GREEK GRADUS; OR, GREEK, LATIN, AND ENGLISH - PROSODIAL LEXICON. Price 2 4s. boards. Pros. Lex. * * LONDON: PUINTED BY A. J. VALPY, RED LION COURT, FLEET STR1-ET, GREEK GRADUS; OR, GREEK, LATIN, ATSTD ENGLISH PROSODIAL LEXICON; CONTAINING THE INTERPRETATION, IN LATIN AND ENGLISH, OF ALL WORDS WHICH OCCUR IN THE GREEK POETS, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE TIME OF PTOLEMY PHILADELPHIA, THE QUANTITIES OF EACH SYLLABLE; THUS COMBINING THE ADVANTAGES OF A LEXICON OF THE GREEK POETS r> % OF THE ^> UNIVERSITY } A GREEK GRADUS : ^ OF A x^S FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BY THE REV. JOHN BRASSE, B. D. LATE FELLOW OF TRIN. COL., CAMB. SOLD BY BALDWIN AND CO., LONGMAN AND CO., WHITTAKER, C. AND J RIVINGTON, SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL, LONDON; PARKER, VINCENT, OXFORD; DEIGHTON, NEWBY, CAMBRIDGE; AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS. 1828. THE DUKE OF RUTLAND, K. G. TO HIS GRACE Wf THIS WORK, INTENDED TO FACILITATE THE COMPOSITION OF GREEK VERSE AND THE ATTAINMENT OF A MORE INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GREEK POETS, IS, WITH HIS GRACE'S KIND PERMISSION, MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY HIS GRACE'S OBLIGED AND DEVOTED SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. 104032 VI * I Published by the same Author, CARDS OF EUCLID; Containing the Enunciations and Figures belonging to the Propositions in the First Six and part of the Eleventh Books of Euclid's Elements, usually read in the Universities. Prepared for Students in Geometry at the Universities and Schools. Pr. 5s. 6d. in a case. Third Ed. This little work is published with a view of saving Tutors and Students the time and trouble generally employed in constructing the figures in Lecture-rooms and Schools, and of facilitating public examinations in Euclid. The whole has been diligently revised and corrected by the Editor. The CARDS are so numbered that they can be readily referred to by the student when required to demonstrate any given proposition. The ENUNCIATIONS, &c. are also printed in a small volume, for the use of Tutors and of Students who may prefer the more compact form of a book to the Cards themselves. Pr. 4s. Gd. ALSO, EXPLANATORY NOTES ON SOPHOCLES AND EURIPIDES, AND OTHER CLASSICAL ARTICLES IN VARIOUS NUMBERS OF THE 'CLASSICAL JOURNAL.' I I ADVERTISEMENT. IN the following pages it has been the great object of the Author to present to the Student, in a cheap and comprehensive form, a Manual, containing the interpretation both in Latin and English, of such words as occur in the principal Greek poets ; the quantity of each syllable actually or virtually marked ; an authority quoted for the existence and quantity of each word in those writers; and those terms set down as synonymous which appear to bear a similitude in sense to the principal word. The works of the Greek poets have been diligently examined, and such epithets and phrases annexed to each principal word as are of legitimate usage, and seem best calculated to embellish Greek composition. In the pro- secution of his task, the author has occasionally availed himself of the original edition of ' Morell's Thesaurus/ a compilation of im- mense labor and research, but certainly not generally useful as a Greek Gradus for younger students. VIII ADVERTISEMENT. The reader will bo pleased to bear in mind, that, throughout the present work, every syllable, which has no temporal mark super- scribed, is to be considered as long. Those words, to which an asterisk is prefixed, do not occur in ' Morell's Thesaurus.' The references to the Greek Poets, it is presumed, are so obvious, that a catalogue of the editions employed in the execution of this work will not be deemed necessary. Waltham Cross, Nov.*0, Ib27. GREEK, LATIN, AND ENGLISH PROSODIAL LEXICON. *A, interj. [ah,] expressive of sorrow and other feelings. T A Se/Y, e^ per trot yc TTCLTYJP Knl irorvia /n/rrjp. A. 452. 'Aadros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [nori decipiens,] harmless. Ovros per 5>) aedXos dadros KTE&\ffTai. ^. 5. 'Aaaros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [" non decipiens, non decipiendus," Da mm.] in- violable, sacred. "Aypei, vvv JLWL dfjiocroov aaarov 2ruyos vbtttp. H. 271. "Aay>)s, eos, 6 et //, adj. [non fractus, non fragilis,] not lo be broken, strong, robust. Xepo-iV e^ W)/ potraXov iray^fi\Kl6v aitv act-yes. X. 574. 'Aa-yes Kpare- prjffiv i'ffK\f)Kct KaXajJijaiif. Ap. 3. 1251. SYN.^Aflpavoros, apprjKTos, d6a//a- oros, ajO|Ociyj/s, drepoyui^t/s, d/ca/iTTi/s, /3e/3atos, e^jowaros, 'tff^ypos. "Aa/r-ds, T/, 01^, adj. [non tangendus, non vincenclus,] not to be touched, invin- cible. ' A^aaov lovQ\ ore icev TOI UUTTTOVS j^elpas etyeiw. A. 567- SYN.'A^dyua- oros, cLTrXijTos, aBiKTos, a/3Ad/3i/4, cupOapros. "AatTKw, ddrw, aw et daw, v. [in errorem aut damnum induce,] to deceive, to lead into error or danger. T>]# ary aaaas. 0. 237- aarrav p erapot. K. 68. SYN. 'A5u;w, brjXck), \w/3dw, Xv/iaiVo^/ TTUVTUS darai. T. 129 'Ad/' atrdro. T. 5. SYN. BXaTro/^at. See SYN. of "Aa, Ion. pro acr^eros, q. v. "Ad-os contr. aros, 77, o>, adj. [insatiabilis,] insatiable, greedy of. Fvyrjs r' ddros TroXc/zoto. Hes. Theog. 714. 1 SYN.'ATrX^o-ros, aKdpevTos. "Adros, 77, or, adj. [perniciosus,] harmful, injurious, destructive. "Or'adros i/jSpis aireir]. A poll. 1. 459- SYN. BXd/^epos, dr^pos, betvos, oXedpios, navuXeBpos. "A/3a, w>^, ot, P. N. [Abas,] a city in Phocis famous for a temple of Apollo: sometimes used in the singular number. See Damm. P. R. Eustath. II. B. p. 278. Oi/5' es roV *Afiaiai vaov. CE. R. 899. EPITH. UoXv-^pvaoi, upal, aepvni, fepov Qe&v e^os, 'ATroXXwvi 7rpoa(j)i\eis. 'A/3dfcew et d/3ck/c?w, v. [sileo, ignoro,] to gaze at in silent thought, to gaze at in ignorance, to be ignorant. Tw htXos Karebv Tpwwi/ irvXlv o't & afiaKrirrav. b. 249- SYN.^Ayvoew, o7yd earr]?, (TtwTraw, r/pe^uew. 'A/3di:>}s, cos, 6 et //, adj. [silens, tacilus,] silent, tranquil, quiet. 'AXX' aflaKrj TCLV 0pei/' e^w. Fr. Sapph. SYN/Hcrv^os, rjav-^lds, Trp^tos, Trp^evs, dTretpos. See , ov, 6 et >j, adj. [(l) non initiatus Bacchi sacris ; tristis, moestus,] uninitiated in the rites of Bacchus ; sad, mournful. "A/5pV/r' ABAN ABPO tfV. Bacch. 472. SYN. 'ArtXeflrrflf, xeUo'/Sairx 6 *' 7 ^** /3ptyiioi/ Trdpd- toprcns, Xvirr)p8s, aotvSs. s, wj/, P. N. [Abantes,] the inhabitants of Euboea. Tf ' & 6001, tixiQev Kd/iowvres. B. 542. EPITH. MtydOv/iot, at'x^ra Trjffi /ji\ir)ffi, f^lvla Trveiovrts. 'A/3ap/5dpea, a$, /, P. N. [Abarbarea,] the name of a Nymph. N/ts 'A/3op- fiiiper) TEK ap.vp.ovl BovKoXiom. Z. 22. A/3dros, 17, oV, adj. [invius, accessu arduus vel difficilis,] inaccessible, not to be trod upon, unfrequented, sacred. ^KvBrjv es otyuoV, afiarov els fprjfAiav. P. V. 2. SYN. Av<7/3dros, dTropos, oVrt/3;s, aVretTrro's, fprjfjios, iffpos. , ov, 6 et ^ adj. [insipiens,] foolish, silly. 'A/3eXrepot tf o Sifiiv et 6' 7rev4^ at XP^ < *" / ' ^ on< 6?* SYN. 'A/6iys, XvTrrjpos, ivtrjff- pj)s, rdXas. , adv. [innocue,] harmlessly. "A/3\d/3ws i/7rd vooaiv ebjjffaro KU\U a. H. in Merc, 83. SYN. djue/uTrrws. s, 6 et >/, adj. [innocuus, illaesus,] harmless, inoffensive, unhurt, unpunished. KpWw> St J3aos oX/3os a/3Xd/3^s pporois. Eur. Fr. Phryx. 14. SYN.^Ayarof, aOyos, airtifjuitv, affKrjOrjs, aanlQiis. * A/3Xd/3ta, as, r/, subst. [innocentia, incolumitas,] innocence, safety. Kai Sei^ai TOV x^P^ 17 * 7r * ii(3\dj3ir}fft voow. H. in Merc. 393. SYN. 'Aflr^dXetd, air^vavvrj. "A/3Xr}$, ^r^Js, o et >/, adj. [non jactus,] not thrown or hurled. 'Ictfo/ojs a/3X^rd Tto\vffT6v6v e^eXer* to*'. A. 'l 1?. SYN.'AjSX^ros, mti'os. "A/5Xi;ros, ow, o et >/, adj. [non jactus, non ictus, illaesus,] not thrown or hurled, not struck, unhurt. "Oorts cr* a/3Xi?Tos /cat O.VOVTCLTOS o&l ^aXicf. A. 540. SYN.^A/SX^s, a/3\d/3^)s, arfjtrjros, a.Tr\r)KTos t cnrfifjiavrds. "AfiXtixptis, ov, o et >/, adj. [debilis, lenis, mitis,] weak, faint, mild, gentle. "AfiXqxpos fjiaXa rolos fXevfftrat, os KS at irtyvy. X. 133. SYN."A7rdXos, apfSw- oros, Jiffvygalos, ayaBos. 'A/3oXw, f. j?<7ft>, p. qica, v. [occurro,] to meet, to encounter. "H6* a>$ fcvdreas Trerpas tyvydv, &ar a$o\riaa.v. Apoll. 2. 772. 'AfiovKoXyros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [fastidiosus,] despised, rejected, of no estima- tion. 'ApovKoXrjTQV TOVT tfAy ^po^/idrt. ^Esch. Suppl. 936. SYN. 'A//&T/S, adapts. 'A/3ovXta, as, ?/, subst. {consilii defect us aut inopia, temeritas,] want of deli- beration, imprudence, stupidity, rashness. Tai/r' evvoriQeid yaQdfjir}v afiovXiav. Med. 877. SYN."Avotd, a<[>p8ffvt>ij t apabia t OpaffvTrjs, /zwpia, ayv^poavvri. " AfiovXos, ov t o et >/, adj. [stolidus, temerarius,] unadvised, rash, imprudent, foolish. Tas rtDv^' aflovXovs fyndpas KaTOiKtcreiv. Heracl. 153. SYN. Awi/, 6, subst. [boves non habens, pauper,] destitute of cattle, poor. ' .3&U* avbpils d^ovrew. 1 Hes. Op. 451. "A/3pt0/)s, eos, o et #, adj. [sine pondere, levis,] devoid of weight, light. Bdpos /ue> OUK: afipides, aXyewv virtp. Eur. Supp. 1125. ^A/Sptf/Sdrj/s, ov, o et ^, adj. [inolli incessu utens,] effeminate, delicate, fasti- dious, proud. ToaffO' d/3po/3drat. Pers. 1073. SYN. Aer/3rs, a/3pd fiairu>v. tros, ov, 6, subst. [qui delicate vivit,] one who lives in luxury, 'A/3po- cTrerat AvSw^. Pers. 41. , ov, adj. [molliter comatus,] possessed of, or distinguished by, soft and delicate hair. Qtolvixa & afipoKdfjLav. Iph. T. 1099. SYN. ' ov, o t ^, adj. [tumultuosus, turbidus,] boisterous, stormy, 1 'A/Jovrew is here scanned a* a ABPO APAA troubled, tempestuous. Kv/ia plXav KUKJXJV r! Kal a/3po/i$K, &XX& icai Apoll. 4. 153. SYN. QtiXlptis, rdpax^s. AfipoTrXovrds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [locupletibus ornamentis decoratus] richly adorned. Xn/ras dfipdirXovrdtft. Iph. T. 1148. A(3pos, a, dV, adj. [elegans, lantus, delicatus,] soft, graceful, elegant. Xreyos aflpov fiairovrd iraXXevKy TTO&I. Med. Il6l. SYN. MaXGdKtfs, drraXos, rpvtytpos. Afipoffvi'rf, T)s t rj, subst. [mollities, splendor,] softness, elegance, splendour, effulgence. MeVcXaos d>a, TroXi) V afooavvr). Or. 342. SYN. "A/3por/*, ), f. aw, p. ^/5pord)(d, v. [noctu vagor, aberro, decipior,] to wander by nigbt, to be mistaken. AvOl plvciv, /UJ/TTWS d/3pordo/*eV dXX^Xo'ui/. WTO* &KTJV. Agam. 928. SYN. KaXXw7r/c?w, TreptoreXXw, fcoer^ucw, ydrow. A/3vSds, ov, ^, P. N. [Abydus,] a city in Asia, situated upon the Hellespont. Kcu 27/ v els apuffffa xn^cLrd. Phosn. 1599. SYN. HdXv{3et>diis. 'Ayd5o/uat, f. aoo^ai t v. [cum stupore miror, honoro,] to admire, to behold with wonder or envy, to honour. IloXXd per Xoifialffiv aya^o^Hvoi irpurav Oediv. Nem. 11. 7 SYN. "Ayd/mi, dydw, Oavfiab) t davfjid t aej3d(*at. 'Ayd^eos, a, ov, et Ion. Tyydfltos, adj. [praestans, egregius,] excellent, sur- passing. Kat vvv kv IlvOwrt vlv d-ydOey. Pyth. 9. 126. 'Ayd0os, j), ov, compar. d^ietVwv, dpet'wv, /3eXrtw^, Kpeiffaur, Xwtwi/, superl. dpt- oros, j3eXn), o>/, adj. [perillustris,] very renowned, celebrated. 'AXX' ore 5o/ud0' IKOVTO dya*cXi)rd rolo draKros. 1 y. 388. See also Hes. Theog. 1015, and II. 463. SYN. KXi/rof, K\eiros, evcX//$, llda^os, fiiydXwvfjids, dpfn-ptTrris, yj/wpi/uos, Trpoex^v, e^xos, vre/poxo*, evbo&s, irepiirvoTds, epiKvfys. 'AyaKTtptvds, rj, ov, adj. vel potius particip. per sywc. pro dyam5o/i'5$, [bene conditus,] well built. Kvpavas dyaKr^lvav voXtv. Pyth. 5. 107. SYN. 'AydXXw, f. dydXw, p. ^yaX*d, v. [orno,] to decorate or adorn. Xapirdbas r dvaox^iy. Med. 1027. SYN 3 Kooyiew, 7rU'o, icaXXi/KW, 'AydXXo/iai, Y. [gestio, gaudeo, honoro,] to rejoice, to exult, to honour. tXuv tipoto'iv dyaXXerac ovfe I 07//ut. 2. 132. SYN. Ti^w, yai/pldd^ai, ei/ul or yiyvti/jiat yr)6t>ovt'os Ki\p. "AyaX/ud, drds, TO, subst. [ornamentum, statua,] an ornament, a statue, an offering or consecrated gift, an image. "ITTTTOVS, dyaXpd Tijs virepirXovTov x^~ bfjs. P. V. 475. SYN. KoV/ifo, wbds, eibwXdv, tfdvdv, dvddtjpd, ci>wv, /3pirps, Gaiaford follows Wolf in reading AFAM AFA2 ., fjivr) field v. EPITH. yjpvatov, alvtiv, p.apjj.ap6tv t (ftaeivov, TGVKTOV, upov, a tyX TJEV, eadXdv, evfteytdts* "Ayduat, f. acrdpat, p. i'jyaauat, v. [admiror, inagni aestimo] to admire, to value highly, "fts at, yvvai, ayapai re, rtflqTrd re, beibia r alvuts. 5. l68. /, oros, 6, P. N. Agamemnon. 'A/\/V CVEK" aprjrfjpds ov riTtuqv 'Aya- peuvwv. A. 9^- EPITH. 'Arpei'S^s, 'ArpetW, df.tvuojv, KpetW, evpvxpett&j atyvews, btdyV)}s, bids, KepbaXtofypwv, dXfild&aiptav, KvbiaTos. SYN."Aj/a uv- bpu>v, TTOif^rjv \aajv, Aa t/ccXos, "Arptos vios bafypuvos iirirubafJLOio, Tpo/as TrroXt- irop6os, 'Apye/wv //y>/rwp, 'Apye/wr ffKrjTrrov^os. 'Aydjue/ui'o/tS/$, ov, 6, subst. [Agamemnone sal us,] a descendant of Agamemnon. Tor p' 'Ayai-iepvdvibrjs rr}\eK\vroi ei:rav 'OpeoTTjs. a. 30. SYN. 'Ayajue/*f'6i/tivlds ?'y5' ' Hymn. Apoll. 296. ya^uos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [innuptus,] unmarried. "AyoVos r eleven, dyd//o$ T aTToXeadat. F. 40. SYN. 'Arv/jevaios, avavbpos, avv^evros, av, aTreipo- uTretpoycifjos, avvfufyos, Xt^ovs aneipos, evvrjs a^v't-, ydji/};\?oy , adv. [nimis,] too much, too great. Kavros fiapvvOels oI6', dyav ah-ov- . Heracl. 205. SYN. Amj'. 1 w, f. r}, p. rjKa, v. [iudignor,] to be grieved, to be indignant. Kai prjbev y' eyw yap or*, ti irdrep, Vesp. 1003. SYN. Mijviw t fj.riviw, aa^aXXi-j, ayttuuai, bvff^paii'tt), opy/c?oyuai, eyKortw, ^oXoofjiai t opyy ityds, ov, 6 et f], [valde nivosus,] snow-clad, covered with snow, abounding in snow. Elyu' avrfj Trpos^OXv/zTroV ayavrtyov, a'i KZ Trifl^rcu. A. 420. 'Ayuvos, ?), oi', adj. [mills, bland us,] mild, genlle, cheerful, gay. JVL/rts er irp(')(f)pii)i' dydvos Kal r//rtos eorw. e. 8. SYN. EvyueVf/s, Trpipos, /ueiXt^tos, (batbpos. 'Aydvofipwr, dvds, 6 et f], adj. [ruansuelus, placid us, miti ingenio praediius,] glad, joyful, mild. KctVqs dydvopdvds eii'CKa rtjurys. Apoll. 4. 809. SYN. j, r)s, //, subst. [comitas, jucunditas,] courtesy, mildness, plea- santness, mirlh. *2,y r' ayavotypoavvrj, Kal ools aydvois tirteaoiv. ft. 772. SYN. , evutveia, Trpaorris. , adv. [comiter, jucunde,] courteously, pleasantly. 'Ayavws b% x*P~ iy y yvMfjy. Iph. A. 601. SYN. See dyd^os and its synonymes, from which the corresponding adverbs are easily derived iw, dydTrdw, f. >/dro> 06o> w^e pporovs dyd- Trageuev avTTjv. ft. 464. See also Vesp. 670. SYN. 0iXtw, epdw, epd/^cu, ttffTraduai, orepyu), apKovfjiai, dpeffKupai, Kpdbly i;iv~p6v epw-ds X W A 16 y^ K ^ s t/uepos uipei, i/utpov fitXei TedaXpai. 'AydTrj/rwp, opos, 6 et %, [(l)adj. strenuus, validus, (2) P. N. Agapenor,] Strong, valiant. Ot 6' es Havdd?br}i> dya7rf]vdpd NovXvbdfjiai>Ta. N. 756. See also B. 609. SYN. (l)'Ayd0os, fidrj dyddds, avbpews, Kparepos. EPITH. (2) fldrjv dyddds, 'Ei///^tXtrjs, ecrOXos. 'AydTT^ros, >/, dv, adj. [dilectus, amabilis, carus,] beloved, amiable, dear. Mov- %'os tu)V dyaTrrjTds', 6 tf &Xtrd TrjXdOi 7rarp//s. ft. 365. SYN. $rXos, epaffyutos, ifj.epoeis, TrdOetvds, TrpOff(f>lXris, TreptXi^yutvos, epiqpos. 'Ayappdds, contr. dyappovs, 6 et /, adj. [violenter fluens,] rapidly flowing, furious, boisterous. "Qaoovs 'EXXfaTrovrds dydppdds evrds eepyet. B. 845. SYN. TIdXvppdds, u>Kvppdd&. 'AyaffOtvTis, eds, 6, P. N. [Agasthenes,] father of Polyxenus, and one of Helen's suitors. Ytos 'AycKrOeVeos Avyrjldbad dvaKTos. B. 624. 1 On the quantity of tiyav and Kinv see Brunck, Nub. 199. AFAI AFEN 5 'AyaoroVos, ov, o et ^, adj. [multum gemens, luctuosus, lugnbris,] lamenting, mournful, sorrowful. K^ros, a pvpta fiotrKel ayaorovds 'A/*0(rp/n/. /^. 97. SYN. IIoXi)7rej'0)7S, yotpos, TrevGrjpijs, fta 'AycKTrds, >), o>, adj. [admirationem vel stuporem ferens,] admirable, causing admiration or astonishment. Btos dyaoros kv ^det. Hec. 169. SYN. 0aw- /uaoTos, caOtos, OcffTreolos, fteoxfXos, dyavos. 'AyaoTpoipos, ov, o, P. N. [Agastropbus,] the son of Pa2on. "Hroi Tu^os vws 'Ayaa-pd%/ P N. [Agave,] one of the Nereids. Kcu 'AfjupWor], Kai 'Ayavi;. 2. 42. EPITH. KaXXnrdpjjos, N/joi/i's, paOvKoXTtds. 'Ayauos, }, 01^, adj. [nobilis, admiivbilis, superbus,] noble, illustrious, proud. 'H^wyct {Ipuijjios T Kai a\\ot Tpwfv ayavoi. H. 386. SYN. 'Aya.-i'Xvros, aya- oros, ayXdos, aplbciKf.Tds, cr65, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [valde sonnns,] very sonorous, high-sounding. /p dyo^Oe/^rwv aoibai'. Olymp. 6. 155. SYN. IjaoutiOoyyos, /3dpv/vpo/ios. , as, >/, subst. [nimtius, rumor, inandatiun,] news, a report, a com- mand, a message. 'AXX' ayyeXtus flapos apd/tc/'o. Hec. 104. SYN. 'EvroX?), )]. EPITH. Avypj), ba^pvoe<7ffa f K\vrri, beivfj, yXv^e/d, TroQeivt), AyytXos, ov, 6 et '/, 'AyyXta;rr?s, ov, o, et fern. 'AyytXaDris, i^os, ^, subst. [nimtius,] a messenger, news. Xa/pere KrjpvKes Atos ayyeXot j'/^e /era A. 334. See also Horn. Merc. 296. and Call. 4. 21 6. SYN. ripe^ ^pi/^, dyytXto, Trvaris, <6i//.<7/. EPITII."Eri)/.ios, w;cv, t opSos, achdoyyos, avciv&ds, rijXcffKu~ds f TTf^toTrXo^rvTro ept/?pos, e<70/\os, XujUTrpos. PHR. Aa/.?7rpov opuarjl, aibp$ irpt- wTTW, ecrXos TifJLav 0epet Trpayjudrt, ?'fo>(/wwi' pvOuv rd//tas. 'AyyeXXw, f.* eXw, 7JyyeXcd, v. [nuncio,] to announce, 1o bring or deliver a message. T? ro6' ayyeXXets ; Hec. 188. SYN. 'ATrayyeXXw, ^r^i^i/w, di^ayyeX- Xw, eayyeXXw, o-;/.rj/Vw, X os, X/J*;$, e^/Jd- ^)td. EPITH. Oh>dbd)(oi>, xaXKeov, d^eiSts, oXo^vproi', /iteyd. 'Aye/pw, dyepw, r/yep.-cd, v. [congrego, mendicando corrogo,] to assemble or collect, to gather together, to collect by begging'. Ai/ffed rei/xtd Qaaaov, eyw 5e Kt Xaor dye/pa). IT. 129. SYN. 2i)myw, aX/5w, adpoizw, avXXtyw, crvy- , i, . 'AyeiTw, 01 os, 6 et ?/, adj. [vicinum non habens,] neighhourless, solitary, lonely. Tv X 6rr epj/juov rovS' ayei-dvos Trdyov. P. V. 270. SYN. Kcu-oya'rwr, fjtovos, Zptjfjids. 'AyeXalos, a, ov, adj. [armentalis, e grege,] of a herd or drove, common. Oi d r ^t/3or-o Kara ^lydpor, /3oS o>$ dyXa7a. % -99 SYN. BovKoAocos, 0avXos r drt/^os, evrfXi'/s. 'AyfXods, ov, 6, P. N. [Agelaus.] To7s 6' 'AygXaos EeiTTfi/, ffos iravreaot Trtfav- OKWV. x- 131- EPITH. Aiorp^r)s, ^paSjudrt^s, AdjuaaroptSr/s. 'AyXaeios, ov, 6 et >*/, adj. [imberbis,] beardless. ObV aydpavei y aylveios ov- . Equit. 1373. PHR. "lovXdv ov* X wv AFEN AFKA *, *&, 6 et ^, adj. [ignobilis,] ignoble, mean, low-born. KaJ dyevrij. Arist. Pax 748. SYN. 'Ay^vifrd's, oy, See 'Ayei'^/js. 'Ayepaoros, ov, o et rj, adj. [sine munere, praemio carens,] unrewarded, unlionoured. 'Apye/wi/ dyepaaros ew, CTTCI ovbe eoiKt. A. 119- SYN. ' TOS, UTlfJ.05. 'AytpMxos, oi/, 6 et ^f, adj. [superbus, ferox, multum honoratus,] proud, arrogant, very much honoured. Neo'j' r* dycpw- X>. X. 285. SYN. 'VTrep^dvos, av0aS^s, ert//os, ayavos, ay^vwp. "Ayev), ^s, ^f, subst. [fractura, littus, exitium,] a breaking, a shore, destruction. Xe/pwr $t\\vpibj]s' ndXirj r eni Kvparos ayy. Ap. llh. 1. 554-. SYN. 'Ay/ids, aKrrjy prjyfjuv, Blv t oXedpos, popos. 'Ayj/Xdrew, f. rjcru, p. qua, v. [abigo, ut piaculum,] to drive away as a pollution. ' ; et 6e fit) 'boKeis ycpwv. CE. R. 402. SYN."Ayo$ eXavi'w, , a, ov, adj. idem quod ayyvup (2) q. v. , as, ^, subst. [audacia, fortitudo,] boldness, valour, bravery. TroXv yuaXXov dyijvdpii^fflf tv>>d$. I. 696. SYN. "Avfyem, ev^yx* , d(0o$, o, [(1) P. N. Agenor,] the son of Antenor; [(2) adj. fortissimus, superbus,] very bold, gallant, daring. (1) Tpels T 'AvTrpopibas, Ud\v(3ov teat 'Ayfivopa bldv. A. 59. EPITH. 'AvrWlos, /ueyd0vyuo$, vfipiariis, opptftoOvfjios, SYN. 'AvTTirdpos vlos. (2) SYN. KpartpdQvuot, Kaprepodvpos, fivbpetds, Kpa-epo- 0(owv, a\Kifjtos, rivs, ayepu)^os f apctyaros, ptyaffdevtjs, ei/roX/ios, V7rep/^d'ds, yev- valos, loxypoS) ofiptpos, vKlprjwp. 'Ayriparrds, dyy/pdros, dyr/pdos, ov, et ayripws, w, o et ^f, [senii expers, immor- talis,] exempt from old age, immortal. T ft TOV ayiipavrov iroXov at0pos,"HXu, Tkpvuv. Eur. Epigr. 1.1. See also B. 447. Hes. Theogn. 305. and c. 218. SYN."A^>0tros, adavaroSf auv eutv. 'Ay?;(7ixpos, ov, o et ^, subst. [ductor chori, chorum dacens,] leader of a cho- rus. 'Ayrjffixdpwv oTrorav TWV 0pot/utuv. Pytll. i. 7 SYN. 'Ayrjrwp /ueXewi". 'Ay;roj, j), ov t adj. [admirabilis,] admirable, wonderful. Ot icat drirjffavrd piva.s, be pas, dperr/i^). *Ayi'c?w, f. tffw, em, v. [consecro, adoleo,] to consecrate, to dedicate, to offer incense. BovflvroV eoriav dyt'^wv, < trwb/itrat dyicdXoV v\r)s. Horn. Merc. 82. "Ay^i, ov, ro, subst. [hamus,] a hook. EPITH. Ad^oivor, evKa/i7r, "AyKos, to$, ro, subst. [vallis, convallis,] a valley, a dale. Kvrjpovs e^tp HyKta TTOI^VTCL. 5. 337. SYN. AtXw>, 0dpay, KXtri/s, firjffoa, vairos, yvaXov. EPTTH. Alirewov, bev&pritv, KolXov, irotrjet', fiaOv, rp^v. 'AyKvX?/, ?js, ^, subst. [jaculi genus, curvatura cubiti,] a kind of javelin, the bend of the arm, curvature. 'O /uev Trerpov*, 6 & ayKvXas. Or. 1483. SYN. At)(/uf/, aKtov, ayicwv. 'Ay*ci;X6d/iat, v. [incurvo,] to bend. Xwpet bl was rl dyv^as ^yKvXufifvos. Av. I 180. SYN. Ka/^Trrw, K-drdfjd/UTrrw, icvprdw. 'AyfXos, T/, 01^, adj.fcurvus,] crooked, bent. "OSyevlpXaQOevrt pvpiKtry, ay*:u- XrV apyud. Z. 3p. SYN. Ka/U7ri>Xos, ;$, , evTrptTreid, ayXdi'}S t cldptvrf. w, v. [illustro, decoro,] to ornament, embellish, decorate, adorn. AeX0ts tTrei Trerpa roi5ro roZ dyXdiffe. Theoc. Ep. 1. SYN. Kotr/uew, Kvbalvu, KoXXvvto, Xa/uTrpuvw, 7ruv. Hel. 289- SYN. and EPITH. See dyXdta. , ov, o et ^, adj. [nitidam comam habens,] having fine hair. voi, vdplov Qf.uv> dyXdcOeipoi/. Pan. 5. SYN. EVKOHOS, KUfJlOS, fjVKO/JLOS. 'AyXduyvws, oi/, 6 et h, adj. [pulchra membra habens,] having beautiful limbs. 'AyXddyvioVHpai'. Nem. 75. "AyXdoSeffyos, ou, o et ^, adj. [pulchras arbores habens,] abounding in beau- tiful trees. Martp' ayXdoevSpdi>. Oi. p. 32. "AyXdo'epoi'o* et ayXddOwKos, ov, o et f/, adj. [splendida sede sedens,] sitting on a splendid seat or place. Moiaats ydp dyXdoOpovois tfcwv. OI. 13. 136. See also Nem. 10. 1. "AyXdo/capTros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [pulchros fructus ferens,] bearing fine fruit. "Oy\ycn Kal fioiat, Kal /nrJXcae dyXdtftfapTroi. i?. 115. AFAA ArOO ov, o et ^, adj. [pulchros juvenes habens,] famed for fine] youths, VlpdOvpov Tldffeioai'ds, ayXdOxovpov. Ol. 13. 5. ^AyXaofcw^tJs, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [splendidam festivitatem faciens,] causing splendid revelry. 'AyXdoicai^ov firel ^airaiol /ie>. Ol. 3. 10. ^AyXaos, ov, 6 et >/, et r), 6v, adj. [splendidus,] splendid, distinguished. T;Xe/ua- )(os 6' 7/pws Kal Nearopos ayXaoi vios. 6. 2 1 . SYN. Aa/UTrpos, atyX?/ets, deivos t apylvoeis, KttXXiyeyyijS, efj(j)dri]s, rj/\avy;)s, ayavos, uooKlp.oi, 7rep<0avros. ^AyXaorptat'j'T/s, ov, 6 et ^/, adj. f Jridente splendido inclytus,] having a splendid trident. To-' ctyXaorptatVa;/ ap/rdo-at. Ol. 1.64. "AyXawit/, &TTOS, 6 et 17, adj. [vultu spleudidus,] having a splendid face. 'AyXawTri Trey/co:. CE. R. 213. SYN. yXao-fftis, dvavbos, a^w^os, afypdbijs, /3ap/3apos, uTe^vos. v Ayi>af.nrrds, ov, o et ;'/, adj. [inflexibilis,] inflexible. Qepti'ds ayrafjnrrov voov. P. V. 169. SYN. 'AKafjtTT-os, ffKXrjpos, dreyKros, ei/^e/Xt^6$. "Ayyeftt, et ^Ayvev/td, aros, ro, subst. [purilas, expiatio,] chastity, purity, atonement. "Ayvcvp EX MI/ fat fa', v o ai'c^twr. Eur. El. 256. SYN. AtSws, , f. OTM, p. ua, v. [purus sum, purum reddo,] to be pure, to make pure. Et rtv 7*; 'wv iruXwpos x e '^" s ayvcvei Oeois. Iph, T. 1227- SYN."6/, subst. [ignoranlia,] ignorance. *A JJ.EV ydp efaipriKas, ayvota JJL' r J>ach. 350. SYN. 'ATretpcc-io, dpapria. 1 *Ayi'6ppvrds, ov, o et fj, adj. [pure fluens,] flowing clearly, limpid. Flayat 0' ayi'oppvrfav Ttord^Siv. P. V. 453. 'Ayros, >), 01^, adj. [purus, sanctus, castus,] chaste, modest. T\poawQtv avTqv ayi'os wv ufnraCofjiai. Hipp. 102. SYN. 2wwowj', t:dOdpos, tepos, aKparos. "Ayi'Vf.u, f. a?w, v. [frango,] to break. IToXXovs apiOpovs ayvvrai vavaylwv. Helen. 410. SYN. 'P//yi'v/jt, 7rX/;(7ffw, ap.'icratt, apaamo. 'Ayi'w//o<7vv7, et ^Ayrwaia, as, f], subst. [stultitia,] stupidity, foolishness. MtydXrjv e 0eo7$ ayvwuoovvriv. Trach. 1269. See also Eur. Fr. Antiop. 24. SYN. 'A/3oi/Xta. 'Ayrw/uwi', m-ds, o et //, adj. [stolid us, mente deficiens, imprudens,] stupid, foolish, ungrateful. Or^rci, ;-ov;: ayvM^ova. Trach. 474. SYN. d/SovXos, d/udur/jr, KaKddvjjios, y^Xe^s, d^apicrros. ^Ayrws, wrds, 6 et ?/, adj. [ignotus,] ignorant, unknown, degraded. ayrws Xoywi'. CE. R. 681. SYN.'Ayvaxrros, dj'ojyros, apadiis, atcXetis, See 'Ayvw/uoavi'?;. ov, 6 et >/, adj. [incognitus,] unknown, obscure. 'AXX' dye, eXes T ayovos r eyuevat. F. 40. SYN. 'Ayet'vrjTos, tireKvos, CLTTatS, CLTOKUS. "Aydds, ov, 6 et r^, adj. [indefletus,] unlamented. Ketros & o rdXas dyoos. Sep. Til. 1063. SYN. ^AcXetvaros, ubaKpvros. 1 On the quantity of the last syllable of "Ayvoia, see Dr, Blomf. Sept. Theb. 498. AFOP AFPI 9 'Ayopd, as, tj, et dyopos, ov, 6, subst. [forum, concio,] a market-place, an assembly. KcuriffTrjaret nitrelv dyopav. Nub. 991. See also Iph. T. 1096. SYN. Hdviiyvpls, o//tXta, frvobos. EPITH. KOIVI}, fitipvboviros, Kvcldveipd, betyff, 'Ayopao>, f. d, p. m, v. [in foro versor, emo,] to buy and sell in the market, to buy. JAyopdo-wr' kv rols oVXots e#/s 'Apiaroye/roVr. Lysistr. 633. SYN. 'Ej, dyopy. biaTpifieii', TrwXew, Trpiajjiat. 'AyopaTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [forensis, sordidus,] belonging fo the market, mean, vulgar. Mryr' dyopaiovs pr t Te wfiaXovs. Ran. 1015. SYN. Aor 'Ayopavofios, ov, 6, subst. [qui foro praeest,] a clerk of the market. *H> 6' rovs dyopavofjiovs frdXw. Acharn. 96*8. SYN. Aoyrn)s, ayopas CTTC- et ayopevw, v. [concionor, loquor,] to harangue, to speak. "Os evQpovetov dyopfiadro Kal ptTteurtv. A. 73. See also H. 347. SYN. W, ITTW, er^eira), Xeyw. rjs, ov, 6, subst. [concionator,] an orator, an haranguer. 'H&vtTrrjs avo- povae Xtyvs [ItfXtwv dyopijrris. A. 248. SYN. Afyu^yopos, pt'jTwp, KOTTIS. EPITH. 'E(T0Xoy, fjbvXoyos, XlyvfyOoyyos, ffwfypwv, evfiovXos, K-pdr^eTa aypav &Xead. Eum. 148. SYN. Ae/ct, X?;i$, XerjXaata, aypevyud, Xavpdv t OKvXov. EpITH.^Atyveir), spdreivfj, viKyfyopos, evKepws, buXou^dvoSf KfpodXerj, prjros. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non scriptus,] unwritten. KrjpvynaQ' &OT dewy. Antig. 458. s, ov, 6 et f], adj. [in agris versatus,] living in the fields, an epith. of Diana. Yloipeves aypavXoi KOLK eXey^ld yavrepes diov. Hes. Theog. 26. SYN. aypoiKos, viraidptos. Aypelds, a, 6v t adj. [rusticus, ferus,] clownish, savage. 'Aypews el /cat ffKatos. Nub. 655. SYN. see^Aypios. Aypeata, as, //, subst. [venatio,] hunting. 'Eic 5' avr' aypeairjs 7roXXdci TroXXd Kap&v. Call. fr. 22. 2. SYN. and EPITH. see 0>/f>a. Aypevjjid, tiros, TO, subst. [praeda venatione capta,] prey taken in hunting, booty. "Aypevfjia Oqpds, f/ veicpov TrobevbvTbv. Choepll. 996. SYN. "Aypa, KvvriyZctla, \avpa, crtcvXa. Aypevs, cws, 6, P. N. [Agreus,] 'Ayped Kal Nopov TroXvX^tot At/io^S. Apoll. 2. 506. , ijpds, o, subst. [venator,] a hunter. 'I^dvos aypevTfjpes ti/Jiws bvu ylporTES. Theocr. 21.6. SYN. Ki/vqyen/s, Kvvayos, drjprjrfjp, eXdr)(3oXos, "Ayptvw, o-w, ca, v. [venor, venatione capio,] to hunt, to capture in hunting. Qrjplov aypevffw, robe KCV KvK'XwTres ebottv. Call. 3. 85. SYN. ' drjpaa), Kvvrjyereti), Xe^Xdrew, XyffTevw. "Ayplds, tibds, j), adj. [agrestis,] savage, wild, ruraK Td&. Arist. Pax. 620. SYN. ^ -" ' - w ^~- ^Aypids, et "AypiKtis, r), ov, adj. [ferus, agrestis,] rude, clownish, fierce. "Aypids, el, ?rpos Travrd TrdXiyfcdrds, r/6' vTrepoTrrqs. Theocr. xxii. 58. See also Mosch. 5. 13. SYN.^Aypotfcds, ^Aypoiwrqs, dTri^s, xdXeiros, aKXrjpos, See in aypids. ""AypiwTrds, ov, 6 et >/, [qui fero vultu est,] looking fiercely, stern. repds, ov 0wrd fiporctdv. Bacch. 542. SYN.^Aypi'ds, TrtXwpids, avfldc^s, ^Aypi^s, adv. [fere, immaniter,] cruelly, rudely. IIpos Taaft dypiws dirdvrjvd- p. y elvai rbv Oeov. Plut. 705. See also Thesm. 64. SYN/AypoVdjuos, aypids, aypdrrjs. ^Aypovopos, 6 et ^, subst. [rerum rusticarum administrator,] a rustic superin- tendaut, a rustic, a clown. 'Aypdrd/^oi waiZovoi' ytyrjOe be re ^pexd A>/rw. ^5. 106. ^AypdSj ov, d, subst. [rus, ager,] the country, a field, land. 'Aypw, ovSf TrdXivSe Karep^tTai, ovbe ol evval. X. 187- SYN."Apovpd, x&pa, TrcSidv, y^. EPITH. XXwpds, evavOrjs, KaXos, TT/WV, TrdXvSe^Speds, 0dXepds, r^Xe0dwv, TrvprjroKos. ^Aypdrepds, a, d*', adj. [furens,] wild. 'E^ 'Everwv, o0e^ rjfjCidvwv yevos dypdre- pdwy. B. 360. SYN. See in aypids. 'Ayporrjs, ov, 6, et "Aypdris, tSds, /, subst. [rusticus,] a rustic. "Aypdrai >, Trdpos 7rer?vd ye/ea0at. TT. 218. See also Apoll. 2. 508. /o-w, ra, v. [vigilo,] to pass the night without sleep, to watch. vvv ffvvefla roi dypvTrv^dai t' epwrd. Theocr. 10. 10. S Y N . ^Eyp^ydpew, ctaypvTrveutf y^0w, ovx vvri^ea;. AypyTT^ds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [irisomnis,] without sleep, sleepless, vigilant. 'AXX' %XOe*> avr Zrjvos aypvnvov (3eXos. P. V. 358. SYN/AvTr^ds, ' w " w - , v. [in venatu capio,] to take in hunting, to hunt. 'I^B a TTTEpa beveTai uXpy. e. 53. SYN.^Aypevw, which see. ""Aypwcrrrjs, ov, 6, [venator,] a hunter. "Ht> T dypworai d^auvEriv KaXeovot. Apoll. 4. 175. SYN. Kvrayds, aypevn/p, which see. ^Aypw art's, tos, ^, [genus herbae,] a species of herb. Kal OdXXo^rd aeXtvu, Kal eiXiTerr)s aypwaris. Theocr. xiii. 42. SYN. BoravT?, TTO/}, ^opros. 'Ayvm, as, r/, subst. [vicus,] a way, a street. 'IXiov e^dXdTra^e TroXtv, ^pwae. 6' dyvtds. E. 642. SYN. '6Sos, arpdirds, d^a^irds, OTevwTros. EPITH. KoiXr), evKTi/uerrif evS^u^rds, icon/)), evpv^opos, adta. 'Ayvtevs, ews, 6, adj. [Trivius,] placed in the streets; an epithet of Apollo. Kai /, adj. [inexercitatus,] unexercised, unpractised. Ai^e TrXevpwv, ovS' dyv/jvaoros /u' c^r. Trach. 1085. Ayvpis, los, ^, subst. [coetus, multitude,] an assembly, a crowd. "Us oiy' ev vr]S)V dyvpei p-iirrip re /cat vJos. fl. 141. SYN. "OyuiXos, irXfjOos, KKXrjtj/La t ofjiriyvpis, tyvovola., o^Xos, dyopd, adpotajjid. 'Ayvprdcjw, f. dtrw, p. dm, v. [congrego, colligo,] to assemble, to collect. ' dyvprd^eti^ TroXX))^ CTTI yaidi^ toirt. r. 284. SYN. J Aye/pw, adpolo), (t), 7rdye/pw. , ov, o, et 'Ayvprpia, as, ^, subst. [pra?stigiator,] a juggler, a moun- tebank. AoXioV ayvprrjv, oVris ev ro7s ^pe, dy^0t. , ot/, 6 et rj, [finitimus mari,] bordering upon the sea. BXr/^eVds If CTT' dyx/, adj. [Deo propinquus,] resembling a God. tyairiKuv cs yaiav ot ay^tQeoL yf.yaa.alv. T. 279. SYN/I(7o0os, 6eaj iKeXos. 'Ayxidvpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [foribus propinquus,] dwelling near, a neighbour. 'Ayxt0#/oos valoiaa. Ka.Tevtja.TO Kat Xtravevvev. Theocr. 2. 71- SYN. 'Ayxiyei- rwv, dyx^rep^uwr, 6 Tr\i}/, adj. [civitatis adjutrix, quia vicinus viciuum adju- vat,] near the city, a friend and supporter of the city. Flpoirov pet>"OyKa IlaXXds i]T ay^iTrroXls. Sept. Th. 507. SYN. TroXews l^eSpos, TroXcws /JtSew*'. 'Ayx/ppods, dyx/ppovs, ov, 6 et y/, adj. [prope fluens,] flowing near. Aeinov "AXvv Trord^oy, XelTrov 6' dyx''ppod> r ipi)'. Apoll. 2. 96'3. 'Ayx/ffjys, ov, 6, P. N. [Anchises,] the father of ^Eneas. T^s ylvHrjs ocXe^fV ava avbp&v 'Ayx/o 1 ^. E. l68. EPITH. ^apbdvibr)s t TpwteJs, dfjivp(t)v t KV&HTTOS, bafypwv, iTrTro&dfjids, /^eydXjjrwp, /Bov/coXewv. 'AyxiffreloV, ov, ro, subst. [Iegitima3 jus successions,] the right of lawful succession, affinity, relationship. Tevovs KOLT dyxtffretd TWV tiXwXowv. Ant. 174. SYN. 'Ayx*erreta, as, |vyyevetd, Krjbds. 'Ayxtffrevw, v. [prope adsum, propinquus sum,] to be near, to be related to. Tdv r f ayxiffTevovaav yav. Troad. 225. SYN. HXtjaidv e/'p, ^vyye^s e/yut. 'Ayxtor%>, T/pds, 6, subst. [vicinus,] a neighbour. r H yu>)v TO*' ayxiorrjpd rov rov Trddovs. Trach. 260. SYN. '6 TrXrjffWv, TrXrjaWs, dyx?ye/rw>>, d ov, 6 et //, et ds, 77, dV, adj. [prope stans, confertus,] standing near, close. At uiv T ayxierwal CTT' aXXrjXyffl /cex vl/ra( - ^. 141. SYN. *A5r- vds, TrvfCFos. , ?;, dv, adj. [proximus,] the nearest, next. TIpos d, (J yap el. CE. R. 819- Vy see 'Ayx^ye/rw*'. , pra3p. [prope,] near. Srf/0os fafiXriKei vrep avrvyds, 412. SYN. See in"Ayx?. ovri, qs, r/, subst. [suffocatio, laqueus,] strangulation, a halter, noose, 12 AFXO AAA snare. NDv ayxovqs /uoi rep/mr', f/ 0dos fiXeveiv. Eum. 744. SYN. ' . See"Ayx*. * > f- w > *> v - [sufFoco,] to strangle. "Ayxe ^ A' 1 *' jv VTTO betprjv. F. 371- SYN. ITv/yw, airoirviyia y diray^a). "Ayo^, w, x 'Ayii'efti, et 'Ayiveo-Kw, V. [duco,] to lead. Nv /uej> eTretr' CTTA ycuav dye fcve^ds. Ot 6' eve iroi/rp. Apoll. 3.743. See also . 105. and p. 294. SYN. etVdyw, eTribexdpat, Xrjorevw, tyepdfjiai, eiaicoui^u), dyetpw. "Ayw, [frango.] See "Ayw/K. j), jys, ?/, subst. [adductio, abductio,] an accompanying, a withdrawing. dywyf/$ avTlriaacrQai ros, dyaffXftrds, (jidvios, al/idroets, KTjblfAOS, KViblffTOS. ywrap^s, ov, 6, subst. [certaminis judex vel prases,] an umpire of the games. Kai ra//d rev^ A'^' dywi^apxat rii^es. Aj. Fl. 572. SYN. (3paj3evs, t, f. Ivo/jiai et lovjucu, v. [dimico, contendo,] to fight, contend, dispute. 7 Ap' olaff oaov TOV ay&v dywviet rd^d. Acharn. 481. SYN. 'AyutX- *Aywvt(T/ud, dros, ro, subst. [certamen, prsemium certaminis,] a contest, the prize of victory, anxiety. Aaj3e~ii> T aywvifff* a%6v rl T->)S obov. Ran. 284. SYN. &c. See in 'Ayw>. 'Aywvtds, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [ad certamen pertinent,] belonging to a contest, an epithet applied to Jupiter and Mercury. TeXos # edifice Zevs ay&v/ios , Trach. 26. AywviffTris, ou, subst. [certator, athleta,] a wrestler. W H Trptv dywriirrds rows 'E^vpr/. Callim. Fr. 103. 5. SYN. 'Avrdywvt/s, adXrjrrjs, apvvrwp. , as, r/, subst. [imperitia,] unskilfulness, ignorance. T ft yepo^, a ex 6 *' w ' ^43. SYN. 'Ajudtfm, arreipia, at&pela. >, ovos, 6 et ^, adj. [imperitus,] unskilful, ignorant. Oy yap rt yewv abarinwv ovbe floXautv. p. 283. * SYN. 'A.6d))s, apadfjs, aibpis, airaibevros, aireipos. 'AbarjTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [incognitus,] unknown. Aru^uo^t', OVK dd;m aXXa Kcii avroi. Hes. Theog. 654. SYN.^Ayvwaros, ayrws, ayrwros, 'Aa/eros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [indivisus,] undivided. 'Apveto^ flr^a, adj. [adamaute compactus,] bound with a chain of adamant. Taltrb" dbafjiavrdberoiffi Xv/mts. P. V. 148. i nAwvwt/ i here scanned as a si)ondee. AAA AAHN 13 ov, 6 et /, -adj. [indomitus, non domandus,] untamed, untame- able. 'Abd/jiaaToy re Kctl bvffovptffTov. (E. R. 1315. SYN. 'Av/n?ros, aawros, , drepajufos, drepd^wi/, arpvros, afyu)*, acre's, d/*d X os, a/ij afteiXtKTos, arpvjuwv. ws, adv. [' sine sumplu t forsan impune,' Maltb.] without expense. voifft fjivOots dbdirdvws repeat typevd. Orest. 1174. "ASaoros, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [baud divisus,] undivided, not separated. Aetas, dbaard fiovKoXtav Qpovptj para. Aj. FI. 54. SYN. A6a/eros, dbdiKros. 'Aej)s, det>)s, et acSer/s, eos, 6 et f/, [metu carens, audax,] devoid of fear, bold, daring. Uws bt av vvv yu^oVas KVOV abbees ; 0. 481. SYN. 'Arapfirjs, arpeoros, arpo/xos, drap/S^ros, abeifjiavTos t OOKVOS, avQabrjs. 'AbeipavTds, ov, 6 et ;, [inlrepidus,] intrepid, dauntless. 'Ev ^ /cat TOV abei- fj-avrov 'A\Kfjtr]va TEKE Traiba. Istlim. 1. 13. SYN. See in 'ASer/s. 'ASet/za^rws, adv. [impavide,] fearlessly, intrepidly. 'A\\' avrbv k\Qelv t ws abetpavTWS K\vy. Choepb. 769. SYN. 'AStws, d0d/3ws, d0o/3yrws. "A5e(7rvos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [increnatus,] supperless. Ar/i/atd ^bpriy^v aireXvcr' abeLirvov. Acharn. 1155. 'A^eX^eos, abe\(f)tds t et dSeX^os, ov, o, subst. [frater, consanguineus,] a brother, a near relation. "H^e yap kard Ovfjiov dSeX^fdv, ws HiroveiTo. B. 409. See also E. 21. et Agam. 1589. SYN. Kaais, KatrlyvrirSs, (riyvrjros, oyua/^wv, KOLVOTOKOS, avyyovos, o//o7rarptos, d/i07rdrwp, Oaipos, opoyvlas. EPITH. 'Ea0Xds, 0tXos, ^>tXa/^wv, ofj.oK\rjpos. 'ASeX^j), ^fs, et 'A5eX0ed, as, ^, subst. [soror,] a sister. ITcXas 5' abeXtyal r&vbe Tpels KaraTTTepoi. P. V. 796. See also Eur. Electr. 134. SYN. Kdo-tyj/r/ri;, jcdcrts, Zuvaopos, oyua//.t/yr, ^vyyovos, yvatrr). 'AbeXfobfi, rjs t rj> subst. [neptis,] a niece. 'A6eX0rS^v, aypoucos wj/ e^ aortas. Nub. 47. SYN. 'Efcyd^ds, v/w^/. 'AbeXXos, , adv. [aversis oculis,] with averted looks. Kat 7rdpd/iet/5o)U70' abepK- ro>s. CE. C. 130. "Abefffios, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [non ligatus,] unbound, not chained. Ae/, adj. [non subactus a coriario,] untanned. 'AXX' cv abc- i KareiXvaavTE. fioeiais. Apoll. 3. 206. SYN. "Awards, w/^os. , f. rjaw, rjKa, \. [placeo,] to please, to gratify. 'Us dtyeXev 6avaros pot dbelf KO.KOS, OTcndre bevpti. F. 173. SYN. 'Av5dva>, evepyertw, &s, adv. [impavide,] fearlessly. See , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [non morsus,] not bitten, not gnawed. T H/ios Tdrrj TreXerat r^delcd albt/py. Hes. Op. 418. 'AS^XijT-ds, ow, 6 et ?/, adj. [illassus, integer,] unhurt, entire. Aitv dbt'iXrjrot, rws ydp deals' olodl b^'avrrj. Apoll. 2. 71 1. SYN. A/3Xd/3/)s, d/s. "AbrfXos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [non manifestus, incertus,] not evident, uncertain, ^ob- scure. Tetd 6' dptdfyXov ph>v6ei, Kai dbrjXov d^et. Hes. Op. 6. SYN. 'A})s, atydvys, dboos, ayi'woros, a/uavpos. 'A^Xow, ((xr&j, wucd, v. [obscurum aut inceitum reddo, ignore,] to hide, to be ignorant of. SKOTTOS TrpoafjKets TUV dS^Xov/zei/ fpdffai. CE. C. 35. SYN. 'A//av- pow, ayvoea). , et 'ASSi?*', et Att. 'A^v, adv. [satis, vehementer,] abundantly, enough, 14 AAHN AAOA eagerly. Ou Xrjw, nplv Tp&as dcV eXaerat TroXcjuoto. T. 423. SYN. ' mlvws, dXts, avrdp/vws, XtTrdpais. 'AcVfo eos, 6 et ^, adj. [consilii expers, ignarus,] inexperienced, ignorant of. Evyjjfs 6' d&T)t>r)s karlv a^poc^cro/s. Simon, fr. 230. SYN. 'Aneipos, aTrpovdrfrds, djud0;s, dboXos. 'Ac>/ptros, ov, 6 et it, adj. [non contentiosus, invictus,] not contentious, invin- cible. To rrjs dvayKys ear a&rjpiTOV aQevos. P. V. 105. SYN.^A /UOOTOS, CLVLKriTOS. "AtS^s, ov, 6, subst. [Tartarus, Pluto.] See 'Albr^s. 'lv ffirjs x w ps w/aerrai Qt&v. Hec. 2. , as, //, subst. [voracitas,] gluttony, greediness. Tlavadr dbrjIKE, rjaa), t/fcd, v. [injuri^ afficio,] to injure, to do wrong. Et?rep ydp d ept. Phoen. 527- SYN. Ak'/5w, deia'cjw, v/3p/5w, draw, aSticd Trotet^ or 5p^y, /SXavrrw, S^Xeo/^cu, Xw/3dojuai, , drds, ro, subst. [injusta actio,] an unjust action, an injury. dr' ets 0eovs. Eur. Melan. fr. iii. 1. ^Ma, as, ^ t subst. [injustitia,] injustice. 'H yap rvpan/is dStKi Eur. fr. inc. 45. SYN. 'Avo/ua, dOeer/^ia, vfipis, KaKovpyia, altr^os, rd Trdpd , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [injustus, iniquus,] unjust. $wr' dSifcoy Kadatpet. Agam. N."AJ/O/^OS, Trdpd^oyuds, vfiptaTrjs, avoalos, adefjuoros, drd/, adj. [non subactus, indomitus,] unsubdued. 'A5/u^res XevKrjffiv eTri^vodovadt edeipais. Apoll. 1. 672. See also y. 383. SYN. avavbpos, ciTreipoXc^s, dSdjuaoros. , ov, 6, P. N. [Admetus,] a king of Thessaly, husband of Alcestis. crrei>a.ei Tolarib'" AbpriTOS /cdicots ; Ale. 200. os, ov, 6 et >), adj. [inopinatus,] unexpected, unlooked for, sudden. Ti r&v dboK^Twv. Iph. T. 896. SYN. ^A.7rpoffboKr)Tos, aeXTTToSf airpofydros, uaKorros, irapcibo'Zds, aTrpooTrros. bdKijjids, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [non idoneus,] disapproved, unfit. HetrXuv XaKiapar* a&oKifji oXfiiots e^e)v ^v^v ubows. Troad. 786. SYN. 'AeXTmys. , et aoXe<7x# s ov > > [nugator, garrulus,] a babbler, a chatterer. 6evpd, Sevp', <5 Hav0m. Nub. 1485. SYN. AdXos, arw/iv- Xos, KwrtXos, ^Xvapos, acpiro/zv0ds, aQvpoffrofJios, erTrep/ioXoyos, dpntTn/s. a, ay, /, subst. [intempestiva loquacitas, garrulitas,] babbling, gar- AAOA AAftN 15 rulity. JuovirapdvoriffavTos aboXecrxia. Nub. 1480. SYN. 'A/taipia, ^Xvapla ffT&uvXjULa, XdXia, XdXr/yud. "ASdXds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [doli expers,] without guile, sincere. Me/2wv dScJXos rcXeflei. Olymp. 7- 99- SYN.'ATrXoos, aAi^s, 7rietK7)s, a~fcpai0vr)s, dtt'/S^Xos, dicepaios. 'ASoXws, adv. [sincere,] sincerely. "Aej/ dSoXws SoXiay. Choeph. 953. SYN. 'A\r)0&s. 'ASo^ew, f. r/o-w, TjKd. v. [inglorius sum,] to be of no renown, to be obscure. Heiffec Aoyos yap en T abofyvvnov luy. Hec. 296. SYN. "Aods, aK\etjs etui or yiyvouat. 'At>ota, as, rj y subst. [mala existimatio,] disrepute. 'Ey T$ ireveoQat. & early rj r abo&a. Eur. fr. Erecth. 11. 16. SYN.'AicXeta, 5ya 'IKETO Ovpoy. A. 88. SYN. Kc/joos, TrX^worts, , ov, 6, r/, adj. [servorum expers,] devoid of servants. A/cXpar' dSovXd dd 1 eartas XtTrwj^. Androm. 594. , as, r/, subst. [imbecillitas,] weakness, laziness, inactivity. 'Abpavlri yypa re* irivia re 01 avaraXeos %pws. Apoll. 2.200. SYN. 'AaQeveta, o\iyo- bpavta, padvuiia, ava\Kta. bpaffrcia, as, ff, P. N. [Adrastia,] the name of the goddess Nemesis. Ot Trpoff- KVVOVVTGS rriv 'A^pacrremf aofyoi. P. V. 934. bpeirTds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [non carptus,] unplucked, that ought not to be plucked. "H/3as 6' ayflos abpeirrov. ^Esch. Suppl. 671. bpriaros, ov t 6, P. N. [Adrastus.] "HptofAbpriaToV Toy beKpeiuy ' Z. 63. 5pos, d, vv. adj. [multus, vehemens, robustus,] great, violent, strong. ' o iroXeuds ep^erat. Ran. 1099' SYN. Meyds, 7roXi>s, dtvos, ^d , ys, %, subst. [copia, abundantia,] plenty, abundance. r flSe abpdavyy ara^ves yevoiey epae. Hes. Op. 471. SYN. Ei/Tropta, evOrjyta, Abpdrrjs, JJTOS, j]> subst. [robur, crassities,] strength. tt Oi^ TTOT^JLOV yoouaa Xi- abpdrfJTa Kal rjfiriy. X. 363. SYN. ITd^i/r?;s t ta^vs, Kparos, peyos. , Dor. pro r)6uyXwcra6s, q. v. , oi/, o et ^, adj. [qui fieri nequit,] impossible, impotent, weak. TO To\jjiq,v T dbvyar aybpos ov crofyov. Hel. 817. SYN.^A/cpdr^s, aaOeyfo, s, abpayrjs, , ov, TO, subst. [sacrarium, penetrale,] the innermost recess of a temple, a shrine, a sanctuary. AVTOS fr Alveiay udXd niovos e dbvToto. E. 512. SYN. Naos, ebos, dyaKTdpdy. EPITH. Eitwbes, tnov> (fepdv, 6vwfes t pecdy, ayyoy. "ASurds, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [ad quern non licet ingredi,] inaccessible, not easily entered. 'AGVTWV eiriftds KTtdvwy, uaTpos tydvevs. Androm. 1036. SYN."A/3d- rds. "ASw, potius "Aw, aw, qua, v. [satio,] to satiate, to cloy, to fill. "Aaaadat foXdv %Tnp. T. 307. SYN. Kopew, TrXrjpow, e^TrX^w, xopra^w. 'Aw, v. [placeo,] to please. AVTQ b' ws Key dbr}, rws eaaeTal. Apoll. 3. 350. SYN. 'Avbdvw, evdpeffTew, dbeu), xdpt$opai. "Aibw for delbw, V. [cano,] to sing, to chant. OVK er epripairftjly vno bpvffly rjuevos $bei. Mosch. 3. 21. SYN. See in 'Ae/So. 'A^wvtd, wv, rd, subst. [festa Adonidis,] a festival in honour of Adonis. Mv r "" ^' Theocr. 15. 128. EPITH. 'ftpa7os, ifjiepdeis, afipos, dyaTrrjros, ayvos, a /UT;S, TroQetyos, ayXdoyuop^>os, ftaBv^airris, 7roXv>/pdros, b 'AbwprjTos, ou, 6 et //, adj. [indonatus,] not recompensed, unrewarded. Kcu reuerat roucV, oi/6' a&Mpjfieai fylXuv. Hec. 42. "ASwpds, ou, 6 et //, [qui munera non accipit, non accipiendus,] not to be re- ceived, not worth receiving. 'Exfywv dSwpd Swpd KO&JC dvjaripa. Aj. 674. SYN. 'AfjLiffOds. 'ASwr??s, ou, 6, subst. [qui nihil dat,] one who gives nothing, a stingy man. Awri; fie> Tts cW>, dc\urp 6' oilrts edoiirl. Hes. Op. 353. 'Ae0Xeuo>, v. [certo, dimico,] to contest, to fight. Et /iei> vvv eirt aXXw dedXevot- pev 'Amatol. "*. 274. SYN.^AflXevw, a0Xtw, dywy/c'o^uat, dytyytdw, d/it\Xdojua<, bripiau), n^pvafjiatf /ud^o/uat, fyiXdvetKew. 'AedXrjrfip, rjpos, et de0X?;rr/s, ou, o, subst. [certator, luctator,] a wrestler, one who contends. 'iTTTr^es, KWaptoTai, aedXrjTijpts, dotSot. Theocr. 22. 24. See also Isthm. 6. 106. SYN^AQX^r^s, dyajwo-n/s, adXrjTijp, TrdXaiyrrjs, TrayxpuTiaffTris." 'A^flXtov, et*Ae0X6V, ou, ro, subst. [praeroium certaminis,] the prize or reward of victory ; sometimes aedXdv is used in the sense of dflXos. Kcu Toy 'A^iXXevs dfjKev aedXidv ou erdpoto. T. 748. See also T. 753. SYN/AeXo*', eTraOXov, flpafieloi', yepas. EPITH. KXurov, dycTjcXuroi', dpiSe/trerov, a-yXdor, 'Ap;/ irpdrepos irpoaeeurev deOXofyopos IloXuSeu^s. Tlieocr. 22. 53. t, adv. [semper,] always. See Person. Suppl. xvii. Kdyi> ^tv ae< /3d, atwr/os, aQdvaros. , et 'Ato^Xos, oi/, 6 et v. adj. [inconspicuus, obscurus,] not conspicuous, obscure, uncertain. "Orrt KE xepai XdfieffKev, de/SeXd iravrd TidecrKev. Hes. fr. 6l, See also B. 455. SYN. 'Aeic^s, /, subst. The same as aic/a, which see. cos, 6 et ^, adj. [indecorus, vilis,] disagreeable, unseemly, vile. , ^ pd KaKov Kai dciKed fjL^ado voffrdv. Apoll. 4. 739- SYN. 'Aa^/y/uw*', a7rpe7rj)s, duofffjos, aiff\pds, dvagids, drifios, ov TrpcTrwv. f. taw, tKd, v. [contumelia fficio,] to insult. *fts o ftev "Efcropd 67o^ . 22. SYN. Ata'w u3/5w KdOvigw u3t^w Ka- 9 Aeifjit>T}(TTds, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [semper memorandus,] ever to be remembered, memorable. "Ei/0d /3poro7s rdi/ deijjivrjffTdv. Aj. 1 16'6*. 'Ae/ppurds, et 'Aeippoos, 6 et ^, adj. [semper flueus,] ever-flowing, perpetual. ITpwrov )uev tepas e| de/ppvrov x^as. CE. C. 469. SYN. 'Aei/dos, aeyyaos, de/-' vaos, atj'dwv or alevanov. 'Ae/pw, f. dtpw, p. r/epcd, et 'Aeprai?w, v. [tollo, prsebeo,] to raise up, to sustain, to supply. Tous per dye \aeaalv, airo yQovos aaaov de/pwv. Theocr. 25. 73. See also Apoll. 1. 995. SYN. 'E7ra/pw, /3aorac?w, KOI/^W, atwpew, ea/w. , dros, ro, subst. See T A'ovpos, ov, o et f}, adj. [semper custoditus,] always watched or guarded. is aeitypovpos, ol Tropevopai. Antig. 892. , v. [iuvitus sum,] to be unwilling. floXX' aeKaZo/jtevr), Kparep^ 6* ' di>ayo/. Z. 458. SYN. 'Aj'ayKctcJoyuat, j3ia$djjiai, d/3ovXW, elpi or ciKovaios. , adv. [invito,] unwillingly. N^as e\e~iv at bevpo Bl&v de/CTjrt jjidXou O. 720. SYN. 'AKOvffiws, d/3ovXws, irapa yvi>)^.r]v. 'Aevwj', oi/cra, ov, adj. [invitus,] unwilling. Kcu yap eyw /, subst. [turbo, procella, tempeslas,] a storm, a whirlwind. Aa/i- Trpa)^ aarpwv VTT ae\\atoiv. Helen. 1497- SYN. 0i/eXXd, S/i'iy, Xcu'Xcn//, Karat- yls, aqua. EPITH. Avypa, rpa^eld, oXot), axcvSpo/zos, 0otrdXea, d 'AeXX/s, eos, et deXXds, d5os, 6 et >;, adj. [procellosus,] stormy, boisterous. w fts djod rwv VTTO Trocrat KoviaaaXos tipvvr' deXX>;s. F. 13. See also CE. R. 467- 'AeXXaTos, a, or, deXXoTros, deXXorrdS^s, ov, et deXXo7roi/s, Trobos, 6 et /, [velox tanquam procella,] rapid, swift as the whirlwind. Ei0' deXXam r TreAeid. (E. C. 1081. See also 0. 409. et Horn. Veil. 218. SYN. ' UKVTrubqs, Trobrir/Jds t ra^vs, 6^vs t Ta^inrovs, Boos, aveuwKris, deXXds. 'AeXXw, ods, contr. oy$, r/, P. N. [Aello,] the name of a Harpy. 'Hifcfyiovs 0' 'Ap- Trvias, 'AeXXw r', 'IlfcvTrlrr/v re. Hes. Th. 267- 'AeX7r?}s, cos, et deXTrros, ou, o et >/, adj. [insperatus,] unhoped-for, unexpected. T H/zot 7ret6;) yaTdv deXTrfd Swk-ev tbtaOat. e. 408. See also Iph. A. 1584. SYN. aveXiriffTos, aboKrjTOS, aveXiris. 'AeXTrrta, as, fj, subst. [desperatio,] despair, l^l^avei & e^ deX7rm/s 0o/3os. Ar- chil, fr. 13. 3. SYN. dTTOjOta, aftrixavia. 'AeX-ffTds. See 'AeXTrjf/s. 'AeXTrrws, adv. [insperanter,] unexpectedly. HoXXd 5' deXTrrws Kpairova/i Otoi. Med. 1413. 'AeXTrw, vel pot. deXTrrew, v. [vid. Maltb. Thes. in verbo : despero,] to despair, to be dejected. Km p ^yov irpoTi ct, adv^Hd), dvdTr/Trrw. 'Aepjjia, TOS, TO, subst. [chorda qu tenditur arcus, vestimentum,] a bow-string, a robe. Aftrfcd re^vijaovTal, epol 6' evKapires deju/wd. Call, in Dian. 10. SYN. TooV, effdtjs, eaQrjua. 'Aemoy, devyaos, idem quod 'Aetm^s, q. v. 'Aeiyvtos, ou, 6 et /;, adj. [membra roborans,] strengthening the limbs. Katffl 6' de^iyv/wv aedXwv. Find. Nem. 4. 1 18. 'Ae^w, f. de^o-w, p. r)e/7/cd, v. [augeo,] to increase, to augment. ^"Os ol Kapyvt, Qeos b' ETTI epyov al&i. . 65. SYN. Av^dvw, cTra/pw, a0po/w, /cdrd- ffwpevM, ffvi'ayu), i/ew, tTravfo. 'Aepy^Xds, >/, d>/, adj. [iners,] inactive, slothful, which has not been yoked. 'Aprewv yu//Xwj/, o ft aepy^Xrjy eri Tropriv. Apoll. 4. 1 186. SYN. 'Aepytis, p$Qv- fjioSf airpaypwr, KEVOS, depy>)s, ff^oXalos, fiXaKevwv. 'Aepym, os, r/, subst. [desidia,] idleness, sloth. "Epyov fr ovbtv tiveibos, acpyir) e r oveibds. Hes. Op. 309. SYN. 'Aepyeia, apyia, padvpla, abpavia. 'Aepyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [deses, iners,] idle, slothful. Karfldv' fyws o r depy^s avrip o re TroXXa eopy&s. I. 320. SYN. See in 'AepyrjXds. 'Alp0a>, v. [sublevo, sustineo,] to uphold, to suspend. T^s CK&TOV dtoavot fjs, ffKoreivos, alpSbivris, aepdetbijs, a drew, v. [per aerem incedo,] to walk through the air. Atpd/ftirw, *al . Nub. 225. Pv/ic TPV ** 18 AEPO AHMI 'Acp#vi?x>)f> tos, adj. [qui per aera notat,] swimming through the air. See rn 'AepWs. 'Aepo-tTrovs, dbtis, o et ^, adj. [pedes erigens,] lifting up the feet, swift, active. Bares depaiirdbajy pereKiaddy. 2. 532. SYN. 'AeXXds, deXXoTrovs, 'Aeprcie?w, v. idem quod de/pw, q. v. 'Aefffypdvvvri, qs, ^, subst. [stultitia,] folly, levity, weakness. OvpdytSety, /;ae 7rdr>)p dEfft^pdffvi'rjalv. Hes. Th. 502. SYN. 'A/3ovXta, afypoovvi], fyavXoT 'Aeofypwv, dvos, o et r/, adj. [stultus, levis,] foolish, silly, rash. "HteV fiv o%E(i)v affi. 302- 'Ad?dXeos, ca, 66V, adj. [aridus,] dry, withered. QtTpovs a^dXerjs oropetrav Kadv- eXairis. Apoll. 1. 405. SYN. AvdXeos, Trij/wS/js, aos, qpds. 7, ?;s, //, subst. [situs, squalor,] filth, squalidness, rust. Trj 5' erepj/ acktfs 7r7rdXoy/uevo' a5r/. ^. 184. Vid. in"Afw [sicco], Ar)\os t ov, 6 et /, adj. [non invidendus,] not to be envied or desired, unen- viable. Opovpav ac^X#i> d\f]ffw. P. V. 143. SYN. KaKoSou/uwv, adXios, , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [impunitus,] unpunished, free. 'AXX' ev 0' a^plos. Soph. Electr. 1102. SYN. 'Ar^wpijros, driros, . [indesinenter,] incessantly, continually. o e ^ V> a( ^J* [ non intermissus,] perpetual, uninterrupted. 'Ac?7X>? $ v epxoptvotffi. P. 742. SYN. 'AaXeds, 6eti/os. , vyos, oet //, adj. [qui non sub jugo est, innupta,] unyoked, unmarried. KaXov act bapaXas ^iXeeti', OVK uvya. Kupav. Theocr. 27. 7 SYN. w, v. [sicco,] et aZopat, et a^ard/mi, [aresco,] to dry up, and to be dry. , eTrel Ke^dXijv Kal yovvara Se/ptos cid?ei. Hes. Op. 585. See also Horn. Ven. 271. SYN. E/?pcuVw. A5w,, v. [veneror,] to venerate. ( I>ei), 0ev, rd$ Fld^ias %dXov a ye Ktupa. Theocr. 27 4. SYN. 2e/3o/mi, at^EO/uat, 0epd7rej/w, oe(3iw, Xa- rpeuw. A^woros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [discinctus,] without a girdle, ungirt. Fen-oVes #c?w- rrrot *ctov, ^waavrfi Se injo/. Hes. Op. 345. SYN/'A^wj'ds, a^wros. AqbovWs, ov, o et ^, adj. [lugubris,] mournful, like the song of the nightingale. KeXdceZ 6' eTrfcXavroV 'atfovlov. Ran. 683. ATjSflyts, iSos, ^, subst. [lusciniola,] a young nightingale, a nightingale, zovdai aribovtbes uivvpiafiafflv avra-^vyl. Theoc. Ep. 4. 11. EPITH. AioXoQuvos, Xiyetd, Xiyu^w>oj, TrdvoSvpros, baKpvoecrffa, Trat^oXerwp, di)^wj'os, fjieXiyripvs, eiaplvri, opdplos, XdXos, xXwpJjts. PHR. 2u/^7ravrwv aotboTaTrj TTtTf^vtav. Ilav- Kanfjopos Kovprj. See Aristoph. Aves. 209- oi'ds, f], subst. [luscinia,] a nightingale, 'ils 6' ore na/6dpov *coyp?; arjbwv. r. 518. PHR. T Hpd$ ayyeXos, iuepdtywvos, KtpKr)Xdrds t r/ Tiype/a oiKrpd dXdxos, dfcdperds fitids,"lTW OTEVOVO afj(j)WdXfj KCLKOIS. 'A^fleao-w, f. effw, p. Tjfcd, v. [insuetus sum,] to be unaccustomed. IlaTrra/^wv, Xetpes yap arjdeaav ripeueovffai. Apoll. 4. 1171. SYN. 'Aijflew, dr/0^s t/^t. 'Arjdris t Eds, o et tj, adj. [insolitus,] unaccustomed, unusual. FlaXXoyr', 6\l/Hv arjdri. ^sch. Suppl. 563. 'Aj0ra, et forma antiquior, d//0etd, as, ^, subst. [insueta novitas,] strangeness. Ilpa^ icdfcws vv/^Xds, c/s di/Otav. Hel. 425. See also Apoll. 2. 1065. "Arjfjia, O.TOS, ro, subst. [flatus,] breath, a breeze. Tobe yap de&v aqua. Anac. 53. 4. SYN."Av/uds, Trvevfjia, TT^O/), TTVO&S, fyvarjfjia., deXXd. EpITH.^Hai/x^*'* dXtcrv7rd', petXl^WVf aueiXixov, fiapvirveidy, Xiyvtrvelov, KtXabovv, r/eptoK, Triifpdv, ex^poV, fidoi', bvotyepol', fipuroXotyov, ^etpepiov. , f. d^iro;, p. ^;>;(cd, et d^cu, v. [flo, spiro,] to blow, to breathe. Kcu rl alyd d^al rd^yrptx"- Hes. Op. 514. SYN. ITre'a;, guffaw, da;. AHP A0HN 19 'A$p, tpfa, (1)6, subst. [aer,] the air ; ct (2) ^, [caligo,] darkness, (l) Kai Tore J'i jo' nvTolS TrdXiv x^ Oeff^dros a.rjp. e. 143. SYN. (1) AiBrjp, aidprj. (2) axXvs^op^vrj, bvofos, Zotyos, o^xXrj, trxdrds. EPITH. (l) 'ATreipZoWs, av- veeXos, arpvyfros, djuerpqros, fads, tcvdveos, yjySi/yuos, tcpds, vdXios, rjov^s, OetTTreffios, XeirTaXeos. (2) Bd0e?d, 0e0-0dros, Kvdvsrj, yXavvj, bid. "A/ffts, cws, >/, [ventus, flatus,] wind, a gale, Tvxpdi/ djjaif, btylov re nvp 6eov. Rhes. 417. 'Aj/orvXos, 17, o>, adj. [molestus, iniquus,] troublesome, unjust. OvXo>/eV77i>, jjr' altv drjffvXd epyd /UC/UI?\E)/. E. 8?6. SYN. AtervXds, abiKds, ct/Ka/orwXds, *ai:fc, j, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [levis, sublimis,] light, lofty. IvrGdv ITT' a dr'iavpos aKptfjidvefffft. Apoll. 2. 1103. SYN. Koityos, eXa^pos, AeTrroj, , ov, o, et d/)ri;, ys, fj, subst. [fiatus,] a gale, blast. Me/Xtoy oi Karebrjaas drfras. Call. H. in Dian. 230. SYN. "Averts, ci^d, q. v. *A0ava, as, rj, P. N. [Minerva,] 7 H 00y// *A0a^as /, adj. [immortalis,] immortal ; et ot a0dmrot, the immortal gods. ITdpd r* aOavarots KUI irdpd OvijTols. Iph. T, 1493. SYN. 'Ai>wXe0poj, dyj/pdros, dtiids, ciyu/Sporos, dyrjpavrds. "AdairTtis, ov t 6 et r/, adj. [insepultus,] unburied. fldo-^ 6* dQairrov Helen. 1221. 'A0dpa, et ^Eol. *A0?/pa, as, //, subst. [farina cocta,] a liquid food, pap. ror' ^5^ r^s adapts iroXXrjv etyXw. Plut. 694. *A0eei, adv. [" sine Diis,"] without the favour of the Gods. QVK ddeet ydp ravrd biepxofJiai vypd KeXevdd. Mosch. 2. 148. SYN. A0eois. "A0eyuis, tbds, et ITOS, 6 et ^, adj. [illicitus,] acting against law and justice, un- lawful. ITev'0o/iat yap vi.v IleXiav dQeftlv. Pyth. 4. 193. 'A0/itar^s, et dOeplaTios, ov t 6 et //, adj. [fas et jus omne negligens,] contrary to law, outlawed. 'A^pr/rwp, dQe^iarbs aviaries karlv Ke~ivtis. I. 63. See cpdrv^e(. P. V. 156. SYN. 'Aroyuws, irdpdvopws. 'A0ews, adv. [scelerate, nefarie,] impiously, wickedly. T ft , et 'A0J/VJJ, 1 ??s, ^, P. N. [Athense,] Athens. Ai7rdpa7 oXfitois . Ale. 464. SYN. 'Ap^aTat, evwvfytot, evirvpyot, 5d0cu, Ot6b/ar)Toi, t, loffTttydvoi, fcaXcu, ^ueydXat, fcXetvcu, nrpdydcu, Old newels, diropdriroi. PHR. EwtTTTros )(a>pa, 'EXXdSos euxos, 'A0//^as ZvKTlfjLevov TtroKieBpov, KeK'pd?rt5 TrdXatyeveu;^, ya Qrjarjis, 'EXXavlas ^di'tpwrdros acrr//p [Hipp. 1122.], 'A6r}va~tot, a>v, ot, P. N. [Athenierises,] the Athenians. Kovpot 'A Te\\dpev/s, 0to)^ 7ra7es /ud^cipw^, bovpiK\vTO? av&pes. 'Adr)pr]\oiyos, ov, 6, subst. [ventilabrum,] a fan for winnowing corn. O^jf pr)\otydv e%etv dvd (fratbi/uUi) &fj.w. ^F. 275. SYN. Tlrvdv, Xu-^uos. "AOtKTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [intacttis, non tangendus,] untouched, not to be touched. *H T&V adtKTwv etrcu /idrdcw^. CE. R. 891- SYN. "ACITTT-OS, axpai/t(Tj3^r&/. 'Ad\riTr)p t rjpos, et dOXT/rj/s, oi5, 6, subst. [certator, athleta,] a combatant, a wrestler. 'AveKiipvrrev TMV adXrjrCJv TOVS VIK&VTCIS orf^cu'ttxras. Plut. 585. SYN. 'Ae0X7/r/)s, aybivtcrriis, d/XX^rr/p. "A0Xto$, a, ^y, adj. [miser, aerumnosus,] wretched, miserable. 'O/oflwo-dr' e vovres adXlov VEKVV. Hipp. 786. SYN. TdXas, Syarv^s, K-d-oSa//uo>v, rws, adv. [inisere,] wretchedly. TdS' ear' ticeT^o, *:ai /udX' dOXiws fX"*'- SYN. may be easily derived from those to HOXlds. ~A6Xdv, contr. ab 'AeflXo^, ov, TO, subst. [certaminis przemium,] the prize of victory. Merd Flam ro bevrepdv cidXov airoiffrj. Theocr. 1. 3. T A0Xos, ov, o, subst. [certamen, labor,] a combat, a contest, labour, affliction. v' effrtv aOXov repaid ;- viji r* aevdov Kctl airoppvrov ij r d0oXwro>. Hes. Op. 593. SYN. Atafy//s. 'A0opu/3ws, adv. [sine tumultu, tranquille,] calmly, quietly. 2retx' ^ $ ^opw/3ws uv Xoyos. Orest. 622. SYN. 'Hffi/^ws, eu/c//Xws. , ov, o et ^, adj. [infractus, illaesus,] unbroken, unhurt. 'Etrrav dOpctvarrot, KOVK avrjpTraffrai noXis. Phoen. 1095. SYN. "ApprjKrds, dppdy/)s, .riffa), p. rjKd, v. [cerno,] to see, to discern, to look. TdvS' d.XX' dQprj- crov trw/Ltd yvp.v veKpov. Hec. 673. SYN. BXtTrw, opdo), bepKopat, Xevcffw, iZo), f. ffvvadpois, T^, subst. [convent us,] an assembly, a meeting or assembling of the people. Irpdrow T adpoiffis, TroXe/iiwv r dywvta. Hec. 318. SYN."6yud- a, #>>, [confertus, densus,] crowded, thick, collected. "Eyxet 1 Horn, r). 80. See Schol. AOYM AIA2 21 KIOV a9pooi &XVVT$ be fffiv. S. 38. SYN. 'AoXX>)r, aSivto, oftijyep)s, ai/v- 'AdvfAw, f. ??x ws dQvfjioi', ovbe Xri/udros Kaicy. Sept. Theb. 6l6. SYN. Avris, ffKvdpwrros, ctXyetros, vrept'Xi'Tros. "A0i/(oyud, dros, ro, subst. [Indus, crepundia,] a game or sport, cbildren's play- things. "Oar' tTrei ovv Trorijcrrj ddvp^aTa vrjTTierjaii'. O. 363. SYN. Haiyvta, Tratyvta, eipta, Tratyyud. EP1TH. 'ATroAXwj'toj/, tjodret^oi', a^poSifftov, Ka\ov, , uv, o et ^, adj. [procacera linguam babens,] having an unruly tongue, babbling. 'Ar//p ris d^i)poyXwo-CTos, lcr-%v(i)V Opacrei. Or. 893. SYN. 'A^dXecrxr/s, advpoffrdfjos, XdXds, ) TrX^ywv adwov elyat. Nub. 1413. SYN. 'A>7pos, a/3Xd/3/)s, dvatrtos, drtros, vr'iiroivos. 'AOwTrevros et d0a>7revoros, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [blanditiis baud deliniendus vel de- linitus,] not to be won by flattery, uncourteous. 'Us d0w7reuror ye o-e. Andr. 460. SYN. 'AKO\O.KVTOS, aQeXuros, dfieiXl^os, apeiXiKros. "A0ws et 'A0ows, w, 6, P. N. [Athos,] a mountain in Macedonia. *H"A0w, rj 'PoboKav rj KavKavov eff^aToevra. Theocr. 7- 77- Aid, as, f], subst. poet, for ya?d [terra, regio,] the earth, a country, nation. Tows 6' ilbrj Ka-%i> (j)V(ridds aid. T. 244. SYN. F^, ycud, \0wv, iiebov. EPITH. "AffTreros, fidpv-xdtoV) ei/ard^vs, epl(3u>\a, epdrr}, Zei'rj, Trarpts, ei//3oros, 7rdXi)X>;tds, 7ro\i>5/^ios, ^epm, KtXao/j), Tr/etjud, rprixfid, Trot^rpo^os, voXvTrvpos. Amyjud, dros, ro, subst. [luctus,] lamentation, sorrow, grief. AtXti/o^ amyyud- ortV a rotaSt TTjOd/cXatu. Phoen. 1535. SYN. Foos, dpfjvvs, d5i/p//os, KXavOpos, KWKVTOS, KWKVfjtd, olnTos, oiKTtpjJios, TT.vQos t oXd(j)vpais, oXoXuyjUos, cXav^ud. Am5w, ^w, d^d, v. [lamentor,] to cry alas, [at at,] to lament, bewail, mourn. 'E pot be roi' efjiov baifjidv' aiaeiv Trdpd. Med. 1344. SYN. Ot/iw^w, obvpopat, Oprjreo), fcXdw, buKpvw, fiXeX/Cw, dXotyvpupai, /cdroXo^upo^at, dvdKwKvw, KWKVO), atpvo/Jiai. i, wv, ol, P. N. [^acidae,] the descendants of acus. Totat 6' ITT Zbat ptTtdaQov, ov per dju' a/jtyu. Apoll. 1. 90. ov, o, P. N. [^Eacus,] the son of Jupiter, and first king of ^Egina. Zevs b* AidKdv avros ITLKTEV. Apoll. 3. 364. EPITH. AioXo/uqris, Qpdffvs, vffiods, ctTrroA/ros, affTripwros, Kebvordros, eiri^Qovtos, pXatmrjfjid Atos. AlaKTo's, fi, ov, adj. [deflendus,] lamentable, lamented. Alanros e$ bopovs KU. Pers. 1069. SYN. 0p^vr/7o$, TrdXvKXavffrds. Alavfjs, eos, 6 et ^, et aiavos, i), oj^, adj. [gravis, noxius,] heavy, baneful, dark. 3 'Hfjiels ydp effpev VVKTOS aiavfjs rlKvd. Eum. 41 6. SYN. 'Aibws, flXdfitpGs, arrfpos, betvos, optyvcuos, brovffioos, dpds, ^d/ CK Trarpos ei^tTr^s. Apoll. 4. 614. SYN. "AyXdfls, s, ov, o, subst. [vultur,] a vulture. MeydV atyvTrtov 6' Aj. Fl. 169. SYN. See TVV//. EPITH. ra^u^a/v, dy/ci/Xoxe/X^s. See X - 302. tyvTrrm^w, v. [/Egyptium ago, me gero ut ^gyptii,] to prate like the Egyptians ; to act knavishly, like the Egyptians. 'H t yvjrrtd5cr'* dXX' tfSe ^ev ^i/. Thes. 922. SYN. Ildj/ovpylw. , a, ov, adj. [^gyptius,] Egyptian ; et Alyvtrrtoi, wv, the inhabitants A1FY AI0A 23 Of Egypt. 'Ay X o-0i Tnjydwv MywrrtaV 'IvwwoiS. Call. H. Dian. 171. EPITH. of AiyvTmoi : beivol, dptTrpeTrtwv yeros df6ptDj>. iyvTrj-os, ov, ^, P. N. [jEg-yptus,] Egypt. 'AXX' ovns ro $t' ai^ovs, td TifJifjs, f^w et dyw. iS??Xos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [obscurus, exitialis,] obscure, destructive, fatal. 'AXX' d^tets, CTret auros eyetVdo Trald' dt^^Xov. E. 880. SYN."A^Xds, afavrjs, oXedplos, arvyvos. oi/, 6 ; "Ats, i5os ; 'AiSw^evy, P. N. [Pluto,] TXiJ S' 'At^s ev ro7}s, ayvwuuv, dSd^/uwv. 'A'ibpobtKris, ov, 6, et aibpobiKos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [justitiae nescius, saBvus,] igno- rant of law and justice, cruel. "Oo-o-ovs e Trovrw 0i?pds aibpdbiKovs. Nem. 1. At'Swf, dds, contr. oi/s, v, subst. [pudor, verecundia,] modesty, shame.^ 6' av, yedi> a^^pd yepatrepoj/ e^peeaQat. y. 24. SYN. Alffxvvr], ayi/ev/id, ayveia. EPITH. 'A^^pdros, yd/j^Xios, TrapOevtKri, fpari), Tipids, autypwy, ir&y- Blpos, See Apoll. 3. 6'48. AteXovpos, et (quod minus Atticum) aiXoi/pos, oi/, o, subst. [felis,] a cat. SjcaXo- ?ras, e\iv(t>s, aleXovpws, TrvKTibds. Acharn. 879- Ateros, Att. aeros, ov, 6, subst. [aquila,] an eagle. O'iftTjaev be aXels, &OT aierds vtyirerrieis. X. 308. EPITH. 'AXo/eis, ya^ujvv^ cty/cvXoxetX7/s, WKV- Treriis, ba(f>oivds, Trrepoets, evirrepos, ^epo^otr^s, ^poStyj/s, Atos attrtos opyis, o'^cd KK'Xr;yws, dp^os otwvwv. , ov, 6, adj. et subst. [juvenis,] young, youthful ; a youth. "CW mcqos v avrjp, TreipwjjLevos rjpr)s. T. 432. SYN. Necm'ffKos, a.Kpr)fios,^riidtfc f Kovpos, veavlas. EPITH. dXepoj, dprjidoos, evoQtvrjs, a^dtfwv, Atorp0/}f, avQrjpds, Icr-^vpos, dy/;vwp. , ov, 6, P. N. [^Eastes,] king of Colchis, and father of Medea. Avrdcd- oo^po^os At^roo. c. 137- EPITH. 'A7r^i///s, ^eydXo^pwy, V7r^p0v//oy, , i/os (f)dtfft^ij3porov TyeXtoto. , ov, 6 et r/, idem quod "A^ros, adj. [vento obnoxius,] exposed to the wind, tempestuous like the wind. T H, Kal dv aKpoQlroio TrtXwp at^rov dveffrij. 2. 410. SYN. A'idwv, Trvpwbrjs. AiddXlw, wbs, o, et at'OaXdets, (rad, t>, adj. [ardcns,] burnii)g, scorching. 24 AI0A AIKA Tot te TTQT\ crKupals opoZapvlalv ai0aXive. Theocr. 7. 131. See also P. V 1028. SYN. A'ido\[>, aW' ai&dXov. Hec. 905. SYN. At- 6aXr), Xiyvvs, \^oXos, "nrvld. AidaXow, w, f. hew, p. wKci, v. [fuligine inquino, uro,] to blacken, as with soot ; to burn. Mfj a aidaXwcrrj noXvKa.Tryoy areyos irETrXovs. Eur. Electr. 1140. SYN. 'AiratOuXou, aidu, avatQuffcrw, , ira/w. AWeplos, ov, 6 et f], el aidtplos, to, toV, adj. [aelhereus,] etherial. Ov yap oy aldepioid /, subst. [" aether, aer purus, in quern nulla ascendunt nubes ; nam d/p est inferior aer, nubilis obnoxius." Vid. Damm. in v.] ether, the sky. 4>cuVer' apnrptTTEa, ore r eirXero vr^vt^os aldrjp. 0. 552. SYN.'A))p, aWpm, Zei/s, Trvp. EpITH.^Arpvyeros, aarEpuTros, AarjDo^Irw*-, afydirds, TOS, cifiaTos, aioXos, evbtos, rjav^u*, rj/Xf^di'j/s, rjXifiaTos, TrotklXos, Tavaos, aiyXrjeis, v^eyuos, direlpiTos, acrntTos, TravSd^drw^o, atXaatydpos, Zypos, avvttyiiXds. PHR. Aios oiicriats, peyaXwvvfj,ds 7rdrt)p t AWto\l/ t OTTOS, 6, fern. AlOldnis, lf)os, fi, (plur. Ion. AWWm^es, wv, o<,) an Ethiopian. 'AAV 6 ^JLEV AWioiras jutrtKmOe r^A^' edi/ras. a. 22. EpTTH. 'Afjiv/udves, eairepioi, 7ri)^tdroi, fci/drto/, yueAdj'oxpdot, ey^eo-t^uwjoot, KtAatvot, peXdves. . PHR."E\b, navfjia., O&XTTOS. AiOo\l>, OTTOS, 6 et r/, adj. [rutilus, ardens,] burning, hot, bright, black. Ou yap airov tbovd, ov irivova a'idond, olrbv. E. 341. MtAas, K'eAotro^d^j/s, nvppos, Qeppos, aiQwv, XapTrpds, Kvdveos, optyvaios. A'idovffd, rjs, f), subst. [porticus,] a portico. 'E/c 5' cAdo-e Trpodvpoio Kal aidovarjs tpibovTTOv. O. 324. SYN. Zrou, ai Trdpaora^es. Aidprj, ys, f], P. N. [/Ethra,] the attendant of Helen; also the name of a city. AWprj TlirOfjos dvydrrjp. F. 144. AiOpa, as, et Ion. aidpr], rjs, >/, subst. [aeris serenitas, suda tenspestas,] a serene air or sky, fair weather. Hoirjvov & aWprjv, bos b' ofydaXftololv ibevdai. P. 646. Aidprjyeverrjs, ov, et aidprjyevfjs, EOS, o, adj. [in actiiere natus, frigus vel pruinani inducens,] bred in the air, causing cold and hoar frost. Kai EbpErjs aidprj- yevErrjs, fteyd Kiipa KvXLvbuv. e. 296. See also O. 171. AlQpia, as, /, subst. [a3ther serenus vel placidus, sudum,] fair weather, serenity, calmness. 'AorwAmc? evravda rrpos rr/r aidplav. Pint. 1129. SYN. Evt)ta, VT/J'f/uia, ydXrjfT). EplTH. Ka\^), cb'V0tAos, vtivepos. AidptoKoiTEd), v. [sub dio cubo,] to sleep in the open air. 'Abv %E ru QHpHos Trap' vbwp ptov aidptoKoirelv. Theocr. 8. 78. A'idplds, ov, o et >/, adj. [serenus, frigidus,] serene, calm, cold. T HA6' avisos Zfyvpos, fteyds, aWpios. Horn. Ap. 433. SYN. ILvblos, irpdm'iXios, \f/vxpds. Aldpos, ov, 6, subst. [frigus matutinum, pruina,] cold, hoar frost. A'idpw Kat K.ap.a.Tti>bebfjLr)HVov. . 318. SYN. ^.ri fir), Kayos, TTU^VT;, Trdyeros, Trrjyds, irtiyvXis. Aidvid, as, fi, subst. [mergus, fulica,] a coot, a sea-fowl. AWvly elKvla. e. 353. A'idw, f. ati>t KCL, v. [cretno, splendeo,] to burn, to consume, to shine. Aldia X* ws ai/ra XaKel plyd, Ka.Trrcvpiaa.aa. Theocr. 2. 24. SYN. Ka/w, ^Aeyai, i, aiQuoau), dvaKa/w, avw, 7rdpd0aA7rw, at^dAow, balu), baiofjiat, TTvpov{.iai t AlQ(av, Mas, o, adj. [ardens,] burning, shining, fiery red. KEKoprjore Troths, cr. 371. SYN. AWo^, e^Trvpos, TTEpiKdrjs, aidaXoeis, . f. u\,.p. XKO, v. [blandior, blandieudo decipio,] to fawn, to flatter. AIKE AIMO 25 'AXX' w<77rp cuVuXXei rr Kaptiav Eur]v. Arist. Thesm. 869. SYN. KoXcU-evu; A'IKE, Dor. pro ei *, adv. [sfquidem,] if perchance, if. A? & davys, Kal ^oipav avairX-fjoris fildroid. A. I/O. SYN. 'Say, ei irep, >, e? TTWS, SITUS, fii'Trep, ZdyTrcp, 'Aa:}, fjs, i], subst. [motus violentus quivis, impetus,] any violent motion, impetuosity. To|wi/ dkds a/^^ts /ueytf*' ovbe T IIKOVTWV. O. 709. SYN. Ai- dvyjjia, (3ia, eirtyopa. 'AtKtjs, tlie same as 'AeiKris, which see. NeTrovOas aliens TT////. P. V. 476. Akfa, et tieiKta, as, >/, subst. [verberatio, injuria,] beating, blows, injury, insult. loprw/mrwy e vyvTiaiv ahiais. P. V. 600. See also v. 308. SYN. 'AaVem, 7rX^y>), v/3/)ts. See Blomf. P. V. P3. Alk-lZv, f.tffw, p. m, v. [contumeli-A vel verberibus afficio,] to ill-treat, to beat, to treat with ignominy. Otfrws CLT! pus Kal Tm-pws alticerai. P. V. 1^5. SYN. Ti/Vrw, naio), yuatrr/^o;, yuaortyow, Qeivw, luafftru) , Kadvflpigtt), Ku\a, TropfyvpZov, tepo^, Trd^v, Xevya- Xtoj', vrjxyToi', deploy, ^Xwpov, wavedf, fceXat^ov, KeXatrefyes, evytv^s, evfcXtes. PHR. $o^ta Spo^os, ratr/Jitis peXavavy^s, KpoKhfta^rjs, aray^r. AlfiaKovpiat, wy, al, subst. [parentalia, inferia?,] funeral rites, sacrifices per- formed for the dead. Nih> 5' / aipaKovplfis. Pind. Ol. 1. 146. SYN. Krt- picr/jiaTa, ertiylfffjiaTa, TO. vtKpols rerdfjiff^Efu, ra Krepeci. Aifjtafflct, as, ?/, subst. [sepes,] a hedge, properly, of thorns. '' a/yuaaialo-t tyvXaffcret. Theocr. 1. 47. SYN. 4*pay/^ds, 0pdyyud, epifds, opKarfj. Alfjiaffffw, fa, fed, v. [cruento,] to stain with blood. Bw//o> 6' u//*dei Ktptios rpayos OVTOS 6 p.aXXos. Theocr. Ep. 1. 5. SYN. AlfJiaroio, Ai^arrjpos, d, vv, et at^aro'eis, ecrffti, Iv, adj. [sanguineus, cruentus,] bloody, cruel. "EXvpav alparripov, &OT~i prjbevd. Soph. Electl*. 755. SYN. Aluaroeis, alfjuavy aifjiarubrjs, alfjaToaray^s, KaOaii.iaKTds, fiiai/, adj. [sanguinem bibens,] drink- ing blood. TafJir)Xrjal bpctKOVTa A.-odXtjuc/-', aluaTdiruTrjv. Eq. 198. See also Eumen. 193. , ov, o et ?/, adj. [sanguine fluens,] streaming with blood. ' ts. Iph. A. 1515. tiyiis, los, 6 et /, adj. [sanguine stillans,] dropping with blood. ' POVTIOS TE ffKonEXos a//Ltdroarcty)Js. Ran. 471. ayris, los, 6 et ^, [jugulatus,] cruelly murdered. Tdvos yap aiuaTOfftyayris. Pers. 821. , f. W, r/ /ueretai , , ov, 6 et /, adj. [sanguineum vultura habens,] having a sanguinary or ferocious aspect. Tds cu^udrwTrovs KCU Spdk'oyrwSets Kopas. Orest. 250. , wv t ot, P. N. [Ha?mones,] a name of the Thessalians. UrjXevs 1 0es is here scanned as one long syllable. TV 26 AIMO A I NO Aifjioveaolv. Ncm. 4. 91 ayris, tos, o et ?/, adj. [sanguinem stillans,] streaming with blood. At- /uo'ppdy>/s (j)Xty aXX' taawpev, fiXoi. Philoct. 825. s, ov t o et 7/, adj. [sanguine conspersus,] sprinkled with blood. Ai- Ovffiat ir\f]peis. Ale. 131. SYN. Ai/Jtaroets, alfidrrjpos, a?/uooTdy//s, y?s, aipoo)6pvKTos. AI/uos, oy, o, P. N. [Haenuis,] a mountain in Thrace. Evrt x^ ^ s rts Ktro paKpov v(f>' A!/uoV. Theocr. 7. 76. EPITH. 0pf/Y, 0/j??mos, , ov, o et rj, et nipvXfc, 77, 6V, adj. [sanguinem commovens, blandus, blanditiis decipiens,] courteous, afiable, craf'tv> deceitful. To7d be al^i>\ioialv. Apoll. 3. 51. See also Rhes. 705. SYN. u^djois, OeXxTi'iptds, crrw/JuXus, Ka\Xie7rr]s. ros, adj. [(l)peritus, (2) cruentus,] (1) skilful, expert, (2) bloody. (Also A'ipwv, P. N. A. 296.) ^.Kanavbpiov, ai^ova d.'/prjs. E. 49. SYN. Act//- /uw^, eTnffTiifJHDV, ev ei^ws, aljjLvXeos. Atmperr/s, ow, o, adj. [virtutem cum aliorum malo habens,] awful in virtue. Alvapirrj' rts aev ciXXos d^fferai oi^iyo^os Trf/J. IT. 31. Aivelas et Ati-eas, ou, 6, P. N. [^Eneas,] the son of Anchiscs and Venus. Atveias S' eiropov ae ffvv ciffiribi bovpc re fiaKpu. E. 297 EPITH, afjivfjLiov, bcuypwv, fjLf.'yddvpdSf tplKvbrjs, o ri/s Qtov, Tpwwv ^pw^, tvs, Kpdrepos TTO.IS Ayxjiaao, piiarwp 0o/3ov, 06os TOtai dloiffl. Atvew, f. twos. See EPITH. &c. in Xprjoyjos. AiviZdfjuu, f. icof-iat, p. jmi, v. [laudo, admiror,] to praise, lo admire. ^dfc', e'oxa 5^ ff ppdr&v acv/cd/x* aTra^rwy. 0. 487. SYN. Aivr)pt, os, >}, o>, adj. [aenigmaticus, obscurus,] enigmatical, obscure, perplexed, 'fts Tra^r' dyai/ atytKra Kaffd^tj Xtyeis. CE. R. 439 Airiffoofjiai et at^/rroyuat, f. 'iopat, p. rjvtypat, v. [obscure loquor,] to speak obscurely, to hit at. Kcu Troi/aXws TTWS, KCU ad(j)&s rji'tyjutvos. Arist. Eq. 196. Aivdydfjios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [infelici matrimonio junctus ; adulter,] unhappily married; an adulterer. ItfleV ws elXt Ildpis alvoyd/uos. Hel. 1119' AtvdytVeios, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [terribiles malas habens,] having tremendous jaws. Qripiov cuvoyeVetoV UTTO FlXe/oroio KdOepirov. Call. 4. 92. Alvo6pvTrTos t ov, o et ^, adj. [perdite delicatus] extremely effeminate, a de- cided fop. Evyod, nipt TO vafj.d KO.I es plaov 9 alvoQpvnre. Theocr. 15. 27- AtrdXa/uTr^s, tos, o et rj t adj. [terribiliter lucens,] shining awfully. ires olvos. Agam. 390. AivoXewr, OVTOS, 6, subst. [sa3vus leo,] a fierce lion. 0>/piov, Kawv repds aypoiwrats. Theocr. 25. 168. Alvdjjidpos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [infelix,] unhappy, miserable. E/s Zotyo KO.I apiyavov* ovce at /u^r^p. H. in Merc. 257. Alvoirdpls, lbos f 6, [infelix Paris,] wretched Paris. 'ISaToV rt /3ovrav Hec. 938. SYN. Adapts. Alvd-rrdrfjp, epos, 6, subst. [parens infelix,] unhappy father. T J1 Trdrep, alroird- rtp. Choeph. 314. ov, o, subst. [narratio, assensio, laus,] a story, approbation, praise. ox', ou fjiev rot ptXtos elpyaeTai alvos. ^F. 79^- SYN. A'ivtals, tiratvos, i>), dv, adj, [gravis,] heavy, serious, unfortunate, terrible. Tpwas AIN AIRY alvos v7rfi\vdZ yvld tKaa?ov. H. 215. SYN. Bdpfo, ptatos, ff(j)oopds, aOX^os. A"tt>vpat, v. [capio,] to take, to take away. T tiyt yoartpd rv-^l ptariv, i* g airi>r6Gvf.(6v, A. 531. SYN. A/pew, dtyaipw, d-rralrvpat, Xapfldvw, Se^fyla*. Alvws, adv. [misere, valde, nimium,] grievously, very much. "[Is ttidO'" 'H 6' dXvovff' dTrt/^/yordro' re/pertf 6' atrws. E. 352. SYN. A0Xiws, ayai^, jueydXws. "AY|, aYicfls, 77, subst. [impetus,] force, impetuosity, violence. A'idXov a> di'f.fid)v c'uKds epvfyiv. Apoll. 4. 820. A?, atyos 6 or 77, subst. [caper, capra,] a goat. 'Ev 6' dpd J/WT^ 0/7^' dios xal Trioi'os alyos.^ I. 207. ^YN' Tpdyos, ^0.005, yfucHpd, alylblov. EPITH. AtflXta, as, //, P. N. [jEolia,] A?oXtJ?j' 6' es r^aov a(j)iKo^d' i>6a S' tralev. K. 1. AtoXXw, f. 010X0), p. 770X1:0, v. [varie verso, verto, agito,] to vary, to turn, to agitate. AtoXXef /mXd 5' WKCI XtXut'erai oTTTrjOijvai. v. 27. SYN. AtoXaw, TrdpaXXorrw, at6d/\ow, Trou/XXw. AtoXo/3po>ras, Dor. pro aiti\$fip6yrqs t ov, o, adj. [qui velocia fulmina agitat,] an epithet of Jove. aloXo-fipovTa Atos ato-^. Find. Ol. 9. 64. AloXddwpriZ, r)Kos, 6 et r/, adj. [vario thoraceindutus,] armed with a beautifully variegated breast-plate. Ti}s ^Iv Iris aTi\ds ^p^e MeveaBws aloXdOwpric,. IT. 173. AioXopTtj-rjs, ov, b, et aidXoprjTls, oet 77, adj. [astutus, callidus,] crafty, cunning. 'HS"A0ci/ms fcot ^.tavtios euoXop/r?}s. Hes. Fr. 28. 4. SYN. AloXoflovXos, 5or Xtos, bdXl6iXos addyaroicri Oeolai. K. 2. EPITH. 'AdtXyrjs, betvos, ^gydX^rwp, $l\6$Ett>&. PHR. TdjutT^s or KOtpat'os dfjuwv, avefjiois alQprjyHve.eaalv avcurffuv. AioXos, rj, ov, adj. [varius, velox,] various, variegated, spotted, swift. Ol 6', us re fffyfJKes ^Haov aloXoi. M. l67 SYN. 'AXXoTos, notKiXos, batbaXeos, /3d- \los, TrafjuroikiXos, TravaioXos, ariKros, KciriiffriKTos, duos, rd-^ys. , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [vario ore loquens, ambiguus,] ambiguous, obscure. 6' dyayyeXXovres aloXoaropovs. P. V. 6'6l. SYN. HoiKiXdyrjpvs, Troikt- , TTOtKlXdS. , >}, oj^, adj. [excelsus,] high, lofty. *Os Truer/; HXei/pw^t ;at aiwewtj KdXi/Swvt. N. 217- SYN. 'T^//Xos, atVi/s, atiri'iets, aiTros. AlTroXea), >, f. ?7 p- ^'> v - [inter capras versor,] to be a goat-herd. Al be. TI Xys jJil Kai CIVTOV dju' auroXtovTa bibaat. Theocr. 8. 85. SYN. Aty/w. AiTTdXidv, ov, TO, subst. [grex caprarum,] a herd of goats. To. atpealvr fyot blbov. P. V. 777 SYN. *E;\cfyi}, Trpoaiptals, dtXrjfjia, ev^i. Alptros, ?), dr, adj. [potior,] better, eligible, desirable. '6 Qe^iardK\lovs yap Oavards cupe>wrepflj. Eq. 84. SYN.'EKK'pfr-tJs, tTrepaoTtis, evKToios, CVKTOS, eirev- KT&S. A/pew, f. 770-w, p. rjK-a, 2. a. elXoy, v. [capio, convince, occido,] to take, to seize, to convict, to vanquish, to kill. 2/rov re yXikepoTd Trepi typ'lvas i'/uepos u/pe7. A. 89 SYN. A buparuv aipovrl /not. Hec. 951. SYN. 'ETra/pw, dva/pw, dvd^epw, atpeu), ^>pw, Kiveb>. "Als, ibos, o, subst. [orcus,] hell, the place of the dead, Pluto. Ev^os 5^77$, ^i>\*iv 5' AiSi K-XvroTTwXw. II. 625. EPITH. See"Ai?;s. Ataa, r)S, $, subst. [fat urn,] fate, destiny. Ov yap oi rrjS' alaa 0tXwv ciTrd vu oXeadat. e. 113. SYN. MoTpd, avayKrj, eipapHEvr), fiopos, Tre/rpw/itt^, Ki)p, EPITH. Kdicj), apydXea, \vypa, araadaXos, di-ayfcam, apeiXfyds, iroXvaroyos, tparepu, 6avaTr), ytvwa/cw, juavOdrw, i)7rdfx;o/zat, ^paCo^uac, atw. iadrjfjia, artis, TO, subst. [ipse sentiendi actus,] sensation, feeling. Aiadrj^a rl. Iph. A. 1243. iadrjots, ews, i], subst. [sensus,] sense, feeling, sensation. Ot^ot rt>5' olav eliras' aiadrjais yap ovv. Eur. Electr. 292 SYN. Norjo-is, ffvveais, evvotd. , v. [audio, expiro, exhalo,] to hear, to exhale. Avrdp 6 Qvpov aiaBe ijpvyev, ws Ore ravpos. T. 403. SYN. Atw, dk'ovw, dTroTr^ew, e/CTrvtw, ctTro- Aiaiutis, 8v, adj. [fatalis, decens, vid. Damm.] fatal, becoming. 'Pens & ai- alutiv iffJidp 'A^atwv. 0. 72. SYN. Motpa~ids, uoiplbids, elpap^evoSf Aiffios, ov, 6 et /;, adj. [faustus,] auspicious, fortunate. A't^toy, olos S^ av befjias Kal dlbds dyr/rds. fl. 375. SYN. Ei//, adj. [imperitus,] unskilful, ignorant. "OirXwv yap ovres Kal paxys aiffTopes. Androm. 682. SYN. 'Abar}fj.wi', d/ndd^s, ayv&uwv. t ov, 6, P. N. [^syetes,] the father of Alcathous. "E^0' Alav^rad Atorpt^eos (j)i\ov vlov* N. 497. AiovXos, ov, o et r;, et euVwXfo, r/, i/, adj. [flagitiosus,] flagitious, wicked. 'AXX' cue* xXe7ros T eirj, Kal aiavXd pem. fi. 232. SYN. AbiKos, Trapavofjios. 1 'Afovw has the first syllable long in Homer, but ia the tragedians it is short. See Iph, A. 12. AI1Y AITI 29 lav^rj, T?S et antiq. gen. r)0et>, rj, P. N. [,Esyma,] the name of a city in Thrace. ToVp' e Alau^d^ dTrvid^vrj TEKZ fjrfjrqp. 0. 304. to-yjumw, f. ^o-w, p. 7?kd, v. [suum cuique tribuo, regno,] to assign his own to every one, to command, to rule, to govern. Trjpas xpeovros iralX 5s aiavpry "^Qovos. Med. ip. SYN. ''Ap^w, /3da*Xevw, d>'a<7ffw, KOi/odrtw. iavpwiTrjs, ov, 6, subst. [certaminis curator, rex,] a president at the games, an umpire, a king. "Ooris e?r' aypwvrwrbe yepatrepos cuVvjtm/rjjs, Theocr. 25. 48. SYN. 'Aywvapxrjs, fipdfievrrjs, Trdpebpos, fidaiXevs, aval-,. os, ov, d, P. N. [jEsymnus,] the name of a Grecian leader. AVo-v/^oV T \ r Kal 'iTnrdi'oov ^tt'E^ap/jidv. A. 303. rji, ov, 6, P. N. [^schines,] an Athenian orator, the rival of Demosthenes. Merd rovrijv Alr l s o^eXXov be^erat. Arist. Vesp, 1245. EPITH. brjs, vvqpevos avOed YleiOovs. eos, ro, subst. [probrum,] shame, disgrace, turpitude. TI S' OVK epuv effaerat alamos. Apoll. 3. 797. SYN. A('J?, u oveibos, v(3pis. as, f), subst. [turpe lucrum,] sordid gain. To 6' IK: 0tXe7. Antig. 1056. ds, o et //, adj. [turpia cocsilia afferens,] suggesting wicked counsel. Qpdavvei yap aicrxpdfjirjrts. Agam. 215. lff^pdwoids, ov, dct //, adj. [turpia perpetrans,] acting basely, base, shameful, dishonourable. "Epp' t ala^oTrote, Kal TSKVWV fualfyoi 't. Med. J343. a, d>, adj. [turpis,] base, shameful, dishonorable, ill-favored. Qdvdrw, b&aov OVK ala^ov irb\ei. Phoen. 1027. SYN. ' js, /uiidpos, fjivvdpos, drt^uos, dvctibris, a.TOS. , as, ?;, subst. [improbitas,] villany. ibotfji dv opQ&s v. Bacch. 1060. SYN. KdKOVpyta, Trovrjpia, KaKia, , adv. [turpiter,] basely, shamefully, dishonorably. AttT^pcDs ydp avrd, KOV bitty \dfiuiv e^w. Philoct. 1234. la^vXds, ov, 6, P. N. [iEschylus.] 'Eyw ydp Alff^vXov vo/uii& Trp&Tov kv ir TO~IS. Nub. 1366. EPITH. "A yptoiroios, avdaboffTopds, ept)3pjUr^s, aijfyos, $ f KOfj.TroipdKtXoppfifjUt))', d^piXdXrjTos. PHR. 'E^wv d^ctXo'oi', a, fpdftat, XtTrdpew. 'ITTJS, ov, 6, subst. [petitor, amasius,] a suitor, a lover. 2re/>yer 6' v^ts dtrai' 6 ydp Oeos olbe biKa&iv. Theocr. 23. 63. iTia, as, TI, subst. [causa, culpa,] a cause, a motive, a fault, an accusation, a legal contention. T^v &' ovv eKeivy Trds TLS alrlav ve/Jiei. Aj. 28. SYN. 'A0op/j), bidfioXri, dyiov, biter], curm/m. irmjud, dros, ro, subst. [criminatio,] an accusation, a charge. Holy ore Zevs CTT' airm/^drt. P. V. 194. SYN. Atria, Xd/3>), ve^lffis, d/xapr^d yopia, eyKXrjjjid. , v. [incuso, culpo,] to accuse, to blame. 'H ytpoV, oXXore /('&>, f. taw, p. iVd, v. [mendico,] to beg, to ask. BovXercu alrl&ov fio rjv yaorep' avaXrov. p. 228. SYN. Airew, 7rrwa<7w, Trrw^euw, tTrairew, Trpoffut- rew. Airios, ia, io>, adj. [auctor,] who deserves blame, the author or cause of any thing. 2oi 5' oi/ri yuvT/ffri/pes 'Ax rtl( *>> etirioi etViv. /3. 87- SYN. 'ETramos, ^tejUTiros, crowds, virevQvvos. AiTvr}, rjs, fj, P. N. [/Etna,] a mountain in Sicily. A'tWa, /uarep eyua, o/yw KdXoV a>rpoV eVou'ai. Theocr. 9. 15. EP1TH. SiKeX)}, -fjvZfjideaffa, TroXvSej'Speos, rl aixfiaXuTiKois. Troad. 871. /'x/udXwrts, tSos, 17, subst. [captiva,] a female captive, a prisoner. 2e rot Toy K rfjs a d/c?}, ac/ir/. EP1TH. i, anrjp)}, o'^eTd, oflplpos, rpryXv^os, Kap%apdbovs, QavaTi}ys. Aiwrios, ov, 6 et //, et aiw^ios, m, id>', adj. [sempiternus,] perpetual, eternal. Ac's ^uoi Trapdeririv aiwvWv oTTTrd, tyvXaffffetv. Call, in Dian. 6. SYN. see in EPITH. to Altiv. ew, f. rjffu>, p. r\Ka t v. [attollo, suspendo,] to raise into the air, to suspend. re/ws )uei/ CTTtardSov j/wpe/rw. Apoll. 4. l687 SYN. A'/pw, e^aipw, AKaor)f*Ta, as, rj t P.N. [Academia,] a place in the suburbs of Athens, particularly famous for Plato's school of philosophy. 'AXX' cis 'AKabrjjjLiav Kdriwy VTTO ra7s [Jioplais uTroOpe^eis. Aristoph. Nub. 1005. 1 This word, so common in Homer, does not occur in the dramatic writers. AKA0 AKAP 3l os, ov, o et >/, adj. [inipurus,] impure, unclean. 'AuxOoproV vads ovrws tv. (E. R. 256. et Ion. aKaivij, rjs,ii, idem quod aKav&a, subst. [spina, virga pastoralis,] a thorn, a goad, a whip, a measuring-rod ten feet long. 'Epydrti'^s MS ris rl HeXavylbi vvaatv uKalvrj. Apoll. 3. 1322. SYN. Ke>'rpo>, /3ov7rX?, flovKev- rpor, pafibov. 'AKatpds, ov, o et ri, adj. [inopportunus,] ill-timed, out of season. 'HyuT>/ utV 'JEpprjs- ovv d/oupd Qalverat. P. V. 1035. SYN. UdpuKcttpos, duipds, UTOTTOS. 'AKaKtiffios, ov, o, adj. [nihil mali faciens,] an epithet of Mercury; perhaps given to him from a town in Arcadia, called Akakerion, founded by Akakos. "QirXa yuj-- 'Ep/ze//s 'A^do/titos, avrap 'A7roXXwi>. Call, in Dial). 143. 'AKaKrjTrjs, ov, o, et Poet. 'Am^rd, subst. [nihil mali faciens,] a harmless person, an epithet of Mercury and Prometheus. 'Epyue/as ditdtfqrd' iropev be OL ay\aov vloi>. 1. 10. SYN. 'AKUKOS, avaiTios. 'AKdXappelrrjs, ov, 6, adj. [leniter fluens,] gently flowing. 'E aKaXappetTao /3d- Bvppuov 'fl/vavo7o. H. 422. SYN. 'Hrrv^ws ptwv. 'AKaXrtyrj, TJS, >/, subst. [urlica,] a nettle, a thorn or prickle, a shell-fish. aKa\t](j>r]v a(j>\effdat. Vesp. 884. SYN. Kr/S?;, aicavdd. 'AtcaXviTTos, ov, o et ij, adj. [non tectus,] not covered or concealed. 'Afcd oi/rw beiKvvvai, TO yu^re y>/. (E. R. 1427. SYN. A>/Xds. 'Afcdyuas, a^ros, 6, P. N. [Acamas.] "E^O' *A^, adj, [indefessus,] unwearied, indefatigable. "A00iroi/, aKa^aTav r. Antig. 339. SYN."An>yi)*, aKoirlaffTos^ arpvros, djuo^0os, do*cvos, areiprjs, Icr-^vpos, 'AKct^airocJfros, ov, o et //, adj. [adamantinus,] adamantine, as hard as adamant. Iloj'oiiTiJ' &d jnevT* ctKCLfjiat'TdbiETOts. P. V. 433. 'AKafjiavTd\(jyx r l s > ov > ^> ac li' [defessus hasta,] unwearied in fighting with the spear, a powerful warrior. *H ^iraprwv aKap.a.rTuXo'yyJu.v. Pind. Isth. 7. 13. 'Aicdfj.avTopdxrjs, ov, 6, adj. [indefessus pugna,] unwearied in battle. Ztrjvds viol rpels cLKdjuarTopd'^ai. Pind. Pyth. 305. j dbos, 6 et ^, [pedibus indefessus,] whose feet are unwearied. opduffats, ciKafJiai'Tdirdbwr. Pind. Olymp. 3. 5. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui flecti nequit,] inflexible, rigid. 'A\\' a/OjO^ro* dKajj.wTos ebvcrdro vetoOl yairjs., Apoll. 1. 63. SYN. dreymfc, ffK\r}pos t drepd- /uwv, drepafjivds. KavOa, as, r/, subst. [spina, spina dorsi, difficultas,] a thorn, the back bone ; trouble, difficulty, a subtle question. NvV td f*ei> tydpeoi-e fiarot, Qopeotrt 6 r dicavOat. Theocr. 1. 132. SYN. ^,KW\OS, dcd\>}^^, andpia. EPITH.^ArptTrros^ vdri, oe7d, TrvKivtj, trrvytp^, 6%vedetpds, ovTOf.ios. , ov, 6, P. N. [Acanthius,] an inhabitant of Acanthus, an Acanthian. wv o At/cwj'ds, 'AxavOios upos VTTVOS. Call. Ep. 10. 1. t^os, ^, subst. [carduelis,] a linnet. "AetSov Kopvbot Kni aKavdibts, rpvywv. Theocr. 7. 141. SYN. 'AKdXavdis. , ov, 6, subst. [acanthus,] brank-ursine, or bear's breech, the acanthus. Ilavrd 5' a.fji)s, eos, o et r/, adj. [brevis, individuus,] short, brief, inseparable. ^ 6vpa? e&irf.oov Iv aKapel W v ' Plut ' 244 ' SYN> ty"X vs * oXiyv fuvvvdablos. 'AKapKla, as, ^, subst. [sterilitas,] sterility, barrenness. M//r' dcapTrtav. Eum. 804. 'AKapKiffTos, ov, o et ^, adj. [infructuosus, sterilis,] unfruitful, sterile, barren. 'YTT^P ciKapTriffTwy Tre^w^. PhO3Ii. 217. SYN. 'Ayo>os, d(f>dpos, arpi/yeros, crreZ- 32 AKAP AKH , adv.fsine fructu,] without fruit, fruitlessly. Fi/s wS' atcapirus ris. CE. R. 254. s, ov, o et //, adj. [ex quo nullus fructus percipitur,] from which no fruit is derived. "H irov rtvos vitcas d/capTrwrw ^aplr. Aj. Fl. 176. SYN. , a, ov, adj. [lenis,] soft, pleasing. 'AKCHTKO.~IOI> & ayaXud Agam. 718. See Bl. in the place quoted. AKaTapXrjTds, ov, b et //, adj. [non dejiciendus,] not to be overthrown, invin- cible. TLOV aKarafiXrjTOV Xdyov. Lys. 65. SYN. 'ArtKrjTOS, afia^us, AKCLTOS, ov, 6 et >>, subst. [genus navigii actuarii,] a sort of light vessel or boat. 'Am de \a1, et 'Afcd^w. v. [tristitia afficio,] to grieve, to afflict. 0lov, core Qa.v(t)v beiXovs dm^j; s > o.Ka^fAetdv o'^et x n ^ K V' <* 99- SYN. QrjKTos, otys, KKdpv6f*et>os, Tedrj-y^Evos. , ov, 6 et f/, adj. [injussus,] unbidden. Ad^wi/ T KaKeXevards ^X0' . Aj. Fl. 1284. SYN. Ai/rofceXeyoros, a.KXr)Tos, ov KeXevadeis. s, ov, o et //, adj. [non stimulis excitatus,] not requiring the goad. kv bponoiol Trdpc^wi/. Find. Olymp. 