litw ,i^ii^;!^^i;;:::::'^\!if> :iiiiiiiliillili J' w ^ii'll'lilll i j; 1;: 11 ^:'\r'"i- i ! 1 GIFT or Felix Flugel ?%'■ A NEW CONCORDANCE ^~^ . HOLY SCRIPTURES, IN A SINGLE ALPHABET; BEING • THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE AND CONCISE OF ANY BEFORE PUBLISHED; IN WHICH NOT ONLY ANY WORD OR PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE MAY BE EASILY FOUND, BUT THE SIGNIFICATION ALSO IS GIVEN OF ALL PROPER NAMES MENTIONED IN THE SACRED WRITINGfS. BY THE REV. JOHN BUTTER WORTH, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL. A NEW EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENTS, BY ADAM CLARKE, LL. D. TO WHICH ARE ADDED THE DEFINITIONS OF ^ CRUDEN, AND CKDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF REV. WILLIAM JENKS, D. D. ' They received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scripturea daily whether those things were so.' Ac. 17:11. ' Comparing spiritual things with spiritual.' 1 Co. 2:13. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO & CO., (successors to GRIGG, ELLIOT & CO.,) No. 14, NORTH FOURTH STREET. 1851. ♦ ADV^HTiSEMENT TO THE LONDON EDITION, fij, This eduion of a yery {)ortable and ustf-il Uoncordnncc [with the ra.s« advantage of a single alphubet'\ is very considerably improved. 1. It riirtaips sjvty/al^iilil/tiuir^ ail.l coire'ctions, left by the late pious compiler, in the n)ar;;iii ol a copy of tlie last edition, which he appean •o have ran fully hVifced ovcri witli a vi"W to future republication. •i. Tlie pa'rij'of ■ip'ecli iire'nhfrfc Accurately distinguished than in eitlier of the preceding editions. 3. The nw aral ht.. 'n the former editions of this work tliere were inserted two tables, entitled, j3 Collection of the J^Tames and Titles given to Jesus Christ ; and 4 C"U ctii'.i if the Appellations given to the Ckiirch of Qod in the Scriptures These were taken from the large work of Jlr. Cruden, of which they rievi r nade valuable part. By the advice of every judicious person, whom the Editor has consulted on the point, these tables have been I mil ed, as b hig very exceptionable in f most every point of v.ew, and having scarcely one excellence, by which they can be recommended. Ill manv cases, The iinscriplural and inji Jicious manner in which these names and appellations have been given to Christ and the church, has had a direct tendency to pervert the judiiinent of the young and inexperienced, and has contributed not a little to pervert the taste of young ministers. It was judged better to omi' them entirely, Ulian to alter them. Great care has been taken to have the references correct according to the last edition, and it is presumed that in the main they are so ; but in so manv hundred thousand figures, several of which may be easily mistaken for others, it would be unreasonable to expect that no mistakes have been made. It is hoped, however, that it will not be found much inferior to the standard according to which it professes to be formed. To enter upon a character of the work would be unnecessary. It has been many years before the public ; and they have decided on its merit. It is, without exception, the most useful and valuable work of its kind in a portable size. *j,* The American Editor has to add to the above, only, that where there was a material difference between the definitions adopted by Dr. A. Clarke and Butterworth, and Criiden's, the latter have been inserted. Other changes have been made, slight as to words, important as to the arrangenient of the page, rendering the work vastly more easy of consultation. The most important improvement, however, on all former Concordances, will be found to be the introduction of engravings, from authentic monuments, travellers, and modern customs, which complete, under their respective words, the illustrations, pictorial and otlierwise, given .n the Commentary. A lively and pleasant apjieal to the eye here infixes an illustration in the mind, often better than pages of prose. The abbreviations of the Scripture Books have also been shortened, both to save space, and to relieve the eye by rendering the lines more distinct. Maij, 1838. ______________^_____________ ^^*'' •'E^KS. Every student of the Bible, even at the outset, acknowledges the importance, the necessity, the indis- HENSABLENESS of a CONCORDANCE ; and the sooner it is procured, the greater will lie the saving of time ani labor Persons unacquainted with the nature of Concordances, may observe the following ©IRECTIOIVS. 1. The word sought is .nserted o.:.j at full length at the head of the class : in every following line, the first letter ia put for it; as, .4. is put for AARON, c. for COMMAND, &c. ; and if two words head the class, a short ellipsis, or line, is put before or after the initial letter for the word ; as, for ABODE there, is put a.-, or tliere ABODE, -a. 2. Where two distinct quotations ar6 in one line, they are by this mark ( [| ) divided ; but those texts which follow a quotation, and where the above mark is not inserted, are to be considered as synonymous or parallel passages. This mark (J ) is to separate one chapter and verse from another. 3. The marginal reading, which is of considerable use, is distinguished by an obelisk ( t ). 4. The parts of speech are in general marked, s. for substantive, v. for verb, a. for adjective, p. for participle, ad. for adverb, c. for conjunction, pr. for preposition, and i. for interjection. Proper names, being all substantives, are not marked <'*' ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS EDITION. Old Testament. Genesis Ge. Exodus Ex. Leviticus Le. Numoers Nu. Deuteronomy De. Joshua Jos. Judsres Jud. Ruth Ru. 1 Samuel 1 S. 2 Samuel 2 S. 1 Kings 1 K. 2 Kings 2K. ] Chronicles 1 Ch. 2 Chronicles 2 Ch. Ezra Ezr. Nehemiah Ne. Esther Est. Job Jb. Psalms Ps. Proverbs Pr. Ecclesiastes Ec. Song of Solomon. .Song. Isaiah Is. Jeremiah Jer. Lamentations La. Ezekiel Ez. Daniel Da. Hosea Ho. Joel Jo. Amos Am. Obadiah Ob. Jonan Jon. Micah Mi. Nahum Na. Habakkuk..Hk. orHa. Zephania/i Zph. Haggai Hag. Zechariah Zch. Malachi Ma. JVcw Testament. Matthew Mat. Mark Mk. Luke Lu. John Jn. Acts Ac Romans Ro. 1 Corinthians....! Co. 2 Corinthians ... .2 Co. Galatians Ga. Ephesians Ep. Plfilippians Phi). Colossians Col. 1 Thessalonians. .1 Th. LIST OF ENGRAVINGS IN THE CONCORDANCE. Almond Tree 9 Ancieut Egyptian Anointing 11 " " Arches 13 " " and mod. Bedouin Axes. 16 Antique Medal of Bi-al 16 " Coin of Beel-jebub 16 Oriental Basin and Ewer 18 '* Fire-Beacons 19 Colossal Stone Egyptian Beetle 20 Ancient Egyptian Bellows and Forje 22 Bittern 24 Bji-woorl Tree 29 Ancient Ejyptian Broidered Work, tc....33 Human Burnt-Sacrifice 36 Ancient Egyptian Cakes, Bread, &c 36 Antique Medal of Cow-Worship 37 Chameleon 39 Captive Syiians in Egypt 40 Cassia Acutiflia 40 Oriental Caul, Hair- Braiding, )tc 41 Cedar Cones and Buds 42 Ancient Censer 42 *rabHyke; ir. ' clo-ik,' 'raiment' 48 Desert 'Gazl' or Cony 54 CoriTioranl 54 •Oriental Crane 56 Aniiqce Sun-Dials 68 Antiq e Dish-ser»inir 70 Hin>ioi a"d Ejvptian Spinning-Wheel. ..70 Hi s-ct.'d Caniel's Foot 71 O-ieitil Door, &c 72 Wiiie-S:r.nin'^r and Ladle 73 • tiw^rt Post Camel 74 Auci'-'ut, Jigyptiaii Snake Earr.ngs 76 Ebony Plant 78 Oriental Emb-oidering 80 Ancient Ejvplian Relic of Ephod 82 Fig; Leaf and Fruit 94 Larch or Hackmatack Pine 95 A kind of Fitches 96 Flax-Plant, in Blossom 97 Etruscan Flesh-Hook 97 Oriental Running Footmen 99 Frankincense Plant 101 Egyptian Speckled Frog 102 Gadarene Medal 103 Mercury shutting Hell's &>te 104 Palm-bearing Chiriot — Victor ' girl * in the ancient and modern Manner 106 Syrian Mountain Goat 108 Grapes of Eshcol ; full size Ill Anc. Eg. drawing of Arab Greyhound. ..112 Hammer-bearing Persepolitan Captain... 114 Syrian Har-- 116 Ancient Egyptian Shoulder^bome Lyre. .116 117 nul Jewelled Head-Band 117 Sapless 'Heath of the Wilderness' 120 .122 He Modern Oriental House 126 Room in ' Crner of House Top' 127 Lamy's PLn of D,aTid's Palace 127 Caro' ' Hjhit-,' 1-4 •-o 1-8 the common size. 129 Anc. F'vpl. I 'ol-i'aintin^ and Graving. 13U " " Stick-beating 138 Oriental Juniper-Tree 139 ■ ■ " "' .141 An iqne Rnn Kev Alexuidei the Great.. 142 Ancient Egyptian Metal Knives 143 Oriental O'il Cloth or P.iper Lantern 147 Li^n-Aloes Cutting 152 Oriental Lizard 153 .\ncient Roman Bread Loaves 153 Locust; drawn by Laborle, in Sinai. ...153 Hindoo Lodge in Herb-Garden 154 Anc. Eg. Basket-borne Meats, Cakes, &c.l62 Mole-Rat 166 Mustard Plant 169 Myrtle Plant, in Flower 169 Ruins of Noph, Egypt 174 Oriental Nose Jew'els 174 PisUchio Plant, Blossom and Nuls 174 Olive Sprig, Flower, and Fruit 177 Oriental Eye-Painting Utensils 180 Cluster of ripenin? Dates 180 Several kinds of Oriental Partridges.. ...181 Six Persian Writing Implements, 182 Oriental Pestle (4 1-2 feet long) 185 Oriental Pine a.d Cones 186 Ancient Egyptian and Roman Pipes 186 Roman Plough 188 Pomesranate Flower and Fruit 188 Oriental common anail 197 Astarte, as worshipped at Tyre 197 Single Garment of poor Arabs 198 Sketch of a Ram's-Hom Blower 193 Romsn Battering-Ram. 199 Modern Oriental Head-Shavin- 199 Oriental Reeds and Buds 201 " Paintin?, bv scarifymg, &c 203 Stone, called 'of Moses' 208 Oriental Gazelle-Antelope 209 2 Thessalonians. .2 Th. 1 Timothy 1 Ti. 2 Timothy 2 Ti, Titus Ti. Philemon Phile. Jlebrews He. James Ja. 1 Peter 1 Pe. 2 Peter 2 Pe. 1 John 1 Jn. 2 John 2 Jn. 3 John 3 Jn. Jude Ju. Revelation Re. .909 Rose of Sharon, in Bloom Sjttingin Sack or Hair-Cloth 210 Ancient Egyptian Saw 214 Various Forms of Ancient Eg. Sceptres. .214 Oriental Screech-Owl 215 Ancient Egyptian single Party Chairs... 216 Interior of ' King's Tombs,' jenisaleui..219 E». sharpening, with Foot-Grindstone. ..221 Oriental Shields, Spears, &c 222 Travelling Camel and Rider 222 Anc. Egyp. Relics; 10 Sijnet Rings 2v4 " " Snares, Gins.'or Traps, &c.. 228 Ancient and modern OrientajSpindie...233 Chinese Criminal in Stocks 236 Ancient and modern Oriental Stone Mt- saic ' laid with fair colore ' 237 Oriental Stork, at rest 237 Ancient Oriental lO-strinjed Nablum 239 Sweet or aromatic Cane Plant 242 Anc. and mod. Orient. Tablet Amulets.. 243 Ancient Egyptian * Taherincr,' Singing, &c., bv Women bearing! wigs 243 Ancient Egyptian Target-Shooting 243 " Mode 'Ecknowle Iffing a Vicior,247 Oriental Thorn (ononis SpFnosa) 250 Head ana Horn of African Unicorn 259 " of Two-horned Rhinocrros 259 Ten Forn s of Ancient Egyptian Vessels. 261 Head of Oriental Vulture 263 .Ancient Grecian Warriors, and Sag':m..265 An. and mod. Oriental Hand-Washing.. 266 Svrian Wild Goats 271 Abysinian Wild Boars 271 Common Wolf of Syria 274 A NEW CONCORDANCE, (WITH DEFINITIONS.) ABE AARO^ , lofly or mountainous ; a mountain of strength. He was the first Jewish high-priest, and an eminent type of Christ, in that he teas, (1) Chosen of God, and separated from among his brethren, to minister in the priest's office, Ex.. •28-.]. Ps. 89:19. Ro. 8:29. He. 2:11. (2) Called of Ood, He. 5:4. (3) He could speak well, beinir qualified for his office, Ex. 4:14. Is. 50:4. Ps. 45:2. Col. 2:3. (4j He was merciful. He. 4:15. | 5:2. (5) He was consecrated and anointed, Ex. 29:21,35. | 30:30. Ps. 45:7. | 133:2. Is. 61:1. J n. 3:34. | 10:36. He. 7:28. (6) He hare the names of Israel on his breast- plate, Ex. 28:1 Le. 9:3. | 49-.16. He. 12:23. (7) Aaron was clothed with curiirus garments for glory and bfauly, Ex. 28:2. Ps. 45:8. Re. 1:13. (8) He offered sacrifice for sin, Ex. 29:38. Le. 16:Q1. He. 9:14. | 10:14. (9, Aaron went into the holiest once a year, and hnrnt in- cense every morning, Ex. 30:7, Ro. 8:34. He. 7:25. | 9:12. Re. 8:3. (10) He lighted the lamps, Ex. 30:8. Ps. 68:18. Ep. 4:8,11. (11) Aaron's rod hndded, Nu. 17:8. Is. .=i;i:21. Jii. 15:16. He. 9:4. (12) Aaron hle^ssed the people, Nu. 6:23. Ac. 3:26. Ep. 1:3. Ex. 4:14. is not .a. thy brother || 5:20. met A. 6:23. A. took Elislieba || 7:1. A. thy prophet 7:12 A. roil swallowed || 16:34. A. laid up. 30:7. A. bum incense || 8. A. lightelh lamps Le. 9:22. A. blessed them || 10:3. A. held jjeace 16:8. A cast lots |j 21. A. lay his hands Nil. 16:11. what is A. \\ 16. come thou A. 17:3. write A. name || 10. bring A. rod 2f ;28. A. died there, 33:38. De. 32:50. 1)& 9:20 the Lord was very angrv with A. Jos. 24:3 I sent Woses and A. 1 Sa". 2:8. Mi. 6:4. 1 Ch 6-:. sons of Amram, A. and Moses, 23:13. Ps. 7".a(i. leddest by A. \\ 99:6. Woses and A. 106:16. envied.^. || 115:10. O house of ./J. trust 115:12. bless house of./?. II 118:3. let house of -«. 133:2. on A. beard || 135:19. O house of j?. Lii. 1:5. of daughter of ji. II Ac.7:40. sas'ing to j?. He. 5:4. called of God as A. \\ 7:11. order of .«. 9:4. pot that had manna, & A. rod that budded Sons o/ AARON. See Abiho and Nadab. AAROXITES. 1 Ch. 12:27. j 27:17. ABADDON, Destroyer, or destruction. Re. 9:11. AaXG'VHk, Father of the wine-press. Est. 1:10. ABANA, Stony, or a building. 2 Ki. 5:12. ABARIM, Passages, or passinirs away. A mount, .Vu. 27:12. De. 32:49. AB.\SE, V. To brim low, or east down ; to lay low as a valley. From a word signifying the bottom. Jb. 40:11. proud, and a. \\ Is. 31:4. lion not a. Ez. 21:26. a. him that is high || Da. 4:37. to a. ABASED, ING, p. Is. 32:tl9. city be utterly a. Mat. 23:12. shall be a. Lu. 14:11. | 18:14. 2 Co. 11:7 offence in a. || Phil. 4:12. how to be a. AB.\TED, ;i Ge. 8:3. waters were a. 8:11. Le. 27:18. it shall be a from thy estimation De. 34.7. force a || Jud. 8:3. anger was a. ABBA s a Syriac appellative, from the Hebrew word »6, a father, which comes from atiah, he wasjcillmg ; denoting that a father wills and desires all good to his children : it signifies also an author, inventor, doctor, or teacher. Mk. 14:36. A. Father. Ro. 6:15. Ga. 4:6. ABD.\., A servant. 1 Ki. 4:6. Ne. 11:17. ARDI, My semant. 2 Ch. 29:12. Ezr. 10:26. ABUlEh, A servant of God. ICh. 5:15. A BOON, .4 servant. Jos. 21:30. Jud. 12:13. 1 Ch. 6:74. 2 Ch. 34:20. ABEDNEGO, A servant of light. Da. 1:7. ABEL, A vapor. Ge. 4:4. Mat. 2:!::ir. from the blood of .4. Lu. 11:51. He. 11:4. A offered || 12:24. than the blood oi A. ABEL, Mourning, the name of a city 1 S. 6:18. stone of A || 2 S. 20:18. ask a; A ABEL-BETH-MAACHA, Mourning to the house ofMaachu. 1 K. 15:20. 2 K. 15:29. 2 S. 20:15. ABEL-MAIM, Mourning, or valley of waters. 2 Ch. 16:4. they smote Ijon, and Dan, and A. ABEL-MEHOLAH, Sorrow of xeeakness. Jud. 7:22. fled to A. || 1 K. 19:16. Elisha ot A. ABEL-MIZRAIM, Mourning of the Egyptians. ABI ABEL-SHITTIM,Jl/ottmV ofthosewhogo aside. Nu. 33:49. even unto A. in the plains of Moab ABEZ, An egg, or muddy. A city. Jos. 19:20. ABHOR, t). signifies, (1) To loathe or detest, De. 32:19. Jb. 42:6, (2) To despise or neglect, Ps. 22:24. (3) To rtject or cast off, Ps. 89:38. Le. 26:11. soul not a. you || 15. if your soul a. 30. my soul shall a. you || 44. nor will a. them De. 7:26. utterly a. it || 23:7. not a. Edomite 1 S. 27:12. hath made his people to a. him Jb. 9:31. clothes shall a. || 30:10. they a. me 42:6. I a. myself || Ps. 5:6. a. bloody man Ps. 119:163. a. lying || Pr. 24:24. nations a. Jer. 14:21. do not a. us for thy name's sake Am. ,5:10. they a. him || 6:8. a. excellency of Ml 3:9. a. judgment || Ro. 12:9. a. evil ABHORRED, p. Ex. 5:21. savor to be a. Le. 20:23. I a. them || 26:43. a. my statutes De. 32:19. L. a. them || 1 e. 2:17. a. oftering 2 .«! 16:21. a, of thy father |j 1 K. 11:2.5. a. Israel Jb. 19:19. all my inward friends a. me Ps. 22:24, nor a. afflict ons jj 78:59, a, Israel 106:40. insomuch that he a. his own inherit. Pr. 22:14. a. of the L. || Lam. 2:7: a. sanctuary Ez, 10:25. beauty be a. i| Zch. 11:8, soul a. ABUORREt^T, v. Is. 7:16, Ro, 2:22. ABllORRETH, v. Jb. 33:20, life a. bread Ps, 10:3, covetous Lord a. || 36:4, a. not evil 107:18, soul a. meat || Is. 49:7, nation a. ABHORRING, p. Is. 6J;24, an a. to all flesh ABI, My fathtr. 2 K. 18:2. 1 Ch. 24:10. ABIAH, Father Lord. 1 S. 8:2, 1 Ch, 2:24. | 3:10, I 7:8, Mat, 1:7, ABI-ALBON, Father of great understanding, or fotJicr over the building. 2 S, 23:31. Called also j?Mf/, 1 Ch. 11:32. ABI A.SAPH, A gathering father. Ex. 6:24. ABIATHAR, Father of excellence. 1 S. 22:20, A. escaped || 23:6, when A. fled 2,3:9, David said taA. Bring the ephod, 30:7. 2 S. 6:17. Zadok and A. priests,20:-.'5. I K. 4:4. 1 K. 2:22. ask kingdom for A. \\ 27. thrust out A. Mk. 2:26. went into house of G. in days of .^. ABIB, A areen ear of corn. A month ; part of March and April, Ex. 13:4. | 23:15. | 34:18. De. 16:1. ABIDA, Futher of knowledge. Ge. 25:4. ABIDAN, Father ofjudo-ment. Nu. 1:11. | 2:22. I 7:60. ABIDE, V. signifies, (1) To tarry, Ge. 22:5. (2) To dwell, Ge. 29:19. (3) To endure, Jer. 10:10. Jo. 2:11. (4) To be, Ge. 44:33. (5) To con- tinue, Ec. 8:1.5. Jn. 14:16. (6) To wait for, Ac. 20:23. (7)Turest,Ft.W:'23. (8) To lire, Phil. 1:24. {9]To .'standfirm, Ps, 119:90, | 125:1, (10) To rule or gorcm, Ps, 61:7. Ge. 19:2. a. in the street || 22:5. a. vou here 24:.55, let damsel a. \\ 29:19, a. with me 44:33, a. in^read of lad || Ex, lfi:-;9, a, ye Le, 8:35, a, at the door || 19:13, wages not a. Nu, 35:25, a. to death || Ru, 2:8, a, here fast 1 S, 1:22, a, for ever || ,5:7, ark not a, with us 22:23, a, with me || 30:21, a, at brook Besor 2 S, 16:1S, his will I be, and with him a. Jb. 24:13. nor n. in the partis of light 38:40. a. in the covert || 39:9. a. by thy crib Ps. 15:1. who siiall a. \\ 61:4, I will a, in talier, 61:7, a, before God for ever || 91:1, he shall a. Pr, 7:11, a, not in her house || 19:23. a, satisfied Ec, 8:15, a, of his labor || Jer, 10:10. not a, his Jer. 42:10. if ye a. || 49:18. no man a. 33. I 50:40. Hos, 3:3. a. for me || 1 1:6, sword a, in cities Jo, 2:11, who can a. it, || Mi, 5:4, they a. Na, 1:6, who can a. || Ma, 3:2, who may a. Lu, 19:5, a. at thy house || 24:29. a. with us Jn. 12:46, not a, in dark || 14:16. Comforter a. 15:4. a. in me, 7. || 6. if a man a. not in me 10. ye shall a. in my love, as I a. in his love Ac 15:34, ?ilas to a. || 16:15, come and a. 20:23, afflictions a, || 27:31, a. in the ship 1 Co, 3:14, work a, || 7:8, if they a. even as [ 7:20, a, in calling |! 40, happier if she so a. Phil, l:-'^4, a, in the flesh |i 25, I shail a. and 1 Ti. 1:3, I besought thee to a, at Ephesus 1 Jn, 2:24, a. in you || 27, a, in him, 28, ABIDETH, V. 2 S, 16:3. behold he a, at Jer. Ps, 49:12, in honor a, not || 55:19, a. of old 119:90. earth and it a. || 125:1, a. for ever. M ;C,i=' ABL Ft. 15:31. reproof a. ]| Ec. 1:4. esrth a. Jer. 21:9. a. in the city shall die by sword Jn. 3:36. wrath of God a. \\ 8:35. servant a nr* 12:24. a. alone || 34. Christ a. || 15:5. he that a 1 Co. 13:13. now a. faith |i 2 Tim. 2: 13. a. faithful He. 7:3. a. a priest || 1 Pe. 1:23. word a for 1 Jn. 2:6. a. in him || 10. a. in the light and 14. word a. in you || 17. doth will a. for ever 27. anointing a. jj 3:6. whosoei'er a, in him 3:14, a. in death || 24, know that he a, in us 2 Jn, 9, a, not, hath not God, he that a, hath ABIDING, p. Nu, 24:2, saw Israel a. in tents 1 S, 26: 19, from a, in the inheritance of L, 1 Ch. 29:15, none a. || Lu, 2:8, shejiherds a. Jn. 5:3?, not his word a. || 1 Jn, 3:15, life a. ABJECTS, 6, Base men. Ps, 35:15, a, gathered ABIEL, My father God. 1 S, 9:1. | 14:51. 2 t^. 23:31, 1 Ch, 11::32. ABIEZER, My father's help. Jos. 17:2 Jud. 6:34. A. was gathered ||8:2. vmtase of A. 2 S. 2:^:27. A. Anethoth.te || 1 Ch.7:18. bare -i. ABIEZRITE, Jud. 6:11. to Joash the A. 1 S. 25:3. I 27:3. | 30:5. 2 S. 2-2. 1 Ch. 2:16. | t. 3. ABIGAIL, Mv father's joy 1 S. 25:3. ABIHAEL, My father's travail. Est. 2:15. ABIIIU, He is'my father. Ex. 6:23. | 24:1,9. ABIHLD, Thefather ofprau>e. 1 Ch. 6:3. ABIA, ABIJAH, FaOitr Jehuvah. 1 S. b:'Jt. 1 Ch. 3:10. 2 Ch. 29:1. Ne. 12:4. ABIJAM, Thefather of the sea. 1 K. 14-31. Alill^ES^E, The fatlu-r's mansion. Lu 3:1. ABILITY, s. Capacitn, strength, wisdom. Le. 27:8. to his a, || Ezr, 2:69. after their a. Ne. 5:8. we after our a. || Da. 1:4. a. to stand Mat. 25: 15. gave to each according to his a. Ar. 11:29. accord, to a. |i 1 Pe.4:ll. asof tliea. (J. AB{U.\Y.\., My father from Ood. Ge. 10:28. ABLMELECH, Mu father the king. Ge. 20:2. Ge. 21:22. A. and Phicol || 26:1. went to A. 16. Jud.8:3l.barehimj?. ||9:1.j3. wenttoShechera 2 S. 11:21. smote A. || 1 Ch. 18:16. Zadok, A. ABINADAB, J/iz/fruicfiy father. 1 S. 7:1. 1 P. 16:8. called ".4. || 17:li3. A. followed Saul 31:2. Philistines slew A. Saul's son, 1 Ch. 10:2. 2 P. 6:3. out of the house of A. 1 Ch. 13:7. 1 K. 4:11. A. had Solomon's daughter to wife ABINOA.M, My father's beauty. Jud. 4:6. Barak the son of .9. 5:1,12. ABIRAM, M?i high father, father of elevation. Nu. J.;l:l. Dathan and A. 12, j 26:9, De, 11:6 1 K. 16:34, foundation in A. || Ps, 106:17, of,/. ABiPHAG, My father's error. 1 K, 1:15, ABIPH AI, My father's present, or offering. 1 P, 26:6, A. said, I will go down with thee 2 S. 2:18, Joab, A. and Asahel, 1 Ch, 2:16, 10:14, fled btfoie A. \\ 18:12, David charged -f. 21:17, A. succored || 23:18. A. chief, 1 Ch, 11:20. 1 Ch. 18:12. A. slew of the Edomites 18,000. ABIPllALOM, My father's peace. 1 K, 15:2. ABIPHUA, My father of salvation. I Ch. 6:4. ABISHL'R, My father's attention, otfaUur of Via or. 1 Ch. 2;28. ABITAL, Futher of the dew. 2 P. 3:4. An\\JXi,Mu father's praise. Mat, 1:13. .■\BLE, fl. Ex, 18:21, provide a, men, such as Le, 14:22, pigeons such as he is a. to get Nu, 1:3, all that are a, 20—45, j 26:2, 13:30, are well a. || De. 16:17. give as a. Jos. 23:9. a. to stand || 1 P. 6:20. who is a. 1 K. 3:9. who is a. to judge so great a penpl* 2 Ch. 2:6. who is a. to build || 20:6. none is a. 25:9. L. is a. to give || Jl). 41:10. who is a. t* Pr. 27:4. who is a. || Ez. 46:11. a. to give Da. 3: 17. a. to deliver || 6:20, a. to deli\er thea Mat, 3:9. God Is a, of these stones, Lu, 3:8 9i23, believe I am a, || 10:28. a, to destroy 19:12. a. to receive it || 20:22. a, to drink of 22:46, a. to answer || Mk, 4:33, %vere a, to Jn, 10:29, a. to piiick || Ac. 15:10. a. to bear Ac. 20;32. a. to build || 25:5. are a. go down Ro. 4:21. a. to perform || 11:23. God is a. to gi iff 14:4. for God is a. || 15:14. a. also to admonish 1 Co. 3:2. were not a. |i 10:13. above ye are a. 2 Co. 3:6. a. ministers || 9:8. a. to make all Ep. 3:20. a. to do || Phil, 3:21, a, to subdue 2 Ti, 1:12, a. to keep || 3:7, never a, to come 3:15, a, to make wise || He, 2:18. a. to succor He 5:7, a. to save, 7:25 || 11:19 a. to raise up 3 ABO ABO ABR . signifies, (1) To make void, 2 Co. 3:13. (2) To destroy, Is. 2:18. 2 Ti. 1:10. ABUMSHED, p. Is. 51:6. rishteousness not a. Ez. 6:6. works be a. || 2 Co. 3:13. which is a. Ep. 2:15. a. enmity || 2 Tim. 1:10. a. death ABOMINABLE, a. Le. 7:21. touch a.4hing 11:43. not make a. || 18:30. these a. cu-toms 19:7. it is a. \\ 20:25. not make your souls a. Pe. 14:3. not eat a. || I Ch. 21:6. a. to Joab 2 Ch. 15:8. a. idols || Jb. 15:16. much more a. Ps. 11:1. done a. works || 53:1. a. iniquity U. 14:19. a. branch || 65:4. broth of a. things Jer. ln:18. a. things || 44:4. do not this a. thing Ez. 4:14. a. flesh || 8:10. bea.sts )| 16:52. sins Mi. 6:10. measure a. || Na. 3:6. cast a. filth Ti. 1:16. being a. |) 1 Pe. 4:3. a. idolatries I'e. 21:8. fearful, unbelieving, and the a. ABOMINABLY, ad. 1 K. 2r:2;3. Ahab did a. ABOMINATION, s. signifies, (1) jj tMnn- hateful and detestable, Ge. 43:32. Pr. 29:27'. (2) Sin in general. Is. 66:3. Ez. 16:15. (3) j?n idul, 2 K. 23:13. Is. 44:19. (4) .antichrist. Da. 9.27. I 12:11. (5) The Ruman army that de.e. 23:10. shall go a. \\ 13. wilt ease thyself a. J lid. 12:9. daughters from a. || 2 K. 4:3. vessels 2 Ch. 29:16. to carry it a. || 31:5. comni. came a. Kst. 1:17. deed come a. || Jb. 15:23. a. for bread Ps. 41:6. a. he telleth it || Pr. 5:16. dispersed Is. 44:24. spreadeth a. || Jer. 6:11. pour it a. La. 1:20. a. the sword bereaveth, at home Mk. 1:45. to blaze a. |( 4:22. it should come a. Lu. 1:65. noised a. {{ 2:17. known a. saying Ac. 2:6. when this was noised a. the multitude Eo. 5:5. love shed a. || 16:19. obedience come a. See Cast, Spread, Stand, Scatter, &c. ABROGATE, v. To repnd or aiimd, Ga. 2;t21. ABSALOM, A father of peacr. 2 S. 3:3. 2 S. 13:22. A. spake good nor bad, 23. 30. A. hath slain all || 39. longed to go to A. 14:23. brought A. || 25. so much pr:iised as A. 15:4. A. said, O that 1 were ju;!ge || 6. A. stole 16:22. A. went in to (■oiiciibineijI7:4. pleased A. 17:14. evil on A.\\i4.A. passed over Jordan, 24 18:5. gently with A. (| 10. I saw A. hanged 14. thro' tlie heart of A. || 18. called A. place 29. is A. safe.' 32. || 33. O my son A. my 1 K. 2:7. [ fled because of A. || 28. not after A. 2 Ch. 1 1:20. he took iMaacah, the daughter of .^ ABSENCE, s. Lu. 22:6. Phil. 2:12. ABSENT, a. Ge. 31:49. when we are a. 1 Co. 5:3. as a. in body |{ 2 Co. 5:6. are a. 8. 2 Co. 5:19. present or a. || 10:1. a. am bold 10:11 when we are a. |{ 13:5! Being a. 10. Phil. 1:27. or else be a. || Col 2:5. tho' I be a. ABSTAIN, V. To forbear, to rtf rain from. Ac. 15:20. a. from pollutions of idols, 29. 1 Th. 4:3. a. from fornication || 5:23. a. from evil 1 Ti. 4:3. a. from meats || 1 Pe. 2:11. iz. lusts ABSTLVENCE, s. Temperance. Ac. 27:21. ABUNDANCE, s. Great plcnUi, vumbcrs. De. 28:47. for a. of all things |j 33:19. a. of seas 1 S. 1:16. out of the «. of my complaint I 1 K. 10:10. no more such a. 27. 2 Ch. 1:15. 18:41. sound of a. || 2 Ch. 9:9. a. of spices i\K. 22:11. a. of waters, 38:24. II Ps. 72:7. of peace E . 5:10. loveth a. || 12. a. of the rich will not Is. 7:22. a. of milk || 15:7. a. they have gotten 47:9. a. of enchantments || 60:5. a. of the sea 66:11. a. of her glory || Jer. 33:6. a. of peace Ez. 16:49. a. of idleness || 26:10. of horses Zch. 14:14. gold, silver, and apparel in great a. JMat. 12:34. out of the a. of heart, Lu. 6:45. Mat. 13:12. and he shall have more a. 25:29. Mk. 12:44. cast in of their a. Lu. 21:4. Ro. 5:17. a. of grace || 2 Co. 8:2. a. of joy 2 Co. 8:14. your a. || 12:7. a. of revelations Re. 18:3. waxed rich thro' a. of her delicacies In ABUNDANCE. 2 S. 12:30. spoil of city 1 K. 1:19. slain oxen -a. 25. 1 Ch. 22:3,14. 1 Ch. 22:4. cedar-trees -a. marble -a. 29:2. 15. workmen || 29:21. offered sacrifices -a. 2 Ch. 9 9. timber || 4:18. vessels - great a. 9:1. brought gold -a. \\ 11:23. victuals -a. 14:15. camels || 1.5:9. they fell to Asa -«. 17:5. riches || 18:2. sheep || 20:25. spoil -a. 24-U. money || 29:35. burnt offerings -a. 31:5. of first-fruits || 32:5. shields || 29. cities Ne. 3:25. fruit-trees -«. || Est. 1:7. royal wine Jb. 36:31. giveth meat || Ps. 37:11. -a. of peace Ps. 52:7. trusted -a. of riches || 105:30. frogs Lu. 12:15. man's life consisteth not - the a. 2 Co. 8:20. that no man blame us - this a. ABUNDANT, a. Ex. 34:6. a. in goodness Pr. 12:t26. is more a. || Is. 56:12. more a. Jer. 51:13. that dwellest upon many waters, a. in 1 Co. 12:-23. a. honor || 2 Co. 7:15. a. affection 2 Co. 9:12. «. by many || 11:23. labors more a. Phil. 1:26. rejoicing a. || 1 Ti. 1:14. grace a. 1 Pe. 1:3. according to his a. mercy hath beg. ABUNDANTLY, ad. Ge. 1:20. bring a. 21. Ge. 8:17. may breed a. || 9:7. bring forth a. Ex. 1:7. increased a. || 8:3. forth frogs a. Nu. 20:11. smote, and water came out a. 1 Ch. 12:40. sheep || 22:5. prepared a. || 8. shed Jb. 12:6. bringeth a. || 36:23. distil upon man a. Ps. 36:8. a. satisfied || 65:10. waterest ridges a. 132:15. a. bless her provision || 145:7. a. utter Song 5:1. drink a. || Is. 15:3. howl, weeping a. Is. 35:2. blossom a. || 55:7. he will a. pardon Jn. 10:10. have life more a. || 1 Co. 15:10. more 3 Co. 1:12. more a. 2:4. || 10:15. to our rule a. 12:15 more a. I love || Ep. 3:20. a. above 1 Th. 2:17. a. to see your 11 Ti. 3:6. .■ihed a. He. 6:17. more a. to show j( 2 Pe. 1:11. to you a. AbJSP,, ED, ING. Le. 19:t20. a. by any lud. 19:2.5. a. her || 1 S. 31:4. lest a. 1 Ch. 10:4. • Co. 7:31. as not a. it || 9:18. a. not my power. ABUSERS, s. 1 Co. 6:9. nor a. of themselves ACC ACCAD, A spark, a pitcher. A cify, Ge. lO:'"'. ACCKPT, V. signifies, (J) To receive farornljj. Ma. 1:10,13. 2 Co. 11:4. (2) To take a pleasure in, Jer. 14:10. Ez. 20:40. (3) To furirim. Gen. 4:7. Jb. 42:9. (4) To respect partiallij, Jb. 13:10. | 32:21. Pr. 18:5. (5) To be regarded or valued, ^ Co. ^■.\'i. (6) To be beloved, or highly esteemed, Lu. 4:24. (7) To be received to grace and favor, Ac 10:35 Ep. 1:6. Lu. ]:f28. Ge. 32:20. peradventure he will a. of me Ex. 22:1 1. owner of it a. || Lev. 20:41,43. De. 33:11. a. work || 1 S. 26:19. let him a. 2 S. 94:23. said, The Lord thy God a. the Jb. 13:8. a. his person || 10. if secretly a. person 32:21. let me not a. any || 42:8. him will I a. Ps. 20:3. a. thy burnt sacr. || 82:2. a. wicked 119:108. a. I beseech || Pr. 18:5. to a. wicked Jer. 14:10. Lord doth not a. them, 12. Am. 5:22. Ez. 20:40. there will 1 a. them, 41. I 43:27. Ma. 1:8. will he a. 10. || 13. should I a. this Ac. 24:3. we a. it always, and in all places ACCEPTABLE, a. Le. 22:20. shall not be a. De. 33:24. let Asher be a. to his brethren Ps. 19:14. meditation a. || 69:13. prnyer in a. time Pr. 10:32. know what is a. || 21:3. more a. Ec. 12:10. a. words || Is. 49:8. in an a. time Is. 58:5. a. day || 61:2. a. year of the Lord Jer. 6:20. not a. nor || Da. 4:27. counsel be a. Lu. 4:19. a. year || Ro. 12:1. holy, a. to God Ro. 12:2. a. will of God || 14:18. is a. to God 15:16. might be«. || Ep. 5:10. proving what is a. Phil. 4:18. a sacrifice a. well pleasing to God 1 Ti. 2:3. this is a. || 5:4. good, a. before God 1 Pe. 2:5. sacrifices a. || 20. this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY,arf. He.l2:28. may serve God a. ACCEPTANCE, s. Is. 60:7. come up with a. ACCEPTATION, s. 1 Ti. 1:15. of all a. 4:9. ACCEPTED, p. Ge. 4:7. dost well, not he a. Ge. 19:21. I have a. the || Ex. 28:38. may be a. Le. 1:4. off'ering be a. 22:27. || 7:18. not a. 19:7. 10:19. should it be a.? || 22:21. perfect, to be a. 22:23. not a. 25. || 23: 1 1 . wave the sheaf, to be a. 1 S. 18:5. a. of people || 25:35. a. thy person 2 K. 5:tl. Naaman a. || Est. 10:3. a. of brethren Jb. 22:t8. a. dwelt || 42:9. the Lord a. Job Is. 56:7. sacrifice shall he a. on mine altar Jer. 37:20. let my supplication be a. 42:2. Lu. I:t28. graciously a. || 4:24. no prophet a. Ac. 10:35. that worketh righteousness is a. Ro. 15:31. service may be a. of the saints 2 Co. 5:9. may be a. || 6:2. now is a. time 8:12. it is a. || 17. he a. the exhortation 11:4. have not a. || Eo. 1:6. a. in the Beloved ACCEPTEST, V. Lu.' 20:21. neither a. tho\ithe ACCEPTETH, J). Jb. 34:19. a. not princes, nor Ec. 9:7. a. thy works || Ilo. 8:13. a. them not Ga. 2:6. God a. no man's person ; for they ACCEPTING, p. He. 11:35. not a. deliverance ACCESS, s. Admission, approach to, addition. Ro. 5:2. bv whom we have a. by faith into Ep. 2:18. a. to the Father || 3:12. a. by faith. KCCWO, Pressed together. Jud. 1:31. ACCO.MPANY, V. He. 6:9. that a. salvation. ACCO:MPANlED,p. Ac. 10:23. | 11:12. | 20:4,38. ACCOMPLISH, V. signifies, (I) To perform, finish, orfiLim, Jer. 44:25. Da. 9:2. Lu. 2:6. (2) To yield, or condescend to, 1 K. 5:9. (3) Obtained, or brought to pass, Pr. 13:19. Le. 22:21. to a. his vow || 1 K. 5:9. a. desire Jb. 14:6. a. as a hireling |[ Ps. 64:6. a. search Is. .55:11. it shall a. || Jer. 44:25. a. vourvows Ez. 6:12. a. my fury, 7:8. | 13:15. | 20:8,21. Da. 9:2. a. 70 years || Lu. 9:31. a. at Jerusalem ACCOMPLISHED, p. 2 Ch. 36:22. word a. by Est. 2:12. days of purification a. Lu. 2:22. Jb. 15:32. a. before his time || Pr. 13:19. desire a. Is. 40:2. warfare a. || Jer. 25:12. 70 years a. 29:10. Jer. 25:34. dispersions a. || 39:16. my words a. La. 4:11. a. his fury || 22. thine iniquity is a. , Ez. 4:6. when th(m hast a. || 5:13. anger a. D;x. 11:36. Indignation a. i| 12:7. a. to scatter Lu. 1:23. ministration a. || 2:6. the davs were a. 2:21. eight (lavs a. II 12:.50. straitened "till it be a. 18:31. all things a. || 22:37. written must be a. Jn. 19:28. all things a. || Ac. 21:5. a. those days 1 Pe. 5:9. same afkictioris are a. in brethren ACCOMPLISHING, p. He. 9:6. ACCOMPLISHMENT, S.Ac. 21:26. a. of days ACCORD,?;. To suit with, to unite. Le. 25:5. Jos. 9:2. to fight with Israel with one a. Ac. 1:14. with one a. 2:1,46. | 4:24. ] 5:12. 7:57. ran with one a. || 8:6. one a. gave heed 12:10. opened of its own a. || 20. came with one 15:25. with one a. to send || 18:12. one a. made 19:29. rushed with one a. into the theatre 2 Co. 8:17. of his own a. || Phil. 2:2. of one a. ACCORDING, prep. Likeness in guantity, or quality, Ep. 4:24. in proportion, or relation, Ro. 12:0. Ge. 27:19. I have done a. || 41:54. a. as Joseph Ex. 12:25. Lord gave a. || Nu. 14:17. be greiit a. De.l0:9. a. as G. promised || 16:10. a. as blessed 1 K. 3:6. a. as he walked before thee in truth Jb. 34:11. a. two ways, Jer. 17:10. | 21:14. i 32:19. 41:9. went :ind did a. as tlie Iiord conimamled Ps. 7:8. judce me a. i| 17. a. to his riffhteousn. 25:7. a. to thv niercv remember liis, 51:1 j lOfi: 45. I 109:26. | 119:124. ACH 98:4. a. to their deeds || 33:22. a. as wo hope 35:M. judge me a. \\ 48:10. a. to thy name, eo 02:12. rtnderest to man a. Pr. 24:12,29. 79:11. a. to thy power || 90:11. a. to thy fe:ir 103:10. nor rewarded us a. to our iniijiMv 119::25. a. to thy word, 28,41,58,65,76,107,1 16 154,169,170. 159. quicken a. to thy kindness, Is. 63:7. 150:2. praise him a. to his excellent greatnesi Is. 8:20. a. to this word || 9:3. they joy a. to 63:7. a. to all the L. || Jer. 50:29. a. to lift woill Da. 4:35. he doth a. to his will, 11:3. Ho. 3:1. a. to the love || 12:2. punish Jacob .'. to Mi. 7:15. a. to days of coming out of Egypt Mat. 9:29. a. to your faith be it unto you 16:27. a. to his works, Ro. 2:6. 2 Ti. 4:18. Kc 2:23. Lu. 12:47. nor did a. || Jn. 7:24. judge not a. Ac. 4:35. a. as he had need || Ro. 8:28. called Ro. 12:6. a. to the grace || 1.5:5. a. to Christ J. 1 Co. 15:3. a. to scriptures. 4. || 2 Co. 11:15. eml Gal. 1:4. a. to will of God || 3:29. a. to proi:iito Ep. 1:4. a. as chosen || 5. a. to good |de:isure 7. a. to riches II 11. a. to the purpose of liini lh..t 3:20. a. to the power that worketh in us Phil. 3:21. a. to the working || 4:19. a. to riches 2 Ti. 1:9. not a. to our works, but, Ti. 3:5. He. 8:9. not a. to the covenant that 1 made 1 Pe. 1:3. a. to his mercy || 4:6. live a. to God in 2 Pe. 1:3. a. as his divine || 3:13. a. to Re. 90:12. judged a. to the;' works, 13. | 22:12 ACCORDING to that. Ge. 27:8. a.- I comman<'td, Jud. 11:36. 2 K. 14:6. a.- which is vV itten, 2 Ch. 35:96. Ezr. 6:13. Tatnai did a.~ || Ro. 4:18. spoken 2 Co. 5:10. a.- he hath dene, good or bad 8:19. a.- a man hath || 9:7. a.- he pnrposetli ACCORDINGLY, ad. Is. 59:18. a. he'll rep:iy ACCOUNT, V. To reckon, to compute. Ex. 12:4. a. for the lamb || 2 K. 19:4. passeth « I Ch. 27:24. put among a.||2 Ch. 26:11. their a Jb. 33:3. giveth imt «. || Ps. 144:3. makest a. Ec. 7:27. to find a. || Da. 6:2. might give a. .Mat. 12:36. give a. i| 18:23. take a. of servants Lu. 16:2. give an a. |l Ac. 19:40. may give a. Ro. 9:t28. finish a. || 14:12. shall give a. of Phil. 4:17. abound to a. || Phile. 18. mine a. He. 13:17. must give a. || 1 Pe. 4:5. shall give a .ACCOUNT, ED, To regard or esteem De. 9:11. a. giants || 20. a. a land of giants 1 K. 1:21. a. offenders || 10:21. a. of, 2Ch 9:20 Ps. 22:30. a. to the Lord || Is. 2:22. he to b» a. < f Mk. 10:42. wliich are a. to rule over <5<#it.l6« Lu. 20:35. a. worthy 11 22:24. a. greatt st Ro. 8:36. a. as sheep || 1 Co. 4:1. so a. of us Gal. 3:6. a. to him || 2 Pe. 3:15. a. long sufl'eriri^ ACCOUNTING,;). He. 11:19. a. God was ahia ACCURSED, p. signifies. (1) Devoted to d-- slruction, Jos. 6:17. (2) Separated from t\t church, Ro. 9:3. (3) Execrated, 1 Co. 16:22. Ga. 1:8,9. De. 21 ■3.3. is hanged is a. of God, Ga. 3:13 Jos. 6:17. city be a. || 18. keep from a. thing 7:1. Achan took of a. thing, 11,12,13,15. 22:20. did not Achan commit a trespass in a. 1 S. 3:tl3. made themselves a. 1 Ch. 2:7. Is. 65:20. sinner be a. || Ro. 9:3. a. from Chri.'st ICo. 12:3.calleth Jesus a. || Ga. 1:8. let him be, 9. ACCUSATION, 6\ A criminal charge. Ezr.4:6. wrote thev unto him an a. against Jnd;lli .Mat. 27:37. set over his head a. Mk. 15:26. Lu. 6:7. find an a. || 19:8. taken bv false a. Jn. 18:29. what a. || Ac. 25:18. bro"ught no a. 1 Ti. 5:19. against an elder receive imt an a. 9 Pe. 2:11. bring not a railing a. Ju. 9. ACCUSE, V. To charge, or impeach. Pr. 30:10. a. not a servant to his master Mat. 12:10. might a. Mk. 3:2. Lu. 11:54. Lu. 3:14. nor a. any || 23:2. began to a. him 23:14. touching those things whereof ye a. him Jn. 5:45. that I will a. || 8:6. have to a. him Ac. 24:2. began to a. || 8. things we a. 13. 25:5. and a. this man || 11. whereof these a. 28:19. ought to a. || 1 Pe. 3:16. falsely a. your ACCUSED, p. Da. .3:8. near, and a. the Jew s Da. 6:24. a. Daniel || Mat. 27:12. when a. Mk. 15:3. a. him of many things, Lu. 23:10. Lu. 16:1. a. he had wasted his goods Ac. 22:30. certainty whereof he was a. 23:28 23:99. a. of questions || 25:16. before that he a. 26:2. whereof I am a. || 7. hope's sake I an: a. Ti. 1:6. not a. of riot || Re. 12:10. a. them ACCUSER, Re. 12:10. a. of our brethren ACCUSERS, s. Jn. 8:10. where are thine a -Ac. 23:30. to his a. || 35. wnen a. are come 24:8. commanding his a. to come to thee 25:16. a. face to face || IS. when a. stood ii,i 2 Ti. 3:3. false a. || Ti. 2:3. not false a. not ACCUSETH, ING, Ju. 5:45. Ro. 2:15. ACCUSTOMED, p. Jer. 13:23. a. to do evil ACELDAMA, The field of blood. Ac. 1:19. ACHAIA, Sadness, orief. A region of f?rcfc5 Ac. 18:12, 27. Ro. 15:36. | 16:.5. 1 Co. 16:15 2 Co. 9:2. J 11:10. 1 Th. 1:7,8. ACHA'CrS, A native ofAdiaia. I Co. 10:17. ACHAN, A troubler. Jos. 7: 18. | 22:20. ACIl.^R, The same. 1 Ch. 2:7. ACHBOR, A skat up weV, a rU. Ge JCtM 9 K. 22:12. ADD ADU AFF ACHIM, Confirming, or preparing. Mat. 1:14. ACUIPH, It is au ; or huw ui IkUi ? 1 S. 21:10, 12. I 29;2,9. I K. 2:40. f.CHL\\,AbrutkrTtume,fatherofZahad. 1 Ch. ilA\. fuUely written Ahlai. AVl\ME'VH.\, III a coffer. Ez( i 2. A<;H0R, Truuhle. Jos. 7:2i3. a 65:10. Ho. 2:15. the valley of -4. for a door of hope ACHORTES, Living h-0tlier.i. 2 S. 23:9. ^ ACH.S.\II, Decked, or iranlonness. Jos. 15:16. /■ Jiid. 1:12,13. 1 Ch. 2:49. ACSH.'M'll, A witch, or poison, enchantment. .'»s. 11:1. I 1-J:2i). ACHZIB, jJiiur. Jos. 19:29. Mi. 1:14. ACiiNU\V' LEDGE, v. To own; be thaiikfnl ; or, (1) 'Ai co»/, Ge. 3G:2iJ. Ts. 32:5. (2) To observe or (uAc notice of, Pr. 3:G. la. 33:13. (3; To esteem and respect, l3. 61:9. 1 Co. 10: la. (i) To approve of, 2 Co. 1:13. Phile. G. (5) To worship, ur nicke profe.iiiiunof,T)a. 11:39. De. I:tl7. not a. f;ices || -Jl:!?. a. son of hiiteil 33:9. nor a. his liielhren \\ I's. 32:5. a. my sin , P.s. 5!:3. 1 a. my transgression {{ Pr. 3;(). him Is. 33.13. a. my miylit || IJ1;9. shall a. them (53:Hj. Iho' Israel ii. ns nut || Jer. 3:13. only a. Je.-. i4;-!0. we a. a Lord || -34:5. so will I a. Da. 11:39. shall a. \\ Ho. 5:15. till they a. Ih. J Co. 11:37. u:. tilings 1 write || 16:18. a. such 2 Co. 1:13 what yon a. and I trustshalla. even ACivNOWLliUGED, p. Ge. 38:26. 2 Co. 1:14. ACKXOWLHnUETIl, v. 1 Jn. 2:2.3. a. the Son ACKXOWLEDGI .NG, ,y. 2 Ti. 2:25. of truth Ti. 1:1. a. the truth || Phile. 6. a. every good hCK.N'OWLEDGAIENT, s. Col. 2:2. to the a. ACUUAI.NT, ED, ING, Jb. 22:21. a. now Ps. 139.3. thou art a. || Ec. 2:3. a. my heart is. 53:3. man of sorrows, and a. with grief ACiiUAlNTA.VCE, «. 2 K. 12:5,7. Ji). 19.13. mine a. |{ 42:11. had been of his a. Va. 31:11. a fear to my a. || 55:13. equal and a. S8;3. put away mine a. from me, 18. Im. 2:44. among a. || 23:49. a. stood afar off Ac. 24:23. forbid none of his a. to come unto ACaUtT, V. Til absolve, Jb. 10:14. A'a. 1:3. ACAiH^s.iMOsq.ijds.ofland. IS. 14:14. Is. 5:10. ACT, s. la. 28:21. || 59:6. Jn. 8:4. ACTS, s. De. 11:3. a. he did in Egypt, 7. Jnd. 5:11. righteous a. of the Lord, 1 S. 12:7. 2 :5. 23:20. had done many a. 1 Ch. 11:22. 1 K. 10:6. true report that 1 heard, of thy a. 11:41. written in a. of Solomon, 2 Ch. 9:5. 2 K. 10:34. a. of Jehu || 23:19. o. he had done 23:28. a. of Josiah || 1 Ch. 29:29. of David 2 Ch. 16:11. u. of Asa || 20:34. of Jehosaphat 32:32. of llezekiah || Est. 10:2. all the a. Ps. 103:7. his a. \\ 106:5. utter the mighty a. 145:4. thy mighty a. 6,12. | 150:2. ACTIO.NS, s. 1 S. 2:3. a. are weighed ACTIVITV, *-. Gen. 47:6. any man of a. am. ADADAH, JVitnes- of the assenMy. The name of a city, Jos. 15:22. AD A II, .^n assembly. Ge. 4:23. | 36:2,12. ADAIAH, The witness of the Lord. 2 K. 22:1. ADALIAH, One that draws icater. Est. 9:8. ADAM, Earthly, ruddy, beautiful. Ge. 2:29. .^. gave names {| 5:2. their name A. Pe. 33:8. when he separated the sons of.'?. Jh. 31:33. transgressions, as A. \\ Ro.5:14. from 1 Co. 15:22. as in A. all die || 45. first A. the last 1 Ti. 2:13. A. first formed || 14. A. was not n. 14. and Enoch also, the seventh from A. ADA.M. Jos. 3:16. the city A. that is beside AD.V.MAH, The ground, oi red earth. A city. Ge. 10:19. Jos. 19:36. ADAM.^NT, A hard, precious stone, commonly callrd a diamond. Ez. 3:9. Zch. 7:12. ADAMI, My man. Jos. 19:33. ADAR, Power, or grandeur. A month. Our Feb. Ez.6:15. Est. 3:7,13. | 9:15. 19:21. ADBEEL, One that grieves Ood. Ge. 25:13. 1 Ch. 1:29. ADD, V. signifies, (1) To join, or put to, De. 4:2. Ac. 2:41. (2) To increase, Pr. 16:23. (3) To give or bestow, Ge. 30:24. (4) To in- struct, Ga].±e. (5) Tu uMer, De. 5:22. Ge- 30:24. the Lord shall to me a. another son I,e. 5:16. o. a fifth, 6:5. ] 27:13—31. Nn.5:7. Ku. 35:6. to cities of refuge a. forty-two cities Pe. 4:2. shall not a. 12:32. Pr. 30:6. 19:9. a. three cities || 29:19. a. drunkenness 8 S. 24:3. Lord thy God a. to the people 1 K. 12:11. a. to yoke, 14. 2 Ch. 10:14. 2 K. 20:6. a. to thy days fifteen vears, Is. 38:5. 1 Ch. 22:14. mayest a. || Ps. 69:27. iniquity Fr. 3:2. peace a. to thee |{ 30:6. a. thou not Is. 29:1. o. year to || 30:1. may a. sin to sin Mat. 6:27. can a. one cubit Lu. 12:25. Phil. 1:16. a. affliction || 2 Pe. 1:5. a. to faith Ke. 22:18. if any man a. God shall a. unto him Ar>PAN, Fouiidotwn, or basis. Ezr. 2:59. AuD.\R, Adorned, magnificent. 1 Ch. 8:3. ADDLD, p. De. 5:22. and he a. no more 1 S. 12:19. we have a. to all our sins this evil Jer. 36:;!2. a. like words || 45:3. a. grief to my Da. 4:36. and excellent majesty was a. unto me Mat. 6:33. all these things be a. Lu. 12:31. Lu. 3:20. Herod a. this || 19:11. a. a parable Ac. S:41. a. 3000 souls || 47. the Lord a. to the 5 H txi'.ie^ sra were u. ,| 11:24. much people a. Gh. 2:6. a. nothing to me || 3:19. law .' was a. ADDETH, LNG. Jb. 3^1:37. a. rebellion to Pr. 10:22. a. no sorrow |{ 16:23. a. learning to Ga. 3:15. no man disannullelh, or a. thereto ADDER, s. A kind of serpent, fail of poison. It is said to s'op its ears, the one on the earth, and the other with its tail, to avoid hearinir, Ge. 49:17. Dan an a. || Ps. 58:4. like deaf n. Ps. 91:13. tread on a. || 140:3. a. poison is under Pr. 23:32. stingeth like a. ||Is. Il:t8. a. den Is. 14:129. forth an a. || 59:t5. hatch a. eggs ADOI, Mn witness. Lu. 3:28. was the son of ^. ADDICTED, p. Dei-oted. 1 Co. 16:15. ADDITION, S. 1 K. 7:29,30,36. ADDON, Lord, or foundation. Ne. 7:61. ADER, Separated, a floa 1 Ch. 8:15. ADIEL, H'ltness, or eternity 'if Ood. 1 Ch. 4:36. All IX, Delicious, or voluptuous. Ezr. 2:15. ADINA, Pleasure, deli. witness against a. Lu. 18:11. not as others a. || I Co. 6:9. nor a. He. 13:4. a. God will judge || Ja. 4:4. ve a. ADULTERESS, ES, ,•<. Le. 20:10. a. put to d. Pr. 6:26. a. hunt || Ez. 2;t:4.5. judge as a. Ho. 3:1. yet an ii. || Ro. 7:3. she is no a. though ADULTEROUS, a. Pr. 30:20. a. woman Mat. 19:.39. a. generation, 16:4. Mk. 8:38. ADULTERY, s. is IwoMd, (1) .Valnrnt,7rhich is unclraimc^s between married yersons. Mat. 5:28. Mk. 10:11. i^) Spiritual, which is idol- alrii, Jer. 3:9. Ez. 23:37. Ex. 20:14. thou shalt not commit a. De. .5:18. Mat. 5:-,>7. | 19:18. Ko. 13:9. Le. '-'0: HI. cornm't a. snrrh' be put to death Pr. 6:32. commits a. lacketli understanding Jer. 3:8. when Israel committed a. 9. | 5:7. 7:9. will ye commit o.? || 13:27. seen thine a. 23:14 they commit a. and walk, 29:23. Ez. 16:32. hut as a wife that committe'h a. 23:37. with idols they committed u " 4^. old in a. Ho. 2:2. pnt away her a. || 4:2. j, they break ovt 4:13. your spouses shall commit a. 14. Mat. 5:28. hath committed a. in his heart 32. marry divorced com. a. 19:9. Lu. 16:1& 15:19. out of the heart proceed a. Mk. 7:21. Mk. 10:11. marry another com. a. Lu. 16:18. 19. do not commit a. Lu. 18:20. Ja. 2:11. Jn. 8:3. taken in a. 4. || Ro. 2:22. not com. a. Ga. 5:19. works of the flesh are manifest, a. 2 Pe. 2:14. eyes full of a. || Re. 2:22. commit «. ADUMMLM, Men, ruddy persons. Jos. 15:7 ; it-.n. ADVANCED, p. F.xalted, or promoted. 1 S. 12:6. a. Moses || Est. 3:1. a. Haman, 5:11. Est. 10:2. greatness whereto the king a.Mordetai ADVANTAGE, ED, ETH, Supe-nonty, gam. Jb. 35:3. what a. || Lu. 9.25. a. if he gain the Ro. 3:1. what a. || 1 Co. 15.32. what a. it me 2 Co. 2:11. Satan get a. || Ju. 16. because of a. ADVENTURE, LD, Chance, hazard. De. 28:,%. not a. to set the sole of her foot Jud. 9:17. a. his life || Ac. 19:31. would not a. ADVERSARY,*'. Ati enemy, accuser; or the devil, Ex. 23:22. I will be an a. to thine adversariea Nu. 22:22. angel stood for an a. || f32. to be ar a. 1 S. 1:6. her a. || 29:4. lest he be an a. to us 1 K. 5:4. a. nor evil || 11:14. stirred up a. 23. 11:25. a. to Israel || Est. 7:6. the a. and enemv Jb. 1:^6. a came || 31:35. a. liad written a book Ps. 74:10. the a. ri proach || 109:t6. let a. stand Is. 50:8. who is mine a. \\ La. 1:10. hath spread La. 2:4. stood as an u. jj 4:12. a. have entered Am. 3:11. a. be round || Zch. 3:tl. a. standing Mat. ,5:29. agree wiih thine a. lest the a. deliver Lu. 12:58. goest with a. || 18.3. avenge me of a. 1 Ti. 5:14. occasion to a. || 1 Pe. 5:8. your a. ADVERSARIES, s. De. 32:27. lest their a. De. 32:43. vengeance to a. || Jos. 5:13. or for a. 1 S. 2:10. a, broken || 2 S. 19.22. a. to nie Ezr. 4:1. a. of Judah || Ne. 4:11. our a. said Ps. 38:20. are my a. || C9:19. a. are before thee 71:13. are a. toiiiy soul || 81:14. a^aanst their o, 89:42. set up his a. \\ 109:4. they are my a. but 109:20. reward of my a. |( 29. let my a. be clothed Is. 1:24. ease me ofn. || 9:11. set np a. of Rezin 11:13. u. of Judah shall be jj .59:18. fury to his a 63:18. a. have trodden || 64:2. known to tliine a Jer. 30:16. all thine a. shall go into captivity 46:t0. avenge him of his a. || 50:7. their a. said La. 1:5. a. are chief jj 7. a. saw her, and did 17. his a. he round || 2:17. set up the horn of o. Mi. 5:9. hand upon thy a. [| Na. 1:?. on his a. Lu. 13:17. a. ashamed || 21:15. a. not be able 1 Co. 16:9. many a. || Phil. 1:98. terrified by o. He. 10:27. indignation which shall devour the o ADVERSITY, lES, s. Evd, trouble, uffiietii>n. 1 S. 10:19. saved out of all a. 2 S. 4:9. 2 Ch. 15:6. for God did vex them with all a. Ps. 10:6. never be in a. || 31:7. my soul in a. 35:15. a.they rejoiced||94:13. rest from days of a Pr. 17:17. born for a. || 24:10. faint in day of a. Ee. 7:14. but in the day of a. cons der God Is. 30:20. bread of «. || fie. 13:3. which suffer a. ADVERTISE, v. To counsel, or pvhhsh. Nu. 24:14. I will a. thee || Rii. 4:4. to a. thee ADVICE. «. Counsel, intcUigenee, instr»rtion. Jud. 19:30. Jake a. || 20:7. give here yonr a. 1 S. 25:33. blessed be thy a. and blessed be thou 2 S. 19:43. that our a. should noJ be first 2 Ch. 10:9. what a. give ye? || 14. after tiie a. 25:17. Amaziah took a. and sent to Joash Pr. 20:18. good a. || 2 Co. 8:10. I give my a. ADVISE, ED, To give advice, consul!. 2 S. 94:1.3. a. and see what ans. 1 Ch. 21:12. 1 K. 12:6. how do ye a. || Pr. 13:10. welt a. Ac. 27:12. the more part a. to depart thence ADVISEMENT, 5. 1 Ch. 12:19. Pr. I:t4. ADVOCATE, s. One that pleads and defends. J Jn. 2:1. we have an a. with llie Father ^NEAS, Laudable. Ac. 9:33. AFAR, ad. joined with off, signifies, (I) 77/# distance betioeni two places, Ge. 'M:18. (2) Te be estranged, Ps. 38:11. (3) Absent, Ps. 10:!. (4) Ungodlv, out of the church, Ep. 2:17. Ge. 22:4. saw" the pSace a.- 1| 37:18. saw Joseph Ex. 24:1. worship a.- || 33:7. tabernacle a - Nu. 9:10. journey a.- || 2 K. 4:25. saw «.- Ezr. 3:13. noise was heard a.- Ne. 12:43. Jb. 36:3. I will fetch my knowledge from a.-- 95. behold it a.- || 39:29. her eyes belhold a.~ Ps. 65:5. that are a.- || 138:6. he knowetb i.- 139.2. thou understandest my IhonghJs a.- Pr. 31:14. she brin:;eth her food from «.- Is. 23:7. carry her a.- || 66:19. to the isles i.- Jer. 23:23. not a God a.- jj 30:10. save, 4( 27 3!:t3. the Lord appeared from a.- unto lie 10. declare a.- || 49:30. flee, get you a.- 51:50. remember b.-|| Mi. 4:3. rebuke a.- Mat. 2(::.58. followed a.- Mk. 14:54. I.n. B:54 27:55. women beholding a.- Mk. 15:40. Mk. 5:6. saw Jesus a.- j| 11:13. a fig-tree a.- Ln. 16:23. seeth Abr. a.- || Ac. 2:39. to all a.- Ep. 2:17. preached peace to yon a.- and io He. 11:13. seen promises || -' Pe. 1:9. blind, a.- AKFAIKS, 4-. Matters, hmhiesses, concerns 1 Ch 2i;:32. a.of thekingl|Ps.ll2:5. guide his a Da. 2.49. over the a. of the province, 3:12. Ep. 6.21. ye also may know my a. 22. AFF AFT AGR Phi! 1:27. hear of your a. || 1 Ti. 2:4. a. of life AFFKCT, ED, ETH, To move, trouble, ^c. La. 3:51. eye a. my heart || Ac. 14:2. evil a. Ga. 4:17. jealously a. || 18. to lie zealously a. AFFECTION, s. Oood will, kindness, passion. 1 Ch. 'i9:3. set my a. to the house of God Ro. 1:31. without natural a. 2 Ti. 3:3. 2 Co 7:15. his inward a. is more abundant Col. 3:2. seta, on things above II 5. inordinate a. AFFECTIONS, s. Ro. 1:26. Ga. 5:24. AFFECTION ATELY, ad. 1 Th. 2:8. a desirous AFFECTIONED, a. Ro. 12:10. be kindly a. AFFINITY, s. Kindred, or alliance. 1 K. 3:1. made a. \\ 2 Ch. 18:1. in a. Ezr. 9:14. AFFIRM, V. To assert, ratify, or teach. Ro. 3:8. as some a. || 1 Ti. i:'7. whereof a. Ti. 3:8. things I will that thou a. constantly AFFIRMED, p. Lu. 22:59. Ac. 12:15. j 25:19. AFFLICT, V. To grieve, distress, or punish. Ge. 15:13. a. 400 years i| 31:50. if thou shall a. E\. 1:11. to a. them || •-'2::2. not a. widow, 23. Le. 1G;29. ye shall a. 31. | 23:27,32. Nu. 29:7. Nu. 24:2 1. a. Ashur || 30:13. oaih to a. soul Jiid. Hi:5. bind him to n. || 6. to a. thee, 19. 2 S. 7:10. nor children of wickedness a. 1 K. 11:39. I will for this a. the seed of David 2 Ch. 6:26. turn when thou dost a. 1 K. 8:35. Ezr. 8:21. might a. || Jb. 37:23. he will not a. Ps. 44:2. how thou didst a. || 55:19. God shall a. 89:22. nor son of wickedness a.||94:5.a. heritage 143:12. destroy all them that a. my soul : for Is. 9:1. grievously a. || 51:23. that a. thee 58:5. to a. his soul || 64:12. wilt a. us very sore Jer. 31:28. watched to a. || La. 3:33. doth not a. Am. 5:12. e. the just II 6:14. a. from Hemath Na. 1: 12. a. thee no more || Zph. 3:19. all that a. AFFLICTED, p. Ex. 1:12. the more they a. Le. 23:29. not be a. || Nu. 11:11. wherefore a. 1 De. 26:6. a. us || Ru. 1:21. Almighty a. 2 .S. ^3:28. a. people || 1 K. 2:26. been a. 2 K. 17:20. Lord rejected Israel and and a. me 34:28. cry of the a. || Ps. 9:tl2. forget, not a. Ps. 18:27. save a. people || 22.24. nor abhor a. 25:16. desolate and a. \\ 82:3. justice to a. 88:7. hast a. me || 15. a. and ready to die fr. 90:15. days thou hast a. || 107:17. fools are a. 116:10. greatly a. || 119:67. before I was a. 119:71. good I've been a. || 75. in faithfulness 107. I am a. \\ 129:1. a. from my youth, 2. 140:12. the Lord will maintain the cause of a. Pr. 15:15. days of a. || 22:22. nor oppress a. 26:28. hatetli those a. || 31:5. judgment of a. 1< 9:1 lightly a. || 49:13. have mercy on a. c-:2l thou a. and drunken || .53:4. and a. 7. 5411 a. tossed wilh||58:3. a. our souls||IO. sou! 60.1 1. sons that a. thee || 63:9. he was a. La. 1:4. virgins a. \\ 5. Lord hath a. her, 12. M:. 4:6. gather a. || Na. 1:12. though I have a. Zi)h. 3:12. a. and poor || Mat. 24:9. to be a. 2 Co. 1:6. whether we be a. it is for consolation 1 Ti. 5:J0. if relieved a. || He. 11:37. destitute Ja. 4;9. be a. and mourn || 5:13. is anv a. pray AFFLICTEST,©. 1 K. 8:35. when thou AFFLICTION, s. signifies (1) jidversitij, trou- ble, or d stress, Jb. 5:6. (2) OiUwnrd oppres- sion, Ex. 3:7. I 4:31. (3) Persecution fur re- liAon, Mk. i:i7. He. 10:32. {4) Correction from Ood, Jon. 2:2. Ge. 16:1 1. because the Lord hath heard thy a. 29:32. Lord hath looked upon my a. 31:42. 41 52. to be fruitful in the land of my a. E\. 3:7. seen the a. of my people, Ac. 7:34. 17. bring out of a. || 4:31. looked on their a. De. 16:3. bread of a. 1 K. 22:27. 2 Ch. 18:26. 26:7. L. looked on a. || 1 S. 1:11. look on my a. 2 S. 16:12. look on my a. 2 K. 14:26. 2 (^h. 20:9. cry in a. || 33:12. Manasseh in a. Ne. 1:3. in great a. || 9:9. didst see the a. of Jh. 5:6. a. cometh || 10:15. see thou my a. 30:16. days of a. have taken hold on me, 27. 36:8. cords of a. || 15. delivereth the poor in a. 21. chosen ratherthan a. || Ps. 25:18. look on a. Ps. 44:24. forgettest a. || 66:11. a. on our loins 7d:t42. delivered from a. || 86:9. reason of a. 106:44. regarded a. || 107:10. bound in a. and 107:39. low through a. || 41. on high from a. 119:50. comfort in my a. || 92. perished in my a. 1.53. consider mine a. and deliver me, for I do Is. 30:20. water of a. || 48:10. in furnace of a. 63:9. in all their a. || Jer. 4:15. publisheth a. Jer. 15:11. in time of a || 16:19. refuge in a. 30:15 for a. 7 \\ 48:16. his a. is near La. 1:3. because of a. || 7. remembered in a. 9. behold mine a. || 3:1. si-en a. by the rod 3:19. remembering my a. and my misery Ho. 5:15. in a. seek || Am. 6:6. a. of Joseph Ob 13. not looked on a. || Jon. 2:2. reason of a. Na. 1:9. a. not rise || Ha. 3:7. Cushan in a. Zch 1:15. helped the a. || 8:10. because of a. 10:11. he shall pass through the sea with a. Mk. 4:17. a. ariseth || 13:19. be a. such as Ac. 7:11. there came a dearth, and great a. i Co. 2:4. much a. || 4:17. light a. || 8:2. great a. Phil. 1:16. to add a. || 4:14. with me in my a. I Th. 1:6. word in much a. || 3:7. in all our a. He. 11:25. choosing rather to suffer a. with the la. 1:27. visit in a. || 5:10 example of a. and AFFLICTIONS s. Ps. 34:19. many are the a. Ps. 132:1. Lord remember David and all his a. Ac. 7:10. out of all a. || 20:23. bonds and a. 2 Co. 6:4. in a. ||Col. 1:24. of the a. of Christ 1 Th.3:3. no man should be moved by these a. 2 Ti. 1:8. a. of the gospel || 3:11. known the a. 4:5. endure a. || He. 10:32. fight of a. ||33. by a. 1 Pe. 5:9. the s;ime a. accouiplished in brethren .AFFORDING, p. Ps. 144:13. garners a. all AFFRIGHT, ED. De. 7:21. shall not be a. 2 Ch. 32:18. tliey cried with a loud voice to a. Jb. 18:20. went before were a. || 39:22. is not a. Is. 21:4. fearfulnessa. || Jer. 51:32. men of war a. Mk. 16:5. and they were a. Lu. 24:37. 6. be not a. || Re. 11:13. remnant were a. gave AFOOT, ad. Mk. 6:33. many ran a. thither Ac. 20:13. Paul minding himself to go a. AFORE, pr. 2 K. 20:4. a. Isaiah was gone out Ps. 129:6. a. it groweth || Is. 18:5. a. harvest Ez. 33:22. a. he that was escaped came and Ro. 1:2. promised a. || 9:23. a. prep, unto glory AFOREHAND, ad. Mk. 14:8. she is come a. AFORETIME, arf. Jh. 17:6 a. I was as a tabret Is. 52:4. a. into Egypt || Jer. 30:20. children as a Da. 6:10. prayed as a. || Jn. 9:13. a. was blind Ro. 15:4. whatsoever things were written a. AFR.\1D, a. Ge. 42:35. saw money, they were a. Ex. 34:30. they were a. to come nigh him Le. 2ii:6. and none shall make you a. Jb. 11:19. Nu.l2:8. a. to speak against || De.7:19. thou art a. Jud. 7:3. whoso is a. || 1 S. 4:7. Philistines 1 S. 18:29. Saul was yet the more a. of David 2 S. 1:14. wast thou not a. ? || 14:15. made a. 17:2. make him a. || 22:5. made me a. Ps. 18:4. Ne. 6:9. for they all made us a. saying, their Jh. 9:28. I am a. |j 11:19. none maketh thee a. 13:11. excellency make a. || 21. dread make me a. 15:24. anguish make me a. || 18:11. terrors shall 21:6. I am a. 23:15. || 33:7. not make thee a. 39:20. canst make him a. || 41:25. mighty area. Ps. 56:3. what time I am a. I will trust in thee 65:8. a. at thy tokens || 77:16. waters were a. 83:15. a. with thy storm || 119:120. I am a. of Is. 17:2. and none shall make thein a. Ez. 34:28. Mi. 4:4. Zch. 3:13. 33:14. sinners in Zion a. ||41:5. ends of earth 57:11. and of whom hast thou been a. or feared Jer. 30:10. none make a. || 36:24. were not a. nor 38:19. I am a. of || 39:17. of whom thou art a. Ez. 39:26. and none made them a. Na. 2:11. Da. 4:5. made me a. || Jon. 1:5. mariners n. 10. Ha. 2:17. made them a. becauseofmeV's blood Mk. 5:15. in his right mind, were a. Lu. 8:35. 9:32. a. to ask || 10:32 followed, they were a. 16:8. for they were a 1| Lu. 8:25. they being a. Ac. 9:26. a. of Saul || 22:9. light, and were a. Ga. 4:11. a. of you || He. 11:23. not a. of king's 1 Pe. 3:6. are not a. || 2 Pe. 2:10. not a. tospcak Be AFRAID. De. 1:29. nor -a. of them, 31:6. 1 S. 23:3. behold, we -a. here in Judah, how 2 S. 22:46. -a. out of close places, Ps. 18:45. Ne. 6:13. was he hired, that I should -a. and Jb. 5:21. nor -a. || 19:29. - ye a. of the sword Ps. 27:1 L. is my strength, of whom shall I -a. Is. 8:12. nor fear ye their fear, nor -a. 44:8. 19:17. -a. in himself || 51:12. -a. of a man that Ro. 13:4. if thou do that which is evil, -a. JVot be AFRAID. De. 1:17. -a. of the face of De. 7:18. thou shalt -a. of them, 18:22. Ps. 3:6. I will -a. 56:11. j| 91:5. thou shalt -a. 112:7. he shall -a. of evil tidings, his heart, 8. Pr. 3:24. when thou liest down, shalt -a. Is. 12:2. I will -a. || 31:4. he will -a. of voice Am. 3:6. people -a. || Ro. 13:3. -a. of power Be nut AFRAID. De. 20:1. -a. of them, Jos. 11:6. Ne. 4:14. Jer. 10:5. Ez. 2:6. Lu. 12:4. 1 S. 28:13. Saul said -a. [\ 2 K. 1:15. be -a. Vn. 49:16. -a. when one is made rich Pr. 3:2,5. -a. of sudden fear, Is. 40:9. Jer. 1:8. Ez. 2:6. and thou son of man -a. of them Mat. 14:27. it is I, -a. Mk. 6:.50. Jn. 6:20. 17:7. arise, -a. || 28:10. -a. go tell my brethren Mk. 5:36. he saith to the ruler, -a. only believe Ac. 18:9. -a. but speak || 1 Pe. 3:14. -a. of terror Sore AFRAID. Ge. 2'J:8. and men were -a. Ex. 14:20. Egyptians -a. || Nu. 22:3. Moab Jos. 9:24. we were -a. 1 S. 17:24. | 28:20. 1 S. 31:4. armor-bearer -a. 1 Ch. 10:4. Ne. 2:2. was -a. Mk. 9:6. Lu. 2:9. IVas AFRAID. Ge. 3:10. thy voice, and I -a. 18:15. for she -a. || 32:7. Jacob - greatly a. Ex. 3:6. Moses -a. || De. 9:19. I -n. || Ru. 3:8. 1 S. 18:12. Saul -a. 15. || 21:1. Ahimelech 28:5. !?aul saw host, -a. || 1 Ch. 21:30. David -a. JH. 3:25. I -a. of, is come || 32:6. I -a. and durst Jer. 26:21. Urijah -a. || Dan. 8:17. -a. and fell Ha. 3:2. I -a. |j Ma. 2:5. -a. before my name Mat. 2:22. Joseph -a. || 14:30. Peter -a. || 25:25. Jn. 19:8. Pilate -a. || Ac. 10:4. Cornelius -a. AFRESH, ad. He. 6:6. crucify Son of God a. AFTER, pr. Ge. 18:12. a. I am waxed oil 38:24. about 3 months a. || Ex. 13:20. a that Nu. 15:39. that ye seek not a. your own heart De. 6:14. not go a. other gods || 24:4. a. defiled Jos. 10:14. or a. it || Jud. 15:7. a. that I'll cease 1 S. 1.5:31. again a. Saul || 24:14. a. a dead dog 2 S. 21:14. a. God was entreated || 1 K. 17:13. Ne. 13:19. a. sabbath || Jh. 10:6. inquirest a. Jb. 21:3. a. I have spoken II 30:5. as a a thief Ps. 98:4. a. the work || Ec. 1:11. c»me a. || 9:3 Is. 11:3. not judge a. || Jer. 31:19. a. that I wae Ez. 46:17. a. return || Ho. 11:10. walk a. Lord Mat. 26:32. a. 1 am risen again, Mk. 16:14. Mk. 16:19. so then a. the Lord had spoken Lu. 6:1. a. the first || 12:4. a. that have no more 13:9. a. cut it down || 15:4. go a. that lost 22:58. a. a little while || .59. an hour a. another 23:26. bear it a. Jesus || Jn. 13:27. a. the i^op Ac. 5:7. three hours a. || 7:7. a. that shall com« 1 Co. 15:6. a. he was seen || Ga. 3:17. years a. 2 Pe. 2:6. a. live ungodly || Re. 20:3. a. that he AFTER this. Ge. 23:19. 2 S. 2:1. Ac. 15:1C AFTERNOON, s. Jud. 19:f? tarried till a. AFTERWARD, S. Ex. .1 a. let you go Nu. 31:2. a. be gathered || jud. 7:11. a. hanus 1 S. 9:13. a. Ihey eat || 24:5. a. David's heart Jh. 18:2. a. we will speak || Ps. 73:24. receive Pr. 20:17. sweet, but a. || 24:27. a, bu:ld thy 28:23. a. find favor || 29:11. keepelh it in ti.W. Ho. 3:5. a. return || Jo. 2:28. a. I will pour out Mat. 4:2. he was a. a hungered, Lu. 4:2. 21:32. ye, when ye had seen, repented not a. Jn. 5:14. a. Jesus findeth || 13:36. follow me a. 1 Co. 15:23. a.they that are Christ's at his coming Ga. 3:23. the faith that should a. be revealed He. 4:8. not a. spoken || 12:11. a. it yieldeth 12:17. a. when he would have inherited the Ju. 5. a. destroyed them that believed not AGABUS, Jl locust, or grasshopper, Ac. 11:28. AGAG, ./J roof, or floor. Nu. 24:7. 1 S. 15;? 9,20.32,33. AGAGITE, One that came from .^gag. Est 3:1,10. I 8:3,5. | 9:24. AG.AIN, arf. Ge. 8:21. I will not o. curse 15:16. come hithrra. || 30:31. I will a. feed and 38:26. Judah knew lier a. no mote Ex. 10:29. said, I will see a. thy fare no more 14:13. see them a. no more || 23:4. bring back a Nu. 32:15. a. leave || Jos. 5:2. circumcise a. 1 K. 17:22. soul came a. || 2 K. 19:30. vet a. Ezr. 9:14. a. break || Ne. 13.21. if ye do so a. Jb. 14:14. if a man die, shall he live a. Ps. 85:6. revive us a. || 107:39. a. are niinished Pr. 2:19. none return «. || 19:19. must do it a. Ec. 8:14. a. wirked || Ez. 26:21. never found a Am. 7:8. I will not a. pass by them, 8:2. 8:14. never rise a. || Zch. 2:12. choose Jerus. a Jn. 4:13. shall thirst a. || Ro. 8:15. a. to fear Phil. 4:4. a. I say rejoice || He. 1:5. j 2:13. 1 Pe. 1:3. hath begotten us a. to a lively hope See Born, Bring, Brought, TiR.f. AGAINST, pr. Ge. 16:12. hand a. every nv n Le. 20:3. set my face a. that man, De. 29:2ft. 2 K. 19:22. a. whom exalted voice. Is. 37:23. Ez. 13:20. behold, I am a. your pillows Mat. 10:35. set a man a. his father, Lu. 12:.53. 12:30. is a. me || Lu. 2:34. shall be spoken a. Ac. 19:36. be spoken a. ||28 22. sect spoken a. See God, Him, Jerjsalem, &.C. AGAR, Mount Sinai in Jirabia, Ga. 4:25. AGATE, A precious stone, Ex. 28:19. | 39:12 Is. 54:12. Ez. 27:16. AGE, s. signifies, (1) The whole continuance of man's life, Ge. 47:28. (2) The times pa.^t, pres- ent, or to come, Ep. 2:7. | 3:5. (3) The whole length of time, Lu. 1:48. (4) A time apt for conception, He. 11:11. Ge. 47:28. a. of Jacob 147. || 48:10. dim. for a. Nu. 8:25. a. of 50 || 1 S. 2:33. flower of a. 1 K. 14:4. Abijah's eyes were set by reason of a. 1 Ch. 23:3. from the a. of 30 || 24. from a. of 20 2 Ch. 36:17. or on him that stooped for a. Jh. 5:26. in a full a. || 8:8. inquire, of former a 11:17. thy a. shall be clearer than noonday Ps. 39:5. a. is as nothing || Is. 38:12. a. departed Zch. 8:4. every man with his staff for very a. Mk. 5:42. she was of a. of 12 years, Lu. 8:42. Lu. 2:36. of a great a. || t52. Jesus increased in 3:23. 30 years of a. || Jn. 9:21. he is of a. 23. 1 Co. 7:36. pass flower of her a. || 14:t20. ripe «. Ep. 4:tI3. till we come to a. of fulness of Christ He. 5:14. them full of a. || 11:11. she was pasta AGES, «. Ps. I4.5:tI3. a kingdom of all a. Is. 26:j4. in tlie Lord Jehovah is the rock of a. Ep. 2:7. a. to come || 3:5. which in other a. was 3:21. thro' all a. || Col. 1:26. been hid from a. AGED, p. 2 S. 19:.32. was a very a. man Jb. 12:20. understanding of a. || 15:10. very a. 29.8. the a. arose || 32:9. nora. understand judg. Jer. 6:11. the i. with him that is full of days Ti.2;2. a. men be sober||3. a. women, that they bo Phile. 9. /lei ig such a one as Paul the a. AGF.E, A valley, or lawn ; father of Shamnuh, 2 3. ' AGO, ad. 1 S. 3 20. the asses lost three daj ? a. 2 K. 19:25. ^ j.-tnot heard long a. Is. 37:26. Lzr 5:11. yesrs a. |, Is. 22:11. fashioned long a. Mat. 11:21". have repented long a. Lu. 10:13. Mk. 9:21. how long a. since this came to him Ac, 10:30. four days a. || 15:7. a good while a. 9 Cc. 8:10. a year a. 9:2. || 12:2. fourteen years AGONE, ad. 1 S. 30:13. three days a. I fell sii k AGONY, «. A dreadful conflict, Lu. 22:44. AGREE, ED, ETH, signifies, (Li To bargain with. Mat. 20:2,13. (2) To approve, or givt consent to, Ac. ,5:40. (3) To be like to, Mk 14:70. (4) To conspire, or resolve, Jn. 9:22. Am.3:3 can two walk together except the} be a AIR M»t. 5:25. a. with adversary || 18:19. if two a. •30:a. «. with liiborers |{ 13. tlidst thou not o. Mk. 14:5(>. witne-s a. not, 59. ||70. speech a. Lu. S:.").;. a. not with old |j Jn. 9:22. Jews had a. At-. .5:9. ye have a. to tempt || 40. lo him, tliey a. 1.5: !5. and to this a. the words of the prophets a:f;20. Jews have a. to desire || 28:25. they a. not 1 Jn.5:8. three a. in one|| Re. 17:17. a. to cive AUKEBMENT, s. aK. 18:3l.nial. <) kins J*. II 20:7. king M. I am accused 2'>:27. . J.trelievest thou || 28. ^.said,alm(ist thou AGROUND, a. Ac. 27: 11. thev ran the ship a. .^GUR, s. Le. 2!):16. and the burning a. AGt TR, A cnllrclor. Pr. 30: 1. .Ml i. I's. 35:2.5. a. so would we have it Is. 1:4. a. sinful nation || 24. a. I will ease me of Jer. 1:6. a. Lord God, 4:10. I 14:13. | 31:17. | 34:5. 92:18. a. brother, or a. sister, a. lord, or a. his Ez. 4:14. a. Lord, 9:8. 1 11:13. | 20:49. || 21: 1.5. Mk. 15:29. a. thou that destroyest the temple AHA. Ps. 35:21. a. our eye hath seen it Ps. 40:15. that say to me a. || 70:3. that say a. a. Is. 44:16. a. I am warm || Ez. 25:3. saidst a. Ez. 2(>:2. Tyrus said, a. || 3li:2. a. the ancient AHAB, The hroUier's father. 1 K. 18:6 AJIARAH, An odoriferous brother. 1 Ch. 8:1. .AflAREL, A/wlher host. 1 Ch. 4:8. .AHASAl, He who takes, possesses, or sees. The son of Meshillemoth, Ne. 11:13. AIIASBAI, Trusting iiime. 2 S. 23:34. AMASHTARAI, The swift turtle. Son of A'-aarah, 1 Ch. 4:6. A HASUERUS, Prince, head, or chief ; in Persian Ardshcer. Ezr. 4:6. Est. 1:1— 19. Da. 9:1. AHAVA, Eiseiice, or generation. Ezr. 8:15. AH AZ, Une that lakes, or possesses, or that sees. 1 K. 16:1. 1 Ch. 8:53. Is. 7:1. | 14:28. AIJAZI.\H, Seizure, or possession, or rision of the Lord. IK. 22:40. 2 K. 1:2. j 8:24. I 9:23. I 10:13. 2 Ch. 20:36. I 22:1,9. AHBAN, The brother's son. Son of Mishur, I Ch. 2:29. AIIER, The other, he that follows. The father of Ir and Hushim, 1 Ch."7:ll. A HI, .My brother. 1 Ch. 5:15. | 7:34. /iHIAH, Brother of the Lord. 1 S. 14:3. A IHAM, Brother of the mother. 2 S. 23:33. AlIIAN, Brother of trine. 1 Ch. 7:19. AHIEZUR, Brother of help. Nu. 1:12. AHIHUD, Brother of praise. Nu. 34:27. •*. M !J AH, Brother of the Lord. 1 K. 11:30. .AIUKAM, j1 brother that raises up. Jer. 20:24. AHILUD, A brother born. 2 S. 8:16. AHIMAAZ, A brother of the council. 2 S. 15:27, 30. I 17:17,20. | 18:27. 1 Ch. 6:8. AHI.MAN, A prepared brother, or brother of the rirrht hand. 1 Ch. 9:17. A H I MELECH, M,j brother the king. 1 S. 22:9. 2 S. 8:17. 1 Ch. 18:16. I 24:31. AHI.MOTH, Jl brother of death, or the death of , my brother. 1 Ch. 6:25. AHINADAB, A willing brother. 1 K. 4:14. .\HINOAM, The tn-other's beauty. 1 S. 14:15. AH!0, His brother. 2 S. 6:3. 1 Ch. 8:14 AHIRA, .Wti wicked brother. Nu. 1:15. .MIIRA.M, My brother's exaltation, ^"u. 20:38. AHIRAMITES. Nn. 16:38. family of the A. AHt-^AMACH, Brother of support. Ex. 31:6. AH\Sn.\UA^,Brotherofthemorning. lCh.7:10. AHISHAR, Brother of the prince. 1 K. 4:6. AHI rilOPIlEL, Brother of ruin. 2 S. 15:12. AHITI 'B, .1/// brother is goodness. 1 S. 14:3. AHLAB, A hearty brother. Jud. 1:31. AHLAI. SfrACHLAf. ICh. 11:41. A HO A, A thistle, or thorn, or hook. 1 Ch. 8:4. A HOLAH, Her tabernacle, or tent. Ez. 2:1:4. A HO LI A B, The tabernacle of the father. Ex. 31:4. I 36:1,2. j 38:23. AH' ILIBAH, Mij mansion in her. Ez. &1:4. AHOLIB.\.MAH, The hiah place of my taber- nacle. Ge. 36:2. IChri:52. AH"M.\l, A watered meadow. 1 Ch. 4:9. A HITS AM, Their taking possession, 01 visioii. 1 Ch. 4:6. AHUZZ.\, Possession, apprehension, vision, or brother of the olive. Ge. 26:20. At, A heap. A city, Jos. 7:2—5. ] 8:1,29. Ezr. 2:28. \e. 7:32. Jer. 49:3. .MATH, A heap, a mass. A city. Is. 10:26. ..AID, V. To assist, help, succor, j'ud. 9:24. AIJA, .4Srap. A city. Ne. 11:31. AIJELETH .«HAHAR, Hind of the morning. .i song, or tune. The title of the 22d Psalm. AILED, ETH. Ge. 21:17. what a. thee, Hajar Jud. 18:23. what a. thee || 1 S. 11:5. a. people 2 S. 14:5. kins said. What a. thee, 2 K. 6:28. Ps. 114:5. a. thee, O sea || Is. 22:1. a. thee now AIM, An eiie, or fountain. Nu. 34:11. AIR, i'. The element : mien, deportment. 2 S. 21:10. birds of the a. || Jb. 41:16. no a. Pt. 30:19. eaele in the a. || Ec. 10:20. bird of Mat. 8:20. and the birds of the a. have nests 13:32. birds of a. lodge. Mk. 4:32. Lu. 9:58. ALL Ac. 22.23. and as they threw dust into the a. 1 Co. 9:26. beateth the a. || 14:9. speak to the a. Ep. 2:2. prince of a. || 1 Th. 4:17. Lord in the a. Re. 9:2 a. darkened || 16:17. vial into the a. A J. AH, A vulture, or race«. Ge. 36:24. AJALON, A little stag, an oak, or strength. Jos. 19:49. AKAN, Tumult. Ge. 36:27. I Ch. 1:42. AKKTB, Print, or mark of a foot, heel, sup- planter, deceiver. 1 Ch. 3:24. AKRABBl.M, Scojyions. The name of a place, Nu. 34:4. ALAB ASTER, Soft, white marble. Mat. 26:7. ALA MELECH, Oodtsking. A city, Jos. 19:26. ALAMETH, Above death, or youth. 1 Ch. 6:60. ALAMOTH, Virgins, or hidden ones, or hid things. The title of Ps. 46. 1 Ch. 15:20. ALARM, s. JVotice of danger, or to rouse. Num. 10:5. blow an a. 6:9. || 7. but not sound a. 2 Ch. 13:12. cry an a. || Is. 16:t9. a. is fallen Jer. 4:19. the a. of war || 49:2. cause a. of war Jo. 2:1. to sound an a. || Zph. 1:16. a day of a. ALAS, an interjection ; a token of sorrow. Nu. 12:ll.a. my lord || 24:23. a. who shall live Jos. 7:7. a. O Lord || Jud. 6:22. a. I've seen an Jud. 11:.55. a. daughter || 1 K. 13:30. a. brother 2 K. 3:10. a. the Lord || 6:5. cried a. master, 15. Jer. 30:7. a. for that day is great, none is like it Ez. 6:11. and say a. || Jo. 1:15. a. for the day Ain. .5:16. shall say a. \\ Re. 18:10. a. a. 16:19. ALBEIT, ad. Ez. 13:7. Phile. 19. ALEXANDER, A strong helper. One that turns away evil. Mk. 15:21. Ac. 4:6. | 19:33,34. 1 Ti. 1:20. 2Ti. 4:14. .ALEXANDRIA, A city in Egypt, Ac. 18:24. 27:6. I 28:11. AhGUM-Trees. It signifies what is incorrupti- ble, or will not rot. 2 Ch. 2:8. | 9:10,11. ALIAH, A duke of Edom, 1 Ch. 1:51. ALIAN, or ALVAN, High, exalted. Ge. 36:23. 1 Ch. 1:40. ALIEN, S, A stranger. Ex. 18:3. been an a. De. 14:21. sell it to an a. || Jb. 19:15. I am an a. Ps. 69:8. a. to n)y mother's || Is. 61:5. sons of a. La 5:2. turned to a. |l Ep. 2:12. a. from comm. He. 11:34. turned to fliaht the armies of the a. ALIENATE, ED. Ez". 23:17. mind a. 18:32. 48:14. not a. first fruits || Ep. 4:18. a. from life Col. 1:21. j'ou that w'ere sometimes a. and ALIKE, ad. signifies, (1) Without difference, Ro. 14:5. (2) After one and the same manner, Ps. 33:15. (3) Equally troublesome, Vr. ^1:15. De. 12:22. shall eat a. 15:22. || 1 S. 30:24. Jb. 21:26. thev shall lie dovi'n a. in the dust Ps. 33:15. fashioned a. \\ 139:12. both a. to thee Pr. 20:10. both a. abomination || 27:15. are a. Ec. 9:2. come a. to all || 11:6. both be a. good Ro. 14:5. another esteemeth every day a. ALIVE, a. is taken, (1) JVaturally, Ge. 43:27. (2) Supernaturally, being raised from the dead, Lu. 24:23. (3) Spiritually, when a person is made alive to God, by his grace and the opera- tion of his Spirit, working with the word of Ood, Jn. 5:25. Ep. 2:1. Col. 2:12. Lu. 15:24. (4) Klernally, Re. 1:18. X5e. 7:23. Noah only a. || 12:12. and save thee a. 50:20. as it is this day to save much people a. Ex. 1:17. men children a. 18. |{ 22. shall snve a. Le. 10:16. sons left a. || 14:4. take two birds a. 16:10. presented a. || 26:36. are left a. of you Nu. 16:33. went down a. || 91:35. none left a. 23:33. saved her a. || 31:15. saved women a. De. 4:4. are a. || 5:3. all of us a. this day 6:24. preserve us a. || 20:16. save a. nothing 32:39. I kill and I make a. 1 S. 2:6. Jos. 9:13. save a. my father || 6:25. harlot a. 8:23. king took a. '\\ 14:10. Lord kept me a. Jud. 8:19. if saved them a. || 21:14. saved a. 1 S. 15:8. took Agag a. || 97:9. nor woman a. 1 K. 18:5. save horses a. || 20:18. take them a. 21:15. for Naboth is not a. but dead 2 K. 5:7. to kill and make a. 7 || 7:4. if save a. 7:19. catch them a. || 10:14. they took tliem a. 2 Ch. 95:19. and other ten thousand left a. Ps. 30:3. kept me a. || Pr. 1:12. swallow a. Jer. 49: 11. the fatherless, I will preserve them a. Ez. 13:18. save the souls a. 19. | 18:27. Da. 5:19. whom he would, he kept «. and Ha. 3:t2. O Lord, preserve a. thy work in Mk. 16:11. when thev heard that he was a. Lu. 15:24. my son is a. 32. || 24:23. he was n. .Ac. 1:3. showed hinis. a. || 9:41. presented her a. 20:12. young man a. || 25:19. affirmed to be a. Ro. 6:11. a. to God || 13. a. from the dead 7:9. I was a. || 1 Co. 15:99. all be made a. 1 Th. 4:15. a. and remain, 17. ||9Ti. 2:t26. Re. 1:18. I am a. || 2:8. and is a. || 19:20. cast Keep .ALIVE. See Keep. Yet ALIVE. Ge. 43:7. is vour father -a. 43:27. is he -a. 28. || 45:26. Joseph is -a. 98. 46:30. because thou art -a. (j Ex. 4:18. be -a De. 31:27. while I am -a. with vou, this 2 .S. 12:18. while the child was '-a. 21,22. 18:14. while he was -a. in the oak 1 K. 20:32. is he -a. ? || Ec. 4:2. are.-a. Ez. 7:13. were -a. || Mat. 27:63. said wbile -a. ALL, a. signifies, (I) Every creature, Pr. 10:4. Ps. 119:91. (9; Every man or person, 9 Co. 5:10. 1 Ti. 2:4. (3) A great number. Mat. ALL 3:5. PhiL 9:91. {4) Those vJio hear the gos- pel, Jji. 12:32. (5) Plentiful or perfect. Re 15:13. 1 Co. 13:2. Ge. 94:30. given a. \\ 31:43. a. thou seest is mine 39:3. a. he did to prosper || 42:11. a. one man's 45:11. lest a. thou hast || 48:15. fed me a. Ex. 20:11. made sea and a. || 33:19. a. goodness Nu. 19:14. a. unclean || 93:13. not see them a. De 5:3. a. of us alive || 13. do a. thy work Jos. 21:45. failed not, a. came to pass, 93:14. 1 S. 6:4. one plague on a. || 9:19. tell thee a. 16:11. are here a. thy child. || 30:8. recover a. 2 S. 16:4. thine are a. that pertained to Mepi 1 K. 14:10. dung, till a. || 16:25. worse than a. 20:4. thine and a. || 1 Ch. 7:3. a. chief men Ez. 8:99. wrath is against a. that forsake him Jb. 16:9. miserable comforters are ye a. 34:tl3. di.sposed a. || 19. a. work of his hands Ps. 14:3. a. gone aside || 92:17. tell a. my bones 34:19. deliv. out of them a. || 38:9. a. my desire 44:17. a. this is come || 69:19. a. before thee 104:27. wait a. on thee || 119:91. a. thy servants Pr. 1:14. a. one pur«e || 22.9. Lord maker of a. Ec. 3:20. a. are dust || 19:tl3. a. that hath been Is. 64:9. behold, see, we are a. thy people Jer. 9:2; they be a. adulterers, Ho. 7:4. Ez. 37:22. king to them a. || 43:11. a. the forms Ho. 5:2. rebiikerofa. ,| Na. 3:1. a. full of lies Ma. 2:10. have we not a. one father, hath not Mat. 5:18. till a. he fulfilled || 13:56. a. with us 22:28. they a. had her || Mk. 12:33. more tliar Mk. 12:44. she cast in a. even a. she, Lu. 21:4 Lu. 4:7. a. be thine || 6:10. looking on them a. 8:40. were a. waiting || 13:3. shall a. perish 15:31. a. is thine || 17:10. when have done a, 18:22. sell a. that thou hast, and distribute Jn. 1:16. a. received || 4:39. he told me a. that 13:10. clean, but not a. || 17:21. a. may be one Ac. 4:33. great grace on a. || 10:33. a. present 11:93. e\horted a. || 16:28. no harm, we are a 22:3. zealous, as ye a. || 20:29. but also a. Ro. 1:8. I thank God for you a. || 8:32. for us a 1 Co. 3:99. a. are yours ||'l5:10. than thev a. Ga. 3:92. a. under sin || Phil. 4:18. I have a. 2 Th. 2:12. a. be damned || 2 Ti. 3:11. out of He. 1:14. a. minist. spirits || 19:8. a. partakers 1 Pe. 3:8. finally, be ye a. of one mind 2 Pe. 3:9. a. come to repent. || 1 Jn. 2:19. not a According to ALL. Ge. 6:22. Noah did -a. Ex. 31:11. -a. the Lord commanded, 36:1. 3ft: 32,42. I 40:16. Nu. 9:34. 1 8:20. | 9:5. 99-4&. De. 3:1,41. Jos. 11:23. 1 K. 8:66. -a. he promised || n:.53 reiga -s. 22:53. -a. his father had done, 2 K. 23;32,37 I 24:9,19. 2 Ch. 26:4. | 27:2. 2 K. 10:30. -a. in my heart || 18:3. 2 Ch. i».2. 1 Ch. 17:15. -a. this vision || Ne. 5:19. -a. I've Jer. 21:2. -a. his works || 42:90. -a. Lord sav 50:29. -a. she hath done || Ez. 24:24. he liatll Da. 9:16. -a. thy righteousness, I beseech thee After ALL. Mat. 6:33. -a. these || Phil. 2:26. long At ALL. Ex. 5:23. nor delivered thy people -a Ex. 22:23. cry -a. || Le. 27:13. if -a. redeem it Nu. 23:38. power -a. || De. 8:19. if -a. forget 1 S. 90:6. if -a. miss me || 1 K. 9:6. if -a. turn Jer. 11:19. not save -a. || Ez. 20:32. not be -a. Ho. 11:7. none -a. || Mi. 1:10. weep ye not -o. Na. 1:3. not -a. acquit || Jn. 19:11. no power -a 1 Co. 16:12. not -a. to come || 1 Jn. 1:5. no darkness -a. Re. 18:21. found no more -a. || 22. heard no Before ALL. Ge. 23:18. -a. that went in at Le. 10:3. -a. be glorified || 2 Ch. .33:7. chosen -a. Jer. 33:9. -a. nations || Jlat. 96:70. denied -a. Ga. 9:14. to Peter -a. || 1 Ti. 5:90. rebuke -a. For ALL. N'u. 8:18. Levites -a. first bom De. 22:5. -a. that do so are abominat. 25:16. Ps. 78:32. -a. this they sinned still || 116:12. Ec. 5:9. earth -a. || 11:9. -a. these things God Is. 40:2. -a. her sins || Ez. 6:11. alas -a. the Ez. 20:43. loathe -a. || Da. 4:21. meat -a. Lu. 3:19. -a. the evils jj 20:38. -a. live to him Ro. 3:23. -a. have sinned || 2 Co. 5:14. died -a Phil. 2:21. -a. seek their own || 1 Ti. 9:6. rans. He. 8:11. -a. shall know me || 10:10. once -a. From ALL. Ge. 48:16. redeemed me -a. evi! Le. l(i:30. be clean -a. || Ps. 34:4. -a. my fears Jer. 16:15. -a. lands || He. 4:4. God rested -a. In ALL. Ge. 91:19. -a. that Sarah hath snid 22. -a. thou dost || De. 99:9. may prosper Jos. 29:9. obeved my voice -a. || 9 S. 2:1:39. 1 K. 2:3. prosper -a. || 96. afflicted -a. that Ne. 9:33. art just -a. \\ Ps. 10:4. God is not -a. Pr. 3:0. -a. thy way? acknowledge hitn Is. 63:9. -a. their afflictions he was alT.icted Jer. 38:9. done evil -a. \\ Ho. 12:8. -a. my lab. Ac. 97:37. -a. 976 souls 'j Ro. 8:37. -a. conq. 1 Co. 19:6. worketh all -a. || 15:28. God mav he Ep. 1:93. filleth all -a. || Col. 3:11. Christ is all 9 Th. 1:10. admired -a. || He. 13:4. honorable 9 Pe. 3:16. as also -a. his epistles, speaking ALL viirht. See Night. Of ALL. Ge. 6:9. took them wives -a 14:20. he gave him tithes -a. He. 7:2. Ex. 9:4. nothing die -a. is children's of Ism*' Jos. 8:35. not a word -a. || Jud. io:13. -a. I said 2 S. 16:21. hands -a. || 2 K. 9:5. which -a. Est. 6:10. let nothing fail -n. thou hast spoke« Jb. 8:13 paths -a. \\ Am. 3:2. -a. the families ALM ALO ALW Mk. 0:35. same shall be servant -a. 10:44. Jn. 6:39 -a. Jose iiolhing || Ac. 10:3C. Lord -a. 1 Co. 14:94. convinced -«. || Ga. 4:1. Lord -a. Ep. 4:6. Father -a. || He. 12:93. judge -a. Ja. 2:10. offend in one point, is guilty -a. On, or upon ALlj. Ge. 39:5. tlles^i^g -a. that Is. 4:^. -a. the glory || Ez. 40:4. set heart -a. Ro. 3^. to all and -a. || 11:39. have mercy -a. Jii. 15. jndgment -a. || Re. 3:10. come -a. Ovrr ALL. 2 S. 3:21. niayest reign -a. 1 Ch. 29:12. reignest -a. || Ps. 103:19. nileth Mat. 24:47. make him ruler -a. Lu. 19:44. Jn. 17:2. thoii hist given him power -a. flesh Ro. 9:5. -a. God blessed || 10:12. same Lord -a. ALL these. Ge. 15:10. he took to him a.- Ge. 49:3ii. a.- things are ag. || 49:2?. a.~ are Ex. 90:1. God spake a.- || Jb. 12:9. that in a.- Jer. 9:2f). a . nations || Ha. 2:6. a.- take up Mat. 6:33. a.- shall be added to you, Lu. 12:3. 24:8. a.- are tlie beslniiing of sorrows Ac. 2:7. a.- Galileans (| 1 Co. 12:11. worketh Col. 3:8. put off n.- || He. 11:13. a.- died in faith ALL this. Ge. 41:39. as God showed thee a.- De. 32:97. L. done a.- || Jud. 6:13. a.- be fallen 1 S. 29:15. know nothing of a.- || 2 S. 14:19. 2 Ch. 21:18. after a.- || 29:28. a.- continued Est. 5:13. yet a.- availeth me nothing Jb. 1:92. inffl.-Jobsinned not, 2:10. || 13:1. seen Ps. 44:17. a.- come on us || 78: 39. for a.- sinned Ec. 7:23. a.- I proved || 8:9. a.- have 1 seen 9:1. a.- I considered in my heart to declare Is. 5:25. for a.- his anger, 9,12,17,21. i 10:4. 48:6. thou hast heard and seen a.- will not Da. 4:28. a.- came || 5:29. knewest a.- || 7:16. Ho. 7:10. not return nor seek him for a.- Mi. 1:5. for the transgression of .Jacob is a.- Alat. 1:22. a.- was doiie that, 91:4. | 26:56. Lu. 16:26. besides a.- 1| 94:91. besides a.- to-day ALL that he had. Ge. 12.20. away, and a.- 13:1. Abr:(hain went and a.- 1| 25:5. gave a.- to 31:91. Jacob fled with a.- || 39:4. a.- put, 6. 39:5. the bles-ing ofthe Lord was on a.- that Mat. 18:25. be sold a.- and payment made Mk. 5:25. spent a. || 19:44. cast in, Lu. 21:4. To, or uiitu ALL. Ps. 145:9. the Lord is good -a. Bit. 2:14. one event happeneth -a. 9:2,3,11. Is. 36:6. -a. that trust || Mk. 13:37. [ say -a. Lu. 19:41. speakest thou this to us, or -a. Ac. 2:39. promise is -a. || 4:16. manifest -a. Ro. 10:12. Lord is rich -a. || 13:7. render -«. ) Co. 9:19. servant -a. || 1 Ti. 4:15. appear -a. With ALL. Nu. 16:30. -a. that appertain Ve. 6:5. love the L. -a. thy, 11,13. Mat. 22:37. ^''r. 4:7.-a. thy getting || Ac. 10:9. -a. his, 16:34. 1 Co. 1:2. -a. that in every place call on the Phil. 1:25. continue || 2:17. rejoice with you a. ALL the while. 1 S. 29:4. ) 95:7. | 97:11. Jb. 27:3. a.- my breath is in me and the ALL ye. Is. 48:14. a.- assemble yourselves .50:11. a.- that kindle || 66:10. a.- that love her Jer. 29;20. a.- of captivity || La. 1:12. a.- that Mat. 11:98. a.- that labor || 2.3:8. a.- are breth. 26:31. a.- shall be offended, Mk. 14:27. Ac. 2:14. a.- that dwell at Jerusalem, hearken See other usual substantives. ALLEGING, p. Affirming, Ac. 17:3. ALLEGORY, s. Is a continued metaphor, rep- resenting things under burrowed speeches. A figurative speech, Ga. 4:24. ALLELUJAH, s. Praise ye the Lord, Re. 19:1. ALLIED, p. Akin, or connected. Ne. 13:4. ALLON, Oak, or strong, fcs. 19:33. ICh. 4:37. ALLON-BACHUTH, Oakof7reepiniT, Ge. 3.5:8. ALLOW,?). Lu. 11:48. Ac. 24:1.5." Ro. 7:15. ALLOWED, ETH. Ro. 14:22. 1 Th. 2:4. ALLOWANCR, s. 2 K. 25:30. Pr. 3:t8. ALLURE, V. To eriTaire or entice ; to tempt. Ho. 2:14. I'll a. her || 2 Pe. 2:18. a. thro' lusts ALMS, s. Relief to the poor. A bountiful hand, front a merciful and pitiful heart. Mat. 6:1. do not your a. || 4. a. may be in secret La. 11:43. give a. of such things as, 19:33. Ac. 3:9. to ask a. ||3. asked an a. {{ 10. sat for a. 10:9. gave much a. \\ 4. a. come up for, 31. 24:17. I came to bring a. to mv nation ALMS-DI',EDS, s. Ac. 9:36. D'oicas full of a. ALMIGHTY, a. One of infinite power, who is able to do all things consistent with his own perfections ,• and as it is appropriated to Christ. ig a proof of his proper Deity, Re. 1:8. | 15:3. YlavTOKoaToip, Omnipotent, who canwork icitk- out means, lie. 11:3. Above means, 1 K. 19: 7,8. With weak means, Jos. 6:20. 1 S. 14:6. Against means. Da. 3:93,25. | 6:22. Ge.°17:l. I am the a. || 28:3. God a. bless thee 35:11. I am God a. || 43:14. G. a. give you mer. 48:3. God a. appeared || 49:25. by the a. who Ex. 6:3. name of G. a. || Nu. 24:4. vision of Rii. 1:20. a. hath dealt bitterly with me, 21. Jb. 5:17. chastening of a. || 6:4. arrows of a. 6:14. fear of a. || 8:3. doth a. pervert justice 8:5. su[)plication to a. || 11:7. canst find out a. 33i3. would speak to a. |( 15:25. aeainst the a. 21:15. what is the a. || 20. drink wrath of a. 22:3. any pleasure to a. || 17. what can a. do 23. if return to the a. || 25. a. be thy defence 26. thy delight in a. |l 93:16. a. troublelh tne 84:1. times not hid from a. 11 27:2. a. vexed my 87:10. will he delight in a. || 11. with the a. concoRD. 2 Jh.27: IS.receive of the a. || 99:5. a. was yet with 31:2. what inheritance of the a. from high 35. a. would answer me {| 32:8. insjiiration of a. 33:4. breath of a. || 34:10. far be it from the a. 34:19. nor a. pervert || 35:13. a. not regard 37:93. touching the a. || 40:7. conlendeth with Ps. 68:14. a. scattered || 9!:1. shadow ofthe a. Is. 13:6. shall come n^ aestrurtion from the a. f:z. 1:24. t heard r.s the voice ofthe a. 10:5. Jo. 1:15. desl-uction from a. || 2 Co. 6:18. Lord a. Re. 1:8. •:, to come, the a. || 4:8. God a. 11:17. 15::'. L.ord a. just and true thy ways, 16:7. :o:14. great day of God a. || 19:1.5, wrath of G.a. 21:92. God a. and the Lamb are the temple ALMODAD, 7'Ae measure of God. Ge. 10:26. AL.MON, Hiddm. A city, Jos. 21:18. AL.MO^;-DlBLATHAIM, Hidden in a henp of fi_ -trees. Nu. 33:46. Or, abundanca of Jigs, or storehouses. ALiNIUNDS. The almond-tree is first in flower- ing, and bears nuts called almonds. Ge. 43:11.. carry spices, myrrh, nuts, and a. Ex. 95:33. made like to a. 34. | 37:19,20. Nu. 17:8. rod of Aaron, for Levi yielded a. Ec. 12:5. a. tree flourish 11 Jer. 1:11. see rod of a. AlmondrTree. ALMOST, ad. Ex. 17:4. a. ready to stone me Ps. 73:2. fett a. gone || 94:17. a. dwelt in silence 119:87. a. consumed || Pr. 5:14. a.^n all evil Ac. 13:44. a. whole city || 19:26. a. thro' Asia 21:97. a. ended || 26:28. a. persuadest me, 99. He. 9:22. a. all things by the law are purified AlilMUG-7V«cs, Are what the Vulgate translate liana thyina,07ifi (Ac Septnagintv/ro\\^\\l wood. 