NEW CENTURY SERIES THE QUINCY WORD LIST fi SILVER.BURDETT &COKPANY &trt rf< ^o1 jSd3uperv-.s-.-ir raining School STATE NOHMAL SCHOOL LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA THE tool QUINCY WORD LIST Revised and Enlarged WITH SYLLABICATION AND PRIMARY ACCENT OVER SEVEN THOUSAND OF THE COMMONEST ENGLISH WORDS CAREFULLY GRADED FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FY FRANK E. PARLIN, A.M. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, QUINCY MASSACHUSETTS SILVER, BURDETT & COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON CGTYRIGHT, I902 By FRANK E. PARLIN PREFACE. SOME years ago the author of this Word List, being convinced that spelling learned incidentally, by absorp- tion, was a failure, prepared a list of words for use in the schools under his supervision without any intention of making a " spelling book," but repeated calls for the list have induced him to make it available by publishing it. When used according to the author's plan it is not merely a speller, but an elementary word study, although not expected to take the place of a dictionary in the upper grades. The list contains over seven thousand of the commonest words of our language, graded according to their "con- tent " rather than according to their length, and arran in groups adapted to a definite plan outlined under " Sug- gestions to the Teacher." A large per cent, of the words are key words, or words which present the difficulties of a whole group of words. For example, if one masters the spelling and meaning of prove and is familiar with a few common prefixes and suffixes, he has the key to more than forty forms — proved, proving, approve, approval, disap- prove, disapproval, improve, improvement, reprove, rep- ingly, etc. — which need not be included in his spelling list. Of course, any one of the derived forms could have 4 PREFACE. been used ju-t as well as the word prove. Thus it is ap- parent that .in immense amount of needless repetition has been avoided. It one will master the seven thou- sand words presented in this list he will have command <>f' over twenty-five thousand words. I or convenience in finding any desired word of a grade, the words arc given in alphabetical order, except where homonyms and woi isily confounded have been sepa- 1. Moreover, the speller, being the first reference k placed in the hands of pupils, should be arranged for each grade on the general plan of books of reference, so that while referring to the word list for the spelling of such words as they have forgotten, they may uncon- msly h-arn how to use the dictionary, which comes two or three years later. For the convenience <»f schools havingnine grades and of teachers desiring to assign more than twenty words a k, a thousand words, arranged in groups of twenty-five, given in the < ighth and supplementary lists. The most difficult words of each grade, except of the first and last, arc repeated at the end of the assignment for each year. Many words not likely to be misspelled introduced in order that the pupil may add them to his \ o< abulary. In the upper grades a few helpful rules, with brief li of p and miIi ;a\ e been introdu( i d. • that the spelling of proper names should be learned when ary in connection with the lessons in which they occur, the author has, with few exccptii luded th- in from this ' \ In his opinion, the words should be pr< I to the PREFACE. 5 eye of the learner without diacritical marks. In this edition of "The Ouincy Word List" the words arc di- vided into syllables and have the primary accent. Many words are pronounced one way when used verbs and another way when used as nouns or adjectivi -. This difference is shown by placing one form in small type immediately under the other and by indicating the part of speech by (v), verb ; (n), noun ; and (a), adjective. Author. Quincy, Massachusetts. SUGG] STIONS TO THE Tl ACHER. R i member that spelling should be carefully and system- atically taught ; that only a fewwords should be assigned for a lesson ; and that too many other things should not be taught at the same time. I -M >>. — Aim not only to secure correct spelling, but the irporation « • f the words into the pupil's working vocab- ulary. The teacher should not be satisfied with merely the correct arrangement <>f letters in a word, but should help the pupil to its accepted meanings and intelligent use. The Order oi mi ps. — In teaching a new word the sequence should be as follows: i. Its form written or printed without division into syllables and without dia- critical marks. A conect visual image is the beginning of correct spelling. Marks ami divisions into syllables change the form or appearance of tin- word. j. The correct pronunciation. If necessary, present the word properly divided and marked upon the blackboard; then erase it. One dors not know a word until he re< nizes it in its usual form and can pronounce it accurately without the aid of division or marks. In the use of words, whether in speaking, reading or writing, he will have no such aids. In this connection give such instruction in syllabication and diacritical marking as may be needed, .md call attention to words which are pronounced one wax- when ii bs and another way when used as nouns 01 adjecth tl; sut < >> sionally have a pronouncii t, usin that have taught. 3. The meaning which should arlyin the pupil's mind before 1. tell the word. The form and hould I" l o instantly. h pupils of the fifth i above not only the commonest of each word, but lead them todiscovei m nonyms SUGGESTIONS TO THE TEACHER. 7 and antonyms, being careful to explain shades of difference between synonymous words. The meaning of a word is made more definite not only by comparing it with words of similar meaning, but also by comparing it with those of opposite meaning. 4. The arrangement of letters, if peculiar or likely to be mistaken; otherwise say nothing about the arrangement. 5. Practice in writing the word with its meaning in mind. METHODS. — The following have been found good: 1. On Monday write neatly and clearly upon the blackboard in front of the class twenty words in groups of five, and teach the first five. On Tuesday dictate these to the class for spelling and teach the next five, and so on through the week. On the next Monday review the twenty words of the preceding week and place twenty new words on the board. By this plan the words are before the eyes of the pupils a week — long enough to make their forms familiar. 2. After the first three months, the words of the first grade may be used as lists to be copied, for busy work in word-building, and, during the last half-year, for practice in oral spelling. 3. Above the second grade the spelling lesson should usually be written. The recitation may be conducted in various ways, among them the following: a. 1 he teacher dictates the words and the pupils write them as a test. b. The teacher dictates the words and the pupils write sentences involving the correct use <>t the words. c. The teacher dictates sentences involving the correct use of the words and the pupils write them. Theb< ible dictation exercises, and the only ones of much practical use in spelling, are those given by the teacher who finds an abundance of good material in local incidents, 01: events, and the various lessons of the day. Such dictation exercises help to correlate the school work and t" connect the school with the outside world. They have some meaning and fit into the day's work. 4. Every few weeks there should be a general review of 8 SUGGESTK >NS T< » THE TEACHER. the words, or, at least, the most difficult words, taught during the ye« ir. This may be either written or oral, asionally, however, it i> well to have a good, old- fashioned <> "spelling match." notice of which should given several days in advance. No pupil should be allowed a second trial in case he misses the fust time. There should be no guessing . The pupils should be held onsible in their written work for the correct spelling of all words which have appeared in their spelling lessons. Until dictionaries are provided, a child having forgotten the spelling of a word should he taught to look it up in the word list. In this way he will not only form the habit of looking up words when uncertain, but will also uncon- sciously learn how to use the dictionary and other hooks arranged in alphabetical order. 5. In the upper grades, after some instruction in regard to prefixes and suffixes, the teacher should he at liberty to dictate derivatives, instead of the words given in the lesson. There should be much practice in forming from simple woid-, by means of prefixes and suffixes as many con derived forms as possible, also in reducing derivatives to the simple- word-, from which they came. 1 h< re should be some pra< ti< e in etymology, but do not attempt too much, as pupils are prepared for only the mosl ob The lists of prefi rid suffixes are given for • I h : . rules in the upp ides are of suffi- ciently wide application to warrant their complete mast Constantly call attention to their application as appropri- ate WOI ill'. 7. N ich homonyms, or words easily confounded, in tl on, CONTENTS p Suggestions to the Teacher , 6 First Year Words 1 1 Second Year Words 17 Most Difficult Words of the Second Year . . Third Year Words 2S Most Difficult Words of the Third Year .... Fourth Year Words 40 Most Difficult Words of the Fourth Via r ... 