1. (double dochmiac.) , f. et riod/jtai, poet.aKefdfjiat, v. [sano, medicor, medeor,] to cure, to heal. 'AXXd av ncp /not, ava t rtibe Kaprepov eXitus autocrat. IT. 523. SYN. 'E^d^ew, aXdw, iaduat, vyWu, mrpeuw, vytaii>, Oepawevu). Kepatos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [sincerus, illaesus, innocens,] unmixed, harmless, pure, innocent. 'Axepaids, aveTrl\r]irr6v fivKrjKws flwv. Orest. 912. SY , Kadapds, aKriparos, unXdos, vyirfs. a, as, fj, subst. [detrimentum,] loss, damage, disadvantage. ' XeXoyx^. Piud. Olyrnp. 1. 84. tjs, tos, o et ?/, adj. [non lucrosus, damnosus,] not advantageous, un- profitable, hurtful. 'AKepcfj yapiv ueratrxoipi TTWS. CE. C. 1484. (double dochm.) KcptreKdiJirjs, ov, b, adj. [intonsus,] having the hair uncut or unshorn, an epi- thet applied to Apollo. Qolfios aKepoeKoprjs, ?/<>' "A.preuls to^eatpd. T. 39 SYN. AKovpds. AKCfffjta, et do?/*d, artis, ro, subsT. [medela,] restoration to health, a cure, a re- medy. 'Ebet& Kpacrets fjirluv dfceff/idrwv. P. V. 491. See also O. 394. SYN. "laffls, tajud, larj'ipioi', QHpaTceia, fyapuaKov, O.KOS, larpeia. /p, ijpos, o, subst. [medicus et metaph. domitor,] a physician, a tamer. V rov dceorJ/pd yaXivov. CE. C. 714. , dpos, o, subst. [medicus,] a physician. 7 fl o7/3' aKiariap, boitjs \valv. Androm. 900. See also CE. C. 714. , >), ov, adj. [sanabilis,] curable, that may be cured. 'AXX' aKearat TOI typeves ecrOX&v. N. 115. , ov, 6 et )/, adj. [medelam afFerens,] salutary, healing. Tov uev 8at>a- aluov, TOV 6' aKefftyb'pov voauv. Ion. 1024. SYN. TravtrtTroj'os, vyieu'os, /(TV)(a<$w. , adv. [tacite,] silently, softly. 'AXX' axtwv baivvaQe KadvuZvoi rje 6vpa$e. . 89. SYN. "AKYIV, which see. , Dor. 'Afca, pro T HK'd, adv. [placide,] mildly, gently, 'fls dp' teurev' axa fr. Pyth. 4. 278. (Dactyl, dim, hypercat.) SYN. Hpatis, //(ri/x^, //af/xtws, >/pe/xd, AKHA AKAH 33 U*4$ciji f as, fi, subst. [incuria] carelessness, negligence. Mrjbe yu' &Ki)fotijfflv nQopfjD'idtjTZ At7roVrs. Apoll. 2. 219' SYN. 'PaOvpla. "AKribeards, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [non curatus, insepultus,] neglected, unburied. Nat f*et> dKTjbeaTOf yaiy tvl rovyl Xiirovres. Apoll. 2. 151. SYN. 'Aff7rovba a.Tr)ne\rjTos, dpeXrjOeis, dOatrros. 'AKribeu), f. eaw et 770-0;, p. 77^, v. [non euro,] not to care for, to neglect. 2av- rov & do/Set bvoTv-^ovvTos, us eyw. P. V. 517. SYN. 'AfjteXew, oXlyuplw. 'Aoj^s, tds, 6 et r/, adj. [nullam exhibens curam,] careless, neglectful, safe, secure. 'ftAer^' rov be yvvawes dKT)bee$ ov KfyeovaL p. 319. SYN. 'Aft*\fr, dfif.pifj.rds y aXvirtis, dKivbvvds. 'AK77A?7r/, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [non deliniendus,] which cannot be softened, im- placable, untractable. 2ot be TIS kv arrjOeaalv doJATjros rtios IOTI. K. 329. SYN. 'ATTTJVIJS, dfJ.iXiKrds, betvds, ffKXtjpds, vaXeirds, dKoXacrrds* ' x --v, adv. [silenter, quiete,] silently, without speaking. W H S tydff- ol 6' dpd alfaiTr/J, H. 92. SYN. 27yd, ffty77, jjovxws, alwTrjf, r]cd, 'An/pdros et HicripaoWs, ov, 6 ct //, adj. [pifrus, non mixtus,] pure, unmixed, unadulterated. 'Af^pdroi' re firjrpds bypias and. Pers. 620. SYN. 'Acepcuos, k'd0dpos, &(j)dapTds, &.7raQr)s, adavaros. 'AKJipWs, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [illzesus, exanimis, leto non obnoxius,] lifeless, heartless. Ovre ri jue beds laxei axfyWr, OVTE rls owfa* E. 817- SYN."A^u^ s > &0vptis 9 aKepaitis, &{3Xafit}s, aQavarus. 'AKypvKTo's, ov, o et v, adj. [non denunciatus, incelebris,] who is not pro- claimed or announced, not distinguished. IdAatfv ov yap aa>p aKripvurdv rdbe. Ion. 90. SYN. "AcA^s. 'AKtbrtis, 77, d;/, adv. [infirmus,] weak, feeble, infirm. "AAAos ^ev yap r' elbos cLKibvorepos vreXeiavijp. 6. 169. SYN. "Abpavrjs, &ff8evr}s, O.KIKVS. 'AKIKVS, vds, 6 et ^, adj. [sine viribus,] imbecile, weak, infirm. Ka/Trtp aKtKvs twv, elx' apa Krjbejttivas. Theocr. Ep. 11.6. SYN. 'AftXrjxpds, ubvvartis, amb- v8s, aodevrjs. vtis, ov, o et ft, adj. [periculi expers,] free from danger, safe, secure. advbvvov ytpds. Simon. 152. SYN. 'A/, adj. [indeflctus,] unlamented. M// p , twv d-rrWev KaraXeiiretv. X. 72. SYN. 'AvoifjiWKTds, abaxpvTOS, aydtis. et aKXetrjs, ttis, o et r/, adv. [inglorius,] inglorious, base. "Hpevoi alQl aKriplol, d/cAees ovrtus. H. 100. See also M. 318. SYN. 'Abotfs, dripus, dfTrjfjiba, dfydnis, vwiv/Ltds, dj'i'v/j.ds, bvayevfjs, bvaK\ei)S, aKijpvKTos. AicAews, et aKXetws, adv. [sine gloria,] ingloriously, Nvv be aicXeiws "Ap- irvial dvr)pei\lavTd. a. 241. See also Orest. 786. AKXypos, et aKXi)pTos, ov, 6 ct ), adj. [exsors, pauper,] without share or lot, poor. 'Avbpl irdp' aKXypy, ^ fnj fiidros iroXvs eiij. X. 4b9. See also Olymp. 7. 108. SYN. 'AnoKXrjpds, (iicn/^w//, dvoXfitis, dirtipds, wevijs, Kru^os, evbet}s, dfjotpds. Awards [Attic.], et aicAetoTos, ov, 6 et >'/, adj. [non clausus,] not shut, open. Kctt dvpas )(wv uKXijffTovs ry BeXoi'Ti br)f*oT(**v. Iph. A. 340. Pros. Lex. E 34 AKAH AKOA ov, o et ^, adj. [non vocatus,] uncalled, uninvited. Alas, rt r// ; 5' ovff vV dyyeXtuv. Aj. Fl. 289- , ov, b et 7^, et 17, 6V, adj. [undis non agitatus,] not tdssed by the waves. AvXlv aKXvarav. Iph. A. 121.* SYN. TdXrjrws. , f. affu, p. died, v. [eetate vigeo,] to be in the vigor of age, to be time. ei fiperewv e^cffOai. Sept. Theb. 98. SYN. 0dXXw, 7J/3dw, vtddjw, e'v- UOS, a, ov, adv. [vigens, terapestivus,] who is in the prime of life, florishing. "Hfirjs ai.-fj.aias, Ka\ roi' efyfiov \povy. Sept. Theb. 11. ^AKpri, fjs, f], subst. [" acies. ev afcjurj dicuntur esse omnia, cum sunt in sum ma vi, optima conditione. ^A^/jr) etiam cum jenitivo usurpatur eodem sensu atque epyov, Katpus, dywv." Cf. Hederic. et Maltbeium.] the edge or point of any thing, occasion, opportunity, an instant. Aetm be Qrjareibdv d*cytd. CE. C. 1066. SYN. Kcupos, evKaipla, al^utj. AKH^VOS, ov, 6 et //, adj. [valde vegetus,] florishing, in the vigor of life. "Au- p,r)vos, QaXedujV Trd^eros 6' r)v, r/vre KIWV. \p. 1Q1- SYN. Ev0dX?)s, aK yevvalos, tipalos. Aicfjirjvds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [" est ayet/oros Knl rrjerTts, ab aKfijj' qu. ap. affiriav denotat. Damm. c. 1123." Cl. Maltb. jejunus, cibo aut potu egens,] fasting, hungry, thirsty. O'i-^orrat ^ilrd belTn'dv, o 6' aKprjvos Kal aTraoros. T. 346. SYN. 'Aairos, yXiff-^pos, vrjffTls, vrjrrrevwv. AKpis, 777-0$, et aK^TdSf ov, o et >/, adj. [indefessus,] unwearied, not tired, fresh. 0>ah]s K' a.Kp.fjTas Kal dretptds dXX/yXoKrtv. O. 69?- SYN. ' ', ov, ro, subst. [incudis basis,] the base of an anvil. 0/7/cti/ tv aKuo- Oerw ntyav aKuova yivro be xeipl. i. 4?6. Aff/uwv, ovos, 6, subst. [incus,] an anvil. See in^An-juoSero^. EPITH. fiapvyboviros, bvffKeXabos, Arjjjivlos, ws O.KOCIV ebaqr, ebarjv nor ev O'IKOIS. Phoen. 833. SYN. Ovs, 077f (j). 88. SYN. Ev- var/7p, av^vyos, yaueTi]s, ircLp&Kolrqs, ovvaoptis, avijp avepds, avtjp avbpos, iroals, 'AKOITLS, ibos, 77, subst. [uxor,] a wife. 'Avbpos ETreir' &(j>e\\dv apetvoi'tis civet? aKoiris, Z. 350. SYN. Flapd/coiris, evi'drejpd, dXo^os, yvvi], yd/uerT/, evveTts, avyya^os, baftap, ovXXeKTpos, vvvevvos, crvvaopos, oyUoXefcrpos yvvrj. EpITH. aiboia, 6aXepa, OvjurjprjS, ffaav, alff^iffrrjv voaov. Or. 10. SYN.^AfCpdn}?, ;, ov, 6, subst. [frustum, panis,] a piece of bread. AlrlZwv AKOA AKOY 35 aopd St ovre \t faros. p. 222. SYN. "Aprcfc, cuwn), tw, f. ^w, p. TjKd, v. fsequor,] to follow, to accompany. Oi b' Qovv Karoiflv effrfyavupeyot. Plut. 757- SYN. 'Eiropai, oTrrjbiw, biuxu, 6>ao- j-tw, TrdpdidXovdta), ai dcoXov0ew, avvoyuaprew, trw (rt>os) yuoXetv 7r<5&t. 'AfcoXovflos, oi/, 6 et //, [pedissequus,] a follower, a footman. ToZs foftev ff&getv. Pax 730. SYN. 'OTTO^OS, a/i0i7roXos, Bepawr, o/uXqrj/s, KOt'OS, (TU^dbonTOpOS. AKtiXvftfids, ov, o et ?/, adj. [natandi inscius,] incapable of swimming. Oi5rw yap Trvi^avTEs eV vcdoi rovs dpti\vpfievs. Batrach. 157. A*rfyuoT*a, as,^^, ft Ionic, antiq. aKopiaTir), 1 TJS, ?/, subst. [neglectus,] neglect, ^negligence. *H j/^jy ^ot dXcaraev d\r) T dKd^tffrlrj re. 0. 284. SYN. 'Aojdta. 'A^Trao-ros, et aKoyu?ros, oi/, o et >/, adj. [alieuus a jactantia,] not boastful, unostentatious, modest. Ou priv dco^Traaros y ddxVrdrai TrvXais. Sept. Theb. 534. See also Sept. Theb. 550. 'AKO^OS, ov, o et //, adj. [non loquax, simplex, callidi et arguti sermonis haud peritus,] no able speaker. 'Eyw b' CLKO^OS els u^Xov bovvat \6yov. Hipp. 990. ^SYN.^ATrXdos, a-rretponaXos, ev/;0^s, eurX>}$, dfcoo-yuoi, tyavXus. 'AKovrj, ?;s, >;, subst. [cos,] a whetstone. XaXKotdfjiav aKijvav. Find. Isthm. 6. J06'. SYN. Qrjydvrj. EPITH. Alyvpa. 'AKovrigu, f. lew, p. tKa, v. [jaculor,] to throw a dart, to shoot. "H rev UKOV- t, f)e. ayjibov bpprjdijvat. N. 559- SYN. BaXXw, e^dKoyri^o Tofyvia, 7rt/3aXXw. , oi/, ro, subst. [jaculum,] a javelin, a dart. FloXXoi KO! o^, r]fcd/ tpoce. Call. fr. 102. 1. SYN. "AKWV, dm, /3eXos, 'AKoi>Ti(rri]p t fjpds, et dKovTioTfjs, ov, 6, subst. [jaculator,] he who shoots or throws a javelin. Aoy^ats r ' dKovTurrrjpes evoro^wrdrot. Phoen. 140. See also Theocr. J7. 55. 'A*:o/rt<77-vs, i)os, ^?, subst. [ars jaculandi,] the art of throwing the javelin. r dtcovTiaTiiv evbvveai, ovbe irobeaal. ^F. 622. SYN. 'EC77/3dXta. 'Atovro/^oXos, ov, 6, subst. [jaculi vibrator,] an able hurler of the javelin. b' dKovTofioXot XaXr/o-tat. "H/^drt 6' aXXy. Apoll. 2. 1002. SY N . , dKopyros, ou, 6 et r;, adj. [insatiabilis,] insatiable. ITevflouai yoots . Pers. 551. See also H. 117 SYN. "AKOS, eos, ro, subst. [medela, remedium,] a remedy, a cure. "A:OS, TrXeov TO Trfjpd rfjs arris rWti. Aj. Fl. 363. SYN/A/ceoyid, dX^/ud, dXe&QapiJidKov, 'iaais, dtpdTreia, myud, /urj%dp. J AKOffjj.ia, as, ?/, subst. [indecentia,] indecency, disorder, confusion. T/s be y ev Oopvpos /cat Xoywv dfco)fteid, dn/wia, t ov, 6 et >/, adj. [indecorus,] indecent, unbecoming. "Os /$' eTrea peolv yolv dKoapd re TroXXd re j/5^. B. 213. SYN. "AKO^OS, airpeTrrjs, dxdpls, dperpos, 7rpO7reT7)$, deuces, Iwyfruw, bvaetbrjs. , adv. [confuse, inobedienler,] disorderly, confusedly. Oi 6' ou* , aXXd Tretdapxy Qptrt. Pers. 380. SYN. 'Araicrws, - i, f. ??o-w, p. ij*a, v. [hordeo pascor,] to feed on barley. 'H$ ^' or* ns rrrdros '/TTTTOS d(cocrr^, verb. adj. [aiuliendus,] to be heard, who must be heard, listened to, or obeyed. T* roiV 2Aeds ; ws dKovareov ye aov. Iph. A. 1010. AKOVCTTOS, j), ovj adj. [subauditum cadens,] which can be heard. $ betvw, ovb' dKovffTov, ovb' eVd\//fy<7rt5s. A*:oi5w, f. ffoftai, p. fJKod et iJKovi-:d } v. [audio, &c.] to hear, to hearken, to understand. 'H^utrepwx wvOwv ^elvos Kal Trrwvos dKovet. ^. 292. SYN. Atd- KOVW, eirdKova), aKpoddfjaiy Kdrrjxfduai, Trevddfj,at, irvy6dvGuat t , as, et cu-p/fs, r5os, >'/, subst. [summitas, promontorium,] t!e summit, the highest point, a promontory. *H irdrd Trerpawv fiaXeeiv tyvvavras ?r' aKpas. 6. 508. See also t. 400. SYN. ^A-Kpov, aKpwpeid, aKpvrriptdv, - wt/, TrpdrwTrtov, ftdv, Ktipwris. EPITH. 'A(rrv\iK-ds, Kvprf), Xdffiav-^rjy. s, 6 et ^, adj. [mutus, tacitus,] mute, dumb, silent. ' yap Zqvos aKpdyels Kvt'ds. P. V. 828. SYN. 'Accords, atyQoyyos, Kwt. Kpafy, t(5s, 6 et tj t adj. [pure et acriter spirans,] blowing freshly, gently, or favourably. 'ETrXfo/zev Ropey, dveuij) &Kpael /cctXw. |. 253. vpal^s, a, dv, adj. [stimmus, qui in arce colitur,] the highest, an epithet of those deities who were worshipped on elevated places. Qepova es"Hpas aKpaias OtoV. Med. 13?6. j)s, tds, 6 et f], adj. [purus, verus,] pure, genuine, entire. Zweras, u r&v mr^Trt^X'^^wv. CE. C. 1147. SYN. 'AKepaitis, dyutyjys, r^Xetos, AKparrds, et [in Horn.] "Airpaavros, ov, 6 et ^y, adj. [irritus,] fruitless, unsuc- cessful, of no effect, imperfect. Toi)s V dKpavros e-^ei v\>^. Choeph. 5p. See also ft. 202. SYN.'ArcX^s, dreXeffrds, dreXevr^s, airpaiCTds. qs, eos, /> et f), adj. [incontinens, impotens,] incontinent, intemperate, ungovernable, rive^ar* nfyyy, yXw^s dKpdrr'js. P. V. 909. SYN. 'Ajctf- Xoaros, dSvvdrds, &adevfjs. Ak-par&o, to-w, rcd, v. [jento, rnerum bibo,] to break one's fast, to drink pure wine. 'E7rerO' d7re^wX?7/ie>o, rpdyot 6' aKparlelffOZ. Plut. 295. SYN. dyw, ro aKpartiv irlvu. Suid. Awards, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [merus, nihil admixturn habens,] Pure, unmixed. Md At', dXX' dKpurdv olvov *Ayd68v &u i fidvos . EJ. 85. SYN.^AfCpai^j'j/s, d*Cjoa^, adj. [ad iram proclivis,] irascible, passionate, zrjpov oval bdovs aKpay6\ov 'tytcXi/d. Theocr. 24. 60. SYN. 'O^x^Xos, Qvfjiwbris, , Sfaropytfs, irdXiyKtirds, Qvpiicos. PHR. Eis d , 6, subst. [ramus major,] a strong branch, the main branch. ev ctKpeudvecrffiv. Theocr. 1 6. 9^. SYN. "Epi'tfs, 6dXos t K\dds, fiXaaros. EPITH. Aptiffepds, eVTrerdXds, KaXXiTreTrjXo's, fepos, ev^vXXos. "AnpeaTTtpav, adv. [extremo vespere,] at the close of evening. ' aetioiffai. Theocr. 24. 75. ?AKpT)fttis t ov, o et fi, adj. [valde juvenis,] very young. Kai yv/u^)av, ewv erl, Ncu5d ydfjev. Theocr. 8. 93. v AKpi(3r)s, 16s, 6 et //, adj. [accuratus,] accurate, correct. OVK ear ovbev els dvavbpiav. Electr. 3^7. SYN. TtXet^s, tirlfJteXris, \nrapf}s t , f. wan;, p. wa f v. [diligenter explore, summa cum cura aliquid facio,] " AKPI AKPY 37 to know exactly or thoroughly, to examine carefully. So^ot ^ ovv eta ol rat)' jqHfltt&rto. Hec. 1192. SYN. 'E#r2w, torf/ia^u, foaKpifau. Kpifitis, adv. [accurate, perfecte,] exactly, completely, diligently. 'AXX' OVK aKptfiws avrd Ofjvdpat Xiav. Med. 532. Kptiddrjpa, as, ?), subst. [decipula ad capiendas locustas,] a trap to catch locusts. Av-dp tiy avQepiKCffffl Ka\av irXtKei aKplcoOripav. Theocr. 1. 52. ;c,rHs, ibos. f], subst. [locusta, cicada,] a locust, a balm cricket. 'Us ' dO' Viral pnrris irvpos aKpibes ytpZOovTat. O0. 12. fptrtyvQds, ov, o et ^, adj. [qui inconsiderate loquitur,] one who speaks without consideration. 0ep/, adj. [indemnatus, dubius, indiscretus, immcnsus,] uncon- dernned, untried, doubtful, indiscriminate, immense. 4>^/ms \&yas dKpiTdv 6C/3d\e7c i* yus. Hipp. 1059. SYN. 'Arev Sl^s, li/.tfi(3u\ds f u^Erpds, airei- perrlos. xptro(j)v\Xds, ov, o et //, adj. [frondosus,] abounding in leaves, luxuriant in foliage. Ol Ml\r]T?)v fyov, QOeipwr r 8ptis awiTov\\oi'. B. 86*8. SYN. 'fifftyvXXdf, vdd\)]s, eivdcrltyvXXds, KaraffKids. Kptrofyvpros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [niiscellaneus,] huddled together in vast confu- sion. rioXXd 6* aKplTdtyvprds. Sept. Theb. 354. SYN. "A&pdtis,, v. [ansculto,] to hear. A^y 6;} Lys. 533. SYN. 'AK'OUW, fcXi)a/, TrpoWor^cyiai, Treldo/Jiat, icpdyods, ov, 6 et //, adj. [summo dolore affectus,] bitterly grieving. At 6' aKpoydoi TI.pcribf.s, ctrbpwi'. Pers. 54-7. Kpodiriao/ui(ii, v. [mi hi seligo quod egregium est,] I select the first fruits. 'Eyw be vvpfpiji' fjKpdBLvtaZdfjrjv. Here. F. ^j6. KpoOivldi' et cLKpodtvov, ov, TO, subst. frequentius in plurali [primitive,] the first fruits, the spoils taken in war and selected as an offering to a god. 'Aicpodirta Ao&y. Phoen. 210. See also Olymp. 2. 7- SYN. Td a/cpoXem, , aTrdpyjiidrd, Xd. 250. i, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [in vertice comatus,] crowned with hair, or foliage. K\avois. PliO3n. 1531. SYN."Ak-pos, ravvOpi^ /3a6Jv- ov, TO, subst. [summitas, apex, promontorium,] a point, summit, pro- montory. 'Af,TJ; ris ajudUXvorros, E^po/cU ciKpoi'. Tracli. 754- S^ K&pv(bf), opofyr}, KvXdfpMV, aKpwri'ipidv. KpoTrevOfjs, eds, 6 et ?/, adj. [aigerrime dolens,] deeply distressed. 6' aKpoTrerQels e^atrrd. Pers. 1 40. fcpoTroXts, et lonice aKpoirrdXis, ?ws, >), subst. [arx,] a citadel. "Ov -rrdr ts aKpoiroXir, ^dXov, 7/ydye b'tos 'obvaaevs. 0. 494. See also Orest. 1090. SYN. Aitpa, epvfia. , ov, 6 et fi, adj. [altissimum habens verticem,] having a lofty top. eaTrjtrsv CTT' &Kptivti\otfftv opeffffiv. E. 522. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [summa parte acutus,] sharpened at the end. wv b\ aKpoTTdpovs o/3eXovs ev x P ff i>' X' ;r ^ s * V* 4 ^* s, a, or, adj. [summus,] raised to a point, sharp, extreme, farthest, "liorj Kpaurvws TrpoatfinaaTtj Yupydpov UKpov. H. 292. SYN. "Axpalos, virepTdTos, ICTTOS, aKpoTroXds, eff^dTos, TeXevTalos, reXetos. os, ov, o et.f], adj. [impense sapiens,] eminently wise. ' Kal aixfJiriTav. Pind. Olymp. 11. &Xii IKOS, 6 et r/, adj. [supra mod urn ebrius,] very drunk Kal veKTupi, KaXd yue//op7rws. Apoll. 4. 433. s, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [non celahis,] unconcealed, undisguised, open. 38 AKTA AAAZ 7roX<>. Androm.836. SYN. 'AKdXvTrros, bqXos, 7rpwf>avTds. , v. [ad summum tollo,] to raise up. See Ruhnken. Timaei Lex. Plat. p. 20. Ed. 2. 'fls pijTe <7w;;e7v, p/rt p aKTaiveiv flaalv. Eumen. 36. jrra/wv, w'ds et o>os, 6, P. N. [Act-aeon,] the name of a hunter torn to pieces by his own dogs. JTIalSd ro> d/3ura> 'Aiera/di'a, rv(j>X6i> ibeffdai. Call. 5. 109. EPITH. Qpaavs, 6r}parr}s, eiraKTi'ip. PHR. See Bacch. 337- tcrtos, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [littoralis,] on or belonging to the shore, an epithet of Apollo and Pan. Tov Odi'd rov O.KTWV, ov TV yd AaKwv. Theocr. 5. 14. SYN. ETTCIKTWS, Trap&KTids, TrapaXids. , ov, o et >/, adj. [impexus,] uncombed. KO/UTJ i' avpas aKTtvtaT&s, CE. C. 1326. , et uKTpet.aTds,ov t o et v, adj. [cui justa non sunt facta,] not receiving the rites of burial, unburied. Kai Kaaravaiav aKrepivTov iv nerpots. L)'c. 907. SYN. 'A0a7rros, drd^)t5s. fcT>), T/S, r^f, subst. [fruges, farina,! ground corn, meal, bread. 'H2 je\t ^XwjOO', Trap b* aXfylrov icpov u.KTip>. A. 630. SYN, Kapnos, \j)idi r , d (Tiros, (ipros, Tpofyri. EPITH. Me^oeticy/s, (j)vcriods. fjs, %, subst. [littus, ora,] a shore, a coast. Qaaaova' ?r' dvra/s as \0dt'ds. Hec. 36. SYN. At'ytaXos, etros, aXi'ppoQos, aXippvT os, TrpofiXrjs, TrXdreld, arv^t , vav\o\6s, XevKSwpwr, ofypvs aiylaXolo. , ovos, 6 et rj, adj. [inops,] poor. Ov K/ afCD/^wj/ eplrifjioio 1. 268. SYN. 'E^^?}s, aipos, Trru^os, a,K\r)pos. et a^rts, tros, //, subst. [radius soils,] the ray of the sun. 'Afcm'd fci//eXoi> ou Trpdff6\lid/uiai. Hec. 413. EPITH. 'Av7lTi)7ros, a^re^eXcJs, Aa^uTrpd, TTO/X- Acrwp, dpos, 6, subst. [ductor, princeps,] a leader, a prince. 2oi/<7tcm aKTwp. Pers. 563. SYN. 'HyTjTV/p, iryijrwp, fiytfjiwv, ap^os, dyoi. Aii;0os, et d^i/T-os, ov, o et ^, adj. [quae non concipit,] a female that does not conceive, barren. Oats, oi/S' cki)0o, Traerat 6e KEV clev virapvot. Call. 2. 52. SYN. 'Ayoi'ds. os, ou, 17, subst. [glans ilicis,] the acorn of the holm oak. Tlap p' O.KV\OV r* c/^dXe^ /capvroy T Kpuveirjs. K. 242. , et uLKvfjiaffTds, d(cu/udros, aKvpos, ov, o et >;, adj. [fluctibus non asper- sus,] unwashed by the waves, smooth. 'ETT' aKvpavrois TrwXwv epavat. Hipp. 235. SYN.^AicXvoT^s, arapaKTos, yaXip'Ws, ^av^at. Kvpwros, ov, 6 et y, adj. [non firrnatus,] not established, fixed, or ratified. OlffO\ If aiWTTTJ TOVT (IKVpUTOV /if VL. loll. 800. SYN. 'AS^XoS. .Kta?>uvuTTos t ov, oetr/, adj. [non exploratus,] untried by the sound of a bell. 'fts atiT)(pov dcwSwj'taro*' e^i' r^J rotovrov Trpaypu p-HQevras. Lysistr. 486. , fjs, /, subst. [cuspis,] a point. 'AXX' dye S/}, KCU Sovpos accnic^s ///utrepoto. . 60. SYN. 'AKJ), cil^pr], axis, 0*^77. EPITH. 'O^etd, arovoeaaa, Kovueaaa, ya\nvfiap)]S, TrdXi^StV^ros, /cap^dpoSous, , OVTOS, 6, subst. [spiculum,] a dart, a javelin. "E/3X7/r' e^ vrpwroioi Oofjs UTTO x t P s afwt. M. 30(5. SYN. 'Ajcoj/rtoi', /3tXos, OLOTOS, tyarov. EPITH. 'O^vs, arovdeis, dads, beirus, rd/i>yXa^tv, ^aX/coTrdprjos, Xiyvpo^, ^rtvXto5oi/s. Aicwr, (iKovcrd, oLKov t pro defw'wv, adj. [invitus,] unwilling. Hois 6' ap yaftwv (LKovaav O.KOVTOS Trdpd. /Esch. Suppl. 235. SYN. Ou^ eK'wr. 'AXdjftaarpo)', ov, ro, et aXapaoTptis, ov, o, subst. [alabastrum, gcnns vasis unguentarii,] a smooth white stone, excavated into a vessel for perfumes. SvpiwSe /ui/pw XP V(71 ' dXd/3oeias. i See Apoll. 1. 359. aud 2. 091. AAAZ AAA2 39 Eq. 290. SYN. Ai/x7jud, /ueyuXijyffpia, yavpiapa, Kofjirds, KoyUTrao^id, oyKos, *AXac?oj'eifycH, v. [rne jacto, ostento,] to boast, to be ostentatious. 'HXatfo- r'cved', ti'd (f)dj3r)6eirjv eyw. Ran. 282. SYN, MeydXavvvtw, ueyaXvvduai os, o et /, adj. [inanis jactator,] an idle boaster. Tts dpd irtir lorn/; b. 'fts dXosrwi/ Qaiverat. Pax 1045. SYN. 'Ayepw)(os, /ueydXjjytfptfs, tTreprjtya- vos, virepfaos, vireptivup, vTTtpOTrrr/s, x//eu0r??s. , dXdX^at, etdXdo/iai, v. [erro, vagor,] to go wrong, to wander. AoDXos Cycl. 79- See Y. 74. et Z. 201. SYN. 'AXrjreyw, 7rXa5o/zat, TrXd- tjCH) ooreaj, aTTOjoedftac, fjaivo/jiai. 'A\a\ay)}, >>, ?/, dXdXayjud, dros, ro, et dXdXay//<5s, o5, 6, stibst. [Ia3ta vocife- ratio,] a joyiul cry or exclamation. 'E^eortots dXdXdyals. Trach. 705. See also Cycl. 6'5. SYN. AOI/TTOS, d\6\vyr), oXoXi/y/zos. 'AXdXd^w, v. [damorem bellicum edo,] to raise the war-cry, to shout, to la- ment. Xaf'joojres, dXdXa^ovres* ep^erai be aoi, Eur. Electr. 8()0. SYN. Bpeuw, *AXd\j7, T/S, ^, et Dor. dXdXd, siibst. [vox inarticulata ciendo Marti, a militibus ante praslium edita,] a martial shout. livy dXdXa7<7t 5' aiayyudrwv. Phosn. 345. EPITH. Kaprtpd, epiy&ovTTos. 'AXdXrjros, ov, 6, subst. [" clamor militum dicentium dXdX)}, clamor militaris." Vid. Damm.] the war cry. QeanZaiy dXdXr/r^ v^ "EKrdpos av&pdtyovoid. D. 119. SYN. Bd>), Odpvfios. 'AXaXicew, et dXdXicw, v. [depello, arceo,] to drive away, to repel, to restrain. Tw /uej' eyw Tretp/yoroi dXaXfcely ayptd v\a. T. 30. SYN."AXKw, aTreXau^w, aTre/pyw, ef/pyw, epu/cw, aTrepu/cw, aTroTre/iTro/zot, e^wStw, ^iwSco/zat. 'A\a\iwfj,err)is, ibds, //, adj. [Epilh. Minervee,] an epithet of Minerva, from Alalcomena?, a town in Boeotia. Kai 'AXaXcd/xe^ts 'A0^vj;. A. 8. i, v. [erro, moleste fero, metuo,] to wander, to be offended, to fear. uXX' dXdXvKrJ7/ucu* Kpabirj be pol e^w. K. 94- SYN. 'AXa/x7r>/s, eos, et dXa/uTreros, ou, 6 et //, adj. [splendoris expers,] devoid of brightness. Ka0?;f,d cry//7rrv^a/r' dXo^Tres j/Xtoi/. Trach. 704. See also CE. C. l66'l. SYN. I^creo/os, bvotyepos, abrjXos. 'AXdos, ov, 6 et ^, and also"AXaos, in Horn. adj. [caecus, improvidus,] blind, imprudent. Kat c' dXdos 701, ^e7^e, biaKpiveie TO ffijpa. 6. 195. See also K. 493. SYN. 'ASepfC??s, TV\OS, rv(p\d)\l/. 'AXdoo-icoTrta, as, //, subst. [negligens speculatio,] a bliud or negligent watching. Qv& aXaoaKoTriijv el-% apyvpoTotys 'ATToXXwv. K. 515. 'AXdow, v. [casco,] to make blind, to blind. KV^XOJTTOS Ke^oXwrcu, oi' ofydaXjuov dXdwcre^. a. 69- SYN. Tv^Xow, e|dXow, efyppardu). 'AXdTracVos, ^, ov, adj. [vastatu facilis, imbellis,] easily plundered, weak, cowardly. 'AXX' aXairabvos tr)v, navpos be 01 etiriiTo Xaus. B. 675. SYN. , ao-0vr}?, fna.X6a.Kds, irdvrjpos. VoXejuds, ao-0vr}?, fna.X6a.Kds, irdvrjpos. 'AXd^ra^w, f. |w, v. [vasto, diripio,] to lay waste, to plunder. rVoxrecu S' et i:ai 0eff7reo-ii; TroXiv OVK: dXaTrd^ets. 1 B. 3^7- SYN. 'E^dXdrrocw, TrepOw, TropOew, , brjloid, blapna^a), eprjftooi, Xt^Xdrtw, Kepatgw, airoXXv^l, av 'AXaorew, f. T)di'e' TroOtv. Pers. 360. SYN. 'Epivvs, TrdmXderrwp, baipovlov, (porevs. EFITH. Ttyuwpos. 1 rmixrecu in scanning only forms a spondee. 40 AAAft AAEI 'AXdwrus, t/o$, ri, suhst. [caccitas,] blindness, dimness of sight. ' e'iprjrai deiKeXlrjv dXdwrt/y. f. 503. SYN. Tv^Xwois, Tvfj)\orr)s. 'A\yeit>os, j), oV, adj. [molestus, tristis,] troublesome, annoying, distressful. (See 'AXtyen'fo.) AvTrpov taw filorov dXyetvoV r' t/io/. Med. 1033. 'AXyeii/ws, adv. [moleste,] with trouble, with annoyance, with distress. 'AXX' fjbews fjoi ye /cdXyeij'ws d/.m. Antig. 436. 'AXyew, v. [doleo,] to feel pain, to grieve, to be sorrowful. 'AXye7r ri ' fyuas Traibos OVK aXyeTv bdKels ; Hec. 1238. SYN. 'Ariofytm, dy/w, a^dd/urn, Xi/- Tredpai, dbvi'ati), dflv/^tw. 'AXyiySwi/, 6>e/, r/, "AXy/jjud, drtfs, ro, "AXyijcrts, ^ws, 77, ef'AXycJy, ^ds, ro, subst. [dolor, aegritudo,] grief, pain, sorrow. KeTreu 6' dcrtros, ut^u', i;^ei$ dXy/5oft. Med. 24. See also Eur. Fr. Melan. Thesm. 146. et T. 97. SYN. 'Aj/fa, a%ds, a.)(0r)bit)i> t bvij, XUTT/;, Kf]bos, tjbvvrj, irovtis, irevOos. EPITH. 'AeiictXtos, a), d^T/vecrros, Xvypa, Xei/ydXea, bctKpvdecraa, luvvvQabla, Xo/ytds, flapvarovos, arvyepd, okrpa, beivrj, e<7crd, 2>, adj. [dolorem afferens, molestus,] calamitous, trouble- some. Aevrepw aw Mw/xov cat 'Oi'^vy aXyivteaaav. Hes. 0. 214. SYN. see s. f. i)/w, vyra, v. [dolore afficio,] to give pain to, to distress. Xaipwv rovp.8v hXytivel Ktap. Med. 397. SYN. ' d/w, aym, v. [augeo,] to increase, to augment. cw, v. [augeor, cresco,] to be increased, to grow. Arfiov a iffaovaiv apovpai. *. 599- SYN. Auo//eu, ait 0.1' 6 pat, &\b draXXo/. , as, j^, subst. [calor,] heat. AvrtV, ^Tret K TT^OS depek), dXey r^ yevrjrat. p. 23. SYN. AtOos, Kavfjci, GaXirtis, Oeptis, depfjtirrjs. 'AXea, as, ?/, subst. [effugium,] an escape. Ovb' aXerj' fi yap pa TrdXat rti ye v i]lv. X. 301. SYN. "AX^ts, d7rd^i)yr), erfvyfj, dXeojp//. , v. [caleo, calefacio,] to be warm, to warm one's self. "Eireid*, iv* t. Eccles. 540. SYN. QaXird/uai, Qepfjiaiv6fJictt. 'AXeyetvtis, r), 8v, adj. [curae plenns, difficilis,] anxious, painful, distressing. YivT > "Apris d\eyetrds 6"t$,vpo1al fipoTolal. N. 569- SYN. AXyeivos, rtXyli'dets, aXyrjpos, a^6eiros, eTra^OtjS, Xvn-rjptis, dbvvrjpos, avCapos, eTrtTrovos, Xvypos, deis, 7TpmXy?/s, baKeOvpos, OvpobaKris, britydvptis, XevydXlos, bvafyopds, betvos, ^dXeTrds, ctpydXeos, ar)bi)s t avapalos. 'AXeyrjrdpibrjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Alegenoris filius,] the son of Alegenor. Ovbe yap >/ irpopayoio ba/uap 'AXeyrjoplbuo. H. 503. 'AXey/cw, et dXeyw, v. [euro, rationem habeo alicujus rei,] to regard, to be anxious for, to care for. *H' tTret, f/e fify" ti & a^fifievot OVK dXeyiSet. O. 10^. See also c. 268. SYN. <&povr/a>, ?7rt/ieXe^/uat, Kr)b6fjiai f ireplicribdfjiai, i/vw, f. i)vw, p. vym, V. [apparo,] to prepare. AatVvra?, &s eirZoiKe bi- kaffiroXdv &vbp y aXeyvvetv. X. 185. SYN. ndpcuncevacja), 'AXfe, , y^pvaedv, afji(f)iKvireXXtii'. , ou, o, subst. [peccator,] an offender. Ztr)v6s re (3po*Trj' 0dr<5 yap Tioa.ffQa.1 dAe/ras. v. 121. SYN. 'AXirpos, aXiTijpWs, dXotroi> /cdkds, dot/cos. 'AXe/rw, f. dXtrw, v. [pecco graviter,] to commit a heinous offence. 'Aduvd- TOVS dXireodai, cl ovpavov evpvv e-^ovatv. b. 378. SYN. See in 'AXtrpa/vw. "A\ei(j)dp, drds, ro, subst. [unguentiun, oleum,] ointment, oil, fat. Kaleti # ev r eaQrjTl Qe&v, Ka.1 dXeitydrt TroXXw. w. 67. SYN. 'AXo^), fjivpo)> t fXaiot', arzap. EPITH. Aevfcoi', vypor. 'AXe/0w, f. ^/w, v. [ungo,] to anoint. "E^e i5v, aXei^ov rov rpa"^r]\6v Equit. 490. SYN. Xp/w, e/^TrXarrw. , oi/, 6 et 17, adj. [coelebs,] unmarried. "AXeKTp^v, d * Alltig. 9 '7- SYN. 'Ayd/udy, uvvptyevTGs, dc'i/yjys, ^(($y^, aTreipo- s, 6 et 7>, subst. [gallus, gallina,] a cock, a hen. ST. Hats by ; /, adj. [mortem arcens,] averting death, protecting. Tpr- ffol dXetyfjidpoi irpdfyavrjTf. /not. CE. R. 163. 'AXfrptuw, f. , p. cd, v. [molo,] to grind. At ^iv aXerpevvvo? pvXrjs. ;. 104. SYN. 'AXtw, dX>}0w, jcdrdXew. 'AXerp//7dvds, ov, 6, subst. [pistillus,] a pestle, or grinder. EiTnep ydp ifcci rov aXerpifidvov ^tpwv. Pax 265. SYN. Ao/y, Kt-navSv. 'AXerpts, )^6ds, fj, subst. [molilrix,] a female who grinds. EIr' dXerpis J' btKtris. Lys. 643. 'AXtd/zat (poet.) et dXev6>at, v. [effugio,] to avoid, to shun, to escape. 'lord- pevot b$ pdX' eyyvs vXaKreov, CK T dXeovrti. I. 586. See also . 400. SYN. 'Eevyw, bld(j)vy(i), e^/crrd^ot, ^i)Xarro/^a<, dXytTK'w, dXce/rw. por, ou, ro, subst, [farina triticea,] ground wheat, flour. "Hpdro /4d>/ feat Pro*. Lex. F 42 AAEY AAIA Tfiv&s (eptv Sojcet) OTTTW dXevpw. Theocr. 14. 7. SYN.'AX^troV, dXeidp. 'AXevw, v. [averto,] to avert; to put a man on his guard. Et'SwXov "Apyou yjjyevovs, dXev', <5 bd' 0o/3ov/uai. P. V. 584. 'AXew, dXw, v. [congrego, colligo, cogo,] to assemble, to gather together, to urge. YlavTas 7T( irpvfjivyffiv dXi^ueVcu vids 'A^atoJv. 2. 76. SYN. ^A0pot'c?w, dXtc?w, dXrjn?, <7vyfcXe/w, avvdyw, o-vVetXew, ffvorptr/xo, ffvoreXXw. 'AXew, v. [molo,] to grind. "AtSetv re irivov&\ w<77repei jcd^pvs yvvcwc' aXovudp. Nub. 1358. SYN. KdrdXew, dXerpeva;. 'AXewp//, ijs, r/, subst. [evitatio, munimentum,] avoidance, defence, support. Otfttfovc /cat jj,eydXovs &jjwv drpav dXewpr/v. M. 57* SYN. EvXd/3em, p elXdp, aitotyevtys, anotyvyi], aatyaXlejls, aa^dXiff^a, Trpo/SoXj;, epvfid. "A\T], rjs, r/, subst. [erratic, error mentis,] a wandering, a maze, confusion ol mind. Ad^ap i/tv e&Trep^e 6w^dra;v dXjy. Med. 1282. SYN. 'AXyrem, TrX d/japrrj/jd, dyuTrXd^ia, dyu7rXd';j;jud, Trralfffid, <70aXjud. EPITH. XdXeTr?/, j^porios, ', 'AX?'/0em, os, ?/, subst. [veritas,] truth. 'ATrXovs 6 fj.vf)os rfjs dXrjOcias z dXrjdevaraip tyw. Sept. < Theb. 558. SYN. TdX^ Xeyw. 'AXijQrjs, 16s, 6 et //, adj. [verus, ad veritatem deditus,] true, sincere, faithful. '*" Ov ffd^os, aXrjBris & els QiXos. Orest. 418. 'AXrj0t^os, ?/, or, adj. [verax,] having the qualities of truth, faithful, to be i depended on. OVTOS t^os Xoyos v^lv dXrjdlvos. Call. Ep. 14.5. SYN. 'Arpt/(3/}s, arpeK^s, a\^ev^t)s, ax//ei/oros, blKaios, Zrvpos, er///jv/*ds, r^eprr/s. 'AXr}6ws, adv. [vere, revera,] truly, really, beyond doubt. Ov /3l6s dXrjdws o fiios, aXXd ffv/Lt^opa. Akest. 818. SYN."Ovrws. 'AX//tos, oi/, o et //, adj. [arvis carens, sine prieda,] having no corn-fields, poor. I Ov KEV d\//tos eo/ dj//)p, J ro/, adj. [a mari appropinquandus,] ascending in the sea. 'E aXlfiarov Trerpas. Eur. Suppl. 79- (Paeon, trim.) , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui niari abluihir,] washed by the sea. aXifipti)(pt' aftfylbe rrjvi. Apoll. Rh. 2. 733. i', oros, 6 et //, adj. [mari vicinus,] bordering upon (he sea. aXiyeiTova, TrovTOTlraKrov. Horn. 37- 6. SYN. 'Ay-)(iaXos, dXtre 'AXty/dos, a, ov, adj. [si mills,] like. "AXXos 5' av eibos yu> dXoyiaos aOai'aroi alv. Q. 174. SYN. 'Erd\/yicios, o/uo7os, Trpoffd/jiotds, EOIKUS, TrpoaeoiKiDS, e'lKtXds, , drdXaj/ros, e/jfyepijS, Trpoafyepjjs, Trape/jufieprjs. 'os, ov, o et //. adj. [mari agitatus,] tossed in the sea. 'Orororot* thiXwv ia. Pers. 279. SYN. 'AXiKrvTros, aXiirXayKTos, dXurXoos. 'AXitvs, ewf, 6, subst. [piscator,] a fisherman. He/juror dyetv aXievai, fiftys eiri rrjval Tidevres. M. 418. SYN. AtyidXevs, ypnrevs, IxQvfidXbs, KctXd/,tevr?/y. EPITH. 'AXtTjUvros, dXtrpe^)?}s, /uoytjods, Metros, rX^o-iTrovos, l\Qvos aypevrijp. See Theocr. 1. 39. 'AA<'c?w,' f. t/, adj. [maritimus,] marine. *H M^, adj. [salsus, a mari adspersus,] overflowed by the sea. & aXlpvptts aKTai. Apoll. Rh. 2. 556. , as, rj, subst. [volutabrum,] a winding, maze, labyrinth. ZvaKebyv TroXXds aXivbt'idpas ewwp. Ran. 904. 'AXids, a, y, adj. [*' infructuosus, marinus." Vid. Damm. c. 93.] fruitless, ma- rine. IloVrov Vr I'wrois dXtdf tyQeipov ir\av6v. Helen. 783. SYN. 'EmXtos, dve- e^dXtos, 6a\a(raids, irZXaytos, Trovrtos, K'ei^os, /udra, juafybWs. ris, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [a mari nutritus,] sea-nursed. 4>oj^aw^ dXtorpe- oXowrdros dyur/. 3. 442. , v. [irritum reddo,] to render fruitless, to disappoint. Oure Tidpe^ /, 6/eoi', oi/0'dXiJ}ffat. e. 104. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [per mare vagans, a mari cinctus,] wandering over the sea, surrounded by the sea. KeicXvfl', dXinXayKroi. Apoll. 2. 11. SYN. 'AXtJcXvords, dXtrvTros. f A\r\^, rjyos, 6 et &, [a mari ictus,] dashed by the sea. Ketvr) & ^r^deffffd Kal affiroposS old 0' dX<7rXr/. Call. 4. 1 1. 'AXfrXdos, contr. dXrTrXovs, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [in mari natans,] floating on the sea. 2i;yyXS, o^pd KE Oaacrov dXtVXod rei'x^a ^e/??. M. 26. 'AXi7r6i>vpos t ov, 6 et >;, adj. [" marina purpura tinctus." Damm. purpureus,] having the purple color oif the sea. C\ tdXwr, dXwvcrt, dXpvs, r/'XwKa et ' tdXoM-d, v. [capio,] to take. KcW oi> StSafcrtfy, ovS' dXiffrfrat T^X^- Ale. 802. SYN. KdrdXcijU/Sdyw, cupgw, fcdre^w, blayivwanw. 'AXmj/uu, v. [pecco,] to neglect, err, violate, transgress. 2os Trdts* 06 /^v yfip rt Oeols dXirfipevos eariy. 6. 807- SYN. 'AXe/ro>, dSkew, acre flew, duap- 'AXtrr/pios, et dXir//p<5s, A et /^, adj. [facinorosfls,] wicked, villanous. Nuv 6' c8s. CE. C. 37- SYN. 'ASiicfo, jcantfs, plapds. 'AXirovos, oi/,6 et jy, adj. [hospitetn injuria adh'ciens,] injuring a guest. 'Evnrav a\tT6evd)>. Find. Ol. 10.7. /rw, v. [pecco, scelerate ago,] to offend, to be wicked, "o arris aXirpalvet, araaBaXa ^UT/^dvdarat. Hes. Op. f 239 SYN. 'AXiratvw, dXaojuat, a\trr}jutui f M t draaOaXXw, d/J7rXd*:^w, Trro/w, TrXty^eXew, /3Xd?rrw, e^a7rd-dw. , tivds, et aXtrpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [flagitiosus,] an offender, villanous, wicked. Oi/rc ydp lorr' Htypwv, OVT' &aKftiros t ovr dXtr^jUwv. ft. 1 86. See also Y. 595. SYN. 'AX?rJ7ptd$, dblKds, &ra;, subst. [scelus, flagitinm,] wickedness, villany. dXirptas TroXXas TrXedv. Acharn. 907. SYN. 'A/i7rXd(vta, d Xd, TTTaiajuia, fftyaXpft. 'AXtrpi/rds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [mariconfectus,] sea-worn. TvrSo*' 5' a\iTpvT*td ytpovTds. Theocr. 1. 45. , ov, 6 et >*/, adj. [mari percussus,] struck or caused by the sea. 2- dXtr^Trd r ^dp;l Pers. 939. , a, dv t et dXK^eis, ccr KpaTepos, bftvards. , ov, 6, P. N. [Alcseus,] a poet of Lesbos. KctXiccufo, olirtp av. Thesmoph. l6l. kdp, dp#s, r6, siibst. [robustum et promptum praesidium,] a strong bulwark, or protection, Ovxtrt btdytvts TlarpoKXets, aXfcdp 'A^attDv. A. 822. SYN. , dveiap, tapa, rtpwpla, w^eXetd, crwr^pta* 'AXfc>), T/J, et aX^, K<3$, v> subst. [robar,] strength, vigor. 'AXX' dye 6j) icai a Oovptbds liXKfjs. E. 718. See also E. 299. SYN. kvvapis, Svvaor , ayijrdpia, iV^vs, Kpdrds, p^^., oQtvSs. EPITH. "AffTreros, , dpaif.ia.KeT 6s, dtrcipavrds, adtvdpds, Sdi0pwv, 0d/), ZpiKvbtjs, ofiplpos, (f>oi- , ^, P. N. [Alcestis,] the daughter of Pelias and wife of Admetus. "Hm irdr el T$T ^p^e, 6ewv dird fjirj^d elbus. . 12. EPITH. Adf0pwv, yueydXijrwp, OeoeiKeXos, dfjLvfjuav, Kpelwv, rjpws, 6edet^s. PHR. klKaitiTdros fidalXfjw, fiovXds Oeoetbrjs, Xawv dplbeiKertis. , 6f6s, 6 et ^f, adj. [magnanimus,] noble-minded, valiant-hearted. dXrt0pwv rf Xaos. Pers. 95. SYN. KaprepdOvptis, aXKiuds, dyn- vu>p. 1 This reading is suggested by Toup [Emend, in Suid, i, p. 431.] instead of the common reading, xd dAtTTjpoO, See Maltb. AAKM AAAO 45 , T?S, /, P. N. [Alomene,] (he mother of Hercules. Qbti ort ?rep , ovb* 'AXtfjuryvT/s l4 0///3rj. H. 323. EP1TH. 'E\ /?, 7/p<5$, 6, subst. [defensor,] a defender, supporter, champion. Akef o-vv vr]valv dpews aXKrfjpes IXUVTCU. 2). 213. SYN. 'AXe^nyp, fioT)dd<;, eiri- , TJS, ?/, P. N. [Alcyone,] called also Cleopatra, the wife of Meleager. KdXZeffKov f.-r^vv^.ov 3 ovYeV dp' nvrf/s. I. 558. AXxvwv, et Alt. 'AXci)wj>, o>os, 6, et dimin. 'AXwovls, ios, ^, subst. [halcyon,] a halcyon, a sea fowl. X' aXwdves, ffrdpecrevi'Tt TO. KV^CLTO. TCLV re OdXarrcrdv. Theocr. 7. 57. See Apoll. Rh. 1084. PHR."Opj'r$, a Trdpd ras Trerpli'as Hovrov betpabas, a\Kvwv "EXeyov olruv aeibets Evuj/ro^ tyvlroial (3dav "Ore itoalv KcXabels del fioXirciis. Iph. T. 10^)6. 'AX*cvores, a? Trap' aevraois Kvjudwt o r rwjUvXXere Ttyyovaat vdrepys irrepHJv 'Pdrtcrt i. Ran. 130p. , ibos, //, adj. [halcyonia, tranquilla,] halcyon, tranquil. ' r avfiyeff ripepas aei. Av. 1592.. SYN. EvblSs. 'AXXd, adv. [sed, at, quin, saltern,] but, nevertheless, on the contrary, how- ever, at least. 'P^/ny Kraveiv vlv, aXXd avv nXt'iQei \pv. CE. R. 123. SYN. 'Ardp, be, fjiei'TOt, avrdp. 'AXXdyj), >7$, >/, suhst. [vicissitude,] change. Hv^oucCs bXXtiyy fily/. CE. R. 1206. SYN. Mtr&/3oX?7, avraXXay/.^i. 'AXXai>r#7rwXew, v. [farcimina vendo,] to sell sausages. 'AXXayrfi7r(uX^/Xwv, ots, aw, ots ; ous, as, d; pron. [invicem, mutuo, alius alium,] one another, 'ils 6' Evpo's rl N^ros r' Iplbaivirov a\\ii\ouv. II. 7^5. 'AXXoyrwrto, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [peregrin us, a lien us,] known to others, a foreigner, a stranger : foreign, strange. 'AXXoyvwr^* tvl bt'ipy. /3. 366. 'AXXoSdTrtfs, /, 8t>, adj. [externus,] foreign. Ao/iwi' apyovras aXXobdirovs. Ion. 1070. 'AXXoet^/s, e5s, 6 et ^, adj. [alia forma praeditus,] of a different form. Tovi'eV dp' dXXoetSea a 0at^eaKerd Trdvrd di/aicrt. v. 194. SYN. AtoXos, dXXoTos, dvti- fuotos, eTepo'tds. "AXXofsV, adv. [aliunde,] from some other quarter. "AXXtfs tiXXodcv nfypaype- voi. Orest. 141 1. - "AXXdflr, adv. [alibi,] in some other place. "H p Irix, tf p edpe^f irarqp 6* epos (iXXoOl yalr}s. ft. 131. 'AXXofyoos, ov, 6 et f), adj. peregrinam loquens linguam, peregrinus,] of another language, foreign. 'ETT' dXXofyjtfovs dv0pw7rovs. a. 183. SYN. H TrjXebdiros. 'AXXo7s, a, fo, adj. [diversus,] different, estranged. 'AXXo?ds pot, n. i8i. 1 "Apws is scanned as an iambus. 2 'AA\oe t 5e' is scanned as a molossus. 40 AAAO AAO0 'AXXxJ/co>6$, et aXXdKoraids, ov, o et //, adj. [monstrosus,] monstrous, strange, unusual. NoVov yap d 7rdn/p aXXdxdrOv avrov v&aei. Vesp. 71. See also Eur. fr. Mel. 66. SYN. "AXoytfs, dronds, eKTdnlos, ^eros, 0avjua<7ros, 0av- i, f. aXovjuai, I a. JiXdfjii]}', v. [salio,] to leap. Ets dXd ' dXro fiademv an aiyXrievTOS 'OXv/iTroi/. A. 532. SYN. KdflaXXo/mt, 0opw, 0opcw, TTTjSdw, , 6, adj. [" ab alio ad alium accedens." Damm. inconsians,] an epithet of Mars. Tovrov paivontvov, TVKTOV KO.KOV, dXXo7rpocraXXo>. E. 831. SYN. 'AfHpiffTOfjds, boXiotypuv, uXXoTos, evrpeiTTos, evKvrjTos. "AXXos, 77, 6V, adj. [alius,] another, other. "AXXoiaiv aXXos 6eu>v ' re ^tXet. Hipp. 103. "AXXdae, adv. [aliorsum,] in another direction, to another place. aas, aXXov aXXoee arty^s. Or. 1126. , adv. [alio tempore,] at another time. 'Ho-Tra^er' tiXXdr fiXXdy, r}. Alcest. 1Q2. , a, ov, adj. [alienus, hostilis,] belonging to another, hostile. 'EX0wi> 6' $ olK-dj/ aXXdrpWv, t7TT)Xvs &v. Ion. 6u9. SYN. 'Ex^pos, TroXeyutos, bvovods, aXXoyvwTos. 'AXXo, v. [" in aliud cogitationem converto, alienata mente sum," Damm., alia cogito,] to think of something else ; to be estranged in mind. 'AXX' r\^Tt]v aXXopeffTepus %ev. 6. 128. SYN. II^i}/ja, Tr^Si/orts, afc/pr^d. EP1TH. KoC- ^o*', a\l/d(j>di' t Oodv, rptJ/iepoi/, oaKeanaXdv. "AXfjtrj, rjs, 77, subst. [sal, oceanus,] salt water, the sea. "ETrato-dv &Xpr}V vavsft 6t'0i>. Thesm. 2. See I. 564. SYN. 'E7rrrp//3w, ffwrpifib), ffvvdpavb), aTWirXrjaatt), fcdra7rXr;<7(T(>, Sfpw, KOTrrw, Traraaaw, /xaor/Cw. 'AXoyew, v. [rationem non habeo, nihil euro, despicio,] not to care for, to set at naught. Elbe ot OVK Mead eirlKcioeai, aXX'dXtJyr/orets. O. 178. SYN. '6Xt- ywpew, k'dra^p^^eta), adtplZv, dn/uac?w, Treptopdw, vTrepopdw. "AXoyttrros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [rationis expers, nullurn habens pretium,] incon- siderate, of no value. OuTrXovros, ov rvpavvU' uXdyiarov be TI. Orest. Il6l. "AXoyds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [rationis expers,] irrational, foolish. FIoXX' eXTrtSes val KaXoyoi fiporovs. Eur. fr. Protes. 6. SYN. "AffKeTrros, ao-Ktoros, aai e| dXddcv "^aXUir^v. 0. 334. 1 twv is here scanned as one long syllable. AAOI AAYB 47 'A/WStfpfo, ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui non convitiatur,] no brawler. Hdpevri , dXotbopds. Again. 402. * 'AXoi(f>t}, rjs, ;/, subst. [pinouedo, unguentum,] fat, ointment, unction. dovjvs vos, 0dXep)} 6' r> fy^fr a\ouj>r]. d. 4?0'. SYN. "AXei^dp, XITTOS, /<*, v. [sulco, aro,] to make a furrow, to furrow. 'Eyw S' a\dKiciv /ur/i/ ro xupldv. Vesp. 846. *AXo, CKO*, o, subst. [siilcus,] a furrow. Mfj trirelpe TGKVMV dXoVd batudvwv (3ta ^ Phoen. 18. SYN. AvXa, Tuijyos, y\v TYIV dXoTroV e^ep^rai. Lysist. 73?. SYN. "AfcffTOS. 'AXdvvbvr), TJS, r/, P. N. JHalosydne,] Amphitrite was so called. 'A/u0t 6e piv QUKQI, veTTobes KaXrjs 'AXoavbvr^s. 6. 404. 'AXovpyis, ibos, 1), subst. [vestimentum purpureum,] a purple vest. Of '/uoc be y av Xeyovvlv, ws aXovpyl&a. Eq. 9^7 'A\ouo-to, as, >/, subst. [ill u vies,] want of washing, uncleanliness. e fl$ ^ypTwo-at 5m fjciKpcis aXovaias. Or. 226. "AXovTds, ov, 6 el ^, adj. [illotus,] unwashed, unclean. Alprr) ris lar' aXovros, ov. Av. 1554. SYN. "AJ/ITJTOS, dKadapTos. "AXo^ds, ov, o et jy, adj. [cristam non habens,] without a crest, crestless. Tav- peir)v, atyaXov re, Kai aXotyov, 1 fjre Kara~irv. K. 258. , ov, r/, subst. [uxor,] a wife, tlie partner of a man's bed. 'Itydiftr) dXo- Ato/.t//os i7T7rdbdfj.oid. E. 415. SYN. "AKOtrls, yvvfi, rvfi^rj. EPITH. At- etSt/7ol, KaXr) t e-^e^)ptt)r, epan/. 7ro\vwpds, Kovplbia, 7rt eiriffTdry ovfr dXd boiqs. p. 455. SYN. "AXds. EPITH. 0elos. *A/\s, dXos, r/, subst. [mare,] the sea. O/S' dTreXv/LzatVovro, cat fty dXd Xvpdr t/3oXXoj'. A. 314. SYN. "AX/^, SdXatrcrd, Trovros, ireXdyos, (bicedi'ds. EPITH ^ArpvyeTos, aX/uvpa, a/3aros, yXav^jy, (3dOeld, /3pv^ia, ^7d, frivrjecrad, betvrj, />tap- judper), Jjv/.ideffffd t ei/TrXoo?, evpvTtdpds, tj^eorfrd, TrdXvrjxijs, rropfyvper], Troptyvpoei- bt]s, 7r6Xv/3e^0//$ epiybovwos, Xevfc>), oizvprj, k'tXturr/, fcvdre/}, ^et^utptd, crrvyep?), y^dpOTT)}, \vrr), iru-pa, KpvoeGffd, KoiXr), vypfj, TreXdytn, aTretpeat^, dbevK)}s, yXvKe- p>), dotards, dyuerp^ros, d^vXacros, ^oXt^/), d^at/mKeroy, d^eo-^dros, dk'd/^dros, aireipbiv, dffiyrjros, /3dpvyov7r6s, /^dOvTrXovros, d^e/^uwv, cLTtK^upros^ d\eixdKos, ydXrjvatr], Svir^jys, evpvTropos, eupe7d, Tr^Xtd, i^flvoeffrrd, d\d>), opivd^Uvrf, TroXv- (j)Xotrtf3ds, TTfptA'Xvords, rp7/^e7d, \|/d^td0<06^s, Troju^di'owfrd, mKO^eti'os, vrjvfftv Eir^pof^os. PHR. "AXos o/Dpi/udv olyud, vypd fceXevQd, t)(0voi'rd, evped vStrd OdXatrtrris, KVJJI dX/fcrvTrov ctX/ios, TroXi'j/s dXos aaireroi- v5wp, N^ptos avXjy, iroXvp- PVTOS &Xfj.r]eis Tropos, Kvpdrd /naKpd OdXafrarjs, fjteyd Xa7r^d ^dXdrrrj;s, ftddeld Trovrlds aXtrjj ayplov olbpd, TtovTlov aXaos OdXavffrjs, fievOtd r' d/V, rr)Xeddov, upov, $d6e8v, Xevpoy. "AX, ttJy, r/, P. N. [Altis,] a grove sacred to Jupiter, "AXn fiev ^Jy' c*' - Olymp. 10. 56. AXv/3ds, arros, et *AXv/3^, ?s, //, P. N. [Alybas,] a town in Italy, afterwards 1 See Dr. Blomfield's note on the reading of the passage. 2 Read &\\ofiai>Tos t 061 jtXfra b&fiara vaiu. w. 303. See also B. 856. 'AXiM-os, >}, oV, adj. [salsus,] salt. N// TOV Yldaeibw rSr aXvKov Strata yt. Lysistr. 404. SYN. "AXlos. See in aX/jj/ets. 'AXvKToirebrj, TJS, fj, subst. [catena a qua efftigere nequeas,] a chain that cannot be escaped from. AT/c-ec' aXvKTOTrebrjai 1 Tlpdpijdea irotKlXdfiovXov. Hes. Theog. 521. SYN. Tlebrj, yviOTrebai. EP1TH. 2n/3dp>}, olbypeir}, aXeyetvi], , ews, r/, subst. [evitatio,] an avoiding, an escape. QVK eor'dXv^ts, <5 evoi, TrXtwi'. Again. 1270. SYN. 'Aird&vyri, Stu^vy//, K(pvyrf. s, el "AXt/7ros, ov, o et >;, adj. [ttistitiae expers,] exempt from sorrow. To XotTroi/ T^T; ef^v aXv7rr/r&) /3tw. Tracli. 168. See also Alcest. 4^0. SYN. 'Avwbvvos, ai'aXyrjTos, Xvirys apoipos, repTrvos. "AXvpos, ov, 6 et ^, [inamoatius,] inharmonious, discordant. "Opabdv exXvov aXvpov, eXeyov. Helen. 185. "AXvs, v6s, 6, P. N. [Halys,] a river in Asia Minor, which springs at tiie foot of Mount Taurus, and running Northward empties itself into the Euxine sea. 'Adfrij 7rl 7T|OOj3Xj)r)f pdal "AXvos Trdrayuol^. Apoll. 2. 366. 'AXvcr^Xa^Vw, v. [viribus deficio,] to be weak, fainting. ElTre 5' aXvadaivovcra* Call. Del. 212. SYN. 'AXvaaw, au6(.vt(*), abrjpoi'e^, rpefaw. , ews, r/, subst. [catena,] a chain. 'AXvaeol -^pvaeaiai ^epdfjievav. Orest. SYN. Aeo-^os, aria, dXvKroTr^St/, rrtbov. t dXyffKw, v. [effugio, devito,] to avoid, escape. AIKC, micos ws, aXvevyu t evXd- , f. ^a>, v. [inquietus sum mente, insanio,] to be restless in mind, to be enraged. Oi' K Ipov cupa TTIOVTES aXvcraovres trepl dvpy. X. 70. SYN. s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui solvi nrquit,] indissoluble. Taprdoov TJkev, >. Pr. V. 160. SYN. AvaXvro's, anopos, apiyards. vw, w, *cd, v. [aestuo, insanio, animo sum turbalo,] to rave, to be distressed, to be mad.* Tt \P*if* "^vw, trvev/ji avels CK Tryevyuoywv ; Orest. 271- SYN. 'AXvffo-w, aXaofiai, dXa/vw, dS^cJvew, Kdrdflv^ew, d0v/zW, efcXvoyuai, KUJJIVW, CKKUfJit'cj, oy *AX^di/w, et dX^w, v. [invenio, pario,] to find, to produce, receive as wages or reward. $0o>o> Trpto ciarwv aX^avoval bvcrfjevrj. Med. 299. See also . 79' SYN. Eup/o-Kw, aitdXanfiavu). 'AX^etos, et "AXds, ov, 6, P.N. [Alpheus,] a river of Elis, in the Peloponnese. Kat 0pvoi/ 'AX0ao7cJ Tropov K-a); evKrlrdv Aliri). B. 592. See also Ol. 5. 41. EPITH. Bd0vo/j^s, 0e7os, 6&s t bvoepws, aXiirrjs, QeaTrealos. PHR. Bd0vs poos 'AX0eo7o, epdretrdrdros irdTafjitoV, deioto lepos poos 'AX^>eto7d. 'AX0e vowp. ^Esch. Suppl. 862. SYN. IToXv0pyu/iw^. *AX0?orn)s, ov, o, subst. [(l) inventor, vir honoratus, ingeniosus, (2) piscis quidam,] an inventor; a clever, honorable man; a chief; a kind offish. Elorev & ev 2^pi|7 Efcds avbpaiv aX^f/orawj'. 5. 8. SYN. JLvperrjs, evp/;rwp. EPITH. Tifjiloif TT.p*i(f)pabr)S. 'AX^trdjuotKI AMAA 49 , ibds, ^, subst. [quae farinam vendit ; pistrina,] a meal-woman abo, a meal-shop. Tovs ' IK TOV Kan-Tr' els rriv orwav ^wpelv rfjv dX^irtfTrwXiv. Eccl. 682. AXwd, as, //, Ionic, et poet. dXan), subst. [area, vinea, hortus, &c.] (1) a threshing-floor, (2) a vineyard, garden, &c. "Evfld l o TroXvKapTrds dX) eppt'a>7at. 17. 122. SYN. "AXws, aXwy, bdcpw )(dras, Xdyws, dXw Acharn. 878. SYN. KepSw, Klvabos. EPITH. AWiov, ayKv\dfj,r)Tis, aipvXfi, &pyaXea t boXepa, a/vS' aX(t)(riv 'IXtoi/. Phil. 62. SYN. Ae^Xd)s, eds, 6 et >/, adj. [indoctus, ignarus, stolidus,] illiterate, ignorant, foolish. 0opi)/5w reTrtavfos Kajudflet Trappy 19. Or. 903. SYN. "A/3oi/Xos, avorjros, pos, d7re eaflXdj/, dpdOiav cfXrjadnev. Hec. 327- SYN. 'A/3ouXta, ayi/ota, a aibpeia, dvotd, diretpla, a-rreipoavvrj, ayi'^pdavvrj. PHR. Ne^eX?/ s, ov, f], subst. [arena, cam pi pulvis,] sand, dust. 'Es Xt/*eV' 'H S' d/id- 0ots expip^aro Trovronopos vr^iis. Horn. Apoll. 439- SYN."A^os, 'A^d0v)'o), v. [*' in pulverem redigo." Damm. in v. ; destrup,]^to reduce to dust, to destroy. IloXtv Se re Trvp d/ud^yi/et. I. 589. YN. 'Ai'arptTra;, dvaarp^w, d^av/c^/dtffrow, 7rep0w, oXo^peww, drroXXvpl, 00e/pw, biafOeipio, KaKoirouw. 'Ayuatjud^ros, ?/, o^, adj. [valde longus et ingens, cui resisti^ non potest,] im- mense, irresistible. Kpeto-jov d/^ai/xdicerov wvpos oppevov O.KTO.V. (E, R. 177- SYN. 'Aw'jCTjros, dSd/zaoros, affTrerds. vw, v. [destruo,] to destroy ; also, to conceal. Telx^ d/iaXSi/vat, Trcfrd- uei'os e, j/7rep ajjtafrt. K. 103. See also Nub. 878. SYN. "Ap/id, airiivij, bfypos, o^os, d^eldf, d^rj^a, evyos . EPITH. 'A^Oo- opos, evrpo)(8$ t evrpoY/*A#s, evrrdy^s, KaXrj, evTroirjroSj reYpdvvicAos. 'Ayuaj7p?7s, cos, 6 et ^, adj. [plaustralis,] fit for a waggon to pass. TletOov, Xl- irovara TOV& apatypr) Opovov. Agam. 1021. SYN. 'A/zataZos, d/*at7ros, dp/ud- reids. 'Apafts, t%os t ^, subst. [plostellum,] a small waggon. See the preceding word. "Or' eTrjomyuTj*' aot Alaffiots d/-tatci. Nub. 863. ros, ov, ^, sc. dbos, subst. [via publica,] a carriage-road, a highway. ^v blKpdrov els apaj-fTtiv. Eur. Electr. 775. SYN. 'Obos, dyvia, ^ds, o et ft, adj. [plaustrum complens,] that which will fill a waggon, very large. 'ApatdirXrjOij, ycla' eVaXj-ew*' dTro. Phoen. 1175. y, ov, 6, subst. [plaustrorum faber,]a cartwright. Oi/^ot, <7v S'ouScy e^ v Xeyets ; Equit. 4^4. , as, 7^, subst. [aquaeductus, fons,] a channel, a ditch, a stream. 'Hi/re Kprit>a~tai, d/zdpat ir\iiQovro portal. A poll. 3. 1391. SYN. 'AXo^, O^TOS, Tropos. Ayuaprdw, potius d/uaprdi'aj, f. djuaprr/<' ate/. . 155. SYN. ' aXaivu, aXadfjtalL, d0d^aprdw, c^d/japrd^w, dae/3e irXaratifiat, a, O.TUS, TO, subst. [peccatum, error,] an error, a mistake, sin, a crime. 'A/xapH^drn orcped. Antig. 12^4. (Dochm. dim. cat.) Apaprta, as, if, subst. [culpa, delictum,] a fault, a crime. E<$ o et V adj. [stulte loquens,] talking foolishly. Aid*' d/*crpro- eires, fiovyutt, troiov eetires. N. 824. /iaprupf/rd's, oi/, 6 et '/, adj. [testibus carens,] unwitnessed to. 'Ovfjios 6' d^iop- rvpr\Tvs evxXtfs iroals. Here. F. 290. , 77$, ^f, subst. [peccatum,] a sin. ETeV d/iaprwXai yap Zv avdpuiroiolv Theog. 327 SYN. 'AXtr^d, d/xaprr?^d, apaprla. >;, >V> t djudpyy//d, dr<5s, ro, subst. [fulgor, splendor,] glare, splen- dor, brilliancy, brightness, 'fts 5' ore bivrjdwaiv air' 6(j>6aXfjttiv apapvyai. Horn. Merc. 45. See also Theocr. 23. 7. SYN. Avyj), aeXds, Xafjnrporrjs, ayXala, 'AjjiapvyKd&r}s t ov, 6, [a patronymic,] the son of Amaryucus. w Ev0' ' Aiwped ftoTpd irebrjaZ. A. 517. 'Afjiapvffffw, v. [fulgeo,] to shine bright, to blaze. earTreo-fys KfyaXyalv v/r' 6pval ?rvp apapvcrore. Theog. 827 SYN. 'AyXd'/5o/wai, avyew, aiyac?w, 6tavya- ^w, yav&a), papfjiaipb), ; Hipp. 818. SYN. 'A7ru;uavp<5w, ctydy/cfo, <7/corta;, U, airoKaXvirTW, d7rdXe/0w, tirtcrKla.^, c?o^<5a>, \vvti), , poet. 'A/mxeros, efA/mxos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui non pugnat ; fre- quentius, invictus, cui resist! non potest,] who docs not right ; invincible, irre- sistible. 'A/udx>ov eJu-aj/ vdros opori/Trov. Sept. Til. 85. See also Rlies. 453. SYN. 'ATrroXeyuds, avavbp8s t bvfffjid'xrjTds, dydXwros, apprjurds, dd/uaoros, d?rop- , adv. [absque pugna,] witliout fighting. 'Apayrw>> erepw rd /z/ , aiK d/m^rL 0. 43?. SYN. 'Ajudxe<, ap&%ws, aKdvirl. dw, J f. // : imo, d)/d/3X^S)?v, [crebris gemitibus, cum singultu.] 'AfjifiMfiriv ydtitacra, fitra Tpueffotv eeurev. X. 475. 'Ayu/3Xvs, eld, i), adj. [obtusus, hebes,] blunted, dull. Nur 6' apfiXvs el^ f KCLL KurripTVKws *:d a^Xwiroy ira^ovaiv. Eumen. 953. SYN. 'Afjiavpds, , contr. poet, pro avafidXabrjv, adv. [" per intervalla, diversis vicibus." Damm.q. v.] at intervals. 'Abela ye fiev ajufloXabav. Nem. 10. 6l. AfifldXrj, pro avafldXr), q. v. KXawr dp' fi^/et rwi^Se KOVK e* u^i/3dXd$. Hcracl. 271. A/^oXtepyfo, ov, 6, Ionic. etpo<3t. pro dvd/3^X., adj. [dilator operis,] a man who is dilatory in his work. Ater 6' ttiufioXtepyds avr)p, arrjal naXalei. Hes. Op. 41 1. SYN. 'Padvjjios, oKt>r)pos, a-yoXcuos, fteXXr/r^s. rj, Ion. pro di d/3dX^, /s, i. q. avafidXi], r/, subst. [dilatio,] delay^ ' yap Key atyavpdrepr). Apoll. 3. 144. SYN. Bpd^Cr^s, rpr/3^, biaTp {.teXXtjcrls, 'Aju/3pdcrm, as, /, subst. [ambrosia,] the supposed food of^the gods. ToZ, pro afipvret,), et apppdrw, V. [aberro,]jo miss. "Hyu/3pdrl$, oi/S' erii- Xs* arup ov /i^v o-0atf y' (5'/'w. E. 287- SYN. 'Ayuoprdya;, aTrdrvy "Apppdrds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [immortalis, purus,] immortal, pure. ovs ILjXJ/* 0oi Sdadi/ayXdd 5<5pd. O. 381. SYN. See 'ApflpMWs, 1 Dr. Maltby, with his usual sagacity, has investigated the quantity of the first syllable of &/j.d(0. He says that in the active voice, and in the derivatives bwritp, and fy^ros, the alpha is long in Homer and Hesiod ; in the middle voice, as also in ^ro/xVa, Kar^ffaro and 5eXXev. B. 420. SYN. "Afyddvos, dfurpos, affireros, jueyus, 7roXvs,d'dpi9/*os. 'AfjLeiftdfjLaif v. [remuneror, alterno, respondeo,] to exchange, to alternate, to answer. To> fr ffptdfitr 1 eiretrd ava avbp&v 'Ayd^ieyuvwv. A. 172. SYN. 'Airafjielfidfjiai, dj>rd/4e//3o/^at, diri'^wvew, dvravSdw, vtroKptrdfjai, 'A/i//3w, v. [commute,] to give in exchange. *Os vrpos TvSe/S rev^e' df.iij3e. Z. 235. SYN. 'AXXd, eaXXdrrw, eTraXXdrrw dvraXXdrrw. , et d/ielXl'xof, ov > e * /, adj. [implacabilis,] implacable. dfjieiXtKTOv 6' OTT' ducove. $. 98. See ft. 734. SYN. ris, avfipepos, di'/Xew?, dveXt/'/^uwv, dyeTrteeKJ/s, aqbrfs, aff-peirTos, , aTrrjyrjs, airapatTtiTds, bvffircipairr]Tds, a.7rapcifj.v6ds, ayrwfjiwv, drepd/zwv, drey^Tos, depTepos, 7rpd(f)epeffTpds, Xwtrc^os, apeiwr, apeturepos, Xanwv. 'ApeipUf v. cum gen. [privo aliquem portione,] to rob any one of his share. , yovewv, /Biov TreTrptoftevdv. Pytl). 6. 26. SYN. 'A/i^pSo), d7rd^e/pw, a;, roffi{t), r?;rdw, arepew, op0dj//c?w, d^atpew. , v. [mulgeo,] to milk. FlXa^ 6i)o, ras XoiTras bibvfjia.TOKa.s aiyds dyueX- yw. Theocr. 5. 85. 'A/itXta, as, poet, pro djueXetd, ^, subst. [incuria,] carelessness, negligence. 'AXX' apeXfy Sos avrd, k'ai QavXws epe. Iph. A. 850. SYN. 'AjueXeid, Xet^i, afypovTtffia, K'dra0pov7/(Tis, oXtywpia, p^0v/uta, a.pyia,a.Kr)bla. t Ape\U), v. [uon euro, negligo,] to disregard, to neglect. 'AXX' Trep, ov afjeXr)(Ti> Zratpov. N. 419 SYN. 'A0p/e?w, a^povrtar bovvat rt. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non curandus,] not deserving of attention. Kcu TroXX' dfjieXrjTd /^eXet. Theogn. 422. , ov, et d^ue^0r)s, eds, 6 et ?/, adj. [inculpatus, innocuus,] unblamed, innocent. ^vfApapTvpriaeis, ws djue/UTrrds ^v yvvi]. Iph. A. 1158. SYN. "A/uw- dyuv/xwy, avalrlos, d/3Xd/3r)s, d>fd>cds, avEirtydovos, ai//oyos, Kadapos. adv. [culpaa expers,] without blame or censure. Kdyu' evTrXoiq. /jLe^iTTMS. Philoct. 1465. as, ^, subst. [reprehensionis immunitas,] exemption from reproof. OWK djue^ta 0?Xots. Sept.Th. 903. SYN. "A/3Xd/3?a. 'Apevrivos, j), o/, et 'ApZvrjs, cos, adj. [sine robore et viribus,debilis,] deprived of strength, feeble, unsubstantial. IloXXd 5e yovvovaOat vtKinav a^evriva K&prjva. if. 521. See also Eur. Suppl. 1116. SYN. 'AffOcy^s, apavpds, e^irrjXds, vw- 6pos f vw^eXj/s, Xe?rros, judratos, povbos. 'Afj.evr)vd(D, v. [imbecillum vel irritum reddo,] to render weak, or useless. 'Ey- yvder 6p^t7/0e/s' ajueriivwffev be ot al^i\v. N. 562. SYN. , f. tw, p. *cd, v. [exsugo, destringo, decerpo,] to extract, to take off; to squeeze out, to pluck oft*. Xept Kapirov d^epwv. Here. F. 396. SYN. , ov, 6 et /, adj. [curarum expers,] devoid of care, unattended to. KeT^ot 5' afjteptfjtvus ovrws. Aj. Fl. 1207- SYN. ^A^poVnoros. A^erpr/ros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [immensus, immodicus,] immeasurable, immense, boundless. "HXdojjiev, dXX' er' orriffdev dyuerpT/ros Troyos eorat. ^F. 249. SYN. "Ayuerpos, afjieyaproSf aTrX^oros, aireX^eOpos. A^erpoeTrjys, cos, 6 et ^, adj. [sine modo loquax,] incessantly babbling. 0fp- o-/r?;s 6' ert /uovi/os d/uerpo7r^s eKoXya. B. 212. SYN. 'ASoX^x^s, QXvap^s. A/ievw, v. [transeo,] to pass over, i. e. metaph. to vanquish, to surpass. Ma- *pd teptyais apwfftoff dmoi/f. Pytb. 1. 86. SYN. see ' AMEY AMIS 53 'A/iev. i. 295. SYN. ' dTropin, dnoprifjia. A^u^d'ds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [inops consilii, invictus, difficilis,] devoid of con- trivance, senseless, unfounded, difficult. Nvv 6' av TOVTO fi avwyas a^ycLvdv dXXo TeXeffffdt. H. 26. SYN. Kafco/j^dvos, aj3ov\os, abvvaTos, dnopos, aba- /uaoros, drey/cros, aTrXovs. , adv. [nullo modo,] by no means, in perplexity. 'E7ri adj. [commercium fugiens,] inhospitable. "E/3af7dj', efiaadv dpiKTov. Iph. T. 403. SYN. 'Acotvw^rds, aTrXaros. "A//tXXd, T/.V, j?, subst. [certamen,] a contest, struggle, conflict. effw TreXdfftt) bid aapkds d^tXXai'. Hel. 355. SYN. 'Aywr, airovbf), (ftl EPITH. ^tXoTrXwuros, ptpap/utdTos, oh>O7rXdvr)Tos . 'AjuiXXdopat, v. [certo, asmulor,] to contend. Tw ^uey bixaiy rovb' Xoyov. Hec. 271. SYN. Atd/xtXXdojuai, dywWcJd/uai, fTrdywve'io/^ot t, lax^piSopai, buffx^pi^ofjiai, epibairta, epi<*>, renew. d, drds, TO, subst. [certatio,] a contest, a struggle. MfctipfiN* yd/uwv aB'. Soph. El. 493. SYN. 'Ayom^d, dyw^, a^Xos. ptXXriTrip, fjpos, 6, subst. [certator,] a contender, a wrestler. Tpo X ovs Xrjrfipds 'HXtov reXwt/. Antig. 1065. A/UTTTTOS, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [equo par celeritate,] fleet as a horse. Bcfptus 6p6dbd7ros VTT^P Trdyov. Antig. 95. SYN. Td x i>s. A/us, <5os, ^, subst. [matula, navigium,] a chamber-pot, a skiff. A^rptd , efr yrrjffev dpib', eyw Se Trpos rouroi' fiXeirwv. Ran. 543. * Ajuiadi, adv. [gratis,] gratuitously, with impunity. OvKovy d/pevt*>i>. Orest. 210. , subst. [oblivio,] forgetfulness. Ila/Sw*' afjiv^jjidavvay. lon^ 1 100. SY N. Ariffpdffvvr), XriOrj, Xijddffvvr), \rjffris. 'AjjivriiJLwv, drtis, 6 et ^, adj. [i mm em or,] unmindful. 'Arfi^ds ov fiopeqv ap.vrj- fjofd KaXXlTrZ vvntyrjs. Mus. 322. SYN. 'Ayvw/iwv, X^ff/uwv, Xd0r^pwy. 'A/jivr)ffTE<*>, f. ^, p. i;vd, v. [obliviscor, immemor sum,] to forget, to be un- mindful of. Oi> yap irtir a^vaorci y ft Qvaas. Soph. El. 484. SYN. 'EfcrXav- Odroyuat, a^vijjudyedt. ApvYioTos, ov, 6 et ^. adj. [oblivione deletus,] forgotten, erased from the me- mory. "Apvaaroi 5e, rd TroXXd Kal oX/3fd rfji'd \ltcovTls. Tiieocr. 16. 42. Ayuvid^, ov, ro, subst. [vas ad excipiendum sanguinem in sacrifices respersum,] a vessel for receiving the blood shed in sacrifice. Hepcrevs 6' d/mov elx' yepwy 6' tTTTriyXdrd Necrrwp. y. 444. SYN. 2, atyayeiov. Anviaos, ef'Apviaads, ov, //, P. N. [Amnisus,] a port of Gnossus in Crete. 5' cv 'A/LtrtajJ, t>Ql re aireos ElXeidvitjs. r. 188. 'ApvdK&v, ovvTtis, 6, adj. [agninam men tern habens, fatuus,] stupid. Kat 7re7s ye, ral^ irdXir&v offris early aproKtiv. Eq. 26*4. SYN. Evrjdrjs, avjs 9 /oj. , oy, 6, subst. [agnus,] a lamb. 2 "ftp^os- uXX' dyf, Kal TV rov evfiorov epeibe. Theocr. 5. 24. SYN. 'Apj^v, gen. bpvos, Trpofiaridv. EPITH. adv. [sine labore,] without labor, without difficulty. HXeZoV Neorwp 6' 6 yeptvv dpdyrjTt detpey. A. 636. SYN. ^Apo^d , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [indefessus,] unwearied. Kaprepoxe/p, epKos 'OXvyUTrov. Hymn. Mart. 3. SYN.^A^^s, aicdjudrds. adv. [aliqua ex parte,] in some degree. T&v dfjidOev ye Ota. a. 10. 'Ajuot/3a7os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [alternus, mutuus,] alternate. 'A^tot/3a/j; Apoll. 3. 83. 1 0ea is here scanned as one long syllable. 2 'A/j.vbs is a term not found in the Tragedians, Homer, or IJesiod, AMOI AMI1E 55 'Apoipri, ijs, >^, subst. [permutatio, vicissitudo, compensatio,] change, exchange. Oms dpoi^s e 'laaSvos Kvpel. Med. 23. SYN/A^uei^s, avTapeidts, ( Xaypd, eTraXXdy?), e7rciXXais, K0ivwaa, irdparfjoTrr), ptT&fitiXfa avTlbools, Swpea, avTevepyenjpd. 'Apotfiribts, adv. [vicissim, alternatim,] by turns, alternately. Tolaty fjiffffof dpoi(3r}bls 6' iKa5o>. 2. 506. SYN. 'EvaXXr, ?raXX^Xws. 'Apoipos, 17, ov, adj. [mutuus,] succedaneous. Ot p' e 'A<7Kd)'t??s eptfi %\6ov apoifioi. N! 793. SYN.'A//oi/3a?os. "Apoipds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [expers, non particeps,] deprived, bereft, having no share. Ov rw^w fyavTaaparos ?//^ev auotpor. Theocr. 2 1 . 30. 'AyuoXyoTos, a, oi/, adj. [lacteus, qui mulgetur,] milky, which is milked. Mac?a r* djuo\ynlrj } ydXcl r' cuywv ffftevvv^EvaMV. Hes. Op. 588. SYN. vs, ews, 6, subst. [mulctra,] a milk-pail. Aris l/7rep *ce0dXds aiet rov d TrXrjpol. Theocr. 8. 87* SYN. Fai/Xos, Tr^XXa. 'A//oXyos, ov, 6, subst. [tempus quo mulgetur, vespera, nox extrema,] rnilking- time, the evening. 'Ev VVKTOS apoXyf. A. 173. SYN. 'EcrTrepa. HO^OS, ov, 6 et //, adj. [inculpatus,] unblamed, blameless. "Opus S' apopQtiv OVTO. *r aipovfjiai TroXet. Bum. 478. SYN."Ajueyu7rros, d)ueju0/^. w, o'os, 6, P. N. [Amopaon,] Kat ricJXvat^oj'tS^v 'AyudTraom icai McXdv- . 0. 276. , abds, rj, subst. [pedissequa,] a female attendant. Tj/6' apa vj^ai eirovrai anopfla&es at fj.ev CTT' avrijs. Apoll. 3. 880. , ov, by subst. [comes, assecla, bubulcus,] an attendant, a herdsman. Ovydrepas Arjrwibi 7re/u7re>' ajjopfiovs. Call. 3. 45. SYN. 'AKo\ov6os, , t5os, /, subst. [vestimentum purpurei coloris,] a purple robe. TdXcuv' eyw, TaXatra rf]S apopyibos. Lysist. 736. SYN. "Y0aff)ud, %ITWV, effdrjs, Aaptis* "Afjidpos, et a/z^opos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. idem quod "Afioipds, [expers, non particeps, calamitosus,] having no share, bereft, unfortunate. Iret'^w, 5to- atr^/zwv. "Apopyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [deformis,] deformed, disfigured. AvaxXatriats dpop- 0os, oppdrwv V CL7T8. Hec. 240. SYN. Av)p dpdros' paKpfjv be Trap' lvvrffiv eXt^ev. Theocr. 25. 242. SYN. l JUtytttrr*t, aTrX^erros. , as, ^, subst. [illiteratabarbaries,] want of refinement, rusticity. 'A/Mto- roi prjb' eV oiKrpo'ifftv bfapv. Eur. fr. Antiop. 40. 89- ^S, ov, 6 et v> aclj. [musis non initiatus, indoctus, ^tnstis,] illiterate, mournful. 'ApovadraraiffV ovv d)ba~ts. Phcen. 820. SYN. 'A*8povffds, dpuOns, avaibcvrtitj aKop^os, arjbrjs. Apo X fo, et dpo X Oel } adv. [sine labore, facile,] without exertion, easily. ( dpo\Qi Kelffe vuv iiyfjaerai. Bacch. 194. Apo X Gd s , ov, b et $, adj. [labore carens, iners,] devoid of, or free from, labor ; inactive, idle. 'AXX' 'i } bom1s dpo X 03v ^alpec pWr. Trach. 147- aiTr( t )pos ) a.py8s,onv^pos. 'Apneblfipris, eos, o et ft, adj. [campestris,] meadowy. Pers. 572. See Dr. Blomfield's excellent note on this passage. ^ 'A/*reXays, pro dm 7reXyds ; [per inare,] along the sea.- f fts ^p^r *jUW> 66 AMFIE AMY0 TrovXvv xpoi'ov, Hes. Theog. 190. 'A/uTreXewy, wj'os, 6, poet, pro d/i7reXw>>, subst. [vinetu'ii, vinea,] a vineyard, a grapery. "H pd kV apneXewi'ds d-rro eraO/nun' TtrdvvffTO. Theocr. 25. 155. SYN. 'AXwa, olvoTrtbov. EPITH. TloXvfiorpvs, avaxios, ndruffKios. PHR. Tfj Tos, dyuTreXo^vros, irebov djUTreXoeV. toV, ou, ro, subst. [viticula, vinea,] a little vine. Kd^uoi ydp iarlv dyuTre- Xm KeKonnHva. Acharn. 511. 'A/*7reXis, tos, ?/, subst. [vilis,] a vine. Ilpwrd /ueV dv, d/iTreXtSos opyov eXdoxu . Acharn. 1014. oets, e, adj. [vitifer,] fertile in vines. "H5/7 /cat 4>pi)ytr7v iaii\vQ6v dr. F. 1 84. 'A//7reXoepyds, et contract. afixeXovpyos, ov r subst. [vinitor,] a vine-dresser. TjOi)ya7ds 'Audreys, dyuTTtAovpyos Se^ios. Pax 189- os, ov, ^, subst. [vitis,] a vine. Ou ^vroi-, cv cri/fcr^, ovc upireXos, ov fjiev ir). w. 245. SYN. Otv7, d/XTrtXtoiv. EPITH. "Ayptds, avdXe/), a eicif r/^vrrords, I/^epoe. Theocr. 27- 59- See also Theocr. 15. 21. SYN. ' A^teaud, eavos, el/id, !<70?7/jd, evdrjals, evQiis, , 7repi/3Xr/yud, 6otfjidTl6t>, 7Tpi/3dX?), ipdrloi', oroX?), aroXfios, ardXtffftd, , irf.TT\ov t ed>ajuyud, eXv^id, eXt/fJos, ffKe-rraffjjdj ^XavUs^ , f. apfyefa, v. [circuindo, induo,] 1o throw round, to clothe, to put on. Ad/3ov(rd TreTrXofs 7rotfctXoi/s r/fiTreo-^ero. Med. 1156. SYN. 'ErSwa;, TrcptSvw, ap^levrvfjCit 7rept/3aXXw, TreptorfXXw, Trepiri^T/yUt, Treptcw^w/it. 'A/u7r>'w, et ajuirveio), d/iTr^vw, &fjLirnpi t pro 'ArctTrvew, etc. v. [respiro,] to respire, to breathe. 'A.p7rvevaai' iravrri be KaKov KUKU) earr/piKTo. TT. 111. See also ApolL 3. 331. X. 223. et 475. "A/i7T>ev/ud, pro dt'CLTrt'evfjid, tiros, ro, et dftTrrod, as, pro di OLTTVO^, ijs ?/, subst. [respiratio,] respiration, breathing. "Af(7rveu/^d aepvdv 'AX^eoi). Nem. 1. 1. See also Olymp. 8. 9. "Ajjurdvov, pro dvd TTOVOV, [inter certamen,] through the contest. 'Us etirwi', d /uei/ aitTts efir] Beds apTrui'ov arbpwv. FT. 726. 'A/*7rpe7T?/s, pro d^a7rp7r>)s, eos, 6 et r^, adj. [consentaneus,] suitable, adapted to. 'ir/Xe/zotatr d/uTrpeTrf/. Suppl. 120. SYN. Ev7rpe7r))s, tuo-fytos, 6ta7rpe7rr/s. 'A/i7rrdXte0pd^ pro drd irTdXudpov. Vid. IIroXt0pdV. rjpid- (jidXdpd, pro djUTri/Kr^pes, [funiculi aurati quibus comae in equorum frontibus religantur, Hederic.] a bandage for a horse's mane. Ddcrd c')' op/^d- ra< tear' dfi- | irvKTi'iptd (f>dXdpd 7T(uXwv. CE. C. 1068. "AyuTrv^, ikos, et a^nrvKrrjp, rjpos, idem quod dft7rv>cr?/ptos, o, subst. [reticu- lum muliebre, rota,] net-work. "AftTrvicd, *cefcpv^>dXov r', ?/>t TrXefcrj/v drdbea^rjt'. X. 469. SYN. Kp>y^juj/6>, ^eKpvfydXos, Tdtvia, rpo^os. PHR." Avbepd /itrpos. "A/i7rwrts, ews et tos, 17, subst. [reciprocatio, aestus mariui,] tlie ebb and flow of the tide. Ai\dXeV dfwwrtv ex w)/ > atw^rof eppetv. Call. 4. 130. SYN. ?rX?/fi- ftvpd, flpao/jos, , dXX' d/uuSts KtKXr/o-Kero Trdn-ds dplarovs. K. 300. SYN. 'Ojuov, df/d, onoQZv. 'A/^iyfwv, wvos, 6, P. N. [Amydon,] a city of Paeonia in Macedonia, afterwards jcalled Abydon. "Hydyej/ e^ 'Afu/5w*'os UTT' 'A^tou ei/pv peo>/rds. II. 288. J A/xi>0dw', aoids, o, P. N. [Amythaon,] the son of Cretheus and Tyro. r', ?/$ $epr/r', 'A&Odam 0' iiriritiariv. X. 258. AMVK AMfcA 57 ov, 6, P. N. [Amycus,] BdXXtrd 5' aKTiveaolv cnrar 'Auvwt& TrpdvuTrov Tlieocr. 22. 86. 'Af.ivXus, ov, o et //, adj. [sub raola haucl missus,] unground corn or bread. '' 7re/ >/> P. N. [Amymome,] the daughter of Danaus and Europa. "H , * s 'Af* v tJ&W oiae re rav Aamw. Call. 5. 48. EPITH. Adieus, pobobaKrvXds. ', 6Vos, 6, adj. [inculpatus, egregius,] blameless, illustrious. Zeus yap eavov fier' dfjivjuords AWidTrfjds. A. 423. SYN. 'AjueyuTrrds, aiverds, ev- K\e)}s, avbpeHos, 'Ap.vp.wiws, a, 6V, adj. [Amymonius,] belonging to Amymone. 'Auvuwvlois. Ph(KQ. 195. (Dochm. dim.) 'A/iwa, Dor. pro dpvvri, rjs, >/, subst. [injuriae propulsatio, ops, auxilium,] a a repelling of injuries, self-defence. To i(f>os apflfiaXov ^ irpos <}>6i'ov y a\\' es anvvav. Phoc. 29. SYN. TijuwjOicr, (ipKEffls, extffrpdQfi. "Ajuu^ms, ov, 6, adj. [viudictas appetens,] vindictive, revengeful. Ev0fa r]i/ afivvias. Equit. 5^9* 'Ayuvj/rtos, a, 6>, adj. [repellendus,] must be repelled or resisted. 'A\\' d//i/v- Ttov TO Trpa.yfj.\ oaris y evopyos eTdpibai, wv, oi, P. N. [Amyntoridae.] To 6' 'Ayuvrro/>t6at MaTpodev. Olymp. 7. 42. 'A//I//TWJO, opds, 6, P. N. [Amyntor,] a king of Argos and father of Phoenix. fyevyeiv ve/fccd TraTpos'AjjLvvrdpds 'Op/xe^ioao. I. 448. 'AjuiVrwjo, Ojods, et aftvvTtjp, fjpos, 6, subst. [auxiliator, ultor,] a defender, an avenger. 'Ap/cecret, ?}e nv' ciXXov ajjivvrdpa peppr)pifa. IT. 26 1. SYN. ' U^W, f. vfai, et afjLvvaQu, v. [arceo, auxilior, ulciscor,] to repel, to assist, to ge. Tlpoo-o-w Tras Trtrtrat, /cat ajjivvei olert reve, r/w, rtjuwptw, jutrep^o/zai. uj, f. >, v. [scalpo,] to scratch. 'A/^' ovrw ^iyyue^, Xty' ciuvtrcre. T. 284. SYN. Atd^tvo-aw, aivt), blo^ai, dfivari. Anac. 21. 'AfjLvtFTlZu, f. t0' e/>tov rrpos (rra^yuoj/ eyw Se pv d^dyaTra^oK. . 381. SYN. 'AyuTrdw, (piXotypoveio. 'A^(/>dye/po/zat, v. [circa aliquem conregor,] to assemble round. Kwvu r' dp' eiretra' Osal be plv uptyayepovTO. 5). 37. SYN.^A0(JO/5oaat, dye/po/iat. 'A/u(j)abir)i>, et aju^dSoi/, adv. [palam,] openly. Tw pd :ai a^cibi^v pet> dXe- ttHevai dXeetvt. N. 356. SYN. 'A/u^d5td, dm^a^d, Trpotyavws, (paveptis, bf)- Xws. 'A//^d5ios, a, d', et apfabds, rj, ov, adj. [manifestus,] plain, clear, open. 'Av- dpddt>epfc, aplbr)\us, , see d, as, ^, adj. sc. x^pa. The country of Amphane, a Doric city. ^xa, as, , a. sc. xpa. , Toots wXeorer, 'AfjK[>avaias. Here. F. 390. 'Aju/, poet, pro udfjla, subst. [loqiiencli impotentia,] inability to speak. A)v be ply ap^dali] tTrewv Xd/3t ro) ct 6t ooal. P. 695. SYN."C7r\7j- , idem quod 'Aptydpdfito), q. V. 'H5e *cai e/c T0wwi>' Ko/uv0es 6' apfy' aver dvrevv. M. l60. 'Apbatyau, v. [tracto, contrecto,] to touch, to handle. Xelpecit' apfyatyowvTo, Kat ofdaXpolalv opuvro. o. 46l. SYN. Y^Xd^dw, tTrt^jjXd^dw, aVretytaj, e/, adj. [circumdatus,] surrounded, bound round. "A- fjufreXiKTos tXts:' efypovpei. Here. F. 399- et d^u0i7rw, v. [circa aliquid versor, tracto, euro,] to be employed or engaged about. Bovr 6' ItpevaavTts /ueyd^, ct^^fTrov* at e -yi/valjcfs. 2. 559 See also H. 804. SYN. ITtpiETrw, depa-rrevu), ^uerd^etpt'^dyuat, iyxeipiZofJLat, tvep- yew, 6taKovew, KaTevOuvw, inrrjptTtb). A/^ewyw, pro di'd^evyw, v. [vito,] to escape. Tldpd ' oXtyo*' djUTre^vyes. Iph. T. 871- SYN. 'A7r6^>euyai, eKK\iva), v^rooreXXw, d7roi(Sf>a<7ii:w. , Z6s, adj. [utrimque acutus,] two-edged. Ai5 ^o& a/jLfrjKes' o & dpa yalrj. $. 118. SYN. 'A/j^toTo^uds, d/^^tyvos, dy , eds, adj. [undique tectus,] covered on all sides. To' T (paper pr\v. A. 45. , eos, acJj. [utrimque remis appulsus,] rowed on both sides. zvQvvov anfyiipes bopi). Cycl. 15. Tos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [controvcrsus, dubius,] disputed, contended for. Kat i/i) Key T) TrdpeXao-o 1 ', ?} aptytipicrTov ZdrjKS. ^. 382. SYN. 'A^t^)tr/ptros, a/i- prep, [circum, propter,] around, about, concerning. ayvtffOe'is fyovu). Ipli. T. 71 1. SYN. Hep, ?rpds, Kara. os, cu, 6, P. N. [Amphiaius,] the son of Polyneus. "AX/m-i 5' ' Trpo^epeordros >/V. 0. 128. os, ov, o et >/, adj. |^a mari undique cinctus,] sea-girt. "O)v 6' f.\l\^dp.f.vos Trrepvyos y'iai'. B. 31 6. SYN. 'A/^^dpd/3ew, dyu0t/5odw. , v. [sto super, circumeo, tueor,] to walk about, to protect. *Os a/jL(f)ll3ej3r)Kas. A. 37- SYN. Ilejui/3a/i'w, TreplirdXtb), typacrcrd), pvofjiat. , f. /3dXa>, p. pefiXrjKa, v. [(1) circumjicio, (2) med. induo,] (1) to throw round, (2) to put on. np6(7ei^dv d^0t/3aXXe /m-arov. Phoen. 314. SYN. 'A/UTrt^j TTfpirWtipi, aoTractijuat, dfre^oyuat, ap^levvv^ai. A^^t/3dcrts, ewy, >/, subst. [(l) circumventio, (2) defensio, (3) lis. Vid. Damm.] (1) the being surrounded, (2) protection, '(3) quarrel. Ae7/, adj. [in terra et in aqua vivens,] amphibious. ' ,ydp eb(t)K 'jrd^. Call. 4. 303. SYN. EvKXtrjs, T , ayaKXvrds, jrucXi/ros, dyaoros. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [eircumjectus,] thrown round, encompassing. o' ap(j)l/3oXots Xii'oial. Troad. 540. ds, ov, o et ?/, adj. [consilii incertus,] uncertain in counsel, wavering. 'fls uyu0t/3ovXds oJad 6v^oi>(jQai iroXet, Kum, 736. 59 y A/Jperds a/jtyiyi- yrjOvs. Horn. Ap. 2/3. 'Ap/, adj. [superne et inferne ferrum habens, robustus,] having iron at both ends; strong, robust. 'A/u^tyitoi Kdrepar irpo yd rives. Trach. 504. EXP. 'AvriTrdXos, TTUVTT] layvpos, >} f^d^ecro^evoi \faal lt*, v. [circum accendo,] to kindle around, to blaze about. "Aarv rob' a/j.(fjtbebrie' av b' av pa-%ti.boKevtr. Bion. 2. 6. SYN. Kdrao-K-o^tw. 'An8s t ov, 6 et rj, adj. [undique lacerntus,] tearing both cheeks for sorrow. Tov be KQI a/nfylbpvtprjs dXd^os QtiXaxr) eXeXenrro. B. 700. SYN. 'Effirdpaypevos. 'Afifltofjidt. ov, 6 et fi, adj. [qui undique accedi potest,] having an entrance on both sides. 'Apfobvfioi' JceTrrac 6' vnep vbdros Alat'}iroi6. Apoll. 1 . ^40. , f.m.vadjuai, v. [induo,] to put on, to clothe. KeiVov Trdpotdev ^pol. Trach. 604. 77, ov, adj. [qui utrimque remis impellitur,] rowed on both sides. Mrjbe ea vijas dXdb' eXKe^ev apte\ifftt\(ffff 9 vel apfeXtffffw, v. [circumplico,] to f'ld round. AafkffQt pot Tfjffb' aftQeXtfai'TCS X*P &S ' Alldrom. 42(5. SYN. UepwXeKw, apftiiveu, apft- (vel A^teyyvw), f. a^lemo, v. [induo,] to put round, to put on, to clothe. Ilpwrd pev ovv \ovaavro Kal afityieffavro yi*. T. 142. SYN. , Treplbvb), TrepifiaXXw, KepiareXXu). f , idem quod d/^evrw, q. v. "Hs oi y tpQBhro* rdfov bKTdpds tTnrdoc . ft. 804. avw, v. [adhsereo,] to cling to. Ne/crdpew be x l rl ^ Xatv d fr^ . 2. 25. SYN. Ilptcd0//uat, Trpaffdvex 1 "* ovva-! t GO AMI AM fjiei-^as. Pers. 135. , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [bimaris,] having a sea on each side, surrounded ! by the sea. SreXXeV es a^WdXacrffov. Olymp. 7- 59. SYN. 'AuptdXos. 'Ap edrfKe. T". 270. SYN. 'Afj(f>iKV7te\Xds. , f. devffopat, v. [circurncurro,] to run about. "lo-^ov^', d\\' a eovol. K. 413. SYN. tlepfrpexd) , 6oa Qfyei. Antig. 1308. oj, v. [undique assulto,] to jump about, to spring on. Acr/rijv* ol Bool Kvvts, anWdp6vT6s. Apoll. 3. 1372. , ov, o et >/, adj. [undique concretus,] coagulated. 'Ear yap ayu^t- fjLa TWV efjiutv. Trach. 572. SYN. rieTDjyws. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [binas fores habens,] having two gates. QIKOV pet* dpys ror5' afujtWvpov. Philoct. 159- juQiKaXvTTTw, v. [circumtego,] to envelope, to surround. Ylvpaov & a/i^e(,d- \v(j)Qr}. Here. F. 36*0. SYN. ni/JtoreXXw, KaXvirno, ortyti^w, Karaareya^w. A^0t/Cfa5w, v. [circumscindo, excortico,] to cleave into two parts. IIuKrovs Kat Ocifjiecis, TO /ueXav Spuds tifjttylKtacraas. . 12. SYN. i, v. [jaceo,] to lie about, to border on. Tomur' err' aXX?/Xotfftj/ t. OE. C. 1620. riwv, 6vos, 6 et >/, adj. [undique columnis oruatus,] decorated around by columns. "KKQVTTTUI> avTov, ourls uptyiKidvas. Antig. 285. fj.^K\vards, ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui undique alluitur,] waslied, sea-beaten on all sides. 'Aurri ris n^iniKvoTos Eu/3o/as a.Kpov. Trach. 754. , ov, 6 et r), adj. [bene frondosus,] densely covered with hair, leafy. utyiKo/jy Karufv-e/^tros. P. 677- SYN. EVKOJUOS, ^atrrfeis. , oi/, 6 et //, adj. [utrimque habens capita,] double-headed, many- headed. Tr'iv r' ufji(fn\-p(ivoj' teat 7rd\ifj(3\a(TTfi Kvrd. Here. F. 12?4. yu0ufpe/uaa>, d/j^uptju^i, a/jfy'iKptnafjiai, f. d tiptvas au^iKpluavTul eXTrtSes. Isth.2. 64. AfjL^iKprifjLvbs, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [utrimque prascipitium habens,] having a pre- cipice on each side. T Hi>' 6' ayicds &.ft$lKpiftv$v vbdffl blaflpdxoi'. Baccli. 1049. iw, v. [circumvolvo,] to roll about, to tumble over. Aa^ev vlo*' afjKplKvXicraais. Nem. 8. 40. 'Afj(f>lKV7re\\ds, ov, 6 et ), adj. [utrimque poculum habens,] double-cupped. 1 Xpvcreov be-ras afjufrlKvireXXov. Z. 220. 3 /i0tXdXos, ov, 6 et j], adj. [loquax,] talking with both lips, chattering, babbling. A>) xe/'XeaXr}t', >vTdv a^eXd^aifE. w. 241. SYN. IltptfffcaTrrw, Treplopyrrw, Trtpira^pevw. ov, 6 et *y, adj. [dubius,] controverted, doubtful. ' 1 For the meaning of this word see an excellent note in the Glossary of Blomneld's Pers. 136. 9 See Clarke's note, II. A. 584. ' Xpvffcov is here scanned as a spondee. AM$I AM$I 01 &TTOis epis. Phoen. 509. SYN. 'A/W^/3$Xto, d^iXoyos, d/i^/ptffros, evboia.- OTOS, aKpiroSf dbrjXos, QlXdvetKos. 'A//0tXoyta, as, r/, subst. [disceptatio,] doubt, dispute. Nefcca re ^evSeds 1 re Xoyovs afjKJ)i\\oylas re. Hes. Theog. 229- SYN. 'A/^t/3oXid, a^lfiaols, epts, 'A//0tXoyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [dubius, ambiguus,] equivocal, controverted, doubtful. M^ceTroV a^iXoyovs opyas. Med. 63?. , adv. [dubie, ambigue,] doubtfully, equivocally. Pers. 902. See Bl. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [utriraque cristatus,] having two plumes or crests. o/ <5vy6V. Antig. 35 1 . 'A[*(j)i\vk-os, r), 6>, adj. [sublustris, antelucanus,] dusky or grey, as applied to the night or morning. T H/ios >' our' dpd TTW r/ws, ert 5' d//0iXi;/ci/ yv. H. 433. SYN. AvKoQwSf TrZpiopdpov. PHR. NvKros oral' rptrdrov Xdj^os tardrat, eyyi;0i , vel potius ayu^>i/^do//at, 2 v. [abstergeo,] to wipe, to clean. , Kadypdre be Kp>iT?ipas. v. 152. SYN. Mafftrw, a7ro/zacri/ueXaiVas. P. 499* ju0t//j)rwo, et Dor. a^fymrwo, dpos, 6 et fi, adj. [frater ex diversa matre,] spoken of those who have different mothers, but the same father ; a half- brother. Ovb' a^lfjLCLTopas Kopovs. Androm. 46'6. SYN. 'Erepo/u^rwp, dyu^t- yoi^os. ad), v. [circummugio,] to bellow round about, to re-echo loudly. aoibiaei, bairebov b' aTrav afJi^pe^vKEV. K. 227 SYN. 'Ayu^>id)(W. eos, et a^lveiKriTos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [de quo lis est,] struggled or contended for. Tav afujnveiKfj brjiavetpav del. Trach. 105. See also Trach. 527. , v. [circum habito,] to dwell around. Oi' r' avrrjv 'iQdKriv evbeit- ovTai. r. 133. SYN. HepiotKew, jcdrotfcew. ew, v. [ambigo, cum dubitatione animadverto,] to be in doubt. 'Es repds a^lvoSi. Antig. 382. SYN. 'ATTopew, d^0tcr/3^re(u, ), i)s, r/, P. N. [Amphinome,] Ae^d/ier>; re, KCLI 'Ap^ivofj.^ Kal KaXXtd- veipd. 2. 44. jutyivofjids, ov, 6, P. N. [AmphinomilS,] OWTTW irdv eiprjQ', or' dp' 'AftQlvtipos ibe vrjd. TT. 351. ea;, v. [circum rado,] to cut round. Koppuv b' CK pi$r,s Trpdrd/xwv d/u- ^. ^. 196- SYN. Ilep^vw. , tt,'o>, adj. [Amphionius,] belonging to Amphion. Td$ ' re Xtoas VTTO irvpyos dveffra. Phoen. 838. "Afi([>l6s t ov, 6, P. N. [Amphius.] Twv ^px'"A5p;I AMa rav fyarlba rnv KXtdp/crras. Theocr. 2. 74. SYN. 'Afjnre^a), TreptoreXXw. , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [anceps, duplex,] having two edges, double, ^ftv v Kat Xd/3cts dju0ioros au^ei/ds eKTrefpvviai. A. 40. >/s, eos, 6 et /, adj. [undique terrens,] very alarming. 'H 6' it7 ^ew* 7 - Sept. Theb. 277- SYN. 'A/^nrroXfr. Tidriiui, v. [circumpono, et in med. circum me pono,] to place round ; in the middle voice, to put on. Ko/ac', 'oSvo-o-ei/, p, aptyldels t]Kr)S t afuftiffro/Jids, a^lQr\- KTOS, btTraXros. 'A^tropj/os, ov, 6 et r], adj. [undique tornatus,] wrought around with a turner's wheel, well polished. 0ea0' afjityiToprdv acrnlb"'&KTopos TreSw. Troad. 1156. 'A^trpt/iw, et dju^>trpo/iea;, v. [ab omni parte tremo,] to tremble all over. 'Afj(j)i 6' dp' afifipdaios eavbs rpe/ue' r)v be Trporl ot. $. 507. See 5. 820. 'Aju^frpexw, f. Spefa, v. [circumcurro,] to run round. ^Lvyyovoi Kovpav, aeXas 6' a^ebpajjie. Pyth. 3. 70. SYN. Ilepirpexw, Treptepxoyuat. rprjs, i]Tos t 6 et >/, adj. [ab utraque parte perforatus,] bored through. ' d^^>trpj)rds auXtou irefjnrei TTVOJ/. Phil. 19 rpiTri, T)S, r/, P. N. [Amphitrite,] (1) the daughter of Oceanus ; (2) the sea. iTas p'o%- Iph. T. 427- SYN. (2) 0d\a/, adj. [undique cristatus,] having a crest, adorned on all sides with studs; flowing all round. Kpcm 6' CTT' apylqaXov Kvvlrjv Qlro rerpd^dX^pov. E. 743. 'A//^>r V^P A "X g ywopevov Trep. T. 79. SYN. 'EyxcuVw, fTri^aivujf KaraTrivut. 'A^tx ?w > f - X e ^ w v - [circumfundo,] to pour around, to spread over b' ev7r>/oV Qdr) & fuv aiJLtyEyyT vptyh' B. 41. SYN. Ileptxew. pevw, v. [circum choreas ago,] to dance round. "OxXs vet. JEur, fr. Pirith. 1. 6. 64 AM o et *l> ac U- [ a 8g ere circumfusus,] spread, heaped around. Tel- afJKpixyTOv 'H/oaicXf/os deloio. Y. 145. , ovus, 6, P. N. [Amphion,] the son of Jupiter and Antiope, the founder of Thebes, (2) a general of the Epeans, (3) Nestor's maternal grandfather. Ka/ jo' erevev bvo 7ralb\ 'AftQiovd re Ziijdov re . A. 26l. SYN. Aioyen/s, \vpo- KTV7TOS, \lddv CLirVOOV IS CpO^iUV \K(i)V. Afttydi'di', pro dm (j>6fdv. Vid. ic. 298, et Ooi-os. Ayu00joea0djOw, v. [amphoram gesto,] to carry a cask. KuVetrd fj.tarOov OCLVTOV a/jdpeapvs vvveXev \ldos, ov&e 01 6(TXV. II. 740. , ov, 6, P. N. [Amphrysns,] a river in Thessaly. AWaXibrjs' Kal rov tit 'AfjHf>pvffo~id porjalv. Apoll. 1. 54. w, olv, [ainbo,] both. "A/70w op.&s dvpy i\eovaa re Kr^ofJievi] re. A. 196. ds, ov, 6, subst. [missile,] a weapon hurled by both hands. 9 eK\vroi r a/z0w/3o\oi. Andr. 1133. SYN/'A/cwr, aMvrlov, , ov, 6 et //, adj. [utrimque auritus, sive ansatus,] two-eared. ' Kal 6?) yuerd -^epaiv eviopa. X. 10. 'Afj.&fjtrjTds, et apwfjios, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [inculpatus, irreprehensibilis,] blameless, excellent. Boi/X^ ITovXvSd^avrds d/iw////ro(d iridovrd. M. 109. See also Theocr. 18. 25. SYN."A//ey[i7rro$, d//eyu07)$-, dfAVfjuav, VK\et)s, avbpelb's. 'Avd,(l) prep, [per, cum,] up, along, through, by, by means of, with : (2) [o rex,] O king, the vocative of dvcr : (3) [surge,] for avacrrydi, up, rise up, arise. (1) Noi/ffoj/ dva. arpaTOf Hipctf. KCLKYIV, oXeKWTo 6e Xaot. A. 10. See (2) p. 352. (3) I. 178. 'Avafialvw, f. /3//oroyuat, p. /3t/3j;:d, v. [ascendo, conscendo,] to go up, to ascend, to mount, to embark. AVTIJ irpos larov vctos d/^o-ei [for d'd/3//, v. [revivisco,] to revive. 'Avdfityrjv vvv KCL\IV. Ran. J77. SYN. 'Ava/3Xe7rw, v. [(l) oculos attollo, suspicio, (2) visum recipio, (3) intueor, con- spicio,] (1) to look up, (2) to recover the eye-sight. Apak-oiT* dra(3\irovTd 0Xdyd. Ion. 1262. SYN. 'AvdbtpKdfJiai, Kddopdk). *Ava/3X^/, subst. [dilatio,] a putting off, a delay. Tp&alv dr&fiXrjffis KCLKOV effoerai, ovb' >//3atov. B. 380. SYN. 'A'd/3oX7, dj'eats. 'AvafiXvZw, et ayu/3Xvw, v. [ebullio, exundo,] to bubble up, to boil up, to over- flow. NeTXds dvafiXvgwv bupav ore /3aXdf:d 6pvir-ei. Theocr. 17.80. SYN. BXvd?w,, dv^ftpv^w. 'A'd/3oaa, f. arw, v. [exclamo,] to cry aloud, to shout. Aeii'o*' yap' "Apyet T dvdpuq bia arofid. Orest. 103. SYN. Bodw, Kpdw, dvld^ia t , dros, TO, subst. [exclamatio, a cry, a shout. I . Choeph. 31. SYN. 'AvdftSr)ffls f KeXdbos. ^,?/, subst. [(l)dilatio, cunctalio, (2) amictus, (3) prreludium cantus,] ANAB ANAA r,.> a putting off, a delay, (2) clothing, (3) the prelude to a song. 'Ev rals ava- fidXals. Here. F. 93. SYN. 'Apri/SXjjem, //eXX^, d<<5x>}, OKVOS, (2) d^aicpowfr, 'Ai-d/3op/3opvw, f. w, v. [exclamo,] to cry out, to bawl. 'Ap/3<5p/3<5pvdp. ft. ^Novj' yap el^oy ft] Am. Eccles. 433. SYN, See 'A'd/3ddw. 'Aya/BpacJw, ai'a/3paflrl be iroffffl. X. 585. SYN. 'Apappctyew, dpap- (w, f. w, v. [vocifero,] to vociferate, to shout. 'E)u/3dXoiTs TTraTrat, ris e/u/3dXe7 ; E(juit. 602. uxw, v. [scaturio, subsilio,] to gush out with noise, to spring forth. ^0' dXts ava(3e(3pv)(V vbojp. P. 54. SYN. 'Ava/3Xuc?w, drd- , as, f/, subst. [glebarum eversio per arationem,] the action of turn- ing up the soil, ploughing. 'Am/3&;Xd/ciu$ ' 6' opyviav. Pyth. 4. 406. 'AvayyeXXw, f. fXai, v. [renuncin, nunlio,] to bring back a message or informa- tion. Adyw paffd) ffoi vavr, avayyelXai (j)l\ois. Iph. T. 7^2. SYN. AqXow, avayopevu), dTrayyeXXw, O.TT oar] pair it). 'Ardyeuw, v. [gustandum praebeo,] to give a taste. Opwrovs r/^Iwo 1 ' dmyet/o-' v/zas, } Trapevx^ V 01 - ^ub. 523. SYN. Feuw. 'Avdyfyrwcr, or 'Aj'dytj'worKw, f. yvuoofJLcii, v. [agnosco, recognosco,] to know, know again. Et pey yap ^TJ rrdffls, ave.yvwoQr)iJLf.v ar. Helen. 289. SYN. , eirlytv&o-w, evvdew, bteZepxdfjiat. PHR. AptTreiv avdea Movff&v. jTov dyueXytfyueyos ydXd /3//5Xwv. 'ctc'w, f. a(i) t v.[cogo, compello,] to compel. Tptcrvai p avayKa^ovat crvf*(f>d- pas o&ol. Heracl. 237. SYN.'Ayydpei/o;, filagdpai, Plaopat, emyw, irapafiiao' /uat, TTjOodyw eh avayKr)V, KadiffTi)f*l els avayKT)v, 7re/yw, /cdrcTre/yw, Kare/joyw. 'Ai/ayjca/7/, avayKrj, rjs, >/, et TO avayKaldv, subst. [necessitas,] necessity. fTpo- 6els avayKTjv ffirdirotoi' ev bo/uois. Hec. 362. SYN. Bta, bvvapls, Kpards, irl- ut. EP1TH. 'AXeyet tyopos, d^dXtrwros, aeibirrfTos, avrtieXiKros, aypVTrvos, drepTn/s, , bopvKTrjros, bovXettis, Sa<77rX>/s, bo\6iroids, St^dXea, dveXXt'ieooa, Kau), Kparepa, jjotplblr], (5Xoj), Triicpa, 7ravroX^<5s, irdXvTroros, irvpt9a\Trf]s, Terpagvyds, ^Xoyepa, yXvKtpa, TravSd^drwp, abapaffTds, efj.irebdjbi7)Tls. 'AvayxaWs, a, 6v, adj. [necessarius,] necessary, inevitable, critical, imperative. T H/mp dyayKcuoy ae 6e r' er0d6c yi/Tres eSo^rat. C. 836. 'Avayva/^Trrw, f. i^w, v. [flecto, reflecto, curvo, dissolve,] to bend back, to untie, to separate. Ov6' epprjfcv x ct ^X^* / aveyva^drj be 01 a\wh- F. 348. SYN. 'Ai'dXufti, apace vyrv/ul, drdfca/uTrrw, ici/prtJw. "Avayros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [impurus, scelestus,] impure, wicked. T H TJ/P /-o)p avayvov eK\lirwv , v. [divido, incendo,] to divide, to set on tire, to kindle. rie>7roi/ jtvei. Again. 29^. SYN. 'AmKCuo;. Pt'O*. (])6di'a> fjtvei. Ag Dr. Maltby considers cu/ajSwAaMfaj as an adjective. See his Thes. 06 ANAA ANA0 vjjii, f. w, v. [demoustro, ostendo, edo,] to exhibit, to display. Ity>> KarabelKi'vvai nvXas, Sopl). Electr. 1473. SYN. 'Ai'O/yw, eTrlbetKfvpi, vb), dirobel KVVJJI, avdydpevb), dvdrldrjfjil, 7ri/3uXXo/ucu. , ov, a et r/, adj. [fratre carens,] deprived of or without a brother. earai ; ras rvyjas TIS olb' orb). I ph. T. 476. , a. 2. etp&Koi', v. [suspicio, adspicio,] to look up, to see again, to see distinctly. Kcu dvebpaKev otyQaXpoioiv. 5. 436. SYN. 'Ai'a/3Xe7rw, a7ro/3Xt7rw, , TJS, ^, et avabefffids, ou, 6, subst. [ornament urn capitis, redimiculnm,] a head-ornament, a fillet, a ribbon. "A/u7rik-d, KeKpvfydXot' r', ^e 7rXeKfr/i> . X. 46.9- See also Med. 974. SYN. see in 'AvdS^d. , ov t o et r/, adj. [religatus, revinctus,] bound up, tied back. 'Eyw be 7rXdKo.iJ.ov avaberois. Hec. 9I7 vabH^, f. o/^at, v. [suscipio, recipio, excipio,] to take back, to engage as bail, to maintain. Kcu XoDrp' es AvXiv jjirjTpds avcbefa irapa. Iph. T. 819- SYN. eKbe-%o/jiai, dvdXa^u/3u'a;, vTriff^vtoyuat, eyyvdw, o/uoXoytw, vTro/vtvw. , v. [religo, vincio, redimio,] to bind, to tie up, to crown. N>) TV/V ywy' avabrjaai fiovXtijuai. Plut. 7^4. SYN. 'AvdSe^ew, e^aprdw, , StdSew, KardStw, eTrt^rrt^w, dvacrrt^w, ort^drow, ratv?ow. , dros, ro, subst. [diadema, fascia,] a bandage for the head, a crown or garland tied round the head of a conqueror in the public games, a fillet. 5e', xeipos e'vaefiovs anti. Hipp. 83. SYN. Tcuvta, pirpa, avabefffjds, , f. w, v. [meliora edoceo, dedoceo,] to teach thoroughly, or again. To> xprjvpuv avablba^ov avrov, ws )(ei. Equit. 153. SYN. 'EcSt(5a, v. [reddo, emitto, produce,] to give up, to yield, to pro duce. TiKTOvai Traird KavtbwKav els (pads. Eur. fr. Melau. 22. SYN. ' 1 ?* 7 ^ $ > V> subst. [(1) receptio, cessatio, relaxatio, (2) sponsio,] reception, cessation, bail. Aw^esdros dporos, avdbo-^av reXeli' TTOVWV. Trach. 838. SYN. (l) 'ArdTravXa, jueXXr^orts, avaKw%i), (2) eyyi>r)als. 'Avabvvw, avabva), et arabvfjii, v. [emergo, prodeo, retrocedo,] to spring up, to emerge, to retire, &c. 0ajO dvdebroi 1 dye ffe' TO. 5' Av Aa Travrd yutX^o-et. ^F. 724. SYN. 'Ae/pw, atpw, e^di'/errd/iai, vTrdviordjuat, d^dyw. 'Aj'deXwros, ov, o et ^, adj. [insperatus,] unhoped-for. 'H\v0d/iev, Kpo^oi) vie dva, dmeXTrrd 7rd0ovrs. Hes. Theog. 6'6'0. SYN. "AeXTrros, d^eXTrioros, deX7rr?)y, dve\7rts. *Ava5ew, v. [efFerveo, ebullio,] to boil up, to bubble up. 'Ava&ovot 0po///3a>- bets d(ppoi. Trach. 704. SYN. 'Ava/fyarrw, ec5ew. 'AvdQdtXXw, v. idem quod 'AvdftyXew, q. v. [repullulo, regermino,] to florish again, to grow green. , v. [refoveo,] to warm again, to cherish up. 'AvedaXirov, IK be . Anacr. 3. 25. SYN. 0dX7rw, uva\^v-^pui'. A. 149- SYN. 'Avoto-^iyvrta, atppabia, EPITH. 'A^aXtros, \a{3pos, 6pa.(re~ia, aKoXaffros, aKparris. PHR. fjEyiffTij, TO yijfias &s avaibtias TT\EOV. 'Avaibevofjiat, v. [impudentia utor,] to be impudent, to behave impudently. 'Hs be. TTjOos Tra.v ai'aibeveTdi. Equit.3y6. SYN. Av0aSew, avQa&i$, avnirr-^yvTeti). 'Ai'atbt]s, ids, et avalbrj-ds, ov, o et /;, adj. [impudens, inverecundus,] impudent, shameless. "Ht5' ovx aratb^s' rrjvb' e^evpts iitypova. Alcest. 744. See also Apoll. 3.92. SYN. 'Avala-xyi'Tos, d/, adj. [exsanguis,] bloodless. Toi/vefc' avai^rts eivl xai adavarot fcdXeoj/rat. E. 342. 'AvaijjioffapKds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [cujus caro sanguinis est expers,] having flesh devoid of blood, bloodless. 'A7rd0r/s, avaipoaapKe. Anacr. 43. 'Avatjuwr/, adv. [sine sanguine,] without blood. 'Tcr^irr)v t Kal t)' ov KEV dvat/uwrt y tptbrivai>. Apoll. 2. 988. 'AvaeVo/xat, v. [abnuo, renuo, detrecto, (2) inficior,] to refuse, to disown, to deny. 'Ibov TO bovXevp 1 i)bv, KOVK avaivopai. Orest. 215. SYN. 'A7rt/7rw, irapaiTeopat, d^epi^w, dflerew, aTrdTrepirdfJMi, airwBew, apvedfjat, avapveopai. 'Afa/peo-is, ews, r/, subst. [(l) ablatio, (2) eversio, (3) abrogatio, (4) interfectio, caedes,] a taking away, a destroying, murder. NUKTOS tyvX&ffffuv oaTeiov avai- pealv. Orest. 398. SYN. (1) 'A(f>ai peels, (2) afpeffis, d^arpoTrr), (3) biaXvals, (4) KaOaipeffls, (f)ovds. 'Arat^w, f. ^aw, v. [aufero, tollo ; everto, interficio,] to take up, to over- turn, to kill. le /*> rifjieTepa ^os ai'atpel. Androm. 519- SYN. Aipw, ), av\aa YN * ' Al/at- bfjs, TrdpdroXLtos. -, f , ov, 6 et I,, adj. [insons, causam non habens, cujus causa nulla est J blameless, exempt from fault. Ovblv Kanwaat TOVS avairtovs Xw. 1 ' aOw&s dies. 1153. SYN.'Ai/i/Tra/rios, a.vevQvv6s y avvnevQvvos, aOw&s, tw, f. icaftw, 1 aor. efcavad et Irpa, v. [acceudo, mcendo,] to rtkmMle, 68 ANAK ANAK to light up. 'AvSjcavcrc /uev Trvp irpwTov, v\^r)\rjs Spftos. Cycl. 382. SYN. 'Av- , baitit, itmw, ticvo/w, facnrupuu), irpfjOw, e//7rp?)0w, 0X2y&>, e/c(f>X2yw, 'AvdraXew, v. [inclamo, alta-voce apprllo,] to call aloud on, to invoke. FI.'A- blKta y', & deal. 1 E. MvKJjvats, p>i 'vQaS di'cudXeZ Qtovs. Phoen. 6l?. SYN. Kd- Xeo>,, I 'AvdvdXvTrrw, v. [revelo, retego,] to unveil, uncover, reveal. It is sometimes used in the active voice wilh a medial signification. Orest. 288. M&v r/'taas OVK drdvaXv^w ftXetyapov, 'Arpews y^ydn ; Iph. A. 321. SYN. ( t>a/rw, dd- , v. [deglutio, absorbeo, devoro,] to swallow up, to devour. To avr&v dva.Ka\^at. Av. 579- i, f. Kelffdfiat, v. [accumbo, recumbo, consecratus vel dicatus sum,] to recline, to be imputed. 'iSov, ai) K6vfi.ei, ao\ yap a.*axifMaOubti. Baccli. 934. SYN., eTrt/cet/int, at'd^aQi^d/jat, eTm'XtVoyuat, avuK\ivo^at f POVJJ.UI. 'A aKeXabos, ov, 6, subst. [susurrus, strepitus,] an echo, a noise. ' dTro Xt^eos ij-avxov. Orest. 182. 'At'dKepavrvfjit, araKepavrvu), et djaKjcdw, v. [commisceo,] to mix, to blend with, to replenish. 'Am b$ Ba/cxet'av avvruvov Kepaoav. Bacch. 126. SYN. , avpfyvpu), avyKVkau), avaKipvrjul, avyKiprrj/nl. , v. [sursum fero, erumpo, prosilio,] to burst, to gush forth. 2r// be ev ay&vt, TroXvs b' avlK^nltv tbpws. ^F. 507 ' SYN. 'Avd^epdfjtaif dvctt~ pov/jtai, ava(3\v subst. [commotio, suscitatio,] agitation. KavaKivrjcrts (jiptvwv. CF.. R. 727 SYN. K/VJJCT/'S, ayepats. 'AvdKipvdfjiai, v. [permisceo,] to mix up, to blend with, to temper. iXms QVYITOVS avanlpvaadai. Hipp. 254. SYN. 'Avauiyrvfjl, biduiyt-vfji, Ka-afjiiyvvfjt. 'AraK'Xd^w, v. [claugo, damn,] to exclaim, to shout. Mtyd b' aveK\ay6v, J ji Kopa. Iph. A. 10^2. SYN. KXaw, :Xdiyyw, drtd^w, &ta*pa<%&t yeyw- /w, v. [defleo, vehementer fleo,] to lament aloud. Kcu Molvat TOV lv avaK\aiov(Tir,"Abwrli>. Bion. 1. 94. SYN. 'Aytu'w/cvo;, a7roi[jiw(i), ptTa- , f. do-w, v. [refringo, reflecto,] to force back, to bend or incline. dpiffTtpolali' di'dK\daas btprjv. Orest. 147^. (Vw, f. ti'ai, v. [repono, reclino, aperio,] to bend back, to open, to dis- close. "Eyfl' ot avaK\iv6erTes drepptTTTovv dXd -jr^b^. v. 78. SYN. KdrafcXo'W, arairtTrrti), avoiyu), f.Tavvvfj.1, avaKTVcrati). '-AvaKOii'dw, v. [communico aliquid cum aliquo,] to commune with another, to consult. BovXd/ueVoi' aiaKotvovffdal re. Nub. 470. SYN, Kotftfw, 'Ai'd(,oipdi/w, v. [dominor, rego, obeo,] to marshal, to command. ydp "Aprja pd^rjv avaKctpaveovTa? E. 824. SYN. Kotpdj'ew, KaTevOvvu), , v. [succingo,] to fold to the bosom. AfeXdc, KavanoXirlaov. Thesm. 1174. mcdyu/5w, v. [(l)refero, eveho, (2) redeo,] (1) to bear up, to recover, (2) to return. Ylpdffudev iroQiv dvaKopicd^at. Hipp. 831. SYN. (1) ' , (2) 1 0
