P/0 CO UJ > LIBRARY University of California. 1^0 Class f^f^ CASE ' B ♦ ^be XLubot jfacsimile tieyts nark ia ^nnhr a ^nahel Date of the first known edition, i594- {Dyce Collection at S. Kensington.) Reproduced in Facsimile, igii. Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER 1594 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI 3t 1594- This play is reproduced from an original now in the Dyce Collection at South Kensington. The British Museum example is a much poorer copy. Indeed^ play for play, the Dyce hooks are usually far and away superior in every way as corn-pared with B.M. copies. For this reason, though the cost of repro- duction is considerably enhanced thereby, and also in spite of the fact that there is no proper studio at South Kensington, as at the Museum, Mr. Fleming at my request rightly chooses the Dyce Bequest copies. There is another exam-ple in the Bodleian at Oxford. The " Knack to Know a Knave " was probably written in 1592. Comparing this facsimile with the original, there is nothing that calls for special remark; the reproduction is generally and uniformly good. JOHN S. FARMER. 228058 L '5i:o fee fabuerfion of bt0 conuflon luealtb* 31 tell tbee Dunffon,tl)ou batt plcafed t|je Eing, and p?oouei tljp felfe a Jjerttiotis cotmfellour; Cbp counfeil i« to me as 5f5o?tb Carg ligbt, ^^batguideg t()c Kapler to bi0 ttitbeo pojti fo} bp cbfit Carre be 10 fo comforted, 'Cbat beraile0 daunserletfe OR daungeroius rea0, and m bto oeepeQ fadnei comfo^t0 bim: %Q Dunilons "knottJledge 10 tbat ttatxt of fop, Cbat totll tsttb ^elpe conduct me to mp bapptnelfe* Honcfly. and pet tbou art not bappP Edgar, !5ecaute tbat nnne0,lplsertoarme0, remaine in tbee* King. (!jKbP,ti0 f mpeff ible,fo? 31 batte ftudied Otll, - Co root Abu&0 from tbe common Uiealtb, %\)m map mfect tbe king 0? communaltie. * ^berefoie.bafepeafant. toilfull a0 tbou art , 3 tell tbee trotb>tbott baftdifpleafo tbe Sling* HoRcfty* )faap,tbe Eing batb difpleafei limfelfe, 31n truttrng euerp one tbat fpeak0 btm faire: JFo J tb|Ottg|» faire toje?d0 , Einge manie tpme0 are toe ^ countenance lUiaucp bp tljeir aut(jojttie ; toknowcaKnaue^ 31 tuin not fa? pour ^rxce Doet^ ro« Perim 1^0 nr,j»ou toe re not belf^ Honeft» mw.iiJi tbom,% mig^e malte gflOD wf too^D, Slni fj>nD a JKnauejSl ftare>bffo?e 31 part* King. CKtpMat arttfjott? HoneHy, Spar? 31 goe pfaine,ftni nt^ name (t Honefty, a fneno to ?.our (feUotts auD 31 comcnp tbp to tt,tbat baft fucb toates to knoto a kneue* ' Hon^HoDcfty t0 plaine mp io?5,but no joob felloto, jTo? gooo fellottCB be purfe-tfikeria; noUj a oateu: an* tbc're be fo mante of fucb |ooD fellctDe?, «:t^at Hoflcily map toaike tbeOrectes toit^ouc compajip, mt tljat tbere toant? companp, but bcntft compan? 3! mean, ano pet Honcfty^ can clap a knaite cit tiff ^ottlnf r fo? al big } Amcrfclcnacke Perin, CO^&p(bare comp«nton)meatie pott ttte*: Honcfly. ji^oc ba(e((tr) becau(e3l tneuai tcuelie htpttt% fo} i^onc(^ map be rurpecceD»bu( neoer detectrtt "^ttt pou tbtnk 31 bao a bapltefe re m; fatbet ai5 pou bao, ^no cbat mp mocbec coulD retumt a to^ic of erro^, 90 pours oio,tuben fucb a ^allane a0 poa tuere sotcen. King. 15eleeue me>Pcrin, be bacb toucbt pou nm, Slno !Jl pcrceiue^cbousb H^ncdv be fimple, il^et manie tpmr o be Cyeakec ctuetb. ( not Ite: Honcfty. Crae,tf tt pleaCe pour 6race^} boneS men M T^at if poiic 6race boucbCafe to (i;tue me leatte, ^ou (ball Qe nte finoe mo^e linaues tban one. 3it mp cuttnms faHe me noc,o^ etoCap Honcfly bao no botieOp Ku 'But eel me,Dun(ion,bot9 tbmkefttbmioftbiomocion*; ZBtrt it not gooo tbtnkeQ tbou tse^aue bim leaue ^0 atfie fucb Catterpilicro at corrupt cbe cotmtion lueltb; fo} mante tpmcs fucb Oinple ttieti ^t, O^etD^ap mitcb matter in Qmplicitie: Cbeutcllme Dunflon,b>batcbinkei!tbouofbuimocioit^ Dunfl. 3irit pleale pour 6race to tbinke it s»oD, Duni^on tDtll Cap a0 once HefcQion Dto, ^ben Alexander loan ricb Macedone, Cbat UJbat To ere t!]e Etng btmfelfe tbou^bc mtete» i^e tooulD in outtfuU obeotcnce peelo Dnto: 9no to fattb DunOo n to pour ^ateltie* fo} manp times fttc^ 0mple men b^ttm^ tbac to palli» ^bat UDtfer beaos cannot attaine unto, fo} ooubtlelie be batb (bnu: oeuice in banO, SSIberebp to fpnoe fucb Cubclc knaueric* King. men,Dunrton,tbenastboubattcouttfclDme, 31 tDill fQ\ once raalic p^ocfc of Honcfty:arra,come bitbcr; 3[n bope pou U3il, as pour ppixlTion is, 3in boned fo^t to fpnDe oeceiuers out: SUts fpuDius c!)cm,to ^im Us notice ltrai(^t, Cbat ujc map puni4) tbem fb? cbeic amiCTe: iHe gittt tbee leaue to toojk UJbat means tbott maiH, ' toknowcaKnaui i^a it U noe p^eumtce to t^e Sate no; \>t* Honcft)% fip? (mtott£i to^ftjif Honeftic offenfir, 3In ante tliins t||8t &e bftt^t p^omtfeti, 9ltt& Doe not a0 pouc <^race (latb gtuen {n (^n^c, 5S^ttfle fucb CaterptUer0 &0 corrupt tbe Sate«^ JLet Honcflic receiue fuel puninbntmt, 2$ ht oeff rucx cbat leafeo to t^e king, (tfjre firflf. King. Honcfty it 18 pnoui|I|,birt telttte noto tobat mouerr Co bnoertakc tW tafke to iJtOt bs.fpeak trutlj,ocGemMe not: Honcfl. 3[f 3 njulo tel Four 6race ttsolo make pou laugb^ Co beare iioU) Honcdy toan entertamoe, l^oo^e.Iame ano bltnof luben 31 came once albo^t, lo|»,bott tbep came in fiockf to DiSt me, Cbe GbepbeacD isitb W ^ke,ano Cb^afber Uittb bte flaile, Cbe berp pcoltc bitt^ (jut oog^ano tbctfnkettottb Ms ntale, Cben comes a foulDtec counterfeit^ $ uiitb bim toao bibut tbtp ran all aUiap, % ut nolo 31 Ml to mp taCke,auo leaue pour (^rnce, . 9nD (b 31 take mp conge of pour ^atedie. King* HoBcfticfareteel.anolookebtttopourcljarge. Pcrin. 9Pp gratioufii Lo?o,(f 31 migbt not offeno, 31 tsoulo intreat a fauour at pour bano, %isi (b,3l bearo of Iate,mp gratious io?b, ^ Cbat mp kinoe fatber !ap at popnt of ttati), ano if (mp lo?b)31 Iboulo itot Wfite bim, Cbe tuo^lD (31 feare)U)ouU fpuB great fault luit() me* King. 5l5ap,Perin,if pour bufineffe bee of toaigj^t, SQIe are content to gtue pou leaue to goet l^]touibeu ti)i0>tbvt pou returne againe^ CB^ pou imt feene pour jTat^er anb pour menbi^. a 4 Pcrjnt Amiricknadkc sDitip but fee m? fatbec ano mnmt agnto %^i U)l;cnmp grations lo^u, 31 take mp leaue* Kin.Perin faretof I,attD tel wc punfton^noln tbc are atone, ta&at 5oeC tbott cbtuke ofbtauteous AJfrida, , $r9} (5e 10 1'cpojtcD to be be paffms faitc: ^bf? Tap fi;e ba^j a tobtjee pit in bir cbin, Cbat mafce5 bct-Ieoke l?ke to tbe ilueene of loite, 2a3;bentbel»a0'ftali>mstutebBnclymiom v i^eteeue me Dunlton^tf Qje be fo fafre, ^be toil! ferae fl«r turne ts make a Concabwe, ^t tbtnks ti0 gooD fome cpme to bane a lone I '^ofpo^ttottbaJUnupaireaaoaptbetpme* Dum 3l,mpgooDto?D,Dunrton coirtotoel- €i(tlt EtheawaU , toeleome,3l tliottjftr to Sn^Lfe? poni . ^ gott raua goe boe a metTasre fo? W note, t,ttomen lotte to be p^aifttt, ^ Cben in mp cauCe 31 m^ tljee loue tbou Alfrida* H Ethcn* m gratiowlo^D, attd Ethenwald {^«U not ftUe Co (betij bwyumble oucie to ?ouc ^aitHie: 31 U)tll,mp lo?D,icoe bcr in pour be^alfe, ipiean laue fo> pou,anu ttrainc a fi?fe to fljoto pout paOumsf, j 31 ujill fnp Qje t» fa??^f ^^J^" '^^ Dolpbing eie, at UJbome ama?De,tljf nigbt Oar jj Han* ano ga^e, «en toill 35 p?aifc ber cbin.ano c^rckr,ano p?etp l^anD, Ions maoe Ipke Vcnus,\Bbcn (be tofoe tbe batp, > j/injfn Mars toaeircueUng in loucs^igbbouiif* : ^ ^eaoe«,mp tojo,31 toill tap (be Ijatl) a pace, r * SSucb like to luno in Idea ijale, C^Uen Argus uiatcbt tbe i^eifet on tbe mount ; fDbere tDo?D0,mp lo?o,ti)iU make ber Ioue,3l am lure, Slftbefc toill not mp io?r>,31 baue better far . Kins. |5Rp,tbiB 13 mellno*J Etncnwald be jonc, F roi3ia)aUtonstobeareoftbprcturne. Kin^^Echcawald fareUJeU Dun(ton,boU) Ukett t^OU tW\ jm^atTljaue 31 wne toell in renoing Ethenwald: . f '3nt i\i gooo tpme,bouj if be Ipke tbe .mapoe, j r ^eiceuemeDunfton,tbenmpgameismarti. ^^ f Dunft. 31 uoe not tbinke,mp gratious lo?^, I I $pp |15epbc\J3 Ethenwald beawg tbat bao muio, I 5ro? bstberto be batb bene tearmeo m^, '■ aiiD hept pour (Drace bis gracious fauouret. Ku'CrueDunfton,petbauc3IteaDtbatLouc . I^atb maoe tbe fonne fteceiue tbe fatber oft : 3at Dunfton.leauing cbi3,comc Icin to court* Dunfton» 31 taiU atteno Upon pour S^aieUp, Exeunt, Enter Bayljcf oF Hexam,and his foui c fanncs,to WJt,a CourCicr,a Prie(t,a Conicatcher,and a Farmer, Bavlv*\ A ^ Tomtes pou fee boiu age occaies; mp (fate, ' ^ ^ lYl JjiT, tijat rtip ijfe Ipke fnotij before f^e fun : . ^ Amcriekiiacke 6(nj( to biflctttc {ntot&at fnbSance netor, 5f torn to^ofe incloCute greu? mp fp^e of Ipfe, 'IDiie curcb 3 ntcmie,ftDcet motfeer of \)g all, WOfom nmii autbo^tfeti bp beauen^ ^tg^ potser* !^aU b^ins at iat,from )3i])tnct at firQ 3! came, ^et ere 31 pceto mp Ctlfe ts Beatb^mp founeK, <$itte eare , anu b^are tubat !:ules! 31 Tec pou DaU)tte> ^nD QriX to cbee mp ronne,tbat Itued bp bitt> 31 imotu tbou bait To manp boned aet(btje(> 'Q^o (bifc anD coCenCmootblp on tb? bait, ^0 C0o^ atiD lte,anti b^aue it tottb tbe httt, %^nt mttt but labour loft to counfeU tbec^ ^nB tbetfi^ t$ tbe neict, Walter, tbat feemen in (beb) a buTbanN £0^ ronne>U)ben tbat tb? mattes truQis tbce mo(t^ (mani SlnD tbtnitd tbou DealeU as trueite a? bimfelfe, H^e f^bou tbe HrH to bio^ke Deceit to bim: J^ bp tbat mean0! tbou matit inritb tbp felfe, Slnti Uitc at pleafure toben tb? maiOer'g ii?ai> : 3nD Uiben to market tbou act Cent i3}ttb tDoII, l^ut fanti amongft tt,ano ttutll matte tt Uieigb^ ^b( l^atgbt ttutft oouble tbnc it aiD befi^e, ^be ouerjilun; 10 tbitte into tbp purfe . tBut noui nt^ Conne^tbat heepg tbe eDourt, Tde tbou a meanito fet tbe ipeereis at Crife, ^nD currifauourfo? tbe commons loue* 3if anp but m conference name tbe King* 3lnfo?me ijifi S^aieDie tbep enuie bim» anc if tbe king but moue oj fpeake to tbee, il^neele on botb knee0,ami rap,6oti Caue pour $pate(lte* 31f anp man be fauoureft bp tbe JKina*, d>peake tbou btm fairr^altbougb tn beart tbou enute btntt Pricft. ^bat am 31 fntber,tbat bfe tbe too jo of (2Jod, ano Itue onip bp t&e beauenip S^anna. Bayl, ^Obo'ube p^te(l,6iue eare mp fonne, 31 baue a leJTon pet in Oo^e fo? tbee t "^itm mua(m? fon)make ^m ©f SolinePTe, m^ ' '^ '"^^ teJoiowcaKnauc* Slttti h\mt t^e 'mp toitb t^? l)ipocrifie : aw fomectmc sine a yenme to tbe pooje, . ^ut let it be in t^e C^ttrcb o? market place, CtJ«t men ma? p?aiIJe t^p liberalitie- j^peak agatnft bfiirie,?et fo^fake no patones?, o tl)OU maitt jaine el)?ee Qjillings in tbe pountit m^xit tbou tbe too?lD from Cn aim bile ejccefte, ano nouj and tben fpeak againd bjunftennesi, ^3 b? tbt{i means tbou Iball be tearmeo \xiik, ano UJitb tbp pttrene0 blino tbe peopleis eie«* % at noto (mp Tonne j!