1617 I 39 UC-NRLF $C 1? TO? GIFT or ^j^hl-^] y-UW^ - f.1AR"30^1915 ;_ Ao Library Bureau of Railway '^ Economics . w ;."/'! List of References on Grade Crossings Railroad gazette [Editorial] Railroad crossing signals. (Railroad gazett e,y .13 : 182-84; Apr. 1,1881) Ra ilroad gazette [E ii to^- ial] The grade crossing and the electric railroad, (Railroad gazett a , v, 25 : 750-51; Oct. 13, 1881) Fontaine continuous rail crossing. (Railroad gazet te, v.23 : 426; Jjne 19,1891) Locke, A. W., J. V . Rollins i F. H. Sncw. Abolition of grade crossings between railroads and >-ighways. (Association of en.^ineering socisties, I'av 1695, p. 422-46) Webber , William . Modern problem of grade crossings. (Engineering magaz in e , June 1895 ,p .1034-50) Distinguishes five methods of grade separation and gives Photographs to illus+rate the same. Considers elevation , vs depression, masonn' vs. iron bri iges and costs of grade separation. Protecting of level crossings. (Engineerir^ , Feb. 5, 1897) Crossing protection between electric and steam railways. (Railway rev i ew, v.37 : 176; far .27 , 1897) Extract from repo^-t of the Commissioners of Massachusetts, showing dangerous conditions and suggested remedies, Locke, Franklin R. Railway crossings in Europe and America. (Century magaz ine.v. 34: 92-107; May 1898) Railwav and engineering review [Editorial] Steam and electric railway crossings. (Rdil\ftav and engineering review, v. 38 : 535; Sept. 24, 1898) Based urjon accident at Cohoes, N.J., showing the importance of adeetuate protect ion and suggests int erloc ''ing with derails. Mordecai, Augustus. Grade crossings. (Association of enginsering eocietias journal, Dec. 1899) Brief discussion of the ri -J/ + s of parties interested and the justice each should be awarded , 43819.1 t "t I 06^ I <=> Grade crossings-2) GENERAL (cont.) Cross ing-e of steam and electric railways. Heport of the A.R,E,& M.of W.association, ralating t«3 the safsty of highway surface crossings of railways. (street railway review, Apr. 15, 1901) Abolition of railroad crossings at grade, (Municipal engineering, Aug. 1901: 60-66) National association of railway commissioners. Report of the committee on grade crossings and treapassing on rai Iro ad s, (in its Proceedings, 1901-date) Zueblin, Charles. Abolition of grade crossings. (Municipal affairs, v«5: 817-28; 1902) Baker, W. N. Elimination of grade crossings. (Municip-al engineer and sanitatiofti. 1902; 29*32) Barnes, Charles R. Steam and electric railway crossings, (street railway journal, Oct, 17,1903) Eiscusses grade crossing accidents and the best protection when ■|he crossing is at grade. Grade crossing protection between steam and electric railway, (Railway age, v, 37: 187*88; Feb, 5, 1904) Describes the means of protection adopted by the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey. Loree, L. F. The grade crossing problem, (Roadmaster and foreman, May 1900: 10) l.S. Interstate commerce c-ammission. Statistics of elimination of grade crossings in the various, states. 1908, North central association of railroad commissioners. Report of committee on grade crossings and en trespassing on railroads, with compilation of statutes thereon, 1906. (in its Proceedings, p»12-86) Tratman, Edward E. R. Railway track and track work. New York, 1908, Grade crossings, p, 154-62, Chidsey,, A. D. , jr. Grade crossing elimination. (Engineering news, Apr ,1 , 1909) Gives tabular statement of the status of grade crossing elimination in states and cities, conipiled by the Inter- state cOiu-ierce commission. Pfeifer, H, J. Grade crossings^ (St. Louis railway club, Proceedings, May 14,1909, p. 12-28) Considers forms of structure required in elimination of grade crossings, elements of cost and apportionment of cost. Followed by discussions by various engineers. New York. Public service commission. First district. Review of grade crossing elimination; d igea-t and b ib li ograchv . Report to c#mmi s sicners by Robert H. Whitten, ... 1910, I ■■: i. . ' ,«:"': inborn nt.-:iTt '» r .-'iviXcfA .trtltic to*!-:.' .tn ■:■';■ tf 7 . .f :,,::,,:-) X #,..•■. 3 \-:(.ti ;f: »■ 'i .••O'U . r-:.:.n:'»T : ;^'i-S:i,' - V :c 'iL'ti-. .-'," iv.--. i .-..n: A . "■. r:hl, ■' h vi "^ :•:.■•'•: ii; Grade crossings-3) GENERAL (cont.) Breithaupt, W. H. G6ade separation, (Canadian engineer, May 13,1910) Clearance and grade requirements for carrying highways over or under railway lines., (Engineering news, Julv 21,1910/ Extract of paper before Canadian society of civil engines* 3, Mar „ 18 , J910 , Same in Engineering-contracting, Aug, 17, 1910. Some problems of grade crossing elimination, (Municipal engineering, Aug. 1910) Grade revision and termina.l v/ork on the Chicago great western. (Railway age gazette, v. 50 : 1108-11; May 12,1911) Whitten", Robert H. Methods of railway and street grade separation in cities, (Engineering and contracting, Oct .,25 , 1911) Treacher, E. The construction of crossi-^gs, (Permanent way institution, journal, Dec, 1911: 439) Tyrrell, Henry Grattan. Grade elimination and bridges,. (Canadian engineer, May 23,1912) Describes methods of track elevation and bridges. Grade crossing question. (Municipal engineering, July 1912) Summary of court decisions. Himes, Albert J, Elimination of gr^de crossings, (Cleveland engineering society, journal, v,5: 149-55; Nov, 1912) Hoffmann, Robert. Railway grade crossing elimination, viewed from the cfty's standpoint . (Cleveland engineering society, journal, v,5: 145*48; Nov, 1912) Striebinger, Frederic William, Embellishment of railroad crossings, (Cleveland engineering society, journal, v,5: 161-66; Nov#1912) Tinker, George K. Grade elimination and railroad bridges. (Cleveland engineering society , j ournal, v. 5 5l56-60;Nov, 1912) B Foz , Edward Lyoll. Vou and grade crossings, showing how railroad grade crossings endanger y-.ur life every time you walk or drive across a railroad and what is being done about it. (Pearson's magaz ine, v.28 : 101-07; Nov. 1912) B,LC,NY. Independent [Editorial] Railroad crossings at grade. (Independent, V. 74: 73-74; Jan. 9, 1913) B,LC,NY. St, Louis public librarv. Grade crossing elimination in American cities, (In its monthly bul letin , July 1913, p, 157-74, ' Reprinted in Railway and engineering rsvi ew, v,53 :1148-50 ; Dec. 13, 19 13. Editorial cjnment, p. 1152, Scientific American [Editorial] The grade-crossing scandal. (Scientific American, v. 109 : 62; Julv 26,1913) B. { ■' -■ (- r-riro/ ''::^■:f^ (:. i ;.ii,-; "f ^i ' f:r ";;^':r > :; ; ^•,- , r . ■• >■;•;£ '^ fl 'ir i ' ^ T • r.* ■ f * « ' ■ (^ . , r ■ « »'-->-. ''" " ' ■''''^''^-^--^ ''■^'> ■:S^i'^uo^il■■a^■ tre £ •;• ■ •'■ f J. i-^^::i -iV,/ t;, ■...,;-,,-:] » nj;,. ;, -• ''B.l .■!:'- air::: ■'■ "^--^'.T ^^f, JSt-jc x-r :t: U-C-^L. * v+ i s .'.!;.• oK T- f -■«■■ ,-,.,., . . fli ■■. T-. ! ^ .- + F, V • 'H.ri-r fnr » /.:.:ri^ ■'' •'■ '■• .^ ■■■'•■■■ "^i' -(-^ ).a-.l '■■ ■■■,) •"■••*''"• ^•'" '^•"I'f.anc i .1.1 -. G;..f- vr- r> *' " . X :;'Oi*f ■ u- >: .-J I •■i'i-' ('".■ :. M' tr^v: ■: ,x ■ X :--.■■•.