DIGEST OF THE STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES, PRESCRIBING THE RATES OF DUTIES ON IMPORTS, IN FORCE APRIL 1, 1867. By lewis HEYL, OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1. I W K A I.* V (1 ALIFORM A. V BOSTON : LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY. 1867. h:^ Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1867, by LEWIS HEYL, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Umivbksity Press: Welch, Bigelow, & Co., Cambridge. PREFACE. This publication was not designed to compete with the convenient Man- ual of Tariffs prepared by Mr. Ogden, or any similar work ; but simply to place in the hands of those who might desire, for their own satisfaction, to compare the published tariff lists with existing statutes, the means of readily doing so. It will be seen that there are statutory provisions upon the subject, still in force, which date as far back as the year 1838. Our duty laws were hidden away in a confused mass of obsolete and repealed matter, so that they were almost inaccessible, not only to those whose in- terests were most affected by them, but even to experts, lawyers, and courts. It has been the purpose of the compiler to bring order out of this confu- sion, and to furnish to all interested a clear presentation of the statutes now in force. He trusts that this little book, which has cost him a vast deal of labor, will prove useful to those for whom it was intended. THE COMPILER. EXPLANATION It will be seen that all the paragraphs iii this pamphlet which prescribe duties are numbered consecutively, and that the index refers to these paragraphs. The arrangement, excepting in the case of the Eesolutions of April 29 and June 27, 1864, is strictly chronological. The index gives only the names of articles enumerated in the statutes. When there are references to two or more paragraphs, it will be found, on examination of the introductory clause of the section under which the article referred to is arranged, that rates have been prescribed in addition to previous duties, or that the paragraphs relate to or elucidate each other. Thus, paragraph No. 14 placed the duty " on woollen and worsted yarns, or yarns for car- pets, valued under fifty cents per pound and exceeding number fourteen," at 30 per centum ad valorem ; at the end of this paragraph are references to Nos. 424, 579, and 721. It will be found that 424 imposed 5 per centum in addition to the previous duty on all woollen and worsted yarns, and that 579, while it repealed the previous duties on all other woollen and worsted yarns, left those enumerated in No. 14 (to wit, those " exceedhig in fine- ness number fourteen ") untouched. It is manifest, therefore, that prior to the act of March 2, 1867, to which 721 refers, the duty on yarns " ex- ceeding in fineness number fourteen" was regulated by Nos. 14 and 424, and all other grades by 579. But the recent act of March 2, 1867, re- peals all previous rates on woollen and worsted yarns, and prescribes a uniform rate in 721. DIGEST i Uivi^ iVOTJNT STATUTES OF THE UNITED STATES PKESCKIBING RATES OF DUTIES ON IMPORTS. Act of July 7, 1838. CHAP. CLXXVITI. — An Act exempting from Duty the Coal lohich may he on Board Stat, at Large, of Steamboats or Vessels propelled by Steam on their Arrival at any Port in the United Vol. V. p. 288. States. 1. From and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for the captain or master of any steamboat or vessel propelled by steam, arriving at any port in the United States, to retain all the coal such boat or vessel may have on board at the time of her arrival, and may proceed with said coal to a foreign port, without being required to land the same in the United States, or to pay any duty thereon ; and all acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. (563.*) Act of August 30, 1842.t CHAP. CCLXX. — An Act to provide Revenue from Imports, and to change and modify Stat, at Large, existing Laivs imposing Duties on Imports, ana for other Purposes. Vol. V. p. 548. 2. Section 20.j There shall be levied, collected, and paid, on each and every non-enumerated article which bears a similitude, either in ma- terial, quality, texture, or the use to which it may be applied, to any enumerated article chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied and charged on the enumerated article which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned ; and if any non-enumerated ar- ticle equally resembles two or more enumerated articles, on which differ- ent rates of duty are chargeable, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on such non-enumerated article, the same rate of duty as is chargeable on the article which it resembles paying the highest duty ; and on all articles manufactured from two or more materials, the duty shall be assessed at the highest rates at which any of its component parts may be chargeable. (275, 697.§) * This number refers to the paragraph bearing the same number. t By the 28th section of this act, as amended by act of March 2, 1857, (11 Stat. p. 168,) " The importa- tion of all indecent or obscene articles, prints, paintings, lithographs, engravings, images, figures, daguerreo- types, photographs, and transparencies, is prohibited." X Note from Brightly's Digest. — " This section was not designed to levy duties, but to check fraud- ulent evasions, or prevent doubts in the execution of the revenue laws; and it is not repealed by the act of 1846. (Stewart vs. Maxwell, 16 How. 150.) Its effect is not to impose a duty on an article not provided for in the act of 1846, or a different duty from that act; but it simply gives a rule of construction, to determine under what schedule in the act of 1846 a given article shall be ranged for the purpose of charging duty. (Marlot vs. Lawrence, 1 Blatch. 608.) It applies, however, only in cases where an article has not been spe- cially provided for in the act of 1846. (Lottimer vs. Lawrence, ibid. 613.) But an article not enumerated by name in the act of 1846, does not come under the section of that act which provides for non-enumerated ar- ticles, provided it so resembles some enumerated article in quality, material, or use as to be governed by this section of the act of 1842. (Ross vs. Peaslee, 2 Curt. C. C. 499.") ^ These numbers refer to paragraphs of corresponding numbers. G DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. Act of March 29, 1848. Stat, at Large, CHAP. XXIV. — An Act to remit the Duties on Books, Maps, and Charts imported for Vol. IX. p. 217. ' the Use of the Library of Congress.''^ 3. [That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, directed to remit all duties upon such books, maps, and charts as have been during the present year, or hereafter may be, imported into the United States by authority of the Joint Library Conamittee of Congress, for the use of the library of Congress : Provided, That if, in any case, a contract shall have been made with any book- seller, importer, or other person, for books, maps, or charts, in which contract the bookseller, importer, or other person aforesaid, shall have paid the duty or included the duty in said contract, in such case the duty shall not be remitted.! (204.) -^ Act of March 2, 1861. Stat, at Large, CHAP. LX VIII. — An Act to provide for the Payment of outstanding Treasury Notes, Vol. XII. p. 178. to authorize a Loan, to regulate and fix the Duties on Imports, and far other Purposes. . 12 Stat. p. 179. [Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 have no relation to duties on imports.'] Sec. 5. From and after the first day of April, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in lieu of the duties heretofore im- posed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned, and on such as may now be exempt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise, herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : [_Duties on all articles under sections 5 and 6 were superseded by later statutes.] 12 Stat. p. 180. Sec. 7. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 4. First : On * * * boiler plate iron, twenty dollars per ton ; (304, 521.) On iron wire drawn and finished, * * * over or finer than number twenty-five wire gauge, two dollars per one hundred pounds, and in addition fifteen per centum ad valorem; (305, 521.) Sixth: On * * * mill, pit, and drag saws * * * over nine inches wide, twenty cents per lineal foot ; (555.) 12 Stat. p. 182. Sec. 8. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : * * * 5. Second: On copper,. * * * when old and fit only to be re- manufactured, one cent and a half per pound. 12 Stat. p. 182. Sec. 9. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 6. First : On * =* * oxide of zinc, dry or ground in oil, one cent and a half per pound ; (397.) On * * * nitrate of lead and chro- mate of potash, three cents per pound. 7. On * * * chromic acid and salts of iodine, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 8. Umber, fifty cents per one hundred pounds. 9. Linseed, flaxseed, hempseed, and rapeseed oil, twenty cents pei gallon; (394.) 10. Copperas, green vitriol, or sulphate of iron, twenty-five cents per one hundred pounds ; (393.) 11. Tallow, one cent per pound. 12 Stat. p. 183. Sec. 10. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be * This act is no longer in force; but is inserted here to explain paragraph 204, which was evidently in- tended to be a copy of this. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 7 levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles herein- 12 Stat. p. 188. after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 12. First: On =* * * mackerel, two dollars per barrel ; on her- rings, pickled or salted, one dollar per barrel ; on pickled salmon, three dollars per barrel ; on all other fish pickled, in barrels, one dollar and fifty cents per barrel ; on all other (7096.) foreign caught fish imported otherwise than in barrels or half-barrels, or whether fresh, smoked, oi dried, salted or pickled, not otherwise provided for, fifty cents per one hundred pounds. 13. Second : On beef and pork, (7095.,) one cent per pound ; on hams and bacon, two cents per pound ; on cheese, four cents per pound ; on wheat, twenty cents per bushel; on butter, four cents per pound; on lard, two cents per pound ; on rye and barley, fifteen cents per bushel ; on Indian corn or maize, ten cents per bushel ; on oats, ten cents per bushel; " * * * on flaxseed or linseed, sixteen cents per bushel of fifty-two pounds. =* * * Sec. 13. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall 12 Stat. p. 184. be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles here- inafter mentioned the following duties, that is to say : * * 14. [Second: On * * * woollen and worsted yarns, or yarns for car- pets, valued under fifty cents per pound, * * * exceeding number four- teen, thirty per centum ad valorem.] (424, 579, 721.) Sec. 14. From and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall 12 Stat. p. 185. be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles here- inafter mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : * * 15. Second : On [^spool^ and other thread of cotton, thirty per centum ad valorem ; (426, 704.) Third : On * * * all manufactures com- posed wholly of cotton, bleached, unbleached, printed, painted, or dyed, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem ; (426, 588, 702, 703.) Fourth: On all * * * cot-bottoms, drills, coatings, brown Hollands, blay linens, damasks, * * * being of the value of thirty cents and under per square yard, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued above thirty cents per square yard, thirty per centum ad valorem. (427, 589.) Sec. 15. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall 12 Stat. p. 186. be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles here- inafter mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 16. First: On * * * jute. Sisal grass, sun hemp, (288, 289,) coir, and other vegetable substances not enumerated, used for cordage, ten dollars per ton, (428 ;) on jute butts five dollars per ton, (429 ;) on co- dilla, or tow of hemp, ten dollars per ton ; * * * on unmanufactured flax, fifteen dollars per ton ; on tow of flax, five dollars per ton. Sec. 18. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall 12 Stat. p. 187. be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles here- inafter mentioned the following duties, that is to say : 17. On * * * watches* (659) and parts of watches, and watch materials, and unfinished parts of watches, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (498.) Sec. 19. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall 12 Stat. p. 187. be levied, collected, and paid a duty of ten per centum on the im- portation of the articles hereinafter mentioned and embraced in this section, that is to say : 18. Acids, nitric, yellow, and white, ^ * * and all other acids of every description used for medicinal purposes or in the fine arts, not other- wise provided for ; (310, 358, 652.) 19. Sal ammonia and muriate of ammonia ; (359.) Assafoetida; (363.) 20. Bamboos ; * Other than gold and silver, for which see paragraph 659. m^ B DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 12 Stat. p. 187. 21. Barks of all kinds not otherwise provided for ; 22. Beeswax; (364.) 23. Brass, in pigs or bars, or when old and fit only to be remanufac- tured; (309.) 24. Brazil paste ; • 25. Bronze liquor ; 26. Building stones ; (366.) 27. Chronometers, box or ship's, and parts thereof; 28. Corn meal ; 29. Diamonds, glaziers', set or not set ; 30. Dutch and bronze metal in leaf; 12 Stat. p. 188. 31. Fruit, green, ripe, or dried, not otherwise provided for ; 32. Gamboge ; 33. Glass plates or disks, unwrought, for optical instruments ; 34. Goldbeaters' skin ; 35. Green turtle ; (374, 7095.) 36. Grindstones, wrought or finished ; (375.) 37. Gum substitute, or burnt starch ; 38. Hair of all kinds, cleaned, but unmanufactured, not otherwise pro- vided for; (156,410.) 39. Horns, horn-tips, bones, bone-tips, and teeth, manufactured ; (389.) 40. Iron liquor ; (614.) 41. Juniper berries ; 42. Lemon and lime juice ; 43. Lime ; 44. Manganese ; 45. Marrow and all other grease, and soap stocks and soap stuffs ; 46. Mineral kermes ; 47. Moss, Iceland ; 48. Music, printed with lines, bound or unbound ; (382.) 49. Oatmeal; 50. Oils, palm, seal, and cocoa-nut ; 51. Orange and lemon peel ; 52. Paintings and statuary, not otherwise provided for ; (707.) 53. Paving stones ; 54. Plaster of Paris, when ground; (386.) - 55. Rye flour ; 56. Saffron and saffron cake ; 57. Shaddock ; 58. Sheathing paper ; 59. Spunk; 60. Squills;' 61. Teazels ; 12 Stat. p. 189. 62. Vegetables, not otherwise provided for ; 63. Yams. 12 Stat. p. 189. Sec. 20. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of twenty per centum on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned and embraced in this section, that is to say : 64. Boards, planks, staves, laths, scantling, spars, hewn and sawed tim- ber, and timber used in building wharves ; (709a., 709c.) 65. Brick, fire-brick, and roofing and paving tile, not otherwise provid- ed for ; 66. Bronze powder ; 67. Burgundy pitch ; 68. Burrstones, manufactured, or bound up into millstones ; 69. Calomel; (367.) 70. Castorum; 71. Cowhagedown; DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 9 72. Dried pulp ; 12 Stat. p. 189. 73. Feather-beds; 74. Feldspar; 75. Firewood; 76. Fish glue, or isinglass ; (377.) 77. Fish skins ; 78. Glue; 79. Grapes ; 80. Hair, curled, moss, sea-weed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds or mattresses ; 81. [Hat bodies, made of wool, or of which wool is the component material of chief value;] (461, 720, 721.X 82. Hatters' plush, composed of silk and cotton, but of which cotton is the component material of chief value; (471.) 83. Lampblack; 84. Leather, tanned; (105, 298, 466.) 85. Leather, upper, of all kinds, except tanned calfskin, which shall pay twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; (105, 466.) 86. Malt; 87. Mats of cocoanut ; (379.) 88. Matting, China, and other floor matting, and mats made of flags, ^^ ^^^' P* ^^^' jute, or grass ; (380, 727.) 89. Mercurial preparations, not otherwise provided for ; (711.) 90. Medicinal roots and leaves, and all other drugs and medicines in a crude state, not otherwise provided for; (359.) 91. Metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for; 92. Mineral and bituminous substances in a crude state, not otherwise provided for; (706.) 93. Musical instruments of all kinds, and strings for musical instru- ments of whip-gut, or catgut, and all other strings of the same material ; (383.) 94. Needles of all kinds for sewing, darning and knitting ; (479, 560.) 95. Oils, neat's-foot and other animal oils, spermaceti, whale and other fish oil, the produce of foreign fisheries ; Oils, * * * expressed, not otherwise provided for ; (342.) 96. Osier or willow, prepared for basket-makers' use; (384.) 97. Pitch; 98. Plaster of Paris, calcined ; 99. Quills; (387.) 100. Ratans and reeds, manufactured or partially manufactured; (486.) 101. Red precipitate, Roman cement, rosin; 102. Hyposulphate of soda, and all carbonates of soda, by whatever name designated, not otherwise provided for; (291, 292, 395.) 103. Salts, * * * and preparations of salts, not otherwise provided for ; (7, 328, 423.) 104. Articles composed wholly of India-rubber, not otherwise provided for; (129,300,437.) 105. Skins, tanned and dressed, of all kinds; (466, 719.) 106. Spices of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; 107. Stereotype plates ; (491.) 108. Tar; 109. Thread laces and insertings ; (390.) 110. Type metal; (492.) 111. Types, new; (493.) 112. Vandyke brown ; 113. Whalebone, the produce of foreign fisheries ; 114. White vitriol or sulphate of zinc; 115. Wood unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for; 2 10 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES 116. [Woollen listings] (391, 720.) 12 Stat. p. 190. 117. Sec. 21. From and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on copper ore, [and diamonds, cameos, mosaics, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, when not set,] a duty (* 575) of five per centum ad valorem on the same ; when set in gold, silver, or other • metal, or on imitations thereof, (449) and all other jewelry, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; on hair cloth and hair seatings, and all other manufactures of hair, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (462.) 12 Stat. p. 190. Sec. 22. From and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of thirty per centum on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned and embraced in this section — that is to say : 12 Stat. p. 191. 118. Alabaster and spar ornaments ; 119. Fish preserved in oil ; (663.) 120. Argentine, Alabatta, or German silver * * * unmanufactured; 121. Articles embroidered with gold, silver, or other metal; (432, 720.) 122. Articles worn by men, women, or children, of whatever material composed, made up, or made wholly or in part by hand, not otherwise provided for; (433, 579, 720, 721, 724, 725, 726, 729.) 123. Asses' skins; 124. Balsams, * * * used * * * for medicinal purposes; 125. Baskets, and all other articles composed of grass, ozier, palm- leaf, straw, whalebone, or willow, not otherwise provided for ; (435.) 