fac U3R*g.~/ A Biographical Sketch of Professor March. rRANCIS ANDREW MARCH, Sr.. was born in the village of Millbury. Mass.. October 25, 1825. In his boyhood he evinced a decided taste for literature, and, his ambitions being fostered, he improved his oppor- tunities so well that in 1845 he was graduated from Amherst College, v/hich in 1848 bestowed upon him the degree of A. M. He entered upon the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1850, but ill health compelled him to give up an excellent practice, whereupon he turned to his favorite studies, philosophy, language and literature, in which he very soon gained permanent fame among colleges and learned persons of both Europe and America. In 1870 the degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Princeton, and in 1871 by Amherst. In 1887 Columbia honored him with the degree of L.H.D.,andin 1396 he received from Oxford, England, the title of D.C.L.,and from Cambridge, England, and also from Princeton, the same year, the very distin- guished degree of Litt.D. Professor March was called to the chair of English Language and Comparative Philology of Lafayette College, in 1857. which he has ever since occupied despite offers from the greatest colleges of the world. He is a pioneer in the study of English Classics and English Literature, and is regarded as the first authority living on derivation, spelling, definition and grammar, and as a linguist he has had no equal since thi death of Max Miiller. He was elected president of the American Philological Association in 1873. and again in 1896, and has served as president of the Spelling Reform Association since its organization in 1876. He succeeded James Russell Lowcii as president of the Modern Language Association of America, in 1891 ; is Vice-President of the New Shakspere Society, London, and an honorary member of the Philological Society, Lcndon, and L'Associ- ation Fonetique de Professeurs de Langues Vivants, Paris. He is also Senator of Phi Beta Kappa, member of the National Council of Education, of the American Philosophical Society, and cf the American Antiquariaa Society, and Chairman of the Pennsylvania Commission on Amended Orthography. Since 1879 Prof: March is Director of American Readers for the Oxford (Murray's), England, Dictionary, the greatest v cf the kind ever undertaken, and is consulting editor of the Standard Dictionary. Professor March is the* author of many educational works that are used as text books in rl. , famous colleges cf Europe and America. In 1865 Harpers published his " Method cf Philoloa; j S3 1 nc of the English Language," and in 1369 " A Parser and Analyzer for Beginners." A year la/. . , publishing house brought out his "Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language's' ^ , . Saxon Reader." Professor March has contributed largely to magazines on the subject of r° , ' _. ... Jfins with English written numerous learned articles for leading encyclopedias. He is also editor cf "Latin y _ , Notes," "Eusebius," "Tertullian," "Athenagoras." and other classics published by Harp^' _ .. . /authority on English pedist and Lexicographer, Professor March is justly world-famous, and as a linguist ^ literature he is, perhaps, without a compeer. Thesaurus Dictionary OF THE English Language DESIGNED TO SUGGEST IMMEDIATELY AX) DESIRED WORD SEEDED TO EXPRESS EXACTLY A GIT EX IDEA f A Dictionary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms, Foreign Phrases, Pronunciations, A Co- pious Correlation of Words PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF FRANCIS ANDREW MARCH, LL.D.,L.H.D.,D.C.L.,Litt.D. ssorof the English Language and Comparative Philology at Lafayette College; Author of "A Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language," "Method of Philological Study of the English Language," etc.. Editor of the " Douglas Series of Christian, Latin and Greek Classics," etc.; Consulting Editor of the "Standard Dictionary," Director of American Readers for the Historical English Dictionary of the Philological Society. England; President of the American Philological Association. 1S73-4. g6-7 ; President of the Modern Language Association of America, 1891-3, AND FRANCIS ANDREW MARCH, Jr., A.M., Ph.D. Professor of English Literature at Lafayette Collet •, Assistant in English at Cornell University, 1SS3; Assistant in Etymologies upon tin 1 "Century Dictionary," Editor of Etymologies upon the "Standard Dictionary," Organizer Director of the corns of vcurkers on the "Thesaurus Dictionary of the Ernli^h Language." HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' Bf'SE Copyright, 1902 BY James W. Buel. Enl* red at Stationer^ Hall, I^ondon, England. Patent Applied For. A Foreword by Professor March In London, 1 852, appeared o volume entitled, "Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and Assist in Literary Composition, by Peter Mark Roget, M. D., F. R. S." It was intended to supply a collection of the words and idiomatic combinations of the English language, " arranged, not in alphabetical order as they are in a dictionary, but according to the ideas which they express," so that any one who has an idea may here find the word or words by which it may be most fitly and aptly expressed. This book has been for half a century a familiar part of the machinery used by authors, preachers, lecturers and the like. The number of sych persons has lately increased rapidly. Writing also fills a larger place in our schemes of education. The students of our universities have little time for Socratic dialogue ; they hand in essays day by day, and close their careers with original theses as heavy as articles in the quarterlies. Mr. J. W. Buel, who has proved himself to be an accurate observer of the needs of the book-buying public, and who has long used Roget, has thought that its material may be prepared and supplemented for a wider sphere, and has accordingly set on foot the preparation of the present volume. The first shortcoming in Roget is that there are no definitions of the words or explanations of the phrases. The book is really an index of words to be looked up in dictionaries and cyclopedias, unless one comes to it with his mind thoroughly stored with words and meanings. Besides the single words there are collected phrases, kennings, and longer familiar quotations in English and foreign languages. These are all helpful to the literary worker. There has been a great accumulation of them in the latest dictionaries, in the Century, the Standard, and in the Oxford Dictionary. The Standard has gone farthest in the collection of groups of words, giving, for example, groups of names of apples, and coins, and structures, and animals. The Oxford prints the most numerous phrases, and adds quotations containing them which exhibit their biographies. The time seems ripe for a Thesaurus, bringing together groups of them, accompanied by concise definitions giving in each group the meaning of each word as used in the group. Then there is difficulty with the machinery for finding any particular word or phrase. Early vocabularies often consist of groups arranged by their ideas. That of iElfric, a tenth century Anglo-Saxon work, begins with farmers' tools all in o heap; then come ecclesi- astical matters, then political, then diseases, then wild beasts, insects, vessels, a room and its contents, and so on. Nothing could be done with the materials of the Oxford Dictionary, or the Century, or Standard, on any soch plan. Dictionaries are sometimes arranged according to a philological system. Ettmiiller 's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary has the words classified under their roots, and the roots and words arranged according to the scientific order of the sounds. The beginner has to master this order of sounds, and then to guess under what root his word belongs — or rather under what root Ettmiiller thinks it belongs. He has, in fact, to learn the language to its depths before he can use the dictionary. Roget's arrangement is primarily one of nameoble objects. "It is impossible we should thoroughly understand the nature of the signs unless we first properly consider and arrange the things signified," is his motto, taken from Home Tooke's " Diversions of Purley." He classifies nameables, after the manner of the English psychologists, into matter, mind (intellect, volition, affections), space and abstract relations, and divides and subdivides these until he makes out an even thousand divisions, and into these he puts all the words. In order to find any word it was necessary to think out in which subdivision its idea belongs. This is worse than Ettmiiller. It was necessary to add a verbal index, alphabetically arranged, with references to the groups by number. It is not easy, indeed, to find a word after you know the number of its group, for the group may contain hundreds of words in no manageable order. The machinery of a serviceable dictionary is found in the alphabet. The invention of alphabetic writing has been often pronounced the most important ever made. It is not the least of its benefits to mankind that it affords the means of making knowledge accessible. Every one knows the letters of the alphabet. If all thoughts are arranged under their words, and the words arranged in alphabetic order, any one can find off-hand any of the million facts and thoughts which are stored in the dictionary. The use of the simple alphabetic order is almost as important an invention as the representation of words by single signs of their elementary sounds. The material of this Thesaurus has been brought to alphabetic order. Our publisher suggested that it be called a THESAURUS DICTIONARY, believing that the word "Thesaurus" will easily assume the meaning of groups, and "Dictionary" that of alphabetic arrangement. In using the THESAURUS DICTIONARY, look up any word connected with your sub- ject in its alphabetic place in the vocabulary list in larger black type, exactly as in a com- mon dictionary. Anger, for example, is found thus on page 45. It is there briefly defined as a violent passion, and two groups to which it belongs are then mentioned in small capitals, Excitability-Inexcitability and Favorite-Anger. To study the first group torn to excitability-inexcitability in its alphabetical place in the general vocabulary, page 372. There, under this heading, are two parallel columns, the left-hand for excita- bility, the right for inexcitability, each running on for a couple of pages and bringing . _J together some one hundred and fifty words and phrases. These are divided into noons, verbs, verbal phrases, adjectives, etc., arranged in alphobetic order. The first column contains all words and phrases naturally associated according to the laws of similarity, contiguity and comprehension.— synonyms and the like; the second column contains a similar group related to the first column according to the law of contrast,— antonyms, polar opposites, and the like. By means of cross-references, other groups of associated meaning are brought to the attention. A large collection of groups like these, printed without alphabetic order and without definitions, notes or comments, constitutes the Thesaurus of Roget or the Dictionnaire Ide'o- logique of Robertson. It is obvious that this is really an index of words to be studied in other dictionaries, unless the student be thoroughly stored beforehand with words and meanings. An attempt has been made in this volume to give the less accomplished student further help in his handling of the groups, and his use of them for original work. In the first place the words and phrases are defined. The dictionaries try first to state,, with exactness and clearness, the thought for which each word stands. The student of lit- erature or oratory knows that putting together these dictionary definitions does not give the full force of the great passages. When words are idiomatically put together, the combination is not agglutinative; relations between the words appear, and the result is not a mechanical compound, but chemical, or, rather, vital, especially when the melody of the voice is added. The definition is an idea, a solid intellectual center; the emotions which have been felt with it rise in memory with it, and give it an aureole, a halo, a nimbus, a glory, spheres of radiance. A word is thus a living power, with an individuality embodied in its root and affixes. It has a history; it has a character derived from its history. Every familiar phrase in which it occurs, every great passage in literature in which it is found, every great occasion with which it is associated, every honored name with which it is connected adds to its charm. Every happy phrase in Gray's "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" adds to the charm of every other. Every resonant word in the Declaration of Independence, or in Webster's Speech for Liberty and Union, has new power, and when the great orator repeats the magic words of Milton and Shakespeare he redoubles their harmonies. Every kind of favorable influence combines to strengthen and beautify the moving idiom of our English Bible. In order to aid workers in literature to perceive and enjoy these associations, the defi- nitions here given are often turned so as to suggest the original thought of the word, the beginning of its history, especially if it is derived from the name of some person or place worthy of renown. In the group of words we have mentioned under Excitability are Quixo- tism, chivalry run mad in amiable madness, as in "Don Quixote" of Cervantes; Agony, like that of a wrestler in the Olympic games; Patience on a monument, defined as "smiling at grief," and given its Shakespearian grace by reference to "Twelfth Night" si, 4. There is Stoicism, dignifying the "Stoic of the Woods, the man without a tear," in Campbell's "Gertrude of Wyoming," and there are Chaucer's "making a virtue of necessity;" Inextinguishable laughter of the gods, from Homer, "Iliad I, 268"; Volcanic, like the chimney of the forge of Vulcan ; the Bible's itching ears; Shakespeare's itching palm ; Mens aequa in arduis, " equanimity in difficulties," the trait of Warren Hastings recorded on his portrait at Calcutta. In the reign of Queen Anne Englishmen spoke of living in the Augustan age of the Eng- lish language; they thought it had reached perfection, and they wanted a dictionary that should record the words then in use and be a standard for future generations. Dr. Johnson's great dictionary was widely accepted as such a standard. Authors of eminence were careful not to use any word not in Johnson. Critics pounced upon every writer who strayed from the standard. Slang was deadly sin. The golden age was to be kept pure from it forever. There are still survivors of this period. Not long ago the " Sunday School Times " sent out an inquiry about tireless and some eminent authors answered that they had thought it good, but since it was not in Worcester or Webster, they would not use it. But we have changed all that. We see that a language must change with each genera- tion. If it is to live it must be supplied with a constant inflow of new words, of which a vital part comes from the feeling and imagination of persons who utter themselves in slang. A living language is a lake from which there is a constant flow of words to the ocean of oblivion, and which has a constant supply from the fountain of popular talk. During the last half century more new words and phrases have poured into the English language than in any century before ; new arts and new sciences have swollen the inflow. In this volume many new words will be found added to the old groups, and a number of new groups have been gathered, chiefly words of the' expanding sciences, such as biology, chemistry, and electricity. These we cordially commend to the atten- tion and use of all students. Those who may find expressions which they recognize as living slang worthy of longer life, we advise to use it with some token, as Lord Bacon does, when he says, " It is a doll thing to tire, and, as we say now, to jade anything too far." -M^/Ji PUBLISHER'S PREFACE Of the making of hooks there is no limit, but like the great numbers of fish in the sea, it is the comparatively few that arc worth the taking. The most valuable are those that give us the most useful information, and such as we requently to consult. An encyclopedia is extremely valuable, but it is not so necessary for reference as a dictionary, nor is any other book- so beneficial for serving our daily needs. To livi withoul a dictionary is to be deprived of the means of understanding what we read, and, very often, what we hear. It is, indeed, the indis- : dilc requisite oi every home. Professor .March's Thesaurus Dictionary is a work produced by the most fai e the most learned, lexicographer not only of America, I e world. The service which Wei performed, in giving us a good American Dictionary, which has sen. i large our vocabulary and thereby the better qualify us to express our thoughl - titles his memory to un- fading praise. But great as was Webster's work, for the benefits named, that of Professor Ma is .1 I; rid no less imporl forward in helpful- ness to a kno the English Language, for his dic- tionary not only prints definitions, but the chii ^e of EMBARRASSMENTS OF AN INADE- QUATE VOCABULARY his Thesaurus is to enable those who use it I nee to have at their command the exact words required to definitely and forcibly express any idea they may wish to convey. What man or m, however learned or experienced, has mastered all, or more than a small fraction, of the words that make up the total of the English language? It is not difficult to imagine with what veneration the world would hold a person who is abl perly use. at will, every word prii in unabridged dictionaries. We observe the small child trying to express its thoughts, or longings, and smile at its use of inapt terms and its frequent repetitions. The child has as yet learned the use of only a few words, ind this small vocabulary renders it necessary to make one word serve several meanings. The little knowledge that the child manifests is comparative only, for we as often see men of good intelli of education as well, who for lack of an adequate vocabulary halt repeal ami stumble, and make use of words that have small relevancy, in an effort to express an idea, or describe a fact or thing. But the difficulty of always recalling, or knowing the right word needed to convey exactly our thoug I >ne which even the most fluent speakers and 1 t lucid writers encounter with such frequenc; that search for the one word particularly desired for the occasion occupies so much of their time that their minds are kept upon a great strain; or, as Richard Le Gallienne has de- ed, "the search often becomes something like a tragedy." Indeed, it is said that Flaubert, one of the most exact of French writers, sacrificed his life in the ardent pursuit of particular w ulty <>f selecting proper words in attempts to precisely convey our thoughts toothers comes from inadequacy on the one hand, and exaggeration on the other. Ordinarily, we may be able to make ourselves understood, even with a limited vocabulary, but it very frequently happens, even to the most scholarly, that words are i ir uses and situations both subtle and complex, and then it is that deficiency in word knowledge becomes a matter of intense irritation. The English language is so rich that for every fact and feeling there is an exact word ; a word in shape, size, color, and sound, that absolutely and uniquely embodies the fact and feeling one desires to express. In short, the "unique," or exact word, is the very philosopher's stone of litera- ture, and thus it is that the search for it is a life-time pursuit, followed with persistency and a sense of profound annoyance, by all who write or speak. But the scholarly writer, who has more frequent occasion to employ unusual words, and therefore has need for the larger vocabulary, finds it quite as difficult to express himself as does the ordinary business man, mechanic, farmer, or pupil. Indeed, as our professions and pursuits modify our educational requirements, all persons in the range between the most highly cultured and the least educated, find equal difficulty in recalling, on the moment, appropriate words neces- sary to express ideas with definiteness. For more than four centuries, as several cumbersome compilations of old lexicographers show, efforts have been made to produce a book that would give immediate use of a comprehensive vocabulary, but all such works of dictionary-makers were failures, so complete as to be of little or no more use than the crude dictionaries of the times themselves. It must be apparent that such a book, for great usefulness, must not only contain an unabridged collection of related words, in alphabetical arrangement, but also the definition and pronunciation of each word, so that when found its proper use is at once determined, without need of referring to a dictionary for an ex- planation of the meaning. All the objections to previous compilations are removed by Professor F. A. March's "Thesaurus Dictionary of the English Language," and besides making his work a very marvel of word gathering, he has added many relevant features which serve to justify the claim that, for its purposes, no book ever before published exceeds it in practical value and real im- portance. The production of a dictionary is an enterprise that necessarily involves an enormous expendi- ture of money, and the employment of the best talent obtain- able. But the compilation of a Thesaurus Dictionary is a superlative work of importance and complexity, which requires PRACTICAL USEFULNESS OF THE THESAURUS the very highest order of learning and the most critical accuracy in its several features of spelling, pronunciation, concise definition, and shades of difference in the signification of related, or so-called synonymous terms. These attentions are extremely necessary, as every one must appreciate, but infinitely more exhaustive and critical is the labor of bringing together into close and alpha- betical association, for prompt reference, all the words of the English language in their respective relationships of significance. Webster's Dictionary provides a means whereby we may quickly ascertain the meaning of any word in our language. Professor March's Thesaurus gives the same knowledge, but in addition thereto it enables any one to reclaim a word forgotten ; to recover and correctly use a word needed to convey exactly an idea. Every day you are vexed by vain efforts to recall a word, which you may kno%v exists, that will definitely, precisely, express an idea which you wish to convey. Everybody is troubled in the same way. Well, by the quick aid of the Thesaurus Dictionary you can promptly find the needed word, quite as easy as it is to find the definition of a given word in Webster's. More than this even, this Thesaurus will suggest a word which you may re- quire; to find any term it is necessary merely to refer to a simple word that has some relation, in significance, to the idea sought to be conveyed, whereupon you are directed, by reference words, printed in small capital letters, to the captions under which will be found all the words that have any affinity to the subject in mind. This is accomplished by a practical system of alphabetic grouping of all words of our language according to their relationships in meaning. Or, to explain more lucidly, a word is taken; for example, let the word be "Good" or "Good- ness," page 460. We turn to this word in its alphabetical arrangement, just as in any dictionary, and there we find it given, with definition, but immediately following we find also every important word in our language that has any relationship to "Goodness." And besides the words and defi- nitions under the caption "Goodness" we find also the foreign phrases — all phonetically pro- nounccd — that one is liable to meet with in reading upon a subject allied to "Goodness." More- over, it will be noticed that in the column directly opposite the caption word is "Badness," or the antithesis of "Goodness," and under that term will be found every important word in our language that is associated with evil, together also with the foreign phrases applicable thereto. Thus it will be observed that to facilitate the search for particular words needed, this system ol grouping all relati d terms is perfected !>\ printing all words alphabetically, and also by placing the positive term with its negative in parallel I , in the example given, Goodness is the caption word of one column, with all its kindred terms following, while in the opposite parallel column, appears the antithetical caption, Badness, with its related terms. We will find the same i ateg TV of words of related significance if we refer to any word that has affinity in meaning for either "good" or "bad." Any word followed up in the Thesaurus will serve to illustrate how this great servi formed, and, for a specific example, let us take the positive and negative terms, "Faith-Mi page 389, and three pages following. Here yon will find, under this caption, every word, synonym and its opposite, that has any relationship, in significance, to these two terms, a list which 1 350 words and phrases. This list is multiplied by following the correlated divisions ui such captions as " Godliness-Ung ." page 454; "Bigotry-Apostasy," page 106; " rightness-Dishonesty," pagcii23; "1 .."page 739; "Carelessness-Skeptici page 241; "Theology," page 1058; "Sanguineness-Hopelessness," page 933 ; page 719, etc. Similarly there is a complete list of all kindred words pertaining to the subjects: "Beauty-Ugliness," page 92; "Creation-Destruction," page 237; "Affluence-Penury," page 27; "Astronomy," page 75, etc. It will be noticed also that while all associated words are given alphabetically, each one is concisel) show clearly the different shades of meaning, besides this, you will find incorporated in the extensive category of related terms, many foreign phrases duly translated, and that the grammati- cal analysis throughout is complete. The same systematic j exhaustive collection of kindred ■« will be found SYSTEMATIC GROUPING AND WORD ANALYSIS if we examine other terms. It is the man or woman who has I I command of language that is able to express an idea with the greatest force anil clearness. Those who have a copious vocabulary are the ones who speak most eloquently and write most graphically. Tin- Thesaurus Dictionary is, of course, of most pronounced value to professional people, the author, journalist, lawyer, mil ublic ikers, teachers; in short, to those who W1 ingly great. All men and women, as well as all 1 girls, are trying to increase their kit edge, for the mure we know, either by study or experience, the better qualifii -cometo deal 'Aiti; practical .1 flairs of life. Students need the Thesaurus Dictionary more than they do ai is a v y, bu1 e peciall them to write a: akwithpreci ice. It qualifies them, without study, to prepai to make themselves prime factors in public life; this service it performs by enlarging theirvoc; by making them masters of the language, and by suggesting ideas that lie crystallize Is. It is likewise an inspiratio iuraging to 1 ts, for the student who once becomes imbued with tin' spirit of authorship is pretty certain t p into a ■ 1 -ked influence and prominenl impi irtam The man or woman who writes for the press, or who speaks in public, will find the Thesaurus Dictionary an aid of inestimable value. Consultation of il bulary lists of related terms, in the search for a word required to express exactly a s^iven idea, not only results in finding the definite term desired, but also in suggesting new ideas, for it very often happens to writers that a sudden calling to mind of a specially significant word leads to a fresh line of thought or may even modify preconceived opinions. The English language is so rich that for every fact and feeling there is an exact word; a word in shape, size, color, and sound, that absolutely and uniquely embodies the fact and feeling one desires to express. In short, the "unique," or exact word, is the very philosopher's stone of litera- ture, and thus it is that the search for it is a life-time pursuit, followed with persistency and a sense of profound annoyance, by all who write or speak. But the scholarly writer, who has more frequent occasion to employ unusual words, and therefore has need for the larger vocabulary, finds it quite as difficult to express himself as does the ordinary business man, mechanic, farmer, or pupil. Indeed, as our professions and pursuits modify our educational requirements, all persons in the range between the most highly cultured and the least educated, find equal difficulty in recalling, on the moment, appropriate words neces- sary to express ideas with definiteness. For more than four centuries, as several cumbersome compilations of old lexicographers show, efforts have been made to produce a book that would give immediate use of a comprehensive vocabulary, but all such works of dictionary-makers were failures, so complete as to be of little or no more use than the crude dictionaries of the times themselves. It must be apparent that such a book, for great usefulness, must not only contain an unabridged collection of related words, in alphabetical arrangement, but also the definition and pronunciation of each word, so that when found its proper use is at once determined, without need of referring to a dictionary for an ex- planation of the meaning. All the objections to previous compilations are removed by Professor F. A. March's "Thesaurus Dictionary of the English Language," and besides making his work a very marvel of word gathering, he has added many relevant features which serve to justify the claim that, for its purposes, no book ever before published exceeds it in practical value and real im- portance. The production of a dictionary is an enterprise that necessarily involves an enormous expendi- ture of money, and the employment of the best talent obtain- able. But the compilation of a Thesaurus Dictionary is a superlative work of importance and complexity, which requires PRACTICAL USEFULNESS OF THE THESAURUS the very highest order of learning and the most critical accuracy in its several features of spelling, pronunciation, concise definition, and shades of difference in the signification of related, or so-called synonymous terms. These attentions are extremely necessary, as every one must appreciate, but infinitely more exhaustive and critical is the labor of bringing together into close and alpha- betical association, for prompt reference, all the words of the English language in their respective relationships of significance. Webster's Dictionary provides a means whereby we may quickly ascertain the meaning of any word in our language. Professor March's Thesaurus gives the same knowledge, but in addition thereto it enables any one to reclaim a word forgotten; to recover and correctly use a word needed to convey exactly an idea. Every day you are vexed by vain efforts to recall a word, which you may know exists, that will definitely, precisely, express an idea which you wish to convey. Everybody is troubled in the same way. Well, by the quick aid of the Thesaurus Dictionary you can promptly find the needed word, quite as easy as it is to find the definition of a given word in Webster's. More than this even, this Thesaurus will suggest a word which you may re- quire; to find any term it is necessarv merely to refer to a simple word that has some relation, in significance, to the idea sought to be conveyed, whereupon you are directed, by reference words, printed in small capital letters, to the captions under which will be found all the words that have any affinity to the subject in mind. This is accomplished by a practical system of alphabetic grouping of all words of our language according to their relationships in meaning, 1 '■ to explain more lucidly, a word is taken; for example, let the word be "Good" or "Good- ness," page 460. We turn to this word in its alphabetical arrangement, just .1 in any dictionary, and there we find it given, with definition, but immediately following we find also every important word in our language that has any relationship to "Goodness." And besides the words and defi- nitions under the caption "Goodness" we find also the foreign phrases — all phonetically pro- nounced — that one is liable to meet with in reading upon a subject allied to "Goodness." More- over, it will be noticed that in the column directly opposite the caption word is "Badness," or the antithesis of "Goodness," and under that term will be found every important word in our language that is associated with evil, together also with the foreign phrases applicable thereto. Thus it will be observed that to facilitate the search for particular words needed, this system of grouping all related terms is perfected by printing all words alphabetically, and also by placing the positive term with its negative in parallel columns. Thus, in the example given, Goodness is the caption word of one column, with all its kindred terms following, while in the opposite parallel column, appears the antithetical caption, Badness, with its related terms. We will find the same category of words of related significance if we refer to any word that has affinity in meaning for either "good" or "bad." Any word followed up in the Thesaurus will serve to illustrate how this great service is per- formed, and, for a specific example, let us take the positive and negative terms, "Faith-Mii page 389, and three pages following. Here you will find, under this caption, every word, synonym and its opposite, that has any relationship, in significance, to these two terms, a list which com- prises 350 words and phrases. This list is multiplied by following the correlated divisions under such captions as "Godliness-Ungodliness," page 454; "Bigotry-Apostasy," page 106; "Up- rightness-Dishonesty," page 1 123; "Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy," page 739; "Carelessness-Skeptici page 241 ; "Theology," page 1058; "Sanguineness-Hopelessness," page 933; "Ob ' e-Non-l Observ- ance," page 719, etc. Similarly there is a complete list of all kindred words pertaining to the subjects: "Beauty-Ugliness," page 92; "Creation-Destruction," page 237; "Affluence-Penury" page 27; "Astronomy," page 75, etc. It will be noticed also that while all associated words are given alphabetically, each one is concisely defined so as to show clearly the different shades of meaning. Besides this, you will find incorporated in the extensive category of related terms, many foreign phrases duly translated, and that the grammati- cal analysis throughout is complete. The same systematic and j exhaustive collection of kindre- ! words and phrases will be found SYSTEMATIC GROUPING AND WORD ANALYSIS if we examine other terms. It is the man or woman who has the largest command of language that is able to express an idea with the greatest force and clearness. Those who have a copious vocabulary are the ones who speak most eloquently and write most graphically. The Thesaurus Dictionary is, of course, of most pronounced value to professional people, the author, journalist, lawyer, minister, public speakers, teachers; in short, to those who write most, but its usefulness to all classes is ingly great. All men and women, as well as all boys and girls, are trying to increase their knowl- edge, for the more wc know, either by study or experience, IN 1 better qualified we become to deal with practical affairs of life. Students need the Thesaurus Dictionary more than they do any other book; not becau is a working dictionary, but especially becau ie il enables them to write and to speak with precision, accuracy and elegance. It qualifies them, without study, to prepare essays, to handle subj to make themselves prime factors in public life; this service it performs by enlarging their vocabu- lary, by making them masters of the language, and by suggesting ideas that lie crystallized in words. It is likewise an inspiration, encouraging to loftiest efforts, for the student who once becomes imbued with the spirit of authorship is pretty certain to develop into a person of marked influence and prominent importance. The man or woman who writes for the press, or who speaks in public, will find the Thesaurus Dictionary an aid of inestimable value. Consultation of its vocabulary lists of related terms, in the search for a word required to express exactly a given idea, not only results in finding the definite term desired, but also in suggesting new ideas, for it very often happens to writers that a sudden calling to mind of a specially significant word leads to a fresh line of thought or may even modify preconceived opinions. No other book is such a stimulus to the child at school, and no other confers so many distinct benefits. When a pupil is required by its teacher to prepare a composition, embarrassment is great because the child has few ideas and a knowledge of few words with which to express them. By the aid of the Thesaurus these obstacles to composition are immediately removed, for a subject being given by its teacher, the child may turn to a word related to the subject, under which it will find at once every word, with definition, that appertains in anywise to the subject and by so doing it acquires a copious vocabulary for its purpose, as well also many new ideas that are suggested by the information thus obtained. There is no subject, whether simple, profound, technical; whether it concerns the animal, the vegetable, or the mineral kingdoms; whether it touches upon science, social problems, political economy, faith, doctrine, home-life, marriage, affection, agriculture, mechanics, war, history, poetry, school, — in short it matters not what the sub- ject may be, by consulting this Thesaurus the child obtains, almost at a glance, all the words, and very much of the information, that is needed to write about it intelligently. At the same time the child also learns how to construct its sentences grammatically. This acquisition of a large vocabulary will influence a majority of children to aspire to authorship, and inevitably lead to investigation and scholarship, an important consideration. They are few who understand the grammar of our language. One may have an extensive vocabulary and yet be unable to write or speak correctly. The Thesaurus Dictionary not only affords the means of choosing the right word at the right time, and of giving complete mastery of every term in our language for immediate use, but it also presents the words, names the parts of speech, gives concise definitions in every case, prints all the synonyms and their opposites, and shows all words and phrases in their grammatical relationships. MASTERY OF VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR The English language is a rapidly growing one. Dr. Johnson's Dictionary contained nearly one hundred thousand words, whereas to-day the largest dictionary has three hundred thousand words. This rapid increase is due to the incorporation of slang words, progress, and discoveries in science, and coinages by the ignorant no less than by the learned. The Thesaurus Dictionary, being the very latest compilation, contains all the recent additions, including terms used in electricity, radiography, automobiling, telephony, science, signaling, commerce, political economy, questions of the day; in fact, of every acquisition, in science, society, business and government; and in giving the defini- tions of terms it imparts most instructive information. Every reader is almost constantly meeting with words or phrases of foreign speech, of which neither translation nor pronunciation is given. This is a matter of intense annoyance to persons who cannot translate for themselves, as the use of such interjections often destroys the sense of connection in the reading. In the Thesaurus Dictionary you will find all such words and phrases, in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, not only fully translated but also phonetically, hence most exactly pronounced. The Thesaurus Dictionary of the English Language is presented by the publishers with the sincere belief that its uniqueness will commend it less than the real practical value it will be found to afford all who consult its pages. Expense has not been spared in the prepara- tion, either in the compilation or mechanical production, because so great a conception as the work embodies is worthy the most perfect realization. THE PUBLISHERS. A Key to Egyptian Characters The Rosetta Stone contains a decree that is written in three totally different styles of characters, namely, hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek; the first was used by the priesthood and by learned Egyp- tians, the second was the form of writ- ing employed by the common people, while the Greek was used upon this occasion to communicate the decree to foreigners. It was by comparing the hieroglyphic and demotic, which could not at the time be read, with the Greek, which was well known, that Champollion dis- covered the key to hieroglyphic writing. THE ROSETTA STONE. During Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, i 700. Boussard a French officer found at Fort St. Julien. four miles from the village of Rosetta, a basalt stele, which was found to contain a decree of Ptolemy V. Epiphanes in hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek, which supplied the key for the decipherments of the ancient monuments of Egypt THE EVOLUTION OF WRITING The means of communicating desires, ideas, information by one person to another, and espe- cially the means of transmitting such expressions between individuals, constitute one of the most, probably the very most, interesting phase of race development. Speech, no doubt, came naturally, even as feeling and desire, but writing was born of necessity, or, rather, invented to meet an indispensable need. The evolution of writing, from crude symbolism, and pictorial repre- sentation of objects, used by the earliest peoples, is almost obtrusively, persistently, interesting to all intelligent persons, for the advance of civilization, with all that it implies, is not more certainly and objectively shown than by the written records graven on stone, scratched on bone, impressed in bricks, painted on papyrus, and traced on scrolls, that bestrew the path of the millenniums of human existence. Some of the very antique examples of writing are here exhibited, and the few illustrations printed serve admirably to show the gradual advance made in the improved means devised for communicating commands, recording facts, and expressing sentiments. THE ROSETTA STONE Nothing is left of Egyptian buildings except their graves and temples. These, by their inscrip- tions, were destined to revive interest in the ancient civilization of Egypt. The knowledge of the writings and speech of ancient Egypt had long ago been entirely forgotten. It was left to the nineteenth century to find the key for deciphering the old Egyptian hieroglyphic writings. France deserves especial mention as having been the first to show an interest in this study, and it is to a Frenchman that we owe the first attempt at a scientific study of the subject. The capital of France, too, was the first seat devoted to the pursuit of these studies under the leadership of Frantjois Champollion, the founder of the science, and his successors, Emmanuel de Rouge" and G. Maspero. The era of scientific investigation of Egyptian affairs begins with Napoleon Bonaparte and Francois Champollion. Leibnitz, the famous German philosopher, was the first to arouse the interest of Louis XIV. by a memoir on Egypt, which Napoleon is said to have found in the royal- Archives and made use of in his Egyptian expedition. He set sail on the 19th of May, 1798, accompanied by a number of learned men. The results of the DISCOVERY OF THE KEY TO EGYPTIAN WRITING scientific investigations were published in a work of thirty-six volumes, twelve volumes of illustrations, and twenty-four of text, entitled "Description de l'Egypte, ou recueil des observa- tions et des recherches pendant l'expedition de 1'armee Francaise." This gave a great impetus to Egyptian studies. It is safe to say that with this work, and with the investigations conducted in connection with the discovery of the famous Rosetta stone during the same expedition by a French engineer in 1799, begins the scientific study of a branch of learning leading with certain aim to a complete explanation of Egyptian antiquity. A great deal of matter is found concerning Egypt in ancient and mediaeval literature — Greek, Christian, and Arabic, but it is of no scientific value. As far as the eighteenth century no one succeeded in deciphering any of the hieroglyphic writings. Attempts were made and scholars varied to such an extent that while one maintained that a certain inscription dealt with Christian mysteries, another insisted that the subject matter was moral and political maxims, a third made it a festal calendar, and a fourth regarded it as a treatise on the magnet and use of the compass. At this point came the discovery of the Rosetta stone, now in the British Museum. This stone of dark basalt, now very badly broken at both ends, must have had the same form as that most commonly employed in stones set up in honor of gods and kings as well as in memorials set up in temples and graves. (A restoration of the form of the Rosetta stone in this wise is given in Eduard Meyer's "Geschichte des alten Egyptens," I: page 284.) On this stone a decree of the priests was published in the reign of Ptolemy Epiphanes, which announced that the Egyptian priesthood resolved to thank the young king for the numerous benefits bestowed by him upon the land, and especially upon the Egyptian temples, and they ordered all divine honors to be paid him and his statues, which were to be set up next to those of the chief divinity in all temples of the first, second and third rank. This decree was composed in hieroglyphic signs, and in the so-called demotic, enchoric or epistolographic script of the common people, and a Greek translation was added. That the contents of the three different writings are the same is proved from the conclusion of the Greek text which clearly reads [that the decree shall be engraved on a stele of] hard stone in the sacred writing, in the enchoric and Greek writing, and be set up in every temple of the first, second [and third rank next to the statue of the king, the ever-living]. (The words in the above passage enclosed in square brackets are broken off the stone, but they can with certainty be supplied from the hieroglyphic and demotic text which can now be read.) TRANSLATION OF THE GREEK TEXT In the reign of the young king who received the kingdom from his father, lord of diadems, greatly glorious, who has established Egypt, and pious toward the gods is superior to his enemies, who has set right the life of men, lord of feasts of thirty years, like Hephaestus the great king, like the Sun the great king of both the upper and lower countries, offspring of the gods Philopators, whom Hephaestus approved, to whom the Sun gave victory, the living image of Zeus, son of the Sun, Ptolemy the ever-living, beloved of Phtha; in the ninth year: Aetus, the son of Aetus, being priest of Alexander, of the gods Soters, of the gods Adelphi, of the gods Evergetae, of the gods Philopators, and of the god Epiphanes Eucharistus; the athlophorus of Berenice Evergetes being Pyrrah, daughter of Philinus; the canephorus of Arsinoe Philadelphus, Areia, daughter of Diogenes; the priestess of Arsinoe Philopator being Irene, daughter of Ptolemy; of the month Xandicus, the fourth, but according to the Egyptians, the eighteenth of Mechir-Decree. The chief priests and prophets, and those who enter the sanctuary for the arraying of the gods, and the pterophorae, and sacred scribes, and all the other priests who were come from the temples throughout the land to Memphis, into the presence of the kings, for the ceremonial of the reception, by Ptolemy the ever-living, beloved of Phtha, god Epiphanes Eucharistus of the crown which he received from his father, being gathered together in the temple THE DECREE OF PTOLEMY V. EPIPHANES at Memphis on the day aforesaid, decreed, Since that King Ptolemy, the ever-living, beloved of Phtha, god Epiphanes Eucharistus, offspring of King Ptolemy and Queen Arsinoe, gods Philopators, has in many things benefited the temples and those connected with them and all those living under his sway, that being a god, born of a god, and a goddess, like Horus the son of Isis and Osiris, of a liberal disposition towards the gods, he has dedicated to the temples reve- nues both of money and provisions and has undergone great expenses in order to bring back Egypt to quietness, and to establish religious observances; with all the means in his power he has shown kindness; of the taxes and imposts existing in Egypt some he has taken away entirely, and others he has lightened, that the people and all others might be in prosperity under his rule; the crown debts which those in Egypt and in the rest of his kingdom owed, being very considerable, he has remitted to all, and those shut up in prison for such debts, and those lying under accusation for a long time, he released from the claims against them; also he commanded the revenues of the temples and the contributions of provisions and money made to them yearly ; and in like manner the just portions of the goods from the vineyards and gardens, and what else belonged to the gods in the time of his father, should remain upon the same basis; INSCRIPTION ON THE SARCOPHAGUS OF ESMUNAZAR, KING OF SIDON On the 20th of February, 1S55, Mr. Peretie, Chancellor of the French Consulate at Beyrouth, Palestine, having undertaken excavations on a piece of ground twenty-five minutes' walk south of Sayda, the ancient Sidon, was informed that his agent had unearthed there a coffin of black basalt, near a rock against which it rested. Besides the sarcophagus, a tooth, a piece of bone, and later a human jaw, were found in the rubbish. The sarcophagus itself was of that Egyptian form peculiar to mummy cases, i. c, oblong, like a body wrapped -up to the neck in thick bands, whose head, cut out with broad head-dress and straight plaited beard, alone remains uncovered, wearing a rich broad chain in relief, at each extremity of which is a head of a sacred hawk, such as one often sees on the neck of Egyptian mummies. But instead of being adorned with hieroglyphics the sarcophagus discovered by Peretie bears along its whole height an inscription in twenty-two lines, written in Phoenician char- acters, well preserved and written with especial care to avoid confusing letters somewhat similar in form. As in most Phoenician inscriptions the words are not separated, and this continuity is the only real obstacle to a certain translation. The dimensions of the coffin are 2 m. 45 cm. by 1 m. 40 cm., (about 8 feet 2 in. by 4 feet 4 in.) and the inscription which covers it occupies a square of 84 cm. on each side. Another inscription is found around the head of the body at the exterior extremity of the sarcophagus which is, however, simply a reproduction of a part of the first inscription. The inscription is that of King Esmunazar of Sidon, and is the most important Phoenician inscription yet found. Whereas the Phoenician inscriptions found hitherto were in the Phoenician colonies, this one belonged to the mother country. Its importance lies not only in the fact that it definitely proves the Pheenician language to have been almost identical with the Hebrew, but it also, more than any other, gives us an insight into the religious views of the Phoenicians and the political institutions of Sidon. It is a funeral inscription in which Esmunazar, King of Sidon, about 572 D. C, adjures all persons, under pain of eternal damnation, not to disturb his "bed of rest." TRAXSLATIOX In the month of Bui (October), in the fourteenth year of his reign — >f King Esmunazar, King of the Sidonians, son of King Tebnet, King of the Sidonians — spoke King Esmunazar, King of the Sidonians, as follows: I have been taken away before my time, a small number of days old. With this my highness is at an end. I lie dead in this coffin and in this grave in the place which I have built. I adjure every r lyal person and every man — that he open not this bed of rest, or search in it precious things, for there lie no precious things in it; that he remove not my sarcophagus, or put me into another bed of rest. Even if people induce you listen not to them; for every royal person and every man who opens the lid of this coffin or who takes my coffin away or who removes me who am in this coffin — may he have no funeral bed among the shades; may they be buried in no grave ; may they leave after them neither sons nor posterity. May the holy gods deliver them to a violent ruler, who shall have power over them to destroy them. Concerning same royal person or (private) man who opens the lid of this funeral bed. or who removes this coffin; and concerning the offspring of same royal person or (private) people — may they have neither root below, nor fruit above, nor form in life under the sun. Yi s, I, deserving of pity, have been taken away before my time, of a limited number of days. Now my highness with this is at an end. I am di ad. Namely I, Esmunazar, King of the Sidonians, son of Tebnet, King of the Sidonians, grandson of Esmu- nazar, Kin;: of the Sidonians, and my mother Amaastart, Priestess of our Lady Astarte, the queen daughter of King I ar, King of the Sidonians — we who have built the temples of the gods, the te oi Astarte in Sidon, land oi the sea, and have given a dwelling to Astarte as the highest person; and it was we who have built a temple lor Lsmun near the source, the spring of Idll in the mountains, and have given him a habitation high on; and it was we who built (again) temples for the gods of the Sidonians in Sidon, city of the sea — a temple of Baal Sidon and a temple of Astarte of the name of Baal. And turtle thi Lord of Kings id Joppa — the lordly lands of grain, which lie in the field of Saron, in recompense! n agreal tribute which I have offered; and we added them to the domain of the land to belong to the Sidonians forever. 