■ ' 1 '•■ , """■■■ i.:f ■. [-.:• •. 7 i; ( •.' ■ Grade crossings- 4) GENERAL (cont.) Journal of commerce [Editorial] Unguarded railroad crossings. (Journal of commerce, Aug, 7, 1913, p. 4, col. 3) B, Whiting, Frank V. Stop, look, listen. (Outlook, V. 104: 927-33; Aug, 23, 1913) B,LC,KY. Grade crossings and automobiles. (Railway age gazette, v, 55; 360-62; Aug. 29, 1913) Earle, W. C. Grade crossing accidents predominate. (Public service regulat i on , v.2 : 601; Nov,l?13) B. Grade separation law and requirements. Abstract of 27 state laws and discussion of practice... (Railway age gazette, v. 55 : 1118-21; Dec. 12, 1913) Railway age gazette [Editorial] Grade separation laws, (Railway age gazette , v. 55 : 1109-10; Dec, 12, 1913) Oscillating grade crossing signal. (World's work, V. 27: 475; Feb. 1914) B.LC^NY. Arnold, Bion J, City transportation - subways and railroad terminals. (Western society of engineers, journal, v. 19: 325-68; Apr. 1914) Railway age gazette [Editorial] Carelessness as a cause of grade crossing accidents, (Railway age gazette , v.56 : 974-75; Kay 1,1914) Estep, «. C. The cost of grade separation. (Railv/ay age gazette, v, 56 : 1532-33; JwiO 19,1914) Hansel, C, Protection of grade crossing of st-am railroads with electric railways, n.d. MIT. ir'l] e-:-; » . .. ■f '■:.l J: ^i. L.f. ti . *. (^ . . .J. . .■ t J- ' ' L^A'^'^V■-\i^i^ ■ : :. / , Grade crossings-S) ALABAlvIft Birmingham. Aylett, Philip. Track depression of the Seaboard Air Line railway at Birmingham, Ala, (Engineering news ,v-60: 351-54; Oct„l,1908) CALIFORNIA California, Board of railroad commissioners. Suggestion that board should have right to regulate speed of trains at crossings, and to compel erection of bells at same. . . iln its biennial report, 1895/6" 57) Los Angeles Los Angeles. Board of public utilities. Elimination of grade crossings. (In its Annual report, 1910: 128-37) CONNECTICUT Hartf ord Hartford, Department of engineering. Grade crossings, (in its Annual report, 1908) DELAWARE Delaware. Legiislature. House. Report of committee on private c ofiporati ons relati^ to placing gates at highway crossings of railroads. (House journal, Jan. 1885: 697-98) Wilmington Righter, H. S. Elevating tracks of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington railroad through Wilmington , Del, (Engineers club of Philadelphia, Proceedings, Oct .1908:331-37) ILLINOIS Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Circular addressed under date of Aug .10, 1871 to several county surveyors of the state, relative to carrying out provisions of act in force Mar. 31, 1869, concerning railroad crossings. (in its First annual report, 1870/l: 168) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse conunission. The crossing law of 1889, (In its Annual report, 1883/9: 16) •Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Interlocking and derailing devices; rules adopted by commis- sion; plan and construction of interlocking and derailing devices to be used at grade- cross ings of intersecting lines of railroads in Illinois must be arranged to comply with certain rules, (in its Annual reports, 1888/9-1890) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Crossings and equipments; statement of crossings equipped with interlocking and signaling devices, (in its Annual report, 1889-90: 16-18) Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc-. Crossings and drawbridges; act to amend sec.l of act relative to dangers incident to railroad trossings on same level, approved June 3,1887, (In Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission, Annual report, 1890/l: 195) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Rules of practice in crossing and interlocking cases, (in its Annual reports, 1893/1-date) - r. ■ -&■. "< .' n. ..; '.. i t. •J:r . r^-r . . ^ X. (•'f.~ i :j (e^^i v^ . ,-. I .' '* ■, 1 -. t 1-: > r ■ ■i. J. ■fcr' I r,- ./,?.: ■ I " J iAo r r: £■ ■J J • • 1 :Ari. .:) / .,.\ ■1 J- / fi;: ■?■■;.; • (^■'^^I-v\ •■■.^: .-^» ' • -fi t!i ■ .T.; J ■. J. - . . - \ Grade crossing3"6) ILLINOIS (cont.) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Letter concerning protection of crassings on the Lake Erie and western railway. (in ita Annual report, 1891/2: 310-11) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Table showing crossings equipped with interlocking and signal-; ing devices. (In its Annual reports, 1891/2-1897/8) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Railroad rrap of Illinois, with list of crossings equipped with interlocking and signaling devices approved by the commission, (in its Annual report, 1893/4) Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Interlocking devices; insta^llat ion of .,. for protection of trains at railway crossings. (In its Annual reports, 1893/4-1895) Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission, Grossing petitions filed by railroads. (in its Annual report, 1896/7} vii*viii) ^llinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Street railroad crossings, (In its Annual reports, 1896/7-1897/8) Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commisgion. For legislation relative to railroad' crossings. (In its Annual report, 1897/8: xii) Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Whenever a nev/ highway crossing is to be constructed across a railroad, law should provide that a railroad commission deter- mine the manner, mode and pla<:e of such crossing. (in its Annual report, 1897/8: xi) Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Statement of interlocking devices at crossings, junctions and drawbridges on account of which permits have been issued by commission up to December 1st, (In its Annual reports, 1898/9-date) »»- Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Grade highway crossings; recommendation, (jn its Annual report, 190o/l: 4) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. State supervision of both electric and steam rocids relative to indiscriminate construction of grade crossings, recommended by engineer. (in its Annual report, 1902/3: 45) Illinois, Attorney general. Opinion: power of railroad and warehouse commission over cross- ings in and out of cities, (in his Biennial report, 1903/4: 413-25, See also Railroad and warehouse commission, annual report, 1903/4: 2 7-3 6. State and railroad officials to unite against crossing accidents. (Railway record, v. 5: Oct, 11, 1913: 1,5) B. .? •-. --T a i:r! ■••^r ;, o 'JMjn,t ..:!\ ■> .-I-.:\ !.(?■:,„ , ?: •'•r>q;.'; ; V." ; i ; ■ 1 ^i) (^i£?3X t.:'jo:u)-r li-iiinnA c'i ,--i) .1.1 !0 n-' > ■ (^ ■>♦■ '■, ,r\ :■•(■■ I .1-liy >"a" + .-. -+."> (Hx ::r;Vs»e';X ,*^^::'1:T l^:.-'n\ ^- I ::l": rxn: 'f ■.-■• -* .■- ocii^r (ix: :8\??BX .t'r^,y%.r ? : ■ rt/vA "*i ^I' r; :•■.;■■ -^.cn^^ic. ■•. ;:.•:!;';;■ .•' ' ,■;; I" 1 '(X i. 1'.' ' : .c r I ■■fc. : I't-i'/ei' r; :?i :i:,rf -rot :' i :c tr"5i^;!? ts I! * ■ ,;-H- ■■ ■;■■'^ '5^ ■■;.; -r* ir :; i • 'f;^;if.'.0\e-:-3X ,■ rott-'^-i:::- :?? o- Tli, :il..-l , ::oi ',i:.'.::'. .viitvo:--. 1 ; \ . i.