126. Benzoates ; 127. Bologna sausages ; 128. Bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets, composed of hair, or of which hair is a component material ; (436.) 129. Braces, suspenders, webbing, or other fabrics, composed wholly or in part of India-rubber, not otherwise provided for; (104, 300,437, 720, 721, 725, 726.) 130. Brooms * * of all kinds; (438.) 131. Buttons and button moulds of all kinds; (726.) 132. Canes and sticks for walking, finished or unfinished ; (439.) 133. Capers, pickles, and sauces of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; (440,711.) 134. Caps, hats, mulFs, and tippets of fur, and all other manufactures of fur, or of which fur shall be a component material ; (441.) 135. Caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar articles made on frames, of whatever material composed, worn by men, women, or children, and not otherwise provided for; (442,720,721,725.) 136. Card cases, pockets-books, shell boxes, souvenirs, and all similar articles of whatever material composed ; (443.) 137. Carriages and parts of carriages ; (444.) 138. Clocks and parts of clocks ; (445.) 139. Clothing, ready-made, and wearing apparel of every description, of whatever material composed, except wool, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer ; (446, 721, 725.) 140. Coach and harness furniture of all kinds, saddlery, coach and harness hardware, silver-plated, brass, brass-plated, or covered, common tinned, burnished, or japanned, not otherwise provided for ; (447.) 141. Combs of all kinds ; (448.) 142. Composition tops for tables, or other articles of furniture ; (450.) * This duty is in force only on copper ore. (See 675.) DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 11 143. Sweetmeats, or fruits preserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses, 12 Stat. p. 191. not otherwise provided for; (451, 711.) 144. Coral, cut or manufactured; 145. Court-plaster ; (452.) 146. Crayons of all kinds ; 147. Cutlery of all kinds ; (453, 559.) 148. Dolls * * of all kinds ; (454.) 149. Encaustic tiles ; (455.) 150. Epaulets, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, tresses, and wings gold, silver, or other metal ; (456.) 151. Fans and fire-screens of every description, of whatever material composed; (457.) 152. Frames and sticks for umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, fin- 12 Stat. p. 19?. ished or unfinished ; (458.) 153. Furniture, cabinet and household ; (459.) 154. Hair pencils; (460.) 155. Hat bodies of cotton ; (461.) 156. Human hair, cleansed or prepared for use; (410.) 157. Ink and ink powder ; (463.) 158. Japanned, patent, or enamelled leather, or skins of all kinds; (464.) 159. Japanned ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for ; (378.) 160. Jet, and manufactures of jet, and imitations thereof; (465.) 161. Maccaroni, vermicelli, gelatine, * * and all similar prepara- tions; (467.) 162. Manufactures, of bone, shell, horn, ivory, or vegetable ivory; (468.) 163. Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares not otherwise provided for, of brass, copper, [gold, iron,] lead, pewter, [platina, silver] tin, or other metal,* or of which either of these metals or any other metal (618) shall be the component material of chief value ; (308, 470.) 164. Manufactures, not otherwise provided for, composed of mixed materials, in part of cotton, silk, [wool,] or worsted, or flax ; (82, 471, 579, 580, 720, 721, 724, 725, 726, 729.) 165. Manufactures of cotton, linen, silk, [wool,] worsted, if embroidered or tamboured, in the loom or otherwise, by machinery or with the needle, or other process, not otherwise provided for ; (472, 720, 721, 724, 725, 726, 729.) 166. Manufactures of cedar wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rose- wood, and satinwood ; (473.) 167. Manufactures and articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for ; (474.) 168. Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is a component ma- terial, not otherwise provided for ; (469.) 169. Manufactures, articles, and wares, of papier mache ; (475.) 170. Manufactures of wood, or of which wood is the chief component part, not otherwise provided for; (476.) 171. Medicinal preparations, not otherwise provided for; (381, 711.) 172. Muskets, rifles, and other fire-arms ; (478.) 173. Olives; 174. Paper boxes, and all other fancy boxes ; (480.) 175. Paper envelopes; (481.) 176. Paper-hangings and paper for screens or fire-boards ; paper; an- tiquarian, demy, drawing, elephant, foolscap, imperial letter, and all other paper not otherwise provided for ; (482.) 177. [Parasols and sunjshades;] (494,732.) 12 Stat. p. 193. 178. Parchment; * Excepting gold, silver, German-silver, and platina, for which see 618. 12 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 12 Stat. p. 193. 179. Plated and gilt ware of all kinds ; (484.) 180. Prepared vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, and game, sealed or un- sealed, in cans or otherwise ; (485.) 181. Salmon, preserved; 182. Scagliola tops, for tables or other articles of furniture; (487.) • 183. Sealing-wax; (488.) 184. Side-arms of every description ; (489.) 185. Silver-plated metal, in sheets or other form, (490 ;) * * * roofing slates ; (486, 597.) 186. [Umbrellas.] (494, 732.) 187. Vellum ; velvet, when printed or painted ; (495.) 188. Wafers: water colors; (496, 497.) 189. Webbing composed of [wool,] cotton, flax or any other materials ; (499, 726.) 12 Stat. p. 193. Sec. 23. From and after the day and year aforesaid, the importa- tion of the articles hereinafter mentioned and embraced in this section shall be exempt from duty — that is to say : 190. Acids of every description used for chemical and manufacturing purposes, not otherwise provided for j 191. Alcornoque ; 192. All books, maps, charts, mathematical, nautical instruments, philo- sophical apparatus, and all other articles whatever, imported for the use of the United States; all * * * (698) books, maps, and charts, statues, statuary, busts and casts of marble, bronze, alabaster, or plaster of Paris ; paintings and drawings, etchings, specimens of sculpture, cabi- nets of coins, medals, regalia, gems, and all collections of antiquities : Provided, The same be specially imported, in good faith, for the use of any society incorporated or established for philosophical, literary, or relig- ious purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use or by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States ; 193. Ambergris; 194. Annatto, Roncou or Orleans ; 195. [Animals, living, of all kinds ;]* 196. Article^ in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for ; 197. Barilla; 198. Bells, old, and bell metal ; 199. Berries, nuts, flowers, plants, and vegetables used exclusively in dyeing or in composing dyes ; but no article shall be classed as such that has undergone any manufacture ; 200. [Birds, singing or other, and land and water fowls ;] (7093.) 201. Bismuth; 12 Stat. p. 194. 202. Bolting cloths ; 203. Bones, burnt, and bone-dust ; 204. Books, maps, and charts imported by authority of the Joint Libra- ry Committee of Congress, for the use of the library of Congress : Pro- vided, That if, in any case, a contract shall have been made with any bookseller, importer, or other person aforesaid, [and such person] shall have paid the duty or included the duty in said contract, in such case the duty shall [not'] be remitted ;t (3.) 205. Brazil wood, braziletto, and all other dyewoods, in sticks ; 206. Breccia, in blocks or slabs ; 207. Brime; 208. Bullion, gold and silver ; • Repealed. See 7096. t This proviso was evidently intended to be a copy of the proviso to the Ist section of the act of March 29, 1848, chap. XXIV. See ante, No. 8. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 13 209. Burrstones, wrought or unwrought, but unmanufactured, and not 12 Stat. p. 194. bound up into millstones ; 210. Cabinets of coins, medals, and all other collections of antiquities ; 211. Cadmium; 212. Calamine; 213. Cochineal; [Cobalt;] (370, 611.) 214. Coins, gold, silver, and copper; 215. Copper, when imported for the United States mint; =* * Orchil; (358.) 216. Divi-divi; 217. [Extract of indigo ;] (371.) 218. [Extractor madder;] (371.) 219. ^Extract and decoctions of logwood, and other dye-woods, not otherwise provided for ;] (371, 711.) 220. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels ; (720, 722.) 221. [Flints; flint, ground ;] (372.) 222. Fish, fresh caught, for daily consumption ; (709 J.) 223. [Guttapercha, unmanufactured;] (376.) 224. Grindstones, rough or unfinished ; 225. Seeds for * * * manufacturing purposes, not otherwise pro- vided for ; Glass, when old, not in pieces which can be cut for use, and fit only to be remanufactured ; 226. Goods, wares, and merchandise, the growth, production, or manu- facture of the United States, exported to a foreign country, and brought back to the United States in the same condition as when exported, upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed : Provided, That all regu- lations to ascertain the identity thereof, prescribed by existing laws, or which may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be com- plied with ; (699, 709a, 709c, 713.) 227. Guano ; 12 Stat. p. 196. 228. Household effects, old, and in use of persons or families from for- eign countries, if used abroad by them and not intended for any other person or persons, or for sale ; 229. Hair of all kinds, uncleaned and unmanufactured, and all long horsehair used for weaving, cleaned or uncleaned, drawn or undrawn ; 230. [India-rubber, milk of;] (381.) 231. Indigo; 232. Ice; 233. Iridium; 234. Irris ; orris root ; 235. Junk, old, and oakum ; 236. Kelp; 237. Lac dye; 238. Lac spirits ; (see varnish, 355, 711.) 239. Lac sulphur ; 240. Leeches; (7095.) 241. Madder, ground or prepared, and madder root; 242. Manuscripts; 243. Marine coral, unmanufactured ; 244. Medals, of gold, silver, or copper ; 245. Models of inventions, and other improvements in the arts : Pro- vided, That no article or articles shall be deemed a model, or improve- ment, which can be fitted for use ; 246. Munjeet, or India madder; 247. Nutgalls; 248. Nux vomica ; 249. Oil, spermaceti, whale, and other fish, of American fisheries, and all other articles the produce of such fisheries ; 14 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 12 Stat, p 195. 250. [Orpiment, or sulphuret of arsenic ;] (359.) 251. Paintings and statuary, the production of American artists resid- ing abroad ; (500, 707.) 252. Palm-leaf, unmanufactured ; ^ 253. Pearl, mother of; 254. Personal and household effects, not merchandise, of citizens of the United States dying abroad ; 255. Plaster of Paris, or sulphate of lime, unground ; 12 Stat. p. 196. 256. Platina, unmanufactured ; 257. Platina vases or retorts ; 258. Polishing stones; 259. Pumice and pumice stones ; 260. Ratans and reeds, unmanufactured : 261. Rottenstone ; 262. Sandal-wood; 263. Shingle-bolts and stave-bolts ; 264. Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twist- ed, or advanced in manufacture any way, and silk cocoons, and ailk waste ; 265. Specimens of natural history, mineralogy, and botany ; 266. [Staves for pipes, hogsheads, or other casks ;] (388.) 267. Substances expressly used for manure ; 268. Tortoise and other shell, unmanufactured; 269. Turmeric; 270. Types, old, and fit only to be reman ufactured ; 271. Wearing apparel in actual use, and other personal effects, (not merchandise,) professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment of persons arriving in the United States : Provided, That this exemption shall not be construed to include ma- chinery, or other articles imported for use in any manufacturing establish- ment, or for sale ; 272. Weld; 273. Woad or pastel ; 274. Woods, namely: cedar, lignum-vitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood, and all cabinet woods, un- manufactured ; 12 Stat. p. 196. 275. Sec. 24. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of all raw or unmanufac- tured articles, not herein enumerated or provided for, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem ; and on all articles manufactured in whole or in part, not herein enumerated or provided for, a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem. (2, 697.) 12 Stat. p. 196. 276. Sec. 26. Wherever the word "ton " is used in this act, in refer- ence to weight, it shall be deemed and taken to be twenty hundred weight, each hundred weight being one hundred and twelve pounds avoirdu- pois. 277. Sec. 27. Railroad iron, partially or wholly worn, may be import- ed into the United States without payment of duty, under bond to be withdrawn and exported after the said railroad iron shall have been re- paired or remanufactured ; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to protect the revenue against fraud, and secure the identity, character, and weight of all such importations when again withdrawn and exported, restricting and limiting the export and withdrawal to the same port of entry where imported, and also limiting all bonds to a period of time of not more than six months from the date of the importation. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 15 Act of August 5, 1861. CHAP. XLV. — An Act to provide increased Revenue from Imports, to pay Interest on Stat, at Large, the Public Debt, and for other Purposes. Vol. XII. p. 2g2. From and after the date of the passage of this act, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, and on such as may now be exempt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : On * * * 97« i ^^^^^' three cents per pound ; \ Cocoa leaves and cocoa shells, two cents per pound; 279. Cocoa, prepared or manufactured, eight cents per pound ; (392.) 280. Chocolate, six cents per pound ; (392.) 281. Currants, five cents per pound; 282. Dates, two cents per pound ; 283. Figs, five cents per pound ; 284. Nuts of all kinds, not otherwise provided for, two cents per pound ; 285. Plums, five cents per pound ; 286. Prunes, five cents per pound; 287. Raisins, five cents per pound ; 288. Unmanufactured Russia hemp, forty dollars per ton ; 289. Manilla and other hemps of India, twenty-five dollars per ton ; 290. Soda ash, one half cent per pound ; 291. Bicarbonate of soda, one cent per pound; (395.) 292. Sal soda, one half-cent per pound ; 293. Caustic soda, one cent per pound; (396.) 294. Chloride of lime, thirty cents per one hundred pounds ; 295. Resinous substances used for the same or similar purposes as gum copal, ten cents per pound ; (333.) Sec. 2. From and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be 12 Stat. p. 293. levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned the following duties, that is to say : On * * * 296. Limes and bananas, twenty per centum ad valorem; 297. Rags, of whatever material, (401,) ten per centum ad valorem. (719.) 298. Sole and bend leather, thirty per centum ad valorem ; (466.) 299. India-rubber, raw or unmanufactured, ten per centum ad valorem ; 300. India-rubber shoes and boots, thirty per centum ad valorem ; (437.) 301. Ivory, unmanufactured, and on vegetable ivory, ten per centum ad valorem. 302. Silk buttons, [batton cloths,] (584, 729,) and on silk twist, and twist composed of mohair and silk, forty per centum ad valorem. (592, 593.) Act of December 24, 1861. CHAP. II. — An Act to increase the Duties on Tea, Coffee, and Sugar. Stat, at Large, ' *^ ' ^ Vol. XII. p. 330. From and after the date of the passage of this act, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise, herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say: * * * 303. Second. On coffee of all kinds, five cents per pound. 16 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. Act of July 14, 1862. Stat, at Large, CHAP. CLXIII. — An Act increasing temporarily the Duties on Imports, and for other Vol. XU. p. 643. y„ i ^ i^ , J From and after the first day of August, anno Domini eighteen ^ hundred and sixty-two, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned there shall be levied, col- lected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise, herein enu- merated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the fol- lowing duties and rates of duty, that is to say : [^Duties on all articles enumerated in the first and second sections of this act are superseded by later enactments.'] 12 Stat. p. 544. Sec. 3. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned and included in this section, there shall be levied, col- lected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise, herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty — that is to say : 12 Stat. p. 545. 304. On boiler or other plate-iron, five dollars per ton ; (4, 521.) 305. On iron wire, drawn and finished * * =* over or finer than number twenty -five, wire gauge, two dollars per one hundred pounds: (4, 521 :) Provided, That wire covered with cotton, silk, or other mate- rial, shall pay five cents per pound in addition to the foregoing rates : 306. * =* * Provided, That no chains made of wire, or rods of a diameter less than one half of one inch, shall be considered a chain cable ; (529.) 307. ****** Provided, That no allowance or reduction of duties for partial loss or damage shall be hereafter made in conse- quence of rust of iron or steel, or upon the manufactures of iron or steel, except on polished Russia sheet-iron. 12 Stat. p. 546. Sec. 4. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned and included in this section, there shall be levied, col- lected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 308. On * * * manufactures of copper, not otherwise provided for, five per centum ad valorem ; (163, 470.) 309. On brass, in bars or pigs, and old brass fit only to be remanufac- tured, five per centum ad valorem ; (23.) 12 Stat. p. 646. Sec. 5. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, and on such as may now be exempt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchan- dise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty — that is to say : 12 Stat. p. 647. 310. Acid, boracic, five cents per pound; citric, ten cents per pound ; oxalic, four cents per pound; sulphuric, one cent per pound; tartaric, twenty cents per pound ; 311. Alum, patent alum, alum substitute, sulphate of alumina, and aluminous cake, sixty cents per one hundred pounds ; 312. Argols, or crude tartar, six cents per pound; cream tartar, ten cents per pound ; 313. Balsam copaiva, twenty cents per pound ; Peruvian, fifty cents per pound ; tolu, thirty cents per pound ; 314. Barytes and sulphate of barytes, five mills per pound ; 315. Burning fluid, fifty cents per gallon ; (711.) 