GITT /rp 3 ^'^t^ LIST OF REFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS PERTAINING TO THE GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILWAYS. PREPARED BY BUREAU OF RAILWAY ECONOMICS. if WASHINGTON. D. C. MARCH. 1913. No attempt has been made to include in this list references to the larger subject of the relations of railways to the state. The location of books and pamphlets in various libraries is indicated by use of initials having significance as follows : ASCE — American Society of Civil Engineers B — Bureau of Railway Economics CornU — Cornell University CU — Columbia University H — Hopkins Railway library (Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.) HU — Harvard University ICC — Interstate Commerce Commission Library JC — John Crerar Library JHU — Johns Hopkins University LC — Library of Congress MIT — Massachusetts Institute of Technology MassRR — Massachusetts Railroad Commission NY — New York Public Library UC — University of Chicago UI — University of Illinois UM — University of Michigan UMinn — University of Minnesota UP — University of Pennsylvania UW — University of Wisconsin Y — Yale University The Bureau of Railway Economics has received valuable assistance from the Division of Bibliography of the Library of Congress in the preparation of this list. ' Government Ownership of Railways. Abe, Keikichi. Railway control in Japan. (Arena, v. 24:64-75; July 1900) Acworth, William M. Government railways in a democratic state. (Economic journal, v. 2:629-36; Dec. 1892) . Herr Von Kaufmann and the French railway system. (Economic journal, v. 8:553-56; Dec. if » Review of "Die eisenbahnpolitik Frankreichs," by R. Kaufmann (Jena, 1896). . Nationalization of railways in the United States. (Bulletin of International railway congress, Aug. 191 1) Reprinted in- Engineering magazine, v. 42 : 100-03 '> Oct. 1911. Reprinted by Bureau of railway economics under title : "The prospects of state ownership of railways in Eng- land and in the United States." . The nationalization of Swiss railways. (Economic journal, v. 8:265-69; June li . Professor Cohn and state railway ownership in Eng- land. (Economic journal, v. 9:92-93; March 1899) . Railways of Germany and England. (Contemporary review, v. 87:570-76; April 1906) . Railways under government control. (Forum, v. 11:79-90; March 1891) . State railways. (Economic journal, v. 7:606-07; Dec. 1897) and Cook, William W. Acworth and Cook, on a gov- ernment holding company. (Railway age gazette, v. 52: 1534-36; June 21, 1912) and others. The state in relation to railways. Papers read at the congress of the Royal economic society, January II, 1912. Westminster, P. S. King & co., 1912. 100 p. 8°. B, ICC, LC, UMinn. Contents: i. The state in relation to railways in Eng- land, by W. M. Acworth. 2. The state control of Brit- Bish railways, by W. Tetley Stephenson. 3. Parliament and the railways, by E. Cleveland- Stevens. 4. The na- tionalisation of railways in Prussia, by Prof. H. Schu- macher. 5. State railways in France, by Professor Le- roy Beaulieu. 6. The Belgian experience in state rail- ways, by Professor E. Mahaim. 7. The state in relation to railways in the United States, by Prof. E. R. Dew- snup. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. The government and the railroad corporations. (North American review, v. 112 : 31-61 ; Jan. 1871) . The regulation of all railroads through the state- ownership of one. Speech on behalf of the Massachusetts Board of railroad commissioners, made before the Joint standing legislative committee on railways, Feb. 14, 1873. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co., 1873. 39 P- 12°. B, CU, H, HU, ICC, LC, NY, UI. Adams, Charles Francis, Jr. The state and the railroads. (Atlantic monthly, v. 37:360-71; Mar. 1876) Albertson, Ralph. Government regulation of railway rates. (Arena, v. 36: 103-05; July, 1906) Alberty, M. Der iibergang zum staatsbahnsystem in Preussen ; seine begriindung, seine durchfiihrung und seine folgen. Fine wirtschaftspolitische untersuchung. Jena, G. Fischer, 191 1, viii, 345, [13] p. diagrs. 8°. LC. Allen, W. F. Railways and nationalization in the United States. Apropos of a work by Mr. E. A. Pratt. (Bulletin of the International railway congress, v. 26:403-12; April 1912) Reprinted separately by Bureau of railway economics. Reprinted in part in Railway news, April 20, 1912. Reprinted in Railway world. May 17, 1912. Allen, Walter S. Some problems of public ownership. (North American review, v. 197:8-21; Jan. 1913) Andrews, Edward L. A federal railroad system. (New York Sun, July 29, 1907) Also in Albany law journal, v. 69:266-71; Sept. 1907. . The President's proposal for a federal railroad sys- tem. Is the plan constitutional? (Reprinted in part from the New York Sun.) [1905.] 17 p. 8°. ICC. Arnold, Bion W., Jr. Railroads and the government. (Gunton's magazine, v. 15:125-33; Aug. 1898) Argues against government ownership in the United States. Atkinson, Edward. Argument of Edward Atkinson before the Railway committee, against the state undertaking to buy, equip, or operate railroads. March, 1873. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1873. 40 p. 8°. B, NY, UI. Australian railways supported big tax. Government insures success of new lines. Sparsely settled sections assessed to keep down demand for extension of many systems. (Railway record, v. 4: 12; July 13, 1912) Avebury, John Lubbock. On municipal and national trading, London, New York, Macmillan, 1907. vi, 178 p. 8°. B, LC, State management of railways discussed, p. 125-43. The author believes that its results have been unfor- tunate. Bancroft, William A. Address at the annual banquet of the New EnglSnd street railway club, at the Hotel Somerset, Boston, March 23, 1911. 7 p. 16°. B. Opposed to government ownership. 438 j 9;] Barker, Wharton. The great issue. Reprints of some editorials from the American, 1897-1900. Philadelphia, 1902. 391 p. 12°. B, ICC, LC. "Railroad as the master," "Our railroads as oppress- ors of the honest and servitors of the unscrupulous," "Nationalize the railroads or pauperize the nation/' "Railroad monopoly" • P- 32-59- Baum, Charles. Les chemins de fer de I'etat et les chemins de fer concedes a des compagnies privees. fitude economique. Lille, 1877. 50 p. 8°. NY. • . Same. 2d ed. LC, NY, UW. Bedinger, George Rust. How government ownership of rail- ways works in Japan. (Harper's weekly, v. 57:22; Jan. 18, 1913) Reprinted by the Bureau of railway economics. Bellamy, Edward. First steps toward nationalization. (Forum, v. 10:174-84; Oct. 1890) Bellot, Hugh H. L. State railways. (Westminster review, v. 172:477-86; Nov. 1909) Review of the railways and the nation, by W. BoUand. London [etc.] 1909. Favorable to government ownership. Bemis, E. W. The iron octopus. L Evils of our railroad system. H. How these evils are to be abated. (Cosmopolitan, v. 2:365-71; Feb. 1887) Benoit, Felix. Les chemins de fer frangais et leur rachat par I'etat. Paris, Baudry et cie; Dijon, J. Berthoud, imprimeur, 1896. 36 p. incl. table. 8°. B, LC. Benson, Allan L. Public ownership from the business stand- point. (Appleton's magazine, v. 8 : 601-05 ; Nov. 1906) Favorable to government ownership. Benson, R. The amalgamation of railway companies ; or the alternative of their purchase by the state considered. Lon- don, 1872. 30 p. 8°. H. Bermingham, Thomas. Statistical evidence in favor of state railways in Ireland. Dublin, 1841. HU, NY, UW. Beveridge, Albert J. Canada's government railway ; an experi- ment in public ownership and operation. (American review of reviews, v. 46 : 585-93 ; Nov. 1912) Editorial comment, p. 532. . Supervision, not ownership. (Reader, v. 11:294-305; Feb. 1908) Blackstone, T. B. The danger and wrong of existing legisla- tion concerning railways ; a review of its results ; govern- ment ownership of railways advocated, instead of the present public policy. Chicago, 1890. 39 p. 8°. H. Reprinted from 27th Annual report of the Chicago & Alton railroad, 1889. B. Bobaglia, Marcel. Observations on the accounts of conces- sionary railway companies [in France]. (Bulletin of the International railway congress, v. 26:947- 59; Sept. 1912) ^ Bogle, William R. Railway nationalisation. A paper read at an industrial conference in Glasgow, Feb. 1901. Kingston- upon-Hull, 1901. II p. 8°. B. Bolas, Thomas. Equitable nationalisation of railway property, on a constitutional basis and without departure from exist- ing legal usages; moreover with the very fullest justice for shareholders. London [The Author], 1898. 8 p. 12°. B. Bolland, W. The railways and the nation, problems and pos- sibilities. London [etc.], T. F. Unwin, 1909. 144 p. 12°. (Unwin's sociology series.) B, ICC, JC, LC, UC, UM. Boon, M. J. How to construct free state railway and other national and municipal works of utility, without loans. Lon- don, 1884. 52 p. 12°. NY. Bordeaux, Georges. Notes sur les chemins de fer : la question du rachat. Paris, Aux bureaux de "L'Information financiere" [1904]. 157 p. 8°. B, CU, CornU, JC, LC, UW. Bowerman, C. W. "Nationalization" of railways. (Railroad herald, v. 16:75; April 1912) Reprinted from the London Standard. Bradford, Ernest S. Prussian railway administration. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, v. 29 : 310-22 ; March 1907) Concludes that "Prussia has satisfactorily solved the problem of government ownership." British railways nationalisation : The cost. (Railway news, v. 98:539-41; Aug. 31, 1912) Brooks, Sydney. Aspects of public ownership. (North American review, v. 194: 199-210, 355-66, 541-52, 737-47; V. 195:496-512, 649-64; August to November, 191 1 ; April and May, 1912) Extract reprinted by Bureau of railway economics. Brown, A. A. The government-owned railways of New Zea- land. (Arena, v. 38: 113-17; Aug. 1907) Favorable to government ownership. Brown, C. S. Vesey. The nationalization of railways. The practical workings of state ownership in various countries. (Cassier's magazine, v. 35:288-95; Dec. 1908) Bryan, William Jennings. Government ownership of railroads. To be operated by the state rather than by the Federal government. (Municipal journal and engineer, v. 17: 109-11; Sept. 1904) . Mr. Bryan on government ownership. (Railway age, v. 38: 13S-39; July 29, 1904) Full text of Mr. Bryan's pronouncement on this sub- ject is in the Commoner for July 22, 1904. Editorial comment, p. 133. Burkett, Elmer J. The protest of Americanism against goX'ern- ment ownership of railroads. In The George Washington University Bulletin. Alumni number. June, 1908. Vol, VII, No. 2. 8°. p. 13-30. B, ICC, UW. Canada's government-owned railroads. (Moody's magazine, v. 6: 162-68; Sept. 1908) Car-Skaden, Delos. Do Americc'in railways pay? Decline of rates, foreign traffic charges, government ownership and government supervision. Chicago, 1900. 37 p. nar. 4°. JC, LC, NY. Caruthers, C. H. The first railroad owned and operated by a government [Pennsylvania State]. (Railroad gazette, v. 41: 163-68; Aug. 24, 1906) Cecil, Evelyn. Railway nationalization. (Railway news, v. 97: 1296; June 22, 1912) Chandler, William E. Railroad rate regulation. Legislation constitutional and legal questions not many or difficult. (Green bag, v. 18:9-13; Jan. 1906) Through government ownership $600,000,000 annually will be saved to the people, and to this form of owner- ship "no possible constitutional or legal objection can be stated." Chase, Frederick H. Coal crisis in Alaska: Government- owned railroads and government-leased coal lands the only solution. (Collier's, v. 48: 19-20; Oct. 7, 191 1) . The nation's pot of gold. Need of government rail- roads to harvest Alaska's riches. (Collier's, v. 45:21, 36; Sept. 17, 1910) Chipman, George F. Government ownership in the west. (Canadian magazine, v. 31:487-89; Oct. 1908) Clark, Victor S. Australian economic problems. I. The rail- ways. (Quarterly journal of economics, v. 22: 399-451; May 1908) Clerget, Pierre. La vie economique. La politique de la Suisse en matiere de chemins de fer. (Revue economique internationale, 2. annee, v. 2:372-85; May 15-20, 1905) Cleveland- Stevens, Edward. British railways and state con- trol. (Railway news, v. 95:721; March 25, 1911) Reprinted separately by Bureau of railway economics. Clews, Henry. No government guarantee of bank deposits and no ownership of railroads by the government. An ad- dress delivered at the annual meeting of the American insti- tute of banking, Baltimore chapter, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 13, 1908. [New York? 1908.] 14 p. 8°. B, ICC, LC. Cohn. Gustav. On the nationalisation of railways. London, 1908. NY. Reprinted in Economic journal, v. 18:520-31; Dec. 1908. . Railway policy of Prussia. (Journal of political economy, v. i : 179-92; March 1893) . State railwa3-s and state revenue in Russia. (Economic journal, v. 9:93-100; March 1899) Colson, C. The results of working the railways of the French state from 1909 to 191 1. (Bulletin of the International railway congress, v. 26:575- 88; May 1912) Reprinted in Railway age gazette, May 31, 1912. Criticism of the administration of the nationalized Western of France railway. Cook. William W. A governmental railroad holding company. r (North American review, v. 187:886-97; June 1908) . Industrial democracy or monopoly? A new plan for the public ownership of our railroads. . . . An article printed in McClure's magazine, January, 1912, with appen- dix. [New York? 1912.] 36 p. 8°. B. Cooper, R. A. Free railway travel : a proposal that the state should acquire and maintain the railways, making them free to the public like the highways. London [1891 ?] 31 p. 8°. CU, MIT, NY. Crammond, Edgar. Nationalization of British railways. (Quarterly review, v. 211:333-66; Oct. 1909) Cunningham, W. Should our railways be nationalised? A comparison of British, German, and American systems. [3d ed.] Dunfermline, A. Romanes & son, 1903. 54 p. 8°. B, ICC, LC, UC. . Same. 4th ed., 1906. JC, LC, UP, UW, Y. Curtis, George Ticknor. The ownership of railroad property. (North American review, v. 132:345-55; April 1881) D Davies, Albert Emil. The nationalization of railways. Lon- don, A. and C. Black, 1908. 125 p. 12°. B, CornU, JC, LC, UC, UI, UM. . State purchase of railways: a practicable scheme. London, 1910. 24 p. 8°. LC. Davis, C. Wood. Government ownership of railroads. Should the nation own the railroads? (Arena, v. 4: 152-59 273-92; July-Aug. 1891) Reprinted in Industrial freedom, Boston, 1892, p. 36-63. Davis, John. Public ownership of railroads. . . . [Girard, Kan., 1898.] 96 p. 8°. LC, NY. Deligny, Paul, fetude comparee du droit de rachat dans les concessions de chemins de fer d'interet general. Paris, 1904. 8°. CornU. Dent, F. H. The state acquisition of railways. (Railway news, v. 99:315-16; Feb. 8, 1913) Extract from lecture before the London school of economics. Deubel, Robert. Du rachat des chemins de fer et de ses con- sequences. Paris, C. Beranger, 1903. 147 p., i 1. 8°. B, CU, JC, LC, NY. Considers the arguments which have been advanced for and against government exploitation, and concludes that the state and public interests will gain by the under- taking. Dewsnup, Ernest R. The attitude of the state toward rail- ways ; a discussion of the question of nationalization. In American economic association. Bulletin, 4th ser., no. 2, p, 175-87; April 1911. Reprinted separately by Bureau of railway economics. . The state in relation to railways in the United States. In Acworth, William Mitchell, and others. The State in relation to railways. Westminster, 19x2. Dietler, Hans. The regulation and nationalization of the Swiss railways. A paper submitted to the American academy of political and social science. Philadelphia [1899]. 62 p. 8°. B, ICC, LC, MIT, NY. Translated from the German by B. H. Meyer. Reprinted in American academy of political and social science. Annals, v. 13:143-72 [March, 1899]; 291-322 [May, 1899]. Dixon, Frank H. May join move for ownership by govern- ment. Prof. Dixon, of Dartmouth, makes remarkable state- ment at board of trade luncheon. . (Springfield Daily nevi^s, May 25, 191 1) Dodge, Louis A. Public belt railroad of New Orleans. (American city, v. 5:328-31; Dec. 191 1) Dunn, Samuel O. Some often overlooked points regarding government ownership of railways. Address . . . before the Traffic club of New England at Boston, Mass., Decem- ber 6, 1912. 25 p. 8°. B, ICC. E Edge, W. H. Railway nationalization and the staff. (Railway news, v. 85 : 879-81 ; March 12, 1906) Edwards, Clement. Railway nationalization. With a preface by the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke. London, 1898. 233 p. 12°. (Social questions of today.) B, CornU, CU, HU, ICC, LC (2d ed.), MIT, NY, UC, UI, UW, Y. Edwards, William B. Nationalization of railways. (Nineteenth century, v. 63:501-16; March 1908) Eltzbacher, O. Railways of Germany. (Contemporary review, v. 87: 174-92; Feb. 1905) Compares the railway systems of Great Britain and Germany to the disadvantage of the former. Engineering [Editorial]. The French state railways. (Engineering, v. 86: 180-81; Aug. 7, 1908) State administration not successful. Engineering [Editorial]. Nationalisation of Japanese railways. (Engineering, v. 81:624-25; May 11, 1906) Evans, Arthur M. First railway venture just 75 years ago disastrous to Illinois. (Chicago Record-Herald, Feb. 27, 1912, p. 6) Reprinted under title : "Big railway venture disastrous to state," in Kankakee Gazette, Aug. 31, 1912. Experience of Italy with nationalism. (Nation, v. 54:409-10; June 2, 1892) Federal ownership of railways. Nation, v. 51:205-6; Sept. it, 1890) Ferro, Gustavo V. del. State management of railroads in Italy. (Independent, v. 60:786-88; April 6, 1906) Findlay, George. Irish railways and state purchase. London [1886]. 48 p. UW. Finty, Tom. Future of our railway system. Big corporation lawyer for nationalization, rather than government owner- ship. Has holding company idea. (Galveston [Tex.] news, Jan. 3, 1912) Flower, B. O. Andrew D. White's special plea for private ownership of railroads. (Arena, v. 34: 79-82; July 1905) . Extension of public ownership of railways. (Arena, v. 29:91-92; Jan. 1903) -. New Zealand in the van of progress. (Arena, v. 27:429-32; April 1902) Foote, Allen Ripley. Public ownership v. regulated natural monopolies. Syracuse, N. Y., 1899. 104 p. 12°. ICC. France. Senat. Discussion on the failure of government ope- ration on the Reseau de I'Ouest. In Journal officiel de la Republique franqaise, 43d year, no. 319, Nov. 24, 1911, p. 1405; no. 320, Nov. 25, 1911, p. 1421. Gallagher, Augustine. The carrier crisis ; plain spoken treat- ment of the government ownership of railroads issue — the canal a commercial liberator. Columbus, F. J. Heer, 1907. 91 p. 12°. B, ICC, JC, LC, UI. Gait, William. On the purchase of the railways by the state. (Journal of the society of arts, v. 21 : 591-602; June 20, 1873) Discussion, p. 602-1 r, 645-50, 662-71. . Purchase of the railways by the State. (Fortnightly review, v. 14:557-80; Nov. I, 1873) de Gardony, Charles N. How the continent finances its rail- ways. . (Journal of commerce. May 10, 1911) George, Henr}-. The government railroads of Japan. (Times magazine, Feb. 1907; p. 269-76) German state-owned railways. (Outlook, V. 82:286-87; Feb. 10. 1906) German state railways [Government ownership]. (Coast seamen's journal, April 6, 1910) Gibb, George S. Railway nationalization. Paper read at the quarterly meeting of the Royal economic society, Nov. 10, 1908. 30 p. 8°. B, ICC, JC. Also in the Railway library. Chicago, 1910. p, 238-60. Gibbons, James, Cardinal. Cardinal raps ownership by govern- ment. Fight against Socialism takes another turn when Gibbons makes statement. Trusts are necessary. . . . (Washington Herald, Sept. 4, 1912) Giddings, Franklin H. The railroads and the state. (Chautauquan, v. 10:413-17; Jan. 1890) Believes that railroads in the United States will not be owned by the government. Givens, W. R. Canada's government-owned railroad. (Moody's magazine, v. 6:162-68; Sept. 1908) Glass, Hiram. Railroads : national vs. state control. (American law review, v. 42:848-71; Nov.-Dec. 1907) Gordon, F. G. R. Government ownership of railways. Chi