>ifco«rfe to me in b?iefe, 1^)0^ you baue lmeo,ano boU) pou meane to Die* Conicatchen %^t\\ (fatber) tbuff line 31 tbat ^te mp toit, Onto mp felfe 3i loue ftill to be ttJiCe, $tO} tuben 31 am D^iuen to (bift fo^ meat o^ coine, B} gap appar ell to maintaine me b^aue, ^btn noe 31 flaunt it out about tbe cbange, as if 3i toere fome lanoeo C^entleman> ano falling in toitb Come r icb mercbant tbere> 31 take commooitieiB fo^ Cre montbsi Dap, %\)t bill being maije,31 muttfet to mp banu, f^b^n if 31 pap not,tbep map bume tbe banD« Farm, Cben fatber,bar& bobJ 31 baue p jofiteD, Walter pour ton tbat keeps tbe countrie, 31 baue raifeo tbe marketg,anD oppjeH tbe poo^e, anD maoe a tbouCano goe from oo^e to oo^e: ano tobP Din 31(tbink pou)bfc tbisf ertremitte, l^ecaufe 31 imouId baue co^ne ^ixm^ to feeo tbe enemie^ ^Tatber, pou knoUJ Ujc baue but a Uibile to liue, €^benlMbtle)aaeliue,letcacb manOjiftfojone: jTo^ be tbat can not make tbift iti tbe too^lo, Cbep Cap b(c« bntoo^tbp to liue in it, ano be tbat littes: mutl (till increaCe btss tla^c, jf 0^ be tbat batb moQ toealtb of all beCretb mo^e« Perin, o^jetb^en pou ^mt fpoken toel,3I mutt neeD^ Cap, ^ut notu giue eare to meita me t^M keeps tbe court* « a irattet; A mcric knackc ^atljer,3I liue as Anftjpus Die, gt bfe mp taft? ta flatter Uift^ 3tf anp iu ppate conff re nee liame tlje king, (t()e kinj, 3! Kraigljt tnfo^tue bis (Brace tlje? e noie \)mx Did .Sition litw uiitlj all t)ie fubttltic': l^e coulD not cell a §nec an oatb uie Civcare fo^ttoentie pound, !0 ^etb^mCfap Uie)take beeb bp Ad ams fal, fo^ bp bi0 finnes liie are conDetnneo alL Cbus p^etcb tue Hill bnto cnr b^etb^tn, Cbou^ in our bearc toe neuer meane tbe tbtngr Cbus ooe tte blind tbe ivo^ld tmtb bolinelTe, 9lnd (b bp tbac are rearmed pure l^^ecifian?. Bayl. jTull toiell and mifelp baue pou faid mp toiuur?, Slnd 31 commend peu h} pour fb^tiiard minors: Cbatin pour liueK beto^ap dtbofe Cannes pe are: l^ere baue 31 bene a UapUefe tb?e? fcoje peares, 9nd dCde traction on tbe Dtoellers bp, jTo^ if a man ttere b^augbt before mp face, f 0^ cofenase, tbeft, o^ Uuing in bif i»it, jTo^ counterfeiting anp bind o^ feale, Cbe matter beard^tbe bitcneOe b^ougbt to me^ 31 tooke a b?ibe,and fet tbe p^ilbneri freet j^o b; Cuci detlttts9 % ^w gpt ttc kpealtd toknoweaKnauc* mWb 31 toeultt Wt fifbura among pott al, mith t}ii9 p^ouifo,tl;ftt ?flu all (^all hue, ano Uao fucb Uucst ae 3 baue fee ?ott oottne, Carue t« pour felue«, ano care not Mihu t^ep fa?; Cfjat Ijrt pou feare tlie fearfuU 3IttB|nient 5a?» • Liue to pDitr feluc j( toljile pou &aue t?me to liue, (Brt UJbat pou f an,but fee pc notbin^ gtue: 15\it bearke mp fonnesi.me tbinks 31 beare a noptr, ' JInD gattlie Dificns makcat me timeroiMi, ab fee mp fonncg.U)ber e 6eatb,paU J)eatb appearr?, •Co fummon nte before a fearfuU Jtt^ge : spe tbiuks reuenge Canta U}itb an p?Dn tiJ^ip, ano crte«i re pent,o? 31 toill ptmiCf) tbee : S^p ^cart i J barueiie D,3I cannot repent* ab bark,me tbinkes tbe Sfu^geootbsitte mp boonir, ant> 31 am ^amncD to euer burning fp^ej i&oule,be tbou fafe,anD boDie flie to belL He dycth* Enter Dcuil,arid caric him away* Conic* 10?itber>bp «)opou not reaD tomp fattiet^. Pricft, ^ruliempboeke of erbo^tation iiJ atmp place of erercife,anDtoitbcutw3|canBoenotf)fn5; ^0^9 peace bee toitb^im* exeunt* Enter the King,Philarchus,hisfather,Dunfton, and Attendants* King. C 5ltber fap on,fo? ntto mp leifure ferue^, F ane Ed^ar giueei tbee leaue to tell tbf minDe, fo} 31 perceiue tbine tit9 are full of teare0, mWh Q)otx)ef ttiat mame tnUiarti palltonit troublef tiiee* 31f anicbere baue to^angeo tbine ageo peawf, 31tt keeping tbat from t^ct tbat if tbp ^ue, 515ame but tbe man,ano us % am Englands JKinf, ^\m ibalt ^aue all tbefauour 31 can Qjm, Father, ^ben bertuoujs ^?(nce,mp?r8Ut of curteOe, mWt 3!UOgementjai,ano toibofe latoe? fo? gouetnment, an» puntibing of euerte foule abufe, 3I» liiw t^ ittogement of great Alexander, V a Cliri A mcrie knack c ~ C&ftft of t^at name,tobom fome tearmeti tbe ^fi^euere, ©J Ipkc Varparian,Roraesbertuou0 goitemour, t^t)ofo^ ft blouie 1)19 Tonne oto a;tue a ^tuaine^ Dio (iratsbt coutmauttD tbac (je ilioula looCe %i% |)anD« ^ben Uertuotts Edgar, be Vafpafian once, 3Iu jutms fentence on a jraccleflc c^ilee, JKno^(ijertuoui5 {^^ittce)t^at (n mp p^ioe of pearef , ^^enluafuapleafurep^ickcmp tuanconmUiDe: (t^um tH ttie Sp^il of mp 8ourtQ)mg ti me, 31 teas betrotb*D,anD toeDoeft to a topfe> 15p ti)l)ome,coo foone,:! ^a& t^at tinktnti irop, CaijoCe Dttbbeoicnce to W as^b ^p?e, ^()elD^!) M plagaetDtt^co^meittisiDO^ret^anoeat^, ^{)tis oilbbeDient cljilo^nap bafe QlbQrauosant, CaJbome 31 toitb care did noiiriB) to tW ftace, l^uft ujicb a p?ioe,tbac bpftarc Couctiew Ufe, ^no Ceeitts t^at 31 toas b?ougbt to pouertie, ^t Did refufe to KncUJ me fo? \i\» J%>p?e. SluD U3()cu 31 cballengeD bim bp jaaturesi latoe?, %^ peelD obeoiencc to bi9 JTatber? age, |)e coto me flratgbt,be tooh itm gceat fco jnr, %z be begot bp one 0) bafe as 31 ♦ SPP age tbat ill coulD b^ooh bia O^atpc replfe. Did ttJitb tbi«» toanD(mp lo?D)reaclj bim a blotot ^ut be contrarp latoes of ^oD anD men, Dio ftcike me Cucb a blotoe in bilD Difoaine, Cbat UJitb tbe ftroke 31 fcl to eartb againe. Kin* ankittD Philarchus,boin batt tbott mifDoit 3In Wilful diCbbebience to tbp ^m'** arc cbou grolune p?ou9 becaufe 31 fauouriD t^ee*: CKbp,3l can qaicWie make tbee bare againe, ano cben,3l tbittk,being in tbp former Gate, Cbou Wilt remember tobo tbp fatber was; anD gentle Sop{ioclcs,in gooD tpme 31 wcottttt, Cbp ancient fapiug,uot fo olo as true, f^ UxW t&at (jat^ manp mnm, toknowcaKnauc; ^Ijall neuer be bittl)cuc fome \mt\iy 5150? Die tqtttjout fome fojrouje,fo;t iH^tf :0e i)ereuoiiji,t)e Q)aU ()nue cauCe to reio^ce, •Bttt if t)Uiott0,Clut)bttrne, o? Difobeuicnt, Cner to Itue m conttnuall fa&neOfe* ((oknt, 31 «m fo^te (Philarchusjtbat mj» fauoursi (raue mabe t^ee in» iISeI,3 U)tl fee noU) tf mpfrolunesi U)il make t|)ee^entten(« |5oUj iratl)er,ree Ijotn ji^atiire jm» to Wo^ke, Hnn [)tli} fait teare£i>lp!(e ^?op9 of pielp neto J^alfli from W ete0,a0 fo^rouitng ^t0 amtfCr* Phil ^o(t i^attoutf 1^?tnce,iMiuc^fafe to ^e«rr me fpeafte* 3i cannot but confeffe (moS geatiou0 !8>oueratpe) Cbat 31 tinue eta in betng obSmatf in tiilful Difbldiience ta mbtxin % b&ue uo^oni^^D natnre ano fwx ^aieSp (m; fp ^ OSut 3 am not tbe Srd tsbom ouecdsbt !^atb maoe fo^s^^fu^^ ^^f^ fnt\im Mtt I6ut ifatberst ioue W\ neuet be fo?g;ot, 3if be but tsaine to p atton m? amtOe^ 35ut if ipout: ui^atb biiU no biaieB be appeaCet, X^ip bp tbi0 b?eall,tt)bere 10 incIoCbe tbat beatt, ^b«t bIeei»toit^ griefe to tbinke m m tntilCr* 9b jfatberparoon^rboeetiTAtbeeparDon me* Path* n^oCsraceletfe 3Impe, besenecate and bnktniK^ ^' ti:bottartnoronneofmine,bitt«Fger0tobeIp, ':i$ut tii tbe talleS 9$ t0 cut Dobin,becaufe it pee!>£( naftuit, flnb an bnp^ofitable cokD>ipeeIontg no milke.i? fl[augbtre0> QiM tbe iBle V}mt,^titfittitt% no bonie, iiKtontenmeb, !i)0 bngrateful cbilD?en,tbat tt)iU ^eeib no natucaU ebebiencr> $pua be cut ofif,a« bnfit to beare tbe name Cb?t(!ian0t ^bofelit(e0 bisreffe botbftom veafon anb bumanitie, 15ut a0 tboK baft bealt i^nnaturaUte toitb me« ^0 31 reColue to pull mp beartfrom tbee, ^berefo^e D^cao p^ince^boucbfafe to pitie me> ^ grant 31 map ^atte 31uQi(e on mp fonne, ^ 4 Kuigi A mcric knackc King* Dunfton,boto coimfatlett t^ou tht Einj in tW*** 31 p^DUufc tbce 31 am fo^ie fo^ t^e ^outlj, Vtcmit in bcart 3! f «tr Uiifibt ^im UJClU Dunft, gpp gratieus iop, if 31 migbt counftU pou, 31 tiJOUlD counfell pou to iuDge as l)C Deferues, ^ 5)e tbat Difoaincs feis father in his Ujant, Slnsi lutlfullte toiUDifobcp bis i^y^c, S>cft'ru?s(nip lo?o)bp 0JBg ano H^.atiircs la\Br0, ta^o be retoarocD laitb enrcamctt illcs : 'STbcu as pour ©race batb ftabliOjc la\UM foj souernment, ^Q 'ct €CfenDer£S feele tbe penalties. King, 3! Dunfton,nouj tboufpeakeft ta fitss it counCeno?, ^ut not ag friena to bim UJbom Edgar loues: iratber,\3]bat moulDcit tbou baue me Doe in tbis': Cbou feeQ tbP Tonne is fo^p fo^ bis fault, anQ 31 am Cure tbou UioulD not U)i(b bin oeatb* l^ecanfe a fatbersi care commanis tbe contracie, Cben(gentle iTatbeiOfet me jleau fo? bim, Slno bebts pledge fo^ (bunning DQilfull illtt* Fath» mil Cdgar notij be founo a par tiall 3luo je, 31n pleaomg pareon fo? a gracelefie cbil^e *: 31s it not true,tbat one cote of ^?e toill bume manp bouteist Slno one Cmall b^acke in 6ne(t cloatb tbat is, mm botb Diro;race anu blemiQ) tbe teibole peece x ^0 b)ilfull cbilD^en , CpotteD mitb one ill, Sire apt to fall to ttuentie tboufanD mo^e» Slno tberefo^e(migbtie ^oiieraijne)leaue toCpe^, ^nD patfe iviSt fentence on Philarchus Ipfe. Philarch, S^p life(oear fatber)tbat fentence toer too ym^ let me be banilbt from mp countries bounos, SlnD liue as f rtlne in fome U)ilDernes, t^aro from foctetie ano figbt of nun, fD} let me ba^aro fortune on tbe feas, 3|nrettinj me aboo^D fome belmlefleHjip, Cbac eitber 31 map fpltt ttpon Co me rocke, IPjelP be finallsiBe'i'm tbe purple S|paine9j t©knowcaKnaue« TBitithtt t\)ia nit in p^efence of m? Eing, ^ C^^^tngtfiatrQ^rototopourag^Dpeareiii: I 3fft^sJfuffirenot,tbtttletmebeatmDe, ' - SnD left alone amons ten cbottTaniifbe^, I anoffrnpiseaponcanRocCetmefree, : let ttiem be nieanjs to cake m? li?fe from me* King, l^atbecjtobat fa? pan to Philarchui nota't 9te pott content to paroon t;i9 amitTe *; Dunfton,3I p?omife tbee,it gteeueat me muc|>, I CobearetDbatpiteottamoanePhilarchusmaltejSt i fl^etbinfcji fee faefo^co\Binbt« face, I and bis bumUtttearpefbtm penitent. i" a5ut>atber,fb?3ltoillnotbetbe3[titife, f ©oooomePhjlarchuseitberlpfeojoeatb, |r ij^cre take mp robes ^ ano ttttge bim a$ tbott totit, I Tath, Cbenbm^e^3l^^tltc^,feemgpouti)iIliauei{Cb,/ j- ftlt^ou^^tbepface be farre Unfit fopne, f . 31 am content pour <5cace Qjall baue pour mino, . f - ,^bu«Ipkean4(reattp?eDinco(!Iierobf0, i SD} {pke a ring tb?u(l m a fottle ^ote)ei3 fnotot> [ %o DOC tbcfe robes atttjfcepter fit mine ajjet I Btttfc?3Iam3iu?ge,PiiilarchuSiaanotboufoojtb, Slno !moU],ag tber is notbini fo ^ooO, but it batbfome inconuent^ !^otberet0nomanla)b>tfoeuerU)itbout(bmefAuU: (ence> l^et tbia i« no argument to maintaine tbp UiilfttU oifobebience,, Vj> a3-tbeKofebatbbt3p?icWe,tbe6nei!Jaelttct^ii«b?acke, *^*^V %\}t fap^eft flotoer bi» b|an Jo tbe be(f i»it bis tiianton toJifl : •But (Piiilarchus)tbou baft bene mo^e tban toanton, t^ecaufe tb ou baft Difobepeo tbe iameis botb of 43oo ano nature^ ^be teares tbat tbou baft ibeo, mtojbt boarrmtt me Cbattbou art penitent fo? tbp awiffe: - ^cCDes(mp fonnOa fatbera naturaU care, Dotbcbalcnge piiroonfo^tbpftrftamitre* • King. 5ratber,\McllfaiD,31-feetboupftieftbJ'm. (larcfmf Path, |5ap,ftap mp lo^tJ,tbis m % fijeak as father to Phi- •' • l^ut noU) mp(llop)31 muft fpeake a? a Xnoget C ana A mciiel'iitickc f ■ *)15ccaure tbcu i«a mcurD tl)? ntotbew curfe*' . , 9it( in tbat curOr to feele tbe lu^atb of 6od^ fiua Td be ^8tcD on cbe tmh nion^S men^ Ar» fo^ 3 toill lie founa no partiaJi SluDge, 'SJeMufc 51 Ht 5? 6oD3 Cli^eccercnt noU?j i|)^re 31 6oe fcaniQ) {{jeefrom Englands bounw, SlnD ne uf r to Kin. %\)eie Rap,nDto !ft me fpf al^f tl;c rctt s PhilarchusjtbDii Ijnt! bearD tlj? fatbgrs Doonte, flnu Jajb«t tb Difobc5«nce niooiicD ^im to, ^et fc? t^ott ttiaS once 'bcBfelioUJ to tlje King, ^m tbat 1 loueu tbee «3 mp fccono fdfe, *©bOtt ttjUlt ^t iiue fn Fr«nce,m Flandcrs,Scotland,0? cl0 lodcrf, -J 9nD iiauc annual penfton Tent to t^ee, Ciiere maid tljou luie in gcoo auD hone tt fojt, BntiW t|)Ou be rijcallco bp tl)e iXing, PhiJ. 'CfjanSui,c:ratiou3 Ein^, fej tbfj gieat fauoui: 0joU;ne5 9no map 31 «euer liue,if 31 fo?pt, ; J ^Duc (traces km) ano bucrfpectcD lotte, j 3ln fauiiuttng bim^tuboni a!l tbe \i3o?Id fo^fcckr: . jTo^tD^icbnipOjironsOjaUftiUbefpcnt: - { Oeauens map protect pour )j?mceUe ^rncSie* Qlno ioutns jTatber , b£re byon mp knee, .«%ojp fo^ mp aniiire,31 take mp leauf, ^otb ofpour felfe,n\p JItm£>anD councrimen* England,faretoelI,t)ioje t?earer iinto mc, CbanpeacanU3^tte,o^bftttcantbmkortbee. Bxit* King. VtitmtU l^Uarchus.anD fatljer come to court, ||n£i fo} Philarchus fake tboufitjalt not taant. Fath* C^ank0(bertuou» kmg)3i bumblte take mp leaue* Exit Kingi Dunfton,3i p^omtle tbee i toas Ipke to.^^eipe. • tikiiowca knaSe* Duniton, ^ett pot« 6r«ce l&acj) ^m^ ?att»: Wfe tat« l^dgar fo famcD fo J loue anu \jertttou« gotiennnentt Jteu 31 p?a]? (2Jo5 pour u 31 UicuDjeBto fee, S)£t Duril noc comjHainc of, t^e rcafon toa0, Cljep t^ere counccnanreD lai'tb men of great toealc^, micijcr t^an 3! a «reat ifeale, but not boneaect C(je« 31 »2n^ into cbe ntar&ctp,iB^ere 3 to pette kmmm ; 3jtt falfe meaftirmg c»^n«,anb in rca!e«> -^'^ac taantewio leOfe tban tiaaa otwces in t^e pountj* ISiut all t&i0 isas notljiiia:,fcant \s}ajdj t^c talking of: !^utBiben 31 came to t!-2€rcban2;e,3£rppeD in a corner of mr an^rcb-cofoner,aConiratc(iec3lKieatte» (311^^ mw^ ^feo luc^ gwjfc cofoRingA'? pau ttoulo m\m% to l;e'are; tSttt tiece (^ comeefine ano b^aue, Hon«fty markes»)im Do^wfo? a h«aUe» Comcatcher. mkf Co^tis au il Ustno b!o\»cs m man to p',ofit gntsibe i3 but a foolc t&atiabea al failesi cannot liuf tjpon (?i.3 Uiic, 3! ^aue aetp^et»m? felfe Ipfee a ucrp rtuill citizen, Co ojatoe fiiure fcoje pouna from a couple of foole?, !3l (Smtlematt bauing maoe oner W lane bp ceec sf sift, SSeawJ to cofe« « broker toitf) a falfe comieiancei , ai'0 one to me,3l ftall loofe nottjin^ bp tbe bargaine, 3ut bere come? t^e ^jofeer,! tail lualk ais 31 regartieo l)(J« not C2 Brpker^ A mriieknackc Brolccr, 0.>^ Dit: •>?". ftr,T: fee pou h:ep pour l%m, !^ut lif art- ^i-..i f'r ^-5t!j t'jc (Dii'tlcmctn Cset conueianfe ^ju tola me cf rcipj '^opr Ur,^. i!;i! n? ec nufooubt no trceit in tbe mat* tf r,fo? 31 iwjmc plmnljJ.aHU lb %\)^'^t do pat. Conicatch, j^ir, as conceriun^ tOe conuftanfc , 31 alTure pon 5iiiD 5e (jatO fuclj gcou tntereft tn tt, (tis Co goo» Cb«t tuere 3 furniQ)t toitb Co mucjj ntont p puffntlp, >*5o man ti tbf toojio (IjcuId (jauc it but mp fdfe, 3lnbfojmpo\Dnc|jart,puunemnot(uf|jfctme, , fo} 31 iDiuUi not Difcredit mp felfc fo? a ttouCaufi pouni?, ir oj tl^e ^f t!t!cmin i? mp \)erp fnmD, 5ln> bf iuf tn fomt UJ«nt,is rufo?ll to paUiue lanDc* JTo? t(je fiipplptnj of a p^erent necrifitte. Culljjtbe iutf refti0 coob,3I iuarrant pcu» Honcfty, 3lnD tfati^ mucjj U30jt|)/ome toil Cap, fll craftp knattc nr eos no bjcKer , 35ue i)f rr i? e craleie kuauc ano a b^olier to: ^f?eit miagtn tberr uiants not a lutaue» Broker, ipnt tell me llr,tu^en DiJ ^e p^omife to be \itvc, GSXl)tty\xiiil it be long ere be come': Conicat, jftapjit tBiU not be long* ere be come, fo} t'le conuepa^.ce toa$ maDe ere 3f came from tbcfcriuenari?, ^n^ in gooD t?me,bf re be come0,(SoD fawe pou fir, l^ere is tbe man 3 tolD pou of,tbat uoolo leKD pau tbe monci^, ^e t0 a l»erp boned man.auD but fo^ mp fake 31 ^noui l^e b)6ulo not do it,hut tst tbe lanD Dtfiiatcbt another tuap: if pou be rea^p to reale,be iiS teaoie toitb tl^t mbnep, ^uu pou(Or)p0U baue a goou barg6in,oilpatcb it qutcWte* Brok. ageing aouertifeu fap m? frienD>tbis beneQ mercbanr, %\itd pou baue cettatne laiiD to patttne fc^ p^e&nt monep, 5(5oto 31 ban not Co mucb monep of mine otone at tbi0 tpme^ ^ttt 31 maoe meanejB to bo?roto Co mucb of a frienti of mine, ^ecaule 31 UQotdi not ^aue pou fal into ban mens: b^bling^ Gciit. 3! tbank pou Hr fo^tbt^ bnCpeakeable fauour, Sf pou Deale amifie tnitb tne,31 am tnDone fo^ eu^4 (poun9, Brokt 31 UiOUl9 m m\ miik isttti ah^ mm fo| s tbouCano ^ toknow-calCnaue^ HoncHic, 3hB pet \}C toil cut a imnsi tb?ctfe h^ mtht pttitty ©crc it 5 c-iiGci' Di iiyiaueis,l)m laclicss but tbe bail? of Hexham Brok« taTf I fir,fjere (0 t^e mon?,toil it pleafc j»oa feale cf>e «r« Cent, gaiitb all ni)? tjeart. (Curance Hpncft* (SoDfauebcrCES,anDbergoo5fri£n5C0, iis apoo?r {eitf lOjnian^come a$ far as Cirnaman in fCSalw to recetue a lt« tie mpnrp.ftiio Oere a bas psic ^er 31 cannot tell Hobat* l^f re pou maCf r,tBat isi (tnoc fa?aSe moncp*: Brok, ji5o,ijonea felloi»,ti« a gooD 3n$cl in 50I0, Honcft. ca^lt'fi told \iim nip name': feeare pou maiJIef, tifjtiiit |rf at Deale mo?e in feer boHime, but a Miiil take tier leaue, Coniratch. ji^ai,aap ani) spne bHtJ) me: 3 muSfetc^i^im ok ucr ffl? all bfs pl^e. . ' Hone, ^arp 3! tbank fter gooD ^aiffer, 31 M toaig(jt Ijpon Oer 31 warrant pou* Brok* ji^oto rir,batte pou fealot ano fubfcnbed': Gent.3Ibauclir» Brok, aaD pou ireliucr tbi«a3 pour mt C0 mn txle't Gent. m\t\) all mp beart 5^p?,anD km pu tull ufe me toeH. Biok. 2Hc toil talh of tbat anotber time, bf re i$ pour monej»# Gent, 3Itbanlipoufir,3ilebegone» Conicatch. t?ntt pou fir.'toaii not tbisi b|atielp ^one*t Gent€]rcellentJboli),bereifl!rourtp potm&,atf3lp^omil(ii tbce^ Conicatch* 3! tbank pou finoo pou bf are Jl^ir, pou baue got « tbouCanDpounDbptbebargaine^butmucbgooD map it^oepou* 6rok,eoD a marcp.ani) bere'tffburtp pouno fo? tb? painei, :l9ucb anotber matcb^anD 3lle giue tbee a buno^eD pouHB* Conicatc* 31 tbaitk pou nr>($oQ hToii^t tim to mp totlQ^mani 3(^irrajet nie fee fbppecce cf goto, 3ile tell tbee tobctber it be toeigbt 0? no*? ^aft tbou ante mo^, Jle gtue tbee tobite tmn^ fo? iu Honcft» 3De0,a bae a great oeale ma^ in ber bofome, !^ut a toill baueno toit monep:gD a loues leo monp* Conic. sad,3Ile keep tbg fo^ tbiee til tbpu come to mp bottCe» Hon. aab? Cutbcrt,toilt ibou neuer leaue tbl? olb lmtuxv% KabFp^^Q)onl»greet<^etbcrlpkcbelle9, . «3 sr A merie knackc * t?[llj? ujc are as urn Ufi» togctljtr, da tije CaC3 of Bcinbery be to tb? liel2(of Lincolflc* £510? nutt^luc are all ttr&3 o?a f?ati}cr, Sla^ HMjafomer faies vjap,njc liJil IjoItJ togetfjerf Conu pou nwD I^aue ,t';ai! docO; uot bno 13 me, '2^tiH},3 ^auc 50!ic m.inp bccccr trichc^ tOsn t^ie. Conic Cul^y (?ou liafc liaiie)whe poti mg To^ pcuv fcUotn 1| ^2!l{]|?,31 am of gDou rcputntioii in tte^ citie, ^ttD belo ttt account luitvj tbe bed . Honc(ly.'3tuDvcttbn'.tart CntbeittTj£Conicatc^er, %^c T^aiUcfs for^ae of Hcxharn,\uborc fatbex hclnxi Dcao, ^bc DsuiU carvicD to fjcll fo? b*'? KiMueirie: OottJ fape'^l tboa,art not tljoit bi£! Coane *: C(ji« scaue blacke cloake maUe-s ?oa Ci pjou^, ^cu baue forgotten iwbo tuas ?o«c fatbcr* Conu 3]^»p,31 lynm net fo^pttea cbac m? fatb« toasi a T5ai« amantbat'oiouloliuetobutifelfe* (}it^^i ^no vet itt fh;tb,be ^aue me notbin j at bt3 oeatb, 05ut poo couufcll , bo^j to Itue in tbe \jjojId« 03ut ntra^aa tbou kuoiuefi me,31 p^ap tbee bett^a? me iiot, Slmi in anp tbtuj 31 can,ci>mmauttD nie» Honeft. '5:uff),feare not m£,3l U)il be as ftcme ag t^p fetfe: ^ut ntw,tis tbuaitrtboti 'ca;lt Doe cue tbittff> 31 MUtU tbee,31 will m- tbee att bu«ujeo poiwB, . ^is( notbins ^''tb tbce 311 am Cucc^ Con» ^ul|),tel me tobat it inxMt uoe it,3I toarrant tbee, Honcft* |^tbin(5 bat tbi?,to ftueare uyon a baoJtt Cbat tl)0tt CatBeH a ©^ntlemati pap a farmer fonxz bttHH?eD p8unB,a)5 tbe laO papmerit of a f arme, %^&t tbe faiD Gentleman boucjljt of bim* Con* ttulbjf tbi3 be aU,let me alonej UJill Uoe it* C2t9P,ti0 notbius fo? ^^ ^ fbjeare, g^o} % am fo^Cwo^ue alrea^p,but Hjtn ijJ tbe nap *t Honeft*£ab?to mo?rot»» : j Coaict ^ut Habere (baU 31 meet pott *; Hon 1 , 3 toknowcaKnauc* Honcf^y* WkP bpon tbe crcbange at ti^t a dock* Con* 31 totU not miCTe.ttl tbat time fare mlU Exit, Hon, jf Brctoeljtiap, paw toili Ccaut faretoel 10? tijat t?me 31 liaue Dime,bttt 31 mttft about m? bttCncf ^ Co ^nb (bmt knacke to l^noU) tbf0 Knatte at Uc|;e. Enter EtheftwaW. (t^ettHeff* Ethco, npi^e ntg^c ^ jatoeg on,(jPK'cebus fe 6ccl{nfnff totoari* 1 jftoti3{be|?i)eariJ0,beartbeirfloclk«t)«t0tbefo][w, SlttDJjjintreuOmifoPtreftmtbcicftato . ^ jHoui leaue to feeDe,anB ^ to take e^eir rett, l^UcftenuCkte domes mup^on round tbe^^obi^^ ; Qiwn beauen ia couereo tsitb a ^able robe, jf^oUJ am 31 come to uoe ^thnp commat** Co court a CSiencb $ bam ber fo^ tbe Em^* 1^uttf3IIpfeebei:»«ll,31fa?n0mo?e, ' ^iii $ooti to battc a batcb before tbe oo^et OSut 6rft 31 totU moue bet JTatber to p^cff c %\it earneS fust 31 baue in canuaCng, <^o ma)p % fee tbe^atb,U)oo,U)eD> 31 anb beb ^er to) C0 be Q)ufIed,anD bete corner « ttnaue. Enter Comcatchcr* Conic %i$ ^un^e to feeUott) men of out totoleoge liue, 9no boto toe are iateD of tbe bafer (b;t>, I5ccatt(e(fo;rdot^eitue)i9on out; tuttt Vnt let tbetaferfojt tbtskc as tbej> tortl, ft} be map beft betermeo a (Sentltmaii, ^bAt \ii\)t\\ all faples,can !tue )9pon bt0 toit* ^ lU) if all faplesijtben baue % $ot a ujencb, ^batcutf ano oealest , to matntaine mp ejcpeace» laoti) 31 tjfe bec,a5 men bfe rojeetell flotoew, Cbat tubtfe t'Qt^ are Ciueet and pleafant to ttie eie> 3 DOC regarD tbem fo^ tbeir pleaCantfmdl: ^ut icben tbetr callour fodes.and Cent Becaie^, a caa tbem off foj nun to trample on :, ^ut to tbe purpofesbere iis tbe (Gentleman ^^oneflfcicnsDiDlatelpteHmeof. ) . d:r,tbottgb 3 baft anot(jer bufineffe of import, ^bat migbt baue bmD?eo me fo? commtuj bere, get ill regaro 31 am lotb to b^eake mp too^D, 3! baue fct mp otbec buHneffe cleaae apart, 05ecaufe po« 4ottlD not iuDiic amiCTe of me, Honcft.3J 5no pow kmi ^tr,ano pour felf C^al fee Oott) 31 mill labour to reqnite pour cnrteUe. %\fifi in tbe boneOt man 31 toll pou of, ©ne tbat tuiU we pou pleafnre m tbe caufe, <&o be tt pou \3iil\ content btm fb^ ^i9 patness* King. Cl5 ^00 fo^btD,anD ffooo Qr,tbus tt iHt 31 boujbt a fatme of one tijat oiuela bete bp, gno foi an eameff gaue an tono^eo poun^ tbknowcaknauc» Cbe reff tD«0 to be pato n0 fi]ce tairekts patr, |3oto Dr, 31 iPoulD Uauc f an fls U}(tne(C^9 . ^^at at mp ijoufc pou fain me pap tb^ e bunti^eo p0tm>» And fo) pour patoc0 3i Ml 0oto rap.pon fir,mp cfnTctcnce^tben pou toocb me, : 31 cell pou ar,mp eonfctence U\ ferue me to loe mo^e tbftn eb^stj ^ mop, 31 (lanebene a potte KnigbtJa We(lminfta:tb^« I 9nDru)o)iietotb«ttobicbnoonee(iil»ouIODentureon» ; m()p,3lbAue(bo^ne«s«inamineob)nefatber&}moiip: 31 baue (bDo^ne rtsbt o> bj^ong anp ttapef fo} monep, \»\)t 31 bsue reretue&monp before toUnef ,31 (bo^e to tbe eStrarp Slno DO pou mtfooube me in (b deigbt « matter «it tbiOr idben 31 bftue Cuio^ne asainS fatber,motber;(qm aU mp f^^ HoneO. 31 tolD pou ftr bobi re&lute pou (boulo Snfe.btm, l&eDoecbittDitbou(feare,3|tDarrantpe b«o too gooD a eonlcience fo^ tbac. (Deceit King, 91 tbe better fb^ tbat,fe> it ibonio ftem bptiiS bebmeoi ^bAt ye bfttb boo (00^ t^insinff up* Conicatc 3fnoeeD mp fatber in W Ipfe time tamtf a man* Honeiil* 3It(»inkt6e bina6tebfttbafacebubenebb)itbfleefr Ipe cottlb neuer befb impuDeht a»* Duoftdn* 3lf i( ^a^pour Sfllo^^^t^U (0 tie man. Amaicknackc ^bat toJ^ORgfttHif teoulo |}iiue m^ farme fnom mtj jTacins memitt3tit tUat f^e M paio me t^ac, CTOci) ^e ne uer offreu^ne? 31 weuer mtmth t .anD(&tgjapI)e()atbp?cmifeDtomalJep?oofr, . " ^ - ^^at be M paid me fttl fcure btmt'^ti potmD» King, ant? To 31 can,anD Ijf res mp UJitnejJ to i\ ^bat fatu me li3ben 33 pmu tbc moncp* ' DomjRoa, 2jaat)?531 am fwre be liJil ttotfap (t, 3J Kcuer faU3 tbe man in all mp I^e* Conic. 5f5o firHbut 31 fatti poH,anD teas a MiitntHi ^(jen tl) ' •Q^bat pearlieb^inga (tiat increaCe to mr> 1?eCoei5abrmoie^i^;?«f«a?ft5i ^^^ toknowcakriauc^ ^ fjjat euetic Wntec feetj luitbm m? OaUe^, atiD ttoeutic poou men lining neere ni^ \joak» 3HjapUefce!J,a!iDaU^ponmpfarmet ^ 60 but amongm? netg;{>bour3,U3liere 31 titoell, . anu ^rjEJ tobat gooS report tbc? ftinc of me» -SC&c poo^e mnn neuer pet uient from mp Bc^e, T5ut to tnp poUJcc 31 ^iti rcleetie 'jis irnnt; 31 U)a3 no )f ncmsr tt)at mnc!}t m? fclfc; T5? rams tt^'^^^^^tsiWD opyutfing pco^f ^ "SJtit 31 \ba«2 fol5 m? cc^nefuli rtianic tpmesf atbctterrate,tl)au3!coirtoU)£laffoojo, ' anD all to bclp mp nccDie b?ctb?eu: 'Cijeu ere cl)0iiru5eara,cal al tbcfe tbings to mino, ano cbou U}itt 'aiecp^auo teaue to f\i)eare 'ontruetlji.- ConfuSon to tb? booieanc tft Toule^ Perin. Sltcl.if t!)ou be \«el aomreo,taket!)? oat9, ^ttt fct remember before uj^me tboufijwireft, Cbe <5ob of truetb atitj perfect trntity Cetbicb ^iU rcuetige to^ong to tbe imtocent, tojitb tboufauD pfagues anfi to^to?0 toojfe tbauD^acljr Con. ^^ tbe l)oI? content?! of t^is lp pWe, 5lno bp t^at luU 6ou,befoje ip^mc 31 Kano,3i fato tyip m^ Kin^. 'peace,a;ameleire't)iHain,e]cecra1)U laj^etcfe, . ^ ^anaer of nature,5ege»erate mtCcreaiu, 'caiipeuetfeneUJ ojbearoColJilean oatb, QtlDlp p^onounc'D bp fucb t oamncD flaue, ^aue 31 iucb monarotis biperg; w mp (atio, -g^batsajuljtljeii: uerie bjeatbsi infect tbe atre, e)ap Dunfton,^ft tbou euer bearo tbe Ipfee* Dun ft. S^p lteffe,rucb locbibme taeeii0 mutt nee^sJinfect tbe 5g>ucb Cankers \mi^ bot;) tbe root mp b?anc^, (co^ne, asleCfe tb^P be fooue (inen anu Ujccuee out x Kim 3ile be tbe bufbanoman to moujefucb t^are?, I^ere Honcftv,Ut bint be manacleor anb fear bi^ fciebeau^tbat l;e map bei^'wbJne, giiGainfojmur5fr,!?efpjperiurie»\ ^ £) -a A mcvickuackc Hon. 31,'yoit^nl Oau? a colD pjoo clayt in ^ourfaje&eo, SI t)ot one 31 DJdulD r&p,ptnt ace a (lavie inoeeQe* Conicatchcr* (^09 Honefty* ^ ' Hone«6oo0UiUamr,t(tre)eitti|)ClpTO^?ott« Exetmt Enttr Ethen\«al({aIone« Eth. ^p faittttsi tl&ottsl)C0 Jplte tl^e labtuc^; ^pp^ri^ ^at rp^eaii0 ler net0>to entrap tfre fillie f liei C^IpltetbereauCftljflUrtBeKoftfeeftair^ .. Cbat eueralter bp tjie Qeettns ai^^e, jg>ctlU(iuerttis pa(t tl^ef c t»oonteirpa(rtotm». S^ai(e0 me ama^9 in t^eft ememafi)isri Co Ofricks Datig^er,l)eattteoitti Alfrida, C^e (letgtit anD p^toe of ntl t\ii9 bmibia^ i% Co potte ama(ne,p{eao l8ue in ^0 bel^atte, Cd csurc fb^ bim>aitb Uioo^ant uieD tiie mapD,. ^m batre pou nenec (learo t^ac tbeamej Deceitinloue i0bttt a merriment, C0(Uc^a0reel;e«riuaatop^uenr» - - mum (DfllraurtO romef mp tmrnlp ttwgWify ^^ i0 tbe Jcking 31 €f nnt byittne cuWoilr,comeUe tni fair Cpoiien, IQ^^tbie com^antonto an Carle o}(bt 15ut netii "^P^ipe fbj edgarjCnglands Ring, Cbi0 ttillala? tie Orong effects in toue^ jTame to^ottjjbt in Cdgars mmb of Alfitila*^ fajeI,31tctoco«rt,an&baaieJ)JitbtjieiKing, -, anb Ujoik toe meandta b jam bi0 tnpnue from uu^ jntera Kmght,Sauirc,ancl Farmer* ^ Knitht VI eicbbour Walter j caimoitttt abmire to let JNiDoto)b«irei«^ingi0b«ayiOtBilSi» , tVatljirticgcare, -r^ \^^ -^ toknowcaJCDatic; IBitt tul^erc tbe (halt i£( 6od 1moU)c«,3 fmotsie not f ^p fat'^cr in (its (pfe time gnue ^prpicalttp to All flfrtnsenr, «lil DtSreflcfi tr«uetUec0>bt0 table DiftH nettrr emptt)e b}a0 U)oont to keep « (junft^eD tin mcK to tin taU» iE)e t2)a0 a fea(!er of all commec0 in gencraU^ 9no ]»Ff j^enD but to tbem,anD pou mxp biiue it ffraft x AMD if pou kill a i^eefejet It be Co leane Cbe TS>m\in m} tbe 6r&lVer Ml not bup iu IDour D^inke is too aronor^anD tatlee too mucb of matf, Cu(b,(lng;le beere in better far.botbfo? pour p)iQt,aiiD pour Ux* 9nD at a Cb^tihnaOe time fcaOt none at al, (vmt$ (kaI4 O^ut fuel) 80 peelD pou Ib^tte cammoDitiet 31 means Cuc^ a0 toill fenD pcu nom mtD tben, jTat (DeeCe anb Capons to keep boufe ttitbaK, %o tbeie ano none el0 luoulD 31 bane pou liberaH KnighttCHbF nei&bl^o^^mp gooon are lent me (o no otber en» D 3 l^ttf w r»' :■■'-*■ Anicriclcnackc 3l5ttt to ttltm ttt J neem'e b?etft?«i,Viit (8f o> 31 (jope 6atO m llo^e Far.31,truC?otJtftt^at,^Raumap|apmeabeg5eK (fo^me* Squ. m^p fir.tf ^e fl)oulD not truU m »0oti> m to^m Ojoulo §e trud,foj ©00 js t^egluerof allgooo uibat(bcttcc» Far* Ci'ue.anD petxi^ gooD fi:^ a man » troll td bimfelfe notn antt tt)en:fo? if i?oti be uolnncanD bi? (Sod be Ip ?on bp,ani» no not help pouc Celf,pou map fojttme lie ano periQjraiiD tl)erefo?e,rf cue (^05 oit ^unoai£«,agpott art appotntcD , ano tl^relf bope to be TaueDjfo? bp pour almes t£tu pju cannot , fo? tf pon sine tqt^e •paoje,ttJerebe rnante toil fap,be tijinks to bcefanco bp bis almeiJ - ueeoeetan^jrtbus pou ajal be ill tbougbtim fa? pour go^o toil, antt ' tberfoje leant topjoui^e fo? pourfcIf,lct 6oo pjouioe fo? tbe po^e Kntg» 31 tel pen neigbbc^tjUtp great grauDfatbcr, $ all mp p?e« tJCcefTojs banc briie belo in poD.rcgarD fo^tbeic goo5 bouftftee* ping,anD (6od toillingXbcir gooo name? ib^t newer take an e^i» gent in me,fo> 31 U)il (C5ob njilling) keepe fucb bofpitalitie to mp ieatb,ag mp (fate can matntainejanb 31 toill ratber fell mp lano, to maintain bou^keeptng^tben keeping mp lano make fale of mj gooB name foj baufekeeping,bitt fts^.uibo comes bere» - Entcrt\vopoorcdldmcnandaB5.y^icfc♦ - One old man.;So!]i faue pou fir,31 p?ap be gooD to me foj c^iam ;a poo je man,anj 31 cannot tell tobat pon ujill ooe, fo? pan fap m? bo^fc batb broken into pour co^n ,i>?-pour cojne into mp bo^fr, , OBut inBeeb mp neigbbo?fa\D pour bop ^iwe mpbo^^e into a ffelB 15\xt 31le flano to notbing/notoe 31 atii ujarno tojitb « peece of pa« pet, ano a litle toare,to p^ppre o} pjoccco ta ionWH, ^ Slno tbere'3l am inuenteo,!J cannot cell fo? tobatt ^be O^ailiefe bcre batl) areHeo me ere 31 ujasj U)earp againS mp toill: be faib it luas bponpout fttit,f pec belato bijs^amw on me, jf5apmo^e,enmpn)oulwr» . Another old.ano ar,anQ it ntap pleare^ott,3I bo?coU)eD certen- ,co?n,anQ 31 bpu^t pou pour co^ne agaiitjanD pet pou ttft me» Far* ts;ru^(ic,buc tben toas cojue (blD ^} fonrc (billinjis a bit* •djelUminoJMtisfolofo^ttoo, - ' Kau 31 Hr^ut bebo^roUJcD co?n<»,anbp?omifeD to pap pwcojti -Mairte,anb pou can ft^ue-jbut fo mucli) ^$ pou lent: tokncTvcaKnauc*, ' #0? ff ^e tboixin paj> pott at the r«te jnjit bemawr, S^ou i»o!o l;atte fo} t\}t tmmit htid^tli^tiUati Mxiit» CKWtoere neither rigbt nouoftftience. Far. £) fir, 31 p?ap let ute Jitme tpitfj ntj» cwfcience, - gou tBOttlD (jaiit we jjiuc al 3 (jane atoap cotlie potf^ei^iJant W l^bu {JO, 31 p.^ap let me alone to t?ea!rfo^mp Telfe: l^are ifOUi^ite : ^ottreRcBt&em*: ^^ Bail* 31 ^aue fir S2i j^oit commanoebtne* / Far» 'Cijen to pjifon tott& tbem, til tlje? (jaue^^Jr iUf§l>««*^ magesJ a? tye kto llial mm tieitt* - One poor, put pott fir,ffpdit fi^uto bto pottr bop t^afe ootane . « pp.anD D^iue w mp |6^e,ttijer^ Iitle better tijan plafiie knatie* tic, to} mp boife i? a^boneft a b«i?&,a0 anp fe m tbu?>totont* Another.cilel neislibo?,lDe tort (jaaet^tlfi^fe ejramtneMJt^ fo^e an offtcer,ano mp bop 3!ack (bill lou^tte to^at tf^e bo^e $eal(f! tm if tbe b0?re fap a uiag D^iuen iiragatatt W tofl* - ^{jeii pou map Ijatte tbe latiJ of bim,nefgbbo?, jTo^ all tbe bo^es^ tir tbe sart(b toii be tttojne &^btji('b(#» :i^«t 31^e ffano to nct^moTK ^, ; (iuttb Id&emv Far^ cael,top?ifott toitb tbe^til tbepbaneykop^wotiejjitoay One poor* ^^, 31 p^ap, be mo^e miferable to me, awi 31 toil giuepottfourtieibiUin50^b^n3!baueitt . ■ ' v Faf» "Sip tbe 3^38. tie knatfebatb a pietie cottage, 31lf fee airt 31 c^n get tbatt{rrra,pott battc an oJo cotti^e, > 3if pou totll make metbat oae t bp fccetj of gift, 31 am content to D?atii mp action* Another p* S^p bouCeitobp ttis wp goow,mp tojfe, mp lanir, ^p So^fe mp aOe^o? anp tbing tbat i« bi^jno pou Caterpaier,^ 31 toiU neuer^ake atoapmp bottre,3l toilDiefirft» Squj. !^ttt tel me fir,botee nmcb toolb pou ^ue of tftem foj tleirtrcfpalte't , . > ' r Far, S^arp,fe? fomrtte C[)i!Kng0,«iii pet 31 b^icno t^em, |3!ai)p fir,31 bope pouuriH notpap itfoi tbenn Kiii, *S5«t3i toil;Crra i^atlie, a totU anftwre ^t poo^ men« »ebtii,auo tome ^ome to me fo^ t^j^lce anm^gool* mn» ^et poit^tomr anb p^Aifid^Q^ , t. Tl mcric knackc One poor* 9fitf SleTud \Mt ]N)Utnafbo}> (oti muxtj^ fuc^ sooB Anoth. iCoo to,ndsl)t)o^»tbe mo^e i^'tfte pitie^ tf xeuni Outcome lets ateap* Knight* Xttt tDlib comeK litre ^ Enter Perin and HoneHy* Per* ^D Caue pou sentlemen^t^ie Ung gref ts pittianir at tWtf lt>atttnii; (bme occaOon^to »Ie m0np,i)atti fent ti knoui (time, eatiat pou tiMit be ICitisdtes ana i^ui^es tp(( kno bt< 4^ra(e» 9nD pou matOer f artnrr,lie b}ief(firXo) 31 cannotSap* Kni4%ir,tiK>tt2b bouf-keepins be (ante btnb|9oce to mp taOURjE mitiD bp reaiim k robf me of tbat,U)bicb ^tOo bet»?ap mp louins mittb botb to mp prince 9 (omitt^,monev 3 meaoe Web at tbiK time 3i Saab to (bme tDantof,peteftbatrmal(!o;e tbata baue, am tDflUng to impart tbe lenotog of tbe king ]C](* potmb^ano mo^ . 31 aflTare pon 31 am net able* Perm, Qerp M,wxti feBb«t fap pott maillec ^uire* SqM'n-e, 31 up tbat mp rouneuic? are but TmaU , pet 31 ttflt lenb bis ^ieOie ten pottno: Per, Oerp i»el>bttt ttbat (atti tie farmer^ dKKbat can be^re tbe ttins^t Fan $artp Or^ am a poo^e jTatmer^Q^ pet 31 ean a8bo)l Q^olenb tbe Ring a bttnb^eft e^ tbio of poonos, fllni beare poQ Qr,if poit piefer a Cttit 31 baue to t(^ Ring, 31 toiU tjim pou fburtie dngelo fo; pour paineo: VeSoes. 31 tttll giut pon tbe keeptog of a Do^en iaoes: Sltib natt) ano eben meat fb; pou ano pour bo^fe* 3lf poa come to mp bouTe ano lie a tobole peare* Per* CflMp tbats biell (iii«,ano 3! commeno tbp |)one(t mino» SflStottli all men toer of tbp minor 31 tDtrrant tbee,tbott art an boned man.o^ one tl^t loues tbe kins l^nc tei me,b)bat toKittloS tbou baue me Doe*t F«r« jaot|)iQ(jr but piocure me tbe Rituss letter to comtrp co^i Vponb leas, fo) te CtqtlAnB It i0 lb goob cbeap , tbat a man cav^ makenolittfogbptell^tbereofitbetfb^iftbeEinglpa grant mili$imh 31 Ml at««time,lenb bimfiueb|(l(f;et«l^|(i toknowc a'knauf* imd pet^tti« nwer af k it aQ:ain,a»r 31 M not ft^git ?our p^im* Pcr.%ir,ff are not,3! ^H oo (t fo? poir,3} Warrant pou, jTo? 31 tcl ?ou,3I can do ntucb toitl) t^c fiting* (fo?, Hon* 31 belccue po« toil uo mo^e t^jan ?ou toil be contmenDett Cbe Courtier rcfembletb tbe 31a?, tb« Decketb ber felf toitli tbe featbem of otber birDS,to malte ijcr fclf gtejioua: 1^0 tbe Courtier mutl beb?aue,tbo be be baiigo at tbegalloM?* Far.£3Jcl ar.toiUtpieafe pou to come.anb ^inc tottb w^ !'tr,3ltbankepoufirbartil?. Far, ^utUJbatBbetbcreinpoHrcompan?. Perm, a plaine ff lbto,anD bis name is: Honcfty, Far." ® let b:ni p tubete be ^iWM ^f ftal not Dine toiti we, Hon. Ji>ee boto tbe farmer fcare* nip name, 4[ffilbat toolD tt toe if be feneto mp nature': •But bear pou(ma!aer CoiirtieOOjaU 3! >ine toitb Vo^i'* 31 V?omife pou rtr,31 am tj?rp bmijrie, Per, Crulie Honcny,if J toerefurniajttoitb monep, atDoulonotfticUtoaiuetbeetbpbinner, ^ l^ut noU) tbou feeft 31 am but a ffiteU mp felfet Far. €rulp boneafeUoUJjf 31 lucrr crrtaine of mp cbreit, 3 laola bie tbec to Dimu*r,btit knom not mp p^oniRo 31 p?omifi tbet Kn'uf^me pou ftt, tDill it pleafe pju to take part of a peer e of beefc toitb me>pou (bal be U)elc6me» Pcnn.3ltbmikpoaGr,but 31 miiafiinetBitb mpboneafrientt berejel0 31 ttoulo not refufe paur gentle offer* Exeunt* Hon. «^ee boto be can bfe mp nameanb not me, ^ut 31 perceiue % map 2,oe otue UJitb Duhe |)ttmfrie, (^brbtop 6^ntlemen,foj none bcre b«tb occaSon to Ufe Honcfty Kni.f C0 Honcfty, tboufbalt be mp bjotberg t^tt ano mine* Hon* §^.up ans 31 tbank pou to,fb? noto tbe too^lb map fa?, ®bat Honcfty Dines toitb l|)o^i(alttp to Dap, Exeitot» Enter Ofrick and AlfrJ€la,and to them Ethcnwald, [Ofr*'pv^tilbter,fee tbat pou enter tainetfee Carle/ JL/ls bed be^reemes bi? ftate anD tbp^tj^ree; ij)c fomeiR to fee labccber jTamebl^ to0|tWlp "Bern nig;g9rD,in cpmmenDing tbce o^ no, $0 l^alubp tusttue^ be aumireo at tbe cdurtt 4» iFicAitKtiacicc ^ '-■■' ' 3lti!J t\m he yiaaet* foi ki'na anu uebonair, if ouusttfte contents a Courtier oft r Caijei^ notbmg ds( fccjncs pleafaut ill l)is dcsf. Alfr. f atWiPOU Rjall pc rceiue tljat Alfrida riSiU Dce Ijfr befl in honouring of peur age, ' 'B^o fntcrti^'nc t;;f €arle cf Cojntcell fa, Cljat |)C niflll tjjiuk [jim !)tc,l)Ucfaucurcfi» C^ioto louing fpeccb anu curtccus cntcrtaitr. 0£ l|)otB fares mp 1. of Cornwd AtJ&at utfiileaTeu S>} troubles tcit{) a mooo t\jm male contcuft £th» 3f5ot male content»ano pet 3 am not tijell, fci? 31 am t ronWeu luit^ a painf«U rume, -' ^^bat toljcn 31 tooulD be merp, troubles me, 9nD commonite it toftjB me m mp et'cs, 22:litl)fuc(3 enrenme0»t(jat31 can fcantip fee. Ofr. ^flii) !oHg (jaue pou tsene trouHeo toit^ t^e ©^ is it a pain t^at pcu I;aue bfuaU': (pain, ^} is it feme toater^tfjat bp taking colD, 3l8 falne into pour cie0,anD troubles pou': Erh* 3i cannot tel,but fure it paines me-mucf;, 515o? Die it eucr trouble me till none, Jf 0? til! 31 came to loDgc toitbip pour boufe, Spp eie0 ircre clcarcantj 3i neuer fieJttbe patne. . Or.31 am fo^p tbat ttip boufe fbulD caufe pour grief Datt|jbter,if pou baue anp f h(I at all, 3! p?ap pou bfe pour f iniudig U):tb tbe <£?arle, ^no fee if pou can eafe bim of bis uf.ine. Aif, jTatbe^fucb fkill as ^ te'ceiuco ef late, ^p reauing manp p^e tie pen^ receitea(, ISotb fo? tbe acbe of beai>,antj paiue of epeisu 31 U)il,if fo it pleafe tbe €arle to accept it, anoeuourtobat 31 map to comfort btm» ^p to^^3l baue toaters of app^coueo too^tlu Slui fucb as are not common to be fouiui; anpofU3bicb,ifitple*fepour^nour,tjret6em, ' 3[ am in bope,iuiU belp pou to pour (igbt, Eth.3fa3(mawiWfe Aiftida) tjej teill Doe mr ttD 8ooi tolcnowcaknauc* I'o^IS «m trouWec Dnip tojien 2 Ioo^» Alfrida, ©n toljat (m? lo?D>? iuljome't Cthen,3Ic*nnctcen» Alf. 2J3()P let me fee ?otir eief (nt^ lojujloolte \>p«t me# Cth, "C^en ttt)fl be too?fe» Alf« a?!ti/at,!Tpati loolic on me':e|fn 3vte be gone, ' ^th* l^ap. ftsPjfujecc leucRap beatitcoug Alfiida, flnu givs r.{;e Carle of Cornwcl leaue to fpeafee^ IKnotu Alfrkla,t!)p beautie Ijatb fubBiieD, 5lnD captdiatc t^e Cade of Cornwels t;cart 25?tc6F, 31 louecbee^fecnte 31 neerc fo bolD, S)b ruDe ano raOjlic.to prefer mp fute, anu if pcurfacber gate but ^igTonfrnc, Cafcti be t^at painetljat trouble? € then wald* 9ut tW conSocre^jOfi-ickc (^rJi j)?ocue, ^p f.Wjcr,ano l;is uauo^bter be nip loue, •iljpcake OfrickjCbaU 31 ba«c bet 31 oj no': on !^? lo?) U3itb ai mp bart^pou baue mp confcnc 3;f fo nip Baii^btcr pleafe to conDifce n9* Ethen.3ac lubatfaftb Alfhda': A1£3I fap(mp io?D>bat feing wp fatber grants, 3! bJill not gamfap^tobat W age tfjinfes meet, ■ 3i CO appoint mp fclfe(mp lo?D)at pottr Difpofe, . ^ Eth. € tbat tboa commed in fttcb baS'^ano Uibat is be tbat beares tbce compan^ "t Per* 3[t is m? gratiouB top an '>onf a man, Sniioneitreemefltbatlouespou^aieClie: . fo} as pour 0mt gaue me in rbargei (cotilo make, 31 U)ent about mto tbe countrep,t8 lee tubat fummes of monep !! . ^mong tbe cbeefcSof t^e comunmaitte: Sno mongi! tbe rtcbcQ ((utgbtstbat % couin fpn»» 'Cbep U)oulD Ifno pour ^race at mol! but tuientp ponnD, 9nD euerp Hxtuire muln icnt }m 6race but ter;; €ben came 31 mongil cbe reil to tbis plaine man» Slno aCkeo btm)fibat ^e U^oulo lend tbe king, l|;)e aunttDered0ripott (ee 3 am but 900^e, J^ot balfe Co tuealtbp a0 a $tnigbt 0^ %(|uire> ^ 4nO pet in (tgne of ontie to ^i» ^race, 31 luiUente bipr 9paieQie tU)o btinB^eo pounv* King« 'CbankjB bohefl fellotu/o^-tbp lotte to Di^^ Sun if3lmapbtttpleafuretb€e in ottgbt, .' , Command me to tbe >ttecmali %tattt Sngland batb top (eb) men of tbp goo9 min9« , E;itcr Honcftipaqd feicrs plowman, V H^ncfty^bitiat n^^>^t«i;i {Hi (^ j^ c-^''- " ""■■ „ -'^"'.''■. /'■'■"" apt tokncwcaKnauc«\ Honcft.^ m? Io?u,31 baue bene fcarcbing fo? f^PJtw^ fa»«tt^ ©ue(mp lo?o)tl)at fecus loiJon tlj« iJooje commont ,1 . .> - . , ; , .. Sln5 make? yoo?e Piers ploughman me are a t&^eao bare ceate,' 3It 10 a farm£r(m? top)U3l)icl) bapes bp all tbc co^n (n c^e mar* . Itctianu fcnosi it aiuajf bepono feas^f tberebp feeD^ tbc enemif » , Kin* SlU0,p0OJC piers plovvman,\rl)at ailcfl ti)Ott*:UJte Ooe8 tbatj U3ecp,peace titan,if atip baue effenocD tbce, d)OU (ijalt be inaoe amcnDs mito tbf moll* piers plowt a bcff ccb pour (grace to pitie mp DitfrelTe, fCberewanbiiknotonct^eefetbatrobf tteccmmoritoe«lt&, . 9nD mafee0 me aim mp poo^e toife ano cbtlDien bi?g fo? mainte* Cpetpme bat^be"e(tw?^Lo?o)indicbusillis, (nance, HDbat t^e poujman0 coat U3a» of gbou bomcfpuu ruOct clotti, l^b^tfof neitUc 3 no^ mp feruantie^b,bc batfj miinep . to bup lubole io?t!rbip»»«iur pet but a jf Armet, % b&tte kept a poo^ ^nvSz iDbere 31 t^U^I tb^^fbuc fco^e ^are^ ^et loas 3t neuer niiazxi to Soant till noH: 3 bffeecb pout (Srace^ts pou feaue ft;U lJ.enr(utt>^ «e feek ceD^eflij Co? tbta 6^fp^roii /•- - 31 befcecb pour C5r &ce rcabemp tumble petition,, , ,.,;." Kin» let me fire tbe biuhble pc titiDn,of poo? piers pldyiman, aiairepoo?epitrs,3Ibfl«eljearompf8t()«rfap, , .,;; (toealtb, ®bat piers plowman ujas cne of tbe bett. member* iu a conttwS foi \)i& table teas neuer emptie of b?eAb,beefe,ani) be.ei;e>. '. ^ ae a belp to all DiCcefTei trauefl^rsi but j|)#.ttioutejli^ 3j fjarbeur l)tm,ano ^e it u'ailie bhcer tn^ e1^ii^,X ,." . 1' ," , .> 31 affure tbee tig mo^e tban 31 knoto,&? 31 IjatbiJur npnelbtit' i^ifl toWis'wpi^nefifrieiw* 7 :"::.' ;-■* Hon* 3l0 tl)i0 pout (joneft frienb*it!)e uettill a fo(mp JUito)^ % Cb» 10 betifpouuoubt mp i]}o?D to be truerCfU i^ Clatkeift^ arrpres,no\B ianpow-^rice&e, '..:; ^^ "'■..; •. X. ;.'ni; Amcfleknackc tfatcr Clarke of the AfTyfc* feirra,ten wc tulpo ^atb moa paoje mei iti fuft at t^ j$ipfeii^ 'Oatic* ^yatl;acl) Walter woufd haac more; 15>Vt}at^ one jjoo^e man in fiii't foj cmatne ^arlie, an9 anotljer fo? tbat (ns l)0)U tuns tafeen in Ijis ztt^xiCr " 'Honcft, :^iitlB^at ittcrtemcnnts are asalntt^mt,rcali c^cnt Read the Inditcmcnt. Clark*. .iTrifJj^ (jatf) fomkpeo r ojnt out of tlje tanb to fce^e tbe Ciifmir. S^?X.t, t'f-^*^;?'tl; tiirncu jjocje l^icw JDlouiman out of to^csbptits great rniS«stjfrcnt0» 't0txt ; be 13 knovane to ke a fommoti DiHurkr of nignof tdeic einfrt;,bi'rcruiitg (XIritu on tl)2m,ano I'jmgtns tijem to lonDon, totf}nrijt::rtn^c:njg:» ■ Sltro,feefe£fp3'ci(5^.eitt'>»« batne,' ana fuffcrs bis h^tt^tn ann 4ma1)knreioltcai«!lrft!!ti nnrr fjfi'rtp mahejs tijemnrkft fo israi-e, ti'cit tb? vc^i^ c^rj]biii> ut!tc2r.c» Kin* ^itoue(][ntittj;il^' tjjjfttt tb'c^^tljou monllcrbf nature, ' tH^ofecHke tfjc Dtt^r Vltuoiiiq; of manie, to Inricb ttjj? felfe: Honcflyjtake tuiitinij )M tjim as tljon irtlt ♦ • ^ Hbticftj)-, c» '^'-: '■ '^ ._ Ent^rC/ttlcmvalci;' ''^ Eth*lpeaJt15aitiiepnto,l)efaapoitr^aieftie, , '^ / ' Kiht' (gth'cntt'aM ii)dcoaie,^cvu fares our beautious \m, . ^ 'l|5? l&K^tc ma«,UJbat;,li[in (Sc Imit o? no *: '-* '(Sth, it>\im ts. foiitpmt niD m^tp me in cjarje, fojfeivjM.s^ijMnii'jrferroftbcDajf, •: ieorTacm^!tf,mmsoftl)efpatt5ieoi)a|e» . ;'; tibJfe;A(toVqteW'f^c.itt^ ■ -^ b lijirtyjfff |^.tif12rirtiMttfrticintrp^^^ ©EKjerc fte icaji HAMnz ^^tb t^er toantott^ttel • •' '• ' ^ ;V • , Ctjen k._ toknowcaKnauei . C()en tb) wf mj) cljance tonrrtue at OfricL-s ^trfti: 03ut Uemg iatc 31 cautotiot cfjen ijnfo^^e Cbc n:e(%t c^at pour ©race IjaiJ giuen iij cjiargei 15ttt in tjje mojne Aurora Diu ap^eare, Sit Calirof toljotti (!}e Welkin Craigl)C b(d c!eare» , ^^en\3t3as c^e fpangleo bal^ of (^eauftt o^atune m, flno phoebus tofe Ij?ke feeauen? mipr ruiH Eingt flu^ ere tlie J^un ttja0 momiteo fi«? Qe|tee» ^^ mato tdnie tioUiiie «io gattc me t^ o;ood sa;, King^TSJuc Ijf m| cojttfjtobat fatD ^t t^tn*i ^m !psteS tljOtt feer,'a)!jat « Cbe fate q? not Eth.«^j» lojL0,(|>e i$ cil!oureti l?&c tfee Scythia ^i>e, t^ijsc c^p-llf nojcD Lucio at t^e Olympian |nme0, laeU boD!eo,l)at){jer face.ujag fomctbmg black?* iphe t^cfc t^at follotnljoutiwilD buCitefifer ^tv tm iJJcr IjDllDte fUHle into ^r lieaj, . . ^^ic^ makes Uer bane a cifltoDic countenance, ^i)t Ut\) a p?etic toit5ue,3i trnttt confefTe, SlntJ pet (mp I. o?d)(1)2 (? noticing cloquene* King. 2Bi)V c&ett(mp IcpO tf^erejinotfeinjf gootj in |er» . y Cth» 3^e0 m^ lo^Djilje ia fit to Cerue an €atU oj tp> r ^ttt far ijnfit foj Cdgar € nglands JKino;* King. ^0 tljcn C;c i$ 6t fiij Cthcnwald ottt Cojnii|i^ar!r» > ^ut farunfitfo^ Edgar ^nglands kingt ' Snen Cthcnwi.Id,3l fcunb pour poUciet :Buc tcU me tfatt^,ooe&ti)ou Ifiuc tl)c mai^e^ *^peake truelie man, bil&mble not» €thcn* 31 i>oc(mv !j;ration0 io?o)am»'tberetoitialI> 31ntreate pour 90iM(tit to jjarDon me* Kin2;»Ethcnvva]d,3} am content to p«irODnt(^, . . i> fln^toiUljettiitbtbeenipfelfemloniJi !' ^0 600 tbce borour in tbv mariag-e, IU:6 tfjerefo^e Ct hen wald t^oa maid njpar^ ^ iftn9 Icauc t)2i tiim utate tbee at t)ome* Eth. sgp g:ratiou» tain ,31 ftumblp take m^f lealle« Jtodf 3if it i^Ii^aii Hour fQtm portion me, niiGi gtue mc ie^tte f4. 3 ^ A metic knackc Kh S^tcb all mp beart £&n(bn,bael!ap not lon^* £ch« 31 liutitB? safcer m>l«itieiDf f 01^ ^^^ ExcuntDunli.iarKlEthchwild, ' Kin^ jfareiuel EchcflWald , line Perin (ell me mtD, lEbac doeS t|)oa tbinfce of Aifrida, as 0)0 To fOttle aSE Ethenwald itfO^td ^t, O^eleette mc cben IT&e lafcbcrteBrtftt tb^ me. per* Sgp patiqiw lo«^,Et?icn wald fettjj biflhn|i!eiii U)ltl» iTo^AlfodafgfairanBiwttKJUgt (ffm^nitdf, JTo^lall m^^^ljeins in p^fttace' conference, l^ecoult'we^ ]^ati Deutteo a mean ^ CoiDllouc mttb t^ jKing bp fo^g^ed ejrcuHv I l3b,no,(qttotf)kePfiA;lfrjdufefafre, 30 10 tbe raoiant il5o?t5 ftar €|j?tttalrne, ^bat gwbee t^e U)cc anD U)e I And from bit! pocket Srat^ be o^eio tW counterfeit, 9no4aii tfe made bp ^eauteous AI&ida» I . King.'9ifolremofff9tretbantstbe^nnBb^(gbtbeamef« ! ^ ©^fnotu^b^teaijiegbenMfifairtCyfithca, CISbo tafoi^D ir'efttif tttttl Hiu^cs to rpm> I taiben Cuclj fairefaceff l^ar^ d6 cempaniet I ifalcePollyxenaneuertuaelbfatre! [ 5f^o^Q)etbatt»a0p|ouDlouetoTroYlus* 1 ($reacAlexaQdersloue,Cttteenof9imafdn0« tajag not \hhive w is fatre Alfrida; 15ut perin,be tbpu (ecrete to tbe Iting:, And 31 ttnll fstmb tl^fe fubttA p^actt^cf, Ann Ethen wald, be Cure 31 uiill quittance tlree, ' Sittb teacb tbee botu to balUe tstr^ tbp )^ms, T6 ttt pcrin let0 to Court bntill to mo^ne, 9inD tbcn toeel^ taUe bo^te and aisap* Exeiint* ^"Eritdr-mad men of GoteIiam,to wit,a Miller^ \. ■' . a CoBl€r,aiid a Smith* • - I Miller* r tokrioweaknanc. Mill er* Bm let ti3 cini^ult amoitj ottr felaes, r EJatu to mifbe^atie our felue:^ to tbc ^tngs t»o?3)iy', ^ ! ilefu? bUlTe bWKatiD ttJben be comes^to uelittec ^im tW IJetiCton 3Ittjmkt!jf4m(tl)\Derebf{ltc»B0tc,fo|&cesaUJifeman« ^ Coblcr, 5i5atg;l)bo^lje Ojal I not uoe it.a? Ions ^^ 3efferaf tbe i CranHatens 01^^10? of cl)e tolune. (tbeS^ace* SmitJi, a:iD luljpj p'?aj>,bc.*:=^»re 31 tundo banc i^\xt yo^tjrottt i Millcn |tla,no t fo^ tbat,btit ^jecaufe Ije itf no 5D0B feUaW, |9o? l^e teillnot rpmo bis jjot fo? ttompame* [ Smith,S:2Jbp(fir)tbereUia9i!n:ot)of.ouroccupai:'on, aiD^ • c^arje poll bp bcrtut of bis go"Dbeti , to let me oeliuet 0>:e petitiS* f Cob* "B u: fcft pou.pout Q5ou iwas a Cuckolo , ano bw <5oo« 1 beao toas tb? bo?'.ie,a»Dtbatg tbc ihme^ of tbe (Saobea^ pou caU I \)pon".<0o,pour are put Dolon teitb potir eccupation,? nn naUj 3! UJtl lUJt grace pou Co mucb as to tjcltuer tbe petition , foj pou* ': hmith t21bat,Difp?atfe citv tiaoe*: Cob. |^ap,neigbboKr,be uos angrie/oi 3ile Of an^ to nothing onliebuttbis«. Smith* 'But \u'oatt,beRre iMttnelTe a ^km me t^e 'But, anu 31 amnottoilUngto(boot:Cobler,3l tuttUalkc UJitbpou :nap, mp bello^ueg, mp coietrou jb, auTJ mp tuater (bnW enter armea UJitb ptu fo^ our traoe:© ac:3;bb8ur,31 can not bcare it,noi 3i U)il not -beare it* Mil. I£)eare pou,nei5bboiir,3I p^ap confijjaiie pour felf anube not toilftt!,^ let tbe Cobler Deltuer it,pou (bai fee btm mar all. Smith* at paur reqiueCt 31 UJill commit mp Celfe to poti, 2ln!J la? mp Ultz open to pau,lp!ie an ©pfler* MiK :S!e tell bint tubat pou fap:E;)?arcpou naij{)bo?,toe hmz tonffuitco to let pou odiucr tbe pccitio;i;Do2 it toifelp foi tbe crc* mte oftbetatoie. Cob. let me alonc,fo?tbc JKmgs ^acmtnscr toas bere, ;|?e Tapes tbe Sting mill be bere anon* Smith. 15ut bearMp tbeS^as be comesi* Enter the King, Dunflon, and Pcria» King. ^clD rtouj Pcrin,U)bo baue toe bere*; •Cob, 5£te t(i5 «0U3«ejS menof Gotcham, -A merle knackc l&cadftg vour (grace UJcula coinii tl;!* toap, 3DtD tbmkf it gosD fo? poii to Cap, ni5ut tear pou,iie(gbboac0,biB fomeljoep rmg tl^c bel^, fti«> toe arc rom« to pou elone to t?tt«:r our petUifiir, Kin,OTi;ae I'jB it Pcrio,3! p?5p tbcc rratie* per, 3f2atij|ng but cc ^n«ie a liccufc to b^cto Cron? Ste cfj^ifc & SofcMtt^ fee ti'at ccm«j to^ott l?/w,an& wtl! not ^mua yenie on « pet ef 5l?e,if I)e be a o?tc,t;>az i)c map fjiff* Kin* Z^% (Ira.lPe fttaut pour petitJom Cob* USi Jsvimhiie tbauke }mt ropall $cietl^. Kin^^Come Dunfton, Ict'i aiufip, Cxcunt omn«n- Enter Edienwald alone. Cth« <^c}MftwaId,be sDui t0, tiie Ittiq; M Drnt $o tber, H^dP.moKs kt mum m come ahq \>iCitt t\i£(, Hut tii|p» 3i tderesi tbe qurCiou*: S&n»p tin fo^ tbi)B,to fre tl be can Q»n9, 9 front l»tifreoa a^^xnh n patreof to^neor 15ut 6t plain teamts^be contcs to €u i fcolD mt, Ino G^ be mean? to »oe it tottboutfuCptcc, i^e fenif ntetoo^ be means to bifite met Cte fittns ts amo^ous.and mp lupfe it itinoe, &o iiinb(3 fearr)tbat (be vuil quidUp pceld Co atip mottou tOat tbe ha^ (bal maUe: Ctpectallp if tbe mocton be oflouet 5ro^ Pliny tD^tteSjUiomen are maoe Ipke i»n]p^ ^c to receiue anp imp^c(r(on$ ^bofe miitDes are IpKc t^e 3Iaiiampttj tLbac eates.pet cries.ano neuer i* CattCilet; Caell.be as it is.Gs^ %lt be fare of ttis» JRt t^tiM be no luates p^iuotce to met jTo^ 31 mill (et a Ckreeite before tbe fp^e» SUtD (b picuent ttJ^at otterbopfe Uiotdo enfue i Ctoere gooo 31 qfte^neo r»it\^ mp fatber Scl^ Co beare t)oU) (^ afiG^cteo totSRfOs ttie Ktnf • (P^attOf Enter Ofrick and AlfriJa* Orr* Ethcnwalc!,mp rc«ne,U3ijatn«l»e»^ toknowc aknauci Ofn )t5oc pcclj p^om?fe ?ott m? lo?9. (^^w pern Ethcn, m^p tfeen lis tbu0,tt»e »(ng cotb meane to come tm OCu ano i^eicome Cbal [?w ^ateCp be to me, Cijat in tbe toane of ntp uccrraQng; pearef , OottcKafetf tW bowour to ^arir Ofncks lottTe* Ethcn* !&o tijen, pou meane to t nte rtaine ^im toeU ♦ Ofr.SjKliateUmp^mte't ^^t^hI^ Eth. Il5ap,a0 pou k»ill,but be«re pott ii\«tlcpott tUWR intbi«.tU»t Edgar mean« to come airt be pour ^ueft'^ Alfr* 31 ttjlnke mp t o?n be (ball be toelcom tj?n, I ittn 31 bope tb«t pou teilUntertame Mm fot r Cb«t |)e map HnoU) bott Ofrick bonours bimt tni 31 tt)ta be attp^ei in clot^ of '9i0, tiefet VDitb fi)|ient pearle, fctcbt from xit^ tKBtm tnl all mp diambcr (ball be r(c^p» «^(cb 9raf bangtns/etcbt from tle]rau»?(«* ^eumiU 31 bAite ricb Countecpoints atiD ntutlr, CaUmon,ar» Caaa,riDeet fmelKno; amber Greece, ^b«t be map Cap, Venus it come from ()eauet»» ano left ttie (SiooB to mflr(e€then\rald. Eth, 5tu9ttmr,tbcp ace botb aipreea to ciiclolD me, IPut beare pou topfe,u»bil« 31 am matter of tl)e •:park, f 31 meane to keepe tbe belmtter tn mp baw t ^ meairtttg i0,pou Qjall be ruloe bp me, 3lnlcmgot(guifeb tiUtbc King be gone, ano tl)iiB it (ball be,fb^ 31 toill baueit Co. i ^(jeKinsbatbneuerlwnctbeeaamfare, I ^0} (ball be fee tbce noto,if 31 can cbuTet iro> tboa ^%Mt attpjoe in fome bate toeeoef, ( Ono Eate t^ kitcbin maio (ball put on tjHiu: jro| being ricblp tpjeMU (l)e (baU be, il^ije iQQill feme t^e turne to keep bitu companies iT ofr,2)ai)p,merttbatljeareoftb(3U)iUmakeafco?ne0fpoo» I £ch* anb ^e t^at iie0 uittb tl)t».tstl make a jio^ne fo| me* fl$ti>piiottffb,itmMttbefi, ^ »s» I Ameiicknacfcci - ♦.' Erhcnvt. 3 ((jinknftt CbytoUlpoabr jone'fe •fat^jlttmedone.llle fa?eafee betofl^ertD«r, IflU tbat are m«iiD to poHgti}ities,pott fee, ^ttS baue a fpccfMl care unto tfjeir (TonelTte: £o? OiottlD lue ruffe rtcm? ft ^aii^ ti^ir taiil: = pep ar^ *pc(^(m {jrtoU)}co fiU to «p ilU Jeucbere cornea tbeJK'it3» Enter the Ienato^s, iSlbtn be baD maoe a fotiqued on tbe (^cit()0 : Cbat tu refiuitaU of bts ferutce Done, DitJ offer bi»tt tbe impertall Diadetitc : ^e tbep in Titus,Uje in pour (Srac^UUl fpnD> Cbe yerfecf figttre of a Tp?meelie winD» K\n%. tCI)ankf» Ofnck , but 31 tbinke 3 am not tuelcomf^' tKccaufe 31 cannot fee fatre Alfnda : • Ofri ckc,3I ^ill ROt (lap,Qi^ eat uiitb tbee, Cni31 baueieene tbe Carte of O^ntoei^tDtfe. ££hen.3!f tt pleafe poar'^^aiedie to (tap tottb %9, 9^ U9pfe (bal tuapt as banimattt on pour 9^»ttiin 9nft in ber lutte (betu b.2 it ts a r?etie t^omelp Caencb: 31 p^cmifc tl;ee , Ethcnnald,31 libeber ttell. Eth. ^? Lo?tt,(Dc IS a bcmelie Wtcbin maio,. . fliiD one to^fe b^'ngmg ijp batb bene but rwt: §nft fat unfit Toi Edgars rowpanie: 03ut if pour (JJrace UJant merrie companif, 3! irill fcnu fc? ItUtce ttife anfi cutteous* Cobff.fr^n'^t?3^«bpoui;9^atettie. \ £)iifpourOiacciiullbauci!l^ufitiari»fentftv ; i 3 iuiU fe tcb pcur 0race tbe be tl in all tfjis lanwi Kin. r thcK wald,no,3l U)iU baue tie kttcbin ntad, flino tl;ercfo?c,if pen Icue mcfcna fo? bee. jfo) till (be come 31 cannot be content* Hth, jr«tl)£r,31 U)il notfetcb |jer:?l»oun9,fee tobere Qjc come* Cntcr Aifnda in thckitchin maids attyrc, Alfrida* ftucceffuUo|tune an0 bi« beart0 content^ Dailp attcno tbe r etfan of tbe Einff* fln) Ed2;ar luioUJ tbftt 31 am Alfrida,oangbter to Oftick, ano latelp maoe tbe eade 9f CojinttaU U)pfe, King. ra{;p,i« KOt tbis Alfrida': Alt.^150, ini^gooD lo?li,iti6tbe kitcbin mtiJ, ixabcm Ethcnvvald in too miub lone to me, I^Atb tbus attpjue to oallie toitb tbe fitinff. (anD by* Maid. ^ mp trotb(mp to?o)J;e lie 8,go to»3Ite toutfe poo b? Kin. SlU3ap(bare atumpet)set tbe from m?li|bt Mai.Ofl pour tijaieB,pcu are a cogging knawe 31 toarwnt poiu Km. iBafe CthenwaldjUitfemblcr tbae tbeu art, jK>o to Di(^mbleb)itb tbp ^ouerat^ne. Amcrieknackc 9t» A&ertD&ri tintier « Nettie af ioue, Ct)ou cams to CiMitl) tbp If afing to tbe 9Un(^^ fpeanins b? tbet to make me to conceitie, C^t t\^ intent tots M tni (^ttourable : IPttt fee^at U8 cbea '^aft Deceiueo tbif (eife, iktd Edgar |)at|) fottno one tbp Cu^fltie, CQWcti ti reqtnte, t^mke Edgar tetbp rntmie^ fllnD tooisei to be reuengeo fo^ tbi0 tiU l^o to tbp buCbanD beauteoui Alfrida, c ITo^ Edgar can fubsctB affects in laoe* Alf. t>()tnitS(,gtattoui IKing, mp^rouc of curteflf, CSI^fe tiertuouK tbottg^bcs beisjap tU? p^tncelp miHO AttD ma)(es tbee famiitK motisS t(^ enemies ; fo}. tcbat (0 be tbat beareit of Edgan name, Slno ttfll not peelo bim p^aife an be ocferuei*] . X^a^Oatb pour Q^taceeuet bene p^atfeomo^e, p^ tO} t(<;i;m'B tito^tutt in anp action, Cbaa poQ (ball be in conquerinQ^pout oenre0, ftno peeloins pnroon to Catle Echcnwald^ King* ZWiili pou be gone't (Alf^ Edi* Alf.a^pgratiouBlo^),3fbnmblptakemp(eaue4 Exeunt ' King, ^m «m 31 tu^nseo>ano pet biitbout rco^edet Dun (I. I(;>aite patience gooo mp It^ej&nn cali ta mind lfyi\i} pou 9«w liueB p^lTeD fo> bettuottie gBuernment> jbja baoc rnbotteo lull Dnto tbif Dap, Uso bene cepnteo ttpTe in souemment, fl.io tDtfl pou b!emt(b aH pour bononte got, 3|u bctns teacmeo a fbule Slonltecer* Ktn* Duafton,fb|beare fb^ 31 toiU baue it (o, 3t bootes: tbee not tocounfaile me in tbii) ^0^ jS banc Cmo^ne tbe oeatb of Ethenwald» flttd be fbalt tte^ fidgar Ml not ttue* Dunflon,itijipneusb,3Iamrerolueo* €iciu Dun, 0sf,i(it be (b>tb(n Ethenwald (ball not Die, Slii9 fince tntceatici cm not Cente tbe turne: S ^oHi mite mxlep^aofir &^ once tobat tree i»ill Me, Afmorotli toknowe«Knatic^ Afmorotli afccn Jcjvcni Afmoroth, Afmororh vcni* Cncer the Dcuill. Dcuil.cnijattoi!tcbmr: Dunlbn* %zl me iDdfit meani tt)e Etns't Dnnft* 31 r^nrge tijee bj» tbc etc rnall Ii'm«tc^oBf Cfjac ^tc\fs tijc Pjince cf earfenes L'ounti in c^iainef , flosi Up cbac <^an,c{)ac t^ou issmldaQiIaelp fee, !Bp!)caucn ano eart&,anD cuern^tting t^mg, Cel me tl)ac tobicb 31 biti Dcmanti of t!)ee. Dcu. 'Clicn tl;u2,t&e king Dotli mean to mun^et Ctheanald Dunft. 13ut U)l;erc is t(Je luitg': Dcu» Ifeecktng fo^ €tbenvvalcl» DunRon. Vm J\z ^^ettenc |}im,fonotD me m\iMlU\ Deu.3[U)tU €vcun(. Cnter the Pneft* PrieQ, 31 fjattc befte tl^is ino^mitg toitb a ftitxco of mine> C^at toottlB bo^roiD a fmall fumnie of moneii of me> ^ut 3i iiaue learneo t^e bel! affurance a man can baue, %\x tm\) a macti;r iz a gooD paUin of ctoift the t)aieUi> ^ J bonnsi fiilftcient fo? 5w times cIjc qttantftie. i8?c iiB mp necre ftinfman,3; co!ifcire,ano a CUrjte man, ^ut aftie (\)iUin%i is mone?,$ tljouil) 31 tbink 31 n«£i)t tru0 Wm Omplp biitb It fci % cvucluemetter b) ^U re i)f e craxus it but 6) c nionc tb.pet Cmplp 31 i»ill not be fo Rmple: jTo^ 3! ttftU bo^cotn bis (i;e{Dins to tioe to tOe 'Q^erme, ' 9no keep auaap a iu8 fc^tuigbt: 31f tben kt pap me mp monep,3I um'H celiiter feim ^ii boxff , 3 tooio be lotb to loCe mp mcnp,o? craue aCHranee of mj» kforma, ^ut t|ji2 map be wne to trie me, j S meanc Ipketuifc ta ir p lii:iu C^w i3 plain,tl)OUgb truIie(b?etl)?e«XcHUt;in$: fufettU. Illttt bere comes ane tobuli faine take mp bstifc cf ijie* Neighbor* i^ir,3( am a pooje maR,ano 31 toil ^iae pon tbtnp (j^fllinfs a pete,if 31 map bane it pott Uml be ftire of pctxc montp* pr.erulie b^otbcr m Cb?ift,3; ca-aicr aft'cowi \t c? ti^c r ? jrc, a muft let mpl^afe to Utte/3lafk nou«!ng,lmc\jDl;ocftinci-. » :*:?t f 4 C.iicf A incric knackc Enter Honeftic and a Beggar* Bcg» 31 befeecb pou(jootj mniftecXo? ^flos fake, c^tae one pe« rrtc CO t\)t poo^e,!ame,aan blinD.jaaD miiffec g;tue fomet^inj* Pried, fp Upon t\jtz tafpfeUatxjjarttbott not aflijameti to beg^ Eeao cbe bleffta fapimjf of !%♦ |l5aul,UJ'jic^ ts,tljou Rjalt g-et tbp U* uing; uiicb tf)c fuieac oftljp b^oloc9,anD (je tbattutll not iabouc uf not UJo^t^te CO £ac* Hone. 31ibut tc remembers not to^ere Ch}i& (m\)> ftce c^at gtuettj a cup 0? colo toatct in m^riame (ball beblel&D* Beg^aias ftcpoufifc 3 am olD* pricftt 'Bm c^atg no rcafen ?ott (iyonli bej. Beg. Qllas fir,an;e commmg ou mt, aiio nip Hgbc ban^ gone, 31 bopj Sc *.POu UJi(l parDon mee cfciouglj 31 beg, ano cberefo^e foj <5(jD0 fakt oneipeti^,50oB maffm 4?cieft»€^b? 31 tel t!ice rto, fq?, cb'e ^fepiritootb'nofmosu? mc tberettnto:anD in geoo cime,looKe in ct'e blelico lp?ouetb of 5§>a« 1omon,tQbici) t0>s>2oo Dceos oo not tuQtfp a man.cberfo^e 3! count ( • ttfcinecogtu£t|)ee«npt!j:ng. I Hone; ^^p bot» \it can cnrnc ano tBtnb tbe Scripture to bt> j otone D&,buc bf wmembf ra not tobere Cb?iftpir(te bib mqoae me tberetmto r f e i l^pas^fiin'p, to6eif«mattiwilcwtbi!«b^otb«t0tb?datero?aimit :,^ ' toknowcaknauc* iticreJTbpatt i't,5e, toe are bojne one to liue lip another, «n5 fo? a man to let bis otoHe as be map line, cts aHotoeo bp tbe too^o of eao.but fo^ ufurie ano oppK(rum,6e on it, ti» bnsooUe, but tell me ttitli pou bane tt*: Neighs 31 will gme pou.as 31 baite p^ofereb pou* Pricli CruUe 31 eatings af oo^o it , 31 ujouId 31 coultt, but 31 mulf goe to our eicercife ofp^aper, qt after a nmS goe fee « ifarm tbat 31 (l)oulD baue« Cxeun t* CntcrDunfton and Perm with thcKing* Dunft. \4 m grattousj p?mce,t)Oucbfafe to beare me CpeaJte, i^ljlntbat cbelatoeof Itinfi^eopiickesmeon, ano tbousb 31 fpealtt contrarte to pour minD, $?et oee 31 builo tut bope pou tutll pardon mti ISXtte 31 as eloquent as Dcmofthencs, iD} Ipfte Ifocrates Uaere gtncn to 0^ato^tet ^our 6race no Doubt toil tbink tbe time ti^ll ^ent, ano 31 Iboulb game me commcnoattons: 05ttt fi^ mp note is tuneo contrarp, (uerte# 3i mud intreat pour.^race to parson me, if 31 do iar in mp oeli* King, aBbp Dunflon,tbou baQ founo M$ gratious Hill, l^o^tQtU m pull our fetleo loue from tbee, Cintill tue 6nD tbp Dealings contrarte: tBut if tbp parlie be fo^ C ihen wald , Cbat bale DiOembler uiitb bis foueraipe* '^luere better leaue to fpeake in bis ei^cufe, ^ban hi^ ejccufing btm game our ill uiill: jfo^ 31 am minoeo like tbe ^alamanoer fltone* Cbat Sr'o U)itb anger,ti)il not in bait be quencbt: Cbougb ^a]c be loft, $ apt to recetne anp imp^elTton. ^et Uiill baro mettell take no fo^me, ercept pou melt tbe Came* %Q meane mens minos map moue as tbep tbink gooD, 3^ut Kings iult Doomes are irreuocable. - Dunfl. Cis not pnougb.mbere luS Dotb moue tbe offence* Kin/2:{l^bP>CounCellers mapnot baitb iKings Difpence^ Dun* acouafeller map fpeake if be fee bis prince offenD* KingtSnD fo| ^iii Counfell rue it in t^e (no* a :0ut ii^yg?W^Mifi^^ifi^^ l'ia*4ii,^v> Aineticknaci: . ^tA Dunflon, leaue,pou Urge M2 out r far, tSle patDon iD^at t? paa^i)ut fpcake no mo^e Dund. i^ap parDon mt,t»} 31 U)il (peah mp mino, l^out ($race ma? caU to mino ppao Manus fall, Cdat tb^ons^ ^s uttlfuU mindjoa Ipfe auo emp6:e», 9nD Nitnrod.tbat butit bu^r 'Babylon, 9nD tbougbt to maiie a tottre to cbeck tOr clottDcf ». tola? (bone BifmatD bp t^n¬zme languages: jTo? no one knetD mbac anp otber (pake, Wifiik mm btni ta confefle,tbou8b tboere eoo (atr«. iE>eebao nta^e offence in tempttug of tbe Lo^ iimxembex Dauid^Salomon anD cbe reft, ^0} bao p^uB Holofernes lofi bti bcaD> PsJi be not bate a foule QiDuIcecer* Kin, Dunflon , &^beare,anD let tb(0 anCber tbet Cbou act too p^eCumptuous in rti)>ooutng ine, f6} 31 baae ftoo^ as truUe as 31 (tue, Cbat 31 tttllncucr paroon Ethcnwald* « £Kin« DiD pou but fee tbe man,3! am aCTuror,, Son toottte not cbooGt but pacoou Echcnwald. p«r* CZSbF I^"n^on,pou baue (eene as iBcl a0 3L Cbat Ethcnwald batb DtlTfmbleD tottb tbe Emg, fl^p gratious to^o>firS cut tbat ^ratco^ bok»ne« flno tben b)tll otbcrs fcare tbe Ipkc amplle* Dun* 31 tell tbee penii,tuere tbe Carle m place; fCbou U)oulDl! eat tbeCc uio^^s bttreo in bts oifgrace*- ycni AfmorothjQt in gooD time fee lubcre be come0.. Here enter Alfr ida difguifcd with the DeuiU Kin. l^Ut tel me Dunflon,is tbis Alfrida*) Dun* 3lt i0 nip grattous iU^,^ tbi0 is Ethewald C^batlape0 bis b^eaS \x)i^e open to pouc ^i-ace, 3!f fo it pleafe pour ($race to paroon bim« King, S)e0,Dun{lon, 31 am Uiell content to pacbtn b(t% Ethenwaid ttanO bp,an5 rife up Alfrida, fo} Edgar notD gtues parson to pou botb^ (ger Pun, Almorcth atva^,9p^ grad'oujeiiop^Dundon W mfo} t toknowcakniiie; ^W tnfetotonc faitour C&otone Carle Ethcnwald, $to} tDbiclj accoujit tup ii5epbeUJ ano mp Telf, Do peelD bott) Ipfcsi ano gootitf at pour Btrpofe* King* %HnlMi Dunfton fo? t^p feono^aWc loue, Slnd t^ou BeCeru'd to be aCoun&lIottry f 0^ be befcrueti not atber to commatmo, ^bat batb no potoer to maiQer W tefire, fo} Locrin being t^je eloeft foune of Brute, Dio bote fo far bpon an ^(maine ntato, ano lDa0 To ratufbt uittb ber pleaCng Hgbt, Cbat full (euen peares be itept ber unner eart^» CKfn in tbc Ipfe time of fafre Gucndolim f^btcb ntaoe tbe ;£o?nt(b men to rife m ^rmem^ 9lnD ucuer left till Locnn uias daine; ano now tbougb late,at laft 31 call to mfncr, cabat tiJ^etcbeo cnos fell to Qloultcrer0» f » Dun* anD if pour C5race cal Abrams tale to m(tt5, tCJbeit tbat Cgppti an Pharo crauen bis toife, ^ou tDill no Doubt fo^giue mp |9f pbetiie? guilt, CBbo bp tbe mei'p Utt be (betveo pour (6race, Did Caue pour ll^nour ano ber cbadttie* King* ZSit tabe it fo.ano (a} amends Echcnwald^gtue me tbp ban^e ano U)( are ftlenbir, ano loue tbp inpfe ano liue togetber long, f9} Edgar batb fo^got all former U);ong« £th* ^banks gratious Eing, ano bere Dpon mplmee, 3i reS to be oifpofeD as pou pleafe x Kin* l^nougb Ethenwaldjbut b}{)0 comeis fjere* Enter Honefty* Hon. S(Etbp,3l tbfnlt 3! batte ta&cn in banb an rnble$ talked ^ Cmeli a Knnue^tis mo^e tban a Dog can Qoei 3i baue bifguifeD mp Celf of purpoCe to finoe 91 couple of i^taued, tubicb are pet bebtnB, Cbe nert lUiaue is a l^^ieQ^caloe !9obn t^t p^erfle^ ^^at toit^ counterfeit Ijolinefie bltng^ tbe peopled mi, ^1 tW$ \ A mfilcknick €&ts is one of tfjf m t\m luil Tap tt is a fi}anif , jTojt men to (iuear aiiB blafpOtmc 6otJS l;olic name? ^et if a make a gooo .Sermon but ince in a peare, SI toiU be fourtie tpmea in a Cauerwe makinn; gooiii cbcere, ^ft in (be ^burcb be iDiH reau tuicb Tucb fob^ie tic, ^bflt fm tiiottlo rbtnke bni) )>^cie p^ectfe.anD of great tone 0p. Km £2!batHoncfty,baQtboaoirpatcbtanBfouni> tbefep>{' uie knanes': (Exit, Hon. 3i Qjal Hoe anon, 31 batie tbf nt m feRt, but 31 M be (tone. Enter pricft, (ererfifif, pr (gooD lo?ti,3( p?aifc 000 il am come from our mo^mngtf rCXbere 3! batie pjtofitco ir.p felfe,ani> cifieo mp b?ctb?en, %n fljctotng tbc Ujap to faluation bp mpooctrtne : Sno nouj 31 am going to tbe Court to prefer mp petition. 3! iwoulo giue a bunb^eo pouno it mere graimteu: ^is a tbing^notbiiigibut bfre comes one of tbe Court, ^ Enter Hondlie. <5o> fane pcu,b?ct!;er tn Cb?il!,are pcu to^artrs tbe Emit* Honcft. 31 marp am 3i,iiib«n tijen,iiibp bocU tljcu tfkc*: pricft. |*}otbtng fir.but 3i UiculD Dffire pcH to flanu mp frtenti Co ^£t metbeKing2 bano ano leale to tb:s letter: 31 UJoulo not ufe it(rir)to b^tier anp manfojt a tbcufaKbpounoj fo} tnOf CD 31 am a Cleargie man bp mp p^ofelTton: 'its notbing Hr^but nz pou fee ,to baac the Emojfi fe ale, C carie ^in,leab, CUool ano bjicati Clothes be po;io fca0, fo} pou kiioU)(nr>UGrp man toil mak tbe mcQ be can of bis oUjh SlnD fci ir,p ptut,31 bfc it but ft? a p^cfent nerclTitie, 31f poti loiiW UuDf rtftkt^ to Doe it.Jle ^iuc pou a b«;iD?eD pcuuD, HoncHy. 31 tbaukrpDU Cr,but 31 am afifraioe tbe Etng luill barilie grant it:U:bp,tts an bnodtng to tbe common U'caltb, t0ut truJie 35 u>iU mooue tbe Eing to bang pou Ipifrtt pfaitb* S^ap it pleafe pou (Srace to grant me mp petition, JT 0? 3! offer it pour ©race in pure tieuotiom King. O nipnCrotts: Dunfton,DiDa tbou euer ^eare tbeUk'f» . Jf^oui fie bpon Tbee baf« Uillainejap bano0 on bim. (fitinff, Hon. ^n me'tnap, on l)inKlp^iell,3I saue pour petition to tbe 9Uii toknbwcaKnaufi HntJ 3rtofl IJta^^ to him pett ma? be but b«t?fi;rtr jro? if pou tboulD liue till tbe Kmg granteo pour petition,* Cije Derie Eauen? UjouId pithe out tbme ele? liumg; : «n5 fbcrcfoje ttoere better jjf^ere bangeD to faue tbe bfrbfi a King. 5aoujHoncfty,batrtbouiione,wbere all': (labour. HoneHy. © no.wp lo?D,fo^ tbere are fo man? bebino, '^dat 31 am afffdioe mp toc^fee U)ill ncuer baue m ent;: l^tit 31 fee bp tbe p?ie(l0 looke0,be laches companp, fi>tap a iubile,mp to?o,31le fetcb anotber p?efcntlp» Km. iPie,<5racdcfrt> man,batt tbou no fcarc of 6oif, Co VDttbolD tbee from tbefe latiJlriTc motions, £^bp,tb'3« iiJ)3U!oIlbe as ^slTcnpr of (DoD, Slno bate Deceit ano Voickeo auarice : 1l5ut tbou art oue of tbofe tobomc OoD botb bate, SinD tbp ^tlae Deepes Ml lultmOe gaind tbp foule: SlnD make tbe moH abominable in W Hgbt, Cbat maoe tbee(tu?f tcb)but to a better mtJ, C 9nD baue tbp cucfto con^ac pmo to tbp b? eaS, fltiD tbere to Qauo fo^ men to tuDonoer ati Ctl ^tule^s anD mgbt-Hauens picke out tbp cur&B tkt* Conicatch4 6ooDi|;)one(!tebemo^e mecctfnU* Hon* ^ou foioto mp mtnD: © Walter cbat tooto bane mo|ei flno pou iball baue tuogement 3 meane,Uibtcb i0, Co be carteo into a co^iic ftelii,am) tbtr baue pour U^4 ano faanoil cut off.bccaitfe pou ioueo ce^n Co md,anD t^ere rel! til tbe croluetf picft out tbine ete0t (tbereunto» l^nt R8)u to pou tbat tnil do notbing ^rept tbe ^ixii mooue ifOtt ^ou (baU fb^t abuDns tbe bleQeu tuo^D of (^D, 9lnu mocktnQ tbe fttutne o^oer of ^iniSerp, (LO^berebp pou baue leo tbe ignorant into errmirtf, |?du(3l rap)as pou toere Q)amle(le in pour (bamefull iea(fR§t» 5&bal to paur a^ame,9tbe bttec (f)amt ef al baD minoeo men* Cbat Itoc as tbou bad Done, l^tano tn jTinsburie fielb0,neere tmnm, Uno tbere(a0 a Dil&mblins li;>ppocrtt)be fldot ta neater* pried. ^ooD Hone(lr>be mo^e fauourable tban ro« Hon. Crulte na,tbe tpirit ootb not maoue me tberunta, 9ut tobo 10 neit>tDbat Pcrin,a Coartter,aRD a CoTonec tig Sbaue a tuosmcnt pet in So^e fo^ tbee, SltiD fo> becaule a tniU VXt tbee fatuiurablir» ^(aitbtte ^uDsment 01 to be but bani{c»y .Ml ^:/i}. t^v^^-; jgias: a i »'"— I *- ■■"*•*' ^. toIcno"weaKmuc* ^itt )3i^nt''^mn at Cpbo^ne in a gooD ttoo-penp (j^Itcr, anD tboug^ ?ou CDulo ntuer abiue t^e &a0, (fl(»f e^ 3Pec noui againtt pour toil,pou mufl bear pour failc , namelppouf flnD tn a cm be toU)De Dp i^olburne QUI, ©aoulD all men Hum Ipke tbefe in tb<« laoir^ 5©igbt be luugeD Co at Honcftics baiiD, Kin* VHtW Honcftic come follotti W to Court, Wlmt tbou Cjalt be reUjaroeD fo? tbp pai'ne. (lucres talie Hon* 3} tbank pour ^racetpou t\m toil camne pour fclue? to} 9nD make no confcienfe to oeceute tlje poo?e: ^ou tbat be enemies of tbe common tijealtlj: ©0 feno co?HC ouer to (uricb t\}c enemfet and pou tljat ooe abufe tbe rro^D of (Sod, Ant) (eno ouer)»ooIIe ano Cm>b;oaD cloatb anti leaD, antJ pou tbat countcrfept EingBp^iuie fealesf, Stttb tbcrebp rob tbetoillutg mmoefi Communaltie,. 3 toame pou all t^at ufe fucb fubtill Dtllanie, T5emte lead pou Ipke tbefe be fouuo b^ C^oncftie, ^ake beeis 31 fap,fo? if 3! catcb pou once, ^our boDies Ojall be meat fo^ Crotoe0, SnD tbe Deutll (ball baue pour bcncst, ann tbu0 tbougb lon^ at laft uie make ait enu, DeCrms pou to paroon kubatiS amilTe, ^no tuap tbe U)o?kc,tbougb it be sroC? penu, lau5b at tbe faults,ant) iuetgb it asJ it i?, Snu |)oneQte U)il p^ap bpon bis knee, ^oB cut tben ofif tbat iB^ong tbe prince o? Comnmnalcie* fllnD map bcr Dapc0 of blcffe ncuer baue euD, Slpou bi^oire Ipfe To manp Ipueis Depend* Finis» Imprinted ac London , by; Kithard Ihones, and arc to be fould , at the figne ofthcilQfcar>dCrowne,ncrc toS, Andre wW Churoh in Holbornct z ;p^ Mm ^ RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW APR 1 7 2003 DD20 15M 4-02 2 Z 80^8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY