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So many chartularies and manuscripts relating to the history of the Diocese of Carlisle are still im- printed and unindexed, that the work of its historian must be largely attentative, and he must expect in course of time to be set right on many points. I have to express my thanks to my friends, the Rev. T. Lees, F.S.A., the Rev. W. S. Calverley, F.S.A., the Rev. H. Whitehead, and the Rev. J. Wilson, for much valuable assistance. I have availed myself to the fullest of Archdeacon Prescott's valuable contributions to local history, and I wish there were more of them. I have pillaged without mercy the Transactions of the Cumberland and West- morland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. I have borrowed much from the works of Stubbs, Freeman, Green, and Froude. The wood-blocks are lent by the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. August, 1889. CONTENTS, Chapter I. Introductory II. The Britons and the Romans III. Strathclyde IV. The Land of Carlisle V. The Norman Bishopric VI. The Scottish Wars VII. A Century and a Quarter of Bishops VIII. The Reformation IX. The Troubles, the Restoration and the Revolution X. The Eighteenth Century ... XI. The Nineteenth Century ... XII. Miscellanea XIII. Archaeological TACE I 6 25 59 81 100 108 *3« 164 186 -°5 219 Index 236 CARLISLE. CHAPTER I . Introductory. The present diocese of Carlisle consists (i) of the county of Cumberland, with the exception of the parish of Alston; (2) the county of Westmorland; and (3) that portion of the Hundred of Lonsdale, in the county of Lancashire, which is known as Lanca- shire North of the Sands, and which is separated from the main body of that county by the inter- vention of the county of Westmorland and the estuary of Morecambe Bay. Prior to the year 1856, the diocese of Carlisle was the smallest in England, the whole of it being com- prised in one archdeaconry, that of Carlisle. Its limits defined the land of Carlisle, which the Red King, in 1092, for the first time made part of the English kingdom, and formed into the earldom of Carlisle : it included great part of the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, but not the whole of either county. Henry I. completed the work of the Red King by adding the land of Carlisle to the list of English episcopal sees, as the bishopric of Carlisle. The boundaries of the see so created remained unaltered until the death, in 1856, of 2 CARLISLE. Dr. Percy, bishop of Carlisle. In that year, under the provisions of the 6 and 7 William IV. c. 77, and of an Order in Council made in August, 1847, the deaneries of Copeland, in Cumberland, of Furness and Cartmell, in Lancashire, and so much of the deaneries of Kendal and Kirkby Lonsdale as were in Westmorland, were severed from the diocese of Chester, and from the great and famous arch- deaconry of Richmond, formed into a new arch- deaconry, that of Westmorland, and added to the diocese of Carlisle, the severed portions of Kirkby Lonsdale and Kendal being united into a new deanery of Kendal. The diocese thus consisted of two archdeaconries, Carlisle and Westmorland, and the boundary line between them was an historical one, the southern boundary of the land or earldom of Carlisle. In 1884, a third archdeaconry, that of Furness, was formed, and the alterations then effected in the boundaries of the archdeaconries deprive them of all historical interest ; and they can only for the future be defined by the lists of the parishes they contain and by reference to the map given herewith. The number and boundaries of the rural deaneries have in like manner been increased and altered. The unextended diocese of Carlisle contained four, which appear in the register of Wetheral as Gilles- land, Cumberland, Allerdale, and Westmorland, a very curious division, which must relate back to the period when, as we shall see hereafter, Gillesland was in the diocese of Hexham. A more convenient division was found in Carlisle, Cumberland, Aller- INTRODUCTORY. 3 dale, and Westmorland, names which appear in the Taxatio of Pope Nicholas ; in the last century these names were discarded for Carlisle, Penrith, Appleby, and Wigton. The portion added to the old diocese of Carlisle in 1856 contained also four, which have been already named, viz., Copeland, Furness, Cart- mell, and Kendal. There are now in the modern diocese nineteen deaneries. The unextended diocese of Carlisle contained 137 benefices; the present diocese contains 292, namely, 142 in the arch- deaconry of Carlisle, 90 in the archdeaconry of Westmorland, and 60 in the archdeaconry of Furness. The patronage of fifty of these benefices is in the Bishop of Carlisle in right of his see ; he has also the alternate patronage of two others ; twenty-nine are in the patronage of the dean and chapter of Carlisle ; and thirty-six in the patronage of the trustees of