GRAMMAR Of THE REEK LANGUAGE: ORIOlNALty COMPOSED FOR THE COLLEGE-SCHOOL AT GLOUCESTER^ 2N WHICH IT EAS BEEN THE EDi^TOK^S JDESIGN Ο REJECT WHAT, IN THE MOST IMPROVED EDITIONS 0^ eAMBDEN, IS REDUNDANT I TO SUPPLY WHAT IS DEFICIENT : TO REDUCE TO ORDER WHAT i^S INTRICATE AND CONFUSED t AND TO CONSIGN TO AN APPENDIX ■arwAT IS not requisite to be οθτ by heart. SECONn JMERICAN EDITION. amended by the University at Cambridge, (Mass.) to be used by those whs ·αϊ^ intended for that Seminary. BOSTON I PRINTED BY J. T. BUCKING Η AMj m THOMAS ANDREWS, NO. 45j N£ vVBU.^Y-STRERT, Oil. 1S05, Adverttjemni of Camindge Unwerjty, Whereas the Univerfttf in Cambridge for fevT**- cral years paft Has fuffered niuch inconveiiience, aiid the intereft of Let- ters no fmall detriment, from the variety of Latin and Greek Grammars ufed by the Students, in confequence of that diverfity, to which, under difcent inftrutStors, they have been accuftomed ία their preparatory courfe % tO promote fo far as may be, the caufe of Literature, by prevent- ing thofe evi-is in' future, the government of the yniverfity, on due con- lideration of the fubje^^ has thought it expedient to re^ueft all Inftruc- tors of Youth, who may refort to Cambridge for education, to adopr Adam's JLaiin Grammarf^ and the " ΟΙοηοεββτ Greek Grammar with ref*- crence to fuch pupik^ as Books iingalariy calculated for the improve* meut of ftudents in thefe languages. The univerfity has no wifli to re- rommend,- much lefs to di<5late, to any other inftitution, but only to facilitate the acquiiition of Literature by promoting uniformity within it- felf. Thefe being the Grammars which will be ufed at this College hy- all claflTcs, admitted after the prefent year, it feems neceffary to prevent future i^ilficulty, by giving this public and timely notice for ^though kp.owlcdge of thefe Grammars is not at prefent made indifpeniably necef-- tavy tii admiifion into the Univerfity, yet every fcholar who may be ac- reptcd after the prefent Commencement without fuch knowledge, will be ffcG^nired irn^ediately to form a radical and intimate acquaintance with' ihrra,a8no ftudent will be permitted at the claiiical C2;€rcifes to ufe auy «ther Grammar. Ciimbrldg?^ July 1799» PREFACE. A MDNC ths various latrcduaions to the Greek Language hitHert© prefented to the Public, Pf^ard's and the £ton Editions of Cambden have undoubtedly obtained the Preference; there bem| few reputable Seminaries of Education in which one or the other ot them is not in Ufe i but, although diftinguiihed by this general Appro- bation, they are not free from grofs Inaances of Redundancy, Deficiency and Indifim^ ArrangemenU To accomodate the Pablie with a Grammar, conilrudledj for the moft Part, on the Plan of thefe, but exempt from their Imperfeaions, has been the Defign of th^ Editor of the following Sheets : Whether he has fucceeded^ in the Attempt, is a Queftion fub mitted with muck Deference to the Decifion of thofe, whom Expencnc in the Art of Teaching has qualified to determine. The Parts, on i moft Fains have bcca beftowed, are, the Decleniion and Comparii Adjeaives, the Rules of Augment, and of Formation of Teniei pafticularly thofe of Syntax an(S Profody ; in all whichj if efl Improvement be not difcerniblej much L·abour has certainly thrown away: The (Grammar is written in Engliili, becaufe, at Entrance upon the Greek Rudiments, Boys have generally acquire a ilender Knowledge of Latins That time therefore which has ufually wafted to inveftigate the Meaning of Latin Rules, may b employed in the Attainment and immediate Application of fuch a bse no fooner read than comprehended. Of Redundancy \n the Grammars abovementioned the ObfeΓvatίoπί^ refpeaing Diaka and Figure introduced among the Declenfions an(^ Conjugations is a flriking Inftance ; for, if Knowledge be bcft attained fey gradual Advances, the Tables of the latter ought to have been exhibit- s' lid in their iimple. Forms ; the Learner otherwife admits into his Idea of each Declenfion and Conjugation the Dialea and Figure as eiTential } Farts— the View becomes too enlarged' for his clear Comprehenfion and > his Attention is diftraaed by the confufed A'iTemblage of this Variety ^ of Objeas.-r-It ihould be confide red alfo that, in the Greek Books, firi! ^ read at School, Figure and Dialea occur but feldom.— The Fourth Con* rr-^ jugation, according to thofe Grammars, confifts ©f Verbs in σ-ίΤώ, rra, agid' ^ ίίϋ. Thofe in σ<ϊ·α and rrci, in the Future and Perfea Tenfes, have th« Charaaeriftics of the Second ConjugatioB ; thofe in ζα, with all Verbs ^ of the Sixth, have the Charaaeriftics of the Third, Till the Difcrimina- tion of Greek Conjugations iliall rejfuU from fomething more decifive . than the Charaaeriftics of thefe Tenfcs, the Six ought in all Reafon to be reduced to Four. This would be attended with a proportional Re- vi duaion of the Rules of their Formation. The Objeaion, that fome Vftba ia{^, aadiacnr« or rw, th« Fatyr^ and Perf^a Charaaerif* preface; tics of each ©tlier reciprocally, may be obviated by annexiijg a Note to the Rules of their Formation^ It is furprizing that a Plan fo rational affid fo obvious, recommended alfo by the Authority of fo great a Name Biifiy^ ύιοηϊά nor have been long fmce adopted. The Tables of Cognata Tempora were multiplied without Caufe : Their Ufc is to ex- hibit in one View the Terminations of the Tenfes in all the Moods ; but, ilncc thcfc are the fame in all the Conjugations, one example is fuiH- cieot— more muft create Perplexity. — — Verbs in μι have only the Pref-. ent, imperfccSfc, and fecond Aorift, for their peculiar Tenfes ; ail the rcfir belong to their refped:ive Primitives : To crowd their Tables with Ten* fes, whofe Formation had been given in its proper Place, was not only ufclefs but obilrucilive i it could ferve only to puzzle and pgjplex th*e Learner. *ΐημΑ^ σ·1ν)μι,\£\ιμι, xei/^ai, and ^m^ci, are regular iή their Conjuga- tions, the Prefcnt Tenfe Subjun(Stive of the iafl excepted. Their Con- formity to the general Example rendered all Notice of them of courfc fupcrfluous.- — -The Corrcfpondcnce of the Greek and Latin Languages, as far as it extends, afforded a ha^^py Opportunity of abbreviating the Grtek Syntax. * Of Dsfic'iency the follow^^lng Inflances may afford a Specimen. Of the Six Terminations of AdjecStives declined like &^ytoi\ Two only are given ; and under Adjecitives of Three Terminations Five Modes of Variation peculiar to Participles are omitted ; which, to prevent Conf u- «- - jg;^t indifputabiy to have been pointed out ; nor has Notice been ta- them in any other Place. But the moft material Deficiency appears ^ules of Syntax, in which very little has been contributed, to the- ition of Greek Conftrudtion, am! in the Government of Prepofi- 1 which their various SenfCs have been too much difregarded. ivc inltances of iniifiinB Arrangemsnt were to tranfcribe confider- ^s of thofe Grammars ; viz. the Declenfion and Comparifon of sres, the Rules of Augment and of Formation of Tenfes, particu- Verbs Contrad:, which difFcr from other Verbs in « Pure in the and Imperfeil Tenfes only: Theie Tenfes alone ought to have hibited in the Table, and the Rules for the Formation of the r tfl re^iiced to tkofe of Barytonous Ver bs^ ia- 6^ Pure. # EEK LETTERS are Twenty-four. ( Figure. I Name. Powei Alpha a Β β C Beta b Γ y f Τ (if. μ act Gamma g d A I , Αίλτα Delta Ε ε Ε^ιΚβν ■Epfilon e fiio Ζ ζ ι Ζ eta Ήτα Eta e Ion θ S- 9 Theta th I ; - . 'ίωτα Iota i Κ κ Kappa k c ' Λ λ Lambda 1 Μ μ Μυ Μα m Ν }^ Νι/ Nu η S ξ Ξ/ Xi X Ο 0 Ο μικρόν Omicron ο ί\\( τι Τίι Pi ρ i Rho Sigma τ r ·? Ύσν Tan ; Τ u . Upnloii Φί Phi -l;h Χ/ Chi I ll Ύ ψ Pfr Ιΐμηγ^. Omega {a) lf \ ietter cr. Breathings/ ^ <ν h ^ oweis } f · ^ οχ J ^ ] C ufed before all Words beginning or ( with a Vowel or Diphthong. s beginning with y or f have always reathing. When f is doubled, the fox hi% |ito:falpp>It;B^ea^lri^^^ \ /: : : ······· « · t c c t *^ " , * « "· , ί · * t * ί [33 A fmooih Mute before an afpiraied Vowel it changed into the correfponding rough one. PARTS OF SPEECH. (/) / Article^ Noun, Pronoun^ Verb. Participle, Adverb, Conjiintlion, Prepofition. Singular, Dual^ PluraL Cases. Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accufatiye^ Vocativti Genders. Mafculine, feminine, Neuter. Article. (§) 0, ii\ Ύ0, hicy h^c^ hoc ; thus declined : Sing, m. f. n. D. ΤΛ», Til, τω, A. roVf T/iV, To-> Dual f. N. A. Tiiy, τί«, G.D. Tflfv, roiiv, Totv, PluraL N. <5<, tCiy G. Τώ/y, ΤΛίν, D. A. TSi^, Ti;*?, D Ε C L Ε Ν S I Ο Ν 8 are Ten : Five of Simple and Five of Contraded Nouni FIRST DECLENSiON of the Simples. Two Terminations, ας and m ; (/) Mafculine Genderi. Dual. I Plural N.A.V. IG. D. τύ',ν Tot(^i-ofAV> I A. τέ?;, τίδ,^;~ίί$ Sing. TO) r'i'hOi^-^i rev ηλων-η'^ A V C 4 ] Dual Plural. Some words of this Declenfion are contraded Sing. Dual. Sing. G. [Αττιλλ-ί^, ϋ> D. Άίτ&λλ-ί*ι, >)· Α. Ά^έλλ-ί)5ν, 0» V. ΆτΓδλλ-ί)}, Dual. 6cc. SECOND DECLENSION. ο Terminations, . and . J Feminine Gender. Dual. N. A.V. Tie I G. D. T(JJiv y.^(r-tiiv. Sing. 'urn. N. ^ ©?7 into lu (η) Sing. G. A. ocv. A, Ιξ-ΐχν^ ci\f. Siiig. Sing. Sing N. Ν. yaK- in. N. G, G. G. ΆΤΓ )."'>]■] :.. D. Xiovl- ξ^ί^ D. I). A. J A. A. V. '^;.· V· . V. THIRD DECLENSION. Two Termi- \ ' ^ , ^ < nioii Gender ; ^c;'5 Neuter, nations. Dual, N, A. V. Τώ? A&y I G. D, rm λύγ-ύΡ'- 1 Β α Sing. Ν. το |νλ-ον, ΐ). τ0 |νλ-β>, Α. το I'jA-cv, C 6 ] Dual. Ν. Α. V. |νλ-Λ;, G. D. ταν4^'λ"6ΐν. Plural. Ν. τί« |νλ-βί, G. %ϋΧ-αν, D. Τ6ί? ^υλ όΐς^ Α. Τώί |νλ-ίΐί, Nouns of this Decle-iion contrad and S into Dual. I N. A. V. rc^ f'd^i 1 j G. D. Toiv P'Caih etV. N. G. D. A. V. Plural ^ Tdi? 9'ΟΟΙζ, ) its Compounds ιάο^ί, «κ.,ί, &c. Alfo, >w, fl^i^^r Pnmnnnnds Ο the contraaed of this Form may in^^ bere- ^d, diifering in the Dative only, which ends in nd (^γith more Propriety than to the Iriptots; inutives in ·, as, Κκαυ^υς. G. 'l>3ί^-2ΰί, ίί. G. ^3βλ?><5-δ&?, β' DaaL Ν, Α. V, G. D. ί PIuraL I Ν. ά^χφι^'^οα «ί* Ν. G. D. Α. Sing* Sing. Ν. β5"-δθν, G. ^. 33. 6'r-ia>y ω» Α. ΟΓ έον, V. 05"-g«>V, Sf* Dual. Ν. Α. V. G. D. Dual. Ν. Α. V,. G. D. Plural. N. G. ω» Ώ. A. Up V. #■ W Plurai, N. G. D. A. V. Ν. Β. The Compounds of ροος and }ΰος \ contrafted in the Nominative and Accufati^ but feldom in the Genitive Plural ; as, iivoct, KXKiffea^^ not iuv'k, HiXKiffrx, G. iVyocov, feldom mZy, tm is contraded in three Cafes only ; i. e, the Nomi:iative Singuiar, and the Accufaiive Singular in the following Manner Plural, A, ί 8 ] FOURTH DECLENSION. Two Termi" nations. Mafculine, Feminine, and Com- mon Gender j* Neuter. bmg. r^lural* N. "M G. τα λ£6>, ΐΝ. Λ.· V ·. Τ CO AiOff D. A. τον Xzm^ G. D» T«/y λΕΛ»}^· Α. V. V. ω Asa). Sing. Dual. Plural. N. Ν. G. Ν. Α . V. τω ivyi6}f G. των ζνγζΰύ9^ D. τΰίζ Ζνγζως^ A, το ^SA»v, G. D. Tiiy ivyim. Α. τ Λ ζύγεω^ V. FIFTH DECLENSION. EiR'ht Termi- C α, Neuter Gender ; ^6 nations. all Genders, (r) is Declenfion increafes in the Genitive Cafe^. Dual. N. A. V. τα (TCmcCTi G. D. Sing. ίίΤΛγ^ΰίΤό^., N. G. D. A. V. Plural. ^ bmg. D. τ:?) nlo^Vi, ^_ A. T/^f riii^ryciy j Dual I N. A. V. τώ? Tpiayif \ G. D. Τόίν τίΐΰί'/οίν» PIuraL G. τ D. 1 A. -Σ V. c * Xj.if, of this Dccknfwa, is of tlie Neuter Gendi alfo Tca4. C 9 3 Many Words of this Declenfion ending 111 rjy, iuf, αας, ως. fjeic, ceiςy are conirafl- ed in every Cafe j Sing. G. Ιοίξος^ τίξΟζ. Sec, αας, Ν. G. hoiccofj λΰίΟζ, &C. ως, Ν. ?ίί}ν, ^Λζ, Ν. G. τί-λοίΚ' οίνΙύζ, ^νΐύζ, Sec. m /c, βζ·, t;c, ΰς, and Compara- lives in ojk, are contrafted in particular Cafes ; as, Sing, N. Ιξίζ, G* G. κτλίί^ΰς. Ν. viet^?. G« moc. Ν. ./β©7ςι;?· G. βΰΐξνϋζ. Ν. /3^ί. G. /δβώί. /Γ. PIuraL Ν. S^-i^Si, Α. δξ-ί^^^ι ν. iViSifj 1 XT % Α. ν-ίβίβ?5 νς, Ν. βύ^,ξ-νζς^ ^ Α. /3ώΙ|-ϋ<ίί$, V. ;βοϊ^-νέ?, Α. β-όύίζ^ V. ^-62?, Comparatives. Ν. ^^..^ζ^ι G. (Λ&ίζον6ς, Α. (ΛΗζ'-ΰνχ^ύα, Μ. Ν. ι^&ίζ-ΰνζς^ Α. //^αζ'ΰΐ^ί^ς^ V. ^4>&ίζ'ΰνϊς9 *^f, and Δ>ί/^?^τ;ι^, are fyncopated in every ic Cafe except the Dative Plural^* ^;7f 'ecaufe κ never immediately precedes f ? and yx9^io, throughout the Duai, but in mation of this Cafc in the foltowiog page, Rule llh Γ 10 ] the Genitive and Dative only of the Singular, and the Nominative and Vocative only of the Plural, to diftinguiih them from τταί^α, μ^ίΙ^α, and y^^fu, of the Second of the Simples. Sing. I), βνγχτ-ίξί^ ξί, Α. ύυγΆτ-ίξα, ξα. ν, Ν. G. D. Α. V. Ν. G. D. Sing. Sing. Dual. Ν. Α. V. ύνγ^Τ'ίξξ^ ξζ. Dual. Ν. Α. V. 4ν-2ξδ, S^g. G. D. άΐ''ίξ6ΐν^ ^ξ^ν» Dual Ν. Α.,ν. 5Γ««Τ-δξ«, ^S. G. D. TTXT^io^iVf ξΟίν. Plural. G. ^yyiiT-i^dyv, ξαν· Ώ. V. ^:/7ώίΤ-2|β;^ Ν. G. D. Α. V. Ν. g: D. Α. V. Plural. PluraJ. Τοίςη^ differs from Trarnf and p^r^f by making the Dative Plural -γοίξ-ψί. RULES. L The Acctifative Singular of this Declenfion ends; in a. IL The Vocdtive is like the Nominative. To this Rule Participles admit of no Exc III. The Dative Phiral is formed,. Ϊ . In V/ ords ending in ξ, ψ, or, aftei thong, σ, from the Nominative Sin; adding j : as, φλοξ^ ρλ^ξ/ j 7t;|/ ; I I are excepted^ 2. In others, from the Dative Singular, by in- ferting^ before / as, οφιι, οφισι ^^γ]τοξΐ, 'ξν\το^<τι, %, θ, ν, τ, preceding ι in the Singular are rejed- After this Rejection, if ο remain in the Penultima, ν is affumed to form a Diphthong : as, uovn, uw. 3, Syncopated Nouns in r^^, ffoc, form it in ασ/ ; as, TTocryi^, ττατ^ασι, except ya^n^, ycfsnfit, Alfo, asvif, not fyncopated, makes aVfao-/ ; a^m, d^vcc^ afvuai ; νιΐζ^ υιαοΊ* EXCEPTIONS. In the Acrajatroe Singiiian I. Nouns in /^, νς^ ^c,! declined pure, Aic except- ed, change the > of the Nominative into κ, and one V/ord in ας ; as, N. G. N. Ν. G. G. <«?> Α. Ν. G. Α. Α. ΐί. Manyl in and ^c, declined impure, and one in e/f 5 alfo the Compounds of τι-^ς, have both Ter- minations 5 as, N. G. A. N. G. "VV. ys χ?^ο·/, from the Poetic Singular χψ. among the Poets, end in α ; as, Cor^va, ϋ'Ιεα, yf«, v????, /S^ii, i of Accents called Barytons or Gravitoms, '9 i Xi^^» the Grace, XxgiToc^ ί 1^ ] In the Vocative.' I. From tlie Genitives of ac, αγ%ζ f^r, iylo; ov^ c/lcc : τΰζ is rejefted to form the Vocative. iL From the Genitives of ας, avoc\ rr/^ ίνος :J Hj?, ψζ^^ cdv^ ονος ;|j ccf^ οξος ·, it IS formed by rejedting ος, III. *A7r©xxcr, Ποσβ^οκ, in the Vocative, are Ex- ceptions to f/f, ίίξος ; ωκ, wKoc ; "whofe Vocatives con- form to the general Rule. But (ΐωτη^ζ is fometimes found. IV. σ of the Nominative is caft oiF in, I. Many ^Nouns declined pure and impure in ις and νζ^ except Χακαμις^ Ικτης, χλαμυς, AH Monofyllables and Adjectives in υς, 3· Ail Nouns in νυς and i^c, except ^c** and oW, which conform to the Rule. 4, Adjedives and Subftantives in e^c, 'flee. 5. x'Ae-t? makes κλεί^ and κκ€ΐ ^ and ττοίΐς^ τται. V. m οί the firil of the^Contrafts makes ed VL £c)c and &), c^c, of the Fourth of the Contrafts, make it in c/, like the contrafted Dative. Some of -this Q]?.h, by Obfervers cf Accents called Oxytoiis or Acu- titons, follow the Rule ; as, Vac. ιμ.ας. From Propf^r Names the Poets caft off V I as, Oocc, Καλκα, whom the Latins imitate ; as, ό Palla. Virg. t Thefe have another Vocative reje Neuter. ( Dual. N. A. V. G. D. Dual. N. A: V. G. D. Nouns compbunded of kmoc^ as Ήρ'Μίν,ς^ Έ. ■y.ave a -doable Contractionj one in the Nomiaaiive -and two in the other Cafes. •iil Contradion, 2d Contradbn. SECOND DECLENSION, . r^i, Mafcuiine, F^niinine. and Corn -< mo a Genucr ; Sing. Α. ^ Τ'ήν Τξίϊ^ξ-ίΰύ ij. Slug, ' Α. η^χ-ος. Plural. Ν. D. Α. rote, ΤζίΆ^τίοίζ^ ΐίς· V. Plural. Ν. G. D. ^ Α. V. G [ i4 J Sing. A. cnvii^-i} Dual. ί PlaraL ί Ν. T£4 CiVYiW'iCif N. A. V. Tiy cT'/vjj^-zS, G. r» Plural. G . TCv'v ΐΤΓίλίχ-ίων, Α, τνς ΌΤίλν/.-ίχς, ί7'.^ Plural Ν. τα Ctr-iCC, >7.y Ct. t«v a^-iu'^t Λ· τα αΓ-εα» «♦ FOURTH DECLENSION, (-u) Two Terminations, ^ ? Feminine Gender, Sing. G - D _A, τ/Ι:· 7ί^<^· OXr Dual. N. A. V. τα ^io-y, CD. τv:v,.fί^wy. N. aJ .? G . TOJy 0 . ταίί Λ. ταΓ C η 1 FIFTH DEGLENSrOi^, Two Termi- C pure, ? XT . , nations, ifav j^^'-ifer Gender. Singiilariteri G. Td Ρίίξίίίος, by Syncope ^.ίξο^ος, by Crafis kίξως.-^ Α. το Κζξΰίί:* ν. Dualitcn Ν. Α. V. τλ; Λ6|^]δ, by Syncope ^s^^^a, by Crafis α-^ξχ.- Tie Κίξΰ^,ίιί.^ A. Τίί κίξ^α^ Piuraliten A D J^E CTIV ES,^ Adjeclives of Three Terminations are formed in e^c, iv, I ^^^^^ and 5ih of iha^ 'm, m^c, r,y, I _ Simples, f after the 2d and 3d of the C Simples. after the 2d of the Simples and^ 3d of the Contraas. .^re contraded from mig, r,i^a-a, y^,, and L i6 D. Α. ονίοί.. Ν. G. Ν. G. D. Α. Sing. Dual Plural. ■ΰνΐίζ-) f£cn>:i, ΰίΐΰζ.» 'cylAiV:, yir^v, οίΐωπ 'ύΡιίζ} ^mu qA^* Emmplcs* Sing. A. ^"iaJVT^s, iisi-issy, Dual. N. A, V. 7Τ-δίντ6, ί^σ·^, G. D4 ΤΤ' avTOiv, Ά(Τΰ&ίν^ iiv%i>h- Plural. G. 7r~ciVT£t)py cio-^dv, αντων^. Χ>. '?r-c;45-i, m-cuc^ cio-i, A. 7Γ-ί5^νΤί?ί55 ύί(Γΰίζ^ ccvr^-* V. etc. Sing. Dual. X 7 - rai. V Sing, ^ G. rif^c-yivrcgj- ηο'<^'ήζ: A. ημ-ηντύφ-» ncrcrocv, ί T<,tt-i), } Dual. ^ '3. ί^/.ίΜ jl^'. A. τ v-;/,^-:, ijir.-^i, ί 17 3 Σ). 7Γλώί.%-ίνΤ/, έ'(Γ£Γίί, ^'jiTi, Dual Ν. Α. V.CrAi^Ti-^^VTSj iiTcTCi, BVT5. Plural. Ν. 7rAί&ίνος^ οωτος^ with the Com« pounds of the laft, ε^ααυτ^^, m?^Ty, k^^ri^, make the Neuter in . Τίοκυς is thus declined in the Singular Numbsrv Mafc. Femia, . Neuter, . N. Α. The Feminine and all the other Cafes in the 1 Neuter are borrowed from the oh* , oy, e. g,, > which raakcs a^yv^-i:(y a, its Femiaine m w, being im 7τ6λνς tkroughowt like 9ξ-υς, %u C 20 3 Η. G. D. A. V. N. G. N, G, D. A, V. Sing. ττολ- f ν, λί^ν, ν. Dual Α. V* 7Τθλλ-&^ β?. PJuraL CTcAA-oi, eg;., Terminations peculiar ίο Participles only, ji'cr<^5 δίν, 2d Future A (fliye.' Γι ft and 2d Aoriil Paffive, i-h V 2d Conjagatioii of Verbs in . ζμΗ^ Conjugation of Verbs in fzi. Perfedl Adlive and Middle. Pfriea Middle Ionic... after the 2d and 5 th of the Sinfi-. pies. G. A. A.V, ων. Sing. Dual. TV'TT-'.iVTOiv.i a^utVy lis/roiy. Plural i'^Tfj, ^σοΆ^ avroc, . •xvrovy i3o-C'Jv, uvrm^ . Sing. ο G. 'Τνφ^'ίνΤύζ, 6ic73iCj svrcf*:. A. Tf(f>^-£vri4, ei^diVp gy. Dual N. A. V. Tyip^-sm, e^a-ii, gvrs. , G. D.- . TV^^-gyT0iV5(.-^c7i*iV, iVTCiro Plural, G. Tyt^^-£V D. τυφύ-ϋ A. ry(pt).£v V. Τνφ^-8>· 'Cs-it-rackd from «-ι^^^ίί; w-i^fc ^4* Sing, Χ). ^iJ-cvl/, ^'jYij cvli^ Dual N. A. V» ^i^-ovis,' iicoi^ G. D. Pkra!. . Plural, Ν. Ν. G. G. D. D. ζίυγν-νσί) νσαίζ^ νσ-c. A. Α. ¥. Υ. Sing. Α» ζίυγ^'υ\τα^ νσοί,ν^ υν-. Ν. Α. V. ^svyy-ymj νσα^ υντ^ (ύζ contrafted*,. Sing. Sing. Ν. Ν. G. Τίτνφ-οτα;, vixs, G. ωτος D. ητνφ-ύτί) vix, D. COT ίο Α. A. Υ. ητυφ~αί, νια. V. ύύ·-. , Dual. Daal Ν. Α.ν. ■τ-τνφ-ον-. ViX-if ΟΤΙ. ■XT G. D. Ψίτυφ-ΰΤύΐν} G. D.. Plural. Plural. Ν. N. G. G. D. D. A. V [ 22 ] Adjeilives of Three Articles and Two Teniiinti. dons are formed ia M. & F. N. ^5 Ι' ar^ }> after the jtH of the Simplcsv ^3 3d of 4th of lilof Examples^. the Simpies*^ the Simples, the ContraftSo Sing. M. & F. N. i^r. — -ζνος, iV. ηξ-θΰ&, if, . V. — sy. Dual. N. A.V. τΐξ-ίνί,. G. D. Piurale Sing. M. & F. N* Qr, yc-iT Ονος· D. ynr — cDi, A. y&iT-oyoi^ ov*'. V. y£yT- — 6y, Dual. N. A.V, y^iT-ovg.; G. D. Plural. N. 7«r-ovs?, ονΰί>* G. -yj-iiT— δνώίν. , D. ye^T — οσί» .- A. y^iT-ovii'i, cjitfi. Sing. M. & F. W N. ^syxXnr-a^ οξ&- G. fZiyccMT — όξος, uiysi^XriT — οξί, A', (^ίγοίλητ-όξοί^ ϋζ,' Dual Nv A. V. ^5yiiA^,ir-6^i. G.' D. μι^ΰίλ^ήΤΌζΟίη Plural. N. ^syiiAJir-o^gc, - G. f,tiyoiX'AT — βξΛ'ν· D. (Α,ίγΆλΥΐτ — ΰξ<^ί, Α. ^ιγΰοληΤ'Όζας·, όξ£^:»- V. ~ ^tiyAiA)jr-6^s^, opoc,^ * Comparatives in ων vary frcm tills Form only in the Accufative SiDgular of the lil Termination, and- the Nominative, Accuiative, and Yocatlve Plural of bothj in which they are fyueopated and contra^ed : Plural. M. & F. M. & F. N. [ 23 2 Mng. Μ. & F. Ν. D. «αν-— ^ίντί. Α. V» άί^ν·· — ΰζ,ν. Dual- :Ν. Α. V. ^(ktiv-ayri. Plural. D. Α. Sing. Μ. & F. Ν. Ν. D. Sing. Μ. & Ν. G. 5'/£ί(3ς S^, D. Jylil—AJ. A. SvJo| $y. Diial. N.A.V. Ιί'^^-.ί^'. G. D, ivdo^-iiiV, PliiiMl. N. sj-S^I-ij;, «, G. 'άνόοζ — &iy* A. fit. Sing. M. & F. ιν^ζαξ — in* Dual. N. A , V. ίνχ,αξ'ίΠ* G. D. ίυζ^αξ-ίτύίν, Piuial. G. ίνχ,αξ — n^jf, D. ίυχ,Άξ — <£Γί. Α. ίνχ,αξ-Ίτας^ tree, N.A.V. ^i^^oX •N. G. D. A. V. Sing. M. & F. ίύγί — Af, iiyi — Dual. N.A.V. eiV-^.. G. D. PluraL N. svye — ω, G. S'Jy-s— ^yy. I), svyi- — Α.. £i^s-<:y$, Λ». V· svys—tv. N. G. D. A. V. •vi- sing. M. & F. α^ακ,ζ — υοζ» άαα,κξ — fi. Ν. Α. V. C^CCK^'VU G. D. ^ΛΚξ-ι/ύ;}/β Plural. Ν. α^Ο'^κ,ζ-υζζ^ Vf, G. ά^ακζ—^ιυων, Ί). ά^α^ίξ — '.ί;σ;. Α. ϋ^ακ,ζ-νας^ υς^ vc^ V. oitoix^-'Vi^y ygy vcc plural. Μ. & F. ^ N. G. S^TT — 13. SiTT- — 'CCTi. A. ^ί'^'ΰΰας^ c^:^.^ V. o^oi^ Sing, M. & F. N. G. ίέλ*3^-— Siif, ^i;. D. ίίλ"/;^ ίΥ, Α. οίληύ-'ία^ s?, 2^. V. (k/^rJ'Sc. N.A.V. άλφίζ^ G. D. Plural. Ν. άλΤιύ'ίίζ, UCj g3E-j G. <έλ>ί·ί ii^'Vj ■A. ί^λί^'ί^-βΛί, sTf, ia, 9 V. 4A>i-^-:sj, i^r, giij Subilantives of which thej are Oompotirided. Thus t?'?; ; I), -ovji ; A. -ονΊοί, -ay. CootracTted Comrour di- r>i d of the Simples, thus; sw-wf, w ; G. -^^ ; D. cj; A. -yv , e fame mauner thofe of /^va, as, ^c, pounds of Ιξ^ς^ >'?λαί, fomctimes thofe of γ.ίζοίζ, after xht >les, cW;^^-&.'i-f ®, -ατός ; D. -^^πί Λ. -jvri^/«f^- C 24 J ;'(λ·) a few AcljeftiveSj declined after the ^th oi the SimpieSj are formed with Three Articles and One 1 ermination in the Nominative Sinq^ular on- ly ; in all other Cafes they conform to the Exam- nies already given of Adjectives after that Declen- ion of I'wo Terminations j they end. in •Norn. Gen. 0;, J?. TO, 1 i '6 f 1 J γκαυκωττοφ. D. Λ . Sing, Ο, Μ. F. Ν. Example. \ Dual. I Μ. F. ·Ν. I Ν. Α. V. τΐο'Κυ^.ζ-νι* i G. D. TreXvei^'ycif. Plural. Μ. & F. Ν. ίτολνίίξ-ν;^, G. ίτβλ^ίίξ — vA'y. D. ττύΧναζ — -α. COMPARISON. L Adjedives ending in α'^, e/c, /c/yo jic, i^o form their Comparifon by the addition of Tep^^? and τ(Αοζ to the Maic. of ί 25 1 IL Adjedives ending in ξ form their Compariibn from the Nominative Plural by changing ec into ΐ9ί^οζ and ^ra^fC j as, β?κθίζ^ βκακίς^ βκα>ίΐ7ίξος^ βκακίςο. S-ya-f. ery, N. G. D. A. ,P R Ο Ν Ο υ Ν S. Primitive. L thou. fof himfelf, herfelf, it- I felf. Poffeffive. , mine. I thine. 1, his, her or hers, its. i our, ours, or of us two. ' Γ your, yours, of of our, ours, your, yours, (their, theirs, or pi ' 1^ them two. Demo Rel Indei Coraj ί ψΰίυτΗ^^ C ιτύ. ψίν^ Sin^. 6ί, or sa/. Sing. G. σ·^9 D. σ^Λ, A. cs. Dual. N. G. D. A. PlutaL G. A. vA^^i Plural. G. σ-^^ν, A. δΓί>ί«'· ^i)r.5, and W^v.? are declined like * is alfo an Aptot. I Ti? is alfo an Interrogath/e. ^ Oft€ii contraaed into σαυτ'^ and cttr# § Ey Apii^rcfis μ'^> Sing. Ν. βντώί> ^^'^^' N. A. rar^f, zavroi, τατα. Plural. N. <)vrdi, civrat, ruvroi. G. τέέΤώ)ν> T^eyTA-'v, Turm*- sing. M. F. N. 29 ] Ν. ■ G. Ιαυτ'ϋ-, A. iccvrcvy N. Sing. Plural. G. Sfiivr^iv, \oi>vrm-y lc&vrc^:f*' D. IsiJ^Tsi?, ίΆντοίΐζ, l&ivr&iq. A»- liix-'m,. Ιψτοίζ^ Uyrc*. In like Manner are declinedj 1 ψοίντΗ and c-g^vra in the Sing^»| I lar Number only. ' DtiaL N. A. r'έ. Perfea. τίΐνφΰί, ηΐνφας, rtjv into ^ , fl ' Λ The Temporal Augment is the fame in the Per- fect, Pluperfect, and Paulo-poil-Future, as in ' e other augmented Tenfes. Exceptions. )s which omit the Augment* Compounds of οίνος, οιωνοζ, ϋΙαζ ; aS, οίνίζω^ civcwo- οίνοω, οίνο'χοίω \\ olodvilpjAcu, ohvomots-ico, omozroKiG) j Four beginning with α : αω^ α/ω, ωι^σω, α}ΐΙίζομοα. Alib^ οίοομΰίι, Βίκ'^Ρίω, οιμαω, ok^etw, οψωζω, oiha.m*\ II. Ytrh% beginning with which are augmented by inferting 4 to form the Diphthong ei* \1ω^ ίκω, ψω^ Ικκτυω, ifyoLlcyai, ίγω^ ίϊχζω, \o^il(jiy to go. * Among the Poets ρ is not always doubled. f οΰ'^οχο-ην k ibiTietimes read. ί The Six lafl Verbs iometlmes admit the Augment* § Itt-j retains -the Augment in all the Moods, jj In Perka Middle is πα, Pluperfect £l«y, Attic γ^^^ [ 37 ] III. , Verbs which begin with to change c into ^ y as^ IV. Exceptions by the Attic Dialeft : I. The Syllabic e is changed into^?: as, μίχκω^ a. The Diphthong ei is changed into 5?; aSj ίΐκαζω, mo-lcv y illmeiVy Sync, iil&iff Att. ^ieiv, 3· The Diphthong w is changed into liv : as, 4- The Temporal fi is refolved into ea : as^ ακοω^ 5· To the augmented Tenfes beginning with jf, ω, et^ 01, and i is prefixed, which adopts the Breathing of the Verb : as, Att. iG)^ mcty i-yiKd, ik'T^o)^ c^dtf ιοκτ^Όί». νοαω^ ω^ακα, ίω^ακα, hirmy U'uroy^ iemcv, ί'ικω^ ακα^ iciKot, > 5 J δ. In. Verbs beginning with a ihort, i.f or ^3 the Two Firft Letters of the Frefent lenfe are prefixed to the Perfeftjl and3 if there be more than Three Syllables^ the Third is fnoit^ ened ; aSj ^LXjmy,") are formed in the fame (lox-rrc^-^ * Tht Pluperfeifts <{wfy&v, > Manner from the -^Ιο^γΆ. ihv.eiv, ,3 Attic ferfeils (loi:^c(, ίϋξΐ'χΐ^ύ is fometimts augnicnied by iirfertingi: as, f'o^.7a?ey. f Alio one in >?, which is changed into becaufe this Kcduph'cation It always fliort ; as, w^uua*, yiuvKCc, Ιμγ>μνγ.οί. ^ And fometimes to the Second ΛοιΙΓι, a?j w;/ov ;^ Atl\ aV'^^'ci^ ? hf C 3δ ] i > ί ί<χ&ιφω^ ρλθίψοί^ ηκηκιφα. iKivh^ yikivSct^ ίΚηλυ^ά. Ιτοιμαζω^ ι^τοιμακα, \τη]οιμακα* ψ^^θ^κα ; retain the long Syllable : the h& in Contradiilinction to ψρικα^ from ψζω, Obf. The Pluperfeft of thefe Attic Forms ad- iPiits alfo a Temporal Augment ; as, ixmrn^ ' m'Mrt&tY, Except mmk-iy^ from £λ?ΐλυ8α· 7· The Reduplications of the Perfeft λε and μ% are chatiged into et 3 as, ίΐκγκ^». j μeiξDμaιy ■V. Exceptions by the Ionic Diake: t 1. The Second Aorift and other Tenles have the Reduplication of the Perfeft : as, καμνΜ^ sd Aor, ίκοίμ,ον^ — κίκαμ,ογ \ κλυμι^ 2d Aor. 6>ίλ:;κ^"— * χίϋΚυν, κίκλυ^ι^ &C. -zjr/Seo;, iil Fut. "srSm^o^ — 'ΐΐΤί^Λι^ω, @· The Augment is taken away, and moreover the Reduplication, of the Perfect ; as, i ft Aor. hiciKyjaciyJWy κχκηο-ο^μγιν ; Pluperf. ίλίκυ%, ΚυΙο j PIu- 2· After the Augment is removed from the Ao- rifts, the Two Firft Letters of the Prefent ar@ lometiraes prefixed, as by the Attic Dialed;* thus ci^cj, 2d Aor.jiipK, a^ci^^or* Augments of Compound Verbs. I* Verba compounded v/lth a Prepofition have the A ugment between the Prepofition and the Verb | [ 39 3 Exceptions* ί· Compound Verbs of the fame SignificatiGa •witil their Simples : ωoιyω^ έμμίΚω^ καθίζομαι ^ αμφαγνυμι,, hoiy]iooucii^ Κ'Οϋ^ημχι^ 2. Verbs whofe Simples are not in ufe as^ 2· αμ^χομαι and αμτ^ι^χομαι ; all which have the Augment in the Beginning. 4. Some have the Aiigment in the Begii^iiag aa4 in the Middle as^ ίμττα^οΐϊίω^ θίγομαι ^ &C* 5· Some- in the Beginning or in the Middle \ as^ ^>ινιμ^ ίμπολαω^ &C* IL Verbs com.poonded with any other Part of Speech have their Augment in the Beginning., . like the Simple Verbs j as^ Φιλοαογίω^ ψ^^οψ^ι R U L Ε S. Prepofitions in Compofition lofe their final Vow«. el, if the Simple Verb begin with a Vowel ; as^ ίτηχω. Except πψ and π^ο, and fometimes aup. * Some of thefe receive the Augment in the Middic ; as, t When ^vr and .υ precede a mutable Vowel or DipbtEong, di^ ^ugmmi i& bQtwQai the Panicle and the Vsrb, r 40 ] If the initial Vowel of the Verb has rough Breathing, the fmooth rr and τ of the Prepofitiou are changed into

ίλ(χι/σα) | from obfolete Frefents in vjo^ and ayo?. ML From the Futures m. απω, ίΐω^ ceo, and ί^^', the Attics take away σ^. and in the Three former make a Contraftion ; in the lail they only cir^ --'-•■^/Sex the ω ; as, Ε 2 [ 4a ] IV· In Futures from &> pure the Poets often take away cr ; as, Im^^'^ Inco κκοι^ω^ κκθίω j κίο-ω^ κηω or κί-ιω ι XJ^<^co^ χίυω. V. The Colics form the Futures in κω and fco of the Fourth Conjugation by inferting a- before ω ? VL Four Verbs change the Breathing : Perfea. The Perfefl Tenfe is formed from the Firil Fu- ture, by prefixing the Augment^ and changing^ in the ad* ( · . J ; ' ^-ζω, Ith^vx, ... > into <^ ^ as , - , ^ 3 mto as 4tn ο -< ...V - ^ RULES. L In DiiTyllables of the Firft and Second Conju- gation the Attics change e into ο \ as, ψ^ω^ k5 £τι;φίχ. The Penultima .of this Teafe is generally long* Hencej in the Fourth Conjugation, where the Pe- nultima of the Firft Future is ihort, oc is changed into y]^ and e into « ^ as, ψάλω, έφ^ΐλα σ-τέ^^ω, ea-7re/|3a. But in the Third Conjugation, where the Future is often ihort, the Aoriil continues ihort : as, The following Aorifts retain not the Charafterift-. ic of the Future : έ^^κ^, e/Va^ nnyyicn^ Wmoc^ moc, .h%yKCif and £/Vc3d take it from the Prefent ; /ίκα, i^Koc^ ίίωκα, from the Perfeft. The three laii are feldom met with, out of the Indicative. Some Verbs exclude the σ ; as, itKivca^ iXiUTc&y iXiva^ Second Αοτιβ. The Second Aorifl. is formed from the Prefeni^ ing ω into qv^ and prefixing the Augment ^ tics .retain the λ i as, ίψαλΛ* his Word rmm i§ d^fiv^'d f^rticiiik ©f tlK Fufi Aorift , 'ivoi and C 44 1 The Penultima of this Tenfe is ihort in the foi- lowing Verbs : L Verbs having λλ, μν, before which cail οίΤ the latter Confonant ; as, τυτίω^ Ιτυπον, But the following in 7γ\ change the Charaderiilic : ίζκαζον» π into < κακυτίΐο^^ σκΰίττίω^ w into 9, <| άτι«. ίταφογ» Π. Verbs in τ]ω and which from the Future ill form yovy and from the Future in form in the Second Aorift : as, τατ^^ω^ ταξω, iroLyor, φ^(χ,(χω·^ ίφ^^ι^ον^» A 1 f Ο 5 σμυχω^ eQ-μυγογ, '^Ι^υχω^ e-lvyoy, ill. Verbs having a long Vowel or a Diphthong ' in the Penuitinia, which are changed in the fol- lowing Manner : .mto cc^ — 0, } r^coyWy erfccycv^r ίτταΦΥ» ν,κοογ. * Except TtKncr^Q^ hhcX'yov^ and ΙττλΥίγο'ί, C 45 ] But in the Fourth Conjugationj a is changed into % is alfo changed into a 5 as, Stp, ila^ov : except in βκίττω^ λίγω^ nm^ φΗγο>^ and τψνω^ "which laft makes ίτοίμον and ίτίμο^» IV· Verbs which have the doubtful Vowels long, without Pofition in the Penultima of the Pref- ent ρ as, Kflvwy ίκ^ϊνοτ i 6όνω^ t^uvov^ Verbs in οω of the Third Conjugation want the Secoad Aoriil ; as do thofe in acd and ei^, except v/hen they are contracted into ω impure, and then it is derived frdpi the contraded Form j as^ Second Future. The Second Future is derived from the Second Aorift, by changing ov into o) circulmilexed, and ^^(XX^r^ tfjp Anarnent; as, ίτυπον^ 7υπω, C 46 J Second Aoriil. S. ιτυπην, ίτυττης^ ιτυτίτη. Second Future. D. τυτηκτομί^ογ, rvTrmi'y^^iVy rvTrmi'y^Qim Perfea. S. riiVW/UCti, τίΐυφαι, (nwi) τίΐυπίαι» D. ' τίΐυμμίθογ^ τί^,υφθον, (jl'n^ τΟ,υφογ* Ρ« τίίυμμί^οί^ τί^.υφ^, τί^;υμμίγοι %1<η.(ΰθ^ Pluperfeft. S. ίΊ(\υμμγιν, tri^M'^o, irffiVTrJo, Ρ. ϊτίΐυμμί^α^ ίτίΐυφΟί^ ίτί[υμμίγοι, mcMf, PauIo-poft-Future» Γ 47 ] Perfeil and Pluperfed.^ S. ri\v\[oj τίΐυψ^ω. P. rfc/yiSe, τ{\\Μ'^7οθ^. Firft Aonfh S. rv^Qyjriy τυψυητίύ. Second Aoriil* D. ivwYijoVy τυτΓίήτων» P. tVTTyiTt^ τυτΓ'ήΤίύο-οίΫ, OPTATIVE MOOD. Prefent and Imperfeft. D. τυτΓτοιμώον. ίόττύοι^^θυ^ τυπτΰίσθηη [ 48 3 Second Aoriil. S. TVTTCiny^ τντΓθί}^^ rv7rei>u D, rvπe^y}roγ^ Tvnmrm P, 7meiy]fAi-r^ rmetnrt^ rvTretmour* Firil Future. S. rv(f^moi^nv^ τυφ^ηοοιο^ rvφύmoιτ9. Β. τνφ^'/ΐο-οιμίθα^ Ύν^(}ησοίσ^^ τυφ2η(τοιντ9» Second Future. D. τυττησοιμ^^ον^ rvTrmoia^ov^ η^υπησοιο-^ν^ P. TOwmoi^i^cL^ 7V7rmmhy τυττησοιντο^ Paulo-poft-Future. D, τί^,ν^οίμη'-ον^ rCv'i/oi^kv^ τί]υ'>1.0(τ^η^· P. τ'ί',Όΐΰίμί^α^ r^W'i^oiQk^^ τείυφοίί^δ. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. C 49 ] Firil ΑοπίΙ· S. τνψθω^ τυφ^ζΐς, τνφίίνϊ, Ρ. τυφ^/λίν^ τ^φΟίτΈ^ τυφ^τί. Second Aoriil. S. τυπω^ τυτΓΥΐς^ τνπνι, I). τυττητον^ τυττητον» Ρ. τυττωμίγ^ τυττίιτί^ τυττωσί. INFINITIVE MOOD. Prefent and Imperfeft, rvTrna^ocu FerfeQ: and Fluperfed^ Te7i^©9a/. Firtl Aorift, τυφ&ϊίναι. Second Aorift, τυπηναι. .Firil Future, τνφβησίσ^αι. Second Future, τι^τ^αδα/. Paulo-poft-Future, re7i;|£^9a/. PARTICIPLE. Prefent and Impcrfcft. F. N. η TO7r\oy.m, TO TJ7r!of/.my» Perfect and Pluperfcdi. Firft Aorift. Second Aoriil. ¥hii Future. ' Second Future, » 'τυτΓήσομνίπ, Paui'.-poft-Future M. τίΐυμμίγος^ το τίΙυμμίΡΌ το τνφ^ίν 70 τυπίν ΊΟ Τ'.^φ^/ΐΊομίγον το TwTrmo'Aiy^u το τί,'^-γομν/ο'/9 [ 50 3 SYNOPSIS of the Moods and Tenses in the Passive Voice.* Jnctic. imper. Optat. SubjunA. Infin. Participl Pref. τυττΙ-Μ τν7τ1-οιμγ}ν τνττί-ωμαι τυττί-ομίνοί Imp τυτί «θ/ rvTt-eim τνττ-ω τυττ γ,νιχι ΎΜΤί-γ^σομ.οίΐ τν^-γ^σοιμ^φ) TV/T-Y/o-iaQcti τυτ/-}ΐσομζνος Perf. τίτυμ-μοίΐ τετυψ-ίΓ τίΐυμ-μίνος am τύνμ-μίνος ο τΐτυφΒ-αι τίτυμ-μίνος Plu. ίτίτυμ,-μ-ή·^ Pau. τίτυ·^-ομοίΐ τηυ^-οιμγΐν τίτυψ-ίο-βαί τίτν^Ι-ομζνοζ 2 ft A. τυφΒ-νιοΌμαι τυφ-ω lilF. τνφΒ'·ησ·οιμγ}ν τυφΟ'-ήαησ-Βοίΐ τυφ^-Ϋΐσομίνος Per. βίζϋγ,-μαι [ βίζο>ι-σΌ Ι βίζοη'μην βίζοΌομαι, βίζοΫΐ-σΒαι ι βίζοϊΐ-μίνοζ. FORMATION of the ΎΕ^Ε8. The Prefent Tenfe is formed from the Present AQivCj by changing ω into o/uai ^ as, iV7r\(*>^ τυπίομαι. Imperfed. The Tmperfea is formed from the Prefent, by changing μχί into μην^ and prefixnag the Augment } Perfea. The Perfect is formed from the Perfed Active, Ting, in the ^ C pure, \ (f% impure, χα ' KOL I J '•1 III. 1 1 IV. J υ into < as, reV^i^d, Tlic Example of the Firil Conjugation will ier die Three Voices; the Variation in the Perfea: Τ oUier Conjugations to be learatfrom the AFrtiNDix.- π 51 ] OBSERVATIONS' Ι. Verbs of the Third CoHjiigation ία ω piire^ if their Penultima be long, change into μ^ι \ as^ izretirowa, 'πrίτίrQmμaι :(γγ) as do a few whofe Penul- tima is rnort.(j'.j") IL From Verbs in the Attics form the Perfeft Paffive in ^μαι \ as, μι^ιyω, μψΐ€ίσμ.αί» IIL Diifyllables of the Firft and Second Conjuga- tion, which in the Perfeft Active change e into 0^ in the Perfect Paffive refume t \ as, κκϊχ/ίω, IV. Diifyllables, that have r^e in the Penultima of the Perfed Adive, change e into α in the Perfecl: Paffive ·, as, rfe™, τίΐ,^αμμίχι.^ V. Some Verbs from tv in the Penultima of the Perfed Attive reje£t the e; as^ reltf^od, ri%yuccu awtvxcc, σισυμαι» ττίψίυχ^οί^ πίφυγμοί^ ( κίχυμχι ^ /LtifiVKOtm κ τητηυκχ^ 7ηπυσμοι.ι, (^κίχυσμχΐρ Pluperfect. The Pluperfect is formed from the Per changing μαι into μην^ and prefixing the ί Augment ; as, -Ύ^^^ιμμ^ί, ί-ΊΐΙυμμην^ * Thofe Verbs in α-σ-α and τΐα^ which form their Future and Perfedl: in a-c^ and κ«, folloiv here the Analogy of the Third CoiijMgatiun ; as^ Trxaa-a-coi τΤζτΐΚχα-μ,χί. < t Thofe Verbs in ζcJ, Mvhich form their Future and Perfecl: in anj .... here the Analogy of the Second Conjugation ; as^ τιν^χζ^, )f this Conjugation, that have y before κα, change it IniQ r£ of Analogy y.Ki7ch fometlmes makes κικ^ψ^αί^ C 52 ] ΡαηΙο-ροβ-ΡηΗίΓε. The Paulo-poil-Future is formed from the Sec- ond Perfon Singular of the Perfect by inferting ομ before at ·, as, τίΙυ^Ιαι^ ηΐυ-^^ομα,ί. Πτβ Αοήβ* The Firil Aorift is formed from the Third Per- fon Singular of the Perfeft by changing the Ter- mination τί^Λΐηίο ^nv. the preceding fmooth Mute into the rough one, and cafting off the Reduplica- tion 5 aSj Ύ^ιυτΡίοίΐ, ίτυφην. Exceptions. ίσω^ν, — σίσωςΰ(.ί, cafts off (Τ. — mloct, > change into £· Ισχί^ψ^ edX^'Ici/j 3 ■ IL Thofe Verbs, which change e into α in the Per- fed Paffn^e, in this Tenfe refume the e ; as, is-^oiuiAOii, ίζ^ίφην· ITT. Thofe, which cafl off the κ in the Perfeds, it reftored by the Poets in this Tenfe j as, , for h\ihy. Firfi Future^ The Firil Future is formed from the Tl fon Singular of the Firil Aorift by addi and caiiing off the Augment ; as, βτι/φΘι^, τι Second Aorifl. The Second Aorift is formed from th Aorift Aftive by changing into j^k 5 • [ S3 1 Second Future. The Second Future is formed from the Third PeJfon Singular of the Second Aorift by addmg la„ and cafting oit the Augment ; as, er.... Middle Voice. Tenses formed differently from any in the Aalve or Pajlve Voice. INDICATIVE MOOD- Second Future.* S. TUyrSaa/j ivm^ τυτηΊται, D. ^VTisui^ov^: τυτπΊσ^^ rvTrCiSov. P. τυτη^μάα^ τυπιΊσ^, τυττ^νΊοίί. Firft Aorift. Ρ, ίτυ^ΰίαάχ, ΕΤϋψασδί; Wvla/io, IMPERATIVE. Firft Aorift. P. rvi^aj^i, rvlsL7hTCiV. OP τ A Τ I V E. Firft Aorift. J), τνγοίΐ^ώον.^ Tvlciijfjov^ -rvlcdohv* P. τυ ΐ^αιμ^χ^ τυψα/σΟέ^ τν ^ymflo^ * riit Flril and Second Futures of Verbs of the Fourth Conjug'itior e often the fame hotli in the Midift and in the Active Voices ·, a- U: F 2 S YNOPS Indie. Pref. Imp. 2d A. 2d F. iftF. ift A. Peif. PJup. C 54 ] IS of the Moods and Tenses in the MiDLLE Voice. ■ Imp. I Optat. "->ubjanc. Infin. I Particlp. τατυτΓ'-ίναί τίτυττ-ως Part. In the Fourth Conjugation. ^ Indie. Optat. Iniin. i^ai. tTTfi^^Hi^at tTTirzg'oi^n^ cr?Ti^-&?cte c FORMATION of the TENSES. The Prefent and imperfea are the fame with thofe of the Paflive Voice. ΡίΓβ Future. The Firil Future is formed from the Firft Future Aaive by changing into oum ; as, τυ^\ω, τυ-^μ^ι : butjn rhe Fourth Conjugation, into ψ<χι ^ as, -{olkI^ ΤΊτβ ΑοΓίβ. The Firil: Aoriil is formed from the Firil Ao Adi Ve DJ adding ^j^v \ as, iVJ-^cCy ίτv^Qίμηy,f Ferfed.(tt) The Perfeft is generally the fame with the Ρ fed Adive, except ia the' Charaaeriftic, whr . * Alio, iLofe Verbs of the Third Conjagation, which by the x^. . )iaie6t lofe c- iiom the Fucure Active, change ^ into ϋμαι ; r-s, t Verbs in « pure have this fenfe often fyncopatcd ; as, I [ 55 3 borrows from the Second Aorift j as, «rvf., «rv..-, OBSERVATIONS. L From Ferfeds Aftive in and ^^^^^^^ in and m and e,c are caft away ; from liioie of other Verbs in . pure, and of fome m . im- pure, κ only ; as, ren,««K^, r^r.^^ ; -'^^'^'-^' ^"•^'^'* ' ' tima of the Prc'fent Ac-^ ^ tive ischan- ei J ged into , in the Penul- ^cpauyo;, 7Γί(^ψ<:^ \ in the Penul- ζ-φοωνω^ ' I tima of the I V Perfea Mid- J I die ; as, I ,01 J iKeiTT^y Except ihjo), tifjci. III. DiffvUables, Avhich have e in *e Penultima of the Fi^ft Future Aaive, (even when the Preienc has « in its Peauitima,) change it into . in the Perfea Middle as, rerja^^ 5 <^^«f«' ,.ei»% y^o^.. Alfo, one Poiyfyllable ; as, o.^y.. ψσ,, from efyc., is excepted. S '^mmy ίοι^ωγοί,. IS entirely a^omaltl makes e/Ja by the Attic Diaied. ^ to^. makes ^a^.nca, to avoid the too frequent Recurrence of the [. Thus, ya., y^y^^cc. P. M. ion. y^yocc.. t « is alfo changed to „, ia θ«^^«, τ.β.Λ« K..x«r« i and Uri. T' V. often occur, which is produced from tl^s Verb regularly ad :,y5., bv MetaAefis iV**- ^ ■ ii ufually confiJered as the anomalous Pcrfea c .s re^ aiW foniud from βολίβ. ^ Sec under the h«ad JtPh Dhka, Obf. 17th, in the .Appendix. Plupejfe0l. The Pluperfea is formed from the Perfed bv changing α into c.y, and preHxing the Second Au/- ment J as, ιίτυττα, ίΤίτντΓΘίν. ^ Second Αοηβ. aZ^ ^t^ Second Aonft Adive by changing OK into .^,;. j as, iru^oy, Second Future. The Second Future is formed from the Second Foture Adive by changing into Ζμ., , as, ™ ruTV,!.«,. Lxcept 'ύοααι, φχγομχ,, and the Poetic 1 utures β^oμ:,>, ηομα,, by Crafis, .eW . which are thus varied : φα,γ-ομα,, ί7Ά,, iTOL, ; &c. CONTRACT VERBS. Verbs of the Third Conjugation in «α,, ? ·«, are coniraftcd, in all the Voices, in the Pref. and Imperfeft Tenfes only. I. Verbs in «α., if 0, or or ot, or «, follow «, a contrafted into ω, otherwife into a. ' II. Verbs in e« contraft a into a, and « iiwo « : i every other Contraction they snly iofe the t. III. Verbs in ou are contrafted ^e, or 0, or ii, ^ ifj«, or« [folW.,into->J. C any other Diphthong ) ^,,* In the liifinitive into ν-·. [ 57 ] «30 «30 ^30 «35 <3 U Ο > • ^ <5 0 ■ tv^ . ^ « Q Ο Ο Η < Ο G is . <5 2» 23β Ci ρ ι- a, S ^OS ^ S « 1 s Ο ^ v!s> »^ 'too ?;§ s ?i ? :S 7 1 »r I t >M Μ CO Si ?i l« ^£ 238 < -i CM 15- ?^ '-ίΤ e:e bJ3 c3 i>5 'SS i» ί 5δ ] Ik '3 ?δ ?a <5 «Μ <Λ ϋ . s ? b b» b« 2δ > ?^ ^ i i 1 ) ί f b IT '< e- Ci '5 Τ I , ?l < ^ f r i i I ?θ it ^ ^ ο Μ W CO i^S 230 C ίί* *^ ?a t_4 Q Μ ^ eg S «30 230 S3 « Ϊ30 « 33 1 30 30 ι» « ο- > Η < 2« 2^ 2» <3» ? ϊ ^ W Ν CO Ε 6ο Ρ4· ? b ι ϊ5 S ; ^ 1 I «χ b Ι I ο I I ο ϊί S ι* "ο ί I ο I I ο ο 11 I b «5 ι § ί # <5 ί ί f ίίδ ?3 g g ^ is ?3 23 i ^'^ ? * Ύ b Ο ί— 4 ^30 <5β S ο* w ? ? 4 ^ J J « Η s · ^ 1 i I ? ^ έ >«=i Hi 1 1* 3 δ:. ■ίΧι I- 3-. ? γ i «Μ ■Ο ? Τ § *5 -Γ j:^ S ^ i- i" ^ S s CD -3 Η η r:^ ? 1 ι 62 ] VERBS in μι. (u^w) Verbs in μι are derived from Verbs df the Third Conjugation in aw, eojj and υω : as from 9ΰίω, Ιζ-^ιμι ; Sew, τΛϊίμι ; Sow, S&/^/ ; ζίυγνυω^ ζίνγ^υμα. They are formed, L By changing ω into μι. II. By making Long the Short or Doubtful Vowel of the Penultima. III. By prefixing the Reduplication. The Reduplication is of Two Sorts : Proper, when the Firft Confonant of the Prefent T'enfe is repeated with / ; as, Ιοω^ Ιιϊωμι. But the rough is always changed into the fmooth Confo- nant ; as, θέω, τι^μι. Improper, when a rough / only is prefixed, which happens to Verbs beginning with σ% 7γ% or a Vowel : as, raw, ιςιιμι ; τΡιΟίω^ ΐ7Γ%μι ; t^, Ι'Αμι, Thefe Verbs have only Three Tenfes ; the Pref- ent, the imperfeft, and the Second Aoriil. Many want the Reduplication, particularly all Verbs in υμι, which lail want alfo the Second Ao- riil^ and the Optative and Subjunctive Moods. f * Diiiylablts jiu have the Second Aorlil, but it is the faiiie wii-h the imptrfedi. t in thefe MooJs they borrow the Barjton Forms, C 63 ] Adive Voice. INDiCATIVE MOOD. Prefent Tenfe. Sing. I ϊςΊήαι, mi ct 2 mi i 3 ως^ 0 4 υ Dual. τον, Tcy Plural i ii μίν^ re, Imperfee:, Smg. Dual. Plural, Ϊ n a a 2 n £ 3 ως, ω 4 1 ίζί-υίν-υν^ υ υ 'J Attic imperfect after the Contrad Forms, m in Ufe.t Dual. Plural Second Aorift. Sing. Dual. iloy^ t%y Plural * ετχδίσ-αν is fometimes fyncopated 'γ as, Ir/Siv. f Throughout the Singular Number, and in the Third Perfon PIuraL I The Second Aorifl: differs in its Variation from the Imperfedl by retaining the long Vowel of the Singular in the Dual and Piearai ; €S» iipnf in tu,. Verbs τι^μι, Si^u^i and h^u ϊ(ΓΛν. Hom. li» M. 55» Sing. 2 j rSi.%f 4 i ^Ι^υΛ, ί 64 ] ίΜΡΕ R ATI VE. Prefent. Dual. Plural. TO) Mic Prefent after the Contraft Forms, mor^ in Ufe. Sing. itj τω Dual. Second Aoriil, SiB^. Dual Plural aiy oc Plural Ding. OPT ATI VE. Prei^ent. Dual Plural. 'ht .tE/illc' retain the long Vowel ia this Tenfe ; as, tryi^h rrS^f/j Avia :rC'-:-i both Forms Qi often caft away; hence /r>? and <γλ^ ^;/r.;. cic, ii'/ the Second Peribn» or r:8fi^, by rei^ibn of the preceding β. Μ Verb? in uc from Primitives in ?iy are irregular in this Tenfc, e fi oit Vowei, and fubilitu'hig r foi the Syllable ; ai, sVs. -', &c, for f5f5 σ-τΐώι, ς^ρ^^ι. legnJar for JoSi ,· This Verb is iifcif irregular viing a for C 65 ] Second Aoriil. Sing. Dual. >τΙον^ nlnv Plural. SUBJUNCTIVE. Prefent. Sing. Dual. PluraL tS'U), Υις, \i ' η τον, τ<ογ 2 ΙίΙ'Ο^^ γς^ γ Second Aoriil. Sing. Dual Plura!, S-^ ως, ω uroy^ η τον ωτογ, ζύτον INFINITIVE. Prefent. I. k'OCvat. 2. rS'ivoci, 2· oil-ovoii, 4. ^vjy^m^.u Second Aoriil. PARTICIPLE. Preftnt. Second AorIii» I I Η'-οίς, d'TX.^ oiv 4 I -jo-aj '* , It is fumetimes 7ς5 Ul ι 66 ] FORMATION of the TENSES. Of the Prefent, fee page 63. Iniperfed. The Imperfed is formed from the Prefent by changing μι into and prefixing the Augment^ except when the Verb begins with t : as, ϊτβηΫ J kn^iy km* Second Αοήβ. The Second Aorift is formed from the Imperfed by cafting off the Reduplication, and taking its Augment according to the Rule of Baryton Verbs, page 35 ; as, in^y^ έθ^;, \ knvy kyi? ; Im, nv^ Obf. When the Verb has no Reduplication, the Second Aoriil is the fame with the Imperfect* Paffive Voice. INDICATIVE MOOD. Prefent Tenfe. Dual. Plurai I 2 % 4 Sing. σα/, ζ^ίνν-μαι^ Sing. ϊςΰί'μηγ, ίτΑί-μην^ ίζίυίγυ-μην, το Imperfect.. Dual PluraL ' * The Ionics take away tht c in the Second Perfon, and the Atil€$ tontfa^ the Syllables ; as, Prefent. < * a Ion, iVae, Ιτ>βίο, IcTti^i?*^ * c Λ ΓΙο"· kaot iTfQiOj i$t^§9,^ I 2 3 4 ι 67 ] IMPERATIVE. Prefent. Sing. Dual. Plural. am ζίνίνυ^ΟΌ^ OPTATIVE. Prefent. Sing* Dual, SUBJUNCTIVE. Prefent. Sing. Dual. , Plural. PluraL INFINITIVE. PARTICIPLE. Prefent. Prefent* ζίυίγ'υσθζα» ιςαμϊΐ-Φζ^ τι^μιν^ος^ Ιιοομίν-ος^ ζ%υίνυμίΥΌς^ FORMATION of the TENSES. Prefe?2t. The Prefent is formed from the Prefent Aftive by changing μι into ^a/, and ihortening the Penul- ^ima ; as, Ι^-ημι, kctmi : except in 9υημο(.ι^ ακαχ^μαΐ^ * The Tonics take awi^y the σ % and the Attics contra<5l the Syllables ? f It is fcmetimes written with an η j as, I m,tif«i i$ alio ufcd, C 68 ] hnpcrfed:. The Imperfeft is formed, as in the Barytons, from the Prefent by changing into ^wvy and pre- fixing the Augment, except the Verb begin with / : as, η^ψοίΐ^ίτβψ^ιν, Ιταμής, Middle Voice. INDICATIVE MOOD. Prefent and tmperfeft as in the Paffive. Sing. Second Aoriil. Dual. Plural. I Μ ρ Ε R Α Τ I V Ε. Second Aoriil, Sing. Dwal. Plural. I 2 3 ' 1 ^ OPTATIVE. Second Aoriil, Sing. Dual. Plural. ςοίΐ-μην^ Oy TO μί^ον^ σθοκ, σ^ην μί^Λ^ qQ^^ yj^, Ιΰΐ-μνιΥ^ S υ Β JUNG ΤΙ VE. Second Aoriil. Sing. . Dual. Piural. * Ion. Ui0y Ugo. Att. i'ay, Ih, f loD. fio, ho. Att, Sill, cTv. ζ 6g J fNFINiTIVE. Second Aorift. 3 PARTICIPLE. Second Aorift. ^μίν-ος, fly Second ΑοΓίβ. The Second Aorift is formed from the Imperfect fcy cafting off the Reduplication ; as^ Ιτι^ΐλ^Αϊ^ Ι^ψην^ SYNOPSIS of the Moods and Ύε^^ε% of Verbs in in the Three Voices* Tndic. \ Prtf, ίΓ->?/Λί λ Imp. W-m Pref.. Ti^-Y^(Mi mp; £V;9-}7V Aftive. Irnper. Optat. Subj. j Part Γ-® Τί6-£Τ·< 9-fc 6<« [ 70 ] Formation (t^ Tenses peculiar to the ΡητπΗϊνβτΙ of Verbs in μι. ACTIVE. The Ρ^β jFz//i/r^ has feme times the -Reduplica- tion of the Prefent ; as, l^oom, I will give. In the Perfed of fome Verbs in αω the η of the Future is changed into α after the Doric Form j as, ζmω, eraxod.* PluperfeQ: eraxe/r. Irwa is fometimes found, but moil often as the Perfeft Middle of erwo), to perfifi^ in which Cafe it wants the Augment, but ha^ e/^ei/ in the Pli^erfe£t. See Augments, Exception , 2d, page 36. . I In the Perfed of Verbs in it is changed into m after the Boeotic Form ; as, h(Tc^., refe^a ; me, tk^ The Doric retains n. ; as, ri^mcc, PASSIVE. ft e r Si i: 71 ] IRREGULAR VERBS in μι. miy from eo), io be ; tTyj, from to go ; and huat^ to fit ^ from \ω, to place. e/jU/, to be* INDICATIVE MOOD. Prefent Tenfe, Sing. Dual. Plural. ιιμι^ ϊΐς or itj ki | kov^ kov j ίο-μίΥ^ sfe, t/Vi, Imperfett. Sing. Dual. Plural. Iv^ hy m Att. I hrovy nrm | νιμιν^ ητί^ η<ταν. Pluperfed. Sing. Dual. Plural. Future. Sin^. Dual. Plural. IMPERATIVE. Prefent. Sing. Dual. Plural. iVS/^ or eaS/j or eo-ii^j ero) j ej-^K, erfi;)^ j ke, έΓίϋα-α^'. OPTATIVE. Prefent. Sing. Dual. Plural. e/Vj I e/V^w, ilmv^ ίίημίν^ ίΐη%^ umav. Future. Sing. Dual. Plural koi μηγ^ koi-o^ koi-'Jo j μίθον^ σ^ον^ σ^ην j μί^α^ r/sj* SUBJUNCTIVE. Prefent. Sing, DuaL Plural. 0)^ η j IfTor^ nrov | ωμ^}t^ ητ%^ ίπι. L 72 J I Ν F I Ν I Τ I V E. iprefent. Future. PARTICIPLE. Prefent. Future, ^Τμι, to go. INDICATIVE MOOD. Prefent. Sing. Dual. Plural. ΐΐμι^ ίις^ or efj ιΐσι j Ιτον^ hoy | ιμίΥ^ im and hio Imperfed. Sing. Dual. Plural; IMPERATIVE. Prefent. Sing. Dual. Plural. tk or ef, Ιγω I tTov^ Ιτων [ /re, Ιτω^φ;. INFINITIVE. ircii^ or or hvoa. ν\μαι^^ to fit* INDICATIVE MOOD. Prefent Tenfe» 8ιησ, Dual. Plural. * This Veib is irrccrular only in huv^'ng ?n inilesd of an e, in tlv^: Petiiilrima ; ior it Oiould be c^iif.dsred as the Paiuve Vi^icc in fh fVi>m c:*, wit'urat a R:dupiicatio.^,. 3 Imperfeft. Sing. DoaL Plural. I Μ PER A τ I V E. Sing. Dual Plural INFINITIVE. PARTICIPLE. - ■ " Preient. hyj^ to fend ; kMh > mui^ to knov^ ; φιιμι^ t9 faj I Άπά )iiiaai^\ to He down ; ufually claffed among the Anonialsj are entirely regular in the Tenfes peculiar to the Verbs in except thai the Prefent SubjunSive of is declined like the Second A- oriiL -For the, remaining Parts of Speech, viz. Par- ticiple^ Adveibj ConjundioHj Prepofition^ fee _ Syntax, * Tiic Cc=iv. pound Koih^c/.i lins alio xxhro in this Fct-Xan, f Co'vipound ^'i'Swcro, l.y Syilole καί^σο^ Ionic xaSis, Attic xijcSb?. t >. .'/../i is ίο be coiiiid':-red as the ^vlidclle Voice of x^c, the fame f'-'ii n-o:b obiokte. It boiron's its Optative and SLibiunchve Moods ϊί'Μ'Λ i-i]c Ojryrun Vvvms of ϊ:ι the Middle Voice : e.g.- hjo/^^v, Η Ε 74 ] S Υ Ν Τ Α Χ. MOST general Rules of ΟοηίΙηιέΙίοη, whicli the Greek Language lias in common with the Lat- in;, are hei'e omitted. EXCEPTIONS In the Firfi Concord. 'i>IomInatives Plural of the Neuter Gender moil commonly govern a Verb Singular : as. Animals run* Sometimes, alfo, Mafculine and Feminine Plu-. rais J as, T'here are none who αΒβαΙη. ^^ίΊτοίΐ ομφαι μίΚίΟύγ. — FIND. ^ The Voice of Melody refounds. A Dual Noun is of courfe Plural, and may bt joined to a Plural Verb ; as. Both Jpalie. ill the Second Concord. A Subilantive Dual may have an Adjeclive Plu- ral γ as, 21 s afii0twnafeh embrace, jj ^ ,T1^e Duals 4^?^ and \υω are often joined to a Sub- . - utivc Plural ; as, 'Of both Falfchoodi. VfL , 75 J The cafe of the Subftantive is often changed into^ the Genitive, the Adjedive ftiil agreeing with it in Gender and Number ; as, inftead of φοίυκη Wicked Men. 'Siib(lantiv:es are often ufed as Adjectives ^ a%. Magic Art,- The Greek Latv, v/r^ . III the Third Concm^h The Attics make the Relative to a;4ree ti,e Antecedent in Cafe ; as, p^p^ua/ βιζλιοις. οίς ϊχω, I life the Books which I have. Ihey alio place the Antecedent in the fame Clauft of the Sentence, and in the fame Cafe with th# Relative as, ' This is the Man of whom you fpeak^ A R Τ I C L E. (jy> The Article is ufed ίο exprefs^ I. Emphaiis, or Eminence ; as^ l ποιη%ς^ the Poet / i. e. Homers IL Diftinftion, or Definition ; aSg Thai ce/e/iial^ not terre/lrial Dog ; i, e, Diogems* John the Βαρίΐβ. C 76 3 Πι. The Relative cc, whenever it is prefixed ta Participles, the Verb wm. being underilood 5 as,, c λίγων ^ wbo faith. I. e. έΓ/ Kiym^ or ος Kiyet;. ΤΓα,ς Qy αΙτω-/ λαμζανΘΐ\^~ΜΑΎΤ. Vll. 8.. Every one that afieth receivetk. 1. e. ίς ki αΐ-ιων^ or ος α/τέ/. The Participle, to which it is prefixed,, is ofreii underilood 5 as is foiuetimes the Article 5 as,, i ίγ ΎΟίζ '^^ΧΫΟίζ, wbo art in Heaven* Sub, uv* ης ψϊ ττ/ίαζας ; who ftruck 7116 f — SOFH. ί· e. m iTocla^^Cj or k ίπαίαζί» It gives the Adjefuve or Participle following it in this Confiruction the Force of a SubilaA'^ tive ; aS;, TO auiKic^ Negligence, ro ffom^ Prudence. An Adverb after it in this Conilrudionj^ is ufed aifjedivslf^ the Gender being determined hj the Article ; as^ τα KC,:dy Λ If'i.r^S* Sometimes, when the Article is in the Neuter Gender, the adverbial Senie remains ; as, 70. ποοκίχί, formcFiy .—την CY D., iV, Either a Proper Name, or what has Relation to itj when uied before a Proper Name^ with α,μνι^ TTtoi, μΖ^^ κα^,α^ ^pc^ &0· aS, 0/ σμρί Ιΐλοίΐωγχ^ ; Plato^ OX thQ PhUonics.^ C 77 ] Office or Relation only, before an Appellatrce as, 1/ TTi^i kfa, the Priefls^ V. Property, Pofleilion, or RelatioBj when in the Neuter Gender before a Genitive ;^ as, TOf. μϊΐΊξος^ the Mother^ s PoJfeJJlons^ YI. A Word- or Paffage being taken., Ί^γνι^^^ς, i.. 'e* independent of its Meaning j as, Ti3 l\^^(jd7rK^ io. e*. this \¥ord ^Ά^ωπος, ¥IL The- Signification of oJw and vmm^ μινΧ^^ ~>:^Γ^^5 &c. being annexed ; as, roe ^ey cciW, (p9aP7Ci.— aPvISTOT* Si?;?2^ ^rί«.;, i.e. βλίϋ5ί^ίί«, Libttiy* [ 78 J ίκ Tts μ-ηΐίγ TTomoti toluQ υρτψβίΫΟίμίΥ. DEMGSTHv, Σ PC nihil agendo hac pafjt fumus. TO -n-wP^ily WiV ίΥ τω χ^^4ΐο'^α.ί,—ΑΙ<}3Τ». Diviii^ confifmni in utendo. 6crieiy^ ωίμοκτίν όμοιοι.— IL, κ, 437°- I?2 currendo ventis fimiles. Sub, h ico, . οζυς ίις το TTocy^j' ο^αν,—- ME Ν ΑΝ». Acer ad omrda perfpiciendun, orjjy TO) πίθίγ^ inter potandum*—Ai^ ac r.. - GOVERNMENT. SUBSTANTIVES, ADJECTIVES and VERBS.* Accufafive* 1. Nouns fignifymg the Form^ Manner^ OifvmBion^^.^ Objedj. Meafure^ Number^ or Part affeded^ after Substantives and Adjectives the Caufey. Injlrument^ or Manner^ after Adjectives and Veres ; are pot in the Accufative Cafe ; j^ojo^y, l/oij TTioi^ being underrtood aSj 7rc ceiling the reJL *■ Particularly in v^q; and τϊ.ξ<ος. I \yym\i ufually governs as Dative, being ./. itfelf, v/ith, another ιΝόβιΙ- as, 'Ιχ^^.ζ υπψχίν — b Ε MO ST Η. • He %vas an Enemy. But never with another Participle ; asj ^mfcirnc τυγχ^^.^Θΐ τηρπ^χ^· ■ Socrates is walking. VERBS of the FOLLOWING SIGNIFICA- tions govern a Genitive, (^z) Beginnings Abftaining, Differing^, Defifting, Wanting, , Diftance^ Defiringjf Excelling^l Erring. * See Note, page 7 8. ' / Γ govern an Accuiatjve OJiIy. Γ §^ J ΙΓ. Genitive or Accufative,\ (α) Adiiiiringj Neglefting, Succouring,^ Defpifmg, ' Remembering,. Envying,* | Trying, Forgetting^ Forgiving,* Obtaining, Enjoying, Smelling, Laying hold. Communicating, Tafting, Regardingj^ Partaking,* Feeling : Aljo^ Hearing, § which with the Accfuative will have a Genitive of the erf ο 11 L Genitive^ Accufative^ or DutiveA\ (/S)' I. Commanding^. Aboundingv For the Genitive^ Accufative^ and Dative abfo- lute^ fee Participles. DATIVE.f (7) Dative or Accufative. (V) Pleafmg, Fawning, Difpieanng, Reproaching,*'^ Acqaiefcing,. Following, Ufnig, Inhabitingjtt Reverencing fP^^king 7 Supplicating,*^ Pomg y Ofieiier a Genitive. ^ . >* * With a Dative of the Perfon* f In the Senfe of Grudging, Withholding, or Depriving. § Ttvvha-'^ofjf.cci^ to inquire or hear ; συχ'ΐνμι^ to ιιηάετβαπΐΐ ; iVA'r/^i?/^-^/, to hear |. have the fame Government. II Κ Genitive moil often, a -Dative very feldoni, \ See Note, p;ige 78. Ιττίϋχρμ^αι^ ζύρ^ίΐαομοίι^ and 7trzξxσ■ι1at a Dative onlr. ff Thcie have ofiener an Accufative than a Dative* A Dative or Acciiiative of the Perfon only. I S3 1 I, ACCUSATVE.^ All VerbSj when wla^ ha^ mm^ he. are under- itood. JL With a Genitive. I. Accufmg Difappointing^ Condemnimg, Repeiling,! Acquitting, Porbidding, Warnings Reftraining, Filling, / Changing^f % Emptying, Valuing, Delivering, Buying,! Separating, Seliing^f Taking away,! Eiteeming worthy. Derivatives Aftive, whofe Primitives goverm a Genitive ; as, μ.οίν.ο\:^^ σί της ττοκι^ς, I banijh thee from the City. 3. Incentives, when the included Verb governs a Genitive ; as, ■ r/eucT'a^jl μι ίυΙαιμοη&:ζ» LUC IAN* Tou have made me tafie of Happinefs^ , 4. Verbs having after theni a Noun fignifying the Matter^ of v/hich any thing is made 5 as^ aoTi'm o^yj-^.civlcg erei/^e.— HESJOD. He made a Hook of Adamants See NotCj page 78. ' t The Dative is fometlmes ufed after thefe Verbs, iriilead of the Genitive. \ Thcfe have a Dative of the Perfon with v/hom. § Tl^e Adverb μαγ.ζαν governs a C^eniiive. jl }/;v:v, to tafic^ governs a Genitive. Thus, ττοΙίΐ/ύ, to male to drhh 1 ■-;rx«?a)j to mihe io err ; &C. f Μ juns fignifiying the Matter arc f^^mctimes put in the DcHive, [ 34 ] IIL With a Dative.^ Derivatives Aftive whofe Primitives govern a Dative 5 aS; Tou rendered my Food pleafant to 7ne. iV. Two Acctifatives.\ I. Verbs of Speaking' and Doing well or ill^ when they govern an Accnfative of the Per- fon ;§ as, Tou fidould /peak no III of worthy Men. Tcy βασιχιοί t^mat τ\ί\ο — THUG YD* To ufe the King thus, £. Thofe governing an Accufative with a Gen- itive, when they change their Genitive into an Accufative ; as^ / acciife one of Falfehood. 3· Incentives, when the included Verb governs an Accufative ; as, ' υμας yaKcL ίπο\ισα.—1 COR. / have made pu drink Milk. PASSIVES. The Noun fignifying fhe Doer, following Verbs Paffive, or of Paifive Signification, is ufed in the * See Note, page 78. f The AdjeAive γκυκυς governs a Dative. \ See Note, page 7S. ^ § The other Accufative is often changed into sn AdTerb ; asj Speak not ill cf ihc Dead, t 8s 3 tienitiVe only after k ζηά dfro ; in the Genitive^ and fonietimes in the Dativep after νττο^ Trci^uy-md The IntelleH' is impaired by Whie. υτΓο ^cxjf αττα/ί: \i oKm 6a/. Κ Ε R O'D I AIST * To be governed by Viceroys. The Prepofition is fometiiiies omitted 5 a^i> ψίί^ων viKQjrlki φιλοΚ-^ $0ΡΗ* Friends are 'wrought upon by-each oihefo it has been dene by me. iNFiNlTIVE , Wne!i the precciiiiig Verb aiid the infinitive re- late to the fame* Perfon^ the Pronount is ofteii (Omitted before the latter 5 as, ίψΑ PLATO. Sub. lai^iJK. lie f aid he was enquiring. . i)ixit qu^rer^. Nenipe fe. An AdjeQive or Participle expre'iTed may agree \vith the Pronoun underilood 5 as^ Sub. ώΐ'τοΚ It <ν^ί not the dljpnfitlon Cyrus to mgleSl feivardlrig ^Luhcn hs wtd it in his pu^sr. *^ V:''hen tiiey rfelatfe to diiiereht feigns tSe Prbncun rfitrft V*e prciied; as, - \^^-y<» σε uSivxi τχνία. I fciy that you huon) ίΐφ Things, f Which, in t his Ca^e, is 'aiVays Όό« · of - iti't" · 'Reti^jvrbd?ii % Ό:, ■ σρ^9ξ»ί, U'-viy contraifred ccjtv. I The infinitive hais fometimes a Nominative Cafe "foeibre it j as, φα^ίΐΥ οίΐηος^ αίτιος ytytwOaj. He fays that he was the Caufe. Sometimes a Nominative and Accufative j as^ Μ)ί ίφγ} αυτός ακκ ίκθο/ογ 5"fa7>J7tT>'.— -THtJC. JIf fuld that not he, but the other, had the Conmand. Hence it has a Nominative after it when the re^ ciprocal Nominative before it i« underftood ; as, λέγω ihat φ/λ^^.*— PLU T. Sub» etJi^* J/ay I am a Friend, OBSERVATION. if the Noun after the Infinitive, and tlie Noml^ native to the Verb that precedes the Infimtive^ both relate to the fame Perfon, th^ former is put in the Nominative ; as't ΤΙψκλίις ίφασι mp(fi T\i βωμ^ φίκος ihxL Pericles /aid ht was his Friend as faras Confcienceper" -mitted* — plut. The Infinitives iWui and yim^xt^ and thofe of oth- er Verbs governing a Nominative, ufually f have after them the fame Cafe that they have before them ; as, ^ Nom. ifiyofiou '^^ζοίίς Ikaroc y/KScrSa/*—- THUG'. They are eager each to befirjh ♦ The Relative aur»f and the Reciprocal aaV^* are ufed each other iiidifcriminatcly when no iV&ibiguity can arife. Ί" Not always ; as, -ATor (to tbey think It becoming kings t9 indut^e ^rUndfiip, Cfsit (·ξ«^«νά) vi0w uvat* — LUCIAN. iifgrutitcd j«ur ^itiihn h be young. Γ S7 Τ Of that which β all be healed. l&at. ω τΓ^ο^^ογ (xiv υτοί^χβί iivai Ιοί]^γ, ίττβί^^ aya9a) /ajf^; tV/jofe Fortune it is fr/i to he a Phyfciany then a good ^ Physician, Infinitives of oth^r Verbs have fometimes the fame gOvernment ; as, DEM. The infinitive is often put figuratively for other Moods with a)Vj «Ve, 4rh οαοΑ \ ττ^υ^ ττα^ος^ ίττ^ίΐη, ZVi'^\ ώζ^ going before it ; as, (ύζ iliiY τον aSfcoTToy J* £qT ως ^ΙίΥ οίγ^ξίΰπΰς^ When the Man faw^ Before the Cock crew* metin\ aKWcii T^roy ; for W^iv yVcr* After he heard. cI^ioiii'itY oht μ'ή μίτα^αλΚαγ, — PLATO.. "I^he Gods are fucb as cannot change · dec TTOiiTy^ quafi Ivv'xif oiy. Capable of performing. The Infinitive is fometimes put abfolutely inftead! of the Imperfonal Participle j k-oy, &c, being ui># derftood ; as, •m*^*.. . iuoi hKUY.—^OZU* — for Ιμα Io-kw.. As it appeared to me. %ίίγ, for %ioy. When it ought;, * Here is an Eillpfis of fuch a Verb as ο^μξ^ιή^ lyhxiht, kc,^% m^n (erjvtCytJt happened that) tbs M:tn faiv, IruSn has here the force of ιλ:τά to. it is often ufed for the imperative, 0€xe,-^]»^;, or tijy being uaderttood ; as, ' Nor conte?%d tbpu. with the Gods. ThiS Future of ihe Infinitive is often; exprefl'ed by the Aorifl: or Prefent of the fame Mood with the Particle ά ; as, Τί τοιηται ακ, ΟΓ Troiuy ©ey τόν TFOiTi^cc μ\ί oiH ; What do you think my Father will do f The Infinitive in all Tenfes except the Perfeil;,, with the Verb μ%κκΑ^ is uied for the Future off ^ Voices y as, Fret μνο^ Οιτύν. — tMATTH. Xk He will feek. Fut. μίλλω ΙξΌίτβίΥ^ : / will do it^ Apr; ^<6λλίι> yiVifX^^Mf, I βαΙΙ he. The Infinitive, coming after Verbs implyiag Wor. tion and alfo Adjeftives, correfponds to the Latia Supines ; as, i^ti^ov βχλ'ΗΥ tiprmy- — MA'TTii. Non veni mijfum pmenu flint turpia fa^luy ea ne diSlu quidem hmejia%. % IMPERSONALS. Imperfonals govern the Cafes, when they retain the Signification, of their Pei:fonals. FARTICULAR IMPERSONAL^ aoY^ai^ma A Genitive. it is the Duty^ Party or Property^ ο: 89 ]' Α Dative. 1^ r ^ ψ TTOiKeixei ςτυμζαηψ / WfOO'iOlKt. . All Imperfofiah formed of Verbs Pajftve^ or of Pdj fwe ΒΐξπΙβοαΗοη,: govern a Dative of the Doer or it J^ecdv^r ; as^ vm'^QLi μοι^ it^ was heard by me, . A' Dative of the P^/yS/^j , and A Genitive of thfe Things ... 1€τα.ι ι • *^ * J'eV and have, inflead nf .this.D.itlve, f >mctlrae3 an A:curaii7c Pcifon ainopg the Poets ; as, y yrovy μ- cTyT.— -E-URIP. · ^T^f^ is found vykh aa Accufative of the Thing, and a Gcnklvc of t erf on. ''hh- is put abfolately with the Gciiiuvcs ο\ιγ\\^ as,, ' <^i/, kV loas little fiort g/,^ 1 .3 . [ 90 ] An Accufatlve. ^έ7,* Xf^j* ofc-iKei» PARTICIPLES. Participles are ufed for the Infinitive Μόοά aft Verbs of per/evering, (ίβββιηζ^ knowings remember ing^ efieeming^ fidewing^ difcovering^ and iuch as fig-l τάΐγ 'Ά,η Affeclim of the Mind^ ia the Nominative Cafe J as,, Coniinueio love me. I will not ceafe to write. 1 know that If aw. I remember that I did it. After Verbs Qi knowing ϊϊί the Dative alfo ©r Accufative ; as^ "Nom. ο-α>κ. Τ Η U C Υ D. Knowing he would recompenfe. This Participle, fometimes agrees with the Nom which the preceding Verb governs \ as,. mhvTO m^vjyoTOQ 'AyJ^^K/i/.— PL U Τ A R C H. They found that Antony hadfied* * h7 as(3 χξη, in^ead of ilh Accufative, uhlch tbfy ^cyern liavt iomctiiRC3 a Dative arihong the Poets; as, rwo^x ίμχντω I am confckus C 91 3 Participles are often ufed in the Way of Perl- phrafis, with ίίμι, ύπχ^χω, γινομχί^ ίχ^ΰ, itm, to exprefs the Verb either in the Tenfe of which they are Pi^r- ticiples, or in that way of the Verb annexed j as, οίτη^ακως kt τον (χ^^ξωττοψ ; for ami^ax^* He killed the Man. J σιούττ^σας ίση \ for cr/itiTwreξΐς tQy iifyj μίνων-. Be/ides what has been f aid. δίταξ της ψί^ας» Once a Day. Sub. iTTK Πΰς J as, They thought they mufi not live. Oh^ the Injufi^^e I ύμοι των κη^μα%ν» t 95 3 : What an Incident i Sub. W. fi?r wbofe Sake. Like Rivers. ' Before God. Sub. mrcc^ or irafot. Adverbs of and %^///yhave a Genitive, :be latter when united to the Virbs ίχω^* W#i/U6«/5 Abundance offuch. He is liberal of his Pqffe/βο Μ. ί^ούπκως ImmTUi των κακών* He is enamoured of beautiful Objects. tv nkQ τΓΧίΙειι^ζ* . ... I am well educated. In the latter Sub. Tnfi. Of accompanying^ govern a Dative by an Ellipfis ύϊ the Prepofition ; as. At Day-break. Together with the re/i. Sub. w. ^ Yet ci^i >wfkci flood by Ellipils }^ as^ / wrttienfor this Reafon^ lefi any one fdould happen to inquire^ Moods. ' Adverbs of Likenefs^ Manner^ '2ΐϊά Interrogation-^ liave commonly an IndicztiYC of douking^ In- dicative or Optative ; of exhorting or encouraging^ 4n Imperative ; foraetimes a Subjunftiye or Indic- ative. Other Adverbs various Moods. cd^ alk^ iiy v% and (k, are prefixed to the Imper- feft QpetKoy^ or of€i\€y, and the Second Aorift ωμχοί^ x>r of iKcvJf v^ith Άϊϊ lafinitive following': as, I wjh I had rsmaimd tinmarried, or had been τί!>ιϊα!φ* e/Se alone is prefixed to an Optative in the Pref- ent and F-uture Te^fes-^ to an Indicative in the Per- fed ; as, ' , \lk yfxfoiyjy I zvifo I wrofe, t& yiyfci^cc^ I %vijh I had w fit left. Sometimes to an Infinitive J zt^ Ϊ wijh thou wert not a dejirabk Έν^ίΙ tb Mankinds ^ , j- k ' or , ^ ' . V ' i". ' Γ. ris'.d to ο h,r '^'.. ..3 ; V . ί .... . ^ - ^ . v^. '^Γ c'li !w4 i.Tcli ^ ' i 1 ' · ' i Ρ I '( J ; % Λ , 'r. ' ^ \ - ,.3 C 9δ 2 CONJUNCTIONS. Ί h€ following govern an Indicative and Subjundive. f^*' > when. s^reiWj after. Indicative^ and Infinitive.* e^m^ 7 after. i^ii^y 5 fince. that. and that. Indkat. Optat. Subj. and Infin. Indicative and Optative. iJ^ if, CT/, that. rf' ? when. Indicative, Optative, Subjundive. xitK, although, ίτη^ζ^ hrpy^ when, For a more particular Account of the Gov^ ernment of the Conjunctions, fee Appendix. (Q PREPOSITIONS. 0 J. Six Monofyllables* that, until. ex. II. Twelve Diffyllables. 5 , νΤΓΟφ Prepofitions governing a Genilive. 7ΓζΟ· * Wltei-itYer a Gonjun^iari or Adverb goes before a« Infinitive, ihtr't an Elliffis of fome Verb, fi4ch ae irwC», Sc/ ; Γ 99 J Dative^ Accufdtkie. ■ Qenitive Or Accufaiive. Genitive^ Dative^ or Accufafive. • ^^p/j aya^ ίτη^ κχτ^^ ^^τιρ, rci^Xy τη^ι, ττ^οζ^ υτη^^ vm-i^ EXAMPI^ES. VRn^osiTioi^s governing one Cafe only.- A Genitive. From. απο irac^^er/af.— — juyc* lit 36· irijj^ i6^r Virginity. avTiy For* Φψ&€(λμον ayri ίφ^χλμ^. — MAT. V. jSi- Eye for Eye. «κ. From. JFr^;;^ ^^j^ Touih* TT^Oy Before J For.. Before. Place* ΤΓ^ο Β-υ^ωγ — —ACTS. V. 22 Before the Door*. Time* TTfo r^i τΓοκϊμΜ. Before the Wan Preference* ττοκίμον ττοο herod*> War before Peace. . Fon On the Part of μ%χί(τ^ΐ 7Γξο r% τταιίων m ττ^ο yvmmv. IL, L 57. To fight for Wives md (^ildrm* - To die ^or his Child,. A l)aiive/ To/ail in Harbour.. The Afs among the Bfesx cvvy fVith,... rj\ Oea-~?L AT0,, WiihGod. An Accufativec ik,^ Toward*. Into.. Out of the Fryhg-pan into the Fir^w Toward. Good Win toward me* Genitive, Accufativet. lix^ By^ Througbp By. O. In ί^χ,^ηχξ ^νχτος — Ρ.ΟΜ· V. Τ,:^· Death by Sin. A. ro αϊμοί xpi^. — APOCALTPS. XU. li a. By the Blood of the Lamb. Through. G. "tia, ζτνίυμχτος.-τ^Ι COR. xil* 80, Through the Spirit, C ΙΟΙ ] Genitive, Dative, Accufatlve. ce/^f/, About ^ Concerning, ^ About. G . f / ZJOKIOQ 04Κί\ίσι —Η Ε R Ο D Ο Τ . Tifey dwell about the City. T), άαψί Tci/ ωμοΐ7ΐν βακιτο ζιφος.' — -IL. β· 4ζ· - And he threw the Sword about his Shoulders^ Colkded about the Streams of "Jordan^ Concerning.^. Laws made concerning Sacrifice. . m0Lr Through^ With . Thrcufk^ . Ai , α re J/ . — I L . α ,-^· lOi . Through the Army, With; 1).·- χ^υ7ίθύ OL^OL σκ^Γ^6.\— IL, a. ■! f With a golden Sceptre. t-^i^.To^Upon^- ofjoot ta the Mark,. Created to good 'Works,.:.. Av, i^-i^^i l^ac tmiTO ihov ίζί^αμζζ^~2^ PET,: 22?^ returned to his Vomit.\. . He: led him ahout^ cn Horfebaik^ kJpm the Grmndo^:. Asx y&i^n^'^ iTTi cm^ MAT.- Zxi. ' Sitting upon an Afs. ^ [ 102 ] Kxrct^ Awrdingto, Againfi. According to. According to Matthew^ Againβ. G. κΛτα Xf/?v. — PSALM. ϋ· 2. Againfi Chrifl. μίτχ. With* G. (^^^τα TV «f K/v π&Κίμησουσι. — APOCALYPS* Xvii. I4. They will fight with the Lamb. D. τον μίΥ MiTX χί^σιν efV7crotlo Φοιζος ΆποκκούΥ."^^!^· e. 344· Him A olio caught with his Hands. frocjja. Near. G» τΓϋί^οί κξοταψοψ Ti TTOCfeictL — ΗΌΜ. HYMN. The Cheeks near the Temple. πψ^ About ^ Concerning. About. G. ΤΓψ κΰίΤΓΚ^ ς^^Κίσχιιν.—Ρκον. To prate about Nothing. D. mfi βωμΘΥζ, — HERO DOT* About the Altars^ A. ^m^^my. — ACTS xxii. About Noon. τΓίος, From^ T§. From. ■ G» ^ος ίίσιν ατοίνης. — ODYS. ζ- 57* All are from yove. D, 'ccJraf £74) TtoTi^ yoim χ^ι^αζ ci^fiJK.— -ODYS. λ. 422· £ut I lifting up my Hands from the Ground To. TTQTi τττοΚιος TTiTiT α/«.— — IX, 198· Me fiill continued fifing ίο thg City^ C 103 1 βαλλβίΫ mir^viQ- — OD YS. 3 1 9 . 3 1 1 . Extend your Hands to the Knees of my Mother, Α· τω μίγ Of' i^offot TTfoTi Ίκιον aTrsvmtQ ^--^ILx 7· 3 ^3' They therefore returned to Troy. yVif , Fory Uponm For. . If God be for us, who can be α^αίηβ us ? Upon. Old Age upon the Head. vVep a^yuf^y ij^wrai,-— AN AG R. Odc ζΐ^ . They are carried upon Silver. uV^5 Byj Under. By. G, vro κη^νκοζ TTfony^fiVi τοΑΧ/κ ΧίύΤ/,— -HEROD. He gave orders to the Io7iims by an Herald. I), υτΓο Tfcoi(T(Ti Sii//.>;yai,-~IL. r. 668. That he ^ould be conquered by the Trojans. Under. G* HESIOD. Under the Earth. £g7/^/ /V i/;i(ii^r the Perfians. A. ντο rcr p^/sK,'-— M AT. V· 1 5. Under a Bufoel. For tlie remaining Examples to th^ Prepo tions, fee Appendix, {n) FROSODY. ©F qUANTITY,. THE natural Quantity of the Vowels has been given in page 2. Every Diphthong is Loiig by Nature. The Quantity of the Doubtful Vowels in the Ri-ft and Middle Syllables is known by Pofttion^. theCafeofa Vowel fsllowing-^Coniraaim and Rule. POSITION,^ as in Latin, with the ^following Additions and^ Variations. 1.1 A Short* Vowel at the End of a Word, when the foliowing begins with a Double Confo- ' nant, or "I'wo Single , Cpnfonants is iijually made Long. IL , A Short Vow^l before «·1, η1, the 1 ail even With a Liquid , following, is rendered Coin^ . fnon : as,. III. A Short Vowel before a Middle Mute with f , foliowing, or before a Smooth or Rough Mute with - any Liquid fQllowing, in the Writers of Comedy, always continues Short. iV. A Short Vowel before a Middle Mute, facceed-- - ed^by any Liquid except ^ , both in the coiuic ' and tragic Writers, is always' Eiade Long, * *An,d of courfe a Pou^uf^}. Vowel i Α Short Vowel before a fmgle Liquid is fom^^ times made Long ; /before f always except in the Peaultima, where it is always Shorty except in κιοος, and Ι^^ζ for ίψς. CASE OF A VOWEL FOLLOWING, % A Doubtful Vowel before another Vowel Or a I)iphthx)ng is ufually Shprto Excepfions. a aiad l Long,, Long. jD, β fupplying the Augment^s Place ; as, aiou a Doric ukd for ^?. 3, a jEolic in the Genitires Singular and PluraL 4, ct: Ionic in the Second and Third Perfons Sin- gular Prefent Indicative of Verbs in «α?, and Third Plural of Verbs in 5,, In the Prefent and Imperfeft of Verbs in ocoj, when the iEolic vazv is fuppofed inferted. 6. Moil Nouns in €ί^)κ, whether they incrqaf^: Long or Short,* Moft Feminize Proper Names in LoAg fh 1. the Termination of Nouns ihcreaiing Short. the Termination of ComparativeSj but m the Attic Dialeft only- ^. Firft Future Middle Attic of Verbs ^ fcwv, ytc^otijyj an»i ^ ,fcw more, failow the general Rule.. a and ί. Ιϊΐ tine Firil Syllable of Words exceeding Three ^ Syllables, with the Second and Third Short j as 5 fsr/^e^iW '^τ,ραμί^ηζ' 1. In Nouns in iisj and 2. In Verbs in j^. 3 . In the Improper Red aplication of Verbs in il. A Long Vowel or a Diphthong beFore another Vowel or a Diphthong, even in another \Vord^ . h fometimes made Short. CONTRACTION. L A Contrafted Syllable is always Long. 11. When the Article fuftaifts Synalcepha^ or oc- cafioris it in the Beginning of the fucceeding Word, the remaining Vowel is confidered as having abforbed* the other, and therefore made Long ; as, d Ti W τ^των τ *aycS ^9ξ>ω^ΰ^ ί;Χ€ίΚ.— -Etr RIP. , ας oly 70 koiwqy τα μ dvaKTOf iwt^etv, -^Ihid* , RULE. The Doubtful Vowels before a Single Confonant' are Short. . Epcceptionsi, ec, Long, α in Ϊ . ^.;£4ii, the Termination of Verbals* Cosi^ Grammar iaiis it i% even called a Costra^fkieR.; ΐ 2-07 ]■ 'οίγοζ, -Wr) arr/c, ατ<^3. Termini Tons -of ΡΓοροί NameSj Gentiles^ and Pre<:ioiis StoneG** 3, dvyj^^ inits Oblique Cafes and Compounds.f -4. Oblique Gafes of fot^^ ^fe^^ tf^^ tf^:^, χο^^αξ^ ccloc^y φαΐοζ, ψίναζ^ λαβρ^, 5· ctKioy^ the Termination of Diminutives whofe Primitives Increaie Long. 6. aico^iocy the Termination of Numerals j alio (τυ^οίκοσιοζ» 7· Perfeft Middle of many Vetbs ; as* fttTrfay^. 8. Subjunf^vTo;^ vm, i^ric. Terminations of Nouns. I ί2· Oblique Cafes of Nouns of double Endings in υς or vy, 3. Oblique Cafes οΐ 'βομξυζ^ ΙόΙ^^ κ}ΐ^νζ, κηι^ζ^ κίκί^ιξ^ 4· I he Firft Singular and Third Plural of the Fourth Conjugation in and all the Per- fons of biflyilables. 5. im, vfQy υχζύ, Terminations of Verbs. 6^ ι^σί.»^ υσά, Futurc and Aoriil from υώ. 7· Perfed Middle of many Verbs \ as, μ}Αλ.%%. THE LAST SYLLABLES, i, Termmatioiis in 7, ^re Short. "x Long- ■ i. Nouns In a pure,§ 0-, and ύίο unieis a Diphthong .precede. . * PoiTtflive A^eaivcs ia ir.ii-^/V)?, refpe-ilinj Tirfir, Visiter, aliQ Verl'Als ίη if/i sre Short. Verbals in vroi, υτ^ις, ντ^ς, are Shert ; as Is /S.,>:a'irv?i-, And fume others in i>T),%-. ., § Di.flyl]X(3rEvJ^, ref foUow the -general F-U-C, C 109 1 2. Feminmes from Adjeftives in ος. 3. Duals of the Firft and Second Declenfion of the Simples. 4. The Doric α ufed for ^ or I Long. Ϊ . Adverbs or Pronouns augmented by Paragcge« • . 2. The Attic /, as in ταυτ/. 1. Kou and the Nam^s of the Letters. υ Long. , I . Firfc Perfon Singular Imperfed of the Fourth Conjugation in μι. 2. Certain Adverbs in and the names of Let- ters* ΪΙ. Terminations in ακ, ai^^ iv^ ις, ^ν^ νς^ are Short. Eyxeptions Long. 1. Mafculines in α,ν ; and the Neuter τταν, whofc Compounds are Short. 2. Accufatives of theFiril and Second Declenfion, whole Nominatives are Long in the Ultima. 3. Adverbs in av ^ except ο-ακ, v/liich is Short. 4. Pylonofyllables in ; but ya^ is Common. 5. Nouns in ιν-ινος. . -6.. Nours of Two EndinQ:s in iv and ις^ which make both Lonr{. 7- Monofyilables in ις ; except ης^ which is Short. 8, Difiyilables in ις^ος^ and Ι^ος, 9. TriiiyUables in /c^ having -the Two former Short, 10. Nouns in υν'υ\-ος, 11, Accufatives in vv^ when the Nominative., is Lon^^. ο 11, vy the Firft Peribn of Verbs in ^/^ and the Adverb η;κ. L £ I ί ο ] i3- Words of a double Termination in w and νς^ which make both long. 14. Words declined in νς pure j zs^ Ίχ^νς. 15. Monofyllables in fc ; zs, μυς. ι ό. Participles of the' Fourth Conjugation in/M j as 5 'Civyyv;^ IIL €ίς and are Long. Exceptions Short. 1. Nouns increafmg, except thofe in ayr^- 2. Accufatives Plural of the Fifth of the Simples. 3. Second Perfons of the Firft Aorift Adivej and of the Perfed Adlive and Middle. 4. Adverbs in a^., FIGURES OF PROSODY ARE L Spiecphonefis^'^ (comprehending both Syncsrefis and Crafts^) O'^zrefis^ Tmefis^ Syfiole^ ΏιαβοΙβ^ Cczfura^ which relate to Words ^ being common to the Greek and Latin Profody, and explain- ed in every Syftem of Rhetoric. II. Antipodia^ Brachycatalexh ^ Catalexis^ Hyper cat a- lexis, and Oialyfis ; which relates to Meafure. Aiitipodia is the ufe of one Foot inilead of an- other, Brachymtakxis is the Deficiency of a Foot^| Caki/eicis^ the Deficiency of a Syllable C • Hypercatalexis^ the Redundancy of a Sy lia- ζ blcor Fool J ^ Dialjifis is the.Disjunftion of the Parts of a Word, fo ihat the former Part may clofe a Verfe, and the latter begin the following one. *' Gulled alfo Sjni%^fis aad Syz^euxh^ #B3ERTATION35 SCHEMES OF HETEROCLITl- S, PATRON ΥΜΙ€?Τ;· DIMINUTIVES, POS3-E331VESy VERBALS, LISTS OF ANOMALS, TABLES OF DIALECTS, LETTERS. (a) . SIXTEEN Letters, viz. Five Vowels, st, i, o, and Eleven Confonants, β, J, κ., λ, ,^', it ξ, jt, r, were introduced from PhceBicia into Greecd by Cadmus foon after tbe Departure of the Ifraelites out of £gypt> when Aiiiphyi51ion was King of Athen?^ aboiit tbe Year bsfjre Chriil: 1493- The remaining eight,' viz, the long Vowels. -4, ^ | the rough Mutesj φ, χ, 0 j and the double Semivowels ζ, |, ψ, were invented later ; ψ, χ, and |j by Palamedes^ at the Siege of Troy? 300 Years after ; and ij, ώ^,- Ψ, by Shnonldes, about 950 Years from the Arrival of Cadmusj about the Year before Chrifl: 540. This is the Account of Pliny. For the different Opinions of other learned Men, fee Voffius de jirte Gram mat. Before the Time of &jmonIdes, i and 0 were ufed for the lon^ as v/ell as the βονί Sounds of the Latin Ε and O, viz:, for th^^ Sounds Cnce expreifed by s and Ji, and by 0 and β was alfo written for the Diphthotig Γ before y, x,^ |, and γ,, has the power .or Sound of NG, a5 kl ^yysAsj, TSi^uyy,:^^ Ayy|, \y%o^, „ VOWELS. (έ) .βί, ξ, are changed into their refpeaive long Vowels ui the' T^Bporal Augments. See Gramm. p. 36» 112 LETTERS. (Ο Vowels are called Prepoiuive and Subjuna've from the Place ihey occupy in ail the Diphthongs, except vi, ^The^ Proper Diphthongs are formed of ^^^-, refpedively joind with /, and again v/ith -j. Frora thefe the improper arc derived ; e. g. Proper. Improper. γ Ψ ί η υ ων Vi Of the Improper Dipluhong?, λ:, were called d^io-'ciky the #ld Granimarians, the i being iubicribed to denote its Quieicence. The remaining Diphthongs of this CI a is were called fcapio-pm^i from the Dlfiiculty of their Pronunciation, Tlie Sabicript t in ψ, ί?, was once a conftkiient Part of the S vllable, written after the Vowel, and exprefied in the Pronunciation, On the two Farnefian Columns at FwOrne are frill, to be feed the foliowing Infcrlptions : EN TEi HODOI T£I ΑΠΠΙΑΙ. EH TOl HEPODO AITOL which would be written at pvefsntj Iv τη oS:^ rn 'a-tt^w. h rf ^Γλρω%^ ciypu). In thele lnf:ripdons s is twice uied far ; β four Times for ω aiid once for ^ ; the ί in every Inffance placed after the Vowel to which it has been fmce f.ihfcribed ; and the rough Breathing expreiled i>y, Hj which was once the Mark of Afitrauoa aiTiOMg the Greeks, ίι-οφ. them adopted by the iioraans, and con- tinued in Ufe by the iviodcrns to this Day. The Subf:ript / is found, ΑίΤίοησ Nouns ^ in I. The Datire Singular of the ift, 2d; and 3d Declenfioa of the Simples. IL The Dative Singular, and Genitive and Dative Dual, of,th.q 5th of the Contract?. III. Adjedives contracled from ^rn \ as, τψηι-ίς, π'^ίΛ-,ς, Among Verbs in IV. The 2d and 3d Sing. Subjun£live Adive ; i\s, TVTpi-m-v, 3* retained after Contradlon by Verbs in and s« ; as, ri^i-^yn^-^c^ * All the Tenfcs of the Sul)jnn:^-K'G Μοοί Ailive derive their Ter» a^inaUQus f;orrr tboie of iks Picfent inciicruive, changing the Short iiUc^ LETTERS. 113 {d) (e) ct, which have the fame* Formation with that of the contraded Form of Verbs in esc&j, g^, and o^y. V. Other contraded TermiDations of Verbs in ««^^, without Dif- tiodion of Voices, where / occurred before Contrailion ; as, VI. The 2d Sing.f of Teiifes of the Indicative Mood in ψχί and of the SubjimdHve in c^^pa, Ραβϊνΰ ζ,όΛ Middle Voices ; as, ry7f\'0^.toLi^^^ τυπί-ω^οα-'ή y retained after Contradion by Verbs ia and 100 j as, τ*;*&-Λί2ί"^, (p}\-iYrv\» VIT The 2d Sing> of Tenfes in the Subjundlve Fajfi-oe and Middle of Verbs in j as, Prefent. Second Aoriil. The Siibjiincl:i\ e in the three Voices correfpondlng with that of the contracted Form of Verbs in αω^ and under tlie iixcsptions already noticed, «/, ccvy and, 5;, are changed in the Temporal Augineats Verbs, See Gram in. p. 3· 6. ω CONSONANTS. The '^jites -a's -pri'^^vJ In CcIit:,-':. or /cr^ic-l Li:ies^ to ev'.L'ii : \-H I'ty :f th ^ ilni: Colihiui, which for bet- t;j S^j.ii aie uilca chij>:-i in. ο ζ\ζλ oth:r. i-i-l^Cit. r.; th J, fi'. Η ; >TCi', ίτον ·, a?.cd'y, srf, yr/. tLc i'f^. i., irl co..ri.\]!y frjmths centraclcd i'crrn ^i*V\ibvS ^^j/.vcd from ofi^. by diiui-ning η iiiilead of a, \^ 3e€ berf after, Refertnce (^i.) L2 ΣΙ4 LETT Ε R S. (0 When two Mutes immcdi-itely fucceed each other in the fame Word, they muft be of the fame Breathing, both Smooth, both Middle, or both Rough ; as, ^7, /3§, j neyer or β was fometimes ufed for the Latin V, to exprefs whofe Sound the Greeks had no Charader ; as, Zs/Si^go^, Severus ; ΑμΖφίας^ Ambivius ; the iirfl: β retaining its proper Sound. ^ But they more ufuaily had recoarfe to the Diphthong cv ; as, ΣΒο^ι^ξβ^, Ονίξλίγί^ζ. Phitarch has written ΈΓξζίος, and ΈίξονίΦς, for Servius. υ alone was fometimes ufed on the fame Occafion ; as, Ί^ίντίξος, ΎίττΓοίτιαιίος hence in diiferent Editions of the Septuagint, we meet with Δίίί,θί^ and ^.civii* The Digamma, fo called from its Figurts (F) refembling two Gammas, one over the other, fapplied the Place of V among the JEolics for a iliort Time, bat it was never univerfally adopted by the Greeks, f ^ The jEolics prefixed the Digamma to Words beginning with a Vowel, efpecially in the Cafe of a Rough Breathing, as they never iifed the A pirate : Thus, for chou Ισττζξΰ^, they wrote Fd/voc, τιστξξ». They inferted it fometimes in the Middle ; as, cifT&fVy όύψίον, for m^y. Hence are derived the Latin Words Fmum^ Fefpera, Mvum^ Ovum, &c. The Cretans ufed a β inftead of the Digamma; as, a'Ss^?/, ζ.ΰίζζλίος^ for eaeov, ^iXiog, Hence, per- haps, the Error of pronouncing the β like the Latin Confonant V· : See firft Note, below. ^ I T, la the Prepofition K,!^rar is often changed into ττ and κ be- ^ fore φ and and into /3, y, ^, ττ^ λ, ^tt, % f, before thofe Letters refpediyely ; asj ^ It was once contended that the proper Sound of Β was that of the Ι,Λΐίη or modern V ; to refute which Opinion one Line of Juvenal is Hoc dlfcunt omnes ante Alpha ct JBita piiellae. Add to tliH the Proof ariGng from the Term Alphabet, ufed in almoil- all modern Languages ; and that St. Aiiguiline lays, Voum Beta eodem fona ft^mfitare I'lteram Greeds ^ ^ her ham Latinis, De Doi5lrina Chrift. I. ii. In the'^word Αφβ'Λζ, β ie put for b and t> ; for the latter plainly from Neceifiiy, as its Correfpondence with the former points out its natyra! Pronuiiciatioo. t Hence the Romans took their Capital F, which they ufed inilead φ V before the Vowel U ; as, DsFu% L Ε τ τ Ε R S. ίϊ5 for<| κ.α.τ<ζηνσΌίς > IS read < Ν is changed into it4 before the Mutes of the iirft Column, fr^ β, φ, and before ^ and ψ ; into y before y, χ, where it has the Sound of NG 5 into λ, ξ, and fometimes cr, before tkofe L##. tcrs refpeeively into into y 2 has fome Relation to the Mutes of the third Column,^ r, $ ; for moil Imparifyllabics ending in β· change it in the obiiciue Cafes into one of thefe Letters ; as, And Verbs of the Third Conjugation, which have thefe Leti<^^ for their Charaaeriftics, change thera in the Future into ar ; as, Prefent. Future. . It was once v/ritten like the Roman C, thus, ΦΑΑϊίΟΟ, Flarl^. Η was formerly the Mark of Afpiration among the Greeks, as it is ftili in Latin ; this was afterward divided into two, when thfi firft Part.(P) was ufed to denote the Rough, and the fecond ( i) the Smooth Breathing, Thefe were at Length curved ίο as to form the Marks in Ufe at prefent. The Ancients iifed tlie Afpi- . * In ^ττίζ, γ,νττ^ζ, οϊνττ^ξ, οντι^ξ, the -9 cominua, becaufe in Reality they are each two diilmd Words j 7Τ^§ bqing a Conjunaioa expletive and eacUtic. PAR-TS OF SPEECH. (/) ω w ration fometimes in the Middle ; as, ττξμ^ς^ like li in the Latin Word niihu Indeed, that denoting the Smooth Breathing is quite unneceffary, Tince, where the Rough is not expreffed, the Smooth is impiied of Courfe. (/) PARTS OF SPEECH. Ariftotle and the elder Stoics divided Speech into four Parts^ viz. Noun^ Verb, Article^ and ConjunBian ; confi-dering all Words as Articles^ which being alTociated to Nouns ferved in any Manner to afcertain and determine their Signification ; fuch as? he, thisy that^ other ^ any. Others afterwards increafcd the Number by de- taching the Pronoun from the Noirn^ the Participle and Adverb from the Verb^ and the Prepofition from the ConjunSiion, The Latin Grammarians went farther, and detached the Interje&iow from the Ackjerl^ within which by the Greeks it Nvas always in- cluded as a Species : B^t, that they might nos exceed the Number into which the Greeks had diftributed the Parts of Speech^ they iiicluded the Article within the Pronoun. But there is a manifeft Diftindion to be obferved between the Article and the Pronoun. The Pronoun (lands by itfelf, aHuming the Power of a Noan, and iupplying its Place ; as, He is good. This is Virtue. Ύ\ιζ Article never (lands by itfelf, but appears at alF Times affociated to a Noun^ ferving to afcertak or deiine it ; asj, This Habit is Virtue, ' Ός\ which was uiiially reconed an Article, is always a Pronoun. Relative^ and therefore g-ef^rred to that Clafs r But 0 is generally an Article, though fometimes- ufed as a Pronoun- Deraoixftrati^oe. For a ciirious Difquifnion on Nutviber, Case, and Gen- der, fee Mr'. Janies Hariris of Saliibury's incomparable AnalyfiS of Unhjerfal Grarninar^ entitled Hermes, Book I, C,c ϊγ. and Book il. C. iv. ω See the laP: Paragraph above, and Reference ijy) hereafter. DECLENSIONS. There are ftriilly no more than Four Greek Declenfions ; the Fourth of the Simples being the Attic Dialed of the Third, and ail Contract Nouns, before Contraction, being of the Fifth of the DECLENSIONS. ii,7 (0 {k) (/) im) Sim!>les ; bat as the contraaed Terminations are fo vanoiis, that, if redu'-e'd to that one Declenfion, they would form an Objea too compiicated for the Minds of Beginners to enibrace^at once, Grammarians have judged it expedient to feparate the Parts, de- nominating each a dittina Declenfion, for the temporary Accora- inodation of the Learner. (0 . . Mcm'K oi the Common Gender according to Pnfcian, out i» Conih-uaion is always MafculiDe. See Voffias. ik) . ., . Some Nouns in the common Form follow the Cone Dialed m the Genitive ; as,- e«j««5. «* e««« 'uU, Ae*«W, A«>««f, hia-'.^.t.wi, Σίίτ«ϊίί5, and the Appeilatives β^αμπ ^civvm. Some have s and « as, Ά^γ^τα;, ilyteyi^*?, ■^o.t'^«>m^u ^λ- There are alfo ionie in .5?, which fbilow ihis ArKilogy bv drop- ping ^ for the Genitive ; as, ό Ε^^^; > ^'^^'^^r • lic^Ay Fodes. (Ο ^K.sT»,i makes the A'oeatlve in -^., iliad. 31.— .-T^r^r^, ..ρ^λ^ι^ίρο,.^, Ρ.'π.τ^, θ.3Γτ.., &c. which cccur in Hcmer, are not, as feme Grammarians have aiTerted, Vocatives ukd mitead oi Nominatives, a Chanoe never tolerated in any Language, but re- ally Nominatives of the /EoUc, or, as fome fay, of the Macedonian Dialed- Hence are derived ih^ Latin Nominatives Poeta, Corns* Α;.:^ί.ί and 'k^imo^u of this Declenfion, are poetical for A/vs^j, See Faidar, paiilni. Ad. Apoft. Cap. Athen^m Librvli. Dloicorld. St Matih, C. iv. Hence Am^iJiii, in Ho- iner, and JEneada va Virgil. The Genitives in ^? of theie Proper Names occur in, Jo&phus ; and it might dmoft be given as a general Paile for Subftantlves, fince the Termination in α pure is by much the moil numerous of Nouns in,^, did not the great Number of Participles making their Feminine in and having and ja in the Genitive and Dative, turn the Scale in Favour of that adoptei in the Table. * Lineu^eiiificet ^oUcse Latiuus Semo eft ί1πΐίΠ;ν-π ] • " ; Qulaaiii&a. Lib. L C. vi. ίΐ8 DECLENSIONS. (/Ο (Ο {ρ) (7) The ancient Latins followeil this Manner of making the Geni- tives in as ; as, terras^ efcas, Latonctsy for tef^^a^ efcje^ LatQnώ)?, 'xS^ttttoXXcjc, Ιωζ^ l^mg, Κ^ς^ κ^γύ^ς^ and Τν^ΰχζζωζ : Hence, in Si. Gregory, τβ? ^'i^^f-. * Except ixt. ^- DECLENSIONS. 119 (r) sAi*}. Sometimes in the Nominative ; as, r& <»yi3^&>, for «νη.^&'ΐ', la Philo i το Ιτηττλίίί^ for 'ίτηπλίων, in Plutarch ; ry? ^Aiy, for τας ■^λώ'$, in the Accufative Plural, i Samuel, xxiii. i. FIFTH DECLENSION. Synopfis of the Variations of the Genitive Cafe. From the Vowels a, v, ω. Nom. Gen. Example. i - ■ ' i-o$ ^miiiTiy 2d Centrals* ■V — — t-ύς ' c\gv 3d Contrails, 0 — — «'df φβίΙΰΦ, 4th Contraih. From the Confonants κ, ξ, ψ. Mom. Gen. Examples. Participles, if-ϋζ Neut. of Adj. ki *y — iv-ος -ep ον-ός NeiiL of u4dj. in av. Neut. of Part, in m» Neut, Part of Verbs in vm* m — < Participlfs Prefent ofconiradied L Verbs in ccta» * γάλακτος is a Genitive borrowed from the obfolcte γακαξ. See page 12%. f ;C6Ai Is the only SrJiftaiitive in i of the cth of the Simpics. There are Neater Adje<^ives In {, but they may be faid to derive theii- Geai- tive ^rather fr<;iii the Mafculine Termination in iq, i y9vv and hgu foinstiaies t^ke χτ» ; from the obfolcte yovocg and ioS^c^* Ϊ2& DECLENSIONS. (γ) ExaiTipIes. rsf. ifl Fut^ and -la fParlidp. 2a. Fut._.fl^!. < Particip. Frehr: ('c.u:- a^Is m L 2λ; and o^j. Neul. of the ϋοίψ^αά.^^ of ττΗς^ Participles Neuien P Examples. m — — at'tg ν^ξ^ς. Some 5 th Contracts. Nom. Gen. '^^ . - 1 . (jren. ^4ξ "* "■ ■ οξ-ΰς νξ ^ νξ'Ος •^-^ οί-ος λαχς, ζς άλφ.ς. ιίΐ Contrails. ζνς βΛ7ίλ^νς. 3^ Contrads. •ΐίς ' ζ-ος rfiivt^yig* 1 ίΐ Contrads. f EyAi^f, a Senator. Thucyd. \y^dj. contracted from -^ζ. ^^'•^^^ ΟνίΟ^ις, Valens, and other names derived from the Lathu ^ * Some Nouns in borrow their Oblique cafes from obioleie Words in ας. yce page 122, ^α^.ο/,ο from the oijiblete t iooiq and c-xi-^^ "borrow their Oblique Cafes from the obfoletc* υ^ας and σκαζ·. t This Variation is 'takea from, cbfokte Words in «ν;. See Claik'? Homer, B. I. Verfe 86, D Ε G L Ε Ν S ί Ό Ν S. (r) Νοίη. Gen. Examples. 'oiV. - ΖΖΙ ' Words In ΐζ^ which often en^i * ΐ-ος τ&ιχοξ. lilContrads. ν-ος Ιγβνς· ν^'Όζ νίΙ-Όζ participles of Verls In νμι. ν^'Οζ JVords In f avhich often end in vv. ΟΌζ ^J^^yj.* 4th Contrails. φως^ Light, and contraited Partlclp.f :[: (piyj, a Puitule. - , , ύΤ-6ς Participles* ' , I £v-e^ ΙνΙ'Όζ oil- 6ζ ί^ίίί, and Participles of Verbs 'in μι. "Όΐίίέζ^ and other tJouns cofttrailei from ofti. ΰΰί'Ο^ — — ν-ύος τ» jidjeffhe* ξ. * There is only one more of this F jfrn, which is wcsl^ f From cc«^ ; as, Iras' from eVa^i*. I The only Word of this Form. S -^T);? changes the « into e in the Obil^t^^^^^el. Μ rrj CO Nbm. Gen. Exaniok. ψ. / The following V/ords in ίί^, iy^, and y, take their Oblioae Ck- fes from the obfolete Terminations m ccg^ otTo^ i αλαψοίξ, άχ^ίίίίξ, ^λζίχ,ξ^ ε^ί^ξ, ίή^^οίξ, ν,τΓΰ'.ξ^ itct^Aoi^^ κτΐΰ(.ξ^^ οναΰίξ^ ■'^^ικ,ξ, 7Τ€~ίξύξ,ξ, στίΧζ-, φξΒΰίξ) ο'κ,ά;ξ, υ^^ξ,—'^γονυ, &ύ£ν. Γονν and ^ύξυ have alfo their proper variations ; as, τ« γϋνυΰζ,. ^^ξνος ; T^y&vvi, ^οξνι j by MctathefiS, ^ί^νος, ^^βΰς 3 γ^νί, ^ί^ξΐ. The follov/ing borrow their Oblii|Ui: Cafes from the obfolt;t€ Words oppofite ; from «ECLEH8-I0-N:'S; ιαβ, CO («) ω ϊ>οιιηα<*ί.1 of - the fciie Word are declnied n.ccording to the gen€ra!i Iixample ; as, ernXm^^ άκλ^τις. The ΐιχίϊ of the two Contraeions.. Tpight -perhaps with more pnoprkfy be called a Syncope than- a. Contra'flion, were, not the. Neuter, Tefrninatioa . Plural in a rei- 4ered Long by it, SECOND DECLENSION of Contraas.. This Decleniion is properly lonJc, as appears froln lierodntus^, who wrote in that DialefU It has alfo in comnion M^th the Firfr snd Third the A-^ariation jn so;, which has been erroneoufly called' the Ionic Termination in the Tables of Dialects uiliaily appropri« ated to this Dscl^nfion ; . its Variations cught, therefore^ to be^'aiv- rii.Dged thus Si n-g alar. Gonimon.. Attic: Ionic G: I). €i " A. ..... \K. Dual N. A. V. £5 — G. D. Plural. N. ΙΙζ-ϊϊς — ■ G. ίων — I>., ■■ text. A. S^iJ-SiV "5 Τ ■ sa^-si?. THIRD DECLENSION of Contract?.- The Attic Genitive in ixr, is moft in Ufe in this Decknilon^, garticularly from Mafciilines in zvf, tv^ Pure is contracted ih the; Genidve into si? j as, χο^ς, χο5ζ, and in tbf Acciifative into j FOURTH DECLENSION of Contraa^ KXaSii is fometirnes. found in the Plural of «λ^ίϋ) of this De- iienlSon, infleajl of .·$λ2!»ίίΐι«. ί24 ADJECTIVES^ (w) (χ) (y) Thigre are only two . Nauns in ύΐς of this Form, viz. αΐ^ας and : which fcarcely occur in the Dual and Plural. Wis morp frequent in Profe than η&ς. Nouns in are mottly the Names of > Women. (w) ADJECTIVES. Moft Compound Adje(5liTes Derivati\re (ahd by the Attics λ// Adjeftrves) in o? are declined with two Terminations after this Example. There are a few of this Form which fometimes take Si diftindl Feminine 5 as, τίξην> — ^^^v^ > βηλνζ^ — 5 αύΰ^νΛτοζψ^τ/^ 5 ^ Φ Many have only two Genders ; as, 13, % Gen. Φίττϋί,ταρ 1 Fatherlels. C '^'^ Motherlefe. , νηςις , ίαί Farting. ^ Some have only two Genders ; as, 0 Ipccr^m, s 1 laborious, or fervilc. ii- ίξγατ'ΐζ^ ιύϋζ, &C. J Thefe are commonly taken for Subflantives ; but they may be joined to Sabftantives like other Adjedives. Of the fame Kind 5^re all Patronymics ; as, - , 0Η.Γθξ<ί-„. « The Son 7 ofj^.fto,, « Ν£Γ«ί-<ί, iios The Daughter J . NUMERALS- | From Ten to Twenty the leail Number may be placed firil or 'hxi ; thu?, ^A^tny or 'hvc-) ^ ϊίκΆ τξπς^ ΟΓ Τξϋί. y^oct hy.oi. Yvom Tvvooty to Thirty always lair ; n.s, skor; ilu ur^^^rt Iv, s.Wr3t»i>, &c. Frorn Thirty upwards'ths Conjaaaion is commonly inferted be« tween ^ aSj T^^.'^^'ii^^rii ί'.^ίί sv, or in one VVord, τξιcizύ^r^^}ccii^v, ίκΰίτΰτ^ί^ "''^^Vi'; t.Trrrprih denoting Hundreds, Thoufands, Tens of Thou- J Vtv.:>i:/ri are Feminine ; i f'i^vx;, Unity, or ^ ccr- . ϊ·; :■> ; '^snufdng of Two i η 'v^i^h confifting NUMERALS, xz^_ (β _ _ _ Numerals ending in ^ς-^ς^ denote Simplicity or Multiplicity in iifelf ; as, όίτίλαΰς-^ς^ Simple ; ^ιττλόος^^ζ^ Double ; τ|^7ί-λδύί~5^ Triple, &c. In Λσίος deiiote Proportion ; as, ^ί^τλ^ί^^β^, Double ; τζίπλοι^ιος Triple, (Sec. Ιχϊοιίΐοζ exprefs periodical Days ; as, τξ/7^ί;^;TuOy βρ'^:!Γ(Γ0, Ιο^ΐσΰί.^ Uii77^j XiV^tTi-)^ 'Τί'^σ'ζΤύ}^ 'TfXoiTQ-OJy '^ξ6ί<Τ(Τω^ i:'^^.-.', ζί2ρΰτ:>ίζακ xXc-.Ad.^i')^ dX'irU^^^ yrJ?^0^ θΰ-:ιζ&), Ιλίλίζό^^ 1,χρ·,ζοί^ Ι-η^Ιυξ^^, ύ^υλλίζ^, κλωζ:-:. κρ:φ.^^ ^^(^^ζω, λατταζί·}^. A'J<,ui, (i^'C'-'^i^"^^'' ϊ/ί^ς-α^Λλ, θ},^Ι^νξ^χ', ΰλύλυζΛ\ Τίίλψίξό^^^^ζζΰ^^ * υ fed ίοχ UiX. f Tc iheie i^ ad;kd iht ΐΖ^^Ια-ρ'ίΑ Futyre *n the Paiiive Vclc& , ν Ε Ρν Β S. 12 7 (^d) (ee) (β) (gg) (HO 07) (Μ) (dd) (^):' . ύδξίζϋ^, ίύχζΰύ, τΓΰϋΐΛ)) τΓΟΚίΙΰο, ψΰ^πίω., (#) §ί?ίίίΐ5·;, ^ίφΧΰύ) ^acCA^f ^>.eiCr)j κλΰίίι), ^ΰίά), f^Xi^Sii^y VaCOj ΤΤαύ}^ ΟΤΐΧΰΰ^ ΑΚο Verbs from which others in anva and α^κ,ΰά are formed ; as, TTiicicoy whence ^sr^cvyy^/j J^Jtiy, whence "ίί^ζΰίσ-κ,ίυ. The following havd j* and a, uξΰt,ΰ^o·Afa,'λfiOLω^ uvioiMy άψχύύ, ίλοίω, .icm^^^ κ,ξψ,^ϋά^^'ί^-ήΚΰί^'} ^(>ίξ^·ό(.(.^(ρ (^/ξ:Λ?5 ασ;;^£,Λ;,, 'ίέλδ.Λ;, α^νΛΟΰ^ ί^ψ, loJy ζζΰύ^ Κξύύ^ νΗκ,Ιίό^ %l!>>y 0>!i6if. Το thefe are added Verbs, from which are formed oth'ers ία mvoj^ and s^it^y i 2^.^^ ο:>(Λφίίΰύ^ au^p-awvcf} ; οΰξίύο, άξζσξ^, ?('i^>^i&}i'\. KTl^i^^ κ,ΰζί^, Kori^y ^':^-^20f^Xi^ οζίύ}^ 'ττούίύ^', 7Τΰνί£κ),'§ ζ^ίξίΑ^ρ («)■ Barytons are often made Contract Verbs, Thus from the Fti- ture in (^cZ was formed anew Theme in ζω ; 2s, from η^ω, τψίΰο^ whence the Perfect Tiri^n'^-cc | ,and fo of the reft is αω. Among the ancient Greeks the Termination of this Perfon was in iacu in the Indicative and, ns-ai in the Subjundtive ; from both which the ionic Dialed cafi: out σ y and the Attics contraded the * when it iignifies to marry, forriis, ; wlierr^to give in mar^ rlrge, ίσα. f diio makes ha-o In the Future, and chy,cc in the PerfeA. . ^ f κα룫 makes ζσα In the Future, and κκα ϊη the Perfeifb. § ;rov£,:v', when it relates tke Mi.n^, snak€s^?i7i; \ v,'hv?n to the hoAjw.Q' I2S ν- Ε rB s. (kk) (//) _ adjoining Vowels, fabfcribing the ί ; this becaiixe* afterwards the common Ufage | as, Ραβνβ and Middle. ^i^iiu ylncknt* Indicat. ^ rv^-ofifici τυττΐ^ < eoit. Ionics til* Att'ic and Common, ^wcii* Ancient · Subjunil. .τϋ7Γ?-Λ;^ί2ΐ;,. τνττΐ- < -ij^w.:. Ionic. Attic and Common^ The ancient Method is retained in fome Verbs ; as, (pxy-t^^otiy 'i70Lh y.civy^oi-ofA^oiiy ίίλι ; contra<5led ^(Χ,νγ,-^Ί,αι^ -οίσ-χί ^ o^jvoi-of^xiy , 'iTon; contra(5led o^w&^/itc&t, o^w^^a-xt-y and in the Perfedl and Plu- perfeiV* of alL Alfo in the Preient Pafllve and Middle of the Indicative of Verbs in μί, though they fometimes with the Bary- tons take the Attic Form ; as, Ι^η^^νννι, τιύη^ κ,οίύη, for Wcca-t/Ay ^vvx76iiy Tikaatt, χΆ^ήσχι. But in the Subjun dive they entirely foi- iow the Example of the Barytons ; as, FaJ/tve and Middle. Middle. . Pref. 7i&'&f^xtf -if. 2d Aor- ύ-α^αί, ί. -cd. " J- ω. Inftead of Ις-^ασαΐ^ Ti^'Woiiy ^i^-citroti^ — and f-iicr<^/, ^-J5T^/5 ' β^λο^ΰίί, oicf^xfy iofA.aiy οψί^ϋί*;, the Future of οττίο^αι, and by the Attic Dialed almoft all Verbs, form this 2d Perfoa in The ufual Farm is fometimes. in Ufe. (//) The 2d Perfon Singular of t^^.yv among the ancient Greeks was £7a, which by the Ionic and Attfc Dialed undftf went a fimilar . Change with sera/ 2luA 'ήο-αι as, ' Pajpve and Middle. "see- Ancient.' < ξο. Ionic. Attic and Common. Middle, f iTo. Ancient. , 2d. Aorlfl. Ϋίντ^ψη^ϊ Ιτνττ^ -j 2». Ionic, L^. Attic and Cofhmon* \^ Ε R Β So (//) (mmy^ Fnffive and Middh f Prcfent andlmperfea. τυ'τίΐ- \ io. lontc^ AnclenU Ionic. Auk and Cmmon* ϋ J Middle. ^1 ' Γ gee. Ancient. j Γ gee. Anclt l2dAorlft. ^ l^ji. Attic Attic and Common Verbs in ^/ here alfo rftain the ancient mode of forming the 2d Perfon j as, r Pafwe and Middle. Middle. I jlmperfeft. ] ' 2d Aorift. • Γ Pqfive and Middles. Middle. ' 1^ i Pref. and Imp. < nkcr^. 2d AorliL Λ ho-^^ But they fometlm^ conform to the Bar/tons In adopting the- Attic Contraaion ; as, k^y in^^y l^h.—k^, \h.—i^c^, Ih.—T^, Sii— See Gramm. p. 66, 67, 63. Notes. By the fame Analogy is the 2d Perfon Singular of the .ift A,o- jiift Middle formed ; as, Sica-^, Ancient, c^.i^^.. Ionic . ω, Aulcand Common^ Αηαΐφ ψ the 2d and Ferfons of the PERFECT ' ' PASSIVE Jn all the Conjugations. They are formed by , changing μ^! i^ito o-at and r^^ ; the lil and 2d ConjuRations taking a double Confbnant to expreis cr the preceding Letter,^ and the 3d dropping the of the tint Perfon ; as, * See PoubJe Letters, p. 3. ii3ih V- Ε R Β S;.. I] rwvTT'-^iUi,''^ TiruTT-J^ai, τ^^τυπ-ΤΛί^,, ,rH, ?5Τ«λίίΓ-^1ίί/^ T2*'iAi-iTiSi, Τ£Τ£λί;σ"-Τί^ί,_ _ The is changed into (p hecaufe it precedes an Arplrate*, When ihe Third Perfon Singular of the Perfe^ and PIanerfe tli.ofe efpecially which have ί>:ν, iv, οΐ % i|)receding £e) ; alfo Pol ■ fyljabies in ολ;, ζο^^ and σ^σ-ω, with many (Others, ^vant this Tenie ^ biiL αρυσ^^ω makes coξvyίi and c^^^yy^. In DiiTyllable Verbs beginiiiro v/ith β, the Change of the Pe-* ^nultima, according to the^hird ObP.^^vation^ fuperfedes the Aug- ^inent ; as, P. M. (vv) Diffyllables in cccc, from which the A ttics had e^^cliadtd i, are not contra(5led ; as, κλα&') -/ccio}, from κλχί^ΰ Kiti%, Diffyllables in ico are feldcm contra&d in thi iv.^i Perfon Sin- 'galar, or the Ρηβ and Third Plural, of the Indicauve ; or In the Optative and Subjanilive Mood and Participle Γ ae, ττλζω^τΓλίο^ύν, 77λ^'dτί----7ίλ^ΰl·;, ξίίQ,'^πλ^nζy Sic* In the Insperative and Infinitive they are contra(iled, \mi no% always : χ^π^η γβ^^ occur in Herodotus,, and oivoi}m^iv$t ift Thucydides. 'Clarke's Hboicfi ■ ^ VERBS. (vv) (ww) Verbs redundant in their Charaaeriftio. or g. yy^xcif, λωφΰίύ)^ ξνξάώ, cvXxa^ uhvuei^ ^)}^δΑ>5 λ6}φ^6ύ^ ΙνξίΜ^ συλίύύ^ (f/tovwh e or β. c6 Qr ο, ΟΧ ξ or β. Baryton or Gircumflex. or ^iof^iMi 0» «4*; -ζω κυ-ω (ww) Verbs in ^κί. The Long Vowel of the Penukima in thefe Verbs is chang^ ί nto the Short one of their refpedive Primitrves in the Dual and i Plural of the Prefent and Imperfed; Tenfes ; but is retained throughout in the Second Aorift, extept in t<0W) and ^i^^j^u Among the Poets and^-Eolica a great Number of Gontrail Verb? have the Terminations of Verbs in ^t, but without a Re- duplication j as, from Barytons fometimes become Verbs in μι ; as, from /3^i^&», φίξ^, we meet with βζίύη^ί, ί^ψ^^ Φ'^ξψ^^ Ό though the »3 of the Pe- nukima difcovers that they are properly derived from /3^iig^/, Ιχιω f obfolete^ it being ufual for Barytons to be changed int^ Ύ Ν Τ ΑΧ 133 {χχ) {yy) Contract Verbs. The Poets for a Redopiieation fometlmes rq^eat tlie two initial Letters as, from β&λ<χώ/, β^,λαλ'ψί ^ αχ^ω^ oiy^^yj^m:. To ihe common Reduplicacion they fometimes add a ; as, •from τί'ΚΛω^ TrmTvM'i't't Τί-ξο:,^, 7ημ·πξ>)[Λί. They fometimes make the RedupHclition in the Middle ; as, -irom ΰΗύύ, hm'^i* The Ionic and Eostic Dialecl make the Reduplication by g ; as, κξκ,λυ^ί νίνοψ^^γ 'ί'.ύνψ.ί, TBTiX^^fU, τίτλψ.ί. In the Second Acrift of Verbs in the Third Ferfon Flurai IS often Syncopat^id ; as, for ίζγισ-χιν ihco-iL\i^ Ιΰοσαν^. ίΰξοί'ταν, %'/Λασ%ν^ ι^ήταν^ Ι^ίΛ ν, fometimes βίίΐ' i Uev s ^^^ρ 5 ε^ξ'^^^ ^ kT;iy i if:zv. (π) SYNTAX. For prefixing or omitting the Article no certain Rule can be 'laid down, Authors iifing or driljeniing with it ai: Diieretion, as they think the Harmony of the Period, or the Metre of the Verfe, is beft confuited. Its moil general Ufe is to give Words Precif- ion ; Άγ^ύον is Goody i. e, any Good ; ro ccy^-ihv^ the chief Gocd^ 'i. e. of which Philoibphers ti eat. , It is omitted moil commonly before IntcrrogatiTOs,* Indi^flnites, Univerfals ; as, r^e^, (a.y^c-i';^ Sec. Cardinc.! Numbers,* Proper -Names, (eipeciaily in epiirolary Addrenes,*^ as, 'ΐσακξΰί.τής, Άλ^- ύίνίξά), Χ·^ίξΘίν, Appellatives in the Titles of Books^^ as. >ri^; yoz-y^^ Pronouns Primitive, and the Compoaads ψχνί:^, oic. It is Tifed always before Si-/)'^; ; as, 0 ^j-ivy. m o^iv^: ray '^su'd ύτ-ήγ- ,^ίτίλε, Demosth. and tljc Ge η i 'dee .after Partitives; as, τά^ι; ■■νξοίτΐΑ>τύ^ν ; frequently before that which is the latter of two Sab- ilantives of different Perfons or Things ; as, 0 In^; τ^; άκ:.)λίτίΆ; ^ before the latter of two Subft-intives in Appoiition ; as, Uctr^zio; οτίλ^νύ^ j moil commonly before both ; as, ύ άνύξ·χ^.τοί ά ■.ί-;αι<,ΐνΐς ; before an Adjeiflive let after, or itanding alone without hs Sub^ * Yet ττοιος, Circljoai Namhcrs referring to what vvcru 1>^Γ(/Γ€, a^id Ap- pellatives in epiil')^ary AddrelTc^, have the Article : as, τϊόιχ rx rxyrx λεγΗ;. Plato. 0 ih φοίζίαταιος^- the one a Phuriftc ^■,\jj.a(rU-y^; r» CwX^ y,xt ■■-i-c^hiixrc ^o^iQHi. And fo h.ive ibmetimeft Appvllativ{-,*s ia the Ιη^ΓΪ[ίίϊοΛ ■<3ί Books ; as, -m^ rv c?vr>r> Being ; :riQi Ti -U-j^ki Fn-'^bui^i*, Flato; 134 S Υ Ν Τ A Χ. (yy) ilantlve ; as, τω Trvw^an uic^i^sc^T(f ΐΐζ τα /S/a. If the -Adjeo tive following or fet after the Siibftantive has no Article, it in conihuing, be feparated from the Subftantive, and follow the Verb ; as, «>'^^wd^ 2ίκί«/βί· Aristot. T^he Man is Jp^^ But »ίvύξyJ7Γ^ς Ό ^ικχΐός Wt, He is a juji Man* TlX$crcov ο <^γαθΰζ itt J^'/.afo is goody or a good Man. llXi&Tcev ο uyu^g g^i. It is Plato ihe goouy or il is good Plato, In the iirit Examples the Adjedive tiKj Attribute or Pra^dicate, in tho otiiers the Subjedt of th^i \Vht:n ivvo I'ubibnr'ves have the Subftantive Verb between then], that which has the Article precedes the Verb, and is the Subjecl of the Propofition ^ as, θεώ^ 4v ο λογος^ ΊΊ^ε Word was God, 7>vtv^ci Ό θίοξ Ιζ-ι, God is a Spirit, When the Adjective (lands before its Subftantive, the Article of the Subitantiv^ precedes it ; as, ο σοψος Άξίτοη}^^, The learned yiriflotle. τοίζ άκ,Λύαξταξ' TTyiv/icccji, Τ Ij^ unclean Spirits, B\it oivToc, ixswvfif, C'A'Ji, ίί'Γ«ί, τΓί*^, have the Article betweea them and the Subftantive ; as, h αύτη rn ^ι^ίξοί, ϊκ^πνον τον λίύον» cXyiv τΥιϊ yv,v, ίτ&ι οΙ λογοί» τταν το σω^ϋί. The Article is very ieldom fet before thefe Adjedives. The Article is often lifed for the P^elatives ος and uvro^, the Demonftratives έτο? and and for r^j Interrogative and In* definite. 6 Relative. β 0ATi7lXlC^i^oq g^;,- — IL. ίί. 388· Winch is nozv performed, TQ ^oi'^oy ί47Γ5ίνΐΑ'ν.— DEMOSTH. JVhat is tnficfi of alL τβ a-j X5y-.'?. — MARK xiv. 68. What thou fiiyefl' Θί6ΐ roC'^ oX'jtiTTOv s;^;^^^/.— Oi>YSS. Tfe Gods that d'zuelli/i Heaven, ^'·>' Ti-jy. — PLATO. | Concerning ihof^ Ar 's. j ύ linterrogative. r-H ;/>^ξ^ν Sr^. τ ccvrci. λίγού. — Ε Μ ο s τ Η . Ύ But for the Sake of "iuhat (i. e. for \ — rr:.Η rci,VT'%, DEMOSTH. 7 Ij any one Is of this Opinion. J" ~ '* The Relative h alfo^ vjy kfe n equently than the Articie, is afed 20 all thefe Inftaaces. i; for the otlier Relative. η §' Ός. He faid. PLATO. "J 0;. ΎΙαι ^*Sub. replied or con^\- — ityro^. ος Demonilrative. eg μίν rrjiV^i, Si μ,^^υπ. ί COR, xi. 7 f έ-το; f *(Sc Ολ6' is hungry i and another is drunken. \ f \>ί,Η)ΐ<>ς. i Interrogative έ ;i:i'*^iv ; For tl?e Sake of what Ρ U Inciennite. 'ΰς ιςί /9ήλόΐ THUCYD* 7 He dlf covers who he is. f ~ '^'^* Some^ others. Γ ^ fiyaj The ancient Article was to?, which by droppiiig r was chanoed" mio and by cutting off the final Letter became L the old. * Doric for oi, N.)m!nat. of the Article. t This indeed may be called an indefinite Sen fe, the Demonflrative Proiiouns here ftrviiig to exprefs the hidefinites τις and rr.a or άκχος- ina αλκον; as, r/f ^cv. r/j J^i 5 or άλλος- ^λ\η ^Κ^τ,,χ μ,, χ.νΛ h 1 |)Γ ecAAgf μιν, άλλον cTs. , ij6 S Υ Ν Τ A χ; (ζζ) («) D 3nc Dialed: the- Ufs of the r was still contioued. F^id^ Homers- pa 'pra. This ra; seems to his-Q been ufed indircriminately for the Ariick and tlie Rehtms Pronoun. The appropriating of the Gender and Cafes with τ prefixed, to the Article and of thofe with r rejr26ted, to the Pronoun, feenis to have been the Contri- vance of a later Age, when the Invention of Accents alfofapplled' the Means of^^dirtinguiiliing the Nominative, ol^.ou^ of the Pro- noun from ol, ct\.^ of the Article ; but notwithllanding this liiftinCLion, tl'ie old Analogy continued to prevail ; and thus the Article ο and Relative o$ are ufed for each other reciprocally in the beil Greek Writers, In the Couipounds of the lielaiivje we have Jr^j, for Ιστ^^ζ^, Ότπζ ^ as, CT^K, α-ζό '^ί'ΰλλύ'ί/ cifiuv^y. iL. Tj. I 1 4. 'cTig ^ 'i-nt, δ[·κΰν-- ΐΜίχ.τγ^, iL. τ. This ύ fomctirnes is undechnsd 5 as, h-ivoi, for cmvti j ir-.v2if for υ-77ί';ι^'3 y oTivci for krivvi ; all which occur in Hopner. .\s the ancient τ-^ v/?.s ufed for τ^^,* the fime in Coitipofrcion u':;h this Ai}t:otGis ufed for οςίς m every Cafe ; a-s, o^in^^ οτκ-^ ^ SiC. for ί5Τί>ώ;, ί'^ί'^νί, 6cC. ^ ^"^^^ r^irncahr Verbs governing a Genitive. J.'- ■: , ■·', ·'>. -ί r.-c:i', 'ί?.^·'.7 vd^;), κ.ΛίΤ£ί(9ν;ί^', 2,f;.«';35pTi, WiJ^^j^^Ti^', ζ-ήλ&α'^ . ?: :;r5-? v'?c-«:Jci. >:Λ v^i^vo^:f^v>, κ^.χ/πά', . ^A^iAUi, α,νΐυ^ With itS CoH^CUnds, ^The f)ilowlniv have a Genitive and f^mctimes a Dative, i^vrs^^'vviii/, ^iy-rci'ic/jy, 3^:ίτ;;;2τ·ί^, ^ii-iriiysA;^^^, -iyivdc^ai. The'io!lo\vliig have a Dative ofiener than a Genitiv^j. (f:,7'J.^j \n%v^::-U svrii?:w^a, 7t-iiUy.-y.h σν,μ,ΰΐ,νω, υττα^^ύ:^ ψ^-ίόψΰίί. *-u^ folio w In have a Genitive oftener than an Accufativc : "^λ'.γΛ^,Χί^όίΟ,φί^^, Ιίλ'^ψΟίί, έλλ.^^=Τ·ΐ;γ yi^iVC^Xi) hTiOviii£r.fy iD-iiA'-i, m^ip:^, opy^c^, ^λία?ϊ?ίΤί^, υπίζΦίξΟ), %·ζ:'ζ^ The fbllowln^ have an Accaiative ofiensr than a Genitive ^.>-:^ίντί'^ί^, ί^λ^Γκί^;, ^λυτκαζω^ α'^ιννψ.%^ ^'ic>^'i^c-i%-o>y.. h^y^- /ί,'.ί*.:^ί, IrriTccz^y^, Ι/ητξοτίνύ^, KCiTa,7r>.n^^crc^i ν.ΛΠγ^ω^ |ίκίν#, ό^ΤίίΛ»,. * Se^ ο Indefinite and oV Indefinite, f ΑΙίολί<:τ^> fpmc times, i£ D ν Ε R Β S. 137 (β) (y) CO (A) _ ; ω . <Ό ^vf^oiivof^iy 'ΤΓξοσ-κ.υνίω, ντπξτ&ίνοί, υττοπτη^^-ύ^^ ωφιλ^ω. The following have a Dative oftener than an Acciifative : »iy7&&vv6J, uhvvotrzoiy οί^φίσ-Ζ'^τία^ §νσρ/δξα<)'·ώ>, \'?Γίζ^λίνω^ C7rf iTToiiVic^, TTd^stivicdy ot\iriO(^ci>iy ανοικξίνω^ ^ψίΆνίο^αχί^ hibirAOi^ ADVERBS, The Articles, Stibilantives, Adjeiflives, Pr and Participles, are ufed adverbially. Subftantives in the Nominative ; as, K^sis. o(,h;^ HrRODOT. Adjedives in the Nominative ; as, ιν^^ς. ίύνς. Sabilar.tives, Adjectives, and Pioucunsj la the Gcii'clvc ; .^e, Ar ; ..3, 3^'^*; , - ^ , ^ - ^ . is* . is ^ . -ti ]''] ό\ of f T^c Woid 1 ) t'l . i . , , -.T^ r ^^j ^ ιΛ> Si — '^λ' , > a ' ^ 3 ^ " .y. y ™ i.v/^j 01b - icrrtms. * An Accufative or DAt' ve of ' the Pcrfonj and.a Genkn'"C or D.itive- of ihe Thing. f B-Hd-s Ά -G^ninve. " .\"aonc; the. Po.:is a Dative and AccuXativ-^ of the Fj!^f)n , xAvy, ;./.· ΓΛ.\γ jf vhc Ρ^.^-λΟΠ.: f: Til rce Cafes of toe Ί'::α:ϋ-, 138 ADVERBS. Imperative of Verbs ; as, dyi, dyiri, 3V> . Ι^ΰΙζττΰίγ^.ήΐϋ'ι from (ΙξΤΓΛζα» α^ις from Num als above τξίς j as, rnvroiictg^ from wem. Certain Advetus of Plac$ anfvvering to the Adverts luher^' *whericef ^vjldlther^ are chiefly derived from Nouns. Thofe anfwering nxthere^ and fignifying ia a Place, end in λ/, t?,^ ey, er;, λ>, and a few in Thofe anfwering whence in hv?^ Thofe anfwering whither in Js, ζι^ at,, IVbcnee. Whlt-het^. <>,«.(: of/,οσ-ζ. 'Ac *A8wwSfv, ( O jX'XVDvSi.: SCVCJ.§ sTiTj-j ττανίος, 0*? /ij/f Ground, To the Ground* There. Thence. Thliher. Jt Home*. From Home* Home or tonvards Homg^, In the fatne Place* From the fame Ρ lad* To the fame Plae$* Jt Aihens. From Athens. To Athens. At Olymplai^ From Olympiast To Olympias*. In Heavm*. From, Hea ven. Ta Hea'uen* From AboOe. Upivards. JE,i>t:ry ivhere. From ei>ery Side* To every Sidd So aii or c(* ^) where ; ohv^ whence,. * From ΰ3* by Syncope an i SyniErefis ; as, oIkoij ?rom oUoSi» -f tcra^Bfrv, iViToSfv- Ιγγυζίξν,ττζοσίίίν^ ΙμτΤξοσΒίν) and O/TicrSty,, fignifying in, a PlacSi φ ByMttathcfisfor Άθ£ν«^<Γί. § Adverbs derived from Prepofitlons have only one Termination for hi kcf-i and ad kaum^ i. to aafwcr -whm aad whiihtr ; thus λ«τ^ iland^ A D ν Ε R Β S". i|9 Some Adverbs have fuch an AfBnicy that beginning with Voivel they are iNDfiFiNixES, with χ Interrogatives, with, τ Redditives. Indefinite. Γ Which Way . f οτΓ'ή < By ivhat C How fan. fy < For what Rea- When: WBenc^i 'eSi, Whsre. Wov, Ho'vj much. 6J0V After what Manner. WciK'i^y How ofterip. Interrogative. Γ Which Way rjiSr, Τ Thh < By 'vjhat 1 or \ ^y th L Means Ρ [ricvryiyj Mi Λ How. far Ρ For njjhat Rea- Tia, fon. ?: \ When ? 5fd#£Kj Whence Ρ TTo^h Where Ρ ^■Qaoy, How much Ρ ^Tcm^ After what Manner Ρ Χΰτακ,ίς, H;0'VJ often. Redditive. Wayi. bat Cleans, So far. For that Rea^ fo?j. I Then. T$kv, Theme, 1 here, τοΰ-όν^ So much, rmvy After that Manner, rojscKig^ So often),. Adverbial. Particles nfed in Οοηιροβίίϋη* *»V'> ^C^^^^' Aiij, /3ji, fonietinies λ/, prefixed to. Words, In^^ creafe their Signification vn and yg deprim^; sy fignifies Facility Or Benigaity ;: Jy, the contrary to thefe. ^dviv, deprives,, ot for -i ayotv, increafes,. Ctfi^a, cojijoins ftj is fometiraes redundant. It ©ften affumes ν before a Vowel % a«i (ίνοζ,%ιος ; before a Confonant fometimes y ; as, uyvoi^ y fome- times (tfc inil-3ad of y ;: as, αμ,ζ'ξοτοςί Interjeilions are in Greek included under Adverbs of ExcW mation, of which, the. following are the principal. Kejoklng ; hi Grieving / /-s*, ft?*. luauohiiig ; ίί,, for inffa, heloWi and deorfum, άοτνηιυαγάέ, SO alfo h^xh^ Ιντχυ^χ; hroL^Mt^ iyii, ftand for here znd hither, ^^οττ-ύ., ol o-rot^ ivhere^ ivhiihsr* cihKii^^y.sljS'^ ^hercj to another Place / aa4 ibifietiraes ihere^ thither. A D V Ε R Β S; ■ ^ ω (0 ^ ^ Beivallmg ; eci, ol, Ιω^ οτοτοί Οϊ^τΙ&τβΐ» Wj/hing ; ί»·, s^'^s. ' Jifje cling ; ctTtdyi, Fralfing ;. zic&y ivyu Cfmdemnhig / φ^υ» Admiring ; J, /3αβα;, ττί^τται· JOeriding ; lu* Calling y ω. Enjoining Silence ; iy n, * · · 'Threatening ; isxt. -Raging ; ivoi. Government of particular Adverbs* yvv^y a Genitive. ψ7Γξλο&ϋ$ν, gy, /ciyfls, a Dative. Άμφίζ^.&ς^ Attic for ττζος^ an Accafative. (0 Various Cafes cfter Adverbs of Places GENITVE or DATIVE. Oftener a Genitive, ^yXh '^yyj^h S'^^-35>;v, frXT^rrm^ ξ7Γί7Τξ&>ρύξ?, Oftener a Dative,-. " GENITiv'E or ACCUSATIV-E; DATIVE or AGCUSATIVE, GENITIVE, DATIVE, or ACCUSATIVE. m or Tr-A-Tsrcci A D V Ε R Β S. CO Vh(ious Cafes after Adverbs of Exclamation, . N. G. D. A. V. 141 N. ' Ind. *^ 'έ| ντΓδξ ii/y, όΐς, \φ' cij, j for ^ί-ί, h^canfs^ J £i or ώίί, //; Ind. 0//. Sub. Sub. Sub, Sub. Sub. ^Sub. Sub. Sub, Sub. Suh, Sub. Inf. Inf; Ini: Inf. inf. And its Compounds ?!τίξ, Siys, i/* ; ζί^<5>?? //^ ^^J' Means * %ifr&r9.j if at any Time ; il μη, ύ yi, ύ μ,-ή ττΐξ yi, ilyn ^iJi, ii ctIj ''ξκτΰζ ii liYii unkfs ; ύ^η, ιϊτι·^^ s.'SsTrb', if at any ^ihne, or any ^jjbere ; liave the fame Moods, The Poetic ihi^ ixks. sSsxe, if^ have a Sabjuneive, fometimes an Indicative and Optative. %i although, - Ind. CW. '-^z'^ — — ύτηζ^ altbotigh, Ind. ■ ■ S^b. - .g/ri, ^dyheiher^ rf^ Ind. Opt. · £v2fc^, beca'dfcy - Ind. — ~— — — - Ind. Opt. Sub. ^CONJUNCTION ίύίν μγι% hutf quhty "Ι \xv TS, except thaty CO Ind, Ιτιά. Ind. Ind. Ind. Lid, Ind. Ind. J I. η a. Ind. Ind. Ind, Ind. Ind. Ind. Ind. Gpt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. ■Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Opt. Ofjt. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sid?. Snb. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. 8ub. Sub. PREPOSITION S. 145 except thatf ^rg, 3 therefore^ (0 (0 Ind. Ind. Opt, Opt, Sub. Sub. Sub. PREPOSITIONS. Λ larger View of their various Senfes. Genitive Cafe. Inf. Inf. About. After. Againft. At. By. For. From. Of. Through, With. Without. <έ*ό τξίΤ'Ας ^ξΰίς^ cihout the third hour. oiTs-o Ji/Tryy, after /upper, ruro ^.TTo yvojf^^g ^v, that was agai^ his Opinion. ^9Γ<5 σν\^&ί^ Ινύς ιτιτίζ-ξί'^ΰίί τας νανς^ to turn the Ooips at one fignal> — THUC_YD. ύίΤΓΰ θζ^) power ordained hy God. — »rom. xiii. j, άτΓΟ mg %ci^a.g^'forjoy.- — ACT. APOST, xii. 14. k'^6 Ttu^hvic&i, from her virginky. — luc. ii. 30. α7ΐ·ύ τΰον (Γ^ν ^να,λίζτκω, Ι fp end of thine. — isocrat. and hhod ca7ne out of the wine prefs through the f pace of a thoufand and fix hundred furlongs.^AvocAhYvs. xiv. 20, ύς τ-ήν Ίί^το τ^ ξίφ3ζ μοίχ'ήν ωξμ,^ισοίν, they rujjjed into the battle with f^or d in hand, — diodor. ί άττ' ^jiS^oj k(r^^^Jhe without a hufband. — Plutarch. Againil. krAP avr ο^ν^ξος Itm^ let man go again/} man, — i l. v. Before. kvn y^oytuocrm Ιλίσ^αι ^^yj, evje ought to glory before wealth — isocik AT, 'For. Ιφ^ϋίλ^ίύ'^ mn οφ^ο^λ^^^^ eye for eye.~MATT. v. iR, ο 3-5· 1^6 PREPOSITIONS. (") hi. After. Ix- d&iTTv^jv V7rv6;yjleep after flipper » — Ε υ R i ρ , ii ncv. β A. By* 0 ^5 ^iiunos ζκ. τΓίζ-ιως ζ-ήαται^ the jufi Jkall li've by faiih* — ROM. i. 17. From. \yt ν^οτητοζ^ from my youth. — matt, xix, 20. Of. yvvYi Ik T\i άν^ζοζ^ the iif Oman is of iJse man, — -I cor. xi. J 2. With, Ικ, '^GCjyis ΙτΓψΛλε-ίας, njoith all care* Before. ί Place 7Τξ& l·Jζ03v^ hef ore the door ^ — *acts. v. 23. l^ime. TTgo TS< TTOAg^y, before the mjar. Preference, ττολζι^ν τΐ-ξο ίΙξψΆί^ 'war before peace.~ HEROD. iOn the part of ^tcAy^ifr^ca ττξΛ η roti^Mv υ,λι, ττρο yvvoiniajv, to fight for niHves and children,— il, Θ. 36. 57. Infread o£ ττξ^ vrui^vi ^i«ycf.YiSiva^'make no law by thefe lawgivers. — demosth. 3d olynth. Tor* 'ϊ'^^ί '^^^ οβόλϋίν Ιύίύι}}βν rh, ii τέίτ ^γξαψτ}) they f night have feen for the price of ίιυο oboli^ had not this bun decreed.— UEUOST Η , de Coroii. h λί^ινί TTXu'^f to fail in harbour. — proverb. Into. ' Ix^iiv Έλ?ι€ίσί, to csme into Greece ~XE^iO? Η , Q£ Uk. (yt^ xTi'iD [liXio^ Ti Xiyti ί γξαφίί ; ivot yc uot ivhat th^ Scripture faith of Elias ? — rom. xi. 2. TyO. hy.P:2r.^^ia^^fhavedtoihefhin. — lucian*- PREPOSITIONS. 147 tlporj. k^m/v iXirAcrtv ιύ'φίΐ^ and he put the rOc^cd pieces upon the tables . With. IV τΓξλτΰϋζ icfu <Άκο))τίθίζ, '^ cthbtit eve?izng.~AKiSTO'?}i, ^'^^ gainft. ύς Ηξ^ν πλ-ή^μΒλ^ϊν, to offend ασαΐηβ the tejnpk, — demost* Amoiig. u% 'Τ'ΰς Υ^ζ^οίς xstnAsyji, he nvas reckoued among the heroes, — LUCIAN, Becauie of. l-r^itmlTm ύς x^Xk^. h is pralfed lecaufe of his lean- By. ''ί^ξό<τ-Λλνμϋζ^ by Jervfalem — matt., v, ^55. For* 35·.'^, // ii reckofied for a very /mail thinrr — . i COR. iv. 3i. In. ύ-; iKKMtri^v ^^ζψΆ·., I jit in the fjpmbfy, — xenoph. Into.. 9Γί^ξ^ί ύς Φλογ,ί, out of the jy kg pan into the f re ~- PROVERB^. 0f. iU Χξ/^ό>· As-y^y, Ifpeah of Chri/f —ie? μ es. v. 32. On, g^: 'y^i>>:^&?j / -xtiri/^ On the ivater^—PKOVEKB, To. i-; Ay.7ii;-i3v:i .?ivA/ir£^5^ β^^βδξ^, the fm) that ivas wafled- to her 'waUoiijing in the mire. — -2 pet. il 22. Toward, slf r'Jy.iici, good- as Joon as thou I hafl pajjed fecure among the tremendous rochs.—^ 1 APOLLON. ii. 422. Γ G. ο^^οίξτίύξ^ς Βα,νοίΤΰς^ deathly fin. — PvOM. v. Ϊ2. By. < D, hoi το Oilfzx Τώ άξνι^^ by the blood of the Lamb. — C APOCALYPS. xii. 12. G, 1/ ii^&v άν^ξωττΦΤΥιτοέ β θζος υ·7ητη^ for us the Deity cffumed human nature, - — ^naziAnz. A. TQ σοίζζχτον ci>c τον iiv^^^Trcv lyiviTo^ the Sabbath was madi for man^ — ^marc. ii. 27. Γ G. έ TCi^iq Η οίυτΗ·^ the faith that is in^ him. — ACT. In. X νλ, 1 6. i. A, νομοί ίΐΰί,Ιύ^Ά ηκ,νω§ίντΒς, laws madein heaven. — soph. Into. G. ^ίοί μζχγ,ς- hmtf to go into the battle.— THV CYD, Of. G, ζξύομοίΤΆ did γΰίλί^κ,τοζ και (^ϊλίτοζ γινομ^νχ, food made of milk and honey. — athen. Through. G. Ttnv^oLr^c^ through the fpirlt.—^l COR. xii. 8. To. G, Kicri^wn ^ίΰί τξίτΐ'ο^όύν^ he defended to the tripod. — » HOM. HYMN, in APOLL. 443» Until. G. ^ioi τδλ^ί, until the end.— isocrat. With. G. έ ^iX^J ^i£& f^iXavog κ,οΐι κΛλα^Δϋ σόι νξίίψίίί, I will not- m)r it e nvhh pen and Ink unto thee. — 3 johan. 13. Genitive, Dative, Accufative. > ( G. 0^φί 'ττόλιοζ ohz^a-i, they dwell about the city.—ύΈΚθΐ^. I D, οΐ^ψί §' «ξ ^^oi<7iv ζαλζτο ξίψοζ, and he hung thefword About. \ about his fhoulders. — ^^iL. β. 45 , I A, αγξομ^νΦί Ίΰίξ^ΰ&να (1(Λφί ξϋύξΰί, colle&ed about the l_ flreams of jardan. — iL. 135. \ * As it ought to be tranflatedl* PREPOSITION S. 145 ^ ω jD. χ^φί tf^Y «yrij ίίλλδί iTTovTory others followed after - him, QJJINT* SMYRN. Ό^υσ-σίϊ^ he uttered fpeeches^fome aga'irifl the Atria (Sr^ :. fome againft U (yjes . — -soph. rZ), σ-φίΰ-ι, τΓίνύύζ οξύ^ξξ^ forro^ arofe among them, — - - l^A, cij^^i νΐ'Λζ^ζ^ among the dead, — idem. Ώ, ίίξί'^Γβ <^/^cp* (/Jjrcf, he fell hefide him* — iL, X 493» €G, Φδίξιί iiVi^i, ^j; Pii^l-wj.— APOLLON. ii. 26. < .D. d^^'^i ^ κ^ί«τί3ίθ>', ^/^fj defcended by fairs. · QUiNT. SMYRN. :ng voji&^i Ti!^5 αμ,φί ^vjioiv κ,^^τ^^οίΗντοίζ^ laws madeson^ cerning facrf ce.— η AhiCAR^, " G. μ·ο!>Χϊ7^ύψ 'ρτίόακ.ϋς εψ.φ^' ο?α^-%\ζ^ they fight for a lliih ' - fountain,-- — il. -^t. 825/ Z). ίΐΑ,φ' Έλ^νη K,.o§t- y.TY^ucai ττ^.σ^- μχγ^ισ^χι^ tc fi,jht for ' ^ Helm -. an d all her njoealth . · — 1 l . y . 70 \ vH>io? .'^Ύυγβ-ή ά,.αφ.ί ζΰτ^λατίη^^ a contention arcfe fur dr.-v^^- ing away the o^zen, — -il,,^ λ. 67 I . A, d^Oi^i κ.ο!,υλΰν ψοϊσγΰΐνον i^^cacrhiy' the f ward WiU lrol>^-; en near the hilt. — -iL. ^38· Γ G, ^.μψί ά-^'ξων- ^ξ^ΰΗ·) defer] ρύοη of the fiars, — lucian , \jD* -Gi^^i- rc0 - Β-χνΛΤψ ανττ,ς s^t^s^STiSi. λογοζ, a -rep-'jrt is- ^ £ fpread of - her deaib, A^^ αμ,(^ k>.^-''lAi τ . s MY r ν ' D,^ 'twits' a,f,ip' ο^ν^ατσί^ pierced with his talons.—^ ' ^ HESiOD. Oper. et Dit^s, 205,, labour ^with the ναβ Aja:<, — ^jirt. s.M Yii.ic. ο 3.; 15© PREPOSITIONS. (Ο Genitive, Dative, Accufative. About. G» IXiv §' ^Οξυ^Λο^'Λ «ι/α κ,ξοίΰίψοίο rv^^vjcrugy he took the noble Orythaon about the temple. — quint, smyrn. According to. Λ* <^νοί τον αίντον Xoyovy according to the fame ΰα KiXivsi dvot τηντί, he orders the foldiers to come out by fives. — viger. . 'Z). χζξ^-ίν taking it in her hands, — hom. HYMN, in APOL. Ά. 01 Τώώ Xfjyi':i τ« 0£Si dvx ζ-οΐΑ,α who have the or- i _ acles of God in their mouth. — Clemens, alex. Through. A, dvoi ζ-ξ&ίτον^ through ihe army, — il. ot, 10. To. A* Έκ,τοξός ωκϋζ Ιτνττο^ ηλύαν ocv Ιωγ^^^ν^ Hedlor s fwifl horfes came to the purfuit. — Η 0 μ . CD, ii^i ττΛΤΥίξ dvoc Γοίξγαξα> οίκ-ζω^ the father fiept upon J Mount Gargarus. — il. |. 352. \ A, ^γμιν αν» ^υξίκην, hung thim upon atamaryi,. — ^ With. Ώ'* γ,^^^ΐίΑΛ"»» σκ,ΫίΤΓΊξΜ) with a golden fceptre. — il, 1 J. Genitive, Dative, Accufative. C viTcqcii τξίακ,οσ-ιοι Ιτη χ^λίοις^ three hundred above 0 \ thoufand d'^acl-^^'-^LVTAKCa, noov . J w>THO(, Js pi? iwi a broad nofe above his lipi» — THEOCR,, POLYPHEMOt ρ R Ε Ρ Ο S 1 Τ IONS. 151 At. Before. Befide. By. I Toc^iig των M^ifcs^ovcav^. he ordered the ^d'leldmen to de-* After. \ fcend, and after ihem the Macedomanranks. — arrian. I Z). Q-/yv[ iTT oyjYi yYt^oi,(jKmy pear gronvs old. after pear. — · L — ODYss. >i. 120. f G» \7srt θξΰ^κ,ης ζ'ξαΊθίΐ^ν τε-οίξασκ,ίνύίζίτοίί, he prepares an i expedition agahjQ Thrace. — τ η υ c y D. Z). rgm l^i Sy^^ij ?t(5ii, Jy^y Ιτη r^icri^ three agairifl two and Againil. \ i STTs το,·ς Qsco-iXiV'Ti^ before kings .-—-APOCk'L, X.. II. D, Ότΰξ,ν K,'X.pic<.^^v ξσύίύοίπ ίτη τω crtrca^ nvhen they eat ivd" ter crejjej befide bread. — -x ]£ ν ο Ρ H. f stt; ^ιω ν , by the gods . — Η A L i C A R Ν . ίτΓί τη Tfi^-ei τl·ί ονο^ατοζ αντίί, by faith in his name. \ — ACT. iii. 16. I A, iTTi ILrvyoi οζξψιον v?-:^;^, by the dreadful nvaters of Styx, L HOM. HYMN. G» ^φ' i^ovyic 7ΤΆντ£& '^ο&ΗΡτζς, doing every thing for pleaf tire — X Ε Ν ο Ρ Η . For. \ Ζ). τΰδϋΤίδ Ttmh ΙτΓί iti^i!.^ to do thefe things for gain, — - XENOPH. . A, ΙτΓί a-i ΰίλγύύ, /grieve for the^. From. Σ), ^nTC'yr Ιτη Ύ amir. ην ::>i^Xzhrj'Hy kcikov '/i^sie^^ never to ward off the fatal day from the Trojans. -^iL, υ, 315. J52 ?REP ο S ΙΤΙΟ NS. (") Γ G, Cs? WryAwrrii?, * an ox on the tongue. — proverb. ϊη· \ D» ^^ίξτξον,ξτη Ts-y^aty άξί^ον^ a medium is hefi in all things* L ·— PYTHAG. AUR. CARM. Of. G. Ιττί Traidog, Xiym, /peaking of the child — plato. {G, Ό Ιττί των iTTTTwyy the officer over the horfe, — -demos t, pro CARM, A* βασίλ5^σ·Η ίττι τΰν oly.ov Ιοίκούζ, he β) all reign over the hmtfe of Jacob. — -luc. i. 33. Tiirouglii G. κ,χντιυ^ν Wi θξϋ^κη·.; Ιχ^ζπ^ then he marched through Thrace.- — -z ο s i m,u s . ^ G, ΙτΓί σκ,ΰττΗ : >livHv^ to fjoot to the mark, — LUCfAN. j D. κασ-ύζντίζ I'prt-r&i^ Ιξ^οΐζ dya&ag^-created to good nvorks* Τα. ^ — -EPHEs. ii. ΐϋ. I jfi* y.iwv ζττις-ξί'^^ζ ^ra ξ%ξξαμα) the dog returned to his vomit,--— 2, pet. ii. 22. Τ d Τ^' AiyvTrr^ ξ^2ίν, to run toward Egypt. — -THtiCYD. ov/ar · 1^·^, i TV (irvb'hiriv^ toward the eafl.—i>io\iY%, geogr. (" G, ζττι Xe/v^y under Saturn.— hv ci Alii. ^ _ J Ζίνς, they fable that Jupiter lay with Europa under Unaeii <; ^j^^^ rri?^,-~.THEOPHRAST. j A. TA'J τίΌΛιν ζψ' ίαντον 7V0in^oi(T^ss>if to plctce the State under [ himfelf — viger. "G. s'^' Ιτΐττ-α Tciq^iviyiv cavTov, he led him about on horfe-hack. ^1 j D. iTTt x&ovi^ upon the ground - — il. a. 88. Upon. < gTTi'itim^g iTTi ra^ihrn^ fitting upon an afu — matt. . xxi. 5.. With. D\ ττοίλλΰίκ,ι,'ιν ξ,^'^ωκ.'ήν αντω γννΩίίκ,Ά ίττί ττξόίκι^ he gave him a harlot to wfe with a dowry. — li ban> f G. sVi νυσσης sV^v they each fiood 'within the goal. .j : QUINT. SMYRN^ iv. 506. Within. \ A. 070V ολκί^ς gVi τξίτο-^ νιμ^ίξ ανυσση·, as much fpace as ' j a fhip. of burthen would ' pafs within three daysi^- [ DIONYS. GEOGRAPK. Meaaing money marked with the figure of an oms PREPOSITIONS. 153 (Ο Genitive^ Dative, Accufatiye* Kptra, Cfcs&T οφύαλ^>ί>6ΰίΐ χζρ(^ντ ^χλνς^ a w'tfl was fpread about his About. \ O'^/'T-OD. 344. I . 7C0CT imccH,07i6c sVijj ahout nine hundred years*-^ ( CONSTANT. According to. A. κατοι. Μοίτύ^αον^ according io MaUhe%v. After. A, xMT ih^m^ ^τισαντ^ς^ after t-lje image of him thai created htm. — col. iii. lo. Againil. G. Jtcsr^s Xgiry, agairiH Chrlfi.'-^v'BLi.m^ lu 2. CD. τώί ^iv ^ϋε^ύμξσύίό κ,ατο^ σφηΰ-ί^ thefe things *we *wlll dt' 4 J vide among f^m. — -.apollok. y. 908. ΚΑΤΆ ξ&)7τ-4ί£& 7iV'/cyc4. r^s-i^iQci^ fwe lay among the thick hu/Jjes.-^ODYSs, |. 473» f G, Ά%τί/._(Γκ,ο7Γ^, r%ZOz-iV^ to β-joot at the m/^rl— HEROBi AN. At. \ ^ΐ^τ. οίντι^ζ (&hy ορβ, he conti?nia!Iy looked at them, — - t ' IL. 5r. 646. Before. A r.o^r Ιφύΰίλί^ι^ξ σύΐ Asy^i,, he fpeahs io thee before thy face. — APxisTGPH. G. κ,ΰίτχ κ-υνων κ,ί>^ί: ^^nvm ψ^ννϊίΰ-ί) they fnxxear by dogs and geeie—fi.KiSTO?H. A. z.6CTS(, φνλΰί, Ki^i κοίτοί <Ρ|'4Τξί5έ?, by tribes and nx a rds» β. $62. For. A. κϋί,τΰί dvviif4.iv^ for his might, — ^plato. f G, y-^^rx τΓζτξαίν ^ί-πτείν^ to throw frorfi the rocks. — - j PLUTARCH. From ωτε-ίλψ^ the blood fowed L from the wound. — IL. ξ. 86. Γ G. Λφωνΰί> TCA γ.ΰ&ύ' υ^ατόζ '^ίοατω^ζ)ΐοί^ dumb animals living In* < in the y-arsi Θε^, becaufe we have tefl^ Jed of God*— I COR. XY. ij. By 154 PREPOSITIONS. (.) Over> G-» tyi v.c>t,T lfξ^&;^gΰcs o^oer the moimtaln. — odyss. ^. 102. C G, ^cid' Ιλν^ς τνΐζ Ί&'§5ίίίί?, through alt Jewry, — luc> j xxiii. 5. Through, A* Ητα><η %ϋί,τα <^ΰ(.ς·ΐξΰί ug μίσ-ον ίττ^ξ, he Jtruck him: through the belly in the, middle of the liver. — HOM. 3ATRACHOMACH. ΊΓο, A, ly.ctro -A^zot, ς·ξ>ζτον, they came to the army* — IL. 484* Toward. xana- βοξ^αν Ι^ή^ως^ Jlanding towards the north. — < THUCYD* ϋη^ϊΐΓ. G. s'ly -Aot^x y^m^.^t went under the earth. -^hvci ah. Upon, G* V'OiTU •τητίΐπν^ to fall upon the ground. — η alicarn. With, A, %%Ησίΰί^ i'^nQf.(Ta'H-, he commands with authority . — MARC. i. 27* ίΌ* ν,ΦύΤΰί (τυφίΰίσίν li^y^t^^fbs confined them within fies. — ODYSS.x. 238. A* τί^ξί.ν Kocra τ&ιχίο^ Avjtiv ίίλσΰίί Ύξί^^Μν, lef ore thou hofi"! driven the Trojans within their walls. — IL, ^. 295 i Geriitive, Dative, Accufatiye. Γ" Ζ).- HTiv iy^ Trv^Acirov t^o^ott fMrx €>h Ιτα^βιίίΓ/, Nobody^* After. < I ivid eat Ιαβ tfter his companions^ — -ODYS. λ 369. t.A. ^Ararcv tcqXiuov^ after the war, — PLATO. Againil, A, ^sr' a hy^yyT^^ μ:^.)^Λξ'Άζ ίι>ατρ^ finned ^a^ tal ^Wj, — HESIOD. SCUT. HERCUL. 79. 79. ^&5ΤΛ6 7r^^mf>i7i τίοναχο, he ivas hijy among the firfi- — '^j - A, σί φ^^ίν μ^ύ'- ύμ-ήλίν.Λζ s'ujt^iV ιχ.ξις'ΰν^ they fay thou art _ L the btfl among thy co-evals. — ODYSS. ττ. 4.18. BeildeS. A. oloi ^-oa txa\Qt..QiUi^ . ο^^ιςγ^ς μΛΤίΰίσι^ ^oii μξτ ΆΧίλλψ^^^ what chiefs there are among the, Grecians befi des . Achilles — JL. 227, 8v Between. Z). τί* /^sv sy ^χτα-αντο μίτα ιτφκην^ ihefe they well div-ide-d-.:. between theinf d ves . --f^ 1 l . λ . 3 6 8 . * The name UlyiTcs aiTamcd to deceive Ρο1}φίΐ€ηηΐΐ5, PREPOSITIONS. 155 (") G. ^ciirsn g'pp>e!'T©^sm ^vo^i thetr manes were llownhy \ the wind, — iL. ψ. 367. J. ννκτύϋξ Tg xo^i ^.ξύ' ψζ^αν^ hy night and by day.— HLRODIAN. M^<^ -yJi^'^ '^*5ί^ λνξχν Ixctiv, having ihe lyre in his hands ^ LUCIAN. A, SccKT^ov y,v ^vT&^.f^iTCi ^ε-ίξ^ζ^ he had the βοβιη his hands, HERODIAN. A. β^ζ^Μν f^zr^ γ^Ηξας liX'^i^^y ha'viiig tahm the book into his hands.— ΗΕΚΟΏ, G. 0 TToti^accg ro \Xiog ^-sr ^-jrsi, he that fiewed mercy on him.—Lvc. X. 37. Ge ^iz avrmy through them,- — ACT. x-y. /^^ D. κΛίτα ψ.Λ'τ,σιν ιΐίτίί^. he /poke to the female attendants.- 5 J ζ' 375· A, «'λλ' Uryyy f^ijct Xoccvy biit go Howto ihs peopk,— IL. β. 163. G, 'ζξχ,ξ^οίΐ ^izoc rm ηφζλ^, he co?7ieth upon the clouds, APOCALYPS. i. 7. G, (tigra TSi ifoA^cy^a-ovs-iy they will fght with ihe Lamb.— AFOCALY?s, xvii. 14. D, τον ^Λίν ^rfoc χι^α-ιν \^-ja7cx,T<, Φοι^.^ς Ά;τ..Λλώ;ν, . /;/;72 dpollo caught ^vith Im hands. — ih. g. 34.4. D. ^irc^ ^^pc, Tvr^^x τ^^^ης, plachig their dejruaion wuhin them , ■ — i l . λ . 413. Genitive, Dative, Acciifative. G, \χΗ 7tv cyKov 'A^y<,q Έλλζν&.'ν τΓαξα, Argos has fome^ thing to hoajl ahoue the Grecians. — eurip. phoen, A, ωξα^Λ^ς ττα^α Ti£ - viug rm οίνΰξύΰπων beautiful above the children of men. — psA. xlv* 3. G, τΓΟίξ n^Qvi^g λυττη^ after plea fur e pain, adag. A, 7Γ(χξα Tu Befide. J. Beyond. A. By. D. Except. A. For. A. PREPOSITIONS, ARISTOT» Ffom. In fortune. — ? l at o. ε'7Γ« ψίλΒ^σύζ Ίΐοίζ avTviy nvhen you hackee η hofpitably treated hy her. — il. v. 627. τία-σαξα-κοντ^ 'ΐίαξα, f^iocv s'AttSov, / recei'ved forty fripm except (or fave) one* — 2 cor. xi. 24. Geo? £'«2 -^t ^Ι^^^Μΐ ττξξΐ uvTHy the ^e^s murmured* at him, .D, ^/rtg^sgi 'ΤΓΖττά,ξ^Μνη^ Yss* s. 130. I ττ^ξί ξ6^ο»Φν^ ίίξτ^ τψ'Λταί, the dew dijlih upon the {jOfes. — AfOLLON. ARC. y. I Ο i Q. Ϊ58 Ρ R Ε PO S I Τ I Ο N«^. Genitive, Dative, Accufativ«. About \ '^^^^ τίλιΤ ris Qiii, about the end of /ΐ/^.— ^uciAN. τε-ξοζ Icrm^^av it is about evenipg. — LUG'* xxiv. 29,^ According to. f^r^i ττανιο-ας ^-ξος το ^ίλψ,χ, neither did aeeond-^ tng to his 'wilL — lug. iXii. 47. f G. 'ττξΰζ αν^ξύς ίτηφίξων toy -ψ^ΐφ*^» giving his vols Iagalnfi an enemy ^ — HAtiCARN. Dt νηοίς yz Tcori σ7ηλα^&σ(ίίν laiuv κν^οίτ\ the nvai'Ss Againft. <, 11 o. 0 μίν η,ΧΛίΖΰ-γΛ 7Γξθζ ί^ξΰίϋον, flueeping he looked toward heaven.— '11., L 364. G. τΓξος άλλη^ /f βν νφίϋΐνοίς, you may weave the web. un^ der. another*~i'L. ζ, 456* f G. ττξοζ kv'^cy.os, βό(.ζτι}^ίω]) βΰίΐ7>.λιν6ντΰ!,^ reigning moith eleven \ kings, HERODOT. ' D* τΓξΰζ αΐτχξσ-ίν άλγί^ ^σχ^: with difgraces he endures a^Iictions.—u EsiOD, Opera et Dies, 2 f i. A, Όζ τΓξόζ Asofy^n^i.x τίνγβ ^f.ic-iQn, who changed armour.- with DJoined.-^iL. ξ. 235. Genitive, Dative, AcGufatiVei With, ί υτΓίξ rm- itr\7tm ^ξος αατ^ΐ,ι^ the keeper lies above the gardens. — herodot. A» τα, υτΓϊξ ημ^ξ' k^iv ττξός η^Λ&ίζ^ what is above us i \^ nothing to us* — proverb. Againft. A, υττίξ μαξοίν, α^αίηβ fate* — fL. f« 336. PREPOSITIONS^ Beyond. from .Mthtopia whici^ r/V/V beyond his fortune. G\ Τνίστύ'^ ν';τΐξ.αακα-ξω.}>, Ipray by tJ^e gods. — APOL. ARGe . G, il d Θίίϊ? v Tip i-^ yy, ης κ,^^" v^^m 5 If G)d be for uif ,^ fwho can bc\^galnf us Ρ — rom- viii. 31. tG, νττζξ τής φ·,λοτιμ.χ^^, from amhttion — halicarn. FrOHfl. ·% D. v-rip μ,^ζοίτι κ,οξέτσ-^αζνΰΐ fdtisfyhig themfelvi^j from i. the. teats, — ^? ft ρ Η . g a L A C » G. ν,ττίξ τΓύ-ηαιο φ-ίΖοντ^^ they flee over ths fea^—QlJlKT* eng over a ναβ extent offea, — ^-ODYS. 26Q. I G, γήξ&ίς ντΓίξ χίφχλΜ^ old age upon the hcad,—?-KO\, Upon -< .£}. ντπξ: άξγ-^ξψ ^^' ό^>£ντχι, they. are carried vpmfth^er^ L — -AN AC R. Ode su ^whai he has falfely laid to my charge co?icerning tk^-: peace and emhajfy , — ρ ^ M;.o s τ η , d Co r ο η . Geaitivej Dutive, Accufotiye.. According to. G\ Zwm y^r kyyiMf.^,, according to the command' of j^z^/i/iT.— -oDYss. ίί. 263. After. I), VTT cc-uTM Ζψύύγ K»r^K>.inrcy Zeno fat down after bbn^ ' — LUCIAN, At. Ζ>. νπο rj^^ri^ at mght ' — ^apollon. Before. JD. A?y<^ υχο θ'^ω, I f peak as before God — ^NAZiAnZ. Behind; κχί μ',ν. κ.χ.τακ-ξυ7Γτ&ί υττο ty)v ^dpxv^ and he conceali him behind the door.^u εκοόού . Below. -/i. αίΛ^ K'4ri>&rtvT0i 0 μζν ^v^y, Ό νττ' oivrcvy they fat down^ together^ o?ie above y the other beloiv him* — lucian. "G. vTTo χ,ήξυ:^.6ς '7Τξ6·ήγΰρζΐ}ί ταισ-ζν Ίώ^ίτ/, he gave orders f9, the lonians by a herahi,-^ Η Ε R ο D 0 τ . D. ντο Ύξωίίτσί ^oi^nm,, that he fiould be conquered by ^ the Trojans. -^J l h. 66 8 * By. ρ R Ε ρ ο S I τ ί ο Ν S. Under. itlL ί: (Ο G. υψ^ νι^ΰνης ^ϋκξν&ίν, to weep for jjy\~\KiSTOYVL, D, υτΓο τ*ί 7~οί'ήτ^ ί/τηνΗ-ίύ, he nvas prulfed for his poetry^ - — XIPH»LIM. in NERON. " G. TTia-Y^a-i λοί,ζξ^ν ντται ηφ^ν^ falls impetuous from th^ clouds — IL. 0. 625. υπα θίω ΰίίξΙαμ,ίΜΐς^ beginmng from Qod.^ — NAZIANZ* KOLrctK^v-^yoiz.hmi^ y.oXTrfj Conce^i^^^ them in her hofom" ODYSS. 0.468'' G* ντΓό της ^-ξ^Πΰ^ς^ of the army." — lucian... f G. Uoive χ^ύίζος υτΓό ΤΙξίΰί^οί»^ . he came .yflerday to Prlam^ j QLIINT. SMYRN» <^ D. vTTo Ύξί^ί^Α Ky6!!^^^9i tve led to Troy^- — odyss, |. 469. j A. ύΐσ-χ^',^-ΰ'; ά-τήξ νττό 'ίλιον jiAcs, he ύ^ V7t' ΑίύΌνί^ήν- οίίί.ζγνγμχτοί, fhe darted glancei from her eyes vfion. the foa of JE hn . — A ρ 0 L . A R G '3.: 2BS.;/ ^ '-C ' y^^rsiZxi^o^ri v:ro- λοζ.ΐ'Λπα.^^^ coming doivn mjith.torch^ es . -? hll τ A R C Η . iil C A TO Ν . Μ 1 Η . D. υ?το τΓύλλ-γ φ:ΰτί ττξΰήβί. he advanced foravard ivith much iIghl,~?L\JT ARC η. in galea. . REM •.RKB;i In thefe example s a ranety of Engliih Prepofitions are given^ hy which one Prepoiition io . Greek any be propci ly tranfl ited at ditFerent times. Bar. ί:) ' reilaed a language could not arbitrarliy arfi>c to the fame Prepofitioa fack a nLi nber of different and even oppofite fignllications without regard to the. tranfirioa from one feafe to another. Upoa a pHilofopliical iaveiligatioa it will be difcovered, that each Prepoiitioa has (?.^^ primary radical fignifica- tion, from which the other feafes are derived by an eafy and nat- ural tranfition. All the relatioas referring to ref or motion^ place or time, zre cxpreiTed by Prepofitioas, which by degrees extended thek office ρ 2 i#2 PREPOSITIONS." ω to incorporeal fjibjeds. From the matua! correfpondence of the ideas oi place and time all Prepofitions exprefs the a equally. With: refpeft to motion and Γββ^ fome exprefs only one of thefe, and confequently govern but one cafe : others exprefs both, and govern two cafes ; one for motion the other for reβ. By motion is hece meant, motion towards^ or progrejjive motion. The Prepofition which, in its primary fenfe, expreifes it, always governs an Accu- fatlve only, the cafe of the a^iive verb ; and that by a juft analo-- gy, as all external motiofi implies ynotiou towards that upon which we adl. If the hand ftrike the table it muft move towards it. ^¥hen a Prepc fition in its primary fenfe expreifes refi only ox fitU' afion^ it always governs either a Genitive or Dative. When the fame expreifes refl and motion^ it governs an Accufative for motion. and ane of the other two for refi^ not indifci iminately, but one or the other. Έττί, upon, expreifes both re/l and motion ; as> η (τφΛίξΰΑ '^ί7Γ% ΙτΓί Tz/f y»iy, the ball falls upon the ground-— 'tY.^ motion ; h ΰ·φ<ζΐξοί yu-trut Ιτη τηζ y4i> the ball lies- upon the ground — €xpre fling reJL IJVhen, befides the two cafes appropriated to motion or r^i vCk general, the Prepofition governs a third, this ferves to exprefs fame one remarkable mode of the general fignification ; thus with a Dative expreifes clof upon in place or time ; W< ^oi mean- ing place^ next behind me ; meaning time, next after me. Ύ,τώ with an Accufative expreifes motion tending un&er ; with a Genitive, refl under. Ή σφο^ξού^ the ball, κνλιν^ζτοα ύττό riv Ύξ^οΐ^ίζύόν^ is running under the table ; Keircu vtto Tr,^ T^st^i^jji, is ly- ing under the table. With a Dative it expreifes modes of under ; ντίΰ τω νΰίψ, protecled under the temple ; υ^(^ τω ^Gta-i'K&iy fubjeil Ui^DER the King ; vro τηλυξοό, dire8ed under the lyre. ΙΙξβ?, the moO: comprehenfive of all the Prepofitions, expreifes relation to ; and in this primary fen fe^^gover η s an Accufative ; but when it fignifies particular modes of relation to ; as, clofe to or at ; tmited to ; joined to ; added to ; it governs alfo a Dative. Thus far to ihew that particular iigniiications make Prepofitions govern a different cafe. It will alfo be found that all the meta- phorical and fecondary figniiicatioDs, in whatever contradidory ways they may be tranflated in a language of a different genius, which, in brieBy. conveying a complex idea, may iele<5t fome fimple idea for expreilmg the whole quite different from that which the Greek feleds ; yet flill in the Greek itfelf they may all be deduced from ύϊ^ primary by a fimple^ naiural anddegaqt r 163 1 HETEROCLITEa OR, Nouns irregular in Declenfion.Cafe, Gender, or Number. Dec LENS ION*.. Nominatives whof^ Oblique Cafes are of two or three diiFerent Declenfions i. huor-c^. Ϊ 3d Simp, Of ^κ,όί-ος ι lit Co ntr. , f-« 7 1ft }-m t^-'' \.ί\Λ or Nominatives which hare i'Zi^i? Mod^s of Variati'on in the j^m^ Declenfion : βι^'ΐζ^ "ΐ^οζ^ -icaj, &c. &C. y^i^^-m^ "όηί^ 'cvregy &c. Nouns redundant in the Nominative and Oblique cafes ί Ν. G. Ό, Α. Υ. Δί?, ohfolete* Δ«>?, Δ//, Δ /α, I' < ζ -viv. Poetic 1 Infiead of Ζιυς fomdimes occur Ζ^ς and Zoiq, * The ObHque Cafes of this Declenfion occur but feldom, I See RtfcrejKc : S Bceotic, < ^vv^ Η έ:γ eh ο c l i t e s. Ν. G. Or f/"*;, -Si ; Fl om the Imparlfyllabic Genitive is often formed a new Komi-, native of another Declenfion ; e.. g,^ N. . G. Ν.: «λ-Ι,. · ^vy-;3i, -CiTii';, - . There is a great Number of Greek Words which agreeing in Etymology and Sigaiiicatlon, differ ia the Termmation of the Nom^ inoJtve^ in Declenjion^ and in Gender ; slSj τΓλΰίζ-ηξ^ -.ττλα^ηζ | ν^ο;ζ^^ GasEo AptOtSy I. The Names of the Letters of the Alphabet. 11. Words which iuiiain Apocope. ilLl Numerals from Four to a Hundred. . I¥. Proper Names of. foreign Languages ; as, AisS*^. . Monopiois. : N. ί '^oi'i a Gift 3 ΜτχκλίύΗζ^ the Fates* Diptots. N. 0 λίζ} Acc. λ<ν, a Lion. N. φ^ας^ Acc^ φ^ίΰ&ζ^ Cakes^ G. D. A. Triptots^ G. D. A. < -ίίί, S ->ί, P A Τ R:0 Ν Υ Μ I C y % ϊη-like Manner^ trsicvrH and Ιί*ί;τ&-; but the latter lias a "Plural like cc\xy}.Xi^v, See Grammar, p. 29. The following have the Nominative, Accufative, and Vocative Singular only : ζξξΤΰίζ, ir<^ξr κ,ίΰαζ OV itm, >^7rm> ^^^^ξ^ νι^·^^ξ% hoc^^ Ιφίλοί;, σέβ*^, <τΆ%π&ίζ^ ηκ^ί-αξ, η^ί^'^ξ^ υτταύξ. Gender.*^ Singular, MafcuUne.- Plura!.; Niuim Singular. Plural Mafcuiinf, ■ Μφ^^^^^^ NeuUr* %\^τμ(^ς, '%i^^H^η^ mtog, 'SfO^ff^HO - ^^tMvh^, Fmimns Sing\.\hr, Feminine _ζηά Neuter Plural- ^ipj ίλς, yn, lAuicVi ττνξ, Singular only* Btt ^£it is found in Ariftotle, and γΆΐ&ί,ων ϊϊ^ Honaefe α^φω^ 'ίνό) ΏηαΙ only* M^rffizotj Et}^te2!/i3sr, Ά^>ινί3ίί5 and other Nanies of Cities ; Aidw^ie^^ _ ^jid other names of Feftivals, Plural only. PATRONYMICS. Mafculms Fatron^^miGS are derived from the Genitive Stnguiat; (af their Primitives, by changing the. Termination , into -αδίκ^^ Into if the Primitive be of the Firll: Decleniion, or of- the Third in Pure of the Simples ; as, Bii^Si^i", ; Ed^cotJaj^* , * Λΐί thefe Neuters of the Pj«ral Number come . from .Neuters of the- Singular which foon beconie obfoletc. i What gave rise to the erroneous Opinion that the Femii\ines ymY>,, ΐΓοί . |^3Xii.*and χβτξ., are ?vlafculine in the Dual Number, was the Ufe of the I Ardcle ra, put bv the Attics for rci, in that Number, which is found * Isefore many other J cniiuiaes j as,^ τί/ fvcii, rw &C. S§.? , Claike*$ ^ PATRONYMICS. But when the Penuhlma of the Geaitiveis long, of whateye*' Declenfion it be, the Change is into i as, Afii^ξτ■^nςy -a ; Αΰαξτ-ίύίί^ς, Άτλ-ίίίΓ, -i»^!rr-ef j * At Xocvr-ix^n^, Under every other Circaaiftance the Change i« always into^^ »tS.iii as, Amx.-'Oif ; ΑίοτΚ-'ΐ^ήζ, Ns^-Aig, -e^^r ^ Nsf«^/Si$$-. iTfw/W«i? Patronymics end in at^, li^c, mn. Thofe in ί?, and sc^ are formed from their Mafculines by cail- Thofe in -ήΐ^^ from the Nominative of the Primitives, by chang- ing the Terminations into nts s ^ξ^^^ίίι Χξνση^ζ 3 Thofe in m% from Nominatives of the Third of the Simples in Impure, and of the Third of the Contracts in st/i ; as, Α^ξύ&τό^^ Thofe in ων-ή, from Nominatives of the Third of the Simples so^y and of the Fifth of the Simples in y as^ 'ίκΰόξίόζ^ 'ίτίύ&ξΐ&^νη.β " HiTii^i/y'Hmi'Js^np Diminutives^ I. Mafculines ίή τίΌοτττηΰίς ; λιύα,ζ ; tvnc^ Ιλ»φινη? ; iXcfr^.. I Γ. Feminines in αζ, χοίξΰίζ s 9ίξνίνι^ ; &τ6ξξ6ζ ^ ίξανίόζ ^ κόί, jWif- * The Tonics form their Patronymics iii m ; as, Γθγ Kfivilifij Κ^έλν. * The, JEoUts ia ciJ'io^ ; as, for 'τ^^^ί^ί^^ ^r^lcx^wgx. VERBALS are generally formed by csfting off th.e Augmeht of their Prittiitms ^and changing the T^eroiination in the ΡΊνβ Per/on oi iht Perfeil Palive ^o)Vy -7—. voYi^cjv^ " "' vivoYi^ciim in the Second Per/on of the Perfed Paiive. as doxi^xaix from ^&^ύίαμΰί>σ^<. {i^y as άΰχψ.ΰίσίχ from ψύς9 — ΧζΑΟ-ψΟζ^ into ^ ^ . . /} τδ^ίίί^Ι^ασ-Λί* in the K/V^f Per/on of the Perfedl Paffiye, Mafc. f Ti3|, as ;^£«|6ί«τ'^^ from ^οίχ^αζαχ,τοΑ, Into ·^ riKoSy — . ;ύ|;τί;ύόί ' ;£:2«ξ<τ^/· — - χ.ύϋ·μΥίΤύι)ξ «^<— — · KiicmmiTm^ Pemin, from 5rg7r«ir«'^ as iror^iev from ^ίττόται» into -ς Τξϋ^> » — ^ί^αζτξΰν Μί^ώί^ίΤίίί* in the Fir^ Per/on of the Perfedl Middle. 1 "svr, as τβ^βί/ζ·, frorii tirofm^ ^ος^ . — - ram^ — Τέτ^^ίβ. into few are formed from other Tenfes ; as^ λιυκ,ϋς^ frOm the Prefent λίυσσύ) j 'ίΆξΰίχ'ή^ from the Perfeil 'ηταξ^χα j ^iiiiij, from the Firft Aorift ^vyt„ from the Second Aorift 1<^υ^^^ VERBS DEFECTIV£, which have only the Prefent and Iniperfeft Tenfes among which are a few Anomals, viz. fuch as bor- row their lenfes of other Verbs, iii the alphabet- ical Order of their ierminations* ^ Verbs in ω i*iire. I ,rom(,rh.r V.rbs.or ί '/Λ:"""" from ,^χΜ.* ^ 7'-D(:r!vat!veii''form-€il J>'?g^va« — ^{^αα* ( by inierting V,* { ol^nci ^ — Ί>ίχ^* • horn φ, mo Derivatives Poctrc^ κ^Γ<κία», — xfj'aa?, « i/Kj All Verbs, «λΐ'^, iiVy^yj β-τ-νίώ}.!: Verbs in ω Impure* preceded by i, σ-5^α> § 1 ρ ccirded b) A Liq- ^ r:λβω, fitiCca, <^,^ta. L·y uid. \ μ-:Χ^^ o-TTivScjy τΤΒξ^» yA De rivaiives front } ^ F^^r^ ^ ^ Pret. Pert. Midd* J ^ * ^ fipyty, — — formed byafl-uming.. ^ '"^^ Mai\y of tbefe Vrrbs change e into r ; as, k/^>afli ? α-κί^χα, Not fo Poetic Verbi in era from others iii m of the fanie Signification J. ;#-^uj« occurs in the Future, the Subjuneive Vowel belfig cail: away* IffzChv occurs in Sophocles for eVf^^v. j{ But κζκξαγ^ from KfK^a^cthas a Firil AoriO, Ικίκ^κξ^ VERBS DEFECTIVE. 169 from α\τίω. ι σκ,ύύ Derivatives Poetic j ψλίγίύύύ from Prefent <[ ^iw^a Tenfes. j βι^οίσ^ω < 'Derivatives from \ 'όλίκω j' Perfed Tenfes, \ΐξνκ,χ>ίίϋ · — ««^from Firil 1 α,7^οησκ.&) Futures. ^ βp^Jσκω -from a Pref 1 „ Tenfe. i^''^'-" "Contrails made ") Barytons by the > cavXa) βλΰύ φλω νλλ& y tne> ! Attic Dialed, J I _^Other \^erbs inAa?.Pure ; as. Ηλω^κιλω^^Λίλω^τηλύύ.β^λόυ. 1 Derivatives frc Verbs in λ») Pure, Polyfyilables ; as, Ιίνοίλλω. Derivatives, ^ β^υλλω from Ail Verbs \ as, rsr^^ii'^ &c. TOm (/ΛλΟΙΛΧί, Derivatives from J ^'^^χνω Verbs in or ζω^ | βαιν^^} ενύ-j, as, ^S!^ 6c from φύα^, cel:^. ί Derivative Puly- ^φ^πνω from ψαίο. ^ \ iyllables, ( ItXim'^ — — - aKivs»}. 1 Several Verbs, }^ τηω, &C. * Alio fome in αζο ; as, rcyara^as f Many of tbefe Verbs have a Redupllcatuin ; άβ. ^hS^ VERBS DEFECTIVE. Derivatives^ feveral of "which change the Vowel, ytyvofAott from yivcf^siti. V Futures converted Γ«|λ/ J into Pref. Tenfes, ] 0(X>CV6) UlUVOt) φ^^ο Fut of Uyoi» Fut of Ικω, Co η trails made 1 Barytons by the >i»Xg|^ from Attic Dialedt, J ΰ-ττω Poetic Verbs, 'ίσττΰο^ ΙσττΛ), ζν^σ-ττω, α,ίρο} Derivatives, ^αξαίζω from χΛζοίω» yL Syncopated Verbs, j fve"^^' &y^.g>fi»u σω Futures made Prefent, ϋΐσ-ω^ h^^ea^ ηςα-ο)^ βησύΰ^ dvcrn^o σ<τω Poetic Verbs, τταίφοία'σω^ uyvctia-GOJ^ ω > Derivatives, < τητττω — — τητύί^ J Li ■ sp^ia^ X Attics, t To thefe may be added Verbs, whofe Reduplication terminates in a Liquid ; as, fio^^ett^ay 'jie^^fatm^ ζ&ίξκΰϋξω^ yu^ya^ξO)^ /^αξ- Verbs Defeclive diftributed into their general Clafles : ( Inceptives or Imitatives. '^'" "[Defideratives. j,^^^ _ -formed from Futures. αω s9io } Derivatives Poetic. Derivatives changing the preceding Vowel, aBdaffum- ingy. VERBS DEFECTIVE, or V Derivatives from Λ^^Λ^. — . Pref. and Fat. Tenfes 1 _ . Perfed Tenles, jcA^y — — Verbs in λί*> PurCo 1 ίζω " Derivatlve-s from ContraSs of the famt S%n!fieati04i. 1' ^ . -o^ ^.. V^rbs in -«.^ — ^ Polyfylkble, ' Vowel · Moil of wkich change the prccediag λω ') Futures made Frefent Tenfes. Barytons from Conttaes. ίλλά) Polyfyllables. im > Many Verbs. vm J ^^"^ > Poetic Verbs. ^Ιξ& Syncopated Verbs. , "'^'"lAllVerbs.. vm J ■ Alfo Verbs in ffef whofe Primitives are in Ufe ; as^ « αΐνψΛ from eima* κίξνιημί κ,ίξρχΛ^· ραχΥί^ι ■ Χ'ίχξώ)^ ScCm ~ Miid fuch as reduplicatevthe initial letters ; asj, , 172 A Ν ο Μ A L S. There are fome which have only the Prefent Tenfe ; as, βεύμΰα^ $y}oti-%} or β.^.νΑ.χί^ νβο/ΛΛί/, νίνμΰίί ; v/hich by Enaliage are ufed as rutures ; alio Some have only one Tenfe in the Infinitive j as the Poetic Verbs, ψοξ'ηνχ;^ Ill A or. Ail. from φ^ξΧίνΜ ΐον φ^ξΐίΰ ^ αζψ^ίνχί^ ζά Aor. Adl. Doric from. ί*^^/Λ/. Bo me have but one Perfon ; as, Sing. Pliir. Sing. κλυύΐ, '/ίλυτί, ΟΓ (τχ,ες. κεκ.λυύί^ κζ>ίλντζ, ^ξ(>^/(}ζ* Mod Verbs in a/y&^, want the Future, and are , found chiefiy m -he Firft Aoriii ; as, - οίΜνόίΤ id Aor. l^ivjva,, ioCiVdUCti — »— ~- IxV&'oV, Sec* φ^-ίίν^ alone is complete in ins Tenfes. Verbs in S-^ Pure, and moit Polyfyllables in ζω^ υνω, νω, iv>j^ l^ejaerally want the Perfect ; but vo^S^c^^ ij^oXyw^ mXvcd^ ζωΧινα^ and a few others, are complete. AN Ο Μ A L S. In thefoiiowing Table the Anomals, with their Proper Tenfes placed beneath them, occupy the firft Colum^n on the left Hand | in ihe other Column are the borrowed Tenfes under the obfolete Verbs to which they refpeflively belong ; which Verbs are placed oppofite the Anonials of the fame Signiiication, in the fame Line«, Anomals. Verbs from which they derive their Tei?fes% a, MIDDLE. 0ίγχσ·ο^χι^ ift F. iyxj-xf^-nvy I ft A, PASSIVE. iYscrhjVj I ft A* ,: Anomals. A Ν Ο Μ A L sr. 17 33 Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes; I — αγννω οίγνιμαί The Compounds of ciyw^i have the proper Tenfes.^^ -'/;Xia:, P. . &c. PASSIVE. ^ ξνίμΰίί, P. '^ξεύ'ην^ id A. f ACTIVEr ift F. Ιχ^ω }ί|^, ifl: Α· stfi|£^ ^X^y^ P. ΙχχΛ iyovy 2d A. iayov MIDDLE. iyccy P. £i3&ya PASSIVE. - <^.§£ώ>. ACTIVEi Ion. ihv, 2d A. I^S^v. x'lttic. MIDDLE. I-, ^ Λ..·^ -Γ, I iccdoi iittiC. είλον, 2d A, Ι^ώί, 2d F. MIDDLE. id A. ξΐλομ-ήν^ id A. ShS^:X^f 2d F. - ζχ,ίσύζύίΛΧί a Icr^Vi ο-ομ 1 ft F* 'ήΟ'ύΰΙΙ,ί'ην^ 2d As - Attic. Hence the pounds Com^ Poetic. " * Άγηχα and ccj^^ova, the two Attic'PerfeAs, and Λγίίοχα,ύι^ B.£ot!c ^ ί alfo hyccyov^ by Metatliefis^ for aynyovy the Attic 2d Aoi iit, all belong to^ dyuy when it ilgniiies to lead ; as does the Participle άγοίγας^ derived bj/ Biiiby from άγΆγημι ohiohlQ. f The Ionic Privation of the Accent often occurs in this Verb, partic- ularly in its Compounds ; as a/^wi'; for ^^-ηγ,χς ) whence in the Co ^ipounc! I dvxppociow<:jg ^or (xw^y)-A,.:^g^ the p'p- infer tcd to prevent the ΕϋΙΙοη of th^ Vovici in dm. Tiie RedapUcatioa of the initial Letters drop^ying i makes- th© - 174 Anomals. ακφανω άμζκυσκανο) αμζκ^ΰζτκω > (χ.μχ^ΐίγνυω j ΰίμφίίΫΫυμι > &μφΐ7κω J ωοι^ω» See » av^j^itJ^ lit F. MIDDLE, dvo'jyci, P. Ιοη· Inf. ANOMALS. Verbs fiom which they dcriye their Tenfes. ίλψον, zd A. ■ ^λεω· ' ^λίο-ω, lii F. Λλε|>3δΤΑ;, I ft F. αλξξύίί^ I ft A. MIDDLE, ΰύλεξχσΟοίΐ, I ft A dλiξΰ6μξvoίf Part. kX6iifT0^ ift F. Ι^ίλΛΊ/, 2d A, Attic. η * -* MIDDDE. ^OCX6)!jOi^ lit A. I 1 Λ Ι^λ^.«, P. I ^^^^^'^^ 2d A. Φί^ύίξΤΥΐσά^ I ft F. ψΰίξτΰν^ 2 A. «|ttS^eTey, 2d A» αμ,ζλωσω, I ft F* Inf. } as if from αλζΰΰ by Eperith. for 4λκώ^· βίμφίξσ-ίΰ^ ift F. PASSIVE r-'^^y^y, Imp.' * See Grammar, p. 63. t By Syncope far ά»ύ>γύ Pref. Inip.f I, unuyiTc^j^ id and 3d Sing .^'oym, ^d ΓΙηΤάΙ A Ν ο Μ A L , i7S A nomals. V«rbs from which they dtrlve their T^afes* a^io-oiy I ft F. αυζ,ανω 7 jBi){/>'ft) — ^ ^ίΚΛ; ^ βιζ,οίω — βιΖοίζω - — ' β ίζτίμ^» /3ί3σ<ν, iF. /βίζ^ν^ Part. /3;βαδ·ώ;, I F. gSijy, 2 Α. βιζασο^ι^ I Α. Inf. ^/C'^f, Pr. Pari^ MIDDLE. fiiSeca-a?) I A. Part. β-ησο^Λί^ I ft F. l^Yjact^ViV^ ift A. βϊζαοί^"^ P. Ion. ^'l"' \ I Part. βϊ^οίως, Ion. J βοίλΚ:^ l^lsl^siy^^ '^^^^^ ~ ~— /SAij^i, e^aXov, 2d A. MIDDLE. MIDDLE. 16;, 2d F. βίΖολού, P. βλη(7ίΰ, I ft F. ^A«^y/v, 2d Ao MIDDLE, /3Λλλ)3ίΓΑ>1^ ρ V^g^AiJXiK, P. Opt. βοίλ^σω J t^aXof^TiVi 2d A. β^ζ^^^^^Ι β^,,, ^.^^^^^ /Β^ωσχ^ 5 βξ^σω, I ft F. iS^^yj', 2d A. βίοό^κω — - /3;<34> — βιωμι, βίωα-ω^ ift F. l^ii-JVitf/, 2d A. Inft βκαστοίγω βλΰίτι^)ΐ> βοσκώ — βοσκίω · ^d^y. βοσαητίΰ^ ift F. ^6(Γ&? 1 JT βύίσω J ■βκο3(τκω βλοω — — βλΰΰ^ι, βλωα-ω^ ift F. Ιβλ6;ν, 2d Α. * /SiCacitv, PI. Perf. Mid. for iCsCccficrav, loa. and by Syncope, f The Participle /5λΓ;ί· is by Syncope for Cx,,9.if, A. Of βίtλlί^aα Λ 1 aiiive. Ελ5?ίτί?ίί is read for βίζκηται^ Ion. f iufertcd. I Sec Grammar, Note, page 65, A Ν ο ΜΑ L S, Anomalsi Verbs from which they derive their Tenie^. regular, ex^ cept lit A. By Syn lysiwai, ΐίΐ Α· ' MIDDLE, gyjj/tia^v, ift Α. - y^ΰίω — — . γήξ'ήμ4, Ιγν^ξασ-»! ^ y>5|«?>* Part. lyHVoc^ijVy I ft A. Ιγζνθ[Λην^ 2d A. ysyeva, P. ysyocci, P. Ion. from y^i>J, . iftF. MIPDLE. by Metath; for y£y&}V6)g., Part. yir/iU-CMiy ift F. yzvyncro^oii) &C« ίγίννίσχμγ)ν, ift A. PASSIVE. lyvuy^ 2d A* ^ioiyvo)iTKa is found ifi? ρ Ariftophanes. ^xta-a>y ift ^ MIDDLE. ^octjo^xty ift F. PASSIVE. Sg^jc^y^aii, P. MIDDLE. ^ocaroiAXiy J ft F, PASSIVE. h^cHT^oci^ P. S^^l^, iftF. \^^ιζ^^ ift A. PASSIVE. * γνξίίς IS alfo read. · f ■ To divide. A Ν ο Μ A L S. 1-77 Anonials. Verbs from which they derive ineir i miQ% 5a/crA', I ft F. ^xvij-^jf ift F. QiZiO-oi, I ft A. l^xi^GOiy id A* i^occv, 2d A. ^ί^ΐΖ-ήΚΰί, P. PASSIVE. PASSIVE. IdiinVf 2d A. 32§ώί'/?/-ΑΛ/, P. MIDDLE. MIDDLE. P. lon.^ Attic for > P. '^χω^οα^ 2d A. Subj. ^^U^m, ift F: S^fli^6)f , ift F l^gjjy, 2d A. ύξΛ7^^7 I ft A. ^ficf^i Der^, icKv^aif ift F. Solft?. ift Fv &c. all Poet. &c. ihyoi^nv^ Im^» W^f^fCit/, ift F. passive. i^may Att by Epenth PASSIVE. t^ri^oiAcct, P. MIDDLE. cJe^cii for llSfAeAty 2d F, ί^λω. ^ ilia f ' — ύα-ω^ ift F. 2d A, ih>co6^ p. , PASSIVE. * loYihir^utf P. AttiCe; , ί'^ζσ^ψ} ift Aet. Si^^ae^f I ft F. lie, 1;· I DOLE. ίΒν,ΚΘίν., i ^ώίί") ρ siJ«v, Sync. > Plup. Μ Att ti^, Sync Inf. } from Ai Part. MIDDLE. P. 2d Sing, οί^^α-ύΰ^, and οΙΰτβΰ&» * For the Cpmpaund Optat. ά^ο^ξχοι Ariftotle has u fed the Aitic ^τ,ο^ξαΐΐ. See DialecSfcs. f h^§wco ivAS^yja-cj, Ι0Π, f By SyncQpe cJ^^a. § ε'ίΤ^αν alfo in the 3d Plural, by Sync, for U^xa-c^.v. See Reference (xx.) I Euftathius derives it from l^oa, r\$^ Att. Uy^Soxx, , f Though the Prefent figniiies both toy*^^ and knoivMi other ptop^ Tenfes have the former Senfe, and thofe whiqh i% borrows from #64*^ lihe latter. Anomals- ANOM ALS, ^ 179 Verbs from which they deriTe their Tenfes. \ζησω^ 1 ft PASSIVE ίίξν^ίτομΰίί^ Paul MiDDLE. δ/ξί}δ·ώί^>?ν, I ft A, sl^o/xjjy, 2d A. ■ εξομχι» MIDDLE, ίξβί^ην, ift A ο ^ξψη^} 2d Ao R R PASSIVE. Att. ΙληλΛί/Λ^/ P. ι I ift Α· PASSIVE. Uf^i^ p. Poetic Compounds, Ινζττίΰ Ιή^πω i &C. -iXv^ov, 2d A« Sync, «λίβν, MIDDLE. ΙΚινσο(Λοίΐ^ ift F. ίλεν^οί, δλίϊλί;^<ίί, Attic. P. Ιρβησω^ ift F. 2d F, ift F, ifvyej^, 2d A. Anomals. Ιξυύ^νύ^, I ίΐ F. yJξv^γ^vci^ ift A. ΙξυΟ'ηνΰίς^ Part. ζαω ξχσ-ύ^-, I ft P. Ιζγ^σΰ!:^ ill: Α. i^rM^ P. ν, Part. A Ν ο Μ A L S. Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes. — Ιξνύίΰύ. ι ίΐ F. ■Κξν^'^ιϋ'^^ί Ρ· - which fee* 2d A. MIDDLE. ϊυξομ'ήν^ ad A. — 0 I il F. ζσ-χ^-ηκ^Λ, P. zcryjiy-i 2d A. ij^g, 2d A. Imper. o-;^si, 2d A. Ιπιρ^η ε·^»]!*^ Imp. &/y^yj- Optat. Attic coRtracled from ξΰίϋφί^ ίζνγον, 2d Α. νΐ^-ασο}^ ιίι F. * See Grammar, page 64, Note ι Ε ΑΝΟΜΑ L S. Anomals. Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes. ^ναω ~ T£Uvyif4,(. βν>7|ί^, I F.r£^V'/9|(V, I F.s^avovj 2A. ^ΓΖ/σώ; 1 ρ l^j/r^v, 2 A. MIDDLE. T£Wa;J ^^'te^v^^;, Imp, IQccvoixYiV^ 2 A. re^vmacy P. Tsily^r/iv, Opt. 0xySfAxiy 2 F. TsheiKOiy'^Bccot, Tchoosi Part. MIDDLE. MIDDLE. ACTIVE. ti^vaocy Ion. P, h^^i * Part. rzQvocaSy Part. I ft. A. Ι'^ίχ.νω — — Regular ιαχω όξυω. ίζ,^ — Ιζ-ησω, ίίΐ F. ιύνα-ω, ift F. ΙλΛΟΌμοοι, ift F, PASSIVE. Ιλασμοα^ Ρ, iftF. ίλιημΑ» tAoc&i and ^ Imper. hira^rnvy ζά Α. Ind. ίτϊ-εα-^ίχ^^ ^d Α, Ιη£ 5Γ_ρ^ε^ΐ5ί, 2d Α. Part. - which fee. ΡαΓ^ΙΤ^πΓ ^^^^%^^^-\^ί^'^\ϊ''^^^^^^Φ -ev...„and the Middle t-art. r£9yc«r, dropping for which the Poets use τε6;»α..;. R Anomals. A Ν Ο Μ A L S. Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes. καανω κίΚομοίί KifOL. \υμι κλυω /.ξχνω, ί ft 1' . Kocvcra, I ft F. -o , r ift Α· Ejc^jc, Foet J PASS 1 VE iby Sy n I J}ia>v-Jrjvy ift A« κ£>ί^4)^>ί,χ, Sync, fur κλίζνσ-ά', 1 ft t ♦ Imper. £/.ί:Χί',Γί' X; ift A* PASSIVE. V, Imper _ xr.,^, I α F. f/-T:vx V and ) ^ ε >crji ■)/>:- I ^ * fVrjf/y.^/ and 1 ρ Ι^Τίί^4,^.-| j ^« l^i'^^/^ii/ar, p. Part. A NOMA L S, Verbs Λ-0Π1 which diey derive theSr. Tenf^s. MIDDLE. κ^ι/Λί^ί^τ^/Λ:^^. 2 ft F. 2d A ^r:i5-, 2d Α.- Part. MIDDLE. ^T^iusvcr, 2d A. Part. '--^Γα·, I ft F λ. fi^is^sy, 2d A. λαογχχ/^ ilA^fs., R Attic, Β'λζ^ύν, 2d A. MiBDLE. A-ii|c^i^/j 111 F. λη<τ^, I ft F. 5>.:^'f5Vj 2d A. MIDDLE. λ5λ)7^;^5 P. PASSIVE. * According to fom ■π'ίττονΟΐχ^ from Ttn^Q e it is A£t:c from inf.r.Ja, as is aifo. 1 84 Anomals. μαιομ,αι Regular. μίκκω μίκω μίλομ,αι Regular. μιγνυω ^ μιγ^νμι ) μψ,γπσκαι μ.οζγγνω μο^γννμ ANOMALS. Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes. μ. Λ* μ.ελεο^%^ μενεο). Regular. icrm lit mix* ύΙ,Ιχ, by Metath. φϊγνυμι 5 and ^ iftF. ol^^f 1 ft Έ» m^Xf I ft A. $0y»P Att» The Compound άνΦΐ^ι» has th© Augment ίο the Be- gmning or Middk,or m b9th places ·, as, * θίγω is Itfelf in Ufe. Anomals. 910 μαι 7 οΐμοίΐ J PASSIVE. ύίκτίίξω a>crc';^ai, ΐίΐ Α. οιχομοίί ομνυμι. . y ογ^ιμι οΥίΥμι ονιγοίς ο ν IV etc PASSIVE. iyaμoίt ίνημαι ίνιναμαι οτττοίγω οπτανομαι I Part. Verbs from whicE they derive their Tenfegf ift. Α. ολεω, iOXoVy ιά Α. MIDDLE, 2d F. MIDDLE. OWiiTO^^Oii^. I ft F. kravxiy Inf. PASSIVE. έτΰ6^ίνο?, Part. sAov, f 2d A. * wva/ctw, which frequently oceurs in the Greek WrlterSj (lands both fdf the ImperfeiSt Paflive and iVliddle of ονα^Λί, and for the i ft Aorift Middle of ονοίομοίΐ^ by Syncope for avyia-ix/iirjv, f Uled adverbially in all Peribns and Nambersj either aiciic or \^4th the Adverbs t<, JBe, «ίθε, and ως. R 2 x^6 ANOMALS. Anomals. Verbs from which they derive their TenfeS'. ri'^cifA.cii \ ^ ^j,^ j.^^^ Signification with the Prefent. ■πίτοίϊϊυμι ^ίμτΓλχιω MIDDLE 7ΤΥι<76μα,ι 7Γ6ίζΓομο(α j.ft ττοίΗω— — Ιτταύον, 2d Α. 5" TCiroiia. PASSIVE. TTiTrirauoci τηιτϋτασ-μαι Ρ. Γ ττύτοίομοα. 5 ΜΙ DDLE. ίΤ£5Τ6ί»^.3ί,* Ρ. for TTiTrovoc by Pleonafnt. * Meflrs. Le Port Royal make χ^χογχοί^ ττεττονΒοί^ and hotCiCoxa^ the regu- lsL% P. Μ of λχγχ^χν'^ ττανθαν:», and «Γ/κβαλλ^, changing α into ο, but wkh* m\ fyiJlcient Authority, Anomals. τΓίνιακω j τΓίπτω ττιψαυτ/,ω τίΚίω ττηού ΑΝΟΜ ALS. ι§7 Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes, ^O^y '^C'}^^i- ττωσω^ lil F. ttW/, 2d ΑΛτιπΰν^ ιά λ.τηύί. Initl, Ό . ^ ττίττωκοί^ Ρ, PASSIVE, *ϊΐί7Γύί>μΦίί and sxd^jiv, ift A. MIDDLE ΙτΓίΟ^Ύΐν^ 2d A } 2d F. WsiTie, ift 7ΓΤω<7ύι}, lit F. ΐ7Γ2σΌ^5 2d A. ίΤ2?ΓΤΛ>;ία, P. MIDDLE. TTiaS^xi) 2d F. τί-λίυσύύ^ ift F. i ft F. ϊι ξί^^α-ήν, Imper, ^λνιγνυω τΓΚηγνυμι iper. 1%^^, ift F. Vf^iiciy tft A, MIDDLE. PAS S 1 V£. hx^^i?^ ift A. Part. Ιξ'ξά)^ ift F. MIDDLE. Ιξογ:ζ, by Metath 1 A xording to the Analogy of thoib Verbs hi ^ Ptire,from which ;;Jni . fu ' '^' ^'^"^"^ ' that ^.^.^,α, is on this Account more t By Enailage ; ;r/5^5Ci occurs but feldom. ANOM AL S. Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes. pgy^ — _ ^νεω ■— pvYi^t, 2d A. ly^ivaoii I ft A, Ippt/jjiTiSt, I ft A. pwsva/, Infin. pv«$, Part. pjjTCTiy. Ippa»y&>, P. M. Attic for Ippjjyflfi. j ift dA. τ. τρησω^ ift F» Anomals %£|λ>^ ι ft F. U^%loij ift Α. ΑΝΟΜΑ L S, 1% Verbs from which they derive their Tenfes. Ιτξ^γόνί 2(1 Ao IvilDDLE. ^ξΰΰξομχί^ ift F. υmf)ζmμm Ι^οΛ^Ογ^ 2d A. MIDDLE. Ιφοίγον^ 2d A. MIDDLE. into See Ob£ 19, Page 195, mi In ΪΟ. 9· i i. 6. 20. 6j 20. Apocop 5e, as To thisDialea prnper]y belong all Contraa Nouns and Vet bs. 2 Of syllables in diil^rent "Words by Synalcrpha, of which there are fix Species ; viz. ip^yoL τω iKfr^Mj Aphisrefis^ as ;> At ■tiC ^ I Syna^refis as ; Crafis, as TO ifzctTiov TO sA^Y^^ci/ as A pocope & 7 Syn^refis, { ./A pocope δί I ^ iol ψοΐ CrafiSj J I^TL^ άλγ-ΐόζ J 192 DIALECTS, Contradtions of the Article, the Pronoun 6y*», the Conjundkn xutf and the Prepofition ττξο. Article. & 1 {: 1 reo άτΓολλΰΰνοζ Attic, \ '■''k'"' J Before }■ into κ54 -{ , ι' * Γ-— — χ,οί,ι iy^ \ I Γ — ί— > — — ycui ο: και οινον Χ,Οί,ί *:^Α.'ή νον 7 ινον ^ }> Attic Attic Before CiVy * ο before s makes forKetiiries < ^ * ? / f See Article in the Ionic Diale6t. ίτΐξος, ατίζΟζ, DIALECTS. Change of Letter or Sj'llable j into 1 as 1 /» e v*^ w c/ ΐΛ ίΛ* β · λ, — - σ-νς. ύνς. /* ς &v » » frv · ε. 2 0Β£ 2. < τώί, Fern. Art. I 2, >· "α, Ζ 4· ' — ι6. — Diphthong. 17· . .. ,'7 ο· ^ κ,λοιος, . 2. ^? — 2. Syllable. 22, Η. ^ yvoiTiO'izyf 2 7. 0, and ft;, in Perfed Tenfes. Obfervatlon τίΰσαν — μ; viax. — - III. Infer lion 15» 17. IV. Syncope. σ in I ft Fature Adlive and Middle. Antepenuitima of the 2 ft Aorift. 12 Obf. 14. * Bii%, after JoH. Grammaticus, reverfes this inftance, making ^amw for 3-«/.ρείν ; but greater Authorities are agair.a them, t See Note, page 165. ϊ_Ιπ commou with the Bceotk. See ;Τί^α-;^α,, Tabic of Anomals, 194 ^ DIALECT S. ?i in the Perfedi:, fometlmes with the Vowel or Diphthong ibi- lowing. 19 Obf. i in the Third PKiral Phiperfed:. 20. -A in the Aorifts Optative, and Verbs in μ,ι 27. σα in (J-Odjcrciv^ Imper. Paffive and Middle. 23. Y. Paraooge, yi in Pronouns Primitive ,· as, lyoyf, ervyf. «y in Pronouns and Adverbs ; as, or<«v, ky.^v^ νγΛν^ν. t and V in Pronouns Demonftratiye ; as, έτοσί, ccvTvuy τ«τβ^, rijriiiy T^vTYiG-i, r^rc^iy ts^tov/, rcuvra/, τοίντ(^ν for το rarov fot THT6. There is fometimes an EHfion of 0 and α ; as, rar;, τ<κ^τ/. < in Adverbs, Conjunclions^ and Prepofitions 5 as, kro)ci^ vvn^ in the 2d Perfon Perfon Singular pf Verbs ; as, χξΥΐσΌίζ. Ά in' the Conjyndion br/jj. VI. Apocope* Qa. in the Imperative Adlve of Verbs in [m ; as, iVes and kv^ for iV^'^i. Observations. Ϊ. It makes tl|e Vocative like the Nominative in all Declenfisns* Declenfions of Simples. 2. In the 3i4he Vowel or Diphthong in every Tetmination is changed if^to &j 5 and the Penultimii of Nouns in ο^^οζ^' if long^ is change^ into 8 5 as, λοίος^ 'λιωζ^ Ν. Plur. iAcici, Ιλίω, not other- nvife ; toi.o>i, rcioo^. See Clarke's Plomer^ 265. 3. Some words of the 5th in -ηζ, -^ς, it declines after the ift | ^ and fome in ^/j, -i^rcc 3 y^, -c^.^, after the 3d. Page 163. Decleniions of C.ontra(fts. 4. In the lil the Accuiative Singular of AdjeaiTCS In Pure is contradled into ά ^ asj εν^εεα, Iv^bu. Page 122. Proper Names of this Declenfion it forms after the ift of the Simples; and one Appellatiye ^x/vax^-^f. Page 163., 5. In the 2d and 3d it makes the Genitive Singular in con- travSling that from ενς Pure ; xoico-^ γ A,. 6. In the the 3d it contradh the Accuiiuive Singular into arrd A. V. Plural into 25? , but sr? Pure has both Accufativcs in ^ i 5 γ^^(ίζ') X(>(kf τξοΖας dlfo c^ccurs. ϊ) I A L Ε C τ S, Adjedt'ives. 7* It forms Comparifons by -ΐ'^ΐξοζ^ -/τΛΤβί ^ -τύα-ηξος^ -αιταη^ ι and, in common with the Ionic ^ΐ'^ίξας, -ι^χτος. Pronouns, δ. See Rule V. preceding page. It ufes Ιχυτω in the 2d Perfon, and Ιο'.υτ'^^ for α'ΚΜ'Κ'^ζ» Verbs. 5. It contradls ζ%ω^ ^^ψί^-^, τί^χω, ττίξΐ-^^αω^ d,nd γ^ξο-ομοίί^ by f-; after the Doric manner, xo. It contradls s^ii, >3iX/, niade by the Ionic Syncope into .i-j in the Seeond Perfon Singular of the Prefent Indicative Fq//ive \ Άηά Middle , of Verbs m t^i ; as> Ιτο!><τΰ&ι^ nkToct^ αα^σ-Άΐ^ /V/j-, -r/^/j :c'x^ri. And fometimes in that of the Perfeel: Paffive of Barytons ; as, ^Λίμ^ήσχι^ uYjf/.vn-, Ref fM J p. 127. 21. It contrads the Ionic ao mto ω ; se, i^o, do, into &r in the 2(i Perfon Singular of the Imperfed Indicative ; and of the Pref« ent and 2d l\oxA Imperative Paffive arid Middle of Verbs iia μι i as, hoj^ lri(fUy S^ly. 12. In the lil: Future of Polyi^'Uables in ίξω it drops cr ^ as, sATTi^, Middle ΙΧνη^μ^αί. It does the fame by thofe in cca-^, s-tx-^ ϋτω^ which are afterward contraded ; as, βιζω. But Ι^χ^ω uo! contraded occurs, JoeL ii, 28. Gramm. p. 41, \ή\ paragraOk* and p. 54, I ft Note. ^ 13. It aifeds the Augment 7 different Ways, Gramm. p, 37. 14. Itfyncopates the ift Aorift ; as, ih^r, for 5y^-.^,.ro ^ iy:,^.:^ for \yo^iA.-^ic^, By the it is made \y^c^, which is moil ia Ufe. Gramm. p. 54, Note 2d. 15. in Diffyllable Perfeds in φχ, χ^α, it changes ε into 0. Gramm. p. 42. 16. It chaeges η into 0, according to fome Grammarians, in the Perfea Aclive of obfolete Verbs, as, ,^^.., λ.λ.^;^^, ^.,4..." TTs^r^vS^, inierting v. But they are better derived as in the TaJ bie oi: Anomals. ιη. In thePerfeds Adive and Paffive ^hko,, ^ν,,^.χ, , ^φ^^:, ^φπμχ^, and the Middle ιώχ, it changes ; into ω , as, i,(p^cyl αφ^οψο^,, Ιω^, m which the i is often retained ; as, sl^dx Ac^ cording to fome this is not a Change, but an Infertion of ^ · an Upimon which αωύα, feems to fandion. ^ / 18. In the reduplicated Perfect ^y^j^^^ from ^γ.κ it inferts 0 * a<^ {! DIALECTS. 19. It fyncopates κ, in the Perfed: P.nd Pluperfedl Adlive, and eontradls the Vowels ; as, ϊς%κί>ίτί, ΙςακίνΆΐ^ Ι^αχω^ -, l^-^cr/, h^vxi^ i;c'jg · and m fome Perfons the following Vowel is alfo fyncopated ; as, Ι^οίκ,ύίΊον, Uccac&TZf l^^'it-HiJoiVj , 20. The Ionic zol^ sjc,^ ss, for «y, e/?, ill:, 2d, and 3d Sing, of the Fliiperfedl: Adtive and Middle it contrads into 15?, >i ; as, ύλ^φ^γι.^ .jj^, -2^. It fyncopates ί in the 3d Plural of the fame Tenfe ; as, and yi^iaro&y, 21. From the 2d Perfon Imperative Adive of Verbs in μι it re" jedls the lafc Syllable, hci9h '^^^h ^s?: 'Τίύίΐί^'^ η$-ή y hao^i, ^>^.'v^* 2 2. It changes τ^^σ-^^ν itto νίων in the 3d Perfon Plural of the i m- perative Aclive retaining the preceding Vowel in the til Aorlft only of Barytons, and in both the Tenfes peculiar to Verbs in j in the red s is changed into 0 except in the Contrad:Sj where os, is changed into ti into ii, and a of the Third re-^ mains 1 as, Bai^ytons, I ft Aor. τί;ψ -^iT'tycj^y, — oivrm* Pref. rvTs-r- 1 Perf. τζτνψ > -sz&}a-c6v^'-^ovrm» 2d Aor. rvTT J if!: Conj. /3jy Contrafts, ^ J Verbs in ^e^/. rf' ί \h j J Pref. ζά A. * The Contradtion h ufrd in the %ά Perfon, though ufuaiiy limited hy Gramrnari^ns to the ril and 3d only. f In til;. Cafe the long Vovvei is rePcored, but it is not always in Verb? I 8 ia this Place bscomes r by R.eafjn'of t he preceding S... D I A L E G Τ S. m 2$. In the 3d Pkiral of the Iinperatiye Paffive and Middle it iyn. copates c-os^ i as, PASSIVE. Pref. τνττίίσύύ) 1 Perf. τίτυΦΟω I MJDDLE. I lil A. rv^a^^iyj 24. In the Optative Adive of Barytons and Contracts fii is change ed into ijy i as. The Perfons are varied in all the Tenfes as in the Aorifts Pat five of this Mood ; rvTcroi'l -jjv ■ n^-, — ^ — η· βοα > J^T^iV^ '/^T/yV. 25. It ufes the 2d and 3d Singular, and the jd Plural of the j^lolic Aoriit. Gramm. p. 33. 26. It changes the Penultima of the Optative Aftive of Verbs in jw/ from octf, into a> 3 as, ^i^omvy ^ι^γνιν, ζη. It fyncopates η in umiv^ ihrsy of the Aoriits Paffive Optative of BarytonSj and peculiar Tenfes of Verbs in of the lame Mood, alfoin cch^^Av, ok^^^v, of the latter j and, in both, changts in the 3d Plural into s 5 as, I ft A or. τυφύεί"] 20. Aor. τυτΓΗ Pref. ηύ^ί 2d Aor. Qei Pref. h on 2d Aor. <^xt Pref '^ihi 2d Ao¥. Je< Writers. ThucydldeSi Lyftas^ PlatOy Zenophon^ Jfaus^ Ifocratesy ΏέηΐϋβΙεη€5^ JEfchineSy Lucian, — JEfchylusy Sophocles ^ Euripides , jiriflophanes.—^ This Dialeft was^ divided into ancient and more recent. Thu^ cydidesy PlatOy and Ariflophanesy ufed the former. * The Dom moreover change^ 01 of the Penultima Into «; as, δ a 10 DIALECTS. IONIC. The Ionic Dlale6l was peculiar to the Colonies of the ^thenlcmt and Achaians in Jlfia Minor and the adjacent Ιβαηάι, the princi- pal of which were Smyrn a Ephefus, Miletus ^ Teos, and Samos. It is admitted by Writers of the Attic Dialedt, often by thofe of the Doric^ but moil frequently by the Poets, Properties. It delights in a Confluence of Vowels ; hence it is diftinguiihed from the common Dialed by ^ L The Refolution of Diphthongs and Contradions. into Ϋ' f - 5· ϊΐ. Syncope of ο and r in Oblique Cafes. . 2 in many Words ; particularly thofe in eis& ; as^ £ in many Words ; as, TsAisf, ττλΞ^ν, for Imper£ of ζίί^. (7 ifj 2d Perfons of Verbs, in the Ferfsa Aflive. DIALECTS, Ϊ99 ίϊΓ. Epenthefis of a before Terminations of Verbs. £ before Terminations of Nouns and Verbs, of fome in all Ca- fe,S ; as, ϋί^ΈλΦζος^ itiViQ<,. x,c&V/Eog> I, 4. t in Dual Cafes and many Nouns ; as, ri^va^, 7Τΰ:-ή for 7Τδ^&, ξ, ν i as, ^ύνλνς. αι before ^Άηάηό as, σiλ29aioc, 'Ah^cii-A^ Avxyy^ocm. lY. Prqflhefu of g before many Words ; as, Ιπς, Im, Reduplication in many Tenfes. V. ΑρΙοαΓεβί of 2 ; as, ^^Ti?, κ,^-ινος^ C y as, κδδώί^ώί, ^ίλ(^|. τ 3* as, ijyi&yoj'. Augment. . , VL Par ago ge of α in the Perfed: Middle. Gramm. p. 55^ Note 2d. in the 3d Perfons of Verbs. VI 1. Change of Letter or Syllable βυττος, ■ I The Smooth and Afpirate Mute reciprocally ; as. * Change of Towel and Gonfonant. See onward, f ' The Rough iniQ die Smooth, 200 D I A L Ε C Τ S. ί ί VIII. into 1- ^1 }—"}': J Ύΰί^νω, h in* Ionic <} βυζλοζ^ Contrary on in few Iniiances. into h Ιπξόζ in^ts,^ Observations* Ϊ. It inferts s in all Genitives Plural. 2. It annexes t to the Dative Plural of all Farify liable Nouasr. 3. In the Article, 0 or ro before s is contraded into a i as, ί Declenfions of Sinipies. 4. In the ifl: and 2d it changes tlie « of all Terniinatiofts (the Dual and N. A. V. Plural excepted) into y}^ fubferibing the Sub- jundtive Vowel ; £?of the Genitive of the lil: into s^y, and ^jv €f the Accufative Sing, into ίχ, and χς of the Plural into to6s,~ N. G. D. A. α Ό. I. Sing, βϋξί-νιξ, -ΕΑ',Ί' ->}v or εα, PL -h?, or ->?cr/ or "Xtcn^ A. N. G. D. A. G. D.' -s*5. 2. Sing. /3/-)3, -Ji, -jjy. PL -g^v, .jjj or 'Jjt-/ or * See Article in the Attic DiaJeiSl:. f .βοξζοί ill Hefiod by Syncope for ^o^m^ DIALECTS. ^ 20Ϊ 5 . In the 3d it changes « oF the Genitiye Sisg. into ο.ω (and in the Article, which is of this Decleniion, into ιω^ whofe Da- G, live alfo is in t-f,) and 01 of the Dual into oii ; Sing, λογ-ά'ο^ G. D. ' G, D. G D. - Dual,. .-oiiV^rPlaF. -siyjf, -?f<3v.. .:Sing. τ5;ο.. an^^T^^^^- .^ τ^γ». , ^., . ■ 6. In the 5th by fyncopating 0 and r it makes -i?, -icer, -^r^ -ί4%ί, of the ad and 5th of the Contra^s. Bir-idcs^ -ίώί, Contrads. 7. In the id and 2d the Genitive and Dative Sing, in the 3d all cafes have s of the Penultima changed into 09. i. Sing, G. D. G. B. ^ 'a,^-.^.5j. -.^-j^. , 2. ίΤί>·λ-^ο?, ^Tii, Jable of xhis DeclenCon in the Grammar, p» 143 is rather ^^zrV than Common. Ref. (/) G D. A/ N.A. G.D. N. V. p. 123. 3. Sing, βί'ίτίλ-^ς.^ -ni) -na'. Du-al. -jjj, -jjo,'?. , Plur. ταμς,^ G. D. ' ■ Ar ' ^' . -/jiyy, -j^CTi^ -ίί-Οίίί. ■ ■ ^ . , 8. · In the Ath. it -makes the i^coDfative in ; ais. Α>ττκν. , • : ■ ' ■ . - . ^' In the -5,th it changes o^Oi the Penultima into-s, ^sg-ss)?, -f/, kc» Adjectives. 10. In the Feiiimuie ζίΰύ from ν-ς^' t Is fyncopated in every Cafe | hi, ■ G, . Pronouns. 11. It inferts s before every Terminiatioa of ,4 and ^lyr j with its Compounds ; G^' thts^j, D. avrs^^j.. SeMorner when λ^ι; is changed into ^jy,* N, ο^ντΰς, \, ivyV-^v, particularly in the Com- pounds ; D. ΰ-ίωϋτω, Ιωϋτω^ but Ιώ»-ίτεο« and its contraited Form ωϋη^ for olvvh^ alfo occur. 12. It removes the Augment fyllahic and te^nborah - βι^ζ^ωκ.^^ Ιω'^^.\ Herodot, Sometimes the Reduplication only ; as, δ«τη^<Λί4ί ί ftmetimes both ^ as, ri^noir^i ίοτ riri%rAvr 38· 13. It forms the ift, 2d, and 3d Sing, and the 3d Plur. of the Iniperfedt, and both Aorifts Adtive, by annexing, κ^ν, -.ε^, λ£, to their 2d Perfons Singular refpecliveiy dropping the 8ι;Βίαηθ:ίνβ Vowel in Costrad-Sj - and (hoitenin-g^tire Long Vowel 1 η Verbs- in μι. Common. Ionic. Imperf. \rv7irr^y Ιτνίττ-ΐ'^Λ l it Aor. irv^cigr ζτυ'^-α,σ [ ' ^ ^ ^d: Aor. STt;:rci, -:%Tvw-^sr , , . , Hence in the PaiTive a.nd Middle r^v':rrέσκόμ'ή\l·^ -se, -*τί, -οντβ. 14. In the ill Future rndicative Acciye of the 4th and the ζά Future of every Conjiigation it inferts f before; the three Ter- niiucuioivs Sing, and 3d Plural ; ^^fo in the Iniiniiive and Par- ticipie, refolving εί into ?5 and a into in the Dual -and Plu- ral except in the 3d Flurai and the Participle Feminine 5 ψ^λ-ίώ), -ίει ; -iflov, -^ίΡιΰν ^ 'Έο^^'ήν, -iils, -Ζβσι, Inf. '^jtASfiV. Part; ψ^λ- δΛ/ν, ^z^fTusy ^icv. In the Middle^Voice it onfy relolves- a and ε/ ; the latter in tlie 2d Sing. Indicative into ixiy Suhjunc* live into τϊρ^ι ; as, τ^ττ-^Φμαι^ ^icny -αται y 'iousdavy -ΐΈσύον, -ss^^cji ^ 15. In the Perfedt Adfire it fyncopates κ. and iliortens the Pe- nultima ; Ιτχικϋίτξ^ Ι-τι^χτί ·, τζ^Ά^ωζ^ τΦίΛΚ- - ■- , ι6. In the Piuperfe'ii: A(5tlve and Middle it changes βν, β^,- «, into s^, £Si,J 17. It rofolves and a iti the 2d. Perfons of Paflive and Middle Tenfes into laiy j in the Subjundtive Ji^i. Ref. \kk) (//) p. 127, 128^: 1 8. To the 3d Sing, ofall Tenfes Aaive of the Perfed Middle and 2d Aorifts Pairive of the Subjuxidive Mood it. annexes «τί as, * ay:jTai retains the Augment m the Infinitive, HerodBt. f This Form is more frequently found Avithout any Augment ; aSj \ See AttU Dialed:, p. 196, Note to Obfervation ao. D I A L Ε C Τ S. 203 Aalve. Paffive. Pref. 'ΐυτττ'ήσι^ I ft Aor. -rv^h^t '^' Perf. τ&τνψΛ-τί,' 2d A or. ryTTiic-i.*' ifl: Aor. rv^^wi. Middle. 20. Aor. τυτΓ^,σί. Perf. τίτνττνιίπ. X g. In the 2d Siog. of the ifl: Aorift Middle it refolves a into cid 5 as, Ιτνψ-Λ;, -ίίο. ao. In ail Tenfes of the /Indicative and -Optative Avhofe 5d Sing, ends in tsu or ro it forms the 3d Plur. by inferting before thofe Terminations refpedively, and, of the next preceding Letters, faortening the long Vowel, diopping the Snbjanaiye of the Diphthong, (except in the Optative,) changing the fniooth Mute into the rough and σ- into into the Ckaraderiilic of the 2d Aorift ^ or 0^ as, Pref. & Perf. Sing. Plur. rvirrs .κ.ξχξνσ-0 imp.&Pluperf. Plur* I ks ! I J Α.. When precedes thofe Terminations, inftead of inferting an- other after it, this Diaieθ: inferts an ε before it ; as, Smo. 3 Piur. 3 Sing. 3 Plur. In common with the Dork it con trades Verbs in into -ή ^ 2 2. In the Contrad: Tenfes of Verbs in α,ω it inferts s after Con- traction ; as, iLiz^^&iviciiz'Av 5 Imperat. χ,ξ^ω but often- er changes a iato 2 , as, χ,ξΐψ^^^ οξε^^Λοα. Sometimes in the Preftnt Subjundiv.e Pafiive of Barytons ; as, KTeiViijyTcu ^ always * Aifo τυφ2<:ισί, τνΤίν,σ:. See Obftrvatlon II, t ^ξί^ occurs in Hippocratesj the lonh of ;^y, Imperative of χξ'ψ for ^>^ςο(ομα'^ ^204 DIALECTS. in the 2d Aorifls, as, τνφ^ζω^ τνίτδώ;. Alfointhc3d Piur. of ύ}ο. Frefent indicative of Verbs in f^i from cii-;, and the Prefent and 2d Aor. Subj unlive of thofe from a^y ΆτΛίω in the Active Voice; d.Sy Ι^-ίοίσί^ Ifiz^rt, τι'^ώσι, '^ιωσι^ ^wjat» Sometimes in thfe 3d Peifon Middle Voice 5 as, ^inroii, 23. It fyncopates (7 in the 2d Perfons Paffive and Middle of Verbs in lu. Gr.amm p. 66, 67, 63. 24. i n the 3d Piur. of the Prefent A61ive of Verbs in ^/ from ιω^ βΛ', v^;, it inferts fyncopating ihe cubjundive Vowel of Diph- thongs ; aSj fi.^eiaiy riviccci, ; 5i^yaij S^tci^tri ; ^swyvyr/, -·νί<σ/. 25 it cofitra^:s ov? from οχω^ ow, into 6^ 3 as, βοησω^ βοοσω -, iwrn" Inftead of ibe regular Tenfes of zeiptca and uvei^at it ufes thofe of their Primitivts ^^sty and iivs^* 5 as, χίο^ί',ι^ ανίονίσ.ι, κζίύνίαι^ &c. It makes λαξΛ,ζχνω borrow its Tenfts as if from Λί^^ ελ· and λιχ^^ζω» %ί^τβ^λ£λίί^^?:;ίδ^.„Λ(Ρί|^ψί;^£^/5 AfijttO^ftr,, &ο·. occur in Herodotus. Writers. Herodotus, Hippocrates^ ylrrian, Luc'ian^ Aretdeus^ Homer ^ iTefod l^hecgnis, Anacreon, DORIC. This Dialed was ufed iirll: in Lacedemon and Argos ; afterwards in- Eptnis, Ipfagtia Gracidy Skily, ''- rete^ Ehodest and Lyh'ta. It is feldora ufed by Atticj but often by Ionic Writers and the Poets, Properties, J. Contradion of <3 and >cai when prefixed to Vowels and Dipfl- • thonf s.. Common. Doric. V.OLi ΐζοίςΤΊν-ήί, KCti ϋ Άΐονίζ^ DIALECTS. Other Contradions ai into SO ox '4 sy 0ivcy Άξίυς^ Θΐζ^σίλ-,ν^^ Gen, il. Change of Letter or Syllable ; as, into λ f σ^ I- ■1: yvfiiic'2'(o^ psS^^j by Metatheii's μδίΤό^ί^ χξ-ή^^^ί alfo JEoiic. συξίττω^ φξΧΎΤ:-), βξίμ^τπΰ, ίΙγΥινόζ^ hr/^f-sv for Ιο'κ,αμζΚ CivTis^ '^,-νύον-^^ κ.εντό for xfAsro.t rv7~To^.ci5y ;ίΰε,λ'ύ<.'^ μ^ζ^ α!Γθ JEohc* 7Γΐ>ίίμζ,_ 22. ϊ U * Words to hick the Ailcrifm is afHxedy undergo feme Change of another Letter. f When r or 9 follows. \ See 7Hvro ki the -.^©/''V. DIAL Κ C Τ S. into < 6 ΤΤο^^Λίζ. τ^/άτος^ ^υξο^ν^ S^raf^j ytXoi)^, κλ&ίαΰίζ' κλαζύ)," Ύ'Χμαν, ηχ,ον^ ηλον, Xoydi. Accuf. λογύ^ζ, Acc. C'^xusy fiy&}v. II L «S>?2^^/^ of 57·λ'3ί, UCOCij "πχΆ* r^·7rτs?5 rv-irriv, τιΗνη»^^ 7i-eci9 for '/Γ^ ir/]!' i6. 16, 17· 2, 22. 24. 14· 3. 24. 12. 18. 15, I '7 * Sec firft Note; preceding p%e. Plato fays mat ' ί This feems to come from Verbs in a., mn § By another Syncope for ^ixcac^^^ ,^iwa. ukd for the ancient ^ιιά ΑΗη οοαι, άι:^- ^de Σ« by the Ank and /^^^^ D Ί A L Ε C Τ S , 207 iV. Epenihcf s of jlph^rtfis of 6-£ in Ai^iTj OjiSERVATiGKS* DcskofiQns of Slmpki. In the ilVand ?d it changes y of the Genkive Sing^ of th@ ift, of the Gen. piur. of both, and ^ of every TerrDinationj mm m> Sometirnes alio thq G^n, Plur, of the 3d and 5th | aaj N. α D, A, V. α Proper Names ία i^si have -3 fyncopated, and are declined after N. G, D, Λ. y, the \ii ; as? for Μινζλ^%ΰς<^ -u^ Sec, MirsA-.??^, -i^, -^-, -αν,^ In this Declenfion it changes ^ into that of the Accufa- tlve Plural fometiracs into and rejeds the χ Subfcript of the Dative ; as, G. D. G. A. Sing" A'jy-i^j, -iy. — Flur. -iv? or «ΰί. It alfo changes ^ into iu in the Norn, and Acc. Sing, and Norn, Acc. Voc. Plur, contraded of the 5th ; as, N. fim, ^ Αοο.βα^ν. Plur. Ν. A, ν. ./3^?; 4· It changes d into r in Nouns in /r? -ί^ύζ ; asj Gen. hf^^iTC^Si jC^i^iTSS-j Ά^Τ2^αέΤέ5·« Contraits. 7· It changes and of the Nom. and Voc. of the ift anci N. V. N. V, 3d reciprocally ; as, ΆξΒνς, -^y ; Βασίλ-νΐζ, -η. ΐό or ^ of all Genitives in into ευ j as, ;^«λ£^ί_, -πολ-ϊυ^·^. 'Ο^υ^ηυζ,Ι. » int0 * Third Sing. iftFut. Middle. f This iiifreciueau Odjf. «. 397. DIALECTS, ^om the Genitive Swg. of the 4th ; as, G. Άχ-^ς, ^,ς of ii>e Noni. Plur. into ^- withoui: the Subfcript. ti^ of all 'Genitives intOi:^: This laft but feldom. Pronouns. 0. To sV^ i« the Nom. Sing, it annexes vn,. ya,, νγα. In the Penultima of the Dual and Plural it changes η into .^, and oftea ufes iht Sing. Accufitive for ,the Duai and Plural See Table at the end of Dialefts. 7. In the Pronoun of the 2d Peribn it changes r into τ, and an« nexes y::^; vn. See Table. 8. In the 3dv Perionai Proootin for the Accufatlve I it ufes the Accufuive of ij G. obfolete with μ or y prtfijied ; as, ^w/v^^ j'/y, whicli often ibnd not only for I but for r3ii}r-ay, -^-au aM. ulib for the Plural QLvr-^^t^ ^-χς^ -^u. For the Plural Dative ^p^i. it tifes the Dual c^^/v, which by Aphsrefis becomes Φ/ί-. For skit Plural Accafative (rtc^^Vi ufes the Diial σΖι^ by Metathefis. (piTs,^ hence ψί. As the Relative chos is. often ufed for the Reciprocals ί and a^ry (contra&d from IxvTd.) fo

5 into τίδ^. σ^δτίξβί — . σψύζ. Verbs. It changes ξ ihe Charaderiftic of the Prefent into ^0, ^d, r $>, and rr ; as, συξ^σ■^ιso, yv^tvo^^^J^ Tsr&To^^Aff οξίτω^ φξ^ττοο^ σ-νξίττίϋ, ΙΟ. It makes new Prefent Tenfes fram Perfects by changing a into &} , as, Ir^^tiy, ττ^τταύ^ί^, ^Ξ^οίκ,ΰΰγ ^SKA^iyfo', τι-ίφξίκ,ΰϋ,"^ ΐΐί^ν^^&» IT. It changes σ the Future Charaflieriitic of A^erbs in ^, and of fome in ω Pure, into | ; as, uvrtcd^i^, y^λΰil·cύ. 12. It changes a in the Penultima of the iil Future and ift Aor. of Verbs in ω Pure into ; as, α-^οίσω^ d^ctjov, 13. It changes yi in the Penultima of the ift Future and ift Aor, Perfedt and Piuperfecb into i as^ φ^λ^&'^. ίημ-^ζτί^ι rdvci^^^^_ ^ From, TTf^^jHji; for ττιφρΎβ. Ώ1 A L Ε C Τ S. 20$^ Ϊ4. It changes the Augment, formed by annexing ^ into >3 without a Subfcript ; as, ^χ^ν, ίλκ^ν. 15. It fyncopates / in the 2d and 3d Perfons Sing of the Prefent Indicative Adive, and in every Tenfe of the Infinitive ending in iiv ; as, rv7ΓT-2ς tradls of the Optative Adive, v/hoie Ternjination t^i, the Attic liad betore changed into v> as, Attic , τυττταϊίν^ .τταίΰίψ)^ χ^ξυσ-α^ν ^' Dork, τνττνω-ίβ), ττΰίψ^ρ^ Χζ^^ψ'Γ^' ' It alio changes ss? of the. Penmltiina both of the Contrads and Barytons into cv, ibnietimes into ; as, A 61. ψίμ.-ίνμζζ^ Imp. Eip'Asyrj . Τί^ψδΰ^ι^ί.;, ■ -sy^/r/, Ty-:r-£t)'i^Ji» ^vri§ ΟΓ-' -gyyr; or -ifr/. Part. Ti/T'ny.7a^, QCmvu. Paff' and Midd* φ../λίυμί>'^ί. ift. Fat. uAivf4.%i» Imperat. φιλιυ.— Alfo τνττΎύΐο-ί^ ift Flit τι;ψΰ;σ/, Farticip. rvT^raio-ci, 2 is fome- tlmes iolerted in the Sabianfrive a35^5·£■p,Gΰ7Γ-ά;σ/^ "io^vTi ^. σι^νηύ- A'Ciy "Bc^JHTi. ulrcbimidej , 19. It changes 07 into in nioft Tenfes of the Indicative and Op- -- tative Pafii^e and Middle ■; alfo of Verbs in //.,' ending in ^; aSj \rv7f \o^f,ciVy Ιτνψχ^'ίία'}. :2τνφύαν^- ΙτυφύηΙ-7,ν^ rvii'hiuciy^ -ίζ-ΰίν^ * ■ See Obf. 28, and Note -to the fame, f-SeeObr. 18. I This Perfon, is like the Da^tive Phiral of the, Partscip^e of the farae Teofe, but the Doric Oinltd rrn^kts it like the Daiiv^e Singuiar. § The 2d Future commonly rt'cains the If the Periukima be no^ chmgcd into υ or qi^ but not ahvays. X 2. 2ί0 DIALECTS. 20. It ioferts a- ia the ill: Perfon Plural Paflive j as, rv7r:0;^iAx* 2 1, In the Perfed: Paillve of Verbs in ξί>^ making σ in the Fuiure it changes a- into o ; as, τηφξαα^Λΰίί, KiKOi^^AUt, 22* it contrads Verbs in οιω into in common with the Ionic ; as, ημ-η^^ -ί, -ην ; and changes the crj contraded into a ; as, χ^αλάίσί) particularly in Participles ; as, ττανΖΑ. 23. In Verbs in it changes :!^ ημημζ'^ mh φt'^^c^v^h xgvao^tzvai^'^ &€. Thefe often occur in lonk Writers, . Participles. 27. It inferts rafter ^ in the MafcuHne and Feminine of Parti- ciples ; as? τν^^^-αις^ 'Cliax, 28 It changes vict- the Feminine Termination into uaci, aceording to fome Grammarians ; as, μψΛνο^κ'^σ'&ί) kviqa-jc^a-^y Ιω^ο^^^'ασοί.^ but they rather belong to Prefent Tenfes formed from Perfeds. SeeObf. lo. Writers. Archimedes^ Tlmaus^ Pythagoras^ Pindar, Theocritus^ Bion, Μοβ chus^ CaUimachus, and the Tragedians in the ChoruiTes. * ^ollc for ^/λί/ν. Sometimes χςυσομμίνοίί after the ^olic Manner of compenfatni the Loi§ of tli^ Sabjuiiv'tiYe Vowel of the Piphthong. See ^oiii Piale<^; DIALECTS. 2Ϊ.Ϊ ^OLiC. This Diak'fl was ufed in Baoiia^ Lefics^ and JEoUa in jifia Minor, It is a Branch of the Dork, and has fume Changes in common i;'v ith it. PROPERTIESa I. Changs of the Rough into the S7nooth Breathing as^ oiifls^. To compenfate the Lofs of the iPi.fpirate it fometimes prefixes β to ξ when the next fy liable begiirs with κ, or r ; as, /3ξί;5:ί, βξΆκο^γ βξ&Ιόν^ βξητΰύξ. It fometimes prefixes y to a Vowel ; as, yevro for hro, Doric for Ιλτά, by Syncope for Ιλέτδ^ which is by the Ionic Dialed for ε/λ5τό· into -I '^' yAc^^^iigc?. IT. Change of Letter or Syllable , ^ — /3 /3λ-*ι.^5* /3?λίΡέίί, /3g>.^.'j/f5. ^ »-.»..^ φ φλίζ^, ^ «. ρ 7rB^ooyj-'i for 'ΤΓίξίύχ^ος. - — ^ — ^ . TTSTi^^, ί3·7Γ^.^τΛ, tzXiTTTTci for ίέλ.τί,^'ίδ. See Rule IV» ^τΰξ) ΙττΊΤύζ^ τησοξ,χ ττϋξ, σΐϋξ^Χ for γ ^ : (Γττΰλψ.ν^ {ί·7Γο&λας, ττε,ί^τΓΕ, XzyQ^^ikv^ ψζξομΒθΒν, ν added. τχλαίζ) hence ^^iXat.'jc:y raKcw^^ii, * For ^-Κίαζ, Cl is U 1 "IcrJ f AiiJ^Iolic Rcfoltition — >i<3- V by Mctathefis fo^Ji- Q ψ Tfcr ) J σ·;^ .| Y/qiu§ that undergo ^ complicated- Change, 1; 2.12^ DIALECTS. {: into c& οπΊσ-ύίΖ, ovu^uoi^'f vcr^m^^^ \ονσσ%υς, θί^γατ'ήξ^ Atyiigifii/j έ^Λ;^, κ^^χ^. φ^ξ76ζ-ν I /<- vmg, \ξΰζ^.Οί, ysAe?, Ac€. J;, β; (tio/(/-5is Κξίβίσίί} Ms^oiij^K, J^^d^$:.*"' ^ir^ ητι^^. τΓίϊ 'Ap^^.'AAs^ii^ iTsJf^;^©^^^^/^ -^^^^^ί^ψ^ν^ Trih^ij-^., III. Proflh^s of /S before ^ inftead of the Aijjirate ; asj βξντΥιξί y for the. fame purpofe ; as, ycvro. Alio in other Words ; as, yvosiv yvo(pos^ y^^^t -ySs^^itf, whence \piy'^^,7ir0S, XL ij. 411. IV. Eperdhefis, It. tranfpofes the Letters in the Syllable ζί^^ changing ί into, s and doubling, ξ , as, ^er^/it, ρετ^ί05^ , ΰίλλοτξίΛς ι JEollCj y^oTTtQ'^'Xf i&&£r£ppi»>; ^λλβτίορβ^-.^ Epenth^s of in the Genitive Plural μ^ΰ-ΰξ,ων, & Λϊϊ ~(.'ΛΑΧίς^τζ6λ!^ί5 , Participles in α$ 5 alTo of the / Subfcrlpt. V after ^4 ^ aSj ciiV^lijeii, αυω^^ οίνηξ, tf^yras.^,.. Ja^yAfli^*, ία,νκ^ίν^ φ^υσί^ω^ ν after β ; as, 'OL'Ss^^i^gii. a Confonant to compenfate the Lofs . of the Afpirate ΐ as^ . a Confonant v/hen the Vov/el or Diphtliong preceding is fhort-> ^ened ; as* κηννύ)^ φύΐνβά)^ If^u&i, 2f.&ui, ,7rcVO-ttri-r,S) ηύ&μίΛ-ί^ .αλίπτα^·-... σ in Futures in "Κω^.ξω, β in aXtQoveiv^ .ίλ«οΰί^» * A complicated Change. f ywy} and ^;xivxto; are of ^olic Extraaion- from yevi^ and o^^i'c^ti'r I Ια the Augment, according to Frifctan.. DIALECTS. γ. Syncope of y in oA/Gj, /fl, φοξμίζ» I — ^γ^χοζ^ τΓχλχΰς ; alfo i Subfeript y asj τντττ^. Vfl. Para we of ■ ^ y to th^ Accafatr/e Sing, of the 4th of tli^ Contu&B 1 at, OsSEaVATiONS. I» It changes 4if in the Nommati?e of the ift of the Simples in- to i^. I ^nomrs^i ηομν^τα \ and of the GenitlTe. Bing. mto % as, 'ΒξμπΆο. It irsferts / in the Ac€ufati?e Pliir. of the 2d ; asj νΌμφί^ι$ I aud ative Plural. So' μ^λ^^,ν^ from αίλϋ&νοζ^ and πός^ G. τ/λ;, &c. from the Genitive ηνοζ, v/hich has fometimes the V fyncopated. it changes i Γ from into i, doubling | as, rs^^if, yiA^ &Ci 12. It often changes the Short into the Long Vov/sl in tbefe Verbs 5 aSj n^-n^.Q'h -n^^^i ηύ-ήΠπ hn^h ^ίί^ύί^ hih^my* 13. In φyjlJ.i it makee the 3d Sing, fdh and the 3d Plural φίέί^/α Writers. AicmSf Sappha> BCEOTIC. Under the JEoVic \% comprehended the. Bmik Dialeftj which- has the following diilincl Peculiarities ; It ch mges β into § ϋ^ίλ^ζ\ y β βχνχ^ for yvvri, J. — . — I 1^6Vy%ili4,3'iy\ Perf Aitive* ΤξίΤίζζαν* g ■ < 1^3/. ω ^ o< ζΛ<τι ίΐΪΆσι^·\ ίίΐ Aor. Ad. οι,οτί αν TyTf(p'^v, * The η which the Oorh changes uito ct^ the B'xotic does not change into a ; and, on tlie contrary, what the Bceottc changes into u the Dorie does not change into a ; as, r^av^ Doric ai'u, never fllu, Bccotic ; ηξοΐς, JBie-otic ύξ'^ίς-, hut not ά^ν-εζ-, Boric. So ^^^ri. Adonidh, Aldus. 1496. P. 20^» But cci>ijx occurs in Pindar, Ode 3, Strophe i. \ Some Granimariaos make this the Perfed by ohangiiig iato |, others the iPc Aor. by changing αν into acrt. D I A L Ε C Τ S. ObSEFw VAT IONS. 2, It inferts σει In the 3d Plaral of the Inipeifed and both Aor» iils Indicative Adive. Common. Boeotic* ιτντττο "1 And in the Imperfee: Contrads ; as. Common, Bceotic* Ιζΰω "1 Ιψίλ^ (""T^y — -σέϊν. 2. It fometlmes makes the 3d Plural of the iff Aoriil in as, hv^^acri. . 3. It fometimes makes the 3d Plural of the Perfed in aif^ as, 4· It makes the 2d Aoriil: Imperative Adive in ov like the firft ; as, Ty-TT-dv, -are. 5. in the Optative Adive it changes ε of the 3d Plural into ; -:. A. N. G. R G. D. A. A D. .Dual. Plural. N. G. D. σφί A. Article .f Dual. P]iiiral. Poetie. Τ'^ξ, ret ζ The Dlaleils, which by fome are annexed to the Relative kf by others to the Relative of^j, belong puoperly to ore?, ufed iot oh^* See page 156. * and v/v are 1>oih Singular and ftural, and of all Ciendcrs. Set X^^ri/Dialea. Obi; 8. ' f To every cafe of the article ihe Attics add the Particles (Tf ^.ΓΛγ^ alio 7i to the Fronoyus e^/ii', συ ^c, c;p. D I A L Ε C Τ S. 2 If From όΧύς comes regularly the Genitive ors^, I. orsiy, D. «τβί/, P. orlsVf (jrleo, Dat, όΤΔ>, I. 6TEc^, P. (srifai, Piur. Gen. cr^jy^ ότδώ», Dat. <3Τβ/?,^ 1. orzoigf or^&icn I oig-crot (ίϊΐά ^irrci are ufed by the Attics for άτενού, Diale(ils of the V erb Subftantive ^.I[m, Indicative Mood. Prsfent "Tenfi^. Ϊ D. 5 S P. A. •St I. D. •y P. A. I. \7UU D. — A. 1^- ImpetatiYe Mood, Prefent Tenfe, I 1! ^ See ret fyncopated in the Attic Dialed:* ObL 27. Α. P. I. D. P. . 2 D I A L Ε C Τ S. Optative Mood. Pre/ent Tenfe. iOS. Subjunilive Mood* Prefint Tenfe. Infinitive Mood* Prpfehi Tenfe, Bi U^^m^ Ι^μ^ίρ kiji, \μμίν^ ^myf ii^Uk- I. i Arfeni Tenfe. Fuium The Editor obferviog th^ great Inaccuracy of Grammarians, wbo^ have almoft tmiverfally copied the Errors of their Predeceflbrs^ compofed the foregoing Tables upon the Authority of Maiiaire, who reforted to the Foantain Heads^ and may be deemed orac* ular on the Subject* ί 221 1 ACCENTS, jf irief Accdunt of ths Nature of /iecents^ as far as ti can h . colkaed from the bej Writers on the SubjeSy is here fuhjoineip nvlth an Explanation of their technical Terms t fome of which could not well be excluded from the Performance. AN Acute Accent dcngus Elevatioa of Vok% withotit wKIcfc no fingle Word can be pronounced ; but fince the Voice once raifed muil neceiTarily fall again, this Fall may be on the fame Syllable, or on the following Syllable or Syllables \ if on the fame, the Elevation and DepreiTion are Denoted at once by a Circamflex, which is compounded of an Acute and a Grave, and was originally formed of both placed together ) ; thefe were afterwards united and ro\^nded thus («·), and this cbaraficr was. at laft conTertad into that in Ufe at prefent, e. g. σΖ(Λ», Η(τμΆ^ If the Deprgffion of Voice be on the fucceeding Syllable, as λογκ a Grave is underftood on that Syllable* If on two fucceeding Syllables , as in άν&ξ^πύς, a Grave is underftood on each* A Grave is therefore not ib properly an Accent itfeif, as a Privatioa of Accent, and exprefled only on the laii Syllable of Words which have naturally an Acute on that SyHable, which Acute is changed .into a Grave by Reafon of a Word fucceeding in the fame Sentence. Its Ufe is to denote a Sufpenfion of the Voiceg^ whereas the Elevation required by the natural Accent, would bear To hard on the following Words, as to attrafl it, and make both Words feem united in the Pronunciation : Thus feoV and ^^ΛΤήξ have both an Acute on the Ukima ; but if another Word follow either of them in the fame Sentence, the Acute is changed into a Grave, as, ^ζΐς <> τϊλύ^ ; 'Tsrctrhe^ i^m.. Certain Words, called Enclites fubmit to the Attra^ion jufl: mentioned, and the Acute on the Ultima of the preceding Word remains unaltered | as, ^a. The Greek Grammarians denominated Words having f Ultima, as ύεός, #|«τίνα An Acute on the < Penultima, λέγ^ς, wat^o^vroya, ; C. Antepenukima, ϋίνύξωττος, ττξοττ^ίξαξντονΰί» A Circumflex on the ί "'S^^* «?-»-^S^e,*. I^renuitima,