316. Bitter apples, colocynth, or coloquintida, ten cents per pound; DIGEST OF STATUTES PEESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 17 317. Borax, crude, or tincal, five cents per pound; refined, ten cents 12 Stat. p. 547. per pound ; 318. Borate of lirae, five cents per pound ; 319. Buchu leaves, ten cents per pound; 320. Camphor, crude, thirty cents per pound; refined, forty cents per pound ; 321. Cantharides, fifty cents per pound ; 322. Coccnlus indicus, ten cents per pound ; 323. Cuttle-fi^^h bone, five cents per pound; 324. Cubebs, ten cents per pound; 325. Dragon's blood, ten cents per pound ; 326. Emery, ore or rock, six dollars per ton ; manufactured, ground, or pulverized, one cent per pound ; 327. Ergot, twenty cents per pound; 328. Epsom salts, one cent per pound ; glauber salts, five mills per pound ; Rochelle salts, fifteen cents per pound ; 329. Fruit ethers, essences or oils of apple, pear, peach, apricot, straw- berry, and raspberry, made of fusil oil or of fruit, or imitations thereof, two dollars and fifty cents per pound ; 330. Wood lake, Venetian red, vermilion, chrome yellow, rose pink, Dutch pink, and paints and painters' colors, (except white and red lead and oxide of zinc,) dry or ground in oil, and moist water colors, used in the manufacture of paper-hangings and colored papers and cards, not oth- erwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 331. Ginger-root, five cents per pound; ginger ground, eight cents per pound ; 332. On gold leaf, one dollar and fifty cents per package of five hundred leaves ; on silver leaf, seventy-five cents per package of five hundred leaves ; 333. Gum aloes, six cents per pound ; benzoine, ten cents per pound ; sandarac, ten cents per pound ; shellac, ten cents per pound ; mastic, fifty cents per pound ; copal, kowrie, damar, and all gums used for like pur- poses, ten cents per pound; (295, 711.) 334. Iodine, crude, fifty cents per pound; resublimed, seventy-five cents per pound ; 12 Stat. p. 548. 335. Ipecacuanha, or ipecac, fifty cents per pound ; 336. Jalap, fifty cents per pound ; 337. Licorice * * * juice, five cents per pound ; 338. Magnesia, carbonate, six cents per pound ; calcined, twelve cents per pound ; 339. Manna, twenty-five cents per pound ; 340. Nitrate of soda, one cent per pound ; 341. Ochres, and ochrey earths, not otherwise provided for, when dry, fifty cents per one hundred pounds ; when ground in oil, one dollar and fifty cents per one hundred pounds ; 342. Oils, fixed or expressed, * * * almonds, ten cents per pound ; bay or laurel, twenty cents per pound ; * * * mace, fifty cents per pound ; olive, not salad, twenty -five cents per gallon ; * * mustard, not salad, twenty-five cents per gallon ; (95.) 343. Oils, essential or essence, anise, fifty cents, per pound ; almonds, one dollar and fifty cents per pound ; amber, crude, ten cents per pound ; rectified, twenty cents per pound ; bay leaves, seventeen dollars and fifty cents per pound ; bergamot, one dollar per pound ; cajeput, twenty-five cents per pound ; caraway, fifty cents per pound ; cassia, one dollar per pound ; cinnamon, two dollars per pound ; * * citronella, fifty cents per pound ; * * cubebs, one dollar per pound ; fennel, fifty cents per pound ; juniper, twenty-five cents per pound ; lemons, fifty cents per pound ; orange, fifty cents per pound ; origanum, or red thyme, twenty- five cents per pound ; roses, or otto, one dollar and fifty cents per ounce ; - thyme, white, thirty cents per pound ; valerian, one dollar and fifty cents 3 18 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 12 Stat. p. 548. per pound ; all other essential oils, not otherwise provided for, fifty per centum ad valorem ; 344. Paraffine, ten cents per pound ; 345. Paris white, * * * when ground in oil, one dollar and fifty cents per one hundred pounds ; 346. Potash, bichromate, three cents per pound ; hydriodate, iodate, iodide, and acetate, seventy-five cents per pound ; prussiate, yellow, five cents per pound ; prussiate, red, ten cents per pound ; chlorate, six cents per pound ; 347. Putty, one dollar and fifty cents per one hundred pounds ; 348. Quinine, sulphate of, and other salts of quinine, forty-five per centum. ad valorem ; 349. Rhubarb, fifty cents per pound ; 350. Rose leaves, fifty cents per pound ; 351. Rum essence or oil, and bay rum essence or oil, two dollars per ounce ; (711.) 352. Saltpetre, or nitrate of potash, * * * refined, three cents per pound ; 353. Seeds, anise, five cents per pound ; star anise, ten cents per pound ; canary, one dollar per bushel of sixty pounds ; caraway, three cents per pound ; cardamom, fifty cents per pound ; cumin, five cents per ■ ^" * pound ; coriander, three cents per pound ; fennel, two cents per pound ; fe [n] ugreek, two cents per pound ; hemp, one-half cent per pound ; mus- tard, brown, three cents per pound ; white, three cents per pound ; rape, one cent per pound ; 354. Tartar emetic, fifteen cents per pound ; 355. Varnish, valued at one dollar and fifty cents or less per gallon, fifty cents per gallon, and twenty per centum ad valorem ; valued at above one dollar and fifty cents per gallon, fifty cents per gallon, and twenty-five per centum ad valorem; (711.) 356. Vanilla beans, three dollars per pound ; 357. Verdigris, six cents per pound ; 358. Benzoic and muriatic acids, cutch or catechu, orchil (* 215) and cudbear, safflower, and sumac, ten per centum ad valorem ; 359. Arsenic in all forms, ammonia, (19) and sulphate and carbonate of ammonia ; bark, cinchona, Peruvian, Lima, Calisaya, quilla and all other medicinal barks, flowers, leaves, (90) plants, roots and seeds, not other- wise provided for ; * * gums, amber, Arabic, jedda, Senegal, traga- canth, myrrh, and all other gums and gum resins not otherwise provided for; (711,) quassia wood ; * sarsaparilla ; tapioca; tonqua beans and sponges, twenty per centum ad valorem; 360. Glycerine, thirty per centum ad valorem ; 361. On all pills, powders, tinctures, troches or lozenges, sirups, cor- dials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oils, or other medicinal preparations or compositions, recommended to the public as proprietary medicines, or pre- pared according to some private formula or secret art as remedies or spe- cifics for any disease or diseases or affections whatever affecting the human or animal body, fifty per centum ad valorem ; (711.) 362. On all essences, extracts, toilet waters, cosmetics, hair oils, po- mades, hair dressings, hair restor-atives, hair dyes, tooth washes, dentrifi- ces, tooth pastes, aromatic cachous, or other perfumeries or cosmetics, by whatsoever name or names known, used or applied as perfumes or appli- cations to the hair, mouth, or skin, fifty per centum ad valorem ; (711.) 12 Stat. p. 549. Sec. 6. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter * The United States C. Court for the southern district of Now York, on the 29th January, 1866, in the case of Ams'mck et al. vs. Draper, decided that •' Orchilia," or " Orchilhv Weed" is exempt from duty. 'See Treasury Circular, May 31, 1866.) DIGEST OF STATUTES PEESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 19 mentioned, and on such as now may be exempt from duty, there 12 Stat. p. 549. shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and mer- chandise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, that is to say : 363. Assafoetida; (19.) 364. Beeswax; (22.) 365. Blacking of all descriptions ; (275.) 366. Building-stone of all descriptions, not otherwise provided for; (26.) 367. Calomel; (69.) 368. Catsup; (133.) 369. Civet, oil of; (95.) 370. Cobalt ores; (213.) 371. Extract of indigo ; (217.) extract of madder; (218.) extract and decoctions of logwood, and other dyewoods ; (219, 711.) 372. Fhnts, and flint, ground ; (221.) 373. Garancine; (218.) 12 Stat. p. 550. 374. Green turtle ; (35, 7096.) 375. Grindstones, unwrought, or wrought or finished ; (36, 224.) 376. Gutta percha, unmanufactured ; (223.) 377. Isinglass or fish glue ; (76.) 378. Japanned ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for ; (159.) 379. Mats of cocoa-nut ; (87.) 380. Matting, China, and other floor matting, and mats made of flags, jute, or grass ; (88, 727.) 381. Milk of India-rubber ; (230,) medicinal preparations not other- wise provided for ; (171, 711.) 382. Music, printed with lines, bound or unbound ; (48.) 383. Musical instruments of all kinds, and strings for musical instru- ments of whipgut or catgut, and all other strings of the same material ; (93.) 384. Osier or willow, prepared for basket-makers* use; (96.) 385. Philosophical apparatus and instruments;"* (163, 166, 170.) 386. Plaster of Paris, when ground ; (54.) 387. Quills; (99.) 388. Staves for pipes, hogsheads, or other casks ; (266.) 389. Teeth, manufactured ; (39.) 390. Thread lace and insertings ; (109.) 391. [Woollen listings ;] (116,720.) Sec. 7. In addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on 12 Stat. p. 550. the articles hereinafter mentioned and provided for in this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise herein enumerated, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 392. On chocolate and cocoa prepared, one cent per pound; (279, 280.) * 393. On copperas, green vitriol, or sulphate of iron, one fourth cent per pound ; (10.) 394. On linseed, flaxseed, hempseed, and rapeseed oil, three cents per gallon ; (9.) 395. On saleratus (2.) and bicarbonate of soda, one half cent per pound ; (291.) 396. On caustic soda, one half cent per pound; (293.) 397. On oxide of zinc, dry or ground in oil, twenty-five cents per one hundred pounds ; (6.) * A duty of 30 per centum ad valorem was imposed upon " all manufactures of glass or of which glass shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for," by the 17th section of the act of March 2, 1861. (Stat, at Large, Vol. XII. p. 187.) 20 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 12 Stat. p. 550. Sec. 8. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mention [ed,] and on such as may now be exempt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and mer- chandise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say: 12 Stat. p. 551. 398. On barley, pearl or hulled, one cent per pound ; 399. On bonnets, hats, and hoods, for men, women, and children, com- posed of straw, chip, grass, palm-leaf, willow, or any other vegetable sub- stance, or of hair, whalebone, or other material, not otlierwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem ; 400. On braids, plaits, flats, laces, trimmings, sparterre, tissues, willow sheets and squares, used for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets, and hoods, composed of straw, chip, grass, palm-leaf, willow, or any other vege- table substance, or of hair, whalebone, or other material, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem ; 401. Provided, That all imported cotton and linen rags for the manu facture of paper shall be free of duty ; 402. On candles and tapers, stearine and adamantine, five cents per pound; on spermaceti, paraffine, and wax candles and tapers, pure or mixed, eight cents per pound ; on all other candles and tapers, two and one half cents per pound ; 403. On acorn coffee and dandelion root, raw or prepared, and all other articles used or intended to be used as coffee, or a substitute for coffee, and not otherwise provided for, three cents per pound ; 404. On coloring for brandy, fifty per centum ad valorem ; (711.) 405. On feathers and downs for beds or bedding, of all descriptions, thirty per centum ad valorem ; 406. On fruit, shade, lawn, and ornamental trees, shrubs, plants, and bulbous roots, and flower seeds, not otherwise provided for, thirty per cen- tum ad valorem ; 407. On garden seeds, and all other seeds for agricultural and horti- cultural purposes, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad va- lorem ; 408. On hides, raw, and skins of all kinds, whether dried, salted, or pickled, ten per centum ad valorem; (711, 719.) 409. On hops, five cents per pound ; 410. On human hair, raw, uncleaned, and not drawn, twenty per cen- tum ad valorem ; when cleaned or drawn, but not manufactured, thirty per centum ad valorem ; when manufactured, forty per centum ad valo- rem ; (156.) 12 Stat. p. 552. 411. On all manufactures of marble, marble slabs, marble paving tiles, and marble sawed, dressed-, or polished, fifty per centum ad valorem ; 412. On manufactures of bladders, thirty per centum ad valorem; 413. On manufactures of India-rubber and silk, or of India-rubber and silk and oth^r materials, fifty per centum ad valorem ; 414. On mustard, ground, in bulk, twelve cents per pound; when en- closed in glass or tin, sixteen cents per pound ; 415. On plates engraved, of steel, copper, wood, or any other material, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; 41 6. On plumbago or black lead, ten dollars per ton ; 417. On potatoes, twenty-five cents per bushel ; 418. On * * fulminates, fulminating powders, and all articles nsed for like purposes, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad \alo- rem; 419. On lead pencils,* one dollar per gross ; (660.) * Other than those encased in wood, for which see 680. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 21 420. On sago and sago flour, one cent and a half per pound ; 12 Stat. p. 552. 421. On sheathing metal or yellow metal not wholly of copper nor wholly or in part of iron, ungalvanized, in sheets forty-eight inches long and fourteen inches wide, and weighing from fourteen to thirty-four ounces per square foot, three cents per pound ; 422. On tin in pigs, bars, or blocks, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; 423. On tin in plates or sheets, terne, and tagger tin, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; on oxide, muriatic, and salts of tin and tin foil, thirty per centum ad valorem ; Sec. 9. In addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on 12 Stat. p. 552. the articles hereinafter mentioned and included in this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and mer- chandise herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 424. [On woollen and worsted yarn of all descriptions, five per cent ad valorem ;] 12 Stat. p. 553. (14, 579, 721.) 425. [On coir floor matting and carpeting, five per centum ad valorem;] (88, 727.) Sec. 10. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in addition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned and provided for in this section, there shall be levied, col- lected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise herein enu- merated, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say ; * * * 426. Second. On [spool] and other thread of cotton, ten per centum ad valorem; (15,704.) Fourth. On * * * all manufactures composed wholly of cot- 12 Stat. p. 554. ton, bleached, unbleached, printed, painted, or dyed, not otherwise pro- vided for, five per centum ad valorem ; (15,588.) 427. Fifth. On * * cot-bottoms, * drills, coatings, brown hoi- lands, blay linens, damasks, five per centum ad valorem. (15,589. Sec. 11. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in ad- 12 Stat. p. 554. DiTiON to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned and provided for in this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise herein enumerated, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 428. On jute. Sisal grass, sun hemp, coir, and other vegetable sub- stances not enumerated, (except flax, tow of flax, Russia and manilla hemp, (288, 289) and codilla or tow of hemp,) five dollars per ton ; (16.) 429. On jute Jautts, one dollar per ton ; (16.) 430. * * * * Provided, That all hemp, or preparations of hemp, used for naval purposes by the government of the United States, shall be of American growth or manufacture : Provided further, That the same can be obtained of as good quality and at as low a price. Sec. 13. From and after the day and year aforesaid, in ad- 12 Stat. p. 555. DITION to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, a duty of five per centum ad valorem, that is to say : 431. Argentine alabalta, or German silver, * * * unmanufac- tured ; (120.) 432. Articles embroidered with gold, silver, or other metal ; (121, 720.) ^^ Stat. p. 656. 433. Articles worn by men, women, or children, of whatever material composed, made up, or made wholly or in part by hand, not otherwise provided for; (122,579,725.) 434. Britannia ware ; (163.) 435. Baskets, and all other articles composed of grass, ozier, palm leaf, straw, whalebone, or willow, not otherwise provided for ; (125.) 22 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 12 Etat. p. 556. 436. Bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets composed of hair, or of which hair is a component material; (128.) 437. Braces, suspenders, webbing, or other fabrics composed wholly or in part of India-rubber, not otherwise provided for; (104, 129, 300, 720, • 726.) 438. Brooms * * of all kinds; (130.) 439. Canes and sticks for walking, finished or unfinished ; (132.) 440. Capers, pickles, and sauces of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; (133,711.) 441. Caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur, and all other manufactures of fur, or of which fur shall be a component material ; (134, 720, 725.) 442. Caps, gloves, leggings, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar articles made on frames, of whatever material composed, worn by men, women, and children, and not otherwise provided for; (135,720,721,725.) 443. Card cases, pocket-books, shell boxes, souvenirs, and all similar articles, of whatever material composed; (136.) 444. Carriages and parts of carriages; (137.) 445. Clocks and parts of clocks; (138.) 446. Clothing, ready made, and wearing apparel of whatever descrip- tion, of whatever material composed, except wool, made up or manufac- tured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer; (139, 721, 725.) 447. Coach and harness furniture of all kinds, saddlery, coach and har- ness hardware, silver plated, brass plated, or covered, common tinned, burnished, or japanned, not otherwise provided for; (140.) 448. Combs of all kinds; (141.) 449. Compositions of glass or paste, when set; (117.) 450. Composition tops for tables, or other articles of furniture; (142.) 451. Sweetmeats, or fruits preserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses, not otherwise provided for; (143, 711.) 452. Court plaster ; (145.) 453. Cutlery of all kinds; (147, 559.) 454. Dolls * * * of all kinds; (148.) 455. Encaustic tiles ; (149.) 456. Epaulets, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, tresses, and wings, of gold, silver, or other metal: (150.) 457. Fans and fire-screens of every description, of whatever material composed; (151.) 458. Frames and sticks for umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, finished or unfinished; (152.) 459. Furniture, cabinet and household ; (153.) 460. Hair pencils; (154.) 461. Hat bodies of cotton [or wool, or of which wool is the component mate- rial of chief value;] (81, 155, 720, 721.) 462. Hair-cloth, hair seatings, and all other manufactures of hair, not otherwise provided for; (117.) 463. Ink, printers' ink, and ink powder ; (157.) 464. Japanned, patent or enamelled leather, or skins of all kinds ; (158.) 465. Jet and manufactures of jet, and imitations thereof; (160.) 466. Leather, tanned, of all descriptions; (84, 85, 105, 298, 719.) 467. i\lac(!aroni, vermicelli, gelatine, * * and all similar prepara- tions; (161.) 12 Stat. p. 557. 4 68. Manufactures of bone, shell, horn, ivory, or vegetable ivory ; (1C2.) • Duties on manufactures of gold, silver, German silver, and platina are provided for by act of 1864. (See 618.) DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 2S 469. Manufiictures of paper, or of which paper is a component mate- 12 Stat. p. 557. rial, not otherwise provided for; (168.) 470. Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares, not otherwise provided for, of [gold, silver,] copper, brass, [iron, steel,] lead, pewter, tin, or other raetal, %r of which either of these metals or any other metal shall be the component material of chief value ; (163, 308, 618.) 471. Manufactures, not otherwise provided for, composed of mixed ma- terials, in part of cotton, silk, [wool,] worsted, * * * or flax; (82, 164, 579, 580, 720, 721, 724, 725, 726, 729.) 472. Manufactures of cotton, linen, silk, or worsted, if embroidered or tamboured, in the loom or otherwise, by machinery or with the needle or other process, not otherwise provided for; (165,721,724,725,726, 729.) 473. Manufactures of cedar wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rose- wood, and satinwood ; (166.) 474. Manufactures and articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for ; (167.) 475. Manufactures, articles, and wares of papier-mache ; (169.) 476. Manufactures of wood, or of which wood is the chief component part, not otherwise provided for ; (170.) 477. Morocco skins ; (85, 105.) 478. Muskets, rifles, and other firearms ; (172.) 479. Needles, sewing, darning, knitting, and all other descriptions; (94, 560.) 480. Paper boxes, and all other fancy boxes ; (174.) 481. Paper envelopes ; (175.) 482. Paper-hangings, and paper for screens or fireboards ; paper, anti- quarian, demy, drawing, elephant, foolscap, imperial, letter, and all other paper, not otherwise provided for; (176.) 483. Pins, solid head or other; (163.) 484. Plated and gilt ware of all kinds ; (179.) 485. Prepared vegetables, meats, fish, poultry, and game, sealed or un- sealed, in cans or otherwise; (180.) 486. Ratans and reeds, manufactured or partially manufactured ; (100.) Roofing slates ; (185, 597.) 487. Scagliola tops for tables or other articles of furniture ; (182.) 488. Sealing wax; (183.) 489. Side-arms of every description ; (184.) 490. Silver-plated metal, in sheets or other form , (185.) 491. Stereotype plates ; (107.) 492. Type metal; (110.) 493. Types, new; (111.) , ,,,.... 494. [Umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades ;] (177,186,732.) V ^-^'^-Lfi i< Y } T? IM 495. Velvet, when printed or painted ; (187.) ^ " ' - ' 496. Wafers; (188.) 497. Water colors; (188.) 498. Watches* and parts of watches, and watch materials, and unfin- ished parts of watches ; (17.) 499. Webbing, composed of [wool,] cotton, flax, or any other materials, (593, 726.) not otherwise provided for. (189.) 500. Sec. 19. From and after the passage of this act, the act entitled 12 Stat. p. 559. " An act to provide for the payment of outstanding treasury notes, to authorize a loan, to regulate and fix the duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, that is to say : First, in section twelve, before the word " eighteen," where it first occurs, strike out " less than " ; second, in section twenty-three, after the words " artists residing * Other than gold and silver. (See 659.) -» 24 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. abroad," strike out " provided the same be imported in good faith as ob- jects of taste and not of merchandise," and insert, " provided the fact, as aforesaid, shall be certified by the artist, or by a consul of the United States"; and in the same section, before the word "or^Hment," insert « ores of gold and silver." (251, 707.) • Act of March 3, 1863. Stat, at Large, CHAP. LXXVII. — An Act to modify existing Laws imposing Duties on Imports, ana Vol. XII. p. 742. for other Purposes. 501. Sec. 5. In lieu of the duties now imposed by law there shall be levied and collected upon printing paper unsized, used for books and news- papers exclusively, twenty per centum ad valorem; (700.) upon seedlac and sticklac the same duties now imposed upon gum-shellac ; (333.) upon polishing powders, of all descriptions, Frankfort black, and Berlin, Chi- nese, fig, and wash blue, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Act of June 30, 1864. -- ^*^;** ^^IS^i CHAP. CLXXI. — An Act to increase Duties on Imports, and for other Purposes. Vol. XIH. p. 202. r > J r Be it enacted, Sfc. That on and after the first day of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-four, in lieu of the duties here- tofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on goods, wares, and merchandise herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 18 Stat. p. 202. 502. First. On teas of all kinds, twenty-five cents per pound. 503. Second. On all sugar not above number twelve, Dutch standard in color, three cents per pound. 504. On all sugar above number twelve, and not above number fifteen, Dutch standard in color, three cents and a half per pound. 505. On all sugar above number fifteen, not stove-dried, and not above number twenty, Dutch standard in color, four cents per pound. 506. On all refined sugar in form of loaf, lump, crushed, powdered, pulverized, or granulated, and all stove-dried or other sugar above num- ber twenty, Dutch standard in color, five cents per pound : Provided, That the standard by which the color and grades of sugar are to be regulated shall be selected and furnished to the collectors of such ports of entry as may be necessary by the Secretary of the Treasury, from time to time, and in such manner as he may deem expedient. 507. On sugar-candy, not colored, ten cents per pound. On all other confectionery, not otherwise provided for, made wholly or in part of sugar, and on sugars after being refined, when tinctured, colored, or in any way adulterated, valued at thirty cents per pound or less, fifteen cents per pound. On all confectionery valued above thirty cents per pound, or when sold by the box, package, or otherwise than by the pound, fifty per centum ad valorem. 508. Tliird. On molasses from sugar-cane, eight cents per gallon. On sirup of sugar-cane juice, melado, concentrated melado, or concentrated molasses, two cents and a half per pound : Provided, That all sirups of sugar or sugar-cane, cane-juice, concentrated molasses, or concentrated melado, entered under the name of molasses, or any other name than sirup of sugar, or of sugar-cane, cane-juico, concentrated molasses, or con- centrated melado, shall be liable to forfeiture to the United States, and the same shall be forfeited. 18 Stat. p. 202. Sec. 2. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 25 and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, im- 13 Stat. p. 202. ported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : — 509. First. On brandy, for first-proof, two dollars and fifty cents per gallon. (705, 711.) 510. On other spirits, manufactured or distilled from grain or other materials, for first-proof, two dollars per gallon. (705, 711.) 511. On cordials, and liqueurs of all kinds, and arrack, absynthe, kir- schenwasser, ratafia, and other similar spirituous beverages, not otherwise provided for, two dollars per gallon. (705, 711.) 512. On bay rum, one dolLir and fif[y cents per gallon. (705, 711.) 513. On wines of all kinds, valued at not over fifty cents per gallon, 13 stat. p. 208. twenty cents per gallon and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued at over fifty cents and not over one dollar per gallon, fifty cents per gal- lon and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued at over one dollar per ^rallon, one dollar per gallon and twenty-five per cent, ad valorem: Provided, That no champagne or sparkling wines, in bottles, shall pay a less rate of duty than six dollars per dozen bottles, each bottle containing not more than one quart and more than one pint, or six dollars per two dozen bottles, each bottle containing not more than one pint. 514. On all spirituous liquors, not otherwise enumerated, (705, 711,) one hundred per centum ad valorem : Provided, That no lower rate or amount of duty shall be levied, collected, and paid, on brandy, spirits, and other spirituous beverages, than that fixed by law for the description of first-proof, but shall be increased in proportion for any greater streng;h than the strength of first-proof; and no brandy, spirits, or other spirituous bev- erages under first-proof shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem :* Provided, further, That all imitations^of brandy, or spirits, or of wines imported by any names whatever, shall be suljject to the highest rate of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively intend- ed to be represented, and in no case less than one dollar per gallon : And provided, further, That brandies, or other spirituous liquors, may be im- ported in bottles when the package shall contain not less than one dozen ; and all bottles shall pay a separate duty of two cents each, whether con- taining wines, brandies, or other spirituous liquors subject to duty as here- inbefore mentioned. (711.) 515. Second. On ale, porter, and beer, in bottles, thirty-five cents per gallon ; otherwise than in bottles, twenty cents per gallon. 516. [Third. On cigars of all kinds, valued at fifteen dollars or less per Repealed. See thousand, seventy-five cents per pound and twenty per centum ad valorem; 710. valued at over fifteen dollars and not over thirty dollars per thousand, one dollar and twenty-five cents per pound and thirty per centum ad valorem ; valued at over thirty dollars and not over forty-five dollars per thousand, two dollars per pound and fifty per centum ad valorem ; valued at over forty-five dollars per thousand, three dollars per pound and sixty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That paper cigars or cigarettes, including wrappers, shall be subject to the same duties imposed on cigars.] (710.) 517. On snuff and snuff-flour, manufactured of tobacco, ground, dry, or damp, and pickled, scented, or otherwise, of all descriptions, fifty cents per pound. 518. On tobacco in leaf, unmanufactured and not stemmed, thirty-five cents per pound. 519. On tobacco manufactured, of all descriptions, and stemmed tobac- co not otherwise provided for, fifty cents per pound. Sec. 3. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the a . p. - . duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise, herein enumerated and provided for, imported * See Treasury Circular of December 19, 1861, for grades of spirits. 4 26 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 18 Stat. p. 208. from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say ; 520. On bar iron, rolled or hammered, comprising flats not less than one inch or more than six inches wide, nor less than three eighths of an inch or more than two inches thick ; rounds not less than three fourths of an • inch nor more than two inches in diameter ; and squares not less than three fourths of an inch nor more than two inches square, one cent per pound. On bar iron, rolled or hammered, comprising flats less than three eighths of an inch or more than two inches thick or less than one inch or more than six inches wide ; rounds less than three fourths of an inch or more than two inches in diameter ; and squares less than three fourths of an inch or more than two inches square, one cent and one half per pound : Provided, That all iron in slabs, blooms, loops, or other forms, less finished than iron in bars, and more advanced than pig-iron, except castings, shall be rated as iron in bars, and pay a duty accordingly: And provided, fur- ther, That none of the above iron shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty- five per centum ad valorem. 13 Stat. p. 204. 521. On all iron imported in bars for railroads and inclined planes, (277, 705,) made to patterns and fitted to be laid down on such roads or planes without further manufacture, sixty cents per one hundred pounds On boiler or other plate iron, (4, 304,) not less than three sixteenths of an inch in thickness, one cent and a half per pound. On iron wire, bright, coppered, or tinned, drawn and finished, not more than one fourth of an inch in diameter, not less than number sixteen, wire gauge, two dol- lars per one hundred pounds, and in addition thereto, fifteen per centum ad valorem ; over number sixteen and not over number twenty-five, wire gauge, three dollars and fifty cents per one hundred pounds, and in ad- dition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem, (4, 305.) Provided, That wire covered with cotton, silk, or other material shall pay five cents per pound in addition to the foregoing rates. On smooth or polished sheet- iron, by whatever name designated, three cents per pound. On sheet- iron, common or black, not thinner than number twenty, wire gauge, one cent and one fourth of one cent per pound ; thinner than number twenty, and not thinner than number twenty-five, wire gauge, one cent and a half per pound ; thinner than number twenty-five, wire gauge, one cent and three fourths of one cent per pound. 522. On tin plates, and iron galvanized or coated with any metal by electric batteries, or otherwise, two cents and a half per pound. 523. On all band, hoop, and scroll iron from one half to six inches in width, not thinner than one eighth of an inch, one and one fourth cent per pound. 524. On all band, hoop, and scroll iron from one half to six inches wide, under one eighth of an inch in thickness, and not thinner than number twenty, wire gauge, one and one half cent per pound. 525. On all band, hoop, and scroll iron thinner than number twenty, wire gauge, one and three fourths cent per pound. 526. On slit rods, one cent and one half per pound, and on all other de- scriptions of rolled or hammered iron not otherwise provided for, one cent and one fourth per pound. 527. On locomotive tire, or parts thereof, three cents per pound. 528. On mill-irons and mill-cranks of wrought iron, and wrought iron for ships, steam-engines, and locomotives, or parts thereof, weighing each twenty-five pounds or more, two cents per pound. 529. On anvils and on iron cables, or cable chains, (306,) or parts thereof, two cents and a half per pound. 530. On chains, trace chains, halter chains, and fence chains, made of wire or rods, not less than one fourth of one inch in diameter, two cents and a half per pound ; less than one fourth of one inch in diameter, and not under number nine, wire gauge, three cents per pound ; under num- ber nine, wire gauge, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 27 531. On anchors, or parts thereof, two cents and one fourth per pound. 13 Stat, p 204. 532. On blacksmiths' hammers and sledges, axles, or parts thereof, and i.ialleable iron in castings, not otherwise provided for, two cents and a half per pound. 533. On wrought-iron railroad chairs, and wrought-iron nuts and wash- er.^, ready punched, two cents per pound. 534. On bed-screws and wrought-iron hinges, two cents and a half per pound. 535. On wrought board nails, spikes, rivets, and bolts, two and one half cents per pound. 536. On cut nails and spikes, one and a half cent per pound. 537. On horseshoe nails, five cents per pound. 538. On cut tacks, brads, or sprigs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, two and one half cents per thousand ; exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, three cents per pound. 539. On steam, gas, and water tubs [tubes] and flues, of wrought iron, two cents and a half per pound. (705.) 540. On screws, commonly called wood-screws, two inches or over in 13 Stat. p. 205. length, eight cents per pound ; less than two inches in length, eleven cents per pound. 541. On screws of any other metal than iron, and all other screws of iron, except wood-screws, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 542. On iron in pigs, nine dollars per ton. 543. On vessels of cast-iron, not otherwise provided for, and on and- irons, sadirons, tailors' and hatters' irons, stoves and stove plates, of cast- iron, one and one half cent per pound. 544. On cast-iron steam, gas, and water-pipe, one and one half cent per pound. 545. On cast-iron butts and hinges, two and a half cents per pound. 546. On hollow ware, glazed or tinned, three and one half cents per pound. 547. On all other castings of" iron, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. 548. On all manufactures of iron, not otherwise provided for, thirty- five per centum ad valorem. 549. On old scrap-iron, eight dollars per ton : Provided, That nothing shall be deemed old iron that has not been in actual use and fit only to be remanufactured. 550. On steel, in ingots, bars, coils, sheets, and steel wire, not less than one fourth of one inch in diameter, valued at seven cents per pound or less, two cents and one fourth per pound ; valued at above seven cents and not above eleven cents per pound, three cents per pound ; valued at above eleven cents per pound, three cents and a half per pound, and ten per centum ad valorem. 551. On steel wire less than one fourth of an inch in diameter and not less than number sixteen, wire gauge, two and one half cents per pound, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem ; less or finer than number sixteen, wire gauge, three cents per pound, and in addition there- to twenty per centum ad valorem. 552. On steel in any form, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. 553. On skates, costing twenty cents or less per pair, eight cents per pair; costing over twenty cents per pair, thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem. 554. On cross-cut saws, ten cents per lineal foot. 555. On mill, pit, and drag saws, not over nine inches wide, twelve and a half cents per lineal foot. (4.) 556. On all hand-saws not over twenty-four inches in length, seventy- five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valo- 28 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 18 Stat. p. 205. rem ; over twenty-four inches in length, one dollar per dozen, and in ad- dition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem. 557. On all back-saws not over ten inches in length, seventy-five cents per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem ; over ten inches in length, one dollar per dozen, and in addition thereto thirty ^ per centum ad valorem. 558. On files, file blanks, rasps, and floats of all descriptions, not ex- ceeding ten inches in length, ten cents per pound, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem ; exceeding ten inches in length, six cents per pound, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem. 559. On penknives, jack-knives, and pocket-knives of all kinds, fifty per centum ad valorem. 560. On needles for knitting or sewing machines, one dollar per thou- sand, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 56 J. On iron squares marked on one side, three cents per pound, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem; on all other squares of iron or steel, six cents per pound, and thirty per centum ad valorem. 562. On all manufactures of steel, or of which steel shall be a compo- nent part, not otherwise provided for, forty-five per centum ad valorem : Provided^ That all articles of steel partially manufactured, or of wliich steel shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for, shall pay the same rate of duty as if wholly manufactured. 18 Stat. p. 206. 553^ Q,j bituminous coal, and shale, one dollar and twenty-five cents for a ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel ; on all other coal, forty cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel. (1.) 