the Earl of Lonsdale, who are also alternate patrons of two others. The patronage belonging to the Lowther family was acquired at various times by purchase, in pursuance of a fixed political policy. The rectory of Great Salkeld was from very early times annexed to the archdeaconry of Carlisle, but the connexion was severed in 1855, and a stall in Carlisle Cathedral was annexed to it in lieu. The vicarage of St. George's, Barrow, is annexed to the archdeaconry of Furness. The exclusion of the Cumberland parish of Alston from the diocese of Carlisle may at first sight seem an anomaly, but it is not so. By all the laws of geography that parish belongs to the county of Northumberland, and to the diocese of Durham, B 2 4 CARLISLE. or since 1882, of Newcastle; the anomaly is that it belongs to the county of Cumberland, to which it has access only over a col, whose summit is 1,900 feet above the level of the sea. This arises from the fact that Alston contained jura regalia, silver mines, whose profits the Crown of England found it con- venient to collect through the Sheriff of Cumberland, and Alston thus became fiscally severed from the district to which, ecclesiastically and geographically, it belongs. 1 Some little dispute there once was as to whether the small parish of Over Denton was in the diocese of Carlisle or of Durham, arising partly out of a disputed county boundary line, unless, indeed, as is more probable, the ecclesiastical dispute gave birth to the civil one. 2 It has long been settled that the parish of Over Denton belongs to the see of Carlisle, but the chartulary of Lanercost clearly shows that in the twelfth century it was reckoned in the diocese of Durham, and other records show that it was so reckoned until the end of the fifteenth century. From the preceding summary it will be seen that the history of a portion of the diocese of Carlisle is the history of part of the diocese of Chester, or rather 1 See " Why Alston is in the Diocese of Durham, and in the County of Cumberland." — Transactions Cumberland and West- morland Antiquarian and ArcJntological Society, vol. viii. p. 21. 2 See Transactions Cumberland and Westmorland Anti- quarian and Archaeological Society, vol. iii. pp. 158, 159, 160; and Bishop Nicolson's " Miscellany Account of the Diocese of Carlisle in 1703," p. 40. INTRODUCTORY. of the archdeaconry of Richmond. This must be sought for in the volumes for York and Chester in this series, and from it the present writer proposes, as a general rule, to abstain ; but in treating of the religious and social aspects of the old diocese of Carlisle it will be impossible to avoid occasionally overstepping its limits, particularly in regard to the Lake Country. It has already been stated that the bishopric of Carlisle was founded by Henry I. Before taking up- the history of the diocese from that time, it will be, necessary to consider with some care the previous history and condition of the district which Henry the^ Scholar formed into the see of Carlisle. CARLISLE. CHAPTER II. THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. The Romans on their arrival in Britain found the country in possession of a Celtic race, called by Gibbon and by some other historians Gauls, as being a tribe of the Gauls, who inhabited the neighbouring continent ; called by Freeman and others Welsh, being the progenitors of the present inhabitants of Wales ; called by Dr. Todd and by the Dentons, in their manuscript histories of Cumberland, Irish ; and by many called Britons, or British, as being found in Britain by the Romans. After the Romans left Britain this Celtic race was conquered, superseded, and thrust aside by a Teutonic race from near the mouth of the Elbe, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, from whom we English are descended. Both the Celtic and Teutonic races are Aryan in origin, descended from that common stock, which has peopled nearly all Europe and great part of Asia. It seems certain that the Celts, or Celtic race, were preceded in Britain by a non- Aryan race, who were unacquainted with the use of metal, a knowledge which the Aryan race appears always to have possessed. History tells us nothing about these people, but the spade does, and it informs us that the people whose remains are found in conjunction with instruments of the stone age had skulls of a dolicho-cephalic or long-headed THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. 7 type, and disposed of their dead by inhumation : the same instrument also tells us that the people of the next age, the bronze age, were a round-headed (brachy-cephalic) people, who used both inhumation and cremation. The implements of the stone age have frequently been found in Cumberland and Westmorland, but it is to be noted that all those so found belong to the newer stone age, to the neolithic period. Of the older stone age, of the palaeolithic period, of the man coeval with the cave hyena, the cave bear, with the woolly elephant and the hairy rhinoceros, no remains have yet, we believe, been found in either Cumberland or Westmorland in either caves or river drift. Of the brachy-cephalic people of the bronze age fewer relics can be catalogued. Bronze celts, spear- heads, and palstaves have all been found in Cumber- land and Westmorland, and if more are not on record it is due to the fact that thirty or forty years ago it was common for the brass-founders to buy them for twopence apiece and melt them. Barrows of this period have been opened in the two counties by the Rev. W. Greenwell, F.R.S., F.S.A. But of these people, the Celtic brachy-cephalic people of the bronze age, other traces remain to us in the names they gave to the country they dwelt in, and in their influence on the local dialect. Scholars have differed much as to the amount of this influence, and the curious must refer to " The Northmen in Cumber- land and Westmorland," x and to the " Dialect of 1 London : Longman & Co. Carlisle : Steel, 1856. 8 CARLISLE. Cumberland," 1 both by Robert Ferguson, F.S.A. ? ; and to "Cumberland and Westmorland, Ancient and Modern," by J. Sullivan. 2 Both the historians and the philologists agree that there were two waves of Celtic migration into Britain; to the earlier one belonged the ancestors of the people who speak Erse in Ireland, Gaelic in the Highlands of the North, and Manx in the Isle of Man, and are called by Professor Rhys Goidels ; to the later one belonged the ancestors of the people who speak Welsh in Wales, and Breton in Brittany, and are called by Professor Rhys Brythons. 3 Traces of the language spoken by both these people can be found in the place-names of Cumberland and West- morland, so that it is evident that both waves reached these counties ; and thus we have, prior to the advent of the Romans, three peoples settled in the district whose ecclesiastical history we have to write, two Celtic and one pre-Celtic. Professor Rhys, however, in his map of Britain, showing the relative positions of its chief people during the Roman occupation, assigns the district wholly to the Goidels, with faint traces of the pre-Celtic race in the hill district. Thus far all our knowledge about Britain has been merely conjectural and speculative : the time when we first really begin to know anything about the country is about fifty or sixty years before the com- 1 London : Williams & Norgate. Carlisle : Steel, 1873. 2 London : Whitaker & Co. Kendal : John Hudson, 1857-. 3 " Celtic Britain," by J. Rhys, M.A. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1882. THE ERITONS AND THE ROMANS. 9 mencement of the Christian era, for in B.C. 55 and 54, Julius Caesar made expeditions into the south of the island. There seems to be no doubt that, in the southern and maritime parts of the island, he found a state of civilisation much greater than is generally supposed. 1 The tribes that Caesar came across were even then acquainted with the use of iron, and appear to have had a large mixture of Belgic immigrants from the comparatively civilised Gaul. This civili- sation would not extend very far, and the tribes that inhabited the north and west (including Cumberland and Westmorland) would be much more barbarous than their southern and eastern neighbours ; might still be using bronze or even stone implements, while iron was common to their neighbours, or even to their own chieftains and wealthy men. Caesar speaks of the number of the population and the frequency of buildings, but this can only refer to the maritime provinces under Belgic influence : they were corn- growing countries. The wild tribes of the interior, and of the north and the west, did not cultivate the earth, but lived on milk and flesh, and clothed them- selves in skins. They stained themselves with a blue dye, made from woad, to give themselves a more terrible appearance in battle, and wore their hair long, and shaved all but the upper lip. They wandered to and fro, driving their herds and flocks from pasture to pasture, but throwing up temporary dwelling- places for security to themselves and their cattle, living much as their kinsmen, the wild Irish, did 1 Vide Evans' " Ancient Stone Implements," p. 10. Evans' "Coins of the Ancient Britons," pp. 42, 263, and alibi. IO CARLISLE. three centuries ago. Their dwelling-places were mere temporary establishments, formed in the forests by enclosing a space with felled trees, within which they made huts of reeds, and logs, and stones, and sheds for their cattle. Men such as these were the Brigantes, a tribe, or federation of tribes, which inhabited, probably sparsely, the mountainous and woody districts now known as Yorkshire, Lancashire, Westmorland, Cumberland, and Northumberland. Another question arises : that is — What kind of country was that, which is now called Cumberland and Westmorland, when the Romans arrived ? It was mainly forest, resembling the uncleared forests of Canada and America, and covered with dense scrub of oak, ash, thorn, hazel, and birch : the hill near St. Bees in Cumberland, known as Tomline, was at the beginning of this century covered with such scrub, high enough to hide a horse, while at the other end of the county, at Alston, the stools of ancient hazel and birch trees are buried beneath the peat. Other parts, particularly a great tract north of the present Carlisle, must have been impenetrable bog and morass, while the tops of the higher hills probably stood up bare and naked. Even in the time of Charles II. great part of Cumberland was forest, as we learn from Sandford, who about that time wrote a history of the county, which remains in manuscript. Ptolemy, in his geography, allocates nine cities to the Brigantes ; seven of these are situate to the east- ward of the great central water-shed, but Galagum or Galacum, and Rigodunum have been allocated, one to or near Kendal, and the other to Ribchester, THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. II in Lancashire. Such cities were probably mere collections of miserable wigwams. We have little information about the religion of the people of Britain. Professor Rhys, of whose interesting volume on Celtic Britain 1 we have already made large use, classifies the people of Britain, as regards religion, into three groups : the Brythonic Celts, who were polytheists of the Aryan type ; the non-Celtic natives, under the sway of Druidism ; and the Goidelic Celts, devotees of a religion which combined Aryan polytheism with Druidism. The epigraphy of the local Roman re- mains will presently serve to throw a little light on the polytheism of the Brythonic Celts. It would be superfluous here to go into the details of the Roman conquest of Britain ; an excellent summary of it has been written by Prebendary Scarth. 2 Prior to the year a.d. 78, the Romans had established themselves, more or less precariously, in the southern parts of the island. The real conqueror of Britain was Agricola, the third of three great generals sent over by Vespasian. The first of these, Petilius Cerealis, effected the reduction of the Brigantes in Yorkshire, in the years a.d. 69 and 70. Agricola came from Rome to take the chief com- mand in Britain, in a.d. 78, and held it until 84, during which time he reduced all Britain, up to the friths of Forth and Clyde, to the condition of a 1 " Celtic Britain," by J. Rhys, M.A. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1882 - " Roman Britain," by the Rev. II. M. Scarth, M.A. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 12 CARLISLE. Roman province. His first proceeding was to put to the sword the Ordovices or inhabitants of North Wales, who had been troublesome ; he then reduced to entire submission the Isle of Mona, i.e., Anglesey : this he did by fording the strait which separates the island from the mainland. The winter of 78-9 he spent in quarters among the Ordovices ; in correcting many abuses connected with requisitions of corn and other supplies, which pressed hard upon the Britons, and seem to have been learned by the Roman officials in the school of Verres. Thus having pacified and secured the country in his rear, Agricola pushed his conquests northwards. When the warm weather of 79 came, he drew together his forces again, and started off from North Wales on a second campaign, and this time to the northwards. Where he went, the twentieth chapter of his Life, by Tacitus, tells, in the words "astuaria ac silvas ipsepnvtentarc" words that can only apply to the estuaries of Lanca- shire and of Cumberland, of the Dee, of the Mersey, of the Ribble, to the sands of Cartmel and of Ulver- stone, and of the Solway, — a district that has already been mentioned as well and thickly wooded, even so late as the time of Charles II. The use of the word cestuaria shows that Agricola crossed the rivers just mentioned as near the sea as possible, and we think that he proceeded north by the coast of Cum- berland, and by a road and chain of forts which can still be made out. This we fancy he did that he might be supported by his fleet, 1 and might also avoid the trackless woods and wild mountains of the 1 This is matter of controversy. THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. 1 3 interior; indeed, the passes into Cumberland and Westmorland from the south are few and hard to force, defended, as they would be, by swarms of Britons, who would have every advantage of shelter and knowledge of the country. At the end of this year's campaign, he encircled the territory gained by a chain of forts, " nndtce civitates . . . et prczsidiis tastellisque circumdattz." Tacitus, in his account of Agricola's third campaign, defines for us the limits of the second year's conquests : " tertius expeditionum annus novas gentes aperuii" showing that in the second year Agricola did not get beyond the Brigantes, who were well known to the Romans, having been in Yorkshire defeated and subdued by Petilius Cerealis. Thus Agricola, in his second cam- paign, marched round the Cumberland coast, subduing the country up to the Solway and the Tyne, and estab- lishing the chain of forts which stretched round the Cumbrian coast and from the Solway to the Tyne, and whose ruins still excite curiosity and admiration. In his third year, Agricola marched as far as the Frith of Tay, and in his fourth year (a.d. 81) he drew a line of forts from the Frith of Forth to the Frith of Clyde, while in the following two years he made further use of his fleet, and campaigned north of his upper line of forts, north of which line, however, he never made any permanent conquests. 1 Agricola's 1 See a paper entitled " An attempt at a Survey of Roman Cumberland and Westmorland, with Remarks on Agricola's line of march, &c," by the Authot. — Transactions Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaological Society, vol. iii. p. 64. 14 CARLISLE. successors were unable to retain the northern part of his conquests, and when Hadrian came to Britain, in a.d. 1 20, he found it necessary to connect the line of Agricola's forts between the Solway and the Tyne by a continuous fortification, known to this day as "The Roman Wall." The military engineers who planned this great barrier had a twofold object in view ; accordingly they planned the great barrier with an embattled stone wall as a defence to the north against the attacks of hordes of barbarians that might be called armies ; with a palisaded earthen vallum to the south against the attacks of guerillas, banditti, and dacoits that infested the scrub and forest in their rear. Into this system the engineers incorporated most of Agricola's camps ; they also provided smaller ones' at intervals of about a mile for the shelter of the large guards that would have to mount day and night, and they provided a military road. For a more de- tailed description the curious must refer to Preben- dary Scarth's " Roman Britain ; " to Dr. Bruce's magnificent works, "The Roman Wall " and " The Lapidarium Septentrionale," while the visitor to the remains of the great barrier should not fail to carry with him the little Handbook the same learned scholar has provided ; many valuable papers on the Roman Wall are also to be found in the Archseologia ^Eliana of the Newcastle Society of Antiquaries. Antoninus Pius, the successor of Hadrian, united the upper line of Agricola's forts, those between Forth and Clyde, by an earthen barrier. The Roman rule in Britain lasted for about 350 years, if we reckon from Agricola in a.d. 78 to THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. 1 5 Honorius in a.d. 410, a period of time about three times as long as that during which we have borne empire in India. With the history and incidents of that period we are hardly concerned ; but some brief inquiry into other matters during the Roman sway, so far as they concern the district with whose ecclesiastical history we are dealing, will be of interest. We have already said somewhat of the condition of the country through which Agricola forced his way ; it may be well here to give a picture of Britain as the Romans found it, from the pen of a master, and then to apply it locally : — " It was a land of uncleared forests, with a climate as yet not mitigated by the organised labours of mankind. The pro- vince in course of time became a flourishing portion of the Empire. The court orators dilated on the wealth of Britannia Felix and the heavy corn-fleets arriving from the granaries of the North ; and they wondered at the pastures almost too deep and rich for the cattle, and hills covered with innumerable flocks of sheep with udders full of milk and backs weighed down with wool. The picture was too brightly coloured, though drawn in the Golden Age. It is certain that the island, when it fell under the Roman power, was little better in most parts than a cold and watery desert. According to all the accounts of the early travellers, the sky was stormy and obscured by continual rain, the air chilly even in summer, and the sun during the finest weather had little power to disperse the steaming mists. The trees gathered and condensed the rain, the crops grew rankly but ripened slowly, and the ground and the atmosphere were alike overloaded with moisture. The fallen timber obstructed the streams, the rivers were squandered in the reedy morasses, and only the downs and hill-tops rose above the perpetual tracts of wood. . . . The work ot reclaim- ing the wilderness began in the days of Agricola. The Romans 1 6 CARLISLE. felled the woods along the lines of their military roads ; they embanked the rivers and threw causeways across the morasses ; and the natives complained that their bodies and hands were worn out in draining the fens, and extending the clearings in the forests." 1 The truth of this picture is testified by the nume- rous remains the Romans have left behind them in the district with which we are dealing. It is sad to note that the majority of the monumental inscriptions found in Cumberland and along the great barrier of Hadrian, record persons who died in youth or middle age. The effigies of the dead on their monuments indicate that warm clothing, probably of some woollen material, was worn. 2 Small camps in sheltered posi- tions, — for instance, one in the park at Netherhall, — seem to have been sanatoria for men invalided from the more exposed ones. The colds and chills of the climate were guarded against by various contrivances, occasionally by double walls, as at the camp known as the King's stables, on the Poltross Burn; more frequently by elaborate systems of heating apparatus, known as hypocausts. A magnificent instance was uncovered at the Roman villa near Ravenglass. Its draught and consumption of wood must have been tremendous, showing that it was required to produce a large amount of heat. Other instances occur in most of the Roman camps in Cumberland and Westmorland. The Roman villa near Ravenglass 1 "Origins of English History," by C. Elton. Quaritch, London, 1882, p. 222. 2 Transactions Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. viii. pp. 317, 320. THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. 1 7 is an exception ; no others have been found in the district now the diocese of Carlisle ; the climate repelled the wealthy and luxurious ; no tessellated pavements are on record as having been found here, and the only settlers so far north were the officers and officials of the Roman Empire. The villa at Ravenglass, from its position close to a great camp, was clearly the residence of a military commander, and all the Roman remains in Cumberland, West- morland, and North Lancashire nestle up close to the camps, or great fortified barracks, with which the Roman dotted the land, and whose names still afford the epigraphist and antiquary ample opportunity for ingenious conjecture. The occupation of this district was a military one ; nowhere within it do we find great villas, as in the south of England, far away from military stations, and surrounded by numerous offices that bespeak great agricultural operations. The Roman, during his stay in the north, probably did little for local agriculture ; for horticulture he probably did more ; salads and vegetables were a necessity to the Roman, and he is by local tradition accredited with introducing chives and potherbs. But he worked the mines in the district, or made the natives work them for him ; the best authorities all consider that he worked the lead mines in Alston, 1 and ancient beds of scoriae in High Furness, marking the sites of ancient iron bloomeries, are, on good ground, attributed to Roman times. 2 The Romans 1 Transactions Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, vol. viii. pp. 7, II. a Ibid,, vol. viii. pp. 85, 89. C 1 8 CARLISLE. also established, it is believed, a trade in cattle between Ireland and the Cumberland ports in their occupation, and probably established the great local cattle fairs of Stagshawbank, in] Northumberland ; Brough Hill, in Westmorland ; and Rosley, in Cum- berland. Under these circumstances the Britons, who dwelt away from the Roman camps and roads, would not come much under the influence of Roman civilisation, and would retain, even down to the de- parture of the Roman, their own ways and manners. Luguballium, the modern city of Carlisle, was a station of great importance, though it is doubtful if it was walled with stone ; we hereafter find the citizens showing its Roman remains as antiquarian curiosities to St. Cuthbert. Leland says of it : — " In diggyng to make new buildyngs yn the towne, often tymes hath bene, and alate fownd diverse foundations of the old cite, as pavimentes of stretes, old arches of dores, coyne stones squared, paynted pottes, mony hid in pottes, so hold and mouldid that when yt was strongly touchid yt went almost to mowlde. ... In the feldes about Caerluel yn plewhyng hath bene fownd diverse Cornelines and other stoneys wel entaylid for seals." A temple to Mars was standing in the reign of William Rufus. Carlisle must thus have been the seat of a high degree of Roman civilisation. For accounts of the great camps at Birdoswald, at Old Carlisle, at Maryport, and elsewhere in the limits of the diocese of Carlisle; for their names, and for accounts of the roads which connected them one with another, and with the rest of Britain we must THE BRITONS AND THE ROMANS. 19 refer our readers to books on Roman Britain. 1 It is certain that Carlisle is the ancient Luguballium ; Birdoswald, Amboglanna; Maryport, Axelodunum ; Brough-on-Stainmoor, Verterce ; Brougham, Brovo- ?iac