V REGULATIONS '^<3>is?l CONCERNING RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY OVER THE PUBLIC LANDS. APPROVED NOVEMBER 4, 1898. <-/ar WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1898. TAG.'. 6 REGULATIONS COXCEKN1NG RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY m OVER THE PUBLIC LANDS. APPROVED NOVEMBER 4, 1898. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1898. RIGHT-OF-WAY RAILROADS. The following is a copy of an act of Congress approved March 3, 1875, entitled "An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States:" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of | America in Congress assembled, That the right of way through the public lands of the United States is hereby granted to any railroad company duly organized under the laws of any State or Territory, except the District of Columbia, or by the Congress of the United States, which shall have filed with the Secretary of the Interior a copy of its articles of incorporation, and due proofs of its organization under the same, to the extent of one hundred feet on each side of the central line of said road; also the right to take, from the public lands adjacent to the line of said road, material, earth, stone, and timber necessary for the construction of said railroad; also, ground adjacent to such right of way for station buildings, depots, machine shops, side-tracks, turn-outs, and water-stations, not to exceed in amount twenty acres for each station, to the extent of one station for each ten miles of its road. SEC'. 2. That any railroad company whose right of way, or whose track or roadbed upon such right of way, passes through any canyon, pass, or defile, shall not pre- vent any other railroad company from the use and occupancy of said canyon, pass, or defile, for the purposes of its road, in common with the road first located, or the crossing of other railroads at grade. And the location of such right of way through any canyon, pass, or defile shall not cause the disuse of any wagon or other public highway now located therein, nor prevent the location through the same of any such wagon road or highway where such road or highway may be necessary for the public accommodation: and where any change in the location of such wagon road is necessary to permit the passage of such railroad through any canyon, pass, or defile, said railroad company shall before entering upon the ground occupied by such wagon road, cause the same to be reconstructed at its own expense in the most favorable location, and in as perfect a manner as the original road: Provided, That such expenses shall be equitably divided between any number of railroad companies occupying and using the same canyon, pass, or defile. Sr.c. y. That the legislature of the proper Territory may provide for the manner in which private lands and possessory claims on the public lands of the Unite:! States may be condemned; and where such provision shall not have been made, such condemnation may be made in accordance with section three of the act entitled ''An act [to amend an act entitled an act] to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for postal, military, and other pur- poses, approved July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. SE, 10) should each show these connections. The com- pany must certify in Form 4 that the road is to be operated as a common carrier of passengers and freight. A tract for station grounds must be similarly referenced and described on the plat and in Forms 7 and s (p. 11), except when the tract conforms to the sub- divisions of the public surveys, in which case it may be described in the forms according to the subdivisions. lo. When either terminal of the line of route is upon unsurveyed land it must he connected by traverse with an established corner of the public survey, if not more than G miles distant from it, and the single bearing and distance fr;>m the terminal point to the corner computed, and noted on the map, in the engineer's affidavit, and in the president's certificate (Forms .'! and 4). The notes and all data for the computation of the traverse must be given. 14. When the distance to an established corner of the public sur- vey is more than <> miles, this connection will be made with a natural object or a permanent monument which can be readily found and rec- ognized, and which will fix and perpetuate the position of the terminal point. The map must show the position of such mark, and course and distance to the terminus. There must be given an accurate description of the mark and full data of the traverse, as required above. The engineer's affidavit and president's certificate (Forms 3 and 4) must state the connections. These monuments are of great importance. 15. When the line of route lies partly on unsurveyed land, each portion lying within surveyed and unsurveyed land will be separately stated in Forms 3 and 4, by connection of termini and length, as though each portion were independent. 16. When lands desired for station grounds lie partly on unsurveyed land, the areas of the several parts on surveyed and unsurveyed land must be separately stated on the map and in Forms 7 and 8. 17. Maps or plats of lines of route or station grounds lying wholly on unsurveyed lands may be received and placed on file in the Gen- eral Land Office and the local land office of the district in which the same is situated, for general information, and the date of filing will be noted thereon; but the same will not be submitted to nor approved by the Secretary of the Interior, as the act makes no provision for the approval of any but maps showing the location in connection with the public surveys. The filing of such maps or plats will not dispense with the filing of maps or plats after the survey of the lands and within the time limited in the act granting the right of way, which map or plat, if in all respects regular when filed, will receive the Secretary's approval. 18. In filing such maps or plats the initial and terminal points will be fixed as indicated in paragraphs 13 and 14. 19. Whenever the line of survey crosses a township or section line of the public survey, the distance to the nearest existing corner should be ascertained and noted. The map or plat should show these dis- tances and the station numbers at the points of intersection. When field notes are submitted, they should also contain these distances and station numbers. '20. The engineer's affidavit and president's certificate must be written on the map, and must both designate by termini and length, in miles and decimals, the line of route for which right of way appli- cation is made (see Forms 3 and 4, pp. !, 10). Station grounds must be described by initial point and area in acres (see Forms 7 and ">, p. 11); and when they are on surveyed land the smallest legal subdivision in which they are located should be stated. No changes or additions are allowable in the substance of any forms, except when the essential facts differ from those assumed therein (see paragraph 12). 21. Where right of way is desired for spurs or short branch lines which will not greatly enlarge the size of the map, they may !>e shown 8 on the same map with the main line, and should be separately described in the forms by termini and length. For longer branch lines separate maps should be filed. 22. When the maps are filed the local officers will note in pencil on the tract books opposite each vacant tract traversed, that right of way for a railroad or station grounds is pending, giving date of filing and name of company, noting on each map or plat the date of filing, over their written signature, transmitting them promptly to the General Land Office. (See paragraph 11.) 23. Upon the approval of a map of location by the Secretary of the Interior the duplicate copy will be sent to the local officers, who will mark upon the township plats the line of the railroad or location of station grounds, as laid down on the map or plat. They will also note, in ink, on the tract books, opposite each tract marked as required by paragraph 22, that the same is to be disposed of subject to the right of way for the railroad company's line of road or station grounds. 24. When the railroad is constructed, an affidavit of the engineer and certificate of the president (Forms o and (i, p. 10) must be filed in the local office, in duplicate, for transmission to this office. No new map will be required, except in case of deviations from the right of way previously approved, whether before or after construc- tion, when there must be filed new maps and field notes in full, as herein provided, bearing proper forms, changed to agree with the facts in the case. The map must show clearly the portions amended or bear a statement describing them, and the location must be described in the forms as the amended survey and the amended definite location. In such cases the company must file a relinquishment, under seal, of all rights under the former approval as to the portions amended, said relinquishment to take effect when the map of amended definite loca- tion is approved by the honorable Secretary. BINGER HERMANN, Commissioner of the General Land Office. Approved November 4, 18!)8. C. N. BLISS, Secretary of the Interior. FOBMS FOR DUE PEOOFS, AND VERIFICATION OF MAPS OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR FOR RAILROADS. FORM 1. I, , secretary (or president) of the company, do hereby certify that the organization of said company has been completed; that the company is fully authorized to proceed with construction according to the existing laws of the State (or Territory) of ; and that the copy of the articles of association (or incorporation) of the company filed in the Department of the Interior is a true and correct copy of the same. I In witness whereof I have hereunto set my name and the corporate seal of the company. [SEAL OF COMPANY.] , of the Company. FORM 2. STATE OF . -, being duly sworn, says that he is the president of the pany, and that tbe following is a true list of the officers of the said company, with the full name and official designation of each, to wit: (Here insert the full name and official designation of each officer. ) [SEAL OF COMPANY.] , President of Company. Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of , 189 . [SEAL.] . Not art/ Public. STATE OF County of . being duly sworn, says he is the chief engineer of (or is the person employed to make the survey by) the - company: that the survey of the said company's line of railroad described as follows: (here describe the line of route as required by paragraph 12), a length of - miles, was made by him (or under his direction) as chief engineer of (or as surveyor employed by) the company and under its authority, commencing on the day of , ISO , and ending on the day of - . 189; and that the survey of the said line is accurately represented on this map and by the accompanying field notes. Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of . 1.s<)- [SEAL.] Public. 9 10 FORM 4. I, , do hereby certify that I am president of the - company; that , who subscribed the accompanying affidavit, is the chief engi- neer of (or was employed to make the survey by) the said company; that the survey of the said railroad, as accurately represented on this map and by the accompanying field notes, was made under authority of the company; that the company is duly authorized by its articles of incorporation to construct the said railroad upon the location shown upon this map; that the said survey as repre- sented on this map and by said field notes was adopted by resolution of its board of directors on the day of - , 189 , as the definite location of the said railroad, described as follows: (describe as in Form 3); and that this map has been prepared to be filed in order to obtain the benefits of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1875, entitled "An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States." I further certify that the said railroad is to be operated as a common carrier of passengers and freight. President of the Company. Attest: [SEAL OF COMPANY.] , Secretary. FORM 5. STATE OF - , Count// of being duly sworn, says that he is the chief engineer of (or was employed to construct) the railroad of the -- company; that said railroad has been constructed under his supervision, as follows: (describe as in paragraph 12) a total length of - miles; that construction was commenced on the' day of , 189 . and completed on the day of , 189 ; and that the con- structed railroad conforms to the map and field notes which received the approval of the Secretary of the Interior on the day of . 189 . Sworn and subscribed to before me this day of , 189. [SEAL.] Notary Public. FORM I). I, , do hereby certify that I am the president of the company; that the railroad described as follows: (describe as in Form 5) was actually con- structed as set forth in the accompanying affidavit of , chief engineer (or the person employed by the company in the premises) ; that the location of the constructed railroad conforms to the map and field notes approved by the Secre- tary of the Interior on the day of - , 189 ; and that the company has in all things complied with the requirements of the act of Congress approved March 3, 1875, entitled li An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States." President of tlic Compaui/. Attest: [SEAL OF COMPANY.] Secretary. 11 FORM 7. STATE OF , County of , ss: , being duly sworn, says he is the chief engineer of (or is the person employed to make the survey by) the company; that the survey of the tract described as follows: (here describe as required by paragraph 12) an area of acres, and no more, was made by him (or under his direction) as chief engineer of the company (or as surveyor employed by the company) , and under its authority, commencing on the day of , 189 , and ending on the day of , 189 ; that the survey of the said tract is accurately represented on this plat and by the accompanying field notes; that the company has occupied no other grounds for similar purposes upon public lands within the section of 10 miles, from the mile to the mile, for which this selection is made; that, in his belief, the said grounds are actually and to their entire extent required by the company for the necessary uses contemplated by the act of Congress approved March 3, 1875, entitled "An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States. 1 ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 189 . [SEAL.] Notary Public. FORM 8. I, , do hereby certify that I am president of the company: that , who subscribed the accompanying affidavit, is the chief engi- neer of .(or- was employed to make the survey by) the said company; that the sur- vey of the tract described as follows: (here describe as in Form 7) an area of acres, and no more, was made under authority of the company: that the said sur- vey, as represented on this map and by said field notes, was adopted by resolution of its board on the day of , 189 . as the definite location of said tract for station grounds; that the company has occupied no other grounds for similar purposes upon public lands within the section of 10 miles, from the mile to the mile, for which this selection is made; that, in his belief, the said grounds are actually and to their entire extent required by the company for the necessary uses contemplated by the act of Congress approved March 8, 1895, entitled "An act granting to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States." President of the Company. Attest: [SEAL OF COMPANY.] Secretary.