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U79- r* Vjfmprinted at London for zAndrelve MaunfelU (hoellyng in Taules Church-yard at the Stgne of the Tarret. 4(38946 ni C t W .( ; TO THE QVEENES MOST , xcellent Maieftie, Thomas Church- yardyfbifhcth all heauenly blejfednejfe y ^or Idly feltcitie, and <~unremo- uable good Fortune. moHe re- doubted foueraignejo be daily exer- cifed in fome fcrut fable deutce and action ( that mate f leaf e my Trince and countrey) I neither ff are paines nor feafonjo purchace through prac- tife of pcn>and fludie ofheade>my de fired hope. Hut ivaiyng the greatnejje of your zMaieStie and Princely iudgement^f am tojeeke,not onely ^hat "Woor- des dooethbeH become me y but likftoifelvbat looorkcs I jhould prefent >e Specially to her higbneffejhat hathfuche giftesfro the beauens,as all our earthly imaginations > & bafe matter here belolocjnaie of right giue place ^nto. *And to offer any prefent Ivhere fuche parfeciions doe abounde, and the fount aine of many graces dooeth freely florae y the prefumption loere great e , and the boldeneffe fcarce pardonabel.Tet mofle gracious Ladie,albett I dare tA.j. not not bryng Center to the ^eUheade of krio^ledge^and com- fortable j^ry?2g (fro whence all kinde of people doe dra toe juccour andreletf ) yet my hope is > that my humble and rvprtghtmeanyng ( of this my 'ivoorke)Jhallfindcfauonr in your highnejjc fight. Jmvhiche ivorke /(r^/^r^FlaunderSjFraiice, Portugal! Jrelande, and Scotlande, to bee the jhell of a precious V^utte , the ftieete Kirnell thereof is the bleffedflate of ENGL AN DE. zAnd though ft>ith Worldly Tvickcdneffe , and troubles ofourtyme y the goodly jhell is fomelvh at Ivormeaten andcrackedjhe Kir- nelljhe^es it felffo founder hat Gods greate goodnefje i$ glorie is partly or altogether therein exprejfed. aAndnolP by my <-verfes and defcrtptton is onely tou- ched(by allcurtuoits andreucrent meanes) but the trou- bles and miff or tunes ofeuery countrie a parte, goyngr no further in any frafe offycechejhen Chrifltan ^calejcue, and duet ie mate comrnaunde agoodminde tofette out , as kno^eth our liuyng horde, ^phofendeyour Mate- Hie many good and gracious ne^eycres, t'tth a blejfed and prosperous olde raigne ouer Vs. FINIS. THE MISERIE ofFlaunders. ty£ fo tic ant) lncltl) tc feat c, Uoijcrc people plnittc fount) c, tb fcarctttcg feo^gc i# plagct) fi#e> ant) maDe a bartatnc grountic: t©!)crc fruitful! plcafarcggrcatc, toatf loofct f 02 in our t)aic& 3nt> toljcre fc>£ tocalfyc, $ too#fye Dit> tonne our toojIWp Pjaifc* Atf ng$, £> ttrtjat a cljaungc t^ tty& tt>at ncigbbouvjar mournc t^crcfojc, Zrit) ftyrautc foc^ arc great' D at ijatte, tofcefyceurcieflcfo^e: ^Ci)at noto no fence can feluc, noz totttc can t) cipc in ijaftc, $oj man mate foncbp fo^ec reftgmc, t ill to ar r ant) twill mafcs txiadc. €) l^attoefce Kcucllg fonne 3 antitltottc (titer Here: noutrc of nougljticpjancfcs: 3nD ncctrtcQc pain$ anD labour loft e, tljat can Meruc no tt)anfc& aoljpftoulD 3 blame abufc, toljerc d5o&s grcatc tozatli bcar^ ftoaic, 3int> peoples fccaW,t»fll tjaue it fo, anD tootltrtic toittg Dccaie: &o tonnpng on tlje race, of eroofcefc cardeffeftepps, £>ut goeg goon otfier at a iompe, anfc in tuDc mancr iepp& C^at at ty$ firfte reboun&e, ftafctf all in fon&cr flreigtit: 3nD celje %ng craefc&tljat fee# tyc fojee, of toilfuU ijauoc fc$ tociglTt. #oto Icauc t!;at long&ifcourfc, tljat Ijatcfull Ijauocfcc btvngs: 05? mcanc of rage,anfc reuell route) an& tyeafce of otljer tty>ng& 'Ctmt ;tf iatm&cr$ groeus to feele, an&fon&itcftgtjctofcc: 3nD none but toaife t&at tocpcjfyctocutfjt, offtact* in ecl;e Degree* «*plboutt rtc^ef iaunDer^noto, to Jro^une 3 poo^cgcuc places 'Sfat ijaD #e ^arte,anD i;appc ttffy all, from Of Flaunders. from tyatmetf to fcolbe ijct face, 3mong t^e befte of name, tijatuacaltljic ftatccoulbfootoc: Boe af fee no inozc but leaue tt)c caufe, to t) m fyat all boct i> tmo toe, i^et J toit^ Q>ecctyc$ free, maie tdlboljat troubled ace: 31n f launbetg noto,fo£ tyat t^cct tyoitf, began of eountr ct$ care* 3t nb matters fit t c fo^t penne, atotyletottcatebpon: <3 oob toljctftontf f o^ to Ibarpc Dull toitttf, tlje telle 31 looUe not on* 'Cljat fecu'0 f o^ fpec&il fp^cettg, tljat