    , (2) a7rdco7rra>, airdr&pvu, d^jSXvj/w, (3) At'aKovQietto, v. [sublevo,] to lift up, to lighten, to relieve, *ftv KaveKov([>iff6r)i> Sf/uds. Hipp. 1390. SYN. 'E7rlfcov0/e?w, e\a(j>pvvw, , >/, subst. [sublevatio, allevatio,] alleviation, relief. 'AXk-?)> TO Trp&Tov aveKpayov, OVK tiriKevtrto. ^. 467- SYN. 'AvaK\aw, dva/Soaw, arcKpcovEk), eTri^w^ew, ey^pa^w, dra^'aXfo;, i'Trt/cdXew, 7rtd)0eyydjuat. Ai^afcptyuai'v^t, v. [suspendo in altum,] to hang up, to keep in suspense. a)'Kpe/na(Tev TT/OOS KIOVCL Trarpos tola. Hoin. Apoll. 8. SYN. Kpe^udwi/yui, airap- rdw, 7raprdw, draprd^juat, alwpew. , or#y, o, P. N. [Anacreon,] a celebrated lyric poet of Teos. 'Ava- jj." e-rre^e. Anac. EPITH.' / A00ircJs, yudXdK'os, olvoTrdrrjs, oli'dfiapris, , , as, ^, subst. [iniperium, regnum,] command, sovereignty. KeiV v-^la. Kpdreovali', avaKTdpir)V atyicvres. Horn. Apoll. 234. SYN. 'Apx>/, fiaot- Xe/a, Kotpavir). EPITH. JTepdpa. 'AvuKTvpdvy ov, TO, subst. [regium palatium, (2) templum,] a palace, a temple. 'Av&KTopov 6vr)7tdXu. Troad. 331. SYN. Bdo-tXetoJ 1 , (2) vaos, upov, aXaos. EPITH. KaXoV, 6\ftl6^ai^ov. 'AvaKrwp, tiptis, o, subst. [herus, rex,] a king, a prince, a ruler. Tloirov avaKTtap "IXtoy r' ZiriaKoirei. I ph. T. 1415. SYN. "Ai>a, Kvpws, , v. [permisceo, coiumisceo,] to mix up. 'Eyw r?/!* K/pv^v yf, rd 0ap/iaK* di'd(vi>cw/ aTTJodv, avaKvicXet beftas. Orest. 225. SYN. KvK\8v, ar&KVXiw, araK beti), "iTrowXtvbeh), Sti^w, avaffTpefyw. 'AvaKvnfiaXui$w, v. [cum sonitu everto,] to overturn^wjth a great^ noise, la tumble. A/0pot 6' d^/cv/i^dXta^v. O. 379- SYN. 'AyaKpeJr&o, airorpeTTopat. 'Ai'dfcvTrrw, v. [existo, emergo,] to rise up, to emerge. Tov A*', avanlKv^nlv, Cycl. 212. SYN. 'Am/3X7rw, dvd/3a/Vw, avabitd^ai. , v. [tintinnabulum pulso,] to shake about, to try by the sound. avaKwb&vlvov. Aristoph. fr. Hero. vu, v. [deploro, defleo,] to bewail aloud. T//as be TreTrXows, Ka Xlyv. Pers. 46'8. SYN. Kw/cvw, Bprjvw, yodw, avaK\alu t baKpvppow, a , f.KvXdaii o/uat, drdre'XXw, drdcvTrrw. ArdXyTjrtfs, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [sine dolore, crudelis, qui nullo dolore aut miseri- cordia tangitur,] unattacked by pain or sorrow, unfeeling. ToD &' dv TrdOovs ; Hipp. 1383. SYN."AXi)7ro$, dXv7r//rd$, d 'Ai/aXy//ru, adv. [inhumaniter,] unfeelingly. T ftS' dvaXy}rws/3dXeI/. Aj. Fl. 1333. 'ApaX&jff, eds, 6 et ?/, acij. [iiicrernentum non capiens,] incapable of growing. *As VTTO rov yu) yv&vai KaOap&s vfjieis CTro^/crdr' avaXbels. Vesp. 1040. SYN. t v. [succresco,] to grow up, to rise into sight as a star. vrrep ^dovos, avrdp 'irjawv. A poll. 3. 1362. SYN. ' , f. o>, v. [colligo,] to collect, to gather, to read, &c. T CLVTOVS, di'd r' VTf.a fcaXd Xeyoprts. A. 7-34. SYN. SvXXeyw, o-y'dyw. *Ai'aX0/)s, (5s, 6 et ^, adj. [insanabilis, incurabilis,] incurable, not ha\ing the power of healing. Motpaial 6' avaXQta 0opyudm itavra. Bion. 7- SYN. 'Aj/aXi'crfc<,>, et d^aXtJw, f. w, TropOtw. 'Aj/dXKid, et dvaXk-ta, as, ^f, (Ion. draXia'j?,) subst. [(1) impotentia, ignavia, (2) timiditas,] feebleness, cowardice. ^IXidi^ eto-d'd/3>/voi draXKeirjul bapei'Tes. P. 337- SYN. ^ASpdyeid, aaQeveia, dpij^dtla, aKpareia, avarbpia. "Ava\Kis t ibos, o et ^, adj. [impotens,] weak, powerless. T H oi/^ 1 dXts, orrt yi/- valKas ava\Klbas ^TrepoTreuets ; E. 349- SYN. 'A<70V>)s, dv^dro$. 'Ai/dXXoyuat, v. [assilio, insilio,] to spring up, to leap. Kcu dvaXdrd KO.I TrXdrd- yrjtrev. Theocr. 8. 88. 'Ai/ctXow, see 'AvaXto-K'w. "AvaXros, oi/, 6 et >;, adj. [inexplebilis, insatiabilis,] unseasoned with salt, (pro- perly) insatiable. *Os TOVTOV rov avviXrov dX/revetv aTrewavaas. a. 113. SYN. 'Ajcopeoros, dKoprjTvs, a.TT\r]ptt)T6s, a^peTos, drjbris. 'AmXi)(Tts, ews, ^f, subst. [resolutio, abrogatio,] dissolution, deliverance. '/ ols dvdXi;<7i$, eortv ov-bejj.ia. Soph. Electr. 142. SYN. Avals, btdXva/LS t ecXi>tw/K, dvdyw, IKTIW. 'AvaXw/zd, arcs, ro, subst. [sumptus, impensa,] expense, expenditure. OVK earl TavaXwfj.' dvaXwdev Xd/3e7v. Suppl. 786. SYN. 'AvdXwffts, bairavr], /3Xd/3r), 'AvdXw<7ts, tws, ^, subst. [consumptio,] consumption, waste, expense. "Oorts civ 6\w0iois, draXiitpd. da), y. [furibundo impetu sursum deorsura feror,] to desire eagerly, to spread furiously. 'Us 6' dvdpaipaei /3d6)e' ayjcca 0ev- pveo), di'dyopevtt), xrjpvffffu, Kdro^w, Treptcf.b(tt. 'Ava//e/w, et poet, dvdpipvio, v. [expecto, permaneo,] to await, to look for, to expect. Xetpos Qvpaias avajjiEveiv KOvQiffpara. Phoen. 862. See also A. 171- SYN. Kdrdyueyw, eTrt^uevu), VTrdpevb), eTre^w, efcSe^o/tai, 7rpoo-5f^o/zat, Kapa- , v. [repleo,] to till. 'YTrtf ypa/zjudrtwv di'e^eorwQ^. 1083. SYN. Meorow, 7r\r)po(t), avaTr\r)pu, dfaTripTrXrj^i. rd^erjoew, et a.i>a/j.eTpov/uat, v. [denuo metier, remetior,] to measure over again, to experience, to estimate, to repeat. Ets rovftotyvXdi' dra^Tpov^vr) Ipli. T. 347. SYN. (1) Merpew, cdrdyufrpw, Sid/ulrpew, dTt/ierpta;, , (2) Si^yto/zat, btepyofj.a.1. in. et pass. avapiyvVpat, v. [immisceo,] to mix with, to blend. Kdyuov iraialv dvdpeptypevat. Bacch. 37. SYN. 'Avapiyvvv, dvd- , eppiyvvpi, KaTdpiyvvpl, e^U7r\/cw. , f. pviiau, \. [in mentem revoco,] (1) to remind, to admonish, to call to mind, (2) to remember. Mwv rd^ud td ^porou o-' avepvrjoav KO-KCL. Electr. 504. SYN. (l) 'T'rrdpipi'rjfTKw, pvrjpoi'eva), biapvrjpovevu), vTropvrjpl, VTro/3dA\u>, rov0frtw, TrdpayyeXXw. (2) pi'dopai, Trapdpepv ripen, expavOavb), ^a.7ri(TTdpa.t. 'Avapitryv, a word of rare occurrence in the best poets, see 'Avapiyvvpi. 'Y^wp &' dva.piayf.Tal vbei. Theog. 9^3. 'Avdpoppvpw, v. [cum murmure ebullio, murmuro,] to roar, to murmur, to bel- low. fyvaai xa\Kt}wt' ore pev r' dvdpoppvpovvl. Apoll. 3. 1299- SYN. Mop- pvpd), poppvpi<-*o>, v7ro\j;Wvpi(*), di>at(i). 'Ard/Jo^Xevw, v. [vectibus submoveo,] to unbar, to remove. Tt TCKT&E KavdpoyXevets iriiXas. Med. 1314. 1 SYN. 'AvdKtvett), dirioQeu), vire^aipu}. 'ArapTrv^ VKOS, 6 et ?/, adj. [non babens villain,] having no fillet. 'Us 6' XLOTOI KOI dvapTTVKes &arv Trdrevpts. Call. 6- 125. 'AvdpvxQi^opai, v. [ingemisco,] to groan, to murmur deeply. !v fr av yas Kai'dpv)^6i$i. P. V. 7^8. z SYN. Mf^Ot'cJaj, u-^6opat f dvaffrtva). 'Avavbpta, as, rj, subst. [ignavia,] unmanliness, cowardice, timidity. Mi) npbs pot TreptfldXys dvavbplar. Orest. 1030. SYN. "A5pd'ta, Kdria, KUKTJ, , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [(1) parum virilis, ignavus, mollis ; (2) sine conjuge,] (1) unmanly, cowardly, (2) f. unmarried, husbandless. Oi/x w# dvavbpuv CLVTOV j] Tpoia (cdXet. Androm. 342. SYN. (1) AetXos, Kantis, OrjXvvovs, (2) dyd- pos, di'vpevatos. 'Ardi'sd^w, et dvdvtoopat, v. [renovo,] to renew, to renovate. Ni/j> dvdvfdopat TUV aov vpevatov trdXtv. Hel. 728. See also Ran. 6'02. SYN. Nfdw, d^di'tow, icttU'/c?o>, dTrdK'dOt'oT^/ui, di^fye/pw. 'Ai'dreww, v. [renuo, abnuo,] to refuse. 'Hs 0dr' ev\opevri, dveveve be TlaXXas 'AQiivr). Z. 311. SYN. 'Avail-opal, dnoyivuffKu, dTretTrw, diro/, subst. [distributio,] a division. "Avdvopriv. Eur. fr. Tenien. 2 1 . 'Avdvrfjs, et dvavros, ov, pi. dvavrd, adj. [acclivis ardtius,] steep, difficult. IloXXd ' dvavrd, Kdravrd, Trdpavrd r, bo-^pidr ^X6or. x F. 1 16. SYN. UpoffuvTrjs f \lCTffUS, 7Tp'lKXlVT]S 9 bvff^pr]S. '[Aval,, OKTOS, o, subst. [rex, herus, dominus,] prince, lord, king. Ti ydp pt 5ci 1 See Person's note. 2 See Blomf. Gloss. 72 ANAH ANA11 gfjv, jj 7rdr//p /ue> %v aval. Hec. 349- SYN. HaalXevs, Koipavus, avaKTWp, fjiebuv, becnrorrjs, Tvpavt'Ss, alffVfjtr^Tr)s t KpavTup. EP1TH. 'ArrWlos, bios, Keb- ros, evpvta-^, d/ze/Xfyfc, utyaQv^os, /ifya/cXfj/s, /i>xap/uos, TTUC/JOS, 'Avnr?pan-w, v. [sicco,] to dry up, to exhaust. 'AXX' OKO. rbv fiadvv OIKOV avetfj- pavav obdvTes. Call. 6. 113. SYN. Zrjpaivit), avw, ava/Vw, fpr^uow. 'A/at0s, a, ov, adj. [(1) indignus, (2) inhonoratus, qui nullo habetur loco,] (1) unworthy, undeserving. (2) dishonored. 'Avatyav aXXrj be KCLI TrpeTret rli'l. Heracl. 527. SYN. 'Aira#cfc, abcos. 'Avatow, v. [dedignor, recuso ut indignum,] to judge unworthy, to disparage, to treat insolently. "Ayrevfji Zyuv rt 6e~iov, i] a avafy&v; Electr. 256. SYN. , tyyos, o et //, adj. [in cithara regnans,] presiding over the lyre. vp.voi. Olymp. 2. 1. iws, adv. [iinmerito,] unworthily, undeservedly. 'E d7raXXd/uu, v. [exsilio,] to spring or leap up. f ft$ 5' off inrb yptKos BO/SEW did- TraXXtrat l-^dvs. *. 692. SYN. 'AraOopew, avaKrjKiu, avaTrrjbab). 'AmTraXXw. v. [vibro, percutio,] to shake up and down, to strike. aou>s avt7rr)\Ei>. Bacch. 1179' SYN. FlaXXw, avaaeiit), avarlvaaffit), , ov t b, subst. [resorlitio,] a change of lot. MrcKrOeiTi be Zeiis iifj.- . Olymp. 7' 110. SYN. 'AvdSno^uos, ffXr/poxris. , v. [adspergo,] to sprinkle over. FXtkvs r' avXosat'aTraffffet. Olymp. 10. 113. Avan-avXa, ys, ij, subst. [quies, (2) locus quietis,] rest, a resting-place. 'Auvot bt Kdpas avanavXat. Hipp. 1133. ^Aiairavfjia, arils, TO, et dj'ttTraixrts, eos, ?;, subst. [requies, intennissio a labore,] repose, a cessation from labor. Arja ^oavt'ijv re KO.KWV a^Travfjia re Hes. Theog. 55. See also Hipp. 189. SYN. FlavXa, navais, TravawXr), iravcrls, R'draTray/id, evbtiffls, areals, afyecrls, dra^v^>), >/Ti;^ia, eipr/v *Ai'd7raww, v. [sedo, do requiem,] to allay, to cause to stop, to stop. ' /3o/)v, ws e7rl%apTO)'. Trach. 1264. SYN. KdrdTraww, X^yw, e\ivvu>, f/pt/j,E(i), w. PHR. "Ayetv oyoXriv, aicnravaai. poyepov yuaX0d/cd yv7d podov, V&TU dvairavtrat tyaibli/ja po-^Owf. /0w, v. [persuadeo,] to persuade, to influence, to induce. Ei TTWS dv dj'd- iKerevovTe vlv. Hel. 834. SYN. fle/Qw, r7re/0w, 7rtKe/0w, dvdyw, eiVdyw, eTrdyw, Trapotyvu), trapoppad}, Trdporpvrw, TrapaKivZu). ipw, f. ep&>, v. [Iransadigo,] to pierce through. 4>joc roi)s tifieXifficovs, iv rds / yavvwolv avaTretaTTjplav. Nub. 873. SYN. Tleiarrjplds. *Aid7re/u7rw, v. [remitto, emitto,] to send back, to send away, to dispatch. Zev, Zeu fcdrwOei/ a/ZTre/ZTrwr. Choeph. 376. SYN. 'Ai'iT/fu, aftrjfjii, dvacrr^XXw, drd- , et dvd7rravi^v/ut, f. ddpvyds, cuflep' e^eis /3api/y. Cycl. 410. SYN. ' f*, v. [expando, explico,] to stretch or spread out. "Tpvuv d - Olymp. 6. 45. See 'Am7Tr/, adj. [uon aberrans, inevitabilis,] unerring, inevitable. Krjpes dvaTrXaKrjToi. CE. R. 480. SYN. "AfyevKros, airpoaTreXaaTds, avairobpaff- TOS. , v. [irinecto, implico, redimio,] to put a wreath upon, to entwine. TUV xjepas ava-irXtKOVTl. Olyinp. 2. 135. f. TrXeverw, [provehor in altum, navigo,] to sail out to sea, to sail. ls be aTeivwirftv aveirXeofJiev ydowvTes. p. 234. SYN. 'AmTrXww (Ion.) XfjQdj, f. aw, et avairXrjpow, v. [impleo, expleo,] to fill again, to fill up. dj/OTrXiyo-at, Trpiv TrarpiSa ya7dv iKeaOai. e. 207. See also Helen. 906". SYN. 'E^TrXj/flw, a.fd7rifj.7r\r}fjLl ) KaraTrXfjOa) Kara-art fJurXr) fj.1, 'Avcnrvevals, ews, et dvaTrrov, ^s, ^, subst. [respiratio, relaxatio,] respiration, respite,^ rest. 'dXiyrj be r avuirvevats TroXepotd. A. 800. See also Nub. 627. jYN. 'A^eo-ts, dvaXr}\^ls. See ajUTrveyyua. *Ava7ri/evflrrds. ov, 6 et ?*/, adj. [qui respirare non potest,] unable to breathe, breathless. Bp ^KarofJi^v. A. 99- v. [revoco in animum, instauro rem abolitam memoria, revolvo,] to renew, to turn over in the mind. KOVK avairtiXeiaQai rpl-^ovros' rets 6"A//a- Zovas ffKoTret. Lysistr. 678. SYN. 'AvairefJuraZw. v. [terram verto, iterum aro,] to turn over, as soil. "Apovpav ^ \api- i^o^v. Pyth. 6. 2. SYN. 'AvaTrtiXtw. ov, 6, adj. [qui mittit ad superos,] sending back, conducting, sc. Jlhc dead. 'Aibavevs b' avaTro^itbs aveirjs. Pers. 655. vaTTovLTTTos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [illotus,] unwashed, uncleaned. Kdraftpo^dlffas KO.T CKirluv Tov ^w^v avairoviTTTos. Eq. 356. SYN. "Avtirrtis, aXovrtis, dicddap- TOS. vaTTpridfjj, f. aw, v. [incendo, cum gemitu efFundo, protrudo,] to inflame, to excite, to fill up, to cause to flow, to shed tears. Acu-pv' dvairpjjfras' OIKTOS 5' eXe Xaov aTravrd. /3. 81. SYN. TlpriOu), avaKaik), a7roXe//3w, KaTa\e. SYN. 'AvdTrordo/iat, dvdirtr^ac, 'Aj/a7rrc|0ow, v. [(l)pennis seu alisinstruo, (2) excito, instigo,] to soar on wings, to buoy up with hope ; to alarm, to agitate. 'H\ovs lovo/3os p ava- TTTepoli. Suppl. 90. SYN. Ilrepoaj, avaTreidw, eXa(j)pvv, eyu7r/^7rpr//Ltt, 7rdpou'w, 7rdpop/mw, dvlyeipti). , v. [religo, adnecto,] to fasten, to bind, to connect, to tie. 'Av//7rro>ui/ KioV, ws X//as VTT^OV. Here. F. 1013. SYN. 'EjuTrXe/au, ortfi/e/pw, avfjurXew, a), ect7rrw, Sew. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [pervulgatus, passim auditus,] heard, published, notorious. FT//XEV, d^>ctp &' avairvara 6eoi Qtvav uvOp(t)7rot.ffl. \. 273. SYN. "EfJTTVOTcJs, SmTTVOTOS, 7ToXv?^UOS, d'//K.'OOS, 6>jiXo. , Iws, ?), subst. [discessus et reciprocatio maris,] the ebb of the tide. araTrwcriv Qaityvas. Olymp. 9-78. ov, o, adj. [discalceatus,] without sandals, unshod. TlalSesTti \awv * avapfivXai irobos. Eur. fr. Meleag. 6. 7- Avapdpus, ov, 6 et?/, adj. [inarliculatus, membris captus,] disabled in the limbs. Marias, avapdpos elfii, KCLaQlvw fJieXr}. Orest. 228. SYN. "AvaXas, app'woros, , et dvapWp8s t ov, 6 et ^, adj. [innumera bilis, imperitus nume- rorum,] 'A//77rop', arap/0/x^rov, eic 6oyX?;s rlvos. Ion. 836. See also Bacch. 1333. SYN. 'AvupWpos, d^eyaprds, atydovos, aireipos, aTrXerds, ctrtyuos, oi/r' ep Xoyy OVT zv aptOfjy, ovri&avos, av\os, ^XaCpos. 'Avaptaros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [impransus, non pransus,] without a meal or dinner. "flpd dyuws o}s OLKOV' avaptaros AioKXeibas. Theocr. 15. 14/. SYN. 'Ai/a*cpd- TiaTos, ayevrrrtis. "AvapKrds, ov, o et ^, adj. [nullius imperio subjectus,] unsubdued, inde- pendent. ft]?;?-' avapKrov wv filov. Eumen. 520. Schn. 'ArapfioaTos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [haud congruens, inconveniens, ineptus,] unfitting, incongruous, discordant. Tv^tfyepwv el, K&.yapfjto0rds. Nub. 908. SYN. ' Afjtovtrus, aKOffftos, aeiKrjs. 'AvapTrdy//, ijs, r/, subst. [subreptio,] a carrying away, plunder. Srpdrev// aOpoiaas, rets Zfuias afapTruyas. Helen. 50. 'AyttpTracjw, f. (TV et u>, v. [sursum rapio, abripio, diripio, vi opprimo,] to snatch up, to tear up, to carry away, to plunder. "IfcaOai, TOTE by fuv dt'aira^uad 6ve\\a. 5. 515. SYN. 'A^apTra^w, dva/pw, ^epw, dyw, eX/cw, , ov, 6 et ?'/, adj. [homines devorans vel eripiens,] carrying off men. 'AvapTra^avlpov K>/p' afyfXovra x^pas. Sept. Theb. 775. vapTraordv, oy, 6 et //, adj. [abreptus,] carried off, snatched away. Elao^et 'Xeiptis dvapiraffTav. Hec. 205. SYN. 'AvapTravdels, aqxitpovpevos. ^oppr/yw^t, f. p^w, v. [difrindo, dirumpo, abrumpo,] to break through, to burst forth, to cause to burst forth. M;} ': r/js (TtwTrfJs rfjati avappjfiei KO.KU. CE. R. 1075. SYN. Am^pV/yyi/^t, Trdpapprjyvv^l, tTrrw, et dvappiTrrcw, v. [sursum vel in altum jacio, in aleam do, susci- pio,] to throw up, to throw at a venture (KIV^VVOV being understood), to ha- zard, to run the risk, to encounter danger.* Oe 5'fjiat,v. [manibus et pedibus in altum enitor,] to climb up, as a spider when weaving. ITpos ravr' dveppl^aT' dv es rvv ovpdvov. Pax 70. 'Avappot/35ew, v. [resorbeo, cum magno stridore absorbeo,] to swallow up with a great noise, to ingulf. T 5' VTTO S7d Xdpvflbts dvappoi^el /icXdv i/Swp. ju. 104. SYN. 'PotjGSeo;, po^>ew, dvappotyeui, dvdirlvit). 'Avappvcris, ews, r/, subst. [redemptio, " dies Apaturiorum -sectmdus sic voca- batur," vid. Maltb. et Brunck.] the second day of the 'ATrdrovptd, because on The more common form is &/J.TTUTIS, which see. 2 The latter meanings are more frequently met with in the prose writers. ANAP ANAI 76 ihat clay sacrifices were offered to Jupiter in which it was usual to draw up the head of the victim. See Potter's Antiq. Vol. I. TcivYiys /ucVSwpd icdrdyd- yelv SvafiptiffTy. Pax 8.90. SYN. Avrjowafo, Btialci, Overlap yud. 'Avapalos, a, 8v, adj. [implacabilis, improbus, iniquus, insensus,] unfit, unre- CODciling, unrelenting. Oi TQL bvfffjei'ees Ko.1 avapalol tyyvs gucrl. ft. 365. SYN. 'Aj'ap^uoor<5s, abiKos, a.7re^6rjs, bvepevi'is. 'At'prdaj, f. >/<7w, v. [suspendo,] to suspend from, lo hang upon. 'AXX' els Qlovs xp?) TU.VT arapriiaavT t\eiv. Phoen. 717* SYN. 'Aprdw, alwptio, drdri- , f), subst. [soluta licentia, anarchia,] want of government, insubor- dination, anarchy. 'AwXatrrfis o^Xcs, vavriicfi T avap^ta. Hec. 6*05. SYN. Tapanis, ywTopagis. See Antig. 6~72. ycrpxos, ov, 6, ail), [principio carens, seditiosus,] without a leader, in- subordinate, unprincipled ; without a beginning. Ovbe ptv ovb' ot avapyol etrav, TroQeov yc pev ap%di'. B. 726. raffetpago), v. [retraho catena,] to draw back with a chain, to curb. "Otms <7e QdOtv iiva.fftpa$ei. Hipp. 537- SYN. 'Ard^dXi^w, drlpi)w, u^eXicui, cird- KOTTTW. Ardcre/w, v. [concutio,] to slir up, to shake, flat aw Krvitovvra dvprrov, atacrei- ovra re. Bacch. 236. SYN. Ze/fi* t &KTtv&ertru t drdui'lw, drdflraXXw, aTretXew. trw, v. [petulanter injuria afficio,] to treat pctuUiittiy. OwS' ov0t's upi7rti/s. V ; esp. 6l. SYN. , ov, o et r/, adj. [resimus, repanduB, deformis,] crooked. 'Afcurt/idr, T) ob yap ara^ETov. Eccles. 935. SYN. 'Avawprus, aijiopfyos. w, v. [(l) lubefacto, aufero, desrruo, (2) instauro, reparo, ^tc.] to col- lect, lo move, to transfer, to destroy. ' V H TCU.VT aveaKvaafjib\ wtrTrep ul rv^ai ; Eur. El. 602. SYN. 'AmrjOtTrw, irapaKivw, aTroffKevugw, aaderow, tTrtffKevaZw, avappcnrrw, aKeujuat. vaffKorrew, v. [considero, meditor,] to consider thoroughly, to see through, to reflect on, to recollect, to review. Kcu rd rybe Kal TCI bevpG TTOIT' Kuirei KciX&s. Thesm. 6?3. SYN. S^OTTEW, ^tao-K-oTrew, /idrdyoew, biayktirrofjiai, ?rt- , f. w, v. [dilacero,] to tear up. T/5as averjTrapaac&v a Ts. Bacch. 1102. SYN. 'E^pvw, efrupEw. os, ov, o et r/, adj. [extractus alicunde,] drawn back, snatched, torn away. KavatjTTaoTov ?rote7v eWw, ri Trot/yaere ; (j>paeT vwl. Vesp. 381. SYN. 'ETr/o-Trairros, t^tXadeis. 'Arar7rao>, v. [haurio, revello,] to tear up. Tvpfiovs uvaoir^v y?J be rrjbt liiov- (hov. Med. 1378. SYN. Kdrdo-Trdw, vn-o<77rdw, &vaffvpv t d'epyw, eKk'OTrrw, K'drd- Xvw, avaipcd). 'Avacro-d, T/S, ?/, subst. [regina,] a queen, a princess. Tpyabts vfj~iv Tp6oQl b* avaffffav. Hec. 6l. SYN. BdffTXts, fiaviXiaaa, /3daiXem, bea-irona, ^eT/rorty, ri/pav^os. ElITH. Floritd, KaXXiirXoKcifJus. 'Ai/ao-/ra>, v. [regno, impero,] to rule, to govern, to be king. K/\Xav re Ttveboto re 'i/, subst. [(1) resurrectio a sedili vel cubili, vcl e sonino, (2) eversio,] (1) a rising up from a seat, bed, or from sleep, (2) devastation, destruction. Qrivovalv, O'IKWV r 'Arpews avaoTaalv. Troad. 366. SYN."yfp- (Tts, avlyepols, (2) avarpoirri, bgatris, KaQatpeffls, KaraffKafi}, TrvpOrjais. 'Avo^rrdrT/p, riptis, et draerrariys, o/, o, subst. [eversor, vastator,] a destroyer, 'fts ovr' dvaffrdr>7pd Ka5/ue/as ^Qovos. Sept. Tleb. 1017- SCQ also AgameiU. 1 IpS. SYN. 'AvarpoTrevs, KaOaiperrjs. ' et Ion * araerrax^eerKw, v. [spicasemitto ; surgo, genuino (dc 8*gele),J 76 ANA! ANAT to shoot out, to spring up. "Ofjfipds" dXis Ttpuyttrirfv di/affrd^iiovaiv dpovpat. Apoll. 4. 271- See also Apoll. 3. 1354. 'Avaur^XXw, f. ffreXw, v. [inhibeo, reprimo, coSrceo,] to keep off, to contract. *fl<7r' avaffreiXai Trpoaw. Iph. T. 1377- SYN. 'ETrdvaoreXXw, nrfpterreXXw, ava- TeXXw, di't^w, 7T)(w, dvaKpoinoy araKw^evw. 'Avaartvdcjw, dvaartrnxw, et dyaoT>w, v. [alte ingemisco, graviter suspiro,] to groan aloud, to lament. *AveffTtrae' Ku^irdXiv arpe^as K'dpa. Iph. A. 1548. See also T. 21 1. et Helen. 1527. SYN. Ir>o>, artvacjw, arova^i^, dvaaro- vd"xi.&, yodw, dvaKWicvw, dm/cXa/w, dvoiUM^ii), ETriarfi'w, /3dpv aTovd^i^d). 'Avaarw, f. ^w, v. [corono, redimio, cingo,] to crown, to braid, to entwine. 'Eyw rdv crov Kpdr dvaartyai 6t\u. Eur. ft. Archel. 3. SYN. ' , v. [os aperio,] to open the mouth. 'Ayaortfytov ro 001. Cycl. 35^. .SYN. 'A^otyw, dj'dTrerayyvyut, d^d^atVa;. a;, v. [alte ingemisco,] to groan aloud, to lament. *fls TrtJiciv' ly -^i^ 'Aydyue^uj'wv. :. 9. SYN. See 'A^aore^a^w. ), f. i//w, v. [inverto, converto,] to upset, to change, to reverse, to overturn. Hen-oid'' 6 yap flees 1 TTUVT avaorpttyet TrdXti/. Eur. Suppl. 341. SYN. Karaarpetyw, avriarpfyv, /iracrr|0^w, TrapaoTjOt^w, TrdpdfCivw, ava.Kop.i- . j, rjs, %, subst. [reversio,] a turning back, return, a reverse, an over- throw. 'Exflpwy -yap avbpwv fjiolpdv els avaffrpotyriv. Androm. 999. SYN. w, v. poet, pro avdcrrpetyto), [verto, converto, subverto,] to turn, to alter. TlavTtf dvaffrputyyv Kal dp^ye/jeV &s KE bvvrjat. Hes. Clyp. 121. SYN. , et di'oopr)-8s, ev^oprjros. ,ii) f v. [scmdo, discindo, seco, disseco,] to split up, to rend. Avro7s beppa Xeoi'Tos dvaa"^i$.iv 8yv\effal Theocr. 25. 277 SYN. Aiaa^t^Wi dm- reyuvw, bid-re fjivu), 6ia7rp/w, dvairplw, ol^oropEio. rd, eTrirdpdrrw, avvrdparTd), Trroiew, crvy^ew, dvd6oXdw. 'Ai'aret, adv. [impune, sine injuria,] without injury or loss, with impunity. Kpewv, /*' d^arei rfjobe /u' eKJ3dXeli> ^Oovds. Med. 1357- SYN. ' , v. [produce, orior,] to raise up, to produce, to rise. Tolffiv 5* ttfji(3poalr)V 2t/uoeis dreretXe vHpeaQai. E. 777- SYN. 'A^X W > dvdblbwfjil, e^dvd- reXXw, dvdfyva), e^vw, di'd^oiVw, ayOea). vdrt6)/7fa, f. 0//cra;, v. [sursum pono, tollo, impono, consecro,] to put up or upon, to suspend, to ascribe, to refer, to attribute. Kcu aoL' 77 agitate. 'Avtrlvag eXOwv $ Bd^os 6wjud, KO\ fATjrpos ra^y. Bacch. 6'13. SYN. h see "Avnrds, ov, 6 et T], adj. [innoxius, illaesus,] innoxious, harmless. Eirj Toy IT pay pa TOVT aTro&vwv. ^Esch. Suppl. 36'0. SYN. 'Addrds, d/3Xd/3)s, d^- futos, duuos, do//X^ros. 'AvaTpEirw, v. [subverto, everto,] to turn back, to overturn, to upset, to under- mine, to overwhelm, 'fts batjuov&vTas Kavdrpe^arras iroXiv. Phoen. 902. SYN *Ayaorrp0w, vTroarpecJHi), Kadatpeu), KaTaoTpwvvvfjtl, 7rpoffovbi(*>, a^dXXw, /cdra- u, f. 0pe\//w, v. [nutrio, alo, educo,] to bring up, to educate. Kapbtav avarpltyuv. Eumen. (Ed. Schiitz)5l7. SYN. Atarpc^w, e/crp^>w, Ttdrjrew, TpO(j)V(i). 'A/arp)(w, f. 6ptofjiai, et di'a^pa/ioi/^at, 2. a. eSpd^uo^, v. [recurro, redeo cur- rens,] to run up, to ascend quickly, to return. 'As. Equit. 310. SYN. Typ/Sdc'w. 'Avavyriros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [non splendens, obscurus, ater,] unillumined, gloomy, black. Els avavyriTOV /noXeTr. P. V. 106"4. SYN. ILKOTeivos, dtpos, , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [inenarrabilis,] unutterable, strange. " TOV, ai>avbr)Tdt>, Ion. 783. "AvavSds, ov, et d^ai/S^s, eds, 6 et ?}, adj. [inefFabilis, infandus, mutus,] speech- less, indescribable, mute, unheard, not to be spoken. '6 6' elprr' civavbos, yueyd (f)poi'u>V ir&Xoibe vlv. Phoen. 41. SYN. "Apprjros, d^>drds, d0wjd$, a^Qoy yds, avavbyros, Ktatyos. AvavXus, ov, o et ^r, adj. [tibiarum expers, tristis,] unaccompanied by the flute or pipe, mournful. A7^dr 0///3as, K&fjiov avavXtirarov Trpo^opevets. Phoen. 802. SYN."AJUOI/CTOS, e^eX^s, yuZpos, Oprjvwbris. Avavpds, ov, o, P. N. [Anaurus,] a river in Thessaly, also a torrent. 'Aravpov irapa ?r^yds. Here. F. 390. SYN. Xe//*crppos, %apabpa, Trdrd/ids. Xetyueptds, ir\i]Q(i)V, jueXajUV////^ts, (gen. "Aunt's, aos, r/, adj. [quae non amplius navis est,] which is a ship no more, Nd ch'des. Pers. 686. ^w, f. dvw, v. [ostento,] to display, to exhibit, to reveal. is avatyaivwv. Iph. T. 1256. SYN. Oa/vw, e/c^atVw, 0di'pdw, ivu), beiKWfjt, a.i'a^dKVV^.1, brjXooj, Trpdarjuatra), aTrdmXvTrrw, vbdv, et cLvatyavba, adv. [aperte, palam,] openly, publicly. "Os p' dm- dTrvie, Tropwv awepeiala ebva. ft. 1/8. See also y. 222. SYN. ^d**- pws, ejji(j)ui'ws, KCLTCL^OLvdiS, 7ri'6;yXo>s, rriifyws, f.vo7/3o> K be re Xiaaaba vqoov. Apoll. 4. 1717- ', v. [rursum incendo, inflammo, excito,] to rekindle, to blow up. 78 ANA* ANAH irVpos \v(D, v, [ebullio, rursum ferveo,] to bubble up, to gush out, ' ' Trvpl Kaidpevos* ava b' efyXve KaXa peedpd. $. 361. SYN. (f)oj3ed} f v. [terreo, minor,] to frighten, to alarm. 'ATrtf TUV TroXewy \ovvres Toiavrl, k'am<^o/3oi/j>7S. Vesp. 668. SYN. ^o/Sew, e^o/3ew. rd^opd, as, //, subst. [elatio sursum versus, criminis relatio in alterum,] the transferring of a charge from one to another, authority, a narrative, appeal. 'AXX' ecrrlv //ju7j> di'd^opci r//s fyufyopas. Orest. 408. SYN. Merdflecus, ai'afyvyfj, Kard^vyr), dvdywy)), avaKofjlbri, tydpa, Trpoo^opd, eVdro^os. m^opoj', ov, ro, subst. [fulcimentum oneris,] a wooden bar or lever. Mrd- f3a\\dpvos TCtvafyvpov vrl j($r)rly,s. Ran. 8. , v. [animo volvo, excogito,] to reconsider, to think. ' &nov. Olymp. 1. 111. y, rjs, ?/, subst. [efFugium, perfugium,] escape. 'Amvp , ayaopvaaw t v. [atihelo,] to pant, to gasp for breath. ^ t oaaov airwdev. Apoll. 2. 433. SYN. 'Ai'tur^u, &aOfJLalvto t , v. [renasci faeio, produco,] to shoot up, to send forth, to cause to grow up. 'A6di'dro$ ical avirvds, 6v CLVD) Fat' ai'fyvaev. Apoll. 2. 1213. SYN. 'Ai/dreXXw, 'Avdx, aTrep^o^at, tTrdvoorpe^w, VTrdyw, VTrovoareb}, /^ j?pos, o, subst. [recreator,] the cherisher, that wliich refreshes. Tfjp' ) o & a/i7reXw> yaros. Eur. fr. Audrom. 27- , r;, subst. [refrigeratio, recreatio,] the recovering of the breath, deliverance, release. Kcu ^a/per'' CK yap r7 v - [refrigero, focillo,] to recover the breath, to re-animate, to refresh, to console. Kprivrjv ava^v^ovol Qrikinrovv flaaiv. Iph. A. 421. SYN. ^Yvyw, h/Lail/v^b), ava6a\7rw, dvaTravw. vSdi'o*, fut. abfiffv, v. [placeo,] to please, to gratify. Nka vvv ov /i>/vc\v^d- vovrd pot Troiels. Alcest. 1127- SYN. 'Abew, cipeffiM, eudpe^rtw. vbrjfjiUy poet, pro dmSr/^d, dros, ro, subst. [vitta,] a bandage, a crown, a garland, a chaplet. YlowtXtiv a^/td. Pind. fr. 9. ANAH ANAP 79 "Avbrjpii, v, ra, subst. [areol in horto,] beds or plots of flowers. Flpoj fioba, rwv urbrjpa Trap' at'/uarfaiat irfyvKe. Tlieocr. 5. 93. SYN. "AXdrts, a;pd, ra^pot, npdffiai. 'Arbiters, ov, o, subst. [laqueus,] a kind of trap. ETTroV r' avbUr^ rt /udX' eibord pctKpov dXtadai. Call. fr. 233. SYN. 'Po7rrp6>, v Siaffra- 'AvbpdydOla, as, 11, subst. [strenuitas,] manly excellence, courage, a. Tip^s. b. 7r\dKOVVT(t)V. a. dySpdydflias. b. laytibuv. Pint. I<)1. SYN. 'A^pe/a, dyrjvopia, a, } Trpwros, /Bporoe^r' dvSpaypf, 'A^cuwy. H. 50^. SYN. judrd, e>'dpd, aypei/yudrd, Xafyvpa. as, adv. [viritim,] man by man. 'A^pdkds* 7/jueTs 6' ayr v. 14. SYN. Kdr* dfSpd. ov, ro, subst. [mancipiuin,] a slave, a servant, a footman. TVV pkv xprjaOai 7ro\\6ls. Eccles. 5S) SYN. AovXos, at EPITH. 'Apyvpwv^roi'', bopvaXiorov, ^ifo^iptov. 'Avbpairo&iffrr]s,ov, 6, subst. [plagiarius,] a man-stealer, a slave-dealer, a plagiary. "EyUTTopos rJKfjjy K efford/Xms, Trdpd TrXetirrwv arbpcnrobiffrcijy. Plut. 521. 'Aj>5pdpto>, et avbplov, ov, ro, dim. of uvfjp, subst. [hoimmcio,] a puny man, a paltry fellow. 'AXX' dvSpdpm fjio^6r)pa, irapaKeKonpei'd. Acliarn. 5l6. See also Tlieocr. 5. 40. SYN. 'Aj/OpwTrdpioV, avQp&Kl,6v, avQpwiriaKos. 'AvbpaxOiis, EOS, 6 et r/, adj. [virum gravans seu onerans,] loading or oppressing a man. Oi p' dTrd Trerpdwy avbpa-^deffi ^ep/jia.bloiat. K. 127. SYN. Bdpfo, ia, or avbpLa, as, ^, et avbpeiov, ov, ro, subst. [virilis aetas, vigor,] manli- ness, fortitude, courage. 'AXX' i6i^(i(p(t>v, rTis avbpeias. Nub. 510. See also Here. F. 475. Eur. Suppl. 510. SYN. 'ArbpdydQla, fjropta, dyrjvdpta, Kpdros, fj.t'os, dX/o), evaQtvetd, ev^vyla, bvvdfJLis, loyvs. EPITH. ""Arpo/ios, avfieoros, dbdfjaaTos, TrdXvQapcriis, tcpdrepd, ffibrjpo^pwv. 'Avbpelds, a, ov, et (Ion.) avbpfilds, adj. [virilis, fortis, strenuus,] manly, brave. Mi} TrapBevwiros, dXXd Tavbpeiov TpoTrov. Eur. Electr. 949. SYN. 'Ayfivup, ydXodvfjids, vTrep6vfj.os, dpdffVKapblos, fjieyddv^ds* 'ArbpeityovTtjs, ov, 6, subst. [liomicida,] a man-slayer, a homicide. Mrjplovrjs drdXaiTus 'EvvaXtw x arbpet^ovrr]. H. l66. 'AvbpeiMs, et &V&PIKWS, adv. [viriliter, strenue,] in a manly manner, vigorously. Xwpei br} vvv TTCLS avbpeius. Ran. 372. See also Pax 477- 'AvSpepaorptd, as, yj t subst. [virorum amatrix,] a woman who loves men's com- pany. Tas avbptpaffrpias KaXtiv. Thesm. 392. ;, v. [in exilium pello,] to expel, to banish. 'AvSpqXdroiJvrds, T) tyovov TrdXtv. CE. R. 100. PHR. Qvydbd dirvXii' iroieiv. iXdrrjs, ov, 6, subst. [qui homines in exilium abigit,] a banisher of men. *H ejwvr' drtfj.ctarrjpd rws a avbpr)Xdrr)V. Sept. Theb. 634. 'ArbpiavTo-iroids, ov, 6, subst. [statuarius,] a statuary. OVK arbp^ayroTroios eiyu'. Nem. 5. 1. SYN. 'AyaXjudroTrotos. PHR. 'AyaXjudrui/ refcrwi'. 'Avbplds, avTbs, 6, subst. [statua,] the representation of a man, a statue. ETrd Trpoo-rds Trpos ro^ avbpldvTd rov flavbiovos. Pax 1188. SYN. EIKUV. s, adv. Vid. 'Avbpeiws. i, adv. [viriliter,] after the manner of men. Xptodfjievais Mpiffri Trap' _. r _.dXoerpoTs. Theocr. 18. 23. 'AvbpofiovXos, ov, ?/, adj. [virilis consilii, fortis,] plotting against ^her husband, insidious, capable of manly deeds. TvyaiKos avbpofiovXov eXTrt^ov *rtdp. Agam. 10. Here y form only one syllable. See Clarke, II. B. 651. 80 ANAP ANEF 'Avpo/3p TroXt v apiuos apai. Call. Cer. 35. 'Avbpoyovos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [androgynus, viros ferens,] male-bearing, '\vbpo- yovos r aycidrj, Kovprj b f ov avpfyopos earlv. Hes. Op. 781. 'AvbpdbaiKTos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [viros seu homines perimens,] man-killing. *H $dt&T'A')(t\ev, rt Tror' avbpobaiKTov CLKOVWV. Ran. 1264. * 'Avbpobafjias, nvros, o, adj. [virum domans,] subduing a man. Hore ^>o/3os avbpobafjias. Nem. 3. 66. 'Aj/poK/zj)s, ?/rds, 6 et >;, adj. [viros fatigans aut interficiens,] fatiguing, wearing out, killing men. Mrjbe ris avbpoKftrjs Xotytfs 7reX0erw. ysch. Suppl. 686. 'AvbpoKftriTds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ab homine laboratus,] formed in consequence of the loss of men. 2n;X); KeJcXiyueros, avbpoKpfiTa) eirl ry///3w. A. 371* 'Av&poKTaaia, as, //, subst. [caedes virorum,] a slaughter of men, a slaughter, a carnage. Avrap eyhv ev oiba fJtaxas r', avbpOKratrias re. H. 237- SYN. Mmi- (j)ovia t (fiords. EPITH. Avypa, ciXeyetvjJ. , v. [viros interficio,] to slay a man, to kill a husband. 'AvSpo- TTtirejo' efj.6v KareKTafe. Eumen. 599- , ov, 6, subst. [homicida,] a homicide. Kv>ds irapaKOtTis "Ecrop6s, dvyarrjp jUtydX?}- Topos 'Hertw^ds. *A'Spo//os, a, dv, adj. [(l)virilis, (2) humanus,] manlike, crowded with men, human. "Hre, Kal elpyojuevr) paXa Trep XPos d^po//eoio. P. 571. SYN. 'Av- 6p&TTios, civdpuiTriros, avbpelus, /3poreos, dvrjrds. 'AvSpooyuai, v. [ad aetatem virilem pervenio, vir fio,] to arrive at man's estate. Fepovr' d^peloi/' /i// 7ro0' o6* rjvbpwpevot. Here. F. 42. 'Avbpdirats, aibds, 6, [puer virili animo,] a manly youth, a stripling, a boy just arrived at manhood. BXaorg/ia KaXXlirpvpuv, avbpdrrais at'rjp. Sept. Theb. 529. *AvSpo7rX/0em, a, ^, subst. [hominum multitude seu conventus,] a host of men, an armed host. T ftSl rts irapearlv ai/rots ai'bpoirXit'ideta arparov. Pers. 240. 'A^porv^s, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [maritum nactus,] obtaining a husband, wedded, conjugal. 'Avbpdrvxeis fildrovs. Eumen. 962. SYN. Fdp/Xios, yd/it6opos, ov, o et fj, adj. [homines perdens,] men-destroying, deadly, de- structive. 'AvbpotyBopov /3e/3po)r a6vTi]s, avbpeiotyoyTrjs, avdpuTTOKTuvos, fyovevs, QovevTrjs, /3poro- Xotyos, ^utat^ovos, (f>Otffifj.fipoTos. 'Avbpwv, wvvs, 0, subst. [pars domus, qua viri agunt,] a part of a house occu- pied by men. 'Ay' CLVTOV els avbptivas evevovs bdfjuav. Choeph. 700. EPITH. poet, pro di/dSufyuai, v. [detrecto,] to avoid, to shrink from. KCLKOV* dXXd iroit OVTWS. N. 225. . . . veyyvos, ov, [o et ^, adj. [sine sponsione actus,] devoid of bail, not having credit, not to be depended on. "ftp?? ydp at irtbriaZv aveyyvos* vypd be T)]V Anacr. Ep. 82. SYN. "Airttrros, eicvo/uds, . /pw, f. epw, v. [expergefacio, excito,] to raise up, to awaken from sleep, to cheer. 'AvtyetpovTa 0pd' aXltiv. jEsch. Suppl. 15. SYN.'ApS^, Trap-rav, bla^7rtpes t av^^iya. 'us, rj, 6v t adj. [" remissus, 2. ap. Sophocl. denotat incustoditus, extra tivas evagans." Maltb.] remiss, given up, devoted, unguarded. Tuobe, aveipevas. Antig. 578. SYN."Ai>erto, e/v'/ueX/ys. t, v. [orior, ascendo, redeo,] to go up, to rise (of the sun), to ascend, to return, acucjpv#/, adj. [non vestitus, iiudus, male vestitus,] unclothed, meanly clad. "Rare rev 7) napa Tra^-jrav avetftords >/e Trevt^pov. y. 348. SYN. "A7T7rXos, dvei'Svros, yvp.vos t ^vaeifiwvy bvaeifMros. 'Am'pyw, f. ^w, v. [arceo, cohibeo, inhibeo,] to force back, to keep off, to re- strain. Ka/ p es fjteaadv iwv, Tp&wv aveepye QaXayyas. F. 77. SYN. ' , e loco alto, (2)ab origine generis,] from above, ori- ginally. "Avwdtv avtKadev KTVTTO). Choeph. 421. 'AVCKTOS, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [tolerabilis, comniodus,] supportable. See 'Ava 'AXXd TO fjikv KOL avenTov t%et KO.KOV, oinrdTe cev T/LS. v. 83. , adv. [tolerabiliter,] tolerably. 'Avbpos evospnrys, 6 Se ftat &s. 0. 535. eyxw, f. ^w, v. [arguo, convince,] to discover, to detect. T ft rc/v-i/ov, rt 0fc ; olo^ olo^ ut'\y^ofj,ai t Ion, 1472. SYN. Bdadj'/cjw, SteXey^w, fcdrdyt- VWffKW. 'Aj/eXev0epds, a, o^, et ov, 6 et /, adj. [illiberalis, sordidus, avarus,] illiberal, degraded. El, TrXoiwds wv, aveXeidepos eaff. Plut. 591. SYN. jMKpbXdyos, alamos, deifofc, aKoapos, irlvapos, QiXoKepbvjs. v. [volvo, evolvo, voluto,] to throw out, to utter. ()ovpovs. Ran. 826. SYN. e EXt'or, Stvew u, f. ^w, v. [sursum traho,] to draw up, to draw back. "Hbri 6' ave\Kwv oy, K7r\edpov bpdjJLov. Med. 1178. SYN."EXfcw, e^eXcw, e^eXfcvw, dyao-Trdw, /j0w, di/dyw, i)7re^dyw, drtjovw. , 6 et ^, adj. [alieuus a moribus Gra3corum, barbarus,] not Gre- cian, barbarian, foreign. Hdbairdy dfjLtXoy roV6' dveXX^^a arparov. .flSsch. Suppl. 233. , ibds, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui est sine spe,] hopeless. ^.wTrjplas aveXms' us . Iph. T. 487'. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) insperatus, (2) non sperans,] unhoped for, de- stitute of hope, hopeless. Tt bfjra (paffpa TWV aveXirioTuv op& ; Ion 13p4. vZfjioeis, evrbs t 6 et >y, adj. [ventosus, vento plenus,] windy, exposed to the wind, lofty, violent. 1 'Aye/joeir? be y ETC' oyfiy. Heracl. 784. * vejuds, ov, o, subst. [ventus,] the wind. Merplas ave^v. Med. 834. SYN. *A)y7-js, Trvev/ud. EPITH. 'ApydXeos, aKpnrjs t ap7ra, avrlnopSs, aidpios, bvaaijs, betvos, bvari^rjs, eTreiyo/ue^os, a%jpr]vl$, <5d0o$, 5d/ue>/?}s, ofjippofydpos, AnVtr//?, , Xtyvs, icXovew, oXoos, XevydXeos, 0dos, Xlyvptis, fjieyas, navTolvs, js, ^cTros, ^eipeplds, ^>otrdXeos, flapvybovTros. Tr/ys, e^s, 6 et ry, adj. [a vento tegens,] sheltering from the wind, warm. XXcuvdwv T avendtTKeTrecov, oi/Xwv re TaTrryrwy. IT. 224. SYN. 'AXed^/i<5s. 'A^e/uoff^dpdyos, ov, 6 et ij, adj. [vento perstrepens,] roaring with wind, bel- lowing. ^Avep.oa^apaywv CK IlaXtov KoXituv. Pyth. 9> 6. 'Ave/uorpe^s, eds, 6 et >/, adj. [a vento nutritus s. auctus,] nursed by or in the wind, stormy, tempestuous, hardy. Aafipov tinal rtytwv avefiorpetyes, / oe rl Traad. O. 625. wfoys, eds, 6 et ^ adj. [venti celeritatem habens,] swift as the wind, fleet. 1 From the derivation of averts, its first syllable ought to be short : but poet, it is also long ; whence Ion. famous et Dor. a^e/toets : or it may be long, as the first syllable of o0(W*T is long, poetica necessitate. 2 The first syllable of A^oVTris here long. See the strophe, Heracl. 774. 82 ANEM ANEY eWe fyfyoy rtyeXas. Phoen. 165. SYN. 'fljcifc, moXos. a, #>, et ov, 6 et ^, adj. [futilis, ventosus, vanus,] hollow as the wind, vain, idle. 'ABavariav' ol 6' avr dve^Xlo/L, o? ro vrdpos Trtp. Y. 123. SYN. MerdjuwXtos, fjieTduwvlus, yudrcuos, (pXvapos, d-nofywXWs. , ?js, >/, subst. [anemone,] the flower anemone. 'AXX' ov (rvufiXrjT ej/rt , ou' avefJLMva. Theocr. 5. 92. EptTH. Etdp*W/, uu'wBdbtds. as, 17, P. N. [Anemoria,] a city of Phocis. Ot r' 'Avfywpeiav /cat 'Ya/i7roXtv a/jKpevepovTo. B. 521. 'Aveoos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [unde exiri non potest, impervius,] having no egress, irremeable. 'Ayyet'AeteV Zfjioi rls dve^obov els 'A^povrd. Theocr. 12. 19- 'Aveopros, ov, 6 et j/, adj. [iricultus, non feriatus,] unfeasted, ungratified with a festival. 'Aveopros IZp&v Kal ytip&v T^T^HEVOS. Eur. Electr. 310. SYN. 'Are- Xecrrus, aTrpZTrrjs, ftedeopros. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [irreprehensibilis,] blameless. 'AKtpatos,ave7rtXii7rrov /3lov. Orest. 920. SYN. 'Ai'dpaprrjTos, d/3Xd/3^s, djue^j/s, dpef^Trros. ov, 6 et >;, adj. [impolitus, imperfectus,] unpolished, imperfect. Mrjbe bo/mov TTOI.WV aveiri&aTOV KdrdXe/Tretv. Hes. Op. 7^6. SYN. "A^eoros, acFKeirapros, aKOft^os, aKOffpos, dreX^/s. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [nondum confectus,] not completed, unfinished. M/7' d7ro ^vrpoTrobuv dvETrtppeKTbiV aveXovTa. Hes. Op. 748. 'AvTrids, ov, 6 et y, adj. [non invidendus, non reprehensus,] not enviable, not exposing or exposed to envy. 'AveiriqQovov eipvadv ey^ds. Trach. 1051. SYN. 'Avlp.eai}Tos t dvepaaros. 'Ai'epyos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [inefficax, in Justus,] undone, contrary to what ought to be done, unjust. At' e'py' drepya y' oXXvaat, //eXed r' erXas. Helen. 366. SYN. f. ^/o//at, v. [sursum tollo, abripio,] to snatch up, to convey away. Nvvbe piv a.K\et&s"Ap7rwal avrjpetyavTo. a. 241. SYN. 'Avap7rdc?w, , v. [eructo, emitto,] to belch or vomit forth. "Ow, fTrdracrrpe^w, dTroveopat, roared). vfpwrdw, f. r/o-w, v. [interrogo, saepe rogo,] to ask, to interrogate. ' ws wVretp'* dvrip&ra r' t^ue. Iph. T. 665. SYN. See 'Avepo/Adi. veorids, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [domo et sede propria carens,] homeless, a wanderer. 'Ac/>pj;ra>p, dfiefJiiffrds, avearlos. I. 63. SYN. "Afoa'os, ^vyds. vev, Boeot/'Avts, praep. [sine, absque, seorsum ab,] without, far or removed from. Ou [jev yap TTOT dvev brjiuv 1 i\v t dXXd /car' avrovs. N. 556. SYN. , drip, efa, CKTOS. piffKw, fut. pried*, v. [reperio, invenio,] to seek out, to find out. vv dvevpuv. Theocr. 30. 9- SYN. 'E^evp^w, e.evpiffK(t). Here STJ/WV in scanning is considered as a dissyllable. ANEY ANHN evptffts, EMS, rj, subst. [inventio,] the finding out, a discovery. T fl w anv foevpew Beds. Ion 669. SYN. Evpevts, evpepa, cvpr)ud, 83 v. [(]) celebro, faustis omnibus prosequens, (2) edo lamenta,] to bewail in a becoming manner. "ATTOS ' d^ev^ur/o-eV olpuyfj Xews. Trach. SYN. ov, 6 et r/, adj. [non nubilus ; serenus,] unclouded, not gloomy. dre^eXos, 1 XevKt] b' eiribebpu^ aiyXr). fjs, eabe\(f)os f (JTevs t eirlyovos. s, w, 6, adj. [silens, mutus, tranquillus,] dumb, silent. TtVr' drew eye- veffOe t Kapr^KdfjidiDVTes 'A^atoi ; B. 323. SYN. 'Ac^, cityuvus, dXdXos, ijav^os^ fjur\r]Kros. 'A^?;/3dw, v. [repubesco,] to grow up to manhood, to renew one's youth. Ttiv avrov KTECLVUV ev Tra^e/^ei/* ov yap at'rjfiqv. Theog. 1003. 'AvrjfirjTr'ipios, a, ov, adj. [repubescens, revirescens,] youthful, blooming. 'AXX* avrjfirjrriplav. Androm. 553. SYN. Neos, yewrepos, ava&wv. Avr)(3os, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [impubes,] beardless, not grown to maturity. Hals fj.ev avrifios ewr erl vr}Trlds, epxos obovruv. Solon. rj, or, adj. [ex anetho confectus, anethinus,] composed of anise. r, rfjro Kar d/^dp, avfj&tvtiv, r) poboevTa. Theocr. 7- 53. , ov, TO, subst. [anethum,] anise, dill. XXwpat be o-ddSes, jjaXdKu fipi- Ooveai d>^0w. Theocr. 15. 119. SYN."Anj/, adj. [insanabilis,] incurable, irreparable, inconsolable. r^S' eXav^eii^, (.i^b* arrjKeffroy rpe0etv. CE. R. 98. SYN. 5 AvaX0j)s, , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [qui non audit, expers auditus,] not listening, inatten- tive. 'OrTrore Trpwrd 6av(u^es t avaKooi kv yftovl Koi\/, adj. [immisericors, crudelis,] merciless, cruel. "Hprj, o-oi 5' eri Tijuos dvrjkees JJTdp eKeiro. Call. 4. 106. SYN. 'Ayue/Xi^os, dj'OtkTos, drr;- vfjs, rttbr]po(f)Q(ji)V t wpos. 'AvijXios, ov, 6 et /, adj. [expers solis, opacus,] not exposed to the sun, dark, opaque. Ai/3ds drr/Xtos, a rdXatvd. Androm. 535. SYN. ^vvrjpe^'is. 'A^XtTros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [excalceatus,] without shoes or sandals. Mij dvaXl- TTOS ep^eo, Ba77. Theocr. 4. 56. SYN. N//Xt7ros, drvTrdbrjros, aTrtbiXos. 'AvrjueXKTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non mulctus,] utimilked. 0//Xetai b' t arf]pc\KTOi TrepL ar,KOVs. t. 439- os, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [immitis,] wild, fierce, inhuman. Ao7r' opeiav r eKpoXav. Hec. 1081. SYN. 'A7rr } rt)s,d7rdr6pwKos,dueiXiKTds,dpeiX'Ixfa. 'Avriveuos, ov, 6 et /;, adj. [sine ventis, tranquillus,] without wind, sheltered 1 For the quantity of the first syllable se 2 On the quantity of the penult, of 'Xvtytos, see Heyne, 0. 554. 7rt epyy. v. 111. SYN. 'ArfXeoros, airpaKros, , opos, 6 et ?/, adj. [non virilis, ignavus,] unmanly. Mrj a a vTa K&KOV Kal avi'iropa deirj. K. 301. SYN. "Avavbpos, BrjXvtypwv, ;, v. [resono, cano,] to resound, to sing. 'I/utpoeyfl' v^evawv dn/ Apoll. 4. 1197. Av^p, 1 avepos, et dj>/)p, d^Spos, 6, v. [vir, homo, maritus, &c.] a man, a hero, a husband, a mortal. "Adepts e'ore, 0tXoi, pviiaaaQe be dovplbos dXo/s. Tyrt. See also Hec. 310. SYN. Bporos, <2>s, dV0pw7ros, Ovrjros, aKotTrjs, TrdpaKoirrjs. EPITH. 'A6Xd(j)dpos, albolos, aXfcfytos, J Ap>/ios, aX^rjffnjs, /3ovX^6(Oos, beivos, btKCuds, eV'TrayXos, eptKvbris, evaefirjs, eXa^>pds, evopKos, ea^Xos, e^e^pwv, 6/apaaXtos, Kparepos, fCvSaXtyuos, KaprepodvfJios, pve^apiJ.os 3 7roXi)7rovos, TroXvi&p <7o0os, rdXavapStos, ^rXdlgyos, $pa6juwi', aypios, atbpts, airaXafjivos, depyos, d0^/ortos, doyX^ros, dreartos, 5etXos, bvaperfls, yunpyos, vTrepoTrXos, oVivpos, /3pon/0-ios, ravafyoprjros, o-d(cecai avrjpoTa. iravTa 0wovrat. i. 109. SYN."Acr7raprds. ds, ov, 6 et ;, adj. [invictus, insuperabilis,] unconquered, invincible. &&' dXXos, d^acro-arot 5e yevo^ro. Theocr. 6. 46. SYN. ' , ov, 6 et ry, adj. [Vulcani expers,] not belonging to Vulcan, unna- tural. 'Ews v0>;i// Sw^' avrjfpaiffry Trvpi. Orest. 620., v. [in locum alterius eligo, preeftro,] to prefer, to obtain instead of. Oi/Seis ffTttyavov dv0aip//v\aKr)v, Kai Hvppaaov . B. 695. SYN. 'AvGeuwbrjs, avdetvos, avQlvos, Xeipioets. vTos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [a flore fluens,] dropping from flowers, zovdfjs avBefj.6ppvrov yavos. Iph. T. 633. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [opus suum ex floribus faciens,] flower-working, working among flowers. Tijs T avQepovpyov ordy/id, Tra^des peXl. Pers. 6 18. vQejjiwbris, eos, 6 et rj, adj. [florid us, florens, vernans,] flower-like, flowery. To> avQl^wbr] rjuwXov olffda TTOV nXvuv ; Bacch. 454. Av0pewv, wvos, 6, subst. [mentum,] the chin. Aaipov VTT' avQepewva, bia irpd be xXcd^ eXarraev. N. 388. SYN. Fe^eto^, aTopa, Xapvy. EPITH. Aa- , baavdpi^, XarrWs, veiaTos. ,, IKOS, et avBepiKos, ov, 6, subst. [arista,] an ear of corn. "A*po> tV Kapirbv Ge8v,o\)le KariK\wv. T. 227. SYN. ^TOL^VS. 1 On the quantity of the penult, of 'Avfy, see R. P. Phocn, 1G70. AN0E AN0P 85 , ov, o et^, adj. [florea serta gerens,] flower-bearing. Sr^avoi/s, bpvos T, aaLXaKos T avOeatyd'pov. Bacch. (>92. vflew, v. [floreo, scateo,] to produce flowers, to florish, to bloom. "E5i| re nplapos t *EKropos T iiveeibopv. Hec. 1 192. SYN. "A^d^w, /3pva/, adj. [soli obversus vel oppositus,] turned or opposite to the sun. 'Av6f]\lov itpoauTrov eK^nivei Qt&v ; Ion 1550. SYN. UporrrjXlos. 'AvOrjpos, a, ov, adj. [floridus,] flowery, florid, blooming. Ka< p/v Ad^j/w6es y' arOripds \Xtir)s. Cycl. 538. dpds et av6o0i'- 5ei^ xpvaavTavyri. Ion 889. SYN. Amv^'^w. 'A*>6>t/ds, ^, o>', adj. [(1) floridus, e floribus factus, (2) variis coloribus pictiis,] flowery, embroidered with flowers. Tairjs Awro^dywv, oi T avQlvov elbdo . i. 84. SYN. "Av0t/ios, avQeivos, ev civ epos, evavd)js, avQiipuv, ardw- , evdaXrjS, rrjXedowv, TroioXos, Xafjnrpos. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [subtenien habens, quod flores varii coloris expri- .mit,] yellow-flowered, saffron-colored. riotd/\\oi/or' avOdxpo wial Treats. Hec. 468. VWfloVo/jew, v. [flores depascor,] to feed on flowers or grass. 'AvQdvufi TTpoyovov. ^Esch. Suppl. 44. 'Ai'froTrA/cja;, v. [contra armo,] to arm against. 'Imrevol & 'nnrels ^aav irXiff^evoi. Eur. Suppl. 6/6. AvQos, e.ds, TO, subst. [flos,] a flower, bloom, or bud. To aov yap avQos, TTO.V- rt-^vov Trvpos aeXds. P. V. 7 SYN. "Avdepov, iavQvv, lov, avdr), CLIOTOS, TT/o-jud, avdocrvvr). EPITH. 'AyAdo*', ayAdoyUOp^oV, evwSes, eiapivov, KQ\ftv t 6pdajOoV, AeTrror, AevKor, \eifjLiovl6i' t Xa^vfjev, Tepirv6v y evrepires, ptov, TcoiijEV, poloEV, vaKivQlvov, -xXoepov, v\a~idt>. PHR. fla/^opov yaias TEKVOV, Aetyuwrwv edporpo(f)e(t)v TrerrjXov, yijs ftoffrpv-^os. , ov, 6, adj. [habens odorem suavem,] sweet-smelling, spiced, rich. o'irov jjiEXavds avdocrfjuov. Plut. 807 SYN. Evoo-yuos, 7replofffJ.os t arigb), et avdpaKou), v. [in carbones redigo,] to reduce to ashes. 'fts Kvpi ^pi] TUS pvcrapas yvra'iKas avdpaKeveiv. Lysistr. 340. See also Pax 1136. and P. V. 380. SYN. 'E/i7n)pey, 0/>uyw. pQpaicia, as, ?/, subst. [carbonum congeries,] a heap of live coals, cinders. 'Avdpa.Klt}r ffrdpcffas, opzXovs e^vTrep^e Tavvcroe. I. 213. , CLKOS, 6, subst. [carbo,] a live coal, a carbuncle, rubbish. dTr' avBpaKos. Cycl. 244. SYN. QvpdXu^. Ej>iTH. j, rjs, fj, subst. [crabro,] a hornet. KevTovjjLevos wjTrep VTT Nub. 944. SYN. 20f/, neXtaad. tivWv, ov, TO, subst. [crabronis alvear,] a hornet's nest. wv irpos fiiav TuvdprjvLa. Vesp, 1 075. SYN. KrjpWv, fjieXibewi>, fffj,rjrds. Trdplov, ov, TO, subst. [homulus, homuncio,] a pitiful fellow. ToA/^wv re avOpwirdpiw KaKobalftdve. Plut. 41 6. SYN. See 'Avbpaplidi>. , a, ov, et avdpunrwos, rj, 6v, adj. [humanus, ad humanum genus pertinens,] belonging to man, human. F/yi/w^e TavOpwTretu' ^ virepnt.- rpws. Eur. fr. Inus 21. See also Vesp. 1174. SYN. 'Avbptyeos, fXAfrfytf- 7TOS, 7TietfC>/S, ^prjffTOS. i'QpwTrto^, ov, TO, et avQpuirlffKos, ov, o, subst. [homuncio,] a little man, a manikin. MeVeAew*/ avdpuTriov. Cycl. 184. See also Cycl. 315. SYN. See i This is Person's reading for kvQovonov -ras. 86 AN0P ANIA 'AvQpwTrtibalpwv, tivtis, 6, subst. [deus ex homine factus,] a man-god ; i. e. one from being a man become a god. 'AvdpwTrSbalpwv Kelfferai fiXZiruv dds. Rhes. 971. SYN. Qearbpos, batpwv. vrtivtis, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [homicida,] a man-slayer, a homicide. Tovs & )', avrovs ovrds avdpuiroKTOvovs. Jph. T. 390. SYN. 'Avbpofydvcis, avbpo- ros, ov, 6 et rj, subst. [homo,] man, mankind, husband, master. Td r* avdpwTroiffi TipiwTara. Phoen. 449. SYN. Mepo^, Qvqrus, /3poros, EPITH. 'E7ri)0o>ios, efyrjptpds, etyrjpeptds, dpadfjs, afypabiis, dpydXeos, v, alvopopos, etTretpto-tos, atoXo/3ovXos, dX^^orrys, apavpofilos, Atorp0> SvoTAj^uwv, SetXoy, avbpelos, biKaios, abiKos, Ovpofiopos, BeoyXwa-ffos, 0eovX' d' yewa. 'A^QpwTroo-^dyew, v. [hominem, ut victimam, macto,] to sacrifice a human victim. Ilortpd TO xp*/^ a<$ tTr^ydy' avdpMTroafyayelv ', Hec. 259 'Avdvfipic&pat, v. [vicissim contumelia afficior,] to be injuriously treated in return, a. '6e ydp eisl]pasv{3pi$ei. b. KCU ydp ardvj3pidpat. Phoen. 629. 'AvflvTrovpyew, v. [penso beneticium,] to assist, to co-operate. Miyr' avdvirovp- I yelv ala%pa Toifft xpupevois. Hipp. 1003. SYN. 'AvQvirripETf.ii). 'Avta, as, ?/, subst. [moeror, molestia,] grief, sorrow, annoyance, vexation. 1 Tous 0a~is aviais ^pi'itjopai ffd(f>lapaalv. Iph. T. 1032. SYN. *A^0^a>', a^0os, Xvirr), aTropia, aXyos, dXy^Swy, trevQos, abrjporia, byfT^epeid, bvaQvpia. EPITH. 'ApydXta, direipoSf arX//ros, aypvTrvos, aKopearos, dXtaoros, dfC7?pdros, /5dpe7d, Trf/cpd, Xvypa, pe\atvd, yoepd, oXoa, orvyepd, Kpdrepa, dvpoflopos, flapvprjris, 6, KCLKOTTorpos, 7ro\i>baKpvs, TToXvbaKpvros, TruXiitjjbvvos, iroXvTrXayKToSf TT OTOS, KOivi), vvri, Xei/ydXca, a0paoros. 'Avfd^w, v. [(l)trislitiam adfero, (2)molestiam sentio,] to give trouble, to annoy; &M /wore generally, to be grieved, annoyed, or afflicted. 1 Tpwwi> 5' os fcred- reaalv i/Trep^idXws di'id^et. 21. 300. See also b. 598. SYN. 'Andw, aviaopcn, s, a, 0^, adj. [molestus, moerorem adferens,] troublesome, causing trouble. 3 'Arfopd? ovro Krrjp, avayxalov & opus. Orest. 224. 'AvtT/pw 5e /tuv aT7/>'. Apoll. 3. 1066. SYN. Xrvyepos, a^Qeivos, XvTrrjpos, adapts, yoepos, aXeyeivos, fiupvdvfuos, aQvpos. Aviapws, adv. [moleste, acerbe,] grievously, vexatiously. OVK otaQa Kal vvv t ws dvtapws Xtyets ; Antig. 3l6. SYN. AvTrrjpws, /3dpews, Svo-^opws, , v. [resono, clamo,] to cry aloud. 'A 6' aviax, o'^Xew, fcd/co&>, , 0X//JW, TTte^W, KaTaTTOVtb). , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non fixus, instabilis, irrequietus,] unfixed, unset- 1 The penult, of aj/m is generally long, but sometimes short. 2 The noun a.vla or a^tTj generally has its penult, long, but sometimes short, as in four instances adduced by Ruhnken. Epist. Crit. ii. p. 276. The verb aviaw, or avidfa, in the Epic poets, generally produces the penult. Aristophanes has the penult, of aviw thrice short, and once long. The second syllable of aviapbs is always short in Euripides and Aristophanes, and long in Sopho- cles, Antig. 310. But the third syllable is always long. R. P. Phoen. 1334. See Poison's Canons collected in Classical Journal No. 61. 3 See the note on 'Ai/rofw. 4 The antepenult, of aviaxsv and of taxw is here long, on. account of the augment. s See the note on ' ANIA ANOI 87 tied, unsteady. Apo>ots avibpvroiaiv jXaffrpovv /*' fie/. Iph. T. 971. SYN. ', d/3t/3atos, di/eVSoros, AvfbpwTl, adv. [sine sudore vel labore,] without sweat, without trouble or labor. Ov yap avtbpcDTt ye per avfyaal KV&OS deet. Call. 1. 1. SYN. 'A/^x0i, UTTO- , a, ov, adj. [profanus, pollutus,] unholy, profane. 'Avitpds a j' rpvxet. Hipp. 14,6. (Double dochm.) SYN. 'Avdalds, aKadapros, fl- (3r)Xds, a.7roj3ii)[j,Ws, advTos, KO.KOS. 'AJ/I^I, f. //aw et e*w, l.aor. ^d, v. [ " emitto, remitto, impello." Vid. Damm.] to send up, to put forth, to excite, to expose. 'AXX' aviets, tirei avTds. E. 880. See also O. 24. SYN. 'A^/u, raflfyp, avaTreftTrw, ara- 7ret'0w, Trapopuaw. 'Ava-erevros, ov, 6 et ^, adj, [(l)cui supplicatum non est ; (2) non supplex,]not a suppliant. Etr' aviKCTevTos ys* ejuol yap ear' dyov. Iph. A. 1003. *AviKr}r6s ) et Dor. aviKaros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [invictus, insuperabilis,] invincible, unconquered. Tov y aviKarov KpaTiiawv, ws (5lq. Bacch. 989. SYN. ' y'w, v. [equito, equos ago,] to mount or ride a horse. Ki)pe7 6* awcirev- OVTOS fjXiov KvK\. Ion 41. Avisos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui est sine equo,] without a horse, a foot-soldier. "AVITTKOV iTnrorrjv re Qv^arwV UTTO. (E. C. 899. SYN. Ile&Yqs. 'AVITTTT]^, et dy/Trrdjuat, v. [sursum volo,] to fly aloft, to mount. Kcu vvx efcetvd juev Sdvd^r' dyeTrrdro. Here. F. 69. AVITTTOS, ov, 6 et //, adj. [illotus,] unwashed. Xepo-t 6' aviTrroiaiv Alt Xelfieiv aidon-a olxov. Z. 266. SYN/AXovros, aKadapTos. 'AviarrjjjLi, f. or^cro*, v. [surgere facio, erigo, excito, everto, subverto,] to raise up, to wake, to overthrow. Kcu vvv iro\is ^.ev iraa avecrrriKev bopt. Hec. 492. SYN. 'A'ye/|0a>, dj/opOow, dvdfcov^/^w, aTrapr/^w, Trdjoop/^dw, KdOatptw. 'A^toropew, v. [interrogo, sciscitor,] to ask again, to investigate thoroughly. 'Us 7TOV0' ct7ra /^e avXXdftovd dviffropeis. Iph. T. 529. SYN. 'Ayepo/iat, d^e- pwrdw, avaKplvot. , v. [attollo, orior, sustineo,] to raise up, to rise. "HXios aviff^tav /3aXXet 0Xoyt. Phae't. fr. 1. 3. SYN. 'Ayexw, cti'dretViu, arfrjfjii, ava- rtXXw. 'A^x^euw, v. [pervestigo, indago, persequor,] to trace out, to follow, to pursue. 'AXXd r' avL^vevwv fleet e/^7reof, o^pd /ce*' evpj?. X. 192. " " fterpovpau , see 'Avm<$w. , poet, pro 'Are^eXos, q. V. , ov, //, subst. [adscensus,] an expedition into a higher country, an ascent. a. T ft XdptSa, rt rd vt'pfle ; b. TroXv words, a at 5' dvooi rt; Call.Ep. 18. SYN. 'Ai/d/3dffts, ETripaffis. "Avdbds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [invius,] pathless, inaccessible. Kat 5t' dSovs d^oSovs orei\wv. Iph. T. 888. SYN. "Awards, doretTrros, dmn-j/s. 'Avd//juwv, o^os, 6 et >jr, adj. [non compos mentis, insipiens,] unwise, foolish. 'Pe7' eyvws* evret ov5e rd r' ctXXd Trep ecro- 1 dfo*7/ua)V. p. 273. 'Avo?/rds,ov,6etT/, adj. [(1) demens, insipiens, (2) qui intelligi nequit,] (1) unwise, impru'ient, (2) unintelligible, irrational. "A^paar' ?/6' dvoj?rd SteTrXefc'e flavyudrd epyd. H. in Merc. 80. SYN. 'Ao-vyeros, a^pwv, Trdpa^pwv, 7rd|0a0povt/uos, eK, (2) dTrep- i, utdiffrdaat, aTrot/cew, jU'ero/Kew. a), v. [instauro aedificium,] to rebuild, to repair. KrwaTs irXivQoiolv elis. Pax 90. SYN. 'Avabeuw, see Syn. to 'AvoidZiu (2). , a, 6>, verb. adj. [aperiendus,] necessary to be opened. ' rdb' eort Kat ToXuriredv. Ion 1387. "AVOIKTOS, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [immisericors,] unpitying, merciless. KrjpvKev CLVOIKTOS. Troad. 789- SYN. 'Av^Xf/ys, avrjuepos, ffKXqpos, dveXfj/yuwv, upas, wuodvuos, dTTT/n/s, ^dXeTros. "AvoiKrpds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [non miserandus, immiserabilis,] not to be pitied. Ov5' d^Oi/crpdi/ r' eK'/SaXX.ovrwv baKpvov. Ipb. T. 227 'AVO//VTWS, adv. [sine misericordia,] without pity. ITgcrwv OVOUTWS, Trvevfji airopprifas aeBtv. Troad. 758. SYN. 'Av^Xews, yjyXetws. 'Ai/ot'/L/w/cros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [indefletus,] unlamented. "ErXrjs CLVOIUWKTOV av&pa defeat. Choeph. 427. SYN.'A/cXavaros, abaKpVTos, ayoos. , a, dt>, verb. adj. [referendus,] to be related, must recur, must delay. yap TTOT evrv^a' eiceitr avoiarevv . Here. F. 1212. a), v. [incito, stiraulo,] to goad on, to drive to madness. ' vlv. Bacch. 977. SYN. Oierrpcw, Trdpo^rw. 'AvoX/3ra, as, ?/, subst. [miseria,] misfortune, wretchedness, poverty. 701 irpos avo\fiiri dapws be irpos oXfy. Hes. Op. 319- SYN. Awo-r^x"* TTJS, aeQXdffvvT). "AvoXfids, et avoXfiWs, ov t o et^, adj. [infelix, tristis, miser,] unhappy, wretched, Tavbe ya7dv els avoXfiov. Hel. 247. See also Eur. fr. Antig. 15. SYN."A0Xios, dj'w^eXr/ros, Se/Xatos, drv^s, KaKubaipwy. 'AroXeOpos, ov, 6 et fj t adj. [ab exitio et damno immunis, inextinctus,] tinde- stroyed, saved from ruin. Tovs & evp OVKETI Tra^av aTriip.ovas t ovb' avoXeOpovs. N. 76 1 . SYN. "A/3X7?ros, adds. 'AvdXoXvcJw, f. ^w, v. [cum clamore ploro, ejulo, exclamo,] to cry out from fear or joy. 'ArwXdXt^e, TrptV y opy &ia ord/^d. Med. 1170. SYN. '6XdXvc?w, e^oXoXv^w, alai>), dXdXa<5w, oXotyvpouai, obvpouai, arobvpouat, oiuwgu). "Avo^ai, 1 v. [perficior,] to be completed. See 'AVVW. 'A\X' iouev' paXd yap vv^ averat eyyvdt 6' ^as. K. 251. See I. 473. SYN. TeXeo^a*, reXet- vuai. "Avouppos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [imbribus carens,] without storms or rain, calm. KapTT/sJovo-ty avouppot. Bacch. 407. 'Avo/xta, as, ?/, subst. [legum contemptus, iniquitas,] illegality, injustice, im- piety, sin. 'Ai/fy/t'a be rouwv Kparel. Iph. A. 1095. SYN. 'AcJuaa, ayvwuo- a\)vt\y KatcovpyLa, adeffudffvvr]. 'Avo/zjudrds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [oculorum expers, CSBCUS,] eyeless, blind. 'Avfip o5' avouuaros. Philoct. 856. SYN. ^AXaos, TvtyXos, Xiiravyrjs. "AVOUOS, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [exlex, iniquus,] lawless, wicked, tydvlwv iraQewv, avo- H(DV re KO.K&V. Orest. 1457. SYN. "Afcr/cos, ewouds, irapavduos, aKOffuos. 'Avduws, adv. [inique, improbe,] illegally, unjustly. Aexew^, a ooi avbuws. Med. 996. 'Avoids, ov, 6 et f], adj. [(l)inutilis, futilis, (2) injucundus,] (1) useless, to no purpose or advantage, (2) calamitous. 'Avdvrjra y t w$ eot^e, TOV& ov ei Hec. 754. SYN. 'Avw^eX^s, paraios, erw^tos, a^pr\, Avoppos, ov, 6 et */, adj. [stationem navium non habens,] harborless. "Avoppov eicreTrXevffds, einrXoias TV^V '* G' & 422. SYN. kvaoppos, d 'Avopovw, v. [exsurgo, prosilio,] to spring up, to leap forward, "fls 0d0'- tf 5' e virvoio pdXa Kpanrvws dvopovcre. K. l62. SYN. 'Av/any/it, e^eye/po/ia/, 6K-00- 'Ai>dpdrv Kalrds vb overthrow; to extirpate. IIwXw yaiAov, KT&fjtat afj.lvi>riv t Kalrds vbpias dvopvrTw. Av. 603. SYN. 'E^opvrTw, d^atr/caTrrw, , v. [exulto, exsilio,] to leap up. 'Eyt& 6' dv??XdXa^d Eur. Suppl. 719. SYN. 'AyriXXoyucu, dvdnrjbdd). 'Ardfftos, a, 01^, et ov, o et i;, adj. [non sanctus, impius, sceleratus,] unholy, wicked, impious, horrid. AI at, TZKVOV, awv qvoalwv TrpoaQaypdrwr. Troad. 630. SYN. 'Evdyj^s, tTrapaTos, Kdraparos, fjiidpos, dvlZpos, dvayvos, dQloSj , ddefitffTos, d^E/u/ortos, dvopos, /3e/3>/Xos. , adv. [impie, scelerate,] unhallowedly, impiously, wickedly. 'AXX' ol Kfid\6vrf.s dvoolws efiE. Philoct. 257. SYN. 'A<7/3a5f, pidpws. , poet, dvovoros, b et ?^, adj. [immunis a morbis,] free from disease, un- affected by disease. 'I^t^ vocovod' ov 5' dvoaos Kdtcwv e/xw*'. Iph. A. 982. SYN. 'A/3Xa/3fa. 'Avoa-rifjids, et dvoffrds, ov, 6 etrj, adj. [reditus expers,] unable to return, not returned. Tartf dvoffrl^iov rtKvuv. Here. F. 430. See also Iph. T. 752. SYN. 'Aj't/TTOorpeTrros, d'eods. *Arororvd?&>, v. [lamentor,] to cry tfrorot, to lament, to bewail. KeXd^o-e ror^ev. Hel. 370. yards, ov, b et r/, adj. [auribus carens,] without ears. TpiffKeXts, ai/ro aXXd ^dXrjri. Theocr. Ep. 4. 'A>'ovrdrd$, ov, 6et>/, adj. [non vulneratus,] unwounded. "Oarls er' dvovrdTos o&l xaXfc. A. 540. SYN. ^Arpwroy, ufiXriros, aQpavords, , v. [recte submoveo, revello,] to remove by a wedge or bar, to force open. A>) TOT dvoyXia*v Terprj^ords oi^pdros bXxovs. Apoll. 1. \\67- SYN. ' w, v. [adversarium me gero, obloquor,] to contend or argue against. 'Avrdyopeuei*' rots ap^ovaiy, Kairoi rtJrc y* rjvlK eyw * 'G.W. Ran. 1072. SYN. 'AiriXdXew, irpoaXdXeto. vrdyuviffTiis, ov, 6, subst. [adversaries, semulus,] an opponent, an adversary, a rival. "Exwi/"Epwrds dvrdywvtffrj)v p-eydv. Troad. 1006. SYN. ' , a, ov t adj. [ad versus, infensus, exorabilis,] opposing, dangerous, di- rect. Mfc* avralav Ei/ptVw irvevaai TropTrav. Iph. A. 1324. SYN. btavraids, tv&vTius, vTTEvavTios, cLVTlfilos, avTiTrdXos, avTayuvtarfa. 'AvrdKovw, f. tro/zat, et avraKpodufjiai, v. [vicissim audio,] to hear in torn, to hear in reply. Ei ' olxTpd. iraaxw ^, rdb j avrdKove pov. Hec. 320. See also Lysistr. 527- 1 Dammand others take aj/oiram to be an adjective, here used adverbially, from avonvcs, invisible, out of sight. 90 ANTA ANTE 'Ai'rd\dXa2w, et rdXXay/(d yevvaiov QtXov. Orest. 11 62. SYN. 'AXXdy), eVaXXdy)/, d/uot/3>), dXXo/wais, \vrriplov, CLTTOIVOV, 'Ai'roXXd<7<7w, v. [muto, perrauto,] to give in exchange. FIlTrXwy tl XevKuv peXavus di'raXXao>ai. Helen. 1087- 'AvTapelfiufiat, v. [gratia in rependo, compenso, remunero,] to repay a kindness, to answer. 'Y/^ds yutV oi>v rolcrb' nvTa.fJLelftof.iQi Xoyois. Androm. 154. SYN. f, et Ion. dTrty/ot/3ds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [remuneratorius,] one who gives in return, or recompense. Tourfl rot djr??juo//3d>' aXiirXooi ovvdp tderro. Call. 4. 52. 'Ai'rd/ivjojuot, f. vvovfjtai, v. [(1) vicissim auxilior, (2) me ulciscor,] (l) to defend oneself in return, (2) to revenge, 'fls KUI rov t\Qpov dvrd^uvwirai KO.KOIS. Anti^. 654. 'Avrai'ab'ibwfj.l, v. [remitto, ut in reciprocatione serrae,] to give up in turn, to raise up, as a sawyer. '6 ^iev e'Xcei, 6 6' ai'TavebwKe. Vesp. 6.92. 'AvTat'aX(ffKii), v. [vicissim consumo vel perdo,] to spend in return, to destroy in return. "I/ avrdvaXwo^utV, ot /ul Trpuvboaav. Orest. 1163. SYN. *Ar- avatplopai. 'At/rdi /ord/yae, v. [contra insurgo,] to oppose, to resist. "Epurt per vvv oarls dj'rdrtoTdrat. Trach. 448. SYN. 'Ai'6/rrd/ioi, drr^rrdrew, arTaipdpat, d, ui'TtjJttii'b), ei^arrtoDjuat, di rtro/ut, v. [vicissim reddo, rependo,] lo gi v e bac\k in return, to recom- pense, to repay. Xprjrrdjue'j'ij ydp i/^)r;i'd, <5 ydp T&V fyiXvv ravs (fnXTCLTovs. Acharn. 327 SYN. 'A^rt^d^evw, , v. [vicissim perdo,] to destroy in return. Kcu avv y? irepcras avTds dj'rdTTwXd/z^v. Helen. 106. \j'rop:lw, v. [par sum ad resistendum,] to be able to resist or counteract. X' OVTOS [lev TOL fJUV'OS f\l>Tr]pKt t TOTE f^V TTlirTWV, TfjT S' OV)(t. Equit. 540. SYN. w, v. [lucem seu splendorem remitto,] to reflect the light of the sun. tyacryavov' ire\as yhpbeivov avrnvyti (povov. Orest. 1533. SYN. '^ s, o et >/, adj. [lucem vel splendorem remittens,] reflecting the rays of the sun, refulgent. Fvvcu, rt etTras ; ffrp\l>dv ai'Tnvyels kdpns. Thesm. 902. ArravSdw, v. [vicissim loquor, resporideo,] to speak in return, to reply. Zwv- ras Qavovalv OVVZK at'Tavbys laa ; l Electr. 1478. SYN. 'Ayue//3o/mi, dvrd/iet-, vTroKpivd/nai. t, f. 770-w, v. [vicissim dimitto vel emitto,] to dismiss in return. , Knvrtis avra^Ka (rot iraXlv. Iph. A. 478. w, Dor. pro 'Avrj/^w, q. v. 'Ardw, et Ion. uvrta), f. ?/o-w, v. [occurro,] (1) to meet with, to encounter; (2) to reach, to obtain. 7$ apupat ^ wdr* avriiaai KUK&V. CE. C. 1445. SYN. (l)"Ai'rd/iat, avvarrdpai, aTravraw, ativavrcui), i)7rarrdw, djrlacw, as, ^, P, N. [Ana?a,] called by others Sthenoboea. Tw , b~i' M AvTfia. Z. 160. 1 This in tbe'fxr Client 'PTT^TI Nation, duff to Tynvhitt, of a passage before unintelligible. ANTE ANTI 01 *At'reiccic?w, v. [vicissim adsimilo,] to liken in return. '6 6' avaKpaywv, drr/- KCLV ULVTUV TrapvdTTi. Ve.sp. 1311. SYN. n&petKagw, Zi', v. [conliadicere,] to speak in reply, to refuse to acquiesce in. X//V dv gtiffdv direiTreo' epol. (E. C. 998. SYN. 'Avr See 'AiTiXeyw. , v. [contra infero,] to introduce in turn. Owe as. Lysist. 653. *A reiocXf Trrw, v. [vicissim furor,] to steal in turn. ' Ttvpva bvo. Acharn, 526'. 'Avrepaorjfc, ov, 6, subst. [vemulus alicujus in amore,] 'AvrepaoTris TOVTOVI. Equit. 732. 'Avrepdw, v. [redanio, vicissim amo,] to love in return, to rival in love. Ka< fu}*> Epwvrt y avTlpys 'LTTTT^V epoi. Rhes. 184. *A^rpet'6 ai'tiefa, v. [detineo, retineo, duro,] to hold against, to hold out against, to sustain, to resist. 'Ai'TeH^ef ws be irXrjOus ev vt&v. Pers. 4 19-. SYN. AmyutVw, biapKtt*), biaxp6vi(i), ^10.^(1^0^01, dfe^w. 'AvrrjXivs, frequentius et Attice d'^XTs, [orientaiis,] facing the sun, east- ward. Oi b' eoTrtpvvs ayKwt'ds, ot 6' avTr}\iovs. Aj. Fl. 805. "Avrrjv, adv. et praep. [corain, ex adverso, contra, palam,] before, to the face, openly. 'Icro^ t/uoi (baadcu, KOI ofipidfj[jitvai drrq*'. A. 18/ tipvs, b, P. N. [Antenor,] a Trojan related to Priam. OUK olos' apo. vie. B. 822. EPITH. 'Ayaitis, ITTTT obd^d s, aiTiBtds, ;, adj. [oppositus,] opposed to. Qoii'iKas &vri)ptf ^pav. Troad. 223. See Sept. Theb. 514. SYN. 'Avra~ios. 'Arrr/^lw, v. [resono, vicissim cano, sono,] to sound in return, to resound. Hap- ecrre, teat yutj/ovrts, drr^^r/^dre. Alcest. 435. SYN. 'Ai'Tia^u. 'Avrt, praep. genitiv. postulans, [pro, loco, vice, contra,] instead of, for, op- posed to, against. "H&* avrl TroXXwy eort juot 7rdpav//v^7/. Hec. 280. 'Avrrdw, v. [" (1) cum gen., participo, fruor, (2) cum dat., occurro, oppono, (3) cum accus., approximo, procure." Maltb.] (1) to share in, to enjoy ; (2) to meet with, to oppose; (3) to approach, to take care of. E/u p.tvf.1 ar-idni- aiv. Z. 127. SYN. Svi/avrdw, aTravrdw, /LierdXa^di'cu, tTrtrvy^di'w, e^f'iTrrd^at. 'AvTtiiveipa, as, //, adj. [virago, viris requiparamia,] a female strong eiumgh to oppose a man, furious. Et pi) oTaals uvfiavfipa. Olymp. 12. 23. . et avrla^w, v. [reclamo, contradico,] to sound or shout in an opposite direction, to contradict. 'AQptioi at/Tid^vav, ope^dro b'uty o\do~to. A pull. 2. 830. SYN. 'Art/3oaai, avriXeyo), di'rtytywvta;. , v. [refragor, contra eo, obsto, obnitor,] to go against, to resist. ^ dv7t/3ao"d rol> bvffbui/jtoi'os. Bacch. 1115. o, dv, et ov, 6 et //, adj. [contrarius, ad versus,] exerting force against force, violent, forcible. 'Avrifilois i-xleaal- tyw 6' fy\ov ^Xliraivutv. B. 378 = are used adverbially. 92 ANTI ANTi SYN. "Ar tto, avralGs, arrt^dds, evavTl(3idSj'rrpdfTavrr) 'Avri/3odw, aa(o, Ion. r/uw, [contra clamo,] to shout in return, to re-echo the cry of another. 'Aw & avrlQaalv, dvr^Xfro KaXds "Abwvls. Bion. 1.38. SYN. 'Ayri/joXeco, v. [(l)obvenio, occurro, (2) supplico, oro,] (l)to come against, to meet, to overtake, (2) to supplicate. Ni/ 5' e/rrru, ore >} ortfytjoos yd/^os diri- fidXrjffei. a. 271. SYN. 'Avrtdw, o-virvy^dvw, fTrtri/y^drw. 'Avrfypdtyrj, 7/s, >/, subst. [accusatio ejus, a quo ante reus factus sis,] a defend- ant's plea, a rescript, an answer. ITpdyjudrd, KavriypcKpas. Nub. 4/2. 'AvrfSepKef/mi, v. [contra intueor,] to look in the face. 'AXX' os pevwv /3XeVei re KavrtSejOKercu. Here. F. 163. 'AsrS&xfyiai, v. [vicissim accipio,] to receive in return. IIov bfjd" d T~if*tis, 6Vi' avrebeZaprfv. Choeph. 903. SYN. 'AjrtXa^/3di>w. 'AvTiblbaffKO), f. w, v. [alia, vel contraria doceo,] to teach in opposition, to teach the contrary. Aao-os nor avTtblbciffKe, nal SfytamS/js. Vesp. 1410. 'AvTlblbd)^, f. ciwaw, v. [do vicissira, rependo,] to give in return, to repay. 'A 6' avrlbovvat 6e7 a\ a7raiTOvyr]s ejutov, Hec. 271. SYN. ' vriSiicos, ov, 6, subst. [adversarius in lite,] an opponent in a law-suit, an adversary. "OTTWS dTroorpe^cus dv avrlblKatv biKrjv. Nub. 774. SYN. 'Ayrt- uw, v. [vicissim servio,] to serve in turn, to repay parental kindness. fi Vri5oyXeuet. Eur. Suppl. 36l. , ov, 6, subst. [qui loco servi est,] a substitute for a slave, a slave instead. Kayw jut> aVrtSoi/Xos' K 6e ^jOT/^drwy. Choeph. 129. SYN. ^lao- Soi/Xos. , ov, o et r/, adj. [contra sonans,] sounding in return, equally affected. qaerat. Pers. 126. , v. [vicissim facio,] to act in return, to repay. Ha.Q6vrHs t v/ms aVrt- . Eur. Suppl. H8p. t, v. [remuneror,] to give in return, to remunerate. 'Ead\ur d/joi- (3as dvTibwpi]ffaia.TO. Helen. 158. SYN. 'A^rdTroStSwyut. , ov, 6 et /, adj. [ajquiparandus Deo,] equal to a god, godlike, noble. Yld\v i 6ov Kparos earl fj-tytaror. a. 70. SYN.^Iadfieo*, OtijeiKt- >/s, 6elos, bai/jdvWs, eV0os, aOeos, T/ydfleds. 'AvriOvpds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [januae oppositus vel obversus,] that which is placed opposite to the door, in front of the door. 2n; &e Kdr' avrldvpov KXlaiqs 'obvfffii (f)dvf1(ra. TT. 159- 'ArTlKaTaOi>r)TiK\eid. X. 85. 'AvriJcX/vw, v. [ex ad verso adnuo,] to bow to in return. Kat TrdAtrdrr 6 & evbodi Qvpov tavdrj. Musae. 107. 'AvriKviin'tov, ov, TO, subst. [crus, quia sura? opposita est,] the fore part of the leg, the shank or shin-bone. Nify & e-xeibri areppov ijbr) Tov Acharn. 2 1 p. ANTI ANTI 93 irpw, et rarissime &vrhpvs, adv. [(1) e regione, manifeste, palain. Vid. Da mm. c. 118.] directly opposite, in front, throughout, openly. 'Eyw 6* onus fjiev avrlKpvs raft alveacj. Choeph. 186. See also E. 189. 'AvriKTovos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [vicissim interficiens,] avenging murder. \ rots iroivaial dw, ' " x 'ArtXa/cric?a;, v. [recalcitro,] to kick against. Kcu iri&os TrXrjyels vir opyrjs uv- TtXcLKTloev TtlQu. Pax 6l2. SYN. 'Ava<7?}s, s, Tr^Tn'VjjfvoSf fj.eya.dv/Jos. , ov, o et >/, adj. [lyrae respondens,] responsive to the lyre. 'AXXa Movffas. Trach. 653. SYN."Aj'rwcJs, fauXvpds, a.vrliJ.ip.6s. , v. [contra disco,] to learn one thing instead of another, to be better taught. "Erepd be vvv avrlfjiaQui'. Vesp. 1453. vrfymxos, ov, 6, P. N. [Antiinachus,] tiie name of a man in the Trojan senate, who was bribed by Paris, and prevented Helen from being delivered up to Menelaus. Yt'ov ' 'Arrfytdxo5 Aeovrevs, oos "Apijos. M. 1"88. vTipedhTT}^, v. [contrariam parteni transfero, vicissim rauto,] to change, to substitute. Z/jroi/cr' avTifiediaTavat. Thesm. 362. SYN. 'Avrfy/ , v. [machinis machinas oppono,] to plot against. Zevs 5' d'~ \ old b>] Beds. Bacch. 291. , ov, o et ?/, adj. [aenmlus, siii)ilis,] rivalling, like. 'O0aX//ov d^rtyut- ?/Xiov rpoxy- Thesm. 17. SYN. 'Opows, TrapaTrXtiaws. jiiaeu, jv. [odi vicissim,] to hate in return. Ketros v^iwv uvrtpiffet. Ly- sistr. 818. iTi/xio-eos, of), 6 et T), adj. [re.muneratorius,] retributive, repaying. MVI'IMV 7TOT CLVTlfJUOQoV VpT kv \ITCI~IS. ^Esch. Suppl. 270. vrt//oX7rtJ?, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [contrarius in cantu,] opposed in song, respon- sive, sad, woful. Elr' avTlpoXirov >7cev dXdXyvfjs fjeyai 1 . Med. 1173. SYN. 94 ANTI ANTI 'Avrtriraw, v. [vicissim vinco victorem,]to conquer after a defeat. Etrrep *rpd- rrjdeis y dvrtV*d/ 6' al 'Arrtroos 7rp<5ff^77, fLvTreideos v'tos. a. 383. EPITH. Kcuo'/ii/^eu'iJs, /uapyos. w, v. [contrarius sum,] to be cross-grained, to differ, to be contrary to. ' Ne^ea T OVK avril&ei. Ol. 13. 47. s, ov, o et r/, adj. [adversus, resistens, contrarius,] cross-grained, ad- verse, hostile, resisting. 'Us 6' ore rrjla bovpd. 6oo!s drr/^od yoju^ots. Apoll. 2. 79- SYN. 'Eartds, TroXe/uSs. , r)s, f/, P. N. [Antiope,] the mother of Amphion and Zethus. TV)r e vrtoTr^v t6V, 'AerwTroTo Ovyarpd. \, 259- , a, 6>, adj. [adversus ex ad verso stans,] adverse, opposite. Ev^ptr^ovs vavs dj'rms 'EXX^vtatv. Ion 1J60. SYN. 'A>Ta7eJs, avrifilos, avrtTrdXos. 'ArioT7reju^r, (E. R. 314. repaids, d, 5r, adj. [ex adverso situs,] situated opposite to. Ot r' )(OV, JJO' dlTlTTfjOai' fVtflOVTd. B. 635. irnrfjOav, Ion. di'-tTTtp^r, et poet. arrtTrtpd, eliam avriiTeprjBei', adv. [ex ad- verso, trans,] directly opposite, over against. 'AvTtneprjv yaiy Bifli/i'iot ireiar- HCLT arr^av. Apoll. 1. 177. See also Apoll. 1. 6l3, s, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [valde durus, ut saxum,] hard, as a rock. Avrov' I rou6' di/riTTfrpov. (E.G. 192. SYN."Iff07rrpds. ^, 7776$, r;, subst. [area lignea, cista,] a large wicker basket. avriTrrjyos, ws dp^0' o 7ra7s. Ion. 40. SYN. Kiffrr), Klfiwds. 'Avrt7rXr}, rjytis, o et >/, adj. [ic'tibus crebris percussus,] dashed against. flpijjiovol 6' dvTiTrXj/yfs aKrai. Anlig. 592. 'AvrtTr^doj, ov, o et r/, adj. [spirans adversus, reflans,] blowing against, adverse. M/) ru^ds avTtTTt'oovs AdrdoTs -^poi'las l-^v^as. Agam. 145. 'AvriTTotvor, ov, TV, suhst. [poana pro delicto,] a punishment for a crime. Av- fjas ai'Tinoiv' epas ; tw rdXas. Hec. 1'065. 'ArriTrotvos, ov, 6 et f), adj. [poenas rependens vel exigens,] suffering or de- manding punishment for. AvTliroivovs rlvys prjrpdtyovovs 6vas. Eumen. 268. 'AvrlTTopdew, v. [vasto vicissim,] to lay waste in return, to render desolate. Krj/d) ydp avTOv KarriTropdijcrw o]j.ovs. Troad. 359- 'AYTLTropdfjds, ov, o e\ I], adj. [oppositus, ultra mare,] situated beyond a strait or passage, opposite. At^wcur* diTtTropQ^d b' fjTreipotv bvolv. Ion 1585. , ov, 6 et >y, arlj. [e regione situs,] opposite, over against. XtiX/u^ds . Iph. A. 1492. os, ov, o et >/, adj. [qui proram habet in aliquem conversam, conspi- cuus, qui est ante oculos,] having the prow turned towards, before the face. FvVat, K'dr' di/riTrpw^od ^^rd ao\ fi\7reiv. Tracll. 227- SYN. 'Evat'Tios. 'Av-lirvpyds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [quiturri opponi et comparari potest,] like a tower. ', avriTTVpydv tittfiacrat Trerpar. Bacch. 1095. occurs, Here. F. 751. in the same sense. ANTI ANTI 05 a', v. [contra rnunio, turres zedifico,] to fortify against, to strengthen with towers. Tj/yS' v^lirvpytiv avTeirvpywaav TTOTE. Eumen. 6yi. 'At>TtppTrTiff%ea6e rpaTre^as. %. 74. SYN. 'AvQiaTrifJU, 7rapdri0J//xt, TrporeiVw. AiTtrcWw, v. [ex adverse instruo ad praelium,] to draw up against, to oppose. Kara , v. [remedium prsebeo : Vid. Jacobs. Animadv. in Eurip. p. 36.] to cut against, to apply a remedy to a disease. 'Afrfrfyuti' fiporo'iai. Alcest. 993. ' 'Aj>rtTev)(6>mt, et dvrtrvyxd^w, v. [similis sum,] to be like. NV be a ari^riffoval' yvvaiKos ap* direreri/^o. 0. 1^3. 'Avrirexvos, ov, 6, subst. [adversarius alicui in arte quapiam,] a rival in any art. 'AvriTf^vov, TOTE &j) fjdvias vTTo'fjs. Ran. 8 1 6 . SYN. '' avOautXXds, a.vri'r)\os. 'A'rtr//uwpew, v. [vicissim ulciscor,] to punish in return, to avenge. 0', \v avrovs a.vTeriuwpr)rraur]i'. Iph. T. 354. 'ArrtriVw,* et d^ririw, 21 f. /Vw, v. [vicissim luo,] to suffer or pay for. biKy Ttii'b' avrlTiaaaQai K&K&V. Med. 26l. SYN. 'Aviairublbwijii, airdrtu, 'An-VoXjuds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [adversarius,] opposing, attacking. ToV avrl- TO\UOV 0opav. Agam. 3$6. 'AvTll\r)a ti QlXrjGeis. Theocr. 12. 16. SYN. 'Avrtjodw, dvrdyd , v. [vicissim illustro vel uro,] to illumine in turn. 'EaTrepds 66a\- fj.dv avT\^e fjirjva. Olvmp. 3. 35. vrfyovos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [caedem compensans,] shedding blood for blood. At, al b' avTlfyoi'wv Qavovruv apai. Sept. Theb. 889. vTifyvrevu}, v. [vicissim gigno,] to produce in return. !7ei0w pev yap ovetap' tpis 6' epiv avrtyvrevei. Phocyl. 74. i'T-tywytw, v. [contra clamo vel sono,] to sound in return. "Epuras avTfyuvei. Anacr. 1.10. SYN. ^Avro^w, ^td^turew, ctvrtJ/aXXw, a//e//3o/^at. vTfywvos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [contra sonans, respondens,] corresponding to, in unison with. 'Ai$TxeipdTd)'T)ffev av. Eccl. 423. SYN. ' , f. Xw, v. [psallo vicissim,] to play alternately. 'Arn//aXXw>> . Av.'218, SYN. 'Ai/rtywi'tw, avm-pouw. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui vicissim canitur,] alternately sung. \jja\uovs ybas. Iph. T. 178. SYN. 'Avrtywvos, q. v. vrXfw, f. /T\os, ov, o, subst. [(1) seutina, (2) mare,] the foul water in the hold of a ship, a sink, a large collection of water, the sea. 'AXfytlw* rls us ts avrXov . Hec. 1010. (double dochm.) , v. [vicissim misereor,] to pity in return. 'Hpels cr' ap" avQls, J ' avroiKTeipopev. Ion 315. r/, contr. pro d>droX?), rjs, rj, [oriens, ortus,] the rising of the sun or other heavenly body, the East. "Aorpwj' av eXBotfj.' aWepos npos avrdXas. Phoen. 514. SYN. 'AvaTdXri, CTTtrdX?/, 1 tya. EPITH. f HXtocrrt/3>/s } tpiKvbris, -i, v. [occurro, obvius rio,] to meet. 'Avro/itviy KarepvKt' Aios be eVren-e p.vQ6v. 0. 412- SYN. 'Aflrttifrfaefc, is more properly- applied to the stars. See Valckenaer, Phoen. 514. ANTP ANH0 07 , contr. pro 'AvarpeTrw, q. V. "Avrpdv, ov, ro, subst. [antrum, spelunca,] a cave, a cavern. Ka/roi Qvyotn' KaKpefoK avrpov yuv^wr. Cycl. 478. SYN. KoA/m, KotXds, /3v~6l/uos, , airews, irirf}Xvy, airri\aidv, KevQpwv, fjLv\os, 0w/\a. EPITH. ' , TTjXeTrdpdv, aepvov, evpv, eiWtoV, irepiKaXXes, 6vV/3dro>, avi]\lov t direi- Avrv, vyos, ?/, subst. [ambitus inultarum rerum, ora exterior,] the border of anything round, the exterior rim of a shield, the seat of a chariot, a chariot. %>ov r eiaefiatiev aVrvyd. Here. F. 943. SYN. rieptyepetd, d//ad, pdros. EPITH. Map/zdjoca, Treptipojjids, TrwXtx:)), Qaeivri. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui cantu rnutuo resporidet,] singing alternately. Xoyw// di/rw6d$ tTriKOKKvarpia. Thesm. 1060. SYN. 'Avrt^wvos, ayr^- , mraXX/jXds. o-ta, as, ^, subst. [jusjurandum de calumnia a parte rei,] a defendant's oath. 0aXXo0dpot icaXo//ucd', avrw/udfftwy KeXv^rj. Vesp. 542. SYN. At>^. 'A^rwTTAOJ, a^rwTros, et airway, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ex adverse intuens,] direct in the face, facing. 'AvrwTrtoj' itaav aiyXriv. Apoll. 4. 727. See also Iph. A. 584. SYN. 'Avrauy)/s. "Avvbpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [arid us, siccus,] having no water, dry. EIr' eirl rus avvbpovs. Alcest. 115. SYN.^A/fyoxos, St^dXeos, aviirros, aK\vards. 'Avvftevaws, ov, o et >/, adj. [carens honoribus nuptialibus,] not having so- lemnized the rites of Hymen, unmarried. Nv^ros KeXaivrjs avvpevate irapdtve. Here. F. 830. 'Avy//0evros, et aw^ds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [" qui sponsam vel quae sponsum non habet/'] unespoused, unmarried, nnsanctioned by marriage, illegitimate. NvfKprjv avvfji(j)ov TrapdZvdv r aTrapdevoy. Hec. 6 10. See also Soph. Electr. 187- SYN."Ayd^uos, KaKoya/uds, KaKovvptyos, KaKovvfj^evrds. w, v. [celebro, decanto,] to celebrate, to proclaim by an oracle. SYN. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [non calceatus,] barefooted. Kdj/v7r^5i;ros KO.KO. TroXX' dj^ex et > K '^' n^ v aepvoirpoffwireis. Nub. 363. SYN. FV/ZVOTTOVS, dv^Xt- 7TOS, Vr)\t7TOVS. Avvals, eo>s, r), subst. [perfectio, finis,] bringing to an end, end, consummation. KXa7', ^Tret OVK avvaiv rlva brjojiev' dXXd rdxtord. 6. 544. SYN. , avvw, et poet, dvu^ Alt. 'Avvrw, d^vw, v. [perficio, efficio,] to bring to an end, to dispatch, to exhaust. 'AXX' ovbiv TIVVT" dXXd ?roXX' dpov Androm. 1135. See also Hec. 924. et K. 291. SYN. 'E^d^vw icdrapr/^w, biareXeat, aTroreXew, eTr^paiVw, ^taTrpdrrw, rfXetr^opew, Tr 7rXrjpd() t roXinrevii), a.7repya.un(ti 'AVW, adv. [sursum, supra, in loco vel ad locum,] above, upwards. pov fjiev Xadv eKTelt'Ovr* dvu). Eur. Suppl. 664. 'rj, rjs, i], subst. [jussum,] a command or order. Alddjjievot&' d^vbts 6? 'Optyrjos druyrj. Apoll. 1. 1134. w, v. [jubeo, hortor,] to command, to prompt. Tepretv dvut^ eXdovrds vXovpyovf bpvos. Here. F. 241. SYN. KfXevw, irapcuveti), 7ri(T mrw -^Qovos. Troad. 1232. j/w6w, f. wdfiaw et waw, v. [sursum impello,] to force up, to push backwards. Oi fjLtv dvwffavres nXtov es TroXty, ws EKtXevfft. o. 5o2. SYN. 'ATrwOew, 6lw0tw, dirotrelw. Pros, Lex. N 98 ANfll AHYA 'Avuitrrl, adv. [clam, iriopiuato, insperato, ex improviso,] inadvertently, with- out suspicion. AaOpr), di/tt/t'ari, bd\ ovXdpZvrjs d\o\otd. b. 92. 'Avwiards, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [inopinatus, improvisus,] unthought of, unexpected, sudden. T & dp' dvuiffrov *cd/co> r/XvSe b'tus 'A^iXXevs. . 3p. ^ATrpoo-SoK^ros, , adv. [inopinato,] unexpectedly. *Qt ol /iei> TTVKI oialv dvw'iarws bdi>a- Apoll. 3. 7- , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [non planus, inscqualis, inconstans,] unequal, un- even, variable. *bev' TU>V flpdreiwv ws avwpaXot ri/^at. Eur. fr. Scyr. SYN. " A v tiros. i/a>/uoros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [injuratus,] unsworn, not sanctioned by an oath. AtJ/ots be ffvfjfiiis, Kal QlGtv dyw/idros. Med. 735. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [sine nomine, nefandus,] nameless, horrible. ^uaoTd, 0av^udrw / Trepa. Hec. 7 '3. , ov, 6 et j], adj. [expers noniinis, ignobilis,] anonymous, obscure, unknown to fame. IloXX?) pev ev fiporolal KOVK avtovvfjL&s. Hipp. 1. vw^\)}$, o, et avw'w^\>/s. Orest. 1533. See also Soph. Electr. 1144. SYN. ' "A&vos, ton. etvos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [inhospitalis,] inhospitable, inhuman, boisterous. At, at* vvv b' afrivov TTOVTOV fcira. Iph. T. 218. SYN. 'A7 /ujao^t^os, (cdfco^ei^ay, Svo^e/^tpos, a.KOtvtJi)vr)Tos. "AtevTos, ov, 6 et /j, adj. [radendo non politus,] not polished, rough. Ov K& KO/UV//OV rovS' TT' d^etrrov Trtrpov. CE. C. ip. SYN. 'A.okTrapv&s. 'A$m, as, >), subst. [dignitas, meritum, aestimatio,] worth, price, merit, value. 0di/e7i> irpiv aiffxputv ftr) lXrdd\ us v Kui(s vetter Xeyets. Hec. 976. 'At(o<7ts, ews, >/, subst. [postulatio,] claim. T/)r d^twatv roi^ KdXtDv ro Eur. fr. ^ol. 24. 4. 'A^ot'r/Xdrds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [axe agitatus,] driven by the axle, rapid, ov (Tiywaiv ao>*/XdYoi. ^Esch. Suppl. 189- "A^vXos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [lignis carens, incaeduus, non lignosus,] devoid of 1 *H OVK form one syllable, as also the third and fourth syllables of w^xptws; i scanning. AHYA AGP 99 wood ; not lopped, uncut, and consequently thickly wooded, 'fl* $' dre trvp dibrjXuv Iv atyXy epireffe vXy. A. 155. SYN. llo\vi>XSi. "A^Xs, ov, 6, P. N. [Axylus,] "Ai/Xoi> 6' dp eirefve fioyv dyddos Attfm/Sij*. Z. 12. 'AvvTos, idem quod 'AavvHros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [stolid us, imbecillis,] unwise, foolish. 'Av>'ro> aingovff'" fdapftrjcrev be Trds. Ion 1205. "Awr, o>os, 6, subst. [axis,] the axle of a wheel, a wheel. 'E/z/ujudv7d 0ta' ^ jueyd b' e/3pux ^hylvds afav. E. 838. EPITH. XaXfceos, //eo-owrdyj/s, opfoof. "Aocjos, ov, 6, subst. [popa,] an attendant at the altar, the minister at the sa- crifice who struck the victim. Opdtrer & doZots irdrrip ^er' ei/^ai'. Agam. 223. (See Blomf.) SYN. Qepdirw, virrjpeTrjs , paryeipds. "Aotbij, ijs, YI, subst. [cantus,] song, tune, elegy. 'H 6' ere*' evj/ed ffovpds opofpS- vas, rfolv aotbrj. Hes. Theog. 60. SYN. Joyld, ^eXos, po\7rrj t povtra, ^6), \//aX- /uos, CTTOS. EPITH. 'ApirrptTrris, aypavXos, aya^Oeyfcros, fiovKoXtKr}, avToblb , ^eXlyijpvs, /ueX^pwj/, Beanls, OeffTreffia, Xvypa, /iaX0dc^, If /Se7d, ?;i)0w'o$, rfbvdpoos, eptrt/ios, evxeXd^s, tTrivtKid Kri, yXvKJipa, KaXfi, Tepirvij, KXetvff, iroiKiXoTpavXos, TrotKiXd6pmyj-, 'iX8- /u;v, j&tXo/ioX7ros, 6ev/uidpus,\i.yv^wvvs t XiyvfyOoyyos. PHR. Sr^drwv aperdv re be&WTarr] oirabos, evrepTrrjs KOff^os aotbfjs, fJ-tXltypords avdos aotbfjs t HupiKrjs pd6dfj.iyyes //eXtacr^s. See ^Esch. Suppl. 6*88. Isth. 8. 124. 'AotStdw, poet, pro de/Sw, v. [cano,] to sing. Aaio/ue^wv* ; 6' $vbov dotSidovo-' OTTI fcaX^f. e. 6l. SYN. See"A t w. Aoibt/jos,ov, o et //, adj. [decantatus, Celebris,] celebrated, notorious. 20/yyes, ovvfyv aoibi/utov aypai>. Eur. Electr. 471. SYN. 'Ayatrros, ae/yu^ffros, ireplftor}- TOS, v/jivrjTds, iroXvvpt'ds, TtoXv&vvjJios, K\VToSy evK\et)s, 7rt5o^ds, evboos, nXeivos, irdXvKXifiaTos, evbortfjids, bldarjiJids, TreplTrvoTos. PHR. See Ol. 6. Nem. 7. Isth. } ' 9' 'Aotbos, ov, o et >/, subst. [cantor, poeta,] a singer, a minstrel. AaKpvffaoa 5' tTretrd Trpdcrrjvba 0e76V aotbov. a. 336. SYN. Ai>Xw6ds, peXubos, M-OvaoiroXtis, vf-tvoiroXos, v/jtrdderrjs f (pboiroios. EPITH. 'Epi^pos, deanis, ijbveirrjs, irepficXiiTds, iroXvfyrjfJos, bids, anepbdXeos, trends, Xlyvtywrus, \lyv(f)6oyyds, ^dpieis, Qto^opos. PHR. Movo-awv depart u)t>, lepevs, opvis, irpdTrdXos, dprjvuv e^ap^s, fjieXiyijpvCiiv TeKrtav Ktouwv. See Isth. 2. 1. "AOIKOS, ov, o et ^, adj. [domo carens, extorris, pauper,] without a home, needy. 0//rd r' O.OLKOV voieiaQat. Hes. Op. 600. SYN. 'Ai/etrrtos, dory5s, "Aon os, ov, o et >/, adj. [vino carens, abstemius,] not using wine, without wine, abstemious. Xoas T aoivovs, vytyaXla neiXiyfidrd. Eumen. 108. 'AoTds, Dor. pro ?/oto?, vel ^ds, a, 6v, adj. [matutinus,] belonging to the morning. 'Ao76V CLVTOV TTUITCS .KO\OVV derrtpd. Pax 837 SYN. 'yo, cwfltvos, opdplos, vTrrjolos. "AOWOS, ov, o et //, adj. [impiger, intrepidus,] not sluggish, active, prompt. "Evdd /c' dowds avr t p /ueyd OLKOV ^eXXoi. Hes. Op. 495. SYN.'OrpTjpto, oirov- balos, a^d^aTos. 'AoXXr)s, tos, adj. [confertus, congregatus,] collected, close, crowded. SO^TT- rpdv E\u)V irtpt b' vies doXXees fiyepedovrd. y. 412. SYN.^AOp^f, dbivds, TTVKI'6'S. 'AoXXtcw, v. [congrego, confertos reddo,] to collect together thickly, to heap together, to assemble. "Ep^e^ ovv Qvteoolv, a.oX\iooa pa x atpd, <}>affydrd>>, a * K * s EPITH. 'Aduuvrt^ov, beivov, x 1 The quantity of the first syllable of &op is in Homer always short in the nom. and ace. cases ; in the other cases there are nine instances where it is long in the arsis, and two where it is short in the thesis. It is long in the nom. Hes. Scut. 221. 100 AOPT v&v, apyvpo^XoV, opio, ' 'Aopr)p, fiptis, 6, subst. [lorum seu funis, qiio ensis vel clypeus vel pera appen- ditur,] a belt, a ihong. UvKva p(oyaXerjv kv be arpofos ^EV aoprrip. v. 438. SYN. Zwffrrjp, t/*as. EPITH. Xpvoeos, apepbaXeos. Ao<7ot> e^ovaa veovrdroi', aXXor aovrov. 2. 53^. SYN.^A- rpwros, a/3Xr/ros. 'Arrayy^Xw, v. [annuncio, refero,] to bring back tidings, to make known, to proclaim, to celebrate. KXi/w b' airei\e~tv a\ us arrayyeXXovoi JJLOI. Med. 289- SYN. 'AyyeXX;, adj. [(l) non obnoxius adfectibus, (2) nullis malis ob- noxius,] insensible of, inexperienced in ; unhurt. Nocrrot 5' etc iroXepwv ano- rovs airadeHs. Pers. 868. SYN."AXv7ros, a/3Xd/3//s. 'Azrat, praep. poet, pro awo. 'Jw dTrat revpfjs fiefiXrjuevdv' avrap \ A. 663. 'Anaibevrds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [ineruditus, imperitus,] uninstructed, ignorant. airaibevrov. Cycl. 490. 'Airatbevrus, adv. [imperite, indocte,] in a rude or ignorant manner. TO /uei/ ffdv, OVK dTratbevTws X ( ^ on 247. 'Anaibla, as, 17, subst. [orbitas liberorum,] a childless state, a want of children. 'H ydp Trpiv avrov e^eTreto 1 ' airaibia. CE. T. 1043. SYN. 'AreKvia. 'ATraidplaZb), v. [(l)sub dio ago, (2) serenurn reddo,] (1) to act under the open air, (2) to render clear and serene. 'ATratQplaZet ras i^eXas, ij tyvvtyei. Aves 1502. SYN. At0pta^a>, ydXTyj'ow, evblav dyw. 'A-rraivvpat, v. [aufero,] to take away, to receive from. Tev^e' aTraivvpevov 'ATTtffadtds, avrad ro^o*'. A. 581. SYN. 'ATroatVvyuai, atpw, dvatpew, Trdpcu- ptoyuat, a.7roffKvao). 'ATratoXdw, et dTraioXcw, v. [fraudo, decipio,] to perplex, to deceive, a. TOVTO Kap dTrcuoX?. Ion 548. SYN. 'ATrdrdw, d^Xow, iroieiv abrjXov, airopoi', J?s, 7), et dTraidXrifjidt dros, ro, subst. [fraus, impostura,] shifting, a fraud. ^EeVwi/ dTratoX^d, KapyvpotTTeprj. Choeph. 989. See also Nub. 1149. SYN. AotKta, cbrdr)/, aTrdri/^td, dX^yud. 'A7ra/pv, v. [tollo, aufero, discedo,] to take away from, to weigh anchor, to AIIAI ADAM 10 i depart. 'Ecu/ S' avalpuJ es ^yr/v opp&fitvot. Rhes. 143. SYN. ' ATTCUS, atbds, o et r/, adj. [liberis carens,] childless, deprived of children. EVTTCUS f*et> owrd, /Ov be ypavs, dirats ff dyud. Hec. 80p. SYN. "Are/o/ds, drc- , et dir^aau), \. [prosilio cum impetu, ruo, aberro,] to rush from, to hasten away,, to spring off. Kpi^voi) circular o b' eireoavTo, oibudrd 6vu)v. 0.234. SYN.^Atero-w, avopovw. 'ATrairew, et a7ramw, v. [repeto, postulo, exigo,] to demand back, to require, to exert. Qrjvevs a d-rraiTei irpbs \apw 0ai//cu veKpovs. Eur. $,uppl. 3p5. See also (3. 78. SYN. Aireoveairew, aiT7rairea>, dvacVew, CTrt^rew. Aira/wK, w^os, 6 et ^, adj. [sempiternus,] exempt from age, everlasting. T ftt ras dTra/wj'as r cat /ut\a pfiatieis . Soph. Polyx. fr. 'ATraiwpca;, v. [dependeo,] to hang from. Aotw a-rryupevvT, CTrt/cvprworre Kaprjva. lies. scut. 234. SYN. 'ETrcuwptw, 7raprd6/zat, e7rtcpe/4d/uat, 7ra/po//at. 'AxaXatffTds, ou, 6 et T), adj. [lucta vel calliditate invictus,] not overcome in wrestling, unthrown. 'ATrdXat-oros evXo-yy e\Ket. Nem. 4. 153. 'ATrdXaXicw, v. [arceo, averto, depello,] to keep off, lo protect against. pas & anaXaXKe KCLKU>S vTreprji'dpeovTas. 6. 766. SYN. 'A\a\/:a;, airobltoKb), dXe^w, dTre/pyw, e^eip-yd). 'ATrdXa/uvos, et ctTrdXa/jos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [industria carens, consilii inops,] un- handy, helpless, unskilful, wretched. 'Ev-6ab' avriK aTraXapvoi pi'es. Olymp. 2. 105. See also Hes. Op. 20. SYN. "ATretjods, afiovXos, d/xd^s, aTrtipos, i, v. [aberro, vagor,] to wander out of the way. '1^ aval vevprjs, avros & atraXfiaeTal aXXy. lies. Scut. 409. SYN. 'AXdopu, , v. [deleo, deungo,] to wipe away, to expunge. M/ /HJUOV 5' aTrdXet^oj/ apwav. Phocyl. 73. SYN. 'EdXe/^>w, d^dvt'^w, a//au/)oa>. et avrdXe^w, f. /yaw, v. [propulso, repello, auxilior,] to ward off, to avert, to defend. 2eu airaXetfiaatfji, iXw 6e ere ?rar/)i cctnw. ft. 371. SYN. *A7rdXeyw, dXe^w, dTrd^uv^w, a^riraffao/^at. 'A7raX0eo/iai, v. [euro,] to attend to a wound, to heal. "EXve' airaXdriffeadov, a Key ftapTrrrjvl Kspavvos. 0. 405. SYN."AX0w, OepdTrevw, ladfjiai. 'A7raXXdy), T/S, ?/, subst. [discessus, effugium,] departure, release from, issue,, end. Ou6' earl poipns TOV xpewv r' UTraXXdy^. Hipp. 1251. SYN. 'ATroXei- \l/is, aTrorpOTrf), dTroXvats, dTroardats. 'ATraXXao-o-w, f. w, v. [dimitto, libero, amoveo,] to redeem from, to put off, to detach from, to remove. Kck - wi> d7roXXaa<7d TWV flporrjalw. Audrorn. 124 4-. SYN. ' 'ATrdXotda;, fut. ^), vrpd(j)f)s t airevros. 'ATrdXoxpws, dTrdXoxpoos, et aTrdXoxpovs, adj. [cute molli pncditus,] having a soft skin, delicate. 'H be re iraptievtKas airaXoxpoas ev peyapoialv. Horn. Ven. 14. , f. vvw, v. [emollio,] to soften, to render delicate. 'A7rd\vyrat /. Anacr. 37. 4. SYN. GpvTrrw, x^a w 7 naXaoou. , v. [meto, abscindo,] to cut off. 1 air ovdrd vijXti x a ^V 'Pivot r 1 See the note at 'A/*ciw. 102 AH AM ADAH afjififfaYTfS. , arra- pacrffw, 0p/5w, bpvTrraj, aTroW^uvw. J A7rayu/3Xvi'w, f. i)^a>, v. [hebeto, obtundo,] to take off the edge, to blunt, to avert. TtOrjyfjievov rot // oi/fc aTrafjfiXvveis Xoyw. Sept. Theb. 712. SYN. 'A/z- (3Xvvb), a.Xvb). i, v. [respondeo,] to answer. To> 6' dTrdyuei/^/ufVos Trpda^rj TroSds eus. A. 84. SYN. See 'Ajuewv rajvo' aTrrjfieXrjpE^oy. Philoct. 6 % 52. SYN. See *A/jc\eo>. irafjiTrXaKeb), v. [aberro,] to wander from, to err. 'ATn/^TrXdx', ws robs evbov ydfjiovs. Trach. 1141. SYN. 'Ayu7rXdKW, d/uaprdrw, , et d7rd/uvj-o//at, v. [propello, arceo,] to ward off, to avert. AeprpoV o 6' OUK: a.7rd/JLVVeTd ^epfflv. X. 578. SYN. , f. i'eo-w, v. [vestimenta detraho, nudo, retego,] to disrobe, to strip, to disclose. 'ATra/a^tel ya/o ro fcdrdTrXaorrov roiJro /uov. Menander. SYN. 'EitSuw, dTTo/caXvTrrw. ATrdj/a/royuat, v. [respuo, recuso,] to reject, to refuse. "E'0d o-i) HYIKET eireir' CLira.vriva.aQni 6eov evvi'jv, K, 297 SYN. 'AvatVoyuot, apreofjiat. ATravbpdu), v. [virilem reddo,] to render manly. 'Us 6' d7r^S|Ow0// lepas. Ion 53. AiravevOe, et aTravevder, adv. vel praep. [procul, seorsim,] apart from, asunder. "' fn-etr' aTravevOe VE&V, fj.lra. & lov trjKe. A. 48. SYN. "A7rw0i', 'A7raj'0o, v. [defloreo, emarcesco,] to drop flowers, to wither. Td 5' XX' airavQqffciVTa. Travr' aTreTrrdro. Eccles. 1121. SYN. 'E|av0w, irapavdtw, ira.paK[*a.ut t tfcr^fcoyuat, ^pan'opai. 'AiravdiZw, v. [defloro, decerpo,] to crop a flower, to strike off. 'AXXd rovab' efj.oi paraiav yXutffffav t55' airavOiffai. Again. l651. SYN. 'E7rai'0/5w, dj'd- , v. [torreo, asso,] to roast, to bake, to broil. Eovv oXor. Ran. 505. SYN. 'AvQpd^/^w, OTrrdw, , adj. [simul omuis,] all together. Twi> vvv yvvaiK&v , Qaibpas 6' dna^dTratras. Thesm. 550. , v. [recuso, ut indignum,] to deem unworthy, to reject, to scorn. fc&ordro. Eumen. 368. , ov, o et ?/, adj [sine avo, alienus, non cognatus,] without an an- cestor or forefather, not related to. ftdos rd', OVK aTrcnnrdv 'Ibaiov TTV/COS. Agam. 302. (See Bl. Gloss.) AtlAP AIIAT 103 A7rdpd/w0oi, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui flecti vel exorari nequit,] inexorable, fiepov yap dTrdpdpvddv opfjid TrwXiKoy. Ipll. A. 620. SYN. 'A^ue/Xtvos, uc , v. [ahscindo, amputo,] to wrench asunder, to cut, to beat off. v b' dirdpa^e' TO pef TeXd/xo^tos AVas. II. 11 6. SYN. 'Apuaw, ctTra- /udw, aTTOKOTTTtt), TTtpiKOTTTb), ctTTOffTraw, d^>aipefyicu, d7ro/3aXXw. 'ATrdpdriXrds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui vulsus non est ; hirsutus,] unpicked, hairy. nftwy, jOi)7rwi/, uTrdpdnXros. Lysistr. 279- SYN. AacrWs, bdavdpt, 7 "lX i ' f ' 'ATrapyjudrd, wv, rd, subst. [pritnitia?,] the first fruits. "Aye vvv air&pxov, Kara bos TUTrapyiJUTu. Pax 1056'. SYN. 5 A7rapxt, aicpddivia, evdy/oy^drd. 'ATrapdevevTos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [non deccns virginem,] unbecoming a virgin. 'AirapQevevrd pev rdb\ Ipll. A. 993. Exp. Tlapdevov dvafrds. 'ATrapdevos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [non amplius virgo,] no longer a virgin. 'Air* yvvaiKos edrjKe KaKav Kal anapQevov ^p,Hv. Theocr. 2. 41. SYN. Qevos. 'AxapKew, v. [sufficio, satis sum,] to be sufficient. T fty OVK dirap^el rpv(f>rj ye rot. Eur. fr. inc. 14. SYN. see 'Apk-ew. i, v. [abnego, denego,] to deny, to renounce. Tov rap dTrapvrjdevru \e\ri. Hipp. l'26l. SYN. 'Appectyicu, aTrdtyrjpi, CKVCVOJ. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui pernegat,] one who denies. Opals' airapvos S' ovbevos KaBiararo. Antig. 435. Traprdw, v. [suspendo,] to hang, ^.(jx't^eir, (f)ovevei.r, 6e7r, dTraprJ/o-cu beprjv. Androm. 412. SYN. 'Aprdw, di/aprdw, e,?aprdw, uiaKpefjiavrvpi, curanapliti. t, adv. [plane, oninino, ab hoc tempore,] allogether, from this time. TrXovrfjffai Trolt'iaw. 6. TL av Xeyets ; Plut. 388. PEN. 'ATTO rov vvv. w, v. [perfect um reddo, aequiparo, compono,] to settle, to set at rest. ij be KCLI rovb' ov Kdrapri^ei irdbd. Sept. Theb. 370. SYN. AtdreXtw, ds, verb. adj. [auferendus,] must be taken from, must be diminished. Ttiv bqblw, dTrapvareov. Equit. 920. SYN. 'Afyaipereds. ATTCIP^T), T/S, r/, subst. [primitiae,] the first fruits offered to the gods. Adas dTrapx^J', fiov*' drop rd navO' o^ov. Trach. 7^3. SYN. 'ATrapy/udrd, Trpwro- Xem, -(DV, Trpddvfjid, Xoifif], Avrnp^^af, v. [(1) primitias solvo, (2) libamenta facio,] to offer the first fruits, to begin with an offering to the gods. AdicpM r' ebKd, Kal icd^s dTrrjp^dfjirjy. Eur. Electr. 91 SYN. Kdrop^o^a<, dTroffTrevba), Xe//5w. ATTCIS, dTrdad, airav, adj. [omnis, universus,] all, all together, the whole, every. K.dTd\a\Kdv dTrav Trebldv darpaTrrei. Plioen. 108. SYN. lids, ovjunas, o\ds, 'A7caa7raip, aairaipw, (nrdpi. Nub. 621. SYN. 'Ayev/, adj. [qui non gustavit, jejunus,] not having tasted, hungry. 'ApTrdXews* brjpm 1 ydp ebnrvijs i)ev diraffTos. <5. 250. SYN. "AyevaToa, 'A7raaXXu}, blaayaXXw, E*d- uw, aTTOTrXdj^dw, i/TrokXeTrrw, K'drd/, subst. [fraus,] fraud, deceit, deception. Trjab' aTrarrjs KOTEW TO. HEV efffftTal OVK (tTfXeffTu. A. l68. SYN. 'E^aTrdr^, boXds, dX^/ud, irXayi?, Trui'ovpy/a, iravovpyrjfja, ^j-rdiaff/jos, 07/Xwjud, ;'/ Xwois, yfljjre/a, ijTrepdirevals. EPITH. AoXo^pwv, boXd/jirjTis, (eeVej), <7/coAm, SoXoerrad, TrvKlvij. et dTrdrqXfa, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [fallax, dolosus,] deceitful, cunning. r, o$ Treaty e'kwv da-an/Xla /3<&cc. . 157- SYN. AldXdc, bdXepos, buXWs, s , ffiripSirevrtjs, crtyaXtptis, KaKOvpyos, *Airar*im, v. [dedecore adfieio,] to dislionor, to disgrace. Owe*' irobu)Kta IL/Xe/wrd. N. 113. SYN. 'Art/udw, cicvlcfcu, art/un^w. 'ATrdrwp, opos, 6 et ^, adj. [patre carens,] fatherless, born of an obscure father. 'Avarttp', aTraTtipa. I ph. T. 86*4. 'A7rayyoc?w, v. [lucem edo,] to emit beams from the eyes, to behold with bright eyes. AapTrXt}s r/7re/\i/) K^X, v. Vid. 'ATrdrdw. 7rti>i)al pov rovs baKTvXovs. Aves 26. SYN. '&w, ^dreriffrdr?w. TreiKa^w, v. [adsimulo, compare,] to liken, to imagine, to conjecture, to pa- rallel. Max*?" 7* biaaolv wubaXoiv inreiKtiaas. Eur. Suppl. 157 SYN. (l) 'A0d/uotow, tiffKw, ea'a^w, eetKoc?w, (2) recyua/pd/iae, vtifj.iut t (Ti/^/3aXXw. TretXe'w, f. >/, fj, et aireiXr)fjia, artis, TO, subst. [(1) comminatio, iiiiir,v, (2) gloriatio,] (l) a threat, a menace, (2) a boast. A#*.e7s anetX&r o&v nt\iv rt bat/noaiv ; Here. F. 1233. See also (E. C. 658. SYN. (1) 'Apeia, d^o*:X>), opy/}, (2) Kai/x;/jd, tfavxifofr. KPITH. "AdTroi-^ds, fiapvprjvis, betvr), 0//Xetd, puviwbr)s t Ire'po^pwr, OTvyn), TrXiifytrirGs, oTtpia, (rror^ecro-d, i/TrtpoTrXtJs. 7reiX^r/p, r/prJs, o, subst. [qui minatiir, minax, jactator,] a threatener, a chider, a boaster. T ft /no?, d7rc(X?;rj/pts, 'AxtS^$, ouxer' 'A^nioi . H. 96. "A7re i* d?rovrts tanai't^dfjiev (f>iX(i)r; Here. F. 557 "A7re//u?, v. [abeo vel abibo,] to be about to depart or go away. 'Aarepyes ovbtf y/J$ 6' d7rerri' d/3Xd/3^. CE. R. 229- SYN. 'Aireptfuai, viruTretfjil, aira\- X/irrofJiai. 'ATTC/TTW, et poet. d7roe/7rw, v. [(1) abnuo, interdico; (2) deficio, despero ; (3) edico,] (l)to deprecate, to renounce, (2) to be despondent, to be weary; to faint. 'AXX' ovfr airenrelv TOUS wrVoi/s o\6v re /uot. Alcest. 503. SYN. 'Avalvd/jat, avavevti), airtyrun, d7rdyopei/o>, airoKrjpvffrra), airavbitk), airewiird). 'ATreipaToi, a, #>>, adj. [natus in terra continent!,] belonging to tbe continent. (See Damni.) Fp^i/s 'Arreipa/r; 0dXdyu^7T(5\^s Evpvfjilbovffii. r;. 8. 'ATre/pyw, et d7reipyd0w, v. [excludo, prohibeo,] to keep off, to prohibit, to exclude, to separate, to force away. Twv yfyiwy r/^uas uTreipyets, Jy t0r/fci>/ >/ All El AHI'X i:>:> ts. Vesp. 46'5. SYN. Epyw, ffyyw, ih'cipy,,,, tfr/py<", }s, tos t adj. [expers tori, crclebs,] unacquainted with the marriage- bed, a bachelor. "Apre/^i/ airctpo\t^Ti. Thesm. lip. SYN. 'ATreipoya/^^y, s, Hvav&ptis. , ov, et 7re/p/, adj. [cujus longitude ultra centum pedrs pnrrigilur; magnus, immensus. Vid. Damm. in v.] exceeding 100 feet in length; great, immense. "Eio-wp 6' (5*c' mrtXeflpoV arcbpajjiZ, [jiiKTti b' upi\M. A. 354. SYN. ^AirXeros, ^airtTos, a&ifftyaros, u-rreipos, airXr)Oiis. 'ATre^fw, f. TW, v. [evomo, revomo,] to vomit forth. 'Ecte/m'os b' ini yovva, Kt\aiVt(j)tS CltfJL a7TtJHffff. H. 437. SYN. 'E$tyj0. 'A7re/i7rcfXdw, f. >/o-w, v. [(l)vendo, (^) ut emtum abduco,] (1) to sell off, (2) to carry off a purchase. Tv^os aTre/^TrtfXart, /z7/0' >/jUw' vTrtp. Phoen. 1243. SYN. 'Ege/iTrdXaw, TrwXfw, TTiTrpaoKu), mrnXXdrro/^at. 'ATrtmp/^w, f. /^w, v. [spolio, aufero,] to strip the armour of a slaughtered foe, to spoil. "O0p' oi rovs tvapiZov arc' %VT(.CL fjiUpf-ialpovTa. M. 195. SYN. 'i pi(t) t tvalpw, ctTToavXaw. 'ATrcVfTrw, vel potius airevvtiru, v. [interdico, veto,] to forbid. 'AXX' avrd- fiovXos '(off, cLKCWtTTM 6' eyw. Sept. Theb. 1055. SYN. 'ATraytfpei/w, airci, uTre/pyw. , ^s, 6 et ?/, adj. [luctu carens,] free from mourning or lamentation. NcuW etTrei'Or/ -rrcpyafi' OVK eK TMV& ?yw. P. V. 992. SYN. "AXvTrto. 'ATrevOrjTos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [(1) quern luctu nemo prosequitur; (2) luctu non prosequens,] (1) imlamented, (2) unlamenting. To TWV friKalwv rwrti iivevOij' TOV ytvos. Eumen. 900. (Schiitz.) SYN. (l)~'A^a-pvroy, (2) d7re^//s. Pro*. Lex. 106 AriEII AFIEY ov, o tt //, adj. [pcplo carens,] unrobed, unclad. "ATreTrXos lxvijr. Plioeu. 334. SYN. 'Ayefytwr, yw/jrji/rrjs, JVJJLVOS. 'A7TpaTy, adj. [(1) loquacitate non superandus,] not to be out- talked, ever-chattering. 'ATreptXdX^rov. Ran. 839. SYN. HoXvpvdds, abo- , adv. [inconsulto,] without care, unconcernedly. qv dupav. Nub. 136. SYN.^A^pdorws, aQpu&tvs, a0paS/xovws. , ov, 6 et ?, adj. [non revertens, non curans,] not able to re- turn, not caring for. Ileus 'Ayd/^f/uroi'tSas dTreptrpoTros. Soph. Electr. 182. SYN. 'A^7rtfC\ei/OTtJs. 'ATTfppw, v. [(1) abeo, (2) facesso in malam rero,] to go away, to begone ; and imperat. go and be hanged. "ATreppg KOI o-v, KU\ Kadrj^' erreyStv/. 109- 'ATrcpu^ptdw, v. [pudorem depono, impudenter ago,] to leave off blushing, to be shameless. 'ATrtpvSptdaat, /uflXXov r} a-^elv Trpdyjudrd. Nub. 1218. SYN. 'Aircpvrw, f. ^w, v. [arceo,] to withhold, to hinder, to avert. Xetpos cXoiJtr', avrap fteXtw atrtpVKo'i epw'iv. A. 542. SYN. *AT/pyw, dn-tp^rvw, d7ro*:wXuw. 'ATrtpCo;, v. [abstraho,J to take off, to draw away. 'Ptvoy d) ^e XeXotTTfj^. ^. 134. SYN. 'Eepyw, d^eXfcw, d^eXKuw, dTroaupw, K'drd- avpu, d^aiptw, e^aip^tf, Trepiatptw, d7ro<77rd, OTtaXXdrro/^ac, drreppw, afyfcrTauai. 'A7r?pa;2vs, cws, 6, subst. [qui impetuin alicujus impedit seu inhibet,] one who causes another to recede, a biriderer. 2x^ r ^^ s at ^ JI/ dXirpos, e^uwr yuerewv d?re- pwevs. 0. 36l. w, f. //o-w, v. [discedo, cohibeo,] to glide away, to skulk from. Tw ATE a ffrvyfpiDs irdXtpov d7Tpwj;Tetd$. II. ?23. SYN. see 'ATrep^Ojuat. rds, oi/, o et ?), adj. [inamabilis,] unamiable, loveless. Qrj\vKparf}s epws. Choeph. 591. SYN. 2rvy/os, Mpiityavos. 'A7rev0//s, ^s, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) ignotus, de quo nihil auditum est, (2) inscius, i^narus. Vid. Danim. in v.] (1) unheard of, (2) not having heard of, ignorant. *Hs 7i\6or, ipi\ TKvot' r aTrevQfjs' ou TI olbcL. y. 184. SYN."A7retpo$, anaibev- rus, ctyvws. 'AjrevQvvw, f. i>yu>, v, [(1) adseqivo, (2) dispono, dirigo, (3) corrigo, punio,] (l) to make straight, (2) to direct, to govern, (3) to rectify. F^s rifdy/)s, , bvawrvfjos, cnr^6t}s t /ui/adpus, AFIEY Anno 107 J, v. [sopio,] to lull to sleep. 2 ydp p inrevvavQivrte emms K&KOV , Tfach. 1258. SYN. Evvdc?w, KaraKOtpau, KaT&KOtfjiigu, rdraVpaiW 'Airevxtyai, f. d>at, v. [(l)^deprecor, (2) execror, abominoV,] (1) to deprecate, (2) to abhor, to detest. "Ai'a, a-rrevxov ravrd, vpos 6ewi>, TrdXtv. Hipp. 895! ' YN ' Kdr /"X^ at * Tdpatreo^at, e^atreo/^at, fibcXvaodpai, d7roos, offre p.oi v-jn-ov dTrex^a/pet /cat tbubfjv. b. 105. oYN. TjX" c "'p w > cx^/ oai ' t/ OTvye&j, aTroorvyeo;, ULO'ttt)* 'AnexGavopat, f. Qiiaop,cu t et d:rex0o//at, v. [(1) invisus sum, (2) odi,] (1) lo be hated, (2) to hate. Mv0eat' ai^pdavrov, aTrex^dveat 5' ert //aXXo^. /3. 202. See also K. 74. SYN. 'Ex^a/po/^at, ex^o/mi, x0e/, subst. [inimicitiae,] animosity. At' ciTrexOe/as e\66rd\ V. 121. SYN."Ex0os, e'x^pa, bvar^veta, bvffVotH t laKovota, (rrvyds. d ) dros, ro, subst. [res odiosa et invisa,] an object of hatred. 'A?re- (3porols. Troad. 425. SYN. "Ex^^d, /u/erij/ua , adj. [invisus, infensus,] hateful, hostile, malicious. 'fl$ r^J^ r dTrwXero. Alitig. 50. SYN. 'ETTOX^/S, ex^pov, cxBtioirfa, , ^draTTTvaros, dTroTrrvcrds, curevKTos, (.uarjTvs, arvyitis, ox^y- pos, arvyepos. TTCXW, f. d^w, v. [abstineo, propulso, differo,] to keep off from, to withhold, to restrain. FloXXwv yuox^ WJ/ d7rexo'~at' Med. 1093. SYN. 'ETT/} i ro^ yuiJOdi' dTr^Xeyews anoetTreiv. I. 309. SYN. 'AX?;0ws, avrXdis, ffatyus, avatyavkov. s, ov, adj. [alienus a judiciis et litibus,] free from law-suits, a. 'ATT^- Xtaora. ft. ^?r/pcrai yap rour' K'e7. Aves 110. ATrrjXiMTrjs, ov, 6,'adj. [subsolanus,] what proceeds from the sun, eastern. 'Afrq- Xtwrrjs avejuids ep-irvevaas bopi. Cycl. 19 ov, 6 et >/, adj. [illaesus, incolumis,] unhurt, uninjured. Okai' Kai xev TrdXat ev6a' 'obvcraevs. T. 281. et uTrripdffvi'i]. ??s, ?/, subst. [integritas, securitas,] a freedom from harm, safety, innocence. Alel ^e^trepr/v x e V * ?r ' avrifioar&yy. Theog. 756. See also Call. Jov. 93. SYN. 'A/3Xd/3e7)uw>/, d'os, 6 et r/, adj. [(l) illaesus, (2) non nocens,] (0 uninjured, unhurt, (2) harmless, unhurt ful. TOVS 6' evp' oi/Kerl Tranirav d7r///uo^ds ovb' at'uXe&pous. N. 7^1' SYN. 'A/3Xd/3^s, arpwros, ados, vytf/s, abtjXrjros. /VC d, as, ?/, subst. [saevitia, crudelitas,] savageness, cruelty. 'AXX' an-un v anr]i'eir)alv dp^ptr. Apoll. 2. 1202. SYN.^Ayptor//s, w/^ori/s. j, rjs f fj, subst. [rheda, praesertim muliebre vehiculum,] a vehicle directed by reins ; chiefly, a carriage for females and old men. 'Us Trao-' cnr{jrrj, TTOVS re TTpeofivrov (j)i\e1. Phoen. 8fJl. SYN. "A/*ad, ap/ua. EPITH. 'Apyi v /po^u^Xos, s, deXXjyeaffd, d^mrros, 0oa, Ivfyoros, eurpoxdXds, rpox>)Xdrdj, rtrpd- .... . ., EOS, 6 et //, adj. [crudelis, irnmitis,] refractory, obdurate, cruel, sa- vage. Kat Trpos TOU /3do-iXf/6s uTrrfi^ds' ei-rrdre & avre. A. 340. SYN.^" r'jfAepdSj aQeXyffs, aTrcivdpwTros, aKXtjpos, x"^ 7 ^ aypioQvptis, ffib et dTD/wpds, ov, 6 etr/,adj. [deuper impendens,] overhanging. 108 AI1HP AHAH 'ATTICS, eos, 6 et >/, adj. [nullo membro captus, salvus,] unmutilated, sound in limb. Staffed, Kai ae deal avv aTrrjpeaw avrls era/pots. Apoll. 1. 888. SYN. 'A/3Xd/3?)s, vyt?/s, avoaus. 'Ambavos, ov, 6, P. N. [Apidanus,] a river in Thessaly. Qaolv 'Anibaj'o \liraiveiv. Hec. 453. 'A7rt0w, idem quod 'ATretfltw, q. v. 'A7n'v<7<7to, v. [desipio,] to be unwise, to be stupid. 'AXXd /^dX' /, subst. [pirus arbor,] a pear-tree. "A-irltis, /, et a-rrlov, TO, [fructus ejus, pirum,] a pear. Ka< bfj uav airioto TreTra/repoV at be yvvaiKts. Theocr. 7. 120. 'ATrts, ibos, ?/, P. N. [Peloponnesus.] Ov p.ev yap Ke roaovbe fear' 'Airlba KVW- baXov-evpois. Theocr. 25. 183. T A?rts, tos, 6, P. N. [Apis,] supposed to have given the name of ~Airls or 'An-to to the Peloponnesus. Opo^as d;ue/u7rrws T A7r?s 'Apyela yQovl. JLsch. Suppl. 272. 'ATTKTOWV, o>os, 6, P. N. [Apisaon,] a Trojan of rank. Tei/^e' a-irawVptvov 'ATrto'doi'os, ovrtK'd 7odj>. A. 581. 'ATrtcrrtw, v. [(l) diffido, (2) non parco,] (1) to disbelieve, to distrust, (2) to disobey. 2d0' 'iad'' aTriareiv ov ae QavpaZa) Tv-%rj. Alcest. 1149. SYN. 'ATTI'- orws e-^ii). 'ATTKrna, os, ?/, subst. [(1) incredulitas, (2) perfidia,] (l) mistrust, disbelief, (2) perfidy. T il Atos IlaXXds ueyiarov 0vydrep, OVK' d-mffTl^. Ion 1606. 'ATrHTToavvrj, rjs, >/, subst. [faithlessness, infidelity. Tdv e/^cti^ vpvevaa.1 dTrtoro- avvay. Med. 423. SYN. 'A7re/0em, ayvtopoovvri. "ATTHTTds, ov,6 et?/, adj. [(l)qui non credit, (2) infidus, (3)inobediens,difrldens,] (1) disbelieving, incredulous, (2) not to be trusted or believed, faithless, treacherous, (3) disobedient. "AiriaTov elvras p,ii6ov, ov b' tbe~it> 6eXets. Iph. T. 1294. SYN. (1) DdpdXoyos, (2) aanovbos, vTrepfyiaXos, (3) cureidris. 'ATT/O-^W, idem quod 'ATTC^W, q. v. 'ATrXaKew, .(non d^TrXdkew, vid. ' Monthly Review,' Feb. 179^- p- 132. et Bl. Agam. 336.) v. [(1) aberro, unde privor, (2) pecco,] (1) to deviate from, to miss, to fail in, (2) to do wrong. FVoxrei ydp avOis air\aK&v m epol irWov. Hipp. 896. SYNv (1) 'A^//3pdrW, airoTvyyavti)* dyuaprdvo;, dTroareptoyuat, (2) dXtra/rw. ^ATrXaicrj-fis, ov, 6 et //, adj. [aberrans,] missing. Aiev cnrXaKijTov 'Aiba. Trach. 120. ^AtrXaKla, as, f], airXaKlov, ov, et aTrXaK^pd, drds, TO, subst. [error, peccatum,] an error, a fault, an offence. Upos avrdtpupajv airXaKrjuaTiDv biirXas. Antig. 51. See also Pyth. 11. 41. et Call. 4. 244. SYN. 'AuapTla, djuapr^d. EPITH. Aeij^oi', orvytpdv, pdpvTr^or. ^ATrXacrros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [inaccessus, ferox,] not to be approached, cruel, (for aTreXaoTos.) " AnXaaTOC peyaXr) be f^irj Kat x e 'P" daTrrot. Hes. Op. 147. _-v .v,^ j on> Q^x^ros, et avrXeros, ov, o et rj, adj. [(1) inaccessus, (2)immensus,] ciKlo imrrtonco " A -\ r .~X.. ?, ,,,t*r\ ,,-~X,, * \ V.^' ^/^^^/./-k^. a T-Io* T? c iC\C\ inaccessible, immense. "ATrXarov a^lXiKrov fXtV eypovpet* Her. F. 399. SYN. (l)"A/3dros, aTrpoffTreXaffTos, dfa^rds, (2) aTrX^o-ros, TreXwpios, aaTreros, rnretpos, ir apply eQr)s, evfj.eyedr]s, TroXvs. ^^^?, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [non percussus,] not struck. 4>pov5ot 5' dTrXjjmu, r^f w' KaKavbpiq.. Rhes. 814. , as, ?/, subst. [insatiabilitas, avaritia,] an impossibility of being 1 The first syllable of^ATrios is short in Homer, but long in (E. C. 1303 and 1685. and Suppl. 208. 2 This passage seems to be corrupt both in meaning and metre. The corresponding line in the strophe shows that there should be a trochee instead of the Pyrrhic eAfa', and Reiske thinks that the sense requires Swtyov or (TreAc^o*. See also Hes. Theog. 153. and Apoll. 1. 574. ATI AH AIIOB ioy satisfied, insatiability. "EKTetviis av Tavb' ; elr' aTrX^Tiav Xtvovs. Androm. 217. TrX/jtrros, ov, o et r/, adj. [inexplebilis, insatiabilis,] insatiable, never satisfied. Tt aot Trort rets ctTrXj/ffrov. Med. 151. SYN. 'A/tope^-os, air \iipwros, aros, KU- as, f/, subst. [impossibilitas navigandi,] impossibility to sail. r' dTrXoias, TrrevfjdTdJv r' ou rvy^d^wv. Iph. T. 15. ^ATrXots, tSos, >/, adj. [simplex,] plain or single. Aofed ti airXolbas -^Xaivas, r/^adj. [(1) simplex, ingenuus, (2)stultus,] simple, plain, ^candid, (2) foolish. 'A-rrXovs o pvQos Tijs d\r)Beias t(j)u. Phcen. 479. SYN/'ATTCIKOS, dxepaios, evfjdrjs, airtpiTTds, d0tX))s, (typwpos, KovQds. ^ArrXods, oov, 6 et r/, adj. [navigatione carens,] unable to sail, detained by want of or by contrary winds, not navigable. Et -rrvpi Tra^Xa^otro, KCU aTrXoov fWerai v'Swp. Musae. 204. ^ATrXaw, v. [explico, extendo,] to spread out, to unfold, to expand. Tov e/joy voov airXwaas. Anacr. 39. 22. SYN. 'AvaTrriWw, e^aT , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [illotus,] unwashed. $w^s 6' oapr)v t Ad/uas Pax 758. SYN. "AXovTos, avurros, pvrrapds. "Anvtvaros, ov, o et^, adj. [qui respirare non potest,] breathless. " Anvevffrov' \l/vxf)v be TreXwplov e'XXd^fv y&rjs. Theocr. 25. 271. ^ATTVOOS, oov, contr. ovs, ov, o et r/, adj. [(1) flatu seu respiratione carens; (2) inodorus,] (1) breathless, (2) fetid. Mr)b' epoi kv QaXanyalv, Iff ws irapds, elfjii yap airvovs. Call. Ep. 31. SYN. ^Aftt'evffTos, a^v^ds. 'ATTO, praep. [a, ab, abs,] from, (governing a genitive case only.) 'Ereo' d^>' Irt.- PUV KUKO. KCLKUiV KVpel. HeC. 684. 'ATroa/Vt/yuat, poet, pro dTrairv/nat, v. [aufero, adimo,] to take away, to deprive of. Tjowtd, ret KTVLfJiiivwv aTr6aivvp,cCi' ov yap otw. N. 262. 'ATToatpeco, et aTrdaiptdfjiai, antiquitus et poet, pro d^aijOtw et d0cujoco/*cn, q. V. 'A7rd/3a/rw, f. (ji']a6pai, v. [(1) descendo, discedo, abeo, (2)evenio,] to go from, to depart, to descend, to dismount ; to turn out. Aecu, ey 6' 'ITTTTWV cirrdpr]- aofj-al, o(f)pd f^d^iDpai. E. 227 SYN. 'Etf/3cuVw, icdrdpatVw, Kureipl, Kar^p^o- [jtctt, GVfjifiaivii). J A7ro/3aXXw, f. dXw, v. [abjicio, rejicio, repudio,] to cast away, to reject, to re- fuse. Td 6p~id TOV Tplfiuvm airoftl^Xr^Korl. Vesp. 1312. SYN. 'E^aXXw, mrd- flaXXb), aTToTrepTTb), aTrooreXXw, uTrorjOeTrojLtat, aTrortQeyuai, aQf.pit>), airoXvv, dTroytvwcrfcw, 7rapit)Ql(i), dTropptTTTw. 'A7ro/3t/3a^w, v. [descendere in terram facio,] to cause to descend ; to set down on the ground, 'A7ro/fr/3ad?wj' TOV Trobd. Vesp. Il64. 'A7To/3Xa7rrw, v. [(l)Iaedo, (2) privo,] to hurt, to injure; to deprive of. Too06' d7ro/3\a00e7ffdv aprtws ^tXoi/. Aj. Fl. 954. SYN. BXaTrrw, ^Xfd/^at ofj.a.1, d(j)aipti), aTTOffTtped), dfjieiph). 'A7ro/3Xaard'w, f. artjaio, v. [germino,] to spring from. See BXaardva;. i3Xacrrdv wbUvds. CE. C. 533. (Dochm. dim. cat.) 'A7ro/3Xe7rros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [conspicuus,] looked up to, distinguished, con- spicuous. Tvt'at^i, irapdevois T d7ro/3Xe7rros /ierd. Hec. 354. SYN. Ilept/jXe- irTos'f-dpiZrjXds, evbo^os, irepifidrjros, Trepfydvt}*, Kard(pdvrfS, icXetvos. 'A7ro/3/\7rw, f. ^/w, v. [respicio ; rationem habeo,] to regard, to respect, to value. "lv d7ro/3X7rw^at, xal Xtywat poi rdbi. Eccles. f26. SYN. 'Emj3Xlnw t e^u/3Xe7rw, dm/3X7rw, TrpoaXevacrtt), Geaoyuat, eTTiOewpew, Qav^a^d), TraTrra/vw. 'A-rrofiXrjTos, ov,betf], adj. [abjiciendus, abjectus,] must be thrown away, or re- jected. Oi/rot dTropXrjT earl 0ew epkv^d 5wpd. T. 65. SYN. 'Abortpos, drifj-aaros, diroTrefj-irrds, drdpWpos, irpopXrjrds, eK'/3oX(/uds, eKpoXipaws, s, (pavXos. , f. tffw, v. [aufero, detero,] to take away by squeezing, (properly said of those who obtain honey or milk by pressing the honeycomb, or teats.) '6 6' dTfeQXi.aH Qoiudrlov uov. Av. 498. SYN. BXtWw, 110 AHOB AtlOA ;, f. (TW, v. [vomo, ex ore ejicio,] to stream or gush out, to pour forth. *A7ro/3Xvc?wj' kv J'f/TTttT/ dXtyzivrj* I. 487* SYN. 'Aj a/jXi/c?w, a7T^tw, ek'pdXXw. 'A7ro/3Xao-:w, v. [discedo, digredior,] to depart, to retire, "tlprj d7ro/3Xw/- s, ov, oet r/, adj. [libenter rejiciens,] apt to throw away. 'Aro- fidXtualos rwv dirXwv eyiyvtro. Pax 677. SYN. See 'A7ro/3X??ros. nofioffKduat, v. [depaseo,] to feed off, or eat down. AeVSjOEo-t r' f^ecfyifVd, Kaptrov aTrofioffMTat. Av. 1066. SYN. KdrdfioffKouat, KaraflpwcrKW, veuouat, ), v. [crapulam edormio : dormio,] to sleep off any excess in eating or drinking; to sleep. "Evfld 6' dTroftpi^arres euelidfjtv 770) 7dr. /^. 7. SYN. s, ov, o et ^, adj. [ab aris amovendus, impius,] to be excluded from approaching the altar, impious. 'A7ro/3w^tds ay ex et Qvolav. Cycl. 365. SYN. 'Avorios, adeos. ATroyo'jos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. et subst. [nepos, et qui longius distat,] a grandson, a descendant. Aaiov tore rlv anvyorov ; (E. C. '220. SYN. 'ETrtyoJ'os, dTre^- yoi'ds. ATrdyytow, v. [membra debilito, enervo,] to destroy the strength, to weaken. Mr/ fi aTroyvitjjffrjs, /ievtos r' a\Kfjs re XdGwjuat. Zi. 265. SYN. Kdrdyuiow, ^d), eKvevpi^w, aTro^eVjOow, e/cXva>, IcftyXtff'itf. y/xvai^w, v. [exerceo,] to exercise, to practise. Geovs arl(t)v t KcnrdyvfAva- arofJLd. Sept. Theb. 437. SYN. Fvyumcta, a0/\euw. 5 A7rdyv/i>'ow, v. [nudo, denude,] to strip off, to strip naked. Mi; a ci7royv//vw- KO.KOV Kal avrjvopa Oelrj. K. 301. SYN. Fv/zvow, Trdpdyujuvow, d7roi//(Xow, 'A7roa/o/iai, f. bciffopat, et 5a. 1^6. SYN. "Ev6etts, 6)}Xw(rts, 7rt6eiyyud, a^- fjL~idv t /Sdo-dvos, iriffrls. TrdbetpoTdueu), v. [cervicem abscindo, obtrunco,] to cut off (from) the neck, to behead. Aw6ecd e TrpoTrapoiBe nvprjs aTrobetpdTuuriffetv. * . 22. SYN. Aei- , f. />a>, v. [excorio,] to strip off the skin, to flay. To7 d- AIIOA AF1O0 ill , eKbib'ttfjii, TrpoortO/fyut, Qir&KiicQlirTiffit, drrejUTroXdw. , v. [rejicio,] to throw aside. TleTrXor arroStfce fidfo dfXr bel&v. Here. F. 1204. SYN. Atau, /3dXXw, d7ro/3dXXw. 'AirvbiMKu, f. ro>, dTrfXawo*, dXe|w. v. [obliquo, incurvo,] to bend, or incline obliquely. KeTr' irdyyv avylvd' Kabbe }uv tiirvos* t. 372. SYN. Aox/uow, Xoeuw, , f. iw, v. [decerpo,] to pluck off, to gather. T ft TlepTr;, Tore o'tKabe fiorpvs. lies. Op. 609. SYN. AJOCTTW, dTroXeyw, , f. \ls-j>, v. [dilacero, discerpo,] to tear, to rend. *H TT^^S, r) /cat , arrobpv^wffl be Travrd. p. 480. SYN. Apy;rrw, aird, airbbepw, bui- , [dilacero discerpo,] to tear, to rend. '\pPpd7iy, Iva p/ ^iv dTro- , v. [lamentor, deplora,] to bewail, to lament over. Evv , KairobupufJLa.t aitoby. Soph. Electr. 1128. S *'N. 'ObupofJiai, w, v. [exuo,] to divest, to strip, to deprive of. Tevtcpos b' UTTO reused bvffat. N. 182. SYN. 'Ef5t;fyia(, d7roo*vXdw, w, d^atpew. , v. Vid. ctTreiTTd). M?)j'ij> dTroetTrwi' 1 ^ A-yajj.? vl^ irotpevi Xawv. T. 35. SYN. 'ATre/vrw, dj'dveuw, airdyopevb), dTropi^to/tat. Tioep-ydOb), et d/rdepyw, poet, pro dnrf/pyw vel aTrepyw, v. [averto, prohibeo, separo,] to keep oil', to prevent, to separate. Avrdp o riij\e/&im ^6Xw anoep- yaQe Xaov. $. 599- SYN. 'A/, adj. [ingratus animo, invitus,] disagreeable to tlie feel- ings, unpleasant, ungrateful. "Acero yctp /jj? Nwjcrt Oo^i diruO^id epbot. 5. 26 1. SYN. 'A)j6))s, drep7r>/s, dxapiffros t foffdpeoros, e^Gpos, V) w/uds aun)j/ Trdrtp' d?roi- (f>l\ov. Med. 31. SYN. Ofyuw5w, avobvpo/ucu, avuieXalb) , t, v. [premium reporto,] to obtain a recompense or reward. Ttv' wvr' aTroivaadai 6e\ets ', Rhes. 1?7 ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [impunitus,] unpunished. Actpdj/ ou/c airoivrjToi. Soph. Electr. 1065. SYN. 'Aduos, xaipuv. dbtKds, ov, o et >/, adj. [ultor, ultrix,] an avenger, avenging. KaKolalv CKTraTaffffovali'. Here. F. 884. SYN. "Eff$fcfc, a.f.ivvrwp, a pt'os, TifJiwpds, Ttfj{]dpds. *'ATTOIVUI>, ov, rb, et anotva, wv, TCI, subst. [pretium quod loco poenre debitae offertnr,] a ransvjm. "Y/3jr>ews a-rroiva, KaOtw)/ ^povrjpdrh}^. Pers. 813. SYN. Avrpoi', Trow)}, b&pov. EPITH.^AyXdoJ', aTretpecrtov, afyuv, aeiKes. 'Anon'ou), v. [przemio condigno adHcio, hinc ulciscor. Vid. Damm.] to repay adequately, to revenge, to punish. Aa//zwv airou'tonais ZXcicrev. Xrao-o/^at. Nem. 5. 29 SYN. 'AjTd^iKrtw, avTapvvopai, r/juwptw, ajjLvvd). 'A7ro/xAtt f- xliotipa.1, v. [abeo, discedo,] to go away, to depart, to die. '"YdXos p.ev ovv dTrw^er' els rci^tv TrdXtf. Heracl. 818. SYN. 'ATrfp^d^icu, u.Treifu, tnro- \etTTM, dTraXXaaao/uat, cnroBvijaKd). ), v. [abstergo, expurgo,] to wipe off, to rub, to cleanse. "EX'> ^i 7 - Tas Tpcure^as ravrrji. Pax 1193. SYN. Kddaipw, eKKudatpcj, airo- , v. [supero, vinco,] to surpass, to be superior to. Trj ' avr' Ev- pvdXos cureKaivvrd Travrds dptarovs, 0. 127- SYN. Kcu'i'iymt, tTrupdrew, Trepi- etyut, vifcdw, vTrepfjuXXd/uai, V7repf3uii'u), vrrtpt^w, Trpoe^w, Treplyivopai. 'AiroKatpius, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [intempestivu.s,] unseasonable. MdyeT^ oi/ic airoKai- piov. Philoct. 155. SYN/Aifaipos, droTros. 'ATTO/CO/W, f. Kavffw, v. [aduro, exuro,] to burn up. "H ^ef d?ro Tpwwr KeaXas Kal revved Krjai. $. 33(5. SYN. Kcu<>, mrdfcatw, ai0d\ow, dva^Xtyto. 'ATrokdXtw, v. [(1) per opprobrium et invidiam appello, (2) sevoco, (3) veto,] (l) to call insultingly, (2) to call aside, to call, (3) to forbid, to interdict. a. O'l fj.e TWV ydfjuav dtreKaXovv tfaaov'. b. 'ATreKpivb) 5t TI ; Iph. A. 1354. SYN. 'Avd^dXfw, fTriKdXeti), cKKaXew, dTromX^fffcw, dTrocrTreuSw, dirdydpevb), 7re/U7r6/zat, aTrdyw, dTrorpeTrw, d^lffTrjpt. 'ATTdKctfjiru), f., v. [fatisco, defatigor,] to be weary. OVK Ion 134. SYN. Ka^uvw, e^Krayurw, TdXanrutpeopai, dirdyopevu), dirorpvdftat, , v. [efflo, exspiro,] to breathe out. "HptTre ' e^oKlato, and . X. 467 SYN. 'ATTOTT^CW, dmTT^ew, dTrov^^w. f. 0J7*7w, v. [depono,] to lay aside, to lay 'down ; to leave as a deposit. 'Opdov ovplayw, Kvveqv 6' dTrd/ccirfler' epeivas. Apoll. 3. 1287. 'ATrocavXti^w, v. [decutio, decurto,] to lop off, to strike off. KcnrdKavXi^uv . Eur. Suppl. 716. 1 , f. fpM et epat>>, v. [tondeo, detondeo, abscindo,] to sheer, to clip, to 1 See Dr. Maltby's note on this word. AHOK AIIOK 113 cut off, to cut asunder. 'ATTO b ffrtyavav KeKaptrai. Hec. 898. SYN. 'Airtf- dirdKOTTTw, aTroreyuvw, airtiKopdw, aTroortpcw. v. [lucrifacio,] to derive gain from, to gain. 'AXX', aoQivris yap, v norov. Cycl. 431. w, f. r/o-w, v. [negligo, non euro,] to neglect. A'i *' aKd X e7p$v de0Xo>. T. 413. SYN. 'AjueXew, fypovrgu, 'Airdrifovripi, v. [dissipo, diverto,] to scatter, to disperse. "O$ r d7ro/SrdyU6t>r- vordfAov KtXdbovTds 5 Apaew. Apoll. 4. 133. * SYN. Kdrao-K Xeyetv. Ran. 1108. SYN. 'ATroroX/idw, \appav(*>, noteofjiai. , f. ?;rw, v. [amoveo,] to remove from, to remove. M?? p ovvov eovTa. ^. 107. SYN. 'E*ccivw, /uerdicivcw, a7rw0 , bittKpovb), aTrdtreta), dTreXav^w, d^toriy/it, ajraXXao-o-w. 'ATTOKIVOS, ov, 6, subst. [recessus, discessus, fuga,] a retreat, a flight, (a species of dance. Suidas.) 'AXX' evpe Ttv' CLTTOKWOV and ~ov beffirorov. Equit. 20. v. [abscedo,] to depart. Aj/fleV OTTO trraOftoid ictwi/ Ev^euo TT. 156. 'ATroKXa^w, f. dyfr>, v. [vociferor,] to cry aloud. MeydXots dyd^ots dT jVgam. 151. 'ATrofcXa/w, Att. aw, f. fcXav' Musae. 298. SYN. KXdw, dTropjOj/yi/v/it, dTroo-Trdw, /w, f. e/ ?ror' diroKXe^ew, od edriTTat. H. in Mer. 522. 'A7roK\rjpds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [exsors,] having no share in, free from, flovw 6' ovris dTrdfcXapds early. Pyth. 5. 71. SYN. "AtfXT/pos, dpotpos. 'A7rofcX/rw, f. tva), v. [declino, incline,] to decline, to fall away. Keu bofavT cLirdK\"ivai. CE. R. 1192. SYN. 'E^XtVw, eyicXtvta, e^rpcTrw, aTrorpeTrw, e<:rpt- , v. [eluo ? abluo,] to wash out, off, or away. Kv/id o'i//a* Trerpas diroKOfjtfS drepa^/yw. Theocr. 10. 7. SYN. Ko//^td, ay/id, 6pavirpd t ?w, v. [insolentius ago vel loquor,] to speak boastingly. '6 o' 7/Xd- aTTEKO^irdaev rdbe. Here. F. 981. ?7, i/s, ^, subst. [abscissio,] a cutting off. 'Airoicoird Kparos. ^Esch. Suppl. 843. SYN. 'ATrord/zjfr. 1 The last two syllables of 'Ap4|w form only one in scanning. Pros. Lex. 114 AOOK AlIOA 'ATTOMTrrw, f. ^w, V. [abscindo,] to Cut off. Told &' tV 'I^>td/-iaj>rt kdpr) d irdpaaTas. A. 26l. SYN. 'Em)7rrw, etfre/uyw, aTroreftvw, aTrapaajw, tJtatpw, , arra/iaw, , v. [ordiue collocata aufero,] to remove in a regular order. CLTTEKOff/jltOI' CVTed batTOS. T). 232. 'Airdjcoi/0/(i>, v. [levo, sublevo,] to alleviate, to lighten. OuSev 7rd0wv CLTTOKOV- \ Hec. 105. SYN. t, v. [suspendo,] to hang up. At/xeV dTTCKpendcrep' avv be Trrepd Xtao-0>. Y. 879- SYN. Kpt/ucWi/jui, avaKp[j.avvv(*i. , v. [secerno, seraoveo, separo, eximo,] ditoKpit'tifiat, (tymed. [re- spondeo,] (3) /?M. [secernor,] (1) to separate, to distinguish, (2) to answer, (3) to be separated. Tw 01, airoKptvOevTe, evavTiti &pfiriM]Triv. E. 12. SYN. 'EtKKQivta, blaKpivto, a7ro/3dXXw, cKpopictb), aTro^wpi^h), efcXtyw, ^tdrdcro-w, dTrwQew, (2) d.Trdfj.eij3dfjLai t eTrtAeyo/ucu. 'ATrofcptats, fws, 77, subst. [(1) actio excernendi, (2) responsio,] the act of selecting or distinguishing, an answer. Twv dydflo;*' eaOXij per aKOKpiffls, eyBXa 5e epyd. Theogn. 11 69. AnoKpovw, v. [repello, depello, propulso,] to repel, to drive off, to bruise. K.drv\iaKiov, TO ^etXos a.7rdKKpovfffAtvov. Ach. 459- SYN. 'EfCK'povw, , v. [abscondo, occulto,] to hide, to conceal. Eta e yuoi I'TTTTOVS. A. 717* SYN. KpvTrru), trnKpinrTb), KaXvTrrw, Kevd(t) t s, ov, 6 et^, adj. [occultusj concealed, secret. ( I>fjo', a Here. F. 106*9. SYN. Kpv^ios, \adplds. 'A7rofcre/vw, f. tvG) t V. [occido,] to kill. 7 ft 0o7j8', airoKTivoval JJL at Orest. 254. SYN. KretVw, cdrafcretVw, dTrofcrtVyv/ii, ica/Vo>, d0dv/<5w, Tre^i/a;, KarcLTretyvii), Odvdrow, a7ro X"P' l ' t 1522. SYN. 'AirdbvpdfJiai, diroip.^^. 'ATToncwXvw, v. [prohibeo,] to prevent, to hinder. TeW dTroicretVao-', d Med. 1408. SYN. 'A7rtfe/pyw, etpyw, KwXvw, q. v. 'ATrdXayxdvw, v. [obtineo, spe excido,] to obtain, to be disappointed. F dTroXdxwff' otKwy TraTpos. Here. F. 331. SYN. 'A.Trdrvyxdi'w. 'A7roXd(?v//at, v. [rcipio,] to receive. TwS'* os Trdpeo-rJ, Ka.7ro\a.vff6at 6e\i. Helen. 917- 'A7roXd^u/3dvw, dTrdbt^of^ai, dvdbt\o^ai. 'A7roXa/crt 5', t5 Trat, //)) 'froXaKTlffys \exos. P. V. 652. 'A7rd\aKrifffjiosy ov, 6, subst. [calcitratio, jactura,] a kicking against, rejection. r' avbpwv, fcaTroXafcrter/xol /3tov. ^Esch. Suppl. 949. SYN. BXd/37, e- , f. X^d/zat, v. [recipio,] to take back, to receive, to recover. IIws ovv ddviov dv d7roXd/3ot ; fcelj/os Se TTWS. Helen. 91 ! , v. [effulgeo,] to shine, to blaze forth. Kpart Oero PpHdprjif rj 5', dTreXapTTtv. T. 381. , v. [lambendo absorbeo,] to lick up. Frovs d7roXdi//ets, drt TrXelarov bvvdaai. Nub. 809. SYN. KdrdTT/vw, tKTrtVw. ATrdXavffis, ews, ^, subst. [fructus, quern ex aliqua re percipimus,] gain, en- joyment. EvicXeidv vjjuv narpos, dndXavytv KdXrjv. Here. F. 1370. SYN. , r^p^is, cTrtri/^ta, rv%ij. vw, v. [fruor,] to reap the fruits of, to enjoy, to suffer the effects of. wv vp.vwv dirdXavetv. Iph. T. 455. SYN. 'Ot'tvdpai, cTrai/pew, /uat, e^trvyxavw, Kaprrtcdjuat, . 'A7roXi/3a5w, f. w, v. [recedo, aufugio,]to retire, to run away. Kdfctor* aTTuXovpzvds', Aves 146/. SYN. 'Avd^wp^w, dTroXtrapy/^w, cnreppa). w, v. [strepitum facio, turbas excito,] to make a noise. *H> , rovs dyopavo/xovs KaXw. Acliarn. 9^7- SYN. 'A7ro0d)0u/3tw, 0tf ds, o et >/, adj. [extorris, patria pulsus,] city-less, banished, exiled. Fpnvsy diroXls, CLTSKVOS, aQXlov Oairrw veKpov. Troad. 1176. SYN. 'ATTOTrroXts, XiTrdTrarpis, avotKos, Kbrjfj.ds, TrjXwnos, vyas. PflR. TLrepeadat TrarptSos, fjie- yilTTOV KO.KOV. 'A7roXtrapy/5w, v. [celeriter aufugio, me abripio,] to run away hastily. OVKOVV civvaas ri daTrdv dTroXirapyieTs. Nub. 1255. SYN. 'ATrorpt^w, inroaKipTaat. 'A7roXi"xjudo/iat, V. [delambo,] to lick off. Alp dTroXi^^ovrai, aKrjbeZs' ov5e o-e prirrjp. $. 123. SYN. 'ATroXe/^w, efcXet^w, KaTaXei^, Xi^/mw, Xtj(/id5w. 'A7ToXXy;ut, et (2) med. v. avoXXvpai, v. [(1) perdo, (2) intereo,] (1) to ruin, to undo, to destroy ; (2) to be mined, to be undone, to perish. Tis JS' dr///ws laifjioviiiv ff aTTwXeaev. Med. 1205. SYN/'OXXv/^i, oXeKa;, 0eip, ), a7rd/3aXXw, aTroKreirb), Kara^Sa-w, tyftivw, fyQlviiQb), airoQvriaKb), eppw, 6, P. N. [Apollo,] the son of Jupiter and Latona. 2re e\wv EV ^epffiV eKrjpoXov 'ATroXXw^os. A. 14. SYN. $o7/3os, 'Ay vtevs, "E/cdros, Aortas, Tlatwv, RorjbpofJitos, 2/itv0evs, 'YTrep/wi/, Hatav. EPITH. 'Ayvmrts, ap- , aXrjOrjs, dydvos, aypei/r/s, d^d^dros, "Aortas, avrorpoTratos, /3dj;po/itos, , bavr](J)opos, tKaTTjJBeXZrrjs, eKarrjfidXds, ^puffdopos, dva|, eicaepyos, \aooaoos, jToibrjs, araodaXos, ^pvacmip, A\>Kr)yevi)s, evopKos, evaKonos, ev-^airris, evXvprjs, cvtyopptyZ, eaos, 'EXtK&vWs, ijios, y/i)s, 0vyu/3palos, lpf.pb^u}vos t Kvrdws, Kfpao-0lf}tj3riKe, A^Xov 6eobpr}Tas aKbirfc, 6v r/vKoyuos TCKC A?/rw. See Pyth. 5. 86. et Horn. H. Apoll. vtos, a, d*', adj. [Apollineus,] belonging to Apollo, Flepyd^wv 'ATroX- . Orest. 1386. (Vid. Schol. in 1.) ed^at, v. [defendo me sermone,] to speak in one's own defence, to plead one's own cause. 2e/^eX/s re jurjrpds airoXoyriffciffdal p vTrep. Bacch. 41. SYN. 'AvriXdyed/mt, Trdpaircd/xat, HirufJLvvid, 7rpd^>dff/5d/ua, avvyyoptto. vw, f. dfjiat, v. [(l) purgor, lustror, (2) corrumpo,] (1) to be cleansed, to be purified, (2) to spoil. Aaovs 'Arpcf^s d7rdXv/m\viJiavTrip, ypos, o, subst. [corruptor, turbator, contaminator, perniciem ad- ferens, pernicies,] a spoiler, ruin, destruction. ITrw^dv avnypov, bairtiv O.TTO- Xvftavrr7pd. p. 220. SYN. Av^ewv, ctTrepwevs, Xw/3qr)7p, Xw/3//rwp, tiQopos, dXe- Gpos. 'ATrdXvw, f. V}as uTroAwriet. Iph. A. 793. SYN. ' dXm, as, ^, subst. [frustum panis,] soft bread on which the Athenians used to wipe their hands at meals, and which then was thrown to the dogs. 'ATrdfiaybaXlas (TiTOVfJiei'os Toffovrds l/crpd^e/^v. Equit. 414. Tro/xdrro/zat, v. [(l) veneficiis devotum libero, (2) imitor, exprimo, (3) ves- cor,] (1) to deliver from sorcery, (2) to imitate, (3) to eat. 'ATrd/za^d/iev?? woXXas dperas e7roi//(7. Ran. 1040. iro/ue/pdjuai, v. [distribuo, sortior,] to distribute, to portion out, to allot. 'Hws yap r' epyoto rptrjjv awdjueipe-ai alaav* Hes. Op. 578. SYN. \a. r yya.vb), ve/xw, 6td^/iw, Stdjuep/^w, Std/iotpdojuai, 6tatpew, , v. [reprehendo,] to find fault, to reprove, to blame. 'A?ro/ue/u;//a- eyuov, irdpevdeis. Rhes. 900. SYN. Mcyu0o)uai, K-drd//eyu0d^uat, atrtdd/iat, t^w, f. aw et w, v. [depositis curis dormio,] to forget anxiety by sleep. OIS'' aXX' ZirWvfjiv crp.LKpuv a7ro/iep//?/piaat. Vesp. 5. SYN. EiJ5u>, VTTVWO-CTW, V7TFOW. 'ATTO^T/VIW, v. [irascor, iram foveo,] to be angry, to feel a lasting resentment against. *H> vvy etypaaaavro, epev aird^riviffctvTos. I. 426. SYN. pjvtw, opy/^o/uat, airopyi^ofjiai, aaxaXXw, dff^dXdw, Ov^uatVw, dvpeopat, eykortw, ^dXeTratVw, ^oXdw, ^oXooyuat, ets dpy>)v w/7rrw, 9 ATrojj.va6fJLai f v. [recorder,] to recollect, to remember. T ot kv davaroid vep at, v. [abstergo, exprimo,] to wipe off or away, to press or squeeze out. 0epju<5> aTropoptafjievov. Acharn. 6"95. SYN. ^ ov, 6 et ^, adj. [musis alienus, indoctus,] illiterate. KOUK d?ro/zov- IOU, evSw, aTrorpeTrw, TrdpdTreidw, KtoXvw, d7rdXdytdjUicn, *AirdfjivKTF.ds > adj. verb, [emungendus,] to be wiped off. 'ATrd/zvKreov 5e act y', OTTWS X^i//j7 TrtetK. Cycl. 558. 'A7ro/n/. 'ATrdvtv^t, f. d7ro/r/ op* a^/oppoi irpvn aitovtovTo. F. 313. SYN. 'Am^wpew, viro-^P^t drep^opat, dTraXXaffoo- et aTroviTTTb), v. [abstergo, abluo,] to wipe away, to wasli off. 'A\X* y/c'oj'res OTTO flpoTov atfidroevTa, H. 425. See also or. 171. SYN. 'ATTO- , avroXovw, aTTOTrXurw. , ov, TO, subst. [aqua ad lavandum,] water for washitijsj hands or feet. "ilo-Trep aTToviTTTpdv K^eovTs eanepas. Acharn. 6\6. SYN. Xepi/t\//. ATTOVOS, oy, 6 et //, adj. [labore carens, non dolens } ] free from labor, exertion, or trouble. NOOTOI &' cc TroXe/^wv airovovs, airddels. Pers. 868. SYN. "A , v. [redeo, revertor,] to return. 'Eyw Se rap/3<5, /ur/ . Iph.T. 732. SYN. 'ATroveo/xat, eTrdi/ep^ojuat, 7raj/ei/it. , adv. [procul, seorsum,] far from, apart. 'A0dmrw^ Klovtrai. Apoll. 3. 9 TTOJ/DX^W, v. [ungues reseco,] to pare the nails, to snatch away with the claws. 'Arrovv-^iut ffov TO.V flpyrdveiy aiTld. Equit. 706. SYN. ' t5w, v. [in fugam verto vel conjicio,] to put to flight. , v. [nova cula rado,] to shave with a razor. "6s e/* TrpwTdv. Thesm. 1052. SYN. Hi>pdw, ciTrdrtXXw, aTrompw. , v. [a via recede; ventrem exonero,] to walk aside. IlXr/K dtro- 7rdTr)aofJLvoi ye 7rXe7v 7} ^uvptot. Plut. 1185. SYN. 'A^evw, dTroffKCva^d- /uat. TroTrdros, oi/, 6, subst. [secessus, ventri levando necessarius,] a convenience, a necessary, a water-closet. 'AXX' els dTroTrdrdv y\Td, orpdrtav Xd/3wv. Acharn. 81. SYN. "Aobos, KOTrpwf. TroTravw, v. [(1) sisto, cohibeo, et (2) med. v. dTrorravdjuat, desino, desisto,](l) to stop or interrupt ; (2) to cease from, to desist. Mqbe Trplv dnorrave TZOV vos, aXX' oTrorar ^17. $. 340. SYN. 'ETTCX^, KaTt-^y dvetpyw, KdraoreXXw. oTetpdw, et dTTOTretpdo^at, v. [experior, periculum facio,] to make trial of. K ol^d* roi/St b* avOts d7ro7re, <, . dw, v. [securi dolo et complano,] to render level or smooth by means of an axe. 'ATTtTreXe/ojirtu' TCLS irvXas" i)v b' o KTVTTOS. Av. 1156. Trw, v. [dimitto,] to send away, to dismiss. AafyeW frry&* d7T7re/W7re. $. 452. SYN. 'EfCTrewTrw, 7rdpd7re//7rw, dwo/3aXXw, aT 1 The first syllable of this word is long in the eighteen instances which occur in Homer. See Dr. Maltby's remarks o 118 Anon Anop 'ATToiTETofiai, V. [avolo,] to fly away. T H Kav9ap\ oitcatf, oiKab', Pax 719 SYN. 'AvdTrcrfyxcu, d^/Trrd^cu. , f. 7rr/w, v. [concrescere facio,] to stiffen. Ev0ws yap a a. Ran. 126. SYN. n>;yvv/zi, KaraTrtj-yrvpl, /cdra^t^w. f. Treffovjjiat, v. [decido,] to fall from, to fall down. drreTTtTTTov eepffat. E. 350. SYN. 'AydTT/Trrw, efCTrtTrrw, KarctTTiTrra;, 'A7ro7rXaa>, f. 7rXaya>, v. [(1) aberrare facio, (2) werf. v. aberro,] (1) to lead astray, (2) to go wrong, to wander from the right path. Nr)ioi/yucu, v. [(l) suffoco, (2) vexo,] (1) to choke, (2) to trouble. 'Ei> \ifjtvr) 6' dTTtTrv^e, (cpdr^aas X et P l rtvovrd. Batrom. 230. SYN. v. [laborem perduco ad finem,] to finish labor, a. b. ev, tov rr t s aa(3d\ov. Thesm. 245. SYN. 'EfCTrorew, Karetpyaafjiat. 'A7ro7rpo/3aXX&>, v. [procul abjicio,] to throw far from. Evpi; 6* Xafiabis ffaKos evOd KCII evQa. Apoll. 3. 1310. SYN. 'A7ro/3ciXXw. 'A7ro7rptd/iat, V. [emo,] to buy. 'H batpovi' avbp&v aTroTrptw rj;v XjyJciiSo^. Ran. 227- , et dfroTTpodl, adv. [procul, e longinquo,] far oft', afar, at a distance. /zdX' ti5^ov<7ty airoTTpoOev, ovfr ede\ovaiv. P. 66. SYN. ndpjOW0ev, dTro- v. [emitto,] to send forward from. 'I<3> arronpoiels {3a\\e aTfjdos Trdpd fjiaov. %. 82. SYN. 'ATrooreXXw, d^r/^/ii, dTcdTrejjnrta. 'ATTOTrr^o-ffw, v. [metu percellor,] to be struck with alarm or fear. a. 'AXX' a7T07rr//as criwrry Kardavb) ; &. AetXo^ roSe. Orest. 768. 'ATroTrroXts, tw$, 6 et rj, adj. [extorris, peregre profectus,] far from one's city. T H ydp rab' OKV&V, KeWtv i]a& arroTrrdXis ; (E. R. 1000. SYN/'AwdXts, ^i)yds, eprjjjos. "ATTOTTTOS, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) quod conspicitur eminus, (2) quod 11011 conspici- tur,] (1) visible at a distance, (2) out of sight, 'fts 7rXe7orof cirj rovb' a-rroirrds HffTtds. , v. [respuo, spuendo ejicio vel eructo,] to spit or vomit out. Eu- ye 0aT/4d Kcnrdrrvrt^ei KCL\UIS. Lysistr. 205. SYN. 'ATrovrrvw, avepevyofjiat. w, v. [dubito, aestuo, destitutus sum,] to be at a loss, to be in difficulties. 'fts riTcoprjfjiai Trpos Qtuv rd vvv rabe, Iph. A. 537. SYN. AtdTropew, a/i AIIOP AOOI 119 'ATTopfljjrds, ov, 6 et r/, et 17, ov, adj. [inexpugnabilis,] unsacked, impregnable. "r' ap' 'A0i|*>a/v e/, subst. [consilii inopia,] difficulty in judging, difficulty. fipoToialv, airopla re yiyvfrai. Orest. 309. SYN. "EvFeid, irTw\eia, Tre^ta, aflov\ia t d/ZT^dvia, 6\t\^is t 'xpeia, biaTroprjals. 'Airopt'vfjii, f. opo-w, v. [(1) excito, concito, (2) moveo (me), proficiscor,] (1) to urge on, (2) to move from, to set out. T ftpae> dva, Aids vids, a.7ropvvfj.tvov AvKirjdev. E. 105. SYN. 'ATrep^dficu, a/i/- //at. 'A7roppa/w, v. [destruo, perdo, privo,] to destroy, to deprive of. Toy p* efieXo*/ fyQlaai /cat airoppdlacu tylXov r)rdp. TT. 428. SYN. 'Pru'w, aTrdffvXdw. 'ATToppavr^ptdv, oi/, ro, subst. [lavacrum, lustratio,] the bason in the temple in which lustral water was kept. l\po^ovalv eXflwy, els aTroppavr^pta. Ion 434. , f. pevffdpai, v. [effluo, defluo,] to flow or drop off from. )<7<7o/icu, 'A7ropp(7rrw, v. [abjicio, rejicio,] to throw or cast away. Oi/rot w,v. [cum sonitu eructo, sonitum reddo seu emitto,] to make a buz- zing noise. Ov# opvis evfftifjtovs d7roppoi/35et /3dds. Antig. 1021. SYN. ' s, ?/, subst. [profluvium, effluxus,] a stream, a flowing from. Afytd- ros 6' diroppoai. Helen. 1603. SYN. 'ETrtppd//, pei)/*d, drroppw^, diroffray^d. 'ATToppi/ros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [effluens, defluens,] flowing out or from. Kp/y^s r* demov *cai aTroppi/roi), $ r' dfldXwrds. Hes. Op. 595. 'A7roppw, wyds, 6 et^, adj. [abruptus, praeruptus,] precipitous, craggy, steep: subst. [eruptio, latex,] eruption, a spring. 'AXXd rdS' d^pdo-t?js karlv aTroppw^. t. 359. SYN. (1) Kdrappw, ^teppwyws, (2) hypos, aTropporj, yd w, v. [orbo,] to bereave, to deprive of a near relation. rows 6' dTrwp^dvtcr^evoi/s. Choeph. 243. SYN. , adv. [difficulter,] with difficulty. To Trpdy^td 6' airopus el^e Trdrpt. Iph. A. 55. 7 A7rds, eds, ro, subst. [labor, lassitude,] labor, fatigue from travelling. T dov. Phosn. 865. SYN. Fiords. r, f. o-jGeaw, v. [extinguo,] to extinguish. 'Airoa^ffavrcs rovs dS' avro/. Vesp. 255. SYN. I/3e*>'v/ji, edXe'0w. tw, v. [excutio,] to shake off. 'AXX' aTToyeiad^lvai re^ds vppplov. Nub. 287. SYN. Kdrdae/w, efyicu, v. [jacto me, arrogans sum,] to give oneself airs, to be haughty. 'ATrorfe^wvelrm, Trpwrdv, cnrep eKaartire. Ran. 833. SYN. ' vevofJiat, neyaXav^Eo/jiaif i/7rep^>poj'a>. ^ATroffKebdvvvjJit, f. ffKtbciffu, et arroffdbvrift'i, v. [dissipo, dispergo,] to disperse, to scatter. Avrap errei ^v^as JJLZV aTreaKebacr' aXXvbls aXXjj. X. 384. See also H*. 4. SYN. , v. [infigo ad firmandum id, a quo pendeo. Damm.] to fasten, to make fast. 'Aire-trKiptyQai, #' aynvpat. Olymp. 6. 1/0. SYN. ' , v. [(l)exaresco, (2) morior,] to wither, to waste away ; to die. "Orav TIS K(j)vyr) //, a.TTO(JK\T]va.L TOTE. Vesp. l()0. SYN. 'A?ro?7pcuVfyiai, , v. [ex alto despicio, observe,] to look down upon, to regard, to pay attention to. TLoXiv r' airoaKoirovd eTret. Hec. 927* SYN. ', , v. [irascor, succenseo,] to be enraged at or with. "Hp/, //?) 5) aTroffKv&fJiaive Qlolalv.' ft. 65. SYN. 'Airopyidfjiai, i/e/ueffdw, aya>aKTa;, , a7rd/^7;i'tw. PHR. At' opyrjs X W ^vcr^paiva) eirl Tiros, KO.TCL TWOS. , v. [Scythico more tondeor,] to be shorn in the Scythian fashion. fjLovaav, KpaT a7TffKvdiff/Jivr)v. Troad. 1026". ua;, et airoaKvXaw, v. [spolio,] to plunder, to strip off. K'dXo>/ oVXo*' axeffKyXevcre ireffovTos. Theocr. 24. 5. SYN. fw, v. [abigo, expello,] to drive away ; intrans. to get off, to be gone. GVK a7rdffo/3rjffis', OVK aTroiffeis rd> Kabti) ; Av. 1033. SYN. 'ATrfXau^w, aTrocre/w, 'A7roflr7rdpdrovov. Ion 1011. SYN. 'EKoracJw, v7roXe//3o//at, d ws, ^, subst. [abscessio,] a departure from. 0dve, ^tdXetTrw, dTro^wpfw, d^t'trrdjuat, irpobi- et aTroorixw, v. [abeo, discedo,] to go from, to go away, , epSetv 6' tpct$ l^dro/i^as. )!/. 279. See also A. 522. SYN. ' , f. eXw, v. [amando, ablego,] to send from. 'Er rwvS' dr/yuws rwv airoffTaXy. Androm. 801. SYN. 'A7ro7re/i7rw, ek'Tr^Trw, /ic0/ori}/u?. , v, [ejicio amorem ex animo,] to banish love from the heart. ADOS Anos 121 ptv airoffTepZaifii, rd Trdvrd fjitv is SfSy eptroi. Theocr. 14. 50. SYN. 'ATroori;- ycw, Karatypovew, aTre^dalpctt. 'A7rooTpw, et aTroorep/ffKW, v. [privo,] to deprive. r ft 5a7/^o/, otas , <7KvXevw. , r/, adj. et subst. [fraudatrix,] fraudulent, deceptive, a de- wv yvw/^j/ cnroffTeprjTplba. Nub. 728. o), v. [splendeo, renideo,] to shine. 'Ooro0ve7s, TrXdri/vwrot, dTroor/X- /3ores > wjuois. Batrom. 287- SYN. Ir/X/3w, dTrooriX/Sofymt, aTroAdyUTrw, Xa/u- v. [strigili detergeo, destringo,] to scrape off with a strigil, (an instrument used for scraping the body in bathing.) M/} 00oi'e76' 7/ ^776' aireaTXeyyiffpevots. Equit. 580. SYN. 'ATroerjudw, dnoffp^i,), a- 'A7ro<77-dXr), >7s, ^, subst. [missio, dimissio,] a sending away, a mission. ' e/3a Ili/^tats, dTroordXaloi^. Phoen. 1058. SYN. 'ATroTrojUTrj), air CLTroXftoris, d^ecris, dveffis. 'Arroarpt^w, f. ^/w, v. [averto,] to turn back or away, et d7ro: &E peXadpuv. Apoll. 1. 804. SYN. 'ATroorepyw, airooTptcpofiai, q. v. fJivauTTOfiai. w, f. |w, v. [depello,] to drive from. IldrpoKXos, rpls 5* avrov .v 'AxoXXwr. IT. 703. SYN. 'ATTfXavvw, aTroffetw, a7rdav, aTre/pyw, , fcdrd/3dXXa>, cw, v. [exploro, more eorum qui ficos carpunt,] to examine, to search c> V v r '- out. Kci7roffi>/cds?as irleZuv TOVS vnevQvvovs,, orkoTrw^. Equit. 259' SYN. 'ATTO , v. [spolio,] to take away by plundering, to deprive of. "Os ft' uXr/oTJ' Trdrpas. CE. C. 1330. SYN. 2vXdw, a(f)apirau> t dyap7rdc?w, e%aipEofJiai, cnroffTepea), cnrd&vb), dTro/cX^Trrw. t, v. [exsilio, diffugio,] to hurry from, to rush. 'H/ue7s 5e es pvyov avrpov. i. 236'. SYN. 'ATrdo-evdyttat, di/opovw, /^W, f. w, v. [sibilo, exsibilo,] to hiss. Mck'p' dTroffi/p/^wv, dXtov ro> fivdov CLKOVWV. H. in Merc. 280. SYN. 2vp/w, oryptVrw, k'drdffyptrrw, 'ATroffvpu), v. [detraho, avello,] to tear away. Ild^ 6' dTrlaupE ^(.TUTTUV es ot avrap d TrXtiyets. Theocr. 22. 105. SYN. 'Avdaupw, biaavpia, aTTfpvw, d?rd- r/XXw, d^aipeii), x^tXow. 'A7ro<7^aw, et dTroo-^drrw, f. ^w, v. [macto,jugulo, interficio,] to sacrifice, to slay, to murder. 'Us )(w y' t-juaiv dpripovs, ous aTroatyafo Xd/3wv. Acharn. 326. SYN. S^drrw, avaipcw, rpd^X/^w, airoKTeivw. 'ATTOff^aXXw, v. [subverto, a recta via abduco, fallo,] to lead astray, to disap- point. Qifiof juaTrjv j', eXirlbos 6' dTea^dX?}*/. Iph. A. 742. SYN 7rdparp7rw, TrXdvdw, e^aTrdrdw. iZu, v. [obsigno,] to seal up. MdXtard, :ai S?) TTUJT' aTroff, K-drao^payt'cw, , idem quod 'A7rtx w V dvdrr)\ov. Apoll. 4. 1092. SYN. ' 'A7rdri/3dros, Dor. pro^ATrpo^dros, oi), o et ^, adj. [qui adiri nequit,] inaccessi- ble. 'A7r8rifia.Tosa.ypia. Tracll. 1031. SYN."AjSdros, aTrpoaireXaffrds. 'A7rori0^t, f. dr'jffu), v. [dcpono, repono,] to lay down, to set aside. MlXafyd' TroXXd 6' dxedeftrjv aair^apdrd. Iph. T. 377- SYN. Kdrdrid^i, Kadigu, rd- , f. tXfa), 1. aor. tXa, v. [revello,] to pull or pluck from, to tear off the hair. 2v 5e Kd^i^y ye aKafylov, dTrorertXfjievy. Av. 806. SYN. Kdmr/XXw, d, dros, ro, subst. [id quod avulsum est,] a stripping, a rending or tearing off. 'ETrrd^pdy/uws Kvvdbas, ypaidv dTrort'Xjudrd Trrjpav. 'I'heocr. 15. 19- SYN. 'ATroo'Trao'yud, dTTOArojUjud, ay/ud. , v. [ignominia adficio, non honoro,] not to honor. OvS' d7ror/////rrw be yue TrpwrtaTov 6vi]veis. H. ill Merc. 35. SYN. 'Art/udw, dr/co>, drt^uaia;. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [inhonoratus, honore carens,] unhonored. 'TTI ror tv Oeois Ql<>v. CE. R. 215. SYN. "ATI/UOS. , f. ^w, v. [excutio, decutio,] to siiake off, to cast away. QVK diru- Tivaeis Ktaauv ; Bacch. 253. SYN. 'ATro^e/w, d7ro/?dXXw, eKTivacrau), dvap- ), et airorfw, v. [solvo seu reddo debitum,] to repay. Zwet oy' % TeOvtjKe' KUKOV be pe, TroXX' diroriveti'. /3. 132. See also 1352. SYN. , arrdyue//5oyuai, arraXXarrao/za/, 'A7rdrtri)/iat, v. [solvi mihi debitum euro ;] to exact from, to demand one's due. IltJXtWJ/ 5' UTTtTlvilTO TTOLftJV. II. 398. SYN. 'ATTOrfoyUCU, 'AiroTfjiriyw, f.^w, poet, pro d-rroreura), v. [abscindo,] to cut off, to sever. yap, /ii) Xat/^or dTror/zr/lete albrjpy. Z. 34. SYN. 'ATTOKOTZTW, dirocf%ia), q. v. fiZ, ijyos, 6 et r/, adj. [abruptus, abseissus, przeceps,] rugged, craggy, steep. Kvprdi' dTror/^yt fTKorrly laov' oi b' tolbovTes. Apoll. 2. 583. SYN ' 1 Eustath. ad II. B. 87. says that in the Iliad rd^veiv and not r4/j.vftv is the proper reading. 2 N.B.jTtVw, 4>0af,tand QOivu, with their compounds, have the penult, long in Ionic, and short ia Attie Greek. Dr. Maltbv. ATIOT An(K> 123 *AiroTf*tis, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [miser, infelix,] unhappy, wretched. "O* ;uoi icaXd rbv olro> uTror/ioj/ Trat^os evicts ; ft. 388. SYN. Kdco7ror/xos, ad\ios, , ov, 6 et f/, adj. [abscissas, praeruptus, asper,] broken off, rough, harsh, and r/, subst. [fastigium abruptum,] a crag, a precipice. Ovbe rU . Alcest. 1003. See also CE. R. 876. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui sine potu vivit,] without drinking. "ATTOTOS kv /xt- florals. Aj. Fl. 324. , v. [aver to,] to turn away. Et b TO /juKapcjv TIS dTrdVpcTm, ctXXd t>' onvWo). A poll. 1. 681. SYN. 'ATrocrrpetyw, arrorpwTrau>, eKK\lvu>, O.TTO- , & , f. bpafjLovfjiat, v. [currendo abeo,] to run away. Ate/3dXe ju' w ypavs* ws rd^KTrd ^''"X^^^' //3w, f. i/'w, v. [detero, altero,] to wear away, to wear out. OXevpat , b&nov Kara /3aXXo/^evot6. p. 232. SYN. Kdrarp//3w, 7raparp//3w, , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [depulsor malorum ; averruncus,] an averlcr of evils ; a protector, a defender. "ATroXXdy dTrdrpc/Trate, cai 02oi ^tXoi. Plut. 854. , poet. IOH. pro aTrorpfTrw, v. [averto,] to turn away. Arjpov airo- vffTvos, o0pd iSwyuej'. ^. 112. SYN. 'ATrorpeTTw, q.-v. , et aTTOTpoTTia, as, poet. ?/j, 7;, subst. [depulsio,] a driving away, an escape from. "AXXoevKTos, (2) aTro vw, f. vcrw, v. [(l) altero, detero, (2) defatigo, abjicio,] (!) to wear away, (2) to wear out or fatigue, to casrt away. $a/u yap owe d?rorpvW. Trach. 126. SYN. (1) Tpv^u), Kurarpv^w, StaryO//3w, a7ro/caju'w, Koirlaai, K'drdTroveu;, JCardSaTrdvdw, (2) a7ro/3aXXa>, aTroSd^i^a^w. 'ATrorpwyw, f. rpw^oyuat, v. [comedo, avello morsu,] to tear off with the teeth, to devour. *H rovs fjtadovs TWV TTOITJTWV pV/rwp tDy, elr' dTrorpwyet. Ran. 365. SYN. Tpttiyw, icdrarpwyw, mreaQiw, aTro^dyw, K'drd^dyw, Kdra/3ptoaKw, d7ro/3pw- (TRTW, aTTOKVa/W, dTTOKe/pW. ATrorvyxdi'w, f. rev^oyuai, v. [aberro, ex voto non succedo,] to miss, to be dis- appointed. 'ATrorvyxdretv epwvrd. Anacr. SYN. 'E^d^uaprdvw, d0d//aprdvft>, bla\^, ?K>/ J6' dTrody. Philoct. 632. SYN. 'ATTovala, as, >/, subst. [(1) absentia, (2) detrimentum,] absence ; want, damage. 'ATTOVJ ia yut> elvrds eiicorws e/^^. Agam. 924. SYN. Z/;pa, fiXafir), 'ATrdoidyw, v. [comedo,] to devour. XWTTOJS rd icctXXeu' aTro^dywv ^f^eis TrdXty. Equit. 497. SYN. See 'ATroYpwyw. 'ATTd^.a/j'w, v. [ostendo, exhibeo, probo,] to show, to exhibit, to prove. IVpd- rtds d7r0aii'o//e0', rye rofjiiff^ard. Pers. 865. SYN. 'Av - , f. otaw, v. [aufero, abduco, tollo, refero,] to carry off, to take away, to bring, to deliver. 'EX0wi> CK yrjwv u^/ "Ecropi ^iv0o> dTrotVei*'. K. 337- SYN. 'A0u, dTrdyw, 124 AnO$ AFIOT , f. fyuai, V. [efFugio,] to escape. Kav oidypos elaeXGy evywi/, OVK , irplv dv fyulv. Vesp. 579- SYN. 'E^evyw, Sm^evyw, , ews, r/, et a7rctyvts, ews, subst. [effugium ; solutio, liberatio,] escape, acquittal. 'AXX' aKpotipai Trdoras (pwvds livrtav els dnofyevtyv. Vesp. 562. SYN. r, f. 0///> a ^j [indignus quern allaquamur,] who ought not to be spoken to. Styijf 6' ereKrrjvavr cnrotydeyKTOV p. Iph. T. 951. SYN. 'A7rpoV^0ey- Kros, d^d^ids, aTrorpunds. 'A7ro^>0e/pw, f. epw, airotyQlvvdu) , et d7ro06/w, v. [perdo,] to destroy, to ruin. Our 1 derov yet'eOX' aTro^e/pas, TrdXo/. Choeph. 252. See also TT. 539. SYN. Ata00e/pw, aTToXXv/^t, fcdraKretVw. 'ATro^OtVw, 1 ^irw, v. [intereo,] to perish. KaTro^OtVei rd ^pr/ord, )(a> SetXos Kparel. Philoct. 457. SYN. OOtJ'w, bla^delpofiat 9 d7roXXi>^uat, ffKtt). a, as, /, subst. [exitium,] destruction. Aifcat, atyayai re ffirepfjiaros r f i. Eumen. 187. SYN. $flopa. , v. [flocci facio,] to disparage. 'A7ro0Xaup/aiffd yuij/. Pyth. 3. 23. SYN. $Xavpi'c?6J, 0avX/5w, aTro^avX/s'w, e^avX/c'a;, cvreXi^w, e^ev , v. [efflo, ebullio,] to shoot or burst forth. "T|3piv . A poll, 3. 584. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [horribilis,] unnatural, horrible. Sovs. Orest. 1 89. yvvpl, \. [obstruo, communio velut septo,] to hedge round, to fence about. Ev ye aro^dcei paar- Obl. Tro^vtrdw, f. ?y/XXw, aTroQept^w, d/royv/jvow, d0aepew. , f w v - [(l)expiro, frigefacio, refrigero, (2)exsicco,] [(I) to breathe out, to expire, to cool, (2) to drain out, to dry. 'ISpw uiro^vxOeh, TrortlXrdV a7roi>0/ju77V. $. 56l. SYN. 'AirodyrjcrKb), i^v^w, d7roi7pcuVw, 'avatVfymi. 5 A7Toi//wXew, v. [prjEputium detraho, apellam facio,] to circumcise. "E7repov- Tiaros. "'AirpaKrdst et Ion. ArrprjKros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) infectus, irritus, (2) intentatus,] (l)not done, ineffectual, unsuccessful, (2)unattempted. " AirprjKTov ye reeaQai, 8, ri ^jOto-t cyal jjievoirq.s. H. 221. SYN. 'Ayj/yvros, abvvaros, dreXetrros, /ud- raids. ^ATrpa^ia, as, ^, subst. [cessatio a rebus agendis,] a cessation from business. 'laov aTrpafya Xeyw. Orest. 420. SYN. See^ATrpay/^oo-t)^. ^ATrpevr^s, eds, 6 et //, adj. [indecorus, indecens, turpis,] unbecoming, irliproper. indecent. Mejui/a//, w fyQovepbv TO KCU aTrpevres avbptov avrws ', Theocr. 5. 40. SYN. 'ATTOIKWS, aTreotKw^, deuceXtos, alff^pds. , 77, dy, adj. [inemtus,] unpurchased. a 'Aw^dnfy, dvdTrou'o)', dyetv 0' jv, A. 99 Z SYN. "AfjuaBos, aKup.iaQ6s, ex/JLiaQos. s, ov, 6 et j;, adj. [indesinenter percussus, vel percutiens,] in- cessantly Struck, or Striking. 'ATrpiybonXrjKTa, 7ro\inr\dyr]Ta. & -fjv ibelv. Choeph. 419. A-rrpiybos, ri, ov, adj. [tenax,] clinging to, tenacious, tight. 'ATrptyS' dTrptySd, /udXd yoebva. Pers. 1064. ATrpofiovXtos, adv. [improvide, incaute, imprudenter,] inconsiderately, impru- dently. Nofffyiffaa cLTrpofiovXtos. Choeph. 6 10. ATrpo&vds, ov, oet ^, adj. [non habens Trp6evov. Vid. Eruditiss. Butler. Suppl. -247] not received or entertained. 3 'ATrpoj^evoi re, votrfov fiyrjrwv, jjioXeiv. ^Esch. Suppl. 247. SYJ^. 'AXXoSdTros. ATrpooTrros, ov, 6 et 7;, adj. [improvisus,] unlooked-for, unexpected. f fts Zevs upas els aTrpooTTTov. P. V. 1111. SYN."A atrpoaboKriTov JJKCI. Lysistr. 352. SYNr'Ed7rtvcuos, adKr)T8s, airpooTTTos, dbevKrjs. Airpdaijydpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ison affabilis,] difficult to be spoken with, morose. AeoiV dTrXaroj' Opty/ma KaTrpdafjyoptiv. Trach. 1095. SYN. "A7rpo craxppoVd Oavaros cnrpofyaffiffTos. Bacch. 1000. See Apoll. 2. 269- SYN. ""AirpoaboK^Tos, dStkqros, aTrapatTrjTvs. AnpoffjaTus, adv. [ex improviso,] suddenly, unexpectedly. Kcu a^ialv curpd- (f)a.T(>)s avebv yueyd KV/JIO. napoide. Apoll. 2. 580. SYN. Atyviblus, , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [non alatus,] not having wings, not adapted to flying. Qprjvovs, air-epSs opvls. Iph. T. 1096. i]v, ijvos, 6 et r;, adj. [implumis,] unfledged, 'ils & opns cnrrya/L vtoaaoiai I. 323. ijs, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [in dicendo intrepidus, audax,] bold in speaking, audacious. "Hpr; aTrrdeTres, iroiov TOV ^tOov eentes ; 0. 209 SYN. Qpaavs, vfiptaros, \oibopos, bvfffyrifios, OpaavXoyos, KciKoXdyds. , ov, o et r/, poet, pro aTrdXeyuds, adj. [imbellis,] unwarlike, cowardly. e/Jtev curToXe/JOv KUI dvaXfctSd' ravra be TTUVTII. I. 35. SYN. 'ATroXe^uos, s, 6rj\v(f>p(*)v. t, v. [(1) necto, (2) accendo, (3) werf. w>c. aTrro/^at, tango, ha?reo,] (l)to fasten, (2) to kindle, lo set on fire, (3) to touch. "QJJLWIM, rwv a&v ufao . Hipp. 1030. SYN. (l) IIXfKu>, TrtpmTrrw, (2) avaicalu, (3) avvaTTTdjjLai, e^oyuat, c^aTrro/iat, CTrtXa/u/idrw, 6ly(o, Otyyavw, \^ava) t wros, 6 et ^, adj. [qui non cadit, stabilis,] not liable to fall, steady. d^a^acs. Olymp. 9. 138. SYN. Bt/3ar- TOS. 'ATrvpywros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [turres non habens,] undefended by towers. Ilvp- ywaav T* ETTCI ov yuev dTrvpywrdv y' ebvvavTo. X. 263. SYN. 'A^povpqros. ATrvpos, et cbri/pwros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ignis expers, ignem non expertus,] exempt from tire, never having been exposed to fire. Airdp rw Tpirary d?rv- pov KaredrfKe Xefara. Y. 267. See also T. 270. ATTV^T-OS, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [(l)fando inauditus, (2) inscius, ignarus,] (1) unheard- of, (2) ignorant, unacquainted with. Ov6' dpd YLrjvsXoneia iroXvv ^povov ?]tv airvaros. SYN. 'Ai'jy/covcrrds, avrjKous, airevdtis, aboffis. 'Avrvw, f. V/p, yot'evs. 'ATTubds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [absonus, dissonus,] out of tune, dissonant, inharmo- nious. 'Avrw&os Kai KXavadfJievos. Cycl. 487. adv. i. q. anodey, [procul, eminus,] far.from, at a distance. 'AXX' ovv cr^^d, /cav awtoOev y. Iph. A. 983. SYN. 'ATTOTrpoflt. f. tuaw et (jjQriva, v. [detrudo, repello,] to drive back, to reject, to repel. *llv r///, adj. [(l)abjurandus, lege interdictus, (2) abjurans,] (i)to be abjured, to be sworn against, to be declined under the sanction of an oath (2) abjuring, forswearing. "Ai/a, flporo'tatv ovbtv ear' aTrwfjorov. Antig. 388. See also Aritig. 394. SYN. "ATrevKT-os. 's, adj. verb, [repellendus, rejiciendus,] must be rejected or refused. OVK dTT&KTreoV. Here. F. 294. ros, ?/, oV, adj. [expulsus,] driven from, expelled. TtXos ' d/rworos yj/s tydiiad/uat. Aj. Fl. 101 p. SYN. 'ATrorpoTrtfc. w, adv. [remotius,] at a greater distance, further off. 'ATrwrtpa eras y T/XioV. Nub. 771* ^Ap, poet, pro dpd, adv. [utique, tandem, igitur,] in fact, then, therefore, also: et dpd, interrog. [igiturne ? utrum 'I nura ? an ?] Mjr' ap TIS vvv XTTJ/JUT' 'AXe- . H. 400. T H 0/Xrdr', d/ad *ca/^' tiricr(j>aai ratito. Ilec. 509. SYN. (l)"Apd yt, 5)}, yoyr, j}rd. "Apd, ay, /, subst. [(l) preces, preces supplices, (2) dirae, imprecatio, (3) infor- fortunium, noxa,] (l)a prayer good or bad, (2)a curse, (3) a dreadful mis- fortune. 'Apas apdrnt Traiolv drofftwrdras. PlifCll. 65. l SYN. (1) Ev^}, (2) ^drcTjoa, eTTttpa, Karevy^ud, aradefJia, /36Xi/y/>td, (3) firr), /3Xd/3^, Xotyos. EPITH. (2) Avatyrjimos, k'pvepd, betin}, rdXatvd, bvoTrjvds, ffafyijs, Trarpyos, d/Sew, v. [fragorem vel sonitiim edo,] to rattle, to clash. Aovr^erev 5e apaflriffe 5e rey^e' e?r' UVTM. A. 504. SYN. 'H^ew, Kporea), IJ/U^EU). 'Apd/3ia, as, ^, P. N. [Arabia,] 'Apd/5ias r' dpetoi^ avfios. P. V. 428. Apd/Gos, ov, 6, subst. [strepitus, stridor dentium,] a crash, a gnashing of the teeth. Ba^/3atVwv, apafios be bla ffTOfid yivtr ooi/rwr. *:. 375. z SYN. Bpyy^uos, polios, polfibus, ?'/x^ s * 'Apayjuos, ov, o, et dpay/ud, dros, TO, subst. [pulsatio, collisio, strepitus,] a knock- ing, collision, blow, pelting, crash. Srepvwv dpay/^ovs, ov^e irafjLfjirjKeis yoovs. G5. C. 1609. See Cycl. 204. SYN. "Apa/3os, ncdrd^V, KTVTTOS, 0opu/3os, fc-o'd- /3os, Kt^adiffpa^ Trdrdyjyud, Trdrdyos, \po0os, TrXT/yj}. 'ApaTos, a, oi', adj. [imprecationibus et diris devotus,] accursed. Eit'0' T)J/ dpalov batfioffiv fiporMV yevos. Hipp. 1413. SYN."A7rVkTos, vTroKeifjevos dpa. 'Apatos, a, oj/, adj. [(1) tennis, rarus, (2) imbecillis, debilis,] (1) slight, un- frequent, (2)feeljle, weak. Aa^orrfs yXwaffi/o-iv apciiyffiv /ulXd^ v'5o>p. IT. J6l. SYN. ( I ) ^Trdrtos, mrdSt^s, XeTrros, d/xv^po?, to-^j'os, d^eX))s, ^1X0$, XeTrrdXtos, (3) , a/3X?;)(os, afyavijs. oi/, et ^ol. tw, 6, P. N. [Araxcs,] the name of several rivers. "Os r' KtXabovTos'Apa^ed)* Apoll. 4. 133. EplTH. K , v. [(l)precor, (2) imprecor, maledico,] (1) to pray, (2) to impre- cate. 4 Aw<7ei* eTre* /ur/rr;p Qfrvytpas ttp//<7r' 'Eptrvs. /3. 135. SYN. (1) /za, Sto/^at, K'drdSfdyuat, avri/3oXa;, tA'trevo', (2) Karupadfjiat, .tTrapdojuat, Kta, i. q. dpw, v. [apto,] to fit to or on, to adapt. Ai/ros 2)' a//0i eo7s apapterKe 7re5tXd. ^. 23. SYN. See "Apw. , f. ^a>, v. [pulso,] to strike against, to be at. Ovns ro rvv Trerpois. Iph. T. 328. SYN. Kpouw, 7rpo<7/:povw, 7raia>, Tt KOTTTd), TVTTTO), 0/J'W, /3dXX(U, TrXj'lffffii), KoXaTTTto). Aparos, j), oV, adj. [execrandus,] accursed. ElSfc^ uparuv e\t;us. Antig. 973. SYN. Kdroparos, anevKTos, apalos. 1 The first syllable of apa seems to be always long in Homer in the arsis; in the thesis it is frequently short. 2 "Apafios, a P. N. occurs. Pers. 323. 3 The Araxes here mentioned is said by the Soiiol. to be in Scythia ; probably the Volga. 4 See note on^Ad. . 128 APAT APFO "Aparos, ov t 6, P. N. [Aratus,] a Greek poet of Cilicia, about 270 years B. C. ; the author of the fyaivoueva, and Atoo^/zeta, and friend of Theocritus. 'ETTI , "Apart. Theocr. 7. 122. , dpa^v6s,ov,b, et (2) apayy*!* "n s > */ subst. [(l)araneus, aranea,(2)ara- neae tela vel textum,] a spider ; a spider's web, a cobweb. M' aXab' ayei> apdxvris u>s. JEsch. Suppl. 888. See also Agara. 1494. EPJTH. Sctyos, bo- Xids, BdflvXwvlos. 'Apa^valds, a, ov, adj. [Arachnaeus,] Arachnaean, or of 'Apa^vrj, a promontory in Argolis. 'Apay^valoy CUTTUS, aarvyelrdvas aKoxas. Agam. 300. , ov, ro, subst. [araneae tela,] a spider's web, a cobweb. 'Hi)r' dpd Xe?rrd, rd K ov Ke rts ovbe ibotTo. 0. 280. 'ApfivXr], rjs, et apflvXls, ibos, ?/, subst. [genus calceamenti cavi et profundi,] a kind of boot. AvTalalv apfivXaialv apjuoeas irobd. Hipp. 1184. See also Theocr. 7 26. SYN. Kpr??m, eyu/3ds, vrrobrjiad, apms. 'Apyd\eds, a, ov, adj. [molestus, difficilis, gravis,] troublesome, difficult. Xpato-- peiv apydXeos yap 'OXvjUTrtos a^rt0epeo - 0ai. A. 589- SYN. XdXeTros, betvds, aKXrjpos, biHTKoXos, bvcrdpearos, bvff%pf]s, TTtVpos, Xyypos, XevydXeos, Xvirypos, 'ApyZdbrjs, ov, o, patronym. [filius Argea,] the son of Argeas. 'I0ed r', re, KO.I 'A.pyedbr]v OoAvjU^Xdv. IT. 417- 'Apye'tos, eta, e7or, adj. [Argivus,] Argive, (2) Grecian. 'Apyeiov o-)(Xov & di'wye /ut^. Orest. 119. I plr- 'Apyetot. EPITH. 'AprjWoot, td/jtvpoi, KpoTEpofypovES, pZvEyapnai, /JteveTTToXiuot, evKapbtot. 'ApyeifyovTris, ov, 6, [occisor Argus, epith. Mercurii, 1 ] a name of Mercury. *ls dpd . 127. SYN. 'Apyivoets, apyvfyos, apyvfytos, apyeoTrjs, \CVKOS, Xapirpos, ruptieis. 'ApyeffTrjs, ov, o et ?/, adj. [(I) albus, (2) celer, velox,] white, fair; rapid. AvTap eyw Ztyvpoio Kai apyeaTao Noroto. $. 334. SYN. (l) 'Apyevvos, apyrj- OTTIS, (2) 6oos, Ta-^ys, WKVS. "Apyrjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Arges,] one of the Cyclops. B|OoVr)?v re ^TepoTrrjy re Kai "Apyrjv ofipiuoQvuov. Theog. 140. 'ApyrjcrTfjs, ov, 6 et ^/, adj. [albus,] white. M j) KO\ \dj3ovad irrrivov apyijarTtjy d(j>iv. Eumen. 181. 'Ajoym, as, r/, subst. [otium, desidia,] freedom from work, indolence, idle- ness. See 'Aepym. Xo;p/s yap aXXrjs, tfs e^ovoiv apylds. Med. 298. SYN. 'P^t0v/uta, a.7rpayfj,davvri, abpaveia, OKVOS, oKvr]pia. 'ApylKtpavrds, ov, o et >/, adj. [albicans sen velox fulmen mittens,] hurling a white or rapid thunderbolt. Zev Trdrep, apylKepavre, eTros rt rot kv Qpeffl G^ffw. T. 121. 'Apytydets, effcra, ei', adj. [albus, splendidus,] bright, splendid. A.VKTOV, Ml- \rjTOV re, Kai apylvtievTa AvxaffTov. B. 647- 'ApytoSovs, dbovTos, o et r/, adj. [albos dentes habens,] having white teeth. A/)v eloper, iraa'xpvTt.s vu>v evtK apywbovrwv. . 41 6. 'ApytTrovs, oos, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) celer, velox, (2) albis pedibus,] fieet-footed, having white feet. 'Apynro&as Kvvas aval, etiv inrdrevde TOKrjwr. H. 211. SYN. 'Apyos, cipyecrTrjs, TCL^IITTOVS, deXXoirovs, depalirovs, WKVTTOVS, Tct^vbpdjjios. "Apy/uct, tiros, TO, subst. [primitiae,] the first fruits offered to the gods. T H pa, /cat apypdrd Ovae. deols ahtyeveTyvi. %. 446. SYN. ^ Apyds, efts, TO, et genit. antiq. 'ApyoOev, P. N. [Argos,] the principal city in 1 Vide Maltbeii notam de Xtymologia in loco, baud minus lepidara quara veram. APFO APAE 129 ArgollS. O 6' "Apyos r' elxof, Tlpvvda re rciyiioeoffa.*. B. 559. EPITH. 'AxaiKor, i7T7rd/3drdj/, K\VTOV, YleXatryiLKov, TroXvbi^dv, bfyWv, Ifepd*', tirirl&v, :o7Xd;>, 7rdXa/d/>, irdXvnvpot'. "Apyos, ov, 6, [Argus,] the name of a hound, belonging to Ulysses. "Apyov & av KUTO. yuo7p' eXci/3e> jjieXai'os ddraroto. p. 326. 'Apyds, 7), or, et ov, 6 et //, adj. [(l)velox, (2) albus, (3) iners, piger,] (1) active, vigorous, swift, (2) white, (3) inactive, idle, sluggish. YXSxrtrav /ueV apyov, X etpa e>' el-^ov epyarn/. Philoct. 98. SYN. (1) 'Apytirovs, Ta^s, (2) apyert'ds, apyearrjs, (3) aepyds, pq.0vfj.os, ctTTpay/iwr, anvtipfts, apaj'i/s. 'Apyvpdfj.otfios, ov, 6, subsf. [argentarius, nummularius,] a money-changer. Hevdovrai yur) tyavXov, er//rtyudj>, apyvpapotfiol . Theocr. 12.37. SYN. KoXXi/- fitffrrjs, Tpaire^iTrjS) \pva afj.ot/3ds. 'Apyvptds, ea, tov, et contr. ovs, a, ovv, adj. [argenteus,] made of silver, silvery. 'Apyvpeov Troirjffav 'OXv^uTria bufiar E^OITES. Hes. Op. 1 27* 'ApyvprjXaTds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ex argento fact us,] made of silver. 7 Hv dr) ^c- povTti)v HO-^QOS apyvprfKarovs. Ion 1181. 'Apyvpibiov, ov, ro, subst. [pecuniola,] a paltry sum of money. "Eywye rot m fj.iKpov apyvpibwv. Plut. 147- 'Apyvpts, tSoy, ^, Subst. [argentea phiala,] a silver cup. 'A/i0' apyvptSeorert. Olymp. 9. 136. 'Apyvpdolvrjs, ov, o et ^, adj. [argenteos seu limpidos habens vortices,] flowing like silver, silvery, clear. Ov5' d'ye D^vetw avmulayZral apyvpobivr]. B. 753. SYN. Aa/iTrpos. 'Apyvpoeibijs, eds, o et TJ, adj. [argenti speciem habens, argenteus,] like silver, silvery. A/vas apyvpoeibeHs. Iph. A. 752. 'Apyvpo^Xos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [argenteis clavis distinctus.] studded with silver. 'H rot o //e>^ ffciKeos, 6 be tyacryarov dpyi)po//Xov. H. 405. 'Apyf/pdXoyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui pecaniam colligit,] raising or collecting money. Airet Tafias apyvpoXoyovs ovroai. Equit. 1Q6S. 'Apyvpo7re5a, rjs, ?/, adj. [argenteis pedibus prreditus vel decorus,] silver-footed. 'Es TlrjXrf iKtrevae, KO.I es Qeriv apyvpoTreav. IT. 574. 'ApyiJpoppu77s, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [argentifluus,] silver-flowing. Ilepav 6' dpyvpop- pvrav. Here. F. 386. SYN. 'ApyvpoStVr^s, Xa/Z7rpo$. "Apyvpds, ov, 6, subst. [(1) argentum, (2) pecunia,] (l) silver, (2) money. HlXrjfAvai 5' dpyvpov el at irep&pifpoit a^drepwd^. E. 726. SYN. 'Apyvptdy. EPITH. AtyXr/ets, r/tpoets, frXi/ros. 'Apyvpoffrepj/s, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [furax,] depriving of money, robbing, also (2) deprived of money. Ztvuv airatdXijpa. Kapyvpoffreprj. Choeph. 9&9 SYN. (2) 'AKTedvos, avoXJ3os, aipos. 'Apyvpdrotxos, ov, o et /, adj. [parietes argenti ornatos habens,] having walls decorated with silver. 'Apyi/pdro/xov. Agam. 1546. 'Apyi/pdro|ds, ov, 6 et f), adj. [argenteum arcum gerens,] having a silver bow. KXv0i ^teo, 'ApyvptJro|', os Xpvarjv a^lfitfiriKas. A. 37- 'ApyvpAi'rjrds, ov, o et >/, adj. [argento emtus, v. gr. servus,] purchased with money, a slave. QdeipovTa, irXovrdv dpyvpwv^rovs 0' i/0as. Agam. 922. 'Apyv^eds, o, bv, et apyvfds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [albus propter texturam,] silver, wJiite, brilliant. Avr^ b' apyvtyeov apos /icyci evvvro vv^rj. e. 230. See also K. 85. SYN, 'Apyevvos, XCVKOS, XapTrpos. 'Apyi>, dds, contr. ovs, /, subst. [Argo,] the name of the ship in which Jason sailed in quest of the golden fleece. Xpvffeiov pera. was evvyot> ^Xaaav 'Apyw. Apoll. 1 . 4. EPITH. 'l^aovls, TLrjXtas, evXaXos, fVTrXdds, *ovTd*dpds, yXfyvpa, KoiXrj, caXXiTrpwpds, Boa. PHR. Ylaarufv 7rpoepeaTarr) vriwv. 'Apywds, r], ov, adj. [Argous,] belonging to the ship Argo, of Argo. tvveiffepqffav 'Apywov CTKCL^OS. Med. 477. 'ApSevw, et apbw, f. ap^w, v. [irrigo, adaquo,] to water, to moisten, to make wet. "Oarjv TrXdrvppovs NeTXds apbevei ^Qovd. P. V. 877- See also Pro*. Lex. R 130 APAH APHS Thcocr. 15. SO. et Pers. 806. SYN. ^irapbtvu, 5r 1 /> *Ape0ova-os, et Ion. ap^dros, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [in bello interfectus, bellicus,] slain in war, belonging to war. Evbetv ewf.uv CK ICOTTW*' dpet^drwr. Rhes. 124. See also T. 3 1 . 'Ape/wi', di/os, 6 et r/, adj. [potior, raelior, praestantior,] better, braver. 'Arpe/Sj/, y[ op ri 706' a/u^orepotffii/ dpetot'. T. 55. 'A/>et'w^, o^os, vel potius 'Ap/w*', 6, P. N. [Arion.] OuS'et icev ]ueTd7riff6tt> 'Apeiova blov eXavt'ot. T. 346. "ApeKTds, ov, 6 et r/, poet, pro appeKros, adj. [infectus,] not performed. Ou5e OlarpifieW erl yap /utyd epyov apeKTov. T. 150. SYN.'ATrpacros, aTro/^ros. 'Ap(T/, subst. [vis, virtus ; virtus bellica,] superiority, excellence, virtue ; valor. Etyvxlav re icapcri)y r^s TcapQlvov. Iph. A. 156l. SYN. 'AvSpia, evSo^ta, ffTTOvSr), ro ifdXdr. EPITH. 0e/a, <5d0ed, vor0d>'ds, baifidvla, bi- baKTr), irdXvfjio'xdds, yvrjffia, ^tXo^pwv, aKivbvvos, KaQapa, (paevvrj, v\f;r)\r), aa(f>f)s t e^dxos, K\etvrj, tyry. PHR. See Nem. 8. 59- *Ap?)yw, f. ^w, v. [opitulor, opem fero, proprie in bello,] to aid, to assist or defend (in battle). T H ptv /uoi Trpo^pwi/ eireffiv KOI -^epalv dp^etv. A. 77 SYN. 'AXw, 7rdpJ7yw, fidrjOEW, afivvw, Trdp/ord/iat, ffv\\afij3avt) f o et ^, subst. [auxiliator, adjutor,] a defender, a supporter. Aoiat /u^v Me>eXa aprjyoves eivi Oeauv. A. 7- SYN. 'AXe^r^p, ovjjifjiaxds, /3o?j0os, Trdpaordrijs, irapafficiffrfis. AprjWoos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [agilis in praelio, bellicosus,] active in battle, like Mars, warlike. "Epxercu, aXX' ore KGV TLS dp^tOow// airi&v. T. 167. Ap^tXiJk'os, ov, o, P. N. [Areilycus.] AVTIK dpa ffrpe^Oerros 'ApqiXvicov fla\t prjpov. IT. 308. EPITH. 'Ape/?dr;)s, avftpeltis, a(T7rioT)s, eyxttft/uwpd's, 5jyt5s, bafyptav, iroXefjiiffrijs, fteveTrrdXejuds, fjia^lfjids t ftXoirrtiXEfjids, aa.Keoira.X8s, firos. * Aprils, jfs, ^, subst. [auxiliura,] assistance, support. "Ap^ts ; vS' 1 See ScM. t 6. 329. APHP AP1H 131 P. V. 349. SYN. 'AXefrai'f, /3o^0eTr]s, dpydXeos, aviKrtroSj dXXo7rpoon'ds, bopvaaoos, bo\oets, eyxeffTrdXos, evdwprf, $dfuyfjs t Oovpds, Opaavs, QprjiKios^ 6epfjids, Odds, 'iinrWs, KdpvQaioXos, fcap^dpoSwi/, Kparepos, troos, XoiyWs, Xvypov, Xad5d/zas, plaffTwp, jueve^ap^os, 6vs, ovXos, iro\vbZKpvs, TTdXvpoxQos, Tra'pos, ffrvyepds, ffibripeos, a^er\los t TCL^^ avrfjs, See Hymn, of Horn. 'Apjyrij, ;j, ^, P. N. [Arete,] the wife of Alcinoiis. 'Aptfr?;, 0i)ydri;p ' ^ avrldeow. t}. J46\ EPITH. Aei/KwXeros, poboirrixvs, dyacXetr?), ' T/POS, 6, et ap//re(pd, as, 77, subst. [sacerdos,] a priest or priestess. roi' Xpvtrrjv Ijriftrjff dp^r^pd. A. 11. SYN. 'lepevs, 0eo7rpo7ros, 0i;r/p, 'Apr)Tds, ov, 6, P. N. [Aratus.] Totat 5' d/^a Xpo^tos re feat "Ap^ros P. 494. 'Apqros, ?), d*/, Ion. pro aparos, adj. [(1) precibus expetitus, (2) detestabilis,] (1) prayed for, (2) to be deprecated. 'Apqrov be rdKevtrt yoov, KCU irevQtis fdtjKas. P. 37. SYN. (1) EVKTOS, evcratos, (2) airevKTOs, /3Xd/5epos, EirapciTos. 'Ap0yuew, v. [concilior, amicitiae vinculo jungor cum aliquo,] to be joined in friendship. 'H&'avr' ev (f>iXd-r)Ti bieT^ayev apB^ffavrt. H. 302. SYN. l\orr)Ti. Horn. Merc. 521. SYN. 4>tXm, ^rXor^s, dyuovotd, "Ap0poj' } ov, ro, subst. [arlus,] a joint, a limb. Map^as TrdSos vtV, apdpdv $ Xvy/^erai. Tracll. 792. SYN. MtXos, beapdsTwv vevpwv, dp/uos. 'AptacV?7, ?;s, >;, P. N. [Ariadne,] the daughter of Minos. AaibaXds r\aKi\atv KaXXurXoKCLfJia) 'Aptabvy. X. 320. EPITH. di/fffpws, evTrXdfcd/^os, KaXXiTfXdKafjids. avdri, M trills, TrjXeKXeiros* 'Apfyj'ws, et dpiyrwros, r;, ov, adj. [valde notus, clarissimus,] well known. 'Pc7d b' apiyvwrri TreXerat, KaXal be TE navai. 5. 108. See also Nem._5. 21. SYN. *Aju^t/3d>/ros, Trepiftdr)Tds f eV^j/Xos, ae/'/ir^oros, Qavepos. 