-- ■:;vr. :■• i;"* i^fci: .if ,r (^ iX^v^lM .r-; :,,:,.; X.,u4ix\ ::t; M) ^r.- ILll (2f :^\5o?i ,t'.-^.,- :;.ja;.A i^r.;' Grade crossings-?) ILLINOIS (cent.) Alton Illinois. Railroad and warehouse c omrr;is3ion . Petition to determine place and manner of crossings in the city of Alton; The CLicago (?: Alton railroad cornf.anv, p etit ionerw, vs. Alton railv/ay and ill'jminating conpani', respondents, (In its Annual report, 1895/5: 34?-46) Areola. Illinois. Railroad, and warehouse commission. Petition for order for interlocking plant at Areola, by Illinois cfentral railroad company and Terre Kaute and Indiana- polis railroad company, (in its Annual report. 1898/9: xxxiii) Belleville. Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Southern railv/ay compani' vs. Louisville and Nashville railroad company; petition for protection of crossing near Belleville. (in its Annual 'report, 1903/4: 25-25) Carlinville. Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Complaint re right of St. Louis c: Springfield railway company' to cross right of way and railroad main tracks of Chicago &, Alton railroad company* by means of a subv;ay or undercrosaing, at Carlinville, 111. (In its Annual report, 1903/4: 22-23) Casen . Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Petition for crossing at Casen; St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute railroad company vs. Indianapolis, Decatur and western railway/ company. (in its Annual report, 1898/9: xxviii) Chicago Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission. Petition to determine place of crossing; the Chicago, Madison & Northern railroad company, petitioner vs. Belt railway com- pany of Chicago and Chicago fc western Indiana railroad coiTipany, respondents. (In its Annual report, 1888/9: 166-95) Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. .Petition to determine place and mode of crossing; the Chicago, Madison & northern railroad co.npany, petitioners, vs. the Chicago &. vestern Indiana railroad company, and Pittsburgh, Fort Wai/ne & Chicago railwa}?- company, respondents. (In its Annual report, 1889/90: 241-47) Some railroad crossint^s at Chicago, [with map] (Railroad gazette, v. 23 : 262f Apr. 24, 1891) Chicago terminal commission. Reports, Fay 12 and July 11, 1892. Contains a discussion of right of cit" to comoel tre^ck elevation at the expense of the companies. Chicago grade crossing question. ^Engineer ing news, July 21,1892) ^ Traok elevation Chicago <"-- nort.hv/estern railwa'"- in Chicago. (Engineering news , Aug.E0,16£6) Chicago. Ordinances Railroads, track elevation. (In C'icajo, Special crdindiices, 1898: v,2: 740-846) ILLINOIS (cent.) Ci'icapo (cont.) Evans, Louis H . Track eleva-^.ion of the Chicago '/- northvest ern railv«ay. (Viiestern society of- engineers, journal, Oct.1'^^98: ] 227-68) Coverdale, W. K. Track elevation of the Pit hsbu-rh , Fort V-ayne ^ Chicago railway. (Western society of engineers ,' j ournal, Deo.lc'JS: 1341-§8) Illinois. Railroad- and warehouse c OL-^nissi on. Statement pertaining to elovaticn and depression of steam rail- roads in Chicago. (in its Annual report, 1898/9: xliii-x].iv; Chicago, D3partment of tr^ck el.evation. Annual reports, 1903- C hie ago. Department of public works. Annual -reports , 1903- These reports contain an account of the work of track ele- vation costing ^'55,000,000 which is being carried on en- tirely at the expense of the railroad coiripanies in compliance with city ordinances. Track elevation of the Chicago cl v/estsrn Indiana through the city of Chicago , (Railway age, v, 39: 307-94; I'ar .2 4, 1905) Track elevation on the Chic3.go t northwestern railway in Chicago. (Engineering news , Sept, 7, 1905) Kinzie street elevation of the Chicago 4 northwestern, Chicago. (Railroad gazette , v, 39 : 442-45; Hov .10 , i:-05) C'-ica.-:o. City council. Two ordinances for the elev'ition of the tracks of csrtain rail- road companies in Chicago, Pa333d June P.5,1906, Sept. 3, 1907, •(In its Proceedings, 1906: 1006-43; 1907: 1466-1515) Sample track elevation ordinance. Entire cost of elevation borne by the r (Engineering-contracting, Oct. 5, 1910) Chicago, Track elevation department. Track elevation within the corporate limits of th 3 cit-- of Chicacro. Januarv 1.1Q09 +.0 Juno "^r loii r;-- ; r. , r^ tc. -ii Grade crossinrs-^) ILLINOIS (contj C h i c ag ( c nt . ) Ford, R. H, Track slevation in Chicago. (Rock Island employes magazine, v.S : Aug, 1914: 14-22) B. Cohokia. / Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Petition to detemine place of crossing at Cohokia, 111; the Belleville city rail'Aiay company, petitioner vs. the Louis- ville, Evansville & St. Louis consolidated railroad company, respondents . (In its Annual report, 1693/4: 306-09) TTi • ■ n • T J 5^3 Plaines Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Chicago & northwestern railway,' coiripany, petitioners, vs. Wisconsin -rftisifral railway company, respondent; complaint before board o-f commi ssionors relative to protection by interlocking of crossing of tracks of petitioners by respondent at Des Plaines* (In its Annual report, 19 03/4: 24) Evanston Evanston. Ordinances. Railway -rade crossings ordinances for Evanston, 111. 1905, 1907, 1909. Grei f snhagen , E, 0. Evanston track elevation, Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul rai Iway. (Engineering record, Jan.22;29; Feb. 5, 1910; pp, 101-03; 123-25; 160-. 62) Freeport. . Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Complaint before commission. Chicago, Milwaukee 8: St. Paul railway company vs. A. P. & A. J, Goddard and the Freeport General electric company; crossing case. (In its Annual report, 1900 /l; 18-21) Green Valley. ' Ji^Jlnois. Railroad and warehouse commission. ■ ■ " ':Petiti on to cross at grade at Green Valley - St. Louis, Peoria & northsfrn railway company vs. Peoria, Decatur9& Evansville railroad companv. (j-n its Annual report, 1897/8: 172-75) Illinois, Railroad and warehouse commission, St..Louis, Peoria & northern railway company vs. Peoria, Decatur* & Evansville railway company - petition to cross at grade at Green Valley, (in its Annual report, 1897/8: 194-95) Hawthorne Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. The Chicago & Alton railroad oompany vs. the Chicago & western Indiana railroad company, the Belt railway sompany of Chicago lessee, and the Atchison, Tcpeka & Santa Fe railroad company. - Petition no.l - pi'otection Sf crossing near Kawthorne; order of the commission. (In its Annual report, 189l/2: 252-57) Also separately printed, 11 p. Jacksonville Illinois. Railroad and warehouse commission. Protection of crossing; the O^icago, Peoria Grade crossings- 14) KASS/CHUFE^TS -(cont .) Locke, Augustus W. , and others. ^ Report of an investigation into the subject of the gradual ajo!...!- tion of the crossings of highwaj^s by railroads at grade.., Jan. 31,1889. Boston, 1889. 