50 Fifth Year Words s 2 Most Difficult Words of the Fifth Year . Sixth Year Words Most Difficult Words of the Sixth Yi \;< . . . .74 Seventh Year Words 76 Most Difficult Words of the Seventh Year . . .87 Eighth Year Word-. Supplementary list '04 Simplified Spelling "7 Words Often Mispronounced 1 Words Freouently Confounded '-8 French Words in Common Use .... Homonyms '3' Abbreviations— Geographicai ' ; ~ Business ' Misceli wious THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 2.S#&6 V FIRST YEAR. a bove' am i ap'ple at after an are ate age and arm aunt air ant as ax all a'ny ask ba'by back ball 2 be bell bad bark beam best awl barn bed bib bag bat been bid bake bath beg 3 big bill bite boat bow bee black bod'y 1>< i\vl bin block bone box bird blow book boy bit blue boot br< 1 [2 THE QUIN'CY WORD LIST. 4 brills but call cap bud by came cape bug cage can car bump cake can'dy card bun calf cane 5 care cart chew clay come cat child clean cot cent chin cob could ( hair chip cod cow chcr'ry clap cold 6 cry cub cute did do cud dark dig does i uff day dun dog cup dear dip dull cut dell dirt 7 done door dug <:^ r fan dot dull end fast dn dust c\ fat drum i ar face U<\ drv it fall fell FIRST YEAR. 8 few fist fly frog fig fit fog from fill fix foot fry fin flag for full fish flew fox 9 fun fur glad grade ham game go gum hand get goat gun hard girl good had has give got hair IO hat have hem high hiss hay- hen hill hit he her him hod head hid hip hoe hear hide his 1 1 hog hold hop hum in home horse hut inch hook hot ice ink here house if is hoop hug ill it 13 U THE Ot'IN'CV WORD LIST. 12 jam kind lame last ju- kiss lamp late jump kite land lay kid lad lap leaf kill laid large 13 leap led lid long low left like look lug leg lip lot mad less little loud made let log love 14 make man men miss mud mat met m i x muff may milk moon mug me mill mop musl melt mine mouse- my name nip n< >\v on nap no nut one tie t nod of or net n< i off our new not old out FIRST YEAR. 16 oVer paper pet play ox pass pie plum page pat Pig poor pan peg pill pot pa pa' pen pin 17 pray prop purr rap rest puff puss rat rib P u g put raw ride pull rag read ring pup ran red rip • 18 ripe rub sap sell rob rug sat set rod run saw shall rope sad say- she rot sand see 19 shed shine sip slip sob show sit sly sod side sled small soft sin sleep snow some sing slide so song 15 16 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 20 sop stem sun tall spell step tag tame spin stone tail tan spit stop take tap stand sto'ry talk 21 tell that this tip toy the tick to tree them tie toe trot then time top try they tin toss 22 tub tug was wet wipe up wax w hat word us way wide yes wag w ■<• will J ou walk well wink your SECOND YEAR. / i; SECOND YEAR. ! a'ble a fraid' alley always a bout' a gain' al'most an'gel a'corn aid a lone' angry act aim al'so an'i mal add a live' alum ankle A'pril bank 2 bas'ket beef a'pron bar bay be fore' ash'es bare bead be gin' band bar'rel beak be hind' bang ba'sin beat be low' belt bent 3 blade blo<"l bear ber'ry blame blot beet berth blew blunt bench bind blind blur bend bit'ter bliss board 18 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. boil br bright brow bor der brave broke brown 1m. [h break DT< -ok brush tie brick br< " >m build • t< 'in bride broth < r 5 built bunch burst buy catch , die bush l)ii// hunt l)u camp caw luir bul ker can die (hair; burn but ton i ir ry 6 chalk ( hang < h< 'i. i lass cling cha ch < law < lock < heek (it y • lear clog chit k en < lam • h iK h cloth chil dren 1 1 climb 7 cloud « lu( b c< i] n ,| count ( lung II )|) c<>\ er il Ml 111' '11 « ' '| > \ ck 111) ! (1 die fin < i m >k \ I 'in • 1 illl SECOND YEAR. 8 crawl crumb dai'sy dash cream crust dam daub creep cube damp dead cross cure dare deaf crow curl dart 9 deck deed dew ding donkey deep die din'ner dose deer dime dip'per dove dent din dish down desk dine dive IO dozen drag drink duck eight drank drive each el 'bow draw droll east e lev'en dream drop eas'y elm drill drunk edge even ev'er fear 1 1 fifteen fine ever y feed fifth finger far feel fight fire farm felt file first fa'ther field find five *9 20 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. I 2 Hake floor fore Fri'day flap fold fork frill flat f< .1 low f< mnd frisk flesh fo< '1 free front flock fool fresh "3 fro^t fruit gate grift God • gray k r '.U r gold four g< - grill gone g i r I 1 < n gem gh en L, r oose gen tie glass 14 gore grab green growl hack pe grind grr< >\\ n hail ground grunt half gray guess hall ed') >\v gull IS han'dle li.n • heal hive how happy h< ap h- ilc hub h.irk In i\ \ I)ih ,ii day moth er meel mild month mouth nag mile more move nail mind moss much 21 near neat ni> nor odd neck night num ber often '1 nine ik oil n< \ I i ninth o bej once it 11' ><>n oh jcCt'(v) object (n) 22 only o pen nv. pail past or owl pain patch oth < >wn pair path ours pack pant paw en j>ap silk skate -bin short sink 29 skin skip slat slot smile sky slate -low- smoke slam -lice slue smooth slant -lit slum'ber smut slap slop smell 3° snake snug ire spank -poke tj> S( >und speak sp< .< >1 >ld u r spice spoon 3, ,n south spi'der spring 11 spade spill spry spun stall 31 ep St 1 stamp stii 1< Sti »ol stiff store lir rel still Sfc 'Ut ting )\ <■ SECOND YEAR. 25 straw sug'ar swing tart street sum tack taste sty sung taffy tea such sup'per tank team suck sweet tar 33 teeth ten thank thing thumb ten'der there think Thurs'day tent these those thus term thick three toad than thin throw 34 too tod'dle touch trun'dle their told trap Tues'day ugly took trim turn uncle tooth trip twelve un'der tore true two 35 un less' urn vest wall watch use vis'it want wa'ter vane wade warm wear vase wait wash web very wake wasp Wednes'da) THE QUINCV WORD LIST. 36 week w hen whiz wilful w ere w hich who wind w est while why wing whale whip w 1 fe wish wheel white wig 37 w isp wit w< K>1 wound yarn with w< >rk w rite year wolf w orm w rong yet w < >od worth \ ank yoke \\ mil an would yard young DI1 r WORDS OF Tin SECOND YEAR. al li ba sin C< 'in mon eight al t< r bright crumb elm chalk daub fight anlde climb deaf fruit a pron 1 1 . : don 1. 39 nc ip in knot Im get gU< kept know nail hail kl: lamb night hour k n it « lead ninth knock light mini ber SECOND YEAR. 40 o bey' pic'nic re ward' sea often piece right sew peach please road should pear quart Sat'ur day slue pen'cil rain script 4i slum'ber square their un less' wom'an squir'rel thumb wear would squirt toad Wednes'day wound sug'ar touch which write teeth Tues'day wilful wrong 27 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. THIRD YEAR. all sent a'gent i al read'y an'svver a In. a ^ree' a mong' anvil ac cept' album a muse' arch at he al der an '^ r cr army .ii t 1 al low' an'gle ar'row a- I a void 2 bait bar'ley at tark aw ful bald base at t i * ba'o >n ban n< r bathe An gUSt bad barb bat tie au'tumn bail bar DCf beach I << tic 3 be tween' blank 1 ,r be \ <»n< long birth bleal THIRD YEAR. 4 bled blush boom bos'om bleed boast bore bother bloom bold born bough blos'som bolt borne bought bluff bo'ny bor'row bounce bound brass 5 breathe brine brace bray breeze brisk braid breach bridge broad brain break'fast brief broil branch breath brim brood broth bug'gy 6 bust cal'i co brought bullet butch'er calm bruise bum'ble be e cab'bage cam'el buck'et bur'den cab'in ca na'ry buc'kle bur'y cackle cannon ca'per carve 7 cease chap cap'tain case cel'er y charm car'bon cast cellar chart ca ress' cat'tle chafe chat'ter car'pet caught chaff cheap 29 30 THE QUINCY WORD LIST i S cheat chirp ci'der click cluck ( Ihrist mas ci gar 7 close cheer clml) by circle cl< »s et che< church cir Vus clothe chill churn clever 9 clove < [i > vlumn cot ton crank clus i' r comma cough cray'on tch P l"' r cous'in crick'et rk coward crip pic col lar : ner crah 10 cr< tok i r< >p < rush dai ly death i roup cud die dance debt ( rowd < urd dan'ger 1 )c cember i rown ( ur tain darn i\c n\ ' (nil curve date di'al differ dock i i 1 1 draw] di<»op dim pic doc tor dray dr< >ve disk dodge dread dr< >\\ n dit< h d< '1 lar drift dumb oni iin '■ravel h er gl< grand gra'vy .nt Eflo W grasp grease gim let glue grate great g \ ©I \\ n grave grin guide '7 halt- r hash guilt'y hah e lia^i > gn gush hare hraste K rU ' ' hab 11 har m ss hatch hall harp IS hatch et ha tred herd hinge hoof heart he hire hoot hew hoi lo\\ hope hind hon i hor iii t ! 1) hin'd hon • i<> hotel' i n d hum'ble 1 1 1 cle in sei t hi ' hun dred im .i. in Stead h< 1)1! im pr< '\ in venl hu hur i m il< ed in \ it( hull in jure in w ai '1 THIRD YEAR. 20 is'land jan'i tor joke keen itch Jan'u a ry jolly ket'tle ivy jet jos'tle kin'dle jack'et jewel judge kink jail jin'gle juice 21 kitch'en kneel la'dle laugh leath'er knew lake law leave knob lan'tern lawn ledge knot'ty lard learn lem'on la'bor lash least 22 lend length limb link liv'er lent lim'ber lint liz'ard less'en lime lisp lob'ster lev'el limp list lone'ly lilac lin'ger listen loom loss lum'ber 23 main margin lounge lunch mallet market lovely lung manner martin luck mail mar mash lull maim mar'ble mask 33 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 2 A m maul mem l>cr mi'ca LSt meant merit mid'dle mas tef nu < k imr ry midst male mel low mess might mat tet mel on met'al mince mink mis take' mod est monkey mint mis i< r mole morning mi mis mis'tress mo lest moth min'ute mit'ti M mo'ment motion St mod el men i \ 26 motto m< »und muf I'm mumps na ked mount mnl Be munch nar row mow mule mu- * le na lu»n mov n mul ii ply mu sic naugh'ty mud dv mum ble mute na vy die mm ble n< Ni 1 \ « in bef 1 y n«. ble not* h numb IK in »te mu Hlfl nothing oar nib ble ii' ">k in- 1 ICC oath THIRD YEAR. . 28 oats offer on'ward ought ob tain' office o'ral ounce o'cean oi'ive or'der o'val Oc to'ber o mit' or'gan pace o'dor on'ion ot'ter 29 pad'dle paint paste pelt per haps' palm pause pen'ny per'son pan'sy pave peo'ple pest pan'try peace pepper pic'ture park peck perch 30 • pier pierce pith plod plus pike plain plough po'em pil'low plait pluck pool pi'lot plan plug porch pitch plank plume port plane praise 3i price prompt po ta'to prance pride prong pouch preach prince proof pound pre sent' pres'ent (n) (v) prison prop'er pour pret'ty prize prose 35 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 3? prune puppy qui et pr< >ud pry purse quill pr< «\ e puut si; sli e\ i smack sh< • skill sleigh smart el im slept smelt skllll slick snail sift skunk slump siiah h THIRD YEAR. 36 sock split steam strap soup spoil steer stream span squash stilt string sphere stair stoop strong- spine state storm 37 stub stuck swap tat'tle thorn stuff swift tear thought stump swung thaw thread stung seam third threw sure tape thirst 38 thump thun'der ti'ny town trench tick'et toast trace trick ti'dy tool track trig tiger toot train trod tim'id torn tread 39 trout truck tune vex waif trunk twice vile weak trust twig vine weed truth twist voice whack tube through wad wheat X.5"^ 5-b 37 38 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 40 wh< wick wine world wh< width wire w <>m w hole wild w 1 w rist w hom wilt w 1 >n writ'ten \\ h' win w ore Wl'ot WORDS "l THE THIRD YEAR. 41 ache bought ise cough at tit breathe ( Ihrist'mas us'in • w een' brui circle croup LSt Ini •arse cur tain bough tught 1 1 >] umn debt «h vide fault 4 2 till v juice dumb Feb'ru a ry halve kneel ear ly fig ure i'ci cle knew :^ l! land knotty :'> ide JO tic laugh ! min ute nee i< n ul mu > 1 1 an plough iiit uaugh i> cu ion po ta'to THIRD YEAR. 44 pour scream soup thread praise shov'el sphere through quartz sieve swung toast real sleeve tear tread rough sleigh thought wrist 39 40 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. I < >URTH VEAR. re ad dr< ad mu ad mit r a larm a mount' anx'ious ap pear' ird ap ply' i a rith'me tic at tach' ar'mor at tend' ar rest at ten'tion ar ri\ auburn a shamed' au'^er au th( t back w aid ban j< » bask av'c nue bag ban'tam ba aw n ing bal .u bar ren be have' . al bale bar row bdfry is bal 1' k >ii bash ful be neath' tit bl< -at h blou bnu (|uct billy blink \ blunder brace let l.i [ blis tur'ney ne laden lath'er leop'ard knit lain launch let'tuce kn.,11 lance laundry hi) er ty la'bel Ian guaj law yer li hra ry lad d< lath he t urc [9 light'ning lin - n L >an loin malt li'j uid 1. 1 1 ate loi'ter man 'age lni nor 1' »( k lo, man -ion liv'ing li » t i; ma chine marsh in loft mag n< 1 mat tress FOURTH YEAR. 45 20 mead'ow med'i cine min'now molt mea'sles mer'chant min'u end moose meas'ure mer'cy mir'ror mor'tar med'al mes'sage moist moun'tain med'dle min'er al mold 21 mourn mov'a ble mus'tard nap'kin neph'ew mud'dle mut/ter neg lect' nes'tle mul'ti pie mut'ton neigh nickel mur'der muz'zle neigh'bor niece mur'mur nape nei'ther 22 nip'pers nos'tril o blige' o paque' or'a tor no ta'tion ob serve' o pin'ion or'chard no'tion oc cur' o'pi urn or'phan nozzle of fend' op pose' os'trich nut'meg of 'fi cer op'po site o'ver alls oys'ter parch 2 3 par'ty peak palace par'don pas'tor peal pan'el par'ent pas'ture pearl pan'ther parlor patient peat pa rade / par'rot pat'ter pebble THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 24 ped die pel ty pillar plague per fed pe n i '[) lar pleat pled pi '1k r e poi s< >n powder plen ty 1" • lice' poppy pow'er plungi polish pore prat tie plush po lite' p< i si'tion pre fer k et p< >l leu j). »st ag< 26 pre pan-' tend' pr< >b lem pul) lie pulse lit pr< "1 net pu< k er pump k 11 • pr< un ise pud ding pun'ish pri'ma r\ l»r< » mote pulp put'ty in pro tesl pul pit puz zle quake <|llltr ged rash ;l I'l quiv rail rath ef quar 1 (|in > ticnl rai sin rat tie »n 1:11 rank 1.1 /or quii «"•'- raj) id mi FOURTH YEAR. 47 28 rear re main' re turn rise re cess' re mem' ber rib'bon roar reck'on re peat' rid'dle roast reed re ply' ridge robe re fuse' (v) re port' rill rock'et refuse (n) (a) 29 roll sat'in scarce scowl rub'ber sauce schol'ar scythe rude sau'cer scoop sea'son sad'dle sau'cy scorch second salve scalp scour 30 se'cret seek shel'ter shiv'er shy shag'gy shift shone sight sham shin'gle shore sign share ship'per shovv'er silly shawl shirk shun 3i sil'ver since slang slipper smash sin'gle slave sliv'er smith skirt slay slope snap slab slim slung snarl slack sling slush sneak 4» TIIF. QUINCY WORD LIST. 3- Mlo so 1m r sol'id spar'row snip da >ot spat Ut -11 i SO la sor r\ speck ut soil -pace speech soak sol dier -park 33 speed spend sponge -prcad sprung spire sport sprig spunk splash sp< 't spring squeak splen'did Sp 'lit sprin klc squeal splin'ter sprang sprout 34 squint ib ike steal stitch sta blc ilk stee pie stole sta< k starch stew straight i-l irt stin'gy stretch lin stan stir 35 strict ik stud \ sul) tract' suit - 1 r i ' inn Mi- 1 1 len Milk i|> st u pid suds sum mer stilt t< I Ml 1 t sunk 111 lv Bt) le sul i- r sun \\y FOURTH YEAR. 36 sur'face swarm swell syr'up sur prise' swath swept steel swal'low swear swim ta'ble swam sweat sword tar'dy swamp sweep swore task tas'sel tend 37 this'tle tight taught test thou'sand till teach theft throat tine tease thief throne tire tem'ple thim'ble tic'kle 38 toll to ma'to tough tray tuck tone tow'el trem'ble turkey tongs trade trou'ble turnip tongue tramp tru'ly tur'tle torch travel trumpet 39 tusk twin urge vi'o let wave twine valley vote wedge u'nit veal wag 'on weep un til ves'sel waist weigh upper village wart wept 49 5 o Til WORD 1. 1ST. 40 whis'tle win'ter wreath wharf whit'tle with'i i' wrench whine w h< >a won der wring whirl \\ ll |i »\v wi >rse w rung win- per w in w wrap \ es ter n Death' 11 cua\ 42 «l«>ugh • Irani li er y freight ho ri'zon . ight flan'nel gh< >sl hydrant 11. a g n a w j< ,il 1 nis lie fore head gran ite kn -file fre< kle health knit knoll m. .1 1 cine in. quar r< 1 lei hi inn 1 > >r . . pai [ue' qu< 1 tient m. 1 « hine nei pi. kle 1 n sm 1 neigh In >r plague 111 ni' . hi. nil k « 1 1 1 uce a*B«!i«ff rf&5* mlaing Scht V 44 schorar so'fa swear tough scythe sol'dier sweat waist shawl steak syr'up weigh sight straight taught wrench sneeze suit tongue wrung THE QUINCY WORD LIST. II I'll! VEAR. PI I'KAI ' NS. 1, The plural is generally formed by adding 5 t<> the singular. 2, Nouns ending in ch soft, s, sA, x, or . add es. 3, Nouns ending in r preceded by .1 consonant, change v to / and add < *. a. The plural of letters, figures and other characters is formed l»y adding 's. 1 ad \ an al li ga tor al though' " af ford' al ma 11.1c al t<> alms an n<>v ail alpha 1>< t an'nu al i«l le al t( 1 a pex • tar ar 1 end a toll' • n bu ' sist' al tempt lint' ton'i h at tract y'lum auc'tion ar ran at las bab l>!e FIFTH YEAR. - bal'ance bar'gain be lief bleak balk barge bellows blond ba na'na batter bidden blotch bandage bay'o net billow bo'a ban'ish beck'on bison bob'bin bog'gy bru'tal bungle bur'row breadth bulb buoy busi'ness break bulge bu'reau boar bribe bulk bur'glar cal'la brink bung bur'i al cam'phor • can cer can'on can'o py can'ter car'a mel car a van car'a way car'cass caret car'ol 5 cas cade' cas'ket cast'er cat 'a log catchup cat'er pil lar caution cav'al ry ceiling ce ment' u cem'e ter y chant cen'tral chap'el cen'tu ry char cas'tor char'i ot channel char'i ty chasm chore chick'a dee > chorus chime cipher chipmunk cistern choir cit'i zen THE QUINCY WORD LIST. cit'ron clerk 7 clutch college civ il cli mate clut ter com bat clink coa nut comet clai clot co coon' com fort cleanse tlum sy col lect com mand' 8 com men cur rent con cert rl (n) condor con quer con sent' con'ti nent con tin'ue i mit' ne con sole' con trol' pel' con flict con tain' cor'ne' ■i t eal ( con test' iv) i on' test (n) 9 co rol'la corj mp creak crock pic cran ber ry i ri'er cro quet' i rin kle crotch le ipe crisp cru lg crate- cruise IO m pl<* cur rant (lain ty dea con tal dale nl en dam .i dc i eive' pie da daz /le de fend' FIFTH YEAR. 55 ii de ni'al di'a mond dis'mal drag'on den'tist di'a ry dock drape depth dis a'ble do mes'tic dreary de vour' dis as'ter doubt drench di'a gram dis ease' doze dross 12 drow'sy ea'sel effort em ploy' dun'geon eb'on y e las'tic en dure' dwarf ed'dy e lect' Eng'lish ea'ger ed'u cate el'e gant en ter tain ear'nest ef feet' em'ber en tice' 13 en tire' ex am'ine ex pel' fag'ot en vel'op ex eel' ex pend' fail'ure en'vy ex change' ex pense' fame Es'ki mo ex cur'sion ex plode' fam'ine e vent' ex hale' extra fa'mous 14 fang fickle filter flaw fash'ion fidg'et flail fleet fat'ten fiftieth flank fling fertile filly flat'ter florist fet'ter film flavor floss 56 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. flown flue flu id flung flush flute flutter fo'li age \l lolly fondle 15 ford for ever for give' for sake' for ti eth fort night fortress fossil fos'ter foun tain 16 as frowzy fuzzy "garment lie fum'ble gall ar ret fra grant fur Hi ture Tier y gaudy fraud furthest .1 1<)\VS gaunt free dom fu ture gam brel gen er al 17 • >us glen gos ling grizzly gen teel' glit'ter gossip groin gild glu gra 'ham groom gir'dle glutton grid die idge mi gnash . gruff IS •.rd |>oon' licit cr her die ll.ll I"W height her mit hal 1 hut hat tci helm her'rii 1 heai he! met hea 1 1 .it 1 : hearth In 11 ner y hi\ FIFTH YEAR. 57 19 hoard hos'tile hus'band i'dol hoarse hos'tler hymn ig'no rant hor'rid hov'el hy'phen im plore' host huge i'ci ly in cline' hos'pi tal hu'man i de'a in elude' in'dex in'di go in firm' in i'tial in ject' in sane in sert' (v) in'sert (n) in sist' in struct' in sure' 20 in ten'tion in tro duce' in trude' in'va lid (n) in valid (a) i'ris 21 isle isth'mus i tal'ic jag'ged jas'per jave'lin jum'ble kerchief knowl'edge jeer jun'ior ker'nel lair jog'gle ju'ry kid'nap lank join'er justice king'dom las 'so jo'vi al keel knead lathe 22 la'va li'a ble lin'e ar lodge lav'ish lib'er ate lin'den lov'a ble leg'end lic'o rice list'less lynch lens light'en lobe madam le'ver lim'it lock'er mad 'den 5» THE uLIXCV WORD LIST. 23 mag'got mar'r meter min 'is ter ic max im jni-ht'y mire rn.ii- mayor miller mirth mem'o ry mim'ic mischief man'gle men tion min'gle miser 24 mis er y m<>n u ment muslin nature mite mor'sel mys ter y nick mix ture mor'tal myth north em moan mot tie 11.1 ->.il no'ti (y in>> '. mug na'tive nug'get nu met al nurs cr y <>b 1 u !>)• om'e let o mission pos'sum o'ri ole 25 pa cif'ic par a sol par'cel pars'nip par'son par take' passion pastry pat tern pauper ny plaid por ridge pov'er ty ;1 plat ; p'>it ly 1'i.u tice plinth ; .il prate plot poul try pre'< ious lo pounce pi< 1 ace FIFTH YEAR. 59 27 pres'i dent profit pul'let quid prey pros'per pul'ley quirk pri'vate prov'erb pu'ri iy quote pro fane' pro voke' quar'ry ram'ble pro fess' psalm quar tet' ranch 28 range rav'el red 'den re gret' rare rea'son reel reign rate rat tan' re bel' (v) rebel (n) re ceive' re'gion reg'is ter re joice' re late' rave re cord' (v) rec'ord (n) proph'et 29 re lig'ion rem'e dy re suit' rinse ro'tate re pair' rhu'barb rip'ple rot'ten res'cue ri'fle roam rud'der re side' ris'en ro'dent rud'dy re spect' risk rogu'ish ruffle 30 rug'ged Sab bath sa loon' scal'lop ru'in safe'ty satch'el scamp rum'ble saint sau'sage scarf rump sal'ad scald scis'sors rus'set sale scale scoff 6o THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 5i score screen se lect' session rn uf fie sep a rate set tee' scout scum sermon set 'tie ip irch ser'pent shabby sel'dom serv'ant shallow 32 -h.u shriek- si lence sketch shear shrub sill skipper slu-i sIitul; sim i lar slash eld sickle simple sledge ihoul'der nal skein sleek 33 sleet sneer so'lo sort ler sniff solve soul snuff SOot lie spare ht soar nl spear smu 1 cmn sor'row spike 34 spur ,'iirm t.i tion Splllt ifl , ve- nn all ' st i fie m incr stork .ce stall . .1 stow FIFTH YEAR. 61 35 strad'dle strew sum'mit sway strait strive surname swine stray stroke sur round' switch streak strove swale swol'len strength stun swan swum 36 tad 'pole tan'sy thigh thresh tai'lor tar'get thill thrice tale tem'per thong throng tally tempt tho'rax thrush tangle text though timber 37 tin 'gle to bac'co tour treat tin'kle to geth'er tow tress tint toil tow'er trough tip'pet tomb trail tuft tis'sue tor'rid tram pie tu'lip 38 tum'ble type up'ward value tun'nel um brel'la vacant va'por turf um'pire vail va'ry tvvin'kle union vain vast twitch u nite' valor velvet 62 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 39 veil view voy age weave VC ! vine gar walrus weight vcr deal vi o lin' warn welcome i vol ca'no wealth whether • el weath'er 40 whey whit tie wis dom w re -tie yolk wh( wi' wrin kle youth W< 1 \',ni 1 ze'bra wrap | yawn zero ni WP yeast zone [JIFKICUJ I WORDS 1 »l 1111 1 1FTII Vl'.AR. 41 ap pe titc bay 1 > net business tic bellows call.i alms .1 ! 