'Aptyi^wros, ov, 6, P. N. [Arignolus.] Nvi> ^' 'Apt'y^wroj' ydp ov^ea oorts ovc e:r/- trrdrat. Equit. 1278. 'Aptcacpvs, i)6s, 6 et //, adj. [propensus ad lacrymandum, mull urn lacrymans,] inclined to shed tears, weeping, lamenting. KXuy^w 6' au yoov dpt^arpvv. Pers. 941. SYN. IToXi/(Tro'os, yoepos. 'ApibeiiceTos, et aplbr)\ds, oi/, 6 et >/, adj. [valde inclytus, praeclarus,] very distin- guished. *H TK Hepffija, TTCLVTUV dpioe/^rov dj>fy>di>'. Z. 320. See also Apoll. 3. 615. 'Ap/^Xos, 77, ov, et dptc^Xwros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [multum aemulandus, conspicuus,] very enviable, highly distinguished, remarkable. 'Hs o' or' apiZfiXr} 0wvv, dr* r f tdxe adXTrtyt. 1. 219. See also Equit. 1329- 'AptijKoos, ov, o et //, adj. [obediens, exaudiens, dicto audiens,] listening to, propitious. 'PipQa MeXarr/ovs r dpa/Koos, ai'r' evt 7roT6>. Apoll. 4. 1707. SYN. 1 Dr. Maltby rightly supposes that the penult, of the f5rst T A/r is long by the influnc of th wetrical ictus. Se his note on the word. 132 API0 API! , VTTYJKOOS, Karr/Kotfs, ctKwy, V7rt0))$, TTifldi'os, ev/xeW/s. v. [numero,] to count. Ta>v ^tXrdrwv t/Wy' apid^ffei TEKVWV. Bacch. 130?. SYN. 'ATrdpiB/uew, icdrdpfttyiew, eK\oyiouai, KaraXoyictiftai, KCL- rdXeyw. ApWprina, aros, TO, subst. [id quod numeratum est, numerus,] that which is counted up, x a number. *\aov yap eart TaplQprjpa T&V TrdXon'. Eumen. 756. SYN. 'Apffyos. ApWprjTos, */, ov, adj. [(1) numerabilis, (2) paucus,] (1) which may or deserves to be counted, (2) few. Tewois rib' aXoxoifftv, dpifytarovs and TroXXwv. Theocr. 16. 87. SYN. EvSoajuos. Apidfjios, ov, 6, subst. [numerus,] number, estimation. Eei'icis r' apiBfJiu -rrourds wv efiutv 0iXwr. Hec. 782. SYN. 'ApWurjpa. ApfymffTrot, Giv, ol t P. N. [Arimaspi,] a people of European Scythia, so called, because they were fabled to have had only one eye. 1 'Apifjiaairdv iTrirdfiafjidv, rfi ^jpvffoppvrdv. P. V. 830. EPITH. Zavdoi, p.ovv&ires. ApfTrpeTrris, tds, adj. [valde decorus vel illustris,] very distinguished, illus- Jtrious. AwStm yap Kara bijfjidv apiirpsirtes fiacrl\fis. d. 390. r), rjs, r/, P. N. [Arisbe,] a city of Troas. Tevdpavibriv, os evaiev ei/Krt- ev 'Aiff. Z. 13. SYN. Ma. 6 et ft t adj. [clarus, conspicuus, insignis,] conspicuous, distin- uished. "Es TE (fruws dydyer, apitnfjua. re epya TCTVKTO. Hymn, in Merc. 12. fyareptis, apt- s, ov, o et ?/, adj. [victor certamine curuli,] victorious in the chariot race. 'AXX' apiffdapnarov. Pyth. 5. 39- 'Apiffrulds, ov, 6, P. N. [Arista3US,] Kov/a^ 'Apiffraioio peXtypovos, os pa fjieXter- vewv* Apoll. 4. 1132. EPITH. Bd0vxat- Trportpov Kal MtXridt^ ^i)^(7/ret. Equit. 1325. os, a, 6v, adj. [(1) sinister, (2) infaustus, (3) stultus,] (1) left, on the left hand, (2) ill-omened, (3) awkward, foolish. 'AXXd Knl Tapiffrtpov ri fiot 'ar' avayKaiws t\ov. Pax 334. 'AjOtoreus, gus, o, subst. [princeps, omnium fortissimus, (pi. optirnates,)] the bravest, the chief, chieftain. "AXXd b' aptcrrrferrai blbov yepa Kal fiaaiXeval. I. ^334. SYN. '6 apiaros, ap-%os, cip^wv, r/ye/uoyevs, Kpuvrup. 'Apiarevu, v. [fortissime me gero, excello,] to behave most gallantly, to excel. Allv aptffTeveiv Kali vTreipoyov e^uHval ciXXw^. A. 783. SYN. Kpdrtw, , 'Apt(rr/5w, v. [prandio excipio,] to entertain at dinner. *6$ dTro (rumpus vpas apto-Ti(i)v ciTrtTre/^TreV. Equit. 535. 'AptffToyoi'ds, et apiaTordKds, ov t o et r/, adj. [(1) parens optimae prolis, (2) proles optima,] (1) producing a noble offspring, (2) a noble offspring. 3 "irt avv JHpafcXtds apiffrdyovu. Pyth. 11. 5. See also Rhes. 909. 'ApiaTOKpaTtdfj,at t v. [ab optimatibus gubernor,] to be governed by an aristo- cracy. 'ApiaTOKpaTclffdai bijXos el ^YJTWV. b. eyw ; Av. 125. 'ApiffTdpaxos, ov, 6, P. N. [Aristomachus,] one of the descendants of Hercules, whose sons, Cresphontes,Temenus, and Aristodemus, subdued and divided the 1 See Dr. Bl. Gloss, at P. V. 830. The two last syllables of /LteAurtreW are scanned as one long syllabic. 3 This difference in sense is caused hy the difference in position of the accent ; the former apply to the case where the words are paroxytori, and the latter, where they are proparoxyton. APIS APMA 133 Peloponnesus amongst themselves. 'Apurrdudvov ytvtis 'Hpa/cXe'os Pyth. 10. 4. 'AptoroV, ov, ro, subst. [prandium,] dinner. 'Eerffv/ieVws liftvovTo, Kai apiffTov? H. 124. 'AptoToydos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [benevolus,] excellently intentioned, well meaning, kind-hearted. Kai Qeapiiv eTrefirjirdv dptffTovoov Kvdtpeirjs. Mus. 273. SYN. EvVoos, evfilvrjs, 7rpo0pa>i/. 'AptoroTToVds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [optime laborans,] successfully working. 'Apiaro- ^wdvois X^pai Kpdrelv. Olymp. 7. 94. SYN. IloXvTroVos, os. 'Apierros, r;, d>, adj. superl. of dydflos, [optimus, praestantissimus, proprie Marte sive armis,] the best, the most brave, the most excellent. 'Apierros, "rXy tvt oiKia vaiuv. H. 221. SYN. 'A/ZV;IW>. See 'Aydflos. ''AptffToxetp, etpds, 6 et >/, adj. [manu strenuus,] valiant. Hrjudrwv fjuos dpt)s, eos, adj. [valde lubricus,] very slippery. 2icj/p(7rredXpos, yX/a^pds. fw, adv. [valde perspicue,] very expressly, very clearly. Nvv 5', e? 'Apfypdbrjs. tos, o et ^, adj. [valde manifestus,] very clear or manifest. be rot tptw /udX* dpuppdbes, ovbe at Xj/o-et. ^F. 326. "Apfcdofs, wi', 01, P. N. [Arcades,] the occupiers of one district of the Pelopon- nesus. IlevOo/Jti'ots* olot b' effdv 'Apfcd^ts 'ATrtSdi'^es. Apoll. 4. 263. SYN. *Axtbavfft*. EPITH. 'Ey^eo'^wpot. 'ApicdSia, as, ^, P. N. [Arcadia.] Ot b' E^OV 'ApKdbtrj*', vnti KvXXrjvris opos aiTri/. B.603. 'ApfceatXaos, ov, 6, P. N. [Arcesilaus.] 'Apfceo-tXads re npodofivup re KXo^tos re. B. 495. "Apfce<7is, ews, >"/, subst. [auxilium, utilitas,] assistance, defence, support. Kai Tts Trpos uvbpos fJiri jSXeTTOvros apKecris ; CE. C. 74. SYN. 'AXei?n/pioi>, /30/0eid f ofj/cris, &/s, fiapadXeos, K'pvepos, Xvo"(rds, Xdffiav^y, opeorids, orvycpos, w/^oj3opos, ^atrj/ets, (2)'Apfcds, /3opetos, jpa. SYN. (2) d/ia- ^d, KVVOffOVplS, 'EXlKT). *Apfcvs, vos, ^, subst, [rete, cassis,] a net. nXed/^o's ap;vs. Lysistr. 79* 'Apfcvordros, ^, dv, adj. [inextricabilis,] inextricable. FleTrrw^' f ^ rX/y/uwv ev /ue- <70ts apKVffTdrois. Soph. Electr. 1504. "Ap^ud, dros, ro, subst. [currus, item P. N. (vid. B. 499-)] a car, a chariot. YHvoivQ'* vrf)' apttdr' r\yu.yov l\r)viovs. P. V. 465. SYN. "A/xad, 0)^0*, oj^^d, &f0pos. EPITH. 'Ay/cvXov, ai^qpov, baibdXtov, tvCvyoi', fcv'^ooi^, tvrpd)(d', ey >-, JcaXXt5vyes, ^pv^torevicrdv, Ka/iTrvXo*', KoXX^rov, rcrpaopov, re- 1 'HpoKAeos is here a molossus. See Antistr. 2 Others read evrvvovro &piarov, and prefix the digamma to Hpiffrov. The antepenultima of &purrov is always long in writers subsequent to Homer j and the two passages in which Apiffrov occurs in Homer may not interfere wilh the usual metre by reading trrttwn'. See however Heyne's note at fl. 124. and Clarke. 134 APMA APNH 6punrov t Of.\ao$baov, TrotrtXdv. PHR. 'AjO/mrttv #x d$ - 'Ap/ud\td, as, fj, subst. [dernensum, alimentum, cibus,] a portion or allowance of food. 'AppdXtdv ennrivov e/LterpJ/o-ai'rd Trlvkarai. Thencr. l6. 35. SYN. Tpotyrj, tbub)}, aiTiov, alros. 'A,o/id/zad, 77$, fj, subst. [carruca, rlieda,] a litter, a palanquin. 'Ep' appdpa^v ws KdrdKeiptvot. Acharn. 70. a, 6v, adj. [ad currum pertinens,] belonging to a chariot. 'Ap- dppdretov pZXos. Orest. 1380. SYN. ACTTTOS, otytyuvos. vio, v. [aurigo,] to drive a chariot. 'Hioalv ftp par ev a as. Orest. 989- SYN. 'Hj/tox^? f]vi6\vy juerd. Soph. Electr. 700. SYN. s, ov, 6 et /, adj. [edens strepitum e motu curruum,] sounding from the motion of carriages. Tdv bp/iaTOKTVTrdv orofiov. Sept. Theb. 188. , ov, o et >/, subsl. [curruum fabricator,] a carriage-maker. TV drrjp aidiovt rrlbfjpu. A. 485. SYN. TeKTw*'. , as, r/, et poet, ap^ai-pox"), ?s, subst. jorbita,] the track of a car- riage. rVVer' eiriffvwTpnir apuarpoylt] KaroTTiffdev. *L r . 505. Apuerds, 77, d^, item upd/jitvos, adj. [adaptatus, habilis,] fitted, suitable. /iev o/' TreXffcyr /uteyav, apf.iei'ov ev TraXajjigo/i. e. 234. SYN. 'HjO/*o<7/ii'os, blos, TrpoaijKuv 7rtr>/etos, fplrjpb's, iKai'ds, d/3os, o?/te76s, truvwSos. d), f. o-w, v. [(l)adapto, (2)convenio,] to adapt, to suit, to fit. " t, jccti oroyu' ctpfjioaov. Med. 76. Svi^apjuorrw, -TrpdffjjK , o-uraTrrw, dpr/5w, aprvvw, avvTlQrm?, vvvaytt), TTpdffaTrrcj. 'Apf*ol t et apfAol, adv. [modo, vixdum, nuper,] lately, just now. 'Appal /iat rovs ejuovs dprjvwv TT&VOVS. P. V. 636. SYN. "Apri, apriws, vtwerri, , as, ^f, P. N. [Harmonia,] the mother of the nine Muses. z dvlav (fiVTevaai. Med. 830. EPITH. "Arrovos, a^evorros, pounris, \i7rdira- rpls, 7rayu/i?/rw|t>, ^a^0>/. , as, ^, subst. [compages, concentus,] arrangement, harmony. 'A/>- K'dca bvff-ravds. Hipp. l6l. SYN. ivtrrdats, )Aa;y o^' dpiaros anavTuv. v. [nego, recuso,] to^deny, to refuse, *A 6' elTroi/ eis aTravrds, ouic apvi]ffd/jicu. Hec. 303. SYN. 'ATrapvedyUai, e^api/eo/jat, dTrdtycHrKw, efapvos elpt. 'Apvevrrip, ijpos, o, subst. [urinator,] a diver. Ilayr' d//vSts Kt^dAr/s* o 6' d' api'evrrjpl eoiKws. M. 385. SYN. KvfticrrrjTijp, Apvrj, r)s, rf, P. N. [Arne,] a town in Boeotia. Ot re wdXvffrd " Apvrjv ot re Mibeidv. B. 507- EPITH. EoTpvoeatrd, 77, o^, adj. [inficiandus,] which must be denied. 1 The dirge , which the Trojans uttered when they saw the body of Hector dragged round the walls behind the chariot of Achilles. Plutarch Op. Mor. p. 596 & p. 2077. calls a certain kind of harmony ap^drttos v6fios. See Steph. Th. torn. 1. c. 585. H. APNH APPH 13 & olbiv eor' dpvijotyoV. Philoct. 74. m, ews, >/, subst. [negatio,] denial. "Apv^is OVK evearlv Jv dviorfloeTf aurov. Z. 446. SYN. 'ATrcurew, Xa/ujSdvw, aTroXai/d/uai, e7riruy)(dj>to. "ApoVts, ecus, rj, subst. [(1) aratio, (2) arvum,] (l) a ploughing, (2) a ploughed field. 'Ei/ ' dpo ate>. i. 134. SYN. " aypos. EPITK. HoXvXrjws, XtTrdpd. 'Aporj/p, i/pos, et dporqs, ov, 6, subst. [arator, agricola,] a ploughman. ovb" dporj/p, el/, evfca/uTrts, t/^epotv, TTTIKTOV. "Apoz/pd, as, ^, subst. [(1) arvum, (2) terra,] (1) ploughed land, (2) land, earth. uXXr/Xwy, oXiyiy 6' ^|v a/u^is apovpa. T. 115. SYN. (1) Ar/tov, ayp6s t (2) yam, yi/, a7d, x^^' Te8di/. EPITH. '' daXedovtra, //.dXdio), oke/a, , TroXvuredros, vypd, 0pe<7/3tos, ^to^wSjjs, \^a.^dd(i)br]s. 'Apovpaws, et Dor. 'Apwpa7os, a, or, adj. [ruralis,] rural. "AX^Oes, J. dpovpalas deov ; Ran. 840. See also Acharn. 762. SYN. 'Aypou-os. adv. [raptim,] rapidly. 'Avrtcu apTraybrjv dftlau ^epor, 6'0p' . Apoll. 1. 101/. r), >ys, >/, subst. [raptus, rapina,] a rape, a carrying off. *6f, etre ^pp- , Orjpaiv ap7rdy?)j/ 7rpo0$. Eur. Electr. 896. s, 77, or, adj. [rapto quaesitus,] obtained by violence. 'ApTrdytyms dc* er^ort^ev V^rtd Kwpas. Call. 6. 9 pTrd^w, f. w et /, subst. [falx,] a pruning-hook, a sickle, a scythe. be TreXwpto*' e'XXdjSej/ apvr^v. Hes. Theog. 178. SYN. AptTraroV, bptTravrj, fc'Xoj'. EPITH. 'AyKvXoSoi/s, yayn^/wfv^, icap^dpoSovs, /uaKpcc, o'vro/ids, Xdros. "ApTri/, ;$, r/, subst. [avis qusedam rapax,] a kind of kite. 'H 5', upTrjj e/, adj. [non fractus, insolubilis,] unbroken, not to be broken, Strong. 'Ad/uaj/ra'wv beau&v EV appijKTOts irebais. P. V. 6. SYN. "Ap'p'w, OTpos, fiefiaios, trr^vpos, dXvros, buaXi)Tds. "Apprjv, et Att."Apos, 6 et r/, adj. [mas, virilis,] male, masculine. Kai Arjpvov apbrjv apalvwv etyKt. Hec. 875. SYN. 'App'o'dym/s, f*ydf, /, adj. [ferus, saevus,] savage, fierce. Nvv 6e Xt?;v 1 See Tract, 69, where aporos is used 136 APPH APTI rt Kat apfaves yeVer' avrws. Tiieocr. 25. 83. SYN. XdXtiros, ayptds, pT]S. "Apprjros, ov, 6 et 7/, adj. [uon dictus, nefaudus,] not spoken, not to be spoken, shocking. "Appyr', avwrofjiaard, Qnvp,dTU)V irepa. Hec. 705. SYN. "Atydros, atypaaros, ddefJtiTds, avoalos, cityOe-yKTos, tityfioyyos. "Appixos, ov, 6 et rj, subst. [copbinus,] a basket. 'AXX' ws ra^iaru av pev liav rets appixovs. Av. 1309. SYN. 1,-rrvpls, KSfivfa. os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [immoderatus,] immoderate, disorderly. M?7' ap- eXBois. Hipp. 531. SYN. 'AfjterprjTds, dra/cros, dpovvos, TrdpoVX^. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui pignoris loco captus non est,] not taken as a pledge. KappvfflaaTvvs, tyv r davXrot fipor&v. JEscll. Supp. 6 1 3. "Appwt* wyos, 6 et ^, adj. [non fractus,] unbroken. Kat %epaos appw^, ovb' Trr]fjiaeviJii>r). Antig. 25 1. SYN. See"Appr)Krds. *Aps, apvos, o et //, subst. [agnus,] a lamb. 'OTTOTC xpvtreias epis uprtis. Orest. 803. SYN. "Apveios, apvos. EPITH. 'ATraXo^pws, /uqitas, veo-yrtis, \CVKOS. *Apatv6ytvris y eos, adj. [masculus,] male, manly, kvayopov apotroyeves. JEsch. Supp. 820. SYN. See"A,op)7i/. 'ApcrevoiT^d^s, eos, adj. [maribus confertus,] crowded with males. Tlrevpan X&pas' upai>o7r\r)0ri. ^Esch. Supp. 30. 'Apolvor], rjs, fj, P. N. [Arsinoe,] the name of two wives of Ptolemy Philadel- phus, one of them the daughter of Berenice. 'Apfflvda TravTcool KaXols a-ird\- \ci"Abd)viv. Theocr. 15. 111. 'ApraKia, as, /, P. N. [Artacia,] a fountain in the country of the La3Strygonians. 'Aprd/aj/v, Mev yap vbwp ?rport aori) v. K. 108. , v. [trucido,] to butcher, to cut in pieces. 'AXX' avbpus apra/iovei is yvaQois. Alcest. 510. SYN. Karao^/cjw, ifdrdk-oTrrw, uTroff^arrd). Dor. pro 'ApTepialov, ov, TO, P. N. [Artemisium,] a promontory of Euboea where Xerxes engaged with, and was defeated by, the Grecian ships. 'OKCLTOI fJiev eir^ApTfifjilTiu). Lysistr. 1251. vri, r,s, r/, subst. [laqueus, suspendium,] a halter, suspension. IloXXas ev aprdvas e^uf/s beprjs. Agam. 848. SYN. 'Ay^ov^, ewpct, 7T\Krdt>r], *Aprdw, v. [suspendo,] to hang, or suspend. 'Ipaoiv els roviriaQlv aprriaas be- fids. Hipp. 1217- SYN. 'ATrajOrdw, dvaprdw, emKpefjidpat. tos, 6 et //, adj. [integer, sanus,] unhurt, entire, sound. Novai)vlos, ^pvaoQpovos, dretpjjs, uyKvXdro^os, yatrio\os, evvTetydvos, %avdr), opetfldrrjs, )(pvffed{36ffipv')(8s, See Hymn to Diana. as, f], subst. [,ocis iter ; vena vitalis,] the windpipe, an artery. B/3pwK orapKas, irXevfjiovos r' aprrjpias. Trach. 1056. SYN. ^Xe^, Trvevp.d.Tos et atfjidTOS biappoij. "Aprl, adv. [recenter, jam, olim, nunc,] recently, just now, lately, now. Eelv, fl aprl ae jJidXXov 'A^atoJ eJaopowfftJ/. v. 166. 'Aprmdn/pat 5' ot OepdnovTes apTluZofJiEV. Plut. 817. SYN. TTa/^w. , eos, adj. [ab infante. editus,] uttered by a newly-born child. 'A/o- pepovTdt. Sept. Theb. 342 .* , vds, 6 et r, adj. [recens lacrymans,] recently M'eeping. 'fls dprt- oaKpvs el fit KOI tyofiov TrXea. Med. 899. 'Apri7r>;s, tds, o et r/, adj. [" ap. Horn, in sensu minus bono, apta ad fraudem loquens; (2) ap. Hes. et Find, veridicus, (3) garrulus,] speaking with an in- 1 See Damm. c. 2164. 2 See Dr. Blomfield's note on the passage. APTI APXA 137 fention to impose, (2) speaking truly, (3) ready in speech, talkative. IToXXa fj.Et> dprttTn/s. Istli. 5. 58. SYN. Atyeiv Metros or IKUV&S, abtiXetrxps. 'Aprigvyia, as, ?/, subst. [recens conjunctio,] a recent union. HdOeovyai ibelv apriZvylav. Pers. 548. 'Aprlw, et apr{$6fiai> v. [compono, paro,] to arrange, to prepare. "YSdrt 6' tv fiecrtry >vju0ai %opot' aprietovro. Tiieocr. 13. 43. SYN. 'A7rapr/w, Karapri^ut, dprvw, laprvw, appoZw, oi/j/ap//ow, dftkoer/uew, ero*juac?w, evrpTriw, (rvvTueraw. 'ApTl8at>)}s, tos, 6 et ?/, adj. [recens mortuus,] recently dead, kufjiaalv dpri'- 6avrr TO yap. Ale. 6l6. 'Aprtk-oXXtfs, ov, o et >/, adj. [recens, i. e. accurate glutinatus,] recently or closely glued or attached, clinging closely. TlXcvpawv ap-lKo\Xus, &arl reKTords. Tracli. 770. 'Aprfytd0//s, tds, 6 et //, adj. [recens doctus,] 'but recently become acquainted with. 'ApripaOfis KCLK&V. Hec. 685. SYN. 'Apri8d//s. "Apnds, a, dv, adj. [par, integer, &c.] even, suitable to, entire. Ttev dprjXi- Ktrfs, ort oi typHtrtv aprtd rfbrj. E. 326. SYN. 'Apre^jfc, tads, ffi/^^wvos, apfjio- bios, araXavTos, ctKepaios, i)ytj)s, rtXeios. 'AprfirXovros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [recens ditatus,] recently acquired. Ad/3wv, trl- rrjs us, apriirXovra xpj^udrd. ^Esch. Suppl. 742. 'ApriTTovs, et poet. aprtTros, Trobos, o et r/, adj. [pedibus integer et valens,] active in the feet, nimble. 'Eyyvs & d& avros aprtTrovs OpwcrKet bufjiovs. Trach. 58. See also I. 501. 'ApTlropos, ov, o et r/, adj. [modo amputatus,] lately cut. Topyovos dpr//^w>', , ov, o et //, adj. [recens unctus,] recently anointed, or spread. *ws rov ap/jLocraifJiii. TTOV. Tracli. 700. 'Aprtws, adv. [(l)integre, perfecte, (2) modo, nuper, tandem,] entirely, com- pletely, justly ; now, lately, at length. T?/v r dprtws ddrovauv eKyovov oiQu-. Hec. 9^1. SYN. TeXetws, vylws, aprt, fewart, 7ra\V, avra'd, vvj'. AprdTTwAts, i^oy, >/, subst. [quse panem vendit,] a female vender of bread. "Avbpas TrairjTas, wcrTrep dproTrwXiSds, Ran. 857- Apros, ov, o, subst. [(l)panis, (2) cibus quivis,] a loaf, bread ; any food. "Ap- TOVS CK KavZoto bvw Trape6r)Kev adpas. a. 1 19. EPITH. 'AytXaTos, y\vKi)s, ci, aros, TO, subst. [condimentum,] seasoning. KoonovrTes \vTpcts apTv- ravTobaTrolaii'. Batrom. 41. SYN."Apwjud, o\Lov. 'Aprwa;, et dpri/w, v. [apto, apparo, instruoj to arrange, to adapt, to prepare. Ol btTE nvpyr)odv aQsas avrovs dprvvavres. M. 43. SYN. 'Eapri/w, dpntftu, evTvii), evTVvit), Tropffvvo), Trdpafffcei/a^w. 'Apv/3aXXos, ov, 6, subst. [marsupium, crumena ; balneorum_instrumentum,] a scrip, a purse; a bottle or vessel used in the baths. Elrd Kdrao-Tro bcir Kara nls re^dX^s dpv/3aXXw. Eq. 1094. (See Brunck in I. c.) , or dpyo*, v. [haurio, e profundo traho,] to draw water, to exhaush Kd- wv vbaTwv rrw/i' apvaaifjiav ; Hipp. 209. SYN. 'AirXew, dTrarrXcw, e^pw, , Dor. pro ", . 'Ap X a7d, w, ra, subst. [res pristinse vel antique,] things antiquated ?te, the principal. Kat rdp^aTd Kal TOKOI TOXW. Nub. 1156. 'Apxcukos, >), Vv, adj. [(l)antiquam rusticitatem prae se ferens, (2) stultus, sim- plex,] old-fashioned, clownish, simple. "Or? Trat^dpror el, KCU 0pore7s rap- i. Nub. 821. 1 See Dr. BIomfield'3 note. 138 APXA APXI 'Apxatoyo>o, ov, o et f/, adj. [primogenitus, priscus,] first-born, of ancient descent. ^wtpfjia jut v dpxcuoyoVwv. Antig. 981. SYN.IIdXcuyej'?/>, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [a majoribus dives,] receiving wealth from an- cestors. 'ApxaioTrXovTuv beandrtiv iroXXi} \apls. Agam. 10 JO. SYN. ' TrXovros. 'Apxcuo7rp7n}s, tos, adj. [antiqiiitatem referens,] to be revered for its antiquity, venerable. M^yaXo-o^fttfm T dpxatoVptTr//. P. V. 41 6. 'ApxaTos, a, o>, adj. [(I) priscus, (2) ineptus, delirus,] ancient, former; old- fashioned, foolish. <\>oi/3ov Trpo^jjrrs, rptTroSos up^cilov VOJJLOV. Ion. 1321. SYN. (1) ridXcuos, xpoyios, yr/pcuos, 'flyvytos, TrdXcuyeVj/s, apxaio7rp7r)s, (2) ev- 7/0J/S, aVXovs, ptipos, Xrjpos, aTrpay/uwv. 'ApxE^Ktys, ov, 6, subst. [Justus et legitimus princeps,] a legal and just go- vernor. 'ATro-ffvXdiTCu fiiaiws ap^^lKav TOKEUV. Pyth. 4. IQ6. a, dv, adj. [quod ad imperium spectat,] imperial, lordly. Ztivos ap- (ovrai. Olymp. 132. ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [auctor malorum,] causing evils. 'ApxJiKaKovs, al KO.KOV Tpweaal yevovTo. E. 63. s, ov, et apj(\as t 6, subst. [populi rector,] a ruler of the people. , ecret. Equit. 164. See also Pers. 302. SYN. ' , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [avitas opes possidens,] possessing hereditary property. 'AXX' apyetrXov-ov KO.\ Ka.TaaTarr]v bofjiiar. Soph. El. 71. pxtTroXis, ews, o et. r/, adj. [civitati imperans,] "Evda rlv apxtTroXt^. Pjth. 9.92. SYN. See in 'A/>xXas. , ov, 6, P. N. [Archeptolemus,] the charioteer of Hector. 'I^m- Xejuov Opaavv, ov pa ro0' tTTTrwj'. 0. 128. SYN/'Ecropos fyloyevs. , ov, 6, subst. [princeps, dux,] a prince, a leader. "ETreatV t/^os, t^uos . Eur. Electr. 1149. SYN. See in 'Apx^yos. *A/>xevw, v. [impero,] to command. See"Apxw. 'Apxevetv Tpweo-ai ;dra Kpd- rspas vajjiivas. E. 200. 'Apx' ;! X^P 6s > oy > et Vf a( li- [qui chorum ducit,] leading the dance. Hobos apxt-^upov 7r\r]ya~is Qpv-yiais. Troad. 151. 'Apx>), rjs, /, subst. [(1) initiurn, (2) imperium,] (1) a beginning, (2) government, dominion, power. Kdflectr' apx^s, ov ^eOiararai Qpovwv. Phcen. 73. SYN. (1) Ilpoo/jutov, typoifjtlov, e'iadbos, (2) SiVaoret'a, la"xys, cvvap-ls, efyvala, Kvpos, j Tvpavi'is. EPITH. Alwrlos, SvcrdXwros, 'ftyvytos, fiaaiXiiis. e '), eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [auctor,] the cause, the promoter. Kat ravrd raTrr? evij. Again. l6l8. rew, v. [auspicor, incipio,] to begin, to take the lead. ITetpa^0' epSetr, o rwj/' dpx^ytretr. Soph. Electr. 84. , oi/, 6, fern, upx^ytm, tos, ?/, et px^yt>s> ov, 6, subst. [princeps, dux, auctor,] a chief, a leader, an author or proposer. 'EXoylaapqv ovv rw g, Orest. 548. See also Lysistr. 645. and Hipp. 885. SYN' o-piarevs, SV^CXOTT/S, Trpoordr^s, ETrtardr^s, r/yj/rwp, dywyos, , adv. [ab initio, primitus,] from the beginning, at first, originally. apxaOev \Zyovrat. Isth. 4. 11. SYN. TldXat, avioQev. i) t ov, adj. [gubernandi capax, imperans,] competent to govern, magisterial. Tt bfjTci OWKOIS ap%lKo~ts evrmtvot. Eur. fr. Phil. 6. 1. SYN. See , ov, o, P. N. [Archilochus,] a poet of Paros, who first invented ^ Iambic verses. *oytyov 'ApxtXo X oi/ fiapvXd-yois. Pyth. 2. 98. ntftfafai v. [fabrico, struo,] to act as a master builder, to plan. H/DOS I)IMV, el TI XP') bpyv, 0pa5g, KapxlreKTovet. Pax 305. r&crwi/, cJfos, 6, subst. [architects, fabricator,] an architect, a builder. Xwrat/ KtXeuw, ro7at/ ap^ireKToat. Cycl. 477. APXO AIEO 139 , ov, 6, subst. [princeps, dux,] a captain, a leader. 'Ap^dv toVrd, KaKtiv (TKfjiv vlds 'A^ato)V t B. 234. SYN. See 'Ap^yt rr)s. EPITH. 'Apqtyi- Xos, 7roXvX7/tos, Kpartpos, Opavvs. Apx<>, f- 4 W > et med. apxj"ae, v. [(l)incipio, (2) principatum oblineo,] (l)to begin, to take the lead, (2) to rule, to govern. " Ap^wv dn)p s, tyvealv 7> l^v rv^rj. Iph. A. 375. SYN. 'Ap^i-vw, /SdatXevw, ?/y(fytcu, atcrvjumw, /, adj. [rei nauticse imperil us,] not having fought at Sa- lamis, not a good sailor. "Atreipos, dfldXarrwros, dadXdjutVt'os. Ran. 206. AffaXevros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [inconcussus,] unshaken, steady, firm. 'A/, adj. [quod extingui nequit,] that cannot be ex- tinguished, unquenchable, immense. "Aafiearos 6' dp' trwpro ytXus pfaapetrffi Qtoialv. A. 599- SYN/'ATravoros, jutyds. "AofioXos, ov, >/, subst. [fuligo, favilla,] soot, ashes, a. 'AwoTreTrowas, b. 0ev. tov rijs acrfloXov. Thesm. 245. SYN. AWdXrj, aWa\ds, Xtyvvs, \f/oXos, 'Aat/3eid, as, rj, subst. [impietas,] impiety. To ft av icdcovpyelv, d(rt/3e yur/Xoiau 1 dcrrjfi&VToialv tire\6uv. K. 485. SYN. (1)"Ai/XaKros, a^pafcrtfs, a^pdrrtaros. . "Affrjinus, ov, et dV/juwv, oi-us, o et //, adj. [non signatus,] unmarked, unstamped, modest, obscure, uncertain, indistinct. Ovbev ri f.ici\\oi> olei)' darjpd yap Afyeis. Alcest. 532. SYN. 'Aaijfjiav-ds 3 ayvwerros, ab~)7s, eos, adj. [invalidus, tenuis,] weak, infirm. 'Acr0j/e7 /uev Pyth. 1. 107. SYN.^A/3X77^pc/i, afynw/s, ajjilvrivus, afyavpos. 'A^Opa, aros, ro, subst. [anhelitus, anhelatio,] breath, hard breathing, panting, asthma. "Afffljucirt ^ptcro-ovra Tri'oas eKi^ev. Nem. 10. 13$. SYN. yay/jos, Trvorfy Trvevpa, arj^a. EPITH. 'ApydXeo*', Setvor, v, \a(3pdv, abpaves, ii'w, v. [anhelo,] to breathe hard, to pant, to gasp. Avrdp oy' a evepyeos ecTrtoe blypov. E. 585. 'Affta, as, ^, P. N. [Asia,] Asia. AovXa, Xtnova 'Aatav. Hec. 479. PHR. ' rts ^0a>v, et y?7. 'Aeriaris, iSos, et atrias, dos, ?/, [Asiatics,] Asiatic, belonging to Asia. ' rtbos yijs 0x^1*0., Qrjfiaia 7ro\is. Androm. 1. See Orest. 1392. /s, eos, adj. [Asiatic us,] belonging to Asia, Yldad yap la^vs ' tis. Pers. 12. , ou, 6 et ^, adj. [non taceno,] not silent, sounding, noisy. F^X aatyfiTotd \sj3ijTos. Call. 4. 286. fftS/jpds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non armatus ferro,] unarmed. Moffx' s \eipos awbiipov jutTa. Bacch. 735. iis, os, adj. [illaesus,] unhurt. IloXfws dalvCi awnipl. Sept. Theb. 826. ^ , ou, 6, P. N. [Asius,] an ally of the Trojans ; also used as an adjective. "Aawv a/u0t dvaKTa, Knt 'ln^vov t cat 'dpeffrrjv. M. 139- EPITH. 'Tprdfct^rjs, vios "YpraKOVf pfiyds, ^'pws, op-^dpos dvbpwv. "Aais, /, adj. [impastus, jejunus,] unfed, without food. Kelrat 6' dffiros, trw/z' v^>e7ff' aXyrjbovi. Med. 24. SYN."A7raffros, ctyevaros, aKfirjvos^ vrjaris. 'AffKdXdpurrjs, ov, 6, subst. [stellio, species lacertas,] an evet, a lizard. 'IV ctffKdXdpwTOV. b. Titd TpoTrov i Karet7r not. Nub. 170. "AffxdXos, ov, o et //, adj. [sarculo haud purgatus,] unweeded, undressed. Tot- yapTOt TTpo Qvpdv fj.ev CITTO criropti dffKdXd Trtirrd. Theocr. 10. 14. SYN. 'AndOapros. 'Aa/cdvta, as, i), P. N. [Ascania,] (1) a city and district of Phrygia, (2) another in Mysia. Ti/X' e| 'Ao-mvi^s- /u^utiaav S' vaplvl pa^adai. B. 863. EPITH. . 'AfTKdvtos, ov, 6, P. N. [Ascanius,] so called from his country Ascania. av aaKnvrrjv Xdfiwv. Nub. 633. SYN. IU'^TTOVS, fiaOpov, Opai'vs. ASKA AI04> 141 , ov, b et //, adj. [non nictans,] not winking. BXevpoy els /u' Equit. 292. SYN. 'Ar>//s. 'AffKt0>)s, et affKi]0>]s, eos, adj. [incolumis, sospes,] safe, unhurt. N^wi/ irri^uvOri, uXX' affKtdees KOI dvovaot. \. 255. See e. 144. SYN.'A/3Xd/3j}s, i>yij)s, dXw- fitjTos, ados, ciprtds. 'A<7K\i/s, eos, adj. [imbecillis, item, praedurus,] having no limbs, weak; also, hard, uninterrupted, incessant. Tprj-^eirjs 'lOaKrjs' vvv b' avxtXtes KO.I . 463. SYN. 'ATepafjivus, aK\rjpos t ffirovbalos, atf.Ttapvus, ov, u et fj, adj. [non exasciatus,] untouched by t!e axe. Ru$po> TO& aorKen-apvoV aXX' spot, Qloi. CE. C. 101. SYN. "AfaoTos. crKetrrds, ov, o et //, adj. [non circumspectus,] unexplored, unconsitlered, in- considerate, rash. 'Evetvo /uorov a^KeTrrov, 7/v tit ro^orat. Eccles. 258. SYN. AffKOTrus, atyput', d/3ovXos, avvrj-oa, TrpuTrin'js. atcevds, ov, o et //, adj. [non instructus,] unfurnished. Ob \fsi\oi>, ou6' els ruafirfr v$plv. ffi. C. 1029. SYN. 'Arev^s. or/cew, v. [exerceo,] to practise, to labor, to train, &c. floXXw yl pa aav~6v ifcrKrjffas atfietr. Hipp. 1083. SYN. 'Epyd5o/xat, /LteXfrdw, 'AffKrj6i}s, see 'AaKeOrjs. ik-ils, i), dj/, adj. [ad exercitatiouem comparatus,] fitted for exercise. Kov TO -^pfifj.d TOV voffiipdros. Lysistr. 1087 y-os, 77, ov, adj. [arte elaboratus,] curiously wrought, adorned. 'Ev \t\ei ' TO o' tyw ifdjud> / , oi/oe TIS u\Xos. ^/. 1 89 SYN. I'u/cros, eu o^, ov, ro, subst. dimin. ab avKos, [parvus uter,] a small leathern bottle. 'AXX' rjKev eKaaTos tv aaKlbty fyZpujv. Eccles. 306. "AffKws, a, uv, adj. [(1) umbrosus, (2) umbra carens,] (1) having much shade, shady, (2) having no shade. 'Acraots be oi a.0K8v &8rjK 0i ptXavos oivoto. e. 265. SYN. Aep/im, btpos, bopus. EPITH. Ev- td^w, 1 v. [super utrem salio,] to leap on the leathern bag. 'AXia<' evravfld Trpos r/)v aiQpmv. Plut. 1130. SYN."A\Xoyuat. o-Mw/jd, dros, ro, subst. [pellis muniens remos, qua parte scalmo incumbunt,] tlie leathern lining of the holes, through which the oars are put. f)(eis TTOV Trept 701^ o'^^aXjUov mroi. Ach. 97* A t (7/id, dros, ro, subst. [cantilena,] a sons, a ballad. 'Eoriv uKoXavr' yir/i Lysistr. 398. SYN. 'Aoibij. EPITH. "A///3porov, >/ov0pooV, Oelov, -s, ov, adj. [cantuum tortor,] a distorter of songs. ^T^drovd/UTrras. Nub. 333. "A<7/*eVos, >;, oy, adj. [gaudens, libens,] glad, willing. 'Us &* ffxdXtjv \u uafj.lvoi TrcJfwr. Here. F. 725. SYN. 'EKWI', tfleXwv, Trpoflvyuos, //t5vs. fTo^os, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [insipiens,] foolish. 4>o//3ov 5' daoQoi yXwo-o-i/c Eur. Electr. 1300. SYN/A^pw^, d^d>)s, de)dr/juw)', 1 See Heyne's note B. 751. 2 'AaKw,\fa was the name of a festival at Athens in honor of Bacchus, where it was customary to leap on swelled leathern bags. See Schol, on the pass, here quoted. 142 A2FIA 'A<77rdc/, subst. [frutex spinosus, aspalathus,] the wliite thorn, or thorn of Jerusalem. 'Ey yap vpei papvot rl Kal aanaXaQoi. KopouiVTi. Theocr. 4. 57- "AffTraprds, ov, b et //, adj. [non seminatus,] not sown. 'AXX' ijy* ciffTrapros Kat avr/poTos i]p.ara Travra. i. 123. 'Affiraotos, et do-Tracrros, ?}, ov, et ov, b et r}, adj. [desideratus,] desirable, wel- come. Niyt TTupa Trpvprr)' r&> 6' do-Trdfftos yever' eX0wv. K. 35. See Rhes. 344. SYN. Aiperos, y]bvs, evKralds, ^apl^ts, atr/jet'os, OeoetS^s. , artis, TO, subst. [amplexus,] an embrace. EJev* /, adj. [qui scutum in fuga abjicit,] one who throws away his shield, a deserter. Xw fjieyas ovrus KoXaKiovv^ios affTrtbcnroftXrjs. Vesp. 590. ? A;, adj. [clypeum rotans,] turning the shield round, armed with a shield. "[TTTTOV vloaaos atrTrtbrjeTpotyos Xtws. Agam. 7^)8. 'Affiribr)(})opos, a.ff7ribov"^os, et affTrlbiwrrjs, ov, b, adj. [clypeo arrnatus,] armed with a shield, shield-bearing. Ili/Xas* KeXeue Travras uffirlbiitydpovs. Bacch. 770. See also Eur. Suppl. 1 154. et B. 554. 'AffTrlbu^eppwy, ofds, adj. [qui bello se alit ; bellicosus,] maintained by the shield; warlike. 'Ao-7rto^epjuo>d 6lar), -^pvffeia. 'Ao-7rtoT?7p, ?7pos, d77rtoTj)s, ov, et aamarup, dpds, 6, subst. [clypeatus miles,] a shield-bearer. Aiirovffa. b' aaroialv aairiaTopas. Heracl. 278. See also Ion 196. and Agam. 394. SYN. 'Ao-Trio^opfa, aamblwri)*, oaKeatyopos, ffaKeoTraXos. EPITH. Aoy^pT^s, api\Ws. "AoirXaywos, ov, 6 et >;, adj. [non habens cor ; timidus,] having no heart ; cowardly. M^ rot y' aaTrXay^os ex Kelrov yeyws. Aj. 472. SYN. 'A- ffOevris, droX/^os, beiXbs. "Atrirovbos, ov, b et r/, adj. [libamenti vel induciarum expers ; implacabilis,] one with whom no treaty can be made ; implacable. Hatava T$ KaruQlv aanovbo) dey. Alcest. 429. SYN. 'A/je/Xtxoi, aTrapairrjTos, vTrepfraXds. 'AffTrovbavTvs, ov, b et rj, adj. [neglectus, indignus,] not desirable, unworthy, forbidden. I7rei/5oi/rd b' daTrovSctord, UevOea Xeya). Bacch. 901. SYN. 'A>- bel, seu dcr7rovSJ,seu acrTrovbfj, adv. [sine strenuo labore; ignave,] without exertion, indolently. M/y fiav uffTrovbei ye, Sdjuarrffd/^tvot Trep, eXoitv . O. 4?6\ ^ See also X. 304. SYN. 'A^oy^rt, iiovyii, cirep anovbris. 7 Acr, ij ris avbp&v aaovv OVK eXrjXvdei. Equit. 1306'. See also r. 506. SYN. 'Eyyvs, eyyvOev, cyyi/0?, K\r)vidy, TrtXds, ay-^oOi. Compar. eyyvrtpu), Superl, A2IT AITI 1 1:5 a, uv t adj. [Assyrius,] Assyrian. 'H6t KOI 'Affff&pirjs ir^vatv ' IJ/JLCITI b* avTu. Apoll. 2. $66. ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [nou destillans,] not dropping, not flowing. *A- f.ia.Tr]p vbarwv. Iph. T. 1252. et acrrctKrei, adv. [non stillatim, copiose,] not drop by drop, co- piously. 'Aero* Xet/3wj> baKpvovub' obouropeH. (E. C. 1251. See also /, adj. [instabilis,] unstable, fluctuating, un- certain. Bporwr 5' o Trots dordfytqros atwr. Orest. 971- See also Phoc. 25. SYN. 2<^dXpos, OVK efjinebos. "A0rdx#s flos, 6, subst. [spica, arista,] an ear of corn. Ad/3pos tn-aiy/qW, 7rV r' ijfjivel aGTayyea&lv. B. 148. 'Acre/as, a, 6v, et 6 et //, adj. [urbanus,] belonging to a city, polite, witty, facetious. Tt be ; ravro/io/\e7j/ d eli/ai /, adj. [non calcatus vel tritus,] untrod. , oi>& oiKovpevrj. Philoct. 2. SYN. 'Aort|(3;'/:. , eos, adj. [immotus, n'rmus,] unmoved, tirm. 'A\\' dore/u^ts r/ eoiKws. P. 219. SYN. 'Ao-0dXr)s, /3t/3cuos, a^e^s. s, adv. [immote, firme,] immoveably, firmly. 'T/xe7s 5' aare^ews 1 f)(f/^ej/, /iaXXoi/ re irUZeiv. . 419- SYN. Be/^aiov, aaQaXus. AorerakTos, ov,-o et ^, adj. [suspiriorum expers,] not sighed for, without groans, without groaning (taken actively). 'AXX' dorevaKros a?' kawopriv nanois. Trach. 1076. A(Tre7T7os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [non cinctus coronis,] unadorned with crowns or chaplets. FIo7 Tpe^optaQa ; r/s ydp aoreTrros 0edi/ ; Heracl. 441. SYN. 'Aarf- , opos, 6 et >/, adj. [viros non amans,] disdaining a man for a hus- band. Ovpcivov- rappw yap darep-yd^opd. P. V. 930. SYN. 2ri)ydi'o;p. , 6 et ^, adj. [inamabilis,] uuamiable, harsh, cruel. 'Atrrepyes, eV yf/s 6' aTreitTW d/3Xd/3//s. (E. R. 229- SYN."Affropyds, dvepaoros, ai\os, rpoTTos, bvorpuTr\ds t^, 775, >/, P. N. [Asteria,] the ancient name of the island of Delos. To0pd ^' cr' 'ArrrZpir) av, KOI OV^ETTW eVXto A>)Xos. Call. 4. 40. Affrepts, tos, ^, P. N. [Asteris,] the name of an island. 'Acrrtpis ov Xipeves b' ei't vavXo^ol avrrj. b. 845. SYN. IVerprieffaa. ffTepueis, effffd, ev, adj. [stellatus,] starry, studded with stars. Ev^tro, opeywv els otpav&v dorepoevrd. O. 37 1. SYN. 'AorepwTros. oTTCuos, ov, 6, P. N. [Asteropaeus.] 'AffrepoTratov re Aet/^opd 0', ' re. P. 217. ), i;s, /;, subst. [fulgur,] a flash of lightning. Ea-tXov affrtpovrj' r 5' ov Gfyuts srrri jjtiyrjvai. ,. 386. EP1TH. AayuTrpd, oyiepSaXta. 'AorepoTrriTris, ov, 6, subst. [fulgurator,] he who causes the lightning to fly, thunderer. OvS' el Trvptydpos affTtpoTrrirfji. Phil. 1198. 'AoTtpwTros, ov, 6 et ?/, et aarepoeibfis, eos, adj. [stellarum faciem habens,] hav- ing the face or form of a star, star-like, bright. 'Aareponros ev ypaQaiffiv Phoen. 129. See also Thesm. 1076\ SYN. 'Aorepoets, darpo0d>)s, Xa/U7rpos. 'AfTTfyavos, ov, o et r/, adj. [corona non redimitus,] uncrowned. 'Aare^di'oc St Kdpas ai'dTravXai. Hipp. 1137- SYN."Aorf7rros. 'A),r7y, r/, subst. [civis,] a female citizen. "Ovai Trapefffjiev darn/. Thesm. 541. 'A)j. 'AoTi/3^, cos, oet//,adj. [non calcatus,] not trodden, impervious to. Tdv a/, adj. [qui non convertitur, firmus,] unshaken, firm. "Af.ia.xov aorpd/5J) do-va. Olymp. 2. 146'. SYN."A<7rpe7rros. *Aarpd/3/c?a, v. [jumento sarcinis onusto vehor,] to ride on a beast of burden, laden with packages. Kd^?//\ots aarpafiictovcras ^Bora. ^Escl). Suppl. 293. * 'AorpayaXos, r;v, o, subst. [(1) vertebra, spondylus, (2) talus lusorius,] (1) an ankle, knuckle, (2) a die to play with. Nj/7r/, subst. [fulgur,] a flash, lightning. Bpovr?/ 6' eppriyij 5t' ctffTpa- Nub. 583. SYN. 'AarepoTr?}, orepoTr/), crtXas. w, v. [fulgura fero,] to bear lightning. *Y^' ap/xttr' eXfiwv Zrjrus t. Pax 721. , w, 6 et //, adj. [fulgura ferens,] bearing a flash, sulphureous. arrrpaTT^oopw Trvpi. Bacch. 3. w, v. [(1) fulguro, (2) fulgeo,] (1) to lighten, (2) to shine. i. Phoen. 111. SYN. DrtX/3w, XOJUTTW. PHR. 'AoTepo7rJ)v *Arpare/a, as, ?;, subst. [desertio militia?,] the refusing to serve in war, de- sertion. Sw 6' aorpcirems y' eiKooir. Equit. 443. 'AarparevKTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [immunis a militia,] uninured to military service. TOVTO y eor' aXyioror, vfjiwv^v 7ts dorpdrevros wv. Vesp. 1122. "AorpeTT-oj, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui seu quod non fleet itur, aut vertitur,] not bend- ing or turning. "AorpeTrros* Kcidapw be irvpibsare cupa Qleiu. Theocr. 24. 94. SYN. 'Aarpafitjs, aTperrros, djuetXi^/os, a/, adj. [irretortus,] not turning. "ETreir' afyepTreiv aorpo0o$' icat Tavra ooi. (E. C. 490. SYN. See " AorpeTrros. "Aery, os, ro, subst. [urbs,] a city. Sri/ywi/ pev atrrv, rov & Upov bfjfjiov TroOun 1 . Acharn. 38. SYN. TloXis, 7rro\ls, nToXteOpov. EPITH. 'AyXdor, aiireivov, eypv^opov, Oe~wi>, Ziriiparov t ei/SyttT/rdv, tepov, tTTTrorpo^o^, Kvblfjiov, o'X/3to^, Trtpi"- K\vrov. 'AaTi)ava, (IKTOS, b, subst. [urbis preeses,] a prefect or king of a city, "irt ;/.ar . ^Esch. Suppl. 1025. SYN. 'ApxeTroXts, apx^Xas, dp X eXaoy, , fiaffiXevs, apwyeTrjs , ap-^rjyos. CKTOS, o, P. N. [Astyanax,] the son of Hector and Andromache. , ov Tpu>es eTriK\r)ait> icdXtovair. X. 506. , ov, 6, adj. [per urbera clamitans,] crying through the city. 'Eordor' ev btypy, KrjpvKa rt aoTvfiourrjr. ft. 701. v. [conterminus sum,] to dwell near, to border upon. /e^as. &sch. Suppl. 294. 1 See Dr, Butler's note on this passage. A2TY A*&0 146 , v. [urbera oppugno,] to overrun. 'AtrrvSpoyiov/utvav irtiXiv, Ka \ i. Sept. Theb. 208. , ?}, 6V, adj. [oppiclanus,] belonging to the city. Xa/ptr' aarvKot \tws. Eumen. 1000. SYN. 'Aarelo*, dories, ev(f>vt)s, Kop&ds. 'AarvvLiios, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [victor, etf. victrix, Epith. urbis,] T/v' atrrvviKdv ev (3pdro~is Tifjiyv TroXiv. Eumen. 918. 'AffTvvti/jids, ov t 6 et f) t adj. [urbem adrninistrans,] regulating a city. 0>p8vr)ud Kal aaTvvdjJiovs. Antig. 355. SYN. 'Aoretos, aarvKus. 'Affri/TrdXetd et aid, as, r/, P. N. [Astypakea,] Qapaos, ov 'lufipaatoHTl Trap itcdaiv 'Aerri>7rdXed. Apoll. 2. 868. 'Ao-vXj/ros, dauXwros, et aavXds, ov, 6 et r], adj. [(l)non spoliatus, (2) non vio- landus,] not plundered, inviolable. Navayos ^Vw, ^t^ds, dovXrjrov yti/os. Helen. 456. See also Med. 7^2. SYN. 'AXw/S^rds, aj3\d(3t}s, /3e/3cuo$, ^(oos. *A. Agam. 1443. 'Affv(j)r)\dsj ov, 6 et ?;, adj. [vilis, abjectus,] mean, contemplible. 'AXX* OVTTU oev ciKovaa. KaKov tiros, ou6' aavy, adj. [|?ro/?r. qui non jactat pedes sine lucta,] incon- vnlsive, quiet. Zvv dor^dSaorw Kal rd^et jrij&fyairlf. Aj. FI. 844. "AfftyaKrds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non mactatus,] not sacrificed. ITd^tr' ets 7Ti 6' do-^aKTOts. Ion 229. S Y N . "AdvTos. 'Aff0dXetd, as, ^, subst. [securitas,] security, safety. Ei/pw/jer, &' affreos. ^Esch. Suppl. 498. SYN."A/3Xd/3ta, dbcta, cvXafieid. 'Aff^dXr/s, eds, 6 et r/, adj. [stabilis, tutus,] not liable to fall, firm, safe. Ovbev yvvatKwv OVTCLS atr^dXearepovs. Hipp. 972. SYN. 'AKtvbvvds, evXd/3/)s, Pepaids. 'AdXr^ e^dffiXevev. Theocr. 16. 101. , et contract. da^dXws, adv. [tuto,] in safety. "YXt)' ^ S' a fleet IfiTreSor, 6'0p' ax tiojreu. N. 141. See also Hec. 877. pdyew, v. [strepo,] to make a rattling noise in the throat, to rattle. Kv uapjJLaipovTi aeaayfjievol a.ffdpayvvTi. 1 Theocr. 17- 9*. pdytfs, ov, 6, subst. [guttur,] the throat. Ovb' ap dv' dapayfvvr't, a word not found elsewhere, Brunck on Ms. authority reads rai, a reading approved of by Harles and Kiessler. 2 Others read 146 A2XA ATA2 asphpdelura,] (l) asphodel, (2) producing asphodel. Oo/ra, paitpa /3?/3a)<7a, Kdr' aatyobeXov Xei^va. X. 538. SYN. 'Av0eprKO. EPITH. Amv0//s. , et ciff^aXXw, v. [tristor, indignor,] to be sorry, to be indignanU a, TI'JV ol Karebuvaiv 'A^atoi. T. 534. SYN. Avo^opeo;, abrf- ), XvTTto/iai, 6vpoyuai, ^aXiTratvw. os, i>> o et ?/, adj. [intolerabilis,] intolerable, not to be endured, irresistible. iay', tyaytipr), fievos aa^tre , iroiov eenrts ', /3. 85. SYN. ^ArXrjTos, aba- PO.OTOS, bvfftyopos, etra-^n^t ov rXjjros, ov QepTos. , v. [indecore ago, vel tractor,] to act or be treated ignominiously. T' K veov ftpa^ldvos. Hec. 406. , adj. [inlionestus,] unseemly, indecent, improper. 'Ao^^oyes yap ayxtivai fj.eTapalat. Helen. 298. SYN. 'AeiKeXlds, den/Xt ^x^ oiv } 5 ^ fiapvybovTros . 'A}, ov, adj. [tener,] delicate, tender ; youthful. YlapdEi'iKal be KUI r/t- 0eot, drdXd pdveoi>Tes. 2. 5&7. SYN. 'ATrdXo's, aytlpos, rfaltds. 'Ardp, conj. [sed, verum,] but. Ma^/, drdp ov frdrd Koapov epi^epevai fiaffiXev- aif. B. 214. SYN. 'AXXd, avrdp, be, ^errot. 'Arap/3>/s, Ids, et arapflrjrds, ov, o et ^, adj. [intrepidus,] undismayed, intrepid. Tw Se o/3os, d(l5s, cKpofaTos, atpofloairXayxvos. 'ArapTTtros, et drap?ros, ov, 77, Ion. pro arpaTrlrds et arpaTros, subst. [via trita, semita,] a straight path, or path without a turning; a road, a way. 'layly' ovbe fjCiv CKTOS arapTrirov etJTvtyeXitf.v. p. 23 i. See X. 331. SYN. et EPITH. see^ArpdTros. 'Aroprr^pos, d, 6v, et ov, o et f], adj. [noxius,] harmful, pernicious, mischievous. Mevrop araprrjpe, typevas fjXee, iro'iov eenres. (3. 243. SYN. 'Arrjpos, drt'ipiSs, Xta, as, fj, subst. [improbitas, vesania,] infatuation, rashness, injustice, rapine, madness. Avrwv ydp ff>oavXtiTris, dbiKta, dfjinpria, no-^Orjpln. EPITH. 'AXtyetrfj, beivt), tXvdeffod, Xvypd, K&V#fJlJl\avtis t ovXdfjiEvif, TrrdXiTropdSs, arvytpn. 'Ara'/, adj. [mjuriosus, nefarius,] insolent, unjust, profligate. Aiaaopal avEpd rovroV dra. X. 418. SYN. "AblKos, drap- Ttjpds, aiffvXds, fjio'xdrjpds, Trovrjpds, fyavXos. 'Aravpwros, 77, o>, etov, o et rj, adj. [expers conjugii, castus,] unmarried, chaste, "Ef*eX\f;i>, dyva # dravpwros aWg ndrpds.^ Again. 236*. SYN.'A^?)s, afyyTos, av, atyyoSy ayvos, irapdevos, dvvftZraios, dydfjids, dyevcrros yd/ua)v. "Ardos, ov, o et //, adj. [insepultus,] unburied. Mrjfr drdfovs, TZKVOV, lv ^vl Ka6//ov, xW r Oijp&v. Eur. Suppl. 292. SYN."A0a7rrd*. PHR. "Afnoipos, aKTpi/, adj. [(1) infectus, (2) non initiatus,] (1) incomplete, (2) ^uninitiated. 'AreXearoi/ ovaav. Bacch. 40. SYN. A?rX;pwros, dXios, j3efiri\os. 'AreXevrds, et dreXei/r^ros, ov, o et r/, adj. [ad finem non perductus,] not finished. Mo7p' drfXevroi^ VKVOV bdpevTos. Agam. 1426. See also A. 175. SYN. 'Arep- iut)v, al&ios, aiwvios. 'AreX>)s, eds, 6 et r/, adj. [imperfectus,] incomplete. E< 5' dreX^s ddvdrds, oirov- bai TE leanoiv-as. Ion. 1080. SYN. 'AreXearos. 'Are/ij3&;, v. [(1) privo, (2) contristo, (3)queror,] (l)to deprive, (2) to distress, (3) to complain. 'E| ov aTcpfiet dvpov Ivl GTifieaalv 'A^atwv. /3. 90. SYN. ' , eos, adj. [intentus,] intent, earnest, inflexible, wide-spreading. Tdv, MS drevfis. Antig. 837* prep, [sine, absque, extra,] without, asunder, apart from. OVK av&vvai- \ir\v rovbe rt/uwpelv drtp. Hec. 737- SYN."Avev, curds, ^wpts. rtpa/ivds, ov, et drepd/xwv, ovos, adj. [praefractus, pervicax,] stubborn, impla- cable, harsh, grating. Kijp dTf.pap.vov lQr]Kdv 'OXvpirid bu^dr e^ovres. ^. 167. See Acharn. ISO. SYN. 'Arevj)s, dretpr)s, avdabr)s, dreyKros, oKXrjpos, vreppos, , o et r/, adj. [interminatus, rotundus,] boundless, round. aova dreppovds els avyas. Hec. 925. 'Arepirfis, eds, et drepTros, ov, 6 et ?;, adj. [insuavis, acerbus,] joyless, sullen, bitter, disagreeable. 2ra, lv& pi JJLI.V Xtyuos drepn-r/s yovvdt)' iKijrai. T. 354. See Z. 285. SYN. 'ArjSjfs, doev^s, dxapis. 'Arev^s, eos, adj. [armis destitutus,] unarmed. Kevrova drevx^f TratS' 'AxiX- Xetits Xddpa. Androm. 11 18. SYN. "Aattevtfs, dvovXds. 'Are'xt'ws, adv. [sine arte, certe, prorsus, omnino,] without art, certainly, plainly, by all means. N>) At, eywy ovv drex^ws. Nub. 408. Any, 7/s,r/, subst. [(1) Ate dea, (2) damnum, noxa, &c.] (1) the goddess Ate, (2) a curse ; guilt, sin, crime. ITpea^d Atos dvydrrjp "Arrj, fj Travrds darai. T. 9j. SPP O. 937. F.TMTH. (\ \ 'Anrr-n-nKc. /i vbnnXfre met. dtiotuaovfa. (rOEtdod. Xvvpa. 148 ATHM ATMH 0di'drJ70opds, %aXTn}) (2) dvii/pos (see 'Av/apos,) ayplos, dbevKys, d^opevros, \dvds, jQdpeld, bdKeOvpds, btaXyiis, ySIpd, bvy^op/niy^ XevydX^o, TroXvTT/, ffrtfytpd, Kpvfpd, Ov[J.o(f)8dpds, Oiffr]V(i)p t xdXtTr^, ptyoirXos. SYN. (2) BXd/3?/, 5y/u)fa, a/*fia, \&{3r) f 7rJ//^d, Tr^dr)), TrraTo-yud, oivs. 'Ari/yueXj/s, cos, adj. [(1) negligens, (2) neglectus,] (1) negligent, (2) neglected. MTj-repw apirTbXleBpov drrj^Xees dXdXrjvTo. Apoll. 1.811. 'Ar^fX^rds, ov, 6 et ?;, adj. [(1) neglectus, (2) frustratus,] (1) neglected, (2) dis- appointed. 'ArripeXrjTOvs altv ev c' oveipavi. Agam. 864. SYN. 'Ar^eA^s, as, //, subst. [uegligentia,] negligence. At ot d Apoll. 3. 829. SYN. 'AjueXeid, djueXm. 'Arripios, ov, 6 et //, et arypos, a, or, adj. [damnosus, noxius,] guilty, destruc- tive, grievous. Kdrdyiis av/icvat, TO JJ.EV unfipidv. Eumen. 1010. See also Au- drom. 353. SYN. 'Arapnypos, /3Xd/3epd$, irb\vir6vbs t aK\ripos. 'Ar0?s, tSd$, >/, adj. [Attica,] with y>/ understood, denotes the country called Attica. lOeVeXos' 'Ar0ios S' dywr. Iph. A. 247. 'Arierds, oy, 6 et rj, adj. [inhouoratus, inultus,] unhonored, unrevenged. 'Arle- ros QiXwv. Ion. 702. SYN."Ariros, arifj.r]rds. *Ar/<5w, drt/zaw, dr/^dw, et dn//ow, v. [contumelia adficio,] to insult, to treat with contempt. Ovrot a' ariZwr, ovb' tv k-^Qpoiat.v rWeis. Alcest. 1056. See also Heracl. 228. et TT. 307- et Helen. 454. SYN. 'A0tp/w, anafrdat, Kara- v. [(l) gregern, sperno, (2) seorsim pascor a grege, (3) separor a grege,] (l)to despise the flock, (2) to feed apart from the flock, (3) to quit the flock. Mtibtv arifjLayeXevvTes' Ifjuv be TV fiwKoXiaabev. Theocr.p. 5. 'Ar/ja/, adj. [inhonoratus,] unhonored, dishonored. 'Arpe/^s, wo-et TIV dri/jujTOv /4erd>'aoT77i'. II. 59- See also Phosn. 637 SYN. 'ATrdrt/vos, e\Tt/ids, aTrffj.t.Xr)Tos, driros, dytpaoros, ovribavus, anoflXrjTvs* 'Art/im, Ion. dri/ur;, et dr//uwfft$, r/, subst. [ignominin,] disgrace, degradation, infamy. HoXet T ovetbos, icai fieoiv dr^tta. Heracl. 72. See also v. 142. and Choeph. 429- SYN. 'Aom, ato-^vrj;, ovetbos, aticca, vfipis, al^os. , tos, adj. [contumeliam lugens,] mourning for dishonor. ls. Eumen. 813. , adv. [ignominiose,] ignominiously. T/s o-' w6' dn/^ws baifjiovw Med. 1205. riraXXw, f. Xw, v. [delicate nutrio,] to bring up with care and tenderness. Tov & o yepwv OuXas ev rpe0e>, ?}6' drtraXXev. II. 191. SYN. 'AraXXw, Xl- 'ArtVds, et drtr^s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [inhonoratus, inultus,] unhonored, unre- venged. 'H^ueTs &' drtr^ aap/ci TrdXat^t. Again. 71. See also Eumen. 257. x SYN. 'Arteros, art/ids, a^fuos. "ArXan-etos, a, di', adj. [Atlanti incumbens,] resting on Atlas. Tov 'ArXdii/- reiov Trjpovffi TrbXov. Eur. Pirith. fr. 3. ^ArXarrtfcos, r), 6>, adj. j^Atlanticus,] of or belonging to Atlas, Atlantic. "Oaot Tf. TroVrov Teppdi'wv r' 'ArXavra"oi^. Hipp. 3. "ArXas, avTos, 6, P. N. [Atlas,] one of the Titans ; the name of a very high mountain in Africa. "ArXas, d rwrois ^aXkeotalv ovpavor. Ion 1. EPITH. , adXios, Kpa.Tepo/, adj. [non sectus, intonsus,] uncut, undipped. 'iX/jKou- ^alel rot, d, ar/Jijrot edetpai. Apoll. 2. 710. SYN. 'Ajcep-reifo/iTjs, droyuos. "Aro), adj. [qui sectus non est,] uncut, unpolluted. T ft Zev, rov Toptiv os Xee/iwi/' ex ets - Trach. 203. SYN/Ar^t^rdf, aTropdrjTds. , as, >/, subst. [insolita novitas ; insolentia,] strangeness, absurdity, in- convenience ; perverseness, insolence. Kai ravrd ^>td TIJV droTrtav ruv S^orwv. Acharn. 34p. SYN. 'Af/deta, djcooyaa, aKaipla, d/iop^ia. "ATOTTOS, ov, o et >/, adj. [(1) insolens, novus, (2) importunus, (3) absurd us,] un- usual, strange, troublesome, absurd. " AT$TTOS' dron-d yap irapdblbuffi /uoi. Ion 691. SYN. 'Ajudfl^s, dXdytorof, d//6/$, dauyu0opos, aKaipds, UVOJITOS, dXXd/cdros, aTretpoKaXSs, araadaXos, Kevos, jcdfcos, a7rwos, fjio^Oripds. T Aroj, see"Aaros. ^ArpciKTds, ov, 6 et >% subst. [(l)fusus, (2) sagilta,] (l)a spindle, a distaff, (2) a reed, an arrow. IloXXo/ r* drpdfcrwv ro^drat, TroXvs 5' d\Xds. Rhes. 308. SYN. (1) 'HXaKtir^s KXwffTtjp, (2) /3eXos, O.KWV, dcoiriov, tos, oiaros, fieXefjtvdv. ^, ibds, 77, subst. [spinae genus,] a species of thorn, a briar. Tat fS evrt, KO.KWS d Troprts ^>Xotro. Theocr. 4. 52. , et arpdTrtrd*, ov, r/, subst. [via trita, seinita,] a straight road, a beaten path. Mtd> evpor drpdTrov Sat/^oVtws vireptyva.. Nub. 7^. See also v. 195. SYN. 'ArapTros, drapTTtros, oSd*, ol/^os, 01^77, KtXevOos. EPITH. Evpi/xo- pos, Trj\eirdpds, rpa)/ea, (TKoXtd. ArpetS^s, 1 ov, et^Arpetwv, wros, 6, patronym. [Atrides, filius Atrei,] the son of Atreus. 'Arpe/Sa 6e /zdXtord, 6vw coo-/^//rop Xawv. A. l6. Arpeicews, adv. [vere,] truely. Ilnvrd /udX' drpeJCtws aydpevtpev, ws tTrtr^XXw. B. 10. Arpe^s, eo$, adj. [verus, certus,] true, certain, sincere, accurate. Bldrov b' drpeKels tTrlrribevaets. Hipp. 26l. SYN. 'AX^e^s, aKpi(3ris, peflatos, "Arp/ialos, a, oV, adj. [quietus,] without trembling, quiet, gentle. OVK drp- id dpijvov atd^fr', w ypo>Ts. Here. F. 1047. SYN. ACTJTOS, rjoi>xos, fKri\tis, fierpos. ds, et arp/zd, adv. [sine aliquo motu et tremore,] without moving or trembling, steadily. 'Arp^ds, 6'0p' evbrjol [jizvos Bdpfao, Kal aXXwv. E. 524. See also Hipp. 1355. SYN."Ec^Xd, }p>d, r/ovxa, ^vx ws > ^/^X? * 1 K r P^' , et arpo/i^w, v. [non tremo, immotus sum,] not to tremble, to be un- moved. T)i> TrepttffaaffOat, ivd rot rp^es drp/UWovoio. Apoll. 4.704. SYN. "ArptfTros, arivnros, dare^^s, dpOos. 1 The first syllable is always long in Homer, and 'Ar^ffcjs forms a quadrisyllable, See Daws. Misc. Crit. p. 172. 150 ATPE ATTZ "Arpcffros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [intreplilus,] intrepid. 'yw 6' drpeorw eibtiras. Agam. 1373. SYN.^Arpflyuo's', abelftavrds. ws, adv. [intrepide,] intrepidly. "ErX^r* drpeoTws, rovro BavpctffTuv . Suppl. 243. SYN. 'A^o/Jws, dSews, arpoyuws, evQapa&s. vg) fds, 6, P. N. [Atreus,] the son of Pelops and Hippodamia, king of Mycenae. Ae?tXwv Kal KCLKWV arpvfjLdvZs. Sept. Theb. 874. See also Aj. Fl. 788. SYN. , rjs, ?/, adj. [indomita,] invincible, an epithet of Minerva. ? ft Atos TEK&S, 'Arpvrwv?/. $. 420. Arpwros, ov, o et 7;, adj. [invulneralus, indomitus,] unwounded, invulnerable. Kat Trais CLTPWTOV ovQap 3\v VTTO arvyos. Choeph. 525. "Arrd, [" Idem fere notans quod TraWas, sic tamen ut et frater junior sic blande appellet fratrem majorem natu; imo et in genere junioris ad seniorem est 7rpoff(j)(ji)t>r]cris rt/^rticr/." Damm. c. 1853.] father, sir, a term of respect addressed to elders (used in Homer). $om, arrd, yepaie, AiSrpe^es, ovri /j ravrrjs. I. 603. "Arrd et affffd pro "Aru'd, et arrd, aovrd, pro rtyd. Vid. Damm. c. 2423. "Arr* kar\v opdws; b. N;/ At', etvrep earl ye. Nub. 251. See also A. 554. Nub. 630. et K. 208. 'Arrdyas, 6, subst. [avis picto dorso, attagen, (Hor. Epod. 2, 53.)] a species of bird, either a hazel hen or a quail. Ndatras KoXoiws, drrdyas, a\aplbas. Acharn. 875. 'Arrdpdyds, et drrdpa^os, ov, o, subst. [minutum fragmentum pani cocto dera- sum, mica,] a very small scrap or fragment. Ovb' oaov drrapdyov rv bebotKd- pes. Call. Ep. 48. 'Arrdrat, interjec. [hen, eheu,] alas! a. *l\v pri awTrys. b. drrdrat, drarrd- ral. Thesm. 223. 'ArriKos, 77, or, adj. [Atticus,] Athenian. 'AXX', (5 /ieX', o\pet roi atyobp avras 'Arrticds. Lysistr. 56. 'Arv<*?;Xoy, rj, 6v, adj. [terrens, terrificus,] alarming, terrific. T^Xov, drv5ryXw VTT& belfjiari KK\r)yv~iai. A poll. 2. 1059. SYN. BXoervpos, betpaXZos, beivos, orvyepos, fffjiepbaXeos, fffjtepbvos, 0o/3tpos, (fiptKwbrjs. v. [metu percello,] to terrify. IIpos TrdXtj/, y-rrep ol aXXot Dr. Blomfield's conjecture, instead of tirpoiros. ATVM AY0H . Z. 41. SYN. AetbtaffofAat, eKirXriffcru, rapaffffu, eKTUpaararu, ov, 6, patronym. [Atymnio satus,] the son of Atymnius, Mydon. Xov' 'ATVf.ivta.bijv, ob' V7reorp^> /^wi'v^ds tTTTrous. E. 581. w, f. ryuw, v. [miser sum, frustror,] to be disappointed, to be unfortunate, wretched. 'Hs OUK arv^aeis. Nub. 427- SYN. Ai/<7ri/xw, Svai- VETO.I avyfi. B. 455. SYN. A'iyXrj, s, (peyyos, ofyOaXfjios. EPITH. ' Xos, \VKr), Trvp(j)opos t ^ a), v. [loquor, alloquor,] to speak, to talk, to address. Avba, o,rt veeis' reXeffat e pe dvpos arwyev. E. 195. SYN. Tlpozavbaii), dydpei/w, aydpevk), ^wvtw, Trpocr^wrew, yr/puw, (j)pa$(i), /3odw. ?)s, ^, subst. [vox, nuntius,] a voice, a word, news. TTJS ei/ /uei/ voos e/. X. 419- SYN. 'Ai/'rj;, /3or), /3ats, yfjpvs, dpoos, , (pdoyyos, (pwvri. EPITH. 'Afcd/^dros, dzre/pirds, a.jj(3pdros t ftapvrj^s t yXvKepa, yoepa, 0e/a, QeffK\ds t Xtyvpd, Xaoaaoos, ofjtodpoos, TroXvororos, awr//- ptos, yXi)ptvos au0a5ou. Med. 104. See Lysistr. 1 118. SYN. 'AXac?wv, drains, ariOrjs, dffXy>)s, dre- pa/j-ros, dpaffvs. Avdabia, as, r/, et av0atcym, drds, ro, subst. [arrogantia, superbia,] self-suffi- ciency, arrogance, perverseness. AvOabla rot o-jcatdrr/r' dtyXivKavet. Antig. 1040. See also P. V. 963. SYN. 'AXa^oveta, afiovXla. AvdabooTopos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [contumaci ore,] foul-mouthed. " ' AvQpwicuv dypioTTOioV, avdaboaTdfjidv. Ran. 86 1. SYN. 'A0vp 6d-rdi' > eri beboiKas rov ^LKvOrjV. Tiiesm. 1186. SYN. KdravXew. AvXri, rjs, it, subst. [(l) area subdialis ad domum ; (2) septum, intra quod pernoctant pecudes; (3) vestibulum,] a court-yard, a sheepfold, a hall. Hpbs TO.V& av\av w TEKVOV, <5 Trot. Hec. l6p. SYN. (2) 2ro%os, ), v'^^X?}, ^aXK'dSfros, Tr]ptieibf)s, evepKys. PHR. Twpavvor bUjfjia., Tvpa.vriKoi bopoi. AvXrjfjLa, arcs, ro, subst. [cant us tibiarum,] piping, music produced by a wind- instrument. 2KoXtw> MeXr/rov Kuplnwv avX^drwv. Ran. 1302. AvXrjrrjp, rjpos, avXr)T)}s, ov, o, et avXrjTpls, ibos, ry, subst. [tibicen, /. tibicina,] a flute-player, a piper, a minstrel. To/ ye ^lv av yeXowi/rw* VTT' avX?;r?/pi VeKavTos. Hes. Clyp. 283. See also Vesp. 579 et Acharn. 550. SYN. 2v- piKrfjs. AvX/^o/zat, v. [stabulor ; pernocto,] to be folded, to abide for the night. KXayyj) 6' d)e'. B. 496'. EPITH. %vd- Xm. AvXos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) tibula, (2) foramen,] a pipe, a socket. 'Eyjce^dXds e, Trap' avXdv, avebpajjiev i wreiX^s. P. 297. SYN. 2vpty, Sdra^. EPITH. At- /3vs, Mi/ySovios, yXvfcvs, ^Sv/icXi^s, evKtXabos, y//fyios, Xtyvpos, ipepoeis. AvXwv, wvos, 6, subst. [vallis,] a narrow passage, a valley. IloXXd 6' opiy crictd- f:at avXwvas KcXdoWovs. H. Merc. 95. SYN/'Ay^os, ^)dpay|. EPITH. s, ibos, ^, adj. [procera, oblonga. Vid. Damm.] high-coned, oblong, co- nical. 'Affnlbi yiyvu(jK(av y avXtinibi re rptxpaXely. E. 182. Avavo/4at t et avd/mi, v. [cresco,] to increase, to grow. 'E/c cdXv*:ds avdvd- ftevd yevvo-t TroXv^dyots. Aves 1065. See also Acharn. 226. SYN.^Aopv- vtffj.a.1, aXbuivii), avaX&rjorKw. Avovri, rjs, ^, subst. [(1) ariditas ; (2) clamor,] (1) drought, (2) clamor. 'AXX' airpiriKTov avovriv eyei. Simon. 20. SYN. (1) Ai/xfids, (2) /3oj), dvn), Avds, a, ov, adj. [siccus, aridus,] dry, withered, parched. "EcrrrjKe tyXdv av8v, 8ffov T* opyvt, vTrep airjs. T.327. SYN. 'A^dXeos, i?pfc, avordXedj. "AVTTVOS, ov, 6 et /, adj. [insomnis,] sleepless. HtisQtveibas avwovs. Iph. T. 424. SYN. 1 AvAefain the fern., Bvpa, being understood, signifies a poieh or hall-door. AYPA AYTO io3 , as, //, subst. [ventus lenior, aura,] a gentle breeze, air, breath, blast. At/pa, irovTias avpa. Hec. 444. SYN. YIvoi}, tyvptis. KP1TH. "AffTtirus, 0o- Xwros, aKvpav-ds, buff&brjs, evwbrjs, ei/ci-yXos, tTTiKvprtis, Za^p^s, /5em, fibvirvoos, Qpprrffd, Kpanrt'us, XeTrrf), XevydXt?;, XaTXai//, Xaipa, ^frrjjuftpids, v/ibvpds, opetbpo- fjos, 0oi/3ds, fjieydpoialv. r. 327- SYN. Ayos, avx/uwdtys* AvrdbeX(f)os, ov, et avroVdoryj'Tjros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [frater germanus,] born of the same mother. T ft KOIVOV avTabeXfyuv 'lor^^r^s Kapa. Antig. 1. See also B. 706. SYN. Kder/yv^ros, o//at/uos, o/xoTrarptos. Ai/rav5pos, oi/, 6 et ?/, adj. [cum ipsis hominibus,] with the men themselves. Ai/rav6|00!> (j)\eeiv bopv vriiijv. Apoll. 3. 582. AvrapKrjs, eus, 6 et r/, adj. [sufficiens ; contentus ; satis virium habens,] self- sufficient, complete, content, adequate. "E^er vea. bf. vrjbvs avrapKTjs Tlwuv. Choepli. 745, 'Avrv, f. r/orw, et duw, f. du/s, ?% subst. [clamor,] clamor, a shout, a shout in battle. Tt XP'/A 4 ' vr>/s Trav 7-06' CTrXiiffdrj areyos ; Heracl. 646. SYN. Bo>/, evon-^ mx>), ), K\abos. EPITH. 'Ara(^j}s, atrrvfyZXiKTos, beivr), 6ep[*rj, o^e7d, afjiepbaXea, aTov&eaaa, arv- yepd. Avr?7/zdp, adv., vid. AvBfjfiepov. AvriKa, adv. [inox, statim ; exempli gratia,] immediately, instantly; for example. "Oi//ei viv O.VTIK OVTU Sw^/drwv 7capos. Hec. 1032. SYN. AliLa, d0dp, TrdjOav-tk-d, el), irvp8e/, adj. [pervicax,] obstinate. 2e 5' avroyvwrus &Xfn opya. Antig. 887. SYN. See AvrdftovXos. AvroSai)s, tos, et avrofrbeiKTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [a seipso doctus,] self- taught. Nt/o-m K-vwo-t' op^i]}j.d.T avrdbdrj. Aj. Fl. 6'99- See also x- 347. AvroSdkros, ou, 6 et >/, adj. Avrobd'iKrot Qavunl. Sept. Th. 732. SYN. See AvderrrfS. AvTdba?, adv. [mordicus,] with the very teeth, bitingly, fiercely. 'Sis dv o^ej- yvvaiK&v av7obd wpyiff/if^wv. Lysistr. 687- Avrdbiov, adv. [statim, e vestigio,] immediately. See Africa. Avrobtov b' dpd fjtv Tdpirj Xavaaadat druyZi'. 0. 449. AVTOETZS, adv. [intra annum,] withing the space of a year. Avrotres o, 7ret ^teyd re beivov re, y. 322. Avroe^T-^s, ov, 6, subst. i. q. Avflei/rijs, q. v. Tor M^rV >V r '' ^ *^ " rpos. Soph. Electr. 272. Avrodev, adv. [inde,illinc,ex isto loco,] from thence, from that place. QEV ij ris Irani aal iipciw f A X ^y. Y. 120. SYN. 'Ecel6l t V, I^K, oT^ f >. Afrrflft, adv, poet, pro alrov, [hie, ibi, in eo loco,] here, then-, in this or tl place. 'Avvtras TI. Qep.tbu TI dp tveffriv tivruOi. Eqiut. 119- VTavQo1 t Trjb^t Trjb' O.VTOV, tv ovrw rw TOTT^. kvro/cdvn, i?i, v, P. N. [Autocane,] a mountain in /Eolia. Ka? Avroao7;s aiirv. Mom. Apoll. 35. ., f} 154 AYTO AYTO AvrtfracriyvTjros, ov, 6, et (2) avro^dfftyv^rrj, r)s, */, subst. [(l)frater gerrnanus, (2) soror gerniana,] (l)an own brother, (2) an own sister. AvTOKaffiyvrjTov ew- ' Iw^ottf. A. 427. See also K. 137- SYN. 'ASeX^ds, opatftos. ov, b et >/, adj. [a seipso vocatus, i.e. ultro,] one who invites himself; of his own accord. 'AXX' U.VTOK\T]TOS CK bopwy Tropeverai. Tracb. 396. SYN. AvToaavrds. AvTdkofios, ov, 6 et //, adj. [sua sponte comatus,] wearing his own hair, hairy. $p/cts 5' avruKofJ-ov Xotyias Xaalnv^ei'd ^airat'. Ran. 822. AvroKpdrwp, opos, et avroKparrjs, ov, 6, adj. [qui plenam auctoritatem habet,] vested with full powers, independent. AvroKparopas Kpeofieis ctTroTre^iTret*' ev- OdbL Lysistr. 1010. See also Anclr. 482. AvroKTlros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [noii nianu factus, sed sponte natus, nativus,] self- formed, natural. Avrtkrir' uvrpd, rfjv cribtjpdpfiTopd. P. V. 309. AVTOKTOVOS,OV, o et >/, adj. see Avdevrrjs. 'Avbpo~tv 5' ojnai/jioiv Oavaros w5' awro- KTOVOS. Sept. Theb. 678. AvroKToi'tiv, OVVTOS, 6, particip. adj. [se invicem interficieus,] killing one another. AvroKTovovvre, rh raXaurwpu). Atltig. 06. Aurofcro^ws, adv. [sua, vel mutua ceede,] with mutual slaughter. Apao-at ro6' epyov oi> erXrjs CIVTOKTOV u)s ; Agam. 1()25. Ai/roKW7ro$, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [cum ipso manubrio,] with the very hilt, up to the hilt, ^xecia r' ai/roKWTrd vupuv fie\r] ; Choepfa. 157. AvroXvKos, ov, 6, P. N. [Autolycus,] the grandfather of Ulysses, whose character for ingenious roguery was so great, that clever robbers were called by his name. See Hygin. fab. 200. 'EtXr' AvruXvKos, irvxivov bojjiov avrtTopijcms. K. 267. AvTopaprvs, vos, o et >/, adj. [qui ipse sibi testis,] one who bears witness for himself. NOOTOV, avrdfjiaprvs &v. Agam. 9^1. AvT^naTos, r), ov, adj. [a se ipse aliquid faciens,] self-moved, spontaneous, voluntary. 'EXOovaa, Qrjati', uvTojjLarri peTa TUV ITi/A^. Pax 665. SYN. Av- GaipeTos, avroK\r)ros, avrooavTos. Aurdjut^wv, OVTOS, b, P. N. [Automedon,] the charioteer of Achilles. ITTTTOVS 5' Auro/itDTtt dows zevyi'vpev' avtayZ. IT. 145. PHR. "Apr)i ardXavros, -ijpws, Aiwpevs vlos, AtWjOtos aX*ft/^os vlos. Avro/jioXew, v. [meo solum jussu abeo, ad hostes deficio,] to desert to the enemy, a. MoXw/^t^, avrb jUoXw/uev, ai/ro/^oXwyuev. b. r/r. Equit. 26. AvTovofj.os, ov, o et //, adj. [qui suis legibus vivit; liber,] independent. /AXX' Atds avroTratS?, cat rdS' opQ&s. Trach. 839. Av-drroios, ov, b et >/, adj. [sponte enatus,] self-made. Oi/rev/x' dxe/pwro^, av- T07TOIOV. CE. C. 698. AvroTTpefjLvos et avToppigds, ov, b et r;, adj, [quae cum radicibus ipsis evelli- tur,] from the very roots, root and branch. "Evei/iav avTd7rpefj.vdv els TO Tray Eumen. 395. See also Rhes.284. SYN. UpoppiZos. b et >/, adj. [sponte fluens,] spontaneously flowing. Xpvcrov avTdpvTOv. Pyth. 12. 29. ) avrri, avro, et super). AVTOTCLTOS, r), 6v, pron. [ipse, sup. ipsissimus,] himself, and superl. his very self. a. 'EKelvos avTds ; b. avrdrdros. a. Trodtv ovv <}>paodv. Plut. 83. vroal, adv. [illuc, hue,] to the same place, hither, thither, a. Karafadi bevpti. b. Met At', tyh-ptv a\i-6a OI/K-. Lysistr. 873. SYN. 'E/ce7 ; ^clcre, /ce/<7, ATTO ATXE 155 ov, 6,et //, adj. [ferreus,] the very iron. AvTdaibapdr blaffapKtis dfjuXXdv. Helen. 360. s, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [sponte excitus,] self-moved, not urged by another. aiiTOKXijTos. Eumen. 169. SYN. , as, Ion. 77,775, 77, subsl. [pugna stataria,] a standing fight. "Ev y' i' irofft & OVTTMS eariv pien f . N. 325. PHR. ^Tabir) vvjuivr]. AvroVroXos, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [ipse navi advectus,] having sailed here himself, in his own ship. AvrotrroXnv Tre^arrd p eKtrticrai bopois. Phil. 503. Avroarovds, ov, o et >/, adj. [proprio dolore gemens,] groaning on his own ac- count. Av-Toaroros, avroin'inuv. Sept. Theb. pi 1 . AvToctyayris, eos, 6 et //, adj. [a se ipse jugulatus,] self-slaughtered. See Av- Oei'rrjs. AvToartyayrj iriKTOvra. Aj. Fl. 840. Av-otrxtba, avrotr^boy, adv. [cominus, proxime,] at hand, closely. "Hpi-rre be TTpoTrapotde' Mapis ' avTOfT X ebd bovpi. II. 319- See N. 496. SYN. 'Eyyvs, ovveyyvs, eyyvdev. Avroff^eblds, a, ov, adj. [promptus, spontaneus,] made on the spur of the occasion, spontaneous. ' a.vToa\e rolaiv avrovpylat. Eum. 332. EPITH. Mdraios. Ai'Tovpyos, ov, o et >/, adj. [qui per se facit et operatur,] one who works with his own hand. Aurovpyos, o'/Trep KCII IJLOVOL cwovol yfjv. Orest. 9^8. SYN. Avrd^eip, bripiovpyos. Avro(j)Xoios, ov, 6 et >y, adj. [ipsum corticem adhuc habens,] together with its bark. EvTrdyes, avro^Xoiov, eirrjpfycos Korlvoift. Theocr. 25. 208. Avro0oT//s, ov, et avrdipdi'ds 6 et >;, (see AvBevrris,) [qui seipsum, vel aliuni oc- cidit,] murdering or killing oneself, a suicide. To> avTdtyovTrjv rjjjitt' kv KOITIJ iriirpos. Soph. Electr. 274. See A. 395. Avrdcpdvus, adv. [propria sua manu caesus,] by self-murder, 'fts avro^dvus. Suppl. 65. , ov, 6 et?7, adj. [cum ipsoonere et mercibus,] with its freight, irc/- vTofyoproi' oke/^t oayy. Choeph. 663. cos, 6 et 77, adj. [sponte natus, nativus,] sprung up of itself, native. rav ovb' av lews /uw/zaadro TCKTUJV. Theocr. 9 24. ov, o et fj, adj. [sponte natus,] springing up of itself, self-grown. Tows jjiev <5v, OffaoL yuoXo/', avro^)i)rwv. Pyth. 3. 83. uTorpupds, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [in ipso facto deprehensus, manifestarius,] caught in the very act of stealing. 'TT' avro^wpw Trpefffivv ws e^ovff eXoi. Ion. 1213. vTo^eip, cipds, 6 et 77, adj. [qui sua manu aliquid facit,] using his own hand, an assassin: et ovroxetpi, adv. Orest. 1039. 'AXX' avroxetpes, ware 0av/m- 5ctr /ue. Aves 1135. SYN. Avrovjoyes. vro^Qwv, ovds, 6 et r/, adj. et subst. [indigena,] a native, indigenous. T ft ^vy- yoV, e\0wv Xadv els avro-^Qova. Ion. 29. SYN. See in AvfltyeW/s. , ov, 6 et 7*7, adj. [per se et sponte sua fusus,] self-fused. Avrup ao\6v avTb'owrtJv. ^. 826. , adv. [(l)re ipsa, plane, omnino, (2) confestim,] in realty, im- mediately. '6 TrpwKTos ecrrtr avroxp^' w Xada?^. Equtt. 78. SYN. ' , v. [cervicem incido,] to cut the throat, to strangle. Kat rows /> KevefypHves ai/xat. Nera. 11. 38. See Phoen. 1153. SYN. , 6, subst. [cervix,] the neck. Yl\ij' airo & avxtvos WJJ.OP eepyd- 6ev, fib' and vwrov. E. 147. SYN. Tpdxr?X#s, beprj, betprj. EPITH. 'ATrdXo*, , arifiapos, /ueaos, ayepwxos, dpaavs, 0eo-7T<7ios, Xoos, Xevwos, , v. [(1) areo pree restu ; (2) squaleo,] (1) to be dried up through heat ; (2) to be squalid, a. Av^pels alff^pSts. b. en) 5e y' ev Trpacro-ets. Nub. ^20. SYN. HrjpcuVojucu, ffi:e\\ v%pr}pos, a, ov, ai/xft'/ets, eo-o-a, tv, et avxfuobrjs, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [squalid us,] squalid. Av^^pdv ovbas, TCKVU & d//0t youmai. Alcest. 968. See Horn, in Pan. 6. et Orest. 217 SYN. Aa avoi. e. 4pO. ^uyiffTcvo) et apayy/b>, v. [(l)expio; (2) consecro,] to perform holy rites for the dead, to purify, to consecrate. Kovtv TrdXvvas, KafyayHrrevaas a X Antig. 253. See Alcest. 1165. SYN. 'Ayicreuw, ay^'e^/w, ayvi^ta, . w, v. [aufero,] to take away, 'fls t/i' u^aipelrai Xpvffrjlba Q>o1(3os ' . A. 182. SYN. Atped), dvaiplw, a7ra/vi)^at, d0eXcw. , v. [desilio,] to spring from or down. 'ETrt r^j/ Ke^dXf/v rev rovs d(^r/Xdro. Nub. 147- SYN. 'E^aXXo/zai, d7ro0pa>(Tk'&>, ' ; A^dXos, ov, 6 et )/, adj. [si sine cono aut crista,] without cone or crest. a.(ha\6v re K'at aXo^o^* ijre KaraiTV^. K. 258 'A^d^aprdvw, f. rrjadpai, v. [(1) aberro; (2) privor,] to miss, to be disappointed, to be deprived of. Kcu /3dXef, ovS' d^d/xapre rirvvKofjieros KefaXijtyi. A. 350. SYN. (l)'A^aprdvw, dTTorvyxd^w, (2) crrfped/mi, KardXe/7ro//ac. 'A0d^tapra7rr)$, tos, 6 et f/, adj. [verbis errans, stulte loqueiis,] inappropriate in speech, tedious, trifling. Ov6' d^)d/uaprd7r>)s, ct ca< ycvcJs vffTtpov ?]ev. F. 215. 'A0av5drw, f. d^d6//(Tw, v. [displiceo.] to displease, to offend. Ovrw Se icat aoi ra^u' afyavbavovr e^)v. Antig. 501. SYN. 'ATrdpeVfca;, bvoapeffKw. 'Aai>ia, as, ?/, subst. [obscuritas,] obscurity, indistinctness, uncertainty. BWJUOV, ets d^dvetdv. Again. 375. 'A^tW/s, oj, o et r/, adj. [occult us, obscurus,] invisible, vanished, obscure, un- certain. ILvv afyavel Xoyw artpov fiaXeiv. QE. R. 657 SYN."A0avros, abrj- Xos, Kpvtycuos, ericoreivos, a/cX>}s, etyrrjXos. 'A0dv/5w, f. tutu, v. [e conspectu aufero,] to convey out of sight, to cause to disappear, to steal, to bury. Toi)r' tyavtcrrai, biafiopov irpos ovbevos. Tracli. 678. SYN. 'A6pTpos, more swift. AoK-pvo-as, erapwv d^dp eero vofffju \taodeis. A. 349- See Y. 31 1. SYN. E(/0ws, rdxews. 'A^>ap7rad?w, f. ^a> et crw, v. [abripio,] to snatch from, to seize greedily. T^ 5e tydlvovaav* c5v a(j)ap7ra.eiv ap7rac?(u, ctTrocrTrdw. 'AAdotrtj as, r/, subst. [stupor, prae quo loqui non possumus,] inability to speak, through sudden alarm. Tom rl cvrlv ; d^daia m rot ju' xet ; Thesm. 911. SYN. A*A2 A$0O 157 w, et d0dw, v. [contrecto, adtrecto,] to touch, to feel, to handle. Kotoy>e, adj. [imbecillis, debilis,] weak, infirm. *H be jju OVTTW d^avpordr?? 6' ETETVKTO. v. 110. SYN. 'Acrflej'j/s, afiXyxpos, d/iai/pos, fcoD^os. A(j)d,ii), see A(pa.ff(T(i). 'AXos, adefjjprjTos* 'Atyetbeiws, adv. [sine parsimonia, large,] unsparingly, abundantly. Et o' dye, fioX-n-y Qvpov atyeibetMS Kopecwpej'. Apoll. 3. 897. 'Aos Kcil TrXovTov d(j)V^iv. A. 17 ! SYN. riXoDroy, Kepbos, d, oX(3os t KTrjuara, KTZCLVOV. >s, ov, 6 et >;, adj. [exclusus,] shut out from. Mv^ov S' d^ep^ros, voi/s *:vv6s St/tctv. Choeph. 440. *A0ep7rw, v. [abeo,] to creep back, to go away from, to depart. Ilap0>os r) b' els oiKov cupep^w. Theocr. 27 64. SYN. 'ATrep^ojucu, dTret^ut, A0epros, ov, 6 et #, adj. [non ferendus,] not to be borne, intolerable. ai&ri CTW. Choeph. 436. SYN. Ov 0epros, ov rXaros, arXriros, droiffrds. "Afeais, eus, ^f, subst. [dimissio equorum a carcere ; career,] a sending off from ; "" a starting-place. 'io-^QeyKTOv cj)paba~is. Eumen. 240. SYN. See * Apprjros. "Astros, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [qui s. quod non corrumpitur vel mutatur,] not subject to decay, imperishable. 'A^dvdrov, atydirov TE TTOO/O-W Qlbv. Androm. 1245. SYN. 'Ay^pdros, dyT/pdos, dfc//pdros. , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [mutus,] silent, dumb. fl>o//3ov tyofio) 5' a^Qoyyos , 0tXot. Pers. 211. SYN."At/av6os, d^w^os, dfcewi^, aiyrjXtis. , ov, 6 ct r/, adj. [invidiue non obuoxius,] not liable to be envied. '6 158 A$GO A/, adj. [nulli invidens, copiosus,] unenvious, plentiful. Aey', ots tTOipos atyQovy bovvat \tpl. Med. 6l2. SYN. 'A)'7r/^0o>os, dyutyapros, avapWpds. , v. [colloco procul a,] to place far from. "Evretra Trdrplbos Oeoi JJL yqs. Helen. 280. l SYN. ' w, v. [consecro,] to consecrate, to hallow. OdXat irpds aXXois ravr' . Eunieii. 445. SYN. 'Afayurrdwti, d' antiquitus d0/w or d^i'tw, 1. aor. d^jjKd, and in Horn. a(j>er)Ka t [dimitto, emitto,] to send away, to dismiss. 'A^OJ/Z' o^judrwv eXevdZpdi-. Hec. 368. SYN. 7 A7ro7re/*7rw, e/c/3aX\w, aTraXXacraw, pedTrj^i, taw. 21 A(f)iKavw, et aq>, f. a^i^dfjiai, v. [advenio,] to come from, to arrive at, to arrive. 'H /jei> ^17 TT/SOS rft^os lireiyontrri ctyfcdrec. Z. 388. See also CE. R. 260. SYN. 'ETrep^oyuat, TTjOuffep^o/mi, dr^K'w, TrpoajjKitt, 7TjOotXws, adv. [parum amice,] unkindly. Nvy 6', OI/K- d?r' dk-pas fyplvos, ovb' afyt- Xws. Agam. 778. "A0its, ews, ^, subst. [advent us,] arrival. 0e$, ws oWi r?7iej/ Trpay/udros TtXovfJiEvov ; Choeph. 859 "AXaoTov, ov, TO, subst. [aplustre,] the extremity of the stern. "A^X /uerd xepatv t\ti)r y Tpwffiv ' e*ceXei/e>/. O. 717- SYN. lL\pvp,V)]al6v. AtyXeKTos, ov, o et ^, adj. [non ustus,] not burnt. Bwyuots r' d^Xe/crot Trt Helen. 1354. y/os, ou, 6, pro a^poioryuds, subst. [spuma,] foam. 'A^Xoio-juos 6 yiyvETo. O. 607. SYN.^A^pos, a^vr). , d, dp, et afyvetos, ov, 6 et>/, adj. [opulentus,] rich, wealthy, munificent. Kai T-WV d^j/ewv KaJ TroXv^putrwi'. Pers. 3. See also T. 220. SYN. EvKn/yuwK, TrXovaids, TroXvXrilos, 7roXvfjir)Xds. , et a^i'wv, adv. [subito,] suddenly. "A0'w irpdveXdwv bwfJtd, irpoairirrel u. Med. 1202. SYN. 'Efcfyj'ijs, at^i/ws, atyvlblov, atyv&lus, e TOS, dtyofios, et d^dftoffTrXay^vos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [timore carens,] fearless. Amis dydfiriTds ovbt. (E. R. 885. See Aj. Fl. 336. and Ran. 495. SYN. 'Ate>} $ , arpofjids, ToXpripos. "Atyobos, ov, rj, subst. [secessio ad exonerandam alvum,] a house of office, "idi vvv taobv els afyobov. Eccles. 1059' SYN. 'ATroTrdrd*. 'A0o/j@aTo, ov, 6 et f], adj. [immundus, impurus,] not hallowed by Phcebus, impure, unclean. Ov TrpoarpdTraioV, ovb' atyoipavTov %tpa.. Eumen. 237. SYN. 'AKaOaprds, avayvos. i, v. [arina exuo,] to strip off the armor of a defeated foe. 'Ey and long in the Attic poets. 1 Here 0ol must be scanned as a monosyllable. 3 The antepenult, of J A.(f>lrjp.t is common in Homer, ASpi$SfievSs. Alcest. 31. SYN. '6p/w, *cd0op/5w, aTro- ttplyv, dTroVe^w, Smiptw, SiaoreXXaj, ^wp/cjai. v. [proficiscor,] to hasten away, to inarch off. tfyjf a-pos okoi/s ri/aS* v ^davos. Rhes. 98. SYN. 'ATro^wpew, avaXvw. w, v. [e portu deduce,] to steer out or from. 'Ayd/uejuyoV, ov p) vavs j xO&rfs- Ipli. T. 18. SYN. 'EicirXew. ,/s, /;, subst. [impetus, materia, occasio,] occasion, opportunity, pre- text, motive, cause. LfjuKpas 6' d^opjuus >> Xd/3w/, adj. [cithara carens,] sung without a lyre, harsh, grating. s avova flpdro'ts. Eumen. 333. ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [profugus,] one who sails away, a fugitive. Ai/m apafffj.(i)v, ovds, 6 et //, adj. [inconsultus, teme- rarius,] ill-advised, rash, giddy. 'A^pdSees vaiovvi, fipor&v etSwXd Kapovriav. ^X. 475. See also Agam. 1410. SYN/'A^oi/Xos, ayXwaaos. ^vws, et a^paor/jorws, adv. [inconsiderate,] ill-ad visedly, thoughtlessly. col re yjyes oi/j,- d0pa5/uo ( ws. Pers. 423. s, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [non septus, non munitus,] unfenced, unprotected, unawares. Et ^uj) ydp opicots Sewi/, 1 a' atypavrSs toriv ev typiaw btirXij. Pers. 170. SYN."Ap/>7;rds, dS^Xos, dSo^ros. ^A(f>puffT(i}s t adv. [ex improviso,] unexpectedly. 'Eret re yy d^paorrws. Soph. Electr. 1262. , et a0p/c?w, V. [spumo,] to foam. "Atypeov 5^ arridea,* paivovrti Se repflt /J;. A. 282. See also Soph. Electr. 719. SYN/%OW. , opos, 6 et >/, adj. [qui est extra tribum,] not belonging to a tribe, having no connexion with human society, unsocial. 'A^>pr/rwp, avecFTios. I. 63. SYN."A7roXis, aTTOTrroXts, d^tXos. <, adv. [sine horrore,] without horror, without shuddering. t paKapuv opowai Ovyarpes. Call. 3. 6"5. Tr), rjs, ?/, P. V. [Venus,] the goddess of beauty, (so called, because she was supposed to have sprung from the foam of the sea) : hence metaphor. grace, charm, elegance, violent passion. OtVwTros, oWois ^dpirds'A^poS/D/s l\wv. Bacch. 232. SYN. KvTrpts, Kvdtpeia, Ild0ta. EPITH. Aiboia, &l;s. Mus. 262. Qewy is here scanned, as often, as one syllable. *Apfov and ITT^ must be scanned as dissyllables. 100 A$PO AXAI id."A0pd6w. O. 104. , ov, 6et//, adj. [incogitatus,] unthought-of, without premeditation. 6' dywi' 06' OI/K afypovTiaros rrdXat. Agam. 1347. tas, adv. [sine cura, negligenter,] carelessly, negligently. 'Y/iw' &, ouic d^>porr/<7rws 7rdr>/p. Med. 910. SYN.^A/itXws, aKjjSetrrws. , adv. [insipienter,] senselessly, foolishly. '6 6' VI^U'OJUTTWS Katypovus >}/ue/^/ar<3. Aj. FI. 773. SYN. 'A/3ouXws, d'o>/rws, aai/verws. A(ppds,ov, 6, subst. [spuma,] foam, froth. 'Atypuv Kdre/, adj. [spumosiis,] foamy, covered with foam. rj TreXdyo)'. Orest. 220. , 6vos, 6 et >/, adj. [insipiens, stultus, amens,] silly, foolish, mad. Ki/Sos ro5' 7///7v irpOffXaptof tyw 6' afypwv. Med. 881. SYN. "A/3ovXos, , irapatyptavy avovs, aypoitfos, 'av0aS?/s, XdXos, ippevofiXafifjs, , v. [abluo,] to wash out, to wash clean, to wash. vaovs. Ion 97 SYN.^TSpatVw, dTroj'tVrw, Xoyw. *A(j)vri, rjs, ?/, subst. [species quaedam piscium,] anchovy. "Ivd ras d^>vas &VOWTO TroXXos r' a/3oXov. Equit. 649- 'Avt)s, eos, 6 et //, adj. [natura inhabilis,] not adapted by nature. 'AvKTds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [uon evitandus,] inevitable, unerring. "A^VKTOV o/u/na Trpoo-Spdfcoi /*c. P. V. 938. SYN. 'AVIKTJTOS, avctyKalos. 'A0i)Xa:ros, ov, o et >/, adj. ^incustoditus,] unguarded, unprotected. 'A/ Ti'iprjais' civ yap (f)a.v\os fj. Eur. fr. Antig. 6. 2. "A/, adj. [voce destitutus,] having no voice, silent, mute, dumb. ITdpe^ ^w^v rols d0wv^rots rtvd. CE. C. 1283. See CE. C. 865. SYN.^AyXweroroy, ciravbos, u00oyyos, /cw(/>os, d^ewi/. 'A0(irws, adv. [mute, tacite,] dumbly, mutely, silently. 'A^W/WS dXoyws ro rds. CE. C. 131. 'A^amt, 'A^auSes, et 'AxidS, wr, at, P. V. [Achivae,] Achaian or Grecian women, 'fl TrtTroi'ts, KO.K* eXey^e, 'A^attSts, ov^r' 'A^oto/. B. 235. See r. j542. and Apoll. 1. 284. SYN. 'EvTrXd/cd^s, IvTreTrXoi. 'A^aus, tSoy, (sc. ya7d,) /, P. N. [Achaia,] (1) Achaia, or (tyadj. belonging to Greece. 'A^aaSos 0pavds. Helen. 1543. EPITH. 'Hyd^en, 7rouXi;/3ore/pd, K'aXXtySvatl. SYN. 'A^afdj, 'A)(orK-i7. 'A^ruot, tit', 01, P. N. [" est quidem generale nomen omnium Gra;coruni ; s;v- pius tamen in specie nobiles et principes Graecorum sic vocantur." Danim. c. 1945.] Ot Treidovrat 'A^atot. A. 79- EPITH. 'Acop7;rot ^a- , f.ieyadvfjiOi, ^aX/xO/,-j')//us, blKaairaXot, Ouol, TroXvTrorot, /, o^, adj. [Achivus, Achaicus,] Acluean, Grecian. poibiws, ^vea^ero. Acharn. 709. 1 It still remains a disputed point among the learned, what nation was designated by the K-rm 'Axsuts, in Honic-r, and its inhabitants 'Axatoi. Heyne has a learned note on tliis subject a( B. (> 1. \vhicli though not fully conclusive, contuius much useful matter for future examination. AXAA AX00 161 , ov, o et rj, adj. [efFraenatus,] unbridled. 'AyaX/ywv <7ro>drwv. Bacch. 381. AxaXeevrto, et d^a\cos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non aere fabric atus, non aheneus,] not formed of brass, not brazen. Floats 5.^a\Kevroialv g&vKrat irdbas. Eur. fr. Pirith. 4. See also CE. T. 200. where d^nXKos aairlbwv denotes ' unarmed with shields of brass/ xdi/7, >7s, ^, subst. [mensura Persica frumentaria,] a Persian corn-measure. Oi/K, dXX' a^avas dbt ye ypwlov Xeyei. Acharn. 108. xdpis, Irds, acc. Iv, et axapiards, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ingratus,] ungrateful, un- gracious, disagreeable. "A^apiv KeXdbov novaiZtipevos. Cycl. 486. See Hec. 137. SYN. 'ATrddvfJlWs, drjbfjS) OVK a.ffTlOS, KaKtis, XviTTJpOS, ^aXeTfds. xapvevs, * ws > o, subst. et adj. [Acharnensis,] Acharnian, an inhabitant of Acharna?, one of the brjjjiot of Attica. Act yap pit tyevyovr eK^vyelv 'A^a/oveas. ^Acharn. 177. SYN. 'Axapv^ds, (Acharn. 666.) 'A^apvrjlbris. (Acharn. 322.) , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [nullis tempestatibus agitatus,] untossed by storms. V p* eire^e avv irvtiais. JfLsch. SuppL 142. SYN. 'AKvpavrds. j/s, eds, 6 et r/, adj. [manibus carens,] devoid of hands. 'O, avrfaotiv. (E. C. 698. ^Xulos, et 'AxeXyds, ov, 6, P. N. [Achelous,] a river which separates Acar- nania from ^Etolia. Ty, ovre Kpelw 'AxeX&lds iadfapiSet. 0. 194. See also Androm. 167. EPITH. 'Apyvpobivrjs, KaXvbwvWs. PHR. See Trach. 9. Sfo, ov, rj t subst. [prunus sylvestris,] a species of thorn, the sloe-tree. Kot- T a^epbov Kcnrd Xatvov ratyov. 1 Qi. C. 1596. SYN. A)(pds. j et 'A^tpovaWs, 7 ' a, dv,adj. [Acheronticus, vel Acherusius,] belonging to Acheron. Kpdret Xlptva Xlxwv yl rov 'AylpovTWv. Here. F. 766. See also Here. F. 834. ^tpwts, ibosj rj, subst. [populus alba,] the white poplar. "Hpfori 6' os tire TIS bpvs rlpiTrev I) dy^epwts. N. 389. ^tpwv, ovros, o, P. N. [Acheron,] (l)a river of Thesprotia in Epirus, (2) fa- bulously applied to a river in Orcus or Hell. EvctS^s 'A^epoyrd irtiXvoTdvov OVK tirepaffev. Theocr. 17-47. EPITH. 'Aevdos, fiadvs, biv^ei$ Kvavltis, bv<> adj. [molestus,] grievous, odious. 'A\6eivd. fiot raXXorpla Kpiveiv KCLKCL. Hec. 1222. SYN. Bdpi/, fio^Qrjptis, rdXcuTrwpo's, a\eyeivds, XI/TTI;- tiv, tivos, ^, subst. [tristitia, aegritudo,] sorrow, distress. 'Aei be TOV irdp- ^owv KO.KOV. P. V. 26. SYN/'Ax^os, aXyds, aXyTjSwv. t, f. axQeadfjiat et cty^fffy 101 ' v. [gravor, moleste fero,] to be laden with sorrow, to be grieved, to be indignant. Ov yap ac KWfjtagovr di> ^\Q6^riv 8p&v. Alcest. 831. SYN. Avtr^opew, d^evw, dydvafcr^a;, dSiy/u^rew, tmaw, Xv- , t^s, ro, subst. [(1) onus, (2) molestia,] (l)a load, a load of evil, ^dis- tress, trouble, sorrow. IloXXd /udX'' ov& av vrivs eKarov^vyds &\Q6s dpoird. T. 247. SYN. (1) Bapos, /aox^os, (2) Xv?r7, a^"*, arvyvorrjs, icar^eia. EPITH. , dXtaaroV, o/3pr//dv, erwolo'v, ffrvyepdv. 1 See Brunck's note on this passage, and Suidas, v." 2 'A X >i/(rros, a5os, is used in A poll. 2. 354. Pro*. LCJ-. 162 AXIA AYAY 'Ax'Xevs, et 'AxtXXevs, ews et ijos, o, P. N. [Achilles,] the son of Peleus. yets 'AX*XXWS Tratbos CK fjuaifyovov. Hee. 24. SYN. AldKibqs, n?7\etwv, ' ' \eibr]s. EPITH. 'A/uvyuwv, 0eo7s eirleiKeXos, peyd ^eprdros 'AXOIWV, o/Spfy/dy, 6'X/3ids, Vfos YlijXeos, bdfypuv, bovpixXvTos, KXvros, TTOIS Qerlbos, irobds WKVS, opxd^uos dv bp&v, ireXwpids, irobas Td%vs, TrrdXiTropOds, rdx#s, aval-,, dXdds, Troi/ur/v Xawv, dyavds, /cpdrepos, fCvSdXijUos, OedeiKeXos, ^ ^ subst. [" est in genere, res non cohaerens, sed minutatim sparsa;" Damm. c. 2737'] chaff, foam. IIoXXov be rpotyi Kvpd KvXivberal, 6' d^vrj. A. 307 SYN. A^pos, axXvs, Kcnrvos, d^vpos. at, et dxo/zat, v. [doleo,] to grieve, to mourn. "AxJ'vjucu, oTnroTe rls nebvoid dvaKTos. . 170. , ov, 6 et f], adj. [felle carens,] devoid of gall. Nijirevdes T dyokov re, KaKuiv ETrlXrjQov dTravnov. 5.221. A-xopevrds, et dxopos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [chorearum expers, illaetabilis,] joyless. "Aras KeXdbeiv dxopevrovs. Troad. 121. See also (E. C. 1223. SYN. ITdpd- /uovffds, dvavXos. A-Xos, eds, ro, subst. [mosror,] mourning, sorrow. *fts ^dro* Il^Xe/am 6' dx^s ylver', ev be 01 ^rop. A. 188. SYN. 'A via, dXyos, ax06s, XVTT^. EPITH. Atvov, dXaoroV, arX^rov, d^v, TTVKIVOV, dXeyetvov, d/iyapro>, eXeetvov, arv- yep^v. Axpavrds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [impollutus, castusj unpolluted, pure, chaste. "Aypavrov al/ud KaXXiTrapfievov bep^s* Iph. A. 1573. SYN."AfCpai0v))s, d\//av- oros, dBucros, d^pdros, dyvds. as, dods, f] t subst. [primus sylvestris,] the sloe-tree. See "Axep&ds. 'Axpas tVao 1 ' x et r " Girid. Eccles. 352. a, ov, et 6 et ^, adj. [inutilis, ineptus,] useless, sluggish, foolish. Oi/o' os dxpelov rds yvvaiKds ev Xeyeiv. Eur. Suppl. 299- SYN. ^A^rjffTOSy direoi- fcws, aTTpeirris, Kovos, 0avXos. k\pfiij[dTbs, ov, et d"xp/7fiwv, dj/os, 6 et ^, adj. [carens pecunia,] poor, without money. 'Axp^droto-i $r)p.iats ravpovpevdv. Choe'ph. 269. See Solon. SYN. 'Avapyvpos, d/3ids, dn-opos, dipds, afcXr;pds. A-xp^os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [inutilis, incommodus,] useless, hurtful, ineffec- tual, disadvantageous. Kov&ev y' dxp^^rov, ov^e xP^ )p, K&pfri, ayvvi. 'A\j;dXaKT8s, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [qui tactus non est,] untouched, unpunished. -^* a^dXaKTos. Lysistr. 275. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui non est tactus; qui non tetigit,] untouched ; ATEF BABA 163 not having touched. "A-fyavoros ey^ovs, ei ri /t>) T$ '// nody. (E. R. SYN. 'ATrdfljfc, aQiKTos, arivrjTds, fyaXaKros. , adv. [sine reprehensione,] without censure or reproof. ' evl peovrriv ayvidis. A poll. 2. 1019- os, et CL^CKTOS, ov, o et >), adj. [irreprehensus,] irreproachable, blame- less, harmless. 'A^eyes ireXyv Ttpds. Soph. Electr. 497. See Theog. 797. , v. [non mentior,] not to lie, to tell the truth, to be sincere. IIpos & a^evbelv ad. Trach. 4>5. eds, 6 et ^, adj. [mentiri nescius,] free from lying, true, infalli- ble. N?7pews ' <7rpd(f)r)Tr)S rXavKos, afavbtjs Beds. Orest. 358. SYN. 'A\r)dlt>6s, , ov, 6 et /, adj, [non rasus, durus,] unshaved, rough, hard. TySe y vrara^w rw Kodopva TYIV yvatiov. Lysistr. 658. SYN. 'Aca/ o^r//udros. Hipp. 1228. SYN. Ae6ppoos, et a-^oppds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [refluus, retrogradus,] flowing back, ebbing, retrograde, back. 'Ev Trpdy^o^s be (3d\oi a\j;oppdov 'ftfceui^old. v. 65. See also P. V. 1020. SYN. UaXippdds. A\jjos, eds, ro, subst. [compages menibrorum ; artus,] a joint. Ev^t 6' avaK\iv- 6e~iaa' \vQev be 01 a^ea TTCLVTO,. 6. 79^. SYN. 'Aifsls, et ^> a( ^J' [vitae expers ; timidus,] lifeless; cowardly. OIov a^v^oialv eoiKores etSwXotfftv. Apoll. 4. 1280. SYN. "Advpos, droX^os, AW, seedafcw, or"Ar)ij.i. t, adv. [intempestive,] unseasonably. DoXXdKt VVKTOS dwpl' rpe^w ^c rot d ve/3pws. Theocr. 11. 40. SYN. 'AKCUOWS, Trdpd Katpov. , as, ^, subst. [intempestivitas,] an unseasonable time. 'AXX' dwpiov Acharn. 23. SYN. 'Aiccupm. , et dwpios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [intempestivus, indecorus, negligens,] unsea- sonable, untimely, improper, negligent. T Jfll r>/s dwpov dvyarep nd\ta TV^YJS. Hec. 423. See also Arat. Phaen. 1076. SYN/'AKCUJDOS, det^s, a7rpeirr)s, d^apis. AwpovvKTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [intempesta nocte veniens, &c.] coming at an unseasonable part of the night. IL/ewv, aupovvKTov d/4/3oa/ud. Choeph. 31. SYN. MeaovvKTlos. Awrew, v. [(1) flores decerpo, (2) carpo, ut somnum,] (1) to pluck or gather flowers, (2) to enjoy, as sleep. "Epyetf, Tvbeos vie, TI ifavvv^ov VTTVUV durels ; K. 159. SYN. (1) 'ATrav6i$<>, dTT^Xavw, (2) Kadevbw. Awror, ro, et dwros, 6, gen. ov, s.ubst. [flos ; praestantissimum cujusque rei,] a flower; the most excellent of its kind. Ai-Kas dwrtfs, cffXtfs aiveiv. Nem. 3.50. SYN."A'0os ; eptoy, aretyavos, dyaX/id. B. Bd/Sot, Bd/3atd, [interjectio admirantis, papae!] bravo! Tols ; jGdjStu. Acharn. 806. See Ran. 63. 1 Nr?/>e'wj is here scanned as a spondee. 164 BABY BA0T Bd/SvXu/y, Gtvos, //, P. N. [Babylon,] the capital of Assyria. Kat Mvffoi' Bd/3vXa\Ty ebrjfft ILtpipapis. Theocr. 17- 9*. Bay/m, dT#s, TO, subst. [sermo, rumor,] talk, rumor. Al-avfj bvadpod /Say/idrd ; Pers. 642. SYN. AVJ), 0pods, ^r;. BdS/jv, adv. [pedetenlim ,] step by step, slowly. Tov be fldbrjv dviovTos OLKOV- rio-e bovpi tidetvy . N. 5l6. SYN. 'E^3do>, ??p/uu. Bd/c?w, f. pdbtovfjiat, v. [gradior,] to walk, to proceed along, "laov fldbtctetv rdv evtavffiov KVK\OV. Phoen. 554. SYN. BcuVw, fiaiTKw, KIU, Tropevo/iat, Trept- ew, oSevw, ore/jSw. PHR. AJOIKW TrojuTrfyuovs ^octs TTO^WV. s, r/, subst. [ingress us,] walk, gait. 'AKJ^O^ Ti, rj^ pabltret KO.I T$ t. Plut. 334. SYN. Haptibos, ijXvols, nopeta, /3dSos. , gerund, adj. [gradiendus,] must go. BdStareov y ap' karlv eni TrdXiv. Ran. 656. ))s, ov, 6, subst. [tolutarius, cursor,] a walker, a runner. Td^vs /3dSi) TOV At', (us ovros ye pfi fiabioTlKov. Ran. 128. SYN. Td)(D7rov$, TrdbapKrjSjTrobas WfCVS. BdSos, oi/, 6, subst. [gressus, iter,] a walk. Atd ravra rovbe TOV flabov (3abid- HEV. Av. 42. SYN. Eablffts. Bd5w, f. era) et ^w, v. [dico, loquor,] to speak. Tpuwv 'tTnrdbafjiwv' at be ravr dve/jLwXla (3cteis. A. 355. SYN. See Avciw. Bd0/us, ibtis et 7os, ^, et fiaQfids, ov, o, subst. [gradus, limen, basis,] a step, entrance, threshold, the base of a statue. Alwvds O.KPO.V {3adfj.ibie\tdr, dyaX/id. Bd0v/3ovX<5s, oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [profundi consilii,] deeply wise. . Pers. 147. YN. BadvftriTrjs, /3d0u0paiv, fiativvovs. Bd0i)yeios, ov, 6 et ^, adj.. [pinguis (de terris),] having a deep soil, fertile. Oo?/3os Kat padvyetfo e^v noXtv fyparre Bany. Call. 2. 65. SYN. Bd0vXr/tos, evyeitis. Radvbivrjs, ov, et /3d0vo>r/eis, e^Tds, adj. [profundos vortices habens,] abound- ing with deep eddies, deeply flowing. "Ai/Td 5' dp' 'H0a/orouJ ^eyas TroTdyuos fiddvbivrjs. Y. 73. See also 0. 15. Bd0v(>ods, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [celeberrimus,] very glorious. Bd0vo-oi yetrdVes, wv KXeds av-drioev. Pyth. 1. 128. BdOv^wi/to, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [profundum, i.e. demissum sinum habens,] deep- girdled, loug-waisted. r ft /3d0v5wvwv dvatrad IlepfftSwv i>7rpTdr^. Pers. 155. * SYN. Bd0varepvcte, pdOvKoXiros. "Bd6vOpt, Tpt^oj, 6 et //, adj. [bene lanatus, villosus,] thick-haired, shaggy. Mf/Xd /3d0vrp?x" PooKeTal aid. Horn. Apoll. 412. BdOvArXi/s, ^fls, 6, P. N. [Bathycles,] 'ErpdTrtT', eKTeivev be EddvKX^a peyd6vfj.dv. n. 594. Bd0v/coX7r^>s, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [demissum sinum habens,] deep-bosomed, long- waisted. Ol/zat a/, adj. [altas et profundas ripas habens,] having banks steep and rugged. EdOvKp^/jivoiiji b' a/u^>'. Nem. 9. 95. ^T(s, ibtis, 6 et r\, adj. [alta fundamenta habens,] having a deep founda- 1 See Dr. Bl. Sept. Theb. 862. BA0Y BAIO 185 tion, strongly built. UXwe fld8vKpfait>8s en cvpea Sfyu&> 'Aflvbov. Musze. 229. Bd0vXei)uo', ov t et /3d0vXe'i/uwy, wvo"s, 6 et ^, adj. [ampla pascua babens,] having fertile or extensive meads. Qrjpas re d0eas, ij&"AvOeiav /3d0vXeijuo>. I. 293. See also Pylh. 10. 23. Bd0vX//tos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [ferax,] baving deep corn, fruitful. 'Ev ' ZrWet Tepevos fidOvXyloV ev6d b' b' epidoi. 2. 550. SYN. Bd0vyeios, ei/yeios, evKap- iros, eyKaprcds. BddvpaXXos, ov, o et r/, adj. [villosus,] thick-wooled, fine-fleeced. Aepyt/d 5e Kptov fiadvpaXXov dyeir. Pyth. 4. 286. SYN. Bd0v0p<, 7roXv0p<, , oi/, 6 et /;, adj. [profundi ingenii,] possessing great talent. "ETTOS eyw' Bd0up>d Xe/jowv. Nem. 3. 92. SYN. Bd0w/3ovX6s. , v. [excavo,] to hollow, to deepen, to dig deep. 'E&ppri&v obo'iS, /3d- Qvve be \wpov dvravrd. *. 421. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [densus arboribus,] thickly wooded. Otrpais, TO ' 3d0v^i)Xw r)s, eds t 6 et ^, adj. [alte effossus,] deeply dug. 'AXX' ij KVOCUOIV, ?i pd6vffKa~i Kovei. Soph. Electr. 435. Bd0vvXXos, ov, 6 et f], adj. [frondosus,] broad-leaved. Avrdp Ijuot yXvKvs virvos V7TO TrXdrdvy /3d0v0vXXw. Mosch. Id. 5. SYN. 'EptyvXXos, eivdfffyvXXos, ico//^- 7775, evddXfjs. Bd0vxa/r??s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui densam habet caesariem,] having thick or long hair. Avrovoi/v0', >> yrjpev 'Aptoralos ^aQv^niTris. Hes. Theog. 977. SYN. , ovos, 6 et rj, adj. [altam habens tellurem, fertilis,] deep-soiled, fer- tile. Tdv /3d0v X 0o'' aidv. Sept. Theb. 294. SYN. See Bd0/X7yros. BmVw, f. /3r// fiaKrrjpia.. Acharn. 682. See also Acharn. 447. Phoen. 1555. Troad. 278. SYN. IK//K- 7ro)t>, ff/o/TTwv, aKiirwv, paflbos, poiraXos. EPITH. 'A/^TreXoeis, avro(j)\otds t W> v ' [bacchor,] to be inspired by Bacchus, to revel, to rage. vrpos ccXtt})', Owds ws, 0o/3ov /3\7rwv. Sept. Theb. 494. /a, as, ^, subst. [bacchatio,] a festival of Bacchus, a revel. NCv bofioiol Pamelas KaXijs. Choeph. 686. , ov, 6, subst. [acclamatio, in sacrificiis, quae fiebat in honorem Dionysi,] a sacrificial shout in honor of Bacchus. 'Hadevr Iriiraiuvlaai, KCL\ EaKx^a^xov ^o-at. Equit. 407. cU-^etos, a, dy, et /Sa^etwrT/s, ou, o, adj. [Baccheus,] Bacchean, belonging to Bacchus. B et Ba/cxts, tds, ^, subst. [(1) Bacchi sacerdos, (2) quovis furore bacchanali percita,] a priestess of Bacchus ; a devotee to Bacchus, a frantic woman. Albd/neva, ^epofiai Ba/:x a VEKVUV. Phoen. 1503. See also Antig. 1129. SYN. Mourns. See Theocr. 26. EPITH. 'Atrms, KaSjuem, Qvpo6- opos, eK0jOWJ', TrapaTrX^, vvfcriTroXos, x|^ 7r3 7> Xwcro-ds, ope (Tat/Bards, QeoffavTos, fjiavias, fjtavi(i)&r)s, Xapvarm, xepaatyopos. ar^ev/ictj arcs, ro, subst. [(l) furor Bacchic us, (2) p/ttr. Bacchanalia,] (l) Bac- chanalian fury, (2) the orgies of Bacchus. TotrovSe y' e^w arfiffdpcu /3a*cxv- /udrwi/. Troad. 569. a/cxevfftjuov, ov, ro, et BaK-xeuo-is, ews, ^f, subst. [bacchatio,] bacchanalian frenzy, revelling. Mavns & o baipwv o6e* ro yap j3aK^val^ov. Bacch. 294. See also Bacch. 353. SYN. Ba^e/a. afcxevw, et Bafcxta6vu)\ Orest. 405. See Cycl. 204. SYN. , wi/, ot, P. N. [Corinthii,] the Corinthians, so called from Bacchia the daughter of Bacchus. Elaore Ba^a^ai, yeverjv 'EQvprfiev eoyres. Apoll. 4. 1212. afcx^s, et fianxeids, a, of, adj. [Bacchicus,] of or belonging to Bacchus. Ylepl aa Bafcxi' opytd, fiarpos re /j)s, Trvpnrve/wv, TroXv- , tpi/3po/ios, MatvdSwv, BdXdveloi/, oi/, ro, subst. [balneum,] a bath. Tds TrvtXovs 0T/)v, 6, subst. [rex,] a king. BdX>)v, dp x a7os /3dX>)v, lOl, IKOV. Pers. 663.' SYN. See fidaiXevs. BaX/3>, dpdjBos be bid ffTopd yivtr obovTwv. K. 375. Ba^d, drds, ro, subst. [tinctura,] an immersion, a dye. "H etvai /3dju/ja ^LapblavlKov. Pax 1174. SYN. 'AXot^r/. ~Bdvavffds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [mechauicus ; illiberalis,] a mechanic, a laborer; mean, degrading. Ov yap fiavavaov TTJV T\vr)v k.KTi]adpr}v . Aj. F. 1141. , r/, subst. [fama, oraculum,] fame, report, oracle. Ken)v dKovaas, v 0o/3w v(j>dXeis. Orest. 1575. SYN. $>///;, ddris, fAavreldy. BaTrrdy, r), df, adj. [tinctus, immersus,] dyed, dipped, colored. T ft ITo* erepos av fiairros opvis ovroffi. Aves 287- BaTrrw, v. [(1) mergo, (2) tingo, (3) haurio,] to dip, to dye, to stain, to draw. Bai//a (3e/3a- prjora pe typevas oivw. r. 122. SYN. 'Rapwo/nai, ZirCpptOta, irf&fyrai d^Olw. Bapts, tSds, //, subst. [navigium, ratis,] a boat or barge used on the Nile. 1 2ova. Hec. 104. SYN. BpWos, ppW&ffvvrj, avia, r, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [graviter dolens, seu gravem dolorem inferens,] very grievous, distressing. BdpvdXyTjr'* e/iot 5' a^os caratce. Aj. Fl. 200. SYN. Bdpvs, aXyewos, 'xaXeiros. Bdpva^s, Dor. pro (3dpvr)'x / r)s, eds, 6 etrjf, adj. [graviter sonans,] deeply sounding or groaning, distressing. T il -^QovlaL ftapva^Zs dpfipdtydpot 0' djud. Av. 1750. 'Bdpvj3pefjieTr}s, ov, o, et /3dpv/3pd/uds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [deeply and loudly roaring, awfully sounding. Bdpv/3p/jrd yevds. Antig. 1117. See also Nub. 312. SYN. l&apvKTVTrds, j3a.pvr)'%f]S, (3apvybovTrds, tplyboviros. Bdpv/3pws, &TOS, 6 et r/, adj. [graviter mordens,] eating deeply. Bdpv/5pwr' d?ro- KXavffetev. Philoct. 694. Bdpvy5oi/7rds, et fiapvbovTros, ov, o et ?/, adj. [graviter sonans,] loudly roaring. 'OS//// T' l-^Qvoeffffo. (3dpvybov7rotd OdXaffffrjs. Mus. 270. See also Mosch. 2. 116. Bdpvyovmrds, et (3apvyovvds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [genua oppressus, tardus,] tired, slow. T H pa TIS effffi Xtav flapvyovvaros ; % pa (f>lXvin>os ; Theocr. 18. 10. See also Call. 4. 78. ^dpvbaifjtwv, ovos, et (3dpvbatpdvE(i}j', eovros, o et r/, adj. [infelix,] oppressed by an evil genius, ill-fated, unhappy. Auor^os lyw rijs (3apvbaifjidvds. Troad. 112. See also Equit. 555. SYN. Bdpi/Trorjuos, drv^/s, bvffrv^s, Katiobaip.wv t aQXios. Bdpvot/cos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [graviter puniens,] severely punishing. Bdpv5t;, adj. [gravia dans mala,] dispensing affliction, afflictive. Bdpi/Soretpd, /uoypd. Sept. Theb. 973. ftapvdvfjids, ov, 6 et */, adj. [graviter animo adfectus,] deeply affected in mind ; fierce. Et TTWS fiapvdvfjov opyav. Med. 177- SYN. 'J Eapvdw, v. [gravor,] to be oppressed. Tepr^i/ai bvvarac fiapvBei be pol vir avrov. II. 519. SYN. t fipidopat. J$apvKoijnros,ov, o et >/, adj. [gravem strepitum edens,] loudly roaring. H Ketvov ye KO.I (3apvKOfj.irot. Fyth. 5. 76. BdpvKords, et flapvprivids, ov, 6 et r}, adj. [gravem iram gerens,] very in- dignant. 'Eyw b' artfjitis, r/ rdXatvd fiapvKOTos. Eumen. 783. See Theocr. 15. 138. Bapvfcrvffos, see Bapvfipdfjios. Hes. Op. 77. Bdpi/Xoyds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [raaledicus,] uttering bitter things, reproachful. Bdpi/Xoyois e^QeaLV Trlaivofjitvov. Pyth. 2. 100. Rapvixa, f. vvw, v. [(l)gravo, premo ; (2) molestia afficio,] to make heavy, to load ; to annoy, to exasperate. Kat ^v aKoretvov ofjtfjia pov jSdpyj'erai. Alcest. 395. SYN. Bdpew, T\r), irtyvXatf /3dpv- irveiovTas urjTas. Musae. 21 6. J JB RdpvKorpos, ov, o et r/, adj. [infelix,] ill-fated, unhappy. O'ifjiot %vp;uwrdras. Plioen. 1364. SYN. See Bdpvoai^wj/. Bdpvs, e7d, v, adj. [gravis, molestus,] heavy, strong, robust ; infirm, trouble- some, dangerous. J'fts juoi /3dpe7d Kal bdfjiois eirearadris. Hipp. 821. SYN. Ahos, aXyeivos, fl\%xpos, 7rdxft/)s, ^dXeTros. Bdpvorafy/os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ponderosus,] heavy, massive. 'AAX' erepdv av TI TUIV fiapvoraOfAuv. Ran. 1397- w, v. [graviter gemo, s. suspiro,] to groan deeply. Tf)v Se fiapv- pdoetpr) irobas d>ws 'A^tXXeys. A. 364. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [graviter suspiransj deeply groaning, lamentable. Bapvarov elvnc Trpos b' tudvoiatv TI 0?fs. (E. R. 1233. Bdpi/ordvws, adv. [gravi luctu,] with deep sorrow 01 groaning, 'l^oi iridetrQt /^T; flapvffTovws (j>epetv. Eumen. 797- "Rapva-tyapayos, ov, o et 77, adj. [quod gravem edit slrepitum,] deep clashing, loudly thundering. AIO.KOV /3dpi/a^dpdyy Trd-rpt. Istli. 8. 47. SYN. Bdpur^d- payos. Bdpi/n^uos, ov, 6 et %, adj. [pretiosus,] very costly ; severe in punishment. "YTrd-o/ TC 0fo/, blKa/ws ; b. 'Pyfows. Ran. 642. SYN. *Eera:?w, 5oKtjua) paaavy. (E. R. 492. SYN. (2) Kplals, n- BdatXem, as, fiavtXls, ibvs, et fiavlXiffaa, rjs, r/, subst. [regimi,] a queen, a prin- cess. BdcrtXetd yitrui^Qovm 'Apyeias. Eur. Electr. 988. See Hipp. 26?. et Tlieocr. 15. 24. SYN/Ararrtrd. EPITH. Aibola, tyQlpn t Trept^pwr, irdXv/iyr;- ffTTj, aTro(3\e7rTos, adavarr), dyafcXeirj), aoltftfjtis, d^at/id^er;;. BdatXetos, 1 paaiXtjifa, et /3afftAuos, /}, or, adj. [regius,] belonging to a kinjf, regal, roval. AoceTs a-Trdt't^eiv ^w/^d fiau*t\wnt 7r7rXw'. Med. 956. See also TT. 401. et Phoen. 1346. Bdo-tXevs, ews, 6, subst. [rex, dorninus,] a king, ruler, governor, commander. rioffd inv Xe&iv paalXevoi bows ; Heracl. 295. SYN. "Ava^, aytis, Kotpavds, Kooy/r/rwp. EPITH. 'Aydflos, dyavos, albo~ids, dyUi/yuwv, d/zat^dcero$, apfirptir>}s, apigrjXos, dyaK'Xetros, avrlQlos, dy?/vwp, dypwx s > ayards, bripofldpos, T/TTIOS, KpeitTffwv, Trtpt^pwv, irpotypwv, aKtjTTTOv^ds, , adj. compar. et superl. formed from the subst. Bd<7*Xevs, in the same manner as KaXXtW, a\a^ii>)v t KV/O>, and several others are derived from the subst. KaXXfo, al^os, icvSos, [augustior, augustis- simus,] more and most kingly, or like a king. "Go-troy ftdal\evrcpds eip.1. I. 160. See I. 169. , v. [rex sum, regno,] to be a king, to exercise kingly power. "lv IX- fldaiXevaeiy. Ion 1087- SYN. 'Avaffffw, ai<7V/ivdw, ap^w, e/u/3d, elfju t Kpdrea), Qpov eyKa6ffi?w, evOvVw Xaols biKas. Bdo-ts, ews, 7>, subst. [(1) gressus, (2) pes, (3) fundamentum,] a going, a pace, a step ; the spoke or summit of a wheel ; a foundation. "EX*:w irobos ftdfftv. Phcen. 31 1. SYN. (1) BdStats, (2) TTOVS, (3) fia8}Jids, ebpa, 7rv0/u/v. BatrieatW, f. avw, v. [(1) fascino, (2) invideo, (3) accuso,] to fascinate, to envy, to accuse. 'Sis ^ fiaffKavOut be, rpls els tpov eTrrCad KoX-xov. Theocr. 5. 13. SYN. $apjudm>w, 00orw, Xi/Treo/iat, fte/z^o/uai. Ba-ta, as, ^, subst. [(1) fascinatio, (2) invidia, (3) obtrectatio,] fascina- tion, envy, calumny, detraction. T Hp)>, 6 6' ffeiaev Kpeiaativa fiacrKavir)s. Call. Ep. 22. SYN. $dm>os. Bacr/cdvos, ou, 6, subst. [fascinator, &c.] an enchanter, a deceitful, malignant or envious person. 'ETriTraord Xe/as bi)fjCi6irpa& 6 fiaffKavos. Equit. 103. SYN. Qdovepos, vfiptffrris, (BXaPfyds. Ba^w, Ion. pro Bda> s. Bfjftl, v. [eo,] to go. B(W Wl, ovX? "6/e/p2, Bdasfirl vfjcis 'A^ataiv. Bdaray/ud, drds, TO, subst. [gestamen, onus,] a thing carried, a load, a burthen. Aeivoy fjiev fa /Ddorery/id, Kalff^vvrjv t^ftr. Eur. Suppl. 777. SYN. Bdpos. Baord e/uo/. Alcest. 40. SYN. */ow, ^opew, avaKovtyiZw, aipw, icdyu^w, eKKoplZw. Bdretd, s. /Sdrtetd, as, ^, subst. [tumulus Myrinnes, cujusdam Amazonis, ita dictus,] a rising ground said to be the tomb of a certain Amazon called Myrinne. "Avfyes Bdriemv KiK\riaKovalv. B. 813. Bdrew, et fiarevia, V. [coe'o,] to mount. 'fltTroXos, OKK eaopy ras /naKabas old /3d- reuvrat. Theocr. 1. 87. See Eur. Supp. 1013. SYN. B'ew, /utVyo//at. Bdria, as, 7% subst. [rubetum,] a bramble, a thicket. KtKpvTrro yap /3drta r' ev aTreip-ciTM. Olymp. 6. 90. BariboffK&Trds, ov, 6, subst. [helluo,] fond of thornback, a glutton. &pirviai. Pax 811. Bdrts, tos, % subst. [(1) herbee nomen, (2) piscis quidam, (3) avis quacdam,] (2) a thornback. Ovbe x af P w fiarlalv. Vesp. 510. Bdros, ov, ri, subst. [rubus, sentis,] a thorn-bush, a bramble. Nvv Id p.kv ^d- peotre, /Sdroi, tydpeoire 6' dcav0at. Theocr. 1. 132. s, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [rubos decerpens,] cropping the shrubs. T fl yepot>, ld /3droSf>d7r Trot^evros. Horn, in Merc. 190. /, ov, ro, subst. [ranunculus, genus herbae, cujus succo inficiebant faciem ante inventas personas. Vid. Suid. in v.] a ranunculus, (2) a dye, the juice of a flower with which the actors besmeared their faces before the invention of masks. Kai Xvc7e?wv, icat -^rjvi$(i)v f Kal ftaTrrdfievos j^drpd^elois Eq. 520. Barpd^is, ?5os, 7^, subst. [vestis, a ranunculi colore dicta,] a frog-colored gar- ment. "ETTOV be ravr/ji/i \dj3wv r^v ftdrpd-^lbd. Eq. 1406. Barpd^ds, ov, 6, subst. [rana,] a frog. Kdc r&v 7*, v, subst. [(1) immersio, (2) tinctura, (3) color,] immersion, dye, color. BAEA BEPE 171 albripvs ws, , adj. [flagitiosus, impurus,] abominable, impure, impudent. 'AXX' ov X t vvvi y' o fibeXvpos rov vovv e X et. Plut. 993. SYN. 'AvoaWs, dffeir- ros, airevKros, dTrorpoTros, dffeXyrjS, dicdXaffros, fitdpos, ^.o\Qr\p6s. BScXtfrrd/um, v. [detestor, proprie ob foetorem,] to abhor, to nauseate. Kid, as, >/, P. N, [Bebrycia,] an ancient name of Bithynia. Etcrw Be/3/>v- , 'AJJ.VKOV fjidptiv ayycXeovres. Apoll. 2. 136. , v. [comedo, voroj to eat, to devour, 'ft/zov /3e/3po0ots FIpld/uoK, Tlpidjjtotd re TratSds. A. 35. See Btjtfpworw. efCKetreXT/vds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [lunaticus,] one who receives bread from the moon, an old dotard. Kat Kpovtwv 6'5a>v, Kal /SeKfceo-eXr/^e. Nub. 398. SYN. KpoviKos, Kpdvios. , ov, ro, subst. [telum, sagitta,] a dart, a shaft. BeXe/ij/d watts' as 6? TreptffTdbov. Androm. 1125. vr^s, ov, 6, P. N. [Bellerophon,] at first called Hipponoiis, the son of Glaucus king of Ephyra. Flavras yap KdreTre^ev d^tv/uwv BeXXtpo^oVrijs. Z. 190. EPITH. Adi0pwv, eadXos, Kpdraios. ?HR. AldXtbds fldatXevs. eXd^, rjs, fj, subst. [(l)acus, (2) piscis quidam,] a needle, a bodkin ; a kind of fish. EvfjtrjKTjs /3e\dv7?, TrayxaXKedy epydv H Aprids. Batrach. 129- SYN. BeXds, eds, ro, subst. [telum, jaculum,] an arrow, a shaft, a javelin. 'Apye7d KaiKabfjtetd fAlfavres (3eXri. Ph(Bn. 896. SYN/AKWV, dtovrioy, arpacrds, Ids, oiffTds, j3eXdvr). EPITH. "AXtoy, d^avpov, e X e7rv ifav^las r//iwv irpoffOev fieppiKtZuffiv tavrovs. Vesp. 1517* See Aves 1465. Be/i/&, ticos, r/, subst. [turbo,] a whipping-top. Oi ^' d>' VTTO vXrjyyal Goas fieppiKas e X ovres. Call. Ep. 1.9. Bei/0os, etJs, ro, poet, pro /3d0os, subst. [profunditas,] depth, profundity. na, ov, ro, subst. Ion. i. q. Kdp$8p8v. TrjXe fjidX', jf x * /3d0fffroy VTO , B/8a v. [tnssio,] to cough. "E/3jjrr TpixtSw*' eaTrepas e/UTrXr/yueros. Eccles. 56. Bta, as, >/, subst. [vis, robur,] strength, force, violence, opposition to. Bt^c yvvdiKa Tfjvbe a e^atpj/o-eroi. Alcest. 69. SYN. *Is, jV^vs, %i> t aXnr/. EPITH. "Aa^eros, arpetrros, otrreyu^^s, apprjKTos, jueydXo^pwv, /ueydX?/, (i(j)dlros t XeuydXta, viKr)opos t e/jnrebos, vr/vrta, vTrepdvfjids, 'Erto/fXj/et'T/, ' t, v. [vim adfero, &c.] to force, to use violence, to overwhelm, to at- tack. "Aj/a, /3mei ft' ov QfXovrd p^v rdSe. Alcest. 1135. SYN. Btdw, filaofj.a.1, 7reiy7rep/3tws, eu/ais, trd^ws, apuv t aofr'i. BIHN BAAI 173 dpfc, 6, P. N. [Bianor,] a Trojan warrior. Upurds dpova XZ o' TrotjUfVd Xa&v. A. 92. , et /3tve, (2) /3idn), fiords, w77, ^vx>), r po0//. EPITH . ( 1 ) TrajUTrros, icpdrepos, (2) a///*pos, Kpvepos, XvTrpos, XJ/TTJ/POS, Xeiyyd\os, Xyypos, Xot?r6s, poyepos, 6ivpos, TroXwrXrjros, Ttiicpos, wrtpoets, ffrvyepus, (rtfoeis, ororoets, CTK'Xrjpos, rdXa/Trwpos, TV(f>\us. ioarep^s, os, 6 et ^, adj. [cui vicius non suppetit,] deprived of food, destitute, poor. Biocrrfpiy x w l^*' r "> r) 7' cyw rdXas. CE. C. 74-7- SYN. ' Btorevw, /3tow, /^twjut, v. [vivo,] to live, to florist). Tov eTretrd -^povov fiiorevffet. Alcest. 249. See also Alcest. 800. and K. 174. SYN. Zdw, /3X7rw. Btorj), >/s> faoTTjs, rjros, et filoTos. Vid. Bios, Btorav aTvytpav irpoXiirovaa. Med. 147. See Horn. Mart. 10. and Orest. 197. SYN. Sec Bios. BIOT-//CTIOS, ov, 6 et i;, adj. [ad vitam sustentandara pertinens,] fit for supporting life. 7 Hi/oV dyue/jSovrat fiwrqaldv ovbe irork oqlv. Apoll. 2. 1007. BtorioV, ov, ro, subst. [parvus victus,] a slender subsistence. OVTOS yap efavpr)- Ktt> avry filurlov. Plut. 1165. Biw^, (ai'ds, 6, P. N. [Bion.] Kdi Trord/^oi ifXaiotre ro^ ifjitpdevra Biwvd. Mosch. 3. 2. PHR. Awpios 'Qptyevs, ayeXatotv epaafjilos. Biaxri/ios, ov, o et r/, et ,/3iwrds, #, oj/, adj. [vitalis,] worth living for. Ti yap fAoyy juoi r^o-6' drep /Siwri//d^ ; Anlig. 572. See Plut. 197. BXd/5pos, a, 01^, adj. [noxius,] hurtful, injurious. OIKOI /3eXrfpov elvai, eirel TO Qvpyfylv. H. ill Merc. 36'. SYN. noXi/Trr/^wv, 7rkiV5vro$, , t. BXd/37, T?S, /;, et /3Xd/3os, os, ro, subst. [noxa, injuria,] hurt, detriment, injury. "A d OVT tV alffxpois, OVT ETTI /3Xd/5;/ typtvuv. Hipp. 513. See Ion 998. SYN. "Arri, Zrifjta, C/7jUiwf(d, avpyopa, eTrripeiu, nowr/, Xwfirj. EplTH. 2rvyv?/. BXd/3w, et Attic. /3Xa?rrw, v. [proprie, pedes capto, et isnpedio currentem, hinc, laedo,] to impede, to supplant, to injure. Aop7ro> torol%t*0aii /SXd/^erat 6c re yovrdr' ioJTi. r. 34. BXa/ffos, ?}, or, adj. [distorta habens crura,] having crooked legs. BXaroi, XeiporevovTts, OLTTO orepvwv ZadpwrTES. Batrach. 288. RXciKtKws, adv. [socorditer,] lazily. 'Us fiXaKlxws om/v-oreTj. Av. 1323. BXdrrw, Ion. /3Xd/3w, q. v. BXaTrreaB', t//ov yc /j>/ /uiairo^ros fltoi/s ; Heracl. 265. SYN. 'Ai'idw, KO.KOII), XvfiaivofjLai, ^^/itow. BXa, di'dOaXXw, OaXtdw, Oij- Xfw, /5pi)a), dvdreXXw, 0vXXots SdXXw. BXdcmy, T;S, //, pXavrrma, dros, ro, /3Xa / ^fpat. (E. R. 717. See also Sept. Th. ^Esch. Suppl. 322. and (E. C. 697- ^YN. GdXos, epvos, 0/rv/ud, ^vro', avfrffis. EPITH. rcyralos, Ktrpala, 174 BAA2 BAO2 BXa, ov, ro, subst. [genus calceamenti, quo fere utebantur domi ; solea,] a kind of slipper or shoe used in the house. Tottnr Tpvtcois rols crolaiv, &(nrep /3Xavrtotoy, 6 et r/, adj. [cui mens est Ia3sa,] hurt in mind, infatuated, wretched. Kdrdpas /3Xcn//%>o>ds Oibiiroba. Sept. Th. 722. SYN. BXe//cuVfa>, v. [trucihus oculis circumspicio J to look furiously. KaTrptos, ?? Xwy arpetyerai, aQevei fiXefJieaivwv. M. 42. BXe/^/m, dros, et /3Xt TTOS, EOS, ro, subst. [adspectus,] a sight, a look. To /3Xeju- jud 6' ws Exoifii paXixKov teal KaXov. Plut. 1022. See Nub. 1178. SYN. 'A?ro- ftXe^is, 5epy/4a, o-^is, ox//, Trpoaunrdv. BXcTrrtfs, r), or, adj. [videndus, inspiciendus,] to be seen, to be looked upon. Tt /; vor tfiol /3Xe7rroi/, 7;. (E. R. 1337. SYN. 'Oparos. BXtTrw, f. t//o>, v. [video,] to see. Q>l\ovs KCLKUS 6pao-ctj'T' Zvavrlov fiXtTreiv. Med. 470. SYN. 'ATro^SXtTrw, bepKw, S^pjcoyuat, opdai, et'Sw, fltdo^uat, Xevcrati), OTrreww. BXc^dpts, t^osj ?/, subst. [cilium, pili palpebrarum,] the hair of the eye-lids. "Os avrds avry fiXetyaplb' OVK effwadrd. Eccles. 402. BXe^dpov, ov, ro, subst. [palpebra,] an eye-lid. "YTTI/OS enl fiXefyapotalv fj.ii rl TtaQotlv. K. 26. EPITH. QiXov, aKoifJLr)rdv, evKVKXdv, Kvavtov, BX^o/^at, v. : i. q. fiaXXojjiat. See in BdXXw. B\r)tra{, >} nepl fiovvlv 77 weffaiv. p. 472. BX?7^ud, dros, ro, subst. [jactus, vulnus,] a shot, a wound, a throw at dice. "AXXd /3Xr///dr' ev Kvftois /SdXelv. Eur. Suppl. 330. SYN. BdX>/, rpai/juu. BX?;ro.9, >}, oV, adj. [ictus, attonitus,] struck, wounded, astonished. *H evfjaicoval Xtxwibes, 77^ vyovaat. Call. 3. 127. SYN. RtpXrjuevos. BXr]rpd^, oi/, ro, subst. [clavus ferreus,] an iron clasp or hoop. KoXXr;ro> Tpoiat,bvo)KateiKo0i7rr)xv. O. 678. SYN. Tupfyos, fiaXavos, /^o^Xos. BX^xdojuat, et /3Xr/xo>ai, v. [halo ut ovis, (2) vagio ut infans,] to bleat, to cry as an infant. Td Se ffvyxvirrov 0' dyud /3X7^araf Karet0' (5 Trdrr/p vTrtp auraiv. Vesp. 570. See also Theocr. 16. 92. SYN. Mrjmw. BXr/x'/, ^, r/, subst. [balatus,] the bleating of lambs or sheep. BXa^oi (Dor. for /3XT/x<*0 & aipaToeffffai. Sept. Theb. 340. BXijxpfo* > v, adj. [imbecillus, lenis,] feeble, weak, gentle. OTo> ore fiXr)xpo~ial KvXtvbofJievoy TreXdyecrat. Apoll. 4. 152. SYN.^A/^X^pos, aaQivris. BXr/^w, oos, r/, contr. ous, subst. [pulegium,] penny-royal. 1 Ko/i^ordrd r>)v /3\i?x^ 7^ TrdpdrertX/ifj/T/. Lysistr. 8p. BXr/^wvmj, ov, 6, subst. [cui pulegium admistum est,] a compound of penny- royal. Ou/f, et ye KVKEWV tTrlirlois (3\rr%wvlav . Pax 71 ! w, v. [contrecto,] to handle, to feel the breast of a bird. Oi 5' tavovvrai . Aves 530. SYN. YjjXctydw, cTri^e^, biZeXlfiw, Kdo/3tpos, o-e/xvos, Metros. BXo, adj. [(l)procfus, excelsus, (2)viridis,] (1) fall, (2) verdant. 2rds $ dp'j>7ro pXwdpf)v oyxvyv Kara baupvoy e7/3c. w. 233. SYN. Ety^s, ev- /ueyeffys, paKpos, atTreivo's, a/3pos, ddXepos. BoayptoV, ov, ro, subst. [scutuni, taurino corio indutum,] a shield, a buckler covered with a bull's hide. Kai bom /3oaypid \epalv eXtcdat. TT. 296. SYN See Boem. Boaj/d, dros, ro, subst. [sonus, clamor,] a shout, clamor ; Dor. for Bojjyud, q. v. Nub. 967. Boai/Xo>, ov, ro, subst. [bourn stabulum, bubile,] a cowhouse, "iva re aQitr'tv effKe /3oavXd. Apoll. 3. 1290. SYN. Bovarafyos, /SovVafyoi/, avXiov, 086- OTdfflS. Bodw, f. r/ffw, v. [vociferor, iuclamo, boo ap. Plaut. et Ovid.] to roar like an ox, to shout, to call to. Els b* eoopovae /3oas, fidrjOoos, et fidr)6ds, ov, 6et r/, adj. [auxiliaris,] running with shouts, an auxiliary, (1) an epithet of Apollo. T fl VoXXov, TroXXot to' KdXeovjri. Call. 2. 69. See also Orest. 1283. Nein. 7. 48. and Call. 3. 153. SYN. 'Apwyos, cTrdpwyos, dXe^r^p, Trpoordr^s. Boj/Xdo-ia, as, ^f, subst. [(1) bourn abactio, (2)praeda,] (l)the driving away of jpattle, (2) plunder. 'Aju0t po^Xdair), 6r eyw Krdyov 'Irv/uov^d. A. 671. SYN. Aypevjud, aypa. Bdi/Xdri/s, ov, et {3dr)vofjtds, 6, subst. [bourn abactor, bubulcus,] a driver-a\vay of cattle, a herdsman. 2vi/ j8o>;Xdra Xdptres. Olymp. 13. 35. See alsoTheocr. 20. 41. SYN. Bon)p, vd/ievs, fiovKoXos. Borjfuid, dros, ro, et fior)Tvs, i/6s, 6, subst. [clamor,] a shout. See Bo//. TTtrts fioafjid irpoa^avris ejuoi. Agam. 893. See also a. 369- Boflpos, ov, 6, subst. [fovea, scrobs,] a pit, a ditch, a well. BoOpov r' Kai ej-fTdvvair eni yciiy. P. 58. SYN. KaTrtros, ra^poy. EPITH. cvpi/s, Trr/^vtos, tydifffjViap. Roibdpwv, et fioitidv, ov, ro, subst. [bucula,] a young heifer. Mj;, irpiv y av eyut rii) fidibdplb) TW 'yuw Trpwriffr dTrobtifjiai. Aves 586. See also Acharn. 1035. Botwrm, as, f], P. N. [Bffiotia,] a district of Greece. Hpeafieipd rot, vat rw oiw, Botwrta. Lysistr. 85. BoLwriblov, ov, ro, subst. [Baotulus,] a little Boeotian. T H -^al BotwTtblov. Acharn. 872. BOI&TWS, a, ov, adj. [Bceotus,] a Bceotian. Ilpwros IlijvlXecu-s Botwrtos 0o/3otd. P. 596. Botwroi, wv, o, P. N. [BoiOti,] the Boeotians. Botwrwv //ev n^vtXews Kai A ?]p\f.v. B. 494. EPITH. XaXfcdxirwves, irXrifririroi, virtp adrtuv Trveiovrts. BoX/37/, i,s, ^, P. N. [Bolbe,] a marsh near Mygdouia. BoA/V & iXctdv r' opds. Pers. 500. IJOAH 1H)1K , oO, ft, IbulbiiH,! u bulb, nn onion, u Irak. /ijmiJnu/ ulnm ;.. ,./,, /JoA/U fc ,,. N..b. i:;. . ,/s, ;,, -l /,V\m, ,/, /,, subsl. |j.irlus.| a rant, u throw, u shot, :i , Irfl yi/yi roO $*, Achani. 1025. SYN. in-/AiOm, M./^MU, .,/>,., , s v ,\,,./i ...,,. s, ;y, , ;ilj. |Nlor<-(itrus,| ! luii^. ISi// /or lln.FrnNw. I.MI /;,,\, . '")< , <"' /J"/'/'"i. |.nlvrrliuin iirisioiiis,! liurly -burly. M) Ai/lfrfW' /in/i/Jii\<./I. '/'/>/. 'I'ln-Mii. IS. Si-c also 'I'lii'sin. I... u, '., :,nbst. |hbiiTii,| a |>i|M-i, ;i IMI//.III" iiiiisiriau. 'f-... ipl6ffl /5o/u/3(i6Altot. Achani. Kd(). , ,'., Mibsl. I'M-nus ;ipis s1n-|iilaiilis.| a Kind o( IIUI.M\ IXT, n ,n:il. "llrrn//! fii\ni' ^ /)o//(' IMTK. I\1un r./u rt.n /.../l/r^K ffi'Ai't}yr . S \ N . ' I lyi-.. i/ .y.<.% , ,\.r ., ... ...ii. i, civ. //, subsl. | lionin OTI:IIO,| llir killui" ol oxrn. \lt , ,, '.\\,., l. I. !/''(. , Iwi, //. Mib-.l. |boiiin slalndum,) a t-o\v yatd. I',..-,... ., A. O./M run- ( )i\ju.\ii). Call. 4. 10?. Srr lUiuAoi'. uv, ;'/, |r-r.i, rilms.l loml. Imblrr. llr*li. M,inr &6\Wv, fiflpuv. riiu-ii. l(>'l<;. S\ N. I '', s ,i ,.| fldp, ; !.;..(, i/. I',, r/ ;, r , .(),./,, -v, .,/) rl '/, adj. |slrn-us olnis, I mu iniiidrd. sJiuKin;;, (illliy. Ajfa/^c. /!..,.,. ,,. r r)ffim ^ftii'iu, K&imAns / :, r/ i, r ,.flrN<..^. I'.ix , '), in;, H, MibMl. |i irliiiin. luliiui,| mild. Srr"/Wi.v. a. ( )i'i y/i^i /' .. n uyri . ({.ill. II... t * il'Nt. I hifiio liirliiilriilus.) a stinvr of mud, a houblr- Irlloxv. !'.[>/ L./i.'.nlfMiflf, nui. I'.\, I./HU.-I i ,-s. .,>/'. /'"V. kyMlrfpflf, fcf\<.)r. < V i'' ''v -tfii>\ >ii.inii;. i'nalis,| bclon^ni;- to ilir nilli, norllirrii. I'../ , '/' ,,.>,,> i./ifY /i.i}ui. Anli_i. v Ili'i{>rf<'it, /J.i/i/i.i/M*. rl /t.^n/on, u. '!, .id). | Iliircalis, | 1101 llici'll. 1 b'n /.,')/ i- /h),ru>> ,,,,,. \/"//, K,, Mii /.',"" 1'-'^ 98, Sv N. '. : \>/ /( /, ( < )(1 s. /, |v, 1j t Illbnt. |ribus,| food, nut ..... nil. HIOMI ti'/ii'-AAi.u' i \u,n'. llrlm. 1330. s\ N. 'I',. ,.,;.,). rtrdi, n /..snlr.l ^ n films, ('.'} p<-.-us,| lood, a llo< k. ll.(i-;i.>i Ki-KA.,,- 1TW AFT^riMt /-Wk-17/ifirii. Cyrl !(>,. SN N. I'MLIM/. / '> /<. 1'r.iM.i, I '. /,M,f. rl Mom. ;!../., IM,., \. Ip.nt-o. I l Iri-il oJ allrjidon r,.lllf, In in.iiiilain, to |.|nl. |;..i..\, ,,K ,< .> ,/ ;,,,.,,,,' ,,.-,\;,..- , Scr //. ;i , N. r/'.-./'<.', i /a i'<.'. fMiiw, /|CI'M',\M.I, .n'i/iii/i (., \.^ BOlll HOYO 177 \\titrirttpitif ov, o, l>. N. | HoHporiiH,] a part of the I /; > a n.-.u < 'oM.staiitiiioplr. , //Ml, <-),.//'""*, Ki/l/iif./m. a, fly, H(lj. [ llos|toriiis, | ol 01 l>rloiiging to tin I' s| dionis. 'A . Anfi^'. <)(>H. 0V, , Miilisl. |riiiriiiiiiiM,| a rlnttiT oHiiiir, alork, ;i niif-lrl. '11 SYN. ,Yn, o x<',>hi rn. 1'lnrll. l/>()7. T/V, //, iibt. | herba, gnunm,] u linl), lirrhH^c, grami. 'KXOi/! n,.,,^ m . i. . 4 I 1 . SYN. I Ifm'i, X^ /; '/> X"/' ro '^^ . KiVi/iYvi/, C!/ V M,YO\, xXo/^u. /'os, o, siil:,l.. ||;t.s|ui,| ;i sli-|>ln nl , ;i irriln 01 <,!.,. / I. SYN. ;i. P*. MJ. SYN. "A0/*ow*. , i;k, o, MilisL ((I) HV;I, f"; I.M nuns, | (I) a ^ri|)i, ('2) H Itiincli l 'o//// llnrput rpkyualv kv ro/s X "V"'" S - I'-'l""- |() >7. SYN. Kl'l I II. ' AyAiifA, iiyAnoi U^/MA, rt/iTT^Adetk, '//"('", ir.*/in, r..i. x /\, it irptifftlirttt (f Ivdi ; Pa* -I';. , i'7fA, ft /, H(lj. [racriiil in I. u i.nlnitliN, j vvilli ^rujx's, in c.luslris. IOJ^I/M r;/ v tirtftpuovrQ kii'ivft. A|)i||. '2. <>77. See also 626', Iioy/^;rr/oi', o>, 70, hlll?t. jlorus, nl>i p.isc mil ur |ovr..| |.r, hue ground. '!' (). SYN. lioff*;//. ISui>//o7/y>, oi/, o, I liubulcus, ) a lici(l:uiian. r.oi/i/i milt irpuvft --in. 4. H4. llnufitirtitt iiv, o ct //, adj. | p.t :>< -ndi l>ol)us roininodiis, l-,rln^,| III li li-ciliiig oxt-ii, ^rasy. Alylftfiroi V uyiilh), Kut fiiwjtortir tffrl plv CAr/. /. '.' IV hoiW,ir/.,\, /on, /'/, HilliHl. |fl; lliiimia fiiiiM-s, f'.'.; airilnr* doloi.) .1 dii-adful ftt- nniir, hillil |):iin. KM/ i i i fiovflitwoTtl lltl %(l<>vii <>i<'u> i \nuvtt. 11.539* SYN. \\>!,,. A. 4.'r2. SYN. M//^^n, ///V Iioi;/;wiMw, v. |hnii'ir<- cirCH m^m-n Isilioro, | In liav.- .1 i,\v<:lliii^ in lli< MIII. rwi/ Kifnuv y rx^toi ()u(>i,U'n,,. Itau. I'2O. , 6 Ct >7, adj. [glofioUUH, ja I :i.lni . Vid. |)ainiii.] v -;i in -;Iu io||| f il|fol< nt . 'itwyh'if, TTv leiirt.i ; N. 824. /, o rt ;/, adj. (Ixm-fi irxnu iaiiH, j hkiuiiin^ llx- rsircusrs ol , /, Kite' tfntiTiit ftitvbripri iu'wui. ll< <>(>. -'M. i ,/,, *o\, o cl /'/, adj. f(jiinl. |imiiiolalii IM.MIII, j MM- n^hln in;- ol acrificc. 'inn (inulhiaCuts, niOkw rt 7rt'n~7rT'>i\. Ol>:i.j. .0. II. ,), v. |l>ov:s III;H;|O,J lo varrifii-- oxi-n. 1 1/>oi ru/x/fo*', *^'* /3ouO> Tr^Tree. Iln-. y^O. S Y N. I'oi^o^w. .o,;, o rt ;,, ad), [ad hour.. n.a latniii.-,,, TtftTttH,] rdalui^ to (he WOfi- li< in- oj ox:n, solcm.i. iU/./'n <>i>ti'i, (iuvUiiTQU (v fyuioi. Clioq>h. 255. u ___ / / 178 BOYK BOTA Bov/cmos, ov, 6, subst. [bubulcus,] a herdsman. See Btfrj/p. 'Epyariva /3ov/ca7e, rl vvr, $ '^vp*, Treirovdys ; Theocr. 10. 1. Bov/cepws, w et wros, 6 et ?/, adj. [bo vis cornua gerens,] horned. KXveis 7rpo'/, subst. [armentum,] a herd. ^Bov^oXtas r 7rereXXeV etacro Se Ma, daw, Dor. aw, v. [pastoritium carmen cano,] to sing a pastoral song, to play on the rustic pipe. AvroOe yuot Trdrepirrbe, Kai avrode /^wfcdXmaSev. Theocr. 5. 60. BovKoXmoTi}),, ov, 6, subst. [pastoritii carminis modulator,] a pastoral poet. Bu)Ko\iaffTas kvTt' TV &, il 'yaQe, p.riT epe, Mopertav. Theocr. 5. 67. , ov, 6, P. N. [Sphelus, Atheniensis, pater lasi.] Ttos RovKoXlbao. O. 338. , ?}, ov, adj. [bucolicus, pastoritius,] bucolic, rural. Kas. Mwffai 0iXat, apyl? ciotSas. Theoc. 1. 70. BOVKO\OS, ov, 6, subst. [armentarius,] a herdsman. $av\ovs /^d^eadat povKoXovs a. Iph. T. 306. SYN. See Rorrip. , ov, o, subst. [auctor consilii,] a first mover. Adi/dos be varr/p Kal isch. Suppl. 12. BovXem, as, r/, subst. [munus senatorium,] the office of senator. Tlapa&ovs ertpw n}v fiovXeiav' ov6' avros TOVTO ye. r)X7j, BovX), ^s, r/, subst. [voluntas, consilium,] will, counsel, advice, deliberation ; a senate, a council. T^v brjuoKpariav, OVTE rtjv povXfjv 7rt0wv. Pint. 949. SYN. 2v^/3ouX>7, yviio^rj, f^ijbds, pfJTis, ayopa, ffvvobos. EPITH. 'Aptarr], eTTt^pwi/, a.arefjL(f)ris, ccrdXr), vrjKepbris, vrfpepTris, TTVKIV^ TrvKwotypwv , ?/ Kopoi> avSpd. dw, v. [fame ingenti premor,] to be excessively hungry. '6 OTI flovXi/jiiq, . Plut. 874. SYN. AipurTU), Tren'dw. , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [ad consilium pertinens,] deliberating. f. povX^adpai, v. [volo, cupio,] to will, to wish, to desire, to prefer. See Dr. Blomfield's note on the metre and reading of this line. BOYA BOY4> 17D EovXei ffv pevroi, Kovtf fiovXfoei TU^L. Phoen. 913. SYN. BoAfyicu,(Hom.) OeAw, efleAw, Adw, irpoQvfjieo/jiaij fieveaivia, \py^a). Boi/Adjudxos, ov, o et >/, adj. [pugnandi avidus,] wishing to fight. 'AvSpos /3ou- \6fj.a"xpv KCII K\avffi^axov TWOS vws. Pax 1291. Bot/Avros, ov, b, subst. [vespera, tempus quo boves solvuntur,] the time for unyoking oxen, the evening, the setting sun. T Hjuos b' povXvTovbs. i. 58. el fiowiTis, 1 ibds, >/, subst. [terra collibus frequens,] hilly land. jueV 'Awia? fiovvlv. /Esch. Suppl. Il6. diws, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [bobus depascendis aptus,] grazing herds. b' dyeAciis fiovvo/jiois, rijKoiai re. CE. R. 26. oita-atr, aibos, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) " qui jam graudi est pueritia, (2) Epilh. apicu- larum, qui e bobus nasci putabantur, sicut vespae ex equis." Vid. Virg. Georg. lib. 4. sub finem,] a great boy, a lubber. *&/ /3ou/3ms ert. Vesp. 1206. SYN. ou, 6, P. N. a man whom Hipponax has abused in his poems, [vid. Horat. Epod. 6. 14.] "E/co^/ev, (ZJo-Trep BowTraAoi/, ^wvr/v ay oidyets r fiovirdpot irabuHs irapos. Androm. 1 135. RovTrpaffWv, ov, TO, P. N. [Buprasium,] a city in Elis. "Op' tirl Bovirpafflov TToXv-n-vpov /3/// iWoi/s. A. 755. EPITH. HoXvflorpv. BovTTpiopds, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [quod bovem vel caput bovinum in prora habet,] having the front of an ox, horned. BowTrpwpos' CK Se bavKicv yereiabos. Trach. 13. BcnJs, fiods, 6 et r/, subst. [(1) taurus, et vacca, bos, (2) bovina pellis, (3) flagel- lum e corio bubulo, item scutum, (4) piscis quidam, (5) numisma Atticum, bovis imagine signatum,] an ox, a bull, or cow ; a bullock's skin ; a scourge of neat's leather ; a shield, a buckler; an Attic coin, with the impress of an ox ; a bribe. (5) Bovs eVi yAwo-o-// /ueyas. Agam. 36. EPITH. 'AyeAalto, t oreTpd, el\t- TTOVS, eAt^, ep/L/JVKos, i]Keffros, vTro^pv^los , aypavXos, tvk-patpds, opdoKpatptis, eu- TroirjTos, evdrjXb's, ayvos, Kepotyopos, apyos, Kepaos, yijs epyarrjs, dpon/p. Bov, v. [boves macto,] to sacrifice oxen. OVK olSd, 7rX)]v ev, /3ouff^d- yeiv wTrA/^ero. Eur. Electr. 627. Eovrrjs, ov, et as, a, Dor. 6, subst. [bubulcus,] a herdsman, cowherd. EOVTIJS is also used adjectively. fyofiovfjiai TOV /uivpiu)7roi> eltropwaa fiovTav. P. V. 56p. BovTofiov, ov, TO, subst. [genus plantas palustris,] a bur-reed. "F.rdey fiovTdpdv oty, (jadvv r' erdyuoi/ro K - y7rep6V. Theocr. 13. 35. ROVTUTOS, ov, o, subst. [qui boves mactat,] a slayer of oxen. Tov c^', oye /3oi/- TVTTOV wore /zeyav TreptaAk'ed Tavpov. Apoli. 4. 468. Boi/^id^ew, v. [boves macto,] to slay or sacrifice oxen. Rovtyovtov be K&TO. KXi- alas, Kal bupnov zXovTO. H. 466. SYN. Bova^dyew, fiovdvreb). Bov0fii/es, ov, 6, subst. [qui boves mactat,] a slayer of oxen. Boi^>6>, ^)x n ~ vifc-a. H. in Merc. 436. SYN. BouruTros. Boi/0ovtd, wv, rd, subst. [festus dies apud Athenienses,] a festival at Athens, where an ox was sacrificed, a. Kai KijKeibov, Kal llovfytivldiv. b. 'AAA' ovy TO.VT ia-Ttv efcetvd. Nub. 985. 1 Schutz reads frovvis for fawns, ^sch. Suppl. 779. ; and adds : " Vulgo *l& 7 8oi/mT, invito metro. BoDm Pauwius commeadavit probantc Heatbio." 180 BOV BPEI" Boi/^op/3iw, v. [boves pasco,] to feed or tend oxen. 'EA0wi> be ycuav tflovtyopfiovv tyvu. Alcest. 8. Boi/^>op/3td, wv, ret, subst. [armenta,] herds, flocks. K&v r TTUS rts, 6p0ia. Iph. T. 302. Boi//, adj. [magnos vel pulcliros oculos habens,] full-eyed, fine-eyed. Tov & j}//e//3lr' tTreird j3ou>Trts 7rori'id"Hp7. A. 551. Bowrtw, v. [boves ago, aro,] to drive oxen, to plough. Na/ovo-ti'' yvpvov arirei- petv, yvfj.vov be fiowTeiv. Hes. Op. 389- Bdwrqs, oi/, 6, subst. [bubulcus; nomen sideris,] a herdsman ; the name of a constellation. Kdrct x e 'l" n / v Bowrou. Anacr. 3. 3. SYN. 'ApK7-o0i>Xa. Bpd/3em, as, ?/, subst. [disceptatio et dijudicatio,] decision, terms of reconci- liation. Kotvas /3pd/3ems, als vTroffirovbov /uoXetv. Phffin. 460. Bpd/3ei>s, tws, 6, subst. [judex certaminis; arbiter,] an umpire, a judge. Knt fjiff TI /ueXXetv, ws eyw j3pd/3evs Xoyoi/. Med. 276. SYN. '7rt<7rdr?;s, dytay- , pd/^evw, v. [(1) praemium do certaminis; (2) certaminis sum arbiter; (3) mo- dero, guberno, (4) tribuo,] (2) to be an umpire, (3) to preside, to direct, to decide, (4) to dispense. 'Ev vol fipafievetv. Helen. 1002. SYN. ' ov, ro, subst. [prunum Damascenurn,] a damson. "OpvaKes fipafiv- Xot fj* A narrjp /3payj^t' e^ovrd. Theocr. 1 1 . 54. BpdSurw, v. [(1) cunctor, (2) moror,] to retard, to delay, to be slow or tardy. i> rot /3pdSwvets, KOVK eyw, Soicwv TI bpyv. Heracl. 733. SYN. s, oos, o et ^, adj. [tardigradus, lentus,] slow-footed. fipdbvTrovv. Hec. 62. e7ei, v, adj. [tardus, segnis,] slow, tardy, sluggish. Kav fipabvs rls y \eyeiv. Here. F. 237. SYN. MeXXqn/s, BpctSi/r//s, 7/rtfs, r/, subst. [tarditas,] slowness, delay. BpdSi/rf/rds v?rep icXav/ud0' i/Trap^et. Antig. 932. SYN. 'Apyta, vux^a. Bpdiced, wv, ra, subst. [genus tenuis vestitus muliebris,] a thin female dress. IToXXd 5' old yvvvuKes tyopeoid D^CLTIVO. ftpaKr). Theocr. 28. 11. Bpairo-wv, comp. for flpdblwv or /Spdovrtoo?, [segnior, tardior,] slower. So paffffwv for juet'5u>v. Bpatro-wv Tf voos Xe7rr>) Sc rt /ti/ris. K. 226. Bpao-tfw, v. [ferveo, restuo, bullio,] to boil, to bubble violently. Bpaffotiftevov* trrprji'es be trepl ar^lXri ftpffif i UKTI'I. Apoll. 2. 323. Bpai/pwi', wvos, //, P. N. [Brauron,] a town in Attica, famous for a temple of Diana, whence the goddess is called Bpavpwvm. Iph. T. 1464. 'ETrato/^ei/ BpovpwvdS' i>7ro'7r7ra>K < 6YfS. Pax 874. Bpdx/wv, fives, 6, subst. [brachium, lacertus,] the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, strength, might. NeoHcu' BupaKd Kal /3pdx/ovd. Here. F. 1086. SYN. 'ftXevj/. EPITH. 'AraprTypos, dv/fcrjrds, dretp>)s, Kpdrepos, ^Gei'dpos. Bpax^s, e7d, v, adj. [brevis,] short, brief, few. Oi/f:' uXXd ftpd^a rrov Tru9e- rrOai /3ouXo>cu. Nub. 482. SYN. Batos, oXiytfs, rvrdos, o-vvrojuos. Bpax^fftS'/pos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [brevi ferro armatus,] having a short iron weapon, lightly armed. EpaxvffibapGv dicoj/rd TroXXwv. Nem. 3. 79. Bpa^vTi/XXd^io, as, >/, subst. [brevitas oralionis,] conciseness of speech. Tov- ir6V e/uot 6' w^a^, ;/ /3pdxvew, jJ X ew, Kri>7ra>, /3pdvw] pevdvdpai, v. [superhio,] to be proud, overbearing, consequential. 'Or* fipev- dvet T kv TfCiolv oo7s, Kal ro> 'tydaXjuilj 7rdpd/3aXXet. Nub. 362. SYN. Kain/dd'- , EOS, ro, subst. [statua,] the image of a man, a statue. See "A yap 7/i/xeis, fleas 1 /3pras ffwaat roSe. Androm. 311. EPITH. , cviroirjTov. f- sw, v. [madefacio, pluo,] to wet, to moisten, to cause to rain, to pour rain. Bplx^" 1 & iccicrcXqt'dv. Anacr. 3. 12. SYN. "AjoSw, vSri^ta, foaivv, ^mreyyw, vo>, d^u/3pgw. Bptdpews, o, 6, P. N. [Briareus,] See Atya/wv. *Ov Bpidpewi/ a icdXe oval Qto\ t Mpes be re iravres. A. 403. EPITH. 'Endroyxeipos, j)vs, ddros TroXt/zoto, ei/Trd- Xa/uos, fAeyadvftHs. Bpiapds, a, tiv, adj. [validus, gravis,] strong:, heavy. Kcu Kpareptis, adevapos, /3d- ptfs, arepetis, (3ptdvs. Bpmw, v. [robustum reddo, extollo,] to render strong, to raise up. 'P^a 3 /, f. ^a>, v. [post cibuin dormio, dormito,] to sleep after eating, to dream, to be inactive, or indolent. "Ei>0' OVK av fipiZovra ibois'Ayaftepvovab'iov. A. 223. SYN. 'Hpt^uew, cvdifveoj, v7rva>ff(TW, KoifiaSpat. Bpu/7rvds, ov, o et >^, adj. [vehementer damans,] loudly shouting. OuS' dpd rt veTrvffTiS pplfavos '6ftpl^us"Apris. N. 521. SYN. KeXdWos. Bp70os, EOS, ro, et fipidoeVrri, r)s, ?/, subst. [pondus, gravitas,] weight, heaviness. Tt 6' cert; /zet^ov fipWos *i irapos y e^ei ; Troad. 1050. See also E. 839- SYN."Ax0os, (3dpds 9 betroTrjs, oyfcos. Bpt0i/$, e7d, iJ, adj. [gravis,] heavy, ponderous. Bpi0i), fteya, po>iTr) t KaXXiirapyos, eiKvla dtfjfftv. ts, t5oy, >;, P. N. [Britomartis,] the name of a nymph. ' , r]s 7ro>2 MtVws. Call. 3. 190. 1 Here Qeus is a monosyllable. 2 BpicSpetti' in scanning is an anaprcst, and was probably pronounced 3 'Pea is a monosyllable. 182 BPOM BPYX Bpfyztw, v. [fremo, murmuro,] to roar, to hum, to buzz. Iradyuy lia TrcpiyXdyeas Kara TreXXas. II. 642. SYN. Bpe/xw, (3pt/ f r/^ew. Bpo/zios, ov, 6, P. N. [cognomen Bacchi,] a name of Bacchus. See Kat fldvdrw Kdrtxet, Bpo/uov a 6s eoprals. Phoen. 797 Bpo/zos, ow, 6, snbst. [fremitus, fragor,] a roar, a crash, a bellowing. Bdpvv fipofiov utOtiKE, typiKwbrj xXveiv. Hipp. 1197- YN. Bpvx>7> ftpv-^rj^d, ^X 6s opvjjiaybds. Bpovrdw, v. [tono,] to thunder. "HorpaTrreV, efipovra, ^vvtKvKa rfjv 'EXXdSd. Acharn. 531. Bpovr?/, T/S, r/, et /3poVrr/jud, dros, ro, subst. [tonitru,] thunder. RpovTfjs & virep- fiaXXovrd Kaprepuv KTVTTOV. P. V. 959- See also P. V. 1027. EPITH. ' y fidpvbovtrds, OTovoeovrd, beivri, Oe/a, Trrepwros. PHR. Bdpv/3po//os valos oro/3os, fipvyjLa b' fiyh 7ra.pdfjLVKa.Tat fipovrijs. (See P. V. 1118.) ov, 6 et //, adj. [tonans et fulminans,] shooth)g forth thunder and lightning. AetjuTrpo's r A.W)jp, aefj.vai re deal Ne0tXat fipovrrjaiKtpavvoi. Nub. 264. Bpore/os, flpo-tos, et fiporriarids, a, or, adj. [mortalis,] mortal. Kdjcwr dTraXXa- ^ao-d 7-wj^ ppoTrjviwv. Androm. 1244. See also I. 545. and Iph. A. 1084. Bpdroets, effad, ev, adj. [cruore respersus, cruentus,] blood-stained. "Offrts 5/} . 509. YN. A^s, rnayjuevos, at- a/uoppavros. Bporos [/3poros], ov, 6, subst. [cruor, sanies,] blood, gore. 'AXX' i/Sdrt dTTU fiporijv alfJidToevrd. H. 425. SYN. Alpd, Xv0pov, tx^P- EPITH. MeXds. B/ooros, oi), 6, adj. et subst. [mortalis,] mortal, a mortal. Eporols dTracrt KarQa- veiv o0e/Xerai. 'Alcest. 79. SYN. Qvrjros, avr)p, avQpuiros. EPITH. 'Avr'ipe- pus, aaQUvrfs, a&pdvris, aXaos, ^oXo^pwv, Sitpos, SeiXos, Svayiten/s, Kd0opds, ov^ 6 et ^, adj. [homines perdens,] man-destroying. Bporo00o- pous K;XZSds ev x^l ^ fidXoi. Eumen. 808. Bporow, v. [crnento,] to stain with blood. "Avbpts 'Ap)/t0drot, jSt/Bpdrw/uti'd ( ovr ' f ' ^* ^^* SYN. A/'/zdo-trw. ou, 6, subst. [(l)guttur, (2)lagena,] a throat, or gullet; a flagon, 'fls roi yXiyjci) roi/ro Kara (3p6xf)otd yevotro. Theocr. 3. 54. SYN. Bpoyxos. Bpo^ s > ov <>> subst. [laqueus,] a cord, noose, rope, snare. Boi/> 77 XeojV j'/X^-t- fes evretveiv /Spo^ots. Androm. 718. SYN. 'Ayxoj'*?, a^olvoSy aprdvr). EPITH. Kpeyuaaros, oiipdvlos, ayy^ovetds, creipcuos, dios, bvffXvros. Bpvdc?w, v. [exsulto, floreo,] to spout or burst forth from the ground, to spring up, to florish. riepixP^Trrd fipvaZet. ^Esch. Suppl. 880. SYN. BXaffrdyw, dv0ew, daXXa), dyaXXdftat. EpvKh), f. ^w, v. [mordt'O,] to bite, to tear with the teeth, to devour greedily. Bpu/ceiv, k-pzujKOTrelv fj.eXr) ^tvuv. Cycl. 359. SYN. Aa/ci^w, eo-0iw, dirorpwyw. BpvXXu;, v. [sorbillo, poto,] to tipple, to sip. BpuXXwv ro Ka0' ijfitpay. Equit. 1123. SYN. 'YTTOTT/VW, /ue0vw, 0tXo7rorfw. Bpfloj', ou, ro, subst. [(1) muscus, (2) alga,] moss, sea-weed. lrpwves Krvireov /3pv X ) *' vTrereXXer' Apoll. 2, 83. SYN. Mvo^os, jSpfyi^a, Ppo/tos. Bpvxios, a, or, et ov, 6 et ^, adj. [fremens,] roaring. Epv^ia 6' r/^w rcu. P. V. 1118. SYN. BpvxKws /3dos Ipxtrat dypau- Xoto. x> 403. SYN. B^/3pw0w, er0tw, ScuVfyuai, e^iu, rpwyw, ^dyw. os, oy, 6 et r/, adj. [esculentus,] fit for eating, eatable. Ovi; oi/Se fipwfflpov. P. V. 488.* SYN. 'E6wot//d$ ? rpwfytos. s, et (3pti)Tvs ; see BJOOJ/UJJ. p, r/pos, 6, subst. [qui comedit,] an eater, a devourer. Bpwr^ avrjpepovs. Eumen. 806. Bpwrds, r/, oV, adj. [cibo idoneus, edulis,] fit for eating, (and in the neut. pi. rd /3pwrd,) food. FetVaro 6' er *cdXv/3p jue, KOI ee0peipdrd /3pwro7s. Batrach. 30. Bv/SXtJ'os, T/, ov, adj. [(1) Byblinus, (2) e cortice papyri factus,] (1) of Byblus, a city of Egypt, (2) made from the bark of the papyrus. Kdrd/3u, evQa Bv/JXij/wv dptiv CLTTO. P. V. 836. 1 (2) See 0. 391. Bv/3Xos, ov, /, subst. [papyrus JLgyptia, &c.] an Egyptian plant whose bark was wrought into a kind of paper, and the stalk and root of which served as food for the poor. El vat* (3v(3\ov be Kapiros ov Kparel ffra^yr. ^sch. Stippl. 764. Buc??pes, wv oJ, P. N. [Byzeres,] a nation of Pontus between the Cappadocians and Colchians. Bucfypas r' CTTI rtiialv eTwrpo yap allv ^TC^JLVOV. Apoll. 2. 1248. Bu^w, v. [refercio,] to fill, to cram, to stop up close. N//judros aaKrjTolo /3e/3i/otviov aaXov. (E. R. 24. SYN. Bdflos, bivrj. EPITH. Mttu, a/cd/^d- rov, ayvov, dpydXeoi/. Bvn-?/F, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [sonans,] swelling, sounding. "Et'0d 5e /3v/crawv dveyuwy Karebrjae KeXevdu. K. 20. SYN. AeXX^s, iix*lis } /3dpv/3pe/ter;;s. Bi/vew, v. idem fere quod Bvw, [refercio,] to fill, notovvrw*' efivvovv ro cvros, Sep/^d, Sepds, cwtdv. EPITH. Aaaiavxyv. Bvpaa/eros, ov, 6, subst. [ab Aristophane dicitur Cleon,] the tanner eagle, a ravenous eagle : Cleon was so called, because he was a tanner. 'AXX' oTro vp~J). SYN. ifcrvrevs, aKvroTofJios. Bvpffo7ra0Xdywv, ovds, 6, subst. [coriarius Paphlagon,] a Paphlagonian tanner. '6 (3vpadTrd(p\ayu)v vTTOTreawv rov oeor7ror7/v. Equit. 47. 1 See Dr. Blomfield's Glossary and very learned illustration of this word. 2 See Dr. Blomfield's note on this passage, who contends that Bv0\lvov is the proper reading. Ion. 1195. Dr. Maltby defends the common reading. See Tbes, Bi'/8Airos. 184 BYP2 FAIA Bvp, KdraKpas^Trpepvodey. Bi/fffffls, ? oi), 6, subst. [profunditas,] a bottom, the deep. See Bd0tfs. 'H & jjLu\v(3baivri ifceX?/, es fivaradv dpovffff. ft. 80. Bvo-ffds, ow, ^, subst. [byssus, pretiosissimi lini genus,] flaxoftlie finest sort raised in Egypt, cotton, 'ft/mprei/v, fivoaoto KaXov avpotard ylriava.. Theocr. 2. 73. Bvo-ffo^wr, d^ds, 6 et ^, adj. [alia mente consilia agitans,] deeply planning. Xpovy K\VTTI (3vffffd(j)p<*)i> 'Eptvvs. Clioeph. 640. Bok-os, Dor. pro fiovKos, i. q. POVTTJS. See Bor>;p. T H fc'dXas ayu//c Trotwi/ eXt- XriOrj fiuKds aoibas. Theocr. 10. 38. SYN. EovKalos, flovKo\ds. BwXa^, fads, et /3wXos, ou, >;, subst. [gleba,] glebe, a sod. 1 Aedrd )3wXd7 Bw^oXd^euw, v. [scurram ago,] to act the buffoon, to be scurrilous. Et 6e TIS avrdv /3w//o\o^eyoratr', ?/ Ka^eiev rlvu. KU/^TTTIV. Nub. 9^6. , ov, o, subst. [altare, ara, basis,] an altar, the base of a statue. TV/i/ 7retr' 7rt flaifjidv dywv TroXv/xr/ris '6wao-ei$. A. 440. SYN. Qv^eXtj. IejOos, f.vb/Ltr}Tos,TrepiKaXX)is, AeX^etos, dvfjets, 6vwbr t s, OtobprjTos, ayvos, 6voets, fJLrjXodvnjs, aKriparos, dyak'Xer/s, avbpdfydvos, tiraKrlus, 'EpiceTdy, epirvpoSt. fjta.vTids t (fiXoyepos. PHR. NeoKr^rrov Xi0w>' /:Jw/*o7d Otvap, befyTtupot Qt&v dvfjie- \ai. worpetu, v. [clamo, voco,] to call to, to bawl. 'AXXd /udXa afobptis iXdax, (3worpe~n> be Kpdraav. /u. 124. SYN. 'ETrt^dXca;, /3odw. wnys, ov, et fiwTUp, opos, 6, subst. See Bor^p. T liv0o' rot /3wra(, rot Trot/iei'es, $1:0X01 ?ji>0dt>. Theocr. 1. 80. See also . 102. wrtdvetpd, //, adj. [alens et educaus homines,] men-feeding, populous, Ovbt Tror' ev 00/p epifiuXaKi fivTlaveipr]. A. 155. , ov, ro, subst. [rete piscatorium,] a fisherman's net, a net. Tayya- arris TrdmXwrou. Agam. 352. SYN. ^.dy{]vrj t apfifiXriffrpdv, bixrvtiv. , wv, rd, P. N. [Gades,] the stra4ts of Gibraltar, rdbeipuv TO irpos ov Tre-parov. Pind. Nem. 4. 112. Fa7d, as, >/, subst. [(l) terra, (2)regio, (3)patria,] (l) the earth, (2) a tract of land, (3) country. IJX^o-et re irciaav yaidv ala-^iariiiv Xoyuv. Hipp^ 689 SYN. Tea, yf), aid, Trarpts, x^i/, irtbov. EPITH. 'Aireipwv, direiptyla, direl- plros, avBovvd, ai'flt/ioeo-ad, dyu7reXoeCT(7d, atTreirr), cnr/jr^s, dXiirXayKTOs, (3d0v- >coX7ros, fiwridveipd, bvotyepa, bi\^ds t eplfiiaXos, tpt/3wXa^, epdretv s, evKapTros, OdXepa, KXeivr), wavea, 5d0ca, /ueXa/z^>uXXos, 1 BaAosis also used for a solid mass, as the sun. Orest.975. See R. P. and below at the word MuSpos. FAIH TAMO 185 apiros, 7ra/4/u/reipd, rr/wr, Trvpttyfyos, avyye/rwi', liro\^6(j.f.vov yau'iwv vidv. rj. 324. SYN. '%iri\8dt>tds, "xQovoffTlfiris, eyyeios. FaiT/o^os, ov, 6 et rj t adj. [terram cingens et continens,] holding, surrounding or protecting the earth. Famd^ T dbeXfeav. CE. R. 160. 1 Fa/to, v. [glorior,] to boast, to exult. "Os pd irdpk KpoWwi/t KdOe&rd, Kvbii yaiuv. A. 405. SYN. Av X w, ytfflw, yavpmw, dydo>at, afipvi'dpai, x<>>. FdXd, aeros, ro, Sllbst. [lac,] milk. 'EireKMv ydXa^ros u^opea, -ntirXoi'. Cycl. 327- SYN. FXdyos. EPITH. 'Aju/3pdro>, yXikfpoV, Xev- KOV, deffirefftdt'f KaXov, ve^rdpeoi', 7r?ov. ov, o et rj t adj. [lacteus, tener,] suckling, young, tender. Ne/3povs '7y'as ydXddrjvovs. p. 127- ?, ov, 6, subst. et adj. Jqui lac bibit ; ] a person who drinks or is fed on milk, a countryman. "EpoXe rts, e^dXe ydXaKTdxdras dn'ip. Eur. Electr. 169. FdXdretd, as, /, P. N. [Galatea,] one of the sea-nymphs. AwpJs cat Kal dyaKXeiTri FdXdretd. 2. 45. EPITH. EtV'dXta, evet5/)s, KaXij, Xevo/. FdXej/, contr. ydXi/, ^s, ?/, subst. [mustela,] a weasel, a cat. Mvs irorf. b ydXerjs Kivbvtov dXv^as. Batrach. 9' See also Vesp. 1 177. SYN. 'IfcrfS, a'/Xov- pos. EPITH. TlafjKjidyds. ov, o, subst. [stellio,] a lizard, an evet, a newt. "Hadijv avrl ^w/cpdrovs. Nub. 174. SYN. 'A7cdXd/3a>ri;s. et poet. ydXrji'air], r)s, et ydX;>'etd, as, ?/, subst. [tranquillitas man's, serenitas,] a calm, tranquillity, serenity. KpetWwv ydXijvr)s vavrlXoujlv p$i>. Orest. 719. See also Apoll. 1. 1154. and Iph. A. 546'. EPITH. Trpd, d^vfJ-CLVTos, dv)/V/^ds, yeXowrrd, Xevjo), vrjrefji'ia, t^ei^;ts, /zetX^ta, f.ubids. YdXi)vds t ov, 6 et //, adj. [trauquillus,] calm, tranquil, quiet. 'K K'vyudrwv ydp av0ts av ydX>)v' op<5. 'Orest. 273. SYN. EvSios, a'idpws. FdXdws, w, Alt. ydXws, w, ?/, subst. [(1) soror mariti, glos, (2) uxor fratris,] (1) a husband's sister, (2) a brother's wife. 'He TT# es ydXowr, 7} eiva.Tpuv evTreTrXwy. Z. 378. Fa/i/3pos, ov, 6, subst. [(l) gener, (2) socer, (3) frater uxoris, (4) sponsus,] a son-in-law, a father-in-law, a wife's brother, a husband. 'Ev ao'ial ya/u- Ppols, oialv ovK H\a.aaoi'd. Androm. 360. SYN. K^ecrj}?, evvpos, TrerOtpos. EPITH. 'ApiaroTTOJ os, d/uv^uw^, KaXos. TdfjieTr), ijs, ^, subst. [uxor,] a wife. Fd^itras ovpavdvtKov* ^Esch. Suppl. 176. SYN. "Aaurts, TrdpdKOtTiis, ^d^udp, ovvevros, (rvvyus t yvvvf. Tdfjtertjs, ov, o, subst. [maritus,] a husband. 'ISov, ibov, pdKdpeos, o yd/utras. Troad. 311. Fdjuew, f. taw et w, 1 aor. ey/jjud, v. 1 [uxorem duco,] to marry. 'EXi'T;s yd/uel /U Svffrvxeffrepov yd^o*'. Troad. 359- SYN. Nv/^e%icu. PHR. AeVrpoio fKveoyuae, Trpaaffu) aKoirlv, yud, dros, ro, subst. [nuptiarum contractio,] marriage. Fdp/-Xei///, rov bdfjiots. Choeph. 6 14. ydpds, et ydfjLiKos, rj, o', adj. [nuplialis,] belonging to marriage, nuptial. Qvy, Trpd iraibwv Kal yd/ur/Xtov rtXovs. Eumen. 825. See also Moscli. 2. 120. and Aves 1692. SYN. 'E7rt0dXdpds. Fayuopds, Dor. pro y;/udpds, ov, o, subst. [agricola,] a land -holder, a native citizen. Tov pij /3d^r)$ 7/^iV o yd/ids ets roi>' /^pas. Phoen. 436. SYN. Nv/^jbeTd, >v/^;td, yd/uj/Xeu/jd. EPITH. 1 This is an epithet applied both to Diana and Neptune, but more frequently to the latter. 2 Ta/xeti/ is generally said of a man, and 'ydpe'laGai of a wonriu. See R. P. Med, 2G-1. 3 TO^UOJ is very frequently used in U>c plural to denote iqarng< 180 f AMO I'AYA s, Xvypds, uXXoTds, rlofyt)} s, abtKos, aff)(pds, didwjrds, filatos, aOefjUTos, K-pi/Trros, yXikifpos, upos, oXoos, rivets, wpcuds, Ktbvos, a^opevros, oXfilos. N. B. The above epithets, except the last ten, are all used by Euripides, and many of them will justify his right to the appellation of fjttaoyvvr)s. Fd/^irrdXds, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [nuptias parans,] marriage-preparing. "Hpot/s vvKTiyapoio, yd/zoordXo> ayylXtwrrjv. Mus. 7 Fa//07Xj), fjs, ff, subst. [maxilla,] the jaw, mouth, cheek, Xalai ffvpi$.(t)V fyuvov. P. V. 363. SYN. FvdOos, ffidyj>, Trdpem, Fa^^wfvi, i)x 5s ' " et */ a( li* [aduncos habeus,] having crooked talons. a. Tots be yap^Mt'v^i roHabe ; &. Tov ofieXiffKOi' apxacras. Av. 359- Tavds, fos, ro, subst. [(1) splendor, (2) laetitia ; item, quod est in quaque re ve- nustum,] joy, gladness, delight. Kat r)s ope/as avQefj,6f>pvTOi' yavos. Iph. T. 634. SVN. TyOotrvvr], evfypoaitvr], //6ov), repels, ^opjud, ayXdta. Favdw, Fd^ow, Fd^y^t, v. [Izetitia adficio,] to render joyful, to gladden, to exhilarate. Md/cdpas Beovs yavaorres. ^sch. Suppl. 1020. See also T. 359. Iph. T. 1240. et Cycl. 501. SYN. Aaftnpvrw, , adj. [a terra absorptus,] drunk up by the earth. Aape7oi' avaKaXe~ta6e, yatroTovs b' tyw. Pers. 62/. 1 Fdp, adv. [nam, enim,] for, because, wherefore. OVK av bvvai^v ws ri yap 7rd0w ; Hec. 6 12. FdpydXds, ov, 6, subst. [titillatio,] a tickling, a titillation. 'YTTO rr\v ebpav avri)i> virfiXOe yapyaXos. Thesm. 140. " FapyT/rrdfltv, adv. [a Gargetto, pago Attico, un'de et Epicurus Gargettius ap- pellatur,] from or of Gargettus. Etpf" [eyw ;] KptrvXXa y 'Arrldeuv TapyrjT- ToQev. Thesm. 898." Maltb. Faorj/p, Ttpds et rpost >/, subst. [venter,] the belly, appetite. TapKovrr ariZwV ov yap t> yaorpds /3dp^. Eur. Suppl. 875. SYN. Ktj^ewv, <:otX/rt, Xdrrdpa, rribvs, vciatpa. EpITH. Mtffrj, v?rrta, jJLeyicrTr}, affpa, Xdtrm, d>'aX- TOS, KaKoepyos, Xuypot, arvyepa, fj.apyr), dretp^s, apyr) t ovXopevr), /udytpd, Faorpj;, T^S, /;, subst. [cavitas vasis aut navis,] the belly of a vessel. Hev Tplirdbos nvp ap^xe, Bep^ETo b' vbtup. 8. 437. SYN. Kvros. raffTptblov, ov, TO, subst. [dimin. a prseced.] 2os, 6, subst. [vicinus, adfinis,] a neighbor ; also adjectively, neigh- boring, near to. TerapTos ctXXos yeirovat ?ryXa$ t-^wv. Sept. Theb. 482. SYN. 'Aorvye/rwv, ojjLopds, TrsptKTitwv, irpoffotKos, OVVOIKOS, o iyyvs, o irXrjffiov. FeXa^s, cos, <> et ?/, Dor. pro yeX^s, adj. [serenus, tranquillus,] cheerful, gladsome. Qvpy ye/\ave Bdffffdv zv-rvvlv. Pyth. 4. 322. reXao-^o, aro>, ro, ytXaarvs, wos, et yeXws, wrds, 6, subst. [risus, cachinnus,] a laugh, a smile, laughter. 'Ari'ipldpov yeXao-yud. P. V. 90. See also v. 8. a. 99. et Call. 4. 324. EpITH."A}, or, adj. [risu digniis,] to be laughed at, laughable. Aei0', lya fpyti ytAapra Kai OVK tTrleiKTa ibtjade. 0. 307 TfXaffrys, yi(J. reXaor/ua. FeXdw, f. drw et aaofjiai et Dor. aw, et ytXotdw, v. [rideo,] to laugh, to smile. Acufpvoev ytXdo-aCTd' noats 5' tXe^ffe roi'iaas. Z. 484. See Horn. Veil. 49. SYN. Meic)tdw, o-a/pw, dt'dyeXdw. PHR. FeXwrd dyw, TT&HTTW. s, et ye Xo/tos, a, or, adj. [ridiculus,] ridiculous, laughable, humorous, con- temptible. Ov yap av yeXoiov i\v t et Eavdias fiev bovXos &v. Ran. 541. SYN. , vid. . t'^w, v. [impleo, onero,] to fill, to load. I'l/xt^o^ros XlflijTtts Agam. 452. Fe/^os, eos, ro, subst. [impletio, ferculum,] a mrss, a dish, a feast. Hi)v f'l pots re o-TrXdy^v', eTTO/Jcrto-TOV ye/uos. Again. 1192- SYN."Eev\\wv ytvtih roir$t xai dibpuv. Z. 140'. SYN. ripoyo'ot, enyovoi, 0vX>), euyevetd. EPITH. QoXtpa, TraXatyaros, VWVV/LtVOS. evtdXr}, rjs, //, subst. [progenies, origo,] birth, origin, breed. Twr ot vovro e>/t peydpoiffl ytvedXrjs. E. 2?0. SYN. Twos, ytitais t yt>tri], y yovos, TCKOS. EPITH. 'AyXdoTTcm, tpiKvbns, epvEbos, tviram, Kebvij, fXetr)), 6 ypvos, TrdXvTEKvos, wff7ror/i's, TtXeoatyuvos, 188 FENE FENY , a, dv, el ov, 6 et //, adj. [natalis,] belonging to birth, kindred. 'E ft yeveOXtov Karr'jvvffev. Orest. 89 SYN. Mfjrpyfls, Trarpyfls. ov, ro, subst. [filius vel filia,] a child, offspring. 'Eyw plv, <3 yevtOXdv Olraiov Trdrpos. Philoct. 453. SYN. Tevos, yevea, TIEKJ'O)', TEKOS, ?ra7s. F>eia2w, et y>emw, v. [pubesco,] to begin to have a beard, to grow to man- hood. "Aprt ytveiaabuv irepl TO errata. TMS KpoTcuftus re. Theocr. 11. 9 SYN. 'H/3dw, qfiaffKV. Yevetas, dos, ?/, subst. [lanugo, barba,] a beard. 'AXX' avTopai at. rfjabe irpos yeveiabos. Med. 707 SYN. Tevvs, avdepZhv, Trwytuy, tovXos. FfVeo/nis, ov, 6, adj. [barbatus,] bearded. Tlv 6' tf yeveif/rrjs 6i)o /icv 7/>tffv Trrjyovs. Call. 3. 90. Ytvewv, ov, ro, subst. [mentum, barba,] beard, chin. "Go-as yeveiov ebjKovriffa. Iph. T. 363. EpITH.'ATraXdi^, ayXdor, bpooepoi>, evpv, Xciatov, aefjivov, ifceaiov, TroXioj', rpv^epor, /^dXdcov. U, ews, r^, subst. [ortus, origo,] production, origin, generation. 11*tb*oV Qf.Oi)V yUvtaiv, KCU yur/repd T^0u/. s. 201. SYN. Fe^er*}, yevea. fit T/S, v, subst. [nativitas,] birth. 'Ec yeyer^s* 7 Ipo>' ^e veoi KtK\r)ffK8y ES. ff. 6. , ov ; yevvrjriis, ov ; yeVerwp et yvvrjT(i)p t opos, 6, subst. [genitor, pater, filius,] a father, parent, a son. ITvpt KCU orepoTrcus o Aios yeveras. CE. R. 470. See also (E. R. 1034. Ion 135. and Hipp. 681. EPITH. ' s, tos, ?'/, P. N. [generationis antistes Dea,] the goddess of birth. , Xatyvypov, KwXmSos, FevervXXtSos. Nub. 52. ^ts, rjtSos, et contr. y&ds, et ye-vs, i/os, rj, subst. [securis,] a pick-axe. OVK olb"' sKei yap OVTE TOV yevrjbos %v. Antig. 255. EPITH. XaXfCOTrXjyicros, i, as, 7';, poet, pro yevds, subst. [generatio, progenies,] a race, a progeny, offspring. Yevvav ovbe Xyft-ei. P. V. 171. Tewabas, ov, 6, adj. [(l)generosus, (2) ingenuus,] generous, brave, a. 'Eyw b. Xpr/oros el Kal yevvabas. Ran. 179- Fevj'ato7rp7rws, adv. [generose,] generously, magnificently. Fe^vatdTrpETrws Tolalv Upaara'ts. Pax 988. Yevva1os y a, or, et ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ingenuus, generosus,] generous, noble, brave. *H fyaffyavov Qriyovd ; a. yevrata yvvjj. Troad. 1006. SYN. Evy^>)s, Atoyc- s, ??ros, 77, subst. [generositas,] noblemindedness. FevraiorrjTd* rfjs yap e-^diarrjs Oetiv. Hipp. 1296. SYN. EvyeVetd, ro evyevts, TO yevva'iov. Fev^atws, adv. [generose,] generously, nobly, manfully. To juev aov, w veaj'i, ytvvafos ^X ei ' ^ph. A. 1402. Fewdw, v. [gigno, pario,] to produce, to beget. "Ecra$dt>* icpevs 5' >]i> o yev- v/77as 7rdr;p. Iph. T. 36 1. | Yewriua, drds, ro, subst. [quod natum sen procreatum,] a thing produced, off- spring, race. Toil' Aai'ov Toivvv rts Ji/ yevvrjjjaTwv. (E. R. 1 l67 Fei'vrjr^s, ov, et yevvT/rwp, opos, 6, subst. [parens, proavus,] a parent, an ancestor. Hois S' ov^t, Trals y' et T&vbe yevrrjTwv eOS, EOS, ro, subst. [genus,] offspring, race, a kind, a nation, sex. 'EXoyt- aaurjv ovv, TW yevovs apxT/yfrT/. Orest. 548. SYN. Teveit, yeved\6v, eOvos, (j)v\vv. EPITH. 07]Xv, apo-^, \oy%o(f>opdv t "Apei KUToxpv, /3ap/3dpoi/, lirlar]^ov t bovXav, Traupoi', , TavrdXetor, (plXoreKvov, afJityYipiOTov, av- , Qeiov, Xa/i7rpov, u.Qf.ov t ulaupovov, oflpi(JioOvuoi> t TrdXa^uroV, 5etXoy, uoyepov. vos, ;/, subst. [(l)gena, barba, (2) securis,] a cheek, a jaw, a hatchet. fybvov aTdXayfjiolfffiv KUTtara^ov ytvvv. Hec. 241. SYN. (1) F^eidi Trdprjis. EPITH. OIVWTTOS, aypit'a, Xtv/uwad, dTrdXcTvpws, Trvppa, TroXt'a, 3~..a\ \-f/3,.; .-.. FEPA FEftM 189 FepaioV a, ov, adj. [(1) senilis, (2) senex,] (l) old: also subst. (2)m. an old man, (3) f. and old woman. "Opeyt vvv, 8peye yepam*'. Phcen. 101. SYN. (l)Fpdpos, (2) ygpwi', 7rpe o0pd TreXotTo. Apoll. 1. 1118. FcpaVds, ov, 7), subst. [grus,] a crane. Xqvwi/ f/ yepdvwv. B. 460. EPITH. 'ttepotywt'os, riepfyoiTos, Kpanrvt), ttoTavos, bdX/ixavxnv, crvvvopos vefewv.bpdfjiov. Tepdpos, a, oV, et ylpa.afj.Ws, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [augustus, venerabilis, honorificus, honorandus,] venerable, majestic, august, honorable. "A//0w S' e^ci/w, ye- pdpwrepos ^tj/' dbwaevs. F. 211. See Eur. Suppl. 106. SYN. Fepatos, e^rt- /uos, aefiaafjiios, liios rtfiijs. Tepas, aros, ro, subst. [praemium, honor,] a reward, an honor. Aevaffere yap Tdye TTO.VTES, o pot yepas epx^rot a\\rj. A. 120. SYN. T A0\o>>, SaJpo*/, TI//J), TifAiov. EPITH. KaXot', fffJUKpdy, ayaK\eiTov, intiXov, taov, o\iyov, reXtox, v erwv KXrjpov^os, TVfifluyepw, TrdXefjUitv ev et^ws, tiXoyuld elkus. Fevyud, dros, ro, subst. [gustatio, cibus,] a taste, food. "Eywyc, <$>r}fM, rpld ye ravri yeu/udrd. Acharn. 186. Tevio, v. [gustare vel experiri facio,] to give a taste, to make to experience. BowXet <7e yevaat Trpoirov aKparov fjiedv. Cycl. 149- SYN. 'ATrSyeuw. Teyvpd, as, >/, subst. [(l) pons, (2) interstitium inter ordinos ptigirantiam, (3) campus in quo concurritur,] (1) a bridge, (2) the space between two con- tending armies, (3) a field of battle. F^o-et, 7rpd(f>dve~iod dvu TrroXe/xotd yc- vpas. 0. 378. Fe^vpow, v. [ponte jnngo,] to throw a bridge over. 'Es fieatrov KdreflaXXt* yevpuaev be KeXevdov. O. 357- TewXo(j)dy, ov, ro, subst. [tumulus, collis,] a hill, 'fts TO Kdravres TOVTO yeutXo- yov, $ TE (jivpiKai. Theocr. 5. 101. SYN. Ao0os, KoXwv?;, flow fa, Trpwr, opos. Fewjuerpew, v. [(1) terram metior ; (2) geometriam disco,] to measure land, to learn the science of geometry. Few/xerpj/acu (3ovXopat TOV aepd. Av. 996. trpta, as, rj, subst. [geouietria,] geometry, a. Ft^trpia. b. TOVT ovv rt ifftfx&v ; Nub. 202. , ytwpyaos, yewpyds, ov, 6, [agricola, rusticus,] a countryman, agri- ^onnlf nt ,^ n*,Xe- no In tlio inefan/'< nnntorl aVinufi t< ttlinrf HR ;ilsfl t.'iat of StiAdtOS. and 190 FEftP FIFA cultural, flaatv, oTTdaot yewpyt-K'o>. Pax 089. See also Apoll. 1. 1214. and Pax 1549. SYN. Aypovuptis, dypo/Kos, aypavXos. Ftwpytw, v. [terram colo,] to cultivate the ground. Mrjbt yewpyelr ro> /ui> iroXXtjr, roJd' eli'cu /u? rd^i/rac. Eccl. 588. SYN. F>j7r6>w, yj/ro/utw. Ftwpyucos, vi(l. Ftw/^opos. Fji, r7s, ^, subst. vid. Feud. , ov, et yiyyev^s, eos, o et >/, adj. [terra genitus,] earth-born. "6 r oyuos oi/Ktrt. Ion 1467' See also Here. F. 4. adv. [e terra, funditus,] from the ground, from the foundation, utterly. T H Kai a

    Treraa IffTia t)7os 'Obvccrevs. e. 26'9. SYN.^A/Gpos, v^p(ay t t\cipds, evdv- fJLoSj \afjiTrpds ofAf^uffi, /pds, CLTOS, Ion. dos, ws, ro, subst. [senectus,] old age. 'Epe7 rts, us TO yfjpds OVK ala-^yvo^ai. Bacch. 200. EPITH. AetXarov, ov aofyov, Trei'dipoi', fiapv, twy, TroXtoV, bvaTraXataruv, avTrvov, buoKoXov, fiapvrZpov A't'rvaj ypoVf (jidriov, TnKQov, bvffwvv/ndv, XiTriipov, arvytpoVy o/jioiidt', oXowv, y wpov. PHR. Aevsra^Qes Kapa, Fi;pds d^tXor, i'rd. Trqi^rd KUKO. , et yrjpitiD ; vid. Fr/pa'w. t et yripSk-ufjieto, v. [in senectute alo,] to maintain when old. OZ , KUI tiavovra <7. Alcest. 679. See also Call. Ep. 43. oufytos, et y^porpo^os, ov, o et >/, adj. [qui aliquem in senectute alit,] one who supports another in old age. 'yw b y^po/3offBoyyov a^do-ns ; Phoen. 974. SYN. Avbri, ^wv//, y//puyud, 00oyyos. EPITH. 'Op^etd, TroX^xopSos, 7ro:pd, aeibia. F/yreto', a ou, TO, subst. [genus caepe,] a kind of leek. "ATra^rd, rd re y/ret', off* ^vevraydp^i. Equit. 674. SYN. Kpofivov. , ov, contr. pro yyirrjs, 6, subst. [rusticus,] a rustic, a countryman. See TriTJjs OTTWS, apovpav CKTOTTOV Xapwv. Trach. ^2. ov, ro, subst. [granum acini; item (pars pro toto) uva;] the stone or refuse of the grape. 'AXX', dr' wv dvew yiyap-w^, Kai i> rhs iff^abds. Pax 633. SYN. ra./>vX?). Ftyas, UVTOS, u, subst. [gigas,] earth-born, a giant. EtcritSctv, ylyuvrl. Pinen. TAYK i0( , , s, drir0dXos, dretp,/ , uSuo*, , Kpareptis, >/Xt/3dros, v^nv^rjv t v/3ptdv8t>. Here. F. 1185. Fiyvfyicu, et yivopai, v. [gignor, nascor, fio, sum,] to be produced, to be born, to become, to be. rJavrwv /3poro7/, adj. [lippus,] blear-eyed. KaKtor* aTroXot'/tj;^, Kupx^r}fjos o yXafjuov. Ran. 586. r\avKTj, rjs, /, P. N. [Glauce,] a sea-nymph. "Ev0' dp' 'ijv TXavKtj re, OuXem re KvpdboKr} re. I. 39. FXavKmw, v. [glaucis oculis terribiliter intueor,] to look fiercely. TXavxlStar 5* Wvs (peperai /ue^et, tfvrlva. Tretyvr). T. 172. TXavKtis, ov, 6, P. N. [Glaucus,] (i)a sea-god, (2) also a leader of the Lycians. r\awfc;e, rt>? by v&t rtTipijfjieffBa. pdXiaTa. M. 310. See Orest. 364. EPITH. (2) 'Arrt0os, V////Xi?/s, Kparepos, jueydXTyrwp. PnR. 'iTTTroXo^o/o 0a/StjUos v/oj. VXainc3>\L t unros, o, et yXai>K-w7ris, tos, r/, adj. [glaucos oculos habens,] having cerulean, bright piercing eyes. Ae7n- -^dpat" bvu be yXavK&Tres avrov. Olymp. 6. 76. See B. 166. l\\af^, CIVKOS, >/, subst. [ulula, noctua,] an o\vl. FXavKts vfids oviror* 7rtXet- i^ov'ffi AavptuTiKai. Av. 1106. EPITH. Nvicrepia. rXci(f)v, cos, ro, subst. [antrum,] a den, a cave. Kai yXd^v Trcrpi/ev* Tore >} rptTTubi fiporu Iffoi, lies. Op. 531. SYN."Avrp6)', CTTTEOS, , adj. [(l) cavus ; (2) scitus, elegans,] hollow, spacious, smooth, elegant, clever. Herpes ec yXdfyvpfis alet reov ep-^ojjili'auv. B. 88. SYN. KoTXos, (3ddvs, 7/i/s, C7rp7rr)s, ?rte4ios. FXd^w, f. -^] /moT/iiiW, 7ro<7^>w, /3d- 0VKW, dpVffff&j ffKClTTTW. rXrjvii, rjsy //, subst. [pupilla oculi,] the pupil of the eye. rXiivrjs Kcnopt '?/> Td be ol irvpi piat. t. 390. SYN. Kopq, o00aX/.(OJ, deafta, /3\e/ , ro, subst. [deliciae,] any thing charming or delightful. os yXr/vd TroXXd K - ^dv6et. H. 192. , ?/, subst. [pulegium,] penny-royal. Kcu yXd^wy' be tJiaipdv. Theocr. 5. 56. , ov, o, adj. ab Aristoph. confectum. [qui odiosus est, quod ob res nauci pertinaciter obloquitur,] hateful for maintaining paltry disputes, litigious. Oi>' eXKopevos nepl irpaypdriov yXr^/;avrtXoye^7rtrp/7rroi/. Nub. 1004. xicrxpus, a, ov, adj. [viscosus, lubricus, jcjunus, sordidus,] viscous, hungry, mean, sordid. FXtV^pos, Trpocrairwv, Xtirapujv r'. EvptTrtSr;. Ach. 452. x/o- X pwr, o>os, 6 et >;, adj. [qui aliquid discupit, infelix,] a wretched beggar. . T ft beiXdxpiuv, TTWS r)X0; ft. T ft r&0%&k*, dp^s. Pax 19'^. Xotos, a, OK, adj. [lubricus, sordidus, maiignus,] smooth, sordid, malicious. MaadXrjs, e'/pwv, yXoios, dXdcwi'. Nub. 448. s, ou, 6, subst. [nates, chines,] a buttock. 'I^x'a re yXovrovs re, tXcfftrr,- i/ T bdKevet. 0. 340. po^ d, oi/, et yXvfcvs, e7d, i), adj. [dulcis,] sweet, balmy, refreshini;. fiXaffrrifS, etropu, peXfry. Med. 1095. See also Cycl. 556. SYN. 'Wi/s, ueXlnbns, nbvuiji. 192 FAYK FNftM rXvKvdvfAus, ov, o et 1% adj. [placidi ac mitis animi,] sweet-minded, gentle, placid. rXvKvBv^s Jyu/uurwr. Nub. 706. apirds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [dulces fructus ferens,] bearing sweet fruit. 'Evrt Kiaffos, CIT' a^iTreXos a yXikvKapTros. Theocr. 1 1 . 46. os, w> o et ?/, adj. [dulciter mitis,] sweetly soothing. Xalp t\iKo- /3Xe0cipe, yXvKvpeiXixt' bos b' ev dywvi. Horn. V. 19. FXikD/^Xov, ov, TO, subst. [malum praedulce,] a sweet apple. '> be raXa, yXvKvjuaXd' TO t>' &ttr dXeKTpivov, vbwp. Call. Cer. IQ. FXv$di'o>, ov, TO, subst. [scalprum, caelura,] a graver. 'A/u^wes, veorei/x, r yXv^dyoio Trorocrbdv. Theocr. 1. 28. rXv/, subst. [lingua,] a tongue, language. yXworadv t ala^ ffrr } v voaov. Orest. 10. EPITH. 'A0a7revro$, ayyeXos S/Trri/^os, ewrpd^os, i'Sm, mfo), /uea)/, Trpvyuv*}, a^aXtyos, evfrifjios, evKeXabos, eXevflepoaro/ios, r/SvXoyos, 0or), XdXos, XtytTa, /uia^lblds, yuapyi;, /utapa, /Ltarata, yueydXa 1/^775, ov\ofj.iivri, TroXvbaibaXos, Keproplds. a, as, >/, subst. [linguae prurigo,] vexatiousness of tongue. IV ^'/^ , w yi/^at, yXwaoraXymv. Med. 525. , v. [verba nova et inusitata profero,] to utter strange words : or, according to Dr. Jones, after Sanxay, to make the tongues of musical instru- ments. rXwrroTToteTv els rd iropveT eto-toi-0' e/caarore. Vesp. 1283. Xwrroorpo^ew, v. [versute et callide dicere,] to speak craftily or evasively. *A7rd ydp oXou^mt, pr) fjidd^r yXwrroorpo^el^. Nub. 7QO. SYN. Aa/3poffrd^w, ffTta/JivXXw, /3dX' VTTO yvadfiow KUI oi/dros' wicd ^e flvjuos. N. 671. See also Nub. 1107. SYN. Fci/vs, fftdywr, yapap.^eV tiri be yQovl ^F. 731. SYN. Ka^tTrrw, eiriKapTTTd), Kvprow, dvaorpt^w. , <>$, 6, subst. [fullo,] a fuller. 'ATrtSwjc' dtyeiXwv Ty yvdtyei rpio>/3oXo>'. Vesp. 1123. SYN. Kvd^eys, TrXvj/evs. v^atos, a, bv, adj. [(1) legitime genitus, legitimus, (2) genuinus,] (l) lawfully born, legitimate, (2) genuine. YTc bvitt Hpid/iotcJ voQov KCU yvijaldy, uyu^w. A. 102. SYN. Noyittyuos, o/uoTroYpios, o/xoyev/;s. ^w/ud, dros, ro, et y^wjurj, 775, >/, subst. [consilium, ratio, sententia, metis,] counsel, reason, sentiment, judgment, opinion. "E^etr, fx ois "" yv&pd. Trach. 593. See also Hec. 124. SYN. BouXj), Sidvoid, vows, vorjpd, royals, 6tXrmd, p6vr)fjid. EPITH. 'ArapjSj;roi/, evae/Ses, e/X7ror, t0i), bvetydpov. PlIR. F^W/J?/* ii6s, QpovTibos irXdvai. yw^tSidi', ov, ro, subst. [sententiola,] a little sentiment or conceit. Kai yvu- H'ibio) yv&fjirjv vv^fta ertpy \6yy dvrtXoy^ffac. Nub. 320. vw/iorvTrew, v. [sententias acutas effingo s. cudo,] to frame or coin maxims. KaJ yrw/*6rv7re7, KavTtivdfjta$et. Thesm. 60. 1 Brunok renders the word by " patro lingua.*' F002 193 , j), bv, adj. [acutas sentenrias effingens,] a framer or coiner of maxims. Km yvwjuori/Tm'os, KO\ crd^/y, Kat KpovvriKds. Equit. 1376'. FVW/UOJ-VTTOS, ov, 6 et ij, adj. [qui sententias procudit,] hammering out fine sen- tences. Fj/wjuoruTrots fjieptfjivais. Nub. 950. IVw|0/5w, v. [noscito,] to know, to ascertain. T H rovpydv ws ov ywyrfirof/rf crow robe. (E. R. 538. SYN. YiyvwoKw, bSKtfiagia, avaKpivw, /zrad/iac, ioropeu. Fi'wpfyios, (2) yvwaros, et (3) yvwr&s, >}, ov, adj. [notus, (3) consanguineus, fra- ter,] known, acquainted, allied lo, a brother. "H icai yvMptftos dXXos. IT. 8. See also GE. R. 391. et CE, R. 396'. SYN. OiKelos, Mo&s, rrvyyevijs, dpaifids, dSeX^os. Fv) aj?*/ tjXiKiav. Heracl. 70^. Fddw, f. yofjffu, aor. 1. cydf/vd, inf. poet. yd/juei>cu, aor. 2. tyoov, \. [lugeo,] to express wo, to lament, to bewail. Uarpl , Mpdpai, civaKUKVio, K\a.iu> % dpuebi, KivvpdfJiai, /uD'poyuat, atd^w, o/^uw5w> ororu5w, eXeX/^w, rriKOfjat yoots, d^to;, KMKVTOIS e-rravQi^it). ToyyvXrj, ys, rj, subst. [(1) rapum rotundum, (2) r.iaza rotunda,] a turnip, a round cake. "HffTrep yvvaitf, yoyyv\r)v yue^ay^e^i/. Pax 28. Toebvos, >}, ov, et ydepos, a, ov, adj. [lugubris, lugens,] woful, mournful. "H^et ri /zeXos yotpov yuepals. Hec. 84. SYN. AvtrrTjj os, TroXvbaKpiJS, \virrjptis, Trepi- XVTTOS, aXeyetros, fiprjvwbrjs, a^io9pi]vds, Trevdipos, TrerOrjprjs, fiapvircvOtjS, ros, dvtapos, oiKTpos. Toys, TITOS, (), subst. [praestigiator,] an enchanter, a deceiver. T Ap' OVK KUI yorjs TTC^WX' ^ Hipp. 1038. SYN. 'Ayvprrjs, f,'oXa|, TrXdvos. , ov, o, subst. [(1) onus navis, (2) merces,] freight of a ship. Mey' c/u- o-as yo/Ydv. ^sch. Suppl. 439. , ou, o, subst. [dens molaris,] a jaw-tooth, a grinder. 'ATrorio-dv ' e d ydp y6fji(f>lov IJLOVOV 0ope7. Plut. 1060. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [clavis firrnatus,] firmly bound, wedged. Fo/u^o- re 5opt. ^Esch. Suppl. 853. ctyjjs, cos, 6 et r/, adj. [clavis firmatus; accuratus, exquisitus,] coupled with nails, firmly wedged. T^drd yoju^o7rdy>7. Ran. 823. SYN , ov, 6, subst. [(1) clavus, (2) cuneus,] (1) a nail, (2) a wedge. 1 apa ri]v ye KCU apfJLOvlr)olv aprjpet'. e. 248. SYN. 2^)j)v, ?i\os, beanos, a EPITH. Kpdrepos, duos. o/z^ow, v. [clavis compingo,] to fasten with nails. Fofx00vjue>d ye rd TT&VTO. KOL KoXXwyuevd. Equit. 463. SYN. 2^)^vow, Tr/yyvt/^r, eas vflpi&tv TOVS epovs OVK iftov. Eur. Electr. 257 SYN. Fevr^rwp, yeverrjs, TOKCVS, irarrip, (JHTVS. F6V/), rjs, r/, et yo>os, ov, 6, subst. [partus, genitura, soboles,] parturition, birth, offspring. 'Prjlbltoi be yoval, reiod b' ovnor totKora varpt. Theocr. 17-44. See also N. 449. SYN. Yevecrls, (nropos, j3Xdorj;yud. EPITH. 0dXfpd, >ivs, ijuepceaaa, yXvKepa, TrjXv-yeTrj, biirTV-^os, aitieplos, yjpvala, mrcpa. Fovos, ov, 6, subst. ; see FoVr). Toi'v, .irds, et yovi^os, TO, plur. yourd, yoviara, et yovdrd, subst. [geilU,]^a knee. 'AXV rJTOi jjiev Tavra Oetiv ev yovraat Kelrat. a. 267- EPITH. ayfd/XoV, bovXov, 0oov, eXa^por, iKer/jo-lov, Xai\jjr)pti)>, rrtyiiXfpd'i FovvTrerj/s, eos, 6 et ?*/, adj. [ad genua cadens,] knee-bending, kneeling. Tovv- 7rere7s ebpas Trpoffirlrvti vpiris. EPITH/ArX^ros, iibU'ds, aXiatrros, &epoets, K'pi)epo, XiCvpds, Pros. Lex. 194 ropr FPA 6%vToy8s, oy$, TroXvbaicpvTds, XevydXetfs, -^aXeirds. PHR. Fowl' rrfupov U%UT&VWV yb&v 0pj/voi, -^etpoTrXrjKTOi bovrtot, a pity par a ^a/r^s. Fopyeios, a, dv, adj. [Gorgoneus,] of or belonging to the Gorgon. 'Er 52 r Fopye/ty Ka\r), betvolo TreXwpov. E. 74-1. FopyoXctya, TJS, >V, adj. [caput Gorgonis in cono galeae gestans, epith. Minerva?,] Gorgon-crested. 'H FopytfXd^a a' e/ceXeve roi/roiu 0dye7v. Equit. 1181. Fopyoi/wrds, ov, o et ^, adj. [caput Gorgonis in tergore pictum liabens,] having a Gorgon's head on the back. Otpe bevpd Topydvwrov aairibos KVK\OV. Acharn. 1124. Topyori, rjs, fi, subst. [Gorgonis interfectrix,] the murderess of the Gorgon. "I* FopyttyoVa. Ion. 1478. Fopyu0tw>, wvos, o, P. N. [Gorgythiou,] one of the sons of Priam. Kou row /ue> p' davti)TO. A. 06. EPITH. 'Avails, avbpotyovos, K"dparo//os, OpdaeTd, rieporjis, 5pdcovro/uaXXds, /3poroori)y^s, K'draTrrepos, Xwypd iraQovaa. FopyaiTrts, tos, ^, yopyw\//, WTTOS, et yopywTros, oC, e et ^, adj. [adspectu hor- reuda,] Gorgon-eyed, terrible-looking. N> 6' / Aios yopywTrts dSd/^aoros 0ed. Aj. Fl. 450. See also P. V. 356. and Orest. 255. Fo'prvv, wos, //, P. N. [urbs clarissima Cretan] a famous city in Crete. O? Kruffffovr* et^ov, TopTvvd re reiyloeaaav. B. 646. Fovva^o/^at, et yovrdd/zat, v. [genua amplectens oro,] to embrace the knees, to supplicate. KaifAiy yovvaao^a.i t KO.I JJLIV neiBeaOal oid). A. 427. See also A. 29. SYN. npoo-Tr/Trrw, TrpoffmrvZu), t/cerei/o;, Trdpd/cdXtw, yovvdrw^ aTrro/xat, youvd , oiJ, o, subst. [solum fertile,] a fertile spot, a rich soil. Tlavrr) oi Kara aXwrjs oivoTteboio. X. 192. SYN. FaTd, 7reSo>. EPITH. Ei/icapTrds. JTow, vid. Fodw. FpaTd, as; yp^iov, ov ; ypdts, yp^ts, ypavs, ypj^vs, subst. [anus, vetula,] an old woman, a hag. Hovs t ayr^o-ai r% ypa/^. Hec. 168. See also Plut. 688. ^. 33. Alcest. 56. and r. 353. SYN. Fcpcuu, 7rpeoiro rrjv btKrjv 8 ypa^drevs. Nub. 768. , v. [scriba sum,] to be or officiate as a scribe. AvaiXX' eypa///>(d* flire 2w<7rpdrr;. Thesm. 374. fjs, r/, subst. [(1) linea, (2) carceres,] (l)a line or mark, (2) the lists, the goal. Fpa^UT/s iKrjTai, Kal reXos Kafi^y fiiov. Eur. Electr. 9^6. SYN.BaX/3t$, irepas. Fpac>ffd/3r;s, ov, 6, adj. [qui vetulas abigit,] one who drives away old women. Tpaoffofiai, juidpot. Pax 8J2. FpctTrros, ?), o>/, adj. [scriptus, pictus,] written, painted. Kat ro toy /zeXdv evrt, rat a ypaTrra vdfCt^Soy. Theocr. 10. 28. SYN."Eyypa7rros, eyypd^os. FpwTrrvs, v^$,^f, subst. [laniatio cutis genarum,] a scratch, tearing of the cheek. K.vrjfjubas paTrrds bebero, ypaTrrus aXeeivwy. a0), >>, ^, subst. [scriptura, picture,] a picture, painting ; a writing. 'Aart- PMTTOS eV ypaa"ialv. Phoen. 129- EPITH. 'AelfivijffTus, QioirvevoTos, \//evo>/s. >ctyw, v. [scribo, insculpo, pingo,] to write, to engrave, to paint. See Damm. c. 2101. and Wolf's Prolejr. to Homer. Ke/s c-d/Xd ypa^ets TTWS lir 'Ivd^ov pools. Phoen. 583. SYN. '7rtypd0w, 5wypd0w, ey^apufffroi, eyypdvyopw, v. [vigilo,] to keep awake, to watch, to be vigilant. Toi/ri TO irvp eyprjyopev Qeatv eKarl Kal jj. Lysistr. 306. TffaiK&t, ov, 6, P. N. [Granicus,] the name of a river in Asia Minor. Fpi/i'twfc re Kai AI^TTOS, bios re ^m^uav^pos. M. 21. FptTrevs, ews, o, subst. [piscator,] a fisherman. See 'AXrei/s. To7$ e pera ypt- Trevs re yepuv, Trerpa re rervicrat. Theocr. 1. 39. Fp70os, ov, 6, subst. [rete,] a net. OuSej/ dpd ypiyov btdtytpet KXewrv^os. Vesp. 20. SYN."Ap/fus, yayyd/^i7, btKrvov. Fpv, s. ypv, subst. indccl. [(1) minimum, (2) vox porci,] (1) a small chip, (2) a grunt, a syllable. Tt>7rdpd7rd/ ovbe ypv. Plut. 17. Fpy^w, f. w, et ypvXXt^w, v. [grunnio, musso,] to grunt, to mutter. 'AXXa 00/pov, icat juj) ypvlys. Plut. 598. See also Plat. 307. SYN. adj. verb. 4 praeced. [mutiendus,] must mutter. r Apd ypvicruv earlv rjfjLiv ; et ^e Xvirfjaeis rl p.e. Lys. 657- Tpviraleros, ov, 6, subst. [avis fabulosa, mixta ex aquilarum et gryphorum genere,] a griffin, eagle, rpviraterovs ^aX/c^Xdrovs, KCU pitpaQ' 'nriroKprj[jii>a. Ran. 928. Fpv^/, VTTO>, o, subst. [gryps s. gryphus,] a griffin. FpuTras 0vXacu, roV re /uov- fw?ra ffTpaTov. P. V. 829. EPITH. TtrpaaiceXr/s. Fva, et poet, yu/o, as, fi, subst. [arvum,] land, a field, region. Nom XeVeu yvas. Phoen. 655. See also P. V. 714. SYN. "Apovpd, TrXedpov, Qpov. EPITH. BaQvairdpos, evKapiroSy iro\v-^pv(Jos t iriwv, avijporos. FvdXdv, ow, ro, subst. [(l)cavitas; (2)vola, vallis,] a cavity, a recess, the hollow of the hand, a cave, a valley, a capacious goblet. Ilapa /ueo-o^dXd yMXa $o//3ou. Phoen. 244. SYN. KotXw/^d, ayK-os, TTTT/X^, Trri/4. rt/yo/7/, sc. X///v>/, P. N. [Gygasa,] a lake of Maeonia, in Asia Minor. Yl VlvXaipeveos, rw Vvyaltj TfKeXifjivr). B. 865. FVIJS, ov, 6, subst. [bura, pars aratri,] the culter of a plough. IloXV 7rr KcifiirvXa KaXa' fyepetv be yvr]v t or' av evpys. Hes. Op. 425. 6os, 6 et jf, adj. [membris valens,] able-bodied. "A//epov yvtapKeus Pyth. 3. 12. SYN.^Aityeac-W, Ifr^vwv. cos, 6 et ?/, adj. [membra gravans,] crushing the limbs. HoXXd ?rd^ Kal yviofiapij. Agam. 63. ov, 6, subst. [qni membra domat,] a limb-subduer, a victorious pugilist. Aive(i> Kal TlvOeav et> yvwbdfiais. Isth. 5. 75. TvwKdpds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [membra satians, i. e. fatigans,] wearing out the limbs. Kal itoQov apyaXeov, Kal yvtoKopovs fjeXebatias. Hes. Op. 66. Tviov, ov, ro, subst. [membrum, artus,] a member, a limb. Ovpeos kv vvo re rpopos e'XXd/3e yv7d. T. 34. SYN. MeXos, yovv. EPITH. 'A/i adaXTres, eXafypov, efjureb&v, Qoov, ofiptpdv, TravaitiXdv, TfXeotydpbv, ^aill^bi' t U>KV. Tvuiiribri, rjs, ^, subst. [pedica,] fetters. 'A^vic-roifft yvioJrebats Triouv. Pyth. 2.75. Fvidw, v. [membra frango,] to lame. rvtoo-w ^ev ffwiv v efjioi. Ach. 10^6. TvXtav-xriv, tvos, adj. [cervicem praelongam et gracilem habens,] taper-necked. rXtai/x'as opxnvTas. Pax 739- J96 IYMN FYHA Fv/j>ac?w, v. [in palaestra exerceo, exerceo,] to practise, to discipline, to harass. Feyv/uvdicacriv, ovo' ex w> **' V> ^'06. $ YN - 'A7ro"yi/;u'v. Choeph. 624. , ov, o et ?/, adj. [a mulieribus decantatus,] proclaimed by women, originating in a woman's praise. Yvvau;6KripvKTov oXXvrat K\tds. A gam. 486. Fflytmo/mi'fw, v. [amore muliejum insanio,] to be woman-mad. Fi/vatK-o/^drw yap, Trpo^ei'cD 0' vjjiutv a pa. Thesm. 583. rvvaiKopipus, ou, 6 et ?), adj. [mulieres imitans,] imitating a woman, timid. rvvaiKb/Jtpois vKTiaffpaffiV ytp&v. P. V. 1013. TvvaiKopop/, subst. [mulierum conclave, gyna3ceum,] the women's apartment. EIrd Sm TOVTOV rals yvvatKwrirlolv. Thesm. 420. SYN. TlapOi- s, eos, adj. [mulierosus,] woman-mad. Ai/o-Trdpt, eI5ds dptore, yvrai- paves, ^TrtpoTrevrd. F. 39- Fi/v), aa-os, /, subst. [(l) mulier, (2)uxor,] (1) a woman, (2) a wife. 'H 6' aHnnva dpd rolffi yvvri Kiev' avrdp 'A^XXevs. A. 348. SYN. (l)0^Xvs, 6f]\eid, (2) dKoirts, TrapuKotTis. EPITH . "AvaXirts, apvpwv, debris, affropyos, icdicr), (j)t\6- trropyos, ^>i/\o^v^os, bvarv^Yis, aOXia, opoXeKrpos, ffwtypwv, 6%vQvpds t (3 dyd0^, fidpfidpos, CLTEKVOS, otKerts, dvdffios, yea, Svoy/d^tordros, ypatd, ros, avbpOKTdvos, KdKOTvxfis, bvffTijvds, yepaid, rdXatvd, /3deriXetd, ei/ tos, bcirf), TtpiwrdTq, dpdavaropos, QiXrdTr), T\rjfjni)v, TrpoairoXos, KXetvrj, ld, bdXdeaard, 6dXo0povOi/o-d, ftdpvdvpos, evc?a)j/os, evetSy/$, jjV , opoXeKTpos, TreptKaXXrjSj -JroXvarbvos. Tvirdptdv, ov, ro t subst. [nidus vulturis vel cujusvis avis,] a hole in a rock 1TPO A AIM 107 where vultures or other birds nestle, a nest. Kai ywafiois, Kn i Trvpyibiois ITOS oyboov, oi>K cXea/pets ; Equit. 790. SYN. OwXtos, KaXm. Fvpds, a, o*>, adj. [orbiculatus, curvus,] circular, round, curved. FIDO'S lv &fiotfftr t filXdvoxpoos, ovXuKaprjvds. r. 246. Fvpru>, tivds, et Fvpr^vr}, rjs, >/, P. N. [Gyrtone,] a city in Thessaly. b' u eis Vesp. 905. oyjeJs, ou, o, subst. [exornatio s. flexus verborum,] the rounding of words. oii/ T KCLVOMV afio\as, iru> TE yuvlua fjLOvs. Ran. 956. , ov t 6, subst. [thecae arcus,] a case for a bow. Avry ywpvry t os ol Qaetvos. $. 54. SYN. 'IdboKrj, apTpa, A. vs, vbus, 7;, subst. [pupa cerea s. gypsea,] a wax doll. See Hnhnk. p. 165. 'AXX' eirayijr bayvbi, KaXor yjpoa TravroQlv laa. Theocr. 2. 110. ExP. 2.~(j)at'os Trepia&iyywv Ti]v K'f0aXi/v. PHR. Koer/uos eynapbtos yvi'aiKutv. , ou, ro, (dimin. from Atus or 5^*,) a little torch. , v. [disco,] to learn. EvSova', r) d7rdvev0 ; btenre ^/ot, o ^de/w. K. 425. See also Z. 150. SYN. AtSc'iovco/icu, fiarQdvw. Adc*o/iat, v. [divido,] to divide. Kr^/udrd yap cev Trdj^rd Sdbai- bdXos, awXfis, TrotKiXos. AatSaXXw, et baibaXow, v. [(l) artificiose facio s. exorno ; (2) variego,] to work with art, to carve, to polish, to adorn. Dan-do-^ baibaXXuv, Kepi ft dirvyd /3dXXe tyaeirriv. 2. 479- See also Olymp. 1. 169. SYN. IlotuXXw, , ov, 6, P. N. [Daedalus,] an Athenian distinguished for his talents as an architect and statuary. *H Aat^dXov rl\vaialv t f/ Ql&v Tiros. Hec. 826. Ad/5w, a f. w, v. [divido, disseco, discerpo,] to divide, to rend, to mangle, to tear. *E e bid 7rrvxs r)X0e baigwv X^ K OS dretp//s. H. 247. SYN. Aai'w, bdzdpai, biaTpfifffftt), biatpeb), bdreofjiat, dt'apTraC'w, 5ia/p, ijjpos, bdiKTwp, opds, et bdiKTos, j), o", o a ^j- [vi cogens ; infestus,] tearing, piercing, heart-rending. AdaT/yp yoos, av-roVrtJvds. Sept. Theb. 9 1 ^- See also ^Esch. Suppl. 795. et Anacr. 42. 10. SYN. A^tds. Aat/idvdw, v. [malo numine teneor; furore corripior,] to be influenced by a daemon; to be mad. '!&, iw, batfjiovwrTts ar?. Sept. Theb. 1003. 1 Aae'pcw/, a* n. 762. and 769. is only a dissyllable. 2 The first syllable of this word is long, A. 497. 198 AAIM AAKN oy, ov, ro, subst. [nutnen,] a deify, daemon, genius. To affE. Phoen. 363. , a, 6v, adj. [divinus, admiratione dignus, &c.J (l) divine, happy, noble, (2) wretched, infatuated. Acu/uovl', ov are eoiKe, t&K&y &s, beiblffcreaOat. B. 190. SYN. 0e7os, yevvalos, /uuraptoy, avrWlos, 0ai/yuaaros, uyaoros, evbai- /uwy, KaKobaifjiMV, bvabaijiuv, aflXtos, /joprrifjos. Acu/^oViws, adv. [(1) divinitus, (2) mire,] in a providential or wonderful man- ner, wonderfully. X' vfivtiOtrris avrols Scu/uortws 0iXos ^?. Theocr. Ep. 12. 4. SYN. Qavftaffius, QavfjiaffTus. Aa/yuwv, o>os, 6 et 7;, subst. [(l) Deus, dea, (2) heros, (3) genius, (4) sors, fa- tum, (5) animus humanus,] a god, a goddess, a divinity, a deified hero, a daemon, lot, fate, life. OVKOVV ibwKe TTJ rvxy TOP buipova ; Phoen. 1667. SYN. 0os, dXaorwp, TO 5cu/uo'tov, /uolpd, popos, ^v%r]. EPITH. 'Ayavos, navos oruye- pos, ^aXejros, Tro'jUTrtyuds, aep.v6s y evrv-^rjs, /udfcdjf), areppos, tvdXtos, Troi'rtos, /^tyds, cptyavYis, TToXwaro^'ds, evOXos, a^>0tros, Siicatos, a^Qoros, Sextos, CTrfppodos, arK\r]- pos, eTTixGorios, riyaOeos, TT\OVT aborts, TroXtyffov^ds. Aatvvfjtl, fut. baiffo), et Acwi/w, (2) in med. v. Acuvfyiat, v. [(l) epulas do ; (2)epulor;] (1) to give a feast; (2) to feast. "Hrot tJ TOV Krtivas batw Tatyov 'Apye/otatj/. y. 309. See also Y. 29. et Troad. 777. SYN. (l) 'Eo-naw, -evw^ew, 5a/w, (2) dou-aw, effQiut, el\airtva/, P. N. [Daira,] a name of Proserpine. Acupav /Ltoi/rdyevetdv, eoy bepds iKfjiaivovTo. Apoll. Rh. 3. 846. AaJs, atros ; 5a/r;?, rjs ; et 6at7-i)s, t>os, //, subst. [epula?,] a feast, a banquet. Koivrj tyva-^uv &alru TTCU&I TW vea. Ion. 806. See also K. 217, and X. 496. SYN. Evoj^ta, eiXaTTivrj, &e"un>ov t epavos, 6oivrj. EPITH. fyovla, avripepos (Hec.) Trucpa, opeffKoos, aroaios, KOIVI), evbenrvos, &po(payos, (Elir.) ayadi), epd- feivri, drep?r^s, epiKvbrjs, 0dXetd, fAtioeiKrjs, etarj, 7r/e/pd, 7r)pdros, effOXt), orv- yepct, (Horn.) apfiporos, tTOipri, nax^a. PHR. See Pyth. 4. 226. Adts, tbds, >/, subst. [(1) fax, (2) prselium,] (1) a torch, (2) battle. Nwras 5* ib tv, eirrjv baibas Trapadelro. /3. 105. SYN. (1) A^s, (2) AatrdXevs, ews, 6, subst. [hospes,] a feaster, a guest. "AicX^ros .epTrw batrn- Xevs iraviifjiepos. P. V. 1C60. SYN. See Aatrfyiwy. Aa/r>7, rjs, ?/ ; see Aa/s. Aatrpeww, v. [(1) divido cullro ; (2) coquum ago,] to carve, to cook, to prepare a feast. Acurpevo-ct/ r, cat OTrrijfffcu, icat oiVd^df/sracr o. 322. SYN. Ad^w. Aatrpds, ov, 6, subst. [qui carnes dividit,] a carver. Ke/^ierov, kvQabe bairpos 0/<5eff/cev, K'ptd TroXXd. p. 331. SYN."Aprd/^ds, fiayctpos. AaiTpoavvr), TJS, >}, subst. [scientia carnern dividendi,] the art of the carver at table. Kcu both Qepairov-f. bafipoif. Satrpocrvmwv. TT. 253. v, dos, 6, subst. [(1) conviva, (2) coquus,] a guest, a cook, a carver. baiTVfjiovwr, irpos Ktot'd paKpov epeicras. 8. 66. SYN. AcurdXevs, fjiayeipos. vos, ?/, Vid. Aa/s. [" Aatrvs semel in Homero legitur." X. 496. Maltby.] J\afv, ovos, o et >/, adj. [(l) bellicosus; (2) prudens,] warlike, prudent. Ei)'- bets, 'Arplos i/it, batypoi'ds, tTnrdbdfjioio; B. 23. SYN. (l) Atflwi', ^atos, (2) v. [(1) clistribuo, (2) epulum praebeo, (3) i. q. ca/w, nro,] to divide, to distribute, to give a feast, to burn. Tlatbos baiffdpev vjuevaiovs. Iph. A. 123. SYN. (1) Atcu-oVrw, (2)Wvvjut, (3) vdfc-a/o;, di'aTrrw. d*c0u^dy, ov, 6 et }, adj. [animum mordens,] heart-rending. ITapw*', edm? Zu^tOvfjibs ctra. Philoct. 715. SYN. 'Avtapos, (see 'A^ap^s,) ams. EPITH. XXwpoV, irevKti>di>, otKrpov, Od- Xepoi', adpooy, dvotKrpov, TroXtov, 7rej/0fyi6v, Trofleivor, eXeetro^, rtpev, 0ep/u6V,, TTticpoV, atVoi', dXeyetyor, avdXeoy, yXv/ci/, TroXuor^^or, Kpvepov. PHR. 'O00aX- fjidreyKros irXiJUftvpts. AuKpvuyovds, ov, o et ^, adj. [lacrymas ciens,] tear-producing. A "Apr). ;Esch. Suppl. 685. Aac|oudets, ea^rd, ei/, adj. [lacrymabundus,] shedding tears, weeping. ytXdffaCTCt, Trocrts 6' eXf^cre vor/cras. Z. 484. SYN. 'AptoaKjOi/s, TroXvcrrvvos. PHR. Ad^pvffi fAvbaXeoSf o^ujud Sacpi/ots iretyvpfjievos. ^aKpvoTTnjs f cos, 6 et ^, adj. [ad lacrymas proclivis,] inclined to weeping, la- mentable. Atycd /3dped baKpvdirerrj. JEsch. Suppl. 112. AaK'pvTrXwo;, (alii Aa/cpv TrXww,) v. [lacrymis exundo,] to swim in tears. $rj be baKpvrrXweiv /3/3ap^ord //e ^pevds oirw. r. 122. Aaicpvppoew, v. [lacrymis fluo,] to shed tears. "Escape XCVK-OV >:pard, ///) Sckpi/ppoet, Eur. Suppl. 299. SYN. AaKrpvTrXwa*, baKpvu), 0p?/j'w, , obvpofiat. PHR. ew Sdvpvppoo*', St' oWwv va/i' e^w SdfCpvppooiJr, 6(pOaXfJLoreyKT, Op^vew, vXa/w, obvpofjiai, oXdXv(i>. PHR. Aafcpi/wy pj;ai 0epjud vajudrd, deppd reyyeiv 5a/,pid arova.- d^, ou, ro, subst. dimin. a Sa> be baXus be ot eKveae x ei P s - ' 421> S YN - &$ s > ^ap-nds. EPITH. aido-^, ctyeyyfis, ^)pavyj)s, TijXavyns, crtXao^opos. Ad/tdiw, bafAdXigM, bapdw, ba^dcj, bafjvrtjjii, \. [domo, subigo,] to subdue, to reduce, to overpower. *H rjbrj viro xepffi MevotTiabao d/uier<7w. II. 438. 1 The young scholar will do well to recollect that the penult, of the verb Saupvio is long, and of the substantive Sdicpvov is short. Thus SaKpvw is a tear, tiaKpvoi', the neuter participle from 200 AAMA AAPE See also Pyth. 11. 38. X. 271. X. 220. et E. 746. SYN. 'Ari/, adj. [hominis domans,] man-subduing. Adjud/, subst. [impendium, sumptus,] expense, cost, wastefulness, Ad- Trdvaiffl fypovba, biayvyuvB* VTT apyias. Here. F. 591 SYN. 'AvoXw^ud. AdTre^o^, ov, TO, subst. [(1) pavirnentum, (2) solum,] pavement, ground. EWe ytvoi/jiav ev aois baTrebots. Hipp. 230. SYN. Qvbds, ebatyos, irtbiov, yrj. AdTrts, i5os, r/, pro TUTTIS, subst. [tapes,] a carpet. Our' ev bctTTiatv' ris yap vtyaiveiv eOZXi'iaei, ^pvaiov OVTOS ; Plut. 528. Aairrw, et bapbaTrrw, v. [dilanio, devoro,] to tear with the teeth, to devour, to consume. A.evKt]v Hbcnrrov aapKa Tfjs bverbctipoi'ds. Me^. 1186. See also TT. 315. SYN. Bi/BptixrKw, eo-0tw, ^dreo-Stw, blaoTraparraii). kapbavlbrjs, ov, (JEo\. ad,) 6, et Aa.oSdris, tSos, rj, patronym. [Dardani satus,] a descendant of Dardanus. To7N 201 ^' ?" N ' [ Dariu , s '3 lhe namc of two kil] g s among Hie Persians. liepff&v, Trpwrov irarruv, Aape/ov KCII Meyd/3qc?ov. Aves 484. , i/ros, 6, P. N. [Dares,] a Phrygian who was said to have written the history ofjhe Trojan war. Tpwes be ptydOvpol, end ibov vlt Adpqros. E. 27. EpITH. 'Apv/uiofy a^i/etos, upevs 'H^aforoed. Aap6>a> w , f. bap6i]adpat, 2. a. tbap6di>, per metath. poet. I5pd0o>, v. [dorraio ] to sleep, to repose. *fy&0fr ^ Trpobopy X Xa~ivar 6' tirUtraauev /met*, v. 143. SYN. Ev . s, ov, o et /, adj., Dor. pro bqptifaSs, [diuturnus,] long-lived. Aapo/3?- Qtolaiv. Sept. Theb. 520. , Dor. pro A>7pos, q. v. ^s, fySfo, 17, subst. [fax, taeda,] a torch. Src^droi/ yt rot KCU 5^5' evwi/ Tropey- erat. Plut. 1042. SYN. see AaXos. EPITH. A^aAoe^d, 0Xo'u ao-Ktds, O y, 6 et v, adj. [nmbrosus,] thickly shaded. El te K tv Is K \ iT vv ara- pas Kai baffKidv vbr)v. e. 470. ct-r^os, ov, o, subst. [(1) divisio, (2) tributum,] division, distribution, tribute. XeTpes e/nal bUirova' ardp ijv nore baapo^ iKrjTat. A. 166. SYN. v. [tributum solvo,] to pay tribute. Ov# eri laa^opoiialv. Pers. afftrXiJTis, tids, r/, ajlj. [ferox, terrorern iricutiens, dira,] furious, terrible, dreadful. 1 Xotp', 'JEfcara 5ao-7r\^ri, KCU es reAos apply dxabet. Theocr. 2. 14. SYN. A/i/ dffvOptZ, T piX 5 > o et */ a( ^J- [rsutos capillos habens, villosus,] having thick hair, very shaggy. 'Efcyuev yap Xdatoto baavTplyos elye rpdyoto. Theocr. 7. 15. aavKepKos, ou, 6 et //, adj. [villosam caudam habens,] having a bushy tail. Miffed) rets bdavKepKos dXwTrems, at rd MlK&vos. Theocr. 5. 112. ttfffymXXos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [lanosus,] having thick wool. "Apaevts oi'tes i] ftev 'A^CLIMV "iTrirol eTrtffawrpots bdreovTo. T. 394. SYN. ' , a, 6v, adj. [dividens,] dividing. "Oijjeis, Trdrpyiov Sept. Theb. 708. See also 942. Aurjjnfc, ov, 6, subst. [divisor, distributor,] a divider, distributor. "Ap^s. Sept. Theb. 942. AavXos, oD, 6 et r/, adj. [expon. Hesych. batrvs, densus, obscurus,] thick, ob- scure. AovXoi yctp TrpdTrtSwv ba-ffKloi re. ^Esch. Suppl. 9'2. SYN. Kdr^pt0//s. , T?S, ^, subst. [laurus,] the laurel, or bay-tree. 1 KaXX/oras 7rpo7rdXev/id av. Ion 113. EPITH. Evep^s, deaTrealos, Itpd, AeX^ts, IIi/0t(C>}, ev0dX?/j. opos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [laurura gere*ns, lauro redimitus,] bearing laurel, crowned with laurel. Ad0v/?0dpois fiovQvrowl TIJJ.CUS. ^sch. Suppl. 709- a^vivds, T;, ov, et bafyvwbrjs, Ids, 6 et >/, adj. [laureus, laurinus,] made of laurel. O!o> d rw Vo'XXwvos tffeiffdrd bdQvlvos opirr) t Call. 2. 1. See also Ion 76. os, 6, P. N. [Daphnis,] a name frequently occurring in bucolic 1 For an excellent illustration of the meaning of this word, see Ruhnk. Epist. Crit. p. 242. 2 See Martvn's Virg. The fabulous story of Apollo and Daphne does not appear to be alluded to by any Greek Poet anterior to the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus. Pro*. Lex. 2 C 202 AA4>O AEIM poetry, Acty?(& T$ -^apievrl OVVIIVTZTO fiovKoXtov ' T?. Theocr. 8. 1. EplTtf. TdXas, bvfftpws, Xevi^o^pdis. Ad^ou-fos, et jbiiQoivos, ov, 6 et >;, adj. [valde crucntus, credis avid us,] stained with blood, bloody, greedy of slaughter. EJyud b' 1% afjuj> wjuoto-t bd^oivtdf aifiaT/L taTtiv. 2. 538. See also Alcest. 598. Ae, conj. [et, sed,] and, moreover, also, but. SYN. 'Ardp, eTretrd, T, Kai. tebioKdpai, et betbtffKSfJiai, v. [dextra manu data excipio aliquem,] to shake hands with and welcome. 2ri/ &' tir-rr^v npoTrapotde' bebtaKofj-EVos be o. 150. See also y. 41. AllXos, pro A??Xos, [manifest us,] K. 466. *Ae7, f. &//), Trpoaj/m, irpeirei. 1 , f. w, v.[terreo; iw merf. v. metuo,] to terrify ; in the mid. v. to fear, me, o-^tSov e\0* ri? beibiaaeai ovrtos. N. 810. SYN. 'ATrorptTrw, ^>o/Jaj. , dros, TO, subst. [precatio, petitio,] a want, a request. To fer^ci rijs rjs, o belrut pov fftyobpii. Aves 1058. SYN. Eu^>/, Trpoaevxf], cwx w ^^ ^l f '- xd, dros, ro, subst. [documentum, specimen,] an exhibition, a specimen, proof, pledge. TpoTrcud 5e/yjudr' aQXtwy Trpoo-Sey/idrwr. Eur. El. 1 1/4. AetS^wv, dvos, 6 et r/, adj. [meticulosus, timidus,] timid, cowardly. 'A\Xrt fjiaXa Tpwes beibripoves' fj re fcev j^. F. 56. Ae/Sw, v. [timeo, vereor,] to fear. Ae/Sw, ^?) Qvipeaffiv tXwp K*aJ Kvppa yevut^ai. e. 473. See also 6. 825. SYN. Aet^ia/j/w, 06/3d/*ai, SetXmw, ofc^'tw, tippubtu, Tapfltw, Tpefjui). See Tdpaoro-o/^at.. AetcXtdw, v. [tnoror usque ad vesperarn,] to tarry until evening, to stay to supper. "Efffftrcu cvrws, arrd' av ^' ^PX^ SeteXijjeras. p. 599- SYN. Ei/^tdw. AetlXiyds, j), ov, et beleXos, ou, 6 et ?/, adj. [vespertinus,] setting in the evening, evening; late. AeteXt^oi/, KXivorros VTTO co^oy ^tXtoto. Apoll. 1.452. See also . 232. AetK'dmo^ lon.Se/mvdaTK-w, v. [comiteret benigne excipio, Horn.; porrigo, Theocr.] to receive, to entertain. f HSi) ytXwoires, Kal e Set^d^owyr' tTrZevfflv. ff. 110. See also Theocr. 24. 56. SYN. Ae^tdo^uat, yepa/pw, Ttpoaavbata. Aetfjj'vw, el Sencvvpi, f. w, v. [ostendo, indico.] to show, to discover, to prove. Aet'o-w e bfjiweval, Qtpcos ert peceov EOVTOS. Hes. Op. 500. See also Ion 1340. SYN. 'Avd^cuVw, ^d'|0ow, tr^/xatVw. Ae/Xatos, beiXanpos, a, i>, et ^etXa/cpiwr, wvos, o, adj. [timidus, miser,] timid, cowardly, wretched. OVjuoi fcdKoa/juwv, ws dTroXwXd ^e/Xni'os. Pint. 850. See also Plut. 974. et Pax 192. SYN. AetS//juw', SeiXos, tXeei^os, adXWs, raXal- fjtg.TO.ioft Ae/Xf?, rjs, r/, subst. [tempus pomeridianum vel ante meridianum,] evening, .twilight in the morning or evening. *H ?/o>s, 7) beiXr), ?} [Mevov r)/mp. 4>. 112. SYN. Ae/fXov, fiovXvros, e(T7Tpa, fcvf^ds. AetXm, as, ?/, subst. [timiditas,] timidity, cowardice. Tov beiXly Trpobovra Kal Ka^av^ptci. Aj. 1033. SYN. 'AroXyuta, (fropoi. AetXds, >/, of, adj. [timidus, miser,] cowardly, wretched, miserable. T H yop Kev beiXus T Kal ovribai>os Ka\loija.r)v. A. 293. SYN. Ae/Xatos, eiXd/3?)s, a<70- AeT/^d, dros, TO, subst. [metus,] fear, consternation. Hv///3aXXTai 1 TroXXd TOwSf Se//idros. Med. 286. SYN. $o/3os, SEOS, betXta. EPITH. XXop/, dXf- yetvov, afjieiXi^uff upyaXtdv , dvatSts, XevydXtoV, batfj.ovlov t beivuv, 'r6v y ireXupov, piyrjXov, crrvyiEpov, Tpo^ufpdf, x^^P^f . Ae/yua/vw, f. dvo), v. [timeo,] to fear. 'AXX' /^ T' albo^evr] KCLI evl 0p *ee Person. Orest. 660, AEIM AEKA -03 oi, o, subst. [terror,] terror. *tls faro' Kai p' "nnrovs KtXlro Ae7uoV re 4>o/3o> re. O. lip. 1 f ov, 6 et //, adj. [maleficus,] mischievous. Kuipos beivdderrjs, ndKd- alva btbaffkwv. Moscll. Ep. 8. , irdbds, 6 et /, adj. [cujus adventus gravis est,] dreadful- footed, moving with terrible steps. 'E\ TTOT etc yfjs T^crbe bctvonovs dpa. CE. R. 417. eo'os, rj, ov, adj. [(l) universe, qui est in aliquo genere multus, vehemens, ex- cellens ; unde speciatim, (2) dims, horribilis, (3)soler*s, (4) validus, (5) impro- bus,] fearful, formidable, commanding, terrible, clever, strong, cruel. }v, //r Trept per -rravTri Qofids ecrrtyavuTo. E. 739. $YN. (2) Qofieptis, ^d- ayuraTos, filciws, euros, (3)bar)/ub)i', auos, efAiretpos, tTrin'ibeios, IKO.VOS, , peyds, (5) afo/X^ros, draaOa.\os t dXacrros, bvvxeptjs, Travovpyos. s, oD, 6 et fj, et betvw^, WTTOS, adj. [adspectu ternbilis,] fierce-looking. J, {3\oovpoi re batyoivoi T aTrXrjroi re. Hesc. Scut. 250. See also (E. C. 85. SYN. YopywTTQSy yojoywx^, 5e/judrw/s, (j)d,3tpos. ws, adv. [terribili modo, sollerter,] terribly, cleverly, keivws y tftov TO o &iiTpt(j>r)s. Av.J442. , v. [cceno,] to sup, to feast, to eat. 'AXX' ovbe benrvels Kcird rov ev vofJLov. Eccles. 988. SYN. Bt^poxr/cw, etrGlio^ bopnetu, baiivpai, bei-nvov etTr^aros, oi/, 6, subst. [tempus coenandi,] supper-time, 'AXX' ore b)} beiirvrja- TOS /v, KUI 7n'i\vde /^j/Xd. p. 170. , adv. [laute, opipare,] elegantly, sumptuously. Kofjt^ws rt Kal &s. Acharn. 1015. ^w, v. [cosnam prasbeo,] to prepare a supper, to entertain. AetTmWay, ws ris T KareKTcive fiovv 7ri 0drv^. X. 410. SYN. See AtuVv/ui. e~t7rvdv, ov, TO, subst. [(1) ccena/(2) cibus, (S)convivium,] (l) supper, (2) food, (3) a repast. 'AXX' a/ttyl beiirvov oval 7rpo 0X0^7;, T?S, /, adj. [quae convivis insidiatur,] a woman who plots against her guests. AeiTryoXo^s* r/ r* avbpa KUI 'i^difiov irtp eorra. Hes. Op. 702. etpds, dos, ?/, subst. [jugum montis,] a cliff, the ridge of a mountain. "Opoiffi, ydruv betpabos Kapwrtas. Iph. T. 1452. See also Philoct. 491. SYN. KoXwrri, KopvQri, Xofos. etp^, et btpri, rjs, r/, subst. [collum,] the neck. Aeipi/s vaofiy fjieXdtmvyel. Hec. 151. See also Mosch. 2. 94. SYN. Au X r)i', rpdx?Xos. EPITH. 'ATrdX^, 7repiKa\\ris, ttpd, xpvcdfyopos, Xevo;. , v. [jugulo,] to cut the throat, to murder. Aipi'iaei pi KO.I w, KKI beipdro/ju'icrei. ^. 555. SYN. Kaparopw, eKTpdx^X/^w. j/vwp, opos, o et 7;, adj. [virum metuens,] man- fearing. Nf^-euM' 1 r^tcrord KJivrdv, cv betafydpa' fjLljjvei. Agam. 148. -d, adj. iudecl. [decem,] ten. IloXXds acXjjvas, btKa blfXdovaas trr). Helen. Ac^dSwpds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [decem palmos habens,] ten palms long. TpierTrtfld- pov b' a\jjly Tapveiv beKubwpui d/zd^?;. Hes. Op. 424. &EKdKis, adv. [decies,] ten times. Ovfr ei pot &K&JCU rl Kai tlxdffatis rdaa bolt]. I 378 beKafjtrivds, ov, o et >/, adj.^ [decem menses natus,] ten months old. 'HpavX^a 3 bl^rjvov lovra iro^ a'Mlbearis. Theocr. 24. 1. Ae*:a/ii/ous, ov, o, adj. [qui s. quod decem minarum est,] worth ten mmac. bal teKapvw rw6e 6o>pd(cos itfrei. Pax 1224. Aem^opos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [decem amphoras capiens,] containing ten barrels. Kpdrr/pd 6' ^cTrXijffcy ws btKa^opov. Cycl. 387- 1 AeTjuos ct *(5j8os are by some said to be Hie sons, by others tliehorae*, of Mare. a NetKeW is here a dissyllable, and scanned as ifh were 3 'Hpa/cAea must be scanned as if it were ' 204 AEKA AENA AtKaTTovs, Trobos, adj. [qiu s. quod decem pedum est,] having ten feet. "Ordv j}- beKd.7rovv TO oroi^eloy, Xtirdpov vwpety cVt oetTrvdV. Eccles. 648. Ae^ds, doos, //, subst. [numerus denarius, decuria,] the number ten, tew. 'H/je7$ 5' es beKabas bldKoaprjdei/iie^' 'A^aiot. B. 126. AeKao-Tropos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [in quo decem sementes factae sunt,] in which there have been ten sowings. YlpvurrjOev ovpSv, ws beKaan-opy \pova. Troad. 20. Aemrev//d, dros, TO subst. [dccima (pars),] the tithe or tenth part. Etoxiro, rwv v beKa.Tevpa.Td' KCU yap evd9' ovrws. Call. Ep. 40. , 77, o>, adj. [decimus,] the tenth. Ae be ffeurjvos ev KvuXy. Ion 1487. , pro eKatfrx(\tof, adj. [decies mille,] ten thousand. "Ocraov T" tv- oi 7r/d)(0>/, ?} beKa^iXoi. E. 148. , tos, o et r/, et ^efcens, t5os, ?/, adj. [decennalis,] ten years old, ten years long. AeK-erets d\d\rjvTd vloi Xoy^ais. Androm. 306*. See also Ly- sistr. 643. s, ov, et beKrwp, opos, 6, subst. [susceptor,] one who receives, a beggar, nj, os ovbet> roloserjr ?rt vr]valv 'A^aitiv. b. 24fc. See also Eumen. 204. dp, dros, ro, subst. [esca ; illecebrao,] a bait, a decoy, an allurement. ^>i- Aov blbovad be\edp cti'Spe . , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [qui aliquid in pugillares refert,] recording. j be Trarr' CTTWTT^ ypevl. Eumen. 275. AeXrov\a%ai Tap CTTT; ^sch. Suppl. 177- 1 , ov, ?/, subst. [tabulae, pugillares,] a tablet, a record. Tt brj ?roO' fjbfi rjs-xtpos. Hipp. 859. , ov, TO, subst. [porcellus lactens,] a sucking pig. Ot'/uoi K'dfcoSatyuwv, yt^ao/^at. Thesm. 244. SYN. \oiplbiov. AeX0diy. H. Apoll. 495. AeX^o', et beXts, 7>t>s, 6, subst. [delphin, piscis,] a dolphin, a sea-fish resem- bling a pig. AeX^tvas TE Kvvas re Kat ei-rrddi fJielZov eXya/i. //.96. EPITH. Me- ydKrjTrjs, (piXavXos, aXiTpetyris, dXlos, OdXaaalos, irovToxopos, dd AeX0o, &v, ot, subst. [Delphi,] Delphi, a city in Phocis. Kovo' els ov# els "Ann^v. Av. 6l8. Aeyuds, ro, subst. [corpus,] a body, structure, form. Tot/yeV erjv noba /, adj. [custos lecti,] confined to the bed. ^epvlorrjpij. Agam. 52. Ae/tzw, v. [aedifico,] to build, to raise, to construct. Kat by ret^os eoetyue, *at ^\do-e ra^poi/ CTT' avry. I. 349. SYN. Ao>dw, oiKobopeu, Krl$u. Aei/ot'XXw, v. [(l)oculos hue illuc verto ; (2)oculis nuo,] (1) to roll or turn the 1 See the learned Dr. Butler's note on this passage. AENA AEPA 005 eyes upon, (2) to beckon. Aei/2/XXoiv ZKCHTTOV, '6$w, Qafjivos. EPITH. 'AyXdoi/, ayXaoKapTrov, avOt/jdev, avro- evKapTTov, evtiaXes, yuaK'pdV, jjvKdpitv, atutpov, arlftapov, 7d*v^vXXo>, , v^ireres, v^lKapr}vov. , eaaa, er, et bevbpo^o^os, ov, 6et >/, adj. [neraorosus,] woody. 'A^d^E- ydp iv aXffEibevbprjevTi. t. 200. See Hel. 1113. w*', 6Yos, 6 et r/, adj. [arboribus nocens,] hurtful to trees, kevbpo- bl n^i TTVEOI fi\apa. Eumen. 926. , cos, T-O, subst. see Ab'fy>oj/. W , v. [arbores exscindo,] to fell wood, to mow, to shear. KdSe>/fy>d- rdvwrd. Pax 746. ?/, adj. [nemorosa,] woody. IlwStov bevbpwTl Trtrpa. Here. F. 790. Ae;'j/ac?w, v. [probris incesso,] to utter reproaches. Xn/pwv ITT! ^uyoiai 5evm- ffets e/^e. Antig. 759- SYN. '6/etSi5o>, XVTTEO;, v/Sp/^w, Xot^opew. &&abr]s,ov, 6, P. N. [Dexiades,] Ae^td^v tTrTrwr InldXpevov uKeu'iwv. H. 15. Aeiaoyucu, Ion. -dofjiat,v. [(1) dextra prehendo, (2) humaniter excipio,] to re- ceive with the right hand, to salute courteously. Xepai r' cSeftdwvro- icat fipriaavTo eKatrrffs. H. Ven. l6. SYN. 'AffTra^c/juaf, tylXotypdvew, evbe^ivo^at. PUR. Xetpt ol x e ^|' o-VTepeiffatSj kv r dpa ol v \etpi. Ae^tds, et be&Tepds, a, ot', adj. [dexter, faustus,] right, clever, auspicious. f fts dpd ot etTToVrt 7re7rrdro Sextos opvis. N. 821. See also ft. 284. SYN. 'Enlbe- tyos, a'iffios, ayados, sirirribeios. r/, subst. [modus alicujus excipiendi,] reception. Ae^ojueGd S^if, ^v euv. Iph. A. 1182. ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [oves excipiens,] receiving sheep for victims, opu- lent by means of victims, Bw/xov KcVwoxes be^ifjLrjXby koyapav. Androin. 1127- Ae^ioyvios, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui agilia membra habet,] alert in nmb, nimble. Ev^eepd, 6e^toyvtoj', opwir'. Olymp. 9- l64. Ae^iooretpds, ov, o et rj, adj. [jugali equo ad dexterum latus alligatus,] the shaft- horse on the right side. Myds"Apr/s befyoaetpos. Antig. 144. Aetor?7S, ?^ros, rj, subst. [dexteritas,] dexterity. Ae^toriyros KCU vovdevias, ore fie\Tiovs TE TroiovfjiEv. Ran. 1009. &ciirvp8s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [ignem suscipiens,] receiving fire. "EftdXov be^nrvpovs Ge&v. Eur. Suppl. 63. Ae^w^td, O.TOS, ro, subst. [quod comiter accipimus et dextra prehendimus,] an object of salutation and welcome. T ft xpvve, ^e^tw^d KaXXtorov /3poroT$. Eur* fr/Bell. 15. Ae4ta>vvjuos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [(l) faustus, auspicatus, (2) dexter,] (1) auspicious, (2) right. Havbqpiy. yap x P ffl 5e#wi'v/iois. ^Esch. Suppl. 6 15. Aeo/iai, f. 5//, rept- KaXXes, xpvorfov, Ifitpotv, Kvwffffiov, xpvffoKO\XriTot>, efjnrXedf oivov. Afpatdv, ov, ro, subst. [torques, collate,] a necklace, a collar. Aepatd waici yeoyovy tyepetv, TEKVOV. Ion 1431. et Sep/m, dros, et pos, os, ro, subst. [corium, pellis,] a hide, a skin. 6\ os Tr^yvpvaov ajud>7rei bepas. Med. 480. See also b. 440. and ' 206 AEPF AETT veobaprov, nooqveKes, Xa^vijev, irvKivov, WJJGV, /3d0fytaXX6>, XdatoV. Aepy/m, tiros, TO, subst. [adspectus,] a look, aspect, gaze. Ka/roi ronabos epy/ud \eaivrjs. Med. 190. SYN. BAe/u/ud, ctyfe, 6({>daXfjids. Aepq, vid. Aetpjy. AepKlaopat, et bepKopai, &epKd>, et Ion. bepKeaKo/nat, v. [video, adspicio,] to see, to behold, to look. Avo-fyaXj/s* itaXov & VTT' otypval bepKldwirai. Hes. Theog. 911. See also 910. Od.e. 158. and Apoll. 2.911. SYN. 'Opdw, (3\erru), oirTo/j.a.1, e'ibio, Xei/o-ffw, Trpoo-XevWw, TrpocrjGXtTrw, vrt)3X7r(u, KdroTrro/mi. Aepfta, aros, TO, vid. Atpds. Aep/mrti'os, r), ov, adj. [coriaceiis,] made of skin, leathern. 'Hprvvarro 6' cpejyid rpo-rrois ev bepfjiaTivotaiv. 6. 53. Aepos, Ion. ut vult Etym. pro Atpds, q. v. AeprpoV, ov, ro, subst. [omentum,] the coat of fat investing the bowels, the caul. AeprpoV bvvot>T!>' o 6' oi/f: aTrap,vvET6 %epffiv, X. 578. SYN. , f. Se^w, [pellem detraho,] to take off the skin, to flay. Av epvaav ne KCII ebeiav. A. , et beff^(t)fjia t O.TOS, TO, et beapos, ov, o, in plur. befffiol et Se Ei/pv- rov roVS' el7T SetrTro^etv Qpoviov. Trach. 367. See also Heracl. 884. SYN. , Tvpavvevbt, IQvvd), K-pdrfw, dp^w, alav^vcuo, Kvpievw, fiaalXevw, avaa- T^S, et SeffTrom, ^os, ?/, subst. [hera, domina,] a mistress, queen, lady. Ae/ ets r/c^' ei/ryxe^ efiovXdfjLrjv. Ion 669. See also Alcest. 96'9 SYN. , et bwjroavvos, ov, 6 et fj, et 6ecr7rort/cos, >}, o^, adj. [herilis,] of or belonging to a master. Aeo-Troaiw 4 UJ/ #/3p. ^Esch. Suppl. 852. See also . Iph. T. 440. etCall. 6. 62. Aeo-Tror^s, ov, 6, subst. [(1) herus, dominus, (2) rex,] a master, a lord, a king. "EXOVVO. vwrots beffirorrjv fyripti'dv. Bacch. 106'3. SYN. Kvptos, Koipavos, /3d- ai\evs, ava, becriroTOV Sf^uds. AefnroTiffKos, ou, 6, dittim. a praeced. Vid. ad v. e^oSdw. A>>), rj:, //, subst. [fasciculus,] a bundle, a faggot. ^Kcuo/ievai TE ^ETCL\, ra re Tpelj effavpevos Trip. A. 553. SYN. Aaprds, 5^'s. Aev/cdXtwv, poi'Tlbe$ o-o^ Hipp. 438. See also i//. 342. (1) 'OTricrrepos, aXXos, (2) vedros, VCIUTOS, TVS, TTV/JIUTOS, TeXevTalos, vordros, AEYT AHAO 207 Aov be&fjtedii. Helen. 866. SYN. 'A7ro X o>a<, Xapfidi'to, aipew. e^fw, v. [rnollio coriariorum more, depso,] properly, to steep hides, to soften or render pliant by handling or rubbing. Krjpbv be^fjaas /^Xti/ofd, /n/r ciKOvvy. IJL. 48. SYN. 'E^ew, /udX/,' adv. [sane, profecto,] indeed, assuredly. 'E ov b>} TO. Trp&ra. A. 6. A^/yjud, dros, ro, subst, [morsus,] a bite. 'A\X' ovv dv ecrr? avKofyuvrov bt'iyud- ros. Plut. 885. A?^0d, 5j)y, bripdv, et Dor. Sc.-poj/, adv. [diu,] long, long ago. 'E7rei>) bijdd ^iX&/ CCTTO 7r///.jdrd Tracr^w. ?/. 152. , z adv. [scilicet, videlicet,] therefore, then, namely, 'fts yaapEi'd. Orest. 1314. , v. [tardo, inoror,] to delay, to tarry. A^dt/vecv* o e)' dp' 7\Tlv. Apoll. 2. 75. SYN. BpdiW, 5tdjueX\a>, xpuviz os, ou, 6 et r/, adj. [bello captus,] taken by an enemy, plundered. 7 fl Tpo/a, ^opi' :ai 7ri)pt ^tdXwro^. Androm. 105. SYN. See Ai^^ w '"o s ' rjldveipa, as, >/, P. N. [Dejanira,] the wife of Hercules. Tuv a/*o/3w eiicvin be/ KOI dreiped (jxot'iiiv. X. 227- EPITH. 'YTrtpj;) optwr, //pws, Xei'^ndTrJ'y, )s, QtdetKZXos, peyd fypovtwv, I^pidfjtlbrjs. Ws, ov, o et //, adj. [mordax,] keen, reproachful, annoying. M>) Xi/?rpd, Kapbtas br]KTf]pla. Hec. 234. , v. [laedo, noceo, deleo,] to injure, to wound, to destroy. ice 6dpa. A^Xj/yuwr, ovos, adj. et subsl. [(l) nocivus, (2) pernicies,] (1) injurious to, (2) a destroyer. Et's "E^TOI/ jSdo-tX^d, /Sjooroiv briXiipova. KCLVTUV. a. 84. SYN. BXd/3epos, dXn-pos, oXedptos, XvfjteAv. &rjXlds, dbos, i], gentil. feui., belonging to Delos. Aipvas lirlfta. rds Ai/XmSos. Ion 165. , rj, 6v, adj. [manifestus, clarus,] manifest, clear, distinct. Ilc/Xv b' a 1 For the meaning of this particle, see Hoogeveeu and Viger. 2 Bis in Eurip. 5?}0e. Electr. 268. 274. 9 77t in Sril'oio is scanned as one Ion? syllable. 208 AHAO AHMO ffvvrf brjXos opuoQai. Orest. 344. SYN. 'AptSqXos, e/iaivu>, ^d^epou;. v. [populi gratiam capto, &c.] to lead, to flatter, to cajole the people. Nv>'* be >//mywye7. Ran. 422. as, //, subst. [populi regimen,] government by the people. 'H yap ov Trpus povrrlKOV. Equit. 19 1. r), ov, adj, [popularis,] popular. Td 5' ctXXd ooi Trpoffeari d. Equit. 217. aKibiot', ov, ro, subst. dimin. k &ijfji8s, [earns popellns,] dear little people. brjfJiaKibiov, KCII 7rXe7/. Nub. 37. v. [publico,] to confiscate, to vest in the people. Tiros K\vovres ; KpaTos; Cycl. 119. w, v. [concionor,] to harangue, to address the people. A . IloXi) fj.EV oiiv aptffTa irov. Eccles. 111. ov, 6 et //, adj. [popularis,] popular. 'A^dptoroi' vfitov o-Trep/z', &>lfjir)ydpovs. Hec. 254. SYN. 'AyoprjTrjs, ^/io^dptor?)s, KOTTIS, ijbvXoyos, p/;rwp. rjjurjXda/ids, a, ov, et 6^^i//Xdro$, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [plebiscite in exilium actus,] exiled by the people. Oi/rtv' e^>' a'/yudrt S^/z^Xd^. ^Esch. Suppl. 7. See also 609. SYN. A^d;7-a>p, Trvpo^opos, K'aXX , Trctju/^r/retpd, evtdvos, bid Ozaiov. , ov, ro, dimin. a c)>7/uos, subst. [popellus, plebecula,] dear little people, ^^rd, krjfjtiblov w (piXrdTov. Equit. 726. v. [populo sum addictus,] to court, or be devoted to, the people. 'YTTO rdh' fiet br)piuvTti)V, OVK oib' OTTOL iy*>K.vKXr)Gat. Vesp. 697 ExP. TtDi/ TOV bfijjiov dTrdranTiov. SYN. A^udywyew. ^toepyos, et brjfjilovpyds, ov, 6, subst. [opifex, artifex,] a mechanic, an artisan, a magistrate. Qvre ~t KiftHUKvy, ol brjptoepyoi taaiv. T. 135. See also Pax 286. SYN. 'Epydrjjs. ?^uo7rX??0//s, cos, o et fi, adj. [opibus publicis abundans,] supplying public wealth. Krfjrri irpooQe rd brjpioTrXriOii. Agam. 127- 1 rjutoTTpuTos, 77, ov, adj. [quod publicatur,] confiscated. ripi)rdve7d, /itrtAX', dyopds, Xtyuevos, fitadovs Kal brjuidirpard. Vesp. 657. ^tds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. et (2) bf]/j.Ws, ov, o, subst. [(1) publicus, (2) carnifex,] (1) of the people, public, common, (2) an executioner. A?/^uoi, 01 mr' dyoivds evTrprjffaecrKov eKCiard. 6. 259. SYN. (l) Arjyuoffios, evbrjpos, KOIVOS, (2) bqjj.0- KOtvos, pafibov%os, VTrrjpETrjs. ^tovpyU-ws, adv. [afFabre,] in a workmanlike manner, cleverly. "Arm ^pi) Trotelv, 0e*rrws (ppa^e brujLiovpylK&s. Pax 429* ^/io/jopds, oi/, 6 et >;, adj. [qui bona populi devorat,] people-devouring. Ar;/uo- fiopos fidcriXevs, errei ovribdvo~iaiv dvafftrets. A. 231. SYN. A7/io0dyos. OVTOS, o, subst. [populi senior,] a senator. E'/dro brjfJLdyepovres ttrl vXrialr. Y. 149- SYN. BovXevrj/s, ytpojv, povXijtyopos. , ov, 6, P. N. [Demodocus.] A^/UO^OKOV* ry yap pd 0tos Trtpt 6. 43. EPITH. OcTos, dotSos. 1 See Dr. Blorafield's Gloss. AHMO -209 dos, et contr. -ovs, ov, 6 et //, adj. [vulgatus, popularis,] common, popular, notorious. 0//fi7 ye pevroi brjpddpovs fjieya adevet. Agam. 911. TJ/JOKOWI/, wvros, 6, P, N. [Democoon.] 'AXX' vlov Ylptduotd voOov /3dXe knufi KOWVTd. A. 499. WOKpdTetipai, v. [populi imperio servio,] to live under a popular government. Kett TOVS biipovs kv rals TroXetrtv be/fas, ws 5f//4otfpdroD/rcn. Acharn. 6'40. PHR. Aews Kpairei dvev K\r)Trjpos. rjuoKparin, as, r), subst. [imperium populare,] a constitution in which the government of the state is vested in the people, a republic, a democracy. T ft bripoKpdTia, ravrd bfjr' dvaayeTd ; Acharn. 6l8. SYN. Td bt]fji6ffid, rd ?i, ov, adj. [ad democratiam pertinens,] democratical, like a friend to the people, a. ArjjuoKpdruro*/ yap CLVT &pwv. b. TOVTO fief Zaa&v, & 'ray. Ran. 952. rjfjoKpavTds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [a populo ratus,] executed or ratified by the people. Ar)fj.oKpai>rov & apas rivet xpeds. Agam. 444. ^dXei/oros, ov, 6 et^, adj. [a populo lapidatus,] stonedby the people, effected by being publicly stoned. Oovov TrpoKelaOat bij^dXevaTdv kv TroXet. Antig. 36. SYN. Aj//zopp0r/s. oXewv, o^ros, 6, P. N. [Demoleon,] the son of Antenor. Tlp&rrj lv vff^lvy ' ETT a.vry Ar///6\ovrd. T. 395. r]Kos, ov, o, subst. [qui simiam se exhibeterga populum vel fraudulentia vel adulatione,] ape of the people. Kat ^^oKo^vbrmoirWi'iK^v. Ran. 1085. &r)jj.o7TpaKTds, ov, o et //, adj. [a populo factus vel decretus,] made or decreed by the people. TomSe brjfjoTrpnKTOs CK TroXews 1 /utd. ^Esch. Suppl. 939. bilfjioppfytis, os, 6 et fj, adj. [a populo jactatus,] scattered by the people. Aq- poppi^els, vaty* 'iadt, Xewai^ous dpas. x^gam. 1606. Ar/pos, ov, 6, subst. [populus, plebs,] the people, community, the common people. *Ov & av ST/JUOV r* avbpa loot, /Soowvrd r etyevpot. B. 198. SYN. Aaos, Xews, o^Xos, TrXijOds, ol 7ro\\oi. EPITH. 'ErepaXKrjs, Keveotypwv, evpvs, ei/^ev^s, evdvvr^s "^Qovos, TrpotrraTrjs TOV fiiov. Arjuds, ov, o, subst. [pinguedo, adeps,] fat. ^r,^6v epeTTTofjtevoi cTri^e^piStov Ketpov- res. 4>. 204. SYN. 'AXo<0?7, TnyueX?/, XITTOS, ffredp. EPITH. 'Apyrjs, TT/WV, ^TrXa^. &r)ndi7ivu>, v. [publico ; rem publicam tracto,] to confiscate, to meddle with public affairs. 'AXX', w irovrjp', ov ^rjpoffievujv Tvyyavw. Acharn. 1029- SYN. a, ov, adj. [publictis,] belonging to the people, public. "AKpav brjpoffids u>v, jcXawtrat. Lysistr. 436. et Apoll. 1. 783. SYN. A?/- fJLWS. ^dr??s, ov, o, et S^OTIS, tSos, r/, subst. [unus de populo, plebeius,] one of the people, a plebeian. "EX W " a.K\eiarovs rw Ql\ovrl crjporwv. Iph. A. 340. See also Theocr. 28. 22. OTIKOS, r}, 6v t et ^rjpdrepds, d, 6v, adj. [plebeius, popularis, popularis status ainans,] plebeian, patriotic, republican. Ai/o pvpldbes rSiv Qqpffrltvv ewv av iraal \dywois. Vesp. 709. A77//oi5 X ds, ov, 6, P. N. et (2) subst. [princeps, (3) adj. populo praesidens,] (2) a president or guardian of the people, (3) ruling or protecting the people. Euv ralffbe rats aefjivaial brifj.ov'xpis deals. CE. C. 458. . . . &rj/jio(f)dyos, ov, 6, adj. [qui populum devorat,] devouring the people. ^dyov be Tvpdvvov, OTTWS eOeXets, KaTCucXivat. Theog. 1183. SYN. ^ &r)ddpiaT)}s, ov, o, adj. et subst. [qui populo gratificatur,] a flatterin , , )}s, ov, o, adj. et subst. [qui populo gratificatur,] a flattering, artful demagogue. Ko?m, YibvXdyos, br)fjidx.aptoTfis. Hec. 132. i;/uw^drd, wv, rd, Dor. Sa/iw/udrd, subst. [carmina quae publice cantautur,] patriotic songs, ballads. Xdptrwv 5a/iw^drd KaXXiKdpwv. Pax 798. 1 n6\tus is dissyll. Pro*. Lex. 2 D 210 AHN AIAF &>)*>, adv. [diu,] long, long-lived. &r)v 3\v> 6s pd Qlolalv Z. 131. SYN. Af/p6V. brjvaios, a, 6>, adj. [longfevus, diuturnus,] long-lived, permanent, lasting. "Orrt yudX' ov brjraws, ds aduraTOial ^a^otro. E. 407 SYN. Arjpos, AJ>OS, cos, TO, subst. [consilium, ars,] design, art, device. Hdi/rd bt roe wid S/?*>ed K/pojs. *:. 289. SYN. BovX?/, /3oyXev/m. EPITH. , iravaioXov, TroXvfJ.iiya.vov, TroXvrpoTrov, o^erXtoV. s, ov, 6 el ^, adj. [animum mordens,] heart-piercing, &vtdvudy cpw- 70$ civBos. Agam. 720. SYN. Ad*ce0yyuos, dvidpos, euros. Ajftfw, contr. a brjiuw, v. [hostiliter populor, vasto,] to ravage with hostile fire, to lay waste, to ravage. "OTTWS Ctffoas Kal KaraKTeivas tfjLoks. Hcracl. 995. SYN. 'Avatpew, bald), K:d:ow, repva). Am>(cUf/Mti| f. aadfjLai, et brjpWjjiai, f. ladfiai, v. [contendo, pugno,] to contend, to combat, to fight, nav/r^eafld yud^jys* o 6' avrot See also II. 756. P. 734. and Olymp. 13. 63. SYN. fpiit), d/itXXdojuat, ay(i)vid[.iai. A//pts, ews, et Ion. 10$, ?/, subst. [pugna, conlentio,] contention, conflict. Tlos 0' viuvos T apeTfjs 7Tpi bijptv e-ftpvalv. w. 514. SYN. Adis, /m^/7, dywv, tpts, EPITH. 'ATretptcrta, aaa^Tos, at//droe(Tyw, fut. a dw, v. [inveniam,] to be about to find out. Ou-dS' fTret ovKerl S^ere r^jcyuwp. I. 418. Affw, ovs, ?% Vid. ArjurjTrip. A>;o7 Oy/uwrrdyue^^. Helen. 1342. A/a, as, ^, P. N. [Dia,] the ancient name of Naxos. Au; lv dyu0tpi/rj;, paprvpHrjali'. X. 324. Atd, praep. cum gen. et ace. [per, propter,] though, by means of, on account of. 'E\evr)v iboipl' bla i;a\ajv yap o'/u/:mrwj'. Hec. 442. Am/3a/i'w, f. fifjfftipair 2 a. efiqv, et td/3dmf X/juvj/v biafiuvrZ. Alcest. 927- See also Aves 487. SYN. AmTrtpdw, virepfiaivw, Atd/3d/\Xw, et 5m/3dXXd/aa, v. [(l) trajicio, (2) calumnior,] to pierce through, to calumniate. Kdyw irdXlrais fjfi biapXrjQtjffopcu. Heracl. 423. SYN. Am/3a/yw, j, atrao/uai, XotSopew, v/3pt'5ayKa$duai. Ard/3odw, f. /aw, v. [divulgo,] to proclaim. Am/3od a( ^.i* [ ma didus, uvidus,] drenched, bathed. Hvv^dv, ^td/3pe>xot yeretdSds. Phoen. 1396. SYN.^Yypos, vortpos. cJw, v. [sereno,] to make serene. Toil' ' evdtws ra irpoauTra 2>le- ya\i]vlof.v. Equit. 643. SYN. See FaXqiaaw. AtayyeXXw, f. f\5, v. [annuncio,] to proclaim, to pronounce. "Oa>ff/cw, et btayv&jjil, v. [pernosco, dignosco,] to know thoroughly, to dis- cern, to determine, to decide. Kat \^^(j)6v a'ipetv, KCU ^tay^wvat biKtjy. Eumen. 6.99' SYN. Fiyi'wo-Kw, biaxplvta. AmyXai/craw, [mico, reuideo,] to shine. 'Ev Trlpdri/s ai'iovaa, b tayXav<7ffovat 6' drapTro/. Apoll. 1. 1280. SYN. Am\a/*7ro>, ^am'Cw. AtayKwyut, v. Aldyi)'ci)<7Kw. Amyi'faxrrs, cw$, ^, subst. [dijudicatio ; cognitio causae,] decision, discernment. To yap Sa^yoy W5o//a, api\\adf*at. AtdSa^o^uat, v. [distribuo, divido,] to distribute, to divide. 'AQdmrow # SE roTcrti/ ei; bitbaffffdro Tipas. Hes. Theog. 881. SYN. see Acd;uni. AmSaTrrw, v. [dilacero,] to pierce through, to tear. 'Itivs l^ev tu, . Acharn. 601. SYN. 'E^evyw, dTro^eyyw, 6tdu'w. t, f. bldbwffu, v. [trado per manus, (hinc) doceo, &c.] to disseminate, to distribute, to teach, Kai btdbovrai VWTOV aKctfOav T. Troad. 1 17- SYN. , biaa-rreipw. h, fjs, r/, subst. [successio, quicquid fit per vices,] succession. btdb&xals djuteiflovaai ^epolr. Hec. 1141. mox<5s, ou, 6 et ?/, subst. et adj. [successor, vicarius; auxilians,] substitute; alleviating. 0r/;ro7s /xey/trrwj' Sid^oxot ^o^Qi]^(iTu)V. P. V r . 473. SYN. &ldbe,df*ei'ds. ta^pao-tTTdXIra/, wj/, 01, subst. [qui reipublicae mania subterfugiunt,] those who decline to perform the offices of the stale. E yewaiovs, Kai rtrpoTn/x*", K^at fiff bldbpaalTrdXiTas. Ran. 1014. v, ls, ?/, subst. [discursus,] a running about, consternation, alarm. df.iaifjL(jves. Sept. Theb. 344. ddtfw, et bidbvi'u, v. [subco per medium, effugio,] to enter, to pass thrnugh, 212 AIAE AIAK to escape. Ilayrd n-ftypaicrai, KOVK evrtv dir^s ovb' el aep(f>(s) blabvvat. Vesp. 352. SYN. Atd^euyw, biafiaivb), aTrdtyevyw. Aidetc/Ltat, f. eiVat, v. [cantando decerto,] to contend with in singing. 'lepov, uXXd ye TOI bldeiao/dat, eWe K' cnreiTrrjs. Theocr. 5. 22. Atadw, biactiu), et Ion. blagwiffK*, v. [onmem vitam transigo,] to live by means of, to maintain, to continue to the end of life. '0p0ws btafjv TOV PIOV yvwpris ^erd. Iph. A. 924. See Apoll. 1. 1074. SYN. Zdw, '/Stow, bidyaj. Ata5evyvv//i, f. c?euw, v. [disjungo,] to separate. 'AXX' owre vrwXds, ijrts av ew, v. [excogito,] to examine thoroughly. IToiidXovs Xoyovs avevpev ev s. Thesm. 438. SYN. 'Ava^^rew, avaKpiyw, t^era^w. i, v. [perflo,] to blow through. Kat 6m TrapderlKfjs diraXo^pdos ov blarifflv. Hes. Op. 517. SYN. Aiepxojuat, 6tdw. Atd0etow, v. [sulphure perfumo,] to purify or to fumigate with sulphur. Ev , Kat btifjia KO.I avX//j>. ^. 494. SYN. &tadfjKr}, ??s, >/, subst. [foedns, pactum,] an agreement, a covenant, a will. KXaetv fyueTs /uiaxpd rijv Ke^)d\rjy eiTruvres ry bidd^Krj. Vesp. 582. SYN. ^L-rrovbrj, Aia0X//5w, v. [premo,] to oppress, to afflict. Kov^orepws rore at'lat. Call. Ep. 10. SYN. 'EmdXifiu, Trte^w. Amfl/oew, v. [perspicio, investigo,] to see through, to investigate, to observe. Kdr' evrevQev Trpwparevffat, /cat TOVS diepovs bldOprjaat. Equit. 543. SYN. Atdet'Sd/uat, a0pew. Ata0pu7rrw, v. [( 1 ) diftringo, (2) deliciis franco,] (1) to break to pieces, to bruise ; (2) to corrupt or render effeminate. Tp/x#d re KOI rerpayQa bla.Tpvf.v etpos. F. 363. SYN. AtayOp/;yvv/4t, i:drapp//y^vjut, ^tarp//3w, dXotdw, Amt0j/H7 'biKeHv aefiorres kv biatpeaet. Eumen. 752. SYN. NO^UJ), //eptayuos, baa/uids. Ata/perds, ?;, or, adj. [quod dividi polest, divisus,] divisible, divided, distinct. Mo'tpav narpyas yrjs biaiperov repot. Trach. l66. Atatplw, v. [rJivido, distinguo,] to separate, to divide, to distinguish. "HOpei blcup&if TOV be vevovros KU.TW. Eur. Electr. 839. SYN. AtdKOTrru;, , v. [cum impetu transeo,] to hasten across, to traverse. iTpav. CE. C. 209. SYN. Amrpexw, btriKW. , v. [mernoriam alicujus aboleo,] to erase, to obliterate, to destroy. Avrfjv blijtffrwae. Trach. 883. SYN. 'Atorow, d^dv/c'w. Atatrd, 175, ?;, subst. [(l) vitae ratio ; (2) victus,] mode of living, living, live- lihood. 'Avbp&v biatTav fjiavvet. Pyth. 1. 182. SYN. Bids, /3toros, /Stor^. Atatrdw, v. [(1) arbiter sum, adjudico; (2) in med. voc. vitam dego,] (1) to adjudge, to award, (2) to live, to spend one's life. "O/\/3tos, 6'orts natal tylXiluaTuKeiva. btatTq. Theocr. 12. 34. SYN. (1) Bpd/3evw, fcptVw, (2) Stdyw, 6tarp//3w. ArdKdvd^w, f. w, v. [cum murmure infundo,] to pour in with u noise. TOV \dpvyyd bleKd^a^ trot KaXwt ; Cycl. 157. AIAK AIAK 213 aejw, v. [sortior,] to allot, to appoint, to draw lots. *H Sukav^mant Trorepoi K\av(Tovfjieda peigut. Pax 1081. okeacw, f. d<7w, v. [diffindo,] to cleave asunder. Uvp r cv vifiaai, bid re >Xa bat>d Keao-crai. o. 321. SYN. Ataa^/qw, Ktaw, bidreprut. m/cet/^au f. Keiaopat, v. [dispositus sum,] to be disposed, to behave, to be situated. "Apfywv KXicrews, ws bidKe'i^ai. Troad. 1 13. SYN. . , . . . . ufr^) f^ w . tdttipw, f. Kepw et fce/xrw, v. [detondeo, rescindo,] to shear, to crop off, to frustrate. Hetpdrw bl&Kepoat l^ov ends. 0. 8. SYN. 'A7ro/*t/jw, Ktipw, avai- , adv. [frustra,] in vain, to no purpose. Hvevpd Stdki^s dpd. Troad 753. SYN. Avrws, aXXws, /^w, v. [in minulas partes seco, moneta permuto,] to cut into small pieces, to mince, to get change for. 'EX0wv buKcpnaTi&v kv rols IvQval. Vesp. 789. SYN. Kep/zdn'Cw, tiaQpiirTw. tdKivew, v. [permoveo, invito,] to actuate, to stir up, to excite, to sift. Kai foadvei TQV voiiv avroD, /cat r>/s y-w/^s d^oTretpi. Nub. 477. SYN. Ktvea; Am*cAdw, f. do-w, [frango, confriugo,] to break to pieces, to cut through, to snap asunder. AiaA;\a<7cpt5ot', adv. [(1) praecipue, eximie, (2) discrete, distincte,] chiefly, pre- ferably, decidedly. Kaprei re aQlve'i re blaKpibdv elf at apiorvs. O. 108. Atafcpjvw, v. [secerno, discerno, &c.] to separate, to distinguish, to SttKpon/ffdr' ey jjiepei. Cycl. 179- , as, ?'/, subst. [ministerium,] the office of a herald, ministry. iaKropirjv 'AtypobiTrjs. Musze. 6. SYN. 'AyytXra, ^nvXevyua. s, ov, 6, subst. [(l) minister, (2) nuncius, epith. Mercurii,] a servant, a messenger, an interpreter. AvrdjO dpa Zievs Sake biaKrupy 'ApyeHjtovTy. B. 103. SYN. Aidfcoi'o?, ayyZXds. Ajm-wXvw, v. [impedio, ^rohibeo,] to hinder, to prevent. Mopov bldKwXvaat. Alcest. 33. SYN. KwXvw, tTre^w. AtdXayxdvw, 2. a. cXd^dr, v. [sortito divide,] to decide by lot. QJJKTM 5w/id bid\a.^if robe. Plioen. 66. SYN. AtafcX^jDow, bia^pi^dpat. AmXaK-ew, v. [cum sonitu dissilio,] to burst asunder with a noise, to explode. Elr' eftaifyvris bla\aKi']aa(Ta. npos avrw. Nub. 409. SYN. Atdjop/yvv/u. Ai'dXaXlw, v. [colloquor,] to converse with. "AKOV, '6wo-crev, blaXaXriffdfjiev rl aoi. Cycl. 174. AmXaju/SdKi), /. Xr/\l/d/.mt, v. [divido, distribuo, distinguo,] to separate, to divide, to distinguish. Tl&s ovv ris avra 6tdXd/3wv opQtis Kpivei ', Eur. Electr. 373. AtdXa/^Trw, v. [illncesco,] to shine through or abroad. 'EypT;ydjO<7dr, cws ^teXayu- i^>/ fjnepa. Pint. 744. SYN. 'EfcXa/^Trw, 7rtXajU7rw, 5td^a/voyuat. AmXyj/s, tos, 6 et >/, adj. [qui perdolet, luctiticus,] grievous, sorrowful. A?X- y>)s ara btafepet rov al-rlov. Choeph. 62. SYN. Tdepos, fiapvirevOris, , v. [deligo,] to choose, to distinguish, to ascertain. T>)y piv ^, ^tdXeyoi/orav r/;^ OTTJ^V. Lysistr. 720. SYN. Ata*:p('w, &wpi(o. , v. [loquor, dissero,] to speak, to converse with, to reason. 'AXXd rli) pot Tavra 0tXos bleXe^drd Ovpos; A. 407. SYN. 'Ayopevw, aKpifioXoyto- tioi. tdXe/^w, v. [lingo,] to lick clean. 'Aydflos y' i/XaKTflr, cai ^mXetx^tK ras X*rpas. Vesp. 899. ts, tws, >/, subst. [sermocinatio,] elocution, converse. Aforcp yvwfj.w, KCU v, Kal vovv iifuv napexovffiv. Nub. 31 6. SYN. Amrpi/3>), d/JitXia, p/trts, , odpiffTvs. AtdXeTrroXoyto/iat, v. [argute dissero,] to argue with subtlety. AtdXeTrroXoyou- /uat rcils boKols rijs ohias. Nub. 1498. SYN. AtdXeyo/iat. AmXeTrros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [pertenuis,] very slender. AtdXeTrrov 6' orros CLVTOV, rijv Ttvoiiv. Nub. 16. SYN. Ae?rros. AmXXdy?}, >/$, rj, et 5iaXXay/id, dros, ro, subst. [reconciliatio,] reconciliation, interposition, mediation. Ka< bvaXvTovs e\ovad rets ^mXXdyos. IMioen. 386. See also Helen. 585. SYN. Etpr/i'^, ovvaXXayr}, 0tXm, /utrd/JoX?/. AtaXXoK'n/s, ov, et blaXXaKrrjp, fjpos, o, subst. [reconciliator,] a reconciler. Zwv yet'oiTd, icai biaXXaKrris KO.KWV. Pbcen. 478. See Sept. Theb. 909- AtcrXXao-o-w, f. fa, .v. [(1) muto, (2) reconcilio,] to exchange, to reconcile. "AXXoj> biaXXafavTa rots jcdrw veKpov. Alcest. 14. SYN. 'AXXaatrw, n fy/m, v. [(l)noceo, (2) dilanio,] to injure, to dishonor, to mangle. Xpj7> r*}>/ Kapbonov. Nub. 669. ) t v. [in cinertm redigo,] to reduce to ashes. TloXw Agarn. 797. SYN. 'Apativw*, q. v. AIAM AIAN 215 Ai'd/uarrw, f. w, v. [subigo, pinso,] to knead, to bake. *Ov biiipuTTew ov KU- \vei. Av. 46*3. SYN. 'Avd/idrrw, Sm7rXarr av avrffv 'fjbeujs. Aves 66*9 o/, v. [fabricor, machinor,] to contrive, to discover, faajttgxarj* aopal 6\ OTTWS. Equit. 917. aplvvptipai, v. [exili s. flebili voce cantillo,] to sing witli a lamentable or whining voice. MvpprjKos drpavroi/s, r/ rl blaplvvperai ; Thesm. 100. SYN. , v. [divido, dispertior,] to tear to pieces, to mangle, to deal out. epapai btapotpavat. Hipp. 1373. SYN. Atddro/xat, biaipew, ptptgw. a^, adv. [(1) penitus, (2) semper, (3) utrinque,] right through, entirely, always, on both sides. Qovevovaa. baipwv blapira^,. Bacch. 982. SYN. Atd- , adv. [penitus, perpetuo,] quite through, entirely, ever. T fl ^ci/t Kt- ^>a\\?)v, e'ide aov biapirtpts, Philoct. 791- SYN. Tlavrr}, TraireXws, Ard//w0dXoyew, v. [enarro, eloquor,] to relate, to tell, to record. biepvdoXoyriae. P. V. 915. SYN. AmXeyo/zot, bie&ipi. Am/zi/XXa/i'w, v. [labra distorqueo,] to turn the mouth awry, to distort. be biepvXXaivev, ws bt) beftos. Vesp. 1315. Ata/i0zStos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [seorsum positus, diversus, discrepans,] very different. To hapfittWv. P. V. 570. Am^Sat bidfuel ; b. pt)y, votis, Trpu-n/ibiES. T^f, a, o>/, adj. [ex adverse penetrans,] penetrating through, fatal. 1 Sep. the note at 216 AIAN AIAII Atavraltfs ErtfTrtv dSiJya /ue. Ion 766. AmvrXew, v. [exhaurio, velut sentinam exantlo, perfero,] to endure, to sustain. M.a.Kphs blavrXovff' ei/ bopois olicovpias. Here. F. 1365. SYN. 'ATrairXew, dv- , Aidvuw et Stdi'vrw, v. [perficio,] to finish, to bring to an end. AmuXovs 'nnriovs Eur. Electr. 825. SYN. 'Avftw, d7repyde?d/rj. Aj. Fl. 730. See also Andr. 1248. SYN. Am/3a/Vw, Stdyw, ^tepx^at, IfCTrepdw. Atd:rep0w et SmTropOew, v. [devasto, everto,] to plunder, to waste, to demolish. juv aSdvdTrjffl, blairpdOeetv robe aarv. H. 32. See also Helen. 111. SYN. et SmTrtrdvj'i/^i, f. do-w, v. [pando, aperio,] to expand, to open. "Ocrov 6m7rrd SmTrXdov Tdadv. Pers. 382. ww, v". [navigationem conficio, navigo,] to sail across, to navigate. KeI0ey aTrXwowffti/ 'A/3dvrwv. Call. 4. 288. SYN. AmTrXew, ^m/3a/vw, Stepx^at. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui per mare fertur, transraarinus,] across the sea. iyiov bidTrovrios, ovre KCLKHTTOS. Theocr. 14. 55. w ; vid. Atd7rep0w. A?a7rpdrrw, v. [(l) perficio, conficio; (2) transigo cum aliquo,] to finish, to AIAU AIAP 217 execute, to kill, to treat with. M\ovTova\ t fodvpaTrovot, m-wo-tv biKas. Equit. 93. SYN. 'A7repycic?d/;at, mrepyaCojueu. Aia7cp7n}s t cos, 6 et r% adj. [eximius,] distinguished, conspicuous, 'ibeiv pl- yiffTrj, bldTTpeTTijs re r>)v Slav. Iph. A. 148?. SYN.*E#x* virelpoxos, ta/pe- TOS, KKplTOS t Kbl)\ds t 7Tt//UOS. AmTrpfTTw. v. [conspicuus sum, excello,] to be distinguished, to excel, to sur- pass. T Hr' djoa navrw bidTTpe-trets ai//^?. Alcest. 608. SYN. Mtr biatiepw, 7rpoxw, vTrepe^w, virepfiaivu, virepfiu\\/rrw, iripW^ae. TlaXXds wXe^p. Iph. T. 967. SYN. KdrapWpeu), K-drdXcyw, bldXdyicdfjiai. Atapffew, 1. eorw, v: [sufficientes vires habeo, sufficio, sustineo,] to be sufficient or equal to, to resist, to hold out, to prevail. BouXcu S'dTrtarot Aruov bnjpKeadv. Sept. Theb. 842. SYN. 'Ap/Cw, e^apKiw, eirapKew, fidrjOew. Atap/zo^w, v. [disjungo,] to tear asunder, to rend. Atapjud^as aKoirpd betnroi- vas. Orest. 1452. SYN. 'Airo^evyvvp, aTroffTrdw, x^p/^w. AiapTra^w, f. dtrw et aa>, v. [diripio, discerpo,] to snatch away by force, to plunder, to tear. Afyd 6tap7ra5ou/ 6' 6 Oi'ip. Trach. 568. SYN. mol. tappi/^v, adv. [ita ut diffluat seu diluatur. Vid. Doctiss. Blomf. in 1. c.J streams. Ttras tidvos ntiniytv ov blapptbav. Choeph. 6l. Pro*. Lex. 218 AIAP AIA2 Atapp'&ew, vel potius ArappeX (q. v.) v. [diffliio,] to flow away, to waste away, to decay. "lv e^eXys jue, irpiv bifppvrjKtrat. Vesp. 1156. AtappYu, aiyos, o et //, adj. [disruptus,] broken asunder, rifled. T Hr rts bla[)pw KVfjidrdov TroXXw o-dXw. Ipli. T. 262. SYN. 'A7roppu>. A7aprd/*ew, v. [in frusta concido,] to cut into small pieces, to tear asunder, to devour, Ataprd^o/oret aufjiaros /ueya pdnos. P. V. 1059- Am/c?w, v. [lascivum ago,] to play the wantoi^ to move lasciviously. 'Zlbi Trpofias, rpvpepov rl faaoraXaKwviffoi'. Vesp. 1 l6'9. SYN. "A/fywfyiui, bta- Opv7rrd/jiat. Aidew, v. [manifesto, clare explico,] to explain distinctly, to prove. OvS' o "Xjpovos avrds bif.crdtyrjff' ova as fceVus; Phoen. 409. SYN. ;/ /uot, ^j)*/ biaaKhv&tKLays. Efjuit. 19 tomr&u'w/M, f. cr/ceSdaw, et poet. blacrKibvrifii, v. [dissipo,] to scatter, to dis- perse, to efface. KapipaXtW, rd /xev dp re bieffKebda aXXvbis ciXXrj. e. 36*9. See also CE. C. 1340. and E. 529. SYN. 'A7roo-K.e5cWi;p, Sm<77re/pw, dTrop- , et bluffKoTrtddjuctt, v. [perspicio, dispicio, speculor,] to consider thoroughly, to deliberate, to espy. IIws ouy iceicpttrat, ^>epe 5ta^ ovroai. Nub. 1237 SYN. ^jJi'iy^o. i, v. [sophistice ago,] to act the sophist, to deceive by cunning language. Evd^j/os, elrd bidffd(f)i$r]Tai Xeywv. Aves l6l9- A(fa<77rdpaor v. [pervado, abeo,] to go through or away. Xa dveypo/je>a ye bieaTlye faXa vopevetv. Theocr. 2?. 68. SYN. Bd/cw, Sid/3a/va>, kep^o/^at, & Itj Kb). Araarf'X/3u>, v. [mico, refulgeo,] to glitter, to reflect lustre. At re 0pfVd- Kes bictvTiXfiovffi Trpos Tov ri\Wv. Pax 566. SYN. Atd^atVdyuat, j, v. [ordine colloco, stabilio,] to arrange, to settle, to establish. AXXoi<7ii> dXXd feat bieffTOi^i^eTo. P. V. 238. SYN. Amrdoro-w. , v. [distorqueo,] to bend aside, to distort, to pervert. Evcu/uo- is here a monosyllable. AIA2 AIAT 219 y', et foaoTpayfifftinat ; Equit. 175. SYN. Ildpdyw, 7rdpbe biuTefjiwv )(pod. Hec. 770. SYN. netrate. tVw, vel bianrpaivw, v. [perforo, perterebro,] to bore through, to pe- . 'AKdrjv be ^oain^s (3rd biETerpfjvaTd. Thesm. 18. SyN. Am7re/pw, , v. [liquo, liquefacio mollio,] to melt thoroughly, to soften. bia.Tr](is, etra TTJV ^vXXav Xafiwv. Nub. 149. SYN. 'HvJJW, (TVVTI'IW, /udXarrw, t, f. 5td0^w, v. [compono, dispono, &c.] to settle, to compose, to arrange. "Us e, bteOrjKe OepeiXta , adj. [ignitus, candens,] red hot. Kepavy Vesp. 328. SYN. AmTrupos, depots. mr/x^yw, et blar/Jtrjaaw, v. [discindo,] to cut asunder, to cut into parts, to se- parrate. Tu y &s fiovXevaarre blerfjidyeV rj fJilv cTretrd. A. 531. SYN. Ald- Atdroyu/}, ^s, ^, subst. [incisio, compositio,] a cutting, a decision. Ardro//a7* ov 0tXas, eptSl. Sept. r Fheb. 931. Atdropos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [penetrans, perforatus, percussus,] penetrating, loud, acute, perforated. Avw a t^ovra biarvpovs Trobolv axfj-as. CE. R. 1034. Amrpexw, f. 0pe AcarpfjS)}, rjs, //, subst. [mora,] delay. "Ovo^a b' IKUOTOV biarpifiij TroXX// \iyiv> Phoen. 768. Atarpt'/3w, v. [attero, coiitero ; remoror,] to wear ont; to retard, to delay. biarpifietv rov IJJLOV j^oXov, aXXd fj. sacra t. A. 42. SYN. A?;0y^ avaXiffKU), ava(3aX\d/jiai, blayw. -tKds, >), oV, adj. [atterendi vim habens,] wearing away. Et p} KOV ye, KOVK oov yoyuwc. Lvsist. 943*. AtorpoTros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [perversus, diversus,] altered, different. be rpoTTOts' d 6' opflos. Iph. A. 559. SYN. Aido/>os, blaffrpdyos, aXXoTrpdff- aXXvs. AtoVpi/ytos, ov, 6, adj. [frumento cousitus inter vitium ordines,] having corn planted between the vine rows. Aw Trerrr/Koyrd, Starpvyios Se tKraffros. tu. 341. SYN. KcijOTro^opos, irvpofyopos. Atarpwyw, f. rpw^ojuoj, v. [perrodo, corrodo,] to eat through, to gnaw, to cor- rode. Amrpw^o^oi roii'vv oa ro &IKTVOV. Vesp. 164. SYN. Kdreafltw. AtavXofyojujjs, ov, 6, et blavXobpdjjtos, ov, 6 et 7/, adj. [qui diaulum currit,] one who runs the double course. AiavXdfyo^dv virarov Traib<*>t> avtenrZv. Pyth. 10. 14. AtavXds, ov, 6, subst. [diaulus : cursus duplex; mensura duorum stadiorum ; reciprocatio, cursus reciprocus,] a double course, the reciprocation. TIoXXoTs biavXois 8povinvds. Hec. 29- Am^atVo^at, v. [conspicuus sum, adpareo,] to be distinctly seen, to appear clearly. 'Ei> KaOapa>- oOl by vtKvwv ble^airero xd- ptw, Trpde^w, vn-epl^w, v7rep/3aXXd^tat, vnepflaivb), dptorevw. td^evyto, f. euo/uat, v. [effugio,] to escape from, ^evyovfftv, wore Std^i/yelj' rovuov bopv. Iph. T. 1327 SYN. 'ATro^evyw, e^evyw. ia00e/pw, f. epw et ep/atto, ai'atptw, 00etpa>, Xvpaivofjiat. ta00opa, as, //, subst. [corruptela, pcrnicies,] corruption, destruction. At 0' ai paThtTTol bepyfiarutv biafydopai. Phoen. 884. SYN. 3>0opa, e^wXetd, Sjy (, v. [furore corripior,] to be seized with frenzy. 'H/io>, TOV KaKols. Aj. Fl. 332. SYN. 'EfC/zatvo/iat. a, as, ^, subst. [differentia, dissensio,] difference, dissension, quarrel. , et Kal fj.r)rpl biatydpav e^ei. Med. 75. dpew, v. [differo, distraho,] to scatter, to dissipate, to spread extensively. Tovs be irrepwrois btaQop&v ro^ev/^dat. Here. F. 570. SYN. 'Ai/d^lpw, d>d/3aX- , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(I) diversus, (2) praestans,] different, discordant, ex- cellent. Atctyopd TroXXd 0CWV 1 ftpdrolalv eiadpti. Eur. Suppl. 622. SYN. 'AXXoTos, aufftlXeKTos. Ata0pac?to, v. [indico et narro clare,] to show plainly, to explain. "11* irurl pot fJtfirrjp bleiretypabe, KUI uoi lenrHv. 2. 9. SYN. Opa^w. Am^pew, typijadvat, pro Atd^epw, v. [trausmitto,] to convey. Twv prjplwv rr/v Kt'iatrav ov bia is hets a moRosyllable. AlEI iavffffM, f. w , v. [prorsus ex aliquo in aliud transfundo,] to pour through. ' Ov rd Kara XdTrdprjv, bid b' evrepd %a\Ktis dvffff. H. 317. SYN. , f. data, v. [laxo, dissolve,] to loosen, to relax, to open. oi /zeXaflpa, bpuZs, us Kpv\Lu) bepds. Iph. A. 1340. SYN. ' iolyct), SmXvw, blaffKebAvrvpi. y v. [hisco, fatisco,] to gape. Twv 0' apporitiv buixnaKovativ. Equit. 530. SYN. Xacntw,\airii. i'd^ew, f. evaw, v. [(l) diffundo, (2) disseco,] to pour, to spread, to dissipate, to dissect. TOJ> bepdv, a/^u 0' Zirov, Kai fjtiv bieyevav cnravTa.. H. 31 6. SYN. , v. [(1) utor, (2) interficio, (3) mutuo sumo,] to use, to despatch, to borrow. Evvod, ov (f>ev^rj ; bidxp^ffelrat rov ayovra. Theocr. 15. 54. SYN. v. [secerno,] to separate. At0>)p yap, ore rd Thesm. 14. , v. [perpurgo, perflo,] to sweep, to waft through. Avpat 7T\KTa.VTJV KO.TTVOV. AveS 1714. SYN. Kcidalpd), bla^fJLl. tdw, v. vi(ie Atd^t. s, oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [bipes,] two-footed. At/3a//os et^/t' r^ Rhes. 215. SYN. Atirovs. , oy, 6 et ^f, adj. [utrimque cuspidatus, anceps,] having two edges or points. Ai/3oXo> T aKovra TaXXwv. Rhes. 374. SYN. AiVro^os, afjflpdXfa. , ov, 6 et//, adj. [geminus,] twin, two kindred. Atyoid o^udr' ev ^0o't TrXayg. Eur. Electr. 1179- SYN. AtSf;/ids, So ''/> subst. [doctrina, docendi act us,] instruction, discipline, doctrine. &lbaiv eaQXov' TOVTO b' r\v rls ev pady. Hec. 599- See Phoc. 84. SYN. MaOrjals, Tratbeia, Trdpa/veffts, bibaypa, vov- , ov, 6 et^i, subst. [magister literarum et morum,]a teacher, a master. OVK elaetypovfjirjv' TOV be vovv blbacrKoXvv. Troad. 654. SYN. 'ETrtordr^s, Trpo- ffrdrrjs. AibavKw, f. bti&fa et poet. bibaffKi'iaw, v. [doceo,] to teach, to instruct, to in- form. rioXXd ZlbaffKet /u' o noXvs fiidros. Hipp. 252. SYN. Ilaibevto, ^perow. AtSjjjut, f. bibrjw, v. [" verbum vetus ap. Horn, a bew, ligo." Morell.] to bind. "Ibrjs kv Kvripolffi blbrj fji6a\oiffi \vyviaiv. A. 105. At5i//xawv, o^os, oet >/, et bibvfjios, rj, ov, adj. [geminus,] twin, twofold. '*: be &io K \rjos blbvfjtavvE iraibe yeveaQriv. E. 548. See also Here. F. 657- SYN.At- yvvos,, boios, bibi>fjidyev{]s. &lbvfjiaToKds, ov, ';, Dor. pro blbv^roKos, adj. [gemellipara,] bringing forth two at a time. Alyd re rot bwati bibvpard^dv es rpls dp^X^at. Theocr. 1. 25. &tbvftoytvr)s, cos, o et r/, adj. [eodem partu editus,] twin-born, twin. yeVev dyaXfjid irdrptbos. Hel. 207- AtSw/a, f. bwaw, v. [do, dono,] to give. Kpeiaau btbwffl rfjs Tvpavrlbos Hipp. 1024. See also T. 270. Honi. Cer. 327- I. 136. et Hec. 577- SYN. pcojutu, )(pifio//cu, TrirpeTTw, oTra(t), irpoffepui. /S^t, et bitibw, v. [perspicue cognosce, perspicio,] to see through or clearly, to distinguish, to recognise. 'Avfywv fr ory XP$ Tutf K " K V ^cibtvat. Med. 518. See ^tlso Apoll. 1. 546. SYN. Ard^epKo/iat. ietXuw, v. [clam evolvo ; pass, elabor,] to evolve, to unroll ; pass, to slip through. Otr; 5' aQveto'id btciXvoOewd bdpoid. Apoll. 4. 35. SYN. 'ArtAT- 222 AIEI AIEX Arei/^, Ep. fut. faelerdfjai, v. [permeo,] to go through, to penetrate, to continue, to persevere. "AiravTa yap bietpl aoi TUV aepa. Aves 1392. SYN. Atevrw, bi- , v. Vid. AtfTrw ab eVw. f. w, et bltepyw, v. [distineo,] to separate by an enclosure, to intersect, to keep off, to distinguish, "fls dpd TOVS bieepyov tTraX^us' ol 5' vntp avrUjv. M. 424. SYN. 'ATroepyw, ee/pyw, bid-^wpl^aj, ffCtorrffrf, eipoftai, poet, pro biZpdfjiat, v. [inquiro, perrogo,] to inquire diligently, to ask minutely. M/rt av raiitd eKaard blelpeo, fjrjbe ptraXXd. A. 550. SYN. 'Ar- epwTdw, biepevvdu), e^epevi'da). teijow^tros, ov, oet >/, adj. [simulate hospilio fallens,] fraudulent to strangers or guests. Ot 6', dr' ovres cila^/pdKepbe'is KO.I bietpvo^evot. Pax 6 C 23. ieKirepau), f. axovs. Eur. Suppl. 6s6. SYN. AteAfd)w, et bU\Kw, v. [traho per,] to draw through, to drag out. Am bcuervXlov pHv ovv efjil y av bie\Kvffcus. Plut. 1036. See also 0. 299. SYN. x Atdyo>, , v. [divendo,] to sell, to betray. Ateyu?roX Xoyotat Trpos a o vai//5d- rrjs', Pliiloct. 579. SYN. AtaTrpdrrw. Ate^repei/^d, dros, ro, subst. [investigatio de intestinorum natura,] an investi- gation or explanation of the intestines. ? H rjOKryudfcdptos TOV blevrepevudros. Nub. 166. Atee//u, et ble&pxopat, f. e.\evffdjj,at t v. [(1) egredior, (2) mente persequor,] to go out through, to pass, to detail. Edicts, 7$ yap eyweXXc bie^urai TTC- blovbe. Z. 393. See also Phoeil. 1030. SYN. Ald/3afVw, biairepdu, btetfAl, dva-nrvaaw. >, v. [prohibeo,] to prevent, to hinder, to exclude. "Ocre bieK TLe\d- Trietpav eepyei. Horn. Apoll. 432. SYN. Ate/pyw, KwXva). t, v. [percenter,] to ask, to seek earnestly. 'AXXd rtrj epe ravrd ble&peecrOe EKaard ; K. 432. SYN. factptipai, dvjOo/iat, dvaKptvo). ttTTw, ab 67TW, v. [distincte loquor; colloquor,] to speak distinctly, to con- verse. *H aTrdvevVe ; bienre pot, otypa baelu). K. 424. ttTTw, ab CTTW, v. [exsequor studiose, abigo, administro, dirigo,] to follow through, to follow up, to drive away, to manage. *fts dye Kotpavtw buve crrpaTdf ol & dyoprfrbe. B. 207. SYN. Amrctorffw, direvOvvw, d^^eTro/, bidriOrjut, bioikeo), KadiaTa/Jiai, blwKw, Kvfieprdw. tepyd5o/^at, v. [conficio,] to work through, to dispatch. "Ay' ovv, 'dbvacrev, Kal biepydoai /*' dywy. Hec. 373. SYN. Kdrepyd^o/iat, biaxjpdopa i, v. [innitor,] to kneel or rest upon, to be propped or supported. Hpidfjiov biepeibopeyd. Troad. 151. SYN. 'Epee'Softai, ffrr)ptofjiai. , f. biepeau, v. [remigo per,] to row, to wave. AaXo7 to be distant, to intervene. 'Awpv be bUffx* P o>0dXo ey^os al X pi. T. 4 16. SYN. Afepftopai, biappt'iyvvjj.1, KaTapp))yvvpi, biiffrrjpi. &'w, ct &/d/uat, v. [(juaero, dubilo,] to seek, to look for, to doubt. v uvrWZov <2////e>os, et TTOV e^evpot. E. l68. SYN. Z/rew, avepcvviiu, /y, ftyos, 6 et //, adj. [bijugis, duplex,] a couple ; double. Tpiorotxei' Trdpd be a Macro) bi^vyes iWot. K. 473. SYN. ^ITTTV^OS, bwXoos. yeo/mt, v. [narro, edissero,] to relate, to declare. Tts av olv TO 7rpdy/> f ols birjyfaaiTo ; 1). av. Ave* 198. SYN. 'E^yefymt, &tyf*err)i>. Iph. A. 426. SYN. Atei^tt, blaarti^. , ews, //, subst. [transitus,] a passage across, a ferry. Keivr) per irijv T oi& , ev6a iLtaXuTTa. Apoll. 4. 1573. , et birjvtKes, adv. [jugi et continuo tenore,] continuously, in a con- tinued series. Ou \ikv rot Kelvov ye biyveKeus ayopevffw. 6. 836. See also Horn. Ap. 255. SYN. 2i^ X ws, ad. iriveKris, eds, 6 et r/, adj. [continuus, perpetuus,] continued, uninterrupted, un- broken. 'ArpdTrtro/ re birjVEKees, Xiperes re iravopfwi. v. 1 95. SYN. MaKpos, s, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [vento exposittis,] exposed to the wind. . Trach. 326. SYN. 'Y-^rjXos, Ip^os. , eus, TO, subst. [sumnia pars redificii,] an elevated part, the top of the house. MedfjKE, jueXdGpwv es bifjpes ea^aroi'. Pho3n. 88. fadrjKTds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [utrinque acutus, anceps,] double-edged. Atdijuru^ ev aQayalal fid^affa Zfyos. P. V. 888. SYN. At/SoXos, a/x^r/3oXos. AWpdrds, et biffKr}KTpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) duas sedes et (2) duo sceptra habens,] (1) having two thrones, (2) two sceptres, kidpdvov Aio0ev *cai biaKi)irTpov. Agam. 42. Ai0wpo fjifidbibav KaXds, ov, 6, subst. [dithyrambicus poeta,] a dithyrauibic poet. "Yvxas t>v Tj rpets >idvpai.t(3oblf)aaKa\u>t>. Pax 827- AtSvpa^os, ov, b, subst. [(1) nomen Bacchi. Vid.BaK^os ; (2) dithyranibus, car- men Baccho sacrum,] (1) a name of Bacchus ; (2) a dithyramb, or song dedi- cated to Bacchus. TWJ/ bt6upd^(3wv yap TO. XajLnrpa y/yvercu. Aves 1388. Actai/oi, v. [dormio,] to sleep, to repose. Tdf ev buavovTa. Here. F. 1048. SYN. 'lai/w, Kctdevbut. Amjyut, v. [transmitto,] to send or drive through. AcuyutDv blfjKe, Tybe y?} o-wr?/- plov. Phoan. 1108. AiTKvt.d/, f. bii^dfjLait v. [pervenio, oratione percurro,] to go through, to pene- trate, to explain, to relate. 'Ev fJ.oipy yap Trdvrd, biitzo Kat fcdreXe^ds. T. 186. SYN. Aie^ei/xt, blepxouat, mSi/cveo^at, cdd)/ffw f birjytdfjiat. Aa7rer)s, eos, o et r/, adj. [a Jove delapsus,] fallen from Jupiter, flooded, pure, liquid, bright. Ttos ^Trep^eio'to, AuTrereos TrordjucrTo. II. 174. SYN. Ilpcm/s, biatyavris, biavyrjs. AaTroXid, et AaTroXetd, wr, rd, subst. [dies festi Athenis in houorem Jovis,] a festival at Athens in honor of Jupiter UdXtevs, as protector of the city. Mw- aTfjpf 'Ep^uJ, AtiTToXet', 'A^wj/id. Pax 419. AaTroXtw^s', eds, 6 et r% adj. [priscus, obsoletus,] coeval with the festival Arr- noXld, antiquated, obsolete, fabulous. 'Apxs, 6 et T), adj. [justitiam in urbibus colens,] observing justice in the cities. 'A biKatoirdXls. Pyth. 8. 31. Avoids, a, oi>, adj. [Justus, aequus,] just, equitable, good, right, righteous. XaTpe ' 'AOrjvair] TreTrvvfjttvM avbpi fovcu'w. y. 52. SYN. "EvSt/cos, TTIIKJ}S, XprjaTos, ciyados, tiros. At/catow, v. [justum et aequum censeo, aXeyvvetv. \. 185. SYN. Kptr))s, ^t)C?;s f, et (2) dimm.blKaorrip&Wv, ov, TO, subst. [forum judiciale,] (1) a court of justice, a tribunal, (2) a petty tribunal. Kal blKciffrrjpl,' <5. Equit. 307. See also Vesp. 803. SYN. Bf///d, biKr). liiceXXd, r]s, >/, subst. [ligo, bidens,] a spade, a mattock, a pitchfork. IIvp KOI 5tfceXXas, (is KaraarKa^wv TroXt^. Phoen. 1171. SYN. 'Apr), f.iuK\rj t j, 1 TJS, ?/, subst. [jus, fas, lis,] justice, equity, right, a cause, law-suit, trial. To p/ bUaiov rrjs SiKrjs r}iKr)(J>dpus, TifJtwpos, ^(pbfWs. A/^Xdi^, oi/, TO, subst. [propr. effigies Jovis, ddnde effigies quaelibet,] properly an image or representation of Jove; any resemblance or picture. XaXice/// biKrjXdv Iv acrnlbi Quiver ibeaQat. Apoll. 1.746. EXPL. See Schol. on this passage. AtKTjv, adv. [more,] like to. Kevrovm vral^ds' at , iroXeiuuv ^IKTJV. Hec. 1144. AiKT^opos, ov, 6, subst. [juris defensor ; vindex,] a supporter of justice ; an avenger. Fldrepd Stfcarrr?)^, ij >lKr)(}>opoi> Xfyets; Choeph. 114. SYN. Tiyuw- pos. AMSio^, ov, ro, subst. dimin. a St^, [lis parvula,] a petty suit. OiW faKibiots. Nub. 1108. Af/cXts, t6os, y/, adj. [gemina, quae duplici clave obseratur,] doubly barred, folding. AiffXtSfV kv be yvffj rapl^ VVKTO.S re Kai r/judp. /3. 345. Atfco^pd^Ew, v. [causas s. lites consuo,] to patch up law-suits, to be litigious. 'OpOws Trdpatvels, OVK ewv biKOppalv. Nub. 1485. SYN. 'Ayu0tov aeXas inrtp aKpuv. PliO3n. 234. SYN. AtXo0os, biKaprjvos. At/cpdr>/s, eos, 6 et ?), adj. [divisum habens imperium,] possessing a twofold au- thority. Ai/cpdrels 'Arpe?5at. Aj. Fl. 251. , adj. [biceps, bifidus,] having two prongs, forked. Tqvbe pev 1 Af/ci; is frequently personified by the Greek poets. AIKP AIOK ZuOovv rriv QEOV KeKpaypafft. Pax 636. SYN. AtKuprjvos. , ov, 6 et }, adj. [(1) utrimquc pulsans, (2) cluabus orbitis seciu> ; tntus,] impelling on both sides, marked by two wheels, rutted. ' Qpfr bU-pdrov eh apaftTov. Eur. Electr. 7/5.* LKTvwa, r)s, fj, P. N. [homen nymphae, item Dianae.] See "Apre/m. ovpeia. Iph. T. 12?. ov, ro, subst. [rete, cassis,] a net. 2re/ x ei yap et<77r<7ov btKuTrtiv, op<5 Alcest. 253. , oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [duas gestans lanceas, duplex,] doubly armed, two- fold. Ai'Xoy^dJ' arriv, otvlav vi'topiba.. Agam. 626. ArXo^os, ov, o et fi, [duas cristas, sen duplicem verticem habens,] having two crest or cliffs. Ie 6' forep foXotyov Trerpas. Antig. 1 J39- SYN. &iKapr]vds. Aiftotpos, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [duas habens partes,] having a distinct or a double portion. Kal TO blfjioipdv alvti. ^Esch. Suppl. 1078. At^v/^m, r)s, fi, P. N. [Dindymia,] a name of Cybele. M/jrepd AtvSfyu/jv ?roXv- TTOTvlav eyKaXeovTiis. Apoll. 1. 1125. A/evw, Stvew, et Ion. btvevecrKw, v. [gyro verso, circumago,] to move/ turn, whirl, or roll round. A/vtov ws 5' ore ra rpvirui bopv rrjWv dvr/p. t. 384. See also . 543. and H. 12. SYN. 'AvdKuKXow, e^'Xew, fcvXo'Stw, /. Alcest. 129. SYN. AloKrvTrds. Atoyevtrwp, opos, 6, subst. [Jovis genitor,] father of Jove. AtdyeVeropoi ti/ awX^r. Bacch. 122. &ioyevrjs, eos, AwyvrjTos, et fcioyovos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [e Jove natus,] Jove-spruii, noble. T fl IlaXXds, w ceaTrotva AWyeves Sea. Cycl. 350. See also Hes. Scut. 340. and Hipp. 560. SYN. Aids, evyev>}s, yevvaws. &?obds, ov, rj, subst. [transitus, compitum,] a way through, a passage, a pass- port. "Afrrpwj/ biobovs' eis re Kt\aivdv. P. V. 1086. SYN.'66s, vapobos, , adv. [a Jove, diviuitus,] from Jove. Totd6' ITT' e/zoi pe7r) P. V. 1090. bioiyvvp.1, et Sio/yw, f. w, v. [aperio, pando,] to open widely, to gape, to expand. "EarrjKeV dXXd rets ym0oi)s bloiyvvre. Eccles. 852. SYN. ' toVcrreuw, v. [sagitta trajicio,] to shoot through. Nevp'/>' T evTavvyat, bioi- ffrevffat re aibripov. r. 587- SYN. 'Aicorrt'^w, Kdrd/3aXXw. iot^vew, v. [permeo,] to pass through. 'Aaivi]s b' alutva biot^rei. EumeD. 316. SYN. Atd/3a/vw, bla^vw. ioioat, v. [perii,] to be undone, to be departed or gone from. AjVxpws // biKr} bioix^cu. Eur. Suppl. 540. SYN. Oi'x#/""> oXwXd, air&\u)\a, eppw, &ioK\ijs, 7/os, 6, P. N. [Diocles.] 'OpatXoxos 6' dp erifcr* &t6K\iia p.tya.Qvpov. E. 547. Pros. Le*. 2 R 226 AIOK AIOT AtoKTi/TTos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [Jovis fulmine ictus,] struck with lightning. Ml AtoKTVTroi/ yevos. jEsch. Suppl. l6l. . SYN. Aio/BoXos. Ato/W0cuVw, f. ?/<7w, et bWXiffdtit), v. [elabor e nianibus,] to slip through, to escape. kw\iaQaveiv f*ev ciXXois. Anacr. 44. 9. See Nub. 434. SYN. , iuus. pro quo usurp. StoXXv/K, v. [disperdo, obliviscor,] to destroy entirely, to ruin, to lose, to forget. Tub' evyeVes ae TWV fyptv&v Stw Hipp. 1388. SYN. 4>fle/pw, Stri0fle/pw, inroXXvpi, fjie \avQavet. idj.tribr)s, tds, b, P. N. [Diomedes,] Diomed, the son of Tvdeus. & r/yetro florjv dydflos Ato/i/ySqs. B. 567. EPITH. Tvbelbrjs, bios, iTnrdba/jds, ayddos, bovphXij-os, Kptirepos, ey^ecnraXos , /ueVeTrroXe^os, eplKvbfjs, , a;*', rd, subst. [Dionysia,] festivals in honor of Bacchus. 1 "Aw rd cdr' dypous etffiwv At6>y<7id. Acharn. 202. Atdi't/ams, dbos, rj, adj. [Bacchica,] of Bacchus. TIpos a'/^zdr', ov^i ras Aio^v- fflabos. Here. F. 891. Atoi/vo-ds, ov, o. Vid. Bik^os. klovvaov OVK efyacrKov eK(f>vvai Atos. Bacch. 27- /}*, cos, 6 et ?/, adj. [de coslo delapsus,] fallen from heaven. ( Po7/3os p Seypo, AtoTrer^s Xd'/3etJ/. Iph. T. 977- SYN. AttTren/s. ov, StoTrrT/jO, ^/oos, et StoVrqs, ow, 6, subst. [inspector, administrator,] a commander, an inspector. Tt^ armyvw StoTrw^ orpdrids ; Rhes. 738. See also K. 562. and Rhes. 234. SYN. KdroVr^s, Ziroirrnp, cTroTrr^s, eTrtV/coTros, Kar&crKOTros, fltwpos, e^opos, Krjbf/JLaji', r/yt^w^, j3aai\evs. toTrreuw, v. [(1) inspicio, (2) speculor,] to look through, to survey. 'He ^loirTva(i)V y i) ZvavTifllov TroXeyut^wv. K. 451. SYN. Etaopdw, 7ro7rre/w, e} blopOevwv Xoyovs ; Eur. Suppl. 427. See also Helen. 1158. SYN. 'Avop0oo>, bievOvvw, Stdrctrrw, dvdrt&j/ui. topt^w, v. [(1) distermino, (2) definio, (3) distinguo, (4) statuo,] to fix limits ; to define ov mark out ; to distinguish ; to settle. Tomvrd ^i^cu . CE. R. 723. SYN. 'A^op/^w, 5mdoT7rXaw, bfaXou), dmSiTrXow, SiTrXoos efytt. Ai7rXa, dfcos, r/, subst. [duplex leena,] a double cloak, a doublet. Ka/ oi yw \a\KCtov aop jcai biTrXaKa SuJ.vd. r. 241. See Y. 253. AfTrXdatos, a, o>, et SiTrXoos, 77, or, contr. i7rXovs, >}, ouv, adj. [duplex,] double, twofold, iv Se rrj KeyaXfj y', tf* rj StTXdcrtds 6 ^/60os. Aves 55. See also Iph. T. 6S9 SYN. Ar7rX^, O/TTI/, &/7rri/)0, bioroXos, bi^6ablos t btaaos, blbv/jos. AfTrXdcmus, adv. [dupliciter,] doubly, in a twofold proportion. Ylpetrfiets. b. Ai- TrXdcrtws yudXXov dy^etv ^uoi &#Cf? Aves 1577- Anr/\o/5w, v. [duplico,] to double, to render double. "A)(0os StTrXotiet rw TTC- Trajj.Evta voaov. Agam. 808. SYN. At7rXac?a>. AiTrXoos, vid. AiTrXd^os. AtTro^ta^w, v. [salto K-ard bnrobiav, (more Laconum,)] to dance with both feet. "If* tyw 5(7ro6ia^w ye, Kaeiffu) Ka\ov. Lysislr. 1243. ExP. To7s bvo iroai ^6- peuw. , ov, 6 et r^, adj. [duos meatus habens, bimaris,] between two seas. "H pvfyav. Troad. 1087- ov, o et /, adj. [qui a duobus fluviis alluitur,] between two rivers. AtTrord/iov Iva TTO\IV fj.d\w ; Eur. Suppl. 62 I . TTdSds, 6 et ^, adj. [duos pedes habens,] two- footed. Mayu d(f)is. ^Esch. Suppl. 896. os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [duplex, geminus,] double, twin. AtTrrvx CTT' ai/raiv 5' w/^o^erTiadv. y. 458. SYN. see AfTrXdaios. At7ri)Xos, ov, 6 et >jf, adj. [duas portas habens,] having two gates or doors. T li ffx*//^ TfT-pas blTTvXov, avdts av iraXiv. Philoct. 975. AtTrv/ods, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) duplici flamma splendidus, (2) bis coctus,] having double lights, twice baked. 2v b\ & Aios, b/L7rvpovs avl^pvaa \ap.icabas. Ran. 1361. A/OKO, Dor. pro A/piciy, T?S, 77, P. N. [Dirce,] a nymph ; hence the name of a fountain and river near Thebes. A/OKTJS re irriyals, ov b f dzr' 'lafirjrov Xeyw. Sept. Theb. 259- SYN. EvTrapBevds, /udm/^d, Ka^XlpteOpos, Kci\\lpods. PHR. A/0Kas ayvov vbwp, pevpara (repva Atpfcas. AtpcaTos, a, oi/, adj. [Dircaeus,] of Dirce. BaOvs ye rot htpKalds iropds. Pho?n. 742. A/00?. Vid. A/p/ca. A/ppv/uos, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [duos temones habens,] having two shafts. re ical rptppvpa reXy. Pers. 47- (Anap. dim.) A/0us, i/os, 77, subst. [Dirphys,] a mountain in Boeotia. A/p0vi/ # epwrw*', T; , ov irvpywv biffed irlxpov. Troad. 1111. (An dimet.) , ov, 6, subst. [discus,] a quoit. A/awwaw re^ovTo, Kal aiyaviyoiv 220 AI22 AIXO b. 626. EPITH. Aifltvos, mrw/ud&o's. AtWapxat, wv, 01, adj. [duo regnantes vel regii,] two royal. At}, o>, adj. [geminus, duplex,] twin, double. Atcrrras 0vXaets* fivfiev w/ao^pwy ris rj. Helen. 505. Ato-aais, adv. [dupliciter, iterum,] doubly, again. r ft rdXas, Si(rs. AfVrfyios, ot/, 6 et f}, adj. [geminnm os habens, anceps,] having two mouths, two-edged, two-angled, where the roads intersect each other. 2/7reveiv d?ro pvTfjpos, cvda blvrtifiot. CE. C. 900. SYN. 'A/u^iorojuos. Atvypos, ov, o et r/, adj. [hmnidus, lacrymis madens,] twice-watered, moistened with tears, bitterly lamented. Aivypd rpiTraXrwv Trrj/udrwv. Sept. Theb. 993. SYN. Aiepos, af/^drooreyr/s. w, v. [quaero,] to seek by feeling, to catch. IIoXXovs a** Kopeaeuv di/)p , rridea bufttiv. II. 747 SYN. Zi^rlw, epevvdw, etrac?w, yuacrrevw, ^drevw. , as, ?/, subst. [(1) pellis, exuvium, (2) quicquid e pellibus fit, ut vestis coriacea,] a goat-skin, a hide, a shepherd's cloak. Ai^flcpwy /cd^wjuiSu/f, as ovros avrols f)fjuro\a. Vesp. 444. SYN. Aepyud, ftairrj. At^opos, ov, 6 et r% adj. [bifer,] producing or bearing two or twice a year. At- (fjdpov avxTjs. Eccles. 707. Afypevn/s, et Si0p7?Xdr^s, ov, 6, subst. [aiiriga,] a charioteer. Kai TOV "BXlov Trpoaevj'ETrw. Aj. Fl. 868. See also Iph. A. 2l6. SYN. ' ^/vto^os, vty^vWyos, rpo^Xdr?/s, eXdrj^p. At^pevw, et SfypijXdrew, v. [aurigo,] to drive a chariot, to glide over in a cha- riot. Et'XKitoe peW Trats dXtas 0eri5os. Androm. 108. See also Rhes. 777 SYN. see 'Apjudrevw. At0p^Xd(rm, as, /, subst. [aungatio,] driving, skill in driving the chariot. At^ pri\a(rias' t/j. b' wv ?ra. Olymp. 3. 66. &ipoi et Stypd, subst. [(1) locus in curru, in quo para- bates et auriga sedebant ; (2) currus,] (1) a coach-seat, or chariot-box, (2) a carriage which bears two persons, a chariot. Kat xpvaoKo\\r'iToiaiv e/i/3t/3ws bfypots. Phoen. 2. SYN. "Ap/ud, ^ewyos, dyuad, ox" s ^X^"> avTv,. EPITH. KaXos, j/eorev^j^s, irpwroTrdy^/s, 7ra^t0dvou)v, TrotKiXos, aetKeXlos, eu^crros, Zv'foos, 7reptcaXXr)s, fcoXXi^ros, ei/epyjys, Beards, ewTrXefcros, tvTrXe^r/s, (Horn.) '/TTTretds, ap/udretos, eXt^ai^T-ivus, Ara^tTrvXos, 7ro\v5a/5dXos, Trefo-i^dXM'os. w, v. [sellam porto,] to carry a litter or chair. Kai roy bltypov ye t- ro/5t Xd/3wr. Aves 1552. , oy, 6 et r/, subst. [qui vel quac aliquem st'lla portat,] -a chairman. IIou VfJ' // 6t<^po0opos ; ?/ x^^ * ^ e ^p' e^tOt. Eccl. 734. tx) adv. [birariam,] in two ways; praep. [sine,] apart from, without. Ao#i 5' f^wpet bl% av 'EXXarw^. Hec. 1 16. SYN. Atrrws, biTTTu^a., y^Mpis, avev. ix^Xos, ov, oet >/, adj. [ungulam habeus bisulcam,] cloven-footed. ElSes 6' av 77 TrXevp', >/ Six 1 /^^ ejj.f3a.ffiy. Bacch. 729 et >/> subst. [divisor, sector,] a bisector, a divider. MTJVOS t- 'TdSes re ravrtXots. Ion 1 1 56. , a, oi', adj. [duplex,] double. A(x^^* a$ K?/pas ^tpt/uey Oavarotti re- . I. 411. SYN. Aotos, tivXtids, b^TrXaalos. j, ou, 6 et //, adj. [discors,] quarrelling with. Mo/po; Nt/ueatv . Olymp. 8. 114. SYN. bixpfypuv . 1 Tjffeo is here scanned as a spondee. AIXO AKIN -XoQtv, adv. [a duabus partibus,] from two sides. Km ravrd &ivo9ev opovvTs aX eKTrayXovpevos. Orest. 888. s > o et rj, adj. [dupliciter ruptus,] split in two, shattered. Ai- Xoppayris EKCITO Kp^lbtDV CTTJ. Here. F. 1008. l-xpppfarias, a dv. [ cum inclinatione in duas partes, ambigue,] with divided impulse, partially, ambiguously. To & ev KpaTotrj, jo) foxpft 6 *** itelv. Again. 367. t^offrdffta, as, rj, subst. [dissensio, dissidium, seditio,] schism, discord. Ev- vltes, apyaXerjal blxoffrdaiys Keoowvrat. Apoll. 4. 501. SYN. Atttynpd. , v. [dissideo,] to disagree, to separate from. "QTO.V yi)/r) npos avlpa. vTdrfj. Med. 15. r, ovos, 6 et ^, adj. [discors,] divided in mind, discordant. 'Apaiy T K Trarpos blxoQpovt dufiuf. Sept. Theb. 902. SYN. Aixo/3ovXos. /^a, ^, >7, et btySs, eos, ro, subst. [(l) sitis ; (2) cupido,] thirst, drought ; de- sire. A/^et ydjo, os totfcev, a^avaydrfadfjiai. Eccl. 146. See also Cycl. 97. SYN. (2) "EXbwp, ETrWvpla. EPITH. 'ApydXta, avdXca, ^pa, 6vpoedpos, KeXawri, Xvorfyt\?)s, ^udXtpdi. PHR. At^dXta dfdy^. t^aXeos, /^?os, a, ov, et St^ds, dSos, r/, adj. [siticulosus, bibulus, aridus,] thirsty, dry, parched, scanty. Mi5s wore bnj;a\eos, ydXt^s tdvbvvov aXvfas. Batrach. 9. See also Alcest. 576. et Apoll. 1. 1146. SYN. Erip8s, acdXtox, Ati//dw, inf. bt^yi', v. [(l)sitio; (2)cupio,] to thirst; to long for. TviTTeiv, Treivrjr, bi\l/rjv. Nub. 441. SYN. (2) 'I/^e/pw, tirWvjutb). A/^to's, vid. A't^dXed/. .Atw, v. [(1) persequor fugientem ; (2) timeo, fugio,] (l)to pursue, (2) to fear, to run, to flee. Aafrpv dvaTrp/o-as, Trepi yap bie vrjvalv 'A%aiu>v. I. 433. See Aioyuat. SYN. ( 1 ) 'EK.^>o/3w, dTrlXau^w, 6twytos, ou, 6 et rj, adj. [(l)late patens, magnus, (2) tenebricosus,] vast, ex- tensive, gloomy. Ilecjd fowXiiyiqs dvdTreTrrdrai y'jTrcipotd. Apoll. 4. 1258. EXP. I/coreii')}, r) eTTiTToXw blriKovaa. Schol. SYN. Meyds, pattpos, anoTetvos. Atwjuoros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(I) juratus, (2) perjurus,] (1) bound by an oatii, (2) perjured. Aiwjuoroi TrXtovaiv, ?) /u?)v 7) Xoy^. Philoct. 593. SYN. ''/, P. N. [Dione,] the mother of Venus. KOV/OTJ Aiwv^s, Kvirpl, rf p e&pyaffy. Helen. 1097. EPITH. 'E|odr>;, evTrXokd^os, KaX>), av0/), tre^j'//. iwi'v/^os, ov, 6 et >y, adj. [(l)binorninis, (2) late longeque celeber s. inclytus,] having two names, honorable. T Ai Stwvi/^ot 6ta/. Phoen. 694. SYN. poet, propter metrum pro Aiovuaos, q. v. 'II $ kluvvaov ^.tpZXrj TIKI, fipoTolaty. H. 325. 230 AlflP AOKO Atwpijs, cos, 6, P. N. [Diores,] Taiv b'AfiapvyKeibrjs 7/p}(e Kparepos Atwpqs. B. 622. s, ews, ?/, subst. [domatio,] a subduing, a taming, "\irirwv dfldj/drwv e^epey iv Tf. fievos re. P. 4/O. , f/pos, 6, et fya/retpd, as, /, subst. [domitor, domitrix,] a subduer, a tamer, "lirnuv re oViT/rf/pe/uevai , o'/ ere y OVK eibov vrore. Eur. Electr. 63 1 . SYN. AoOXos, 0j/s, ^epctTrwv, vrals, oTrrjbos, TrpoTToXos. EPITH. OdXatos, TaXaafypwi 1 , Trtaros, Kebvos, orpypos. PHR. Ild- XotOV OlKli)V KTtjpa.. AroTrdX/cw, v. [movendo jacio, motu vebementi dejicio, circumjicio,] to shake and strike, to blend, to throw round. See Damm. Ni/v drdp ri&Qev ye TO. yet broTraXi^ets. . 512. SYN. 'ATroTrXryrrw, avaiped), 0o'evw, d^uTre^w. s, d, or, adj. [tenebrosus,] dark, gloomy. NUKTU blu bvopfjv eXdav rd^d ' eaaeral })s boKovs. Eur. fr. Cretens. 2. 6. 1 See note at the word a^iro\os. AOKH AOMO 231 AOKW, oos, i], subst. [opinio, suspicio,] opinion, suspicion, thought, notion. tXat, fitifjs fiKovffcir; rj boKw Kevri. Eur. Electr. 747- SYN. See Ao^/zd. AoXepos, et boXtoSf a, o>, et boXoets, eovrd, ev t adj. [dolosus, vafer,] crafty, subtle, deceitful, treacherous. Tour' els yvvaiKus btiXWv earl Kal erdflpoV. Bacch. 479- See also Aves 451. et Iph. A. 1526. AoX/o>es, d)v t ol, P. N. [sens Propontidis,] a nation near the Propontis. 'IffOpov b 1 apireblov re AoXioves apfyevepoi'To. Apoll. 1. 947. EPITH. Eu^eiyot. AoXto^pau', boXofypuv, ovus, et buXopriTls, toos, 6 etr/, adj. [fraudulentus, astutus,] cunning-minded, crafty, treacherous. AoXiotypuv Kvn-pis. Iph. A. 1305. See also ^Escli. Suppl. 746. and Od. y. 250. avXds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [longas tibias habens,] fixed in long sockets, long, ica KapTTvXa rr'd, feat atydveas SoXi^auXovs. i. 156. ' et '/' a< U* [Angara cervicern habens,] long-necked. Am /, adj. [longam projiciens umbrarn, longus,] projecting a long shade, long. Ylpoade 6' 'AXefavbpos irpdlet buXlyoaKiov ey^os. F. 346. AoXoeis, vid. AoXepos. AoXocrdcrm, ay, r/, subst. [caides dolosasc. insidiosa,] murder insidiously perpe- trated. 7 H' 0eyuis avdevTyrrl boXoKTaa'ias iXaevdai. Apoll. 4, 480. AdXo/xu0os, ov, 6 et fi, adj. [dolose loquens,] treacherously speaking. Neffaov ^d^td boXofjLvda icevTp. Trach. 84 1 . , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [Dolopeius,] of the hero Dolops. 'Acr>/, ou rvpflos evQ* apd ro/ye. Apoll. 1. 585. as, et bdXoQpocrvvr], rjs, %, subst. [doli meditatio,] plotting of wiles, craft, cunning. Tw be boXoirXuaat /udXXo^ airiarol abov. Theog. ^26. See also Trach. 834. SYN. AdXos. AdXdTrotos, ov, 6 et fi, adj. [dolos nectens,] guile-making, treacherous. Xpiet boXoTTOtds avayKa. Trach. 834. SYN. See AoXtpos. AdXos, ov, 6, subst. [dolus, fraus,] deceit, guile, fraud, stratagem. Els ai/jiaTr]- pbt' yapov eTropdpevtras boXa>. Iph. T. 372. SYN. 'ATrdr//, boXwpa. EPITH. 'Aprjxavos, Kpi)0aTos, ftvpatos, atj^os, alirvs, arXrjrus, Kpvtylos, KO.KUS, KpvTrrablds, 0di'dri70opos, TrvKlvos, arvytpos. PHR. IlofictXd fiouXevpara. AoXo^ovos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [sicarius,] treacherously murdering. 'Evvbpa rev^et* bdXd(f)ovovXeftr}-Tos. Agam. 1128. AdXo0po^w, v. [dolos ammo agito,] to plan artfully, to plot, to dissemble. Tots b boXoippovtwv peretyii iroXvprjTis 'Olvaffevs. a. 51. AoXo0pwv, vid. AoXto^pwv. AoXocu, v. [dolose ago, decipio,] to decoy, to deceive, to cheat. Moipas SoXw- aas' yvtaav be pot deal. Alcest. 12. SYN. 'Afl-drdw. AoXw//d, dros, TO, subst. [fraus,] deceit, guile. Btoy vopiw rube T av PO.TI. Choeph. 990. SYN. et EPITH. see AoXos. AoXwy, wvos, 6, P. N. [Dolon,] the name or* a Trojan spy. T Hv be ris kv etTffi AoXb>v, ILvpijbeos vlos. K. 314. EpITH. FIoXv^aXK'os, TroXv^pvo-os, pos. AoXwTris, ibds, r], adj. [callida,] treacherous. Qiov rob' ?/ SoXwTm OtVews Trach. 1067- SYN. 'ATrdr^Xos, itavovpyos. , r/s, //, subst. [structura,] structure. Kat irXevpols KtjTeffal bopf}v drdXarrot Apoll. 3. 1394. , ov, 6, subst. [domus,] an edifice, a house. Medrj^, iv O.VTOS ypvoov kv bopots tyy. Hec. 27. SYN. Aw, b&pa t bopri, OIKOS, earia, artyos, dpo(j'i 232 AOMO AOPI EPITH. 'AOdvdTus,upds, /utyds, ITVKO. Trotrjros, trotrjTos, v^Xdi, atTTepoeis, a^>0?- rds, 6elos, Ko'tXos, ptTUTrptTTiis, K piKaXXrjs, "^nXKeos, xaXicrjids, ^plTeXijs, , (Horn.) alirvs, afyveios, evb/urj-os, evbaifJiMV, fidaiXifios, yXvicepos, Krjwets, , iroXv^eivos, ae/jivos, Oqrjros, xpvatos, ovpdvdnTijKris, ffrioeis. Ao,uoo-0dX?}s, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [domurn labefactans,] ruinous to a house or family. AeSotfcd b 1 opfipov KTVTTOV bd/j.oa(j)dXfj. Again. 1511. AovaKtvs, eo)s, et Ion. r}os, 6, poet, pro bdvuKeldv, subst. [arundinetum,] a reed- plot. Yldp TroTapov KeXdbovTa, irdpa pobdvov bovdKrjd. 2. 5/6. Aovtkoets, CVTOS, bovaKorpo^os et bovaKoxXoos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [arundinosus,] abounding with reeds, reedy, rushy. Yvfjivaala. re luvaKoevros. Helen. 209. See also Theog. 783. and Iph, T. 400. Ad^a, O.KOS, 6, subst. [arundo,] a reed, a pipe, the bridge of a lyre. "Ei/e^a , ov vTrdXvpwv. Ran. 233. SYN. KdXajuos, KXabtis, avXos. EPITH. , XeTrroy, Xiyvpos, ffKiepos, eXetos. , v. [agito,] to whirl about, to shake, to agitate. 'AyGj-vos fiaXelv efa bovewv. Pyth. 1. 85. SYN. KiJ'ew, Smcre/a;, TrdXXw, crrjOd/Stw, (re/w, aciXevu), rdpacro-w. Aoa, T?S, >;, subst. [(1) opinio, (2)fama, (3) existimatio, gloria, (4) expectatio,] opinion, report, esteem, glory, expectation. X&pas dj/aj,res, boa poi TrapeardOrj. CE. R. 911. SYN. AoK^ats, 0/y/Jj), rt^if/, fcXcos, eirairos, Travbotya, inrot'otd. EPITH. 'AOdvdros, ZplKvbijS, Trodeivt'i. Aoac?w, f. drrw, v. [arbitror; expecto ; laudo,] to think; to expect; to praise. Td/utovs yd/jielffQat Tovab' tb6%aov Trore. Troad. 349- SYN. Oto/^ot, boKew, Kvbaivw. d, dros, TO, subst. [opinio, gloria, ostentatio,] opinion, glory, ostentation. Oi> pr] QpovfiffeO' , 01 Kti'tiv bo^aapdruv. Eur. Electr. 383. Ao/ao, as, f/, subst. [pellis detracta,] a skin. Zvvbecrfj? eXeXvro, /cat KdracrriKTOvs bupas. Bacch. 686. SYN. A00epa, beppd, \P^ S ' EPITH. AVKCLOS. Aopdriuv, ov, TO, sifbst. [hastile,] a little sliaft or javelin. 'Us raptor' dvev bopd- TIOV, xai tyfyovs, KCIKOVTLOV. Pax 552. AopidXwrfo, et Ion. bovpidXwTds, ov, 6 et y/, adj. [bello captus,] captured in war. Aey', tirei ;, adj. [hasta quaesitus,] ob- tained by the spear. 2v 6' ovcd bovXrj, xal bopiKrrjTos yvvt'i. Androm. 155. See I. 343. s, ov, v et >/, adj. [hasta captus,] captured in war. "HTrep bdflXrjtrTos Xot?r/. Aj. Fl. 146'. j/s, eos, boptfjiapyds, ov, 6 et rj, et bopi/jirjaTwp, opos, 6, adj. [bellandi cupi- dissimus,] spear-oiad, courting war. OVK av KOT 'EXXds boplpdvris dTro/Xtro. Eur. Suppl. 485. See also Sept. Thcb. 684. and Androm. 1007. SYN. ibpis al^fjiiis, yuf^udws fjLd^ea8at. os, vid. bopviraXTds. 1 tos, 6 et //, adj. [bellicosus,] warlike. Kdr' ix v&5 t W* btipiicTi)s dywvia. Troad. 1003. 1 " Hujusmodi adjectiva, quae ex dativo Sopl vel Sovpl composita esse videantur, retinebant, ut opinor, iota in compositione, ut SO/JI'KTTJTOS, 8ovpid\caTos, 8opi\v)irTos, SoyptTrerrjs, $opi[j.av})s,$opifrfi- paros, t>opifj.apyos. Ea vero quaj ex quarto casu conflata suiit, retiuent v, ut Sopvos, bopKij, r)s, bop*, opKos, et bopKuXts, t5os, ^, subst. [caprea, dama,] a wild goat. A & aymXatut bopKab', ?/ OKV^VOVS \VKUV. Baccli. 698. See also Here. F. 377- Call. 3. 97- and Call. Ep. 11. SYN. AI, x^aipa. See Ai. Aopos, o?, o, subst. [uter,] a skin, a leathern bag. See % AOKOS. 'Ev be put aXfylTa xevnov ZvppafyZeffa'l bopo~ialv, /3. 354. AopTrew, v. [coeno,] to take a meal, to sup. ' ov bopxeojuev re, Kat wpope 7<5s aotbds. 6. 539- SYN. See AeiTri-ew. ov, 6, subst. [tempus coanandi,] supper hour. Ev0i)s 6' CLTTU boptnarov epfiabas. Vesp. 103. , oi/, 6, et bopTTov, ov, TO, subst. [cffina,] a meal, supper. AO'PTTOV 6' riffuiiuZda, x e P" ? ^ fy* v'Swp. 6. 213. SYN. Ae77ri'd>, /3opa, /, adj. [ex hoste factus hospes,] one who is received as a friend after having been an enemy, a foreign friend. '6 fjrjrpd^ovTrjs 6', %v bopv&vwv gfjiwv. Androm. 991 . SYN. Ht^os. Aopvdos, ov, o, subst. [hastarum politor vel faber,] a polisher or maker of spears. Kct TIS bupvtyos, f) K&TrrjXos acrKlbuv. Pax 446. AopvTraXros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [ hasta m quatiens,] shaking a javelin. "l-Krap yul- XaOpwv, %po$ tK bopvTraXrov' Again. 115. Aopv7rdy>)s, Ids, 6 et ^, adj. [e ligno constructus,] wooden, made of wood. b' e^ovTes Kvavw-rrtbas. JEsch. Suppl. 751. //s, eos, 6 et f/, adj. [hasta interfectus,] slain by the spear. HoXXwv TTOiovaa bopvTrerfj /, adj. [hasta valens,] powerful in war. Aopi/ff0e>7s aviip ?.KvOris. Choeph. 154. Aopvo-ffoos, contr. ovs, dov, 6, adj. [hastam quatiens, acer bello,] brandishing the spear, brave in war. KoXxw^, oi xal "Aprji bdpvaadoi elaiv aretpels. Orph. 822. Atfpuo-o-w, f. 4rti>aKTos, ov, 6 et r% adj. [hastis concussus,] agitated by spears. Adpi/rif- VCLKTOS aidt]p emfialveTat. Sept. Theb. 143. Aopv^dpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [hastatus, satelles,] spear-bearing, attendant. pov- pa7s K^affrai, be'&ais re bopvtyopw ; Eur. Electr. 6l6. SYN. &opvaden)s, bupl- Hrjarwp, boptwdvos, al^fj,rjrfis, i>Xa, ey^Efftf.i(i)pds. Ao^ts, ews, rj, subst. [donatio,] a giving, a gift. 2oi %pr) ^eXeffdat' n)r bdfftv V X /, subst. [dator, dispensator,] a giver, a bestower. Kcu rdjutat Trdpd vr\valv eaav, OITOIO bortipes. T. 44. bovXapWv, ov, ro, subst. [servulus,] a little slave. Avrcu ye Kal TU bovXapla, TEtypciv 7ro0ev Xd/3oi5ffat. Thesm. 537. SYN. Uaibaptdv. AovXet'a, et SovXta, as, ^, 5ovXei//4d, arcs, ro, bovXdffvvri, rjs, >/, subst. [servitus,] 1 Here Dr. Blomf. would read 2 G 234 AOYA APAF servitude, slavery. AovXe/as rat ov 7X77705. Hec. 155. See also Pyth. 1.147- Orest. 215. and Pboen. 199- SYN. 0tpa7re/a, Xarpe/a. EPITH. AeiXa/a, ov 0ep7r/, ov 7X7777), /3dpe7d, eyuTreSoy. AovXetos, bov\Ws, a, oV, et bov\ln:os, r/, 6>, adj. [servilis,] of slavery, servile, slavish, mean. AovXetoy ?]i,Mdp eZ6es, ws TrpcWeis KO.KUIS. Hec. 56. See also Z. 463. and Ran. 743. AouXevw, v. [servio,] to be a slave, to serve. 5 H OvydVep, ry/^els ' ev tyaet bov- ; Hec. 415. SYN. GtpaTrevw, vrr^perew, foafcoVew. /, ??s, 7/, subst. [ancilla, serva,] a female slave, a handmaid. AovXr; K- , flaoiXis oixr, alff^yvdfiai, Hec. 559- SYN. Ayuwr), oktri's, Otpairvrj, 0>7<7<7d, ufipurdXos. PHR. See Hec. 359. and 444. Troad. 489. & c - ia, as, 7;, see AovXem. , ov, 6, subst. [servus,] a slave, a servant. *H xprjfuaTidv yap SouXos ?) TVffls. Hec. 864. SYN. Ajuws, Gepa^, 0tpd.7TWV, ot/cerrjs, Xarpevs, d/^- AovXos, 77, oj^, adj. [servilis,] servile, of a slave. See vid. Aoi/Xe/a. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [servilis,] servile, of a slave, a slave. Tw 6ovXo, KTVTTCW, Kovafiw, TrXdrdyew, drro/Sew, ov, 6, subst. [sonitus,] a sound, a noise, a clash. AOVTTO> av cXvw Aj. Fl. 871. SYN. Bpo^os, 7yx'/> KTVKOS, opabos, Trdrdyos, Kovafids, os, bovpids, et bovpetos, a, o^, adj. [ligneus,] wooden, Aovpdreov, rov Ziroir]/, adj. [quod intra hastee ictum est,] within a spear's throw. 'AXX' ore br'i p' aireffav bovpiivtKts, rj KQI Z\aaaov. K. 357. PHR."O0w r' eTrt bovpos tpwi) yiyvETui. O. 358. AovpidXwros, v. AopidXwros. AovptxXetros, et SovptkXvros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [hasta inclytus ; clarus bellator,] famed for the spear, renowned in arms. "Hpws 'Arpe/^s, Sovpi/cXetros Xaos. o. 52. See also K. 230. Aovp 7s, / subst. [palmus,] a measure equal to the palm or breadth of four fingers. Kat Ttpiv r/pepai/ tydptjffai, p.elov -f)v bvolv bd-^/iiaiy. Equit. 318. Aoxftos, et bounds, r), ov, adj. [obliquus, transversus,] oblique, across, trans- verse. Kat TIS bo-^fjuav /ctXevfloV. Alcest. 1019. See also M. 148. SYN. Aoos, X^ptos, ffKoXWs. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [obliquam habens cristam,] cross-crested. avbpuv. Sept. Theb. 109. W, v. [curvo, inflcto,] to bend, to render crooked. Aox/uu>0ets bla K\r)'i6pGv ebvvtv. Horn, in Merc. 146. Apay//d, a7os, 70, subst. [manipulus,] a handful. TIvpwv Kal KptO&v, rd i. A 69. SYN. APAF APED 235 v. [manipulos colligo,] to gather corn in handfuls, to bind in sheaves. IlcuSes bpaypevovres, ev ayKaXtbeaffl QepovTes. 2. 555. paypos, ov, 6, subst. [prehensio,] a grasping. Maarov re bpaypos, K a\ irapt- (TKevaapevov. Cycl. 169. ApaiVw, v. [facturio,] to project. 'AXX' et rt bpalveis, eTret ovbe ae. y virvfit i. K. 9^. SYN. Apa', OVTOS, 6, et bpat:aiva, rjs, fa subst. [draco, dracaena,] a dragon. Xewv, oirWev ^e fym/con', peaarj 6e ^paipa. Z. 181. See also Iph. T. 287. SYN. "6/, adj. [efficax,] active, efficacious. 