76 p. 8"=' ' (House No .75) B,1.JIT, Massachusetts. Railroad commissioners. Consolidated draft of statutes which relate to separation of grades at existing grade crossings, (in their Annual roport, 1B89: 137-41) ( Massachusetts, Railroad commission. Special report on grade crossings, 1889. p, 58-85 Massachusetts, Governor. Demand for immediate action on questions involved in reports of railroad commissioners' special commission relative to grade crossings. (in his Annual message, Jan. 1890: 30) Massachusetts, Rail^-oad commissioners. Table showing s+atistics of crossings of steam railroads by stiee. ra i 1 way s . (in their Annual report, 1891: 35) Massachusetts. Attorney general. Schedule of petitions for abolition of grade crossings under statutes of 1890, ch. 428, arranged by companies» (in his Annual report?, 1891'date) Massachusetts. Railroad commissioners. Abolition of grade crossings^ (in their Annual rep.ort, 1892: 40-45) Massachusetts. Legislature, House, Hearing before the street railway committee [on House bill no. 89 re electric rail^-'ays crossing steam railroads at grade] Feb^S?-- Mar.21,1893. 4 parts. 4*' Typewritten, MassSL Stenographic report, Locke, A. W. , J, W. Rollins and F. K. Snow. Abolition of grade crossings between railroads and highways. (Association of engineering societies, journal. May 1895: 422-35) Massachusetts, Rai'lroad comriissioners. Private grade crossings, (in their Annual repor^t, 1896: 48-49) Massachusetts, Railroad commissioners. -Report under ch.105, resolves of 1900, on grade crossings„ (in their Annual report, 1900: 86-90) Massachusetts, Railroad commissioners. Report of board of railroad commis:;i oners on investigation of street railv'ay companies paj'ing proportion of cost of abolition of grade crossings in certain casea^, 6 p. ^ (Mass. House, doc. 135; 1901) Mas sac-hu setts. Governor, Suggestion that interests on bonds of Boston ^v I'aine railroad company be transferred to abolition of grade crossing loan sirk- ing fund, rather than to school fund, (in his -Annual message, Jan. 1901: 10) Massachusetts. Governor, Act of 1890 for abolition of grade crossings ceased to be ope--:. ■ tive; recommended that further operation of act be secured by /,&': appropriation with annual allowances, (in his Annual message, 1902: 12-13) r--,--. :l3 C rr;3 2X iigs-15; ■//'SSACKUoFrTS (c i-^t,) ^ ^ . « Iv'as sac hu 3 e'^. t :^ , Go verno r . Re the applicat ior> of ih^ contribution on the part of atreet rail- ways fcr cos ^- of abolition of grade crossings. -^ (in his Annual message, 1902: i4-15) Turner, Edmund K. AlDclition of grade crossin^^s in I'assachusetts , (Association of eng i-.eering societies, journal, Nov«190'^: 1S9-97) DeGoosh, Arthur W» Table of expenditures for the abolition of grade crossings in Massachusetts, from the enactment of st. 1890, c .428, to }-^ar.8 , 1904 , [n. p., 1904] 7 p. tables. LC , Blakemcre, Arthur 1"'. The abolition of grade crossings in Massachusetts. Boston, 1905, 75 p. 8" MIT,M9chL. Massachusetts. Highway c omrni ssicn , Grade crossings, ' (In its A:rnual report, 1909: it5-26) Massachuse+ts. Attorney general. Table of expenditures for the abolition oh grade crossings to nov.30,1909. {ta his Annual report, 1909) i/iassachus etta. Railroad comirasaicn, _ Abr-lition of grade crossings. (In its Annual report, 1909: 57-60) Statistics of accidents at grade cross i".gs in l/ja3se(.chusett3 , (Boston Sunday herald, Aug, 14, 1910) Massachusetts, Railroad commission. Report, ..on the advisability of changing the present basis of the apportionment of the cost of abolishing grade crossings. [Boston, 1913] 54 p. 8® (House No.1S7B) B,StT,PL. Boston Report on report of commissioners appointed to cons id sr expediencv of obviating crossings of Boston f: Lowell railroad corporation, Fitchburg railroad c ompany , ^Boston c°: Maine railroad companv, ard Eastern railroad co.npanv, and allov/ing them to cross Causaqsy strest in Boston. (lias's. Sen , Doc. 179 , 1855) 3 p. Boston. City engineer. Report on changi^^.g the locations of the Eastern and Boston f. Albany railroads, in Fast Boston. (City doc. 86, 1874) 13 p. >, Massachusetts. Railrcad commissioners. Special report under ch.47, resolves of 1882, on grade crossi'^gs of railroc^ds on northarly side -of Boston, (in their Annual report-., 1882; 49-52) Rollins, Jamas W, Abolition of grade cross in :,3 on the Proviiancs division of the Old Colony railroad in Boston. (Association of engineering societies, journal, May 1895: 447-60) Massachusetts. Railroad commissioners. Amount paid b^^- stato for abolitjcn cf grade crossing on Boston c; Providence railroad in the cit-' of T.^ston, ('.n their Annual reco-t, 15^-': 40) I^levaticn of the Nov; Yo rh , Nav Taven C. Hartford Railroad at Bostcn,^'as:' (Engi'-ee-'ing ne'vs, Jan- 14,1897, p. 18- 20) rastinrts, Lewis M, Report on abolition of -ijl-r " c-ossin-.s a-^ -■-''.e, C j..-ih 'i ''. r * . Mar, 5. 1901. 48 p / yA?.n^:-'"'^\-rs ;co-it.) (Boston, c 0:.t .) Tattle, Arthur P. Abolitior: of grctde- crossings on the Providence divisiori of ths New York, Nov? Harsn t Hai-tford railroad, between Boston and Dedhara, (A33oci.iti on of angireering societies, journal, Nov. 1901: 163~&9) Abolition of grade crossings of t'.e Boston f: Mains and Boston t; Albany railroads in East Boston, I'ass. Superior court, Feb.ll,19D5, " 28 p. Boston, Engineer in •? department. East Boston grade crossings, (in its Annual -eport, 1908-09: 56-65) ' Brockton. ■ Stow, F, H. - Abolition of grade crossings in the city of Brockton. (Association of enginersr ing 'soc iet ies , journal, May 1895: 438-45) 'Track elevation 5.t Brockton, I'/ass. \ (Engineer ing news, Iv',a.r.25 , 1897) Cariib ridge ".sport and findings of special commission appointed by Superior court of I'assachufrett s in matter of alterations of grade crossir.g at Prison Point street in Canbridge so as to avoid a crossing at grade. Filed liar .29 , 18 99 . 14 p. MassSI, . Lynn Tjeland , Geor^;e L, Pep'ort on abolition of railroad crossings at grade, citv of Lyhn, Nov, 1,1901. 42 p. Report of coniijission abolishing grade crossings of the Boston C. Maine railroad in the city of Lynn. June 10,1903. 31 p. T- , . , o • Maiden Massachusetts, Superior court. In equity. Directors of Boston u Maine rail-oad, petitioners, 'or alteration in grade crossing of certain higbjyays in ait;,'- r.{ I'a.ldfrn called Ivledford street, Adams street, and Charles stre^jt, and Boston f- Maine i-ailroid. vreste'^n division. Decision ^f comrriu- aion on aboliticji of grade crossings, 24 p. 4° MassSL. Middleborough Old Cclo^.y S: Fall River railroad coi-pany. Ramons i-rance against petition of L'iiddleb or ough & Taunton railroad corpora+ion to cross their railroad near liiddl eborough so as to unite v.-ith railroad of Cape Cod railroad. (Mass, House doc,4; 1858) 3 p. Katick r>.eport relative to railway crossing and passenger station at Natick. (Mass.Kcuso doc. 372; 1674) 4 p . "^ New Bedford Fouquet, John D. P-epc:rt on grade crossings in Mew Bedford. Dec. 1893. 14 p, N=v.r Bedford, City council. Petition for an order by the court appointing a comaissicn for the eliniination of the grade crossings in the citv of Nev' Bedford. 