^«^^.. -}^i^^^' rVj>- m .-^'V- X '^i:',y r^. 3i°Y5VH0W?RtTHtBL' i •^i^'ft;- A GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF THE . . . HARWOOD FAMILIES, DESCENDED FROM ANDREW HARWOOD, WHO WAS BORN IN ENGLAND, AND RESIDED IN BOSTON, MASS. BY WATSON H.' HARWOOD. .^^:>. SECOND EDITION. IN THE FIRST EDITION THE RECORD EXTENDED BACK ONLY TO JAMES H ARWOOD, A GRANDSON OF ANDREW CHASM FALLS, N. Y. 1696. ROBEINS THE PRINTER, ValOsf. N. y. TO THE MEMORY OF MY DARLING BOY, FRANK STOWELL HARWOOD. BORN FEBRURRY 17, 1890, DIED DECEMBER 17. 1390 P.ND TO THE MEMORY OF ALL THE DEAR ONES OF OUR FAMILY WH05E VOICES AND FOOTSTEPS GREET US NO MORE IN THiS LIFE, BUT WHO WAIT FOR OUR COMING IN THE •BETTER COUNTRY." THiS EDITION OF THE HISTORY OF OUR FAMILYIS DEDICATED. Introduction to the First Edition. Eight years have eLipsed since I began tracing the records of my Harwood ancestors and relatives, and I have now the pleasure of presenting to the de- scendants of my ancestor, James Eauwood, tliis brief sketch of oar branch of the Xew Enghmd Har- vvoods. Wlien I first began tracing the records I had no thought of writing the family history. I was led to engage in the work simply from a desii'e to know more of my ancestry in the Harwood line. But as my interest in the work increased, 1 decided to publish the records in some form, so that the mem- ory of our ancestors might be per})etuated, and we, their descendants, might come to know more of one another. Being the lirst to write the history of our branch of Ilarwoods, I have had to collect most of the I'ec- ords from original sources, thus adding greatly to the labor of the undertaking. I wish here to ac- knowledge the kindness of those who ha^•e aided me with their letters or orally in tracing out these n INTODUCTION T(^ FIRST EDITION ivH'ords. A list of those who have thus aided me will he found at the end of the book. In arranging these records I have aimed to give the facts which I have collected in as plain and con- cise a nianne]- as possible, and so arranged that the connection may be easily seen. With regard to this arrangement it will be noticed that all who liave borne the name of Haiiwoou are numbered, begininng with our common ancestor. Ja.mks, and carrying the order down through all the genera- tions. An index will l)e found in the back part of the book giving the name and number of each liar- wood whose name is enrolled in this work. T have taken [)articular care to get the names and dates coriect and 1 think that all parts of the record may l)e relied upon as accurate. In conclusion T would say that this has been a work I'eipiiriug much labor and ex[)ense: and T hope it may meet the ends for whicli it is designed in giv- iiii:- us a better knowledge of our ancestors, and eii- abliiiu us. theii' descendants, to l)ecome bettei- ac- > PREFACE TO SECOND EDITIOX. l-l\pr since the iirst edition was jmljlislied I have continued to collect material for a second, and I think the records herein contained will be found as accui'ate and complete Jis it is now possible to make them. Nevei'theless. it can hardly be expected that no eiroi's will l^e made in writing such a work: it is even possible that there may l)e errors in the very ari'angement of the early generations of the family. \\'hen we remember that there are several distinct branches of Harwoods in ]Sew England, as well as several in the Sonthein States, and that the ances- tors of these different families immigrated from Eng- land to America at al)out the same time: when we finther take into account that in almost every town where our forefathers dwelt there were also living- families of the other branches of our name; and, V hnn. with all this we take into consideration that the pally town records, which were often but impel'- fpctly k(Mpt. are now in many places lost, we cannot think it strange that such a work should be inconi- ]«!etH in sjiite of the ni(.st careful painstaking. All that tlip most faithful geneak)gist can do is to take the material now obtainable, study carefully eacU i!oul;tful reccird. and givt- it the ])l;!ce to which it sei-nis uio>t pi'obable to belong. This I have done, aii'l in ca~;d EDITKjN. AVitli tlu'se e'X|il;iii;ili()ns and iuti'oductory rc- niMilxs. I now |ilac<' auain in tlie liands of my kins- men, who sliai'c with me the honor ctf bearing the good, ctld, Saxon name of IfAiiWooo. this volume, conlideni that it will [))'ove not only inTt're.sting. but will also seivc to draw and ))ind the metnbers of our family still closer logtMhei', scalt,ered as tliey are fiom Maine to the far West. W.\l'-ON TI. JiAItWCK)!). CiSA-M Fai.i.s. ^y'. v.. jAlay, 1801. The Harvvood Family In England, From "Burke's Commoners of Great Britain.' '"'I'Ik^ nam»' of Ilarwood is of Saxon origin and was ancif'iitly sjxdt Hei'wai'd, lloiwod*' and Wliorwcjod, A('('(^i'din.i^' to Donn'sday, Ileiewaid liad lands in idle countie's of Lincoln and \Var\vi(d<. previous to the conipiest. He was son of Leofi'ic. Karl of Mer^ cia, and Loid of I3i'une. in J.incoln'^liire and the marshes adjoininii', and was (dios^n by the j)relates and nohiliiy wlio retired to the' Isle of l^ly aftPi' tlie C()n()n('i()i'"s invasion. tol)e the uraiitt'd i»\" W'iliiaiii I. lo .loy 'railxii--. of Aiijoii. w liovf> ju- soii'iici' I lt']''n\ard. a lioptd'id and s|iiri(pd l-aiuii-^Ii- luaii. sdii (if l.t'dfiic. Loi'd (if I'liiiie (»r l^oiirn. not li.'inu' aMc !•> liiook. a-< his nwn and ln> family's l>oi of l\'it')'lH»i()nuli. ulio^o a\t')vi()i! to ihc Normans liai] altvady >lio\\n ii-.df. madt' warau'ainst him. and afit-r ^liivinu' him .■-i'\"ial ov'Mihi'ows. at ht>l to(d\ him pii^oiim'. and aliowcd him io latisom iiini--»df, on condiiioii ihaf h" him-flf -hould I'.' r.'-roit'd 1o t'n^ kinu'"s favor, and di*' in jiis ail"_;ian('«^ and jiroTcciioii: sn.ch \s as t hi' tdl''-ct of nmiit ai on an •■iifiny.' ("aimhai aIsosi;iii'< iin- di-r tlio liilM. • (.'aniltri'lu'^^hir.', A. I). loTl. Many r^nL:!i>h nnakh^ i(j kcai- iht- roiirnna'or'> o])|irt'---ions, cami^ liith'M' nndor The cond in'[ of iho h'.ail l-jl\\in, c;)f (;h.">iPi'. M:ii'(dia)' and Slward, and of Ku-idi-r, I'i^linliof niii-ham. and rasau^'i ih'^ adjari-ni <'(>iin- tiy iind'']' I'ommaiid nf I li'i>-\\ a id. an J'ai-:ii->h no- lih'man. and kiiiii lit-i'' in l !aMnai->h!'^ a. v\ (;o it- cas- ih', caih'd i hri'V. aid's ci-iif. in Mauht-w I'aii-^' lini", WdMiam. h'^avin^- i h'-, Ih.-.m--,.! iJm- i-daiid, ni;:d" i'l 'ad- (if L!i-.-al hai-ih in ih" mar-h' -. Iniiit iiiaMv I'll i-''- (i\''r ih'' lii'u's. and I'li-i-i' d a ca-ii" at a p':;''o cad' d \\d j il n-i ii m. 'ai \'.iii'-ii a'l iml !!tat'- \\.[:i\ and hi-- f.a'o\\>-rs inlaid! o-d," !n ih" iinn' of IvUv.ud I . ill l!i:' • N.aidaa r ,iduhdt|iia, ^Va., d>i THE FAMILY IX EX(r].AND. i:} Norfolk/ Sir liol^-'i't Jlprward is iiiPiitionod as I>.aiii)^U' aims, 'd'azuro a iiiit^ [(-"sse f;'ai)onii<^ de uoiiles t'l (It; vert iij liewiHs (rai'.ueiir.' TJiis i'ani- ily coiirninefi in th'M'ouiity of Lincoln, and in the inmiodiale vicinity of I'ouine hn- many ccnuiries One of the ]a>t (>f this line was Ueorae Ihn'uood, a nirjcjiant of London, who entered liis pedio)',^^ in llie vi>i!a!ioii foi' Coridnl!. in 1<;:]4. lie was son of William llarwood, of 'i'liiii Ihy. neat' Jjoiirn, in the ce'iniij.' of J/i!icoJn. an In'othe)' of Sir Edward l!ar\^()od. Ktiiuht. of whom I'liller says. 'Ilisbirtli w;is ii-enile. and from a, jo^A lit lo eij^u'rafr his future education and e.\eeilen(^y.' Sir l^dward was one of the four >tandiim- colone's in the hjn.^' war, in suiipor! of the Kiuii.' of I)oi!tnnIa. and was kided at the sei^v of Maslricht. in KKi-J. In t litMisitaticm of London in ]i'>:M. this (deoru'e Ilaruood is K'corded as heaiinu' the same airus as wei'e l)onn' Ly the al)o\e Sii' Ivobert IJerward. ami in the " X(jmiiia Xohiliiiin l^(]uit iiiiique. i\;c.." teiii]). Jviwa.rd I., Sir jloheit ilej-ward dn ( aunieiu idet^>liire. ismeniioned as liearinu' 'chi" kej- de^ or el d'a/ure a nnt3 bc.^nde. de -oides iij eule.s (rari,ent." l'";;miiies of t his line wri-e settled in the countif'.s (jf Mali'oiil and (>\ford, ^[)el!in^- their names ILjre- wod.', W lioiwood. -.lud !Ia]-W(i(jd. .aiid lujre for ihedr arms "ar;^ a chevr(ni b^'t^veeti ihree sta2;"s heads caoa>hed >a,' and wei'e of ('(nn[it(.»n, Sandwel! and Siourton casile, in the former county, and of llol- 14 (iKXKAL()(il('AL HISTORY toll ill tilt' l;ilt(M'. Of the SinHoifl-^liit'c family was Sir W'illiatii W'liorwood. Kiiiiilit. Altoi ii»\\'( ii^iit-i'al lo Kiiiu' lli'iiiy \ III., w liosi' only (laiiulittT aini co- lieii'-^ss hy his liisr wif" ^a daiiuiitt'idf Iviwai'il ( Hvy lv>i].. of ]\!ivilli'. I maiiifl Aiiihio-^t^ Diidh-y. Marl of W'aiw ii'k. and uliox'only dauuiih'i' and co ht-irt'ss hy hi- sf'cond wife i Maiuarer, daiiuliliT of l^ord (diiff I'aioii I'rooke : tiKi! 1 ii-d lhee](h\'>1 >oii of Sir HoisHii Thix^uiiioiloii. Kniulit. 'I 1p' naniH of Whor- wdod is exiincl in Sialfia-dshirc. and iho SandwoH ovta'f is now ill.' jii(^]it'ii y and ri -i!lp jia^'-f^d liy pur- (diaMv^ion of the-,, nian- oiv- foi' man\ u-'aiiTat ions. 'I'll' !••' i- a fann!\ of llarwood oh.-c.ndcd from the I iorwod^'-- i li\iim- in ! laniji-hiie. and at iliis time i'o-.-.'vv,-d of cviai-'s in iho n^iuhlii .1 hood of Pro-^toii and J-'ifmaiit'd. .\!ida Inaipdi o'i the llaiiipdiirti THE FAMILY IN KXCJLAND. 1.*) llt'iw aids I (Icscpiided fioni lioltni'tiis Ilciewaid ) of 1lit' cfiiinties of Lincoln and (;ainl)iid;^(\ who. tpnij). Kduai'd 1. hore for \\\('\r arms ' clii l\f'r d'oi" et d'azuiH line lit-Midc dr uuIhs iij culcs d"arizent,' it'-idcd at Nicholas. Pivs. n-sir W'hitchui'ch, c'oiinry of S;dop, temp. Ilnniy \ I., and continued thei>' fni' six ii'pn»-'rati:)ns. wh-Mi t hey ictuined to Oiliam. county of Hants, au'l th^\v l)ore durinu' the whole of ihe lime they were in Sinopshire tlie an- cieiit c(tat of Sir l^oheit Heieuard. of Caiiibi id^iie- shir<\ ])!it tlie luanch of this family (»f wlii<-h we shall ha\'e chietly to t leat settled iht^msfdves at a Vf'i'v early period in the county of iierks. be-arin^' the Siiilfoidshire coal, hut distinuiii>lied hy a diffei-ent colour, tile l)erk>hii-e branch haxinu' the bt^ai'in^s ;^u!es. in -tead of sal>!e. The exact year when the Staifoid^hire and IVrk- shiic ;iai-u()0(N !ir>l us^d Sta.us' heads for their ar- morial bearinu<. ha-< not been ascertained Previous to Charles I aii"i\in\. About bd), ,Iohn llereward was a ju)-oi' oa an impiisition louchinu' l(i Till-: I'A.MIIA' ]X EN(.LAXr). df'i'lt'i in !';p.'»iir of ihf AMxtt n[ ( )->tMU'y. Ill i:!:)-'. ll')l>fMt Ih'j'waid \va^ arcliilfacnii of Ti'.iin- ton. and pi f-lH-iMl;)! y of lancolii: ami in i:!:!i'. \i()h. eri ('! Ely. and Tlioiiia'^ Ilarwoode ()r Wdmi-wode. \vi'!t» sii'-i i i;'- of London. Wiidain I ie'i-t-\\atd \\a.^ al)oot of ('irHnct-^h'r iii ];!!■'■. and Ivoliert ii>> I !fi>'\\ aid izavc i>y umn!. dalt-d in tiif^ li'iiiof Iviim Kduard III. i:)4oi. rciTain larais in I-'.a-i I la j,hourn. '•'nr.'>;rr, lo which ai)i>oy ih'' chnrcii and n-c- toi-ial lirits of IJaid.oiji-nf hchai^f.^d. Z" 'I'hn.- far wf' haw cojiirii I'jiii'kf, Ili.-work l)!in_us tlio tt cMTd on down i!i cea'tain Itrancht;'^ of iho fani- il}" in Faiuland to i\)f ]ii>->.-nt oen' ui'y. -^t-f " IhuJvc^ C(aiirMO'!i-!-> of h"d \\ri! i-^h hta-aldi \' and l^ind- I'fd >i!l)iHc; -. W loch i'.i!|[;dil JMioif -.j il!_f !-f!'.'!>-nco-. lo th'' ! 'ai Ai -,i(';> ill Knuland. The-'O wiaks nia\' he found .a aiiv ]:.)-.' ouMi.' lilaai-. The Harwood Family in America. The earliest record we liave of our name in Amer- ica states that \\'illiam Ilarwood came to ^'irginia in l&2\. Thomas llai'wood was in \'irginia in JC2*2. Paul Harwood, aged 2."). Also Jolm flarwood, or Mar wood, aged 17. came to V'iiginia in 103,"). The Harwoods were also eai'ly in Mai viand, and there ai'e numerous families in this country de- scf'uded from the Maryland branches. Turning now our attention to Xew Kngland, we learn that (Jeorgt; Harwood was the first treasurer of the Massachusetts Company, but did not himself come to New l'">)jgland. Lle^niy Harwoc^d and Kli/a- betli. his wife, came fj'om i'higland with (Governor 1< A (iKXEAT.oaiCAI. fllsTuRY Willi liiDi' in 1 '■,;](). Tliey woie llviim- in Salt-iii in ]r.:]s. (itfiiut' Ilarwooil and -lane, liis wife, ^v^^n- liviti-- in Salem in |f';)9. licrirv rind K!i/al)t'tli ha.d a Son. .lolm, t»a}»!i/ed in \(j'-'>-J, and from tins .lohn are (Ifsc-ndt'd the very resjtecrable families of our naiiu' that have li\ed in Sutton and Oxford and J>ar]e. Mass. FamilifS of this line also settled early in Connecticut, and Clayton K. IIar\v(Ku!. of I'ockvilh-. (.'onn.. a (h'Scendant of John, has done much \v(j]k in conipiling tlie lecoi'ds (>f his ance>t]y* and ki 111] red. l'o!)''it. Thomas, and Nathaniel Harwood. three luother.-, came' early to J](..)--ton. Ma'^s. Th''>' had a si:-ter. llatinali. and a I'l'o'ihei'. Jofin. Nathaniel, ju^t i!i''!ii i( •nf'>l, was lK)in in IG'J-'''. and from him -^jii'iii u one of \]\.' hiru'.-st Itranches of New Mnu'land liar\s-oo(l>. 'j'o this tuanch lieh)nu- the IJenninu'tcii. \'t.. Ilaiwooils, whose history Mj-s. Saradi llarwood ) Ro!)In.-on coni]>iled and jiuitli'-hed in ]^''>1. M\'ron W. llarwoo.l. (,f Spiinuliehh .Mass., llerhert .f. llai'- worMJ. ■■(■ I.itilotoM. Mass.. .and the late I>r. K, W N. Ha!\v;iin,i:- tlie recoid- of iheir i ranch. l-'ied 11. llarwood. (d' (Miic,i_o. Hi , aii^ •' iM-r ■le-ecud-Mii o!' Xatliani^'', aNo take, a ::[f\ ■•■-[ in t ae^ work. a;;. writ i_ a i;-i(;!-y of ilio famiiit"- \shic!i ha\''' -iiunir \\'.' c:.i;;" 11 iw to (,ur own I'iaiM']! (,f tla' Haiwood tup: family in America. lO fcunily ill Ntnv jMiuIaud. Notwitlistandin,^' J have sp 'lit: yeai's in patient researcli, and have r()lk)\v(-d 11]) evei'v ;r\;(ihil>h^ source of information, my reooi'd of tiie lirst two oi' tliree gpnei-atiouH of our Iraufli is very i!icom})k't«\ But it s<'em.s (piite cprtain tliat ()!!r 1ir>t ancestor in Xtnv England was Axdkkw I[Air\V<)(»i), and that lie had at least two :st found than what I luive obraint^d of tlii3 earliei' geiiei'ations of oui' braiicli. l^esides tli'^ families recorded in rliis b(jok, iht'i'e are at lea.^t two otiier iM'anclies of New J'higland Hai'woods winch appear with reasonable ceitainty to have desoeiided from our ancestor. ANr)!;i;w IIaii- \\ooi»: /'V/'.sV, dhe Ware, Mass., braneh, which traces its oiigin to Jolin Flarwood, boi'ii in Conneeti- c'li, oain^ to Ware, Mass., in 170;). lie is supposed to have \)r-e\\ a gi'an'lson of James llarwood, Xo. 2, of OUI' liraneh, ^''-e>//,^/, The Mount \"ernon, X. H.. l,>ran''h, wliich has sprung from John Har\voo I, No. 17, of our b'.'anch. It was at lii'st my design to })ub- li-h th<3 records of bot'i these kindred branches along with those of our bi'anch, but I have recently decided to [)ublish them *if I can bring it all about > tinder separate coveis. This will enal)le those who care only for the record of their own immediate branch to purv.'hase it at less cost, while those who •20 (;EXEAL()(ilCAL HISTORY. wish to liJive I'ecoi'ds of all the hratu'lies. so far as I liave ohraiiiod them, can obtain them as clieaply as thoni4'h all were bound np in one \olunie. In closing lliis hi-ief skct<'h of "The llarwood Family in AmtTica," J should add that there were doubtless other families of llarwoods eai'ly in this country besides those i-efeired to in the foregoing pages; but enougli has been given to show that our name was well represented in all the early English settlements in America. First Generation. 1 . A M ) I : K \v II A 1 1 w a ( > d \va s born i n E n g] a n d . I le came to I'o.ston, ^fas.s., (loul)tles.s l)T'in_i;ing liis fami- ly witli liiiH, as we liav(3 no record of the birtlis of his childrfm in ]Se\v England. The earliest: record we have of him is that he was made fi'eeman in Bos- ton, Eel/y 28. 1(34:'.. In September, 1044, we iinrl h.is name nu^ntioned in the will of his son-in law. Thomas Finson. This will reads as follows: •' Whereas, Thomas Finson, mai'iner, late of Dart- mouth, dyed aboard the shii)p Oi7/)cfi, in Sej^tem- 1>M' la.->t. Oades I3ayle being present, the said Thomas Finson by word of mouth declared this to b»i his last will and testament: To son Samuel fyve [)ounds of iMiglish money; to his ehild that his wife went withal tifty shillings; to his wife (jne Hogshead of Tobacco; to his father-indaw, Andrew llarwood, all his wages. The lifty shiiliui^'s foi- the child and the Tobacco to be delivei'ed to Andrew Ilai'wood, for the use aforesaid." '•Deposed the lii'st of the 0th month, 1044, by Oades Bayle before the C. 1. All born l)r()lniMy in Knaland. 2. Ja:mk-> uent froin Ik)st(t]i to Siaiii^fiekl, Mass.. in It'-lO. w liPie li-' was made liveman. I'^rom 10.14 to 1004, accdiHling to M. W, IJarwood's researcdies. he \v:!s engage; i in l)uying and selling land in the vi- cinity ()f Hartford. Conn. Afterward he was settled at yirat ford, Conn. li. Ji»;iN. Tlicve was a John Ifa; wood, who was made fieeman in liO>t()n. May "i, In ill. but as there were sevf-i'al otiiers of tin- nann' in the vicinity of I'oston at tlial time, it c-^iiinot now Ix^ delerniined whethe]' tiii> was the '-•r'n of Andrew oi' not. 4. Mi;-. Fi:nS(.x, Ncuhlrig fuitheris known of hei- than \\\\\\\ is staie'l in h--r he>skand's wili. There was an Arm I'Msen who niarrir-d Jo-.jii a 1a-;m,kk-, at l)OSten. Oct !2, lC-.">-'). This may ha\ebe(Mi Tin^nias l-'in-on's widow, as ["eoiiie wt re not at all } iiiticidar how tilt \ ;ri;idied ti.isir names in those da vs. Third Generation. CrandcJdldren of Andrew Hancood^ No. 1. T). Jamks. The earliest record we have of him seems to place him, then a young man, at Boston, JNIass. He entered the Colonial army in King Phil ip"« war and served in Capt. Turner's company. On the 18th of May, ItiTG, occurred what has since been known as Falls Fight on the Connecticut Kiver. Capt. Turner with his men surprised the Indians at a ])lace of swift water, where they were engaged in fishing, and in the fight which followed, about 3()(> Indians were slain. At the close of the war, James Harwood settled in Chelm.sford, Mass., v,-here he married Lvdia Bakkktt, daughter of John and Sarali Barrett, Apr. 11, 1G78. She was born in Chelmsford, Sept. 22, 1059. They continued to re- side in Clu-lnibford, until about 1717, when they re- moved to Littleton, Mass., where he died Aug. 1, 1719. ;^ A Gl:XKAI,('(hC:.^I. HISTORY ''■ J.'iiv, iri.iriT-''l }.iA;;i!i.\ IjAKrt.N. at Chehiis f r.l. M;i5.->.. X'lv. 2' . l'"?;*. Thf-y '.v^re married liy ^■' '.iiiiU'l Ailains. an;! Thir r.-cir'! says tliey werf "Moth (■■' I)OSI<>Tl'" I liav^ il'- '■':.'• 'IH!' ]>■(•!, Ill of TllHll! o!- ,)f l''u4r 'l-^scenrlaiits. No'i K. — 'i'iit-re wern (l(,ui>tJ»-s.-; oth^-r rhildrt-ii and i:r:iiid children (jf Aiiiirevv' llarwood. No 1, but th- u ./urds ol thfrTiJ ar-H lost. F o u r t h C- -<; r« e ratio n . yViildrtit, u/ .lame-: 7/'/ '.;,vv'/. No. J, .\]] boi-n j;i 8, Aiii<;A!L, twin sister 'n .Vritli>-'w. difd S(']!t. 1, IH',).'). 1). .!ames, born Se})t. ;]<». Itj'M H«^M'pn^ov(^d wit'i bis fni])-:^!- to Littleton. Mmss, in 1717. Ho rnarri ■.[ Ly;>i\ — nnd resided in Littletoi;, until 1727. ^^d^^'i h'-" s"ld his jcind in that to'.v^i, -nid resiilod iVn n tim^ ^n tiie viriniry of CcH'-ord, :Vi^:.^s. In \r?>:\ tli- (T^-nerr! Oo!:rt of Ma-s;i«-!iusettft -a-k^^owiedged %]ie iinj^ort- ;!nc(-' y^l tlie perilons ^^x^'-^ o-ndered by ilio njcn ^n- irau'^-l 'ii Fulls Fi-lit. i^y ^raTirini; a t(.>wii-diip of i-rd. ^■o l;i3 sui'vi\-ovs 'd th'^ tiyb^ /-nd to the d^'^cend^^ds of those v^bo h?id died T! i-^ to\vnsb.i|), located •;'; th'.^ \)\uw of the tight, w-s f'rst called Fabr^town. '-i t is oo-,v Ib^rnnrdstoJi, Mu^;-e In tbe cpse of tlio^e ^vbo baJ died, x\\k: cblest son livin/r ^v}]s ontilipd toup*-;'- '2- GENEALOGICAL HISKJRY. rioii of hind. The jot in this family falling to James, hn in May. 1737. drew lot No. 44. 1st divi.'iion. (Mis resilience at this time is given as at ConconL Mass. ) He did not, however, settle n]ion the land he had drawn, bnt continued to reside in or neai" Concord. Tlie conditions of the grant above mentioned I'e- ijiiiied that at least sixty families should settle in tlie new township within four years after rlie iirant was made. Accordingly, in 1789, an effort ^vas made to fill up the number. Some of th^ absent pro})]'iet(jrs responded to the call: others, leather tlian uo, chose to ])ay twenty- tw(j })ounds each, which went towards making improvements in the n»-vv- town. Onr ancestor was of the latter number. Soon after 'his he settled in Dunstable in(,)w Nash- ua i N. II. In 1747. we jind his name in a list of those who voted against settling the Rev. Samuel ]>ird as pastoi' in Dunstable. Again, in 17.14, we liud liis name attached to a petition for dividing the I-*;ovinoH of Xew Ham})shire into counties. 1'"'. .loii.v, twin brother of James, !li"d in iid'an; y. ] 1. Ai;i..AiL. born May 18, lOQi*. 1:^ .loiiv. Iiorn May '21. 17'i:i. lit- sigue-'U the} sold tht-ir i.ia'] in LittlHton. in 17'27, and };iY)ljably moved with h.bii to Diiustable. X. \[. U^- w;is oueof the signeis 'if tliH p^rition in 17.")4. for dividing th^' Province of X'-'v.- Ha;iiii>hi]'e into counties. Fifth Generation. ill lid It 11 f^f Jaiiirs II(irtC(>o\eni!)ei Thus l!i>5 'i-i-sirri ill tlit- <'!d J-'i-!.-!!;.'}] and Indian v^a^ eover--d ;i i rM.id of }i\e year>. Tiie ne^inuiny: ui' ilie jte\(d!i- *:'-i\;\vy eonte>t fonnd hiin as i-endy te> vi<]i bis ]if a ii) t'!- faiise«>f tie Anierican (/(de^ni'^s as Jie hi'.d '•-^■ii t'l light diH liald-:'- of the Mother ('oTinir\e \\- eniisTed in Caor. Wia A\'a!kei''s '■eni['aiiy, C-! .i,l•n^-s Reed's Re!,:"T. Cn].r. Walker's coniparsy is -aid r..» ha\'H e(a[!ji!'is''d (tn^- half t h^• ahi^^ hodied ne-n of J 'eii!,-.nT out iroRi iXew tlain]»shire t,-' engaiie in tiin stru-uie for Auieiican Jni,!'Mi>Midon<-e. Tijey \vere ia''-:-ent ;or! ''-ight brn-.-ly jr th^ hati!- of jsuidvur ilil! A'' •■i!!d;ir lo a ir^ulidoi^ in oim' faaiih'. widen u-a^: rolocl to nie Miary yeui- ayo '.y Smn'oii <', Idu- n-.-,.' : No a:' , .Uin>:'S Ilar^^-.. .a v.. ui r.. -'.vi'.!'- \,;^'^ fliH ;\ri!iy und-aM.h'^ eoinaaad of JJ-aa Aiaa!'' !,:U *n di'- aa'arar •.■ 177,":, If da- 1 1 Uoid^ -n !■ lo d-Lo:.'. o!i' an''i'S'oi v as oi^- .d taa' ii--T'o:-' eaud -'. • ^■a ,e '. a-, aed' Tada; antoio la'aovjiia 'o-i -a '■'"■d! a ai r';" ■■■:■;■.- A]r!\" *' ai ^'ja ■'■• dr., 'id -Ai:'- ai:^ ,,. i-o hi:- ;-■ lid i'; i -■ ;m.,' aona ^.ivt,.,.,; ve:-a - '"U'or... ,, I.] FIFTH CtENERATION :5l fortiticaiioiis, did not come out to iiiyet tiieiri. Av nold then I'ell l)cick and avraittd the ap[i!orich of Gen. xdontgoniery. When the hitter arrived lie as snnied coniniaiid of the \vhole force and l-.esie.utfd the to\yn. It was on the las^t day of Decembei, 177.', that the Americans made an assault oii the citadel. Gen. Montu'omery was killed; Arnold was wounded. The xVmericans retired to a ])oint three mdes al)ove the city. Here the small pox broke out in their cam}) and here, if the tradition related to me by S. C. IIa^^vcod is rontct, our ancestor James Harwood died of the disease, 'j'he Histor}- of Dnn stabh;', however, wrlttc^n by Chas. i. Fox, (d84n;). and other Xe^v Hampshire records, give tlie date of James Harwood" s death as December. 1777. in the army. Of course, records are niore to be relitid upon than tradition. In this case it matters little, for both agj'ee in stating that cuir ancestor died in the Revolutionary Army. His was a life of pat riotic service, a life of which his descenHaid.s to tlic latest gH]teration may well be proud. Of James Harwood" s wife J have been able t<.' gather the following facts; Ilei maiden namt- was (h.0(;s(>x, and she belonged to one of th*- Scotch-Irisli Presley terian families that i]nmigratc. of Amherst. N. IL. and settled in Mount \'ernon. N. H. He died about 1812. 18. Ja.mes. probably a son of .Tohn. No. 12. re- sided in l)unstal)le. He served in the Kevolutiou- ary war. and was killed at Ilubbardton. \'t . on the i(4reat of the army froju Ticonderogn, N. V.. ,Iuly 7, 1777. Sixth Generation. Cli lldren of James Hariooocl, No. 16. All born in Dunstable, N. H. 19. Joiix, born about the year 175o. He served in the Revolutionary war, was wounded, and during the latter part of his life received a pension from the U. S. Government. He married Sally Mahtin of Ilooksett, and they settled on a farm near Man- chester, N. H. In 1820 he sold his farm and lived the rest of his life in Manchester. He died in 1832 or 1833, and was buried in the Valley Cemetery at Manchester. His wife died in 1830. 20. Ja.mks, born in 1760. He married Patty Sand- ers, and settled in Unity, N. H. In the spring of 1800, while at work cutting ice out of the Hume of a saw mill, the ice gave way, and he was carried over the dam and killed almost instantly. His wife was born in 1759, and died in 1839. She was a Con- gregationalist. 21. An('Hii5ALD. born Auo'.. 1762. He entered the :;4 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. Anieri<'aii Ainiy in the war of Kevoliition in 1778, whf^n only in years of ng(\ as a snbstitnte for an- other man. lie was one of those who were sold to the Ih'itish by the traitor Arnold. He used often to rehtte to his children how Washington addressed the soMiers after Arnold's treachery became known. After the war Archibald went to Springfield, Yt., where he married SrsAXXAir House, May 8. 178G. bbe was l»orn in February. 1762, [in^bably in l^ly- uiouth Co., Mass., and was a daughter of Coombs and Prudence House. Coombs House was de- scended in a direct line from Samuel House who came from England and settled in Scituate, Ply- moutii Co., Mass., in 1034. The mother of Coombs House was a daughter of Anthony Coombs, a Fren(di Protestant, born in France in lCu)(\ and came to America in l()7o. He settled in Plymoutli county, Mass., and afterwards, it is said lived in Xewl>ur3'- port, Mass. Coombs House purchased land in S])i'ingfield. \'t., Aug. 18. 177:i and continued to leside in tliat town until his death some twenty years latr-r. In Feb'y, 1704. Archibald and Sus- annah flarwood. then C)( Weathersfield. A't.. con- veyed to others their interest in the ('oombs House estate. In >rarch. 17'J4, T)avid Hous^ conveyed his ^hare of his fathei'\s estate to his sister. Susannah Harwooil. In May. is* »,"">, ArchibaM and Susannah Harwood " (piit-claimed their interest in the real estate of Coombs Hou'-e, late of Springfield, de- SIXTH GENERATION. 35 ceased, now belonging to Prudence House, widow of Coombs," to Eleazer Sartwell. Arcliibald Harwood purchased 10 acres of land in Weatherstield in 1792; 30 acres in 1706; 2/5 acres in 1799; and sold all three pieces to Luke Nichols, of Weatherstield, Oct. 4, 1800. He was by trade a carpenter and mill-wright. He removed to Eden. Vt., in 18(>2, and built the first mills ever erected in that town. In March, 1802, he was elected treas- urer and constable in the town of Eden. In 1804 he was elected lister. In 1800 he was again elected constable The town records of deeds show several transfers of real estate made by and to Mr. liar- wood in Eden, from Oct. 1<), 1802, until April 0, 1814. He was an active, enterpri"sing, business man. He removed from Eden to Constable, Franklin Co.. ]X. Y., and there built and owned mills. He died in Eden in 1887. His wife in 1848. She was a pro- fessing Christian, and a very excellent woman. 22. KosAXNAii married Joiix BuhlinctAME. They resided in Weatliersfield, A't., where several children were born to them. In 1807 Mr. B. pur- chased property in Eden, \t., from his brother-in- law, Archibald Harwood. 23. Lydia, married Joxathan Okdway. and they had three children. Her second husband was 86 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. Jedediati HuTCJiiNs, and they had two sons and two daughters. One of these daughters married Nathan Hobbs, and became the mother of Hon. Al- bert Hobbs, of Malone, N. Y. Seventh Generation. CMldren of John liar wood, No. 19. All born in Manchester, N. 11. 24. Daniel, married SusAisr Steyexs. Tliey re- sided in Goffslown, IST. H., occupying one house for 00 years. 25. John, settled in South Carolina. 26. Polly, born June 16, 1789. She married Jessie Bakkr, and lived in Manchester, N. II. He died Jan'y 19, 1844, and she March 23, 1870. Their children were: Sally, Mehitable, William, Nathan- iel, Lydia, John II., Lucretia, Charles, and Julia. 27. Sally, married Mark Webster, of Salem, N. H. She died in 1836. 2^. William:, married Sally Goriiam, (>f Den- nis, Mass. They resided at Barnstable, Mass. He sold dry goods for several years, and afterwards be- came a contractor, building bridges, wharves, etc., on Cape Cod Peninsula. He died at Hudson, N. H., in 1874. 88 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. 20. Daviu. born Jan'y, 1804. lie married Lvdta Ro,;p:p,<, of Harwich, Mass., in 1847. He was a shoe maker and farmer. He died Sept. 18, 1879. Cldldren of Jnmes liar wood. Xo. 2ij. 8'). Patty, born October 28, 1788. She resided ill Lynn, Mass., where she died May, 1851. 31. James, born Dec. 28, 1780. He married Hanxaii Wkbstkii, of L'nity, X. H., Feb'y 25, 18n0. They removed to Eden, \'t., where they re- sided two years, then returned to New Hampshire. In 1824 they settled in Wilton, Me., where he was engHged in farming. He died Jan'y 12, 1851, and his wife March 15. 1874. 82. AiiCiiiBALD, born April 16, 1701, in Unity. X. H. lie served in the war of 1812 as a teamster. He married PiiEjiE Wells, of Peru, X. Y., and lived there for a time; then retnrned to Unity, and finally settled in Claremont, X. PL, where he was a farmer. He died September 29. 18C8, and his wife Dec. 18, 1806. :3:i Simeon C, born July 4, 1704, in lenity. X. II. He married Paiulla Leavitt, Sept. 1, 181(5. She was born at Rupert, A't., May 22. 1709. They settled in Dickinson, Franklin county, X. Y., in 182u, where he was a farmer many years. He was also a postmaster in Dickinson, and a justice of the peace. They linally removed to Moira, X. Y.. /ffis.fioaYh/oj?rffLEr 5.C Haywood Ups. £mma Da m AfiCN/BALD Harwood SEVENTH GENERATION. 39 where he died Aug. 8, 1883, and his wife Sept. 12, 1872. They were both members of the Congrega- tional Clinrch. 84. David, born in 1797, at Unity. He married Mrs. PiiiLENA Orcutt, Aug, 15, 1829. They re- sided in Lynn, Mass., where he died May 3, 1843. His wife died Dec. 5, 1845. 35. Polly, born in Unity. She married Deacon John WoinirLEY, and resided in Antrim, X. H. Their children were John, Mary and Marian. Children, of Archibald Ilaricood., No. 21. 36. Jesse, born Oct. 15, 1786, at Springfield, Vt. He married Sally Scofield, at Eden, Yt., about 1806. She was born in Stamford, Conn., in 1788. They settled at Hadley, Saratoga County, N. Y., where he died Oct. 18, 1824. His wife died at Floyd, la., Feb'y 7, 1868. She was a member of the Congrega- tional Church. 37. Sakah, born at \Yeathersfield, Yt., Feb'y 5, 1789. She married Ciias. Wiiittemore, in 1808. AYe learn from the town records of Eden that Arch- ibald Harwood and N. P. Sawyer sold real estate in Eden to Chas. Whittemore, June 13, 1803. Mr. and Mrs. Whittemore made their home in Eden, where she died April 23, 1870. Their children were: Jer- usha, Kingsbury, Richard, Lovica, Russel], Phila, AYilliani and Ira. -10 GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. 88. AxNis, born April 5, 1791, in Weathersfield. She married Clai'Jv Ely. They resided in Eden, Vt., where she died in 1SG8. They had two sons, Samuel and Eobert. 89. Cykt-s, born in 1798, in Weathersfield. Mar- ried Maky Lee, abont 1823. He studied law and was admitted to the bar at Sandy Hill, N. Y. He afterward, about 1830, removed to Ridgeway, N. Y., wlieie he practiced his x)rofession and became quite eminent therein. He removed in 1886 to Michigan, where he soon after died. 40. Hemax, born December 19, 1794, in Weath- ersfield. He served in the American army in the w-arof 1812, and many years after his widow re- ceived from the government, on account of such service, a piece of AVestern land. He married Mary Stowell, daughter of David Stowell, at Eden, \'t., about 1818. She was born in Winches- ter, N. H., Dec. 8, 1794. The town records of Eden tell us that Heman Harwood bought land fi-om Oli- ver Pratt, March 19, 1818. and again Feb\vl9, b822. He transferred real estate to Oliver Pratt, Mar('h 19, 1818; and Feb'y 12, 1824, he sold all of his ])roperty in Eden to J. D. it J. liutchius. He then moved with Ills family to Piangor, Fi'anklin county, Ts". Y., wJHM'c lie Hiiga(i'Hd in faiauirig. \n Oct., 1884, he went to Niagara, Out., to work, and in Aug., 188/)^ lie \N"i'ot(' his \\ife that lu' had been ill and was com- Luke LiAPivooo /Irs. Luke fiARWooo V \ Mary A/vD Al/ce Lea v/tt Harwood SKVKXTH (tKNKRATKiX. 41 ins home. '1 h;it was the hist his family evei' lieaid of liiiii. and it is supposed that lie was either iniir- dei'e'l foi- his nioiu'v. of whidi lie liad a consichMaMe sum. or (li'owned while on the way home. His widow, lel't with se\"en you nu' children to cai'e foi'. i)roved e(]ua.l to the task, and succeeded in kee])in. Slie was born Aug. 80. ITOt'i. Tln-'v ivsided in Fi'anklin Co., X. V.. until 1882, wlieii they I'enioved to ^^'ayne Co.. Mi(di.. and from there to Ionia Co., Mich., where he died Ai)r, H). 1808. Hi.s wife died Sept. 20, 187(>. She was a Presliytei'ian. 42, A.M.WDA. born in J791), in Weathei-sheld. She married Roy.al Cii a,mi;kui..\in, and they had children. 48. .I,\.MKs, born .TaiTy 18. 18(d, in \A'eathers- tield. [le mai'i'ied Ai;virL.\ SAi:r\\- km. at Eden. \ t. He was one of the jtioneer settlers of Allen Co.. Hid,, settlin.u' in the town of IVrry. as early as 1880. Some fourteen yeai's later he took a ti'i}) to i-l CKNKALodlCAL RlsTOltY tli(^ far \\'!^s1. \s(>iki]iu' at his trade o!' carixMitef, and it. is su[)i>()sc(! he was iiiurdf'i'(Ml by \ho Moriiiotis near Salt Lake City. Itali. [lis \vilV died .) iily L^ri, 18'.):;. Slu' was a Methodist. 44 I'll I [, A, hoiti July 8, KSO)!, in Eden. \'t. Slie niariied iJia i;i;\ Ai>\\is. Dec. hi, 1822. They re- sided many years in Ciete, [Ih, where he died Nov, 2S. I88(». and she Fel)"y 2(-). 18l)(t. Tlieir oidy (diihl, 1-aui'a A., was horn b'eh'y i8. 1828, and died .Mai'ch 12, 18:)(). 4."). Amy, born in 1807. in K(h'n. and died at the aire of 2(5 \ears. 40. IJiiJiv. boiai Jnl\- 4, I8I(), in F/hMi. He maia-ied ()i;i;ii.i.a Siowkll. a sistei' of his l)rothei- Ileman's wif(\ May lo. I8:'>'». She was born in Kden. \'i. .bin. 21, b^M). They settled on a farm in Banu'oi'. X. \ . wln^re tlie\' resided until his death. .]u!y:>, I8«^):). Sht^ continued to leside on tlu' old I'lace many yeais after his death. She di^'d March 2i). iSlio. jj P; ffRS. OrR/LU fiMWOOD / ^ RileyHarwood /IrsJ/^v/lla Harwood. /yp5. /Vary //a/? wood Eighth Generation. C'// iJdi'i II of Diiiih'l IJarmrxxK ^o. -4. 47. 11 AUiM Ki . ui;in!(-(l Sam IFF. Mii.axi). 4S. Hc. I. 1S.'):5. >!)■' m;i.-!iM,l Si'ii! Pa I m;. of i[:n-vvi('li. Mu^s . Xov. 11. '-^T:!. Tlit'ir ('hiMiHii aiv Mori iiiif-r llinwijod. .iosJM L., Sadie F . ail' I Liira F v>S. William P.. horn .lime. IS.")*;, di'-l .Iaij">' i:!. IS* '.-2. (J]i ildi't II of Jii iiif's I f(i r irooil . No. ■', I . .")'.•. Dwiu. boni July 14. ISl'i. in K'leii. \'r. \\i^ inaniHil Xan( v Smith, at Cliarlpstown. Ma-^s.. FpI)"\ 11». is:],'. IIh hanish iiiaiiufacroi'it-s near Boston until lS4'i. when he ivnioved to Xew Shai(»n. Me.. wiiMiv he Hnu'au'ed in farniiiiu-. In Is04. he ivtnoved to l^oland. Me., whei'e he died Fet.'y 17. isDl. His wife is . at Fnity. \. 11. lie married Sai.omk Lvi>-|ox. in 1S:!4. Sju- died May. 1S47. and in I )iM'Mnil)in' of the saint^ yiMi' he nlal•l■i^'d Mai;^- A. Lv i)> i ox, si->tei' to his lii-st wife. Ih-'\va->a nifiehant. 11^ dinil dun»- "iT. lShe married .F'iix (\ II\X''mk. and I'esidfd in (dlal■]e•^Iown. JESSE HARWOOD EU:tHTH irKNERATK )X. \r^ Mass.. Mr. H d';M Auii. S. 1S8r>. 'IMieir cliildivn were: John IL., who served in tie* riiioii army aiul lost ail aim in the battle of Bull Hmi. He has a family in (UieKsea. Mass. Eliza A., married James Simpson, resides in Noiwood. Mass.: (T((H)i'^1'^. (5:5. Ma ill A M., born May I, 182J. She married John P. Caim) -jiily 1), 1843 They resided in Ever- ett. Mass., where she died April 18. 189r). They were professing' Christians. They had two sons, John H., born Xov. 21^ 1844. in Charlestown, Mass., married Leonia M. Wood, of Wilton, Me.. Jan'yO, 18(58; tliey have a family in Dondiester, Mass.; and Wairen A., born in Charlestown, Jan'y 18, 1847, mairied Sarah E. Smith, of Chelsea, April H, 1870, and have tdiildren. 64. A L 1 E W . , born Jul y 3, 1 ^2o. She m arried W.M. HowAPvi). of Charlestown. Mass.. 1847. He was a I'ariner in Maine several years, and later was •!(•, (;i;.\i;Ai.')(,ic.M. Hi>i( )i;y (li"(l A|ui; •>}. \>->>. :(iii| liis wit'.' ()(■!. •>:), is.^s. Tlif} w t'l'- j ir(i'''^--iii_; ('lii-i>i i:m->. ("Iiilili'.'ii: W'il- li;i)ii W.. :\l\rr M.. EwauA >.. M;tiy Iv. Il;in!i;ili i\, ( ii;i-. W.. and (i.M.ru" L. • ;."». .\!\i:y 15. lioiii ! )hc. II. 1^-J7. ^hi- iiiai'iind >!<^i:i:;i.i ( '. II i % i. ■^'■pi , -js. is;,]. Il.^dJrsi in i^pad- li.'hl, Mr.. al)oin Is:-:. Siipdi^dn.'!. -i'.t. |,-.S4. Their n])\y ciiiiil. Moi liil .!. linn;, died < )rt. IT). ISTl. 'W'.. Joiix A.. l»oiii .\}»i'. i'.». I^o". di'Mt in iniancy. ('///'/'//■/■// <)t' A I r/'i !hn/t/ lid rV'ji'i'K Xo. '-Vl. iiT. ('iii;vi»nN. hoiii Anu'. -J. isi:i. in PtTii. X. V. Maiai'-d .!\\!-. W'li.l.. aT t liify .\ . ^^. .luiie-. I.>:)H. atid -eitlt'd in ( 'nn--taiii ia. N. \'.. winnv itu^y livf^d li!l iS»;i. \v!i '11 1 lit'V ii^nov^d U> Clait'iiKtiil. N. \\.. w li-a p liH w a^ a larinei'. *'-'. ('\i:o;,i\i., lh»in .hni'' 12. IMii. in Tnity. X. !i.. \\ lit'it' alx) lln^ I't'st oi llie I'atnilv w.-].- l)nrn. ■-^Iii' nian'i'^d W'm. IIowaim). oI' \\''A. ( 'liddi'-ii: .laniH~; and I-'i'anrt-s. C'.l. S|\i;m\ {'.. l.Min .\<>\-. -i''.. IS]'.), died Ort. 'I'l. I M I . 7. ISIS. Kt'side iu t! f ^i» ''^. $ v^ /^/^l^//)//y4/?lV00/? TW-%j^ /fe-. /^/yrK/^>?/4^^^z? flRS.n.fl.CARD James Marwgod KKiHTH (THXL':KA'ri(jN. 47 Ree'iiH. N. 11. Tlie-ir only child. Kiiiina K.. Ixn'ii Spj>t. -21, l^.')<>, rii:ii'riH(l E. M. White, a jpadiiiu photouiapht-r ^)\' \\i^v]]t\ 7i. P!!i:i!i. Aw A. l)()i-n An.u'. 11. \^2'.). Sh- imn-- i-iH(l('ii\-. W, ('ii\i'\!\\ l)p<', 'J:!. )^.')4. }1»' is an u)>li()httM'('r and !'(--idcsin IvtM-ne. Tliey ai'r ninni- l)er> (if tilt' l-i|)i-cn])al ( 'hnrch. f// /h//''/i oj' Sii/ii(j/i ('. 11(1 1 " n/jf! ^ A'o. ■/■/. All. Hxcf'pt iiu' 111-!, hoiii in I M(*ki)is(in. X. ^', 1'2. .\\y\\:- \ . l)(»rii May 2'n. KSI7. in (MiPsreitinM, X. v.. dh^d A}.;!! 7. !S18. 7:'). Li < :m>a. lioin A [ail :i(). ls-i<*. She niaiiicd Sn.A^ Fa K\>\v.)iM II. aiid resided in Moiia. X. \. Thr-ir childien weie: S-.'fah, who niarfied ()li\fi Adcock. Xn\. .^. ISSCi: .and Marv. who died se\(-iai ye;ii'v alio .Mi>. V. was a C()!!ii'ien;iti()iia!ist . 74. Dw II) 11.. ix.iii May If). 1S-J4. di^-d Dec H, ].vi7. 7."). M \i;!!i \. lio! 11 April :!(». iS-if,. She re>-ided at Moil';).,. X V.. \vli>>re she died Ajiial -.C). ISSH. She was a inenit>er of the ( 'oiiu'vLiaiional Clim-eh. 7*). .M \i;v, lioiii Aj lil IT). Is-iS. and di^'d A])i'ii AjM'il 2. isri'i. She was a nienihpi' of ihe ( 'oiiiii'eii:!- liuiial CliMieh. (^ ( J i-:S K A 1 .( )( i I ( 'A L H IST( ) R \ 11. D.W'II) N.. l)(»ili Sept. '.]. 1K{(*. He iii:iirie(] Ka'I'iiaimn i; Ci.AKK. Tlipy ivsided in Mnloiie. N, Y.. wild e li(- w.'is ;i cjil'ixMitel' hy ()cciii);i I ioti. lie (lied Any. '2'2, 1 887: ;iiid Ids widow itiuiiied iiyaiii. Dec. -.V). 18'.i:i All)e]i Man, of Malone. 78. Sfmi;o.\ ,!.. horn Jan'y 2ri. ]8',V.'>. He mai' I'ied Lorisi; L. TV^i;. Anti'. 27. 18()(i. Tliey i-esidod in Malone. X. \'., where lie was a niei'chant, and later was en. A>Ai'ii L.. hoin May 2, 18:)tx lie inairied Ai)i:i.iA A. Dawson, w Ik) was Itoi-n in Fianklin. \'t., Dec. 2;!. 18:5('). They leside at Afalone. N. Y. Jle was t'oi' se\e!al years enaayed in the insurance busi- ness witli his brother Simeon, and since th(> (h^ath of the latter has been much of the time in the same l)Usiriess. He has also been eiiaau-ed in mercantile ])nrsuits. 8(1. Kmii.v H.. l)orn .lan'y 2.'. 18-1'). niairied \\'\i. K. Dawson. i'lie\- have one s(>n. Lea\itt. ('//ilr/j' // of Ihirld I Id rn-<>(iodii<-. I;i. .s7. S.\NFoiM». l)0]'n.lnly :>1. K^I8. His latiiPT' dyiiiU' wli<^!i liH was only a child. Ik^ rt-ceiwd but a corniuon school education. Me was then appren- ticed to learn the iradt' of a -.addh-r. At the u<4v of nine'leen, in company with a ltr(»ther-in hiw. tie left New York Stat<^ for rile West, and finally settled in Lowell, 111. lU' purchased a farm, and Auu'. :>(). 184:^ he married Ki/.ia Dijvkil daughtei of ('hes- ter Oryer. Seven years lalt^-, he moved to hide ]>eiidHnce. Iowa, and a •-hort time after to Charles (yily. la. A,ii,;dn \u- enua,n"ed in farming, [jurchas- in^ a farm of ()iM* a<-rps. which he afterwards sold and enga.i^ed in rh»" manufacture of })o()ts and shoes and harness -a l)usiitr-s> whi< h he continut^d itntil health failed He (h-all much in latids. and owned many thousand acrt-s in Iowa, in KS.")o he made a join riey by hotit from l>ubu(jiiH. Iowa, to St. Paid, Minn., in search of lands. St. Paul was then a \il la,ue of about 200 iidial)iian'..>, and Mitineai)olis niim bernd only about PH», H,- s;iw mindi of fiont Ihi' life. Mr. Haiwood was a professino Christian. He organi/.tnl tln' lii-t Sunday s(dioi>l that was cvfi' held in Charles City On the '.!oth day of Aup>ust, I8'j;i. Ml. atid .Mrs. Ilarwood cchbrated their liold- en weddiiii:. and had udh them !,iz\i;i;i II, bo)-ii An*;-, l."), 182H. died April 28, 18:is. (lilldrvu oj' C;jni.s lla.nroad. Ko. -UK 90. A l>Ar(;iiii:i:, t)oiii about 182o. CJiildffn, of Ihiiut II UnnrnniJ Xo. MK 9L Sai.i.v. b(jrti O.'t. ?>(). J819, in Kden, \'t. She married .loiix H(»r>i:. They resided in Todd Co., Minn., wheie he die-. 'l^.), 1874. and where she (lied rhily 8. 1889. TJiey vvejv iHeird.)ers of the Methodist (/hureh. Their dnldien were: (Gilbert, born .Maicli b>. 18:}8. ;nid is sn[»posed to be dead ; FiUeina. l»orn July 2r). 18:)9; Altnina, born .Inly 4, 1841. and died ,hnie 2(5. 1842: Sidney, boin A})ril 4, 1843: (Teoige, born -bury 25, 184.""); Mary, born ,lau"v 19. 1847; Kdson, boin Mav 14, 1849: Albert, rr2 (tEXEALOCtICAL HISTORY. boni Aug. 2. 18.-)]: l^lioda, V)oiii May 14. 18."3H, died Dh(,\ -26. 18r).j; Meliuda. bom Fpb'y 12, ISr)."): Ella, born Feb"y 12. IS.")?: and Warren, born July 28, 1801. died May 0. 180:}. i)'2. Maiiy, born .luly 3, 1821. in f]den. 81ie re- sided many years in I^oston, Mass., where she was connected with the "Boston Medical Institute," under Dr. R. Greene. She died in Boston, April 21, 180o. She was a Methodist. 98. HiK.v.M, born Jan'y 10, 1828. in Eden. He married Maim.xxxk BktKLow, daughter of James Bigelow. Esq.. of West Bangoi'. X. Y.. Jan'y 8, 18.")1. She was born at Plattsburgh, X, Y., Sept. 22. 1825. When he was but twelve years of age. it fell to his lot, as the eldest son. to assist his widow- ed mother in caring foi' the younger children, and this duty he })erfornied far more faithfully than many older persons wonld have done In early lifn he professed faith in Christ, and became a membpi- of the Mnthodist P]piscopal Church. For forty yeai's he served th^ Church as class leadei'. Tie was loyal to the Church, activi-" and cheei'ful in her support, constant in his attt-ndanc- on her servicns. In 1889, h<' sulfHred a severe attack of la grip})'-', which left him with })ulmonai'y dist\ase. lie stt^adily grew worse until after a year of gi'eat suffering death cam^ to hi> rt^linf, I)ec. '2'k 1890. Mr. Harwood in tlu^ manau'ement (jf his fai'ui and othei' bu.siness was H/RAM Garwood /1r5.M,Harwood EIGHTH GENERATION. 53 enei'getir and exceedini;'ly methodical. Of him it might emphaticall}' be said, "He had a place for everything and everything in its place." His wifp still resides on the old homestead in Bangor, wlier^^ they began their married life in 18o]. Like him sh^' has been an earnest, consistent (christian from child- hood. 94. Oj.ivki;, born Jidy 21, 1824, in Bangor, N. Y., where also the rest of the fannly were l)orn. He died July 8, lS2o. 9o. Olivet., born Feb'y 0, 182(5. He married ELFZAI5KTII STKKNnKK(;, Sept. 24, 1850. They re- moved to Wisconsin, in IS.V). He served in the Union army, enlisting Feb'y 1(», 18(52, in (i;iy meiitiotXMl \v;i>i out' ')t' ;i (leM;iil to uii:irtl'oim- folCf of li-oo]is \\--r<' l\iii-;i litth' l)a(''\ fioin ih'-sneani. I'elieviiiir hitii. they (lid not advance, and 1>_\' tliis ruse he saved tile wauon ti'ain. \\hi(di would oijieiwi^e ha\e fallen into ilieii' liainN. Ilf wa< then taken to ( )|-anue ( 'ollir Iloiisi-. where he was lelicxed of the most of his pe'fsonal iiosst-'ssioii-;. and then he was )-emo\tM| >u<'eessively to < Tordoiisvj lie. I^y mdi I )iirLr. and Danville. Fiom the lat tef jtlac- was taken to Andei. ('. La1»- in the following- ]-'ebriiar_\ . Mr. Ilarwood with a \asi ihionu' of lauut^d. >tarvjim-. •^•hi\ f'l inu'. hatle-^. Iiaie fooled, emaciated, filthy. \ eriiiin-C(>\ ercd.atid allo^'ethcr forhd'ii w i-et<-he>. weiv maifdied to W'ilminu'lori to he exchanueil. h is safe to conjt^<'t lire that su(di another processifdi will ut-vei' auain t raA er"- of a pri\ation too tni-i'iable ti. he depicted will) pen oi- hrusii; e\eiy foini crip|)led aiwl >loo]»inu- undei' a hiird»'n of en- diiiaiicH to hit ter e\ t-n to x-cali with jiatieiice. 'riiink EKIHTH (iENRKATlOX. of tliis |)i('Tui'e. sons niid benelicinii^'s ol' those who mach^ this weary joiiiix^y. aiil try to realize their eniotioiis as they passed into r'Mle'iipfiori iiikIhi- the stars and st['i[)es, in Vhu'cii l.Si;,""). Mr. Ilarwood's healrli was sjiatlered in a terrihh' niannei-. ll(^ had the scuivy so l)adly that all his tH(Mh fell oiil. and he h;is never sincp seen a well day. The hardships to wliicli he was t^xjjosed at Florence wertMnn«-h less than tliosp at Anderson\ilh\ l)nr he sn(1>'rt'aiied, and made new ones. Forthi'ead he had the ravelin";- of a piece of Knuiish teni clotli, and lie obtained needles u hich he made He\il)le by hearing. h'oi' [)egs he look th<' heaiT of a pinestnm[) and made them on*Mit a time, with a case kiufe. lie had come to the conclusion that he could never get out of piison, and determined to make the best of it: and he wen! to woi-k in order to be emjiloyed and to earn something to ke<>j) inmself alive. He was for sometime the ordy shoemakei' in the stock- a(h\ ! i" GENEALOGICAL HISTORY. at i]i,£;ht by tlie light of pine knots. Tlie money he earned he used in relieving the necessities of him- self and companions. After awhile, others began to make shoes, and it became quite a business. His pegging awl and case knife which he brought from Wisconsin, he managed to secrete when taken pris- oner, and he carried them from Andersonville to Florence, where he cai'ried on the same business also. He iiad a razoi' which he carried all the way through a.nd with which he shaved his fellow pris- oners. At Andersonville, he gave two cents a spoon- ful for salt, and only drew salt rations twice. He gave a greenback dollar for a pound of salt, that had just been taken from ;i pork barrel. Sometimes the men v, ho went out to gather wood, would be allowed to bring in an extra stick for their own use. and they sometimes bought beans and other food from the citizens, and smuggled tliem into the jsrison. A common method was to si)lit a log, make it hollow j)!ace the pi'ovisions inside and fasten it together with wedges. This was after awhile dis- covered by the pris(jndveepe]'s. At Wilmington, Mr. llarwood was paroled and went to Annapolis, where he came near burning to death in a tent which took iire. There he received a furlough and return ed to Wiscor.sin. Tlie war closed before his leave of absence ex}>iivd, and he did not rejoin his com- mand. Since th<^ war he has lived in Waushara Co.. Wi-.. in tlie vicinitv of Plainlield. He married. EIGHTH GE^ERATIOX. 57 Ang. 2o, 18G7, for a second wife. Mrs. Lrcv E. CuMMi>r(;s. He was foinierlv a menilie]- of tlu' Methodist Cliureli, but ikav witli his wife beloniis to the Baptist Church of Plainfield. He has been a Justice of the Peace. Is a member of the G. A. K. organization. 90. Amanda, born Feb'v 26. 1828. in Bangoi'. IS. Y. She married Hemjy Gkaves. Jan"y 22. ]8ri2. They lemoved hem '\Yisc(rsin. iherce lo I'eKjilb Co., lib, where she died July 11. 18G7. Ihey weie Methodists. Their children wer^: Lafayette, born Jan'y 21, 18r)8, was killed by a lock caving in on him, K'ov. 1869: Mary, l^orn M^irch 29. 1857. She is at j)resent princijial of the South Side Grnmniar School at Sandwich, HI. She was for ten yeais a teacher in the grammar department of the high school in Earlville. Ill: and Lauro, bom Nov. 1(', 1860, died at an early age. 97. David, born March 24, 1830. Married Makv Bkowx, March o, 1851. They removed to AYiscc^n sin, and from there to Minnesota. He died in All on. Minn., March 6, 18G9. His widow is again married. 98. Lrci:sDA, born Nov. 15, 1832. She died May 1(>, 1870. in "Waushara Co., Wis. She was n mem- ber of the Methodist Church. Children of LvJic Harirood, No. 1^.1. 99. Isaac, born March 6. 1821. in Franklin Co.. ->' GEXEALOGICAL HISTORY X. Y. Hv- married Sakah Edhv, Ihc. 8. 1842. Tliey rpsidfd in Ionia. Micdi. Tlie\' Avnre iiienibei's 'if rlie Di-cii'lf Chiirrdi. On tlie 23d of Se]iT.. ]88(). tht^ (dnldi'<^n and uiandrliildren of Mr. and ]\h>. Isaat' ]Ia]'V'ood liad a family I'eunicjn at the old home in Ionia. AJi'di. Tliej'*" ^^■ere 82 persons present, just onedifdf of v.liom were liTandehildrfn. A photo.a'- Miplier wa'S oalled who made a ])ictnre of all. taken on tlie hnvn in fi'nnt of tli<' Iiousp. Then the father railed all the company into the parloi'and jnvsented i.-aeli of the seven (diildren with slOo each. The motile]' niade each of the pan d children a present. LynKiii, the eldest sotj. tlie]] arose and made these remarks: '• Deai' parents. On my r»wn behalf and l>y the request of these, my brothers and sisters, we de-ire to tend<-i' you our --ineere thanks foi' tliis an "tlier m;!nifei\ your success in the past. and thank yon for the many lessons of advice and iiisti'uetion yr)i! have L;-i\-en us. We kno\\" that by Iwllowiiiii' your examples we maybe true men and women. AA'e hope you may liotli yet be sjiaivd many years, that your advice may be a bh\->>ing to ij> in lilt' fulure, as it ha> in the pa-^t. ^^^' hope to liv-- to ]i:W'- many inore of tliese friUiily I'euidons— \\hich we all s(» nnudi enjrjy." The fatlu-r then :"--e;ind i'( j.Mrd as follows: ■■])ear (diildi>'n. This !:as Iv'i-n a \<-]-y }ilea,sai;t met-tin^U' to u^. and ^\•e Muite oni' wi^liP-, with \'ou!'s foi' nianv uu)re su(di I'e- EIGPITH (tEXERATION. of) unions. To see our cliildren ^j-itliered to^'elher ai their lionie is tlie greatest [)leasure your niotlier and 1 ever exi)ect to enjoy liere ui)on eartli. It lias been the aim of our lives to set sueli examples before oui children that they might grow u}) respected and use- ful. We feel to thank you each and every one for the cheerfulness with wliich you have received oui instructions, and wlierever we may have erred, we hope you may, as you see the eri'ors, avoid tliem. and set examples before your children worth}' of imitation. Children, your parents have now passed the meridian of life and must soon be separated from you. It is our aim to make Heaven our home, and we hope we may all so live tliat we may be gathered an unbrcjken family in the lietter world.'' Isaac liar wood died Nov. 3, 1894. TOO Phila, born May 2, 1822, in Franklin Co., N. Y. She married Amos Otis, Feb'y, 1840. They reside in Detroit, Mich. Children: Amon, Luke. Xancy, Emma, Mary, Martha, Asa and Albert. 101. S. RuHA.MA. born May loth, 1824, in Frank lin Co.. X. Y. She married Wixslow Eddy, in 1841. They made their home in Berlin. Mich. She died Fel)\v 2, 1846. Her children were: Sylvia, born Aug. 28, 1843; Phila, born Feb"y 4, 1845. 102. Cy Kus, born Fel^y 27, 1820, in Frankliii Co., N. Y. He married Betsey Tokkky, Oct. 7, 3. R[LKV. l)')i-ii Jaii'y 80, 1828. in Franklin ('().. X. V. lie niari'iHd Maxdaxa Mkrkill. They I'esiiUHl in Stai'k Co.. 111., where he died Ana'. 10, 1874. of injni'ies refeived from a ti'ain of cars as he was crossing n ]'ailroad. He was a |)rtian. 104. Ki).Mrxi), born March 21, ]88(), in P^j'anklin Co., N. Y.. inai'ried Axx Hackett, Aug 12. 1840. lie resides in Ionia, Co., Mich. His wife was born in County Longford. Iivland, Jan'y 10. 1882. and died in Berlin, Mich., Dec. 10, 1882. She was a tnenil)e]' <)f the (Jatholic Chui'ch. 105. Mauv a., boi'u April 2, 18:58. in Wayne Co.. Mich. SliH niari'ied Thomas Beilkk. Nov. 21, 18,-)."). They resid*^ in Berlin. Mich. Children: Ed- win T., Mary K.. Cyrus A.. Lucy A. aiid Otis H. lofj. .1 AM i;s. born July 28. 188ri. in Wayne Co., Mich. He nuuiied I3i:ri)(.E'i' Ha( kei'i, a sistei' of his bi'othei' Edmund's wife, June 20. 1858. He re- sides in Berlin, Mich. His wife died about 187.5. She was a Catholic. (Jldhh'iu i>J' JnuK'S Ifancoof], No. .^A lo7. Myi;a. boin July 20, 1885. in Edi-n, \'t. She nuiri'ied Ei.i.iAii Si'E.N( i;r;, Dec. 25, 1851. They EIGHTH GENERATION. (il had five cliildren: Arvilla, born in 1852; Mariette, born Dec. 25, 1854, married Jonathan Snj^df^r, and have four daughters, reside in Allen Co., Ind.; Lev- rett, born 1857; Kosa E., born Jan'y 13, 1860, mar ried Emmett Bj^ers, and have had four children, re- side in Allen Co.; and Harrison, born about 1862. Arvilla and Harrison are dead. Mr. Spencer died in the Union Army in 1863, and his widow married JoNATHAX SA\ ID T,. born Jan"y 25. 1842. He aiarried }iA( iiEL i-\vLL(>:N. July, 2, 1868. aiid residps in Ilait- l;i!id. \'i. _M]'s. Harwood was born in iioyalton, \r., May 17. 18o2. 120. Lena W.. born Dt<:. h 1847. SJa- I'^r^ldr^.- In Auburn. Me, loO. AiiRiA, b(,'rn .nily 24. IPcrj, Married 8-a:^; i'EL P. Saroent. wIk! died .iune8. 18^8. iea.vino ! vvo f-hildren: Ilari'v L. a".d Lena M. Mrs. 8aj'- ,^ent refjides in Auburn. '^'liil'i li^ji <-f .it^st Ilarujoo']. I\o 6'o. (liy Lii> ih'st wif'^.') I'M, AroiA-'iA A., '^orn Man-h IM. 18:-3."3. Slie niai' d;-L -Tiiii'^ 1. 1852, E;:K:sEZEi:L'TELo. wlin \\a> l^ide'! = - tla- fij-st battle of Bull Eun. July 18. ^^'d }'']'^. Llebl jvsides in Boston. iH-> .Iv.,;r L., bo>ii May 2. 1844. ib- marn-d Anxa K. ^:^''Ti;. '-fLynn. July V 1-9(K She died r>ov. k-. io-d. He je,>i'les In Lynii ,\\\ Lis ^.^r'r>]if ! "wi tp ; ;:;■:. !'';:A^n.E:-- Y.. ^^ovyiui ir'5i. a-" Li!arle^t-)\\'ii '"a-.-, !'' r. P(iv<-4 bi>- (-diH-aMfai h^ the L>oin jub- Hon. CHARLES H. HARWOOD NINTH FENERATION. 67 li(3 schools, ills parents having removed to Lynn in 1852. At the age of eighteen he entered upon busi- ness life, and the first year he did a business of ten thousand dollars, I^ess than a score of years aftei' lie was doing an annual business of about four hun dred thousan;,! dollars. In November, 1889, iri> numufacturing establishment was burned t-' tli^' ground, and o\-er one hundred thousand dollai's' worth of stock was consumed. It was tlieri thar Charles E. llarwoocfs "make up" was apparent. for with his characteristic energy in less than 2! hours— before the ruins of the late factory had ceas ed smoking— he secured another location, wliicli is now his [)restmt factory greatly enlarged, and con tiniied his fon^e [)ractlcally uninterrupted. 'Vlu; factory origiu;illy v, as a- two-story building, but i< now a four-story Iviick structure, about 100 feet square, witl.) a total floor space of al)out 2r),0i"/ scpiiare feet, it is complet*dy uroderu in all ii n ec][uipments. Mr. Ilaj'wood makes a .specialty oi the manufacture of stilfeiiings for hand s.-iwtHl work. Goodyear inner soles, taps and moidded coirntei> foi' men's, women's, misses' and children's sh(;bs. and tile business carried on by his corpoiaiion is ac kno\\"ledged to be one of the iuost extensive of u kind in the (-ounti-y, giving t-mployment t;,> near!,, 150 men. .Mr. llarwood is a membe]' of the Bosto.-t olioe and Leather Exchange, ;iitd a director (;i [k ■ Lynn Nntionai Basdv and Lynn ?^;ife Deposii ui;.i i-.s (tEXEAL(J(xICAL HIST(jR\'. Triist Co. In iVateriial cii'cles lie is a .i:h\d degiee Mason, is connected wirli tli^ Odd Fcilnws, and als(j with a k)cal lodg-c of rlit- Ivni^lits oi' Honor. IIh is a ni(-nibcr (d' !>otli tlio (Jxt'oi'd and P;ij'l\ Clnbs. and is serving liis tliird year as })resident of tlif^ Lynn Rn-pnldican Club. His y a idnrality of -iOliS votes, the largest Hver given a mayor in L}'nn. was no mean compliment, and that too with live o[)[)osition can- didates. He had })reviously sei'ved in thn Common Council two years, and been a member of the Board 01 Aldermen one year. His administration as may- or dui'ing 1S',)4 was eminently satisfactory to the i')eo[)le of tlie city. Tliis was shown l)y his selection for a second term and his I'e-election by a lai'ge and tlattei'ing majoiity. thus proving rh*^ confidence tiie citi/nns of Lynn j'^-pose in him. Mr. Hai'wood mar- ried Xkllik Blai>dkl!.. of 13(-rwi(dv, Maine. niilhh'tii of dorodon Ilarinoo'L -To. 67. All l)orn in Constantia, X. Y. 134. ClIAKLI> H. 130. MAitTI!^ H. 136. Sauam, Chihlrf^n of >^liin_on ./. llo^ioood. No. '7S. All l.)orn in Malone, N. Y. 137. An.vik L., born May 27. 1S03. She was uraduatt-d fi'om Ohierlin Colleu'e about ten vearsairo. NINTH GENERATION. CO She then taught seven yea)s in the west hirI south. and is now one of the faculty of tlie State Noi'nuil and Training School at Oswego, N. Y. 138. Maky II., born Dec. 1, 1800, Died >.ov. 22. 1 874. CJ/ildren of Asaph L. Ilaricood, Xo. 79. 189. MixxiE L., born Sex)t. 28. 18.V,), in TIoi>kin ton, X. Y. She married \V. E. PvKKiUKs'r. of Keeseville, X. Y., Oct. 0, 1887. They reside in Chicago, 111., where Mr. P has a position as i)ur chasing agent for Fowler Bros. 140. Mattik p., born Aug. 8, 1801, in Dickinson. N. Y.. She has been a teacher of speech and speech-reading in the Northern New Y?., Ixn-ii May V.). iS.")7, >\i<- i-eside.-s will) lier lalli-r ia Lynn. ('li'ihli-i It of Ifcrrt'in Iffi r !r!)()f] , Xo. .S6'. 14*1. Ki;!:i:< I'A T).. adopt'-d daui::!it-r. horn Apr. 7. 184.-). naii'ried Rr>-KL]. Staneorj). I'Vli'y-2^, ISOfJ, and dind May ."). 1808. leaviaii' oiie .^''ii. 147. A 8().\. horn Xov. -2, Ibd'). died in iniancy. 148. LoKKN/o. born Sept. 1, 1848. 'lied in i))- fancy. 14^j. (diAiiLi-..- E.. born ()''l. 20. i84'J. died \)^c. 18. 1808. IT)!). i^]\A I)., horn 8e})t. h, p-s.jl, died in intan< y. ].")l. S.\i:Ai[ PL. !>r,.rn Jidy I."). 18,")4. >la- niai ried ^\'\i. II. S^Li'Mn. Di^c. 22. 1874, 'idn-y re-dd^ at Fdi'T Do'Iliv. l(i\\"a. 1^)2. M.\i;iii.v E.. horij Oct. i2. i8r>'i. died ;n l^(i2 ]p:?. J v^!i> ''.. h(.in .laM';2:'. EM. di Lowell. Ill, ! !i i8(;') ]{:- ',v.-nT In ].-;i] I! Ei ■ : .lEiior's I radn. afierwaid .-jieqi! -M\vrai y^'ar- a:- a j airnt-yiean piEiier. and. ii^ .\a;^ii-4. h-^'W. lie h('c;ii!i. li'd:E.\v Hi'r mF i h>' TEE/// Kii^ji, <>i II, i!i if , j.iihli-.l'H : at F')i-e-; ^Ely. h>^va. \Va> aiarried Jaje' 1'.'. 1 ^0<. wirli ^\ ww R. Ernoi;, of NINTH GENERATION. T! Foivst City. FTe sold his interest in the Siciiiinit in Novemhe]', 187], and tlie I'ollowin,!;' Ai)i'ii hjiighr SI hall' interest in \\\k: FraiikUn (Jounhj McroVd'er. at Hampton, Iowa, laiying tlie otlier half of Uie })aper in June. 187o. He .sold tlie Recorder in Nov. 1878. and one niontb later pnroinised tlie Wrif/Jit County Monitor, at Clarion. Iowa, which he still publishes, in company now witli liis son. In politics lie lias aKvays \)*c'A-m a Iiopuldican, and an active worker in his party. He has enjoyed some of the "fi'uits"" in the sliap)e of postmaster tA\o terms, delegate to State and National conventions, etc. 1")4. S;->Av. born Dee. 1, 1847. in Lowell. 111.. !!nd died Oct. I(>, 1848 in."). St'san M.. born Aug. 2, 1849. In Lowell, 111. She resides v.dth hei- parents in Charles City, lovva, and is a member of the Congregational Churcli UB. Lf.r.Kv E,. IvMU Jan"y 14. 18^:2, bi LoAvell. Hi.. di<'d Sept. Hi. \b':4. b"7. Jesse I)., born Sept. 19. 1858, in Indepen deuvv, Iowa, and Died Sept. 12, 1854. lo8. Ei.U'r BruiJiTT. hon, Nov, 26. 1855. in Charles City. Iowa. He received a high school edu cation ;ind ado[)ted rirl as a i'rof(-s.sioii. Studied tp'st ill the Ari Listitiit-. o!" Ciiicago: a.fte]'\vards in th'' .;\rt Studeiits" Li-nrei'eier. the noted ^culptoi'. After thi'ee years in Pr.ris. lie re- turned to this couiitry. and has sinc*^ l»een located in Minne;ipolis. })aintin,u- }iortraits and fiu'ure work. In the fad r)f 18(>:'] he oi-ganized an art school in Miimeapoli-. which has had a remail^aUe .u'l'owth. The scIkxjI i- oru'anized on the hlan of the hiiiher Parisian schools. Mr. Ilr.rwood is a!'t-ars. i::'.t. ^VIi.I.IA^! S.. t)orn C)ot. 10. K^o7. at Ch;{r!es Cit\', Iowa. He rec'dved a lii,_;h school educ;ition, : lid ;!fter\'. .'irds took n -special thi'^e >'ea]'s' course at ilie ". he went to '.'iiic;i::Z'(>. an'! was f(.r ih^ec years on the staflp of 77'' Ihli:!-' i^-t<'!i . He rli^^n ^yejn to Sr. I'aul. whei'e ;.eA\:!s .•iiM:i_,:.(l ;i],,.|i! liiVH.- year< in daih' news- , •!]■'•;■ ASvjiIv. A f te]- Him; 1..- \\;is for -e\-erc!l year^ on '!;•■ -raT -f Ti,> Min n* 'U>il' s. Erc)u/,(; Jnirnicl, en- NIXTH GEXERATiOX 7;i gofi'ed ]j.iri>e]y in specisil work, li; 1808 lif' u-ave up ntnvsptiper Avoi'k to a hwge extent in order t(^ give the most of hi^ time to uetmil literary woi-k. For this lie hn.s n strong liking, nnd ('ontril.ntes to vari oris periodicals, his articles linding a welcome in tlie vei'v best magazines ]>id)lished in this connt]y. Mr. Ilarwood man-ied Jnne 17. 1885, Es iki^le L. Balch. of Charles Citj*. He is a professing (Christ- ian, c\ member of the Congregational Chui-ch. 100. Fka.vk. horn Dec, 12, 1860, ;it Charles (City, died in 1862. 161. FiiAXK G.. l>orn Ang, 23. ]804, in Charles City. He I'eceivpd a high school edncation, and vras married, Jnne 20, 1882, to Mixnik \'. Pattki;- sov, of Cliai'les City. He resides in San Francisco. Cah. Avhere lie is snccessfiilly engaged in the Inanber business. CJi'ddrtn of 01 her P. JIaricood, No. SS. 162. Airnirii J., ])orn Apr. 13, 1846, in Mayville, N. \a He was for a time editor and publisher of T'(<- Fargo (Dakotai Express, aftervrards vra-; 'r-asli' ier in tln.^ ])ank of P\argo which he and his father organized in 1878 Since Then he has l)een a deader in real estate, llrst at Fargo, rhen at \\^est 8nperior, Wis. At i)resent he resides in 'Minneaj)o]is, Minn. He manied Emjma L JoiixsroiN. of Detroit, >Hnn., Oct. K\ ]884. 74 C^EXEALOGICAL HISTORY. 1'':'.. Frank W.. born Dec. 13, 1848. in Mayville, X v., died Nov. 22. IS-")!, in Lasalle. Co.. 111. Ion 11.. l)orn June 18. 18.")4. He at^ tended the Xornial School at (Jswego, X. Y.. for • jme tiriie and in 1878. began the study of medicine. AVas graduated from the Medical I)e])artmeut of thn L'niversity of \'erm(jnt. at jjarlington. June 27, JS81. In August o'f the same year, he began the I'ractice of his profession at Chasm Falls, in the town oi Maldue, X. Y.. and lias continued there to tliH pre-Miit time. lie mai'iied Mrs. Mahala A. Map.tin, d;iught(^i- of Daniel Av-'i'ill. of Cliasm l-'alls. l)(f. b]. 1882. (Mr-^. ITaiAvood lias three son< \:y linr jir-T husband. A\'rrt. J. ^Martii!. who died in 18S1: J);i]iiel 11.. born ^biy IT), 1871. is now a nun- i t'-r in liit^ ^\ . V.. Cliinvli ; (i^o. Averill. born Oct. :.';. 1877 ;-:d Williai^! J., boj-n March 17. 1880. i W/i./iAPWOQD,KA MRS.flA/iALA A.HaRWOOD NINTH GENERATION. 7') I)r. Harwood is the author of this work, having had a strong liking for historical and genealogical studies from early childhood. He began compiling these records now about twenty-five years ago. He has also been a contributor to various periodical-s for many years — about the only recreation lie takers from the practice of his regular ])roiession being .literary work. For a number of years ])jiS' he has been identified with the Prohibition party, has several times been chairman of the County Commit- tee, and has done much work lor tlie party. He also takes a deep interest in the community in which he lives, striving in every lawful way to build u]) it,s interest. i)r. and Mrs. Harwood are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 167. TuERON L., born Sept 12. ISn,'), He united with the Methodist Church in 1877. April 10, 1882, he married Cleora H. Joxes, of Ft. Covington, N. Y., and they soon after removed to River view, neai Flandreau, S. D., where he is a farmer. 168. Lucy M., born July 9, 1800. She snarried Geokge B. Obertox. Dec. 22, 188^). 'I'hey reside in Bangor. She is a Methodist. ChlldreiL of Oliver Ilaricood. No. 95. JiY HIS first wife. 169. Newell E., born Oct. 0, 1851, in BaugOi, N. Y. He marrieil Lydia L. LYN.^f. Feb'y 3, 1874. rn (;exeaL()(.H('al history. She (li<"! May n, IS?."). lie again niai'i'ied, Oct. lA, i87f), M.\i;v J. Si'EWAiri". They re.si(Le in Hiidsoii. South Dakotn, where he is a prosperous hirnier. Mr. and Mi's. 11. ai'e boti] nienil)ers of the M. E. Cliurch.. 170. JOiiN F]:Ei)Ki;i(K, !)orn Aug. II, l.S.")4, in l5ai]g()r, X. Y. lie married >[.\v F. (x.vi;d.\ki;, Juueo, \'61i). He died Aug. 22, 1871). lie was a HU^!nl)er of the United l^rethren Chur. Church. 172. \Vaiii;k\ a., born Dec. 14, 18oU, in Wasu- hnra (eo.. Wis. He miirj'ie;! ]*t:s.>!K S'i'iAVAiri Sei)t. 0, 188:>. Tliey reside in Smithville, 8 !),, wluu'e he is a hii-mer 17:^ Lo! i--\ Yj.. born Nov. 8, 18(5:2, h\ Wasidiai'a Co., Wis. SIjc dind Ap)-U 21, 18oo, nv IMS si-:(^o,\i» wiFK, 174. .M.\i;v 1j.. born Now bi, b'-^fiH. m \\'asu)i;rr;i ("o.. Wis., \\ii(!r;' nlso the v^st of tltc hinuly uere born. Sjio mai'ried Ali'.i:!;'!" ]). Stk.vw. Tliey re- >i'le in \\ ar-uhara Co , \\'!s . and Isa^'o two cliiklren li\illl:. NINTH GENERATION. ; ; 17-"). GeoiutK IiE.MA>.\ l)orii Aug. 12, I87:i H-,' died July JO, 1879. 170. Li'LT 3.1., born Jnne 80, 187«'. SluMuarried Oti.-; RoiuxsoN Jau'y 18, 1895. They reside a' Wautoma, \^'is. -Are both iiieiiibers of tlie Chiurli. 177. Rosa B., boi'ii Sept. 8, 1880. Cliildnm of Davkl Harirood, Xo 07 . 178. Eduai: M., born Xov. 24. ISol, in Baiigoi. N. Y. He married Jane A. Daggett, Xov., 1877. J'hey reside near Hawarilen, Iowa. 179. C LA It A M., i.'orn Jan"y 2. 1857. in Onsro, Wis., and died Ang. 81. 1875. in Dodge (>).. Minn 180. loxE A., born July 4. 18G2, in Lineoln. Wis. She married Ieaa'Ld Pillkna.. July 28. 188iL They reside in Flandivau, S. D. He is at pre.se to Kegister of Deeds of Moovl\ Co. Their eliildi'ei} are: Peai'l M., born X\}\:\\ 8, 1884; Roy Wni.. born .Nov. 18, 188G: and Clara A., born Sept, 7, 189;*. Children of Isnac llarwood , Xo. 99. All borj in Ionia Co., Mich. 181. Lymax, born Dec. 10, 1848. He niarrie.i Cakrill.v L(a-elax!*. Mai^ch 29. 1860. They re.-id.' in Ionia Co.. 3Iich. 182. LKA^•I'^'i■, born Ang. 'D, 1845. Ke u-a- g!a>: nated from th^> Feoi'ia. : lib ) Biisinr'S:-^ Codege. \\\ :^ GEXEAL(JG1(JAL HISTORY. .hnKt". 1S60. nnd for several ye;ti-s al'tej' '.v;}s eiigaged ill l)()ok keeiiiiig. A.frei'wji.rd be was a travelling "-alt^sman for a firm in Peorin. lie married J^iikxa .\i)(;atk, Ai.ii] 19, 1871. lie died Nov. 14, 1884. 183. (jYXTiiiA, Ijoru Jidy "25, 1848. olie married Am'»n C)ris. March 24. 1860. Tliey re.side in Ionia (,'o , Mich. Their children ai'e: Sarah P., l)orn March 2."). 1867: Nora. b(jrii June 2, 1873, married T. O. Ilartwell, Sept. io, 1894; Mertie. born Jane 24, 1876. died Sept. 21, 1877; Lee, born Ang. 16, 1879: and Burr, born Oct. 4, 1882. 184. Rt:j:v. l)0]'n June 22. ISHo. He married Iv)AXA ADovri-:. May 29. 1870. They reside in Ionia Co.. and arememi)ei's of the Di-ciple (Jhurch. 185. S. Ri'iiAMA, h(j]']) Feb'y 24. 1852. married W. F. Coi:. April, 18/3. Tlieir children are: George, Ijorii Aug. 31, 1874: Ktliel. born Feb'y 5, i882: and Pearl, born A.prii 2o, 1890. Is0. Hax.voka. 1,'orn April 20, 1854. Married (,'iii..-Ti:K ,Vi'<'ATi-;, April 1, b^wf'. Theii' children aiv; M:!!'y. bwi'u Fe!)'y pj, 1877: Viuuie. bdrn Aug. 3. 188"; Lydia, itor';:. FelTy ;i. b->83: Pheiia, born Xov. 28, 1^8!; Earl, born Mav 29. 1887: and (TJen, b'.m .June A. 1^92. b-7. Xk-vi-.n. b(-r-.> ^'-r'(■h 20, 1850. died SepT. 14. 18nS, NINTH (tENERATION. 79 188. Ahram, born Aug. 27, 1858. Married Es Til Eli A. JoiiiN-sois", JiiJY 4, 1879. Resides; in Ionia Co, 189. ExPKKiKJS'CK, born May o, 1802, died in 180P). 190. HiHAM. born An^. 25. 1866, died in in- fancy. (Jhlldren of Cyrus Ilaroxocd, Ko. /''''?. All boi'n in Peoria Co., Til. 191. Ella M,, born July 5, 1853. She married Richard Bristol. Dec. 16, 1874. Tliey reside in Peoria Co.. 111., and have children: Walter II., born Oct. 17, 1880; Dorice \., born Nov. 22, 1883: and Elmer L., born Sept, 7. 1890. 192. Charles T.. born jVlay 3. 1856. He resides in Peoiia, 111., and is a traveling agent for the Cook- Carriage Co., of Cincinnati. O. He married Ida M. Harlak, Airril 7. 1882. 193. Rebecca, born June 3, 1858. Married William Renfro, March 8, 1886. Their children: Eva M.. born April 8, 1889; and a son born May, 1891. They reside in Denver. Col 194. Lt'KE. born Dec. 2, 1859. He iesides in Cedar City, Utah, and is a dealer in rnal estate. -n (tEXEaLOGIC'AL historv T»n, Mahv. })orn April 14. isn2: ^ind Aug. 1^. ! sr;5. I'Jf). E'J'HKL. born .[;;ii" y 1. 1804. 'Married Wau- );i.,\" Poiri Kic, March 4. K^^On. They i-r-side in I)e- ■\(^]i;i. lil.. ;iiid iiavH one ''iiilfi. F]olen(■^-. Ijorn FelVy :.-]-. lM.':i. Mrs Pu] ter is a nieniljer of the Pre--})y- i'-i'ian Churcdi. 107. FifMixjK. Morn duly S. l^Hfi. :^Iarrird AV.\i W. TIenky. :Jar(di 8, 1803. ?h»' is a Pr.^sliyterian. i'liey re-idt- in Alnxi^. I"., and lia\'H a daimiiTei iu.rn Def. 17. 1808. l'.*8. dr:s'rr>. born Dec. 7. 18G8. H^ resides in Peoria Co.. 111. riiJrhy^, rf Bilr-ii Jhrr^ion^K y-]. •'''■.'. AL/.i\\ I'., bdj'ii d\'']., 17. b-'-'i. ^•^^" niaf- XIXTH CxflXERATlOX. 81 j'ied W. H. Hai:t/. of W'yoiniuu', 111. Tie is enujioed in the mercantile business. 2n:5. Lkwiit R., bom Nov. 25. 1873. He died July 17. 1879. fioni injiiiies received in falling I'rcjiii •d ladder. Clii.ldreii of Edmund IhmcodO, JSo. P>'i. all ]h)Y\\ in l)erlin, .Mich. 2'i4. John, born Mareh 18. 18ol. Tie went to Gritmell. Tow;;, in 1875. wher^' he married ]>7:ll Cask, in 1878. '2'^'!:). Mary, boi-n Marcli 21. 1853. She married .Jos. Frrcir, Fel)'v 2o. b^--88. They had one chihl. Robert, born Xov. G. 188o. She died Aug. 17. 1882. She was a member ot tlie Catholic (dmrch. 20o. PiirLA, born Apr. 7, 1855. She i-esides in Bejlin. and is a Catholic. Married Millaud MlToliKLL. Oct. lSi)5, 2i'7. EDAfuxi) B.. born Apr, 15, 1857, married Ella CoLE.^^A^^ in 1879. 208. MAU(;ARi:r E., born Aug. 28, 1859. married John Elxkri', Jan'y 2, 1878. They have four sons: Eddie. Arthur, Fred and Frank. The fannly are Catholics. 2ii9. Cyut's, born Apr. 8, 1862. He married (itXEAL'XxICAL HISTORY. Ki,T>;.\p.K-i I! l^MA'Ki:. July 'iH, i8F8. Mr. Thirv.odd -^'r\'t-(l MS dc]-!: of TJif^ ^o\\]\ of ]5erli]i in 18'.t4> and in 180.-). Thj- fnmily are Catholics. 21 1 i. A(;m> {\. \)()vn Aug. H. 1804. married 'r'!nM\> ('oOi,'. May 7. Is84. Tlieir cliildreii jire; ^irc'V.r. Eddie and ^Vi]lie, ila^ last erne of wlncli died in infancy. 21!. Ann S.. Ijoiji .ian"y 24, 1807. Sjie inar- iiei] FiM.D Kl'DY. Dec. 'A'k 1886. They have one -liild, Arr>. Eddy i-^ a Catholic. 212. WdLLi.oi L.. hoiT! A]ii'. 21. 1878. Married .Vi.HKin'A PA'ii;i( K. Mch. 2L lM'4. i'h.'hJrtii (if Ja/i/'S JI'!ri':o'i. Vj'' . Ad horif in I'erlin. Mi.'h. 21H. (A.AP.A J., iiorn Nov.. 18r)S. Mariaed TTn.-]-:.\ R I'KO. in Eeh"y. 1870. They have eiulit childinn; Eine-t. Eaih Alice. Lennie, Jan]i^>. Nellie. AValter ; !)d Kaz.d. '>\-\. y\;\VAK''S. i>(»in j.larch 23. 1802. ?^lar)'jed A\A.\i;i;i.N Ih ]:i:i< Ki.KV, Oct. 1. 187e. Tliey have iA\.. cidldi. ri. Elhel and Edith. 21.'). EcKi:, horn is04-. ma' ried ^\ \\ k .\\\y v:\'\\, i 'ct.. 18s4, 2iH. .Ai.K !,. lieiii 187!. M;i]i-i«'d (diA-. Yoi;k. ^.'j.t,. i8s'.». Tie y havf one child, (jeorge XLXTH (tEXERATKjX. ?-:; Cliihlrtn of Edwin ILiricood^ Xu. 109. All boi'M in .Mien Co.. Ind. •ilT. In.\ A., l)oi'n Dec. -22. 1804. >;he inaiiied Jacob J*\ S^VDi.ii. Dec. i;], 188o. Tliey are mem- bers of tlie Lutheran Clnircli. 'l'lie\' reside near Hamilton, Iiiil.. and have tliree children: (Jran;^'^' V .. (jla]'ence E.. ;ind Dora L, :218. Emila S.. l)orn March 2o. i8(i7. Maiaied Geo. j^. Gloyi>. .)an"y 27. 1886. I'licy reside neai Foi't Wayne, Ind. Mr. \V. Dixux. Sept. 29. 189.5. OJiildrtn of Jciiiies 3f. I far wood, Xo. lb». Ail born in Stark Co., Id. 22:3. Sakao Okilla. hovn Jiuie 4. 180.', Si; - >4 (:i-:N]-:AL()(iI('AL ni>T<)PtY. iiKDTied MoKui> S. lInj..Mi;>. .Jnii'y 1, l.'^DC. They re>i(lt- ill Wyoiniii^-. ill. She is a iiieniher of the M. K. Chm-cli, '2-2-t. Ei)\\'Ai:i) \V.. h(t]-ii Oct. .'). 1807. '2-2:'). Clakkxck II. . 1,'orn Fel)'}' T.-), Iv^Tt*. C/fih//-e/t of Ezm. 0. IlancoocL xVo. 111. All hum iu l^aiiu'^r. N. Y. •>20. Ki:L-i;i:x (J., })ru-ii ,]iil\ 14. lSO;j. He niar- j'ietl NKTTir: ]j. (xiiiB^, Aug. 11, 18.^1). They re.sii.le ill IjaM,u-i)i'. •2'27. EDWAiii), born >[a\' '28. 18tj0. He marri^Ml Xaxva (riuns. Fel."y 2."). 180:). lieside in Ijaii.uor. •22^. n. Lk-lii:, horn Aug. 14. 1870 220. Ei;M>T. horn May 2.-». 1872: died in 18.--]. 2:;o. FL(»i:i;\(;i-; (>.. httsai July ]:]. 1>7'', 2;n. Chaki.k- W.. l)oin Mandi a. 1884. i'li.nfj I'l li (>J' Ciji' lis liny v,-(, 0(1. Xo. \\>. 2;)2. Xr.rriE .M.. hoi'n in Ijangoi'. April lo. 1878. 2;':!. .Nki-Mi: \.. 1)oiai in Ijanu'oi'. Xcv. 2A. 1881. 284 [■LoYi> (".. horn in ]>(d]in(.)nr. Mai'cli lo. h<8:.: died Aug. 18. 1804. 28."). J'd.oKA ,1.. h()-rn in iVIhnonr. April 17. 18l}(». r/n/(/rcii nj' J.ricis K. lI'n-r-uL No. 12(). Ad l)(ini in Jjyon (Jo . Iowa. 28ii. Mi.wiK.M.. ooi'n.hni!/ 14. kSSo. 287. ARiiiri; L.. l*oiii .Nhircii 28. 18.^7. 2->. Dklukkt C. h(n-n Fel)"y 4, 1890. Tenth Generation. Cliihh-en of Henry V. En ru: <•()(] . Ku. 127. All. i^xcept the last, born in East Bridge water, ^lass. 289. A^'xii: \V., born July 4, 18G8. She luamed CiiAs. E. Cuo,-^;, Dec. 1. 1886. Their children ar^-; Meiiry L., Llewellyn L., (Uias. E.. aiid Waltni W. M]'s. Cross is a Congregationalist. 240. Edith S., boi-n Se|)t. 20. bS70, niariiH'i Wm. J. Caiipkxtki:, Dec. 4, 18.^1). Thny li^ivethie- children. Mrs. C. is a (Jongregationalist. 241. Waltkh E., boin Oct. 23. 1872, married Kaiik a. M( CiK. Nov. 4. 1891. lie is a machinist. 242. LoTTiK 1\., Ijorn April 4, 1870. 243. Amy L., born D^v. 20, 1881, in Middleboro, Mass. Clilldren of Dai: id T. IlarwoorL No. \'>S. 244. Ja>[ks T., ])0]-n Apr. 3. 1870. in Char]e>town. Mass., married Minnik Atstix. Aug. 4, 1804. 24.J. Claka W., l)orn July IG, 1873, in Cliarle- to\\'n. ■2-M). lt()!;!;i;T II, , hoiTi Dec. 21. ]87r>. in A'ernionr. where also tiu- rest of rhe ['aiiiily weie boni. 247. lj<)ris(\, boi'ii Fel)"v:2o, hSS:^ 24S. Xkllif. B., oorii .iajfy '22. 1^88. 241). Lkstki: V.. burn Aug. 18, 1802. ChtJ'l I'cii of (Jhas. J']. lIiiricoofL ^Tu. j;]3. 250. Cii.m:L!:s W.. 'ooiai Sept. 6. 1871. Mr. liar- wood is seciv'tarv of rhe Cliarles E. llai'wooil Maiiii- factiiiiiig Co.. of Lynn. 2.T1. IjKirrirA A.. l)o]ai Dec. 20, 1872. (Jhlldreii. of .Tallies '-'. H'lrwood, ^T^. inS, all horn in Iowa. 252. Bi:i;r. born Jaify 20. 1871. ile is in eoni- |)aii\' with his fatiier in the ne\vs[)a[)er business. 2o:b liii.LA. born June 5. 1872. 251. Xjcll.u:. born .bnfy 2. 1875. died June 10, 1882. 255. BiUiNicK. Ixji'U July 15. 1884. ('hihlren of Wm. .^'. Uanrood^ No. 159. 25i). DouoriiY ]j., i)orn Dec 22, 18S7. 257. ,M.\ iai.\i:i:T. i)oin .Mai'ch 1. J 801, died Xbjv. bj. 1805, ' 'ill! (Iron nf Fran ]{ (r. HanouofL ao. 16 J. 258. \\ \\'A\ !)oi'n July IJ, 1882. died Dec. :]o, !SOe. TEXTII (rEXERATlON. r^T Sr»9. Hoscn. boiii May "i. 18b4. dind Fel)"y. IF-S,^. 20(1. PiiiLiP. ])()rii .la.ify 10. ISbCi ('liihlr<'H ((t' Arllnir J. Ildrvond. ?sn. 16-?. 201. K!iXK>T p.. I)o)ii Dec. 15. 1887, at Minneap- olis. T^riiiii. Chile] fvn if Justin M. Jlarvood. Ko. 10.5, Al] tjorn in Baii^u'or, ]>^'. Y. 202. Er.iz.\i!i:Tir M.. 'noj-n Auu'. 27. 1881. ^hf i.- ;i nieinher- of tlie >[*-t]io(list Church. 203. Ktiikl M.. Ixn'n Jnne 28. 1888. Qliilirni of 'WaisoTi H. Ilanrood., No. 100. 204. Fii.vxK S'lowKi.!,. V)orn Feh'y 17. 189'), at Char^ni Fa]]s. X. V , (lied Dec. 17. 1890. 2(".'). AV]>'M:v ]:>r{.EL(»rk . liorn July 17. l8l»o. at Chasm Falls, cftihlrea of 'J' heron L. IIoriroorL K('. lO" '■)] n i'l Ixiverview, S. D. 200. ID.i;.\M H., horn Jnly 80. 1883. 207. Thkkox .].. IxjiMi March 2, 188.'V 208. Fi.'CY A.. ])orn Au^i^'. 4. 1889. 209. MyiiA C. l)orn Dec. 10. 1891. 27' ». Almiala M., boi'n 8e])t. 2. l>-93. 271. Mtnme E . born Ang. 29. 189.""). All GEXEALOGICAL HiSTOEY Children of Nnccll E. Ifannood, Ko. lOli. BV HIS jrUST WIFE. 27"2. ,\rE[.viN I)., born March 11. 1875. dind Xnp:. 21, 1H70. BY HIS SECOXI) WIFE. 27:j. Eva L,, 1)01'ii July 20. 1877, died Feiry 9. J 881). 274. Bkssie L., born July 8, 1879. She is a inember of tlie M. E. (.'hnrch. 27.J. Willi.- D., born Jan'y 22, 1882. 27G. Gkace E.. born Jan'y 1, 188(); died Sept. 1. 1898. 277. Amy L., born D(t. 22. 1888. 278. Fkkdkuick L.. born Sept. 19. 1892. (■Inldreii of Mjiron Ji. Ilarirood, No. 171. 279. WiLFLi.i) fl., born May 8. 1879. 281 K Guy ]^. boin March 28. 1882. 281. Aia HTK E.. born ^biy lo. 188.1: died ^hwvh n. 1889. 282. .\[ai;v E.. born June 20. 1888: died Anu'. 29. 1888. < !?iih/rrn of Won'' II A. llorirood.. No. 172. 2-^3. !ufim-;tt S., born Aipu'. 20. 1884. 2S-I Mary E.. born F<'b"y 19, 1887. TENTH GENERATION. 89 285. Ethel E., born May 28, 1889. 286. OmiLLE L., born Nov. 6, 1892. C7///r/?v// of FAlc/ar 21. lloncood, No. 178. 287. Li'cirs II., born Oct., 1879. 288. Fi'.ANKLiN J., l)orn .hme ]], 1881. 289. Claidk a,, boi'n April 5, 1883. 290. IlKiMiivUT II., born Nov., 1884. C/iiidrei) of Lyman II ai mood, JSo. 181. All born in lit-i'lin, Mich. 291. Ek.w ITT. })orn May 5. 1807. 292. I^rKLLA. born ,)an"y lo, 1809. 29-5. Clayton, born Feb" y 12, 1871; died July 20, 1877. 294. LruETTn*;, boi-n Sept. 10. 1872. 295. Elsie, born May 5, 1870; died Sept. 10. 1879. 290). Jay, born May 10, 1879. CJuldrcn of Leai)ltt Ilarwood^ No. 182. All born in Peoria, 111. 297. Dallas L., born Feb'y. 17, 1872. He mar- ri(Ml Floijexce Seuvoss. Nov. 4. 1891. He is em ])l(iyi'd as cashier in a frei(). .Iay. born Oct. b 1872. )(ib I \A. born Nov. 1. J 875. 8112. (Ji;.\, l)orii .March 2, 1884. (Jltihlren <>f Ahram llarwood^ No. 188. All born in binia Co.. Mich. 8():b CoiiA. boi'n May 11, 188(i. 804. .\b\iMb. (Ii^'. b^.'^t). 807. ll.\i:i;v li . liorn May !t;. 18cSl). 808. Moi;i;i- S.. Oiwn Abiy ;.o. bsi)4. CJiihhe.v of Ai/Jnir N. llaricood. No. 20l. 8,01). 1 I.I) A \.. liorn Aii,u- 18. 1882. 8,1 o. ('[.\i:.\ iv. boi'ii Now 28.1884; died Nov. 21, 18NV 811. .\i:Tiiri; lb. bom .Inly 2\\, bSS7: (bed Feb'y 14, IS.^i). 8>12. AiM.KV \V.. born .luly 24. 181)0. i'hihl nil if hjd 1111111(1 I). U(irv:oo0 Clayroii. Caroline. 08 Claia M.. (Mara J.. 21 H (Mara W.. Clai.i E.. 810 Cyiitlna. Cora. 8< !8 DarnVl. :24 Daninl. Davi.l. 20 I>avid. Da.vid F.. :4 i l>a\i2 200 138 140 210 2r)i) 821 208 170 24.-) 188 ol 84 ."")0 77 124 144 207 1 ( 14 100 IIT) 227 220 828 288 INDEX Exjjf-riHDce. 180 P'Aiiiicp, 14 Eiiitna \V., TO Kiiiily II.. 80 EiTiila S.. 218 Elizabeth. 89 Elizabeth M.. 262 Erh.-] E , 122 Ethe!, 196 ErhelM.. 263 Ethel, 314 Ethel M.. 324 Etliel E.. 28p Eva I)., 150 Eva L.. 278 Klsie. 295 Ei'ininie. 197 Ella M.. 191 E]]-nE. lo6 E^taM. 220 E/Iith S.. 240 Era Ilk, 160 Erank G.. 161 Erank W., 163 Frank 8.. 264 Floyd C, 284 Franklin , I.. 288 Fred L.. 278 Flora, 112 Flora J.. 28.-) Florence G.. 230 George. 48 Geoige H., 81 George H., 175 Guy H., 280 Gny. 299 Glen, 820 Grace E.. 276 Heman. 40 Hernan, 86 Iliram, 93 Hiram, 189 Hiram H.. 266 Harrison, 108 Henry v.. 127 Henry A.. 143 Harry H., 307 Herbert 11. , 290 IXDEX. HaiTiet. 47 llariiet E, Ilniinali. 01 Ilaiiiiora. II, Leslie, 228 I'^aae. 09 Tlfla A., Ida A.. 217 Ida. Iva. Hol lone A.. James, 2 James. Jani*^.s, .Ja?iies. James. IS James, James, HI JaiiH^s. Janu's. 02 Jame> .v.. Jarm-s. inij Jame> M.. JaiiiHs C. ma Jamt'S 'J\. John. 8 John. JoljM. To Jolm. J<.llll. 17 John. John. 2.-. JollTl. Jolni A.. 00 .lolni F.. J'llm v.. 17n Jollll. J(JiiilI., :-!2o Jps.^e. Jt-S.'. 60 .l.'v.e L.. Jh^s,. 1).. \:n Jii-iiii M.. Justus, 1 08 .lay. Jay. Hi II ) ,Io<('phin(-, J()Sf-[)lii]ie, 318 .h-iii)h' ]].. Liik.', 41 Lukf'. 126 186 309 313 180 16 20 43 72 110 244 6 12 19 49 125 2114 H() 132 1 rC) 206 r)7 1 23 194 IXDEX. Luke. 215 Lewis X., 120 Leslie W., 121 Lester L., 142 Lester F., 241) Lorenzo, 148 Lyman, LSI Leavitt, 182 Leavitt R., 2():^ Leavitt, 291 Louis C, 247 Lucius II., 287 Lydia, 28 LydiaE., 55 Lucinda, 78 Luoinda, 98 Laura A., 110 Lena W., 129 Lucy M., 168 Lucy A., 208 Louisa, 84 Louisa E., 173 Lurettie, 204 Laella, 292 Liiticia, 221 Lottie R.. 242 Lulu ^f., 176 Martin H., 135 Myron R., 171 Merrill, 199 Melvin D., 272 Morris S., 808 Mary, 15 Mary, 52 Mary 13.. 65 Mary, 76 Mary, 92 Mary A., 105 Mary H., 138 Mary A., 164 Mary L., 174 Mary, 194 Mary, 205 Mary E , 282 Mary M., 317 Maria M., 68 Martha, 75 Martha E., 152 Myra, 107 MyraC, 269 Mariette, 110 Minnie E., 271 Minnie L.. VM) Minnie M., 236 Mattie P., 140 INDEX. Mahal a M., 270 Margaret E., 208 Maro;aret, 2.)7 Marion. 214 Marjorie, 304 Mertis L.. 298 Myrtle A., 322 Newell E., 169 Newton, 187 Nettie M., 232 Nellie A., 233 Nellie B., 248 Nellie, 254 Oliver?., 88 Oliver. 91 Oliver, 95 Orville L., 286 Ora, 302 Philip, 2G0 Polly, 26 Polly, 35 Patty, 30 Phebe A., 71 Phila, 44 Phila. 100 Phila 1)., 114 Phila, 200 Pearl M.. 306 Pearl, 315 Riley, 46 Riley, 103 Riley, 184 Reuben C, 226 Robert H.. 246 Rosco, 259 Rosannah, 22 Rebecca D., 146 Rebecca, 193 Rilla, 253 Ruth, 305 Ro.sa B., 177 Simeon C, 33 Simeon C, 69 INDEX. Simeon J., 78 San ford, 87 Sarah, 37 Sarah. SO Sarah M., 53 Saiah E., 151 Sarah, 136 Sarah 0., 228 Saniantha, 83 Susan A., 113 Susan, 154 Susan M., 156 S. Ruhama, 101 S. Ruhama, 185 S. Kuhania, 200 Sally, 26 Sally, 91 Thei'on L., 107 ^I'heron J , 267 Theresa, 82 U'illiam, 28 William P., m William S., 159 William L., 211 Watson H., 1(36 Warren A., 172 VVaiter E., 241 Walters., 325 Ward, 259 Wesley B., 265 Willis D., 275 Wilfred H., 279 A LIST Of those who have aided me by letter or orally in comi)i]ing the records contained in this book. Note. — In this list I include only those who have made extra effort to help forward this work. Others have fin-nished me Avith perhaps their own family records (and to them 1 am truly thankful), but the l'ollowin,e;' have taken special pains to snpply me witli information and to encoura,ce me to carry on the work to completion. Mrs. Sally Webster and Johi! H. Baker, children of No 20; Simeon C, 33: Mrs. Mary, 40; Mrs. Ai'villa. 43; Phila, 44: Mrs. Oi'iilla, 46: David F., 54, and ,b)^ii^x^^;^'^^^y^ HH UUU14t)3b3 8 ^' ^ «^« Swi^^^^?¥;sj®;:'i?5^;^•^^^