1 adjure ever} royal person and every (private) man, neither to open the lid, nor to tear off the lid nor to remove me who am in the funeral bed, nor to rei i mj sarcophagus,! it those holj gods may not r them up, so that the sami royal person or (private) man and their posterity be destn yedfon The inscription on the sarcophagus of King Esmunazar is translated into English and appears, with description of the coffin in which the royal remains were found, on the accompanying tissue title-page. Observe, that while the sarcopha- gus is distinctively Egyptian, the inscription is Phoenician, thus marking the affinity of the two races and illustrating, in a way the evolutii in. in writing, of the latter from the former. he commanded also concerning the priests that they should give nothing more for graduation fee than was imposed .up to the first year in his father's reign ; he released also those of the sacred tribes of the voyage yearly down to Alexandria, also he ordered the collection of naval supplies not to be made; of the contribution of fine linen cloth made in the temples for the royal palace, he remitted two-thirds; what had been neglected in former times he restored to proper order, taking care that what was accustomed should be performed for the gods as was fitting; likewise also he allotted justice to all as Hermes the twice great; he ordered also that those who returned, both of the soldiers and others of the opposition in the times of the di rturbance, on coming back be kept in possession of their property; he took care also that there should go out forces, of horse and foot and ships, against those invading Egypt both by sea and land, undergoing great expenses, both of money and provisions, that the temples and all che people of Egypt might be in safety; being present also at Lycopolis in Busiris, which had been taken and fortified against a siege by a very abundant supply of arms and all other munition, since for a long time the rebellion had existed among those impious ones gathered there, who had done to the temples and the inhabitants of Egypt much evil, and laying siege to it, he surrounded it with embankments and ditches and walls very remarkable; the great rise which the Nile made in the eighth year (and it was accustomed to flood the plains), he restrained at many places, securing the mouths of the canals, expending on these of money no small amount, and stationing horse and foot soldiers to guard them; in a little time he took the city by storm, and all the impious in it he destroyed as Hermes, and Horus the son of Isis and Osiris, overpowered those who in the same parts had revolted HOW HE SUBDUED THE ENEMIES OF EGYPT in former times; the ringleaders also of the revoltcrs in his father's reign who had troubled the country and outraged the temples, being at Memphis the avenger of his father and of his own crown, all these he punished justly, at the time when he was there for his performance of the rites proper for the reception of the crown: he remitted also the debts owed in the temples to the palace up to the eighth year, amounting to no small quantity of provisions and money; likewise also the value of the linen cloths due which had not been given in to the palace; and, of those which had been given in, the replacement of such as differed from the pattern up to the same date; he released the temples also of the appointed artaba per aroura of the sacred land, and in like manner as to the ceramium per aroura of the vineyards ; to Apis and Mneris he made many gifts, as also to the other sacred animals of Egypt, having much better care than the kings before him for what belonged to them in all respects, and giving bounti- fully and nobly what was proper for their funerals with the dues for the support of their respective worships with sacrifices and panagyries and the other usual rites. The prerogatives of the temples and of Egypt he has carefully kept upon the same basis agreeably to the laws; he has adorned the Apieum with costly works expending upon it of gold and silver and precious stones no small amount, and has founded temples and shrines and altars; what had need of repair he restored, having the disposition of a beneficent god in what concerns the divinity; learning by means of additional enquiry their state he has restored the most honored of the temples; in return for which the gods have given him health, victory, strength, and all other good things, the kingdom being assured to him and his children to all time. With good fortune: It has seemed good to the priests of all the temples of the land to decree to augment greatly all honors now paid to the ever-living King Ptolemy, beloved of Phtha, god Epiphanes Eucharistus, and likewise those of his ancestors the gods Philopators and of his ancestors gods Evergetae and of the gods Adelphi, and those of the gods Soters, to erect of the ever-living King Ptolemy, god Epiphanes Eucharistus, an image in each temple in the most conspicuous place; which shall be entitled "Ptolemy the defender of Egypt," near which shall stand the god to whom the temple belongs, presenting to him a conquering weapon, which arrangements will be made in the manner of the Egyptians; also for the priests to perform a service before these images three times each day, and put on them the sacred adorning, and perform the other accustomed rites, as to the other gods in the panagyries of Egypt; to set up for King Ptolemy, god Epiphanes Eucha- ristus, offspring of King Ptolemy and Queen Arsinoe, gods Philopators, a statue and a shrine, both gilded in each of the temples, and to place this in the sanctuaries with the other shrines, and in the great panagyries in which processions of the shrines take place, for the shrine of the god Epiphanes Eucharistus to go out with them; that it may be well marked both now and for future time, to place upon the shrine the ten golden ornaments of the king to which shall be affixed an asp, similar to the adorning of asp-like ornaments which are upon the other shrines in the midst of which shall be the crown called "Schent" which he wore when he entered the temple at Memphis for the perform- ance in it of the rites proper for the assumption of the crown; to place upon the platform of the ornaments about the aforesaid crown ten golden phylacteries on which shall be written "this is (the shrine) of the king who made illustrious both the upper ORDER FOR PERIODICALLY CELEBRATING THE KING'S VICTORIES country and the lower;" and since the thirtieth of Mesore in which the birthday festivities of the king are celebrated, and in like manner the seventeenth of Mechir, in which he received the kingdom from his father, have been named after him in the temples, which certainly are harbingers of much good to all, to celebrate these days (the seventeenth and thirtieth) feasts and panagyries in the temples of Egypt monthly, and to per- form in them sacrifices and libations and what else is proper, as in the other panagyries; to give the usual public notices to all for what is to be offered in the temples; to celebrate a feast and a panagyry to the ever-living and beloved of Phtha, King Ptolemy, god Epiphanes Eucharistus, each year in the temples throughout the land, from the new moon of the Thoth for five days, in which also they shall wear garlands, performing sacrifices and libations and what else is proper; to call the priests of the temples of the land, also priests of the god Epiphanes Eucharistus, in addi- tion to the other names which they had from the gods whom they serve, and to inscribe on all their documents and on the seal-rings on their hands their priesthood to him; that it be lawful to the rest, private person to celebrate the feast and set up the aforesaid shrine having it in their houses, performing what is right in the feasts both monthly and yearly, in order that it may be known why the people of Egypt magnify and honor the god Epiphanes Eucharistus the king as is just, to write this decree upon a column of hard stone in sacred and enchorial and Greek letters and place it in each of the temples of the first, second and third order near the image of the ever-living king. GUDEA, KING OF SHIRPURLA The statues of Gudea belong to the monuments of Telloh discovered by excavations conducted under the superintendence of Ernest de Sarzec, French consul at Bagdad, 1877-1882. It is of Gudea that the larger and more important part of the monuments of Telloh preserve the memory: eight statues, two large cylinders of clay, and hundreds of fragments or small texts — now in the Louvre. Gudea was king of Shirpurla, the modern Telloh, in Southern Babylonia, about B. C. 3 100. This statue — one of eight — is designated B, and is covered all around with cuneiform inscriptions. The plate represents the right profile of the statue, with part of the inscription. The translation of the whole is as follows : In the temple of the god Nin-girsu, his king, the statue of Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla, who the temple Eninnu has constructed: 1 qa of fermented liquor, 1 qa of food, half a qa of half a qa of . . . . such are the offerings which it institutes. As for the patesi who shall revoke them, who the orders of the god Nin-girsu shall transgress, let the offerings instituted by him in the temple of the god Nin-girsu be revoked! Let the commands of his mouth be annulled! To the god Nin-girsu, the powerful warrior of the god Ellilla, Gudea the architect (?) the patesi of Shirpurla, the shepherd chosen by the unchangeable will of the god Nin-girsu, regarded with a TRANSLATION OF THE CUNEIFORM INSCRIPTION A Very Ancient Cuneiform Inscription Next to the hieroglyphic characters peculiar to Egypt, the cuneiform style of writing is probably the most ancient, of which any decipherable specimens have been found. The inscription on the statue of Gudea, one of the Kings of Southern Babylonia, is a splendid example of the characters used by the ancient and power- ful Babylonians, who arrived at a consider- able state of civilization and literary culture more than five thousand years ago, which carries us back, according to Bible chronologv, to almost the time of Noah. STATUE OF GUDEA. KING OF SHIRPURLA. Gudea was a king of Southern Babylonia, about B.C. 3100, and the cuneiform inscription on his statue is there- lore one of the oldest that has been discovered. The inscription, which is of great length, appeals to the gods of Babylonia, as witnesses to the justice of Gudea's rulership. THE TEMPLES CONSTRUCTED BY GUDEA favorable eye by the goddess Nina, dowered with power by the god Nindara, covered with renown by the goddess Bau, the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug, dowered with sovereignty and the sceptre supreme by the god Galalim, proclaimed afar among living creatures by the god Dunshaga, whose primacy has been firmly founded by the god Xingish-zida his god. After that the god Nin- girsu had turned towards his city a favorable gaze (and) Gudea had chosen as the faithful shepherd of the country (and) among the divisions (?) of men had established his power, then he purified the city and cleansed it ; he has laid the foundations (of a temple) and deposited the foundation-cylinder. The adorers of the demons (?), the evokers of spirits (?), the necromancers (?), the prophetesses of divine decrees (?) he has banished from the city. Whoever has not departed obediently, has been expelled perforce by the warriors. The temple of the god Nin-girsu in all respects in a pure place he has constructed. No tomb has been destroyed (?), no sepulchral urn has been broken (?), no son has ill-treated his mother. The ministers, the judges, the doctors, the chiefs, during the execution of this work have worn garments of ....(?). During all the time (of its construction) in the cemetery of the city no ditch lias been excavated (?); no corpse has been interred (?). The Kalu (a class of priests) has performed his funeral music or uttered his lamentations; the female mourner has not caused her lamentations to be heard. On the territory of Shirpurla a man at variance (with his neighbor) to the place of oath (court of justice) has taken no one; a brigand has entered the house of no one. For the god Nin-girsu his king (Gudea) has made the dedicatory inscriptions ( ?) ; his temple Eninnu which illuminates the darkness (?), he has constructed and reinstated. In the interior (of the temple) his favorite Gigunu of cedar wood he has constructed for him. After that the temple of the god Nin-girsu he has had constructed, the god Nin-girsu, the king beloved by him, from the sea of the Highlands (Elam) to the lower sea has forcefully opened (the ways) for him. In Amanum, the mountain of Cedars, [joists] of cedar, whose [length] was seventy spans, [and joists] of cedar whose [length was] 50 spans, [and joists] of box (?) whose length was 25 spans, he has caused to be cut; from this mountain he has caused them to be brought. The .... he has made. The .... he has made. The .... he has made. The .... he has made. As for the cedars- (some) to form great gates he has employed; with brilliant ornaments he has enriched them ( ?) and in the temple Eninnu he has placed them. (Others) in his sanctuary E-magh-ki-a-sig-de-da he has used as beams. Near the city of Ursu, in the mountains of Ibla joists of Zabanum trees, of great shaku trees, of tulubum trees, and of gin trees, he has caused to be cut; in the temple of Eninnu he has caused them to be used as beams. From Shamanum in the mountains of Menua, from Susalla (?) in the mountains of Martu, nagal stones he has caused to be brought; in slabs he has caused them to be cut; the Holy of Holies in the temple Eninnu, he has constructed of them. From Tidanum in the mountains of Martu shirgal-ghabbia stones he has caused to be conveyed; in the form of urpadda he has caused them to be cut; to (receive) the bars of the gates in the temple he has arranged them. From the country of Kagal-adda-ki in the mountains of Kimash I caused copper to be taken, to make the arm (?) from which one escapes not he has employed it. From the country of Melughgha kala trees he has imported; he has caused to be made. From Kilzanim he has imported; to make the arm (?).... he has employed it. Gold-dust from the mountains of Ghaghum he has imported; for the fabrication of the arm (?) . . . he has utilized it. Gold-dust from the mountains of Melughgha he has im- ported, to make the Emartu he has employed it. Lidri (?) he has imported. From the country of Gubin, the land of the ghaluku trees, ghaluku wood he has imported; to make pillars he has employed it. From the country of Madga in the mountains of the river Gurruda bitumen (?) he has imported; the platform of the temple Eninnu he has constructed. Imghaum he has im- ported. From the mountains of Barsip nalua stones in large boats he caused to be brought; the foundation of the temple Eninnu he has encircled with them. By arms the city of Anshan in the country of Elam he has conquered; its spoils to the god Nin-girsu in the temple Eninnu he has consecrated. Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla, after that the temple Eninnu to the god Nin- girsu he had constructed, has built an edifice: a pillared (?) temple no patesi for the god Nin-girsu had constructed; he has constructed it for him. He has written there his name; he has made dedicatory inscriptions (?). The orders of the mouth of the god Nin-girsu he has faithfully exe- cuted. From the mountains of the country of Magan a hard stone he has imported. For his statue he has caused it to be cut. " O my king, whose temple I have built, may life be my recom- pense!" By this name he has named (the statue), and in the temple Eninnu he has erected it. Gudea unto the statue has given command: "To the statue of my king speak!" After that the temple Eninnu, his favorite temple I had constructed, I have remitted penalties, I have given presents. During seven days obeisance has not been exacted; the female slave has been made the equal of her mistress; the male slave has been made GUDEA EXTOLS HIS RULE AS ONE OF EXACT JUSTICE the equal of his master; in my city the chief of his subject has been made the equal. All that is evil from this temple I have removed. Over the commands of the goddess Nina and the god Nin-girsu I have carefully watched. A fault (?) the rich man has not com- mitted; all that he has desired (?) the strong man has not done. The house where there was no son, it is its daughter, who new offerings (?) has consecrated; for the statue of the god before the mouth she has placed them. Of this statue, neither in silver nor in alabaster nor in copper nor in tin nor in bronze let any one undertake the execution ! Let it be of hard stone! let a sacristy be established, and of all that shall be brought there let nothing be destroyed! The statue which is before thee, O god Nin-girsu, the statue of Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla, who the temple Eninnu of the god Nin-girsu has constructed, whosoever from the temple Eninnu shall remove (or) its inscription shall efface; whosoever shall break it, on the fortu- nate day of the commencement of the year, whoever in the place of my god, his god — and it is Nin-girsu who is my king — in the country shall invoke; (whoever) my judgments shall transgress, my gifts shall revoke; whoever in the recitation of my prayers shall suppress my name and insert his own ; (whoever) of the Holy of Holies of the god Nin-girsu, my king, shall abandon the service ( ?) and shall not keep it (ever) before his eyes; — from the most distant days, of all men of noble race; of the patesis of Shirpurla who the temple Eninnu of the god Nin-girsu, my king have constructed, and who have made dedicatory inscriptions (?), the words of their mouth let no one change nor trangress their judgments! Of Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla, whoever shall change his words or transgress his judgments, may the god Anna, may the god Ellilla, may the goddess Nin-gharsag, may the god Enki, whose word is unchangeable; may the god Enzu, whose name none pronounces; may the god Nin-girsu, the king of weapons; may the goddess THE KING'S ANATHEMA AGAINST DESPOILERS OF HIS TOMB Nina, the mistress of interpretations; may the god Nindara, the royal warrior; may the mother of Shirpurla, the august goddess Gatumdug; may the goddess Bau, the lady, the elder daughter of Anna; may the goddess Ninni, the lady of battles; may the god Babbar, the king of abundance ( ?) ; may the god Pasag, the masterworkman of men ; may the god Galalima, may the god Dunshagana, may the goddess Nin-marki, the eldest daughter of the goddess Nina; may the goddess Duzi-abzu, the mistress of Kinunir-ki; may my god Nin-gishzida, change his destiny! Like an ox, may he be slain in the midst of his prosperity! Like a wild bull may he be felled in the plenitude of his strength! As for his throne, may those even whom he has reduced to captivity overthrow it in the dust! To efface its traces (?), even of its memory (?), may they apply their care! his name, in the temple of his god may they efface from the tablets ! May his god for the ruin of the country have no look (of pity) ! May he ravage it with rains from heaven ! May he ravage it with the waters of the earth ! May he become a man without a name! May his princely race be reduced to subjection! May this man, like every man who has acted evilly towards his chief, afar, under the vault of heaven, in no city whatsoever find a habitation! Of the champion of the gods, the Lord Nin-girsu, the greatness may the people proclaim ! HITTITE INSCRIPTIONS "A considerable number of Hittite monuments have been found, which heip us to a clearer understanding of the history of this people than we could get from Biblical, Egyptian, and cuneiform dataalone. At Carchemish and Hamath have been unearthed remains of sculptures accompanied by inscriptions, and elsewhere in this region, as at Zenjirli, there are abundant traces of Hittite art. Thanks to the researches of Jensen, it may now be regarded as certain that the inscriptions cover the period 1200-S00 B. C. It is fair to presume that the lan- guage of all the so-called Hittite inscriptions is the same, although it may be added that several styles of Hittite characters may be distinguished, some being pictorial, others branching off into conventional forms, with a strong tendency towards becoming linear. The decipherment of the Hittite inscriptions which would throw so much needed light on the ethnic problems is now being vigorously prosecuted. After several attempts on the part of Sayce, Peiser, and Halevy, which constituted an opening wedge, Jensen has recently struck a new path which gives promise of leading, ere long, to a satisfactory solution of the mystery. He has identified ideographs and sign groups for the names of countries and gods, some of which appear to be established beyond reasonable doubt. So far as Jensen's decipherment has gone, the inscriptions — some thirty in all — contain little beyond the names and titles of rulers, lands, and gods, with brief indication of conquests. The Hittite script appears to have been taken over from the Egyptian hieroglyphics, though it seems also certain that it contains elements which are either original or derived from some source that is still unknown. " The plate represents one of the stones found in Jerabis, or Carchemish. These stones are now in the British Museum, and we are indebted for them to George Smith and Consul Henderson. They are among the best specimens of Hittite inscriptions yet found. According to Jensen, their date is between 950 and 750 B. C. There are four columns of inscription on the stone, only two of which are represented in the fac-simile. ■ Following is an attempt made by Peter Jensen to decipher the inscription: I am -[ ]-z-s (name) of Carchemish the powerful, the king, the king, the P, the prince of the land, the priest- king (?) the .... z-T one of the land, of Carchemish, the powerful, the king . . . . , one of the land of Carchemish, the powerful, of the king of a .... a ... . son . . . HIMYARITIC INSCRIPTION OF HADAKAN Himyaritic or Sabaean is a name applied to the former people of southwestern Arabia, or Yemen, and to the remains of their civilization, consisting of extensive ruins, with numerous inscriptions (the oldest from long before our era). The language belongs to the Arabic division of the West Semitic group, and has its nearest relative in the idiom of the central and north Arabian Bedouins, raised to a literary language by Mohammed, but especially is the Ethiopic nearly related to it. The present inscription was found by Eduard Glaser (who made four journeys to the East in the years 1SS5-S6, 1887-S8, and 1892-94 [?] and brought back over a thousand inscriptions) in Yemen, South Arabia, in a village called Hadakan, near an estate now called Bait Mukbil Dugaish. The stone is kept in the royal museum of Berlin. It is 92 cm. (originally 94 cm., about 2 feet 6 in.) wide and 41 cm. high (about 14 in). When found it was walled into a recent building, and when taken out the left edge and lower part were gone. Eight lines are almost complete and a few obliterated traces of the ninth. It is a dedicatorv inscription in which the devotee declares that he dedicates to Talab his own person and his children and all his possessions. The reason for his action was probably contained in that part of the inscrip- tion which is missing. TRANSLATION Juhain du bin, son of Jasmail, son of Sumhukarib, king of the tribe of Sama, dedicated to Talab at Zabjan his own person and his sons Zaid and Zaidil and all his children and his personal property, and his castle Jand and his estates Talik, and all his possessions and the possessions of his father Jasmail, and the possessions and the pastures and the coastland and the castles and the estates of the heritage of the ancestor of both of them — Sumhuafaq, son of Sumhujafa, king of the tribe of Sama, together with the precincts and the city; and his pasture land Naman which has been cultivated and presented to Juhain by the Amu (a priestly officer [?] ) of Bakr and Hauffatt and Himmatatt and Hautaratt and by the Amu of Hautaratt and Amusafaq and Juhain and Amm Sama and Gan and Zirr and their brothers, the sons of Ruban; and his land Sumhuali in the neighborhood of tin Wady of Hadakan which was acquired and founded by theAmu of Ammsafaq, si n of Sariw, princeof Jursim; and his land Dat-Daah and the sacred houses which he built there, with the gilts given by his fathers and his uncles, the princes of Juhajbib, to whom they had been presented by the kings of Marjab and the tribe Sama — namely the battlefield (?) of the land Du-Daah; and by means of the gifts presented to him by Karibail Watar. king of Saba, and by means of the gifts and presents which the tribe Sama presented to him, and by means of the gifts and thankofferings which wire made by Jatakarib son of Darahel, son of Juhafri of Ahranan, and his unnd Hsis ''/■'-•/:■ - SPECIMEN OF HITTITE PICTURE WRITING. The Hittite race, or tribe, has been an unsolved problem with ethnologists — whence they came, whither departed, — the most we have been able to learn being derived from the Scriptures. The illustration above shows part of a monument found in Arabia, par- ticularly described and the inscription deciphered in the accom- panying tissue title-page. HIMVARITIC INSCRIPTIONS. The example of Himyaritic inscription exhibited above is of particular interest to students of language development in that it represents, apparently, a transition from Ethiopic to Asiatic charac- ter writing, probably five hundred or more years before the Christian era. See description and decipherment on the tissue title-page herewith. Seals of Colleges and Universities. PLATE I. i. Oxford University Founded S72 2. Harvard College Founded 1650 3. Cambridge University .... Founded 1257 4. Yale University Founded 1701 5. Princeton University .... Founded 1746 6. University of Pennsylvania . Founded 1740 7. Columbia University Founded 1754 8. University of Michigan . . . Founded 1S37 9. Edinburgh University .... Founded 15S2 10. Cornell University ..... Founded 1 6 11. Trinity College, Dublin . . . Founded 1591 Seals of Colleges and Universities. PLATE 2. 12 13- 14. '5- 16. 'T- IS. 19. 20. 2 1. University op Chicago . . . University of California . . Washington and Lef. Univ. . Leland Stanford University Johns Hopkins University . University of "Wisconsin . . University <>f Minnesota. . University of Nebraska . . Northwestern Univershy Brown University Syracuse University . . . . Pounded J 8 ' J 1 Founded 1868 Founded 1782 Founded Founded 1876 Founded Founded 1868 Founded 1869 Founded 1851 Founded 1764 Founded 1870 Seals of Colleges and Universities. PLATE 3. 23. Annapolis Naval Academy . . Established 1S45 24. YVesleyax University Founded 183 1 25. West Point .Military Academy Established 1802 26 Dartmouth College Founded 1770 27. Lafayette College Founded 1832 28. Toronto University Founded 1 :> . 29. Amherst College Founded 1S21 30. Williams College Founded 1793 31. Vassar College ... .... Founded 1S61 32. Lehigh University Founded 1S65 33. Smith Com ice Founded [871 ,„*/, •••TV* ! to: L^J **\ FOUNDED BY » : » * • * jti.« ^ Fraternity Badges of Colle ges and Societies. j* PLATE 4. i. Clio. 24. Tau Beta Pi. 2. Skull and Bones. 25. Phi Beta Kappa. 3- Scroll and Key. 26. Kappa Alpha. 4- Wolf's Head. * 27. Chi Psi. 5- Pi Eta. 28. Theta Nu Epsilon. 6. Wig. 29. Phi Nu Theta. 7. Sigma Nu. 30. Alpha Sigma Chi. S. Alpha Tau Omega. 31. Delta Tau Delta. 9- Kappa Alpha. 32. Kappa Kappa Kappa. 10. Beta Theta Phi. 33. Alpha Delta Phi. 1 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 34. Delta Psi. 12. Delta Kappa Epsilon 35. Chi Phi. 13- Sigma Phi. 36. Theta Delta Chi. 14- Delta Phi. 37. Pi Beta Phi. !5- Zeta Psi. 38. Kappa Alpha Theta. 16. Psi Upsilon. 39. Phi Delta Phi. 17- Phi Gamma Delta. 40. Beta Theta PKj. iS. Phi Kappa Sigma. 41. Delta Delta Delta. 19. Mystical Seven - . 42. Delta Gamma. 20. Phi Delta Theta. 43. Kappa Kappa Gamma. 21. Phi Kappa Psi. 4 i Alpha Phi. 22. Phi Zeta Mu. 45. Gamma Phi Beta. = 3- Sigma Chi. HOW TO USE THE THESAURUS AND A KEY TO PRONUNCIATION HOW TO USE THE THESAURUS. To the vast majority, the use of this Thesaurus Dictionary of the English Language presents no more- difficulties, for lack of understanding the plan adopted, than does any dictionary; but as its purpose is not limited to defining words, its wider sphere and usefulness being to suggest particular words or phrases as they may be required to definitely express a given idea, a brief explanation of how its fullest benefits may be obtained is appropriate. All vocabulary words are printed in brevier black face type; all definitions thereof appear in brevier lower case Roman. The reference words are printed in brevier small caps, under which heads the person consulting the dictionary must look to find any particular word desired. Thus, for example, take any word in the vocabulary, there will be found immediately following the definition, words printed in small caps, which are the reference words. These words must be looked up in their alphabetical position in the vocabulary, and under them will be found groups containing the word examined and words of related significance Phrases and idioms are printed in black face type; foreign phrases appear in brevier italics, and their phonetic pronun- ciation, in parentheses, are in brevier lower case Roman. The foreign languages are indicated thus [F.L meaning French; [It.], Italian; [G.], German; [Sp.], Spanish; [L.], Latin; [Gr.], Greek. Those translations which appear in the vocabulary proper are printed in brevier lower case Roman. Captions, to which the references direct, appear in capital letters, with positive and negative terms compounded, under which appear all asso- ciated words, printed in nonpareil black face type, and the definitions in nonpareil lower case Roman. The analysis of words, and their grammatical relationships, are printed under in nonpareil small caps. Captions, denoting parts of speech and their relationship, are in italics. By observing these explanations no difficulty will ever be encountered in using the Thesaurus, or in obtaining the information which it is intended to supply. THIS LINE IS CAPITAL LETTERS, USED IN CAPTIONS. This line is brevier small caps. (Used for reference words.) This line is brevier lower case Roman. (Used for definitions.) This line is brevier black face type. (Used for vocabulary words.) This line is nonpareil small caps. (For captions of synonyms.) This line is nonpareil lower case Roman. (For definitions of synonyms ) This line is italics. (For foreign words and grammatical designations ) This line is nonpareil black face type. (For associated words.) » Two words used with hyphen are compounded. A KEY TO PRONUNCIATION. The English words printed in this Thesaurus are easily pronounced by any one giving attention to the accent- marks at the end of syllables. The single accent mark — -thus, ' — indicates the primary inflection, or the syllable upon which the greater stress must be laid. The double accent mark — thus, " — -shows the secondary inflection, directing that some stress shall be laid, but less than that indicated by the primary accent. The pronunciation of all foreign phrases is found in parentheses following. Note well these indications. Wherever the phonetic a is found, it is to be pronounced as in sofa, partake; where the phonetic v occurs, it indicates such a sound as u in cup. The diphthong ai is sounded as ai in aisle and i in pz'ne; au as ou in the word howse. When iu appears, it equals the sound in mute. The phonetic letter H equals the German sound in the word ach; the inverted period placed beside the letter n, in any French word, gives it a broad, nasal sound. Thus, bon' is pronounced somewhat like ong, in song, except that the g is silent; zh should generally be sounded as an aspirate, as g in mirage (mirazh'). Respellings for pronunciation have been given for all foreign words and phrases at their vocabulary places in this dictionary. The Latin words have been pronounced according to the English method. English words have been divided into syllables and the accented syllables marked. In the respellings the ordinary Roman types have been used so far as possible. Instead of using diacritics for peculiar sounds of a and u, the standard types of the American Philological' Association have been adopted. The letters b, d, f, h. j, k, 1, m, n, o, p, q, r, t, v, w, have been used with their ordinary normal values. The following letters have been used with values as indicated : a as in far. s as in this. ch as in church. a as in cat. u as in c;/p. dh as th in thou. c as in car. u as in ride. iu as u in mute. e as in mrt. u as in G. liber ng as in sing. e as in th^y. X as in bo*. qu= =cw as in quit. i a9 in gun. y as in canyon. sh as in she. as in din. z as in 3ebra. th as in thin. t as in machine ai as in aisle. zh as g in mirage R as ch in G z.ch. au as ok in house. n - as n in F. bon - au as in author. Thesaurus Dictionary OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A Ai. Excellent. Goodness-Badness. A. B. Able-bodied seaman. Wayfarer-Seafarer. a bene placito [It.] (a be-ne pla-chi'-to) . At pleasure. Volition-Obligation. a c/:\" on a blanc [P.] (a bis u a blan'). In one way or another; "by hook or by crook;" at all hazards. Craft-Artlessness, Determination- Vacillation. a bon droit [F.l (a boir drwa). With justice. Right- Wrong. a ban inarchi [F.] (a bon' mar-she'). At a good bargain, cheap. Costliness-Cheapness, Price-Discount. a capile ad calcctn [L.] (e cap'-i-ti ad cal'-sem). From head to heel. Entirety-Deficiency. a compte [F.l (a con't). On account. Credit-Debt. a convert [F.] (a cu-var'). Undercover. Enlighten- ment-Secrecy, Security-Insecurity. a fond [F.] (a fon'). To the bottom. Entirety- Deficiency. a forfait [FJ (a for-fS') . By contract. Contract. a fortiori [L.] (S for-shi-o'-rai) . With stronger reason. SUPREMACY-SUBORDINACY. a lanicricaine [F.] (a la-me-ri-kdn') . In the American . style. Society-Ludicrousness. a I'anglaise [F.] (a lcar-glez'). In the English style. Society-Ludicrousness. a outrance [F.] (a u-trans'). To the utmost. En- tirety-Deficiency. a pl.nnb [F.] (a plom). Perpendicularly. Erectness- Flatness. a propos [F.] (a pro-po') . To the point. Connection- Independence, Harmony-Discord, Opportune- ness-Unsuitable n ess, Propriety-Impropriety. a propos de bottes [F.] (a pro-po' de bot). Not to the purpose. Connection-Independence. a se [L] (e si). From itself. Connection-Independ- ence. a temps, tout vient pour qui soit aiiendre [F.] (a tan', tu vi-an'' pur ki swat at-tandr'). Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait. Earliness- Lateness, Persistence-Whim. ab acta a>i posse valet consecutio [L.] (abac'-tiuad pos'-si ve'-let con-si-kiu'-shi-o). From what has been to what may be. Ratiocination-Instinct. lb alio exspectes, alteri quod feceris [L.] (ab e'-li-o ex- pec'-tiz, al'-ter-ai quod fes'-er-is). Expect to receive such treatment as you have given. Reprisal- Resistance. ■ab extra [L.] (ab ex'-tra). From without. Outside- Inside. \b inconvenienti [L.] (ab in-con-vi-ni-en'-tai). From the inconvenience involved. Difficulty-Facility. From the beginning. Outside- ab initio [L.] (ab in-ish'-i-o) . Beginning-End. ab intra [L.] (ab in'-tra). From within. Inside. ab origine [L.] ab o-rij'-i-ni). From the origin. Be- ginning-End. ab ovo [L.] (ab o'-vo). From the egg. Beginning- End. ab ovo usquead mala [L] (ab o'-vo us'-qui ad me'-la). From egg to apples. Entirety-Deficiency. ab uno disce omnes [L] (ab yu'-no dis'-si om'-niz). From one learn all. Uniformity-Diversity. ab'-a-cist. A calculator. Numbering. a-back'. Backward. Anteriority-Posteriority; take aback, Expectation-Surprise. ab'-a-cus. Calculating frame, the top member of a capital. Architecture, Numbering. A-bad'-don. Apollyon. Angel-Satan, Heaven- Hell. a-baft'. Toward the stern. Anteriority-Posterior- ity. ab-a'-li-en-ate. To transfer. Alienation. ab-a"-li-en-a'-tion. A transfer. Alienation. a-ban'-don. To give up. Arrival-Departure, Keep- ing-Relinquishment, Quest-Abandonment, Socia- bility-Privacy; abandon hope, Sanguineness- Hopelessness. a-ban-don'. Ease of manner. Activity-Indolence, Craft-Artlessness. a-ban'-doned. Depraved. Carefulness-Careless- ness, Sociability-Privacy, Virtue- Vice. a-ban'-don-ment. Desertion. Giving-Receiving, Quest-Relinquishment. a-bas'. A Persian coin. Values. a-base'. To degrade. Elevation-Depression, Self- respect-Humbleness. a-base'-ment. Humiliation. Elevation-Depres- sion, Presumption-Obsequiousness, Reputa- tion-Discredit. a-bash'. To disconcert. Sanguineness-Timidity, Selfrespect-Humbleness. a-bashed'. Disconcerted. Selfrespect-Humbleness. a-bate'. To diminish. Costliness-Cheapness, In- crease-Decrease. a-bate'-ment. A reduction. Costliness-Cheapness, Increase- Decrease. ab'-a-tis. An obstruction of felled trees. Attack- Defense. a"-bat-toir'. A slaughter house. Life-Killing. ab'-ba. Father. Parentage-Progeny. ab'-ba-cy. Jurisdiction of an abbot. Church. In parenthesis: far, cat; met, they; din, machine; cup, rule, G. iiber (in nearly) ; canyon; aisle; au = house; author; iu = mute; c=k; church; dh — <«ou; go; h = G. ach; F. bon* = nearly song; quit; zh = mirage. i ABBATIAL. ABORTIVE. ab-ba'-tial. Like an abbey. Church. ab-bat'-ic-al. Like an abbey. Church. abbe [F.] (a-be')- An abbot. Ministry-Laity. ab'-bess. Lady superior of a nunnery. Ministry-Laity. ab'-bey. A monastery or nunnery. Architecture, Fane. ab'-bot. Superior of an abbey. Ministry-Laity. ab-bre'-vi-ate. To shorten. Digest, Length-Short- ness. ab-bre"-vi-a'-tion. An abridgment. Digest, Length- Shortness. ab-bre'-vi-a-ture. A shortening. Digest, Length- Shortness. A-B-C. The alphabet. Beginning-End, Education- Misteaching, Letter. ab'-dal. A Mohammedan devotee. Ministry-Laity, Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy. ab'-di-cant. One who abdicates. Commission-Retire- ment. ab'-di-cate. To withdraw from. Commission-Retire- ment, Rule-License. ab"-di-ca'-tion. A giving up. Commission-Retire- ment, Rule-License. ab'-di-to-ry. Place for concealing anything. Dis- closure-Hidingplace. ab-dom'-i-nal. Pertaining to the abdomen. Anatomy. ab-duce'. To lead away. Attraction-Repulsion. ab-du'-cent. Drawing away. Attraction-Repul- sion. ab-duct'. To carry away wrongfully. Attraction- Repulsion, Taking-Restitution, Theft. ab-duc'-tion. A carrying away. Attraction-Repul- sion, Taking-Restitution. ab-duc'-tive. Carrying away. Attraction-Repulsion. a"-be-ce-da'-ri-an. Learner or teacher of the alphabet. Instructor-Pupil, Letter. a"-be-ce'-da-ry. An A-B-C book; pertaining to letters. School, Letter. abends wird der Faule ficissig [G.] (a' -bents virt der Fau'-le flais'-sin). In the evening the lazy man becomes diligent. Activity-Indolence. ab-er'-rance. A departing from the correct way. Aim- Aberration. ab-er'-rant. Wandering. Aim-Aberration, Concen- tration-Radiation, Conventionality-Unconven- tionality, Truth-Error. ab"-er-ra'-tion. Deviation from a course. Aim-Aber- ration, Concentration-Radiation, Convention- ality-Unconventionality, Deviation, Saneness- LUNACY. a-bet'. To encourage. Obstruction-Help. a-bet'-tor. One who abets. Antagonist-Assistant. a-bey'-ance. Temporary inaction. Discontinuance- Continuance, Earliness-Lateness. Entity-Non- entity, Expectation-Surprise ; in abeyance, Vigor- Inertia. a-bey'-ant. In a state of suspension. Expectation- Surprise. ab-hor'. To hate extremely. Desire-Distaste, Love- Hate. ab-hor'-rence. Detestation. Desire-Distaste. ab-hor'-rent. Hateful. Love-Hate, Pleasurable- Painfui.ness. a-bide'. To remain. Discontinuance-Continuance, Emotion, Excitability-Inexcitability, Expecta- tion-Surprise, Lastingn ess-Trans ientn ess, Muta- tion-Permanence, Presence-Absence; abide by, Assent-Dissent, Observance-Nonobseryance; not abide, Desire-Dislike. a-bi'-ding. Enduring. Lastingness-Transientness. ab'-i-gail. A lady's maid. Chief-Underling. a-bil'-i-ty. Power, Might-Impotence, Mind-Imbe- cility, Skill-Unskilfulness; to the best of one's abilities, Toil-Relaxation. ab"-i-o-gen'-e-sis. Production of living from non-living matter. Biology, Creation-Destruction. ab'-ject. Despicable. Presumption-Obsequiousness, Reputation-Discredit, Uprightness-Dishonesty; abject fear, Bravery-Cowardice, Sanguineness- TlMIDITY. ab-jec'-tion. Humiliation. Uprightness-Dishonesty. ab'-ject"-ness. Meanness. Reputation-Discredit. ab-junc'-tion. Separation by means of a joint. Union- Disunion. ab"-ju-ra'-tion. Renunciation. Assertion-Denial, Bigotry-Apostasy, Commission-Retirement. ab-jure'. To renounce under oath. Commission-Ab- rogation, Persistence-Whim. ab-jure'-ment. Renouncing. Bigotry-Apostasy. ab-la'-tion. Removal. Addition-Subtraction, Tak- ing-Restitution. ab'-la-tive. The ablative case. Grammar-Solecism, Noun. a-blaze'. On fire. Heat-Cold, Light-Darkness. a'-ble. Having sufficient power. Might-Impotence, Skill-Unskilfulness; able seaman, Wayfarer- Seafarer. a'-ble-bod"-ied. Robust. Strengtii-AVeakness. ab'-le-gate. A special papal envoy. Deputy, Estab- lishment-Removal. a'-ble-ness. State of being able. Might-Impotence. ab'-lep-sy. Blindness. Sight-Blindness. ab-lude'. To differ. Variation. ab-lu'-tion. A cleansing. Cleanness-Filthiness. ab"-ne-ga'-tion. Denial. Assertion-Denial, Mod- eration-Selfindulgence, Proffer-Re: ; usal; self- abnegation, Unselfishness-Selfishness. ab-nor'-mal. Unnatural. Conventionality-Uncon- ventionality; abnormal mind, Saneness-Lunact. abnormis sapiens [L.] (ab-nor'-mis se'-pi-enz). An unusually wise man. Sagacity'-Incapacity. ab-nor'-mi-ty. Monstrosity. Conventionality-Un- conventionality. ab-nor'-mous. Unnatural. Conventionality-Un- conventionality. a-board'. Upon. Conveyance-Vessel, Pkeeence- Absence; go aboard, Arrival-Departure. a-bode'. A dwelling. Dweller-Habitation, Ex- tension-Place, Prophecy; take up one's abode, Dweller-Habitation, Establishment-Removal, Mutability-Stability, Presence-Absence. a-bode'-ment. An omen. Prophecy. a-bo'-ding. An omen. Prophecy. abois, aux [F.] (a-bwa', oz). At bay. Difficulty- Facility, Life-Death, Security-Insecurity. a-bol'-ish. To do away with. Petition-Expostulation. a-bol'-ish-ment. Abolition. Petition-Expostulation. ab"-o-li'-tion. Extinction. Creation-Destruction, Petition- Expostulation. a-bom'-i-na-ble. Very hateful. Cleanness-Filthiness, Goodness-Badness, Love-Hate. a-bom'-i-nate. To detest. Desire-Dislike, Love- Hate. a-bom"-i-na'-tion. Something disliked. Cleanness- Filthiness, Desire-Distaste, Goodness-Badness, Love-Hate. a-bord'. To approach. Politeness-Impoliteness. ab"-o-rig'-i-nal. Native. Beginning-End, Cause- Effect. ab"-o-rig'-i-nes. Original inhabitants. Dweller- Habitation. a-bort'. To miscarry. Success-Failure. a-bor'-tion. Act of bringing fortb prematurely. Preparation-Nonpreparatiox. Success-Failure. a-bor'-tive. Brought forth prematurely. Prepara- tion-Nonpreparation. Si (.iss-Faii.uk: . Use- fulness-Uselessness; abortive attempt, Success- Failure; abortive efforts, Success-Failure. ABOUND. ABSTAIN. a-bound'. To be plentiful. Enough. a-bout'. Around; nearly; at the point. Connection- Independence, Environment-Interposition, Mag- nitude-Smallness, Remoteness-Nearness; be about, Occupation; beat about, Midcoub Circuit; come about, Betterment-Deterioratio get about, Publicity, Renovation-Relapse; going about, Tidings-Mystery; not know what one is about, Sxill-Unskilfulness; put about, Advan Retrogression; round about, Aim-Aberrai Circuition; send about one's business, Commis: Abrogation; set about, Enterprise; stir about, Activity-Indolence; turn about, Reversal; what it is about, Conception-Theme; what one is about, Occupation; about it and about it, Terseni Prolixity; about to, Future-Past; about to be, Occurrence- Destiny. a-bove'. Overhead. Exposure-Hidingplace; above all, Consequence-Insignificance, Suprem Subordinacy; above board, Craft-Artlessi Manifestation-Latency, Uprightness-Dishon- esty; above comprehension, Clearness-Obscurity; above ground, Life-Death; above the mark, S - premacy-Suh i ; above par, Go li.\D- ness, Magnitude-Smallness; above praise, \ Vice; above price, Costliness-Cheapness; above stairs, Height Lowness; above suspicion, Inno- cence-Guilt; above water, Security-Insecurity. a-bove'-men'-tioned. Referred to before. Antece- dence-Sequence, Precedence-Succession, Re- current i ab"-ra-ca-dab'-ra. Nonsensical words. Devotion- Ciiarm. ab-rade'. To wear away. Addition-Subi Friability. A'-bra-ham, sham. Feign sickness. Truthfui Falsehood. ab-rase'. To rub off. Friction-Lubrication. ab-ra'-sion. 'Wearing away. Addition-Subtraci Friability, Friction- Lubrication. a-breast'. Side by side. Laterality-Contraposi- tion. abre'ge' [F.] (a-bre-zhS') . Abridged. Abridgment-Di- gest. ab-rep'-tion. Snatching away. Taking-Restitu- tion. abri, tente d' [F.] (a-bri', tant d'). Shelter tent. Cover-Lining. a-bridge'. To shorten. Increase-Decrease, Length- Shortness; abridge in writing, Digest, Terse.m Prolixity. a-bridged'. Shortened. Digest. a-bridg'-ment. A condensed form. Digest, Incri Decrease, Length-Shortness, Terseness-I lixity. a-broach'. On tap. Readiness-Reluctance. a-broad'. At a great distance. Certainty-Uncer- tainty, Constituent-Alien, Remoteness-Near- ness; get abroad, Publicity. ab'-ro-gate. To annul. Commission-Abrogation, Commissi on- Retirement. ab'-ro-ga-ted. Annulled. Commission-Abri igation, Commission-Retirement ab"-ro-ga'-tion. Repeal. Commission-Abrogation, Quest-Relinquishment. ab-rupt'. Sudden. Elegance-Suddenness, Eter- nity-Instant an eity, Parallel ism -Inclination, Turbulence-Calmness. ab-rup'-tion. A sudden breaking off. Union-Dis- union. ab-rupt'-ly. Suddenly. Eternity-Instantaneity. ab'-scess. An inflammatory tumor. Health-Sickn ab-scind'. To cut off. Addition-Subtraction, Un- ion-Disunion. ab-scis'-sa. An clement of reference in the locat ■ • f a point. Mensuration. ab-scis'-sion. Act of cutting off. Addition-Sub- traction, Union-Disunion. ab-scond'. To depart secretly. Arrival-Departure, Quest-Evasion. ab'-sence. Withdrawal from a plai e Entity- Non- entity, Holding-Exemption, Plurality-/.! ko, Presence-Absence; absence of choice, Choice- Neutrality; absence of elasticity, Elasticity- In- elasticity; absence of intellect, Mind-Imbecility; absence of mind, Heed-Disregard; absence of mo- tive, Motivi absence of preparation, Preparation absence of solidity, Solidity-Rarity; absence of voice, Vocalization- Muteness. absence d'espril [P.] (ab-sans' des-pri'). Absence of mind. Heed-Disregard, Reflection-Vacancy. haeri ■ n< n < k/ [L«] (ab-senz' hi'-riz non i'-rit). The absent man will not be heir. Remembrance- Forgetfulness. ab'-sent. Being away; absent-minded. Heed-Disre- gard, Presence-Absence, Reflection- Vacancy. ab-sent' oneself. To withdraw. Presence-Absence. ab-sen-tee'. One who is absent. Presi ENCB. ab"-sen-tee'-ism. Practice of being absent. Pres- ence-Absence. ab"-sent-mind'-ed. Abstracted. Heed-Disregard. ab'-sinth. A bitter, greenish liquor. Redness- Greenness. ab'-so-lute. Independent; unqualified; despotic. As- sertion-Denial, Certainty-Uncertainty. Choice- Neutrality, Dominance-Impotence, Dueness- Undueness, Entirety-Deficiency, Entity-Non- entity, Harshness-Mildness, Heed-Disregard, Liberty-Subjection, Magnitude-Smallness, Mind- Imbecility, Motive-Caprice, Presence-Absence; absolute interest, Property; make absolute, Dbcision-Misjudgment, Evidence-Counter evi- dence. ab'-so-lute ad-ver'-sa-tive. A conjunction expressing contrariety or opposition. Particle. ab'-so-lute-ly. Completely. Magniti de-Smallness. ab'-so-lute-ness. State of being absolute. Rule- License. Tyranny-Anarchy. ab"-so-lu'-tion. Remission of sin. Duty-Immunity, Exculpation-Conviction, Pardon- Vindictive- ness, Release-Restraint. ab'-so-lu"-tism. Unlimited authority. Harshness- Mildness. Tyranny-Anarchy. ab-solv'-a-ble. Capable of being acquitted. A ; MENT. ab-solve'. To set free. Atonement, Duty-Immunity, Exculpation -Convict i on, Pardon-Vindici ive- NESS, Jealousy-Envy, Reli ase-Restraint. ab'-so-nant. Unreasonable. Melody-Dissonance, Rath tin a hon-Casuistry. ab'-so-nous. Discordant. Ratiocination-Casuistry. ab-sorb'. To take into. Admission-Expui Chemistry, Composition-R .. Excita: Use-Disusi absorb the mind, Heed-Disrec absorb the soul, Excitation. ab-sorbed'. Taken into; engrossed. Heed-Disregard. ab-sorb'-ent. Tending to absorb. Admission-Expul- sion. ab-sorb'-ing. Tending to draw in. Emotion, Need. ab-sorp'-tion. .'■ isorbing. Admission-Expul- sion, Biology, Composition-Resolution, H Disregard. ab-sorp'-tive. Tending to absorb. Admission-Expul- sion. ab-squat'-u-late. To run away. Quest-Evasion. ab-stain'. To refrain. Moderation-Selfindulc.ence, Quest-Evasion, Use-Disuse; abstain from action, ABSTAIN. ACCLIMATIZATIION. Action-Passiveness; abstain from voting, Choice- Neutrality. ab-stain'-er. One who abstains. Moderation-Self- indulgence, Teetotalism-Intemperance. ab-ste'-mi-ous. Sparing. Moderation-Selfindul- GENCE. ab-ste'-mi-ous-ness. State of being sparing. Self- indulgence-Voluptuary. ab-sten'-tion. A refraining. Quest-Evasion. ab-sterge'. To make clean. Cleanness-Filthiness. ab-ster'-sion. A cleansing. Cleanness-Filthiness. ab-ster'-sive. Having cleansing qualities. Remedy- Bane. ab'-sti-nence. Self-denial. Moderation-Selfindul- gence, Quest-Evasion, Use-Disuse; abstinence from action, Action-Passiveness, Use-Disuse; abstinence from voting, Choice-Neutrality; total abstinence, Austerity, Moderation-Selfindul- gence, Use-Disuse. ab'-sti-nent. Continent. Moderation-Selfindul- gence. ab-stract'. To take away. Digest, Taking-Resti- tution, Terseness-Prolixity, Theft, Union- Disunion; abstract idea, Conception-Theme; abstract oneself, Heed-Disregard, abstract noun, Noun; abstract thought, Heed-Disregard, Reflec- tion-Vacancy; in the abstract, Connection-Inde- pendence, Solitude-Company, Union-Disunion. ab-stract'-ed. Separated. Heed-Disregard. ab-stract'-ed-ly. Heedlessly. Union-Disunion. ab-stract'-ed-ness. Heedlessness. Union-Disunion. ab-strac'-tion. A separating; a taking. Addition- Subtraction, Heed-Disregard, Reflection-Va- cancy, Taking-Restitution, Theft, Union-Dis- union. ab-struse'. Hidden. Clearness-Obscurity. ab-surd'. Opposed to truth. Adage-Nonsense, Possibility-Impossibility. ab-surd'-i-ty. A contradiction of sound reason. Adage-Nonsense, Society-Ludicrousness, Pos- sibility-Impossibility. ab-surd'-ness. State of being absurd. Adage-Non- sense. A-bu'-na. The head of the Abyssinian Church. Chief- Underling, Ministry-Laity. a-bun'-dance. Plenty. Enough. a-bun'-dant. Plentiful. Enough, Entirety-Defi- ciency, Magnitude-Smallness. abundanti cautela, ex [L.] (ab-un-dan'-tai cau-ti'-la, ex). From abundant caution. Security-Insecurity. a-bun'-dant-ly. Plentifully. Magnitude-Smallness. a-burst'. In a bursting condition. Excess-Lack. a-buse'. To put to a bad use. Approval-Disapproval, Charitableness-Curse, Goodness-Badness, Puri- ty-Impurity, Truthfulness-Falsehood, Use-Dis- use; abuse of language, Word-Neology; abuse of terms, Interpretation-Misinterpretation, Word- Neology. a-buse'-ful. Full of abuse. Usefulness-Uselessness. a-bu'-sive. Hurtful; improper. Adulation-Dis- paragement, Approval-Disapproval, Charitable- ness-Menace, Politeness-Impoliteness. a-but'. To touch end to end. Interspace-Contact, Suspension-Support. a-but'-ment. A supporting structure. Attack-De- fense, Interspace-Contact, Suspension-Sup- port. a-by'. To pay the penalty for. Emotion, Excita- n i lit y-In excitability, Mutation-Permanence. a-bysm'. A chasm. Interspace-Contact. a-hys'-mal. Deep. Deepness-Shallowness. a-byss'. A bottomless gulf. Extension-Inexten- sion, Heaven-Hell, Interspace-Contact. A.C.