UNIVERSITY 0^ 3 1822 01086 8412 ^^r?T^v7/ it .T ^ ^ ^ ^a »p^^,f^ -M^-i- ^\ PR 5308 41 1830 (H LA. irOkNIA ..AN presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by 'AM p./? ^iW UaJiJL^ ScoVC TO THE MOST NOBLE JOHN JAMES MARQUIS OF ABERCORN. ETC. ETC. ETC. THIS POEM IS INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction 7 The Lady of the Lake. canto i. the chase 2 1 II. THE ISLAND 6o III. THE GATHERING I04 IV. THE PROPHECY 1 4^ V. THE COMBAT lS8 vi. the guard-room 235 Appendix ^79 INTRODUCTION TO THE LADY OF THE LAKE. Edition 1830. After the success of " Marmion," I felt inclined to exclaim with Ulysses in the " Odyssey " — Oiiog /iih' dr) nedXog d&uTog iKieieleajat,- Nvf (xui£ anonui' fxllov. Odys. X 5> 6. "One venturous game my hand has won to-day — Another, gallants, yet remains to play." The ancient manners, the habits and costumes of the aboriginal race by whom the Highlands of Scotland were inhabited, had always appeared to me peculiarly adapted to poetry. The change in their manners, too, had taken place almost within my own time, or at least I had learned many particulars concerning the ancient state of the Highlands from the old men of the last generation. I had always thought the old Scottish Gael highly adapted for poetical composition. The feuds and political dissensions, which half a century earlier would have rendered the richer and wealthier part of the kingdom indisposed to countenance a poem, the scene of which was laid in the Highlands, were now sunk in the generous compassion which the English, more than any other nation, feel for the misfortunes of INTRODUCTIOX. an honorable foe. The Poems of Ossian had, by their popularity, sufficiently shown that if writings on High- land subjects were qualified to interest the reader, mere national prejudices were in the present day very unlikely to interfere with their success. I had also read a great deal, seen much, and heard more of that romantic country, where I was in the habit of spending some time every autumn ; and the scenery of Loch Katrine was connected with the recollection of many a dear friend and merry expedition of former days. This poem, the action of which lay among scenes so beautiful, and so deeply imprinted on my recollection, was a labor of love ; and it was no less so to recall the manners aiul incidents introduced. The frequent cus- tom of James IV., and particularly of James V., to walk through their kingdom in disguise, afforded me the hint of an incident, which never fails to l)e interesting if managed with the slightest address or dexterity. I may ikav confess, however, that the employment, though attended with great pleasure, was not without its doubts and anxieties. A lady, to whom I was nearly related, and with wliom I lived, during her whole life, on the most brotherly terms of affection, was residing with me at the time when the work was in ])rogress, and used to ask me what I could possibly do to rise so early in the morning (that hapjiening to be the most conve- nient time to me for composition). At last I told her the subject of my meditations ; and I can never forget the anxiety and affection expressed in her rei)Iy. " I Jo IN TROD UCnON. not be so rash," she said, "my dearest cousin.* You are already popular — more so, perhaps, than you yourself will believe, or than even I, or other partial friends, can fairly allow to your merit. You stand high — do not rashly attempt to climb higher, and incur the risk of a fall ; for, depend upon it, a favorite will not be permitted even to stumble with impunity." I replied to this affectionate expostulation in the words of Montrose — "He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small, Who dares not put it to the touch To gain or lose it all." " If I fail," I said, for the dialogue- is strong in my recollection, " it is a sign that I ought never to have succeeded, and I will write prose for life : you shall see no change in my temper, nor will I eat a single meal the worse. But if I succeed, — " Up with the bonnie blue bonnet, The dirk, and the feather, and a' ! " Afterwards I showed my affectionate and anxious critic the first canto of the poem, which reconciled her to my imprudence. Nevertheless, although I answered thus confidently, with the obstinacy often said to be *The lady with whom Sir Walter Scott held this conversation, was, no doubt, his aunt, Miss Christian Rutherford; there was no other female relation dead when this Introduction was written, whom I can suppose him to have consulted on literary questions. Lady Capulet, on seeing the corpse of Tybalt, exclaims — " Tybalt, my cousin ! oh my brother's cliild ! " — Ep. I O I A TROD UCTION. proper to tliosc who bear my surname, I acknowlcdj^c that my confidence was considerably shaken by the warning of her excellent taste and unbiassed friendship. Nor was I much comforted by her retractation of the unfavorable judgment, when I recollected how likely a natural partiality was to effect that change of opinion. In such cases, affection rises like a light on the canvas, improves any favorable tints which it formerly exhibited, and throws its defects into the shade. I remember that about the same time a friend started in to " heeze up my hope," like the "sportsman with his cutty-gun," in the old song. He was bred a farmer, but a man of powerful understanding, natural good taste, and warm poetical feeling, perfectly comjietent to sup- ply the wants of an imi)erfect or irregular education, lie was a passionate admirer of field-sj)orts, which wc often pursued together. As this friend hajipencd to dine with meat Ashcsteil onv (lav, I took the opportunity of reading to him the first canto of "The Lady of the Lake," in order to ascer- tain the effect the poem was likely to jiroduce upon a person who was but loo favorable a rejiresentative of readers at large. It is, of course, to be supposed, that I determined rather to guide my o])inion by what my friend might appear to feel than by what he might think fit to say. His rece]->tion of my recitation, or prelection, was rather singular. 1 Ir placed his hand across his brow, and listened witli great attention through the whole account of the stag-hunt, till the dogs threw them- INTRODUCTION. 1 1 selves into the lake to follow their master, who embarks with Ellen Douglas. He then started up with a sudden exclamation, struck his hand on the table, and declared, in a voice of censure calculated for the occasion, that the dogs must have been totally ruined by being per- mitted to take the water after such a severe chase. I own I was much encouraged by the species of reverie which had possessed so zealous a follower of the sports of the ancient Nimrod, who had been completely sur- prised out of all doubts of the reality of the tale. An- other of his remarks gave me less pleasure. He detected the identity of the King with the wandering knight, Fitz-James, when he winds his bugle to summon his attendants. He was probably thinking of the lively, but somewhat licentious, old ballad, in which the denouement of a royal intrigue takes place as follows: — " He took a bugle frae his side, He blew both loud and shrill, Aiid four-and-twenty belted knights Came skipping ower the hill ; Then he took out a little knife, Let a' his duddies fa', And he was the brawest gentleman That was amang them a'. And we'll go no more a-roving," (S:c. This discovery, as Mr. Pepys says of the rent in his camlet cloak, was but a trifle, yet it troubled me ; and I was at a good deal of pains to efface any marks by which I thought my secret could be traced before the conclu- sion, when I relied on it with the same hope of produc- 12 IXTRODUCTIO.W ing effect, with which tlie Irish post-boy is said to reserve a "trot for the avenue." I took uncommon pains to verify the accuracy of the local circumstances of this story. I recollect, in particu- lar, that to ascertain whether I was tellini;- a probable tale, I went into Perthshire, to see whether King James could actually have ridden from the banks of Loch Ven- nachar to Stirling Castle within the time supposed in the Poem, and had the pleasure to satisfy myself that it was quite practicable. After a considerable delay, "The Lady of the Lake" appeared in June, 1810 ; and its success was certainly so extraordinary as to induce me for the moment to con- clude that I had at last fixed a nail in the proverbially inconstant wheel of 1^'ortune, whose stability in behalf of an individual wlio had so boldly courted hcrfaxorfor three successive times had not as yet been shaken. I had attained, perhaps, that degree of public reputation at which |)rudence, or certainly timidit)', wouM have made a halt, and discontinued efforts by which I was far more likely to diminish my fame tlian to increase it. liut as the celebrated Jolm Wilkes is said to have ex- plained to his late Majesty, that he himself, amid his full tide of pojnilarity, was never a Wilkite, so I can, with honest truth, exculpate myself from having been at any time a {partisan of my own poetry, even when it was in the highest fashion with the million. It must not be supposed, that I was either so ungrateful, or so super- abundantly candid, as to or scorn the \alue of INTRODUCTION. 1 3 those whose voice had elevated me so much higher than my own opinion told me I deserved. I felt, on the con- trary, the more grateful to the public, as receiving that from partiality to me, which I could not have claimed from merit ; and I endeavored to deserve the partiality, by continuing such exertions as I was capable of for their 2C usement. ^ may be that I did not, in this continued course of scribbling, consult either the interest of the public or my own. But the former had effectual means of defending themselves, and could, by their coldness, sufficiently check any approach to intrusion ; and for myself, I had now for several years dedicated my hours so much to literary labor, that I should have felt diffi- culty in employing myself otherwise ; and so, like Dog- berry, I generously bestowed all my tediousness on the public, comforting myself with the reflection, that if posterity should think me undeserving of the favor with which I was regarded by my contemporaries, "they could but say I Jiad "Ocio. crown," and had enjoyed for a time that popularity which is so much coveted. I conceived, however, that I held the distinguished situation I had obtained, however unworthily, rather like the champion of pugilism,* on the condition of being always ready to show proofs of my skill, than in the *"In twice five years the 'greatest living poet,' Like to the champion in the fisty ring, Is called on to support his claim, or show it, Although 'tis an imaginary thing," etc. Doji Juan, canto .xi. st. 55. 14 /.\/A\)JWTr/Lh\'. manner ol the cliani|)ton of chivalry, who porfonns his tiutics only on raic ami solemn occasions. I was in any case conscious that I could not lon^c hold a situation which the caprice, rather than the judi;ment, of the public, had bestowed upon me, and preferred bein^ deprived of my i^recedence by some more worthy ri\al, to sinkiuLj into contempt for my indolence, and losing my reputation 1)\' what Scottish lawyers call the ;/ri,'v/- iivc pirscription. Accordingly, those who choose to look at the Introduction to Rokeby, in the present edition, will be able to trace the steps by which I decline as a poet to figure as a novelist ; as the ballad says, Queen lileanor sunk at ChariuLC-Cross to rise again at Oueenhithe. It only remains for me to say, that, during my short pre-eminence (jf ])oj)ularity, I faithfully f)bserved the rules of moderation which I had resoUed to follow before I began my course as a man of letters. If a man is determined to make a noise in the world, he is as sure to encounter abuse and ridicule, as he who gallo])s furiously through a village must reckon on being followed jjy the curs in full cry. I-'xperienced persons know, that in stretching to flog the latter, the rider is very apt to catch a bad fall ; nor is an attempt to chastise a malignant critic attendetl with less danger to the author. On this principle, I let parody, burlescpie, and squibs find their own level ; and while the latter hissed most fiercely, I was cautious never to catch them up, as sclu)ol-boys do, to throw them back against the naughty boy who fired INTRODUCTION. 1 5 them off, wisely remembering that they are, in such cases, apt to explode in the handling. Let me add, that my reign* (since Byron has so called it) was marked by some instances of good-nature as well as patience. I never refused a literary person of merit such services in smoothing his way to the public as were in my power ; and I had the advantage, rather an uncommon one with our irritable race, to enjoy general favor, without incur- ring permanent ill-will, so far as is known to me, among any of my contemporaries. W. S. Abbotsb'ord, April (1830). *"Sir Walter reign'd before," etc. Don Jiia/i, canto xi. st. 57, THE LADY OF THE LAKE. A POEM IN SIX CANTOS. ARGUMENT. The Scene of the following Poem is laid chiefly in the vicinity of Loch Katrine, in the Western Highlands of Perthshire. The time of action includes six days, and the transactions of each day occupy a Canto.* * " Never, we think, has the analogy between poetry and painting been more strikingly exemplified than in the writings of Mr. Scott. lie sees everything with a painter's eye. Whatever he represents has a character of individuality, and is drawn with an accuracy and minute- ness of discrimination which we are not accustomed to expect from verbal description. Much of this, no doubt, is the result of genius ; for there is a quick and comprehensive power of discernment, an inten- sity and keenness of observation, an almost intuitive glance which nature alone can give, and by means of which her favorites are enabled to discover characteristic differences where the eye of dulness sees nothing but uniformity ; but something also must be referred to disci- pline and exercise. The liveliest fancy can only call forth those images which are already stored uj) in the memory ; and all that invention can do is to unite these into new combinations, which must appear confused and ill-defined, if the impressions originally received by the senses were deficient in strength and distinctness. It is because Mr. Scott usually delineates those objects with which he is perfectly familiar that his touch is so easy, correct, and animated. The rocks, the ravines, and the torrents, which he exhibits, are not the imj^erfect sketches of a hurried traveller, but the finished studies of a resident artist, deliber- ately drawn from different points of view; each has its true shape and position; it is a portrait; it has its name by which the spectator is invited to examine the exactness of the resemblance. The figures which are combined with the landscape are painted with the same fidelity. Like those of Salvator Rosa, they are perfectly appropriate to the spot on which they stand. The boldness of feature, the light- ness and compactness of form, the wildncss of air, and the careless ?0 ARGUMIXT. t-asf of attiludc of tlicsc momilaint-Li s, arc as roi)_t;ciiial to tlicir native llighlaiuls as tlic biicli ami llic pine wliich darken their gkiis, tlic sedge which fringes their lakes, or the heath which waves over their moors." — Quarterly A\-7'hio, May, iSlo. " It is honorable to Mr. Scott's genius that he has been able to inter- est the jjublic so deeply with this third presentment of the same chiv- alrous scenes; but we cannot helj) thinking that both liis glorv and our gratification would have been greater if he had chaiigcil liis hand moic coni])lctely, and actually given us a true Celtic story, with all its drapery and accompaniments in a corresponding style of decoration. Such a subject, we arc jjcrsuadcd, has very great capabilities, and only wants to be introduced to jjublic notice by such a hand as Mr. Scott's to make a still more powerful impression than he has already effected 1)y the resurrection of the tales of romance. There are few i)ersons, we believe, of any degree of jjoetical susceptibility, who have wandered among the secluded valleys of the Highlands, and contemplated the singular peo ple by whom they are still tenanted — with their love of music and of song — their hardy and irregular life, so unlike the unvarying toils of the Sa.xon mechanic — their devotion to their chiefs — their wild and lofty traditions — their national enthusiasm — the melancholy grandeur of the scenes they inhabit — and the multiplied superstitions which still linger among them — without feeling that there is no existing people so well ada])ted for the purjioses of poetry, or so capabh- of furnishing the occasions of new and striking inventions. " We are persuaded that if Mr. Scott's powerful and creative genius were to be turned in good earnest to such a subject, something might lie l)ril'iiri;fi AW/t-io, No. xvi., for 1810. THE LADY OF THE LAKE. CANTO FIRST. THE CHASE. Harp of the North ! that mouldering long hast hung On the witch-elm that shades Saint Fillan's spring. And down the fitful breeze thy numbers flung,' Till envious ivy did around thee cling, Muffling with verdant ringlet every string, — O minstrel Harp, still must thine accents sleep? Mid rustling leaves and fountains murmuring, Still must thy sweeter sounds their silence keep, Nor bid a warrior smile, nor teach a maid to weep ? Not thus, in ancient days of Caledon, Was thy voice mute amid the festal crowd, When lay of hojDcless love, or glory won. Aroused the fearful, or subdued the proud. A t each according pause, was heard aloud ^ ' MS- : "And o// the litful breeze thj numbers flung, Till envious ivv, with lier verdant ring, Mantled and muffled each melodious string, — ■ OU7z'ir(/ Harp, still must thine accents sleep?" * MS. : " At each according pause thou spokest aloud Thine ardent sympathy." TJfK LADY OF 77/ /f LAKE. ICanto l Tliiiie ardent symphony sublime and high ! Fair dames and crested chiefs attention bow'd r^or still the burden of thy minstrelsy Was Knighthood's dauntless deed, and Beauty's match less eye. O wake once more ! how rude soe'er the hand That ventures o'er thy magic maze to stray ; O wake once more ! though scarce my skill command Some feeble echoing of thine earlier lay : Though harsh and faint, and soon to die away, And all unworthy of thy nobler strain, Yet if one heart tlii'ob higher at its sway, The wizard note has not been touch'd in vain. Then silent be no more ! I'^nchantress, wake again ! T. The stag at eve had drunk liis fill. Where danced the moon on INIonan's rill, y^nd deep his mi(hiight lair had made In lone Cilenartney's hazel shade; liut, wjien the sun his beacon red Had kindletl on Ikiivoirlich's head, The (leei)-moulh'd bloodhound's heavy bay Resounded up the rocky way,' ' MS. : "The Moudhoiiml's iiolc^ nf !i('a\_v bass, Kcsoiiiulcii hoarsely up llie pass." Canto I.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 23 And faint, from farther distance borne, Were heard the clanging hoof and horn. • II. As Chief who hears his warder call, " To arms ! the foemen storm the wall," The antler'd monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch in haste. But, ere his fleet career he took. The dewdrops from his flanks he shook; Like crested leader proud and high, Toss'd his beam'd frontlet to the sky; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuff'd the tainted gale, A moment listen'd to the cry, That thicken'd as the chase drew nigh; Then, as the headmost foes appear' d, With one brave bound the copse he clear'd, And, stretching forward free and far, Sought the wild heaths of Uam-Var.' ' Ua-var, as the name is pronounced, or more properly Uaii^k' mot% is a mountain to the northeast of the village of Callender irj Menteith, deriving its name, which signifies the great den or cavern, from a sort of retreat among the rocks on the south side, said, by tradition, to have been the abode of a giant. In latter times it was the refuge of robbers and banditti, who have been only extirpated within these forty or fifty j-ears. Strictly speaking, this stronghold is not a cave, as the name would imply, but a sort of small enclosure, or recess, surrounded with large rocks, and open above head. It may have been originally designed as a toil for deer, who might get in from the outside, but would find it difficult to return. This opinion nrcvails among the old sportsmen and deei^ stalkers in tlie neighborhood. THE L.U))' OF THE LAKE. fCANTo \ III. Ycll'd on the view the openinj^ pack ; Rock, glen, and cavern, paid them back ; To many a mingled sound at once The awaken'd mountain gave response, A hundred dogs bay'd deep and strong, Clattcr'd a hundred steeds along, Their peal the merry horns rung out, A hundred voices join'd the shout ; With hark and whoop and wild halloo, No rest Benvoirlich's echoes knew,' Far from the tumult fled the roe, Close in her covert cowerM the doe. The falcon, from her cairn on high, Cast on the rout a wondering eye. Till far beyond her piercing ken The hurricane had swept the glen. Faint, and more faint, its failing din Return'd from cavern, cliff, and linn, And silence settled, wide and still, On the lone wood and mighty hUl. IV. Less loud the sounds of sylvan war Disturb'd the heights of Uam-Var, ' ncnvoirlich, a mountain romproliondid in tin: of Ihi,' Grampians, at tlu- of the valli-v of liic C;anv. a river wliirh sprin-jsfrom its base. It risi-s loan ili-v.ilion oniini- tlimisaiul tlireo iuindrcd and thirty Icct abuvc the level of the sea. Canto I.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 25 And roused the cavern, where, 'tis told, A giant made his den of old ; For ere that steep ascent was won, High in his pathway hung the sun, And many a gallant, stayed perforce, Was fain to breathe his faltering horse And of the trackers of the deer. Scarce half the lessening pack was near ; So shrewdly on the mountain side Had the bold burst their mettle tried. V. The noble stag was pausing now. Upon the mountain's southern brow. Where broad extended, far beneath, The varied realms of fair Menteith, With anxious eye he wander'd o'er Mountain and meadow, moss and moor. And ponder' d refuge from his toil, By far Lochard ' or Aberfoyle. ' "About a mile to the westward of the inn of Aberfoj'Ie, Lochard opens to the view. A few hundred yards to the east of it, the Avendow, which had just issued from tlie lake, tumbles its waters over a rugged precipice of more than thirty feet in height, •forming, in the rainy season, several very magnificent cataracts. "The first opening of the lower lake, from the east, is uncom- nonly picturesque. Directing the eye nearly westward, Benlomond raises its pyramidal mass in the background. In nearer prospect, you have gentle eminences, covered with oak and birch to the very summit; the bare rock sometimes peeping through amongst the clumps. Immediately under the eye. tlie lower lake, stretching out from narrow beginnings to a breadth of about half a mile, is seen in 26 THE LAD)' ('/•" J'JIi: I..\Ki:. [cant.. I, But nearer was tlie copscwood gray, That waved and wept on Loch- Aeh ray, And mingled with the pine-trees blue (^n the bokl cliffs of 15envenue. Fresh vigor with the hope return'd,' With flying foot the heath he spurn'd, full prospect. Un the rii^lit, the banks are skirted with extensive oak woods, which cover the mountain more tlian half way up. "Advancing to the westward, the view of the lake is lost for ahout a mile. The upper lake, which is by far the most extensive, is sepa- rated from the lower by a stream of about two hundred yards in length. The most advantageous view of the upper lake presents itself from a rising ground near its lower e.xtrennty, where a footpath strikes off to the south, in the wood that overhangs this connecting stream. Looking westward, Kenlomond is seen in the background, rising, at the distance of six miles, in the form of a regular cone, its sides jire- senting a gentle slope to the northwest and southeast. On tlie right is the lofty momitain of IJenoghric, running west towards the deep vale in which I.ochon lies concealed from the eye. In the foreground, I.ochard stretches out to the west in fairest prospect; its length three miles, and its breadth a mile and a half. On the right it is skirted with woods ; the northern and western extremity of the lake is diversified with meadows, and cornfields, and farm-houses. On the left, few marks of cultivation are to be seen. " Farther on, the traveller passes along the verge of tlie lake under a ledge of rock, from thirty to fifty feet high ; and, standing immedi- ately under this rock, towards its western extremity, he has a double echo of uncommon distinctness. Upon i)ron'ouncing, with a firm voice, a line of ten syllables, it is returned, first from the opposite side of the lake; and when that is finislicd, it is repeated with c(|ual distinctness from the wood on the cast. The day must be perfectly calm, and the lake as smooth as glass, for otherwise no hinnan voice can be returned from a distance «)f at least a quarter of a mile." — CiKAIIAM's Sketches of Pert/is/iire, 2d edit. ji. 1S2, etc. ' M.S. : " Fresh vigor with the t'it'iit;/il ntnin'd. With living //<>./ the healh h< <-i.Mi!rd." Canto I.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 27 Held westward with unwearied race, And left behind the panting chase. VI. 'Twcre long to tell what steeds gave o'er, As swept the hunt through Cambus-more ; ^ What reins were tighten'd in despair, When rose Benledi's ridge in air ; Who flagged upon Bochastle's heath, Who shunn'd to stem the flooded Teith — ^ For twice that day, from shore to shore, The gallant stag swam stoutly o'er. Few were the stragglers, following far. That reached the lake of Vennachar;* And when the Brigg of Turk was won,^ The headmost horseman rode alone. 1 Catiiluis-inore, within about two miles of Callender, on the wooded banks of the Keltic, a tributary of the Teith, is the seat of a family of the name of Buchanan, whom the poet frequently visited in his younger days. - Benledi is a magnificent mountain, three thousand and nine feet in height, which bounds the horizon on the northwest from Callender. The name, according to Celtic etymologists, signifies the jMoimlain of God. 2 Two mountain streams — the one flowing from I.och Voil, by the pass of Leny; the other from Loch-Katrine, by I.och Achray and Loch Vennachar, unite at Callender: and the river thus formed thence- forth takes the name of Teith. ■ Hence the designation of the territory of Menteith. •* " Loch Vennachar, a beautiful expanse of water, of about five miles in length, by a mile and a half in breadth." — Graham. 5"Al50ut a mile above Loch Vennachar, the approach (from the east), to the Bri^',i,' or Bn't/Qg of Turk (the scene of the death of a wild- boar famous in Celtic tradition), leads to the summit of an eminence, 28 Tin-: i.ADv OF Tin: lake. [canto i. vir. Alone, but with unbatcd zeal, That ht)rscman i)liccl the se()ur<,^e aiul steel; I-'oi" jaded now, and spent with toil, I'Lniboss'd with foam, antl dark with soil, While every gasp with sobs he drew, The laboring; stagstrain'd full in view. Two dogs of black Saint Hubert's breed, Unniatch'd for courage, breath, and speed,' eminence, where tlicre hurst'' upon the lr:ivcllor"s eve a sudden and wide prospect of the wiiuiiiit^s of tlie ri\er tliat issues from Locli Aiiiray, witii that sweet hike itself in front; tiie-.i(entiv rollirm river pursues its serpentine course throuj^h an extensive meadow; at the west end of the lake on the side of Al)erfov!e is situated the deiii^ht- ful farm of Acliray, the level Jiehi, a denomination justly due to it, when considered in contrast with the rugged rocks and mountains which surround it. From this eminence are to he seen also, on the right hand, the entrance to Glenfinlas, and in the ilistance Hen- venue." — (JK.MIA.M. ' "The houniis which we call Saint lluhert's hounds are com- monly all biacke. yet, neuertheless, the race is so mingled at these days, that we find them of all colours. These are the hounds which the abbots of St. Hubert haue always kept some of their race or kind in honour or remembrance of the saint, which was ;i hunter with S. Eustace. Whrreujion we may conceiue that (by the grace f)f (iod) all good huntsmen shall follow them into paraiiise. To return vnto mv former purpovf. this kinil of dogges hath bene dispersed through the counties of llinault. Loryne. Flanders, and Rurgoyne. They are mightv of body, neuertheless (heir legges are low and short, likewise thev are not swift, although they be very good of sent, hunting chaccs which are farrc straggled, fearing neither water nor rr.ld. ;ind doe more coiiet the chaccs that sim-ll. as foxes, bore, and such like, than other, becausi- tln-y find themselves neither of swifl- ncsK nor rnurage to hunt ami kill the cIkucs thai are lighter and swifter, 'ihe bloodhounds r ratiier oval shape; and the whole tliatched and covered over witii foj;. The whole fabric hunjj, as it were, bv a lari^e tree, which reclined from the one end. all alon. Canto i.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 5 1 Whose easy step ilikI stately port Had well become a princely court, To whom, though more than kindred knew. Young Ellen gave a mother's due.' Meet welcome to her guest she made, And every courteous rite was paid. That hospitality could claim, Though all unask'd his birth and name,^ Such then the reverence of a guest. That fellest foe might join the feast. And from his deadliest foeman's door Unquestion'd turn, the banquet o'er. At length his rank the stranger names, " The Knight of Snowdoun, James Fitz-James ; Lord of a barren heritage. Which his brave sires, from age to age, By their good swords had held with toil ; His sire had fall'n in such turmoil. And he, God wot, was forced to stand Oft for his right with blade in hand. This morning with Lord Moray's train He chased a stalwart stag in vain. 1 MS. : "To whom, though more remote her claim Young Ellen gave a mother's name." 2 The Highlanders, who carried hospitality to a punctilious excess, are said to have considered it churlish to ask a stranger his name or lineage before he had taken refreshment. Feuds were so frequent among them, that a contrary rule would in many cases have produced the discovery of some circumstance, which might have excluded the guest from tlie benefit of the assistance he stood in need of. 52 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. ICant-> F. Oulslripp'il his C()iiikuIcs, niiss'd llic deer, Lost his good steed, and wandcr'd here." XXX. Fain would the Kni;;lU in turn rccinirc The name and state ot J-Jlen's sire, Well sliow'd the elder lady's mien,' That courts and cities she had s.een ; Ellen, though more her looks display'u^ The simple grace of sylvan maitl, In speech and gesture, form and face, Show'd she was come of gentle race. " 'Twerc strange in ruder rank to finiirniv tlnoui^h Xortli Ihitutii. Lonci.. iSoS, 4to, I- «7.v Mr. Giinn. of Eclinhuri^h, has lately puhiislud a curiou-. Essay upon the Harp and Harp Music of the llii,'hlancis of Siotlaiul 'I'liat the instrument was once in common use there is most certain. Cleland numbers an acquaintance with it amonj; the few accomplish- ments which his satire allows to the Hii^hlanilers : — " In iiotliinK tlicy'rc arcountcil sliiirp, lixccpt ill b:n;|)i|>c nr in harp." ' Mb.: '' jVooti of /iiiiie Norlli of Scotland, an olllcer of en- gineers, quartered at Inverness about 17 jo. who certainly cannot lie deemed a tavorahle witness, gives the followiui^ account of the ofllce. ami of a bard whom he heard exercise his talent of recitation : " Tiie bard is skilled in the genealogy of all the Highland families, some times preceptor to the young laird, celebrates in Irish verse tlie original of the tribe, the famous warlike actions of the successive heads, and sings his own lyricks as an opiate to the chief, when in- disposed for sleep: but poets arc not equally esteemed and honored in all countries. I hapjiened to hi' a witness of the dishonor done to the inuse, at the house of one of the chiefs, where two of these bards were set at a grjod distance, at tlie lower end of a long table, with a parcel of Highlanders of no extraordinary appearance, over a 60 Canto II. J THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 6l II. SONG. Not faster yonder rowers' might Flings from their oars the spray, Not faster yonder rippling bright That tracts the shallop's course in light, Melts in the lake away, Than man from memory erase The benefits of former days ; Then, stranger, go ! good speed the while. Nor think again of the lonely isle. *' High place to thee in royal court. High place in battle Ime, Good hawk and hound for sylvan sport, Where beauty sees the brave resort,' The honor'd meed be thine ! cup of ale. Poor inspiration ! They were not asked to drink a glass of wine at our table, though the whole company consisted only of the great man. one of his near relations, and myself. After some little time, the chief ordered one of them to sing me a Highland song. The bard i-eadily obeyed, and with a hoarse voice, and in a tune of few various notes, began, as I was told, one of his own lyricks : and when he had proceeded to the fourth or fifth stanza, I perceived, by the names of several persons, glens, and mountains, which I had known or heard of before, that it was an account of some clan battle. But in his going on, the chief (who piques himself upon his school-learning), at some particular passage, bid hiro cease, and cried out, 'there's nothing like that in Virgil or Homer.' I bowed and told him 1 believed so. This vou may believe was very edifying and delightful." — Lcf/crs. u. 167. ' MS. -■ "At tourneys where the brave resort." 62 THE LADY OF 7*1 IE LAKE. [Canto W True l)c tliy swoicl, tli)' friend .sincere^ Thy lady constant, kind, and dear, And lost in love and friendshiii's smile Be memory of the lonely isle, III. SONG CONTINUED, " But if beneath yon southern sky A plaided stranger roam, Whose droopinf]^ crest and stifled sigh, And sunken cheek and heavy eye, Pine for his Highland home ; Then, warrior, then be thine to show The care that soothes a wanderer's woe ; Remember then thy hap ere while, A stranger in the lonely isle. " Or if on life's uncertain main Mishap shall mar thy sail ; If faithful, wise, and brave in vain, Woe, want, and exile thou sustain Beneath the fickle gale ; Waste not a sigh on fortune changed. On thankless courts, or friends estranged, But come where kindred worth shall smile, To greet thee in the lonely isle." IV. As died the .sounds upon the tide. The shallop reach'd the mainland side. CANTO II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 63 And ere his onward way he took, The stranger cast a lingering look, Where easily his eye might reach The Harper on the islet beach, Reclined against a blighted tree, As wasted, grey, and worn as he. To minstrel meditation given, His reverend brow was raised to heaven. As from the rising sun to claim A sparkle of inspiring flame. His hand reclined upon the wire, Seem'd watching the awakening fire ; So still he sate, as those who wait Till judgment speak the doom of fate ; So still, as if no breeze might dare To lift one lock of hoary hair ; So still, as life itself were fled. In the last sound his harp had sped. V. Upon a rock with lichens wild. Beside him Ellen sate and smiled, — Smiled she to see the stately drake Lead forth his fleet upon the lake, While her vexed spaniel, from the beach. Bay'd at the prize beyond his reach .'' Yet tell me, then, the maid who knows, Why deepcn'd on her cheek the rose .^ 64 THE L.inv OF rin: lake. \_^\^xu\\. Forgive, forgive, I'Mdelity ! Perchance the iiiaiden smiled to see Yon parting Hngerer wave adieu. And stop and turn to wave anew ; And, lovely ladies, ere your ire Conclemn-the heroine of my lyre, Show me the fair would scorn to sjiy. And prize such conquest of her eye ! VT. While yet he loiter'd on the spot, It scem'd as Mllen mark'd him not; But when he turn'd liim to the glade, One courteous parting sign she made. And after, oft the knight would say, That rot when \sx\7jii of festal day Was dealt him by the brightest fair, Who e'er wore jewel in her hair, So highly did his bosom swell. As at that simple mute farewell. Now with a trusty mountain-guide, And his dark stag-hounds by his side, lie parts — the maid unconscious still, Watch'd him wind slowly round the hill lUit when his stately form was hid. The rruardian in her bosom chid — "Thy Malcolm! vain and selfish maid!" 'Twas thus ujibraiding conscience said,— Canto U.J J^HE LADY OF THE LAKE. 6$ " Not so had Malcolm idly hung On the smooth phrase of southern tongue ; Not so had Malcolm strain'd his eye, Another step than thine to spy.' Wake Allan-Bane," aloud she cried, To the old Minstrel by her side, — " Arouse thee from thy moody dream ! I'll give thy harp heroic theme, And warm thee with a noble name ; Pour forth the glory of the Graeme ! "^ Scarce from her lips the word had rush'd. When deep the conscious maiden blush'd : For of his clan, in hall and bower, Young Malcolm Graeme was held the flower. VII. The Minstrel waked his harp — three times Arose the well-known martial chimes, ' IViB. : " The loveliest Lowland fair to spy." 2 The ancient and powerful family of Graham (v/hich, for metri- cal reasons, is here spelt after the Scottish pronunciation) held ex- tensive possessions in the counties of Dumbarton and Stirling. Few families can boast of more historical renown, having claim to three of the most remarkable characters in the Scottish annals. Sir John the Grreme, the faithful and undaunted partaker of the labors and patriotic warfare of Wallace, fell in the unfortunate field of Fal- kirk, in 129S. The celebrated Marquis of Montrose, in whom De Retz saw realized his abstract idea of the heroes of antiquity, was the second of these worthies. And, notwithstanding the severity of his temper, and the rigor witli which he executed the oppressive mandates of the princes whom he served, I do not hesitate to name as a third, John GraMue, of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, whose heroic death, in the arms of victory, may be allowed to cancel the 66 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canh. II. And Ihi ice llieir hii^^h heroic pride 111 melancholy nuumurs died. "Vainly thou hid'st, C) noble maid," Clasping; his withcr'd hands, he said, "X^ainly thou bid'st nic wake the strain, Though all uinvont to bid in vain. Alas ! than mine a mightier hand Has tuned my harp, my striuij^s has spanu'd ! I touch the cords of joy, but low And mournful answer notes of woe ; And the proud march, which victors tread, Sinks in the wailing for the dead. O well for me, if mine alone That dirge's deep prophetic tone! If, as my tuneful fathers said, This harji, which erst Saint Moilan sway'd,' Can thus its master's fate foretell, Then welcome be the minstrel's knell! memory of liis cruelty to tlie non-conformists, durinij tlic ryijns of Charles II. and James II. ' I am not pn-parecl to show Saint Modan \va-~ a iierformer on tlic harp. It was, however, no unsaiiUly aceomiiiisiinient : for Saint Dnnstan certainly did play upon that instrument, which, re- taininij, as was natural, a portion of the sanctity attached to its mas- ter's character, announced future events hy its spontaneous sound. " But laborinjj once in these mechanic arts for a de\out mat rone ihat had sett him on work, his violl. that huntj by him on the wall, of its own accord, without anie man's helpe. distinctly sounded this anthime: (utiidriil in cwlis atiinuv sanc/oriiiii ijiii C/irisfi vcs/ii;iii siinf srrtiff : r/ (/nitt pro riiif: diNorr aaniruinvm siimii fiit/rriin/, itiro emu C /irisfo i^aiii/i iif trtrriiinn. Whereat all the companii- bein;.; much astonished, turned their eyes from beholdini^ him working, to look on that strange accident. . . . Not long after, manie of the Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE, 67 VIII. " But ah ! clear lady, thus it sigh'd The eve tliy saluted mother died ; And such the sounds which, while T strove To wake a lay of war or love, Came marring all the festal mirth. Appalling me who gave them birth, court that hitherunto had borne a kind of favned friendship towards him, began now greatly to envie at his progresse and rising in goodnes, using manie crooked, backbiting nieanes to diffanie liis vertues with the black maskes of hvpocrisie. And the better to authorize their calumnie, they brought in this that happened in the violl, affirming it to have been done bv art magick. What moi"e.' this wicked rumour increased dajly, till the king and others of the nobilitie taking hould thereof, Dunstan grew odious in their sight. Therefore he resolued to leaue the court, and goe to Elphegus, sur- named the Bauld, then bishop of Winchester, who was his cozen. Which his enemies understanding, they layd wayt for him in the way, and hauing throwne him oft" his horse, beate him. and dragged him in the durt in the most miserable manner, meaning to have slaine him, had not a companie of mastiue dogges, that came un- lookt uppon them, defended and redeemed him from their crueltie. When with sorrow he was ashamed to see dogges more humane than they. And giuing thankes to Almightie God, he sensibly again per- ceiued that the tunes of his violl had giuen him a warning of future accidents." — /'Yott'c;' of the Lives of the 7nost reiioxvned Saincts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by the R. Father Hiercme Porter. Doway, 1632, 4to, tome i. p. 43S. The same supernatural circumstance is alluded to by the anonj- nnous author of " Grim, the Collier of Croydon." {Dunstaii's harp sounds on the ryn//.") " Forest. Hark, hark, my lords, the holy abbott's harp Sounds by itself so hanging on the wall ! " Dunstan. Unhallow'd man, that scorn'st the sacred rede, Hark, how the testimony of my trutli Sounds heavenly music with an angel's hand, To testify' Dunstan's integrity, \nd prove thy active boast of no effect." 68 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto ll And, disobedient to my call, Wail'd loud through Jiothwell's baniici'd hall, Ere Douglasses, to ruin driven, ' Were exiled from their native heaven. Oh ! if yet worse mishap and woe, My master's house must undergo, ' Tlie downfall of the Doiigla.s!M;s of the house of Angus, during the reign of James V., is the event alluded to in the text. The Eari of Angus, it will be remembered, had married liie queen dowager, and availed himself of the right which he thus acquired, as well as of his extensive power, to retain the king in a sort ol' tutelage, which approached very near to captivity. Several open attempts were made to rescue James from this thraldom, with which he was well knf)wn to be deeply disgusted; but the valor of the Douglasses, and their allies, gave them the victory in every conflict. At length the king, wliile residing at Falkland, contrived to escape by night out of his own court and palace, and rode full speed to Stirling Castle, where the governor, who was of the opposite faction, joyfully received him. Being thus at liberty, James speedily summoned arouml him such peers as he knew to be most inimical to the domination of Angus, and laid his complaint before them, says I'itscotlie, " with great lamentations: showing to them how he was holden in subjection, thir years bvgonc, by the Earl of Angus, and his kin and frienils, who oppressed the whole country, and spoiled it, luuler the pretence of justice and his authority; and had slain many of his lieges, kins- men, and friends, because they would have had it mended at tiicir hands, and put him at liberty, as he ought to have been at the counsel of his whole lords, and not have been subjected and cor- rected with no particular men, by the rest of his nobles: Tiierefore. said he, I desire, my lords, that I may be satisfied of the said earl, his kin, and friends; for I avow, that Scotland sh:ill not hold us both, while [/. r. till] I be revenged on him and his. "The Loids hearing the king's complaint and lanicnlation, :iTi(i also the great rage, fury, and malice, that he bore towanl liie Earl of Angus, his kin and friends, they concluded all, and thought it best that he should be sinnmoned to underlay the law: if he foniid no caution, nor yet compear himself, that he shoulil be put to tiie horn, with all his kin and friends, so many as were contained in the Cantu il.J THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 69 Or aught but wca] to Ellen fair, Brood in these accents of despair, No future bard, sad Harp ! shall fling Triumph or rapture from thy string ; One short, one final strain shall flow, Fraught with unutterable woe, Then shiver'd shall thy fragments lie, Thy master cast him down and die !" IX. Soothing she answer'd him, " Assuage, Mine honor'd friend, the fears of age ; . All melodies to thee are known. That harp has rung, or pipe has blown, In Lowland vale or Highland glen, From Tweed to Spey — what marvel, then, At times, unbidden notes should rise, Confusedly bound in memory's ties. Entangling as they rush along. The war-march with the funeral song ? — Small ground is now for boding fear ; Obscure, but safe, we lest us here. My sire, in native virtue great. Resigning lordship, lands, and state, letters. And farther, the lords ordained, by advice of his majesty, that his brother and friends should be summoned to find caution to underlay the law within a certain day, or else be put to the horn- But the earl appeared not, nor none for him : and so he was put to the horn, with all his kin and friends : so many as were contained in tlie summons, that compeared not, were banished, and holden traitors to the kin"." /O THE LADY Of THE LAKE. LCanto IL Not then to fortune more resiirn'd Than yonder oak might L;ive the wind ; Tb.e graeeful foliage storms- may reave, The noble stem they cannot grieve. For me," — she stoop'd, and, looking round, Pluck'd a blue hare-bell from the ground, — " For me, whose memory scarce conveys An image of more splendid days, This little flower that loves the lea, May well my sim])le uiiiblem be ; It drinks heaven's due as blithe as rose ' That in the king's own garden grows ; And when I place it in my hair, Allan, a bard is bound to swear IK- ne'er saw coronet so fair." Then jjlayfully the chajjlet wild She wreath'd in In-r dark locks, .-ind smiled. X. Iler smile, her speech, with winning sway. Wiled the old harper's mood away. With such a look as hermits throw. When angels stoop to soothe their woe, He gazed, till fond regret and pride Thrill'd to a tear, then thus replied : " Loveliest and best ! thou little know'st The rank, the honors, thou hast lost ! M.S. : •• No blither ilow-drop rliccrs the rose." Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 7^ O might I live to see thee grace, In Scotland's court, thy birth-right place. To see my favorite's step advance,' The lightest in the courtly dance, The cause of every gallant's sigh. And leading star of every eye, And theme of every minstrel's art. The Lady of the Bleeding Heart ! " ^ XI. " Fair dreams are these," the maiden cried, (Light was her accent, yet she sighed ;) " Yet is this mossy rock to me Worth splendid chair and canopy ; ^ Nor would my footsteps spring more gay In courtly dance than blithe strathspey, Nor half so pleased mine ear incline To royal minstrel's lay as thine. And then for suitors proud and high, To bend before my conquering eye, — Thou, flattering bard ! thyself wilt say. That grim Sir Roderick owns its sway. The Saxon scourge, Clan-Alpine's pride, The terror of Loch Lomond's side, Would, at my suit, thou know'st, delay A Lennox foray — for a day." * This couplet is not in the MS. 2 The well-known cognizance of the Douglas family ^ MS. : "This mossy rock, my friend, to me Is worth gay chair and canopy." 72 THE LADY OF THE LAKE [Canto II. XII. The ancient bard her glee repress'd : " 111 hast thou chosen theme for jest ! For who, throuf,di all this western wild, Named Black Sir Roderick e'er, and smiled ! In Iloly-kood a knight he slew ; ' I saw, when back the dirk he drew, Courtiers give place before the stride Of the undaunted homicide ;^ And since, though outlaw'd, hath his hand, Full sternly kept his mountain land. Who else dare give — ah ! woe the day,^ That I such hated truth should say — The Douglas, like a stricken deer, Disown'd by every noble peer,^ Even the rude refuge we have here ? * See Appendix, Note C ^ MS. : "Courtiers yave place with heartless stride Of the retiriii;^ iKjiniciile." • MS. : " Who else dared own the kindred ciaini That bound him to thy mother's name.'' Who else dared t^ive," etc. ♦ The exiled state of this powerful rare is not i\;i-.;irateil in fliis and subsequent passa,i,'es. The hatred of James against the race of Douglas was so inveterate that, numerous as their allies were, and disregarded as the regal authority had usually been in similar cases, their nearest friends, even in the most remote parts of Scotland, durst not entertain them, unless under the strictest and closest disguise. James Douglas, son of the banished Earl of Angus, after- wards well known by the title of FCarl of Morton. Imkod. during the exile of his family, in the north of Scotland, under the assumed name of James Innes. otherwise yanns tin- (•rirz'c (/. r., Reve or Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 73 Alas, this wild marauding Chief Alone might hazard our relief, And now thy maiden charms exjoand, Looks for his guerdon in thy hand ; Full soon may dispensation sought. To back his suit from Rome be brouR-ht. Then, though an exile on the hill, Thy father, as the Douglas, still Be held in reverence and fear ; And though to Roderick thou'rt so dear, That thou mightst guide with silken thread, Slave of thy will, this chieftain dread ; Yet, O loved maid, thy mirth refrain ! Thy hand is on a lion's mane." — XIII. "Minstrel," the maid replied, and high Her father's soul glanced from her eye, •' My debts to Roderick's house I know : All that a mother could bestow, To Lady Margaret's care I owe, Since first an orphan in the wild She sorrow'd o'er her sister's child ; Bailiff). "And as he bore the name," says Godscroft, " so did he also execute the office of a grieve or overseer of the lands and rents, the corn and cattle of him with whom he lived." From the habits of frugality and observation wliich he acquired in his humble situa- tion, the historian traces that intimate acquaintance with popular character, which enabled him to rise so high in the state, and that honorable economy by which he repaired and established the shattered estates of Angus and ISIorton. — History of the House of Douglas, Edinburgh. 1743, vol. ii. p. 160. 74 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto II. To her bra\e chieftain son, from ire Of Scotland's kin<^- who shroiuls my sire. A deeper, hoHcr debt is owed ; And, could I pay it with my blood, Allan ! Sir Roderick should command My blood, my life, — but not my hantl. Rather will Kllen Douglas dwell A votaress in Maronnan's cell ; ' Rather through realms beyond the sea, Seeking the world's cold charity, Where ne'er was sj)()ke a Scottish word, And ne'er the name of Douglas heard. An outcast pilgrim will she rove. Than wed the man she cannot love.* XIV. "Thou shakest, good friend, tiiy tresses gray — That i)leading look, what can it .say Uut what I own.' — I grant him brave, lUit wild as lirncklinn's thundering wave;^ 1 The parish of Kilniamnoik. at tlic eastern cxtrcinitv of Locli- Loniond. derives its naine from a cell or ehapel, dedicated to Saint Maronoch, or Marnoch, or Maronnan, abont whose sanctity verv little is now renieinbered. There is a fountain devoted to hini in the same parish; but its virtues, like the merits of its patron, have fallen into oblivion. '^ "Ellen is most exquisitelv drawn, and could not have been improved bv contrast. She is iieautiful. frank. aHectionale. rational, and pl.nvful. combininj^ the innocence of a child with the elevated sentiments and courai^e of a heroine." — .K^iiaihrly l\,vi>v. ' This is a beautifid cascatle niade bv a nir)nntain stream called the KeMi'. at a jilace called the Hridi^'c of Ilracklinn. about a mile CANTO II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 75 And generous — save vindictive mood, Or jealous transport, chafe his blood : I grant him true to friendly band. As his claymore is to his hand ; But O ! that very blade of steel More mercy for a foe would feel : I grant him liberal, to fling Among his clan the wealth they bring, When back by lake and glen they wind, And in the Lowland leave behind, Where once some pleasant hamlet stood, A mass of ashes slaked with blood. The hand that for my father fought, I honor, as his daughter ought ; • But can I clasp it reeking red. From peasants slaughter'd in l.heir shed ? No ! wildly while his virtues gleam. They make his passions darker seem. And flash along his spirit high, Like lightning o'er the midnight sky. While yet a child, — and children know. Instinctive taught, the friend and foe, — I shudder' d at his brow of gloom, His shadowy plaid, and sable plume! from the village of Callendar in Menteith. Above a chasm, where the brook precipitates itself from a height of at least fifty feet, there is thrown, for the convenience of the neighborhood, a rustic foot- bridge, of about three feet in breadth, and without ledges, which is scarcely to be crossed by a stranger without awe and appre- hension. 76 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto 11. A maiden <;nj\vn, I ill coiiUl bear Mis haughty mien and lordly air ; But, if thou join'st a suitor's claim, In serious mood, to Roderick's name, I thrill with anguish ! or, if e'er A Douglas knew the word, with fear. To change such odious theme were best, — What think'st thou of our stranger guest ? " XV. "What think I oi him .' — woe the while That brought such wanderer to our isle! Thy father's battle-brand, of yore Vox Tine-man forged by fairy lore,' What time he leagued, no longer foes, His Border spears with Hotspur's bows, Did, self-unscabbarded, foreshow The footstep of a secret foc^" ' Arcliibalil, tlic lliiicl Earl of Doiiijla';, wns fio unfortunate in aU his enterprises, tliat he .laiuircil the epithet of Tine-max, because lie tiinil, or lost, his followers in every battle which he fought, lie was vanfiuishcd. as every reader must remember, in the bloody battle of Ilomildon-hill, near Wnoler, where he himself lost an eye, and was made prisoner by Hotspur. lie was no less unfortunate when allied with Percy, beins wounded and taken at the battle of Shrewsbury. He was: so unsuccessful in an attempt to hesieijc Roxbur<,'h Castle, that it was called the Foul Raid, or disjEfracefuI expedition. His ill fortune left him indeed at the battle of Rcaui^d, in F" ranee; but it was only to return with double emphasis at the subsequent action of Vernoil. the last and most unlucky of his encounters, in which he fell, with the flower of the Scottish chivalry. then servinj^ as auxiliarie- ■" I'l. u .-. and about two thousand com- mon poldiers. A. 1). 1424. ^ See Apjiendix, Note D. Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. TJ If courtly spy hath harbor'd here, What may wc for the Douglas fear ? What for this island, deem'd of old Clan-Alpine's last and surest hold ? If neither spy nor foe, I pray What yet may jealous Roderick say ? — Nay, wave not thy disdainful head, Bethink thee of the discord dread That kindled, when at Beltane game Thou ledst the dance with Malcolm Grasme ; Still, though thy sire the peace renew'd. Smoulders in Roderick's breast the feud ; Beware ! — But hark, what sounds are these ? ' My dull ears catch no faltering breeze, No weeping birch, nor aspens wake, Nor breath is dimpling in the lake, Still is the canna's - hoary beard, Yet, by my minstrel faith, I heard -= And hark again ! some pipe of war Sends the bold pibroch from afar." XVI. Far up the lengthen'd lake were spied Four darkening specks upon the tide. That, slow enlarging on the view. Four mann'd and masted barges grew, ' "The moving picture — the effect of the sounds — and the wild character and strong peculiar nationality of the wliole procession, are given with inimitable spirit and power of expression." — -Jeffrey 2 Cotton-grass. 7S THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto II. Ami, hcarinL; (lnwnvvards from Glcnijylc, Stc'or'tl full upon the lonely isle ; The i)oint of Brianchoil they pass'd, And, to tlic windward as they cast, Afjjainst tlie sun they gave to shine The l)old Sir Roderick's banner'd i'ine. Nearer and nearer as they bear, Spear, pikes, and axes flash in air. Now mi<:jht you see the tartans brave, And plaids and pluma-e dance and wave : Now see the bonnets sink and rise, As his tout;h oar the rower plies; See, flashing at each sturdy stroke. The wave ascending into smoke ; See the proud pipers on the bow. And mark the gaudy streamers flow From their loud chanters ' down, and sweep The furrow'd bo.som of the deej), As, rushing through the lake amain. They plied the ancient Highland strain. XVII. lu'cr, as on they bore, more loud And louder rung the pibroch |)roud. 'At first the sound, by distance tame, Mellow'd along the waters came, And, lingering long by cape and bay VVail'd every harsher not(> away; Canto II.] l^HE LADY OF THE LAKE. 79 Then, l)ursting" bolder on the ear, The clan's shrill Gathering they could hear ; Those thrilling sounds, that call the mig'Tt Of old Clan-Alpine to the fight/ Thick beat the rapid notes, as when The mustering hundreds shake the glen, And hurrying- at the signal dread. The batter'd earth returns then- tread. Then prelude light, of livelier tone, Express'd their merry marching on, Ere peal of closing battle rose. With mingled outcry, shrieks, and blows : A mimic din of stroke and ward. As broadsword upon target jarr'd ; And groaning pause, ere yet again, Condenged, the battle yell'd amain ; The rapid charge, the rallying shoui, Retreat borne headlong into rout, And bursts of triumph, to declare Clan-Alpine's conquest — all were theic. ^ The connoisseurs in pipe-music affect to discover in a well- composed pibroch, the imitative sounds of march, conflict, fight, pursuit and' all the "current of a heady fight." To this opinion Dr. Beattie has given his suffrage, in the following elegant passage : "■ K pibroch is a species of tune, peculiar, I think, to the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland. It is performed on a bigpipe, and differs totally from all other music. Its rythm is so irregular, and its notes, especially in the quick movement, so mixed and huddled together that a stranger finds it impossible to reconcile his ear to it, so as to perceive its modulation. Some of these pibrochs, being intended to represent a battle, begin with a grave motion resembling a march; then gradually quicken into the onset; run off with noisy So THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto II. Xiir ciulcd thus ihc slrain ; Init slow Sunk in a nioan prulong'd and low, And changed the conciuering clarion swell, For wild lament o'er those that fell. XVIII. The war-pipes ceased ; but lake and hill Were busy with their echoes still ; And when they slept, a vocal strain Bade their hoarse chorus wake again, While loud a hundred clansmen raise Their voices in their Chieftain's praise. Each boatman, bending to his oar, With measured sweep the burden bore, In such wild cadence, as the breeze Makes through December's leafless trees. The chorus first could Allan know, " Roderick Vich Alpine, ho ! iro ! " /^nd iiear, and nearer as they row'd, Distinct the martial ditty llow'd. XIX. nO.AT .SONG. Hail to the Chief who in triumph advances! Ilonor'd and bless'd be the ever-green Pine ."onfiision. aiul tiiihuliiu lapiuiiv. i'> inniaic tlic tondict ami pursuit. ; then swell intf) a few lloiiii-.iics of Iriuinphant joy; anil perhaps close witli tlie wild ami low wailiiif^s of a funeral procession." — Essay on Laiii^hlcr ami Ludicrous Composiliou, eliaji. iii. I^ote. Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 8l Long may the tree, in his banner that glances, Flourisli, the shelter and grace of our line ! Heaven send it happy dew. Earth lend it sap anew, Gayly to bourgeon, and broadly to grow. While every Highland glen Send our shout back agen, " Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho ! ieroe ! " ' Ours is no sapling, chance-sown by the fountain, Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade ; When the whirlwind has strijip'd every leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan-Alpine exult in her shade. Moor'd in the rifted rock. Proof to the tempest's shock, ' Besides his ordinary name and surname, which were chiefly used in the intercourse with the Lowh\nds, every Highland chief had an epithet expressive of his patriarchal dignity as head of the clan, and which was common to all his predecessors and successors, as Pharaoh to the kings of Egypt, or Arsaces to those of Parthia. This name was usually a patronymic, expressive of his descent from the founder of the family. Thus the Duke of Argyle is called Mac- Callum More, or the son of Colin the Great Sometimes, however, it is derived from armorial distinctions, or the memory of some great feat; thus Lord Seaforth, as chief of the Mackenzies, or Clan- Kennet, bears the epithet of Caber-fae, or Buck's Head, as repre- sentative of Colin Fitzgerald, founder of the family, who saved the Scottish king when endangered by a stag. But besides this title, which belonged to his office and dignity, the chieftain had usually another peculiar to himself, which distinguished him from the chieftains of the same race. This was sometCmes derived from complexion, as dhu or roy ; sometimes from size, as beg- or more ; at 82 THE LADY OF TIIF. LAKE. [Canto II. Firmer he routs liini the ruder it blows; Menteith and lireadalbane, then, Echo his praise again, " Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho! ieroc!" XX. Proudly our pibroch has thrill'd in Glen Fruin, And Ikmnachar's groans to our slogan replied ; Glen Lus and Ross-dhu, they arc smoking in ruin, And the best of Loch-Lomond lie dead on her side.' Widow and Saxon maid Long shall lament our raid, Think of Clan-Alpine with fear and with woe; Lennox and Lcven-glen Shake when they hear again, " Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho! ieroc! " Row, vassals, row for the pride of the Highlands Stretch to your oars, for the ever-green Pine ! other times, from some peculiar exploit, or from some peculiarity of hahit or aiipearaiicc. The line of tlic text therefore signifies, Ulack Uotlcrick, the dcsccndiinl of Alpine. The Rorifj itself is intended as an imitation of the /V);v'f/w.<;, or boat- sonf,'s of the Ili;,'hlatulers, which were usually composed in honor of n favorite chief. Tiiev are so adapted as to keep time with the sweep of the oars, anti it is easy to distin<(uish between tluise intended to be sung to the oars f)f a yallry. where the stroke is K-n<,'thened and doubled, as it wen-, and lho>.c which were timed to the rowers of an ordirary l»oat. 1 See Appendix, Note li. Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 83 O ! that the rose-bud that graces yon islands, Were wreathed in a garland around him to twine. O, that some seedling gem, Worthy such noble stem, Honor'd and blessed in their shadow might grow ! Loud should Clan-Alpine then Ring from her deepest glen, ' Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho ! ieroe ! " ' XXI. With all her joyful female band, Had Lady Margaret sought the strand. Loose on the breeze their tresses flew. And high their snowy arms they threw. As echoing back with shrill acclaim, And chorus wild, the Chieftain's name ; ^ While, prompt to please, with mother's art. The darling passion of his heart, The Dame called Ellen to the strand To greet her kinsman ere he land : " Come, loiterer, come ! a Douglas thou. And shun to wreathe a victor's brow ? " — 1 " However we may dislike the geographical ?ong and chorus, iialf English and half Erse, w'hich is sung in praise of the warrior, we must allow that, in other respects, the hero of a poem has seldom, if ever, been introduced with finer effect, or in a manner better calculated to excite the expectations of the reader, than on the present occasion." — Critical Rcvie-v. ^ MS. : " TAe chorus to the chieftain's fame." 84 THE LAW OF THE LAKE. [Canto ll. Rcluctaiitl)- and slow, the maid The unwelcome .summuniii!^ obey'd, And, when a distant bugle rung, In the mitl-path aside she sprung: — " List, Allan-Bane ! From mainland cast I hea. my father's signal blast, Be ours," she cried, "the skitf to guide, And w'aft him from the mountain-side. ' Then, like a sunbeam, swift and bright, She darted to lier sliallop light, And, eagerly while Roderick scann'd l^^or her dear form, his mother's band, The islet far behind her lay, And she had landed in the bay. XXII. Some feelings arc to mortals given, With less of earth in rncm than heaven: And if there be a human tear From passion's dross rcnned and clear, A tear so limpid anci so meek, It would not stain an angel's cheek, 'Tis that which pious fathers shed Upon a duteous daughter's head ! And as the Douglas to his breast His darling ICllen closely prcss'd, Such holy drops her tresses stccp'd, Though 'twas an hero's eye that weep'd. Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 85 Nor while on Ellen's faltering tongue ' Her filial welcomes crowded hung, Mark'd she, that fear (affection's proof) Still held a graceful youth aloof ; No ! not till Douglas named his name, Although the youth was Malcolm Graeme. XXIII. Allan, with wistful look the while, Mark'd Roderick landing on the isle ; His master piteously he eyed. Then gazed upon the Chieftain's pride. Then dash'd, with hasty hand, away From his dimm'd eye the gathering spray ; And Douglas, as his hand he laid On Malcolm's shoulder, kindly said, " Canst thou, young friend, no meaning spy In my poor follower's glistening eye ? I'll tell thee : he recalls the day, When in my praise he led the lay O'er the arch'd gate of Bothwell proud, While many a minstrel answer'd loud. MS. : " Nor while on Ellen's faltering tongue Her filial greetings eager hung, Mark'd not that axve (affection's proof) Still held r^;/ gentle youth aloof; No! not till Douglas named his name, Although the youth was Malcolm Grreme. Then xvitli Ji ashed check and do-vncant eye. Their greeting -nS. * " This ofllcer is a sort of secretary, and is to be reaily, upon all occasions, to venture his life in defence of his master; and at drinking-bouts he stands behind his scat, at his haunch, from whence his title is derived, and watches the conver>ation. to see if any one ofTends liis patron. An English ofTicer being in company with a certain chieftain, and several other Highland gentlemen, near Kilichumcn. had an argument with the c>'<'cf "'(^" ■ ^"'^ both hcinir Will warmed with usky.* at last the dispute trrew very hot. A youth who was henchman, not understandmg one word of English, • W)iisky. Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. lor Young Malcolm answer'd, calm and bold, ** Fear nothing for thy favorite hold ; The spot an angel deigned to grace Is bless'd, though robbers haunt the place Thy churlish courtesy for those Reserve, who fear to be thy foes. As safe to me the mountain way At midnight as in blaze of day, Though with his boldest at his back Even Roderick Dhu beset the track. Brave Douglas, — lovely Ellen, — nay, Naught here of parting will I say. Earth does not hold a lonesome glen, So secret, but we meet agen. Chieftain! we too shall find a!i hour." He said, and left the sylvan bower. XXXVI. Old Allan follow'd to the strand, (Such was the Douglas's command,) And anxious told, how, on the morn, The stern Sir Roderick deep had sworn, imagined his chief was insulted, and thereupon drew his pistol from his side, and snapped it at the officer's head ; but the pistol missed fire, otherwise it is more than probable he might have suffered death from the hand of that little vermin. But it is very disagreeable to an Englishman over a bottle with the Highlanders, to see every one of them have his gillv. that is. his se'-vant. standing behind him, all the wliilc. let what will be tne subject of conversation." — Letters from Scotland, ii, 159. I02 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto II. The Fiery Cross should circle o'er Dale, glen, and valley, down, and moor. Much were the peril to the Grccme, From those who to the signal came; Far uj) the lake 'twere safest lantl, Himself would row him to the strand, He gave his counsel to the wind, While Malcolm did, unheeding, bind, Round dirk and pouch and broadsword roll'd, His ami^le plaid "n tighten'd fold. And stripp'd bis limbs to such array. As best might suit the watery way, — XXXVH. •Then spoke abrupt : " Ivarewell to Ihce, Pattern of ohi fidelity!" The Minstrel's hand he kindly press'd. -- " O ! could I point a place of rest ! My sovereign holds in ward my land. My uncle leads my vassal band ; To tame his foes, bi? friends to aid, Poor Malcolm has but heart and blade. Yet, if there be one faithful Grccme, Who loves the Chieftain of his name, Not long shall honored Douglas dwell. Like hunted stag in mountain cell ; Nor, ere yon pride-swolTn robber dare, — I may not give the rest to air! Canto II.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 103 Tell Roderick Dhu, I owed him naught, Not the poor service 01 a boat, To waft me to yon mountain-side." Then plunged he in the flashing tide.' Bold o'er the flood his head he bore. And stoutly steer'd him from the shore ; And Allan strain'd his anxious eye. Far 'mid the lake his form to spy. Darkening across each puny wave. To which the moon her silver gave, Fast as the cormorant could skim. The swimmer plied each active limb ; Then landing in the moonlight dell, Loud shouted of his weal to tell. The minstrel heard the far halloo. And joyful from the shore withdrew. 1 MS. : " He spoke, and plunged into the tide. CANTO THIRD. THE GATHERING. I. Time rolls his ceaseless course. The race of yore,' Who danced our infancy upon their knee, And told our marvelling boyhood legends store, Of their strange ventures haj^p'd by land or sea. How are they blotted from the things that be! How few, all weak and wither'd of their force, Wait on the verge of dark eternity, Like stranded wrecks, the tide returning hoarse, To sweep them from our sight ! Time rolls ins cease- less course. Yet live there still who can remember well. How, when a mountain chief his bugle blew, lioth field and forest, dingle, cliff, and dell, And solitary heath, the signal knew; And fast the faithful clan around him drew. What time the warning note was keenly wound, 1 " There are no separate introductions to tiie cantos of this pocin ; but each of tlieni bei^ins with one or two stanzas in the measure of Spenser, usually containing some rellections connected with the subject about to be entered on; and written, for the most part, with great tenderness and beauty. The following, we think, is among the most striking." — Ji.ii ki v. «f>4 Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 105 What time aloft their kindred banner flew, While clamorous war-pipes yell'd the gathering sound, And while the Fiery Cross glanced, like a meteor, round.^ II. The summer dawn's reflected hue To purple changed Loch Katrine blue ; Mildly and soft the western breeze Just kiss'd the Lake, just stirr'd the trees. And the pleased lake, like maiden coy, Trembled but dimpled not for joy ; The mountain-shadows on her breast Were neither broken nor at rest ; In bright uncertainty they lie, Like future joys to Fancy's eye. The water-lily to the light Her chalice rear'd of silver bright ; The doe awoke, and to the lawn, Begemm'd with dew drops, led her fawn ; The gray mist left ^ the mountain side. The torrent show'd its glistening pride ; Invisible in flecked sky, The lark sent down her revelry ; 1 See Appendix, Note F. ^ MS.: "The doe awoke, and to the lawn Begemm'd with dewdiops, led her fawn, Invisible in fleecy cloud, The lark sent down her matins loud; The light mist left," etc. I06 THE LADY OF 77 f/'. r.AKE. [Canto iii. The blackbird and the speckled thrush Good-niorrovv gave from brake and bush ; ' In answer coo'd the cushat dove Her notes of peace, and rest, and love. III. No thought of peace, no thought of rest, Assuaged the storm in Roderick's breast. With sheathed broadsword in his hand, Abruj)t he paced the islet strand, And eyed the rising sun, and laid Mis hand on his impatient blade. Beneath a r(jck, his vassals' care' Was prompt the ritual to prepare. With deep and death ful meaning fraught ; l-'or such Anticjuity hatl taught Was preface meet, ere yet abroad The Cross of T'ire should take its road. The shrinking band stood oft aghast At the impatient glance he cast ; — Such glance the mountain eagle threw, As, from the cliffs of Benvenue, She spread her dark sails on the wind, And, high in middle heaven, reclined, ' " 'I'lic iricoM hills Are clothed with earl v l)l(>ssoins ; throu^^h the grass The qiiiek-cved lizard rustles, and the hills Of t-uinincr hirds sini,' wclcoine as ve pass." — C/ii/dr llmohl ' MS. : " Hard bv, his vassals' earl\- rare The .'Tiystic ritual prepare." Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 107 With her broad shadow on the lake, Silenced the warblers of the brake. IV. A heap of wither'd boughs was piled Of juniper and rowan wild, Mingled with shivers from the oak. Rent by the lightning's recent stroke. Brian, the Hermit, by it stood. Barefooted, in his frock and hood. His grisled beard and matted hair Obscured a visage of despair ; His naked arms and legs seam'd o'er, The scars of frantic penance bore. That monk, of savage form and face,' The impending danger of his race Had drawn from deepest solitude. Far in Benharrow's bosom rude. Not his the mien of Christian priest. But Druid's, from the grave released. Whose harden'd heart and eye might brook On human sacrifice to look ; And much, 'twas said, of heathen lore Mix'd in the charms he mutter'd o'er. The hallow'd creed gave only worse ^ And deadlier emphasis of curse ; 1 Sec Appendix, Note G. 2 MS. : '' While the bless'd creed gave onlj worse." I08 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Cant.. III. No peasant sought that liciniit's prayer, His cave the pilgrim shunn'cl with care, The eager huntsman knew liis bound. And in mid chase call'd off his hound ; Or if, in lonely glen or strath, The desert-dweller met his path, He pray'd and sign'd the cross betw«.xn. While terror took devotion's mien.' V. Of Brian's birth strange tales were told.- His mother watch'd a midnight fold, ' MS. : " lie pray'd witli many a cross between, And terror took devotion's mien." - The legend wliicli follows is not of the author's in\ention. It i ; possible lie niav dilVer from modern critics, in siip|iosing that the records of human superstition, if peculiar to, and characteristic of, the country in which tlie scene is laid, are a legitimate subject of poetry. lie gives, however, a ready assent to the narro>ver propo- sition which condemns all attempts of an irregular and disordered fancv to excite terror, by accumulating a train of fantastic and in- coherent horrors, whetiier borrowed from all countries, and patched upon a nai'rativc belonging to one wiiicli knew tluin not, or derived frf)m the author's own imagination. In the juesL-nt case, Iheieforc, I appeal to the record which I have transcribed, with the variation of a very few words, from the geographical collections mad? by the Lain! of Macfarlane. I know not whether it be necessary to remark, that the miscellaneous concourse of vouths and maidens on the night and on the spot where the miracle is said to have taken place, mifrht, even in a credulous age. have somewhat diuiinished the wonder which accompanied the conception of fiilli-Doir-Magre- vollich. "There is bot two tnvles from Inverloghie. the church of Kil- nialec, in Loghyeld. In ancient tym<>s there was ane church buildtd upon ane hill, whii h was above this chmch. whihl. See the Ess.iy on I'airy Superstitions in the liorder Minstrelsy. ^ Sec Appendix, Note II. Canto 111.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. IIJ The Umiulorbolt had si)ht the pine, — » All augur'd ill to Alpine's line. He girt his loins, and came to show The signals of impending woe, And now stood prompt to bless or ban, As bade the Chieftain of his clan. VIII. 'Twas all prepar'd ; — and from the rock, A goat, the patriarch of the flock, Before the kindling pile was laid, And pierced by Roderick's ready blade Patient the sickening victim eyed The life-blood ebb in crimson tide, Down his clogg'd beard and shaggy limb. Till darkness glazed his eyeballs dim. The grisly priest, with murmuring prayer, A slender crosslet form'd with care, A cubit's length in measure due ; The shaft and limbs were rods of yew. Whose parents in Inch-Cailliach wave ' Their shadows o'er Clan-Alpine's grave, 1 hicJi-CailliacJi, the Isle of Nuns, or of Old Women, is a most beautiful island at tiie lower extremity of Loch Lomond. The church belonging to the former nunnery was long used as the place of worship for the parish of Buchanan, but scarce any vestiges of it now remain. The burial-ground continues to be used, and contains the family places of sepulture of several neighboring clans. The moninnents of the lairds of Macgregor, and of other families, claim- ing a descent from the old Scottish King Alpine, arc most remark- able. The Highlanders are as zealous of their rights of sepulture 1 1 6 THE LADY OF 1 HE LA KE. L<^ -^ ^i , . 1 1 1 i^\(\. aiiswciiiiL; Lomoiul's l)icczcs deep, Soothe nuiny ii chieitaiu's endless sleep. The Cross, thus form'd, he held on high, With wasteil hand, and haggard eye, And strange and mingled feelings woke, While his anathema he spoke. IX. " Woe to the clan.sman, who shall view This symbol of sepulchral yew. Forgetful that its branches grew Where weep the heavens their holiest dew On Alpine's dwelling low ! Deserter of his Chieftain's trust. He ne'er shall mingle with their dust, 15ut, from his sires and kin(h-ed thrust, Each clansman's c.\ecratii>n just ' Shall doom him wrath and woe." lie paused; — the word the vassals took, With forward stc]) and liery look. On high their naked brands they shook, IS mav be expected froin a people whose wliole laws and j,'ovei-inient. if clanship can be called so. turned upon the sin.i,'le princijile of family descent. "May his ashes be scattered on the water." was one of the decpct and most solemn imprecations wiiich Ihcy used a;^."\inst an enemy. See a detailed description of the funeral cere- monies of a Ui^iiland chieftain in the Fair Maid of I'.rlh. Warcrly Sovvis, vol. 43, chaps, x. and xi. Xc-v Edit. ' MS. : " Our warriors, on his worthless bust, Shall sjKjik disi^race and woe." CANTO III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. IT; Their clattering targets wildly strook;' And first in murmur low, Then, like the billow in his course. That far to seaward finds his source. And flings to shore his musterd force. Burst, with loud roar, their answer hoarse, " Woe to the traitor, woe ! " Ben-an's gray scalp the accents knew, The joyous wolf from covert drew, The exulting eagle scream'd afar, — They knew the voice of Alpine's war. X. The shout was hush'd on lake and fell. The monk resumed his mutter'd spell : Dismal and low its accents came. The while he scathed the Cross with flame ; And the few words that reach'd the air. Although the holiest name was there,^ Had more of blasphemy than prayer. But when he shook above the crowd Its kindled points, he spoke aloud : — '' Woe to the wretch who fails to rear At this dread sign the ready spear ! For, as the flames this symbol sear, His home, the refuge of his fear, A kindred fate shall know ; ' MS. : " Their clattering targets hardly strook : And first tJiey mutter'd loxv." 2 MS. : " Although the holy name was there." Il8 rilE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto HI Far o'er its roof the volumed flame Clan-Alpine's venijcance shall proclaim, While maids and matrons on his name Shall call down wretchedness and shame, And infamy and woe." Then rose the cry of females, shrill As goss-hawk's whistle on the hill, Denouncing misery and ill, Mingled with childhood's babbling trill Of curses stammer'd slow ; Answering, with imprecation dread, " Sunk be his home in embers red ! And cursed be the meanest shed That e'er shall hide the houseless head. We doom to want and woe !" A sharp and shrieking echo gave, Coir-Uriskin, thy goblin cave! And the gray pass where birches wave, On Beala-nam-bo. XI. Then deeper paused the priest anew, And hard his laboring breath he drew. While, with set teeth and clenched hand, And eyes that glow'd like fiery brand, He meditated curse more dread. And doafllier, on the clansmnn's head, Who, summon'd to his C'hirftain's aid, The signal saw and disobey 'd. Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 19 The crosslet's points of sparkling wood, He quench'd among the bubbling blood, And, as again the sign he rear'd. Hollow and hoarse his voice was heard : " When flits this Cross from man to man, Vich-Alpine's summons to his clan, Burst be the ear that fails to heed ! Palsied the foot that shuns to speed ! May ravens tear the careless eyes, Wolves make the coward heart their prize ! As sinks that blood-stream in the earth. So may his heart's-blood drench his hearth! As dies in hissing gore the spark, Quench thou his light, Destruction dark ! And be the grace to him denied, Bought by this sign to all beside!" He ceased ; no echo gave agen The murmur of the deep Amen.' XII. Then Roderick, with impatient look, From Brian's hand the symbol took ; " Speed, Malise, speed ! " he said, and gave The crosslet to his henchman brave. *^'The muster-place be Lanrick mead — ^ Instant the time — speed, Malise, speed!" 1 MS. : "The slo-vly muttcr'd de^iV) Amen." ^ MS. : " Murlagan is the spot decreed." I20 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto in. Like heath-bird, when the hawks pursue, A barge across Loch Katrine flew ; High stood the henchman on the prow; So rapidly the barge-men row. The bubbles, where they launch'd the boat, Were all unbroken and afloat. Dancing in foam and ripple still. When it had near'd the mainland hill ; And from the silver beach's side Still was the prow three fathom wide, When lightly bounded to the land This messenger of blood and brand.' XIII. Speed, Malise,. speed ! the dun deer's hitlc On fleeter foot was never tied. Speed, Malise, speed ! such cause of haste Thine active sinews never braced. ' The present broifiie of tlic I Highlanders is made of half-dried leather, with holes to admit and let out the water; for walkint( the moors dry-shod is a matter altogether out of question. The ancient buskin was still ruder, beint^ made of undressed deer's hide, with the hair outwards : a circumstance which jirocured the Iliijhlanders the well-known epithet of Ji'ttl-s/zaiiAs. The process is very accurately described by one Elder (himself a Ilii^hlander) in the project for a union between England and Scotland, addressed to Henry VIII. " We go a-lumting, and after that ^ye have slain red-deer, we flay off the skin by-and-bv, and scttingof our bare-foot on the inside thereof, for want of cunning shoemakers, by yoin- grace's pardon, we plav the cobblers, compassing and mea'-uring so much thereof as shall re.ach up to our ankles, pricking the upper part thereof with holes, that the water may repass where it enters, and stretching it up with a btrong thong of the same above our said anklcb. So, and please Canto III.] THE LAD V OF THE LAKE. 1 2 1 Bend 'gainst the steepy hill thy breast, Burst down like torrent from its crest ; With short and springing footstep pass The trembling bog and false morass ; Across the brook like roebuck bound, And thread the brake like questing hound ; The crag is high, the scaur is deep, Yet shrink not from the desperate leap : Parch'd are thy burning lips and brow, Yet by the fountain pause not now ; Herald of battle, fate, and fear,i Stretch onward in thy fleet career ! The wounded hind thou track' st not now, Pursuest not maid through greenwood bough, Nor pliest thou now thy flying pace, With rivals in the mountain race ; But danger, death, and warrior deed, Are in thy course — speed, Malise, speed ! XIV. Fast as the fatal symbol flies, In arms the huts and hamlets rise ; your noble grace, we make our shoes. Therefore, we using such manner of shoes, the rough hairy side outwards, in your grace's dominions of England, we be called Roughfooted Scots." — Pinker- Ton's History, vol. ii., p, 397. 1 MS. : " Dread messenger of fate and fear, \ Herald of danger, fate and fear, ^ Stretch onward in thy fleet career ! Thou track'st not now the strtcken doe, Nor maiden coy through greenwood bough." 122 THE LADY OF Till-: I.AKF. [Canto III. From wiiKliny; i;lcn, from upland blown, They pour'd each hardy tenant down. Nor slack'd the messenger his pace ; He show'd the sign, he named the jjlace, And, pressing forward like the wind, Left clamor and surprise behind.' The fisherman forsook the strand, The swarthy smith took dirk antl brand ; With changed cheer, the mower blithe Left in the half-cut swathe the scythe ; The herds withcnit a keeper stray'd. The plough w\is in mid-furrow stayed, The falc'ner toss'd his hawk away. The hunter left the stag at bay ; Prompt at the signal of alarms, Each son of Alpine rush'd to arms ; So swept the tumult and affray Along the margin of Achray. Ala.s, thou lovely lake ! that e'er Thy banks should echo sounds of fear! The rocks, the bosky thickets, sleep So stilly on thy bosom deep, The lark's blithe carol, from the cloud, Seems for the scene too gayly loud.^ ' •• The description of the startinc: of the ' fiery cross ' hears more marks of labor than most of Mr. Scott's poetrv, and horders, per- haps, upon strainintj and exaiji^eration ; yet it sliows great power." — Jr.KI-RF.V. 2 MS. : " beems all too lively and too loud." Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 23 XV. Speed, Malise, speed ! the lake is past, Duncraggan's huts appear at last. And peep, like moss-grown rocks, half seen, Half hidden in the copse so green ; There mayest thou rest, thy labor done, Their Lord shall speed the signal on. — As stoops the hawk upon his prey, The henchman shot him down the way — What woeful accents load the gale? The funeral yell, the female wail ! ' A gallant hunter's sport is o'er, A valiant warrior lights no more. Who, in the battle or the chase. At Roderick's side shall fill his place! — Within the hall, where torches' ray Supplies the excluded beams of day. Lies Duncan on his lowly bier. And o'er him streams his widow's tear. His stripling son stands mournful by. His youngest weeps, but knows not why ! The village maids and matrons round The dismal coronach resound.^ MS. : " 'Tis woman's scream, 'tis childhood's wail." '^ The Coronach of the Highlanders, like the (Jlalatus of the Romans and the UltiJoo of the Irish, was a wild expression of lamen- tation, poured forth by the mourners over the body of a departed friend. When the words of it were articulate, thej expressed the praises of the deceased, and the loss the clan would sustain by his death. The following is a lamentation of this kind, literally trans* IHL LADV OF riU: LAKE. [Canto TIL XVI. CORONACH. He is gone on the mountain, lie is lost to the forest. Like a summer-tlried fountain, \\'hen our need was the sorest. The font, reappearing, From the rain-ch-ops shall borrow, latccl from the Gaelic, to some of the ideas of wliich the text stands iiuieblcd. Tiie time is so popiUar that it lias since become tiie war- march, or Gatliering of the clan. Coronach on Sir Laiiflilun, Chirf of Muclcan. " Which of all the Scnachics Can trace tliy line from the root up to Paradise, But Macvuirih, the son of Ferj^^us? No sooner hail lliine ancient stiilely tree Taken firm root in AII)ion, Tlian one of thy forefathers fell at IFariaw. 'Twas then we lost a cliief of de;ithlebs name. ♦* Tis no base weed — no planted tree, Nor a seedlinj,' ol Autumn ; Nor a saplinjf planted at Heltain ; • Wide, wide around were spread its lofty branches Hut the topmost lioujjh is lowly laid! Thou hast forsaken u» before Saw iine.f " Thy dwelling' is the winter house; — I-oud, sad, sad, and mighty is thy death-SnnRl Oh! courteous champion of Montrose! Oh! stately warrinii /lis k in f mail's birr Vfli A/ii/isr's sns/>riif/rif /rar. In ha^tc the Ktrip'inij to his side His fallier's tait,'c and falchion tied.' Canto lll.l THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 12'] In haste the stripling" to his side His father's dirk and broadsword tied ; But when he saw his mother's eye Watch him in speechless agony, Back to her open'd arms he flew, Press'd on her lips a fond adieu — " Alas ! " she sobb'd, — " and yet, be gonCj And speed thee forth, like Duncan's son !" One look he cast upon the bier, Dash'd from his eye the gathering tear. Breathed deep to clear his laboring breast, And toss'd aloft his bonnet crest. Then, like the high-bred colt, whei-i, freed, First he essays his fire and speed. He vanish'd, and o'er moor and moss Sped forward with the Fiery Cross. Suspended was the widow's tear, While yet his footsteps she could hear ; And when she mark'd the henchman's eye Wet with unwonted sympathy, " Kinsman," she said, " his race is run, That should have sped thine errand on ; The oak has fall'n — the sapling bough Is all Duncraggan's shelter now. Yet trust I well, his duty done. The orphan's God will guard my son — And you, in many a danger true, At Duncan's hest your blades that drew. [28 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto hi. To anus, and ^uartl that orplian's licail! Let babes and women wail the dead." Then weapon-clang, and martial call, Resounded throu,i,di the funeral hall, While from the walls the attendant band Snatcli'd sword and targe, with hurried hand, And short and flitting energy- Glanced from the mourner's sunken eye. As if the sounds to warrior dear Might rouse her Duncan from his bier. But faded soon that borrow'd foice; Grief claim'd his right, and tears their course. XIX. ]-}enlodi saw the Cross of Fire, It glanced like lightning up Stralh-Irr.' O'er dale antl hill the summons flew, Nor rest nor pause young Angus knew ; 1 Inspection of the ])rovincial map of rerthshin;, or any large map of .Scotland, will trace the progress of the .signal thrmi;;h the .small dis- tricts of lakes and mountains, which, in e.xercise of my ])octical j)rivilcge, I have subjected to the authority of ?ny imaginary chieftain, and which, at the period of my romance, was really occupied hy a clan who claimed a descent from Alpine, a clan the most tinfortunate, and most pcrsecnleil, liut neither the least distinguished, least powerful, nor least brave, of the tribes of the (Jael. " Slificli noil riti;;liritll) clticli.-iis.icli r.lia-shiiis ,Tn I )uii-Stai^' LADY OF nil'. /..Ik'/-:. [Canto III XXIV. Not faster o'er thy heathery braes, Balquidder, speeds the midnij^ht blaze,' RushiiiL;", in conilaj^ration strong, 'Ihy deep ravines and dells along, Wrapping thy cliffs in purple glow. And reddening the dark lakes below ; Nor faster speeds it, nor so far, As o'er thy heaths the voice of war.-* The signal roused to martial coil The sullen margin of Loch Voil, Waked still Loch Doinc, and to the source Alarm'd, Balvaig, thy swamj^y course ; Then southward turn'd its rapirl road Adown Strath-Gartney's valley broad, Till rose in arms eacii man might claim A i)ortion in Clan-Alpine's name, From the gray sire, whose trembling hand Could hardly buckle on his brand, To the raw boy, whose shaft and bow Were yet scarce terror to the crow. ' It mav be iicccssarv tn inforin tlic soullurn rc.ulcr tiiat l.Iie heath oil the Scoltisli moorlaiul^i is often set (ire to. that (lie sliecp mav liave the acivantajjo of the you ni; herhai^e pnuhieecl, m room of the toii'^h old heather plants. This custom (exeeraleil hy sportsmen) produces occasionally the most beautiful nocturnal ai)pcarances, f.rmilar alm&st to the dischartjc of a volcano. This simile is not new to jioctry. Tin* ihari,'e of a warrior, in the fine ballad of Ilaiilyknute, is said to be " like fire to heather set." '^ "The eager fidelity with which thi^ fatal sirrnal is hurried on and obeyed is represented with great spirit and felicity." — Jki ikky. Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 135 Each valley, each seqiiester'd glen, Muster'd its little horde of men. That met as torrents from the heiirht In Highland dales their streams unite, Still gathering, as they pour along, A voice more loud, a tide more strong, Till at the rendezvous they stood By hundreds prompt for blows and blood ; Each train'd to arms since life began. Owning no tie but to his clan, No oath, but by his chieftain's hand. No law, but Roderick Dhu's command.' XXV. That summer morn had Roderick Dhu Survey'd the skirts of Benvenue, And sent his scouts o'er hill and heath, To view the frontiers of Menteith. 1 The deep and implicit respect paid by the Highland clansmen to their chief, rendered this both a common and a solemn oath. In other respects they were like most savage nations, capricious in their ideas concerning the obligatory power of oaths. One solemn mode of swearing was by kissing the dirk, imprecating upon themselves death by that, or a similar weapon, if they broke their vow. But for oaths in the usual form they are said to have paid little respect. As for the reverence due to the chief, it may be guessed from the follow- ing odd example of a Highland point of honor : — "The clan whereto the above-mentioned tribe belongs is the onl}' one I have heard of which is without a chief: that is, being divided into f;\milies, under several chieftains, without any particular patriarch of the whole name. And this is a great reproach, as may appear froiri an afiair that fell out at my table, in the Highlands, between one of that name and a Cameron. The provocation given 136 Zy/A' LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto 111. And backward came with news ol liucc ; Still lay each martial (jraome and Bruce, In Rednoch courts no horsemen wait, No banner waved on Cardross gate, On Duchray's towers no beacon shone. Nor scared the herons from Loch Con ; All seem'd at peace. — Now, wot^ye why The Chieftain, with such an.xious eye, l'2re to the muster he repair, This western frontier scann'd with care .'' — In Henvcnuc's most darksome cleft, A fair, though cruel, pledge was left ; For Douglas, to his promise true. That morning from the isle withdrew, And in deep scquestcr'd dell Had sought a low and lonely cell, B)' many a bard, in Celtic tongue. Has Coir-nan-Uriskin been sung:' bv the l.-itter was — 'Name vour cliicf.' — The return of it at oiitc was, — 'You arc a fool.' They went out next niornini,'. hut havirn; earlv notice of it. I sent a small party of soldiers after them, which, in all probability. i)reventeil some barbarous mischief that mii'lit have ensued ; for the chietless Ili<,'hiander, who is himself a petty chieftain, wns 1,'oini,' tf> the jilace appointed with a small-sword and a pistol, whereas the Cameron (an old man) took witli him only his broadsworil. accordini^ to the agreement. "When all was over, and I had. at least seemini,'ly. reconciled them, I was told the words, of which I seemed to think but sli;,'htly, were, to one of the clan, the greatest of all provocations." — Lrtfrrs from Scotland, vol. ii. p. 22\. ' This is a very steep and most romantic hollow in tiie mountain of Benvcnuc. ovcrhani^intf the southeastern extremity of Loch Katrine. It is surrounded with stupendous rocks, and overshadowcfl Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 37 A softer name the Saxons gave, And call'd the grot the Goblin-cave. XXVI. It was a wild and strange retreat, As e'er was trod by outlaw's feet. The dell upon the mountain crest, Yawn'd like a gash on warrior's breast ; Its trench had stay'd full many a rock, Hurl'd by primeval earthquake shock From Benvenue's gray summit wild ; And here, in random ruin piled, with birch-trees, mingled with oaks, the spontaneous production of the mountain, even where its clifts appear denuded of soil. A dale in so wild a situation, and amid a people whose genius bordered on the romantic, did not remain witliout appropriate deities. The name literally implies the Corri, or Den, of the Wild or Shaggy Men. Perhaps this, as conjectured by Mr. Alexander Campbell,* may have originally only implied its being the haunt of a ferocious banditti. But tradition has ascribed to the Urisk, who gives name to the cavern, a figure between a goat and a man ; in short, however much the classical reader may be startled, precisely that of the Grecian Satyr. The Urisk seems not to have inherited, with the form, the petulance of the sylvan deity of the classics : his occupation, on the contrarv, resembled those of Milton's Lubber Fiend, or of the Scot' tish Brownie, though he differed from both in name and appearance. " The Urisks" says Dr. Graham, " were a set of lubberly supernatu- rals, who, like the Brownies, could be gained over, by kind attention, to perform tlie drudgery of the farm, and it was believed that many of the families in the Highlands had one of the order attached to it. They were supposed to be dispersed over the Highlands, each in his own wild recess, but the solemn stated meetings of the order were regularly held in this Cave of Benvenue. This current superstition, no doubt, alludes to some circumstance in the ancient history of this * Journey from Edinburgh, 1S02, p. loS. 1 3S THE LADY O/' THE LAKE. [Canto ill. They'frown'd incumbent o'er the spot, And form'd the ni-i;ed sylvan i;T()t.' The oak and birch, with mingled shade, At noontide there a twilight made, Unless when short and sudden shone Some straggling beam on cliff or stone, With such a glimpse as prophet's eye Gains on thy depth. Futurity. No murmur waked the solemn still. Save tinkling of a fountain rill ; l^ut when the wind chafed with the lake, A sullen sound would upward break. With dashing hollow voice that spoke Tlie incessant war of wave and rock. codiUrv." — Scenery on tlir Soullicrn Confines of l\rf/is/iin\ ]). 19, 1S06. It must be owiKti that tlic Coir, or Dl-ii, docs not, in its present stale, jneet our ideas of a subterraneous j^rotlo, or cave, being only a small and narrow cavity, anion-; luii^e frav;ments of rocks rudely piled toi^ether. Hut such a scene is liable to convul- sions of nature whicii a Lowlamler cannot estimate, and which may have choked up what was oriiiinally a cavern. At least the name and tradition warrant the author of a fictitious tale, to assert its bavin*; been such at the remrite period in which this scene is laid. 1 '• After landing on the skirts of lU-nvenue. we reach the rax-e (or more properly the cove) of the i^oblins, by a stct-p and narrow defile of a few hundred yards in length. It is a deep, circular amphi- theatre of at least six hundred yanls of extent in its upper iliameler, graduallv narrowing towards tlie base, hemmed in all round by steep and towering rocks, and rendered impenetrable to the rays of the sun by a tlose covert of luxuriant trees. On the south and west it is bounded by the precipitous shoulder of Henvenuc. to the height of at least five hundred feet; towards the east, the rock appears at some former period to have tumbled down, strewing the whole course of its fall with immense fragments, which now serve only to give shelter to foxes, wild-cats, and badgers." — Dr. (JR \ii \m. Canto III.] THE LADY' OF THE LAKE. 139 Suspended cliffs, with hideous sway, Seem'd nodding o'er the cavern gray. From such a den the wolf had sprung, In such the wild-cat leaves her young; Yet Douglas and his daughter fair Sought for a space their safety there. Gray Superstition's whisper dread Debarr'd the spot to vulgar tread ; For there, she said, did fays resort. And satyrs ' hold their sylvan court. By moonlight tread their mystic maze, And blast the rash beholder's gaze. XXVII. Now eve with western shadows long, Floated on Katrine bright and strong. When Roderick, with a chosen few, Repass'd the heights of Benvenue. Above the Goblin-cave they go. Through the wild pass of Beal-nam-bo ;^ The prompt retainers speed before. To launch the shallop from the shore, For 'cross Lock Katrine lies his way To view the passes of Achray, 1 The Urish, or Highland satyr. See a previous Note. - Bealach-nam-ho, or the pass of cattle, is a most magnificent glade, overhung with aged hircli-trees, a little higher up the moun- tain than the Coir-nan Uriskin, treated of in a former Note. The whole composes the most sublime piece of scenery that imagination can conceive. I40 THE LADY OF 7 HE LAKE. [Canto IIL Antl place his chmsiiicn in array. Yet lags the chief in musing mind, Unwonted sight, his men behind, A single page to bear iiis sword. Alone attended on his lord ; ' The rest their way througli thickets break, And soon await him by the lake, It was a fair and gallant sight, To view them from the neighboring heigiit, ' A Ili^lil.iiui chief, being as absolute in l>is patriiinhal aulbority as anv prince, liad a correspomlinif number of otilcers altaclied to liis person, lie had his bodv-j^uards, called Lnkliltacli^ ]iicked from his clan for strength, activity, and entire devotion to his person. These, according to their deserts, were sure to share abundantly in the rude profusion of his hospitality. It is recorded, for exain|ile, by tradition, that Allan MacLean, diief of that clan, happened ujion a time to hear one of these favorite retainers observe to his comrade, that their chief grew old. " Whence do you infer that?" replied the other. -'.When was it," rejoined the first, "that a soldier of Allan's was obliged, as I am no.w, not only to eat the tlesh from the bone, but even to tear oil" the inner skin, or fdament.'" The hint was quite sulVicient, and MacLcan next morning, to relieve his folhnvers from such dire necessity, undertook an inroad on the mainland, the ravage of which altogether efVaced tlie memory of his former expe- ditions for the like purpose. f)iir ollicer of Kngineers, so often quoted, has given us a distinct list of the domestic olficcrs who, independent of Luitlittacli, or frardis lir corf^s, belonged to the establishment of a Highland Chief. These are, i. 'J'/ir /friic/iiiinn. See these notes, p. uxi. 2. The I?ard. See p. 60. 3. lUatiivr. or spokesman. 4. < •illit-morr, or sword-bearer, alluded to in the text. 5. Gillii-rifi/litf. who car- ried the chief, if on foot, over the fords. 6. (iil/ir-CDinstraiiic, who leads the chiefs horse. 7. (iiUic-Triis/iaiiariush, the baggage-man. 8. The piper. 9. The piper's gillie or attendant, who carries the bagpipe.* Although this appeared, naturally enough, very ridiculous to an I'"nglish ofVicer, who considered the master of such a retinue • I-cllcrs from Siotliiiul, vol. ii, p. 15. Canto III.] THE LADY Of THE LAKE. I41 By the low-lcvcUVl siinl)cam's light ! For strength and stature, from the clan Each warrior was a chosen man, As even afar might well be seen, By their proud step and martial mien. Their feathers dance, their tartans float, Their targets gleam, as by the boat A wild and warlike group they stand, That well became such mountain-strand. XXVIII. Their Chief, with step reluctant, still Was lingering on the craggy hill, Hard by where turn'd apart the road To Douglas's obscure abode. It was but with that dawning morn. That Rhoderick Dhu had pro?idly sworn To drown his love in war's wild roar,' Nor think of Ellen Douglas more ; But he who stems a stream with sand, And fetters flame with flaxen band, as no more than an English gentleman of £500 a year, jet in the circumstances ot' the chief, whose strength and importance consisted in the number and attachment of his followers, it was of the last consequence, in point of policy, to have in his gift subordinate offices, which called immediately round his person those who were most devoted to him, and, being of value in their estimation, were also the means of rewarding them. 1 MS. : " To drown his grief \\-\. war's wild roar, Nor think o{ love and Ellen more." 142 /•///; I. Any of the j.akf.. [cant.. mi. Has yet a liardcr task to prove — liy firm resolve to conquer love ! Kve finds the Chief, like restless «;h()st, Still hoverini; near his treasure lost ; For thoui;h his hau<;hty heart deny A partin^;" meeting to his eye, Still fondly strains his anxious car, The accents of her voice to hear. And inly did he curse the breeze That waked to sound the rustling trees. But hark! what mingles in the strain? It is the harp of Allan-Bane, That wakes its measures slow and high, Attuned to sacred minstrelsy. What melting voice attends the strings."* 'Tis I'^llen, or an angel, sings. XXIX. HYMN TO Tin: VIRGIN. Ave Maria ! maiden mild! Listen to a maiden's jjrayer! Thou canst hear though from the wild, Thou canst save amid despair. Safe may we sleep beneath thy care, Though banish'd, outcast, and reviled — Maiden ! hear a maiden's j)raycr ; Mother, hear a su])j)liant child! Ave Maria! Canto III.1 77/^ LADY OF THE LAKE. 143 Ave Maria ! undefilcd ! The flinty couch we now must share' Shall seem with down of eider'piled, If thy protection hover there. The murky cavern's heavy air^ Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled ; Then, Maiden ! hear a maiden's prayer, Mother, list a suppliant child ! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! stainless styled ! Foul demons of the earth and air, From this their wonted haunt exiled, Shall flee before thy presence fair. We bow us to our lot of care, • Beneath thy guidance reconciled ; Hear for a m^id a maiden's prayer. And for a father hear a child ! Ave lilaria! XXX. Died on the harp the closing hymn — Unmoved in attitude and limb. As list'ning still, Clan-Alpine's lord Stood leaning on his heavy sword, Until the page, with humble sign. Twice pointed to the sun's decline. • 1 MS. : " The flinty couch my sire must share." 2 MS. : " The murky grotto's noxious air." r44 THE I.ADV OF TIIF. LAKE. [Cam., in. Tlicii while his plaicl around him cast, 'Mt is the last time — 'tis the last," He muttered thrice, — "the last time e'er lliat angel-voice shall Roderick hear!" It was a iroadincj thought — his stride Hied hastier down the mountain-side; Sullen he flung him in the boat, And instant 'cross the lake it shot. They landed in that silvery bay. And eastward held their hasty way, Till, with the latest beams of light. The band arrived on Lanrick height, Where muster'd, in the vale below,' Clan-iVlpine's men in martial show. XXXI. A various scene the clansmen made, Some sate, some stood, some slowly stray'd; ]5ut most with mantles folded round. Were couch'd to rest upon the ground, Scarce to be known by curious eye. From the deep heather where they lie, So well was match'd the tartan screen With heath-bell dark and brackens green ; Unless where, here and there, a blade, Or lance's point, a glimmer made. Like glow-worm twinkling through the shade, ' MS. : " Where hro.nd extending far below, Muster'd Clan-Alpinc'H martial sliow." Canto III.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 145 But when, advancing- through the gloom, They saw the Chieftain's eagle plume, Their shout of welcome, shrill and wide, Shook the steep mountain's steady side. Thrice it arose, and lake and fell Three times return'd the martial yell ; It died upon Bochastle's plain. And silence claimed her evening reign. CANTO FOURTH. THE PROPHECY. I. "The rose is fairest when 'tis bucklin;:,^ new, And hope is l^rightest wlien it dawns from fears ; ' The rose is sweetest wash'd with inornini;" dew, And love is loveliest when cniljalm'd in tears O wilding rose, whom fancy thus endears, I bid your blossoms in my bonnet wave, ICmblem of hope and love through future years!" Thus spoke young Norman, heir of Armandave, What time the sun arose on Vcnnachar's broad wave. II. Such fond conceit, half said, half sung, Love prompted to the bridegroom's tongue. All while he stripp'd the wild-rose spray, His axe and bow beside him lay. For on a pass 'twixt lake and wood, A wakeful sentinel he stood. Hark! — on the rock a footstep rung, And instant to his arms he sprung. 1 MS. : " Ami mTitmc dearest when obscured h\ fears." 145 CANTO IV,] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 47 "Stand, or thou dicst! — What, Malise? — soon Art thou rcturn'd from Braes of Doune. By thy keen step and glance I know, Thou bring'st us tidings of the foe." (For while the Fiery Cross hied on, On distant scout had Malise gone.) "Where sleeps the Chief?" the henchman said. "Apart in yonder misty glade; To his lone couch I'll be your guide." Then call'd a slumberer by his side. And stirr'd him with his slacken'd bow — " Up, up, Glentarkin ! rouse thee, ho ! We seek the Chieftain ; on the track, Keep eagle watch till I come back." III. Together up the pass they sped : "What of the foemen.^" Norman said. "Varying reports from near and far; This certain, — that a band of war Has for two days been ready boune, At prompt command, to march from Doune j King James, the while, with princely powers, Holds revelry in Stirling towers. Soon will this dark and gathering cloud Speak on our glens in thunder loud. Inured to bide such bitter bout, The warrior's plaid may bear it out ; 14^ THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV. ])Ut Norman, Iiow wilt tliou provide A shelter iur thy bonny bride?" — " What ! know yc not that Roderick's care To the lone isle hath caused repair L^ach maid and matron of the clan, And every child and a£,^ed man, Unfit for arms ; and given his charge, Nor skiff nor shallop, boat nor barge, Upon these lakes shall float at large, lUit all beside the islet moor, That such dear pledge may rest secure ? IV. "'Tis well advised — the Chieftain's plan ' Bespeaks the father of his clan, ]5ut wherefore sleeps Sir Roderick Dhu Apart from all his followers true.^" — " It is, because last evening-tide Brian an augury hath tried. Of that dread kind which must not be Unless in dread extremity, The Taghairm call'd ; by which afar, Our sires foresaw the events of war.' Duncraggan's milk-white bull they slew." * MS. : "'Ti^. well advised — n prudcnf |ilan, Worthy the father of his clan." ' Sec Appendix, Note I. Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. T49 MALISE. " Ah ! well the gallant brute I knew ! The choicest of the prey we had, When swept our merry-men Gallangad.' His hide was snow, his horns were dark, His red eye glow'd like fiery spark ; So fierce, so tameless, and so fleet, Sore did he cumber our retreat, And kept our stoutest kernes in awe, Even at the pass of Beal 'maha. But steep and flinty was the road. And sharp the hurrying pikemen's goad, 1 I know not if it be worth observing, that this passage is taken ahnost literally from the mouth of an old Highland Kern, or Ket- teran, as they were called. He used to narrate the merry doings of the good old time when he was a follower of Rob Roy MacGregor. This leader, on one occasion, thought proper to make a descent upon the lower part of the Loch Lomond district, and summoned all the heritors and farmers to meet at the Kirk of Drymen, to pay him black-mail, /. e. tribute for forbearance and protection. As this invitation was supported by a band of thirty or forty stout fellows, only one gentleman, an ancestor, if I mistake not, of the present Mr. Grahame of Gartmore, ventured to decline compliance. Rob Roy instantly swept his land of all he could drive away, and among the spoil was a bull of the old Scottish wild breed, whose ferocity occasioned great plague to the Ketterans. " But ere we had reached the'Row of Dennan," said the old man, " a child might have scratched bis ears."* The circumstance is a minute one, but it paints the times when the poor beeve was compelled — " To hoof it o'er as many weary miles, With Ejoading- pikemcn hollowing at his heels, As e'er the bravest antler of the woods." Ethv.'ald. * This anecdote was, in former editions, inaccurately ascribed to Gregor Macgregor OJ Glengyle, called Ghlur.e Dint, or Black-knee, a relation of Rob Roy, but, as I have been assured, not addicted to his predatory excesses, — iVv inorricc-dancers oftlie north; A 1 L .1 • I barijes ride, And saw at morn then- , .. T , I little lleet, Close moor'd hy the lone islet's side. Siiue this rude race ilare not abiiie Upon their native mountain side, 'Tis fit that l)ont,das should |)rovidc For his dear child some sale alxjde, And soon he comes \.o point the road." 2 MS. : " No. Allan, no! I lis words sf) kind Were hut |>retexls my fears to blind, When in such solemn tf)ne and Ljrave, Douglas a partins,' blessing gave." CANTO IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 157 When in such tender tone, yet grave, Douglas a parting blessing gave, The tear that glisten'd in his eye Drown 'd not his purpose fix'd on high. My soul, though feminine and weak. Can image his ; e'en as the lake. Itself disturb'd by slightest stroke,' Reflects the invulnerable rock. He hears report of battle rife, He deems himself the cause of strife. I saw him redden, when the theme Turn'd, Allan, on thine idle dream. Of Malcolm Graeme, in fetters bound. Which I, thou saidst, about him wound. Think'st thou he trow'd thine omen aught .? Oh no ! 'twas apprehensive thought For the kind youth, — for Roderick too — (Let me be just) that friend so true ; In danger both, and in our cause ! Minstrel, the Douglas dare not pause. Why else that solemn warning given, ' If not on earth, we meet in heaven ! ' Why else, to Cambus-kenneth's fane, If eve return him not again. Am I to hie, and make me known } Alas ! he goes to Scotland's throne, Buys his friend's safety with his own ; — 1 MS. : " Itself disturb'd by slightest sht)ck, Reflects the adamantine rock." iS'*^ TJIE LADY OF THE LAKH | Canto IV. lie goes In do — what J had done, Had Duuglas' daughter been his son I " — XI. " Nay, lovely Mllcn ! — dearest, nay ! Jf aught should his return delay, He only named yon holy fane As fitting place to meec again. Be sure he's safe ; and for the Graeme, — Heaven's blessing on liis gallant name! — My vision'd sight may yet prove true, Nor bode of ill to him or you, When did my gifted dream beguile .-' Think of the stranger at the isle. And think upon the harpings slow. That presaged this approaching woe! Sooth was my prophecy of fear ; Ik-lie ve it when it augurs cheer. Would we had left this dismal spot ! Ill luck still haunts a fairy grot. ( )f such a wondrous tale I know — Dear lady, change that look of woe, My hari) was wont thy grief to cheer." — KT.LF.N. " Well, be it as thou wilt ; I hear, JUit cannot stoji the bursting tear." The minstcel tried his simjile art, But distant far was I^llen's heart. Canto IV.] THE LADY OF TJ/IC LAKE. 1 59 XII. BALLAD 1 : ALICE BRAND. Merry it is in the good greenwood, When the mavis ^ and merle '"^ are singing, When the deer sweeps by, and the hounds are in cry, And the hunter's horn is ringing. " O AHce Brand, my native land Is lost for love of you ; And we must hold by wood and wold, As outlaws wont to do. "O Alice, 'twas all for thy locks so bright. And 'twas all for thine eyes so blue. That on the night of our luckless flight, Thy brother bold I slew. " Now must I teach to hew the beech The hand that held the glaive. For leaves to spread our lowly bed, And stakes to fence our cave. "And for vest of pall, thy fingers small, That wont on harp to stray, A cloak must shear from the slaughter'd deer, To keep the cold away." — ^ See Appendix, Note K. 2 Thrush. 3 Blackbird. l6o THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV. "O Richard! il my brother died, "Iwas but a fatal chance ; For darkhng was the battle tried, And fortune sped the lance. ^ " It ]iall and vair no more T wear, Nor thou the crimson sheen, As warm, we'll say, is the russet gray As gay the forest-green. " y\nd, Richard, if our lot be hard. And lost thy native land, Still Alice has her own Richard, And he his Alice l^rand." XIII. B.MJ.An CONTlNTKn. 'Tis merry, 'tis merry, in good greenwood. So blithe Lady Alice is singing; ( )n the beech's pride, and oak's brown side, Lord Richard's axe is ringing. Up spoke the moody I^lfm King, Who won'd within the hill, — - 'M.S. : " 'Twas Init .i midniplit ch.incc; Ft)r l)liiulfol(l was tlic baUlc plied. And fortune held the lance." - In a long dissertation upon the Kairu .Sii]icrstifioiis, piildishcd in the of the Scottish IJorder, the most valuable jiart of which was supplied hy my learned and indefatigable friend, I )r. fohn I.ivdcn. most of the circumsianccs are collected which can throw Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. l6l Like wind in the porch of a ruin'd church, His voice was ghostly shrill. liglit upon tlie popular belief which even yet prevails respecting them in Scotland. Dr. Graham, author of an entertaining work upon the Scenery of the Perthshire Highlands, already frequently quoted, has recorded, with great accuracy, the peculiar tenets held by the Highlanders on this topic, in the vicinity of Loch Katrine. The learned author is inclined to deduce the whole mythology from the Druidical system, — an opinion to which there are many objections. "The Daoine ShP or Men of Peace of the Highlanders, though not absolutely malevolent, are believed to be a peevish, repining race of beings, who possessing themselves but a scanty portion of happiness, are supposed to envy mankind their more complete and substantial enjoyments. They are supposed to enjoy in their sub- terraneous recesses, a sort of shadpwy happiness, — a tinsel grandeur; which, however, they would willingly exchange for the more solid joys of mortality. " They are believed to inhabit certain round grassy eminences, where the}' celebrate their nocturnal festivities by the light of the moon. About a mile beyond the source of the Forth above Lochcon, there is a place called Coirs/n'an, or the Cove of the Men of Peace, which is still supposed to be a favorite place of their residence. In the neighborhood are to be seen many round conical eminences; particularly one, near the head of the lake, by the skirts of which man}' are still afraid to pass after sunset. It is believed, that if, on Hallow-eve, any person, alone, goes round one of these hills nine times, towards the left hand {si/iistrorniim) a door shall open, by which he will be admitted into their subterraneous abodes. Many, it is said, of mortal race, have been entertained in their secret recesses. There they have been received into the most splendid apartments, and regaled with the most sumptuous banquets, and delicious wines. Their females surpass the daughters of men in beauty. The seemhiffly happy inhabitants pass their time in festivity, and in dancing to notes of the softest music. But unhappy is the mortal who joins in their joys, or ventures to partake of their dainties. By this indulgence, he forfeits forever the society of men, and is bound down irrevocably to the condition of S/ii'ic//, or Man of Peace. "A woman, as is reported in the Highland tradition, was con- 1^2 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV. "Why sounds yon stroke on l)ccch and oak, Our moonlight circle's screen ? ' Or who comes here to chase the deer, Beloved of our IClfin Queen ?- Or \Vho may dare on wold to wear The fairies' fatal green ?3 veyed in davs of yore into the secret rcccRses of the Men of Peace. There she was recognized by one who hail formerly been an ortiinary mortal, but wlio had, by some fatality, become associated wilii the Shi'ichs. Tiiis acquaintance, still retaining some portion of human benevolence, warned her of her danger, and counselled her, as she valued her liberty, to abstain from eating and drinking with them for a certain space of time. She complied with the counsel of her friend; and when the period assigned was elapsed, she found herself again upon earth, restored to the society of mortals. It is added, that wl.en she examined the viands which had been presented to her, and whicli had appeared so tempting to the eye, they were found, now that the enchantment was removed, to consist only of the refuse of the earth." — P. 107-11 1. ' MS. : " Our fairy ri'm^lcfs screen." 2 See Appendix, Note L. ' As the Daoiiic Slii\ or Men of Peace, wore green habits, they were supposed to take olTence when any mortals ventured to assume their favorite colf)r. Indeed, from some reason, wiiicii has been, perhaps, originally a general superstition, .^avrw is held in Scotland ti> be unlucky to parliiular tribes and counties. The Caithness men, wIk) hold this belief, allege, as a reason, that their bands wore that color wiien they were cut o(T at the battle of Flodden ; and for the same reason they avoid crossing the Ord on a Monday, being the day of the week on which their ill-omened arr.ny set forth. Green is also disliked by those of the name of Ogilvy; but more especially is it held fatal to the whole clan of Grahamc. It is remembered of an aged gentleman of that name, that when his horse fell in a fox- chase, he accounted for it at once, by observing, that the whip-cord attached to his lash was of this unlucky color. Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 63 " Up, Urgan, up ! to yon mortal hie, For thou wort christen'd man ; ' For cross or sign tliou wilt not fly, For mutter'd word or ban. ^ The Elv^es were supposed greatly to envy the privileges acquired bv Christian initiation, and thcv gave to those mortals who had fallen into their power, a certain precedence, founded upon this advantageous distinction. Tamlane, in the old ballad, describes his own rank in the fairy procession : — " For I ride on a milk-white steed, And aye nearest the town ; Because I was a christen'd knight, They gave nie that renown." I presume, that in the Danish ballad of the Elfin Grey (see Appendix, Note K.) the obstinacy of the " Weist Elf," who would not flee for cross or sign, is to be derived from the circinnstance of his having been " christen'd man." llow eager the Elves were to obtain for their oft'spring the pre- rogatives of Christianity, will be proved by the following story : — "In the district called Ilaga, in Iceland, dwelt a nobleman called Sigward Forster, who had an intrigue with one of the subterranean females. The elf became pregnant and exacted from her lover a firm promise that he would procure the baptism of the infant. At the appointed time, the mother came to the churchyard, on the wall of which she placed a golden cup, and a stole for the priest, agreeable to the custom of making an offering at baptism. She then stood a little apart. When the priest left the church, he inqun-ed the mean- ing of what he saw, and demanded of Sigward if he avowed himself the father of the child. But Sigward, ashamed of the connexion^ denied the paternity. He was then interrogated if he desired that the child should be baptized ; but this also he answered in the negative, lest, by such request, he should admit himself to be the father. On which the child was left untouched and unbaptized. Whereupon the mother, in extreme wrath, snatched up the hifant and the cup, and retired, leaving the priestly cope, of which frag- ments are still in preservation. But this female denounced and imposed upon Sigward, and his posterity, to the ninth generation, a singular disease, with which many of his descendants are afflicted at this day." Thus wrote Einar Dudmond, pastor of the parish of 1 64 HIE LADV OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV. " J, a)' OP. him llio (.insc of llic u illK'i"(.l lic;irt. The curse of the sleepless eye ; Till he wish ami i>ray that his life would part, Nor yet find leave to die." XIV. IIALLAD CONTINUr.n. 'Tis merry, 'tis merry, in good greenwood, Though the birds have still'd their singing ; The evening blaze doth Alice raise, And Richard is fagots bringing. l^p Urgan starts, that hideous dwarf, Ik'fore Lord Richard stands. And as he cross'd and bless'd himself, "I fear not sign," quoth the grisly elf, "That is made with bloody hands." Ihit out then spoke she, Alice lirand, That woman void of fear, — "And if there's blood upon his hand, 'Tis but the blood of deer." — " Now loud thou licst, thou bf)ld of mood ! It cleaves unto his hand. The stain of thine own kindly blood, The blood of ICthert lirand." G.irpsdalo, in Irolaiu]. a man profoundly vcrsid in I.arnini,'. (mm whose manuHcript it was txlrartcil by llic learned Torf;vus. — ///*- (oria J/rolJi h'ritkii, I/rK«-"">'l with in the wal, or folk that were Ihiihler yhrought, And thoiijjht dede and nere nought; Some stode witli outen haddc; And Sinn none amies nade; And sum thurch the hodi haddc woundc ; And sum lay wode y-lmunde; ' And sum armed in hors sete; And simi estranpicd as thai etc; And sum war in water .adreynt; And sum with fire al forsclireynl; Wives ther hiy on childe bedde; Sum dede, a-id sum awechle; And wfuuler fele ther lay besides, Ri^lit as thai slc|>e her iindertides ; Eche was thus in the warld y-nomt, With fairi lliider y' She cross'd him thrice, that lady bold ; He rose beneath her hand The fairest knight on Scottish mold, Her brother, Ethert Brand ! Merry it is in good greenwood, When the mavis and merle are singing, But merrier were they in Dunfermline gray, When all the bells were ringing. XVI. Just as the minstrel sounds were stay'd, A stranger climb'd the steepy glade : His martial step, his stately mien, His hunting suit of Lincoln green, His eagle glance, remembrance claims — 'Tis Snowdoun's Knight, 'tis James Fitz-James. Ellen beheld as in a dream, Then, starting, scarce suppress'd a scream : " O stranger ! in such hour of fear, What evil hap has brought thee here .'' " — " An evil hap how can it be. That bids me look again on thee ? By promise bound, my former guide Met me betimes this morning tide. I68 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. Icanto iv. Antl niarshaU'd, ()\cr bank and bourne, The happy path of my return." — "The happy path I — what! said he nought Of war, of battle to be fought, Of guarded pass ? " — " No, by my faith ! Nor saw I aught could augur scathe." — " O haste thee, Allan, to the kern, — Yonder his tartans I discern ; Learn thou his purpose, and conjure That he will guide the stranger sure ! — What prompted thee, unhappy man? The meanest serf in Roderick's clan Had not been bribed by love or fear. Unknown to him to guide thee here." XVII. "Sweet r^llen, dear my life must be, Since it is worthy care from thee ; Yet life I hold but idle breath. When love or honor's weigh 'd with death. Then let me profit by my chance, And speak my purpose liold at once. I come to bear thee from a wild, Where ne'er before such blossom smiled: l^y this soft hand to lead thee far From frantic scenes of feud and war. Near Bochastle my horses wait ' They bear us soon to Stirling gate. ' MS. : " />'v Cainfmsiiiorc niv horses wait." Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 69 I'll place thee in a lovely bower, I'll guard thee like a tender flower " " O ! hush, Sir Knight ! 'twere female art, To say I do not read thy heart ; Too much, before, my selfish ear Was idly soothed my praise to hear.' That fatal bait hath lured thee back. In deathful hour, o'er dangerous track; And how, O how, can I atone The wreck my vanity brought on ! — One way remains — I'll tell him all — Yes ! struggling bosom, forth it shall ! Thou, whose light folly bears the blame, Buy thine own pardon with thy shame ! But first — my father is a man Outlaw'd and exiled, under ban ; The price of blood is on his head. With me 'twere infamy to wed. — Still would'st thou speak t — then hear the truth! Fitz-James, there is a noble youth, — If yet he is ! — exposed for me And mine to dread extremity — Thou hast the secret of my heart ; Forgive, be generous, and depart ! " 1 MS. : " Was idly foud thy praise to hear." I70 1111-: LADV OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV- XVIII. Fitz-Jamcs knew every wily train A lady's fickle heart to j^ain, lUit here he knew and felt them vain. There shot no glance from Ellen's eye, To give her steadfast speech the lie ; In maiden confidence she stood, Though mantled in her cheek the blood, And told her love with such a sigh Of deep and hopeless agony. As death had seal'd her Malcolm's doom, And she sat sorrowing on his tomb. Hope vanished from Fitz-James's eye, But not with hope fled sympathy. He proffer'd to attend her side. As brother would a sister guide. — "O! little know'st thou Roderick's heart! Safer for both we go apart. O haste thee, and from Allan learn. If thou may'st trust yon wily kern." With hand upon his forehead laid, The conflict of his mind to shade A jxiriing step or two he made: Then, as some thought had cross'd his brain, He paused, and turn'd, and came again. Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. I /I XIX. " Hear, lady, yet a parting word ! — It chanced in fight that my poor sword Preserved the life of Scotland's lord. This ring the grateful Monarch gave,' And bade, when I had boon to crave. To bring it back and boldly claim The recompense that I would name. Ellen, I am no courtly lord. But one who lives by lance and sword, Whose castle is his helm and shield, His lordship the embattled field. What from a prince can I demand, Who neither reck of state nor land } EUen, thy hand — the ring is thine ; ^ Each guard and usher knows the sign. Seek thou the king without delay ; ^ This signet shall secure thy way ; And claim thy suit, whate'er it be, As ransom of his pledge to me." He placed the golden circlet on, Paused — kiss'd her hand — and then was gone. &^ 1 MS. 2 MS. 3 MS. " This ring of gold the monarch gave." " Permit this hand — tlie ring is thine." " ' Seek thou the King, and on thj' knee Put forth thy suit, whate'er it be, As ransom of his pledge to me ; Mj name and this shall make thy way.' He put the little signet on." 172 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. ICanto iv. 1 he aged Minstrel stood aghast, So hastily Fitz-Jamcs shot past. lie join'd his guide, and winding down The ridges of the mountain brown, Across the stream they took their way. That joins Loch Katrine to Achray. XX. All in the Trosach's glen was still, Noontide was sleeping on the hill : Sudden his guide whoop'd loud and high — " Murdoch ! was that a signal cry .'' " He stammer'd forth, — "I shout to scare ' Von ra\en from his dainty fare." lie look'd - -he knew the raven's prey. His own brave steed : — " Ah ! gallant gray ! ]"^)r thee — for nie, ]ierchance — 'twere well We ne'er had seen I lie Trosach's dell. — Muriloch, m()\'e first — but silently; Whistle or whooj), and th-)n shalt die!" Jealous and sullen on they fared. Each silent, each upon his guard. XXI. Now wound the path its dizzy ledge Around a precipice's edge, J MS. : " lie stammciM lurtli ennfuscd reply: ' ^:"^""- 1 I shouted but to srare ' Sir KmL,'lit. ' Yon raven from Ins dainty fare.'" Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 73 When lo ! a wasted female form, Blighted by wrath of sun and storm, In tatter'd weeds and wild array,' Stood on a cliff beside the way, And glancing round her restless eye, Upon the wood, the rock, the sky, Seem'd nought to mark, yet all to spy. Her brow was wreath'd with gaudy broom ; With gesture wild she waved a plume Of feathers which the eagles fling To crag and cliff from dusky wing ; Such spoils her desperate step had sought, Where scarce was footing for the goat. The tartan plaid she first descried. And shriek'd till all the rocks replied ; As loud she laugh'd when near they drew. For then the Lowland garb she knew ; And then her hands she wildly wrung, And then she wept, and then she sung — She sung ! — the voice in better time. Perchance to harp or lute might chime ; And now though strain'd and roughen'd, still Rung wildly sweet to dale and hill. XXII. SONG. They bid me sleep, they bid me pray. They say my brain is warp'd and wrung — 1 MS. : " Wrapp'd in a tatter'd mantle gray." 1/4 i'm^ LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV. 1 cannot sleep dii lli.L;hlancl biac, I cannot pray in lliy,hlancl tongue. Ikit were I now where Allan ' glides, Or heard my native Devan's tides, So sweetly would I rest, and pray That lieaven would close my wintry day ! 'Twas thus my hair they bade me braid, They bade me to the church repair ; It was my bridal morn they said. And my true love would meet me there. But woe betide the cruel guile, That drown'd in blood the morning smile! Ant! woe betide the fairy dream! I only waked to sob and scream. XXIII. "Who is this maid.' what means her lay ? She hovers o'er the hollow way, And flutters wide her mantle gray, As the lone heron spreads his wing, By twilight, o'er a haunted spring." — "'Tis Blanche of Devan," Murtloch said,^ "A erased and captive Lowland maid, Ta'en on the morn she was a bride. When R(xlcrick forav'd Devan-side. ' The Allan and Dcvan arc two beautiful streams, the latter cclebratetl in the poetry of Hums, which dosienii from tlie liiils ot Perthshire into tlie f^reat carse or plain r)f Slirlin-,'. ■^ Mb. : " ' A Saxon born, a erazy maid — 'Tis IManehe of Devan.' Murdoch said." Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 75 The gay bridegroom resistance made, And felt our Chief's unconquer'd blade. I marvel she is now at large, But oft she 'scapes from Maudlin's charge. — Hence, brain-sick fool!" — He raised his bow: — *' Now, if thou strikest her but one blow, I'll pitch thee from the cliff as far As ever peasant pitch'd a bar ! " — "Thanks, champion, thanks!" the Maniac cried. And press'd her to Fitz-James's side. " See the gray pennons I prepare,' To seek my true-love through the air I I will not lend that savage groom,^ To break his fall, one downy plume ! No ! — deep amid disjointed stones, The wolves shall batten on his bones, And then shall his detested plaid, By brush and brier in mid air staid, Wave forth a banner fair and free, Meet signal for their revelry." — XXIV. "Hush thee, poor maiden, and be still!" — O! thou look'st kindly, and I will. — 1 MS. : "With thee these pennons will I share, Then seek my true love through the air." 2 MS. : " But I'll not lend that savage groom, To hreak his fall one downy plume! Deep, deep 'mid yon disjointed stones, The wolf shall batten on his bones." 170 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canio IV Mine eye has iliied and wasted been, But still it loves the Lincoln <;reen ; And, though mine ear is all unstrung, Still, still it loves the Lowland tongue. " For O my sweet William was forester true,' He stole poor Blanche's heart away ! His coat it was all of the greenwood hue,^ And so blithely he trill'd the Lowland lay! " It was not tliat I meant to tell . . . lUit thou ait wise and gucssest well."' Then, in a low anil broken tone, And hurried note, the song went on. .Still on the Clansman, fearfully, She fixed her api)rehensivc eye; Then turn'd it on the Knight, and then Her look glanced wildly (j'er the glen. XXV. "The toils are pitch'd, and the stakes are set, r.ver singing merrily, merrily ; The bows they bend, and the knives they whet, Hunters live so cheerily. ' MS. : • Swcit William was a wonclMiiaii true, 1 k- stole p.ior r.iaiKlic's luarf ;i\vav." 2 M.S. : " Ills coat was of the forest liu. And sweet he sung tlie Lowland lay." Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 1 77 "It was a stag", a stag of ten/ Bearing its branches sturdily; He came stately down the glen, Ever sing hardily, hardily. " It was there he met with a wounded doe, She was bleeding deathfully ; She warn'd him of the toils below, O, so faithfully, faithfully ! " He had an eye, and he could heed, Ever sing warily, warily ; He had a foot and he could speed — Hunters watch so narrowly."^ XXVI. Fitz- James's mind was passion-toss'd, When Ellen's hints and fears were lost ; But Murdoch's shout suspicion wrought, And Blanche's song conviction brought. — Not like a stag that spies the snare. But lion of the hunt aware. He waved at once his blade on high. "Disclose thy treachery, or die!" ^ Having ten branches on his antlers. 2 " No machinery can be conceived more clumsy for effecting the deliverance of a distressed hero, than the introduction of a mad woman, who, without knowing or caring about the wanderer, warns him, by a song-^ to take care of the ambush that was set for him. The 17'^ rin-: lady of the lake. [canto u l""()ilh al full speed the Chinsnian flew,' But in his race iiis bow he drew. The shaft just grazed Fitz-Jamcs's crest, Ami thrill'd in l^lanche's faded breast.— Murdoch of Alpine ! prove thy speed, For ne'er had Alpine's son such need ! With heart of fire, and foot of wind. The fierce avenger is behind ! Fate judges of the rajiid strife — The forfeit death — the prize is life! Thy kindred ambush lies before. Close couch'd upon tlic heathery moor ; Them couldst thou reach ! — it may not be — ■■ Thine ambush'd kin thou ne'er shall see, The fiery Saxon gains on thee! Resistless speeds the deadly thrust, As lightning strikes the pine to dust ; With foot and hand Fitz-James must strain, V.XQ. he can win his blade again, maniacs of poetry have iiulocci liail a prescriptive rii(lit to be musical, since the days of Ophelia downwartls; hut it is raliier a rash exten- sion of this privilege to make them sing good sense, and to make sensible people be guided by them." — Ji:fi"ri:y. ' MS. : " Forth at full speed the Clansman went; But in his race his bow he bent, Halted — and back an arrow sent." ' MS. " It may not be — The ficrv Saxon gains on thee. Thine ambush'd kin thou ne'er slialt see! Resistless as the lightning's flame. The thrust betwixt bis shoulder came. ' Canto IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. I79 Bent o'er the fall'n, with falcon eye/ He grimly smiled to see him die : Then slower wended back his way, Where the poor maiden bleeding lay. XXVII. She sate beneath the birchen-tree, Her elbow resting on tier knee ; She had withdrawn the fatal shaft, And gazed on it, and feebly laugh'd ; Her wreath of broom and feathers gray, Daggled with blood beside her lay. The Knight to stanch the life-stream tried, " Stranger, it is in vain ! " she cried. "This hour of death has given me more Of reason's power than years before ; For, as these ebbing veins decay. My frenzied visions fade away. A helpless injured wretch I die,^ And something tells me in thine eye, That thou wert mine avenger born. — Seest thou this tress } — O ! still I've worn This little tress of yellow hair. Through danger, frenzy, and despair i It once was bright and clear as thine, But blood and tears have dimm'd its shine. ' MS.,: " Then o'er him hung, with falcon eje, And grimly smil'd to see him die." 2 MS. : " A guiltless injured wretch ||^ie." l8o THE LADY OF TlIE LAKE. [Canto IV. 1 will nol U-11 llu'c wliL'u 'iwas shrcii, Nor lioin uhiil -uiltlcss viclini's head — My brain would turn ! — but it shall wave * Like pluniai;e on thy helmet brave, Till sun and wind shall bleach the stain, And thou wilt brin;j; it me ai;'ain. — I waver still. — O (ioil ! more brij^ht Let reascjn beam her parting light ! — O ! by thy knighthood's honor'd sign, ^nd for thy life preserved by mine, When thou shalt see a darksome man, Who boasts him Chief of Ali)ine's clan, With tartans broad and shadowy plume, And hand of blood, and brow of gloom, Ik- thv heart bold, thy weapon strong. And wreak poor Blanche of Devan's wrong — They watch for thee by pass and fell . . . Avoid the path . . . O God ! . . . farewell." XXVITI. A kindly heart had brave I'it/.-Jamcs ; Fast pour'd his eyes at pity's claims, And now with mingled grief and ire, He saw the murdered maid expire. "God, in my need, be my relief,^ As I wreak this on yonder Chief I" 1 MS. : " I'.iit now, my champion, — it shall wave ." ^M.*^.: "Ciod in inv nerd, to nic he trnc. h-< I wreak this on KcnK lirk Dhu." CANTO IV.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. iSl A lock from Blanche's tresses fair He blended with her bridegroom's hair ; The mingled braid in blood he dyed, And placed it on his bonnet-side: " By Him whose word is truth ! I swear No other favor will I wear. Till this sad token I imbrue In the best blood of Roderick Dhu ! . — But hark ! what means yon faint halloo ? The chase is up, — but they shall know, The stag at bay's a dangerous foe." Barr'd from the known but guarded way, Through copse and cliff Fitz-James must stray, And oft must change his desperate track, By stream and precipice turn'd back. Heartless, fatigued, and faint, at length, From lack of food and loss of strength, He couch' d him in a thicket hoar, And thought his toils and perils o'er : — " Of all my rash adventures past, This frantic feat must prove the last ! Who e'er so mad but might have guess'd, That all this Highland hornet's nest Would muster up in swarms so soon As e'er they heard of bands at Doune.^ — Like bloodhounds now they search me out, — Hark to the whistle and the shout ! — If farther through the wilds I go, I only fall upon the foe ; l82 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV I'll couch mc here till evening gray, Then darkling try my dangerous wa)-." XXIX. The shades of eve come slowly down, The woods are wrapt in deeper brown, The owl awakens from her dell. The fox is heard upon the fell ; Enough remains of glimmering light To guide the wanderer's steps aright. Yet not enough from far to show His figure to the watchful foe. With cautious step, and ear awake, He climbs the crag and threads the brake ; And not the summer solstice, there, Temper'd the midnight mountain air. But every breeze, that swept the wold, Benumb'd his drenched limbs with cold. In dread, in danger, and alone, Famish'd and chill'd, through ways unknown, Tangled and steep, he journey'd on ; Till, as the rock's huge point he turn'd, A watch-fire close before him burn'd. XXX. Beside its embers red and clear,' Bask'd, in his plaid, a mountaineer ; ' MS. : " By the decaying flame was laid A warrior in his Highland plaid." CANTO iv.j THE LADY OF THE LAKE 1 83 And up he sprung with sword in hand, - "Thy name and purpose ! Saxon, stand ! " — " A stranger." — " What dost thou require ? " — " Rest and a guide, and food and fire. My life's beset, my path is lost, The gale has chill'd my limbs with frost." — " Art thou a friend to Roderick .? " — " No." — " Thou darest not call thyself a foe ? " — " I dare ! to him and all his band ' He brings to aid his murderous hand." — " Bold words ! — but, though the beast of game The privilege of chase may claim. Though space and law the stag we lend, Ere hound we slip, or bow we bend. Who ever reck'd, where, how, or when. The prowling fox was trapp'd or slain } ^ Thus treacherous scouts, — yet sure they lie, Who say thou camest a secret spy ! " " They do, by heaven ! — Come Roderick Dhu, And of his clan the boldest two, 1 MS. : " I dare! to him and all the swarm He hrings to aid his murderous arm." ^ St. John actually used this illustration when engaged in con- futing the plea of law proposed for tlie unfortunate Earl of Strafford : " It was true we gave laws to hares and deer, because they are beasts of chase; but it was never accounted either cruelty or foul play to knock foxes or wolves on the head as they can be found, because they are beasts of prey. In a word, the law and humanity were alike ; the one being more fallacious, and the other more barbarous, than in any age had been vented in such an authority." — Clarendon's History of the Rebellion. Oxford, 1702, fol. vol., p. 1S3. 1 84 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto iv And let nic but till moniin!:; rest, I write the falsehood on their crest." — " If by the blaze I mark aright, Thou bear'st the belt and spur of Knii;ht." " Then by these tokens mayest thou know Each proud oppressor's mortal foe." — " I'jiough, enough ; sit down and share A soldier's couch, a .soldier's fare." XXXI. He gave liim of his Highland cheer. The harden'd flesh of mountain deer ; ' 1 Tlic Scottish Ilisrhlanders, in fonncr times, had a concise iiiotie of cookinj? their venison, or ratlier of ciispensini,' witli cookini,' it, wliich appears <,'reatly to iiavc surprised tiie French wlioni chance made acquainted witii it. Tiie \'idaine ot" Cliarters, wiien a hostage in England, during the reign of Edward \\.. was permitted to travel into Scotland, and penetrated as far as the remote Highlands {aii fin fond dcs Sa/tz'ajrcs). After a great hunting partv. at which a most wonderful cpiantitv of game was destroyed, he saw these Scottish savages devour n part of their venison raw, without any further preparation than compressing it hetween two hatons of wood, so as to force out the hlood, and render it extremely hard. This they reckoned a great delicacy; ami when the \'iiiame partook of it, his compliance with their taste rendered him extiemely iio)iular. This curious trait of manners was communicated hy Mons. de Mont- morency, a great friend of the \'idame, to IJrantome, hy whom it is recordeon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as he com- manded mc, and the breath came into them, anil they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great arujy." — Chap, xxx.ii, V. 9, 10. =* MS. : "All silent, /-;<;, they stood, and still. Watcliing their leader's heck and will. While forward step and weapon show They long to rush upon the foe. Like the loose crag, whose tottering mass Hung threatening o'er the holhnv pass." Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. T99 Then fix'd his eye and sable brow Full on Fitz-James — How say'st thou now? These are Clan-Alpine's warriors true ; And, Saxon, — I am Roderick Dhu ! " X. Fitz-James was brave : — Though to his heart The life-blood thrill'd with sudden start, He mann'd himself with dauntless air, Return'd the Chief his haughty stare, His back against a rock he bore. And firmly placed his foot before : — " Come one, come all ! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I." Sir Roderick mark'd — and in his eyes Respect was mingled with surprise. And the stern joy which warriors feel In foemen worthy of their steel. Short space he stood — then waved his hand j Down sunk the disappearing band ; Each warrior vanish'd where he stood, In broom or bracken, heath or wood ; Sunk brand and spear and bended bow. In osiers pale and copses low It seem'd as if their mother Earth Had swallow'd up her warlike birth. The wind's last breath had toss'd in air, Pennon, and plaid, and plumage fair, — ■ 200 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto A- The next but swept a lone hill-sitle, Where heath and fern were wavin<^ wide ; The sun's last jjjlance was glinted back, From spear and glaive, from targe and jack, — The next, all unreflected, shone On bracken green, and cold gray stone. XI. Fitz James look'd round — yet scarce believed The witness that his sight received ; Such apparition well might seem Delusion of a dreadful dream. Sir Roderick in suspense he eyed, And to his look the Chief replied. " Fear nought — nay, that I need not say — l^ut — doubt not aught from mine array. Thou art my guest ; — I i)le(.lged my u'ord As far as Coilantogle ford : Nor would I call a clansman's brand I'or aid against one valiant hand,' Though on our strife lay every vale Rent by the Saxon from the Gael.* ' MS. : " For aid aijainst one hravr man's liand." 2 '• Tliis scone is cxccllcntlv described. 'J'lie frankness and \wj}\- soulcd couratje of the two warriors, — the reliance wliich the Low- lander places on the word of tlie 1 litjhlander to }juide him safelv on his way the next mornin'^, altlif)iii,'h lie has spoken threatenint? and violent words ai^ainsl Roderick, whose kinsman the nioimtainccr professes hitnscif fo be, — these circumstances are all admirably imagined and related." — Monthly /ici'iciv Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE, 201 So move we on ; — I only meant To show the reed on which you leant, Deeming this path you might pursue Without a pass from Roderick Dhu."' 1 This incident, like some other passages in the poem, illustra tive of the character of the ancient Gael, is not imaginary, but borrowed from fact. The Highlanders, with the inconsistency of most nations 'in the same state, were alternately capable of great exertions of generosity, and of cruel revenge and perfidy. The following story I can only quote from tradition, but with sucii an assurance from those by whom it was communicated, as per- mits me little doubt of its authenticity. Early in the last cen- tury, John Gunn, a noted Cateran, or Highland robber, infested Inverness-shire, and levied black-mail up to the walls of the pro- vincial capital. A garrison was then maintained in the castle of that town, and their pay (country banks being unknown) was usually transmitted in specie, under the guard of a small escort. Ii chanced that the officer who commanded this little party was unexpectedly obliged to halt, about thirty miles from Inverness, at a miserable inn. About nightfall, a stranger, in the Highland dress, and of very prepossessing appearance, entered the same house. Separate accommodation being impossible, the English- man offered the newly-arrived guest a part of his supper, which was accepted with reluctance. By the conversation he found his new acquaintance knew well all the passes of the country, w-hich induced him eagerly to request his company on the ensuing morning. He neither disguised his business and charge, nor his apprehensions of that celebrated freebooter John Gunn. — The Highlander hesitated a moment, and then frankly consented to be his guide. Forth they set in the morning; and, in travelling through a solitary and dreary glen, the discourse again turned on John Gunn. " Would you like to see him.'"' said the guide; and, without waiting an answer to this alarming question, he w-histled, and the English officer, with his small party, were surrounded by a body of Highlanders, whose numbers put resistance out of question, and who were all well armed. " Stranger," resinned the guide, " I am that very Johi. Gunn by whoin you feared to be intercepted, and not without cause : for I came to the inn last night with the express purpose of learning your route, that I and my followers might ease you of your charge 202 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto V. They moved : — I said Fitz-James was brave. As ever knight that belted glaive ; \'et dare not say, that now his blood Kept on its wont and temper'd flood, As, following Roderick's stride, he drew That seeming lonesome pathway through, Which yet, by fearful proof, was rife With lances, that, to take his life, Waited but signal from a guide. So late dishonor'd and defied. Ever, by stealth, his eye sought round The vanish'd guardians of the ground. And still, from copse and heather deep, I'ancy saw spear and broadsword peep ' And in the plover's shrilly strain, The sign?.l whistle heard again, Nor breathed he free till far behind The pass was left ; for then they wind Along a wide and level green, Where neither tree nor turf was seen, Nor rush nor bush of broom was near. To hide a bonnet, or a spear. bv the road. Hut I am incapable of bctraviiv^ tlic tru'-t you reposed in me, and havinjj convinced you that you were in my power. I ran only dismiss you implunderi-d and uninjured." He then i^avc the ofTicer directions for his journey, and disappeared with his party as suddenly as they had presented themselves. ' MS. : " And still from copse and heather hush. Fancy saw spear and broaiisword ruNii" CANTO v.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE 203 XII. The Chief in silence strode before, And reach'd that torrent's sounding shore, Which, daughter of three mighty lakes, From Vennachar in silver breaks, Sweeps through the plain, and ceaseless mines On Bochastle the mouldering lines,' Where Rome, the Empress of the world, Of yore her eagle wings unfurl'd.^ And here his course the Chieftain staid. Threw down his target and his plaid. And to the Lowland warrior said: — "Bold Saxon! to his promise just, Vich-Alpine has discharged his trust. 1 MS. : " On Bochastle the mnrtial lines." " The torrent which discharges itself from Loch Vennachar, the lowest and eastmost of the three lakes which form the scenery adjoinin.s? to the Trosachs, sweeps through a flat and extensive moor, called Bochastle. Upon a small eminence, called the Dun of Bochastie, and indeed on the plain itself, are some intrenchments, which have been thought Roman. There is. adjacent to Callender, a sweet villa, the residence of Captain Fairfoul, entitled the Roman Camp. "One of the most entire and beautiful remains of a Roman encampment now to be found in Scotland, is to be seen at Ardoch, near Greenloaning, about six miles to the eastward of Dunblane. This encampment is supposed, on good grounds, to have been con- structed during the fourth campaign of Agricola in Britain; it is 1060 feet in length, and 900 in breadth ; it could contain 26,000 men, according to the ordinary distribution of the Roman soldiers in their encampments. There appears to have been three or four ditches, strongly fortified, surrounding the camp. The four entries crossing the lines are still to be seen distinctly. The generaVs quarter rises above the level of the camp, but is not exactly in the centre. It is a :o4. 77//-; /,.//>)• Ol- THE LAKE. [Canto V- This murderous Chief, this ruthless man, This head of a rebelUous elan, llath led thee safe, through watch and ward, Far past Clan-Ali)ine's outmost guard. Now, man to man, and steel to steel, A Chieftain's vengeance thou shalt feel. See here, all vantagcless I stand, Arm'd like thyself, with single brand :' For this is Coilantogle ford< And thou must keep thee with thy sword." — •XII I. The Saxon paused : " I ne'er delay'd. When foeman bade me draw my blade ; Nay, more, brave Chief, I vowed thy death : Yet sure thy fair and generous faith, And my deej) debt for life ])reserved, A better meed have well deserved ; Can nought but blood our feud atone? Are there no means?" — " No, Stranger, none! And here, — to fne thy flagging zeal, — The Saxon cause rests on thy steel ; refjular s(|iiari- of twenty vards, cnclo^cil willi a stone wall, and con taiiiiiiL,' tlic Ibundalions of a lionsc, thirty (Vil by twonty. There is a subterraneous coniiTiunieation witli a smaller encampment at a little distance, in which several Roman lulmets. spears, etc.. have been found. From this cainp at Ardoch, tiie tjreat Roman hit,'hway runs east to Bertha, about fourteen miles distant, where the Roman armv i^ believed to have passed over the Tay into Stratlimore." — Grminm. ' bee Appendix, Note N. Canto V.] THE LADV OF THE LAKE. 20S For thus spoke Fate, by prophet bred Between the living and the dead ; ' Who spills the foremost foeman's life, His party conquers in the strife.' " — "Then, by my word," the Saxon said, " The riddle is already read. Seek yonder brake beneath the cliff, — There lies Red Murdoch, stark and stiff. Thus Fate has solved her prophecy, Then yield to Fate, and not to me. To James, at Stirling, let us go, When, if thou wilt be still his foe. Or if the King shall not agree To grant thee grace and favor free, 1 plight mine honor, oath, and word. That to thy native strengths restored. With each advantage shalt thou stand. That aids thee now to guard thy land. XIV. Dark lightning flashed from Roderick's eye— ' " Soars thy presumption, then, so high. Because a wretched kern ye slew. Homage to name of Roderick Dhu .'' He yields not, he, to man nor Fate ! ^ Thou add'st but fuel to my hate : — ' MS. : " In lie.Tri', vol. ii p. f)r. Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 20Q Three times in closing strife they stood, And thrice the Saxon blade drank blood ; No stinted draught, no scanty tide, The gushing flood the tartans dyed. Fierce Roderick felt the fatal drain, And shower'd his blows like wintry rain ; And, as firm rock, or castle-roof, Against the winter shower is proof, , The foe, invulnerable still, Foil'd his wild rage by steady skill ; Till, at advantage ta'en, his brand Forced Roderick's weapon from his hand, And backward borne upon the lea, Brought the proud Chieftain to his knee/ XVI. *' Now, yield thee, or by Him who made The world, thy heart's blood dyes my blade ! " Thy threats, thy mercy, I defy ! Let recreant yield, who fears to die."^' ^ This couplet is not in the MS. ^ I have not ventured to render this duel so savagely desperate as that of the celebrated SirEv^^an of Lochiel, chief of the clan Cameron. called from his sable complexion, Ewan Dhu. He was the last man in Scotland who maintained the royal cause during the great Civil War, and his constant incursions rendered him a very unpleasant neighbor to the republican garrison at Inverlochy, now Fort- Wil- liam. The governor of the fort detached a party of three hundred men to lay waste Lochiel's possessions, and cut down his trees; but, in a sudden and desperate attack made upon them by the chieftain with very inferior numbers, they were almost all cut to pieces. The 2IO THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Can... V — Like adder darting from his coil, Like wolf that dashes through the toil, Like mountain-cat who guards her young, l''ull at Fitz-James's throat he sprung ; ' Received, but reck d not of a wound, And lock'd his arms his foeman round. — Now, gallant Saxon, hold thine own ! No maiden's hand is round thee thrown ! That desperate grasp thy frame might foci, Through bars of brass antl triple steel! — They tug, they strain ! down, down they go. The Gael above, T^itz-James below. skirmisli is dctailccl in a curious incinoir of Sir Iav.iu's life, pi intcd ill the Appendix of Pennant's Scottisii Tour. " In tiiis cnt^aj^cnii-nl, Lochicl himself had several woiuieiful escapes. In the retreat of the Eniijiisii, one of the strontjest and bravest of the officers retired behind a bush, wlien lie observed Lochiel pursuing, and scein. \\\. Canto v.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 221 Their bugles ehallenge all that will, In archery to prove their skill. The Douglas bent a bow of might, — His first shaft centered in the white, And when in turn he shot again, His second split the first in twain. From the King's hand must Douglas take A silver dart, the archer's stake ; Fondly he watch'd with watery eye, ' Some answering glance of sympathy, — No kind emotion made reply ! Indifferent as to archer wight, The monarch gave the arrow bright. ^ * MS. : " Fondly he watch'd with watery eye, For answering glance of sympathy, — But )io emotion made reply! Indifferent as to iinknozvn ~| • , , ^ ( wight. Cold as to utiktiozvji yeoman ) The r^ing gave forth the arrow bright." * The Douglas of the poem is an imaginary person, a supposed uncle of the Earl of Angus. But the king's behavior during an unexpected interview with the Laird of Kilspindie, one of the banished Douglasses, under ciixumstances similar to those in the text, is imitated from a real story told by Home of Godscroft. I would have ava.iled myself more fully of the simple and affecting circumstances of the old history, had they not been already woven into SI pathetic ballad by my friend Mr. Finlay.* " His (the king's) implacability (towards the family of Douglas) did also appear in his carriage towards Archibald of Kilspindie, whom he, when he was a child, loved singularly well for his ability of body, and was wont to call him his Grey-Steill.f Archibald, * Sec Scottish Historical and Romantic Ballads. Glasgow, tScS, vol. ii. p. 117 t A cliampion of popular romance. See JiUis's Romances, vol. xii. 212 THE i.un' or Till-: takf. [canto v. X X 1 1 r. Now, clear the rinc; ! for, hand to lianrl, Tlic manly wrestlers take their staiul. heinjT banished into Encjlaiiil, could not well comport with the humor of that nation, which he thought to be too proud, ami that they had too high a conceit of themselves, joined with a contempt and despising of all others. Wherefore being wearied of that life, and remembering the king's favor of old towards him, he determined to trv the king's mercifulness and clemencj. So he comes into Scotland, and taking occasion of the king's hunting in the Park of Stirling, he casts himself to be in his wav. as he was coming home to the castle. So soon is the king saw him afar olT, ere he came near, he guessed it was he, and said to one of his courtiers. Yonder is mv Grey-Steill, Archibald of Kilspindie, if he be ^live. The other answered that it could not be he, and that he durst not come into the king's presence. The king approaching, he fell upon his knees and craved pardon, and promised from thenceforward to abstain from meddling in public alTaIrs, and to lead a quiet and private life. The king went bv without giving him anv answer, and trotted a good round pace up the lull. Kilspindie followed, and, though he wore on him a secret, or shirt of mail, for liis particular enemies, was as soon at the castle gate as the king. There he sat him down upon a stone without, and entreated some of the king's servants for a cup of drink, being weary and thirsty; but they, fear- ing the king's displeasure, durst give him none. When the king was set at his dinner, he askei! what he had done, M.hat he had said, and whither he had gone.' It was told him that 'ne had desired a cup of drink and had gotten none. The king reproved them very sharply for their discourtesy, and told them, that if he had n'>* taken an oath that no Douglas should ever serve him. he would have nccived him irao his service, for he had seen liiiii sometime a man of great ability. Then he sent him word to go to Leith, and expect his further pleasure. Then some kinsman of David Falconer, the cannonier, that was slain at Tantallon, began to quarrel with Archibald about the matter, wherewith the king showed himself not well pleased when he heard of it. Then he commanded him to go to France for a certain space, till he heard from him. And so he did, and died shortly after. This gave occasion to the King of Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 223 Two c/cr the rest superior rose, And proud demanded mightier foes, Nor call'd in vain ; for Douglas came. — For life is Hugh of Larbert lame; Scarce better John of Alloa's fare. Whom senseless home his comrades bear. Prize of the wrestling match, the King To Douglas gave a golden ring, ' While coldly glanced his eye of blue, As frozen drop of wintry dew, Douglas would speak, but in his breast His struggling soul his words suppress'd ; England (Henry VIII.) to blame his nephew, alleging the old say- ing, That a king's face should give grace. For tb's Archibald (whatsoever were Angus's or Sir George's fault) had not been prin- cipal actor of anything, nor wo counsellor nor stirrer up, but only a follower of his friends, and that noways cruelly disposed." — Hume of Godscro/i, ii. 107. 1 The usunl prize of a wresthng was a ram and a ring, but the animal would have embarrassed my story.,, Thus, in the Cokes Tale of Gamelyn, ascribed to Chaucer: " There happed to be there beside Tryed a wrestling; And therefore there was y-setten A ram and als a ring." Again the Litil Geste of Robin Hood : " By a bridge was a wrestling, And there taryed was he, And there was all the best yemen Of all the west countrey. A full fayre game there was set up,. A white bull up y-pight, A great courser with saddle and brydle, With gold burnished full bryght; A payre of glove", a red golde ringe, A pipe of wyne good fay ', What man bereth him best, I wis, The prize shall bear away." Ritson's Robin Hood, vol. I, 224 77//; L.inV OF TIIF. lAKE. [Canto V. IiKlij;nant then he tiirn'd him where Their anus the brawny )eonien bare, To hurl the massive bar in air. When each his utmost strcuLjlh had shown, The Douglas rent an earth-fast stone T'rom its deep bed, then heaved it high. And sent the fragment through the sky, A rood beyond the farthest mark; — And still in Stirling's royal park. The gray-hair'd sires, who know the past. To strangers point the Douglas-cast, And moralize on the decay Of Scottish strength in modern day. ' XXIV. The vale with loud applauses rang, The Ladies' Rock sent back the clan£r. The King, \\'ith look unmov'd, bcstow'd A purse well fill'd with pieces broad. * * Indignant smiled the Douglas proud. And threw the gold among the crowd. ^ Who now, with anxious wonder scan, And sharper glance the dark gray man , Till whispers rose among the throng. That heart so free and hand so strong, Must to the Douglas blood belong ; 1 MS. : " Of ;;/^;7rt/ strctiirfli in inrxlcrn day." - MS. : " A purse -vcis^^li'd tiovu willi picrcs biDad." * MS. : '• Scattered tl)c gold among tiie crowd." CANTO v.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 22^ The old men mark'd, and shook the head, To see his hair with silver spread, And wink'd aside, and told each son, Of feats upon the English done, Ere Douglas of the stalwart hand ' Was exiled from his native land. The women prais'd his stately form. Though wreck'd by many a winter's storm ; - The youth with awe and wonder saw His strength surpassing Nature's law. Thus judged, as is their wont, the crowd, Till murmur rose to clamors loud. But not a glance from that proud ring Of peers who circled round the King, With Douglas held communion kind, Or call'd the banish'd man to mind;^ No, not from those who, at the chase, Once held his side the honor'd place, Begirt his board, and in the field. Found safety underneath his shield ; For he, whom royal eyes disown, When was his form to courtiers known 1 XXV. The monarch saw the gambols fxag, And bade let loose a gallant stag. • MS. ^ MS. =« MS. " Ere yaiiies of Douglas' stalwart hand." " Thoufjh xuorn by many a winter storm." " Or called his stately form to mind." 226 Zy/Zi" LADY OF JI/IC LAKE. [Canto V Whoso pride the lioliday U) crown, Two favorite greyliountls should pull down, That vcnsion free, and l^ourdcaux wine, Mii^ht serve the archery to dine. l-5ut Lufra, — whom from Douglas' side Nor bribe nor threat, could ere divide The fleetest hound in all the North, — Brave Lufra saw, and darted forth. She left the royal hounds mid-way, And dashin<; on the antler'd prey. Sunk her sharp muzzle in his flank. And deep the flowing life-blood drank. The Kinjjj's stout huntsman saw the sport, V>y stran<^e intruder broken short, Came up, and, with his leash unbound, In anther struck the noble hound. — The Douglas had endured, that mom, The King's cold look, the nobles' scorn. And last and worst to spirit proud. Had borne the pity of the crowd ; But T.ufra had been fondly bred. To share his board, to watch his bed. And oft would TCllen, Lufra's neck In maiden glee with garlands deck ; rhey were such playmates, that with namf.: Of Lufra, Lllen's image came. llis stifled wrath is brimming high, In darken'd brow and Hashing eye; Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 22/ As waves before the bark divide, The crowd gave way before his stride ; Needs but a buffet and no more, The groom Hes senseless in his gore. Such blow no other hand could deal, Though gr.untleted in glove of steel. XXVI. Then clamor'd loud the royal train, * Aod brandish'd swords and staves amain. But stern the Baron's warning — "Back!" Back, on your lives, ye menial pack ! Beware the Douglas, — Yes ! behold, King James ! The Douglas, doom'd of old, And vainly sought for near and far, A victim to atone the war, A willing victim, now attends. Nor craves thy grace but for his friends" - " Thus in my clemency repaid } Presumptuous Lord ! " the Monarch said ; " Of thy mis-proud ambitious clan. Thou, James of Bothwell, wert the man, The only man, in whom a foe My woman-mercy would not know : 1 MS. : " Clamor'd his comrades of the train." 2 MS. : " But stern the warrior's warning — ' Back ! "* ;28 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto V. But shall :i Monarch's presence brook ' Injurious blow, and haughty look? — What ho ! The Captain of our Guard ! Give the offender fitting ward. — Break off the sports ! " — for tumult rose, And yeomen 'gan to bend their bows, — " ]keak off the sports! " he saiti, and frown'd, " And bid our horsemen clear the ground." XXVII. Then uproar wild and misarray Marr'd the fair form of festal day. The horsei'iien prick'd among the crowd, Rcpell'd by threats and insult loutl ;^ To earth are borne the old and weak, The timorous fly, the wc^men shriek ; With flint, with shaft, with staff, with bar, The hardier urge tumultuous war. At once round Douglas darkly sweep The royal spears in circle deep. And slowly scale the pathway steep: While on the rear in thunder j)our The rabble with disordered roar. With grief the noble Douglas saw The Commons rise against the law. ' MS. : " r?iit in niv court, injurious blow. And hcarck'c] thus, and tlius out-dared? What lio! the Captain of our Guard ! " ' M.S.: "Their threats rep.lIM hv iiisult loud." Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 229 And to the leading soldier said, — " Sir Jolm of Hyndford ! 'twas my blade That knighthood on thy shoulder laid ; For that good deed, permit me then A word with these misguided men. ^O' XXVIII. " Hear, gentle friends ! ere yet for me, Ye break the bands of fealty. My life, my honor, and my cause, I tender free to Scotland's laws. Are these so weak as must require The aid of your misguided ire .-* Or, if I suffer causeless wrong, Is then my selfish rage so strong, My sense of public weal so low. That, for mean vengeance on a foe, Those cords of love I should unbind, Which knit my country and my kind Oh no ! Believe in yonder tower It will not soothe my captive hour, To know those spears our foes should dread, For me in kindred gore are red ; To know, in fruitless brawl begun, For me, that mother wails her son ; For me, that widow's mate expires ; For me, that orphans weep their sires, That patriots mourn insulted laws, And curse the Douglas for the cause. 230 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto V. O let your patience ward such ill, And keep your right to love me still!" XXIX. The crowd's wild fury sunk again ' In tears, as tempests melt in rain. With lifted hands and eyes, they pray'd For blessings on his generous head, Who for his country felt alone, And prized her blood beyond his own. Old men, upon the verge of life, Bless'd him who stayed the civil strife ; And mothers held their babes on high, The self-devoted Chief to spy, Triumphant over wrongs and ire. To whom the prattlers owed a sire : Even the rough soldier's heart was mo\ed As if behind some bier beloved, With trailing arms and droojiing head, The Douglas up the hill he led. And at the castle's battled verge. With si'dis resiL^Vd his honor'd charge. XXX. The offended Monarch rode apart, With bitter thought and swelling heart, 1 MS. : ••Tlio crowd's wild fiirv . Iil/d .Tiiimn 111 tears, as Icinpcstb sink in raiu." Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 23 1 And would not now vouchsafe again Through Stirling streets to lead his train. " O Lennox, who would wish to rule This changeling crowd, this common fool? Hear'st thou," he said, "the loud acclaim With which they shout the Douglas name ? With like acclaim, the vulgar throat Strain'd for King James their morning note ; With like acclaim they hail'd the day When first I broke the Douglas' sway ; And like acclaim would Douglas greet, If he could hurl me from my seat. Who o'er the herd would wish to reign, Fantastic, fickle, fierce, and vain ! Vain as the leaf upon the stream, * And fickle as a changeful dream ; Fantastic as a woman's mood. And fierce as Frenzy's fever'd blood. Thou many-headed monster thing, * O who would wish to be thy king! ^ MS. : " Vain as the sick man's idle dream." '^ " Who deserves greatness, Deserves your hate; and your affections are A sick man's appetite, who desires most that Which would increase his evil. He that depends Upon 3'our favors, swims with fins of lead, And hews down oaks with rushes. Hang ye! Trust yet With every minute you do change a mind ; And call him noble, that was now your hate, Him vile that was your garland." Coriolafius, Act I. Scene I. ^3- THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto V XXXI. " But soft ! what messenger of speed Spurs hitherward his panting steed ? I guess his cognizance afar — What from our cousin, John of Mar?" " He prays, my Hege, your sports keep bound Within the safe and guarded ground : For some foul purpose yet unknown, — Most sure for evil to the throne, — The outlaw'd Chieftain, Roderick Dhu, Has summon'd his rebellious crew; 'Tis said, in James of Bothwell's aid These loose banditti stand array'd. The Earl of Mar, this morn, from Doune, To break their muster march'd, and soon Your grace will hear of battle fought ; But earnestly the luarl besought, Till for such danger he provide, With scanty train you will not ride."' XXX 11. . "Thou warn'st me I have done amiss,— I should have earlier looked to this: I lost it in this bustling day. Retrace \vith speed thy former way; Sparc not for spoiling of thy steed, The best of mine shall be thy meed. ^ MS. : " On distant chase vou will not riilc." Canto V.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 233 Say to our faithful Lord of Mar, We do forbid the intended war : Roderick, this morn, in single fight, Was made our prisoner by a knight ; And Douglas hath himself and cause Submitted to our kingdom's laws. The tidings of their leaders lost Will soon dissolve the mountain host. Nor would we that the vulgar feel. For their Chief's crimes avenging steel. Bear Mar our message, Braco: fly !" He turn'd his steed, — "My liege, I hie, — Yet, ere I cross this lily lawn, I fear the broadswords will be drawn." The turf the flying courser spurn'd. And to his towers the King return'd. XXXIII. Ill with King James's mood that day, Suited gay feast and minstrel lay ; Soon were dismiss'd the courtly throng, And soon cut short the festal song. Nor less upon the sadden'd town The evening sunk in sorrow down. The burghers'spoke of civil jar. Of rumor'd feuds and mountain war, Of Moray, Mar, and Roderick Dhu, All up in arms :-— the Douglas, too, 234 THE LADY OF TIIF. LAKE. [Canto v. They mourn'd him pent within the hold, " Where stout ]i:arl William was of old."* And there his word the speaker staid, And finger on his lip he laid, Or pointed to his dagger blade. But jaded horsemen, from the west, At evening to the Castle press'd ; And busy talkers said they bore Tidings of fight on Katrine's shore ; At noon the deadly fray begun. And lasted till the set of sun. Thus giddy rumor shook the town, Till closed the Night her pennons brown. ^ Stabbed by James II. in Stirling Castle. CANTO SIXTH. THE GUARD-ROOM. I. The sun, awakening, through the smoky air Of the dark city casts a sullen glance, Rousing each caitiff to his task of care, Of sinful man the sad inheritance ; Summoning revellers from the lagging dance, Scaring the prowling robber to his den ; Gilding on battled tower the warder's lance, And warning student pale to leave his pen, And yield his drowsy eyes to the kind nurse of men. What various scenes, and, O ! what scenes of woe, Are witness'd by that red and struggling beam ! The fever'd patient, from his pallet low. Through crowded hospital beholds its stream ; The ruin'd maiden trembles at its gleam. The debtor wakes to thought of gyve and jail, The love-lorn wretch starts from tormenting dream ; The wakeful mother, by the glimmering pale. Trims her sick infant's couch, and soothes his feeble wail. 235 236 Tin-: LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto VL II. At dawn the towers of Stirlinq; raiifr With soldier-step and weapon-elang, While drums, with rolling note, foretell Relief to weary sentinel. Through narrow loop and casement barr'd,' The sunbeams sought the Court of Guard, And, struggling with the smoky air, Deaden'd the torches' yellow glare. In comfortless alliance shone ^ The lights through arch of blacken'd .stone, And show'd wild shapes in garb of war, Faces deformed with beard and scar, All haggard from, the midnight watch, And fcver'd witii the stern debauch ; For the oak table's massive board. Flooded with wine, with fragments stored, And beakers drain'd, and cups o'erlhrown, Show'd in what sport the night had flown. Some, weary, snored on floor and bench ; Some labor'd still their thirst to quench ; Some, chill'd with watching, spread their hands O'er the huge chimney's dying brands, While round them, or beside them flung, At every step their harness rung. ' MS. : " Tfiioii<;h hlackoiiM arcli and cast-mcnt barr'd." "* MS. : " 'J'lic lii,'lits in strange alliance shone Bi t(calh llic arch of blacken'd stone." Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 237 III. These drew not for their fields the sword, Like tenants of a feudal lord, Nor own'd the patriarchal claim, Of Chieftain in their leader's name ; Adventurers they, from far who roved, To live by battle wiiich they loved.' There the Italian's clouded face. The swarthy Spaniard's there you trace ; The mountain-loving Switzer there More freely breathed in mountain-air ; The Fleming there despised the soil, That paid so ill the laborer's toil ; Their rolls show'd French and German name ; And merry England's exiles came, To share, with ill-conceal'd disdain. Of Scotland's pay the scanty gain. All brave in arms, well train'd to wield The heavy halberd, brand, and shield ; In camps licentious, wild, and bold ; In pillage fierce and uncontroll'd ; And now, by holytide and feast, From rules of discipline released. IV. They held debate of bloody fray. Fought 'twixt Loch Katrine and Achray. ' See Appendix, Note P. 23S THE LADY OF TUE LAKE. [Canto vi. r'iercc was their speech, and, 'mid their words, Their hands oft grai)p]ed to their swords; Nor sunk their tone to spare the ear Of wounded comrades groaning near, Whose mangled Hnibs, and bodies gored, Bore token of the mountain sword. Though neighboring to the Court of Guard, Their prayers and feverish wails were heard ; Sad burden to the ruffian joke. And savage oath by fury spoke ! — ' At length up started John of Brent, A yeoman from the banks of Trent ; A stranger to respect or fear. In peace a chaser of the deer. In host a hardy mutineer, But still the boldest of the crew, When deed of danger was to do. He grieved, that day, their games cut short, And marr'd the dicer's brawling sport, And shouted loud, " Renew the bowl ! And, while a merry catch I trowl. Let each the buxom chorus bear, Like brethren of the brand and spear." V. soldif.k's .song. Our vicar still preaches that Peter and Poule Laid a swinging long curse on the bonny brown bowl, * MS. - " Sad hiwcloii lo iJic nifVinn jest, Ami iikIc oaths vented hy the rct>l." Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 239 That there's wrath and despair in the jolly black-jack. And the seven deadly sins in a flagon of sack ; Yet whoop, Barnaby ! off with thy liquor, Drink iipsees ' out, and a fig for the vicar ! Our vicar he calls it damnation to sip The ripe ruddy dew of a woman's dear lip, Says, that Beelzebub lurks in her kerchief so sly, And Apollyon shoots darts from her merry black eye ; Yet whoop, Jack ! kiss Gillian the quicker. Till she bloom like a rose, and a fig for the vicar ! Our vicar thus preaches — and why should he not ? For the dues of his cure are the placket and pot ; And 'tis right of his office poor laymen to lurch. Who infringe the domains of our good Mother Church, Yet whoop, bully-boys ! off with your liquor, Sweet Marjorie's the word, and a fig for the vicar ! ^ VI. The warder's challenge, heard without, Staid in mid-roar the merry shout. A soldier to the portal went, — " Here is old Bertram, sirs, of Ghent ; 1 Bacchanalian interjection, borrowed from the Dutch. 2 "The greatest blemish in the poem is the ribaldrj and dull vulgarity which is put into the mouths of the soldiery in the guard- room. Mr. Scott has condescended to write a song for them, wliich will be read with pain, we are persuaded, even by his warmest 240 THE LADY (V-" THE LAKE. [Cant.. VI. /\ikI, — lcarr'cl, Was entering now the Court of Guard, A harper with him, and, in plaid All muffled close, a mountain maid, Who backward shrank to 'scape the view Of the loose scene and boisterous crew. " What news .'' " they roar'd : " I onl)- know, From noon till eve we fought with foe, As wild and as untameablc As the rude mountains where tlicy dwell ; On both sides store of blood is lost. Nor much success can either boast." — "lint whence thy captives, friend.' such spoil As theirs must needs reward thy toil.' Old dost thou wax, and wars grow sharji ; Thou now hast glee-maiden and harp! Get thee an ape, and trudge the land. The leader of a juggler band." — ' admirers; and his whole fjcnius, and even his power of versification, seems to desert him when lie attempts to repeat llieir conversation. Here is some of the stiirt' which has drojiped. in this inauspicious attempt, from tlic pen of one of the first poets of liis age or country," etc., etc. — Jkkkkkv. > The MS reads after this : " Oct tlicc an ape, and then at once Thou mayst renounce the warder's lance, And trudjfe through borough artd through I:inil, The leader of a juggler band." - The jontjlenrs, or ju<;i,'Iers, as we learn from I lie clahoratc work of the late Mr. Stnitt, on the sjiorts and pastimes of tlie pcopli- of England, used to call in the aid of various assistants, to render these Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 241 VII. "No, comrade ; — no such fortune mine. After the fight these sought our Hne, That aged harper and the girl, And, having audience of tlie Earl, Mar bade I should purvey them steed. And bring them hitherward with speed. performances as captivating as possible. The glee-maiden was a necessary attendant. Her duty was tumbling and dancing; and therefore the Anglo-Saxon version of St. Mark's Gospel states Herodias to have vaulted or tumbled before King Herod. In Scot- land, these poor creatures seem, even at a late period, to have been bondswomen to their masters, as appears from a case reported by Fountainhall : " Reid the mountebank pursues Scott of Harden and his lady, for stealmg away from him a little girl, called the tumbling lassie, that danced upon his stage; and he claimed damages, and produced a contract, whereby he bought her from her mother for £30 Scots. But we have no slaves in Scotland, and mothers cannot sell their bairns ; and pliysicians attested the employment of tumb- ling would kill her; and her joints were now grown stiff", and she declined to return ; though she was at least a 'prentice, and so could not run away from her master: yet some cited Moses's law, that if a servant shelter himself with thee, against his master's cruelty, thou shalt surely not deliver him up. The Lords, renitente caiicel- Inrio, assoilzied Harden, on the 27th of January (16S7)." — FouN- tainhall's Decisions, vol. i. p. 439.* The facetious qualities of the ape soon rendered him an accept- able addition to the strolling band of the jongleur. Ben fonson. in his splenetic introduction to the comedy of " Bartholomew Fair," is at pains to inform the audience '■ that he has ne'er a sword-and- * Though less to my purpose, I cannot help noticing a circumstance respecting another of this Mr. Reid's attendants, which occurred during James II. 's zeal for Catholic proselytism, and is told by Fountainhall, with dry Scotch irony: " Januarv 17th, 16S7. —Reid the mountebank is received into the Popish church, and one of his hlackamores was persuaded to accept of baptism from the Popish priests, and to turn Christian papist; which was a great trophy; he was called James, after the king and chancellor, and the Apostle James." — Ibid. p. 440. 242 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto IV. I'"ui"bcar your luirtli aiul riulc iilarni, For none shall do; them shame or harm." " Hear ye his boast ? " cried John of ]5rcnt, Ever to strife and janj^ling bent ; " Shall he strike doe beside our lod<;c, And yet the jealous niggard grudge To pay the forester his fee ? I'll have my share howe'er it be, Despite of Moray, Alar, or thee." Bertram his forward step withstood ; ' And, burning in his vengeful mood, Old Allan, though unfit for strife, Laid hand upon his dagger-knife ; But Ellen boldly stepp'd between, And dropp'd at once the tartan screen : So from his morning cloud appears The sun of May, through sunnner tears. The savage soldiery, amazed,^ As on descended angel gazed ; Even hardy Brent, abash'd and tametl. Stood half admiring, half ashamed. buckler man in his Fair, nor a jii:.;,L;lcr witii a wtll-cdiicatcd ape to come over the chainc for the Kinjr of England, and l)aik a^ain for the Prince, and sit still on liis haunches for the I'ope and the King of Spaine." ' jSIS. : "Bertram < ^'^, • violence withstood." I such ) * MS. : " While the rude soldierv, amazed." Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 243 VIII. Boldly she spoke, — " Soldiers, attend ! My father was the soldier's friend ; Cheer'd him in camps, in marches led, And with him in the battle bled. Not from the valiant, or the strong, Should exile's daughter suffer wrong." — Answer'd De Brent, most forward still In every feat of good or ill, — " I shame me of the part I play'd : And thou an outlaw's child, poor maid ! An outlaw I by forest laws, And merry N^edwood knows the cause. Poor Rose, — if Rose be living now," — '• He wiped his iron eye and brow, — " Must bear such age, I think, as thou. - Hear ye., my mates ; — I go to call The Captain of our v/atch to hall ; There lies my halberd on the floor ; And he that steps my halberd o'er, To do the maid injurious part, My shaft shall quiver in his heart ! — Beware loose speech, or jesting rough : Ye all know John de Brent. Enough.'" ' MS. : " Should Ellen Douglas suffer wrong." ^ MS. : " ' Mv Rose,' — he wiped his eye and hrow, - ' Poor Rose, — if Rose be living now.' " 11 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto VI. IX. Their Captain came, a p;allant younj:^, — (( )f Tulliliardiiic's house he spruny;), Nor wore he yet the spurs of kni<;ht ; Gay was his mien, liis humor liL;ht, And, though by courtesy controH'cl, Forward his speech, his bearing bold. The high-l)orn maiden ill could brook The scanning of his curious look And dauntless eye; — and yet, in sooth, Young Lewis was a generous youth ; Ikit I'^llen's lovely face and mien, 111 suited to the garb scene, Might lightly bear construction strange, And give loose fancy scope to range. "Welcome to Stirling towers, fair maid! Come ye to seek a chamjiion's aid, On palfrey white, with harper hoar, Tike errant damoscl of yore.' Does thy high quest a knight require, Or may the venture suit a squire ? " — Her dark eye flash'd ; — she paused and sigh'd,- " O what have I to do with pride ! — — Through scenes of sorrow, shame, and strife, A suppliant for a father's life, I crave an audience of the King. liehold to back my suit, a ring, Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 245 The royal pledge of grateful claims, Given by the Monarch to Fitz-James." ' X. The signet-ring young Lewis took, With deep respect and alter'd look ; And said, — "This ring our duties own : And pardon, if to worth unknown. In semblance mean obscurely veil'd, Lady, in aught my folly fail'd. Soon as the day flings wide his gates. The King .shall know what suitor waits. Please you, meanwhile, in fitting bower Repose you till his waking hour ; Female attendants shall obey Your hest, for service or array. Permit I marshal you the way." But, ere she follow'd, with the grace And open bounty of her race. She bade her slender purse be shared Among the soldiers of the guard. The rest with thanks their guerdon took ; But Brent, with shy and awkward look, On the reluctant maiden's hold Forced bluntly back the proffer'd gold ; — " Forgive a haughty English heart, And O forget its ruder part ! - MS. : " The Monarch gave to James Fitz-James." 2^r) THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto vi. The vacant purse shall be my share,' Which in my barrct-cap I'll bear, Perchance, in jeoparuy of war. Where gayer crests may keep afar." With thanks, — 'twas all she could, — the maid His rugged courtesy repaid. XI. When Ellen forth with Lewis went, Allan made suit to John of Brent : " My lady safe, O let your grace Give mc to sec my master's face! His minstrel I, — to share his doom Bound from the cradle to the tomb. Tenth in descent, since first my sires Waked for his noble house their lyres, Nor one of all the race was known But prized its weal above their own. With the Chief's birth begins our care ; Our harj:) must soothe the infant heir. Teach the youth tales of fight, and grace His earliest feat of field or chase; In peace, in war, our rank we keep, We cheer his board, we soothe his sleep, Nor leave him till we pour our verse, — A doleful tribute! — o'er his hearse. ' MS. : "Till- silken purse shall serve forme, Ami in my barrct-cap shall flee." CANTO VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 247 Then let me share his captive lot ; It is my right — deny it not!" — " Little we reck," said John of Brent, " We Southern men, of long descent ; Nor wot we how a name — a word — Makes clansmen vassals to a lord : Yet kind my noble landlord's part, — God bless the house of Beaudesert ! And, but I loved to drive the deer, More than to guide the laboring steer, I had not dwelt an outcast here. Come, good old Minstrel, follow me ; Thy Lord and Chieftain shalt thou see." XII. Then from a rusted iron hook, A bunch of ponderous keys he took, Lighted a torch, and Allan led Through grated arch and passage dread. Portals they pass'd, where, deep within. Spoke prisoner's moan, and fetters' din ; Through rugged vaults,' where, loosely stored, Lay wheel, and axe, and headsman's sword, And many a hideous engine grim, For wrenching joint, and crushing^ limb. By artist formed, who deem'd it shame And sin to give their work a name, '^ W$>.: '' Loxv h road vaults:' ^ 2 MS. : " Stretching" £48 THE T.APV OF 77 fK LAKE. [Canto Vl They halted at a low-brow'd porch, And Brent to Allan gave the torch, While bolt and chain he backward roll'd, And made the bar unhasp its hold. They enter'd : 'twas a prison room Of stern security and gloom, Yet not a dungeon ; for the day Through lofty gratings found its way, And rude and antique garniture Ueck'd the sad walls and oaken floor ; ' Such as the rugged days of old Deem'd fit for captive noble's hold. "Here," said De Brent, "thou mayest remain Till the Leech visit him again. Strict is his charge the warders tell, To tend the noble prisoner well." Retiring then, the bolt he drew, And the lock's murmurs growl'd anew. Roused at the sound, from lowly bed A captive feebly raised his head ; The wondering Minstrel look'd, and knew — Not his dear lord, but Roderick \)h\\ ! For, come from wlicrc Clan-Alpine fought, They, erring, deem'd the Chief he sought. 1 MS.: "Flinty floor." ' MS. • ■■ — Thou mayst rctnaiii. Ami tluti, rrlirint^, liolt and cliaiil, Ami nist\ l)ar, Ik- tirow ayaiii. Roused at the sound," etc Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 249 XIII. As the tall ship, whose lofty prore Shall never stem the billows more, Deserted by her gallant band. Amid the breakers lies astrand, — So, on his couch, lay Roderick Dhu ! And oft his fever'd limbs he threw In toss abrupt, as when her sides Lie rocking in the advancing tides, That shake her frame with ceaseless beat, Yet cannot heave her from her scat ; — O ! how unlike her course at sea ! ' Or his free step on hill and lea ! — Soon as the Minstrel he could scan, " What of thy lady ? — of my clan ? — ■ My mother ? — Douglas ? — tell me all ! Have they been ruin'd in my fall ? Ah, yes ! or wherefore art thou here ! Yet speak, — speak boldly, — do not fear." — (For Allan, who his mood well knew, Was choked with grief and terror too.) " Who fought — • who fled }, — Old man, be brief ; Some might — 'for they had lost their Chief,, Who basely live .-' — who bravely died V — "O, calm thee. Chief!" — the Minstrel cried, MS. : " O ! how unlike her course on main ; Or his free step on hill and plain! " 250 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto VL " Ellen is safe ; " — " Vy)X that, tliank I leaven ! ' — "And hopes arc lor the Douglas given ; - The Lady Margaret too is well, And, for thy clan, — on field or fell, Has ne\er harp of minstrel told,' Of combat fought so true and bold, Thy stately Pine is yet unbent. Though many a goodly bough is rent." XIV. The Chieftain rcar'd his form on high. And fever's fire was in his eye; But ghastly, pale, and livid streaks Chcckcr'd his swarthy brow and cheeks. — " Hark, Minstrel! I have heard thee play, With measure bold, on festal day, In yon lone isle, . . . again where ne'er Shall harper play, or warrior hear ! . . . That stirring air that peals on high. O'er Dermid's race our victory. — Strike it!- — and then, (U)X well thou canst,) ' MS. : " Sli.'ill iicxn ii.iiji III iiMii'-ljil U'll, Of combat fouglit so fierce ami well." ' TluTc are several instances, at least in tradition, of persons so much attached to particular tunes, as to require to iiear them on their (feathhetl. Such an anecdote is mentioned hv the !ate Mr. Riddel of Glenriddel. in his collectif)n of Horder tunes, respeiMini; an air ralleil the " I)andlin<4 of the I'airns," for wln'cli a certain Gallcvidian laird is said to have evinced this stron-,' mark of partialitv, Tt is popularly told of a famous freebooter, tiiiit he composed the tunc Canto VI.] THE LADY' OF THE LAKE- 2? I Free from thy minstrel-spirit glanced, Fling me the picture of the fight, When met my clan the Saxon might. I'll listen till my fancy hears The clang of swords, the crash of spears ! These grates, these walls, shall vanish then. For the fair field of fighting men. known hy the name of Macphei-son's Rant, while under sentence of death, and ph\_ycd it at the gallows-tree. Some spirited words have been adapted to it by Burns. A similar story is recounted of a Welsh bard, who composed and played on his deathbed the air called Dafyddy Garregg Wen. But the most curious example is given by Brantome, of a maid of honor at the court of France, entitled, Mademoiselle de Limeuil. "Durant sa maladie, dont elle trespassa, jamais elle ne cessa, ains causa tousjours ; car elle estoit fort grande parleuse, brocardeuse, et tres-bien et fort a propos, et tres-belle avec cela. Qiiand I'heure de sa fin fut venue, elle fit venir a soy son valet (ainsi que le filles de la cour en ont chacune un), qui s'appelloit Julien, et scavoit tres-bien joiier du violon. 'Julien,' luy dit elle, ' prenez vostre violon, et sonnez moy tousjours jusques a ce que me voyez morte (car je m'y en vais) la defaite des Suisses, et le mieux que vous pourrez, et quand vous serez sur le mot, ' Tout est perdu,' sonnez le par quatre ou cing fois le plus piteusement que vous pourrez, ce qui fit I'autre, et ellemesme luy adoit de la voix, et quand ce vint 'tout est perdu,' elle le reitera par deux fois; et se tournant de I'autre coste du chevet. elle dit \ ses compagnes : ' Tout est perdu a ce coup, et a bon escient; ^t ainsi deceda. Voila une morte joyeuse et plaisante. Je tiens se conte de deux de ses compagnes dignes de foi, qui virent jouer ce mystere." — Ocuvres de Brantome, i\\. 507. The tune to which this fair lady chose to make her final exit was composed on the defeat of the Swiss at Marignano. The burden is quoted by Panurge, m Rabelais, and consists of these words, miitating the jargon of ■'he Swiss, which is a mixture of French and German — •Tout est verlore La Tintelore, Tout est verlore, bi Got ! " 252 THE LADY OF TjIE LAKE. fCANm VI And my free spirit burst away, As if it soar'd from battle fray." The trembling liard with awe obey'd, — Slow on the harp his hand he laid ; But soon remembrance of the sight He witness'd from the mountain's height, With what old Bertram told at night,' Awaken'd the full power of song, And bore him in career along ; — As shallop launch'd on river's tide, That slow ar.d fearful leaves the side, lUit when it feels the middle stream, Drives downward swift as lightning's beam. XV. I5ATTI.K f)|- liKAI.' AN DLINr..- "The Minstrel came onee more to \ iew The eastern ridge of 15envenue, For ere he parted he would say Farewell to lovely Loch Achray — ' Tlio MS. li;is not lliis line. - A skirinisli actually took place at a pass thus called in tlio Trosaciis, and closeii with the remarkable incitlent mcutioueil in the text. It was greatly posterior in date to the reipii of James V. "In this rouyhly-wooded island,* the country people secreted their wives and children, nnii their most valuable efTects from the rapacity of Cromwell's soldiers, during their inroad into this coun- try, in the tinie of the republic, 'i'hese invaders not vcnturin;^ t»» ascend by the ladilers, alouLC the side of the laki-. took a more cir> cuitous road throutjh the heart of the Trosachs, the most frecpiented * That at the ca&tcrii extremity of J.,<>ch Katrine, su ufleii ineiiUoiied in the text. Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 253 Where shall he fijul in foreign land, So lone a lake, so sweet a strand! — There is no breeze upon the fern No ripple on the lake, Upon her cyry nods the erne, The deer has sought the brake ; The small birds will not sing aloud The springing trout lies still. So darkly glooms yon thunder-cloud, That swathes, as with a purple shroud Benledi's distant hill. path at that time, which penetrates the wilderness about halfway between Binean and the lake, by a tract called Yea-chilleach, or the Old Wife's Bog. " In one of the defiles of this by-road, the men of the country at that time hung upon the rear of the invading enemy, and shot one of Cromwell's men, whose grave marks the scene of action, and gives name to that pass.* In revenge of this insult, the soldiers resolved to plunder the island, to violate the women, and put the children to death. With this brutal intention, one of the party, more expert than the rest, swam towards the island, to fetch the boat to his comrades, which had carried the women to their asylum, and lay moored in one of the creeks. His companions stood on the shore of the mainland, in full view of all that was to pass, waiting anxiously for his return with the boat. But just as the swimmer had got to the nearest point of the island, and Avas laying hold of a black rock, to get on shore, a heroine, who stood on the very point where he meant to land, hastily snatching a dagger from below her apron, with one stroke severed his head from the body. His party seeing this disaster, and relinquishing all future hope of revenge or conquest, made the best of their waj' out of their perilous situation. This amazon's great grandson lives at the Bridge of Turk, who, besides others, attests the anecdote." ^ — Sl-ctch of the Scenery near Callen- (fcr, Stirling, 1S06, p. 20. I have only to add to this account, that the heroine's name was Helen Stuart. * Beallach an duine. 254 THE T.ADY OF TUF. I.AKF. [Canto M- Is it tlic tlnimler's solemn sounci That imittcrs deep and dread, Or echoes from the groanhi^ ground The warrior's measured tread ? Is it the liglitning's quivering glance That on the tliicket streams, Or do they flasli on spear and lance The sun's retiring beams? — I sec the dagger-crest of Mar, I sec the Moray's silver star, Wave o'er the cloud of Saxon war, That up the lake comes winding far! To hero boune for battle-strife, Or bard of martial lay, 'Twcre worth ten years of peaceful life One glance at their array. XVI. "Their Hght-arm'd archers far and near Survey'd the tangled ground. Their centre ranks, with pike and spear. A twilight forest frown'd. Their barbed horsemen, in the rear, The stern battalia crown'd. No cymbal clash' 1, no clarion rang, Still were the pi]ie and drum ; Save heavy tread, and armor's clang. The sullen march was dumb. Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE- 255 There breathed 110 wind their erests to shake. Or wave their flags abroad ; Scarce the frail aspen seem'd to quake, That shadow'd o'er their road. Their vaward scouts no tidings bring, Can rouse no lurking foe, Nor spy a trace of living thing Save when they stirr'd the roe ; The host moves, like a deep-sea wave> Where rise no rocks its pride to brave. High-swelling, dark, and slow. The lake is pass'd, and now they gain A narrow and a broken plain, Before the Trosach's rugged jaws : And here the horse and spearmen pause. While, to explore the dangerous glen, Dive through the pass the archer-men. XVII. " At once there rose so wild a yell Within that dark and narrow dell, As all the fiends, from heaven that fell, Had peal'd the banner-cry of hell ! Forth from the pass in tumult driven, Like chaff before the wind of heaven, The archery appear ; For life! for life! their flight they ply- And shriek, and shout, and battle-cry, 25^ THE LADY OF lllE LAKE. [Canto \I. And plaids and bonnets vvavinj; hij^h, And broadswords flashing to tlic sky, Are maddeninj^ in the rear. Onward they drive in dreadful race, I'ursuers and pursued ; Before that tide of fiiy;ht and chase, How shall it keep its rooted i^lace, The spearmen's twilii^ht wood ? — ' Down, down,' cried Mar, ' your lances down ! Bear back both friend and foe! ' Like reeds before the tempest's frown, That serried grove of lances brown At once lay levell'd low ; And closely shouldering side to side, The bristling ranks the onset bide. — 'We'll quell the savage mountaineer, As their Tinchel^ cows the game! They come as fleet as forest deer. We'll drive them back as tame X\TIl. "Bearing liefore them, in tlieir cortMneii. who, \>\ Mirroiiiiiiiiii; a Ljrcat sp.n( c, ami T.njliiall V iiarrowiiitj. broiiLthI imiiinisf qitaiil itics of deer loyethcr, whicli UMially tiiaJc desperate elTorts to break IhrouL'li the 'J'iiic/irt. Canto VI.J THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 2^y Above the tide each broadsword bright Was brandishing Hke beam of light, Each targe was dark below ; And with the ocean's mighty swing, When heaving to the tempest's wing, They hurl'd them on the foe. I heard the lance's shivering crash, As when the whirlwind rends the ash, I heard the broadsword's deadly clang. As if an hundred anvils rang ! But Moray wheel'd his rearward rank Of horsemen on Clan-Alpine's flank, — * My banner-man, advance ! I see,' he cried, 'their column shake. Now, gallants ! for your ladies' sake. Upon them with the lance ! ' — The horsemen dashed among the rout. As deer break through the broom ; Their steeds are stout, their swords are out They soon make lightsome room. Clan-Alpine's best are backward borne — Where, where was Roderick then ! One blast upon his bugle horn Were worth a thousand men. And refluent through the pass of fear ' The battle's tide was pour'd ; i MS. : " And refluent down the darksome pass The battle's tide was pour'd ; There toil'd the spearman's struggling spear. There raged the mountain sword." 258 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto V[. VanishM the Saxon's struggling spear, Vanish'd the mountain sword. As IJrackHnn's chasm, so black and steep, Receives her roaring linn, As the dark caverns of the deep Suck the wild whirlpool in, So did the deep and darksome pass Devour the battle's mingled mass : None linger now upon the plain, Save those who ne'er shall fight again. XIX. " Now westward rolls the battle's din. That deep and doubling pass within, — Minstrel, away ! the work of fate ' Is bearing on : its issue wait, . Where the rude Trosach's dread defile Opens on Katrine's lake and i.sle. — Gray Iknvenue I soon repass'd, Loch Katrine lay beneath me cast. The sun is set ; — the clouds are met The lowering scowl of heaven An inky view of vivitl blue To the deep lake is given ; Strange gusts of wind from mountain glen Swept o'er the lake, then sunk agen. ' MS. : " Away ! away I tlic work of fate ! " Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 259 I heeded not the eddying surge, Mine eye but saw the Trosach's gorge. Mine ear but heard the sullen sound, Which like an earthquake shook the ground, And spoke the stern and desperate strife That parts not but with parting life,' Seeming, to minstrel ear, to toll ^ The dirge of many a passing soul, Nearer it comes — the dim-wood glen The martial flood disgorged agen, But not in mingled tide ; The plaided warriors of the North High on the mountain thunder forth And overhang its side ; While by the lake below appears The dark'ning cloud of Saxon spears.' At weary bay each shatter'd band. Eyeing their foeman, sternly stand ; Their banners stream like tatter'd sail, That flings its fragments to the gale, And broken arms and disarray Mark'd the fell havoc of the day. 1 — , " the loveliness in death That parts not quite with parting breath." Byron's Giaour. ^ MS. : "And seem'd to minstrel ear, to toll The parting dirge of many a soul." ■■* MS. : " While by the darken'd lake below, File out the spearmen of the foe." 26o THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto vi XX. " Viewing the mountain's ridge askance, Tlie Saxon stood in sullen trance, Till Moray pointed with his lance, And cried — 'liehold yon isle! — See ! none are left to guard its strand, But women weak, that wring the hand ! 'Tis there of yore the robber band Their booty wont to pile; — My purse, with bonnet-i:)ieces store. To him will swim a bow-shot o'er. And loose a shallop from the shore. Lightly we'll tame the war-wolf then, Lords of his mate and brood, and den.* Forth from the ranks a spearman sprung, On earth his casque and corslet rung, He plunged him in the wave; — All saw the deed — the purpose knew, And to their clamors ]ienvcnue A mingled echo gave; The Sa.xon shout, their mate to cheer, The heljiless females scream for fear. And yells for rage the mountaineer. 'Twas then, as by the outcry riven, Pour'd down at once the lowering heaven ; A whirlwind swept Loch Katrine's breast, Her billows rear'd their snowy crest. Canto VI.l THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 26 1 Well for the swimmer swcllVl they high, To mar the Highland marksman's eye ; For round him shower'd, 'mid rain and hail The vengeful arrows of the Gael. — In vain. — He nears the isle — and lo ! His hand is on a shallop's bow. ' — Just then a flash of lightning came, It tinged the waves and strand with flame •- — ' I mark'd Duncraggan's widow'd dame. Behind an oak I saw her stand, A naked dirk gleam'd in her hand ; — It darken'd, — but amid the moan Of waves I heard a dying groan ; — Another flash ! — the spearman floats A weltering corse beside the boats. And the stern Matron o'er him stood. Her hand and dagger streaming blood. XXI. " * Revenge ! revenge ! ' the Saxons cried, The Gaels' exulting shout replied. Despite the elemental rage. Again they hurried to engage ; But ere they closed in desperate fight, Bloody with spurring came a knight. Sprung from his horse, and, from a crag. Waved, twixt the hosts a milk-white flag. ^ MS. reads : " It tinged the boats and lake with flame." The eight closing lines of the stanza are interpolated on a slip of paper. 262 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. I^anto VL Clarion and trumpet by his side Rung forth a trucc-notc hi_i;h and wide, While, in the Monarch's name, afar A lierald's voice forbade the war, For Bothwell's lord, and Roderick bold, Were both, he said, in captive hold." — But here the lay made sudden stand. The harp escaped the Minstrel's hand ! — Oft had he stolen a glance, to spy How Roderick brook'd his minstrelsy : At first, the Chieftain, to the chime, With lifted hand kept feeble time : That motion ceased, — yet feeling strong Varied his look as changed the sound ; ' At length, no more his deafen'd ear The minstrel melody can hear ; His face grows sharp, — his hands arc clench'd, As if some pang his heart-strings wrench'd ; Set arc his teeth, his fading eye ^ Is sternly fixed on vacancy ; Thus, motionless, and moanlcss, drew His parting breath, stout Roderick Dim ! — ^ ' MS. : " Glowed in his look, as swcll'd tiie song. MS. '-hi' f ijlaziiitr 1 '( fary / » "Rob Roy. wliilc on his dcathhcd, li-arncd that a person, willi whom he was at enmity, proposed to vi-it liim. ' Raise me from my bed,' Raid the invalid; 'tlirow my plaid around mc. and bring me mv clavmore, dirk and pistols, — it sliall never he said that a foeman saw Rob Roy .MaeCJreijor defeiueless and unarmed.' I lis focman, conjeclnrcil to be or*: of the MacLarens before and after Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 263 Old Allan-Bane look'd on aghast, While grim and still his spirit pass'd ; But when he saw that life was fled, He poLir'd his wailing o'er the dead. XXII. LAMENT. "And art thou cold and lowly laid,' Thy foeman's dread, thy people's aid, Breadalbane's boast, Clan- Alpine's shade ! For thee shall none a requiem say } — For thee, — who loved the minstrel's lay. For thee of Bothwell's house the stay, The shelter of her exiled line,^ E'en in this prison-house of thine, I'll wail for Alpine's honor'd Pine. " What groans shall yonder valleys fill ! What shrieks of grief shall rend yon hill ! What tears of burning rage shall thrill, mentioned, entered and paid liis compliments, enquiring after the health of his formidable neighbor. Rob Roy maintained a cold, haughty civility during their short conference; and so sooi as he had left the house, ' Now,' he said, ' all is over — let the piper play, Ha til mi tulidJi'' [we return no more], and he is said to have expired before the dirge was finislied." — Introduction to Rob Roy, Waverley Novels, vol. vii. p. 85. 1 MS. : " ' And art thou gone,' the Minstrel said." 2 MS. : " The mightiest of a mighty ling." 264 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto VL When mourns thy tribe thy battles done, Thy fall before tiie race was won, Thy sword ungirt ere set of sim ! There breathes not clansman of th\- line, ViWX. would have given his life for thine. — O woe for Alpine's honor'd Pine! " Sad was thy lot on mortal stage ! — The captive thrush may brook the cage, The prison'd eagle dies for rage. Jkave spirit, do not scorn my strain ! And, when its notes awake again. Even she, so long beloved in vain. Shall with my harp iier voice combine. And mix her woe and tears with mine, To wail Clan Alpine's honor'd I'inc." xxiri. Ellen, the while, with bursting heart, Rcmain'd in lordly bower apart. Where play'd, with many-color'd gleams, Through storied pane the rising beams. In vain on gilded roof they fall, And lighten'd up a tapestried wall, And for her use a menial train A rich collation spread in vain. The banquet proud, the chamber gray, ' Scarce drew one curious glance astray; ' MS. : " Tlic Ii.Tiu|iic"t li.iy, the chamber's pride, Scarce drew one curious glance aside." Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 265 Or, if she look'd, 'twas but to say. With better omen dawn'd the day In that lor z isle, where waved on high The dun-deer's hide for canopy ; Where oft her noble father shared The simple meal her care prepared, While Lufra, crouching by her side, Her station claim'd with jealous pride, And Douglas, bent on woodland game,' Spoke of the chase to Malcolm Graeme, Whose answer oft at random made, The wandering of his thoughts betrayed. — Those who such simple joys have known, Are taught to prize them when they're gone But sudden, see, she lifts her head ! The window seeks with cautious tread. What distant music has the power To win her in this woful hour ! 'Twas from a turret that o'erhung Her latticed bower, the strain was srmg. XXIV. LAY OF THE IMPRISONED HUNTSMAN. " My hawk is tired of perch and hood, My idle greyhound loathes his food. My horse is weary of his stall, And I am sick of captive thrall. I MS, : "Earnest on his game.'' 266 THE LADY OF J I IK LAKE. [Canto VI. I wish I were as I have l)een, Hunting the hart in forest green, With bended bow and bloodhound free, For that's the life is meet for nie. ' I liate to learn the ebb of time, From yon dull - steeple's drowsy chime. Or mark it as the sunbeams crawl. Inch after incli, along the wall. The lark was wont my matins ring, ' The sable rook my vespers sing ; These towers, although a king's they be, Have not a hall of joy for mc* No more at dawning morn I rise, And sun myself in ICUen's eyes. Drive the fleet deer the forest through. And homeward wend with evening dew A blithesome welcome blithely meet. And lay my trophies at her feet While fled the eve on wing of glee, — That life is lost to love and mc!" XXV. That heart-sick lay was hardly said, The list'ncr had not tuin'd her head, ' M.S. : " was meant for me." 2 MS. : " From d.irkcnM steeple's." ' MS. : " The li.t-ly lark my matins rnnjj, Tlio sable if)ok mv vespers sim-j^." * MS. : " Have not a lial' should harbor nic- Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 267 It trickled still,^the starting tear, Wlien light a footstep struck her ear, And Snowdoun's graceful knight was near. She turn'd the hastier, lest again The prisoner should renew his strain. " O welcome, brave Fitz-James ! " she said, " How may an almost orphan maid Pay the deep debt "O say not so ! To me no gratitude you owe. Not mine, alas ! the boon to give, And bid thy noble father live ; I can but be thy guide, sweet maid, With Scotland's King thy suit to aid. No tyrant he, though ire and pride May lay his better mood aside. Come, Ellen, come ! — 'tis more than timCj He holds his court at morning prime." With beating heart, and bosom wrung, As to a brother's arm she clung, Gently he dried the falling tear. And gently whisper'd hope and cheer; Her faltering steps half led, half stay'd, Through gallery fair aiid high arcade, Till, at his touch, its wings of pride A portal arch unfolded wide. 268 rilE LAPy OF 11 IE I.AKi:. [Canto VI. xxvr. Within 'twas l)rilliant all and liicht," ' A tlironi^ing scene of figures bright ; It glow'd on Ellen's dazzled sight, As when the setting sun has given Ten thousand hues to summer e\en, And from their tissue, fancy frames Aerial knights and fairy dames. Still by Fitz-James her footing stay'd ; A few faint steps shO forward made, Then slow her drooping head she raised, And fearful round the presence gazed ; For him she sought, who own'd this state,' The dreaded prince whose will was fate! — She gazed on many a princely jiort, Might well have ruled a royal court ; On many a splendid garb she gazed, — Then turn'd bewilder'd and amazed. For all stood bare ; and, in the room, Fitz-James al"ne wore cap and plume, To him each lady's looic was lent ; On him each courtier's eye was lient ; Midst furs and silks and jewels sheen, Kc stood in simple Lincoln green, • MS. : " Within 'twas all, and brijjht The vision ^^lowM on Klk-n'.< siyht." 2 MS. : " For hii'i wiio owr.'c! this royal stale." Canio vi.l THE LAT^V OF THE LAKE. 269 The centre of the glittering ring. — And Snowdoun's Knight is Scotland's King!* XXVII. As wreath of snow, on mountain-breast, Slides from the rock that gave it rest. Poor Ellen glided from her stay,^ And at the Moaarch's feet she lay ; No word her choking voice commands, — She show'd the ling — she clasp'd her hands. O ! not a moment could he brook, The generous prince, that suppliant look ! Gently he raised her, — and, the while, Check'd with a glance the circle's smile ; Graceful, but grave, her brow he kiss'd, And bade her terrors be dismiss'd : " Yes, Fair ; the wandering poor Fitz-James The fealty of Scotland claims. To him thy woes, thy wishes, bring; He will redeem his signet-ring. Ask nought for Douglas ; — yester even, His prince and he have much forgiven : Wrong hath he had from slanderous tongue, I, from his rebel kinsmen wrong. We would not to the vTalgar crowd Yield Vv^hat they craved with clamor loud ; 1 See Appendix, Note Q^ 2 MS. — " shrinking, quits her stay. 270 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. [Canto VI. Calmly \\c heard ami iiKl<;cd his cause, Our council aiticd, and our laws. I stanch'd thy father's death-feud stern, With stout I)e \'aux and Grey Glencairn; And Bothwell's Lord henceforth \vc own The friend and bulwark of our Tlirone. — Ikit, lovely infidel, how now ? What clouds thy misbelieving brow? Lord James of Douglas, lend thine aid ; Thou must confirm this doubting maid." XXVIII. Then forth the noble Douglas .sprung, And on his neck his daughter hung. The monarch drank, that happy hour. The sweetest, holiest draught of Power, — WHicn it can say, with godlike voice, Arise, sad virtue, antl rejoice ! Yet would not James the general eye On Nature's raptures long should jiry ; He stepp'd between — "Nay, Douglas, nay, Steal not my proselyte away ! The riddle 'tis my right to read, That brought this hajipy chance to speed. — Yes, Lllen, when, disguised, I stray In life's more low but hajipier way,' ' MS. : " In l()\vl_\' life's iMoic li;ipp\' w.iy." Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 27 1 'Tis under name whieh veils my power, Nor falsely veils — for Stirling's tower Of yore the name of Snowdoun claims/ And Normans call me James Fitz-James. Thus watch I o'er insulted laws, Thus learn to right the injured cause." — - Then, in a tone apart and low, — "Ah, little trait'ress ! none must know What idle dream, what lighter thought, What vanity full dearly bought, 1 William of Worcester, who wrote about the middle of the fifteenth century, calls Stirling Castle Snowdoim. Sir David Lindsay bestows the same epithet upon it in his complaint of the Papingo : " Adieu, fair Snawdoun, with thy towers high, Thy chapele-royal, park, and table round ; May, June, and July, would I dwell in thee, Were I a man, to hear the birdis sound Whilk doth againe thy 'royal rock rebound." Mr. Chalmers, in his late excellent edition of Sir David Lindsay's works, has refuted the chimerical derivation of Snawdoun from snedding, or cutting. It was probably derived from the romantic legend whicii connected Stirling with King Arthin-, to which the mention of the Round Table gives countenance. The ring within which justs were formerly practised, in the castle park, is still called the Round Table. Snawdoun is the official title of one of the Scottish heralds, whose epithets seem in all countries to have been fantastically adopted from ancient history or romance. It appears (see Appendix, Note Q) that the real name by which James was actually distinguished in his private excursions, was the Goodman of Ballcnouich : derived from a steep pass leading up to the Castle of Stirling, so called. But the epithet would not have suited poetry, and would besides at once, and prematurely, have announced the plot to many of my countrymen, among whom the traditional stories above mentioned are still current. 272 THE LADY OF 7 If/-: LAKE. [Canto VI. Join'd to thine eye's dark witchcraft, drew My spell-bound steps to Benvenue,' In dangerous hour, and almost gave Thy Monarch's life to mountain glaive !"- Aloud he spoke — "Thou still dost hold That little talisman of gold. Pledge of my faith, Fitz-James's ring — * What seeks fair r:ilen of the king?" XXIX. Inill well the conscious maiden guess'd lie probed the weakness of her breast; J hit, with that consciousness, there came A licrhtening of her fears for Grxme, And 3 more she deem'd the monarch's ire Kindled 'gainst him, who, for her sire Rebellious broadsword boldly drew ; And, to her generous feeling true. She craved the grace of Roderick Dhu. - " I-orbear thy suit : — the King of kings Alone can stay life's parting wings. IMS.:" Thy sovereign back ) ^^ Bcnvcni.c." Thv sovereign's steps ) 2 MS. : " Pledge of Fitz-Jaines's faith, tlie ring." * MS. : '■ Ami in her breast strove inaiden shame; More deep slie dcein'd the Monarcii's ire Kindled 'gainst him. who. for her sire, Against hi^ sovereign broadsword drew; And. with a pleading, warm and true, She craved the grace of Roderick Dhu." Cant.) VI.] THE LADY OF THE E4KE. 273 I know his heart, I know his hand, Have shared his cheer and proved his brand : — My fairest earldom would I give To bid Clan-Alpine's Chieftain live ! — Hast thou no other boon to crave ? No other captive friend to save ? " Blushing, she turn'd her from the King, And to the Douglas gave the ring. As if she wish'd her sire to speak The suit that stain'd her glowing cheek. ■ — " Nay, then, my pledge has lost its force, And stubborn justice holds her course. — Malcolm, come forth ! " — And, at the word, Down kneel'd the Graeme ' to Scotland's Lord. "For thee, rash youth, nc suppliant sues, From thee may Vengeance claim her dues. Who, nurtured underneath our smile, Hast paid our care by treacherous wile, And sought, amid thy faithful clan, A refuge for an outlaw'd man. 1 -'Malcolm Grreme has too insignificant a part assigned him, considering the favor in which he is held both by Ellen and the author; and in bringing out the shaded and imperfect character of Roderick Dhu, as a contrast to the pui-er virtue of his rival, Mr. Scott seems to have fallen into the common error of making him more interesting than him whose virtues he was intended to set off, and converted the villain of the piece in some measure into its hero. A modern poet, however, mav perhaps be pardoned for an error, of which Milton himself is thought not to have kept clear, and for which there seems so natural a cause in the difference between poetical and amiable characters." — Jeffrey. 74 THE LADY or Till- I.AKR. [Canto VI Dishonoriiij^ thus thy loyal iiaiiic. — Fetters and warder for the Grxmc ! " His chain of gold the King unstrung, The links o'er Malcolm's neck he flung, Then gently drew the glittering band, And laid the clasj) on Ellen's hand.' Harp of the North, farewell ! The hills grow dark; On }viuple peaks a deeper shade descending ; In twilight copse the glow-worm lights her sjiark, The deer, half-seen, are to the covert wending. Resume thy wizard elm ! the fountain lending. And the wild breeze, thy wilder minstrelsy ; Thy numbers sweet with nature's vespers blending, With distant echo from the fold and lea, And herd-boy's evening pipe, and hum of hcnising bee. ' . . . •• Aiul iK)\v, waivini;; niyM.II", let nic talk to yon ot' the Prince Rcj^cnt. I Ic orcierfcl me to he presented to him at a hall; ifnd after some sayin<(s peculiarly pleasiTi^f from royal lips, as to my own attempts, he talked tome of yon and \-oin- immortalities; he preferred \nn\ to every hard j^ast and present, antl asked which of your works pleased me most. It was a ditlicult question. I answered, I thought the ' L.iy.' Ilesaitl liis own opinion was nearly similar. In speakini^ of the others, I told him that I thoui^ht you more particu- larly the poet of Pn'iircs, as lln y never .ijipeared more fascinalinj^ tlian in ' Marmion," and the ' I.adv of the Lake." lie was pleased to coincide, and to ilwell on the tiescription f)f your James's as no less royal than poetical. He spoke alternately of Homer and your- self, and seemed well acc|uainted with holh," &c. — F.rUrr Jioin Lorti Uvroii to Sir W'al f' > '<■•'' ^f^-t^' f*. i^u. r,\i<(>N>- I II', nnd Worki, vol. ii., p. 156. Canto VI.] THE LADY OF THE LAKE. 275 Yet, once again, farewell, thou Minstrel llarp! Yet, once again, forgive my feeble sway, And little reck I of the censure sharp May idly cavil at an idle lay. Much have I owed thy strains on life's long way, Throuirh secret woes the world has never known. When on the weary night dawn'd wearier day. And bitterer wasj:he grief devour'd alone. That I o'erlive such woes. Enchantress ! is thine own. Hark ! as my lingering footsteps slow retire, Some Spirit of the Air has waked thy string ! 'Tis now a seraph bold, with touch of fire, 'Tis now the brush of Fairy's frolic wing. Receding now, the dying numbers ring Fainter and fainter down the rugged dell. And now the mountain breezes scarcely bring A wandering witch-note of the distant spell — And now, 'tis silent all ! — Enchantress, fare thee well ! ' ' On a comparison of the merits of this poem with the two former productions of the same unque tioned genius, we are inclined to bestow on it a very decided preference over both. It would perhaps be difficult to select any one passage of such genuine inspiration, as one or two that might be pointed out in the Lay of the Last Minstrel, — and, perhaps, in strength and discrimination of character, It mav fall short ofMarmion; although we are 'oath to resign either the rude and savage generosity of Roderick, the romantic chivalry of James, or the playful simplicity, the affectionate tenderness, the modest courage of Helen Douglas, to the claims of any competitors in the last-mentioned poem. But, for interest and artificial manage- ment in the story, for general ease and grace of versification, and correctness of language, the Lady of th'- Lake must be universally 27C TltE LADY OF THE LAKE. (Canto vl. allowed, we think, to excel, ami very far excel, either of her prede- cessors. — Critical Rc-'ic-v. "There is nothin-j in Mr. Scott of the severe and majestic style of Milton — or of the terse and line comjiosition ot Pope — or of the elahorate elegance and melody of Campbell — or even of the llqw- ing and redundant diction of SouIIkv, — hut there is a medley of bright images and glowing, set carelessly and loosely together — a diction tinged successively with the careless richness of Shakspeare, the harshness and antique simplicity of the old romances, the home- liness of vulgar ballads and anecdotes, and the sentimental glitter of the most modern poetry — passing from the borders of the ludicrous to those of the sublime — alternately minute and energetic — sometimes artificial, aiul frequently negligent, but always full of spirit and vivacity — abounding in inrages, that are striking at ilrst sight to minds of every contexture — ar' never expressing a senti- ment which it can cost the most ordinary reader any exertion to comprehend. Upon the whole, we are inclined to think more highly of the Lady of the Lake than of either of its author's former publica- tions. We are more sure, however, that it has fewer faults, than that it has greater beauties; and as its beauties bear a strong resem- blance to those with which the public has been already made familiar in these celebrated w(jrks, we should not be sin-prised if its ]iopu- larity were less splendid and remarkable. For our own part, how- ever, we are of opinion, that it will be oftener read hereafter than either of them ; and that if it had appeared first in the series, their reception would have been less favorable than that which it has experienced. It is more polished in its diction, and more regular in its versification ; the story is constructed with infinitely more skill and atliiress; there is a greater proportion of pleasing and tender passages, with much less aiitii]uarian iletail ; and. upon the whole, a larger variety of characters, more artfully and judiciously contrasted. There is nothing so fine, perhaps, as the battle in Marmion — or so picturesque as some of the scattered sketches in the Lay; but there is a richness and a spirit in the whole piece, which does not pervade either of these poems — a profusion of inci- dent, and a shifting brilliancy of coloring, that reminds us of the witchery of Ariosto — and a constant elasticity, ami occasional energy, which seems to belong more peculiarly to the author now before us" — JiiKKREY. APPENDIX TO THE LADY OF THE LAKE. APPENDIX. Note A. A gray-liair\i sirc^ vj/iose eye iiitoit Was on the vision^ d futtire bent. — P. 45. If force of evidence could authorize us to believe facts mconsistent with the general laws of nature, enough might be produced in favor of the existence of the Second-sight. It is called in Gaelic Taishitaraugh, from Taish, an unreal or shadowy appearance ; and those possessed of the faculty are called Taiskatrm, which may be aptly translated visionaries, Martin, a steady believer in the second sight, gives the fol- lowing account of it : — " The second-sight is a singular faculty, of seeing an other- ■^ise invisible object, without any previous means used by the person that used it for that end ; the vision makes such a lively impression upon the seers, that they neither see, nor think of anything else, except the vision, as long as it con- tinues ; and then they appear pensive or jovial, according to the object that was represented to them. "At the sight of a vision, the eyelids of the person are erected, and the eyes continue staring until the object vanish. This is obvious to others who are by when the persons happen to see a vision, and occurred more than once to my own observation, and to others that were with me. " There is one in Skie, of whom his acquaintance observed, that when he sees a vision, the inner part of his eyelids turns so far upwards, that, after the object disappears, he must draw them down with his fingers, and sometimes employ 279 28o THE L.iP)- or Till-: l..\KI-:. others to draw them down, which he finds to be the much easier way. "This faculty of the second-sight does not Hneally descend in a family, as some imagine, for I know several parents who are endowed with it, but their children not, and vice versa; neither is it acquired by any previous compact. And, after a strict inquiry, I could never learn that this faculty was com- municable any way whatsoever. " The seer knows neither the object, lime, nor place of a vision before it appears ; and the same object is often seen by different persons living at a considerable distance from one another. The true way of judging as to the time and circumstance of an object, is by observation ; for several j^er- sons of judgment, without this faculty, are more capable to judge of the design of a vision, than a novice that is a seer. If an object appear in the dav or night, it will come to pass sooner or later accordingly. "If an object is .seen early in tlie morning (which is not frequent), it will be accomplished in a few hours afterwards. If at noon, it will commonly be accom])lished that very day. If in the evening, perhaps that night ; if after candles be lighted, it will be accomplished that night; the latter always in accomplishment, by weeks, months, and sometimes years, according to the time of night the vision is seen. " When a shroud is jjerceived about one, it is a sure prog- nostic of death : the time is judged according to the height of it about the person : for if it is seen above the middle, death is not to be expected for the space of a year, and perhaps some months longer; and as it is frequently seen to ascend higher towards the head, death is concluded to be at hand within a few days, if not hours, as daily experience confirms. Examples of this kind were shown me, when the persons of whom the observations were then made enjoyed perfect health. APPENDIX. 281 " One instance was lately foretold by a seer, that was a novice, concerning the death of one of my acquaintance ; this was communicated to a few only, and with great confidence : T being one of the number, did not in the least regard it, until the death of the person, about the time foretold, did confirm me of the certainty of the prediction. The novice mentioned abovc, is now a skilful seer, as appears from many late instances ; he lives in the parish of St. Mary's, the most northern in Skie. " If a woman is seen standing at a man's left hand, it is a presage that she will be his wife, whether they be married to others, or unmarried at the time of the apparition. " If two or three women are seen at once near a man's left hand, she that is next him will undoubtedly be his wife first, and so on, whether all three, or the man, be single or married at the time of the vision or not ; of which there are several late instances among those of my acquaintance. It is an ordinary thing for them to see a man that is to come to the house shortly after ; and if he is not of the seer's acquaint- ance, yet he gives such a lively description of his stature, complexion, habit, etc., that upon his arrival he answers the character given him in all respects. " If the person so appearing be one of the seer's acquaint- ance, he will tell his name, as well as other particulars ; and he can tell by his countenance whether he comes in a good or bad humor. " I have been seen thus myself by seers of both sexes, at some hundred miles' distance ; some that saw me in this man ner had never seen me personally, and it happened according to their vision, without any previous design of mine to go to these places, my coming there being purely accidental. " It is ordinary with them to see houses, gardens, and trees in places void of all three ; and this in progress of time uses to be accomplished : as at Magshot, in the Isle of Skie, where 2S2 77/ A" /..//;]■ O/-' llli: /..IK/-:. there were bill a few sorry cowhouses, thatched with straw, yet in a very few years after, the vision, which appeared often, was accomplished, by the buikhng of several good houses on the very spot represented by the seers, and by the planting of orchards there. " To see a spark of fire fall upon one's arm or breast, is a forerunner of a dead child to be seen in the arms of those persons, of which there are several fresh instances. "To see a seat empty at the time of one's sitting in it, is a presage of that person's death soon after, " When a novice, or one that has lately obtained the second- sight, sees a vision in the night-time without doors, and he be near a fire, he presently falls into a swoon, '•Some find themselves as it were in a crowd of people^ having a corpse which they carry along with them ; and after such visions the seers come in sweating, and describe the peo- ple that appeared ; if there be any of their acquaintance among 'em, they give an account of their names, as also of the bearers, but they know nothing concerning the corpse, "All those who have the second-sight do not alwavs see these visions at once, though they be together at the time, liut if one who has this faculty, designedly touch his fellow- seer at the instant of a vision's appearing, then the second sees it as well as the first ; and this is sometmies discerned by those that are near them on such occasions." — Martin's Dcscrtption of t/ic Western /s/-le and the Campbells on the one hand, Montrose with the Grahamcs and l?uchanans, on the ocher, are said to have be>^n the chief instruments in suppressing this devoted clan. The T.aird of Macgregor sur- rendered to the former, on condition that he would take him cut of Scottish ground. But. to use Birrell's expression, he APPENDIX. 291 kept "a HiL^lilaiuiiuan's promise;" and, although lie fulfilled his word to the lctt(,'r, by carrying him as far as Berwick, he afterwards brought him back ' to Edinburgh, where he was executed with eighteen of his clan (Birrel's Diary, 2d Octo- ber, 1603.) The clan Gregor being thus driven to utter despair, seemed to have renounced the laws from the benefit of which they were excluded, and their depredations pro- duced new acts of council, confirming the severity of their proscription, which had only the effect of rendering them still more united and desperate. It is a most extraordinary proof of the ardent and invincible spirit of clanship, that, notwithstanding the repeated proscriptions providently or- dained by the legislature, "for the timcons preventing the disorders and oppression that may fall out by the said name and clan of Macgregors and their followers," they were in 17 1 5 and 1745, a potent clan, and contmue to subsist as a distinct and numerous race. Note F. Atid -a>hilc ihc Fiery Cross glaticed, like a meteor, round. — P. 105. When a chieftain designed to summon his clan, upon any sudden or important emergency, he slew a goat, and making a cross of any light wood, seared its extremities in the fire, and extinguished them in the blood of the animal. This was called the Fiery Cross, also Crean Tarigh, or the Cross of Skame, because disobedience to what the symbol impUed inferred infamy. It was delivered to a swift and trusty mes senger, who ran full speed with it to the next hamlet, where he presented it to the principal person, with a single word, implying the place of rendezvous. He who received the symbol was bound to send it forward with equal dispatch to the next village; and thus it passed with incredible celerity . through all the district which owed allegiance to the chief^ '92 THE LAD)- OF 1111 LAKE. and also .iiim-iil;' his allies .imi iioiLjhIvJis, ii iIk- il.iii;;;cr was coinnion lo llieni. At sight of the J-icry Cross', every man, from sixteen years old to sixty, capal)le of bearinj^ arms, was obliged instantly to repair, in his best arms and accoutre- ments, to the place of rendezvous, lie who failed to appear suffered tlie extremities of fire and sword, which were em- blematically denounced to the disobedient by the bloody and burnt marks upoi; tliis warlike signal. During the civil war of 1745-C, the Fiery Cross often made its circuit; and ujion one occasion it passed through the whole district of llreadal- bane, a tract of thirty-two n\iles. in three hours. The late Alexander .Stewart, Esq.. of Invcrnahyle, described to me his having sent round the Fiery C'ross through the district of .Appine, during the same commotion. The coast was tiireal- ened by a descent from two English frigates, and the flower of the young men were with the army of I'ritice CMiarles Edward, then in I'jigland, yet the summons was so effectual, that even old age and childhood obeyed it, and a force was collected in a few hours, so numerous and so enthusiastic, that all attempt at the intended diversion upon the country of the absent warriors was in prudence abandoned, as desperate. This practice, like some others, is common to the High- landers with the ancient Scandinavians, as will appear by the following extract from Olaus Magnus : — "When the enemy is upon the sea-const, or within the lim- its of northern kingdomes, then presently, by the command of the principal governours, with the counsel and consent of the old soldiers, who are notably skilled in such like business, a staff of three hands length, in the common sight of them all, is carried, by the speedy running of some active young man, unto that village or city, with this command, — that on the 3. 4. or 8. Hay, one, two, or three, or else every man in par- ticidar, frf>m 15 vears old, shall come with his arms, and expenses for ten or twenty days, u|)on pain that his or their APPENDIX. 293 houses shall be burnt (which is intimated by the burning of the staff), or else the master to be hanged (which is signilicd by the cord tied to it), to appear speedily on such a Ijank, or held, or valley, to hear the cause he is called, and to hear orders from tlie said provincial governours what he shall do. Wherefore that messenger, swifter than any post or waggon, having done his commission, comes slowly back again, bring- ing a token with him that he hath done all legally, and every moment one or another runs to every village, and tells those places what they must do." . , . "The messengers, there- fore, of the footmen, that are to give warning to the people to meet for the battail, run fiercely and swiftly, for no snow, no rain, nor heat can stop them, nor night hold them ; but they will soon run the race they undertake. The first messenger tells it to the next village, and that to the next, and so the hubbub runs all over till they all know it in that stift or ter- ritory, where, when and wherefore they must meet." — Olaus Magnus" History of the Goths, englished by J. S. Lond. 1658. book iv. chap. 3, 4. Note G. That monk, of savage form and face. — P 107. The state of religion in the middle ages afforded consider- able facilities for those whose mode of life excluded them from regular worship, to secure, nevertheless, the ghostly assistance of confessors, perfectly willing to adapt the nature of their doctrine to the necessities and peculiar circumstances of their flock. Robin Hood, it is well known, had his cele- brated domestic chaplain, Friar Tuck. And that same curtal friar was probably matched in manners and appearance by the ghostly fathers of the Tynedale robbers, who are thus described in an excommunication fulnfinated against their patrons by Richard Fox, Bishop of Durham, tempore Henrici VII. "We have further uiiderstood, that there are manv 294 THI-: i..\nv or /y//-; i..iki-: cliaiilains in the said territories of Tynedalc and Rcdesdale, who are pubhc and open maintainers of concubinage, irre- gidar, suspended, excommunicated, and interdicted persons, and withal so utterly ignorant of letters, that it has been found by those who objected this to them, that there were some who, having celebrated mass for ten years, were still unable to read the sacramental service. ^.Ve have also under- stood there are persons among them who, although not ordained, do take upon them the offices of priesthood ; and, in contempt of (Jod, celebrate the divine and sacred rites, and administer tl\e sacraments, not only in sacred and detli- cated places, but in those which are prophane and interdicted, and most wretchedly ruinous ; they themselves being attired in ragged, torn, and most filthy vestments, altogether unfit to be used in divine, or even in temporal offices. The which said chaplains do administer sacraments and sacramental rites to the aforesaid manifest and infamous thieves, robbers, depredators, receivers of stolen goods, and plunderers, and that without restitution, or intention to restore, as evinced by the act; and do also openly admit them to the riles of eccle- siastical sepulchre, without exacting security for restitution, although they are prohibited from doing so by the sacred canons, as well as by the institutes of the saints and fathers. All which infers the heavy peril of their own souls, and is a pernicious example to the other believers in Christ, as well as no slight, but an aggravated injury, to tlic numbers despoiled and phnidered of their goods, gear, herds, and chattels."' To this lively and picturesque description of the confessors and churchmen of predatory tribes, there may be added some urious particulars respecting the priests attached to the ' The Monition ajj.iinst the Rohlxrs of Tyncd.ilc .inel Kcflcsdnlr. with winch I was favored by my friend, Mr. .Surlces of Mainsforth, may be found in llie original Latin, in the Appendix to tlic Introduction to the " Ilordir Minstrelsy," Ncj. VII. vol. i., p. 27^ of the Iuliriburj;li edition, iz vols. APPENDIX. 205 several septs of native Irish, during the reign of Queen Eliza- beth. These friars had indeed to plead, that the incursions, which they not only pardoned, but even encouraged, were made upon those hostile to them, as well in religion as from national antipathy ; but by Protestant writers they are uni- formly alleged to be the chief instruments of Irish insurrec- tion, the very well-spring of all rebellion towards the English government. Lithgow, the Scottish traveller, declares the Irish wood-kerne, or predatory tribes, to be but the hounds of their hunting-priest, who directed their incursions by their pleasure, partly for sustenance, partly to gratify animosity, partly to foment general division, and always for the better security and easier domination of the friars.^ Derrick, the liveliness and minuteness of whose descriptions may fre- quently apologize for his doggerel verses, after describing an Irish feast, and the encouragement given by the songs of the bards to its termination in an incursion upon the parts of the country more immediately under the dominion of the English, records the no less powerful arguments used by the friar to excite their animosity : — " And more t'augment tiie flame, and rancour of their harte, The frier, of his counsells vile, to rebelles doth imparte Affirming that it is an ahnose deede to God, To make the Enghsh subjects taste the Irish rebells' rodde. To spoile, to kill, to burne, this frier's counsell is ; And for the doing of the same, he warrantes heavcnlie blisse. He telles a holie tale ; the white he tournes to blacke ; And through the pardons in his male, He workes a knavislic knacke." * " Lithgow's Travels," first edition, p. 431. 296 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. The wrcckful invasion of a pari of the English pale is liicn described with some spirit; the burning of houses, driving ofT cattle, and all pertaining to such predatory inroads, are, illus- trated by a rude cut. The defeat of the Irish by a party of English soldiers from the next garrison is then commemo- rated, and in like manner adorned with an engraving, in which the friar is exhibited mourning over the slain chieftain ; or, as the rubric expresses it, •' The frier then, that treacherous knave ; with ough ough-hone lament, To see his cousin Dcvil!'s-son to have so foul event." The matter is handled at great length in the text, of which the following verses are more than a sufficient sample : — " The frier seying this, lainentcs that lucklcssc parte, And curseth to tiie pittc of hell the death man's sturdic harte Vet for to quight them with The frier takcth painc, For all the synnes that ere he did remission to obtaine. And therefore serves his Ixxikc, the candell and the bell ; Hut thinkc you that such apishe toies bring damned souls from hell .' It 'longs not to my parte iiifernall things to kuowe ; Hut I iK'levc till later dale, thei rise not from bclowc. Yet hope that friers give to this rcljcllious rout. If that their souls should cliaunce in hell. To bring them quicklie out, Doeth make them lead suclu- lives, a.s neither (iod nor man, • Without revenge for their dcsartcs, permittc or suffer can. Thus friers arc the cause, the fountain, and the spring. Of hurleburk-s in this l.uule, «>f eche unhappie thing. APPENDIX. 297 Tliei cause them to rebelle against their soveraigiie quenc, And through rebellion often tynies, their lives doe vanishe clene. So as by friers meanes, in whom all follie swimme, The Irishe karne doe often lose the life, with hedde and limme." As the Irish tribes, and those of the Scottish Highlanders, are much more intimately allied by language, manners, dress, and customs than the antiquaries of either country have been willing to admit, I flatter myself I have here produced a strong warrant for the character sketched in the text. The following picture, though of a different kind, serves to estab- lish the existence of ascetic religionists, to a comparatively late period, in the Highlands and Western Isles. There is a great deal of simplicity in the description, for which, as for much similar information, I am obliged to Dr. John Martin, who visited the Hebrides at the suggestion of Sir Robert Sibbald, a Scottish antiquarian of eminence, and early in the eighteenth century published a description of them, which procured him admission into the Royal Society. He died in London about 17 19. His work is a strange mixture of learn- ing, observation, and gross credulity- " I remember," says this author, " I have seen an old lay- capuchin here (in the Island of Benbecula), called in their language Brahir-Bocht, that is, Poor Brother ; which is liter- ally true ; for he answers this character, having nothing but what is given him : he holds himself fully satisfied with food and rayment, and lives in as great simplicity as any of his order : his diet is very mean, and he drinks only fair water; ' This curious picture of Ireland was inserted by the author in the republication of Soniers' Tracts, vol. i., in which the plates have been also inserted, from the only impressions known to exist, belonging to the copy in the Advocates' Library. See Soniers' Tracts, vol. i., pp. 591, 594. 29S THE L.inv OF THE LAKE. his habit i.^ no less mortifying than that of his brethren else- where : he wears a short coat, which comes no fartiier than his niiclclle, with narrow sleeves like a waistcoat : he wears a plad above it, girt about the middle, which reaches to his Knee : the plad is fastened on his breast with a wooden pin, his neck bare, and his feet often so too ; he wears a hat for ornament, and the string about it is a bit of a fisher's line, niadi of horse-hair. This plad he wears instead of a gown worn by those of his order in other countries. I told him he wanted the flaxen girdle that men of his order usually wear : he answered me, that he wore a leathern one, which was the same thing. Upon the matter, if he is spoke to when at meat, he answers again ; which is contrary to the custom of his order. This poor man frequently diverts himself with angling of trouts ; he lies upon straw, and has no bell (as others have) to call him to his devotions, but only his con- science, as he told me." — Martin's Description of the West- ern Ilij^hlands^ p. 82. Note H. Son II (if', too. tiad coiiir in iiii(fiiii^/il f>le I'isi'r. Which may have been the originals, will be a question lor future antiquaries. .Mr. Jamieson, to secure the power of literal translation, has adopted the old Scottish idiom, which approaches so near to that of the Danish, as almost to give word tor word, as well as line for line, and indeed in many verses the orthography alone is altered. As Wester JhiJ, mentioned in the first stan/as of the ballad, means the West Sea, in opposition to the ])aliic, or Eixst Sea, Mr. Jamieson inclines to be of opinion, that the scene of the disenchant- ment is laid in one of the Orkney or Hebride Islands. I'o each verse in the original is added a buri;len, having a kind of meaning of its own, but not applicable, at least not uni- formly a])plicable, to the sense of the stanza to which it is subjoined; this is very common, both in Danish and Scottish song. THE F.I.riN GRAY. TRANSLATED FROM TIIK UAMSIl K.KMIK VISKR, PAGE I43, AND lUtST ruiiLisiir.ij IN 1591. Dcr ligs^cr en void i Vestcr HaJ, Drr agter en botttii at byggi . Hand f'orcr did haad> liiig og h'ind, Og aglcr dcr i»n vintcrcn at Hggi- (Ub VILDE DIUR Ui; IMURENE UDI SKORVEN. I. There lijjgs a wold in Wester Ilaf, There a huslxinde means fo bit;.!,', And thither he carries bait!) hawk and hound. There mcaninij the winter to ligjj. ( The wild deer and daes P the ihaiv oitl.'y IT. He talcs wi'him haith honnd and cock, The larger he means to stay, The wild deer in the sliaws that .ire, May sairly rue the d,iy. ( I'he wild deer, etc.) APPENDIX. 305 III. He's hew'd the beech, and he's fell'd the aik, Sae has he the poplar gray ; And grim in mood was the grewsome elf, That be sae bald he may. IV. He hew'd him kipples, he hew'd him hawks, Wi' niickle moil and haste ; Syne speer'd the Elf i' the knock that bade " Wha's hackins; here sae fast ? " Syne up and spak the weiest Elf, Crean'd as an immert sma ; " It's here is come a Christian man ; — I'll tley him or he ga." VI. It's up syne started the firsten Elf, And glowr'd about sae grim : " It's we'll awa to the husbande's house. And hald a court on him. VII. " Here hews he down bai h skugg and shaw, And works us skaith and scorn : His huswife he sal! gie to me; — They's rue the day they were born ! The Elfen a' i' the knock that were, Gaed dancing in a string : They nighed near the husband's house; Sae lang their tails did hing. The hound he yowls i' the yard, The herd toots in his horn , 306 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. The earn scraii;hs, aiul tlic cock cr.iws, As the liusbaiide has gi'cii him liis corn.' X. The Elfen were five score and s. ven, Sai laklly and sac grim ; And Ihey the huslxind's guests maun be, To cat and drink wi' him. XI. The husbande, out o' Villcnshaw At iiis winnock tiic Klvcs can see: " Help me, now, Jcsu, Mary's son ; Tiiir Eh'cs tlicy niMit at mel " XII. In every nook a cross lie coost, In his chahner maist ava; The IClfen a' were fley'd tlicrcat, And Hew to tlic wild-wood shaw. XIII. And some flew east, and some flew west, And some to the norwart Hew ; And some tlicy flew to the deep dale ;lown. There still tluy arc I trow.* XIV. If was then the weist Elf, ki at the door liraids he ; Agitst was the husbande, for that Elf l-'or cross nor sign wad flee. • This singular quatrain stands thus in the original : - " Ihmden hand gior i gaardcn ; Hiordcn tudJ: i sit horn; CErnen skrigcr, og hanen galcr, Som bondcn hafdt gif\ct sit kom. ■' III the Danish : — " .Somnit floyfe ostcr, og sommJ; floyb vcstcr, Nogle fliiyt n(>r paa , Nogli; floyt ncd i dNlx-ne dal^, ]cg troucT dc ah der cndnu." APPENDIX. 307 XV. The huswife she was a canny wife, She set the Elf at the board ; She set before him baith ale and meat Wi' niony a weel-waled word. XVI. " Hear thou, Gudeman o' Villensfiaw, What now I say to thee ; Wha bade thee bigg within our bounds, Without the leave o' me ? XVII. " But, an thou in our bounds will bigg, And bide as well as may be, Then thou thy dearest huswife maun To me for a lemnian gie." XVIIl. Up spak the luckless husbande then, As God the grace him gae; '' Eline she is to me sae dear, Her thou may nae-gate hae." XIX. Till the Elf he answered as he couth ; " Lat but my huswife be. And take whate'er, o' gude or gear Is mine, awa wi" thee." XX. " Thine I'll thy Eline tak and thee, Aneath my feet to tread ; And hide thy goud and white monie Aneath my dwelling stead." XXI. The husbande and his househald a' In sary rede they join : '' Far better that she be now forfaim, Nor that we a' should tyne." '^oS THE LA in' or the lake. XMI. Up, will of rede, the liusbande stood, \Vi' heart fu' sad and sair; And he has sjien his huswife Eline Wi' the young Klfc to fare. XXIII. Then blyth grew he, and sj^rang about lie took her in liis arm ; The rud it lett her comely cheek ; Her heart was clem'd wi' harm. XXIV. A waefu' woman then she was ane. And the moody tears loot fa' ; God rew rr mc, unseely wife, How hard a weird I fa 1 XXV. •' My fay 1 plight to the fairest wight That man on mold mat sec ; — Maun I now mell v/i' a laidly El, IJis light Icmman to be!" XXVI. He minted ance — he minted twice, Wae wax'd her heart that syth : Syne the laidliest fiend he grew that I'er To mortal ce did kyth. XXVII. When he the thirden time can mint To Mary's son she pray'd. And the laidly Elf was cle-m awa, And a fair knight in his stead. XXVIII. This fell under a linden green, That again his shape he found; wae and care was the word nac mair, A' were sac glad that stound. XXIX " O flearcst Ehne, thou this, And thou my wife sail be, APPENDIX. 309 And a' the goiul in merry England Sae freely I'll gi'c thee ! XXX. " Whan I was but a little wee bairn, My mithcr died me fni ; My stepmither sent me awa fra her ; I turn'd till an El/in Gray. XXXI. " To thy husbande I a gift will gie, Wi' mickle state and gear, As mends for Eline his huswife; — Thou's be my heartis dear." — XXXII. " Thou nobil knyght, we thank now God That has freed us frae skaith ; Sae wed thou thee a maiden free, And joy attend ye baith ! XXXIII. " Sin I to thee nae maik can be My dochter may be thine ; And thy gud will right to fulfill, Lat this be our propine." — XXXIV. " I thank thee, Eline, thou wise woman; My praise thy worth sail ha'e ; And thy love gin I fail to win, Thou here at hame sail stay." XXXV. The husbande biggit now on his oe. And nane ane wrought him wrang; His dochter wore crown in Engeland, And happy lived and lang. XXXVI. Now Eline, the husbande's huswife has Cour'd a' her grief and harms She's mither to a noble queen That sleeps in a kingis arms. 310 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. GLOSSARY TO "THE ELFIN f.RAY." STANZA I. Wold, a. wood ; woody fastness. Hiisbande, from the Danish IiTis, witli, and bonde, a villain, or bondsman, who was a cultivator of the ground, and could not quit the estate to which he was attached, without the permis- sion of his lord. This is the sense of the word in the old Scottish records. In the Scottish " Burghe Laws," translated from the Reg. Majcst. (.\uchinleck MS. in the Adv. Lib.), it is used indiscriminately with the Danish and Swedish bondc. Bigg, build. Ligg, lie. Dacs, does. STANZA 11. Shnw, wood. Sairly, sorely. STANZA III. Aik, oak. Grcirsomc, terrible. Bald, bold. STANZA IV. fCifflcs (couples), beams joined at the lop, for supporting a roof, in building. liawkf, balks ; cross beams. .\foil, 1.-ilx)rious industry. S/ccr'd, xskcd. Knock, hillock. STANZA V. Weiest, smallest. Crcan\{, shrunk, diminished ; from the Oaclic, crian, very small. hnmcrt, emmet ; ant. Christian, used in the Danish Inllads, etc., in contradi-^tinction to dcmoniar, AS it is in En;;l.ind in contr.:distinc- tioii to brute; in which »cnsc, a per- son of the lower class in Englard. would call a 'Jcxu or a Turk, a Chris- tian. Flcy, frighten. STANZA VI. Glmvr'd, stared. Hald, hold. STANZA VII. Skitgg, shade. Skaith, harm. STANZA VIII. Nighcd, approached. STANZA IX. Yowls, howls. Toots. — In tlio Danish /«(/^ is ap]ilied both to the howling of a dog, and the sound of a horn. Siraic/ic, screams. STANZA X. Laidly, loathly ; disgustingly ugly. Grim, fierce. STANZA XI, Winnock, window. Mint, aim at. STANZA XII Coost cast. Chalmcr, chamber. Maist, most. Ava, of all. STANZA XIII. Norivart, northward. Tr/rif. Ixriievc. STANZA XIV. JhiiiJi, strides quickly forward If',/,/, would. STANZA XV. Ctiiiiiy, adroit. Afotiy, many. IVcel-waitd, well chosen. APPENDIX. 311 STANZA XVII. An, if. Bide, abide. Lemman, mistress. STANZA XVIII. Nae-gatt, nowise. STANZA XIX. Couth, could, Icnew how to. Lat be, let alone. Glides, goods ; property. STANZA XX. Aneath, beneath. Dwalling-stead, dwelling-place. STANZA XXI. Sary, sorrowful. Rede, counsel ; consultation. Forfairn, forlorn ; lost, gone. Tyne (verb neuter), be lost ; perish. STANZA XXII. Wile of rede, bewildered in thought ; in the Danish original, "vildyaadage ;" Lat. " inops consilii ; " Gr. anopov. This expression is left among the desiderata in the Glossary to Rit- son's Romances, and has never been explained. It is obsolete in the Dan- ish as well as in English. Fare, go. STANZA XXIII. Rted, red of the cheek. Clem'd, in the Danish, klemt (which, in the north of England, is still in use, as the word starved is with us); brought to a dying state. It is used by our old comedians. Harm, grief; as in the original, and in the old Teutonic, English, and Scot- tish poetry. STANZA XXIV. Wacfii, woful. Moody, strongly and wilfully passionate. Rew, tak? ruth ; pity. Unscely, unhappy ; unblest. Weird, fate. Fa{\^. Dan. and Swed.) take; get; acquire ; procure ; have for my lot. This Gothic verb answers, in its direct and secondary significations, exactly to the Latin capio ; and Allan Ramsay was right in his definition of it. It is quite a different word from /a', an abbreviation of fall, or befall ; and is the principal root in fengan, to fang, take, or lay hold jf. STANZA XXV. Fay, faith. Mold, mould ; earth. Mat, mote ; might. Maun, must. Mell, mix. El, an elf. This term in the Welsh, signifies -what has in itself the power of motion ; a tnoving principle ; an intelligence ; a spirit ; an angel. In the Hebrew it bears the same import. STANZA XXVI. Minted, attempted ; meant ; showed a mind, or intention to. The original is : — " Hande miiidte hende forst — og an- den gang ; — Hun giordis i hiortet sa vee : End blef hand den lediste deifvel INIand kunde med oyen see. Der hand vilde niinde den tredie gang," etc. Syth, tide ; time. Kyth, appear. STANZA JCXVIII. Stoitnd, hour ; time ; moment. STANZA XXIX. Merry (old Teutonic mere), famous; renowned; answering in its etymo- logical meaning, exactly to the Latin Mactus. Hence mcrry-inen, as the 312 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. address of a chief to his followers ; meaning, not men of mirth, but of renown. The term is found m its original sense in the Gaelic iiiara, and the Welsh mawr, great ; and in the oldest Teutonic Romances, mar, mcr, and mere, have sometimes tiie same signification. STANZA x.xxi. Mentis, amends ; recompense. -STANZA XX.XIII. Maik, match ; peer ; equal. Proline, pledge ; gift. STANZA XXXV. Oc, an island of the second magnitude; an island of the first magnitude being called a land, and one of the thtni magnitude a holm. STANZA XXXVI. Coiir'd, recovered THE GIIAIST'S W.\RNING. TRANSLATIilJ I-KOM TIIE DANISH K.EMI'E VISER, V \V,V. J2\. [By the jjermission of Mr. Jamicson, this ballad is added from the same curious collection. It contains some jiassages of great pathos.] Svend Dyring hand rider sig op under ol, ( Vari jeg selver ting) Der f(este hand sig saa ven en mob. (Mig lystcr udi liinden at ridl,) etc. Child Dvring has ridden him up under iic,' {.■hill Ogin / ircre young .') There wctldcd he him sae fair * a may. ( /' the greenwood it lists me to ride. ) Thegither they lived for seven lang year, (.ind 0,ete.) And they seven kiirns gotten in fere. (/' the greenwood, etc.) ' " Under 6c. — The original expression Ixen preserved here and elsewhere, because no other could be found to supply its pl.icc. There is just as much mean ing in it in the translation as in the original : but it is a st.mdard Danish Iwllar! phrase; and as such, it is hnjufl, will Ix; allowed to pass. * '* /•'(;/>." — 'Ihc n.uiish and .Swedish vcn,, or venne, and the (Jaelic bUn, in the oblique cases IdiHn (-;hi), is the origin of the Scottish bonny, which has so much puzzled all the etymologists. APPENDIX. 3 I 3 Sae Death's come there intill that stead, And that winsome lily flower is dead. That swain he has ridden him up under oe, And syne he has married anithcr may. He's married a may, and he's fessen her hame ; But she was a grim and laidly dame. When into the castell court drave she, The seven bairns stood wi' the tear in tlieir ee. The bairns they stood wi' dule and doubt ; — She up wi' her foot, and she kicked them out. Nor ale nor meed to the bairnies she gave : " But hunger and hate frae me ye's have." She took frae them the bowster blae, And said, " Ye sail ligg i' the bare strae! " She took frae them the groff wax-light : Says, " Now ye sail ligg i' the mirk a' night ! " 'Twas lang i' the night, and tlie bairnies grat ; Their mither she under the mools heard that ; That heard the wife under the card that lay ; " For sooth maun I to my bairnies gae ! " That wife can stand up at our Lord's knee, And " May I gang and my bairnies see ! " She prigged sae sair, and she prigged sae lang That he at the last ga'e her leave to gang. " And thou sail come back when the cork does craw ; For thou nae langer sail bide awa." 314 THE LAnV OF 77/ ic L.Ik-/:. Wi' her banes sae stark a bowt she gae: Slic's riven baith wa' and marble gray." ' When near to the dwallinj; she can gang, The dogs tliey wow'd till the lift it rang. When she came till the castell yett, Her eldest dochtcr stood thereat. 1 " Why stand ye here, dear dochtcr mine? llow arc sma brithers and sisters thine? " — " For sooth yc ru .i woman baith fair and line But yc are na dear mithcr of mine." — " Och ! how should I be fine or fair ? My check it is pale, and the ground's my lair. — " My mithcr was white, wi' check sac red ; But thou art wan, and likcr anc dead." — " Och ! how should 1 be white and red, Sae lang as I've been cauld and dead?" When she cam till the chalmcr in. Down thu bairns' cheeks tlu- tcar^. did riii. She buskit the tanc, and she brush'd it there She kcni'd and plaited the tithcr's hair. The tl.irden she doo)nes. Stark, strong. Boift. Ixilt ; elastic spriiii,'. like that of a bolt, or arrow from a bow. Riven, split asunder Wa\ wail. Woii'd, howled. Lift, sky ; Hrniament ; air. Yctt, gate. Sma, small Lire, complexion. CalJ, cold. Till, to. Rin, run. Buskit, dressed. Kcin\l, combed. Tithcr, the other. Routh, plenty. Quail, are quelled ; die. Need, want. Ahind, Ix'liiiid. Braw, brave ; fine. DiTwy, sorrowful. Nirr, snarl. Bell, bark. Sained, blessed : literally, sij;-ncd with the siqn of Ihe cross. Before the introduction of Christianity, Runes were used in sainini;, as a spell against the power of enchantment and evil genii. Gliaist, ghost APPENDIX. 11"] Note L. Why sounds yon stroke on beech and oak. Our moonlight circlets screen F Or -who comes here to chase the deer. Beloved of our Elfin ^ueen ? — P. 162. It has been already observed, that fairies, if not positively malevolent, are capricious, and easily offended. They are, like other proprietors of forests, peculiarly jealous of their rights of vert and vefiison, as appears from the cause of of- fence taken, in the original Danish ballad. This jealousy was also an attribute of the northern Duergar, or dwarfs ; to many of whose distinctions the fairies seem to have succeeded, if, indeed, they are not the same class of beings. In the huge metrical record of German Chivalry, entitled the Helden- Buch, Sir Hildebrand, and the other heroes of whom it treats, are engaged in one 0/ their most desperate adventures, from a rash violation of the rose-garden of an Elfin, or Dwarf King. There are yet traces of a belief in this worst and most mali- cious order of Fairies among the border wilds. Dr. Leyden has introduced such a dwarf into his ballad entitled the Cout of Keeldar, and has not forgotten his characteristic detesta- tion of the chase. " The third blast that young Kee'dar blew, Still stood the limber fern, And a wee man, of swarthy hue, Upst?rted by a cairn. His russet weeds were brown as heath That clothes the upland fell ; And the hair of his head was frizzly red As the purple heather-bell. 3lS THE LADY OF THE LAKE. " An iirchin, clad in prickles red, Cliinj» cow'rinj; to his arm ; Tlie hounds tliey howl'd, and backward fled, As struck by fairy cliarni. '"\Vliy rises high the stag-liound's cry. Where stag-hound ne'er sliould Ijc ? Why wakes that horn the silent morn Without the leave of me ? ' — ' Brown dwarf, that o'er the moorland strays, Thy name to Kceldar tell ! ' — 'The Brown Man of the Muirs, who stays Beneath the heather-bell. " ' 'Tis sweet be.ieath the hcathcr-bell To live in autumn brown ; And sweet to hear the lavVock's swell, I-'ar, far from tower and town. '" But woe Ix-tidc tiie shrilling horn. The chase's surly cheer ! And ever that hunter is forlorn, Whom first at morn I hear.' '' The poetical picture here j:jiveii of ihc Duergar corresponds exactly with the following Norlh'iinbrian legend, with which I was lately favored by my learned and kind friend, Mr. Surtee.s of Mainsforth, who has bestowed indefatigable labor upon the antiquities of the Knglish ]}order counties. The subject is in itself so curious, that the length of the note will, I hope, be pardoned. " I have only one record to offer of the appearance of our Northumbrian Duergar. My narratri.>c is Klizabeth Cock- burn, an old wife of {)ffertf)n, in tliis county, whose credi;. in a case of this kind, will not, I hope, be much im|)eaclK'il, when I add, that she is, by her dull neighbors, supposed to be occasionally insane, but, by her.self, to be at those times en- dowed with a faculty of seeing visions, and spectral appear- ances, which shun the common ken. APPENDIX. 319 " In the year before the great rebellion, two young men from Newcastle were sporting on the high moors above Elsdon, and after pursuing their game several hours, sat down to dine in a green glen near one of the mountain streams. After their repast, the younger lad ran to the brook for wa- ter, and after stooping to drink, was surprised, on lifting his head again, by the appearance of a brown dwarf, who stood on a crag covered with brackens, across the burn. This ex- traordinary personage did not appear to be above half the stature of a common man, but was uncommonly stout and broad-built, having the appearance of vast strength. His dress was entirely brown, the color of the brackens, and his head covered with frizzled red hair. His countenance was expressive of the most savage ferocity, and his eyes glared like a bull. It seems he addressed the young man first, threatening him with his vengeance for having trespassed on his demesnes, and asking him if he knew in whose presence he stood ? The youth replied, that he now supposed him to be the lord of the moors ; that he offended through igno- rance ; and offered to bring him the game he had killed. The dwarf was a little mollified by this submission, but remarked, that nothing could be more' offensive to him than such an offer, as he considered the wild animals as his subjects, and never failed to avenge their destruction. He condescended further to inform him, that he was, like himself, mortal, though of years far exceeding the lot of common humanity ; and (what I should not have had an idea of) that he hoped for salvation. He never, he added, fed on anything that had life, but lived in the summer on whortleberries, and in winter on nuts and apples, of which he had great store in the woods. Finally, he invited his new acquaintance to accompany him home, and partake his hospitality ; an offer which the youth was on the point of accepting, and was just going to spring across the brook (which if he had done, says Elizabeth, the 320 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. dwarf would certainly have torn him in pieces), when his foot was arrested by the voice of his companion, who thought he had tarried long : and on looking round again, ' the wee brown man was [\<^(\: The story adds, that he was impru- dent enough to slight the admonition, and to sport over the moors on his way homewards; but soon after his return he fell into a lingering disorder, and died within the year." Note M. Aitd if:: they tlireatcncd nmre tremendous vengeance. He sneezed a third time ; he blessed him .is Ix-forc. The fairies were cnw>;ed ; tliey tumblctd^ Ai-md, like thyself, xvith suiglc brand, — P. 204. The duellists of former times did not always stand upon those punctilios respecting equality of arms, which are now- judged essential to fair combat. It is true that, in formal combat in the lists, the parties were, by the judges of the field, put as nearly as possible in the same circumstances. But in private duel it was often otherwise. In that desperate combat which was fought between Quelus, a minion of Henry III. of France, and Antraguet, with two seconds on each side, from which only two persons escaped alive, Quelus com- plained that his antagonist had over him the advantage of a poniard which he used in parrying, while his left hand, which he was forced to employ for the same purpose, was cruelly mangled. When he charged Antraguet with this odds, "Thou hast done wrong," answered he, "to forget thy dagger at home. We are here to fight, and not to settle punctilios of arms." In a similar duel, however, a youngei brother of the house of Aubanye, in Angoulesme, behaved more generously on the like occasion, and at once threw away his dagger when his enemy challenged it as an undue advantage. But at this time hardly anything can be conceived more horribly brutal and savage than the mode in which private quarrels were conducted in France. Those who were most jealous of the point of honor, and acquired the title of Riiffines, did not scruple to take every advantage of strength, numbers, sur- prise, and arms, to accomplish their revenge. The Sieur de Brantome, to whose discourse on duels I am obliged for these particulars, gives the following account of the death and principles of his friend, the Baron de Vitaux : — "^24 THE LAnV OF THE /..IK I-. " J'i^y oui collier h. un Tirciir d'armcs, ciui apprit ^ Millaud a en tircr, lequcl s'apclloit Seigneur le Jacques Ferron, de la ville d'Ast, qui avoit este h nioy, il fut despuis tue c\ Saincle- Hasille en Gascogne, lors que Monsieur du Mayne I'assiegea, lui servant d'Inge'nieur ; et de malheur, je I'avois addresse' audit I^aron quelques irois niois auparavani, jjour I'exercer h. tirer, bien qu'il en s^x'ust prou ; niais il ne'en fit comptQ; et le laissant Millaud s'en servit, et le rendit fort adroit. Ce Seigneur Jacques done me raconta, qu'il s'estoit monte sur un noyer, assez loing, pour en voir le combat, et qu'il nevist ja- mais homme y aller plus bravement, ny plus re'solument, ny de grace plus asseurtfe ny de'termine'e. II commenga de marcher de cinquante pas vers son enemy, rele\'ant souvent ses mous- taches en haut d'une main ; et estant h. vingt pas de son ennemy, (non plustost,) il mit la main il I'espee quil tenoit en la main, non qu'il I'eust tire'e encore ; mais en marchant, il fit voller le founeau en I'air, en le sccouant, ce qui est le beau de cela, et qui monstroit bien un grace de combat bien asseur(fe et froide, et nuUement temeraire, commc il y en a (|ui tirent leurs espe'es de cinq cents pas de I'enncmy, voire do mille, commc j'en ay veu aucuns. Ainsi mourut ce brave JJaron, le parogon de I'Vance, qu' on noinmoit tel, h. bien venger, ses querelles, par grandes et dc'termintfes resolutions. II n'estoit pas seulement estime en France, mais en Italic, Fspaigne, Allemaigne, en P.oulogne et Angleterre; et desiro- ient fort les Fstrangers, vcnanl en France, le voir; car je I'ay veu, tant sa renommee volloii. II estoit fort petit de corps, mais fort grand de courage. Ses ennemis disoient c|u'il ne tuoit pas bien ses gens, cjue par advantages et supercheries. Certes, je tiens de grands capitaines, et mesme d'ltaliens, qui ont estez d'autres fois les jiremicrs vengcurs du mond, in opii moi/o, disoieiit-ils, f|ui ont tenu cette maxime, c|u'iinc supcr- ( heric ne se devoit payer c|ue par semblable monnoye, et n'y alloit point la de deshonneur," — Ocnvrcs satlut of iMisrland. nanicil Lord Walliain Howard, with a bishop with him, with many other gentlemen, to the number of threescore horse, whitli were all able men and waled [picked] men for all kinds of games and pastimes, shooting, louping, running, \vrestlii>g, and casting of the stone, but ihey were well 'saved [essayed or tried) ere they passed out of Scotland, and that by theii own provocation ; but ever they tiv.t : till at last, the Queen of Scotland, the king's mother, favoured the English-men, be- cause she was the King of England's sister ; and therefore she took an enterprise of archery upon the English-men's hands, contrary her son the king, and any six in Scotland that he would wale, either gentlemen or yeomen, that the English- men should shoot against them, either at pricks, revers, or buts, as the Scots pleased, "The king, hearing this of his mother, was content, anil gart her pawn a hundred crowns, and a tun of wine, uix)n the r^nirlish-men's hands : and he incontinent laid down as much for the Scottish-men. The field and ground was chosen in St. Andrews, and three landed men and three yeomen chosen to shoot against the luiglish-men, — to wit, David Wemys of that ilk, David Arnot of ilk, and Mr. John Wedderburn, vicar of Dundee; the yeomen, John Thomson, in Leith, Steven Taburner, with a piper, called Alexander Bailie ; they shot very near, and warred [worsted] the English-men of the en- terprise, and wan the hundred crowns and the tun of wine, •which made the king very merry that his men wan the vic- tor)'." APPENDIX. 327 Note P. These drerv 7iot for thcii' fchh the szvord. Like tenants of a feudal lord. Nor oiviid the patriarchal claim, Of Chieftain in their leader s name : Adveiittcrers they P. 237. The Scottish armies consisted chiefly of the nobility and barons, with their vassals, who held lands under them, for military service by themselves and their tenants. The patri- archal influence exercised by the heads of clans in the High- lands and Borders was of a different nature, and sometimes at variance with feudal principles. It flowed from the Patria Potesfas, exercised by the chieftain as representing the origi- nal father of the whole name, and was often obeyed in con- tradiction to the feudal superior. James V. seems to have first introduced, in addition to the militia furnished from these sources, the service of a small number of mercenaries, who formed a body-guard, called the Foot-Band. The sati- rical poet. Sir David Lindsay (or the person whe wrote the prologue to his play of the " Three Estaites,") has introduced Finlay of the Foot-Band, who, after much swaggering upon the stage, is at length put to flight by the Fool, who terri- fies him by means of a sheep's scull upon a pole. I have rather chosen to give them the harsh features of the merce nary soldiers of the period, than of this Scottish Thraso, These partook of the character of the Adventurous Compan- ions of Froissart or the Condottieri of Italy. One of the best and liveliest traits of such manners is the last will of a leader, called Geffroy Tete Noir, who having been slightly wounded in a skirmish, his intemperance brought on a mortal disease. When he found himself dying, he sum- 3-'.S THE LADY OF THE LAKE. nioned lo Iiis bedside the adventurers wIkhii he commanded, and tluis addresseil iheni : — " Fayre sirs, quod GetYray, I knowe well ye have alwayes ser\'ed and honoured me as men ought to serve their sove- raygne and capitayne, and I shall be the gladder if ye wyll to have to your capitayne one that is descended of my agrc blode. IJeholde here Aleyne Roux, my cosyn, and I'eter his brother, who are men of armes and of my blode. I reciuire you to make Aleyne your capitayne, and to swere to hym taythe, obeysaunce, love, and loyalte, here in my presence, and also to his brother: howe be it, 1 wyll that Aleyne have the soverayne charge. Sir, quod they, we are well content, for ye hauve ryght well chosen. There all the companyons made them breke no poynt of that ye have ordayned and commaunded." — Lord Berners' Froissart. Note Q. A)irlit /.< Scot land's h'imj;. — P. J69. This discovery will probably remind the reader of the beautiful Arabian tale of Jl Bondocatii. Vet the incident is not borrowed from that elegant story, but from Scottish tra- dition. James V. of whom we are treating, was a monarch whose good and benevolent intentions often rendered his romantic freaks venial, if not respectable, since, from his anxious attention to the interests of the lower and most op- l>ressed class of his subjects, he was, as we have seen, popu- larly termed the Kin;^ of thr Comtnons. For the jiurjiose of seeing that justice was regularly administered, and frec|uently from the less justifiable motive of gallantry, he used to trav- erse the vicinage of his several palaces in various disguises. The two excellent comic songs, entitled "The (Jaberlunzie Man," and "We'll gae nae mair a roving," are said to have APPENDIX. 329 been founded upon the success of his amorous adventures when travelHng in the cUsguise of a beggar. The latter is perhaps the best comic ballad in any language. Another adventure, which had nearly cost James his life, is said to have taken place at the village of Cramond, near Ed- inburgh, where he had rendered his addresses acceptable to a pretty girl of the lower rank. Four or five persons, whether relations or lovers of his mistress is uncertain, beset the dis- tinguished monarch as he returned from his rendezvous. Naturally gallant, and an admirable master of his weapon, the king took post on the high and narrow bridge over the Almond river, and defended himself bravely with his sword. A peasant, who was threshing in a neighboring barn, came out upon the noise, and whether moved by compassion or by nat- ural gallantry, took the weaker side, and laid about with flail so effectually, as to disperse the assailants, well threshed, even according to the letter. He then conducted the king into his barn, where his guest requested a basin and a towel, to remove the stains of the broil. This being procured with difficulty James employed himself in learning what was the summit of his deliverer's earthly wishes, and found that they were bounded by the desire of possessing, in property, the farm of Braehead, upon which he labored as a bondsman. The lands chanced to belong to the rrown ; and James directed him to come to the palace of Holyrood, and enquire for the Guidman (/. e. farmer) of Ballengiech, a name by which he was known in his excursions, and which answered to the II Bondocani of Haroun Alraschid. He presented himself accordingly, and found, with due astonishment, that he had saved his monarch's life, and that he was to be gratified with a crown-charter of the lands of Braehead, under the service of presenting a ewer, basin, and towel, for the king to wash his hands, when he shall happen to pass the bridge of Cramond. This person was ancestor of the Howiesons of Braehe id in Mid-Lothian, 330 THE LADY OF THE LAKE. a respectable family, who coiilinuc to hold the lands (now passed into the female line) under the same tenure.' Another of James's frolics is thus narrated by Mr. Camjv bell from the Statistical Account : " Iking once benighted when out a-hunting, and separated from his attendants, he happened to enter a cottage in the midst of a m'oor, at the foot of the Ochil hills, near Alloa, where, unknown, he was kindly received. In order to regale their unexpected guest, the guticman (/. c. landlord, farmer) desired the gudc^vifc to fetch the hen that roosted nearest the cock, which is always tile plumpest, for the stranger's supper. The king, highly pleased with his night's lodging and hospitable entertainment, told mine host, at parting, that he should be glad to return his civility, and requested that the first time he came to Stir- ling he would call at the castle, and encjuire for the Gudcman of BallcngKicJi. Donaldson, the landhjrd, did not fail to call on the GiiJcman of BaUngiiich, when his astonishment at finding that the king had been his guest afi'orded no small amusement to the merry monarch and his courtiers; and, to carry on the pleasantry, he was thenceforth designated by James with the title of King of the Moors, which name and designation have descended from father to son ever since, and they have continued in possession of the identical spot, the property of Mr. ICrskine of Mar, till very lately, when this gentleman, with reluctance, turned out ihe descendant and representative of the K'ng of the Moors, on account of his majesty's invincible indolence, and great dislike to reform or innovation of any kind, although, from the spirited example ' [Tlic rculiT will liiul tills story fuM at Rrcatcr l< of the Lady of the I-akc, by bcinK llic only person covercrl, in the First Scries of Talcs of a Grand- father, vol. iii., p. ^7. The heir of Urarhcad discharRr.! his duty at the Iwn- <|uet Riven to King (ieorge IV. in the r.irliameiit Houbc at lidinburgh, in 1822. — Ml. .J APPENDIX. 331 of his neighbor tenants on the same estate, he is convinced similar exertion would promote his advantage." The author requests permission yet farther to verify the subject of his poem, by an extract from the genealogical work of Buchanan of Auchmar, upon Scottish surnames : — "This John Buchanan of Auchmar and Arnpryor was afterwards termed King of Kippen,^ upon the following account : King James V., a very sociable, debonair prince, residing at Stirling, in Buchanan of Arnpryor's time, carriers were very frequently passing along the common road, being near Arnpryor's house, with necessaries for the use of the king's family ; and he, having some extraordinary occasion, ordered one of these carriers to leave his load at his house, and he would pay him for it ; which the carrier refused to do, telling him he was the king's carrier, and his load for his ma- jesty's use ; to which Arnpryor seemed to have small regard, compelling the carrier, in the end, to leave his load ; telling him, if King James was King of Scotland, he was King of Kippen, so that it was reasonable he should share with his neighbor king in some of these loads, so frequently carried that road. The carrier resenting this usage, and telling the story, as Arnpryor spoke it, to some of the king's servants, it came at length to his majesty's ears, who, shortly there- after, with a few attendants, came to visit his neighbor king, who was in the mean time at dinner. King James having sent a servant to demand access, was denied the same by a tall fellow with a battleaxe, who stood porter at the gate, telling, there could be no access till dinner was over. This answer not satisfying the king, he sent to demand access a second time ; upon which he was desired by the porter to de- sist, otherwise he would find cause to repent his rudeness. His majesty finding this method would not do, desired the 1 A small district of Perthshire. 33^ TUE LADY OF TJIE LAKE. porter to tell liis master that llic Goodman of I'.allagei^rh de- sired to speak with the King of Kippen. The porter telHng Arp.pryor so much, he, in all humble manner, came and re- ceived the king, and having entertained him with mucli sumptousness and jollity, became so agreeable to King James that he allowed him to take so much of any provision he found carrying that road as he had c;casion for; and seeing he made the first visit, desired Arnpryor in a few days to return him a second to Stirling, which he performed, and continued in very much favour with the king, always thereafter being termed King of Kippen while he lived." — Buchanan's Essay jtpon the Faviily of Biiihanan. Edin. 1775, 8vo, p, 74. The readers of Ariosto must give credit for the amiable features with which he is represented, since he is generally considered as the prototype of Zerbino, the most interesting hero of the Orlando Furioso.