fectlj t^^ougl) $%ww anb £>taro: §>o tl)u£ to leaue of rocigfytic tJjpngtf, anb come to jf launbcttf tame* CEl)at too^lbc betoatfg anb feccp& tftat fce$ thereof fye enht: ainb fcnotoes ttjat Ijcab anb fljoulbettf mud, tyctt countries caufcbcfcnbe*) ^p mute *#&$ me bec bolbe, fo^ therein tamnts? no Hull: Co bfe apt tooo£b£,anb fcar:f)c out toootftf, to fltatnc tlje pnkcbojnc quill* Joj caufcg fcnotone to toojibc, 3Mft» tijm The miferie tijcn \»!)p tf men marc afUe, ^octl^flaunDcraicametljcDolefuUDauncc, anD come* in open ^afiic, tiDirljtnomanDtrompctiouDe, to toaftc tlje toojlocftom deepen C^at at f ix>cetc rctf c anD peace toittlaugty, and at fotojc toarre tonll toeepe, i©!)P Doetl; fcecnDg faulc at iarre, anD Clitic m ftct# bp fixmrmgj' 3toD Ijeappng mifcJjcef on ttjett tycaD& avc grounDe of tycir otone ljarm& tolyp leapg fome from tljetr IjolDe, auD tafcg tije teaked partem 3toD fo fojfa^ct^ <£oD anD man, to toinne a too^Dc bp arte* !®1# IjacHtf tijc ^otfTegtojong, tljat in rtgljt eourfe flboulD goc/ ISD!)P Doe tljctxrife JjcaDg embrace fclf toOl, anD toeaue a toebbe of tooc^ %\)z caufc Doctlj ftetoc it felf, fojtoI}ercDuTcntioni& ^erc arc fc\joc matter^ todl in frame, anD many tljpngg amt$: 4ftatx>i$nonotj)crnopc& but Ijotol^ig top anD Dotxme: 3nD Doubt anD Danger b#ngg greate feare, . in Of Flaunders. inmanpanobletotone* $oto toanberg peopled m?nD& liftc toaucg of ttoubleD fcag: 3nD neither man not eljilDc <5oD toot, t0 free from fcoatcs Difea& Dcatb tJtocIisi m ecl)c mans Do; c, anD ti#eatcn£ mtfeljccug gteate: Cftc tiebc but macus a tyongrte mealc, tlje poo^c be ttautf fojt meatc* loas neuer f ecu fuclje toan t, in anpfoile before: SfoD featoc ^aue little commpng in, but fpcnDettj on ttje fto^c* 'Cfa £>olDiour ltu'£ bp fpoile, tl)c ^ateljauntg traDe i# Don: Ctjci&lotomanlettgtbcplotoe alone, anD out po ok people r on- 3!# tljougb fyat men tocrc maDDc, anD fenotoe not tobcrc to goc: 3In Doubt to finDc a fattbfuU ftccn&, anDfutctomcctcafoe* %ty Pater uoflcrmttl, t# Mai content, t\)ti fair. fcatl) tyougltf our people fuclje a plague, atftyceDjS tbeir toboIcDccaie, £cf)c£J#iftian r>artcDocty toecpe to The mif eric to tmotoc fyc catcfull cacc: Of f lautrtct* not»,t»fto to tlje eljaunge, of too jUrtic c^auncc gm? place* FINIS. * L / ' / ?Hi THE CALAMITIE ofFrauncc. fratferngbomcmmc, compare toittj toofull f tauncc, i^bofccuiiU teams; &0> laftc no cOatc,U)a0 free from fc at f) ant) fofle, jfeuelje futic taingDc,m rage of peop leg mpnbfc ^Cfte toeaWpngtf tocntjo nun,to to#acfie,anD fpofle, 30 tree* be tojnc,toify blaft anto tobttlpng topnb& Strong gootrtr t ounc0 ,tocr c beaten Dounc to gt ounDc lore t»all0 and totoer&toete batttct) flat a0 £akc, HDtjcn t r ompctt iB biaft ,ant) tyum DtD daughter founfcr , ainD blou&ic blaDc ,tut) tx»icHcD nuirt bcr make. €) liftcn noto,anl> bcatc mp talc a toftde, ^t^t toatr* of ftaunccfo tbarpc an& crucll tocatc, tlje tonne ijpmfdf ,tfje father toouia begtic, 3 nD bjtortjet OUl,of tytotyct ft o cDc in f ca r c , ttf itft poiftm fouic,anD murder cuerp w\) cat c< &.U Ct)c «^ » The .calamine ■Cijc country tt#oug!),toaa fp^efc an& plaget) ftye, 3n& foi tx> mafce,tl?c fcoutgcanfc mtfctjcef moje, One frniDe by crafte,tl)c ott)ct tooult) betrate, 3m£i fuicttc none,tn pjinccg pallaice floofce, ^Cl)c tjoufe of (BoD^ete people ougljt to pjatc, 3n& attltcr ffone,tx>a0 fcatdp OatnDc totfy blook ^tjc areata toag mDc 3 toit^ eotfeg trilie aaine, 3inti m ttjc ftrcame,an& flout) t^cbabc^ toete flong, 3nD JlaDteaf tl)ioat$,t»ttl) fcniueg toerc eutte m ttoaine ^erc V»a0 na ljope,tDl)en latumbell toag tong, 23ot!?c toiues tottb ctjitt>e 3 an& Uttle etyltycn pong, uaere CabbeD tn^it^ daggers t>iuei# toaic&. ^oinc from tljciv beUD&t»etc floung amitotic flixcte, i&ticljc murder* JlotffeftKf c in ttjofc btootoe &aic#. 3l£ toomen iaiCjfritljout a tloute 0£ fteete, (311 DcaDe a:»S barc,a rufuU figtjt to fee) 3n open plaine 5 rea men of auncicntpeettf, vatic mangle?) fo:: 5 anD fomc of \)\qfy degree: 3nD noble raec^n'O of rt;e ix»z* ^ect0, J©etc nfocb lcfte,anD toounfccfc to tljcDeatk 3nZ> goo&U'c gtrU&laic gtoutyng boifce of tyeatlj: 3n market p|aee,ti>c furtc toag fo greate, ^Tbe rage toa# fuel)e,t!)at none migbt feapetlje ftoo $& 0oi noting coulD,nc eoolc noj qucne^e t\)c t>catc: £>f £iuiUtoartc,tgat botlje atbcttoean&boj&c: *£>a# blootoc (UU,anD ret t^e mo^c i»a# Qamc, Of Fraunce. e,tbereof true tuitncfTc be arsu) '(pet loft infeelb,tt»oo buntyctb tboufanbe men, Pet ftfll tbctr mmbc&on murtber ran fo fade, Cbci tocnt about,notbpng but bloobfbeb tben, Co figbt it out,a0 long a$ life mtgbt lafte, Keucnge bib tooojfcc^anD tocauc an cnbletfe toebbe, Dcftrc of unit ,a tDo&iil tbucDc bib fptnnc, Cbe floobc of batc,tbat ncucr tbtnfeg of ebbc, 3i ftociipng &>ea,of ftttfc tyougbt guftpng iru Cbe rootcb tozatbe 3 bab fp^eb fuebe tyauncbeg out, C bat Icauetf of Ioue,t»ere blafteb on tbe botoe, Pet fpttfull ttoigg&bcgan fo fattc to fp^out, Cbat from tbe barte,tbc tree toa$ rotten ti#otoe* fto fcmbty fappc,l)ib comf oztc an? $;tatc, 25ctbc batfec anb ftocfcc,anb bobtebib Dctaic. ^>o tbat tt fecmbe,tbc folic mfcctcD tx>a^ 3 JEttl) malice moobs^batfmellg of mtfetjeef greatc, Cbw goIDcn lanbc/tfa$ tournbe to rufttc 23zas;: 3lnb eebe tl)jimglxttougbt,a$ (Bob bat) curd tljc featc, Cbc groub tbougbt ftojnc,to bipng fojttb frutc m tune Cbc «me$ bib rotte,tbc blabc tooulb bearc no eoznc, like ttotntcr foule,beeamc ttyc £>ommcr g #june, 23,tu Cbc The calamine £!?c pieafent plott^ tyougty fo#) tortbc b^ter $ tyojtn nattl? Bam anD Gojmc,t&c lanDc toa$ bcjcD ftfli, 'E fcc ire of 45oD,tye people coulD not flmnnc, Create grctoe ttjc gtcefctyat came bp tjeaDfttongtoOl, 3toD all tijerc plaguc&bp wouDe conceitebegonne, 'Eljat tijougtjt to tulc^pcr^appjB; part rcafon* iojc, 'Create tyat totjo pleafcmp mufc not fcamDc tyctcfojc: £>f toarr$anDtooe,3 mcanemppennctofaame> Jn tycef Dtfcoutfe,fb£ *rftdomes\yM\ alone, 3 fluppe ouet Doubt&3 Date not be to platne, ^Uaa fire aie out,from flinte anD ftticken ftonc* 'Cljore bjofll* abjoefcetfc rcaime tan all to men: 'fcfK fccaD* toajte fiefce^c member* toerc ami*, Cfcc note* tocrc noug#,tyc Cong txm* out of tunc, 3nD baDDc # beft,tot)cremcl)e rube apufictt i*, 23loob toa* fofcugfotfcat ©utc&cttc boate tIjeflDaic, 3 man anDbcaft,\Betct»aicD botlje a like: Qty &l)tpc mutt brc,ti)c ODolfc \woiUb 4 bauc ty& p^u'c, Cftc rcr^c toouib rulc^c poojtc mutt palt ttjeptfee, %%t i?oufc mud bumefyat coulb not mafec Defence,. ^¥ ^can mutt ofjbat i#D mote txitttc tyen nccD*, 1ll)c fulleft bagg$ 3 tx>ete fcarc^eD fo^ fyctr pence* t£ty bain* toerc fougijt,ti)at mofic t^e Rumour feeb*, %Mt fiooD might ftaructljc baDDe founD all ttje graced <€ty boife mtgijt toalfec ab^oaDe^nD tell ttjc tree*, %ty faunrng foolc&tocrc mode wtfatDe in place: OfFraunce. C*K 03a(W to oulD fucfce,fye Iconic from tbc 25 ee& 3 nD to be plame,abufc in all ticgrccaf, 23:cb nought but toarte,anbnoimfttfuct}c Debate, , ^at all to t o w ,DtD Ipe tijat noble ttate 3nD brifcen one ta c e ,o t noble b oufc bib nf c , riDttt) fojee of armc£,to mafec reuolte o j ft oer , ^enne ft ouXanbe flocfct,a$ tbicfee a$ ftartjs in flues* about ftc ftteat* Jtofojc fljei^tncc* boo^e y # o tooo;b£ mtcjbt ferue,noz r caCon eoulb pjcuatlc : <8Pbe people toa#e,a$ boilbc ag ctjafeb Bcetc, j^ca tb ougb tbci Ijeatb^eit t»iuc$ bottle toepc \ toatle, <3£l)cii cljilfyen enc,ti)cit fccnW mafee moutnpng ctycrc ^ o bloobie ft gbt ,tn fimc fell tbci all, 3nD ftougl) on ^eaps(^al>xoatfeja(laie inbieu, %X)z people mabc,aeeounte thereof but emails jff oj battaile b;b,but malicettiil remit*. 3 grcate mans beatt),eofte manp fmaU mcng liucg r % finall offence JD;D maKc a gteatc aboo, t©ljen mat f o^get^cie cijilfycn anb fyeit toiue& 3nb mabltc fauli&to Ijatc ftcte eounttcp too* 31 little fparke,totll make amaruxilcugfitc, 3lub ttjen botbe ^inec,anb Jlatoe tf out of mtnber 6 oob rule i& tyounbe,anb cljtltyen boo confpire, 'Cbeit father 3 bcatt)$,anb kinfmen out of ktnbe, 33oo tutne anb eljangcatf tocafyer Coefcc toitlj totnbt*, £> f eauncc^o loofcc&bpon tljp bioobte toaietf, The calamine 3. tit) norcsf but ijalf :,tl;c pageant tijou ijaft p.atcD: itMll be tljcrcfo^c^e totfirt ailt^ctt fi) ^ at ttjc lca(M»ill ijotojr Ip bec aftaiek r £o plate fucijcp^anfc&ag fyoupoojcf cancetjaft&oon ^i)ou i)atrtt a tpmc,an&ti(#ctcijc& race to tun. for ot l)cr £ tocatc.tljat can gooD fcoarnpng take, 1p)P ncigtjboutg Ijauc ,!jat> laifute to tegarfce, 1Ei?c Ijarmtf of tljccanD to a mirrout make: Of tl)p greate &oolc 3 ant) fculfullDcfttnic tyarfce. Can greater plaguc&bec fcen in anp foite 'El?cn 3 tcucU ragc,an& fjauoefce cucrp toatc, 3d etutil toarrc.toitij tinefeeD toatfte ant) fpotlc. 