[L.ante\. Before Christ. Duration-Nearness. ac"-a-dem'-ic. Classical. Education-Misteaching, School. ac"-a-dem'-ic-al. Scholarly. Purity-Crudeness. a-cad"-e-mi'-cian. A member of an academy. Scholar-Dunce; Royal Academician, Artist. a-cad'-e-mist. An academician. Scholar-Dunce. a-cad'-e-my. A place of instruction. School. a-can'-thus. A plant. Architecture. Embellish- ment-Disfigurement. acariatre [F.] (a-ca-ri-atr') . Crabbed. Favorite- Quarrelsomeness. a-cat"-a-lec'-tic. Not defective. Poetry. a-cat'-a-lep-sy. The inconceivability of things. Cer- tainty-Doubt. accedas ad curiam [L.] (ac-si'das ad kiu'-ri-am). You may go to court. Litigation, Tribunal. ac-cede'. To agree to. Assent-Dissent, Consent. ac-cel'-er-ate. To quicken. Earliness-Lateness, Hurry-Leisure, Swiftness-Slowness, Turbu- lence-Calmness. ac-cel"-er-a'-tion. A quickening. Hurry-Leisure, Swiftness-Slowness. ac-cen'-sion. Act of setting fire to. Heating-Cooling. ac'-cent. Stress of voice on a particular syllable. Rhetoric, Sound-Silence, Vocalization-Mute- ness; broken accent, Vocalization-Muteness. ac-cen'-tu-ate. To pronounce with an accent. Con- sequence-Insignificance, Vocalization-Mute- ness. ac-cen"-tu-a'-tion. Act of accentuating. Poetry- Prose, Vocalization-Muteness. ac-cept'. To take when offered. Assent-Dissent, Consent, Giving-Receiving, Taking-Restitu- tion. acccpta [L.] (ac-sep'ta). Receipts. Accounts, Se- curity. ac-cept'-a-ble. Pleasing. Pleasurableness-Pain- fulness, Propriety-Impropriety. ac-cept'-ance. Act of accepting. Assent-Dissent. Consent, Giving-Receiving, Interpretation- Misinterpretation, Security. ac"-cep-ta'-tion. Accepted meaning. Interpretation- Misinterpretation, Meaning-Jargon. ac-cep'-tion. Favoritism. Interpretation-Misin- terpretation. ac'-cess. A coming near. Approach-Withdrawal; easy of access, Difficulty-Facility; means of access, Way. ac-ces'-si-ble. Capable of being reached. Difficulty- Facility, Possibility-Impossibility. ac-ces'-sion. Increase. Addition^Subtraction, Com- mission-Abrogation, Consent, Increase-De- crease, Rule-License. ac-ces'-so-ry. Additional; aiding. Addition-Sub- traction, Antagonist-Assistant, Increment- Remnant, Obstruction-Help, Solitude-Com- pany. acciaccatura [It.] (at-chac-ca-tu'-ru) . A grace note in music. Melody-Dissonance. ac'-ci-dence. Rudiments. Grammar-Solecism. ac'-ci-dent. Event; chance; disaster. Good-Evil, Occurrence-Destiny, Rationale-Luck, Welfare- Misfortune; fatal accident, Life-Killing. ac"-ci-den'-tal. Unexpected. Purpose-Luck, Ra- tionale-Luck, Subjectiven ess-Objective ness. ac"-ci-den'-tal-ly. Casually. Subjectiveness-Objec- TIVENESS. ac'-ci-dents, trust to the chapter of. Purpose-Luck. ac-cip'-i-ent. A receiver. Giving-Receiving. ac-claim'. Applause. Approval- Disapproval. ac"-cla-ma'-tion. Shout of assent. Approval-Dis- approval, Assent-Dissent. ac-cli"-ma-ti-za'-tion. An habituating. Habit-Desue- tude. ACCLIMATIZE. ACCOUNT. ac-cli'-ma-tize. To adapt to a new climate. Domes- tication-Agriculture, Habit- Desuetude. ac-cliv'-i-ty. An upward slope. Ascent-Descent, Parallelism-Inclination. ac-cli'-vous. Sloping upward. Parallelism-Incli- nation. ac-cloy'. To fill full. Excess-Lack. ac"-co-lade'. Salutation of knighthood. Politeness- Impoliteness. ac-com'-mo-date. To oblige; furnish. Equality- Inequality, Fighting-Conciliation, Giving-Re- ceiving, Harmony-Discord, Loan-Borrowing, Obstruction-Help; accommodate oneself to, Con- ventionality-Uncon vention ality ; accommodate with, Giving-Receiving, Loan-Borrowing. ac-com'-mo-da"-ting. Obliging. Charitableness- Malevolence. ac-com"-mo-da'-tion. Adjustment. Fighting-Con- ciliation, Keeping-Relinquishment, Obstruc- tion-Help. ac-com'-pa-ni-ment. Something added. Addition- Subtraction, Increment-Remnant, Music, Soli- tude-Company. ac-com'-pa-nist. One who accompanies. Musician. ac-com'-pa-ny. To go with. Addition-Subtraction, Coexistence, Musician, Solitude-Company. ac-com'-pa-ny-ing. Going with. Solitude-Company. accompli, fait [F.] (ac-con'-pli', fet). An accomplished deed. Completion-Noncompletion. ac-com'-plice. An associate. Antagonist-Assistant. ac-com'-plish. To carry out. Completion-Nonom- pletion.Creation-Destructton, Success-Failure ; accomplish with difficulty, Difficulty-Facility. ac-com'-plished. Carried out. Scholar-Dunce, Skill- Unskilfulness. ac-com'-plish-ment. Completion. Anything that per- fects. Completion-Noncompletion, Knowledge- Ignorance, Skill-Unskilfui.ness. ac-compts'. Accounts. Accounts. ac-cord . To grant; harmony. Assent-Dissent, Giv- ing-Receiving, Harmony-Discord, Leave-Pro- hibition, Melody-Dissonance, Uniformity-Diver- sity, Variance-Accord; in accord, Harmony-Dis- cord; of one's own accord, Readiness-Reluctance. ac-cord'-ance. Agreement. Assent-Dissent, Giving- Receiving, Harmony-Discord, Leave-Prohibi- tion, Uniformity-Diversity; accordance with reality, Nature-Art; accordance with truth, Nature-Art; in accordance, Conventionality- Unconventionality; in accordance with, Har- mony-Discord. ac-cord'-ant. Harmonious. Harmony-Discord; be accordant, Harmony-Discord; render accordant, Harmony-Discord. ac-cord'-ing. Agreeing. According as, Modification; according to, Evidence-Counterevidence; accord- ing to circumstances, Condition-Situation; accord- ing to every reasonable expectation, Likelihood- LTnlikelihood; according to law, Law-Lawless- ness; according to regulation, Conventionality- Unconventionality; according to rule, Conven- tionality-Unconventionality; according to this occasion, Condition-Situation. ac-cord'-ing-ly. Suitably. Condition - Situation, Ratiocination- Instinct. ac-cor'-di-on. A musical wind-instrument. Musical Instruments. ac-cor'-di-on-ist. A player on the accordion. Musician. ac-cost'. To address. Address-Response. ac-cou-cheur' (cu-shur). An assistant at childbirth. Instrumentality, Remedy-Bane. ac-count'. A reckoning. Account, Accounts, Ap- proval-Disapproval, Credit-Debt, Decision- MlSJUDGMENT, ENLIGHTENMENT-SECREC Y, NUMBER- ING. Record, Reputation-Discredit; call to account, Approval-Disapproval; find one's account in, Success-Failure, Usefulness-Uselessness; make no account of, Overvaluation-Undervalua- tion; not account for, Clearness-Obscurity; on account of, Motive-Caprice, Obstruction-Help, Purpose-Luck, Rationale-Luck; on no account, Assertion-Denial, Leave-Prohibition, Proffer- Refusal; send to one's account, Life-Killinc; take into account, Heed-Disregard, Modification; small account, Consequence-Insignificance; to one's account, Property: turn to account, Better- mi nt-Deterioration, Gain-Loss, Success-Fail- ure, Use-Disusk; account as, Faith-Misgiving; account for, Interpretation-Misinterpretation, Rationale-Luck; account with, Exchange, Set- tlement-Default. ACCOUNT. Account. A written or spoken record. Adventures. Hazardous events in a man's life. Ana. A collection of sayings and anecdotes. Anecdotes. Short si Annals. Narrative of events divided into periods. Apologue. Narrative of events to biirp out some moral truth Autobiography. A story of one's own life by himself. Biography. The story of a person's life. Chronography. rlistol rd. Circumstantial account. An account Riving many details. Confessions, Facts relative to the life of a person. Delineation. Representing by drawing bold outlines. Description. An account, a word portrayal. Detailed account. A description giving minute details. Essay. A composition on a subject less formal than a treat: Expose [F.]. Statement; account; outline. Fable. A fictitious story written to teach some moral. Fairy tale. A recital of the deeds of a fairy ; an invented story- Fortunes. Events which befall a person during his life. Historiette. An historical treatise on a small scale. Historiography. The writing of historic treatises; histories. History. A written record of events. Journal. An account of daily events. Legend. A traditional si • Memoir. A short biography; reminiscences; something merr • Memorial. A token or monument to perpetuate the memory of some one or something. Minute account. A record in full. Monograph. An essay upon a definite thing or special class. Narration. The act of recounting the particulars of an €' series of events in the order of occurrence. Narrative. A logical account of the successive events cf something. Necrology. A record of deaths. Nursery tale. A story, or 1 Mren. Parable. A religious allegory, like the parables of Christ. Particulars. A record in full. Personal narration. A description about some particular person. Recital. An account given in detail. Record. Official proceedings entered in a book. Rehearsal. A narration; a repeating of some performance to bo rendered during some theatrical season. Relation. A telling; a recital Report. A recountal of events. Romance. A story of adventure or chivalry. Sketch. A rough outline; a general delineation. Specification. An account where every detail is specified. Statement. A setting forth of certain opinions. Statement of facts. Ground upon which evidence is to be consid- ered. Story. A tale; a history; a record. Summary of facts. An epitome ; a collection of the main points Tale. A story, an account; statement. Thesis. A subject prescribed to a student to write before granting him a degree. Tradition. The handing down from one generation to anotber by word of mouth of the customs, deeds, attainments, ete.. of a people Treatise. A formal essay ; a composition on a particular subiec t Work of fiction. A novel; a book or'fiction. Account — Associated Nouns. Biographer. One who writes biographies. Clio. The muse of history. ACCOUNT. ACCROACH. Fabulist. A writer of fables; one who falsifies. Guide book. A book of information for travelers and tourists. Historian. A recorder and interpreter of events. Historic muse. See Clio. Minerva Press. The press in London which printed a great many trashy novels in the eighteenth century. Novelist. A writer of fiction. Relator. One who recounts; narrator. Account — Verbs. Characterize. To set forth traits or well-known marks. Descend to details, descend to particulars. To give descriptions in full. Describe. To depict; delineate. Draw a picture. To bring out the features of something with pencil and brush. Enter into particulars. See Descend to particulars. Fight one*s battles over again. Recall old adventures. Give an account of. To describe; to tell about. Make a report. To give a full account of; usually, written. Narrate. To tell; to recount. Particularize. Mention details. Picture. To paint; to set forth in bold relief. Portray. See Delineation. Recapitulate. To repeat ; to give a summary of. Recite. Rehearse; repeat. Recount. Relate; to tell. Rehearse. To go over again; to relate. Relate. To narrate; to report. Render an account of. To give a true report. Report, Give an account; to tell the facts. Set forth. See Assertion Sum up. To make a summary. Unfold a tale. To relate a tale ; to unravel a story . Account — Adjectives. Anecdotic. See Nouns. Described. See \'erbs. Descriptive. Narrative; pictorial. Epic. A recital of heroic exploits. Graphic. Very clear and pronounced. Historic. A part of history. Legendary. Based on tradition. *" Narrative. See Account. Storied. Connected with history. Suggestive. Incidents which call forth others. Traditional. Not authentic ; based on legends. Traditionary. Traditional. Account — Phrase. Furor scribendi [L.]. Rage for writing. ac-count'-a-ble. Responsible. Accounts, Duty- Immunity. ac-count'-a-ble-ness. Responsibility. D u r v- 1 mmunitv. ac-count'-ant. One skilled in accounts. Accounts. Treasurer. ac-count'-ant gen'-er-al. Chief accountant. Treas- urer. ac-count'-ing. Reckoning. Accounts. ac-counts'. Records. Accounts, Money. ACCOUNTS. A;compts. Accounts. Account. Record of debits, credits, etc. Account current. A running account. Accounts. Record of business transactions. Account settled. An account closed and verified lUlance sheet. A sheet of paper on which the balance is put for i n ;pe< I ion , I til. An orderly statement of small business transactions, fcudget. A financial statement put before a legislature. Cash account. An account of ready money. Cample rendu [F.]. A returned account. Debtor and creditor account. An account in which debts and credits are exhibited Money matters. Financial statements or atTairs. Reckoning. An account stated; a score. Running account. An open account. Score. A bill- Statistics. Classified facts. See NUMBERING. Trial balance. In double-entry bookkeeping, a final statement of all balances in the ledger accounts. Accounts — Agency. Accountant. One who keeps or makes accounts. Accounting party. One who is required to make an account Actuary. A calculating officer in an insurance company. Auditor. One who examines accounts. Bookkeeper. One who keeps account books. Financier. One skilled in finance. See Treasurer. Accounts — Means. Account books. Books in which accounts are kept. Books. A general name for all account books. Cash books. Books in which cash transactions are recorded. Day book. A journal of every item of daily business. Journal. A register of daily transactions. Ledger. Principal account book. Pass book. A small book in which credits are kept. Accounts — Associated Nouns. Accepta [L.]. Receipts. Acquit [F.]. Discharge from debt. Audit. An examination of an account by proper persons. Balance. An excess of credit over debtor side, or vice versa. Bookkeeping. The method by which accounts are kept. Commercial arithmetic. The science of mercantile transactions. Double entry. A special method of keeping accounts. Finance. The science of the proper management of monetary affairs Monetary arithmetic. Arithmetic of finance. Accounts — Verbs. Audit. To adjust an account. Balance accounts. To make debit and credit sides of an account equal. Book. Record in an account book. Bring to book. Put a transaction in a book. Carry over. To transfer an account from one book to another or from one page to another. Cast up accounts. To compute accounts. Cook an account. To tamper with an account. Credit To enter upon credit side of accounts. Debit. To enter upon debit side of accounts. Doctor an account. To falsify an account. Enter. To put on record; to enroll. Falsify an account. To make an account false. Garble an account. To mutilate an account. Keep an account. To record accounts in a book. Make accounts square. To make the accounts even . Make up accounts. Compute accounts. Post. To transfer accounts from journal to ledger. Settle accounts. To balance or pay an account. Square an account. To make an account balance. Surcharge and falsify. To show an item in an account omitted or wrong. Take stock. Take an account of merchandise. Tax. To lay a burden upi >n; to assess. Wind up accounts. To cl Accounts — Adjectives. Accountable. Capable of being accounted. Accounting. Computing; reckoning up. Monetary. Of or pertaining to money or finance. See Money. ac-coup'-le. To join. Union-Disunion. ac-cou'-ter. To furnish. Dress-Undress, Prepara- TION-NONPREPA RATION. ac-cou'-ter-ment. Trappings. Dress, Undress, In- struments, PRE PARATION-NONPRE PA RATION. ac-coy'. To soothe. Turbulence-Calmness. ac-cred'-it. To give authority to. Artist, Credit- Debt, Reputation-Discredit, Truthfulness- Falsehood. ac-cred'-it-ed. Believed. Credit-Debt, Faith-Mis- giving, Habit-Desuetude; accredited to, Commis- sion-Abrogation, Representative. ac-cre'-tion. Growth. Biology, Cohesion-Looseness, Enlargement-Diminution, Increase-Decrease. ac-crim"-i-na'-tion. Accusation. Justification- Charge. ac-croach'. To usurp. Taking-Restitution. ACCRUAL. ACQUEST. ac-cru'-al. Increase. Increase-Decrease. ac-crue'. To accumulate. Addition-Subtraction, Cause-Effect, Gain-Loss, Giving-Receiving, Outlay-Income. ac-crust'. To become hard. Hardness-Softness. ac"-cu-ba'-tion. Reclining. Erectness-Flatnlss. accueil [F.] (ac-cu-iy). Reception. Politeness-Im- l'i ILITENESS. ac-cum'-bent. Lying down. Erectness-Flatness. ac-cu'-mu-late. To collect. Excess-Lack, Gathering- Scattering, Store. a:-cu"-mu-la'-tion. Excess-Lack, Gathering-Scat- tering, Store. ac'-cu-ra-cy. Exactness. Carefulness-Carelessness, Truth-Error. ac'-cu-rate. Exact. Carefulness-Carelessness, K v. IWLEDGE- [GNORANCE, TRUTH-ERROR. ac-curse'. Doom to evil. Charitableness-Curse. »:-cursed'. Miserable. Goodness-Badni I'm vsure- Pain, Virtue-Vice. ac-cu'-sa-ble. Blameworthy. Justification-Charge. accusare nemo se d< h I II..] (ac-kiu-ze'-ri ni'-mo si di'- bet). No one is bound to accuse himself . LITIGATION. ac"-cu-sa'-tion. A charge of crime. Justification- Charge, Litigation. ac-cu'-sa-tive. The case of nouns which denotes the object of a transitive verb. Noun. ac-cu'-sa-to-ry. Accusing. Justification-Charge. ac-cuse'. To charge with wrong-doing. Approval- Disapproval, Exculpation-Conviction, Justifi- catji in-Charge, Litigation. ac-cused'. Charged. Justification-Chargi ac-cus'-er. One who accuses. Justification-Chargi ac-cus'-ing. Charging. Justification-CharC!. ac-cus'-tom. To make wonted. Habit-Desuetude. ac-cus'-tom-a-ry. Habitual. Habit-Desuetude. ac-cus'-tomed. Habituated. Habit-Desuetude. ace. A minute portion. Magnitude-Smallness, Sol- itude-Company; within an ace, Remoteness-Near- ness. A-cel'-da-ma. Place of bloody associations. Life- Killing, Lists. a-cerb'. Harsh; sharp. Sweetness-Acidity. ac'-er-bate. Embittered. Alleviation-Aggravation, Betterment-Deterioration. a-cerb'-ic. Severe. Austerity. a-cerb'-i-ty. Bitterness. Charitableness-Malevo- lence, Favorite-Quarrelsomeness, Palatable- ness-Unpalatableness, Politeness-Impoliteness. acerrima proximorum odia[L.] (a-ser'-ri-ma prox-i-mo'- rum o'-di-a) . Fiercest the hatred of those nearest kin. Love-Hate. a-cer'-vate. Massed together. Gathering-Scatter- ing. acervalim [L.] (a-scr-ve-tim). In heaps. Excess- Lack Gathering-Scattering, Multiplicity-Pau- city. ac"-er-va'-tion. Amassing. Gathering-Scattering. a-ces'-cent. Tart. Sweetness-Acidity. a-cet'-ic. Sour. Sweetness-Acidity. ac'-e-tone. An inflammable liquid. Chemistry. ac'-e-tous. Sour. Chemistry, Sweetness-Acidity. ac'-et-yl-ene". An illuminating gas. Chemistry. ackarnt [F.] (a-shur-ne') . Ravenous. Favorite- Anger. tchurnement [F.] (a-sharn-muir'). Bloodthirstiness. Favorite- Anger. Achates, fidus [L.] (a-ke'-tiz, fai'-dus) . Faithful Achates; trusty friend. Friend-Foe, L t prightness-Rogue. ache. A pain. Pleasure-Pain, Sensuality-Suf- fering. Ach'-e-ron, pit of. Hell. Heaven-Hell. Acherontd, flectere si nequeo superos, — movebo [L.] (ak"-er-on'-ta, flec'-ter-i sai ni'-qui-o siu'-per-os, — mo-vi'-bo). If I fail to move the powers abovi , 1 will move Acheron. Success-Failure. i pabulum [L] (ak-er-on'-tis pab'-yu-lum) . I iod for Acheron. Good Man-Bad Man. a-chiev'-a-ble. Capable of being done. Possibility- Impossibility. a-chieve'. To accomplish. Action-Passiveness, Be- ginning-End, Completion-Xoncomi'letion, Crea- te i.\ -I >ESTRUCTION. a-chieve'-ment. A successful action. Action-Pas- siveness, Bravery-Cowardice, Compli pion-Non- COMPLETION, Creation-Destruction, Mark-Obi.it- e i< atio n . Ach"-il-le'-an. Invulnerable; wrathful. Favorite- i i krelsomeness, Security-Insecurity. A-chil'-les, heel of (-kil'-). A vulnerable part. S rity-Insecurity. a'-ching. Suffering pain. Pleasure-Pain, Sensual- ity-Suffering; aching heart, Pleasure-Pain. ach"-ro-mat'-ic Colorli i or-Achromatism. a-chro'-ma-tism. Quality of being colorless. Color- Ai hromatism. a-chro'-ma-tize. To make achromatic. ColOR-Achro- M AT] 'I a-cic'-u-lar. Sharp-pi int. :d. Sharpness-Bluntness. ac'-id. A sour substance. Chemistry, Sweetness- Al 1D1TY. a-cid'-i-fy. To make acid. Sweetness-Acidity. a-cid'-i-ty. State of bcin rNESS-AciDlTY. a-cid'-u-late. To embitter. Sweetness-A( IDITY. a-cid'-u-la"-ted. Made : dity. a-cid'-u-lous. Subacid. Sweetness-Acidity. acieria errando [Sp.] (o-thi ■ er-ran'-do) . He blunders into the right. Adept-Bungler, Pur- pi ise-Luck. ac'-i-form. Needle -Bluntness. ac-knowl'-edge. To admit. Assent-Dissent, Asser- tion-Denial, Consent, Eyidence-Counterevi- dence, Exposure-Hidingplace, Investigation- Answer, Observance-Nonobservance, Ru om- PENSE-Punition, Repj . . racy. Sagac- ity-Incapacity, Settlemei i - ilt, Thank- fulness-Thanklessni ac-knowl'-edged. I Habit-Desuetude. ac-knowl'-edg-ment. Avowal ition; an official declaration. Dissent, Assertion-Denial, Consent, Exposure-Hidingplai e, Investigation- Answer, Observance-Nonobservance, Rem im- pense-Punition, Repentance-Obduracy, Settle- men i-Dii ault. Thankfulness-Thanklessness. ac'-me. The highest point. Top-Bottom; acme of perfection, Faultlessness-Fai ltiness. a-col'-o-gy. Medical science. Remedy-Bane. a-col'-o-thyst. An attendant. Ministry-Laity. ac'-o-lyte. An attendant Ministry-Laity. ac'-o-lyth. A Catholic priest. Ministry-Laity. a-co'-mi-a. Baldness. Beauty-Ugliness. ac'-o-nite. A medicinal plant. Remedy-Bane. a-cous'-tic. Pertaining to hearing. Hearing-Deaf- ness; acoustic organs. Hearing-Deafness. a-cous'-tics. Science of sound. Sound-Silence. ac-quaint'. To make familiar. Acquaint oneself with, Education-Misteaching, Enlightenment- Secrecy; acquaint with, Enlightenment-Secrecy. ac-quaint'-ance. Knowledge of any person or thing. Enlightenment-Secrecy. Friend-Foe. Knowl- edge-Ignorance; make acquaintance with, Amity- Hostility. ac-quaint'-ed. Informed. Sociability-Privacy. ac-quaint'-ed with. Known to. Amity-Hostility. ac-quaint'-ing. Making familiar. Enlightening- Secrecy. ac-quest'. Property acquired in any way except by inheritance. Property. ACQUIESCE. ACTING. ac"-qut-esce' . To submit. Assent-Dissent, Con- sent, EXCITAB1L1TY-IN EXCITABILITY. ac"-qui-es'-cence. Subinission. Assent-Dissent, Con- sent. ac"-qui-es'-cent. Yielding. Assent-Dissent. ac-quire'. To obtain. Creation-Destruction, Gain- Loss, Outlay-Income; acquire a habit, Habit- Desuetude ; acquire learning, Education-Learning. ac-quire'-ment. Attainment. Education-Learning, Knowledge-Ignorance, Skill-Unskilfulness. ac"-qui-si'-tion. Anything gained. Gain-Loss, Giv- ing-Receiving, Knowledge-Ignorance. ac-quis'-i-tive. Able to acquire. Gain-Loss. ac-quit'. To free from. Exculpation-Conviction, Innocence-Guilt, Justification-Charge, Pardon- Vindictiveness, Release-Restraint ; acquit one- self, Conduct, Settlement-Default; acquit oneself of a debt, Settlement-Default; acquit oneself of a duty, Duty-Dereliction; acquit oneself of an obligation, Observance-Nonobservance. acquit [F.] (uc-ki'). Discharge. Accounts, Credit- Debt. ac-quit'-tal. Discharge. Duty-Immunity, Exculpa- tion-Conviction, Observance-Nonobservance, Release-Restraint. ac-quit'-tance. Release. Observance-Nonobserv- ance, Security, Settlement-Default. ac-quit'-ted. Freed. Exculpation-Conviction. a'-cre-age. Area in acres. Extension-District. a'-cres. Measure of land. Extension-District, Meas- ure, Ocean-Land, Property. A'-cres, Bob. Character in The Rivals; a coward. Bravery-Cowardice. ac'-rid. Of a burning taste. Palatableness-Unpal- atableness, Pungency. ac"-ri-mo'-ni-ous. Sarcastic; bitter. Charitableness- Malevolence, Favorite- Anger, Palatableness- Unpalatableness, Presumption-Obsequiousness, Pungency. ac'-ri-mo-ny. Sharpness of speech or temper. Char- itableness-Curse, Favorite- Anger, Love- Hate, Order, Politeness-Impoliteness, Vigor-Inertia. ac'-ri-tude. Bitterness. Pungency, Vigor-Inertia. ac"-ro-a-mat'-ic. Esoteric. Knowledge- Ignorance. ac'-ro-a-mat"-ism. Quality of being oral. Knowl- edge-Ignorance. ac'-ro-bat. A performer of gymnastic feats. Acting, Adept-Bungler, Strength-Weakness, Wag. Ac-rop'-o-lis. The citadel of an ancient Greek city. Dweller-Habitation. a-cross'. Over. Antagonism-Concurrence, Crossing. ac"-ro-te'-ri-um. An ornament of whatever nature forming the apex of a building. Architecture. a-cros'-tic. A composition. Letter, Wittiness- Dulness. act. To perform. Acting, Action-Passive ness, Agency, Delineation-Caricature, Imitation- Originality, Precept; act a part, Acting, Mana- ger, Society-Affectation, Truthfulness-False- hood; act as president, President-Member; act one's part, Duty-Dereliction, Occupation; act the tyrant, Tyranny-Anarchy; act upon, Action-Pas- siveness, Agency, Motive-Caprice; act up to, Observance-Nonobservance; act well one's part, Virtue-Vice; act without authority, Rule-License; in the act, Action-Passiveness, Innocence-Guilt. act'-drop". A curtain. Acting. ac'-ted upon. Passive. Agency. act'-ing. Performing. Acting, Action-Passiveness, Occupation, Representative. ACTING. Acting. The performance of a dramatic part. Dramaturgy, The art of composing and presenting a play. Histrionic art. The art of dramatic representation. Theatricals. Dramatic performances. The drama. Theatrical composition. The play. The performance of a dramatic composition. The stage. The place of dramatic performance; hence, the drama. The theater. The drama. Acting — Forms of Dramatic Representation, After-piece, a farce after a play; ballet [F.], a spectacular dance; burlesque, a dramatic travesty; burletta [It.], a comic opera; charade, an enigma represented dramatically; comidie drame [F.], a dramatic comedy; comidie larmoyante [F.], apathetic comedy; comedietta [It.], a short comedy; comedy, an amusing drama; divertissement [F.], an entr'acte; drama, a composition for the stage; drame [F.]; duologue, a dialogue; exode, the last part of a drama; extravaganza [It.], a drama wildly irregular; fantocinni [It.], dramatic representations with puppets as actors; farce, short extravagant comedy; five-act play, long play; harle- quinade, pantomime; interlude, comedy performed between the acts of moralities; lever de ridcau [F.], a curtain raiser; light comedy, low comedy, farcical comedy; masque, an allegorical play; melodrama, melodrame, a drama containing sensational incidents; miracle play, religious drama; monodrame, drama for single performer; monologue, a dramatic soliloquy; moral- ity, allegorical play; mystery, rude religious drama; opera, musical drama; op£ra bouffe [F.], farcical comic opera; pantomime, dumb show; piece, a play; play, dramatic composition; proverbe [F.], a short comedy with a proverb for its title; Punch and Judy, puppet show; sensation drama, sensational play; spectacle [F.], a play; stage play, play for stage; acting; tragedy, drama representing terrible emotions; tragi-comedy, a drama where comic and tragic scenes are mingled; trilogy, a group of three dramas; vaudeville, variety show. Acting — Xouns of Agent. Acrobat. One who practises gymnastic feats. Acting manager. The officiating manager of a dramatic company. Actor. One who takes a dramatic part. Amoroso [It.]. A lover in a drama. Artiste [F.]. A high-class actor. Ballet-dancer.). Ballet-girl. i ■ One who dances in the ballet. Buffo [It.] A . . p«ff rtrt r, } A clown; a jester. Buffoon. CaH-boy. A boy who calls actors to the stage. Chorus singer. One who sings in a chorus. Clown. A jester in a theater or circus. Columbine. The mistress of Harlequin in pantomimes. Comedian. An actor or writer of comedy. Company. A number of players united for dramatic performances. Contortionist. One who twists and contorts his body for a show. Coryphee. A female premier dancer, leader of a ballet. Costumier [F], One who prepares costumes for the theaters. Danseuse. A female ballet-dancer. Debutant, m.; debutante, f. [F.]. A person who makes his cr her first public appearance. Dramatic author. The writer of a dramatic composition. Dramatic writer. One who writes concerning the drama. Dramatist. One who writes dramas. Entrepreneur [F.]. The proprietor of a dramatic entertainment. Farceur [F .]. A comic actor. Figurante [F .]. A ballet dancer. First tragedian. The leading tragic actor. General utility. An actor used for any part. Genteel comedian. An actor of refined comedy. Grimacier [F], One who makes grimaces or wry faces. Guisard.) /-, , i , _ . r One who plays in a masquerade. Gysart. A mummer. Harlequin. A fancifully dressed character in pantomime. Heavy father. An actor playing the part of a dignified father Impresario [It.]. One who manages an opera company. Inginue [F ]. An actress who fills the role of an artless character. Jack Pudding. A buffoon. Jeune premier [F.]. The leading young gentleman. Jeune veuve [F.]. Young widow. Light comedian. An actor of light comedy. Low comedian. An actor of low comedy. Machinist. One who attends to the machinery of the slage. Manager. One who conducts a dramatic company or theater. Masque. One who wears a masque; an actor. Mime or Mimer. An actor in a mimic play. Mimeographer. A writer of mimic plays. Mountebank. A charlatan. ACTING. ACTING. Mummer. A masked buffoon. Mute. One whose part in a play consists only of dumb show. Pantaloon. A ridiculous character in Italian comedy. Pantomimist. An actor in a dumb show. Performer. One who shows skill in dramatic art. Player. A dramatic actor. Playwright, play-writer. One who writes plays. Posture-master. A teacher or maker of arti ficial postures of the body. Prima donna [It.]. The leading female singer in an opera. Prompter. One who prompts the actors when they t" irget their lines. Property-man. One in charge of portable ai ticli ed in plays. Protagonist. Leading actor in Greek dramas. Pukinella, Pulcinello [It.], Punch, Punchinello. The hero in a puppet show. Soubrette. An actress who plays the part of a pert, mischiev st seats in a theater. Green-room. A room near the stage to which the actors retire be- tween their parts. Hippodrome. An ancient raci dso applied to a modern circus. Music-hall. A building devoted to musical entertainments. Opera-house. A theater is or musical dramas are ren- dered. Parquet or Pit. Seating part of a theater on the floor nexl orchestra. Playhouse. House devoted to the playing of dramas. Stalls or Fauteui Is. Theati 1 from the others. Theater. A building adapted to dramatic representations. Acting — Figurative Expressions Buskin. A high shoe worn by tragic actors ; hence, to express the tragic drama. Cothurnus [L ]. Buskin; heme, tragedy. Melpomene and Thalia. The Grecian muses of tragedy and comedy, figuratively used for tragic and comic drama. Roscius. R , an actor. Sock. A shoe worn by ancient comedians; hence, xised figuratively for comedy as distinguished from the buskin or tragedy. The boards. Figurative expression for the stage of a theater. Thespis. A leader of the early Greek drama. Act i n G — Verbs . Act. To carry out a dramatic part. Act a part, come out. To make a stage debut. Enact. To represent as in a play. Gag. To introduce a gag. See Associated Nouns. Go through a part, mimic. Se<- Imitate. Perform. To act out, as on a stage. Perform a part, personate. See Delineation. Play a part, put on the stage. Rant. To declaim boisterously. Rehearse. To practise a play. Spout. To utter or act ' Star it. To take the part of a star. See A ■ ■■■ xaU d NounsQ "Strut and fret one's hour upon a stage." From As You Like It wherein Shakespeare likens life to a pari played on a stage. Tread the boards, tread the stage. The profession of anai: Acting— ! Buskined. Wearing buskins, pertaining to tragedy. Comic. Provoking mirth. Dramatic. Pertaining to representation on the stage. Farcical. Belonging to a farce or burlesque. Histrionic. Pertaining to the stage. Melodramatic. Pertaining to a melodrama, a romantic play full of startling incidents. Operatic. Pertaining to the musical form of the drama. Scenic. Dramatic; theatrical. Stagey. Pertaining to the stage; theatrical. Theatric, theatrical. Of the nature of dramatic representation; befitting the stage. Tragic. Pertaining to tragedy. Tragi-comic. Partly tragic and partly comic. Acting — -Adverbial Phrases. Before the floats; before an audience; behind the scenes; en the boards; on the staee. ACTING CORPORAL. 10 ACTION— PASSIVENESS. act'-ing cor'-po-ral. A military officer. Chief-Un- DERLING. ac-tin'-ic. Pertaining to radiation of light or heat. Light-Darkness. ac'-tin-ism. Chemical effect of light. Light-Dark- ness. ac"-ti-nom'-e-ter. Instrument for measuring radiation. Optical Instruments. ac'-tion. Exertion of power. Action-Passiveness, Agency, Litigation, Strife-Peace; line of action, Conduct; put in action, Use-Disuse; suit the action to the word, Sign; thick of the action, Activity- Indolence. ACTION— PASSIVENESS. Achievement. A successful action. Act. That which is done or doing. Action. Exertion of power or force in doing something Actor. One who acts, or takes part in any affair. See Agent. Agency. The faculty of exerting power. See Agency. Blow. A sudden or forcible act or effort. Bout, As much of an action as is performed at one time. Business. That which one has to do or should do. See Occupa- tion. Coup d'etat [F.]. A violent measure of state in public affairs. Coup de main [F.]. A sudden effort. Dealings. Methods of business. Deed. That which is done or effected by a responsible agent. Doing. An action, good or bad. See Verbs. Doings. Behavior; conduct. Evolution. The prescribed movement of a body of troops, or a vessel or fleet. Execution. A carrying into effect or to completion. Exercise. Activity for the benefit or training of body or mind. Exercitation. Practise; use. Exploit. A deed of renown. Feat. An act displaying skill, endurance, or daring. Gest. A deed, or an action. Handicraft. The application of skill and expertness in working w ith the hands. Handiwork. Work done by the hands. Job. A piece of work done, or to be done, as a whole. Labor. Physical or mental action for some useful or desired end See Toil. Maneuver. A movement or change of position. Measure. A specific act or course. Move. An act in the carrying out of a plan. Movement. A series of actions tending toward some end. Operation. A mode of action. Overt act. An open or manifest act. Passage. The act of going from point to point. Performance. Anything done or completed. Perpetration. A doing; commonly used of doing something wrong. Praxis [Gr.]. Exercise or discipline for a specific purpose. Procedure. An act performed ; the manner of moving forward. See Way. Proceeding. An act, or course of action. Step. A single action or proceeding regarded as leading to some- thing. Stitch. Space passed over at any one time. Stroke. A powerful or sudden effort by which something is done. Stroke of policy. A masterly effort; a successful attempt. See De- sign. Touch. *Any slight or delicate effort. Tout de force [F.]. A feat of strength or skill. See Pomp. Transaction. The doing or performing of any business. Work. Exertion of strength or faculties. Workoianship. The execution or manner of making anything. Action — Verbs. Achieve. To bring something difficult to a successful conclusion. Act. To produce movement or effect. Act a part in. To carry out or fulfil with others. Act upon. To take action. Be an actor. To be one who takes part in any work. See Agent. Be a participant in, be a party to. To have a part or share of. Bear a hand. To give aid. Be at work. To be using one's powers mentally or physically. Be in action. To put forth power. Carry into execution. To finish. See Completion. Commit. To perform. Do. To bring to accomplishment. Employ oneself. To have one's powers engaged. Enact. To carry out in action. Execute. To perform or accomplish something. Exercise. To employ actively in order to train or develop. Have a finger in the pie, have a hand in. To take part in some work. Abstinence from action. Voluntary forbearance from labor. Conservative policy. A settled method opposed to change. Dolce jar niente [It.]. Sweet idleness. Fabian policy. A course of action avoiding a decisive contest. Idle hours. Time not turned to appropriate use. Inaction. Idleness; rest. Inactivity. Want of energy. See Activity-Indolence. Inoccupation. Want of any work to engage the time and attention. Keglect. Failure to do or use anything. See Neglect, Careful- ness-Carelessness. rion-interference. Not taking part in the business of another. Passiveness. Tendency to remain in a given state of motion or rest. Quiescence. State of repose. See Movement-Rest. Rest. Freedom from motion or labor. See Toil-Relaxation. Sinecure. Any office or position which involves little or no active service. Time hanging on one's hands. Time unemployed. Want of occupation. Without work or employment. Passiveness — Verbal Expressions. Abstain from doing; beguile the time; be inactive; bide one's time; cool one's heels; desist; destroy; do away with; do nothing; fill up the time; fold one's arms; fold one's hands; have nothing to do; keep oneself from doing; keep quiet; kick one's heels; laisstr aller |F.]. let alone; laisser jaire IF.], suffer to have its own way; leave alone; let alone; let be; let it have its way; let pass; let things take their course; let well alone; lie by; lie fallow; lie idle; lie in ordinary; lie in wait; lie on the shelf; lie to; lie upon one's oars; live and let live; not act; not attempt; not do; not lift a finger; not lift a foot; not lift a peg; not move; not stir; pass the time; pause; quieta -non movere [L.], to be at rest; refrain; relax; remit one's efforts; rest and be thankful; rest upon one's oars; slug; spare; stand aloof; stare super antiquas vias [L.], to remain unchanged; stop; take down; take time; take to pieces; talk against time; tide it over; undo; wait; waste time; while away the tedious hours; while away the time; whistle for want of thought. Passiveness — Adjectives. Visoeuvri [F.]. Unemployed; idle. Fallow. Untitled; neglected. Not doing, not done. See Verbs. Out of employ. Without work. Out of work. Idle. Passive. Not active, but acted upon. Undone. Not worked upon; neglected. Unemployed. Not engaged tu work. Unoccupied. Not working. Passiveness — Adverbs. At a stand. Unable to move. Les bras croises [F.]. With folded hands. Pour passer le temps [F.]. To pass away the time. Re infecta [L.]. The business being unfinished. With folded arms, with the hands behind one's back, with the hands in the pockets. Figurative expressions for idleness. Passiveness — Interjections. Hands off I so let it be! stop I Passiveness — Phrase. Cunctando restituit rem [L.]. He restored the state by delaying. ACTION — Verbs— Continued. Have in hand. To have in one's power or control. Ilave to do with. To make use of. Inflict. To cause or produce by striking. Labor. To strive to accomplish some purpose or work Lend a hand, lift a finger. To help, or give assistance. See Business. See Toil. ACTION. 11 ACTIVITY— INDOLENCE. ACTIOX— Verbs— Continued. Mix oneself up with. To take a part in when not wanted. See Med- dle. Officiate. To act as an officer. Operate. To put in action and supervise the working of. Participate in. To have a part in. Perform. To bring to completion. Perform a part in. To do a part of a work. Perpetrate. To do or carry through. Play. Action without special aim or for amusen i Play a part in. To be one of many engaged in a work. Ply one's task. To work with steadiness. Practise. To perform repeatedly and systematically by way of training. Prosecute. To follow up with a view to attain or accomplish. Pull an oar. To give aid. Pursue a course. To endeavor persistently to attain or gain. Put in practise. To perform. Put oneself in motion. To begin to work. Run in a race. To lake part in a work. Shape one's course. To mark out one's actions. See Conduct. Stretch forth one's hand. To give aid or help to. Strike a blow. To be active in any occa ploying force. Take action. To begin to do something. Take a part in. To be engaged with others In any Take in hand. To attempt or undertake. See UNDERTAKING. Take steps. To busy oneself with. Transact. To carry through work. Work. To put forth effort for the attainment of an objen I . Action* — Adj< Acting. Doing. Doing. Carrying out in action. See Verbs. In action. At work. Flagrante delicto [L.]. (Taken) in the flagrant fault. Faire sans dire [P.]. Toad withou* talking. Fare* jac [L.]. Speak do. In harness. In active Nimbleness. The quality of being very active. Officiousness. Impertinently meddling in the affairs of others. Dawdling. Aimless, trifling action. See 1 Drowsiness. Disposition to sleep or inactivity. See Adjectives. Dulness. Slowness of understanding; stupidity, tives. Heaviness. The quality of being heavy or depressed. Idleness. The state of being inactive. Inaction. (V acti I Passiveness. Inactivity. Want of a< I Indiligence. Want of diligence. Indolence. An indi i labor. Inertness. Absence of activity. See Vigor-Inertia. Languor. Condition in which there is no di ■exertion. Lentor. Slowm ;ss, delay. Lethargy. A state of inaction or dul Lull. (_'< ssation from activity. -ance-Discontinl-ance. Nodding. Lacking in care or diligence. See Verbs. Obstinacy. I e in one's own way. See Bigotry. Oscitancy. Act of gaping, sluggishness. Oscitation. See Oscitancy. Pandiculation. A stiffening of trunk and extremities, as in* sleep or fatigue. Pottering. Walking sluggishly; trifling. Procrastination. Habit of delaying. See Faj^unkss-Lateness. Quiescence. A state of repose, or inactivity. See Movement-Rest. Relaxation. Remission from active duty. See Cohesion-Loose- ness. Remissness. Act of being careless in matters. See Adjectives. Rust. Any addition or change coming from degeneration. Rustiness. State of being rusty. Segnitude. 1 , , , Segnity. J S1,,wness - dulness. Sloth. Strong indisposition to inactivity Sluggishness. State of being inactive. See Swiftness-Slowness. Somnolence. Inclination to sleepiness. Stupor. Great inactivity of the senses. See Sensitiveness- Apathy. Torpescence. State of becoming torpid. Torpidity. State of being torpid. Torpor. State in which power of exertion is lost. Indolence — Nouns of Agent. Afternoon farmer; dawdle; do-little; dormouse; droil; drone; dummy; ]arniant [F,]; fruges consumers natus [LI born to consume fruits; idler; laggard; Unzarone [It.]; loafer; lotus eater; lounger; lub* ACTIVITY. 12 ACTIVITY— INDOLENCE. ACTIVITY— INDOLENCE— Continued. Painstaking. Diligent and faithful in the performance of duty. Perfervidum ingenium [LJ. Very eager nature. Perseverance. Persistence in purpose. See Persistence. Pervigilium [L.]. A watching all night. Pottering. Being active to little purpose. Promptitude. Acting upon the moment. Punctuality. Done at a precise time. See Earliness. Quickness. Quality of being quick. See Adjectives. Racketing. An indulgence in boisterous pleasures. Restlessness. The quality of being eager for change. Sedulity. The quality of being persevering in effort. Sleeplessness. Insomnia ; vigilance . Smartness. Quickness in action or thought. Spirit. Energy; vivacity. Stir. Activity in anything; public excitement. Tampering with. Meddling with. Velocity. Rapid motion, celerity. See Swiftness. Vigilance. Watchfulness. See Carefulness. Vigour. Vital strength; natural force. See Vigor. Wakefulness. Constant activity. Zeal. Fervor in the pursuit of any object. Activity — Nouns of Agent. Blade; busy bee; busybody; devotee; enthusiast; housewife; inter- meddler; intriguer; meddler; new broom; pickthank; sharp fellow; zealot. Acti v i t y — Ph rases . Battle of life; busy hum of men; great doings; habits of business; many irons in the fire; no sinecure; plenty to do; press of business; thick of the action. Activity — Verbs. Agitate. Stir up greatly. Bestir. Arouse into action. Bustle. Be very active and noisy. Fuss Be active in small matters. Hasten. Move swiftly. Interfere. Meddle in the concerns of others. Intermeddle. Be active in the affairs of others. Interpose. Place oneself between persons at variance Intrigue. Effect a purpose by stratagem. Meddle. Interfere. Moil. Labor hard. Obtrude . Thrust in without permission . Outdo. Excel. Overact. Act too well. Overdo. Do too well. Overlay Cover completely. Persist. Continue with determination in any course. See Deter- mination. Plod. Keep at a thing. Push. Press onward. Rise. Get up. Speed. Cause to move with haste. Stir. Move. Toil. Labor. See Toil. Activity — Verbal Phrases. Arouse oneself; be about; be active; be busy; bestir oneself; busy oneself in; dash off; do one's best; do wonders; elbow one's way; fight one's way; get up early; go ahead; go all lengths; have a finger in the pie; have a hand in; have all one's eyes about one; have much on one's hands; have one's fling; have one's hands full; have other fish to fry; have other things to do; improve the shining hour; keep moving; keep the pot boiling; keep up the ball; kick up a dust; kill two birds with one stone; lay about one; look sharp; lose no time; make a fuss; make a push; make a stir; make haste; make progress (see Advance); make short work of; make the most; make the most of one's time; mix oneself up with; not have a moment that one can call his own; not have a moment to spare; not lose a moment; not suffer the grass to grow under one's feet; overshoot the mark; peg away; poke one's nose in; push forward; put in one's oar; raise a dust; rouse oneself; run riot; run the round of; seize the opportunity (see Opportune- ness); steal a march; stick at nothing; stir about; stir one's stumps; take an active part; take pains; tamper with; thrust one's nose in; trouble one's head about; work wonders. Activity — Adjectives. Active. Having activity, quick in movement. Afoot. On foot. Agile. Having power of quick movement of body. Agoing. In movement. Alert. Active in watchfulness. Alive. In a state of operation or activity. bard; lubber; marmot; mopus; opium eater; sleeping partner; slow coach; slug; sluggard; slumberer; truant (see Evasion) ; waiter on Providence. Indolence — Cause Lullaby. A song that causes sleep or rest. Sedative. A medicine that allays pain and gives rest. See Turbulence-Calmness. Torpedo. A numbfish. Indolence — Accompaniment . Balmy sleep; coma; doze; dream; dull work; ecsiasis [L. ], trance; forty winks; heavy eyelids; heavy sleep; hibernation, wintering in a secluded place and torpid state; nap; siesta; sleep; slumber; snooze; snore; sound sleep; trance; wink of sleep. Indolence — Associated Nouns. Hypnology. Science of sleep. Hypnotism. Art of producing sleep by artificial means, of producing a suspension of activity. Indolence, Castle of. Figurative expression for a place to take one's ease; a poem by Thomson. Morpheus. The god of dreams. Indolencl; — \~crbs. Dabble. Play in water; trifle. Dawdle. Trifle away time. Dilly-dally. Take matters easily. Doze. Sleep lightly. Drawl. Speak with a slow, lazy utterance. Dream. Let the mind wander. Droil. Work slowly. Drowse. Be inclined to sleep. Faddle. Trifle. Fiddle-faddle. Talk foolishly. Flag. Stop by a flag. Fribble. Walk with tottering step; fritter. Hibernate. Go into a comatose state during winter* Lag. Move slowly. Languish. Be dull and inactive. Loaf. Spend time idly. Loiter. Delay, or linger behind. Loll. Lie at ease; act lazily. Lounge. Lie about carelessly. Mitigate. Make less severe; alleviate. Nap. Take a short sleep. Nod. Incline the head. Oversleep. Sleep too long. Peddle. Carry goods for sale from house to house; do an insignifi- cant business. Piddle. Occupy oneself with trifles. Potter. Work without spirit. Putter. Trifle. Relax. Render languid. Slouch. Move awkwardly. Sluggardize. Make a sluggard. Slumber. Sleep. Snooze. Sleep for short time. Snore. Make a rough noise during sleep. Vegetate. Live an idle life. Yawn. Open the mouth; gape. Indolence — Verbal Phrases. Be asleep; be inactive; burn daylight; close the eyes; consume time; do nothing (see Action-Passiveness); drop asleep; drop off; eat the bread of idleness; expend itself; fall asleep; fritter away time; get sleepy; go off to sleep; go to bed; go to sleep; hang back; hang fire; idle away time; kill time; lead an easy life; let the grass grow under one's feet; loll in the lap of indolence; loll in the lap of luxury; lose time; move slowly (see Swiftness-Slowness) ; render idle (see Adjectives); seal up the eyelids; seal up the eyes; settle off to sleep; sleep at one's post; sleep heavily; sleep like a dormouse; sleep like a log; sleep like a top; sleep soundly; spend time; spend time in; swim in the stream; take a nap (see Nouns)', take it easy; take one's time; take things as they come; take time in; trifle away time; turnin; waste time; waste the precious hours; weigh down the eyelids. Indolence — Adjectives. Asleep. In sleep. Balmy. Soft, soothing. Comatose. In the state of coma. Dead asleep. In a deep sleep. Dilatory. Delaying, lingering. Dormant. Inactive. ACTIVITY. 13 ACTIVITY— INDOLENCE. ACTIVITY— INDOLENCE— Continued. ACTIVITY — Adjectives — Continued. Alive and frisking. Alive and active. Animated. Full of vital activity. Assiduous. Unremitting in activity or effort. Astir. On the move. At call. Liable to be required at any time. At work, awake. Come out of sleep, vigilant. Brisk. Having life, vivacity, or spirit. Brisk as a bee. Active, Brisk as a lark. V< ry brisk. Broad awake. Fully awake. Business-like. Requiring attention and assiduity. Bustling. Excitedly stirring about. Busy. Active at anything. Busy as a hen with one chicken. \ Busy as a bee. > Continuous in application and effort. Diligent. J Eager. Keenly desirous to obtain or perform something. Enterprising. Having boldness and ability in business. Eventful. Full of important events, hence full of life and activity. Expeditious. Accomplished with speed. Fast. Moving rapidly, quick. See Swiftness. Forward. Eager to presumptuousness. Frisky. Inclined to playful activity. Full of business, hard-working, hard at it, hard at work. Vigorously working. See Toil. Fussy. Taking active interest in trivial things. Indefatigable. Incapable of being exhausted. See Determination. Industrious. Working with diligence. In earnest, in harness. At work. In full swing. In active operation. Intent. Having the mind directed to an object. See Heed, Intrigant [F-], Meddling. Light-footed. Quick on the feet. Lively. Full of vivacity and animation. Meddlesome. Given to meddling Meddling. Participating without permission in the concerns of others. See Verbs. Never tired. Never experiencing fatigue. Nimble. Active in body. Nimble as a squirrel, nimble-footed. Quick-footed. Notable. Worthy of observation. Occupied. Employed in an exclusive manner. Officious. Unduly participating in others' concerns. On duty, on foot, on one*s legs. Ready. On the alert. See Carefulness. Overofficious. Too officious. Painstaking. Diligent and careful in labor. Plodding. Laboriously toiling. Pottering. Working unspiritedly. Pushing. To ad% r ance with energy. Qukk'as a lamplighter.) Characterized by life or speed. Resolute. Hainvg a steadfast purpose. See Determination. Restless. 1 XT ^. , Restless as a hyena./ Never restlng - eager £or vanety Sedulous. Constant and persevering in effort. Sharp. Keen and eager; active. Smart. Quick in thought or action. Spirited. Having spirit or vim. Spry. Inclined to quick movement; nimble Stirring. Moving vigorously. Strenuous. Zealous in anything; ardently eager. Tripping. Moving lightly and nimbly. Unsleeping. Not sleeping. Unwearied. Not wearied or fatigued. Up and doing, up and stirring. Active and brisk. Up to one's ears in. Deeply engrossed in. Vivacious. Full of life and activity. Wide awake. Perfectly awake. See Sagacity. Work a day. A week day. Working. Toiling. Zealous. Earnest in a cause. Activity — Adverbs* See Adjectives. INDOLENCE— Adjectives— Continued. Dozy. Inclined to doze. Dreamy. In a state of reverie. Dronish. Like a drone; doing nothing. Drony. Like a drone. Drowsy. Disposed to sleep. Dull. Not sharp, not animated. Exanimate. Nut animated. Fast asleep. In a state of slumber. Fiddle faddle. Bustling about trifles. Flagging. Bringing to a stop by waving a flag. Heavy. Dull, iua< I Heavy with sleep. Overcome by sleep. Hypnotic. Pertaining to hypnotism. Idle. Not active. Inactive. Wanting activity. In a sound sleep. Completely asleep. Indolent. Lazy by habit. Inert. Devoid of the power of moving. In the arms of Morpheus. ) . , In the lap of Morpheus. > Aslee P- Lackadaisical. Languid and half-hearted. Laggard. Falling behind. Lagging. Inclined to move slowly. See Verbs. Languid. Becoming spiritless. Lazy. Indisposed to work. Lazy as Ludlam's dog. Leaden. Like lead, heavy, dull. Lethargical, i B " U,y ' '" a klhar Syora drowse. Listless. Without w tive interest. Lumpish. Like a lump, inert. Lusk. Lazy. Maudlin. Weak and foolish; weeping drunk. [St. Magdalen.] Motionless. Without motion. See Movement-Rest. Napping. Inclined l>> take short sleeps. Pottering. Moving without spirit. See Verbs. Remiss. Careless in performance of duty. Rusty. Affected with rust, impaired by inactivity. Sedative. Soothing in effects. See Turbulence-Calmness. Shilly shally. In an irresolute manner. See Determination- Vacillation. Slack. Relaxed and careless in activity. Sleepful. Full of sleep. Sleeping. See Verbs. Sleepy. Inclined to sleep. Slothful. Inclined to indolence. Slow. Having little speed. See Swiftness-Slowness. Sluggish. Inclined not to move, lazy. Somniferous. Bringing sleep. Somnific. Causing sleep. Somnolent. Inclined to sleep. Soporiferous. Tending to cause sleep. Soporific. Producing sleep. Soporous. Causing sleep. Sound as a top. Asleep. Sound asleep. Completely overcome by sleep. Soulless. Without a soul, spiritless. Supine. Lying on the back, careless, indolent. Torpescent. Becoming torpid. Torpid. In a comatose state. Unawakened. Not roused from sleep, not active. Unbusied. Not occupied at anything. Unoccupied. Not possessing time of. See Action-Passiveness. Unwaked. Not stirred from sleep. Indolence — Adverbs. At leisure. See Hurry-Leisurb. Inactively- See Adjectives, Indolence — Phrase. The eyes begin to draw straws. Actively. In an active manner. Featly. Nimbly and dexterously Fidgety. Nervously active. Full tilt. With full force. In mediis rebus [L.]. In the midst of affairs, With haste. With speed. See Hurry. ACTIVITY— Continued. Activity — Adverbs. With life and spirit, with might and main. See Toil. With wings. Activity — Interjections. Age quod agisf [L.J. Beware what you dol Be alive! be sharp! go ahead 1 keep moving! look alive! look sharp! move on! push on! stir your stumps! ACTIVITY. 14 ADAGE— NONSENSE. ACTIVITY— Phrases— Continued. Abends wird der Faule fkissig [G.]. In the evening the lazy ran Nee mora nee requies [L.]. Neither delay nor rest. [Virgil, Gcorgics, becomes diligent. iii, no.] Carpe diem [L.j. Seize your opportunity. See Opportuneness. No sooner said than done. See Earliness. Catch a weasel asleep. Nulla dies sine linca [L.]. Not a day without a line. [Pliny, Nat. Dictum ac factum [L.]. No sooner said than done. [Terence, Andrea, Hist. 35.] 2,3, 7 ] The plot thickens. Matters become interesting. "Veni,vidi t vici [L.]. I came, saw, conquered. [Suetonius, Caesar, 37.] act'-or. One who performs or plays a part. Acting, Action-Passiveness, Agent, Gull-Deceiver, So- ciety-Affectation. acts. Records; deeds. Mark-Obliteration, Reve- lation-Pseudorevelation. ac'-tu-al. Real. Entity-Nonentity, Sameness-Con- trast, Time. ac'-tu-al-ism. The doctrine that all existence is active. Entity-Nonentity. ac"-tu-al'-ity. Realism. Entity-Nonentity. ac'-tu-al-ly. In reality. Entity-Nonentity, Truth- Error. ac'-tu-a-ry. A clerk. Accounts. ac'-tu-ate. To move to action. Motive-Caprice. actum est [L.] (ac'-tum est). It is done. Comple- tion-Noncompletion. actum ne agas [L] (ac'-tum. ni e'-gas). Do not do what is done. Usefulness-Uselessness. actus me invito jactus, non est mens actus [L.] (ac'-tus mi in-vai-to fac'-tus, non est mi'-us ac'-tus). An act I do against my will is not my act. Volition-Obli- gation. a-cu'-i-ty. Sharpness. Sharpness-Bluntness. a-cu'-le-ate. Prickly. Sharpness-Bluntness. a-cu'-le-a"-ted. Made sharp. Sharpness-Bluntness. a-cu'-men. Mental quickness. Sagacity-Incapacity. a-cu'-mi-na"-ted. Pointed. Sharpness-Bluntness. a-cu"-mi-na'-tion. Act of sharpening. Sharpness- Bluntness. a-cu'-mi-nous. Possessing keenness of intellect. Sa- gacity-Incapacity. ac"-u-punc'-ture. Pricking with a needle. Aperture- Closure. a-cute'. Keen. Craft-Artlessness, Emotion, Feel- ing - Insensibility, Pleasurableness - Painful- ness, Sagacity-Incapacity, Sharpness-Blunt- ness, Turbulence-Calmness, Vigor-Inertia; acute angle, Angularity; acute ear, Hearing-Deaf- ness; acute note, Cacophany. a-cute'-ly. In an acute degree. Magnitude-Small- ness. a-cute'-ness. Discernment. Sagacity-Incapacity. acu tetigisti rem [L.] (tj'-kiu tet-i-jis'-tai rem). You have touched it with a needle. Differentiation- Indiscrimination, Truth-Error. A. D. Abbreviation for Anno Domini. Duration- Neverness. a-da'-ga. An Asiatic parrying weapon. Weapon. ad'-age. Well-known saying. Adage-Nonsense. ad astra per aspcra [L.] (ad as'-tra per as'-per-ra). To the stars through difficulties. Difficulty-Facility. ad captandum [L.] (ad cap-tan'-dum). Big sounding. Society- Affectation. ad hominem [L.] (ad hom'-i-nem). To the man. Uni- versality-Particularity. ad infinitum [L.] (ad in-ii-nai'-tum). Indefinite. In- finity. ad instar [L.] (ad in'-star). After the fashion. Con- vention ality-Unconventionality. ad interim [L.] (ad in'-ter-im). Meanwhile. Dura- tion-Neverness. adrem [L.] (ad rem). Tothepoint. Harmony-Discord. ADAGE— NONSENSE. Adage. A brief saying that has obtained credit or force by long usage. Aphorism. A brief statement of speculative or scientific truth. Apophthegm. ) A terse, instructive saying regarding practical mat- Apothegm. / ters. Axiom. Any proposition that men universally accept as true. By-word. A phrase or sentence that has become an object of deri- sion or mockery. Conclusion. Sec Decision. Dictum. A statement of some person or school, on whom it il< ;>cnds for authority. Formula. A fixed form of words used as a guide for thought or action . Maxim. A brief statement of some practical principle or proposition. Moral. The lesson taught by a fable or the like. Mot [F.]. A witty saying. Motto. An expressive word or pithy saying expressing some guiding principle. Phylactery. A strip of parchment inscribed with passages of Scrip- ture setting forth guides to right living. Principia [L.]. Principles. Principle. A rule for action. Protasis [Gr.]. A short introduction or an exposition of the subject. Proverb. A brief saying condensing in witty or striking £< wisdom of experience. Reflection. See Conception. Saw. A saying that is old, but worn and tiresome. Saying. A statement 1 urn nt among common people, deriving its authority from its manifest truth or good sense. Scholium. A remark or observation joined to a demonstrati reasoning. Sentence. A short saying usually containing moral instruction. Theorem. A propi >sil ion 1 hat is demonstrably true. Truism. A self-evident or unquestionable statement. Word. Any brief remark or phrase of no particular significance. Absurdity. \ Anything which is contrary to the first principles of Absurdness. ) reasoning. See Adjectives. Alogy. Unreasonableness of behavior. Amphigouri [F.]. Idle or foolish talk. Anticlimax. Any speech which produces a ridiculous effect. Bathos. Descent in speaking which is ridiculous. Blunder. Mistake or error resulting from carelessness. Boutade [F.]. Any action or saying destitute of ordinary good sense. Bull. A verbal blunder, containing a laughable incongruity of ideas. Escapade. Any act which breaks the rules of propriety. Exaggeration. See Gull-Hyperbole. Extravagance. Vain use of words. Farce. Empty show of words. Farrago. See Regularity-Irregularity. Fustian. Bombast or use of high-sounding words. Galimathias [F.]. Speech that is so rapid, confused, or disguised as to be unintelligible. Hibernicism. An Irish idiom or peculiarity of sp< Imbecility. Foolishness growing out of mental feebleness. See Sagacity-Incapacity. Inconsistency. Self-contradiction. Irishism. S.c Hibernici; i Jargon. Confused or unintelligil Macaronic. Jumbled sp< Monkey trick. A mischievous prank. Moonshine. Speech without reality. Muddle. Confusion of speech. Mummery. Buffi >onery. Nonsense. An act worthy only b 1 be laughed at. Paradox. Anything whii ia adictory, yet may be true. Pun. A play on words. Rhapsody. A disi onnei ted serie of sentences. Romance. Imaginativi ind. Sciomachy. An imaginary 1 ombat with words. 1DAGE. 15 ADDITION -SUBTRACTION. ADAGE— NONSENSE— Continued. Adage — Associate P '•■• i ■ Admitted maxim; common saying; commonplace saying; golden rule (see Precept); hackneyed saying; profession of faith (see Faith)', received maxim; sage maxim; trite saying; true saying: wise maxim. Adage — A djcctivcs. Aphoristic. Containing short, pithy statements. Axiomatic. Self-evident. Phylacteric. Pertaining to phylacteries. Proverbial. Well known. Adage — Phrases. As the saying is; as they say. NONSENSE — Adjectives — Continued from Column 2. Senseless. Meaningless. Sophistical. False. Unmeaning. Unintelligible. Fiddle-de-dee 1 NON 1 Phol Pish! ections. Nonsense— Phi Crvdat Judaus Apella [L.]. Let Apella, the superstitious Jew, believe it. [Horace, Satires, I, v, 100. J In the name of the Prophet — figs! [Horace Smith, Johnson's Tell it to the marines. Without rhyme or reason. Sell. A deceitful 5] Slip-slop. A weak discourse. Sophism. See RATIOCINATION-INSTINCT. Stuff. Trashy language. Stultiloquence. I Ta]k fchat - contrary lo practical good sense. Stultiloquy. ) Tomfoolery. Trifling talk. Twaddle. Silly talk. Vagary. A wandering of thoughts or speech. Verbal quibble. A dispute about trifles. Nonsense — Verbs. Anemolia bazein [Gr.]. Total: ind. To beaf about the bush; to speak wildly Be absurd. To be unreasonable. Parier a tort et a trovers [F.]. To speak disconnectedly. Play the fool. To act contrary t< i good common sense. Talk nonsense. To utter words without any sense or meaning. ense — Adjectives. Absurd. Contrary to good reasoning. Egregious. ( :■ usually in a bad sense. Extravagant. Immoderate. Foolish. Wanting in judgment. Inconsistent. Self-contradict Macaronic. Jumbled. Nonsensical. Of no importance. Preposterous. In- Punning. Using ft word in two senses. Quibbling. Evading the point and speaking trifles. Ridiculous. Laughable and comical. {Continued on Column 1 .) a-da-gio. Slow. Music, Swiftness-Slowness. Ad'-am. The first man. Virtue-Vice. ad'-a-mant. A hard mineral. Hardness-Softness, Strength-Weakness. ad"-a-man-te'-an. Very hard. Hardness-Softness. ad"-a-man'-tine . I mpenet ral >ly hard . 1 1 ardness- Softness, Strength-Weakness. ad"-a-man-tine'-ness. Slate of being hard. Hard- ness-Softness. a-dapt'. To adjust. Equality-Inequality, Harmony- Discord; adapt oneself to, Conventionality-TJn- CONVENTIONALITY. a-dapt'-a-ble. Capable of being adapted. Useful- ness- USELESSNESS. ad"-ap-ta'-tion. Act of being adaj >ted. H a rmony- Discord. a-dapt'-ed. Suited. Harmony-Discord. add. To join together. Addition-Subtraction. In- crease-Decrease, Number. add'-ed. Joined to. Addition-Subtraction. ad-den'-dum. An addition. Addition-Subtraction, Increment-Remn a n t . adde parvum parvo, magnus acervus erit [L.] (ad'-dl par'-vum par'-vo, mag'-nus a-ser'-vus i'-rit). Add a little to little, a great pile will be. Addition. ad'-der. A viper. Benefactor-Evildoer. ad-dict'. To give oneself up to. Habit-Desuetude. ad-dict'-ed. Devoted to. Habit-Desuetude. ad-dic'-tion. Bent. Habit- Desuetude. ad-dit'-a-ment. A thing added. Addition-Subtrac- tion, Increment-Remna n t . ad-di'-tion. Act of uniting. Addition-Subtraction, Increment-Remnant. ADDITION'— SUBTRACTION'. Accession. An addition; augmentation. Accompaniment. Anything that attends or goes with. Addendum. Something to be added. Additament. A thing added. Addition. Act of giving an increase to something. Adjection. The addition. Annexation. The act of connecting; union. Increase. An addition. Increment. That which is added. Insertion. Act of putting in or together. Interposition. Act of interceding or coming together. £ VIRONMKS'T-IXTERPOSITION. Junction. Union of two or more things. Reinforcement. An increase of strength. Superaddition. An addition to an addition. Superfetation. An unusual additional growth. Superjunction. Act of joining or adding to. Superposition. The laying of « n another. Supplement. An addition that remedi S a defect, or makes com- plete. Addii 1 Accrue. To accumulate naturally. Add. To give an increase to. Advene. To come in addition; to be added. Affix. To fasten or join to. Ablation. A taking away. Abrasion. A wearing a Abscission. A cutting a Abstraction. A withdrawal; removal; absent-n Amputation. The cutting off of a part. Curtailment. Lessening; reduction. See Length-Short*?] Decrease. A bei 1 Liminution. See Increase-Deckeasb. Deduction. A drawing away from. Detruncation. A ci a lopping. Garbling. Act of 1 Minuend. Then; which another is to be taken. Mutilation. Deprivation of an essential ; Recision. The c Removal. M Retrenchment. A cutting down; curtailment. Subduction. Taki whole; a subtraction. Sublation. A Subtraction. tcting*. deduction. Subtrahend. That which is subtracted. Subtraction — Verbs. Abrade. To rub away ; w ear off. Abscind. To sever. Amputate. To cut off a part; maim. Bate. To lessen. ADDITION. 16 ADDRESS— RESPONSE. ADDITION— SUBTRACTION— Continued. Annex. To join to; bind; unite. Append. To hang to; add as supplemental. Augment. To increase in size; enlarge; add. Become added. To come into a state of addition. Clap on. To quickly put in addition. Ingraft. To insert as a part of; incorporate. Insert. To put in as supplementary or remedial. Introduce. To bring or put in. See Environment-Interposition. Reinforce. To give an addition of force and strength. Saddle on. To fix a load upon; encumber with an addition. Saddle with. See Saddle on. Sprinkle. To add to by scattering over. Subjoin. To add at the end. Superadd. Add to an addition. Superpose. To put over another. Supervene. To come as additional. Swell the ranks of. To add to by recruits Tack to. To add by affixing slightly. Tag. To join closely. Addition — Adjectives. Accessory. Additional. Added. Brought together to make a whole. See Verbs. Additional. Supplemental; in the way of an addition. Additive. Allowing to be added. Adjectitious. Added to. Adscititious. 1 c . , , * ■ i ; i - ("Supplemental. Ascihtious. J Extra. Beyond what is due. Subjunctive. Joined at the end. Supplement. Supplying a deficiency. Supplemental. Added to supply a defect. Supplementary. Serving as a supplement. Suppletory. Supplying deficiencies. Addition — Particles. Along with; also; and; and also; and else; and so forth; and so on; as well as; besides; conjointly; coupled; else; extra; further; furthermore; in addition; in conjunction with; including; inclusive; into the bargain; item; jointly; likewise; more; moreover; over and above; plus; to boot; together with; too; with; withaL Addition — Phrases. Adds parvum parvo, magnus acervus erit [L.]. Add a little to little, a great pile will be. Castrate. To cut out; remove anything. Curtail. To cut off from; lessen. Decimate. To destroy the tenth one ; kill many. Deduce. To draw off as a conclusion; infer. Deduct. To take away; subtract. Detract. To lessen in value; derogate. Detruncate. To lop off a part. Diminish. To lessen; abridge. See Increase-Decrease. Eliminate. To take away entirely. Excise. To cut out; remove. File. To wear away with a file. Garble. To select certain parts; mutilate. Geld. To castrate. Mutilate. To remove a part; maim. Pare. To lessen by peeling. Prune. To diminish by cutting away a little. Remove, To take away; go away. Retrench. To limit. Scrape. To remove with a rough instrument. Subduct. To remove. Subtract. To take from. Thin. To diminish gradually and become thin. Withdraw. To draw apart; separate. Subtraction — Verbal Phrases. Cut away; cut off; cut out; deprive of; take away; take from Subtraction — Adjectives. Subtracted. Taken away from. See Verbs. Subtractive. Having power to subtract. Subtraction — Particles. Except; excepting; exclusive of; in deduction; less; minus; save- save and except; short of; with a reservation; without; with the exception. ADDITION— Phrases— Continued. Att reste [F.]. As for the rest; besides. Cum multis aliis [L.]. With many other things. Etcetera [L.]. And other things. ad-di'-tion-al. Supplementary. Addition-Subtrac- tion, Increment-Remnant. •: ad'-di-tive. That which may be added. Addition- Subtraction. ad'-dle. Spoiled. Completion -Noncompletion, Fertility-Sterility, Success-Failure; addle the wits, Saneness-Lunacy. ad'-dle-head". A stupid person. Sage-Fool. ad'-dle-head"-ed. Dull-witted. Sagacity-Incapacity. ad'-dle-pate". A dunce. Sagacity-Incapacity. ad-dress'. To direct spoken words to. Address- Response, Petition-Expostulation, Sign, Skill- Unskilfulness; address card, Sign. ADDRESS— RESPONSE. Address. A speaking to. Allocution. A formal address. Alloquy. A speaking to another. Apostrophe. A sudden breaking out in address. Appeal. An address to the feelings. Audience. An interview generally public. See Conversation Dialogism. A feigned conversation. Interpellation. A questioning. Invocation. An address to a superior being. Salutation. An address of welcome. Speech. A formal talk. See Speech. Word in the ear. A word in private. Address — Nouns of Place. Auditory. An auditorium. Platform. A place where addresses are made. Response. See Investigation-Answer. Address — Verbs. Accost. To address first. Address. To speak to. ADDRESS— Verbs— Continued. Apostrophize. To appeal suddenly. Halloo. To shout loudly. Hail. To address; call after. Invoke. To call on a superior being. Lecture. To address in a formal manner. See Speech Salute. To make an address of welcome. Address — Verbal Phrases. Appeal to; call to; make up to; speak to; take aside; take by the button; talk to in private. Address — Interjections. Halloo! hey I hist! sohol ADDRESSES. 17 ADHERING. ad-dress'-es. Devoted attention. Blandishment. ad-duce'. To bring forward. Attraction-Repul- sion, EVIDENCE-COUNTEREVIDEM I . ad-du'-cent. Drawing together. Attraction-Repul- sion. ad-duc'-tion. The act of adducing. Attraction- Repulsion. ad-duct'-ive. Adducing. Attraction-Repulsion. a-deem'. To take away. Taking-Restitution. a-demp'-tion. Satisfaction of a legacy. Taking- Restitution. ad"-en-og'-ra-phy. A treatise on the glands. Tex- ture. ad"-en-ol'-o-gy. A bra E anatomy. Texture. a-dept'. One fully skilled in any art. Adept- Bungler. ADEPT— BUNGLER. Acrobat. One skilled in gymnastics. Adept. One especially skilled in anything Admirable Crichton. A Scotchman remarkable for his ness. Chef de cuisine [F-l- A head cook. Clean hand. One who does work skilfully and neatly. Conjurer. A sleight of hand performer. Sec Gull-Dbcbiver. Connoisseur [F.]. A critical judge. SeeScHOLAK. Crack shot. An especially skilful shooter; hence, one slviMrd in anything. Cracksman. One especially proficient in anything; burglar. Cunning blade. An expert swordsman; hence, an expert in any- thing. Cunning fellow. 1 Qne ; a]1 skl]fuI . Cunning man. J Dab. A skilful person. Dead shot. A shooter whose shot always causes death . h rue, an accurate person. Experienced eye. A trained eye; a trained person. Experienced hand. One who has attained skill in anything \ practise. Expert. One having skill and dexterity either from - experience. First fiddle. The most skilful worker or leader of a body of men. Funambulist. A rope-walker. Genius. One capable of original work. Good hand. A skilful worker. Good shot. A sure shooter. Jack of all trades. One who is fitted for different kinds of work. Jobber. A middle man; an intriguer. Man of business. One who goes about his work without trifling. Man of the world. One versed in the tricks and practises of men Marksman. An expert shot. Master. A person thoroughly competent in his work. Master hand. An expert workman. Master head.^ Master mind. -The leader of men. Master spirit. ) Medallist. One who has been rewarded for special skill in his work. Nice hand. One who does his work neatly and accurately. Old campaigner. An experienced worker. Old file. A shrewd, deep, or artful person. Old hand. , Old soldier. -A worker of large experience. Old stager. ' Pantologist. An expert whose knowledge coi prebends summarily all departments of human knowledge.' Picked man. One chosen for his special skill. Politician. A crafty or artful person. Practised eye I A erienced worker . Practised hand. > Prima donna [It.]. The leading lady. Prize man. One who is rewarded for his work. Prodigy of learning. A person whose knowledge is unusually wide. Proficient. One who has attained great skill in any art. Protagonist. The leading actor in the Greek drama. Rope dancer. An expert rope-walker. Sharp blade. } A h d ful n Sharp fellow.) Awkward squad. I • '■ :.<■■. Bad hand. Weak, unskilful tool. Bad shot. An awkward person. Blanc-bcc [F.]. A greenhorn. Blunderer. One who blunders or acts clun Blunderhead. A stupid fellow. Botcher. One who makes a botch. Bungler. An awkward fellow. Butter-fingers. One who awkwardly drops I hold. Clod. A dull fellow. Duffer. An awkward, worthless person. Flat. A dunce; a dull fellow. Fumbler. One who handles anything clumsily. Greenhorn. An inexperienced person. Gull. See Gull-Deceiver. Land lubber. A raw, awkward person on board a vessel. Looby. An unskilful person. Lubber. A heavy, awkward, clumsy person. Marplot. One who frustrates a plan by his interference. Muff. A bungler. No conjurer. A clumsy person. Novice. An untried person. Poor hand. ' . , , « i_ i. f A bungler. Poor shot. ) Quack. See Gull-Deceiver. Slattern. A woman careless in dress. Sloven. A man who is careless in dress. Slow coach. A stupid fellow. Stick. One who is stupid. Swab. A lubber or clumsy fellow. Trapes. A slattern; a tramp. Yokel. A countryman. B uncle r — Figurative Expressions. Ass in lion's skin; fair weather sailor; fish out of water; freshwater sailor; horse-marine; jackdaw in peacock's feathers; lord of misrule. Bungler — Phrases. Acierta errando [Sp.1. He blunders into the right. Aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis [L.]. Dabbler in all things, good -or nothing in ea< h particular thing. Bis peccare in hello noil licet [L,]. To blunder twice in war permitted. He will never set the Thames on fire. // n'a pas invents it poudre [F.]. He did not invent gunpowder. ADEPT — Continued, Strategist. 1 One who displays skill and forethought in carrying out Tactician. ) his plans. Top sawyer. One who stands above the timber in a sawpit; a superior. Veteran. An experienced person. Wizard. One who seems to use ma] >rk. ad'-e-qua-cy. State of being adequate. Enough, Usefulness- Uselessn ess. ad'-e-quate. Fully sufficient. Enough, Might-Im- potence, Usef'ulness-Uselessness ; adequate ad- versative, Particle. a "-des-pot'-ic. Not despotic. Rule-License. ad-here'. To stick to. Cohesion-Looseness, Inter- space-Contact; adhere like Dejani'ra's shirt, Cohesion-Looseness; adhere to, Habit-Desue- tude, Persistence-Whim; adhere to an obligation, Observance-Nonobservance; adhere to a duty, Duty-Dereliction. ad-her'-ence. Adhesion. Cohesion-Looseness. ad-her'-ent. One devoted to a party, person or principle. Antagonist-Assistant. ad-her'-er. One who stands by a principle. Patriot- ism-Treason. ad-her'-ing. Sticking. Cohesion-Looseness. ADHESIVE. IS ADMISSION— EXCLUSION. ad-he'-sive. Sticky. Cohesion-Looseness, Viscidity- Foam. ad-he'-sive-ness. State of being adhesive Cohesion- Looseness, Viscidity- Foam. ad-hib'-it. To apply. Use-Disuse. ad"-hi-bi'-tion. An admitting. Use-Disuse. ad"-hor-ta'-tion. Attempt to arouse or incite. Advice. ad"-i-aph'-a-nous. Opaque. Diaphaneity-Opaque- ness. a-dieu'. Farewell. Arrival-Departure, Gain-Loss. ad'-i-po-cere. A light-colored fatty substance. Pulpi- ness-Oil. ad'-i-pose". Fatty. Piltiness-Oiliness. ad'-it. A passage. Aperture-Closure, Water- course-Airpipe, Way. ad-ja'-cent. Adjoining. Remoteness-Nearness. ad-jec'-tion. Addition. Addition-Subtraction. ad"-jec-ti'-ti-ous. Added. Addition-Subtraction. ad'-jec-tive. A part of speech used to describe or define a noun. Adjective, Increment-Remnant; adjective pronoun, Pronoun; adjective verb, Verb; cardinal adjective, Adjective; common adjective, Adjective; compound adjective, Adjective; defin- itive adjective, Adjective; descriptive adjective, Adjective; indefinite numeral adjective, Adjective; indefinite quantitative adjective, Adjective; multi- plicative adjective, Adjective; numeral adjective, Adjective; ordinal adjective, Adjective; parti- cipial adjective, Adjective; partitive adjective, Adjective; pronominal adjective, Adjective; proper adjective, Adjective. ADJECTIVE. Adjective. Word used to describe or define a noun. Adjective — Kinds. Article. Adjective serving to reduce a noun, from a general to a particular signification. Definite article. One pointing out some definite object. Indefinite article. One pointing out one object but not which one. The definite article is the, the indefinite a or an. A is used before a consonant sound, an before a vowel sound. Common adjective. One not derived from a proper name. Compound adjective. One made up of two or more words. Definitive adjective. One that defines or limits the meaning of a noun. Descriptive adjective. One expressing some quality or condition of a noun. Humeral adjective. One expressing number. Cardinal. One answering the question "How many?" as one, two, etc. Indefinite numeral. One expressing number indefinitely; as, many, few, etc. Indefinite quantitative. One expressing quantity indefinitely; as, great, little, etc. Multiplicative. One answering the question "How many fold?" as. single, double, etc. Ordinal. One which answers the question "Which one?" as, first, second, etc. Partitive. One denoting a part, as. half, third, > tc. Participial adjective. One that has the form of a participle. Pronominal adjective. One that may be used either as a pronoun or an adjective. See Pronoiw Proper adjective. One derived from a proper name. Adjective — Associated Words. Comparative. The form expressing the greater it less degree ol a quality. Comparison. Change of adjectives to denote variation of quality. Positive. The simple form of an adje< tivi Superlative. The form expre: . reatesl i r least degrei i quality. ad-join'. To border upon. Interspace-Contact, Remoteness-Nearness. ad-journ'. To put off to another day. Earliness- Lateness, President-Member. ad-journ'-ment. Postponement. Earliness-Late- ness. ad-judge'. To award. Decision-Misjudgment, Judge, Litigation. ad-ju'-di-cate. To try and decide. Decision-Mis- judgment. ad-ju"-di-ca'-tion. Decision. Decision-Misjudgment. ad-junct'. Something joined to. Antagonist-As- sistant, Increment-Remnant, Obstruction-Help, Solitude-Company. ad"-ju-ra'-tion. A charging under oath. Assertion- Denial. ad-jure'. To invoke earnestly. Assertion-Denial, Engagement-Release, Petition-Expostulation. ad-just'. To cause to fit; settle. Fighting-Con- ciliation, Harmony-Discord, Preparation-Non- treparation; adjust differences, Composition. ad-just'-ment. Arrangement. Fighting-Concilia- tion, Harmony-Discord, Preparation-Nonprep- ARATION. ad'-ju-tage. A spout or tube. Aperture-Closure, Watercourse-Airpipe. ad'-ju-tant. A military staff-officer. Antagonist- Assistant, Chief-Underling. ad-meas'-ure-ment. Act of measuring. Mensura- tion. ad-min'-is-ter. To have the charge of. Management, Rule-License; administer correction, Recompense- Punition; administer oath, Engagement-Release; administer sacrament, Ceremonial; administer to, Giving-Receiving, Obstruction-Help. ad-min"-is-tra'-tion. Management. Management; administration of justice, Judicature. ad-min'-is-tra"-tive. Executive. Judicature, Rule- License. ad'-mi-ra-ble. Worthy of admiration. Goodness-Bad- ness, Virtue-Vice. ad'-mi-ra-ble Crichton. A clever Scotchman. Adept. ad'-mi-ral. A naval officer of highest rank. Chief- Underling. ad'-mi-ral-ty. Naval department; court of admi- ralty. Tribunal. admirari, nil [L.] (ad-mi-rc'-rai, nil). To wonder at nothing. Astonishment-Expectance. ad-mi-ra'-tion. An emotion of wonder and pleasure. Approval-Disapproval, Astonishment-Expect- ance, Love-Hate, Regard-Disrespect. ad-mire'. To be pleased. Approval-Disapproval, Astonishment-Expectance. ad-mired' dis-or'-der. Wondered at. Regularity-Ir- regularity. ad-mir'-er. A lover. Love-Hate. ad-mis'-si-ble. Worthy of admittance. Admission- Expulsion, Faultlessness-Faultiness, Harmony- Discord; admissible in society, Society-Ludi- crousness. ad-mis"-si-bil'-i-ty. The quality of being admissible. Harmony-Discord. ad-mis'-sion. (i) Act of admitting. Admission-Exclu- sion, Admission-Expulsion, Assent-Dissi ■jt, Evi- dence-Counterevidence, Giving-Ri 51 i i vi (G, In- clusion-Omission, Leave-Prohibition. ad-mis'-sion. (2) A conceding. Admission-Exclusion, Admission-Expulsion, Assent-Dissent, EviDENCE- Counterevidence, Giving-Receivim; , Inclusion- Omission, Leave-Prohibition. ..'MISSION— EXCLUSION Admission. The act of admitting, 1 r the state itted. Composition. See Inclusion. ; ion, etc. m en t . The net of excluding or the state of being excluded.' See Inclusion-Omission. ADMISSION. 19 ADMISSION- EXPULSION. ADMISSION"— Continued. Comprehension. The act of including or taking in ideas, facts, etc. Inclusion. The act of enclosing or comprising; the state of being enclosed. Reception. The act of admitting or welcoming re< eived. the state of being Admit. To suffer to enter; allow to be included. Arrange under. To include in proper order under. Arrange with. To include in pn iper order with. Be included in, etc. To be enclosed or comprised in Belong to. To appertain to; be included in. Come under. To be included under. Comprehend. To in< lude ideas, fa< ts, etc. Comprise. To include and consist of Contain. To include and hold. Embrace. To include in the arms. Enclose, etc. See Confinement. Enumerate among. To count or include among. Fall under. To o une under or within. Congeneric. Included under the same genus or kind. Congenerous. Belonging to th< lus or kind. Included, etc. Comprised; enclosed. See Verbs. Admission- — Verbs Include. To enclose; comprise. Merge in. To be sunk or lost m. Number among. To reckon as one o£ Pertain to. To belong to; to be included in Place under. To include under. Place with. To include with. Range under. To include in rows under. Range with. To include in rows with. Receive. To accept; contain; hold. Reckon among. To include among. Refer to. To assign to; include under. Take into account. To lake into consideration. Ami I ii [i in -Adjectives. Including, etc. Comprising; en< ' Inclusive. Comprising; embra Of the same class, etc. See Division. I '. rbs. Admission — Phrases. A maximis ad minima]!,.']. From the greatest to the least. Ei hoc genus omne [L.]. ADMISSION— EXPULSION. Bt t • U ra [L.]. And so on. this kind. Absorption. Drawing in slowly, as through pores. Admission. The act of admitting; permission to enter. Admittance. See Admission. Drinking. Act of taking liquid into the stomach. Eating. Act of taking food into the body. Entree [F.]. The act or right of entering. Imbibition. The act of absorbing or drinking in. Immission. The act of injecting. Importation. The act of bringing from one country into another. Ingestion. Taking in, as into the stomach. Ingurgitation. The act of swall< iwing greedily or immoderately. Inhalation. Taking in the breath; inspiration. Insertion. The act of putting or placing in or among. Interjection. A sudden throwing in. Introduction. The act of bringing into notia m r tainted. Intromission. The act of permitting to enter. Reception. The act of admitting or welcoming. Sucking. Drawing in. Suction. The act of causing to be drawn in by the force of a vacuum. Admission — Verbs. Absorb. To draw in slowly as through pores. Admit. To permit to enter; receive. Bring in. To introduce. Drink. To take in a liquid, usually through the mouth; more rapid action than imbibing. See Nutriment, Eat. To take in nourishment or food. Engorge. To swallow greedily. Engulf. To swallow up as in a gulf. Give admittance to. To give the right of entering. Give entrance to. To permit to enter. Give the entree. See Nouns. Gulp. To swallow greedily and in large quantities. Imbibe. To take in a liquid; drink. Import. To bring from one country into another. Ingurgitate. To swallow greedily. Inhale. To draw in the breath. Introduce. To bring into the presence of and make known to; bring in. Intromit. To admit; allow to enter. Let in. To permit to enter; insert. Open the door to. To receive kindly; welcome. Readmit. To admit again. Reabsorb. To absorb again what has formerly been given out. Receive. To welcome on their first arrival ; said mostly of persons Resorb. To reabsorb. Snuff up. To draw in through the nose. Suck in. To draw in by suction. Swallow, l'o receive into the stomach through the gullet. Admission — Adjet Absorbent. Tending to drink in or suck up. Absorptive. That which takes in and incorporates. Admissible. Worthy or capable of being entertained; allowable. Admitted. Allowed to enter; received Admitting. Granting or ready to grant the privilege of entering. Entrant. Admitting. Clearage. The act of removing anything Clearance. The a< t of ( tearing. Deportation. The a< t of exiling. Discharge. The act or process of relieving of a charge or load. Dislodgment. Tl ea ing from a place of rest. Drainage. The act of draw ing off slowly, as a liquid. Effusion. The act or process of pouring forth unrest rai: ■ Egestion. The act of casting forth or voiding. Ejection. The act of casting forth hurriedly, usually with vi< Ii e Emesis. Vomiting. Emission. The act of sending forth or giving out, a r light. Eructation. The act of throv i. or of gaseous or solid matter from avolca Evacuation. The act of makin i Eviction. The act of di: : eansof sonic legal ' proceedings. Expulsion. The act of driving away by force or authority. Extrusion. The act of forcing or thrusting out. as of fused through fiss' Rejection. The act of re ■ Relegation. The act of sending off into sh ] itii n or into exile. Ructation. See Eructation. Tapping. The act <-: drawing i iff a liquid by removing thi Trajection. The a tig forth or over, usually with force. Vomition. The at t I he stomach. Banishment. Punition. Blood-letting Paracentesis. Phlebotomy. Venesection. Expulsion — Denotations. A driving out of the country. See RecomI'ENSB- ai t of drawn m, especially in sv. i rawing off fluid. The operatic >n of letting blood by opening a v - The operation of < a vein for drawing off Expulsion — Associated Words. Extradition. The delivering up by one government to an< I any person who is a fugitive from jus! Rogue *s march. Music played in derision of a person when h pelled or driven away in disgrace. Expulsion — \ 'erbs. Averruncate. To ward off; avert. Bail out. To release a person from custody by giving security los his appearance. Bale out. To empty of water, as a - Banish. To compel to leave a country by authority of j decree or judicial sentence; exile. See EXCULPATION-PUNITION. Belch. To send forth violently. Belch out. To vent with vehemence. Be let out. To permit to depart. Blow. To drive a current of air out, as through a tube, or to impel by means of a current of air. See River-Wind. Bow out. To accompany separation with a a slight bow. Break bulk. To begin to unload. Breathe. To inhale and exhale air from the lungs; respire. ADMISSION— EXPULSION. 20 ADMISSION— EXPULSION. EXPULSION— Bring up. To cause to advance, as an army Broach. To introduce for discussion. Brush away. ) „ Brush off. 1 To remove - Bundle out. To dismiss; to send away. Cast adrift. To throw overboard. Cast up. To throw up or raise. Chasser [F.]. To pursue; drive out; banish Clean out. To remove dirt or impurities. Clear away. To remove out of the way. Clear decks. To prepare a man-of-war for action. Clear off. See Clear away. Clear out. To remove; betake oneself away. Clear the throat. To remove any impediment to the speech. Cut. To sever; remove by incision. Depopulate. To drive out the inhabitants, as in war. Deport. To send away forcibly, as to a penal colony , banish. Despatch. To act with promptness; send in haste, as a messenger. Detrude. To thrust down forcibly. Disbowel. To take out the bowels of. Discard. To throw aside as worthless. Discharge. To send forth by propulsive force. Disembowel. To remove the bowels; eviscerate. Disgorge. To throw out from ; eject. Dislodge. To force out from a place of rest or defense Dispatch. See Despatch. Dispeople. See Depopulate. Do away with. To dispose of. Drain. To draw off slowly, as a liquid. Drain to the dregs. To draw off to the last drop Draw off. To withdraw ; drain some fluid. Drivel. To have spittle flow from the mouth. Effuse. To pour forth unrestrainedly. Eject. To thrust out with violence or indignity. Eliminate. To get rid of as superfluous or unnecessary. Embowel. To eviscerate; rend. Emit. To send out or give forth as sound or light. Empty. To remove all the contents; make void. Eructate. To eject with noise. Evacuate. To eject by any of the excretory passages. Evict. To dispossess by some legal title or proceedings. Eviscerate. To remove the entrails. Excern. To excrete. Excrete. To separate and discharge waste matter from any animal body. Exhale. To send out the breath from the lungs. Expectorate. To discharge matter from the throat and lungs by coughing and spitting Expel. To drive out summarily, usually with violence and dis- grace. Expend. To pay out or use, as time or money. Extravasate. To permit or cause to flow out of the proper vessels, as blood out of arteries. Extrude. To force or thrust out, as fused matter through fissures Get out. To draw forth or disengage ; betake oneself away. Get rid of. To dispose of; extricate oneself from. Give exit to. To permit to leave; grant a way of departure. Give out. To send out; publish or report. Give the sack to. To discharge, as a servant; to jilt, as a lover. Give vent to. To give expression or utterance tu; to pour forth as anger or tears. Gut. To eviscerate ; destroy the contents of. Hawk. To discharge phlegm from the throat by a forced cough. Heck. To heave, as in the act of vomiting. Lade out. To dip out with a ladle or dipper. Let blood. To draw blood by opening a vein. Let out. To extend, as a cord; release or permit to escape, as a pris- oner. Make a clean sweep of. To clear away everything. Ooze. To flow gently, as through pores or small openings. Open the flood-gates. To turn on a great flow or flood of water Open the sluices. See Open the flood-gates. Oust. To turn out by force or legal process. Pack off. Togo off or be sent off peremptorily or in basic. Perspire. To excrete Huids and waste matter through the pores of the skin. Pour forth. See Pour out. Pour out. To cause to flow freely, as a liquid. Puke. To eject from the stomach. Purge. To cleanse from impurities. Expui tu i Emitting, etc. See Verbs. ;ide. ^ pay. I li. I Reject. Verbs — Continued. Push aside. Push away. Push off. Push out. Reject. To cast away as worthless. Relegate. To send off . to consign. Retch. To strain as in vomiting. Root out. To tear up by the roots. Root up. See Root out. Secern. To secrete or separate in the animal body. Secrete. To separate from the blood or sap and form new substances, as saliva or,gum. Send about one's business. Send adrift. To give to the mercy of wind and wave. Send away. To dismiss. Send away with a flea in the ear. To send one away after having told him some secret or given him some warning or rebuke. Send off. To dismiss or despatch. Send packing. To discharge a person without ceremony. Send to Coventry. To send to some imaginary place of social banish- ment ; exclude from social intercourse on account of some ungen- tlemanly conduct. Send to Jericho. To send to some remote and out-of-the-way place. Send to the right-about. To send in the opposite direction; reject. Shake off. To throw to one side. Shed. To lose or cast off something. Shovel away. To remove with a shovel. Shovel out. See Shovel away. Show the door to. To point one to the door. Slabber. To drop liquid food from the mouth in eating. Slaver. To permit saliva to flow from the mouth in eating, as a horse. Slop. To cause to overflow. Spend. To use or waste that which is valuable, as time or money. Spew. To cast forth. Spill. To allow or cause to overflow. Spit. To discharge mucus or phlegm from the mouth. Splutter. To speak or act hastily and confusedly. Sputter. To scatter saliva in speaking. Spurt. To cause a liquid to flow out in a jet. Squirt. To cause to issue in a sudden jet. Strike off the roll. To erase the name from the list of members. See Commission-Abrogation. Suck. To draw in by forming a vacuum, as by the action of mouth. and tongue. Suck off. Remove by suction. Sweep away, i Sweep off. --To remove. Sweep out. ' Tap. To draw off liquid by opening or removing the tap. Throw aside. To dispense with as useless. Throw away. To cast from. Throw off. To unload or get rid of. Throw out. To reject, as part of an account. Throw overboard. To cast from a ship into the water. Turn adrift. To unmoor and let float. Turn away. To reject, as an offer. Turn off. To scud away or dismiss, as a servant. Turn on the tap. To cause or permit liquid to flow by^ opening the tap. Turn out. To put out. Turn out head and shoulders. To go into a thing with force and violence. Turn out neck and crop. To go into a thing all at once, in a summary manner. Turn out neck and heels. See Turn out veck and crop. Turn out of house and home. To drive out of one's place of abode. Unearth. To dig up from the earth. Dnhouse. To drive jrom one's house or habitation. Unkennel. To drive out from a kennel or retreat. Unlade. To unload. Unload. To remove aloa ! Unpack. To remove tin- contents of. Unpeople. To depopulate. Unship. To unload from a ship. Void. To quit ; leave. Vomit. To eject the contents of the stomach. Weed out. To remove the weeds, as from a garden. Whisk away. To brush away with alight, rapid motion. Whisk off. To brush off, as dust from a table. | ives Emitted, etc. See X'crbs. ADMISSION— EXPULSION. 21 ADULATION— DISPARAGEMENT. EXPULSION— Continued. Expulsion — Interjections. Aroyntl Avauntl Awayl Away withl Be gone! Be off! Getalong! Get along with you I Getawayl Get you gone! Go! Go about your business! Go along! Go along with you! Go away! Go your way! Off with you 1 ad-mit'. To allow to go in. Admission-Exclusion, Admission-Expulsion, Assent-Dissent, Con ExPOSURE-HlDINGPLACE, G1VING-R.ECEIVING, In- clusion-Omission, Leave-Prohibitkjx ; admit ex- ceptions, Modification; admit of, Poss;bility-Im- possibility ad-mit'-tance. Entrance. Entrance-Exit. ad-mit'-ted. Accepted. Habit-Desuetude; ad- mitted maxim, etc., Adage-Nonsense. ad-mit'-ting. Allowing to enter. Admission-Expul- sion, Modification. ad-mix'-ture. A mixture. Mixture-Homogeneity. ad-mon'-ish. To warn. Advice, Approval-Disap- proval, Warning. ad"-mo-ni'-tion. Reprimand. Advice, Warning. ad-mon'-i-tive. Admonitory. Advice, Warning. ad-mon'-i-to-ry. Serving to warn. Warning. a-do'. Bustle. Activity-Indolence, Difficulty- Facility, Toil-Relaxation; make much ado about, Consequence-Insignificance; much ado about nothing, Consequence-Insignificance, Overvalu- ation-Undervaluation, Skill-Unskilfulxess. ad"-o-les'-cence. Period from childhood to manhood. Manhood. ad"-o-les'-cent. Pertaining to youth. Manhood. A-do'-nis. A mythological youth. Beauty-Ugli- ness. ad'-o-nize. To dandify. Embellishment-Disfigure- ment. a-dopt'. To take as one's own. Choice-Neutrality, Establishment-Removal; adopt a cause, Obstruc- tion-Help; adopt a course, Conduct; adopt an opinion, Faith-Misgiving. a-dopt'-ed. Accepted. Godliness-Ungodliness. a-dopt"-i-bil'-i-ty. Capability of being assumed. Faith-Misgiving. a-dop'-tion. Act of adopting. Choice-Neutrality, Godliness-Ungodliness. a-dor'-a-ble. Lovable. Love-Hate. ad"-o-ra'-tion. Reverential love. Devotion-Idol- atry, Love-Hate. a-dore'. To worship. Devotion-Idolatry, Love- Hate. a-dor'-er. A lover. Love-Hate. adorer le veau d'or [F.] (a-do-re' le vo dor). To wor- ship the golden calf. Devotion-Idolatry. a-dorn'. To decorate. Embellishment-Disfigure- ment. a-dorn'-ment. An ornament. Embellishment-Dis- figurement. a-down'. Downward. Height-Lowness. a-drift'. Drifting. Certainty-Doubt, Connection- Independence, Gathering-Scattering, Skill- Unskilfulness, Union-Disunion; go adrift, Aim- Aberration; turn adrift, Commission-Abrogation, Gathering-Scattering, Release- Restraint. a-droit'. Expert. Skill-Unskilfulness. a-droit'-ness. Expertness. Skill-Unskilfulness. ad"-sci-ti'-tious. Supplemental. Addition-Sub- traction, Commission-Abrogation, Subjective- ness-Objectivex i adscriptus glebce [L.] (ad-scrip'-tus gli'-bi). Bound to the soil. Chief-Underling. ad'-sum [L.]. lam present. Answer to a roll-call. ad"-u-la'-tion. Flattery. Adulation-Disp.»rage- men r. ADULATION — DISPARAGEMENT. Adulation. Servile flattery. Blandiloquence. Language of compliment. Blandishment. Caressing speech or actions to win the heart. Blarney. Smooth, wheedling flattery. R ' i Bombastic speech for political effect. Butter. Flattery. Cajolery. Act of duping by deceitful flattery. Captation. Obtaining favor or applause by flattery or address. Coquetry. Vain trifling in love. Euphemism, * An expression less offensive than one more directly expressive of the thought. Fawning. Cringing flattery in hope of favor. Flattery. Undue or insincere compliment. Flummery. Empty compliment. Flunkyism. A worshiper of rank or wealth. Gloze. Flattery. Honeyed words. Sweet flattery. Incense. Complimentary language. Mou h thTon e o'r. } Empty orinsincere honor - Placebo. A prescription by a physician, given to please rather than to cure. Rosewater. Smooth talk. Snobbishness. Aping of gentility by a vulgar person. Soft sawder.) „. a ., __ Soft soap. I Blame >'-. flattery. "Sycophancy. Base, servile flattery. Taffy. Flatten'', soft praises. Toad eating. Sycophancy. Tuft hunting. Flattery upon persons of position in hope of gain. Unctuousness. Quality of being extremely bland or suave. Voice of the charmer. Flattering voice. Wheedling. Persuasion by flattering words. Aspersion. Circulation of false and injurious charges. Backbiting. Speaking secretly to one's injury. Calumny. In vent evil reports. Chronique scandalensi [F.]. Chronicle of scandals. Criticism. Harsh or unfavorable judgment. See Approval-Dis- approval. Cynicism. Contempt for others' doings and opinions. Defamation. Injury to reputation by aspersions, etc. Depreciation. Lessening the estimation of. Detraction. Lessening of reputation by insinuation of base tives. Detractor. One who finds fault with or defames another. Disparagement. Injury* done by speaking Slightingly of. Envenomed tongue. Bitter, hostile speech. Evil-speaking. Harmful talk. Invective. Harsh and reproachful accusations. Lampoon. Personal, written satire. Libel. Written defamation. Obloquy. Censorious, abusive, and reproachful language. Obtrectation. Act of calumniating. Pasquinade. A short satirical publication. Personality. Disparaging remark about a person. Sarcasm. Sharp, scornful language. Scandal. Defamatory talk, heedlessly or maliciously ut I Scandalum magnatum [L.]. Scandal concerning those of rank or dignity. Scurrility. Foul or obscene language. Skit. A brief satire. Slander. Spoken defamation. Sprchr injuria fomice [L.]. Wrong done to slighted beauty. Traducement. Odious misrepresentation of one's conduct or char- acter. Vilification. Words intended to make a person or thing seem vile is another's eyes. ADULATION. 22 ADULTERY. Adulation — Verbs. Beplaster. Thoroughly plaster. Beslaver. Thoroughly slaver. Beslubber. Thoroughly slubber. Bespatter. Thoroughly spatter. Butter. To flatter. Cajole. To dupe by deceitful flattery. Coax. To seek to persuade by fondling or flattery. Cog. To cheat, as with loaded dice. Collogue. To use flattery and deceit. Coquet. To trifle vainly in love. Court. To seek to obtain by assiduous attentions. Creep into the good graces of. To get into favor by flattery or cajolery. Curry favor with. To seek favor with by adulation or attentions. Earwig. To gain favor by telling tales about others. Exaggerate. To enlarge upon the truth. Fawn. 1_ a Fawn upon. / ° Hatter cnngingly in hope of favor. Flatter. To give undue or insincere compliment. Fool to the top of one's bent. To fool shamelessly Gild the pill. To gloze. Glaver. To wheedle. Gloze. To gloss over with specious representation. Hang on the sleeve of. To be a sycophant. Humor. To gratify by yielding to some one's inclinations. Lay it on thick. To flatter extravagantly. Lay the flattering unction to one's soul. To use flattery Lick the dust. To cringe. Make things pleasant. To gloss over. Overestimate. To value too highly. Overpraise. To praise beyond just due. Pandar to. t _, , . Pander to. I cater to the wishes of. Pay court to. To court. See Court. Pet. To fondle and indulge. Praise to the skies. To praise lavishly. Puff. To praise unduly. Slaver. To flatter. Soothe. To calm with soft words. Truckle to. To curry favor with servility. Wheedle. To persuade with flattering words. ADULATION— DISPARAGEMENT— Continued. Adulation — Adjectives Adulatory. Servilely flattering. Blandiloquent. In the language of compliment. Courtierlike. I ,. Courtierly. i Very courteous. Fair-spoken. Bland in speech. Fine. Nice, artful, subtle. Flattering. Praising unduly or insincerely Fulsome. Offensive from excess of praise. Honeyed. Sweetly flattering. Honey-mouthed. Having a flattering mouth. Mealy-mouthed. Euphemistic. Oily. Deceitfully affable in speech or manners. Plausible. Apparently right. Servile. Meanly obsequious. Smooth. Suave, often deceitfully. Smooth-tongued Deceitfully pleasing in speei h Soapy. Using flattery. Specious. Appearing well at first sight, but reall Sycophantic. Like a sycophant, servile in flattery. Unctuous. Extremely bland or suave. Adulation — Adverbial Phr. Ad captandum [L.]. To attract or please. ad'-u-la"-tor. A flatterer. Fi.atterer-Defamfr ad'-u-la-to-ry. Flattering. Adulation-Disparagi - m h x r . A-dul'-lam. A Biblical cave. Cave of Adullam, Con TENTEDNESS- DlSCON i ENTMENT, Quest - E VASK >.\ Regret. a-dult'. A fully developed person. Manhood. a-dul'-ter-ate. To make impure. Betterment-De- terioration, Mixture-Homogeneity. Disparagement — Noun of Agent. Detractor. Adefamer; slanderer. Disparagement — Verbs. Anathematize. To pronounce a curse against. Asperse. To bespatter with injurious charges Avile. To vilify. Backbite. To speak evil behind one's back lt" m fa 'l e Wi ' neS , S ag T st ' To tel1 "«• especially before a magistrate Besmirch. To dim the reputation of. Bespatter. To cover with slander or reproaches. Blacken. To defame; vilify. Blow upon. To taint; discredit. Brand. To stamp with infamy. Calumniate. To invent and spread evil reports. Cast aspersions. To censure harshly and falsely. Criticize. To judge harshly or unfavorably. Cry down. To depreciate; decry. Decry. To disparage loudly. Defame. To injure reputation by evil or false reports concerning. Depreciate. To lessen the estimation of. Derogate. To lessen by taking away a part; to disoarage. Detract. To lessen reputation by insinuation of base motives Dip the pen into gall. To write bitterly. Disparage. To injure by speaking slightingly of. Fling dirt. To use abusive language. Give a dog a bad name. Calumniate. Lampoon. To indulge in written, personal satire. Libel. To defame in writing. Malign. To speak great evil of, especially falsely Pick a hole in one's coat. To find fault with. Pull to pieces. To criticize unsparingly. Run down To attempt to depreciate one in the estimation of others. Mander. I o utter malicious reports about. Sneer at. To speak of in scornful contempt. Speak ill of behind one's back. Slander. Traduce. To odiously misrepresent one's conduct or character. View in a bad light. To think unfavorably of. Vilify. To attempt to make one seem vile in others' eyes Vilipend. To speak of disparagingly. Disparagement — Adjectives. Abusive. Coarse and rude in reproach. Calumniatory. ' r Calumnious. / Containing a false, malicious report or accusation. Cynical. Contemptuous of others' doings and opinions. Defamatory. Tending to bring disrepute upon. Derogatory. Taking away a part, as from dignity. Detracting, etc. See Verbs. Detractory. Tending to lessen estimation of. Disparaging. Tending to injure by unfavorable comparison. Foul-mouthed.] Foul-spoken. \ Using obscene and abusive language. Foul-tongued. ' Libelous. Containing anything damaging to character. Sarcastic. Exhibiting contemptuous language. Sardonic. Having a forced, sneering laugh or smile. Satirical. Containing irony. Scurrile. („ Scurrilous, i Gross or vlle ln speech. Slanderous. Containing false tales or reports. Disparagement — Phrases. Assent with civil leer; damn with faint praise; without sneering others teach to sneer. a-dul'-ter-a"-ted. Corrupted. Truthfulness-Fu uti a-dul -ter-a'-tion. Condition of being adultei Betterment-Deterioration, MIXTURE-HOMOGE- NEITY. a-dul'-ter-er. A man guilty of adultery. Purity- Rake. a-dul'-ter-ess. A female adulterer. Purity-Rake a-dul'-ter-ous. Illicit. Purity-Impurity a-dul'-ter-y. LTnchastity. Purity-Impurity. ADULTNESS. 23 A J )VA N( E -RETROGRESSION. a-dult'-ness. State of being an adult. Manhood. ad-um'-brate. To overshadow. Delineation-Cari- cature, Light-Darkness, Trope. ad-um-bra'-tion. A shadow. Copy-Model, Light- Darkness, Manifestation-Latexc v, Trope ad-un'-ci-ty. Condition of being hook-shajM <1. AN- GULARITY. ad-un'-cous. Hook-shaped. Angularity. a-dus'-tion. Process of drying or burning. Heating- Cooling. ad-vance'. To move forward. Assertion-Denial, Betterment- Deterioration, Increase-Decrease, Loan-Borrowing, Obstruction-Help, Period- Progress, Success- Failure; advance against, At- tack-Defense; advance of learning, Knowledge- Jc.norance; in advance, Anteriority-Posterior- ity, Leading-Following, Loan-Borrowing, Pre- cedence-Succession; in advance of, Supremacy- Subordinacy; in advance of one's age, Sagacity- Incapacity. ADVANCE— RETROGRESSION. Advance. The act of moving forward or propo Advancement. Forwarding; promotion. Advancing. Progression. See Verbs. Flood-tide. The rising tide. Headway. Forward motion, particularly of a vessel; progress. Improvement. Advancement in desirable qualities MENT. March. Onward progress. See Traveling. Ongoing. The act of going forward ; progn Progress. A moving or going forward; an advance Progression. Motion forward or onward; a proceeding in a course . Progressiveness. The quality of being progressive. Rise. Ascent; advance as in rank, prosperity, or importan Advance — Verb . Advance. To move forward; further; proceed. Distance. To leave behind in a race; greatly to excel. Proceed. To go forward; continue in progress. Progress. To continue onward in course of action or development. Advance — Verbal Expressions. Carve one's way; come ahead; come forward; come forwards; come on; edge one's way; elbow one's way; force one's way; gain ground; get ahead; get along; get forward; get forwards; get on; get over the ground; go ahead; go forward; go forwards; go on; go with the stream; hold on one's course; jog on; keep one's course; make advances; make head; make headway; make one's way; make progress; make rapid strides (see Swiftness); make strides; make up leeway, make up for time U >st ; make way; move ahead; move forward; move forwards; move on; pass ahead; pass forward; pass forwards; pass on; press ahead; press forward ; press forwards; press on; press onwards; push ahead; push for- ward; push forwards; push on; push one's way; rub on, with difficulty; shoot ahead; step forward; wag on; work one's way. Advanck- i Advanced. Moved forward; promoted; furthered Advancing, etc. Progressing; improving. See Verbs Ebbless. Not flowing back. Profluent. Flowing forward. Progressive. Advancing. Advance — Adverbs. Ahead. In advance. En route for. On the way to. Forth. Forward in place, tin e, or order. Forward. Onward; ahead. In mid progress. Half achieved. In progress. Advancing. In transitu [L.]. On the passage. See Transfer. On. With unbroken advance; forward. On one's way to. \ On the high road to. [ , , , On the road to. f In lhc act of ^ uln ^ On the way to. * Onward. In the direction of progre^ Under way. In motion, as a ship. Advance — Phra Bouicz en avant [F .]. Push forward. Vestigia nulla retrorswn [L.]. No footsteps backward (At the mouth of the lion's den). [Horace.} Backsliding. Falling back into ; abandonment of faith or duty. Backwater. Water set , thrown or held back. Countermarch. A return march; any conduct or method. Counter-motion. Motion in a conl rary direction. Counter-movement. Movement in ■ ther. Crab-like motion. Motion backward. Deterioration. The pn I of growing wi >rse, or the state of having grown Worse. See BKTTKkMEXT-DETKKIORATION. Ebb. Tl s tide -water to 1 he i h ean, Fall. TIi.- act . process or result of dropping from a higher \-. \ place or i>< isitit in. Recess. A place or space kit di -pressed in the thickness *>:' a wall' a ti .. empl< ■ -. n lent. Recession. Withdrawal. See WITHDRAWAL. Recidivation. A falling back; a backsliding. ■ ■■':>■■ [F ] Falling back. Reflection. The act of turning bark, or thest \ turned back; the Turning in of the mind upon itself. See Impetus-Reaction. Refluence. A flowing back. Reflux. A flowing I Regress. Passage back ; return. Regression. The act of moving back or returning; retrogression. Regurgitation. The act of ru -allowing again. Remigration. Migration back t. > the pla< <• from which one came. Resilience. The act, power or resi ng back to a former position. Retirement. , the state i retired. Retreat. The act of rctrea army befori . retire- ment. Retroaction. Retrocession. Going or movinj I Retrogradation. The act or result of going, moving, or tending backward. Retrogression. A ,. ing backward; de| Return. ult of turning backward. Tergiversation , as by subterl tancy. Turning point. See CONVERSE 5ION. Veering. Di Withdrawal. The a< ; retraction. RetB G RE SSIOK — 1 'erbs. Back. To re 1 ve rearward. Countermarch. I Double. .rallel track. Ebb. To flow bat an, as the tide; da I Jib. T 1 >ack wards. Rebound. T *e Impetus-Reaction. Recede. Regrade. T Regurgitate. To throw or pour back; surge or be poured back. Retire. withdraw; rei Retreat. To withdraw from a | ment. Retrocede. To give back; restore ownership, possession, or control oL Retrograde. To move, or cause to move, backward. Return. To put, carry, k" turn or direct backward. Revert. To Shrink. T< ► dra recoil. Shy. aside. Turn. y in nature, form or aspect; rotate or caus. Veer. To turn to another course; change direction, as the wind. Wheel. To perform or cause to perl: >vement; take a new direction. Withdraw. To draw or take away; take back. ADVANCE— RETROGRESSION. 24 ADVICE. RETROGRESSION— Continued. Retrogression — Verbal Expressions. Back out, retreat or withdraw; back water, reverse the action of the oars, paddle, or propeller, so as to force the ship backward ; beat a retreat; come back; dance the back step; draw back; drop astern, be left behind; fall astern, move or be driven backward; fallback; get back; go back; go home; hark back, go back for a fresh start; lose ground; put about, change the course of , as a ship; put back; retrace one's steps; run back; sound a retreat; turn; turn back; turn one's back upon, leave; [turn round; turn tail, run away; turn upon one's heel; veer; veer round, direct to a different course, as a vessel. Retrogression — Adjectives. Crab-like. Moving backward. Reactionary. Tending toward a former or opposite state, etc. See Impetus-Reaction. Receding. Withdrawing, as from aclaim; moving back. See Verbs. Recidivous. Liable to backslide. Reflex. Turned or thrown backward ; bent back. Refluent. Flowing or rushing back. Regressive. Passing back; retroactive. Resilient. Having the quality of resilience. Retrograde. Going, moving, or tending backward; declining toward a worse state of character. Retrogressive. Going or moving backward ; declining. Retrogression — Adverbs Back. To or toward the rear; behind. Backwards. To the rear; into time past. As you were. In original condition. Refiexively. Bending or turned backwards. To the right about. Toward the opposite point or quarter. Retrogression — Phrases. Revenons d nos tnoutons [F.]. Let us return to our sheep; let us return to our subject. ad-vanced'. Before. Advance-Retrogression; ad- vanced guard, Anteriority-Posteriority; advanced in life, Infancy-Age; advanced work, Attack-De- fense. ad-vance'-ment. Promotion. Advance-Retrogres- sion, Betterment-Deterioration. ad-van'-ces. Anything supplied. Make advances, Proffer-Refusal, Treasury. ad-vanc'-ing. Approaching. Advance-Retrogres- sion, Yellowness-Purple. ad-van'-tage. Anything favorable to success. Good- Evil, Supremacy-Subordixacy; advantage over, Success-Failure; dressed to advantage, Embel- lishment-Disfigurement; find one's advantage in, Usefulness-Uselessness; gain an advantage, Gain- Loss, Success-Failure; mechanical advantage, In- strument; set off to advantage, Betterment-De- terioration; take advantage of, Skill-Unskil- fulness, Use-Disuse. ad"-van-ta'-geous. Favorable. Gain-Loss, Good- ness-Badness, Usefulness-Uselessness. ad-vene'. To come to. Addition-Subtraction. ad'-vent. Arrival. Approach-Withdrawal, Arri- val-Departure, Future-Past, Occurrence-Des- tiny. Ad'-vent. The coming of Christ. Ceremonial. ad"-ven-ti'-tious. Incidental. Condition-Situation, Rationale-Luck, Subjectiveness-Objectiveness. ad-ven'-ture. A remarkable experience. Occur- rence-Destiny, Quest-Evasion, Rationale-Luck, Security-Insecurity, Venture. ad-ven'-tur-er. One who engages in dangerous under- takings. Gentility-Democracy, Purpose-Lick, Recklessness-Caution, Trial, Wayfarer-Sea- farer. ad-ven'-tures. Experiences. Account. ad-ven'-tur-ous. Venturesome. Bravery-Cowardice, Recklessness-Caution. ad'-verb. A part of speech which defines or limits a verb. Particle; adverbial pronoun, Pronoun. ad"-ver-sa'-ri-a. A commonplace-book. Mark. ad'-ver-sa-ry. An opposing party. Antagonist-As- sistant. ad-ver'-sa-tive Particle. ad'- verse. In Conjunction opposition. expressing opposition. Antagonism-Concur- rence, Desire-Distaste, Welfare-Misfortune, Readiness-Reluctance; adverse party, Antago- nist-Assistant; adverse fate, Volition-Obliga- tion. ad-ver'-si-ty. Misfortune. Good-Evil, Welfare-Mis- fortune. ad-vert'. To turn to. Heed-Disregard. ad-vert'-ence. Notice. Heed-Disregard. ad-vert'-en-cy. Attentiveness. Heed-Disregard. ad'-ver-tise". To make known publicly. Publicity. ad"-ver-tise'-ment. A public notice. Publicity, Sign. ad-vice'. Counsel. Advice, Enlightenment-Se- crecy, Motive-Dehortation, Tidings-Mystery. ADVICE. Adhortation. Advice. Admonition. Friendly counseling or warning. See Warning. Advice. A speaking to in reference to some act or course. Advocacy. The act of pleading for, defending of. Charge. An instruction; advice to. Conference. The act of advising together. Consultation. The act of consulting, of deliberating. Council. Act of deliberating. Exhortation. Earnest advice to well doing. See Motive. Expostulation. Counseling against a certain course. Guidance. The act of guiding or directing. See Management. Hortatory. Giving or containing advice. Injunction. Authoritative advice. Instruction. The act of teaching, of directing. Obtestation. The act of supplicating not to do a certain thing. Pourparler [FJ. A parleying. Recommendation. The act of counseling on a certain course. Reference. The act of directing for a testimonial. Referment. The act of referring. Submonition. Suggestion. Suggestion. Act of bringing up for consideration. Advice — Nouns of Instrument. A guiding map; a tabulated sheet. See Enlightenment. Something that serves to direct. A small book often containing instructions. Chart. Guide. Manual. Advice — Nouns of Agent. Adviser. One who gives advice. Arbiter. A judge between contestants. See Judge. Archiater. The chief physician. [Used in Europe.] Council. A body of men which gives advice. Councilor. A member of council. Counselor. One who gives advice. Leech. A & Mentor. A wise and elderly guide. Monitor. A Warner, a cautioner. Physician. One who advises on bodily ailments. Prompter. One who incites; one who suggests what follows. Senator. A member of the more stable of the legislative assemblies of states. Teacher. One who instructs or educates. See Instructor. ADVICE. 25 ADYNAMIC. ADVICE— Continued. Advice — Figurative, Magnus Apollo [L.J. Great Apollo; the god of prophecy and advice. Keltor. A faithful and wise counselor in the Iliad. A word to the wise. Advice — Phrase. Advice — Verbs. Admonish. To advise in a friendly way. See Warning. Advise. To commend or condemn a given cuurse. Advise with. To ask advi' e ol Advocate. To defend publicly. Be advised by. Accept advice. Be closeted with. To be granted a private interview. Call. To assemble for a purpose. Call in. To invite together. Call upon. Invite to speak. Charge. To lay upon; instruct. Compare notes. Compare information. Confer. To enter into a consultation with. Consult. To receive advice from. Consult together. To interchange advice. Counsel. To give advice to. Deliberate. To weigh in the mind. Dictate. To enjoin positively. Enforce. To put into effect ; urge forcibly. Enjoin. To charge; advise strongly. Exhort. To warn against a certain course. See Motivb. Ezpostulate. To earnestly warn against. See Motive-Dehorta- tion. Follow advice. To act upon advi. c Give advice. "| Give a piece of advice. >To advise. Give counsel. I Have at one's elbow. To have within easy reach. Hold a council. Confer. Instruct. To impart knowledge and directions. Lay heads together. To consider in union. Prescribe. To lay out beforehand; direct. Prompt. To incite to activity; point to the next. _ Recommend. To give a favorable opinion of; advise. Refer to. Mention. Submonish. To suggest. Suggest. To bring to the notice of. Take advice. Accept counsel. Take one's cue from. Tu get a hint from. Advice — Adjectives. Admonitory. Serving to warn or reprove. See Warning. Dehortatory. Fitted to dissuade. See Motive-Dehortation Hortatory. Fitted to encourage in a given course. Recommendatory. Having a recommendation. See Motive. Go to) Advice — Intel Advice — Phrases. Verbum sat sapienti [I,.]. A word to the wise is sufficient. Vive memor leti [L.]. Live mindful of death. ad-vi'-sa-ble. Expedient. Propriety-Impropriety. ad-vise'. To give counsel to. Advice. Enlighten- ment-Secrecy, Prophecy; advise with one's pillow, Reflection- Vacancy. ad-vised'. Prudent. Predetermination-Impulse, Purpose-Luck; better advised, Betterment-De- terioration. ad-vi'-sed-ly. Not hastily. Predetermination-Im- pulse, Purpose-Luck. ad-vi'-ser. One who advises. Advice, Manager. ad'-vo-ca-cy. Pleading. Approval-Disapproval, Motive-Dehortation, Obstruction-Help. ad'-vo-cate. One who pleads the cause of another. Advice, Advocate, Antagonist-Assistant, Friend- Foe, Justification-Charge, Motive-Caprice, Ob- struction-Help; the Advocate, Divinity. ADVOCATE. Advocate. One who pleads for another before a judicial tribunal or court. Attorney. One who is legally appointed by another to transact busi- ness for him. Bar. The entire body of lawyers. Barrister. 1 Q nc who pract ises in the courts. Barrister-at-law) Bencher. A member of the bar holding a place in one of the govern- ing bodies. Civilian. One learned in Roman or civil law. Conveyancer. One whose business is to transfer titles to pn perty. Counsel. One who gives advice in legal matters. Counselor. One who manages a cause for a client or gives legal ad- vice. Cursitor. A clerk in the Court of Chancery. Equity draftsman. A lawyer who drafts equity pleadings. Inner bar. The body of senior barristers. Judge. The officer who presides over a court. See Judge. Junior bar. The body of barristers who occupy a place beyond the crown's counsel. Jurisconsult. A man learned in the law, who gives legal advice. Jurist. One learned in the law; a judge. K. C. Abbreviation for King's Counsel. King's Counsel. A barrister appointed by the crown to plead iU causes. Lawmonger. One who practises law as if it were a trade. Lawyer. A general term for persons versed in the law and em- ployedto plead the cause of clients. Leader. The principal attorney in a case. Legal adviser. One who gives advice on law matters Legal profession. The body of lawyers. Legist. A writer on law. Notary. j A public officer who has a seal and is empowered to Notary public. t > ! protests, certify deeds, etc. Outer bar. The body of junior barristers. Pettifogger. A lawyer who uses short or dishonest methods. Pleader. One who advocates the cause of another. Proctor. An officer employed in admiralty and ecclesiastical causes. Publicist. A writer on law Pundit. One versed in the laws of the Hindus. 0. C. Abbreviation for Queen's Counsel. Queen's Counsel. A barrister appointed by the crown to plead its causes, and ii"i permitted afterwards to plead against it Scrivener. One who draws up deeds. c< intracts, etc. Sergeant-at-law. The nighest rank at the common law bar. Special pleader. An expert in the drawing of pleadings. Tubman. One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer. Writer to the signet. A judicial officer who prepares wnts, warrants, etc. Advocate — Figurative Nouns. Gentlemen of the long robe. The legal profession. Limb of the law. A lawyer. Silk gown. The legal profess: Advocate — Verbs. Be called to the bar. \ j Q bg adm : tted to t he rank of barrister. Be called within the bar. > Call to the bar . 1 Tq admit as a member of the legal profession. Call within the bar. > Plead. To argue in defense of one. Practise at the bar. I To ext . rcis( , Iaw as a profession. Practise within the bar. ' Take silk. To become king's or queen's counsel. Advocate — Adjectives. At the bar. Before court. Forensic. Belonging to courts, legal proceedings, etc. Learned in the law. Versed in law. Advocate — Phrases Banco regis [L.]. On the king's bench. ad"-vo-ca'-tion. A pleading. Pretext. ad-vou'- tress. An adulteress. Purity-Rake. ad-vou'-try. Adultery. Purity-Impurity. ad-vow'-son. Patronage. Church. ad"-y-nam'-ic. Lacking physical strength. Strength- Weakness. ADYNAMY. 26 AFFECTIONS. a-dyn'-a-my. Lack of strength. Strength-Weak- ness. adytum [L.] (ad'-i-tum) . A secret shrine. Con- tents-Receiver, ExPOSURE-HlDINGPLACE, PROPH- ECY. adze. A hand-cutting tool. Sharpness-Bluntness. ad'-zooks. Exclamation of wonder. Astonishment- Expectance. ae'-dile. A Roman magistrate. Judicature. ae'-gis. A shield. Attack-Defense. aegrescit medendo [L] (i-gres'-sit mi-den'-do). He grows worse by the remedy. Betterment-Dete- rioration. ae'-on. An age of the universe. Divinity. aequam servare mentem [L] (i'-quam ser-ve'-ri men'- tem). To keep a well-balanced mind. Excita- BI LIT Y-lNEXCIT ABILITY. aequitas sequitur legem [L.] (eq'-ui-tas seq'-ui-ter li'-gem). Equity follows law. Law-Lawlessness. aequo animo [L.] (i'-quo an'-i-mo). With unmoved feelings. Excitability-Inexcitability, Sensitive- ness-Apathy. aere perennius [L.] (i'-ri per-en'-ni-us) . More lasting than bronze. Reputation-Discredit. a-e'-ri-al. Atmospheric. Height-Lowness, Liquid- Gas, Water-Air; aerial navigator, Wayfarer- Seafarer. a'-er-ie. Nest of a bird of prey. Dweller-Habita- tion, Height-Lowness. a'-er-i-form. Airy. Liquid-Gas, Water-Air. a"-er-o-dy-nam'-ics. Science of gaseous bodies. Liquid-Gas, River-Wind. a"-er-og'-ra-phy. A treatise on air. Water-Air. a '_ er -o-lite. A mass from celestial space. Astron- omy, Universe. a"-er-ol'-o-gy. Science of the atmosphere. Water- Air. a'-er-o-man"-cy. Forecasting changes in weather; divination by appearances in the air. Prophecy. a"-er-om'-e-ter. Instrument for measuring density of gases. Water-Air. a'-'er-o-naut. One who navigates the air. Water- Air, Wayfarer-Seafarer. a"-er-o-naut'-ics. Treatment of air navigation. Trav- eling-Navigation, Water-Air. a'-er-o-scope. An air microscopic instrument. Water- Air. a'-er-o-stat. A balloon. Conveyance-Vessel. a"-er-o-stat'ic. Pertaining to aerostatics. Traveling- Navigation. a "-er-o-stat'-ics. Science of mechanical properties of air. Liquid-Gas, Traveling-Navigation. a "-er-o-sta'-tion. Ballooning. Traveling-Naviga- tion, Water-Air. ... . aes alienum debitorem lew, gravius numiciiin facit [L.\ (iz e-li-i'-num deb-i-to'rem li'-vi, gre'-vi-us in-i-mai'- cum fe'-sit). A light sum owed makes a debtor, one too heavy an enemy. Credit-Debt. jEs"-cu-la'-pi-us. The god of medicine. Remedy- Bank. JE-sop'. Author of fables. Beauty-Ugliness. Ees-thet'-ic. Artistic. Beauty-Ugliness, Feeling- Insensibility, Taste-Vulgarity. aetas, dum loquimur fugerit invidia [L.l (i'-tas, dum loq'-ui-mvr iiu'-ji-rit i-n-vid'-i-a). While we talk envious time has been flying. Lastingness-Tran- SIENTNESS. _ f aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus [L] (i-ter -num ser'-vans sub pec'-to-ri vul'-nus). Keeping an ever- lasting wound in the heart. Pardon-Vindictive- NUSS. ae"-ti-ol'-o-gy. The science of efficient causes. Knowl- edge-Ignorance, Rationale-Luck. a-far'. At a distance. Remoteness-Nearness. af"-fa-bil'-i-ty. Courtesy of manner. Politeness- Impoliteness, Selfrespect-Humbleness. af'-fa-ble. Courteous. Politeness-Impoliteness, Selfrespect-Humbleness. af-fair'. Anything done. Conception-Theme, Occu- pation, Occurrence-Destiny, Strife-Peace; affair of honor, Strife-Peace. affaires, charged [F.] (af-fer', shar-zhed'). A diplo- matic agent. Consignee. affaires, les — font les hommes [F.] (oi-fer', lcz — fon- lez om) . Experience of affairs makes men. Knowl- edge-Ignorance, Sagacity-Incapacity. af-fairs'. Business. Occupation. af-fect'. To put on. Connection-Independence, Desire-Distaste, Excitation, Inclination, Lovb- Hate, Truthfulness-Fraud. af'-fec-ta'-tion. Displav. Society-Affectation. af-fect'-ed. (i) Acted upon. Affected with, Emotion, Health-Sickness. af-fect'-ed. (2) Pretended; loved. Affections, Purity- Crudeness, Truthfulness-Falsehood. af-fect"-i-bil'-i-ty. Quality of being affected. Sensi- tiveness-Apathy. af-fect'-ing. Acting upon the feelings. Pleasur- able n ess-Pa in fulness. af-fec'-tion. Love. Amity-Hostility, Emotion, Love-Hate. af-fec'-tion-ate. Loving. Love-Hate. af-fec'-tions. Natural tendency of feeling. Affec- tions. AFFECTIONS. Affections. Mental feelings toward some object. Bent. A decided and fixed tendency of the mind towards a particu- lar mode of action . Bias. A leaning of the mind. Cast of mind. A characteristic inclination. Character. The sum of qualities by which a person is distinguished from others; strength of mind. Diathesis [Gr.]. Particular disposition or habit of body, good or bad. Disposition. Tendency to any action or state, resulting from natu- ral constitution. Frame of mind. Particular state of the mind. Frame of soul. Manifestation of the moral nature. Furore [It.]. An overmastering passion or mania for anything. Grain. Natural temper. Habit of mind. The state of mind, either natural or acquired, re- garded as firmly retained. Humor. State of mind, whether habitual or temporary. Idiosyncrasy. A peculiarity of mental constitution or tempera- ment. Master passion. Any emotion or sentiment in a state ot controlling activity. Mettle. Spirit, especially as regards honor, courage, fortitude, etc. Mood. Temporary state of the mind as regards passion or feeling. Natural turn of mind. Inherent mental disposition. Nature. Inherent or essential qualities or attributes. Passion. The state of the mind when it is powerfully acted upon and influenced by something external to itself. Pervading spirit. Controlling temper or mental condition. Predilection. A previous liking, a prepossession of the mind for something. Predisposition. Previous inclination, or tendency. Proclivity. Facility; inclination. Proneness. Inclination of mind or temper. Propendency. \ Propensedness. ! A lianing or bent Q f mind. Propension. 1 Propensity. ' Qualities. Acquired traits. Ruling passion. Sec Master passion. Spirit The state of tempei or mind as governing the actions. Sympathy. The qual.tv ,1 being affected by the statu or condition of another. See Lovb. . , , -, ,. Temper. The constitution of the mind, particularly with rc R ard to the passions and affections. Temperament. The peculiar physical and mental character ol ...i individual. Tone. Characteristic tendency. AFFECTIONS. 27 AFFLUENCE— PENURY. AFFECTIONS— ( onlinu, d Turn. ) Turn of mind. V A particular disposition or cast of genius. Vein. i Affections — Figurative Expressions. Back-bone; bosom; breast; cockles of one's heart; heart; heart of hearts: heart's blood; heart's core; heart's strings; inmost heart; inmost soul; inner man; penetrate mentis [L.], ■ .scs of the mind; secret and inmost recesses of the heart; soul. Affections — Verb Beaffected. To have the mind influenced. Sei Be of a character. To have particular or peculiar qualities. See Nouns. Breathe. To show or express one's affections or fei Have affections. ) „ ..„„, _ - .. ■ See A onus. Possess affections, j Affections — Adjectives. Affected. Regarded with affection ; beloved. Attempered. Regul Cast. Formed. Characterized. Distinguished by peculiar marks or traits. Deep-rooted. Firmly implanted. Disposed. Inclined. Eaten up with. < If deep affection- Formed. Modeled by discipline. Framed. Regulated. Having a bias. See Nouns. Imbued with. Impressed. Inborn. Implanted by nature. Inbred. Bred within. Inclined. Having a tendency or leaning toward. Ineffaceable. Incapable of being blotted out. Ingrained. Worked into the mental or moral constitution of. Inveterate. Fixed and settled by long continuance. Molded, (riven a certain training. Pathoscopic. Indicative of the passions. Affections — Ad\ At heart. Deeply felt. Heart and soul. With all one might. SeeEMOTio.v In one's heart. In one's thought or feeling lei Vouns af-fec'-tor. One who pretends. Presumption-Obse QUH IUSNESS. affettuoso [It.] (af-fet-tu-o'-zo) . Soft in music. Music. af-fi'-ance. Pledge of faith. Engagement-Release, Matrimony-Celibacy, Sanguineness-Hopeless- ness. af-fi'-anced. Engaged to be married. Engagement- Release, Love-Hate, Matrimony-Celibacy. af-fiche'! A poster. Publicity. af-ficher'. One who posts. Publicity. af"-fi-da'-tion. Act of promising. Contract. af"-fi-da'-vit. A sworn declaration. Assertid . nial. Litigation, Mark-Obliteration. af-m'-i-a"-ted. Associated. Connection-Independ- ence, Relationship. af-fil"-i-a'-tion. Relationship. Connection-Iniu- pendence, Rationale-Luck, Relationship. af-fin'-i-ty. Connection. Connection-Indepi: nm Likeness-Unlikeness. af-firm'. To declare positively. Assent-Dissent, Assertion-Denial. af-firm'-ance. Affirmation. Assent-Dissent, Asser- tion-Denial. af'-fir-ma'-tion. A declaration. Assent-Dissent, A ssertion-Denial. af-firm'-a-tive. Positive. Assent-Dissent, Asser- tion-Denial. af-firm'-a-tive-ly. In an affirmative side. Assent- Dissent. af-fix'. To join. Addition-Subtraction, Increment- Remnant, Letter, Union-Disunion. af-fla'-tion. A breathing on. River-Wind. af-fla'-tus. Spiritual inspiration. Revelation- Psi i lation, River-Wind. af-flict'. To oppress with suffering. Pleasurable- ness-Painfulness; afflict with illness, Health- Sickness. af-flic'-tion. Distress. Lightheartedness-Dejec- tion, Pi Pain, Pleasurableness-Painfui- ness, Welfare-Misfortune. af'-fiu-ence. Wealth. Affluence-Penury, Enough, W'l I.I-ARE-MlSPORTUNE. AFFL1 ; ENURY. Affluence. An abundant supply of worldl} goods. Competence, etc. Sufficiency, enough propertv for a imfortable livelihood. See Enough Easy circumstances. Moderate condition in regard to wo Fortune. Estate; possessions; great wealth. Good circumstances. Very good condition in regard to property, etc. Handsome fortune. Ample or large posses ■-■ Independence. Sufficient means or wealth to support oneself. Opulence. State of being rich or wealthy. Riches. Abundance of whatever is precious. Solvency. The condition of being able to pay all just debts. Wealth. An extraordinary abundance of this world's goods; large possessions. Affluence — Associated Nouns. Alimony, sum allowed to a woman band, capital; command of money; dowry, property wh woman brings to her husband on marria , earnings, thai which is earned, income, etc. (see Outlay-Income); livelihood; lucre; maintenance; means; money; pelf, wealth, generally in a sense, property, etc. (see Property); provision; resources; round Sum, ' tREASURE-SUBSTANCE). Affluence — Figurative Nouns. Croesus; Danae; Dives; El Dorado [Sp.], any country of great wealth in precious metals; embarras dc richesses [FJ, supply, filthy lucre; full purse; Golconda; heavy purse; loaves and fishes. ersonal gain or advantage , long purse; mam- mon, riches, generally in an ill sense Midas; mine of wealth; mint of money; nabob, any European who has amassed wealth in the East, Pactolus; Plutus; Potosi, town famous for silver mines. purse of Fortunatus; Timon of Athens; well-lined purse. Affluence— Afott«s ol Capitalist. One possessing large means to engage in extensive busi- ness undertakings. Expressions denoting poor financial standing. Bad circumstances. Embarrassed circumstances Needy circumstances. Poor circumstances. Reduced circumstances. Straitened circumstances. Destitution. Lack of the comforts, and in part even of the neces- saries of life. Difficulties. Embarrassment chiefly in money affairs. Distress. Painful lack of what is useful or desirable. Impecuniosity. State of being habitually without money Indigence. Lack of ordinary means of subsistence. Lack. Deficiency; inadequate supply. Narrow means. I Exprcss i ors denoting a low state of resources. Slender means. > Necessity. Condition of being in want. Need. Pressing occasion for something, absence of means of action. Neediness. State of being needy. Pauperism. State of being thrown upon public charity for support. Penury. Continuous cramping povei Poverty. Lack of property or adequate means of support. Privation. Deprived or destitute of something. Straits. Nai ■ ricted condition. Want. Being without that which is a comfort, or an object of our desire Penury — Associated Nouns. Beggary; insolvency, etc. (see Settlement-Default); loss of fortune; mendicancy; mendicity. Penury — Figurative Nouns. Beggarly account of empty boxes, broken fortune; empty pocket; empty purse; hand to mouth existence; light purse; low water. :i [L 1, narrow cirumstances at home, poverty, wolf at the door; poor as a church mouse. AFFLUENCE. 28 AFFLUENCE— PENURY. AFFLUENCE— PENURY— Continue J. Man of substance. One who has great material possessions. Millionaire. One who has a million of money ; a very rich man. Moneyed man. One who is rich in money. Rich man. One who has large possessions. Warm man. One who is well off as to property. Affluence — Nouns of Result. Plutocracy. A government in which the wealthy classes rule. Timocracy. A government in which honors are distributed accord- ing to a rating of property. Affluence — Verbs. Afford. To be able to bear expenses ; have sufficient means for. Become rich, etc. To come to a state of wealth or means. See Ad- jectives. Be rich, etc. To be wealthy; have ample means. See Adjectives. Command a sum. To have at one's disposal a sum of money. Command money. To have control of money. Enrich. To make rich ; increase the wealth of. Feather one's nest. To amass money, especially from holding an office or place. Fill one's pocket, etc. To collect and store as much wealth as pos- sible. See Treasury. Hold one's head above water. To survive a financial crisis. Imburse. To supply w r ith money. Make a fortune. To become rich ; amass wealth. Make both ends meet. To make the income pay the expenses. Make money, etc. To eam or gain money. See Gain. Roll in wealth. To be exceedingly rich. Wallow in riches. t„ , ,. , Wallow in wealth. I 1 ° be exceet "ngly wealthy and avaricious. Well afford. To be in good financial condition. Worship Mammon. I To devote one's time and energies to the Worship the Golden Calf . I accumulation of riches. Affluence — Adjectives. Affluent. Rich in worldly goods ; abounding in wealth. All straight. Having money affairs in good condition. Flush. Abundantly furnished with money. Flush of cash. ~i Flush of money. V Possessing plenty of ready money. Flush of tin. J In cash. ~\ In full feather. ,-Having a supply of money on hand. In funds. J Made of money. Plenteously supplied with money. Moneyed. I _. . Monied. I ^^ m mone >-- Opulent. Having large means; rich. Out of debt. Freed from all encumbrances. Pecunious. Having abundance of money ; wealthy. Provided for. Taken care of, financially, beforehand Rich. Possessing abundant means to supply wants. Rich as a Jew. 1 ., Rich as Crcesus. / Jix P resslons signifying enormous wealth. Rolling in riches. 1 „ .. , Rolling in wealth. I Excee dmgly wealthy. Solvent. Able to liquidate all just debts. Warm. Easy and safe in money matters. Wealthy. Having greater means than the generality of men. Well off. Thriving; prosperous. Well provided for. Generously taken care of beforehand. Well to do. Easy in circumstances. Worth much. Well supplied with worldly goods. Affluence— Phrases. Magna servitus est magna fortuna [L.]. Great fortune slavery. Mds vale saber que liabcr |Sp ]. Wisdom is better than wealth. One's ship coming in. When one 1 ■ ealthy. Vera prosperity e non aver ncccssita [it.]. True wealth is to ha - want. Wie gewonnen.so xerronnm [G ]. As won, so flown; light come light go. PENURY — Adjbctivbs— Continued from Column r. Under hatches. In a state r.f depr< , r poverty. Unmoneyed. Not having money. Unportioned. Not endowed with i ortion or fortune. Without a rap. Moneyless; nor. Pen u r v — Phrases. A pobreza no hay verguenza [Sp .]. Poverty has no shame. In forma pauperis [L ]. As a poor man. Zonam perdidit [L .]. He is in desperate circumstances. Penury — Xouns of Agent. Beggar. One who is poor and asks charity. Mendicant. A begging friar of a Roman Catholic rt ligious order. Mumper. A begging impostor. Pauper. One supported or assisted by charity. Pauvrc diable [F .). Poor devil; fellow; wretch. Poor man. One lacking material riches or goods. Starveling. An animal or plant weakened from want of nutri- ment. Penury — I , ■;' Beg one's bread. To ask or supplicate in charity. Be poor, etc. To be destitute of property. See Adjectives. Bring to the parish. To be dependent upon charitv for livelihood. Come upon the parish. To be supported by the parish. Fleece. To fraudently deprive of money or property. Go down in the world. To become poorer and poorer. Go to the dogs. To leave the path of rectitude; to fail financially Go to wrack and ruin. To fall into decay; be brought to poverty Have seen better days. To have once been in a state of prosperity. Impoverish. To reduce to poverty; make poor. Lack. To be deficient in; be destitute of. Live from hand to mouth. To continue in an unsettled financial state Not have a penny. 1 To be poor; be without money. Wot have a shot in one's locker. ) See Money. Pauperize. To reduce to a condition of being supported by charity. Reduce. To bring to an inferior condition. Reduce to poverty. To make poor; be without means of support Render poor, etc To cause to be or become poor. See Adjectives. Rum. To bring to poverty. Run into debt, etc. To come or get into a state of debt. See Credit- Debt. Starve. To suffer extreme want. Tirer le diable par la queue [P.], To be hard put to it for a livelihood. Want. To be without comforts or objects of desire. Penury — Adjectives. Badly off. Unfortunately situated; not well off . Barefooted. Having the feet bare; poor. Beggarly. Miserably poor; mean. Bereaved. Made destitute, as by the death of a relative. Bereft. Deprived of something, as of hope and strength. Destitute. Lacking comforts or necessaries of life. Distressed. Painfully lacking what is useful or desirable. Dowerless. Without a dowry. Embarrassed. Involved in pecuniary difficulties. Fleeced. Robbed or plundered. Fortuneless. Without a fortune; luckless. Hard up. In want of money ; needy. Ill off. See Badly off. Impecunious. Without money ; poor. Indigent. Without the means of subsistence. Insolvent, etc. Unable to pay debts. See Not paying. Involved, etc. Entangled financially. See In debt. In want. Very - destitute in means of subsistence; needy. Moneyless. Without money. Necessitous. Pressed with poverty; very needy. Needy. Very poor; lacking the means of living. Net worth a rap, etc. Of little account or value. See Money. Out at elbows. ") Out at heels. '- In a poverty-stricken condition. Out at pocket. J Out of money. Destitute of money; lacking funds. Penniless. Without money. Pinched. In a starved or disl i ition. Poor. Having small means. Poor as a church mouse. "i Poor as a rat. I Destitute of n at. rial riches or goods Poor as Job. J Poorly off. See Badly off. Poverty stricken. Suffering from poverty. Put to one's last shifts. I , , , , Put to one's shifts. / ° n the last resources. Qui n'a pas le sou [F.]. One who has not a cent. Reduced. Sec Verbs. Seedy. Poor; shabbily dressed. Short of cash, j _... Short of money. I " " hout . or nearly without money. Straitened. Pressed with poverty or other necessity. Stripped. Made destitute- divested of possessions. Unable to keep the wolf from the door. Incapable of supplvinc wants. Unable to make both ends meet. Not able to make income cove* nses. {Continued on Column i.) AFFLUENT. 29 AGENCY. af'-flu-ent. A tributary. Affluence-Penury, Ap- proach-Withdrawal, Enough, River- Wind. af'-flux". Act of flowing to a point. Approach- Withdrawal. af-ford'. To have means for. Affli h i Penury, Giving- Receiving. I )i rLAY- Income, Price- Discount; afford aid, etc , i d: Help. af-fran'-chise. To liberate. Liberty-Subjection, Re i. ease- Restraint. af-fran'-chise-ment. Liberatii m. Liberty-Subjec- tion, Release-Restrain i af-fray'. A public fight. Strife-Peaci af-fray'-nient. Public fighting. Strife-Peai af-freet'. A devil. Jov] 1 ■': af-fric'-tion. Friction. Friction-Lubrication. af-fright'. Great fear. Sanguineness-Timidity. af-fright'-ment. Great fear. Sanguineness-Timi af-front'. To insult openly. Charitableness-Ma- levolence, Favorite- Anger, Pleasurableness- Painfulness, Regard-Disre ipei i affront danger, Bravery-Cowardii I af-fuse'. To pour. Water-Air. af-fy'. To promise in marriage. Matrimony-Celi- bacy. a-field'. On the field. Presence-Absence. a-float'. Floating. Conveyance-Vessel, Entity- Nonentity, Mutability-Stability, Occurrence- Destiny, Ocean- Land, Preparation-Nonprepa- ration, Tidings-Mystery, Traveling-Navigation; keep oneself afloat, Welfare-Misfortune. a-foot . In progress. Activity-Indolence, Occupa- tion, PREPARA IION-NoNPREPAKATION. a-fore'. Before. Antecedence-Sequence. a-fore'-named". Named before. AnTECEDENCE-Se- quence. a-fore'-said". Said before. Antecedence-Seqi ence, Precedence-Succession, Recurrence. a-fore'-thought". Premeditation. Predetermina- tion-Impulse. a-fraid'. Filled with fear. Sanguineness-Timidity; afraid to say, Certainty-Doubt; be afraid, 1 >eter- mi nation -Vacillation. a-fresh'. Anew. Novelty-Antiquity, Recurrence. Af'-ric heat. Great heat. Heat-Cold af'-rite. An evil genie. Jove-Fiend. aft. Toward the stern. Anteriority-Posteriority. aft'-er. Behind. Antecedence-Si o i .. , , Ante- riority-Posteriority, Leading Following, Op- portuneness-Unsuitadi.eniss. Pri cedi -Suc- cession, Quest-Evasion; after all, Compensation, Modification, Ratiocination-Instinct; after time, Earliness-Lateness, Future-Past; be after, Purpose-Luck, Quest-Evasion; go after, Leading- Following. aft'-er-ac"-cep-ta'-tion. After meaning. Meaning- Jargon. aft'-er-age. Future time. Novelty-Antiquity. aft'-er-clap". An unexpected stroke. Expectation- Surprise. aft'-er-course". A later course. Predecessor-Con- tinuation. aft'-er-din"-ner. Made or occurring after dinner. Antecedence-Sequence. aft'-er-glow". A glow in the western sky after sunset. Increment-Remnant. aft'-er- ife". The future life. Occurrence-Destiny, aft"-er-noon' . Day between noon and sunset . Morn- ing-Evening. aft"-er-noon' far'-mer. A lazy person. Activity- Indolence. aft'-er-noon" par'-ty. A partv. Sociability-Privacy. aft'-er-part". That which follows Anteriority- Posteriority, Predecessor-Continuation. aft'-er-piece". A sequel. Acting. aft'-er-taste". Lingering taste in the mouth. Savor- Tastelessness. aft'-er-thought". A more delil il ight. Eig- otry-Apostasy, Mind-Imbei ility, Remembra Forgetfulness. aft'-er-time". Future. Earliness-Lai I ruRE- Past. aft'-er-wards. At a later time. Ante SeQUEN' a'-ga. Low or Turkish noble. Chief-Underling. agacerie [V .] (a-gas-ri';. Enticement. Moth price. a-gain'. At another time. Doubling-Halving, Re- currence; again and again, Frequency-Rarity, Recurrence; come again, Periodicity-Regular- ity; fall off again, Renovation-Relapse; live again, Renovation-Relapse. a-gainst'. In opposition to. Antai (CUR- RENCE, LaTERALITY-CoNTRAPO 1 [ON, PREPARATION- Nonpreparation; against one's expectation, Ex- pectation-Surprise; against one's will, Coeri ion; against one's wishes, Readiness-Relui rANCE; against the grain, Antagonism-Concurreni e, De- sire-Distaste, Difficulty-Facility, Pleasurable- NESS-Painfulness; against the stream, Antago- nism-Concurrence, Difficulty-Fai ility; against the time when, Prevision; chances against, I hood-L'nlikelihood; declaim against, Appr Disapproval; false witness against, Adulation-Dis- paragement; go against, Antagonism-Concur- rence; raise one's voice against, AsSENT-DlSSENT; set against, Love-Hate; set one's face against, An- tagonism-Concurrence, Approval-Disapproval, Proffer-Refusal; stand up against, Reprisal- Resistance. ag'-a-mist. One who opposes marriage. Matrimony- Celibai i a-gape'. Gaping. Astonishment-Expectance, Ex pectation-Surprise, Inquisitive ness- In differ- ent i ag'-a-pe. The lo% - e-feast of the primitive Christians. Ceremonial. Ag"-a-pem'-o-ne. A religious community. Love- Hate, Pleasure-Pain. ag'-ate. A variety of quartz. Embellishment-Dis- figurement. age. A period of time. Duration-Neverness. In- fancy-Age, Lastingness-Transientness, X IV- elty-Antiquity, Period-Progress, Time; from age to age, Eternity-Instantaneity; of age, Man- hood. a'-ged. Old. Infancy-/ a'-gen-cy. Active power. Action-Passiveness, Agency. Com mission- Abrogation, INSTRUMENTAL- ITY, Management, Use-Disuse. AGEXCY. Action. Effect of power exerted on one body ther See Action. Agency. The means or mode of action. Causation. The act or power by which an effect is produced. See Ca' Exercise. Employment in the proper mode of activity. Force. Capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect. Function. Any specific power of acting or operating that belongs Home stroke. A well aimed blow. Influence. Controlling power quietly exerted. See Dominance. Instrumentality. Anything used as a means or an agency. See Instrumentality. Inter-action. Mutual or reciprocal action or influence. Inter-working. Act of working in together. Maintaining power. The power or force which supports or keeps up Maintenance. That whi :': [L ]. Manner of operation. Office. A special duty, trust, or charge AGENCY. 30 AGGLOMERATE. AGENCY— Continued. Operation. Method of working. Play. Liberty of action. Quickening power. The act or agent which imparts energy or move- ment to. Strain. Extreme tension; a violent effort. Swing. Swaying motion; free course. Work. Exertion of strength or faculties. Working. Act of laboring. Agency — Verbs. Act. To exert power. Act upon. To produce an effect upon. Be in action, etc. To be exerting one's strength. See Adjectives. Bring into operation. \ Bring into play. I To bri ;mo action . tQ WQrk Bring to bear upon. I Come into operation. ' Have free play. I ™ , * - e „ . * [ 1 o have freedom of action. Have play. J Maintain. To support or keep up. Operate. To exert power or strength, physical or mechanical. Perform. To bring to completion. Play. To put in action or motion. Quicken. To make lively or active. Strain. Overexert. Strike. To deliver a quick blow or thrust. Support. To bear by being under. Sustain. To keep from falling. Take effect. To accomplish an aim. Work. To exert oneself for a purpose. Agency — Adjectives. Acted upon. Having some power exerted upon Acting. Operating in any way. See Action. At work. Laboring. Effectual. Capable of bringing about a result. Efficacious. Powerful to produce the effect intended. Efficient. Marked by energetic and useful activity. In action. Engaged in work. In exercise. Using physical or mechanical powers. In force. Driving; compelling. In operation. Exerting power. In play. Into use. On foot. Doing. Operative. Having the power of acting. Practical. Capable of being turned to use or account. Wrought upon. Having power acting upon. Agency — Adverbs, By means of. See Means. By the agency of. See Nouns Through. See Instrumentality. agenda [L.] (a-gen'-daV A program of business, Oc- cupation*; list of agenda, Design. agendum [L.] (a-gen'-dum). A thing to be done. Oc- cupation. a'-gent. One who has power to act. Agent, Cause- Effect, Consignee; anesthetic agent, Feeling-In- sensibility. AGENT. Actor. One who does anything in any way; a stage player. Agent. One who has the power to act; one who acts. Architect. One who constructs fine buildings. Artificer. One who fashions. Artisan. A skilled mechanical worker. Artist. One who is skilled in fine arts. Baker. One who bakes. Blacksmith A smith who works in iron. Bricklayer. One who puts bricks in place. Builder. One who puts together. Cabinet-maker. One who makes furniture. Carpenter. One skilled in handling and constructing. Chargeship. Office of a charge d'affaires Charwoman. A woman who works by the day. Cordw.iiner. A worker in cord wain. Coworker. One who works with another Craftsman. One who has manual skill, or belongs to a trade. Day laborer. Laborer by day. Demiurgus. Creator of the universe. Doer. One who acts. Dramatis Personse. The persons of the play. Drudge. One who works hard at servile tasks. Engineer. One who runs an engine. Executor. One who carries through, especially the provisions of a will. Executrix. A female executor. Factotum. An agent who does all sorts of work. Fag. One who does menial service. Farrier. A shoer of horses. Forger. One who shapes metal. Glazier. Fitter of window-panes. Hack. A drudge. Hand. A laborer. Handicraft man. An artisan. Hewers of wood and drawers of water. Humble workers. Journeyman. One who has mastered his trade. Laboring man. } 0ne who toils or labors ' Machinist. One versed in construction of machines. Maker. One who makes. Man. Used of men who are employed. Manufacturer. One engaged in the production of material object* Mason. One whose business is in stone. Mechanic. One skilled in mechanic arts. Mechanician. One who understands machines. Milkman. One who sells milk from door to door. Miller. One who tends a mill, particularly a grist-mill. Minister. An agent, especially in religion. See Instrumentality. Navvy. One engaged in constructing canals, etc. Needle-woman. One who uses a needle. Operative. A person who works in a mill or factory. Operator. One who looks after the working of any industry Particeps criminis [L.]. A partner in crime. Participator in. One who has a word or part in. Party to. One interested in. Performer. One who carries through anything to completion Perpetrator. One who carries through, in a bad sense. Practitioner. One who practises. Printer. One who sets type, or prints. Puppet-man. A puppet-player. Purveyor. One who provides victuals. Quarryman. One who owns, operates, or works in a quarry. Rag-man. One who buys rags. Representative. One who represents another. See Consignee, See Deputy. Sail-maker. One who makes sails. Seamstress. A woman skilled in sewing. Servant. A domestic laborer. See Underling. Servant of all work. One who does odd jobs. Smith. One who shapes metal. Stager. Actor. Tailor. One who makes and fits clothes. Tanner. One whose occupation is to tan hides. Wheelwright. One who makes and repairs wheeled vehicles. Worker. One who does something. Workingman. A workman. Workman. A man who works. Workwoman. A woman who works. Wright. One engaged in mechanical operations. Agent — Figurative Nouns. Ant. An insect, the symbol of industry. Bee. An insect that produces honey; a symbol of industry. Laboring oar. A helper. Mere tool. A low worker. Vulcan. God of the forge. Agbnt — Phrases. Faber est quisque fartutus sace [L .]. Every man is the artificer of his own fi irtune. Quorum pars magna fui [L.]. Of which I have been a great part. a '-gent-ship". Office of an agent. Commission-Ab- rogation. age quod agis [L.] (fi'-j! quod fi'-jis). Do what you do. Activity-Indolence. a'-ges. Long period of time. Ages ago, Future-Past; for ages, Lastingness-Transibntness. ag-glom'-er-ate. Gathered into a mass. Cohesion- Looseness, Gathering-Scattering. AGGLOMERATION. 31 AGITATION. ag-glom"-er-a'-tion. A mass. Cohesion-Looseness, Gathering-Scattering. ag-glu'-ti-nate. To stick together. Cohesio i NESS. ag-glu"-ti-na'-tion. Adhesion. COHESION-LOOSENESS. ag'-gran-dize. To make greater. Enlargement- Diminution, Increase-Decrease, Reputation- Discredit. ag'-gran-dize"-ment. Exaltation. Enlargement- Diminution, Increa i lii' ii \ s i: , Reputation- Discredit. ag'-gra-va-ble. Tending to aggravate. Alleviation- Aggravation. ag'-gra-vate. To add weight to; to anger A.1 leviation- Aggravation, Betterment-Deterioration, F \- vorite-Angkr, Gull-Hyperbole, Incri » k-De- crease, Turbulence-Calmness. ag'-gra-va"-ted. In. r. a: i .1 Alleviation-Aggrava- tion. ag'-gra-va"-ting. Irritating. Alleviation tion, Pleasurableness-Painfuln ag"-gra-va'-tion. A. i oi Ali i viation- Aggravation, Gl'I.I.-II i II RBOl i . i rease-De- crease. ag'-gre-gate. To bring together. Gathering-Scat- tering, Whole-Part. ag"-gre-ga'-tion. Assemblage. Cohesion-Looseness. ag-gres'-sion. An unprovoked attack. Attack-De- fense. ag-grieve'. To cause sorrow to. Goodness-Badness, Pleasurableness-Painfulness. ag-group'. To form a group. Gathering-Scatter- ing. a-ghast'. Struck with terror. Astonishment-Ex- pectance, Expectation-Surprise, Sanguineni Timidity. ag'-ile. Active. Activity-Indolence, Swiftness- Slowness. a-gil'-i-ty. Nimbleness. Activity-Indolence. ag'-i-o. Exchange premium. Price-Discount. ag'-i-o-tage . Brokerage. Exchange. ag'-i-tate. To excite. Activity-Indolence, Agita- tion, Excitation, Investigation-Answer; agitate a question, Ratiocination-Instinct. ag'-i-ta"-ted. Excite. 1. Agitation, Mutability- Stability. ag"-i-ta'-tion. Ad of exciting, Activity-Indolence, Agitation, Emotion, Excitability-Inexcitabil- ity, Excitation, Investigation-Answer, Mi bility-Stability, Vigor-Inertia; in agitation, Preparation-Nonpreparation. agitation. Agitation. Disturbance of mind which shows itself by ph excitement; state of being moved with vii lence or irregular a Bustle. Noisy stir. Cahotage [F ] A jolting; as the jolting . if a i ar. Commotion. A very violent agitation. Convulsion. Any violent irregular motion; an abnormal muscular contraction of the Dance. A scries of rhythmic erted movei tents and usually to time marked by music, Disquiet. An unsettled or disturb, d c. Disturbance. A public tumult. Ebullition. A violent bursting forth; the bubbling of a boiling I., ini.l Effervescence. Irrepressible excitement or emotion; a bubbling caused otherwise than by boiling. Epilepsy. A nervous disease characterized by fits and convulsive movements of the muscles. Ferment. Internal motion ..r emotion. Fermentation. A stale of agitation or ex. itement, as i f the intellect or the feelinps. Fits. A stroke of disease which causes convulsions; an impulsive and irregular action Flutter. A quick and irregulai moti Fuss. Unnecessary or annoying activity about trifling matters. Ground swell. A broad, deep rolling of the sea, due to a distant storm. Heavy sea. A sea in which the waves run high. Hubbub. A noisy disorder. Hurly-burly. Tumult and uproar. Jactitance. I , Jactitation. I A tossing about. Jar. A trembling or shaking, as from a sudden shock. Jerk. A short, sharp pull or twitch. Jog. A slow, jolting motion. Jolt. A sudden movement or shock. Megrims. A sudden attack of sickness in a hi rse, causes ;isciousness. Palpitation. \ ;ting or thru!, 1 Perturbation. A disturbance or irregular motion, prodm « d by some force additional to that which causes regular motion. Quaver. A rapid and tremulous vibration. Quiver. A slight trembling motion. Racket. Confused, clattering noise. Restlessness. Unquietncss; uneasiness. See Mutability. Ripple. A slight curling motion. Rout. A disorderly flight. Shake. A short and rapid motion. Shock. A sudden and violent motion caused by dashing against ■ hing. Shuffling. An awkward, clumsy movement. See Verbs. Spasm. Any sudd- Staggers. A disease causing unsteady, reeling movements. Stir, I I lent. Storm. A jrrcat whirling motion of the air. Subsultus. Convulsive muscular twitching. Succussion. A shaking. Tempest. A ommotion or agitation. Throb. A rapid and Throe. A struggli: ■ pain. Tremor. A shivt i king. Trepidation. An involuntary trembling caused 1 fear. Tumult. Commoti< a multitude. Tumultuation. Irn lisorderly moti Turbulence. A \ ■ :i or comnn I Turmoil. Confuse Twitter. A light t n i tion. Vortex. A rotatn. Whirlpool. \ , body of water where the water moves round in a i irele causing a depn ito which objt awn*, a disturbance caused by the meeting of. two run- i Whirlwind. A funnel-shap* r, spiral motion; a great disturbance. See River-Wind. Agitation W-rbs. Agitate. To disturb or shake irregu' Bandy. To pass along or knock Via. h Be agitated. ed or excited. Beat. T<> dash or inst. Be the sport of the winds and waves. To be tossed to and fro without a pur] Bicker. To strike repeatedly; wrani Bob. Move up and down. Boil. To bubble up. Boil over. To be so violently agitated as to run over. Brandish. Raw and move in vari : 'iuns. Bubble. T air or gas. Bubble up. boil. Buffet. To strike with a hand. Bustle. To stir about actively or excitedly. Churn. To stir or mix up. Convulse. To cause to have contraction of mus Curvet. To prance. Dance. To causi I iwn. Disturb. To n>us<. Drive from post to pillar and from pillar to post. To drive backward and fi irward. Effervesce. To give up bubbles of gas. Ferment. To be excited into sensible internal motion. Flap. To move rapidly to and fro. Flicker. To be unsteady or wai i Fhtter. To scatter; flul Flop. To move In Flounce. To move about with an impatient mov< Flounder. To stumble or struggle. Flourish. To swing, fling, or toss about while holding in the hand. Foam. To froth. AGITATION. 32 AID. AGITATION'— Verbs— Continued. Go pit-a-pat. Move with light, quick steps or pulsations. Hitch. To move with a jerking motion. Hustle. To shake or shuffle together in confusion. Jerk. To move with short, sharp pulls. Jog. To move with a slow, trotting motion. Joggle. To shake slightly with irregular motion. Jolt. To move up and down with a jarring movement. Jostle. To shake slightly. Jounce. Jolt. Jump about. To move by springs or bounds. Jump like a parched pea. To move quickly and unexpectedly. Keep between hawk and buzzard. To move from one dangerous place to another. Move from post to pillar and from pillar to post. To move to and fro. Palpitate. To beat violently. Prance. To spring or bound, as a horse. Quake. To be agitated with quick, short, repeated motions Quaver. To have a tremulous motion. Quiver. To be agitated with a fluttering motion. Reel. To stagger or sway in walking. Reel to and fro like a drunken man. To sway from side to side. Shake. To move rapidly and shortly to and fro or up and down. Shake like an aspen leaf. To tremble. Shake to its center. To shake violently or through and through. Shake to its foundations. To shake thoroughly. Shake up. To stir with a violent motion. Shamble. To walk with a shuffling or unsteady gait. Shiver. To tremble, as with cold or fear. Shuffle. To move along with difficulty, listlessly, or awkwardly. Simmer. To boil gently. Stagger. To move unsteadily to one side and the other. Stir. To cause to move. Stumble. To move unsteadily or in a blundering manner. Sway. To incline, bend, or swing. Throb. To vibrate in any way. Toss. To throw up with the hand. Toss about. To throw oneself from side to side. Totter. To waver, as if about to fall. Tremble. To have a slight irregular vibratory motion. Tremble like an aspen leaf. To tremble violently. Tumble. To move in a careless or headlong manner. Twine. To wind in curves. Twitter. To be excited or agitated. Vellicate. To cause to twitch or contract convulsively. Wag. To move lightly and quickly one way and the other. Waggle. To cause to move in short, quick movements. Wallop. To flog; waddle. Whip. To excite; to strike with a rod. Whisk. A light sweeping movement. Wield. To use with full effect. Wriggle. To move with short turns and twists. Wriggle like an eel. To squirm. Writhe. To twist with violence. Agitation — Adjectives. Agitated. Disturbed. All of a twitter. Highly excited. Convulsive. Spasmodic. Desultory. Changeable. Giddy-paced. Moving irregularly. Restless. Unquiet. Saltatory. Moving abruptly or by leaps. Shaking. Vibrating. See Verbs. Shambling. Unsteady. Subsultory. Bounding. Tremulous. Trembling. Unquiet. Without rest. Agitation — Adverbs. By fits and starts. Irregularly. Hop, skip and jump. Carelessly. In convulsions. By starts. In fits. Unstably. Per solium [L.]. By leaps. Subsultorily. Bounding. Agitation — Phrases. Tempcte dans un vcrre d'eau [F.]. Tempest in a glass of water. ag'-let. An ornamental pendant. Delineation-Cari- cature. ag'-nate. Related on the father's side. Relationship. ag-na'-tion. Relationship on father's side. Relation- ship. ag-ni'-tion. Recognition. Consent. ag-nize'. To acknowledge. Consent. ag-no'-men. An additional name. Name-Misnomer. agnus Dei [L] (ag'-nus Di'-ai). The Lamb of God. Ceremonial, Devotion-Charm. a-go'. Gone past. Future-Past. a-gog'. Excited with curiosity. Astonishment-Ex- pectance, Desire-Distaste, Expectation-Sur- prise. a-go'-ing. In motion. Activity-Indolence; set agoing, Obstruction-Help. ag'-o-nism. Contention for a prize. Strife-Peace. ag'-o-nize. To cause pain. Pleasurableness-Pain- fulness, Sensuality-Suffering. ag'-o-ni"-zing. Suffering agony. Excitability-In- exc it ability, Pleasurable x ess-Pain fulness. ag'-o-ny. Intense suffering. Pleasure-Pain, Sensu- ality-Suffering; agony of death, Life-Death; agony of excitement, Excitability-Ixexcitability. a-gram'-ma-tist. An ignorant man. Scholar-Dunce. a-gra'-ri-an. Pertaining to land. Domestication- Agriculture. a-gree'. To be of one mind. Assent-Dissent, Com- position, Coxsext, Contract, Cooperation-Op- position, Harmony-Discord, Variance-Accord; agree in opinion, Assent-Dissext; agree with, Healthiness-Unhealthiness. a-gree'-a-ble. Pleasurable. Pleasurableness-Pain- fulness, Sensuality-Suffering, Welfare-Mis- fortune. a-gree'-a-ble-ness. Pleasurableness. Pleasurable- XESS-PAIX FULNESS. a-gree'-a-bly. Pleasingly. Agreeably to, Convention- ale y-Unconventionality. a-gree'-ing. Being of one mind. Harmony-Discord, Variance-Accord. a-gree'-ment. Mutual assent. Assent-Dissent, Com- position, Consent, Contract, Cooperation-Op- position, Harmony-Discord, Likeness-Unlike- xess, Variaxce-Accord, Uniformity-Diversity. a-gres'-tic. Rural. Domestication-Agriculture. ag'-ri-cul"-tor. A farmer. Domestication-Agricul- ture. ag"-ri-cul'-tur-al. Rustic. Domestication-Agricul- ture. ag'-ri-cul"-ture. Cultivation of soil. Domestication- Agriculture. ag"-ri-cul'-tur-ist. A farmer. Domestication-Agri- culture. ag-ron'-o-my. Scientific husbandry. Domestication- Agriculture. a-ground'. Stranded. Difficulty-Facility, Muta- bility-Stability, Success-Failure. a'-gue-fit". A fever. Sanguineness-Hopelessness. agueis, aux [F.] (a-ge', oz). On the watch. Expec- tation-Surprise, Expos ure-I I i ding place. a'-gu-ish. Chilly. Heat-Cold. a-ha'. Exclamation of joy. Jubilation-Lamenta- tion. a-head'. In front. Advance-Retrogression, Ante- riority-Posteriority, Leading-Following; go ahead, Advani e-Ri irogressiox; rock ahead, Refuge-Pitfall, Security-Insecurity; shoot ahead, Activity-Indolence, Transcursion-Short- coming. ah me. Exclamation of grief. Jubilation-Lamenta- tion. Ah'-ri-man. Evil deity. Jove-Fiend. Ah'-ri-man"-es [Gr.]. Ahriman. Angel-Satan. aid. Help. Charitableness-Malevolence, Instru- mentality. Means. Obstruction-Help, Suspen- AID. 33 AIM -ABERRATION. sion-Support; by the aid of, Instrumentality, Mkans, Oksi kuc rn i". I I I.I.I'. aide'-de-camp". A staff officer. Antagonist-Assist- ant, Chiep-Underling, aide-tot, le del V aider a [F.](ed-twa', Le si-el' tfid-e-ra'). Help yourself and Heaven will help you. Toil- Relaxation. aid'-ing. Helping. Obstruction-Help, aid'-less. Helpless. Sir km; rH-WBAKNESS. ai-grette'. Tuft of feathers. Embellishmen ["-Dis- figurement. ai-guille'. A rocky mountain-summit. Sharpness- Bluntness. aiguille, chercher tine — dans une botte de join [F.] (Ogwiy', sher-sht*' un-dun z un hot de fwan). "To look for a needle in a haystack." Difficulty- Facility, Possibility-Impossibility, Usefulness- Use less ness. ai'-gu-let. An ornamental pendant. Em BELLI SHMENT- Disfigurement. ail. To be ill. Health-Sickness, Pleasure-Pain. ail'-ing. Bei what ill. Health-Sick ail'-ment. Slight sickness. I Ik altii -Sickness. aim. T. » direct . Aim-Aberration, Purpose-Luck; aim a blow at, Attack-Defense; aim at, PURPOSE- Luck, Quest-Evasion. AIM— AIIKRRATIO.V Alignment. Arrangement in a straight line. Aim. Line oi dins t ii hi ; i ]'M>:n. Bearing. The direction of a point as determined by the com; a ship. Eending. Deflects >n. Collimation. The act of rendering parallel to a given straight line. Course. Line of mol Dip. Enclinatii >n ; i hange of angle. Direction. The trend of a line as determined by its extremi I Drift. The course along win. h anything mi Incidence. The course of a body in relation to ^ surface on which it falls. Line. A route; course. Set. Direction of, as of wind and current. Steerage. The i ourse in which the ship is k< Tack. Fastening down the corners of certain sails in pa one point to another; hence, the course of sailing. Tendency. See Inclination. Tenor. A settled manner of progress; direction. Trend. Inclination; tendency. Aim — Associated Nouns. Azimuth the arc of the horizon which a vertical plane pa through a heavenly body makes with the meridian of the pla< > observation; cardinal points; line of collimation; path; point of the compass; quarter, any special place or direction; range, space through which anything moves; road; rhumb, one thirty-two points on a compass. Aim — Points of Direction. East; east by north; east by south; east-northeast; east-southeast; north; north by east; north by west; northeast; northeast by east; northeast by north; north-northeast; north-northwest; northwest; northwest by north; northwest by south; south; south by east; south by west; southeast; southeast by east; southeast by south; southwest; southwest by south; southwest by west; south-south- east; south-southwest; west; west by north; west by south; west- northwest ; west-southwest. Aim — Verbs. Aim at. To point in the direction of. Align one's march. To lay out a plan or course to follow. Ascertain one's aim. ~t Ascertain one's course. [-To find out where one is going. Ascertain one's direction. ) Be bound for. Have one's course determined. Bend. To turn from its first direction. Bend one's course. To turn. Bend one's steps towards. To go in a direction. Bend towards. To cause to go in a direction. Box the compass. To recite in consecutive order the thirty-two points of the compass. Conduct to. To lead to. Determine. To make up one's mind about some course. Dip. Incline. Direct one's course. To turn to; to regulate; to plan. Easter. Shift to the east. Go straight to the point. To take the shortest way. Goto. To reach; to go in the direction of. Hold a course. 1.- .. ,. .. , Keep a course I p same ' pa ' r ' route * Keep hold. To continue holding. Level at. To take aim ; to place in a perfectly horizontal position. Make for. To set out for; to go toward. March on. Travel in some direction. 3 Aberrance. A wandering from the right way. Aberration. Wandering from the truth. Declination. Deviation ; departure. Deflection. The act of turning aside. Deflexure. The state of bending away from. Detour. See MlDCOl R IB ClR< LIT. Deviation. Going out of the way. Digression. Turning aside from the right path. Divergence. See Concentration-Radiation. Diversion. Pastime; amusement. A rest from v Evagation. Wandering about ; excursion. Flection. A turning, as of the eye. Obliquation. Tun eyes. Refraction. Bending the rays of light in passing from a denser to a rarer medium, or Sweep. A long movement. Vagrancy. State of wandering about. Wandering. Going out of the way. Warp. A twisting from the right c< iuj A B i . k ration — Denotations. Bypaths and crooked ways; knight's move at chess; zigzag. Aberration — Verbs. Alter one's course. T< • change one's Bear off. Tosteei iwa Bend. To twist away in >m its former com Crook. To turn; to curve. Deflect. To turn aside from a horizontal or right position. Depart from. T i leave; logo in a different direction. Deviate. Turn aside. Digress. To go out of the way ; to touch upon some side topics. Diverge. See ('< iNCBNTRATK n -Radiation. Divert from its course. To turn aside from its fixed course, business i ir ■ ccupatii in. Dodge. To escape by evading the point at issue. Draw aside. To pull away; to withdraw. Drift. To float; to go any direction. Ease off. To slacken the rope to let the ship slowly change her ■ • ii m. Face about. To turn the face completely around. Face to the right about. To turn the face completely to the right. Fly off at a tangent. To fly oil at right angles to the radius of a cir- Cle ! to drop the main Su1 ■ Go adrift. To float helplessly along in any direction. Go astray. To wander away from known paths. Glance off. To bound to a side; to fail to do injury. Go out of one's way. See Circuit. Heel. To tip or lean to one side. Intervert. To turn to another course or way. Lose one's way. Fail to know which direction to go. Make way for. To go out of the way ; to open up a passage. Meander. To wind; to twist; to turn at random. Put on a new scent. Direct in a different way. Ramble. To roam carelessly, without any definite point in view. Rove. To wander about in a heedless manner. Shift. To move from place to place. Shunt. To switch off, like a train of cars. Shy. To jump to a side suddenly. Sidle. To move sideways, putting one side ahead. Steer clear of. To go out of the way; to avoid- Step aside. To make room for passage by getting out of the way. Straggle . To roam in bypaths ; to wander out of the way. Stray. To lose one's course. AIM— ABERRATION. 34 ALABASTER. AIM— ABERRATION— Continued. AIM — Verbs — Continued. March on a point. To go to some definite place. Point at. Aim at. Point to. Direct attention to. See which way the wind blows. Determine the direction of the wind. Shape one's course. Outline a way for oneself. S'orienter [F.]. To find one's bearings. Steer one's course. To be one's own pilot. Take aim. To direct the eye or weapon. Tend towards. To go in a direction. Trend. Incline. Verge. Come near. Aim — Adjectives. Aligned with. Put in the rank, line. Bound for. Going in some particular direction. Direct. In a straight line. Directed. See Verbs. Directed towards. See Verbs. Easterly. Tending toward the east. North, etc. ~| Northerly, etc. r See Points op Direction. Northern, etc. ) Point towards. To direct one's attention to something. Straight. Not crooked ; keeping in the same path. Straightforward. Upright; not deviating. Undeviating. Not going out of the way. Unswerving. Unflinching; carrying out one's plans without fear or trembling. Aim — Adverbs. As the crow flies. In a direct line. Before the wind. In the direction of the wind. By the way. Branching off, but connected with the main point. Directly. Straightway . Eastabout. | Eastward. En avant [F.]. Forward. From the four winds. From north, east, south, west. Full tilt at. Straight ahead. Hither. This way; this direction. In the wind's eye. Directly towards the point from which the wind blows . Near the wind. Close to the wind. Point blank. Straight off; flatly. Quaquaversum. Facing all directions; all sides. Straight. Direct. Thither. To that place or result. Through. From end to end. ■ Towards the east. ABERRATION— Verbs— Continued. Swerve. To turn aside from a fixed rule law or custom; to deviate from a straight line. Tralineate. To stray; to wander. Trend. To tend in a different direction ; deviate. Turn. Change front; revolve. Turn a corner. To go around a comer ; to take a different course. Turn aside. To go out of the way; to leave the right path. Turn away from. To leave; desert; to take another direction. Twist. To turn from its former course. Veer. To change direction of a ship as the wind changes. Wabble. See Vibration. Wander. To rove; to roam; to go about aimlessly. Warp. To twist from its proper course. Wheel. To turn about; to change direction. Wheel about. To take a new direction. Yaw. To steer wildly or out of the right course. Aberration — Adjectives. Aberrant. Wandering from the right course. Circuitous. Roundabout; indirect. Crablike. Moving sideways. Desultory. Jumping from one thing to another, like a circus rider. Deviating. Varying. Devious. Straying; wandering; leaving the path of rectitude. Discursive. Passing from one thing to another ; rambling. Errant. Wandering; wayward. Erratic. Wandering; rambling in thought. Excursive. Roving. Indirect. Not straight to the point; round al Rambling. Roving; discursive. Stray. Straying; irregular. Undirected. Not guided; not knowing the way. Vagrant. Wandering; erring. Zigzag. Going from side to side, at angles. Aberration — Adverbs. All manner of ways; astray from; circuitously (see Circuitous); like the move of a knight on a chessboard; obliquely; sideling; to the right about; wide of the mark. AIM — Adverbs — Continued. Towards. In the direction of. Versus. Against. Via. By way of. Aim — Phrases. In a direct line — for, — to, — with; in a line with; in a straight line — for, — to, — with; in all directions; in all manner of ways; on the road to; on the high road to. aimable, jaire V [F.] (e-ma'bl, fer 1'). To do the amiable. Love-Hate. aimer iperdument [F.] (e-me' e-pcr-du-man*'). To love to distraction. Love-Hate. aim'-less. Without purpose. Motive-Caprice, Pur- pose-Luck. air. The atmosphere. Appearance-Disappearance, Beginning-End, Chemistry, Heaviness-Light- ness, Liquid-Gas, Music, River-Wind, Society- Ludicrousness, Substance-Nullity, Water- Air, Weariness-Refreshment; beat the air, Useful- ness-Uselessness; fill the air, Loudness-Faint- ness; fine air, Healthiness-Unhealthiness; fish in the air, Usefulness-Uselessness; fowls of the air, Fauna-Flora; rend the air, Loudness-Faint- ness; take air, Publicity. air'-bal-loon" . A balloon for aerial navigation. Con- veyance-Vessel. air'-built". Fanciful. Fancy. air'-drawn". Imaginary. Fancy. air'-gun". A gun fired by compressed air. Weapon. air'-ing. Exposure to the air. Traveling-Navigation. air'-pipe". Pipe f« ir carrying air. Aperture-Closure, Entrance-Exit, Watercourse-Airpipe. air'-pump". A pump for exhausting air. River- Wind. airs. Affectation. Conceit- Diffidence. Presump- tion-Obsequiousness, Selfrespect-Humbleness, Society-Affectation. air'-tight". Excluding the air. Aperture-Closure. air'-tube". An air pipe. Watercourse-Airpipe. air'-ward. Upward. Height-Low n ess. air'-y. Visionary. Appearance-Disappearance, Be- ginning - End, Consequence - Insignificance, Heaviness-Lightness, Lightheartedness-Dejec- tion. Liquid-Gas, Music, River-Wind, Socie rv- Ludicrousness, Substance-Nullity, Wate r-Air, Weariness-Refreshment; airy hopes, Sangi ness-Hopelessness; give to airy nothing a local habitation and a name, Fancy. aisle. A passageway. Aperture-Closure, 1 Way. ait. A little island. Swamp-Island. a-jar'. Slightly opened. Aperture-Closure, Vari- ance-Accord. a-jee'. Distorted. Parallelism- Inclination. aj'-u-tage. A tube or nozzle. Aperture-Closure, Wa i krcourse-Airpipe. a-kim'-bo. Bent. Angularity; stand akimbo, De- fiance . a-kin'. Related by blood. Consanguinity. I.ikk- ni;ss-Unlikeness. al'-a-bas"-ter. A white gypsum. Win n ness-Black- ness. ALACK. ALIBI. a-lack'. Exclamation of sorrow. Jubilation-Lam- entation. a-lac'-ri-ty. Willingness. Activity-Indolence, 1. heartedness-Dejection, Read want of alacrity, Readiness-Reli i iance. A-lad'-din's lamp. A magii la DevotioN-Charm. a-larm'. Lmntn.ii of fear. Alarm, Sanguineness- Timidity, Security-Insecurity, Sign, Warning; cause for alarm, Security-Insecurity; give an alarm, Alarm, Sign. ALARM—.-. Alarm. Any sound or inforn .. ice of approa danger; a call to arms. Alarum. An alarming sound. Alarm bell. A bell that gives notice i Alerte [P.]. Notice of dan Beat of drum. A succession of strokes, varied in different ways, to give notice of danger. Blue lights. A night signal of danger at sea. Bugaboo. Anythi: Bugbear. S .fear. Cry of wolf. A Danger signal. A mark or sign that p« intsout some impendii False alarm. Unjustified warning. Fire-cross. arms, consisting of two firebrands in the fashi fixed upon as; Foghorn. A horn that gives warning of dai Fog signal. A contrivance that sounds an alarm, where the signals would be hidden in thick weather. Headlight. A light in front ol Hue and cry. A written proclamation issued on thi i from prison, requiring all persons to aid in retaking him. Lamm. Alarum. Note of alarm. A sound of danger. Red flag. A flag of a red color displa) ■ Red light. A warning signal of danger. Signal of distress. Ai n in clanger for relief. Sound of trumpet. A danger signal sounded by a trunijn t. Tocsin. A ringing of a bell for the pu larm. War cry. A cry or swar. War whoop. A war cry, especially that of the American Indian. Yellow flag. A quarantine flag; a tl denote that an infectious disease is on board. Alarm — 1 Alarm. To give notice of approaching danger. Batlrc la ghufrale [F.]. The tattoo; a signal at g quarters or tents. Beat an alarm, etc. See Nouns. Cry wolf. To excite needless alarm. Givean alarm. See Nouns. Raise an alarm, s - Ring the tocsin. See Nouns. Sound an alarm. See Nouns. Warn, etc. To give notice of approai ■ Warning. Alarm- Alarming t etc. See I Ala ■ {ion. Sauve qui pcu![F.]l Save himself wh a-larm'-ing. Peeling fear. Alarm, Security-Inse- curity. a-larm'-ist. One who needlessly excites alarm. Bra- very-Cowardice, Sa xg u i sen ess-Timidity. a-lar'-um. An alarming sound. Alarm, Sign, Warn- ing. a-las'. Exclamation of pain or sorrow. Jubilation- Lamentation. alb. A priest's garment. Vestments. al'-ba. A priest's garment. Vestments. al-be'-do. The brightness of a reflecting surface. Astronomy. al"-be'-it. Even though. Co ion. al"-bi-fi-ca'-tion. Art of whitening. White BLA( KNi AI"-bi-gen'-sis. An old sect of religious reformers. Austerity. Oh -Heterodi al-bi'-no. An abnormally white person. Sight-Dim- s: .; al'-bum. A photograph book. Digest, Mis Publication. al-bu'-men. The white of .. Organizai Inorganiza i [DITY-Foam. al-bu'-min-ous. Pertaining to albumen. Viscidity- Foam. al-ca'-ic. r. Poetry-Prose. al-caid'. A jailer. Chief-Underling. al-cal'-de. A Spanish ma I nderling. al'-che-my. The chemistry of the middle ages. Con- version-Reversh ul'-co-hol. 'I'h> ling principle of wines and liquors. Teetotalism- Intemperance. al"-co-hol'-ic . Pertaining to alcohol. Teetotalism- Intemperance. al'-co-hol-ism. A disease produced by alcohol. Tee- totalism-Intemperance. Al"-co-ran'. The Koran. Revelation-Pseudo- REVELATION. al'-cove. A covered recess. Contents-Receiver, Con". i l I INCAV1 i y. Al-deb'-a-ran. The principal star in the constellation Taurus. Luminary-Shade al'-der-man. A municipal legislator. Chief-Under- ling. Presidi ! ER. ale. A b< Nutrimi • i ion. alca, jacta est [L] ( "-ta est). The die has beei A-lec'-to. A ins thological goddess, avenger of iniquity. a-lec'-tro-man"-cy. Divination by a cock picking up y. ale'-house. A pla< ale is sold. Dweller- Habitation; go to the alehouse, Teetotalism-In- a-lem'-bic. A distilling apparatus. Contents-Re- ceiver, Conversion-Revi rsion, Oven-Refrigera- tor, Works! i urs [F.] ur'). The grounds around.' Remoteness-Nearness. a-lert'. Watchful. Activity-Indolence, Careful- ness-Carelessness. [F.] (a-lert). Take' care. Alarm. a-lert'-ness. Watchfulness. Carefulness-Careless- ness. a-leu'-ro-man-cy. Divinatioi ;' meal or flour. P Al '-ex-an'-drine. Pertaining I - To transfer to another. Alienate. ) Assign. To transfer in behalf of another. Change from one to another. Change hands. To change owners. Come into possession, etc. See Gain. Consign. To transfer; commit. Convey. To transfer to another. Devolve. To transfer; transmit. Disinherit. To alienate an inheritance. Dispossess. To transfer possession. Exchange. To give in return for something. Grant, etc. To transfer by deed, etc. See Giving. Hand. •) Hand down. ,>To transmit as with the hand. Hand over. J Make over. To transfer the title of. Negotiate. To transfer for a valuable consideration. Pass. To transfer from one person to another. Substitute. To transfer in the place of another person or thing. Succeed. To follow, or come immediately after. Transfer. To make over to another; to remove from one person or place to another. Transmit. To hand down ; to transfer. Alienation — Adjectives. Alienable. Capable of being alienated or transferred. Negotiable. That may be negotiated. See Verbs. Alienation — Phrase. Estate coming into possession. A present right or interest in lands not in possession but which may by possibility vest in possession in some_future time. aliini [F.] (a-li-e-ne'). Mad. Saneness-Lunacy. alieni appetens [L.] (e-li-i'-nai ap'-pi-tenz). Greedy of other people's possessions Desire-Distaste, Par- don-Envy, Unselfishness-Selfishness. a-light'. To get down; on fire. Arrival-Departure, Ascent-Descent, Heat-Cold, Movement-Rest. a-lign'. To form in line. Aim-Aberration. a-lign'-ment. Formation in line. Aim-Aberration. a-like'. Having resemblance. Likeness-Unlike- ness, Synonym-Antonym; share and share alike, Participation. al'-i-ment. Food. Nutriment-Excretion. aT'-i-men'-ta-ry. Nutritious. Nutriment-Excre- tion, Remedy-Bane. al"-i-men-ta'-tion. Maintenance. Obstruction- Help. al'-i-mo-ny. Means of living. Affluence-Penury, Outlay'-Income, Property'. al'-i-quot. Dividing without a remainder. Number, Whole-Part. aliter visum diis [L.] (al'-i-ter vai'-sum dai'-is). The gods have judged otherwise. Volition-Obliga- tion. a-live'. Having life. Activity-Indolence, Life- Death, Sagacity-Incapacity; alive to, Enlighten- ment-Secrecy, Heed-Disregard, Knowledge-Ig- norance, Sensitiveness-Apathy, Skill-Unskil- fulness; keep alive, Discontinuance-Continu- ance, Life-Death; keep the memory alive, Remem- brance-Forgetfulness, Sagacity-Incapacity. al'-ka-hest. An imaginary chemical liquid. Elas- ticity-Inelasticity. al'-ka-li. A caustic substance which neutralizes acids. Chemistry. all. The entire number; altogether. Entirety-De- ficiency, Universality-Particularity', Wholb- Part; all absorbing, Consequence-Insignificance; all agog, Astonishment-Expectation, Desire- Distaste, Expectation-Surprise; all along, Dura- tion-Neverness; all along of, Cause-Effect; all at once, Eternity-Instantaneity, Hurry-Leisure; all but, Magnitude-Smallness; all colors, Varie- gation; all considered, Decision-Misjudgment, Mind-Imbecility; all day long, Lastingness-Tran- sientness; all fours, Difficulty-Facility, Enter- tainment-Weariness; all hail, Arrival-Depar- ture, Politeness-Impoliteness, Regard-Disre- spect, Reputation-Discredit, Solemnization; all hands, Universality-Particularity'; all in all, Whole-Part; all in good time, Occurrence- Destiny - , Opportuneness-Unsuitableness; all in one's power, Toil-Relaxation; all manner of, Uni- formity -Diversity, LTniformity - Multiformity, Variation; all of a heap, Gathering-Scattering; all one, Equality-Inequality, Unconcern; all over, Beginning-End, Creation-Destruction, Exten- sion-Inextension, Universality'-Particularity'; all powerful, Divinity, Strength-Weakness; all right, Right-Wrong; all searching, Investigation- Answer; all sorts, Mixture-Homogeneity, Uni- formity - Diversity, Uniformity - Multiformity; all talk, Substance-Nullity; all the time, Dura- tion-Neverness; all the world and his wife, Univer- sality-Particularity; all things to all men, Polite- ness-Impoliteness; all together, Whole-Part; all ways, Aim-Aberration, Proportion-Deformity; at all events, Compensation, Determination- Vacillation, Modification, Truth-Error; at all points, Entirety-Deficiency; at all times, Fre- quency-Rarity; in all ages, Eternity-Instan- taneity; in all directions, Aim-Aberration; in all quarters, Extension-Inextension; in all respects, Entirety-Deficiency, Truth-Error; of all work, Chief-Underling, Usefulness-Uselessness; on all hands, Assent-Dissent; on all sides, Environment- Interposition; with all one's might, Toil-Relaxa- tion; with all respect, Regard-Disrespect. Al'-lah. God. Jove-Fiend. al-lay 7 . To relieve. Alleviation-Aggravation. Fighting-Conciliation, Turbulence-Calmness; allay excitability, Excitability-Inexcitability. al"-lec-ta'-tion. An enticing. Motive-Caprice. ALLECTIVE. 37 ALLEVIATION' -AGGRAVATION. al-lect'-ive. Enticing. Motive-Capri* i al"-le-ga'-tion. The act of alleging. Assbrtxon-De- nial, Pretext. al-lege'. To assert to be true. Assertion-Denial, EVIDENCE-COUNTEREVIDENCE, PRETEXT. al-le'-giance. Obligation of fidelity. Duty-IJi rblxi - tion, Insubordination-Obedience. al"-le-gor'-ic-al. Figurative, Rhetoric, Trope. al'-le-go-rize. To use an allegory. Trope. al'-le-go-ry. A figurative description. Comparison, Rhetoric, Trope. allegresse [F.] (al-e-gres'). Light-heart edn ess. Ln heartedn ess-Dejection. allegretto [It.] (al-le-gret'-toj. Slower than allegro. Music. allegro [It.] (al-le'-gro). Lively; brisk time. LlGBT- heartedn ess- Dejection, Music. al"-le-lu'-jah. Shout of praise. Devotion-Idolatry. allemandc [Y .] (al-mcurd'). A German dance. Enter- T A I N M E N I - W EAR I NESS. aller a tdtons [F.] (o-K-' ata-torr'). To go a groping. Trial. al-le'-vi-ate. To relieve. Alleviation-Aggravation, Turbulence-Calmness. al-le"-vi-a'-tion. Partial relief. Alleviation-Aggra- vation, Turbulence-Calmness. ALLEVIATION'— AGGRAVATION. Alleviation, etc. That which lessens pain or burdens. See Verbs* Comfort. Relief from sorrow or distress. Consolation. The lessening of unhappiness. See I erbs Deliverance. Release. Encouragement, etc. Inspiration of heart, etc. See Verbs. Mitigation. The act or process of mitigating. See Verbs, Refreshment. Restoration of vigor. Relief. The partial removal of any physical or mental want or dis- tress. Softening. See Verbs. Solace. Comfort given in time of trouble or anxiety. Soothing. See Verbs, Alleviation — Nouns of Cause. Cushion. A bag of soft elastic material used 1" sit or lie on. Easement. That which gives ease or relief. Lenitive. Anything that allays passion or relieves pain. Lullaby. A song sung to lull babes to rest. Palliative. That which eases without curing. Restorative. Anything which restores the health and vigor. Alleviation — Figurative Expression. Crumbs of comfort. Alleviation — Verbs. Allay. To relieve the intensity of, as a fever. Alleviate. Literally, to lighten the burden of; to make easier, as pain or suffering. Assuage. To calm that which is violent, as the feelings. Bear up. To keep up the strength and spirits of. Be relieved, etc. See Relieve. Breathe more freely. To be less excited or in less distress. Cheer. To comfort or encourage. Cheer the heart. See Cheer. Comfort. To give cheer and encouragement in time of trouble or distress. Console. To give sympathy in time of great sorrow or grit Cure. To restore to health and soundness. Disburden. To remove the burden; to alleviate. Draw a long breath. To take a sigh of relief. t> .. . f To comfort until the tears cease to flow. Dry the tears. ) Ease. To render relief. Encourage. To give hope and encourage; to cheer. Foment. To relieve by treating with hot water or poult i. i Give comfort. See Nouns. Gladden the heart. To cheer and encourage. Lay the flattering unction to one's soul. To cheer the mind by wi irds of comfort and encouragement. Mitigate. To alleviate. Palliate. To try to extenuate or partially excuse by artful means. Pat on the back. To encourage. Poultice. To relieve by treating with poultices. Pour balm into. To relieve by soothing medicine or comforting words. Pour oil on. To allay excitement or pain. Refresh. To give new vigor or strength. Relieve. To free wholly or in part from any trouble or distress. Remedy. To remove any disorder. Salve. To ease; to give temporary relief. Set at ease. Make comfortable. Smooth the ruffled brow of care. To quiet the mind disturbed by anxiety and trouble. Soften. \„ ... . Soften down.f Tomitl S ate - Aggravation. The act of making worse. Exacerbation. Increased severity or violence of a disease. Exaggeration. The act of carrying beyond reasonable bounds. Exasperation. State of provocation with unrestrained anger. Heightening. Intensifying. Overestimation. Act of valuing too highly. Aggravation — Verbs. Acerbate. To embitter; to irritate. Add fuel to the fire. \ To give additional cause, as of provocation Add fuel to the flame./ in anger. Aggravate. To make worse; used only of that which is alread d, as a fever or anger. Embitter. To intensify or make worse what is already bad, as a feud. Envenom. T ith venom; to render hostile or bitter. Exacerbate. To intensify what has already been rendered ■ 01 bitter. Exasperate. To make exceedingly angry. Fan the flame. To increase the intensity of by giving additional cause. Go from bad to worse. Intensify what is bad. Heighten. To intensify or increase; used both of good and bad things. Render worse. To make worse. Sour. To make morose and disagreeable. RAVATlON — Adjectives. Aggravable. -ale. Aggravated, et l-. See Verbs. Aggravating, etc. Annoying; causing irritation, etc. See Verbs. Unrelieved. Without relief; no better. Worse. More evil. AGGRAV A TION — .4 dirrbs. From bad to worse. From evil to a more evil state. Out of the frying-pan into the fire. Usually said of one who, in try- ing to better his condition, gets into a worse one. Worse and worse. Continuing to go from bad to v. Aggravation — Interjections. So much the worse ! ALLEVIATION— Verbs— Continued, Stupe. To foment. Take comfort. To be i omfi rted. Take off a load of care. To relieve the mind of something that troubles. Temper the wind to the shorn Iamb. To prevent troubles from be- coming too y Wipe the eyes. ) ™ , - . „.. ... ; I o console or comlort. Wipe the tears. I Alleviation — Adjectives. Anodyne. Having the power of allaying pain. Assuaging. See Verbs. Assuasive. Tending to soothe. Balmy. Refreshing or healing like balm. Balsamic. Soothing like balsam. Consolatory. Inclined to give comfort. Curative. Possessing the power to cure. Lenitive. Tending to allay i >r relieve. Palliative. Giving temporary relief. Soothing. Tending to quiet and calm. ALLEY. 3S ALSO. al'-ley. A passageway. Aperture-Closure, City- Country, Dweller-Habitation, Way. al-li'-ance. Combination or union. Antagonism- Concurrence, Association, Connection-Inde- pendence, Cooperation-Opposition, Relation- ship, Variance-Accord. al-lied'. United. Allied to, Connection-Independ- ence, Likeness-Unlikeness, Relationship, Vari- ance-Accord. al"-li-ga'-tion. Act of tying together. Union-Dis- union. al-lign'. To form in line. Aim-Aberration. al-lign'-ment. Formation in a line. Aim-Aberration. al-lit"-er-a'-tion. Successive recurrence of the same initial sound or letter. Likeness-Unlikeness, Sim- plicity-Floridness. al-lit'-er-a-tive. Marked by alliteration. Simplicity- Floridness. all'-ness. Completeness. Entirety-Deficiency. al"-lo-ca'-tion. Apportionment. Organization-Dis- organization. al"-lo-cu'-tion. A formal address. Address-Re- sponse, Speech-Inarticulateness. al-lo'-di-al . Absolutely owned. Liberty-Subjection, Property. al-lo'-di-um . Estate in lands held in fee simple. Liberty-Subjection, Property. al-lop'-a-thy. A system of medical treatment. Remedy- Bane. al'-lo-quy. Act of speaking to another. Address- Response. al-lot'. To distribute by authority. Assignment, Organization- Disorganization, Dueness-L t ndue- ness. al-lot'-ment. Distribution. Assignment, Organiza- tion-Disorgan:zation. al-low'. To permit. Assent-Dissent, Consent, Ex- posure-Hidingplace, Giving-Receiving, Leave- Prohibition, Modification, Price-Discount; allow to have one's own way, Harshness-Mildness, Par- don-Vindictive n ess. al-low'-a-ble . Permissible. Dueness-Undueness, Giving-Receiving, Leave-Prohibition. al-low'-ance . A portion or am* nun granted. Assign- it, Giving-Receiving, Modification, Price- D ' m:nt, Recompense-Punition; make allowance for, Evidence-Counterevidence, Justification- Charge, Pardon-Vindictiveness; with grains of allowance, Faith-Misgiving, Modification. a'-lowed'. Permitted. Dueness-Undueness, Giving- Receiving. al-loy'. Compound of metals; reduce the p\irity of. Betterment-Deterioration, Chemistry, Mixture- Homogeneity. al-loy'-age. The act of alloying. Mixture-Homo- geneity. all'-si"-ded. De eloped in every direction Entirety- Deficie al-lude'. To refer to indirectly. Eni ightenment- Secrecy, Hypothesis, Manifi -Latency, Meaning-Jargon, Troj al-lure'. To attract. Desire-Distaste, Motive- Caprice, Pleasurabi eni Pai .. al-lure'-ment. Enticement. Desir al-lur'-ing. Tempting. Pleasurablj Painful- al-lu'-sion. A suggestion. Ambiguity, Meaning- Jargon, Manifestation-Secri I al-lu'-sive. Suggestive. Ambiguity, riON- Indepen Meaning-Jargon, Manifi itation- Bei recy, Tk al-lu'-vi-al. Of earthy material Erectness-Flatni G i l'i .i.' 0' ' A '-.-[. al-Iu'-vi-on. Flood deposits. Land, al-lu'-vi-um. Deposits of earthy matter in rivers. Cleanness- Filthiness, Increment- Remnant, Ocean-Land. al-ly'. A friendly associate. Antagonist-Assistant, Friend-Foe, Obstruction-Help. al'-ma ma'-ter. Institution where one has been edu- cated. School. al'-ma-nac. Calendar of days, weeks, months, etc. Chronology-Anachronism. Mark-Obliteration. al'-ma-nack. Calendar. Mark-Obliteration. al-might'-i-ness. All powerful. Might-Impotence. al-might'-y. Boundless in power. Might-Impo- tence. Al-might'-y. God. The Almighty. Divinity. al'-mon-er. Official dispenser of alms. Ministry- Laity, Treasurer. al'-most. Very nearly. Faultlessness-Faultiness, Magnitude-Smallness; almost all, Whole-Part; almost immediately, Earliness-Lateness. alms. Charitable offerings. Charitableness-Ma- levolence, Devotion-Idolatry, Giving-Receivi ng. alms'-giv"-ing. Charity. Giving-Receiving. alms'-man. One supported by charity. Giving-Re- ceiving. al"-mu-can'-tar. A parallel of altitude. Astronomy. Al-nas'-char. A character in the Arabian Nights. Alnaschar's dream, Fancy, Sanguineness-Hope- lessness. al'-oes. A medicine of bitter taste. I'alatableness- Unpai.atablene^s. a-loft'. Above. Heigiit-Lowness. al'-o-gy. Sensi 1- ssness. Adage-Nonsense. a-lone'. Apart from others. Obstruction-Help, Solitude-Company; let alone, Addition tion, Completion-Noncompletion, Convention- ality - Unconventionality, Liberty - Subjection, Quest-Evasion, Use-Disuse. a-long'. Onward; in company. Along of, Cause- Effect; along with, Addition-Subtraction, In- strumentality, Solitude-Company; get along, Ad- vance-Retrogression, Movement-Rest; go along, Admission-Expulsion, Arrival-Departure; go along with, Antagonism-Concurrence, Assent- Dissent, Cooperation-Opposition. a-long'-side. Close to the side. Laterality-Contra- position, Parallelism-Inclination, Remoteness- Nearness. a-loof. At a distance. Height-Lowness, Remote- ness-Nearness, Sociability-Privacy: stand aloof, Activity-Indolence, Proffer-Refusal, Ri lessness-Caution. a-loud'. Noisy. Loudness-Faintness: think aloud, Conversation-Monologue, Craft-Artle ssness. al '-pen-stock". A long, pointed staff for mountain climbing. Suspension-Support. al'-pha. The first letter in the Greek alphabet. Be- ginning-End; alpha and omega, Whole-Part. al'-pha-bet. A series of symbols indicating sou Beginning-End, Letter. al"-pha-bet-a'-ri-an. One learning the alphabet. In- structor-Pupil. al"-pha-bet'-ic-al. Relating to the alphabet. Letter. al-phit'-o-man"-cy. Divination with barley-meal. Prophecy. Al'-pine. Pertaining to the Alps. Height-Lowness. Al'-pine Club. Organization of mountain-climbers. Ascent-Desci \i. Wayfarer-Seafarer. Alps. Lofty mountains of Europe. Height-Low al-read'-y. Bi forehand Antei i dj i : rURE-PAS I Al-sa'-tian. Pertaining i i Al atia; an adventurer. Thki i . VlR ii i -Vn Al-sa'-ti-an den. Debtor's den. Virti e-Vice. al'-so. In addition, Addition-Subtraction. ALTAR 39 A.MBIGUITV. al'-tar. A place devoted to prayer. Fane, Matri- mony-Celibacy. al'-ter. To change. Mutation-Permanence; alter one's course, Aim- Aberration; alter the case, Evi- DENCE-COUNTEREVIDENCE. al'-ter-a-ble. Capable of being changed. Mutability- Stability. alteram partem, audire [L.] (al'-ter-am par' au-dai'-ri). To hear the other side Evidi COUNTEREVIDENCE, RlGHT-WRONG. al'-ter-ant. Any medicine that changes Remedy- Bane. al'-ter-a-tive. Tending to change. Commutation- Permutation, Remedy-Bane. al"-ter-ca'-tion. A quarrel. Variance-Accord. nl'-tered. Changed. Beti erment-Deterioration, Weariness-Refreshment; altered for the worse, Bettermi.n I '-] >E II. Kl ORATION. a!. ;r ego [L.] (al'-ter i'-go). A second self. Ani igo- NIST-ASSISTANT, FRIEND-FOE, Likeness-Unlike- ness, Representative, Sameness-Contrast. al-ter-nate. To do by turns; one acting in place of another. Continuity-Interruption, Determina- tion-Vacillation, Interdependence, Mutability- Stability, Periodicity-Irregularity, Pi dence-Succession, Vibration. al-ter'-nate-ly. In alternation. Periodicity-Irregu- larity. al'-ter-nate"-ness. State of being alternate. Perio- dicity-Irregularity. al'-ter-na"-ting. Changing. Determination-Vacil- lation, Mutability-Stability. al"-ter-na'-tion. Occurrence m turn; pei Continuity- Interruption, Conversion-R] sion, Deviation, Mutability-Stability, Perio- dicity-Irregularity, Vibration. al-ter'-na-tive . Somethingthat may be chosen or d me instead of something else. Choice-Neutrality, Commutation- Perm uta hon, Design, Mu i a iton- Permanence. al-ter'-na-tive"-ness. State of being alternative. Pe- riodicity-Irregularity. al-ter'-ni-ty. Counterchange of vowel ;. Periodicity- Irregularity. al-though'. Granting that. Compensation, Cooper- ation-Opposition, Modification. al-til'-o-quence. Bombast. Simplicity-Floridni al-til'-o-quent. Bombastic. Simplicity-Floridness. al-tim'-e-try. Measurement of elevation. Angular- ity, Height-Lowness, Mensuration. al'-ti-tude. Elevation above. Height-Low altitude and azimuth, Mensuration. al'-to. The lowest female voice. Cacophany. al"-to-geth'-er. Entirely. Entirety-Deficiency, Whole-Part. alto-Hlievo [It.] (al"-to-ri-lye'-vo). Carved work in which the carving stands out very prominently. Convexity-Concavity - , Sculpture. al'-tru-ism. Devotion to the interest of others. Charitableness-Malevolence. al'-um. A chemical compound. Sweetness-Acidity. a-lum'-nus. A graduate. Instructor-Pupil. al'-ve-o-lar. Full of cells. Convexity-Concavity. al-ve'-o-lus. A small cavity or socket. Convexity- Concavity. al'-ways. Through all time. Duration-Neverness, Eternity-Instant aneity, Habit-Desuetude. Uni- formity-Diversity, Universality-Particularity. A.M. Ante Meridiem; before noon. Morning-Eve- ning. am"-a-bil'-i-ty. Amiability; lovableness. Pleasur- ableness-Pa in fulness, Politeness-Impoliteness. a-main'. With full strength: quickly. Hurry-Lei- sure, Turbulence-Calmness. a-mal'-gam. An alloy of mercury with a metal. Com- position-Resolution, Mixture-Homogeneity. a-mal'-ga-mate. To unite a metal in an alloy with mercury. Composition-Resolution, Mixture- I [l >Ml >< rENEITY. a-mal"-ga-ma'-tion. A union. Composition-Resolu- tion. Am"-al-thae'-a. The nurse of Zeus. Amalthaea's horn, Enough, amantes, amentes [LJ (a-man'-tiz, a-men'-tiz). Lovers, lunatics. Love-Hate. amantium irte [L,] (a-man'-sbi-vm ai'-ri). Lovers' quarrels. PARDON-VlNDICTIVENESS. a-man"-u-en'-sis. A secretary. Recorder, Writing- Printing. am"-a-ran'-thine. Unfading, like thi amaranth flower. KNITV-1 NSI A\ I AS'KITY. amari aliquid [L.] (a-me'-rai al'-i-quid). To love the other thing. Faultlessne Fai ltine G ness- Badness. Pleasurableness-Painfulness. a-mar'-i-tude. Bitterness. Sweetness-Acidity. a-mass'. To collei I a real quantity of. Gathering- Scattering, Store, Whole-Part. am"-a-teur'. One who does for the love of doing. Dl ire-Distaste, Taste-Vulgarity. am'-a-tive-ness. Sexuality. Moderation-Selfin- DULGENCE. am'-a-to-ry. Designed!- love. Love-Hate. am"-au-ro'-sis. Loss of sight. Sight-Blindn a-maze'. To bewilder with surprise. Astonish-: Expectance. a-ma'-zed-ness. Astonishment. Astonishment-Ex- pectance. a-maze'-ment. Wi inishment-Expectance. a-ma'-zing-ly. Wonderfully. Magni ude-Smallness Am'-a-zon. A race of female warriors. Belligerent. Bravery-Cowardice. am-ba'-ges. A winding path; ambiguity. Cir Winding, Midcourse-Circuit, Terseness-Prolix- ity. am-ba'-gious. Characterized by roundabout methods. Ti R sen ess- Prolixity. am-bas'-sa-dor. A person of the highest diplomatic rank. C Messenger. am'-ber. A I resin. Pulpiness- ■;; amber-color, '. i -Purple. am'-ber-gris. A gray, waxy matter. Pulpiness-Oil. am"-bi-dex'-ter. Oi ually well; a double-dealer. Bigotry-Apostasy, Right- Left, Skill-Unskilfulness. am"-bi-dex-ter'-ity. Duplicity. Skill-L'nskilful- NESS. am"-bi-dex'-tral. Ambidextrous. Right-Left. am"-bi-dex'-trous. Double-dealing. Bigotry-Apos- tasy. am"-bi-dex'-trous-ness. Duplicity. Skill-Unskilful- ness. am'-bi-ent. Anything that encompasses. Environ- Pl 'SITU IN. \u [P.] (cuv-bi-gu'). A feast. Mixture-Homo- EITY. fL.] (am-big'-yu-as spor'-ge- ri vo'-sizj. To spread doubtful rumors. Certainty- Doubt, Conversation-Monologue, Craft-Art- lessness. Truth fulness- False hood. am"-bi-gu'-i-ty. The quality of being obscure or uncertain. Ambiguity. Certainty-Doubt, Clear- ness-Obscurity. Perspicuity-Obscurity. AMBIGUITY. Ambiguity. Obscurity of meaning. Ambiloquy. Doubtful language. Amphibology. 1 . Double meaning arising from a doubtful construc- Amphiboly. J tion in the sentence. AMBIGUITY. 40 AMITY— HOSTILITY. Double entendre [F.]. Double meaning. Double meaning. Doubtfulness of expression. Equivocalness. I Uncertainty of meaning arising from a doubtful Equivocation. J meaning of an expression. Equivoque [P.]- Equivocation. Homonymy. The state of having sameness of sound and difference of meaning. Ambiguity — Denotations. Anagram. An expression formed from the letters of another expres- sion. Calembour [F.1. Pun. Conundrum. A riddle in which some fancied likeness between things is to be found. See Mystery. Homonym. A word having the same sound as another, but a differ- ent meaning. Paragram. A pun. Purl. Use of word of two meanings. Quibble. Tricky avoidance of the real meaning of a word. Sphinx. A person who uses ambiguous language. [Greek myth.] Ambiguity — Associated Words. Delphic oracle, a famous Greek oracle brought into disrepute by the ambiguity of its declarations on several important occasions ; mental reservation, a reservation unexpressed; sphinx, a myth- ological monster, a mysterious person; white lie, an unimportant lie ; word-play, the application of various meanings to words. Ambiguity — Verbs. Be equivocal. See Adjectives. Equivocate, etc. To use expressions from which two meanings may be taken, etc. See Truthfulness-Falsehood. Have two meanings. See Meaning. Ambiguity — Adjectives. Ambiguous. Obscure in meaning. Amphibolous. Pertaining to amphiboly. Double-tongued. Lying. Equivocal. Having two meanings, each of which may be taken. Homonymous. Similar in sound, but different in meaning. am-big'-u-ous. Obscure in meaning. Ambiguity, Certainty-Doubt, Clearness-Obscurity, Perspi- cuity-Obscurity. am-bil'-o-quy. Use of ambiguous language. Ambi- guity. am'-bit. A boundary. Outline. am-bi'-tion. Inordinate desire for anything. Desire- Distaste, Purpose-Luck. am-bi'-tious. Eager. Desire-Distaste. am'-ble. To walk with a careless pace. Swiftness- Slowness, Traveling-Navigation. am'-bo. The pulpit of the early church. Fane, School. umbo [L.] (am'-bo). Both. Arcades ambo [L.] (Ar-kc'- diz am'-bo). Both Arcadians. Friend-Foe, Good Man-Bad Man, Likeness-Unlikeness. am-bro'-sia. The food of the gods. Nutriment- Excretion, Palatableness-Unpalatableness. am-bro'-sial. Divinely sweet. Palatableness-Un- palatableness, Perfume-Stench. am'-bu-lance . A wagon for conveying the sick. Con- veyance-Vessel, Remedy-Bane. am"-bu-la'-tion. Act of walking about. Traveling- Navigation. am'-bu-la-to-ry. Pertaining to walking. Travelinc- Navigation. am"-bus-cade'. A hiding-place. Disclosure-Hiding- place. am'-bush. A concealed place; to waylay. Disclosure- Hidingplace, Refuge-Pitfall, Truthfulness- Fraud; lie in ambush, Enlightenment-Secrecy. am-bus'-tion. A burn or scald. Heating-Cooling. &me [F.] (am). Soul. Ante damnce [F.] (am da-ne'), a hireling; Antagonist-Assistant, Chief-Under- ling, Good Man-Bad Man, Presumption-Obse- quiousness, time de bone [F.] (am de bu), a base soul; Good Man-Bad Man. dme qui vive [F.] (am ki viv), a living soul; Plurality-Zero, Presence- Absence. a-meer'. The ruler of Afghanistan. Gentility-De- mocracy. a-me'-lio-rate . To make more endurable. Better- ment-Deterioration. a-me"-lio-ra'-tion. Betterment. Betterment-Dete- rioration. a"-men'. So be it. Assent-Dissent, Contentednes ;s- Dicontentment, Yielding. a-me'-na-ble. Liable to be called to account. Duty- Dereliction. a-mend'. To change for the better. Bettermixt- Deterioration. amende honorable [F.] (a-man'd' o-no-rabl'). Public penance. Atonement. a-mend'-ment. Change for the better. Betterment- Deterioration, President-Member. a-mends'. Satisfaction. Atonement, Compensation, Recompense-Punition. a-men'-i-ty. Agreeableness. Pleasurableness-Pain- fulness, Politeness-Impoliteness. a-men'-ti-a. Idiocy. Saneness-Lunacy. a-merce'. To punish by a fine. Recompense-Penalty. A-mer'-i-ca. A national hymn of the United States. Patriotism-Treason. A-mer'-i-can-Ea'-gle. The national emblem of the United States. Patriotism-Treason. A-mer'-i-can-ism. Peculiar to the United States. Word-Neology. am'-e-thyst . A variety of quartz of purple color. Embellishment- Disfigurement, Yellowness- Purple. a"-mi-a-bir-i-ty. Lovableness. Charitableness-Ma- levolence, Politeness-Impoliteness. a'-mi-a-ble. Lovable. Charitableness-Malevo- lence, Love-Hate, Politeness-Impoliteness. am'-i-ca-ble. Peaceable. Amity-Hostility, Obstruc- tion-Help. am'-i-ca-bly. Friendly. Amity-Hostility. am'-i-cal. Friendly. Amity-Hostility. am'-ice. A monk's hood and cape. Vestments. amici probantur rebus adversis [L.] (a-mai'-sai pro-ban'- tur ri'-bus ad-ver'-sis) . Friends are tested by adver- sity. Friend-Foe, Welfare-Misfortixi:. amicus [L.] (a-mai'-cus) , a friend. Amicus curias [L.] (a-mai'-cus kiu'-ri-i) , an adviser without per- sonal interest in the case, Enlightenment-Secrecy ; amicus humani generis [L.] (a-mai'-cus hiu-me'-nai jen'-e-ris), a friend of the human race, Humanita- rianism-Misanthropy; amicus usque ad aras [L.] (a-mai'-cus us'-qui ad e'-ras), a friend even to the altars, Friend-Foe. a-mid'. In the midst of. Mixture-Homogeneity. a-midst'. In the center of. Environment-Inter- position, Mixture-Homogeneity. a-miss'. Out of order; fault} - . Good-Evil; come amiss, Harmony-Discord, Opportuneness-Unsuit- ableness, Propriety-Impropriety; do amiss, Vir- tue-Vice; go amiss, Success-Failure; nothing comes amiss, Contentedness-Discontentment, Sensitiveness-Apathy; take amiss, Desire-Dis- taste, Favorite-Anger. am'-i-ty. Friendly or peaceful relations. Amity- Hostility, Strife-Peace, Variance-Accord. AMITY— HOSTILITY. Acquaintance. Knowledge of a person resulting from contact. Affection, etc. Strong and tender attachment See Love. personal Alienation. The act of estranging. Animosity, etc. Active and vehement ill-will. Anger. See Favorite- AMITY. 41 AMITY. AMITY— HOSTILITY— Continue J. Amity. Mutual good-will. Ardent friendship. Strong and warm brotherly f< Bosom friendship. Deep-seated and intimate friendship. Brotherhood. Close and indestructible friendship, as that of brothers. Confraternity. Brotherhood in a religious sense. Cordial friendship. Hearty friendship. Cordiality. Warmth of feeling. Devoted friendship. Zealous and ardent friendship. Entente cordial [FJ. A cordial understanding. Familiar friendship. Intimate friendship. Familiarity. _ The state of knowing well from long acquaintani e. Fast friendship. Strong and lasting friendship. Favoritism. Unjustifiable preference for one person over another. Fellow-feeling. The quality of sharing another's emotions. Fellowship. Friendly intercourse. Firm friendship. Steadfast and enduring friendship. Fraternity. The proper affection of brothers f. ir eai h other. Fraternization. The act of bringing into brotherly relations. Friendliness. The state of regarding others with favor. Friendship. Attachment resulting from mutual resp. I Good understanding. Friendly relations. Good-will, etc. Kindly feeling. See Charitauleness. Harmony, etc. Agreement in sentiment and feeling. See Accord. Intercourse. Connection by friendly dealings. Intimacy. Close or confidential friendship. Intimate friendship. Close or confidential friendship. Introduction. The act of causing to become acquainted. Knowledge of. Acquaintance with. Lasting friendship. Enduring friendship. Peace, etc. A state of unity of feeling or interest. See Strife- Peace. Rapprochement [FJ. The act of restoring to friendship. Response. A sympathetic action. Sincere friendship. True friendship. Sodality. A fellowship for devotional or charitable purposes. Stanch friendship. Faithful friendship. Sympathy. Feeling corresponding to what another feels. Tried friendship. Friendship which has been put to the test and stood it. Warm friendship. Earnest and fervent friendship. Welcomeness. The state of being gladly received. Amity — IV;' . Be acquainted with, etc. See Adjectives. Bear good-will, etc. See Charitableness. Become friendly, etc. See Adjectives. Befriend. To aid in a friendly way. See Obstruction-Help. Be friendly, etc. See Adjectives. Be friends, etc. See Friend. Be introduced to. To become acquainted with. Break the ice. To open the way to acquaintanceship. Embrace. To hug. Extend the right hand of fellowship.) -, , c . . .. Extend the right hand of friendship. I Profcss >" en dship. Fraternize. To bring into brotherly relations. Gain the friendship of. Become a friend. Get into favor. Become a favorite. Have a leaning to. To favor somewhat. Have dealings with. Be associated with. Have the ear of. To have the favorable attention of. Hold communication with. Have intercourse with. Hold out the right hand of fellowship. Hold out the right hand of friendship. Introduce to. To make acquainted with. Keep company with, etc. See Sociability. Know. To be acquainted with. Love. To regard with strong and tender affection. See Love. Make acquaintance with. Become acquainted. Make friends with, etc. See Friend. Make much of. To regard highly. Meet half-way. To concede something in becoming conciliated. Pick acquaintance with. To seek to become friendly. Receive with open arms. To receive with affection. Scrape acquaintance with. To intrude oneself into a person's ac- quaintance. Set one's horses together. To fraternize. Shake hands with. Give hands as a salute. Sympathize with. To share the feelings of another. Take in good part. To receive in a friendly manner. Throw oneself into the arms of. Become very intimate readily. Discord, etc. Variance or strife, etc. See Variance. Dislike, etc. A slight degree of hatred. See Desire-Distaste. Enmity. The state of cherishing resentment towards another. Estrangement. The act of turning from friendliness to hostility. Hate, etc. Intense dislike combined with ill-will. See Lovb-Hatb Heartburning. Secret hate. Hostility. The state of being actively inimical. Malevolence, etc. The state of having an evil disposition toward* others, etc. Sec Charitableness-Malevolence. Unfriendliness, etc. Sec Adjectives. Hostility— Verbs. Alienate. To withdraw love or affection from. Bear malice, etc. To have a disposition to injure. See Charitable- ness-Malevolence. Be inimical, etc. See Adjectives. Estrange. To be or become less intimate in friendship. Fall out. To become hostile from a disagreement. Harden the heart. To become indifferent in friendship to another. Hold at arm's length. 1 .,. , , , . „ Keep at arm's length. I Not t0 '"' v< r >' ln '"^V with. Take umbrage, etc. To feel injured because of envy. See Favor- [tb-Angbr. Hostility — Adjectives. Alienated. Having love or affection withdrawn from. At daggers drawn. At enmity with each other. At enmity. Cherishing resentment. At open war with. Hostile to. At variance. Disagreeing in opinion. Cold-hearted. Lacking sympathy. Cool. Lacking cordiality. Disaffected. Filled with discontent. Estranged. On less intimate terms than formerly. Hostile. Actively inimical. In bad odor with. Out of favor with. Inimical. Hating others. Irreconcilable. Not to be recalled from a state of hostility. Not on speaking terms. Not friendly. On bad terms. Unfriendly. Unfriendly. Not kind or favorable. Up in arms against. Actively hi stile to. AMITY — Continued. Amity' — A djectives. Acquainted. Familiar or conversant with. Amicable. Showing good-will. Amical. Of or pertaining to friends. At home with. Intimate. Brotherly. Showing friendship like brothers. Cordial. Having warmth of heart or feeling. Familiar. Well acquainted. Fraternal. Friendly ; in a manner befitting a brother. Free and easy. Friendly without formality. Friends with. Wry friendly. Hail fellow well met. On very familiar or cordial terms. Hand and glove. Very intimate. Hand in hand with. Closely associated. Hearty. Proceeding from the heart. In one's good books. 1 ., , . In one's good graces. > Favored b V someone. Intimate. Closely connected by friendship. Neighborly. Disposed to be sociable. On amicable-footing, — terms. On a mutual footing of good-will. On familiar-footing, — terms. On terms of familiarity. See Familiar. On friendly-footing, — terms. On terms befitting friend:- On good-footing, — terms. On a favorable footing. On intimate-footing, — terms. On terms of close companionship. On speaking terms. Friendly enough to speak. On visiting terms. Friendly enough to interchange visits. Sympathetic. Having a fellow-feeling for another. Thick. Closely associated. Unhostile. Not unfriendly. Warm-hearted. Sympathetic and cordial. Welcome. Received in a friendly manner. Well-affected. Influenced in a pood manner. Well at home. Thoroughly familiar. Well with. On good terms. Amity — Adverbs. Amicably, etc. See Adjectives. Arm in arm. In an intimate manner. Sans c4r4monie [F.]. Without ceremony; in a sociable manner. With open arms. Cordially. AMMONIUM. 42 ANALYZE. am-mo'-ni-um. A volatile alkali. Chemistry. amor [L] (e'-mor). Love. Love-Hate. amor nummi [L.] (e'-mor num'mai), love of the dollar, Extravagance-Avarice; amor patriot [L.] (e'-mor pe'-tri-i), love of country. Humanitarianism- Misanthropv. Patriotism-Treason; duett amor patriot [L.] (du'-sit e'-mor pe'-tri-i), love of coun- try leads me, Humanitarianism-Misanthropy; omnia vincit amor [L.] (om'-ni-a vin'-sit e'-mor), love conquers all things, Love-Hate, Success- Failure; vincet amor patriot [L] (vin'-set e'-mor pe'-tri-i), love of country will conquer, Humani- tarianism-Misanthropy. amore [It.] (a-mo'-re). Love. Con amorc [It.] (con a-mo'-re), with love, Emotion, Love-Hate. am"-mu-ni'-tion. Anything used in the discharge of firearms. Materials, Weapon. am'-nes-ty. An act of pardon. Fighting-Concilia- tion, Pardon-Vindictiveness. amnis [L.] (am'-nis). River. Rusticus expectat dum amnis defluat [L.] (rus'-ti-cus ex-pec'-tat dum am'-nis def'-lu-at) . The rustic waits for the river to flow by. Sanguin en ess-Hopelessness. a-mong'. In the midst of. Environment-Inter- position, Mixture-Homogeneity. a-mongst'. In the midst of. Environment-Inter- position, Mixture-Homogeneity. amoroso [It.] (a-mo-ro'-so) . Tender. Acting, Love- Hate. am'-o-rous. Ardent in affection. Love-Hate. a-mor'-phism. Quality of being without shape. Form- Formlessness. a-mor'-phous. Unshapen. Conventionality-Uncon VENTIONALITY, FoRM-FORMLESSNESS, MINERALOGY. a-mor"-ti-za'-tion. Giving of lands to a corporation. Giving-Receiving. a-mo'-tion. A removal. Transfer. a-mount'. The sum total. Money, Price-Discount, Quantity-Measure; amount to, Equality-In- equality, Numbering; gross amount, Whole- Part. Equality- In equality. amour [F.] (a-mu'r). A love affair. Love-Hate, Purity-Impurity ; amour propre[F.] (a-mur' pro'-pr). Self-love, Conceit-Diffidence. am"-ou-rette'. A pretty love affair. Love-Hate, Purity-Impurity. am-pere'. The unit of ck'ctric-current strength. Electricity. am-phib'-i-ous. Living both on land and in water. Conventionality-Uncon ventionality. am"-phi-bol'-o-gy. A sentence ambiguous in construc- tion. Ambiguity. am-phib'-o-lous. Ambiguous. Ambiguity. am-phib'-o-ly. Ambiguity. am-phic"-ty-on'-ic. Pertaining to the Grecian coun- cils. Amphictyonic council, Council. amphigouri [F.] (enr-fi-gu-ri'). Nonsense. Adage- Nonsense. am"-phi-pro'-style . An edifice with columns in front and behind, but not on the sides. Architecture. am"-phi-the'-a-ter. An arena, or place of public con- test; range of vision. Acting, Architecture, List?. School, Sight-Bi am-phit'-ry-on. A host. Friend-Foe. am'-pho-ra. An earthenware jar. Contents-Re- ceiver. am'-ple. Of large capacity; sufficient. Breadth- X \rrowness, Extension-Inextension, Great- ness-Littleness, Magnitude-Sm a-n"-pli-fi-ca'-tion. Elaboration. Rhetoric, Terse- - PRI il.IXITY. am'-pli-fy. To enlarge. Enlargement-Diminui ion, ('■i ll-Hyperbole, Terseness-Prolixity. am'-pli-tude. Greatness of extent. Breadth-Narrow- ness, Enough, Greatness-Littleness, Quantity- Measure. am"-pli-tu'-din-ous. Great in extent. Greatness- Littleness. am'-ply. Largely. Enough. am'-pu-tate. To cut off. Addition-Subtraction. am"-pu-ta'-tion. A cutting off. Addition-Subtrac- tion. am'-u-let. A charm. Devotion-Charm. amusare [It.] (a-mu-za'-re) . To please. Per amusare labocca (per a-mu-za'-re la boc-ca). To please the mouth. Palatableness-Unpalatableness. a-muse'. To please. Entertainment-Weariness, Pleasurablen ess- Pain fulness. a-mused'. Pleased. Entertainment-Weariness. a-muse'-ment. Enjoyment. Entertainment-Weari- ness, Pleasure-Pain; place of amusement, Pleas- urablen ess-Painfulness. a-mus'-ing. Entertaining. Entertainment-Weari- ness. amussis [L.] (a-mus'-sis). A rule or level. ad amussim [L.] (ad a-mus'-sim). According to rule. Truth-Error. am"-y-la'-ceous. Starchy. Viscidity-Foam. an. One; and if. Hypothesis. an'-a. Scraps of literature. Account. An"-a-bap'-tism. A religious rite. Orthodoxy- Heterodoxy. An"-a-bap'-tist. A religious sect in Germany. Ortho- doxy-Heterodoxy. an-ach'-ro-nism. An error in assigning the date of an event. Chronology'-Anachronism, Opportune- ness-Unsuitable NESS. an"-a-co-lu'-thon. Lack of grammatical symmetry in a sentence. Continuity-Interruption, Rhetoric. an"-a-con'-da. A huge tropical serpent. Benefactor- Evildoer. an-ac"-re-on'-tic. Amatory verse. Poetry'-Prose. an"-a-cru'-sis. An unemphatic introductory syllable in lyric verse. Poetry-Prose. an'-a-glyph. An ornament in relief. Delineation- Caricature, Sculpture. an"-a-glyp'-tic. Ornamental. Sculpture. an"-a-go'-ge. Spiritual significance. Manifestation- Latency, Trope. an"-a-gog'-ic-al. Mystical. Trope. an'-a-gram. The letters of a word transposed so as t make a different word. Ambiguity, Letter, Th- ings-Mystery', WlTTINESS-Dl'LNESS. an"-a-gram-mat'-i-cism. A letter or word transj 10 to make a different word. Letter. an"-a-lec'-ta. A selection from a literary work. Digest. an"-a-lec'-tic. Composed of selections. Digest. an"-a-lep'-tic. Restorative to strength. Remedy- Bane. an"-a-log'-ic-al. Figurative. Likeness-Unlikeness. an"-a-log-ic'-al-ness. Similarity. Likeness-Unlike- ness. a-nal'-o-gous. Related. Likeness-Unlikeness. an'-a-logue. Anything analogou Likeness-Unlike- ness. a-nal'-o-gy. Similarity of properties or relations. Connection-Independence, Likeness-Unlike- ness. Rhetoric. an-al'-y-sis. Resolution into parts. Composition- Resolution, Digest, [nvestigation-Ansv i i Numbering, Organization-Disorganization, Ra- tiocination-Instinct, Trial. an'-a-lyst. One who analyzes. Investigation-An- swer, Trial. an"-a-lyt'-ic. Proceeding by analysis. Investiga- tion-Answer, Mixture-Homogeneity. an'-a-lyze. To make an analysis. Investigation- Answer , Mi xture-H omogeneit y. ANALYZER. i;; ANATOMY. an'-a-ly"-zer. One who analyzes. Trial. an"-a-mor'-pho-sis. A distorted representation of an object, so made that when viewed through an instru- ment a correct image is obtained. Delineation- Caricature, PROPOR riON-DEFORMITY, SlGHT-DlM- SIGHTEDN i anankQ [Gr.] (an-an'-k.' ■). Necessity. Volition-! Obli- gation. an'-a-pest. A metrical fool Poi rin Prose, Rhet- oric. an"-a-pes'-tic. Composed of anapests. Rh] roRii an-ar'-chic. Opposed to government. Fyran i Anarchy. an-ar'-chic-al. Law] Ri .< irity-Irregularity, Rule-Lh i .. i . Tyranny-Anarchy. an'-arch-ism. Disbelief in government. Regi larity- Irregularity, Tyranny-Anarchy. an'-arch-ist. An advocate of anarchy. Benefactor- Evildoer, Insubordination-Obedience, Tyr- anny-Anarchy. 4 an"-arch-is'-tic. Hatred for law. Tyranny-Anarchy. an'-arch-y. Disregard of government. Regularity- Irregularity, Rule-License, Tyranny-Anarchy. an"-a-stat'-ic. In relief. Anastatic printing. En- graving. a-nas"-to-mo'-sis. A union or running together. Crossing, Union-Disunh in a-nas'-tro-phe, a-nas'-tro-phy. Inversion i >f the natural order of words. Reversal. a-nath'-e-ma. A formal ban or curse. Charm \ ness-Cuj a-nath'-e-ma-tize. To pronounce a cm Adulation - Disparagement, Appro 1 ' \l - Disap- proval, Charitableness-Ci I an"-a-tom'-ic. St natural. Texture. an"-a-tom'-ic-al. Structural. Texture. a-nat'-o-mize. To dissed iii 1 n . stigation-Answer, Union-Disi mio a-nat'-o-my. S ■ of the structun \ \ com v, P.ioi i m;v, Breadth-Narrowness, Or- GA riZATION-lNORGANIZATION, TEXTUR] . I 'v, Zoology-Botany; comparative anatomy, X< H iLOGY-BOTANY. ANATOMY Anatomy- A Abdomen. Cavity of the Alimentary canal. Channel extendi] \ mouth totheanus. Ankle. The joinl the fi -ot and the leg Antihelix. The curved elevation of tl .within i ir in Eron t if the h b Antitragus. A pro portion of the coin ha of the external ear, opposite the tragus. Aorta. Great artery that carries blood from hearl totl Arm. The upper limb of the human body, from shoulder to ! a Artery. A tube that tarries blood from the heart Biceps. A muscle with two head:; or origins. Bladder. A membranous sac for holding the uri i Blood. The red nouri ;hing fluid that < in ulates in animals. Blood-vessel. A tubular canal in which blood circulates, either an artery, a vein, or a capillary. Bone. A hard, dense, porous structure forminj verte! ani nals. Csecum. The blind gut, open at one end, conned intestine beyond the entrance of the small intt Canthus. The corner where the upper and under eyelids m< each side of the eye Capillary. A hair-like vein or Carotid. An artery by which 1 head. Carpus. The wrist Cerebellum. Organ of thi part of the brain. Cerebrum. Seat of thought or will rt of the brai Chin. The central a i >r part^of the lower jaw. Choroid coat. The > rnbrane which lines the ■ ! ■!■ ■•]■ i iat of the eye. Clavicle. The collar-bone. Coccyx. Caudal, or tail end of the spine. Cochlea. One of the passages of the internal ear. Colon. The large intestine. Concha. Deepest hollow of the external ear; one of the thi:: like structures in the cavity of the n Cornea. The anterior transpa: the outer coat of the eye. Duodenum. Small intestine connected with the sto::. i Ear. The organ of hearing. Elbow. The joint at the bend of the Esophagus. The membranous tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach. Eustachian tube. A canal conncctii g middle car. Eye. The organ of sight Face. The anterior portion of the head. Femur. The long bone that forms the skeleton of the thigh. Fetus. The young in the womb or in thi i Fibula. The outer of tin i .. i bones of 1 Finger. One of the terminal members of the hand. Flesh. Portion of an animal body that consists of 1 r tissues. Foot. The part below the ankle Li Forehead. Upper part of 1 en the I : he hair Ganglion. An aggregation of Gland. An organ by means of which i ts are removed from the blood, either as a specific secretion or as an t-xcr< I Hair. One of the filamentous structures that grow from the skin or outer covering of a mammal ; any mass of such filar Hand. The pari that is attached to the lower extremity of the forearm. Heart. The m of the vascular sv ■ :als, a hollow stru i . the blood by a:' Helix. The n external car. Hip. The lateral pari of the 1 , n the brim of the e in e part of the thigh. Humerus. The bo Ileum. The lower three-fifths of tl -line. Iris. Jaw. One of the two structures forming the framework Jugular. One of the large veins of the neck. Kidney. One of the glandular organs that si Knee. The join! thigh and the leg. Leg. The part of the lower limb bet and ankle. Liver. in the upper ■ Lobe. A proi part, as of thi Lung. Either of the two organs for the aeral blood, it d in tin- tli- irax on ea< h side of the heart. itic. An al isorbenl Maxilla. One of the jaw I Medulla. The marrow <_.f long I Meibomian glands. The slender sebaceous glands of • which discharge, throu a l".c : .arts. Metacarpus. Part of the ha: Muscle. Aji which bodily movement is efT< Nail. A thin horny pla n the end of a finger or toe. Neck. Part of an animal which connects the head with the trunk. Nerve. A cord-like str idaments by which tmulative impulses are transmitted to and from the brain and other organs. Nervous system. I coordinating apparatus endows animals with sensation a: - " Nose. That part of the face of an animal containing the nostrils and the organ of smell. Occiput. I back ] art of the h< ' Optic nerve. The special nerve of vision. Ovary. Gland oi I ■ neration. Pancreas. A gla: tig with the alimentary- canal. Patella. Km i Pelvis. The pari a bony girdle by which ver or hinder limbs are j Peritoneum. the abdomen. Phalanges. The bones of the hand or foot, beyond the metacarpus Pharynx. The alimentary canal bctv - hagus. Prostate. A gland in front of the 1 urethra. Pubis. The ventral and anterior of the three principal bones com- posing either half of the pelvis Pupil. The round opening in the iris Radius. That one of the of the forearm that is on the same side as the thu Retina. The inner coat of the eye, containing the nervous appa- ratus essential to vision. ANATOMY. 44 ANGEL— SATAN. Rib. One of the bones attached to the spine encircling the body- cavity. Sacrum. A composite bone formed by the union of the vertebras between the lumbar and caudal regions, constituting the dorsal part of the pelvis. Scaphoid fossa. The groove between the helix and the antihetix. Scapula. The shoulder-blade Sclerotic coat. The dense white membrane which with the cornea in front forms the outer coating of the eye around the iris. Scrotum. The pouch that contains the testes. Spine. The vertebral column of the back. Spleen. A ductless, gland-like organ lying below the stomach, the melt. Sternum. The breast-bone. Stomach. Vessel in which the food is digested. Tarsus. The ankle. Temple. The region on each side of the head in front of the ear and above the cheek-bone. Testes. The testicles; male organs of generation. Thorax. The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Thumb. The short thick digit on the radial side of the hand. Tibia. The inner one of the two bones that constitute the skeleton of the leg below the knee. Toe. One of the digits of a foot of a quadruped or a biped. Tongue. Organ of taste and speech. Tooth. A small bone attached to the jaw for chewing. Tragus. Prominence in front of the opening of the ear. Trunk. The body as distinguished from its appendages — limbs, neck, head. etc. Tympanum. The middle ear ; the ear drum . Ulna. In vertebrates above fishes, that one of the two long bones of the forearm, or corresponding portion of the fore limb, that is on the same side as the little finger. Dreter. Duct that conveys urine from the kidneys. Urethra. Canal discharging the urine Vein. One of the muscular tubular vessels that convey blood to the heart. Vermiform appendix. A blind process of the caecum. Vertebra. One of the segments of the spine. Windpipe. The tube for carrying air to and from the lungs. Wrist. The part of the arm immediately joining the hand. Zonule of Zinn. The suspensory ligament of the crystalline lens of the eye. Anatomy — Verbs, Breathe. To inhale and exhale air. Circulate. To move by a circuit back to the starting point. Diffuse. To expand; to cause to flow. Digest. To prepare in the stomach for conversion into the blood. Exhale. To force air out of the lungs. Inhale. To take into the lungs, as air. Perspire. To sweat. Respire. To take breath again; to breathe in and out. Transfuse. To transfer, as blood, from the veins or arteries of one animal to those of another. AnatcJmy — Adjectives. Abdominal. Of, or pertaining to the abdomen. Axillary. Pertaining to the arm-pit. Brachial. Belonging to the arm. Celiac. Pertaining to the belly. Cervical. Belonging to the neck. Cubital. Pertaining to the ulna. Ectad. Toward the outside or surface. Ectal. Situated near the surface. Epigastric. Pertaining to the upper and anterior part of the abdomen. Femoral. Belonging to the thigh. Frontal. Belonging to the forehead. Hypochondriac. Pertaining to the hypochondria. Hypogastric. Relating to the lower part of the abdomen. Iliac. Pertaining to the third division of the lesser intestine. Intercostal. Lying between the ribs Lumbar. Pertaining to, or near the loins. Mesial. Middle. Muscular. Pertaining to the muscles. Pancreatic. Pertaining to the pancreas. Parietal. Pertaining to the bones of the upper part of the skull. Pedal. Relating to the foot. Pulmonary. Pertaining to the lungs. Radial. Pertaining to the radius Sciatic. Pertaining to the hip. Temporal. Pertaining to the temples. Tibial. Pertaining to the tibia. Umbilical. Of, or relating to the navel. Venal. Pertaining to the veins. Vertebral. Pertaining to a vertebra ; spinal. an"-a-trip'-tic. Using friction as a remedy for disease. Friction-Lubrication. an-ces'-tral. Inherited from an ancestor. Future- Past, Infancy-Age, Novelty-Antiquity. an'-ces-try. One's ancestors collectively. Future- Past, Parentage-Progeny. an'-chor. An implement that retains a ship in a par- ticular station; to become fixed. Connective, Establishment-Removal, Movement-Rest, Ref- uge-Pitfall, Sanguineness-Hopelessness; at anchor, Establishment-Removal, Movement- Rest, Mutability-Stability, Security-Insecur- ity; cast anchor, Arrival-Departure. Establish- ment-Removal; sheet anchor, Means, Refuge- Pitfall, Sanguineness-Hopelessness. an'-chor-age. A place suitable for anchoring a vessel. Arrival-Departure, Dweller-Habitation, Es- tablishment-Removal, Refuge-Pitfall. an'-chored. Firmly fixed. Mutability-Stability. an'-cho-ret, an'-cho-rite. A recluse. Austerity, Sociability-Privacy. an"-chy-lo'-sis. Growing together of two bones. Mutability-Stability. an'-cient. Of great age; an ensign or flag. Novelty- Antiquity, Sign; ancient times, Future-Past. an'-cil-la-ry. Serving as an aid. Obstruction-Help. andantc[lt] (an-dan'-te). Moving moderately. Music. and'-i"-ron. Metallic support for wood in an open fire- place. Oven-Refrigerator. An'-drew, Mer'-ry. A buffoon. Wag. an-drog'-y-nal. Hermaphrodite. Conventionality- Unconventionality. an-drog'-y-nous. Uniting the characteristics of both, sexes. Conventionality-Unconventionality. an'-ec-dote. A short story. Account. an"-ec-dot'-ic. Relating to a story. Account. an-ele'. To anoint. Godliness-Ungodliness. an"-e-mog'-ra-phy. The art of recording the velocity and direction of winds. River- Wind. an"-e-mom'-e-ter. A wind-measuring instrument. River-Wind. anentolia bazein [Gr.] (a-ne-mo'-li-a bad'-zain). To talk words of wind. Adage-Nonsense. a-nent'. Opposite. Connection-Independence. anerithmon gelasma [Gr.] (a-ne'-rith-mon gel'-as-ma). The many-twinkling smile of ocean. River-Wind. an'-e-roid. Not containing or using a fluid. Water- Air. an"-es-the'-si-a. Loss of sensation. Feeling-In- sensibility. an"-es-thet'-ic. Insensible. Feeling-Insensibility, Sensitiveness-Apathy. a-new'. Again; in a new manner. Novelty-Antiq- uity, Recurrence. an-frac"-tu-os'-i-ty. Winding. Circle-Winding. an'-gel. A spiritual being; a person of angelic qualities. Angel-Satan, Good Man-Bad Man, Love-Hath; fallen angel, Angel-Satan, Good Man-Bad Man; guardian angel, Antagonist-Assistant, Benei a< - tor-Evildoer, Security-Insecurity. ANGEL— SATAN 1 . Angel. A heavenly being superior to man in power and knowledge. Archangel. A chief angel. Cherub. One of the second order of angels; representation of a beautiful child with wings. Abaddon. The destroying angel of hell. Ahrimanes. The evil principle in Persian theology. Apollyon. The destroyer Beelzebub. The prince of fallen angels; a god of the Philistines ANGEL— SATAN. 45 ANGULARITY. ANGrL— SATAN'— Continued. Cherubim. Plural of cherub. Heavenly host. The multitude of beings who inhabit heaven. Host of heaven. Angels and archangels. Madonna. The Virgin Mary. Ministering spirit. Beings having the power to aid, an angel Morning Star. Figurative for angel. Saint. One of the sanctified beings in heaven. Seraph. One of the order of angels ranking next above the cherubim. Seraphim. Plural of seraph. Sons of God. Angels; more often simply human beings enjoying special Divine favor. Angel — AdjtctiiM . Angelic. Of or pertaining to angels. Seraphic. Having the nature or character of a seraph. SATAN — Nouns of Character — Continued from Column 3. Devilship. State or office of the devil. Manicheism. The doctrine of two supreme beings. Satanism. Disposition of Satan. The cloven foot. A devilish character. Satan — Adjectives. Devilish. Having the qualities of the devil. Diabolic. Pertaining to the devil; satanic. Hell-born. Born of hell. Infernal. Pertaining to the lower regions or hell. Satanic. Having the qualities of Satan; devilish. Belial. Any reckless person; the devil. Demon. An evil spirit. See Fiend. Devil. Ruler of hell. Fallen angels. Angels hurled from heaven with Satan. Inhabitants of Pandemonium. The satanic hosts. Lucifer. The morning star; Satan. Sammael. A demon in rabbinical mythology. Satan. The chief of bad spirits. Tempter. One who entices to wrong. The author of evil. I Jhe devi , The common enemy.-* The devil incarnate. The devil in the flesh; the devil having a human body. The arch fiend. Satan. The evil spirit. The devil. The foul fiend. An evil spirit. The wicked one. The devil. Zammiel. See Samma&i Satan — Figurative Nouns. Old Gooseberry; old Harry; old Horny; old Nick; old Scratch; the deuce; the dickens; the old serpent; the prince of darkness; the prince of the devils; the prince of the powers of the air; the prince of the world; the powers of darkness; the rulers of darkness. Devilism. Diabolism. Satan — Nouns of Character Characteristic quality of Satan. {Continued on Column 1 ) an-gel'-ic. Having the nature of an angel. Angel- Satan, Virtue-Vice. an'-gels. Heavenly guardians. Angels and ministers of grace defend us, Sanguineness-Timidity. an'-ger. Violent passion. Excitability-Inexcita- BILITY, FaVORITE-AnGKR. an"-gi-og'-ra-phy. A treatise upon the vascular system. Texture. an"-gi-ol'-o-gy. Treatise upon lymphatics. Texture. an'-gle. An opening between two intersecting lines; to try shyly or artfully to get. Angularity, Trial; at an angle, Parallelism-Inclination. An'-gli-can-ism. The practise of the Church of Eng- land. Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy. an'-gling. Fishing with a rod. Quest-Evasion. an'-gri-ly. In an angry manner. Favorite-Anger, Favorite-Quarrelsomeness. an'-gry. Inflamed. Favorite-Anger, Favorite- Quarrelsomeness; angry mood, Favorite-Anger. anguille [F.] (an'-gwiy'). An eel. rompre Vanguille ait genoii (ronpr lan"-gwiy' o zhe-nu')- To break an eel across the knee. Might-Impotence, Possibility- Impossibility. an-guil'-li-form. Having the appearance of an eel. Circle-Winding, Lamina-Fiber. anguis [L.] (an''-gwis). A snake, angais in herba (an '-g wis in her'-ba). A snake in the grass, Refuge- Pitfall. an'-guish. Mental distress. Pleasure-Pain, Sensu- ality-Suffering. an'-gu-lar. Having an angle. Angularity; angular velocity, Movement-Rest. an"-gu-lar'-i-ty. Irregular. Angularity. angularity. Adunclty. Inward curvature . hookedness. Angle. The figure made by two lines which meet at a point called the vertex. Angularity. The quality or state of being angular or sharp-cornered. Angularness. The quality of being angular Bend. Deflection from a straight line, a crook or curve. Bifurcation. A forking or separation into two branches. Corner. Point formed by intersecting surfaces. Crotch. Point of division Cusp. One of the horns of the crescent moon. That point of a curved line where the generating point stops and moves backward. Fold, etc. Sec Plicature. Fork. The place where a division or divergence occurs; a ci Obliquity, etc. Deviation from a perpendicular or from a ri^'ht line by any angle except a right angle, etc. See Parallelism- Inclination. Angularity — Denotations. Ankle; crane, a hoisting-machine, a siphon: crutch; elbow; fluke, the part of an anchor which catches hold on t! ! " groin. knee , knuckle; niche, a recess, as in a wall , nool: oriel, a window ard from a wall and resting on ;i brai ket . recess, scythe; sickle; zigzag. Angular it v — Scientific Terms. Acute angle. An angle less than a right angle. Altimetry. The art of measuring vertical angular elevations. Angle of 45 . Half a right angle. Angular distance. The angle made at a given point by lines drawn to it from two objects. Angular elevation. In gunnery, the angle which the axis of the gun makes with the horizon. Angular measurement. Measurement in angles. Angular velocity. The rate at which an angle increases. Clinometer. An instrument for measuring angular inclination. Cotangent. A trigonometric function. Cube. A solid body bounded by six equal square sides. Decagon. A plane figure with ten angles and ten sides. Diamond. A figure bounded by four equal straight sides and having two of its interior angles acute and two obtuse. Dichotomy. Separation into two parts or branches; forking. Dodecahedron. A solid having twelve plane faces. Goniometer. An instrument for measuring angles. Goniometry. The art of measuring angles. Graphometer. Instrument used by surveyors in measuring angles. Heptagon. A plane figure having seven angles and seven sides. Hexagon. A plane figure having six angles and six sides. Hexahedron. A solid bounded by six plane faces Icosahedron. A solid bounded by twenty plane faces. Lozenge. A parallelogram having its four sides equal and with two of its interior angles acute and two obtuse. Miter. The junction of two bodies upon a line bisecting the angle of junction, as at the corner of a picture frame. Obtuse angle. An angle greater than a right angle. Octagon. A plane figure having eight angles and eight sides. Octahedron. A solid bounded by eight plane faces. Octant. Eighth of a circle. Parallelogram. A quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel. Parallelopiped. A prism bounded by six faces, all parallelograms. Pentagon. A plane figure having five angles and five sides. Pentahedron. A solid bounded by five plane faces. ANGULARITY. 46 ANIMATION. Platonic bodies. Five geometrical solids; the regular tetrahedron. the cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron and the icosahcdron Polygon. A plane figure having many angles and sides. Prism. A solid whose bases are any similar, equal and parallel plane figures, and whose lateral faces are parallelograms. Pyramid. A solid whose base is a polygon and whose lateral faces are triangles meeting at a point called the vertex. Quadrangle. A plane figure having four angles and four sides- Quadrant. An arc of ninety degrees. Quadrature. The relative position of two heavenly bodies distant from each other ninety degrees as viewed from the center of a third body. Quadrilateral. A plane figure bounded by four straight lines and having four angles. Rectangle. A parallelogram having four right angles. Reentering angle. An angle in a fortification, the vertex of which is turned towards the protected place. Rhomb. A parallelogram having equal sides and oblique angles. Rhomboid. A parallelogram having its opposite sides equal, but containing no right angle. Right angle, etc. An angle whose sides are perpendicular to • other, etc. See Erectness. Salient angle. An angle in a fortification, the point of which is turned away from the protected place. Sextant. An arc of sixty degrees. An instrument for measuring angular distances. Spherical angle. An angle made by the intersection of two great circles, which mutually cut each other on the surface of a globe. Square . A figure with four equal sides and four right angles. Tetrahedron. A solid bounded by four triangles. Theodolite. An instrument used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. Triangle. Plane figure having three sides and three angles. Trigon, A triangle; the triangle of reference employed in trilinear coordinates. Trigonometry. The branch of mathematics that treats of the rela- tions of the sides and angles of triangles. Wedge, A right triangular prism with one very acute angle. Angularity — Verbs. Bend. Deflect from a straight line. Bifurcate. Separate into two branches. Crinkle. Form wrinkles, bends or folds. Fork. Separate into diverging parts. Angularity — Adjectives. Aduncous. Bent like a hook; hooked. Akimbo. Having the hands on the hips and the elbows bent sharply outward . Angular. Having an angle or angles; measured by an angle Aquiline. Hooked ; curving. Bent. Turned from a straight line. Bifurcate . Forked. Crinkled. Formed with folds, ridges or wrinkles. Crooked. Having angles; not straight. Cubical. Having the shape or properties of a cube. Cuneiform. Wedge-shaped. Dovetailed. Interlocked by wedge-shaped tenons and spaces. Falcated. Sickle-shaped; scythe-shaped. Falciform. Falcate; having the shape of a scythe or sickle. Forked. Divided into diverging parts like a fork. Furcated. Forked. Fusiform. Spindle-shaped; tapering at each end. Geniculated. Having knee-like joints. Jagged. Having ragged edges or notches. Kimbo. Crooked; bent. Knock-kneed. Having the knees bent inward. Multilateral. Having many sides and consequently many angles. Oblique, etc. Neither parallel to, nor at right angles from the base. Polygonal, etc. Having many angles, etc. See Nouns. Pyramidal. Of or like a pyramid. Quadrangular. Having four angles. Quadrilateral. Formed by four sides and having four angles. Rectangular. Having one or more right angles. Rhomboidal. Having the shape of a rhomboid. Scalene. Having no two sides equal, said of triangles. Serrated, Notched along the edge like a saw. Square. Having four right angles and four equal sides. Triangular. Having three angles and three sides; bounded by a triangle. Trigonal. Having three angles; three-cornered. Trilateral. Having three sides. Uncinated. Hooked. Wedge-shaped. Having the shape of a wedge. Zigzag. Having short turns or angles alternating in a series fr mi side to side. an'-gu-lar-ness. State of being angular. Angularity. angusta res domi [L.] (an-gus'-ta riz do'-mai). In difficult circumstances. Affluence-Penury. an"-gus-ta'-tion. Contraction. Breadth-Narrow- ness. an"-he-la'-tion. Shortness of breath.. Weariness- Refreshment. an-hy'-drous. Waterless. Dampness-Dryness. an'-ile. Like an old woman. Infancy-Age, Sagacity Incapacity. an'-i-line. A colorless oily compound. Aniline dyes, Yellowness-Purple. a-nil'-i-ty. Old-womanishness. Infancy-Age, Sa- gacity-Incapacity. an"-i-mad-ver'-sion. Criticism. Approval-Disap- proval. an"-i-mad-vert'. To observe; to censure. Approval- Disapproval, Heed-Disregard, Reflection- Va- cancy. an'-i-mal. A sentient living being; pertaining to an animal. Fauna-Flora; animal cries, Cry-TJlula- tion; animal economy, Life-Death; animal grati- fication, Sensuality-Suffering; animal life, Ani- mality-Vegetability; animal physiology, Zoology- Botany; animal spirits, Lightheartedxess-D: i - tion. an"-i-mar-cule. An animal of microscopic small Fauna-Flora, Greatness-Littleness, Magnittjde- Smallness. an'-i-mal-ism. State of mere animals. Modera Selfindulgence. an"-i-mal'-i-ty. Nature of an animal. Anxmality- Vegetability. ANIMALITY— VEGETABILITY. Animality. The nature or state of an animal Animalization. The act of endowing with the properties of an animal Animal life. The potential force, or principle by which the of animals are started and continued in the performance of their functions. Animation. The act of giving life or spirit. Breath. Air inhaled or exhaled during respiration. Flesh. The softer tissues of an animal body. Flesh and blood. Animal nature. Physique [F,] The physical structure of persons or animals. Strength. Physical vigor. See Strength. Vegetable life. The principle 1 continued in their functions Vegetability. The quality or state oi ' table. Vegetation. The act of growing as a pi in1 does Vegbtabilii v —Adjt etives. Lush. Full of juice. Rank. Luxuriant in growth. Fleshly. ANIMALITY— Continued Animality — Adjct . Pertaining to the animal nature ; corporeal; carnal. an/'-i-mal-i-za'-tion. Act of making animals. Ani- mality- Vegetability. an'-i-mate. To impart life to. Excitation, Light- heartedness-Dejection, Motive-Ca trice. an'-i-ma"-ted. Enlivened. Activity-Indolence, Life- Death, Lighthbartedness-Dbjei riON. an"-i-ma'-tion. State of possessing life; liveliness Ac- tivity-Indolence, Animality- Vegetability, Ex- ANIMATION. ANTAGONISM— CONCURRENCE. citation, I. ii i -Death, Lightheartedness-Dejec- tion; suspended animation, Shnsiti-: Lpathy. aninto, ex [L.] (an' l Readil; ixess- Relui i a ammo, quo [L.] (an'-i-mo, quo). With what intention. Purpose-Luck. an"-i-mos'-i-ty. Hatred. Amity-Hostility D Distaste, Favorite-Angi R, Love-Hate. an'-i-mus. The animating thought. Di '.-Dis- taste, Purpose-Luck, Readiness-Reluctan an'-i-on. The electro-negatn e constituent of a decom- posed substance, appearing at tin :. i ric- ITY. an'-kle. Joint connei tingthe) Angularity; ankle-deep, In I ; llowness. an'-klet. An ornamental ring foi the i mbel- lishment-Disfiguremi an'-nal-ist. A historian. Chronology-Anachronism, Ret. IRD] an'-nals. Record of evei Account, Chronology- Anachronism, Mark-Uhi.iii.rai II IN. an-neal'. To reduce the brittleness of . Pretaration- Non preparation. an-nex'. To join. Addition-Subtraction, Union- Disunion. an"-nex-a'-tion. An adding to. Addition-Subi tion, Union-Disunion. annexe [F.] (an-nex'). That which is added. Incre- ment-Remnant. an-nex'-ion. Construct relation. Union-Dj an-ni'-hi-late . To put out of existeno i ition- DESTRUCTION, SUBSTANI I - X l LLITY. an-ni"-hi-la'-ted. Destroyed Si bstance-Nullity. an-ni"-hi-la'-tion. Destruction. Creation-Destruc- tion, Substance-Nullity. an"-ni-ver'-sa-ry. Annual celebration of some c. Periodicity-Irregularity. aniu< [L.] (an'-no). In the year. Duration-Never- ness. an'-no-tate. To supply with comments. Interpreta- tion-Misinterpretation. an"-no-ta'-tion. Act of making notes; comments. In- terpretation-Misinterpretation, Sign. an'-no-ta"-tor. A commentator. Interpreter. an-not'-to. A yellowish-red dye. Redness-G ness. an-nounce'. To proclaim publicly. Assertio nial, Enlightenment-Secrecy, Prophecy, Pub- licity. an-nounce'-ment. Publication. Enlightenmen crecy, Prevision, Publicity. an-noy'. To be troublesome to. Charitable: Malevolence, Goodness-Badness, Pleasurable- ness-Painfulness. an-noy'-ance . That which causes trouble. Goi Badness, Love-Hate, I'll as irableness-Paix ful- ness, Pleasure-Pain: source of annoyance, Pi urableness-Pain fulness. an'-nu-al. Yearly: a bunk issued yearly. Fauna- Flora, Missive-Publication, Periodicity-Irregu- larity. an-nu'-i-ty. An annual income. Outlay-Incom an-nul'. To render void. Commission-Abroga Creation-Destruction. an-nul'-ment. A making void. Commission-Abroga- tion. an'-nu-lar. Ring-shaped. Circle-Winding. an'-nu-let. A small ring. Architecture, Circle- Winding. an'-nu-lus. A ring. Circle-Winding. an-nun'-ci-ate. To make known publicly. Eni . enment-Secrecy. an-nun'-ci-a'-tion. A proclamation. Enlightenm Secrecy. annus magnus [1..] (an'-nus mag'-nus) . The til which the constellations return to the san Period- Progress. an'-ode. The positive voltaic pole of a galvanic battery. an'-o-dyne. Anything that n pain, or calm e.GRAVATL .1EDY- B.\'. I lence-Calmness. an-oint'. To pour oil upon in sign of consecr Cover-Lining, Friction-Lubrication, Pi lpi; Oilim an-oint'-ed. A consecrated person. Chief-Under- ling, I llVINl an-oint'-ment. Consecration. I'll Pulpiness-Oilini a-nom"-a-lis'-tic. Irregular. Astroni TIONALl 1 '. -I NCONVENTIONALITY. a-nom'-a-lous. Exceptional. Conven CONVENTIONALITY, KEGULARITY-IrREG a-nom'-a-lous-ness. State of being anomalous, i ventionality-Unconventionality. a-nom'-a-ly. Irregularity. Astronomy, Convex ALITY-U NCONVENTIONALITY, ReGULARITY-IrR] LARITY. a-non'. Soon. Earliness-Lateness. a-non'-y-mous. Not disclosing a name. Name-Mis- NOMER. an'-o-rex-y. Loss of appetite. Desire-Distaste. an-oth'-er. Not the same. Recurrence, Varia another time, Time ; go upon another tack, Big Apostasy; tell another story, 1. I EVIDENI an'-swer. To make reply to. Gain-Loss, Inti . tation-Misinterpretation, Investiga swer, Litigation, Proof-Disproof, Suc< ure; answer for, Credit-Debt, Eng.\ Release, Representative ; answer one's turn, fulness-Uselessness; answer the helm, Insub nation-Obedience; answer the purpose, Success- Failure; answer to, ( in-Independe; I'll answer for it, Assertion-Denial; require an answer, Investigation-Answer. an'-swer-a-ble. Liable to be call< ' proval-Disapproval, Credit-Debt, I J l : \ - . liction. an'-swer-ing. Replying. Investigati mr. ant. An insect. Ai an'-tae. Pilasters opposite one another. Arch ture. An-tae'-us. A mythological giant. Great: Littleness. Strength- Weakni an-tag'-c-nism. Mutual opposition. Ax Concurrence, Cooperation-Opposition. E NLSS-CONTRAST. ANTAGONISM— CONCURRENCE. Absence of aid. Lack of help. See Obstruction-Help. Antagonism. Opposition of action. Clashing. Opposition of views, interests, or purposes. Collision. A state of opposition. Competition. Common strife for the same i ii Conflict. A strife for the mastery. Contravention. A meeting in the way of opposition. Counteraction. Action in opposition. See Cooperation-Opposi- tion. Alliance. A union or connection of A long pull, a strong pull and a pull all together. Association. State of being united for a common pur- Clanship. State of being united together as a clan. Coadjutaacy.i Jointhel Coadjuvancy. ) Coagency. State of working together. Coalition. A voluntary union for the support of soi policy or action. ANTAGONISM. 48 ANTAGONISM. ANTAGONISM— CONCURRENCE— Continued, Counterplot. A plot or artifice opposed to another. Crossfire. Lines of fire from two or more points; hence, a dangerous obstruction. Emulation. Zealous rivalry. Head wind. A contrary or opposing wind; hence, an obstruction or hindrance. Hindrance. Anything that prevents movement or action. Impugnation. Act of attacking by words or arguments. Opposition. An attempt to check, restrain or defeat. Oppugnancy. Act of being in conflict with. Oppugnation. Opposition. Race. A trial of speed, strength, etc. Resistance. Act of opposing or striving against. Restraint. See Release-Restraint. Rivalry. The state of being in competition with. Two of a trade. Rivals. TJndercurrent. A hidden obstruction, or secret antagonism. Antagonism — Verbs. Antagonize. To contend or struggle with. Belie. To contradict. Breast. To encounter or oppose. Confront. To stand up against. Contradict. To deny or oppose in speech. Contravene. To obstruct or prevent action. Control, etc. To hold in power or check. See Release-Restraint. Counteract. To work in opposition. Countermine. To obstruct the work of another secretly. Counterwork. To work against. Disfavor. To disapprove. Emulate. To strive to excel. See Strife. Encounter. To come against face to face. Face. To meet for the purpose of stopping. Hinder. To prevent movement or action. Oppose. To act against. Oppugn. To fight against. Overthwart. To cross; to oppose. Rival. To strive with another to excel. Stem. To resist or make progress against. Thwart. To run counter to. Withstand. To stand against. See Reprisal-Resistance. Antagonism — Verbal Expressions. Beat against; be at cross purposes; beat up against; breast the cur- rent; breast the flood; breast the tide; buffet the waves; come in conflict with; contend against; contend with; cope with; do battle against; do battle with; fall foul of; fly in the face of; go against; go dead against; grapple with; kick against; kick against the pricks; make a dead set; make a stand against; make head against; mili- tate against; pit against; pitch against; play at cross purposes; raise one's voice against; run against; run counter to; set against; set at naught; set oneself against; set one's face against; slam the door in one's face; slap in the face; spoil one's trade; stem the current; stem the flood; stem the tide; turn one's back upon; vote against. Antagonism — Adjectives. Adverse. Opposed or opposing. Antagonistic. Working against each other- At daggers drawn. In hostile state. At issue. In dispute. At variance. Not in agreement. At war with. Contending against. Competitive. Characterized by rivalry. Contrary. In opposition to. See Sameness-Contrast. Cross. Adverse to. Emulous. Eager to excel another. Front to front. Directly opposing. Hostile. Showing the disposition of an enemy. In hostile array. Ready for combat. Inimical. At enmity with. Op^sfng. } Workin * against. See Verbs. Resistant. In an opposing manner. See Reprisal-Resistance. Unfavorable. Contrary ; discouraging. Unfriendly. Not adapted to promote or support any object. Unpropitious. Not favorable. Up in arms. In active opposition. With crossed bayonets. In conflict. Coefficiency. The cooperation of two or more parties or forces for the attainment of some end. Colleagueship. Partnership in office. Collusion. Secret cooperation for some fraudulent purpose. Combination. A union. See Composition. Complicity. State of being an accomplice. Concert. Combination of forces or powers. Concord, etc. Union of feeling. See Variance-Accord. Concurrence. Agreement or consent, implying aid or contribution Confederation, etc. A combination for mutual advantage or benefit See Association. A league among states. Cooperation. Act of working together to accomplish some end. Copartnership. State of having a joint interest in anything. Esprit de corps [F.]. The common spirit pervading the members of an association. Freemasonry. The practises of Freemasons. Joint stock. Held in company. Log rolling. A joining together of politicians to promote each other's schemes. Participation. Act of sharing in common with others. Partizanship. Feelings or conduct appropriate to a partizan. Party spirit. The spirit or temper which binds men together in support of a common cause. Unanimity. Quality of being of one mind. See Assent. Union, etc. A cooperation. See Union. Concurrence — Verbs. Collude. To work together secretly. Combine. To unite for the attainment of a common object. Concert. To act together or agree. Concur. To agree. Conduce. To help to bring about. See Cooperation. Confederate. To associate or unite; to league together. Conspire. To work together secretly, usually for some evil purpose. Cooperate. To work together for some common purpose. Fraternize. To unite in fellowship; to act as brothers. Participate. To take part in. Second, etc. To attend for the purpose of assisting. See Obstruc- tion-Help. Concurrence — Verbal Expressions. Act in concert; band together; be a party to; bear part in; be banded together; be in league with; be in the same boat; cast in one's lot with; cling to one another; club together; come into the views of; come to; draw together; enter into partnership; espouse a cause; espouse a quarrel; follow the lead of; go along; go hand in hand; hang together; have a finger in the pie; have a hand in the pie; hold together; hunt in couples; join forces; join hands; join part- nership with; keep together; lay one's heads together; league together; lend oneself to; make common cause with; mix oneself up with; pass over to; play into the hands of; play the game of; pull together; put shoulder to shoulder; rally round; row in the same boat; sail in the same boat; sail on the same tack; side with; stand shoulder to shoulder; strike in with; take part in; take part with; take sides with; take the part of; understand one another; unite one's efforts; unite with. Concurrence — Adjectives. Coadju^an't'.l Working together. Cooperating, etc. See Verbs. Favorable to, etc. See Obstruction-Help. In cooperation, etc. See Nouns. In league, etc. See Association. Unopposed, etc. See Antagonism. Concurrence — Adverbs. As one man, etc. Unanimously. See Assent. Shoulder to shoulder. In union of power. Antagonism- Across. Over against. Against. In opposition to -Particles, Phrases ANTAGONISM — Particles. Phrases — Continued. Against the current. Against the grain. Against the stream. > See Verbs Against the tide. Against the wind. At cross purposes. See Verbs. Athwart. Lying across one's path. Counter to. In opposition to. Even. Yet. ANTAGONISM. 49 ANTAGONIZE. •\.\TAGONISM— Particles, Phrases— Continued. In conflict with. In defiance. \ .. . ... . ,. In despite. / Notw.thstand.ng. In spite. In spite of one's teeth. Against the strongest opposition. In the face of. In the teeth of. In the way of. Overthwart. Over against. Per contra [L.]. Contrai Quand mCme [F.]. Notwithstanding. Though. Notwithstanding that. Vsi r»tf [L.]. Against. Where the shoe pinches. With a head wind. With a wind ahead. With the wind in one's teeth. Antagonism — Phrase. Nitor in adversum [L.J. I struggle against adverse circumstances. an-tag'-o-nist. One who contends against another. Antagonist- Assistant. ANTAGONIST— ASSISTANT. Adversary. One who is turned against another with the design to oppose or resist. Adverse party. A person acting against or in a contrary direction to another. Antagonist. One who contends with another in combat. Assailant. One who attacks or assaults. Brangler. A quarrelsome person. Brawler. One who quarrels noisily and outrageously. Competitor. One who strives with another in order to - Demagogue. One who opposes prevailing rule to win populai Disputant. One who argues in opposition to. Enemy. One who hates, and desires or attempts the injury of another. See Friend. Fenian. A member of a secret Irish organization having for its aim the overthrow of English rule in Ireland; hem | against existing rule. Jacobin. One of a society of violent agitators in France, during the revolution of 1780*. hence, a plotter against existing government. Malcontent. A discontented subject of a government. Obstructive. One who opposes or delays. Opponent. One who opposes in an argument or combat. Opposition. A party opposed to a party in power. Oppositionist. One who belongs to an opposition party. Reactionist. One who opposes and seeks to undo political progress. Rival. One striving to reach or attain something which another is attempting to obtain. Wrangler. One who disputes noisily and angrily: an honor-man at a university. ASSISTANT — Continued from Column 2. Upholder. One who sustains or defends a person or cause. Votary. One who is devoted or consecrated to a special service. Assistant — Associated Nouns. Alter ego [L.]. Another self; hence, a very dear friend. Ante damnie [F .]. An instrument or tool of another person. Candle-holder. One who holds a candle; hence, an assistant of little importance. Catspaw. One who is used by another as an instrument to accom- plish his purpose. Deus ex machina [L.]. A god let down by a machine; an inter- ference. Fidus Achates [L.]. Faithful Achates; hence, a devoted friend. Guardian angel. The deity that watches over a person; hence, a protector. Jackal. An animal supposed to kill game for other animals; hence, one who does work for another's advantage. Jack at a pinch. A person who takes the place of another in an emergency. Particeps criminis [L.]. A companion in crime. Puppet. A figure moved by a wire in a play; hence, one controlled in his actions by the will of another. Right hand. A necessary assistant. Satellite. A secondary planet which revolves about another; hence, an attendant attached to a person of power. Tool. An instrument; hence, a person used as an instrument by another person. Tutelary genius. A protective spirit; hence, a person who protects or defends another. an-tag"-o-nis'-tic. Opposed. Antagonism-Concur- rence, Cooperation-Opposition, Sameness-Con- trast. 4 Abettor. One who incites or encourages to an act without taking part in its accomplishment. Accessory. One who accompanies as a subordinate, or aids in a secondary way. Accessory after the fact. A person who knowing a crime to have been committed receives or assists the criminal. Accomplice. One who cooperates or helps, especially in wrongdoing. Adherent. One who is attached to or follows a person or party. Adjunct. A person associated with another person in an auxiliary or subordinate relation. Adjutant. An officer who assists a commander. Adjuvant. A helper. Advocate. One who pleads the cause of another. Aide-de-camp. An officer who serves a general. Ally. A person connected with another in some relation of help- fulness. Assistant. One regularly associated with another as a helper. Associate. One who is joined with another in business, etc. Auxiliary. One who aids or helps. Backer. One who upholds by aid of money or influence. Bottle-holder. One who attends a pugilist in a prize fight. Champion. One who defends or upholds any person or cause. Clerk. A hired assistant in an 1 Coadjutor. An associate in action. Coadjutrix. A female assistant. Collaborator. One who is associated with another, especially in literary or scientific pursuits. Colleague. An associate in a board, commission, or professional employment. Complice. Sec Accomplice. Confederate. One who is united with others in a league or agree- ment. Confidant. One to whom secrets are entrusted. Confrere [P.]. A fellow-member of an organization. Cooperator. One who aids or works with another. Friend, etc. See Friend. Friend at court. A friend who has influence. Friend in need. Handmaid. A female servant. Help. Helper. ! lp or aid ; one hired to do the work Helping hand. Helpmate. Marshal. An officer who assists a commander. Mate. A companion or associate. Mediator. Any agent that stands or goes between. Midwife. A woman who assists at childbirth. Pal. An associate in crime. Partizan. A person blindly or passionately attached to a person or party. Partner. An associate in business. Patron. One who protects or supports a person. Recruit. One who has recently enlisted in a cause. Seconder. An attendant who supports or aids another. Secretary. One who attends to correspondence or does writing for another. Sectarian.^. ^ adherent or SU pp 0rt er of a particular sect or school. Servant, etc. See Chiep-Underling. {Continued on Column 1 .) an-tag'-o-nize. To oppose. Antagonism-Concur- rence, Cooperation-Opposition, Sameness-Con- trast. IOnc v. I of another. ANTARCTIC. 50 ANTERIORITY— POSTERIORITY ant-arc -tic. POSITION. Opposed to arctic. Laterality-Contra- an"-te-ce'-dence. Act of going before. Antecedencb- Seqvence, Precedence-Succession. ANTECEDENCE— SEQUENCE. Antecedence. The state of going before in time. Anteriority. The state of being prior in time. Precedence. The state of being before. Precession, etc. The act of going before, etc. See Leading. Preezistence. Existence prior to something. Priority, The condition of being antecedent. The past, etc. See Future-Past. Antecedence — Associated Words. Precursor. One who goes before. Premises. The first two propositions of a syllogism. Antecedence — Verbs. Anticipate. To take beforehand; to foresee. Be beforehand, etc. See Earliness. Come before. Dawn. To begin to grow light. Forerun. To go in advance of. Forestall. To anticipate. Gain the start. } Go before, etc. -See Leading. Have the start. J Precede. To go before. Preexist. To exist previous to something else. Presage, etc. To foreknow, etc. See Prophecy. Steal a march upon. To get ahead of. Antecedence — Adjectives. Above-mentioned. Spoken of before. Aforesaid. Said before. Antecedent. Going before in time. Anterior. Prior in time. Before-mentioned. Named before. Foregoing. Coming before. Former. Going before in time. Introductory, etc. Serving to introduce, etc. See Predecessor. Precedent. Going before. Preceding. See Verbs. Preexistent. Existing before something else. Preexisting. See Verbs. Previous. Taking place before something i Ise. Prior. Preceding in time. Said. Previously mentioned. Antecedence — Adverbs. Afore. Before. Already. Previously. Before. In advance. Beforehand. By way of preparation. Before now. Before then. Earlier. More timely; before. Ere. Earlier or sooner than. Ere now. Before now. Ere then. Before then. Erewhile. Some time ago. arj"-te-ce'-den-cy. Precedence. Precedence-Succes- sion. an"-te-ce'-dent. Occurring or going before. Antece- dence-Sequence, Precedence-Succession, Pred- ecessor-Continuation. an'-te-cham/'-ber. A waiting room. Contents-Re- ceiver. ante Christum [L.] (an'-ti kris'-tum). Before Christ. Duration-Neverness. an'-te-date. An earlier date. Chronology-Anach- ronism. an"-te-di-lu'-vi-an. Before the flood. Novelty- Antiquity. Following, etc. Act of coming after. See Leading-Following. Futurity, etc. Time to come, etc. See Future. Posteriority. State of being later. Remainder. That which is left over. Reversion. A return to or toward some former state or condition. Sequel, etc. A following part , continuation, etc. See Pkedb* CESSOR-CONTINUATION. Sequence. The state of following, that which follows as a result. Subsequence. The state of following. Succession. The act of succeeding or following in order. Successor. One who or that which succeeds or follows a predecessor. Supervention. The act or state of following close upon something. Sequence — Verbs. Come after. Follow, etc. To succeed in order or in time See Leading-Fol- lowing. Follow after. Go after. Step into the shoes of. To take the place of. Succeed. To follow in proper order. Supervene. To follow closely upon. Sequence — Adjectives. After. Later in time. After-dinner. Post-prandial. Following, See Verbs. Future, etc. Pertaining to time to come, etc. See Future. Later. Longer delayed. SSSmU Happening since Noah's flood. Posterior. Later in time or place. Posthumous. Born after the father's death ; published after the death of the author. Postliminious. Done subsequently. Postnate. Subsequent. Subsequent. Coming after in time or in order of place. Succeeding. See Verbs. Sequence — Adverbs. After; after a time; after a while; afterwards; at a later period; at a subsequent period; close upon; eftsoons; from that moment; from that time; in the process of time; in the sequel; later; next; since; subsequently; thereafter; thereupon; upon which. •first ANTECEDENCE— Adverbs— Continued. On the eve of. Just before. Previously. See Adjectives. Prior to. B( : Theretofore. Up to that time. Yet. Until now. Antecedence — Phrase. Prior tempore, prior jure [L.]. First in time, first in right, come, first served." an'-te-lope. An animal allied to the deer and goat. Swiftness-Slowness. an"-te-mun'-dane. Occurring before the existence of the world. Novelty-Antiquity. an-ten'-na. An appendage of the head of an insect. Touch. an"-te-po-si'-tion. The placing of a word before an- other. Precedence-Sccces- i an-te'-ri-or. Earlier; before. Antecedence-! Anteriority-Posi i riority, Precedence-Succes- sion; anterior to reason, Ratiocinatk n-Instinct. an-te"-ri-or'-i-ty. Precedence in time, < rder, or place. Antecedence-Sequeni e, Anteriority-Posterior- ity, Precedence-Succession. ANTERIORITY— POSTERIORITY The state or condition of preceding in time or in Anteriority, situation. Face. Side of an object presented to view Fore. That which is in front After-part. That which forms the back of anything. Back. ect turned away from its front. Background. The part of a scene which is behind the principal ob.n ' t of a pit ture. ANTERIORITY. 51 ANTHRI >Pi iPHAGIST. Forepart. The part most advanced, or first in ti placi Wont. I he surface which seems to look out or be direc ted forward Frontage. Extent of front. Anthkiokii s /.<, notations. Advanced guard. A body of troops which ] the march of the main body. Beak. Anything projecting or , nding in a p. .int , as the bill of a bird Bow. I he forward part of a ship. Brow. The i Countenance. Tin fai e Disc, i . Disk. I Projecting, circular part of anything. Facade. The front of a building. Fascia. A band about a column or pillar. Foreground. The part of a so ented which i nean t to the spectator. Forehead. The front part of the head. Forerank. The first rank. Frontispiece. An ornamental picture fronting the first pagi In ii il: Frontrank. The first rank. Mug. A lang expression for face. Obverse. One side of a medal. Outpost. A guard in front of an army. Phiz. The face Physiognomy. The outline of features. Prow ' J ^^ e ^ ore P art °^ a sn 'P- Rostrum. The beak or head of a ship. Stem. A piece of timber to which thi two sides of a are united at the fore. Van. The advance of a moving body. Vanguard. An advanced body of troi Visage. The face. ANTERIORITY— POSTERIORITY— Com, nued. Anteriority — Associated Word. Metoposcopy. The study , if the features of a person to discover character. Anteriority— Verbs Confront. To st.md fai e to face. Face. To meet front to front. Front. To have the fri Anteriority — Verbal Expressions. Be in front; bend forwards; come to the fore; come to the front- go to the front; stand in front; stand in the face of. Anteriority — Adjectives. Anterior. Preceding in time or place. Fore. At the front. Frontal. Pertaining to the front ; usually of the head Anteriority — A,! • Ahead; before; before one's eyes; before one's face; face to face- foremost; headmost; in advance; in the front; in the foreground : in the lee of; in the van; right ahead. Anteriority — /','. Front a front [F.] Front to front. Vis-a-vis [F.] Face to face. an'-te-room. A waiting-room. Contents-Receiver an -te-vert'. To tip forward. Obstruction-Help. an'-them. A musical composition. Devoi ion-Idola- TRY. an-the'-mi-on. The honeysuckle pattern in decorative designs. Embellishment-Disfiguremen r. an-thol'-o-gy. A collection of extracts from various authors. Digest. Poetry-Prose. an'-thra-cite. Hard mineral coal. Combustible. an-throp'-ic. Human. Male-Female. an ^-thro-pog'-e-ny. The science of man. Humanity. an -thro-pog'-ra-phy. Descriptive anthropolocrv. Eth- nology, Humanity. Backside. The hinder part. Posteriority. State of being in the rear or behind. Rear. iect. Reverse. The back or rear as distinguished from the front. Posteriority — Denote: Breech. Part of a gun or cannon behind t Buttock. j Chine. The back, 01 bai >. bone of a ani Croup. Portion of a horse's back b. Crupper. The croup. Dorsal region. The back. Dorsum. The back. Heel. The posterior part of the foot. Heel-piece. Part of a stocking Loins. Part ol the body between the Ion. : bone Lumbar region. The regii Nape. The back of the neck. Occiput. The lower back part of the Other side of the shield. Poop. Tin Posteriors. The hinder parts of n ■ Rear guard, i Rear rank. I ' ''' l ,,: ' n °' a ">■><■■ Rump. The hinder parts of an am Scut. A short t. Stern. The bai k part of a ship Tail. The hindermost part of an animal. Train. That which is drawn a Wake. Course over which anything .. Posteriority— 1 . rial / lira . Be behind; be in the rear; bend backwards; bring up the rear- fall astern. Posteriority — Adjectives After Coming behind. Back. Behind. Caudal. Pertaining to the tail of an animal. Dorsal. Of, or pertaining to the ! Hind. ) _ Hinder. I Pertalnln 8 to the rear part. Hindermost. [ _ _. , , Hindmost. / F '"' Lumbar. 1 Posterior. Back or behind. Postern. Rear Rear. Behind. Pi stbriority — Adverbs. Aback. Backwards. Abaft. At t i ship. Aft. In the dire< I tern. After. Coming behind. Astern. Behind the stern. Behind. To the n Rearward. Toward the Sternmost. Farthest behind. Posteriority— Adverbial Expressions. At the back of; at the heels of; at the tail of. back to back- behind one s back; in the background; in the rear. Posteriority — Phrase Ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio [It.] edal has its re' an'-thro-poid. Manlike. Humanity. an"-thro-po-log'-ic-al. P, tomaninanya Ethnology an"-thro-pol'-o-gist. Asti nology. an''-thro-pol-o-gy. The science of man. Ethno Humanity, Zoology- Botany. an'-thro-po-man"-cy. Divination by inspection of human entrails. Proph I an"-thro-poph'-a-gi. Eater of human flesh Bene- FAC rOR-EviLDOER. an"-thro-poph'-a-gist. A cannibal. Benefactor-Evil- doer. ANTHROPOPHOBIA. 52 APATHETIC. an"-thro-po-pho'-bi-a. Unreasonable aversion to so- ciety. Sociability-Privacy. an"-thro-pos'-co-py. Art of determining a man's char- acter from physical features. Prophecy. an"-thro-pos'-o-phy. Wisdom about man. Eth- nology, Humanity. an'-tic. A funny action. Entertainment-Weariness. antichambre [F.] (cur-ti-s)ianbr'). An antechamber. jaire antichambre (fer an-ti-shanbr'). To dance attendance. Earliness-Lateness. An'-ti-christ. A false Christ. Orthodoxy-Heter- odoxy. an"-ti-chris'-tian. Opposed to Christ or Christianity. Godliness-Disbelief, Orthodoxy-Heterodox y. an"-ti-chris"-ti-an'-i-ty. Anything antichristian. God- liness-Disbelief. an-tich'-ro-nism. Deviation from the true order of time. Chronology-Anachronism. an-tic'-i-pate. To foresee; to look forward to; to act sooner than. Antecedence-Sequence, Chro- nology-Anachronism, Earliness-Lateness, Ex- pectation-Surprise, Future-Past, Preparation- Non pre pa ration. Sanguineness-Hopelessness. an-tic"-i-pa'-tion. Act of anticipating. Chronology- Anachronism, Earliness-Lateness, Expectation- Surprise, Preparation-Nonpreparation, San- guineness-Hopelessness. an-tic'-i-pa-to-ry. Anticipating. Earliness-Lateness. an"-ti-cli'-max. A sudden descent; decrease in the importance of what is said. Adage-Nonsense, Increase-Decrease, Society-Ludicrousness. an-ti-cli'-nal. Forming a bend with the convex side upward. Parallelism-Inclination. an"-ti-cline'. Strata dipping in opposite directions. Geology. an'-ti-dote. Anything that will counteract the effects of poison. Remedy-Bane. an"-ti-grop'-e-los. Water-proof leggings. Dress- Undress. an'-ti-he"-lix. The round ridge of the inner ear. Anatomy. an"-ti-log'-a-rithm. The number corresponding to a given logarithm. Number. an-til'-o-gy . Self-contradiction. Ratiocination- Casuistry. an'-ti-mo-ny. A silver-white metallic element, largely used in medicine. Remedy-Bane. an"-ti-no'-mi-an. Pertaining to the doctrine that faith frees the man from the claims of the moral law. Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy. an-tin'-o-my. Self-contradiction in law. Law-Law- lessness. An-tin'-o-us. A part of the constellation Aquila, named after a handsome page of the Emperor Hadrian. Beauty-Ugliness. an"-ti-par'-al-lel. Parallel but running in opposite directions. Parallelism-Inclination. an-tip'-a-thy. Aversion or dislike. Desire-Distaste, Love-Hate. an'-ti-phon. An alternation of responses, generally musical. Devotion-Idolatry, Investigation- Answer, Music. an-tiph'-o-ny. An alternating anthem. Investiga- tion-Answer. an-tiph'-ra-sis. Irony. Word-Neology. an-tip'-o-dal. <• po ed Faterai.ity-Contraposition. an-tip"-o-de'-an. Antipodal. Sameness-Contrast. an-tip'-o-des. A place on the opposite side oi i he earth; ■ tly opposite Laterality-Contraposition, Remoteness-Nearness, Sameness-Contrast. an"-ti-qua'-ri-an. A student of antiquities. Future- Fast, Scholar-Di ' an"-ti-qua'-ri-an-ism. The tastes or pursuits of the antiquary. Future- Past. an'-ti-qua-ry. A student of antiquity from a particular point of view. Future-Past, Recorder, Scholar- Dunce. antiquas vias, super stare [L.] (an-tai'-quas vai'-as siu'-per ste'-ri). To stand in the old ways. Con- servation, Habit-Desuetude. an'-ti-qua"-ted. Out of date. Infancy-Age. an-tique'. Old. Novelty-Antiquity. an-tique'-ness. Oldness. Future-Past. an-tiq'-ui-ty. Ancient times. Future-Past, Novelty- Antiquity. an-ti-scrip'-tur-al. Opposed to the principles or doc- trines of Scripture. Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy. an"-ti-sep'-tic. Anything that destroys the growth of putrefactive organs. Remedy-Bane. an-ti-so'-cial. Averse to society. Humanitarianism- Misanthropy. an'-ti-spast. A metrical foot consisting of an iambus and a trochee. Poetry-Prose. an-tis'-tro-phe. The lines of an ode sung by a chorus in returning from left to right. Poetry-Prose, Rhetoric an-tith'-e-sis . A figure of speech in which contrasted words are balanced against each other. Purity- Crudeness, Rhetoric, Sameness-Contrast Sim- plicity-Floridness, Synonym-Antonym, Vigor- Weakness. an"-ti-thet'-ic-al. Strongly contrasted. Sameness- Contrast, Simplicity-Floridness, Vigor-Weak- ness. an-tit'-ra-gus. A prominence on the external ear. Anatomy. an'-ti-type. The original of the type. Copy-Model. ant'-ler. A sharp branched outgrowth on the head of a deer. Sharpness-Bluntness. ant"-on-c-ma'-si-a. The substitution of a title for a proper name. Name-Misnomer, Trope. an'-to-nym. A counter-term.-. Synonym-Antonym. an'-vil. An iron block, on which metals are ham- mered. Suspension-Support; on the anvil, Occu- pation, Preparation-Nonpreparation, Purpose- Luck. anx-i'-e-ty. Distress of mind. Desire-Distaste, Pleasure-Pain, Sanguineness-Timidity. anx'-ious. Distressed. Desire-Distaste ; anxious ex- pectation, Expectation-Surprise. an'-y. One; portion of; some of whatever kind. Choice-Neutrality, Quantity-Measure, Whole- Part; at any price, Determination-Vacillation, Persistence-Whim ; at any rate, Certainty-Doubt, Compensation, Determination-Vacillation, Truth-Error ; at any time, Time. an'-y-bod"-y. Any person whatever. Universality- Particularity. an'-y-how". In any way whatever; indifferently. Carefulness-Carelessness, Way. an'-y-thing. A matter of any sort. For anything one knows, Knowledge-Ignorance. a'-o-rist. Without any limitation of time. Period- Progress, Time; aorist tense, Verb. a"-o-ris'-tic. Relating to the aorist. Period-Prog- ress, Time. a-or'-ta. The great artery of the body. Water- course- A IRPIPE. a-pace'. Fast; soon. Earliness-Lateness, Hurry- Leisure, Swiftness-Slowness. a-part'. Aside by itself. Rlmoteness-Nearness, Solitude-Company, Union- Disunion; set apart. Store; wide apart, Remoteness-Nearness. a-part'-ment. A room or portion of an interior. Con- tbnts-Receivk.k ; apartments to let, Sagacity-L - capacity. Sensitiveness-Apathy. ap"-a-thet'-ic. Impassive. APATHY. .53 APERTURE. ap'-a-thy. Insensibility to emotion. Sensitivi.ni.ss- Apathy, Unconcern. ape. To imitate absurdly. Imitation-Originality. A-pell'-es. A famous Greek painter. Artist. aperyu, [F.] (a-per-su'). An estimate at sight. Digest. a-pe'-ri-ent. A laxative. Aperture-Closure. a-per'-tion. An aperture. Aperture-Closure. a-pert'-ness. That which opens. Groove. ap'-er-ture. An opening. Aperture-Closure. APERTURE— CLOSURE. Adit. An opening into a mine. Adjutage. An opening «f a tube through which water is discharged. Airpipe. A pipe for the passage of air Aisle. A passage into which the pews of a church open. Ajutage. See Adjutage. Alley. An opening or passage in a garden, park or city Aperture. An i opening, Arcade. An arched or covered passageway. Blind orifice. An opening closed at one end. Bore. An opening made by boring, the cylindrical cavity of a gun. Caliber. The diameter of a round or cylindrical opening Canal. An artificial channel for navigation. Casement. A window. Channel. An opening where a stream of water runs. Chasm. A breach or opening in the earth. Chimney. A flue of brick or stone through which smoke passes. Colander. A kitchen utensil with the bottom perforated with little holes for straining liquids. Cribble. A coarse sieve or screen. Cullender. A strainer. _, ' \ An entrance way into a house or a room. Doorway. > Embouchure [P.]. The mouth of a cannon. Embrasure. An opening in a wall through which cannon are pointed. Eye. A hole through anything to receive a rope, shaft, etc. Eyelet. A small hole to receive a cord or fastener, in a garment. Eye of a needle. The hole through the head uf a needle to r the thread. Fan light. A fan window. Fistula. An abnormal opening in the body caused by a diseased condition. Flue. An enclosed passageway for directing a current i if air. Foramen. A small opening or orifice for performing organic fun Funnel. A passage for a fluid or flowing substance. Gallery. A long and narrow passage for walking. Gangway. A passage or way into any enclosed place. Gate. An opening or passage in a wall or fence; a frame closing it. Gateway. See Gate. Glade. An open passage through a wood. Gullet. The tube or opening by which food is carried to the stomach. Gully. A channel or hollow worn in the earth by a current of w at< r. Gut. A narrow passage through which water flows. Hatch. Hatchway. Hole. An opening through a solid body. Honeycomb. The wax of bees perforated with small cell Inlet. An opening by which an enclosed place may be entered. Keyhole. A hole in a door or lock for receiving a key. Lattice. A screen or other open work made by crossing laths. Light. A window. Loophole. A small opening in the walls of a fortificati< n Lych-gate. A covered gate at a church through which the corpse is carried. Main. A duct or pipe. Mine. A subterranean cavity or passage. Mouse hole. An opening through which mice pass Mouth. The opening in the fai e Muzzle. The mouth of a thing. Nozzle. The outlet of a hose or pipe. Opening. A hole or aperture. Orifice. The mouth of a tube or pipe. Ostiary. The mouth of a river. Outlet. The opening by which anything is let out. Passage. Channel or course through which one passes Path. A way or course in which anything moves. Peephole. A hole or crevice through which one may peep without being discovered. Perforation. A hole made by boring or piercing. Pigeon-hole. A small compartment in a desk. Pinhole. A hole made by a pin. Pipe. A tube for leading water. Pit. A subterranean cavity. Porch. A covered and enclosed entrance. Pore. An opening or gland in the skin. Portal. A way of entrance or exit. !■ An opening in the deck of a ship. Blind alley. A passage closed at one end. Blind corner. Turn from which there is no opening. Blockade. A shutting up. Cacum. A cavity open only at one end; the blind gut. Closure. That which closes or shuts. Constipation. A shutting up of the bowels. Contraction. Act of shrinking or closing. Cul dc sac [F.]. A blind alley. Imperf oration. The act of closing as not to permit anything to pass through. Impermeability. The quality of not permitting passage through. Imperviousness, etc. See Adjectives. Infarction. Act of stuffing or filling up. Obstipation. Act of stuffing. Obstruction. Anything which hinders a passage through. Occlusion. Act of shutting up. Shutting up. A closing. See Verbs. Stopper. That which closes or stops. See Stopper. Closure — Verbs. Bar. To close an opening or entrance. Blockade. To shut off. Bolt. To shut by means of a bar. Choke. To obstruct the passage of. Clinch. To close as with a nail. Close. To shut. Cram. To push into by force. Dam. To stop the flow of water. Obstruct, etc. To hinder. See Obstruction. Occlude. To close up a passage. Plug. To insert a plug in an opening. Plumb. To close with li a Seal. To close tightly. Stop. To prevent from passing. Throttle. To prevent the passage of breath. Trap. To shut as in a trap. Clos URB — 1 V rhal Expressions. Block up; bung up; button up; cork up; dam up; fill up; shut Vfi stop up; stuff up; put to the door; ram down; shut the door. Closure — Adjectives. Airtight. Cli i ' air cannot < Cascal. Pertaining to the cEcum. Closed, etc. Shut. Hermetically sealed. Closed as to make airtight Impassable. Not to be passed through. Impenetrable. Not to be passed, through. Imperforate. Without holes. !m P er£ous Ie '} Not r cr "» ttin e * passage. Imporous. Without pores or holes. Invious. Without a way or passage. Operculated. Having a lid or cover. Pathless. Unopened. Shut. Closed. Snug. Closely cow Tight. Closed. Unopened. Closed. Unpassable. Not permitting a passage. Unpierced. Without holes through. Untrodden. Without a way. Unventilated. Closed that air cannot pass through Watertight. Impervious to water. Wayless. Pathless. APERTURE— Continued. Porthole. An opening in a ship's side. Postern. A gate in a fortification. Puncture. An opening made by a sharp tool. Riddle. A coarse sieve. Screen. A long, coarse sieve. Shaft. An opening or passage into a mine. APERTURE. 54 APIARY. APERTURE— Continued. Sieve. A utensil with a perforated bottom. Skylight. An opening in a roof. Sucker. A pipe through which anything is drawn. Tap. A hole or pipe through which liquor is drawn. Thoroughfare. A passage through. Throat. The passage from the mouth to the gullet. Trapdoor. An opening in a roof or floor. Tube. An opening through which anything flows. Tubule. A small tube. Tunnel. A subterranean passage. Vent. A passage for air or any fluid. Vessel. Any tube or canal. Vista. A passage between intervening objects. Vomitory. A principal door of a large ancient building. Waterpipe. A passage for water. "Way. Any walk or passage. Weasand. The windpipe. Wicket. A small gate. Window. An opening in the wall of a building. Wizen. The windpipe. Aperture — Nouns of Action and Quality. Acupuncture. Act of pricking with a needle. Apertion. Act of opening. Apertness. State of being open. Dehiscence. The act of gaping. Empalement. Act of thrusting a sharpened stake into. Hiation. Act of gaping. Oscitancy. Act of yawning. Pandiculation. Act of spreading out. Patefaction. The act of opening. Penetration. Act of making an opening in. Perforation. Act of boring or piercing through. Perfusion. Act of piercing with a pointed instrument. Piercing. Act of making a hole in. See Verbs. p usn ess i ^' le ^ ua ^ tv °^ De ' n g porous, or full of holes. Puncture. The act of piercing. Terebration. The act of boring. Yawning. Act of opening wide or of gaping. Aperture — Nouns of Instrument. Key. An instrument by which a lock is opened. Master-key. A key adapted to open several different locks Opener. Any instrument which unlocks or opens. Passe-partout [F.]. A master-key. Aperture — Verbs. Bilge. To stave in the bottom of. Bore. To make a hole by boring. Cut a passage through. Cut open. Drill. To pierce or bore through. Empierce. To pierce. Enfilade. To pierce with shot. Fly open. Gape. To open the mouth wide. Gore. To pierce with a sharp instru: i Impale. To thrust a sharp stake thr Lance. To pierce with a lance. -Lay open. Make room for.) ~, Make way for. i To open a P assa « e - Mine. To dig a passage or cavity. Sec Convexity-Concavity. Ooen f ^° nia ^ e Passage possible. Perforate. To make holes through. Pierce. To make an opening in. Pink. To stab with a pointed weapon. Prick. To pierce with a fine sharp point. Punch. To perforate with an instrument by pressure or by a blow Puncture. To make a hole with a sharp-pointed instrument. Riddle. To make full of holes. Rip open. To tear. Spear. To pierce with a spear. Spike. To pierce with a spike. Spit. To pierce as on a spit. Stab. To pierce with a sharp instrument. Stave in. To fracture by a blow from the outside. Stick. To thrust through. Tap. To make a hole in a cask. Throw open. Transfix. To pierce with a pointed weapon. Transpierce. To penetrate. Tunnel. To make an underground passage. Unclose. To open. Uncover. To lay open. Unrip. To tear apart. Yawn. To open the mouth wide. Aperture — Adjectives. Ajar. Open. Aperient. Tending to open the bowels. Cannular. Tube shaped. Cribiform. Pierced with small holes. Fistulous. Hollow. Follicular. In the form of small tubes. Foraminous. In the shape of a foramina. Gaping. Displaying an opening. Honey-combed. Full of cells or openings. Infundibular. Funnel shaped. Open. Not closed; permitting something to pass through. Opening, etc. See Verbs. Oscitant. Yawning or gaping. Patent. Open. Perforate. Full of holes. Aperture — Inter i-, tion. Open sesame! A charm used to open a door in the Arabian Nights' tale, "AH Baba and the Forty Thieves." Perforated. Pierced with holes. See Verbs. Permeable. Capable of allowing liquids to pass through. Pervious. Capable of being passed through. Porous. Full of holes. Riddled. Pierced with holes. Tubulou's.} Havi "S a tube-like form. Tubulated. Provided with tubes Unclosed. Open. Unstopped. Not closed. Vascular. Having vessels. Vesicular. Like a cell. Wide open. Yawning. Standing widi ■pex. The pointed or highest point. Astronomy. 'P. .. r>~ — ,.. Ti ip-Bottom aph-e'-li-on. from the NESS. aph-er'-e-sis. or a letter from a-pho'-ni-a. Loss NESS. The point in a planet's orbit farthest sun. Astronomy, Remoteness Ni-.ak- The dropping of an unaccented syllable om the beginning of a word. RHETORIC. T.rv=<: of voice. VoC ALlZATION-MuTE- aph'-o-nous. Not representing a sound. Vocaliza- •I n IN-MuTENESS. aph'-o-ny. Loss of voice. Vocalization-Muteness. aph'-o-rism. A briei statement of seientific matters. Adage-Nonsense. aph"-o-ris'-tic. Pertaining to an aphorism. Adage- Nonsenst- a'-pi-a-ry. Place where bees are kept. Domestica- tion-Agriculture. APICIUS. 55 A PI'ICAR A. \'CE— DISAPPEARANCE. A-pi'cius. A Roman epicure. Fasting-Gluttony. a-piece'. Foreachone. Universality-Particularity. a'-pish. Like an ape. Sagacity-Incapacity. ap"-la-nat'-ic. Free from spherical chromatic aberra- tion. Color-Achromatism. a-plomb'. Self-possession; erectncss. Assent-Dis- sent, Determination-Vacillation, Mutability- Stability. A-poc'-a-lypse. The revelation to the Apostle John. Kkvelation-Pseudorevela i a-poc"-a-lyp'-tic. Relating to Revelations. Revela- TION-PSEUDOREVELATION. a-poc'-o-pe. A cutting off of the last letter or syllable of a word. Rhetoric. A-poc'-ry-pha. Fourteen books in the Vulgate and Septuagint versions of the Bible. Revelation- PSEU DO REVELATION. A-poc'-ry-phal. Not canonical. Certainty-Do Orthodoxy-Heterodoxy, Truth-Hi; i ap"-o-dic'-tic. Indisputable. Proof-Disproof. ap"-o-dic'-tic-al. Indisputable. Proof-Disproi if. ap"-o-dix'-is. Absolute demonstration. Proof-Dis- proof. ap'-o-gee. That point of the moon's orbit which is most distant from the earth. ASTRONOMY. ap'-o-graph. A transcript or facsimile. Copy-Model. A-pol'-lo. The god of the sun and of music; a statue of the god Apollo, the most perfect representation of the human form. Beauty-Ugliness, Luminary- Shade, Musician, Universe. Apollo magnus [L.] (a-pol'-lo mag'-nus). Great Apollo. Advice, Sage-Fool. A-pol'-lyon. The destroyer, Abaddon. Angel-Satan. a-pol"-o-get'-ic. Like an apology. Justification- Charge. a-pol'-o-gist. A defender. Ji riFi ition-Charge. a-pol'-o-gize. To offer an excuse. Atonement, Justi- fication-Charge. ap'-o-logue. A fable or moral talc. Account, Edu< l- tion-Misteaching, Trope. a-pol'-o-gy. A disclaimer of intentional offi Atonement, Justification-Charge, Pretext, Re- pentance-Obduracy. ap'-o-phthegm. [Approved spelling in England.] A terse pointed saving; An aj >thi Adage-Non- sense. a-poph'-y-sis. An outgrowth or protuberance. Con- vexity-Concavity. ap'-o-plex-y. A stroke of paralysis or loss of power of motion. Might- Impotence. ap"-o-si-o-pe'-sis. A figure in which the speaker leaves a sentence incomplete. Rhetoric. a-pos'-ta-sy. Departure from one's faith or relij Bigotry-Apostasy, Orthodoxy-Hi iterodoxy, Up- rightness-Dishonesty. a-pos'-tate. A renegade. Patriotism-Trea a-pos'-ta-tize. To forsake a faith. BlGOTRY-A a-pos'-tle. A follower of Christ; a mi In- STRUCTOR-PUPIL, ReVELATION-PSI i Apostles' Creed, Orthodoxy-IIei i. i: i ' .' tNCE - Air. Appearance. Appearance. A coming in sight ; the look of a pi Aspect. .e to eye or mind ; look. Contour. The outline of anything. Coup d'tril [F.]. A glance of the eye. Display. Opening of anything to the view. Exposure. A placing out in view. Expression. Act of representing; external .i Face of the thing. The outside a] Feature. Appearance of any part of the pla Guise. External appearance. Insignia. Some distingui honor. See Sign'. Lineament. Marks on the fa e a-pos'-tle-ship. Office of Apostle. Church. ap'os-tol'-ic. Pertaining to an apostle. Church, Revelation-Pseudorevelation; apostolic church, Orthodox . -Heterodoxy; apostolic see, Churi ap"-os-tol'-ic-al. Of the apostles. Revelation- Pseudorevelation. a-pos'-tro-phe. A figure of speech. Address-Re- sponse, i M inologue, Petition-Ex- postulation. Kill 1' IRII a-pos'-tro-phize. To speak i: phes. Conver- SATION-Ml INI u.i IGUE. a-poth'-e-ca-ry. A druggist. Remedy-Bane; apothe- cary's weight, Heaviness-Lightness. ap'-o-thegm. A truth strikingly expressed in a few wonls. Aii.M.i -Nonsense. ap"-o-the'-o-sis. Deification. Devotion-Idolatry, Heaven-Hell, Renewal. ap'-o-zem. A i I infusion. Heating-Cooling, Liquefaction-Volatilization. ap-pal'. To terrify. Pleasurableness-Painfulness, Sang uin e n es s-Ti m i hit y. ap-pal'-ling. Horrifying. Pleasurableness-Pain- fulness. ap'-pa-nage. A dependent territory. Giving-Receiv- ing. Property. ap"-pa-ra'-tus. A machine for a special purpose. In- strument. apparatus belli [L.] (ap"-pa-iv'-tus bel'-lai). Material of war. Weapon. ap-par'-el. Garments. Dress-Undress. ap-par'-ent. Clearl) 1. Appearance-Disap- pearance, Likelihood-Unlikelihood, Manifesta- tion-Latency, Visibility-Invisibility; heir ap- parent, Possessor. ap"-pa-ri'-tion. A ghost. Jove-Fiend, Sight-Dim- sightedness. ap-par'-i-tor. An official who served the orders of a magistrate. Messenger. ap-peach'. To accuse. Justification-Charge. ap-peach'-ment. Accusation. J ustification-Charge. ap-peal'. An earnest request ; resort to higher power or final means; carrying a case from a lower to a higher court. Address-Response, Petition-Expostula- tion; appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober, Bet- terment-Deterioration; appeal motion, Litiga- tion; appeal to, Address-Response, Evidence- Counterevidence, Petition- Expostulation; appeal to arms, Fighting-Conciliation, Strife- Peace; appeal to for, Dueness-Undueness; court of appeals, Council, Tribunal. ap-pear'. To come into view. Appearance-Disap- pearance, Manifi i-Latency, Visibility- Invisibility; appear for, Representative; appear in print, Writing-Printing. ap-pear'-ance. Act of coming into view. Appearance- Disappearance; Visibility-Invisibility; make one's appearance, Arri \rture; to all ap- pearance, Appearance-Disappearance, Likeli- id-Unlikelihi disappear. \ Departure. Act of going away, withdrawal. Disappearance. Going out of sight, hidden from the senses. Dissolving views. Magic lantern views that are made to gradually . away. Eclipse. Hiding from view by something coming betwe Evanescence. A slow disappearance from view. Exit. A going out. Fading. Losing its color. Occultation. A covering from view. Vanishing point. The point of disappearance. Disappearance — Verbs. Avaunt. Depart. Be gone. See Adjet APPEARANCE. 56 APPETITE. APPEARANCE— DISAPPEARANCE— Ce«/iH«*^. Lines. Limits of figures, outlines. Look. The act of looking; general air of face. Lookout. An act of looking for or watching. Outline. The contour; the boundary- Outlook. The aspect. Outside. The external part; the exterior. See Outsidb. Pageant. An imposing show. Pageantry. Spectacles; pompous shows. See Pomp. Perspective. A distant view. Phase. An appearance of things to anyone. Phasis. Same as phase. Phenomenon. An appearance. Premonstration. A showing beforehand. Presence. State of being present. Profile. The outline of face. Prospect. A looking forward; view. Scene. An assemblage of objects brought to view. Seeming. An appearance. Shape. Anything having form; an appearance. See Form. Show. An exhibition; a setting forth. Sight. The act of seeing; a spectacle. Species. Visible appearance. Spectacle. Something that is put up for show. Toumure [F.]. Shape; figure. Trait. A singular feature, as of character. View. The act of looking closely and carefully. Vista. A view through intervening objects. Appearance — Associated Nouns. Bird's-eye view; carriage; cast; cast of countenance; color; com- plexion; cosmorama; countenance; coup de thiatre [F.]; de- meanor ; diorama ; dissolving views ; face ; gallanty-show ; geo- rama; image; jeu de theatre [F.]; landscape; light; magic lantern; mien; mise en scene [F.]; ombres chinoiscs [F."|; panorama; peep- show; phantasm; phantasmagoria ; phantom (see Dimsighted- ness); phiz; physiognomy; picture; point of view; port; raree show; scenery; tableau; visage. Appearance- Cut of one's jib. First blush. Rising of the curtain. ■Figurative Nouns. Appearance — Scientific Noun. Metoposcopy. Science of physiognomy. Appearance — Verbs. Appear. To come to view, to be evident itself to the senses. Assume the appearance. To take upon oneself appearance, to affect the appearance. Bear the appearance. To maintain the appearance. Become visible. To be apparent. Be visible. To be evident to the senses. See Visibility. Carry the appearance. Cut a figure. To make an exhibition. Exhibit the appearance. Figure. To be noted and conspicuous. Have the appearance. Look. To discern that to which the eyes are directed. Look like. To resemble. Present the appearance of. Present to the view. Seem. To be manifest on reflection. DISAPPEARANCE— Verbs— Continued. Disappear. To withdraw from view. Dissolve. To separate into its parts, to waste away, to disappear. Efface. To make disappear. See Mark-Obliteration. Fade. To slowly experience an effacement of. Go. Go off the stage. To disappear from active life. Leave no track. To disappear entirely. "Leave not a rack behind." To disappear completely. [Tempest: 1 V, i ] Lose sight of. To vanish. Melt away. To disappear slowly. Pass away. Togo away. Retire from sight. To disappear. Suffer an eclipse. 1„ . <.*-.•_ Undergo an eclipse. J To be put out of »* ht - Vanish. To fade away. Disappearance — Adjectives Disappearing. See Verbs. Evanescent. Passing away by degrees. Gone. Moved away. Lost. Not to be found, wasted. Lost to sight. \ Ts. , . . , Lost to view .; Disappeared, vanished. Missing. Lost to sight. Disappearance — Interjections. Avaunt. See Injection-Ejection. Disappear! Vanish I APPEARANCE— Verbs— Continued. Put forth into view. See Manifestation. Show. Take on the appearance of Take the appearance. Wear the appearance Appearance — Adjectives Apparent. Manifest to the senses. On view. Visible. Ostensible. Presented as real or true, avowed. Seeming. Apparent to the mind on reflection. Appearance — Adverbs. Apparently. In a seeming manner. As it seems. Apparently. At first sight. On the first view. At the first blush. At the first appearance. In the eyes of. In the mental view of. On the face of. On external appearance. Ostensibly. Affectedly, professedly. Prima facie [L.J. On the first view. Seemingly. In a seeming way. To all appearance.) . , t 11 _• f -As far as we can see. To all seeming. ) To the eye. To the view. Appearance — Phrase. Editio princeps [L.]. First edition. ap-pear'-ances . Aspect of the circumstances. Keep up appearances, Society-Ludicrousness. ap-pease'. To soothe. Excitability-In excitability, Turbulence-Calmness. ap-pel'-lant. One who appeals. Dueness-Undueness. ap-pel'-late. Having jurisdiction of appeals. Tribunal. ap"-pel-la'-tion. The name or title by which a person or thing is called. Name-Misnomer. ap-pend". To add or attach. Addition-Subtraction, Precedence-Succession, Suspension-Support. ap-peL.d"-age. Anything added. Incrbment-Rem- nant, Predecessor-Continuation. •p-pen"-di-ci'-tis. Inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the caecum. Remedy-Bane. ap-pen'-dix. Supplementary matter placed at the end' of a book. Predecessor-Continuation. ap"-per-cep'-tion. Self-consciousness. Conception- Theme. ap"-per-tain'. To pertain or belong to. Connection- Independence, Constituent-Alien, Holding-Ex- emption, Property. ap'-pe-tence. Strong craving. Desire-Distaste. ap'-pe-ten-cy. Strong desire. Desire-Distaste. ap'-pe-ti-ble. Exciting the appetite. Desire-Dis- taste. ap'-pe-tite. Physical craving or desire. Desire-Dis- taste; tickle the appetite, Palatableness-Unpala- tableness. APPISTITUS. APPROACH— WITHDRAWAL. appetitus rationi obediant [L] (ap"-pi-tai'-tus re-shi- o'-nai o-bi'-di-ant). Let the appetites obey the reason. Moderation-Selfindiu.i.i.m b. ap'-pe-tize. To give relish. Desire-Distaste. ap'-pe-ti"-zing. Giving relish. Desire-Distaste, Excitation, Palatableness-Unpalatableness, Pleasurableness-Painfui.ness. ap-plaud'. To express approval of. Approval-Dis- approval. ap-plaud'-ing. Expressing approval. Approval-Dis- approval. ap'-ple. Apple of discord. Variance-Accord; apple off another tree, Variation-; apple of one's eye, Favorite-Anger, Goodness-Badni Love-Hate; apple-pie order, Regularity-Irregi i iritv; golden apple, Motive-Caprice; how we apples swim, Con- ceit-Diffidence. ap'-ple-green". The color of apples. Redness-Green- ness. ap-pli'-ance. Act of putting to use ; anything by whi< h something is done. Use-Disuse; appliances, In- strument-Means. ap"-pli-ca-bU"-i-ty. Fitness. Harmony-Discord, Pro- priety-Impropriety, Usefulness-TJselessness. ap'-pli-ca-ble. Fitting. Harmony-Discord, Pro- priety-Impropriety, TJsefi I NESS-USELESSNESS. ap'-pli-cant. A candidate. Petitioner. ap"-pli-ca'-tion. The fixing of the attention cli employment of principles, a demand. Heed-Disre- GARD, PSTITION-EXPOSTI LATION, REFLECTION- VA- CANCY, Trope, Use-Disusf:. ap-plied' chem'-is-try. Chemistry of practise. Chem- istry. ap-ply'. To bring into contact with something. Trope, Use-Disuse; apply a match, Heating-Cooling; apply a remedy, Remedy-Bane ; apply the match to a train, Beginning-End; apply the mind, Heed-Dis- regard. appoggiato [It.] (ap"-po-ja'-to) . Prolonged. Melody- Dissonance. appoggiatura [It.] (ap-poi"-a-tu'-ra) . An extra note or musical ornament. Melody-Dissonance. ap-point'. To designate. Assignment, Ordi ap-point'-ing. Assigning. Assignment. ap-point'-ment. A being chosen to till an office; a meeting or time of meeting. Assignment, Com- mission-Abrogation, Order, Sociability-Privacy. ap-point '-ments. Furnishings. Instrument. ap-por'-tion. To divide equitably. Assignment, Gathering-Scattering, Organization-Disorgan- ization, Union-Disunion. ap-por'-tion-ing. Dividing. Assignment. ap-por'-tion-ment. A just division. Assignment, Gathering-Scattering, Organization-Disorgan- ization. ap'-po-site. Suitable; fit; well ap"-po-si'-tion. Relation . two or more nouns; act of placing side by side orin contact. Harmony- Discord, Interspace-Contact, Interpretation- Misinterpretation. ap-praise'. To i ate th lue of. Mensuration, Price-Discount. ap-praise'-ment. Estimation. Mensuration, Price- 1 ilSCOUNT. ap-pre'-ci-ate. To be fully aware of the importance of; to increase in value'. Approval-Disapproval, Decision-Misjudgment, Knowledge-Ignorance, Mensuration, Mind-Imhecility, Reflection-Va- cancy, Taste-Vulgarity. ap-pre"-ci-a'-tion. True estimation. Approval-Dis- approval, Decision-Misjudgment, Knowledge- Ignorance. ap"-pre-hend'. To grasp with the understanding; to arrest. Faith-Misgiving, Knowledge-Ignorance, Litigation. Sanguineness-Timidity. ap"-pre-hen'-sion. The result of grasping mentally; seizure of a person. Conception-Theme, Knowl- edge-Ignorance, Litigation, Sagacity-Incapac- ity, Sanguineness-Timidity, Taking-Restitu- tion. ap-pren'-tice. One serving to learn a trade; to bind oneself as an apprentice. Instructor-Pupil; ap- prentice oneself, Enterprise. ap-pren'-tice-ship. Method of learning of an apprentice. Em CATION-MlSTEACHl appris, ils n'ont rien .... nt rien oublit [F.] (ilnorr ri-an'' a-pri', ni ri-an'' u-l>li-c'). They have learned noth- ing a ig. Bigotry-Apostasy. ap-prize'. To warn. Enlightenment-Secrecy ; ap- prized of, Knowledge-Ignorance. ap-proach'. To con a time, place, degree or quality. Approach-Withdrawal, Future-Past, Occurrence-Destiny. Rkmoteness-Nearness, Way; approaching time, Future-Past. APPROACH— WITHDRAWAL. Access. A coming to, admission. Advent. A coming of something important. SeeFcTCRF. Afflux. A flowing to. Affluxion. Act of flowing to. Approach. A coming nearer. Appropinquation. The act of bringing near. Approximation. Act of causing to appn iai h without exactly i together. Appulse. A driving toward. Pursuit. A following up close. See Quest. Approach — Verbs. Approach. To come to or near. Approximate. To make come near but not to a lincide. Bear up. To tend toward. Come near. Come to close quarters. To engage at short range, to come together. Draw near. Drift. To float slowly toward. Gain upon. To be approaching nearer. Get near. Go near. Hug the land. 1 _ , , Hug the shore./ To keep close to. Make the land. To come to destined plat r. Make up to. To approach. Move towards. Departure. A gnin^ away. See Arrival-Departure. Flight. The act of flying or moving swiftly. See Qufst-Evasiok. Recession. An art of moving away. RecoiL A shrinking back, a quick rebound. Retirement. Withdrawal from one's associa Retreat. A going away from, a withdrawal. Retrocession. A moving backward. Sec Advani e-Retkocression. Withdrawal. A drawing or taking back. Withdrawal — Verbs. Come away. Withdraw. Depart. See Akkival-Departure. Drift away. To move away slowly. Fallback. K Getaway. Escape. Go. Move from one place to the other. Go away. "| Move from. ^ Withdraw. Move off. .' Recede. To move away, to withdraw. Remove. To change from one station to another. Retreat. To move back and away from a given place. See Ad- ; -Retrogression". Retire. To separate oneself from. Run away. To run off. See Quest-Evasion. Sheer off. To move aside. Shrink. To draw back as if in terror. APPROACH. 5S APPROVAL— DISAPPROVAL. APPROACH— WITHDRAWAL— Continued. APPROACH— Verbs— Continued. Near. To make come near or close ; to move toward. Pursue. To follow close after. See Quest. Set in towards. To start after. Tread on the heels of. To follow very closely. Approach — Adjectives. Affluent. Flowing to. Approaching. Coming toward; nearing. See Verbs. Approximative. Coming to without coinciding, j lminent. Jutting towards. See Occurrence. J upending. Hanging over. WITHDRAWAL— Verbs— Continued. Shunt. To shun. Stand aside. Move apart. Withdraw. To draw away; retire. Removing, etc. Withdrawal — Adjectives. See Verbs. On the road. Approach — A dverb. Coming nearer. Approach-With- Approval-Disap- Reputation-Dis- ap-proach'-ing. DRAWAL. ap-pro-ba'-tion. Commendation. proval, Regard-Disrespect, CREDIT. ap"-pro-pin-qua'-tion. Act of coming proach- With DRAWAL. ap-pro'-pxi-ate. Suitable for the purpose; to take for near. Ap- APPROACH— Continued. Approach — Interjections. Approach; come; come here; come hither; here. one's own use. Assignment, Harmony-Discord, Propriety - Impropriety, Taking - Restitution, Theft, Universality-Particularity. ap-pro"-pri-a'-tion. Anything set apart for special use. Assignment, Taking-Restitution, Theft. ap-prov'-al. Sanction. Approval-Disapproval, As- sent-Dissent, Consent. APPROVAL— DISAPPROVAL Acclaim. A shout of applause or approval. Acclamation. A shout, usually by a multitude, of applause or ap- proval. Account. Importance; estimation. Admiration. Wonder and approbation. Advocacy. Approbation and support or vindication. Applause. Any expression of approval. Appreciation. Approbation and just valuation or estimation. Approbation. The act of commending or regarding as worthy, proper or right. Approval. The act of approving; sanction. Approvement. Approbation. Benediction. Solemn invocation of the divine approval or blessing. Benison. Blessing; benediction. Blessing. Divine favor; benediction. Cheer. A shout of approbation or applause. Commendation. Approbation; praise. Credit. Reliance on the truth of a statement or on the sincerity of a person. Eloge [F.]. Eulogy; praise. Encomium. Formal expression of great approval or praise. Esteem. High regard and approval. Estimation. Favorable opinion; regard. Eulogium. Spoken or written praise of a person's life or character. Eulogy. See Eulogium. Homage. Reverential regard; deference. Kydos [Gr.]. Renown; glory. Laud. High praise or commendation. Laudation. The act of lauding or praising; high commendation. Love. Strong attachment induced by that which excites delight or admiration, etc. See Love. Panegyric. A formal and elaborate encomium ; laudation. Plaudit. An expression of applause. Popularity. The state of being esteemed or approved by the people. Praise. Approbation expressed. Regard. Respect; esteem; reverence. Repute, etc. Estimation; honor, etc. See Reputation'. Sanction. Authoritative approbation; ratification. Approval — Associated Nouns. Chorus of applause; clap; clapping; clapping of hands; golden opinions; good opinion; good word; hero worship; hosannah; meed of praise; nod of approbation; paean, an ancient Greek hymn in honor o Apollo, any joyful song; peal of applause; Prytaneum, a public hall at Athens where hospitality was officially extended to distingu ingers; shout of applause; thun- ders of applause; tribute of praise. Approval — Verbs. Acclamate. Shout in order to show approval . Admire. W pprove. Applaud. Express approval by tha I may be heard or seen. Appreciate. Este I Ldequately. Abuse. Expression of disapproval prompted by anger, and in harsh and unseemly words. Admonition. A gentle or friendly counseling against fault or error. Animadversion. Remarks by way of criticism and censure from one having authority over. Blacklist. A number of persons to be regarded with suspicion. Blame. Censure. Castigation. Severe criticism. Censoriousness. Implication or expression of censure. Censure. The act of finding fault with and condemning as wrong. Chiding. A personal rebuke from one having little authority over. Condemnation. The act of pronouncing to be wrong or guilty. Contumely. Expression of disapproval by showing rudeness, haughtiness and contempt toward. Correction. The act of reproving or punishing habitual faults. Criticism. A critical judgment passed or expressed. Denunciation. A public accusation of fault or wrong. Depreciation. An attempt to represent as of little value or claim to esteem. Detraction. Act of taking away from the good name or reputation of another. Disapprobation. An unfavorable opinion, whether held in the mind or expressed. Disapproval. Unfavorable judgment. Discommendation. Censure or ill favor. Disesteem. Low estimation, inclining to dislike. Dislike. A feeling of positive and permanent aversion. See Desire- Distaste. Disparagement. Lowering in rank or estimation. Displacency. Envious displeasure. Dispraise. Dishonor; blame. Disvaluation. A lowering of reputation. Exception. Objection or cause of off< Execration. A curse dictated by violent feelings of hatred. Expostulation. Reasoning with a person against some impropriety of conduct. Exprobation. An offensive accusation. Fie. A word which expresses dislike. Hypercriticism. Unjust severity or rigor of criticism. See Desire- Particularness. Improbation. Expression of disapproval. Increpation. A chiding; rebuke. Innuendo. A remote allusion, usually derogatory to a person not named. Insinuation. A hint or suggestion of disapproval i >r fault. Jobation. A long, tedious repro »l Objection. Anvil.. ed 01 presented in opposition. Objurgation. A reproof. Obloquy. Language that casts contempt on men or their actions. Odium. * Quality that pr >vi >kes hatred. Ostracism. Exclusion from so Rebuke. A strong and authoritative expression of disapproval for some wrong committed. Reflection. Reproach cast upon a person. APPROVAL. 59 APPROVAL— DISAPPROVAL. APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL— Continued. APPROVAI Verbs— Continue '. Approve. Commend; n itorproper. Bepraise. Praise greal Ij Bless. Praise; invoke God's approval and favor upon. Cheer. Applaud with cheers. Clap. Applaud by clapping the hands. Commend. Approve or express approval ; praise. Compliment. Express admiration, commendation or approval. Countenance. Look upon with approval. Encore. Call for the repetition of, as of an appro' Endorse.) „. Indorse. J e sa! " """ " r approval to; put yourname Esteem. Regard a ■ worthy or excellent. Eulogize. Praise in speech or writing. Exalt. Highly honor; magnify. ExtoL Commend in the highest terms. Flatter, etc. Praise or approve unduly or obsequiou : LATION. Glorify. Makeglorious; exalt to a state of glory. Hail. Greet approvingly. Honor. Regard with high esteem or respect. Laud. Praisein word, orin wordand Like, etc. Incline approvingly toward, etc. See Lovs. Magnify. Glorify; extol. Panegyrize. Pronounce an elaborate eulogy upi >n Praise. Express approval of. Prize. Esteem highly. Puff. Praise unduly; flatter. Recommend. Commend to the favorable treatment of another. Sanction. Approve authoritatu Swell. Puff up. Uphold. I live approval to; regard with approval. Value. Prize; esteei i highly. Laudari a laudato viro [I..]. To be pr used by a man who is praised PrSner [P.]. Cry up; extol. Approval —Verbal Expressions. Applaud to the echo; applaud to the very echo; be in favor of; be in favor with; be in high favor with; be praised, etc.; chant the praises of; cheer to the echo; cheer to the very echo; clap on the back; clap the hands; cry up; deserve praise, etc. (see sub \ do credit to; do justice to; extol to the skies; find favor with; gain credit; give a blessing to; give credit; hail with satisfaction; have a good word for; hold in esteem; hold up; keep in countenance; look up to; make much of; mark with a white mark; mark with a white stone; pass muster, pass through an i censure; pat on the back; pay a tribute; receive honorable men tion; recommend itself; redound the praises of; redound to the credit of; redound to the honor of; redound to the praise of; ring with the praises of; say a good word for; set great store by; set great store on; sing praises to; sing the praises of; sound the praises of; speak highly of; speak in high terms of; speak well of; stand up for; stand well in the opinion of; stick up for; think good; think highly of; think much of; think well of; win golden opinions; wish Godspeed. . fives. Approved. Commended; sanctioned. Approving, el Co Verbs. Benedictory. Expressii Beyond all praise. Above all pi Commendable. Creditable; worthy of approval. Commendatory. Expressing approbation. Complimentary. Expressing admiration, approbation, or the like. Creditable. Deserving or reflecting credit i >r approbation. Deserving praise, etc. See Nouns. Encomiastic. Best, .wing praise i t high approval. Estimable. Deserving g 1 opinion or app Eulogistic. Bestowing high pra Good, etc. Havin ; ,r moral qualities that may proved, etc. See Goodne In favor. Favored; app: Infavorof. On tl approving. Ingoododor. Infavor; a ived. In high esteem, etc. Respei ted; highly approved, i CARD. In high power. Dominant, as a politi by the majority. Laudatory. Praising; i Lavish of praise. Bestowing prai igantly. Remonstrance. Earnest presentation of reasons in opposition to thing. Reprehension. A calm, just, but severe disapproval of an act. Reprimand. I Ifficial censure by a superior to an inferior. Reproach. An open and violent censure, with deep feeling of grief or anger. Reprobation. Strong personal disapproval. Reproof. A >n of blame or censure expressed to the face. Sarcasm. A keen, reproachful expression uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt. Scolding. A harsh, rude and boisterous rebuke. Stricture. A touch of adverse critic ism. Upbraiding. Charge of something wrong or disgraceful. Vituperation. A severe and abusive censure. Disapproval — Associated Nouns. Bad compliment; bad language (see Charitableness -Curse); bitter words; black look; blow up; carping; catcall; cavil' clamor; coup de bee [P.], blow of the beak; curtain lecture- cutting words; diatribe, a strain of railing or abusive lai dressing; evil-speaking; frown; hard words; hiss; hissing; home thrust; hue and cry; jeremiad, a tale of disappointment or ilaint; jeremiade (see Jeremiad) ; lecture; left-handed com- pliment; outcry; personality; philippic; poor compliment; rap on the knuckles; rating; sardonic grin; sardonic laugh; satire; scowl; set down; sibilation; slap; slap on the face; sne. i \>; taunt, etc. (see Regard -Disresiu thunderation; tirade; trimming; wigging. Disapproval — Verbs. Abuse. Ti i treal with ru le an 1 reproachful language. Accuse. To charge with a crime or offense. See Justification- ClIAKCE. Admonish. To reprove oi a fault, gently or kindly. Anathematize. To condemn publicly as something aecurse.i. Avile. To lower in esteem orreputati Backbite. To spe meabsent. Bespatter. To spread foul reports or fal ;e and injurious charges. Blame. To find fault with. Brand. To mark as criminal or infan Castigate. To punish with bli Cavil. T i find fault wit I Censure. To find fault with and condemn as wr Chastise. To inflict pam up in for I of punishment or Chide. To scold. Clamor. Ti i complain and make troublesome demands. Clapperclaw. To abuse with l Condemn. To declare the guilt of. Correct. To reprove or punish for faults or moral weaknesses. Criticize. To judge Decry. Tod ean or worthli Defame. To reputation of. See Adui i Denounce. To poi unishment. Deprecate. To disappri gly. Depreciate. r or esteem. Disapprove. Topassunfa 'upon. Discommend. To • r of any one. Dislike. To regard with some hatred and displeasure. See Desire- Distaste. Disparage. To 1. iwer in rank or estimation by actions or words. Dispraise. To withdraw rom. Disvalue. '1 erit. Execrate. T detestable. See Chari- TABLENKs Expose. To lay open to public inspection, as something criminal or Expostulate. tly with, a person on Sl : le impro- Exprobate. eful or disgraceful. Frontier [P.J, To ea upon. Impeach. T and bring discredit upon. Improbate. Impugn. Toa1 r arguments. Insinuate. ing derogatory to one's reputation. Jaw. Tost Lament. Toexpn irrowfor. See Lamentation. Lampoon. To sub ve ridicule expressed in writing. Lash. T Lecture. Tor vith authority. Mob. To crowd about and attack or annoy. APPROVAL. 60 APPROVAL— DISAPPROVAL. APPROVAL— DISAPPROVAL— CWi'm«-