'J'he wood thyiniim is the name for the eitron- tree, knoion to the ancients, and esteemed for its sweet odor, and great beauty. It came from Mauritania. It is understood to be an oily and gummy sort of laood ; and to be that sort of tree which produces the Gum Ammoniac, or OutH Arabic. Calmet thinks that the Shittim and Almurr are the same. See Algum. 1 K. 10:11. brought from Ophir a.- 12. ALOES, s. A precious wood -used in the East' for perfumes, of a higher price than gold; therefore different from the resinous juice used with us in medicine as a cathartic. Ps. 45:8. smell of a. || Pr. 7:17. bed with a. Song 4:14. myrrh, a. || Jn. 19:39. brought a. ALONE,a. siiiuifies, (1) One solitary, or by him- self, he. 13:46. Ps. 109:7. (2) One singly itilhout another, Ge. 2:18. De. 32:12. (3) To cease from, Ex. 14:12. Ge. 2:18. not good that the man should be a. 32:94. Jacob left a. || 49:38. is left a. 44:90. Ex. 14:19. let us a. || 18:18. art not able a. 24:2. Moses a. shall come || 39:10. let me a. Le. 13:46. the leper shall dwell a. without Nu. 11:14. to bear this people a. De. 1:9,12. 17. bear it not a. || 23:9. people .'hall dwell a. De. 9:14. let me a. || 32:12. Lord a. did lead 33:98. Israel then shall dwell in safetv a. the Jos. 29:90. perished not a. || Jud. 71:37. let me a. 9 8. 16:11. let him a. \\ 18:24. rur ning a. 96. 1 K. 19:99. they two were a. ||9 K. 4:27. let her a. 2 K. 19:15. thou art G. a. Ps. 86:10 Is. 37:16. 1 Ch. 29:1. Solomon, whom God a. hath chosen Ezr. 6:7. let work of God a. || Est. 3:6. Mordecai Jb. 1:15. escaped a. 16,17,19. || 9:8. a. spreadeth 10:20. let me a. that I may take comfort, 13:13. ] whom a. earth was given||31:17.morsel Ps. 83:18. a. is Jehovah || 109:7. as sparrow a. 136:4. who a. doth wonders || 148:13. name a. Ec. 4:8. there is one a. || 10. woe to him that is a. Is.2:ll. exalted, 17.||14:31. none be a. 49:91. I was left a. \\ 51:2. I called him a. and 63:3. I have trodden the wine press a and of La. 3:28. he sitteth a. I| Da. 10:7. t Daniel a. Ho. 4:17. let him a. || 8:9. a wild ass a. by hims. Mat. 4:4. man not live by bread a. Lu. 4:4. 14:23. evening was come he was a. Lu. 9:18. 15:14. let th'-m a. \\ 18:15. thee and him a. Mk. 1:24. savins, let us a. Lu. 4:34. 4:34. a. he expounded || 6:47. a. on i^e la^d 14:6. let her a. || 15:36. let a. let us see whe.her Lu. 5:21. but God a. || 6:4. eat, but for priests a. 9:18. Jesus wa« a.prnying|| was foiim'a. 10:40. left me to ?erve a. 1| '?-8. let it a. this yea.- Jn. 6:15. a mountain a. || 29. disciples gone awa 8:9. Jesus was a. || 16. I am not a. hut, 16:32. 11:48. if we let him a. || 19:7. let her a. 17:90. neither pray I for these a. but for there Ac. 5:38. let them a. || 19:9ii. not a. at Ephesus Ho. 4:93. imt for his sake a. || 11:3. 1 am left a Ga. 6:4. he sh;ill have rejoicing in himself a. He. 9:8. a. once every year \\ .la. 2:17. lieing'a ALONG, od. Nu. 21:92. go a. hy king's high. 1 S. 6:12. kine went a. \\ 28:90. Saul fell a. Jer. 41:6. l.^hm. went, weeping all a. as he wen ALOOF, ad. Ps. 38:11. stand a. from my sore ALOTl' , The name of a country, 1 K. 4:16 ALOUD, ad. See Cry, Cried, Sing. ALPHA, s. The first letter c/tAc Greek alphabet. Re. 1:8,11. | 91:6. | 22:13. Christ, The infinite Son of God, the first and Iht last in creation, providence and orace. Is. 44:6 Re. 1:17. which is strongly expressive of hii proper deity. ALPHEUS, A captain, or learned. Mat. 10:3. Mk. 2:14. I 3:18. Lu. 6:15. Ac. 1:13. ALREADY, ad. Ex. 1:5. Joseph was in Egypt a Ec. 1:10. a. of old time || Ma. 2:2. cursed a. Mat. 17:12. Elias is come a. || Jn. 3:18. con demned 1 Co. 5:3. judged a. I' i;il.3:16. not a. attained 1 Ti. 5:15. a. turned a>ide || Re. 2:95. have a. ALSO, ad. Ge. 6:3. for that he a. is flesh Nu. 16:10. and seek ye the priesthood a. 1 S. 14:44. and Saul answered, God do so, an« more a. 2 S. 3:3.5. | 19:13. 2 K. 7:4. we die a. || Ps. 68:18. rebellious a. Is. 7:13. weary my God a. || Zch. 8:91. I'll go a Mat. 6:21. there will your heart be a. Lu. 12:34 26:73. a. art one of them || Mk. 1:38. preach a Mk. 2:28. is Lord a. of the salil.ath, Lu. 6:5. Lu. 11:45. thus saying, thou reproai best us a. Jn. 5:19. a. doth the Son || 19:96. a. my servati 14:3. ye may be a. || Ac. 12:3. take Peter a. Ro. 16:2. succorerof many, and of myself a. 1 Co. 9:8. law the same a. || 15:8. seen of me a 2 Ti. 1:5. in thee a. || Ja. 2:26. works, is dead a 1 Jn. 4:21. loveth God, loveth his lirother a. ALTAR, s. is taken, (1) Properly, for a place oj divine offerings, IK. 13:1.9. (2) Figurativi ly, for the person of Christ, He. 13:10. (3 Mysticalhi,for a place of safely, Re. 6:9. Ge. 8:20. Noah builded an a. to" the Lord 12:7. Aliraham, 92.9. || 35:1. make there an a. Ex. 17:15. Moses built an a. |i 20:24. a. of earth 91:14. take from mine a. || 99:37. be an a. moi 29:44. sanctify it, an a. || 30:97. a. of incense 40:10. a. of burnt offeringHLe. 6:9. fiie ofthe a Nu. 7:84. dedication of a. \\ 18:3. nigh the a. Jos. 29:34. called the a. Ed. |i Jud. 6:25. of Baa 1 S. 2:.3.3. cut off from a. || 9 S. 21:18. rear an 1 K. 13:2. he cried against the a. O a. a. 18:30. Elijah repaired a.||35. water ran about a 2 K. 18:92. worship before this a. Is. 36:7. Ps. 26:6. comjiass thine a. || 43:4. to a. of God Is. 19:19. a. in Egypt || 27:9. stones of the a. 56:7. aeceiitedon mine a. || La. 2:7. cast off a. Ez. 8:16. between the porch and a. 25 men Jo. 1:13. ye ministers of a. || 2:17. porch and a Am. 9:8. clothes laid to pledge by every a. Ma. 1:7. ye offer polluted bread on my a. 10. fire on mine a.||9:13. covering a. with tear* Mat. 5:23. gift to the a. || 93:18. swear by a. 23:35. slew between temple and a. Lu. 11:51 Ac. 17:23. found an a. with this inscription 1 Co. 9:13. wait at a. partakers with a. 10:18. He. 7:13. attendance at a. || 13:10. we have an a Re. 6:9. 1 saw under the a. || 8:3. on the golden a 9:13. a voice from the horns of the golden^a. ALTARS, ,«. Ex. 34:13. destr. a. De. 7:5. 1 12:.) Nu. 23:1. build 7 a. || 1 K. 19:10. down thy a. 14 2Ch. 34:5. burnt the bones of priests on the a Ps. 84:3. even thine a. || Is. 17:8. not look to a Jer. 17:1. graven on horns of a. ||9. remembera Ez. 6:4. your a. .'^hall be deso ite, images be Ho. 8:11 . made a. to sin || 10:8. v horns come on a 19:11. a. as heaps || Am. 3:14. I will visit the a Ro. 11:3. Lord, they have digged down thine a ALTER, V. To change. Le. 27:10. shall not a Ezr. 6:11. a. this word || 12. destroy all that a. Ps. 89:34. not a. the thing || Pr. 31 :t5. lest they a ALTERED, p. Est. 1:19. Lu. 9:29. ALTEHETH, v. Da. 6:8. law which a not, 12 ALTERLVG, p. Nu. 14:t34. a. of purpose AL-TASCIIITH, Destroy not. The title of Pb 57,.58,.59,75. ALTHOUGH, ad. JVotwilhstanding. Ex. 13:17. a. that was near, for God said 2 S. 23:5. a. my house || Jb. 2:3. a. thou moveds< Jer. 31:39. a. I was a husband || Ez. 11:16. a. cast Ha. 3:17. a. fig-tree || Mk. 14:99. a. all be offencS ALTOGETHER, ad. Completely, absolutely. Nu. 16:13. a. a prince || De. 16:20. is a. just Ps. 14:3. a. filthy, .53:3. || 19:9. are rignteous a. Ps. 39:5. a. vanity || 50:21 . a. such a one as thyseK 139:4. knowest it a. || Song 5:16. a. lovely Jn. "^ 14. a. born in sin || Ac. 26:29. a. such as 1 Co. -■>:10. yet not a. || 9:10. a. for our sakes ALUSjJ. a m in irling together ; kneading, leaven- ing. Nu. 33:13. ALV.'V", IHs ascension or elevation. Ge. 36:40. >I,V.AiV, Eleralion or prevarication. Ge. 36:93 ALWAY, S, signifies, (1) Co^tinua;^y, Jn. 8:9i) AME (2) Frequenllii, Ac. 10:9. (3) To the e.nd vf the world, 06:20. (4) Daring life, 2 S. 9:10. Oe. :"):99. keepu.H 11:1. keepcomniamlineiits a. 14:J3. fear the L. a. || 2 S. 9:10. eat bre;ul a. Jb. 7:16. I'd not live a. || 27:J0. will lie a. call I's. 16:8. LdiiI a. before nie|| 103:9. not a. chide 119:112. pertbnn a. || I'r. 8:30. rejolcinj; a. Is. .)7:I6. not a. wrath || Mat. 28:20. with you a. Mk. 14:7 but me ye have not a. Jn. 12:8. Jii. 8-29. I do a. those {{ 11:42. hearest ine a. Ac. 10:2. prayed to IJ. a. || 2 Co. 2:14. a. causeth I'hil 1:4. a. in every prayer || 20. as a. so now also 2:12. have a. obeyed || 4:4. rejoiie in the Lord a. I Th. 2:16. fill up sins a. ||2l'e. 1:15. have «. in I AM, I AAl tluU I AM, signifies, (1) Being, or self eriif«a/, 2 Co. .5:20. Ep. 6:20. Jos. 9:4. had been a. || 2 Ch. 32:31. a. of Babylon 2 Chr. 33:21. he sent a. || Pr. 13: 17. a faithful a. Is. 18:2. sendeth a. by || 30:4. a. came to Hanes 33:7. a. of peace II Jer. 49:14. a. sent. Ob. 1. Ez. 17:15. rebelled in sending a. to Egypt S Co. 5:20. a. for Christ || Ep. 6:20. I am an a. AMBASSAGE,s. Lu. 14:32. sendeth an a. AMBER, s. ji fine, yelloiB- colored drug, endowed with the property of electricity, Ez. 1:4. AM^\]Sli,s.Asecretplace. Jos. 8:2. Jer.51:12. AMBUSHME.NT, S. 2 Ch. 13:13. | 20:22. AMEN, ad. signifies, in Hebrew, true, faithful, certain. It is used as an affirmation ; and ren- dered, verily, verily ; amen, amen, Jn. 3:3,5. 911 the promises are amen in Christ, i. e. cer- tain and firm, 2 Co. 1:20. —Jesus Christ is call- ed the amen. Re. 3:14. i. e. the truth of all the types, figures, and promises. The Ood of truth. Is. 65:16. in Hebrew, a.rjien . — It is used tn the end of a prayer, to denote our desire and hope to be heard and answered. Nu. 5:22. and the women shall say o. o. De. 27:15. all the people say a. || 1 K. 1:36. JCh. 16:36. people said a. and praised the Lord Ps. 41:13. a. and a. 72:19. | 89:53. | 106:48. Jer. 28:6. Jeremiah said a. || Mat. 6:13. for ever a. I Co. 14:16. unlearned say a. || 2 Co. 1:20. yea a. Re. 1:18. alive for evermore, a.||3:14. saith the a. 5:14 beasts said a. 19:4. || 22:20. a. even so AMEND, V. Jer. 7:3,5. | 26:13. | 35:15. Jn. 4:52. AMENDS, s. Recompense. Le.5:16. make a. for AMERCE, V. To fine. De. 22:19. shall a. him. AMETHYST, S. Ji precious stone, Ex. 28:19. — .4 gem of a purple color, which seems com- posed of a strong blue and deep red ; and, accord- fig at either of these colors prevails, affording ANG different tinges of purple ; sometimes like violet, and sometimes fading to a pale rose color. It may be deprived of its color, by putting it in fire ; ire which pellucid or colorless state, it so well imitates a diamond, that its want of hard- ness is the only way to distinguish it. Ex. 39:12. Re. 21:20. AMI, My mother, fear, my people. Ezr. 2:57 AMI \SLE, a. Jigreeablc, lovely. Ps.Bhl. A.VIISS, ad. Wrong, faulty. 2 Ch. 6:37. done a. Da. 3:29. speak any thing a. against the God Lu. 23:41. done nothing a. || Ja. 4:3. ye ask a. AMITTAI, True, faUhfU, or fearing. 2 K. 14:25. A M M A H , Her people. 2 S . 2:24. AMMI, My people. Ho. 2:1. AMMIEL, The people of Ood. Nu. 13:12. AMMlllLID, People of praise. Nu. 34:20. A.MMINAD.VB, My free, noble, or liberal people. ICh. 15:10. Song 6:12. .'VMMI.^IIADDAI, Ptople of the Almighty. Nu. 1:12. I 7:66,71. 1 10:25. AMMIZABAD, Dowry of my people. 1 Ch. 27:6. AMMON, A people. Ge. 19:38. Nu. 21:24. Zph. 29. AMMONITE. De.23:3. 1 K. 14:21. AMNON, Faithful, true, artificer, foster-father, or ttUor. 1 Ch.3:l.|4:20. AMOK, A valleii, or depth. Ne. 12:7. AM(X\, Faithful, true. 2 K. 21:18,34. AMONG, pr. Mingled with. Nu. 14:14. Ezr. 10:18. a- sons of priests || Ne. 13:26. yet a. Jb. 3ii:14. a. the unclean || 33:23. a. a thousand Ec. 6:1. common a. men || 7:28. one a. 1000 Song5:10.chiefesta. 10,000 || Jer. 5:26. a. people Mi. 7:2. and there is none upright a. men Lii. 1:28. blessed a. women || 10:3. a. wolves Jn. 6:9. a. so many || Col. hflS. a. all he might A.MOKITE, The envious, bitter one; a babbler, or talkative. Ge. 10:16. | 15:16. A.MOS, Weighty. A prophet, Lu. 3:25. A.MOZ, Strong, robust. Is. 1:1. AMVUIFOhli^, A compassed cily. Ac. 17:1. A.MPLI.AS, Large, extensive. Ro. 16:8. AMR.\.M, An eralted people, their sheaves, or haitdfuls of corn ; or, with the Most High. Ex. r,:-2Q. AMRAPHEL, Speakinir of ruin , or hidden things Ge. 14:1. AMZ[, Strong, or robust. 1 Ch. 6:46. ANAB, A grape. Jos. 11:21. 1 15:50. AN AH, Answering, or singing ; afficted. A son of Seir, Ge. 36:2,20. ANAHARATH, Infiammation,dryness,neighing, suffocation. Jos. 19:19. AN.\IAH. Ne. 8:4. | 10:22. ANAK, A collar, or ornament. Nu. 13:22,28. ANAKIMS, Oiunts. De. 1:28. | 2:11. | 9:2. ANA.VIIM, A fountain, eye, answer, affliction. Ge. 10:13. 1 Ch. 1:11. ANAMMELECK, An answer, song, or affliction of the king. 2 K. 17:31. ANAN, A cloud, or divination. Ne. 10:26. ANANI, My cloud, my divination. 1 Ch. 3:24. AN ANl AH, Cloud of the Lord. Ne. 3:23. ANANIAS, The cloud of the Lord. Ac. 5:1. | 9:10. AN AT}1, Aiisioer, song, poverty, affliction. Jud. 3;31. ANATHEMA, A curse, or cursed. 1 Co. 16:22. ANATHOTH,as ANATH, Jer. 1:1. lCh.7:8. ANCESTORS, s. Those from whom we descend ; progenitors, he. 26:45. ANCTeNT, S. s. and a. Men of former times: goviTnors, political or erclesiastical. De. 33:15. a. mountains || Jud. 5:21. a. river I S. 24:13. proverb of a. || 2 K. 19:25. Is. 37:26. 1 Ch. 4:22. a. things || Ezr. 3:12. were a. men Jb. 12:12. a. is wisdom || Ps. 119:100. then the a. Pr. 22:28. a. land mark || Is. 3:2. prudent a. Is. 3:14. with the a. || 9:15. a. he is the head 19:11. the son of a. kings || 23:7. is of a. days 24:23. reign before his a. || 44:7. the a. people 47:6. upon the a. hast || 51:9. as in the a. days Jer. 18:15. from a. paths || 19:1. take of the a. i:z. 7:21). (lerish from the a. || 8:12. what «. do 9:6. began at the a. men || 27:9. the a. of Gebal Da. 7:9. the a. of days did sit, whose, 13:22. ANDREW, Strong, or stotU. Lu. 6:14. ANDRONICUS, Victorious man. Ro. 16:7. AN EM, Answer, or song of them. 1 Ch. 6:73. ANER, Answer, or song, affliction, of light. Ge. 14:24. ANETHOTHITE. 2 S. 23:27. 1 Ch. 27:12. ANGEL, s. A messenger, or one sent of Ood ; and is applied, (1) To those noble, intellectual, and spiritual beings, whom Ood makes use of as his ministers, to execute the orders of Providence, He. 1:7,14. Ps. 104:4. (2) To Christ, who is the messenger of the covenant, and brought the glad tidings of salvation to men, Zch. 1:12. Ma. 3:1 Re. 10:1. (3) To the ministers of the gospel who are sent by Christ to declare his counsel. Re. 2:1,8,12,18. | 3:1,7. (4) To such whom Ood employs to execute his judgments. Re. 15:8. | 16:1. (5) To devils, Mat. 25:41. 1 Co. 6:3. Ge. 24:7. send his a. 40. || 48:16. a. redeemed Ex. 23:20. send an a. before, 23. | 32:34. | 33:2. Nu. 20:16- sent an a. \\ Jud. 13:19. a. did woiid. ANG 2 S. 24:16. a. stretched «iut hand, 1 Ch. 21:1ft 17. David spake when "le sawthe a. that smote 1 K. 13:18. a. spake to mt ||19:5.«. touched Elijal 1 Ch. 21:-0. Oman saw a. || 27. commanded a. 2 Ch. 32:21. a. cut off || Kc. 5:6. say before a Is. 63:9. the a. of his presence saved them Da. 3:28. God who hath .sent his a. 6:22. Ho. 12:4. yea, he had po^ver ovej- the a. an^ Zch 1:9. a. that talked with me, 13. | 4:15. 19 I said to a. that talked, 4:4. | 5:10. | 6:4. 2:3. a. went out, and || 3:3. stood before the a. 5:5. a. went forth || 6:.5. the a. answered, these Mat. 28:5. the a. an.-wered the woman, fear not Lu. 1:13. a. said, fear not|{ 19. a. said, I am Gab. 26. a. Gabriiel was || 30. n. said to her, fear not 35. a. answered || 2: 10. a. said to shep. fear not 2:13. with the a. |) 21. so named of the ((.before 22:43. appeared an a. strengthening him Jn. 5<4. a. went down at a || 12:29. an a. spake Ac. 6:15. face of an a. || 7:35. by hands of the a. 7:38. a. which spake || 10:7. a. spake to Cornelius 10:22. holy a. \\ 11:13. how he had seen an a. 12:8. a. said to Peter, bind || 9. done by the a. 10. a. departed from, 11. || 15. said, it is his a 23:8.a.nor spirit || 9.if a spirit or a. hath spoken 2 Co. 11:14. a. of light || Ga. 1:8. we or an a. Re. 1:1. by his a.|| 2:l.unto the «.8:I2,18. |3:14. 5:2. I saw a strong a. || 7:2. another a. ascend 8:3. a. stood at the altar || 4. out of the a. hand 5. a. took the censer, and filled it with fire 7. first a. sounded || 8. second, 10,12. | 9:1,13. 13. an a. flying thro' || 9:11. a. of bottomless pit 9:14. sixth a. loose || 10:1. mighty a. 18:1. | 20:1. 10:5.a. stand on the sea || 7. voice of seventh a. 8. book of the a.lO. || 11. the a. stood, saying 11: I5.a. sounded || 14:6. I saw another a. tly,8. 14:9. third a. followed || 15. another a. 17,18. 16:2. a. poured out vial, 3,4,8,10,12,17. 5. a. of the waters || 17:7. a. said, wherefore 18:21. mighty a. took || 19:17. a. standing in sun 22:8. to worship a. || 16. sent my a. to testify ANGEL of Ood. Ex. 14:19. a.- removed Jud. 13:6. countenance of an a.-|| 1 ."^.29:9. 2 S. 14:7. as an a.- so is mr- lord, 20. | 19:27. Ac. 27:23. stood the a.- || ( i. 4:14. as an a.- ANGELof the Lord. Ge. 16:7. a.- found Ge. 16:9. a.- said to him, 1. | 22:11. Nu. 2Si 32,35. Jiid. 13:18. 2 Ii 1:3,15. Nu. 22:23. ass saw the a.- landing, 25,27,35. Jud. 2:1. a.- came up, 1 K 19:7. Ac. 12:7. 5:23. curse ye Meroz, sai the a.- curse Jud. 6:11. a.- sat under an -ak, 12,21,22. 13:3. a.- appeared to the i oman, 16,20 21. 2 S. 24:16. a.- was by thres ing, 1 Ch. 21:15. 2 K. 19:35. a.- smote in th« camp, Is. 37:36. 1 Ch. 21:18. a.- commande Gad to say, 30. Ps. 34:7. a.-encampeth || 3 :5. let a.- chase, 6. Zch. 1:11. they answerecl i .|| 12. a.- answered 3:5. a.- stood by Joshua, ( || 12:8. as the «.- Mat. 1:20. a.-appeared in : dream, 2:13,19. 24. did as a.- bid him ||28: a.- descended frnra Lu. 1:11. ap|)eared an a.- ||l 3. a.- canieon tlie-i Ac. 5:19 a.- opened || 8:26 i.- spake to Pliiln 12:23. a.- smote Herod, bf uise he gave not ANGELS. Ge. 19:1. Ihen rame two «. 15. Ps. 8:5. a little lower than i e a. He. 2:7 9. 68:17. thousands of a. || 7fc .'5. did eat (/. foov 78:49. trouble, by sending vil a. among thei Mat. 4:11. a. came and min iteied, Mk. 1:13. 13:39. reapers are the a. || 4! a. shall ( ome fortk. 18:10. their a. || 24:36. not i le a. Mk. 13:32. 25:31. all the holy a. \\ 26:5 . 12 legions of a. Mk. 8:38. conieth'with the I oly a. Lu. 9:26. 12:25. but are as the a. in I mven, Lu. 20:36 Lu. 2:15. as the a. were gon || 16:22. carried 1/ 24:23. seen a vision of a. || n. 20:12. seelh 2a. Ac. 7:53. disposition of a. || o. 8:38. not (/. be 1 Co. 4:9. spectacle to a. || 6:1 we shall judge a 11:10. because of the a. || 1 1. tongues of a. Ga. 3:19. ordained by a. || Cc 2:18. worship ofo 2 Th. 1:7. from heaven witl lis uiightv a. 1 Ti. 3:16. seen of a. || 5:21. . ad the elect a. He. 1:4. better than the n. ||; La which of a. 13 7. maketh his a. || 2:2. if th> <' >rd spoken hya 2:5. to the a. hath not || 16. iit, nature of a. 12:22. company of a. || 13:2. r. inawaies 1 Pe.l:12.a. desire to look II 3:3' i made subject 2 Pe. 2:4. spared not a. || 11. w ' >, eas a. gn at Ju. 6. the a. which kept not tl. k I'rst estate Re. 1:20. stars are the a. || 5: ' 1 . 'ce of a. 7:1. four a. 2. || II. a. stood || 8 ,\ thi-c a. 9:14. loose the four a. || 15. the .. ^e-i kosed 14:10. presence of a. || 21:12. gattn '. \'. a. ANGEhS of Oud. Ge. 28:12. Jn. Ii'. Ge. 32:1. Mat. 22:30. Mk. 12:25. l^\ t ^',9. I 15:10. He. 1:6. His ANGELS, Jb. 4:18. -a. charged wf. •. t v Ps. 91:11. give -a. charge, Mat. 4:6. U v 0. 103:20. -a. excel || 104:4. -a. spirits, He. \ . 148:2. praise ye him, all -a. praise ve him, all Mat. 13:41. send forth -a. || 16:27. with -a. 24:31. send -a. Mk. 13:27. || 25:41. devil and -a Re. 3:5. confess before -a. || 1 -:7. and -a. 9. ANGER, V. Ro. 10:19. I will a. you ANGER, s. A passion. Rage, displeasure. As- cribed to Ood, it is put for his just displeasure with sin. Ge. 27:45. till a. turn away || 44:18. a. burn 45:15. a. in your eyes || 49:7. cursed be their t 10 ANG ANG ANS Ex. 32:19, Moses' a. waxed hot I| 92. let not a De 9:19, afraid of a. || 13:17. fieneness ofu. 29:04. what meanetli the heat of this great a. Jos. 7:26. Lord turned from the fierceness of a. Jud. 8:3. a. abated || Est. 1:12. his a. burned Jb. 4:t9. a. consumed |{ 9:13. withdraw his a. Ps. 21:9. time ofu. || 30:5. a. endureth but 37:8. cease from a. || 38:3. because of thine a. 69:24. let a. lake hold || 74:1. why a. smoke 78:21. a. against Israel jj 38. turned away his a. 49. fierceness of his a. || 50. a way to liis a. 85:3. turned from a | 4. a. to us to cease 85:5. draw out thine a. \\ 90:7. consumed by a. 90:11. power of a. || 103:9. nor keep a. Jer.3:5. Pr. 15:1. words stir upo. || 19:11. deferrethhis a. 21:14. pacifieth a. ,i| 22:3. rod of his a. shall fail 27:4. a. is outrageous || Ec. 7:9. a. resteth Is. 5:25. a. not turned away, 9,12,17,21. | 10:4. 7:4. a. of Rezin |{ 10:5. rod of mine a. staff ]C:2o. mine a. || 12:1. thine a. is turned away 13:9. fierce a. || 13. day of fierce a. La. 1:12. 30:27. burning witij a. i| 30. indignation of a. 42:25. fury of his a. || 48:9. I defer mine a. .s. 65:t5. smoke in my a. || 66:15. a. with fury ,er. 2:35. a. shall turn || 3:12. not cause a. to fall 4:26. broken by a. || 7:20. a. poured on this place 18:23. deal in a. || 25:38 desolate because of a. 32:31. provocation of a. || 36:7. great is the a. 42:18. a. poured, 44:6. || 49:37. my fierce a. La. 2:1. day of a. 21:22. {{ 6. despised in a. 3:43. covered with a. || 4:11. poured out his a. Ez. 5:13. a. accomplished || 7:3. send mine a. 7:8. accomplish mine a. on thee, 20:8,11. 25:14. do in Edom according to my a. 35:11. Da. 9:16. let thine a. and fury be turned away Ho. 11:9. execute my a. |{ 14:4. my a. is turned Am. 1:11. a. did tear || Jon. 3:9. turn from his a. Mi. 7:18. retaineth not a. (| Na. 1:6. abide a. Ha. 3:8. a. against rivers || Zph. 3:8. fierce a. Mk. 3:5. loolsed with a. || Ep. 4:31. all, a. Col. 3:8. ANGER of the Lord. Nu. 25:4. fierce a.- 32:14. a.- against Is. Jud. 2:14,20. | 3:8. I 10:7. De. 29:20. a.- shall smoke against that man K. 24:20. thro' a.- it came to pass, Jer. 52:3. Jer. 4:8. fierce a.- 12:13. | 25:37. | 51:45. 23:20. the a.- shall not return, 30:24. La. 4:16. the a.- hath di\'ided them, he will Zph. 2:2. fierce a.- 1| 3. hid in the day of the a.- Iii AN'GER. Ge. 49:6. -a. they slew a man V.\. 11:8. he went out from Pharaoh -a. De. 29:23. overthrew -a. || 28. rooted out -a. 1 a 20:34. Jon. rose -a. )|2 Ch. 25:10. -great a, Jb. 9:.> overturneth -a. || 18:4. teareth -a. 21:17. sorrows -a. || 35:15. visited in his a. Ps 6:1. Lord, rebuke me not -a. Jer. 10:24. 7:6. arise, O Lord, -a. || 27:9. servant away -a. 50:7. -a. cast down ||77:9. hath he -a. shut up Is. 1:':3. I called -a. || 14:6. ruled the nations -a. 63„1 for I will tread them in mine a. 6. Jer. 21:5. I will fight -a. || 32:37. driven in my a. 33:;i. whom I have slain in mine a. and in my La. 2:1. cov. Zion -a. || 3. cut off -a. || 3:66. de- stroy Ez. 3:fl4. tn hot a. 115:15. judgments in thee -a. 13:13. shower I'a mine a. |J 22:20. gather vou -a. 43:8. consumed -a. || Da. 11:20. -a. nor in battle Ho. 13:11. a king -a. || Mi. 5:15. vengeance -a. Ha. 3:12. thou didst thresh the heathen -a. ANGER hindleiL Ge. 30:2. a. of Jacob was Ex. 4:14. a. of the Lord was A;, against Moses Nu. 11:1. a. of the Lord was k. 10. | 12:9. | 22:22. 22:07. Balaa;n's a.- 1| 24:10. Balak's a. was k. 25:3. a. of the L. was k. 32:10,13. De. 29:27. Jos. 7:1. 2 S. 0:7. | 24:1. 2 K. 13:3. | 2.3:26. De. 6:15. lest a. of the L. be k. \\ 7:4. so a. of the L be 31:17 mine a. shall be k. in that day, Jos. 23: K 32:21 for a fire is t. in mine a. Jer. 15:14. 1 17:4. Jud. 9:30. Zebul's a. was k. || 14:19. Samson's a.- 1 S. 11:6. Saul's a.-20:30. || 17:23. Eliab's a.- 2S. 12:5. David a.- II 2 Ch. 25:10. their a.- 15. Is. 5:25. a. of the Lord k. Ho. 8:5. Zch. 10:3. Provoke, or provoked to ANGER. De. 4:25. to provoke him to a. 9:18. | 31:29. 2K. 17:17. I 21:6. | 23:19. 2 Ch. 33:6. 32:16. -they him to a. ||21.-me to a. I will - Jud. 2:12. bowed to them, and - the Lord to a. 1 K. 14:9. images to -him to a. 15. | 15:30,16. 2,7,13. 2 K: 17:11. Jer. 11:17. | 32:29,32. Ez. 16:26. I'i:33. Ahab did more to- the L. to a. 21:22. 22:53. Ahaz - to a. the Lord God of Israel 2K. 21:15. -me to a. 22:17. 2 Ch. 34:2.5. 2 Ch. 28:25. -to a. the Lord God of his fathers Ne. 4:5. - thee to a. li Ps. 78:58. - hi.-n to a. 106:29. Pr. 20:2. whoso -him to a. sinheth against Is. 1:4. - holy One to a. || 63:5. -me to a. cont. Jer. 7:18. - me to a. 19. | 32:30. | 44:33. Ez. 8:17. 8:19. why-to a. || 25:6. -me not too. Ho. 12:14. - him to a. || Col. 3:21. - not to a. Slow to ANGER. Ne. 9:17. Ps. 103:8. | 145:8. Pr. 15:18. I 16;32. Jo. 2:13. Jon. 4:2. Na. 1:3. ANGERED, p. 1 S. ]:f6. Ps. 106:32. ANGLE, ». 7*0 ^fi. Is. 19:8. Ha. 1:15. ANGRY, a. Ge. 18:30. let not the L. be a. 32. Ge. 45:5. bi not a. that ye sold me || Le. 10:16. De. 1:37. the Lord was a. 4:21. | 9:8,20. Jud. 18:25. lest a. fellows || 2 S. 19:42. be a. 1 K. 8:40. thou be a. with them, 2 Ch. 6:36. 11:9. a. with Solomon || 2 K. 17:18. Israel Ezr. 9:14. not be a. || Ne. 5:6. I was very a. Ps. 12:2. lest he be a. || 7:11. G. is a. with wick. 76:7. who may stand when thou art a. 79:5. how long, Lord, wiltthtyi be a. 80:4. 85:5. wilt thou be a. with us for ever.' wilt Pr. 14:17. is soon a. || 21:19. shufl an a. woman 22:24. make no friendship with an a. man 25:23. a. countenance || 29:22. a. man stirreth Ec. 5:6. G. a. at thy voice || 7:9. hasty to be a. Song 1:6. a. with me || Is. 12:1. wast a. with me Ez. 16:42. no more a. || Da. 2:12. king was a. Jon. 4:1. Jonah was very a. 4:9. Mat. 5:22. whosoever is a. with his brother Lu. 14:21. master being a. || 15:28. he was a. Jn. 7:23. are ye a. || Ep. 4:26. a. and sin not Ti. 1:7. not soon a. || Re. 11:18. nations were a. ANGUISH, s. Excessive trouble, sorrow, grief, or pain in body or mind. Ge. 42:21. a. cf his soul || E.K. 6:9. not for a. De. 2:25. nations be in a. || 2 S. 1:9. a. is come Jb. 7:11. speak in the a. || 15:24. trouble and a. Ps. 119:143. trouble, a. II Pr. l:27.distress and a. Is. 8:22. dimness of a. || 30:6. trouble and a. Jer. 4:31. the a. as of her that bringeth forth 0:24. a. hath taken hold of us, 49:24. | 50:43. Jn. 16:21. her a. for joy || Ro. 2:9. ir.bul. a. 2 Co. 2:4. for out of much a. of heart I wrote ANIAM, I am a people ; or the ship, sorrow, or strength of people. 1 Ch. 7:19. ANIM, Those icho answer ; those who afflict. A city. Jos. 15:50. ANISE, s. Mat. 23:23. pay tithe of mint, a. ANKhV.-Bones, s. Ac. 3:7. a.-received strength ANK'LES, s. 2 S. 22:t37. Ez. 47:3. ANNA, Merciful, gracious, one who gives. Lu. 2:36. there was one j3. a prophetess ANNAS, One that answers, afflicts, or humbles, Lu. 3:2. Jn. 18:13,24. Ac. 4:0. ANOINT, r. signifies, (1) To pour oil -upon, Ge. 13:13. I 28:18. (2) To consecrate, or set one apart to an office ; anointing being generally ■practised among the Jews on that occasion, to denote that the persons were endued with the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit. Ex. 28:41. (3) To use spiritual means for savintrknowleda-e. Re. 3:18. (4) To smear err daub, Jii. ^-.d,']}. (5) To furnish with authority and answerable gifts to do the work of mediator, Ps. 2:2. | 45:7. Ac. 4:27. He. 1:9. (6) To choose aiid conse- crate to the offices of prophet, priest, and kinir, Ps. 89:20. (7) The prophets, minUers, and people of Ood, Vs. 105:15. 2 Co. 1:21. 1 Jn. 2:20,27. (8) Divine consolation, Ps. 23:5. Is. 61:3. Ex. 28:41. a. and consecrate, 30:30. | 40:15. 29:7. take anointing oil and a. him, 40:13. 36. a. altar, 40:10. || 30:20. tabernacle, 40:9. 40:11. a. laver || Le. 10:32. priest he shall a. De. 28:40. thou shalt not a. thyself with oil Jud. 9:8. trees wen" to a. || 15. if a. me king Ru. 3:3. wash thyself therefore and a. thee 1 S. 9:10. a. him captain || 15:1. sent to a. 10:3. a. him whom I name || 12. arise, a. him 2 S. 14:2. a. not Ihvself with oil, but be as 1 K. 1:34. let Zadok a. || 19:15. a. Hazael king 19:16. a. Jehu, Elisha || Is. 21:5. a. the shield Da. 9:24. a. most holy || 10:3. nor a. myself Am. 0:0. a. themselves || Mi. 6:15. not a. thee Mat. 6:17. a. thy head || Mk. 14:8. a. my body Mk. 16:1. might a. || Lu. 7:46. didst not a. Re. 3:18. and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOINTED, p. Ex. 29:29. garments to be a. Le. 4:3. if priest a. do sin || 6:20. when he is a. 7:30. in the day he a. them || 8:10. a. tabernacle 8:11. a. altar, Nu. 7:1. || 12. Aaron and a. Nu. 3:3. sons which were a. || 7:10,84,88. 35:25. a. with oil, 2 S. 1:21. Ps. 45:7. | 89:20. I 92:10. He. 1:9. 1 S. 2:10. horn of his a. || 10:1. a. thee captain 12:3. Lord and his a. || 5. his a. is witness 10:0. surely the Lord's a. 24:6,10. | 26:9,16. 10:13. a. David, 2 S. 2:4,7. | 5:3. | 12:7. 2 K. 9:3. 2 S. 1:14. destroy Lord's a. || 2:7. a. me king 3:39. though a. king || 12:20. David a. himself 19:21. cursed Lord's a. || 23:l.a. of the G. of Ja. 22:51. showeth mercv to his a. Ps. 18:50. 1 Ch. 10:22. touch not mine a. Ps. 105:15. Ps. 2:2. and against his a. || tO. a. my king on 20:6. saveth his a. || 28:8. strength of his a. 45:7. a. with the oil of gladness. He. 1:9. 89:20. holy oil a. him || 92:10. a. with fresh oil 132:10. turn not away face of a. 2 Ch. 6:42. 17. I have ordained a lamp for mine a. Is. 45:1. to bis a. || 01:1. a. to preach, Lu. 4:18. La. 4:20. a. of the Lord || Ez. 28:14. a. cherub Hab. 3:13. wentest for salvation with thine a. Zch. 4:14. these are the two a. ones which Lu. 7:38. kissed his feet, and a. them, 46. Jn. I:t41. is the a. || 9:6. he a. the eyes of blind 9:11. a. mine eyes || 11:2. a. the Lord, 12:3. Ac. 4:27. Jesus whom thou hast a. 10:38. 2 Co. 1:21. he which hath a. us, is God ANOINTSDST, ». Ge. 31 :13. Ps. 23:5. ANOINTING, s. and a. Ex. 40:15. Is. 10:27. 1 Jn. 2:27. ANOINTING Oi7. Ex. 37:29. Le. 8:12. I 10:7 ' 21:10. Nu. 4:16 Ja. 5:14 Egyptian Anointing, ANON, ad. By and by. Mat. 13:20. Mk. 1:30 ANOTHER, a. JVo( the same, different. Ge. 4:25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel 30:24. add to nie a. son || 43:7. ye a. brother Ex. 22:9. a. challengeth || Le. 18:tl8. wife to a. Nu. 14:24. Caleb, because he had a. spirit Jud. 2:10. a. generation || 16:7. be as a. man. 1 S. 2:25. sin against a. || 10:6. a. man, 9. Est. 1:19. royal estate toa.||Jb. 19:27. and not a. Ps. 109:8. let a. take his otiice, Ac. 1:20. Pr. 25:9. not a. secret to a. || 27:2. let a. praise Is. 42:8. I will not give my glory to a. 48:11. 44:5, a. shall call || 57:8. discover thyself to a. 65:15. call by a. name n 66:117. one after a. Jer. 13:14. dash one against a. || Ho. 3:3. | 4:4. Mat. 12:3. look for a. || Mk. 14:19. a. said is it I Lu. 16:7. said he to a. || 12. which is a. man's 1 Co. 4:6. puffed up one ag. a. || 11:33. tarry foi 12:25. care one for a. || 2 Co. 11:4. a. Jesus Ga. 1:7. which is not a. || 6:4. and not in a. He. 3:13. exhort one a. 10:25. || 4:8. a. day Ja. 5:9. grudge not one a. || 16. pray one for a. ANSWER, s. signifies, (1) .4 reply to a question or thing, Pr. 26:4. (2) To begin to speak when no question is asked. Da. 2:20. Ac. 5:8, (3) To witness,Ge. 30:33. (4) To obey. Is. 05:12. Jer. 7:13. 1 Pe. 3:21. (5) To grant our retfuests in praver, Ps. 27:7. | 86:7. Is. 65:24. (0) To give account, Jb. 9:3. | 40:2. (7) To punish, Ez. 14:7. Ge. 41:16. give an a. of peace, De. 20:11. 2 S. 24:13. see what a. || Est. 4:15. return a. Jb. 19:10. gave me no a. || 32:3. found no a. 5. 35:12. there they cry, but none giveth a. Pr. 15:1. a soft a. || 23. joy by the a. of his m. 10:1. a. of the tongue || 24:90. giveth a right a. Song 5:0. gave me no a. || Mi. 3:7. no a. of God Lu. 20:26. and they marvelled at his a. and Jn.l:23.wemay givea.||19:9.Jesus gave no a. Ro. 11:4. a. of God || 1 Co. 9:3. mine a. to them 2 (;o. I:t9. a. of death ||2 Ti. 4:16. my first a. 1 Pe. 3:15. to give an a.||21. a. of good conscie. ANSWERS. *-. Jb. 21:34. | 34:36. Lu. 2:47. ANSWER, v. Ge. 30:33. righteousness a. 45:3. could not a. him || Ex. 23: ,2. shall not a De. 27:15. a. and say amen ||2 S. 3:11. not a. 1 K. 18:|2fi. O Baal a. || 29. voice nor any a. 2 K. 18:36. king's com. was a. not. Is. 3ii:21. Jb. 9:3. a. one of a thousand || 13:22. I will a. 14:1.5. call, I will a. Ps. 91:15. Jer. .33:3. 23:5. words he would a.||31:14. what shall I o. 33:12. I will a. thee, 35:4. || 40:2. let him a. it Ps. 27:7. a. me || 05:5. terrible things a. us 86:7. wilt a. me, 38:tl5. || 102:2. a. speedily 108:0. a. me || 143:1. in faithfulness a. me Pr. 1:28. buti will not a. || 15:28. studieth to a £2:21. a. words of truth || 20:4. a. not a fool 20:5. a. a fool||29:19 understand, he will not a Is. 14:32. a. messengers || .50:2. none to a. 06:4. 58:9. call. Lord will a. |( 65:12. ye did not a. 65:24. before they call I will o.|| Jer. 7:27. not a. Ez. 14:4. I the Lord will a. him that couieth Da. 3:16. not careful to a. || Jo. 2:19. L. will a Ha. 2:1. what shall I a. || Mat. 22:4fi. able to a. Mk. 11:30. a. me || 14:40. wist what to a. Lu. 11:7. be within shall a. || 12:11. how ye a. 13:25 a. I know you not || 14:6. could not a. Lu. 21:14. not meditate what ye a. || 22:68. not a 2 Co. .5:12. somewhat to a. || Col. 4:6. ought to a. ANSWERABLE, a. Ex. 30:18. Mat. 3:t8. ANSWERED, p. Ge. 35:3. who a. me in Ex. 19:19. God a. him || Jud. 8:8. Penuel a. 1 S. 3:4. a. here am I, 16. || 4:20. she a. not 7:t9. Lord a. him || 14:37. a. him not, 28:6. 2 S. 19:42. men of Judah a. || 21:1. the L. a. 22:42. looked, but he a. them not, Ps. 18:41. 1 K. 2:30. thus he a. || 12:13. a. roughly 18:21. a. him not a word, 2K. 18:36. Is. 36:21 26. nor any that a. || 1 Cb. 21:26. a. by fire 2 Ch. 2.5:9. man of God a. || Jb. 11:2. words be a Ps. 81:7. a. in secret place || 99:0. be a. them 118:5. Lord a. me || Is. 6:11. a. till cities are Jer. 7:13. I called you but ye a. not, 35:17. 23:35. what hath the Lord a. and spoken, 37 Ez. 37:3. 1 a. thou knowest || Da. 1:14. Da. < 11 APO APP ARA Mi. 6:5. what Bal.iain a. || Ha. 0:2. Lord a. me Zch. l:i:!. tlie Luril a. the angel that talked Wat. l.'i:2a. a. lier not a word || 20:13. a. one of thein Zh-M'j. his Lord a. and said, thou wicked and 27:ia. a. noUiiiig, Mk. 1 1:61. | 15:3. Lii. '^3:9. Mk. 12:98. had a. well || 31. he a. discreetly Ac. 15:13. James a. \\ 22:8. 1 a. who art tliou L. 2r):fi. while he a. for himself, 26:1. A.\.S\VEilEU and said. Ex. 4:1. 2 K. 7:13. Ne. 2:20. Jl). 3:t2. I 6:1. I 9:1. | 12:1. | 16:1. | 19:1. Is. 21:9. Jer. 11:,5. AN.-?VVEREI).9 1:2. a. go over Jordan || Ju. 5:12. a. Barak 3 S. 2:14. a an i play || 3:21 I will a. and gath 2 S. 11:20. if king's wrath a. || 1 K. 3:12. nor any a. 2 K. 9:2. make Jehu a.\\ 1 Ch. 22:16. a. be doing Ne. 2:20. we his servants will a. and build Est. 1:18. a. contempt || 4:14. enlatgenieut a. Jb.7:4. when shall I a.|| 25:3. doth not his light a. Ps. 3:7. a. Lord, 7:6. || 12:5. 1 a. sailh the Lord 44:26. a. for our help |1 68:1. let God a. let his 88:10. shall the dead a. || 89:9. when waves a. 102:13. thou .^lialt n. || Pr. 6:9. when wilt a. Song 2:13. a. my love, my fair one, and come Is. 21:5. a. ye princes || 26:19. with my body a. 60:1. «. shiue || 2. the Lord shall a. upon thee Jer. 2:27. say, a. save us || 8:4. fall and not a. 31:6. a. ye, go to Zion || La. 2:19. a. cry out Ma. 2:39. a. anotlier kud. || Am. 7:2. Jacob a. 5. Mi. 2:10. a. and depart |1 4:13. a. thresh, O Zion 7:8. foil, I shall a. || Hab. 2:19. dumb stone a. Ma. 4:2. shall the sun of righteousness a. with Mat. 9:5. easier to say a. and walk, iSlk. 2:9. 24:24. for there shall a. false Christs, and false Mk. 5:41. damsel, I say to thee a. Lii. 8:54. Ln.7:14. I say to thee a.\{ 15:18. I will a. and go 24:38. whv thoughts a. || Jn. 14:31. a. let us go Ac. 9:40. Tabitha a. || 20:30. men a. speaking 22:16. a. be baptized || Ep. 5:14. a. from dead 2 Pe. 1:19. till the day-star a. in vour hearts ARISETH, V. 1 K. 18:44. a. a little cloud Ps. 112:4. a. light || Is. 2:19. a. to shake, 21. Mat 13:21. when persecution a. Mk. 4:17. Jn 7:52. a. no prophet || He. 7:15. a. priests ARISTARCHUS, The best prince. Ac. 19:29. ARISTOBULUS, Best counsellor. Ro. 16:10. "iRK, s. signifies, (1) A chest or coffer to keep thingssafe and secret, Ex. 2:3. (2) Tlir great vessel or ship in which JYoah and hisfaoiily wrrc preserved during the flood, Ge. 0:14, (3) The chest in which the tico tables of the law, Aaron's rod, and the pot of manna, were presrrred, Ex. 37 1. Both these arks were topical of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom all the holy things senn to have pointed out tuith one consent. (1) The. ma- terials of the ark were cedar and gold, pointing out Christ in his two natures, human and divine, Ho. 14:8. Song 5:11. {-2) Its contents were the law, the pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, to denote that the law was in the heart of Christ, Ps. 40:8. and is now in. his hand. Is. 33:22. that in Christ is contained the bread of life, and all provisions for the soul, Col. 1'19. and that the efficucii of a gospel ministrij depends an Christ, Ep. 4:12. 1 Co. 3:6. (3) Over the ark were the cherubim, figures of the angels who search into the mystery of redemption by Christ, 1 Pe. 1:12. (4) The ark had a crown of gold round about, to denote Christ's regal power, and the majestij of his kingdom. Re. 19:16. (5) Where the ark u'os, there was the presence and glory of Ood, Col. 2:9. (6) Here oracles and answers of prayers were given, Ex. 25:22. (7) Here sacrifices and prayers were offered, Jn. 14:6. He. 10:19. (8) IVie ark searched out a restii/a- plnce for Israel, who loent where the ark led. Is. 55:4. (9) Before it the walls of Jericho fU, and Dairon, the God if the Philistines, Phil. 2:10. Col. 2:15. Ps. 45:5. Re. 6:2. flO).^ blessing attended the ark, 2 S. 6:11,12. Ep. 1:3. (11) The ark was removed from place to place, till filed in the temple — Christ, wheii on earth, went about doing good, till he ascended to heav- en, and sat down at the risht hand of God, Ep. 1:20. He. 12:2. (12) The Levites bore the ark — genuine preachers of the gospel proclaim Christ crucified for sinners, Ac. 9:15. Ge. 6:14. make an a. || 7:18. a. went on the Ex. 2:3. a. of bulrushes || 25:16. put in a. 40:3. 37:1. Bezaleel made the a. of Shittim wood Nu.3:3l. their charge shall be then, and tables Jos. 4:11. a. of L. 6:42. 1 S. 4:6. |6:1.2S. 6:9. 1 S. 6:19. smote, because they looked into the a. 2 S. 11:11. the a. and Israel abide in tents 1 K. 2:26. thou bearest a. || 8:9. nothinsr in a. 1 Ch. 6:31. a. had rest|| 13:3. let us bring a. 13:9. to hold the a. || 15:1. a place for a. of God 2 Ch. 6:41. and the a. of thy strength, Ps. 132:8. 8:11. places are holy wherennto the a. hath Mat. 24:38. till Nnnh entered the a. Lu. 17:27. He. 11:7. prepared an a. || 1 Pe. 3:20. while a. Re. 11:19. there was seen in his temple the a. Before the ARK. Ex. 40:5. altar of gold -a. Jos. 4:7. cut off -a. || 7:6. Joshua fell to earth -a. 1 S. .5:3. fallen -a. || 1 Ch. 16:37. -a. Asaph 2 Ch. 5:6. Solomon and congreg. assembled -a. ARK ()/ the Covenant. Nu. 10:33. a.- went De. 31:26. put book of law inside of the a.- Jos. 4:7. cut off before a.- \\ Jud. 20:2. a.- of G. 1 S. 4:3. let us fetch a.- || 2 S. 15:24. a.- of G. ICh. 17.1. a.- remained ||.Ier. 3:16. no more a.- Ile. 9:4. tabernacle which had the a.- overlaid ARK of God. 1 S. 3:3. temple where the a.- 4:11. a.- was taken, 17,22. || 6:3. if send a.- 14.18. Saul Slid, brine hither the n.- 2 S. 6:7. died before a.-]\ 7:2. a.- dwelleth 1.5:25. carrv back a.- || 1 Ch. 13:12. ! 15:2. ARKITE, A sou of Canaan, Ge. 10:17. ARM, s. is put lor, (1) Strength, Ps. 10:5. (2) The infinite power, grace and mercy of Ood, displayed in converting sinners, Is. 40:11, | 53:1 providiygfor, sitpportin a, and comforting saints Ve. 33:27. Song 2:6 1 (5:6 Ex. 15:16. greatness of a. || De. 33:20. teareth 1 S. 2:31. I will cut off thy a. and the a. of thy 2 S. 1:10. bracelet on a. ||2Ch. 32:6. a. of flesh Jb. 26:2. savest thou the a. || 31:22. let my a. fal 35:9. a. of the mi>ihty || 38:15. high a. broken 40:9. hast thou an a. I ike God, or canst thunde Ps. 10:15. a. of wicked || 44:3. nor own a. save 7l:tl8. showed thy a. || 77:15. n. redeemed thy 89:13. a mighty a. || 21. my a. strengthen him 98:1. holy a. || Song 8:6. as a seal on thine a. Is. 9;20. eat flesh of a. || 33:2. a. every n orninj 40:10. his a. .-hall rule || 1 1. lambs with his a. 51:5. a. shall judge || 9. put on strength, O a. oi 52:10. his holy ar|| 53:1. 0. revealed, Jn. 12:38. 59:16. therefore his a. brought salvation, (3:5 62:8. sworn by the a. of || 63.12. his glorious a Jer. 17:5. flesh his a. ||2I:5. fight with stronga Ez. 4:7. a. uncovered || 30:21 . broken a. of Phai 31:17. went down into hell that were his a. Da. 11:6. she shall not retain tlie power o) the a. Zch. 11:17. a. dried up. II Lu. 1:51. with his a. .\c. 13:17. with a high u. brou<;l]the them Stret.ched-out ARM. Ex. 6:6. redeemed with -a De. 4:34. by a -a. 5:15. | 7:19. | 26:8. Jer. 32:21 11:2. not seen his -a. \\ 2 Ch. 6:32. for thy -a. Vs. 136:12. with a -a. for his mercy endu. Jer. 27:5. I made the earth by my -a. 32:17. Ez. 20:33, -a will I rule || 34. gather with -a. ARM-HOLES, s. Jtr. 38:12. Ez. 13:18. ARMAGEDDON, A cursed warrior. Re. 16:16. or, a mountain of the best fruits ; from Haranii Maged. It is said also to signify, the over- throw of the proud, i.e. if the JUahomedan and Papal poicers. 1'he word refers either to the place where Jo. Ac. 20:15 AKKOGA.VCY, »-. Pride, haughtiness. 1 S. 2:3. let not a. \\ Pr. 8:13. pride and a. Is. 13:1 1. a. to cease || Jer. 48:29. his a. his pride ARROW, 4-. signifies, (I) .d dart used fur pleas- ure ur in war, IS. 20.20. Jer. 51:11. (2) Inward terrors (rum God, Jb. 6:4. I's. 38:2. (3) ff^.cked designs, Ps. 11:2. (4j Musive mid slanderous words, Ps. 64:3. (5) Ood's jud^r- ments, as thunder, lightning, famine., &c. 2 S. 22:15. Ez. 5:16. (6) God's deliverance of his people, 2 K. 13:17. (7) Qod's convin- cing word, Ps. 45:5. Heb. 4:12. 1 ■?. 20:36. shot an a. || 3 K. 9:21. a. went 2 tv. 13:17. a. of Lord's deliverance from Syria I9:.32. nor shall he shoot an a. Is. 37:33. Jb. 34:16. a. is incurable || 41:28. a. cannot make Ps. 11:2. ready their a. || 64:7. with an a. be 91:5. a. that flieth || Pr. 2.'): 18. is a sharp a. Jer. 9:8. tongue is an a. || La. 3:12. mark for a. Zch. 9:14. and his a. shall go forth as lightning ARROWS, s. Nu. 24:8. pierce with his a. De. 32:23, spend mine a. || 42. a. drunk with 1 S. 20:20. I will shoot three a. on the side S S. 22:15. sent a. and scattered, Ps. 18:14. 2 K. 13:15. take bow and a. he took a. 18. Jl). 6:4. a. of the Almighty are within me Ps. 7:13. ordaiiieth a. || 21:12. make ready a. 38:2. a. stick fast in me || 45:5. thine a. are sharp 57. 1. teeth are a. || 58:7. bow to shoot his a. 64 3. shoot their a. || 76:3. brake he the a. of 77: 19. a. went abroad || 120:4. sharp a. of the 127:4. a. in the hand || 144:6. shoot out thine a. Pr. 21:18. as madman who casteth o. and Is. 5:'8. a. are sharp || 7:24. with a. and bows Jer 50.9. a. of an evpert man || 14. spare no a. 51:11. make bri.ght a. \\ La. 3:13. a. to enter Ez. 5:16. send evil a. y:il:2l. made his a. bright 39:3. cause thy a. to fall || 9. burn bows and a. Ila. 3:11. at the light of thine a. they went \RT, V. Ge. 3:9. Adam, where a. thou Ge. 13:14. place where thou a. || 27:24. a. Esau ' 32:17. whose a. thou .= || 39:9. thou a. his wife 41:39. BO jvise as thou a. || 46:30. a. yet aliie Ex. 4:26. she said, A bloody husband thou a. Jos. 5:13. a. thou for us or our adversaries.' Jud. 8:18. eis thou a. so || 12:5. a. an Ephraiinite 13:11. a. thou the man that spakest to woman \ K. 13:18. prophet as thou a. 22:4. 2 K. 3:7. 2 Ch. 20:7. a. not thou our God, who didst drive Jb. 35:8 a man as thou a. l[ Is. 14:10. a. like Jer. 14:22. a. not thou he, O Lord our God Lu. 7:19. a. thou he || Jn. 1:49. thou a. eon of G. Ac. 21:38. a. Egyptian || 22:27. a. thou a Roman Re. 11:17. a. and wast, and a. to come, 16:5. ,\RT, S, »-. Ex. 30:25. a. of the ajiothecary 2 Ch. 16:14. spices prepared by a. of apothecary ,^c. 17:29. graven by a. || 10:19. used curious a. ARTAXF.RXES, The silence of light. Ezr. 4:7. ARTEMAS, Holy, agreeable. Ti. 3:12. ARTIFICER, «. ^ workman, craftsman. Ge. 4:22. Tubal-cain an a. \\ Is. 3:3. cunning a. ARTIFICERS, «. I Ch. 29:5. 2 Ch. 34:11. ARTILLERY, s. Military stores, cannon, &c. 1 S. 20:40. Jonathan gave his a. to the lad ARUBOTH, Cataracts; windows; locusts; snares. The name of a place, 1 K. 4:10. ARUMAH. Jud. 9:41. ARVAD, The name of a city, Ez. 27:8. ARVADITE, The son of Canaan, Ge. 10:18. ARZAIL 1 K. 16:9. AS, conj. signifies, (1) Like, I Pe. 3:8. (2) While, Ac. 20:9. (3) For, Mat. 6:12. (4) Be- cause, Jn. 15:12. I 17:2. (5) Jifler the manner of, Jb. 31:33. it showeth, (1) Likeness in gualitij, bat not in quantity, Mat. 5:48. (2) Kquaihi, Jn. 5:23. (3) The likeness, but not the truth of a thing. Mat. 26:.55. (4) The like- ness and truth of a thing. He. 12:7. Ge. 3:5. be a. gods || 22. become a. one of us 1 S. 16:7. the Lord seelh not a. man seeth Ps. 125:5. a. for such a. turn aside to crooked Pr. 24:29. a. he hath done || Is. 24:2. a. with Mat. 10:25. a. his master || 19:19. a. thyself, Ro. 13:9. Jn. 1:14. glory a. \\ Ac. 7:51. a. vour fathers 2 Cor. 2:17. a. of God || Ga. 4:12." I am a. ye are have received Christ Jesus, so walk ASA, J? physician, or cure. 1 K. 15:8. ASAHEL, The work of Ood. 2 8.2:18. ASAIAH, The creature of the Lord. 2 K. 22:12. 1 Ch. 4:,36. I 15:6. 2Ch. 34:20. ASAPH, Gathered, completed. 2 K. 18:18. 1 Ch. 6:39. ASAREEL, The beatitude of God. 1 Ch. 4:16. ASARELAH, Blessedness of God. 1 Ch. 25:3. ASCEND, V. signifies, (1) Toclinihnp, Jos. 6:5. (2) To enter into heaven, Ep. 4:9,10. (3) To be admitted as a true worshipper into God's courts and presence, Ps. 24:3. Jos. 6:5. people shall a. every man straight Ps. 24:3. who shall a. the hiil, Ro. 10:6. 1.3.5:7. vapors to a. Jer. 10:13. | 51:16. 139:8. a. to heaven || Is. 14:13. a. to heaven, 14. Ez. 38:9. thou shalt a. and come like a storm Jn.6:62. Son of man a. || 20:17. I a. to my Father Re. 17:8. beast a. out of the bottomless pit ASCENDED, v. or p. Jud. 13:20. angel of the Lord a. Ps. 68:18. hast a. up on high, Ep. 4:8,9,10. Pr. 30:4. who hath a. up into heaven, or des. Jn. 3:13. no man hath a. || 20:17. not yet a. Ac. 2:34. David is not yet a. into the heavens Re. 8:4. smoke of incen-e a. || 11:12. they a. ASCENDETH, v. Re. 11:7. beast a. || 14:11. smoke ASCENDING, p. Ge. 28:12. angels a. and 1 S. 28:13. I saw gods a. \\ Lu. 19:28. a. up to Jn. 1:51. angels of God a. and des. Re. 7:2. ASCENT, «. 2 S. 15:30. 1 K. 10:5. 2 Ch. 9:4. ASCRIBE, V. De. 32:3. a. greatness to our G. Jb. 3i;:3. n. righteousness || Ps. 68:34. a. strength ASCRIBED,«. or p. 1 S. 18:8. a. to Dav. 10,000. ASENATH, Peril or misfortune. Ge. 41:45. ASH, s. Is. 44:14. he planteth an a. the rain ASH.V.MED, a. Confused, dismaved, and abashed. Ps. 6:10. Jer. 48:1,20. Weought not to he ashamed, (1) Of Christ and his word. Mat. 8:38. Ro. 1:16. [i) JlfjlicUon for the goiqid, Ro. 5:5. (3) Of such as suffer for Christ, 2 Ti. 1 : 12. (4) JVorfor our faith, Ro. 9:33. (5) But of all sin, Ro. 6:21. Ge. 2:25. were not a. \\ Jud. 3:25. tarried till a. 2 S. 10:5. men were greatly a. 1 Ch. 19:5. 19:3. people being a. steal away when they flee 2 K. 2:17. urged till a. || 8:11. till he was a. 2 Ch. 30:15. the priests and Levites were a. Ezr. 8:22. I was a. || 9:6. I am a. and blush Jb. 6:20. were a. \\ 11:3. make thee a. || 19:3. Ps. 34:5. faces were not a. || 74:21. return a. Pr. 12:4. she that maketh a. is as rottenness Is. 20:5. a. of Ethiopia || 24:23. sun shall be a. .30:5. all a. of a people || 33:9. Lebanon is u. and Jer. 2:26. as thief is a. || 6:15. were they a.8:l2. 8:9. wise men are a. || 14:4. ploughmen were a. 48:13. Moab be a. of Chemc 3(i, as Israel was a. Ez. 16:27. a. of th v lewd wny || 32:30. are a. Lu. 13:17. adv?isr./ies were a. || 16:3. to beg a. Ro. 1:16. I am not a. of the gospel of Christ 5:5. hope maketh not a. || 6:21. are now a. 2 Cc 7:14. I am not a. 2 Ti. 1:12,16. He. 2:11. not a. to call them brethren, 11:16. See Confounded. Be ASHAMED. Ge. 38:23. lest we -a. Pe. 6:10. let my en. -a. || 25:3. none that wait 31:1. let niP never -a. 17. | 35:26. | 69:6. 86:17. see it and -a. \\ 109:28. let them -a. but ll9:78.1et the proud -n.for they dealt perversely Is. 1:29. -u. of the oaks || 23:4; -a. O /.idon 26:11. see and -a. jj 42:17. -a. that trusi in i:nag. Is. 44:9. may -a. || 11. all his fellows shall -u 45:24. incensed -a. || 65:13. but ye t^hall -a. 66:5. shall appear to your joy, they shall -a. Jer. 2:36. -a. of Egypt || 3:3. refusedsl to -a. 12:13. -a. of revenues || 17:13. forsake Ihee -o 20:11. persecutors -a. || 48:13. Moab -a. of Cho 50:12. your mother that bare you shall -a. Ez. 16:61. remember -a. || 43:10. may a. 11. Ho. 4:19. they shall -a. || 10:6. Israel shall -a. Jo. 1:11. -a. O husbandmen || 2:26. never -a. 27 Z( h. 9:5. e.vpectation -a. || 13:4. prophets -a. Wk. 8:38. -a. of me and my words, Lu. 9:26. 2 Co. 9:4. we should -a. || Phil. 1:20. In nothing 2 Th. 3:14. that he may -a. Ti. 2:8. 1 Pe 3:16. J\rot be, or he not ASHAMED Nu. 12:14. should she -a. seven days Ps. 25:2. let me -a. 31:17. | i:9:llu. 37:19. -a. in evil time || 119:6. then shall I-a. 119:46. 1 will -a. || 80. my heart sound that I -a 127:5. they shall -a. but shall speak with eneni Is. 29:22. Jacob shall -a. I| 4.5:17. ye shall -a. 49:23. -a. that wait for liie || .50:7. I slinll -a. 54:4. thou shalt -a. \\ Zih. 3:11. thou shalt -a. Ro. 9:33. helieveth on him shall a. 10:11. 2 Co. 10:8. for though 1 boast, I should -a. 2 Ti. 1:8. -a. of testimony || 2:15. needelh -a. 1 Pe. 4:16. let him -a. || 1 Jn. 2:28. and -a. ASHAN. Smoke. A cily, Jos. 15:42. | 19:7. ASHBEA. 1 Ch. 4:21. of the house of .4. ASHBEL, ./?« oWyice. Ge. 46:21. ] Ch. 1:6. ASHCHENAZ, /■'.re as it were distilling of si>reading. Ge. 10:3. Jer. 51:27. ASHDOD, Robbing (fa country, or effusion, in, clii.alion. Jos. 15:47. 1 S. 5:1. [ 6:17. ASHDOTH-PISGAH, The sprin n-s of Pifgah, 01 the hill. De. 3:17. | 4:49. Jos. 12:3. | 13:20. ASHER, Happy, blessed. Ge. 30:13. | 49:20. Ge. 10:11. jJ. built Nineveh II 30:13. his name. ^. 35:2li.sonsofZilpah, Gad, .4-11 46:17. 1 Ch.7::i0. 49:20. out of Ji. his bread shall be fat, and he E.\. 1:4. Dan, Naphthali, Gad. Jl. 1 Ch. 2:2. Nu. 1:13. of J?. Pagiel,2:27. | 26:44,46,47. De. 33:24. and of A. he said. Let A. be blessed Jos. 17:7. coast from A. \\ 10. met in A. 11. 19:24. fifth lot for A. 31. || 34. reached to A. 21:6. out of the tribe oi A. and out of the, 30 Jud. 5:17. A. continued on the sea-shore 6:35. sent to A. || 7:23. A. pursued Midian 1 K. 4:16. A. and in Aloth j| 1 Ch. 7:40. [ 12:36. 2 Ch. 30:11. nevertheless divers of./?, hiimbl d Ez. 48:2. a portion for A. \\ 34. one gate of ./J. Lu. 2:36. tribe ot A. \\ Re. 7:6. tribe of A. .-ealed ASHERITES. Jud. 1:32. A. dwell among ASHES, s. The remains of fuel after it is Iniriit 2 Pe. 2:6. They denote, ( 1 ) Man's vihniss an: frailty when corripared with God, Ge. 16:27 (2) Deep humiliation. Est. 4:1. Jon. 3:6. Ge. 18:27. to speak, which am but dust and a. Le. 6:10. priest take the u. Ij II. carry forth a. Nu. 19:9. gather the a. \\ 2 S. 13:19. put a. 1 K. 13:3. a. poured out || 00:38. disguised will Est. 4:1. Mord. put on a'. \\ 3. sackckith and «. Jh. 2:8. Job sat among n. \\ 13:12. are like to a. 30:19. I am like a. \\ 42:6. I abhor myself in a Ps. 102:9. eaten bread like a. || 147:H .fro: t like a Is. 44:20. feedeth of a. || 58:5. sackrluth imd a. 61:3. beauty for a. || Jer. 6:26. wallow in u. La. 3:16. covered with a. \\ Ez. 28;J8. Ihee to Da. 9:3. sackcloth and a. || Jon. 3:6. sal in o. Ma. 4:3. wicked I e a. nndtr ymir feet Mat. 11:21. repented long ago in a. Lu. 10:13, He. 9:13. a. of a heifer || 2 Pe. 2:6. Sodom in ASHIMA, Fire of the sea, or position. 'J'he idols of Hamalh, 2 K. 17:30. ASHKENAZ, Spreading fire. Ge. 10:3. 1 Ch 1:6. ASHN AH, Mittation ; duplicity. A city. Jos 15:33. ASHPENAZ, An astrologer, or interpreter. D.1 1:3. ASHRIEL, The beatitude uf God. 1 Ch. 7:14. ASHTAROTH, Flocks, riches. De. 1:4. Jos 9:10. I 12:4. J 13:12. Jud. 2:13. ASliTEMOTH, Fire of admiration or perfection Jos. 15:50. ASIiTERATHITE. 1 Ch. 11:44. A^HI'ERGTH-KARNAIM, Hon,s of flocks. ;2 Hag. 2:11. (41 To pray, Jn. 15:7. Ja l;6i (5) Tu erpect, Lu. 12:48. (6) To salute, 1 S 2.5:t5. (7) ro /a»/t<'imf'* cAar^e, Ps. 55:tII. Ge. 32:29. a. after fny name l| 34:12. a. dowry De. 4:32. a. of the days || 13:14. a. diligently 14 ASS ASS ATT De.Sa ' a. thy father || Jos. 4:6. children o. 21. iud. 13:5. a. counsel || 1 S. I0:t4. will a. \ S. 19:19. to a. a king || 28:16. why dost a. 2 S. 14:18. hide not from me thing I shall a. 1 K. 3:5. a. what I shall give thee, 2 Ch. 1:7. 14:5. Cometh to a. || 2 K. 2:9. Elijah said a. 2 Ch. 20:4. a. help of God |) Jb. 12:7. a. beasts Ps. 2:8. a. of nie and I'll give thee the heathen Is. 7:11. a. thee a sign || 12. I will not a. nor 45:11. a. me of things || 58:2. a. ordinance Jer. 6:16. o. for old paths |( 15:5 who shall a. .8:13 a heathen || 30:6. a. now and see 38:14. I will a. thee || 48:19. a. him that fleeth 50:5. a. the way to Zion || La. 4:4. a. bread a. 6:7. a. a petition of any god, 12. Ao. 4:12. a. counsel || Hag. 2:11. a. priests Zch. 10:1. a. ye the Lord rain in the time of Mat. 6:8. what ye have need of before ye a. 7:7. a. and it s'lall te givtn yo.i, Ln. 11:9. 9. ivhsrt \»n f hi :: on a. breal, Lu. 11:11. 11. good things to them that a. IjU 11:13. 14:7. she would a\ li- 19. if two agree, shall a. 20:22. ye know not what ye a Mk. 10:38. 21:22. whatsoev.r i'' 3. • el if vmg, P.-all receive 22:4ti. nor duist a. .vlk 12:34. Ln. 20:40. Mk 6:22. a. what thou w ilt, I will give, 23. 9:33. they were afraid to a. him, Lu. 9:45. Lu. 6:30. a. not again || 11:13. Spirit, that a. 12:48. men committed much, of him a. more \n. 1:19. sent priests to a. \\ 9:21. he isof a£e,a. 11:22. wilt a. of God || 13:24. that he should a. 14:13. whatsoever ye a. in my name, 15:16. 14. if ye a. any thing || 15:7. a. what ye will 16:19. desirous to a. \\ 23. in that day a. nothing 24. a. and ye shall receive || 30. any should a. 18:21. a. theui which heard me what I said Ac. 10:09 a. for what intent || 1 Co. 14:35. let a. Ep. 3:20. to do above all we can a. or think Ja. 1:5. let him a. it of God || 6. a. in faith 4:2. because ye a. not || 3. a. and receive not 1 Jn. 3:22. a. we receive || 3:14. if we a. accor. 5:15. whatsoever we a. || IG. he shall a. and he See Counsel. ASKED, V. or p. Ge. 32:29. Jacob a. tell me thy Ge. 13:7 a. us straitly l| Jos. 19:50. city he a. Jud. 5:25. he a. water || 13:6. I a. him not 18:tl5. a. him of peace, 1 S. 17:f22. | 30:t21. 1 S. 1:17. petition thou hast a. || 27. petition I a. I K. 3:11. a. this thing||2K. 2:10. a. hard Ezr. 5:10. a. their names || Jb. 21:29. not a. Ps. 21:4. a. life || 105:40. the people a. quails Is. 30:2. have not a. || 41:28. when I «. that 65:1. I am soughtof^ them that a. not for me Da. 2:10. a. such things || 7:16. a. the truth Mat. 16:13. a. his disciples, Mk.8:27. Lu. 9:18. 22:23. Sadducees a. 35. Mk. 9:11. J 10:2. | 12:18. Lu. 18:40. come near, he a. him what wilt thou Jn. 4:10. wouldst have a. || lti:24. a. nothing Ro. 10:20. made manifest to them that a. not ASKELON, The fire of infamy, weight or bal- ance, 2 S. 1:20. ASKEST, Jud. 13:18. why a. thou thus after Jn. 4:9. a. drink of me || 18:21. why a. thou me ASKETH, V. Ex. 13:14. thy son a. De. 6:20. Mi. 7:3. prince a. atid the judge a. a reward Mat. 5:42. give to him that a. thee, Lu. 6:30. 7:3. every one that a. receiveth, Lu. 11:10. Jn. 16:5. none of you a. || 1 Pe. 3:15. a. reason ASKING, p. 1 S. 12:17. in a. you a king 1 Ch. 10:13. died for a. || Ps. 78:18. tempted by a. Lu. 2:46. a. questions || Jn. 8:7. continued a. 1 Co. 10:25. a. no question for conscience, 27. ASLEEP, ad. signities, (1) Tu lake rest iiisleep, Jon. 1:5. Mat. 26:40. (2) Spiritual slolh, Song 5:2. Mat. 25:5. (3) To die, Ac. 7:60. Jud. 4:21. was fast a. || Song 7:9. a. to speak Jon. 1:5. was fast a. Mat. 8:24. Mk. 4:38. Mat. 26:40. findeth disciples a. Mk. 14:40. Ac. 7:G0. he fell a. || 1 Co. 15:6. fallen a. 18. 1 Th. 4:13. conierning them that are a. 15. 2 Pe. 3:4. for since the fathers fell a. all things ASNAH, Bush; misfortune, Ezr. 2:50. ASNAPPER, Uiihappiiiess ; fruitfulness, Ezr. 4:10. APPATHA, One o/Haman's sons. Est. 9:7. ASP, s. A kind of venomous serpent, whose poison is so quick and subtle, that it kills in a very short time after the bite ; rarelij allowing time fr- ap- pliiinfra renirdy. Lord Bacon says, theAip is the least painful of all the instruments of death ; it kills by torpor. Hereunto are compared sin and sinners, Jb. 20:14,16. Ro. 3:13. De. 32:33. their wine is the cruA venom of a. Jb 20:14. gall of a. || 16. suck the poison of a. Is. 11:8. hole of the a. || Ro. 3:13. poison of a. ASRIEL, The beatitude of God. Nu. 26:31. ASSAULT, ED, v and p. Est. 8:11. all that would a. Ac. 14:5. an a. made 1 17:5. a. the house of Jason ASSAY. ED, ING, c. and p. De. 4:34. hath God a. 1 S. 17:.19. David a. \\ Jb. 4:2. if we a. to Ac. 9:26. Saul a. to join || 16:7. they a. to go to He. 11:29. which the Egyptians a. to do, were ASS, s. Ji dull, stupid animal, to which carnal men are compared, Jb. 11:12. Ge. 22:3. saddled his a. || 49:14. a strong a. Ex. 13:13. firstling of a. || 23:4. a. going astray 2S:12. that thine ox and thine a. may rest Nu. 16:15. not taken one a. || 22:23. o. saw, 95. 22:28. 0[>ened a. mouth || 30 a. said to Balaam De. 22:10. not plough with an ox and a. together Jos. 15:18. lighted olfa. Jud. 1:14. 1 S. 25:23. Jud. 15:16. wilh the jaw-bone of an a. heaps 1 K. 13:28. not turn the a. || 2 K. 6:25. a. head Jb. 24:3. a. of fatherless || Pr. 26:3. bridle for a. Is. 1:3. a. his master's crib || 32:20. feet of a. Jer. 22:19. be buried with the burial of an a. Zch. 9:9. riding on an a. Mat. 21:5. 14:15. and so shall be the plague of the a. Mat. 21:2. ye shall find an a. tied, and a colt Lu. 13:15. loose his a. || 14:5. a. fallen into a pit Jn. 12:14. found a young a. || 2 Pe. 2:16. dumb See Saddle. ASS'S Colt. Ge. 49:11. binding his a.- Jh. 11:12. like wild i,.-||Jn. 12:15. sitting on a.- mid ASS Jl 6:.=, a. bfay II .TJ:5. -n. free Jer. 2:24 4 -a. ii>ed ■ •) 1 Ho. 8:9. a a. i: one A.-JSEi^ ' '>e 2:16 .bra' am '> u '1 «. Ge. 30:'»J. J'.< jb hai' a. |j3 :24. ■ s he .ed the a. 47:17. bre; 1 for a. || Jun. 5:10. ride on while a. 1 S. 8:16. I.ikeyoura. || 9:3. a. of Kish, 10:2. 2 S. 16:2. a. for king's household || 1 Ch. 27:30. 2 Ch. 28:15. carried the feeble of them on a. Ezr. 2:67. a. that went up 6720, Ne. 7:69. Jb. 1:3. lob had 500 sbf a. li 42:12. 1000 she a. Is. 21:7. chariot of a. || Ez. 23:20. flesh of a. W dd ASSifS, Jb. 24:5. as -a. in the desert Ps. 104:11. -a. quench || Is. 32:14. joy of -a. Jer. 14:6. -a. snuffed up || Da. 5:21. with -a. Vouvg- ASSES. Is. 30:6,24. the oxen and -a. ASSEMBLE, v. Nu. 10:3. assembly shall a. 2 S. 20:4. a. me the men of Jiidah within 3 Is. 11:12. a the outcasts || 45:20. a. yourselves 48:14. a. yourselves, Jer. 4:5. | 8:14. Ez. 11:17. I will a. you |j 39:17. a. yourselves Ho. 7:14. a. themselves for corn and wine Jo. 2:16. a. the elders || 3:11. a. and rome all ye Am. 3:9. a. upon the mountains of Samaria Mi. 2:12. a. O Jacob || 4:6. a. her that halteth Zph. 3:8. t will a. the kingdoms to pour iiidig. ASSEMBLED, p. Ex. 38:8. women a. at door 1 S. 2:22. women that a. || 1 Ch. 15:4. David 2 Ch. 30:13. a. n.uch people to keep the feast Ezr. 9:4. then a. to me || 10:1. there a. to him Ne. 9:1. a. with fasting || Ps. 48:4. kings a. Is. 43:9. people be a. || Jer. 5:7. a. by troops Da. 6:11. men a. || Mat. 28:12. chief priests a. Jn. 20:19. the disiiples a. for fear of the Jews Ac. 1:4. being a. || 4:31. place shaken were a. 11:26. a year they a. || 15:25. being a. with ASSEMBLING, «. He. 10:25. forsake not the a. ASSEMBLY, s. Ge. 49:fi. a. not united Ex. 12:6. a. kill it || 16:3. kill a. with hunger Le. 4:13. thing be hid from the eyes of the a. Nu. 10:2. trumpets for a. |{ 20:6. went from a. De. 9:10. midst of fire in a. 10:4. | 18:16. Jud. 21:8. none from Jabesh-Gilead to the a. 1 S. 17:47. a. shall know || 2 Ch. 30:23. whole Ne. 5:7. and I set a great a. against them Ps. 22:16. a. of wicked || 89:7. a. of the saints 107:32. a. of elders || 111:1. a. of the upright Pr. 5:14. I was in all evil in the midst of the a Jer. 6:11. pour it on a. || 9:2. a. of treacherous 15:17. a. of inoi kers l| La. 2:6. destroyed a. Ez. 13:9 not lie in a. || 23:24. wilh an a. Ac. 19;,32. a. was confused || 39. a lawful a. 41. He. 12:23. general a. || Ja. 2;2. come to a. Solemn ASSEMBLY. Le. 23:36. Nu. 99:3.5. De. 16:8. 2 K. 10:20. 2 Ch. 7:9. Ne. 8:18. Jo. 1:14. I 2:15. Zph. 3:18. ASSEMBLIES, s. Ps. 86:14. a. of violent men Ec. 12:11. masters of a. || Is. 1:13. calling of a. Is. 4:5. on her a. a cloud || 14:t31. in his a. Ez. 44:24. in all mine a. |{ Am. 5:21. small in ASSENT, ED, s. and v. 2 Ch. 18:12. good, with one a. Lu. 23:t24. Pilate a. || Ac. 24:9. Jews also a. ASSIGNED, p. Ge. 47:22. had a portion a. Jos. 20:8. a. Bezer || 2 S. 11:16. a. Uriah ASSIR, Prisoner; fettered; hindered; forbid. Ex. 6:24. ASSIST, V. Ro. ]6r2. that ye a. her in what ASSOCIATE, V. Is. 8:9. Da. IhfG. AS SOON, ad. Ex. 9:29. a.- as I am gone out 2 Ch. 31:5. a.- as coinmandment came abroad Ps. 18:44. a.- as they hear of me shall obey Is. 66:8. a.- as Zion travailed, she brought forth Lu. 1:44. a.- as the voice || 8:6. a.- as it sprung Jn. 18:6. a.- as he said, I am he, they went Ac. 10:29. came I a.- || 12:18. a.- as it was day Re. 10:10. a.- as I had eaten || 12:4. a.- as born ASSOS, Approaching. A city, Ac. 20:13. ASSUAGE, ED, v. and p. Ge. 8:1. Jb. 16:5,6. ASSURANCE, s. is, {\) An absolute certainly of the reality of an object, Ac. 17:31. (2) A firm persuasion in the soul of its interest in the per- son, blood, grace, righteousness and intercession of Jesus Christ, l8.3^:n. 2 Co. 5:1. 2 Ti. 1:12. He. 10:22. The evidences of this as- surance are the work of God the Spirit in the heart, exciting it to love and choose Jesus Christ, as its everlasting all, with answerable fruits of holiness in life and conversation, 1 Jn. 4:7. As light discovers the nality of objects, so by the light of the Spirit is discovered the reality of grace in the soul, Ro. 8:16. Ep. 1:14. De. 28:66. none a.|| Is. 32:17. effect of righteous. Ac. 17:31. hath given a. \\ Col. 2-2 of the fuK « 1 Th. 1:5. our gospel came in mnrh a. He. 6:11. full a. of hope || 10:22. full a. of faith ASSURE, V. 1 Jn. 3:19. a. our hearts before ASSURED, p. Le. 27:19. shall be a. to him Jer. 14:13. give a. peace || Ro. 14:t5. fully a. 2 Ti. 3:14. in the things thou hast been u ASSUREDLY, ad. 1 S. 28:1. know thou a. 1 K. 1:13. a. Solomon thy son shall reign, 17:30 Jer. 32:41. plant them a. || 38:17. if «. go forth 49:12. they have a. drunken, and shall thou go Ac. 2:36. Israel know a. || 16:10. a. gathering ASSYRIA, Happy. A country, Is. 3ti:17. ASTONISHED, p. Le. 26:32. enemies be a. 1 K. 9:8. every one that passeth by shall be a Jer. 18:16. | 19:8. | 49:17. | 50:13. Ezr. 9:5. plucked off the hair and sat down a. Jb. 17:8. upright be a. || 18:20. come after be a 26:11. pillars of heaven tremlile and are a. Is. 52:14. as many were a. at thee, his visage Jer. 2:12. bea.O heavens || 4:9. heart of priests a 14:9. as a man a. || Ez. 3:15. I remained a. Ez. 4:17. a. one with || 26:16. be a. 28:19. Da. 3:24. Nebuchadnezzar was a. and rose 4:19. Daniel a. || 5:9. lords a. || 8:27. I was a. Mat. 7:28. people were a. at his doctrine, 22:331 Mk. 1:22. 1 6:2. | 11:18. Lu.4:.32. Mk. 5:42. they were a. 7:37. | 10:24,26. Lu. 2:47. a. at his answers |{ 5:9. a. at fishes 8:56. parents were a. || 24:22. made us a. Ac. 9:ti. trembling and a. said || 10:45. were a. 12:16. they were a. || 13:12. believed, being a ASTONISH.MENT, s. De 28:28. smite with a. De. 28:37. thou shall become an a. and proverb 2 Ch. 7:21. this house an a. || 29:8. a. and hissing Ps. 60:3. made us to drink the wine of a. Jer. 5:t30. a. committed || 8:21. a. taken hold 25:9. a. and hissing, 18. || ll.thi.s land an a. 29:18. curse and a. || 42:18. and an a. 44:12. 44:22. land an a. and a || 51:37. Babylon an a. Ez. 4:16. they shall drink water wilii a. 12:19 5:15. a. to the nations || 23:33. the cup of a. Zch. 12:4. I will smite every horse with a. ASTR.AY, ad. Ps. 58:3. | 119:176. Pr. 5:23. ASTROLOGERS, s. Viewers of the heavens, who pretend to tell future events by the position! of the planets. Is. 47:13. let now the a. the star-gazers stand Da. 1:20. better than a. \\ 2:27. cannot the a. 4:7. came in magic, and a.|| 5:7. bring in Ihea. ASUNDER ; see Cleave, Cut, Divide, I'ut. ASUPPI.^I. 1 Ch. 26:15. AS WELL. Le. 24:16. a.- the stranger, 22. De. 20:8. heart faint a.- ||2 S. 11:25. one a.- 1 Ch. 25:8. a.- the small || 2 Ch. 31:15. give a.- .Ib. 12:3. a.- as you || Ps. 87:7. a.- the sinfers Ac. 10:47. a.- as we || 1 Co. 9:5. He. 4:2. ASYNCRITUS, Incomparable. Ro. 16:14 ATAD, A bramble. Ge. .50:10,11. ATARAH, A crown. 1 Ch. 2:26. ATAROTH, Crowns. A city, Nu. 32:34. ATE, V Ps. 106:28. Da. 10:3. Re. 10:10 ATER, Enclosed, shut up. Ezr. 2:16. Ne. 7:21 ATH.\CH, Thy hour, or time. 1 S. 30:30. ATHAIAH, The hour of the Lord. Ne. 11 4. ATHALIAH, The same. 2 K. 8:6. 1 Ch. 8:26. ATHENIANS, People of Athens, Ac. 17:21. ATHENS, A noble city of Greece, Ac. 17:15. ATHIRST, a. Jud. 15:18. Samson was f^ore a. Rm. 2:9. when a. go || Mat. 25:44. saw thee a. Re. 21:6. that is a."|| 22:17. let him that is a. ATHLAI, Mil hour, or time. Ezr. 10:28. ATONE.ME.NT, .■*. signifies, (1) Recuncdiolinn, Ro. 5:11. (2) jj raHswn, .lb. 33:t24. [2, Sal isfaction made for sin. He. 10:14. Ex. 29:33. e.nt the ihinsrs wherewith a. was made 36. bullock for a. || .37. seven days make «. li 1 30:10. once in a year shall make a. upon it 15. to make an a. for your souls, Le. 17:11. 16. a. money of Israel || 32:30. a. for your sin Le. 1:4. shall be accepted for him to make a. 4:20. priest shall make a. 26:31,35. | 5:6. | 6:7 I 19:8. I 14:18. Nu. 15:25. 8:34. to make a. 9:7. | 10:17. | 12:7. | 14:53 I 16:10,11,16,17,18,24,27,33,34. 23:27. tenth day a day of a. 28. | 25:9. Nu. 8:21. a. for Levites || 19. make a. for Israe 16:46. quickly, make a. for || 25:13. made an a 28:22. a goat to make a. 30. | 29:5. I 31:50. 2 S. 21:3. wherewith sliall I make the «. 1 Ch. 6:49. to make a. 2 Ch. 29:94. Ne. I0:3S Jb. .33:f24. found an a. || Ro. 5:11. received a ATROTH, as ATAROTH. Nu. 30:5. ATTAI, My hour, or time. I Ch. 2:35,36. ATTAIN, v. Ps. 139:6. high, I cannot a. to it Pr. 1:5. a. to wisdom || Ez. 46:7. hand a. it Ho. 8:5. a. to innocency || Ac. 27:12. a. Phenic4 Phil. 3:12. a. to the resuirecti(,n of the dead ATTAINED, p. Ge. 47:9. not a. days of my 2 S. 23:19. a. not to first three, 1 Ch. 11:21. Ro. 9:30. a. to righteousness || 31. hath not a Phil. 3:12. already a. || 16. we have already a 1 Ti. 4.6. good doi trine whereto thou hast a- ATT. \hl A, That increases, or sends. Ac 14:25 ATTE.N'D, v Est. 4:5. Hatach to «. her Ps. 17:1. O Lord, a. to my cry, 61:1. I 142:6. 55;2. a. tu me, hear me || 86:6. a. to the voice Pr. 4:1. a. to know || 2<( a. to my words, 7:24 5:1. a. to my wisdom .1 1 Co. 7:35. a on '.he It 15 AWA A rTENDEI), p. and v. Jb. 3i2:12. Ps. 6C:19. Ac. 16:14. she a. to the things spoken by Paul ATTEND A.NCE, s. J K. 10:5. saw a. 2 Ch. 9:4. 1 Ti. 4:13. a. lo rea.;.n? || He. 7:13. gave a. ATTE.MUXG, / Ro. 13:G. a. continually ATTEXT, a. -2 Ch. 6:40. ears be a. 7:15. ATTENTIVE, a. Ne. 1:6. ear be a. Vs. 130:2. W«. 8:3. ears of the people were a. Lu. 19:48. ATTENTIVELY, ad. Jb..37:-2. hear a. the noise ATTHAl, The hour, 01 time. 1 Ch. 12:11. 2 Ch. H:20. ATTIRE, ED, f. and p. To clothe, to deek. Le. 16:4 be Pr. 7:10. a. of a harlot H Jer 2:32. forgpt a. Ez. 23 15. exasedingin dyeia. on their heads AUDIENCE, i. Ge. 23:13. .n a. of people Ex. 24:7. read in a. \\ 1 S. 25:24. speak in thy 1 Ch. 28:8. a. of our God || Ne. 13:1. read in a Lu. 7:1. in the a. of the people, 20:45. Ac. 13:16. give a. || 15:12. gave a. 22:22 AUGMENT, V. Nu. 32:14. to u. fierce anger AUGUt^TUS, Increased, augmented. The Ro- man emperor's surname, Lu. 2:1. Ac. 25:21. | 27:1. AUNT, s. Le. 18:14. not approach, she is thy a. AUSTERE, a. Lu. 19:21. thou art an a. man AUTHOR, *■. Ac. 3:tl5. killed the a. of life 1 Co. 14:33. God is not the a. of confusion He. 5:9. a. of eternal salvation || 12:2. a. of faith AUTHORITY", s. signifies, (I) Power, rule, or dignity, Vi. 29:-2. Lu. 19:17. (2) A convin- cing efficacy and power. Mat. 7:29. (3) j? icar- rant, order, or autlientic permission, Mat. 21:23. Ac. 9:14. Est. 9:29. wrote with a. || Pr. 29:2. are in a. Mat. 7:29. tauglit as one having a. Mk. 1:22 8:9. for I am a man under a. Mk. 7:8. 20:25. are great exercise, a. Mk. 10:42. 21:23. by what a. dost thou these, Mk. 11:28 Mk. 1:27. with a. commandeth he, Lu. 4:36. 13:34. left his house and gave a. to his servants Lu. 9:1. a. over devils (| 19:17. a. over ten cities 20:20. a. of governor || 22:25. that exercise a. Jn. 5:27. given him a. to execute judgment Ac. 9:14. here he hath a. to bind, 26:10,12. 1 Co. 15:24. put down all a.||2Co. 10:8. of our a. 1 Ti. 2:2. for kings and all in a. || 12. usurp a. Ti. 2:15. rebuke with a. || 1 Pe. 3:22. a. subject Re. 13:2. dragon gave him his power and a. AVA, Iniquity. A citv, 2 K. 17:24. AVAILETH, V. Est. 5:13. Ga. 5:6. | 6:15. Ja. 5:16. prayer of a righteous man a. much AVEN, Iniquity. Ez. 30:17. Ho. 10:8. AVE.VGE, V. Le. 19:18. not a. nor grudge Le. 26:25. shall a. the quarrel of my covenant Nu. 31:2. a. Israel, 3. || De. 32:43. a. the blood 1 S. 24:12. Lord a. me 1| 2 K. 9:7. I may a. Est. 8:13. Jews a. || Is. 1:24. I will a. nie of Jer 46:10. that he may a. || Ho. 1:4. a. Jezreel Lu. 18:3. a. me || 7. shall not G. a. || 8. he will a. Ro 12:19. a. not yourselves || Re. 6:10. not a. AVENGED, p. Ge. 2:24. if Cain shall be a. Ex. 21:t20. be surely a. || Jos. 10:13. till people Jud. 15:7. yet I will be a. 1( 16:28. a. on Fhilist. 1 S. 14:24. I may be a. || 18:25. to be a. on 25:31. or that mv lord hath a. himself, but 2 S. 4:8. a. my lord || 18:19. Lord hath a. 31. soul be a. on such a nation, 29. | 9:9. Ac. 7:24. Moses a. him that was oppressed Re. 18:20. for God hath a. vou on her, 19:2. AVENGER, 5. Nu. 35:12. from a. Jos. 20:3. De. 19:6. lest the a. of blood pursue, 12. Jos. 20:5. If a. pursue |{ 9. not die by the a. Ps. 8:2. still the a. \\ 44:16. by reason of o. 1 Th. 4:6. because the Lord is the a. of all such AVENGETH, b. 2 S. 22:48. Ps. 18:47. AVENGING, p. Jud. 5:2. 1 S. 25:26,33. AVERSE, a. Mi. 2:8. as men a. from war A VIM, Wicked, or perverse. Jos. 18:23. AVIMS. De. 2:23. AVITES. 2 K. 17:31. Jos. 13:3. AVITH, Iniquity. 1 Ch. 1:46. AVOUCHED, p. De. 26:17. a. the Lord, 18. AVOID, V. Pr. 4:15. a. it || Ro. 16:17. a. them 1 Co. 7:2. a. fornication || 2 Ti. 2:23. Ti. 3:9. AVOIDED, p. 1 S. 18:11. David a. out of AVOIDING, p. 2 Co. 8:20. 1 Ti. 6:20. AWAKE, o. signifies, (1) To come outof natural sleep, Lu. 9:32. (2) To rouse up out of spiritual sloth, by a Lvely and vigorous exercise of irrace, Ro. 13:11. Ep. 5:14. (3) To raise from the rfead, Jb.l4:12. Jn. 11:11. (4) Ood's appearina- in our favor, and for our help, Ps. 7:6. Is. 51:9. Awake not my love till he please, Song 2:7. i. e. Do nothing to offend him Jud. 5:12. a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter a song Jb. 8:6. he would a. || 14:12. they shall not a. Ps. 7:6. a. for me, 35:23. || 17:15. when I a. 44:23. a. why sleepest thou, O Lord, arise 57:8. a. my glory, I will a. early, 108:2. .59:4. a. to help me || 5. a. to visit the heathen Pr. 23:35. when shall 1 a. I will seek it again Song 2:7. nor a. my love, 3:5. | 8:4. || 4:16. a. O Is. 26:19. a. and sing || 51:9. a. a. O arm, 52:1. 51:17. a. a. stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast Jer. 51-57. and nut a. || Da. 12:2. shall a. Jo. 1:Z. a. ye. drunkards, ^yeep and howl all Ha. 2:7. shall tliev not a. !J 19. the wood a. Zch. 13:7. a. O sword |! Mk. 4:38. they a. him BAA Lu. 9:32. when a. || Jn. 11:11 I may a. him Ro. 13:11. time to a. || 1 Co. 15:34. a. to righ. Ep. 5:14. a. thou that sleepest, 2 Ti. 2:t26. A\V.\KED, p. Ge. 28:16. Jacob a. out of sleep Jud. 16:14. Samson a. || 1 S. 26:12. nor a. 1 K. 18:27. must be a. || 2 K. 4:31. is not a. Ps. 3:5. I a. H 78:05. then the Lord a. as one Jer. 31:26. upon this I a. and beheld, and my AWAKEST, t). Ps. 73:20. when thou a. Pr. 6:22. when thou a. it shall talk with thee AWAKETH, V. Ps. 73:20. Is. 29:8. AWAKING, p. Ac. 16:27. keeper a. out of AWARE, a. Song 6:12. Jer. 50:24. Lu. 11:44. AW.W, ad. Ge. 15:11. Abr. drove them a. Ex. 8:28. not go faro. || 19:24. a. get down 2 Ch. 35:23. have me a. || Is. 1:13. I cannot a. Lu. 4:t34. a. what have I || 23:18. a. with Jn. 19:15. a. with him, a. with him, Ac. 21:36. Ar. 22:22. a. wiih su;h a fellow from the earth AWE, 5. Ps. 4:4. stand in a. 33:8. | 119:161. .\WL, 5. Ex. 21:6. bore with a. De. 15:17. AWOKE, 0. Ge. 9:24. Noah a. 41:4,7,21. Jud. 16:20. 1 K. 3:15. Mat. 8:25 ' AXE, 5. signifies, (1) j9 caroenter's tool, Jud. 9:48. (2; The judgments of Gud, Is. 10:15 Ancient Egyptian War Axe, and Carpenter^s Axe, or Adze, and Bedouin War-Hatchet, or Tomahawk. De. 19:5. stroke \\yth a. || 20:19. forcing an a. Jud. 9:48. took an a. || 1 S. 13:20. sharpen a. 1 K. 6:7. nor a. heard || 2 K. 6:5. a. head fell Is. 10:15. shall the a. boast itself against him Jer. 10:3. cuts tree with a. || 51:20. battle a. Mat. 3:10. a. is laid to root of tree, Lu. 3:9. AXES, 5. 1 S. 13:21. had a file for the a. 2 S. 12:31. put under saws and a. 1 Ch.2n:3. Ps. 74:5. lifted up a. \\ 6. break with a. and Jer. 46:22. come with a. \\ Ez. 26:9. a. break AXLE-T^ree^-, s. 1 K. 7:32,33. AZAL, The name of a place. Zcli. 14:5. AZALIAH, Meadow, delivered of the Lord. 2K. 22:3. AZANIAH, Hearing, or weapons of Ood. Ne. 10:9. AZARAEL, Succor, or court of Ood. Ne. 12:36. AZAREEL, Help of Ood. 1 Ch. 25:18. | 27:22. Ezr. 10:41. Ne. 11:13. AZARI.\H, Help of the Lord. 2 K. 14:21. AZAZ, Strength, or a ffoat. 1 Ch. 5:8. AZAZIAH, Strength of the Lord. 2Ch. 31:13. AZBUK, A goat, the father of JVeAemiaA. Ne. 3:16. AZEKAH, A city. Jos. 10:10,11. Jer. 34:7. AZEL, A''ear separated. 1 Ch. 8:37. | 9:43. AZEM, Strength. A city, Jos. 15:29. ] 19:3. AZG AD, A strono- host. Ezr. 2:12. | 8:12. AZIEL, Strength of the Lord. 1 Ch. 15:20. AZIZA, Strona. Ezr. 10:27. AZMAVETH, A strong death. 1 Ch. 27:25. AZ'SiO^, Bone, 01 strength. A city, Nu. 34:5. Jos. 15:4. AZNOTH-TABOR, The ears of Tabor, or the ears of purity, contrition. Jos. 19:34. AZOR, A helper, an encompasser. Mat. 1:13. AZOTUS, Pillaire, thrfl. Ac. 8:40. AZRIEL, The help of Ood. 1 Ch. 5:24. AZRIKA.M, Mti succor is raised. 1 Ch. 3:23. AZUBAH, Forsaken. 1 Ch. 2:18,19. AZUR, Helped, or that helps. Ez. 1 1:1 AZZAH, Strong. A city, De. 2:23. AZZAN, Their strength. Nu. 34:26. AZZAZIAH, Strength of the Lord. 1 Ch. 15:21. AZZUR, Helper. Ne. 10:17 B. BAAL, A lord, master, huf^hnnd, or patron. It was .JezehrPs god ; the god of the Ziiloninvs ; a name common to many of the deities of the heathen. We read of Baalim in rhe plural number, for there were gods many ot this name. It was made in the form ot a young heifer ; see Tnbit, 1:15. Some say it was put for the sun ; others say it represented .Jupiter. Nu. 22:41. brought Balaam to high places of B. Jud. 2:13. served B. \\ 6:31 will ye plead for S. BAB 1 K. 16:31. Ahab served B. || 18:21. if B. be god 18:26. O B. hear us |i 40. take prophets of .B 19:18. which have not bowed to B. Ro. 11:4. 2 K. 3:2. put away image ofS. I| 10:18. 10:19. sacrifice to B. || 20. call assembly Toi B. 27. brake image of B. || 28. destroyed B. out of 11:18. brake house of B. and slew. 2 Ch. 23:17. 17:16. served B.||21:3. Man. reared altars for S. 23:4. vessels made for B. \\ 5. put down them that Jer. 2:8. and the prophets prophesied by B. 7:9. will ye burn incense to B. 11-,K,17 | 32:29 12:16. swear by B. || 19:5. to burn sons to B 23:13. prophesied in B. || 27. forgotten for B. 32:35. they built the high placesof B. whitl Ho. 2:8. prepared for B. || 13:1. otiended in B Zph. 1:4. cut offfi. II Ro. 11:4. not bowed to B The idol Baal, from an a,itique. BAAL, A village, 1 Ch. 4:33. cities to B. BAAL, A man's name, 1 Ch. 5:5. | 8:30. | 9:36 BAALAH, Her idol, or spouse. Jos. 15:9,10,11, 29. I 19:44. 1 Ch. 13:6. 2Ch. 8:6. BAALATH, Rulincrhim. or his idol. 1 K. 9:18. BAALATH-BEER, Si;;ycc«fd, piti/. Jos. 19:8. BAAL-BERITH, Jdol of covenant. Jud. 8:33. | 9:1,4. BAALE. 2 S. 6:2. David went from B. of BAAL-GAD, Idol of fortune. Jos. 11:17. | 12:7 BAAL-HAMON, Jilaster nfmami. Song 8:11. BAAL-HANAN, Ge. 3;;:38. 1 Ch. 1:49. | 27:28. B.\AL-H.\ZOR, The court of the idol; the habi- tutionofBaal. 2 S. 13:23. BAAL-HERMON, The possessor or author e, destruction ; devoted or consecrated to Ojii Jud. 3:3. BAALI, Mv idol, or lord. Ho. 2:16. BAALlftl, idols ; false gods. Jud. 2:11. child of Isr. served B. 3:7. | 10:6,7. 8:33. whoring after B. || 1 S. 7:4. put away B 1 S. 12:10. served B. || 1 K. 18:18. followed 2 Ch. 17:3. sought not to B. |j 24:7. bestow on B 28:2. images for B. \\ 33:3. up altars for B. 34:4. and they brake down the altars of B. Jer. 2:23. not gone after B. \\ 9:14. and after B. Ho. 2:13. davs'of B.||17. take names || B. BAALIS, fiijou, or pride. Jer. 40:14. B.\AL-ME0N; Lord of the house. Nu. 32:38. lCh.5:8. Ez. 25:9. BAAI^PEOR, LordofPeor. Nu. 25:3,5. De. 4:3. Ps. 106:2S. Ho. 9:10. BA.\L-PERAZIM, Master of divisions, or po»- sessinir divisions. 2 S. 5:20. 1 Ch. 14:11. BAAL-SHALISHA, The third, or principalidoL A place, 2 K. 4:42. B.\AL-TAJIAR, Master of the palm-tree. Avil- laL'e near Gihtah, Jud. 20:33. BAAL-ZEBUB, The god of flies. The idol of Ekron, 2 K. 1:2,3,6,16. Mai. 12:24. A Phenician coin of Aradus, * Oiejty-god* 9 B AAL-ZEPHON, The idol, or possession qf th* north. A city, Ex. 14:2,9. Nu. 33:7. B.\ANA, In affliction, or answering. 1 K. tiVf Ne. 3:4. BAANAH, The same. 2 S. 4:2,6,9. | 23:2& I K. 4:18. 1 Ch. 11:30. Ezr. 2:2. BAARA, Burning, stupidity, beast, pasture, ez purrration, in watching. 1 Ch. 8:8. BA.\SHA, In makiu^r,~or presnng together. 1 K. 15:16. war between Asa ajid B. 32. 19. break thv league with B. 2 Ch. 16:3. 27. B. consp'ired || 16:1. word of L. against £ 16:6. B. slept || 1 1. slew all the house of B. 19 1 K. 21:22. like the house of B. 2 K. 9:9. 2Ch. 16:6. S. was building || Jer.41:9. fear of £ BAAStAH, AsBiAsHi. 1 Ch. 6-40. B.\BE, s. signifies, (1 ) An infant, Ex. 2:6 (9) 16 BAG Such as are wral: in grace, 1 Co. 3:1. He. 5:13. (3) UiiUacluihle, weak wen. Is. 3:4. Ex. 2:li. the h. wept || Lu. 1:41. 6. leaped, 44. JjU. 2:12. 6. wrapped || Iti. b. lying in manger iJe. 5:13. unskilfcil in tlie word, for he is a 6. UABES, s. I's. 8:2. mouth of 6. Mat. 21:16. Ps. 17:14. siilistance to 6. || Is. 3:4. 6. rule over Mat. 11:25. Inst revealed them to 6. Lu. 10:21. Ito. 2;21. a teacher of ft. || 1 Co. 3:1. 6. in Christ ItABEL, C5:13. and carried the brass of them to B. IS. above throne of kings in B. Jer. 52:39. SCh.32:3I.princesof B. ||3G:7. put vessels in Ezr. 5:14. take out of B. || 6:1. treasures in B. 7:6. Ezra went from B. 9. || 8:1. me from B. Ps. 87:4. mention of JS. || 137:1. by rivers of JS. .8. 13:1. burden of £. || 19. B. glory of kingd. 14:4. B. the f:o!den city || 22. cut off from B. 48:14. do his pleasure on B. ||20. go forth of S. Jer. 20:4. captive to B. 24:8. || 27:22. carried to S9:10. seventy years at B. || 28. sent to ns in B. 40:4. if it seem good to come with me toB. 50:1. spake against B. 8, — 46. || 51:6. flee out 51:35. violence on B. || 37. B. become heaps 42. sea is come upon B. || 48. shall sing for B. 49. as B. hath caused the slain to fall, soat B. 53. though B. mount up |{ 54. a cry from B. 55. spoiled B || 58. broad walls of B. broken 60. evil on B. || 64. thus shall B. sink and Ez. 17:16. in B. he shall die || Da. 4:30. great Wi. 4:10. shall go to S. || Zch. 6:10. come from Mat. 1:17. carrying into B. |{ Ac. 7:43. beyond 1 Pc. 5:13. the cl'.urch at B. saluteth you," and Be. 16:19. great B. came, 17:5. | 18:10,21. ICiug of BABYLON. 2 K. 25:2. Ezr. 5:12. Is. 14:4. Je. 21:4,7.| 22:25.| 25:11,12. | 27:8,17. I 28:2. I 29:22. | 34:3. | 33:29. | 39:11. | 40:9. 42:U. I 49:30. | 50:17. Ez. 21:19. I 29:18,19. 130:24.132:11. Da. 1:1. | 7:1. To, ox unto BABYLON. 2 K. 20:17. | 24:1.5,16. I 25:7,13. ICh. 9:1,2. 2 Ch. 33:11. | 36:7,18, 20. Ez. 5:12. | 6:5. Is. 39:6. | 43:14. Jer. 20:6. I 27:20. | 28:3. | 29:1,4. | 34:3. | 40:1,7. | \51:24,61. Ez. 17:20. Mi. 4:4. Mat. 1:11,12. BABYLONIANS, s. Ezr. 4:9. Ez. 13:15,17,23. BABYLONISH, a. Jos. 7:21. a goodly B. garm. BACA, Mulberni-trees, or tears. Ps. 84:6. BACHRITES. 'Nu. 26:35. of BecAfr, the B. BACK, ad. Ex. 13:2. after Moses sent her ft. Ex. 23:4. shall bring it ft. || Nu. 9:7. kept ft. that Nu. 22:34. I'll get me 6. || 24:11. L. kept thee ft. Jo. 8:26. drew not ft. || Ru. 2:6. came ft. with 1 S. 25:34. kept me ft. || 2 S. 12:23. ft. again 2 S. 15:20. lake ft. thy brethren || 17:3. bring J. 18:16. Joab held ft. j] 19:10. of bringing king ft. 19:11. why are ye the last to bring the king 6.12. IK. 13:18. bring' him ft. that he mav eat, 19. 19:21. heturiiedft. ||e2:16. ft. to Anion the gov. 2Ch. 13:14. when Judah looked ft. behold 18:33. turned 6. || 25:13. soldiers Amaz. sent ft. Jb. 26.9.holdeth ft. face || 33:18. ft. his soul from 33:30. ft. his soul from pit |i 39:22. turneth ft. Ps. 14:7. L. bringeth 6. the captivity of, 53:6. 19:13. keep ft. thy serv. || Is. 43:6. keep not 6. Is. 50:5. nor ti'.rned ft. || Jer. 8:5. slidden ft. Jer. 46:5. looked not ft. || 47:3. fathers look not ft. Ho. 4:16 slidethft. |;Ne. 2:8. none look ft. Mat 24:18. nor return ft. || 28:2. rolled ft. stone Lu. 8:37 ship, returned ft. ag. || 9:62. looking 6. is 17:31. not return ft. || Ac. 5:2. kept ft. 20:20.' Se.e Draw, Go, Keep, Turn, Went. BACK, s. 1 S. 10:9. Saul had turned his b. ] K. 14:9. cajt me behind thy ft. Ez. 23:35. Ps. 21:12. tun their ft. || 129:3. ploughed on my Pr. 10:13 a -A is for the ft. 19:29. | 26:3. .8.38:17 sfna behind thy ft. || 50:6. gave my ft. er. 2:27. 1 8'ned their 6.||18:i7. show them the 6. 32:33. the? have turneehold, a cake ft. on the coals BAKE-Jl/fa(s, s. Ge. 40:17. of 6.- for Pharaoh BAKER, S. Ge. 40:1. A. had offended, 41:10. 1 S. 8:13. daughters to be A. || Jer. 37:21 . A. street. Ho. 7:4. oven heated by A.|| 6. their ft. sleepeth BAKETH, V. Is. 44:15. he ft. bread, yea, he BALAAM, Old nn-e, absorption ; their destruction. Nu. 22:5. sent to B. 9,-35. ||23:4. met B. 23:30. did as B. said || 24:2. B. lift up eyes 24:3. B. son of Beor, hath said, 15. || 5. B. rose 31:8. .B. son of Beor they slew, Jos. 13:22. De. 23:4. because they hired B. 5. Ne. 13:2. Jos. 24:9. called B. to curse || Mi. 6:5. whatB. 2 Pe. 2:15. following the way of B. Ju. 1 1. Re. 2:14. thein that hold the doctrine of B. BALADAN, Without rule or judi'mentj or ancient in jndament. 2K. 20:12. Is. 39:1. BALAH, Old, worn. A city, Jos. 19:3. BALAK, A waster, or destroyer. Nu. 22:2. Jos. 24:9. B. warred II Jud. 11:25. better than B. Mi. 6:5. what B. consulted || Re. 2:14. taught B. BALANCE, ,9. Jb. 31:6. weighed in an even A. Ps. 62:9. laid in the A. || Pr. 1 1 : 1 . a false ft. is Pr. 16:11. just weight and A. || 20:23. false ft. is Is. 40:12. the hills in a ft. || 15. dust of the ft. 46:6. weigh silver in the A. andhiiea eold.^mith BALANCES, s. Le. 19:36. just ft. Ez. 45:10. Jb. 6:2. laid in the ft. || Jer. 32:10. money in A. Ez. 5:1. A. to weigh || Da. 5:27. weighed in A. Ho. 12:7. A. of deceit || Am. 8:.5. ft. by deceit Mi. 6:11. wicked A. || Re. 6:5. had a pair of ft. BALANCINGS, a. Jb. 37:16. ft. of the clouds BALD, a. Le. 13:40. he is ft. 41,42,43. 2 K. 2:23. go up thou ft. head, go up thou ft. Jer 16:2. not make A. || 48:37. every head be J. BAF Ez. 17:31. utterly A. 29:18. || Mi. 1:16. make ft. BALD Locust, s. Le. 11:22. may eat, ft.- after BALDNESS, s. signifies, (1) fiunt of hair, he 21 :5. (2) j9 sia^n of mourning. Is. 3:24. Le. 21:5. shall not make A. De. 14:1. Is. 3:;^4. instead of well-set hair, A. 15:2. | 22:12. Jer. 47:5. A. upon Gaza || Ez. 7:18. A.on all heads Am. 8:10. A. on every head || Mi. 1:16. enlarge A. BALL, s. Is. 22:18. turn and toss thee like a A. BALM,.«. ji precious healing oil, or gum, extract- ed from the balm-tree; the best of which grew near Engedi, and in Gilead. Ge. 37:25. beating A. |j 43:11. take a little A. Jer. 8:22. is there no A. in Gilead || 46:11. go, lake 51:8. take ft. for her pain || Ez. 27:17. oil, ft. BAUAU., A hi.rh place. Ez. 20:29. BAMOTH, The highplaces, Nu. 21:19,20. BAMOTH-BAAL, Highplaces of B. Jos. 13:17 BAND, S, signifies, (1) A company of snldieis, Ac. 10:1. (2) CAniHS, Lu.8:22. (3) Forcib'e ar- gumcntsoflove, Ho. 11:4. (4) Oovn-nniciit and laws, Ps. ■i-.S. Zch. 11:7,14. (5) Unbelief and fear,Vs 107:14. (6) Faithandlove,Co].-2:}'J. Ex.39:23. ft. round the hole II Le. 26:13. broken Jud. 15:14. ft. loosed ||2K.23:33. put Jeh. in ft. Jb. 38:9. swaddling ft. || 31. loose ft. of Orion 39:5. ft. of the wild a.'S || 10. unicorn ft. Ps. 2:3. break their ft. || 73:4. im ft. in their deatil 107:14. break A. in sunder 1| Ec. 7:26. hands as Is. 28:22. not mockers, lest A. be made strong 52:2. ft. of thy neck || 58:6. to loose the ft. of Jer. 2:20. burst tbv ft. || Ez. 3:25. put A. on thee Ez. 4:8. lay A. on thee || 34:27. broken the A. Da. 4:15. A. of iron || Ho. 11:4. with A. of love Zch. 11:7. beauty and ft. 14. || Lu. 8:29. brake ft. Ac. 16:26. ft. loosed, 22:30. || Col. 2: 19. body by ft BAND, S. Ge.32:7. camels into two ft. 10. 1 S. 10:26. a ft. of men || 2 S. 4:2. captain of J. 2 K. 6:23. A. of Syria || 13:20. A. of i\;oabites,21. 24:2. L. sent against him A. of Chalde;uis, ft. of 1 Ch. 7:4. A. of soldiers || 12:18. captains of ft, 21. Ezr. 8:22. of the king a ft. || Jb. 1:17. made 3 ft. Ps. 119:161. of wicked || Pr. 30:27. locusts by A. Ez. 38:6. Gomerand his A. ||22. rain on his 6. Mat. 27:27. whole ft. of soldiers, Mk. 15:16. Jn. 18:3. Judas having a ft. || 12. ft. look Jesus Ac. 10:1. Itali!inft.||21:.3. captainof||27:l. Aug. BANDED, p. Ac. 23:12. certain Jews ft. togethe: BANI, J\ft' son ; my bnildinir ; my undcrstanuittg, 2 S. 23:36. 2Ch.6:46. BANK, S, s. Ge. 41:17. 1 stood on the ft. of De.4:48.ft. of Arnon, Jos. 12:2. | 13:9,16. Jos. 3:15. all his ft. 4:18. || 2 S. 20:15. cast up 2 K. 2:13. ft. of Jord. || 19:32. cast a ft. Is. 37:33. 1 Ch. 12:15. Jordan had overflowed all his t Is. 8:7. all his ft. || Ez. 47:7. ft. of river, 12. Da. 8:16. between the A. || 12:5. A. of l."ie riter Ln. 19:23. g;ivest thou not my money into ft. BANNER, S, signifies, {1) A standard or ensirn. Is. 13:2. (2) Christ's love displayed. Song 2:4. Ps. 20:5. set up our ft. || 60:4. given aft. to them Song 2:4. ft. over me was love ||6:4. army with ft. Is. 13:2. lift ye up a 6. upon the hich mountain BANISHED, p. 2 8.14:13. not fetch his ft. 14. BANISHMENT, s. Ezr. 7:26. La. 2:14. BANQUET, s. Est. 5:4—14. | 6:14. | 7:1,2,?;. Jb. 41:6. make ft. of him || Am. 6:7. b. removed BANaUET-//()j(.-e, s. Da. 5:10. came toA.- BANUUETING, 8. Song2:4. ]Pe.4:3. BAPTISM, «. is, ' (1) The outward ordinar:ce,rr sacrament, lohercin the washing with water rep- resents the cleonsinir of the soul from sin by t!:^ blood of Christ, Lu" 7:29. 1 Pe. 3:21. (2) /».- trard spiritval crashing, whereby the gifts e«rf graces of the Spirit, signifed by the tfutvard sign, are really and actually bestowed. Mat. 3:11. (3) The 'sufferings vf Christ, whsrriy he icas consecrated and prepared for his entrance upon his kingly office, Jlat. 20:22. Lu. ]2:.50. (4) So much if the gospel as John the Baptist taught his disciples when he baptized them, Ac. 18:25.' CnuDEN. A large portion of the Christian chitrch, as is well known, hold sprinkling to he a valid administration t)f the ordinance; to which they think immersion not essential. Dr. Jl. Clarke's Butterworth gives the folluwiiis; definitions: — 'Baptism is, (]y Jin ordinance of the ^r. T., instituted by Christ, Wat. 28:ia. whereby the person is, in the name of the Father^, and of the Son, and of the Holy Chost,immers6,i in and covered with water, as a sign of /ii.i death to sin, and resurrection to newness of hfe here, and to life eternal hereafter, and of the in- fiuence of the Huly Spirit, Ro. 6:3,4,5. f'ol. 2:12. (2) It is put for. The plentiful rfitsion of the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit, Ait..l:5. (3) The overwhelming sufferings of Christ, Kat. 20:22. Ps. 69:2. (4) A vital union to, and^ove- vess with Christ, through the all-perrading operations of the Holy Spirit, 1 Co. 12:13.'' Mat. 3:7. saw Pharisees and Sadd. come to his ft. 20:22. 1 have a ft. l\lk. 10:38. Lu. 12:50. 21:2.S. ft. of John, whence was it, from.lieaven^ or of men, Mk. 11:30. Lu. 20:4. Mk. 1:4. did preach ft. of repentance. Lu; 3:3. Lu. 7:9. publicans baptized with A. (i.VJohn Ac. 1:22. becinning at the A. of John, 10:37 13:24. A. of repenlanre H 18:25. only L.of Joha 17 BAR BAS BE A''. 19:3. unto John's 6. || 4.with i.of repentance Kr). 6:4. are buried with him liy 6. 2 Col. 2:l-2. Ki). 4:5. one b. || 1 Pe. \i:i2l. b. doth save us (not UAI'TiST, s. .M:it. 3:1. came John the B. .Mat. Ji:ll. a greater than Julin B. Lu. 7:28. 13. davs ol'John the B. || 1-1:2. lliis is JuhnB. 14:8. John B. head j| lf;:]4. art J. B. .Mk. f':2S. 17:13. understood that be spoke of Jolin the B. Mk.f;:14.John J?.was risen ||2.').head of John B. hii.7:20.Ji>hn B. hath sent us || 33. Jnhii B. cajiie 9:19 answerintf, said, John the B. but some 7; Al'tiZE, (ir. Bajithd, Ro. 19:13. Mk. 7:4. Alat. 3:11. t b. with water, he shall b. with H. Ghost, Mk. 1:8. Lu. 3:1G. Jn. 1:2!!. Jik. 1:4. 6. in wilderness || Jn. 1:33. sent me to ] Co. 1:17. Christ sent me not to b. but to preach liAPTIZED, p. .Mat. 3:6. 6. in Jordan, .Mk. 1:5. .Mat. 3:13 cometh Je.«us to John to be b. of him 14. have need to he b. of thee, and comest, Iti. Mk. 1:9. A. in Jordan || 1U:39. I am 6. withal lfi:I6. hethat helieveth and is b. shall be saved Jj!i. 3:7. came to he b. || 12. public, to be b. 7:99. 21. Jesus being*. |{ 7:30. lawyers, being notft. Jn. 3:22. he tarried and 6. || 23. ami were b. 4:1 Jesus made and 6. more disciples than John Jn.4:2.thoMgh Jesus*. not!|J0:4lJ.pla(:e where J. 6. Ac. 1:5. John truly b. with water, but ye shall be h. with the Holy Ghost, Ihltj. 2:38. repent and be 6. everyone of you in the 41. they tliat gladly received his word were b. 8:12. b. !)Oth men and woni. || 13. i^inmn was b. 15. A. in name of Jesus l| 36. hinder to be b. 38. 9:18. Saul was h. || 10:47. should not be b. 48. 16:15. Lydia was A. ||33. jailer was 6. he and 13:8. many Cor. hearing, believed, and were A. 19:3. he said to them. To what then were A. 5. 22:16. arise and be A. {{ Ro. 6:3. A. into Jesus 1 Co. 1:13. A. in name of Paul || 14. I A. none but 10:2. A. to Mo^es || 12:13. all A. into one bodv 15:29. A. for the dead || Ga. 3:27. A. into Christ DAP'l'IZEST, V. J:i. 1:25. wily A. thou, if 15.APTIZETH, V. Jn. 1:33. the same A. 3:2n. B.\PTIZL\G, ;;. Mat. 28:19. teach all nations A. Jn. 1:28. where John was A. || 31. A. with water 3:23. A. in Enon because there was much water RAR, ED, p. i\e. 7:3. A. doors |i Sous 4:tl2. UAR, S. i. Ex. 26:26. A. of shittim wood, 36:31. 28. middle A. 36:23. || Nu. 3:36. A. of tab. 4:31. Nu. 4:10. and they shall put it upon a A. 12. De. 3:5. cities fenced with A. 1 K. 4:13. ^ud. 16:3. took A. and all || 1 g. 23:7. hath 6. N". 3:3. set up locks and A. thereof, 6,13,-15. Ji 17:16. A. of the pit || I>:tl3. A. of his skin .53:10. A. for the sea j| 40:18. bones like h. of iron I 4. 107:16. cut A. of iron || 147:13. 6. of thy gates I'r. 18:19. A. of a castle || Is. 45:2. cut b. of iron Jer. 49:31. gates nor A. || 51:30. her A. are broken -Arn. 1:3. break A. || Jon. 2:6. earth with her A. .N'a. 3:13. gates open, the fire shall devour thy A. BARAER AS, Son of confusion. Mat. 27:2J. nARACHEL, BlpssiiKT God. Jb. 32:1,2,6. BARACniAH, Blesfiiiir the Lord. Zch. 1:1,7. HARAK, Lightning, III vain. Jud.4:6. Ho. 11:32. I5ARB.\R1.\X, S, i. Savage, unlearned, a person riiie in speech. Ac. 28:4. when A. saw || Ro. 1:14. Greeks and A. 1 Co. 14:11. a A. to me || Col. 3:11. A. Scvthians BARBAROUS, a. Ac. 28:2. the A. people BARBED, p. Jb. 41:7. fill his skin with A. irons BARBER, s. Ez. 5:1. take thee a A. razor BARE, V. Ge. 7:17. A. the ark, De. 31:9,25. 31:39. was torn of beasts, I A. the loss of it V.x. 19:4. I A. vou on eagles' wings, De. 1:31. Jos. 3:1.5. A. tiie ark, 4:10. | 8:33. 2 S. 6:13. Jud. 3:18. sent away people that A. the present 1 S. 14:1. A. his armor. 6. 2 S. 18:15. 17:4. A. shield 111 K. 5:15. A. burd. Ne. 4:17. 1 K. 10:2. A. spices, 2 Ch. 9:1. || 14:27. guard A. 1 Ch. 12;2t. Judah that 6. shield, 2 Ch. 14:8. 15:15. Levites A. the ark, 2 i,27. || Is. 22:6. Js. .53:12. A. the sins of inanv |j 63:9. he A them r:z. 12:7. stiitr I a. H Mat. 8:17. A. our sicknesses Lu. 7:14. that A. stood || Jn. 2:8. they A. it Jn. 12:6. bag and A. || 1 Pe. 2:24. A. our sins on BARE, Ge. 31:8. cattle A. speckled ||38:.5. A. him Ce. 44:27. wife A. me 2 sons |( 46:15. which she ) K. 1:6. A. him after Abs. || 9:23. A. rule over 1 <;h. 4:9. A. him with snr. || Pr. 17:25. | 2.3:25. Song f;:9. choice one of her that A. her, 8:5. le. 51.2. Sarah that A. you || Jer. 16:3. i 2.1:14. Icr. 22:26. cast out that h. \\ 50:12. A. vou be .ash. L'.i. 11:27. blessed is wombth;U A. || 23:29. never BARE Frnit. Eu. 8:8. Re. 22:2. iBARE ',Viiiirs>- Kni Record. Mk. 14:.)6,.57. l.iL 4:22. all 6. him - and wondered at gracious Jn i:15. John A.- of him, .32,34. j 5:33. 12:17. people A.- 19:3.5. || Ac. 1.5:8. Re. 1:2. B \RE Rale. 1 K. 9:23. 2 Ch. 8:1'). i\e. .5:15. B.VREST, V. 1 K. 2:25. because thou A. the ark Js. 63:19. never A. rule || Jn. 3:20. A. witness 3\RE, adj. signifies (1) Makrd, de-'tilule. Le. 13:45. (2) Plain or real, I Co. 1.5:37. l/C. 13:45. and his head A. |i .j5. A. within or I'b. I37:t7. make A. make A. to the foundation JS. 32:11. make ye A. || 47:2. make A. the leg ."2:10. Lord made A. h'S holy arm in the eves /»r. 13:22. heel-- made A. 1149:10. made Esau'A. Ei. 16:7. naked and b. 22. || 39. leave A. 23:29. in. 1:7. my tig-tree 4. \[ ! Co. 15:37. but A. g;ain B.^REFOOT, a. 2 S. 15:30. went b. Is. 20:9. BARIAH, .a fugitive: or a bar. 1 Ch. 3:22. BAK-JESI'S, VVie son of Jesus. Ac. 13:6,11. BAR-JO.\A, The son o/ Jonas. Mat. 16:17. BAR,ED,c.andp. Is.5i;:10.cannot A. || Jo. 1:7. B.^KKOS, A man's name, Ezr. 2:53. iVe. 7:55. B.ARLEY, s. E.x. 9:31. A. was smitten in ear Le. 27:16. homer of A. || Nu. 5:15. of A. nieal Jud. 7:13. lo, a cake of A. bread tumbled into Ru. 1:22. of A. harvest i| 2:17,23. j 3:2,15. 2 S. 14:30. Joab's field halh A. || 17:28. | 21:9. 2 K. 4:42. brought 20 loaves of A. || 7:1. | 16:18. 1 Ch. 11:13. full of A. || 2 Ch. 2:10,1.5. j 27:5. Jb. 31:40. let cockle grow instead of A. Is. 2d:25. appointed A. || Jer. 41:8. wheat and A. Ez. 4:9. take to thee wheat, and A. and beans 12. A. cakes || 13:19. | 45:13. Ho. 3:2. Jo. 1:11. Jn. 6:9,13. Re. 6:6. BAR.\.\BAS, Son if consolation Ac. 4:36. Ac. 11:22. B. go to .Antioch || 25 departed B. 30. sent by tlie hand of B. || 12:2.5. returned B. 13:2. separate me .S. and Saul || 50. against B. 15:2. Paul and B. had no small dissension and 37. B. determined to take with them John 1 Co. 9:6. or I only and B. || Ga. 2:1.9,13. Col. 4:10. and Marcus, sister's son to^. salnteth BAR\, «. signifies, (11 A repositon/ for arain, Ln. 12:24. (2) Heaven, Mat. 13:30. ° 2 K. 6:27. help thee out of the A. floor Jb. 39:12. g.alher seed into thy A. Hag. 2:19. .Mat. 13:30. but gather the wheat into my A. Lu. 12:24. which have no storehouse nor A. BAR.NS, s. Pr. 3:10. A. be filled || Jo. 1:17. .Mat. 6:2'i. nor gather into A. || Lu. 12:18. my b. BARREL, S. 1 K. 17:12. meal in a b. 14. the b. of meal shall not waste |l 18:33. fill A. BARREN, a. JVithout fruit. (\) J^atural, Ge. 25:21. (2) S;nn7Ha7, Ga. 4:27. 2 Pe. 1:8. Ge. 11:30. Sarai was A. || 25:21. Rebeknh 6. 29:31. Rachel was A. || Ex. 23:26. nor be A. De. 7:14. not male or female A. || Jud. 13:2,3. 1 S. 2:.5. A. hath borne, 7. || 2 K. 2:19. ground A. Jb. 24:21. evil entreateth thee A. || 39:6. A. land Ps. 113:9. maketh the A. woman to keep house Pr. 30:16. A. womb || Song 4:2. none is A. 6:6. Is. 54:1. sing, O A. || Jo. 9:20. drive into a land A. Lu. 1:7. Eliz. was A. 36. || 93:29. blessed are A. Ga. 4:27. rejoice thou A. || 2 Pe. 1:8. be not A. BARRE.NWESS, s. Vs. 107:34. fruitful land to B.\RS.AB.\S, The son of rest, or conversion. Ac. 1:23. II 1.5:23. BARTHOLO.MEW, A son that suspends the rcalrrs. Mat. 10:3. .Mk. 3:18. Lu. 6:14. Ac. 1:13. BARTIMEUS, The son of Timeiis. Mk. 10:46. B.\RUC11, Who is blessed. Ne. 3:20. B. son of N'e. 10:6. B. sealed the covenant || 11:5. son of Jer. 32:12. evidence to B. 16. || 36:4. B. wrote 36:10. then read B. || 2ii. take B. the scribe 43:3. B. seltelh thee on || 6. took JS.|| 45:1. spake B.ARZILL.\I, J\rade of iron ; or the son of con- tempt. 2 S. j9:31. I 21:8. 1 K. 2:7. Ezr. 2:61. BASE, BASES, 5. 1 K. 7:27. ten A. four 2 K. 25:13. brake A. 16. || Ezr. 3:3. altar on J. Ps. 104:t5. founded the earth on her A. that Zch. 5:11. shall be set there upon her own 6. BASE, a. 2 S. 6:22. A. in my own sight Jb. 30:3. children of A. men || Is. 3:5. and the A. Ez. 17:14. kin-rdom A. || 29:14. A. kingdom .Ma. 2.9. I made you A. || Ac. 17:fl8. b. fellow 1 Co. 1:28. A. things || 2 Co. 10:1. I Paul am A. BASER, a. Ac. 17:5. lewd fellows of A. sort. BASEST, a. Ez. 99:15. Da. 4:17. BAl^HAti, Tn the tooth; ivory, sleep, confusion, or slander. Nu. 21:.33. went up by way of B. De. 3:1. .32:33. Og king of B. De. 1:4. | 3:11. | 4:27. | 29:7. Jos. 9:10. | 12:4. | 13:30. 1 K. 4:19. Ne. 9:22. Ps. 135:11. | 136:20. De. 3:4. kincdom of B. 10. Jos. 13:12,30. 4:43. and Golan in B. Jos. 20:8. | 21:27. 32:14. breed of B. || 33:22. shall leap from B. Jos. 17:1. he had B. || 2 K. 10:33. even B. 1 Ch. 6:71. Golan in B. \\ Ps. 22:12. bulls of Ps. 68:15. as the hill of B. || 22. bring from B. Is 33: 9. B. and Carmel shake otT their fruits Jer. 22:20. up voice in B. || 50:1?. shall feed on Ez. 39:18. fatlingsofS || Am. 4:1. ve kine of .Mi. 7:14. feed in B. || Na. 1:4. £. languisheth B.VSHEMATH, Perfumed; confusion of death; or, in desolation. Ge. 26:34. | 36:3,10,"l3. BASIN, S, s. Ex. 12:22. dip in blood in the b. 24:6. h.Tlfof the blood in A. || 2 S. 17:28. 1 K. 7:40. Hiram made A. 45. 2 Ch. 4:8,11. 1 Ch. 2S:17. gold for every A. || Jer. 52:19. Jn. 13:5. he poureth water into a 6. and began OrUnial Ejrer and BasUu BASKET, «. Ge. 40:17. in the b. all m't^int Le. 8:31. A. of consecrations )| De. 26:4. take De. 28:5. blessed .shall be thy A. || 17. cursed b Jud. 6:19. flesh in a A. || Jer. 24:2. one A. iiad Am. 8:1. and bt-hold a A. of summer fruit, 2. Ac. 9:25. let down hv wall in a A. 2 Co. 11:33 BASKETS, s. Ge. 40:16. had three white A. 13 2 K. 10:7. their heads in A. || Jer. 6:9. into the Jer. 24:1. two A. of figs before the temple .Mat. 14:20. and they took up twelve A. full, Wk. 6:43. Lu. 9:17. Jn. 6:13. 15:37. seven A. full, Mk. 6:8,19,20 BASLITH, Ne. 7:54. children of BASMATH, As Bashemath, 1 K. 4:15. B.\STARD, .«. jln illegitimate child. De. 23:2 A. not enter into, Zch. 9:6. A. dwell in Ashdod II He. 12:8. are BATH, s. j3 Heh. measvre of 7 gallons and a half Is. 5:10. ten acres of vinevard shall yield one A Ez. 45:10. a just A. || 11. the ephah and A. 14. B.\THE, V. Le. 15:5. A. himself in water, 8:11, 13,21,52,27. I 16:26,28.|17:15,16. Nu. 19:7, 8,19. B.ATHED, p. Is. 34:S. sword be A. in heaven BATHS, s. 1 K. 7:26. sea contained 2UL'U A. " 38. laver forty A. |j 2 Ch. 2:10. 20,000 h. wine 2 Ch. 4:5. sea held 3000 A. || Ezr. 7:29. 100 h. Ez. 45:14. homer often A. ten A. are a homer BATHRABBIM, Daughtvr of many. Song 7: 1. BATH-SHEBA, The seventh dauirhtcr, or daughter of an oaOi. 2S. 11:3. 1K.1:28. | 2:13 B.Vr, s. Le. 11:19. De. 14:18. Is. 2:20. BATTLE, «. (1) Of men, Jos. 8:4. (2) In Vie cause of God, 1 S. 18:17. Re. 12:7. Ge. 14:8. joined A. 1 S. 4:2. 1 K. 20:29. Nu. ,32:27. before the Lord lo A. || De. 2:24. De. 20:3. this day to A. || 5. lest he die in 6. Jos. 11:19. all they took in A. || Jud. 20:28,49. 1 S. 14:22. after them in A. || 17:20. shouted 6 17:28. for thou art come down to see the A. 47. for the A. is the Lord's, 2 Ch. 20:15. 20:10. descend into A. || 28:1. go to A. || 28:4. 2 S. 11:1. kings go forth to A. 1 Ch. 20:1. 15. Uriah in the forefront of the hottest A 19:10. Absalom whom we anointed is dead in b. 1 K. 8:44. out to A. 20:39. | 22:4. 2 K. 3:7. 1 Ch. 5:20. cried to God in the A. || 12:8. fit for 19:17. David set A. in array, 2 Ch. 13:3. I| 14:10. 2 Ch. 25:8. be strong for tlie A. God shall make Jb. 15:24. readv to the A. || 39:25. smelleth theA. 41:8. remember the A. || Ps. 18:39. strength to b Vs. 24:8. the king of glory, the Lord mighty in A. 55:18. he hath delivered my soul from the A. 76:3. break the shield, the sword, and the A. 89:43. hast not made him to stand in the b. Ec.9:ll. nor A. to strong || Is. 9:5. A. is with noise Is. 13:4. host of the A. || 22:2. not dead in b. 27:4. briers aaainst me in A. || 28:6. A. to gate 42:25. strength of the A. || Jer. 8:6. rushetli lo i. Jer. 18:91. let their young men be slain in A. 49:14. against her, and rise up to the A. 4G-3. 50:22. a sound of A. is in |i 42. like a man to b. Ez. 7:14. none goeth to A. || 13:5. stand in b. Ho. 1:7. not save by A. || 2:18. break the A. out of 10:9. A. in Gibeah did not overtake them Jo. 2:5. in A. array || Ob. 1. against Edom in A. Zch. 10:3. goodly horse in A. || 5. tread down in b. 14:2. against Jerusalem to A. and city be taken £>oj/r/B.\TTLE. 1 S. 13:99. so it came to pass in the -A. that Jb. 38:23. reserved against the -A. and war Ps. 78:9. Ephraini turned back in the -A. 140:7. thou hast covered my head in the -A. Pr. 91:31. horse for the -A. Ij Ho. 10:14. in -A. Am. 1:14. shouting in -A. || Zch. 14:3. fought -4 BATTLE-Bo^r, 5. Zch. 9:10. | 10:4. BATTLES, s. 1 S. 8:20. and fight our A. 1 S. 18:17. be valiant, and light the Lord's 6. 2.5:98. 1 Ch. 96:27. spoils won in A. || 2 Ch. 32:3 Is. .30:32. and in A. of shakini^s will he fight BATTERED, p. 2 S. 22:15. Joab A. the wall BATTERING, p. Ez. 4:2. A. rams, 21:22. BATTLE.MENT, S. De. 22:8. Jer. 5:10. BAY, n. Zch. ]:t8. horses A. || 6:3. A. horses, 7. P.AY-Tree, s. Vs. 37:35. like a green A.- BDELLIUM, s. The g^im of a tree in Arabia ; some siijrpose it lo mean the pearl oyster. Ge. 2:12. in Havilah there is b. Nu. 11:7. BE, ?). (1) To exUt, Ro. 4:17. (2) To be madr, Jer. 32:38. Mat. 19:5. (31 To be npparevtlii *7in7rn, Ro. 14:9. (4) ro consecrate, Jud. 11:31. Jud. 6:13. if the Lord A. with us, why all this 9 Ch. 36:23. Lord his God A. with hiui, Ezr. 1:3. .Tb. 10:1.5. if I A. wicked !| 19:4. and 6. it indeea Song 8:9. if she A. a wall, if she A. a door, we Is. 8:13. let him A. ynur tVar || 41:22. they A. Mat. 4:3. if thou A." the .Son of God, 6. | 27:40. Ro. 8:31. if God A. for us || 14:9. might A. Lord //"it BE. Ge. 95:92. she said -A. so, why am Ac. 5:39. -A. of God, ye cannot overthrow It | Let there BE. Ge. 1:3. -A. light and there || 6. -A. a firmameut 13:8. -A. no strife between me and thre 26:98. -A. now an oath betwixt us and thee Shall BE, or shall BE. Ge. 2:24. to his wife, and they -A. one flesh 12:2. I will bless thee, and thou -A. a blessing 18 BEA 3e 27:33. nnrt he -ft. blessed II 28:21. L. -i. myG. 35:10. Israel -b. thy name, 1 K. 18:31. 48:21. (idd -6. with you || 49:10. - of people b. BfiACOiV, s. All elevated signal, or sea-mark. ^^yptian MashalSf or Beacons, used in Marriage Proces- sions, ^c. IS. 30:17. as a h. on the top of a mountain BEALIATH, The gad of the idol. 1 Ch. 12:5. BEALOTH, JVkich are governed, or which gov- ern ; elevation ; the mistress, or sovereigns ; the goddesses of Baal. Jos. 15:24. RRASI, s. Jud. 1G:14. with the pin of the ft. 1 S. 17:7. like weaver's 6. 1 Ch. 11:23. j 20:5. 2 K. 6:2. take tlience a h. || 5. was felling a b. Ha. 2:11. 6. out of the timber shall answer Mat. 7:3. considerest not the ft. 4:5. Lii. 6:41,42. BEAMS, s. 2 Ch. 3:7. overlaid the ft. the posts Ne. 2:8. timber to make A. || Ps. 104:3. layeth b. Stmg 1:17. the 6. of our house are cedar and BEANS, s. 2 S. 17:28. ft. lentiles. Ez. 4:9. BEAR, V. signifies, (1) To carry, Jer. 17:21. Mat. 27:.32. (2) Sufw, 2 Co. 11:1. Re. 2:2. (3) Uphold or support, Ps. 75:3. | 91:12. (4) Be punished for, Su. 14:33. (5) The care of government, De. 1:12. (C) To be ansincrajilein payment fur, 2 K. 18:14. (7) To Ini/ a thing to heart, Ps. 89:50. (S) Give satisfaction fur. Is. 53:11. (9) Perform or fully observe, Ac. 15:10. Ge. 4:3. punishment greater than I can 6. 13:6. the land was not able to ft. them, 36:7. 43:9. let me A. the blame forever, 44:32. Le. 19:18. not ft. any grudge against the children Nu, 11:14. not able to ft. this people, De. 1:9. 2 K. 18:14. which thou puttest on me, I will ft. Ps. 75:3. I A. up pillars || 89:50. A. in my bosom 9i:I2. they shall ft. thee up. Mat. 4:6. Lu. 4:11. Pr. 18:14. wounded spirit who can ft. || 30:21. Is. 1:14. weary to A. ||4f;:4. will A. you || 7. ft. him .52:11. be ye clean that A. the vessels of the L. Jer. 10:19. this is a grief, and I must A. it 17:21. A. no burden on the sabhath-day, 27. 31:l9. I did A. the reproach of my youth 44:22. so that the Lord could no longer A. La. 3:27. it is good to A. the yoke in his youth Kz. 12:6. sight shall A. it. || 12. prince shall A. Am. 7:10. the land is not able to A. his words Mi. 7:9. I will A. the indignation of the Lord Hag. 2:12. if one A. holy flesh in the skirt of his Zch. 6:13. he shall ft. the glory, and rule on his Mat. 3:11. whose shoes I am not worthy to 6. 27:32. to A. his cross, Mk. 15:21. Lu. 23:26. Ln. 14:27. not ft. his cross || 18:7. he A. long Jn. 16:12. things, but ye cannot ft. them now Ac. 9:15. chosen vessel to A. || 15:10. not able toft. 18:14. should A. with you || Ro. 15:1. A. infirm. 1 Co. 3:2. not alile to A. it || 10:13. be able to A. it 2 Co. 11:1. A. with me || 4. might well A. with 0\. 6:2. A. one another's burdens || 5. A. his own 17. I b. in my body || He. 5:|2. reasonably 6. Ja. 3:12. can fig-tree' ft. || Re. 2:2. canst not A. BK.'VR Iniquity. Ex. 28:38. Aaron may A.- Ex. 2S:43. Aaron and his sons, that they 6. not - 1^.5:1. he shall ft.his jnigitiei/, 17. | 7:18. | 17:16. I 19:8. I 20:17. 10:17. given to you to A.- 1| 16:22. goat shall 6.- 20:19. A. their -, Nu. 18:23. Ez: 44:10,12. 23:16. or suffer them to A.- of their trespass Nu. 5:31. woman shall A. her - || 14:34. A. your - 18:1. Aaron and his sons A.- of sanctuary 30:15. then he shall A. her- || [3.53:11. A. their - Rz. 4:4. A. their - || 18:19. son A.- of father, 20. BEAR Judgment E.v. 28:30. Ga. 5:10. BEAR Rate. Est. 1:22. evrrv man A.- in his Pr. 12:24. diligent shall A.- || Jer. 5:31. priests Ez 19:11. rods for them that A.- 1| Da. 2:39. BEA BEAR Sin. Le. 20:20. shall A. their - thev 22:9. lest they A.- for it || 24:15. curseth God A.- Nu. 9:13. shall A.- || 18:22. lest they A.-, 32. Ez. 23:49. and ye shall A. the sin of your idola He. 9:28. so Christ was once offered to A.- BEAR Witness. Ex. 20:16. not A. false- against, De 5:20. Mat. 19:18. Ro. 13:9. 1 K. 21:10. set two men, sons of Belial, to i.- i\ik. 1U:j9. do not A. false -, Lu. 18:20. Lu. 11:48. truly ye b.- that ye allow deeds Jn. 1:7. toft.-, 8. || 3:28. A. me - || 5:31. if I A.- of 5:3;;. works I do A.- of me ||8:18. A.-of myself 15:27. ye shall A.- because ye have been 18:V3. A.- of the evil jj 37. that 1 should A.- Ac. 22:5. priest doth A. me- |l 23:11. A.- at Rome 1 Jn. 1:2. seen it and A.- || 5:8. three that A.- BEAR, V. Ge. 17:17. shall ^arah A. 18:13. Le. 12:5. if she A. a maid child, De. 28:.'')7. Jud. 13:3. conceive and A. a son || 1 K. 3:21. Song 4:2. sheep, whereof every one A. lwins,6:6. Is. 7:14. a virgin shall A a son ||54:1. didst not A. Jer. 29:6. may be sons|| Lu. 1:13. Eliz. A. a son BEARERS, s. 2 Ch. 2:18. | 34:13. Ne. 4:10. DEAREST, V. Jud. 13:3. art barren and A. not Ps. 106:4. favor thou ft. || Jb. 8:13. ft. record Ro. 11:18. ft. not root || Ga. 4:27. that ft. not BEARETH, v. Nn. 11:12. as father A. the child De. 29:18. a root that A. gall || 23. nor A. nor gr. 32:11. as an eagle A. her young on her wings Jo. 2:22. not afraid, for the tree ft. her fruit Mat. 13:23. also A. fruit || Jn. 15:2. A. not fruit Ro. 13:4. for he A. not the sword in vain 1 Co. 13:7. charity A. all || He. 6:8. A. thorns BEARETH Rule. Pr. 29:2. the wicked A.- BEARETH IVitness. Jb. 16:8. leanness A.- Pr. 25:18. A. false - is a maul, and a sword Jn.o:32. that A.- of me || 8:18. Father A.- of me 1 Jn. 5:6. it is the Spirit that A.- Ro. 8:16. BEARING, p. Ge. 1:29. every herb A. seed Ge. 16:2. L. restrained me from b. \\ 29:35. left A. Nu. 10:17. A. the tabernacle ||21. A. sanctuary Jos. 3:3. prie.-its A. the ark, 14. 2S. 15:24. 1 S. 17:7. one A. a shield || Ps. 126:6. A. seed Mk. 14:13. meet jou a man A. Lu. 22:10. Jn. 19:17. ft. his cross, went forth to a place Ro. 2:15. conscience*, witness, 9:1. II 2 Co. 4:10. He. 2:4. God also ft. them witness with signs 13:13. let us go forth to him ft. his re[iroach CA;M-BEAR[NG, .?. l TI. 2:15. saved in -A. BEAR, S, s. ] S. 17:34. lion and a 6. took, 36. slew the lion and A. || 2 S. 17:8. ft. robbed 2 K. 2:24. came forth two she A. and tare Pr. 17:12. b. robbed of her || 28:1.5. ranging A. Is, 11:7. cow and A. shall feed || 59:11. roar like A. La. 3:10. A. lying in wait || Da. 7:5. like A. Ho. 13:8. I will meet them as a A. bereaved Am. 5:19. flee from a A. || Re. 13:2. feet of a A. BEARD, S. Le. 13:29. j 14:9. | 19:27. | 21:5. 1 S. 17:35. caught him by his A. || 21:13. 2S. 10:5. till your A. be grown, 1 Ch. 19:5. 19:24. trimmed not his A. || 20:9. b. to kiss him Ezr. 9:3. plncktolThair of my head, and of my A. Ps. 133:2. even Aaron's A. || Is. 7:20. I 15:2. Jer. 41:5. A. shaved || 48:37. A. dipt, Ez. 5:1. BEAST, .«. signifies, (1) A brute void of reason, Pr. 12:10. (2) Brutish men, 1 Co. 15:32. 2 Pe. 2:12. (3) Kingdoms, Da. 7:11. (4) Ministers of the gospel, Re. 4:6,8. | 7:11. where the word should he tr;inslated living creatures. (5) Antichrist, Re. 13:2. | 20:4. (6) ATations, Da. 4:12,21. Ge. 1:25. G. made the ft. || 3:1. subtle than any ft. Ex. 22:19. whoso lielh with a ft. put to death, Le. 18:23. I 20:15,16. De. 27:21. Le. 11:47. A. that may be eaten || 27:9. if a h. Ne. 2:12. save the A."l rode on || Ps. 68:130. Ps. 73:22. as a A. before thee || 147:9. A. his food Pr. 12:10. regards his A. || Ec. 3:19. above a A. Is. 43:20. A. shall honor || 63:14. A. that poeth Da. 4:16. let a A. heart be given to liim and 7:11. till the A. was slain jj 19. of the fourth A. Lu. 10:34. set him on his own A. and brought Ac. 28:5. Paul shook off the A. into the fire He. 12:21. so much as a A. touch the mountain Re. 4:7. first ft. like a lion || 6:3. A. say. Come 11:7. A. that ascended || 13:1. A. rise out of sea 15:2. victory over the A. || 16:13. mouth of the A. 19:19. I saw the ft.|| 20:10. ft. and false prophets Ererii BEAST. Ge. 2:19. out of the ground God formed -A. 20. Adam gave names to -A. of the field 3:14. cursed above -A. || 7:2. -clean A. 8:14. 8:19. -A. after their kinds went out of the ark 20. -clean A. he oflered || 9:2. dread on -A. 9:5. blood required of -A. || 10. -A. I establish 34:23. shall not -A. of theirs be ours :' Re. 11:26. -A. which divideth hoof, De. 14:6. Ps. 50:10. -A. is mine || 104:11. drink to -A. Ez. 34:8. meat to -A. || 39:17. speak to -A. BEAST, joined with jMan. Ge. 6:7. destroy - and A. || Ex. 8:17. lice in -A. E\. 9:9. boil oil -and A. 10. || 19. hail on -and A. 11:7. not a dog move his tongue against-or A. 12:12. and%iii smile all the first-born both of mnH and A. 13:15. Ps. 135:8. Nu. 31:26. prey that was taken both of- and A. Ps. 36:6. Lord, thou preservest-and A. Jer. 7:29. fury poured on - and A. 21:6. 1 36:29. Ez. 14:13iil I 25:13 j 29:8 Zph 1:3 BEA Jer. 27:5. made - and A. || 31:27. seed of- and • II 50:3. Jon. 3:7. let not - nor A. taste any thing Unclean BEAST. Le. 5:2. | 7:21. | 27:11,27 fVild BEAST. 2 K. 14:9. passed by a -A. Jb. 39:15. forgetteth that -A. may break them Ps. 80:13. -A. of the field doth devour it Ho. 13:8. like a lion, the -A. shall tear them BEASTS, s. Ge. 31:39. torn of A. Ex. 2:31. Ex. 11:5. all the firstborn of A. shall die Le. 11:2. these A. ye shall eat, De. 14:4,6. 26:6. rid evil A. out of the land || De. 32:24. 1 K. 4:33. Solomon spake of A. and of fow 1 18:5. find grass, that we may lose not all tlie 'i 2 K. 3:17. drink ye, your cattle and your A. Ezr. 1:4. help him with gold, goods, and wilh A Jb. 12:7. ask the ft. and || 18:3. counted as A. ni-d 37:8. then the A. go into dens, and remain in Ps. 49:12. man is like the A. that perish, 20. 78:t.50. lie gave their A. to the murrain 104:20. A. of the forest creep || 25. and grent A 148:10. A. and all cattle praise the Lord Pr. 9:2. wisdom killed her ft. |1 30:30. amonir A Ec. 3:18. see themselves are A. || 19. befalletii A Is. 30:6. the burden of the A. of the south 40:16. nor A. thereof for a burnt-offering 46:1. idols on the A. || 6():20. upon swift A. I( Jer. 9:10. the A. are fled || 12:4. A. are consumed Ez. 5:17. send evil A. 14:15. || 32:4. fill the A 32:13. I will destroy all A. thereof, 34:25,28. I|^. 4:14. A. get away || 15. portion be with ft 7:17. four A. are foiir kings || 8:4. no A. miglit Ha. 2:17. spoil of ft. || Zph. 2:15. ilafe for b. Zch. 14:15. so shall he the |)lagut M' all the A Ac. 7:42. offered slain ft. || 23:24. pri vide them Ro. 1:23. changed into an image ma le like to A 1 Co. 15:32. if I have fought with A at Ephes^9 Ja. 3:7. everj' kind •f A. is tamed, but tongue 2 Pe. 2:12. as natural brute A. speak, Ju. 10. Re. 4:6. four A. full of eyes, 8. || 9. A. give glory 5:6. of four A. stood a Lamb || 14. A. said Amen 6:1. A. saying, Come, 15:7. || 7:11. four ft. ]4:'. 19:4. the twenty-four elders and four A. ft! down BEASTS of the Earth. De. 28:26. thy carcass shall be meat fol all I,- 1 S. 17:46. carcasses of Philistines to A.- Jh. 5:22. nor slialt thou be afraid of the A.- 35:11. whoteaeheth us more than the A.- Ps. 79:2. saints to the 6.- || Is. 18:6. left toA- Jer. 7:33. carcasses meat for A.-, 16:4. | lij.7. 34:20. 15:3. I will appoint over them A.- to dcvc nr Ac. 10:12. all manner of four-footed A.-, 11:6. Re. 6:8. to kill with hunger, and with the t.- BEASTS of the Field. Ex. 23:11. what the poor leave, b.- may e.-it De. 7:22. lest the A.- increase upon thee 1 S. 17:44. and I will give thy flesh to the A.- 2 S. 21:10. birds by d;iy, nor A.- by night Jb. 5:23. the ft.- shall be at peace with thee 40:20. ft.- play || Ps. 8:7. ft.- under his feet Is. 50:9. all A.- come to devour, Jer. 12:9. Jer. 27:6. ft.- have 1 given him, 28:14. Da. '.-3R Ez. 29:5. given thee for meat to ft.-, 34:5. | :!!):4 31:6. ft.- bring forth || 38:20. A.- shake at my Da. 4:12. A.- had shadow || 25. dwell with b.-y.'}. Ilo. 2:18. covenant with A.- 1| 4:3. mourn witti :. (o. 1:20. A.- cry also to thee, for the rivers 2:22. be not afraid, ye A.- the pastures sprii^g Wdd "BEASTS. Le. 26:22. I will send -A. among you 1 S. 17:46. carcasses of the Philistines to -A Ps. 50:11. the -A. of the field are mine Is. 13:21. -A. of the desert, 22. || 34:14. Jer. 5(>:39 Mk. 1:13. Christ w.ns with -A. || Ac. 10:12. j Ihfi BEAT, V. Ex. 30:36. spires A. small Ex. 39:3. did A. the gold || Nu. 11:8. A. manna De. 25:3. lest he exceed and A. him above th< se Jn. 8:17. 6. down Penuel || 9:45. A. down ci'y 19:22. A. at the door || Ru. 2:17. she A. out 2 S. 22:43. I A. them small, Ps. 18:42. 2 K. 3:25. A. down the cities |i 13:25. | 23:lf:. Ps. 52:t5. God shall A. thee |[ 89:23. 1 will A.dov,-n Pr. 23:14. if thou shalt A. him with a rod Is. 2:4. ft. their swords. Mi. 4:3. || 3:15. ft. H'y 27:12. Lord shall ft. off from the channel 41:15. thresh the mountains, and A. them srvf,",! Jo. 3:10. A. your ploughshares ||,Ion, 4:8. S'ln i-. Mi. 4:13. thou shalt beat in pieces many p<'niii€ Mat. 7:25. ft. on that house, 27. Lu. 6:48,41,'. 21:35. husbandmen A. one, Lu. 20:10,11. Mk. 4:37. waves A. || Lu. 12:45. begin to h. Ac. 16:22. to A. them |j 18:17. | 22:19. j 27:t"!4. BEATEN, V. Ex. 5:14. officers were A. 16. 25:18. cherub of A. work, 37:17,22. Nu. 8 >'. Le. 2:14. corn A. out || Jos. 8:15. Israel, as il t. 2 S. 2:17. Abnerwas A. || Pr. 23:35. A. me Pr. 10: t8. a prating fool shall be A. Is. 28:27. fitches are 6. || 30:31. Assyrians r. Jer. 46:5. mighty ones A. || Mk. 13:9. ye sh.nfi be ft. Lu. 12:47. servant knew and did not, shall ]>? b Ac. 5:40. apostles, and ft. || 16:37. A. us openly 2 Co. 11:25. thrice was I A. with rods, once BEATEN Oold. Nil. 8:4. work of the candlestick was of b.- 1 K. 10:16. made two hundred targets of i - 19 BED J K. 10:17. three hundred shields of fc.-9Cli.!1:15. BE.Vi'EN Od. Ex.-27:aO. i i^9;40. Le. -iivi. JUCATEST, ?) De. 24:-20. Pr. 23:13. JiEATETli, r 1 Co. 9:-2fi. that h. the air UEATI.VU, p 1 S. 14:16. Mk. 1-2:5. BEAL'TV, s. sicnifies, (1) Cotncliness, 2 S. 14:-25. (2) Splendor, glory, or lUgniitij, La 1:6. Zcli. 11:7. (3) Joy and gladness, Is. 61:3. (4) Holiiiws and parity, Kz. 16:14. Ex. W-.-i. holy fjarinents for glory, and for 6 5i S. 1:19. b. of Israel is slain on high places 14:25. none so much praised as Alisalom for 6. ] Ch. 16:29. b. of holiness, I's. 29:2. \ 96:9. 2 Ch. 20:21. Est ,1:11. to show the princes her b. for she Jl). 40:10. array thyself with glory and b. Ps. 27:4. b. of the Lord [| 39:11. A. to consume 45:11. king desire thy b. || 49:14. b. shall con- sume 50:2. out of Zion the perfection of A. God hath 90:17. the b. of the Lord our God be upon us 95:6. strength and b. are in his sanctuary I'r. 6:25. lust not after her 6.|| 20:29. b. of old 3I:3J. favor is deceitful, and b. is vain Is. 3:24. burning instead of 6. |i 4:t2. b. and glory 13:19. Babvlou the h. || 28:1. 6. is a fading, 4. 2i:5.diadeu) of A. || 33:17. see the king in his 6. r>3:a. no b. that we should || 61:3. b. for ashes La. 1:6. her 4. is departed ||2:1. the 6. of Israel 9:15. is this the city men call the perfection of*. Ez. 7:20. as for the b. of his ornament lie set^ 16:14. renown v/ent among heathen for b. lr):15. trust in thy b. \\ 25. *. be abhorred 27:3. of perfect b. 28: 12. |i 4. perfected thy 6.11. 28:7. *. of thy wisdom |1 17. because of thy b. 31:8. Assyrian in his b.\\ 32:19. Egypt pass in h. llo. 10:tli. I passed over on the b. of her neck 14:6. Israel's h. shall be as the olive-tree Zch. 9:17. how great his b. || 11:7. staves, h. 10. liEAUTIES, s. Ps. 110:3. in the b. of holiness BEAL'TIFY, v. Ezr. 7:27. b. ths Lord's house Ps. 149:4. he will b. the meek with salvation Is. 60:13. to h. the place of my sanctuary BEAUTIFUL, a. Ge. 29:17. Rachel was A. Ue. 21:11. seest among the captives a A. woman 1 S. 16:12. David was of A. || 25:3. Abigail was 6. 2 S. 11:2. Balhsheba was A. 1| 14:125. man Est 2:7. Esther A. || Ps. 48:2. A. for situation Ec. 3:11. made everything A. in his time .•>ong 6:4. thou art A. O my love, as Tirzah 7:17 how A. are thy feet with shoes, O prince's Is. 4:2. Branch of the Lord be A. and glorious 62: 1. A. garments || 7. how A. the feet. Flo. 10:15. 64:11. A. house is burnt || Jer. 13:20. A. flock Jer. 48:17. strong staff broken, and the A. rod Kz. 16:12. A. crown, 13. || 23:42. put A. crowns Mat. 23:27. appear A. || Ac. 3:2. gate A. 10. BEBAI, The bidl oftlie eye. Ez. 8:11. | 10:23. BECAME, V. Ge. 2:7. man A. a living soul Ge. 19:2'j. looked back, and A. a pillar of salt 49:15. Issachar A. a servant to tribute Ex. 4:3. it A. a serpent || 4. A. a rod in his hand 1 X. 12:30. this thing A. a sin, 34. || Da. 2:35. ] Co. 9:20. to the Jews I A. a Jew, to gain the J. He. 7:26. such a high priest A. us, who is holy 10:33. A. companions || Re. 16:3. sea A. as blood J!EaAMEST,«. 1 Ch. 17:22. Ez. 16:8. LECAUSE, a. Jn. 8:43. b. ye cannot hear ;m. 10:13. hireling fleeth A.j| 14:19. b. I live lie. 6:13. A. he could swear by no greater 1 Jn. 3:14. A. we love the brethren || 4:19. tP.CHRK, frst-born; first-fruits. Ge. 46:21. Nn.26;35. of B., the laniily ofthe Bachrites. i ECKONED, p. Lu. 1:22. Zacharias A. || 5:7. r. 13:24. Peter A. || Ac. 19:33. Alexander A. Ac. 21:40. Paul stood on stairs and A. || 24:10. BECKONIXG,p. Ac. 12:17. | 13:16. IlECOJlE, V. Ge. 3:22. man is A. as one of us Gi'. 37:23. A. of his dreams||3S:t23. A. a contempt Ex. 15:2. A. my salvation, P.--. 118:14. Is. 12:2. 32:1. wot not what is A. of him, 23. Ac. 7:40. Ilat. 21:42. A. head of the corner, Mk. 12:10. Jn. 1:12. he gave power to A. the sons of God £ Co. 5:17. behold all things &T2 A. new Re. 11:15. are A. the kingdoms of our Lord BECO.VIETH, V. Ps. 93:5. holiness A. thy house 3:15. A. us to fulfil all righteousness 13:22. and he A. unfruitful, .Mk. 4:19. Phil. 1:27. as A. the gospel || Ti. 2:3. A. holiness BKD, s. is, (1) J\~atural,fur rest, Lu. 11:7. (2) .^ slate nf carnat security. Song 3:1. (3) Of communion with Christ, Song 1:16. (4) The grave. Is. .57:2. Ge. 47:31. bowed himself on the A. 1 K. 1:47. 49:4. wente-t up to thy father's A. 1 Ch. 5:1. Ex. 21:18. and he die not, but keepeth his A. Le. 15:4. A. whereon he lieth is unclean, 24. 1 S. 19:13. image in the A. || 2 S. 4:5. | 11:2. 2 K. 1:4. not come down from that A. 6:16. -i 10. let us set there for him a A. and a table Ji.. 7:13. A. shall comfort me || 17:13. A. in darkn. 33:15. God speaketh in slnrnberings on the A. Ps. 4:4. commune on your A. || 6:8. A. to swim 36:4. mischief on his A. || 41:3. make all his A. 63:6. rememberthee on my A. || 132:3. my A. till 139:8. if I make my A. inhell, thou ar'" there ?r. 7:16. decked my A. 17. || 22:27. take || 26:14. Song 1:16. our A. is green |] 3:1. by night on my A. 3.7. bis 6. whiih is Solomon's "|| t9. of wood BEF Is. 28:20. A. is shorter 1| 57:8. enlarged thy A. Mat. 9:1)., take up tliv A. and go unto thy li,.use, Mk. 2:9,11. Jn. 5:11,12. iMk. 4:21. candle to be put under a A. Lu. 8:16. Lu. 11:7. children are with meinA. || 17:34. Re. 2:22. behold I will cast her into a A. BED of Love. Ez. 23:17. into the A.- BED of Si>iec3. Song 5:13. | 6:2. I!I',1) ninhfiled. He. 13:4. honorable and the A.- BED-Cil.\.MBER,s. E.x.8:3. frogs came intoA.- 2S. 4:7. Ish-bosh.'lh lay in his A.- they slew 2 K. 6:12. in thy A.- || 11:2. hid in, 2 Ch. 22:11. Ec. 10:20. curse not the rich in thy A.- BEDS, «. Ps. 149:5. sing aloud on their A. Is. 57:2. rest in their A. || Ho. 7:14. howled on 6. Am. 6:4. A. of ivory || -Mi. 2:1. work evil on A. BEDSTEAD, .«. De. 3:11. was a A. of iron BED.iD, SoliUiry. Ge. 33:35. 1 Ch. 1:46. BEDAIAH, The only Lord. Ezr. 10:35. BED.\N, Jud^e or judicature. 1 S. 12:11. BEE, S. De. 1:44. chased you as A, || Jud. 14:8. Ps. 116:12. they compa.-sed me about like A. Is. 7:18. Lord shall hiss for the A. in Assyria BEELIADA, An open idol or masler of knowl- edirc. 1 Ch. 14:7. BKE'EZEBLIB, The lord of flirs. The same xvith BAAL-ZEBUB, The prince of devils. Jlat. 10:25. if they have called the master S. 12:24. by B. 27. Mk. 3.22. Lu. 11:15,18,19. BEEN, V. 2 S. 12;8. if that had A. too little Jli. 3:13. have slept, then had I A. at rest Fs. 2;:9.thou hast A my help, 03:7. | 94:17. Is. 48:18. then bad thy peace A. as a river 49:21. left alone, these, where had they A. Lu. 24:21. we trusted it had A. he || Ac. 4:13. Ko. 9:29. A. as Sodom || 1 Ti.5:9. ||2 Pe. 2:21. 1 Jn. 9:19. if they had A. of us, no doulit Hath BEEN. Ge. 31:5. God -A. with me De. 2:7. God -A. with thee || 1 S. 14:38. sin -5. 2 Ch. 15:3. -A. without G. || Ec. 3:15. -A. is now Jer. 22:21. -A. thy manner || Jo. 1:2. - this. A. ? Jn. 11:39. -A. dead || Ro. 11:34. -A. his counsel Hin-e BEEN. 1 Ch. 17:8. I -A. with thee Ezr. 9:7. -A. in a trespas.s || Jb. 10:19. should -A. Ps. 25:3. mercies -A. ever || 37:25. -A. young 42:3. tears -A. my || Is. 1:9. should -A. as Sodom Is. 26:17. so - we A. |i 18. -A. with child, -A. in 66:2. all things -A. saith the Lord Jer. 2:31. - I A. a wilderness || 28:8. that -A. bef. Ho. 5:2. -A. a rebuker || Ma. 2:9. but -A. partial Mk. 8:2. -A. 3 days || Lu. 1:70. -A. since world Jn. 14:9. -A. so long || 15:27. ye -A. with me Ac. 20:18. after what manner I -A. with you 2 Co. 11:25. -6. in the deep|| Ga. 3:21. -A. by law J\-ot BEEN. Ex. 9:18. rain hail such as hiilh -A. in Egypt 2 S. 14:8. -A. as my servant David || Jb. 10:16. Ps. ]2i:l. if it had -A. the Lord on our side, 2. Ec. 4:3. better than both is he that hath -A. Ob. 16. they shall be as though they had -A. Mat. 26:24." good for that man he had -A. born BEEU, -9 loiil ; or declaring. Nu. 21:16. BEER-ELIM, The well of Elim, or of the princes. Is. 1.5:8. BEERI, Wells, Ge. 26:04. Ho. 1:1. BEER-I;:33. name of city is B. 23:10. Jacob went from B. \\ 46:1. came to B. Jos. 19:2. had B. || 1 K. 19:3. Elijah came to B. Am. 5:5. pass not to B. || 8:14. the manner of B. BEETLE, s. Le. 11:02. ye mav eat, the A. Colossal stone Idol, or tli ,f Egypt. BEEVES, 5. Le. 23:19. offer of A. sheep, 21. Nu. 31:23. levy a tribute to theL. of the A. 38. BEFALL, I'. Ge. 42:4. lest mischief A. him, 38. 49:1. tell what shall A. De. 31:29. Da. 10:14. De. 31:17. many evils and troubles shall A. them Ps. 91:10. no evils A. thee || Ac. 20:22. A. me BEFALLEN, a. Le. 10:19. such things have A. No. 20:1 1. travail that hath A. us || Ju. 6:13. 1 S. 2):2r). Est. 6:13. Mat, 8:33. BEFALLETH, Ec.3: 19. which A. men, A. beasts BEFELL, V. 2 S. 19:7. worse than all that A. thee BEG Mk. 5:16. told how it A. || Ac. 20:19. A. me by BEFORE, pr. Siiinities, (1) In si'rht of, Ge. 43' 14. (2) In order of time, Is. 43:13. (3) In order of place, Zos. e-.W. Lu. 22:47. (4} /« order of dignit.ii, Jn. 1:15,27. Ge. 20:15. my lai'ol is b. thee||24:45. A. I had done 31:2. not toward him as A. || 43:14. | 4^:20. Jos. 10:14. no day like that A. it or at^ter it Jud. 3:2. as A. knew nothing || 16:20. go as A. 2 S. 6:21. chose me A. thy father || 10:9. battle 6. 2 Ch. 13:14. battle was A. and behind, 19:10. 33:19. Manasseh his trespass, A. he was hum- bled Jb. 3:24. sighing cometh A. I eat || 10:21. A. I go Ps. 31:22. 1 am cut oft' from A. thine I'yes 9:1.x spare me, A. I go hence and be no more 80:9. preparest room A. it || 119:67. A. aiilicted I 139:5. thou hast set me behind and A. || Ec. 7:17. Is. 9:12. Syrians A. || 17:14. A. the morn, he is not 43:13. A. the day was, I am he, and there is none 65:24. that A. thev call, I will answer and hear Jer. ]:.5.A. I formed thee || Ez.44:12.A. idols [j 22. Ho. 7:2. doings A. my face || Am. 4:3. is A. her Ma. 2:5. was afraid A. my name |{ 4:5. A. coming Mat. 6:8. A. ye ask || 8:29. A the time |( 24:25. Lu. 2:26. not tee death A. || 23:12. A. at enmity Jn. 6:C2. ascend where he was A. |{ 7:51. A. il hear 13:19. now I tell you A. it come, 14:29. .\c. 2:31. he seeing this A. S|'ake of resurrection 4:28. to do thy counsel determ. A. to be done 10:41. but to witnesses chosen A. of God, to us Ga. 5:21. I tell you A. || Phil. 3:13. to things A. Col 1:5. ye heard A. || 1 Th. 2:2. suffeied A. || 3:4. He. 7:18. going A. || 10:15. he had said A. this is 2 Pe. 3:2. words spoken A. || 17. things A. beware Re. 3:9. worship A. thy feet || 4:6. full of eyes i Come BEFORE. Ex. 22:9. both parties shall -A. the judge Ps. 100:2. -A. his presence with thanksgiving Mi. 6:6. wherewithal shall I -A. the Lord ? 2 Ti. 4:21. do thy diliaence to -A. winter BEFORE the People. " Ge. Zi-A-2. bowed A.- of Ex. 17:5. Lord said to Moses, Go on A.- || 34:10. 1 S. 18:13. he went out, and came in A.- Mk. 8:6. discip. set them A.- || Lu. 20:26. worda Re. 10:11. thou m\ist prophesy A. many peoples BEFORE whom. Ge. 24:40. Lord A.- I walk, will send his angels 48:15. and said, God, A.- my fathers did walk 1 K. 17:1. Lord God of Israe"l livcth,A.-I stand, 18.15. 9 K. 3:14. Est. 6:13. Mordecai, A.- thou hast begun to fall Da. 7:8. and A.- three fell, even of that horn, 20. Ac. 26:26. the king A.- also I speak freely See further All, Ark, God, &c. BEFOREHAND, ad. Mat. 13:11. no thought b 2 Co. 9:,5. A. voiir bounty || 1 Ti. 5:24,25. 1 Pe. 1:11. te'stifiert A. the sufferings of Christ BEFORETIME, ai^. Jos. 20:5. hated him not A. 1 S. 9:9. A. in Israel, prophet was A. called seer 2 S. 7:10. nor afflict as A. || 2 K. 13:5. Ne. 2:1. not been A. sad || Is. 41:26. declared b. Ac. 8:9. called Simon, which A. used sorcery BEGAN, D. Ge. 4:26. A. men to call on the LoriJ Nu. 25:1. A. to commit whoredom || Jud. 90:31. 2 Ch. 20:22. they A. to sing, the Lord set am bush 31:7. third month they A. to lay the Iieaps 34:3. while vonng A. to seek after God of David Mat. 4:17. Jesus A. to preach || Mk. I4:i72. Lu. 1:70. since the world A. || 14:30. b. to build Jn. 4:52. A. to amend )| 9:32. Ac. 3:21 Ko 16:25. 2Ti. 1:9. Ti. 1:2 He. 2:3. at first A. to be spoken bv tlie Lord BEGAT, V. Pr. 23:22. father Uiat A. thee, Jer. 16:3. Da. Il:t3. Zch. 13:3. father and mother that A. him Ja. 1:18. of his own will, A. he us || 1 Jn. 5:1. BEGET, V. Ge. 17:20. twelve princes shall he A. De. 4:25. when thou shalt A. children, children's 28:41. A. sons, 2 K. 20:18. Is. 39:7. Ec. 6:5. A. 100 children || Jer. 29:6. and A. sons Ez. 18:10. A. a son that is a robber, 14. BEGETTFST, v. Ge. 48:6. || Is. 4;5:]0. BEGETTETH, v. Pr. 17:21. | 23:24. Ec. £:_4 BEG, V. Ps. 109:10. let his children A. let Pr. 90:4. A. in harvest || Lu. 16:3. A. ashameJ BEGGED, p. Mat. 27:58. A. the body, Lu. 83:52 Jn. 9:8. is not this he that sat and A. ? BEGGAR, s. 1 S. 2:8. A. from the dunghill Lu. 16:20. A. named Lazarus || 22. tiie A. died BEGGARLY, n. Ga. 4;9. and A. elements BEGGING, a. Ps. 37:25. his seed A. bread Mk. 10.46. Bartimeus sat A. Lu. 18:35. BEGIN, V. Ge. 11:6. this they A. to do and De. 2:25. this day will I A. to put the dread of 1 S. 3:12. I A. I will make an end || 29:15. Jer. 25:C9. A. to bring evil || Ez.9:6. A. at sasct. Lu. 3:8. A. not to saj^ within || 13:26. A. to say 14:29. A. to mo'k |f21:28. A. to come to pass 1 Pe. 4:17. iudgment must A. at the house of BEGI.NNER, He,19:t2. Jesus the A. and tinisher BEGINNING, s. signifies, (1) The first, E.x. 12:9. (2) The creation, Ge. 1:1. (3) Thai which is chief or most excellent, Pr. 1:7. [ 9;1S (4) The everlasting Ond, Re. 1:8 20 BEH Ge. 49:3. Reuben 6. of my strength || Ex. 12:2. lie. 21:17. is tlieA. of liis strength, the right Jb. 8:7. tho' ihy 5 was small || 42:12. more Ihun b. Ps. i;i:IO. b. of wisdom, Pr. 1:7. | 9:10. I'r. 17:14. 6. of strife as one lettetti out water Kc. 7:8. belter is the end of a thing, than the b. 10:13. tlie b. of his words is foolishness and ' Is. (34:4. since h. of world, men have not heard Mi. 1:13. is 6. of sin to the daughter of Zion Wat. 24:S. the b. of sorrows, Mk. 13:8. Mk. 1:1 the 6. of the gospel of Jesus Christ Jn. 2:11 4. of miracles did Jehovv himself strong in b. of them J<>. 36:2. that 1 have yet to s[}eak on God's b. Ho. 16:19. I am glad, therefore, on vour b. 1 Co. 1:4. I thank God on your 6. 2" Co. 1:11. 2 Co. 5:12. give vou occasion to glory on our 6. I'Jiil. 1:29. in b. of Christ || 1 Pe. 4:16. on this 6. IJEH.^ VE, V. 1 Ch. 19:13. 6. ourselves valiantly Ps. 101:2. 1 will 6. wisely || Is. 3:5. b. proudly 1 Co. 13:5. love, dolh not 6. itself unseemly 1 Ti. 3:15. thon ouchtest to 6. in house of God BEHAVED, ETH,''l S. 18:5,14,15,30. Ps. 35:14. 1 h. as though he had been my friend 131:2. I have b. myself as a child weaned Mi. 3: 1. as they b. ill !| Ho. I2:t3. Jacob b. prim ely ] Co. 7:36. b. uncomely || 1 Th.2:10. 6. ourselves 2Th. 3:7. we b. not disorderly among you BEHAVIOK, s. 1 S. 21:13. David changed b. 1 Ti. 3:2. bishop must be of good A. || I'i. 2:3. BEHEADED, p. De. 21:6. heifer that is A. 2 S. 4-7. they smote Ish-bosheth and A. him Wat. i4:10. A.John, Mk. 6:16,27. Lu. 9:9. Re. 20:4. I sAyr the souls of them that were b. BEHELD, V. N'u. 21:9. A. serpent of brass i\u. 'J3:21. not A. iniquity iu Jacob || 1 Ch.21:15. BEH Jb. 31:26. if I A. the sun when it s:»ined,orthe Ps. 119:l.'i8. I A. transgressors, and was grieved 142:4. I A. but no man would know me ref. Ec. 8:17. then I 6. all the work of God that Is. 41:28. A. and there was no man, Jer. 4:25. Jer. 4:23. I 6. the earth and it was without form Mk. 15:47. 6. wheie he was laid, Lu. 23:55. Lu. 10:18. 1 A. Satan || 19:41. he A. the city Jn. 1:14. 6. his glory || Ac. 1:9. || 17:23. as I b. Ke. 5:6. I 6. a Lamb || 11:12. enemies 6. BEHE.MOTH, Probably the elephant. Jb. 40:15. BEHIND signifies, {!) Baclaciird, Jud. 20:40. (2) Mflcr, 2 S. 3:16. (3) Rnnainincr, Le. 25:51. (4) Disi-egarded, Ps. 50:17. (5) Vn- eipectcd, U. ■M:il. {&) Past, ?h\\.Z:Vi. (7) Acar, Song 2:9. E.\. 10:26. hoof be left A. |l 1 S. 30:9. left b. 2S. 3:16. weeping A. her (| 1 K. 14:9. Ne. 4:16. rulers were A. || 9:26. cast thy law A. Song 2:9. A. our wall |( Is. 38:17. sins A. thy back Mk. 5:27. she came in the press 6. || Lu. 9:43. 1 Co. 1:7. come 6. in no gift |l 2 Co. 11:5. | 12:11. Phil. 3:13. forgetting those things whith are b. Col. l:24.Iill up that is A.of the afflictions See. Before, Him, We, Thee, Them, &c. BEHOLD, interj is, ^l) A note if admiraliini and nltentiim. Is. 7:14. ] 28:16. (^) Juii and olad- vess, Mat. 21:5. (3) Obedience, IS. 22:112. Is. 6:t8. (4) .Asseveration, Ge. 1:29.128:15. (.5) Exhortation to a provident care, Jn. 19:27. (6) Observation mid faith, Is. 05:1. Jn. 1:29. (7) Immediately and vveipectrd, Pe. 16:15. I 22:7. (8) Certainty, Mat. 23:38. Lu. 1:20. Ge. 28:15. A. I am with thee || 31:51.6. this pillar 40:6. 6. they were sad || 48:1. 6. thy father is sick Ex. 3:2. 6. the bush || 16:4. 6. I rain bread 23:20. 6. I send an angel before thee to keep 24:8. Moses said, 5. the blood of the covenant Nu. 90:16. and 6. we are in Kadesh, a city in 1 S. 19:13. 6. the king whom ye have chosen 2 S. 9:6. and he answered, 6. thv servant 1 K. 13:2. 6. a child shall he born unto house 2 K. 13:21. 6. they spied a band of men, and 22:16. A. I will evil on this plate, and 2 Ch. 20:11. A. how thev reward lis |j 34:24. Jb. 36:5. A. God is mighty, 26. || 40:4.6. I am vile Ps. 73:12. A. these are the ungodly who prosper 139:8. if I make my bed in helI,A.thou art there Song 1:15. A. thou art fair, my love, 16. | 4:1. Is. 7:14. 6. a virgin shall conceive. Mat. 1:23. 8:18. 6. I, and the chiidien given me, Ile.2:13. 22. shall look to the earth, and 6. trouble 12:9. 6. God is my salvation || '-'9:8. A. he eateth 40:9. say to the cities of Judah, A. your God 41:27. the first shall say to Zion, b. 6. them 42:1. A. my servant whom I uphold, mine elect 48:7 thou sho'ildest say, A. I knew them C5:l. I said 6. me, A. me, to a nation not called .'er. 8:15. looked for peace, and 6.trouble, 14:19. 26:14. as for me, 6. I am in your hand, do with La. 1:12. 6. if aiiv sorr. || Ez. 36:9. A. I am for Zih. 3:8. A. I will biinc thy servant, 6:12. 9:9. A. thy King i oinetli unto Ihee, Mat. 21:5. Mat. 7:4. and 6. a beam is in thine own eye 24:26. say A. he is in the de-ert, go not forth Mk. 16:6. 6. the place || Lu. 24:39. 6. my hands Jn. 1:29, b. Lamb of God, which taketli, 36. 47. 6. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile 19:5. A. the man || Ac. 9:11. A. lie piayeth 2 Co. 6:9. 6. wc live || 1 Jn. 3:1. b. what love Re. 3:20. 6. I stand || 16:15. A. I come, 22:7,12. BEHOLD it is. Ge. 16:14. A.- between Kadesh and Eered Ex. 32:9. A.- a stiff-necked people || Jos. 9:12. Jud. 18:9. I h.ive seen the land 6.- very good Is. 52:6. I am he that doth speak. A.- 1 Ez. 7:10. the day 6.- come |l 39:8. 6.- come JV,.w BEHOLD, or BEHOLD nvio. 1 S. 12:2. -6. the king walkelh before you 2 K. 18:21. -A. thou trustest on the staff Jb. 16:19. also -A. my witness is in heaven Jer. 40:4. -A. I loose Ihee this day from chains .\c. 20:22. -A. I go bound in the spirit to Jerus. 9 Co. 6:2. A.- is the accepted t'me BEHOLD, D. signifies, (1) 7o /ct-A nn, Ge. 31:51. (2) To think or consider. La. 1:12. Ro. 11:22. Nu. 93:9. from the hills I A. him || 24:17. De. 3:27. A. it with thv eves, 1 S. 22:tl2. Jb. 19:27. eves shall A. || 20:9. nor place A. him 23:9. cannot A. him || 34:29. who can A. ,36:24. Ps. 11:4. his eves A. || 7. A. the upright, 37:37. 27:4. 6. the be"aiity || 46:8.6. the works of the L. 59:4. awake to help and 6. || 60:7. his eyes A 80:14. friim heaven A. and visit this vine 109:19. from heaven did the Lord A. the earth l!3:n. he hunibieth himself to 6. the things 119:18. opi'n thou mine eyes that I may 6. Pr. 23:33. thine eyes shall A. strange women Ec. 11:7. a pleasant thing it is to h. the sun Is. 26:10. he will not 6. || 38:11. shall 6. no more 41:23.' we may 6. it Ij 63:15. 6. from the habita- tion Jer. 90:4. and thine eyes shall h. thy terror 99:39. nor 6. the good I will do for my people 32:4. and h s eves shall 6. his eyes, 34:3. 42:2. but few of many, as thine eyes do A. us La. 1:18. A. my sorrow || 3:50." A. from heaven BEL Kz. S:9. A. the wicked || 28:17,18. | 40:4. | 44:5 D.a- y:l«. 6. our desolation || Ob. fl2. not 6. Mi. 7 't. shall A. his righteousn. |1 10. shall 6. he Ha. 1:3. to 6. grievance || 13. than to 4. evil Mat. 18:10. their angels always 6. the face of Jn. 17:24. may 6. my glory |j .Ac. 7:31,32. 2 Co. 3:7 js :ould not 6. the face of y.oses 1 Pe.2:12. good works they 6. || 3:2.A.your cliaste Ke. 17:8. when they 6. i*e beast that was is no. BEHOLUEST, ETU, ING. Ps. 10:14. thou 6. all mischief to require it 33:13. the Lord A. all the sons of men |j 119:37 Pr. 15:3. in every place A. the evil and good Ec. 5:11. saving the A. of them with their eyes Mat. 7:3. why A. thou the mote, Lu. 6:41. 27:55. many women were there 6. Lu. 23:49. Mk. 10:21. jesus 6. him, loved him, and said Lu. 2;?;35. people stood 6. || 48. A. smote their Ac.4:14. and which was healed stundin? 23:1. and Paul, earnestly 6. the council, saul 2 Co. 3:18.6. as in a glass || Col.2:5.6. your orda Ja. 1:23. A. his natural face in a glass, 24. BEHOVED, Lu. 24:46. it A. Christ. He. 2:17. BEING, Ge. 24:27. 16. in the way the L. le.i Ex. 22:14. not A. with it || De. 32:31. 6. judges Ps. 49:12. man A. in honor || 83:4. A. a nation Lu. 16:23. A. in torments || Jn. 10:33. 6. a man Ep. 2:20. Christ A.the chief corner-stone ||4:tl.'>. BEING, s. Ps.l04:33. sing while 1 have 4.146:2. Ac. 17:28. in him we live, move, and have our 4. BEKAH, Haifa shekel, Ex. 38:26. BEL, Lord. A Chuldean idol. Jupiter Belus. Is. 46:1. B. boweth down, Nebo stoopeth Jer. 50:2. B. is confounded || 51:44. punish B. BELA, Deslrnyingi stcalluiciiig up. A city,Ge 14:2. I 36:32. BELCH, ETH. Ps. 59:7. Pr. 15:12. BELIAL, V/icked; a libertine, good for nothing, also the devil. De. 13:13. certain children of B. are gone out Jud. 19:22. sons of iJ. II 20:13. the children of .3 1 S. 1:16. daughter of B. || 2:12. sons of -B. 10:27. children of B. || 25:17. such a son of £. 25:25. man of B. || 30:22. answered men of B 2 S. 16:7. come out, thou man of B. 20:1. 23:6. sons of B. as thorns || 1 K. 21:10,13. 2 Ch. 13:7. children of .8. ||2 Co. 6:15. with B BELIED, p. Jer. 5:12. A. the Lord BELIEVE, v. signifies, (1) To give credit, Ge. 45:26. (2) Barely to assent to gospel truths, Ac. 8:13. Ja. 2:19. (3) To receive, depend, and relii on Christ for life and saloutiun, in 1:12. I 3:15,16. Ko. 9:3.3. | 10:4. (4) To hf. fully persuaded, Jn. 6:69. (5) To hope iivt expect, Ps. 27:13. (6) To confide in, 2 Ch 20:20. (7) To know, Jn. 17:21. Ex. 4:5. they may A. the Lord hath appeared 19:9. that they may hear, and 6. thee forever Nu. 14:11. ere they 6. i| 2Ch. 20:20. A. the Lord Is. 43:10. that ye may know and 4. me and Mat. 9:28. A. ye that 1 am able |1 18:6. Mk. 9:42 21:32. that ve might A. || 27:42. we will A. hiiii Mk. 1:15. 6. the gospel || 5:36. only 6. Lu. S:5ii. 9:23. if thou canst A. || 24. Lord, I 4. Jn. 9:r;8 11:23. but shall A. those things he saith shall 24. 6. ye receive them, and ye shall have them 15:32. that we may see and 6. || 16:17. which t Lu. 8:12. lest they 6. || 13. for a while 6. ||24:25 Jn. 1:7. that all men might 6. || 12. 6. on name 3:12. how shall ye A. ||4:21.woman 4. me || -^2 5:44. how can ye 6. which receive honor one o. 47. not his writings, how shall ye A. my words 6:29. work of God, that ye A. on him wliom he C9. we 6. and are sure that thou art the Chr.i.t 7:5. nor his brethren 6. ||39. A. on him should 9:35. dost thou 6. || 36.who is he that i might 4. 10:38. 4. the works that ye may know and 6. 11:15. 1 was not there, to the intent ye may 6. 27.1 A.lhat II 40. if thou wouldst 6. thou shouliUt 42. that they may 6. || 48.all men will A. on him 12:36. 6. in the light || 13:19. may 6. 1 am he 14:1. ye A. in God || 11. A. I am iu the Father 16:30. by this we A. thou || 31. do ye now I. 17:20. which shall A. on me || £1. world mSy 6. 19:35. he saith true, that ye might 6. 2U:31 Ac. 8:37. I 6. Jesus Christ is the Son of Got 13:39. all that 4. are justified || 41. in no wise b 15:7. Gentiles 6. || 11. we 6. we shall be saved 16:31. 6.on the L.Jesus, and thou slmlt iie e Aved 21:20. how many Jews 4. || 25. Gentiles which A 27:25. 1 A. God, that it shall be as it was told me Ko.3:22. on all that 4. || 4:11. father of all that 6. 4:24. imputed if we 6.|| 6:8. 6. we shall live 10:9. ihv heart || 14. how A.m him of Whom 1 Co. 1:21. by preaching to save them that 6. 11:18. there be divisions, and I partly A. it 9 Co. 4:13. we 6. and speak || Ga. 3:22. that A. E|) 1:19. to us who 4. || Phil. 1:29. given to 6. 1 Th. 1:7. 6. in Macedonia || 2:10. in you Hint 6. 4:14. if we A. that Jesus died and rose again 2 i'h. 1:10. admired in all that 6. || 2:11 6. a lis 1 Ti. 1:16. that should 6. || 4:3. of ihem that b. 1:10. Sav. of all men, especially of tho.-^e that S He. 10:39. 6. to savingof soul || 11:6. mu.-t6. that Ja. 2:19. devils 6. and ]| 1 Pe. 1:21. do 6. in God 1 Pe.2:7. to you therefore which 6. he is preciou* 1 Jn. 3:23. we should 6. || 5:13. that ye may 6 BELIEVE not, ot not BELIEVE. Ex. 4:1. they will -6. me, nor hearken ' 21 BEL BEL BEP< Xt. 4:8 shall come to pas?, if thev will -b. 9 lie. l:.i-i. yet in tins ye liid -6. the'Loril 2 K. 17:14. like lliHir fatliers that did -6. Ji;. 9:1.). yet would 1 -b. || Pr. -M-.UJ. h. Iiirn - Js. 7:9. If ye will -b. || Jer. l^ti. b. llieiii - lliough J' I. I::'). -6. Ihoiigli it be told you, .Ac. 1:5:41. .".ial. 2l:-2o. whv did ye -A. Iii'iii, jlk. IhUl. tJhOa. lo, here' is Christ, b. it -, 25. Mk. 13:21. l,ii. 2J;!J7. he said, if I tell you, you will -b. Jii. 3:12. if I told you eaithiy tliiiig.s, and ye b.- 4:48 except ye see signs and woiid., ye will -6. ry.liS. hiiii ye A.- || 47. if ye b.- Ijis wriiin^'S, how (>:"Jt>. seen ine and h.- || 04. some of you thaiA.- % ::4. A.- that I am he || 45. ye A. me -, 4(1. Ji.. l(i:2o. ye 6.- 1| .(7. A. nie - 1"| 3t>. tho' ye A.- nie i i:39. they coiiid -A. because Isaiah said a?;iin 17. if any hear my words, ami A.-, 1 jud^e ! i:9. of sin, because A.- on me !| 2i);25. 1 will -A. l.'.i. 3:3. what if smiiedid -A. sliall unbelief )'>:3]. may be delivered from them that do -A. :: Co. 4:4. blinded the niiiufe of them that A.- ii'i'i. 2:13. if we A.-, he abideth tUillifiil 1 JII. 4:1. A.- every spirit, but try the spirits BELIEVED, p. Ce. 1.5:6. he A. in the L., and he counted it for ii<;hteonsne-iS, Ko. 4:3. Ga. 3:6. Ja. 2:23. Ev. 4:31. the people A. || 14:31. 6. the Lord i S. 27:12. Achish A. David, saying, He hath Ps. 27:13. fainted, unless 1 had b. || 10i::12. 11 i:10. 1 A. therefcue, 2 Co. 4:13. || 119:66. Is. 53:1. who hath A. Jn. 12:38. Ro. 10:16. li ». 6:23. no hurt on hiin, because he A. in his G. Jon. 3:5. so the people of Nineveh A. God I\5at. 8:13. as thou hast A. || 21:32. harlots A. him JJk. lu:13. neilher A. thev || Lu. 1:1. surelv A. Jii. 2:11. d.sciples A. 22. |1 4:50. the man A." 53. .5:46. had ye A. Moses |{ 7:48. any Pharisees A. 8:31. that A. on him, 11:45. | 12:11. | 16:07. !7:3. thev have A. || 20:8. saw and A. || 29. vet A. Ac. 2:44. all that A. || 4:4. whxh heard b. 32. .■■;12. A. Philip || 13. Simon A. || 10:45. I 11:17. I!:21. agreat number A. || 13:12. then deputy A. 13:43. many as were ordained to eternal l.fe A. ]S:1. a multitude of both .lews and Greeks A. 23.cominended them to the L.on whom thevA. 17: t. some of Iheui A. and l( 34. certain men A. 1 ■'•S.Cri.-pus A. II 27. A. thro' grace ||!9;2. since ye ^.••.i:19. I beat them that A. || 27:11. centurion A. •38:24. A. and =ome A. not || Ro. 4:18. A. in hope Jio. 13:11. salvaticn nearer than when we A. 1 Co. 3:5. by whom ye A. j| 15:2. A. in vain || 11. (in. 2:16. even we have A. in Jesus Christ S.'^. 1:13. in whom after ye A. ye were sealed f- 'i'h. 1:10. our testiinony anions you was A. ^ Ti. 3:1 ). A. ^in in the world, received up into Ti. 3:8. K in God || lie. 4:3. A. enter into rest Munii BELIEVED. J;i 2:2?. f. the passover -A. in his name 4:39. - o.' Samaritans A. on him || 11:4.5. 1 12:42. Ac. 18:8. -of the Corinthians hearingA. || 19:18. BELIEVED not, or nut BELIEVED. O. 45:26. Jacob A. them - || \u. 20:12. ye A. }>'■■. 9:23. rebelled, and A. him -,nor hearkened J K. 10:7. howbeit, I A.- the words, 2 Ch. 9:6. JI). 29:21. if I laushed on them, they 6. it - Ps. 78:22. because thev A.- in God, 32. I )6:24. A.- his word || Jer. 40:14. Gedaliah A.- I.i. 4:12. inhabitants of world would - have A. 21:32. and ye A. him - || iMk. 16:11,14. 1 u. 20:5. why A. ye him - || 24:41. A.- for joy j;i. 3:18. because he hath -A. in the name 6:64. Ji'Siis knew wlio they were that A.- 10:2.5. and ye A.-|| 12:37. miracles, yet they A.- Ac. 9:26. afrad, and A.- that he was a disciple 17:5. Jews which A.- moved with envy, 19:9. R<).10:14.howcall on him in whom they have -A. 11:30. for as ye in times past have -A. God 2 Til. 2:12. damned who A.- 1| He. 3:18. i 11:31. .Tm. 5. Lord afterward deslroved them that A.- BELIEVERS. Ac. 5:14. A. added !| 1 Ti. 4:12. BELFEVErtT, v. Lu. 1:20. because thou A. not Jn. 1:50. I saw thee under the fig-tree, A. thou : 11:2:". believeth in iiie, never die, A. thou this.' 14:10. A. thou not that I am in the Father Ac. 8:37. if thou A. !| 26:27. A. thou the prophets .'a. 2:19. Ihou A. that there is one God, thou BELIEVETH, v. Jb. 15:22. he A. not that he I'r. 14:15. the simple A. every word, hut the ^^. 28:16. he IhatA. shall not make haste ■Mk. 9:93. all tliinss are possible to him that A. 16:16. but he that A. not shall be damned .'n. 3:15. whoso A. in him should not perish, 16. 18. he that A. on him is not condemned, but he 3ti. he that A. .lath everlasting life, 5:24. I 6:47. Ck40. seeth: he Son and A. on him hath life, 3.5. 7:38. tiiat o. on me, out of his bePv shall flow J 1:2.5. he thnt A. tiio' dead, yet shall he live, 36. 12:41. hs that A. on me, A- not me, but in him 46. whoso A. on me, siiould not abide, 14:12. ,\c. 10:43. A. in him shall receive remission of Ro. LP', the power of God to every one that A. Ro. 3:26. and I he justifier of him that A. on Jesus 4:5. hut A.jl 9:33. A. shall not he ashamed, 10:11. 10:4. to every one thato. n JO.witii heart man A. 14:2. for one A. that he mav eat all things . Co. 7:12. wife that A. not i| 13:7. A. all things •2 Co. fi:1.5.what part hath h« that A.with infidel 1 Ti. 5:16. if any man that /). have widows I Pe. -i-X: he that A. shall not be confounded 1 Jn. 5:1. whoso A. that Jesus is the Christ, 5. 10. he thai A. on the Son of God ; he that A. not BELIEVLVG. M:it. 21:22. A. ye shall receive Jn. 20:27. be not faithless ibut A. || 31. A. have life .Ac. 16:34. A. in God w ith all his house || 2-1:14. Ro. 15:13. till you wilh all joy and peace in A. 1 Ti. 6:2. and they that have A. masters, not 1 Pe. 1:8. A. ye reioice with joy unspeakable BELL, S, s. Ex.2e:33,34. I 39:25,26. Zch. 14:20. upon the A. of horses, holiness to L. See PoMEGKANATE. BELLOWS, s. Jer. 6:29. the A. are burnt Ancient Egyptian Bdloios, and refining. BELLV, s. signifies, (1) Tliat part of the body which contains the bowels. Mat. 15:17. (2) The womb, Jer. 1:5. (3) 'J'he heart, Ja. 7:38. (4) The whole man, Ti. 1:12. (5) Carnal pleasures, Ro. 16:18. Ge. 3:14. on thy A. shalt thou go, and dust shalt Le. 11:42. goeth on the A. be an abomination i\u. 5:21. 6^ to swell || 25:8. thrust thro' the A. Jud. 3:21. thrust it in his A. || 1 K. 7:20. Jb. 3:11. give upghoftwhen I came out of the 6. 15:2. and till his A. with the east wind, 35. 20:15. God shall c:ist them out of his A. 20. surely he shall not feel quietness in his A. 2;!. fill his A. God shall cast|| 32:19. A. is as wine Ps. 17:14. whose A. thou fillest with thy hid 22:10. thou art my God from my mother's A. 44:2.5. A.cleaveth to the earth ||.58:t3.astrav from 132:tll. of the fruit of thv A. I will set on Pr. 13:25. A. of wicked shail want|| 18:8. | 26:22. 18:20. a man's A. shall be satisfied with fruit 20:27. searching all the inward paits of A. 30. Song5:14. A. brightivoi-y ||7:2. A. l.keaheap Is. 46:3. which are borne by me from the A. Jer. 1:5. in A. I knew |i 51:34. filled his A. with Ez. 3:3. cause thy A. to eat || Da. 2:32. image's A. Jon. 1:17. was in A. of the fish, Mat. 12:40. 2:2. out of the A. of hell cried I, and Ihou Ha. 3:16. when f heard my A. tremliled, my Mat. 15:17. goeth into the A. Mk. 7:19. Lu. 15:16. fain have filled his A. w ith the husks Jn. 7:33. out of his A. shall flow rivers of water Ro. 16:18. their own A. II 1 Co. 6:13. A. for meats Phil. 3:19. whose God is their A.and whose glory Re. 10:9. and it shall make thy A. b'tter, 10. BELLIES, «. Ti. 1:12. Cretians aie liars, slow A. BELONG, 0. Ge. 40:8. interpretation A. to God De. 29:29. secret things A. to God, revealed A. Ps. 47:9. the shields of the earth A. to God 68:20. to our God A. the issues from death Pr. 24:23. these things also A. to the wise Da. 9:9. to the Lord our God A. mercies and .Mk. 9:41. in my name, because ye A. to Christ Lu. 19:42. the things which A. unto thy peace 1 Co. 7:32. careth for thmus that A. to the Lord BELONGED, EST. 1 S. 30:13. to whom A. thou, wlience ait thou 1 K. 1:8. the mighty men which A. to David Lu. 23:7. h;^ knew lie A. to Heiod's jurisdiction BELONGETH, ING, p. Nu. 9:7. service A. Pe. 32:35. A. ver.seance, Ps. 94:1. He. 10:30. Jud. 19:14. A. to Benjamin !i Ru. 2:3. A. toBoaz Ezr. 10:4. matter A. thee |] Pr. 26:17. strife A. Ps. 3:8. salvation A. unto the Lord, thy bles. 62:11. twice have I heard, power A. unto God 12. also unto thee, O Lord, A. mercy for Da. 9:7. O Lord, rishteousi.ess A. lo thee 8. to us A. confusion of fare, to our kings, to Lu. 9:10. A. to Bethsaida||He.5:14. strong ifieat A. BELOVED, p. is ap|)lied, (1) Tu Christ, Mat. 3:17. Mk. 1:11. i 9:7. (2) To the church, Sons 5:1. (3) To particular saints. Da. 9:23. (4) Tu wife and children, De. 21:15. Ho. 9:16. (5) To the new ,Teru>alem, Re. 20:9. De. 21:15. two wives, one A. tho other hated 33:12. the A. of the Lord shall dwell in safety N'e. 13:26. Solomon, who was A. of his God Ps. 60:5. thv A. may be delivered, 108:6. 127:2. his A. sleep || Pr. 4:3. A. of my mother Sons 5:1. drink, O A. ||6:1.A. gone || >/:5.onher A. Da. 9:2.3. greallv A. 10:1 1,19. || Ho. 3:1. | 9:16. Ac. 1.5:2.5. A. Barnabas || Ro. 1:7. in Rome, A. Ro. 9:25. her A. which was not A. || 11:28. 1 16:12. Fp. 1:6. accepted in A.||';:21. A. brother. Col. 4:7. Col. 3:12. holy and A. 114:9. Onesimuea A. brother 14. Luke the A. physician and Demas greet you 1 Th. 1:4. knowing 6. || 1 Ti. 6:2. they are A. Phile. If!, bill above a servant, a biMther A. He. 6:9. A. wt ie persuaded better things of yon 2 Pe. 3:S. A. be net .^';iorant || 15. A. brother Paul 1 Jn. 3:2. A. no,v >>ro we the sons of God 21. A. if ourheaK condemn us nut, then have 1 J.4;l. A.believe not every spirit, but tryl|7. A. lot 1 1. A. if God so loved us, we ought tu love 3 Jn. 11. A. follow not that which is evil, but Ju. 20. but ye, A. building up yourselves on youi Re. 20:9. and they compassed the A. city Dearly BELOVED. See DriBLy. Mit BELOVED. Song 1 :14.-A. is to 'me a cluster || 16. | 2:3,9,16,17 4:16. let -A. come || 5:2. voice of -A. 5:10,16. 6:2. -A. is gone || 3. I am -A. and -A. is || 7:10. 7:13. which I have laid up for thee, O -A. Is. 5:1. asongof -A. touching his vineyard Jer. 11:15. what hath -A. to do in my house Mat. 3:17. -A. Son, 17:5. Alk. 1:11. | 9:7. Lu.3:29 I 9:35. 2Pe. 1:17 12:18. behold -A. in whom my soul is pleased Lu. 20:13. 1 will send -A. son," it may be they Ro. 16:8. creet Amplias-A. in the Lord 1 Co. 4:14. -A. sons || 17. -A. son, 2 Ti. 1:2. Ja. 1:16. do not err, -A. brelliren BELSU.AZZAR, Master of the treasure. Da 2:26. I 5:1. i 8:1. BELTESHAZZAR,i/e!/;Ao secretly keepHh treas' ure. Da. 1:7. | 2:26. 4:8,18,19. i'5:12. i 10:1. BELIE, ED. Pr. 30:t9. Jer. 5:12. BE.MOAN, ED, ING. Jb. 42:11. they A. Job Jer. 15:5. who shall A. thee, O Jerusalem 16:5. neither go to lament, nor A. them || 22:10. 31:18. Ephraim A. himself || 48:17. all ye A. hiiii Na. 3:7. Nineveh is laid waste, who will A. her BEN, .d sun i building, or understandin". 1 Ch. 15:18. BENAIAH, The Lord's building, or Son of the Lord. 2 S. 8:18. 2 S. 23:22. these things did B. 1 Ch. 11:24. 1 K. 1:32. call i-'. i| 2:35. put B. in Joab's room 4:4. B. over the host || 1 Ch. 4:36. and B. 1 Ch. 11:31. B. a mighty man || 15:8. | 16:5,6. 27:5. third captain, £. || 14. eleventh month, B 2 Ch. 31:13. Mahath and B. were overseers Ezr. 10:25. jB.son of Parosh||30.of Pahath-moab 35. B. the son of Bani || 43. B. son of Nebo Ez. 1:11. I saw Pelatiah the son oi B. 13. BEN-AMMI, The son of my people. Ge. 19:38 BENCHES. Ez. 27:6. malle thv A. of ivorv BEND, V. Ps. li:2. wicked A. their bow, 64:3. Jer. 9:3. A. their tongue like a bow for lies 48:9. that handle and A. the bow, 50:14,29. 51:3. let archers A. || Ez. 17:7. vine did A. her BENDETH, ING. Ps. 58:7. Is. 60:14. BENEATH, pr. Ex. 20:4. earth A. De. 5:8. Ex. 32:19. he brake the tables A. the mount De. 4:39. earth A. || 28:13. and not A. || 33:13 Jb. 18:16. dried up A. ]| Pr. 15:24. from hell b Is. 14:9. hell from A. is moved || 51:6. earlli A. Jer. 31:37. searthed A. || Jn. 8:23. ye art* from A. BENE-BERAK, Sons of liHitning. Jos. 19:45. BENEFACTORS, ^.^ Lu. 22:25. are called A. BENEFITS, s. signifies, (1) Ood'sfacors. 2Cb. 32:25. (2j The favors of men, 2 Co.' 1:1.5. Phile. 14. (3) God's righteous acts, 1 S. ]2:t7. (4) Salvation. 1 Ti. 6:2. (5) Favor, rrrace, &.C. Ps. 68:19. I 103:2. | 116:12. (0) Tu profit vr do good, Jer. 18:10. BENE-J A.AKAN, The sons of sorrow, or tribu- lation. Nil. 33:31. Ps. 55:3. Am. 2:13. BENEVOLENCE, s. 1 Co. 7:3. to wife due b. BENH.AD.VD, Son of noise, or of the nipple. 1 K. 15:18. Asa sent them to B. 2 Ch. 16:2. 20:2.thus saith B.\\ 16. £.was drinking himself 20. B. escaped on a horse || 32. thy servant B. 2K.6:24. B.went upand besieged |) t:7.w.':s sick 13.3. delvered Israel to B. jl 25. look out of hand of Jer. 49:27. fire consume palaces of B. Am. 1:4. BEN HA EL, The son ofslraicrih. 2 Ch. 17:7. BENHANAN, The son of errace. 2 Ch. 4:40. BENINU, Our sons, architects or builders. A'e. 10:13. BENJ.AMIN, Son of the rigid hand, or of days, or old age. Ge. 35:18. called him B. \\ 24. Joseph and B. 46:19. 42:.3y. take B. also || 43:16. Joseph saw B. 99. 43:34. B. mess || 44:12. cup found in B. sack 45:14. he fell on his Irotlier B. neck and weft 46:21. the sons of B. Nu. 2>.3ii,41. 1 Ch. 7:6. I 8:1,40. I 9:7. Ne. 11:7. 49:27. B. shall ravin as a wolf, devour the prev De. 27:12. to bless, B. || 33:12. of B. Mo.-es said Jud. .5:14. after the B. II 19:14. Gibeah to B. 20:35. Lord smote B. || 21:1. daiishter to B 1 S. 4:12. ran a man of B. || 9:1. man of B. 10:2. border of B. || 13:2. Gibeali \n B. 11:16 2S. 2:15. arose 12 of B. || 19:17. a 1000 of i?. 21:14. buried in B. \\ 1 K. 4:18. oflii er in B. 1 Ch. 7:10. Jeush ami B. \\ 21:6. Levi and B. 2 Ch. 17:17. of £. Kliada || 34:32. B. to star.d Ps. f8:27. little B. |j 80:2. before B. JIanasseh Jer. 37:13. gate of B. 38:7. || Ho. 5:8. O B. Ob. 19. B. possess Gilead |i Zch. 14:10. B. cafe BEN.IAM1N, with Judah. Jud. 10:9. 1 K 12:23. 1 Ch. 12:16. 2 Ch. 11:3,12. | 1.5:2.8 I 25:5. I 31:1. | 34:9. Ezr. 1:5. | 4:1. Ne. 11:4 1 12:34. Ez. 48:22. Laud of BENJAMIN. Jud. 21:21. 1 S. O:!*? 2 Ch. i5:8. Jer. 17:20. | 3;:34. | 33:13. |37:!3 Tribe of BENJA.MIN. Nu. 1:37. | 2:22. | 13:91 I 34:21. Jos. 13:11,21. 121:4. Jiid.20:12 IS 22 BES BET BET 9:21 I 10:20. 1 Ch. 6:60,65. Ac. 13:21. Ro. li:I. I'liil. 3:5. Ro. 7:8. BENJAMITE. Jud. 3:15. IS. 9:21. 2 S. 16:11. 120:1. IK. 2:8. Est. 2:5. BEA'JAiMlTES. Jud. 19:16. I 20:35,43. 1 S. 22:7. 1 Ch. 27:12. BEND, His son, or building. 1 Ch. 24:26. BEXO.M, Sun of my grief, sorrow. Ge. 35:18. UE-NT.p. P3. 7:12. 6. his bow, La. 2:4. I 3:12. I's.37:l4.have b. tlieir bow to cust down the pour I.-..5:28. all llieir bows b. || 21:15. fled tVoni h. bow Ho. 11:7. b. to backsliding || Zch. 9:13. h. Judah BiiNZOHETH, Son of separation. 1 Ch. 4:20. BEON, In afiiclion ; or m the song. Nu. 32:3. IJEOK, Afium« ! or mad. Nu. 22r5. | 24:3. BERA, III ecil ; or in crying. Ge. 14:2. BERAIAH, The Creature of the Lord. 1 Ch. 8:21. BEilACllA, Blessing. 1 Ch. 12:3. 2 Ch. 20:26. BEilEA, Weighty. A city of Macedonia, Ac. 17:10,13. I 20:4. BEREAVE, V. Ec. 4:8. b. my soul of good Jer. 1.5:7. I will 6. them of children, 18:21. Ez. 5:17. and they shall b. thee || 14:tl5. beasts Cio:12. 6. ofiiien,14. II Ho. 9:12. I will A. them BE:{EAVED,;;.Ge. 42:36. have 6. || 43:14. be 6. Kz. 36:13. b. thy nations || Ho. 13:8. h. of whelps BE!1'.':aVF,TH, v. La. 1:20. abroad the sword h. BEREl), Hail, or w» rtding. A city, Ge. 16:14. 1 Ch. 7:20. BEKl, J\Iii son ; or my wheat. 1 Ch. 7:36. BERIAH', In fellows/lip. Ge. 46:17. UERRIES. Is. 17:6. two or three b. || Ja. 3:12. KEllYL, s. ..i precious stone; the eighth in the ki^h-],riest's lireast-plute. It is a pellucid gem, vf a bluish green, found inthe East Indies, and about the gold mines o/Feru. Of this irem it is vortliy of remark, that it never receives any ad- mutare of color into it, nor ever loses its blue and green. Da. 5:14. | 10:6. Re. 21:20. BERiTES, Chosen men. 2 8.20:14. I'.Eitn'il, The covenant. Jud. 9:46. BERMCE, One tluit brings victory. Ac. 25:13. BERUOACH, Sou of death, or vapor. 2 K. 20:12. BEROTHAH, The wells. Ez. 47:16. BEUOTH.-^l, fVaU; or a cypress-tree. 2 S. 8:8. BE.SAl, Despising ; eggs, or dirty. Ne. 7:52. EEt?EECH,(;. Ex. 33:18. I fc. nie thy Nu. 12:13. heal her now, O Lord, 1 6. thee I's. 80:14. return, we b. thee, O God of hosts 116:4. O Lord, I b. thee, deliver my soul 1 18:25. save, I A. O Lord, 1 5. thee send prosperity 119:108. accept, I b. thee, fiee-wiU otferini^s Jer. 38:20. obey, I h. thee, the voice of the Lord Am. 7:2. forgive, 1 6. thee, Jonah, 1:14. | 4:3. Ka. 1:9. b. God || Lu. 8:28. I b. thee, torment Lu. 9:38. I b. thee, Ac. 26:3. Ro. 12:1. 1 Co. 4:16. 2 Co. 2:8. 1 5:20. | 6:1 2 Co. 10:1. I Paul b. you, Ga. 4:12. Ep. 4:1. rhile. 9,10. lie. 13:19. I b. you the rather to do this 1 I'e. 2:11. I b. you as strangers and, 2 Jn. 5. BE.SEECIIING. iMat. 8:5. Lu. 7:3. Mk. 1:40. BESET, V. Jud. 19:20. b. the house, 20:5. I's. 22:12. bulls b. me || 139:5. thou hast 6. me Ho. 7:2. their own doings have b. them about He. 12:1. the s;n which doth so easily b. us BESIDE, S. Ge. 19:12. any b. || 20:1. famine 6. Le. 18:18. h. the other in her lifetime 23:38. b. t'abbaths 6. your gifts, b. your vows Nu. 5:20. b. thy husband || 11:6. b. this manna De. 29:1. b. the covenant || Jos. 22:19. ft. altar ud. 6:37. if it be dry on all the earth h. then 11:34. ft. her he had no son nor daughter 1 S. 19:3. b. my father l| 1 K. 10:13. | 22:7. 2 K. 21:16. ft. his sin || I's. 23:2. ft. still waters .Song 1:8. feed thy kids ft. || Is. 32:20. sow ft.||56:8. Lii. 16:26. ft. all this, 24:21. || Phile. 19. owestft. BESIDE, pr. Mk. 3:21. said, He is 6. himself .\c. 26:24. Paul, thou art ft. thyself, learning 2 Co. 5:13. whether we be ft. ourselves, it is to G. BESIEGE, V. De. 28:52. ft. thee in thy gates 1 K. 8:37. enemies 6. 2 Ch. 6:28. || Is. 21:2. BESIEGED, 2 K. 19:24. 6. places, Is. 37:25. Ec. 9:14. king ft. || Is. 1:8. left as a ft. city Ez. 6:12. he that is ft. shall die bv the famine BESODAIAH, Counsel of the Lord. Ne. 3:6. BESOM, «. Is. 14:23. with 6. of destruction BE30R, Wings; good news; evangelization, incarnation. 1 S. 30:10. BESOUGHT, V. Ge. 42:21. when he ft. us E\. 3>:11. Mo^es ft. the Lord, De. 3:2.3. 1 K. 13:6. and the man of God ft. the Lord a K 1:13. captain 6. || 13:4. Jehoahaz ft. the L. 2 Ch. 33:12. Manasseh in affliction 6. the Lord Ezr 8:23. we fasted and 4. our God for this Est 8:3. ft. with tears to put away the mischief (er. 26:19. did not Hezek.ah fear, and ft. the L. Mat 8:31. devils 6. Mark 5:10,12. Lu. 8:31,32. 34. saw him ft. him to depart, Lu. 8:37,41. In. 4:40. Samaritans ft. || 47. 6. him to come Ac. 13:49. Gentiles ft. || li;:15. Lydia ft. || 21:12. 3 Co. 12:8. for this thing I ft. the Lord thrice BEST. Ge. 43:11. ft. fruits || 47:6. ft. of land Ex. 22:5. ft. of his own tield make restitution Nil. 18:29. ollering of the ft. || 3:;:6. think ft. De. 23:16. like him ft. || 1 S. 8:14. | 15:9. ■2 S. 18:4. seemeth you ft. || 2 K. 10:3. look ft. 's. 39:5. 6. state is vanity || Mi "'•.4. b. as a brier Lu. 15:22. ft. robe || 1 Co. 12:31. covet ft. gifts BESTE.\D,«. Is. 8:21. pass through ithardlyft. BESTIR, V. 2 S. ,5:24. then ft. thyself BESTOW, ED. Ex. 32:29. ft. on you blessing De. 14:26. ft. mcmey || 2 K. 5:24. Geh;izi ft. 1 Cli. 29:25. Lord ft. on Solonmn royal majesty 2 Ch. 24:7. the things they did ft. on Baalim Ezr. 7:20. occasion to ft. || Lu. 12:17. ft. my fruits Jn. 4:38. 6. no labor || Ro. 16:6. Mary who 6. 1 Co. 12:23. ft. abundant honor || 13:3. ft. goods 2 Co. 1:11. gift ft. on us || 8:1. grace ft. on churches Ga. 4:11. lest I have ft. on you labor in vain 1 Jn. 3:1. what manner of love Father 6. on us BETAH, Con/idnicc. A citv, 2 S. 8:8. BE TEN, The belly. A place, Jos. 19:25. BETHABARA; House of passage. Jn. 1:28. BETAKE. Is. 14:132. ft. themselves to it BETH-ANATH, House ofufflictwn. Jos. 19:33. BETHANY, House of obedience; of the grace if the Lord; or of a poor man. A village at the foot of . Blount Olivet, Lu. 19:29. Jn. 11:1. BETII-ARAB.AH, The ho^ise of mildness, or the hoiue of the flat country. Jos. 15:6,61. | 19:22. BETH-ARAM, y/u«sc of lying-in women. Jos. ]3:-?7. BETH-ARBEL, The Iwuse of the Ood of the lowest. Ho. 10:14. BETH-AVEN, House of vanity. It was either Beth-el, or a place near it. Jos. 7:2. is beside B. \\ 1 S. 14:23. over to B. Ho. 4:15. nor go ye up toB. ||5:8. cry aloud at B. 10:5. shall fear, because of the calves o( B. BETH-AZMAVETH, House of death's strength. Ne. 7:28. BETH-BAALMEON, .3ii idol of the dwelling- place. Jos. 13:17. BETH-BABAH, Tlie chosen house, or of her son. Jud. 7:24. . BETH-BIREI, House of my Maker. 1 Ch. 4:31. BETH-CAR, House of knowledge ; or of the lamb. 1 S. 7:11. BETH-DAGON, Hnvse of com. Jos. 19:27. BETH-DIBLATHAIM, House of dry figs. Jer. 48:22. BETH-EDEN, House of pleasure. Am. 1:5. BETH-EL, The house of Ood. It was about 12 miles north-east of Jerusalem. Ge. 28:19. called place B. 35:15. || 31:13. G. of 35:1. go up to B. 3. || 6. so Jacob came to B. Jud. 1:2-2. up against B. \\ 4:5. Ramah and B. 21:19. north side of B. \\ 1 S. 7:16. to B. 1 S. 10:3. going up to B. || 13:2. mount B. 1 K. 12:29. set calf in B. 33. || 13:1. came to B. 13:4. cried against altar in B. || 11. old prophet in 2 K. 2:2. sent me to B. || 17:28. dwelt in B. 23:15. altar at B. Josiah brake down Ezr. 2:28. men of B. and Ai, 223. Ne. 7:32. Jer. 48:13. ashamed of B. || Ho. 10:15. | 12:4. Am. 3:14. visit altars of B. || 4:4. come to B. 5:5. seek not B. 6. || 7:13. [irophesy not at B. BETH-ELITE, I K. 16:34. Hiel the B. did BETH-E.MEK, House of the valley. Jos. 19:27. BETHER, Division, or in the turtle. Song 2:17. BETHESDA, House of effusion or mercy. Jn. 5:2. BETH-EZEL, My neighbor's house. Bli. 1:11. BETH-GADAR, The house of the wall, or heap. 1 Ch. 2:51. BETH-GAMUL, House of the camel^ or of recompense. Jer. 48:23. BETH-HACCEREM, House of the vineyard. Ne. 3:14. Jer. 6:1. BETH-HANAN, Horise ofmircy. 1 K. 4:9. BETIl-HARAN, House of a hill. Nu. 32:36. BETH-HORON,Thehimseof wrath. Jos. 10:10. I 16:3,5. I 18:13. | 21:22. 1 S. 13:18 IK. 9:17. 1 Ch. 7:24. 2 Ch. 8:5. | 25:13. BETHINK. 1 K. 8:47. 2 Ch. 6:37. BETH-JESHIMOTH, House of sorrow, orhouse ofdesolaHoiis. Jos. 12:3. | 13:20. Ezr. 25:9. BRTH-LEBAOTH, House of lionesses. Jos. 19:6. BETH-LEHEM, House of bread. A city of Ju- dah. about six miles south of Jerusalem.. Ge. 35:19. Rachel died in the way to B. 48:7. Jos. 19:1,5. Jud. 12:8. Ru. 1:19. I 2:4. | 4:11. 1 S. 16:4. I 20:6,28. 2 S. 23:15. 1 Ch. 2:51. I 4:4. 111:17. 2Ch. 11:6. Ezr. 2:21. Ne. 7:26. Jer. 41:17. Mat. 2:1,6,16. Lu. 2:4,1.5. Jn.7:42. BETH-LEHEM-JUDAH. Jud. 17:7,8,9. | 19: 1,18. Ru. 1:1. ] S. 17:12. BETH-LEMEMITE. 1 S. 16:1,18. | 17:58. 2 S. 21:19. Elhanan the B. slew Goliah's brother BETH-MAACHAH, House of bruisinir. 9. S. 20:14,15. BETH-MARCABOTH, House of horsemen, chariots, or of bitterness wiped out. Jos. 19:5. 1 Ch. 4:31. BETII-MEON, Diocllimr-house. Jer. 48:23. BETH-NIMRA, House of rebellion, or of the leopard. Nu. 32:36. Jos. 13:27. BETH-ORON, House ofanver. Jos. 10:10. BE TH-PHELET, House ofeipulsion. Jos. 15:27. Ne. 11:26. BET ll-P AZZEZ, House of division. Jos. 19:21. BETH-PEOI!, House of the openina-. De. 3:29. BF.TII-PHAGE, House of the valleys, or drain oftheviilleiis. Mat. 21:1. BETH-RAPHA, House of health. 1 Ch. 4:12. BrTH-REHOB, House ofLbcrty. Jud. 18:28. BETII-SAIDA, House of fishing, or of fruit* Mat. 11:21. ftlk. 6:45. Lu. 9:10. BETH-.-iHAN, House of ivory. 1 S. 31:10 BETH-SHEAN, The same. Jos. 17:11. BETH-SHEMESH, House of the sun, or ofser. ■vice. Jos. 21:16. Jud. 1:33. 1 S. 6:9,12,19. BETH-SHITTAII, House of thorns. Jud. 7:22. BETH-TAPPUAH, House of an apple-tree. Jos. 15:53. BETHUEL, Filiation of Ood. Ge. 22:23. BETHUL, j9 virrrin. A city, Jos. 19:4. BETH-ZUR, House of a rock. Jos. 15:58. BETIMES signifies, (1) F.arly, Ge 26:31. (2) Seasonably, Pr. 13:24. (3; Constantly. 2 Ch. 36:tl5. Jb. 8:5. seek unto God ft. || 24:5. rising ft. for p.i-ey BETONIM, Bellies, turpentme-trces. A place, Jos. 13:26. BETRAY, V. 1 Ch. 12:17. to ft. me to enemies Mat. 24:10. and shall ft. one another, and hate 26:16. sought opportunity to ft. him, Mk. 14:1. 21. one shall ft. me, Mk. 14:8. Jn. 13:21. 46. bi'liold he is at hand that dolh ft. me Mk. 13:12. brother shall ft. brother to death Jn. 6:64. should ft. him || 13:2. Judas to ft. him BETRAYED, p. M;it. 10:4. Jndas ft. Mk. 3:19. Mat. 17:22. Son of man shall be ft. 20:18. | 26:2, 45. Mk. 14:ti. 26:24. woe to that man bv whom the Son of man is 6. Mk. 14:21. Lit. 22:22. 48. he that ft. gave them a sign, Mk. 14:44. 27:4. sinned in that I have ft. || Lu. 21:16. be ft. Jn. 18:2. ft. him knew || 1 Co. 11:23. ft. he took BETRAYERS, ,<.■. Ac. 7:.52. ye have been the ft. BETRAYEST, ETH. Mk. 14:42. lo, he that ft. me is at hand Lu. 22:21. hand of him that ft. me || 48. Judas, 6. Jn. 21:20. Lord, which is he that ft. thee BETROTH, V. De. 28:30. Ho. 2:19,20. BETROTHED, p. Ex. 21:8. who ft. her, 22:16 Le. 19:20. l.-eth with a woman 6. || De. 22:28. De. 20:7. 6. a wife || 22:23. a virgin ft. || 27. BETTER, a. signifies, {\) More valuable, Ec. 9:4,16,18. (2) More acceptable, 1 S. 15:22. (3) More able. Da. 1:20. (4) More co7ivenieiit, 1 Co. 7:38. (5) Mm-e easy. Mat. 18:6. (6) More advantageous, Phil. 1:23. (7) More holy, 1 Co. 8:8. (8) More safe. Vs. 118:8. (9) More comfortable, Pr. 15:16,17. (10) More precious, Pr.'8:ll. (11) More happy, 1 Pe. 3:17. Ge. 29:19. 6. give her to thee than to another Ex. 14:12. ft. for us to have served tlie Egj-ptians Nn. 14:3. were it not ft. for us to leturn to Esy(;l Jud. 8:2. gleanings of.Ephraim b. than || 11:25. 1 S. 1:8. ft. tlian ten sons || 27:1. nothing ft. 1 K. 2:32. two men 6. than lie || 19:4. | 21:22, 2 K. 5:12. ft. than Jordan || 2 Ch. 21:13. than Ps. 69:31. ft. than an ox || Ec. 2:24. nothing ft. Ec. 3:22. is nothing ft. || 4:3. ft. than both they 4:9. two ft. than one II 7:10. days ft. || 10:11. no 6. Is. 56:5. name ft. than sons || La. 4:9. are ft. Ez. 36:11. and do ft. || Da. 1:20. ten times ft. Ho. 2:7. ft. than now II Am. 6:2. ft. kingdoms Na. 3:8. art thou ft. than populous No? Mat. 6:26. are ye not ft. ihan they, Lu. 12:24. 12:12. man ft. than a sheep || 18:6. Mk. 9:42. Ro. 3:9. are we ft. than they, in no wise 1 Co. 7:38. doth 6. || 8:8. if we eat are we the 6. 9:15. ft. for me to die || 11:17. not for ft. but Phil. 2:3. let each esteem other ft. than himself He. 1:4. ft. than angels || 6:9. A. things of you 7:7. the less is bles.sed of ft. || 19. of a A. hope di.l 22. Jesus was made a surety of a ft. testament 8:6. a ft. covenant on ft. prom. || 9:23. ft. sacrifices 10:34. a ft. substance || 11:16. desire a ft. country 11:35. they might obtain a ft. resurre( tion 40. God having provided some A. thing for us 12:24. speaketh ft. things than that of Abel 2 Pe. 2:21. ft. for them not to have known way BETTER is. Pr. 1,5:16. ft.- little with the fear of the Lord 17. A.- a dinner of herbs || 16:8. 6.- a little with 17:1. A.- a dry morsel || 19:1. A.- the ]:oor, 28:6. 27:10. for ft.- a neighbor that is near than Ec. 4:6. ft.- a handful with quietness, than 4:13. ft.- a poor wise child || 6:9. ft.- sight of eyes 7:8. ft.- the end of a thing than the lieginning Song 4:10. how much ft.- thv love than wine Is, or is it BETTER. Jud. 9:9. whether -A. for you that'^all reigu 18:19. -ft. to be a priest to one Ihan a tr,be Ru. 4:15. thy daughter -A. to thee than 7 sons 1 S. 15:22. to ohev -ft. || 28. that -ft. than thou 2 S. 17:14. counsel of Hush.ii -ft. || Est. 1:19. Ps. 63:3. -A, than life || 84:10. -ft. than a 1000 119:72. the law of tliy mouth -ft. to me than Pr. 3:24. merchandise of wisdom -ft. 8:11. 8:19. my fruit -A. than gold, yea, than fine gold 12:9. despised -ft. || 10:32. slow to anger -ft. than 19:22. and a poor man -ft. than a liar 22:tl. favor -A. || 27:5. open reb\ike -ft. than Ec. 6:3. untimely birth -ft. || 7:1. good name -ft. 7:3. sorrow -A. than laughter, heart is made ft. 6. patient in spirit -ft. than the proud in spirit Ec. 9:4. living dog -ft.||ll!. strength || 18. weapons Song 1:2. love -ft. than wine || Lu. 5:39. old -ft. Phil. 1:23. to be with Christ, vvhii h i.v far 6. It is BETTER, or BETTER it is. 2 S. 18:3. -ft. thou succor us out of the city 23 BIN Ps. 118:8. -h. to trust in the L. than to put, 0. Pr. inrlO. i- to lie of an humble spirit 21:9. -ft. to dwell in corner of house, 19. | 95:54. L'5:7. A.- that it be said to thee, Come up hither Ec. S:.*). b.