3 DeaDlte totctje,t^at flrtttf ftoutc Ijartc bpfcaic. 3nD ftillg bp ntgljtjtfyc tjarmlcg in #0 bcDDc, O etttili toatte 3 tt)ou I?aa a !£itya$ i*cW>c: 3 JUJtperS kmt>e 3 a ^>crpcntc$ nature ti#otoc, 3i ^piDcr0 foapc 3 a foimc of togltc CoDe: 3 JDailtflje facc 3 a fbamrieflc blottcfc tyotoc, 3 btoobieI#tTt)c 3 at tjome ant) cfcc abjo&e. 3nD if a man 3 tooult) paintc a monttcr rtgijt, £>ctout in ftapc 3 but eiutll toartcto ttg^t: l&atntc all tyc Ijatm&tljat erucUmurti>ctterng& 2in& fure tljat £mafcc,ttuU fOctoc ten tljoufanfcc ftiug& 3 man maic not 3 tn colour* fctfojtyc tocll, % r u&c reuolt 3 a tmetctjefc ciuiU bjatoil: i^c tocrc a# gooMfTaie to painte out l^cl!, 3fH OfFraunce. atnt) fecfec to ftetoe,tlje f tyttf of torments all, 'STtjat GUic fouljB?^)oo fccle fcutij &amne& (fteett& l©^o fceg rcuolte,in feeifc oi ctufll ftrecttg, it? til ttynfec l^c mc c tt s ,maDD t) o ggs tnfgtf He Itfcc men, Ox els t» tlDc OD olu cs ttjat Hues m f a tiage tocoDc: Jt padctt) toittc,ant) cunnrng arte of pen, ^obtefc out toarr&bcganxmmotfalifooDe* , 3nD namriptyoill&tljat bjceiitf in publifce ftat c, 'Efjcf atife thereof ,botijc d^ofc atti> man Doctt) tjatc* Jfrance tije flotojcanD garfcaine of tlje cartlj, 'Cijc foile of toealtye,an& topp,of triumptjcall: l©^cre t$ beeomc,tt)p paftpme anD tl)p mttt^e, Cl)P glojie greatest toojl&Uc topeg toe call, ij^atl) txrilfce reuolt,ma&e tame ftp gallants gate, jf it on ftat biaulc,ft at tycetis fo greate a frate* jf ;e on ftat toarre,ft at b#mg£ rictje people bare* 3nD f oiilc bctaulc,fte birfcs ftat ftleg fteir neafre, ISeuoUc bipngs vealm$,ant) migltfte fcpngs in care, 3nH roots bppeace,anfc plants turcotf) to bjeatte* lEljougt) toilful! tKa&s,inbaftc reuengc totll take , 3int> foifomc fbieauDe 5 fccu:fe iQ&tocg out fteblaDc, Bctoave tl)tougl) fcatc^oto ctuill toarte pou malic: 3jt toounD* ftc ftatr 5 anD marrs all ijomv ttaDe, 3t*ott$ foipiD Ijart&anD Q)oil$ eclje commcntocalCj ' % rurclclTc fotc,tl)at no ftoeete falueean ijcale* ^l;c fotoj: mifftaimce^ftat jftauuee l)aft rcitftcrebp, The calamine (XnD daughter* gtcatc,txrt?ictK laftetttnanp a pert) E> :orfi ftanfcefo ftcflbcanD full befoic rout epe, '£W U)03tIDc mate fee ,mcn u o ugt) t tljat toar t c ful Octet CiKfloobofftrife^fotun Cotbtougbttjc tealmc, &Ojnetipgg0muftnecD&bc left bclnnt»ctt?e Ore ante. 3 n tol; icl)c Decpc tyoffe ,maic ire m oic Ijarme ttjen gooD <5 ci> lutein ectjc lanDc ,tt>at iouc* ant) fear tijc &o;De> from fuelje abuCe^nD tipeftyng after blooD , 3lnfc plant therein ,ft»eetc peace anB mtiDc aerobe: jf com U)bic^e pure tree ,ttjet e fpungg a pjectoug balme, 'Ctyat Uecp0 of fteimg ,anfc tnrttg* a quiet calmc. FINIS. i^mm^w- $££g@mfts&£@Gg@Sr THE MISFORTVNE • * ofPortugalle. ^ f taunce Hit) fmarte, tffcougft rage of ciuiU toarre, 3intJ jfiaunncr^ t0> not free froinfuctyc iifee foilc: £>oottjetfoiI& by meane oftoic^cD iarre, m>\)cn lead 10 tyougfcarc oflfrcti to ttyc fpoiic* 02>!)ofe to^ctcljcD tuenjlje tuife Docti) fcaiety ret»c, Co maUc t^e f on&c, tcfojmc t^ctr life a netoc: ©tit Ulcere toa# pcace,anD louc long iinfee& fafte, 3(nD people tx)a;et,bot^c ticlje an& ttoute of min&e, Jf ttjctr mtftappe,attD mifeljeef comeat lafte, t©ljat fjattc in tycaft,oj man ig fo bnfein&c: djat toill not toailc,tyc tooc of fuelje a tenti^ l©i)0 d5 oti alone^at^ touctjt toitt) migl)tic tyfiftc, in }Bo£tugaU,befctt a fcotfull caee, %t)t firaungctf ctyauuce,tl)at tjatlj bin IjcartJ of late Ctjetc toa$ afc|tmg,to{)0 tjab grcate giftg of grace, a #iincclp fparUc 5 of goottp pojtc anD ftatc: 3taD as ty0O)apc,t»asfcmcli> to tlje ftgtjt, > £>0 The miffortune £>o loc totttyn ,W mittiK toag ftapte a ticftt* f o^fojme of fact ,anfc ofyct outtoatfcc flioe& «g>etc aunftoctcfc full 5 t»itlj gtcatneffc oft^c Ijatte: 3nfc in tt?at ^ince,a$ noto report fyete goc& Of Ct»cctaU point&toag manp a noble pattc* 3imongtf)ete(fc,toag oncfullmucijc to note, Ije fought no toill,no£ tooufo of toomcn&ote, belittle tenotonejanD pet DefftlUe Delite, 3nt) loatfjefc lufte,pet lou&e a metric meane, ^o paftpme bcnt,pct banifbt pleafute quite, 3int> giat) to icafcc 5 a life mode pure ant) cleans 3mt) aitr»atc0 mcntjto Doe Come miotic ncctie, 3gainft fye 'Curfec&fuetye noble mpnDe fce boje: ^atoft^elifee,a man mate ^atWprccUe, . 3nb in out bate&toa$ fclbome fcen before, *©cU,tol)at auail&to blafr ty$ bcttuetf moje* !£# mint* toaa furijc,ljt tooulfc not foletittc, ^c^elDc goofcfame 3 mo?c toojty tfjen fjeap* of goto: 3(nb to maintained courage anD ty$ tottte, &gainft tyc 31£ote&a potoje pjepatclje tooulD, &> o toitlj ty$ fcccnU^ 3 anti I uclje n# totfl>tc Ijpm toell, i^e ftipppng toofce,an& fftcati tijc fca$ toity fail& 23utnoto3i Ijaucatoofulltaleto telU 3£n& noto mt DeeDe, mp mufe bot^e toeepg anU toaii& Zrib 31 mp felf 3 of tigtjt ougijt be full faDD, %o ftctoc at latge ; tttyat 01 fueceffe \)z \)tto } 23ofyc Of Portugal!. £ oft c be ant) bistfuil faflp fcttc on fooje, On enemie£gtounD,an& ranging to^cr c t^ct toouft: Bt0 fora? Uy m mcttc,anD f ougltf tonft tyvm fo f o jc: (i©l)ofc fttcngft anD fo^cc^toerc fttonget treble folk) 'SWat ije leas flame,anD ail W people lode: 3n& fetoe of ftem,tetoutne& ^ome againe, Smft c toas ft at f at e,ft at fought ft at cur ftet) code. •'E o m afcc D3 mufe , ft at Doeft a hue tematne, 3(n& mate W fcnotoe,bp ftitf gteate foug^ten fcelto mete i& no ltfe,but muC to jf o#une pecttu f 0£ at one tyme.,ft jce fcpngeg ma&e ft ere fteit en&e, 2Sut none of ftem,matectywiften men lament: £>auc fti£ gooO kpngjo toljom fte >Lo^UcHili fenfce, 31 foDatuc f alWo out gteate tufc ontcnt* j3ea,toaie fte lofle,an& too^ftc of fttfften blooDe, 3nletfteeafc,bc ft^ougljlpbn&etttoo&e, C^ete to>a$ not fuefoa lolTe ftefc ljuntyeft yeet& 23e iuDge ftetcof ,ft at fcnotoe* toljat ^inceg ate: 3nUofftcftate 3 anOtulcofbpngt>om$^eet^ 3tnD $0£tugall 5 ftou lueMctfc ianOc of eate, Be ftouftc iuOgcif 3 fpcafee ttoftc oj noc, ftooke ijoto ft ou toiitc 5 ft ou eantt not tji&e ft? tooe: 3n moutnpng blacke,let all ftp people goc: ^oelaimc a faft,anD ttteteijeyout tjanttf on#e, 3nb tn fte ftteatjatf oj fo^totoe fcoulc anb cue* fo} ftnee ft? kpn&tf tafeen ftom ft ec ftu& The miffortune Z liat tt>as bcfoicfcut tl)cc to tl)p grcatc tope: ^c Ijcre ts bct)int)c 5 a fo jcr plague petouft 3 f carclcffc IjcaDs ,of carnett maUc a tore* C oult) mo^c mid)appc,to anp folic befall, Cl)cu lofc tl)c ftampc, tl;at gauc t^c eountrepltgljt: (3tnfc tu tl)c DatUc 5 can ft nfce no totclje at all, #o,t can&cllelcrc^totorilfoc in l©iutergnigl;t 5 ) £oul& f o ttune tooozkc 3 to men a tocjfc Dcfp;tc: 1E l;cn tafcc atoaic 3 t!jcir f)opc ant; comfort quite* £ouit) people lofe,i ^earlc of greater pjtec: %\)ta fucl}c a d5cm,a$ toojlfcc con fcarcly fljotoc, * " jCoiUti £)c atljcn men^tftc any taojtfc lieuiee, Co to^ttyen gme 5 fo greste an oucrtl#otoe* 3' fcarctl)c bacbs,tl)at learnt t^eir Ctuifltf eroJTc roto, rMl quaiic foz t$&\wfjen toe arc in oar gratte* Cl)c lofTc is pctltfee fniite tfjat is but greene, On gootutc trcc&tljat blafteD ig toitl) txunfcc: 23 ut K>t)cn tijc tuant,of apples flmlbc fecne, x&it\) ino:e cegar&c,tt>c matter flmlltoc minfcr* JLcatic tl;at to t)?m,tl)at gtus ant) tafcs afcmic, naljo can at Icn&tiMjt£ fccrtetoill berate* fi cto Hccfc from folD^naic ron anfc mectc ftc tooifc, pttljcfloctotorucnmuftfail: fi o\u grecf pafl c curccomcg in ti#oug!) gufl;rng golfc, floto p?mcc i£ Dcan 3 aDue pooje $o?tugall« Cl)^ Date t$ &ocn,cjcccptc fo? fceaame ftraunge, C3oD OfPortugall. <3oD fcnftcfomc eljaunce^to countctpatfe tlje ctjatmgc, Jn &\\it$ of Iate 5 tim$ ftroa biafrng fi>tarrc 3 3i £omctc tyigtjt^at tt# eatne& plagg at banfce, «Dt)tel)c mn pjefage 3 pctfjappg ttytf blooDtc txiatre, 3int) plagg ttyat ate 3 a tyotcljc m manp a ianfce* <5ot> ts&tfplcatt) 5 ant) futcljte toiatljc ig gteate, naljcn 'Curcfcff tioc fco v :ge 3 anD plage tip, c^ftcn kings: C^ angrie figne 3 anD fcarfitU fo^attic Ijeate, ^aU$ toifemen toaie 3 tljc \nctgi}t of further things* UDfjcrc migitfte trec&atc rent toltlj tyunfcet etaefce, HDity ttembirng feare 3 tl)c people tyometoarfc tonne: %\p tempefts? tage,tl)at typngefy men anti tojtacfcc, J£l?etc tmunger t^ccljc Uupng tfymg totli fi;onnc: £>o fuelje as recycle plague 0} toarts cnctcace, UDiil ftefcc fo } ijcaitycant* pjaie to ituc in peace* FIKIS. >:-\li'X : ^JL-^' THE VNQVIETNES of Irelande. l*^ r iOS2£SI © tccate of 3!teianb£ tofc, anb tdl fye trouble* noto, (anb paint you out m p i of c ox b cts , the countries fo:otoc tt)0joioc) no ouib fure c out amc mo; c trmc anb earned matter bot^c, ^ba eafip m£ tooulb fpare to fpeb o? boojibc tooulbtbinfce a trofyc* jf oj ttyere tijefc manp pcre& ^atb firtef in ftate been ttojbc, 3nb felbomc in tbe quiet ftcat^, can reftc tye trcnei)?mg ftootfie* Ctjc Cbibiourg tijat are fent, to fceepe tbe lanbe in atoc: 3re fainc to marclje fyxougfj ttyefee anb triune, - anb after Ipe in fir atooc, 3nb feebe ontoljat tljei finbe, but loc piainc eountrepmen, 3D oetfj fate our ^ojfc 3 eatg bp tijeir cojne, anb Cotgnic note anb ttjen* ££ak$ totfc anb ctytlbjen trie, anb Oflrelande. ant) ieau$ tye lanfcc full bate: Its fritt) to fenotoe if eommongpoo^c, oz foltuouts feclg moftc eate* 'Ctjc grcef fo commons, tbat ccl)c one beared a pecce, 3nt) <5ot) l?c fcnot»c$ to^o Ucfcg ttje fattc, o k i (bears atoaicttjcflecc* a3utnotototelltl)ctoilc, ant) trauaillfoltuour stake, ^Co ttjofe ttjat Knotoes not totjat ttmeantf, it tooult) a toonfcet mate, tfo£ t»l)o tbat tljetc can fettle, anD fuffet toi^at Doetijfail, c ttjc tyont of anp toatte, tn £tmflen kftHflMmtf all: Cfc fttcngtt) ant) fttatts ate fuclje, ttjat men muft paffc fomtpmc* 'Oc t ocfcS ant) mountains ate Co fttaunge hereon ttjc foltnouts dime: 1£t)ei can not toell be tol&e, noinumbut)t)creangtjt* 3nt) touc^S mtgi)ttc tooot)S ant) boggS, 3 eoult) name fuctjc a ftgt)t: 310 tooult) rou tocattc mafce, torcatjoiloofccbpou, 3nD toi)0 tiemaunt)s tl?c trofye of fyofe ©♦U tint The .vnquictncflc rijat batl) tljc tourncttf gom ^T).YiU)catcatt)Oufant>ctl)png£ J tul)tcl)c Uoo:tl)tc is tljc note, 'iEl;clabo2 J pamc,anDpiocfc thereof, mamcucrbcfoigotc* ^oinc fecis it m tl)cit toptt& anD frail totyclsUucs fycibcatc, 3lnU fo be bolHc 9 tol)o trtcjaf tijat foile, mate tenter anp U)l)ctr. jfoi toile tioctl) fcatel? gro toc> amiDDc tl^at trouble!) lan&e, 23nt l;oto tftc caufe thereof fcoty rife, totty urifc&omc bec it fcanfcc, ^o !)catc tljc peop,c eric, anD fee ttycir bare cHatc, rDoulfc fare mouc tcartf in anp cpr. ftat Doctl) tt)c countrcpljatc, 3 can but totfbe tljcm tocll, mp Ductic claimgtlje feme, jf 01 tljat the: arc our tieig^bo^ ncrc anD cugl}ttooittj cquailnamc, XUUc Oibiccf jas line txntl) fc$, fci &nec one .pimre toe tyauc, One mint-c 5 manet fboult) toe (beto* gootJ czticr ttjat Doctl? erauc* CIjc ijan.Sc Docti) lone tljc atmc, anD Oflrelandc. p. anD armc fcottl) leggg agree, 3nD all ft c lornts ft c bot»ic bears, in pcrfttc peace mult bee: j&oljcaD ftalltocUbeefcru&e, but toljctc ft ofc members iarre, ^r^erc voi\ burC out Tome boH) abute f omc bxaulc , o£ irfcfom toarre* ^ougt) 3rclanT>c l>attj bin long, inmoHctjnquieteaee, gt toil be txJdl,\x)l)cn 45ot> ftall plant, in peopled ijartg ty$ grace: gijopctofceftat&aie, anfcftatinfcaronlWt, Oat mp plain pen (ball anDc greatc caufe, to pclfcc ftem goofc report* FINIS. t^* THE TROBLES ofScotlande. • f jflaunfcct&tftauncc, o^o jtugall compare, xOit\) ^cotlanDc noto, f o jt tr oblc&fttauttgc it.toete; jfo^tyattefotlc, offoitotoeantiofcatc, 3nb c^ccfcft fcatc, offatmclTcanploljcrc* Ct)at ctte ijatt) l)afc,toitl)m it fclf fuctje ftooje, 3$ fpotltic tlje ianDc^anl) kept ttyc eounttcp poo^c: airtU taljcn tbat toatr&atotyle Ijafc taKcn icaue, (3tnt) tooc ba&c toant,to laic ftounc fpcare atiH fljccifcc:) r £i)e one bp(letgl)t,tl)e otl;cr twoulti IDcccauc, 3wD ttjan (iarpe ftao^c^oulU pleat) tbc cafe m fcclDe* . I^ea in tl)c !jQiifc,fljo;t Dagger DiO tyc feccSc, aoijen murtijet nugl)t 5 fcttic tpmc ox tunic fin necDc: 3in& nouflct) t\)\x$fl)ti tare i5o&toot in bioot), 3> rage tljct tooul&,not fpare^nctjpc ttoj lofcoc: j^ ot one mtgtjt bupc^t0 ufe fot toozltrtp goofc, 3f murtl^rng ijant)s,tocrc bent to gtuc tljcblotoc: % l;cir bainou$ acfc&fufficfent p:oofe Doctl? fyotoc, OfScotlande.^ 3 nccbc not nmtjtyt petfonjf ^fauttfame: :ff oj aaugljtcttf erie,t^ougt) tygtycft clouti^ fcoetfj goc, ainb liaicip craue&of d5ob retyefle agatne, %ty murtljcrpng miHie,^ neuet ftcefrom foe, ii^o^furcoffcccnticno^HftofUfetnfitit,*' ' 2Sut DtoclltfmDoubt 3 anTHtU!JUfeccurfreti£amc: fl) tjappic totgljt^at tyatt) faclje grace bcuine, ^at ncuer toiling i)atte noj conference ftainc, !©ttt) b^ottjerg blooD: an& bicfleD is fyat ijctfoc, 3tnb tjantie toittjaUjljat ncuer Moot) DtD ftctfoe* 23 otyc bcafitf ant> birttf, toill faU out fontaic toaic& aint) dime aa»l)tle,atto pet at length agree: 33ut asl)allmalhcc fin^c,aplaecanb fuccour tljcrc, x&\yx c Gobs, grcatc gtft^,ougl>t Ipe like trcafurc fyb; ^foall barts of mcti,(t^c tenipic ot tl}c ftotbe) KoDgc ututtljcv bilc,an& nourifiic fouktJifco^e^ £ri}*U tljofcttjat fcnotoc&tobatlatoc * pcaccts txjonl? ^Kafeclatocanti^cace^nbbiecticlJiircnttou^Il- 'Oc tree i$ baoDc, tijat tyrngs fuet)c taaunc!)c<3 :&jtft: >Oc Ijc^o arc tjaiuc>tljat fbatocs no fcccprr C&1I, Cbcgrounbt0nottgbt^ati^ce^butfcrattin^i3t^ 3 nb foilc u :t so3D^crcmuttl}ct-(?!U at JD.ftu • .;} Tli^^oubks ( ; nil yet t\zfctMitesw}>U£&wl)iw*# ftft glpqtf l^;^r VuCouuk 5 tutu£ manpttomgg amt# £> i cidrt !)cW,t!)at $f com Ijcaucn fait, 3::iD crtu^(^t;^f^«ctt$#i#« be caufe: 'Ctyat people arc^tsiraubU#j>8$lp tent> . , 3ln& fo toi3:tt0,gooftt^*j^)»^oiComcIft^e^ 3; f pianetts cc'dU>,U>od k ifec tljat effecte in man, a^ctc [bouft $ cfc# gracc^aue fe^cc an& toctfuc ttyan/ 3;t tocrc a Caulte^nD err oat toonDettfgreatc, <&o truft c^ ttyufce,tljat #lancttg coulD Doe oujftt, 3 n man toljo tab&$£ fo^tce anH lunDl? locate, 1?:S forme ant) fl)ape,tyg fence an& feelpng tijougjjt, . jfroml)t>mtl;at Citt^aboue t^c^tarr^aniifcejB;. ~ :." i^oto ^Jancttg moue 3 anU Ijoto tlje too jlDc agreed UDouID 6 on tljofc fotic0,U)I)crc grcatcfl tarrs Ijauc bin, 3lnt> all tl)c foit&ant) people of tyc fame: HDoulD ft om !?cnccfO£t!)c,fucbc t rafcc of life begin, 3W in our toojlfce^mtgljt purcijace cn&lcflc f ante* Jr 0} blooDte biaul&tljat ljutlte burlic tyce&ft BDitl) murrtjers foule,anD ttcafong boifcc of feare, £oms out of bicc,anD l&png£ front toicktb fceti& Itljci are a ttto(Te 5 an& £>arocll tn godfc £o;tnc: Z gracclcCc gratnc,t!)at poifongman an& bcaftc: Zxx open plague^ pnaie ftiicbpng tl^o^ne: at banHcttc fine,to grace a ftitljic feaftc: 3 Diftc of fruUi^eaeDp like Datnttecljearc at OfScorfahffe. ^mc(rcofbjt«^e,f^atmatti0fH)c^nmctQuitc: 3coIDeconeerte 3 of £oofctic bougtyfull Beat c: 3 eonmmg tmacfcc 3 of fcnautie (Jwcftc totfy (#tc: 3 tticfec nctoe leattO>e,bcponi)c t!jc3lpg 5 ttotuc; 3torcb?oug^tljomc^t^ofet!jatt«iucU!5fanc: . * "'* fimple £>nafec 3 a fmilpBg futtctiftiotoc: 3 figncaf ^cacc,but grountic of grccuous toatre. . u?ijatcant)cna:m:D,ofaUDtIccarti)lptiirn5S ? 23utmurtl)ct$rcacl)c,anDmon(h:on0trcafonb:pngs: 'Eljc ianfcc tijat tjafyanttfo !)# botocte but), 'Ctya fo^c Difeafc,anD tuill no mdtfon take: 3J0 furc not tocll 3 anfc ficfcc from fcctc to ljc&> 3nD of tt fclf 3 but fmall account fccctl) mate* fio (tat? can ftanfcc^ttejttfticcbcatgno ftoatc, ^ l)c Iqgjs arc iamc^at full of Rumours arc: 'Cbc man mttflTall 3 fl)at Ijat!) no ecttatne ITaic, &>tytz bcrtuc toant&toc toalfe$ button an& tare* 3 patcijet) to;uilc 3 i$ (bafctc afon&et fttctcftt: 3t law no txrfjilc 5 tt)at i$ fctbp by Octg^t: Out Mature Ijacts 3 tl)c tljpng tliat tf not 300D: 9 nt> fuclje as baltc,arc fptcfc bp tpugt)t fence: 3nDfc:nbc abl)QZ£tl)cbla&c cmbzucD inblooD: «D!)O(lrtU0tl)c^caUc 5 tl}atcannot!r;aHcl:cicncc, 'Ostc not in fccltJ 3 n point to meet: l,;o foe* ttMjo macks aban&c,to murtljcr one alone, kouc^ neither ^mce/10? commoutocaitl) 3 fcnotoc: 3nt> , Thi troubles 3lnfc toljo Drittc&to l)C4X tl)c giltlefle gtone, £> octt) bcarc wm?$ (bapc,anD 1£rger$ nature (botoe: HDclMct ttjat pa(Te,greatc troubled maie a rife, 3n angTtc t»C£lfce,tt?at te Mpleatoe feat nought: 23ut fuct?e a$ fa!l 5 to tmirtljcr ate not Me, Ct)ctr toittg can not,coneetue tjoto man toatf to#ou$t ii^o^toljo tegatD$ 3 tl)e tojongg gooti people fjauc: ~ WW gtltlefle blooti,a ticftt teucngetoety ctaue* .... . FINIS. jt> THE BLESSED ftateofEnglande. Hat blejfed hap, and hap fie dates, our Kyngdome doethpoffes, theloelth^ peace that here abouds to Tporlde mate Tfeliexpres: What greater toy e c a people hauc than reft and riches bothe? aAnd many other fruit full tbyngs, that on thofe braunchesgrolceth. What earthly fame, is like to this? Ivhat ^ctfedome can bee more? Thanjhunne the broiels,thatfollie bryngs, and laie njp Tvealthe in ftore. F organs *toben caufe commaunds the fame, Tchat can Toe'e ftftjhefi Veil Than, at a tyme of troubles greate, in quiet houfe to dwell. *Xut ti\tyc a Tohik "Kith iudgtng Wtt; Ef Mat ThcUefted ftatc W T&0* ut tatfyng Ivarrs , bothe he and more, that buyes their knowledge dere, That goes ostt "toell } c&ms homeloith loJfe y and than reHs quiet here. Cries out of^varrs>finds fault toith totle, and trufis to that 1V/ Ilia fie, tAndfo tyithjadde and heauie minde, forgetts the labours paste: oAndfaulls to take the eafe ^e here enioye,Tnth peace at home. a/4 leTDelllohiche fuUfea*\\>ejhaUfindc, that lists abr ode to rome. for rounde about <-us euery Tvhere, the TiPorlde fb runs. on Ipbcels: 4 -^ That Of Englande. That V>e are b/ef? that here no parte J of their ajfliclionfee/es. Here haue Tveefcope tofkjppe or ^alke^ to ronne andplaie at bap: Still rvoide of fear e^and free of minded m euery pointfe andcace. Here frcends maie meete andtalkeatlviU, the Prince and LaToe o bated: sAnd neither flraungejior home borne childe, of Fortune flands afraied. Here hands doe reape the feeds theifoloe^ and heads haue quiet flee ps: eAnd^iJedome gouernsfo the loorUe^ that reafon order keeps. Here mercie rules, and mildcneffe raigns^ and peace greatc plentic bryngs; sAndfollace in his fleetest oice 3 the\ ChriHmas carrot le fyngs. ; i Here fre ends maiefeaH, andtriumphe too 9 m fuertie njoide of ill: * i. • aAnd one the other Welcome make* »'*•< ,- E.ij. *tohat The bleffed ftatc ""frith mtrthe and "ft aYme good "Will. Thegrounde it bryngs fuche blejjyngforthe, that glad are forrains all: ^Am id their leant, and hard'e exUrcems, infauour here to faull. Heer bounded jlaets doe he ale their harms, and firaungers fiill repaired When mi fcheef makes them marche abroad, anddriue them in diff>aire. Heer thousands haunt andfinde releefl that are in hcauie cace: *And freendly folke Ivith open arrhes, doethj/flie Joules enbr ace, Heer thyngs are cheape 3 and eafljhad > '■" ' no J one the like eanjfowe: ... , ..... D^ojtate nor Kyngdome at this daie^ ' v doeth in fuche plentU flolve. The traular that hath ^tthh^W^f '^ and gone through many a taffde': ' **\\yt it ■- When he comes homeland noets thefe thyngs > toheauenholds^handa :y[ ^X\W tAnd \ Of Englande. tAndmufeth hcTto this little plotte, canyeeldfuche pleafures greate; Jt argues ^herefuche graces grolPe 3 that God hath blett the Je ate. r Bothe Trine e and people euery one, andlvhere his hlejfyng is, There neither 'H>ants no earthly ioye> nor hope ofheauens blis. This 1LE , is Kirnell of the Nutte, andthofe that neare ^vs dlbell, (Our forraine neighbours rounde about 3 ) J counte them but thejhell: That holdeth in this Kirnell ftoeete 3 • as Nature hath apende. tAndaxfomefrells Ivorrne eaten are % yet Kirnell founde loefinde: So fondrie foils >about this lie > are crackt, andcrojhteye kno^e: VVtth furies rage,and force that f lis their countrey full offtoe. VVhiche force of mentor rage oflvarre, E.iy. macks via TheblefTedftate »h%cl K t calme the lookers on: tAndbids T^ife heads Jo quenche hottefire, andftandc as colde as ft on. When jiriefVould florre njf quiet ft ate, to [trute for feeble fir aloes: xAnd Icaue the lone of countries T^eale, and holds Ifith jcrraine caufe. ENGLJNDE, thou art hie si in deede, thy nccke is free from yoke: Thy armes are ftrongjhy bodyfomde, and in good oolvre be ffoke, Thy youth and age haue able ioynts > to trie thy caufe infeelde: *And as that nolo in troublous tymes, the horde hath been thy faeelde. So looke Tvhen comes in 3 cunnyng knacks, thy Tvhole account is made. That plainnesfliall make finenesfeele, the height ofBilboloe blade. lore blcffedthan thy neighbours all, by proof thou art as yet: More &. > OfEnglande. %hlore likely Art thou by that caufe, in peace and re fie to fit. *More good in feafonbatt thou doen y than thousands Pelican loaye: Jiiottehappie is ibyftate therefore, . . andfurerflands thy fiaye. Than maiett thou he the Kirnellftoeete, that many Toifhe to haue: 'But none canfyoilejiorfcarce dare touchy. fuche grace gre ate God thee gaue. That gar dcfhallkeepe the Kirnelllong, from Tvorme- and kicked foile: oAndfende good for tune fondrie Vaies,