1395, 8 p. ■ '"epo'-t of c;>fflmi 3 3 ioneT-3 appointed by Superior court upon petition of cit" of Nav Bedford fnr the abolition of grids crossings in saM. citv. 1903. 40 r . Grade crossings- 17) liASPACF^S^T'^r.^ (cent .) New Bedford (co-it ) Mayor and aldermen of Maw Bedford, potit icners for the altsiT.ti-n oi grad 3 crossings in Nsv/ Bedford. D3cision and repo.-t of coi.iffiis- sione^s. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Superior court, 1906. 36 p . New Bedford, Engineering department. See its Annual reports, 1907-date. Williams, William F. Abolition of grade crossings in + he city of New Bidford. (Association of engineering societies, jourrcal, Julj' 1908) N e^rt on No^^es, Albert F,, Charles A. Allen and George S. Price, Report of special commission on the separation of grade crossings of the Boston & Alban3' railroad. Boston, 1892. 4b p , 8° ICC.KY, Newton. City engineer.- Grade crossiigs. (In 6is Annual- report, 1898: 48-80) Preliminary report of Mar, 21, 1898 and final report of Sept. 21,1893 of Citv engineer H,D. Woods, relative to the separa- tion of all grade crossings of steam railroads on the south side of the city of Ne'v^-ton, « Farnham, Irving T,, William Parker, and W. G. S, Chamberlain Abolition of grade crossings on the main line of the Boston & Albanj'' railroad in Newton, Mass, (Association of engineering societies, journal, Aug.l89S: 37-67) Newton, Cit;^ engineer. See hi§ Annual reports, 1905-date, Witney, Walter C. Grade crossing abolition at Ke'^rfcon Highlands and Ulewton Centre.. (Engineering record, Nov. 30, 1907) Rcixburj?- Massachusetts. Attorney general. Opinion on proceedings taken to abolish grade crossings on I'.^jS of Providence division of Old Colony railnjad in Roxbury. (Mass. Sen. doc. 11; 1C94) 2 p. Somerville Scmerville. City engineer. See his Annual reports, 1906-daie. Walt ham Brewer, Bertram, Beport on the abolition of grade crossings on the Fitchburg rail- road, 1897, 23 & 6 p. Waltham, Cit3' engineer and Superintendent of sev;ers. See his Annual report, 1904, 29 p. W'orc ester , Massachusetts. Legislature. Committee on railv^-a-'s. Hearing on removal of railroad tracks in Worcester. I'^'orc ester, Snov; brothers, 1871, 173 p. 8° ICC V'orcester. Citizens, [Remonstrance against le;;:i slati on designed for removal of railruri Stat ion (Bo St 0.1 C: Albany) J Worcester, Feb .25 , IS'^l , 1 p. B, Perort on abolition of grade crossings in city of Vro-'cester. V'orcester, 1892. HU. orcester, Couimission of abolition of grade crossings. Report, ,. Mar. 1809. V'orcester, 1899, 53 p, 8° B. Final report.., [Worcester, 1899] B. Grade crosai np,s-18) l/AS r-AC HU,SE?TS " ( c o nt J ^Worcester (cont,) Massachusetts. Laws, statutes, etc. Act relative to the abolition of cei'tain grade crossings in the citjr of Worcester, (Massachusetts, Acts of 1900.) 2 p. Worcester, City solicitor. Brief history of the grade crossing abolition in Worcester from 1890 to 190', by Arthur P. Ru^i^, city solicitor. Feb,2,1906„ [Worcester? 1906] 28 p. 8° B,LC,WorcPL. Breed, Charles B , Proposed elirr.inciti on of grade crossings at V'orcester, Mass, (Railroad gazette, v. 44: 353-62; Mar. 13, 1906) Detailed account giving plans for proposed Worcaster station. Oilman, C. H, Grade crossing elimination in V/orcester, (Engineering record, v. 60: 489-90j Oct. 30, 1909) MICHIGAN Michigan. Board of health. An alleged dangerous railway crossing at Raisin center. The danger throughout Michigem at grade crossings of railroads. (in its Annual report, 1891: Ixxxi i-lxxxv) Reprinted separately. B. Detroit. Detroit grade separation agreement: Report of coiimittee, June 1903.13 p MISSOURI St .Lcui s St. Louis, Engineer board. Report to CitLzens' committee, on lowering track of Hissouri Pacific railroad, and connociirrg all commercial outlets of St, Louis. June 1, 1874. Henry Flad , J .Blic kensderf er, John Rogers, C.S.Sraith. 52p. Submits comprehensive plans and estimates for reconstruction of railway terminals and abolition of crossings at grade, Gayler, Carl. Grade crossing problems in St, Louis, (A?;sociat ion of engineering societies, journal, Jul-'f 1905: 34- 5i-) StLPL, St. Louis, Municipal Bridge and terminal commission. See its Annual report, 1905, St.Louis, City council. Ordinances relating to the Municipal bridge and terminals commis- sion. (In the Journal of the Council, 1908) NEBRASKA Omaha Regulation of railroad cross irg. [Note to Missouri Pacific Ry.Cc.v;?, City of Omaha, 197 Fed. 516] (Harvard law review, Dec. 1912, p. 169-70) NEW JERSEY Pennsylvania railroad compajiy. For the information of the public. Broadside, Philadelphia, Mar. 12, 1913. Statement of President Rea rela-tive to the grade crossing la// in New Jersey, B. Bast Orange Whinery, Samuel. Report on the proposed grade alterations of the Delaware, Lackawaiir^ f: western railroad through the city of East Orange. 1906. 31 p. ¥> ■* y-x - :. : A' ^ C-rai'^ crof3ing3-19) ITT-"? 'ERfei^T (con-"- ,) Newark Newa.rk, Board of 3 1 foot and water cor.irris s ioneTS . Agre3rn:nts for elimination of grade crossinps on th^ ?3nn3/J- vania and the Lackawanna railroads in Newark, ",J, 1900-0], 3 ally, Clarence H, Track elevation in Nev;ark, I4.J. (Railroad gazette, v. 34: 297-98; Apr. 25, 1902) Nevark inproveiriSnts of the Lackawanna railroad, (Engineering record, Dec. 2 5, 1903: 805-08) Newark. Corarnon council. Opinions. . .relative to th3 contracts for olevat'on and ^erression cf tracks between the city of Kev;d.rk and the railroad companies. 1905. 23 K. Ne'wark, Common council. ^ Investigation of the Delaware, Lackawanna & we-'^ + e^'n railroad co-t>- panj' contract for t#ack elevation. 1905. 51 p. KF.V YORK Ne'^' York. Railroad cornni 33 ioners , Table showing crossings at grade, gates, flagmen, accidents,. suits, damages, etc, (in thiir Annual »'eport, If B3 , v.l: 31-3 5) New York, Railroad c oinrni 33 i oners , Crossings at grade: petitions, corrplaints, recommendations, eto , (In their Annual reports, 1883-1889; lS92-dats) Nev/ York, Attorney general. Liability of stats to contribute to expanse of changing exiati-'.g grade crossing under sec. 62, railroad lav.-; opinion of attorr.e^- general, (In his Annual report, 1892: 147-50) Eew York. Railroad commissioners. Proposed grade crossing bill, (in their Annual report, 1894: v.l: xxix-xxxvi i i) Nev; York. Laws, statutes, etc. Acft. to amend article 2 of railroad law relative to grade crossir;j (in Railroad commissioners. Annual report, 1895, v.l: 322-26) New York, Railroad commissioners. Application of railroad for approval of highway crossing signs in accordance with sec. 50 of railroad laws, (In their Annual report., 1895, v.l: 128) New York, Railroad commissioners. Complaints ■'"ela.tive to railroad highwav and farm crossings, (In .their Annual re-^o-t, 1897: v.l: 39-5 0) New York, Railroad commissioners. Table showing how crossing at grade, over and under grade of ste.-.. roads of 3^te are divided between several '•ailroads of state r.n^ hov/ '.rot acted , (in' Their /^nnual -eport, 1897: v.l: xxvi-xxviii^ '-' ;w Yor; . ' . -^.^.d c .:T..ii3iion3r3, Inquiries c.3 to cro3^i'^:3, (in their Annual '-e-.^.i-ts, 1897-1898) ' J •3-L ■ + tutd^, etc. '■"-:■ crossl'^g l^.■.;; sec. SO to 59 rai Iro ^d l^v;-. (In "siil-oa! comnu?3ione-3, Annual -3 -,0^+3, ie97-date) j"ad3 crossings 20) NSW YORI'C (cont.) . New York* Supreme court. Op inion. ,, relative to 860.64 cf railroad law on duty of municipal- ity and railroad to keepbrridfjes and roadvira^'-s under and over rail- ways in repair, (in Railroad commissioners, Annual report, 1898, v.l: 109-11) New York. Attorney general. Opinion. Railroad commissioners have paiwer to determine manner in which street railway may cross tracks of stecim railroad com- pany. (In his Annual report, 1898: 24:l-42> New York, Railroad commissioners. Statement of appropriations and expenditures for elimination of grade crossings. (in their Annual reports, lB98-date) New York. Governor. More appropriations to secure safety at railroad crossings urged. (in his Annual message, 1899) New York. Attorney general Opinion, When embankment of railroad was completed and grade established prior to enactment of laws of 1897, although rails were not laid until after grade, will not be affected by said law. (In his Annual report, 1899: 330-31) New Yorjj. Railroad commissioners. /ipplicat ions for highway crossing signs. (in their Annual reports, 1899-date) New York. Governor, / Provision for maintenance of work of railroad commission with re" |ard to elimination of grade crossirigs, ,In his Annual message, 'J4n.l900: 46) New York, Railroad commissioners. Decisions of' courts as to questions arising under grade crossing law, (in their Annual reports, 1900-date) New York. Comptroller, Statement of payments from general fund to railroad commission for abolition of railroad grade crossings, (in his Annual meportp, 1900/l-date) New York. Governor, Demand for adequate appropriations for abolition of railroad jrade crossings. .In his Annual message, Jan,1901: 46) New York. Railroad commissioners. Table of crossingsof surface steam railroads with other steam railroads and with highways. (in their Annual reports, 1902-date) New York, Governor. Suggestion that the matter of grade crossings be referred to railroad commissioners and apportionments be made at their recom- mendation, (in his Annual message, Jan. 1904: 28) New York, Attorney general. Opinion. Powers of board of railroad commissioners to determint necessity of change in crossing. (In his Annual report, 1904: 248-50) New York. Railroad commissioners. Table of crossings of surface street railroads with steam railroi.. and with highways outside cities and villages-;, (in their Annual report. 1904: v.l: xlv-xlvi^ C-rade ci-ossin g;s-2l) v-tTT V^P.:: (cort J Grade crossir.?^ elimination - an object lession* (Railroad gazette, v„41: 234-35; Sept .21,190f^) Nev; York. Public service cornniisaion, 2*id district. Petition of the International railway company. T!ec^20,J90'? , 9 p. Keith, Herbert C. Some features of the bridges on the Karlem River branch o* the Nev; York, New Ha-'en (f; Hartford railroad. (Brooklyn Engineers club, 1908, p. 272-94 of the proceedings) Harlem River b '-anch improvements; Nar York, New Haven c; Hartford R..R, (Railway age gazette, v. 48 : 185-90,- 257-60 ; Jan .28,Feb .4, 1910J New York. Public service commission, 1st district. Report, ..for the year ending Dec. 31, 1913, Albany, 1914, v.li chap. IV; Elimination of grade crossings, p«158-79. Brooklyn Brooklyn,. Atlantic Avenue comraission. Report... New York, 1897, 221 p. Brooklyn, Board for Atlantic Avenue improvement. Kistorv of the Atlantic Avenue improvement. 1905. 55 p. Brooklyn. Grade cro3si;-g coEimission, Laws and bj^-laws relating to the B.a^'' Ridge improvement and the Brighton Beach improvement, July 1,1907, 51 p, Brooklyn, Grade crossing commission. Preliminary report of the '.vork of eliminating grade crossings, 1907, 44"p. Snell, Harry B , Imp-^ovemant of the Brighton Beach line - Brookl3'n Heights railroad company'. Brooklyn Engineers club, P':'oceeding s , 1907: 51 pages)- Brooklyn., Grade crossing commission. Freliminarj' report of v;ork of eliminating grade crossingSo., Bee ,31, 1907 ; with supplemental report to Dec, 31, 1909 » [Brooklyn, 1910j 44 £ 11 p . B . New York, Public Service commission, 1st district. Application of cit3- of New York relative to opening across tracks of Long Island railroad, Starr street, Suydan street and Fillougii- by avenue. Case no. 1202, 1201, Fab, 8, 1910, 7 p,. New York, Public service commission, Ist dis+rict. Application of city of New York relative to opening across track? of Nassau electric railroad company tha following streets: Nev,f Utrecht avenue, Ei,.;hth avenue, Tenth avenue. Case no, 1197. June 24,1910, 5 p, Buffalo In the matter of an application of the common council, the lumber exchange, and other citizens of Buf f alo, 'f or relief from incon- veniences and danger's of grade crossings of various railroads centering in that cit^-. 1887. TS p, , P^ecort of the Board of civil engineers on the question of grade cross- ings of the steam roac's of the city of Buffalo, John Boggart, A.::.W.3llington, George E.I^ann, George r.IJcNulty, Falter Katte, C,r.Buchholz, Henry Flad. Feb. 26, 1688. 51 p. The Proposed grade crossing changes containing the original proposed epplemental and supplemental contracts with the New York Central fc Hudson River railroad company and a description of t'-e plc.ns " : relief. Buffalo, 1892,' 55 p. -lado crossi.ngs-22) i.V: ".ORX (cont.) Buffalo (cor:t.) Specifications for Buffalo grade crossing work; Hew York centraj. d Hud son River railroad, (Engineering news, Mar, 21j 1895) Removal of grade crossings in Buffalo, N.Y. (Engineering news, 0ct.24,1895| New York, At.+ orney general. Opinion. Manner of grade crossings of railroad in. Buffalo wiMn jurisdiction of state board of ■'■ailroad cor.ni ss ioners , (in his Annual report, 1&98; 200-02) Guthrie, Edward B. Address on abolition of grade crossings in cities and towns, Dec. 1904, 13 p. An excellent brief discussion of methods of grade separation in general, and of the historj' and methods of grade separa- tion in Buffalo, Adam, Robert B, History of the abolifion of railroad grade crossings in the city of Buffalo. (in Buffalo historical society, publications, Buffalo, 1905, v,8: 149-254) LC . ' Buffalo. Grade crossing commission. Laws affecting the comrnission. 1906, Buffalo grade crossing improvement: Preliminary plan and profile show- ing elimination of grade crossings at streets bY New York central & Hudson River, Erie & Delaware, Lackawanna I. western railroads. July 1906. Buffalo. Grade crossing commission. Supplemental general plan. Oct. 1906, 35 p. Grade crossings contract. Buffalo, Augustus F.Scheu,et al. vs. New York central railroad. Jan. 10, 1907, 12 p, Buffalo^ Department of public \TOrks. Grade cro^ssing contracts with various railroad companies, Jan. 1908. 180 p, Buffalo grade crossing improvements: cost of structures. Jan. 1908. 1 p New York. Public service commission, 2nd district. Petition of the Termiri^l railway of Buffalo, as to its highway crossings in the towns of West Seneca and Cheektowaga. May 4, .1903, 6 p . "This Comrnission ks jurisdiction and powfer to change deter- mination made either by the former Board of Railroad Commis- sioners or by itself under those sections of the Railroad Law relating to the elimination of highway grade crossings,." Plate girder arch bridge carrying a ceaacrete roadway. (Engineering record, Aug. 20, 1910) Buffalo. Grade crossing commission. Giade crossing improvement, Buffalo, N.Y. , 1888-1911. [Buffalo, 1911:] 16 p. 8" B,StLPL, M u- T> Cornwall New York. Public service commission, 2nd district. in the matter of the petition of the Town Board of Cornwall. Feb, 16, 1908c 6 p, Elmira New York, Public service commission, 2nd district. Complaint of city of Elmira again st Erie railroad comnanv, Apr.l,1909u 6 p. \ C-rdf^.e ci"ossiri.T3-23) NE'i" YORK (cont. .) Nsw York City, Elevated tracks of the New York central railroad in Few York ci-*-y, (Scientific Amer'ican sup-plament , Feb. ?0, 1897) Erection of the Park avenue viadudt, New York, (Engineering record, Feb. 27, I.':ar.27, Apr. 10, 1897) Elimination of grade crossings in New York centrdO. electric zone. (Engineering record, v. 56: 270-71; Sept.7,19C7) Illustrates and describes the High Bridge and Torris Keif^hts stations whe ^-e overhead bridges are used. New York central and Hudson River railroad ccmpany. West side tracks, city of New York. N.Y,,1907. 29 p. Contains report of George S. Rice, re^- ort of special com-iit- tee of Rapid Transit Board, and several lette'-s from ^he President of the Nev.- York cent-al to the I'ayor and to the President of the Rapid Transit Board, dealing with plans for an elevated railroad or subway along the waterfront." New York. Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Application of Lcajg Island railroad for financial cooperation in the elimination of grade crossings and reports of the chief engi- neer of the Board of Estima+e and Apportionment in regard the-eto. Minutes of the Board, Citv record ," v. 36 : 586*1-62; Hay 19,1908. Engineer opposes policy of granting financial assi stance, sue h as was granted in case of Brighton Beach and Bav Pidge improvements. New York. Board of Estimate and Apportionment. , Opinion of Corporation counsel and Chief engineer relative to the procedure to be observed in applj'ing the provisions of the railroad law regarding opening streets crossing steam rail-^o.ids. I'inutes of the Board7 City record, v. 36: 5933; I/Ia^ 20,1908. Nev/ York, Legislature, Proposed act to provide for discontinuing the use bv the New York Cent--^ and Hudson River rail^^oad, for ^-ailroad purposes, of streets, avenues, public parks or places in the Borough of J'anhattan, in the eity of New York at grade and to that end to authorize the citv of New York to grant certain real prope**ty to said railr-oad company and to acquire tertain of other real prope^-ty and certain fran- chises from said railroad ccmpanv by purchase or condemnation. N.Y., 1908, li p. " • New York. Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Railroad grade crossings. New York city. Report of chief engi- neer, N.Y., 1908. See pages 18-22; 106-22. Vast Long Island Railroad improvements financed; tracks to be elevated • and grade cros3in?:3 abolished, (Brooklyn Daily eagle, June 21, 1908) New York. Legislature Bills for the abo As-sembly, 1655, 1683. Se Bills for the abolition of grade crossings .in New York enate 1398, [/'IbanyJ 1909. Long Island Railroad. C orres-oo-ndenc e between the president and gene-al manager oi the Long island rail^-oad company and the Board of Estimate and A-o^t^r- tionment of the cit'y of New" York in relation to grade crossing mai ters and improvements in Qu«ens Borough. N.Y.,1909/ 18 p. Engineering record [EditorialJ Grade crossings in Queens Borough. (Engineering record, v. 59: 31; Jan. 9, 1909) Crade crossing complications between the rail-'oads and t'i:e citv of New York. New York- Citizens union. l-fi The rratter- of Rena+e bill no. 8''", cemmonl" known as -^he G^-a;'^-' Eleventh avenue bill: Femorandum si^bmitted by t>-e Citizf=^'i3 uni»n, N V 1 q f : o, 9 A T> C-T 3,(^6 cios sina;s'-24) NP7 YORK (ccnt^) New York City (cent.) Bassett, Edward Murra3''. Report on grade crossings in New York city and the nead of chatige in the grade crossing lavi^. Appendix B to annual report for 19C9, submitted to the Public service commisairn for the First dist'~icf by Edward K. Bassett, Commissioner. Albany, J.B.Lyon cc, printers, 1910. 35 p. 8° StLPL. New York. Citizens union. In the matter of Assembly Bill no. 1540, and proposed amendments thereto or a proposed alternative therefor. N.Y.,1910, 51 p, Niagara Fal Is New York. Public service commission, 2nd dist'-ict. Pine street grade crossing elimination in the city of Niagara Falls. Aug, 24, 1909. 12 p. Oswego New York, Public service commission, 2nd dist'-ict. Elimination of grade crossings of New York, Ontario and western railway coigpany and of the New York central and Hudson River rail- road company, in East Fourth St. aj^d Schuyler St. in the city of Oswego, No. 77, Nov. 18, 1909. 13 p. Rochester Proceedings of the commission appointed by and under chap, 147, laws of New York, 1880, in the natter of the relief of the city of Rochester and the New York central and Hudson River railroad com- pany in said city, 1880-1886. 35 p. New York State Appellate Division, Fourth Dept. Statute assessing the cost of bridge over railroad tracks in city against pe'-sons benefited. New York cental railroad vs .Rochester. Jan. 1909. 8 p. Schenectady 3chenectad3' . City engineer. See his Annual report, 1906: 34-37. Syracuse Proposed abolition of grade crossings at Syracuse, (Railroad gazette, v. 31: 276*78; Apr. 21, 1899) OHIO Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Table: cost of stops for an average crossing, cost of single stop., capital to invest at 6 per cent to avoid stops, and total capital, ef passenger and freight trains. (In his Annual report, 1880/1: 422) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. ' Table: Number of machines of "interlock ing Switch and Signal Syster/' (to avoid collisions of trains on crossings) in operation by rail- road companies in the United States. (in his Annual report, I88O/1: 58-59) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Tabi ; total annual cost of passenger and freight train stops at crossings. (in his Annual report, I88O/1: 420) "^ Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Table: colling stock, crossings, etc., of various railroads, (in his Annual repcrto, 1881 - 1884) Qhia. Commisoianer rf railroads and telegraphs. Av-idar.ce c>f step at railroad crossings at grade. (in his Annual report, I881/2: 485-86) " r^ ^ Grade cr ossings-25) CHin (cont.) .Ohio, Legislature, House. Coanittee on judiciary'. Report on bill requiring railway companies to provide wa-tchmen f oi- street crossings, etc, Mr. Jones, Chairman. \ (Ohio, House journal, 1882: 241-42) Ohio, Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Revised raies for crossings on railroads in Ohio, (in his Annual report, 1883/4: appendix: 217-19) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Table: railroad and highwaj' crossings, passenger stations, and rail- road telegraph lines in Ohio. (In his Annual reports, 1885/6 - 1887/8) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Legislation needed to secure protection from accidents at crossings, (in his Annual report, 1886/7: 8) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Communication from inspector of railroads relative to gatemen and danger of making running switches at street crossings. (in his Annual report, 1888/9: 17) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Tabi : highway and street crossings of various railroads, (in his Annual reports, 1892/3 - date) Ohio. Commissioner of railroads and telegraphs. Tables: operating officers, stations, ijileage and crossings of various railroads. (in hi's Annual reports, 1896/7 - date) Ohio, Attorney general. Opinion as to what constitutes an interlocking device on railroad cross ings, (in his Annual report, 1897: 51-54) Ohio, Attorney general. Opinion: construction of act of Apr. 24, 1898, relative to railroad crossings, guard, etc, ^ (in his Annual report, 1898: 68-69) • Ohio, Attorney general. Opinion as to duties of railroad commissioner in enforcing repair of crossings where steam and electric railways cross each other and the electric railway refuses to join in such repair and pay half of expenses. (in his Annual report, 1900: 244-45) [Paging from Collecteci^ docsj Chic. Attorney general. Opinion as to right of railroad commissioner to decide and deter- mine safety used at grade crossings. (in his Annual report, 1900: 284-85) [Paging from Collected docs.] Ohio. Railroad commisaion. / Laws relating to elimination of grade crossings. 1910. 9 p, Ohio. Laws, statutes, etc. 1910» p. 377 [Apportionm ait of expense in case grade crossings are abolished was fixed ty law,] Cle'fl^eland Cleveland, Chamber of commerce. Abolishment of grade crossings: Report of special committee. Dec. 18, 1900. 23 p. Tinker, George H, Grade separation at Cleveland, Ohio, (Railroad gazette , v. 40: 299-301; Mar,23,190g) ( - -\ i K : Grade cros sings-26) Ohicvcont.) / C lev 3 lard (contc) Taylor, D. M. Kinsman road improvsment in Cjevele nd. (Railway and engineering review, "i-, 36 : 936-37; Nov. 21, 1908) Cleveland. Ordinances. Ordinance no . 15526-A-A on grade crossings in Cleveland. Julj^ 1909, Cleveland. Chamber of commerce. Report of the committee on citjf finances recommerding the authoriza- tion of a bond issue for the elimination of grade crossirgs. Julys, 1910. 7 p. Hoffmann, Robert, Rail'v^jf grade crossing elimination in ClevGla.nd. (Cleveland engineering society, journal, v»3 : 7-29; Dec. 1910) B. Elimination of grade crossings in Cleveland by the New York, ChifJ:." • St. Louis railroad. (Railway and engineering review, v,53: 1100-04; Nor. 29, 1913) CcD-nnibus . Columbus. Departraont of public service. R«port on t.hv3 separation of atroot and railway grades in the city of Columbus. .1907. Columbus, [l907] 86 p. 8" ASCE,B,. Simpson, R. H. The aesthetic in grade separation. (Engineering record, Oct, 10, 1914) Describes methods at Columbus, Ohio to avoid the unsig bt liness of elevated tracks* Toledo Ohio. Attorney general. Opinion: protection of certain street crossings in Toledo, (in his Annual report, 1898: 5© -59) PEN!TSYL"''AiaA LicKees Rock s Grade separation in KcKees Rocks, Pa, (Railway age gazette, v. 56 : 429-30; Feb, 27, 1914) Philadelphia Webster, George S, Pennsylvania avenu subway and tunnel. Enginee^-s club of Philadel- phia, Jan, 1899. 32 p, Philadelch ia, Ma^ror. Abolishment of grade crossings in Philadelphia, (in his Annual message, 1900) Philadelphia. Ordinances. Ordinance for the abolition of grade crossings in Philadelphia, Oct. 13, 1906. 13 p. plans. Abolishment of grade crossinrs on the Philadelphia & Reading railway in Philadelphia. (Engineering record, v. 58: 48-49; July 11, 1906) Philadeli-;hia track elevation t-f the Reading. (Railroad age gazette , v, 45 : 612-15; Julv 31,1908) Abolition of railroad grade crossings in ^Philadelphia. (Engineering record, v. 59: 523-25; A,.r .17 , 1909) 'T'renton avenue elevated -ailro-cd, PhilaSelphia. (Fnginsering record, Aug. 7, 1909) Philadelphia. Department of public works. South Philadelphia, t'^e abolishment of grade crossings and the creatic. of o-;-,«rtunit i es for ccmme'-cial and i.^dustrial development. Phila,. 1913, 72 p. 8° LC. Graue v;ros3in(Ts-27) Pit+.abu-rh Wilgus, H. S. Allegheny track elsvati-n. (Enginearsne: society of v/esfer-i Peiinsyl-vania, Oct, 1902. 10 p» ) Grade crossing ^liminaticn ..t Second avenue and Trv street, Pittsburgh. (Engineering racord, July 12, 19^13) Illustrates and describes iTi-p^o^snients embodying several t types of masonry and bridge-floor design, Wilkesbarre, Estimated unit and total costs of railway track elevation in Wilkes- barre, Pa, (Engineering-contracting, Far .10 , 1909 : 197-99) RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island. Railroad commissioner. Recommendations by railroad commissioner to General assembly relative to grade crossings, (in his Annual repor+s, 1875-1883). Rhode Island, Railroad cor.imi ssioner , Recommendations oy railroad commissioner to General assembly relative to -^vade crossings... (tn his Annual report, 1876: 27-.28) Rhode Island, Railroad commissioner. Annual reports relative to j'^^'-'^- crossings, (in his Annual reports, 1863-ddte) Rhode Island, Railroad commissioner. Recommendations of commissioner to General assembly relative to signals at grade crossings, blocking of streets or hin;hways at grade crossings, speed of trains across streets in thickly settled places. (In his Annual report, 1892-1893) TENNESSEE Chattanooga Separation of grade crossings at Chattanooga, Tenn, (Railway review, v. 54: 279-80; Eeb, 21,1914) TEXAS Railway grade crossing protection in Texas. (Engineering news, July 17,1902) Gi^-es the Texas railroad commission's requiremen + s and re- comuendations for interlocking systems, Wise OH SIN Wisconsin, Railroad commission. Form of approval of plans for signals at railway crossings. 1905, Milwaukee Track elevation on the Milwaukee division of the Chicago L Northwestern railway. (Railroc-'.d gazette , v, 28: 548-49, 565-66; Aug. 7 , 14, 1696) Milwaukee, Board of public works. Track depression, (in iis annual report, 190*4: 109-111) See also subsequent reports. Track depression of the Chicago &. Northwestern railway'- at Milwaukee, (Railway age, Oct. 14, 1904: v. 38: 548-51) Track elevation and depression at Milwaukee, (Engineering news, Mar. 9, 1905) / / f • -.Ifiilt™^ °^ 25 CENTS WILL INCREASE TO SO CEs.T= ^' PENALTY DAY AND TO $i.OO ON TuV """^ ''°"'«TH OVERDUE ^ ^"^ SEVENTH DAY LD21-i00m-7,'39(402s) YF 00391 ^381 9( fHB/e/r ~^3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY r