Greta Sacra ; sive de episcopis utriusque ritus, Graeci et Latini, in insula Cretae. Accedit series prsesidum Venetorum inlustrata, by F. Cornolio [Cornaro]. 2 vols. Venice, 1755, 4P- > X» »»4^^> ^bbmira. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS WOEKS. Allgemeine Schrif tenkunde der gesammten Wappenwissenchaft,mitbeurtheilenden, und andern zur Biicher und Gelehrten- geschichte gehorenden Bemerkungen und Nacbweisungen, von C. S. T. Bernd. 4 vols. Bonn, 1830—41, 8°- [General catalogue of heraldic and genealogical works.] Catalogue of MSS. relating to Genealogy and Heraldry, preserved in the library of the Faculty of Advocates at Edin- burgh, by W. B. D. D. Turnbull. Lond. 1852, 8«- Only 10 copies printed. Catalogue of the Heraldic Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1891, by J. Grant. Edinb. 1891. Handbuch der neuesten Genealogie, welches die Stammtafeln aller jetzigen Europaischen Potentaten, etc. Niirn- berg, 1772, 8°- The Annual Biography and Obituary, 1817—1837. 21 vols. Lond. 1817— 37, 8«' Genealogical and Historical Society, for the illustration of Family History, Lineage and Biography. Instituted in London, 1857, 208 Piccadilly. Annual Reports and List of Members. Lond. 1858—63, 8°- [Several pedigrees of families have been executed by the Society, which may be seen at the Society's Pooms.] The East Anglian ; or, Notes and Queries on subjects connected with the counties of Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk, edited by Samu^ Tymms. Lowestoft, 1864 to 1871, 8«- New Series, edited by C. H. Evelyn White, 1885, etc. The Register and Magazine of Biography. A record of births, marriages, deaths, and other genealogical and personal occurrences. 2 vols. Westminster, 1869, 8«- The Curio. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine devoted to Genealogy and Biography, Heraldry and Book-plates, etc. New York and London, 1887, etc., 4^- In progress. Arms and Ancestors, and the Roll of Gentlewomen, by Arundel Herald. See " The Gentlewoman, Illustrated Weekly Journal," vols, i, etc. Lond. 1890, etc., fol. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry, by Sir Bernard Burke. 2 vols. Lond. 1891, 8°- Topham's Index to Chancery Proceedings, temp. James I. The Genealogist, new series, vol. vii. Lond. 1891, 8^- A Genealogical and Chronological Game of the History of England, by Mrs. O'Sullivan. Juvenile Library. Second edition. Lond. 1816, 8o- A Collection of Genealogical Tables of Different Nations. Brit. Mus. Libr. 131, h, 5. Historical and genealogical Roll from the Creation to Louis XL King of France, 1461. Illuminated. French. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27539. Tutti i Re di Francia, Merovei, Caro- linghi, et Ciappetti. [A genealogical tree], by S. Ammirato. Flor. 1586, single sheet. Carolinghi. [Genealogical tree of the Carlovingian dynasty], by S. Ammirato. Flor. 1599, single sheet. 624 Addeitda. Histoiregenerale desMaisons Souveraines, des Maisons Princieres et Ducales, et des autres maisons nobles. Archives ITistoriques. Paris, 1853, etc. fol. Kecherches sur I'origine de plusieurs maisons souverains d' Europe, par le baron de Koehne. Berlin, 1863, 8«- Galerie historique, genealogique et bio- graphique des souverains europeens ou originaires de I'Europe actuellement regnants, par Gastave Oppelt. Brux. 1865, fol. Genealogical Tables illustrative of Modern History, by H. B. George. Clarendon Press Series. Oxford, 1866, 4°- Third edition, enlarged, 1886. Genealogie des maisons princieres reg- nantes dans I'Europe depuis le Congres de Vienne en 1815, par H. K. Hiort- Lorenzen. Leip. 1871, 12°' Les Maisons souveraines de I'Europe. Origine, histoire, genealogie, etc., par Gaston de Fressancourt. Brux. 1876, Manuel d'histoire, de genealogie et de cLronologie de tons les Etats du Globe, depuis les temps les plus reciiles jusqu' a nos jours, par A. M. H. J . Stokvis. 2 vols; Leide, 1888—89, 8«- Genealogical Chronology of the World before Christ, giving the origin, genea- logy, and chronology of the earliest races of mankind. Edited by K. A. McMurdo. Lond. 1889, 4«- Pragmenta Genealogica, by Fred. Arthur Crisp. Privately printed, 1889, etc., fol. Defaced. An historical sketch. "We have caused to be defaced and all the arms and badges to be delete." Lond. 1891, 4°' The English the Descendants of " The ten Tribes," a lecture, by Kobert Pol- whele. Lond. 1873, 16o- Homes of Family Names in Great Britain, by Henry Brougham Guppy. Lond. 1890, 8°- How to Trace a Pedigree, by " Eouge Kose." See Walford's Antiquarian, vol. XI. p. 238. Lond. 1887. 8«- Lists of suspected persons in England and Wales, 1655—57. Brt. Mus. Add. MSS. 34011—34017. An exact Catalogue of the names of several ministers, lately ejected out of their livings in several counties of England, because they could not con- firm for conscience sake. Lond. 1663. 40. Lists of Attornies and Solicitors, admitted in pursuance of the late Act. Presented to the House of Commons, pursuant to their Order, 26 Jan. 1729. Lond. 1729, fol. Additional Lists of Attornies and Solicitors. Lond. 1730, fol. Lists of the Officers and their Deputies belonging to the several Courts in Westminster Hall, and elsewhere. Lond. 1731, fol. Agincourt, A contribution towards an Authentic List of the Commanders of the English Host in King Henry the Fifth's expedition to France, in the third year of his reign, by Joseph Hunter, London, 1850, 12°- Estat de la Distribution de la somme de douze mille livres sterling accordee par la Reine aux pauvres Protestants Fran^ais Refugiez en An- gleterre pour I'an, 1705. Lond. 1707, fol. History of a Huguenot Family, by Ann Maury. New York, 1853. HERALDIC TREATISES. II Nennio. Nel quale si ragiona di nobilta, by G. B. Nenna. Vinegia, 1542. 8o- Nennio, or a treatise of nobility, by G. B. Nenna. Done into English, by W. Jones. Lond. 1595. 4P- Nouveau manuel complet du blason, ou Code heraldique, par J. Pautet. Paris, 1843, 18°- Recherches sur I'origine du blason, et en particulier sur le fleur de lis, par Adal- bert de Beaumont. Paris, 1853, 8^ Resume des principes generaux de la science heraldique, par Oscar de Wat- teville, Paris, 1857, 12^- Symbolism, by JohnYinycomb. Reprinted from the "Northern Whig," 20th November, 1891. [Belfast, 1891, 8°- ] A Treatise on Heraldry, British and Foreign, by John Woodward and George Burnett. [Illustrated with plates of arms in colours.] 2 vols. Edinb. & Lond. 1892, 8o- Addenda. 625 HEEALDRY. Devises heroiques, par Claude Paradin. Lion. 1557, S^- Les Devises Heroiques de Claude Para- din et autres Ant. 1562, 16°- Other editions in 1563 and 1622. Sj^mbola Heroiea de Claude Paradin et autres. Ant. 1583, 16°- Other editions, Lejd. 1600 and 1615. Grammaire heraldique, contenant la de- finition exacte des armoiries, suivie d'un vocabulaire explicatif. par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee, etc. Paris [1860] 12^^- Handbook of Heraldry [Illustrated.] By T. W. Gwilt Mapleson. New York, [1851], 8°- Medals, Clasps, and Crosses, Military and Naval, in the collection of J. W. Fleming. Printed for private circu- lation, 1871, 4«- War Medals and Decorations issued to the British Militarv and Naval Forces from 1588 to 1889, by D. Hastings Irwin. Lond. 1890, 8"- Origine, etymologic et signification des noms propres et des armoiries, par le baron de Coston. Paris, 1866, 8°- Tresor heraldique d'apres d'Hozier, Menestrier, Boisseau, etc., par A. de Laporte. Tournay, 1864, 12''- Le Monde heraldique, Aper^us historiques sur le moyen age, par Marc de Vissac. Clermont-Ferrand, 1870, 8°- L'Art heraldique, par N. J. H. Gourdon de Genouillac. Paris, 1889, S''- ARMS. Arms of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. See " A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine," by Tho. Fuller. Lond. 1650, fol. Israel armorie ou armoiries des tribus d'Israel sorties des enfans de Jacob, par J. L. Chevillard. Paris, 1743, tol. Copies of Rolls of Arms, in trick, time of Edw. I. and Edw. II. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6137. Constable's Roll of Arms. Brit. Mus. Lans. MS. 205 f. 235. Collection of Arms, in trick, by Wm. Burton, of Leicester. MS. belonging to Lord Braye, of Stanford Hall. Armorial des Maisons Souverains, par Charles Lawton. Berlin, 1858, fol. Armes de toutes les puissances. Nouvelle edition, augmentee des armes et des drapeaux de toutes Jes nations, avec \ texte heraldique. Paris, 1870, 8'*« First edition about 1865. The Household Dictionary of the English Language, published by Wm. Collins, Sons, and Company, contains Arms, in colours, of the Great Schools, Colleges and Professors of Cambridge, Colleges and Halls of Oxford, and Arms and Flags of various Nations. Lond. and Glasgow, 1871, 4°' ROYALTY. A genealogical account of the Kings of England from King Stephen to Henry VI. 1447. Vellum roll. Brit. Mus. Sloan Roll, xxxi. i. Genealogie du Henry VIII., Roy de France et d'Angleterre, with coloured arms and miniature drawings, 15th cent. Brit. Mus. Roy. MS. 15 E, VI. Genealogical Table, from Adam to Edward the Sixth, King of England. MS. Brit. Mus. Libr. 103, f . 8. Account of the lineal Descent of King Edward VI. from Brute, by David Holand. Brit Mus. Roy. MS. 18 A, Lxxv. Genealogical Tables, containing the pedi- gree of Queen Elizabeth, with the arms emblazoned. MS. Brit. Mus. Libr. 133, i. 12. A perfect and exact arbor and genealogy of all the Kings, Queens, and Princes of England ; according to the book of R. Doleman, printed in 1594, fol. Brit. Mus. Bagford Coll. 5950. [See page 76, 2nd col.] Genealogia Jacobi VI. Scotise et Angliae, Franciae, etc. ejus nominis primi regis, etc., by J. H. van Axele. Rome, 1607, single sheet. A genealogical chart of all the Kings of England, and their issue, from Egbert the Great, to King George the Third. Lond. 1772. Brit. Mus. Libr. 2 Table. The Genealogy of His Royal Highness George Augustus, Prince of Wales, by John Brown. Lond. 1790? single sheet. The Regal Heraldry of England, by D. W. Le Valley. [From WiUiam I. to Victoria.] Single sheet. 626 AD13ENDA. Tableau genealogique des Maisons rojales d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse. Caen, 1853, fol. England the remnant of Judah and the Israel of Ephraim, the two Families under One Head, by the Rev. F. 11. A. Glover. Loud. 1881, 8«- The Genealogy of 11. M. G. M. Queen Victoria, traced from our first Parents Adam and Eve, by Shirley Smith. 1885, broadside. Table of Descent [from George the First] of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, by Geo. Horatio Smith. 1887, broadside. Chronological, Historical, and Heraldic Charts of the Royal House of England, by J. A. Timmis. Lond. 1890, fol. The Seize Quartiers of the Kings and Queens of England. The Genealogist^ new series, vol. vii. Lond. 1891, 8*^- NOBILITY AND GENTRY. Creations of Sir Philip Yorke, Baron Hardwick, and of the Lords Coningsby and Harborough, by writ of Privv Seal. Brit. Mus. Lans MS 1193. Creations of Nobility, from William I. to Elizabeth. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34010. Tethys Festival, containing : — The Order and Solemn itie of the Creation of the High and mightie Prince Henrie. eldest Sonne to our sacred Soueraigne. Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, Earle of Chester, etc. Together with the Ceremonies of the Knights of the Bath, etc. by S. Daniel. Lond. 1610, 4°- Reprinted in Lord Somers' Tracts, 2nd coll. vol. i. Lond. 1750, 4" Theatre de la Gloire et Noblesse d'Albion, ou la genealogie, alliance et antiquite de toutes les Maisons nobles de la grande Bretaigne, par Abraham de Ville d'Arcie. Lond. 1625, 4'^- Descents and pedigrees of the Kings of England and of several families of the Nobility and Gentry, temp. Charles II. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 6071. Genealogies and arms of the English Nobility will be found in the British 31agazine, 1760 to 1767. A Topographical Survey of the Counties of Hants, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, and Cornwall, commonly called the Western Circuit. With the arms of the subscribers and names of the nobility and gentry, by Wm. Tunni- clifte. Salisbury, 1791, 8'^- The Windsor Peerage for 1890. Edited by Edward Walford. London, 1890, 8^- Second edition, 1891. ECCLESIASTICAL. Dizionario di erudizione Storico-Eccle- siastica. Compilazione di Gaetano Moroni. 103 vols, and 4 vols, of indexes, Ven. 1840-1878, 8"- Index Ecclesiasticus ; or, Alphabetical Lists of all Ecclesiastical Dignitaries in England and Wales since the Reformation, by Joseph Foster. Oxf. and Lond. 1890, 8'^- PARLIAMENTARY. List of Members of Parliament for the six northern counties (Northumber- land. Durham, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland) and the cities and boroughs in the north, from 1603 to 1886, by W. W. Bean. 2 vols. Lond. 1890, 8o- The Parliamentary Guide : a concise History of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, their con- nexions, etc., by R. B. Mosse. Lond. 1835, 120- Another edition in 1837. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Lists of Public Officers, see " Book of Dignities," by Joseph Haydn. Lond. 1890, 8''- A General and Compleat List Military of every Commission Officer of Horse and Foot of England. Printed by J. Gain for Nathan Brooks, 1684. See Grose's Military Antiquities, vol. ii., App. x. Lond. 1788, 4"- ^ The Successi n of Colonels to all His Majesties Land Forces, from their Rise to 1744, with dates of promotion, deaths, etc. ; to which is added a List of ye Royal Navy. Lond. 1745, 8°- The Royal Militar}^ Calendar, or Army Service and Commission Book. Third edition, 5 vols. Lond. 1820, 8o- The East India Military Calendar ; con- taining the Services of General and Field Officers of the Indian Army. 3 vols. Lond. 1823-26, 4«- Addenda. 627 An Historical Record of the Light Horse Volunteers of London and West- minster ; with the Muster Rolls from the first formation of the Regiment, 1779, to the relodgement of the Standards in the Tower, 1829, by J. N. Collyer and J. I. Pocock. Lond. 1843, 8«- Naval Commissioners from 12 Charles II. to 1 George III., 1660—1760, compiled from the original warrants and returns, by Sir George Jackson. With historical notices by Sir G. F. Duckett. Privately printed 1889, 8'^- ENGLISH COUNTIES. Visitation of Bedfordshire, 1566. Harl. MS. 1531. Privately printed by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Middle Hill? 1840? 40. Berkshire Notes and Queries, a quarterly Journal devoted to the Family History, Antiquities, etc. of the Royal County. Edited by P. Tudor Sherwood. Lond. 1890, etc. Catholic Register of Ufton Court, Berk- shire, and Woolhampton. Privately printed for F. A. Crisp. 1889, fol. Visitations of Cambridgeshire, by Henry St. George and others, 1684. MS. in possession of the Earl of Egmont. Parish Registers of Abington Pigotts, Co. Cambridge, 1653—1812. Edited by Wm. Graham F. Pigott. Norwich, 1890, 4"- Liber Feodorum Militum in Com. Cestrie, Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 699. The Parish Registers of Eastham, Che- shire, 1598—1700. Privately printed, 1891. The Parish Registers of St. Mary Stock- port, 1584—1620, with notes by E. W. Bulkeley. Stockport, 1889 4''- Visitation of Cornwall, 1620. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34101. Biographical Sketches in Cornwall, by Richard Polwhele. 3 vols. Truro and Lond. 1831, 12^- Index to the Visitation of Derbyshire, 1663—64. Privately printed by F. A. Crisp. 1887, fol. • Visitation of Devon and Cornwall, 1620. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34101. Devonshire Parishes ; op, the Antiquities, Heraldry and Family History of Twenty-eight Parishes in the Arch- deaconry of Totnes, by Chas. Worthy. Exeter and Lond. 1887, etc., 8°- Arms and Surnames of Essex families by Sir Edw. Bisshe, 1664. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1085. The Trade Signs of Essex, by Christy Miller. Chelmsford, 1887. A History of Coggeshall in Essex, with an Account of the Church, Abbey, Manors, Ancient Houses, &c., and bio- graphical sketches of distinguished Men and Ancient Families, including the Family of Coggeshall, from 1149 to 1884, by Geo. F. Beaumont. Lond. 1890, 8°- The Parish Register of Lambourne, Essex. Privately printed by Fred. Arthur Crisp. 1890, fol. The Hall of Lawford Hall. Records of an Essex House and of its proprietors, from the Saxon Times to the reign of Henry VIII Privately printed. Lond. 1891. 4'^ Transcript of the Parish Register of Stansted Montfichet, Essex, 1558 — 1762, by Jos. J. Green. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34,102. ' ^ Theydon Mount, Essex : its Lords and Rectors, with a transcript of the parish registers and monumental inscriptions, by J. J. Howard, H. F. Burke, and L. N. Prance. Privately printed (1891), 40. Alverstoke Church Inscriptions and Parish Register. Oxford, 1885, 8'^- The Heraldic Bearings of the Families and Residents of the Isle of Wight as borne by their Ancestors, by Henry D. Cole. Lond. 1891, etc., 4'^- Visitation of Herefordshire, by Henry St. George and others in 1683. MS. in the possession of the Earl of Egmont. Collections for a parochial historj' of Kent, consisting of biographical, genea- logical, and heraldic memoranda, ex- tracts from parish registers, wills, and other records, by Rev. Thomas Streat- feild, in 52 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,878—33,929. Extracts from deeds, pedigrees and mis- cellaneous papers relating to Kent. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 34104—34106. 628 Addenda. The Register Book of the Parish of St. Alphage, Canterbury, 1558 — 1800. Edited by J. M. Cowper. 106 Copies privately printed, 1889, 4°- The Register Book of the Parish of St. George the Martyr, Canterbury, 1538 —1800. Edited by J. M. Cowper. Cant. 1891, 8«- The Registers of St. Mary Magdalen, Canterbury, 1559—1800. Edited by J. M. Cowper. 106 Copies privately printed, 1890, 4^- Two Lancashire Rolls of Arms, by J. P. Rylands. 1888, 8'^- History of the Parish of Ribchester, by Tom C. Smith and the Rev. Jonathan Shortt. London and Preston, 1890, 8'^- [Contains extracts from the parish registers from 1598 to 1812, and a chapter on "Old Families" of the • neighbourhood.] \ Heralds' Visitation of Lincolnshire, 1681 — 83. MS. in the possession of the Earl of Egmont. Old Lincolnshire : an Antiquarian Maga- zine. Edited by Geo. H. Burton. Stamford and London, 1883, etc., 4°- The Parish Register of Irby-upon-Hum- ber, CO. Lincoln. Privately printed by Fred. Arthur Crisp. 1890, fol. Stanford Church and its Registers, by Rev. W. H. Sandon. Leicestershire Architectural and Archceological Society, 1883. Heralds' Visitation of London, 1687. MS. in the possession of the Earl of Egmont. Allegations for Marriage Licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, at London, 1543 to 1869. Extracted by Col. J. L. Chester, and edited by G. J. Army tage. Harleian Society. Lond. 1886, Allegations for Marriage Licences issued by the Vicar-General of the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, 1679 to 1694. Edited by G. J. Armytage. Harleian Society. Lond. 1890, 8o- Catalogue of the Portgraves, Custoses, Bailiffs, Maiors, and Sheriffs [of Lon- don], with the Coats of Arms of each Maior to the present time. Lists of the Aldermen, Common Council, Re- corders, Common Sergeants, etc. Free- men of the City, called Barons. The Companies, or Corporations, with their Coats of Arms, etc. And Merchant Companies, with their armorial bearings. See " Survey of London," by John Stow, Stripe's edition, vol. ii. Lond. 1720, fol. [For later lists of City Officers, see Havdn's Book of Dignities, 1890.] A List of the Chiefs, Officers, Court of Assistants, &c., of the Honourable Artillery Company, in the year 1791. Lond. 1791, 8^'- A Handbook of London Bankers, with some account of their Predecessors the Early Goldsmiths, by F. G. Hilton Price. Enlarged edition. Lond. 1890-1, 4P- The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London, compiled from their records and other sources, with illustrations, and a facsimile of title-page of Charter- Book, by Sydney Young. Lond. 1890, 40. Grant of Arms to the Company of Masons, London, 1472, confirmed in 1520. Brit. Mus. Add. Ch. 19,135. The Register of Baptisms and Marriages at St. George's Chapel, May Fair. Edited by Geo. J. Armytage. Harleian Society. Lond. 1889, 8«- The Register Book of the Parish of St. Nicholas Aeons, London, 1539-1812. Transcribed by Wm. Brigg. Leeds, 1890, 8«- Register of Marriages and Burials in the church of St. Peter, within the Tower of London, 1613-1622. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,941. The London and Middlesex Notebook ; an illustrated magazine devoted to the local history|[and antiquities of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the County of Middlesex. Edited bv W. P. W. Phillimore. Lond. 1891, etc., 8"- The Parish Register of Kensington, co. Middlesex, from 1539 to 1675, edited by F. N. Macnamara and A. Story - Maskelyne. Harleian Society. I ond. 1890, 8«- Arms and Surnames of Norfolk families by Sir Edw. Bisshe, 1664. Brit. Mus Harl. MS. 1085. Addenda. 629 Norfolk Oliicial Lists, frum the earliest period to the present day, by Hamon Le Strange. Norwich, 1890, S^- First Parish Kegist'T of St. George of Torabland, Norwich, by G. B. Jay, with notes by T. R. Tallack, revised by Wm. Hudson Norw. 1891, 4''- Pedigrees recorded at the Heralds' Visita- tion of the County of Northumberland in 1015 and 1666. Edited by Joseph Foster. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1891, 8'^ A Roll of Anns relating to the count}'^ of Northumberland, by A. Strother. The Genealogist, new series, vol. vii. Lond. 1891. 8'^- Collinson's History of Somersetshire (1791), interleaved with MS. notes, pedigrees, etc., by the Rev. W. Phelps in 4 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 38820—33823. Visitation and genealogical collections relating to Somersetshire families, by the Rev. Wm. Phelps. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33882. The Old Parish Register of Milborne Port, Somerset, by Chas. H. Mayo. Sherborne, 1891, 8»- Wedmore Parish Registers. Marriages, 1561—1839; Baptisms, 1561—1812. 2 vols. Wells, 1888 and 1890, 4''- Copy of the Registers of the Church of St. George, Wilton, co. Somerset, 1558 — 1837, by J. H. Spencer. Taunton, 1890. 8^»- Transcript of the First Register Book of the Parish of Saint Matthew, Walsall, by F. W. Willmore. 1890, 8°- Genealogical Collections relating to Suf- folk, by Joseph James Muskett. 22 vols. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,856—33,877. Arms and Surnames of Suffolk families, by Sir Edward Bisshe, 1664. Brit. Mus. Harl. MS. 1085. Visitation of Wiltshire, by Sir Edward Bysshe. Jekyll MS. 45. All Souls College, Oxford. Institutiones Clericorum in Com. Wilts 1297—1810. Edited by Sir Thos. Phillipps. Tvpis Medio — Montanis, 1825, fol. The Register of Persons entiUed to vote in the election of a Member for the Borough of Wilton, 1854 — 64. Lond. (1863), obi. 80- Yorkshire Genealogist. Edited by * J. Horsfall Turner. Bingley, 1888, etc. 8"- The Survey of the County of York,3by John Kirkby, commonly called Kirk by 's Inquest, etc. Edited by R. H. Skaife. Surtees Society. Durham, 1867. Transcript of Leeds Parish Registers. Publications of the 'Vhoresby Society. Leeds, 1889, etc. 8^ Leeds. Local Worthies and Genealogies. Thoreshy Society. Leeds, 1889, etc. 8" The Heraldry of York Minster, by Rev. A. P. Purey-Cust. Leeds, 1890. fol. SCOTLAND. Facsimile of an ancient Heraldic Manu- script by Sir David Lyndsay, of the Mount, Lyon King of Arms, 1542. Edinb. 1878, fol. [New edition, see p. 210.] The Roll of the Highland Clans of Scot- land, with their principal Cadets, by R. C. De Crespigny. [With their arms in colours.] Lond. 1889, single sheet. Coats Armorial of Scottish Trade Incor- porations. Aberdeen, 1886, 8°- A History of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet, with a List of the Members of the Society from 1594 to 1890. Edinb. 1890, 4P- A List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion, etc. of 1745—1746. With a preface by the Earl of Rosebery and annotations by the Rev. Walter Mac- leod. Edinb. 1890, 8"- Roll of Eminent Burgesses of Dundee, 1513—1886. Dundee, 1887, 4P- The Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh [with their arms], by James Colston, Edinb. 1891, 4P' WALES. The Cambrian Register. 3 vols. Lond. 1796—1818, 8«- Archseologia Cambrensis. The Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Asso- ciation. 5 series. Lond. 1846 — 1891, 8° In progress. Memoirs and sketches of one hundred- and-eleven eminent men, natives of the County of Cardigan, etc., by Daniel Williams. Cardigan ? 1874, 4P- The Parish Registers of Kegidog, alias St. George, near Abergele. Privately printed by Fred. Arthur Crisp. 1890, fol. 630 Addenda. Inscriptions in the Church and Church- yards of Swansea, co. Glamorgan. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34,061. JAMAICA. Extracts from the Parish Registers and other Public Records in the islands of Jamaica and Barbadoes, with copies of monumental inscriptions from 1643 to 1800, by Capt. J. H. L. Archer. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 27,969. List of the Governors and Presidents of Jamaica, from 1660 to 1738. With the arms of some of the Governors, etc. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,428. List of Landholders in Jamaica, about the year 1750. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 12,436. WILLS. Abstracts of Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 18th century. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23,233. A Calendar of Wills relating to the County of Kent. Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury between 1384 and 1559. Edited by Leland L. Duncan. Lewisham Antiquarian Society. Lee, 1890, 8''- Lincolnshire Wills, first series, 1500 — 1600. Edited by A. R. Maddison. Lincoln, 1891. Index to Ipswich Wills, 1444—1790. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34099. Somersetshire Wills. Third and fourth series, 1889. [See also p. 231.] Wells Wills, arranged in parishes and annotated, by Fred. Wm. Weaver. Lond. 1890, 8«- Index of Wills in the York Registry, 1389 to 1553. Yorkshire Archceolo- gical Association., Record Series, vols, vi and xi. 1889 and 1891, 8<'' Wills in the York Registry, from 1636 to 1652. Edited by F. Collins, York- shire ArchcBological Association, Record Series, vol. iv. 1888, 8^- Abstracts of Yorkshire Wills in the Time of the Commonwealth, at Somerset House, London. Edited by John Wm. Clay, Yorkshire Archoeological Associ- ation. Record Series, vol. ix. 1890, 8°- EPITAPHS. A select collection of epitaphs, carefully selected from the Tombstones of the most eminent personages in England, Scotland, and Ireland. , [The dedica- tion signed Kill-Care.] Lond. 1759, 12"- FLAGS. La Connoissance des Pavilions, ou Ban- nieres, que la plupart des Nations arborent en mer, Comme sont ceux d' Angleterre, d'Ecosse, et d'Trlande, des Provinces-Unies, des Pays-Bas, de I'Espagne, du Portugal, de 1' Italic, de France, du Dannemarc, de la Suede, de la Pologne, de Prusse, d'Allemagne, de Moscovie, de Turquie, de Barbaric, et des Indes Orientales, &c. La Haye, 1737, 4'^- The Heraldic History of the British Flag, by Christopher Thomas Richardson. Lond. 1886, 8°- The British Flag : its origin and history. Incidents in its use in America, by Jonathan F. Morris. Hartford, Conn. 1889, 8«- Drawings of the Flags in use at the pre- sent time by various Nations. Ad- miralty. Printed by Authority. Lond. 1889, 4'>- The Colours of the British Army. Litho- graph, by Emrik and Binger, Berners Street, London ; and published by Day and Sons. Lond. 1891, large sheet. Les Couleurs de la France, ses enseignes et ses drapeaux. par R. Quarre de Yerneuil. Paris, 1876, 8''- Les Drapeaux Fran9ais, leurs Gardes et leurs Legendes, par L. N. Ney. Paris, 1880, 8«- Les Drapeaux fran^ais. Histoire des couleurs nationales ; oriflammes et ban- nieres, etc., par Paul Max. 1880, H^- Mags of France. Les Regiments sous Louis XV., par Louis Mouillard. Paris, 1883, fol. L' Ancien Drapeau de la Fran^ais, par Leon Hennet. Paris, 1886 ? CRUSADES. Les Croisades, et le Royaume Latin de Jerusalem, par J. P. A. de La Porte. Limoges, 1863, S^- Addenda. 631 Considerations sur divers anciens titres, dont quelqiies-uns se rattachent aux croisades, par le comte de Delley de Blanemesnil. Paris, 1863, 4o- Notice sur quelques anciens titres, suivie de considerations sur les salles des Croisades au Musee de Versailles, par le comte Delley de Blanemesnil Paris, 1866, 4«- OEDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. Inventaire sommaire des Archives Hos- pitalieres anterieures a 1 790, par Lucicn Merlet. Chartres, 1890, 4"- Das Buch vom Schwanenorden, von Dr. Graf Stillfried und S. Haenle. Berlin, 1881, fol. FAMILY HISTORIES AND PEDIGREES. Alten — Stammtafeln des Uradelichen Geschlechtes von Alten, 1182-1889. By Victor von Alten. Berlin, 1889, obi. fol. Amati — Liutai antichi e moderni (Genea- logia degli Amati e del Guarnieri), by Giov. de Piccolellis. 2 vols. Fir. 1885-86, 8°- Ames — Genealogical Memoranda of the Family of Ames, by Reginald Ames. Privately printed Lond. 1S89, 4"- Annibal — Descendentia Annibalis Fratris Germani Cardinalis Ric. Annibalriensis de Molaria, by A. de Annibalis Rome, 1650 Single sheet. Avery — Our Family Genealogy. (Avery and Morgan.) Privately printed, Hart- ford, 1851. Baltimore — Memoirs of the Baltimore family. See London Magazine, vol. 37, p. 283. 1768. Baroncelli et Bandini, by Scijaone Ammi- rato. [A genealogical tree.] Single sheet, 1585. Bartow — The Bartow Family in England, by the Rev. E. P. Bartow. 1890, 8"- Bentham — Correspondence and papers of the Family of Bentham, in twenty- eight volumes. Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 33,537—33,564. Bigelow — Genealogy of the Bigelow Family of America, from tl^ Marriage in 1642, of John Biglo and Mary Warren, to 1890, by Oilman Bigelow Howe. Wore , Mass., 1890, 8<>- Bograan— A Genealogy of the Bogman Family, 1767—1890, by E. W. Leavitt. Privately printed, 1890, S'^- Bosanquet — The Genealogy of the Family of Bosanquet and its connexions, by l>ouisa Clara Meyer. Privately printed, 1877, fol. Bourbon — Genealogie des Bourbons de France, d'Espagne, de Naples, et de Parme, par Henri Lehec. Chateauroux, 1860, 4"- Bournonville - Arbolgenealogico-historico de la Casa y Familia de los Seiiores Duquesde Bournonville, by E.Caselles. Barcelona, 1680, fol. Boyd — Selections from the papers of the family of Boyd of Kilmarnock. Abbots- ford Club Miscellany, vol. 1. Edinb. 1837, 4'^- Breck — Genealogy of the Breck Family, descended from Edward of Dorchester and his brothers in America, by Sam. Breck, Omaha, 1889, 8 '• Browne — Genealogical Memoirs of the Browne Familv of cos. StafPord, Derby, Middlesex, and Salop ; also the Peploe Family of Garnstone, co. Hereford, by G. B. Morgan. Lond. 1888, etc. 4" Buchanan — Claim of Dr Francis Hamil- ton Buchanan of Spittal, with a genealogy. Edinb. 1826, 4" Ca?sar — Genealogia Caesiorum, by Luca A. Petti. Rome, 1611, single sheet. Ad sex priraorum Cassarum genealo- gicam arborem commentaria Pio VI. P.M. dicata. [With a dedicatory letter by J. B. Rotund^is.] Neapoli, 1787, 4o- Cancelliera — Historia della famiglia Cancelliera di Pistoia, etc., by Scipione Ammirato. Flor. 1627, 4o- Carington — [Genealogy of Carington and Smith], by F. C. Smith. Privately printed [1882?], broadside. Brit. Mus. Lib. 1860, d.l. (20). Chisholm — History of the Chisholms, with genealogies of the principal fami- lies of the name, by Alex. Mackenzie. Inverness, 1891, 8»- Clavering— -The Titular Barony of Claver- ing; Its Origin and Right of Inheritance by the Norman House of Clavering. Privately printed. Lond. 1891, 4P- Conant — A Genealogy of one branch of the Conant Family 1581—1890, by E. W. Leavitt. Privately printed, 1890, 8°- 632 Addenda. Cornwallis — Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis Cornwallis, with notes [and pedigree from 1378 to 1858], by Chas. Ross 3 vols. Lond. 1859, 8'» Oorry — The History of the Corry Family of Castlecoole, by the Earl of Belmore. Lond. and Dubl. 1891, 8^- Cromwell — Historical Account and Genealogical Descent of the Cromwell Family. London Magazine^ vol. 43. Lond. 1771, 8"^- The House of Cromwell and the Story of Dunkirk. A genealogical history of the descendants of the Pro- tector, with anecdotes and letters, by James Waylen. Lond. 1891, 8''- [See also p. 342, col. 2.] Davalos — The history of the Davalos Family. Lond. 1843, 12^^- Dike, see Noyes. Du Bois — Genealogies des families Du Bois, dite De Hoves et Du Vernay du Plessis, par P. A. Du Chastel de la Howardries. Tournai. 1876, 8°- Only 75 copies printed. Dudley — Cosmo Dudley. Arbor Don C. Dudlei, etc. Don Cosimus Princeps Northumbrise fecit. Single sheet, 1626. Sir Robert Dudley. Albero del Duca di Northumbria, come descende dal Sangue Reale di Inghilterra. Single sheet, 1627 ? Albore et ramo principale di Don R. Dudleo, etc. Single sheet, 1627. Dudley Ancestry, by Dean Dudley. Boston, Mass. 1862, single sheet. Du Vernay, see Du Bois. Edson, see Noyes. Eltz — Geschichte der Herren und Grafen zu Eltz, von F. W. E. Roth. 2 vols. Mainz, 1889, 8«- Estorff — Kurzer Arbiss d(ir Familienges- chichte der Estorff's, von G.O.C. v.E. Haag, 1850 ? 8"- Farcy — Genealogie de la Famille De Farcy, pir Paul de Fare v. Leval, 1891, 40- Felton — Notes respecting the Felton Family of Norfolk, 1327—1678. Brit. Mus. Eg. MS. 2722, f. 38. Folkard — A Monograph of the Family of Folkard of Suffolk, by Arthur Folkard. Privately printed, 1890, &c., 4''- Frost — Pedigree of John Frost, of Lang- ham, CO. Suffolk, died 1633, to Meadows Frost, of London, born 1875. Privately printed, single sheet. Garelli — Die Garelli. Ein Beitrag zur Culturgeschichte des xvnr. Jahrhun- derts, von Gustav von Suttner. Second and enlarged edition. Wien, 188^,4° Gawdy — Original correspondence of the Families of Gawdy, Hobart, Le Neve, etc. 1509—1757. 10 vols. Brit. Mus. Eg. MSS. 2713—2722. See 10th Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, part 2, 1885. Gibbon Family, Memoirs of, see " New London Magazine," vol. 4, p. 570. Lond. 1788, 8«- Glen — Memorials of the Scottish Family of Glen, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Edinb. 1878, 4P Gonzaga — Life of Saint Aloysius Gon- zaga, by Father Virgil Cepari ; edited by Father Francis Goldie. [Contains portraits of the Lords, Counts, Mar- quises, Princes and Dukes of Gonzaga, and a Genealogical Table of the House of Gonzaga of Mantua, etc.] Einsie- deln, 1891, 8^- Goodwin — The Goodwins of Hartford, Connecticut, Descendants of William and Ozias Goodwin. Compiled for James J. Goodwin. Hartford, Conn., 1»91, 8o- Gozzadini — L' Archivio della Famiglia Gozzadini, by U. Dallari. Bologna, 1890, 8«- Guarnieri, see Amati. Hadington — Memorials of the Earls of Hadington, by Sir Wm. Eraser. 2 vols. Edinb. 1889, 4«- Kalau — Geschichte und Genealogie der Familie Kalaw, Kalau, Calow, Calov und Calo ; und der Familie Kalau vom Hofe, von C. Kalau vom Hofe. 2 vols. Berlin, 1890, 8^- Lar — Genealogie historique de la Masion de Lar et de Lara, maison royale d' Espagne, par Jules de Bourroussede Laffore. Paris, 1879, single sheet. La Tremoille — Les La Tremoille pendant cinq siecles. Nantes, 1890, 4"- Lazareff — Memorial of the lives and works of the Princes of the Family of Lazareff, by Grigorian Mseriants. Armenian. Moscow, 1856, 8"- Addenda. Le Doulx — Notice genealogique sur la fainille Le Doulx de Melleville, par Charles Molle. Evreux. 1888, 4'^- Additions et Justifications 1890. Lee — Account of the Family of Lee, of Hartwell, Bucks. Privately printed, pp. 4. See also Stowe MS. 64^6. Brit. Mus. Leslie, see Melville. Leven, Earls of, see Melville. Littleton — An account of the family of Sir Edw. Littleton. See Universal Magazine, vol. 31. Lond. 1762, 8'^- Liviani — Livianorum genealogia, by Luca A. Petti. Kome [1619,] single sheet. Lo Presti Fontana d'Angioli, etc. Genea- logie der freiherrlichen Familie, by L. Biro. [Translated into Hungarian by I. Melczer.] Hung, and Oer. Buda- pest, 1885, 8°- Lumsden— Memorials of the Families of Lumsdaine, Lumisden or Lumsden, by Lieut.-Col. H. W. Lumsden. Eighty copies privately printed. Edinb. 1889, MeadDws — Pedigree of Medewe, from William I. to 1842. Privately printed, single sheet. Melville— The Melvilles, Earls of Mel- ville, and the Leslies, Earls of Leven, by Sir Wm. Eraser. 3 vols. Edinb. 1890, 4« Morgan — Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of the Morgan Family, as represented in the Peerage of England, by the Right Hon. the Baron Tredegar. Compiled by G. Blacker Morgan. Vol. 1. Lond. 1891, 4«- Nicholas — Papers relating to the Family of Nicholas, of Eoundway, co. Wilts., tempp. Eliz. — Geo. II. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 34,008. Pease of Darlington. With notices of the families of Robson, Backhouse, Dixon, and others, being the descend- ants of Joseph Pease of Shafton, by Joseph Foster. Privately printed, 1891, 4°- Peploe, see Browne. Peters — History of the Rev. Hi^h Peters; with an appendix containing a genea- logy of the Peters Family, by Rev. Sam. Peters. New York, 1807. Pulford— The Barons of Pulford in the Ilth and 12th centuries and their Descendants, by Sir Geo. Sitwell. Scarborough, 1889, 4''- Sforza — Breve description del origen de la Serenis.sima Casa Sforza, Duques soberanos de Milan. 18th cent. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 26,870. Shelmerdine Family, The. Extracts from Church Registers, etc. Privately printed. Shenstone Family, The, including the Ancestry of the Poet Shenstone, with notes, by Sydney Glazebrook Privately printed. Smith, see Carington. Spaur — Personaggi illustri della Tirolese famiglia dei Conti di Spaur richiamati alia memoria per celebrare le nozze Mocenigo — Spaur, by E. A. Cigogna. Venezia, 1822, 8o- Strangwayes — Pedigree of Mrs. Louisa Strangwayes of Well in co. York, shewing her descent through the families of Holt and Knyvet, etc., by Wm. Radclyffe, 1809, single sheet. Strothers — The Strothers of Alnwick, Bilton, and Newton-on-the-Moor, Nor- thumberland. With an account of the Family, etc ; by A. Strothers. Pri- vately printed. Town send — Pedigree of the Family of Townsend, with wills and notes relating to the family, edited by R. S. Bod- dington. Privately printed, Lond. 1881, 4P' Tredegar, Baron, see Morgan. Upwood — Pedigree of the Family of Up wood of Co. Norfolk. Compiled by Rev. C. R. Manning. Privately printed. Wallace— The Book of Wallace, by the Rev. Charles Rogers. Grampian Club, 2 vols. Edinb. 1889, 4o- Wangenheim — Regesten und Urkunden zur Geschichte des Geschlechts Wan- genheim und seiner Besitzungen, von F. H. A. von Wangenheim. Hannover, 1857, 80- Yardley — Pedigree of the Family of "iardley, of Chatham, Kent. Com- piled by Wm. Brigg. Privately printed. 634 Addenda. FOREIGN. History of the Town of Dorchester, Massachusetts, by a Committee of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. Boston, 1851, etc. S<>- [Con- tains a list of the names and brief accounts of its early settlers.] Die Wappen der Buchgewerbe, etc., von H. G. Stroehl. Wien, 1891, 4^- Dictionnaire des Parlementaires Fran9ais, 1789—1889, par A. Robert & G. Cougny. Paris, 1889, S^- Some Account of the Seigneurs of Au- bigny, in France, 1422 — 1672, by Lady Elizabeth Cust. London, 1891, 4o- | Les Comtes de Boulogne, par Dom Francois Ganneron Boul. 1891, 8^- 1 Geschlechter-Buch : Darinn der loblichen | Kayserlichen Reichs Statt Augspurg. Franckfurt am Main, 1661, fol. Lexikon derHamburgischen Schriftsteller. Edited by Dr. Hans Schroeder. 8 vols. Hamburg, 1851-83, 8"- Wappen und Siegel der Koniglichen Haupt-und Residenzstadt Konigsberg, von W. Hensche. Konig. 1877, 4"' iisriDEx:. 635 PAGE. PAGE. Abbots. 103 Armorial bearings, . 17 Aberdeen, collections for, 215 Hirits for under- Abergavenny, barony and standing. 34 monuments, 164 Use of. 33 Abington registers, . 122 Annorial China, 38 AbingtonPigotts registers, 627 Armorials, English and Abuses by Painters, . 33 Foreign, . .62, 625 Abyssinia, 621 Armour, Ancient, . 17 33 Act for recording matches Armouries, 45 and descents. 18 Armoury, Blason of . 30 Adams pedigree 137 Mysteries of, . 36 Addington registers, etc. 184 Science of. 35 Adisham rectors, 146 Arms, Alphabets of, 55 Admirals, 113, 115, 116 and Ancestors, 623 Agincourt, 624 Antiquity of, . 36 Airey family. 74 of Archbishops, 50 61 Albigenses, . 17 62, 105 Alcantara, Order of, 251 of Bannerets . 46 Aldboum registers, . 189 of Baronets 49 Aldeburgh, arms of, 196 of Barons 46 Alderbury register, . 189 of Bishops, 50, 61 62 Allgood family. 74 of Boroughs, . 62 Almanac de Gotha, . 4 Catalogue of . 45 Almon's Peerage, 95 of Cities, 62 Almondbury, annals and ofCoUeges, . 61 62 pedigrees, . 196 of Companies, 52 62 Alnwick, Lords of, . 170 of the Conquerors, 51 Aloiiete, Fr. Treatise, 24 of Corporations, 62 Alveley register. 176 of Counties, . 62 Alverstoke register . 627 Dictionaries of 56 Ambassadors, 111 Discourse of, . 36 America : of Emperors, Kings General collections. 522-526 and Dukes, . 46 Places, 526-539. 634 Grants of .49 56 Anderson family. 74 from Guillim's MS. 51 Andover, Archives . 140 52 Anglesey, Earl of, 74 Herald of. 4 Anglesey pedigrees, She- of the Iceni 45 riffs, Knights, etc. 222 Irish, . 48, 204 Angus and the Meams, 217 King of, 4 Annesley family. 74 of Knights, . 46 -49 Annunciation, Order of, 251 of Knights of the Anstis, John, Treatise, 23 Bath, 53 Antigua, settlers in, 227 Language of, . 28 Anwyl pedigree, 73 Laws of. 35 Aquilae, Order of. 251 Ancient Metallic, 53 Arabia 621 of Nobility, . 46 89 Archbishops 104 of the Noimans, 46 Archdeacons 103 Office of, .1, 36 Archery, Science of 34 Ordinaries of, . 58 Ardeley register. 143 Origin of. 37 Arden, woodmen of, 187 of Religious Houses ,61 Argyll records, 215 The right to bear, 1 Aristocracy, Handboc )kof, 99 Rolls of. Reference Armenia, 621 List, 3 PAGE. Arms, Rolls of, . 58, 625 Royal, 46, 47, 54, 77, 82, 625. of Saints, . 47 of the Saxons, 45, 46 Scotch, .51, 208 of Sees, 54, 61, 62, 104 of Towns, . 61, 62 Treatise of, . 31 of Tribes, . 625 Use of, , 34, 35 Variations of , . 49, 77 Welsh . . 53 Army, . HI, 626 Arundel pedigrees, , 73 Arthur, King, and his Knights, . .251 Ash, Heraldic notes, 146 Ashboum, inscriptions, 132 Ashdon, inscriptions and arms, . . 137 Ashe pedigree, . 132 Ashf ord - in - the - Water registers, . . 132 Askew family, . 74 Aspden pedigree, . 151 Assay marks, . . 42 Astley family, . 74 Aston-sub-Edge registers, 139 Atkyns' Jurisdiction of the Peers, . 30 Attenborough - cum - Bram - cote registers, . 171 Attomies, . . 624 Australian Heraldry, etc. 225 Austria : General collections, 540 Places, . 542, 634 Aynsley family, . 74 Ayrshire families, 215, 216 Badges, . . 38, 39 of Edward, Prince of Wales, . 22 of Kings of Eng- land, . 77 Bagot's collections, 72, 89 Bainbridge family, . 74 Bainbrigge family, . 73 Ballowe pedigree, . 174 Ballysadare families, 206 Banastre pedigree, . 74 Bancourt's Treatise, . 23 Banks' Baronage, . 87 Extinct Peerage, 97 Heraldic Gleanings, 98 636 Index. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Banks, pedigrees, 72 Benson pedigree. 73 Brandling family. 74 StemTTiata Angli- Berkeley Manuscripts, 139 Brandon, Duke of, genea cana. 97 Berkhampstead, church logy 98 Bannerets, . 47, 87 ,88 accounts, . 143 Brasses, Monumental, 231 Banners, 240 Berkshire, Collections for } Bray pedigree. 73 Ba,nnockbum, battle of 218 118, 627 Brecknockshire, Collec- Baptismal ceremonies. 274 Bermondsey registers. 184 tions for 222 Bar, Men at the, 19 Bemers, Julian, Treatise, Brecon, sheriffs, etc. 222 Bara's Treatise, . 24 ,25 22 ,23 Bretforton registers. 191 Barharloes, collections for, 227 Berry's pedigrees. 72 Bridekirk, inscriptions. 130 Barley, inscriptions and Peerage, 98 registers. 131 arms. 143 Bertie pedigree, Berwick, siege of. 73, 174 Bridgford, West, epi- Barlow pedigree. 151 216 taphs, . 171 Barlow's Peerage, 95 Betham's pedigrees. 72 Bridgnorth, Baihffs of. 176 Bark way, inscriptions anc L Biddenden rectors, 146 Registers, 176 arms in. 143 Bideford notes, 134 Brigham, inscriptions. 130 Barnes family. 73 Bigges family, 74 Brindle pedigree, 151 Barnsley worthies, 196 Bigod family, 164 Bristol, Collections for, 139 Baron's, Art Heraldique, 28 Billing, Great, registers, 168 Bristow pedigree, 73 Baronage, Privileges of. 87 Biographical Reference Britannia, 18 Baronies, . . 32 , 36 Dictionary, 4 British Islands, 225 Barons, Collections rela- Biography, Annual, 623 Broadway registers . 191 ting to, . 86 Bird's Treatises, 26 Bromfield and Yale, Lore L- Pedigrees of, . 69 Birmingham, freeholders. ships 223 by Tenure, etc. 87 inhabitants, etc. 187 Bromley register. 146 Baronets, Catalogue of, 25 Bishops, . 103 -106 Bromsgrove registers, 191 Collections relating Pedigrees of, . 70 Brooke family. 177 to, . 101 -103 Rights of the, 28, 29 Brooke's Baronage. . 86 Irish, . 202 of Scotland, 212 Catalogue of Nobility 90 Pedigrees of, . 70 Bishop's Stortford records, 143 Brosely registers, 176 Petitions for a Badge Blackett family. 74 Brundish registers, . 182 of Distinction, 1 Blancks pedigree, 174 Brute, Genealogy from. 18 Works relating to. 2 Blayney pedigree. 73 Bruyn family, 177 Baschurch registers. 176 Blechley parish registers. 121 Brychan, descendants of, 222 Bassett family . 73 Rectors of. 121 Brydall's Privileges, . 31 Bastardy, Law of, 34 Blew and Orange Society ,253 Brydges pedigree, 74 Bath Abbey registers 178 Blome's heraldry, 30 Peerage, 94, 96 ,, 97 Bath and Wells, Bishops 5 nobility and gentry, 91 Stemmata lUustria , 97 of . . . . 178 Blore's noble families. 96 Buck's Treatise, 25 Bath, Order of. 251 Blount pedigree, 73 Buckingham, Duke of. Bather pedigree. 176 Bobbington register, 176 genealogy, . 98 Battle Abbey, RoUs of, U [, 92 Bobbingworth, registers. Buckinghamshire, Collec- Bavarian Order, 253 inscriptions, wills, etc. 137 tions for 119 Beaufort, Duke of, genea - Bodiam and its Lords, 185 Buckland Newton register, logy. 98 Boisseau's Armorial, . 27 135 Beckwith pedigree, . 74 Bolton registers, 150 196 Bulkeley pedigree, . 73 Beddington Church monu - Bolton Abbey, arms in, 196 Bulmer family. 73 ments, . 184 Bolton's Peerage 95 Burbage registers, 189 Bedford, Duke of, genea - Bonnor's Treatise, 23 Burden family 74 logy, 98 Bonville pedigree. 178 Burghclere church notes, 140 Bedford, Mayors of. 118 Book-Plates 38 Burghead families, . 217 Bedfordshire Collections , Booth genealogy 126 Burke's Commoners, . 98 for . . 117, 627 Borough pedigree. 174 Extinct Peerage, 99 Bedwyn registers, 189 Borrows' pedigree 174 Heraldic Dictionary, Beef-Steak Club, 20 Boston Church monu- 97 100 Beke pedigree. 174 ments, . 154 Landed Gentry, 98 Belgium : BosweU's Works, . 24 Burleigh pedigree, 73 General Collections, 543 Bottesford, Effigies, . 151 Bumham registers, etc.. 121 Places, 544 Bouchier pedigree, 73 Burton family, . 73, 74 Bell's pedigrees. 72 Boullainvilliers' Essais, 32 Bute families, 216 Bellasis family. 73 Bowdler pedigree 74 Caermarthenshire Collec- Belleguise's Treatise, 30 Bowes family. 74 tions for, 222 Belson pedigree, 174 Bowman pedigree. 128 Caithness family history. 216 Belton, church monuments, Bradfield register. 196 Calatrava, Order of, 253 182 Bradford Antiquary, 196 Calendarium Genealogi- Bence pedigree, 183 Bramfield register, • 182 cum, 11 Indsx. 687 PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Calendars, Genealogical, 5-10 Charlton Kings registers, Cole's house, arms in, 125 Caliope's Cabinet, 28 etc. 139 Colinton annals, 216 Calverley registers, - 196 Chatterton family. 139 Collars, 38 Camberwell registers, 184 Cheam, Catholic register, 184 Collin gboume registers, 189 Cambridge, Duke of. Cheltenham, inscriptions, 139 Collins' Peerage and genealogy, . 98 Chepstow Castle, Annals, 164 Baronage . 93 ,94. Cambridge, Mayors and Chertsey, Church monu- Colmer registers. 140 BRiliffs of. 122 ments. 184 Colonial Gentry, 623 University, 123 Cherry-Hinton registers, 125 Colonies, Governors of. 113 Cambridgeshire, Collec- Cheshire, Collections for, Coltness collections, 217 tions for, . 121 627 125 627 Combats, 24, 25, 26, 2' J, 33 Camden's Britannia and Chester, Collections for, 128 Comberbach pedigree. Constable's roll of arms, 128 Remains, 18 Chesterfield registers. 132 625 pedigrees. 72 Cheyney pedigree, 73 Constable, Office of, . 33 Campton registers, . 118 Chichester, Collections for ,185 Constables, High, 115, 117 Canterbury Cathedral, Chichley pedigree, 73 Conway pedigree. 220 Heraldic notices, ^ . 105 Chideock pedigree, . 73 Conyers family 73 church dignitaries , Chief Justices, 114 Cooke's Baronage, 86 registers, menu - Chillesford registers. 182 pedigrees. 72 mental inscrip - Chilton Foliot registers. 189 Cooper family, 137, 206 tions, etc. 146, 147 Chipping-Norton regis- Cople registers. 118 registers. 628 ter, 171 Corbet pedigree. 74 Carburton registers, 171 Chislet, Parochial records. 147 Cork, parochial records, 203 Cardigan, Eminent men oi Chivalry, 245 registers 205 '629 Treatise of the Cornwall, Collections for, Cardiganshire, Collections Court of, 31 128 627 for. ... 223 Choulderton, parish notes 189 Dukes and Earls of. 129 Cardinals, English, . 105 Christ of Portugal, Order Comwood registers, J 34 Carlaverock, Boll of, 216 of, . . 253 Coronation Ceremony, 17 Carlisle, church digni- Christenings, 274 Coronations, 268 taries, . 131 Christian Names . 21,22 Treatise concerning, 32 registers. 131 Church pedigree 128 Cosgrove registers, . 168 Carlton register, 182 Church Dignitaries, 103 -106 Cotes pedigree, 73 Carnarvonshire, collections Heraldic Notes, 11 Cottam pedigree. 150 for, 223 Patrons, . 104 Cottenham registers, 125 Sheriffs, Knights, Chute registers. 189 Cotton, On Combats, 25, 26 etc., 222 Claimants to Royalty, 84 Cottrell pedigree. 174 Carpenter's Peerage, 98 Clans of Scotland, 212 629 Counties, English, 117, etc. Carpet, knights of, . 253 Clare family. 164 Court, Book of the, . 17 Cassillis peerage case, 209 Clare, families of. 205 Courtier's Academic, 36 Castle Heveningham, Clark and WormuU's Courtney pedigree, . 178 church monuments. 137 Peerage, 95 Coventry, collections for. 187 Catalogues of Heraldry Clavering, inscriptions, Coytmore pedigree, . 73 and G-enealogy . 2, 623 arms, etc. 137 Cozens pedigree, 174 Catholics, English, . 15 Claverley, Lords of. 176 Craig on succession, . 79 Catton's Peerage 96 register. 177 Cramlington family, . 74 Cavaliers of Eortime 13 Claxton family. 73 Craniond families, 216 Cave pedigree 174 Claybrook registers, 152 Craster family, 74 Cave — Browne — Cave pedi- Clayton family, 74 Creshall, church monu- gree, 150 Clerke pedigree. 174 mente, . 137 Cecil pedigree . 73 Cleveland famihes, 196 Crests, 38, 48-55, 64, 6S ,89 Centenarians, . 17 ClifPe rectors. 147 Creswell family. 74 Ceremonies, 268 Clifton pedigree, 74 Criccieth registers, . 223 Cilgerran, families of, 224 Clifton College register, 139 Crich church notes, . 132 Cinque Ports, Wardens Clinton pedigree, 73 Cromwell family, 1 64 , 174 and Barons of, 146 Clive pedigree, 176 Cromwell and his Privy Councillors, Arms of, Chalke registers, 189 Cloyne, parochial records 203 50 Chamberlains, Lord, 113 Clyve pedigree. 74 Cross, Knights of. 253 Chancellors, . 113, 115 Cobham pedigree. 73 Crosse pedigree. 174 Chancery Proceedings, 13 623 Cobham, Church monu- Crosses in Arms, 38 Chapel-en-le-Frith, ments. 147 Military & Naval, 625 Church notes. 132 Cocker pedigree, Coggeshall, History of, 151 Crown. Description of, 17 Charles' pedigrees, . 72 627 Succession to, 76, etc. Charlton pedigree, 74 Coif, Order of. 253 Titles to. 18 Charlton, monuments, and Colchester registers, . 137 Treatises concern- registers, . 145, 146 Among the tombs, 137 ing, . . 27 , 32 638 Index. PAGE. Crown of England and Scot- land, . . 31 Croydon, collections for, 184 Crusaders, . 46, 244, 630 Cubley Church, Arms, \3i Culpho registers, . 1 8 i Cumberland, Duke of, genealogy, . 98 Cumberland, Collections for, . .130 Cumbwell Priory, Seals, 147 Curio, The, . . 623 Cusack's Treatise, . 28 Customs, Officers of, 114 Customs of our Ances- tors, . . 29 Cyphers, . . 38 Dale's pedigrees, . 72 Catalogue of nobility, 92 Dangeau's Ti-eatise, 31 Daniel genealogy, . 126 Darcy family, . 73, 198 Dandey Jewel, . 18 Dates, . . 12 Davidson family, . 74 Davies pedigree, . 74 Davington registers, 147 Dean registers, . 131 Deane pedigree, . 174 Deans, . 103, etc. Debrett's Peerage, etc. 96, 100 House of Commons and Judicial Bench, . 100 Defaced, . . 624 De la Bere family, . 73 Delaval family, . 74 De Malte's Treatise, 29 Denbigh, Sheriffs, . 220 Denbighshire, Collections for, . . 223 families, . 221 Denham registers, . 121 Denmark, Collections for, 547 Family alliances, 84 Deptford, monuments and registers, . 145, 146 Derby, Bailiffs and Mayors of, . . 132 St. Alkmund's register, . 132 Derbyshire, Collections for, . 131, 627 Dereham, East, families, 166 Derham's Treatise, . 23 Descents, Treatise con- cerning, . . 30 Devonshire, Collections for, . 132, 627 Devonshire, Duke of, genealogy, . 98 D'Ewes' pedigrees, . 72 Dewhurst pedigree, . 150 Dialogue on armoury, 27 Digby pedigree, . 73 PAGE. Dignities, 2, 3, 32, 34, 35, 110 Dingley's Treatise, . 26 Divines, . 103-106 Dockwray family, . 74 Dod's Peerage, etc. 98, 100 Doderidge's Treatises, 26, 27 Doleman on succession, 76, 79, 625 Domesday Book, . 13 Doncaster, family notices, 196 mayors, . 196 Dormer pedigree, . 174 Dorset, Duke of, genealogy, 98 Dorsetshire, Collections for, . .134 Doughty pedigree, . 73 Douglas's Scotch Peerage, etc. . . 209 Dover, Constables, Eree- men and registers, 146, 147 Down registers, . 147 Doyle's Official Baronage, 100 Dragon, Order of, . 253 Drem barony, . 216 Drewe pedigree, . 73 Drumnaond's Noble families, . 99 Drury pedigree, . 73 Dry burgh Abbey, . 216 Drypool registers, . 197 Dublin, Collections for, 205 Duchesne's Treatise, 32 Ducklington registers, 172 Duels, . 25, 26, 27 Dugdale's Baronage, 87 Collections of nobility, . 92 Use of arms, 29 Dumbartonshire families, 216 Dumfries memorials, 216 Dumfriesshire families, 216 Dunchurch, Church monu- ments, . . 187 Dundee celebrities, etc. 217, 629 Dunfermline, royal tombs at, . 217 Dunstable, Toxirnaments at, . . 118 Dunster, Lords of, . 178 Durham, Collections for, 1 35 Durham, Earl of, . 74 Dumeford register, 189 Dutch refugees, . 16 Dutton genealogy, . 126 Earl's Colne, Church monuments, . 137 Earldoms, Ancient, 13 East Anglian, . 623 Eastham registers, . 627 Easton registers, . 189 Ebrington registers, 139 Ecclesfield registers and pedigrees, . 197 Ecclesiastical, 103-106, 626 Ecclesiastical Armorials, 61 , 62 PAGE. Edburton registers, . 186 Eddowe pedigree, . 128 Edgbaston inhabitants, 187 Edinburgh, Collections for, . 217, 629 Edmondson's Baronagium 72 73. Peerage, 95 Edwalton, inscriptions, 171 Edwards pedigree, . 74 Egerton pedigree, . 73 Eglinton tournament, 216 Egypt, . .621 Elephant, Order of, . 253 Elf ord, church monuments 179 Elliott pedigree, . 73 Ellis pedigree, . 220 Ellison family, . 74 EUiston pedigree, . 73 EUough registers, . 182 Ehnden family . 73 Elmedon, Church monu- ments, . . 137 Elmham, North, register, 166 Elphinston family, . 216 Eltham registers . 146 Elven's Heraldry, . 64, 65 Ely Cathedral, . 125 Emerald Star, Order of, 253 Emigrants, . . 5 Emp pedigree, . 73 Enfield, Historical notices, 163 English families in Ireland 203 History, Help to, 18 Province, Members of . .17 Ensigns, . . 17 Enstone registers, etc., 172 Entertainments, . 277 Epinette, Order of, . 253 Epitaphs, . . 231 Escheats, . . 11 Esquires, . . 14 Essex, Collections for, 136, 627 Estates, Orders for placing, 36 Etchinham, sepulchral me- morials, . . 186 Eton CoUege, . 121 Evesham, Church monu- ments, . . 191 Exchequer, Officers of , 114 Excise, Officers of, . 114 Exeter, Collections for, 134 Exiles, . . 15 Eynes pedigree , . 74 Falkirk, battle of, . 218 Families, Old, . 12, 15 Family chests, . 19 faculties, . 19 histories, 19, 284, 631 names, . 624 register. 19 registration, . 19 souvmers 19 Famcote family 177 Famdon register. 128 Index. PACK. PAGE. PAGE. Fumival family. 198 Godmanchester, Arms and Fauchet's Origin of Grainford register. 136 inscriptions 143 Knights, etc., 25 G-alloway, Sheriff, s, and Gore, How to blazon a coat, 27 Faversham, Monuments families of. 218 Golden Fleece, Order of, 258 at, . 147 G-alway families. 205 Golden Grove Hook, . 220 Fees on Creations, etc. 3 Gamage family, 73 Goldsmith pedigree, . 128 Felton family. 73 Game, Genealogical and Gratton, Duke of, genea- Fenny -Bentley registers, 132 chronological. 623 logy, 98 Fenwick family, . 73 , 74 Gamedge pedigree, . 221 Greece, 621 Ferdinand pedigree, . 73 Gardiner's Atchievments, 32 Greene family. 74 Feme's Blazon of G-entrie ,24 Garioch, Earldom, 215 Greenwich, Church menu _ Ferrers family. 177 Garter, Arms of Knights of, 82 ments. 145 Ferrers' pedigrees, . 72 Order of. 254 registers. 146 Feryby's Treatise, . 23 Gascoigne's pedigrees, 72 Gregson pedigree. 151 Feuille's Art du Blason, 30 Gask, Lairds of. 217 Grey pedigrees, 73 Fielding's Peerage, 95, 96 Geliot's Indice armorial, 26 Grey, Lady Jane, pedi- Fiene's Book of Noble- Science of arms. 27 gree, 178 ness, 30 Gems, 40 Greystoke registers, . 131 Fifeshire, Collections for. 217 Genealogical and Histori Griffin pedigree. 174 Fines, 13 cal Society, 623 Griffith pedigree, 74 Finett, On Precedence, Genealogical calendars, 5-10 Grillion's Club, 20 etc. 27 collections, . 10-12 Grimsby, Gt., Mayors of, 154 FitzG-erald pedigree, 73 gleanings. 10 Monuments, . 154 Fitz-Osbem family, . 164 tables, 4-12, 623 624 Grindon registers. 132 Flags, . 239, 630 Genealogies, Essay on. 35 Guelphs, Order of, . 260 Flintshire, Collections for, 223 Royal, . 81 etc. Guernsey memorials. 225 Sheriffs of. 220 Genealogishe studie, 35 Guiseley Church monu- Font-Evraud, Order of, 254 Genealogist, 4 ments. 197 Foreigners, Argument Genealogy and Heraldy, of Oeation, . 4 Gupta Dynasty, 10 against, 31 9 Gutherie's Peerage, . 194 Forest of Dean, 139 Gent's nobility and gentry, 92 Gwillim's Artof armory. 25 Forster family. 74 Gentleman's Academic, 23 Display of heraldry, 39 Foster's Collectanea, 11 Gentlemen at Arms, . 15 Hackney, Collections for, 163 Fasti Ecclesia Ang] i- Pensioners, 15 Hadleigh, Men of, . 182 cana. 105 Gentlewomen, Roll of, 623 Hadstock, Arms and Pedigrees, 72 Gentry, Antiquity of. 28 epitaphs. 137 Peerage, etc. 99, 100 Collections concern- Halifax families and Royal Lineage, 100 ing, . 85, 626 registers, . 197 Stemmata Britan- Degrees in 27 Hall family, . 74 nica, 100 Nobility of, . 34 Hall marks, . 42 Fragmenta genealogica. 624 Gerard pedigree. 128 Hallamshire families, 198 Framlingham Hundred, 182 Halsted's genealogies, 72 Feance : Germany : Hammersmith registers, 163 General collections, 548 General collections. 575 Hamon pedigree. 73 Ambassadors, 556 Armorials, 578 Hampden, Gt. Rectors, Legion of Honour, 556 Seals, 581 registers & inscriptions 121 Ecclesiastical, 557 Albums, 581 Hampshire, Collections Armorials, 558 Places, . 584, 634 for. 139 Places, . 561 634 Gibbon's Essay to Blason, 29 Hand-bow Company, 260 Franquevie's Treatise, 22 Gibbons family. 74 Hanover, House of, 83 Fransi, Ab. Armorum, etc. 24 Gibons pedigree, 74 Succession, 32 Freeholders, . 13, U Gilbert de Varennes, Trea- Hansard family. 73 Frostenden registers. 182 tise, 26 Hansard's Peerage, . 99 Froxfield registers, . 189 Gill pedigree, 137 Hardwick family. 177 Fryer family, 74 Gillum family. 74 Hardwicke's Peerage, Fulham Church, 163 Glamorganshire, collections Knightage, etc. 99 Fuller's Worthies, . 91 for 223 Harlow, arms & epitaphs 137 Fimeral ceremonies, 275 Glasgow, collections for, 217 Hamage pedigree, . 74 charges. 52 Glencaim peerage case, 209 Harries pedigree, 74 monuments and Gloucester, Duke of. Harrow, Sepulchral certificates. 237 genealogy. 98 brasses, 163 monuments and Earls of, 224 Hart well, Lords of the certificates, Ire- Gloucestershire, collections Manor, 121 land, 203 for . 138 Hastings family, 73, 74, 164 registers, Wales, 222 Glover's pedigrees, . 72 Hatfield pedigree, 74 Fumess register. 150 Origin of Arms, 24 Hathersage registers, 132 640 Index. PAGE. Hawkstead registers 150 Hawnes registers, 118 Ha worth, inscriptions, 197 Hayton registers, 131 Hay ward, On succession, 76 Hedges pedigree. 174 Hedworth family, 73 I: [egge's genealogical notes, 73 [eirs of Noble Families, 3 P to property, 4 1 [eirship, Rights of, 34 I [eraldic alphabet, 37 anomalies, 38 antiquities, 38 calendar. 37 collections. 37 collections, Ireland, 203 common-place book, 38 curiosities, 38 catechism, 39 desiderata. 41 Devi es, 38, 39 , 43, 625 dictionary, 39 emblems, 39 MS., Ancient, 37 miscellanies, 41 note -book, 43 painting, 41 register. 43 scrap book, 44 sheets, 41 Norman tiles, 34 tracts, . 37 treatises, 22, etc., 624 work books. 44 Heraldry in America 41 Ancient and M odem. 41 Anecdotes of, 37 Animals used i n, 38 Antiquity of. 35,43 Application of , 38,41 Art of, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 625 Body of. 38 Book of. 38 British, 40 Catalogues of, 37 Comic, 38 Dictionary of, 45 Display of, 39 40, 221 Elements of, 40 Encyclopcedia of, 40 English, 40, 41 Epitomized, 41 ' founded upon i acts. 35,41 of Fish, 40 Flowers of, 40 Foreign, 41 French, 40 German, 40 Glossary of, . 40 Grammar of, 40, 41, 625 PAGE. Heraldry, Guide to, 41 Handbook of, 41, 625 Hints on, . 41 History of . 41 Illustrations of, 41, 42 Introduction to, 34, 42 Law and Practice of, 35 Lectures on, 34, 42 Lions in, . 42 Manuals of, . 42 Mediaeval, . 43 Memoranda in, 43 Miniature, . 41 Monde Heraldique, 43, 625 Nature, . 43 Origin of, 33, 43, 625 Ornamental, 43 Practical, . 43 Principles of, . 43 Progress of, 43 Regal, 82, 625 Sacred, . 43 Science of, 34, 35, 43 Signification of, 44 Synopsis of, . 44 System of, . 44 Treatise on, 35, 36 Tresor Heraldique, 44, 625 View of, . 44 Wreath of, . 44 Heralds' CoUege, . 1 Debate of, . 23, 35 Institution of, 23 Office of, . 34 Visitations, . 2, 3 Visitations, see En- glish Counties, 117 Herbert family, 74, 164, 174 Hereford registers, 142 Herefordshire, Collections for, . 141, 627 Hertfordshire, Collections for, . .142 Hesilrigg family, . 74 Heslop family, . 74 Hexton register, . 143 Heylyn's Help to English History . . 18 Higgons pedigree, . 74 Highclere, church notes, 140 Highgate, church notes, 164 Highlanders of Scotland, 212 Hilton family, . 73 Hinckley, Catholic register, 152 Hockington registers, 125 Hodgson family, . 73, 74 Hodshon family, . 74 Hoepingk's Insigniumi, 26 Hoi and pedigree, . 220 Holdemess, arms, . 197 Holford genealogy, . 126 Holgate pedigree, . 73 Holland, see Netherlands. PAGE, Holland pedigree, . 74 HoUis' Remains, . 29 Holme's Armory, . 50, 51 Holmesfield Book of Record, . , 132 Holy Ghost, Order of, 260 Holy Sepulchre, Order of, 261 Home's Essays, . 32 Honour, Ai-mory of, 48 Ensigns of, . 36 military and civil, 241, etc. Origin of titles of, 36 Titles of, . 34 Treatise of, . 28, 30 Hope family, . 216 Hopper's pedigrees, 72 Hornby registers, . 197 Homsey, registers, etc. 164 Hospitallers Archives, 631 HothersaU pedigree, 150 Howard pedigrees, . 73 Howard's genealogical collections, . 100 HoweU's Discourse, 26 Ho wison family, , 216 Hubert, St , Order of, 261 Huguenots, 15, 16, 624 pedigrees, . 72 Hull, God's House register 197 Hulman family, . 74 Humphrey's Treatise, 23, 24 Hungerford registers, 189 Huns, History of, . 10 Hunt pedigree, . 74 Hunter's Baronage, . 87 Baronagium, . 97 genealogical colle - tions, . 99 pedigrees, . 72 Huntingdonshire, Collec- tions for, . . 143 Hurley, Vicars of, . 119 Hurstpierpoint, Lords and families • . 186 Hussey pedigree, , 74 Hyde pedigree, . 73 Hylle pedigree, . 178 Hy-Many Tribes, . 205 Ickham monuments and rectors, . . 147 Idyslegh registers, , 134 Illustrious Persons, . 19 Immaculate Virgin, Order of, . . 261 Impington registers, 125 Index to Heirs of noble famihes, . . 88 Indexes, . . 3 India. Collections for, 225 Ingleby Greenhow regis- ter, . . 197 Inglis family, . 216 Innes' Peerage and Ba- ronetage, . . 98 PAGE. Inquisitions, • 13 Insignia, . • 42 Ipswicli, Men of, . 182 Monumental inscrip- tions, . 182 Irby upon Humber regis- ter, . . 628 Ireland, Collections for, 199 Irish Army Hst, . 200 Bar, . 203 brigades, . 203 church dignitaries, 205 landowners, . 202 loyalists, . 205 public officers, 203 Irwin, House of, . 198 Isle of Wight, 140, 627 Isted pedigree, . 73 Italy : General collections, 590 Armorials, . 49, 593 Places, . . 593 Iver registers, . 121 Jack Cade's followers, 14 Jacob's Peerage, . 95 Jacob, Gr. Lex Constitu- tionis, . . 32 Jamaica, Collections for, 227, 630 James, K. of Scot., Trea- tise concerning, . 24 Japan, . . 621 Java, . . 622 Jennison family, . 74 Jersey armorial, . 225 Jerusalem, Pedigrees of families of, . 69 Jesus, Society of, . 17 Jewish families, . 17 Johnston's pedigrees, 73 Jones' Seats and families, 98 Judges, . . 114 Jungendres, Treatise, 32 Justices, . 114, 115 Karlaverock, Roll of, 216 Kay pedigree, . 151 Kearsley's Peerage, 96 Kegidog registers, . 629 Kelly's Handbook, . 100 Kelsale registers, . 183 Kelston's genealogical notes, . . 178 Kempsford registers, 139 Kendal, arms, monuments, and families, . 188 Kensington register, 628 Kent, Collections for, 143, 627 Kentish authors, . 146 Ker family, . 74 Keresforth pedigree, 73 Kerry records, . 206 Kershaw pedigree, . 151 Kildare, Bishops of, 206 Kilkenny Cathedral, ^ 206 Killaloe Diocese, marriage licences, , . 206 Index. PAGE. Kilmarnock history, 216 Kilvamet families, . 206 Kimber's Peerage, . 95 King pedigree, . ] 74 King of Arms, Office of, 23 Kings of Arms, Commis- sions, . . 18 Kings and Princes of England, Descent, etc. 25 Kings and Queens, Crown- ing of, . . 34 Kingston-upon-HuU, arms, mayors, sheriffs, etc. 197 Kinross register, . 217 Kinsale council book, 206 inhabitants, . 206 Kinship of men, . 35 Kipling pedigree, . 174 Kirkburton registers, 197 Kirkby there registers, 188 Kirkham, co. Lane. 150 Kit-Cat Club, , 20 Knebworth register, 143 Knightage, . 99 Knighthood, Degree of, 30 Orders of, 245, 631 Usages of, . 35 Knights and their days, 13 made by Abbots, 32 Lists of, . 249 Pedigrees of, . 70 Irish, . 202 Scotch, . 212 Knollys pedigree, . 174 Laboureur, Le, Origin des Armes, etc. . 27 Lacye's Nobilitie, . 24 Lambourne register, 627 Lambton family, . 74 Lancashire, Collections for, 148, 628 Landowners, . 13, 14 Landulph, inscriptions, 129 Langley pedigree, . 74 La Roque's, Treatises, 28, 29, 31 Lateran Knights, . 262 Lavington registers, 189, 190 Law family, . 216 Law Officers, 114,624 Lawford Hall, . 627 Lawyers, . . 19, 30 Leadbitter family, . 74 Lee registers, . 147 Lee family, 74, 174, 177 Leeds, Duke of, genea- logy, . . 98 Leeds, Collections for, 197,629 Leek registers, . 179 Leek Wooton registers, 187 Leicester, Catholic regis- ter, . .152 fjeicestershire. Collections for, . . 151 Leigh's Accedence of Armory, . . 23, 24 641 PAGE. Leigh pedigree, . 151 Leigh, parish registers, 150 Leighlin, Bishops of, 206 Le Neve's Fasti Ecclesia Anglicana, . 104 pedigrees, . 70, 73 Lennard's pedigrees, 7 3 Lennox, House of, . 198 Lenton registers, . 171 Leopold, Order of, . 262 Lesley's treatise, . 24 Leshe register, . 217 Lewes, Knights at the battle of , . . 186 Lewisham, inscriptions, 147 Leycester genealogy, 126 Lichfield Cathedral, . 191 dignitaries, inhabi- tants, monuments, &G., . . 179 Lieutenants, . . 115 LUly's pedigrees, . 73 Limerick, genealogical notes, . . 206 Lincoln baptisms and burials, . . 154 marriage licences, 154 mayors, bailiffs, &c. 154 Lincolnshire, collections for, . 152, 628 Lindsey, Owners of land in, 153 Lingfield, church monu- ments, . . 184 Lisle family, . 73 Lisles family, . 74 Lismore Cathedral, . 206 Littleboume register, 147 Littlebury, church monu- ments, . . 137 Liverpool records, . 150 Llandaff, Diocese . 224 Llantrithyd registers, 224 Lloyd family, . 73, 220 Lloyd's pedigrees . 73 Loch farcdly, . 216 Lodge's notes on nobility, 96 Peerage and Baro- netage 98, 99, 100 Portraits, . 97 Loes Hundred, . 182 Lofts, arms and epitaphs, 137 Logan's treatise, . 28 London, collections for, 154, 628 Armorials, . 155 Society of Anti- quaries . 158 Austin Friars registers, . 158 Bankers, . 628 baptisms and burials, . 157 BunhiU - Fields registers and inscriptions, 158 Charterhouse, . 158 642 Index. PAGE. London, Christ's Hospital, 158 Citizens of, . 157 City officers, 156, 628 City road chapel, 158 Companies, 156, 628 Ecclesiastical, . 157 Electors, . 157 Fleet registers, 158 Freemen, . 157 Friars Minor regis- ter . . 158 Gray's Inn regis- ters . . 159 G-resham Profes- sors, . . 159 I Grey Friars regis- ter . . 158 Guildhall monu- ments, . 159 Inhabitants of, 157 Inner Temple, 159 Inns of CoTirt, 159 London and Middle- sex Notebook 628 Marriage licences, 157, 628 Mayors, Sheriffs, &c. . 156, 628 M.P.8, . . 157 Merchants . 157 Merchant Taylors' School . 159 Minories . 159 Monumental inscr ip - ■ tions, &c. 157, 158 Pageants, , 156 Roll of Fame, 157 Royal College of Physicians, . 159 Royal Geographi- cal Society, . 159 St. Antholin regis- ters, . . 159 St. Botolph regis- ters . . 159 St. Christopher le Stocks registers, 159 St. Dionis regis- ters, . . 159 St. Dunstan'sregis- ters, . . 159 St. George's regis- ters, . . 159 St. (jreorge's May Fair register, 628 St. James's registers, 159 St. Mary's registers, 159, 160 St. Michael's regis- ters, . 160 j St. Nicholas Aeons I register, . 628 St. Olave's registers, 160 St. Pancras regis- ters, . 160 PAGB. London, St. Paul's Cathedral 160 School registers, 160 St. Peter's Comhill registers, . 160 St. Peter, Tower, registers, 160, 628 St. Thomas Apostle, register, . 161 Sheriffs, 156, 628 Somerset House- Chapel registers, 161 Temple Church, 161 Trained Bands, 156 Londonderry, Lord, . 74 Longmate's Peerage, 96 Longridge, families of, 150 Longsdon, Great, regis- ters . .132 Lords, Knights, etc., slain in the ci\'il war, . 15 Lords, House of, privileges, 31 Loryng pedigree, . 178 Loughborough rectors and registers, . . 152 Lovetot family, . 198 Lovett pedigree, . 74 Lowes family, , 74 Lumley family, . 73 Lupton pedigree, . 174 Lutley pedigree, . 74 Lyminge register, . 147 Lymm Church, arms in, 128 Lynford rectors, . 121 Lynn, mayors of, . 166 Mackenzie family, . 216 Mackenzie's Science of heraldry, . . 29 Maddyson family . 73 Madingley register, . 125 Madox's Baronia, . 87 Madron registers, . 129 Magistrates, 114, 115 Mainwaring genea- logy, . 126, 128 Maisterson pedigree, . 128 Malbon pedigree, . 128 Mallabar family, . 74 Malmesbury, College reg- ister ... 190 parish register, 190 Malta, Knights of . 264 nobility of . 225 Malvern, church monu- ments . . . 191 Man, Isle of, collections for ... 225 Manchester, Duke of, genealogy, . . 98 Manchester, arms, college, school, and worthies, 150 MandeviUe pedigree, 174 Manny family, . . 164 Manors, Lords of, . 89 Manuals for the Genealo- gist ... 4 PAGB. Margaret Roding, bap- tisms at, . . 137 Maria Theresa, Order of, 262 Market -Harborough Man- or, Lords of, . 152 Marlborough, Duke of, genealogy . . 98 Marlborough registers, 190 Marriages, . . 4 Marshal of England, Office of ... . 33 Marshals, Earl, 115, 117 Marshall family . 164 Marsham registers, . 166 Marston Montgomery re- gisters, . . . 132 Marston, South, registers, 190 Mary, Queen of Scots, 24 Mary ton, landed proprie- tors, ... 217 Mason pedigree, . 73 Mattishall families, . 183 Maude family, . 74 Maumetz, Sieur de. Trea- tise ... 23 Maunden, arms and epi- taphs, . . . 137 Medals, ... 625 Melbourne, Inhabitants of . . . . 132 Menestrier's Treatises, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Menin's Treatise on Coro- nations, . . 32 Menteith, Red Book of, 217 Mere genealogy, . 126 Merioneth, county of, 224 Sheriffs, knights, &c. . . 222 Methven , Provosts of, 217 Michel pedigree, . 73 Mickleton registers, . 139 Middlesex, Collections for, 162 Middleton family, . 74 Milborne Port register, 629 Mildenhall registers, 190 Mildmay pedigree, . 163 Millott family, . _ . 73 Milton Lislebon registers, 190 , Ministers ejected, . 624 Minshull pedigree, . 128 Mitcham registers, . 184 Mobberley genealogy, 126 Moguls, History of, . 10 Monarchy, Discourse of, 30 'Monet's Origin of arms, 26 Mongols, History of, 10 Monmouthshire, Collec- tions for, . . 164 Monograms, . 38, 42, 43 Montgomeryshire, Collec- tions for, . . 224 Monuments of English kings ... 81 Monumental inscriptions, 231 Scotland, . 215 Monyash registers, . 132 Index. 64S PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Moray, social life, 217 Nonconformists, 106 Parsons on succession, 76, 79 Morden registers. 184 Memorial, 15 Passenham Church, arms Morgan's Armilogia, 28 Memorial, Wales, 222 and inscriptions in, 168 pedigrees, 73 Nonjurors, 15 Patten pedigree. 174 Sphere of Gentry, 27 Norfolk, Duke of, genea- Pattingham, Lords of the Morley registers 197 logy, 98 Manor, 179 Morocco, . 622 Norfolk, Collections for. Paulet pedigree. 73 Morse family, . 177 164 628 Peacham's compleat Mortlake registers, . 184 Normandy, Dukes of, gentleman, 25 Mottoes . . .64 ,65 pedigree, . 73 gentleman's exer- of Edward, Prince Normanton, Church monu- cise, 27 of Wales . 22 ments. 197 Pedigree from Adam to 68S , 69 Mountjoy, Lord, pedi- Norreys pedigree. 174 of the English gree, . 73 Northampton, Earls, may- People, '9 Mowbray family. 164 ors and bailiffs of 168 How to trace. 624 Munster nobility and gen- poll book. 168 making, 19 try ... 206 Northamptonshire, Collec - Pedigrees, Collections of. Muthill register. 218 tions for, . 167 69, 284, 631 Myddle, memoirs of. 177 Northowram registers. 197 Indexes to, 3 Nailsea Court, genealogi- Northumberland, Collec- Irish, . 200, etc. cal notes, 178 tions for, . 168 629 Scotch, 208, etc. Name, change of, 20 Northumberland, Duke of. Foreign 71 in Ireland, 203 genealogy. 98 Peerage Bill, . . 9C 5, 94 Names, Essay on 34 Norway, 619 Cases, . 34, 103, 284 Family, 20—22, 624 Norwich, Collections for. Catalogue of works Nantwich registers, . 128 166, 629 on, . 85 Navy, Officers of, 115,116 626 Nottingham, Earls of. 171 of Commerce . 99 Needham pedigree, . 74 Nottinghamshire, Collec- Discourse of the. 28 Nenna's Discourse, . 25 , tions for, . 170 Extinct, . 97, 99 NETHERLANDS. Nova Scotia, Arms of French, 98 General collections 601 Baronets, 53 Irish, . 200, etc. Armorials, . 49, 605 Oatley pedigree. 74 Romance of the, 99 Places . 605 Obituaries, . 231, 623 Sc tch, 34, 208, etc. Nevill fa,mily, . 73 Odingsells pedigree. 73 Successions, 34 Newbury, Worthies of, 119 Officers, Public, 110, etc. 626 Synop-is of, . 97 Newcastle, Duke of. of State, 17 Peerages, . 100, 626 genealogy, . 98 Ogboum registers, . 190 Peers, Descents of, . 99 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, O'Hara family. 206 Dignity and Right Collections for. 170 Ongar registers, 137 of, . 97 Newington, inscriptions. 184 Openshaw pedigree, . 150 of France, England Newton-T/inford regis- Ordes family. 74 and Spain, . 33 ters, 152 Oriental Monarchies, 10 Origin of, 33 Nightingale pedigree. 151 Orlestone register. 147 Works relating tv, 2 Nisbet's Essays, 31 Ormskirk registers, . 150 Pell genealogy. 148 Noble Families, 3 Osorius, Five Books of. 24 Pembrokeshire, Collections Nobleness, Book of, . 36 Nobilitate, 89 for. 224 Nobles and Gentry in the Otterburn, warriors at the Pensioners, . . 3, 15 wars of France, 14 battle of 170 Perceval family, 206 Nobility, Collections re- Overton family. 177 Percy pedigree. 73 lating to, . 85, &c., 626 Owen pedigree, 74 Pereira family. 73 Creations of, 49, 85 ,86, Oxfordshire, Collections Perlethorpe registers, 171 91, 626 for. 171 Perrote's Treatise, 25 Duties and Privi- Padiham registers, . 150 Persehouse pedigree. 73 leges of. 17 Pakenham registers, . 183 Persia, 622 Irish, . 200 &c. Palestine, Followers of Persons of note. 14 Manual of. 96 Henry III. to. 14 beheaded, slain in Origin of, 33 Palliot's Science of arms, 27 battle, etc. . 14 Our Old, 100 Palmerin D'Oliva, On prosecuted, etc. 15 Pedigrees of, 69 &c. Nobility, . 26 suspected, 624 Privileges of . 36 Papal Bulls, . 68 Perthshire, . 218 Scotch, . 207 Papworth E verard register 125 | Perton family, 177 Treatises concern- Parish registers 227 Peru, 622 ing, 23, 25, 26 ,27, {•arliament, . 106, 626 Peterborough registers. 168 30, 31, 32, 36 Discourse con- Cathedral, 168 Untitled, 99 cerning 26 Pettie, or Petty pedigree. 174 Nonagenarians, 17 Parsons pedigree, 73 Pierre's Treatise, 23 644 Index. PAGE. Pinckney pedigree, . 74 Pitchford family, . 177 Philipot's Discourse, 28 Philippe's Treatise, . 24 Philipson family, . 74 Phillips pedigree, . 174 Plantagenet family, . 164 Plate marks, . . 42, 43 Playf air's Family Antiqu- ity, . . 97 Scotch peerage, etc. 209 Plumhe pedigree, . 73 Poictiers, battle of, . 14 Poland, . . 608 Pollard's Peerage, . 96 Pontefract, pedigrees, 197 Ponza's Treatise, . 30 Poole, Mayors of and poll book, . . 135 Popish Kecusants, . 15 Porlock, Church monu- ments, . . 178 Portland, Duke of, genea- logy, . . 98 Portsmouth, Titles con- ferred at, . . 33 Portugal, . . 606 Powell's pedigrees, . 73 Powys, princes and bar- ons of, . . 224 Poynar pedigree, . 74 Poyntz pedigree, . 73 Precedency, 17, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 93, 94, 95, 97. Precedents, . . 87 Prerogative, Royal, . 35, 36 Preshute registers, . 190 Prestbury registers . 128 Preston, M.P.s for, . 151 Pretenders, . . 18, 19 Price pedigree, . 74 Primogeniture, 25, 29, 30 Princes of England, . 81 Princesses of England, 83, 84 Priors, . .103 Priors Dean registers, 140 Privy Councillors, 113, 114 Privy Seal, Lords of, 116 Processions, . . 277 Protestant settlers in Ireland, . . 203 Public Officers, 110, 626 of Wales, . 222 Pugh pedigree, . 74 Puilesden pedigree, . 73 Puleston family, . 73, 74 Purcell pedigree, . 74 Pythian Knighthood, 262 Quartermain pedigree, 174 Quatford register, . 177 RadclyfPe pedigree, . 163 Radwinton, inscriptions and arms, . . 137 Ramsden Bellhouse registers, . . 138 PAGE. Randon, inhabitants, 206 Ranks, Distinction of, 33, 34 Ratcliffe family, . 74 Reading, Mayors of, 119 Records, . . 4 Reden's tables, . 98 Redman pedigree, . 74 Redmayne pedigree, 151 Reepham families, . 183 Refugees, . .15, 624 Register, The Royal, 10 Baptist, . 10 of Biography, 10 Reinhard's Art of blason, 32 Renfrewshire families, 218 Retford, East, registers, 171 Revenue officers, . 114 Reynolds pedigree, 132, 174 Ribchester, History of, 628 Rich pedigree, . 73 Richardson pedigree , 151 Richmond, Duke of, genealogy, . . 98 Richmondshire Lords and memorable men, . 197 Ridgway' 8 Peerage . 98 Ripon wakemen. . 197 Cathedral monu- ments, . 197 Risley pedigree, . 74 Rochdale Names , 150 Registers, . 151 Vicars, . 151 Rochester, Church Digni- taries, . . 147 Monumental in- scriptions, 147, 148 Seal of, . 148 Constables, of, 146 Rochford Hundred, . 137 Rogers family , . 177 Rojas, P. de. Discourse, 26 Rolls, Masters of, 113, 116 Norman, . 13 Roman Catholic Families, 100 Roos pedigree, . 73 Roscommon nobility and gentry, . . 206 Rose pedigree, . 174 Ross, parochial records, 203 Rotherham College, . 197 Round Table, Knights of, 251 Rowland pedigree, . 220 Royalists who compounded for their estates, . 15 Royalty, Collections rela- ting to, . . 74, 625 Book of, . 83 Royal Descents, 83, 84, 99 Royal Family, genealogy, . 98 Royal Lineage of noble families, 100 Royal Progresses, 215, 278 PAGE. Rudston pedigree, . 74 Rugby School Registers, 187 Rupert, Prince, pedigree, 73 Russia, . . 608 Rutland, Duke of, genealogy, . . 98 Rutlandshire, Collections for, . .174 Ry ley's arguments on heraldry . . 26 Saddleworth registers, 197 Saffron Walden, arms and epitaphs, . . 137 St. Alban's Abbey, . 143 St. Alban's, Book of, 22, 23 St. Anthony, Order of, 262 St. Asaph, Collections for, 223 St. Bees register, . 130 St. CaroHne, Order of, 262 St. Chiesa, Order of, 262 St. Columb Major regis- ters, . .129 St. David's, Chancellors of, . . 222 St. Esprit, Order of . 260 St. G-eorge, Order of, 262 St. George's pedigrees, 73 St. lago, Order of, . 262 St. John family, . 73 St. John Baptist, Order of, 262 St. John of Jerusalem, Order of, . . 262 St. Lazarus, Order of, 265 St. Louis, Order of, . 265 St. Marino, Order of, 265 Sainte-Marthe's Treatise, 28 St. Michael, Order of, 262, 265 St. Osyth, . .138 St. Patrick, Order of, 265 St. Peter, Order of, . 266 St. Stephen, Order of, 266 Salisbury, Collections for, 190 Salmon' s English Nobility, 94 Salter's Distinctions of honour, . . 28 Salvin family, . 73 Sam's Peerage, . 98 Samlesbury Manor, Descent of, . 151 Sandal church heraldry, 197 Sandys, Archbishop, 171 Sassanian Dynasty, . 10 Saxe-Coburg, House of, 82 Say, Lord, pedigree, 73 Sayer genealogy, . 148 Scarborough worthies, 198 Scripture Genealogies, 20, 81, 221 Scohier's Treatise, . 25 Scotland, Collections for, 206, 629 Royal Families of, 83 Scott family, . . 74 Seal , Keepers of the Great, 113 Seals, . . 66-69 of Borough Towns, 62 Indbx. 645 PAGE. 116 72 27 87 25 185 Secretaries, Foreign, Segar's Baronagiuni, Segoing's Mercure Armorial, . Seidell's Baronage, . on Combats, . Selsey, Bishops of, Sepulchral monuments, etc., . . 231 Sevington Church, Brasses in, . . . 148 Seymour pedigrees, . 73 Shaftesbury, Mayors of , 135 Shafto family, . 74 Sharpe's Peerage, . 98 Sheffield, Collections for, 198 Shenstone, pedigrees of families in, . 180 Shepway, Court of, . 148 Sherborne, Bishops of, 190 Sheriffs, . 116, 117 of Wales, . 222 Shield -bearer, Treatise on, 32 Shields, Book of, . 17 Shirley, church monu- ments . . 184 Shirley's noble and gentle- men of England, . 99 Shottesbrooke registers , 119 Shrewsbury, Earls, Mayors, etc., . 177 Shropshire, Collections for, 175 Sicille's Treatise, . 23, 24 Signboards, . . 20 Simpson family, . 74 Skelton pedigree . 74 Slogans of the North, 44 Smally pedigree, . 73 Smarden, Memorials of, 148 Smith pedigrees, . 73, 151 Solicitors, . . 624 Somerset family, . 164 Somersetshire, Collections for, . 177, 629 Southampton, Heraldry of, . . 140 Mayors of, . 140 Southwark, weddings, 184 Sovereigns, Genealogies of . 4-12, 623, 624 of England, Styles and Titles of, 84 Spain : General collections, 612 Places, . . 615 Spanish Armada, . 15 Speakers of the H. of Commons, . 117 Spencer pedigree, . 73 Spicer pedigree, . 137 Spynie peerage case, 209 Staffordshire, Collections for, . .178 Staines registers, . 164 Stamford registers, . 154 Standards, . . 38, 240 PAGE. Stanford registers, 168, 628 Stanning pedigree, . 74 Stansted Montfichet register, . . 627 Stanway registers, . 138 Stan well church monu- ments, . . 164 Stapleford registers, . 171 Star Club, . . 266 Star of India, Order of , 266 Statesmen, Eminent, . 19 Staveley church notes, 132 Stevenson family, . 74 Steventon register, . 119 Steward of England, Office of, . . 33 Stewards, High, 115, 117 Stewart, House of, 198, 218 Stewart, E. of Lennox, pedigree . . 73 Stiff ord registers, . 138 Stockdale's Peerage, 97 Stock Harvard registers, 138 Stockport registers, 128, 627 Stockton - upon -Tees, 136 Stone pedigree, • 174 Stoneham, North, church notes, . . 140 Stourton registers, . 190 Stow's list of nobility, 90 Stow-cum-Quoy register, 125 Straker family, . 74 Strangway's Treatise, 23 Stratford-on-Avon Vestry book, . . 187 Strathblane inhabitants, 218 Strathmore family, . 74 Stratton St. Margaret registers, . . 190 Streatham registers, . 184 Stretford registers, . 151 Strother family, . 73 Stuart family, . 73, 218 Stubton registers, . 154 Studley pedigree, . 74 Sturm's Treatise, . 30 Sturry pedigree, . 74 Suffolk, Collections for, 180, 629 Sumner pedigree, . 151 Surnames, . . 20-22 Surrey, Collections for, 183 Sussex, Collections for, 184 Sussex, Duke of, genea- logy, . . 98 Sutherland peerage case, 209 Sutton Waldron registers, 135 Swan marks, . 44 Swan, Order of, . 631 Swansea Corporation and charters, . . 224 Inscriptions, . 630 Sweden, . . 617 Swinford registers, . 152 Switzerland, . . 619 Tables, Mythological and Classical, . . 20 PAGE. Taddington registers, 132 Tailboys family, . 73 Talbot family, 174, 198 Tanat pedigree, . 74 Tankard pedigree, . 74 Tannington registers, 183 Tarporley registers , . 128 Tartars, Genealogical his- tory of . .10 Taylor pedigree, . 151 Teasdale family, . 74 Templars, Knights, . 266 Temple, Order of, . 266 Temple Newsam history, 198 Terry's pedigrees, . 73 Tetbury, Lords of, . 139 Tethys Festival, , 626 Teutonic Order, . 267 Teveral church monu- ments, . . 171 Tewdor pedigree, . 73 Tewkesbury, Noblemen slain at, . . 139 Thame, inscriptions, etc., 174 They don Mount registers, 138, 627 Lords and Rectors, 627 Thistle, Order of, . 267 Thompson family, . 74 Thorington rectors and registers, . . 183 Thorowgood pedigree, 73 Thynne's Discourse of arms ... 24 Treatise on knight- hood, . . 25 Tidcombe registers, . 189 Tideswell registers, . 132 Tildsley family, . 73 Tilston's pedigrees, . 73 Tintem Abbey, marriage register . . 164 Titled men, . . 100 Titles, . . 17 Origin of, . 23 Toft genealogy, . 126 Tomkins pedigree, . 74 Tomkinson pedigree, 128 Tong, church monuments, 177 registers, . 198 Topography, . 4 Torr's Northern Gentry, 96 pedigrees, . 73 Tottenham Tournament, 164 Tournaments, . 282 Scottish, . 216 Townley pedigree, . 150 Treasurers, List of , 113, 117 Trevor pedigree, . 74 Trial family, . . 74 Tribes of Israel, Arms of, 625 The ten Tribes, des- cendants of . 624 Triers' Science du Blason, 32 Tripoli, . . 622 Trist pedigree, . 73 646 Indbx. PAGE. PAGE. PAGE. Tuam, Archbishops of, 206 Walpole pedigree, 174 Williams pedigree, . 174 Tudor family, 73, 74, 164 Walsall register. 629 Williams' Catalogue of Turberville family, . 73 Waltham Holy Cross nobility. 90 Turkey, 622 registers, 138 Wills, . 229 630 Turks, History of, . 10 Wandsworth registers, 184 Dublin, 203 Tweddell family. 74 Warburton genealogy. 126 Wilton CO. Somerset, Ufton Court register. 627 Warehorne registers, &c. 148 register, 629 Ulverston registers, . 151 Warminghurst register, 186 Wilton CO. Wilts, poU Um.freville family, 73 Warner pedigree. 174 book, 629 Upland, arms and armour Warren, E. of Surrey, Wiltshire, Collections for at, 198 pedigree Warrington church notes 73 188 629 Upper Ten Thousand, 100 Winchelsea families. 186 Upton's Militari Officio, 22 and arms, . 128, 151 Winchester, Collections Valere's Treatise, 22 Lords of. 151 for, 140 Vallemont's Traite du Warwickshire, Collections Windlesham, families. 184 blason. 32 for, . . . 186 registers. 184 Vane family, 74 Wassingley pedigree, 73 Windsor Peerage, 626 Vaugban pedigree, . 220 Waterhous's Discourse of Poll books, . 119 Vaughan's pedigrees, 73 arms. 27 Poor Knights of, 119 Vavasor pedigree, 74 Watford, Brasses in, 143 Wingfield, North, Verdun family. 198 Wath registers. 198 registers, . 132 Vere pedigree, 73 Way pedigree. 174 Wisbeach registers, . 125 Vernon family. 73 Webster's Royal red book, 100 Withie's Nobility, . ■ 90 Vessey family, 73 Wedmore registers, . 629 Woburn, Catholic Victoria Cross, Order of. 267 Welford registers. 119 registers, . 184 Vincent's Nobility of Wenman pedigree, . 174 Wolston cum Brandon England, . 91 Wentworth pedigree. 73 registers, . 187 Visitation Books, 2 Westerham registers. 148 Woolwich, church monu- Visitations, Heralds', see West Indies, families, &c. 227 ments. 145 English Counties, Westminster, Collections registers, 146 Vulson's Treatises, 26 , 28 for, 161 Wootton, North, registers 135 Wakefield worthies, &c., 198 Westmoreland, Collections Worcestershire, Collections Wakeman pedigree, . 174 for. 187 for. 190 Ws dcott family, 73 , 74 Weston Underwood, Worfield court rolls, . 177 Wa ildenses. 17 Catholic registers. 121 Wormhill registers, . 132 We des. Collections for. Wettenhall pedigree. 128 Worsley pedigree, 151 218, 629 Weybridge, Catholic Worthies of England, 19 Prince of. Armorial registers. 184 Northern, 19 bearings, 83 Wharton family. 74 State, . 19 Prince of, JBadge and Whissendine register 175 Wright pedigree. 1-8 Mottoes, 83 Whiston's treatise 27 Wright's supp. to the Princes of, 77 , 83 Whitby families, 198 peerage, 19 Princesses of, . 84 Whitchurch register, 128 Wriothesley pedigree. 73 Royal families of, 83 White's Peerage, 97 Wykeman pedigree, . 174 Walford's County fa,milies, Whittlesey marriage Wylde pedigree. 73 99, 101 registers, . 125 Wynne genealogy, . 221 Peerage, etc. . 100 Whitton pedigr- e. 73 Wyrley's Use of Armorie , 24 Crown peerage, 100 Whitworth's Nobility, 94 Yarmouth, Collections Windsor Peerage, 626 Who's Who, . 99, 101 for, . 166, 167 Records, 99 Wickham pedigree, . 73 Yarnton Church, heraldic Walker's Discourses . 31 Wicksted pedigree, . 128 notices, 174 Walkley's catalogue of Widdrington family. 74 York Minster, Heraldry of 629 nobility 90 Wigtoun, Sherifdom, 218 Yorkshire, Collections Wallace's Peerage, . 95 Wilbraham pedigree . 128 for, . 191, 629 Wallasey registers, . 128 William the Conq., YoTilgrave registers, . 132 W£ illoon refugees, 16 followers of, 14 Printed hy the ''^Alnwick and County Gazette" and Steam JPrinting Company (^Limited). / RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— ^- 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 -^ HOME USE 2 3 4 5 ( b ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS l-mondi fCuH : mz) Lt rc,:<- wed ty calffng S-I^-G-IOS l-ye&r .'cans may ba rscriarged by bringing the bocks to the Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges nnay be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW RED CIB JUL 12 IS 84 NOV 1 3 1984 1%-iy^^^ RECEIVED JAN 1 4 1985 CfRCUlAT'C*- ">«?»» r^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. 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