1 bo .1 camphor ' AY buoy car .1 way al thou ba 1 lin reau ceiling 1 nut ( ro qi ( 1 1 1 1 • • 1 1 .il < ru en vel <>p di di .1 ni' /, from; en (em) = to nil, outside; mis = />,/ be, deserv- ian, ic, i< e, ier, ist, or, U which, pertaining to; ile. ish, like, ;>:nm a d.q.t' SIXTH YEAR. 65 ad here' ad vice' a'gue al ter a'tion a dorn' ad vise' al'co hoi al'ti tude a dult' af fair' a lert' a maze' ad van'tage af feet' alm'ond am'ber ad'ver tise ag'o ny a loof am mo'ni a am'ple an'ces tor an'cient an'ec dote an'gu lar an nounce a noint' an ten'na an'them a pol'o gize a pos'tro phe arch'er y ap par'ent ar'gue ap pend' ar'ni ca ap plaud' ar'se nal ap prov'al ar'ti cle ar tis'tic as cribe' as par'a gus as'phalt as pire' as sem'ble as sume' au'di ble assent' assure' au'di ence as sert' at'mos phere au'dit as sess' at tain' au thor'i ty as sort' at tire' a venge' av er age a ward' a ware' awk'ward bach'e lor baffle bal'co ny balm bal'sam bal'us ter bap tise' bar'na cle ba'sis baste bea'con beau belch ben'zine be quest' be seech' 66 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. je' blanch bound a ry bur ly ;ht' blcm ish bran/dish bus'kin blend brilliant bustle hil i blus tcr browse butt bish <>p bomb budge cab'i net L.l {€' can ner y (..II'C U cat'e chism calk ■l yon carj) ing cau'cib 11 brie l pa< i ty car toon' cau'tious V .l\) 1 t.ll car tridge cav'ern lid car bine cat a ract ccn'sus • ti (y cham'pi on choc o late • ian chi chunk circuit u late clamp clap b< »ard 8 clar'i net clcr gy man cl< ith'ier ':> blc code- coil coin'age col'o ny com bine' com'ic >n fli'tion •ion n so nant '.)•' '.nit i t ra diet' cor'al i on tr.i iv cos'tume con ri cr cove con vey' ( ra/.e SIXTH YEAR. 67 IO crea'ture cro chet' cul'vert de cep'tion credit crock'er y cus'tom dec'i mal creed crouch cap'i tol de ci'sion cres'cent cru'ei fy dai'ry de claim' crim'i nal cul'ti vate dal'ly 11 de clare' dec'o rate de li'cious de scend' di'a logue de feet' de mand' de spise' di ar rhe'a de fine' dense des sert' dif'fi cult de fray' del'e gate de pend' der'rick de tail' (v) de'tail (n) di ag'o nal dig'it di min'ish 12 dis'cord dis'trict dredge dru'id dis'count dit'to dribble du'el dis gust' dom'i no drought duly dis may' doub'ly drudge dum'my dis solve' drab'ble drug'gist dumpling 13 du'ra ble em brace' en trance' ( v ) e rup'tion entrance (n) dwin'dle em'ery e nu'mer ate es say' (v) es'say (n) eject' em'pire en'vi ous es'sence el'e vate energy ep'au let excavate embark' engage' equality exceed' 68 THE QUINCE WORD LIST. 14 ex elude' rt' ex port' (v) ex' port (n) ex te ri or factor falter fa'vor ite fawn ba t tol' fa mil'iar feat hib'it ex treme' famish feature ex plore' fabric fa'tal >5 fer'rule in' flight foil foun da'tion fillet flirt for'ceps found'ry ire flo ral fi »rge frag'ment flay flu! for'tu nate fro quent' (v) frequent (a) flicl flume foul 16 fresco gait gauze gi raffe' f u ri i gamble gen'er ate girth fur ry am 'in ra ni um gizzard fu pi gan'tic glad den Me o line ging ham glare «7 glib ' tn a ry grist bol tp'ple grope grate ful guild ten ; ;tl i tude hal low .i-l u at grip- harass SIXTH YEAR. 69 18 haunt heir hick'o ry hu'mor hav'oc herald hid'e ous husk'y hawk'er her'o ine hith'er hy e'na ha'ven hi'ber nate hoar'y id'i ot heart'y hic'cough hor'ri ble 19 ig nite' im ag'ine im press' (v) im'press (n) in fe'ri or in ter'nal im mense' in'come in'flu ence in ter rupt' im part' in dulge' in ju'ri ous in ti mate im ply' in 'fan try in spect' in vade' im port' (v) im'port (n) in fer' in te'ri or in vest' 20 ir'ri gate ir rup'tion jade jan'gle jock'ey joist ju'ror kin'dred jour'nal ju've nile knack joy 'ous kennel knight junction kidney knuc'kle jun'gle kiln la pel' 21 lar'va leach lei'sure lot'ter y lat'i tiidc league liber al lugfeage lat'ter lease lin'i ment lunar lat'tice le'gal litter luncheon lax le'gion lo cal'i ty lux'u ry /O THE QUINCY W< >RD LIST. mack er el .i zinc' . ni fy m.i: mem'o ri/.c- mer'ci ful met cu ry mere up moor : al mor'ti qui to ma jori ty mal t< ni.ini ft St in. m li ness man 't el mesh i gcr me te or meth'od mi'grate mo tive iii" t<>r mu'ci 1 mu'eous mulch 22 ma rine' mar'riage mar slial mar'tyr mas'cot mil'i ta ry million mi nor mode Hinder ate 24 mul'ti tude mummy muse inn si'cian muslcet mas'tifT matron me'di ate med'ic al meet'ing mod'ern moisture monarch mon'i tor mon'ster mus tachc' muster myr th- in. m'tle rate' 25 nat'u nau .il Ml inn cua nin< ti eth non not a ble noui i li nov tl ty nu'mer ate nu'mer oua 1 1 .i ob liqu ob scene' ob scure' <>|) struct' oc cu pa tion -I tave SIXTH YEAR. /I oc ta'vo of fense' of fi'cial op'er ate op press' pen'nant pen'sion per mis'sion per spire' per suade' pose pos sess' pos'si ble poul'tice • pre cise' op'tion or'na ment o'vate pal'late pallid 26 par'a lyze par'boil par'tial par ti'tion part'ner 27 pes'tle pil'grim pho'to graph pippin phys'ic piv'ot phys i ol'o gy plu'mage pick'er el plun'der pre mi um pre serve' prime prob'a ble pro ceed' pro pri'e tor punc'tu al pros'pect pur'chase pros'trate pur'pose pro vide' quaff pul'ver ize quan'ti ty 28 proc'ess pro ces'sion pro claim' pro cure' pro duce' (v) prod'uce (n) 29 ra'di ate rad'ish rally rascal realm par'tridge pas'sen ger pat'ent pend'ent pen in'su la plu'ral pom'mel pomp por'ous por'trait pro gram pro gress' (v) prog'ress (n) prone pro nounce' prop'er ty re'bus re 'cent re cline' rr deem' re duce' THE QUINCY WORD LIST. re ! re !. rein re j re mit rep re sent' rep tile- re que ' re quire' 30 re serve' re sist' re spoml re tail (v) re'tail (n) (a) re tain' re treat' re verse' re volve' rivet roy'al 31 lush .. mon scarce scrabble tie sap'py scar let scrawl t is fy ner y script ige scent scroll sal .1 ry mt seep ter scrub by le ill er al ton shaclcle shal th sheath 32 sheer shep herd shod'dy shrill shuffle sim mer sin'gu lir skel v ton skew 1 skulk 33 mi. if Re 1] dier spe i ial • rt ; lit pe< t.i tor ul fle spile ble ir splen r slur 1] d< i i\ in splice SIXTH YEAR. 34 sprawl star'ry stern stran'gle spright'ly stat'u a ry stir'rup strife spurn stead stom'ach strug'gle stale steed stor'age strut sta'ple stench strand 35 stub'born subject' (v) surf swash tal'ent sub'ject (n) (a) suc'tion sur ren'der sworn tamp Suf fix' (v) sus pend' syl'la ble tan'dem suffix (n) sup ply' swab sym'pa thy tan'ner y sup pose' swad'dling tab'let 36 tare tat'ter tem'pest ter'ri ble thrill tax a' tion ten'ant thick'et thrive tel'e graph tendon thieve throt'tle tel'e phone ten'e ment thor'ough thrust tem'per ance ten'or threat'en 37 thud ti'dal to'ken tor na'do trigger tier torn 'a hawk tor'toise trill tile top'ic to'tal tri sect' tilt top'ple trai'tor triumph tin'der tor ment' (v) tor'ment (n) tric'kle tro'che 73 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 38 ley truce ut ter ly va ri e ty tu'mor \ .1 cate vas e line ic tils sic vale \ ault rs 11 Hi form valve veg'e t.i ble tru .111 urchin van'i ty ve'nous ti late vig'or vo'cal wallow \ i > > late vol'ume waltz vi : vow wam'pum \ ir tue vul'gar wand vis or wal let wander 40 wea s ( 1 wit ness yacht ! ding w«»r iv yield M .ir 1.1 w or shij) zeal whim wrath nith whim wrig gle zinc I W< >RDS OF I HE SIXTH , i EAR. 4' halt l).u h 1 .:n ben sine hi.tnl) 'II cat'< ^ I cen sua ( "hi is ti.m ( 11 l uit c ler'gy man c is not changed in derivatives from dry (except , sky, sky, sly, spry and wry. .— Final y preceded by a vowel is not changed daily, lai m i mune i con cise' me I ") M clu'sion pare ide con cur i on demn' i on fer' SEVENTH YEAR. 79 9 con'fi dence con'scious con tend' con vict' (v) con' vict (n) con fine' (v) con sid'er con ven'ient con vince' con'fine (n) con'gre gate con'sta ble con ven'tion cor'dial con'gress con suit' con verge' cor'po ral con'quest con sume' con vert' (v) convert (n) corps IO cor rupt' crest cri'sis cue cour'te ous crev'ice crit'ic cup'board cra'ter crick croc'o dile cu'po la crave crim'son cro'cus cur'few ere ate' cringe cudg'el II cu ri os' i ty cus'pi dor dam'sel dec'ade de file' cut'ler y dan'druff de ceit' defy' czar daw'dle de cide' de gree' can'vass de bate' de cree' de light' dame deb'it de fer' del'uge de pos'it dep'u ty de ri'sion de rive' des'ti tute de tach' de tain' de vel'op de vice' de vise' 12 di am'e ter dic'tate di lute' di men'sion diph the'ri a diphthong dis as'trous dis cuss' dis dain' dis pel' 8o THE QU1NCY WORD LIST. 13 itrib'ul dor'mant dregs edible »Ii \ • dor'mer du'pli cate ed'i tor di vulj dow'el dys'entery e lect'or in draft e clips. e lec'tric do'n dr. 1 m. 1 e con'o my eleva'tion U em 1 en cour'a en grave' 1 ra em blem 1 deav'or rn li'vrii >rt ' (v) es'o>rt (11) per "r en doi en'sign <•> bate' em'pha si; en 1 ic en'ter prise 1 - term' en en fee'ble ep i dem'ic 15 e ter'ni ty et'i ( ex it ex plosion ex pause' ex pos k pert di) ex pert ex punge' npt' (X tint' lie ■,'l" r 1 tion ex ter'nal • f..' fer tili ty flin< li • fath'om : i \ . d flit floi id • flab by flour 'ish i ty flai f«.i SEVENTH YEAR. 81 17 for bade' for'ti fy fron tier' gal lant' (n) gal'lant (a) for'ci ble for'tune fru'gal gar'bage forfeit frac'ture fu'mi gate gar'land forge freak gai'e ty gage for'mer frieze ga'la gear 18 gen'der glimpse gram'mar gyp 'sum germ glum grim hal loo' ges'ture goal grime halyard gey'ser gouge gris'tle han'di cap gland gout grout'y 19 har'dy has'sock hence hu mane' il lume' haugh'ty his to'ri an hu mil'i ty im ag'i na ry haz'ard hos til'i ty hus'tlc im pede' heaves hub'bub ig nore' im pel' hec'tor hulk il lapse' im por'tant • 20 in cur' in sip'id in tense' is'o late in'di cate in spire' in tent' jargon in di vid'u al in'stant inter val jaun'ty in flate' in stil' in trench' ju'bi lee in her'it in'stinct (n) in stinct' (v) ir'ri tate judgment Till QUINCY WORD LIST. ju ni J • icna la I)" n M H) lunge lur lurk'ing lev main tain' mi 1 mi n<>r i ty mi: t blc l.i ment' lar cc ny lau'rel lax i ty ledf mal'a dy ma'ni ac man u al mas cu line mass ive mod i fy up i lar mono gram mon'o tone ii soon' 21 leg'i ble lev y li bra i i an li'cem lin'se< il mat i iin-' ma tup med i tate medley me ritl i an mor ti fy mus'tang nag ging naphtha nai i "t i( liq'ue fy lobby lo'cal I >y al ty lu'na tic me tal'lic met tie milch mildew mil li net y nav'i gate neai) ne ces si ty net'tle neu'tral mil li ' o b -•li I ion a pant I list odd i ' O (ll I >US 1 1 dor ous ■I lal of f~i i ions op "I .i SEVENTH YEAR. 83 25 op ti'cian or'di na ry pac'i fy par'a chute or'bit organ ize pall par'a dise or'ches tra or'i gin pal'let par e gor'ic or dain' oust pam'phlet par'ish or'di nal va'tion pan'ic par'ti cle 26 pa trol' pel'let per plex' phon'ic pa'tron penal per sist' pi'e ty peas'ant pen'du lum pert pil'lage pe cul'iar pen'e trate pe ti'tion pi neer' pee'vish per'fo rate pet'ri fy 27 pis'ton pit'tance plas'tic pol'i tics pre cede' pla card' (v) plac arcl (n) pla teau' por'cu pine prec'i pice pla'cer pla toon' post pone' pre diet' plac'id pli'ers po'tion pre lude' (v) prel'ude (n) plan'et poise prai'rie 28 pre side' pre'vi ous proph'e sy pu'ny qual'i ty probe pro pose' purge quib'ble pn> 'file pru'deru pur sue 7 quiz pro hib'it pub'lish pu'tre fy quoits pro pel' pulsate quail quo ta THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 29 • ration rec'og nize rel'a tive • r.iv en (v) ra'ven (0) re fine' re lease' UN re cede' re frig'er a tor relief r.iin reg'u la tor relish 30 ' re sent' re sume' rid'i cule der in re t.inl' rift re nown' tound' re tract' rig'ging re p TV re veal' rig'id n- strain' re venge' 3' ri'val man ro:: ruffian -al a l)lc rout ru'mor -.1 ll \ A lent route rum'ple sal 1\- r"il rus tii sa lute' I ry ru by ri fice sam'ple mi Me sen'ti ml lrf 11 ,ltr rf • 1 !<1 • .11 n ior n ii ion 1 1 <«us ' SEVENTH YEAR. 85 33 se vere' shoal shud'der siz'zle sew'age shock shut 'tie slake sheaf shred sigh sloth shelve shrine sin cere' smat'ter shire shrink sir'loin smear 34 smite so ci'e ty spin'dle ster'ile smol'der sole spi'ral strag'gle smoth'er spasm spir'it strain snub spec'i men sprint strange so'cial spin'ach star'tle stress 35 stride stu'dent sub'sti tute su'i cide strin'gent stu'di ous sub'urb sulfur stroll stu'pe fy sue ceed' sul'len strop stur'dy sue cess' sul'try stub'ble sub mit' sug gest' su pe'ri or sup port' sap press' surgeon sur pass' sus pect' swindle swoop sys'tem tackle taint 36 tal'on ta'per tap i o'ca tariff tarry tat too' taunt taw'ny tele scope ten on 86 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 37 id the a 1' r throb tonsil race then* ti dings tor'rent tcr : thith'er ti tic- tor'ture tcr ri to ry thresh <>kl tit tcr trance ror thrift toi'let trans fer' (v) transfer (n) 38 tra pei trcs tic tu'ber twi li^ht die trib'u ta ry tur ban twit tcr • tri lie tu reen' ta'pir i)lc trin kct tu'tor ulcer trcs pa tri pic twee'zers I usii a] var'nish vi brate vi rus en tine vei vi> vis'i ble va li vie tim viv id U a blc \<- to \ il lain wabble ail la vi '<> lent 4 ' wafer vi'ol U.I wheeze u i.ui gle warp win lp wright :tt ua whir wrou win 1 zest win now />- di a< SEYENTH YEAR. 87 MOST DIFFICULT WORDS OF THE SEVENTH YEAR. 41 ab'scess a nem'o ne as sault' boul'der ad just' ar'chi tect at tor'ney breth'ren al'i quot ar'ti san av'a rice brogue a'mi a ble as sas'sin bal'let cam'er a am bi'tious as so'ci ate bier cas tile' 42 cay enne' co logne' con'scious chap'lain colo'nel cor'po ral chord com'rade corps cir cum'fer ence con cise' cour'te ous clean'ly con demn' czar dra'ma dys'en ter y e clipse' e con'o my em'pha size lar'ce ny lau'rel li'cense mi li'tia mir'a cle en core et'i quette eu'lo gy fal'si iy fa tigue' naphtha niche ob'sta cle op ti'cian pamphlet 43 for'feit frieze gai'e ty ga'la gey'ser 44 peasant pee'vish pen'tlu lum phonic pla card' (v) placard (n) deb'it de ceit' de vel'op diph the'ri a diph'thong hub'bub im pede' jaun'ty judg'ment knave pla teau' prai'rie pre cede' prec'i pice re cede' Bfl THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 4? :pt' sue ceed' thresh old re li< en ior su i cide tra pcze' sirloin sur'geon twee'zers roul ( taunt ulcer spinach tliea ter va lise' EIGHTH YEAR. 89 EIGHTH YEAR. RULE 3. Words ending in silent e drop the e before adding a suffix, beginning with a vowel: as ice, icy; move, movable ; fame, famous. EXCEPTIONS. — 1. Words ending in ce or ge retain the final e before a syllable beginning with a or : as change, changeable ; courage, courageous. 2. The final e is retained in verbs ending in ce or oe when a syllable beginning with a vowel is added : as flee, fleeing ; hoe, hoeing. 3. Dyeing and singeing retain the e to distinguish them from dying and singing. RULE 4. In such words as receive and believe, c is usually followed by ei and other letters by ie : deceive, relieve, retrieve. RULE 5. The ending ccoits and cious. — Words relating to matter end in ceous, all others in cious : — micaceous, sebaceous; conscious, voracious. Prefixes : a (an) = not, without; con (co, cog, col, com), = together, with ; dia = through, around ; epi = upon, after; fore (for) = before; hyper = over; hypo = under; inter = between; intro = within; ob (oc, of, op) = against; o\xt = above, beyond; over = above, too much; per = through; pro = for, before; se = aside, from; syl (sym, syn) = with, together; trans (tra) = across, over; with = against, from. Suffixes : ac, al, an, ar, ary, ian, ic, ical, id, ile, ine.ory = pertaining to, like; acy, ence, ency, ice, ness = quality of; aceous, acious = of the nature of ; ary, ery, ary= relating to, place where; al, atic, ern = belonging to; ful, osc, uiul = fullof; en = made of, ox to make. 90 THE QUINCY WORD LIST Ion ad mission antagonist at' fa I ant arc tic ab i af fec'tion ate an te'ri or ite af tin ence an'thra cite men an'ti doti- ite an tip'o des i tate an'ti qua ted nos'tic an tique' ii cul ture an ti scp'tic ry al a l>as ter anx i'e ty i m>> da1 a lien ap par'el al l< ap pen di ci tia i tion al le'vi al ap prox'i mate al lure' apt'i tudc al 1>- a qua'ri um al'ter nal aq'ue duct ait am a tcwr ar'du ous ent am bu Ian a re'na am l>us i ade' ar is'to crat am'pu tate ar raign ad an a 1\ ar reai lish ar ro gate an i ii. ar te'sian an neal' ar ti fi'cial an in .i . i er tain' EIGHTH YEAR. 9> a skance' as'pi rate as sail' as'sets as sim'i late as'ter isk at test' at'ti tude aught au'gur au gust' aus pi'cious au to mo'bile aux il'i a ry av'a lanche a verse' av o ca'tion av oir du pois' ax'i om bal'lad bane'ful bar'ba rous ba rom'e ter bar ri cade' bat tal'ion 5 beau'ti fy bed'lam be guile' bi en'ni al bi tu'mi nous biv'ouac bias pheme' blight bois'ter ous bom'bast bor'ough bou'le vard boy'cott brack'ish bra va'do bred breed brig a dier' bron chi'tis bronze brunt bullion bun'ion buoy 'ant butler cal'ci mine cal'cu late cal'en der cal'i ber cam paign' can'ni bal can'ta loupe ca pa'cious ca pit'u late cap'sule cap'ti vate car'di nal ca reer' car'nage car niv'o rous car'om ca rouse' cash ier' cas'u al ca tarrh' ca tas'tro phe ca the'dral cau'ter ize cede ce les'tial the QUINCY word list. ccl lu l«>iil . ten'ni al tion chain • chap'er <>n Chi r y chi chrya a lis cin na tnon la ti'»n i tion clan in h il 8 com plex com'pli ment m pound (v) uinl (n) (a) com pul'so ry com pute' n cede' con ceit' ive' . cord (v) (a) con dei con 'di ment duct' (.■in fed i : ate .il >n • i late i "ii -( ript i "D » on struct' iUS ( "U to , lent ml :i n friv'o lous furlough fur ri cr fu'tiK- fuze ga I .us i< int'let 1 1 • • I .1 tin n 11 ine r mi < ide r mi nate 15 gha-t ly gla'cier glad'i a tor glob'u lar glos -.1 ry gor'geous gor'niand gran'deur gran'u lar graph'ic grat'i fy lv i ty griev'ance gri niacr gro tesque' gro\ 'el guar an t guard 'i an guid ance guil lo tine •il 11. 1 -1 urn ha l>it 11 al hag gard ha rangue' EIGHTH YEAR. 95 16 gla'zier haw'ser hei'nous hem'or rhage home'stead hor i zon'tal ho'sier hos'pi ta ble hos'tage hu'mid hur'dle hy'gi ene hys ter'ic al i de'al i den'ti ty id'i om ig'ne ous il leg'i ble il lic'it il llt'er ate il lu'sion il lus'trate im morse' im'mi grate im pair' 17 m peach' m ped'i ment m per'a tive m'ple ment m'pli cate m pos'tor m pugn' m pu'ni ty n can des'cent n ces'sant n'ci dent n cite' n cred'i ble n'cu ba tor n cul'carte n del'i ble n de pend'ent n dict'ment n'di gent n dig na'tion n'do lence n dorse' n duce' n dus'tri ous n e'bri ate 18 n ev'i ta ble n'fa mous n fat'u ate n fin'i tive n flam 'ma ble n flu en'za n fu'ri ate n gen'ious n ge nu'i ty n gre'di ent n iq'ui ty n i' ti ate nk'ling n'no cence n'quest n sep'a ra ole n sin'u ate n solv'ent n'stance n'stru ment n'su late n sur'ance n sur'gent n teg'ri ty n tel'li gent 9° THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 19 in ter lude in tcr me di ate in tim'i date in I in trigue' in trin in \ in ry in vi rt in vol. line 1 r<>n k .il i tin ri 1 lu'cid • lu 1 lu'di 1 roua 21 lux u'ri ant ly ee'um lymph mac ad 'am i/.e mac a ro'ni ma gi'cian mag nan'i mou9 mag nif i cent ma jor 111a la ri a malice malic a hie mam moth man ble man date ma neu'ver mar i in-r mar in. 1 laus pal • pe 11 od'ic al plain tive pan t<> mime pi r'me ate plaque pai per ni < i< mis plau'si ble p.i: iph per pen dic'u lar pleasure par al • per p< t u ate pleu'ri sy p. u per se cute pli a ble :lu- sis per se \< plighl pe n: plumb'ing pes'si nn t pin ral'i ty pes'ti 1< n pneu mo'ni a : ti ti i p- t'rel p< Mih EIGHTH YEAR. 99 28 pol'i cy pol i ti'cian pol'ka pol'y gon pom'ace pom'pa dour pon'der pon'iard pon toon' pop'u lar por'ce lain pos'i tive pos te'ri or pre cep'tor pre co'cious pred'i cate prej'u dice presence pre tense' pre vail' prin'ci pal pri'or proc la ma'tion pro fi'cient prom e nade' 29 prom'is so ry prom'on to ry pro nun ci a'tion proph'e cy pro pi'tious pros'e cute pro tec'tor ate pro tract' pro trude' pro vi'sion proxy prude pub lic'i ty pu'gil ist pul'mo na ry pum'ice punc'tu ate pur loin' pur suit' pu'trid pyr'a mid prin'ci pie quadrant quaint quar an tine' (v) quar'an tine (n) 30 quay quell que'ry quo'rum ra'bi es ra'di ant rad'i cal ran'cor ran'dom ran'som rap'ine rar'e fy ratch'et rati fy ra'tio ra vine' re'al ize re bel'lion re cep'ta cle rec'i pe rec om mend' rec'on cile re cruit' re fute' re gat'ta • o THi: QUINCY WORD LIST. 31 : ment rel U re lin'quish re luc'tant rem'nant 1 <• ti'tion re prieve' ri mand ich' •in hi. mcc : r voif • .1 ti'>n ble rant ili ate . eille al rhythm ri^ht cows r" r<> tun da rou tin 32 rum'mage rup'ture rural ^-.1 ga cious sa^e sallow sal'vage san i ta ri una sar 'casm sat el lite scan sched ule si heme si i at 1 ca sci fiii e scoundrel >urge scru'pu lous sculp'tor KM) Bed i ment seethe ment 53 semi na ry sen si ble sen ti ment sep'ul cher ser e nade' se rcne' sergeant se'ri al serv'ile sham poo' shellac shrewd shrivel shroud shunt sie^c si es'ta sig na ture si^ nif i cant sim pli (y sin'ew singe'ing sin is ter si phon skeptic al Eir.imi year. IOI 34 35 30 skir'mish spcc'i fy strand'ed slan'der spec'ta cle stra'tum slaugh'ter sphinx stren'u ous slough spig'ot strick'en sloyd spon ta'ne ous struc'ture smirch spu'ri ous stul'ti fy smug'gle squad 'ron stat'ute snathe squa'lor sub due' snob'bish stag'nant sub sist' so bri'e ty stal'vvart sub'stance sol'ace stam pede' sub'tle so lic'it stand'ard sta'tion er y sol i taire' sta'tion a ry sue cumb' sol'i ta ry sta tis'tics suf fi'cient sol'stice stat'ue suf'fo cate so lu'tion stat'ure suffrage som'ber staunch suf fuse' som'er sault stealth suite son'net stellar sum'ma ry sou ve nir' stcn'cil sun 'dry sov'er eign ster'il ize su per vise' span'gle ster'ling sup'ple ment span'iel stew'ard su preme' sparse'ly stig'ma sure'ty spe'cie sto'ker sur'feit T1IK OUINCY WORD LIST. 37 38 39 stir t.mi per trans act' il tan ta lize trans in it' t.11 nish tr.iv erse sur plus te di "us treach'er y sur '. trni per ate tripod sur \ ivc' te na'cious triv'i al ' iin' • nd'en cy tu'mult te nam ten'dril tur'bu lent ird tense tur'pen tine nth \- ten sion tur ret the ten urc twinge • • : 'mi nate ty'phoid SW1V 1 1 ti iii" ny t\-p ic al \ v ' tex ture tyr'an ny bol the'o ry ill's sytn met n ther mom c ter nl t i mate |». i th: thrum u nan i moua p'tom thwart u nique' ton i< u su ry n sil i tis 11 til i/c [u e v.i grant t"i pe d ab h<>r rencc ah ] ab lu'tion li tion md' o lute ti nence .i l -it .1 \> . la in. i tion li'i .. | I is ti ad mon'ish a dul'ttT ate a cr ate • naut af fil i ate af fin'i ty af fray' af front 3 sive : : a gil i ty .i lac ri ty al'covc al li ai; al lu'sion al lu'vi al al ter'na live a lit mi mini am dor a me'liO rate a men'i ti< a me na 1>1<- am pli fy a n. il i - an an h y an i mos'i ty an ni hi late an nu'i ty a iMn'y mous an te t e dent an tic'i pate an tip a thy an tiq'ni ty a pot he ca ry ap pa ra'tus ap'pli cant ap praise' ap pre «. i ate ap pre hend' ap pro'pri ate ai hi tra ry ar l>i trate ar chi pel a . i r ( 1 1 i •. ar ma ment ai 1 1 mat ic ai i •> I'.ant ill ar tit u late ' ic SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. IO = as'per ate as sump'tion asth'ma as tound' as tute' a tro'cious at trib'ute (v) at'tri bute (n) au da'cious aug ment' (v) augment (n) au'ri cle au ro'ra au then'tic au'to crat au to mat'ic au'top sy a vail' bal'dric ban'dit ban'ter bat 'on ba zar' bcl lig'er ent ben e dic'tion be nev'o lent be nign' 5 be reave' bev'er age bi'as billiards bi og'ra phy bland blare bo nan'za bo'nus brawn bric'a brae brig'and bron'co brusque bur'gla ry bur lesque' bur'sar ca'dence cais'son cal'i pers cal lis then'ics cal'lous ca nard' can Mi da cy candied can ta'ta cap'il la ry ca price' cap'tious car'at car'di gan car'i ca ture car'ni val carp'ing car'ri on car'ti lage ca si'no caste caus'tic ce ler'i ty cen'sor cen'tral ize cha grin' chan de lier' cha ot'ic char'ac tcr char la tan chas tise' chlo'ro form chor'is ter io6 THi: QUINCY WORD LIST. chron ic chron i cle chro no! cir cum spect ince cir cum vent' ic ci vil'ian u i fy .il ( lime kle • ion !lt im .il i • col league col 1" quy col lu >i> >n com bat ant m bus ti ble come'ly com men'su rate coin mo di ous i < im pai t (a) pai i (hi Com par a tivc e i .in pas'sion • ion . pie ment com plex'ion ite i om po'nent i tion i "in pj v i 'in ]>r<> mise n trate ite ion ■i dole' con genial con ic al con jec'ture con junc'tion con nive' con'science con'se crate- con sec'u tivc con strain' con'struc cm sump'tion COn tain i natc cm trin plate n tent' con tract ' (v) . mi trai i (n) con t rast (v) i on'trast o>) con trib'ute ate cor 'dii roy (. or n: cor'o ii' i ( or in gate ( >uii 'te nance coun t- 1 .ii l SUPPLEMENTARY LIST 107 10 cra'ni um ere den'tial ere du'li ty cre'o sote cum'ber cur'a tive cur tail' cy 'clone dap'per de bauch/ de bil'i ty de'eent de cipher de ci'sive dec la ra'tion de co'rum de coy' de duct' de fi'cient def i ni'tion deft de ject' de lib'er ate de lir'i um de lude' 11 delve de mean 'or de'mon de mur' de mure' de nounce' de pict' de plore' de prave' de scend'ant de scend'ent des'ig nate des'per ate de spite' des'tine de struc'tion de te'ri o rate de ter'mine de tract' det'ri ment de'vi ate de vout' di'a lect dic'tum dif'fi dent 12 dig'ni ta ry di gress' di lem'ma dip lo mat'ic dis burse' dis cern' dis ci'ple dis'ci pline dis cre'tion dis crim'i nate dis par'age dis pose' dis sem'ble dis cem'i nate dis sent' dis suade' distil' dis tin'guish distort' dis tract' di verse' di vorcc' doc'u ment dom'i nate do'tage i a THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 13 :>i ous du] clu plic'i ty en'tric tic cient e jac u lal el rate men'ta ry :n i 11. r broid 14 cm i grate mi i nenl e ni" tion em pale' (.in 11 late en .unci ni croach' e ner ^ ate tii gen'dt 1 en en liar e nig'ma en no'ble or'mous i cure ep i gram ep i thet ich ia ble e'qui nox e quip'ment e quiv > ate • I 15 es thct'ic es ti mate eth ic al e vince' ev " lu'tion 1 r ate ex alt' ispcr ate < x i la ma timi < \ clu'sive ex hil a rate ex hume' ex dus ex pe di timi ex pe'ri ence 1 x pi ate ex plic'it . ploit' ex po'nent . pul'sion ex tem'po 1 e mi nate . tinct ex tor'tion SUPPLEMENTARY LIST, 109 16 ex'tra dite ex traor'di na ry ex trav'a gant ex'tri cate ex ude' fab'ri cate fa'cial fal'low fa nat'ic fas'ci nate fas tid'i ous fau'cet feign feint fe lic'i tous fel'o ny fe ro'cious fer'vor feu'dal fiend fil'a ment filial fiTi bus ter fin'i cal finite 17 fla'grant flaunt flim'sy fiip'pant fluc'tu ate flur'ry for lorn' for'mu late for'ti tude fran'chise fra ter'nal fren'zy fri'a ble frustrate fu'gi tive func'tion fun da men'tal fur'bish fu'ror fu'sion gal 'ax y gar'ner gen e al'o gy gen'e sis ge'ni al 18 gen'ius gist gloat glu'ti nous glyc'er in gnarled gra'tis gra tu'i tous gu ber na to'ri al guile hab'i tat hal'cy on ham 'let ham'per har'di hood har'mo nize hea'then her'it age hindrance hoax homage hom'i cide hom'i ny huckster hur'ri cane no THK QUIXCY WORD LIST. In ;. no ti/.e ig no ble o ra mus im be cile im bibe' im mi ncnt im mor'tal im mu'ni ty im 'pact (n) ( v) im pend' im pi im j>'>\ er ish im pr>> V! in i en 'li a ry in cei in) in cen live \< i cut m in dem ni in dm ti< 'i in in f.illi !>!<• in fee tio i 20 in f< ' in flam ma'tion in tlt-L t in'flux in fuse' in im'i cal innate in n<> va tion in oc'u late in quis'i tive in sid'i ous in'si 1 ln'ic lam i nate lapse SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. I I I 22 las'si tude la'tent laud'a ble le ga'tion leg'is late le git'i mate le'sion leth'ar gy li'bel lien lig'a ture lin'e age lin'guist liq'ui date lit'er a ry lithe lit i ga'tion liv'id log'ic al Ion gev'i ty lon'gi tude lu'cid lu'mi nous lu'na cy lu'rid 23 lus'trous mag'is trate mag'nate mag'ni tude ma jes'tic ma li'cious ma lign' man'a cle man'i cure man'i fold ma nip'u late man u fac'ture man'u script ma raud' mar'i time mar'vel ma ter'nal math e mat'ics ma tu'ri ty maud'lin max'i mum me an'der me chan'ic me'di al me lo'di ous 24 membrane mem'oir mem o ran'dum men'di cant mer'can tile mer'chan dise merge me trop'o lis mien mi'gra to ry mil'i tant min'i a ture mis'cre ant mis'sion mis'sive mit'i gate molli fy mo men'tous mon'grel mon'o logue mon'strous moot'ed morphine mort'ga mo'sa ic I 12 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. • ley mu'ral nui ta blc mu'ti late myr'i ad mys'tic na'tion al nat'u ral izc nav'i ga l>lc ne ces si tate ne fa ri <>us ative li gent neu ral'gi i nom'i nal mi nn r i( .il mi tri'tion <>!> jec'tive • ■I) litVr . • ni »x'ious • . t to ry ob ti i; •!) t id ult' 26 oc'ta gon oc'n o'di um om'i nous ooze o pac i ty op por tune' <>p p< ' si'tion 1 lent or di na'tion ordinance > < ri ent us ten'si ble ti t.i'tious • ra cize out'rage o'ver ture ! Tit pa j.i' pal i sade' |>.il pi t.itc ]i.nn |" 1 pan .iii .1 pan'der }>.ir .il !• I 27 par'a mount par a phrase parch'ment par'o dy pa rule' par ti san pa t cr 'nal pa'tri ot pa vil'ion pc enn 'ia ry pr ilan'tic ped'es tal pen'i tent pen'sive per'jure per'ma nent per'pe trate per'qui site per tain' per I i unit per vade' per vert 1 ler'vi "us pel 11 lant phase SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. 113 28 phe nom'e non pig'ment pla'cate pla'gia rize pol lute' pom'pous po ros'i ty por'ter por'tion pos'se pos'ture po'tent prac'ti cal pre 'am ble pre ca'ri ous prec'e dent pre'cinct pre cip'i tate pre ci'sion pre elude' pre em'i nent pre empt' prelate pre lim'i na ry pre ma ture' 29 pre'mi er prem'ise pres'tige pre sump'tion prev'a lent P ri g pri va'tion priv'i lege pro ba'tion pro cras'ti nate prod'i gal prod'i gy proffer pro found' pro fuse' pro ject' (v) proj'ect (n) pro lif'ic prologue prom'i nent pro mis'cu ous prop'a gate pro por'tion pro rogue' pro 'to col proven der 30 prow'ess prox'i mate pu'er ile pug na'cious punc'ture pungent pur port' (v) pur'port (n) purs'er pyg'my quad'ru pie qual'i fy quan'da ry quest qui es'cent quin'ine rabble ram'i fy ram 'part ran'cid rankle ra pa'cious rav'.i raze re bate' re buke' 114 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 31 32 33 ip ro cal re pul ri> i ble re clus pute' rite rec on noi req'ui site role rea'tion rescind' ru'di merit rectify <>lute ru'mi nate ite re solve' rumor rence resort' sac ri lege re fleet' res'pite salt ent re train' re strict' >a line ime' ten'tion sal'u t.i ry ' rt-t i cent sanction reimburse' retinue sanctity re trench' san'guine rel'egate retrieve' sanitary re 1 ret'ro grade san'i ty int rev'el sa'ti ate m i nis'cen< 1 vei sat ir ize stram rev'er ie sat'u rate a tive ert' 1 tion voke' ithe <> lu'tion »cav en ger ish rheu'ma tism nc rhyme nt : -it 1 i f c - re pu'di ate BCin til late SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. I I 34 scope scru'ti nize scur'ril ous se elude' sec 're ta ry se crete' sec'u lar sed'a tive sed'en ta ry se di'tious sem'blance se'nile se'quel sham'ble sheathe sher'bet shrunk'en sil hou ette' silt sim'u late si mul ta'ne ous sin'e cure sit u a'tion skees sleight 35 so'lar so lil'o quy so no'rous soph'is try sor'did sparse'ly spe'eious spec'ter spec 't rum spec'u late spon'sor squan'der stam'i na sten og' ra pher stic'kle stim'u late stip'u late stol'id strat'a gem strat'e gy stri'ate suav'i ty sub lime' sub'ju gate- sub merge' 36 sub or'di nate sub scribe' sub'se quent sub'si dize sub stan'ti ate sub'ter fuge sub ter ra'ne an sun'der su per fi'cial su per'flu ous su per sede' su per sti'tion sur mount' sus pi'cion sym'pho ny syn op'sis syn'the sis tab'u late tan'gi ble tapes try tech'nic al tem'|>" ral terse'ly tex'tile theme II'. THE QUINCY WORD LIST. 37 thermal tine ture tin'sel ti rade' t<>r : tract a hie tr.u tion tranquil tr.m scend' trails grt transient trail 'sum trail- parent tran spire' tr.m- pose' trans \ . rse' :ous trem'or ul ttib u l.i ti hi tri l)ii tnl) ute tn dent trite 33 trophy true kle truss tu'bu lar tu i'tion tur bine tur'nioil ul te'ri or ul ti ma turn un'du late uni son u ni ver'sal ur'ban ur bane' u surp' u ten'sil u til'i ty U tO pi a \ a< il late van dal vanquish vantage \ .i n ,i ble \ . ni- 1<- \ illc int 39 veer ve'he ment ve loci ty ven 'dor ven'er a ble ven'oni ve rac'i ty ver ba'tim verdant ver'i fy ver'min ver'nal vn's.i tile vestige vet er an vet cr i na ry vi a duct vi and vi i. in i ty vicious vi<^'i lance vil'i fy vin'di i ate vin die'tive virile SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. 117 40 vir'u lent vo ca'tion wain'scot vis'age vogue wan'ton vis'cid void weal vis'u al vol'a tile wiz'ard vi'ti ate vol'un ta ry wors'ted vit'ri ol vo ra'cious wit'ti cisn vi vac'i ty vor'tex zeph'yr vo cab'u la ry vouch'er vul'ner a ble zest SIMPLIFIED SPELLING. The National Educational Association and many persons prominent in literary, scientific, professional and business life, including- some of the best known authors, editors, publishers, philologists, educators and scientists have ap- proved and promised to use the following simplified spell- ing. Any one preferring these forms need not hesitate to use them, as they are in good standing and have been adopted by persons of first-class scholarship. program demagog thoro catalog pedagog thorofare decalog tho thru prolog altho thruout 1 1 S THE QUIXCY WORD LIST. Ml-' JELLANEOUS LISTS. Tin- following list includes words often mispronounced, words frequently confounded and French words in com- mon use. This list is intended especially for practice or ts in pronunciation and definition: WORKS ("I II \ MISPRONOUNCl D. Kl V rO MARKING. u id .is in rude .1 .i^ in fate 1 as in Iht a preface i • • . • time j >• share i H !■ • • .. r . . pin 9 • . • art note .1 .• ask .• >• i ibey .. a" •• • > Idrd i mete ii- -t ii nt u i . mOte u=oo • i i< put u << ii cup u << ii furl y-I u ii holy oo ii • 1 OO ii oil • • out "i t> I oil .i. . i. 6, U .ii to .i, c, i, i ., ii, but used in unaccented syllabi a l.i allege— .il 1< i addi almond a'mond .dins ,iiii/. nst' alternate al teVnal j \\ amateur am a t< r WORDS OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED. i I 9 angel — an'jgl answer — an'ser apricot — a'prf k&t Arab — ar'ab architect — ar'ki t£kt archi\ - es — ar'klvs arctic — iirk'tik area — a're a arid — ar'Id arithmetic — a rlth'me tik arrow — ar'ro asked — askt ate — at attacked— at takt' attorney — at tur'ny aunt — ant auxiliary — agz ll'ya ry avenue — av'e nu bade — bad balm — bam barrel — bar'rgl basket — bas'ket bath— bath because — be kaz' bedstead— b6d'sted believe — be lev' bellow — bfil'16 bellows — bel'lus bevel — bev'el biography — bi 6g'ra fy blessed — bl&s'6d blouse — blouz bonnet — b&n'n6t brigand — brfg'and burst — burst bushel — bush'el business — blz'ngs bustle — bus's'l butcher — buch'er calculate — kal'kii lat canine — ka nln' captain — kap'tln cartridge^ — kar'trlj catch — kach cellar — sel'ler certain — ser'tln chasm — kaz'm chasten — cha's'n chastisement — chas'tix merit chest — chest chicken — chlk'en children — chil'tlren chimney — chfin ny chisel — chr/.'el citizen -slt'l z'n civil — sfv'il 120 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. cleanly (adj.) — kk'-n ly cleanly (adv.) — klcn'ly clinch — (clinch raw — k&l'fim i ndolence — k6n do'lcns conquer — kon ker construe — k&n'stru ntrary — k&n'tra rf nvex — kdn'vfiks d -kdr'al 1 1 irridor -k«'>r'n dor ipon — kuo'pon irier — kno'rl < r covetous — kiiv c t us cranberry — kran her ry -kre'd< k — krek crept — Icrftpt pola — kfl'pd la i urator— ku r.i t< r curtain -kur'tln I daunt dant li k ad ',. (.ilkat pth -depth destine — des'tln dew — dQ different — differ ent diphtheria — dif the'rl a diploma — dl pld'ma diplomatic — dip Ic) mat'ik direct — di rekt' disease — dfz ez' disputable — dls'pii ta b'l disputant — dls'pii taut dissolve —dfz zolv' district— dfs'trlkt divan — til van' diverge — ill vi rj' docile — dus'll draught — draft drollery — drol'6r y due— du duke — duk duty do ty r — Sr elm t'lm engfrv n jln equipage — fck'wl paj kwlr' I ! y i< t egz akt' WORDS OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED. 12 I examine — egz am'm example — egz am'p'l executive — egz ek'u tlv executor — tgz ek'u ter exemplary — egz'em pla ry exert — tgz ert' exhaust — egz ast' exhibition — eks hi blsh'un exist — 6gz 1st' extant — eks'tant extra — eks'tra extraordinary — eks tror'dT- factory — fak'to ry [na ry family — fam'r ly fatigue — fa teg' faucet — fa'sfit favorite — fa'ver it February — feb'ry a ry fellow— fel'16 figure — ffg'ur finance — fr nans' financier — fm an cer' flew — flu florin — fl6r'fn follow— fsl'16 forbade— f6r bad' forehead — f6r'ed forest — fer'est forge — forj forget — f6r gtt f fortress — for'trSs friendship — f rend 'ship fruit — frut gape— gap garden — gar'd'n gather — gath'er gauge— gaj gaunt — gant generally — jen'er al ly genuine — jen'ii fn geography — je og'ra fy gesture — jes'tur get— get gherkin — ger'kln gibberish — gfb'ber Ish gibbet — jlb'bet glisten — ghs"n golden — gold'n got— g6t government — gQv'firn merit governor — gfiv'Srn Cr gravel — grav'el grievous — grev'us grimace — grl mas' grovel — grev"l guardian — giirdi an THE QUINCV WORD LIST. guillotine — gil 1" tCn innocent — in 'no sent gums— gams inquiry— In kwlr'y half— huf insect- In'sckt handful— hand fill instead -in Stftd' handkerchief — hang'ker chif integer — in'te jcr harass— as interest- inter 6st hasten — has 'n interlocutor — In ter lok'u t€r haunch — hiinch intrigue — In tr< haunt hant iron — i'Urn hearth- harth Italian — ftal'yan lkMViii -ln-v'n italic — I tal'ic height- hit ivory — I'vo ry heinous ha'nus jaunt — jant hickory- hflc'6 ry join join history— hls'td ry joist — joist h..i>t hoist jostle j6s '1 lioinc-- hom'sted just — just honest juvenile — ju've nil horizon h6 rl'zfin kept— kept tile hOs'trl kettle- ket't'l hui .iy kiln- kil hustle h kindness kind n. - kiti hen kr< h « n im; • lab< »rer la b€i I r m a/gd rat landlord- l.ind lord in dit' language I \ ij in I'dOs 1 1 lapel l.i pel' infamou; — in fa m l.ith - 1 .it li WORDS OFTKX MISPRONOUNCED. 123 lathe — lath Latin — lat'In laudanum — la'da num laugh — laf launch — lanch laundry — Ian 'dry learned (a) — lern'£d legislature — leg'fs la tur leisure — le'zhur lenient — le'nf ent lettuce— let'tls level— lev'el library — ll'bra ry licorice — hk'6 rfe lief — lef lilac — ll'lak listen — hs"n loath— loth locust — lo'kust loyal — loi'al lure — lur lurid — lu'rld lute— lut lyceum — It se'um maelstrom — miil 'strum magazine — mag a zcn' magnolia — mag no'll a maintenance — man'tc nans manger — man jer market — mar'ket marvel — mar'vgl masculine — mas'ku lfn master — mas'tOr matin — mat'fn matron — ma'trun meadow — med'6 measure — mezh'ur medal — m6d'al medicine — med'i sin mellow — meTlo memory — mSm'6 ry mercantile — mcr'kan til miracle — mlr'a k'l mirage — me razh' mischievous — mfs'che vus misery — mlz'er y mitten — mlt't£n model — mod'61 mongrel — m u ng grel Moslem — muz Ifim mosquito — m<"is kc'to mountain — moun'tm municipal — mu nls'f pal m u rd e rer — m u r \\ C- r museum — mu ze'um mustache — mus tash' 124 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. -nap narrow — nar'rd il -n.i /.il national— nash Cm al trest — ncr negro — n< gro" neighboring — na'ber ing - '1 neuralgia — nu jr ft neuter — nu'ter neutral — nu 'tral new — nu newspaper — nuz'pa p€r nickel — nlk'cl nominative — n6m1 na tfv none — niin nothing — nothing numerous — nunx'r us anic — I shi .m'ik often 6f*n old— old Old 'n : . I : parcel p partii i] i>"1 parti< — par tik'u I. r partner — par t'nJ i partridge — par'trlj path —path patriot — pa'tri 6t patron — pa trim pedal (a) — pe'dal pedal (n) — ped'al pencil — pen'sll perhaps — per haps' piano — pe a n6 pianist — pf an'lst pigeon — pij mi pillow — pll'lo pith— pith plague— plag plaid — plad plateau — pla t& poniard — p6n 'yCrd portrait — pOr'trat lition- pc> zlsh'un terior pi isti rl Or potato — p.. ta'td I irairie — pr&'rt pro edent (a)- pi.' sftd'ent pm edent (n)- prOs c dent preface pi- t £s [ate prt 1 .it entation pri i i n ta'- pn tence — pre tens' [slum WORDS OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED. 125 pretty— prlt'ty preventive — pre vgnt'iv primary — prl'ma ry prosperous — pros'per us provoke — pro vok' quagmire — kwag'mlr quarrel — kwor'rSl rapine — rap'm rather — rath'er rational — rash'un al reading — red'mg really — re'al ly realm — relm recess — re seV recognize — reV&g nlz regular — r6g'u ler renew — re nu' reptile — rep'trl research — re serch' resource — re sors' rhubarb — ru'barb ribald— rlb'ald rid— rrd ridicule — rld'I kul rind — rind rinse — rlns risk — risk rivet — rlv'Gt rivulet — rlv'u let robust — ro bust' roil — roil romance — ro mans' roof — roof roost — roost root — root routine — roo ten' ruffian — ruf'ff an said — s6d salary — saTa ry salient — sa'll ent salmon — sam'un salve — sav sarsaparilla — sar sa pa rll'la satin — sat'fn saucy — sa/sy sausage — sa/saj scallop — sk&l'lup scarce — skars scared — skard schooner — skoon'er seckel— sek'l secretary — s£k're ta ry sentinel — sCn'tr nel setting — sct'trng seventy — scv"n ty several — sever al THE QUINCY WORD LIST. A — so shadow — sin shew— shriek — shrek shrill — shrll shut- -hut since — sins singular — slng'gii lor sleek — slek slept— slept soften — sof "n softly— -soft 'ly solemn — s<'il'eni nething — sam'thlng • souse — sous mid -sp.'uiyel 'in • on -spOOn ;alid— sku-olhl . : *.v. | A. lit— Stdl'wi It imp —stamp stanch ' Mid ' i y nt :n.n h st urn .ik stone — ston student — student stupid — stupid such — such sudden — sud den suite — swet suppose — sup poz' surprise — sur prlz' swallow — swol'lo swept swept swiftly— swiftly sword — sord synod — sln'ud syrup — sir 'lip tavern -tav'Crn tenet timet thither— thither thoroughly — thCiro ly thousand thou'zand ticklish tik'klfsh tiny ti ny tirade ti' tomato t«. m.i I m< irrow ti ~ >-n\< >r n, tortoise- tdr'tls ''il tour toor travel- tra\ i 1 WORDS OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED. 12; tribune — trlb'Qn troche — tro'ke troll— trol trough — tr&f tube — tub Tuesday — tuz'da. tulip — tu'llp tumor — tu'mer tune — tun turbine — tur'bln umbrella — urn brel'la umpire — um'plr vagary — va ga'ry valuable — val'u a b'l vehement — ve'he ment velvet — vel'vet vessel — ves'sel vicar — vlk'er victory — vlk'to ry vigorous — vlg'er us villain — vll'lin vineyard — vtn'y^rd violet — vl'6 let. viscount — vl'kount visor — vlz'er wand — wond wandering — w6n'der Ing was — w6z well — wel wept — wdpt wharf — hwarf wherefore — hwar'for whether — hweth'er which — hwFch while — hwll whistle — hwls"l whither — hwlth'er whole — hoi why — hwl wife's — wlfs window — win 'do wiseacre — wlza ker with — with withe — with won't — wont worse — wurs worship — wur'shlp worth — wurth wreath — reth wrestle — res"l writing — rlt'lng yacht — ySt yellow — yel'16 yes — yes yesterday — yCs'ter da yet — yet yourself — ur self zealot — zel'ut 1J- THE QUINCY WORD LIST. WORDS FREQUENTLY CONFOUNDED. ab o li'tion bile u] li tion boil ac cept' boor ex cept' bore ac c< born ex D borne af feet' brewed ef feet' brood an'ar chy burst ar'ni ca bust a re a ar rear' ar'rant < i rant '}'' ty' ax il ile .ix le beel i ty ty cap i tal i ap i tol ( ar at ca'ret ( .11 rut i al al i : al t ho ral cur al close de cease' clothes clis case' cloth clothe des'ert de sert' des sert' coal divers cold di verse' con cur' does con'quer dose cor'po ral ei'ther cor po'rc al ether corps e lev 'en enrpse leaven cruise e lic'it cruse illicit currant e hide' cur'icnt il lude' cym I'.il mi i nent syn i b( '1 im'mi nent de'eent de s< ent' dis si lit' ein'i ^rate im'mi grate def'ci i nee « in pire differ ence inn pirc WORDS FREQUENTLY CONFOUNDED. 129 e rup'tion jest nei'ther sort ir rup'tion just neth'er sought ex'er cise ex'or cise ex cise' lay lie o'di ous o'dor ous spear sphere ex'e cu ter > li'ar par'don er stalk ex ec'u tor lyre part'ner stork final fi na'le lin'e a ment lin'i ment pendant pend'ent stat'ue stat'ure stat'ute gap light'en ing pillar sub'tile gape light'ning pil'low sub'tle ha'ven link pom'ace taught heav'en lynx pum'ice taut high'er loath pre ce'dent through hire loathe prec'e dent thorough ho'ly mas'sage proph'e cy tin'ny whol'ly mes'sage proph'e sy ti'ny hyper crit'ic al me'te or ret'i cule track hyp crit'ic al me'ter rid'i cule tract i'dle i'dol i'dyl moral mo rale' sec 're ta ry se cre'to ry troth trough im'po tent moun'tain serge with im'pu dent mount'ing surge withe in gen'ious nap set yoke in gen'u ous nape sit yolk 130 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. FRENl II WORDS IN COMMON USE. ap ro pos' — ap r<- po' en tree — an tta bay ou— bi frapp6' — fra'pa' bi jou' — bi zhoo' I rage — ga razh' bivouac — biv w.ik jar di niere' — zhar de nyar blanc-mange' — bla-manj' menu' — mfi nu' bla se' — bla . mem oir — me'm'wdr bon ton — bon ton na'ive — na'ev bou doir' — boo dwdr* neg li gee' — neg If zh.i' bou quct' — boo ka' par quet' — par ka' fe' — ka ia pe tite' - pfi tet' chapter on — shap'cr On pi quant — pe'kant clia teau'— sha I pique — pek chauf feur' — she for' por tiere' — p6r tyaV gnac — kun'yak prestige — pr& te/.h' kdr prot, ■-,■' prdtazha' :ie'— k«. t . - r.-' ren'dez-vous — rftn dC-voo I i pa' toire — ra partwaV : ha' i -u me ia ZU ma' • km I soi ix e— 5\* .i ra i quette' i tie s6r t<- sine' — kw< z< n' sur veil'lance survaTyans dal '. tat-a-tat but— da bu' toque tok pot- i trous seau' troo so' tulle— tool I val'el vala n< tt. vln j • en nui — an w -. .i-ve' HOMONYMS. 131 HOMONYMS. The following list of homonyms is presented for the convenience of the teacher. The list is intended for use in defining matches or in defining tests in the upper grades. Spelling lessons should not be assigned from this list, as the words are liable to become confused in the mind of the learner. ail ale air heir aisle isle all awl alms arms al'tar alter ant aunt arc ark as cent' base as sent' bass ate bask eight basque au'ger bay au'gur bey aught be ought bee bad beach bade beech bail beat bale beet ball beau bawl bow bare been bear bin beer bier bell belle ber'ry bury berth birth be sought be sot' blew blue boar bore bold bowled l& THE QUINCY WORD LIST. bolder caller choir die boulder collar quire dye boll bowl can cliil can died chord cord doe dough borough cannon clause done bur row can 'on claws dun bough can'vas climb dost bow can vass clime dust boy cast coarse draft buoy caste course draught brake caught colo'nel earn break cot ker'nel urn ich cede core faint e< h SCed corps feint bread Ceil cousin fair seal cozen fare- bruit cell i re.ik false brute sell creek faults but cel'lar dear feat butt seller deer fee! cent nt nt de scrt' des *ert' fer rule fer ule n dar i 'ii dew find n <1< r ion due fined HOMONYMS. fir gild heal key fur guild heel quay flea gilt hear kill flee guilt here kiln flew grate heard knap flue great herd nap flour grater hew knave flower great er hue nave floe grease high knead flow Greece hie need fore greave high'er knew four grieve hire new fort groan him knight forte grown hymn night forth gro'cer hoes know fourth gross'er hose no foul guessed hole lade fowl guest whole laid freeze hail hour lain frieze hale our lane gait hair in leach gate hare inn leech gam'ble hall jam leased gam'bol haul jamb least 133 134 THE QUINCY WORD LIST. lead mean led mien less \n meat lesson meet lie metal lye met tie links might lynx mite loan miner lone minor made missed maid mist mail might male mite- main moan Maine mane mown mantel muscle mantle mus'sel marshal martial naught knot not mall nay 111 nei maize none maze nun oar ore o'er one won pail pale- pain pane pair pare pear pall pawl p-11 peace- piece peak peek pique peal peel peer pier Pi pie plain plane plait plate plum plumb pole poll pore pour pray prey profit proph'et quarts quartz rain reign rein rah raze rap wrap read reed read red HOMONYMS. rest rye skull step wrest wry scull steppe right rite sail slay straight wright write sale sleigh strait rice rise scene seen seine sleight slight suite sweet ring sea soar tail wring see sore tale road seam sole ta'per rode seem soul ta'pir role serf some tare roll surf sum tear roam Rome sew so sow son sun taught taut roe row shear sheer shire stair stare tea tee root shoe stake team route shoo steak teem rot shone stalk tear wrought shown stock tier rote sighs sta'tion a ry the wrote size sta'tion er y thee rough ruff sight cite site steal steel their there i35 1 3 6 THi: QUINCY WORD LIST. throe • waist way throw tow waste weigh throne thrown \ .iil \ ale veil wait weight weak week threw through \ ain vein waive wave wood would to too two vice vi ware- wear yew you ABBREVIATIONS. 137 COMMON ABBREVIATIONS. GEOGRAPHICAL. Alabama, Ala. Alaska, Alas. Arizona, Ariz. Arkansas, Ark. California, Cal. Colorado, Colo. Connecticut, Conn. Delaware, Del. District of Columbia, D. C. Florida, Fla. Georgia, Ga. Idaho, Ida. Illinois, 111. Indiana, Ind. Indian Territory, Ind. T. Iowa, la. Kansas, Kans. Kentucky, Ky. Louisiana, La. Maine, Me. Maryland, Md. Massachusetts, Mass. Michigan, Mich. Minnesota, Minn. Mississippi, Miss. Missouri, Mo. Montana, Mont. Nebraska, Nebr. Nevada, Nev. New England, N. E. New Hampshire, N. H. New Jersey, N. J. New Mexico, N. Mex. New York, N. Y. North Carolina, N. C. North Dakota, N. Dak. Nova Scotia, N. S. Ohio, O. Oklahoma, Okla. Oregon, Ore. Pennsylvania, Pa. Porto Rico, P. R. Rhode Island, R. I. South Carolina, S. C. South Dakota, S. Dak. Tennessee, Term. Texas, Tex. Vermont, Vt. Virginia, Va. Utah, Ut. Washington, Wash. West Virginia. W. Va. Wisconsin, Wis. Wyoming, \\'y<> THE QUINCY WoKI) LIST. BUSIN1 account, acct. or a/c :t. all right, O. K. amount, unit. ampersand, & answer, ans. at, (5 at pleasure, ail lib. attorney, atty. ince, baL barrel, bbl. barrels, bbls. Bill <»f Lading, B L bushel, bu. cent. it. or (f. checkmark \/ i are i >f, c/o h on delh erj < rnipany, * !< ». lit or or credit, Cr. debtor or debit, I m . discount, dis. dollar or dollars, $ <\<-/fU, d . A l. : ft. i board, f. o. 1». fr. fit. |( m, gal. hundr< I, I . 1). mem. inch or inches, in. in-tant (present month |, inst. insurance, ins. interest, int. invoice, inv. last month, ult. memoranda, / remember, ) merchandise, mdse. month, mo. months after date, m. d. multiplied, by or by, x. next month, prox. ounce, oz. package, pkg. page, p. pages, pp. paid, pd. pair, pr. payment, payt. p< i k, pk. per i int., % pint, pt. place of the seal, L. S. pound, lb. pounds, shillings, ' ^; s (i pel: quart, ) ABBREVIATIONS. 139 square, sq. thousand, M. volume, vol. weight, wt. yard, yd. year, yr. MISCELLANEOUS. A.B., Bachelor of Arts, abbr., Abbreviated. A.D.,In the yearof ourLord. A.M., Before Noon ; Master of Arts, anon., anonymous. Apr., April. Aug., August. Av. or Ave., Avenue. B.C., Before Christ. Capt., Captain. D.D., Doctor of Divinity. Dec, December, do., ditto ; the same. Dr., Doctor. E., East. Ed., Editor, Edition. e. g., for example. Esq., Esquire. et al., and others, etc., &c, and so forth. Ex., Example ; out of office. F. or Fahr., Fahrenheit. Feb., February. G.A.R., Grand Army of the Republic. Gen., General. Gov., Governor. Hon., Honorable. ibid., in the same place. id., the same. i. e., that is. I.O.O.F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Jan., January. Jr., Junior, lat., latitude. Lt. or Lieut., Lieutenant. LL.D., Doctor of Laws, long., longitude. M., Monsieur, Mister. M., Noon. Maj.. Major. M.C., Member of Congress. M.D., Doctor of Medicine. Messrs., Gentlemen. Mile., Mademoiselle, Miss. M.P., Member of Parliament Mr., Mister, Master. Mrs., Mistress. MS., manuscript. Mt., mount. 140 THE QUINCV WORD LIST. V. North. Nat., National. N.B., Take notice. N ■>., Number. N.S., New Style (since 1752.) N v., November. 1 let., October. 5., Old Style (before 1 752.) Ph. 1 >., 1 >octor of Philosophy. P.M., afternoon ; postmaster. P.O.. Post-office. P.P.C., to take leave. pop., population. ! ., President. Pr< >f., l'rofessor. pro tern., for the time being. I'.S.. pi istscript. I ». I .. I )., which was to be demonstrated. Rep., Representative. Rev., Reverend. R.R., Railroad. R.SAM'., Please answer. Sec, Secretary. Sen., Senator. Sept., September. Sr., Senior. St., Street, Saint. Supt., Superintendent. Treas., Treasurer. U.S.A., United States of America ; United States Army. U.S.M., United States Mail. U.S.N., United States Navy. \ id., see. viz., namely ; to wit. vol., volume. V.P., Vice-President. vs. or v., against. W., West. W.C.T.U., Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union. Y.M.C.A., Young Men's Christian Association. Xmas., Christmas. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below <93t UEC 1 8 19A> uav 1 4 )954 Vl^ ► - ,v|) feffD U> U *V j/\N 2 2 1983 Form I. '• ■i 1158 00846 3688 uc SOUTO™R£GWLU»m»VfttlJ< AA 000 353 980 6 PL U4C pa^ \ a SCHOOL I