- not vow || 7:2. -A. lo go to house 7:5. -i. to hear the rebuke of the wise than Jon. 4:H. -b. for nie to die than to live, 8. Mat. 18:8. -6. to enter into life, Mk. 9:4.'?,45,47. 1 Co. 7:9. -h. to marrj- || I Pe. 3:17. -h. to suffer BKTTERED, p. Mat. 5:2i]. nothing J. butrather BETWEEN, pr. Ge. 3:1.5. enmity h. thy sepd 3:3. A. them about thy neck || 6:21. || 7:3. Is. 8:16 A. up the testim.||49:18. bride doth 61:1. sent me to A. up the broken-hearted Ez. 34:16. A. up broken || Da. 3:20. men to A. Ho. 6:1. will A. us up || 10:10. A. in two furrows Mi. 1:13. A. the chariot to the swifl beast .Mat. 12:29. A. the strong man, Mk. 3:27. 13:30. A. the tares jj 16:19. 6. on earth, 18:18. 22:13. A. him hand and foot, take and cast him 93:4. A. heavy burdens grievous to be borne Mk. 5:3. no man co'ild A. him with chains Ac. 9:14. to A. all call || 19i8. A. on sandals 21:1 1, so shall iheJewsA. the man that owneth BINDETH, ING, Ge. 37:7. A. sheaves || 49:11. Nu. 30:13. and every b. o»th to afflict the soul Jb. 5:18. maketh sore and A. up, he woundeth 28:11. he A. the floods from || 30:18. it 6. me 36:13. hypocrites cry not when he A. them Ps. 129:7. nor he that A. sheaves, his bosom 147:3. brokf-n in heart and A. up their wounds Pr. 26:8. as he that A. a stone in a sling, so is Is. 40:26. in the day the Lord A. up the breach .\c. 22:4. A. and delivering into prisons men BINEA, In motion. 1 Ch."8:37. BIN N Ul, Biiildincrin my house. Ezr. 10:30,38. BIRD, s. signifies, (1) .^foicl, Ja. 3:7. (2) The corrupt church of Rome, Re. 18:2. Ge. 7:14. every A. into ark || Le. 14:.52. living A. Jb. 41:.5. as with a A. || Ps. 11:1. flee as a A. Ps. 124:7. our soul is escaped as a A. out of the Pr. 1:17. in sight of A. || 6:5. | 7:93. | 26:2. 27:8. as a A. that wandereth from her nest, so Ec. 10:20. A. tell the matter || 12:4. voice of A. Is. 16:2. wandering A. || 46:11. ravenous A. from Jer. 19:9. speckled A. || La. 3:.59. chased like a A. D,-i. 4:33. like A. claws || Ho. 9:11. || 11:11. Am. 3:5. can a A. fall ||Re. 18:9. every unclean A. BIRD!?, s. Ge. 15:10. A. divided he not||40:17,l9. Le. 14:4. two A. alive jjDe. 14:11. clean A. eat 2 S. 21:10. suffered not the A. to rest by day Ps. 104:17. where the A. make their nests Ec. 9:12. A. caught || Song 9:12. singing of A. is Is. 31:5. as A. flying, so will the Lord defend Jer. 4:25. A. of heaven || 5:27. cage full of A. Ez. 39:4. ravenous A. || Mat. 8:20. Lu. 9:58. Ro. 1:23. imaee like A. || 1 Co. 15:39. Ja. 3:7. BIRSHA, In evil. Ge. 14:9. BIRTH, «. is, (1) ^Tatnral, Ex. 28:10. (2) Abor- tive or untimely, Jb. 3:16. Ps. 58:8. Ec. 6:3. (3) Supernatural, as was the birth of Christ, Mat. 1:18. Lu. 1:14. (4) Figurative, fr heavy nngnish and distress, 2 K. 19:3. Is. 37:3. (5) Fur delirerance at hand. Is. 66:9. (6) For a natural state in sin, Ez. 16:3. (7) For re- generation, Ti. 3:5. (8) Earnest desire for the a-ooif of souls, Ga. 4:19. 2 K. 19:3. children are come to the A. Is. 37:3. Jb. 3:16. untimely b. Ps. 58:8. Ec. 6:3. Ec. 7:1. dav of one's A. || Is. 66:9. bring to J. Ez. 16:3. thy A. || Ho. 9:11. fly from the A Mat. 1:18. A. of Jesus || Lu. 1:14. rejoice at his Ju. 9:1. blind from b. \\ Ga. 4:19. travail in A. Re. 19:2. she cried travailing in A. and passed BlRTII-Z)ai/,s.Ge. 40:20. Mat. 14:6. Mk.6:21. BlRTH-ii/o7(t, s. Ge. 95:31. sell ine thy A.- Ge. 25:33. he sware, and sold his A.- to Jacob 31. Esau despised his A.- || 97:36. | 43:33. 1 Ch. 5:1. Reuben's A.- jj He. 19:16. sold his A.- BIRZAVITH, Sjn of the olive. 1 Ch. 7:31. BISHLAM, In peace, or recompense. Ezr. 4:7. BISHOP, S, signifies, (1) A spiritual overseer, 1 Ti. 3:1,2. Ac. 20:28. (2) Christ Jesus, 1 Pe. 2:25. Phil. 1:1. with Ihe A. || 1 Ti. 3:1. office of a 6. 1 Ti. 3:2. a A. must be blameless, Ti. 1:7. 1 Pe. 9:95. now returned to the A. of vour souls BISHOPRIC, «. Ac. 1:20. A. let anotlirr take BIT, V. Nu.91:6. serpents A. Am. 5:19. BITS, s. Ps. 39:9. moulh held with A. Ja. 3:3. BITE, 7.. Ec. 10:8. serpent shall A. him, 11. Jer. 8:17. serpfnts, and they shall A. Am. 9:3. .Mi. 3:5. the prophets that A. with the teeth Ha. 9:7. A. theeMGa. 5:15. if ye A. and devour BITMIAII, Diiwrhler of the Lord. 1 Ch. 4:18. BITHRON, House ofl'berty. 2 S. 2:29. BITF/ril, r. Ge. 49:17. Dan an adder, that A. Pr. 9:i:3.>. at the last it A. like a serpent BITIIYNIA, Violent precipiliitinn. Ac. 16:7. BITTEN, p. Nu.21:9. if serpent had A. 8. BITTER, a. signifies, (1) Sorrowful, Ex. 1:14. (2) rVickcdne'ss, .]er. 4:}3 (3) Peevish or ill- natured. Col. 3:19. Ge. 27:34. Esau cried with an exceeding b. cry Ex. 1:14. made their lives A. || 19:8. A. herbs 15:23. waters were A. || De. 32:24. A. destruct. BLA Jud.l8:f25. A. of soul, Ru. I:t20. 1 S. J:tIO I 22:t2. I 30:t6. 2 S. 17:t8. 2 K. 4:t2?. | 14:26. Est. 4:1. with a b. cry || Jb. 3:J5. have a A. day Jb. 3:20. why is life given to the A. in soul .' 13:26. thou writest A. things against me 23:2. is my complaint A. jj 27:t2. my soul A. Ps. 64:3. to shoot their arrows, even A. words Pr. 5:4. but her end is A. as wormwood 27:7. every A. thing is sweet || 31: f6. A of sou. Ec. 7:26. I find more A. than death the woman Is. 5:20. A. for sweet || 24:9. strong drink A. Jer. 2:19. evil thingand A. || 4:18. | 6:26. | 31:15 Ez. 3:fl4. I went A. || 27:31. with A. wailing Am. 8:10. as a A. day || Ha. 1:6. that b. nation Col. 3:19. be not A. against ||Ja. 3:14. A. envying Re. 8:11. waters made A. || 10:9. tliv belly 6. 10 BITTER Water. Nu. 5:18. the A.'- || Ja. 3:11. BITTERLY, ad. Jud. ,5:23. curse ye A. Ru. 1:20. the Almighty hath dealt A. with me Is. 22:4. I will weep A. 33:7. Ez. 97:30. Ho. 12:14. provoked most A. || Zph. 1:14. cry b. Mat. 26:7.5. Peter went out, wept A. L>i. 22:62. BITTERN, «. a bird of the Ardea or Heron ge- nus, remarkable for the singular noise it makci Is. 14:23. 1 34:11. Btttem. Zph. 9:14. the A. shall lodge in upper lintels BITTERNESS, s. signifies, (1) Extreme indig- nation andwrath, Ep. 4:31. (2) Deep anguish and sorrow, Jb. 7:11. Pr. 14:10. Ho. 12:14. (3) Desperate impiety, De. 39:39. Ac. 8:23. 1 S. 1:10. Hannah was in A. of soul and prayed 15:39. Agag said, Surely the A. of death is past 9 S.2:26. s^vord will be A. in the latter end Jb. 7:11. A. of my soul || 9:18. | 10:1. | 21:25. Pr. 14:10. the heart knoweth his own A. 17:95. a foolish son is A. to her that bare him Is. 38:15. A. of my soul || 17. for peace I had A. La. 1:4. she is in A. || 3:15. filled me with A. Ez. 3:14. I went in A. i| 91:6. A. sigh || 27:31. Zch. 19:10. A. for first-born jj Ac. b':23. gall of ft. Ro. 3:14. whose mouth is full of cursing and A. Ep. 4:31. A. be put away || He. 19:15. root of A. BIZJOTHJAH, In the Lord's olive. Jos. 15:28. BIZTH.A. Est. 1:10. BLACK, «. is applied, (1) To the church in her ini perfect state, Soi]g 1:5. (2) To the affiicted Jews, La. 4:8. | 5:10. Le. 13:31. no A. hair || 37. is A. hair grown up 1 K. 18:45. A. with clouds || Jb. 30:30. skin is b. Pr. 7:9. in A. night || Song 1:5. 6. but comely Song 1:6. 1 am A. || 5:11. locks busby and A. as .ler. 4:28. heavens A. Ii 8:21. I am A. || 14:9. La. 5:10. our skin was A. like || Ez. 31:tl.5. Zch. 6:9. A. horses, 6. || Ma. 3:t]4. walked in 6. Mat. 5:36. canst not make one hair white or 6. Re. 6:5. and lo a A. horse || 12. sun became A. BLACKER, a. La. 4:8. is 6. than a coal BLACKISH, a. Jb. 6:16. A. by reason of theice BLACKNESS, s. Jb. 3:5. let the A. of the day Is. 50:3. heavens with A. || Jo. 2:6. Na. 2:10. He. 12:18. not come to A. || Ju. 13. reserved A. BLADE, .■J. Jud. 3:92. Mat. 13:96. Mk. 4:28. Shoiilder-BluAVE. Jb. 31:22. arm nOI from -A. BLAINS, s. Ex. 9:9. boil with A. 10. BLAiME, .5. Ge. 43:9. let me bear the A. 44:32. 2 Co. 8:90. no man should A. us jj Ep. 1:4. BLAJIED. p. 9Co. 6:3. Ga. 2:11. BLA.MELESS, a. Ge. 44:10. ye shall be b. Jo. 9:17. we will be A. || Jud. 15:3. more b. Mat. 19:5. priests profane sabbath, and are J. Lu. 1:6. walking in ordinances of the Lord A. 1 Co. 1:8. may be A. in the day of our Lord Jesus Phil. 2:15. A. and harmless |, 3:6. of the law A. 1 Th 5:23. preserved A. II 1 Ti. 3:2. Ti. 1:7. 1 Ti. 3:10. being found A. || 5:7. may be A. Ti. 1:6. if anv be A. || 2 Pe. 3:14. spot and A. BLASPHEME, v. signifies, (1) To revile, or rail airninst, or speak evil of Ond, Mat. 9:3 Ro. 2:24. (%) To reproach men, T\.3:-}. The Hebrew, Nakab, signifies to strike or pierci through, Is. 36:6. Ha. 3:14. (3) To rait against, and deny the work of the Holy Spirit out of malice, and aa-ainst the fullest evidence. Mat." 12:31. 2 S. 19:14. to the enemies of the Lord to b. 1 K. 21:10. thou didst A. Ood and the king, 13 Ps. 74:10. A. thy rame || Mk. 3:98. shall A. iS 24 BLB Ac. 23:11. comrelled them to h. \\ 1 Ti. 1:00. J.I. 2:7. b. that wortliy i:aiiie, Re. 13:0. Bl.A.'SPHEMED, p. he. 24:11. woman's son b. 2 K. 19:tj. have b. me, 22. Is. 37:G.23. I's. t4:18. b. thy name, Is. 52:5. | (35:7. Ez. 20:27. lathers have 4. |i Ac. 18:6. and b. Uo. 2:24. name of G. h. || 1 Ti. G:l. doctrine not Ti.2:5. word of God be not b. || Ke. li;:9.Ll,21. B1.ASPHEME.ST, ETH, v. Le. 24:16. 6. tlieL Ps. 44:10. for the voice of him that b. Wat. 9:3. tills man 6. || Jn. 10:3(1. say ye thou b. BL VSPHE.MIXG, s. Ac. 13:45. contradict and b. BLASPHEMER, S. s. Ac. 19:37. not A. ofgodd. 1 Ti. 1:13. before a i. ||2 Ti. 3:2. sliall be b. BLASPHEMY, *. 2 K. 19:3. duty of i. Is. 37:3. Mat 12:31. 6. not be i'orgivrn, niitiierin this 06 ■>. S)), ikenA j e h'aKl h's ,■. Vlt . l'ii.4. i Blk. 7:22. heart proreed b. || Jn. 10:33. but for b. Col. 3:8. put off malice, 6.||Re.2:9. 1 know the *. Ke. 13:1. heads name of A. || 6. in i. against God BLASPHEMIES, *■. Ez. 35:12. heaid hll thy A. Bliit. 15:19. heart proceed b. || Mk. 2:7. | 3:28. Lu. 5:21. which speaketh h. (| Re. 13:5. speak b. BLASPHE.MOUS, a. Ac. 0:11. b. words, 13. BLASPHEMOUSLY, ad. Lu. 22:65. b. spake BLAST, s. signifies, (1) Destruction on the /.■•«/«i' of the earth, Ge. 41:6. 1 K. 8:37. (2) O'liVs anger and power, Ex. 15:8. Jb. 4:9. (3) The devil's furious temptations, Is. 25:4. Ex. 15:8. with b. of thy nostrils the waters Jos. 0:5. they make a long 6. with horns 2 S. 22:16. *. of his nostrils, Pa. 18:15. 2 K. 19:7. send a 6. on Senna( herib. Is. 37:7. Jb. 4:9. by the b. of God they perish, and by the Is. 25:4. when the b. of terrible is as a storiu BLASTED,;). Ge. 41:6. thin ears b. 23:27. 2 Iv. 19:26. as corn b. before grown. Is. 37:27. BLASTING, p. De. 28:22. smite thee with 6. 1 K. 8:37. if there be b. mildew, 2 Ch. 6:28. Am. 4:9. smitten you with b. and, Hag. 2:17. BLAZE, V. Mk. 1:45. began to b. abroad BLAST US, .a branch, or herb. Ac. 12:20. BLEATLN'G, S. Jud. 5:16. 1 S. 15:14. BLEMISH, s. Ex. 12:5. lamb be without 6. Le. 9:3. | 14:10. | 23:12. Nu. 6:14. E.V. 29:1. bullock and two rams without b. Le. 5:15,18. I 6:6. | 9:2. Ez. 46:4. Le. 1:3. offer male without 6. 10. | 4:23. | 22:19. 3:1. whether male or female without b. 0. 4:3. bullock without b. De. 17:1. Ez. 45:18. 28. kid without b. || 21:17. 5. shall not, 21,23. 22:20. hath a b. shall ye not offer, De. 15:21. 21. in peace offering and free-will offer, no 6. 24:19. man cause a h. in his neighbor, 20. Nu. 19:2. a red heifer without b. || 29:2. 2 S. 14:25. no b. in Absalom || Da. 1:4. no 5. Ep. 5:27. holy, and without b. 1 Pe. 1:19. BLESS, V. is referred, I. To Qod, and signifies, (1) 7^0 bestoto outicard plenty, Ge. 30:27. | 39:5. (2) To give temporal and spiritual good things, Ge. 12:2. | 24:35. Ep. 1:3. (3) To make perfectly happn, Re. 14:13. (4) To set apart fir holy use, Ge.2:3. Ex. 20:11. (5) To speak good to men If. To Christ, and signifies, (1) To pray and give thanks Ui God, Mat. 14:19. Mk. 6:41. (2j To pray fur others, Mk. 10:16. (3) To convert m-n, and pardon their sins, Ac. 3:26. 111. Ta 7Hcn, «7if/ signifies, (1) To extol and praise Gad, Ps. 103:1,2. (2) To pronounce a prophet- ical benediction, Ge. 27:4,25,30. (3) To salute and icish peace, Ge. 47:7. (4) To pruy for others, Nu. 6:23,24. Lu. 6:28. (5) To esteem oursclres happy in having an interest in Ood's faoor. Is. 65:16. Jer. 4:2. (6) To boast of out- loard plenty, Ps. 10:4. | 49:18. (7) To have groundless hopes, De. 29:19. (8) To speak n-ood of Ood, Ps. 100:4. God will bless, (1) Those that trust in him. Vs. 2:12. (2) 7%«« /ear Aim, Ps. 128:1. [3) That choose and draw nigh to God, Ps. 65:4. (4) That know God, Mat. 16:17. (5) That mourn. Mat. 5:4. (6) Titat are poor. Mat. 5:3. (7) Meek, patient, Mat. 5:5. f8) That hunger for Christ, Mat. 5:0. (9) That are compassionate. Mat. 5:7. (10) That love pence. Mat. 5:9. (11) That are sincere, Ps. 119:1. (12) I'hat hate shi, and love the word, Ps. 1:1,2. (13) That are pardoned, Ps. 32:1. (14) That pity and help the afflicted, Ps. 41:1. BLESS, God being jigent. Gp. 12:2. said, I will h. thee, 3. | 26:3,24. 17:16. I will b. her, and give thee a son of her 22:17. in blessing I will h. thee, He. 6:14. 28:3. Gud Alrnijihty b. thee, and multiply thee 32:26. not let thee go, except thou b. me 48:10. 6. the lads, and let my name be named 49:25. by the Almiehty, who shall h. thee Ex. 20:24. I will b. || 23;'25. shall 6. thy bread No. 6:24. the Lord h. thee || 27. h. them ||24:1. Do. 7:13. b. fruit of thy womb || 14:29. | 23:20. 15:4. Lord shall h. thee, 10,18. | 16:1.5. | 30:16. 2 5: 15. b. thy jieople I-rael || 28:8. he shall 5. thee 28:12. and to h. all the work of thine hand 33:11. b. Lord, his siibstanre, and accept Ru. 2:4. sayinc, The Lord b. thee, Jer. 31:23. 2 S. 7:29. ft." house of thy servant, 1 Ch. 17:27. 1 Ch. 4:10. O that thou wouldest b. me indeed Vs. 5:12. thou. Lord, wilt b. the righteous 28:9. save thy people, i thine inheritance CONCORD. 4 BLE Ps. 23:11. the Lord will 6. h;g people with peace C7:l. God, even our God, will b. us, 6,7. 115:12. he will b. the house of Israel, he will 13. he will b. them that fuar the Lord 128:5. the Lord shall b. thee out of Zion 132:15. I will abundantly b. her provision 134:3. the Lord b. thee out of Zion Is. 19:25. whom the Lord of hosts shall b. Hag. 2:19. from this day 6. you || Ac. 3:26. sent to BLESS, God bemir the Object. De. 8:10. b. the Lord, Jud. 5:9. Ps. 1U3:21. 1 Ch. 29:20. David said, Now b. the Lord your Ne. 9:5. stand up and b. Lord forever and ever Ps. 16:7. I wdl b. the L. who has given, 26:12. 34:1. I will h. the Lord at all times, his praise 63:4. 6. while I live || 66:8. O b. our G. || ti8:26. 9i':2. sing to the Lord, b. his name, show forth 100:4. 6. his name, 103:1,2,22. | 104:1,35. 115:18. will b. the Lord from this time, 134:2. 135:19. 6. the Lord, O house of Aaron, 20. 145:1. I will 6. furever || 10. saints shall 5. thee 21. let all flesh b. his holy name forever Ja. 3:9. therewith b. we God, even the Father BLESS, Man .^gent and Object. Ge. 27:4. soul may b. thee ||34. b. nie, even, 38. 48:9. bring and I "will 6. them || 20. shall Israel i. Ex. 12:32. and begone and 6. me also Nu. 6:23. shall b. Israel, || 23:25. nor 6. at all De. 10:8. Levi to b. 21:.5. || 24:13. | 27:12. 29:19. that he b. himself in liis heart, saying 1 S. 9:13. because he doth 6. the sacrifice 2 S. 0:20. David returned to 6 I Ch. 16;43. 8:10. Toi sent Joram his son to 6. David 21:3. that ye may b. inheritance of the Lord 1 K. 1:47. came to b. king David, 1 Ch. 23:13. Ps. 02:4. b. with their mouth || 109:28. but b. 129:8. we 6. you in the name of the Lord Pr. 30:11. and doth not b. their mother Is. 65:16. b. in the G. of truth || Jer. 4:2. i. in him Mat. 5:44. 6. them that curse you, Lu. 0:28. Ro. 12:14. b. them which persecute vou, b. and 1 Co. 4:12. reviled, we b. \\ 14:10.A.with the spirit 10:16. cup of blessing which we b. is it not BLESSED, Man Agent^xnA Object. Ge. 14:19. Melchisedek 6. Abram, and said, 6. be 24:00. they A. Rebekah, and said unto her 27:23. so Isaac b. Jacob, and said, 27. 29. and 6. be he that bles-^eth thee 33. I have A. him, yea, and || 41 . father 5. him 28:1. Isaac b. him || 6. as he A. him, He. 11:20. 30:13. for the daughters will call me A. 31:55. kiss, his sons and daughters, and A. them 47:7. Jacob 6. Pharaoh, 10. || 48: 15. he A. Joseph 48:20. J.acob 6. Manasseh || 49:28. He. 11:21. Ex. 39:43. Moses A. them, De. 33:1. Le. 9:22. Aaron lift up his hands and 5. them,23. Nu. 22:6. I wot whom thou blessest is A. || 23:11. De. 33:20. A. be he that enlargeth Gad || 24. Jos. 14:13. Joshua A. Caleb || 2'3:6,7. |24:10. Jud. 5:24. A. above women |! Ru. 2:19. A. be he 1 S. 2:20. Eli A. ElkanahJI 25:33. A. be thy advice 26:25. Saul said, A. be thou, my son David 2 S. 0:18. David A. the peojile, 1 Ch. 16:2. 13:25. howbeit he would not go, but A. him 19:39. the king kissed Barzillai, and A. him 1 K. 2:4.5. Solomon shall be A. || 8:14,55. 8:66. congregation A. Solomon, 2 Ch. 6:3. 2 Ch. 30:27. priests and Levites A. the people Ne. 11:2. people A. all that willingly offered Jb. 99:11. ear b. me || 31:20. his loins h. me Ps. 49:18. A. his soul || 72:17. be A. in him 118:20. A. be he that cometh in name of the L. Pr. 31:28. children arise, and call her A. Ec. 10:17. A. art thou, O land, when tliv king Song 6:9. daughters A. her || Is. 60:3. A. an idol Jer. 20: 14. not the day be A. || Ma. 3:12. call you A. Mk. 11:10. A. the kingdom of our father Lu. 1:48. call nie A. || 2:34. Simeon A. them Ac. 20:35. more A. to give || Ti. 2:13. A. hope He. 7:1. met Ahrah. and A. him, 6. || 7. less is A. of BLESSED, God the Agent. Ge. 1:22. A. them saying, Be fruitful, 28. | 5:2. 2:3. and God A. the seventh day, Ex. 20:11. 9:1. God A. Noah and his sons, and said to them 12:3. all families be A. 18:18. | 22:18. | 26:4. | 28:14. Ac. 3:25. Ga. 3:8. 17:20. A. Ishmael ||24:1. Lord A. Abraham 24:31. and he said. Come in thou A. of the I^ord 2.5:11. after death of Abrah.,G. A. Isaac, 26:12. 26:29. thou art now the A. of the Lord 27:27. smell of a field which the Lord hath A. 30:27. the Lord hath A. me for thy sake, 30. 32:29. and he A. Jacob there, 35:9. | 48:3. 39:5. that- the Lord A. the Egyptian's house Nu. 22:12. not curse, for the people are 5. 23:20. he hath A. and I cannot reverse it De. 2:7. God hath A. thee, 12:7. | 15:14. | 16:10. 7: 14. A. above all people || ;8:3. A. in the field 28:4. A. shall be the fruit of thy body, 5. 33:13. of Joseph he said, A. of the Lord be his Jos. 17:14. forasnuKh as the Lord hath A. me Jud. 13:24. Samson grew, and the Lord A. him 17:2. A. of the Lord, Ru. 3:10. 1 S. 15:13. Ru.2:2n. A. be he of the Lord || 3:10. be thou 1 S. 23:21. A. be ye of the Lord, 2 S. 2:5. 2 S. 0:11. the Lord A. Obed-edoin, and all his household, 12. 1 Ch. 13:14. | 20:.5. 7:29. the house of thy servant be A. forever 1 Ch. 17:27. blessest, O Lord, and it shall be 5. BLE ' ?■ 2 Ch. 31:10. the Lcrd hath A. his people Jb. 1:10. thou hast A. the work of his hands 42:12. the Lord A. the latter end of Job Ps. 21:6. for thou hast made him most b. 33:12. A. is the naticui wlio.-e God || 37:22,26, 41:2. Lord will keep him, and he shall be A. 45:2. thtiefoie God hath A. thee forever 89:15. A. the people thatknow || 112:2. uprightfi 115:15. you are A. of the L. || 119:1. A. undefile." 128:1. A. is every one that fearelh the Lord, 4 147:13. he hath A. thy children within thee Pr. 5:18. fountain be A. || 10:7. memory of just S 20:7. his children shall be A. 20:21. end not be A. || 22:9. bountiful eye be 6 Is. 19:25. saying, A. be Egypt my people and 51:2. for I called him alone, and A. him 61:9. they are the seed the Lord hath A. 65:23 Mat. 5:3. A. are the jioor, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10. 13:16. A. are your eyes for they see, I^u. 10:23 14:19. he A. and brake, 26:20. Mk. 6:41. | 14:22. 16:17. A. art thou, Simon || 24:46. A. that servant 25:34. come, ye A. of my father, inherit the Mk. 10:16. arms, and A. them II 14:61. son of the 6 Lu. 1:28. A. art thou among women, 42,45. 6:20. A. be ye poor, for yours is the kingdom ]l:27.A.the womb || 12:37. A. those servants, 38 14:14. Shalt be A. || 19:38. 6. be the king || 23:29. 24:50. he A. them || 51. while he A. them Ga. 3:9. A. with Abrah. || Ep. 1:3. b. us with all Ja. 1:25. this man shall he 6. in his deed Re. 14:13. A. are the dead that die in the Lord BLESSED, Gr.rf the Object. Ge. 9:26. he said, A. be the Loril, 24:27. Ex 18:10. Ru. 4:14. 1 S. 25:32,39. 2 S. 18:28. 1 K. 1:48. 1 5:7. | 8:1.5,.56. I 10:9. 1 Ch. 36:38. 2 Ch. 2:12. j 6:4. 1 9:8. Ezr. 7:27. Ps. 28:6. I 31:21. I 41:13. | 68:19. 1 72:18. | 89:52. | 100:48. I 124:0. I 13.5:21. I 141:1. Zch. 11:5. Lu. 1:68. 14:20. A. be the most high God wlio delivered Jos. 22:33. and the children of Israel A. God 2 S. 22:47. and A. be my rock, Ps. 18:40. 1 Ch. 29:10. David A. the Lord, and said, A. 20 2 Ch. 20:26. they A. the Lord, 31:8. Ne. 8:6. Ne. 9:5. A. be thy glorious name, Ps. 72:19. Jb. 1:21. A. be the name of the Lord, Ps. 113:2 Ps. 06:20. A. be God, 68:35. | 119:12. 2 Co. 1:3. Ez. 3:12. saying, A. be the glory of the Lcrd Da. 2:10. Daniel A. 20. || 4:34. Nebuchadnezzar Lu. 2:28. took him in his arms and A. God Jn. 12:13. A. is the kjng of Israel that cometh Ro. 1:25. than the Creator, who is A. forever 9:5. who is over all God A. forever, 2 Co. 11:31 Ep. 1:3. A. be the God and Father, 1 Pe. 1:3. ITi. 1:11. glorious gospel of the A. God || 0:15. BLESSED are they. Ps. 2:12. A.- that put their trust in him 84:4. A.- that dwell in thy house, they will be 100:3. A.- that keep jiulgmtnt at all times 119:2. A.- that keep his testimonies, and seek Pr. 8:32. for A.- that keep my ways Is. 30:18. A.- that wait for him Lu. 11:28. rather A.- that hear the word Jn. 20:29. A.- that have not seen and yet have Ro. 4:7. A.- whose iniquities forgiven, Ps. 32:1. Re. 19:9. A. who are called to marriage-supper 22:14. A.- that do his coniniaiidnients BLESSED ore ye. Is. 32:20. A.- that sow beside all waters Mat. 5:11. 6.- \\hen men revil^, Lu. 6:22. at hunger, A.- lira BLESSED is he. Lu. 6:21. A.- that hunger, A.- Ilfat weep Nu. 24:9. A.- that blesseth thee 1| Ps. 32:1. Ps. 41:1. A.- that considereth the poor Da. 12:12. 6.- that waiteth, and comelh todays Mat. 11:6. A.- shall not be offended, Lu. 7:23. 21:9. 6.- that cometh in the name of the Lord, 23:;^9. Mk. 11:9. Lu 13:35. Lu. 14:15. A- that shall eat bread in kingdom Re. 1:3. A.-that readeth,and they that hear 16:15. A.- that watcheth, and keepeth 20:0. A.- that hath part in the first resurrection 22:7. A.- that keepeth sayings of the prophecy BLESSED is the Man. Ps. 1:1. 5. that walketh not in the counsel 32:2. A.- Lord imputeth not sin, Ro. 4:8, 34:8. A.- that trusteth in him, 84:12. Jer. 17:7 40:4. A.- that niaketh the Lord his trust 65:4. A.- whom thou choosest, and caiisest 84:5. A.- whose strength is in thee, in whose 94:12. A.- «hom thou rhastenest, O Lord 112:1. A.- that feareth the Lord, that delights Pr. 8:34. A.- that heareth nie, wati hing daily Is. 56:2. A. that doth this, and the son of man Ja. 1:12. A.- that endureth temptation, for BLESSEDNESS, s. Ro. 4:6,9 Ga. 4:1.5. BLESSEST, V. Nu. 22:6. 1 Ch 17:27. Ps. 65:10 BLESSETH, v. Ge. 27:29. that A. thee, Nu.24:9 De. 15:6. thy God A. thee as he promised Ps. 10:3. A. covetous whom the Lord abhorreth 107:.'^8. he A. them, so that they are multiplied Pr. 3:^3. A. habitation of just || 27:14. A. his friend Is. 65:16. he who A. himself in the earth shall BLESSING, s. Ge. 12:2. thou shalt be a A. Ge. 22:17. in A. I will bless thee. He. 0:14. 27:12. bring a curse on me, and not a A. ||35. thv 38. Esau said. Hast thou but one A. my father.' 28:4. the A. of Abraham || 33:11. take my A. .39:5. A. of L. was o«i all || 49:28. according to his Ex. 32:29. bestow on vou a A. Le. 25:21. 25 JJLO De. ll:9n. i set before you !i h. 30:19. 27. a 6. if ye obey the coiiiin;indments of Lord 29. piit b. oil imiuiit Geriziiii |( 12:15. | 16:17. 23:5. the Lord turned the curse into a b. 2d:8. conjiiiitnd u 6. on store-house || 33:1,7. 33:16. let the b. come on the head of Joseph 23. Naphtiili fill with the h. uf the Lord Jos. 15:19. answered, Give me a A. Jiid 1:15. 1 S. •25:-27. thii b. thy handmaid || 18:t31. 2 S. 7:29. with thy b. let my house be Messed 2 K. 5:15. I pray Ihee take a b. of thy servant Ke. 9:5. exalted above all h. || 13:2 curse into a b. Jl). 29:13. b. of hiin that was ready to perish Ps. 3:8. thy h. is upon thy people. Seiah. 24:.'). he shall receive the b. from the Lord 109:17. deli-|:hted not in b. || 133:3. 6. even life Pr. H):il'i. b. of Lord maketh rich || 11:11,26. 24:2.'i. and a good 6. shall come on them Is. 19:24. even a b. in the midst of the land 44:3. and I will pour my b. on thy offspring 65:8. one faith destroy it not, for a b. is i/i it Ez. 34:26 places about my hill a b. there shall 44:30. he may cause a b. to rest in thy house Jo. 2:14. if he will leave a b. behind him Zcli. 6:13. I will save you, and he shall be a b. ,Ma. 3:10. open heaven and pour you out a 6. Lu. 24:53. in liie temple praising and b. God Ko. 15:29. in tlie fulne-s of the h. of the gospel 1 Co. 10:16. cujiof 6. which we bless ]|2Co. 9:t5. Ga. 3:14. that ihe b. of Abraham might come He. 6:7. earth received 6. || 12:17. inherited the b. Ja. 3:10. same mouth proceedeth 6. and cursing 1 Te. 3:9. b. knowing that ye should inherit a 4. Ke. 5:12. honor, glory 6. || 13. h. to him that 7:12. 6. and glory to our God forever and ever BLESSINGS, s. Ge. 49:25.A.of heaven 6. of deep Ge. 49:2j. b. of thy father prevailed above the b. De. 2S:2. all these'i. .-hall come on thee if Jos. 8:34. afterwards he read b. and cursings r.-. 21:3. preventest him with 6. of coodness 21:t6. thou hast set him to be /;. forever Pr. iO;'3. b. are upon the head of the just 28:20. a faithful man shall abound with 6. Bi.i. 2:2. curse your b. \\ Ep. 1:3. spiritual b. BLEW, V. Jos. (i:8. priests passed on and 6. Jiid. .3:27. Ehud 6. || 6:34. Gideon b. a trumpet 7:19. they b. the trumpets and brake, 20:22. 1 S. 13:3. Saul h. || 2 S. 2:28. Joab, 18:16. S S. 20:1. Shelia i| 20:22. Joab he b. a trumpet 1 K. 1:39. they b. 2 K. 9:13..| 11:14. Mat. 7:25. winds b. 27. |( Jn. 6:18. wind 6. A.:. 27:13. when the south wind b. 28:13. J.'LIND, a. signifies, (1) Withiiut natural si a-ht, Jn. 9:1. Ac. 13:11. (2) Partial, Ex. s5:8. D !. 16:19. (3) lo-noraiit of tke gospel, Mat. 15:14. It is applied, (1) To iirnoravf or deceitfal minis- tirj, Is. 56:10. | 42:19. (2) To an ignorant puip'.e. Mat. 15:14. Ro. 2:19. wilfallv so. 9 Co. 4:4. (3) To the wicked (1 Jn. 2:11.) and seif-conceited, Re. 3:17. Kx. 4:11. who maketh the seeing and the b. Le. 19:14. nut put a stumbling-block before b. 21:18. h. shall not offer || 22:22. nor offer b. to De. 27:18. cursed that maketh the b. to wander 23:29. grope al noonday as b. gropeth in darkn. 2 S. 5:8. whoso siiiiteth the lame and b. Jb. 23:15. I was eyes to the b. feet to the lame Ps. 14^3. the Lord openeth tlie eyes of the 6. li. 29:18 b. shall see out of obscurity, 35:5. 42:7. open the b. eyesl|16. bring the 6. by a way 1"*. hear ye deaf,iook ye b. that ye mav see||19. 41:8. bring forth the b. people that have eves 53:19. vi-atchmen ft. they areall ignorant]]59:10. ier. 31:8. will gather wi'th them the b. and lame La. 4:14. wandered as b. men in the streets •^ph. 1:17. that they shall walk like b. men -Ma. 1:8. if ye o.Terft. for sacrifice, is it not evil .' Wat. 9:27. two b. men followed him, 20:30. 11:5. 6. receive theif 8 cht, 12:22. Lu. 7:22. 15:14. 4. leaders, Lu. 6:39. || 23:16. b. glides 23:17. fools and b 19. I( 26. thou 6. Pharisee Mk. 8:23. took b. man || 10:46. b. Bartimeus Lu. 4:18. preach recovery of sight to the b. 7:21. 14:13. when thou makest a f'ast, call the b. Jn. 5:3. multitude of b. \\ 9:1,39,40,41. || 10:21. Ac. 13:11. thou shalt be b. || Ro. 2:19. guide to 4. 2 Pe. 1:9. he that lacketh these things is 4. Re. 3:17 and knowest not that thou art 4. BLIND, ?>. De. 16:19. gift doth || 1 S. 12:3. BLINDED, ETH, v. Ex. 23:3Kgift6. the wise Jn. 12:40. he hath 4. their eyes, and hardened Ro. 11:7. election hath obtained, rest are b. 2 Co 3:14. but their minds were b. 4:4. 1 Jn.2:ll. because darknfss hath 4. his eyes BLI.VDFOLDED, a. Lu.22:64.when they 4. him BLINDNESS, s. Ge. 19:11. smote men with 4. De. 28:28. Lord smite thee with 4.2 K. 6:18. Zch. 12:4. horse with 4. || Ro. 11:25. 4. in part Ep. 4:18. because of the 4. of their heart BLOOD, .-,. sign ties, (1) Murder, Ps. 51:14. Mat. 27:24. (2) Due pmrshmmt. Mat. 27:25. (3) CrurJln, Is. 1:1.5. Ha. 2:12. (4) ./3 .s/a/c vf great wrctckedness, Ez. 16:6. Jn. 1:13. (5) Jidam and li:s po.iteritii, Ac. 17:2". (6) The juice of tke vraiie, Ge. 49:11. (7) fTlne in the cup, .Mat 26:28. [a sacramental symbol and represent atin„ of the blnod of Christ. Crud.I (81 The sufferings uf Christ, Ro. 5:9. (9j The BLO prenous fiuia that maintains life, Ex. 29-12. [{lUJ JSTuturul descent, ^lir. 1:13. Crud.] Where, marked with f is, in the original. Bloods. Ge. 4:tl0. brother's ft. crieth |i 9:4. life is the 4. 9:5. sureiy your 4. of your lives I will require Ex. 4:9. water become 4. || 7:17. turned into 4. 12:13. tlie b. shall be for a token, when I see h. 23:18. shalt not offer the 4. with leaven, 34:25. 29:21. shalt take of the 4. upon the altar Le. 10:18. 4. not brought in || 15:19. issue be 4. 17:4. 4. he imputed to that man ||] l.that maketh 19:16. not stand against the 4. of thy neighbor Nu. 23:24. and drink the 4. of the slain 35:33. but by the 4. of him that shed it De. 17:8. a matter between 4. and 4. 2 Ch. 19:10. 21:8. 4. be forgiven II 22:8. bring not 4. || 32:43. 1 S. 26:20. let not my 4. fall to the earth 2 S. 1:16. David said. Thy 4. be upon thy head 22. from the 4. of the slain, from the fat 3:t28. I and my kingdom guiltless from the b. Ifi:t7. come out, come out, thou man of 4. 8. returned all the 4.||20: 12.123:17. 1 Ch. 11:19. 1 K. 2:5. 4. on his girdle || 37. thy 4. on thy head 18:28. till 4. gushed out upon them 2 K. 3:22. water red as 4.||23. this is 4. the kings 9:t26. 4. of Nabothll Jb. 16:18. cover not 4. Jb. 39;30. her young ones also suck up 4. Ps 30:9. what profit in my 4. ||50;j3. b. of goats 58:10. 4. of the wicked || 68:23. dipped in 5. 72:14. precious shall their 4. be || Pr 28:17. 6. of any Is. I:tl5. hands full of 4. || 4:4. pursed the b 9:5. and garments rolled in 4. but this 15:9. the waters of Diinon shall be full of 4. 26:t21. shall disclose her 4. || 33:fl5. | 34:3. Jer. 2:34. found 4. of poor|| 18:21. pour out their 4. 48:10. sword from 4. || 51:35. my 4. on Chaldea Ez. 5:17. pestilence and 4. || 9:9. land full of 4. 16:6. wast in thy 4. || f9. washed thy 4.|| 38. 4. in 18:10. shedder of 4.|jtl3. his 4. be on him || 19:10. 21:32. thy 4. shall be in midst of land, 22:13. sheddeth 4. || inhands,45. 24:8. set her 4. on topof riick||28:23. send 4. into 32:6. water land with 4.||35:ii. shall pursue thee 44:7. when ye offer my bread, the fat and 4. 15. Ho. 1:4. avenge 4. of Jezreel || 4:t2. 4. toiicheth 4. Jo. 2:3). 4. and pillars of smoke, Ac. 2:19. 31. moon sliall be turned into 4. Ac. 2:19,20. 3:21. 1 will cleanse their 4.||Zfdi. 1:17. 4. poured Mat. 9:20. an issue of 4. Mk. 5:25. Lu. 8:43. 16:17. flesh and 4. hath not revealed it to thee 23:30. 4. of the prophets, 35. Lu. 11:51. 26:28. 4. of the new testament, Mk. 14:24. 27:6. price of 4. || 8. field of 4. Ac. 1:19. || 24. Ln. 13:1. 4. Pilate had mingled with sacrifices 22:20. new testament in my 4. 1 Co. 11:25. 44. his sweat was as great drops of 4. falling Jn. 1:13. born not of 4.||6:54. drinks my 4. 55,56. 19:34. there came out 4. tHjd water, Ac. 5:28. .\c. 15:20. abstain from 4. 29. 1 21:25. 17:26. of one 4.all || 18:6. 4. on heads || 20:26. 1 Co. 11:27. of the body and 4. of the Lord 15:50. flesh and 4. cannot inherit the kingdom Ep. 6:12. we wrestle not asainst flesh and 4. Col. 1:20. made peace through the 4. of his cross He. 2:14. cliildren are partakers of flesh and 4. 9:7. not without 4.which he offered for himself 12. nnr 4. of goats || 13. 4. of bulls and goats 9:20. this is the 4. of the new testament 22.and without shedding of 4. is no remission 10:19. to enter the holiest by the 4. of Jesus ll:28.sprinkling of 4. || 12:4. not resisted to 4. 12:24. 4. of sprink. || 13:11. whose 4. is brought 1 Pe. 1:2. sprinkling of the 4. of Jesus Christ 1 Jn. 1:7. the 4. of Jesus Christ cleanseth us 5:6. this is he that came by water and 4. 8. Re. 5:9. hast redeemed us to God by thy 4. 6:10. how long dost thou not avenge our 4. || 12. 7:14. white in the 4. || 8:8. sea became 4. 16:3. 11:6. turn waters to 4. || 12:11. overcame bv 4. 16:''. 4. to drink II ]8:-74. found 4. of prophets 19:2. avensred the 4. || 13. vesture dipped in 4. See AvEVfiF.B, Revenger. BLOOD 4c upon. Le. 20:9. curseth liis fatlier, his 4.- || 11. incest 13. sodomv II 16. bestiality, their 4.- them 27. wizard, their 4.- them || De. 19:10. Ez. 18:13. [ 33:5. BLOOD, with Bullock. Ex. 29:12. 4. of the - Lev. 4:5,7. | 16:15,18. Is. 1:11. I delicht not in 4. of- or of lambs BLOOD of Christ. 1 Co. 10:16. is it not tlie communion of the 4.- Ep. 2:13. nish by 4.- || He. 9:14.4.- purge 1 Pe. 1:19. with the precious 4.- as ofa lamb 1 Jn. 1:7. the 4.- cleanseth us from all sin BLOOD of the Covenant. Ex. 24:8. Moses said. Behold the 4.- 7,ch. 9:1 4.- have sent II He. 10:29. | 13:20. BLOOn, with eat. Le. 3:17. I 7:26,27. I 12:14. 1 17:10. De. 1:7:16,23. | 15:23. 1 S. 14:32. Ez. 3!:25. ve cat with 4. and lift your eyes For BLOOD. Nu. 35:33. 2 S. 3:27. 2 Ch. 2!:25. Ps. 9:12. Pr. 1:11,18. I 12:6. Mi. 7:2. His BLOOD. Ge. 37:26. | 42:22. Jos. 2:19. 2 S. 4:11. 1 K. 2:32. Ez. 3:18,20. | 33:4,6,8. Ho. 12:14. Zch. 9:17. Mat. 27:25. Ac. 20:')8. purrhased with -4. jj Ro. 3:25. | 5:9. Ep. 1:7. redemption thro' -4. Col. 1:14. He. 9:12. BLU He. 13:12. sanctify with -4.||Re 1:5. sins in •* Innocent BLOOD. De. 19:10. that -4. be not shed in the land 13. put away guilt of -4. || 21:8. lay not -4. 1 S. 19:5. why wilt thou sin against -4. 1 K. 2:31. take awav the -4. that Joab shed 2 K. 21:16. Manasseh shed -4. 24:4. Ps. 94:21. they gather and condemn the -4. 106:38. shed -4. even 4. of sons, Pr. 6:17 Is. 59:7. haste to shed -4. Jer. 7:6. i 22:3,17. Jo. 3:19. shed -4. || Jon. 1:14. || Mat. 27:4. Shed BLOOD. Ge. 9:6. by man his 4. be - || 37:22. said, - no i Ex. 22:2. no 4.- for him || 3. if sun be risei. 4 Le. 17:4. he hath -4. that man shall be . 1 K. 20:11. not he that pntteth it ■3 Ch. 2o:19. thy heart lifteth thee »(> to 4. I's. 34:-2. soul make her b. || 44:8. in G. we b. all 4J.6. 6. in riches || 94:4. workers of iniquity*. 97:7. conlbnniled be Ihey that 6. thems.of idoln I'r. -27:1. b. not of to-morrow || Is. 10:15. axe b. I\o. 2:17. makest thy b. of G.|| ;23. b. of the law 11:18. b. not against branches, if thou h. thon Q Co. 9:2. lor which i A. to them of Macedonia l!-i;8. though I shouldfi. somewhat. 13, U).|ll:16. Eji. 2:9. not of works, lest any man should 6. ))0.4iSTEn,p. Ez. 35:13. 2 Co. 7:14. BOASTEllS, s. Kg. 1:30. proud ft. 2 Ti. 3:2. BOASTEST, ETH, v. Ps. 10:3. wicked 6.|!59:] . }'r. 20:14. then he b. || 25:14. b. of a false gift a. 3.5. a little member, and ft. great things BOASTING, p. Ac. 5:35. 2 Co. 10:15. BOASTING, s. Ro. 3:27. where is ft. then ? 2 Co. 7:14. even so our b. is fouiid a truth 8:24. show ye to tlieni the proof of our ft. 9:3. lest ft. should be in vain, 4. | 11:10,17. Sa. 4:ltJ. but now ye rejoice in your ft. BOAT, S, 5. Jn. li:22,23. Ac. 27:16,30,32. BOAZ, III strength ; a pillar. 1 K. 7:21. Kii.2:!. his name was B. 19. I 3:2. | 4:1,13,21. ICh. 2:11,12. Mat. 1:5. Luke 3:32. B(';CIIEKU, His first-hum. 1 Ch. 8:38. 1 9:44. BUlMIXiM, The place of ireeying. Ju. 2:1,5. BODY, s.i^it'nilies, (I) Tlic material part of man, I Co. 15:44. (2) The whole man, Ro. 0:12. 1 12:1. (3) The substance of a shadoio or crre- viKiiij, Col. 2:17. (4) The unrenewed part of mail, 1 Co. 9:27. (5) The Church in union with Christ their head, 1 Co. 10:17. Col. 1:18. (6) Christ's liiiiiian imture, lie. 10:5. Ex. 24:10. as theft, of heaven in its clearness 1 S. 31:12. took the 6. of Saul, 1 Ch. 10:12. Jh. 19:17. for the children's sake of my own ft. 2'o. worms destroy this 6. || 20:25. out of the ps. 139:tl5. my ft. was not h d from thee Pr. .5:11. when thy Hesh and ft. are consumed Is. 10:18. shull consume both soul and ft. 51:23. thou hast laid Ihy ft. as the ground Wat 5:29. thy whole ft. iie cast into hell, 30. 0:22. light o"f the ft. is the eye. Lu. 11:34. 6:23. if eye be evil, whole ft. full of d:ukness 25. take no thought for your ft. Lu. 12:22,23. 10:28. fear not them lhat"k;ll the ft. l,u. 12:-l. 14:12. disciples came and took ft. and buried it 2i>:12. she hath poured this ointment on my ft. 2:i. eat, this is my ft. Mk. 14:22. Lu. 12:19. 27:.5S. he went to Pilate, and begged the b. of Jesus, .Mk. 15:43. Lu. 23:52. Rlk. 5:29. felt in her 6. || 14:8. to anoint my ft. 14:51. cloth cast about his ft.||l5: 1.5. Lu. 23:52. Lu. 17:37. where the A. is, thither the eagles 24:3. found not the J. of the Lord .lesus Jn. 20:12. where the 6. of Jesus had lain Ro. 6:6. ft. of sin || 7:4. dead bv ft. of Christ || 24. 8:10. b. is dead || 13. mortify deeds of ft. || 23. 1 Co. 6:13. now the ft. is not for fornic;ition, 18. 19. your ft. is the temple of the Holy Ghost 7:4. no power of her ft. || 9:27. under my 6. lest 1'):1H. the communion of the ft. of l.'hrist.' I!:i7. guilty of the ft. and blood of the Lord 1 1:29. eats dajiinalion, not discerning Lord's A. 12:12. the 6. is one || 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22, 23,24,25,27. 13:3. give ft. to be burned, and have not charity 15:35. with what they come || 44. spiritual ft. 3 Co. 5:8. rather to be absent from the b. and Ep. 3:6. Ge:itiles be fellow-heirs of the same A. 4:12. for the edifying of the A. ofChrist 16. from whom the wholeft. fitly Joined togeth. .'^i:-3..'-'avioi!rofft.|| Phil. 3:21. chnn::fi our v le ft. C.4.1:18.h(^ad of ft.|| 2:1 1. putting offthe ft. of sin 2:17. ft. is of ("hribtlj 19. ft. by joints :iu(l bands 23. a show of wisdom in neglecting of the A. 1 'I'h. 5:2:i. spiiit, soul and ft. be preserved He. 10:5. a ft. hast Ihnu prep. || 10. ofleringof A. Ja. 2:16. things which are needful to the ft. 26. for. as the ft. without the spirit is dead, so 3:2. bridle the whole ft. 3. [I 6. tongiiH detileth ft. id. 9. he disputed about tlie ft. of Moses, durst DradBOTiY, s. I.e. 21:11. nor go to any -A. Nu. 6:6. Nu. 9:6. drilled by a -6. 7,10. H:ig. 2:13. 19:11. tourheth -ft. be unclean, 16. 2 K. 8:5. re.-Jtored a -ft. || Is. 26:19. with my -A. Jer. 26:23. and cast his -ft. into the graves 36:30. his -A. shall be cast out in the day Pr,iit of the BODY. De. 28:4. blessed shall be the- thn b. II. plenteous in -ft. .30:9. || 18. cursed he -ft. 53. thou shalt eat the - thy ft. in the siege Ps. 132:1 1. - thy ft. set on thy throne || Mi. 6:7. His BODY. 06.21:^^3. A. not rem;iin all night on tree Jud. 8 30. Gideon had 70 sous of -ft. begotten I S 31:10. fastened -A. to wall of Beth-shaa Da. 4:33. -ft. wet with dew, 5:21. i| 7:11. | 10:6. Lu. 23:.55. how -A. || 24:23. thev found not -ft.y Jn. 2:21. spake of the temple of -ft. || Ac. 19:12. Ro. 4:19. considered not -A. || 1 Co. 6:18. | 7:4. Ep. 1:23. -A. the fulness || Phil. 3:21. - glorious A. Col. 1:24. for -A. sake II 1 Pe. 2:24. bare sins in -A. In BODY. La. 4:7. they were more ruddy -6. than rubies Ro. 6:12. let not sin reign m your nmrtal ft. 1 Co. 5:3. absent -A. || 6:20. glorify God - your ft. 7:34. holy -A. and spirit || 12:25. no schism -A. 2Co.4:10. bearing -tlie A. the dying;|5:6.hoine -A. 2 Co. 12:2. whether -A. or out of A. 1 cannot tell, 3. Ga. 6:17. bear -A. marks || Phil. 1:20. Col. 1:22. He. 13:3. as being yourselves also in the A. One BODY. Ro. 12:4. as we have many members in -A. 5. we being many are -A. in Christ, 1 Co. 10:17. 1 Co. 6:1(5. joined to harlot is -A. || 12:12,13,20. Ep. 2:16. both to God in -A. || 4:4. there is -ft. Col. 3:15. to which ve are also called in -A. BODIES, s. Jb. 13:i2. your A. like A. of clay Da. 3:27. on whose ft. the fire had no power Mat. 27:52. many A. of saints which slept, arose Jn. 19:31. A. not remain || Ro. 1:24. || 8:11. Ro. 12:1. present your ft. a living sacrifice 1 Co. 6:15. your A. are members ofChrist 15:40. there are celestial ft. and ft. terrestrial He. 10:22. ft. washed with pure water || 13:11. Brad BODIES. 2 Ch. 20:24. behold they were -ft. fallen, 25. Ps. 79:2. -A. of thv servants gi\en to be meat 110:6. he shnll fill the places with -A. Jer. 31:40. vallev of -6. || 33:5. fill with -ft. 34:20. -ft. f(M- || 41:9. Ishniael cast -ft. .'\m. 8:3. there shall many -A. in every place Re. 11:8. their -ft. shall lie in the street, 9. BODILY, a. Lu. 3:22. H. Gho.^t ascended in A. 2 Co. lfl:10. hut hi-: ft. presence is we:ik, and Col. 2:9. all the fulness uf the Godhead ft. 1 TI. 4:8. A. exercise proliteth little ; but BOHAN, In them, or a stone. Son of Reuben, Jos. 15:6. BOXIU, F.mpty. Ge. I:t2. BOIL, ED, V. Le. 8:31. A. the flesh at the door, 1 K. 19:21 2 K. 6:29. Jb. 30:27. Jb. 41:31. he maketh the deep to A. like a pot Is. 64:2. waters to A. || Ez. 24:5. | 46:20.24. BOIL, S, .5. Ex. 9:9. A. with blains, 10:11. Le. 13:18. the tiesli also in which was a A. 2 K. 20:7. took figs and laid on the A. Ts. 38:21. Jb. 2:7. so Satan smote Job with sore A. BOILRTH, l,\G, p. Ps. 4,5:tl. Ez. 46:2.3. BOISTEROUS, a. Mat. 14:30. the wnd A. BOLD, a. Pr. 28:1. righteous A. as a lion Ac. 13: 16. Paul waxed ft. || Ko. 10:20. Esaias A. 2 Co. 10:1. absent, am ft. 2. || 11:"1. I am A. also Phil. 1:14. more ft. to si>eak, 1 Th. 2:2. Phile. 8. BOLDLY, ad. Ge. 34:25. came on the city A. IMk. 15:43. came and went in A. to Pilate Jn. 7:26. he spenketh ft. and they sav nothing Ac. 9:27. t)reach A. || 09. spake A. 14:3. | 18:26. 19:8. spake A. for the space of three months Ro. 15:15. I hrive written the more A. Ep. 6:19. that I may open iriy mouth ft. 20. He. 4:16. let us come A. to the throne of grace 13:6. we may A. say, 'i'he Lord is mv helper BOLDNESS, .?. Ec. 8:L ft. of his face shall be Ac. 4:13. A. of Peter || 29. all ft. || 31. spake with A. 2 Co. 3:tl2. used great A. II 7:4. great is my A. En. 3:12. A. and access || Phil. 1:20. 1 Ti. 3:13. He. 10:19. A. to enter l| 1 Jn. 4:17. A. in day BOLLED, p. Ex. 9:31. and the flax was A. BOLSTER, .5. 1 S. 19:13,16. i 26:7,11,12,16. BOLT, s. ED, p. 2 S. 13:17. A. the door, 18. BOND, .«. signifies, (1) j9n oblin-ation or vow, Nu. 30:5,14. (2) Svferings for Christ and Ait iro/ipd, He. 13:3. Nu. 30:2. to bind his soul with a ft. 3:4. Ez. 20:37. A. of covenant || L;i. 13:16. loosed ft. Ac. 8:23. A. of iniquity || Ep. 4:3. A. of peace Col. 3:14. put oil eharitv, tile A. of perfectness BOND and free. 1 Co." 12:13. Ga. 3:28. Ep. 6:8. Col. 3:11. Re. 13:16. | 19:18. BONDS, s. Nu. 30:5. not any of her A. stand 14. he establisheth all her ft. which are on her Jb. 12:18. he looseth the ft. cf kings, and Ps. 116:16. loosed wy A.|| Jer.5:5. burst the ft.30:8. Na. 1:13. and I will hur-t thy ft. in sunder Ac. 20:23. that ft. and afflictions abide me 23:29. nothing worthv of death or ft. 26:31. 25:14. left in A. bv Eefix || 26:"9. e.xcept these A. Ep. 6:20. ambassador in A. || Phil. 1:7,13,14. Phil. 1:16. affliction to my ft. |i Col. 4:3,18. 2 Ti. 2:9. wherein I suffisr trouble even unto A. Phile. 10. whom I have begotten in mv A. 13. in the A. of the gospel || He. 10^34. mv A. He. 11:36. trial of A. || 13:3. them that are in A. BONDAGE, s. signifies, (1) Outward slavery and oppression, Ex. 6:5. Ezr. 9:8,9. (2) Spir- itual svhjpction to sill a'ld Sntan, 2Pe. 2:19. (3) Sennte f'lar, Ro. 8:15. (4) Corruption and death, Ro. 8:21. Ex. 1:14. bitter with hard ft. 2:23. | 6:6,9. | 13:3. 13:14. L. brought us out of the house of A. 20:2. De..5:6.|6: 12.18: 14. 1 13:5,10. Jos.24:17.JHd.6:8. De. 26:6. laid on us hard A. II Ne. 5:5,18. | 9:17. Is. 14:3. give thee re-t from the hard A. wherein Ro. 8:15. ye have not received the spirit of ft. Ro. 8:21. be delivered from the h. of corruption Ga. 4:24. gendereth to ft. || 5:1. with yoke of b He. 2:15. were all their lifetime subject to A. In or into BONDATtE. Ex. 6:5. Israel whom the Egyptians keep -A. Ezr. 9:8. a little reviving - our ft. || 9. our ft. Jn. 8:33. we were never -ft. || Ac. 7:7. shall be -5 1 Co. 7:15. a brother or sister not -ft. in such 2 Ch. 11:20. ye sutler if a man bring you -A. Ga. 2:4. bring us -A. || 4:3. were -ft. 9. || 25. is -b 2 Pe. 2:19. of the same is he brought -ft. BOND-MAN, s. Ge.44:33. instead of the lad a 6 De. 15:15. thou wast a ft. 16:12. | 24:18,22. Re. 6:15. every 6. hid themselves in dens BOND-MAID, S. .?. Lev. 19:20. lieth with a 4. Le. 25:44. shall be of the heathen, buy ye A. Ga. 4:22. the one by a ft. the other by a free BOND-MEN, s. Ge. 43: 18. take us for ft. || 44:9. Le. 25:42. not sold as A. || 46. voiir A. forever De. 6:21. we were Pharaoh's "ft. || 7:8. | 28:68. Jos. 9:23. none of you be freed irom being A. 1 K. 9:22. of Israel Solomon made no ft. 2 K. 4:1. take unto him my two sous to be A 2 Ch. 28:10. to keep the children of Jiidah ft. Ezr. 9:9. we weie ft. vet God hath not for.-aken Est. 7:4. sold for ft. || j'cr. 34:13. out of house of ft. BOND-SEItVANT, s. Le. 25:39. to ser'.v us a A. BOND_SER V ICE, i-. 2K.9:21. lew tribute of A BOND-WOMAN, s. Ge. 21:10. cast out l>. and her son, for son of ft. shall not be heir, Ga.4:30 Ge. 21:12. because of ft. || 13. son of A. unike Ga. 4:23. son of A.- 1| 31. not cliildren of A. BOND-WOMEN. See Bonu-.Me>-. BONE, s. signifies, (1) The hard, solid, insensi- ble parts of an animal, ajj'ordinir fonii and sup- port to the whole fabric, Jb. 10:11. [And a wonderful lesson in mechanics 11 (2) The whole man, Jb. 20:11. Ps. 35:10. (3) Coiir- age and comfort of mind, Ps. 51:8. (4) Kiiis- msn, Ge. 29:14. Jud. 9:;i. (5) The nearest union, Ge. 2:23. Ep. 5:.30. [(6) Put for re- mains, after death, 1 K. 13:31. Ed.] Ge. 2:23. this is ft. of my ft. || 29:14. my A. Ex. 12:46. nor shall ye break a A. Nu. 9:12. Nil. 19:16. toMcheth a A. || Jud. 9:2. I am your A. 2 S. 5:1. behold we are thy A. 1 Ch. 11:1. 2 S. 19:13. art thou not of my ft. and my flesh Jb. 2:5. touch his ft. || 19:20. my ft. cleavelh Pr. 25:15. a soft tongue breaketii tbe A. Ez. 37:7. ft. to his A. || 39:15. seeth a man's A. Jn. 19:36. a 6. of him shall not be broken BONES, «. Ex. 13:19. Moses took ft. of Josej.h Jos. 24:32. ft. of Joseph || Jud. i9:29. wiih her A. 2 S. 21:12. A. of Saul, ft. of Jonathan || M. hiiriej 1 K. 13:2. men's ft. shall be burnt upon fliee 2 K. 13:21. touched ft. of Elisha i| 23:14,16,20. 2 Ch. 34:5. ;ind he burnt the ft. of the priests Jb. 10:11. hast fenced me with ft. and sinews Ps. 51:8. A. thou hast broken may rejoice|| o3;.'>. 141:7. our ft. are scattered at the grave's moulli Pr. 3:8. marrow to thy ft. || 14:30. | 15:30. | 1(::24 17:22. but a broken spirit drielh the A. Ec. 11:5. nor how the ft. grow in the womb Is. .58:11. Lord shall make fat thy A. 66:14. Jer. 8:1. bring the A. of kin^s, ft. of priests Ez. 6:5. I will scatter your A. || 24:5. burn A. 70. 37:1. valley full of A. || II. these A. are I.rael Am. 2:1. burnt the A. of the king of Edom 6:10. to bring out the A. out of house, Zph. 3:3. Mat. 23:27. are within full of dead men's b. Lu. 24:39. a spirit hath not flesh and A. as ye see His BONES. 1 K. 13:31. when I am dead lay my A. beside -A 2 K. 23:18. let no man move -ft. so thev let -ft. Jb. 20:11. -A. full of sin || 21:24. -A. nio"stened 33:19. multitude of -A. with strong pain, 21. 40:18. -A. as pieces of brass, -A. as iron Ps. 34:20. keepeth -A. || 109:18. like oil into -A. Ep. 5:30. of his flesh and of -ft. || He. 11:22. My BONES. Ge. 50:25. ye shall carry up -ft. Ex. 13:19. Jb. 4:14. all -A. to shake || 30:17. -ft. pierced 30:30. my skin is black, and -ft. burnt Ps. 6:2. O Lord, heal me, for -ft. are ve^ed 22:14. all -ft. are out of joint || 17. tell all -ft. 31:10. -A. are consumed || 32:3. A. waxed old 35:10. all -A. shall say. Lord || 38:3. no rest in ft. 42:10. as with a sword in -A. || 102:3. -A. burnt 102:5. by reason of my groaning, -ft. cleave to Ts. 38:13. as a lion, so will he break all -A. Jer. 20:9. shut up in -ft. || 23:9. all -A. shake La. 1:13. fire in -A. || 3:4. broken -A. || Ha. 3:16. Their BONES. Nu. 24:8. Israel shall break -ft. and pierce 1 S. 31:13. -ft. and buried at Jahesh, 1 Ch. 10:13 La. 4:8. skin cleaveth to -A. || Ez. 32:2^. Da. 6:24. lions brake -A. i| -Mi. 3:3. break -A. BONNETS,s.Ex.28:40.forAaron's sons make A 29:9. I 29:28. Le. 8:13. Is. 3:20. Ez. 44:18 BOOK, s. signifies, {\)Ji register wherein things are written, Ge. 5:]. Est. 6:1. -BTat. 1:1. Re. 91:27. (2) The holy Scriptures, Vs. 40:7. Ke. 22:19. (3) The con.iciences of men,Da.7:\Q Re. 20:12. (4) God's counsel and purpose, I'fi 139:16. (5) His omnisrience, or careful lovt and remembrance. Vs. 56:8. Ma. 3:!6. Ex. 17:14. write this in a A.||32:32. blot out vTb Nu.5:23. curses in a A. || 21:14. ft. of the wara Le. 17:18. couy of this jaw in a A. 31:24. 27 BOR Jt)S. 10:in.wii!ten in the b. of Jasher, 9 S..l:18. l>i:i). ilcsiiilieil It into seven parts in a h. 1 S, 10:25. yaiMuel wrute it in 6. || 1 K. ilAl. 2 K. 22:H. h. to Sliaphan, 10, Hi. 'J Ch. 34:15,18. I Cli. 9:1. ft. oltlie liings |j 'Jii-.iO. ft. of Samuel a Cli. 9:'29. ft. of Natlian || 1:2:15. ft. of .^lieniaiah 20:34. ft.of.leliii || :M:16.ft. to the liing |J 21,24. F.zr. 4:1.5. ft. of records || Ne. 8:5. opened the ft. Est. 9:'i2. Purim, and it was written in aft. il). 19:93. printed in a ft. |( 31:35. written a A. Pa. 40:7. in tlie volume of tliy ft. He. 10:7. 56:8. tears in thy ft. || (;9:38. || 139:16. in tliy ft. Is. 29:11. words of a ft. tliat is sealed, 12. 18. the deaf sliall liear the words of the ft. S0:8. now go and note it in a ft. that it may be 34:16. seeic ye out of the ft. of the Lord ier. 30:2. write the words in a ft. || 32:t]0. 32:12. that sul)scribed tlje ft. of tlie purtliase 36:2. tal-oin A. of us || Jb. 9:33. lay hand on A. Pr. 17:1,5. A. abom natiuii lo the Lord, 90:10. 20:12. L. halh luwlc I,. || 24:22. ruin of them A.? P'.c. 4:3. better than A. || Is. 7:16. A. her kings Ez. 21:19. A. come forth || 23:]3.ft. took one way Mi. 7:3. that they may do evil with A. hands Zcii. 6:13. counsel of peace between them A. Mat. 15:14. A. shall fall in the ditch, Lu. 6:3!t Lu. 7:42. forgave them ft. || Ac. 23:8. confess A Ep. 2:14. made A. one || 16. reconcile A. unto G 1 Pe. 3:1. in A. wliich || Re. 19:20. A. cast alive BOTTLE .?. signifies, [l)jj vessel to con Ui hi liquids, Ge. 21:14. f2) The wiclced, Jer. 13:12 (3) The clouds, .^b. 38:37. Ge. 91:14.took a A.of water, 1.5. I| ]9.filledtheA Jud. 4:19. she opened a A. of milk, and cov. hiia 1 S. 1:94. took a A. of wine, 10:3. | 16:20. 2 S. 16:1. Ziba brought to David a A. of wine Ps. 56:8. my tears in thy A. || 119:83. A. in smoke Jer.l3:12.everyA.sliall be filled || 19:10. break A. Ha. 2:15. pattest A. to and niakest drunken BCJT'l'LES, s. Jos. 9:4. ft. rent, 13. 1 S. 25:18. Jb. 32:19. belly to burst like new A. || 38:37. Jer. 48:12. break tlieirA. || Ho. 7:5. sick with A. of Jlat. 9:17. neither do men put new wine into old A. else A. break, Jlk. 2:22. Lu. 5:37,38. BOTTO.M, s. Ex. 15:5. sank into A. as a stone Ex. 99:12. shalt pour blood beside A. of the al- tar, Le. 4:7,18,25,30. | .5:9. | 8:1.5. | 9:9. Jb. 36:30. A. of tlie sea || Song 3:10. h. of gold Da. 6:24. A. of the den || Am. 9:3. Jon. 2:6. Zch. 1:8. lie stood among mvrtle-trees in the 6 Mat. 27:51. rent from top to "A. Mk. 15:38. BOTTOMLESS, a. Re. 9:1,2,11. | 11:7. Re. 17:8. beast ascend out of A. pit 11 20:1. key of II 3. BOUGH, S. s. Ge. 49:22. Joseph a fruitful ft. Le. 93:40. A. of thick trees || De. 94:20. go over Jud. 9:48. Abimelech cut down a A. 49. 2 S. 18:9. A. of au oak || Jb. 14:9. A. like a plant Ps. 80:10. A. like a goodly cedar || 11. sent A. to sea Song 7:8. I will take hold of the A. thereof Is. 10:33. lop the A. || 17:6. uppermost A. 9. I 27:11. Ez. 17:93. it shall bring forth A. and bear 3):3. among thick 6.14. || 6. nests in A.Da.4:19. BOUGHT, .v.Ge.33: 19. Jacob A.field, .los. 94:32. Ge. 39:l.Potipliar A.Jos-ph |l 47:14. corn they A. 49:30. which Abraham A. 50:13. Ac. 7:16. Le. 27:94. jubilee return to him of whom it was A. De. 32:6. father that A. thee || Ru. 4:9. A. all that 2 S. 24:24. David A. tlie threshing-floor and Ne. .5:16. nor A. we any laud || Jer. 32:9,43. Ho. 3:2. so I A. her to me for 15 pieces of silver Mat. 13:46. A. that field || 21:12. Mk. 11:15. 97:7. A. with them the potter's field || iQ, Mk. 15:46. A. fine linen || 10:1. A. sweet spices Lu.l4:18.A.a piece of cround || 17:28. A. and sold 1 Co. 6:20. for ye are A. with a price, 7:93. 2 Pe. 2:1. L. that A. them || Re. 14:t4. b. from BOUND, p. aclivelii. Ge. 22:9.A. Isaac || 38:28.A. on his hand || 42:24. Le. 8:7. A. the ephod with the curious girdle f]3. he A. bonnets on Aaron's SQns Nu. 30:4. she had A. her soul, .5,6,7,8,9,10,1]. Jos. 2:91. A. a scarlet line || Jud. 15:13. Samson Jud. 16:8. A. with withes \\ ]2.ropes || 21.fetters 2 K. 5:23.A. two tal. || 17:4. Hosliea and || 25:7. 2 Ch. 33:11. A. IManasseh || 36:6. A. Jehoiakim Pr. 30:4. hath A. the waters || Ho. 7:15. A. arnia Mat. 14:3. Herod A. John and put, Mk. 6:17. 27:2. had 6. Jesus, Mk. 15:1. Jn. 18:12. Lu. 13:16. Satan liath A. || Ac. 21:11. Agahus b, Ac. 92:25. A. Paul, 29. || 23:12. A. undera curse Re. 20:2. he A. Satan a thousand years BOUND, passively. Ge. 39:20. prisoners are A. || 40:3. Joseph was A. 40:5. butler A. || 42:19. one of your brethren be A. Jud. 16:6. wherewith thou mightest be A. 10:13. 1 S. 25:9. soul shall be A. || 2 S. 3:34. hands not Jb. 36:8. A. in fetters || Ps. 107:10. in afflictions Pr. 22:15. foolishness A. in heart of a child Is. 29:3.A. by archers || 61:l.opening prison to 6 La. 1:14. the yoke of my transgressions is A. Da. 3:91. A. intheir coats || 23. fell down A. I|24. Mat. 16:19. ft. in heaven, 18:18. || Mk. 15:7. Jn. 11:44. A. hand and feet, his face was A. 18:24. had sent him A. to Caiaphns, 113. Ac. 9:2. bring them A. 21. || 19:0. Peter 6. with 24:97. left Paul ft. || 20:99.go ft. in spirit || 21:13. Ro. 7:9. is law to her husband, 1 Co. 7:39. 1 Co. 7:27. art thou A, to a wife, seek not to be 2 Th. 1:3. we aie A. to Ihank G. always, 9:13. 2 Ti. 9:9. word of G. not A. || He. 13:3. as A.with Re. 9:14. h^ose angels A. in the river Euphrates BOIfND u^ith Clinivs, 2 Ch. 33:tll. i 36:t6. Ps. 68:6.wliic)i are A.- || Jer. 33:7. | 52:11. | 40:1. Na. 3:10. great men were A.- || Mk.5:4. often A.- Lu. 8:99. "kept A.-, in fetters || Ac. 21:33. | 28:20. BOUND np. Ge. 44;30. is A.- in the lad's lifo Is.hO. have not been A.-|| .rer.30:lo. may.-t beA.- Ez. 30:21. shall not be A.- || 34:4. nor A.- broken Ho. 4:19. wind hath A. lier-|| 13:12. iniquity A.- IjU. 10:34. A.- his wounds, pouring In oil BOUND, S. .s. Ge. 49:26. to the A. Ex. 19:12. set A. to the people, 23. || 23:31. De. :i9:8. lie set the A. of the people by number Jb. 14:5. appointed !iis A. that he cannot pa s 26:10. waters with A. || 38:20. to A. thereof Ps. 104:9. to waters set n A. they may not pass Is. 10:13. I have removed the 6. of the people Jer. 5:92. sand for A. of sea || Ho.5: lu. remove h Ac. 17:26. determined the ft. of their habi;alion as BOW BRA BRA l!OUx\TY, s. 1 K.3:t6. || 10:13. || Pr. SOiffi a Co. 9:5. b. might be ready as a matter of 6 BOUNTIFUL, NEriS, Ps. 145:117. L. is b. in Pr. 22:9. he tliat iiath a b. eye shall he lilessed Is. 32:5 nor churl be h. || 2 Co. 9:11. to ail A. BOUNTiFJhLY, arf.Ps. 13:6. dealt J.with ine Ps. 11C:7. L. dealt A.with thee || 119:17. | 142:7. 2 Co. 9:6. he wliicji soweth b. shall reap h. BOWj.s. signities, (1) Mn insirament fur skootin ir aiTiiiOi, Ge. 27:3. (2) FarnUure for tear, Ps. 44:6. (3) Streiwllt, Jb. 29:20. (4) Rainbuw, the si:rii iif Ood's covenant, Ge. 9:1'3. (5) The anger 2n. Mt. 7:4.wasliingof cupsand pots, and 6. vessels .See Altar. B!X/5.\f'II, s. signifies, (1) The ruin of a wall by wirtike engines, Ez. 2ti:10. (2) Viulaliun of a proinur-, Nu. 14:34. (3) A fracture or bruise, Le. 24:20. (4) Judgment or puniskment, 2 S. G:8. (5) Coi>fa---ioH and animositie-t, Ps. (jO:2. Ge. 33:29. 6. be npon thee || Le. 24:20. *. for 6. Nil. 14:34. b. of protnise || Jiid. 2J:lo. b. in tribes S S. 5:20. as b. of waters || 6:8. b. on Uzzah 2 K, 12:5. any b. found || 1 Ch. l.'):13. j 13:11. A'e. G:l. the wall no b. \\ Jb. 16:11. with b. on b. F«. 106:2:^. had not Aioies stood in the b. tr. 1.5:4. pei verseness is a b. in the spirit Is. 7:t>. let MS make a 6. || 30:13. iniquity lie a b. 30:26. in the day the Lord hindeth up the 6. 56:12. the repairer of the 6. || Jer. 6:tl4. Jer. 14:17. broken with 6. || 17:118. double b. La. 2:13. thy b. is great || Ez. 2 i:iO. in citv a b. BREACHES, s. Jiid. 5:17. Asher abode in b. 1 K. 11:27. repaired 4. of the city of David 2 K. 12:5. repair 6. || 6. not repai'red the b. 12. Ne. 4:7. b. stojiped || Ps. 60:2. heal the //. thereof Is.-22:9.A.of city of David |i Ez. 13:t5. up to b. Am. 4:3. go out at the b. || 6:11. L. smite with 5. !l;ll. and I will cio-e up the 4. thereof BREAD, «. signifies, (1) JVatural footi , Ge.3:19. (2) Jltl thinirs neces.mrzi fur life. Mat. 6:11. (3) Jilauna, Jn. 6:31. (4) Jesus Christ, Jn. 6:4!, 50. (5) Tiie gospel ordinances and prioi- leijes thereof, Pr. 9:5. Ge. 14:8. .Aieicliizsdek brought forth 4. 18:5. I will fetch a morsel of 4. and comfort 21:14. Abr. took b. || 25:34. Jacob gave Esau 4. 27:17. she gave 4. Jacob || 41:54. in Euvpt was4. 41:55. cried for 4. || 43:31. set on 4. |f 45:23. 47:15. give ns 4. || 19. buy us and our land for 4. 49:20. out of Aslier his 4. shall be fat, and E.\. I'J:4. [ will rain 4. p. 4. to the full, 12,29,32. 23:25. bless thy 4. || 29:32. 4. in the basket 20:34. if ought of 4. remain until the morning 40:23. and he set the b. in order upon the table Le. 8:26. took a cake of oiled 4. and a wafer 21:6. 4. of their God they do offer, 8:17,21. 82:2.5. nor from str.angeroffer 4. i| 23:18. | 26:26. Nu. 4:7. continual 4. || 14:9. peoide are 4. for us 21:5. loatlieth this light 4. || 2S:2. my 4. observe De. 8:3. not live by 4. only. Mat. 4:4". Ln. 4:4. 23:4. met you not with 4. || 29:6. not eaten 4. Jos. 9:5. the 4. was dry || 12. this 4. we took hot Jud. 7:13. cake of barley 4. tumbled into host •K:6. tliat we should give b. to thy armj', 15. lG:o. morsel of 4. |{ 19. ;ind there is 4. and wine Rn. 1:6. visited his people i?i giving them 4. 1 S. 2:5. hired for 4. |] 30. crouch for 4. || 9:7. 16:20 Jesse took ass \vithij2l:4. hallowed 4.5,6. S2:13 hast given him 4. Ij 2.i:ll. take my 4. 96:22. set a morsel of 4. Ij 30:11. gave him 4. 2 S. 3:29. fail from Joab one that lacketh 4. 35. taste 4. or aught else till sun be down ||6:19. 1 K. 13:22. hast eaten 4. 23. || 17:6. brought 4. 17:11. bring morsel of 4. || 1S:4. fed with'i. 13. 2K. 4:42. man of God 4. || 18:32. to a land of 4. 1 Ch. 12:40. they of Zebulon brought 4. on :isses Ke. 5:14. have not eaten the 4. of the governor 9:15. and gavest them 4. from heaven [j 13:2. Jb. 15:23. wandereth for 4. || 22:7. withholden 4. 27:14. his olfspring not be siUisfied with 4. 28:5. as for the earth, out of it cometh 4.]i33:20. Ps. 37:25. seed besging 4.li78:20. can he give 4. 80:5. 4. of tears ||102:9. eaten ashes like 4. 101:15. 4. which strengtheneth man's heart 105:40. 4. of heave.n;i'.32:]5. satisfy poor with 4. Pr. 9:7. 4. eaten in secret || 12:9. lacketh 4. || 11. 80:1.3. satisfied with 4. 28:19. i| 17. 4. of de. eit 22:9. civeth A. to the poorl| 31:27. 6. of idleness Ec. 9:11. nor h. to wise || 11:1. cast 4. on waters Is. 3:1. stay of 4. ||7. 4. nor clothing !| 21:14. 30:20. though the Lord give you 4. of adversity 33:16. 6. shall be given to the upright 44:15. he baketh 4. on the coals thereof, 19. 51:14. not die, nor tb't his 4. should fail 55:2. which is not 4. || 10. give 4. to the eater 53:7. is it not to deal thy 4. to the hungry Jer. 42:14. nor hunger of 4. |(44:f!7. plentvof 6 La. 1:11. seek 4. || 4:4. children ask 4. || .5:6,9. Ea. 4:15. prepare thy b. \\ 17. want 4. and water 16:49. pride, fulness of 4. || 18:7. 4. to h;in(rry Ho. 2:5. give n:e i:iy 4. :i 9:4. as !i. cf mourners Am. 4:6. want of 4. || 8:11. not famine of 4. Hag.2:12. skirt touch 4.||.Ma. 1:7. offer polluted 4. Blat. 4:3. these stones he made 6. Lu. 4:3. 6:11. give us this day our daily 4. Lu. 11:11. 7:9. ifson ask 4. || 15:26. to take children's 4. 15:,33. whence so much 4. Mk. 8:4. 16:5. forgotten to take 4. 11:12. Mk. 8:14. SS:2'j. Jesus took 4. and blessed it, Mk. 14:22. Ln. 7:33. neither eating 4. || 9:3. neither 4. 15:17. 4. enough and to spiire ]| 22:19. 124:30,35. Jn. 6:7. two hundred [lennywortliof 4. is not :J2. Moses rave not I h;it 4. || KL b. oi" God is he 6.34. Lord, evermore give ns this b. Jn. 0:35. Jes';s said, I am The J. of life. 48. 41. 4. that came down, 51ij.58. || 51. living 4. 13:18. that eatelh 4. with ine, lift up his heel 21:9. fish thereon, and 4. || 13. Jesus taketh 4. Ac. 2:42. continued in breaking 4. 46. 2i]:7. came to break 4. || 11. and had broken 4. 27:35. he took 4. and gave thanks to God 1 Co. 10:16. 4. we break |{ 17. many, are one 4. 11:23. in which he was betrayed, he took 4. 2 Co. 9:10. both minister 4. for your food See Affliction. BUEAD-Com, s. Isa. 28:28. 4.- is bruised BREAD, with eat. Ge. 3:19. in the sweat of thy face shalt thou -4. 28:20. if the Lord will give me 4. to eal 3]:.54. his brethren to -4. || 37:25. ] 39:6. 43:32. micht not -4. with the Hebrews Ex. 2:20. call him that he niav -4. || 16:3. did -4. 18:12. to -4. with Moses || 34:28. not -4. 40 davs Le. 21:22. -4. of his God || 23:14. not -4. ||2G:5. Nu. 15:19. when ye eat the 4. of the land De. 8:9. thou shalt -4. without scarcity Jud. 13:16. I will not -4. || Ru. 2:14. come -4. 2 i^:. 9:7. -4. at mv table, 10. || 12:17. nor did -4. 12:20. set 4. and' he did- || 21. didst rise and -4. 1 K. 13:8. nor will I -4. 16. || 9. cut no b. 15. then said he. Come home with me and -4. 21:7. arise, -4. let thv heart be merry, I will 2 K. 4:8. Ellsha to -4.'|| 6:22. | 23:9. | 25:29. .lb. 42:11. and did -4. with Job in his house Ps. 14:4. eat mv people as thev -4. 53:4. || 41:9. 102:4. I forget' to -4. || 127:2. t"o -4. of sorrows Pr. 4:17. -4. of wickedness || 9:5. come -of my 4. 23:6. - not 4. of him || 25:21. give him 4. to - Ec. 9:7. -4. with joy || is. 4:1. eat our own 4. Jer. 5:17. eat up thy 4. I| 41:1. -4. in Jiizpah Ez. 4:13. cat defiled 4. jj 16. -4. by weight 12:18. -4. with quaking |{ 19. -4. with care 44:3. prince sit in it to -4. before the Lord Am. 7:12. flee to Judah, there -4.|jOb. 7. tiiat-4. .■\l;it. 15:2. wa- h not hands when thev -4. Mk. 3:20. could not -4. || 6:36. buy 4. 'to- 1|7:2,5. ]jU. 14:1. to -4. on Sabbath || 15. -4. in kingdom Jn. 6:5. whence buy 4. |{ 23. nigh where did -4. 31. 4. from heaven to- |j51.if any man - this 4. 1 Co. 11:26. often as- this 4. || 27. shall - this 4. 2 Th.3:8. -4. for nought l| 12. quietness -their 4. LearenfA BREAD. Ex. 12:15. who eateth -4. that sonl be cut off 13:3. no -4. be eaten || 7. no -4. be seen 23:18. not rfl'er blood of my sacrifice with -4. Le. 7:13. offer for his ofTering-A. || De. 16:3,4. Lonf, or Loaves o/ BREAD. Ex. 29:23. one -4. with ram of consecration Jiid. 8:5. give -A. || 1 S. 10:3. 3 -4. I] 4. two -h. 1 t^. 21:3. give me five -4. in mv hand 2S. 16:1. on asses 200 -4. || 1 Ch.'l'J:3. dealt a -4. JVo BREAD. Ge. 47:13. there was -4. in all the land Nil. 21:5. there is -4. and our soul lontheth 1 S. 21:4. -4. under my hand || 6. -4. but show -4. 28:20. Saul had eaten -4. all the day, nor .3il:12. the Ecyptiau had eaten -4. tiiiee days 1 K. 21:4. would eat -4. || 5. why sad, eatest -4. 2 K. 25:3. A. for the people, Jer. 52:6. Ezr. 10:6. did eat -A. || Jer. 38:9. -A. in the city Da. 10:3. I ate - pleasant A. neither came flesh Mat. 10:7. hec. we have taken -A. 8. Mk. 8:16,17. Mk. 6:8. take no scrip, -4. no iiionev in purse Piece, or Pieces of BREA'D. 1 S. 2:36. put me, T lirav, that I may eat a -4. Pr. 6:26. brought to a -4. i| 28:21. for a -4. Jer. 37:21. give Jeremiah dailv a -A. || Ez. 13:19. Staf of BRE.Vd. Le. 26:26. when I have broken the - your 4. Ps. 105:16. whole -A. Ez. 4:16. ] 5:16. | 14:13. See Basket, Feast. Uiil^nrenrd BRE.'VD. Ge. 19:3. liOt did bake -A. and they did eat Ex. 12:8. eat passover with -A. Nu. 9:11. 15. seven days eat -A. 13:6,7. I 23:15. , 34:18. Le. 23:6. Nu. 28:17. De. 16:3. 18. of the month eat -4. 20. || 29:2. take -A. Le. 6:16. meat-offering ye shall eat wilh -4. Nil. 6:15. wafers of -4. || De. 16:8. six davs eat 4. 1 S. 28:24. witch did bake -4. || 2K. 23:9." eat Ez 45:21. on 14th dav p.issover of -4. be eaten Mk. 14:12. first day of -4. || Lu. ;22:7. davsof 4. Ac. 20:6. after days of || ICo. 5:8. -4. of 'sincerity BUEAin'H, s. Ge. 6:1.5. nrk, Ihe 4. .50 cubits Ge.l3:17.through land in 4. || Ex.27:18.4.of court 1 Ex. 28:16. breast-plate, a span the A. 39:9. I 38:1. altar five cubits A. || De. 2:5. as a foot 4. „uil. 20:16. could fine stones at a hair's 4. 1 K. 1: .'. A. of L.'s house, 20 cubits, 2 Ch. 3:3. 7:6. tlie A. of the porch was thirty cubits 2 Ch. 4:1. liie 4. of the altar was twenly cubits Ezr. 6:3. til" A. of the Lord's house sixty cubits Jb. 37:10. 4. of waters " 38:18. 4. of the earth Is. 8:8. h'S winsrs shall fill the 4. of Ihe land Ez. 40:5. 4. of build. || 11. eniry !| 13. gale, 20,48. 40. 4. of porch |i 41:1. tabenia' le l|2. door, 3. 41:5. 4.of side-chan!b.||7.hoMse||! I.of place left 14. 4. of face of the house || 45: I.of holy [lortion Da. 3:1. tlie4. of the image was six cubits Ha. 1:6. shall march through the A. of Ihe land Zch. 2:2. measure lenisalein to see the h. I|5;2. E:p. 3:18. what is the 4. and length, and depth Ke. '-Oig. 4. of the earth j| 21:16. large as tne h. BREAK,.*. 2 S. 9:32. 4. of dav, Ac. ?0:i; BREAK, V. .signifies, (1) To ' to pieces fc» 34:13. (2) To mahe void, or of none p,.r>t 1 K. 15:19. (3) Topuvish i,r uffl,,ct, Jb. Ki:25 (4) To disunite or sever, Zch. 11:14. ,'5) Ti fitmt, Ps. 119:20. (6) Tulakeaicav, Ps. 105:10 (7) To destroy, Ps. 10:15. (8) Great soiTi.m of heart, Ac. 21:13. (9) To shine or appear. Song 2:17. Ge. 19:9. came near to A. door || 27:40. 4. yoke Ex. 12:46. nor shall ye 4. a bone, Nil. 9:12. 13:13. 4. his neck, 34:20. || 34:13. 4. their iirages Le. 11:33. vessel unclean 4. || 2(i:]9. 4. the pride Nu. 24:8. 4. their bones |j 30:2. man vow, iKit A." De. 12:3. 4. their pillars II 1 S. 25: 10. from mastei 1 K. 1.5:19. 4. league, 2 Ch. 16:3. |l Ezr. 9:14. Jb. 13:25. wilt 4. a leaf || 39:15. beast niav 4. Ps. 2:3. 4. their hands I, 9. A. them wilh rod 10:15. A. thou the arm of the wicked, and 58:0. A. their teeth, O God, in their irioiiih 89:31. if 4. my statutes || 141:5. not A. my lier.d Song 2:17. until dav 4. and shadows flee, 4:6. Is. 14:25. 4. Assyrians || 28:24. clods j] 28. not 4. 30:14. as potter's vessel !| 38:13. 4. mv 42:3. bruised ned will he not 4. Mat. i2:20. Is. 58:6. this is the fast, that ve 4. everv yoke Jer. 15:12. shall iron 4. || 19:1?). 4. the botl'le. 11. 28:4. 4. voke of king of Babylon, 11. | 30:8. Ez. 4:16. 1 willA. thestafl'of hread,5:lG. [ 14;13. 16:38. A. wedlock || 23:34. A. the sherds there 29:7. thou didst 4. || 30:18. 4. yokes of Egypt 30:22. and I will A. Pharaoh's arms, 24. Ho. 1:5. 4. bow of Israel, 2:18. || 10:11. 4. clods Jo. 2:7. not 4. ranks || Am. 1:5. 4. barof Damasc. Mi. 3:3. 4. their bones || Na. 1:13. I A. bis yoke Zch. 11:14. that 1 might A. the brotherhood' Mat. 5:19. A. one of these least || 9:17. bottles 4. Ac. 20:7. to 4. bread || 21:13. to 4. my heart 1 Co. 10:10. the bread which we 4. is it not tte BREAK Cnveiiaiit. Le. 26:15,44. De. 31:16,20. Jud. 2:1. Ps. 89:34 Jer. 14:21. | .33:20. Ez. 17:15. Zch. 11:10. BREAK dimn. Ex. 23:24. quite 4.- their imapes, De. 7:5. Le. 14:45. and he shall A.- the house, the stcnes De. 12:t3. ye shall A.- their altars Jiid. 8:9. when I come again, I will 4.- this Ne. 4:3. if a fox go up, shall 4.- their slone wall Ps. 74:6. 4.- carved work || Ec. 3:3. a time to4.- Is.5:5. 4.- wall || Jer. 31:-i8. watched to 4.- 1(45:4. Ez. 13:14. so will I A.-the wall ye have daubed 16:39. thev shall 4.- thy high places, thev sria'J 26:4. 4.- lowers of Tyrus || 12. 4.- Ihy walis Ho. 10:2. he shall 4.- their altars, and spoil BREAK forth. Ex. 19:22. lest the Lord A.- upon them, 24. Is. 14:7. 4.- into sinsins, 44:23. | 49:13. | .54:1. .52:9. 4.- into joy || 54:3. A.- on the right hand .55:12. hills A.- i'nto sincins || 58:8. licht 4.- Jer. 1:14. evil shall 4.- || Ga. 4:27. b.- and crv BREAK off. Ge. 27:40. thou shalt 6. his yoke off thy neck Ex. 32:2. 4.- the golden earrings, 24. Da. 4:27. O king, A.- thv sins by righteoHsness BRE.JiK out. Ex. 22:6. if fire A.- || Le. 13:12. if leprosy h.- Le. 14:43. plague 4.-|| Ps. 58:6. A.- great lEeth Is. 35:6. in the wilderness shall wafers A.- Am. 5:6. lest he A.- like fire in hoi;.se of JosepSj BREAK in Pieces. 2 K. 25:13. Chaldeans 4.- pillars of brass Jb. 19:2. will ve 4. me - || 34:24. 4.- mishty men Ps. 72:4. 4.- the oppressor || 94:5. A.- thy ; eo-ils Is. 45:2. 1 will 4.- the gates of brass, and Jer. 51:20. 4.- the nations || 21 A.- horse. 2C. Da. 2:40. shall it A.- and bruise kingilouis, -A 7:23. the fourth beast shall 4.- whole eaith BRE.\K throvnh. Ex. 19:21. lest they 4.- 24. || 1 K. 3:20. toking Mat. 0:19. thieves A.- 1| 20. thieves 4. not - BREAK vp. 2 Ch. 32:11. Sennacherib thought to 4. them %tp Jer. 4:3. A.- your fallow ground, Ho. 10:12. breaker', S, .<^. Mi. 2:1.3. 4. is come up Ro. 1:21. covenant 4. I{ 2:25. if a 4. of the law BREAKEST, v. Ps.^4S:7. 4. ships of Tarsh-sh BRKAKETH, v. Ge. 32:26. {or the day h. Jb. 9:17. he 4. me, 12:14. 1 li":14. |!28:4. flood 4. Ps. 29:5. A. the cedars H 46:0. he 4. the bow 119:20. my sonl 4. for the longing that it i.aij Pr. 25:15. soft t(.ngue 4. the bone jj Ec. 10:8. Is. 59:5. which is cr;l^hed A. out into a viper Jer. 19:1 1. as one A. a potter's vessel not m:ide r3:^9. A. rock in pieces || La. 4:4. Da. 2:-1l). BREAKING, p. Ge. 32:24. vi resiled til! 4. of dny Ex. 9:9. boil 4. forth, 10. |l 22:2. thief fnuiiii i>. 1 Ch. 14:11. on enemies, like A. forth of wa'er« Jb. 30:14. on me asa wide A. || 41:25. reason ( f 4. Ps. 144:14. that there be no A. in, nor c-rng col Is. 22:5. A down walls ;| 30:14. 4. poller's vp>;'el Ez. 16:.59. in A. covenant, 17:18. |l 21:6. )-;ir:s Ho. 13:13. lone in place of 4. foah of ch li'rea Lu. 24:35. known in 4. of bread || Jn. 7:-i?:t. Ac. 2:42. in 4. bread, 46. jj Rom. 2:33. 4. th. ip.w BREAST, S,.?.Ge. 49:25. blessings of ihe A. ::nrfl Ex. 59:26. 4. of the ram jj 27. sanctify the A. Le. 7:30. 4. waved || 31 . A. slsall be Aaron's ;: "4 8:29. Moses took 4. |! 9:20. fat on 4. 21. i; m:U Nu. 6.90. the wave 4. li 18- 18. as v.-ave I. ;:nd 30 BR.E BRE BRl Sb. 3:J9. b. I should suck || 21:21. 5. full of milk ■24:9. lliey plurk the fiUherless from the b. Ps. ■2:2:9. on my iricilher's 4. || Pr. 5:1'J. Iier h. Eoiif; 1:13. betwi.vt my i. ||4:5. fc.likeSroes, 7:3. 7:7. thy A. like clusters of grapes || S. of the vine 8:1. the b. of my mother || 8. iind she hath no b. 10. I am a wall, and my b. like towers, then Is. 28:9. weaned from the milk, drawn from b. 00:16. thou Shalt suck the b. of kines, and li6:U. sat'sfied with the b. of her consolation La. 4:3. even the sea-monsters draw out the b. Ez. 16:7. h. are fishioned || 23;3. b. pressed ;B:8. b. of her virginity || 34. pluck oti' thy b. Da. 2:32. head of tiold, his b. and arms of silver llo. 2:2. from between her b. || 9:14. and dry b. Jo. 2:lfi. that suck b. || Na. 2:7. tabering on b. J,u. 18:13. smote on his ft. || 23:48. smote their 6. in. 13:2.5. then lying on .lesus's b. saith, 21:20. lie ]5:(>. Iheir ft. girded with golden girdles UitEAST-FLATE, *•. 0/ (Ac Jewish high-priest, was curioudy imonirlit of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and Jine linen; which, being a span square, 7oasfa:ilenrd bij gold chains and rings OIL the ephud. Herein were set 12 several stones, on which the names of the V2 tribes were grapen; and herein was the Urim and Thummim. .-\lNSW. Breast-plate is likewise a piece of defensive a^nnor. Re. 9:9. Hence faith and love arc called breast- plates, 1 Th. 5:8. because, when in exercise, then dfcnd the soul from Satan's temptations, and the snares of the world, 1 Ji). 5:1. Ex. 25:7. and stones to be set in the h. 35:9. i;t):1.a4. aodephod, 15.i39;8.||22. upon 6. chains 23. rings on ft. 25.,39:IG.||28. bmd b. by, 39:21. 29. Aaron shall bear the names of- Israel in b. SO. put in ft. of judgment the Urim, Le. 8:8. fs. 59;17. for he pit on righteousness as a b. F.p. li: 14. having on the A. of righteousness J Th. 5:8. putting on the ft. of faith and love lie. 9:9. A. as it were A. of iron || 17. ft. of fire 13. lE.'VTH, .?. signifies, (I) The air received and discharged, bij the dilatation and compression of the lungs, Jb. 9:18. (2) The life, Ps. 14G:4. Da. 5:'23. (3) Oud's powerful word and Spirit, Ps. 3.3:G. Is. 11:4. Ez. 37:9. {4) His anger, Jb. 4:9. Is. 30:33. Oe.2:7. into nostrils ft. of life || 6:17. | 7:15,22. 2 S. 2.': 16. blastof A. of his nostrils, Ps. 18:15. 1 K. 17:17. and there was no A. left in him Jb. 4:9. by A. of his nostrils are they con-umed 9:18. he will not suffer me to take my A. but *? I-':I0. in who-e hand is the A. of all mankind J5.30. by A. of his mouth || 17:1. my A. is corrupt 19.17. my ft. is strange to my wife ||27:3. my ft. 3 !;4. ft. of the Almighly hath "iven me life 34:14. if he g;ither unto himself h;s spirit and A. 37:10. ft. of G. frost || 41:21. his ft.kindleth coals Ps. .33:6. all of them made by A. of his mouth 104:29. thou tnkest away their ft. they die, and i:i.'):17. nor ft. in mouths || 146:4. his ft. goeth 150:6. that hath A. praise the Lord || Ec. 3:19. is. 2:22. A. in nostrils || 1 1:4. with A. will he slay 3 ):28. A. as overdowing stream |( 33. A. of Lord .33:11. A. as fire shall devour || 42:5. giveth A. .I^r. 10:14. and there is no A. in them, 51:17. La. 4:20. the A. of our nostrils, the anointed r.z .37:5. cause A. to enter, 6. || 8. no ft. in them 9. and sav,Coine, O A.yiO.and the A. came into Da. 5:23. thy A. is i| 10:17. nor ft. left in me ila. 2:19. there is no ft. at all in the midst of it Ac. 17:25. nivethto all life and ft. || Ja. 2:t26. liREATHE, V. signifies, (1) 7V respire, Jos. 10:40. (2) To hfuse the soul into the bodi/, G«. 2:7. (3) To live, Jos. 11:11. (4) Tu in- spire, Jn. 20:22. Jos. 11:11. there was not any left to ft. 14. I's. 27:12. risen, and such as A. out cruelty .Song 4:t6. lilJ day ft. || Ez. 37:9. ft. on these slam BIlEATHEn, ETIl, liN'G. Ge.2:7. God A. into man's nostrils || De. 20:16. Jos. 10:40. destroyed all that A. 1 K. 15:29. l.a. 3:5 '. hide not thy ear at my A. at my cry Ju. 20:22. he A. on them, and saith. Receive ye Ac. 9:1. Saul yet A. out threiiten. and slaughter HRED, /). Ex. 16:20. it A. worms and stank JJREEOHErf, s. Ex. 28:42. linen A. 39:58. Le. 6:10. put on linen b. 16:14. Ez. 44:18. I'.REED, V. Oe. 8:17. they may A. abundantly }iREEI),B.ING,p.De.32:14.of Bashan||Zph.2:9. r.RETHREN, s. signifies, (1) 'jyie sons of one father, Ge. 42:13. (2) The community, Ge. 19:7 (3) Genuine Christians, Col. 1:2. [(4) By adoption. Jn. 20:17. (5) By office, 1 Ch. 25:9. 2C!o. 8:23. Vrvd.] * Oe. 13:8. for we heft. || 19:7. A. donot so wickedly 91:27. m:ister's A.||3 1:1 1 . f liechem said to her b. 34:'i5. Dinah's ft. took || 42:3. Josejdi's ten ft. 4-3:6. ft came and bowed||13.we are twelve A. 32. 45:16. Joseph's ft. are come || 49:5. A. in evil 50:15. Joseph's ft. saw their father was dead Ku.27:4. give us a possession among the A. 7. 10. if he have no ft. give it to his father's A. II. De. 25:5. if A. dwell together, and one die Jos. 6:23. Raiiali brought A. || 17:4. among ft. Jud. 9:1. Abiineleih went to A. || 3- mother's A. 2 K. 10:13. answ»red. We are A. of Aliiz ah ICii. 12:9. Saul's A. II 26:7. A. were strong men 87:18. of Judah, Elhu one of the i. of David 2 Ch. 21:2. he had A. || 22:8. Jehu found 6. Ps. 133:1. for A. to dwell tosether in unity Pr. 6:19. discord auuuii; A. |j 17:2. | 19:7. aiat.4: 18. Jesus saw two A. |j 21 . saw other two A. 19:29. forsaken houses, ft.|j20:94. against two A. 22:25. seven A. iMk. 12:20. || 23:8. ail ye are A. iMk. 10:29. hath left house or A. Lu. 18:29. 30. shall receive a hundred-fold, houses, A. Lu. 14:2o. hate not A. || 16:28. for I have five A. 21:15. ye shall be betrayed by parents and A. Jn. 21:23. this saying went abroad among the A. Ac. 3:17. A. I wot || 6:3. A. look out among you 7:26. sirs, ye are A. || 9:30. when the A. knew 10:23. certain A. from Joppa || 11:12. these six A. 11:29. send relief to ft. || 12:17. to James and to ft. 14:2. evil-affected against A. || 15:1. taught || 3. .jny to 15:22. chief amonc ft. ||23. A. send greeting to A. 32. exhort A. with many words, 1 Th. 5:14. 33 let go in peace from ft. to ||40.recom. hy ft. to 16:2. well reported of by A. || 40. had seen the ft. 17:6. they drew Jason and certain A. to rulers 10. the b. immediately sent away Paul, 14. 18:18. Paul took leave of A. || 27. the 6. wrote 20:32. now A. I commend you to God || 21:7,17. 22:5. letters to the A. || 23:5. 1 wist-fiot A. that he 28:14. found b. || 15. when A. heard of us || 21. came Ro. 1:13. now I would not have von ignorant 6. 11:25. 1 Co. 10:1. | 12:1. 1 Th. 4:13. 7:1. know ye not ft. || 8:12. ft. we are debtors 8:29. first-born among A. || 10:1. A. my prayer to 12:1. I beseech you A. therefore by the mercies of God, 15:30. | 16:17. ICo. 1:10. ] 16:15. Ga. 4:12. He. 13:22. 16:14. salute A. which are with them. Col. 4:15. 1 Co. 1:26. see your calling A. || 2:1. | 3:1. | 4:6. 7:29. A. time is short, 15:50. || 8:12. sin against A. 9:5. as A. of the Lord || 11:2. I praise you A. 14:2H. how is it A. wlien ye come together 15:6. above 500 A. || .58. beloved A. Ja. 2:5. 16: 11. look for him with A. || 12. come to you with 20. all the A. greet vou, Phil. 4:21. 2 Co. 9:3. 1 sent the A. || 5. to exhort A. || 1 1 :9. 11:26. amongfalse A. || 13:11. finally A. farewell Ga. 1:2. all the A. with nie||2:4. false A.unawares Ep. 6:23. pciice be to A. || Phil. 1:14. A. waxina; Col. 1:2. to the saints and faithful A. in Christ 1 Th. 4:1. beseech you A. 10. || 5:12. 2Th. 2:1. 10. all the A. || 5:'.i5. A. pray for us, 2 Th. 3:1. 5:26. greet all the A. || 97. be read to all the A. ITi. 4:6. A. in remembianre || 5:1. young, men as 6:2. not despise them because they are A. He.2:ll. not ashamed to call them ft'.||3:l. holy A. 1 Pe. 1:22. unfeigned love of ft. ||3:8. love as A. 1 Jn. 3:14. because we love A. || 16. lives for A. 3 Jn. 3. rejoiced when A. ||5. thou dost to A. || 10. His BRETHREN. Ge. 9:22. Ham ttdd - two A. || 25. servant to -A. 16:12. in presence of -ft. 25:18. || 27:37. forserv. 37:2.Joseph feeding flock with-ft.||5.and told -ft. 11. -ft. envied him || 30. Reuben returned to-ft. 38:11. for he said, Lest he die also as -ft. did 44:33. and let the Ind go up with -A. 47:12. Joseph nourished h'S father and -A 49:2v^. was separate from ft. De. 33:16. Ex. 1:6. Joseph died, A. and all that generation 2:11. Moses went o'lt to -6. and spied an Egyp. Le. 21:10. he that is high-priest among -ft. 25:48. is sold, one of -A. may redeem him Nil. 25:6. brought to -A. a i\lidianitish woman 27:9. then shall ye give his inheritance to -6. De. 10:9. Levi no part with -A. || 17:20. above -A. 18:7. -ft. the Lev. do || 20:8. lest -ft. heart faint 24:7. stealingof -ft. || 33:9. nor acknowledge -A. 33:24. let Asher he acceptable to -A. let him Ju. 9:5. Abinielech slew -A. seventy persons 9:2 i.Gaalcnme with -ft. and went to Shechem 5n. did to his father in slaying - seventy ft. 11:3. Jephthah fled from -ft. and dwelt in Tob Ru. 4:10. name of dead be cut off from -6. 1 S. 16:13. in midst of -A. ||92:1. ft. heard it 1 Ch. 4:9. more honorable than -ft. || 5:2. above 7:22. -A. came to comft do so -A. 2 S. 19:12. ye are 6. || 1 Ch. 28:2. hear me -5. Ne. 1:2. Hanani one of -ft. || 4:23. I jior -A. 5:10. 1 and -i. might exact [| 14. 1 and -ft. have Jb. 6:15. -h. have dealt deceitfully its a .rook 19:13. hav.e put -ft. far from me, and mine acq Ps. 22:22. wid declare thv name to -ft. He. 2:12 69:8. stranger to -ft. || 122:8. for -ft. sakes. Mat. 12:48. said to him. Who are -ft. ?!k. 3:33 49. behold my mother and -ft. Mk. 3:34. 25:40. to the lea t of these -ft. || 28: 10. go tell -4 Lu. 6:21. -A. which hearj| Jn. 20:17. go to -A. Ro. 9:3. were accursed from Christ for -ft. Ja. 5:10. -A. the prophets || 12. -6. svvcar not Our BRETHREN. Ge. 31:32. before -ft. discern what is thine Nu. 2!):3. -A. died || De. 1:28. -A. discouraged 2 S. 19:41. -ft. stolen thee away !| 1 Ch. 13:2. Ne. 5:5. as the flesh of -A. || 8. redetnicd -* 'bi Ac. 15:36. visit -ft. || 2 Co. 8:23. Ue 12:10. IVieir BRETHREN Nu. 8:26. shall minister with -A. in tabernacle De. 18:2. no inher. among -A || 18. raise proidi Jud. 20:13. not hearketi t'o -ft.|i21:22. -6. come to 2 S. 2:26. from following -ft. || 2 K. 23:9. 1 Ch. 8:32. these dwelt with -A. in Jerusa.9:38. 12:32. all -ft. were at their commandment 39. drinking, for -ft. had prepared for them 2Ch. 28:15. to Jericho to -ft. || Ne. 5:1. || 1*43. Jb. 42:15. gave them inheritance aujong -6. Jer. 41:3. for he slew them not among -ft. He. 7:5. tithes of -ft. || Re. 6:11. till -A. be kiiied Thy BRETHREN. Ge. 27:29. lord it over -A. let mother's sons bovir 31:37. set it before -A. || 37:10. I and -6. bow 37:13. do not -ft. feed || 14. be well with -A. and 48:22. have given to thee one portion above-A. 49:8. thou art he whom -ft. shall praise De. 15:7. poor man of -ft. || 17:15. from among -6. 18:15. prophi't of -ft. || 24:14. not oppress-A. Jos. 2:18. thou shalt bring -ft. home Uiito thee Jud. 14:3. no woman among daughters of -ft. 1 S. 17:17. take for -ft. run to camp to-ft. 18. 2 S. 15:20. take back -ft. || 2 Ch. 21:13. slain Jer. 12:6. -A. have dealt treacherously with thefl Ez. 11:15. -ft. even -ft. men ofthy kir:dred Mat. 12:47. -A. stand, Mk. 3:32. Lu. 8:20. Lu. 14:12. call not -ft. || 22:32. strengthen b. Re. 19:10. see thou do it not, I am of -A. 22:9. Your BRETHREN. Ge. 42:19. let one of -A. be bound in prison, 33 Le. 10:4. carry -ft. || 6. let -ft. bewail || 25:46. Nu. 18:6. taken -ft. the Levites || 32:6. gotowai De. 1:16. hear the causes between -A. 3:18. pass over armed before A. Jos. 1:14. 20. till Lord hath given rest to -ft. Jos. 1:15. Jos. 22:3. not left -ft. || 4. rest to -A. || 8. spoil with 1 K. 12:24. not fight against -ft. 2 Ch. 11:14. 2 Ch. 19:10. and so wrath come on you and -A 28:11. taken of -ft. ||30:7. not like -ft. which 30:9. if ye turn, -ft. shall find compassion Ne. 4:14. fight for -ft. || 5:8. w ill you sell -ft. Is. 66:5. -ft. that hated you, that cast you cut 20. they shall bring -ft. for an offerins; to L. Jer. 7:15. cast out all -A. || llo. 2:1. say to -ft Am mi Mat. 5:47. if ye salute -ft. only || Ac. 3:92 | 7:37 1 Co. 6:3. ye do .vrong, and defraud, and that ft 1 Pe. 5:9. same afflictions accompli.-hed in -ft. BRIBE, S ; .«. 1 S. 8:3. Samuel's sons took ft. 1 S. 12:3. I received any ft. || Ps. 26:10. full of Is. 33:15. from holding ft. || Am. 5:12. take a A BRIBERY, s. Jb. 15:34. the tabernacles of ft. BRICK, s. Ge. 11:3. Ex. 1:14. | .5:7,16. Is. 65:3 BRICKS', s. Ex. 5:8. tale of A. 18,19. \\ Is. 9:10 BRICK-KILN, .<(. 2 S. 12:31. pass through ft. Jer. 43:9. hide stones in the clay in the ft. Na. 3:14. tread the mortar, make strong the ft. BRIDE, s. Is. 49:18. bind on thee as a A. doth Is. 61:10. as ft. adorneth ||62:5. rejoiceth over 6 Jer. 9:39. can ft. forget || 7:34. voice of ft. 16:9. 33:11. voice of theft. || Jo. 2:16. let A. go oit Jn. 3:29. he that hath the A. is the bridegroom Re. 18:23. voice of A. heard no more in thee 21:9. as a ft. adorned||9. 1 will show thee the * 92:17. and the Spirit and the A. say, Con^e BRIDE-CHAMBER, s. 9:15. of A. monr» iMk. 2:19. can children of A. fast, Lu. 5:34. BRIDEGROOM, s.Ps. 19:.5. as a A. conitlh Is. 61:10 A. decketh !| 62:5. ft. rejoicelh over br Mat. 9:15. can children of bride chamb. nionrn wliile A. is with them ? Wk. 2:19. Lu. 5:3'i. 25:1. to meet the A. 5. || 6. A. cometh, 10. Jn. 2:9. called A. || 3:29. friend of A. rejoiceth BRIDLE, s. is taken for, (1) ./? horse's bit mid reins. Vs. 3-2:'J. (2) Restraints of Prtvidencf, 2 K. 19:28. Is. 30:28. 2 K. 19:28. put my ft. in thy lips. Is. 37:99. Jb. 30:11. let loose the A. || 41:13. his doub'e A. Ps. 32:9. held with A.||E9:1. keep mouth with* Pr. 26:3. A. for ass || Is. 30:28. A. in the jaws Ja. 1:26. A. not his tongue || 3:2. A. whole body Re 14-20. blood out of wine-press to horse A. BRIEFLY, ad. Ro. 13:9. 1 Pe. .5:12. BRIER, S, .«. denotes, (1) An eiiemn. Is. 10:1? (•2) Hurtful persons, Ez. 28:24. (3) Sins, He C:8. Jud. 8:7. then I will tear your flesh with ft. 10 Is. 5:6. come un, A. |j 7:9.3. shall even be for b 7-21. .tH laud shail become A. and thorn.-« 25. not fear of ft. and thorns || 9:18. il 10:17 27:4. who would set A. against me in battle 32:13. on land coirie A. || 55:13. instead of 6. 31 BRl Ez. 2:6. though /). and thorns be wilh tliee 2{*:34. be no more a pricking li. to Israel Wi. 7:4. best of them is as A.||lle. (i:8. beareth h. BlllOAiNUIjN'tO, ^ coat of mail, Jet. 4u:l. | 5i:3. BlUGH'l', a. Le. ]J:y. /;. spot, 4,2,i,2-l,:i8. | 14:5G. Jb. 37:11.4. clouds, 'JI. || Son^ 5:14. b. ivory Jer. 51:11. make 4. the arrows, fiatlier shields Ez. 1:13. tire was b. || 21:15. sword is 6. 21. t7:jy. ft. iron || 32. h. I'ghtsU ^^- ^^3. ft. sword Zch. 10:1. b. cloiids||Mat. 17:3. ft. cloud oversh. Lu. ll:3lj. as when the ft. shining of a camlle Ac. 10:30, a man stood before me in A. clothing Re. 22:10. I am the ft. and morning star BRIGHTNESCJ, s. signilies (J) Ligk: or lucid- ness. Is. 5y:9. Am. 5:20. (2) "Beauty, Da. 4:3(3. (3) Royal dignity, slorxu iJid splendor, Ez. 28:7. 2 S. 22:13. through ft. coals kindled, Ps. 18:12. Jb. 31:213. moon walking in A. |( Ps. 89:t44. Js. 59:3. v.e wait for A. || 60:3. A. of thy rising 60:19. nor for A. || fi2;l. go forth as ft. || CG:tll. £z. 1:4. and a lire and A. was aliout it, 27. 23. so wa- the appearance of the A. 8:2. Ez. 10:4. court full of ft. 28:7. defile thy b. 17. Da. 2:31. this image, whose ft. was excellent 4:3fi. honor and Ar returned unto me || 5:|6,t9. 12:3. wise shall shine as A. of the hrmament Am. 5:20. day dark, and no A. 11 Ha. 3:4. ft. as light Ac.-J!):13. light from heaven above ft. of the sun 2 Th. 2:8. destroy with the ft. of his coming He. 1:3. who being tlie ft. of his glory and image BRIM, S.Jos. 3:15. feet dipped in A. of water 1 K. 7:26. wrought like ft. of a cup, 2 Ch. 4:5. 2 Ch. 4:2. from A. to ft. || Jn. 2:7. filled up to 6. BRIMSTONE, s. Ge. 19:24. rained on Gomorrah ft. Lu. 17:29. De. 29:23. land is ft. and salt, Jb. 13:15. Ps. 11:0. shall rain fire and ft. Ez. 38:22. Is. 30:33. breath of the Lord, like a stream of A. 34:0. and the dust thereof turned into A. Ee. 9:17. mouths issued A. 18. | 14:10. | 19:20. 20:10. cast into the lake of fire and A. 21:8. BRING, V. Ge. 6:17. I A. a flood || 19. ft. to ark 9:14. 1 A. a cloud || 18:16. A. them on their way 18:19. Lord A. on Abrm. what he hath spoken 27:4. A. that I may eat, 25. || 5. ft. venison|il2. 42:20. A. youngest broth. 34:37. | 43:9. | 44:.32. 43:16. A. these men home||45:19. A. your father 48:9. ft. them, I pray, to me, and I'll bless Cx. 10:4. else to-morrow, I will ft. tlie locusts 11:1. yet will I ft. one plague more on I'iiaraoh 13:5. itsliall be when the'L. shall 6. thee, 11. 18:19. that thou mayst ft. the causes to God 91:6. A. him to judges || 22:13. A. it for witness 23:4. surely ft. it back || 19. first-fruits A. 34:26. 20. send an angel to A. thee || 35:5. | 36:5. Le. 5-7. if not able to A. a lamb, 11. | 12:8. 8. ft. them to priest, 12. || 16:12. ft. fire || 17:5. Nu. 8:9. A. the Levites, 10. || 14:8. then he'll h. 14:16, because L. was not able to A. De. 9:28. 24. Caleh, him will I A. into land || 16:17. A. censer 20:12. not ft. congr. || 32:.5. ft. us not over Jord. De. 1:17. cause too h:ird for you, A. it to me 7:1. when the Lord shall ft.'thee into the land 21:12. ft. her home || 22:2. A. to thy own house 30:12. A. it to us, 1.3.||33.7. ft. Judah to his peo. IS. 1:22. weaned, then I will ft. him 11 9:7. 9:23. ft. the portion || 11:12. A. the men || 20:8. 2 S. 3:12. to ft. all Israel to thee || 13. ft. Michal 14:10. A. him to mej|19:ll. last to A. kingback 1 K. 3:24. and the king said, ft. nie a sword 8:32. the wirked, to ft. his way on his head 13:8. A. him back || 17:11, A, me a morsel 20:33, go ye, A. him || 2 K. 2:20. A. a new cruise 2 K. 4:6. A. me yet a vessel, and he said unto 41. ft. meal and cast || 6:19. 1 will ft. you to the 1 Ch. 16:29. ft. an offering || 21:2. A. the number 2 Ch. 31:10. since people began to ft. olTevings Ne. 13:18. did not God A. this evil on us; Jb. 6:92. did I say A. unto me or give reward 10:9. wilt A. me to dust || 14:4. who can A, a clean 18:14, it shall A. him to the king of terrors 30:23. for I know thou wilt A. me to death 33:30. to A. back his soul from the pit, to be Ps. 43:3, let tliem ft, me to thy lioly hill 60:9. who will A, me into strong city, 108:10. 72:3. A. peace || 94:23. A. on their own iniquity Pr. 29:8. scornful men ft. a city into a snare Ec. 3:22. who shall A. him to .'■ee what shall be 11:9. God will A. thee into judgment, 12:14. Swig 8:2.1 would A. thee to my mother's house [s. 7:17. Lord shall A. || 14:2. A. to their place 15:9. A. more upon Diinon || 25:12. to the dust 45:21. and A. them near, and let them take 46:13. I A. near my righteousness, it shall not 56:7. them will I ft to my holy mountain 58:7. that thou ft. the poor to thy house !| 60:17. «i6:4. I will b. tlier fears upon them, because Jer. 3:14. I will take you and ft. you to Zion 10:24. lest thou ft. me to nothing || 11:8. 17:18. A. day of evil || 31:8. I will ft. them from 32:42. ft. all the good || .33:6. I will A. it health 33:11. A. sacrifice || 49:5. A. a fear upon thee Ez. 6:3. will ft. a sword || 11:9. | 20:15. | 21:29. ii:i:22. 1 will ft. tliem agamst thee on every side 34:13. b. them to their own land, 3'J:24. | 37:21. BRI Ho. 2:14. ft. her into the wilderness||Am. 4:1,4. Mi. 1:15. A. an heir to thee || Zch. 8:8. 1 will A. Ma. 3:i;i. A. all the tithes into the store Mat. 2:13. till 1 A. thee word |( 5:23. ft. thy gia 17:17. A. him hither to me, Mk. 9:19. 21:2. loose and A. tliem, Mk. 11:2. Lu. 19:30. l\ik. 7:32. and they A. to him one that wasdtaf Lii.2:10. I A. you good tidings ||8:14. A. no fruit 12:11. when they A. you into tlie synagogue Jn. 10:16. other sheep, them also 1 must A. 14:26. ft. all things to your remembr. || 18:29. 21: 10. ft. of the fish which ye have now caught Ac.5:28. ft. tliis man's blood on usl|7:6. should ft. 9:2. might ft. tbem bound, 21. || 22:5. | 23:10. 1 Co. 1:19. I will ft. to nothing, 28. || 4:17. | 9:27. 16:6. A. me on my journey whithersoever 1 go 2 Co. 11:20. if a man A. you into bondage Ga. 3:24. schoolmaster to A. us to Christ 1 Th. 4:14. them that sleep will G. A. with him 2 Ti. 4:11. take Mark and ft. him with thee 1 I'e. 3:18. snfi'ered, that he might A. us to God 2 Jn. 10. if any come and ft. not this doctrine Re. 21:24. kings ft. their glory to it, 26. BillNG airain. Ge. 24:5. must I ft. thy son -, 6. || 8. 6. not my 28:15. I will ft. thee - into this land, 48:21. 37:14. if well with brethren, and ft. word - 42:37. deliver him, I will ft. him to thee - Nu. 17:10. A. Aaron's rod- || 22:8. I'll A. word- De.l:22. ft. us word -|| any case, A. them - 26:68. the Lord shall A. thee into Egypt - Jud. 11:9. if ye A. me -to fight || 19:3. to A. her- 2 S. 12:23. can I ft. him back - |i 14:21. Absa. 15:8. if the Lord ft. me- to Jerusalem, then' 25. he will A. me - and show me both it 1 K. 8:34. forgive and ft. them -2 Ch. 6:25. 12:21. A. kingdom - to Rehohomn, 1 Ch. 11:1. 1 Ch. 13:3. A.- the ark || 21:12. word I shall A.- 2 Ch. 24:19. prophets to 6. them - Ne. 9:29. Ps. 68:22. I'll A.- from Baslian, I'll ft.- my peo. Pr. 19:24. not ft. it to mouth - 26:15. Is. 38:8. I will ft.- shadow || 46:8. A.- to mind, O 49:5. A. Jacob - || 52:8. Lord shall A.- Zion Jer. 12:15. I will return and A. them - 50:19. 15:19. if thou wilt return, then will I A. thee - 16:15. I will A. them - to their land, 24:6.|32:37. 23:3. 1 will ft. them - into folds || 28:3. ft.- vessels 28:4. I will ft.- to this place Jeconiah,6. 30:3. I will ft.- the captivity of my people, 18. I 31:23. Ez. 39:25. Am. 9:14. 48:47. yet will I ft.- the captivity of Moab 49:0. A.- the captivity of Amnion, 39. Ez. 16:53. I A.- their captivity || 29:14. of Egypt 34:16. I'll A. that which was driven, Zph.3:20. Zch. 10:6. I will A. them - to place them 10. I will A. them - out of the land of Egj'pt Mat. 2:8. ft. me word - that I may worship BRING down. Ge. 42:38. 6.- my gray hairs, 44:29,31. 43:7. 6. your brother - 44:21. || 45:13. De. 9:3. he shall ft. them - || Jud. 7:4. ft. them 1 S. 30:15. canst ft. me -, I will ft. thee - 2 S. 22:28. eyes on haughty to ft. them - 1 K. 1:33. ft. him- to Gihon || 2:9. hoar head 6.- Ps. 18:27. A.- high looks || 55:23. ft.- to pit of Is. 25:5. A.- noise of i-traiisers||ll. A.- their pride 12. high fort ft.-||63:6. I will 6.- their .strength Jer. 49:16. I will A. thee - from thence, Ob. 4. 51:40. I will A.- like lambs to the slaughter Ez. 26:20. 6. thee - || 28:8. ft. thee - to the pit IIo. 7:12. I wdl ft. them- as fowls ||Jo. 3:2. Am. 3:11. A.- thy strength || 9:2. thence ft.- Ob. 3. saitli in his heart. Who shall ft. me - Ac. 23:15. A. him - to-morrow || 20. 6. Paul - Ro. 10:6. that is, to A. Christ - from above BRING forth. Ge. 1:11. let the earth 6.-24. || 20. waters 6.- 3:16. in sorrow shalt thou ft.- children a. thorns shall it ft.- || 8:17. A.- every living 9:7. A.- abundantly||38:24. Judah said, b. her - E.v. 3:10. that thou mayst A.- my people Israel 11. who am I that I should A.- Israel out of 7:4. A.- my armies || 8:3. ft.- frogs |{ 18. A.- lice Le. 24:14. ft.- him that hath cursed, 23. 25:21. ft.- fruit for three years || 26:10. ft.- old Nu. 20:8. ft.- water out ofthe rock so thou De. 14:28. A.- all the tithe || 17:5. A.- that man 22:15. A.- the tokens II Jos. 2:3. A.- the men Jud. 6:18. and A.- my present || 19:22. A.- man 2 K. 10:22. A.- vestments for the worsliippers 19:3. no strensrth to ft.- Is. 37:3. || 23:4. vessels Ezr. 1:8. did Cyrus ft.- || 10:t3. A.- our wives Jb. 14:9. A. - boughs || 15:35. 6.- vanity || 38:32. 39:1. when the wild goats ft.- 2,3. 40:30. surely the mountains ft. him - food Ps. 37:0. he shall ft.- thy righteousness as light 92:14. they shall ft.- fruit In old age, they 104:14. that he may ft.- food out ofthe earth 144:13. that our sheep may A.- thousands Pr. 8:135, ft.- favor || 27:1. what a day may ft.- Is. 5:2. he looked tliat it should ft.- grapes 23:4. saying, I travail not, nor 6.- children 33:11. a'nd A.- stubble || 41:21. 6.- your rea- sons, 22. 42:1. A.- judgment, 3. || 43:8. A.- blind people 43:9. 6.- their witnesses f( 45:8. A.- salvation 55:10, watereth the earth, andmaketh it A.- 59:4. they conceive mischief, and A.- iniquity 65:9. A.- a seed || 23. nor 6.- for tiouble BRl Is. 61:8. shall earth be made to ft.- in one day 9. shall I bring to birth, and not cause to ft.- Jer. 12:2. they grow, yea thiy A.- fruit, tlioii 51:44. A.- out of his mouth what he swallowed Ez. 12:4. A.- thy stall' || 17:23. shall A.- boughs 20:6. to ft.- of Egj-)it II .38. I'll A.- out of country 28:18. I'll A.- a fire || 38:4. I'll A. thee ■ |l4«i2 Ho. 9:13, Ephraim shall A.- || li). though he A.- Mi. 4:10. be in pain and labor to A.- O Zion 7:9. he will 6. me - to the light, I shall behold Zph. 2:2. before the decree A.- the dav pass Zch. 3:8. I will ft.- my servant the Branch 4:7. A.- head-stone thereof II 5:4. A.- a curse Mat. 1:23. behold, a virgin shall A.- a son, 21 3:8. A.- fruit meet for repentance, Lu.3:8. 7:18. good tree cannot ft.- evil fruit, Lu. 6:43. Mk. 4:20. A.- fruit, some thirty fold, some si.\ty Lu. 1:31. ft.- a son || 8:5. and A.- fruit || 15:22. Jn. 15:2. A.- more fruit, 16. || 19:4. I A. him - Ro. 7:4. A.- fruit unto God || 5. unto death BRING ill. Ex. 6:8. I will A. you into the land I did swear 15:17. A.- and plant l| 16:5. | 23:23. Nu. 14:31. 2 Ch. 24:9. 2 Ch. 28:13. shall not ft.- the captives hither Jer. 17:24. A.- no burden || Da. 2:24. | 5:7. | 9:24 Hag. 1:6. and A.- little || Lu. 14:21. A.- tlie poor 2Pe. 2:1. who privily ft.- damnable heresies BRING out. Ge. 19:5. A. them -to us that we may, 8:12. 40:14. mention, and ft. me - of this house 50:24. God will visit and A. you - of this land Ex. 6:6. I will bring you - from under burdens 13. to A.- of Eg)-pt, 2j:27. | 7:5. | 12:51. 32:12. for mischief did he 6. them - toslay De. 21:19. A. him - to elders || 22:21. 6.- damsel 22:24. ft. both - to gate || 24:11. shall A.- pledge Jos. 6:22. ft.- Kahali || 10:22. ft.- those five kings Jud. 6:30. A.- thy son || 19:24. A.- and humble ye Ps. 25:17. O A. Ihou me - of my distresses 142:7. A. my soul - of prison, that I may praise 143:11. O Lord, 6. my soul - of trouble" Is. 42:7. to A.- the prisoners from the prison Jer. 8:1. A.- the bones || 38:23. A.- all thy wives Ez. 11:7. I'll A. you - || 20:34,41. | 24:6. | 34:13. Ac. 17:5. sought to A. tliein - to the peojile BRING to pass. Ge. 41:32. the dream God will shortly A.- 50:20. to 6.- as it is this day, to save much people Ps. 37:5. trust in him, and he shall A. it - Is. 28:21. 6.- his act || 46:11. I will also A. it - BRING vp. Ge. 46:4. I will also surely A. thee - again Ex. 3:8. 6. them - out of that land || 17. | 33:li. Nu. 14:37. A.- evil report || 20:25. ft.- Aaron De. 22:14. A.- evil name on her || Jud. 6:13. 1 S. 19:15. ft. him - in the bed, that I may 28:11. he said, 6. me - Samuel || 2 S. 2:3. 2S. 6:2. toft, ark of God, IK. 8: 1,4. 1 Ch. 13:6. I 15:3,12,14,25. 2 Ch. 5:2,5. 1 Ch. 17:5. since I did A.- Israel |] Ez. 1:11. Ne. 10:38. A.- tithes || Is. 23:4. nor 6.- virgins Jer. 27:22. then will I A. them -, and restore Ez. 16:40. A.- a company against thee, 23:46. 26:19. when I shall A.- the deep upon thee 29:4. A. thee -out ofriv. 32:3. || 37:6. A.- fie- h Ho. 9:12. tho' they A.- children, I will bereave Am. 8:10. I will ft.- sackcloth upon all loins Ro. 10:7. to ft.- Christ || Ep. 6:4. A.- in nurture BRINGERS, s. 2 K. 10:5. the A. up of children KR INGEST, t'. Jb. 14:3. Is. 40:9. Ac. 17:20. BRINGETII, r. Ex. 0:7. who A. vou out Le. 11:45. L. that A. you out of Egj'pt || 17:4,9. De. 8:7. L. A. thee to good land fl 14:22. A. foith 1 S. 2:6. he A. down to the grave, and h. up 7. Lord maketli poor, and ft. low, and lifleth up 2 S. 22:48. ft. down people || 49. ft. me forth Jb. 12:6. into whose hand God ft. abundantly 22. he ft. out to light the shadow of death 19:29. wrath ft. || 28:11. thing hid A. he to light Ps. 1:3. tree ft. forth his fruit in his season 14:7. w hen the Lord A. bni k the captivity, 53:6 33:10. ft. counsel to nought || 37:7. || (.8:6. 107:30. he A. them to their desired haven 135:7. A. wind out of treasuries, Jer. 10:13. i 51:16. Pr. 10:31. A. forth wisdom || 16:30. A. evil to pass 19:26. A. reproach || 20:20. ft. wheel over tlieiu 21:27. ft. it with wii ked heart || 29:15,21. 29:25. fear of man A. a snare || 30:33. | 31:14. Ec. 2:6. water the wood that A. forth trees Is. 8:7. Lord A. on tliem waters ofthe river 26:5. them that dwell on high he 6. to dust 40.23. A. firinces to nothing || 20. A. out host 43:17. ft. forth chariot || .54:"l(i. | 01:11. Jer. 4:31. A. forth her first child || Ez. 29:10. Ho. 10:1. Israel A. fruit to himself || Hag. 1:11. Mat. 3:10. 6. not forth good fMiit,7:19. Ln. 3:9 12:35. good man A. forth good things, Lu. 6:45 13:23. A. forth some 100 fold ||52. A. things new 17:1. Jesus A. them up into a high mountain Mk. 4:28. the earth ft. forth fnrt of herself Lu. 6:43. a good tree A. not forth corrupt fruit Jn. 12:24. if it die, it A. much fruit, 15:5. Col. 1:6. gospel A. forth fruit, as it doth in you Ti. 2:11. the' grace of God that A. salvation He. 1:6. A. first begotten || 6:7. earth ft. herts Ja. 1:15. A. forth sin, and sin A. forth death 32 BRO BRO BRO BRINGING, p. Ex. 2:49. | 36:6. Nu. 5:15. offering*, iniquity to remembrance 14:3ij. by b. up a slaiidonipon the land 2 S. 19:10. a word of A. the king bark, 43. 1 K. 1 0:2-3. i. gold and silver, 2 Ch. 9:21. 2 K. 21:12. I am b. such evil on Jerusalem Ne. 13:15. some on the Salibath b. in sheaves Ps. 12fi:6. ft. his sheaves with him N Jer. 17:26. Mat. 21:43. to a nation ft. forth the fruit thereof Mk. 2:3. ft. one sick || Lu. 24:1. ft. spices Ko. 7:23. ft. me into captivity, 2 Co- 10:5. He. 2:10. b. many sons || 7:19. ft. better hope 2 Pe. 2:5. ft. in tlood upon the world of ungodly BRINK, «. Ge. 41:3. kine on ft. of rivers Ex. 2:3. laid ark by ft. ||7:15. stand by river's ft. De. 2:3S. .^roer by ft. || Jos. 3:8. ft. of Jordan Ez. 47:6. caused me to turn to ft. of the river BROAD, a. Nu. 16:38. ft. plates, 39. Ne. 3:8. fortified Jerusalem to ft. wall, 12:38. Jb. 36:16. out of the strait into a ft. place Ps. 1 19:96. exceeding ft. || Song 3:2. in ft. ways Is. 33:21. place of A. rivers || Jer. 5:1. | 51:58. Na. 2:4. diariots shall justle in the 6. ways Mat. 7:13. ft. is the way || 23:5. ft. phylacteries BROADER, a. Jb. 11:9. ft. than the sea BiJOIDERED, p. Ex. 28:4. A. coat, Ez. 16:10, 13,18. I 26:16. | 27:7,16,24. Ancient h°- j an B I red work. 1 Ti. 2:9. women adorn, not with ft hair BROILED, p. Lii. 24.49. piece of a ft. fish BROKEN, p. Le. 6:28. vessel shall be ft. 15:12. Le. 21:19. is ft. footed || 20. stones ft. not offer 22:22. ft. or maimed, ye shall not offer, 24. 26:13 ft. the bands of youryoke || 26. ft.the staff Jud. 5:22. then were the horse hoofs ft. 16:9. brake the withes, as a thread of tovvisft. 1 S. 2:4. the bows of the mijility men are ft. 2 S. 22:35. bow of steel is A. Ps. It::i4. 1 Ch. 14:11. God hath ft. in upon mine enemies 2 (:!li. 20:37. the Lord hath ft. tliy works, ships 32:5. he built up all the wall tliat was A. Jb. 4:10. teeth of lions ft. || 7:5. my skin is ft. 22:9. arms A. || 24:20. wickedness A. as a tree 31:22. arm be ft. from bone || 38:15. hich arm ft. Ps. 3:7.ft. teeth of ungodly || 31:12. like A. vessel 34:18. Lord is nigli them of a ft. heart, 51:17. 20. he keepeth liis bones, noloneof them is A. 37:15. bows ft.||17. arms be ft.|| 38:8. 1 am .'^oie ft. 4!:19. hast sore A. us |( 51:8. bones thou bast ft. 60:-7. earib hast ft. it || r9:20. repr. ft. || 107:16. 10il:16. slay ft. in heart || 124:7. snare is A. 147:;< he bealeth the A. in heart, and bindeth Pr. (>•. $. suddenly be ft. || 15:13. spirit is ft. ]7:0-i A. spirit drieth bones |] 25:19. like ft. tooth Ec 4:12. a threefold cord is not o,uickly ft. l''J:6. or the golden bowl be ft. or pitcher Is. 5:27. nor latchet be ft. || 7:8. Epbraim be ft. 8:15. fall and be ft. || 9:4. thou hast ft. tlie yoke 14:5. the Tt Esau Jacob's A.saitb the Lord Mat. 10:21. A. shall deliver nn A. Mk. 13:12. Wk. 12:19. man's 6. die and leave, Lu. 20:28. Jn. 11:2. whose ft. Lazarus was sick, 19. Ac. 9:17. ft. Saul, receive thy sight, 29:13. 12:2. killed James ft. of John |l 21:20. seest, ft. Ro. 16:93. (iuartus a ft. saluteth you 1 Co. 5:11. man called a A.||6:(;. ft. goeth to law 7:12. if anv ft. hath a wife that heliev.not, 15. 8:11. the weak ft.perish.l|9 Co. 8:18. sent theft. 2 Th. 3:6. that ye withdraw from every ft. 15. Phile. 7 refreshed by thee, ft. || 16. ft. beloved }fh BROTHER. Ge. 25:26. and after l.iat came -ft. out Ge.38:9. give seed to-A.|142:38. -6. is dead, 44:20 Ex. 39:27. slay every man -A. || Le. 21:2. or -b Nu. 6:7. not make himself unclean for -h. De. 15:2. not exact it of -A. || 19:19. doneto-ft 25:6. first-born shall succeed m name of -A. 28:54. his eye shall be evil toward -A. Ne. 5:7. exact usury of -A. || Ps. 49:7. redeem -b. Is. 3:6. take hold of -A. || 9:19. no man spare -6 19:2. fight agamst-A.|(4]:6. every one said lo -A Jer. 31:34. teach no more ev. man -ft. He. 8:11. 34:9. none serve himself of -A. 14,17. Ez. 18:18. spoiled -A. || 33:30. speak to -A. Ho. 12:3. took -A. by the heel in the womb Am. 1:11. he did jjursue -A. with sword Mi.7:2. hunt-A. wHhnet||Hag.2;29. sword of-A Zch. 7:9. show mercy to -A.|| 10. evil against -4 ftla. 2:10. deal treacherously against -ft. Mat. 5:22. say Raca to -A. || 18:35. forgive -A. 22:24. raise seed to -A. Mk. 12:19. Lu. 20:98 Jn. 1:41. he findeth -A. Simon, and sairh Ro. 14:13. or on occasion to fall in -A. way 1 Th. 4:6. no man defraud -A. in any matter Ja. 4:11. speaks evil of A. and judgeth -A. 1 Jn. 9:9. hateth -A. 1 1. || 10. he that loveth -ft. 3:10. that loveth not -A. 14. || 19. slew -ft. 15. 4:21. loveth G. loveth -A. also || 5:16. see -A. sin My BROTHER. Ge. 4:9. Cain said, I know not, ain 1 -ft. keeper 20:5. she said. He is -A. 13. 1 K. 20:32. 27:41. will I slay -A. Jacob ||29:15. thou art -A. Jud. 20:93. battle against Benjamin -A. 28. 2 S. 1:26. -A. Jonathan || 13:12. nay, -A. do not 1 K. 13:30. they mourned, saying, Alas -A. Ps. 35:14. I behaved as though he bad been -ft. Song8:l.wertas-A. thatsucked||Jer.22:18. ah-ft. Mat. 12:.50. the same is -A. l\lk. 3:35. 18:91. how oft shall -ft. sin||Lu. 19:13. speak to Jn. 11:21. hadst been here, -A. had not died 1 Co. 8:13. if meat make -A. to offend 1 will 2 Co. *.13. because I found not Titus -ft. Our BROTHER. Ge. 37:95. what profit is it if we slay -A. 27. he is -A. and our tlesh, Jud. 9:3. 42:21. we are verily guilty concerning -A. 43:4. if thou wilt send -A. we will go 2 Co. 8:22. and we have sent with them -ft. Phile. 1. and Timothy -ft. to Philemon Thy BROTHER. Ge. 4:9. L. said to Cain, Where is Abel -A. 10. 27:40. shall serve -ft. || 38:8. raise up seed to -ft. Ex. 4:14. is not Aaron -A. || 28:1. take Aaron -A. Le. 19:17. not hate -A. || 95:36. that -ft. may live De. 13:6. if -ft. entice thee secretly, saying 15:11. open thy hand wide to -ft. to thy poor De. sold j|29:l.bringagain to-A.3. 23:7. not abhor an Edomite, for lie is -ft. 19. thou shalt not lend upon usury to -ft. 2 S. 2:29. my face to Joab -A. [I 13:20. be is -A. I K. 20:33. and they said, -ft. Benhadad Jb. 22:6. taken pledge from -b for nnuclit Ps. 50:20. sittest and speakest against -ft. Pr. 27:10. nor go into -ft. house in calamity Ob. 10. against -ft. Jacob || 12. on the day of -&. Mat. 5:23. that -ft. hath ought against thee, 24. 7:3. beholdest mote in -ft. eye, 5. Lu. 6:41,43. 18:15. if -A. trespass, hast gained -A. Lu. 17:3. Jn. 11:23. Jesus saith, -A. shall rise again Ro. 14:10. but why dost thou judge -ft. 15.21. Your BROTHER. Ge. 43:34. bring -A. so will I deliver you -A. 43:3. except -A. be with yon || 13. take -ft. 45:4. I am Joseph -ft. v horn ye sold into Egvpt Jud. 9:18. because he is -ft. || Re. 1:9. 1 Jn. -ft. BROTHERHOOD, «. Zch. 11:14. break ft. between || 1 Pe. 2:17. BROTHERLY, ad. Am. 1:9. ft. covenant Fo. 12:10. ft. love || 1 Th.4:9. touching ft. tove He. 13:1. let A. love continue || 2 Pe. 1:7. kindn. BROUGHT, p. Ge. 20:9. A. on me a grent sin Ge. 27:20. L. thy God A. it to me || 31:39. 43:e(i. Ex. 9:19. beast in field not ft. home shall die 10:13. L. ft. east wind|| 18:26. hard causes M 19:4. and ft. you to myself |! 39:1. A. us up, 23.. Le. 94:11. they A. the blasphenier to Moses Nu. 16:10. and he hath A. thee near to bini 97:5. ft their cause before L. I| 31:.50. | rC;'?.. De. 5:15. thy G. ft. thee out them e || 26:10.13. Jos. 24:7. Lord ft. sea upon them, and cohered Jud. 2:1. ft. you unto the land || 16:18. money 18:3. who ft. thee hith'-r, and what makest' 1 S. 1:24. she ft. .-anniel I] 95. A. the child to E!i 2 S. 7:18. thou hast A. n'e hitherto, 1 Ch 17:1*;. Ezr. 8:18. ft. as a man of understanding |! iO:( lo Ne. 4:15. God ft. their counsel to nought ) 9:33. Est. 6:8. let royal appnrel be ft. H 9:11. slain ft. Jb. 4:12. was seiretly ft. || 21:32. A. to the grave Ps. 35:4. let them be ft. to confusion, 26. 45:15. with gladness and rejoicing .shall thev be ft. 71:24. they are A. to shams that seek mj hurt Pr. 6:26. a man is ft. to a piece of liread Song 2:4. he ft. me to the banqiieting-honr e Is. 43:93. thou hast not A. nie the small callie 53:7. ft. as a lamb to the slaughter [I 59:16. Jer. 11:19. as an ox ft. I| 15:6. ft. a spoiler at 39:49. I ft. all this evil || 40:3. ft. it and dona Ez. 94:39. the evil I A. |! 99:5. tir.i be ft. froiii 40:4. art thou h. hither.' |! 47:3. ft. me thu,.',4. Da. 7:13. A. him near |i s -14. e^il, and ft. it oa 3^J BRO BUG BUI Ht?. 1:0. when ye fi. it liome T rfid blow nn if j\ iO:lS. u. Lel'ore kings for my sake, Mk. Ki:9. Lu. 2I:1-J. ]t?:05. kingdom is b. to desolation, Lu. 11:17. i7:16. 1 ft.liimtothv disciples || 18:24. one vvasft. i'J:l3. b. to liiiii little children, Mk. 10:13. Li. 7:37. h. ahibaster bo^ || 1U:34. A. to an inn Jm. 7:4.5. tliey said. Why have ye not 4. him .\r. .'):'.'l. to hnve them b'.\\ 9:27. b. him toapost. 'JiM.'). on thpir way || l(i:16. b. her masters f;ain Ji :20. *. to magistrates || 19:12. were ft. aprons 19:1'.). b. their books || 24. b. no small ?ain 37. b. I'jese men || 20:12. ft. young man alive 2i:.5.6.uson our way || 2.5:G. coinm.Paul to be ft. 27:24. f before Cesar || Ro. l.'5:24. ft. on my way 1 On. 6:i2.IwillM0tbe ft. || 2 Ti.l:10. hath 1 1V.1:13. craceft. to von || 2 Pe. 2:19. ft. In bond. lirlOI'GIlT u. 39:1. and Joseph was A.- from Egj-pt .!;id. 1 i:21. Philistines A.- Samson to Gaza ] •^. 30:16. had A. him-|| 1 K. 1:53. ft. Adonij. - 1 K. 17:23. Elijah A. child - || 18:40. ft. them - to P-. 20:8. they are ft.- and fallen, but we risen i07:12. he ft.- their heart with labor, they 1^. 5:1.5. and the mean man shall be ft.- and '4:11. fhv pomp is ft.- || 15. shall be A.- to hell •'.9:4. shall be ft.- || 43:14.1 have A.- all the nobles La. 2:2. he hath ft. them - to the ground J'.z. 17:24. A.- the hiah tree || 31:18.4.- with trees Zch. 10:11. the pride of Assyria shall he ft.- 'lat. 1 1:23. thou Capernaum shall be ft.- to hell Ac. 9:30. the brethren ft. him - to Cesarea BROUGHT /orrA. Ge. 1:12. and the earth ft.- grass and herb 21. waters ft.- {{ 14:18. king of ^^alem ft.- bread 15:5. Lord ft.- .\bram abroad, and said, Look 19:16. anfrels A. Lot - and set him without 21:53. servant ft.- jewels || 41:47. A.- handfuls F.v. 3:12. when thou ft.- the people 1' :3. 3e have ft. us - into the wilderness •^■3:4!;. L.ft. them - out of, Le. 25:38. | 2:;:13,45. .Nu. 17:8. Aaron's rod A.- buds || 20:16. | 24:8. J'". 8:15. ft.- water out of the rock offlint :i6:8. and the Lord ft. us - with a mighfj' hand '"Ci:14. for the preciotis fruits ft.- bv the sun Jfid. 5:95. she ft.- butter || 6:8. I ft. you - out of 2 S. 22:20. 6. me - into large place, Ps. 18:19. 5 K. 10:22. A.- vestments for v.'orshippers 11:12. A.- the king's son. and put the crown Ps. 7:14. conceived mischief, ft.- falsehood !'0:2. before the mountains were A.- art God 105:30. ft.- frogs (| 43. ft.- his people with jny Pr. 8;24. no depths, I was ft.- || 25. before hills Fong 8:5. there thv mother ft. thee -, there l-.5;2. itft.-wlld grapes || 2i5:18.A.- wind || 45:10. .".1:13. sons she hath ft.- ||66:7. travailed she A.- '«i>:8. for as soon as Zion travailed, she h.- J^r. 2:27. to a stone, thoii hast A. me - || 20:3. 32:21. hast ft.- thy people Israel with signs 50:25. Lord ft.- weapons of his indignation .t1:10. the Lord hath ft.- our righteousness 1>..I2.7. I ft.- Miy stiiffll 14:22. remnant ft.- sons ."!!i.5:3. she hath A.- || Hag.2; 19. olive-tree not ft.- .Mat. 1:25. till she had ft.- her firlk. 4;8. 1 u. 1:.57. now El'saheth ft.- a son 2:7. -he A.- her first-born son, and wrapped him 12:16. gromd of a rich man A.- plentifully Jti. 19:13. Pilate heard that, he ft.- Jesus Ji. 5:18. he prayed, and the earth A.- her fruit Re. 12:5. she A.- a mm child || 13. woman ft.- RROUGHT in. »;e. 39:14. he hath ■'».- a He'Tew to mock us 47:7. Joseph ft.- Ja ob || I-e. 10:18. blood not A.- L.e. 16-27. the bullork whose blood was A.- i\'u. 12:15. journeyed not till .Miriam was A.- ])' . 9:4. for my richteousuess the Lord A. me in e >!. 3:22. Joali A.- a ereat spoil with him f";:l7. A.- the ark of the Lord. 1 K. 8:6. Vn. 2:4. be' aiise of false brethren unawares ft.- BltOUtHIT 1.(^0. f»e 11:21. when the Lord barb ft. thee into land Ps ?2:15. thou hast ft. tne - the dust of death Koi e 1:4. the king hath ft. me - his chambers Jer. 2:7. I ft. yici - a plentiful country to eat la. 3:2. liith A. me - darkness but not Icht r.:. 27:26. thy rowers have ft. thee - waters 44:7. in that ye have ft.- my sanctuary, Strang .»c. 9:8. ft. him - Damascus || 21:28. A. Greeks 1 Ti. 6:7. for we ft. nothing - this world I'fi. 13:11. whose blood is ft.- the sanctuary BROI'GH-1' lr„r. J id. llrf'S. daughter, th-Mi has* ft. me very - 6 (•►i. ^:i9. Lord ft. Jndih - M Jh. ]4:0|. |"2J:24. y- 79:8. we are A. v^ry - !| 11) :43. were A.- iU7:39.ft.- tbroi'.yh oiipre^ision '| 11*1:6. I was A.- '■.l*:t«. t Kia ft. very j| Ec. 12:4. .viu.sic i.- Ts. 2:12. shall be ft.- || 25:5. terrible ones J.- Lu. 3:5. every mountain and liill 4.- Is. 40:4. BROUGHT out. Ge. 15:7. that A. thee - of Ur of the Chaldees 41:14. A. him hastily - || 43:23. A. Simeon - Ex. 13:3. Lord ft. you -, 9:14,16. De. 6:21. 20:2. L. which A. thee-, Le. 1-9:36. Ps. 81:10. De. 5:15. that the Lord A. thee - llietice through Jos. 6:23. 6.- Rahab || 24:5. afterward I A. you - 2 S. 13:18. A. her - and bolted (he door after 2 K. 23:6. A.- the grove from house of the Lord P.s. 78:16. he A. streams also - of the rock 80:8. thou ha.«t ft. a vine - of Egypt, thou 107:14. he ft. them - of darkness, and brake 136:11. and ft.- Israel from among them Jer. 7:22. day I ft. them - of Egypt || Da. ,5:13. Ho. 12:13. by a prophet the Lord ft. Israel-, Ac. 7:40. I 12:17. | 13:17. | 16:30,39. BROUGHT to pass. 9 K. 19:25. now have I ft. it -, Is. 37:26. Ez. 21:7. it Cometh and shall be A.- 1 Co. 15:54. then shall be ft.- the saying written BROUGHT up. Ez. 17:3. wherefore hasl thou 4. us -, 32:1,4,23. I 33:1. Nu. 25:1. Xu. 13:32. A.- evil report || 16:13. b. us - 20:4. wliy have ye ft.- the congregation of De. 20:1. Lord wi'th thee which 6. thee - || 22:19. Jos. 24:17. he it is that ft. us - and our fathers 32. bones of Joseph A.-, buried in Shechem Jud. 6:8. I 6. vou - from Egj'pt, 1 S. 10:18. 15:13. A. Samson - || 16:31. A. hun - and buried 16:8. ft.- seven withes || 1 S.2:14. flesh-hook fi.- 1 S. 8:8. sincednyIft.them-,2S. 7:16. 1 Ch.l7:5. 12:6. Lord that ft. your fathers - out of Egypt 2 S. 6:12. David went and ft.- the ark of God, 15. 1 K. 8:4. 1 Ch. 15:28. 2Ch. 1:4. 21:8. ft.- for Adriel || 13. ft.- the bones of Saul 2 K. 10:1. ft.- Ahab's children, 6. || 17:7. ft. them - 17:36. L. b. you - |i25:6.A.- Zedekiah, Jer. 39:5. 2 Ch. 8:11. ft.- daughter of Pharaoh || 10:8,10. Ezr. 1:11. vessels ft.- || 4:2. Esar haddon ft. us- Ne. 9:18. this is thy God that ft.thee - out of Egj-pt Est. 2:7. ft.- Esther, 20. || Jb. 31:18. ft.- with me Ps. 30:3. thou hast A.- my soul || 40:2. he A. me - Pr. 8:30. then was I by him, as one ft.-withhim Is. 1:2. I have nourished and ft.- children 49:21. who ft.- these, vihere had they been 51:18. sons she ft.-|| 63:11. where is he that 6.- Jer. 11:7. I protested in the day I ft. them - 16:14. Lord that A.- Israel out of Egypt, 23:7. 15. Lord that ft.- Israel from the north, 23:8. La. 2:23. those I ft.- I| 4:5. were ft.- in scarlet Ez. 19:3. ft.- one of her whelps || 37:13. ft. you - Am. 2:10. I A. you -, 3:1. | 9:7. Mi. 6:4. .Ton. 2:6. A.- my life from corruption || Na. 2:7. Lu. 4:16. to Nazareth, where he had been A.- Ac. 13:1. been A.- with Herod the telrarch 22:3. A.- in this city at the feet of Gamaliel 1 Ti. 5:10. widow if she have A.- children BROUGHTEST, v. Ex.. 32:7. people thou ft. \u. 14:13. thou A. up this people in thy might De. 9:23. land thou ft. us say || 29. 1 K. 8:51. 2 S. 5:2. he that A. in Israel || 1 K. 8:53. Ne.9:7.ft. out of Ur of Chaldees || 15.ft. water || 23. Ps. 66:11. thou ft. us into the net, thou layedst 12. but thou A. us out into a wealthy place BROW, s. Is. 48:4. iron sinew, and A. brass Lu. 4.29. thev led him to the 6. of the hill BROWN, a.'Ge. 30:32. ft. cattle, 35:40. Ge.30;33.that is not A. shall be accounted stolen BRUIPE, S. s. Is. 1:6. wounds and ft. || 53:t5. Jer. 30:12. thy A. is incurable, Na. 3:19. BRUISE. 7'. signifies, (1) To crusk,inJHre, or op- press, Ge. 3:15. Da. 2:40. (2) To punish, chas- tise, or correct. Is. 53:10. It is spoken, (1) Corporally, of the bodi/, Lu. 9:39. (2) Spiritu- ally, of doubts and tronbls. Mat. 12:20. (3) Morally, of corruption. Is. 1:6. (4) Politically, of a decaijin^ nation, 2 K. 18:21. Ge. 3:15. A. thy head, thou shall ft. his heel Is. 28:28. nor will he A. it with his horsemen .53:10. it pleased the Lord to A. him, he hath Da. 2:40. as iron shall it break in pieces, and 6. Ro. 1^:20. the God of peace shall ft. Satan BRUISED, lNG,p. Le. 22.24. not offer 6. 2 K. l.-:2]. truslest on the stnff of this A. reed Is. 42:3. ft. reed not break. Mat. 12:20. .53:5. ft. for our in'quitv || Ez.23:3,i-". ! 23:21. Lu. 4:18. set at liberty'ft. |! 0:39. spirit A. him BRUIT. .S-. Report or iwise. Jer. 10:22. Na. 3:19. BRUTISH, a. Ps. 49:10. ft. person perieheth Ps. 92:6. a A. man knoweth not || 91:8. ve ft. Pr. 12:1. hateth reproof is ft. I :;0:2. I. -nn" more ft. Is. 19:1 1. wise co'rnsellors of Pharaoh become A. Jer. 10:8. they are altncrether ft. and foolish 14. every man is ft. 51:17. || 21. pastors are ft. Ez. 21:31. deliver thee mto the hand of ft. men BUCKET, S. .?. Nu. 2-;:7. Is. 40:15. drop of A. BUCKLER, S. s. signifies, (I) Jl defeii.-'ive piece of armor; a .thie'.d, 1 Ch. 5:18. (2) Ond, who is the. dere.:ice. of his people, Fs. 18:2. Pr. 2:7. (3) F.iith, Song 4:4. 2 S. 22:31. a !,. to all ih:it trust in h'm, Ps.l8:30. 1 Ch. .5:18. men able to bear A. || 12:8. handle A. 2 Ch.-:.3:9.^ and ft. I| .lb. 15:2'-. bosses of 6. Ps. 18:2. L. is uiv God, my ft., iriv hish tower 3.5:2.hold of shield and ft. 1| 9l:4.ii s truth thy ft. Pr. 2:7. he ii ;i ft. tj them that v. alk uprightly Song 4:4. whereon there hanged a thousands Jer. 46:3. order ye the ft. and shield, draw neal Ez.23;24.set against thee A. || 2S:8. lift up the 6. 38:4. a great company with ft. and shields 39:9. they shall set on fire shields and ft. BUD, s. Jb. 38:27. cause the ft. to spring Is. 18:5. afore harvest, when the ft. is perfect 61:11. as the earth bringelh forth her A. Ez. 16:7. to nmltiply as the ft. of the field Ho. 8:7. the ft. shall yield no meal, stranger BUD, jj. Jb. 14:9. through sienl of water ft. Ps. 132:17. will make the horn of David to 4 . Song 7:19. see if the pomegranates A. forth Is. 27:6. Israel shall blossom and ft. and fill 55:10. earth to bring forth and ft. || Ez. 29:21. BUDS, *. Nu. 17:8. Aaron's rod brought ft. BUDDED, p. Ge.40:10.vine was as though it 6. Song 6:11. to see whether the pomegranates A. Ez. 7:10. the rod blossomed, pride hath A. He. 9:4. ark wherein was Aaron's rod lliat A. BUFFET, V. ED,;(.Mat.26:G7.A.him. Mk. 14:65. 1 Co. 4:1 1. even to the present hour we are ft. 2 Co. 12:7. the messenger of Satan to ft. me 1 Pe. 2:20. if when ye be A. for yoin- faults BUILD, r. signifies, (I) To erect houses, De. 28:30. (2) To increase hnowledire, faith, love, &.C. Ac. 20:32. (3) To be united and established in Christ, Ep. 2:22. (4) To bless and prosper, Ps. 127:1. BUILD, referred to God. 1 S. 2:35. I'll A. him a sure house, 2 S. 7:97. 1 Ch. 17:10. A. thee a house, 25. 1 K. 11:38. Ps. 28:5. he shall destroy and not ft. them up 51:18. ft. thou the walls of Jerusalem 69:35. for God will b. the cities of Judah 89:4. and A. up thy throne to tJl generations 102:16. when the Lord shall ft. up Zion 127:1. except the Lord ft. the house, they 147:2. the Lord doth ft. U|i Jerusalem, he Jer. 18:9. I speak concerning a nation to A. it 24:6. I will A. and not pull them down, 31:28. 31:24.I'll A.thee,0 virgin || 33:7.6.Judah,42:10. Ez. 36:36. 4. ruined places || Am. 9:11. PI! ft. it Mat. 16:18. on this rock A. my church, and the 96:61. A. it in 3 days, Mk. 14:58. 1| Ac. 15:16. BUILD Altar. E.v. 20:25. not A.- of hewn stone Nu. 23:1. A. Iiere 7 -, 29. || De. 27:5,6. Jos. 22:29. God forbid we should A. an - BUILD, joined with House. De. 25:9. will not De. 28:30.A. a -, and not dwell in it, Zph.l:13. Ru. 4:11. which two did ft. the - of Israel 2 S. 7:5. shall thou ft. me a - to dwell in, 7. 13. A. a - for my name, 1 K. 5:5. | 8:19. 1 Ch. 17:12. I 22:10. 1 K. 2:36. ft. thee a - 1| 5:3. David could not A.- 5:5. I purpose to ft. a - to the Lord, 2 Ch.2:l. 8:16. I chose no citv to A. a -, 9 Ch. 6:5. 17. in heart of David to A. a -, 1 Ch. 28:2. 1 Ch. 17:12. he shall A. me a -, 2 Ch. 6:9. 22:8. not A. a - II 11. my son A.- || 28:6. Solom. 4.- 2Ch. 2:4.behold I A.- || 5.-I great,G. ||36:23 Ezr 1:3. A. the - of the Lord || 5:3,9. 6:7. let the governor of the Jews A. this - Ps. 1*7:1. they labor in vain that 6. the - Pr. 24:27. prepare and afterwards A. thy- Is. 65:21. ft.- and inhabit || 66:1. where is -ye A a wide - || 29:5.A.- and dwell,28 35:7. neither shall ye ft.- nor sow seed Ez. 11:3. let us ft.- || 28:26. dwell safely, and h.- Hag. 1:8. bring wood, ft.- || Zch. 5:11. Ac. 7:49. BUILD,?:. Ge~.ll:4. A. us a city || 8. left off to 4 Nu. 32:16. A. sheep-folds || 24. A. ye cities De. 20:20. A. bulwarks against the city 1 K. 9:19. the cities Solomon desired to 4. in Jerusalem, 9 Ch. 8:6. 1 K. 9:24. did ft. Millo || 11:7. Sol. did h. high 16:34. in Ahab's days did Hiel A. Jericho 1 Ch.22:19. ft. the sanctuary || 29:19. a heart to A. 2 Ch. 14:7. let us ft. these cities, and make Ezr. 4:2. let us ft. with vou, we seek your God Ne. 2:17. 6. the wall || 18. rise and ft. 20. | 4:3,10. Ec. 3:3. time to 6. upjj Song 8:9. ft. ui.'on her Is. 9:10. we will 6. || 45:13. he shall ft. mv city .58:12. ft. the old waste, 61:4. || (^0:10. | 65:22. Jer. 1:10. set thee toft. ||Ez.4:2. 6. a fort, 21,22. Da. 9:25. to restore and A. Messiah Am. 9:11. I will ft. it as in days of old, 14. !\Ii. 3:10. they 6. up Zion with blood, andJerus. Zch. 6:i2. he shall ft. temple of the Lord, 13,15. 9:3. Tyros did ft. herself a strong hold Ma. 1:4. they shall ft. but I will throw down Mat. 93:29. ft. tombs of prophets, Lu. 11:47,48. Lu. 12:18. barns, ft. gi'eater || 14:28. ft. tower, 30 .\c. 2'l:?2. able to ft. you up || Ro. 15:20. lest I 6 1 Co. 3:12. if anv A. on this foundation, gold Ga. 2:18. if I ft. again the things 1 destroyed BUILDED, p. Gen. 2:122. of rib ft. a woman Ge. 4:17. Carn ft. a citv || 8:2n. Noah ft. an allrr 10:11. .^sher ft. Nineveh || 11:5. tower men A 1-^:7. Abraham ft. an altar, 13:18. j 2o:25. 1 K. 8:27. less this house 1 have ft. 43. i 15:22. 2 K. 23:13. Solimion ft. for Ashtoresh || 1 Ch 92:5. Ezr. 4:1,13,21. I 5:8,11,15. I 6:3,11 Ne. 4:18. every one had sword girded, and so « Jb. 20:19. hath tnken away a house he ft. not Ps. 122:3. Jerusalem is ft. as a city (onipact Pr. 9:1. wisdom halh ft. her house, 24:3. V.c. 2:4. I ft. me liouses ||Song 4:4. ft. for armory Jer. 30:18. ft. on her heap || La.3;5. ft. aga ntUii'fl 34 BUL Ez 3G:10. all the wastes shall be b. 33. Im 17:2:>. they s;li], they planted, they h. Ep 2:'>2. in v\ honi you also are b. toj;ether He 3:3./i. house more honor II 4. 6. by some man BLULUEDST, v. De. 6:10. goodly cities 6. not EL'ILUER, S,s. lKi.5:18. t2. 1 Cli. 6:5. BUKKIAH, The dissipation of the Lord. 1 Ch. 2.5:4,13. BUL, 77ie rie Col. 2:12. ft. with him in baptism, wherein also BURIED him. De. 34:6. ft.- in a valley in flie land of Moab 2 Sa.2:5. blessed that ft.- |1 1 K. 14:18. thty ft.- 2 Ch. 21:20. ft.- in city of David, 24:16,25. Ac. 5:6. young men carried him out and ft.- BURIED in. Ge. 15:15. thou shalt be ft.- a good old age 1 K. 2:10. David was A.- city of D. || 2:34. Jo;.b 2 K. 21:18. Manasseh 6.- garden |i 26. Anion ft. Jb. 27:15. those that remain shall be ft.- de:ii;i BURIED with his Fathers. 1 K. 14:31. I 15:24. I 22:50. 2K. 6:24. | 12:-;!. I 14:20. I 15:7,38. | 16:20. BURIERS, s. Ez. 39:15. sign till ft. have buried BURYING,;). Ge.23:4. ft.pla. 9. | 49:30. | 50:13. Jud. 16:31. buried in theft, place of Mauoali 2 K. 13:21. as they were ft. a man, tbey S|n il Ez.39:12. seven months beft.|Mk.l4:8. Jn. l-.':7. BURN, V. signifies, (1) To consume by fire, Jos 11:13. (2) Just displeasure. La. 2:3. (3j Lust- ful desires, 1 Co. 7:9. (4) Zeal for Ood, u l 'o 11:29. (5) jJ«o-er, Est. 1:12. {ti) JculoUsy, l-^ 79:5. (7) Grtat affliction, Ex. i-.'i. {S) Suiicli:'ih ing grace, Is. 4:4. | 9:5. -Mat. 3:11. [The H.ily Spirit doth burn up and consume. Cbudes.j Ge. 44:18. Judah said, Let not thine anger ft. Ex. 27:20. cause lamp to ft. alway, Le. 24:2. 29:13. take caul, liver, and kidneys, and ft. iiii- on altar, 18:25. Le. 1:9,15. | 2:2,9,16. | 3:5,11,16. I 5:12. | 6:15. | 9:17. Nu. 5:2^i. Le. 4:19. priest shall take fat and ft. upon ;iit;ir, 26:31. I 7:.31. | 16:25. I 17:6. Nu. 18:17 Nu. 19:5. one shall A. the heifer in his sij-'lit Jos. 11:13. save Hazor only, that did Jo?ht:r: 5 1 S. 2:16. ft. the fat || 2 Ch. 2:6. ft. sacrifice Is.l:31.both ft.together || shall ft. |i 27:4. 40:10. not sufficient toft. || 44:15.fora man In ■>. Jer. 7:20. my fury shall ft. || 34:5. ft. odors 36:25. to the king, that he would not ft. therfll Ez. 24:5. ft. bone.-, || 11. brass ft. || 39:9. | 43:'..'i. Na. 2:13. I'll ft. her chariots || oven Mat. 13:30. in bundles to ft. them, but gathc-i Lu. 24:32. said. Did not our heart ft. i.s 1 Co. 7:9. marry than ft. || 2 Co. 11:29. and ! '.. BURN witlt Fire. Ex. 12:10. remaineth, shall 6.-, 29:34. Le. C:: 2 Le. 13:.57. ft. that where plague is- || 16:27. De. 5:23. for the mountain did A. with fire 7:5. b. their images , 2.5. || 12:3. A. groves - 32:22. - shall A. to the lowest hell, Je:. i::-".. Jos. 11:6. ft. chariots - || Jud. 9:.52. tower, lo ft Jud. 12:1. will A. thine house - || 14:15. ft. li:(e Ps. 79:5. jealousy ft.- || 89:46. wralh ft. like Is. 47:14. shall be as stubble, - shall ft. tliem Jer. 4:4. my fury come forth like - and ft.vJ.!2 7:31. to ft. sons and daughters in the -, 19:.'''. 21:10.ft.citv-, 32:29. I 34:-.',22. | 37:8,10. j oc.ii Ez. 5:2. A.- third part i| 16:41. ft. houses -, 2o.-.7 Mat. 3:12. will ft. up the chatf-, Lu. 3:17 Re. 17:16. shall eat her flesh, and ft. her - BURN Incense. Ex. 30:1. altar to ft.- on, 7,.'^. 1 K. 13:1. Jeroboam stood toft.-||2K. lc:4. Iik i 1 1 Ch. 23:13. he and his sous forever to ft.- 2 Ch. 2:4. to ft. sweet -II 13:1 1. every murnii j- - 26:16. Uzziah went to ft.-, 19. || 28:25. Abui ,v.- 29:11. chosen vou to ft.- || 32:12. ft.- on it Jer. 7:9. ft.- to Baal, 11:13. i| 44:17. A.- to (jnron Ho. 4:13. they ft.- upon the hill- under oaks Ha. 1:16. therefore they ft.- to their drag Lu. 1:9. Zacharias his lut was to A.- in :ei". le BURNED, p. Ex. 3:2. the bush A. with fiif De. 9:15. mount ft. |l .ios. 7:25. A. them will; fi.-e 2 Ch. 25:14. Aiuaziah ft. in' ense to the gO(i-; 34:25. have forsaken nie and ft. incense to -.'I'ls Est. 1:12. king's anger ft.yfs. 39:3. nuising :'.,•• .< Is. 24:6. inhabitants of earth ft. II 42:25. it ft. r -s La. 2:3. ft. against Jacob I, Jn. 15: . brunch: , j Ac. 19:19. many brought their books and ft. i; • a Ro. 1:27. ft. in lust !| 1 Co. 13:3. give bodj i.. tir: o. He. P-.S. end is to be A. || 12:18. mount rh.r' t) lie. 1:15. his feet as if ft. || 16:t9. luci. \.c,t /. BU£-\ETiI,t. Lc. ;u:2^. that t.•,va^ll, :>L. ,y:B BUR Pa. 4(1:9 i. chariot || 83:14. as fire h. the wood 97:3. h. up his enemies || Is. 0:18. wirkediiess h. Is. 44:1(). i. part thereof || ()2:1. as a lamp that b. ()4:2. melting fire b. || 05:5. 4. all the day || ti():3. Jer. 4b::to. A. incense || Jo.9:3. behind a tiame A. lie. 91:8 have part in lake whidi b. with fire UURNING, p. Ge. 15:17. a b. lamp passed Le. t;:9. fire of altar be ft. 12:13. || 2:J:J(i. A. ague Ve. 28:22. Lord smite thee with extreme b. 32:24. lliey shall be devoured with h. heat .lb. 5:t~. sons of ft. t(>al||41:19. mouth goft. lamps I's. Ihtn. A. tempe.^t || 140:10. let ft. coaU- fall I'r. 1(>:27. lips as b. fire || 2fi:21. ft. <'oals || 23. Is. 30:27. name of L. cometh A. || 34:U. ft. pitch Jer. 20:9. word in my heart as ft. fire || Kz. 1:13. Da. 3:h is not ft. Le.2:]2. not A.on altar||("eat-orrer.23. | 8:21. 10;li'). goat, and it was A. |j Nu. l(i:39. were A. ]te. 32:21. they shall be A. witli hunger and 1 .s. 2:15. ft. fat II 2 S. 5:21. ft. their images 1 K. 13:2. men's bones ft.||15:13..'\sa, 2 Oh. 1.5:lu. 2 K. 23:!i. lie A. the grove || 15. she ft. high place Ifi.he took bones out of sepulc hres and ft. them 25:9. ft. house of the L.2Ch. 30:19. Jer. 52:13. Jb. 30:30. bones A.yPs. 109:3. bones A. as a hearth I'r. 6:27. clothes not be A. || 28. and feet not be ft. Jer.2:1.5. cities ft.||'i:29. bellows A.|| 3ti:28. | 51:25. Lz. 2J: 47. and all faces shall be ft. Iherein ■J4:10. let bones be ft. || Jo. 1:19. Am. 2:1. Na. 1:5. and the earth is A. at his presence 1 Co. 3:15. man's work be A.jjHe. 13:11. beasts A. BURNT, joined w;th Fire, y.i. 32:20. he ft. the calf in the -, De. 9:21. Le. r.:3'.). s!n-ofieringA.-||7:]7. 1 19:(;. | 20:14. 21:9. if dpugh'ej- of priest profane hrr Ihev ft. in the pre Human Sacrifice, from the ancient Etruscan Mot Jos. fi:24. ft. Jericho - 1| 7:15. accursed thing A.- 11:9. A. their chariots - || 11. took Hazorand A.- Jii I. I5:ii. ft. her -II 14.cordsft.- ||18:27. Laish, ft.- 1 S. 30:1. A. Ziklag - || 2 S. 23:7. utterly A.- 1 K. 9:1(5. A. Gezer - || 16:18. A. king's house - 2 K. \:\-\.firr from heaven A. up two captains J7:31. the Sepharvites A. their children \nfire 93:11. ft. chariots - 1|25:9. great man's house A.- 1 Th. 14:12. their gods were A. with.ffrc B Cli. 28:3. Ahaz A. his children in the fire K.I-. 1:.3. gales A.-, 2:17. || Ps. 80:16. it is A.- Js. 1:7. cities A.- II 43:9. thro'./ir^, shalt not heft. i'l:ll. oir holy and lieaiitiful house is A. with - Jit. 38:17. rit.y"not A.- || 23. city be A.- || 49:2. 51:32. re^'ds A.- || 58. Babylon's high j/ates A.- Mi. 1:7. hires he ft.- |l Rev. 18:8. she shall be ft.- BiRN'T /,ic'M,«. E?. 40:27. 1 K. 3:3. | 9:25. I 12:33. ! 22:43. 2 K. 12:3. | 14:4. | 16:4. 2Ch. 2:i:3,4. I 29:7. Is. 65:7. Jer. 18:15. j 44:15. Ho. 2:13. I 11:2. EURNT-O^mnn-. l;e. 9-3:7. where is lamb for ft.-,''8. || ]3. for a A.- l\\. 18:12 and Jethio took a ft.- for God 2):J8. the ram is a ft.- unto the Lord hi-.. 1:4. he shall put his hand on the head of ft.- -^ 29. in the place of 6.-, 33. | 6:25. | 7:9. | 14:13. 6:9. saying, This i< the law of the A.-, 7:37. 7:i. the nnest shall have the skin of the A.- f' 2. take thee a ram for A., 16:3,5. | 93:18. 3. lake a calf ami a lamb for ft.-, 12:6. | 93:19. Nu. 7:15. one lamb of first vear for ft.-, 91,-^1. 23:3. -tanil by A.-, 15. j 28:'l0,]3,14. | 99:6. 'I'S. 22:2!. biiilfi us altar nut for 'i.-jl Jiid. 13:93. i S. 7:10. as Samuel was otfering up a A.- BUT 1 P. 13:19. I forced myself and offered a A.- 2 K. 3:27. for A.- on the wall || 2 Ch. 7: 1. j 29:24. I's. 40:6. A.-and sin-offer, hast thou not required 51:l(i. for thou delightest not in A.- 19. shalt be pleased with A.- and whole ft.- Ik. 40:16. nor beasts thereof for A.- || 61:8. Ez. 44:11. sl.ay the A.- || 4.5:15. for a A.-, 17. 4():2. prepare prince's ft.- || 13. daily prepare A.- Coiiliiiual VH:\{ST-0£erinT. Ex. 29:42. Nu. 2^:3,6,lii, 15,24,31. | 29:11. Ezr. 3:5. Ne. 10:33. Ky,. 46:15. Offer BURNT-Ojfmnn-. Ge. 29:9. Isaac for a A.- || Le. 9:7. Nn. 98:11,93. Jud. 11:31. -it up for ft.-|| 13:16. A.- sjftr itto L. 1 .S. 6:14. and ofered the kine for a ft.- 7:9. .'^aiiiuel - sucking lamb for ft.- || 9 K. 5:17. 9 Ch. 29:27. commanded to || Jb. 42:8. Ez. 46:4. BURNT-0//m»^s. Ge. 8:20. Noah offered ft.- Ex. 10:95. give us A.- || 90:94. sacrifice thy ft.- Nu. 10:10. blow with trumpets over your A.- De. 19:6. bring your ft.-, 11:14,27. || Jos. 29:27. 1 S. 15:22. hath the Lord delight iii A.- 1 K 3:15. Solomon stood and offered A.- 8:61 middle of the co;irt, there he offered A.- 1 Ch. 29:21. they oflTered A.- to the Lord 2 Ch. 2:4. house for A.-, 7:7. | 29:7,34. I 30:15. | 35:14. Ezr. 3:4. daily A.- || 6:9. have need of for A.- Jb. 1:5. offered ft.- according to the number Ps. 5l):8. 1 will not reprove thee for thy A.- 66:13. 1 will go into thv house with A.- Is. 1:11. full of ft.- II 43:23. || .56:7. ft.- accepted Jer. 6:20. your ft.- are not acceplable || 7:21,22. 17:26. bringing A,- || 19:5. sons fiir ft.- to Baal Ez. 45:17. prince's part to give A.- || Ho. 6:6. iMI. 6:6. sli.ill I come before him with A.- Mk. 12;|i t. to love neighbor is more than A.- ile. lil:( . u\ ft.- for sin thou hast had no pleasure Ofir VJ'UST-Off.rinff.^. 1 S. 10:8. down to 2 S. 24:21. nor will I <,ffcr A.- of, 1 Ch. 21:24. 1 K. 3:4. a thousand ft.- did Solomon nffcr 9:25. three times a year did Solomon affcr b.- Ezr. 3:2. Jeshua builded the altar to offer b.- Jer. 33:18. Levites not want a man to offer b.- Ez. 43:18. in the day they make it to offer A.- Am. 5:22. though ye ofrrb.- I will not accept BIJRNT-Sarn/cf. Ex'. 30:9. olfer no strange ft.- Le. 1:9. pr est shall burn all to be a 6.-, 3:3,5. Nu. 23:6. he stood by his ft.- and the princes De. 33:10. whole A.- || 2 S. 24:22. o.xen for A.- 1 K. 18:38. fire fell and consumed the A. 2 K. 16:15. king's A.- || Ps. 20:3. accept thy A.- l{UUN'l'-S,7r-n;/?ce.,-. 1 Ch. 23:31. A.- in Sabbaths 2Cli. 13:11. burn every inorningand evening A.- Ps. 66:15. I will offer to thee ft.- of fatlings BURNT up. Jud. 15:5. ft.- shocks and corn 2 K. 1:14. ft.- captains || Jb. 1:16. A.- the sheep Ps. 74:8. they have ft.- :ill the synagogues 106:18. the flame A.- the wicked || Is. 64:11. Jer. 9:10. A.- tluit none can pass thro' them, 12. Mat. 22:7. the king sent and ft.- their city 2 Pe. 3:10. earth and works shall be A.- 1| Re. 8:7. BURST, ?>. Jb. 32:19. it is ready to ft. like new Pr. 3:10. the presses shall ft. with new wine Jer.2:20. have A. thy bands, 5:.5. | 30:6. Na. 1:13. Mk. 2:22 new wine doth A. bottles, Ln. 5:37. Ac. 1:18. A. asunder in the midst, bowels gushed BUR.STING, p. [s. 30:14. not found in ft. a sherd BUSH, ES, «. Ex. 3:2. fire in the ft. 4. Ac. 7:30. De. 33:16. good-will of him that dwelt in the ft. Jb. 30: 1. mallows by ft. || 7. among the ft. brayed Is. 7:19. they shall come and rest on all A. Mk. 12:2d. how in the ft. God spake to hun Lu. 6:44. nor of bramble ft. gather they crapes 20:37. dead are raised, Moses showeil at the A. Ac. 7:35. the angel which appeared in the A. BUSHEL, s. Mat. 5:15. Mk. 4:21. Lu. 11:33. BUSHY, a. Song 5:11. his locks are ft. and black BUSY-BODY, IBS, .». 2 Th. 3:11. 1 Ti. 5:13. 1 Pe. 4:15. but let none of you suffer as a A. BUSY, o. I K. 20:40. 2 Cli. 35:14. BUSINESS, >-. Ge. 39:11. ,'o>.-;,h went to do A. De. 24:5. nor shall lie be ilnrged wth any A. Jos. 2:1 I. utter nut our ft. 1| 20. if thou utter A, Jud. 18:7. thev liad no ft. with anv man, 28. 1 S. 20:19. ft. was in hind || 21:2. any thing of A. 21:8. k ng's ft. reipiired baste || 95:t2. whose b. 2Ch. 13:10. Levites wait on ft. II 3->31. A. -Idol, from an Antique. Is. 11:6. the c. and young lion together, 27:10. Jer. 38:14. when they cut the c. in twain and Ez. 1:7. their feet like the sole of a c. foot Ho. 8:5. thy c, O Samaria, hath cast thee off, 6. Lu. l.i;23. hither fatted c.||27. killed fatted c. 30. Ac. 7:41. made a c. in those days || Re. 4:7. CALKEilS, i. Stnppers of chinks m vessels. Ez. 27:9,27. CALL, V. signifies, (1) To name, Ge. 1:8. (2) 'I'o uppuiiit and qualify a person for some work and service, Ex. 31:2. Is. 22:20. (3) To invite, want, and caution. Is. 22:12. (4) To invite sinmrs ti^ repentance, Pr. 1:24. Mat. 22:14. (5) To proclaim the >rospelto,Ro. 8:'i9,:i9. (6) Tu own and acknnwUdse, He. 2:11. (7) To wor- ship, Ge. 4:26. Ps. 50:15. Ac. 9:14. (8) To reckon or account. Mat. 3:15. (9) To be, Lu. 1:32. (10) ' To bring persons, by preaching and the Spirit, tn knozc, believe, and obey the gospel, Ro. 8:28,30. (11) To cause, by a powerful tonrd, tAiife things to exist which had no being before, Ro. 4:17.' Cruden. Ge. 2:19. to Adiun to see what he would c. them thee a nurse || 20.where is he .' c. liirn Nu. 16:12. c. Dathan II 22:20. if men c. thee, go De. 4:7. in all things c. on him, 1 K. 8:.52. 26.c.heaven and earth to witness,30:19.|31:28. Jud. 16:25. c. for Samson || 21:13. to c. peaceably 1 S. 3:C. thou didst c. me, 8. || 10:3. c. Jesse 22:11. c. Aliim. ||2 S. 17:5. c. now Hushai 1 K. 1:28. c. Bath-sheba||32. Zadok and Nathan 8:.52. in all they c. for || 17:18. to c. my sin to 18:24. and c. ye on the name of your gods, 25. 2 K. 4:12. Elisha said, c. this Shiinamite 10:19. c. unto me all the prophets of Baal Jl). 5:1. c. now if any will answer, 13:22. | 14:15. l's.4:I. hear when 1 c. O G. of my righteousn. 3. 14:4. eat up my people, and c. not upon Lord 20:9.hear when wee. || 49:11. c.landsafterown 77:6. 1 c. to remembrance my song in the night 86:5. plenteous in mercy to all that c. on thee 99:6. c. on his name || 102:2. when I c. answer 1 15:18. Lord is nigh to all them that c. on hiiu V.~ 8:4. to you, O men, I c. || 31:28. c. her bles. Ii? ;:20. c. evil good || 22:12. Lord c. to weeping 45:3. 1 the Lord, which c. thee by thy nnme 48:2. for they c. themselves of the holy city 13. when 1 c. they stand !| .55:6. c. ye on him 58:5. c. this a || 13. c. Sabbath a delight 65:24. tiiat before they c. 1 will answer, and Jer. 9:17. c. for mourning-women || 33:3. c. to me Jo. 1:14. c. a solemn assembly, 2:15. || Jon. 1:6. Zr.h. 3:10. ye shall c. every one his neighbor IVIa. 3:15. and now we c. the proud happy Alat. 9:W. not tn c. r.gbt., Jlk. 2:17. Lu. .5:32. 20:8. c. the laborers || 22:3. to c. them bidden 22:43. how doth David in spirit c. him Lord.' 23:9. c. no man your father Ufion the earth Lu. f':4fi. why c. ye me Lord || 14:13. c. the poor 'n. 4:11'. c thy husband || 13:13. ye c. me master Ac. 914. to bind all that c. on thy name 19:13 c. over them || 24:14. they c. heresy CAL Ro. 10:12. same L. is rich to all that c. on him 2 Co. 1:23. I c. God for a record upon my soul 2 Ti. 1:5. when I c. to remembrance the faith 2:22. follow peace witli them that c. on the L. He. 2:11. is not ashamed to c. them brethren 10:32. but c. to remembrance tlie former days Ja. 5:14. let liim c. the elders of the church 1 Pe. 1:17. if ye c. on the Father who judgeth CALL Oil the JVume (f the Lord. Ge. 4:2ti. began to c- || I K. 18:24. Ps. 116:17. 2 K. 5:11. he will come and c- 1 Ch. 16:8. Ps. 105:1. Is. 12:4. Jo. 2:32. Zph. 3:9. Ac. 2:21. Ro. 10:13. 1 Co. 1:2. JVot CALL. Ge. 17:15. -c. her Sarai, but Sarah Jud. 12:1. didst -c. us to go || Ru. 1:20. Ps. 14:4. eat bread, and they c- upon the Lord Is. 31:2. yet he will -c. back his words Jer. 10:25. upon families that c- on thy name Lu. 14:12. c- thy friends, nor thy brethren Jn. 15:15. henceforth I c. you /iDt servants Ac. 10:15. that c- thou common, 23. | 11:9. Shall or slwlt CALL. Ge. 17:19. and thou -c. his name Isaac De. 25:3. elders of city -c. him, 30:1. | 33:19. Jb. 14:15. thou -c. and I will answer thee Ps. 50:4. he -c. to the heavens from above 72:17. all nations shall c. him blessed Is. 7:14. -c. his name linmanuel, Mat. 1:23. 34:12. they -c. the nobles to the kingdom 41:25. from the rising of the sun - he c. upon 44:5. -c. hims. by name Jacob || 7. who as I -c. 55:5. -c. a nation || ,58:9. -c. and L. shall answer 60:14. -c. the city of the Lord, the Zion 18. but thou -c.thy walls salvation, gates praise 61:6. men -c. you the ministers of our God Is. 62:12. and they -c. them, The holy jieople Jer. 3:17. -c. Jerusalem the throne of God 3:19. thou -c. me, my father, and not turn away 6:30. reprobate silver - men c. them, because 7:27. -c. unto them, but they will not answer Ho. 2:16. and thou -c. me no more Baali Jo. 2:32. whom tlie Lord -c. || Am. 5:16. Zch. 13:9. they -c. and I will hear them Ma. 1:4. -c. them the border of wickedness 3:12.andall nations -c. you blessed.for ye shall Mat. 1:21. and thou -c. his name Jesus 10:25. much more - they c. them of household Lu. 1:13. -c. his name John || 48. -c. me blessed Ac. 2:39. as many as the Lord our God -c. Ro. 10:14. how then - they c. on him in whom mil CALL. Ge. 24:57. we -c. damsel || 30:13. -c. me blessed 1 S. 12:17. I -c. unto L. 2S. 22:4. Ps. 18:3. Jb. 27:10. - the hypocrite always c. on God Ps. 55:16. I -c. upon G. 86:7. | 80:18. | llb:2. Is. 22:20. I wilt c. my servant Eliakim Jer. 1:15. 1 -c. families || 25:29. sword, Ez. 38:21. Ez. 21:23. -c. to remem. ||3'J:29. 1 -c. for the corn Ac. 24:25. a convenient season I -c. for thee Ro. 9:25. I -c. tlicin my people which were not CALL npoji me. Ps. 50:15. c- in day of troirtile, I will deliver 91:15. he shall c- and I will answer him Pr. 1:28. c- but I will not answer, Jer. 29:12. CALLED, p. Ge. 11:9. c. Babel || 21:17. c. to Ha. 22:11. angel e. to Abraham ||35:10. note. Jacob 35:18. c. him Benjamin || 39:14. she c. to the men Ex. 1:18. king of Egvpt c. for the midwives 8:8. Phar. c. Mos.,2.'). | 9:27. | 10:16,21. j 12:31. Nu. 13:llj. Moses c. Oshea,son of Nnn,Jelioshua De. 5:1. .Moses c. all Israel and said, 29:2. 15:2. not e.\act it,because it is c. Lord's release 28:10.shall see thou art C.hy the name of the L. Jud. 14:15. c. toliike what we have || 15:17,18. 15:tl9. hec. it the well || 10:28. Samson c. to L. 1 S. 9:9. that is now c. a prophet, was c. a seer 2 S. 6:2. c. by name of the L. || 12:28. city c. 18:20. watchman c. to porter || 21:2. king c. 1 K. 1:9. Adonijah c. all his brethren, 19:25. 18:3. Ahab c. Ohadiah || 2'i. they c. on Baal 2 K. 4:2>. she c. toiler hush. || 7:10. c. to porter 1 Ch.4:10. Jabezc. on G. of Israel || 13:6. | 21:26. Est. 2:14. she werer. by name || 4:11. not been c. Ps. ,53:4. not c. on G. || 79:0. note, on thy name Is. 31:4. a multitude of shepherds is c. forth 43:22. but thou hast not c. on me, O Jacob 48:1. c. by name of Israel, 12. || 01:3. c. trees of Jer. 7:32. no more c. Tophet || La. 1:21. | 2:22. Ez. 20:29. and the name tliereof is c. Baniah Da. 5:12. now let Daniel bee. and he will show Mat. 1:16. who is c. Christ || 10:2. c. Peter 13:55. they said, Is not his mother c. Maiy 18:2. .les.c. little child II 20:16.many bee. 22:14. 20:32. Jesus c them || 23:8. be not ye c. Rabbi 26:14. e. Judas Iscariot || 27:17. e. Christ, 22. Jlk. 10:49. Jesus commanded him to be c. 14:72. Peterc. to mind the word that Jesus said Lu. 1:61. is c. by name || t;2. how have him c. 15:19. to be c. thy son, 21. || 23:33. c. Calvary Jn. 1:48. before that Philip c. thee, I saw thee 4:25. .Messiah cometh, which is e. Christ, 9:1 1. Ac. 9:11. go i;ito street c. Straight, for one c. Saul ]l:2i. disci[)les were first c. Christ, at Antiodi 13:7. who e. for Barn,ib»s || 9. then Saul c. Paul 15:17. all the Gentiles on whom my name is c. 19:40. to be c. in question for this day's uproar 23:0. ame. in(piestion,21:--'!. || 23:18. Paul e. me Ro. 1:1 Pan! c. to be an apostle, 1 Co. 1:1. 6. the c. of Jesus || 7. c. to be saints, 1 Co. 1:2. CAL 1 Co. 2:17. thou art c. a Jew, and restpst in th« 8:28. who are the c. according to his piirjiose,yu. 1 Co.l:9.c. to fellowsh.ll 24. are c.||20. noble are c. 5:11. if any man c. a brother be, 7:18,21,24. Ga. 1:6. so soon removed from him that c. ynii 5:13. for, brethren, ye have been c. to liberty Ep. 2:11. c. uiicircumcision || 4:4. c. in one hope Col. 3: 15. to which ye are e. || 4:1 I.Jesus c. Justus 2 Th. 2:4. who exalteth above all that is c. G. 1 Ti. 6:12. eternal life, whereto thou art c. 20. avoiding oppositions of science faNely so c. He. 3:13. while c. to-day || 9:2. c. the sanctuary 9:15. they that are c. || 11:16. to be c. their G. 11:24. refused to be c. son of Pharaoh's daiigh. Ja. 2:7. blaspheme name by which ye are c. 1 Pe.2:9. of him who hath c. you out of ilarkn. 21. for hereunto were ye c. because Christ 3:9. ye are thereunto c. || 1 Jn. 3:1. c. sons of G Ju. 1. sanctified, preserved in J. Christ, and r. Re. 8:11. star c. worinw. || 11:8. spiritu c. Sod. 12:9. serpent c. the devil || 17:14. c. and cho-eri 19:9. blessed that are c. to the marriage-supper CALLED, as an act of Gnd. Ge 1:5. G. c. light day || 10. G. e. dry land earth 5:2. G. blessed them, and c. their name Adam Ex. 3:4. G. c. to him out of midst of the bush 19:3. Lord c. to him out of the mountain 20. Lord e. Moses up || 35:30. Lord c. Bezaleel 24:16. Lord c. to Moses out of the cloud Nu. 12:5. L. e. Aaron || 1 S. 3:4. Samuel, 6,8. 2 K. 3:10. alas, the L. hath c. these 3 kings, 13. 8:1. c. for a famine || Ps. 50:1. L. c. the earth Is. 41:2. the Lord raised, and e. him to his foot 42:0. I the Loid have e. thee in righteousness 49:1. the Lord hath c. him from the womb 54:6. the L. hath c. thee as a woman forsaken Jer. 11:16. Lord c. thy name a green clive-tree 20:3. the Lord hath not c. thy name Pashur Am. 7:4. the Lord God c. to contend by fire Ac. 16:10. gathering that the Lord hath c. us 1 Co. 7:15. but God hath c. us to peace 17. as L. hath c. every one, so let him walk Ga. 1:15. it pleased G., who c. me by his grace 1 Th.2:l2. who c. you to his kingdom and glory 4:7. for God hath not c. us to uncleanness 2 Th. 2:14. whereunto God c. you by his gospel 2 Ti. 1:9. who hath c. us with a holy caning He. 5:4. that is e. of G. || 10. c. of G. a h. priest 1 Pe. 5:10. the God of all grace who hath c. us He CALLED. Ge. 21:31. -c. place Beer-sheba 26:18. -e. their names || 35:10. -e. name Israel Jud. 6:32. -c. him Jeiubbaal ||2 S. 1:7. | 13:17. 1 K. 1:10. Solomon -c. not, 19:26. || 9:13. 2 K. 4:36. -c. to Geliazi || 18:4. serpent -c. it Ps. 105:16. -c. for a famine || Jer. 42:8. La. 1:15 Mat. 10:1. -c. the twelve || 13:10. -c. multitude Mk. 1:20. straightway -c. them || Lu. 13:12. Jn. 10:35. if -c. them gods to whom the word Ar. 9:41. -c. the saints || 16:29. -c. for light 19:25. whom -c. together || 2;?:23. -c. unto him Ro. 8:30. them he also c. \\ 9:24. even us -c. 1 Pe. 1:15. but as he which hath c. you is holy 1 CALLED, or /Aupe CALLED. Nu. 24:10. -c. thee to curse || Jud. 12:2. 1 S.3:5. Eli said, /e. not, 6. || 28:15. /have c.thea 2 S. 22:7. in my distress /c. Ps. 18:6. | 118:5. Jb. 9:16. if /had c. || 19:16. I c. mv servant Ps. 17:6. -c. on thee, 31:17. || 88:9. L. -c. dully 116:4. then c. / upon the name of the Lord Pr. 1:24. because I have c. and ye refused Pong 5:6. I c. him, but he gave me no answer Is. 13:3. -c. mv mighty ones || 41:9. -c. tliee from 43:1. /c. thee by thy name, thou art mine,45:4. 48:15. yea -c. him || 50:2. -c. none to answer 51:2. for /c. him alone, and blessed him 65:12. J c. ye did not answer, 06:4. Jer. 7:13. Jer. ,35:17. because -e. to them, but they not La. 1:19. I c. for mv lovers || 3:55. on name, ,57. Ho. 11:1. Ic. my son out of Egypt, Mat. 2:15. Hag.hll. Ic. for drought|| Zch. 11:7. Ic. beauty Jn. 1,5:15, -c. you friends || Ac. 13:2. | 28:20. CALLED by my J^ame. 1 Ch. 7:14. people who Is. 43:7. every one that is c.- 1| 65:1. nation not c- Jer. 7:10. this house c.-, 11,14,30. | 32:24. | 34:15. 25:29. the city c- \\ Am. 9:12. heathen c.- CALLED by thy JVame. 1 K. 8:43. house I builded is c.-, 2 Ch. 6:33- Is. 4:1. let us be c- || 43:1.1 have c. thee -, 45:4. 63:19. we are thine, they were not c.- Jer. 14:9. we are c.- || 15:16. I am c- O Lord Da. 9:18. the city is c- || 19. city and people c - CALLED his JV«we. Ge. 35:10. he c.- Israel Ge. 35:18. c.- Benoni || 1 Ch. 4:9. Jabez n 7: 10 23 Mat. 1:25. c. Jesus || Re. 19:13. -e. word of G CALLED the J\rame. Ge.29:19. c.- Bethel, 35: 15. Ex. 10:31. Israel c- Manna || 17:7. c- Mas-^nh 17:15. c- of altar JEHOVAH-nissi || Jud. 15:19 2 S. 5:20. c- of the place Baal-peuizim 1 K. 7:21. c- Jachin, 2 Ch. 3:17. || Jb. 42:14. S,w£a.W CALLED. Ge.27:42. -c. Jacob || 31:4. Rachel || 41:14. .Foseph Jos. 24:9. -c. Ettlaam to ]| Jud. 4:0. Bnrak oi't of Jud. 10:18. -c. lords of Phil. ||2 S.!2:25.Jedidi:ill I K.2:3ii.-c. Shimei,42. ||l2:3.Jerob.2Ch 10:3 F.St. 5:10. Hamaii -c. || Ac. 20:17. -c. the -Iders Slinll b, CALLED. Ge. 2:23. she -c. w<.man 17:5. thv name -c. Abraham, for a father 21:12. in Isaac thy seed -c. Ro. 9:7. He. 11:18 32:28. -c. no more Jacob, but Israel |{ 48:G. 37 CAL CAM CAM I'o. 95 in. his name -c. in Israel, the house of I'r. lij:'2l. Ilie wse in liHuit c. piiirtpnt •'A.!!, lieviseth evil -c. a inisriiievoiia |>erson Is. 4::!. -c. holy || !I:G. -c. Wonilerfiil, Counsellor 19:1*. -c. cily ofdestruct. |{ Si:.'). - no more be c. ;i.T 8. -c. the way of holiness |( .54:5. - he he c. •Si:?, iny house -c. house of prayer, Mat. iJhJS. Jer. 7:.'W. it - no more be c. 'J'opiiet, 19:6. •Zi..>. he -c. the Lord our riehteousness, 33:16. y. h. 8:3. -c. city of truth || Mat. 1:123. -c. Eman. Ivi.ii. 2:'33. -c. !i Xazarene || 5.9. peace-makers -c. .■i:l9. he -c. the least in tlie kingdom of heav. Jm. 1:3-2. -c. Son of lljuhest, 35. || 60. -c. John ■.;:J3. every male -r.. holy to the Lord E iio. 7:3. -c'an adulteress || 9:-26. -c. ohildr. of G I .•i'l^ill.lie.CAU.F.D. ls.l:2ij. of liahteousn. K I-. 17:1. -r. no more tender,5. ||.58:I2. -c. repair. fj:?;9. c. by a new name || 4. -c. Hephzi-bah i"i. thou -c. Sou>.;lit out, a city not forsaken J/!. 1:71). tiion -c. the prophet of the Highest Jii. 1:42. thou -c. Cejihas, which is a stone V'")/ C-KLLEl). Ge. 19:5. -c. Lot, and said I\i!. 2.">:-2. -c. people || Jud. 16:25. -c. for Sams. Ksl. y.2o. -c. these days Purim after Pur I's. 99:6. -c. on L. || Jer. 12:6. - have c. multitude Jer. 3:):i7. -c. thee an outcast || Ho. 11:2. to them 11.). M:7. tiioM^h -r. them to ihe .Most High r.l It. 10-"d. if-e. the master Beelzebub Lu. 1.59. -.-. him Zai harias || Jii. 9:18. parents Ju. 9.24. -c. the man {| Ac. 4:18. -c. them and A'-. 5:40. when - had c. apos. || 14:12. Barnabas /JW OALLi:n. De. 3:13. -r. the land of slants ii <,'h. 20.26. place -c. the valley of Perai hah T.y.r. 2:61. and -c. after their name, Ne. 7:1 3. Js. 48:8. -c. a transgr. || Da. 10:1. Belteshazzar I.lMt. 26;3. -c. Caiaphas || 27:8. -c. field of blood i.'i. 1:3 >. who -c. barren || 2 21. name -c. Jesus Jo. 2:'-'. Jesus -r. and his || Ac. 13:1. -c. Niger .V . 24:2. he r. forth || 28:1. i.sland -c. Melita 1 Co. 7:2J. abide in the calling wherein he -c. 'ii'. 11:8. .•\braham, when he -c. obeyed J I. 2:23. -c. friend of G. || Re. 19:11. -c. faithf. « '.LLIiUST, KST, V. Jud. 8:1. thou c. ns not J S. 3.5. thou c. me II Ps. 81:7. thou c. in trouble .1!.:. 2;!:2i.c. to remembrance lewdness of youth M:it.l9:!7. whvc thou me good .' there is none good hut God, Mk. 10:18. Lii. 18:19. CALLETH, V. 1 K. 8:43. stranger c.2rh. 6:33. J;>. I2;4. who c. on God, and he answereth him ]■■;. 42:7. deep c. unto deep || 147:4. he c. them > 1-. 18:6. c. for strokes || Is. 21:11. c. oiitof.'^eir s. "j9.4. none c. for justice || 64:7. none c. on j; ). 7:7. none c. to me || .Am. 5:8. I 9:6. J' 27:47. this man c. for Elias, Mk. 15:35. iilk. 3:13. c. to him whom he would || 6:7. t-:l. J. c. his disciples II 10:49. arise, he c. thee ;2-37. if D:iv:d therefore e. him L., Lu. 20:44. Li. 15:6. he c. his friends || 9. she c. her friends ."):.37. when he c. the Lord Ihe G. of .\lirahain Ju. 10:3. and he c. his own sheep by name 11:28. the master is come and c. for thee I!o. 4:17. c. things which be not, as tho' they 9:11. election might stand of him that c. 1 Co. 12:3. no man liy Spirit c. Jesus accursed Gi. 5:8. persuasion cometh not of him that c. 1 'Ih. 5:24. faithful is he that c. you || Re. 2:20. (,' \L.ijlNG, .1. siirnities, (1) Any lawful emphii- vuMt, 1 Co. 7:20. (2) Holiness and rrlorij, Phil. 3:14. (3) Tkf stale of idory to which, belincrs lire cn'Icd, 2 Th. 1:11." He. 3:1. [(■!) That eff^ nut calling, whereby sivjiers savintrly be- iime, ifid obey the gospel, Phd. 3:14. He. 3:1. Crudev.] JV':. 10:2. use trumpets for c. of the assembly ]-. ]-'3. c. of as-;emblies I cannot away with 1./,. •j:f:19. in calling to reniimilirance her youth Jlo. 11:29. girts and c. of G. without repentance 1 Co. 1:26. see your c. brethren || 7:20. abide in c. J'p. 1:13. hope *i his c. || 4:4 one hope of your c. J hil. 3:14. for the prize of the high c. of God £.' I'll. 1:11. tint G. count you worthy of this c. "i'i. 1:9. a holy r. || He. 3:1. the heavenly c. il I'e. 1:10. to make your c. and election sure CALLI.VG, jinrticiplr. I-. 41:4. c. the generations from the beginning lr):ll. c. a ravenous bird from the east Mat. 11:16. and r.. to their fellows, Lu. 7:.32. Ilk. 11:21. Peter c. to remembrance, saith Av. 7:59.stoned Stephen c. on G. || 2-2:16. c. on L. i I'e. 3:6. Sarah obeyed Abraham, c. him lord CALM. Ps. 107:29." maketh the storm a c. .'■in 1:11. sea may be c. to us || 1-2. be c. to vou J n«r. ,^.:26. was a" great e. Mk. 4:39. Lu. 8:-24. CiLXE'l, 0(irco'/»-»7nmafi«7t. Ge. 10:10. Am. 6:2. Riiilt by Ximrod. (■ \r.XO, lh),i, or altiifrelher himself. Is. 10:9. (• \LV WIY, The pince of n shi'l. Lu. 33:33. CALVR, r. ED,/).K'rH. Jb. 21:10. their cow c. '.l:i. ran"! thou mark when the hinds do c. r--.29.9. the voice of the L. niakfth hinds to r. .'■•r. 14:5. the hnd c. in the field, and forsook it ( ».LVES, s. : S. i;:7. brius; their c. home J K. 12:28. two c. of gold II 32. sacrificing to c. i. K. 10 2:^. deoarted not from golden c. 2 Ch. 1 :15. he ordained priests for the c. 13:8. and there he with \oii golden c. which T'<. fif^:3'). rehi'ke the biil'ls with Ihe r. Iio. I0:.5. r. of Belh-aven l| 13:2. kiss the c. 11:2. render c of our lips j| .Vin 6:4. eatthec. ^li. 6:G. shall I come with c. of a year old Ma. 4:2. ve .'hall srow up as r. of the stall lie. 9:12. 'blood of c. || J9. took blood of c. C.-\..ME, ». Ge. 10:14. e. Philistim, 1 Ch. 1:1-2. 19: 1.2 angels c. to Sodom || 20;3. (i.e. to .\bim. 27:35. c. with siibtilty || 31:24. G. c. to Laban 32:6. c. to thy brother Esaii|;.39:16. till his lord c. Nil. 13:-27. we c. to land || 19:2. never c. yoke 22:9. God c. to Balaam at night and said, 20. 24:2. Spirit con him, Jud. 3:10. 18.10:10. Ue. 1:19. c. to Kadesh || 33:2. L. c. from Sinai Jiis. ]5:l8..-i.sshec. to him, she moved, Jud. 1:14. Jud. 5:19. kings c. || 7:13. cake c. unto a tent , 9:-25. robbed all that c. || 57. c. curse of Jotham 13:10. the man that c. to me || 11. Manoah e. 19:22. bring man that c. || -20:48. smote all that c. 1 .S. 2:27. and there c. a man of God to Eli 4:1. word of Samuel c. to ali Israel || 7:13. | 9:15. 10:14. we c. to Samuel || 13:8. Samuel c. not 17:34. there c. a lion and a bear and took a Iamb 2S. 13:30. tidingsc. to David || 36. king's sons c. 1 K. 20:43. king of Israel c. heavy to Samaria 2 K. 9:11. wherefore c. this mad fellow to thee 19:33. by the way that he e. shall he return 24:3. at the command of the L. c. this on Jiidnh 2 Ch. -25:-20. Amaziah, not hear, for it c. of God Jb. 3:26. yet trouble c. \\ -29:13. the blessing c. 30:2(i.when I looked forgood,evil c. darkness c. Ps. 16:6. my ciy c. before him || -27:2. my foes c. 78:31. wrath of God c. upon them and sl-w 105:19. that his word c.||31. c. flies|;34. locusts c. Ec. 5:15. to go as he c. and take nothing, 16. Is. 30:4. c. to Hanes|| 41:5. ends of the earth c. Jer. 7:31. nor c. i' into my mind, 19:5. || 32:35. 8:15. no good c. || 44:21. e. it not into his mind Ez. 37:7. the bones c. || 10. breath c. into them 43:2. the glory of God of Israel r. from the east Da. 7:13. one like the Son of man c. with clouds -22. until the ancient of days c. and judgment Jon. 3:6. word c. || Ha. 3.3. G. c. from Teman Has. 1:9. it c. to little II 2:1 (i.e. to press. fat to draw Z( h. 7:12. c. a great wrath from the L. || 14:16. Mat. 2:1. c. wise men || 9. till it c. and stood 3:1. in those days c. John the Baptist preaching 7:25. floods c. '27. || 9:-20. woman c. behind 9:-38. blind men c. || ■20:-28. the Son of man e. the first and said, Son, goto work,30. 25:10. bridegr. c. || 36. in prison yec. to me 28:13. disciples c. by niaht, and stole him away Lu. 9:34. there c. a cloud and overshadow, them 35. c. a voice out of cloud || 15:17. c. to himself 15:20. and he arose and r.. to his father ; but Jn. 1:7. the same c. to bear witness of the light 11. he c. to his own, his own received him not 17. but grace and truth c. by Je.sus Chri-t 3:2. same c. to Jesus by night, 7:50. || 19:39. 23. c. and weie baptized || 10:35. word of G. c. 12:30. the voice r. not because of me || 20:19. Ac. 19:18. many that believed c. and confessed Ro.5:18.judgment c. free gift c. on all men 7:9. when the commandment c. sin revived 9:5. of whom concerning the flesh Christ c. 1 Co. 15:21. since by man c. death, by man c. Ga. 3:-23. but before faith c. we were kert under Ep. 2:17. c. and preached prace to you aicr off 1 Th. 1:5. gospel c. not in word only, but pu'ver 1 Ti. 1:15. that Jesus Christ c. to save sinners 2Pe. 1:17. when there c. siiih a voice to him, 18. 21. prophecy c. not in old time by will of man 1 Jn. 5:(;. tlnit c by water and blood || 3 Jn. 3. Re. 16:19. great Babylon c. in remembrance C.\.ME airnin. Jud. 13:9. ancel (-.- to woman 15:19. his spirit c.-, 1 S. 21:14. | 30:12. 1 K. 17:22. soul of child c- 1| 19:7. angel c- 2 K. 5:14. his flesh c- 1| 7:8. these lepers c- Ezr. 2:1. c- to Judah, Ne. 7:6. || Est. 6:1'2. gate Da. 10:18. c- and touched me || Zch. 4:1. angel c- Ln. 8:.55. her spirit c.- \\ Jn. 8:2. and early he e.- C.iME doirn. Ge. 11:5. the Lord c- to seecity 15:1 1. fowls c- on carcasses||43:20. O sir, we c- Ex. 19:20. the L./:.- on Mount Sinai || 34:-29. Le. 9:-22. and Aaron c- from offering of the Nu. 11:2.5. the L.c- in a cloud, 1-2:5. || 14:45. Jud. 5:14. out of Machir c- the governors 2 S. 22:10. bowed the heavens and c.-, Ps. 18:9. 2 K. 1:10, (-.- fire from heaven, 12,14. 1 Ch. 7:21. men of Gath c- to take their cattle 2 Ch.7:l. had made an end of prayins, fire c.-, 3. La. 1:9. she r.- || Da. 4:13. holy one c- from hea. Mi. 1:12. evil c-from the Lord to the gate Mat. 17:9. as they c.- from the moiintl Mk. 9:9. Lu. 10:31. there c- a certain priest that way 19:6. he made haste and c.-and received him J n . 3: 1 3. he that c. - from heaven , 6:38. 6:41. the bread which c- from heaven, 51:58. Aq. 15:1. men c- from Judea taught, 21:10. Re. 20:9. fire c- from God and devoured them CAME forth. E.x. 13:8. I c.- out of Egvpt Nu. 1 1 :20. why r. we - out of Egypt || 1-2:5. Jos. 9:12. our bread hot on day we e.- to you Jud. 14:14. out of eater c- meat, out ofstrongc- 2 S. 16:5. Shimei c- 1| 1 1. sim c- of my bowels 1 K. 22:21. f.-a spirit and stood before the Lord 2 K. 2:23. e.- little children and mocked him 24. c- two she-bears and tare 42 children 2':15. sinietbe davtheir fathers c.-, Jer. 7:25. 2 Ch. 32:-2l. (hat r.-"of his bowels, slew him Pr. 7:15. ther-fore r. I - to meet thee Ec. 5:15. as he c- naked shall he return Jer. 90:18. wherefore c. I - wit of the womb Da. 3:-36. c- of the fire || 5:5. c.- fingers and \\r. 7: 10. fiery stream c- || 8:9. c- a little horn||9:23. Zch. lii:4. out of him c- the coiner, the nail Mk. 1 :38. that I may preach, for therefore c. I - Jn. 11:44. dead c.- bound || 16:28. c.-from Father 19:5. Jesus c- wearing the crown of thorns / CAME. Ge. 24:42. 1 c. this dav to the well Ge. 30:30. hadst before [ c. \\ 48:5. born before Ic. 4b:7./c.from Padan||Ex.5:23.since Je. tojpeak De. 2-2:14. [ c. to her || Jud. -20:40. into Gibeah 1 K. 10:7. I believed not till /c. 2 Ch. 9:6. Ne. 6:10. /c. to house || 13:6. to king||7. Jerua 1.-;. 50:2. wherefore when Ic. was there no man Ez.3:l5. Ic. to them of captivity||43:3. to destroy Mat. 10:34. / c. not to send peace, but a sword a!k.2:17. I c. not to call righteous, Lu. 5:.32. Jn.8:14. whence /c. II 42. /c. from G.norc. /of 12:27. for this cause c. /, 18:37. || 47. not to judge Ac. 10:29. therefore c. /, as soon as sent lor 20:18. first day I c. into Asia || -22:11. Damascus 23:27. c./ with an army||24:17. /c. to bring alma 1 Co. 2:1. Ic. not with e.xcellency ||2Co. 1:23. 2 Co. 2:3. lest when Ic. || 12. when I e. to Troas Ga. 1:21. afterwards /c. into the regions of Syria CAME in. Ge. 6:4. sons of G. c- to daughters Ge. 19:5. that c- unto Ihee || 36:18. || 39:14. Ex. 21:3. he c- by himself || Jos. 6:1. to Jericho 1 S. 18:13. went out and c- before people, 16. 2 S. n :4. she c- and he lay || 1 K. 14:6. as she c- 2Ch. 15:5. no peace to him that c.-, Zch. 8:10. Est. 2: 14. she c- to tlie king || Jer. 32:23. they c- Jer. 37:4. Jer. c.-|| Ez. 46:9. way of gate he c- Da. 4:7. c- magicians, 5:8. || 8. Daniel c- Jon. 2:7. prayer c.-|| Mat. 22:11. king c- to Lu. 1:28. angel c- to Mary || 7:45. since I c- Ac. 5:7. wife c- || 10. the young men c- Ga. 2:4. who c- privily to spy our liberty CA.ME near. Ge. 19:9. c- to break the door Ex. 14:20. one c. not - the other all the night 40:32. when they c- to the altar, tln-y washed Nu. 31:48. captains c.-i| 36:1. chief of Joseph c- De. 1:22. ye c- to me e\ ery one of you, 5:23. Jos. ]0:-24. c.-and put their feet on their necks 17:4. tliev c- before Eleazar the priest, 21:1. 1 K. 18:36. Elijah c- i| 2 K. 4:27. Gehazi 2 Ch. 18:-23. Zedekiah || Jer. 4-3:1. least to great. Da. 3:8. Chaldeans c- || 26. Nebuchadnezzar c- .'\ he c.-toDamascus, there shined a light CA.ME H(VA. Ex. 32:19. | 34:32. 2 S. 15:5 Mat. 15:-29. Mk. ILL Lu. 7:12. CA.ME orer. Jos. 4:2-2. Jud. 19:10. Mk. 5:1. CAME out. Ge. 24:15. behold Rebekah c- 25:25. first c- red || 38:28. this c- first || 46:26 Ex. 13:3. remember the day in which ye c-, 4 Le. 9:24. a fire c.-from the Lord, Nu. 16:35. Nil. 12:4. they 3 c- || 16:-27. Dathan and Abirain 20:11. Moses smote the rock and water c- De. 11:10. not as land of Egypt whence ye c- Jos. 5:4. all that c- were circumcised,. 5. || 6. Jud. 4:22. Jael c- 1| 1 S. 4:10. I am he that c- 1 S. 21:5. about the.-e three days since f c- 2 S. 2:23. the spear c- behind j| 6:-20. || l]:-23. 18:4. and all the people c- by hundreds and by Jb. 1:21. naked c. I - 1| 3:11. w'hen I c- of belly Jer. 17:16. c.-of my lips, was right, Ez. 1:4. Ha. 3:14. c.-as whirl. || Zch. 5:9. two women .Mat. 8:34. whole city c- to meet Jesus || 12:44. 27:32. c- found Simon || 53. c.-of graves after Mk. 1:26. had cried, he c.-, 9:26. || 9:7. voice c- Lu. 1:22. c- he could not speak II 4:35. I 15:28. Jn. 16:27. I c- from G. 17:8. || 19:34. c- blood Ac. 8:7. unclean spirits c.-|| 16:18. spiril c- Re. 7:14. c.-of great tribulation II 14:15,18. 15:16. seven ansels c- 1| 19:5. voice c- throne CAME lo pass. Ex. 12:41. self-same dav c.-, 51 De. 2:16. so it c.-, 1 S. 13:-22. 2 K. 15:12. Est 2:8. Ac. 27:44. Jos. 17:13. it c.- when Israel grew strong 21:45. failed not which L. had spoken, all c- Jud. 13:20. for it c.-, 15:1. IK. 11:4,15. 2K.3:.5. Ne. 4:1,7. Jer. 35:11 1 S. 1:20. it c- when time|| 10:9. signs c. that 16:23. it c- when the evil spirit from G. 2 S. 2:1. it c- atler this, 8:1. | 10:1. 2K.e:24. 2Ch. 20:1. 2 K. 8:15. and it c- on the morrow, 1 Ch. 10:3. Jer. 20:3. Ac. 4:5. Is. 48:3. they c.-|| 5. before it c- 1 1| 1 Th. 3:4. IVord of Ihe Lord CAME. Ge. 1.5:1. the -c. 4. || 1 S. 15:10. to Samuel, 16:1 2S. 24:11. then c. the -to Gad, David's seer 1 K. G:ll. the -c. to Solomon, saying 16:1. the -c. to Jehu against Baasha, saying 7, 17:2. -c. to Elijiih, 8. 118:1,31. | 19:9. | 21:17 J8 18:31. unto whom -c. saying, Israel be thy nams 2 K. 20:4. that the -r. to Isaiah, Is. 38:4. 1 Ch. 17:3. -c. to Nathan || 2-2:8. to David 2 Ch. 11:2. -r. to Shemaiah, 12:7. 1 IC. 12:22. Jer. 1:2. -c. to Jeremiah, 4. | 2:1. | 14:1. | 29:30. .33:1,19. Da. 9:2 Ez. 1:3. the-c. expressly toEzekiel,3:16. Ho. 1:1. -c. to Hosea, "Jo. 1:1. Jon. 1:1. | 3;1. Mi. 1:1. Zph. 1:1. Hag. 1:1. Zch. 1:1. Zch. 7:4. then c- of hosts unto me, saying, 8:1. C.\MF.L, .4 beast of burdm cununon in the Kas^' erti coinitrirs. Ge. 24:6-1. Rebe!;ah saw Isaac, lighted off the e% Le. 11 :4. not eal, the c, De. 14:7. H 1 S. 15:3. 38 CAM Zch. .4:15. so shall he the plague of the c. nnd Mat. .9:24. it U easier for a c. to go through tne eye of a needle, Mk. 111:25. Lu. 18:25. 23:24. which strain at a gnat, and swallow a c. CAMELIO.N, or CHAMELEON. ,i small crea- ture like a Ihard ; it kas four feet, and on each foot five cUiws. Jt liiu a fiat tail, a long nose, a sharp back, and plaited skin. It lives chiefiy on fi,ics, which, it catches by darting out its long tongue. It frequently changes its color, and becomes spotted with a variety of hues. But it is not true that it changes color according to the substance on which it is placed. Some say it will fast a whole year. Lc. 11:30. CAN Charmleon. CAMELS. Ge. ]2:16.siie-asses and e. || 24:19,44. Ge. 30:43. Jacob had c. || 31:34. c. furni. || 37:25. E.t. 9:3. hand of the Lord on the c. and oxen Jud.6.5. c. without number, 7:12. | 8:21,26. 1 S. 27:9. David took c. || 30: 17. 400 rode on c.fled IK. 10:2. carne withe. 2Ch.9:l.||2K. 8:9. 40 c. lCh.5:21. took away c. 50,000 || 12:40. bread on c. 27:30. overc. || Ezr. 2:07 c. were 435, Ne. 7:69. Est. 8:10. he sent letters bv post on mules, c. 14. Jb. 1:3. suiistance3J00c. 42:12. II 17. fell one. Is. 21:7. chariot of c. II 30:6. bunches of e. || 60:6. Jer. 49:29. to themselves their c. 32. Ez. 25:5. Mat. 3:4. John had raimentof c. hair, Mk. 1:6. CA.M EST. Ge. 16:8. whence c. Iliou || 24:5. Ge. 27:33. I have eaten of all before thou c. Ex. 23:15. c. out from Egypt, 34:18. || Nu. 22:37. De.2:37. to Amnion thou c. not || 16:3. d;^y thou c. 18.13:11.0. not wuliinj|17:28. Eliab said, Why c. 2 S. 11:10. c. not from journey .'II 15:20. yesterday 1 K. 13:9. nor return by way thou e. 17. || 14. 2 K. 19:28. back by way thou c. Is. 37:29. Ne. 9:13. c. down on mount Smai, Is. 64:3. Jer. 1:5. before thou c. forth, I sanctified||Ez.32:2. I\Iat.22:i2. friend, hovvc. Ihon in hitlier, not III. 6:-i5. when c. thou hither || 16:30. || Ac. 9:17. J AMP E\. 14:19. aiigel went before the c. 16:13. at even the quails came up, and cov. c. 32:17. tliere is a noise of war in the c. 27. go tliro' c. and slay || 3a:6. proclaim thro' c. Le. 17:3. kllleth goat in c.||24: 10. strove in the c. Nu. 1:52. pitch by c. \\ 2:3. on E. side c. of Judah 4:5. when c. setteth forward Aaron shall, 15. 11:1. consumed them in the utmost partsof c. 26. Ebtad and Medad prophesied in the c. T)e. 23:10. not come in c. || 14. L. walketh in c. Jos. 6:18. and make the c. of Israel a curse Jud. 7:17. 13:25. to move mm in c. 21:8. none toe. from Jabesh || 12. virgins to c. 1 S. 4:6. shout in the c. || 17:17. run to the c. 1 K. 16:16. all Israel made Omri king in the c. 2 K. 6:8. such a place be my c. || 7:7. left he c. 8. 19:35. smote in c. of Ashua the C CANUACE, IVho possesses contrition. Ac. 8:27 CANDLE, s. signifies, (1) A material light, Lll 15:8. (2) The human understanding, Pr. 20 27. {3) Gladness and joy, Ps.lii:-2S. (4) -l/m isters. Mat. 5:15. Jb. 18:0. his e. shall be put cut, 21:17. 29:3. when his c. sinned upon my head Ps. 18:28. for thou wilt light my c. tlie Lord Pr. 20:27. spirit of man is the c of the Lord 24:20. the c. of the wicked shall be put out 31:18. her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25:10. and from them the light of the e. Mat. 5:15. light a e. and (lut it under a bushel, Mk. 4:21. Lu.8:16. | 11:33. Lu. 11:36. bright shining of a c. giveth light 15:8. doth she not light a e. and sweep liouis Re. 18:23. c. shine no more || 2-2:5. neeii no c. CANDLES, .9. Zph. 1:12. search Jerus. with e CANDLESTICK, s. An emblrm of the chnnf and ministry of the gospel of Christ, Re.^l:-iO. Ex. 25:31. make a c. of pure gold, 37:17. Nu. 8:4. 33. six branches that come out of the c. 07:19. 34. in the c. shall be four bowls, 37:20. 20:35. set c. over ag. table || 40:24. put c. in tent Le. 24:4. order the lamps on the c. befo.'-e Nu. 3:31. charge shall be the c. || 4:9. ] 8:2. 2 K. 4:10. set for him a c. |i 1 Cli. 28:15. 2 Ch. 13:11. set in order the c. of gold with Da. 5:5. and wrote over aaainst the c. upon Zch. 4:2. and behold a c. all of gold, II. Mat. 5:15. but on a c. and it giveth light to all in the house, Lu. 8:16. | 11:33. Mk. 4:21. is a candle brougiit not to be set on a c. He. 9:2. was table and e. || Re. 2:5. remove thy e CANDLESTICKS, s. 1 K. 7:49. c. of pure gold 1 Ch.28:15.weight for c.|| Jer. 52:19.c,aiid spoons Re. 11:4. the two c. standing before the Lord CANE, .■?. Is. 43:24. no sweet c. Jer. 6:20. CANKER, s. ED, p. 2 Ti. 2:17. Ja. 5:3. CANKER-WORM, s. Jo. 1:4. c. eaten 2.25. Na. 3:15. eat thee like c. || 16. the c. spo!le!h CANNEII, A surname; an epithet. Ez. 27:23. CAPERNAUM, TAe/e/rf of repentance, or theri!- laiTC of consolation. .\ c'llv o{ Oalilee, Mat. 8:5. Mat! 4:13. dwelt in C. || 8:5. Jesus entered C. 11:23. thou C. which art exalted, Lu. K':lo. 17:24. come to C. || Mk. 1:21. went into. 2.1. Lu. 4:23. what ye have heard done in C. Jn. 2:12. continued not in C. || 4:26. sick at C 6:24. and came to C. || 59. as he taught in C CAPHTOR, A sphere, a buckler. De. 2:23. CAPPADOCIA, A sphere, a buckler, a band i palm, doves, or those that inquire. Ac. 2:9. CAPTAIN, s. applied, (I) To a king, 1 S. 9: S (2) To a irencral, Ge. 26:26. (3) To the he.^i of a famihi, Nu. 2:3. (4) To the head ,f a company, De. 1 :15. (5) To Jesus Christ, He.2: ! : '. Ge. 37:36. c. of the guard || 40:4. e. of the guard N^. 2:3. Nahshon c. of Judali || 5. Nethaneel c 14-4. let us make a c. and return, Ne. 9:17. Jos. 5:14. e. ofhostof L. ||15. c. of the L.' Jud.4:2.c. of Jabin'shOst wasSisera,7. IS. 12:9. 11:6. 11. made him cover 1 S. 9:16. anoint him e. 10:1. || 13:14. | 17:18. 22-2. David became a e. over them 2 S. 5:2. shall be e. 8. 1 Ch. 11:6. 19:13. if tlmii be not c. || 23:19. Abishai was e. 1 K 16:16. Israel made Omri c. of the host 2 K. 1:9. c. with fifty, 11:13. I 4:13. | 5:1. J 9:.5. 15-25 Pekah a e. conspired || lS:24.face of one r. 20:5. Hezekiah c. || 25:8. c. of guard, Jer. 52:12. 1 Ch. 11:21. honorable, for he was their c. 19-18. killed Shophach the c. of the host 27:5. third c. Benaiah || 7. fourth c. Asahel 8. fifth e. Shamhuth || 9. sixth e. was Ira Ch. 13:12. God himself is our c. || Is. 3:3. Jer. 37:13. c. of tlie ward, 40:2,5. || 5I:-27. Jn. 18:12. c. took J. || Ac. 5:26. e. with officer.? He. 2:10. to make c. of their salv:ition penect CAPTAINS, s. Ex. 15:4. his c. are drowned De. 1:15. made wise men c. || 20:9. make e. 1 S. 8:12. appoint c. || 22:7. son of Jesse Oiake s 2 S. 18:5. all the c. charge jj 23:8. chief aiiioiij 1 K. 2:5. Joab did to e. || £0:24. c. in their roo ii 22:33. when c. perceived he was not king of Israel, they turned back, 2Ch. 18:32. 1 Ch. 11:15. three of the 30 c. went to David 2 Ch 33:11. Lord brought on them e. of tliehost Jb. 39:25. the thunder of the c. and the shout ii 2 Ez. 23:6. e. and rulers all desirable men, 12:-3. Da. 3:27. e. saw these men || 6:7. Na. 3:1/. Mk. 6:21. Herod made a supper to his c. Lu "2-4. Judas communed with tiie c. Re." 19:18. that ye may eat the llesh of c. CAPTIVE, »■. signifies, O'l One takai pnsovc, , 1 K. 8:20. (2) A bond slave to sin and Satan, 2 Ti. 2:20. (3) One under the bonds of love to Chri-■ Zch. 14:21. no more I Ge. 31:26. - daughters c. Nu. s;4.2.. Ob. 20. possess that of C. 39 CAR 1 K. 8:46. - them away c. 47. 2 Ch. 6:36. 2 K. 15:-.>9. Ti>;lath-pileser -c. || 16:9. 1 Ch. 6:6. whom the king of Assyria -c. 2Ch. -25:12. 10,()U0 did Judah -c. I| 28:8. 200,000 Ps. 106:4(i. pitied of tiiose that-c. (| 137:.l. - use. Jer. 1.^:17. Lord'.s iiock -c. || 19. Judali -c. ||20:4. 27.20. -c.Jeuoiiiah || 29:14. I will briiigagain -c. 0^:29. -c. from Jerusalem 832 || 30. 745 persons LeaJ or led CAPTIVE. 1 K. 8:48. - them c. ps. ii8:l8. thou hast - captivity c. Ep. 4:8. Jer. 22:12. die wliither - him c. || Am. 7:11. >i:i. 2:7. Huzzab shall be -c. || Lu. 21:24. 2 'J'i. 3:(i. -c. silly women, laden with sins CAPTIVES, s. Nu. 31:9. women of Midian c. A'u. 31:12. brought the c. || 19. purify the c. Pe 32:42. arrows drunk with blood of the c. 1 .S 30:5 David's two wives were taken c. Si K 24:14. carried from Jerusalem 10,000 c. Is. 14:2. lake c. whose c. they were || 20:4. 45:13. shall let go iny c. not for price, 49:25. 01:1. to prockiim liberty to c. Lu. 4:18. Kz. 1:1. as I was among c. 10:53. || Da. 2:25. vAPTIVITY, s. Israel iccre iindtr six captivi- ties in the times of the Jatiges, J ud. 3:8,14,15,31. 1 4:22,23. | 0:2,12. | 13:1." The greatest captivi- ties icere those »/lsrael and Judah. In the year of the world 3264, Tiglath-pileser took several cities frovi Israel, and carried a great number captive, 2 K. 15:29. JVezt to him Shalrnaneser ti'ok and destroyed Samaria, in 3283, 2 K. 18:9,10,11. Judah suffered several captivities hij the kinsfs o/Egypt (2 Ch. 12:2.) and Assyria, 2 Ch. 36. The last was to Babylon, where they remained 70 years, Jer. 25:12. 2Vu. 21:29. given his daughters into e. to Sih. De. 21:13. shall put the raiment of c. from her 30:3. Lord will turn thy c.and have compassion S K. 24:15. into c. to Babylon || Est. 2:6. Jb. 42:10. and the Lord turned the c. of Job I's. 14:7. when Lord bringeth back the c. 85:1. 78:61. delivered his strength into c. his glory 126:1. turned again the c. of Zion, 4. Is. 5:13. my people are gone into c. || 22:17. 40:2. but themselves are gone into c. Jer. 15:2. such as are for c. to c. 43:11. 29:14. I will turn your c. 30:3. | 32:44. ] 33:7. 20. hear ye of the c. |{ 22. curse by all the c. 2e. iliis c. is long || 31. send to c. saving :»:I0. thy seed from c. 46:27. || 48:11'. into c. La. 1:3. Judah is in c. || 5. her children in c. Captive Jeics in Egypt, from the AJonuments. 2:1 1, to turn thy c. || 4:22. no more carry to c. Ez. 1:2. fifth year of Jehoiachin's c. || 3:11,15. 1 !:25. I spake to c. || 12:7. as stuff for c. || 16:53. c.thou saidst. Aha || 33:21. 12th year of c. 39:23. Israel went into r. || 40:1. 25th vear of c. Da. 6:13. Daniel of c. of Judah || ILSS.Yall bye. Ho. 6:11. when I returned c. of my people Ob. 20. e. of this host || Jli. 1:16. gone into c. Na. 3:10. No went into c. || Ha. 1:9. gather c. Zph. 2:7. turn away their e. 3:20. Zrh. 6:10. Ro. 7:23. bringing me into e. to the law of sin 2 Co. 10:5. bringing into c. every thoiight £ri:iff CAPTIVITY, Ezr. 1:11. Ps. 53:6. Jer. 30:18. I will - again the e. of Jacob 31:23! - again their c. || 48:47. | 49:6,39. Ez. 29:14. I 39:25. II Jo. 3:1. Am. 9:14. I will - again the c. of my people Ckddren of CAPTIVITY. Ezr. 4:1. | 6:16. 19:20. I ]ft:7,]6. Da. 5:13. Go into CAPTIVITY. De. 23:41. shall -c. Jer. 20:0. shall -c. || 22:22. thy lovers shall -c. 'J0:16. adversaries shall -r. || 46:19. to -a. || 48:7. Ez. 12:4. thou shalt go forth, as they that -e. 30:17. and these cities shall -e. || 18. dauiihters A;". 1:5. Syria ahall -c. 15. || 5:5. Gilgal shall -c. 5:27. cause vou to -c. || 7: 17. Israel shall -e.|| 9:4. Z.h. 14:2. an.l half of the citv shall -c. Ke. 13:10. he that leadeth into e. shall go -e. Ouf ../-CAPTIVITY^ E7r. 2:L | 3:8. | 6:21. | 8:35. i\e. 7:6. | 8:17. CARBL^NCLE, S, s. ^i precious stone, in color Ike a bnr'iinj coa! when held before liie sun. Ex. 28:17. the first row shall b- a c. 39:10. 1.--. .54:12. gates of c. || Ez. 28:13. topaz and c. CAKCASS, ES, ... Ge. 1.5:11. fowls came on -. L". 5.2. touch e. of unclean || 11:8. c. not touch 11:11. c. in aboin. ]| 26:30. cast c. on e. of idols CAR Nu. 14:29. c. shall fall || De. 28:26. c. be meat Jos. 8:29. take his e. down || Jud. 14:8. c. of lion 1 S. 17:40. I will give thee c. of the Philistines 1 K. 13:22. thy c. not come l| 24. c. cast in way 2 K. 9:37. the c. of Jezebel shall be as dung Is. 5:25. their c. were torn || 14:19. as a c. trodden 34:3. stink come out of c. |j 66:24. look on e. of Jer. 7:33. c. shall be meat for fowls, 16:14. | 19:7. Ez. 0:5. c. of Israel || 43:7. c. of their kings, 9. Na. 3:3. and there is a great number of c. He. 3:17. whose c. fell in the wilderness CARCHEMESH, j9 lamb, or takenaway. 2 Ch. .35:20. Is. 10:9. Jer. 40:2. C.\RE, .t. signifies, (1) Studious diligence in the service of God, 2 Co. 7:1 1. (2) Confused and anxious thnughtfulness, Phil 4:6. (3) God's tender concern for his people, 1 Pe. 5:7. 1 8. 10:2. father hath left the c. of the asses 2 K. 4:'!3. been careful for us with all this c. Jer. 49:31. the nation tliat dwelleth without e Ez. 4:16. and they shall eat bread with e. Mat. 13:22. c. of this world chokes the word Lu. 10:34. he took c. of him || 35. take c. of him 1 Co. 9:9. doth God c. for oxen || 12:25. same c. 2 Co. 7:12. our e. might appear || 8:16. | 11:28. 1 Ti. 3:5. take c. of the church of God 1 Pe. 5:7. ca.sting joure. on him, for he careth CARE, V. ED, p. 2 S. 18:3. they'll not c. for us Ps. 142:4. no man c. for my soul || Lu. 10:40. Jn. 12:6. not that he c. for the poor Ac. 18:17. Gallic e. for none of those things 1 Co. 7:21. called being a servant, c. not for it Phil. 2:211. who will naturally e. for vour state CAREFUL, a. 2 K. 4:13. thou hast been e. for Jer. 17:8. not c. in the year of drought Da. 3:16. we are not e. to answer thee Ln. 10:41. Martha, thou art c. about many Phil. 4:6. be c. for nothing || 10. e. but lacked Ti. S:8. might be e. to maintain good works CAREFULLY, ad. De. 15:5. c. hearken to L. Mi. 1:12. the inhabitants of Maroth waited c. Phil. 2:28. I sent him the more c. || He. 12:17. CAREFULNESS,*. Ez. 12:18. drink withc.l9. 1 Co. 7:32. without e. || 2 Co. 7:11. what c. CARELESS, a. Jud. 18:7. how they dwelt e. Is. 32:9. e. daughters || 10. e. wom. || 11. c. ones Ez. 30:19. to make the e. Ethiopians afraid CARELES.SLY, ad. Is. 47:8. that dwellest e. Ez. 39:6. fire among them that dwell e. Zph. 2:15. the rejoicing city that dwelt c. CARES, s. Mk. 4:19. Lu. 8:14. | 21:34. CAREST, ETH, v. ING, p. De. 11:12. thy God c. for 1 S. 9:5. leave e. for asses || Mat. 22:16. norc. Mk. 4:38. Master, c. thou not that we perish 12:14. that thou art true, and e. for no man Jn. ]0:13. a hirelingc. not for the sheep 1 Co. 7:32. e. for the things, 33,34. || 1 Pe. 5:7. CARMEL, Vineyard of God. It was a fruitful hill, near the coast of the Miditerranean sea. Jos. 15:.55. C. and Ziph. m inhirit. of Judah 1 S. 15:12. Saul came to C. || 25-2. Nabal in C. 25:40. David's servants came 'o Abigail in C. 1 K. 18:42. Elijah went to the top of C. 2 K. 2:25. Elisha went to C. || 4:25. came to C. 19:23. into the forest of his C. Is. 37:24. 2 Ch. 26:10. Uzziah had vine-dressers in C. Song 7:5. head H.^teC. || Is. 35:2. excellency of C. Jer. 46:18. as C. by the sea, so shall he come Am. 1:2. top of C. 9:3. || Mi. 7:14. midst of C. CARMELITE. 1 S. 30:5. 2 S. 2:2. | 3:3. | 23:35. CARMI, My vine. Jos. 7:1. 1 Ch. 4:1. CARNAL, Flcshbi or sensual. It is applied, 0) To natural men, Jn. 3:6. (2) To Chris- tians weak in faith, 1 Co. 3:1. (3) To the cere- monial la;ii, He. 9:10. (4) To worldly tlmiffs, Ro. 15:27. 1 C^. 9:11. (5) To one inpart retiewed, Ro.7:\4.' Crud. Ro. 7:14. I am c. so'.d under sin || 8:7. c. mind 15: 27. duty is lo minister to them in e. things 1 Co. 3:1. as toe. even to babes || 4. are ye not e. 9:11. a great thing if we re:ipyour c. things 2 Co. 10:4. weapons of our warfare are not c. He. 7:16. a c. command. ||9:]0. in c. ordinances CARNALLY, ad. Le. 18:20. not lie c. 19:20. Nu. 5:13. man lie with her c. and it be hid Ro. 8:6. for to be c. minded is death, but to be CARPENTER, S, *. 2 S. 5:11. sent c. to David 2 K. 12:11. laid it out to e. 2 Ch. 24:12. Ezr.3:7. Is. 41:7. c. encouraged goldsmith || 44:13. Jer 24:1. c. he carried away, 29:2. || Zch. 1:20. Jlat. 13:.55. is not this the e. son, Mk. 6:3. CARPUS, Fruit. A man's name, 2 Ti. 4:13. CARRIAGE, ES, s. 1 S. 17:-22. D.avid left his e. Is. 10:28. laid up his c. || 46:1. e. heavy loaden .\c. 21:15. we took up our c. and went up to CARRY, II. signifies, (1) To bear, 2 S. 15:29. (2) To protect and keep snfely,ls. 46:3,4.|40:1I. Ge. 37:25. to c. spicery to Egypt || 42:19. c. corn 43:11. c. man a present || 12. e. money || 44:1. 45:27. Joseph sent to c. him, 46:5. j ,50:25. •fix. 33:15. c. IIS not up hence || Le. 10:4. iVu. 11:12. c. them in thy bosom || De. 14:24. Jos. 4:3. e. the 12 stones'|| 1 S. 17:18. | 20:40. 1 K. 18:12. Spirit of L. shall c. thee || 2 K. 4:19. 2 K. 9:2. and c. him into an inner chamber 17:27. saying, c. thither one of the priests lCh.lO:9. to c. tidings||15:2. none ought to c. ark Ezr. 5:15. e. vessels into temple || 7:15. c. silver CAS * Ec. 10:20. a bird of the air shall c. the voice Is. 23:7. e. her afar off || 30:6. e. their riches 40:11. e. the lambs in his bosom, and gently 46:4. to hoar hairs I will c. you || 7. they c. him Ez. 22:9. in thee are men that c. tales to shed Mk. 6:55. e. in beds sick || Lu. 10:4. c. purse Jn. 5:10. not lawful for thee to c. thy bed 21:18. and c. thee whither thou wouldst not CARRY away. Jb. 15:12. thy heart c. thee - Ps. 49:17. when he dieth he shall c. nothing - Ec. 5:15. nothing left he may c- in his hand Is. 5:29. c. the prey - || 15:7. laid up, shall c.- 22:17. behold the Lord will c. thee - 41:16. and the wind shall e. them -,57:13. La. 4:22. he will no more c. thee -, O Zion Ez. 38:13. come to c- silver || Ac. 7:43. I will c, .CARRY back. 2 S. 15:25. 1 K. 22:26. CARRY forth. Ex. 12:46. | 14:11. Le. 4:12. Jer. 17:22. nor c.- a burden on the Sabbath CARRY out. Ge. 47:30. c. me - of Egjpt De. 28:38. c. much seed -, gather little in 1 K. 22:34. c. me - of the host, 2 Ch. 18:33. Ac. 5:9. shall e. thee - || 1 Ti. 6:7. can c. iioth. - CARRIED, p. Ge. 46:5. sons of Israel c. Jacob Ju. 16:3. he c. them up to the top of a hill 1 S. 5:8. let the ark of God be c. unto Gath 2 S. 6:10. David c. the ark aside, 1 Ch. 13:13. 15:29. Abiathar c. the ark of God to Jerusalem 1 K. 17:19. e. him to a loft || 21:13. e. Naboth 2 Ch. 33:11. c. Manas, to Babylon || 34:16. 36:4. Jb.5:]3. c.headlongll 10: 19. c.froni womb to grave Ps. 46:2. though mountains be c. into the seas Is. 46:3. c. from womb || 49:22. e. on shoulders 53:4. e. our sorrows||i 3:9. he hare and c. them Ez. 37:1. c. me out in the Spirit of the Lord Da. 1:2. c. to land of :-hinar || Ho. 10:6. | 12:1. Jo. 3:5. c. to temples || Lu. 7:12. dead man c. Lu. 16:22. c. by angels || 24:51. c. up into heaven Ac. 5:6. e. Ananias || 8:2. c. Stephen ||2i:34. Ep. 4:13. c. about with every wind of doctrine He. 13:9. be not c. about with divers doctrines 2 Pe. 2:17. clouds c. with tempest, Ju. 12. CARRIED away. Ge. 31:18. Jacob c- cattle Ge. 31:26. e. my daughters - || 1 S. 30:2,18. 2 K. 17:6. c. Israel - to Assyria, 11,23,28. 24:14. e.- all Jerus. || 15. c.- Jehoiachin to Bahy. 25:21. so Judah was e.- || Ezr. 2:1. | 9:4. | 10:3 Jb. 1:17. fell on the camels and c- || Jer. 2?:4. Da. 2:35. iron, gold, broken, wind c. them - Mat. 1:11. about the time they were c.-to Bab. Mk. 15:1. c. Jesus-, and delivered him to P. late 1 Co. 12:2. Gentiles e.- to these dumb idols Ga. 2:13. Barnabas was e.- with dissimulation Re. 12:15. might cause her be c- of the flood 17:3. so he e. me - in the spirit, 21:10 CARRIEST, ETH, v. ING, p. 1 S. 10:u. c. three kids Jb. 21:18. as chaff that storm c. away |1 27:21. Ps. 78:9. Ephraim e. bows l| 90:5. thou c. them Mat. 1:17. until thee, into Babylon, from thee. Ac. 5:10. c. her and buried her by her husband Re. 17:7. mystery of the beast tluit e. her CARSHENA, Ji lamb sleeping, or cf the first year. Est. 1:14. CART, s. 1 S. 6:7. tie kine to the e. 2 S. 6:3. set ark on a new c. || 1 Ch. 13:7. Is. 28.28. wheel of c.||.\m. 9:13. as e. is pressed CART-Rope, s. Is. 5:18. draw sin with a c.- CART-Wheel, s. Is. 98:27. nor is e.- turned CARVED, ING, p. Ex. 31:5. j 35:33. Jud. 18:18. fetched the e. image || 1 K. 6:18,29. 2Ch. 33:7. he set a c. image in the house of God 92. Amnion sacrificed to all the e. images 34:3. Josiali purged Judah from c. images, 4. Ps. 74:6. break down e. work || Pr. 7:J6. c. work CASE, ES, «. Ex. 5:19. were in evil c. De. 19:4. is c. of the slayer || 22:1. in any c. Ps. 144:15. happy that people in such a c. Jer.2:t25. isthe e. desperale||12:tl. reason thee. Mat. 5:20. in no e. enter || 19:10. e. of the man Jn. 5:6. long in that e. || 1 Co. 7:15. in such a c. CASEMENT, s. Pr. 7:6. I looked thro' my c. CASIPHIA, Desire, Ezr. 8:17. CASLUHIM, The cover of tables. The son of .Mizraim, Ge. 10:14. 1 Ch. 1:12. CASSIA, s Is a fine aromatic ; it was one of tM ingridients in th» composition ij the holy oi. CAS CAS CAU thai wa3 us''d in anointing the sacred vi;ssrls of the tabernade, Ex. 30:24. It is said to be the Oark of a tree, vtry like cinnamun, dnd grows in the Indie-^, withoHt cultivation, Kx. 30:24. lake ofc. 500 shekels for the oil I's. 4o;y. all thy garments smell of c. £z. ST:^. c. and calamus nere in thy market CAST, s. Lu. 3-2:41. from them a stone's c. C.\ST,B. Ex. 38:'27. of silver c. the sockets Jb. 18:8. he is c. into a net by his own feet 1'?-. '2-2:10. c. on thee from the womb || 7(3:6. 140:10. let them be c. into the tire, into pits Pi-. 16:33. lot va c. into the la|) || Is. "25:7. Jer. 22:-28. c. in a land || 38:11. old c. clonts, 12. £z. 15:4. vine, it is c. into the fire forfuel L'a. 3:6. c. in furnace, 21. || 6:7. c. in den, 16. Jon. 2:4. I am c. out of thy sight, yet I wi'' Wat. 4:12. John c. in prison || 5:-i5. thou c. pris. .'i:-39. be c. into hell, 30. {{ 6:31). is c. into oven 21:21. say to mountain. Be thou c. into the sea Mk. 9:4-2. better he were c. in sea, Lu. 17:-2. 45. than iiaving two feet be c. into hell, 47. IjU.3:9. c. into tire, Mat. 3:10. | 7:19. 23:19. and for murder was c. in prison, 25. Jn. 3:24. Ac. 27:26. Re. 8:7,8 | 1-2:13. | 19:20. Re. 20:10. devil was c. in fire, 14:15. CAST, V. Ge. 21:15. Hagar c. the child 31:38. not c. young || 37:20. c. him in some pit 39:7. master's wife c. her eyes upon Joseph Ex. 1:22. son c. in river || 4:3. c. the rod || 25. 15:25. he had c. the tree into the waters 23:26. shall nothing c. their young, nor be 3-2:19. Moses c. the tablesout of his hand || 24. 1 S. 18:11. Saul c. javelin, 20:33. || 2 S. 16:6,13. 2 S. 18:7. c. Absalom into a pit in the wood 20:12. Joab's man c. a cloth upon Amasa 1 K. 7:46. plain of Jordan c. them, 2 Ch. 4:17. 14:9. and thou hast c. me behind thy back 19:19. Elijah c. his mantle on him 2 K. 2:16. c. him on some mount. || 21. c. salt 3:25. c. each a stone || 4:41. he c. it in pot G:'. c. in the stick || 9:-25. c. in portion Nab.26. 13:23. neither c. them from his presence as yet 19:32. nor c. a bank against it, Is. 37:33. Ne. 9:26. c. thy law || Est. 3:7. e. Pur, 9:-24. Jb. -20:23. G. c. fury of his wrath, 27:-2-2.j|-29:tl7. 30:19. c. me in the mire || 40:11. c. abroad rage Ps. 55:3. they c. ini(];iity on me, and hate me 55:22. c. thy burden on the L. lie shall sustain 74:7. they have c. fire into thy sanctuary 78:49. c. on them the fierceness of his wrath Pr. 1:14. c. in thv lot || Ec. 11:1. c. thy bread ls.2:20. c.his idols || 38:17. call my sins behind Jer. .36:23. c. roll in fire || 38:6. c. Jer. in dung La. 3:53. cut off my life, and c. a stone on me Ez. 7:19. have c. their silver in the streets 11:16. although I have e. them far off among 2.J:-25. because thou hast c. me behind thy 28:17. I will c. thee to the ground, I will lay Da. 3:20. c. in fiery furnace, 24. || ri:24. c. in den V.i. 4:7. I'll make her c. off|| 7:19.c. sins in sea Zch. 5:8. c. weight || 11:13. c. it to the potter ' l\Ia. 3:11. nor vine c. her fruit before time Mat. 3:10. c. in the fire, 7:19. || 5:-29,30. | 18:8. 7:6. nor c. your pearls before swine, lest 15:26. and c. it to dogs || 17:27. c. a hook 18:30. c. him in prison until he pay the debt 22:13. c. him to outer darkness, -25:30. 27:41. thieves cast the same in his teeth Mk. 9:22. oft-licnes it hath c. him in the fire 12:4. at him they c. stones || 41. c. money 43. this poor widow hath c. more in, 44. Lu. 12:5. power to c. in hell || 19:43. c. a trench Jn. 8:7. first c. a stone || 21:7. Peter c. himself Ac. 16:23. r. Paul and Silas in prison || 27:43. 1 Co. 7:35. not that I may c. a snare on you Re. 2:10. devil c. some in prison||14. Balak toe. 22. I will c. her in a bed||4:10.c. their crowns 18:21. millstone c. in the sea||-20:3. c. him in pit CAST aicay. Le. 26:44. not c. them - Jnd. 15:17. c- jaw-bone || 2 S. 1:21. shield c- S K. 7:15. Syrians c- in haste || i Ch. 29:19. Jb.8:4. c. them - 1| 20. God not c- u perfect man Ps. 2:3. c- their cords from us||51:ll. c. me not - Ec. 3:6. a time to c.-|| Is. 5:24. have c.-the law Ls. 30:22. shall c. them- || 31:7. c- his idols 41:9. I have chosen thee, and not c. thee - Jer. 7:29. hair, and c. it |( 33:-26. c- seed of Ja. Ez. 18:31. c- all your transgressions || -20:7,8. Ho. 9:17. G. will c. them - |f Mat. 13:48. c. bad - llo. 1 1:1. hath G. c.-his people ||.-2. hath not c- Ile. 10:35. c. not - your confif'ence which CAST- AWAY, s. 1 Co. 9:-2' :8. G. hath power to c- || 12 c. tlic-m - Ne. 6:16. they were c- in their own eves Jb. 18:7. counsel c. him - || -22:29. | -29:24. | 41:9. Ps. 17:13. O Lord. c. him - || 36:12. thev are c- .S7:-24. tho' he fall lie shall not be iitte ly c- 42:5.why art thou c-, 11.43:5.||6. mv soul is c- 66:7. c. the people, O Lord || I 2:4. consult to c. bim - ea:44. hast c. his throne - || 10-2:10. c. me- Pr. 7:26. shec.-many wounded || Is. 28:2. I., c- Jer. 6:15. time I visit, they shall be r.-, 8:12. I^a.2:l. c- to the earth the lieantv of Israel Ez. 6:4. I'll c.-your slainnlO: 12. | 31:16. 1 32:18. rONCORD. 6 Da. 7:9. thrones c- || 8:7. c- the ram, 10. 8:11. sanct. c- || 12. c- truth || 11:12. c.-many Mat. 4:6. Son of God, c. thyself-, Lu. 4:9. Lu. 4:29. might c. Jesus - headlong 2 Co. 4:9. we are c- || 7:6. comforteth those c- 2 Pe. 2:4. c. angels - || Re. 12:10. accuser c- CAST/i;r(A. Ps. 144:6. c- lightning and scatter Ez. 32:4. I will e. thee - on the open field Ho. 14:5. he shall c- his roots as Lebanon Jon. I:t4. L. c- wind || 5. c- wavesi|15. c. Jon.- Mk. 7:26. c- devil || Jn. 15:6. c- as a branch CAST lots. Le. 16:8. Aar. shall c- on 2 goats Jos. 18:10. Joshua c- for them in Shiloh 1 S. 14:42. c- between me and Jonathan 1 Ch. 26:13. they c- as well small as great, 14. N" '0:31. we c. thee - 1| 11:1. people also c- rs. 22:18. c- on vesture. Mat. -27:35. Jn. 19:34. Is. 34:17. he hath c. the - for them, and Jo. 3:3. and they have c- for my people Ob. 11. c- on Jerusalem || Jon. 1:7. Ka. 3:10. CAST off. 2 K. •23:-27. c- this city Jerusalem 1 Ch. 28:9. will c- forever || 2 Ch. 11:14. Jb. 15:33. and shall r.- his flower as the olive Ps. 43:2. why dost thou c. me -.' why go I 44:9. but thou hast c- 60:1,10. | 89:38. | 108:11. "" 23. arise, c. us not - || 71:9. c. me not - || 74:1. 77:7. will Lord c- forever || 94:14. L. not c- Is.22:25. shall be c.-|| Jer. 2S:16. | 31:37. | 33:-24. La. 2:7. L. c- his altar || 3:31. L. will not c.-for Ho. 8:3. Israel c- thing that is good||5. calf c- Am. 1:11. he did c- in pity || Zch. 10:6. not c- Ac. 22:-23. as they cried, and c- their clothes Ro. 13:12. let us c- the works of darkness 1 Tf. 5:12. because they c- their fir^^t faith CAST out. Ge. 21:10. c- this bond-woman Ex. 34:24. I will c- the nations before thee Le. 18:24. which I c- before you, 20:-23. De. 9:17. c. tables -||Jos. 13:12. Moses c. them - 2 S. 20:22. cut off Sheba's head, c. it - to Joab 1 K. 9:7. this house will I c.-, 2 Ch. 7:-20 21 :26. Amor;tes, whom the Lord c.-, 2 K. 16:3. 2 K. 17:20. till he c. them - of his sight, 24:20. 2Ch. 13:9. c- priests of the L. || 20:11. to c. us- Jb. 20:15. c- of his belly||39:3. c- their sorrows Ps. 5:10. c. them - in transgressions || 18:42. 44:2: didst thou afflict and c. them - || 68:8 c- my shoe 78:55. he c- the heathen before them, 80:8. Pr. 22:10. c.-scorner||Is. 14:;9. c- of thy grave Is. 16:2. c- of the nest|| shall c.-dead 3 1:3. slain be c.-|| 58:7. bring poor that are c- 66:5. breth. that see you||J<-r. 7:15. I'll c. you - Jer. 15:1. c. them - of my sight, 23:39. | 52:3. Ez. 16:5. thou wast c- in the open field Z|)h. 3:15. the Lord hath c- thy enemy Zch. 1:21. to c- horns of the Gentiles || 9:4. Mat. 5:13. salt unsavory c.-, Lu. 14:35. 7:5. hypocrite, first c.-the beam, Lu.6:42. 22. c- devils || 8:12. children of kingdom c- 8:16. c- spirits with word || 31. if thou c. us - 9:33. devil w:is c- || 10:1. to c. them -, 8. 12:24. c- devils by Beelzebub, Lu. 11:18. 28. by Spirit of G. c- devils||15:17. c- in drau. 17:19. why could not we c. him -, Mk. 9:-28. 21:12. c- all that sold, Mk. 11:15. Lu. 19:45. 39. c. him - of the vineyard, Mk. 12:8. aik. 1:34. c- many devils, 39. i 3:15,23. | 6:13. 16:9. c- seven devils || 17. shall they c- devils Lu. 6:22. c- name as evil || 11:20. if I e.-devils 13:32. behold I c- devils || 20:12. and c. him - Jn. 6:37. I'll in no wise c- ||9:34. they c. him - 12:31. now shall the prince of this world be c- Ac. 7:21. when Moses was c.-||58. c- Stephen 27:19. c- tackling || 29. c. four anchors - || 38. Ga. 4:.30. c- the bond-woman and her son Re. 12:9. dragon was c- || 15. c- waters, 16. Lord CAST out. 1 K. 14:24. the Lord c. out before the children of Israel, 2 K. 16:3. 2 Ch. 28:3. 2 K. 17:8. L. c. out before Israel, 21:2. Zch. 9:4. CAST up. 2S. 20:15. they c- a bank Is. 57:14. c. ye -, 62:10. || 20. waters c- mire Jer. 18:15. walk in a way not c- \\ 50:26. c. her - La. 2:10. c- dust on their heads, Ez. 27:30. Da. 11:15. king of the north shall c- a mount CASTEDST, V. Vs. 73:18. thou c. them down CASTEST, ETH, v. Jb. 15:4. thou c. off fear Jb. 21:10. cow calveth, and c. not her calf Ps. 50:17. c. my words behind thee || 73:18. 88:14. why c. thou off my soul || 147:6,17. Pr.l0:3. c. away subst. of wicked || 19:15. 1 21:22. 26:18. as a mad man c. firebrands, arrows, and Jer. 6;7. she c. out her wickedness || Is. 40:19. Mat. 9:34. he c. out devils, Mk. 3:22. Lu. 11:15. 1 Jn. 4:18. but perfect love c. out fear 3 Jn. 10. and c. them out of the church Re. 6:13. as a fig-tree c. her untimely figs CASTING, p. 2 S. 8:2. Moab c. to ground 1 K. 7:37. bases had one c. || Ezr. 10:1. c. down Jb.6:21.yeseemy c. down || Ps.74:7. bye. down Ps. 89:39. profaned crown by c. it to the ground Mi. 6:14. thy c. down shall be in midst of thee Mat. 4:18. c. a net || 27:35. c. lots, Mk. 15:24. Mk. 9:38. we saw one c out devils, IjU. 9:49. 10:50. he c. away his garment, ro.-^e, and came Lu. 21:1. c. their gifts || 2. poor widow c. in Ro. 11:15. if c. away of them be the reconciling 2 Co. 10:5. c. down imaginations, and every 1 Pe. 5:7. c. all your care on him, for he careth CASTLE, S,s. Ge. 25:16. Ishmael's soul L their c. Nu. 31:10. burnt their goodly c. with fire 1 Ch. 6:54. priest:,' c. || 11:5. took c. of Zion 11:7. David dwelt in the c. || 27:25. and in r. 2 Ch. 17:12. Jehoshaiibat built c. || 27:4. JotliaiD Pr. 18:19. contentions are like bars of a c. Ac. 21:34. Paul into the c. 37. | 22:24. 1 -23:10 CASTOR, s. ^ heaver, Ac. 28:11. CATCH, t-. signifies, (1) Tu la>i hold, Mk 12:13. (2) To convert souls, 'LM.'iy.l^i. Ex. 22:6. if fire c. || Jud. 21:21. c. his u ife 1 K. 20:33. men did hastily c. it || 2 K. 7:12. Ps. 10:9. in wait to c. the poor, dotii c poor 35:8. net hid c. himself || 109:11. c. all he iiath Jer. 5:26. lay wait, they set a trap, they c. men Ez. 19:3. and it learned to c. the prey, 6. Ha. 1:15. they c. them in their net, and gather Mk. 12:13. to c. him in his words, Lu. 11:54. Lu. 5:10. from henceforth thou shalt c. men CATCHETH, /;. Le. 17:13. c. any bea I JIat. 13:19. wicked one r. ||Jn. 10:12. the wolf c. CATERPILLAR, S, s. 1 K. 8:37. 2 Ch. 6.28. Ps. 78:46. increase to c. || 105:34. c. caiiie Is. 33:4. spoil like the gathering of the c. Jer. 51:14. fill thee with men as with c. -27. Jo. 1:4. liath c. eaten || 2:25. years c. hath eat CATXEE, s. Ge. 1:25. God made tlie c. || 3:14 I 7:21. Ge. 8:1. G. remembered c. 9:10. || 13:2. || 30:40 31:9. G. taken c. of our futher||43. these c. my c 46:32. to feed c. || 47:6. rulers over my <-. Ex. 9:4. between c. of Israel, and c. of Ecypt 12:-29. Lord smote all the first-born of the c. Ps. 50:10. the c. upon a 1000 hills is mine 104:14. he causeth the grass to grow for c. 148:10. beasts, and all c. praise the Lord Is. 7:'25. treading of lesser c.||43:23. the small c. Ez. 34:17. I judge between c. and c. 20,22. 1:11. drought on c.\\ Zch. -2:4. multitude of Zch. 13:5. men taught me to keep c. from Lu. 17:7. feeding c. || Jn. 4:12. drank and his c. Much CATTLE. Ge. 30:43. Jacob had -c. Ex. 12:38. Israel went with -c. De. 3:19. Jos. ^:8. 2Ch. 26:10. Jon. 4:11. Our CATTLE. Ex. 10:26. -c. shall go with us 17:3. kill -c. with thirst || Nu. 20:4. j 32:16,26. Jos. 21:2. suburbs for-c. |l Ne. 9:37. | 10:30. Their CATTLE. Ge. 34:23. shall not -c. be ours, Nu. 31:9. 1 35:3. Jos. 14:4. Jud. 6:5. IS 23:5. 1 Ch.5:9. | 7:21. Ps. 78:48. he f^ave up -c. also to the hail 107:38 suffered not -c. to decrease |j Jer. 49:39. Thy CATTLE. Ge. 30:29. -c. was with iiie II 31:41. Ex. 9:3. hand of Lord on -c. || 19. gather -c. 20 10. servant nor -c. do any work, De. 5:14. Le. 19:19. -c. gender with diverse kind || 25:7. De. 11:15. will send grass in thy field for -c 28:4. and the fruit of -c. 11:51. | 30:9. Is. 30:23. -c. shall feed in large pastures Your CATTLE. Ge. 47:16. give bread for -c. Le. 2.;:'22. 1 will destroy -c. || De. 3:19. | 7:14. Jos. 1:14. and -c. shall remain in the land 2 K. 3:17. ye may drink, both ve and -c. CA UL, S, «. E\.29:13. c. above"liver, 22. Le.3:4 Is. 3:18. take away their c. || Ho. 13:8. rent c. Oriental Caul. CAUGHT, p. Ge. 22:13. a ram c. || 39:12. she Ex. 4:4. and c. the serpent || Nu. 31:32. booty c Jud. 1:6. c. Adoni-bezek ||8:14. c. a young map 15:4. Samson c. 300 foxes||21:-23. wives they e 1 S. 17:35. c. him by beard || 2 S. 2:16. | 18:9. 1 K. 1:50. Adonijah r. altar||2:28. Joah|| 11:30 2 K. 4:-27. she c. Elisha by the feet |1 2 T'h. -2-2:9 Pr. 7;15. she c. him and kissedjjJer. 50:24. arte 41 CAU Mat. 14:31. Jesus e. Pet. || 21:39. husbanilmen e. Mk. ]2;;!. they e. him || Lu. 8;29. oftentimes it hadf. Jn. 21:3. c nothins || Ac. 0:12. c. Stephen Ac. 8:39. Spirit c. aw:iy Philip || lfj:l9. c. Paul 90:21. Jews c. me || 27:15. when the ship was c. 2 Co. 12:2. r knew a man c. up to 3(1 heaven, 4. Ifi. nevertheless, being crafty, I c. you with ITh. 4:17 c. up together || Re. 12:5. child c. up to God CAUSE, s. signifies, (1) The ground, reason, or m^itive, 1 S. 17:29. (2) jl suit, actum, or con- truvcrsi/, Ex. 22:9. (3) Suke or account, 2 Co 7:12. III. 22:9. c. come before judges I| 23:6. poor in hid c. Nu. 27:5. Moses brought c. before the I^ord De. 1:17. c. too hard || Jos. 20:4. declare his e. 1 S. 17:29. is there not a c. || 25:39. pleaded c. 2 S 13:10. there is no c. || 15:4. any suit or c. 1 K 8:45. maintain c. 49,59. 2 Ch. 6:35,39. 11:27. this was the c. || 12:15. c. was from Lord 1 Ch. 21:3. c. of trespass || 2 Ch. 19:10. what c. Ezr. 4:15. for which c. this city was destroyed Jb. 5:8. toG. commit my c.|| 13:18. ordered my c. 23:4. I would order my c.|| 29:16. c. I knew not Ps. 9:4. maintained my c. || 35:23. || 140:12. Pr. 18:17. first in his own c. || 25:9. debate thy c. 29:7. c. of the poor || 31:8. for dumb in the c. Ec. 7:10. say not thou, What is the c. that days Is. 1:23. nor c. of widow || 41:21. produce your c. 51:22. God that pleadeth the c. of his people Jer. 5:28. they judge not c.|| 11:20. revealed my c. 20:12. I opened my c. \\ 22:16. judged c. of poor La.3:3ri. subvert man in c. ||.59. judge thou my e. Jon. 1:7. that we may know for whose c. 8. Mat.5:32. e. of fornical. || 19:3. wife for every c. Lu. 8:47. declired for what c. she touched him 23:22. I have found ro c. of death in him Ac. 10:21. what is the c. whereof ye are rjJltte 13:28. thev fouud no c. of death in him,2ftT§. 19:40. being no c. || 23:28. known c. 1| 25:14. Paul's Ro. 15:22. for which c. also I have been 2 Co. 4:16. for which e. we faint not||5:13. ! 7:12. Phil. 2:18. the same c. also do ye joy me 2 Ti. 1:12. for which c. I suffer these things He. 2:11. for which c. he is not ashamed to call Plead CAUSE. 1 S. 24:15. Lord plead my c. Ps. 35:1. pleail my c. 43:1. | 74:22. | 119:1.54. Pr. 22:23. for the L. will plead their c. 23:11. 3i.:9. open thy mouth, -c. of poor and needy Jer 30:13. there is none to plead thy c. 50:34. the Lord shall thoroughly plead their c. 51:3d. I will - thy c. || Mi. 7:9. until He -my c. Fur JA« CAUSE. Ex. 9:16. -c. have I raised up Pharaoh 2 Cli. 32:20. -c. Isaiah prayed || Da. 2:12. Mat. 19:5. -c. shall a man leave, Mk. 10:7. Jn. 12:27. -c. came I to this hour, 18:37. Eg. 1:2o. -c. G. gave them up || 13:6. -c. pay trib. 15:9. -c. I will confess || 1 Co. 4:17. | 11:10. 1 Co. 11:30. -c. many are weak || Ep. 3:14. how 1 Th. 2:13. -c. thank we God without ceasing 2 Th. 2:11. -c. God shall send strong delusion ] Ti. 1:16. -c. I obtained mercy || He. 9:15. 1 Pe. 4:6. -c. was the gospel preached also Witlwxil CAUSE. 1 S. 19:5. to slay David -c. Jb. 2:3. to destroy him -c. \\ 9:17. my wounds -c. Ps. 7:4. -c. my enemy || 25:3. that transgress -c. 35:7. digged a pit -c. \\ 19. hate me -c. 69:4. 109:3. and fought against me -c. Jn. 15:2.5. 119:161. princes have persecuted me -c, 78. Pr. 1:11. lurk for innoc. -c. || 3:30. strive not -c. 23:29. wounds -c. || 24:28. witness not -r. Is. 52:4. the Assyrians 0])pressed them -c. La. 3:52. mine enemies chased me sore -c. Ez. 14:23. not done -c. || Mat. 5:22. is angry -c. CAUSE, D. Ge. 7:4. I will c. it to rain || 4.5:1. Ex. 8:5. c. frogs to come || 21:19. c. him to be Le. 19:29. to c. her to be a whore ||20:16. c. sor. De. 1:38. c. Israel to inhfrit it, 3:28. I 31:7. 12:11. c. Ins name to dwell || 24:4. c. land to sin 2 K. 19:7. I'll c. him to fall by sword, Is. 37:7. Est. 3:13. c. to perish all the Jews, 7:t4. j 8:11. Jb. 0:24. c. me to understand || f27. ye c. to fall Ps. 10:17. thou wilt c. thine ear to hear 07:1. e. his face to shine on us, 80:3,7,19. 76:8. c. judgment to be heard || 143:8. c. me to Pr. 4:16. unless they c. some to fall || 19:tl8. Ec. 5:6. c. thy flesh to !| Song 8:13. c. me to hear Is. 3:12. c. thee to err || :i7:6. c. Jacob to take root 30:30. c voice to be heard || 42:2. nor c. voice 58:14 e. thee to ride||<";:9. not c. to bring forth Jer. 3:12. not c. my anger to||7:3. c. to dwell, 7. 13:16. before he c. darkness || 15:11. I 23:27. 25:tl0. I will c. to perish the voice of mirth 31:2. to t. him to rest || 9. c. them to walk by 32:44. I will c. their captivity to return, 33:26. La. 3:3?. though he c. grief, yet will lie have Ez. 20:37. c to pass under the rod ||24:8. c. fury 34:15. c. them to lie down || 3ri:12. | 37:.5. Da. 8:25. r. craft to pmsper||9:17. c. face to shine Mat. 10:21. c. them put to death, Mk. 13:12. Ro. 16:17. which c. divisions || Col. 4:16. CAUSED, 7>. Ge. 2:21. God c. deep sleep || 20:13. Ex. 14:21. the Lord e. the sea to go back Do. 34:4. tlu' land, I have c, thee to see it 2 S. 7:11. c. thee to rest from thine enemies CEA Ezr. 6:12. God hath c. his name to dwell Ne. 8:7. c. people to understand the law, >i. Est. 5:14. Haman c. the gallows to be made Jb. 31:1(). have c. eyes of the widow to fail Ps. 00:12. c. men to ride || 78:26. c. east wind 119:49. word on which hast c. me to hope Jer. 32:23. c. all this evil||48:4. c. cry to be heard Ez. 16:7. c. to multiply || 24:13. c. fury to rest 32:23. c. terror in the land, 24,25,26. Da. 9:21. c. to fly swiftly || Ho. 4:12. c. to err Am. 2:4. lies c. them to err || 4:7. I c. it to rain Zch. 3:4. c. inifpiity to pass || Ma. 2:8. c. to stum. Ac. 15:3. c. great joy || 2 Ch. 2:5. if c. grief CAUSES, s. Ex. 18:19. bringc. to G.|| 26. hard c. De. 1:16. hear the c. || Jer. 3:8. | La. 2:14. | 3:58. Ac. 26:21. for these c. the Jews caught me CAUSEST, V. Jb. 30:22. c. to ride || Ps. 65:4. CAUSETH, V. i\u. 5:21. c. the curse, 19:22. Jb. 12:24. wander in wilderness, Ps. 107:40. 20:3. spirit of understanding c. me to answer 37:13. he c. it to come for correction, or for Ps. 104:14. c. grass to grow || 135:7. c. vapors Pr. 7:21. with fair speech she c. him to yield 10:5. is a son that c. shame, 17:2. | 19:26. 28:10. c. righteous to go astray in evil way Is. 64:2. c. waters to boil || Ez. 44:18. c. sweat Mat. 5:32. c. her to commit adultery, and whoso. 2Co. 2:14. G. c. us to trmmph|| 9:11. c. thanks. Re. 13:12. c. earth to worship the beast, 10. CAUSING, p. Song 7:9. c. lips asleep to speak Is. 30:28. jaws c. them to err i| Jer. 29:10. | 33:12. CAUSELESS, o. 1 S. 25:31. shed blood c. Pr. 20:2. so the curse c. shall not come CAUSEY, «. Afoot walk. 1 Ch. 20:16,18. Pr. 15:tl9. raised as a c. || Is. 7:t3. go up in c. CAVE, S. Ge. 19:30. Lot dwelt in a c. he and Ge.23:17. c. made sure,20.||19. buried Sarah in c. 25:9. sons buried him in c. of Machpe., 50:13. 49:29. bury me in c. || Jos. 10:10. hid in a c. 17. Jud. 6:2. because of Midianites Israel made c. 1 S. 13:0. Israel did hide themselves in c. 22:1. c. of AduUam || 24:10. into my hand in c. 2 S. 23:13. came to David to the c. Adullam 1 K. 18:4. hid by .50 in a c. 13. |i 19:9. Elijah toe. Is. 2:19. shall go intoc. for fear of the Lord Ez. 33:27. they shall die that be in the c. Jn. 11:38. itwasac. || He. 11:38. wandered in c. CEASE, V. Ge. 8:22. day and night shall not c. Ex. 9:29. as I am gone the thunder shall c. Nu. 8:25. from the age of .50 years shall c. 11:25. did not c. \\ 17:5. I will make to c. the De. 15:11. poor shall never c. || 32:26. make c. Jos. 22:25. c. from fearing L. || Jud. 15:7. after I will c. lud. 20:28. shall I c. || 1 S. 7:8. c. not to cry Ezr. 4:23. made them to c. by force and power Ne. 0:3. why should the work c. while I come Jb. 3:17. c. from troub. || 10:20. c. then let alone Ps. 37:8. c. from anger || 40:9. maketh wars e. 89:44. thou hast made his glory to c. and cast 119:1119. thou causest wicked to c. Pr. 21:10. Pr. 19:27. c. to hear instruction||20:3. c. fm. strife 22:10. reproach shall c. \\ 23:4. c. fr. own wisd. Ec. 12:3. grinders c. || Is. 1:16. c. to do evil Is. 2:22. c. from man||10:25. indignation shall c. 16:10. shouting to c. || 33:1. shall c. to spoil Jer. 14:17. let tears not c. || 17:8. nor c. yielding 31:36. seed of Israel c.||La. 2:18. let not eyes c. Ez. 0:6. idols c. |{ 7:24. pomp of strong toe. 12:23. saith Lord, I will make this proverb c. 23:27. lewdness to c. \\ 30:10. Egypt to c. 30:18. the pomp of her strength shall c. 33:28. Am. 7:5. c. I beseech thee || Ac. 13:10. not c. 1 Co. 13:8. tongues e. |i Ep. 1:16. c. not to give Col. 1:9. c. not to pray \ 2 Pe. 2:14. cannot c. from sin Cause to CtASE. Ezr. 4:21. - these men to c. 5:5. Ne. 4:11. Ps. 85:4. - anger to c. || Pr. 18:18. - conten. c. Is.l3:ll. -arrogancy to c.||30:ll. - Holy One to c. Jer. 7:34. -mirth toe. || 16:9.- to c. out of this pi. 30:29. - to c. man and beast||48:35. -c. in Moab Ez. 23:18. - levvdn. to c. || 34:25. -c. evil beasts 26:13. - songs to e.||30:13. - images to e. || 34:10. Da. 9:27. - oblation toe. || 11:18. - reproach to c. Ho. 1:4. - to e. kingdom of the house of Israel CEASED, p. Ge. 18:11. c. to be with Sarai Jos. 5:12. Ujannac. || Jud. 5:7. they c. in Israel Jb. 32:1. c. to answer Job || Ps. 35:15. c. not Ps.77:2. sore ran and c. not || Is. 14:4. oppress c. La. 5:14. elders e. || 15. joy of our heart is e. Jn. 1:15. sta c. raging, Mat. 14:32. Mk. 4:39. Lu. 7:45. not e. to kiss my feet||ll:l. he c. pray. ,\c. 5:42. c. not to preach || 20:1. uproar was c. 20:31. c. not to warn||21:14. not persuad. we e. Ga. 5:11. then is the offence of the cross c. He. 4:10. he also hath c. from his own works 10:2. c. to be offered 1| 1 Pe. 4:1. hath c. fr. sin CEASETH, V. Ps. 12:1. for the godly man c. Ps. 49:8. redemption precious, and it c. forever Pr. 26:20. where no tale-bearer, the strife c. Is. 16:4. extortioner is at an end, the S|ioiler c. 24:8. joy e. || 33:8. way-faring man c. Ho. 7:4. La. 3:49.'eyetricklethande. not||Ac.6:13. c. not CEASING, p. 1 S. 12:23. sin in c. to pray Ac. 12:5. prayer was made without c. for him Ro. 1:9. without c. make mention, 1 Th. 1:3. 1 Th. 2:13. thank God without r. || 5:17. pray 2 Ti. 1:3. without c. 1 have remembrance of CEP CEDAR, s. j9 tall, Am. 2:9. gnodly, Ps. 80:10. excellent tree. Song 5-15. wliereuf the choicest grew in Lebanon. Its leaves are like roseiiia- nj ; it is alioays g-reen, and distils a kind of gum, to which different effects are attributed. The wood of it is very durable, beautiful, sidid, and inclining to a brown color ; it bears a small apple, like that of the pine. It was used for the building of magnifice^U houses, 1 K. 7:3 2Cll 2:3. Jer. 22:14,15. Cones of the Cedar of Lebanon, Buds. 2 S. 7:2. dwell in house of c. || 7. a house of c. 1 K. 4:33. he spake from the c. to the hyssop 5:8. I will do all thy desire concerning c. 2 K. 14:9. thistle sent to the c. 2 Ch. 25:18. Jb. 40:17. moveth his tail like a c. the sinev.-s Ps.92:12. righteous grow like c. || Song 1:17. |8:9. Is. 41:19. plant in wild, the e. || .ler. 22:14,15. Ez. 17:3. highest branch of c. 22. ||23. goodly c 27:24. chests madeof c.||31:3. Assyrian was a c Zph. 2:14. uncover c. work.||Zch. 11:2. e. fallen CEDAR-TREES, .9. Nu. 24:0. tabernacles as c. 2 S. 5:11. Hiramsent e. 1|2K. 5:0,10. 19:11. 2 K. 19:23. I will cut down, tall c. || 1 Ch. 22:4. 2 Ch. 1:15. e. made he as sycamore, 9:27. | 2:8. Ezr. 3:7. gave monev to bringc. from Lebanon cedAr-wood. Le. 14:4. c. and scarlet, and hvssop, 6:49,51,52 Nu. 19:6. priest shall take r. || i Ch. 22:4.bro't c CEDARS, .9. 1 K. 10:27. 1 Ch. 17:1. 2Ch. 2:3 Ps. 29:5. voice of the liOrd breaketh the c. 80:10. the boughs thereof were like goodly c 148:9.praise him all c.||Song5:15.excelleiit as 5 Is. 9:10. change into e. || 37:24. cut down tall c. 44:14. he hewelh him down c. and taketh the Jer. 22:7. cut down thy choice e. || 23. nest in c. Ez. 31:8. c. in garden of G. could not hide him Am. 2:9. Amorite's height as the height of c. Zch. 11:1. that the fire may devour thy c. CEDARS o//,eAono7i. Jud. 9:15. devour e.- Ps. 104:16. c.- which he hath planted || Is. :2:13. Is. 14:8. e.- rejoice at thee, saying, Since thou Ez. 27:5. taken c.- to make masts for thee CEDRON, Mad, black, or sad. Jn. 18:1. CELEBRATE, ?;. Le. 23:32,41. Is. 38:18. CELESTIAL, a. 1 Co. 15:40. are c. bodies CELLARS, i. 1 Ch. 27:28. over c. of oil CENCURE.\, Millet, or pulse. A seaport. Ac. 18:18. in C. || Ro. 10:1. church at C. CENSER, S, 5. Le. 10:1. sons of Aaron touH. ., Ancient Censer ; from Montfauaon. Le. 16:12. a e. full || Nu. 4:14. | 16:6,17,33 1 K. 7:50. made c. of pure gold, 2 Ch. 4:2S 26:19. Ez. 8:11. He. 9:4. the holiest had the golden e. and ark Re. 8:3. having a golden c.||5. angel took the c. CENTURION, S, «. A captain of \W) men. Mat. 8:5. came a e. beseeching, 8. || 27:54. Lu. 7:2. c. servant was sick||23:47.v. ben c. saw Ac. 10:1. Cornelius was a c. 22. || 21:32. took c 22:2ii. when c. heard |1 23:17. Paul called c. 23. Ac. 24:23. and he commanded a c. to keep Paul 27:1. named Julius, a c. of Augustus' band 11. c. believed master || 43. e. willing || 28:16. CEPHAS, A stone. Mat. 10:18. 1 Co. 1:12. 42 CHA CEPHIRAII, A little lioness. Ezr. 2:25. CEUEMOMES. Nil. 9:3. He. 9:tl. CERTAIN, a. Ex. 1(5:4. gather a c. rate Ne. 1:4. I mourned c. daya, tasted and prayed ]I:23. a c. portion should he for llie singers 13:A5. I smote c. of them and plucked oti'hair Oa. 8:27 was sick c. days || 11:13. c. yeara mat. 18:-23. to a c. king, 22:-2. || ■20:20. Mk. 12:42. a c. poor widow, Lu. 21:2. I.ii. 5:12. in a c. city || 10:36. c. village, 17:12. 1!:27. c. woman ]| 37. a c. Pharisee besought ]o:9. he spake tliis parable to c. who trusted '2.);19. c. sedition || 24:22. c. women || 24. c. of jii. 5:4. at a c. season || Ac. 9:19. | 10:48. | 12:1. Ac. 15:24. heard that c. || 17:28. c. of your poets lio. 15:2(3. c. coutnhution || Ga. 2:12. c. came He. 2:3. one in c. place testified, 4:4. |{ 7. c. day 10;27. c. looking for of judgm. || Ju. 4. c. men CEttTAIN, a. De. 13:14. the thing c. 17:4. 1 K. 9:37. know for c. shall die, 42. || Jer. 26:15. Da. 2:45. dream is c. || Ac. 25:2(i. no c. thing J Co. 4:11. we have no c. dwelling-place 1 'Vu 6:7. it is c. we can carry nothing out of CEilTAINLY, ad. Ge. 18:10. I will c. return •Je. 2tJ:28. we saw c. the Lord was with thee 4.i:7. co:ilil we c. know he would say. Bring 44:15. Wot ye not such a man as I can c. divine 5):15. will c. requite us all the evil we did Ex. 3:12. c. I will be with thee, this a token 22:1. if thelt be c. found in his hand alive Lc. 5:19. lie hath c. trespasstd against the Eord Ul:l::. all the congregation shall c. stone him J. 42:22. c. ve shall die by sword|i44:17. La. 2:16. U.i. 11:10. Zch. ILfll. Lu. 23:47. CKKT.A.1.NTY, s. Jos. 23:13. know for a c. J S. 23:23. Willi c. || I'r. 22:21. know the c. Da. 2:8. I know for c. || Lu. 1:4. know the c. of Ac. 21:34. not know c. for the tumult || 22:30. 'JERTIFY, ED, V. 2 S. 15:28. word to c. Ezr. 4:14. we have sent and c. the king, 16. 5:10. we i-iked their names also to c. thee 7:24. we c. you to iriipose no toll on Levites Est. 2:22. Est. c. the king || Ga. ]:11. I c. you CE3.\.R, A name given to the /Jowa/i emperors. Wilt. 22:17. tribute to C. Jlk. 12:14. Lu. 20:22. 21. render to C. thing-; that are C. -Mk. 12:17. Lu. 2:1. decree from C. || 3:1. J 5th year of C. •-'3:2. forbidding to give tribute to C. saying Jn. 19:12. not C. fnend II 15. no king but C. Ar. 11:28. Claudius C. || 17:7. contrary to C. 25:8. nor yet against dj. || 11. 1 appeal unto C. 2,1:32. if not appealed to C. || :28:19. appeal to Phil. 4:22. chiefly ihey that are of C. household CESAllE.'V A biuh iif hair. It was a province about 80 miles north-west of Jerusalem. Mat. 16:13. coasts of C. || Mk 8:27. towns of Ac. 8:40. I'hilipcame to C. || 9:30. Paul to C. J0:24. entered C. |i 11:11. Cornelins sent from 12:19. Herod went to C. || 18:22. landed at C. 21:16. disciples of C. || 23:23. soldiers to C. 25:1. ascended from C. || 4. Paul be kept at C. CHAFED, p. 2 S. 17:8. c. in their minds CiL\FK, .<. denotes, (1) False t ;ish,iuied of my c. || 2 Pe.2:4. Ju. H. evcrlasfiigc. |iRe.20;l. c. in his hand CHAI-V-VVOUK, s. 1 K. 7:17. wreaths of c. CH .VLCEl)(J.\ Y,i. One of the semi-pellucid srems. Il abounds in the E. Indies; is varietrnlcd with diferrnt r.iiliirs, irires fire with stee.'^like fiin.t, dun-: not effirvrsee triik aquafortis^ Re. 21:19. CHAT.COI,. .Krurishiu-r. 1 K.4:31. CH A l,K-STf>\ES,.v.Is.27:9.>tones of altar as c. CHAIJ.E.VGiyrU,/). Ex. 2-2:9. another c. CHALDEA, derlh, or as robbers, spoilers. Jer. 59:10. C. b- a spoil || 51:24. renderto C.35. £.z. 16:29. Ibrnicatioii to C, || 23:16. doted on C. CHA CH.^LDEAN, Ezr. 5:12.'Da. 2:10 CHALDEANS, Jb. 1:17. C. made three hands Is. 23:23. land of C. tl 43:14. brought down C. 47:1. O daughter of C. 5. || 48:14. arm on C. Jer. 21:9. fallelh to the C. shall live, 38:2. 25:12. I will punish the land of C. 50:1,45. 32:5. tho' fight with C. \\ 24. city given to C. 43. 29. C. set fire || 37:8. C. fight against city 37:9. saying, C. surely depart from us || 10:14. 38:19. fallen to C. |l 23. bring children to C. .39:8. C. burnt king's house ]| 40:9. serve C. 41:3. slew the C. |l 43:3. deliver us to the C. 50:3.5.sword on C. {| 45. purposed against the C. Ez. 12:13. bring him to C. || 23:14. images of Da. 1:4. teach tmigue of C. || 2:2. to call the C. 3:8. C. accused Jews ]| 4:7. then came in the C. 5:7. bring in the C. || 11. master of the C. Ha. 1:6. I raise up C || Ac. 7:4. Abraham out CH.\MBER, S, s. signifies, ( 1) .4 room, Da.6:10. (2) The clouds, Ps. 104:13. (3) Those stars towards the south pule, Jb. 9:9. (4) The ordi- iiatices of Oad^s house. Song 1:4. (5) The promises ar.d providcnres if Ood, Is. 26:20. Ge. 43:30. Joseph entered into r. and wept there Jiid. 15:1. into the c. || 16:9. abiding in c. 12. 2 S. 13:10. bring iiie:it into c. || 1 K. 6:.5. built 2 K. 4:1 1. Eli>ha turned into the c. and lay 1 Ch. 9:2f). chief porters were over the ^c. 23:28. 2 Ch. 31:11. Hezekiah commanded to pveiiare c. Ezr. 8:29. keep until ye weigh them in the c. Ne. l3:5.forTobiah a great c.||8. stutf out ofc. 9. Jb. 9:9. which niaketh the c. of the south 37:19. out of the c. cometh the vvhiilwind Ps. 19:5. as a bridegroom cometh out of his c. 104:.3. layeth beams of his c. in the waters, 13. 105:30. forth frogs in the c. of their kings Pr. 7:27. going down to the c. of death || 24:4. Song 1:4. k. bro't me to his c. || 3:4. in c. of her Is.26:20. enter Into thy c.||Jer. 22:13. c. by wrong Jer. 36:10. read the hook in the c. of Gemariah 20. laid ujithe roll in c. of Elishaina the scribe Ez. 8:12. c. of h;s imagery || 21:14. privy c. 40:45. c. to the south || 41). c. to the north 42:13. they be holy c. where the priests eat Da. 6:10. his window being open in his c. Jo. 2:16. let the bridegroom go forth of his c. Mat. 24:26. belmld he is in the secret c. Guest CHA.MBER, Mk. 14:14. Lu. 22:11. fnner CHAMBER, 1 K. 20:30. Benhad. to -c. 1 K. 22:25. sh.ilt goto -c. to hide, 2 Ch. 18:24. 2 K. 9:2. cariv Jeliii into -c. and take the box LiVle CHA.MBER. 2 K. 4:10. make a -c. Ez. 40:7. -c. one reed long, and one broad || 13. Sule CHAMBICR, S. Ez. 41:5,6,9. Upper CHAMliER, S. 2 K. 1:2. | 23:12. 2 Ch. 3:9. overlaid -r. with gold || Ez. 42:5. Ac. 9:37. washed, and laid Dorcas in an -c. 20:8. manv lights in -c. where were gathered CHAMBF.iUNG, s. Ro. 13:13. not in c. and CHAMBEIiLALV, S, s. 2 K. 23:11. the c. Est. 1:10. the 7 c. that served the king || 2:15,21. Ac. 12:20. Illastus the king's c. their friend Ro. 16:23. Erastiis c. of the city saluteth you CH.AMOrS, i% Is a specie^s of iroat, De. 14:5. CHAMPAIGN, ;;. De. 11:30. dwell in the c. CHA.MPION, s. I S. 17:4. c. over against || 51. CH.\NCE, De. 22:6. nest c. to be before thee 1 S. 6:9. it was a c. that happened to us 2 S. 1:6. as I happened hy c . on mount Gilboa Er. 9:11. timeand c. || Lu. 10:41. by c. priest 1 Co. 15:37. it mav c. of wheat, or of some CHANCRTH, v. De. 23:10. c. him by night CHANCELLOR, s. Ezr. 4:8. Rehiini the c. 17. CHANGEABLE, a. Is. 3:22. c. suits of apparel CHANGE, S, i. Le. 27:33. c. shall be holy Jiid. 14:12. give you thirty c. of raiment, 13. Jh. 14:14. wait till my c. come || Pr. 24:21. Zch. 3:4. c. of raiment || He. 7:12. c. of the law CHANGE, V. Ge. 35:2. c. your garments Le. 27:10. he shall not alter it nor c. it, 33. Jb. 17:12. thev c. the nislit into day : the light Ps. 102:26. as"a vesture c. \\ Is. 9:10. c. them Jer. 2:36. why gaddest thou so much to c. thy w. 13:23. can the Ethiopian c. his skin, or the Da. 7:25. c. times and laws || Ho. 4:7. c. their glory Ha. 1:11. mind c. || Ma. 3:6. Lord, I c. not .\c. 6:14. and shall c. the customs delivered Ro. 1:26. their women did c. the natural use Ga. 4:20. I desire to be present and c. my voice Phil. 3:21. Christ who shall c. our vile body He. 12:fl7. he found no way to c. his mind CHANGED, ETH. Ge. 31:7. your father c. my wages ten times, 41 41:14. Joseiih c. his raiment, and came in Le. 13- 16. -aw flesh turn and be c. to white 1 S. 21:13. ne c. his behavior before them 2 S. 12:20. David c. his apiiaiel and went 2 K. 24:17. c. his name || 25:29. c. prison garm. Jb. 30:18. by my disease is my garment c. Ps. 15:4. he sweartli to his hurt, and c. not 102:26. as venture he.". He. I:12.|jl0":20.c.glory Ec. 8:1. the boldness of his face shall he c. Is. 24:5. c. the ordinance, broken the covenant Jer. 2:11. c. their zods|| 43:11. his scent is not c. La. 4:1. how is the most fine gold c. 1 F.z. 5:6. and sheliatli c. my judgments into Da. 2:9. until time be c. 21. ||3:19. visage c. 3:27. nor coats c. 11 4:10. let his heart be c. CHA Da. fi:8. writing be note. || 15. no decree be c.l7 Mi. 2:4. c. the portion || Ac. 28:6. c. their minds Ro. 1:23. c. the glory of G. || 25. c. truth of G. 1 Co. 15:51. we shall all be c. 52. || 2 Co. 3:18. He. 7:12. for the priesthood being c. there is CHANGED, EST, v. Countenance. Jb. 14:20. c. his - || Da. 5:6. king's c- 9:10.17:28 CHANGERS, s. Mat. 21:12. Mk. 11:15. Jn. 2:14. c. of money sitting || 15. c. money CHANGES, s. Ge. 45:22. to Benjamin five c. 2 K. 5:5. ten c. of raiment||22. two c. of gar 23. Jb. 10:17. c. and war are against me Ps. 55:19. because they have noc. ihey fear not CHANGING,/;. Rii. 4:7. manner concerning c. CHANNEL, S,6-. 2 S. 22:16.c. of sea, Ps.l8:l5 Is. 8:7. upover all his c. || 27:12 beat off from c. CH.\NT. V. Am. 6:5. that c. to sound of the viol CHAPITER, S, s. E.\. 30:38. overlaid c. 38:28. Ex. 38:17. overhiying of their c. were silver, 19. 1 K. 7-6. two c. of bi-ass, 2 Ch. 4:12,13. 2 K. 25:17. c. was brass, Jer. 52;22.||Zph. 2:114 CHAP.\IEN,4-.2Ch.9:14. that whi.hc. brought CHAPEL, 4. Am. 7:13. it is the king's c. CH.'^PT, ». Jer. 14:4. because ground isc. CHAUASHIM, That is, cr«//.,H,p». 1 Ch. 4:14. CHARGE, 6-. Ge. 2tj:5. /Abraham ke|,t my c. Ge. 28:0. Isaac gave Jacob a c. saying tlioii shall Ex. (':13. Lord gave Moses and Aaron a c. Nu. 4:31. this is the c. || 5:19. c. her by mi oath 9:19. Israel kept the c. 23. || 27:23. lie. 31:21. De. 3:08. but c. Joshna||2l:8. blood to people's c. Jos. 22:3. Reubenites have kept c. of the Lord 2 S. 18:5. gave c. concerning || 1 K. 11:28. 2K. 7:17. lord had c. of the g.ate || 1 Ch. 9:27. 2 Ch. 30:17. c. of the passover yNe. 7:2. | 10:33. Est. 3:9. of those that had c. of the business 4:8. c. Esther that she go in lothe king to make Jb. 34:13. who hath given him c. over llie earth Ps. 35:11. laid to iiiv c. things 1 knew not Song 2:7. I c. you, O daughters, 3:5.[5:8,9. | 8:4. Jer. 39:11. gave c. concerning Jerenii:ih || 47:7. Ez. 9:1. cover the city || 44:8,15. [ 48:11. Mk. 9:25. I e. Ihee, come out, enter no more Ac. 7:60. Lord, lay not this sin to their c. || 8:27. 10.24. received c. thrust them into prison|j23:29. Ro.8:33.toc. God's elect || 1 Co. 9:18. without c 1 Th. 5:27. I c. that this epistle be read||l '1 i. 1:3. 1 Ti. 1:18. this c. I commit tothee,son Timothy 5:21. Ic. thee before God,* Ti. 4:1. 6:17. c. them that are rich in this world that 2 Ti. 4:16. 1 pray it may not be laid to Iheir c. Oire CH.ARGE. Nu. 27:19. ^ive Joshua a c. De. 31:14. 2 S. 14:8. -c. concerning thee|il Ch.'-2:12. L.- e. Ps. 91:11. ^!«c his angefsc. Mat. 4:6. Lu. 4:10. Is. 10:6. -c. to take spoil II 1 Ti. 5:7. things ■ inc. 1 Ti. 6:13. -thee sight of G. whniiuicken. CHARGEABLE, a. 2S. l;(:2.5. lest we be c. Ne. 5:15. former governors were c. to people 2 Co. 11:9. when with you, I was c. to no man 1 Th. 2:9. beo;iuse we would not be c. unto any 2 Th. 3:8. we might not be c. to any of vou CHARGED, p. Ge. 26:11. Abiin. c.'his people Ge. 2K: 1. Isaac c. Jacob || 40:4. c. Joseph, 49:29 Ex. 1:22. Pharaoh c. all liis peonle, snying De. 1:16. I c. your judges at that time, saying 24:5. nor be c. with any business |i 27:11. 1 S. 14:27. heard not when Saul c. [\ 2 S. 18:12. 1 K. 2:1. Pavid c. Soloin. || 13:9. c. me by the L. 2 Ch. 36:23. c. me to build a house, Ezr. 1:2. Jb. 1:22. sinned not, nor c. God fo(dishly 4:18. and his angels he c. with folly Mat. 9:30. Jesus t. them. A! k. 5:43. Lu. 9:21. 12:16. J. c. not to make him known. Mk. 3:12. Mk.7:36. c. not to tell. 8:30. | 9:9. Lu. 5:14. | 8:56 1 Th. 2:11. we c. every one of you as a f;ither 1 Ti. 5:16. and let not the church be c. th;it it CHARGEDST, v. Ex. 19:23. for thou c. us CHARGER, S,.s-. Nu. 7:13. one silver c. 19. 1 79 Ezr. 1:9. one thousand c. || Mat. 14:8. head in a e. CHARGES,s.2Ch.8:14. ,31:17. |3.5:2.Ac.21:24 1 Co. 9:7. who goeth a warfare at his own c. CH ARGEST, V. 2 S. 3:8. c. me with a fault CHARGING, p. Ac. 16:23. c. the jailer to 2 Ti. 2:14. c. that they strive not about words CHARIOT, .«. Ge. 41:43. ride in the second c. Ex. 14:25. Lord took ofl" their c. wheels that 1 K. 7:33. like work of a c. || 18:44. pre{>are c. 20:25. number c. for c. || 33. to come up in e. 22:35. the blood ran in the midst of the c. 38. one washed the c. in the pool of Samaria 2 K. 2:11. f. of fire || 12. the c. of Israe , 13:14. 5:21. lighted from c.|| 9:16.Jehu rode in a c. ||27 - Ch. 28:18. gold for the pattern of the c. 2 Ch. 35:24. servants took him out of the c. Ps. 46:9.burneth c. || 7(5:6. c.and horse|;Song3:9. Is. 21:7. saw a c. || 9. heie cometh a c \\ 43:17 Jer. 51:21. break in pieces c. || .Mi. 1:13. bind c Zch. 6:2.firstc. red horses || 9:10. I will cut off c. Ac. 8:'?9. join thyself to c. ]\ 38. to stand still /fw CHARIOT, Ge. 46:20. Jos. made ready -c. Ex. 14:6. Pliaraoh made ready -c. || Jud. 4:15. Jud. 5:28. why -c. so kuig in coming, why tarry 1 K. 12:13. king made speed to -c. 2 Ch. 10:13 2-2:34. he said to driver ofc. Turn thy hand 35. was stayed up in -c. and died at even 2 K. 5:9. Naainan came with -c. and stood, 26 9:21. -c. made ready, went out each in -e 21. sunk down -c. || 10:10. made ride in -c 43 CHE CHI CHI Ps. 104:3. who maketh the clouds -c. Jer. 4:13. Ac. 8:-i'^. fitting in -c. read Esaias the prophet CH \Uli)T-Ci(tC5, s. 2 Ch. 1:14. | 8:fi. ! 9:26. CH \lilOT-Horses, s. 2 S. 8:4. 2 K. 7:14. CHARIOT-. Van, «. 2 Ch. 18:33. said toe- turn CHARIOT:-*, Ge. 50:9. went up with Jos. c. E\. 14:7. took (iUO c. || 17. get honor on liis c. 1j:4. Pharaoli's c. hatli he ca.-it into the sea, 19. Jos. 17:1(1. have c. of iron, 18. Jud. 1:19. | 4:3. Jud.4:15. L. discomfited Siseraand his c.|| 5:28. 1 S. 8:11. appoint for c. || 13:5. 30,000 c. 2 S. !:•;. c. followed || 10:18. slew men of 700 c. 1 K. 10:->6. Solomon had 14o0 c. || 16:9. i 22:32. 2 K. 13:7. left biUtten c. || 18:24. Is. 36:9. Ps. G8:17. c. of God are twenty thousand Song 6:12. my soul like the c. of Aminadab Is. 2:7. nor any end of c. II 2-3:18. c. of thy glory 31:1. that trust in c. \\ 37:24. multitude of my c. 6G:15. c. like whirlwind, Jer. 4:13. Da. 11:40. Jer. 47:3. rushing of his c. || Ez. 23:24. | 26:10. Ka. 2:4. c. shall rage || 13. I will burn her c. Has. 2:2-2. overthrow c. || Re. 9:9. as so\indofc. CHARIOT.-', with Horses, Ex. 14:9,23. De.ll:4. did to their - and c. || 20:1. seest- and c. Jos. 11:9. Joshua burnt their c. with fire S S. 15: 1 Absalom prepared - and c. || 1 K. 20:1. S K 6:17. mountain full of c. and - || 7:6. | 10:2. Ps. 20:7. some trust in c. and some in horses Song 1:9. to conip. - in Pharaoh's c. || Is. 66:-20. Jer. 17:-25. prmces riding in e. 22:4. | 46:9. 50:37. sword on - and c. |i Ez. 26:7. | 39:20. Na. 3:2. noise of prancing- and jumping c. Ha. 3:8. c. of salvation || Re. 18:13. e. and souls CII.IRITAULY, ad. Ro. 14:15. walkest note. CHARITV, s. Is a principle of love to Qud, and l^ond will to men, wishins' well to all. 1 Co. 8:1. c. edifielh || 13:1. have not c. 2:3. 13:4. suffereth long, c. 8. jj 13. faith, hope, c. 14:1. follow c.jl 16:14. all things be done with c. Col. 3:14. put on c. || 1 Th. 3:6. tidings of your c. 2 T!i. 1:3. c. towards each other aboundeth 1 Ti. 1:5. the end of the commandment is c. 2:15. saved, if they continue in faith and c. 4:12. an example in e. || 2 Ti. 2:22. follow c. 2 Ti. 3:10. known my c. | Ti. 2:2. found in c. 1 Pe. 4:8. have fervent c. ), 5:14. a kiss of c. 2 Pe. 1:7. to brotherly kindn c. || 3 Jn. 6. thy c. Ju. 12. feast of c. || Re. 2:19. t'ly works and c. CHARMED, p. Jer. 8:17. will not be c. CHARM I-:R, S. De. 18:11. Ps. 58:5. CHARR.\N, Sinirinir, calling, or wrath. Ge. 11:31. Ac. 7:3,4. CHA?*b;,j). Le. 26:7. c. enemies || 8. c. 100, 36. De. 3-2:30. one c. a 1000, Jos. 23:10. || Ps. 35:5. CHASED, ETH, ING, v. De. 1:44. you as bees Jud. 9:40. Abim. c. him l| 20:43. c. Benjamites 1 S. 17:.53. c. Philistines II Xe. 13:28. c.them Jh. 18:18. her. out of world || '20:8. c. as a vision Pr. 19:-26. c. his mother || Is. 13:14. as the c. roe Is. 17:13. bee. as chaff || La. 3:52. c. me sore CHASTE, a. 2 Co. 11:2. as a c. virgin to Christ Ti. 2:5. discreet, c. \\ 1 Pe. 3:-2. c. conversation CHASTEX, V. 2 S. 7:14.1 will c. him with rod Ps. 6:1. nor c. me in thy hot displeasure, 38:1. Pr. 19:18. c. thy son whilst hope || Da. 10:12. Re. 3:19. as many as I love I rebuke and c. CHASTE.VED,?. De. 21:18. they have c. him Jb. 33:19. he is c. also with pain on his bed Ps. 69:10. and c. my soul with fasting, that was 73:14. c. every morning || 118:18. L. c. me sore 1 Co. lI:.3-2. wearec.ofL.||2Co.6:9.c.notkilled He. 12:10. thev verilv for a few days c. ua CHASTENETH, ING. De. 8:5. as a man c. his son, so the L. c. thee Jb. 5:17. despise not c. Pr. 3:11. He. 12:5 Ps. 91:12. blessed is the man whom thou c. Pr. 13:24. he that loveth him, c. betimes Is. 26:16. a prayer when thy c. was ou them He. 1-2:6. Lord loveth he c. || 7. if ye endure c. 11. no c. seemeth to be joyous, but grievous CHASTISE, > seven times more De. 2-2:18. elders shall take the man and c. him I K. 12:11. but I will c. you with scorpions Ho. 7:12. 1 will r. them |i 10:10. desire to c.them Lu. 23:16. I will c. him, and release him, 22. CHASTISED, ETH. 1 K. 12:11. c. you with whips, 14. 2 Ch. 10:11,14. Ps. 94:10. that r. heathen || Jer. 31:18. I was c. CHASTISEMENT,s.De.n:-2. child, not seen c. Jb. 34:31.1 have borp.e c. || Is. .53:5. r.of our peace Jer.3i):14.i:.ofcruel one|| He. 12:8. if without c. CHATTER,?). Is. 38:14 or swallow, so did tc. CHAWS, .•;. Ez. 29:4. put hooks in thv c. 38:4. CHKRAR, Strength, force, Ez. 1:1. j 10:15. CHRCK,?). Jb. 20:3. c. of mv reproach, and CHECKRR-VVORK, s. 1 K. 7:17. CHEDORLAO.MER, Jl generation of servitude. Ge. 14:l,4,.5,17 ':;HEEK:, «. l K. 22.-24. smote Micaiah on c. Jb. If.: 10. smitten me on r. ]| La. 3:30. givethc. Rli. 5:1. smile judge on c. || Mat. 5:39. on right c. IjU. r-^q. to him that smiteth one c. offer other CHEEK-BO\E,.v. Ps. 3:7. enemies on the c- CHEEKS, s. De. 18:3. give to priest two c. Pong l:10.c. are comely ]| 5:13. c. as bed of spires Is. .50:6. r. them that plucked || La. 1:2. tears on CHEBK-TEETH, .s-. Jo. 1:6. c- of a great lion CHEER, V. De. 24:5. shall c. up his wife Be 1--9 heart c. thee || Mat 9:2. be of good c. Mat. 14:27. be of good c. Mk. 6:50. Jn 16:33. Ac. 23:11. be of good c. Paul,27:22,25,.3i;. ClIEERETH, V. Jud. 9:13. wine c. God and man CHEERFUL, u.Pr. 15:13. merry heart makes c. Zch. 8:19. c. feasts || 9:17. make young men c. 2Co.9:7.nnt grudgingly, for God loveth a c. giver CHEERFULNESS, .«. Ro. 1-2:8. mercv with c. CIIEERFULLV,orf. Af.24:10. the more cans. CHEESE, S, 1 S. 17:18. 2 S. 17:29. Jb. 10:10. CIIELAL, Completion; as night. Ezr. 10:30. CHELUBAl, He altoirether against me. Called also CALEB. 1 Ch. 2:9,18. | 4:12. | 27:2G. CHEMARIMS, The name of Baal''s priests, Ho. 10:15. Zph. 1:4. CHEMOSH, As stroking, or taking away. The god of the jJmnWtc^'. Nil. 21:29. Jud. 11:24. 1 K. 11:7,33. Jer. 48:7,13,46. CHEN.\ANAH, A merchantess, or broken in pieces. 1 K. 2-2:11,24. 1 Ch. 7:10. | 18:10. ClIENANI, My pillar, or preparation. Ne. 9:4. CHEXAXIAH, The pillar of the Lord. 1 Ch. 15:-22,27. | 26:29. Ne. 9:4. CHEPHAR, A little lioness. Jos. 18:24. CHEPHIRAH, rAesame. Jos. 9:17,18,26. Ezr. 2:25. Ne. 7:29. CHERAN, As singing, or as cryirnr. Ge. 36:26. 1 Cli^l:41. CHERETHIMS, Ww cuts, or takes away. Ez. 1.5:16. CHERETHITES. 1 S. 30:14. 2 S. 8:18. 15:18. | 20:7,23. 1 K. 1:38. Zph. 2:5. CHERISH, V. 1 K. 1:2. let lier c. him, 4. CHERISHETH, v. Ep. 5:29. 1 Th. 2:7. CHERITH, Cuttinir, or slaying. 1 K. 17:3. CHERUB, i. Like the migh'y one. 2 S. 21:11. he rode upon a c. Ps. 18:10. 1 K. 6:26. height of (me c. ten cubits, 25. Ez. 9:3. glory of God was gone from e. 10:4. 28:14. anointed c. || 16. destroy thee, O c. 41:18. ac. and a c. and everv c. had two fares CHERUBIMS,*. Ge.3:24. placed c. and flaming Ex. 25:18. two c. of gold || 26:1,31. | 37:7. 1 K. 6:23. made two c. || -28. overlaid c. with gold 8:7. the c. covered ark, 2 Ch. 5:8. He. 9:5. Ez. 10:5. sound of c. winas, 16:19. | 11:2-2. Between the CHERUBIMS. Ev. 25:22. I will meet thee from -c. Nu. 7:89. 1 S. 4:4. the L. which dwelleth -c 2 S. 6:2. 2 K. 19:15. Ps. 80:1. j 99:1. Is. 37:16. Ez. 10:2. with coals from -c. \\ 7. fire was -c. CHESALON, Confidence, temerity, sides. Jos. 15:10. CHESED, As a deril. Ge. 22:22. CHESIL, Foolishness. Jos. 15:30. CHEST, S. 2 K. 12:9. c. and bored a hole 2 Ch. 24:8. made c. || 11. emptied c. || Ez. 27:24. CHESTXUT-TREE, *-. Ge. 30:37. Ez. 31:8. CHESULLOTH, The sides of Tabor. Jos. 19:18. CHEW, ED, V. Le. 11:4. Nu. 11:33. De. 14:7. CIIEWETH, V. Le. 11:7. De. 14:6,8. CHEZIB, Ge. 38:5. at C. when she bare him CHICKENS, hen gathereth here. CHIDE, V. Ex. 17:2. Jud. 8:1. Ps. 103:9. CHIDI.\G,p. Ex. 17:7. .Veribah, because of c. CHIDON, A dart, a lance. 1 Ch. 13:9. CHIEF, a. signifies, (1) The best or most valua- ble, 1 S. 15:-21. (2) The hiirlteH or uppermost. Mat. 23:6. (3) Most remarkable and wonder- ful, Jb. 40:19. Ge. 40:9. c. butler told his dream, 21,22. Nu. 3:32. Eleazar c. || De. 1:15. c. of trilies 1 S. 15:21. people took the c. of the things 2 S. 23:18. Abishai was c. among || ] K. 9:-23. 1 Ch. 5:2. for of Judah came the c. ruler 11: ). Joab was c. || 18:17. sons of David c. Jb. 29:'2.5. and sat c. \\ 40:19. behemoth c. Ps. 78:51. smote c. 105:36. || 137:6. above my c. joy Pr. 1:21. crieth in c. places || 16:'28. c. friends La. 1:5. her adversaries are the c. \\ Ez. 4:t2. Mat. 20:27. be c. among you, Lu. -22:23. 23:6. love c. seats in synagogues, Mk. 12:39. Ac. 14:12. was c. speaker || 17:4. c. women Ep. 2:20. Christ the e. corner-stone, 1 Pe. 2:6. 1 Ti. 1:15. of whom I am c. \\ 1 Pe. 5:4. c. sheph. CHIEF Captain. 2 S. 5:8. | 23:8. Ac. 21:31. 3-2. I 23:17. ] 24:7,22. CHIEF Captains. 1 Ch. 27:3. 2 Ch. 8:9. Ac. 25:-23. Re. 6:15. CHIEF Fatliers. Nu. 31:26. 1 Ch. 9:34. | 24:31. I 2'i:32. 2 Ch. 26:12. Ezr. 1:.5. Ne. 7:70,71. CHIEF Hniise. Nu. 3:24,30,35. | 25:14,15. Jos. 22:14. CHIEF Man, or Men. Le. 21:4. 1 Ch. 7:3 I 24:4. Ezr. 5:10. | 7:28. Is. 41:9. Ac. 13:50. | 15:22. I 28:7. CHIEF PrieM. 2 K. 25:18. 1 Ch. 27:5. | 20:22. 2Ch. 19:11. I 26:20. CHIEF Priests. Ezr. 8:24. | 10:5. Ne. 12:7. Mat. 16:21. | 26:47. j 27:12,41. Mk. 14:1,.5.5. I 15:3,31. Lu. 19:47. | 22:-3. | 23:23. Jn. 7:32. 1 18:M. I 19:15. Ac. 9:14. | 22:3. CHIEF Prince, or Princes. 1 Ch. 5:t2. 1 7:41. Ez. 38:2,3. | 39:1. Da. 10:13. CHIEF S-;„o-er, ,?. Ne. 12:46. Ha. 3:19. CHIEFEST. n. Song 5:10. the c. among 10,000 Mk. 10:44. will be sers'.l| 2Co.l I:5.(;. apostles CHIEFLY, «rf. Ro. 3:2. Phil. 4:-22. 2Pe. -2;10. CHILD, s. denotes, ( I) One weak in knoicledire. Is. 10:19. 1 Co. 13:11. 1 Jn. 2:13. (2) Sack as are humble and docile. Mat. 18:3,4. Ge. 21:16. let me not see the death of the e. 37:30. the c. is not || 42:22. do not sin aaainste Ex. 2:8. called c. mother || 22:22. not atii.ct c. Jud. 11:34. his only c. || 13:8. shall do to the c. 1 S. 1:25. brouaht c. to Eli || 3:8. L. called the c 2 S. 12:14. c. shall die || 15. L. struck the c. 16. 1 K. 3:25, divide the c. || 14:3. | 17:22. 2 K. 4:35. the c. sneezed, c. opened his ftyes Ec. 4:8. neither c. nor brother j] 15. second c. Is. 3:5. c. behave proudiv || 7:16. before c. know 11:8. weaned c. jj G5:20". c. die a 100 vears old Jer. 4:31. her first c. (| 31:20. is he a prea>ant c. ': .Mat. 10:21. deliver c. to death || 17:18. c. cured 23:15. more the c. of hell || Lu. 1:.59. tlie c Lu. 1:66. what manner of c. shall this be ' 76. thou, c. Shalt be called the || 8'J'W.i !0 2:27. brought the c. Jesus || 9:42. healed tne e Jn. 4:49. ere my c. die || 16:21. delivered of c. Ac. 4:-27. of a truth against thy holy c. Jesus 13:10. said. Thou c. of the devil, thou enemy Re. 12:4. to devour her c. || 5. c. cau^rlit up A CHILD. Ge. 18:13. shall I bear a c. 44:-20. Ex. 2:2. she saw he was a goodiv c. He. 11:23. Jb. 3.3:25. fresher than a c.\\ Ps. 13l":2.weaned n c. Pr. 20:11. a c. is known || 22:6, train up a c. 15. 29:15. a cleft to himself bringeth to shame ||21. Ec. 4:13. better a wise c || 10:16. king is a c. Is. 9:6. to us a c. is born || 10:19. a c. may write Jer. 1:6. I am a c. 7. || 20:15. aman c is born Ho. 11:1. when Israel was a c I loved him Mk. 9:21. he said.Of a c. || 36. took a c. Lu. 9:47. 1 Co. 13:11. I spake as a c || Ga. 4:1. heir is .ic. 2Ti. 3:15. from a< known holy Scriptures He. 11: 1 I.Sarah deli v. of a c || Re. 12:5. a mane A little CHILD. 1 K. 3:7. I am but -c 1 K. 11:17. Iladad being -c ||2K. 5:14. flesh of Is. 11:6. together, and -c. shall lead them Mat. 18:2. Jesus called c. || 5. received oUch -c. Mk. 10:15. not receive as -c Ln. 18:17. ..Vo CHILD. Ge. 1 1:30. Sarai had -c || Le. 22:13. De. 25:5. 2 S. 6:23. 2 K. 4:14. Lu. 1:7. they had -r. || Ac. 7:5. he had -c. Sticking CHILD. Nu. 11:1-2. beareth the -c. Is. 11:8. -c shall play on the hole of the asp 49:15. can a woman forget her -c || La. 4:4. ThU CHILD. Ex. 2:9. take -c nurse him Lu. 2:34. -c is set for the fall || 9:48. receive -e. HWt CHILD. Ge. 16:11. Hagar,thou art -c Ge. 19:36.d'terofLot-c|| 38:24. Tamar is -c25 Ex. 2J:-22. hurt woman -c. \\ 1 S. 4:19. was-c 2 S. 11:5. Balh-shelia said, I am -c || 2 K. 8:i2. Ec. 11:5. grow in the womb of her that is -c. Is. 26:18. we have been -r. || 54:1. not travail-e. .Ier.30:6. man doth travail -c || 31:8. Ho. 13;lti Mat. 1:18. -c. of the Holy Ghost, 23. || 24:19. Mk. 13:17. but woe to lliem that are -c. and to Lu. 2:5. Mary, being great -c. i| 1 Th. 5;3. Re. 12:2. and she being -c. cried, travailing in Young CHILD. 1 S. l:-24. the c was - Mat. 2:8. sear-h for -c || 13. take the -c 14. CHILD-BEARING, s. I Ti. 2:15. saved in c. CHILDHOOD, «. 1 S. 12:2. Ec. 11:10. CHILDISH, a. 1 Co. 13:11. put away c. tliinga CHILDLESS, a. Ge. 15:2. seeing I go c Le. 20:2). shall die c. || 1 S. 1.5:33. made e. Je. 22:3(1. write this man c || Lu.90:3". died e. CHILDREN,*. Ge. 3:16. in sorrow bring c. Ge. 10:2. may obtain c || 25:22. c struggled 30:1. give me c else I die || 49:8. c. bow down Ex. 20:5. iniquitv of the fithers upon thee 34:7. Xu. 13:28. saw c-of Anak |i-26:n. K.^ah De. 2:9. Ar to c. of Lot, 19. || 9:2. c of Aiiak 13:13. c. of Belial || 14:1. c of the Loiil|i23:8. 24:16. c not put to death for fathers, -2Ch.25:4. 32:-20. c in whom is no faith || 33:24. with c. Jud. 8:18. resembled c of a king jl 14:16. | 20:1.3. 1 S. 2:5. she that hath many c is waxed feeble 2 S.7:10. nor c of wickedness afflict, I Ch. 17:9. 1 K. 21:13. came in two men c of Beiial 2 K. 2:-24. and tare 42 c || 19:3. c come to birtk 1 Ch. 2:30. but Seled died without c 32. 16:13. c of Jacob his chosen, Ps. 105:6. Jb. 19:17. c sake of my body || 30:8. r. of fools 41:34. he is a king over all the c of pride Ps. 17:14. full of c 11 34:11. ye c hearken to me 72:4. shall save c. of the needv |j 78:6. born 8-3:6. c of the .Most High || 83:8. c of Lot 102:28. c continue || 1 13:9 joyful mother of c. 127:3. lo, r. heritage of L. || 4. so are •;. ofyoulh 1.37:7.remember cof Edom |i 148:12. c piai-e L. 149:2. let c of Zion be jovful in their King Pr. 17:6. glori- of c is faitii || 31:28. her c. arise Ec. 6:3. and 100 c || Song 1:6. my mother's c Is. 1:2. I've brought up c || 2.6. c. of strangers 3:4. c. to be their pr nces || 12. c. are oppre sors 8:18. I and c. whom Lord iialh given, He. 2:15. 1.3:18. not spare c. \\ 21:17. c of Ktdar \\ 23:4. SO: I. woe toreliellious c |i 9. lying c |;.!->:19.lo c, 47:8. nor know loss of c 9. || 49;20. c ^hall say 54:1. more are the c of desolate, Ga. 4:27. 57:4.cof transgres:;ion || 6:1:8. c that will not lie 66:8. as socm as Zion Iravaileil she hroueht r. Jer.3:14. O backslidingc || 19. how pulamong-. 4:22. they are sottish e. || 6:1 1. c abroad ||7;I.S. 9:21. to cut offc.from without || 15:7. bereave of 31:15. Rachel w-eping for c Mat. 2:18. 29. c teeth set on edge, Ez. 18:2. || 4S:t4.5. Ez. 2:4. impudent c. || 20:21. c. rebelled againsl 44 CHI CHO CHR Ez.23:t]7.e.of Bab.|| 33:30.c.talking against thee Da. 1:17. these four c. God gave knowledge Ho. 1:2. c. of whoredoms || 10:9. c. of iniquity 11:10. c. treinlile || 13:13. breaking forth of c. Jo. 2:23. be glad then ye c. of Zion and rejoice Ami. 9:7. are ye not as the c. of the Etliiojiiaiis Bli. 1 16. and poll thee for thy delicate c. Ma 4:li. turn heart of c. to fathers, Lu. 1:17. 2:ltj. Herod slew c. |{ 3:9. stones to raise c. b:l:i.c. of kingdom || 9:15. c. ofbride. Mk.2:l9. 1J:2I. c. shall rise against parents, Mk. 13:12. 11:19. \Vl^doln is justified of lier c. Lu. 7:35. seed c. of || 15:2tj. c. bread, iVlk. 7:27. 17:2 i.flieii are c. free )j 1 9:'J9. forsaken wife or c 21:15. c. crying in the temple || 23:31. ye are Mk. 9:37. wlioso shall receive one of such c. 41. Lu. 6:35. c. of Highest || 10:8. c. of world wiser 20:29.died svithoutc. ||34.c. of this world marry Jn. 8:39. ilAlirah. c. ||21:5. c. haveye any meat Ac. 3:25. ye aie the c. of the prophets and of Ro. 8:17. if c. then heirs || 9:11. c. not yet born 1 Co. 14:20. in malic* e ye c. || 2 Co. 12:14. Ga. 3:7. c. of Abraham || 4:31. note, of bond-w. Ep. 1:5. to adoption of c. || 2:2. c. of disobedi- ence, 3. 4:14. no more c. tossed |{ 5:1. of God, as dear c. 5:o.wrath of God on c. of disobedience, Col. :i:ti. 6:1. c. obey your parents in the Lord, Col. 3:20. TTi. 5:4. widow have c. or nephews || 10:14. He. 2:14. as c. are partakers of tlesh and l-.lood 12:5.exhortation which speaketh to you as to c. 1 I'e. 1:14. as obedient c. |{ -J Pe. 2:14. cursed c. lie. 2:23. 1 will kill her c. with death, and CHILDREN «/ Benjamin. Nu. 1:3d. Jud. 1: 21. I 20:13. 2S. 2:25. 1 Ch. 9:3. | 12:16. Ne. 11:4. Jer. 6:1. Childreti's CHILDREN. Ge. 45:10. and tliy -c. Ex. 34:7. iniquity of fathers on -c. || De. 4:25. Ps. 103; 17. his righteousness to -c. || 128:6. see -c. I'r. 13:22. leavelh inheritance to his -c. 17:6. -c. are tlie crown of old men, and the Jer. 2:9. with -c. I'll plead || Ez. 37:25. forever Fatherless CHILDREN. Ps. 109:12. Jer. 49:11. ClliLUliENifOod. Mat. 5:9. shall be called c- Lu. 20:3^. are the c- || Jn. 11:52. gather c- llo. 8:16. witness that we are the c- || 21. liberty 9;8.these are not c- 1| 26. called c. of living God Ga. 3:2d are all the c- by faith in Christ Jesus 1 Jn. 3:10. c- manifest || 5:2. we love the c- /fo CHILDREN. Ge. 18:19. Abraham will command -c. De. 32:5. their spot is not the spot of -c. 53:9. neither acknowledge, nor knew - own c. Jb. 5:4. -c. far from safety || 17:5. eyes of -c. fail 2i:19. iniquity for -c. || 27:14. -c. he multiplied Ps. 89:30. if-c. forsake my law || 103: 13. pitieth -c. 109:9. let -c. be fatherless (| 10. be vagabonds Pr. 20:7. -c. are bles:>ed after him, 14:26. 1 Th. 2:11. charged you as a father doth -c. 1 Ti. 3:4. having -c. in subjection with all CillLDilEN vfl^ael. Ge. 50:25. oath of c- l;.\. 1:7. c- were fruitful || 2:23. sighed || 95. 4:31. Lord visited c- || 5:6. groaningof c. || 13. ]2:37.c.-journeyed || 29:43. meet with c- 1| 31:17. Ps. 103:7. made known his acts to the c- Is. 27:12. shall be gathered one by one, O ye c- Jo. 3:16. and the strength of the c- )| Am. 2:11. Lu. 1:16. c- shall turn to the L. || Ac. 7:23,37. Ac. 9:15. to bear my name before c- || 10:36. ko. 9:27. tlio' c- be as Ihe sand. Is. 10:22. i Co. 3:7. He. 11:22. Ke. 2:14. | 7:4. | 21:12. ;H1LUREN of Judah. Nu. 1:26. Jos. 14:6. 2«. 1:18. 2 Ch. 13:18. I 25:12. I 23:10. Jer. 32:32. I 50:4,33. Jo. 3:19. CHILDREN o/Lirrht. Lu. 16:8. wiser than c- Jn. 12:36. believe, that }'e may be the c- Ep. 5:8. walk as c- {{ 1 Th. 5:5. ye are all the c- /Atlle CH1!,DREN. Mat. 18:3. become as -c. Mat. 19:13. brought -c. 14. Mk. 10:14. Lu. 18:16. Ju. 13:33. -c. yet a little while || Ga. 4:19. 1 Jn. 2:1. my -c. I write unto you, 12,13. 4:4. ye are of God -c. || 5:21. -c. keep from idols CHILDREN of .Men. Ge. 11:5. tower c- built 1 cj. 26:19. if tiiey be the c- cursed be they 2 S. 7:14. I'll chastise with the stripes of c- ] K. 8:39. knowest hearts of c.-, 2 Ch. 6:30. Ps. 11:4. eyelids try c- || 12:1. faithful fail c- 1 1:2. looked down on c- 53:2. || 36:7. c- trust 45:2. fairer than c- || 90:3. return, ye c- 107:3. wonderful works toe.-, 15:21,31. | 115:16. Pr. 15:11. hearts of c- || La. 3:33. nor grieve c- ^/e;t CHILDREN. Ex. 1:17. saved -c. alive, 18. Ex. 34:21. all -c. appear before L. |{ Jos. 17:2. Jfen, IVomen, and CHILDREN. De. 3:6. destroved -c. || 31:12. -c. may hear 1 S. 23:19. sino'le Nob, -c. || Ezr. 10:1. Jer. 40:7. Mat. 14:21. were 5000 men, besides iromen and c. J>Iy CHILDREN. Ge. 30:26. | 31:43. | 42:36. Ex. 13:15. first born of -c. redeem || 21:5. love -c. 1 K. 20.7. sent to me for my wives and -c. J 6.29:5. Aim. was yet with nip,-f. were about me Is. 49.21. seeing 1 have lost c. || Jer.l0:20. -c.gone La. 1:16. -c. are desolate || Ez. 16:21. slain -c. Lu. 11:7. -c. are with me in bed || 2 Co. 6:13. ?, Jn. 4. joy than to hear that -c. walk in truth JVu CHILDRKN. Ge. 16:1. bare him -c. |] 30:1. Nu. 3:4. Nadab and Abihu had -c. || I S. 1:2. Mat. 2-';-i4. having -c. Mk. 12:19. Lu. 20:31. itiLr CHILI.'REN Ge. 31:16. riches are -c. Ex. 17:3. kill us and -c. || Nu. 14:3. -c. a prey De. 29:29. belong unto us and to -c. forever Jos. 22:25. your c. make -c. from fearing Lord Ne. 5:5. -c. as their c. || Mat. 27:25. blood on -c. CHILDREN ofpromiie. Ro. 9:8. Ga. 4:28. S(ra«ire CHILDREN. Ps. 144:7. Ho. 5:7. Tlieir CHILDREN. De. 4:10. may teach -c. De. 5:29. be well with -c. || 31 -13. -c. may learn 2 K. 8:12. Ihou wilt dash -c. and rip up women 17:31. burnt -c. in fire |) 41. -r. served images 2 Ch. 25:4. slew not -c. but did as it is written Ne.9:23. -c.n\ultiplied as stars || 13:24. spake half Jb. 21:11. -c. dance || 24:5. yieldeth food for -c. Ps. 78:4. not hide from -c. || 6. declare to -c. 90:16.glory appear to -c.|| 132:12.-c.sit on throne Is. 13:16. -c. dashed to pieces || Jer. 17:2. -c.reni. Jer. 18:21. -c. to famine || 30:20. -c. as aforetime 32:18. to bosom of-c. || 39. good of-c. || 47:3. La. 4:10. have sodden -c. \\ Ez. 20:18. said to-c. Ez. 23:39. slain -c. to idols || .37:25. c. shall dwell Da. 6:24. -c. to den of lions || Ho. 9:12. -c.bereave Jo. 1:3. tell -c. || Mi. 2:9. from -c. taken glory Zch. 10:7. -c. shall see it || 9. live with -e. Ac. 13:33. fulhlled to -c. || 1 Ti. 3:12. ruling-c. Ti. 2:4. young women to love husbands aiid-c. r/ii/ CHILDREN. Ex.l3:13.first born -c.redeem De. 4:40. may go well with -c. 12:25,28. 6:7. teaassion before Ps. 115:14. L. increase c. || Jer. 2:30. smitten -c. Mat. 7:11. to give good gifts to -c. Lu. 11:13. 12:27. by whom do -c. c.nst them out .' Lu. 23:28. weep for-c. || Ac. 2:39. promise to-c. 1 Co. 7:14. else were -c. unclean, but now holy Ep. 6:4. provoke not -c. to wrath, Col. 3:21. Ynuvg CHILDREN. Jb. 19:18. -c. despised me La. 4:4. -c. ask bread || Na. 3:10. -c. dashed Mk. 10:13. brought -c. || Ac. 7:19. cast out -c. CHILEAB, Totality of the fattier, 2 S. 3:3. called Daniel, 1 Ch. 3:1. CMflilON, Finished, complete, perfect. Eu. 1:2. CHILMAD, .^s teaching. Ez. 27:23. C HIM HAM, Like to them. 2 ?. 19:37. CHIMNEY, s. Ho. 13:3. as .smoke out of the c. CHINNERETH, j? harp. A city in J^aphtali. Nu. 34:11. De. 3:17. Jos. 11:2. | 12:3. CHIOS. Open or ojiemiifr. An island, Ac. 20:1.5. ClWfiLEM, Hcpe, or hJn fear. Ne. 1:1. The ninth month, answering to part of JVovember and December, Zch. 7:1. CHISLON, Rashness or confidence. Nu. 34:21. CHiSLOTH-TABOR, Fears, or trust of elec- tion or purity. Jos. 19:12. CHITTI.M, fVnsters i a crown, or sold. Nu. 24:24. Is. 23:1. Jer. 2:10. Ez. 27:6. CHIUN, An Egyptian god, called Hercules; signifving the Sun, Am. 5:26. CIILOE, ./J irrecn herb. 1 Co. 1:11. CHODE, ». Ge. 31:36. Jacob c. Nu. 20:3. CHOICE, a. Ge. 23:6. in c. of our sepulchres Ge. 49:1 Lass's colt to c. vine II De. 12:11. c. vows 1 .'*. 9:2. Saul, a c. young man || 2 S. 10:9. 2 K. 19:23. c. fir-trees. Is. 37:24. || 2 Ch. 25:5. Pr. 8:10. rather than c. gold, 19. | 10:20. Song 6:9. she is Ihe c. one || Jer. 22:7. c. cedars ICz. 24:4. fill pot with c. bones || 5. c. of flock Ac. 15:7. G. made c. among us, that the Gentiles CHOICEST, a. Is. 5:2. c. vine l| 22:7. c. valley CHOKE, EM, V. Mat. 13:7. thorns c. Mk. 4:7. Mat. 13:92. deceitfulness of riches c. word, Mk. 4:19. Mk. 5:13. and were c. in the sea, Lu. 8:3.3. Lu. 8:14. and are c. with cares and riches CHOLER, s. Da. 8:7. moved with c. 11:11. CnOOSE,v. To select, Ex. 11:9. Ps. 2.5:12. It is spoken, (I) Of persons, as, (1) Of Christ, who vas from eternity chosen to the ofice of Mediator, Is. 42:1. (2) ' Of such whom God fro^a all eternity elected and separated from amnntr the children of men, to deliver tliemfrom sin and hell, and hy his s]iirit working- in them to unite them, hij faith, to Christ the Headofthe church, and to sanettftt and save them hi fjim.' CRUPtN. Mk. 13:20'. Ep. 1:4. 2Th.2:I3. (3) Of the Jews, who were set apart as God's peculiar people, Vie. l-.f: (4) Of persons chosen to rffire, Jn. 6:70. (ID Of things, Is. 58:6. (U!; Ofidaces, 2 Ch. 0:38. CHOOSE, as an act of Gnd. Nil. 16:7. the man thaL. doth c. shall be holy 17:5. the man's rod whom 1 c. shall blossom De. 7:7. Lord did not c. voii because more ] which L. shall c. 1 1,14,18,26. |) 14:23 17:15. set him king, whom the Lord shall c. 1 S. 2:28. did I c. him || 2 S. 16:18. whom L. c 1 K. 14:21. city L. did c. || Ne. 9:7. did c. Abra. Ps. 95:12. teach in way he shall c. || 47:4. c. for iia Is. 14:1. L. will c. Israel || 49:7. sliall see thea II 66:4. Zch. 1:17. Lord shall yet c. Jerusalem, 2:12. CHOOSE. Ex. 17:9. c. us out men and fight De. 23:16. dwell in place, shall c. || 30:19. c. life 1 S. 17:8. c. you a man || 2 S. 17:1. c. 12,000 2 S. 24:12. I offer three things, c. 1 Ch. 21:10. Jb. 9:14. c. my words || 34:4. let us c. || 33. tliou s. Pr. 1:29. not c. fear of L. || 3:31. c. not his waya Is. 7:15. and c. the good || 56:4. eunuchs thai t. 65:12. did c. that wherein 1 delighted not Ez. 21:19. c. a place || Phil. 1:22. c. 1 wot not CHOOSEt^T, ETH, ING. Jb. 7:15. my soul c. strangling and death 15:5. and thou c. the tongue of the crafty Ps. ('5:4. blessed is the man whom thou c. Is. 40:20. he c. a tree || 41:24. is he that c. you He. 11:25. c. rather to suffer affliction with the CHOP, V. Jli. 3:3. c. the flesh of my people CHOR-ASHAN, A river, or swoke. 1 S. 30:30 CHORAZIN, Secret, or mystery. Mat. 11:21. CHOSE, V. Ge. 6:2. wives of all which they c Ge. 13:11. Lot c. him all the plains of Jordan Ex. 18:25. c. able men, and made heads De. 4:37. he c. their seed, 10:15. || ^los. 8:3. Jud. 5:8. c. new gods || 2 S. 6:21. L. who c. me 1 K. 8:16. I c. no city to build house, 2 Ch. 6:5 Ps. 78:67. c. not tribe of Ephraim || 68. c. Judah 70. he c. David also his servant, and took him Is. 66:4. c. that in which I delighted not, 65:12. Ez. 20:5. in the day when I c. Israel, and Lu. 6:13. of them he c. twelve apostles 14:7. c. chief rooms || Ac. 6:5. c. Stephen Ac. 13:17. G. c. our fathers || 15:40. Paul e. Silas CHOSEN, p. Nu. 16:5. c. cause to ccuiie near Jos. 24:22. ye have c. you the L. to serve him Jud 10:14. go and cry to the sods ye have c. 1 S. 8:10. king ye have c. 12:13. || 20:30. hast c I K. 3:8. c. a great peojile || 8:44. citv hast c. 1 Ch. 16:13. his c. ones || Jb. 36:21. ibis hast c. Ps. 33:12. people he hiith c. for his inheritance 89:3. cov. with inyc. || 19. exalted one c. outof 105:6. children of Jacob his c. \\ 43. brought forth 106:5. see good of c. || 23. had not Moses Ifis c. Pr. 16:16. rather to be c. than silver, 22:1. Is. 43:20. drink to my c. || 65:15. curse to my 66:3. c. their own ways || Jer. 8:3. death be c. Jer. 49:19. who is a c. man I may appoint, 50:44 Mat. 20:16. many be called, but few c. 22:14. Mk. 13:29. for his elect's sake whom he hath c Lu. 10:42. c. that good part || Ac. 1:24. hast e. Ac. 9:15. he is a c. vessel || Ito. 16:13. I'.ufiis c 2 Co. 8:19. c. of the churches || 1 Ti. 5:19. 2 Ti. 2:4. who haili c. him to be a soldier 1 Pe. 2:9. but ye ;ire a c. generation, a royal Re. 17:14. they are called c. and faithful CHOSEN of God. Lu. 23:3.5. Chri.-it Ihe c- Ac. 10:41. witnessesc. -II 1 Pe. 2:4.1iving stone c • God hath CHOSEN. De. 12:21. -c. to put his name there, 16:11. 21:6.them-c. to minister unto him, anil,tobles» 1 Ch. 29:1. Solomon, whom aloiie -c. is young Ac. 22:14. God of our fathers hath c. thee 1 Co. 1:27. -c. foolish things || 28. things de- spised -c. 2 Th. 2:13. G. from the beginning An(A c. you Ja. 2:5. hath not O. c. the poor of this world //muf CHOSEN. 1 K. 11:13. and for Jerusalem's sake which -c. 2 Kings 21:7. | 23:27. 2 Ch. 6:6. 32. city which -c. || Ne. 1:9. to place -c. , Ps. 119:30. -c. the way of truth, 173. Is. 41:8. Jacob, whom -c. || 9. -c. thee, and not 43:10. my servant, whom -c. Mat. 12:18. 44:1. Israel, whom -c. || 2. Jesurun, w horn -c. 48:10. -c. thee in furnai e || 58:5. fast -c. 6. Hag. 2:23. -c. thee, saith the Lord of hosts Jn. 6:70. have not I c. you twelve, 13:18. 15:16. not, -e. you || 19. out of world Lord hath CHOSEN. De. 7:6. -c. thee, 14:2. De. 18:5. the -c. him out of all the tribes 1 S. 10:24. see ve him whom -c || 16:8,10. ,1 Ch. 15:2. -c. to carry the ark || 28:4,-5,10. 2 Ch. 29:11. c. you to stand and serve him Ps. 105:26. Aaron, whom c. || 132:13. -c. Zion 135:4. -c. .Tacob to himself || Jer. 33:24. families Zch. 3:2. Lord that -c. Jerusalem lebuke thee Efp. 1:4. accordinias he hatha, iisinhim before CHOSEN Jlcn. "Juil. 20:16. 700 c. left-handed 1 K. 12:21. of Judah 180,00!) c.-, 2 Ch. 11:1. 2 Ch. 13:3. Abijah with 409,000 c- Jerob.800,0013 Ps. 78:31. wrath smote down c- of Israel Ac. 15:22. to send c- of their company, 25. CHOZEBA, Men Vars, 1 Ch. 4:22. CHR1."~T, 'J'he amiivted of God; the same with the Hebrew Mess-iah, Ps. 45:7. Is. 61:1. Jn his divine nature he i equal with the Father^ and aver all, God lihssed forever ; hut in his human nature, svhnrdinate anil inferior to Vie, bei/tg like to men in all things, sin ea- 45 CHR cepteil Bulk natures arc united in. the person «/, t/iat he hum ht be uur projiket, priest, and Idiiff, and the autliur «/ a cuiiijilctc, perfect, all-sufiicient, and eternal salvatinii. In Clirist all the types, prophecies, and promises centre. He is the must suitable uhjr.ct fur the sinner to look to, trust in, and eipect all hisjuys and consolations from, as alune by him life and salnatioii are procured. He is the head ufprinci pc'itics and powers, Ihebi-igldiiessuf his Father's /lliiry, and the express imaire of his person, lie. }:\i. the glory of all worlds, and Ike refulsrent luminary of the universe, in. 1:9. the iiicx- hausted fountain of all the treasures of nature, grace, and glory, Jer. 2: 13. and the matchless, ijicuniparuble Redeemer of all that come to him, Jii. G::i7. Clirist was the grand subject of all tJie apostles' ministry, Ac. 8:.5. J3nd, indeed, a sermon ipil.hout Christ, is like a cloud without water, or a shadow loithout substance. Clirist is taken for the wysiicul body uf Christ, him- self the head, ami his rhurrh the members, which make up bat one bodi}, 1 Co. 1'2:13. Likewise for the doctrine of Christ, Ep. 4:20. Jind fur the Spirit, with his gifts and graces, Ro. 8: 10. Mat. 2:4. he demanded where C. should be born lfi:16. thou art C. the Son of the living God 23:8. fornne is your master, even C. 10. 24:5. saying I am C. Mk. 13:6. Lu, 21:8. 2 ;:C8. prophesy to us, thou C. who smote thee Mk. 9:41. ye belong to C. || l.'i:32. let C. descend Lri. 2:26. should not die, before he had seen C. 4:41. the di*ils, they knew that he was C. 23:35. if he be the C. || 39. if thou be the C. 24:i,;. ought not C. to liave suffered, 46. Jn. 4:25. that Messias conieth, vvliich is call.C. 7:27. when C. ronieth, no man knoweth, 31. 41- soirie said, Shall 0. come out of Galilee 4-2. lh:U C. Cometh of the seed of David, and 9:2J. did confess C. || 12:34. C. abideth forever Ac. 2:30. raise up C. || 30. both Lord and C. 3: 18. that C. should sufrer||8:5. preached C. 9:20. 17:3. C. must needs have suffered, 26:23. Ro. 5:6. in due time C. died for the iin;;ol!y, 8. 6:4. as C.wa.< raised || 9. C.being raised dielh no 7:4. dead to law by C. || 8:9. liave not S|)irit of C. 8:10. if C. be in you || 11. that raised C. from 9:3. accur ed from C. ||5. of whom C. came 10:4. C. is end of law || 6. to bring C. down, 7. 14:9. to this end C. died || 15. for whom C. died IS. servelh C. || 15:3. C. pleased not himself ]5:7.asC.reieived us || IS.thingsC. not wrought 20. not whereC.was named || 1 Co. 1:23. preach - Co. 1 :24. C. the power of God || 3:23. ye are C. 5:7. even C. our passover is sacrificed for us 8:11. weak brother perish, for whom C. died 9:21. under law to C. || 10:4. rock was C. 11 9. Io:3. bow C. died || 23. C. the first fruits 2 Co. o: 1. thro' C. || 5:16. known C. after flesh 0:15. what concord hath C. with Belial || 11:2. Ga.2:20. C. liveth in me ||21. C. is dead in vain 3:13. C. redeemed us||24. bring us to C.||29. beC. 4:7.1ieirof God through C.||I9. till C. be Conned 5:1. C. hath made us free || 21. that are C. have Ep.2:12. without C. ||3:17. C. may dwell in 4:15. the head, even C. || 20. not so learned C. 5:2. as C. loved ns||14. C. shall give thee light 23. as C. is head of church ||25. as C. loved 32. speak concerning C. || 0:5. as unto C. Phil. 1:15. souie preach C. of envy, 16:18,20. 3:8. I may win C.||4:I3, I can do all through C. Col. 2:8. not after C. || 3:1. where C. sitteth at 3:4. C. who is our life || 11. C. is all and in all 3:13. as C. forgave || 24. ye serve the Lord C. He. 3:6. C. as a son ||5:5. C. glorified not hims. 9:11. C. a high-priest II 28. C. was once offered 1 Pe. 2:21. C. suffered for us, 3:18. j 4:1. Re. 11:15. kiugdmns of our L. and his C. 12:10. ^, that - was C. 28. .9:4. that ihev should believe on C- Ro. 1:1. Paul, a servant of-C. Phil. 1:1. 3. his son -C. II 6. the called of-C. ||S. through 9:1 >. judge by -C. || 3:22. by faith of -C. 24. .5:15 by oneman-C.||17.reign in life, by one -C. fi:3 baptized inio -C. || 8:1. them that are in C- 8:2. Spirit of life in C- hath made me free 16:3. Priscilli and Aquila, my helpers in C- iOo.hl. Paul an apostle of -C. 2Co. 1:1. Ep. 1:1. 30. but of him are ye in C- who is made 9:2. not to know any thing, sa\e -C. crucified S Co. ii^i. knowLdge of God in ;he face of-C. CHU 2 Co. 13:5. know ye not, how that -C. is in 50U Ga. 2:16. aman is justified by the faith 01 -C. 3:28. male nor female, for ye are all one in C- 4:14. even as C.-||5:(i. in C.- neither circumcis. Ep. 2: 10. created in C.-]|20. C- chief corner Phil. 1:8. I long after you in the bowels of-C. 2:5. mind be in yon, which was also in C- 2:11. -C. is Lord II 3:1. for excellency of C- II 21. 4:19. according to his riches in glory by C.- Col. 2:6. as ye have received C- so walk ye 1 Ti. 1:I.5.-C. came to save 1(2:5. I 6:13. 2 Ti. 1:9. grace given us in C.-|| 3:12. in C- He. 13:8. -C. the same yesterday, and forever 1 Jn. 1:7. blood of-C. cleanseth from all sin 2:1. we have an advocate -C. the righteous Lord Jesus CHRIST. Ac. U-AI. believed on C-. Ac. 10:31. believe on -C. || 20:21. faith towards Ro. 5:1. we have peace with God thro' our C- 11. we also .|oy in God through our -C. 6:23. gift of God is eternal life through our C- 13:14. putyeon the-C. and make not provision 16:20. grace of our -C. be with you, 24. 9 Co. 13:14. Ga. 6:18. 2Th. 3:18. Re. 22:21. 1 Co. 1:7. waiting for coming of our -C. 8:6. one -C. || 15:57. victory through -C. || 16:22. 2 Co. 1:2. peace from -C. Ga. 1:3. Ep. 1:2. 8:9. for ve know the grace of our -C. Ga.6:14. Ep. 1:3. God and Father of our -C. 17. 1 Th. 1:3. hope in our-C. ||2:9. | 3:13. | 5:23. 2 Th. 2:1. coming of our-C. II 16. now our-C. 1 Ti. 5:21. I charge thee before C- 2Ti. 4:1. 2 Ti. 4:22. the -C. be with thy spirit, amen 2Pe. 1:11. kingdom of our -C.||3:18. know of-C. In CHRIST. Ac. 24:24. concerning faith -C. Ro. 9:1. I say the truth C- || 12:5. one body -C. 16:7. -C. before me||9.helper-C.||10. approv.-C. 1 Co. 3:1. to bahes-C. II 4:10. ve are wise- C. 15:18. fallen asleep-C. II 19. hope-C. we 22. even soin C. shall all be made alive 2 Co. I:21.estab. us -C. ||2:14. to triumph -C. 3:14. which vail is done away in C. 5:17. if any man be in C. he is a new creature 19. G. was -C. reconciling || 20. pray you -C. 12:2.1 knew a man -C. || 19. speak before G. -C. Ga. 1:22. unknown to the churches of Judea -C. 3:27. ,as many as have been baptized into C. Ep. 1:3. blessed -C. || 10. gather all things -C. 12. first trusted -C. || 90. wrought -C. when Phil. 1:13. bonds -C.||2:I. if any consolation -C. 1 Th. 4:16. dead -C.||I Ti. 2:7. 'l speak trulh-C. A- CHRIST. Mat. 24:23. lo, here-C. Mk. 13:21. Mk. 12:35. that C- son of David, Ln. 20:41. Lu. 2:11. horn a Saviour, which -C. the Lord 23:2. saying that he himself -C. a king Jn. 7:41. this - the C. Ac. 9:22. | 17;3. Ro. 8:31. it -C. that died || 1 Co. 1:13. -C. divid. 1 Co.7:22. being free -C. servant || 11:3. head -C. 12:12. being many are one body, so -C. 15:13. if dead rise not. then -C. not risen, 16. 2 Co. 10:7. trust that he - C.'s. || Ga. 2:17. | 3:16. Phil.l:21.formetolive-C.|| Col. 1:27. -C. in you Of CHRIST. Mat. 11:2. when John heard -C. 22:42. what think ve -C. || Ro. 8:9. Spirit -C. 1 Co. 11:1. as I alsoam -C.||Col. 2:17. body is-C. 2Th. 3:i5. L. direct you into the patience -C. 2Ti. 2:19. nnmeth the name -C. let him depart Re. '-0:6. shall be priests of God and of C. Thai CHRIST. Jn. 1:2.5. if thou be not -C. Jn. 6:09. sure thou art -C. the son of the L. G. The CHRIST. Mat. 16:20. that he was - C. 20:63. I adjure thee, tell wh. ther thou be -C Mk. 8:29. Peter saith unto him. Thou art -C. 14:01. art thou -C. || Lu. 3:15. whether -C. Ln. 9:20. thou art-C. || 22:67. art.thou-C. tell Jn. 1:20. I am not -C. 3:23. || 41. Messias, -C. 4:29. is not this -C. || 42. is indeed -C. 7:26. 7:41. others s.aid, this is-C. || 10:24. if-C. tellus 11:27.1 believe thou art-C. || 20:31. Jesus is-C. 1 Jn.2:22. deni. th-it Jesus is -C. ||5:1. believeth mih CHRIST. Ro. 6:8. if dead -C. || 8:17. Ga. 2:-20. 1 am crucified -C. || Ep. 9:5. quirk -C. Phil. 1:23. desire to be -C. || Col. 9:90. if dead -C. Col. 3:1. if risen -C. || 3. life hid -C. in God Re. 20:4. and they reigned -C. 1000 years CHRISTIAN, S. Ac. 11:20. disciples first called C. at Antioch 2 ;:28.persuadest me to be a C.||l aC. CHRIStS. Mat. 24:24. false C. Mk. 13:22. CHRONICLES. 1 K. 14:19. 1 Ch. 27:94. Est. 6:1. bring the book of records of the c. CHRYSOLITE, .^ precious stune, ofagoldculor, very trnn-pnrent. Re. 21:20. CHRYSOPRASUS, Jl prccinus stone ; it is of a green color, mixed with a golden brightness, Re. 21:90. CIKTB, Bhilinir out, Ez. 30:.5. C. shall fall CHUN, Prefariitlon, i Ch. 18:8. CHURCH, .•.-. signifies, (1) .^9 particular congre- gation of believers in Christ, united together in the order nf the gospel, 1 Co. 1:2. Re. 2:7. (2) ' Jill the elect of Gnd,from the beginning lo the end nf time, who make up but one body, of which Christ i\' the head, Co]. 1:18.' Crvden. (3) Briirrrrs in one fmnilii, Ro. 10:5. Col. 4:15. Phile. 2. (4) The people of the Jews, who were the church and people of God, Ac. 7:38. ' ^ Jl ■multitnde assembled, good or bad, Ac. 19:t32,39.' Crpden. Mat. 16:18. on this rock I will build my c. CIS Mat. 18:17. tell it to c||Ac.2:47. L. added to the « Ac. 5:11. Lnr came on c. ||8:1. persec. against c. 11:26. assem. with c. || 14:-->3. elders in every c 14:97. gath. c. together ||I5:3. on their way bye. 15:22. pleased c. to send || 18:22. sainted the c Ro. 10:5. greet the c. that is in their house 1 Co. 4:17^ teach in every c. || 14:4. edifieth c. 14:5. c. may receive |{ 23. c. come together 16:19. c. in thejrhousell Ep. 1:22. heail over c. Ep. 3:10. known by the c. the wisdom of G'od 5:24. as the c. is subject to Christ, so wivei^ 5:25. as C. loved the c. || 27. glorious c. \\ 20:32. Phil.3:6. persecutingthec ||4:15. noc. comrnun Col. 1:18. head of the c. || 24. which is the c. 4:15. salute the c. whicli is in Nymphas' house 1 Ti. 5:10. not c. be charged || Phile. 2. to the He. 12:23. c. of first-born || 1 Pabylon 3 Jn. 6. before thee. ||9. 1 wrote unto thee. Jn the CHVRVH. Ac. 7:38. -c. in v.ilderness || 13:1. projihets-c. 1 Co. 6:4. least esteem. -c.||ll:18.come togetli. -c 12:98. G. set some -c.||14:i9.-c.speak five words 14:98. keep silence -c. || 35. shame to speak -c. Ep. 3:21. be glory -e. || Col. 4:10. to be read -c. Of the CHURCH. Ac.8:3 Saul made havock -c. 11:22. tidings came to ears -c. \\ 19:1,5. 15:4. received -c. || 2.0:17. called elders -c. Ro. 10:1. Pliebe a servant -c. || 93. -c. salutflh 1 Co. 14:12. to edifying -c. || Ep. 5:23. head -c. He. 9:19. in midst -c. ||Ja. 5:14. call eiders -c. 3 Jn. 10. Demetrius casteth them out of the c. Re. 9:1. to the angel -c. of Ephesus, 8,19,18. 3:1. of Sardis || 7, Philadelphia || 14. Loadicea CHURCH of Ood. Ac. 90:98. feed the c- 1 Co. l:2.|oe.-atCorinth||10:32. noofltnce toc- 11:99. or despise ye the c- and shame them 15:9. because I persecuted the c.-, Ga. i:]Z. 1 Ti. 3:5. how shall he take care of the c- CHURCHES, s. Ac. 9:31. then had the c. ren Ac. 15:41. confirming the c.||16:5. c. established 19:37. neither robbers off. || Ro. 16:4,16. 1 Co. 7:17. ordain I in all c. || 11:16. neither the c. 14:33. of peace as in all c.||34. keep silence in c. 16:1. given order to c. || 19. c. of Asia sail ite you 2 Co. 8:1. c. of Macedonia || 19. chosen of tliec. 23. messengers of the t.||l]:8.I robbed other c. 11:28. care of all thee. || 19:13. inferi. to oilier c. Ga. 1:22. unknown by facetoihe e. of Judea 1 Th.2:14.follo\vers of the c. || 2 Th. 1:4. in the c Re. 1:4. to seven c. in Asia||ll.send it to seven c stars are angels of c.candlest. are 7 c 2:7. Spirit saith to the e. 11:17,29. | 3:6,13,29. 23. e. know I search reins || 22:16. testify in e. CHURL, s. .^fool, Is.32:.5,7. CHURLISH, a. 1 S.25:3. Nabal wasc. CHURNING. Pr. 30:33. c. of milk CHUZA, Seeing or prophesning. Lu 8:3 CIELED, ING, V. 1 K. 0:15. walls t,' ther. 2 Ch. 3:5. he c. the greater house || Jer. y9:!4. Hag. 1:4. is it time to dwell in yoiirc. houses CTLICIA, Which rolls or overturns. Part of Lesser jlsia. Ac.6:9. they of C. disputed || 1.5:41. went thro' 2I:.39. of Tarsus, a city in C. 22:3. | 93:34. 27:5. the sea of C. || Ga. 1:91. regions of C. CiNNEROTH, As a candle. Jos. 13:27. | li;:35 1 K. 15:20. CINNAMON, s. Ex. 30:23. take sweet c. Pr. 7:17. bed with c. ||Song4:14. || Ke. 18:13. CIRCLE, ,5. Pr. 8:127. Is. 40:22. CIRCUIT, S. 1 S. 7:16. vear to year in r. Jh. 22:14. walkethinc. of heaven, Ps. 19:0. Ec. 1:6. wind returnelh according to his <;. CIRCUMCISE, II. Ge. 17:1 1. shall c. the flesh De. 10:16. e. tij^ foreskin of your heart, S^iO. Jos. 5:2. c. again Israel || 4. why .(oshua ilid c Jer. 4:4. c. yourselves || Lu. 1:59. toe. the child Jn. 7:22. and ye on the Sabhalh-diiy c. a man Ac. ]5:5. needful toe. ||2I:21. ougli't not lor. C. .CUMCISED, Ge. 17:10. every male-cho.l r. Ge. 17:14. whose flesh is not c. shall be cut off 23. Abrahp.m c. || 26. Abrah. wasc. ||.34:1.-|,24. Jer. 9:25. punish all e. with the nncircumcised Ac. 15:1. except ve be c. \\ 16:3. Paul e. Timothy Ro. 4:11. tho'notc. II 1 Co. 7:18. any called r. Ga. 2:3. compelled to be c.||5:2. if c. (Jhrist shall 0:12. constrain vou to be c. |{ "3. that are e. Phil. 3:5. e. the eighth dav || Col. 2:1 1. ye aic e. CIRCUMCISING, p. Jos. 5:8. Lu.9;21. CIRCUMCISION, s. signifies, (1)7'e. 21:6. -of c. ne\t slain man || 20. | 22:17. I 25:8. Jos. 20:4. Jud. 8: 16. Ru. 4:2. Ezr.l0:14. Everij CITY. Jud. 20:48. smote men of -c. SIC. 3:19. smite- fenced c. ||2Ch. 11:12. 1 31:19. J r. 4:29. -c. be forsaken || 48:8. come on -c. jMat. 12:25. -c. divided || Lu. 10:1. two into -c. Ac. 15:21. in -c. that preach || 36. | 20:23. Ti. 1:5. ordain elders in -c. as I had appointed Fenced CITY. 2 K. 10:2. | 17:9. 2 Ch. 11:23. CITY of God. Ps. 40:4. make g'ad the c- I's. 43:1. in the c. nfont O. 8. || 87:3. Oc. of O. Ke. 3:12. write on him the name of c. of Ood Great CITY. Ge. 10:12. Resen is a -c. Jos. 10:2. Gibeah was a -c. || Ne. 7:4. c. was - Jer. 22:8. the Lord done this unto this -c. ? Jon. 1:2. Nineveh was a -c. "sB. | 4:11. lie. 11:8. bodies in the street., /the -c. 14:3. Babylon thnt-c. 18:10,16,19,21. 16;!9. -n. divided || 17:18. woman is that -c. 21:10 he showed me the -r. holy Jerusalem ir.ily CITY. Ne. 1 1:1. Jerusalem the -c. 18. Is. 48:2. call theins. of -c. || 5>:1. O -c. Da. 9:24. Mat. 4:5. | 27:.53. Re. 11:2. | 21:2. | 22:19. /« or t:,to the CITY. Ge. 19:12. hast -c. bring l;e. 28:3. blessed c and field || 16. cursed -c. Jud. 1:24. show us entrance c. || 8:27. put it -c. 1 K. 13:25. told it-c. || 14:11. him that dieth -c. 1 1:12. feet enter -c. \\ 16:4. dieth of Baasha -c. 1'0:30. and caMie -c. into an inner chamber '^1:24. dieth of Ahab -c doss eat || 2 K. 7:4,12. 2 K. 20:20. Hezekiah brought water -c. )'s. 31:21. show marvellous kind, -a strong c. 55:9. seen strife -c. || Pr. 1:21. -n. wisdom utter. Va:. 7:19. ten iiiiahty men -c. || 8:10. forgotten !.J. 24:12. -c. is I.M'i di-sol.ition. .ind sate -iiuii.ten Jet. 14:18. ifl enter-.;, behold l| .18:9. | .S2:G. La. i;19. gave up ghost -c. |1 Ez. 7:15. | 9:7. Ho. 11:9. and I will not enter -c. Jo. 2:9. they shall run to and fro-c. Am. 3:6. evil -c. || 7:17. wife a harlot -c. Alat. 9:1. came - his own c. || 10:5. - any c. of 26:18. go -c. to such man || 28:11. watch caine-c. Mk. 14:13. he saith, Go -c. Ac. 9:6. Lu. 7:37. a woman -c. a sinner || 18:2,3. 22:10. when ve are entered -c. || 24:49. tarry -c. Ac. 11:5. I was -c. Joppa || 14:20. | 21:29. | 24:12. 2 Co. 1 1:26. in perils -c. || Re. 82:14. enter -c. CITY of the Lord. Ps. 101:8. Is. 60:14. Out of the CITY. Ge. 44:4. were gone -c. Ex. 9:29. as soon as I am gone -c. || 33. went -c. Le. 14:45. carry them -c. \\ Jos. 8:22. issued -c. 2 S. 18:3. succor us -c. || 20:16. cried a wo. -c. 1 K. 21:13. carri. Naboth -c. || 2 K. 7:12. | 9:15. Jb. 24:12. men groan -c. \\ Jer. 39:4. | 52:7. Ez. 48:30. goings -c. \\ Mi. 4:10. go forth -c. Mat. 21:17. he went -c. Mk. 11:19. Lu. 4:29. thrust him -c. || 9:5. go -c. shake Jn. 4:30. they went -c. || Ac. 7:.58. cast .Ste. -c. Ac. 14:19. drew Paul -c. || 16:13. | 21:5. CITY ofR,fu^e. Nu. 35:25,26,28,32. Jos. 21:13. ilebron to be a c- \\ 21. Shechem 27.Golan || 32.Kedesh || 38.Ramoth,2 Ch. 6:57. This CITY. Ge. 19:14. Lord will destroy -c. Ge. 19:20. -c. is near to flee to || 21. not over. -c. Jos. 6:26. cursed that buildetli -c. || Jud. 19:11. 1 S. 9:6. in -c. a man of God || 2 K. 2:19. 2 K. 18:30. -c. shall not be delivered, Is. 36:15. 19:32. not come into -c. 33. Is. 37:34. 34. I will defend -c. 20:6. Is. 37:35. | 38:6. 23:27. I'll cast olT-c. || 2 Ch. 6:34. pray tow.-c. Ezr. 4:13. if -c. be built again, 15:16. Jer. 6:6. -c. to be visited || 17:25. -c. shall remain 19:8. make c. desolate, 11,15. | 20:5. | 21:9,10. 26:6. 1 will make -c. a curse || 15. | 27:17. | 32:3. .39:16. I will bring my words on -c. for evil Ez. 11:3. -c. is the caldron, we the flesh, 7,11. Mat. 10:23. persecute in -c. flee to another Ac. 18:10. I have much people in -c. || 22:3. Without the CITY. Ge. 19:16. set him -c. Le. 14:40. cast them in an unclean i)lace -c. 41. 2 Ch. 32:3. stop the waters of the fountains -c. Re. 14:20. the wine-press was trodden -c. CITIES, s. Ge. 35:5. terror of God on the c. Ge. 41:48. laid up food in c. || 47:21. removed to c. Nu. 35:8. shall give of his c. unto the Levites De. 6:10. to give thee great and goodly c. Jos. 18:9. described it by c. in seven fiarts 2 S. 1(1:12. for the c. of our God, 1 Ch. 19:13. 1 K. 9:13. what c. are these that thou hast 20:31. the c. my father took, I will restore Jb. 15:28. in desolate c. || Ps. 9:6. destroyed c. Is. 6:11. till c. wasted || 14:21. fill world with c. 19:18. five c. inland of Egypt || 64:10. holy e. Jer. 2:15. c. are burnt || 28. number of c. 11:13. 13:19. c. of south || 20:16.c.L.overthrew || 31:21. Ez. 26:19. c. not inhabited || 30:17. | 3,5:9. Ho. 8:14. send fire on c. \\ 11:6. sword on c. Am. 4:8. c. wandered || Mi. 5:11. cut off c. 14. Zph. 3:6. c. destroyed || Zch. 1:17. my c. spread Mat. 10:23. gone over the c. \\ 11:1. preach in c. Ac. 26:11. to strange c. || 2 Pe. 2:6. c. of Sodom Jn. 7. c. about them || Ke. 16:19. c. fell Defaced CITIES. Is. 3' :1. | 37:26. Jer. 4:5. go info -c. 8:14. || 34:7. -c. remained Fenced CITIES. Nu. 32:17. dwell in -c. De. 3:5. c- with high walls, 9:1. Jos. 14:12. Jos. 10:20. the rest of them entered into -c. 2 S.20:6.get -c. 2Ch.l2:4. 1 14:6.|17:2. | I9:o.|21:3. Jer. 5:17. impoverish -c. \\ Da. 11:15. take -c. Ho. 8:14. multiplied -c. || Zph. 1:16. alarm -c. CITIES of.Jiidah. 2 Ch. 17:7. teach in c- Ps. 69:35. God will save Zion, and build r.- Is. 40:9. say to c- behold your God || 44:26. Jer. 1:15. I 4:16. | 7:17. | 9:11. | 11:12. | 32:44. | 33: 10,13. La. 5:11. Zch. 1:12. Jer.41:i!. mine anger was kindled in the c.-, 21. CITIES (-/• Refua-e. Nu. 35:6,11. Jos. 20:2. 1 Ch. 6:67. iSij: CITIES. Nu. 35:6. | 13:15. Jos. 15:59. CITIES with .S«A«rfo. Le. 25:34. Nu. 35:2. Jos. 21:3. Israel gave to the Levites c- 41. 2 Ch. 31:19. in the fields of the - of their c. CITIES with VilUises. 1 S. 6:18. 1 Ch. 27:25. Mat. 9:35. Mk. 6:56. Lu. 13:22. CITIES with xoaste. Le. 26:31. make c.-, 33. Is. 61:4. repair -c. || Jer. 4:7. c. shall be laid - Ez. 6:6. your c. shall be - || 19:7. | 36:35,38. Am. 9:14. and they shall build thy -c. Your CITIES. Is. 1:7. -e. are burnt with fire Jer. 40:10. dwell in -c. that ye have taken Am. 4:6. cleanness of teeth in all -c. and CITIZEN, S, s. Lu. 15:15. joined to a c. of Lu. 19:14. r. hated him || Ac. 21:39. I am a c. Ep. 2:19. but fellow c. with the saints, and of CLAD, p. 1 K. 1 1:29. had c. himself, Is. .59:17. CLA.MOR, Oi;s, .?. and a. Pr. 9:13. Ep. 4:31. CLAP, V. Jb. 27:23. c. their hands at him, and Ps. 47:1. c. vour hands, 98:8. || Is. 55:12. trees La. 2:1,5. c. 'their hands at thee, Na. 3:19. tn^APPED, ETII, r. Jb. 34:37. Ez. 2.5:6. CLAPPEll, ;/. 2 K. 11:12. thrsy c. their hands CL.ATTD.A, J} broken or ivrepin^ voice. The name of an island near Crete. Ac. 27:16. CLAUDIA and CLAUDIUS, The same. Ac. 1 l:2S I 18:2. | 23:2P. 2 Ti. 4:21. CLAVE, V. Go. 22:3. .\b;aham c. the wood Ge. 34:3. soul c. to Dinah || Nu. 16:31. ground e Jua. 15:19. God c. a hollow place || Ru. 1:14. 1 S. 6:14. c. wood of cart || 2 S. 20:2. I 23:10. 1 K. 11:2. Solomon c. to these in love 2 K. 18:6. Hezekiah c. to the L. || Ne. 10:29. Ps. 78:15. he c. the rocks. Is. 48:21. Ac. 17:34. howbeit, certain men c. to Paul CLAWS, s. De. 14:6. Da. 4:33. Zch. 11:16. CLAY, 5. Jb. 4:19. dwell in houses of c. whose Jb. 10:9. made me as c. || 13:12. like lodies of c. 27:16. raiment as c. || 33:6. formed uit of c. 38:14. as c. to seal || Ps. 40:2. out of be miry c Is. 29:16. as potter's c. || 41:25. potter (le^dethc. 45:9. shall c. say to him || 64:8. we are the c. Jer. 18:4. c. was marred, 6. || 43:9. hide in c Da. 2:33. part c. 34,42. |l ,35. c. broken, 41,45. Na. 3:14. go to c. || Ha. 2:6. ladeth with thick c. Jn. 9:6. c. of the spittle, 15. || Ro. 9:21. over e. CLAY-GROUND, s. 1 K. 7:46. 2 Ch. 4:17. CLEAN, a. Le. 23:22. not made c. ridc.anre Jos. 3:17. passed c. over|| Ps. 77:8. mercy c. gone Is. 24:19. earth c. dissolved || Jo. 1:7. c. bare Zch. 11:17. arm c. dried up || 2 Pe. 2:18. c. esca. CLEAN, a. signifies, (1) Pure, free from dirt or nastiness, chaste, innocent, neat, and elegant (2) Freedom from the guilt of sin, by the blood of Christ, Ps. 51:7. (3) From the nature of sin, by sanctifying grace, Jn. 13:10. Ge. 7:2. c. beast by sevens, 8:20. || 35:2. be c. Le. 4:12. c. place, 6:11. || 16:30. c. from sin 10:10. put difterence between unclean and c 11:47. I 20:5. Ez. 22:26. | 44:23. 1 S. 20:26. surely he is not c. || 2 K. 5:10,12. Jb. 11:4. hast said, I c. || 14:4. bring c. thing ont 15:14. what is man that he should be c. 25:4. 15. heavens not c. || 33:9. am c. without trans Pr. 16:2. c. in own eyes || 20:9. made heart c. Is. 1:16. make you c. \\ 28:8. is no place c. 30:24.youiig asses shall eat c. provender whicl- 52:11. beyec. that bear vessels || 66:20. c. ve.sse Jer. 13:27. O Jerusal., wilt thou not be made c Ez. 36:25. sprinkle c. water on you, and ye Mat. 8:3. I will, be thou c. (' .Mk. 1:41. Lu. 5:13 23:25. ye make c. the outside, Lu. 11:39,41. Jn. 13:11. ye are not all c. || 15:3. now ye are e Ac. 18:6. I am c. || Re. 19:8. fine linen, c. 14. CLEAN Hands. Jb. 9:30. I 17:9. Ps. 24:4. CLEAN Heart. Vs. 51:10. | 73:1. Pr. 20:9. Is CLEAN. Le. 13:13. he is c. 17,37,.39. 19:9. fear of the L -c. \\ Pr. 14:4. Jn. 13:10 Pronounce CLEAN. Le. 13:6. priest -c. 14:7 Shall be CLEAN. Le. 11:36. | 12:8. | 13:58 ; 14:9,20,53. | 15:13. | 17:15. j 22:7. Nu. 19:12,13 I 31:23. Ps. 51:7. Ez. 36:25. CLEANNESS, s. 2S. 22:21. c. hands, Ps. 18:20 2 S. 22:25. c. his eye sight, Ps. 18:24. ||Ani. 4:6 CLEANSE, V. Ex. 29:36. c. the altar, Le. 18:19 Le. 14:49. c. the house || Nu. 8:6. Levites, c. 2 Ch. 29:15. to c. the house of the Lord, 16. Ne. 13:22. the Levites should c. iheiustlves Ps. 19:12. c. thou me, 51:2. || 119:9. c. his wny Jer. 4:11. not to fan nor c. || 33:8. I will c. them Ez. 31:25. from idols c. you || 39:12. c. land, 16 Jo. 3:21. I'll see their blood |i Mat. 10:8. | 23:2(5. 2Co.7:l.let us c. our-elves || Ep. 5:26. mightc. it Ja. 4:8. c. your hands, ye sinners, and purify 1 Jn. 1:9. to c. us from all unrighteousness CLEANSED, p. Le. 11:32. | 12:7. | 14:4,14. Nu. 35:33. land not be c. || Jos. 22U7. not c. 2 of L. |l 30:19. tho' he be not c Ne. 13:9. c. the chamjjer || 30. thus I c. thein Jb. 3.5:3. ifl be c. || Ps. 73:13. c. heart in vain Ez. 22:24. land not c. || 44:26. after he is c. Da. 8:14. sanctuary c. \\ Mat. 11:5. lepers are e • Lu. 4:27. none c. save Naanian || 7:22. lepers 17:14. they went were c. || 17. were not ten c. Ac. 10:15. what G. c. call not common, 11:9. CLEANSETH, ING, v. Le. 13:7. seen for his e. Nu. 6:9. in the day of his c. || Jb. ,37:21. wind c Pr. 20:30. c. awav evil || Mk. 1:44. ofier for c. 1 Jn. 1:7. blood o"f Jesus Christ c. from all sin CLEAR, a. Ge. 24:8, be c. from my oath, 41. Ge. 44:16. how shall we c. ourselves.' G. halh Ex. 34:7. that will by no means c. the guilty 2 S. 23:4. as tender grass, by c. shin, after rain Ps. 51:4. c. when judgest || Song 6:10. c. as sun Is. 18:4. like c. heat on herbs || Am. 8:9. c. diiy Zch. 14:6. not c. nor dark || 2 Co. 7:11. selves c. Re. 21:11. c. as crystal, 22:1. || 18. like c. glass CLEARER, a. Jb. 11:17. age c. than noonday CLEARING, p. Nu. 14:18. 2 Co. 7:11. CLEARLY, ad. Jb. 33:3. utter knowledge c. Mat. 7:5. see c. to pull out the mote, Lu. 6:42. Mk. 8:25. saw every man c. || Ro. 1:20. c. sf^ein CLEARNESS, s. Ex. 24:10. heaven in his c. CLEAVE, V. Le. 1:17. he shall c. it with t!ie Ps. 74:15. didst c. the fountain and the flood Ha. 3:9. didst c. the earth || Zch. 14:4. moun. c CLEAVETII, V. De. 14:6. Jb. 16:13. Ps. 141:7 Ec. 10:9. CLEAVE, V. Ge. 2:24. c. to his wife, Slat. 19:5 De. 4-4. ye that did c. to the liOrd vour God 10:20. c. swear, 11:22. | 13:4. | 30:20. Jos. 22:.5 Jos. 23:8. but c. to L. || 2 K. 5:27. leprosy c. »o Jb. 3=:3.''. clods c. fast || Ps. 101:3. not t. to i.iP Ps. 102:5. my bones c. \\ 137:6. tonsre c. to ronf Is. 14:1. c. to Jacob || Ez. 3:26. tongue c. to Da. 2:43. not c. one to !| 11:34. c. with ri.i;!erie« Ac. 11:23. with purijose of heart t. .i> .I.t i.->ri 47 CLO COA COM Ro. 10:9. abhor evil. c. to that which is good CLEAVED, p. 2 K.'3:3. Jb. 29:]0. | 31:7. CLEAVETH, v. Jb. 19:20. my bone c. to skin ./s. 22:15. tongue c. to my jaws || 41:8. disease c. 44:25. belly c. to earth || 119:2.5. soul c. to dust Jer. 13:11. pirdle c. to loins || La. 4:8. skin c. Lii. 10:11. dust of vour citv which c. on us CLEFT,S,s.t«ong2:14. Omy dove, that art inc. U. 2:21. go into the c. || Jer. 49:16. dwell in c. Am. 6:11. smite the little house with c. Ob. 3. Mi. 1:4. valiev shall be c. as wax before fire CLE.ME.XCY, s. Ac. 24:4. hear us of thy c. CLEMEXT, quiet, mild, meek. Thil. 4:3. CLE0PA.S,.4H^/»ri/. Lu. 24:18. J n. 19:25. CLERK, s. Ac. 19:.')5. town c. had appeased CLIFT, S, s. Ex. ;B:22. put thee in a c. of De. 14:6. cleaveth c. || 2 Ch. 20:16. c. of Ziz Jb. 30:6. dwell ir i |{ Is. .57:5. under c. of rocks CLIMB, ED, ETH, v. 1 S. 14:13. Jona. e. up Jer. 4:29. c. on the locks |( Jo. 2:7. c. the wail Am. 9:2. tho' ye c. toheaven||Lu.l9:4. Jn.lO:l. CLIPT, /;. Jer. 48:37. even.- beard shall be c. CLOAK, s. Is. .59:17. clad with zeal as a c. Mat. 5:40. let him have thy c. Lu. G:29. Jn. 15:22. nor. for their sin!|l Th. 2:5. nor used 2 Ti. 4:13. c. I left at Troas bring with tine 1 Pe. 2:16. liberty for a c. of maliciousness, but CL0D8, s. Jb. 7:5. flesh clothed with c. of dust Jb. 21 :33. c. of the valiev || 38:38. c. cleave fast Is. 2><:21. break the c. Ho. 10:11. || Jo. 1:17. CLOSE, (I, Nn. 5:13. kept c. from her husband 2 S. 22:46. be afraid out of c. places, Ps. 18:45. 1 Ch. 12:1. David keptf.||Jb. 28:21. c. from fowls Jb. 41:15. scales shut up togeth. as with a c. seal Jer. 42:16. c. after vou || Da. 8:7. Am. 9:1 1. Lu. 9:36. thev kept it c. || Ac. 27:13. c. by Crete CLOSED, p. Gi^. 2:21. Lord c. the fleshy 20:18. Nil. 16:33. earth c. on them || Jud. 3:22. fat c. Is. 1:6. have not been c.||29:]0. L. c. your eyes Da. 12:9. words are c. up || Jon. 2:5. deptli c. Mat. 13: 15. eyes r. Ar. 28:27. || Lu. 4:20. c. book CLOSER, a. Pr. 18:24. e. than a brother CLOSEST, V. Jer. 22:15. c. thyself in cedar ? CLOSET, S, s. Jo. 2:16. bride go outof her c. Mat. 6:6. enter into thy c.||Lu. 12:3. spoke in c. CLOTH, 4. Nu. 4:8. c. of scarlet || 12. c. of blue De. 22:17. spread c. before elders || 1 S. 19:13. Mat. 9:16. putteth a pece of new c. Mk. 2:21. 27:59. wrapped it in linen c.||Mk. 14:51. about CLOTHE, 7!. E.\. 40:14. sons, and c. them with Ps.l32:16. I'll c. her priests|| c. with shame >*r. 23:21. drowsiness shall c. a man with rags Is. 22:21. I'll c. him with robe, ami strengthen 49:18. c. thee with them all[[.50:3. 1 c. heavens Ez. 26:16. c. with trembling || 34:3. c. with wool Hag. 1:6. ye c. you, but there is none warm Zch. 3:4. I will c. thee with change of raunent Mat. 6:30. if God so c. the grass, Lu. 12:28. CLOTHED, p. Ge. 3:31. coats of skins and c. Le. 8:7. Moses c. Aaron with the robe, and put 2 S. 1:24. Saul who c. you with scarlet with 1 Ch. 21:16. c. with sackcloth || 2 Ch. 16:9. B Ch. 6:41. priests c. with salvation |[28:15. Est. 4:2. none enter king's gate c. with sa'-kcl. JI). 7:5. c. with worms || 10:11. hast c. me with 29:14. righteousness, itc. mel|.39:19. c. his neck Ps. 35:26. let them be c. with shame, 109:29. 65:13. the pastures are c. with flocks ; the val. 93:1. L.c. with majesty, 104:1. || 109:18. as he e. 132:9. let thy priest be c. with righteousness Pr. 31:21. c. with scarlet || Is. 61:M. c. me with Ez. 16:10. I c. thee || Da. 5:29. c. Daniel Zph. 1:8'. all such as are c. with strange apparel Zc!i. 3:3. Joshua was c. with filthy garments Jlat. 11:8. a man c. in soft raiment, Lu. 7:25. 95.36. naked and ye c. me||43. andye c. menot Mk. 1:6. c. with camel's hair|| 5:15." Lu. 8:35. 15:17. c. J. with purple || Lu. 16:19. rich man c. 2 Co. 5:2. to he c. upon with || 3. that being c. 1 Pe. 5:5. be c. with humility, God resist proud Re. 3:18. thou niayst be c. || 10:1. c. with cloud 11:3. c. in sackcloth || 12:1. c. with the sun 19:13. e. with vesture dipjied in blood ; and his CLOTHED,;). wilhLinen. Ez.9:2. one man was F.7.. 44:17. bi' c. garments || Da. 10:5. | 12:6. Re. 15:6. c. in pure white linen, 18:16. | 19:14. Shail he CLOTHED. Jb. 8:22. -c. with shame Ez. 7:27. Da. 5:7. Mat. 6:31. Re. 3:5. CLOTHES, s. Ge. 49:11. washed his c. in blood De. 29:5. c. are not waxen old, \e. 9:21. Jb. 9:31. c. abhor iiie || Pr. 6:27. c. not burnt Ez. 16:39. strip thee also of thy c. 23:26. Mat. 24:18. nor let him return hack to take his c. Mk. .5:28. touch hut his c. || 1.5:20. put his c. on Lu. 2:7. in swaddling c. 12. || 8:27. ware no c. 19:36. spread r.|]-!4:12. beheld linen c. Jn.20:5. Jn. 11:44. with mave c. || 19:40. in linen r. 20:7. Ac. 7:.58. c. at i^aul's fcet||22:23. cast olf their c. RentCLOTHES. Ge. 37:29. Reuben 1| 34. Jacob Ge. 44:13. Joseph's brethren || Nu. 14:6. Joshua Jos. 7;6. Joshua || Jud. 11:3.5. Jephthah ? S. 3:31. rent your c. gird vou with sackcloth 1 K. 21:27. Ahal, I| -3 K. .5:8. kingof Israel, 6:30. 2 K. 11:14. Athalinh || 19:1. HezVkiah, Is. 37:1. E-^t. 4:1. Mordecai || .Mat. 2fi:e5. high-priest Ac.l4:14. Barnabas and Paul!|16:22. niaaislrates CLOTHES rent. le. 13:45. lepers c- || 1 S. 4-12. 2S. 1:2. ' 13:31. Jer. 41:5. ."■ OTHES. Ex. 19:10,14. Nu. 8:7,21. Le. 11:25,40. I 13:6. I 14:8,9,47. | 15:5,8,11,22. Nu 19:7,8,19. | 31:24. 2 S. 19:24. CLOTH E.ST, V. .Ter. 4:30. c. with crimson CLOTHING, *. Jb. 22:6. stripped naked of c. Jb. 24:7. naked to lodge without c. 10. |i 31:19. Ps. 35:13. my c. was sai kcloth, I humbled 45:13. her c. is of wrought gold || Pr. 27:26. Pr. 31:22. her c. is silk and purple, 25. Is. 3:6. thou hast c. \\ 7. neither bread nor c. 93: 18. durable c.||59:17.garm. of vengeance fore. Jer.l0:9. purple is their c.||Mat.7: 15. in sheep's c. Mat. 11:8. wear soft c.|| .Mk. 12:38. go in longc. Ac. 10:30. stood in bright c. || Ja. 2:3. gay c. CLOUD, s. signifies, (l) The heavens, Ps. 36:5. I 68:31. (2) Great vumbers. He. 12:1. (3) ./?#jc(!07!. La. 2:1. (4) //I'^x-crrtes, 2 Pe.2:17. II is a congeries chiefly of watery particles. Ge. 9:13. set my bow in c. for a token, 14:16. Ex. 14:20. c. and darkness to them || 16:10. in c. 19:9. come in thick c.]|21:15. c. covered moun. 24:16. c. covered it 6 days||18. Jloses went in c. 34:5. Lord descended in the c. Nu. 11:25. 40:34. c. covered tent || 38. c. on tabernacle Nu. 9:19. when c. tarried || 10:34. c. by day 1 K. 8:10. c. filled house of Lord, 2 Ch. 5:13. 18:44. ariseth a little c. like a man's hand Jb. 3:5. that day, let a c. dwell upon it, let the 23:13. can he judge through the dark c. ? 30:15. passeth away as a c. || 38:9. made the c. Ps. 78:14. led them with a c.|| 105:39. spread a c. Pr.lG:15. favor is as a c. || Is. 4:5. assemblies, a c. Is. 18:4. like a c. of dew in the heat of harvest 19:1. L. rideth on a c. || 44:22. as a c. thy sins 60:8. who are these that fly as a c. as doves ? La. 2:1. covered Zion with a c. || 3:44. thyself Ez. 1:4. a great c. |{ 28. appearance of bow in c. 8:11. thick c. of incense || 10:4. house filled c. 30:18. as for her, a c. shall cover her, and her 32:7. I will cover the sun with a c. and moon 38:9. shalt be like a c. to cover the land, 16. Mat. 17:5. c. overshadowed, .Mk.9:7. Lu. 9:34. Lu. 12:54. when ye see a c.|| 21:27. coming in c. Ac. 1:9. a c. received him out of their sight 1 Co. 10:2. were all baptized to Moses in the c. Re. 10:1. angel clothed with a c. || 11:12. in a c. 14:14. white c. and upon the c. one sat, 15,16. CLOVD abode. Ex. 40:35. Nu. 9:17,18. Morniiiir CLOUD. Ho. 6:4. goodness as || 13:3. Pillar of CLOUD. Ex. 13:21,22. I 14:24. Nu. 12:5. De. 31:15. Ne. 9:19. CLOUD taken up. Ex. 40:36,37. Nu. 9:17. White CLOUD. Re. 14:14. behold a -c. CLOUD of JVitnesses. He. 12:1. so great a c- CLOUDS, 5. De. 4:11. c. and thick darkness Jud. 5:4. c. also dropped || 2 S. 22:12. thick c. 2 S. 23:4. mornins without c. \\ 1 K. 18:45. Jb. 20:6. tho' head reach toe. || 22:14. c. a cover 26:3. in his thick c.||3(i:29. spreadings of the c. 37:16. balancings of the c. \\ 38:37. number c. Ps. 36:5. faithfulness reachelh to c.||.57:10. truth 68:34. excellency, and his strength is in the c. 77:17. c. poured out water||78:-'3. commanded c. 97:2. c. and darkness are round about him 104:3. c.his chariot|il47:8. cov. heaven with e. Pr. 3:20. c. drop down the dew || 8:28. i 25:14. Ec. 11:4. regardeth the c. || 12:2. nor c. return Is. 5:6. I'll command the r. || 14:14. height of c. Jer. 4:13. come up as ac.||Da. 7:13. c. of heaven Jo. 2:2. day of c. Zph. l:15.||Na. 1:3. c. are dust Zch. 10:1. so the Lord shall make bright c. Mat. 24:30. see Son of man coming in the c. of heaven, 26:64. Mk. 13:26. | 14:62. Re. 1:7. 1 Th. 4:17. caught up with ihem in the c. 2 Pe. 2:17. c. carried with tempest, Ju. 12. CLOUDY, a. Ex. 33:10. people saw f. pillar Ne. 9:12. leddest by a c. pilbir, Ps. 99:7. Ez. 30:3. a c. day || 34:12. scattered in c. day CLOUTED, p. Jos. 9:5. old shoes and c. on CLOUTS, 6-. Jer. 38:1 1, took old cast c. 12. CLOVEN, a. Le. 1 1:3. r. footed, 7,26. De. 14:7. Ac. 2:3. there appeared to them c. toncues like CLUSTER, «. Nu. 13:23. branch with one c. Sono 1:14. c. of camphire || Is. 65:8. Mi. 7:1. CLUSTERS, s.Ge. 40:10. c. brought ripe grapes De. 32:32. their r. are bitter || 1 S. 25:18. | 30:12. Song 7:7. breasts like c. 8. || Re. 14:18. gather c. CO.AL, S, .s. Le. 16:12. censer full of c. of fire 2 S. 14:7. quench my c. || Jb. 41:21. kindlethc. Ps. 18:8. c. were kindled || 12. and c. of fire 120:4. c. of junijierll 140:10. let burning c. fall Pr.6:28. can one go on hot c. and not burned .' 2.5:22. heap c. of fire, Ro. 12:20.||26:21. asc. are Song8:6. the c. thereof are c. of fire, which hath Is. b:6. a live c. in his hand || 44:12,19. | 47:14. La. 4:8. visage is blacker than a c. Ha. 3:5. Jn. 18:18. servants who had made a fire of c. 21:9. saw a fire of c. and fish laid thereon CO.^ST, s. Ex. 10:4. the locusts into thy c. Nu. 24:24. from c. of Chittim || De. 11:24. De. 19:8. if L. enlarge thv c || Jos. 1:4. | 18:5. Sea COAST, Ex. 25:16. destroy remem. of -c. Zph. 2:5. woe to -c. 6. || Mat. 4:13. Lu 6:17. .SoM^A COAST. Jos. 15:1,4. 1 18:19. COASTS, s. Ex. 10: 14. locusts rested In all c. 19. De. 2:4. pass through c. || 16:4. seen in all thy c. 19:3. divide the r. || Jos. 18:5. abide in their c. Jud. 18:2. Dan sent five men from their c. 19:29. sent his concubine info all c. of Israel 1 S. 7:14. c. deli\er || 11:3. send mess, into c. 7. 2 S. 21:5. destroyed from the c. 1 Ch. 21:12 2 Ch. 11:13. resorted to him out of all their e Ps. y)5:31. lice in all c. || 33. brake trees iS c Jer. 25:32. whirlwind shall be raised from c. Ez. 33:2. man of their c. || Jo. 3:4. allV. Mat. 2:16. Herod slew children in all the c. 8:34. would depart out of their c. Mk. 5-17. 15:21. Jesus departed intoc. of Tyre ;iiiu Sidon Mk. 7:31. departing from c. of Tyre and Sidon Ac. 13:50. expelled Paul and Barnabas out ofc. COAT, J. Ge. 37:3. Jacob made a c.||j2. sent c. Arab Hyke, • Coal' of SS. Ex. 28:4. Aaron a broidered c. \\ 29:5. put on c 1 S. 2:19. his mother made him a little c. 17:.5. a c. of mail, 38. |] 2 S. 15:32. c. rent Jb. 30:18. it bindeth me as the collar of my c. Song 5:3. I put off my c. how shall I put it on Mat 5:40. and take away thy c. Lu. 6:29. Jn. 19:23. c. without seam || 21:7. fisher's c. COATS, «. Ge. 3:21. G. made c. of skins, and Le. 10:5. carried them in their c out of camp Da. 3:27. nor were their c. changed, nor smell Mat. 10:10. neither provide two c. l\lk. 6:9. Lu. 3:11. two f. let him impart || Ac. 9:39. COCK. «. Mat. 26:34. Mk. 14:30,72. Lu. 22:34 Mk. 13:35. cometh at c. crowing || Jn. 13:38. COCK.^TRK'E, S, s. ./? venomous serpent, tht smne with the Ba.?i\\sk, fabulously s7ipposeil to proceed from a cock^s err^, or rather the cente- nura ovum, the last or hundredth egg- of th« hen; an e^sg commovhj withoiit ami yolk. Is. 11:8. weaned child put his hand on c. den 14:29. come forth a f.|| .59:5. they hatch c. eggs Jer. 8:17. I will send serpents, c. among you COCKLE, s. Jb. 31:40. let c. grow instead of COFFER, s. 1 S. 6:8,11,15. Ezr. 6:t2. COFFIN, s. Ge. 50:26. Lu. 7:tl4. COGITATIONS, s. Thovghts. Da. 7:28. COLD, .<;. and a. Ge. 8:22. c and heat shall not Jb. 24:7. the naked have no covering in the c. 37:9. and c. cometh out of the north Ps. 147:17. who can stand before his r. ? Pr. 20:4. will not plough by teas, of c.||25:13,S0 2.5:25. as c. waters to a thirsty soul, so is goo^ Na. 3:17. camp in the hedges in the c. ripy Mat. 10:42. cup ofc. water || 24:12. love wax c. Jn. 18:18. it was c. Ac. £6:2. |] lie. 3:15,16. CC)1.-liOZE}i,Kverii prophet seeing nil. Ne.3:13 COLL.AR, S, s. Jud. 8:26. Jb. 30:18. .COLLECTION, .'. 2 Ch. 24:6. 1 Co. 16:1. COLLEGE, s. 9 K. 22:14. 2 Ch. 34:29. COLLOPS. Jb. 1.5:27. c. of fat on his flanks COLONY, s. .4 citv, or place, Ac. 16:12. COLOR, .«. Le. 13:55. if plague not changed c. Nu. 11:7. as c. of bdellium || Pr. 23:31. in cKji Ez. 1:4. as the c. of amlier, 7. Da. 10:6. 16. c. of bervl, 18:9.||22. c. of cr>stal|iKe. 17:4. COLORED, a. Re. 17:3. on a scarlet c. beast COLOR, s. Ac. 27:30. under c. as though they COLORS, s. Ge. 37:,3. coat of many c. for Jos Jud. 5:30. prey of divers r. ||2 S. 13:18. garni 1 Ch. 29:2. I have prepared stones of diverse Is. 54:11. I will Idy thy stones with fair c. Ez. 16:16. hich places with divers c. 17:3. COLOSSE, Piini^-hinent. A city of Fhrygia, m the Lesser .isia, Col. 1:2. COLT, S, 5. Ge. 32:15. with their c. |i 49:U. Jud. 10:4. 30 sons that rode on 30 c. || 12:14. Jb. 11:12. though man be born like wdd ass's- e. Zch. 9:9. riding on a c. Mat. 21:5. Jn. 12:1.5. Mat.21:2. ass tied withac. Mk.ll:2. Lu. 19:30 Lu. 19:35. thev cast their garments on the c. COME, V. sisTiifies, (1) To draic nigh, Ex. 34:3 (2) To befall, Ezr. 9:13. Jb. 4:5. (3) To he- lieve. Mat. 11:23. Jn. 6:37. (4) To attain to, Ac. 26:7. (5) To arise from, Nu. 24:17. COM Ge. 7:1. c. thou into ark||26:27. wherefore c. ye B7:10. c. let us slay hun || 49:10. until Shiloh c. E.t. 19:9. lo, I c. to thee in a tliick cloud •20:iii. where I record my name I will c. and Nil. ■2-iM. out of Jacob shall c. he that shall 1 S. 17:43. I c. to thee in the name of the Lord 2 S. 17:2. r will c. on hiui while he is weary 1 Ch. •29:13. botii riches and honor c. of thee 14. all tilings c. of thee||Jb. 13:13. let c. on me b. 14:14. till my change c.||2-2:21. good shall c. to 37:13. he causeth it to c. for correction, or for 38:11. hitherto shall thou c. but no farther Ps. 40:7. lo, I c. He. 10-7,9.|| 42:2. c. and appear 59:3. G. shall c. || 65:2. shall all flesh c. || 80:2. 119:41. let thy mercies c. also to me, 77. Pr. ():11. poverty c. 24:3 1.|| 10:24. fear c. on him Ec.9:2. all things c. alike||rfong2:IO. c. away, 13. Bong 4:8. c. with me || Hi. c. thou south wind Is. 13:G. day of L. shall c. ||21:12. return and c. 2i3:2J. c. my people||27:6. c. of Jacob to take root 35:4. your G. will c. || 40:10. L. will c. || 41:25. 45:20. c. draw near || 24. to him shall men c. .51:11. redeemed shall c. || 55:1. c. to waters, 3. 59:20. Redeemer c. to Zion ||G0:3. c. to light, 5. Jer. 2:31. c. no more to thee||3:22. behold, we e. 17:15. word of L. let it c. ||3I:9. c. with weep. Ez. 33:31. c. to thee as people || 33. lo, it will c. Ho. 6:1. c. let us return ||3.c. as the rain || 10:12. Jo. 1:15. destruction shall c. ||2:3l. day of L. c. Ha. 2:3. c. and not tarry |{ Zph. 2:2. anger c. Zcli. 1:21. what c. these to do || 14:5. G. shall c. Ma. 3:1. c. to his temple || 4:6. lest I c. and IMat.:3:6. c. aGovern. || 6:10. kingd. c. Lu.ll:2. 8:7. I will c. and heal 11 9. c. and he cometh, Lu. 7:8. 11. many shall c. from the east and west 11:3. he that should c. Lu. 7:19,20.||28. e. to me lsj:24. if any man will c. after me, let him deny 17:10. why say the scribe-;, Elias must first c.ll. 22:4. c. to the inarriage||24:14. then shall end c. 24:42. hour your L. doth c.||25;34. c. ye blessed Lu. 10:1. place whither he himself would c. 1.3:7. t c. seeking fruit on this fig-tree, and 19:13. occupy till I c. |( 20:16. c. and destroy Jn. 1:39. c. and see || 3:26. all men c. to him 5:14. worse thing c. || 40. ye will not c. to me 6:37. shall c. to me||44. no man can c. to me, 65. Jn. 7:31. ye cannot c. || 37. thirst, let him c. 14:18. I will c. to you |( 23. we will c. to him 17:11. I c. to thee, 13. || 21:22. tarry till [ c. 23. Ac. 1:11. shall so c. || 2:20. great day of Lord c. 3:19. times of refreshing c. || 8:24. things c. on 13:40. lest that c. on you || 16:9. c. and help us 19:4. sh. c. after||26:7,12. tribes hope to c. ||22. Ro. 3:8. evil that good c. || 9:9. will 1 c. 1 Co. 4:5. till the Lord c. || 11:26. till he c. 11:34. the rest will I set in order when I c. 15:35. what body do they c.||16:10.if Timothy c. Ga.2:21. c. by the law||3:14. c. on Gentiles || 19. 2 Th. 1:10. c. to be glorified || 2:3. c. a falling away 2 Ti. 3:1. perilous times c. || 4:3. time will c. He. 4:10. let us c. boldly to the throne of grace 7:25. able to save them that c. to God by him 10:37. that shall c. willc. || Ja. 4:1. ||5:1. 2 Pe.3:9. repentanceljlO. c. as a thief,Re.3:3. 1 Jn. 2:18. heard that antichrist shall c. even 3 Jn. 10. if I c. I will remember his deeds Re. 2:.5.r willc. quickly II 25. hold fast tilll c. 3:11.1 c. quickly, 22:7,20.||6:1. c. and see, 3,5,7. 18:10. for in one hour is thy judgment c. 22:17. let him that is athirst c. whoever will COME again. Ge. 28:21. 1 c- to father's house Ex. 14:26. the waters may c.-on Egyptians Le. 14:43. if the plague c- and break out ^ud. 8:9. when I c- in peace, I'll break down 13:8. let man of God c- to us, and teach us 1 K. 17:21. O L. I pray, let this child's soul c- Ps. 126:6. c- with rejoicing || Pr. 3:28. and c- Lu. 10:35. when I c- 1 will repay thee Jn. 14:3. I will c- and receive you to niyself,28. COME doiDii. Ge. 45:9. saith Joseph, c- to me Ex. 3:8. I am c- to deliver || 19:11. L. will c.-on Jud. 7:24. saying, c- || 15:12. c- to bind thee 1 S. 23:11. will Saul c- the L. said, He will c- 2 K. 1 :4. not c- from bed || 10. let fire c- 11,12. Ps. 7:16. dealing shall c- on his own pate 72:6. c- like rain || 144:5. O Lord, and c- Is.34:5.sword c.-on rdumea||47:l. c.-,sit in dust 64:1. 0,that thou wouldst c.-, that Jer. 48:18. c- from thy glory, and sit in thirst Ez. 27:29. pilots shall c- || 30:6. pride shall c- Da. 5:20. pride c- ||Jo. 3:11. mighty ones to c- Mat. 27:40. c- from the cross, 42. Mk. 15:30. Lu. 9:54. fire tot.- || 19:5. Zaccheus c- Jn. 4:49. Sir, c.-ere child die||Ac. 14:11. godsc- Re. 12:12. devil is c- || 13:13. fire || 20:1. angel CO.ME forth. Jb. 23:10. I shall c- as gold Ps. 88:8. I am shut up, and I cannot c- Ec. 7:18. that feareth God shall c.-ofthem Is. 11:1. shall c.-arodout of the stem of Jesse 48:1. and arec- out of the waters of Jndah Jer. 4:4. lest my fury c- || 37:5. | 46:9. j 48:45. Ez. 21:19. twain shall c- || Da. 3:26. | 9:22. Jo. 3:18. fountain shall c- || Mi. 5:2. c- ruler Mat. 13:49. angels shall c- and sever wicked 15:18. c- from the heart, and defile the man Mk. 9:29. this kind c- || Lu. 12:37. c. serve him n.5:29. c- have done good||ll:43. Lazarus, c- CONCORD. 7 COM COME hilJiP.r. Jud. 10:2. Samson is c- Pr. 25:7. better be said to thee, c. up-, Lii. 14:8. Da. 3:26. ye servants of God, c. forth and c- Mat. 8:29. art thou c.-to torment us before time Jn. 4:15. nor c- to draw|| thy husband, c- Ac. 17:6. are c- also || Re. 4:1. c. up-, 11:12. | 17:1. COME in or into. Ge. 6:18. thoushalt c.-ark 19:31. not rjan to c.-us|| 24:31. c.-thou blessed De. 31:2. no more go out or c- \\ Jos. 14:11. 1 K. 1:14. I will c- after thee and confirm 3:7. am achild, I know not how to go out or c- 14:6. e.-thou wife of Jeroboam || 15:17. or c- 2 K. 4:4. c- shut the door||ll:9. toe- and go out Ps. 24:7. of glory shall c- || 69:1. c- to my soul 90:8. c- his courts||109:18. let it c- his bowels Song 4:16. beloved c.-his garden || Is. 19:1,23. Is. 24:10. no man may c- || 59:19. c- like a flood Jer.51:50. let Jerusalem e.-your mind||51. are c- Ez. 11:5. I know things c- your mind, 38:10. Mi. 5:5. when the Assyrian shall c- our land Mat. 10:12. c- a house, salute it|| 16:27. c- glory 24:5. many shall c.-my name, Mk. 13:6. Lu. 11:33. they which c.-may seethe light ]2:.38. c- the second watch, or c. -the third 14:23. go out and compel them to c- that my 16:28. lest they c- this place of torment Jn. 5:43. c- my father's name || Ac. 16:15. Ro. 11:2.5. till the fulness of the Gentiles be c- 1 Co. 14:23. there c- those that are iinlearned,or 24. if there c- one that believeth not, or one Ja. 2:2. there c- a poor man in vile raiment Re. 3:20. 1 will c- to him, and sup with him COME near. Ge. 27:21. Isaac said, c.-, I pray Nu. 16.5. cause him toe- || stranger c- Jos. 10:24. c.-put your feetyi S. 10:20. tribes c- Ps. 119:169. let my crv c- before thee, O Lord Is. 41:1. let use- II 48:16. c. ye - unto me || 50:8. Ez. 18:6. nor c- menstruous wom.||40:46. c- L. 44:15. c- me to minister || 16. c- my table Am. 6:3. cause violence to c.-||Ma.3:5. I'll c.-to Lu. 19:41. c- he beheld city||Ac. 23:1.5. or he c- COME nicrh. Ex. 34:30. afraid to c- him Le. 10:3. sanctified in all that c- || 21,23. Nil. 18:4. stranger not c- || De.20:2. Lu. 10:9. COME 710^ Ex. 19:15. c- at your wives Nu. 14:39. -c. to the land || 16:12. we will -c. np Jud. 16:17. -c. razor on mine head ||2 S. 14:29. Jb. 3:6. -c. to months || 13:16. hypocrite -c. Ps. 32:6. floods -c. nigh || 91:7. -c. nigh thee 132:3. 1 will -c. into tabernacle of my house Pr. 5:8. c- nigh the door of her house Is. 7:25. -c. fear of briers II 54:14. terror -c. near 65:5. c- near me || Jer. 37:19. king of Bab. -c. Ho. 4:1.5. c.-toGilgal||9:4. shall -c. to house of Mat. 22:3. and they would -c.||Mk. 2:4. could -c. Lu. 14:20. a wife, I cannot c.||Jn. 5:24. shall -c. Jn. 7:34. ye cannot c. 36. || 15:22. if I had -c. 16:7. if I go not away, the Comforter will -c. COME out. Ge. 17:6. kings shall c- of thee Nu. 11:20. till it 0.- at your nostrils II 12:4. De. 28:7. c- one way, and flee seven ways Jud. 9:15. let fire c- of bramble || 29. army, c- 1 S. 2:3. let not arrogancy c- || 11:3. | 24:14. 2 S. 16:7. c.-, c.-, thou bloody man || 1 K. 6:1. 2 K. 5:11. he will c.-to me, and lay his hand Ps. 14:7. O that sal v. were c- of Zion || 68:31. Pr. 12:13. juste- of trouble || Is. 34:3. stink e- Mat. 5:26. by no means c- till thou hast paid 26:55. are ye e-as against a thief, Mk. 14:48. Mk. 1:25. c.-of him||5:8. c.-, thou unclean s()ir. Jn. 1:46. any good thing c- of Nazareth, 7:41. Ac. 16:18. ill the name of Jesus to e- of her Ro. 11:96. there shall c- of Zion the deliverer 2 Co. 6:17. c- from among thein||He. 7:5. loins Re. 16:13. spirits c.-||18:4. c- of her, my people COME to pass. Nu. 11:23. word e- or not De. 13:2. sign c.-||Jos. 23:14. all are e- no good Jud. 13:12. let thy words e-||17. sayings e- we 21:3. OL.why is this c.-||l K. 13:32. surely e- Is. 7:7. nor shall itc.-|| 14:24. so shall it e- 42:9. former things are c- || Jer. 17:24. | 32:24. Ez. 12:25. word I speak shall c- 24:14. Da. 2:29. maketh known to thee what shall c- Ho. 1:5. e- I will break || Jo. 2:32. Am. 8:9. Zch. 6:15. e- if ye diligently obev||7:13. it is c- Mat. 24:6. these things must e-, Mk. 11:23. 13:29. when ye shall see these c.-, Lu. 21:31. Lu. 2:15. and see this thing which is e- 21:7. what sign when these things shall e-, 28. 24:12. at what was e-||18. not known things! c- Jn. 13:19. when it is e- ye may believe, 14:29. Ac. 3:23. c.-thatevery soul that will not hear Re. 1:1. which mustshortlv c-, 22:6. COME short. Ro. 3:23. He. 4:1. COME together. Jb. 9:32. e- in judgment 19:12. troops e- against me || Jer. 3:18. | 50:4. Ac. 1:6. when they were e-, 28:17. 10:27. he found many that were e- 19:32. wherefore they were c.-||2I:22.needs c- 1 Co. 7:5. c- again || 11:17. c- not for the better 11:18. when ye e-, 20,33,34. || 14:26. | 14:23. COME up. Ex. 19:13. c- to the mount Nil. 2(1:5. made us e- out of Egypt II Jos. 10:6. Jud. 1:3. Judah said, e- with me, 15:10. 16:18. Delilah sent, saying, e- this once 1 S. 14:10. if they say c- to us||17:25. that is e- 2K. 18:25. am I now c- without U Is. 36:10. I Jb. 7 ^ shall c- 1" more li Is 5 ti. c ■ briers | COM Is. 8:7. c- over all channels || 60:7.e- with ac. Jer. 9:21. death is e- 1| 49:19. like a lion, ,ii):44 Ez. 24:8. fury to c- || 37:12. e- out ot giaves Jo. 2:20. his stink shall e-, Am. 4:10. Ob. 21. saviors shall c.-l| Jon. 1:2. | 4:6. Mi. 2:13. breaker is e-, Na. 2:1. || Zch. 14:17,13 Ac. 8:31. desired Philip to c.-||39.e- out of water 10:4. thy alms are e- before God for a memor COME {passive). Ge. 6:13. end of all fle.-h is c Ex. 3:9. cry is e to me|]20:20. God is e to prove Jos. 5:14. am I c- || Jud. 16:2. Samson is c. 1 S. 4:7. they said, God is c. into the camp 2 S. 1:9. anguish is e on me || 19:11. sjieech c. 2 K.8:7. man of God is c. || Ezr. 9:13. Jb. 3:25. Ps. 44:17. all this is e upon us, yet have we 55:5. fear and trembling are c. upon me 69:2. c. in deep waters || 102:13. set time is e Is. 10:23. c. to Aiath ||56:1. salv. is near to c. 60:1. thy light is c. || 63:4. year of redeemed c. Jer.40:3. this thing is c. || 47:5. baldness is c. 50:27. their day is e 31. || 51:13. thy end is c. La. 4:18. our end is e || 5:1. O Lord, what is c. Ez. 7:2. an end is c. 6. || 5. evil is e || 7. morn. r. 10. behold, "he day ise 39:8.||17:12. | 21:25,29, Da. 9:13. all t >is evil is e || Am. 8:2. end is c. Mi. 1:9. he is c. to the gate of my people, even Mat. 3:7. flee from wrath to c.||12:28,44. | 18:1 L Mk. 4:29. harvest is e||14:8. she is c. aforeliand 14:41. the hour is c. || Lu. 7:34. son is e eating Lu. 15:27. thy brother is e||19:9. salvation is e. 19:10. Son of man is e to seek lojst, Mat.l8:ll. Jn. 3:19. light is c. || 4:25. when he e tell us ll:28.the Master is c.||12:23. the hour is c. 17:1. 16:8. when he is e 13. || 21. her hour is c. Ro. 11:11. salvation is e||l6:19. your obed. is c. 1 Co. 13:10. when that which is perfect is c. Ga. 3:25. but after that faith is c. we 1 Jn. 4:2. J. C. is c. in the flesh, 3. 2 Jn. 7. Re. 6:17. day of wrath is c. 11:18. | 14:7. | 18:17. 12:10. is salvation c.||19:7. mar. of Lamb is c. lam COME, or am J COME. Song 5:1. -e into my garden, my sister, mj Da. 9:23. -c. to show thee || 10:12. -e for tliv Mat. 5:17. not tliat-e to destroy the law l| 9:13.;nk not -e to send peace,35. Lu. 12:51. Jn. 5:43. -c. in my Father's name, 7:28. 9:39. for judgment -c. || 10:10. -c. may have life 12:46. -c. a light into the world || 16:28. COME, joined with Tivie. Ge. 30:33. in -c. Ex. 13:14. son asketh in - to e De. 6:20. Song 2:19. -of singingof birds is e and the Is. 13:22. her - is near to e || 30:8. to be for -c 42:23. who will hearken and hear for - to c. Ez. 7:7. - is e || Hag. 1:2. - is not c. Ga. 4:4. fulness of- was c. || 1 Ti. 6:19. 1 Pe. 4:17 - is c. that judgment must begin Yet COME. De. 12:9. Jn. 2:4. | 7:6,30. Jn. 8:20. his hour is not -e || 11:30. Re. 17:10 COMELY, a. 1 S. 16:18. David a c. person Jb. 41:12. e proportion||Ps. 33:1. praise c. 147:1 Pr. 30:29. four are e || Ec. 5:18. c to eat Song 1:5. black, but c. || 10. cheeks are c. vvitli 2:14. countenance is c. || 4:3. speech is c. 6:4. Is. 4:2. fruit be c. || Jer. 6:2. to a c. woman 1 Co. 7:35. for that which is c. || 11:13. | 12:24. CO.MELINESS, s. Is. 53:2. no form nor c. Ez. 1():14. perfect through my c. || 27:10. thv c Da. 10:8. my c. turned || 1 Co. 12:23. more c. COMERS, s. He. 10:1. make the c. perfect COMEST, V. Ge. 10:19. as thou c. to Gerar 13:10. e to Zoar || 24:41. c. to my kindred De. 28:6. blessed when thou c. in || 19. cursed Jud. 17:9. Micah said. Whence c. thou ': 19:17., 1 S. 16:4. c. thou peaceably, 1 K.2:I3. 17:43. c. to me with staves || 45. c. with sword' Jb. 1:7. whence e thou, S.atan, 2:2. || Jer. 51:('l. Jon. 1:8. whence e thou || Mat.3:14. Lu. 23:42., COMETH, V. Ge. 37:19. behold this dreamer c. 1 S. 9:6. all he saith e to pass || 90:27,29. Jb. 28:20. whence c. wisdoin||3:21. death, c. not Ps. 30:5. joy e in the morning || 69:1. from Gcii e salvation 75:6. promotion c. not || 96:13. Lord c. to judge 118:26. e in name of the Lord, Mat. 21:9. 191:9. my help c. from the Lord, who made Pr. 1:96. your fear e 27. [| 11:2. whfn pride c. 18:3. c. contemptijEc. 6:4. c. with vanity, 11:8. Is. 13:9. day of L. c. || 30:13. c. suddenly || 27. 62:11. thy salvation e||63:l. that c. from Edoin Jer. 17:6. not see when good c. || 8. when bf at c. La. 3:37. who saith, and it e to pass when Ez. 14:4. and e to a prophet to tn. 17:20. kingdom c. not with ob.erv.||18:8] son c Jn. 3:8. not tell whence it e|| 20. e to light. 21 6:3.'i. he that c. to me shall never hi ng. 37. !J 4.5 T:)2.Cliriit c ofsi-rd jf Divi(r|9:i.the n ght c 4:^ COM Jr. 1-1:(). c.tnF. Imtliyll lfi:5. tlietiinec. ^5,^2. liii. Ill: 17. Iriilli c. Iiy lit-nriii;; || I Co. 15:2-1. i Cn. Il:v2d. c. on me d.iily || K|). 5:0. c. wralli ■ ) 'VU.rT.-i. (I:iy of [.. c. as tliiefH Col. 3:().wratli c. He. Ihii. c. 1(1 (J. nmstlielifve||Jii. 14. L. c. with ]>.. 1:7. liBr. with clouds || 17:10. when lie c. Ci).\II"l"ll iliiirii. Is. .V):IO. as rain c.-arid J II. li::;:!. hrcad of God is he, which c.-, ,')(). .la. 1:17. [lerCert ^'ill c.-||lle. :):ia. Jerusalem c- «;i).\lt:Tli/i,)-(A. (Je. •2A:;(). thoii;;!! atHiction c. not - of dust, neither I l:-3. he c- like a flower || ls.2r':-J!l. c- from L. K/.. -Xk-.l). what word c.-|| i\Ii. l::i. L. c- outof C'vJMKTIl lu.rk. Su. \:r,\. | :t:l(l,:i(S. | lb:7. «;:I1. which c- of the month, Mk. 7:20. 21:27. for as the lij^'htniiig c- of the east COMIOTll n/t. 1 S. 28:14. an old man c- Song 8:5. that c- from the wilderness, 3;fi. Is. 24:18. Jer.4G:7. I ,50:3. Ha.3:ir). Mat. 17:27. «;0AI1^0RT, s. Jb. (i:10. I yet have c. yea I 10;20. take c. a little || Ps. n9:,50. is my c. || 76. Is. 57:fi. should [ receive c. in these .' r.A. lti:.54. in that tkoii art a c. to them A!at. 9:2J. lie of good c. Mk. 10:49. Lu. 8:48. Ac. 9:31. c. of II. Ghost || Ro. 15:4. c. of script's 1 Co. 14:3. speaketh to c.||2Co. 1:3. G. of all c. 2. Co. 7:4. lam filled with c.||13:l 1. be of (jood c. I'hil. 2:1. any t. of love||J9. 1 may be of good c. <'ol. 4:11 which have been a c. unto me i OMFORT, p. Ge.5:2'J. same shall c. us 18:5. c. your hearts!|27:42. Esau doth c. himself Jnd. 19:.5. c. thy heart || 2 .S. 10:2. sent to c. Jb. 2:11. friends came to c. hiin || 9:27. I will c. 7:13. my lied shall c. || 21:34. how c. ye rne I's. 23:4. staff c. me || 71:21. c. me on every side not'!'''', let kindness c. nie||82. wilt thou c. me !Son!.'2:5. c. me with apiiles || Is. 22:4. not to c. Is. 40:1. eye, c. ye my people || 51:3. Lord shall c. Zion .■51:19. by whom shall I c. || fil:2. c. all that mo. ii'i:13. so will I c. von i| Jer. 8:18. <•. nivself Jer. Hi:7. to c. for thedead||31:13. I wil'l c. them Zch. 1:17. h. shall yet c. Zion || 10:2. c. in vain £ Co. 1:4. be able to c. them || 2:7. and c. him Kp. ti:22. might c. your hearts, Col. 4:8. 1 Th. 3:2. to c. yoii || 4:18. c. one another 5:11 c. yourselves 11 14. c. the feeble-minded 2 Til. 2:17. our Lord Jesus c. your hearts tVJ.MFORTABLK, a. 2 .S. 14:17. word be c. Zth. 1:13. the Lord answered with c. words »:. )MFORTAlJLY, a,l. 2 S. 19:7. sjieak c. to thy '■ Ch. 30.22. he spake c. 32:6. |j Is. 40:2. Ho. 2:14. I will allure her, and speak c. to her CO.MFORTED, ;). Ge. 24:67. Isaac was c. atter 37:,35. Jacob refused to be c. || .38:12. I 50:21. Kn. 2:13. thou hast c. me ||2 S. 12:24. Pavid c. Jb. 42:11. his brethren c. him over all the evil I's. 77:2. refused to be c.||86:17. Lord has c. ine li9:.5-3. I reniemliered, and have c. myself Is. 49:13. God hath c. his people, .52:9. .>1:11. alflicted, and not c.||66:13. ye shall be c. Jer. 31:15. refused to be c. || Ez. 5:13. 1 will bee. y.z. 14:22. ye sh:ill be r. 31:iri. | 32:31. Mat. 2:18. wo'ild not be c. || 5:4. they shall be c. Lit, 16:25. now he is c. || Jn. 11:31. Jews c. her A-:. 16:10. they c. them || 20:12. not a little c. Ko. 1:12. I may be c. || 1 Co. 14:31. all may be c. 2 Co. 1:4. c. of G. II 7:6. G.c. Hs||7. c. in you, 13. Col. 2:2. tJieir hearts might he c. being knit 1 Th. 2:11. e.vhoried and c. yon || 3:7. we were c. <';t)MFORTEI).ST, V. Is. 12:1. thon c. me CO.MFORTUR, 5. 2 ?. 10:3. he h:ith sent c. J;i. 16:2. miserable c. \\ l>s. 69:20. I looked fore. i;c. 4:1. Ii:id no c. La. 1:0. || 16. c. is far from ,\a 3:7. whence shall 1 seek c. before thee .' Jn. 14:16. give yon another C. ||26. the 11. Ghost l."):2'i.wlientlieC.:scoiiiel|lfi:7.C.wiIl not come <;(>;MFORTETlI, V. Jb. 29:25. c. mourners is. 51:12. I am he that c. you || 66:13. mother c. 8 Co. 1:4. who r. us || 7:6. (Jod that c. those that (;nMFORTNE!*.S, a. Jn. 14:18. I'll not leave r. COMFOKTS, .V. Ps. 94:19.thy c. delight my soul Is. .57: 18. I will lead, and restore c. to him COMI.\G, .<. and 0. Ge. 30:30. blessed thee S'lire my c. Jiid. 5:-J.'f. why i-* his chariot ■'o long ;n r. 1 .■*. 16:4. ireni'bled at his c. \\ 29:6. thy c. is good .S. .3:-i5. and Illy r.. in i| 1 K. 19:27. "is. 37:28. r«.:!7:l;!. his day isr.|| 121:8.L. preserve thy 1 J. i i;!). hell moved to meet thee ale. || 44:7. Jer. 8:7. sw:illow observe time of e. || Da. 4:23. .Mi. 7:1.5. dav> of tliv c. || M:|. 3:2. day of his c. M It. 16:28. c. in his king. || 24:3. sign of lliy c. 27. iil:30. see Son of man c. 26:C4.' .Mk. i3:26. I M:i;2. 1.11.21:27. ■18.L.delaye!h his c. T.ii. 12: 15. I| 25:27. at my c. I. 'I. 9:42. c. (lev il I, ire him || 18:5. e. she weary JH. 5.7. while I acnc.|;2.j.lioiirisc.|| 10:12.wolfc. .\r. 7:.5->. c. of One || 9:28. j 10:25. | 13:24. I ('o. 1:7. c. uf our Lord Jesus || 15:23. Cliii-st's Ski his ( COM 1 Th. 2:19. our rejoicing at hisc. ||4:15. totliee. 5:23. preserved bhimeless to the c. 3:13. 2 Th. 2:1. e. ofoiir L. ||8. brightness of his e. || 9. Ja. 5:7. c. of the L. 8.|| I I'e. 2:4. to whom c. as to 2 Pe. 1:16. power and c. || 3:4. promise of his c.l2. I J 11. 2:2)^. not ashamed iit his e. || Re. 21:2. C().M1.\(;S, s. Ez. 43:11. show them e. in C(J.Mi\IAND, »7. signifies, (I) 'J'u enjoin, rrijniTe, ajipiiint, Nu. 36:6. (2) 'I'u effici, accamplish, and perform hi/ unlhuriUj, Ps. 33:9. | 42:8. | 44:4. Ge. 18:19. .Abraham will e. his children and E.v. 8:27. we will sacrifice, as God shall c. us 18:23. if thou do this thing, and (Jod c. thee Nu. 9:8. I will hoar what the Lord will c. 36:6. this istlie thing which the Lord doth c. I)e.28:8. I.,, c. the liless,ng|| 32: 16.c.your childr. Ps. 42:8. L. c. his loving kindness || 44:4. c.deliv. Is. 45:11. concerning work of my hands, c. me Mat. 4:3. c. these stones be made bread, Lu. 4:3, 19:7. e. to give a writing || 27:64. c. sepiiklire Mk. 10:3. he said, Whatdid iMoses e.yoii Ln. 9:54. wilt thon that we c. fire to come down Ac. 5:28. straitly e. yon || 15:5. c. to keep the law 2 Th. 3:4. will do things we c. you || 6:12. 1 'I'i. 4:11. these things c. and teach /CO.MMANO, V. E\. 7:2. speak all -e. thee E.\. 34:11. observe what -e. thee, De. 12:28. Le. 25:21. then - will c. my blessing upon yoii IJe. 4:2. ye shall not add to the word -c. von 7:11. keep e. which -e. thee, 8:11. | 24:18,22. 30:10. -c. thee to love the Lord thy God Is. 5:6. - will e. the clouds || Jer. 1 1:4. do all -c. Am. 9:3. -c.the serpent || 4. sword || 9. -c. and sill Jn. 15:14. if ve do what -c. || 17. -c. that ye love Ac. 16:18. -c. thee || 1 Co. 7:10. to married -c. CO.M.MANDEI), //. Ge. .50:12. did as he c. Jos. 22:2. ye have obeyed my voice in all c, Jud. 13:14". all 1 c. let her ob-erve || 1 S. 20:20. 1 S. 21:2. David said, 'I'he kingc. iiie abu-dness 2 Ch. 14:4. Asa e. Jiidah, 32:12. | 33:lfj. Est. 4:17. Mordecai did as Esther c. him || 8:9. Jb. 38:12. hast thou c. the morning || Is. 48:5. Jer. 35:6. Jonadab our father c. us, 10,14,10,18. Ez. 12:7. and I did .so as I was e. 37:7. Da. 3:4. to you it is c. () people, nations and 3:19. he e. to heat furnace || ti:16. king c. 24. ."Mat. 14:9. he c. it to be given her, .Mk. 6:27. 19. c. multitude to sit down, 15:35. Mk. 6:39. 18:25. his lord c. him to be sold, and all he had 21:6. disciples went and did as Jesus c. them 28:20. teaching to observe all things I c. vou Ac. 10:48. c. to be baptized || 25:(). c. Paii'l to be 1 Co. 14:34. but are c. to be under oliedience 1 Th. 4:1 1, work as we e. you, 2 Th. 3:10. He. 12:20.not endure that which wasc.|| Re. 9:4. Lurdor G„d CO.MMA.NDED. Ge. 2:16. -c. man to eat || 6:22. all -c. so did he 7:5. Noah did all -c. 9,16. | 21:4. De. 20:17. Le. 8:4. .Moses did as -e. him, Nu. 20:27. | 27:12. De. 5:15. -c. to keep Sabbath || 32. to do as the-c. 6:1. which -c. to teach yon, a). | 13:5. | 26:16. Jnd. 4:6. -c. to go toward Tabor || 1 .S. 13:14. 2S. 24:19. David went up as the-e. I Ch. 14:16. 1 Ch. 21:27. -e. the angel, he put np his sword 24:19. orderings as -of Israel c. hiiu Ezr. 7:23. whatsoever Is c. bv the - of heaven Ps. 68:28. -c.thy strength || 1.33:3. -c. the blessing La. 1:17. the - hath c. concerning Jacob Ac. 10:33. hear all th:it is c. thee of- || 13:47. 2 Co. 4:6.- who c. light to shine outof darkness Lord or f?orf COMMANDED, implicitly. Ge. 3:11. eat of the tree I -c. not to eat, 17. E.v. 23:15. as I c. thee in the time appointed Le. 10:1. off. strange fire which he c. them not De. 17:3. I Inive not c. 18:20. Jer. 19-.5. | 23:32. Jos. 1:9. have noti e. thee, be strong || 7:11. | 13:6. 2 S. 7:7. whom I c. to feed my people Israel 11. since the time that I c. judges, 1 Ch. 17:10. 1 K. 17:4. c. ravens to feed || 9. r. a widow 1 Ch. 16: K5. word he c. to a 1000 gen. Ps. 10.5:8. Ps. 7:6. judgment thou c. || .33:9. he e. it stoos Ps. 1 19:96. but lliy c. is e.Meediiig broad 147:15. he seiidetli forth hisc. upon earth Pr. 6:23. c. is a lamp || 8:29. not pass his c. 13:13. he that fearetli the c. shall be rewarded 19:16. he that keepeth the c. keepetli his soul Ec. 8:5. keepeth c. shall feel no evil || Jer. 35: 14 Da. 3:22. c. was urgent || 9:23. c. came forth Ma. 2:1. O ye priests, this e. is for yoii, 4. Mat. 15:3. why transgress ye the c. of God.' 6. 22::i8. this is the first and great c. Mk. 12:30. Mk. 7:8. biyingaside e. of God, 9. || 12:31. nofc Lu. 15:29. nor transgressed I thy e. || 23:.56. Jn. 10:18. this c. 1 received || 12:49.lie gave me c 12:.50.liis life everlasting || 14:31. giive me c 15:12. my e.that ye love one another, 1 Jn.3:23 Ac. 1.5:24.110 811111 c. II 17:15. a e. to Silas || 23:30. Ro. 7:9. when the c. came || 12. holy, 13. 13:9. if any other r..\\ I():26. c. of everlasting G I Co. 7:6. not by e. 2 Co. 8:8. || Ep. 6:2. first c. 1 Ti. 1:1. by c. oi'G. 'I'i. 1:3. || 5. end of e. charity lie. 7:16. carnal c. || 18. a disannulling of the c 11:22. Jos. saver. ||23. not afraid of king's c. 2 Pe. 2:21. from liolv e. || 3:2. mindful of the « 1 Jn. 2:7. an old c. |J 3:03. this is his c. || 4:21. 2 Jn. 4. as we received a c. || 6. this is the e. Givciir oivrn COM.M AND.MENT. Ex. 2.5:22. - thee in e. De. 1:3. || Ezr. 4:21. Ps. 71:3. hast-c. tos:iveiiie|| Is. 23:11. Ne. 1:14 Jn. 11:57. h:id -c. if an\- knew where he were COM.MANDMENT vflhc Lmd. Ex. 17:1. journeyed at c.- || Nn. 24:13. beyond e. 2 S. 12:9. despised c- 1| 2 Ch. wa's the c. Ps. 19:8. the c- is pure l| I Co. 7:25. I have no e. JVcM COM M AND.MENT. Jn. 13:34. 2 Jn. 5. 1 Jn. 2:7. I write no-t. || 8. a-c. I write to you Rrlidled ( llic CO.M.MANDMENT. Nn. 27:14. De. 1:26. | 9:23. La. 1:18. COMMAND.MENTS, .,. Ge. 26:5. Abr. kept c Ex. 1.5:26. give ear lo c. || 31:28. the ten c. Le. 5:17. forbidden by the c. || 27:.34. are tlie c. De. 8:1 1. in not keep. hisc. || 11: 13. hearken toe 11:27. if ye will obey thee. || 28. not obey thee 1 K. 11:34. because he hath kept my e. 14:8. 18:18. ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord 2 K. 17:16. and they left .all the c. of the Lord 2Ch. 7:19. if ye fois:ikec. || 24:20. why transg. a Ezr. 9:10. we have forsaken tliyc. 14. Ps. 89:31. keep not mve. || 1 11:7'. all liisc. sure 112:1. blessed is he thatllelighteth in his c. 119:6. respect to thy c. || 10. not wander from e. 19. hide not thy c. |i 21. which err from thy c- 32.1 will run tlie way of thy c.when thon sliali 35. path of lliy c. || 47. delight in Iliy c. 48. 66. believed r. || 73. learn c. || 86. c. are f;iilhfu< 127. I love thy r.. || 131. I longed for thy c. 143. yet thy c. are my delights 151. all thy c. are truth || 166.1 have done thy 1 172. e.are righteousness || 176. not forgot thy Pr. 2:1. hide my c. \\ 7:1. lay np my c. 10:8. Is. 48:18. hearkened toe. ||R!at. 5:19. break c. Mat. 15:9. for doctrines the e. of men, I\!k. 7;7 22:40. on these two e. hanc all the law and Mk. 10:19. thou kiiowesl the c. Lu. lt-i:20. 12:29. first of all the c. \\ Ln. 1:6. walking in all Jn. 14:21. that hath my c. and keepeth them 15:10. keep my c. as I have kept my father's c. 1 Co. 7:19. is nothing, but keeping the c. of God 14:37. tliincs I write you are thee, of the Lord Col. 2:22. after the c. and doctrines of men 1 'I'll. 4:2. for ye know what c. we gave you 1 Jn. 2:4. he that keepeth not his c. is a liar 3:24. he that keepetli his c. dwelleth in him 2 Jn. 6. this is love, that we walk after his e. JJo COMMAND-MEN'!-?. Nu. 15:40. dv my e. De. 6:25. observe to dii c. 15:5. j 28:1,15. | 30:8 1 Ch.28:7. | Ps. 103:18. Ps. 1 1 1:10. understand, have they that do his c Re. 20:14. blessed are thev that do his c. that J^ot do CO.M.MAND.MENTS. Le. 26:14,15. Keeji Cn.M.MANDMENTS. See Kkep. CO.MMEND, II. signifies, (1) To extol or praUt, 2 Co. 3:1. (2) i'o vinke acecplahle, 1 Co. 8:8. (3) To commit to, Ac. 20:'J2. (4) To vutkt illuMrious, Ro. 3:5. Lu. 23:46. c. my spirit || Ac. 20:32. 1 c. you to G. Ro.3:5. c. righteousness of God || 16:1. c. Plielie 2 Co. 3:1. toe. ourselves || 5:12. e. not onr.selves 10:12. compare with some that c. themselves COMMENDATION, s. 2 Co. 3:1. epistles of c COM. MENDED,;). Ge. 12:1.5. princes c. Saiai Pr. 12:8. a man e. || Ec. 8:15. I e. mirth lai. 16:8. the Lord c. the unjust steward Ac. 14:23. c. iheiii to L. on whom they believed 2 Co. 12:11. I niiElit to have been c. of you COMMENDETIl, ING, v. ami p. Ro."5:8. God c. his love 1 Co. 8:8. but meat c. ns not to God, forneitlief 2 Co. 4:2. e. ourselves to every man's consc-eiica 10:18 not he that c. himself [;6:t4 c.oiirsel.« 50 COM COM CON CCMMTSSION, f , s. Ezr. 8:36. Ac. 26:12 COMMIT, V. signifies, (1) To resign one'sself, Ps. 31:5. (2) To rely on and tniit in, Ps. 37:5. Jn. 2:a4. (3) To execute, act, or do. Mat. 5:27. Lu. 12:48. Ex. 20:14. not c. adulteiy, De. 5:18. Mat. 19:18. Le. 5:17. c. any of these things forbidden 13:23. not c. these ahominations, 29:30. Nu.5:6. if vvoin c. sin || De. 19:20. c. no more 2Ch.-21:n.toc.fornication,lCo.lO:8.Re.2:14,20. 3b. 5:8. to G. c. my cause || Ps. 3I:.5. c. my spirit Ps. 37:5. c.thy way to the Lord, trust in him Pr. 16:3. c. thy works unto the Lord, and 12. c. wickedness || Is. 22:21. c. thy governm. Jer. 37:21. c. Jeremiah \\ 44:7. c. ye this great evil Ez 8:l7.c. abomination || 16:43. lewdness, 22:9. Ho. 6:9. c. lewdness || 7:1. for they c. falsehood Lu. 16:11. c. to your trust tlie true riches 12:4«. c. things wortiiy || Jn. 2:24. J. did note. Ro. 1 32. c. such things, 2:2. || 22. c. sacrilege 1 Ti 1:18. -.his charge I c. to thee, son Timothy 2Ti. 2:2. c. to faithful men || Ja. 2:9. ye c. sin 1 Pe. 4:19. c. the keeping of their souls to him 1 Jn.3:9. whoso is born of God doth not c. sin COMMIT Iiiiqaitii. 2S.7:14. if he c.-,Jb. 34:10. Jer. 9:5. Ez. 3:20. | 33:13. COMMIT Trespass, he. 5:15. Nu. 5:12. Nu. 31:16. caused Israel to c- against the Lord Jos. 22:20. Achan c. a - in the accursed thing COMMIT Whoredom, s. Le.20:5. Nu.25:l. Ez. 16:17,34. I 20:30. Ho. 4:10,13,14. COMMITTED, p. G€. 39:8. c. all to my hand Ge. 39:22. keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners Le. 4:35. for his sin he hath c. 18:30. | 20:23. Nu. 15:24. if aught be c. by ignorance De. 17:5. that man or woman that c. 21:22. Jud. 20:6. they have c. lewdness in Israel 1 K. 8:47. we have c. wickedness, 14:22. Jer. 2:13. for my peopi/- have c. two evils 5:30. a horrible thing is c. in the land, 16:10. Ez. 16:26. c. fornication, Re. 17:2. | 18:3,9. 51.c.halfthvsin3||18:21.turn from sins c.22:28. 23:3. c. whoredoms, 7. Ho. 1:2. | 4:18. Mk. 15:7. c. murder || Lu. 12:48. have c. much Jn. 5:22. Father hath c. all judgment to the Son Ac. 8:3. prison || 25:11. c. worthy of death,25. 27:40. c. the ms. to the sea || 28:17. c. nothing ag. R(>.3:2. c. oracles of God |j 1 Co. 9:17. gospel e. 2Co..5:19.c.word of reconciliation || 1-2:21. they c. Ga. 2:7. gospel of uncirc. c. to me, 1 Ti. 1:11. ITi. 6:20. keep what is r. || 2 Ti. l:12.c. tohira Ja.5:15. if he c. sins|| 1 Pe.2:-23.c. himself to him Jiid. 15. ungodly deeds which fhey have r. COMMIJTED'/rtiui^?/ I's. 106:6. Ez. 33:13,18. Da. 9:5. COMMITTED Trespass. Le. 5:7. Jos. 7:1. | ^2:16,31. Ez. 15:8. | 20:27. COMMITTEST, ETH, ING. Ps.lO:14. poor c. himself to thee || Ez.8:6. | 33:15. Ho. 4:2. and c. adultery || 5:3. c. whoredom Jn. 8:34. whoso c. sin, 1 Jn. 3:4,8. 1 Co. 6:18. but he thatc. fornication sinneth COMMODIOUS, a. Ac. 27:12. haven not r. COMMON, a. signifies, (1) U--ual, Ec. 6:1. Jer. 31:5. 1 Co. 10:13. (•?) Unclean, Mat. 15:11. Ac. 10:14. (3) Unhallowed, 1 S. 21:4. (4) General, Ju. 3. Nu. 16:29. I die c. death || 1 S. 21:4. c. bread Ec. 6:1. an evil c. || Jer. 31:5. eat as c. things Ez. 23:4:2. men of c. sort || Mat. 27:27. c. hall Ac. 2:44. had all things c. 4::!2. || 5:18. c. prison 10:14. never e.ateii any thing c. 15:28. || 11:8,9. Ro. 14:tl4. nothing c. || 1 Co. 10:13. temptation c. Ti. 1:4. c. faith || Ju. 3. of the c. salvation COMMON People. Le. 4:27. Jer. 26:'23. Mk. 12:37. and the c- heard him gladlv COMMOti-JVealtk. s. Ep. 2:12. c- of Israel COMMOTION, S, s. 2 Ch. S9:t8. Jer. 10:22. Lu. 21:9. when ye hear of c. be not terrified COMMUNE, ». Ex. 25:22. I will c. with Ih.-e 1 S. 18:22. c. with David || 19:3.c. with my father Jb. 4:2. assay to c. || Ps. 4:4. c. with own heart Ps. 64:5. <•. of laying snares II 77:'i. with my heart COMMUNED, p. Ge. 23:8. Abraham c. with Ge. 42:24. Joseph c. || Jud. 9:1. Aliimelech c. 1 S.9:25. Samuel || 25:39. David || 1 K. 10:2.Sheba 2 K. 22:14. c. with Huldah the prophetess Ec. 1:16 I c. with mine own heart, saying Da. 1:19. king c. || Zch. 1:14. angel c. with me Lu. 6:11. c. what they might do to Jesus 22:4. Judas c. || 24:15. while they c. tosether Ac. 24:26. Felix c. the oftener with Paul COMMUNICATE, ED, v. Ga. 2:2. | 6:6. Phil. 4:14. c. with my affliction || 15. no church c. 1 Ti.6:18.willingto r. || c. forget not CO.MMUNtCATIONS, s. 2 S. 3:17. had c. 2 K. 9:11. ye know the man and hisc. Mat. 5:37. but let your c. be yea, yea ; nay, nay Lu. care these || 1 Co. 15:33. evilc. Ep. 4:29. let no corrupt c. proceed, Col. 3:8. Phile. 6. c. o'thy faith may become effectual COMMUNING, p. Ge. 18:33. Ex. 31:18. COMMUNION, s. FelloiDship, cnticord and agreement, Am. 3:3. 2 Co. 6:14. 1 Jn. 1:3. 1 Co. 10:16. c. of the blood of Christ, c. of body 2 Co 6:14. what c. hath light || 13:14. c. of H. G. COMPACT, ED, V. Ps. 122;3. city c. Ep. 4:16. COMP.\NY, *. Ge. 32:21. lodged in c. 1| 35:11. Nn. 16:6. Korah and all his c. 16,40. [ 22:4. Nn. 26:9. who strove in the c. of Korah, 27:3. Jud. 9:37. c. along the plain || 18:23. such ac. 1 S. 10:5.c. of prophets. 19:2il. || 30:15. to this c. 2 K.5:15.allliisc.cametoEl:sha || 9:17.1 see a c. 2 Ch. 24:24. the Syrians came with a small c. Jb. 16:7. made desolate my c. || 34:8. goeth in c. Ps. 55:14. walked to the house of God in c. 68:30. rebuke the c. of spearmen, the bulls 106:17. earth covered c. of Abiram, 18. Pr. 29:3. keepeth c. with harlots, 24:tl9. Song 1:9. c. of horses || 6:13. c. of two armies Ez. 16:40. bring a c. against thee, 23:46. 32:22. Ashuris there, and all here, his graves 38:7. thou and thy c. || Ho. 6:9. c. of priests Lu.2:44. in c.wenta || 6:17,22. | 9:14,38. | 24:22. Ac. 4:23. being let go, they went to their own c. 10:28. for a man that is a Jew to keep c. || 15:22. 17:5. gathered a c. || 21:8. Paul's c. dejiarted Ro. 15:24. if I first be filled with your c. 1 Co. 5:11. not to keep c. with fornicators, 9. 2Th.3:14. no c. with him || He. 12:22. c. of angels Re. 18:17. the c. in sliips,and sail, stood afirroff Great COMPANY. Ge. 50:9. with Joseph a c. 2 Ch. 9:1. queen of Sheba came with a -c. 20:12. no might against this-c. that cometh Ps.68:ll. - was the c. \\ Jer.31:8. -c. shall return Ez. 17:17. Pharaoh with -c. \\ Jn. 6:5. Ac. 6:7. COMPANIED, V. Ac. 1:21. men which have c. COMPANIES, «. Jud. 7:16. 300 men in three c. Jud. 7:20. three c. blew || 9:34. in four || 43. three 1 S. 11:11. threes. 13:17. || 2 K. 5:2. out by Ne. 12:31. two great c. of them gave thanks Jb. 6:19. the c. of Sheba waited for them Is. 21:13. O ye travelling c. of Dedanim 57:13. when thou criest, let thy c. deliver thee Mk. 6:39. to make all sit down by c. upon the COMP.'VNION, S, .9. Ex. 32:97. slay his c. Jud. 11:38. she went with her c. and bewailed 14:11. they brought thirty c. to be with him Jb. 30:29. a c. (oowls || 35:4.1 will answer thy c. 41:6. shall the c. make a banquet of him .'' shall Ps. 45:14. her c. || 119:63. c. of all that fear thee 122:8. for my c. sakes. I will now say. Peace Pr. 13:20. a c. of fools shall be destroyed 28:7. a c. of riotous men shameth his father, 24. Song 1:7. flocks of thy c. || 8:13. c. hearken to Is. 1:2^.1. c. of thieves || Ez. 37:16. Israel's r.. Da.2:17. known to his c. || Ma. 2:14. she is tny c. Ar.l9:29.cauKht Paul's c. || He. 10:33. became c. COMPARABLE, a. La. 4:2. c. to fine gold COMPARE, ED, ING, v. Ps. 89:6. to the Lord Pr. 3:15. are not to be c. unto her, 8:11. Song 1:9. I have c. thee, O my love, to a comp. Is. 40:18. what likeness will ye c. to him, 46:5. Ro. 8:18. not worthy to be c. w th the glory 1 Co. 2:13. c. spiritual things || 2 Co. 10:12. ours. COMPARISON, s. Jud. 8:2. Hag.2:3. Mk.4:30. COMP.'^SS, ED, V. Ge.l9:4. c. the house round Nu. 21:4. to c. land of Edom, De. 2:1. Jos. 6:3. ye shall c. the city, all ye men, 4,11. 1 S. 23:26. Saul and his men c. David and his 2 S. .5:23. fetch a c. 1 K. 7:35. 2 K. 3:9. 22:5. waves of death c. me, Ps. 18:4. | 116:3. 2 K. 6:15. behold a host c. the citv, both 11:8. c. the king round about, 2 Ch. 23:7. 2 Ch. 21:9. smote the Edomites which c. him Jb. 16:13. arches c. me || 19:6. God hath c. me 26:10. he hath c. the waters with bounds until 40:22. the willows of the brook c. him about Ps. 5:12. with favor c. him || 7:7. e. thee about 17:9. enemies c. 11. || 22:12. bulls || 16. dogs 26:6. so will I c. thine altar, O Lord 32:7. Shalt c. me with songs of deliverance, 10. 49:5. iniquity c. me || 142:7. righteous c. me Pr. 8:27. he set a c. on the face of the earth Is. 44:13. mark, it withe. || 50:11. c.with sparks Jer. 31:22. woman c. a man || La. 3:5. with gall Ha. 1:4. the wicked doth c. the righteous Mat. 23:15. woe to you, for ye c. sea and land Lu. 19:43. enemies c. thee round, 21:20. Ac. 28:13. fetched a c. || He. 5:2. c.with infirm. COMPASSED ahont. 2S. 18:1.5. c. Absalom - 2 S. 22:6. sorrows of hell c.-, Ps. 18:5. Ps. 40:12. innumerable evils have c. me- 88:17. c. me - together, 109:3. ( 118:10,11,12. Jon. 2:3. floods c. me-|| He. 12:1. c- with cloud Re. 20:9. c. the camp of the saints -, and the COMPASSEST, ETH, v. Ge. 2:11. c. Havilah Ps. 7.3:6. pride c. them || 139:3. Ho. 11:12. COMPAl-SlON, s. 1 K. 8:50. give them e. 2 Ch. 30:9. your children shall find c. before Ps. 78:38. full of c. 86:15. | 111:4. | 145:8. Mat.9:36.nioved with c. 14:14. [ 18:27. Mk.6:34, 1 Pe. 3:8. having c. || 1 Jn. 3:17. shutbow. of c Have or Itad COMPASSION. Ex. 2:6. De. 13:17. L. may turn and -c. \\ 30:3. will -c. 1 S. 23:21. ve -c. on me || 1 K. 8:.50. may -c. 2 K. 13:23. "Lord -c. on them, 2 Ch. 36:15. Is. 49:15. that she should not -c. on the son Jer. 12:15. I will return and -c. on them La. 3:32. yet will he -c. Mi. 7:19. Mat. 15:.32. I -c. on the multitude, Mk. 8:2. 18:33. also hare had c. on thy fellow-servant 20:34. so Jesus had c. on Ihem and touched Mk. .5:19. L. -c. on thee || 9:22. if thou canst -c. Lu. 7:13. Lord -c. on her || 10:33. -c. on him 15:20. father -c. and ran, and fell on his neck Ro. 9:15. I will -c. on whom I will -c. He. 5:2. who can -c. on the ignorant, and on He. 10:34. for ye -c. of me in my bonds, and tooV Ju. 22. and of some -c. makinga difference COMPASSIONS,...La.3:22. c. fail not, Zch.7:9 COMPEL, ED, EST, t. Le. 25:39. not c. hiin 1 S. 28:23. c. Saul || 2 Ch. 21:11. c. Jtidah Mat. 5:41. c. thee to go a mile, go with him 27:32. Simon, whom they c. to bear his cros9 Mk. 15:21. they cone Simon to bear his cross Lu. 14:23. go into highways, and c. them Ac. 26:11. and I c them to blaspheme, and 2 Co. 12:11. I am a fool in glorying, ye c me Ga. 2:3. being a Greek,was c to be circumcised 14. whv c. thou the Gentiles to live as Jews COiMPLAIN, ED, ING, v. Nu. 11:11. peo[ile c Jud. 21:22. to us toe || Jb. 7:11. I'll c in biltef Jb. 31:38. furrows c || Ps. 77:3. I c and my spirit Ps. 1 !4:14. that there be no c in our streets La. 3:.39. wherefore doth a living man c a COMPLAINERS, s. Nu. ll:tl. Ju. 16. COMPLAINT, S, s. 1 S. 1:16. abundance of c, Jb. 7:13. couch ease my c. || 9:27. furget myc. 10:1. leave my c. || 21:4. is my c to man .' 23:2. to day is my c bitter, my stroke heavier Ps. .55:2. I mourn in myc || 142:2. poured my e. Ac. 2.5:7. c against Paul || Col. 3:tl3. have a c. complete; a. Le. 23:15. 7 Sab. shall bee Col. 2:10. ye are c in him || 4:12. stand c in all composition, s. Ex. 30:32. after the c 37. COMPOUND, r.' To mix, tnriper. Ex. 30:25,33 COMPREHEND, ED, v. Jb. 37:.5. cannot c. Is. 40:12 c the du.-t || Jn. 1:5. dark, c it not Ro.l3:9. it is briefly c in this saying. Thou shr.Il Ep. 3:18. ye uiav be able to c with all saints CONCEAL, ED, ETH. Ge.37:26. if we slay our brother, and c his Mood De. 13:8. nor c him || Jb. 6:10. not c. t'le words Jb. 27:11. will I not c || 41:12. I'll notchispaita Ps. 40:10. I have not c. thy loving kindness Pr. 11:13. c the matter JJ 12:23. prudent man e 25:2. it is the glory of God to c a thing ; hut Jer. 50:2. declare ve, publish and c not, say CONCEIT, S, s. "Pr. 18:11. high wall in c. Pr. 2ii:5. wise in own c. 12,16. || 28:11. rich nia;i Ro. 11:95. lest ve be wise in your own c. 12:1<'. CONCEIVE, ED, v. Ge.4:l.Eve c || 17. Cain's wife Ge.l6:4.Hagar c l| 21:2. Sarah || 9.5:21. Reliek.-.h 29:32. Leah c 3.1 || 30:5. Bilhah || 23. Rachel 30:38. flocks c. 31:10. || 38:3. Shuah c. 4,5. 38:18. Tamar c || Ex. 2:2. Jochehed c Nu. 5:28. she shall be free, and shall c seed 11:12. Moses said, Have I c. all these peoj.le Jud. 13:3. Shalt c and bear a son, 5:7. 1.u. r.21 1 S. 1:20. Hannah c || 2 S. 11:5. Bathsheba 2 K. 4:17. Shunamite c. || Is. 8:3. prophetess Jb. 3:3. it was said. There is a man -child r. 15:35. they c mischief, and bring forth, Is.,59:4 Ps. 7:14. c mischief, brought forth falsehood 51:5. and in sin did my mother c. me Song 3:4. into the chamber of her that c. me Is. 7:14. a virgin shall c and bear a son, and 33:11. c chaflTII 59:13. c. words of falsehood Jer. 49:30. and hath c a purpose against you Ho. 1:3. Gomer c. || 2:5. Mat. 1:20. Lu. 1:.3P. Lu. 2:21. before he was c || Ac. 5:4. Ro. 9:10. He. 11:11. Sarah received strength to c seed Ja. 1:15. when lust hath c it brings forth sin CONCEPTION, «. Ge. 3:16. thy c || Ru. 4::3. Ho. 9:11. their glory shall flee from the c CONCERN, ETH, v. Ez. 12:10. Ac. 28:31. 2 Co. 11:30. things which c mine infirmities CONCERNING, pr. Ge. 19:21. accepted thee e. Ex. 6:8. c which I did swear, Nu. 14:30. Nu. 10:29. good c Israel || 1 K. 11:10. this thing Ps. 90:13. repent thee c. thy servants, 135:i4. Ec.7:10. inquire wisely c this || Is. 30:7. cried c. Is. 45:11. ask me c my sons, and c work of Ez. 14:22. comforted c the evil, even c .all Da. 2:18. c. this secret, that || 6:17. c Daniel Mat. 16:11. that I spake it not to you c bread Mk. 5:16. they that saw, told also c the swir.e Lu. 24:27. expounded the things c himself Ac. 28:22. as e. this sect, we know it is spoken Ro. 9:5. of whom as c the flesh Christ can^e 11:28. as c the gospel, are enem. foryotirsnl'fl 2 Co.ll:21. 1 speak as c reproach, as tho' v/c-.-.K Ep. 5:32. but I speak c. Christ and the clmrth Phil. 4:15. c giving || 1 Ti. 6:21. erred c fai'.h 2 Ti. 2:18. c. truth have erred !| 3:8. reprobate c. 1 Pe. 4:12. think not strange c the fiery trial CONCISION, .?. Jo. 3:tl4. valley of c Phil..'';?, CONCLUDE, ED, v. Ac. 21:25. written and e. Ro. 3:28. we c. a man is justified by faith 11:32. c them all in unbelief, Ga. 3:22. CONCLUSION, s. Ec. 12:13. let us hear the e. CO.N'CORD, s. 2 Co. 6:15. what c hath Christ CONOOI'RSE, s. Pr. 1:21. Ac. 19:40. CONCUBI.NE, S, s. j9 secondary, or ivftrint wife. Ge. 25:6. to sons of the c .Tud. 19:2. his c played the whore, 29. | 20:4,« 2 S. 3:7. gone in to father's c || 5:13. Davii fo«.| 16:22. went in to father's/-. || 19:.5. | 20:3. | 21: 1 1. 1 K. 11:3. Sol. had 300 c. \\ 9 Ch. 11:21. sivty c Song 6:8. and ,?0 c || 9. c praised her || Da. "■ .3 CONCUPISCENCE, .«. Kinftdbists, Po. 7-^7 Ro. 7:8. all manner of c || Col. 3:5. evl r. ;iti< I Th. 4:5. not in the lust of c. as the Gentiles CONDEMN, r. Ex. 92:9. whom judges t. De. 25:1. and c. the wicked, 1 K. 8:32. 51 CON lb. 9:29. mouth ^hall c. me |j 10:2. do not c. me 34:17. wilt tlioii c. liim || 40:8. wilt tliim c. me P3. 'il:i'A. nor c. Iiini || 94:21. c. innocent blood 109:31. to save h.m from those that c. his soul la. 50.9. who shall c. me jl 54:17. shalt tlioii c. Mat. 1-J:41. and shall c. it because, Lii. 11:3X Ai. queen of S. rise in jud^'. and c. Lu. 11:31. 20 13. they shall c. him to death, SIk. 10:33. Lu. 6:37. c. not and || Jn. 3:17. not to c. world Jn. 8:11. neitiier do I c. thee || 2 Co. 7:3. not toe. ) Jn. 3:-J0. heart c. us )| -Jl. heart c. us not C0NDE.\L\AT10N,i. signifies, {1) Jl declaring vne guilty, Jn. 8:10. (2) Paniskmeid, 1 Cc. 1 1;32. (3) Eternal misery, Ju. 4. Lu. 23:40. in same c. \\ Jn. 3:19. this is the c. Jn.5:24. he that believeth shall not come intoc. Ro. 5:10. by one to c. 18. || 8:1. there is no c. 1 Co. 11:34. that ye come not together to c. 2 Co. 3:9. if the ministration of c. be glorious 1 Ti. 3:6. fall into c. || Ja. 3:1. greater c. Ja. 5:12. lest ve fall into c. || Ju. 4. ordain, to c. CONDEM-N'KD, p. 2 Ch. 36:3. c. the land Jb. 32:3. had c. Job || Fs. 109:7. let him be c. Am. 2:8. diink wine of the c. in house of God Mat. 12:7. not c. guiltless jl 37. by words be c. 27:3. saw he was c. repe. |f .\lk. 14:64. all c. him Jn.3:18. believes is not c. || 8:i0. hath no man c. Ko. 8:.3. c. sin in the tlesh || 1 Co. 11:32. not c. Ti. 2:8. speech that cannot be c.\\ 3:11. being c. I:e. 11:7. he c. the world || 2 Pe. 2:fi. G. c. tliem Ja. 5:6. .;. and killed the just 11 9. lest ye be c. « ■O^DE.M^'^;ST, ETH, ING, ». l K. 8:32. J I). 15:6. own mouth c. tliee \\ Pr. 17:15. c. just Ac. 13:27. in c. him || Ro. 2:1. c. thou thyself Ro. 8:34. who is he that c. || 14:22. c. not hims. CONDESCEXD, ». Ko. 12:16. c. to men of low CU.VDITIO.V, S, s. 1 S. 11:2. Lu. 14:32. CO.VDUCT, ED, ». 2 S. 19:15. to c. the king, 31. 2 S. 19:40. all the people of Jud.ih c. the king Ac. 17:1.5. that c. Paul || 1 Co. 16:11. c. him in peace COXDUfT, s. 2K. 18:17. stood by c. Is. 36:2. 2 K. 20:20. made a c. || [s. 7:3. end of the c. CO.VFECTIO.V, ARIES, s. Ex. 30:35. 1 .S. 8:13. he will take your daughters to be c. CU\Fi:.DERACV,s. Is. 8:12. s;iv not a c. Ob.7. (■O.NFE[)EK.\TE, 6-. and a. Ge.'l4:i:5. Ps. 83:5. Is. 7:2. it was told, Syria is c. with Ephraim CO.N'FEREXCE, i. Ga.2:6. in c. added nothing LUXFERUED, p. 1 K. 1:7. Ac 4:15. I 25:12. G'- l-ls;. hnmediately 1 c not with llesh and ;lood rCNFESS, B. signifies, (1) To acknoroledge as liu own, Lu 12:8. (2) To own and lay ujien our sins, Ps. 32:5. Mat. 3:6. {3) To own and profess the gospel of Ckrist, and pay obedience to it, Lu. 12:8. I.e. 5:5. c he hath sinned || 16:21. e. over him 2ii:40. if they c. their iniquity, Nu. 5:7. 1 K.8:33. if c. thy name and pray, 2 Ch. 6:24,96. Ne. 1:6. c. sins of Israel || Jb. 40:14. c. that thy hand Ps. 18:+49. I'll c. to thee || .32:5. c. my transgres. Mat. 10:32. shall c. me before men, Lu. 12:8. Jn. 9:22. did c. he was C. || 12:42. did not c. him Ac. 23:8. Pharisees c. both || 24:14. this 1 c. that Ro. 10:9. c. with thy mouth, 14:11. | 1.5:9. Piiil. 2:11. and that every tongue should c. th,it Ja. 5:16. c. your faults || 1 Jn. 1:9. if we c. sins 1 Jn. 4:1.5. sh.ill c. J. || 2 Jn. 7. c. not that J. Re. 3:5. I will c. his name before my Father CO.VFESSED, ETH, L\G, v. and p. Ezr. 10:1. iVe. 9:2. Pr. 2<^:13. whoso c. || Da. 9:20. c. my sin Mat.3:6. c. their sins || Jn.l:20. c. I'm not the C. Ac. 19:18. many c. and showed their deeds He. 11:13. c. that thev were strangers on earth 1 Jn. 4:2. that c. Christ is come || 3. that c. not CO.VFESSION, s. Jos. 7:19. make c. to him 2 Ch. 30:22. making c. || Ezr. 10:11. m.ike c. Da. 9:4. I prayed to the Lord and made my c. Ro. 10:10. c. is made to salvation || 1 Ti. 6:13. a good c. f;0.\FIDE.\CE, s. signifies, (1) Jlssuravne, 2 Co. 6:22. (2) Boldness, Ac. 28:31. (3) Trust, Jb. 4:P. (4) That wliicli is trusted in, 3er.4S:l3. (5) Help, 2 K. 18:19. (6) Safety, Ez. 23:26. 17) Ji bold profession of Christ, He. 10:3.5. (S) A persuasion of acceptance, Ep. 3:12. (9) Jl due Tesolalinn, 2 Co. 10:2. .ud. 9:2i. put c. in Gaal |i 2 K. 18:19. what c. is j;j. 4:6. is not this thy fear thy c. \\ 18:14. his c. 31:24. if I said to fine gold, Thou art my c. Ps. 65:5. c. of all the earth || 118:9.put princes Pr.3:26.L.shall be thy c.ll 14:26. in L. isstronjc. 21:22. casteth down thestreneth of thec.there. 2.5:19. c. in unfaithful || Is. 30:15. Jer. 48:13. Ez. 28:26. dwell with c. || 29:16. no more c. of Is. Wi. 7:5. put ye not c. in a guide or a fiiend A' 28:31. preaching the kingdom with all c. 2 Co. 1:1.5. in this c.||2:3. c. in you all, 7:16. | 8:22. 10:2. c. to be bold || 11:17. in this c. of boasting :;a. 5:10. Pve c. you || Ep. 3:12. access with c. Ph.l. l:2o. having this c. || 3:3. no c. in flesh, 4. 2 I'h. 3:4. we have e. in the L. touching you Pl.ile. 21. having c. in thy obedience, I wrote He. 3:6. if we hold fast the c.||3:14. steadf. to end 1 1:35 cast not away therefore vour e. || ll:tl. 1 Jn. i:28. may have c. || 3:21. have c. toward G. CON 1 Jn. 5:14. this is the c. that we have in him CONFIDEA'CES, s. Jer. 2:37. Lord reject thy c. CO.\FlDEXT,Ly,a.and wlA K.4:t25.Ps.l6:t9. Ps. 27:3. in this will I be c. || I'r. 14:16. fool is Ez. 38:tll. go to them that dwell c. 39:t6. Lu. 22:59. another c. affirmed, This fellow was Ro. 2:19. and art c. \\ 2 Co. 5:6. always c. 8. 2 Co. 9:4. be a.shamed in this same c. boasting Phil. 1:6. c. of this very thing |1 14. waxing c. by CO.XFIKMATION, s. Phil. 1:7. He. 6:16. CONFIR.M, u. signifies, (1) To ratify, Ru.4:7. (2) Strenuthen, Is. a5:.'i (3) Perfict, Ps. 68:28. Ru. 4:7. to c. all thinss || 1 K. 1:14. c. thy words 2 K. 15:19. c. kingdom |! Est. 9:29. c. Purim Ps. 68:9 c. inheritance || Is. 3.5:3. c. feeble knees Ez. 13:6. c. the word II Da. 9:27. c. covenant Da. 11:1. 1 stood to c. and to strengthen him Ro. 15:8. c. promises || 1 Co. 1:8. c. to the end 2 Co. 2:8. would c. your love towards him CONFIRMED, ETH, I.NG, v. and p. Nu. 30:14. De. 27:26. cursed that c. not || 2 S. 7:24. c. Israel 2 K. 14:5. kinedoni was c. {| 1 Ch. 14:2. c. king 1 Ch. 16:17. c. Ihe same to Jacob, Ps. 105:10. Is. 44:26. that c. the word of his servant, and Da. 9:12. c. his words wh ch he spake against us Mk. 16:20. c.word with signs || Ac. 14:22. c. souls Ac. 15:32. c. the brethren || 41. c. the churches Ga. 3:15. if it be c. || 17. covenant was c. before He, 2:3. c. to us || 6:17. he c. it by an oath CONFISCATION, s. Ezr. 7:26. executed to c. CONFLICT, .«. Ps. 39:tl0. Phil. 1:30. Col. 2:1. CO.\FORMAliLE,a. Phil. 3:10. do his death CONFORMED, p. Ro. 8:29. to image || 12:2. CONFOUND, ED, Ge. 11:7. c. their language 2 K. 19:26. were c. Jb. 6:20. Is. 37:27. Ps. 35:4. let them be c. || 69:6. not be c. 71:13. lie c. that are adversaries to niv soul 21. Ihey are c. || 83:17. let them be c. 97:7. 129:5. let them all be c. that hate Zion Is. 1:29. c. their gardens || 19:9. net-work c. 37:27. inhabitants were dismayed and c. Jer.l:17. lest I c.thee||9:19. gre,itlv| 10:14.1 51:17. 17:18. let not me be c || 46:24. Egypt be c. Jer. 18:20. Moab is c. for it is broken down 49:23. Hamath is c. || .50:2. Bel is c. || 12. mother 51:47. Babylon be c. || 51. we are c. because Ez. 16:.52. be c. and bear thy shame, 54:63. Mi. 7:16. nations see and be c. at their might Zch. 10:5. riders be c. || .Ac. 2:6. multitude c. .Ac. 9:22. Paul c. Jews |( 1 Co. 1:27. to c. the wise Jishamrd and COSFOl S\)ED. Ps. 40:14. | 70:2. Is. 24:23. moon c. sun - || 41:11. incensed be -c. 45:!6 idol-makers be-c. ||54:4. shalt not be -c. Jer.l4:3.1ittle ones w-ere -r .|jl5:9.she had been -c. 22:-:2. shalt thou be -c. || 31:19. 1 was -c. because Ez. 36:32. be -c. for vour ways || Jli. 3:7. seers be Mit CONFOUNDED. Ps. 22:5. fathers -c. Is.45:17.-c. world without end || 50:7.shall -be c. 1 Pe. 2:6. he that believeth shall - be c. CONFUSED, p. Is. 9:5. c. noi.-e || Ac. 19:32. CONFUSION, s. Ge. Il:t9. name of it called c. Le. 18:23. beast tolie down thereto, itisc. 20:12. 1 S. 20:30. David to thy c. || Ezr. 9:7. c. efface Jb. 10:15. lam full of c. II Ps. 35:4. brought toe. Ps. 4 1:15. my c. is before me || 70:2. be put to c. 71:1. never be put to c. || 109:29. their ow^n c. Is. 24:10. city of c. || 30:3. in Egjpt your c. 34:11. line of c. II 41:29. images are wind and e. 45:16. shall go to c. || 61:7. for c. shall rejoice Jer. 3:25. c. covereth us || 20:11. everlasting c. Da. 9:7. but to us belongeth c. of faces, 8. .Ac. 19:29. the whole city was filled with c. 1 Co. 14:33. G. not author of c. || Ja. 3:16. strife is CONGEALED, p. Ex. 1.5:8. depths were c. CONGRATULATE, v. ICh. 18:10. and c. him CONGREGATION, ^^ Le. 4:21. | 10:17. | 16:33. Nu. 1:16. renowned of c. || 14:27. this evil c. ? 16:45. get you up from among this c. 47. 27:16. let the Lord set a man over the c. 35:12. till he stand before the c. for judcment Jb. 15:34. c. of hypocrites || 30:28. I cried in c. Ps. 1:5. c. of ri^ihteous || 22:->2. in niid;ter Jos. C:19. vessels of iron are c. || Jud. 17:5.12 1 K. 13:33. 1 Ch. 29:5. 2 Ch. 13:9. ] 29:31. . 31:6. Ezr. 3:5. Ez. 43:26. Mi. 4:13. He. 7:28. Son c. forever || 10:20. living way c. CONSECR.ATION, S. Ex. 29:22,34. Le. 7:37 I 8:28,31,33. Nu. 6:7,9. CONSENT, ED, ING, v. and p. Ge. 34:15,23 De. 13:8. shalt not c. to him, nor hearken Jud. 11:17. to king of .Moab, but he would nott 1 K. 20:8. hearken not unto him, nor c. 2 K. 12:8. the priests c. to receive no more Ps. 50:18. sawe,-t a thief, thou c. with him Pr. 1:10. if sinners entice thee, c. thou not Da. 1:14. so he c. \\ Lu. 23:51. not c. to deed .Ac. 8:1. Saul was c. to his death || 18:20. he c.noJ Ro. 7:16. 1 c. unto the law that it is good 1 Ti. 6:3. if any man c not to wholesome words CONSENT, s. 1 S. 11:7. came with one c. Ps. 83:5. they have consulted with one c. Ho. 6:9. the company of priests murder hy c. Zph. 3:9. call on Lord to serve him with one c. Lu. 14:18. all with one c || 1 Co. 7:5. c. for a CONSIDER, V. De. 4:39. c. it in thy heart De. 32:29. c. latter end || Jud. 18:14. therefore c. 1 S. 12:24. c. how things he hath done Jb. 11:11. he seeth also, will he not then c. it 23:15. when I c. I am afraid of him 34:27. would not c. || 37:14. c. works of God Ps. 5:1. c. my meditation || 8:3. c. thy heavens 9:13. f. my trouble || 13:3. c. and hear, 45:10 2.5:19. c. my enemies || 37:10. c. his place, and 48:13. c. her palaces || 50:22. c. this, ye thai 64:9. for they shall wisely c. of his doings 119:95. r. thy testimonies || 163. c. my afiliction 1.59. c. how I love thy precepts, quicken me Pr. 6:6. c. her ways || 23:1. c. diligently 24:12. doth not he that pondereth heart c. it Ec. 5:1. they c. not || 7:13. c. the work of God 7:14. but in the day adversity c. God aUo hath Is. 1:3. Israel not know, my people doth^ot c 5:12. neither c. the operation of his hands 14:16. shall c. thee || 18:4. || 41:20. know and o 43:18. nor c. thinss of old || 52:15. not heard c Jeri2:I0. c.aud seefl 23:20. in lat.daysc. it, 30:24. La. 2:20. behold, O Lord, r. to whom, 5:1. Ez. 12:3. may be they will c. thouch rebellious Da. 9:23. c. the vision || Ho. 7:2. they c. not in Hag. 1:5. c. your ways, 7. || 2:15. I pray c. 18. .Mat. 6:28. c. the lilies, Lu. 12:27. Lu. 12:24. c. the ravens, they neither sow Jn. 11:.50. nor c it is expedient |{ Ac. 15:6. 2 Ti. 2:7. c. and Lord give thee understanding He. 3:1. ^ the apostle || 7:4. || 10:24. || 12:3. c. him CONSIDERED, EST, v. 1 K. 3:21. | 5:8. Jb. }:8. hast c. mv servant Job, 2:3. || Ps. 31:7. Pr. 21:32. c. it well || Ec. 4:1,4. | 9:1. Jer. .33:24. c. not what his people have spoken Da. 7:8. I c. the horns, and behold '-here came .Mat. 7:3. c. not beam that is in thine own e\e Mk. 6:52. they c. not the miracit of Ihe loavei 52 CON Ac. 12:12. when Peter had c. the thing, he Ro. 4:t9. he c. not his body now dead, when CONSIDEKETH, ING, Ps 33:15. he c. all I's. 41:1. blessed is he that c. the poor, the Lord Pr. 21:1-2. righteous c. \\ t29. he c. his way 28:22. c. not || 29:7. || 31:16. she c. a field Is. 44:19. none c. in his heart, 57:1. Ez. 18:14. and c. \\ Da. 8:5. as I was c. behold Ga. 6:1. c. thyself || He. 13:7. c. the end of their CONSIST, ETH, V. Lu. 12:51. Col. 1:17. CONSOLATION, S,s.signifies,(l)S/)(ri(i£rt;jo7^ Is. 66:11. ('2)Cltristandall hldbenrfits, Lu.2;2o. Jb. 15:11. are c. of G. small || 21:2. let this be c. Is. 66:11. breasts of her c. || Jer. 16:7. cup of c. Lu. 2:25. c. of Israel || 6:24. received your c. Ac. 4:36. son of c. || 15:31. rejoiced for the c. Ro. 15:5. (Jod of c. giant you to be like minded 2 Cd. J:5. so our c. also aboiindeth by Christ 1:6. afflicted for your c. 7. [| 7:7. but by the c. Phil. 2:1. if there be any c. in Christ, fulfil ye 2 Th. 2:16. who hath given us everlasting c. Phile. 7. c. in thy love || He. 6:18. strong c. CONSORTED, /). Ac. 17:4. c. with Paul CONSPIRACY, s. 2 S. 15:12. Absalom's c. 2K. 12:10. c. and slew Joash II 14:19. | 15:15,30. | 17:4. 2Ch.25:27. Jer.ll:9. Ez.22:2.5. Ac.23:13. CONSPIRATORS, s. 2 S. 15:31. among c. CONSPIRED, p. Ge. 37:18. c. against Joseph 1 S. 23:8. c. ag.iinst me, 13. || 1 K. 15:27. 1 K. 16:9. Ziinri c. 16. || 2 K. 9:14. Jehu c. 2 K. 1 v.W. Shallum c. || 25. Pekah c. || 10:9. 21:23 servants of Ainon c. ||2 Ch. 24:21,25,26. 1 33:25. Ne. 4:8. Am. 7:10. CONSTANT, LY, a. and ad. 1 Ch. 28:7. Ez.r. 9:t8. Ps. ohflO. renew a c. spirit, Pr. 21:28. Ac. 12:15. she c. affirmed ||Ti. 3:8. affirm c. CONSTELLATIONS, s. Systems uf stars. 2K. 23:t5. Is. 13:10. CONSTRAIN, ED, ETH, v. 2 K. 4:8. c. him Jb. 32:18. spirit c. me i| Mat. 14:22. Mk. 6:45. Lu. 24:09. they c. him || Ac. 16:1.5. Lydia c. us Ac. 28:19. I was c. to appeal to Cesar ; not that 2 Co. 5:14. love of Christ c. us || Ga. 6:12. c. you CONSTRAINT, s. I Pe. 5:2. not by c. but OONSUi;r,^).and ATION,*. Ps.62:4. Mk. 1.5:1. CONSULTED, p. Ps. 83:3. c. against hidden, 5. Mi. 6:5. what Balak c. \\ Ha. 2:10. c. shame Mat. 26:4. and c. that they might take Jesus Jn. 12:10. r. to put Lazarus also to death CONSULTER, ETH, s. aad v. De. 18:11. Lu. 14:31. CONSUME, ti. signifies, (1) To waste, destroy, Ex. 32:10. (21 7'ume«a(C(i!/,Jer. 6:29. (3) 7'o vanish away, Jb. 7:9. (4) To crush, Est. 9:t24. Ge. 41:30. famine c. || Ex. 33:3. lest I see thee, 5. Le. 28:16. burning ague shall c. eyes, and cause De. 5:25. fire will c. us || 7:16. c. the people 28:38. locust shall c. 42. || 32:22. anger c. Jos. 24:20. L. will c. || 1 S. 2:23. fire c. 12. Jb. 15:34. f. tabernacles || 20:26. fire not blown c. 21:19. heat c. || Ps. 37:20. into smoke c. away Ps. 39:11. beauty to c. || 49:14. || 78:33. davs c. Is. 7:20. c. the beard || 10:18. c. glory of forest 27:10. c. branches || Jer. 49:27. c. palaces Ez. 4:17. c. away || 13:13. in my fury to c. 21:28. furbished to c. \\ 22:15. c. filthiness 24:10. c. (he flesh || 35:12. are given us to c. Da. 2:44. c. kingdoms || Ho. 11:6. sword c. Zph. 1:2. c. all things || 3. c. man and beast Zch. 5:4. shall c. his house || 14:12. tongue c. 2 Th. 2:8. Lord shall c. || Ja. 4:3. c. upon lusts CONSUME them. Ex. 32:10. I may c- Nu. 16:21. may c- in a moment, 45. De. 7:22. thou mayst not c- at once, lest beasts Ne. 9:31. thou didst not utterly c- for thou art Est. 9:24. Hainan had cast Pur, the lot, to c- Ps. 59:13. c- in wrath, c- that they may not Jer. 8:13. I will surely c- 14:12. Ez. 20":13. Lu. 9:51. fire to come and c - as Elias did CONSUMED, p. Ge. 19:15. lest thou be c. 17. Ge. 31:40. drought c. ine || Ex. 3:2. bu>h not c. Ex. 15:7. thy wrath e. them || 22:6. if corn be c. 9:24. c. on the altar the burnt-ofTering Nu. 11:1. c. them in uttermost parts of camp 12:12. flesh is half c. || 16:26. depart lest ye be c. 16:35. there came out fire, and c. 2.50 men 21:28. c. Ar of iMoab || 32:13. done evil was c. De. 2:16. mon of ware. || Jud. 6:21. 1 S. 27:tl. 2 S. 13;t39. j 21:5. ] K 1?:38. fire of Lord c. sacrifice, 2 Ch. 7:1. 2K 1:10. c. him and his 50 II 2 Ch. 8:8. Ne.2:3. Jo. 1:16. c. sheep II 4:9. by brealh of nostrils c. C:17 snow and ice are c. out of their place 7:9. as the cloud is c. || 19:27. though reins be c. 33:21. his rtesh is c. awav that it cannot be seen Ps. 6:7. my eyes c. 31:9. f| 10. bones c. 102:3. 39:10. I am c. by the blow of thy hand 71:13. let thein be c. || 73:19. c. with terror 90:7. we are c. || 104:35. let sinners be c. out 119:87. almost c. me || 139. zeal hath c. me Pr. .5:11. flesh and body are c. |J 22:t8. shall be c. Is. lli:4. oppressors are c. \\ 29:20. scorner is c. 64:7. hath c. us || 66:17. shall be c. || Jer. 5:3. Jer. 6:29. lead is c. || 12:4. beasts r.||20:18. daysc. 36:23. till roll was c. || 44:18. been c. by sword La. 2:22. those 1 swaddled hntll mine enemy c. 3:22. it is of the Lord's mercies we are not c. Ma. 3:6. sons of Jacob are not c. |j Ga 5:15. CON Shall he CONSUMED. Nu. 14:35. | 17:13. 1 S. 12:25. Is. 1:28. | 66:17. Jer. 14:15. | 16:4. | 44:12. Ez. 5:12. I 13:14. | 34:29. | 47:12. Da. 11:16. TUl or until CONSUMED, De. 2:15. | 28:21. Jos. 5:6. I 10:20. 1 S. 15:18. 2 S. 22:38. 1 K. 23:11. 2K.13:17.19. 2 Ch. 18:10. Ezr. 9:14. Ps.]8:37. Jer. 9:16. | 24:10. | 27:8. | 49:37. CONSUMETH, ING,«. De. 4:24. the Lord thy God is a c. fire, 9:3. He. 12:29. Jb. 13:28. c. as a garment || 22:20. remnant fire c. 31:12. c. to destruct. || Is. 5:24. as flame c. chaff CONSURIMATION, s. Da. 9:27. until the c. CONSUMPTION, s. Le. 26:16. terror, c. De. 28:22. smite with c. \\ Jud. 20:t40. Is. 10:22. c. decreed || 23. make a c. 28:22. CONTAIN, ED, ETH, ING, ». and p. 1 K. 8:27. heavens cannot c. thee, 2 Ch. 2:6. Ez. 23:32. sister's cup, it c. much || 45:11. Jn. 2:6. water-pots c. two or three firkins 21:25. world could not c. the books written Ro. 2:14. do things c. in the law || 1 Co. 7:9. Ep. 2:15. c. in ordinances||l Pe. 2:6. c. in scrip. CONTEMN, ED, ETH, r. and p. Ps. 10:13. wicked c. God|jl5:4. vile (lerson is c. 107:11. c. counsel of Most Iligh||Song 8:7. be c. Is. 16:14. the glory of Moab shall be c. with Ez. 21:10. it c. the rod of my son, 13. CONTEMPT, IRLE, «. and a. Ge. 38:t23. Est. 1:18. thus shall there arise too much c. Jb. 12:21. poureth c. on |)rinces,Ps. 107:40. 31:34. or did the c. of families terrify me Ps. 119:22. remove c. jj 122:3. filled with c. 4. Pr. 18:3. wicked cometh, then c. || Is. 23:9. Da. 12:2. some shall awake to everlasting c. Ma. 1:7. table of the Lord is c. || 12. meat c. 2:9. 1 made you c. || 2 Co. 10:10. his speech c. CONTEMPTUOUSLY, ad. Ps. 31:18. speak c. CONTEND, ED, v. and p. signifies, (1) To strive, Jer. 18:19. (2) To dispute, Ac. 11:2. (3) To fiL'ht, De. 2:9. (4) To punish, Am. 7:4. (5) To stand hit and defend, Ju. 3. De. 2:9. neither c. with them in battle, 24. Ne. 13:25. 1 c. with them, and cursed them, 11. Jb. 9:.3. if he will c.||13:8. and c. for God||31:13. Pr. 98:4. c. with them || Ec. 6:10. nor may he c. Is. 41:12. c. with thee||49:25. I will c. with him 50:8. who will c. with me || 57:16. not c. forever Jer. 12:5. c. with horses || Am. 7:4. c. by fire Ac. 11:2. c. with him||'-u. 3. earnest, c. for faith CONTENDE.'^T, ETH, ING, v. and p. Jb. 10:2. wherefore thou c. with me || 10:2. Pr. 29:9. if wise man c. || Ju. 9. c. with devil CONTENT, a. Ge. 37:27. Ex. 2:21. Le. 10:20. he was c. \\ Jos. 7:7. we had been c. Jud. 17:11. Levite was c. to dwell with Micah 19:6. be c. I pray thee, and tarry all night 2 K. 5:23. be c. take two talents || 6:3. be c. Jb. 6:28. now therefore be c. look upon me Pr. 6:35. nor rest c || Mk. 15:15. Lu. 3:14. Phil. 4:11. learned to be <;.||1 Ti. 6:8. let us be c. He. 13:5. be c. with such thingsp Jn. 10. not c. CONTENTION, S, s. Ge. 26:t20. Ps. 95:18. Pr. 13:10. by pride comes c. || 17:14. leave off e. ]8:6.enterinto c.||18.1ot causeth c. to cease||19. 19:13. c. of a wife are a continual drop. 27:15. 22:10. c. shall go out || 23:29. who hath c. Jer. 15:10. borne me a man of c. \\ Ha. 1:3. Ac. 15:39. the c. was so sharp between them 1 Co. 1:11. I hear that there are c. among you Phil. 1:16. the one preach Christ of c. not sine. 1 Th.2:2. to speak the gospel with much s. Ti. 3:9. avoid r. and strivings about the law CONTENTIOUS, a. Pr. 21:19. | 26:21. | 27:15. Ro. 2:8. to them that are c. 1 Co. 11:16. CONTENTMENT, s. 1 Ti. 6:6. c. is gain CONTINUAL, LY, a. and ad. Ge. 6:5. evil c. Ex. 28:30. on his heart c. || 29:38,42. Le. 24:2. lamps to burn c. || 1 S. 18:29. 2 S. 9:7. eat bread at mv table c. \\ 2 K. 2.5:29. I Ch. 16:11. seek the Lord c || Jb. 1:.5. thus did Ps. 34:1. his be c. in mv mouth, 71:6,14. 35:27. say c. Lord be magnified, 40:16. | 70:4. 38:17. sorrow c. before me || 40:11. c. preserve 42:3. c. say to me ij 44:15. confusion c. bef. me 50:8. c. before || 52:1. goodness of G. endur. c. 71:3. c. resort||14. I will hope c.||7.3:23. c. with 74:23. increaseth f.||109:15. be before the L. c. 119:44. keep thy law c.||117. statutes c.||140:2. Pr. 6:14. niischiefc. || 21. bind them c. on heart 15:15. hath ac. feast || Is. 14:1^. with ac. stroke Is. 21:8. I stand c. || 49:16. walls are c. before 51:13. feared c. || .')2:5. name c. blasphemed .58:11. guide thee c. || 60:11. gates open c. || 65:3. Jer. 6:7. before me c. is grief || 48:5. t. weeping Ez. 39:14. men of c. employment || 46:14. Da. 6:16. thy God whom thou servest c. he will Ho. 12:6. keep merry, and wait on thy God c. Ob. 16. so shall all the heathen drink c. yea Na. 3:19. hath not thy wickedness passed c. Ha. 1:17. c. to slay || Zch. 8:121. go c. and pray Lu. 18:5. lest by her c. coming she weary ine 24:53. were c. in the temple praising God Ac. 6:4. giie ourselves c. to |irayer, 10:7. Ko. 9:2. I have c. sorrow || 13:6. attending c. He. 7:3. ahideth a priest c.||13:15. praise to G. c. CONTINUANCE, s. De. 28:59. plagues of c. Ps. H9:I6. in c. were fashioned || Ez. 39:tl4. Is. 64:5. in those is c. || Ro. 2:7. bv patient c. CONTINUE, ED, v. and p.Ge. 40:4. e. in ward CON Ex. 21:21. if he c. a day or two || Le. 12:4,5. Jud. 5:17. Asher c. on the sea-shore |! Hu. 2:7 1 S. 1:12. as she c. praying before the Lord 12:14. c. following the L.||13:14. kingdom not c 2 S. 7:29. c. forever || 1 K. 2:4. L. c. his word 2 Ch.29:28.all this c.||Ne. 5:16. I c. in thewoik Jb. 15:29. neither shall his substance c. neitlitr 17:2. doth not mine eye c. in their provocatinr Ps. 36:10. O c. thy loving k. || 49:11 houses c. 72:17. name c. as the sun J| 102:28. children c. 119:91. they c. this day || Is. 5:11. c. till night Jer. 31:t32. c. a husband || 32:14. c. many days Da. 1:21. Dan. c. to Cyrus || 11:8 c. more years Mat. 15:32. c. with me three days i| 20:tl2 Lu. 6:12. c. all night in prayer || 2^:28. ye c. Jn. 8:31. if ye c. in my word, then my disci;,.! a 15:9. so have I loved you, c. ye in my love Ac. 1:14. c. with one accord||2:42. c. steadfastly 12:16. Peter c. knocking || 14:23. to c. in fail!; 20:7. c. till midnight || 26:22. I c. to this day Ro. 6:1. shall we c. in sin || 11:22. <•. in his good Ga. 2:5. gospel misht r. || Phil. 1:25. I«hall c. Col. 1:23. if ye c. in faith || 4:2. r. in prayer 1 Ti. 2:15. if they c. in faith || 4:IS. c. in them 2 Ti. 3:14. c. in the things thou hast learned He. 7:23. not suflered to c. || 8:9. c. not in my 13:1. let brotherly love f.||2 Pe.3:4. all things .-. 1 Jii.2:19. no doubt c. with us||24.c. in the Sdii Re. 13:5. to c. 42 mon. || 17:10. c. a short spac(( CONTINUETH, ING,d. and p. Jb. 14:2. c. not Jer. 30:23. a c. wliirlwind||Ac. 2:46. c. daily with Ro. 12:12. c. instant in prayer ||Ga. 3:10. c. not 1 Ti. 5:5. c. in supplications || Ja. 1:25. c. in it He. 7:24. he c. ever || 13:14. no c. city; but CONTRADICTING, p. Ac. 13:45. c. and bias. CONTRADICTION, s. He. 7:7. | 12:3. CONTRARY, a. Le. 26:21. walk c. 2C,24. Est. 9:1. turned to the c.||Ez. 16:34. c. is in thee Mat. 14:24. wind was c. || Ac. 17:7. do c. toCes. Ac. 18:13. to worship God c. to law, 23:3. 26:9. do many things c. to the name of Jesus Ro. 11:24. and wert~grafted c. to nature into 16:17. c. to the doctrine ye have learned and Ga. 5:17. these are c. || 1 Th. 2:15. are c. to all 1 Ti. 1:10. c. to sound doctrine||Ti.2:8. of c. pt. CONTRARIWISE, ad. 2 Co. 2:7. c. to forgive Ga. 2:7. c. when they saw||l Pe. 3:9. c. blessing CONTRIBUTION, s. Ro. 15:26. c. for saints CONTRITE, a. Ps. 34:18. of a c. spirit, 51:17. Is. .57:15. to revive c. ones || 66:2. of a c. spirt CONTROVERSY, s. De. 17:8. matters of c. 21:5. every c. be tried || 25:1. c. between meri 2 S. 15:2. had a c. came ]|2 Ch. 19:8. Lev. for c Is. 34:8. for c. of Zion || Jer. 25:31. L. hath a c Ez. 44:24. in c. they sliall stand in judgment Ho. 4:1. L. hath a c.||12:2. L.hath c. w it h Jud.m Mi. 6:2. c. with his peoplel|l Ti. 3:16. without c. CONVENIENT, LY, a. and ad. Pr 30:8. food c. for Jer. 40:4. c. for thee to go,5.||Mk. 6:21. a c. day Mk. 14:11. c. betray hiin||Ac. 24:25. a c. season Ro. 1:28. to do those things which are not c. 1 Co. 16:12. come when he shall have c. time Ep. 5:4. jesting not c. || Phile. 8. which is c. CONVERSANT, a. Jos. 8:35. 1 S. 25:15. CONVERSATION, s. Ps. 37:14. of upright c. 50:23. ordereth his c. aright || 2 Co. 1:12. our c Ga. 1:13. my c. in time past, Ep. 2:3. Ep. 4:22. put oft' former c. the old man Phil. 1:27. your c. be as becometh the goepel 3:20. for our c. is in heaven, whence we look lTi.4:12. be an example of believers in c. He. 13:5. c. without covet. || 7. end of their c. Ja. 3:13. let him show out of a good c. his 1 Pe. 1:15. holy in all c. || 18. from vain c. 2:12. your c hon.l|3:l. c. of wives |i 2. chaste c 3:16. falsely accuse your good c. in Christ 2 Pe. 2:7. vexed with filthy~c.||3:ll. in all holy c. CONVERSION, s. is, The tiLming or total change of a sinner from his sins to Ood, Con- version is often confounded leith regeneration and holiness, hut it properly vieavs the effect pro- duced hy the first influence of the grace and light of Olid upon the heart, hy which an idolater em- braces the true Ood, a Jew the doctrine of Christ and a sinner turns from his sins, and seeks ike salvation of his soul in every mean if grace. Ac. 15:3. declaring the c. of the Gentiles CONVERT, ED, Ps. 51:13. sinners shall be c. Is. 6:10. c. and be healed || 60:5. sea c. to thee iMat. 13:15. be c. and 1 should heal, Mk. 4:12. 18:3. except ye be c. and become as children Lu. 22:32. when c. strengthen tbv breliireii Jn. 12:40. bee. and I heal them, Ac. 28:27. Ac. 3:19. repent ve, therefore, and be c. that Ja. 5:19. do err fiom the truth, and one c. hini CONVERTETII, ING, Ps. 19:7. c. the soul Ja. 5:20. he which c. a sinner from the error CONVERTS, 5. Is. 1:27. her c. be redeemed CONVEY, ED, 1 K. .5:9. Ne. 2:7. Jb. 5:13. CONVICTED, p. Jn. 8:9. being c. by their CONVINCE, ED, ETH, Jb. 32:12. c. Job Jn. 8:46. c. me of sin || 16:t8. c. the world Ac. 18:28. micbtily c. the Jews, showing by 1 Co. 14:24. he is c. of all, he is judged of all Ti. 1:9. c. gainsayers || Ja. 2:9. r. of the law Ju. 15. to c. all that are nngodiv among them CONVOCATION, S, «. Ex. 12:16. Le. 23:2.3 7,24,27,35. Nu. 28:18,26. I 29:1,7,12. 53 COR (itSY, m°,s. Rabbiti. l.e. 11:5. c. unclean, De. 14:7. || Ps. 104:18 J I J0:2i!. tlie c. are but a feeble folk, yet Common ' Gazelle^' so caJJed, of Edom, Sfc.^ tfiou^ht to be the Cuny. TOOK, S, s. Ge. 40:tl7. 1 S. 8:13. | 9:23,24. COOL, a. Gen. 3:8. Pr. 17:t27. Lu. 16:24. COOS, Top. Ac. 21:1. astraislit course to C. COITEn, p. Pr. 25:1. men of Hezekiah c. COPING, ^^ 1 K. 7:9. foundation to the c. COPPEK, s. Ezr. 8:27. 2 Ti. 4:14. COPULATION", s. Le. 15:16,17,18. COPY, *-. De. 17:18. c. of this law, Jos. 8:32. Kzr. 4:11. c. of letter, 23. | 7:11. || Est. 3:14. | 4:8. COR, j3 miastire containing furtij-Jive gallons. T'le .■iumc with, a homer, Ez. 45:14. T.7.. 45:14. tenth part of a bath out of the c. CORAL, s. A liind of sen-plant that nroics from rnhs Kithoid a root, Jb. 28:18. Ez.''27:16. rOR-ASHAN. A city, 1 S. 30:30. CI )KFiAN, .,'. A gift or offering. Mk. 7:11. CJRn, S, s. Ex. 35:18. pins and their c. J'l-*. 2;i5. let spies down by a c. || Jiid. 15:13 .111. 30:11. hath loosed my c.||36:8. c. of affliction 41:1. canst tlmii draw out his tongue with a c. \.'>. 2:3. cast away <;.||118:27. with '■. to the altar !29:4. cut r. of wicked || 140:5. hid c. for nie I'r. 5:22. shall be holden with c. of his sins lie. 4:12. a threefold c. || 12:6. silver c. be loosed Is. 5:18. draw iniquity with c. of vanity ■ '>3:2). nor any of thee, thereof be broken 51:2. spare not, lenethen thy c. strengthen Jer. 10:20. all my c. broken || 38:1.3. || Ez. 27:24. I!o. 11:4. I drew tlieni with c. of a man -Mi. 2:5. cast a c. by lot || Jn. 2:15. of suiall c. CORE, Buhl, or ice. Ju. 11. Called Cnrah. CORIAN'DER, s. Ex. 16:31. manna like c. ("ORINTH an euiinent city ot ..■ichaia, was sit- uated on an isthmus between the JEaean < and Ionian seas, which connected Greece, and was called the eye and glory of Greece. Ac. 18:]. PanI came to C. || 19:1. Apollos at C. 1 Co. 1:2. church of God at C. 2 Co. 1:1. 2 Co. J :03. not as yet to C. || 2 'I'i. 4:20. at C. COurXTHL^NS. Ac. 18:8. 2 Co. 6:11. CORMORANT, s. A water-fowl. Le. 11:17. De. 14:17. Cormortlnt. Is. 34:11. fhe c. shall possess it, Zph. 2:14. (ORX, s. Ge. 41:57. came to buy c. because (Je. 45:2 was c. in Egypt, Ac. 7:12. ||19. carry c. Ex. 22:6. so that the stacks of c. be consumed I .e. 2:16. priest burnt part of beaten c. \\ 23:14. Nu. 18:27. as though c. of ihreshins-floor l>e. 16:9. beginnesc to put the sickle to the c. COR De. 25:4. not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out c. 1 Co. 9:9. 1 Ti. .5:18. Jos. 5:11. eat of old r. 12. )| Ru. 3:7. heap of c. 1 S. 17:17. take parched c ;i5:18. 2 S. 17:28. 2 K. 19:26. were as bla-ted c. Is. 37:27. Jb. 5:26. as a shock of c. || 24:6,24. || 39:4. Ps. 65:9. prepares! c. 11 13. valleys cov. with c. 72:16. handful of c. \\ 78:24. thee, of heaven Pr. 11:26. that withholdeth c. people curse Is. 62:8. I will no more give thy c. to enemies Ez. 36:29. I'll call for c .|| llo. 2:9. I'll take my c. IIo. 10:11. lov. to tread c.\\ 14:7. revive as the c. Jo. 1:10. c. is wasted || 17. the c. is withered Am. 8:5. that we may sell c. \\ 9:9. sift as c. Mk. 4:28. full c. in ear || Jn. 12:24. c. of wheat Ears of CORN. Ge. 41:5. seven -c. came Le. 2:14. ofier green -c. || Ru. 2:2. glean -c. 2 K. 4:42. full -c. || Jb. 24:24. tops of -e. Mat. 12:1. began to pluck -c. Mk.2:23. Lii. 6:1. CORN-F/cW*. Mat. 12:1. Mk. 2:23. Lu. 6:1. CORN-F/oor. Is. 21:10. Ho. 9:1. Standing CORN. Ex. 22:6. De. 23:25. Jud. 15:5. let foxes go into -c. burnt up -c. CORN and Wine. Ge. 27:28. plenty of c- || 37. De. 7:13. bless thy c- || 11:14. gather in thy c- 12:17. not eat tithe of c.-, 14:23. I 16:13. 18:4. give tirst-fiuit of c- || 33:28. a land of c- 2 K. 18:32. to a land of c.-. Is. 36:17. Ne. 5:11. lO'Jth part of c- || 10:39. | 13:5,12. Ps. 4:7. time that c- increased || La. 2:12. Ho. 2:8. I gave her c.-]|22.||7:14. assemble forc- Jo. 2:19. beliold, I will send you c- and oil Hag. 1:11. called for drought on c. and new wine Zch.9:17. c. make young men cheerful,- maids CORNELIIjS, Ofahtrrn. Ac. 10:1,-31. CORNER, s. Le. 21:5. nor shave c. of beard 2 Ch. 28:24. altars in every c. of Jerusalem Pr. 7:8. passing thro' the street, near her c. 12. 21:9. better to dwell in c. of the house, 25:24. Is. 30:20. removed into a c. |l Jer. 48:45. I 51:26. Ez. 46:21. c. of court || Ant. 3:12. dwell in c. Zch. 10:4. came forth the c. and the nail Mat. 21:42. is the head of the c. Ps. 118:22. Mk. 12:10. Lu. 20:17. Ac. 4:11. 1 Pe. 2:7. Ac. 26:26. for this thing was not done in a c. CORNER-Oa(e, s. 2 K. 14:13. 2 Ch. 26:9.. Jer. 31:38. city built to gate of c. Zch. 14:10. CORNER-.Sfu,(P, s. Jb. .38:6. who laid the c- Ps. 118:22. head of c. 1| 144:12. be as c- Is. 28:16. (irecioi.s c.-, Ep. 2:20. 1 Pe. 2:6. CORNERS, iT. Ex. 25:12. rings in 4 c.e6.|27:2. Le. 19:9. nor rea.T c. of field, 23:22. 27. not round c. of heads || Nu. 24:17. De. 32:26. I said, I will si attcr them into e. Ne. 9:22. thou didst divide them into c. so Jb. 1:19. a great wind smote four c. of house Is. 11:12. gather dispersed ofJudah from fourc. Jer. 9:26. punish all in c. 25:23. | 49:.32. Ez. 7:2. end is come on c. || 4.5:19. || Zph. 3:t6. Mat. 6:5. to pray in c.||Ac. 10:11. | 11:5. Re.7:l. CORNET, S, «. .4/1 instrument of music, of the horn or trumpet kind. Ex. 19:t.30. when the c. soundeth long 2 S. 6:5. David played before the Lord on c. 1 Ch. 15:28. bring up the ark with sound of c. 2Ch. 15:14. sware to the L. shouting with c. Ps. 98:6. with sound of c. 150:t3. Da. 3:5,15. Ho. 5:8. blowf. in (iiheah, and the truiupet Jo. 2:tl. blow ye the c. in Zion, and sound CORPSE, S, s. 2 K. 19:35. all dead c. Is. 37:36. Na. 3:3. no end of their r. \\ Mk. 6:29. John's c. CORPULENT, a. Jer. ,71:111. ye are grown c. CORRECT, ED, ETil, v. and p. Jb. 5:17. happv is tlie man whom God c. Ps. 39:11. with rebukes r. || 94:10. shall not bee. Pr. 3:12. L. loveth he c. || 29:17. c. thy son || 19. Jer. 2:19. own wickedness shall c. tliee, and 50:24. O Lord, c. me, but with judcment 30:11. but I will c. thee in measure"^ 46:28. He. 12:9. liad fathers of our flesh, which r. us CORRECTION, s. Jb. 37:13. for c. or mercy Pr. 3:11. nor be weary of his c. (| 7:22. fool to e. 15:10. c. is grievous || t32. that refuselh c. 22:15. rod of c. drive || 23:13. withhold not c. Jer. 2:30. received no c. 5:3. | 7:28. || Ho. 5:12. Ha. 1:12. established them fore. || Zph. 3:2. 2 Ti. 3:16. the Scripture is protitable for c. CORRUPT, a. signifies, (1) To consunie. Mat. 6:19. (2) To drfile, Ge. 6:12. (3) To war, spoil, or infect, 1 Co. 15:33. (4) To break or make, void. Ma. 2:8. wasc. 12.|| Jb. 17:1. my breath isc. Ps 14:1. thev are c. .53:1. || 38:5. wounds c. Pr. 25:26. c. spring || Ez. 20:44. c. doings Da. 2:9. c. words || IVIa. 1:14. sacrifice c. thing Mat. 7:17. a c. tree, 18. | 12:33. Lu. 6:43. Ep. 4:22. old man which is c. \\ 29. no c. commu. 1 Ti. 6:5. men of c. minds, 2 Ti. 3:8. CORRUPT, V. De. 4:16. lest ye c. 2.5. 31:29. ye will c. yourselves || Da. Il:tl7,32. Ma. 2:3. I'll c. your seed || Mat. 6:19. nor rust c. 1 Co. 15:33. evil comnninica. c. cood manners 2 Co. 2:17. we are not as manv that c. the words Ju. 10. thev c. themselves || Re. Ib.flS. | 19:2. CORRUPTED, ETH, v. Ge.6:12.all fle- h had c. Ex. 8:24. land was c. by reasou of the flies 32:7. peo. have c. themselves, De. 9:12. | 32:5. Jud. 2:19. ha\ e c. themselves. Ho 9:9. Ez. 16:47 vvatit c. more || 28:17. c. thy wisdom coa Zph. 3:7. c. their doings || Ma. 2:8. c. covena*^ Lu. 12:33. nor moth c. \\ 2 Co 7:2. c. no man 2 Co. 11:3. your minds be c. fi.mi the simplicity Ja. 5:2. go to, ye rich men, voiir riches are c CORRUPTERS, s. Is. 1:4. Jer 6:28. CORRUPTIBLE, a. Ro. 1:23. like c. man 1 Co. 9:25. a c. crown || 15:53. lor this c. must 1 Pe. 1:18. not redeemed withe, things, as silver 23. born of c. seed 11 3:4. that which is not c. CORRUPTING, p. Da. 11:17. c. her; but CORRUPTION, ^. Le. 22:25. c. was in them 2 K. 23:13. mount of c. || Jb. 17:14. I said to c Ps. 16:10.norHoly Onetoseec. Ac.2:17.| 1?:X. 49:9. not see c. || Is. 38:17. from the pit of c Da. 10:8. comeliness turned to c. || Jon. 2:6. Ac. 2:31. neither see c. || 13:37. he saw no c. Ro. 8:21. bondage of c. 11 1 Co. 15:42. sown in c. II 50. Ga. 6:8. of flesh reapc. ||2Pe. 1:4. escaped thee. 2 Pe. 2:12. perish in own c. || 19. servants of c CORRUPTLY, ad. 2 Ch. 27:2. Ne. 1:7. COSAM, Divining. Lu. 3:28. son of C. COST, s. 2 S. 19:42. | 24:24. 1 Ch. 21:24. Lu. 14:28. sitteth not down, and counteth the c COSTLINESS, «. Re. 18:19. rich by her c. COSTLY, ad. 1 K. 5:17. c. stones, 7:9,10,11. Jn. 12:3. s-piken., 3. || 1 Ti. 2:9. not with c. array COTE?,s. 2 Ch.32:28. Hezek. made c. for flockl COTTAGE, S, i. Is. 1:8. | 24:20. Zph. 2:6. COUCH, ES,.s.and v. Ge. 49:4. went up to my c. Jb. 7:13. my c. shall ease || Ps. 6:6. 1 water my c Am. 3:12. taken out in Damascus in a c. \\ 6:4 IjU. 5:24. take up thy c. and go || .Ac. 5:1.5. COUCH, ED, V. Ge. 49:9. Nu. 24:9. Jb. 38:40. COUCHETH, ING, p. Ge. 49:14. strong ass, j. De. .33:13. deep that c. beneath || Ez. 25:5. COULD, EST, V. 1 Ch. 21:30. David c. not go 2 Ch. 13:7. c. not withstand them || Ps. 37:36. Song 5:6. I c. not find him || Is. 5:4. what c. be done Jer.3:5.done evil as thou c. || 15:1. my mind c.not Ez. 16:28. and yet thou c. not be satisfied Jon. 1:13. rowed to bring it to land, but c. not Mat. 26:40. c. ye not watch with me one hour Mk. 14:8. hath done what she c. she is come Jn. 12:39. c. not believe, because Esaias said Ac. 13:39. from which ye c. not be justified Ro. 8:3. what law c. not do || He. 3:19. c. not enter COULTER, S, s. 1 S. 13:21. file for e. 20. COUNCIIj, S, s. Mat. 5:22. in danger of the e Mat. 10:17. deliver y*bu up to c. Mk.~'l3:9. | 15:1 26:59. the c. sought false witness, Mk. 14:55. Mk. 15:1. whole c. hound Jesus, Lu. 22:66. Jn. 11:47. priests gathered a c. Ac. 5:21,27. Ac. 4:15. to go out of c. \\ 5:27. set them before e 5:34. stood up one in c. || 41. from c. rejoicing 6:12. Stephen to c. 15. || 22:30. c. to appear 23:15. with the c. signify to the captain || 24:20. COUNSEL, s. signities, (1) .^dnice, Pr. 20:18. Da. 4:27. (2) God's purpose, Ac. 4:28. (3) 77iB direction of God's Spirit, word, and provi- dence, Ps. 73:24. (4) The doctrines of the gos- pel, Lu. 7:30. Ac. 20:27. (5) Secret thought} of the heart, 1 Co. 4:5. Ex. 18:19. I will give thee c. j| Nu. 27:21. who Nu. 31:16. c. of Balaam || De. 32:28. void ofc. Jos. 9:14. asked not c. at the mouth of the Lord Jud. 18:5. ask c. of G. 20:18,23. || 20:7. give c. 1 S. 14:37. Saul asked c. of G. shall I go down 2 S. 1,5:31. c. of Ahithophel, 16:23. | 17:14. 20:18. they shall surely ask c. at Abel, and so 1 K. 1:12. let me, 1 pray thee, give thee c. 12:8. forsook c. of old men, 13. 2 Ch. 10:8,1.3. 2 K. lS:-20. I've e. and strength for war. Is. 36:5. 1 Ch. 10:13. Saul died for asking c. of one that 2 Ch. 22:5. walked after c. \\ 25:16. art of king's Ezr. 10:3. according to the c. of my lord and 8. accordingto the c. of the princes and elders Ne. 4:15. their c. to nought || 6:7. let us take e. Jb. 5:1.3. c. of the froward is carried headlong 10:3. shouldest shine upon the c. of the wicked 12:13. he hath e. and understanding || 18:7. 21:16. c. of the wicked is far from me. 22:18. 29:21. silence at my c. || 38:2. darkeneth c. 42:3. Ps. 1:1. c. of ungodly || 2:2. niters take c. 71:10. I 83:3. 13:2. shall T take c. || 14:6. shamed tlie c. of poor 16:7.1 will bless the Lord who bath given me c 20:4.L.fulfil all thy c.|| 31:13. took r. together a", 33:10. c. heath, to nought || 11. c. of L. standetti 55: 14. took sweet c.|| 64:9. hide me from secret c. 68:27. and their c. || 73:24. guide me with thy c. 106:13. waited not for his c. || 43. wilh their o. 107:11. contemned c. of Most High || 119:t25 Pr. 1:25. set at nought my c. 30. || 8:14. c. la mine 11:14. where no c. is || 12:1.5. hearkeneth to', is wise 15:22. without c. purposes are || 19:20. hear o, 19:21. c. of the Lord shall stand. Is. 46:10. 20:5. c. in the heart, 18. || 24:6. by wise c. 27:9. the sweetness of a friend by hearty c. Is. ,5:19. c. of Holy One || 7:5. taken evil c. || 11-S 8:10. take c. tocether || 16:3. take r. 30:1. 19:3. ! will destroy the f.|| 11. c become brutisk 17. because of the c. of the Lord of hosts 23:8. c. against Tyre || 28:29. L. wonderful i]t& 54 cou . 8. 29:15. seek deep to hide c. \\ 40:14. took he c. 44:26. perform, c. || 45:21. take c. |( 4G:1I. my c. Jer.l8:18. nor c. perish 11 23. thou knowest their c. 19:7. make void the c.||a3:lS.stoodiii the c.ol'L. 23:22. but if they had stood in my c. and had caused 32;19.!;reat in c. || 38:15. if I give thee c. wilt not 49:7. is c. perished || 20. hear c. of the L. 5U:40. Ez. 7:26. c. sliall perish || 11:2. give wicked c. Da. 2:14. Daniel answered with c. and wisdom 4:27. let my c. be acceptable to thee, and break Ho. 4:12. ask c. at stocks {{ 10:6. asha. of own c. Mi. 4:12. neither understandest thou his c. for Zch. 6:13. c. of peace || xMat. 12:14. held a c. Mat. 27:7. they took c. || 2B:12. had taken c. Mk. 3:6. they took c. against Jesus, Jn. 11:.53. Lu. 7:30. the lawyers rejected the c. of God 23:51. he had not consented to the c. of them Jn. 18:14. Caiaphas was he which gave c. Ac. 2:23. the determinate c. of God, 4:28. 5:33. took slay them ||38. of men 9-23. toukc. to kill him || 20:27. all the c. of G. Ep. 1:11. the c. of his own will |{ He. u;17. of nis c. COUNSEL, ED, v. and p. 2 S. 16:23. 2 Ch. 2o:tl6. Jb. 26:3. how hast thou c. him || Ps. 32:t8. I'll c. Ec. 8:2. 1 c. thee to keep king's commandment Ke. 3: 18. I c thee to buy of me gold tried in lire COUNSELLOR, s. Jesiis Christ is so called. Is. 9:0. On account, (1) Of his infinite wisdom. Col. 2:3. (2) Of his willingness tu instruct and gioe counsel to men. Re. 3:J8. as also to plead their cause before the throne, 1 Jn. 2:1. 2 S. 15:12. .A.hithophel, David's c. 1 Ch. 27:33. I Cn. 26:14. for Zechariah his son, a wise c. 27!32. Jonathan was a c. II 2 Ch. 22:3. Athaliah Is. 3:3. Lord taketh the c. \\ 9:6. Wonderful, C. 40:13. who being his c. || 41:28. there was no c. Mi. 4:9. c. perished || Na. 1:11. a wicked c. Mk. 15:43. Joseph an honorable c. Lu. 23:50. Ko. 11:34. or who hath been his c. ? COUNSELLORS, s. 2 Ch. 22:4. Ezr. 4:5. Ezr. 7:14. his seven c. \\ 28. king's c. 8:25. Jb. 3:14. and c. of the earth || 12:17. leadeth c. Ps. 119:24. thy testimonies are my c. Pr. 11:14. in multitude of c. is safety, 24:6. 12:20. e. of peace || 15:22. in multitude of c. Is. 1:26. restore thy c. || 19:11. wisec. of Pharaoh Da. 3:24. said to his c. || 27. king's c. 4:36. | 6:7. COUNSELS, s. Jb. 37:12. turned round by c. Ps. 5:10. fall by their own c. 81:12. Pr. 1:5. attain to wise c. || 12:5. c. of wicked 22:20. excellent things in c. and knowledge . s. 25:1. c. of old are faithfulness || 47:13. thy c. Jer. 7:21. c. of evil heart || Ho. 11:6. own c. Mi 6:16. c. of Ahab || 1 Co. 4:5. c. of the heart COUNT, V. Ex. 12:4. 'make your c. for lauib Nu. 23:10. c. the dust of Jacob || 1 S. 1:16. Jb. 19:15. c. me a stranger || 31:4. c. all my steps Ps. 87:6. Lord shall c. \\ 139:18. if I c. them 139:22. 1 c. them my enemies jj Mi. 6:11. c. pure Ac. 20:24. c. I my life dear || Phil. 3:8. 1 c. all loss 2Th. 1:11. c.y oil worthy || 3:15. c. him not enemy 1 Ti. 6:1. c. their masters worthy of all honor Ja. 1:2. c. it all joy || 5:11. we c. them happy 2 Pe. 2:13. c. it pleasure to riot || 3:9. r. slackness Re. 13:18. let him c. the number of the beast COUNTED, p. Ge. 15:6, he c. itto him fortight- eousness, Ps. 106:31. Ro. 4:3. Ga. 3:6. Ge. 30:33. c. stolen with me || 31:15. c. strangers 1 K. 3:8. that cannot be c. || 1 Ch. 21:6. c. he not Ne. 13:13. for they were (,. faithful, and their Jb. 18:3. c. as beiists || 41:29. darts c. as stubble Ps. 44:22. c. as sheep || 88:4. I am c. with them Pr. 17:28. fool c. wise || 27:14. r. a curse to him Is. 5:28. hoofs c. like flint || 3J:I5. c. for a forest 40: 15. nations dust || 17. c. less than nothing Ho. 8:12. c. as a strange thing || Mat. 14:5. Lu. 21:3). be c. worthy to escape these things Ac. 5:41. c. wor. to suffer || 19:19. books, c. price Ro. 2:2 ;. c. for circiim. || 4:5. faith c. for right. 9:8. c. fir the seed || Phil. 3:7. I c. loss for Christ 2 Th. 1:5. be c. wor. || I Ti. 1:12. c. me faith. 1 Ti. 5:17. let elders be c. wor. of double honor He. 3:3. c. wor. of more glory || 10:29. c. blood of COUiVTETH, I.NG, Jb. 19:11. c. me his enemy Ec. 7:27. c. one by one || Is. 33:18. c. the towers Lu. 14:28. sitleth not down and c. the cost COUNTENANCE, .S, «. signiHes, (1) The face, 1 S. 16:7. (2) God's love and favor, Ps. 4:6. Ge. 4:5. his c. fell || 24:tl(i. || 31:2. c. of Laban, 5. Ex. 23:3. nor shalt thou c. poor man in his cause Nu. 6:2.;. lift up his c. || De. 28:.50. of fierce c. ud. 13:6. like the c. of an angel of God IS. 1:18. Iii:'r c. no more sad || 16:7. look not on c. 16:12. David, of beautiful c. || 25:3. Abigail 2 S. 14:27. Tamar was of a fair c. || 2;i:t21. 2 K. 5:tl. Naaman was a man lifted up in c. 8:11. he settled his c. steadfastly on Hazael Ne 2:2. why is thy c. sad ll 3. why c. not sad Jb 14:20. changest his c. || 29:24. light of my c. Ps. 4:6. light of thy c. || 10:4. thro' pride of c. 11:7. c. behold upright || 21:ii. glad with thy c. 42:5.helpofhisc. 11. | 43:5. ||44:3. lightofthy c. 80:16.rebiike of thy c. || 89: 15. walk in light of c. 90:8. our seiret sins in the light of thy c. Pr. 15:13. cheerful c. || 16:15. king's c. is life 25:23 so doth angry c. \\ 27:17. c. of his friend cov Ec. 7:3. by sadness of e. heart is made better Song 2:14. c. is comely || 5:15. c. as Lebanon ls.3:i.'t. eminent in c. || 9. show of their c. witness Ez. 27:35. troubled at their c. \\ Da. 1:15. | 5:6. Da. 8:23. a king of fierce c. and understanding Mat. 6:16. of a sad c. \\ 28:3. c. like lightning Lu. 9:29. fashion of his c. was altered \c. 2:23. make me full of joy with thy c. 2 Co. 3:7. giory of his c. \\ Re. 1:16. c. as the sun COUNTERVAIL, v. Est. 7:4. c. king's damage COUNTRY, s. Ge. 19:23. smoke of the c. went Ge. 12:1. get out of thy c. || 32:9. return to thyc. 24:4. go to my c. || 29:26. not so done in our c. 30:25. may go to my c. |l 34:2. prince of the c. 42:33. the man, the Lord of the c. said unto us Le. 16:29. whether one of your own c. 17:15. Nu. 15:13. born in c. || 20:17. pass through thy c. Jo:i. 2:2. to search out the c. \\ 7:2. go view the c. 1 K. 20:27. Syrians filled the c. || 22:36. own c. 2 K. 3:20. and the c. was filled with water Is. 1:7. c. is desolate [| 22:18. like ball in a large c. Jer. 22:10. not see his native c. || 31:8. north c. 48:21. plain c. \\ 51:9. every one to his own c. Ez. 20:38. j 25:9. | 47:22. Jon. 1:8. | 4:2. Mat. 2:12. departed to own c. || 9:31. in all that c. 13:.57. save in his own c. Mk. 6:4. Lu. 4:24. Mk. 5:14. told it in city and c. Lu. 8:34. Lu. 4:23. do here in thy c. || 15:15. citizen of c. Jn. 4:44. prophet hath no honor in his own c. He. 11:9. as in a strange c. || 14. seek a c. 15,16. Far COUNTRY. Jos. 9:6. from a -c. 9. 1 K. 8:41. out of a -c. for thy sake, 2 Ch. 6:32. 2 K. 20:14. -c. even from Biibylon, Is. 39:3." Pr. 25:25. so is good news from a -c. || Is. 13:5. Is. 46:11. my counsel from a -c. || Jer. 4:16. from Jer. 8:19. because of them that dwell in a -c. Mat. 21:33. householder went into -c. Mk. 12:1. 25:14. travel, to -c. || Lu. 15:13. journey to -c. COUNTRY-ritfa-rcs. 1 S. 6:18. COUNTRYMEN, s. 2 Co. 11:26. 1 Th. 2:14. COUNTRIES, s. Ge. 26:3. I give these c. 4. Ge. 41:57. c. came to Egypt || 2 K. 18:35. gods of 1 Ch. 22:5. house of glory throughout all c. 2 Ch. 20:29. fear of God on those c. \\ Ps. 110:6. Is. 8:9. ye of far c. || Jer. 23:3,8. | 28:8. | 32:37. Ez. 6:8. be scattered through the c. 11:10. 11:17. 1 will assemble you out of the c.20:34,41. 22:4. a mocking to all c. \\ 25:7. perish out of c. 29:12. I will disperse them through the c. 36:19. Da. 11:41. many c. shall be overthrown, 42. Zch. 10:9. shall remember me in far c, and Lu. 21:21. let not them that are in the c. enter COUPLE, s. 2 S. 13:6. make a c. of cakes 2 S. 16:1. c of asses || Is. 21:7. c. of horsemen COUPLE, V. Ex. 26:6. c. the curtains, 9. Ex.26:ll.taches toe. tent, 36:18. || 39:4. c. ephod COUPLED, ETH,ING,D. and p. Ex. 26:3,4,10. 1 Pe. 3:2. your chaste conversation c. with fear COUPLINGS, «. 2 Ch. 34:11. timber for c. COURAGE, «. Jos. 2:11. any t. in any man 2 Ch. 15:8. he took c. \\ Is. 44:tl4. taketh c. Da. 11:25. stir np his c. || Ac. 28:15. and took c. Good COURAGE. Nu. 13:20. be ye of -c. De. 31:6. | 7:23. Jos. 1:6, 9,18.110:25. -28.10:12. 1 Ch. 19:13. 1 22:13. I 28:20. Ezr. 10:4. Ps. 27:14. | 31:24. Is. 41:6. COURAGEOUS, LY. Jos. 1:7. I 23:6. 2 S. 13:28. 2 Ch. 32:7. | 19:11. Am. 2:16. COURSE, S, s. Jud. 5:20. stars in their c. 1 Ch. 23:6. David divided the Levites into c. 2 Ch. 5:11. the priests did not then wait by c. 31:2. Hezekiah appointed the c. of the priests Ezr. 3:11. they sung by c. || Ps. 82:5. out of c. Jer. 8:6. turned to his c. \\ 23:10. their c. is evil Lu. 1:5. c. of .\bia || 8. in the order of his c. Ac. 13:25. John fulfilled his c. j| 16:11. straight c. 20:24. finish my c. with joy || 21:7. 1 Co. 14:27. Ep. 2:2. e. of this world i| 2 Th. 3:1. word free c. 2 Ti. 4:7. I have finished my c || Ja. 3:6. COURT, S, «. signifies, (\) An nitrance into a house or palace. Est. 6:4,5. The temple had three courts ; the court of the Orntiles, of Israel, and of the Priests. (2) Place of judgment, Ac. 16:tl9. (3) The church of Christ, Zch. 3:7. (4) The false church. Re. 11:2. Ex. 27:9. shalt make the c. of the tabernacle Le. 6:16. in the c. of tabernacle eat it, 26. 2 S. 17:18. a well in c || 2 K. 20:4. middle c. 2 Ch. 20:5. the new c. || 24:21 . stoned c. Est. 5:1. inner c. || 6:5. Haman standeth in c. Ps. 65:4. dwell in thy c. || 84:10. a day in thy c. 93:13. flourish in the c. || 96:8. come into his c. Ps. 100:4. enter into his c.||l] vows in c. 135:2. stand in the c. of the house of God Is. 1:12. to tread my c. || 34:13. a c. for owls 62:9. c. of my holiness || Jer. 19:14. stood in c. Jer. 26:2. stand in the c. of the Lord's house 32:2. c. of prison, Ez. S:7. | 9:7. | 10:3. | 40:17. I 43:5. I 45:19. | 46:21. Am. 7:13. it is k'ng's c. \\ Zch. 3:7. keep my c. Lu. 7:25. are in king's c. || Ac. 16:19. | ]7:t22. Phil. I:tl3. in Cesar's c. || Re. 11:2. c. without COUR'I'EOUS, LY. Ac. 27:3. | 28:7. 1 Pe. 3:8. COURTIER, s. Jn. 4:t46. a certain c. whose COUSIN, s-. Lu. 1:36. thy c. Elisabeth, .58. COVENANT, «. Is a mutual agrennent between two or more parties, Ge. 21:32. There is, (1) ./2 covenant of works ; the terms whereof are, Do COV and live; sin and die, Ge. 2:17. Is. 1:19,20 (2) Of circumcision, Ge. 17:9,13. it being a sum of the covenant. (3) Of the law and re- ligion of the Jews, Da. 11:28. (4) The con- tract, vow, and prom u^e, whereby a man and wo- man bind themselves to each other in marriage,?!. 2:17. (5) The covenant of redemption, and sal- vation by arace, entered into by the sacred Three, in behaf of sinners, Ps. 89:3,28. Ep. 1:3,4. 2 Tim. 1:9. This covenant is, (1) A fruit of the love and good will o/ Gu^/, Jn. 3:16. Col 1:19. (2) It is everlasting. Is. 61:8. (3; Sure, Is. 55:3. (4) Called new, not in respect of its date, but in its discovery and manifestaiion, lie. 8:8. (5) It is a covenant replete icith a fiUnesj of all spiritual blessings, Ep. 1:3. Ge. 9:12. token of the c. 13:17. | 17:11. 17:4. my c. is with thee, 13. || 14. broken my«. Ex. 31:16. keep the Sabbath for a perpetual c. 34:28. wrote upon tables the words of the c. Le. 26:15. break my c. || Nu. 25:12. c. of peace Nu. 25:13. c. of an everlasting priesthood De. 4:13. declared his c. || 23. forget the c. 31. Lord not forget c. || 9:9. tables of c. 11:15 29:1. these the words of c. || 12. enter intoc. 21. curses of the c. || 25. forsaken the c. of L. 31:20. and break my c. || Jud. 2:1. not break c. 1 S. 20:8. brought into c. || 1 K. 19:10. j 20:34. 2 K. 13:23. c. with Abr. || 23:3. perform this c. 1 Ch. 16:15. be mindful of his c. || 2 Ch. 34:3L 2 Ch. 15:12. entered into c. \\ Ne. 13:29. defiled c. Ps. 25:14. and he will show them his c. 44:17. neither have we dealt falsely in thy c. 50:16. c. in thy mouth || 55:20. broken his c. 74:20. respect to thec.||78:37. nor steadfast in c 89:28. c. stand fast || 34. c. will I not break 39. made void the c. of thy servant, thou hast 111:5. ever mind, of c. || 9. com. his c. forever Pr. 2:17. and forgetteth the c. of her God Is. 28:18. c. with death || 33:8. broken the c. 42:6. give thee for a c. || 54:10. c. of my peace 50:4. t'aUe hold of my c. || 59:21. this is my c Jer. 11:2. hear ye the words of this c. 6. 3. that obeyeth not the words of this c. 14:2. remember, break not thy c. with us 31:32. c. they brake || 33:20. if break c. of day 33:21. then may my c. be broken, 25. 34:10. entered into c. jj 18. not performed c. 50:5. let us join to the Lord in a [lerpetiial c. Ez. 16:8. and I entered into a c. with thee 59. despised the oath in breaking the c. 17:13 61. not by thyc. || 17:15. or break thee. 16:19. 20:37. bri. you into bond off. || 44:7. broken c Da. 9:27. confirm c. || 11:22. prince of the c. 11:28. his heart shall be against the holy c.3J Ho. 10:4. swearing fal-ely in making a c. thus Zch. 11:10. that 1 might break my c. I marie Ma. 2:4. c. with Levi || 5. c. of life and peace 8. corrupted the c. 10. || 14. wife of thy c. 3:1. even the messenger of the c. ye delight in Ac. 3:25. children of c. || 7:8. c. of circumcision Ro. 1:31. c. breakers || 11:27. is my c. to them Ga. 3:15. a man's c.||17. c. which was confirmed He. 8:6. better c. || 7. first c. 9:1. || 4. tables of c. Book of the COW EN AST Ex. 24:7. 2 K. 23:2,21. 2 Ch. 34:30. Establish COVENANT. Ge. 6:18. with thee -c. 9:9. | 17:7,19,21. Ex. 6:4. I have - my c. Le. 26:9. De. 8:13 Ez. 16:60. I will - to thee an everlasting c. 62. Everlasting CO\EK AST. Ge. 9:16. remember the -c. || 17:13,19. Le. 24:8. 2 S. 23:5. made with me an -c. ordered in 1 Ch. 16:17. confirmed to Israel for-c. Ps. 105:lu. Is. 24:5. broken -c. \\ Ez. 37:26. shall be an -c. 55:3. I'll make an -c. with you, 61:8. Jer.32:40. He. 13:20. through the blood of the -c. Keep, keepest, keepeth, or kept COVENANT. Ge. 17:9. thou shalt - my c. 10. || Ex. 19:5. De. 7:9. he is God which -c. 12. 1 K. 8:23. 2 Ch. 6:14. Ne. 1:5. | 9:32. 29:9. keep this c. ]| 33:9. they have kept thy c. 1 K. 11:11. thou hast not - niv c. Ps. 78:10. Ps. 25:10. to such as - hisc. 103:18. || 132:12. Ez. 17:14. by - his c. || Da. 9:4. -c. and mercy Jl/arfe COVENANT. Ge. 15:18. same day the Lord -c. with Abram 21:27. Abraham and Abimelech inade a c. Ex. 34:27. I have - a c. with thee and Israel De. 5:2. G. - a c. with us || 3. not with fathers 29:1. besides c. he -||31:16. will break c. lmad§ Jos. 24:25. Joshua - a c. || 1 S. 18:3. | 20:16. 1 K. 8:9. Lord - a c. with Israel, 2 Ch. 6:11. 21. ark is c. the Lord - || 20:34. Ahab - a c. 2 K. 11:4. Jehoiada - a c. with the rulers 17:15. Israel rejected c. he made with fathers 17:35. with wh. the L. had • a c. \\ 38. the c- 23:3. Josiah -c. before the Lord, 2 Ch. 34:31. 1 Ch. 11:3. David -c. with elders in Hebron 16:16. c. he - with Abr., Ne. 9:8. Ps. 1U5:9. 2 Ch. 21:7. c. he made with David jj 23:3. -c. Jb. 31:1. I - a c. with mine eyes, why then Ps. 50:5. have - a c. with me by sacrifice 89:3. made a c. with my chosen, I have swort Is. 28:15. ye said. We have - a c. with death 57:8. enlarged thy bed, and - a c. with them Jer. 11:10. broke c. I - || 31:32. \ 34:8,13,15,iS Ez. 17:13. ami made a c. with him, and Make COVENANT. Ge. 17:2. 1 20:33 55 GOV CRE CRO Ex. 23:30. thou shall - no c. 34:12. De. 7:2. De. 39:14. nor with you only do I - this c. 1 .-=. 11:2. - a c. With us, and we will serve 2 Cli. -29:10. in my he;irt to -c. || Ne. 9:38. Jl). 41: 1. will he - a c. with thee Jer. 31:33. this is the c. I will -, He. 8:10. | 10:16. Kz. 34:-2o. I'll - with lliem a c. of |)eace, 37:26. Ho. 2:18. I will -a c. for them with llie beasts ]i:l. they do -c. with the Assyrians JVf«j COVENANT. Jcr. 31:31. He. 8:8,13. | 12:24. Remember COVENANT. 9:15. Ex. 6:5. Le. 2i;:42,45. Ez. 16:60. Is. 105:8. he hath - his c. forever, 106:45. .Am. 1:9. not brotherly c. || Lii. 1:72. - his holy c. COVENANT uf Salt. he. 2:13. - «/the c. Nu. 18:19. it is a c- || 2 Ch. 13:5. by a c- 'l'raits"ressed COVES ANT. De. 17:2. Jos. 7:11.15. | 23:16. Jud. 2:20. 2 K. 13:12. Jer. 34:13.' Ho. 6:7. | 8:1. COVENANTED, p. 2 Ch. 7:18. c. with David liaj. 2:5. I c. with vou || Mat. 26:15. Lii. 22:5. COVENANT.'^, s. Ro. 9:4. pertaineth the c. «!a. 4:24. the two c. || Ep. 2:12. c. of promise COVER, V. signifies, (1) To hide, Pr. 12:16. (2) To do'Jie, 1 S. 28:14. (3) To defend, Vs. '.11:4. (4) Pardon, Ps. 32:1. (5) Enclose, E.x. 29:13. (6) JVui to confess, Pr. 28:13. Ex. 10:5. locusts c. the earth || 21:33. not c. pit 33:22. c. thee, while I pass by || 40:3. c. the ark I.e. li):13. cloud of incense c. the mercy-seat 17:13. pour out the blood, and c. it with dust ]»e. 33:12. Lord shall c. him all the day || 23:13. 1 S. 21:3. to c. his feet || Ne. 4:5. c. not iniquity Jb. 16:18. c. not thou my blood II 21:26. worms c. 22:11. waters c. thee,38:34.||40:22.shady treesc. Ps. 91:4. he shall c. thee with his feathers 104:P. that they turn not again tn c. the earth 109:29. c. themselves with their own confusion 139:11. if I say. Surely darkness shall c. me Is. 11:9. as the waters c. the sea, Ha. 2:14. 14:11. worms c. thee || 22:17. L. will surely c. 26:21. nor c. her slain || 58:7. naked, c. hini 59:6. nor c. with works || 60:2. darkness c. G 1:6. camels c.thee||Jer. 46:8. 1 will c. the earth Ez. 7:18. horror c. |i 12:6. shalt c. thv face, 12. 21:7. to c. it with dust || 17. c. not thy lips, 22. 2'i:10. dust shall c. thee, 19. || 30:18. cloud c. 32:7. I will c. heaven || 37:6. c. you with skin 38:9. thou shalt be like a cloud to c. the land lie. 2:9. my flax given to c. her nakedness 10:8. sav to the mountains, c. us, Lu. 23:30. Re. 6:16. Oil. 10. shame shall c. thee. Mi. 7:10. Mi. 3:7. all c. their lips || Ha. 2:17. violence e. Mk. 14:65. c. his face || 1 Co. 11:7. not to c. head 1 Pe. 4:8. charity shall c. multitude of sins COVERED, p. Ge. 7:19. mountains c. 20. <.-e. 9:23. they c. the nakedness of tlieir father 21:65. Rebekah took a veil, and c. herself 3n14. Tamar c. her face || Ex. 8:6. frogs r. Ki. 10:15. locusts c. the face of the wh. earth 14:28. tlie waters c. the chariots and honemen 15:5. depths c. them, 10. Jos. 24:7. 16:13. at even the quails came and c. the camp 21:15. cloud c. mount, 16. || 37:9. c. mevcy-seat 40:21. vail c. the ark || 34. a cloud c. thetent I.e. 13:13. if the leprosy have c. all his flesh Mm. 4:20. holy things c. || 9:15. cloud c. tab. 16. De. 32:15. waxen fat, thou arte, witli fatness Jud. 4:18. Jael c. him with a mantle, 19. 1 i'. 19:13. Michal c. the pillow with a cloth 2::':14. an old man coineth up c. with a mantle 2 S. 15:30. had his head c. \\ 19:4. David r. his 1 K. 1:1. c. king David || 8:7. cherubims c. ark 2 K. 19:1. c with sackcloth, Is. 37:1. 2 Ch. 3:t6. Sol. c. house with precious stones Est. 6:12. head c. || 7:8. c. Haman's face Jl). 23:17. nor c. darkn.||31:33. if I c. my transg. Ps. 32:1. whose sin is c. 85:2. Ro. 4:7. 44:15. shame c. me, 69:7. | 89:45. Jer. 51:51. 19. thou hast c. us with the shadow of death 55:t5. come upon me, and horror hath c. me 05:13. valleys c. with corn || 68:13. c. with sil. 71:13. be c. with reproach || 106:17. c. company 139:13. thou haste, me in my mother's womb li'lu. thou haste, my head in day of battle Pr. 24:31. nettles e. face || 26:23. potsherd c. 2i:26. hatred c. by deceit || Ec. 6:4. name be c. In. 6:2. e. his face || 29:10. seers hath he r. 51:13. I have c. thee || 61:10. c. me with lohe J. r. 14:3. c. Ih. heads, 4. || 51:42. c. with waves la. 2:1. c. Zion with cloud || 3:16. c. me with 3:43. c. w th anger II 44. c. thvself with a cloud L-^. 1:11. two wings e. 23. || 16:8. c. thy naked. 16:10. c. thee with silk [1 18:7. e. the naked, 16. 2!:8. that her blood should not be e. •J7:7. purple c. thee||31:15. c. deep || 37:8. skinc. Jvin. 3:6. c. with sackcloth, 8. || Ha. 3:3. glory c. Mat. 8:24. the -hip was c. with the waves n:26. there is nothing c. Lu. 12:2. 1 Co. 11:4. having his head c. || 6. let her be c. COVEREDST, EST, v. De. 22:12. c. thyself Ps. 101:2. c. thyself with light || 6. c. with deep Kz. 1 >.18. broidered sarnients, and c. them (■-)VERETH, c. Exr2y:13. fat c. inwards Nu. 22:11. c. face of earthl|Jiid. 3:24. c. his feet Jl). 9:24. c. fares of . judges || 15:27. c. his face J-.;jj. c. bottom of sea |j 32. with clouds c. light Ps. 73:6. violence e. them |j 84:tfi. rain c. pools 109:19. be to him as the garment which c. him 147:8. who c. the heaven with clouds, who Pr. 111:6. violence e. ll.||12. love e. all sins, 17:9. 12:16. prudent c. shame || 28:13. c. his sins Jer. 3:25. confusicm c. us l| Ez. 28:14. cherub c. Ma. 2:16. one c. violence || Lu. 8:16. c. candle COVERING, S, s. Ge. 8:13. c. of the ark 20:16. a c. of the eyes || Ex. 22:27. it is his c. Ex. 25:20. c. the mercy-seat with their wines Le. 1:1:45. leper shall put a e. on his upper lip Nu. 4:5. Aaron shall take down the c. vail 19:15. vessel which hath no c. bound upon it 2 S. 17:19. spread a c. over the well's mouth Jl). 22:14. thick clouds are a c. to him that 21:7. that the naked have no c. in the cold 26:6. destruction no c. || 31:19. if poor with. c. Ps. 105:39. he spread a cloiid for a c. and fire Pr. 7:16. my bed with c. of tapestry, 31:'22. Song 3:10. c. of it of purpleJUs. 4:t5. on glory c. Is. 22:8. he discovered the c. of Jndah, tl7. 25:7. the face of the c. cast over all |)eople .. 28:20. c. narrower || 30:1. c. not of my spirit Is. 30:22. shall defile the c. || 50:3. sackcloth their e. Ez. 28:13. precious stone thy c.|| 16. O r,. cherub Ma. 2;13. c. altar with tears || 1 Co. IhflO.lS. COVERS, s. Ex. 25:29. | 37:16. Nu. 4:7. COVERT, s. 11. and p. signifies, (1) ./? shady place, thicket, or shelter, f S. 25:20. 2 K. 16:18". Jb. 38:40. (2) Christ Jesus, Is. 32:2. 1 S. 25:20. Abigail came down by c. of the hill 2 K. 16:18. c. for the Sabbath, Ahaz took down Jl). 38: 10. lions abide in c. || 40:21. lieth in c. Ps. 61:4. c. of thy wings || Is. 4:6. c. from storm Is. 16:4. be thou a c. || 32:2. a man shall be a e. Jer. 25:38. he hath forsaken bis e. as a lion COVET, ED, V. and p. signifies, fl) Inordinate love to the world. Is. 57:17. (2) Desiring good gifts, 1 Co. 12:31. Ex. 20:17. Shalt not c. De. 5:21. Ro. 7:7. J 13:9. Jos. 7:21. I e. them || Mi. 2:2. they c. fielils Ac. 20:33. I have c. no man's silver or gold 1 Co. 12:31. but e. earnestly the best gifts, and 14:39. .c to prophesy || 1 Ti. 6:10. some e. after COVETETH, r. Pr.21:26. c. greedily || Ha. 2:9. COVETOUS, a. Ps. 10:3. blesseth the c. whom Lu. 16:14. who were r. || 1 Co. 5:10. with thee. 1 Co. 5:11. if any brother be c. with such not 6:10. nor c. inherit kingdom of God, Ep. 5:5. 1 Ti. 3:3. bishop must not be c. || 2 Ti. 3:2. be c. 2 Pe. 2:14. a heart exercised with c. practices COVETOUSNESS, s. Ex. 18:21. hating c. Ps. 119:36. and not to c. || Pr. 28:16. hateth Is. 57:17. for the iifiquity of his c. was I wroth Jer. 6:13. given to c. 8:10. | 22:17. Ez. 33:31. 51:13. the measure of thy c.||Ha. 2:9. an evil e. Mk. 7:22. proceedeth c. || Lu. 12:15. beware of Ro. 1:29. filled with c. \\ 2 Co. 9:5. and not of e. Ep. 5:3. c. let it not be named|lCol. 3:5. mortify lTh.2:5. nor at any time used we a cloak ofc. He. 13:5. let your conversation be without c. 2 Pe. 2:3. through c. make merchandise of you COW, «. Le. 22:28. Nu. 18:7. firstling ofc. Jb. 21:10. c. calveth || ls.7:21. nourish a c. 11:7. Ez. 4:15. c. dung for man's || .Am. 4:3. every COZ, ./J thorn, or summer. 1 Ch. 4:8. COZRI, .4/mr. Nu. 25:15,18. CR.ACKLING. Ec. 7:6. e. of thorns under CRACKNELS, 5. Cakes. I K. 14:3. take c. CRAFT, s. Da. 8:25. cause c. to prosper Mk. 14:1. takehim by c.||Ac. 18:3. of the same c. 19:2.5. by this c. ||27.c.isin daiiger|| Re. 18:22. CR AFTLNESS, s. Jb. 5:13. wise in their c.||Lu. 20:23. 1 Co. 3:19. 2(.'o. 4:2. Ep. 4:14. CRAFTY. Jb. 5:12. devices ofc. || 15:5. the c. Ps. 83:3. e. counsel || 2 Co. 12:16. being c. I CRAFTSMA.N, s. De. 27:15. Re. 18:22. CRAFTS.ME.V, s. 2 K. 24:14. 1 Ch. 4:14 ll:.35. Ho. 13:2. Ac. 19:24,38. CR.AG, i. Jb. 39:28. on the c. of the rock CRANE, s. Is. 38:14. like a c. || Jer. 8:7, Ke. CRASHING. Zph. 1:10. a c. from the hills CRAVED, ETH. Pr. 16:26. .Mk. 1.5:43. CREATE, c. signifies, (1) To bring being out of nonentity, Ge. HI. (2) To plant grace ta the heart, Ep. 2:10. (3) To sanctify, Ps. 51:10 Ps. 51:10. c. in me a clean heart, O God Is. 4:5. c. on every dwelling-place of Zion, and 45:7. 1 form the light and c. darkness, I c. evil 57:19. I c. fruit of||ii5:17. 1 c. new heavens, 18. CREATED, p. Ge. 1:1. in beginning God c. 21. Ge. 1:27. G. c. man || 6:7. de.-.troy man 1 havec De. 4:32. since the day G. c. man on the earth Ps. 89:19. c. them || 102:18. shall be r. shall 104:30. thy Spirit, they are c. || 148:5. were c. Is. 40:26. who hath c.||41 :20. Holy One c. it, 42:5 43:1. c. thee, O Jacob || 7. r. him for nty glory 45:8. I the Lord have c. it, 12:18. ||48:7. c. now Jer. 31:22. c. a new thing || Ez. 21:30. wast c. Ez. 28:13. in the day that thou wast e. 15. .Ma. 2:10. one G. c. us || 1 Co. 1 1:9. c. for woman Ep. 2:10. c. in C. || 3:9. e. all things by J. C. 4:24. new man after God is c. in righteousness Col. 1:16. for by him were all things c. that are 3:10 after the image of him that c. him 1 Ti. 4:3. G. <;. to be received || Re. 4:1 1. | 10:6. CKEATETH,!;. Am. 4:13. he that c. llie wind CREATION, s. Mk 10:0. from the c. G. made Mk. 13:19. as was not from the beginning ofc. Ro. 1:20. from the c. || 8:22. whole c groaneth 2 Pe. 3:4 from the c. \\ Re. 3:14. beginn. ofc. CREATOR, ..-. Ec. 12:1 remember thv r. in Is. 40:28. c. of the ends || 43:15. the c. of Israel Ro. 1:25. more than the c. || 1 I'e. 4:19. faithf. e. CREATURE, S. >. Ge. 1:20. the moving. c. Le. 11:46. law of every c. jj Nu. Ii.:t30. Is. 13:21. houses shalfbe full of doleful c. Jlk. 16:15. preach the gospel to ev. c. Col. 1:23. Ro. 8:19. earnest expectation of the c. waitetli 20. for the c. was made subject to vanity, not 21. c. be delivered II f22. c. groaneth || 39. any c. 2 Co. 5:17. he is a new c. Ga. 6:15. Col. 1:15. first-born of every e. |i 1 Ti. 4:4. ev. e. He. 4:13. nor is there any c. that is not manifest Ja. 1:18. be a kind of first-fruits of his c. Re. 5:13. every c. in heav. || 8:9. third part ofc Living CREATURE, S. Ge. 1:21,24. | 2:19. Ge. 9:10. my covenant with every -c. 12. Le. 11:46. law of every -c. that »ioveth Ez. 1:5. four -c. 13,14,15,19. ||20. spirit of -c. 21 3:13. wings of the-c. || 10:15. the -c. I saw, 20 CREDITOR, S, .<>■. De. 1.5:2. c. lh;it lendeth 1 S. 22:72. that had a c. went to David 2 K. 4:1. c. is come to take my two sons Is. 50:1. to which of myc. || Lu.7:41. a certain e CREEK, S, s. Jud. 5":tl7. Ac. 27:39. CREEP, V. Le. 11:31. Ps. 104:20. 2 Ti. 3:6. CREEPETH, ING, r. and p. Ge. I:t20.25,30. Ge. 7:8. every thing that c. went in, 21. | 8:17, la Le. 5:2. touch unclean c. things || 11:21,41. 22:5. touchethany e. thine || I)e.4:]8.on ground De. 14:19. c. thing that flielh unclean unto 1 K. 4:.33. he spake of e. things || Ps. 69:t34. Ps. 104:25. in the sea are c. things innumerable 148:10. all cattle c. things, praise the Lord Ez. 8:10. e. thincs portrayed || 38:20. Ho. 2:18. Mi. 7:tl7. Ha. 1:14. Ac. 10:12. Ro. 1:23. an image made like to c. thinss CREPT, p. in. 4. c. in unawares, who were CRESCENS, Growing, increasing. 2 Ti. 4:1U. CRETE, Gil-en to the flesh. The name of ai island situate on the ^o-ean sea, Ti. 1:12 CREW, V. Mat. 26:74^ Mk. 14:68. Lu. ■22:6R. Mk. 14:72. second time the cock r. Jn. 1S:?V. CRIB, s. Jb. 39:9. Pr. 14:4. Is. 1:3. CRIME, .9. Jb. 31:11. a heinous c. yea Ez. 7:23. full of bloody c. || Ac. 25:16,27. CRLMSON. /" the Hebrew it is called Shani ; i. c. the double worm, or the worm Shani, as if Shani were the proper name ,fthis worm i in Arabic, Kermes, or Karmes ; whence cnmcs crimson. Cruden. 2 Ch. 2:7. to work in c. || 3:14. the vail ofc. Is. 1:18. sins red like c. 1| Jer. 4:30. clothe « ith c. CRIPPLE, s. Ac. 14:8. being a e. from ;iK,(her'« CRISPIN<;-PINS, s. Is. 3:22. take away c. CRli'PVi'. Cur!ed,OT crisped. Ac.l8:8. 1 Co.l:]4. CROOK-BACKED. Le. 21:20. c. not CROOKED,?. De. 32:5. and a c. gener.tion Jud. 5:f6. travellers walked through r. v.ays Jb. 2ii:13. his hand forim d the c. sor;.e-it Ps. 125:5. to c. ways, Pr. 2:15. ]l £c. 1:15. \ 7:1a Is. 27:1. that c. serpent || 40:4. e. r.i?.de straight 42:16. c. places straight, 4.5-2. i| 09:8. c. paths La. 3:9. mv paths e. || Lu. 3:5. Phil 2:15. CROP, ED. Le. 1:16. Ez. l':'',,22. CROSS, s. signifiet, ( 1 ) .4 giloel rftwo pieces of wood put acro.ts. (2) The wliole of Christ's si,firin,Ts,ne.m:2. (3) The duCrine of Christ's snjierin}s, 1 Co. 1:21. I'hil. .'5:18. (4) Perse- cution for Christ, Ga. 6:12,14. (5) Erery af- flictinn- providnice to hodti o^- mind. Mat. 10:38- Mat. 10:38. he that taketli not his c. Lu. 14;-27. 16:24. take his c. Jlk. 8:.34. I 10:21. Lu. 9:23 27:32. found Simon, him they compelled to bear his e. Mk. 15:-ai. Lu. 23:26. 40. come down from the c. 42. Mk. 15:30,32. Jn. 19:17. he bearing his c. || ]9:-?5.31. 1 Co. 1:17. lest c. of || 18. preaching ofc. Ga. 5:11. offence of e. ceased || 6:14. save in c. Ep. 2:16. one body by c. || Phil. 2:8. death of c. Phil. 3:18. enemies of e. || Col. 1:20. blood ofc Col 2-14 Bailing it to e.|| He. 12:2. endured c 5G CRY CROfSg-WAY, s. Ob. 14. stood in the c. to CK.OU An al>uiidontportion,Ps. 11:6. 23:5. 116:13. Ge. 40:11. Pharaoh's c. was in my hand || 44:3. 2 S. 12:3. and it drank of his own c. and lay 1 K. 7:26. wrought like brim of a c. 2 Ch. 4:5 57 CUR CUT CYR ts. 11:0. portion of their e.|| 16:5. portion ofmy e. a3:5.lhou anoiiitest my head, iiiyc. runneth over 73: lU. waters of a e. full are wrung out to them 75:8. in hand uf I-. a c. || llti:i:i. take c. of salv. Pr. 23:31. wlien it givetli its color in the c. Is. 51:17. the dregs of the c. of trembling, 22. Jer. lli:7. c. of cou.solation || 25:15. c. of this fury 95:17. then I took the c. || 28. if refuse to take c. 49:12. not to drink the c. || 51:7. a golden c. La. 4:21. the c. also shall |)ass through to thee Ez.2J:32. thou shall drink of thy sister's c. 33. Ila. 2:1(). c. of right h. || Zch. 12:2. c. of trenib. Mat. 1U:42. givea c.ofcold water only, Mk.9:41. 20:22. are ye able to drink of the c. iMk. 1U:38. 23:2J. for yi' make clean the outside of the c.26. 26:27. and lie took the c. and gave thanks, Mk. 14:23. Lu. 22:17. 1 Co. 11:25. 39. let this c. pass, Mk. 14:36. Lu. 22:42. Lu. 22;2J. this c. is the new te^ta. 1 Co. 11:25. in. 18:11. the c. which niv Father hath given 1 Co. 10:10. c.of blessing, 21.||ll:2G.drink this c. Re. 14:10. poured without mixture into the c, 10:19. the c. of his wrnth || 17:4. | 18:6. CUP-BEAIi£R,S,s. lK.lU:5.2Ch.9:4.Ne.l:n. CUPS. 1 Ch. 28:17. Is. 22:24. Jer. 35:5. | 52:19. .Mk. 7:4. as the washing of c. and pots, 8. Ci;i;i)LEi),p. Jb. 10:10. c. me like cheese crUK. ^^ Jer. 33:6. 1 will bring it health and c. CV Kij, EU, V. Ho. 5:13. not c. you of wound M;it. 17:16. could not c. him || IS. child was c. Lu. 7:21. (-.many ||9:1. c.diseases || Jn.5:10. was CUKKS, s. Lu. 13:32. 1 do c. to-day and to-mor. CJRIUIJS, a. Ex. 28:8. c. girdle, 27,28. | 29:5. Ex. 35:32. devise c. works |( Ac. 19:19. c. art CURIOUSLY, ad. Ps. 139:15. c. wrought CURLED, ;;. Song5:tll. his locks are c. CURRENT, a. Ge. 23:16. c. money with CURSE, i. signifies, (1) Every piuuskmenl of sin, bi'th, ill budjj and soul, in lime and elerniti/, Ue. 28:16. (2) 7'o iffisA eui;. Mat. 5:44. (3) topro- n unce execrations on others, Nu. 22:6,12. (4) To bless, Jb. 2:9. (5) To revile, or reproach, Ei;. 22:28. Ac. 23:5. Ge.2':12. bring a c. on me || 13. on itie be thy c. Ku. 5:18. water that causeth thee. 19,2-3,24,27. Dc. V-M. before you a bless, and a c. 28. I 30:1. 29. .;. oil uiouMt Ebal || 21:|23. is the c. of God a3:j. turned c. iiito a blessing, Ne. 13:2. 29:19 words of this c. || Jos. 6:18. camp a c. Jud. 9:57. c. of Jotham || 1 K. 2:8. with c. in 2 K. 22:19. become a c.||Ne. 10:29.c.and an oath Ne. 13:2. our (iod turned c. into a blessing Jli. 31:30. to sill, by wishing a c. to his soul I'r. 3:33. c. of Lord is in house of the wicked 2:i:2. the c. causeless || 27:14. c. to him || 28:27. Is. 24:6. c. devoured || 34:5. |ieople of my c. 43:28. given Jacob to the c.||65:i5. name for a c. Jer. 24:9. taunt and a c. 25:18. | 29:18. | 42:18. 2t;:o. make city a c. || 44:^22. land a c. || 49:13. lia. 3:65. tliy c. to them |{ Da.9:ll. c. is poured on Zi'h. 5:3. this is the c. that goeth forth over 8:13. that ■a< ye were a c. among the heathen Ma. 2:2. send a c. \\ 4:6. smite earth with a c. Ac. 23:12. bound themselves under a c. 14. Ga. 3:10. under the c. || 13. redeemed from c. Re. 2-3:3. and there shall he no more c. but CURSE, V. Ge. 8:21. not c. the ground any Ge. 12:3. and c.him that curseth thee: and in thee Ex. 22:28. not c. the ruler || Le. 19:14. not c. deaf Nu. 2-2:6. c. me this people, 11,12,17. | 23:7,13. 23:8. how shall I c. || 11. I took thee to c. 24:10. Ue. 23:4. they hired Balaam to c. thee, Ne. 13:2. 27:13. these shall stand on mount Ebal to c. Jos. 94:9. Balak called Balaam to c. you Jud. 5:23. c. Meroz || 2 S. 16:10. let him c. 11. Jb. 1:11. c. thee to thy face, 2:5. II 9. c. G. and die 3:8. let them c. it tlrat c. the day, who are Ps. 62:4. they c. inwardly || 109:28. let them c. Pf. 11:26. people shall c. him || 24:94. | 30:10. Ec. 7:21. hear servant c. || 10:20. c. not the king ls.8:21.c their king and G.|| Jer. 15:10. doth c. me Mat. 5:44. ble^s them that c. you, Lu. 6:28. 23:74. he began to c. and to swear, Mk. 14:71. Ro. 12:14. bless and c. not || Ja. 3:9. c. we men CURSED, /i.Ge. 3:14. serpents. II 17. ground c. Ge. 4:11. Cain c.||9:'25.f. be Canaan |l 5:29. ground 27:99. c. be every one that curseth, Nu. -24:9. 49:7. c. their anger || Le. 20:9. c. his father Le. 24:11. blasph. and c \\ 14. bring him that c. Nu. 22:6. I wot he whom thou ciirsest is c. •23:8. God hath not c. \\ -24:9. c. is he that curseth De. 27:15. c. be he, 16,-26. || 28:16. c. in city 28:17. c. be thy basket || 18. c. fruit of thy body Jos 6:26. c. be the man that buildeth Jericho 9:93. now therefore ve Gibeouites are c. and Jud. 9:27. c. Ahimelech || 21:18. c. be he that 1 S. 14:-24. c. thateateth food until even, 28. 17:43. Goliath c. David || 26:19. c. be they S. 16:5. Shimei c 7,13. || 19:21. r. L's. anointed K. 2:8. which c. me with a grievous c. 8K. 2:34. c. them || 9:34. see this c. woman Ne. 13:25. I c. them and smote certain of them Jb. 1:5. and c. God || 3:1. mouth, and r. his day 5:3. foolish man,but suddenly I c. his habitation 24:18 their portion is c. in the earth, he Ps. 37:-22. they that be c. \\ 119:21. proud are c. Ec. 7:22. c. others ||Jer. 11:3. c. that obeyeth not Jer 17-5. c be the man |l 20:14. c. be the day Jer.48:10.c.that doth theLord's work deceitfully Ma. 1:14. c. be the deceiver || 2:2. c. your bless. 3:9. ye are c. \\ .Mat. -25:41. depart ye c. into Jn. 7:49. people who know not the law are c. Ga. 3:10. c. is every one that continueth not, 13. 2 Pe. 2:14. c. children who have forsaken CURSED Thing. De. 7:'26. | 13:17. CURSEDST, V. Jud. 17:2. Mk. 11:21. CURSES, s. Nu. 5:23. write these c. in a book De. 28:15. all these c. shall come on thee, 45. 29:-20. all the c. written in book, 27. 2 Ch.34:94. 21. all the c. of covenant || 30:7. put all these c. CURSETH, Ge. 12:3. c. him that <:. thee, 27:29. Ex. 21:17. he that c. his father or his mother, Le. 20:9. Pr. 20:20. Le. 24:15. whoso c. his God shall bear his sin Pr. 30:11. a generation that c. their father Mat. 15:4. c. father or mother, Mk. 7:10. CURSING, p. Nil. 5:21. and oath of c. De. 28:20. the Lord shall send upon thee c. 30:19. I have set before you blessing and c. 9 S. 16:12. Lord will requite me good for his c. Ps.lO:7. his mouth is full of c. Ro. 3:14. 59:12. fore, and lying || 109:17. he loved c. 18. Pr. 29:94. he heareth c. and bewrayeth it not Jer. 23;tl0. because of c. the land mourneth He. 6:8. is nigh to c. || Ja. 3:10. blessing and c. CURSINGS, s. Jos. 8:34. read blessings and c. CURTAIN, «. Ps. 104:9. Is. 40:22. CURTAINS, s. Ex. 26:1,2. | 30:9. Nu. 4:25. 2 S. 7:2, ark dwelleth within c. 1 Ch. 17:1. Song 1:5. as the c. of Solomon || Is. 54:2. stretch Jer. 4:20. c. are spoiled || 10:20. | 49:29. Ha. 3:7. GUSH, Ethiopians, or black. Ge. 10:8. Is. 11:11. CUSHAN-RISHATHAIM, Blackness ofiniqai- ties. The name of a king, Jud. 3:8,10. CUSHI, The same. 2 S. 18:22. Zph. 1:1. CUSTODY, S-. Nu. 3:36. Est. 2:3,8,14. CUSTOM, s. signifi. (1) Jlfa/mcr or msc,Lu. 4:16. (2) Tribute, Ro. 13:7. (3) Oflonguse,Sn. 18:39. Ge. 31:35. c. of women || Jud. 11:39. a c. in Isr. 1 S. 2:13. priests c. was || Ezr. 4:13. pay c. Ezr. 3:4. according to the c. Jer. 3-3:11. || 4:20. 7:24. sliall not be lawful to impose c. on priests Mat. 9:9. at the receipt of c. Mk. 2:14. Lu 5:27. 17:25.of whom do kings take f.||Lu. 1:9. accord Lu. 2:-27. c. of the law || 4-2. c. of the feast || 4:16. Jn. 18:39. ye have a c. that I should release one whom t.|| 1 Co. 11:16. no such c. nor CUSTOMS, s. Le. 18:30. abominable c. which Jer. 10:3. for the c. of the people are vain Ac. 6:14. change the c. || 16:21. teach c. \\ -21:21. 26:3. expert in all c. \\ -28:17. nothing against c. CUT, V. Ex. 39:3. c. it in wires to work Le. 1:6. c. burnt-offering, 8:-30. Ex. 29:17. 22:24. not offer that which is c. || De. 14:1. Jud. 20:6. concubine, and c. her in pieces 1 K. 18:23, c. bullock, 33. || -28. c. themselves 2 K. 24:13. c. vessels of gold, 2 Ch. 28:24. 1 Ch. 20:3. c. themwithsaws||2Ch.2:8. c. tim. Ps. 58:7. be c. in pieces || 107:16. c. bars, Is. 45:2. Is. 9:t20. c. on the right || 51:9. c. Rahab Jer. H>:6. lament, nor c. themselves for them 34:18. they c. the calf in twain, and passed 36:-33. c. the roll || 47:5. wilt thou c. thyself Da. 2:5. he c. in pieces, 3:29. || Am. 9:1. in head Ha. 3:tl6. he will c. them with his troops Zch. 12:3. shall be c. || Ac. 5:33. c. to heart, 7:54. CUT asunder. Ps. 1-29:4. c- cords of wicked Jer. 50:23. hammer c- \\ 11:10. c. staff, 14. Mat. 94:51. and shall c. him -, Lu. 12:46. CUT down. Ex. 34:13. c- their groves Le. 26:30. and I will c- your images, and Nu. 13:23. and c- from thence a branch, -34. De. 7:5. c- their groves, 2 K. 18:4. | 23:14. 20:19.trees formeat not c- \\ 20. trees not for m. Jos. 17: 1.5. c.-for thyself in land of Perizzites, 18. Jud. 6:2.5. c- grove || 2 K. 19:23. Is. 37:24. 2Ch. lo:L6. Asa c- her idol ||34:7.Josiah c- idols Jb. 14:2. like a flower, and is c- ||7. if it be c- '22:16. wicked were c- 1| 20. siibstame is not c- Ps. 37:2. soon be c- || 80:16. it is c.-, 90:6. Is. 9:10. sycamores c- II 14:12. how art thou c- 22:25. nail be c.-|| Jer. 22:7. c- choice cedar.s Jer. 25:37. habitations c- || 48:2. shall be c- O Ez. 6:6. images c- || Na. 1:1-2. Zph. 1:11. Mat. 91:8. others c- branches, Mk. 11:8. I,u. 13:7. c. it -, why cuiiib. || 9. after that c. it- CUT off. Ge. 9:11. | 17:14. | 41:t36. Ex. 4:95. c- foreskin || 12:15. that soul be c.-, 19. 30:33. c- from his people, 38. Le. 7:-20,27. Le. 17:14.\vhoso eattlh blood shall bn f.-|| 20:17. .\u. 4:18. c. ye not- tribe || 15:31. utterly c- De. 12:99. G. shall c- nations, 19:1. Jos. -23:4. 23:1. or privy member c- || -25:12. c- her hand Jos. 3:13. waters of Jordan be c.-, 16. I 4:7. 7:9. c- our name || 11:21. c- the Anakims Jud. 1:6. c- his thumbs, 7. || 21:6. one tribe c- Rii. 4:10. that the name of the dead be not c- 1 S. 2:31. diiys come, that I will c. thine arm 5:4. Dagon's hands c.-lj 17:51. c- Goliah's liead 20:15. tiioii shalt not c- thy kindness, 24:21. 24:4. Dav;d c- the skirt of Saul's robe, 5. 11. I c- thy skirt || -28:9. c- wizards || 31:9. 2 S. 4:12. c- their hands || 10:4. garments 20:22. and they c- the head of Sheb.i, the son 91:t5. the man that consumed us and c. us - 1 K.9:7. I c- Israel || 11:16. c- every male IK. 14:10. willc- from Jeroboam him that pisseth 18:4. vvlien Jezebel c- proidiets of the Lord 21:91. I'll c- from Ahab that pisseth,2 K. 9:8- 9 K. 16:17. Ahaz c- bases || 18:16. Hez. c- gold 1 Ch. 17:8. c- all thy eneni. || 9 Ch. 22:7. | 32:21 Jb. 4:7. where were the righteous c- || 6:9. 8:14. hope be c- || 10:tl. soul c- \\ 11:10. If hec- 18:16. branch be c.-|| 23:17.1 was note- before 24:24. they are c- 1| 36:20. when people are c- Ps. 12:3. Lord c- flattering lips || 31:-22. I am c- 34:16. toe- the remembrance of them from 37:9. c- evil doers, 22,28,34,38. | 54:5. 75:10. all the horns of the wicked will ] c- 76:12. he shall c- the spirit of princes, he is 83:4. let use. them - || 88:5. they are c- from 88:16. goeth over me, terrors ha\e c. uie - 94:23. he shall c. them - in their wickedness 101:5. slandereth I'll <;.-||8. c- all wicked doers 109:13. posterity be c- \\ 15. c- the memory 118:tl0. in name of L. I'll c. them - || 119:tl39. 143:12. and of thy mercy c- mine enemies Pr. 2:22. but the wicked shall be c- from 23:18. thy expectation shall not be c.-, 24:14. Is. 6:t5. 1 am c- \\ 9:14. c.-head and tall || 10:7. 11:13. the adversaries of Juduh shall be c- 14:22. I'll c.-from Babylon || I5:tl. Moab c.-,2. 29:20. all that watch for iniquity are c- 38:19. he will c. me - with pining sickness 48:9. that I c. thee not - || 19. name not c- 53:8. he was c- \\ 55:13. that shall not be c- 66:3. c- a dog's neck || Jer. 7:-28.triith is c.-||29. Jer. 9:21. to c- children || 11:19. let us c. hiiu - 44:7. c- man and woman || 46:t28. not c- 47:4. to c- from Tyrus || 5. Askelon is c- \\ 48:2 48:25. horn of Moab is c- his arm' is broken 49:26. men of war c.-, 50:30. || .50:16. c- sower 51:6. be not c- in her iniquity || 62. to c. it - La. 2:3: c- horn of Israel || 3:53. c- niv life Ez. 14:8. I'll c. him- II 13. c- man and beast, 17. 17:9. shall he not c- the fruit || 17. to c- many 21:3. c- righteous and wicked, 4. || -25:7,16. 30:15. and I will c- the multitude of No 31:12. strangers c. him - || 37:11. we are c- Da. 4:14. c- his branches || 9:26. .Messiah be c- Ho. 8:4. that they may be c- ||10-.7. her king is c- Jo. 1:5. new wine is c- || 16. is not the iiieatc- Am. 1:5. c.-the inhabitant, 8. || 2:3. I'll c- judge 3:14. horns of altar be c- || Ob. 5,9,10,14. Mi. 5:9. enemies be c- || 10. horses || 11. cities 12. witchcrafts || 13. graven images, Na. 1:14. Na. 1:15. wicked is utterly c- || 2:13. | 3:15. Ha. 3:17. flock be c- from the fold || Zph. 1:3. Zph. 1:4. c- remnant of Baal || 1 1 . that hear sil v 3:6. I have c- the nations || 7. dwelling not c. Zch. 5:3. every one that stealeth and sw. bee. 9:6. I will c.-the pride || 10. chariot from E];Iir. 11:8. three shepherds also I c- in one month 9. lelitbec.-,andlet|| 13:2. idols || 8. two pans 14:2. residue not c.-|| Ma. 2:12. c- the man that Mat. 5:30. hand off'end thee, c.-, 18:8. Mk. 9:43. Mk. 14:47. smote a servant of the high-priest, and c- his ear, Lu. 22:50. Jn. 18:10,26. Ro. 11:22. otherwise thou shalt also be c- 2Co. 11:12. c.-occa. || Ga. 5:12. c- that trouble CUT out. Pr. 10:31. Is. 53:8. Da. 2:34,45 Ro. 11:24. CUT short. 2 K. 10:32. Ro. 9:28. CUT up. Jb. .30:4. c- mallows, Is. 33:19. CUTH, ur CUTHAH, Burning, 2 K.. 17:24,30. CUTTEST, ETH, v. De. 24:19. c. harvest Jb. 28:10. he c. out rivers among the rocks Ps. 99:|7. voice c. flames || 46:9. e. the spear 141:7. as when one c. and cleaveth wood Pr. 96:6. c. the feet |l Jer. 10:3. | 22:14. CUTTING, S,p. and 5. Ex. 31:5. inc. of stones, 35:33. Le. 19:28. not make any c. 21:5. | 25:123. De. 24:tl. let him write her a bill oft. off Is. 38:10. I said in the c. ofl"of my days, I shall .ler. 3l):t93. c. whirlwind ||48-.37. on hands be c. Ex. 7:t-25. c. off, 16:3. Ha«2:10. Mk. 5:5. CYMB.Mi, S, «. ./Jrt ancient instrument - rt wretch; an heir, or the womb. Ezr. 4:3. Is. 44:28. A great warrior. 2 Ch. 36:-32. in the first year of C. Ezr. 1:1. 23. thus saith C. king of Persia, Ezr. 1-.-3. Ezr. 3:7. grant had of C. || 4:3. build as king C- 5:13. C. made a decree to build this house, 17 Is. 44:-38. C. he is my shepherd || 4.5:1. anointed Da. 1:21. tu first year of C. 6:28. 1| 10:1. 3d year 58 liAN D. DABB.\SHETH, Flowing- with honey; or causin a- infamy Jos. 19:11. DABERA'fH, fVord, thing; or a bee; or sub- jection. Jos. 19:12. 1 Ch. 0:72. DAGGKIl, «. Jud. 3:16,91 ,-22. DAGON, Corn; or ajisk. An idol of the Phi- liitinen; Jud. 16:23. It was made in the form of a tish below the navel, but above the navel iu the form of a man, 1 S. 5:4. Jud. ]6;23. to offer a sacrifice to D. their god 1 .s. ,5:3. D. was fallen || t. head of D. cut off 7. hand sore on i>. II 1 Ch. ] U: 10. temple of Z>. D.VINTY, TIES, s. Ge. 49:20. yield royal d. Jb. 33:20. and liis soul abliurretli d. meat Vs. 141:4. and let me not eat of their d. Pr.23:3. not desirous of hi-? rf. 6. || Re. 18:14. DALK, «. Ge. 14:17. the kinst'sd. 2 S. 18:18. DAliMANUTHA, -4 bucket; or poor portion; or branch. A country, Mk. 8:10. DA LM ATI A, .dvaiii brightness. 2 Ti. 4:10. nALPllON, House of caves. Est. 9:7. DAMAGE, s. Ezr. 4:22. why should d. grow E^l. 7:4. not countervai' king's d. || Pr. 26:6. D:\. 6:2. king have no d. Ac. 27:10. 2 Co. 7:9. ye might receive d. by us in nothing DAM, A-. Ex. 22:30. Le. 22:27. De. 22:6,7. DA.MAIUS, Little wimm. Ac. 17:34. DAMA^-CUS, Jl sack full of blood, or blood of hnrnhig. A city of Asia, about 160 miles N. E. of .ferusaleni; the metropolis of all Syria. Ge. 1.5:2. steward of my house is Eliezerof i). 2 f<. 8:6. garrisons in D. 1 Ch. 18:6. 1 K. 11:24. reigned in /). || 19:1.5. wilderness 'J 1:34. thou shall make streets for thee in D. 2 K. 0:12. rivers of £). || 8:7. Elisha rame to D. 14:28. recovered D. || 16:9. against D. 10. lCh.l8:5. Syrians of D. came to help Hadarezer 2 <."!i. 28:5. captives to D. || 23. to gods of Z). [?onf 7:4. looketh toward D. || Is. 7:8. head of U. 8:4. riches of D. || 10:9. Samaria as D. ? 17:1. burden of D. it is taken, 3. Jer. 49:23. Jor. 49:04. D. is feeble IJ 27. kindle fire in D. Ez. 2;: 18. D. thy merchant in wine and wool Am. 1:3. of D. and for four || 5. break bar of D. 3: 13. D. in a couch || 5:27. captivity beyond D. Zch. 9:1. and D. shall be the rest thereof Ac. 9:2. letters to D. || 10. a disciple at D. 19. with disciples at D. ||27. nreached at D. 22:6. come to D. 26:12. jjIO. go into D. 2 Co. 11:32. in D. governor || Ga. 1:17. returned D.^MMIM, Bloody or dead men. 1 S. 17:1. D\M;\'.\BLE. 2 Pe. 2:1. bring in d. heresies DAUNATIOX, s. Mat. 23:14. therefore ye shall receive greater d. Mk. 12:40. Lu. 20:47. 33. escape :69. a o came to Peter, saying, Jn. 18:17. Mk. 5:39. the d. is not dead, but sleepeth, 40. Ac. 12:13. (/. came to heark.||16:16. a certain d. D.'VMSELS, s. Ge. 24:61. 1 S. 25:42. Ps. 68:25. DAN, Judging or judgment. A person, Ge. 30:6. Ge. 49:16."». sliall judge || 17. D. he a serpent Nu. 2<25. the standard of the camp of £>. 31. De. 33:22. he said, D. is a Ikmi's whelp: he Jos. 19:47. after the name of D. Jud. 18:29. Jud. 5:17. why did D. remain || 13:25. camp of Ez. 48:1. portion for D. || 32. one gate of D. Tril,enfD\S. E\.31:6. | 35:31. | 38:23. Nu. 1:39. |13:12.i34;32. Jos.l9:40,48.l2l:5,23. Jud. 18:30. DAN, A place. Ge. 14:14. Abra. pursued to Z>. !>e. 34:1. Lord showed Moses all Gilend to £>. Jos. 19:47. frotn D. to Beersheba, 1 S. 3:20. 2 S. 3:10. I 17:11. I 24:2,15. 1 K. 4:25. 1 Ch. 21:2. 2Ch. 30:5. 1 K. 12:29. calf put he in Z). 2 K. 10:29. 1.5:20. king of Syria smote D. || 2 Ch. 16:4. Jer. 4:15. voice from D. \\ 8:16. heard from D. E:'..27:12.D. occupied || Am. 8:14. tliv cod, O JD. DANCE, s. Ps. 149:3. praise in the d". 1.50:4. Jer. 31:13. virgins rejoice in the d. || La. 5:15. DANCE, V. Jud. 21:21. come to d. || Jb. 21:11. Ec 3:4. a time to d. \\ Is. 13:21. satyrs shall d. DANCED, p. Jud. 21:23. number that d. 2 S. 6:14. and David rf. before the Lord Mat 11:17. piped, and ye have not d. Lu.. 7:32. 14:6. the daughter of Herodias d. Mk. 6:22. DANCES, 4-. Ex. 15::20. and with d. Jud. 11:34. daughter came to meet hitn with d. 1 S. 21:11. did they not sing of him in rf. Jer. 31:4. thou shalt go forth in the d. of them DANCING, p. Ex. 32:19. 1 S. 18:6. | 30:16. 2 S. 6:16. David d. || Ps. 30:11. Lu. 1.5:25. DANDLED, p. Is. 66:12. be rf. on her knees DANGER, 3. Mat. 5:21. d. of judgment, 22. - DAR Mk. 3:29. hnt is in rf. of damnation Ac. 19:27. craft in d. || 40. we are in d. to be DANGEROUS, a. Ac. 27:9. sailing was now d. DANIEL, Judnnient of Ood. 1 Ch. 3:1. Ezr. 8:2. Ithamar; Z). || Ne. 10:6. D. sealed Ez. 14:14. tlio' Noah, D. 20. || 28«3. wiser than Da. 1:6. D. of Judah || 19. none found like D. 7. D. the name of || 17.£>. had understanding 2:13. sought />.||16.then D.wenl in and desired 19. revealed to D. || 46. worshij). D. and com. 48. D. a great tnan || 49. D. sat in the gate 4:8. at last D. came in || 19. D. was astonished 5: l2.diesolviiig doubts||29. clothed £>. with scar. 6:2. D. was first || 11. found D. praying and 14. king set his heart on D. \\ 23. take up D. 26. tremble before God of Z).||2S.7).prospered 7:l.Z).had a dream and visions||28.asformeZ>. 8:1. vision appeared to D. |] 10:1,7,12. 12:9. go thy way, D., the words are closed Mat. 24:15. spoken of by D. the pr. Mk. 13:14. / DANIEL. Da. 7:15. | 8:15,27. j 9:2. | 10:2. 12:5. -D. looked, and behold there stood other DANIEL. Da. 6:20. | 9:22. I 10:11. j 12:4. DANNA, Judgment. Jos. 15:49. D.'VRA, Oeneralion, or house of the shepherd, or of fellowship, or initjuiiy. 1 Ch. 2:6. DARDA, Generation of knowledge. 1 K. 4:31. DARE, 0. Jb. 41:10. Ro. .5:7. | 15:18. 1 Co. 6:1. d. any ofyon go to law II 2 Co. 10:12. \)\VHV%,Inquirin'T. Kingof the .A/edc»-,Da.5:31. Of the Persians, Ne. 12:22. Ezr. 4:5. till reign of D. 24. || 5:5. matter to D. 6:1. /?. niadeauecree,12. II 15. sixth year of Z). Da. 5:31. D. the Median took || 6:9. D. signed 6:25. D. wrote to all || 9:1. first year of, 11:1. Hag. 1:1. 2d year of Z). 15. 1 2:10. Zch. 1:17.17:1. DARK, a. Ge. 15:17. and it was d. Le. 13:6. if the plague be rf. 21:26,28,56. Nu. 12:8. not in d. speeches || Jos. 2:5. was rf. 2 S. 22:12. about him d. waters, Ps. 18:11. Ne. 13:19. when gatesof Jerusal. began to bed. Jb. 3:9. let stars be d. || 12:25. grope in the d. 18:6. the light shall be d. in his tabernacle 22:13.judge through d. cloud||24:16. in the d.dig Ps. .35:6. wav be d. || 49:4. d. saying, 78:2. 74:20. d. phices of the earth are full of cruelty 83:12. known in the d. || 105:28. made it d. Pr. 1:6. their rf. sayings || 7:9. black d. night Is. 29:15. their works are in the d. and they say 45:19. I've not spoken in a d. place of the earth Jer. 13:16. your feet stutnble on the d. tnountain La. 3:6. he hath set tiie in lit places, ;is they Ez.8:12. do in the rf. ||32:7. make stars rf. 8. 34:12. cloudy and rf. day||Da. 8:23. rf. setitences Jo. 2:10. sun and moon be d. || Am. 5:8. d.ay rf. 20. Mi. 3:6. be d. to you || Z( h. 14:6. not clear nor rf. Lu. 11:36. no part d. || Jn.6:17. | 20:1. 2 Pe. 1 :9. a light that shitieth in a rf. place D.-^RKEN, V. Atn.8:9. I will d. the earth in DARKLY, ad. 1 Co. 13:12. see through a slass rf. DARKENED, p. Ex. 10:15. land was d. and Ps. 69:23. let their eyes be rf. Ro. 11:10. Ec. 12:2. or stars be rf. || 3. at windows be rf. Is. 5:30. the light is rf. || 9:19. is the land d. 13:10. the sun d. Jo. 3:15. || 24:11. joy is d. Ez. 30:18. day bed. II Zch. 11:17. right eve (i. Mat. 24:29. sun be rf. Mk. 13:24. Lu. 23:45. Ro.l:21 . foolish heart rf. || Ep.4:18. understand rf. Re. 8:12. third part rf. || 9:2. sun and air rf. DARKENETH, v. Jb. 38:2.rf. couns. Ps.l39:tl2. DARKISH, a. Le. 13:39. bright spots be rf. DARKNESS, «. signifies, (1) The privation of li