564. On coke and culm of coal, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 565. On lead, in pigs and bars, two cents per pound. 566. On old scrap-lead, fit only to be remanufactured, one cent and one half per pound. 567. On lead in sheets, pipes, or shot, two and three quarter cents per pound. 568. On pewter, when old and fit only to be remanufactured, two cents per pound. 569. On lead ore, one and a half cents per pound. 570. On copper, in pigs, bars, or ingots, two and a half cents per pound. 571. On sheathing-copper in sheets forty-eight inches long and fourteen inches wide, weighing from fourteen to thirty-four ounces per square foot, three and a half cents per pound. 572. On copper rods, bolts, nails, spikes, copper bottoms, copper in sheets or plates, called braziers' copper, and other sheets of copper not otherwise provided for, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 573. On zinc, spelter, or teutenegue, manufactured in blocks or pigs, one and a half cent per pound. 574. On zinc, spelter, or teutenegue in sheets, two and one quarter cents per pound. 575. On diamonds, cameos, mosaics, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, when not set, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem. (117.) 18 Stat. p. 206. Sec. 4. On and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 576. [On all wool, unmanufactured, and all hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals, unmanufactured, the value whereof at the last port or place from whence exported to the United States, exclusive of charges in such ports, shall be twelve cents or less per pound, three cents per pound ; exceeding twelve cents and not exceeding twenty-four cents per pound, six cents per pound ; ex- ceeding twenty-four cents per pound, and not exceeding thirty-two cents, ten DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 29 cents per pound, and in addition thereto, ten per centum ad valorem ; exceed- 13 Stat. p. 206. ing thirty-two cents per pound, twelve cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem : Provided, That any wool of the sheep, or hair of the alpaca, the goat, and. other like animals, which shall be imported in any other than the ordinary condition, as now and heretofore practised, or which shall be changed in its character or condition for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the admixture of dirt or any foreign substance, shall be subject to pay a duty of twelve cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding: Pro- vided, further, That when wool of different qualities is imported in the same bale, bag, or package, and the aggregate value of the contents of the bale, bag, or package shall be appraised by the appraisers at a rate exceeding twenty-four cents per pound, it shall be charged with a duty of ten cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; and when bales of different qualities are embraced in the same invoice at the same price, whereby the average price shall be lessened more than ten per centum, the value of the whole shall be appraised according to the value of the bale of the best quality ; and no bale, bag, or package shall be liable to a less rate of duty in consequence of being invoiced with wool of lower value : And provided, further, That wool which shall be imported scoured, shall pay, in lieu of the duties herein provided, three times the amount of such duties.] (714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719.) 577. [Second: On sheep skins, raw or unmanufactured, imported with the wool on, washed or unwashed, shall be subject to a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem; and on flocks, waste, or shoddy, three cents per pound.] (719.) Sec. 5. On and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be 13 Stat o. 207. levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 578. [First: On Wilton, Saxony, and Aubusson, Axminster, patent velvet, Tournay velvet, and tapestry velvet carpets and carpeting, Brussels carpets wrought by the Jacquard machine, and all medallion or whole carpets, valued at one dollar and twenty-five cents or under per square yard, seventy cents per scjuare yard ; valued at over one dollar and twenty-five cents per square yard, eighty cents per square yard : Provided, that no carpeting, carpets, or rugs of the foregoing description shall pay a duty of less than fifty per centum ad va- lorem.] On Brussels [and tapestry Brussels] carpets and carpetings, printed on the warp or otherwise, fifty cents per square yard. [On all treble in- grain, three-ply and worsted chain Venetian carpets and carpeting, forty cents per square yard. On yarn Venetian and two-ply ingrain carpets and carpeting, thirty-five cents per square yard. On hemp or jute carpeting, six and a half cents per square yard. On druggets, bockings, and felt carpets and carpeting, printed, colored, or otherwise, twenty-five cents per square yard. On carpets and carpeting of wool, flax, or cotton, or parts of either, or other material not otherwise specified, forty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That mats, rugs, screens, covers, hassocks, bedsides, and other portions of carpets or carpetings, shall be subject to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpetings of like character or description,] and on all other mats, screens, hassocks and rugs, forty-five per centum ad valorem. (727.) 579. [Second: On woollen cloths, woollen shawls, and all manufactures of wool of every description, made wholly or in part of wool, (164, 471,) not oth- erwise provided for, twenty-four cents per pound, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. On goods of like description, when valued at over two dollars per square yard, a duty, in addition to the foregoing rates, of five per centum ad valorem : Provided, That goods of like description, composed of worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other like animals, and weighing over eight ounces to the square yard, shall be subject to pay the same duties and rates of duty herein provided for woollen cloths. On endless belts or felts for paper, and blanketing for printing machines, twenty cents per pound, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On flannels, uncolored, valued at thirty cents or less per square yard, twenty-four cents per pound, and thirty per centum ad valorem ; valued at above thirty cents per square yard, and on all flan- nels, colored, printed, or plaided, not otherwise provided for, and flannels com- posed in part of cotton, twenty-four cents per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On flannels composed in part of silk, fifty per centum ad valorem. On hats of wool, twenty-four [cents] per pound, and in addition thereto thirty- five per centum ad valorem. On woollen and worsted yarn, valued at fifty 30 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 13 Stat. p. 207. cents and not over one dollar per pound, twenty cents per pound, and in addi- tion thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued at over one dollar per pound, twenty-four cents per pound, and, in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem. On woollen and worsted yarn, valued at less than fifty cents per pound, and not exceeding in fineness number fourteen, sixteen cents per pound, and in addition thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (14, 424.) On • clothing, ready-made, and wearing apparel of every description, composetl whol- ly or in part of wool, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, except hosiery, twenty-four cents per pound, and in addition thereto forty per centum ad valorem. On blankets of all kinds, made wholly or in part of wool, valued at not exceeding twenty-eight cents per pound, twelve cents per pound, and in addition thereto twenty per centum ad valorem ; valued at above twenty-eight cents and not exceeding forty cents per pound, twenty-four cents per pound and twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued above forty cents per pound, twenty-four cents per pound and thirty per 13 Stat. p. 208. centum ad valorem. On balmorals, and goods of similar description, or used for like purposes, composed of wool, worsted, or any other material, twenty-four cents per pound, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem.] (720 to 729.) 580. [On women's and children's dress-goods, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, mohair, alpaca, or goats' hair, gray or uncolored, not exceeding in value the sum of thirty cents per square yard, four cents per square yard, and in addition thereto twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; exceeding in value thirty cents per square yard, six cents per square yard, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem.] (164, 471, 724, 725.) 581. [On all goods of the last-mentioned description, if stained, colored, or printed, not exceeding in value the sum of thirty cents per square yard, four cents per square yard, and thirty per centum ad valorem ; exceeding in value thirty cents per square yard, six cents per square yard, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum ad valorem.] (724, 725.) 582. [On shirts, drawers, and hosiery of wool, or of which wool shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for, twenty cents per pound, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem.] (720, 721, 725.) 583. [On bunting and all other manufactures of worsted, mohair, alpaca, or goats' hair, or of which worsted, mohair, alpaca, or goats' hair shall be a com- ponent material, not otherwise provided for, fifty per centum ad valorem.] (721, 723, 724, 725, 726, 729.) 584. [On lastings, mohair cloth, silk, twist, or other manufacture of cloth, woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, and form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters, and buttons, exclusively, not combined with India-rubber, ten per centum ad valorem.] (720, 721, 729, 736.) 585. [On oil-cloths for floors, stamped, painted, or printed, valued at fifty cents or less per square yard, thirty per centum ad valorem ; valued at over fifty cents per square yard, and on all other oil-cloth except silk oil-cloth, forty per centum ad valorem.] (728.) 18 Stat. p. 208. gp(^^ g Qjj g^jj^ j^j^gj, ^Yie day and year aforesaid there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the articles herein- after mentioned, the following duties, that is to say : 18 Stat. p. 209. 586. On cotton shirts and drawers, woven or made on frames, and on all cotton hosiery, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 587. On cotton velvet, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 588. On cotton braids, insertings, lace, trimming, or bobbinet, and all other manufactures of cotton, not otherwise provided for, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. (15, 426, 702, 703.) 13 Stat. p. 209. Sec. 7. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter me tioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, war _ and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, im- ported from foreign countries, the following duties, and rates of duty, that is to say : 589. First : On brown and bleached linens, ducks, canvas, paddings, (15, 427,) cotton bottoms, burlaps, diapers, crash, huckabacks, handker- chiefs, lawns, or other manufactures of flax, jute, or hemp, or of which flax, jute, or hemp shall be the component material of chief value, not DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 31 otherwise provided for, valued at thirty cents or less per square yard, 13 Stat. p. 209. thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued at above thirty cents per square yard, forty per centum ad valorem. On flax or linen yarns for carpets, not exceeding number eight Lea, and valued at twenty- four cents or less per pound, thirty per centum ad valorem. On flax or linen yarns valued at above twenty-four cents per pound, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On flax or linen thread, twine and pack-thread, and all other manufactures of flax, or of which flax shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. 590. Second : On tarred cables or cordage, three cents per pound. On untarred Manilla cordage, two and a half cents per pound. On all other imtarred cordage, three and a half cents per pound. On hemp yarns, five cents per pound. On coir yarn, one and a half cent per pound. On seines, six and a half cents per pound. 591. Third : On gunny cloth, gunny bags, and cotton bagging, or other manufacture not otherwise provided for, suitable for the uses to which 13 Stat. p. 210. cotton bagging is applied, composed in whole or in part of hemp, jute, flax, or other material, valued at ten cents or less per square yard, three cents per pound ; over ten cents per square yard, four cents per pound. On sail duck or canvas for sales, thirty per centum ad valorem. On Rus- sia and other sheetings of flax or hemp, brown and white, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On all other manufactures of hemp, or of which hemp shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise pro- vided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. On grass cloth, thirty per centum ad valorem. On jute yarns, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. On all other manufactures of jute or Sisal grass, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. Sec. 8. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the 13 Stat. p. 210, duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, im- ported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 592. On spun silk for filling in skeins or cops, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (705.) On silk in the gum not more advanced than sin- gles, tram, and thrown or organzine, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On floss silks, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On sewing-silk in the gum or purified, forty per centum ad valorem. On all dress and piece silks, ribbons, and silk velvets, or velvets of which silk is the component material of chief value, sixty per centum ad valorem. On silk vestings, pongees, shawls, scarfs, mantillas, pelerines, handkerchiefs, veils, laces, shirts, drawers, bonnets, hats, caps, turbans, chemisettes, hose, mitts, aprons, stockings, gloves, suspenders, watch-chains, webbing, braids, fringes, galloons, tassels, cords, and trimmings, sixty per centum ad valorem. 593. On all manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, fifty per centum ad valorem. (706, 728.) Sec. 9. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the 13 Stat. p. 210. duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, im- ported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 594. On all brown earthenware and common stoneware, gas retorts, .stoneware not ornamented, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 595. On china, porcelain, and Parian ware, gilded, ornamented, or dec- orated in any manner, fifty per centum ad valorem. 596. On china, porcelain, and Parian ware, plain white, and not dec- 32 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 13 Stat p. 210. orated in any manner, forty-five per centum ad valorem ; on all other earthen, stone, or crockery ware, white, glazed, edged, printed, painted, dipped, or cream-colored, composed of earthy or mineral substances, and not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. 597. On slates, slate-pencils, slate chimney-pieces, mantels, slabs for ^ tables, and all other manufactures of slate, forty per centum ad valorem. (185, 486.) 598. On unwrought clay, pipe-clay, fire-clay, and kaoline, five dollars per ton. 599. On fullers' earth, three dollars per ton. 600. On white chalk and clifF-stone, ten dollars per ton. On red and French chalk, twenty per centum ad valorem. On chalk of all descrip- tions, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 601. On whiting and Paris white, one cent per pound. 602. On whiting ground in oil, two cents per pound. 603. On all plain and mould and press glass not cut, engraved, or painted, thirty -five per centum ad valorem. 604. On all articles of glass, cut, engraved, painted, colored, printed, stained, silvered, or gilded, not including plate-glass silvered, or looking- glass plates, forty per centum ad valorem. 13 Stat. p. 211. 605. On all unpolished cylinder, crown, and common window-glass, not exceeding ten by fifteen inches square, one cent and a half per pound ; above that and not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, two cents [per] pound ; above that and [not] exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, two cents and a half per pound ; all above that, three cents per pound. 606. On cylinder and crown glass, polished, not exceeding ten by fif- teen inches square, two and one-half cents per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, four cents per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, six cents per square foot ; above that, and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches, twenty cents per square foot ; all above that, forty cents per square foot. 607. On fluted, rolled, or rough plate-glass, not including crown, cylin- der, or common window-glass, not exceeding ten by fifteen inches square, seventy-five cents per one hundred square feet ; above that, and not ex- ceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, one cent per square foot ; above that and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, one cent and a half per square foot ; all above that, two cents per square foot : Provided, That all fluted, rolled, or rough plate-glass, weighing over one hundred pounds per one hundred square feet, shall pay an additional duty on the excess at the same rates herein imposed. 608. On all cast polished plate-glass, unsilvered, not exceeding ten by fifteen inches square, three cents per square per foot ; above that and not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, five cents per square foot ; above that and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, eight cents per square foot ; above that and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches square, twenty-five cents per square foot ; all above that, fifty cents per square foot. 609. On all cast polished plate-glass, silvered, or looking-glass plates not exceeding ten by fifteen inches square, four cents per square foot ; above that and not exceeding sixteen by twenty-four inches square, six cents per square foot ; above that and not exceeding twenty-four by thirty inches square, ten cents per square foot ; above that and not exceeding twenty-four by sixty inches square, thirty -five cents per square foot ; all above that, sixty cents per square foot : Provided, That no looking-glass plates or plate-glass, silvered, when framed, shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed upon similar glass of like description not framed but shall be liable to pay in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem upon such frames. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 2:5 610. On porcelain and Bohemian glass, glass crystals for watches, paintings on glass or glasses, pebbles for spectacles, and all manufactures of glass, or of which glass shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for, and all glass bottles or jars filled with sweetmeats or pre- serves, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. Sec. 10. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the 13 stat. p. 211. duties heretofore imposed by law the articles hereinafter mentioned, and on such as may now be exempt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumer- ated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty — that is to say : 611. First: On annatto seed, extract of annatto, nitrate of barytes, carmined indigo, crude tica, extract of safflower, finishing powder, gold size and patent size, cobalt, oxide of cobalt, smalt, zafFre, and terra alba, twenty per centum ad valorem; on nickel, fifteen per centum ad va- lorem. 612. Second: On albumen, asbestos, asphaltura, (706,) crocus colcot- tra, blue or Roman vitriol or sulphate of copper, bone or ivory drop black, murexide, ultramarine, Indian red, and Spanish brown, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Sec. 11. On and after the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of 13 Stat. p. 211. the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied and collected and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 613. On acetic acid, acetous or concentrated vinegar, or pyroligneous 13 stat. p. 212. acid, exceeding the specific gravity of 1.040, eighty cents per pound; not exceeding the specific gravity of 1.040, known as number eight, twenty- five cents per pound. 614. On acetate or pyrolignate of ammonia, seventy cents per pound; of baryta, forty cents per pound ; of iron, (40,) strontia, and zinc, fifty cents per pound ; of lead, twenty cents per pound ; of magnesia and soda, fifty cents per pound ; of lime, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 615. On analine dyes, one dollar per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 616. On blanc fixe, enamelled white, satin white, lime white, and all combinations of barytes with acids or water, three cents per pound, ; on carmine lake, dry or liquid, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on French green, Paris green, mineral green, mineral blue, and Prussian blue, dry or moist, thirty per centum ad valorem. 617. On almonds, six cents per pound ; sh'elled, ten cents per pound. 618. On articles not otherwise provided for, made of gold, silver, Ger- man silver, or platina, or of which either of these metals shall be a com- ponent part, forty per centum ad valorem. 619. On antimony, crude, and regulus of antimony, ten per centum ad valorem. 620. On opium, two dollars and fifty cents per pound. 621. On opium prepared for smoking, and the extract of opium, one hundred per centum ad valorem. 622. On morphine and its salts, two dollars and fifty cents per ounce. 623. On arrowroot, thirty per centum ad valorem. 624. On brimstone, crude, six dollars per ton. 625. On brimstone in rolls, or refined, ten dollars per ton. 626. On castor beans or seeds per bushel of fifty pounds, sixty cents. 627. On chiccory root, four cents per pound ; ground, burnt, or pre- pared, five cents per pound. 628. On cassia, twenty cents per pound. 629. On cassia buds, and ground cassia, twenty-five cents per pound. 5 34 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 630. On cinnamon, thirty cents per pound. 631. On chloroform, one dollar per pound. 632. On collodion and ethers of all kinds, not otherwise provided for, and ethereal preparations or extracts, fluid, one dollar per pound. 633. On cologne water and other perfumery, of which alcohol forms • the principal ingredient, three dollars per gallon, and fifty per cent, ad valorem. (711.) 634. On cloves, twenty cents per pound ; on clove stems, ten cents per pound. 635. On fusel oil, or amylic alcohol, two dollars per gallon. 636. On Hoffman's anodyne and spirits of nitric ether, fifty cents per pound. 637. On bristles, fifteen cents per pound ; on hogs' hair, one cent per pound ; on istle, or Tampico fibre, one cent per pound. 638. On brushes of all kinds, forty per centum ad valorem. 639. On honey, twenty cents per gallon. 640. On lead, white or red, and litharge, dry or ground in oil, three cents per pound. 641. On percussion caps, forty per centum ad valorem. 642. On lemons, oranges, pine-apples, plantains, cocoa-nuts, and fruits preserved in their own juice, and fruit juice, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 643. On licorice root, two cents per pound ; on licorice paste or lico- rice in rolls, ten cents per pound. 18 Stat. p. 213. 644. On nutmegs, fifty cents per pound. 645. On mace, forty cents per pound. 646. On oils, croton, one dollar per pound ; olive, in flasks or bottles, and salad, one dollar per gallon ; castor, one dollar per gallon ; clove-', two dollars per pound ; cognac or oenanthic ether, four dollars per ounce. (711.) 647. On peanuts or ground beans, one cent per pound ; shelled, one and a half cents per pound. 648. On filberts and walnuts, of all kinds, three cents per pound. 649. On pimento, and black, white, and red or cayenne pepper, fifteen cents per pound ; on ground pimento and pepper of all kinds, eighteen cents per pound. 650. On spirits of turpentine, thirty cents per gallon. 651. On sulphur, flour of, twenty dollars per ton, and fifteen per cent, ad valorem. 652. On tannin, and tannic acid, two dollars per pound; on gallic acid, one dollar and fifty cents per pound. 653. On santonine, five dollars per pound. 654. On salt in sacks, barrels, and other packages, tw;enty-four cents per one hundred pounds. On salt in bulk, eighteen cents per one hundred pounds. 655. On crude saltpeter, [salpetre,] two and one half cents per pound. 656. On strychnine and its salts, one dollar and one half per ounce. 657. On taggers' iron, thirty per centum ad valorem. 658. On vinegar, ten cents per gallon. 659. On watches, gold or silver, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 660. On wood pencils, filled with lead or other materials, fifty cents per gross, and, in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem. (419.) 661. On ostrich, vulture, cock, and other ornamental feathers, crude or not dressed, colored or manufactured, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem; when dressed, colored, or manufactured, fifty per centum ad va- lorem. 662. On playing-cards, costing not over twenty-five cents per pack, twenty-five cents per pack ; costing over twenty-five cents per pack, thirty-five cents per pack. . DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 35 Sec. 12. On and after the day and year aforesaid there shall be 13 Stat. p. 218 levied, collected, and paid a duty of fifty per centum ad valorem on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned and em- braced in this section, that is to say : — 663. Anchovies and sardines, preserved in oil or otherwise. 664. Artificial and ornamental feathers and flowers, or parts thereof, of whatever material composed, not otherwise provided for, beads and bead ornaments. 665. Billiard-chalk. 666. Ginger, preserved or pickled. 667. Ivory or bone dice, draughts, chess-men, chess-balls, and baga- telle-balls. 668. Jellies of all kinds. 669. On kid or other leather gloves of all descriptions, for men's, wo- men's, or children's wear. 670. On wooden and other toys for children. Sec. 13. On and after the day and year aforesaid, m lieu of the 13 Stat. p. 213. duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter men- tioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, im- ported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : — 671. On books, periodicals, pamphlets, blank-books, bound or unbound, and all printed matter, engravings, bound or unbound, illustrated books and papers, and maps and charts, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 672. On cork, bark or wood, unmanufactured, thirty per centum ad 1^ Stat. p. 214. valorem. 673. On corks, and cork bark manufactured, fifty per centum* ad va- lorem. 674. On hatters* furs, not on the skin, and dressed furs on the skin, twenty per centum ad valorem; furs on the skin, undressed, ten per centum ad valorem. 675. On fire-crackers, one dollar per box of forty packs, not ex- ceeding eighty to each pack, and in the same proportion for any greater number. 676. On gutta-percha, manufactured, forty per centum ad valorem. 677. On gunpowder and all explosive substances used for mining, blasting, artillery, or sporting purposes, when valued at twenty cents or less per pound, a duty of six cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem ; valued above twenty cents per pound, a duty of ten cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem. 678. On marble, white statuary, brocatella, sienna, and verd-antique, in block, rough or squared, one dollar per cubic foot, and, in addition thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; on veined marble and mar- ble of all other descriptions, not otherwise provided for, in block, rough or squared, fifty cents per cubic foot, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem. 679. On mineral or medicinal waters, or waters from springs impreg- nated with minerals, for each bottle or jug containing not more than one quart, three cents, and, in addition thereto, twenty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; containing more than one quart, three cents for each additional quart, or fractional part thereof, and, in addition thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 680. On palm-leaf fans, one cent each. 681. On pipes, clay, common or white, thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem. 682. On meerschaum, wood, porcelain, lava, and all other tobacco- smoking pipes and pipe-bowls, not herein otherwise provided for, one Se DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. dollar and fifty cents per gross, and, in addition thereto, seventy-five per centum ad valorem. 683. On pipe-cases, pipe-stems, tips, mouthpieces, and metallic mount- ings for pipes, and all parts of pipes or pipe fixtures, and all smokers' articles, seventy-five per centum ad valorem. • 684. On pen-tips and penholders, or parts thereof, thirty-five per cen- tum ad valorem. 685. On pens, metallic, ten cents per gross, and, in addition thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 686. On soap, fancy, perfumed, honey, transparent, and all descriptions of toilet and shaving soap, ten cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 687. On all soap, not otherwise provided for, one cent per pound, and, in addition thereto, thirty per centum ad valorem. 688. On starch, made of potatoes or corn, one cent per pound, and twenty per centum ad valorem. 689. On starch, made of rice, or any other material, three cents per pound, and twenty per centum ad valorem. 690. On rice, cleaned, two and a half cents per pound ; on uncleaned, two cents per pound. 691. On paddy, one cent and a half per pound. 18 Stat. p. 215. 692. Sec. 17. A discriminating duty of ten per centum ad valorem, in ADDITION to the duties imposed by law, shall be levied, collected, and paid on all goods, wares, and merchandise which, on and after the day this act shall take effect, shall be imported in ships or vessels not of the United States : Provided, That this discriminating duty shall not apply to goods, wares, and merchandise which shall be imported on and after the day this act takes effect, in ships or vessels not of the United States, entitled, by treaty or any act or acts of Congress, to be entered in the ports of the United States on payment of the same duties as shall then be paid on goods, wares, and merchandise imported in ships or vessels of the United States. 18 Stat. p. 216. 693. [Sec. 18. On and afler the day and year this act shall take effect there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all goods, wares, and merchandise of the growth or produce of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope, (except raw cotton,) when imported from places west of the Cape of Good Hope, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, in addition to the duties imposed on any such arti- cles when imported directly from the place or places of their growth or produc- tion : Provided, That section three of the act approved August five, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled " An act to provide increased revenue from im- ports, to pay interest oil the public debt, and for other purposes," and section fourteen of the act approved July fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled " An act increasing temporarily the rates of duties on imports, and for other purposes," be, and the same are hereby repealed.] (708.) 18 Stat. p. 216. 694. Sec. 19. All goods, wares, and merchandise which may be in the public stores or bonded warehouses on the day and year this act shall take effect shall be subjected to no other duty upon the entry thereof for consumption than if the same were imported respectively after that day, and so much of the act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, or any other act, as requires the sale of fire-crackers, or prohibits their deposit in bonded warehouse, is hereby repealed, 18 Stat. p. 216. 695. Sec. 20. The joint resolution " to increase temporarily the duties on imports," approved April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, shall not be deemed to have taken effect until after the thirtieth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and shall be and remain in force until and including the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, and any duties which shall have been exacted and received contrary to the provisions of this section, shall be refunded by the Secretary ef the Treasury. (700, 701.) 13 Stat. p. 216. 696. Sec. 22. That all acts and parts of acts repugnant to the provis- ions of this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. * ♦ ♦ DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 37 697. And provided further, That the duties upon all goods, wares, and merchandise imported from foreign countries not provided for in this act shall be and remain as they were, according to existing laws prior to the twenty-ninth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. (2, 275.) 698. Sec. 25. So much of section twenty-three of the act entitled " An 13 stat. p. 217. act to provide for the payment of outstanding treasury notes, to authorize a loan, to regulate and fix the duties on imports, and for other purposes," approved March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, as exempts from duty all philosophical apparatus and instruments imported for the use of any society incorporated for philosophical, literary, or religious purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use, or by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the finited States, is hereby repealed. And the same shall be subject to a duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem. 699. Sec. 26. When any cask, barrel, carboy, or other vessel of Amer- 13 Stat. p. 217. ican manufacture, exported or sent out of the country, filled with the products of the United States, shall be returned to the United States empty, the same shall be admitted free -of duty, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. (226, 713.) Resolution of April 29, 1864. Joint Resolution to increase temporarily the Duties on Imports. Stat, at Large, 700. Resolved, S^c. That until the end of sixty days from the passage — '- '—^ — * of this resolution, fifty per cent, of the rates of duties and imposts now im- posed by law on all goods, wares, merchandise, and articles imported, shall be added to the present duties and imposts now charged on the importa- tion of such articles: Provided, That printing paper unsized, used for books and newspapers exclusively, shall be exempt from the operation of this resolution. (501, 695, 701.) Resolution of June 27, 1864. Joint Resolution to continue in Force the Joint Resolution entitled, " Joint Resolution to gtat, at Large, increase temporarily the Duties on Imports," approved April twenty-ninth, eighteen hun- Vol. XIIL p. 411. dfrec? a7id sixty-four. 701. Be it resolved, S^c. That the joint resolution increasing the duties on imports, approved April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and is hereby, continued in force until the first day of July next. (700, 695.) Act of March 3, 1865. CHAP. LXXX. — An Act amendatory of certain Acts imposing Duties upon Foreign Stat, at Large* Importations. Vol. XIIL p. 491. Be it enacted, 8^c. That section six of an act entitled " An act to increase the duties on imports, and for other purposes, approved June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be amended, so that paragraphs second, third, and fourth, of section six of said act, shall read as ibllows : 702. Second : On all manufactures of cotton, (except jeans, denims, 13 Stat. p. 492. drillings, bed-tickings, ginghams, plaids, cottonades, pantaloon stuff, and goods of like description,) not bleached, colored, stained, painted, or printed, and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, count- ing the warp and filling, and exceeding in weight five ounces per square yard, five cents per square yard ; if bleached, five cents and a half per square yard ; if colored, stained, painted, or printed, five cents and a half Sa DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. per square yard, and, in addition thereto, ten per centum ad valorem. On finer and lighter goods of like description, not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, unbleached, five cents per square yard ; if bleached, five and a half cents per square yard ; ^ if colored, stained, painted, or printed, five and a half cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad A^alorera. On goods of like description, exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, unbleached, five cents per square yard ; if bleached, five and a half cents per square yard ; if colored, stained, paint- ed, or printed, five and a half cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, twenty per centum ad valorem. (15, 426, 588.) 70o. Third : On all cotton jeans, denims, drillings, bed-tickings, ging- hams, plaids, cottonades, pantaloon stufis, and goods of like description, or for similar use, if unbleached, and not exceeding one hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, and exceeding five ounces to the square yard, six cents per square yard ; if bleached, six cents and a half per square yard ; if colored, stained, painted, or printed, six cents and a half per square yard, and, in addition thereto, ten per centum ad valorem. On finer or lighter goods' of like description, not exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, if unbleached, six cents per square yard ; if bleached, six and a half cents per square yard; if colored, stained, painted, or printed, six and a half cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, fifteen per cen- tum ad valorem. On goods of lighter description, exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, if unbleached, seven cents per square yard ; if bleached, seven and a half cents per square yard ; if colored, stained, painted, or printed, seven and a half cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, fifteen per centum ad va- lorem ; Provided, That upon all plain woven cotton goods, not included in the foregoing schedule, unbleached, valued at over sixteen cents per square yard ; bleached, valued at over twenty cents per square yard ; colored, valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard ; and cotton jeans, denims, and drillings, unbleached, valued at over twenty cents per square yard, and all other cotton goods of every description, the value of which shall exceed twenty-five cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of tliirty-five per centum ad valorem: And provided fur- ther, That no cotton goods having more than two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, shall be admitted to a less rate of duty than is provided for goods which are of that number of threads. 704. Fourth : On spool thread of cotton, six cents per dozen spools, containing on each spool not exceeding one hundred yards of thread, and, in addition thereto, thirty per centum ad valorem ; exceeding one hundred yards, for every additional hundred yards of thread on each spool or frac- tional part thereof, in excess of one hundred yards, six cents per dozen, and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. On cotton thread or yarn, when advanced beyond single yarn, by twisting two or more strands together, if not wound upon spools, four (4) cents per skein or hank of eight hundred and forty (840) yards, and thirty per cent ad valorem. (15, 426.) 18 Stat. p. 492. Sec. 2. From and after the day when this act takes effect, in ad- dition to the duties heretofore imposed by law on the importation of the articles mentioned in this section, there shall be levied, collect- ed, and paid the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say: 705. On brandy, (509,) rum, (512,) gin, and whiskey, (510,) and on cordials, (511, 512,) liquors, [liqueurs,] arrack, absyuthe, and all other spirituous liquors and spirituous beverages, fifty cents per gallon, (511, 512,) of first proof and less strength, and shall be increased in proportion 18 Stat. p. 493. ^^^ ^"7 gJeater strength that [tiian] the strength of first proof. On spun silk for filling in skins or cops, ten per centum ad valorem. (592.) On DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 39 iron bars for railroads or inclined planes, ten cents per one hundred pounds. (277, 521.) On wrought-iron tubes, one cent per pound. (539.) 706. Sec. 3. From and after this act takes effect, in lieu of the duties 13 Stat. p. 498. heretofore imposed by law on the importation of the articles mentioned in this section, there shall be levied, collected, and paid the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : On cotton, five cents per pound. On illuminating oil and naphtha, benzine, and benzole, refined or produced from the distillation of coal, asphaltum, (612,) shale, peat, petroleum, or rock oil, or other bituminous substances (92) used for like purposes, forty cents per gallon. On crude petroleum, or rock oil, twenty cents per gal- lon ; on crude coal oil, fifteen cents per gallon. On tobacco stems, fifteen cents per pound. On ready-made clothing of silk, or of which silk shall be a component material of chief value, sixty per centum ad valorem. On quicksilver, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 707. Sec. 5. The term " statuary," as used in the laws now in force ^^ Stat. p. 493. imposing duties on foreign importations, shall be understood to include professional productions of a statuary or of a sculptor only. (52, 251, 500.) 708. Sec. 6. There shall be hereafter collected and paid on all goods, ^3 Stat. p. 493. wares, and merchandise of the growth or produce of countries [east] of the Cape of Good Hope, (except raw cotton and raw silk, as reeled from the cocoon, or not further advanced than tram, thrown, or organzine,) when imported from places west of the Cape of Good Hope, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, in addition to the duties imposed on any such article when imported directly from the place or places of their growth or production. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect on and after the first day [of] 13 Stat. p. 494. April, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Act of March 16,* 1866. CHAP. XVIII. — An Act further to secure American Citizens certain Privileges under the Stat, at Large, Treaty of Washington. Vol. XIV. p. 9. 709a. The produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the Saint John river and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and sawed or hewed in the province of New Brunswick by American citizens, (the same being unmanufactured in whole or in part,) which is now admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, shall continue to be so admit- ted under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from and after the seventeenth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Act of May 16, 1866. CHAP. LXXXII. — An Act imposing a Duty on Live Animals. Stat, at Large, ^ ^ ^ Vol. XIV. p. 48. 7095. On and after the passage of this act, there shall be levied, collect- ed, and paid, on all horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs, and other live ani- mals imported from foreign countries, a duty of twenty per centum ad valo- rem : [^Provided, That any such animals now bona fide owned by resident citizens of the United States, and now in any of the provinces of British America, may be im- ported into the United States free of duty until the expiration of ten days next after the passage of this act.] 40 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. Act of June 1, 1866. Stat, at Large, CHAP. C V. — An Act to protect American Citizens engaged in Lumbering on the St. Vol. XIV. p. 66. Croix River, in the State of Maine. 709c. The produce of the forests of the State of Maine upon the St. 9 Croix river and its tributaries, owned by American citizens, and sawed in the province of New Brunswick by American citizens, (the same being unmanufactured in whole, or in part,) and having paid the same taxes as other American lumber on that river, shall be admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time prescribe. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Act op July 28, 1866. Stat, at Large, CHAP. CCXC VIII. — An Act to protect the Revenue and for other Purposes. Vol. XIV. p. 328 . ' From and after the ' tenth day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, in lieu of the duties now imposed by law on the articles mentioned and embraced in this section, there shall be levied, collect- ed, and paid, on all goods, wares, and merchandise, imported from foreign countries, the duties heretofore [hereinafter] provided, viz. : 710. On cigars, cigarettes, and cheroots of all kinds, three dollars per pound, and, in addition thereto, fifty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That paper cigars and cigarettes, including wrappers, shall be subject to the same duties as are herein imposed upon cigars : And provided further, That on and after the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, no cigars shall be imported unless the same are packed in boxes of not more than five hundred cigars in each box ; and no entry of any imported cigars shall be allowed of less quantity than three thousand in a single package ; and all cigars on importation shall be placed in public store or bonded warehouse, and shall not be removed therefrom until the same shall have been inspected and a stamp affixed to each box indicating such inspection, with the date thereof. And the Secretary of the Treas- ury is hereby authorized to provide the requisite stamps, and to make all necessary regulations for carrying the above provisions of law into effect. _ 711. On cotton, three cents per pound ; on all compounds or prepara- tions of which distilled spirits is a component part of chief value, there shall be levied a duty not less than that imposed upon distilled spirits : Provided, That brandy and other spirituous liquors may be imported in casks or other packages of any capacity not less than thirty gallons ; and that wine in bottles may be imported in boxes containing not less than one dozen bottles of not more than one quart each ; and wine, brandy, or other spirituous liquor imported into the United States, and shipped after the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, in any less quan- tity than herein provided for, shall be forfeited to the United States. 14 Stat. p. 830. 712. Sec. 11. [During [the] period of one year from the passage of this act there may be imported into the United States, free of duty, any niachiiiery de- signed solely for and adapted to the manufacture of su^ar from beets, including all the preliminary processes requisite therefor, but not nicluding any machinery which may be used for any other manufactures.] (730.) 14 Stat. p. 330. 713. Sec. 12. Upon the reimportation of articles once exported of the growth, product, or manufacture of the United States, upon which no in- ternal tax has been assessed or paid, or upon which such tax has been paid and refunded by allowance or drawback, there shall be levied, col- lected, and paid a duty equal to the tax imposed by the internal revenue laws upon such articles. (226, 699.) DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 41 Act of March 2, 1867. CHAP. CXC VII. — An Act to provide increased Revenue from imported Wool, andjor Stat, at Large, other Purposes. Vol. XIV. p. 559 714 That from and after the passage of this act, in lieu of the duties now imposed by law on the articles mentioned and embraced in this sec- tion, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all unmanufactured wool, hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals, imported from foreign countries, the duties hereinafter provided. All wools, hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals, as aforesaid, shall be divided for the pur- pose of fixing the duties to be charged thereon, into three classes, to wit: (576.) Class 1. — Clothing Wool: 715. That is to say, merino, mestiza, metz, or metis wools, or other wools of merino blood, immediate or remote ; down clothing wools, and wools of like character with any of the preceding, including such as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Buenos Ayres, New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, Russia, Great Bri- tain, Canada, and elsewhere, and also including all wools not hereinafter described or designated in classes two and three. (576.) Class 2. — Combing Wools : 716. That is to say, Leicester, Cotswold, Lincolnshire, down combing wools, or other like combing wools, of P^nglish blood, and usually known by the terms herein used ; and also all hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals. (576.) Class 3. — Carpet Wools, and other similar Wools : 717. Such as Donskoi, native South American, Cordova, Valparaiso, native Smyrna, and including all such wools of like character as have been heretofore usually imported into the United States from Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Syria, and elsewhere. (576.) 718. For the purpose of carrying into effect the classification herein provided, a sufficient number of distinctive samples of the various kinds of wool or hair embraced in each of the three classes above named, selected and prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Treas- ury, and duly verified by him, (the standard samples being retained in the Treasury Department,) shall be deposited in the custom-houses and elsewhere, as he may direct, which samples shall be used by the proper officers of the customs to determine the classes above specified, to which all imported wools belong. (576.) 719. And upon wools of the first class, the value whereof at the last port or place whence exported to the United States, excluding charges in such port, shall be thirty-two cents or less per pound, the duty shall be ten cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, eleven per centum ad valorem ; upon wools of the same class, the value whereof at the last port or place whence exported to the United States, excluding charges in such port, shall exceed thirty-two cents per pound, the duty shall be twelve cents per pound, and in addition thereto, ten per centum ad valorem. Upon wools of the second class, and upon all hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals, the value whereof at the last port or place whence exported to the United States, excluding charges in such port, shall be thirty-two cents or less per pound, the duty shall be ten cents per pound, and in addition thereto, eleven per centum ad valorem ; upon wools of the same class, the value whereof at the last port or place whence exported to the United States, excluding charges in such port, shall exceed thirty-two cents per pound, the duty shall be twelve cents per pound, and in addi- tion thereto, ten per centum ad valorem. Upon wools of the third class, 6 42 DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 14 Stat. p. 660. the value whereof at the last port or place whence exported into the United States, excluding charges in such port, shall be twelve cents or less per pound, the duty shall be three cents per pound ; upon wools of the same class, the value whereof at the last port or place whence ex- ported to the United States, excluding charges in such port, shall exceed twelve cents per pound, the duties shall be six cents per pound : Provided, That any wool of the sheep, or hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals, which shall be imported in any other than the ordinary condition as now and heretofore practiced, or which shall be changed in its character or condition, for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the admixture of dirt, or any other foreign substance, shall be subject to pay twice the amount of duty to which it would be otherwise subjected, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding : Provided, further, That when wool of different qualities is imported in the same bale, bag, or package, it shall be appraised by the appraiser, to determine the rate of duty to which it shall be subjected, at the average aggregate value of the contents of the bale, bag, or package : and when bales of dif- ferent qualities are embraced in the same invoice at the same prices whereby the average price shall be reduced more than ten per centum below the value of the bale of the best quality, the value of the whole shall be appraised according to the value of the bale of the best quality ; and no bale, bag, or package shall be liable to a less rate of duty in conse- quence of being invoiced with wool of lower value: And provided further. That the duty upon wool of the first class which shall be imported washed shall be twice the amount of duty to which it would be subjected if imported unwashed, and that the duty upon wool of all classes which shall be imported scoured shall be three times the amount of the duty to which it would be subjected if imported unwashed. (576.) On sheep- skins and Angora goat skins, raw or unmanufactured, (577,) imported with the wool on, washed or unwashed, the duty shall be thirty per centum ad valorem ; and on woollen rags, (297,) shoddy, (577,) mungo, waste, and flocks, (577,) the duty shall be twelve cents per pound. 14 Stat p. 661. gg(^^ 2. That IN lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned, and on such as may now be ex- empt from duty, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the goods, wares and merchandise herein enumerated and provided for, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say : 720. On woollen cloths, woollen shawls, and all manufactures of wool of every description made wholly or in part of wool, not herein otherwise provided for, fifty cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. (579.) 721. On flannels, blankets, hats of wool, knit goods, Balmorals, (725,) woollen and worsted yarns, and all manufactures of every description, composed wholly or in part of worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other like animals, except such as are composed in part of wool, not oth- erwise provided for, valued at not exceeding forty cents per pound, twenty cents per pound; valued at above forty cents per pound and not exceed- ing sixty cents per pound, thirty cents per pound ; valued at above sixty cents per pound and not exceeding eighty cents per pound, forty cents per pound ; valued at above eighty cents per pound, fifty cents per pound ; and in addition thereto, upon all the above-named articles, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 722. On endless belts or felts for paper or printing machines, twenty cents per pound and thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 723. On bunting, twenty cents per square yard, and, in addition there- to, tliirty-five per centum ad valorem. 724. On women's and children's dress goods and real or imitation Italian cloths, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 43 the alpaca, goat, or other like animals, valued at not exceeding twenty 1* Stat. p. 561. cents per square yard, six cents per square yard, and in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; valued at above twenty cents the square yard, eight cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, forty per centum ad valorem: Provided^ That on all goods weighing four ounces and over per square yard, the duty shall be fifty cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 725. On clothing ready made, and wearing apparel of every descrip- tion, and Balmoral (721,) skirts and skirting, and goods of similar de- scription, or used for like purposes, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat, or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or manufacturer, except knit goods, fifty cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, forty per centum ad valorem. 726. On webbings, beltings, bindings, braids, galloons, fringes, gimps, cords, cords and tassels, dress-trimmings, head-nets, buttons or barrel but- tons, or buttons of other forms for tassels or ornaments, wrought by hand or braided by machinery, made of wool, worsted, or mohair, or of which wool, worsted or mohair is a component material, unmixed with silk, fifty cents per pound, and, in addition thereto, fifty per centum ad valorem. 727. On Aubusson and Axminster carpets, and carpets woven whole for rooms, fifty per centum ad valorem; on Saxony, Wilton and Tournay velvet carpets, wrought by the Jacquard machine, seventy cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; on Brussels carpets wrought by the Jacquard machine, forty-four cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad va- lorem ; on patent velvet and tapestry velvet carpets, printed on the warp or otherwise, forty cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, thirty- five per centum ad valorem ; on tapestry Brussels carpets (578,) printed on the warp or otherwise, twenty-eight cents per square yard, and, in ad- dition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on treble ingrain, three-ply, and worsted chain Venetian carpets, seventeen cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on yarn Venetian and two-ply ingrain carpets, twelve cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; on druggets and bockings, printed, colored, or otherwise, twenty-five cents per square yard, and, in addition thereto, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; on hemp or jute carpeting, eight cents per square yard ; on carpets and car- petings of wool, flax, or cotton, or parts of either, or other material not otherwise herein specified, forty per centum ad valorem : Provided, That mats, rugs, screens, covers, hassocks, bedsides, and other portions of car- pets or carpeting shall be subjected to the rate of duty herein imposed on carpets or carpeting of like character or description, and that the duty on all other mats, (not exclusively of vegetable material,) (578,) screens, hassocks, and rugs, shall be forty-five per centum ad valorem. 728. On oil-cloths for floors, stamped, painted, or printed, valued at ' fifty cents or less per square yard, thirty-five per centum ad valorem ; valued at over fifty cents per square yard, and on all other oil-cloth, (ex- cept silk oil-cloth,) and on water-proof cloth, not otherwise provided for, forty-five per centum ad valorem ; on oil silk cloth, sixty per centum ad valorem. Resolution of March 2, 1867. No. 28. Joint Resolution to amend Section five of an Act entitled **An Act to increase Duties ^'**'^* I^a^gJ* on Imports, and for other Purposes," approved June thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred Vol' XI V. p. 447. and sixty four. 729. Be it resolved, S^c. That the paragraph of section five (584,) of an act entitled " An act to increase duties on imports, and for other purposes,*' U DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 14 Stat. p. 447. approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as follows, to wit : " On lastings, mohair cloth, silk, twist, wool, or other manufactured cloth woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, and form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for shoes, slippers, bootees, gaiters, and buttons exclusively, not combined with India-rubber, ten per cent, ad valorem," # be, and the same is hereby, repealed. (584, 720, 721.) 730. Sec. 2. That from and after the passage of this resolution, machin- ery for the manufacture of beet sugar, and imported for that purpose sole- ly, shall be exempted from duty. (712.) Resolution of March 22, 1867. Stat, at Large, No. 8. Joint Resolution to supply an Omission in the Enrolment of the "Act to provide Vol. XV. p. increased Revenue from imported Wool, and for other Purposes.^' 731. Whereas in the enrolment of the bill entitled " An act to provide increased revenue from imported wool, and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, the words " Canada long wools" were inadvertently omitted from the paragraph designated under the heading " Class 2. Combing Wools " ; and whereas said words are in the engrossed bill, and were intended as part of the act aforesaid, as pasj^ed by the Thirty-ninth Congress : Therefore — Be it resolved, S^c. That the " Act to provide increased revenue from imported wool, and for other purposes," aforesaid, be, and is hereby, amended by inserting after the words " Down combing wools," in the paragraph headed " Class 2. Combing Wools " the words " Canada long wools." (716.) Resolution of March 25, 1867. Stat, at Large, No. 11. Joint Resolution fixing ike Rate of Duty on Umbrellas , and on Wire Spiral Vol. XV. p. Furniture Springs. 732. Be it resolved, S^c. That from and after the passage of this joint resolution, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, imported from foreign countries, when made of silk, no lower rate of duty than that now imposed upon piece and dress silks, namely, sixty per centum ad valorem, and when made of other materials than silk, the duty shall be fifty per centum ad valorem ; and that wire spiral furniture springs, imported from foreign countries, manufactured of iron wire, shall be required to pay the same rate of duty as now imposed on iron wire, namely, two cents per pound, and fifteen per centum ad valorem. Resolution of March 26, 1867. Stat, at Large, No 13. Joint Resolution providing for the Importation into the United States of certain Vol. XV. p. Works of Art Dutyfree, and for other Purposes. 733. Be it resolved, Sfc. That from and after the passage of this joint reso- lution any object of art imported by any individual or association of individ- uals for presentation as a gift to the United States Government, or to any State, county, or municipal government, shall be admitted free of duty, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. * 734. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized to refund the duties paid on any steam agricultural machinery imported into the United States during the current fiscal year as models or for experimental purposes, and to remit the duties on any steam ma- chinery of like description wHich may be imported for such purpose prior to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight : Provided, That this section shall apply only to steam ploughs. DIGEST OF STATUTES PRESCRIBING RATES OF DUTIES. 45 Resolution op March 29, 1867. Joint Resolution to amend an Act entitled " An Act to provide increased Revenue from Stat, at Large, imported Wool and for other Purposes." Vol. XV. p. 735. Be it resolved, S^c. That the act entitled " An act to provide in- creased revenue from imported wool and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, be amended by striking out in the paragraph commencing with the words " on webbings, beltings, bindings, braids," the following words, viz : " unmixed with silk." 736. Sec. 2. That the joint resolution of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, to amend section five of an act entitled " An act to increase the duties on imports and for other purposes," approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, shall not be construed to apply to lasting, mohair cloth, silk, twist, or other manufactures of cloth woven or made in patterns of such size, shape and form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for buttons exclusively. INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS. Absynthe,511, 705, 711. Academies, articles imported for, 192, 698. Acetates, 614. Acetic acid, 613. Acid, acetic, 613. Acid, chromic, 7. Acid, pyroligneous, 613. Acids, 7, 18, 190, 310, 358, 613, 652. Acids, benzoic and muriatic, 358. Acids, boracic, citric, oxalic, sulphuric, and tar- taric, 310. Acids for chemical uses, 190. Acids for manufacturing uses, 190. Acids, tannic and gallic, 652. Acorn coffee, 403. Adhesive felt, 220. Alabaster ornaments, 118, Albata, 120, 431. Albumen, 612. Alcornoque, 191. Ale, 515. Almond oil, expressed, 342. Almonds, 617. Alpaca dress goods, 580, 581, 724. Alpaca, manufactures of, 583, 721, 724, 725. Alum, alum patent and substitute, 311. Aluminous cake, 311. Alumina, sulphate of, 311. Ambergris, 193. American artists, works of, 251, 500, 707. American fisheries, produce of, 249. American products reimported, 226, 699, 709a. 709c, 713. Americans dying abroad, effects of, 254. Ammonia, 19, 359. Ammonia, acetate or pyrolignate of, 614. Amylic alcohol, 635. Analine dyes, 615. . Anchors, 531. Anchovies, 663. Angora goat skins, 719. Animal oils, 95. Animals, living, 195, 7095. Anise seed, 353. Annatto, 194. Annatto, extract of, 611. Annatto seed, 611. Antimony and regulus of, 619. Antiquities, collections of, 210. Anvils, 529. Apparel, wearing, made by hand, 122, 139, 433, 446, 579, 706, 721, 725. Argentine, 120, 431. Argols, 312. Arms, side, 184,489. Arrack, 511, 705, 711. Arrow-root, 623. Arsenic, 359. Art, objects of, imported for presentation, 733. Articles, not enumerated, 2, 275, 697. Articles obscene or indecent, importation prohib- ited, 2, note. Asbestos, 612. Asphaltum, 612, 706. Assafoetida, 19, 363. Asses' skins, 123. Bacon, 13. Bagatelle balls, 667. Balmorals, 579, 721, 725 Balsams, 124. Bamboos, 20. Bananas, 296. Barilla, 197. Bar iron, 520. Barley, 13. Barley, pearl or hulled, 398. Barks,.21. Barks, medicinal, 359. Barrels, American, 699. .Baryta, acetate or pyrolignate of, 614. Barytes, combinations of, 616. Barytes, nitrate of, 611. Barytes and sulphate of, 314. Baskets, 125, 435. Bay oil, 342. Bay rum, 512, 705, 711. Bay-rum essence or oil, 351, 711. Beads and ornaments of, 664. Bed-tickings, cotton, 703. Bed-screws, iron, 534. Bed-sides, 578, 727. Beds, substances used for, 80. Beef, 13, 7096. Beer, 515. Beeswax, 22, 364. Beet-sugar machinery, 712, 730. Bells, old, and bell metal, 198. Belts and belting, 579, 722, 726, 735. Benzine, 706. Benzoates, 126, Benzoic acid, 358. Benzole, 706. Berlin blue, 501. Berries for dyeing, 199. Berries, juniper, 41. Bicarbonate of soda, 291, 395. Bichromate of potash, 346. Billiard chalk, 665. Bindings of wool, worsted, or mohair, 726, 735. Birds, 200, 7096. Bismuth, 201. Bitter apples, 316. Bituminous substances, 706. Bituminous substances, crude, 92, 706. Black lead, 416. Blacking, 365. Blacksmiths' hammers and sledges, 532. Bladders, manufactures of, 412. Blanc fixe, 616. Blank books, 671. Blankets, 579, 721. Blanketing for printing machines, 579, 721. Blay linens, 15, 427, 589. Boards, 64, 709a, 709c. INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS. 47 Bobinet, cotton, 588. Bockings, 578, 727. Boiler, plate iron, 4, 304, 521. Bologna sausages, 127. Bolts, 535. Bolting cloths, 202. Bonded Avarehouses, goods in, 694. Bone black, 612. Bone dice, draughts, chessmen, chess-balls, and bagatelle balls, 667. Bone, manufactures of, 162, 468. Bones and bonedust, 203. Bonnets, 399. Books, 671. Books for Congressional Library, 3, 204. Books, professional, of immigrants, 271. Boot and bootee cloths, 584, 720, 721, 729. Boracic acid, 310. Borate of lime, 318. Borax, 317. Botany, specimens of, 265. Boxes, paper and fancy, 174, 480. Boxwood, 274. Bracelets, of hair, 128, 436. Brads, cut, 538. Braids, 400. Braids, cotton, 588. Braids, hair, 128, 436. Braids of silk, 592, 593. Braids of wool, worsted, or mohair, 726, 735. Brandy, 509, 705, 711. Brandy, coloring for, 404, 711. Brass and brass-plated coach and harness hard- ware, 140, 447. Brass-covered coach and harness hardware, 140, 447. Brass, manufactures of, 1 63, 470. Brass, old, in pigs or bars, 23, 309. Brazil paste, 24. Brazil wood, 205. Braziletto, 205. Breccia, 206. Brick, 65. Brime, 207. Brimstone, 624, 625. Bristles, 637. Britannia ware, 434. Bronze liquor, 25. Bronze metal in leaf, 30. Bronze powder, 66. Brooms, 130, 438. Brown Hollands, 15, 427, 589. Brushes, 638. Buchu leaves, 319. Building-stones, 26, 366. Bulbs, 406. Bullion, 208. Bunting, 583, 723. Burgundy pitch, 67. Burning-fluid, 315. Burrstones, 68, 209. Butter, 13. Buttons and button moulds, 131, 726, 735. Button cloths, 584, 720, 721, 729, 736. Cabinet furniture, 153, 459. Cabinet woods, 274. Cabinets of coins, medals, and antiquities, 210. Cable and cable chains, iron, 306, 529. Cables, tarred, 590. Cadmium, 211. Calamine, 212. Calisaya bark, 359. Calomel, 69, 367. Cameos, 117, 575. Camphor, 320, 711. Canary seed, 353. Candies, 507. Candles, 402. Cane-juice, 508. Canes, 132, 439. Cantharides, 321. Cape of Good Hope, products from beyond, 693 708. Capers, 133, 440. Caps, fur, 134, 441. Caps, made on frames, 135, 442. Caraway seed, 353. Carbonate of ammonia, 359. Carbonate of soda, 102, 291, 292, 395. Carboys, American, 699. Cardamom seed, 353. Card cases, 136, 443. Cards, playing, 662. Carriage furniture, 140, 447 Carriages, and parts thereof, 137, 444. Carmine lake, 616. Carpets and carpeting, 578, 727. Carpeting of coir, 88, 425. Casks, American, 699. Cassia and cassia buds, 628, 629. Castor beans or seeds, 626. Castor oil, 646, 711. Castorum, 70. Catechu, 358. Catgut, 93, 383. Catsup, 368. Cattle, living, 7096. Caustic soda, 293, 396. Cedar, 274. Cedar wood, manufactures of, 166, 473. Cement, Roman, 101. Chain cables, 306, 529. Chains, hair, 128, 436. Chains, iron, 530. Chalk, billiard, 665. Chalks, 600. Charts, 671. Charts for Congressional Library, 3, 204. Cheese, 13. Cheroots, 710. Chessmen and balls, 667. Chiccory root, 627. Children's dress goods, 164, 165, 471, 472, 579, 580, 581, 724, 725. China ware, 595, 596. Chinese blue, 501. Chip hats, bonnets, and hoods, 399. Chloride of lime, 294. Chloroform, 631. Chocolate, 280, 392. Chromate of potash, 6. Chromate of lead or chrome yellow, 330. Chrome yellow, 330. Chromic acid, 7. Chronometers, 27. Cigars and cigarettes, 516, 710. Cinchona bark, 359. Cinnamon, 630. Citric acid, 310. Civet oil, 369. Clay, 598. Cliffstone, 600. Clocks and parts thereof, 138, 445. Cloth for shoes, buttons, &c. 584, 720, 721, 729, 736. Clothing, by hand, 122, 139, 433, 446, 579,706, 725. Clothing made on frames, 135, 442, 725. Clothing, wool, or part wool, made by hand, 579, 725. 48 INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS. Cloths, woollen, 579, 720. Cloves and clove stems, 634. Cloves, oil of, 646. Coach furniture, 140, 447. Coach hardware, 140, 447. Coal, 1, 563. Goal culm, 564. Coal oil, 706. Coatings, linen, 15, 427, 589. Cobalt and oxide of, 611. Cobalt ores, 213, 370. Cocculus Indicus, 322. Cocoa, 278, 279, 392. Cocoa leaves and shells, 278. Cocoanut oil, 50. Codilla, 16. CofFee, 303. Coffee, substitutes for, 403. Cognac oil, 646. Coins, 214. Coins, cabinets of, 210. Coir, 16, 428, 727. Coir floor matting and carpeting, 425, 727. Coir yarns, 590. Coke, 564. Colleges, articles imported for, 192. Collodion, 632. Colocynth or coloquintida, 316. Cologne water, 633. Colors, 501, 616. Colors, moist water, for paper hangings, &c., 330. Colors, water, 188, 497. Combs, 141, 448. Compositions of glass or paste, 117, 449. Composition table-tops, 142, 450. Compounds of distilled spirits, 711. Confectionery, 507. Congressional Library, books, &c. for, 3, 204. Copper bottoms, 572. Copper for United States mint, 215. Copper in sheets and plates, 572. Copper, manufactures of, 163, 308, 470. Copper medals, 244. Copper, old, 5. Copper ore, 117. Copper, pigs, bars, and ingots, 570. Copper rods, bolts, nails, and spikes, 572. Copper sheath ings, 571. Copper, sulphate of, 612. Copperas, 10, 393. Coral, manufactured, 144. Coral, marine, 243. Cordage, 590. Cordage, vegetable substances used for, 16, 428. Cordials, 511, 705, 711. Cords and tassels of silk, 592. Cords and tassels of wool, worsted, or mohair, 726, 735. Coriander seed, 353. Cork and corks, 672, 673. Corn, Indian, 13. Corn meal, 28. Cosmetics, 362, 711. Cot bottoms, 15, 427, 589. Cotton, 711. Cotton bagging, 591. Cotton braids, laces, &c. 588. Cotton carpeting, 578, 727. Cotton hat-bodies, 155, 461. Cotton hosiery, 586, Cotton jeans, denims, drillings, tickings, ging- hams, plaids, and pantaloon stuffs, 703. Cotton, manufactures of, 15, 426, 588, 702, 703. Cotton manufactures, embroidered or tamboured, 16.5, 472. Cotton shirts and drawers, woven and made on frames, 586. Cotton and silk plush, 82, 471. Cotton thread and yarn,. 15, 426, 704. Cotton velvet, 587. Cottonades, 703. Court-plaster, 145, 452. Covers, 578, 727. Cowhage down, 71. Cranks, mill, 528. Crayons, 146. Cream tartar, 312. Crocus colcottra, 612. Croton oil, 646. Crude articles for dyeing and tanning, 196. Cubebs, 324. Cudbear, 358. Cuttlefish bone, 323. Culm of coal, 564. Cumin seed, 353. Curls, hair, 128, 436. Currants, 281. Cutch, 358. Cutlery, 147, 453, 559. Damage from rust, 307. Damasks, linen, 15, 427, 589. Dandelion root, 403. Darning needles, 94, 479. Dates, 282. Definition of " ton,*' 276. Denims, cotton, 703. Diamonds, 117, 575. Diamonds, glazier's, 29. Dice, 667. Discriminating duties, 692, 693, 694, 708, 709a, 709c. Distilled spirits, compounds of, 711. Divi-divi, 216. Dolls, 148, 454. Downs for beds, 405. Dragon's blood, 325. Draughts, 667. Drawers, cotton, 586. Drawers, wool or part wool, 582, 720, 721, 725. Dress goods for women and children, 164, 165, 471, 472, 579, 580, 581, 724, 725. Dress-trimmings of silk, 592, 593. Dress-trimmings of wool, worsted, or mohair, 726, 73.5. Dried pulp, 72. Drillings, cotton, 703. Drills, linen, 15,427, 589. Druggets, 578, 727. Drugs, crude, 90, 359. Dutch pink, 330. Dutch metal in leaf, 30. Duties, discriminating, 692, 693, 694, 708, 709a, 709c. Dye-woods, 205. Dye-woods, extracts and decoctions of, 219, 371, 711. Dyeing, berries, nuts, &c. used for, 199. Dyeing, cnide articles used for, 196. Dyes, analine, 615. Earthen ware, 594, 596. Ebony, 274. Ebony wood, manufactures of, 166, 473. Effects of Americans dying abroad, 254. Effects of Immigrants, 271. Emery, 326. Embroidered articles, 165, 472. Embroidery in gold, silver, or other metal, 121, 432. INDEX TO PARAGRAPHS. 49 Enamelled leather and skins, 158, 464. Enamelled white, 616. Encaustic tiles, 149, 455. Endless belts or felts, 579, 722. Engraved plates, 415. Engravings, 671. Envelopes, paper, 175, 481. Epaulettes, gold, silver, or other metal, 150, 456. Epsom salts, 328. Ergot, 327. Essences, 343, 351, 711. Essences for toilet, 362, 711. Essences, fruit, 329. Ethers, 632. Ethers, fruit, 329. Ethereal preparations and extracts, 632. Explosives, for mining, &c. 677. Expressed oils, 95, 342. Extract of opium, 621. Extracts for toilet, 362, 711. Fancy boxes, 174, 480. Fans, 151, 457, 680. Fans, palm-leaf, 680. Feather-beds, 73. Feathers for beds, 405. Feathers, artificial and ornamental, 661, 664. Feldspar, 74. Felt, adhesive, 220. Felts, endless, for paper or printing machines, 579, 722. Fennel seed, 353. Fenugreek seed, 353. Fig blue, 501. Figs, 283. Filberts, 648. Files and file blanks, 558. Finishing powder, 611. Fire-arms, 172, 478. Fire-brick, 65. Fire-crackers, 675, 694. Fire-screens, 151, 457. Fire-wood, 75. Fish, 12, 222, 7096. Fish glue, 76, 377. Fish in oil, 119, 663. Fish oil, 95. Fish, prepared, 189, 485. Fish skins, 77. Fisheries, American, produce of, 249. Flannels, 579, 720, 721. Flannels, part cotton, 579, 720, 721. Flannels, part silk, 579, 720, 721. Flats, 400. Flax, 16. Flax carpeting, 578, 727. Flax, manufactures of, 15, 427, 578, 589, 591, 727. Flax tow, 16. Flax twine, packthread, and yarn, 589. Flaxseed, 13. Flaxseed oil, 9, 394. Flints and ground flint, 221, 372. Floats, 558. Flocks, 577, 719. Floor matting of coir, 425. Flour, rye, 55. Flower seeds, 406. Flowers, artificial, 664. Flowers for dyeing, 199. Flowers, medicinal, 359. Flues, wrought iron, 539. Fluid, burning, 315, 711. Forests of Maine, products of, 709a, 709c. Fowls, 200, 7096. Frames for umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades^ 152, 458. Frankfort black, 501. French green, 616. Fringes of silk, 592. Fringes of wool, worsted, or mohair, 726, 735. Fruit, 31. Fruit ethers, essences or oils, 329. Fruit juice, 642. Fruit preserved in own juice, 642.* Fruit preserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses, 143,451, 711. Fuller's earth, 599. Fulminates, 418. Furniture, cabinet and household, 153, 459. Furniture springs, 732. Furniture tops, composition, 142, 450. Furniture tops, Scagliola, 182, 487. Furs, 674. Fur caps, hats, muffs, and tippets, 134, 441. Fur, manufactures of, 134, 441. Fusel oil, 635. Gaiter cloths, 584, 720, 721, 729. Gallic acid, 652. Galloons, gold, silver, or other metal, 150, 456. Galloons of silk, 592. Galloons of wool, worsted, or mohair, 726, 735. Galvanized iron, 522. Gamboge, 32. Game, prepared, 180, 485. Garancine or extract of madder, 218, 373. Garden seeds, 407. Gas retorts, 594. Gelatine, 161, 467. Gems, 117,575. German silver, 120, 431. German silver, articles made of, 618. Gilt ware, 179, 484. Gimps of wool, worsted, or mohair, 7.26, 735. Ginger, 666. Ginger