'Arrjp aKopiros, %tp b' opq, rb bpaffi/noi'. Sept. Theb. 550. See also Helen. 99 ! SYN. Ae^Tos, ei^os, ayiivwo, airovbcfios, ayylvovs, frpodvpos. kpa.aiJ.ds, ov, 6, subst. [fuga,] flight. ( H/ie7s 5' ZXevdtpovrres CK bpa(Tf.twt> Trbba. Here. F. 1004. SYN. See i)y>/. Apaaaopai, f. opat, v. [prehendo,] to catch with the hand, to grasp. Tfjs eXTribos yap ep^opat bebpaypEvos. Antig. 235. ^SYN. A/ptw, a , d, bv, adj. verb, a bpab), [faciendus, agendas,] to be done. OeD. Tevvcubv avbp eXeias, ev rl bpaaTEbv. Eur. Electr. 262. Apctffrrjp, rjpbs, o, et bpaaretpci, as, f], Ion. et Horn. bprjvTrip, et bpfjffTetpa, subst. [(1) famulus, minister, (2) farnula, adjutrix,] a servant, an assistant. I x ^- treiv evQvpy, avv re bpfjffretpa. ireXecdat, A]>oll. 3. 700. See also ?r. 248. SYN. See A/^s. Apaartjpios, vid. &paatfj.ds. Apaffrbavvr), TJS, r/, Ion. bprjvrbffvvri, subst. [strenuitas in agendo,] activity or vigor in acting. Ap^oroo-vrr; OVK av jj.rn epiffcretev /3/>oros aXXos. o. 320. Ajodros, ?), dv, adj. [excoriaius,] skinned, flayed, (per metath. pro bdprda a bepw.) 'Es Trbbas K KeQaXfjs, irept be bpara orw/udrd vt\e t. x l r . l69 Apa^t?), ^s, //, subst. [drachma (moneta, llomanum denarium rcquans,)] H drachma, (six Attic oboli, about 7jd. of our money.) Ylpuira uev rov prjrbs els bq.b' OVK eXorrof, ?} bpa^u^v. Nub. 6*12, Apdw, f. aau, v. [facio, ministro, fugio,] to act, to do, to perform, to run away. Mrjrpos TI xupis bpaffeff, a > bpyv W v ' !p n - A. 728. SYN. 'Arvw, vTri/pertw, , pe>, et bpiTravd'i', ov, TO, subst. [falx,] a sickle, scythe, falchion. 236 APEFI APYI /, oems bpliravas ev yepvlv t^ovrej. 2. 551. See also Ran. 583. SYN. , ou, o, subst. [falcarius,] a scythe or sickle maker. '6 be 5p7rd- vovpyos, ov-% opqs ; tus {jbercu. Pax 547. pfTrw, et bpeTTopat, v. [carpo, decerpo,] to pluck, to reap, to crop, to cull, to mow. ApeTrw)/ Tpetvr)s /uvpaivr)s Kapa TrXotcovs. Eur. Electr. 778. SYN. 'ATTO- is, thus, >/, Ion. pro SpaTrtYts, subst. [fugitiva,] a runaway. Tf)v Trobe-^Qe, '0t. Callim. Ep. 43. , e7d, v, et bpipvXos, 17, dy, adj. [acer, acerbus, asper,] sharp, acid, bitter, sour. Olb' avbpaKporaXov, bptjuvlLiffvtyov yevos. Cycl. 104. See also Mosch. 1. 9. SYN. 'Ofa, betvos, xaXZiros, fiXovvpos, wf^os. jOid^, ov, ro, et bplds, ow, 6, subst.; pi. helerog. ra 5pia, [locus arboribus consi- tus,j a shrubbery, a plantation. Uerptrd mrd 5pm 7ro\i)^i^d. Helen. 1325. pv/.ios, v\r]. EPITH.'Ep-Tj/EJ/. , >/, subst. [vas balnearium,] a bathing-vessel. Apo/r??s fcarao-K>;vo>^a* V GVJ/. Choeph. 986. a, 6v, et bpopas, abos, o et //, adj. [cursu valens, velox,] running, rapid, fleet. O^ ws bpdpaia truXos, ^ Ba^ij 0toi). Helen. 542. See also Hipp. 550. SYN. 'AeXXoTrovs, TCI-^VS, Odds, (l>Kvbpopds. vs, Iws, 6, subst. [cursor,] a runner. 0d<7eyjl s > Hipp. 226'. See also Troad. 830. and Bacch. 704. SYN. 'Eparjeis, vbpr}Xds. Apda/5d/zat, v. [rore humecto, irroro,] to sprinkle with dew. 'Pavtat xpv& ^" aiZo/jitvai. Ran. 1311. Apdcrds, ov, rj, subst. [ros,] dew, dew-drop, juice. Ka^Xacot-o-av pd(rw, ba>pfi- <7rcu. Olymp. 7. 4. SYN. "Epor??, ep/, et bpv/jios, ou, pi. heterog. ra pv/*d, subst. [(l) quercetum ; (2) quodlibet nemus,] an oak grove, a grove. KipKrjs ev peyapoivt, bla bpv/jd irvKva Ko.1 vXrjv. K. 150. See also Pies. Op. 531. and Hipp. 1125. SYN. "AXerds, vXrj, EPITH. "Opetdv, ei]Br)pov, Xdfftdj', olbiroXov. Apvdydvos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [quercum generans; nemorosus,] oak-bearing. Apvdyd^occrt Kopav. Thesm. 114. Apu7T7r^s, ds, 6 et //, adj. [qui ex arbore cadit, maturus, sole coctus,] ripened on the tree by the heat of the sun. KaJ rds bpvTreTrels KartTrtve. Lysistr. 56 1. Api/Trrw, v. [lacero,] to rend, to tear. Xfpd SpuTrrerat rl Trdpem^. Hec. 650. SYN. ^.Trdpaarrd), afjivaau), aTro^ew. ApiJs, vdf, rj, subst. [quercus,] an oak. 'OTroTd Ktatros bpvvs, d?ra;s rriaft t^d- 1 For the meaning of this word see Dr. BJomf. Glow. Agam, 151S. APYT AY2A 237 fiai. Hec. 398. EpiTH. Ti/^X?), d^aXta, Pa0uf> ( >t$os, ftpa, Tr)\i06uoa, ou, 6, subst. [qui quercus vel arbores caedit,] a wood-cutter. M>/rt l TOI bpvrdpos pty d/ueu'wv, >}e filytylv. Y. 315. SYN. 'TXoro/^o$. ptyaicrtis, ou, 6, subst. [janua for* judicialis ; in plur. cancelli,] the door of a court of justice, the rails which encompassed the court. EI0' i/TrtpeTnjW rovt bpvfyaKrovs Travra^ou. Equit. 672. Avdw, v. [in calamitates conjicio,] to involve in calamity. 'AXXd dtol bvdwoi avOpuTrovs. v. 195. SYN. 'Avmw, 7rtec?w. w*/, *7$, ?/, subst. [calamitas aerumna, miseria,] distress of mind, calamity. Aeoy/ovs ucciceTs, Kal bvas eK^vyyavu. P. V. 534. SYN. ' a, aXyos, irdvvs, bvrjiraftia, EPITH. Ati/^, Xvypa, Ovfjiofiopos, /3dpe*a, rd0ta, as, //, subst. [aerumnartim perpessio,] the enduring of affliction, affliction. An//d bvrjTrddl^ re Kat akyealv' ovft lfjLa.Tr](jav. Apoll. 4. 1395. SYN. Aff , et bui]7ra.6ds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [a3rumnarum patiens, arumnosus, miser,] suftering calamities, miserable, distressing. 'AXXd yp ov?rorl ^i/Xd bvrjiraOZbiv a.vQp&inov. Apoll. 4. Il65. See also H. in Merc. 486. SYN. Ae/Xatbs, ad\ios, fiapvirorpos. 5jut, bvtu, et bvofjLaty v. [subeo,] to sink, to go under, to enter. ?/v ye pa^rjv 0dro bv^Evai avbpwv. Z. 185. SYN. 'YTroSvw, etaSuw, Avvapctt, f. H/orfytae, imperf. ebvvafj.r]v, et Alt. i^Svrd/i^r, V. [possum, valeo,] lo be able, to have the power, to prevail. OVK av Ivvain^v e^aXel^aafdai^pevds. Hec. 588. SYN. 'I^w, ffflfvw, ex w - Ai/t'ctjuts, et poet, buvavls, ews, //, subst. [vis, facullas,] power, ability, capacity. '6 6', ws vfipiZij, ets^eTpas Xdj3aj'. Eur. Suppl. 246. See also Androm. 483. SYN. 'A\Kri, /3ta, ts, icyvs, efyvaia. El'ITH. 'A^0tXd0?)s, do-effros, a^pet'a, Aio/, subst. [potentia,] supreme power, sovereignty. 'Ap^s tiXwirov /cat bvvaoTetas 0v. GE. 11. 600. SYN. 'Ap)(j7> ^X^ 5 ' '"vpavi/i's. Ai>>/aoT??s, et ^varqs, oi/, et bvvaffrwp, opos, 6, subst. [dominus,] a sovereign, a lord, a potentate. Aa^rrpovs bvvafrras, ejuTrptTrovrds uidtpl. Agam. 6. See also Pers. 682. (where some read bvvaara for bvvaTa,) and Iph. A. 2SO. SYN. 'Ap^os, ap-^rjyds t ^ytyuwv, fiaalXevs. Awmros, ^, o/, adj. [potens,] able, powerful, adequate, mighty. QVKOVV airav- byv bvvarov iffTi pot TTOVOVS. Eur. Suppl. 352. SYN. 'Ixavds, a Kparwi'. AVJ/W, vid. kvfj.1. Auo, bvuj (poet.), gen. bvoiv et bveiv, adj. [duo,] two. Ai/cm> be Traiboiv bvo vsKpw fcdro^/trat. Hec. 45. Ai/dfa/5ei:a, adj. indecl. [duodecim,] twelve. Kat ol viroa^aOai lv6Ka.ibf.Ka fiovs 't vr](tj. Z. 274. Ai/otfat/v-d/u77i't;s, ov, 6, adj. [qui duodecim mensium est,] of twelve months. IlajTd bvoKo.tbeKaftrivdi' apfjitrovd. Trach. 659 AuTrrw, v. [aquas subeo, mergo,] to dip. AuTrrovres KttyaXus Kat trr/yOtd* yv7d 6 ? VTrepGc. Apoll. 1. 1008. SYN. Bi>0/c?w, KarairovTigo). Aupdyuat, poet, pro dbvpopat, v. Pors. ad Hec. 728. [lamentor,] to lament, to deplore. Kai pot ra pev Trdporrd w bvpeoff atf. P. V. 271- SYN. AttA* drorv$b} t pvpo/ t yodw. Ai/o-ay*:o//ipf.a\v, axrre, fiw-puv. JEsch. Suppl. 759. AvffdceX^os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [infelix in fratribus,] unfortunate in a brother or sister, unfortunate brother or sister. AvoxiSeX^ordrat TratrtDv, owoaai. Sept. Theb. 86'8. Av/s, EOS, o et ^, adj. [graviter spirans,] hard-blowing. Kav/mros e at>efjLotd bvaaeos opyvjutvotd. E. 865. SYN. AuffTTi'ods. s, EOS, 6 et ?/, adj. [lugubris,] mournful, lamenting. Be/ay Svo-amvj/, . Pers. 286. /fynos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [caliginosus,] darksome. "H/3;v 0'- o & optyvrjs e/c bvaatdptov, vewv. Heracl. 857- Afrra/oii', wvos, o et /, et bvaaOXlds, a, of, adj. [miser, infelix,] wretched. Av- /, adj. [infeliciter maritatus,] ill contracted. Taftov Iva- avopa. jEsch. Suppl. 1071. AiVdTraXXafv-os, ov, o et r/, adj. [qui s. quod difficulter abjici polest,] difficult to be shaken off. 'ETret ev bveaTraXXaKrots bbi>vats. Trach. 9/6- Avo-dpea-os, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [difficilis, morosus,] difficult to be pleased, morose, surly, fastidious. XdXtTrov ^EV ovv avbpas bvaapeorovs vovOereHv. Eccles. 180. SYN. AvorpoTTo's, bvffj^pris, ^dXtTros. AvaapiffTordKeta, s, r/, adj. [quse optimum filium, sed malo fato, peperit,] uii- happy in giving birth to the noblest of sons. r fl pot eyw bei\)} t w poi bvaapi- GTOTOKeta. 2. 54. AvaapKTds, ov, o et r/, adj. [contumax,] ill regulated, contumacious. $ptves bvffapKTOl' Trpos ^e Kapblq. //\ ^vaao-xeros avOi' XiXenrro, A poll. 2. 272. SYN. Ava^dprjTos, Avo-avXia, as, ?/, subst. [graves excubiae,] an inconvenient abode. Md)(0ovs ydp ei Xeyot/ui fcai ^vaavXtas. Agam. 558. Avo-avXos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ad deversandum parum commodus,] hard to lodge in, incommodious. AvaavXwr Trayw aWpia. Antig. 363. Avo-av)(>)s, tos, o et y, adj. [odiose jactans s. glorians,] vainly boasting. Ov rt tywv, otoi r bvaavxJEes aXXot taaiv. Apoll. 3. 97^- Avt7a^0?)s, tos, 6 et 77, adj. [onerosus, non tolerandus,] burdensome, difficult to to be borne, intolerable. 'E7rd06juei> 7rd0os bvcra^dts, (5 TTO^OC. Eumen. 145. SYN. Av/, subst. [stultitia consilii, malum consilium,] absurd design. 'AXX' ea 1 ^UE, Kal ri]V e^ JL/.OV bvafiovXiav. Antig. 95. SYN. 'A/3ov\ta, d^otd. Av bvayivetav -/' * iCvverat. (E. R. 1098. eos, 6 et >/, adj. [ignobilis,] low-born, ignoble. AtSovs y ^itv o firjbev btbov. Helen. 1275. , et tWyi w/, subst. [ignorantia,] ignorance. Au<7yi/o/dr O\evr\ bvaeKXvrws. P. V. 60. Aucre/CTreparos, et bvae^rjvvffTos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [vix explicabilis, difficilis ad transeundum,] unutterable, inextricable, difficult to pass through. Kd0ew bv- ore/crrtparoj/, oXooi>. Hipp. 887. See also Hipp. 1232. Ai)o-X>>7, 775, //, subst. [infeiix Helena,] unhappy or infamous Helen. ITa-pai/ ibovcrd Ai);, adj. [piger ad opus faciendum,] inconvenient for working. 'H feat -^elfja bveepyov ; ?rei Kal ^e//^dri TroXXol. Bion 6. 5. Avaepts, i'^os, adj. [acerbus et pertinax in certandp, nimis rixosus,] bitter in contention, too quarrelsome, morose. Ovr' w^ bvatpis fis dyav. Olymp. 6. 33. SYN. $lXot>iKds. Avapt/, adj. [admodum certaminis avid us, vaide litigiosus,] difficult or dangerous to contend about. To bvatpHrrdv al/jd tyvaui' "Aprjs. Soph. Electr. 1385. Avtrepws, vXy Keiplvov bvffevperb). Bacch. 1210. Av<7^\os, ov, 6 et //, adj. [in malam partem semulator, suspicax, iracundus, acerbus,] prone to suspicion, very envious or jealous. Airjv yap bvffSrjXoH eals 7ri iraial Toicfjes. Apoll. 4. 1089' SYN. OfloVfpo's, tyiXuveiKils. AvirriXfyijs, eos, adj. [propr. molestam parans dormilioneni, gravis,] harassing, painful. To; OVK a,v Odvdrov y bvvriXtyza Trpocpvyoivdd. %. 325. Awo-//Xtos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ad quern sol aegre pervenit, sole carens,] sca'< illuminated by the sun, cold, dreary. Ta^ti' e-^vad Kal butraXiov K-V. Eumen. 399. SYN. 'Ai-r/Xids. Ai)/, adj. [ventis vexatns,] harassed by the wind. 07vd cat bvffavefj.oi'. Antig. 591- ov, 6 et ^, adj. [aratu difficilis,] difficult to be ploughed. 240 AT2H AY2K ilqte bixr-npdrds. Call. 4. 268. 777x>)s> tos, 6 et r/, adj. [horrisonus,] ill or harsh sounding, hoarse, riaw- ictQat TroXfjuioifj bvcrirxeos, eiaoKe veicpovs. H. 376. SYN. Avo-ictXdSos, fidpvrj- Avo-0aX7Tj)s, eos, o et r/, adj. [calefactu difficilis, frigid us,] hardly warm, cold, frigid. *H xal ^e^wvos bvadaXTreos' os pa re f.pywv. P. 549. SYN. Yvxpos, ptyqXos. Avafldi'dros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [difficilem mortem inferens,] causing a painful death. kvaQararuv KpaTi'ipcov TrXrj-pwpara. Ion 1056. SYN. QavaTrjQdpds. Ay<70tiros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [infelix adspectu, invisus, dirus,] difficult or painful to look at, shocking. 'Opys dea^d bvffdtardv on^dalv. P. V. 69. SYN. Av<7- TrooaoTTTos, Metros, fyofiepos. AvoBtds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [(l)Diis odiosus, (2)impius,] (1) hated by the gods, (2) impious, wicked. Avros' ^evla be rovbe bvvdeos 7rdr>/p. Agam. 1580. SYN. 'ATToripos ev Oeo7s t aazfirjs. AvvBepaTrevTos, ov, 6 et f], adj. [aegre sanabilis,] difficult to be cured, past remedy. Kal yuot bwdepaTrevros A'ias. Aj. Fl. 6l4. SYN. 'A^^eoros, bvaKr)- Xos, f)i)clards. , v. [difficulter vel male morior,] to die hard. BaXXet ^ bvri- alfjid-os VEOV. Rhes. 791- , ov, o et >/, adj. [lamentabilis,] very mournful, doleful. "Ij7/, adj. [sanatu difficilis, insanabilis,] difficult to be cured, in- curable. Aeti'jy ris opyij KCLI bvffiaros ireXei. Med. 520. SYN. AvedepairevTos, &vffifjipos, ov, o et */, adj. [ingratus,] disagreeable, unpleasing. 'He ^\v arris Trfjfjid bvalfjtpo)>, 7) Toy eWcrTrw. Apoll. 4. 4. SYN. AvortjOws. Avars, tws, t], subst. [occasus,] the setting of the sun, the west. "AcrTpwv ebeta, ras re bvaKpirovs bvcreis. P. V. 467. SYN. Ai/crp/. AvffkaOapTos, ov, o et >/, adj. [purgatu difficilis, inexpiabilis, implacatus,] diffi- cult to be purified or expiated, implacable. T ft bvcKadaprf: balpov, ds /u' d Xeads. Pax 1250. SYN. 'AKaQapros. , ov, adj. [male fumosas,] infested with smoke. Aifca be \djniret Agam. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [non sedandus,] difficult to be stopped, irn- pjacable, restless, incessant. 'Iw bv anar ait av or 6v aXyds. Choeph. 463. SYN. "Airavaros. vid. Ava^s. 'Opyffd', dffoi bviTKeXaboiffi. Ion 1098. s, vid. kvadepaTrevrds. Qeai fiporwv ar\]tjr\rl bvffKrjXov ^Qova. Eumen. 828. Av<7K'77^)$, tos, o et fj, adj. [plenus laborum et curarum,] laborious, anxious, dis- tressing. Ei fj.v K 1 ev TTordpy bv, v. [indigne fero, morosus s. difficilis sum,] to be indignant, to be peevish. X' a &wv. Bacch. 1240. SYN. ', bvatyopos, Sycr^Xey^s, ayptos, biiaapeaTds, CITIES, bva-^epfjs. , ou, 6 et 77, adj. [intolerabilis,] hard to b. borne or endured. Iloruos s eio-^Xdro. Antig. 1347. See Ayepet KCLKCL. Troad. 303. Auo-Xvros, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [solutu difficilis,] difficult to be loosened or disen- tangled, intricate. Kat bva\vrovs e^ovad ras ^taXXdyas. Pho3n. 388. Au7s, os, adj. [rndocilis, difficilis doctu,] difficult to teach. FIX/})/ ry TKovri Kaprd bvfffjidd^s ibeiv. Med. 1193. w, v. [aegre, difficulter resisto,] to resist with difficulty. Gtotat bua^ dXX' , adj. [aegre resistendus,] difficult to resist or struggle against. Td &p$v avayKy 6' ov^t Sua/idx^reov. Antig. 1106. u^dxos, ou, 6 et fj, adj. [inexpugnabilis,] not to be conquered, impregnable. Aetvov TO irXrjdos, uv boXy re dvoyKixoV. Hec. 883. SYN. Autrepterros, bvyira- Xataros, bvaTroXepos, QiXovetKos. uo-juevew, et bvffpevalvu, v. [infensus sum, animo sum male affecto,] to act as an enemy, to be hostilely disposed to. 'AXX' dye, pjKert poi KO.KU pectre bvtr- es. v. 314. See also Med. 870. SYN. Auax^a"'^ 7rd\e//ew, ex 0a ^ w - , as, ^, subst. [malevolentia, hostilitas,] ill-will, enmity. 'AXX', // K (roD vo-a^etd, fcai rd tds, a7re X 0/)s, arvyepos. AI/7s, //, subst. [occasus,] see Auats. Tolffiy e^ bvepaifflv avyav. Isthm. 4. 113. top, pos, ;/, subst. [mala, s. infests mater,] a cruel or unnatural mother. Proa. Lex. 2 H 242 AY2M AY2II MrJTEp Efjiv), bvfffjuiTEp, cnrr}Va QvfjLov s^owa. H 7 . 97- tipos, oet ?/, adj. [qui infaustae matris est,] of a cruel mother. Avc-- KUTOV Tvyuv . jEsch. Suppl. 68. v^, v. [difficultate laboro,] to be hardly able, to find great difficulty. Kayw TOLOVTOS elfji, ETTCI bva^yavS). Agam. 1331. SYN. Ov , et bvffftdpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [infelix,] having a sad fate, wretched. reicrdv, rjKeis ; 6. (5 Trdrep bvffftoip op$v. CE. C. 327. See CE. R. 665. SYN. aOXtos. ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [deformis,] ill-shapen, horrid. "ATroXXoV, ws ea0f/rt TTpETrei. Helen. 1203. ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui s. quod aegre deleri potest,] difficult to be washed away, in-delible. Xa\o> OTTWS bvffvnrTov CK btXrov ypd^/yv. Trach. 685. yor^ojd, as, //, subst. [malevolentia, ] ill-will, reluctance, kvcrvoia ju?) Trpoo-eort^, 7} XUTTT; iriKpd. Soph. Electr. 654. i/o-vods, oy, o et i|, contr. bvvvovs, adj. [malevolus,] ill-disposed, malevolent. kvavovv pe X^eatf, oirlvs irb ijKETe. Iph. T. 351. SYN. Aytr/zev^s, e^dpos. vavoards, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [cum reditu infortunato, infaustus,] hard to return, ill-omened, kvavoarov avrolf vocrrov eyu/3ciXetv &e\at. Troad. 75. yo-yy/i^os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [infeliciter spousus,] unhappily married. Kcu KOV- put, KUI bvarvp^oi. Troad. 145. SYN. Avayd^os, KaKovvfJityos, alvoyajjios, alvu- ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [perobscurus,] very obscure, very mysterious. Ketvos be bvy^vfjij3\r]Tdf e^veytc' tiira. Eur. Dan. 10. SYN. Ai/oreK/mprds. kvotyvlTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [difficilis intellectu,] hard to be understood, abs- truse. AvatyveTOv tyvtTQS jueXos eyftt). Phoan. 1520. SYN. 'Avvreros, d(rdSo7ra/7rdXos, ov, o et r/, adj. [salebrosus, invius,] difficult to pass, (as being cra gSy)- 'AvrjXty XdjUTr^t, bvadboTraiwaXd. Eum. 390. SYN. Tpa^vs. Awo-o/^w, v. [metuo, timeo,] to hesitate, to be suspicious. Ov rot bvaoiw, da/nvov b)S opvis, 0o/3^>. Agam. 1287- SYN. Auo-^opew, , oi/, 6 et?/, adj. [lamentabilis,] lamentable. AVO-O//XOV rvx as Choepli. 932. x SYN. kvadpoos, bvfffiavKTds, bvaKeXabos. vaoiffTos, vid. Ava^opos. Oi>.' w^e 6vo-0card /cat bvffoiffrd. P. V. 714. vtrofjippos, ov, o et r/, adj. [pluviosus,] raining heavily, showering. Kai /3pd (f)evyetv fieXr). Antig. 365. vid. ad kvo'ebpos. , oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [oculis baud integer,] dim-sighted. Eumen. 391. &vffopyos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui graviter irascitur,] irritable. 'O b' evdub' Kai-n-ep oi) bvaopyo* &v. JPhiloct. 377. SYN. Bdpi)0v)uos, o^oXos. Avo-op/ios, ov, o et f/, adj. [importunus, s. male fidus carinis,] inconvenient, dan- gerous. Bata, bvtropfjios vavalv, %v o (^I\o^op6s. Pers. 454. Avffopvis, t6os, 6 et fj, adj. [quod malis s. sinistris avibus fit,] inauspicious, led by an evil omen, fatal. *H Kprjaias CK yas bvaopvis. Hipp. 756. Ai/<7op0vatds, a, 6v t adj. [caliginosus,] dusky, gloomy. Ai/aop^vaid b' ap^t rpvyri* Phcen. 337. iia, as, r/, subst. [malus odor,] a stench. "EQov, (3orjs re Kal bvffOfffj.ias Philoct. 876. Tus, ov, o et r/, adj. [quod adverse vento advehitur, infelix,] driven near by an unfavorable wind, unfortunate. Kai bvaovpiaTov. CE. R. 1313. u/, adj. [male consulens s. suadens,] ill-advising, ill- judging. Ai/<77rdpd/3ovXoi/7rtpo7revra. F. 39- AvffTrejuTrros, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [aegre submovendus s. expellendus,] hard to be re- moved. Auo-Tre/^Trrds e^w, ^uyyo^wv 'Eptvvwi^. Agam. Il6l. Av<77Teyu^eXos, oi/, 6 et >), adj. [infeliciter demissus,] unfortunately sent, boiste- rous. Mq&c TtoXvfaivov bcitros Sv^Tre/w^eXos elva*. Hes. Op. 720. SYN. Ai><7- apearTos, ^dXeTros, bvffKoXos. Avfr7rei/0^s, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [luctuosus,] causing bitter grief, heavily grieving, mournful. At/o-7rev0et avv Kafiary. Pyth. 12. 18. SYN. IldXvTrevG^, TroXv^pr/vos. AvffTreparos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(l) trajectu difficilis, (2) tempestuosus, non tolc- randus,] (1) difficult to pass through, (2) tempestuous, intolerable. AuaTrepa- TOV atair'. Med. 646. Ai/, ov 6vo-7jf-//s. Aj. Fl. 1065. SYN. Avo-^P'ta buffTror^ds. AvffTrerws, adv. [graviter, aegre,] heavily, painfully, with difficulty. T H T&S av TOVS epovs ddXovs Depots. P. V. 777 Avo-7ri>/>7S, eos, o et >/, adj. [squalidus,] squalid. Kd^e^er'* elr' tXva ffroXas. CE. C. 1 597. SYN. Avxwpos, pvirapos, TriJ/dpos. Avo-TrXdvos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [misere errans,] wretchedly wandering. Ai/<77rXdvot$ "Hpas dXareiais. P. V. 933. SYN. 'AXj/njs. AVO-TTJ/OOS, contr. SiWrovs, ov, o et >/, adj. [vehementer vel male spirans,] violently blowing, hard-breathing, panting, kva-nvovs na'o'w KUV^OV tapas irobd. Antig. 223. SYN. Avor a //s. Avo-TroXe/z^ros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [i>on oppugnandus,] hard to wage war with, diffi- cult to be combated. Ai/o-TrtfXf/^rov, ov ov-rls. ^sch. Suppl. 0'50\ SYN. , eos, bvcTTovos, et bvaTrovrjTos, ov, o et ;, adj. [laboriosus, airumnosus,] toilsome, harassing, oppressive, bvairovtos Kd/iaroto, ^F'", aXyewos. uo-Tror^os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [cujus sors est misera, infelix,] ill-fated, wretclird. 'Opare beffn&Triv yue ^VOTTOT^OV Qi ov. P. V. 119- SYN. Avari/x/K bvffapfiopds f aOXtds, KaKorvxfis, arvxys, bvffrrivds. s, adv. [infeliciter,] unhappily, unfortunately, nx^ov/rt vevpwv < dapnevcov. Pers. 277- SYN. 'Arvx^s, aOXrws, rdXatTrwpws. , ov, 6 et r;, adj. [non potabilis,] unfit to drink, nauseous. v TTw/zdros SvffTrorov. Eumen. 266. Person's emendation of this line is here adopted, as making the line correspond iil, that 244 AT2II AYIT w, v. [adversa fortuna utor,] to prove unfortunate. Agam. 763. SYN. Ai/. as, ^r, subst. [infelicitas, infortunium,] misfortune, miscarriage, ca- lamity. n/Trreiv fldpeiais irpos Qe&v bveirpafyais. Aj. Fl. 75,9- SYN. Avorv- , ov, 6 et /, adj. [qui difficulter adiri potest,] difficult of access, inaccessible. Avmrpoffiros, eato re KXeidpwv airavlos ; avpd ' ov xpewv. Iph. A. 345. SYN. Avao/ziXos, aVpoVtrds. AvcrirpoffoiffTds, ov, o et f/, adj. [idem : et, intractabilis,] difficult of approach, untoward. Ttf bvinrpdaoiffTov KaTrpoffriyopuv ardfid. CE. C. 1277. SYN. Av/, S^CTX^WS aw^ojJLUvos. Av aro/uel*'* lyw 5e ' viv. CE. C. 986. See Brunck. SYN. See Av^ij/uew. Av ; bvarr}vos t ov, et St/orXjy/uwv, ovos, 6 et ^f, adj. [valde mi- ser,] very unhappy. 7 1 5v, subst. [difficultas pariendi,] difficulty in bringing forth. AI/O-- puytovalv dXerptSes, aXX' o0t QuiKctt. Call. 4. 242. , ov, 6 et >), adj. [difficilis conjectu,] difficult to be explored, in- scrutable. Qolfiov p #7n/X0e bvaroiraaT alylyfjidrd. Eur. Suppl. 149. SYN. , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [nefandis cibis utens,] feasting at an evil table, or on impious flesh. Xap-ju6VaI:a)s Tr , eos, o et //, adj. [infelix, miser,] unfortunate, miserable. Kopat Svcr- Eumen. 795. SYN. 'Ari^s, ad\ws, bvffTrjrds. , as, ?/, subst. [infortunium,] misfortune, calamity, distress. Ttf rcXos 5vid/3aXXa;, bvaaro^Hw. Ai/a^/tyua, as, ?/, subst. [jnaledicentia ; verba male ominata,] evil report ; ill- boding cries. Kdretx' del irav orpdroTrecW bva^rjpiais. Philoct. 10. SYN. BXaor^>7^uta, fcdrapa, apd, XoibopHa. AvffijfrT/juos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [mali omiuis ; infamis,] ill-boding ; inglorious, in- famous, impious, shocking. Avow, 7ra7, bvatyrifjiovs ^>a/ms. Hec. 193. Av<7/, adj. [inamabilis,] unfriendly. 'Ecr0f/rt <7v>> rotybe, rijs X bvffQlXrjs. CE. C. 1258. SYN. AvarepTnjs, avtpaaros. Avff^optw, v. [aegre fero, indignor,] to bear ill, to be indignant. Td/^wv, f?r' aXyei bvatyopuv. Sept. Theb. 779. SYN. 'AXv/cretu, dXaartw, dydj'a/crew, ftapv- et (2) bvafydpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [difficilis toleratu, gravis, pondero- sus, difficilis,] difficult to be borne, heavy, grievous, difficult. 2>)v aptyefat KdXws. Cycl. 343. See also Enmen. 378. , SvoKofjUcrrds, 5vorX?/Tos, arX^ros, aivos, /3dpvs, ^dXtTros. adv. [aegre,] grievously. Kdyw rd y' ev aot 5vopws CE. R. 770. Avor0op/i ri Xtav bvefyopeiv, Trdpyreae. Androm. 1223. SYN. Ai/Treo^tai, bvoQv- /uew, fiapviopat. Avff^porws, adv. [(1) aegro animo, (2) imprudenter,] (1) with a troubled mind, (2) imprudently. Hep^s be KUVT eiretnre bvvtypovws. Pers. 558. Avcr^poavvT/, et bvffQpdvrj, ijs, >% subst. [anxietas, solicitudo, aegriludo,] anxiety, distress. Avvtypoavraiffl 0ewv, ore ffos yovos cKtyvytv $bav. Troad. 599- See also Hes. Theog. 102. SYN. AVTD?, dna, bvativpia. Avo-^pw/, vvos, 6 et fj, adj. [(1) aeger animo, moestus, (2) infensus, malevolus, (3) insanus, imprudens,] (1) uneasy in mind, dejected, (2) evil-minded, ill- disposed, malignant, (3) mad, imprudent. &vapdves, tytXuv uTriarot. Sept. Theb. 873. SYN. bvaQvuos, aXyeivos. Ai/o-^vXafcros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui s. quod caveri nequit, non evitandus,] diffi- cult to be guarded against, unavoidable. Kai bw^vXaicTov 6v6v/*las vxd. Androm. 726. SYN/A^VKTOS, airapairijTos. ^vcr^eipepoSf bvff-^indsj bvar^ijudSf ov, o et >;, et bva^eifjitJiVy Gvtis, o et >^, adj. [hy- bernis tempestatibus obnoxius, hybernus, procellosus,] exposed to storms, wintry, stormy. Aw^y^s /ue^ewv bva^et/jiepov' apfyl be 2eXXo/. IT. 234. See also Choeph. 180. Eur. Suppl. 972. and Apoll. 4. 635. Ai/rrxetpwjud, dros, ro, subst. [res aegre superabilis,] a hard combat, a dan- gerous conflict. Avo-^etpwyud bpaKovTi. Antig. 128. Avff^pcuVw, v. [a2gre fero, gravor; pertaesus sum, molestiam adfero,] to dislike, to reject, to irritate. *H bva^epavarT ', ij KaToucrtaavTii TTWS. (E. C. 1282. SYN, 'A^fdw, irpoaiffTapai, /3dpv'o/xai, aya.vaKTU>) t betvoTraQtt,), ^tatw, d7re*f)ta>. Avax^petd, as, >/, subst. [molestia, injucunditas, incommodum,] unpleasantness, awkwardness, annoyance, difficulty. Ov bfi al bvaytpeia rov roai'ipitn^. Philoct. 900. AV/, adj. [manibus segre tractabilis, molestus, odiosus,] awk- ward, rough, unpleasant, odious. "AXXrjv & aKovaov bvff\tpii Oto>p?av. P. V. 827. SYN. 'AXeyetvos, beivos, bvfffopus, a-^Qeivos, apydXeos. Av/, adj. [duodecim bourn pretium aequans,] worth twelve oxen. To> be 5vw/cd/3oio> >t /, adj. [qui duodecim curricula absolvit,] running twelve times round the course. AvcoSfKafyxfyzwj/. Olymp. 2. 92. &vwbKajj,r)vos, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [qui s. quod duodecim mensium est,] of twelve months duration. Mrjbe bvwbeKafjrji'dv law KCU TOVTO rervKrat. Hes. Op. 752. Ai)w/, adj. [qui duodecim annorum est,] twelve years old. Aw- TOV TraTStt iraTtjp avWrjKe fylXtmro-s. Call. Ep. 20. a, ov, et AwSwi'ts, ibds, ?/, adj. [qui est e Dodona,] of Dodona. Zei>, dm, AwSwvatE, HeXaaylKt, rrjXodi valwv. FI. 233. See also Apoll. 1.526. AwSwv, wvos, et AwSov77, ^> ^/> P- N. [Dodona,] a town of Epirus celebrated for an oak-grove and oracle of Jupiter. AwSwja biafftiv CK TIeXeiabwv i-tyr). Trach. 175. See also Phoen. 996. EPITH. kvaxeifjitpos, atTrvi/wros. PHR. ^.ejuivd Atabtoviys (3aOpa. Aw/ud, dros, et poet. Aw, TO. TloXvfjirjffTdpos irpos botfia, Qprjrtov $EVOV. Hec. 7 See also H. 363. SYN. See Ao>os et MtXaOpdv. KviawfiVy Kovptbiov, fjLaXd KaXoVf ftyd, peyapov, fjirjTpwidv, Trarpwtov, TrtpltcaXXes, afipbdXe6v t fylXov, vv//p0S, ayaKXvTov, (Horn.) VV/JpdbtTr)5 Tpoir(jjv. Eccles. 8. Aw/idr7ris, ibos, rj t adj. [domestica,] domestic. Kal trov pukovT Agam. 941. , v. [domum incolo,] to inhabit a house. Aw^drw/ufu 6' ovb' yo> Suppl. 965. , Dor. pro Adya^, q. v. , et bwpeofjLcn, v.[dono, largior,] to give, to bestow, to present with gifts, to honor. Nai7-dovrS, ebuprjeav Ottiv. Olymp. 6. 131. SYN. At^too/Jat, blbwfjii, jtfipl&tilHU, /3pd/5euw, yepaipw. wprjjud, dros, bwpov, ov, TO, bapta, as, et ^wrtVr;, 775, r/, subst. [donum, munus,] a gift, a present, a favor. Qvpdvlots TE Oeols bupripaTd. Nub. 305. See also Ion. 1010. Aj. Fl. 1032. et I. 155. SYN. At>, dyawoV, fjieya, ri^ey, (Horn.) OVK ts, oX/3io>, os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) muneribus s. douis placabilis, (2) donatus,] to be conciliated by gifts ; given as a gift, voluntarily given. AwprjroV, OVK tur/jroV, ciffexfiptffE. (E. R. 393. EXP. (l) Tols bwpois wctBdpevos, 6 btipaXapfiavw, (2) 70 ws b&pov bibdfjievdv. Adieus, etas, 6 et rj, subst. [Doriensis,] a Dorian, one who speaks the Doric dialect. For authority see Awp/5a>. Awp/c?w, v. [more Dorum loquor,] to speak the Doric dialect. AwptVSev $' eeori boKw, rols Awpteeo-fftv. Theocr. 15.93. , )}, oV, et Awptds, a, ov, et Awpts, tSos, r/, adj. [Doricus,] Doric. 0otva(ro- $0ta5' avrt AwplKrjs. Eur. Electr. 836. See Ion 1590. and Hec. 450. , adv. [Dorice,] after the Doric fashion. Trjv Awptort porrjv uv ap-iKir- . Equit. 987. , v. [donis inhio, muneribus corrumpor,] to be anxious after gifts, to accept money as a bribe, to betray. 2i) ^tv bpiragys KO.I bupuboKrjs Trapa rwv ti be bfifjios. Equit. 802. , adv. by way of bribes, a play on the word bupurrt, q. v. *Hv /u>) i. Equit. 996. , et bwpotyayos, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [donis inhians,] receiving bribes, cor- rupt. AwpoSoicoi. Equit. 402. See also Hes. Op. 39. Awpos, ov, 6, P. N. [Dorus,] the son of Xuthus, from whom the Dorians derived their name. Awpos /uev, Ivdev Awpts vfivrjOrifferat. Ion 1590. Awpo(j>u.yos, vid. Awpd&o/cos. , ov, o et r/, adj. [qui dona fert,] one who brings a gift or reward. s 7pos, Swrwp, opos, et Swr^s, ou, 6, subst. [dator,] a giver. "Etrrav 5' ey irpodvpoicri Seal, bwrfjpes eauv. 6. 325. See also 0. 335. and Hes. Op. 355. vid. &&prjfjia. E. 'Ect^, 1 conj. [si,] if. 'AXX' Evprdelrj /lev fidXiffr' eav be rot. Ant. 327- 'Ea^os, >}, oV, adj. [fluens, ductilis, tennis,] flowing, splendid. 'Ev K\"iff*trivl bt QevTts eavw \ITI Kd\v\^uf. V F. 254. SYN. 'Irr^vpos, rpvfftepds, afipuxlrwr, Xeirros, XeTrrdXeos, s, et poet, eldvds, subst. [peplum, vestis,] a robe, a garment. 'Ap edvov eadd\ ov 01 'Adfivrj. ,. 178. SYN. Tl^TrXo^, anre\ovr), ff9fjs t ip&rt8v 9 evbvpd. EPITH. 'Apy>)s, tyaeivos, XerrctXtos, evubrjs. "Edp, eapos, contr. T Hp, ?]pos, ro, poet. Emp, subst. [ver,] spring. TrjXtdduod /Sw, epOtf*f>v, }prvs, T), or, adj. [vernus,] of the spring, vernal. BorpvSov 6e TrtrovTcCi eir (ivdeaiv zlaplvolalv. B. 89- 'Edporpe^s, EOS, adj. [vere nutritus,] nursed by the spring. Aeipwrwv edporpe- ^ewv TriTrreffKe TrerrjXd. Mosch. 2. 66. 'Eaurov, a ^s, oi/, pronom. [(1) sui ipsius, (2) dicitur et de prima et secunda per- sona,] of himself, herself, itself. Arjpois ai/dbuv TOVS viKtivras, TOV TrXovrov t$ ?rdp' eavry. Plut. 589. 1 " Si indicibus credendum, rb tkv nunquam alias in Sophocle occurrit^ et nunquam ab Earipide usurpatur, nisi proxime sequente ircp, tdv vcp. Med. 727. Ilel. 1077." Beck. 2 " Hoc compositum, cum casibus ejus, Homero fuit ignotum . . . Attici poeta, inpwi gici, libenlius usurpare videntur OUTOU, aurw, &c." Maltb. 248 EATE EFEP 'Edreos, a, ov, adj. verb, [omittendus,] must be forsaken. Tovr els etnas' OVK earetiv. Phoen. 1225. 'Edw, et Ion. eatrKw, f. eaarw, v. [sino, permitto, omitto,] to allow, to suffer to leave, to abandon. For author, see 'Eavrov. SYN. Svy^wpew, aiT)pl, icapCripi, 7Ttrp7rw, aTroraoaopai. 'Efibdpayevijs, eds, 6 et //, adj. [septimo die natus,] born on the seventh day, an epithet of Apollo. Tds b' efibopas o aepvos efibopayevris. Sept. Theb. 801 . id/as, adv. [septies,] seven times. 'EfibdfjaKis irepi AjjXoV, enrjetaav be Xo- Call. 4. 251. s, et efibopos, T), Gv, adj. num. [septimus,] the seventh. 'E/3oyudn? & \dpov alirv KToXledpdv. K. 81. See also Sept. Theb. 801. "Eftevos, ov, 77, subst. [ebenus,] ebony. 7 fl efievos, w XOVGOS CK Xevtcti Theocr. 15. 123. ^E/3pos, ov, 6, P. N. [Hebrus,] a river in Thrace, now called Maritz, eeouevoi Trap* "Eppov Aves 774. EPITH. (Spy 'Eyyalds, a, ov, adj. [quod in terra seu solo est,} in or under the earth. F b' aiaei TUV eyyaiav. Pers. 919- 'Eyyeivo/jiai, et eyytVo/ueti, v. [innascor ; generointus,] to rise among, to spring up ; also, to generate, to produce. EvXds eyyeivuvrat, aetKiaffwal be T. 26. See Ran. 701. ffrrjs, ov, o, subst. [irrisor,] a derider. OVK eyyeXacrr^s r&v Hipp. 1004. SYN. See FcXacrn/s. 'EyyeXdw, f. aau), v. [irrideo,] to laugh at, to deride. OVK eyye\cSi6w/xt, ^vr}arevbp.a.i. 'Eyyvrj, 77$, //, subst. [sponsio,] a promise, pledge, security. AeiXcu rot bet\&t> ye Kal eyyval eyyvaaodat. 6, 351. 'EyyvriTris, ov, 6, subst. [sponsor,] a bail, a sponsor. 'AXX' eyyv?rds aoi cd- ratmjffw bvo. Eccles. 106'4. SYN. 'YTreyyvos. 'Eyyvdev, eyyvOl, et eyyvs, adv. et sa3pe pra3p. [prope, cominus,] nigh, near, at hand. "Orav Trdpatrraj aoi pev iyyvQev irobos. Ion 6l4. See also H. 341. and Phoen. 605. SYN. Ildpeyyvs, 7r\r)aiov t dfjLOVf op.oae.j TrtXds, . 'Eye/pw, v. [excito,] to raise up, to awake, to quicken, to attune. 'Sis oty eyel- peiv avrov dvdTreTreio-juevoV. Vesp. 101. SYN. 'Aveyelpw, eVeye/pw, blaffTrevbw , io, irupotyvw, tTTOTpvvw, 7rdpop//dw, TrdpdfceXevoyuat, tipivw, opvvpt, opw, . , ov, oetr/, adj. [excitabilis,] fit to awaken, invigorating. EvSer', ^d EFEP EFKA ^ /3pe^a yXfotpov icai eyepaifjiov virvtiv. Theocr. 24. 7. 'Eyepretfs, a, ov, adj. verbal, [excitandus,] must be raised. "EpTre TTOS icdr' ? *ry, ?/ /3o^ eyepreov. Rhes. 686. 'Eyeprt, ^adv. [(]) vigilanter ; (2) certatim,] vigilantly, earnestly ; with conten- tion. 'Eyepnf KLV&V avbp dn/p ewos Xd0pd. Thesm. 184. See also Thesm. 6l5. ^ and Eccles. 98. SYN. ^nlKa^ftat, e^eymi, fyi^ac, ei/0aw, tyk&m*. 'EyKd0evw, v. [indormio,] to sleep in. OVK er' epyo eyi0ej;Setv, oar? e;va}vr' ey*cd0t6pcu' cyKavaxfjaaTd w^Xy. Theocr. 9. 27. SYN. 'ETT/J^W, Karri^u. , v. [cum sonitu infundo,] to pour in with a gurgling. "I0i vvv t v eyKava6v fjtoi iroXvv. Equit. 105. SYN. 'Ey^eo). *Eycd7rrw, v. [devoro,] to devour. 2iyw/^e^ eyna^avres aldepa yvadots. Cycl. 625. SYN. AapSaTrrw, Kararpwyw. "Eyk-apTTos, ov, 6 et rj f adj. [semen habens, foecundus,] fruit-bearing, produc- tive. Bw^ovs, TtXet r eyKapira Krjvalw AH. Trach. 242. SYN. EvicapTrus, o;, v. [forti animo fero,] to endure firmly or with fortitude, to bear. 6avuToV eipi 5' els iroXlv. Here. F. J 343. SYN. Arckoprfpcw, jcaprepew, eyuyuei/w, avap.Vtt). "Eyfcurd, wi>, ra, subst. [viscera, intestina,] entrails, intestines. FlaXXcu 'A0j- /a/; fU^iifjiEval eyKaai (jxaros. A. 438. SYN. "E^rtpd, ffTrXayx^d. 'EymrdjSatVw, v. [descendo in,] to descend into. "Hpav KpuKiorov oirapyavtiv ey/cdr/3a. Nem. 1. 57 'EyKdra5eyy'i//xt, f. cev^w, v. [adjungo,] to adjoin, to associate. BovXac vtoiolv eyKa.Taevas TpoTrois. Aj. Fl. 747. SYN. Si/yap/iocJw, avvrlQi}^. 'EyKara*:e*/icu, v. [incubo,] to recline upon. OVK epdpat KXttrpy /3d<7tX^ 'eyKaraKelaOai. Theog. 1191. SYN. 'Avd>cetjua<, eyfcd0r//uae, TrpoffiZavw. 'EymrafcXetoros, ou, 6 et //, adj. [inclusus,] shut in, confined. Md0wi/ 7rdr;;p ytv ey(cdra>cXet(rrov bopois. Eur. Dan. 39 'EyfcdrafcXtVw, v. [accumbo, reclino,] to lie down, to recline. 'EyKdrdcXri/ovvr* dyw^ttj/ els 'AaKXrjTriov. Plut. 621. SYN. KdraK'XtVw^ey^X/i/a;. *EycdraK-poi/w, v. [pulso, salto,] (l) to fix on, (2) to stamp, to dance. 0pdore7 b' yKaTaKpov(t)i>. Ran. 334. 'EyjcdrdXctTrw, v. [derelinquo,] to leave behind, to abandon. Tjjpatos Ce Bavois trepoj/ 7ra75' ey K araXd7ru)i>. Hes. Op. 376. SYN. 'ATroXe/Trw. , v. [immisceo,] to blend, to join with. Ket ns 0e/Xt r^ ety- 2 I 250 EFKA EFKO fj.ovly, Ka.1 TOVTOVS ey/cdrd/uicu. Lysistr. 581. SYN. 'Ar , v. [liabitatura deduce,] to plaee as an inhabitant. Ovpui>b> eym- Hyiarlov adavdroicrl. Apoll. 3. 1 16. SYN. KdrotK5o>. , v. [itifigo,] to fix or thrust, in. KovXtw eyicdre7r>?' ' 6 & eirei alpd KtXatvov. X. 97. SYN. Karairfiyvvpi, evrld^fjii. dTr/Trrw, v. [superincido,] to fall on. Ae/crpotat trprjv^s eviKaTreatv eiXt^- Qeiaa. Apoll. 3. 655. 'EyKdraaeiaov t w Va, eyicdrd- fieXos. Trach. 1089. SYN. 'E>/<7K>}7rrw, et Ktvoiaw eymrot^o-ets, Trdptord/jat, tTrep^o^uat. 'Ey*,-eXd5os, ov, o, P. N. [Enceladus,] one of the giants. Aevcraeis ovv CTT' 'Ey- ). Ion 207. vw, v. [hortor, impero,] to exhort, to command. Apy ravr' eyKeXev ityav. P. V, 72. SYN. KtXeuw, Trdpa/ctXewa;, ts, tos, ?/, subst. [aculeus,] a stin^. "H ris early r/ Vtrotd rf/o-Se rfjs s. Vesp. 1073. SYN. K&rpov, oycos. t, et eyKipvriftl, v. [immisceo,] to mix, to blend with. Qlvov T eyKtpaffaaa Trleiv, ore Gvjjids dj'wyot. 0. 1 89 See also Nem. 9- H9- SYN. 'Ey/cvicdw, ey^tw. 'Ey^royuejy, v. [convicia ingero,] to reproach, to abuse. ^FevS/ij Xtywi^ 5e Kal ftarriv eyKeprdfjttoi'. Iph. A. 100(). SYN. KejOro/Jew, eyu7ra/5w. 'EyfCa\oi> bv. 0. 85. SYN."Eyopnir)s. Nem. 3. 6l. SYN. Moyepws, 7ri7rd'ws, no^pus, rd X ws. yfcop6i}Xw, v. [involve,] to involve, to infold. 'Ev itevTe atavpais Xypevos. Nub. 10. SYN. 'EyKpi/Tm./, evri/XKaep' eyKVKXov. b. TOVTI Xd/3' and rfjs KXivlbos. Tliesm. 26l. 'Ey^vicAow, v. [(1) circulo includo, (2) circurneo, cingo,] to inclose in a circle, to surround, a. Ouros, tyeipov. b. rl TO Trpayp.' ; a. wo-Trep 0w>-/ pe TIS t'yvt- KvKXuTai. Vesp. 395. SYN. Kv>cXow, TrepiicXe/w. 'Eyicvfjiwr, drus, 6 el fa adj. [(1) praegnans ; (2) onustus, plenus,] pregnant, laden, full. 'EyKVfjivv' 'ITTTTOV Tev^l^v vvappoaas, Troad. 12. 'Ey/ci7rrw, v. [pronus incumbo,] to bend down. v E/3\e^t yovv Tavprjboy eyKu\f/as K'drw. Ran. 804. SYN. 'EiriKVTTTU), f:drd(cv7rrw, ey^A/rw. 'Eyfci)pgw, v. [incurro, incido in,] to fall in with, to encounter. KTeirvv uXY ore bfj TTVKiyys eveKvpae 0dXay^ti'. N. 145. SYN. ' , v, o, et eyptjudxos, 77, /, adj. [incitans ad pugnam,] exciting to battle. "Ei/0* ol/itai rov eype/udxav. (E. C. 1054. See also Ilym. Horn. Cer. 424. SYN. 'Aprjtos, /ueVeTrroA^ids. Eyp77yopew, ey^yopdw, et eyp//?yopri avv rsvytaiv cldro iravTis. K. 182. ^Eypduat, v. [surgo,] to rise. Tlpiv y 'Obvaff $ypeffdai eTreXdhv &rj\YiaaiTo. v. 124. SYN. 'Efypd/mi, avlaTap.a.1, avEyelpopat, e^dviardfjiat. PHR. "YTrvdv air o'00aXjuw*> /3dXXw, '/* be y\vKvs VTTVOS ai/^fce. 'Eyxa/fw, et *y\* v K 1 ) i nn i ( 2 ) "rideo,] to gape at ; to mock. Ov yap VIJL&v ye arparrjywy iy^aveirai ry TrdXei. Equit. 1313. See also Vesp. 721. SYN. KdrdylXdw, afi^t\aivia. 'Eyxec?w, v. [caco in,] to daub with filth. TLoirirvZovffiv, KayKej^obaol /ut. Vesp. 624. m, os, et Ion. eyxefy, r)s, ^f, [hasta,] a spear. "HXtiOev eyxetij* crri^>eXie wrd. H. 21. SYN. &c. see"Eyxos. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [hasta fremens,] spear-raging, warlike. 'Ey-xet- 'Ev 6' dperdv. Olynip. 7. 79- v^oj, ov, 6, adj. [fulmina ad hastarum modum jacieus,] thunder- brandishing. 'Ey-xewepavvov Trats ZiropZv. Olymp. 13. 110. yxetpew, v. [adgredior rem s. acl rera,] to take in hand, to undertake, to at- tempt, to attack. QVK ol' otroiq. Trpwrov ey^eipw t fiXai. Med. 378. SYN. d, aids, rd, subst. [conatus, coeptum,] an attempt, an enterprise. T Ap' oityl jjiutpov effTt Tovy^eiprffjid aov', CE. R. 540. SYN. 'ETrt , ov, 6, subst. [qui aliquid adgreditur, auctor,] a person who attempts or undertakes. Kat^wv r' epywy eyx^prjTrjs. Aves 258. SYN. Amos. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui in manibus gestatur,] held in the hand. Iw lafr teertiv eyxetptotots. .ffisch. Suppl. 22. , i/os, ^, et in plur. eyxeXets, et ves, (2) dimin. eyxtXetdi^, ov, ro, subst. [anguilla,] (1) an eel, (2) a little eel. IlalSd XP 1 ?' 77 '^ fdya7r^n)v e/c Boiwrwv eyxeXvr. Lysistr. 702. See also Acharn. 1042. yx^fyiwptJs, et(2) eyxe'ffTrdXds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(l) hasta pugnans, (2) hastam vibrans,] (1) smiting with, or (2) brandishing the spear; valiant, warlike. KaSSe M.vvr)r' eflaXev Kat *EiriaTpo(f)dv eyxcofytwpovs. B. 692. See also H. 449. SYN. J Ap;tos, 6ovpucXi/rw > [infundo,] to pour in. "Eyxet* TrXewv > TQV aKvfyov StSov ^to- vov. Cycl. 552. SYN. E e/z/3dXXw, 7rtapv^/it, aTrapxojjiat. yxX/o; V , v. [(1) delicias habeo in, luxurior in ; (2) illudo,] (1) to be insolent to, (2) to insult. Kctp/3avos wv, "EXXr?(Tti/ lyxXtets dyav. ^sch. Suppl. 921. yxds, cos, T-O, subst. [(1) hasta, (2) ensis,] (1) a spear, a javelin, (2) a sword, metaph. instrument. "Orov roS' eyx os ^paros ayvlarf rptx- Alcest. 76. SYN. 'Eyx^'a, Sopi;, ^t^ds. EPITH. 'A-Ka^/mei'dy, tiXKipov, dvt^torpt^es, (3pi6v, yueyd, /, adj. [indigena, patrius,] native, indigenous. vs T ^vflrwv, ^vXXfywv r' eyx^ptovs. Iph. T. 304. SYN. ' , Trarptds, evrdTrds, ' 1 On the orthography of this word, see the learned Dr, Monk's note, Hipp. 218. E0EI 253 yue, et emphatice fycov, . 13/5. SYN. 'Eywye. , TO yw, pov, poi, yue, et empatce fycov, fyioJ, e/ic, pronom. personal, [ego,] I. Mrjre KWaip&v' ocrcroialv yu' eyo>. Baccll. 13/5. SYN. 'Eywye. 's, ov, 6 et ;/, [jucundus, suavisj sweet, pleasant. 'A^pe l TedvwfjiEVJjv fev. E. 172. SYN. 'HSvs, q. V. os, eds, ebedXiov, et e&flXoV, ov, ro, subst. [fundus, fundamentum, pavi- mentuni,] ground, foundation, pavement. "Oo-o-ov ris r* eSd^os VTJOS ropvw- aerat ar^p. e. 249- See also Callim. 4. 228. and 2. 72. SYN. Ad7r*c6V, >/w Sds, TrvQ^v, /3a0po>, dtfjedXdy, de^eiXlov, Trpepvov. "Ebecrpa, arcs, ro, ebrjTvs, vos, >/, et elodo, arcs, ro, et ebwbij, qs, j^, subst. edu- lium, esca,] eatables, food, meat. Ivfcots KUI Kapvois KCII tbtapaal civ. Batrach. 31. See also B. 432. \. 121. and 0. 504. SYN. als, /3opa, rpd(j>^. '6 ovbets ydjuet. 'Helen. 939. See also ^ /3. 63. and Theocr. 22. 147. SYN. Mvqffrevw, Kdreyyvdw. ^ESvdv, et Ion. eebvov, ov, TO, subst. [donum sponsale, dos,] a marriage pre- sent or portion. "Oder no ebvwv vv TrdXvxpvau x^^ Androm. 2. See also TT. 391. SYN, (pepn), ^v^erreTd, ^dpto-^d. EPITH. pi. 'ATretocaid, fjivpid, Ebos, eds, ro, tSpa, as, ^, eSpdr^v, ov, et ebpatrfjia, dros, ro, subst. [sedes, con- cilium,] (1) a seat, a place, an abode, (2) a sitting, an assembly. 'H^ets Kat Qfifas ebos elXo/jiev 67rrd7rv\oto. A. 406. See also Orest. 1285. Aj. Fl. 194. and Soph. Electr. 1393. SYN. "Ebafds, TE^EVOS, QWKOS, fiaQpov. EPITH. es, aiTrv, Qeiov, KaXdv, K\VTOV, v\LlKE%ov, (2) avVvos, , a, ov, et ov, 6 et %, adj. [(l)sedentarius, (2) stabilis,] seated, seden- tary, firm. Ei TIS kv TOTTOIS Ebpaios dXXos av XtXrjdEV &v. Tliesm. 664. SYN. "ESpidw, v. [sedeo,] to sit. 'E6ptdet, ITepffatCTt fiapvsdeos cuoXo/^rpaes. Theocr. ^ 17. 19- SYN. see"E6>at. ^EbpoffTpdyos, ov, 6, subst. [qui podicem versat, velut luctatores inter luctandum,] a bottom-twister, a wrestler. "Oo-ffd 5' dTro ffKeXtwp ebpoffTpdtyol 'Apyofltv av- 5p. Theocr. 24. 109. "Ebw, f. med. fSov/uat, perf. ZbriboKa, v. [edo, vescor aliqua re,] to eat, to feed on. Et be TIS earfft /3porw>', ol dpovprjs Kapirov ebovaly. Z. 142. SYN. BtjSpwo-Kw, co-Ota), 0dyw, aiTedfjiai. /), vid. "Ebefffjid. , ov, ro, subst.. [(l)sedile, (2) transtrum,] a seat, a bench for rowers. i/TrepfcoTTW. Sept. Theb. 451 . SYN. SeXyud, 5vyoi/. /s, ov, 6, Ion. pro to>wn)s, subst. [socer, qui h'liam despondet,] one who portions a daughter, a father-in-law. 'A/ntyi yd)uy em OVTOI eebvvrai KUKOI eifjiev. N. 382.* SYN. Eicvpos, KpbeffTqs, iret'Oepos. 'EetKoffaj3ows, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [viginti boves valens,] worth twenty oxen. FTpw- Qripr}v ET eovffdi/, eec/coffd/3bm b' ebwKev. a. 431. Eeticoo-opos, ov, 6 et fj, Ep. pro e\-oT)s. t. 322. 'EeXSwp, ro, subst. [desiderium,] desire, wish. Tavpwv W aiytiv ro5e /uot Kp ZeXbwp. A. 41. "E5o/iat, f. eSoO/xat, V. [sedeo,] to sit. 'Ai'^p Trap' aVdp' e^o^fl', v^>' et/Ltdfft Hel. 1573. SYN.^ESpidw, KdOeo/jat, igavu, ^/mt, 0a:tw. 'E0eipd, as, et tfleipds, d^ds, ;/, Subst. [(l)coma ; (2) juba,] hair, mane. * eBeipyffiy KopouvTE. 0. 42. See also TT. 1 76. SYN. K 0/417, is scanned as an autibacchius. 254 E0EI EIKA 0tf/fy, fioarpvxos, 0p/. EpITH. 'ATrdX?/, aKepffKtyr)s TroXtct, xpi/aea, rp^em. 'E0etpaw, v. [comam alo,] to be hairy, to have curled hair. KaXoV eOetpaov- TES auoipabis aXXo0e> aXXot. Theocr. 1. 34. SYN. Koyudw. 'EdeXriuds, oi/, 6 et rj t adj. [lubens, voluntarius,] voluntary. Avro/mri; TroXXoV re KCU ufpOovdV ol & 0eXj7/-iot. Hes. Op. 1 18. 'EOeXovTrjs, ov, et edeXovTtjp, ripus, 6, subst. et adj. [voluntarius,] voluntary. Kayw 'deXorrrjs rub" vTregvyrjv TTOJ/W. Aj. Fl. 24. See also 0. 292. 'E0eXw, v. [(l)volo; (2) possum,] to wish, to be willing; to be able. 'AXXd /ca? &s e0eXw bouevai TrdXtv, et roy' apeivov. A. 1 16. SYN. 0eXw, fiovXouat, (2) bvvafiai, olds re efytt. 9 %0itif*at 9 v. [assuesco,] to be accustomed to. Tt XP*}f* a 5 ireiOecrQai yap e'i0t- auai (redev. Iph. A. 726. "EOvds, eos, ro, subst. [(l)gens; (2) multitude,] a race, a nation, a crowd or throng. T' e'flj'et ytivaiKtav avbpotyovwv. Pyth. 4. 449. SYN. Fevea, , 7rX>/0os, Xaos. EPITH. 'AXXoSaTro^, afyveiov, aTavQaXdv, jumpov "Edds, eos, ro, subst. [ritus, mos, consuetude,] custom, institution. "E0os roS' e; S "EXX77i'ds efyXetfipriv. Eur. Suppl. 350. "E0w, v. [consuesca, soleo,] to be accustomed, to be wont. *Os KCLKO. TrdXX' epbecTKev ZQwv Olvfjos aXurjv. I. 536. SYN. 'E0/c?o/xai, vopi^ofjiai. Ei, conj. [(1) si, (2) utinam, (3) num, an, (4) etsi, quanquam, (5) quod,] if; I wish ; whether ; although ; that. Tt/^wpov, et KO.I jibber eartr, dXX* oyuws. He c. 831. SYN. 'Edv, >>. Eld, [eja,] well, come. 'AXX', eTd, 0etov ^7?v, Jv 7r/ elajj.vy eXtos peyaXoiu TrltyvKei. A. 483. ^ Etdpi^ds, Vld. 'Eaplvvs. Et/3w, et e'i/3oyuat, v. [effundo, stillo,] to shed, to drop, "fts '65vffevs eXtetvuv VTT' capital baKpvov el/^er. 0. 53 J. SYN. Ae//3w, , dyavoi', eiCTrpeTres, OVTJTOV, dptaroj^, bov- Xetov, VTrelpo^ov, eTrtiparov, KaXov, -^pvaf.6v t OrjrjTov, TroXvbaibaXdv. EtSwXdi^, ou, ro, subst. [simulacrum, imago,] an image, an idol. EtSwXoV, epirvovv ovpavov ^vvQeia T/TTO. Helen. 34. SYN. "AyaX^ud, /3perds, etfcwr, ei', ettfap 5' i/Tro yovvar fXvcrev. A. 578. SYN. EvStcus, avri/cd, Trdpd^pjy^d. Ekds, d5ds, ^f, sc. r/juepa, [dies vicesimus,] the twentieth day in a month. EkdSt 8 kv yutydXr/, TrXew ^/udrt, laropa 0wrd. Hes. Op. 79^- v. [adsimilo, conjicio,] to liken, to compare. EtfcacJe* KOIVOV karlv rale. Iph. A. 845. SYN. 'ATreiKacta, 7retfca<5w, crv/jfiaXXw, Eud0w, et euw, v. [cede, pareo,] to yield, to obey. 'AXX' ou EIKA EIAI o' eiKadetv. Soph. Electr. 398. SYN. ' ctros, 70, eiffwp, ovos, et ekw, oos, 77, subst. [simulacrum, imago,] an image, likeness, representation. Aru'yuovds exfy>oV eiKaa^a fiporols TE KCLI. Sept. Theb. 519- See also Here. F. 997. and Med. 1 159. SYN. see Ei'owXov. EiKaarus, T), d>, adj. [adsimulandus, comparandus, similis,] to be likened to, resembling. Moptyy yudXis 'ISo/iEVf/d tSov, '/>Xoyt eu-fXov /, adj. [de quo viginti contend unt,] for which twenty contend. Ou' e'i xev &ZKCIKIS TE /cat eitcoaliviipiT cnrotvd. X. 349. EkooroXdyos, ov, o, subst. [vicesimarum exactor,] a collector of the twentieth part. 0wpt). Ran. 362. >), ov, Ion. let^oaros, adj. [vicesimus,] the twentieth. "Hyudrt K etKo- jOt^v 0i'/3o>Xoj> IKOITO. e. 34. See also r. 222. , adv. [probabiliter, merito, jure,] probably, reasonably, fitly, justly. XdXct TOKeixnv etfcorws OvpovpiEVOis. Hec. 403. SYN. At Kai ws, f erwv , v. [similem facio ; z^m, convenio, sufficio : etKo^ai similis sum, fut. act. w, praet. eWct, Ionic. etKa, particip. COIKUS et eiicibs, similis, probabilis, os, aequum. Vid. Damm. c. 564.] to make like, to suit; mid. to be or seem like. "EOIKZ KCU ae rapa \vnriffetv KaKa. Orest. 759- SYN. EiVac?cu, , v. [cedo,] to yield. See Efcadw. Etfcwv et eZ/cw, vid. Et/cao-yud. Et/cws, v7d, os, vid. Ekw, [similem facio.] ac?w, f. crw, v. [epulor,] to banquet. EiXumvaovai.v, -nivoval re p. 536. SYN. See AcuKy/ucu. oC, 6, subst. [conviva,] a guest. A^/zoi> ?ret 01 Zralpos fiyi/ 0t"Xos . P. 577- SYN. See Acurfytwv. j;, ?/$, 77, subst. [convivium,] a banquet, a sumptuous feast. "H yapf */ epdrw r/ eiXcnrlvrj redaXviy. X. 414. SYN. See Aats, and 'Eopri). ElXdp, ro, subst. [munimen, propugnaculum,] a defence, fortification, bulwark. " A.ppr)KTOV vr)uv re KOI avrwv i\dp ZaeoBai. H. 56. SYN. 'AXe^^ud, 7T(Oo/3oX>), evraX^is, ETrire/^tfT/ud, typovplov, 0vXaK7/, ttcr^aXeid. EtXdraos, 77, ov, poet, pro 'EXdrtvos, adj. [abiegnus,] made of pine or fir-tree. Et'Xdriva/ re ^o/co), *cat Kioves vi^od 1 e^ovres. 7. 38. EiXdOvia, et EiXrjdvia, as, //, P. N. [Ilithyia, Lucina,] Diana or Juno, who presided over child-birth. 2r77, r^Xtdaei Trpos r/'Xiov. Vesp. 771- Ei'Xtyyos, ov, 6, subst. [vertigo, vortex, gyrus,] a rolling, a curling, an eddy. Neioflev etXiyyotrtv tiryopos e^dvtovffd, Apoll. 4. 142. SYN. AtVr;, 256 EIAI EIPF , 7), ov, adj. [involutus,] wrapped up. ElXucrdv dvrnri/yos, ws opaffB' /, adj. [tentus in lineae spiralis modum,] curled. Kai 0dX- \OVTO. aeXwd, Kai eiXiTevrjs ajypwtrrts. Theocr. 13.42. ExP. 'El/ TO~IS eXeat EtXv/m, dros, TO, subst. [involucrum,] a covering. Et rt TTCW ei\vpa aireipwv e%Es EvQaX loved. . 179- JLiXvos, oi), o, subst. [latibulura, latebrae,] a hole, a den, or lair. Qrjpes b* el- Xvovs r Kara tyXoxpvs re XiTrorres. Apoll. 1. 1144. SYN. i, VfpaVTOV, tyoiVlKOEV, ^dpt^, KpOKEOV. s,*r}, oi', adj. seu potius partic. perf. pass, a /ue/pd/zcu, divide, [fato de- cretus,] decreed by fate. Totavr' 0pac? Trpos QEWV elpapp.Evd. Trach. 172. SYN. Il7rpw/Ui'ds. Et^ut, f. eaofjiai, poet. eVffoyuat, v. [sum,] to be. ET/u' '65i;ffevs AaeprtdSqs os Traat SoXoto-iv. t. 19 SYN. 'YTrap^w, TTfXw, TTfXoyuat, yiyvdfjtatf rfiXfOw, Tvy- Xvw, (with an adv.) E^W. E!/ui, v. [ibo,] I shall or will go. Nuv ' el/xi ^Q^vS'' 7rei>) noXv QepTepov karlv. A. 169. SYN. B77cro/uat, Tropei/ffOjuat, vetVo/uat. Etj/, poet, pro e^ q. v. y, adv. [per novem annos,] during nine years. EtVdfrcs yap ofyiv KO.KO. a/u0t7rovrs. y. 118. ?, d6os, 77, poet, pro eyvfds, subst. [nona mensis dies,] the ninth day of the month. 'Eiyas ' fj /ue'oStds, a, 6v y adj. [trivius,] by the way-side : fern. Trivia, an epithet of Proserpine. Eivoblois, ovs Trails Epi^^aivovalv edovres. IT. 260. { EhdafyvXXds, ou, 6 et 77, adj. [in quo folia agitantur ; frondosus,] shaking with leaves, leafy. N7)ptr6^, elvoafyvXXov, dpnrpeTres' a^i be vfjcroi. i. 22. SYN. Etpyw, fepyw, e'/pyw, 3 et etpydOw, v. [exclude, arceo, prohibeo, includo,] to ex- 1 Heyne"(A. 156.) objects to the variation of quantity in the antepenult, of these words. See his note. 2 El/j-apfjuevr) and nHirpa)p.tV7} are used as substantives signifying fate or destiny, pulpa bein^ uaderstood. 3 Some writers contend, that e'lpyuo denotes, ' to include,' and efy>yw, *to exclude ;' but there dc not seem to be much ground for making the distinction, though most Lexicographers observe it. See Steph. Thes. EIPE EISA 257 elude, to keep out or off, to prevent, to inclose. TfjXe /ut eipyovai 4>u X aJ, etSwXd Ka^or-nov. T. 72. See also X. 502. and Soph. Electr. 1271. SYN! 'ATre/pyw, dTTOfcXe/w, aTretpyaOw, uTrwflew, ^WjO/^w, KwXvw, Trauw Etpea, os, //, subst. [concio, costus,] an assembly. Etpeas * dfldmrwv, ot Trtd bwfjiaf eypvolv. Hes. Tlieog. 804. SYN. 'Ayopa, o/uXta. Etptpds, ov, 6, subst. [captivitas,] bondage, slavery. Eipepor eloavayovol, TTOVOV T X^ ei/ K"* ^'5v>'. 0. 529. SYN. Aoi/Xem, bovXocvvq. Eipcrfa, as, ^, subst. [remigatio, remigium,] rowing. Teiperd ' uvbputv dvpos vir etpeairjs aXeyeivrjs. K. 78. Etpe7, TJS, //, snbst. [ramus oleae, lana velatus, insigne supplicum,] " an olive or laurel branch bound with wool, and crowned with all sort of first fruits, to signify that scarcity had ceased, and used in the festival called Tlvavtyta." Dr. Jones. "Hj> TTWS irpvjjivav avaKpovaqrcit, irXrjye'is rats eipiatui- vats. Vesp. 399. EXP. (See Schol. Plut. 1054.) , a, o>>, et eiprjviKds, 77, 6v t adj. [paciticus.] peaceable, peaceful. Et TTOT els aypov OVTOS aneXQuv elprjvalos blaTptyei. Equit. 802. S YN. "Hai/^ds, 'ios, a^elfjiavTUS &opos. , rjs, r/, subst. [pax, quies,] peace, quiet, 'fts Tonapos' TT\OVTOS be KO.I ) a\is eWw. w. 485. SYN. 'Aorpdre/a, jyori/^ia, StaXXdy^, d/jLovoia. EPITH. 'Ayd07, // KaXXiffrr] 0eos, fiadvirXovros, oXfioboTeipa, eparfi, ^a^teaaa. PHR. see Theocr. 16. 89. Grot: Floril. p. 208. and Olymp. 13. 6. E'tpiov, ov, eipos, cos, et eplov, ov, ro, subst. [lana,] wool. "H/uei/at ev /^eydpw, j/ etpid Tre/jcere x e p^- 2. 315. See also t. 426. and t. 124. SYN. JToicds, TT//COS, juaXXos, fcwds. EPITH. 'lo^^es, TriVwSes, poboev. EijOfcreos, a, t>>, adj. verb, ab etpyw, [cohibendus,] must be restrained. 'AXX' elpKTfoy Tab' effriv* ov yap oi TrXarels. . Aj. Fl. 1250. E*pm), rjs, fi, subst. [career,] a prison, a place of confinement. EtpKralal Bacch. 489 SYN. ov, 6 et >;, adj. [lanam carpens,] dressing wooh EipdKdpy, ij oi teTa&arj. F. 387 EipdiroKds, ov, 6 et >>, adj. [laniger,] bearing wool, fleecy, "ils ol VK oluv arepvoial cebei'To. t. 443. SYN. &affv6pi, baffvpaXXos. v. [necto,. sero, consero,] to connect, to bind, to entwine. , rieXtov &s. . B. 204. EJs, et es, prap. cum accusat. [in, contra, erga,] in, unto, for, until, against. Ni/i/ 6' dye, vrja peXatvav epvffffdfjiey els dXd blav. A. 141. See A. 142. w, f. eXai, v. [(1) renuntio, (2) accuse,] to bring in a message, to announce, to inform against, to accuse. To Trpay^d roi/rt betvov etffayy^XXt- rat. Thesm. 597. SYN. 'AyyeXXw, evbeiKyvfit, /UT^VVW, aTrdfuivw, dtd/3nXXw, Pros. Lex. 1 EJpcas is here scanned as a spondee. 258 EISA EI2B Ettrdyw, et eadyw, v. [introduce,] to bring in, to introduce. Tijs roO rov Qovov. 2i> &' eto-aye. Eumen. 583. See Choeph. 70. SYN. 'Ayd i, 1 t/raet, et effaieV, adv. [in perpetuum, semper,] for ever, always. Kat vepOev wv, apaids elaael fiapvs. Trach. 1204. See also (E. C. 704. (Va/pw, v. [intro fero s. infero,] to bring in, to bear in. "H/ieXX' d^cupeZy, %' fl Tpcnreg eiffrjpZrd. Ran. 517- SYN. Et, adj. verb, [deferendus,] must be informed against or sum- moned. EtffctKTeoy /zot* (TV e KaTYjyopet Trctpwi/. Vesp. 839- t etaavefiaivdv eirta^eputf ev6d 2.68. SYN. 'ETTI- /3atVw, avafiatvw. EVdve/5w, v. [suspicio,] to look up to. Ovpavov elaavlbwV Kal ^wviiaas CTTOS rivba. ft. 307. SYN. 'Ava/3Xt7rw, dmcu7rrw, diro^XeTTU). EladvetfjUj \. [ingredior, adscendo,] to go up into, to mount. Alffovibr], xP et <*> tre roti itpov elaavlovTa. Apoll. 1. 1092. SYN."A/e(/ii, dvd/ScuVw, elaava- flaivw. EtVd/x w > v [exsurgo, promineo,] to raise up to, to jut out into. Elaave^i TrlXdyos Kpjjr^s i)7rep' aXX' 7rt ^etpos. Apoll. 4. 1578. EtVctTra^, adv. [semel,] once for all, once. 'AXX' OVTTOT, ov yap eio-d7ra ep&. Androm. 935. Eio-d7ro/3atvw, v. [ingredior, egredior,] to land on. Srot^dSds daaTrefiav vrjaovs eroot, etVtfcd Kovpwv. Apoll. 4. 650. Eto-^rrw, vid. EiCTaito-aw. Eto-avrts, eU0-ai)0ts, adv. [in posterum,] hereafter, again. Eloavris e/3Xa\//', elrd btdj3d\a1s vtats. Eur. Suppl. 425. See also Eccles. 975. SYN. EttrdTrtaw, jierd ravzd, varepov, dirapTi. Eto-d^u-arw, et e/Vd0ii:veo/zat, v. [pervenio, ingredior,] to arrive at, to reach, to enter into. Bi? be 0ewv /zdXd 6' t5fcd ylXov Trdrep 1 eiffatyiKavev. X. 99- See also Y. 336. Eio-d^i/w, f. GO), et elffcufivffffu), f. w, v. [infundo, haurio,] to pour in, to draw. "Y&wp r' eiaafyvffavTd Kal et/ e'pyd*' ?')/7, feat oov, elcrfiaivetv ldfj.ovs. Iph. T. 1Q80. See also M. 59. SYN. 'Avd/3cuVw, /3atVw ewrdrav elafpoXav. Med. 1260. (Double Docbm.) See also Ran. 1 134. SYN. 'E/^oX), TrpovfidXri. EtVypd^w, v. [inscribo,] to write in, into, or upon, to record. 2eXXwv taeXdwv aX Qevov 6' OVK dlbeV) ov yfjs eicrebv. Iph. A. 1582. SYN. Avw, ofjai, , vid. Ettrep^o/iac. //w, f. eXdo-w, v. [invebo, appello,] to drive into, to sail into. " 5' e/o-eXdo-ctvrfs, em Trpvpvrjri naxpvro. O. 385. SYN. 'Y7rox &; P" l > el viruretvofjiai,, etffTrtTrrw. EtVeXKi/w, v. [trabo aliquo,] to drag into. Eio-eXfci/cras yap yu' els TO j3ov\evrrjploy. Acharn. 379- SYN. 'E^eXfCw, 0eX/cvw, eiaepvu. Et<77retrd, et ff7reird, adv. vel conj. [deinde,] after tliat, afterwards, bereafter. Td T ei, ovpfiovXeuw, vovOercw, Trupat- rew, yytofjiai, vtyrjyeofjiat, Trdpd^dXew. fo-rfl^?;, T?S, ^, subst. [introitus,] an entrance. AeTm) 5' elffidpr), vi}ts 6' ^ov afj., f. w, v. [voce praeconis evoco,] to summon by a proclamation, to proclaim. "Erepos dXa^wv ovros eto-fcr/purrtrat. Acharn. 135. SYN. TT(i> t TTpOffKaed). iwv m etVKtJc -Xr/fcev 1 els TTJV oiKtav. Ves. 1474. SYN. Eiffdyw, etV^pw. TTJV oiKtav. Vesp Some read tiVK&cAnKcV. See Brunck's note 260 E12K EI2T ;, v. [involve, immitto aliquo,] to roll or tumble into. 'E* vearwy e KCU eiffKvXiae ddX&ffffij. Call. 4. 33. SYN. EiffKVKXew, eveiXew, ivrv- eiffKv\iffe daXdffffy. Xtrrw. 'IOTCW, (vox poet.) v. [adsimulo, conjicio,] to think like, to conjecture. Owrw *i/> Kal eyw voew, y#vcu> ws be /*er', elalvoriaa. 'Hpct/cX7/e/j;v. X. 600. SYN. Ai<70dvfymi, e^opdw, eloadpew. , ov, ^, subst. [ingressus, introitus,] an entrance. Kcu 0es Trpos avrals eloobois bdfjiwv eyuwf. Ion 34. SYN. EiaWpr), ayttys, Trpdffobos, r/Xi/ais. is, ws, ^, subst. [habitatio,] a habitation. "AOIKOV et, tfo /ue fcac . Philoct. 534. SYN. OtKqcrfr, earta, 5o/zos, Swjua. /5w, et effoiKi(t>, v. [domum recipio,] to admit to a house or home. dffo)KifffJiedd. Pax 259- SYN. 'Eyoi/'c?w, mrota^w. w, v. (vid. Etcr^p^dyuat.) Ov^e ^ttv elaot^vevffi Kvyrjyeraif o'l re Ka.6 1 v\r)V. t. 120. , 1 etpoet. ehoKtv, 1 conj. [donee,] until. 2r/juepd^* vartpov avre ^.a . H. 30. See also H. 71. SYN."Ews av, eW ay, o^pd, , adv. [postea,] afterwards. Ilo/et 5' eladniffd) OuXepov yovov' avrap . H. in Ven. 104. SYN. See Eiaavris. Etowrro/zcu, to-oTrroyuat, eto-opdw, et taopdw, f. o^o^uat, v. [intueor, adspicio,] to look upon, to behold. Eio-o^et x l P s a-vapKaaTdv. Hec. 206. See also E. 212. Eur. Suppl. 622. and Theocr. 5. 3. SYN. 'Opdw, /SXtTrw, fTr^XeTrw, eiabepicd- ficu, 6ea.dfJ.atf e^opdw, c/dpdw, e-TriffKoTrecj. EtVop/idw, et etoTTra/w, v. [irrumpo,] to rush in, to burst in upon. Toy 'Hpd- icXetoi/ 6a\afjiuv elaopfji^fjievrjv. Trach. 914. See CE. R. 1252. SY^f. 'E^op/udw, 7raitor<7w, eiodopeo), eiaaXXo//at, elffep-^d/Jiai. "E'iffos, poet. pro T Icrds, ?;, ov, adj. [aequalis, aequus,] equal, even. AcuVvir'' ovSe rt 0vjuds ebevero bairos tiffrjs. A. 468. EitTTra/w, vid. Eiffoppati). EtffTre/iTTw, v. [immitto,] to send forth, to send into. Our' ev Beoloiv, ovye fjC eiairefjurets bofjLovs. Here. F. 846. SYN. 'A^ijj/ui, VTroTre^tTrw, eiatyepta. , f. ao-w, v. [transeo, trajicio,] to pass into, to pass over. XaXcia r' elcreTreprjffa.' TO. be TrpoTretypabfjieva TroXXd. Hes. Op. 653. SYN. AiaTrepdw, >, f. j^<7w, v. [insilio,] to spring into or upon, 'fls or' eis ras 7T7rdyw- yovs eiaeiri]b(i)v avbp?Ku>s. Equit. 599 SYN. See Elaopfj.da>. ElffTrtTTTd), f. TTcaov/icu, et clffmTveit), v. [incido, irrumpo,] to fall into or under, to rush upon. AovXetdv ^dp eiaireaova avafyws. Androm. 99 See alsoTroad. 753. SYN. 'EyitTrtTrrw, 7Ti7r/7rrw, e///3dXXw, eta/^dXXw, elairalu), elffoppciti), ElaTrXed), f. TrXevo-o/^ac, v. [adnavigo,] to sail into. "Avopfjidv eiffenXevaas, evTrXotas rvywv. (E. R. 431. SYN. IIpoffTrXew, ETriTrXew. E'i, QepovTes T ffeXfj-dra. Helen. 1565. ;, f. bpdfjLovfjiai f 2.aor. ^Spdyuoi/, v. [incurro,] to run into, to sail into. ] 1 EtVo/ce in Homer precedes the indicative, the subjunctive and optative moods ; tiVJ/cer, the subjunctive and optative. a Vid. Valck. ad Theocr, 12. 12. et Meurs, Miwcell. Laconic, iii. 9, p. 223. EKAT 2fil 'AXXd fcgaYe, fiaQiiv & eia^papE fyaolv. TllCOCr. 13. 23. SYN. , er0epw, et eta^pew, f. p{ t v. [infero, intromitto,] to bring in, to introduce, to carry into. 'AXX' aei Katvas ibeas eta^epwv atyfopat. Nub. 547. See also A. 495. and Vesp. 887. SYN. 'ETrfyepw, 7rpov bopM. Hec. 55. 'Em/}??, ?s, >/, P. N. [Hecuba,] the wife of Priam, and daughter of Dymas, ac- cording to Homer, or of Cisseus, according to Euripides. IldXvwp6s, 'E/cd/fys TTCUS yeyws rijs Kiffvews. Hec. 3. EPITH. TX>/jU(uj^, TrdmflXm, ^uoytpd, Ktffa^ts, . PHR."Avaffaa.Tu>i' TroXv^pvawy $pi)yiDv, evTeKvwTari] Traaijv yvvatKtiv , ov, 6, adj. [longe jaculans,] far-darting, (an epith. of Apollo.) Xcup* w 'Emepye, d7ra< be VIKT)V. Thesm. 972. SYN. See 'EfcdrrjjfoXerjjs. ffdfiei/, et eras, compar. eKaarepu, superl. EKaaTarw, adv. [procul,] far, at a distance, from afar. Nuv 6' eKadev ndXlos fcot'Xj/s ?rt vrjvai jud^ovTat. E. 791- See also N. 163. Here. F. 1041. and K. 113. SYN. "ATrwfleV, dTroTrpo, d bov, fJia.Kpa.Vy jjiaKpoQeVf Troppw, TroppwOeV, Troppwrtpw, Troppwrdrw, r//Xe. os, ?/, o^, adj. [singulus, quisque,] each, every, each individually. EKCHTTOS, cvTavdol Ttap(r(f>opdv. Thesm. 858. SYN. "Aprils, ItX'/v)/, I3pt/iw. EPITH. Aat. R. Pors. 262 EKAT EKBI 'EKaroyK(j)a\os, Dor. icdroy/C0dXas, eKaroyKapavtis, ftfaroyKpavto, et prjvds, ov, 6 et 7^, adj. [centiceps,] hundred-headed. Nv/cros Fojoywj/ /cdroyK- ^>d\ots. Here. F. 878. See also Pyth. 8. 20. P. V. 36l. and Dr. Blom- field's note. s, ov, 6 et %, adj. [centimanus,] hundred-handed. 7 Sl^ Kdro'yx et ~ /cdXfio-ao-' es yuaKpoV "6Xvju7ro>. A. 402. 7, 17$, ?), subst. [sacrificium centum bourn,] a sacrifice of a hundred oxen, a hecatomb. 'Cls ovv betva TrfXwpd OE&V claij\&' Kdroyu/3as. B. 321. EPITH. 'AyatfXemy, eatros, tfpct, fcXetTv), 7X?}eo-<7d. 'EKaTOfiifioios, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [centum bourn pretio restimabilis,] worth a hundred oxen. A.rjjj,i>ov es riyaOerjv' luaropftoiov be rot rjXfyov. 0. 79 'EKar6fj.7rdbds, et eKaTo/uwtbos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [propr. centum pedes aequans, ?z6a. T". l6'4. See Isthm. 6. 32. 'EKar6fjnro\is, ews, et /cdro/u7rroXie"0jOos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [centum urbibus insignis,] famed for its hundred cities. "AXXo 6', 01 KptjTr]v ffcdroyuTroXiy a/^^V^ovro. ^B. 649. See also Eur. fr. Cretens. 2. 4. 'EKaT-ojUTrvXds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [centum vel multas portas habens,] having a hun- dred or many gates. At 0' Kdro/i7rvXoi ettri blrjKdfftoi tf av eKaa-rjv. I. 383. 'Evdrov, adj. indecl. [centum,] a hundred. T^fs EKUTOJ/ Qvaarot rrayxpvo-foi ^p- Goj/ro. B. 448. 'E/cdrovcJvyos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [centum transtris instructus,] having a hundred banks of oars. OvS' av vrjvs tKarovZvyos a^Bus apotro. Y. 247. 'Efcdrovrdfrjvs, eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui centum annorum est,] a hundred years old. 'EyKvp-aais KaTovTare~t filorq.. Pyth. 4. 501. 'EKaTovrcLTdXavTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [centum talenta pondere sequans,] of a hun- dred talents. 3>evet ypd^as ffcarovrdXavrovs Terrapas. Equit. 442. 'Efcdrovrds, dSos, ^/, subst. [centuria,] the number one hundred. Tpels juev oi jroXtwv fKdrovrdSes evbtbfArjvrai. Theocr. 17. 82. 'E/cdrovropyvios, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [centum ulnarum,] a hundred ells long. *EKd- Tovropyviov. b. <5 Yloaetbov rov paKpovs. Aves 1131. 'Efcdrooroyuos, ov, o et >/, adj. [centum ostia habens,] having a hundred mouths. lld^ov 0', av ffcdrooroyuot. Bacch. 404. 'EKO.TOOTOS, r/, o/, adj. [centesimus,] hundredth. Td rlX?; x w l' s Ka * r " fcdro/, subst. [egressus,] egress, departure from, escape from. KOVK aTrjs evirpoorotffTds eKpavls. Med. 281. SYN."Eoos, T\OS. , wv, ret, P. N. [Ecbatana,] the metropolis of Media. Olbev TIS vjj.u>v \ rj Tovs Xaoj'ds; Acharn. 6 13. v. [vi exturbo,] to wrest from, to force from. Xetpwv eV/Sf Philoct. ,1128. SYN. 'E^aipfw, e^a>0w. E:/3t/3d5w, v. [educo,] to lead or bring out. KdrdXet^' iifjuv t bevp' iva 7raiffwfj.ev per tKeii'rjs. Aves 660. SYN. 'E^dyw, EKBA EKAI 263 ov, o et ^ adj. [ejectus,] thrown out. "Ef^X^, ?i 7reor)ua tiowiov bdpos. Hec. 697. SYN. ' 'EXvw, v. [emano, scaturio,] to spring up from. 'IfyoV eicfiXvovTa, 0eai, p'tfoV, w d?ro Sn^di/. Apoll. 4. 141 6. SYN. 'Ava/3Xvc?w. 'EK/3oX/3/w, v. [delraho,] to take or strip off. *A 'Xuu/3d/' avros ed7rdrw/, IK- /3oX/3D. Pax 1123. 'Efc/3oX7), >7s, >/, subst. [ejectio,] a casting up, outcast, ejection. Flapa/crto* Spd- /ze?o-0, KCLK^dXcts yews. Iph. T. 1424. SYN. 'AvofidXri, t&bos, eKirefjitys, atyeois* "Efc/3oXos, oi/, 6 et 77, adj. [ejectus,] thrown or cast out, ejected. pencil fipt- ot. Iph. T. 1390. SYN. Bpvxafyiat, e&pevyopai. , arcs, ro, Sllbst. [scobs,] saw-dust. 'EK'/Bpwyudr' av /3Xe^/etd$ ev ro/^gf . Trach. 700. SYN. Bpwwd, TO T^I^OV. , v. [(1) insolesco, (2) jacto,] to be proud, to boast of. To T a#- ravbpos eKya.vpovfj.evos. Iph. A. 101. , f. et dav- Xdv e^eyptiydpEV. Aves 1413. SYN. 'E^eyetpo/^at, yprjyoptw. 'EfcSafcpww, v. [illacrymor,] to shed tears. Hot' K&aKpvffai f Trot' dTrot/zw^at icdicd; Philoct. 281. SYN. pj/vlw, dXdfvpofjLat. Xjr&e/ffyv/rf, v. [ostendo,] to point out, to show. Ai/' av Tub' i^ebet^ds f olv eyw. Philoct. 426. See R. P. Phoen. 538. 'Efcepico/zai, v. [prospicio ex aliqua re,] to look at, behold. 'O^rdrov KfyaXijs CKbepKETai off(j. T. 477. SYN. AepKo^ucu, e^tdojuat, fTri/SXeTrw. 'EfcSepw, v. [pellem detraho, ] to strip off the skin, to flay. Qdaaov be pvpaav e&beipev. Eur. Electr. 824. SYN. Atpw, aTrobepw. 'EKbexopai, f. o/mt, v. [excipio,] to receive from another, to expect, to enter- tain. 2i) fj.ev \iivuv vvv Keivov evQatf eKbe^ov. Philoct. 123. SYN. 'Avubt^o- t Sidt)(ojuat, dvdXa/u/3dvw, TrpoaSocdw, Trapd/itrw. 'E/cSew, f. briw, v. [adligo, religo,] to tie, to fasten. "Rpo^oialv e/os, 7roe7rros, vTrep^s. Kbiifiew, v. [peregre sum vel proficiscor,] to be from home, to go abroad. 0wpos, (Js tyaoKtv, eKbrjfjLtiv, TraXiv. (E. R. 114. SYN. 4$m**V, avayflu. Kbrjpds, ou, 6 et^, adj. [peregre agens,] from home, abroad, foreign. "EKbrj- /uos w^ yap r^o-Sf rvyxa^et yQovos. Hipp. 281. SYN. 'ATrobrjpds, anwv. ^ , v. [transeo, transgredior,] to cross, to pass over. Tctypov d' pvKTVv, ebpiouiVTd. K. 198. SYN. See Atd^a/vw. d, arcs, ro, subst. [tirocinium,] rudiments. Ov TtXtov' olov & Keptclbos.. Ion 1418. SYN. Ylaibevpa. 'EKblbdaKu, f. |w, v. [edoceo,] to teach thoroughly. Ylalbas irlpioows i aofyovs. Med. 297. SYN. '' 264 EKAI EK0H , f. Spdo-oyuai, v. [aufugio, elabor,] to escape, to flee from. '6 5' bid re ro> vbpoppowv. Vesp. 126. SYN. See 'ATretyevyw. , v. [edo, reddo, in matrimonium colloco,] to give out, to produce, to deliver up, to settle in marriage. T ' e^ecWas iraHbds 'ApyetW otQli- ; Eur. Suppl. 144. SYN. *A7rdiSw//t, dvdbibwui, 7rpo0pw, Trpoblbwm. EfcStKacfw, f. aorw, v. [litem dijudico,] to decide or determine a law-suit. Tas VTOS e'itcoaiv yap KbiKaout>. Eccles. 984. SYN. AtKas?w, eKbiKZb), Ti/uMptw. nbiKaffTris, ov, o, subst. [ultor,] an avenger. ToD Qiui>ov Trdrpos e/cSiKaorai. Eur. Suppl. 1162. SYN. See 'A/ivrrwp. icbiKos, ov, 6 et r), adj. [(1) vindex, (2) injustus,] (1) avenging, (2) unjust. 'Apq. ToKevalv, ovbev eKbiicov irdQiav ; Alcest. 730. SYN. "A&IKOS, eKvopios, dt-o- fJlOS. , adv. [in juste,] unjustly. Hadoiet', >/ KCU 5jOw;0w KparrjOelff, eKboros be yiyvopai. Ion 1250. 7> ^s, ^f, subst. [expectatio,] a looking for, expectation. . Hipp. 869. (Double Dochm.) , v. [a viro in serpentem vertor,] to be transformed into a dragon or serpent. Qdvely filaius' eKbpaKovrwQels b' eyw. Choeph. 542. fcSvyw, encSi/w, et eicbvofjiai, v. [emergo, exeo, aufugio, exuo,] to come out of, to emerge, to escape from, to take off. "Ecero ' kv Xefcrpy, /udAckoy 6' . a. 437. See H. Ven. 167. and Vesp. 140. SYN. 'Airdbvu), a fj,at t biatyevyit), 'E/ec7, et KeWl, adv. [illic,] there, in that place ; thither. "Er* olv rl fiov\et T&V p&eti' tyuot; Hec. 997- See also p. 10. SYN. A.VTOV, avroOt, rybt, , adv. [illinc,] from thence. "HK:W vatyij raKelOev CK crrparov Qepwv. Sept. Theb. 40. SYN. 'EvflevSf, r^wfle. E/ccTvos, rj, d, et Att. tKcivoalj pron. [iste, ille,] he, she, it. 'EKeivovl yap TOV Xo0o7roto>/ oi/x op9s. Pax 545. SYN. Avros, Kewos. la, as, )/, subst. [inducise,] a truce. 'A\\' evpov ay a? vire^ovTd TYJV eKt- . Pax 908. SYN. AmXi)l\ia. ;, f. 7rvpw, d>/a7rrw, e^e- yc/pai, dveyetpw. 'EK?7/3dXm, as, //, subst. [peritia longe jaculandi,] far-shootiiig, skill in shooting. Krj(3d\lat, yaiv TO irpiv y' e/ceKaoro. E. 54. Xos, vid. 'E/car^tXer^. , ou, 6 et r/, adj. [quietus,] quiet, tranquil. "Efc^Xos ttrOt, yui;S' dyav i)7rep- 0o/3ov. Sept. Theb. 224. SYN. EvojXos, iiavyos, ^o-X^ s > ddopvfios, ^pe/zos. "Eojrt, vid."Eicart. 'Ejc0a/z^'5w, v. [exstirpo,] to extirpate. ^K&ap.vlariT S^aXwrov, 'EXXdSos. Sept. Theb. 72. 'Ec0ad/zai, f. ao-d/zat, v. [perspicio,] to see clearly. OUK ^v TO Keivrjs eKQla.aa.a- 6ai KdKov. CE. R. 1253. SYN. See 'E/cSep^/iat and 'ATTO^XETTW. 'EK-0ep/5w, v. [demeto,] to cut off or out. 'EKeti'os, eKOepifa ; Anacr. 12.7. SYN. 'A7rd0p/a>, e^a/idw. "Ec0o-ts, ews, //, subst. [expositio,] the exposing. Ovbe tyvrjbet aoi rls eKdeonv TEKVOV, Ion 956. "Efcfierds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [expositus,] put out, exposed. OV/^of ireirvtrrat TOV fj.ov efC0erov yo^oj/ ; Alldrom. 70. 'Efcfltw, f. t v. [excurro, procurro,] to run out, to sally forth, to rush upon. T ft Zvpfjidxpi yvva~iKEs, endear' evbodtv. Lysistr. 456. SYN. See "EicOdpfu. i, v. [ferinam formam induo,] to put on the form of a monster, to EK0N EKKI 265 become a beast in nature. 'E^ptwOelV deds aXXdei rvnftv. Bacch. 1329. 1 , f. davovfjiai, v. [emorior, pro raortuo jaceo,] to die outright, to lie as if (lead. Xe7pds dvacr^o^cvoi ye\(j) eKBardv aurdp 'Obvaaevs. a.QQ. fc0oimo/uat, v. [epulor,] to banquet, to feast upon. KeXatvofipwTov & eKdotvfiacrat. P. V. 106l. SYN. 0o/fdo/uat, balvvpat. K0dpw, v. [exsilio,] to leap or spring from. IldXX' ' 6dpe NeffTdpibao. ". 353. SYN. , v. [enuntio,] to speak out, to announce. *Os davaruv 0poe7; (E. C. 1424. SYN. 'EayyeXXw, e^a/vw, airotyaivw, a^aLvw 'Ec0pa;o-Kw, f. 0dpov//ai, v. [exsilio,] to leap or spring out. Inj0ew' i /c0pu<7ice, rpoyufet 5' ford aibif*a yv7d. K. 95. SYN. See 'EdJojOew. 'Ec0ujutdw, v. [adoleo,] to offer, to burn incense. XtpoTv 7re/i7re vlirrpa, icd^e- 0u/xta. Ion 1 174. "E*c0v/iios, ou, 6 et >% adj. [animo promptus,] from the heart, pnxnpt, ardent. Toiavr' tXe^e /cdp0' VTT k-0v/xou ^pevos. Pers. 378. SYN. "EvOv^os, TrpdOvptis, Trpofftpw. 'EK0uw, f. vo-w, v. [sacrifico,] to make an offering of, to sacrifice. ' 4>o7/3os rifjias. Orest. 188. SYN. See 0vw. 'Efcm0a/pw, v. [expurgo,] to clear out, to cleanse. Qvpovs r QlKaQaipoV di/'n/ 5' ovpavov IKEV. B. 153. SYN. Kd0a/pw, a7ro/cd0a/pw, aTroyudrrw, K'draTrXi/rw. 'Efi-k-a/Sctfd, adj. indecl. [sedecim,] sixteen. 'EicKa^eic' aprovs tdre^dy' r///wv. 6. N>) Am. Ran. 551. 'E^atSemSwpos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [sedecim palmos aequans,] sixteen palms long. Tov Kepd K KeQaXijs eKKatbeKabwpa irecbvKei. A. 109. , f. Kavau), v. [exuro,] to burn forth or out. Kavarbv JJLO^\GV XaftovTas TO 0ws. Cycl. 626. SYN. 'EK^Xeyw, eKTTvpoupat, d7ro^a/w, a.v6pa.Ktw. , v. [extraho,] to draw out with a reed, to extract. "Aye vvv, ?V TOVTID ^TJITOV p eKkaXafjidaBai. Vesp. 381. SYN. 'E^dyw, ee\Kw, , v. [evoco,] to call out, to recall. Kot TOTE JJL eKKa.\HaavTf.s pes traipot. K. 471. SYN. 'AvdicdXew, TrpoArdXew, eTrdyw, Trdpopyudw. 'EKKa\virTb), v. [detego,] to uncover, to unveil, to reveal. 'Eia'dXvTrre vvv fiffiv, ovs rlvas Xeyets \6yovs. Iph. A. 872. SYN. 'A7r#KdXv7rra>, at>aKa\VTrrtt>, avu(f>atvti). 'E/c/capTroo/zat, v. [fructum decerpo,] to pluck the fruit from, to enjoy. "AXXijs yvvaiKos iralbas eKKapirovfj-evos. Ion 814. ret'Sw, v. [despecto a,] to look down from. IIepyd/*ofc e/ ' avffas. A. 508. SYN. 'ATroffKdired), d7ro/3X7rw, icdret'6w. 'Eicfcdrf^dXXo/zat, v. [desilio ab,] to leap down from. Ovpdvoi) ei:cdr7raXro St' aWspos' avTap 'A^atot. T. 351. SYN. Kd0dXXd/^at, K'drdTr^Sdw, cnrodpuffw. 'E(cicavxdo/zaf, v. [glorior,] to boast, to vaunt. Zfjv $navyuv&, tirt yapovs tyevaarti. Bacch. 31. SYN. Kav^do/zat, av\e(t) t ^fydX^yopfw. , v. [expositus sum,] to lie out, to be exposed. Mrjpol KaXvitTijs e^- irtfJieXrjs. Antig. 1011. , v. [exinanio, evacuo,] to empty. Bo & eKKevovpeva irdXls. Sept. Theb. 319. SYN. 'AXd7rda>, e^dXd7rd<5w, e^dpi/w. 'E^fpdt^o;, v. [diripio, vasto,] to plunder, to ravage. Ildrrm Aa^dr^p, ras iepov eKKtpaiZets. Call. 6. 50. SYN. 'A>'ap7rdw, eK7rop0w, K0a/^rt. w, vid. 'E/arXetw. as, ^, subst. [concio, ccetus civium convocatus,] a meeting or as- sembly of citizens. Tovs fju06oTas kv ry 'KKXrjrta. Eccles. 188. SYN. 'Ayopd, ouriyvpts, ffvvobos. 'EKK\r]ffia 'Apye/wi/ oy(\ov. Crest. 605. , v. [odiose strido,] to make a harsh and grating noise. TrXaTetatT&otffal aTravTci. 1 Theocr. 15.88. v. [astute furor,] to cheat out of. 'flffirepet yepovTas Equit. 270. SYN. A^oreuo;, aTraraw, 7rapa\oyiduai. v. [cortice ablato granum evello, eximo, eradico, luxo,] to shake or pick out grains, to root out, to dislocate. Km 7-0 atyvpbv irdXivdpov Acharn. 1 179- SYN. 'Eprjuow, exTlvaaffia, TrepOti), efcr/XXw, avaairub). EKKoXvpfiau, v. [eno, enato,] to swim out. "ilor' eKKoXvpflyv vaos" Helen. 1625. SYN. ^Kri]\ouai y airoKoXvufiaw. E^-oyu/c'w, f. taw, v. [eveho, effero, patior,] to carry out, to convey away, to bear through, to endure. Ae7 a e/cfcd///w, a(j>atp(t). fCfcoyuTra^w, v. [glorior,] to boast of. 'EKKOfj.ira.aas, tiros TI rvy^avei /3aXwy. Soph. Ehectr. 069. icKofji^evoftat, v. [argutus et disertus sum in sermone,] to be witty and elo- quent in talking. 'EKKeKo^evaraf Trovrip6*> y\S)aa ^iri^Qovov aotyrj. Iph. A. 333. SYN. 2rw/XXw. c:o7rrw, v. [exscindo, excido,] to cut off or down, to demolish. Tov j3dffi- Xews oQaXov. b. eKKo\^eie ye. Acharn. 92. SYN. KdrdvoTrrw, eKKpovu, CK- w, v. [everro, corrumpo,] to sweep away, to ruin. KaraOov TO fj.rj 'KKopet rr]v 'EXXdSd. Pax 59 EicKdpvfyow, v. [summatim s. paucis clico,] to tell in a summary way. El 5' edZXets, erepov rot eyw Xoyov e/cjcopv^wffw. Hes. Op. 106. SYN. 'AvaTrrvffffo;, avveXiiiv ZITTOV, K(paXato/, adj. [selectus, eximius,] select, distinguished, choice. Bd- , AaopebovTos' CKKpiTOV be vlv. Aj. Fl. 1302. aros, ov, o et >/, adj. [ crustatus,] embossed. See Dr. Blomf. Glossar. /oov eKKpovffrov ce/jds, Sept. Theb. 538. 'Eiocv/3t0Tdw, v. [praeceps in caput desilio,] to fall down headlong. Ets Kpard irpos yfjv eKKv(3ii>TU)i> (3?a. Eur. Suppl. 692. SYN. K#/3iffrdw, EW, v. [conversione machina?, in scena ostendo quod intus agitur, exhi- beo,] to turn round and display, to exhibit. 'AXX' eKKvKXridrjT. b. 'AXX' dcv- rdTdv. a. 'AXX' ouws. Acharn. 408. SYN. 'EfOcdXvTrrw, eKKvXiu. 1 See Kiessling's very learned note on tlus passage. EKKT EKAY 267 et eKKfcX/w, v. [evolvo,] to roll out, to disengage. Metres dTi evdvs eKKvXivberai. CE. R. 812. See also P. V. 87. SYN. 'Ajrtfici/Xt'w, ), v. [venatione persequor,] to hunt out. 7 1 Zev, rts fy iroT/jids; Ion 1422. SYN. Kvi^yew, Orjpevw, fljypdoyuat, e&pevi'a agw, v. [procax excedo,] to run out revelling. To XtTrovad 0tXto>, Androrn. 604. et eKKwQow, 1 v. [surdum facio, obtundo,] to render deaf, to render blunt, to blunt. r Ap els TO caXXos eKKCJCttywrat tos. Orest. 1280. SYN. , X/^o/xat, v. [sortior,] to receive by lot, to obtain. "OTTWS ira ^ovos. Soph. Electr. 760. SYN. ' 'E*:XaKrtc?w, f. t. Vesp. 1492. , v. [eloquor,] to speak out, to declare. To' etcXaXovv ov& IfivvTjs plv . Eur. fr. Antiop. 10. SYN. 'E^dyo/oeuw, eK&zpw, ^Xvopew. , f. Xfj^ofjtai, v. [excipio, accipio,] to take out, to accept, to receive, to undertake. MJ) ov yt' Trap' fyuwy 5' eVXd/3' ov5 ex w ^t;yovs. Ion 1334. SYN. See 'A7roXa///3di>w. fcXdyUTrw, v. [eluceo, effulgeo,] to shine out, to be brilliant. Totovroi' e^eXa/i- \JJEV olov 5' pyjiTU.i. Aves 1713. SYN. 'AmXd/XTrw, XayuTTW. K-XavSavw, X^crw, 2. aor. \d0o^, et poet. K\t\a6oi>, v. [oblivisci facio, et in iwc. wzerf. o_bliviscor,] (1) to cause to forget, (2) to forget. Keu e/cXeXdfloi/ KtOapHTTVV. B. 594. fcXaTra^w, f. ^w, v. [expello, diruo, vasto,] to expel from, to destroy, to con- sume. Aopt TTOT K\aTraat. Sept. Theb. 752. SYN. , v. [lambendo ebibo,] to lick, to swallow. Km Trpos y a. Acharn. 1229 SYN. Ad?rrw, , v. [effodio, excavo,] to dig up or out, to excavate. Ate/ Se -Xunaa>Tpov eea^airv. Apoll. 1. 374. SYN. 'E^o/>i/rrw, 'EcXetVw, et efcXt/zTrdi/w, v. [relinquo, derelinquo,] to leave off, to forsake, to fail. "EicXe<7re fiiofibv Kal derjXaTOvs ebpas. Ion 1305. See also Eur. Electr. SYN. 'A7roXe/7rw, eXXetVw. 'EfcXr/yw, f. w, V. [cesso,] to cease. Kairei a eeretSoi/, OVTTUT ei Soph. Electr. 1312. ^E/cX^trts, fws, ^, subst. [oblivio,] forget fulness. "EKXT/fTtj' QetapeV z rot 6' tiXX>/- Xovs 0tXOj/-(ur. w. 484. SYN. See^Aju^/xoo-wv?;. 'EK\oylofjiai, v. [reputo, perpeudo,] to reason on, to consider, to infer. Xoyto-w rd ^p^ara, TarayKaUd ye. Iph. A. 1409. SYN. 'T7roXtt/u/3dv(u, vw, v. [partu edo,] to put or bring forth. TtKvdv, ov;: aba %evet. Ion 1458. SYN. Tt\To>, em'tfrw, o>6tVw. icXiJats, ew$, r/, subst. [solutio, liberatio,] a release, deliverance. a0Xoy ,V eKXvffiv c^rei Ttvd. P. V. 2/0. SYN. 'ATraXXdyy, /jDats, oorijpia. , ov, ro, subst. [liberaodi vis,] ability to deliver. Hvbas TI To'i KXv-ypwv ; CE. R. 391- , ov, o et /, adj. [dissolutus, remissus,] loose^ relaxed. OtVrol, KvX', eKXvTot & a//0w/3oXot. Androm. 1122. SYN/AJ^T-OS, avetfitros. 'E/cXvw, 3 f. vffw, v. [exsolvo, libero,] to loosen, to release, to alleviate. 1 On the orthography of this word see Pors. Orest. 1280. 2 4cafji.v in scanning forms a spondee. 3 In Euripides the only two instances, which can determine the quantity of EK\V, have tl penult, long ; one instancein Sophocles confirms that quantity. Aristoph. Pax 1282. makes the penult, short. 268 EKAft EKNO appovs, us tSw StrrXouv KO.KOV. Med. 1312. SYN. 'ATrdXvw, aTraXXarrw, *E:Xw/3do>ai, v. [injuria adficior,] to be ignominiously treated. "A 'ywy' avrtiv &\a>(3fidr)v poXuv. Philoct. 330. SYN. 'AblKeopai, gjjjuioo/ztu. 'E/cXwTTt^w, v. [veste exuo,] to take off a robe, to expose. tlpovKetTo irepovis' CK 6' \w7rt<7. Trach. 927. SYN. Tv^vow, e^i/w, efcStpw. "EK^aypd, dros, et eKfjiaKTpoVj ov, TO, subst. [(1) massa subacta, (2) expressum rei alicujus simulacrum,] an express image, a print. AeW, Xewv o-oi civr' eK/zfty/m adv. Thesm. 514. See also Soph. El. 535. 'EKfj.alv, v. [in furorem ago,] to drive mad. TVVOIKES fiaav, e^e Bacch. 36. SYN. 'Ec/BaK^evw, avd-^dpeva) (rlva) 'Epivvaiv. "Ec/ucuTpoV, vid/'Ec/iay/xd. 'EKpavdavw, f. padriffdpat, v. [edisco, perdisco,] to learn thoroughly, to ascer- tain. To Kpavdsv ws av eKpadw Traibbs irepl. Ion 77. SYN. See MavOavu. , v. [marcescere facio,] to cause to pine away. 'AXX' et e^apavdr]. Theocr. 3. 30. if v. [furiose ago,] to commit acts of outrage or frenzy. Qpevas. Troad. 985. SYN. See 'Ec/ua/yw. w, v. [tester,] to bear testimony to. 'JEff/uaprvpi/trov irpovfjivffas rd p.' . Agam. 1 167. SYN. See Mapr^pew. , f. ^w, v. [(1) abstergo, (2) exprimo,] to wipe off, to efface, to press out. "Eftyta o' eis TO rfjs Qeov y e^evevaas chorus. Iph.T. 1187- SYN. 'Efc/cdXv/u/3dw, drd6vo/zat, ec^>euya>, eKTpeirdfjLai. ^i/cdw, v. [evinco,] to come off conqueror. E'tVots dv, a>s 6 XP vaos ^KVIK^. rabe. Ion 631. SYN. NtKaw, Kpareu. Kv6iuos t ou, 6 et 77, adj. [(l)exlex, (2) insolens, (3) nefandus,] lawless, inso- lent, wicked. Tep7rr re models. Eloe yap eKvofj.wv. Nem. 1. 86. SYN. , Tra.pavdfj.ds, (2) avQubiis, a?/0//s, (3) Ttdvrjpos. v. [eluo,] to wash out, to wipe away. Mvcrupdv eKvtyb), at\as re , rd T aXX', otrd. Iph. T. 1225. et eKvdfjiws, adv. [enormiler,] exorbitantly, extravagantly. Ou EKNO EKHE 269 TroXXd* (eat yap eKvdfjilws p ^tr^vvHTo. Plut. 982. See also Agam. 1449. SYN. MeydXws, i>7rep/3aXXovrws. fcvoflrrew, v. [revertor,] to return from. Twi/ TTOIVYIV, 8 rot ovrt pa ravri. P. 207. SYN. See Noarew. a, #v, et ov, 6 et rj, adj. [spontaneus,] voluntary. eKovaty rpdiry. Med. 751. SYN. 'EKWV, tdeXovffWs, eBeXovrijs, avdal- PETOS. "JWayXd, et efCTrayXws, adv. [stupendum in modum, veiiementer,] in a ter- rible manner, greatly, awfully. Tws be er' d7rex0>/pw, ws vDv eicTrayX' fylXrjaa. F. 415. SYN. 0av/za r', w peXatrrjs VVKTOS eKTratbevjj.', VTTVE. Cycl. 597- SYN. '6yutXj/7v)s, Trat- bev/ua. 'EfC7rat5eva>, v. [edoceo,] to educate thoroughly. 'EXei/0poi<7tV I^TreTra/Sev/iat . Eur. fr. Inus. 14. 5. SYN. See ITatSevw. , f. ^o/iat, v. [eludo,] to baffle, to foil. T H TroXi; /ue bofos e^tTraioav eX- . Here. F. 457. w, v. [more insanorum excurro s. ruo,] to run on like a madman, to brag, to bluster. Qvb' eKiraifyaaaeiv, ore T i]Xv6e vootyiv 'A^aiwr. E. 803. SYN. 'Ei/0oufftdw, vdovaia(i> t eKp.aivopa.1. 'EfCTraXXw, v. [exsilire facio,] to force out. 20ovSvXiwr eWaX0'* r d 6' eirl Kelro ravvaQds. T. 483. 'EfC7rdrd, et eKTretpao), v. [tento, experior,] to tempt, to make trial of. Kcu aov rvffovrd Trptirov eKTretpaardjJLat. Equit. 1234. SYN. See HeipaZw. , Hesych. e&ari, verb, impers. [licet,] it is lawful, or proper. " Qevras' ov yap eKneXet. Antig. 478. SYN."E^eo-Ti, eort, w, v. [emitto,] to send out, to send away. 'Apd pv TroXeyuow e . ^.598. SYN. 'A7ro7re/*7ro>, e^eXai/vw., w, v. [ad finem perduco, perficio,] to bring to an end, to accomplish. IldXatos j^prjafjtvs eKTrepaiverat. Cycl. 692. d, 2 dros, TO, subst. [exitus,] a passage or passing from. Tptrov rt/5' ftaTwv KaXw. Choeph. 643. , f. affu, v. [transeo, trajicio,] to pass through or over^ to cross. "< advbvvov j3ldv e&Trepaa. Iph. A. 18. SYN TTtpw. 'EfC7repStfc/5a;, v. [more perdicis effugio, decipio,] to escape like a partridge, t deceive, to pigeon, 'fts Trap' fjfjiiv ovblv ala-^ov t) At', e&Treravrv-o. Equit. 134?. (See also Iph. T. 1137.) SVN. nerari/u/it, dmTreravyv/ut, dj'OTrriWw, eKravvw, eKretVw. 'EKTreYf/ofyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui jam voiare potest,] able to fly. 'ETHJV 6 Trdn/p o TrtXapyos KTTTr)fflfjiovs. Aves 1355. 'EfCTrtrojuat, V. [evolo,] to fly away. 'EK-nrdfjevos av OVTOS ripiaT^atv eX0wv o't'fcdSt. Av. 788. 'E(C7ri7dw, v. [exsilio, excurro,] to jump out, to spring away from, to gush out "QQev bp6awbr)s vbards eKTrrjby VOTIS. Baccll. 6p4. SYN. ' Kdope(i), di'diTT/Sdw, di'dio/Ktw. 'E*:7r^f7/zd, dros, ro, subst. [saltus,] a leap or bound out of. Kpeiovov eK7rr)briiuiaTos. Agam. 1347. SYN. See n//5r//*a. 'EKirrjvi^ofjiaif v. [extrico,] to spin out, to elicit. 'En.7r^j/ielrat ravTct TrpotTKaXov- pevus. Ran. 577* SYN. 'EKprjpvofjtai. 'EK7rtpir\r)fjtl, f. TrX^o-w, V. [inipleo,] to till up, to fill. Adflpctt' e^ovres, podia r' e^e7r//Lt;rXdro. Helen. 1574. 'EicTrtVw, f. Trio/iat, v. [ebibo,] to drink up, to drain. Kat rrjv \lv)(i]r eKTrivovo-Kv. Nub. 712. SYN. KdmTru-w, e/cpo^ew, aTroppo^ew. 'Ek-TrtTrrw, et enmrveu, v. [(1) excido, (2) excido patria,] to fall from, to drop oft', to be banished. "Efo^frKop, e^eTrnrroy avrvyuv OTTO. Phffin. 1209. (See P. V. 948.) SYN. 'A7ro7r/7rrw, airorvy^a.v(i) f er)v yap poipav e^7rXj/o-s (j>ovov. Eur. Electr. 1288. See also Orest. 54. SYN. y EKni/jnr\Y)fjLiL f ai'a.7r\ijd(t) , TrXrjQa), dm7rX??poa;, e/crtXew. , tws, ?/, subst. [consternatio,] terror, alarm, dismay, astonishment. j/ II^~LV atyaalav TE TrpoarWris. Helen. 548. SYN. Tdpd^>), (j)d(3ds. , f. ^w, v. [percello, consterno,] to strike with terror, to terrify, to astound. Tt 5' eori rov Traporros eKTrXrjtraov \oyov. Iph. T. 241. SYN. 'ATTO- TrXrjffffb), e/CTrroew, drv^w, cK0o/3W, eKrapaff aw, e^i/3po^rdw, TrX^/crirw. EitTrXdos, contr. eK'TrXovs, ov, , subst. [enavigatio, eruptio naviurn e portu,] the sailing of a vessel from port. Kpwa7d^ eWXovv ovbdfifj KaOiffrard. Pers. 391. Eo-Xvyoj, f. vvd), v. [eluo,] 1o wash out, to wash away. Et 5' e/CTrXwretrcte TOVTU TO typvdWv. Pint. 1064. SYN. See *Ery/m EiCTrXvros, ov, o et r/, adj. [elutus,] washed out. MT/rpoicroror /iiaos, eKKtKaOapfjt^os. , f. ev<7w, v. [exspiro,] to breathe out, to respire. 'Ewel yap e&irvevfftv filov. Orest. 490. SYN. 'E^utrdw, d7ro7rj'w, dTro^u^w, d7ro0'>}- /, >}s, r/, subst. [expiratio,] a breathing out, a gasping. Ovfr oft/ua. veiv QavaalfJiOifflv KTrvoa~is. Hipp. 1436. SYN. 'A7ro7r'otd, uvajcvoi]. EKTrobuv, 1 adv. [e medio ; e conspcctu,] away, out of the way, afar off. "Eorar ytpaiq. b' efCTroSwv ^ Hec. 52. SYN. 'E*cds, EKaflfV, a7r&>0K, takes after it a dative of the person. See Thomas Magister. It sometimes in Euripides has a genitive of the crime, country, or report avoided. In Sophocles and ./Eschylus it occurs, but without any noun after it. EKIIO EKOY 271 , v. [efficio,] to make out, to effect. Tavrij &VOIK&V, i K volov aavrJ j3dTpvs. Pax 708. Eewoiclgw, v. [vellus adimo,] to pluck off the hair, to strip. 'AXX' eo-otfw aov rets TroKabas. Tliesm. 567. SYN. See 'Evn'XXw. E>c7ro^w, v. [elahoro,] to labor at excessively, to train up in hard labor. El rovs 6eovs UKOVTUS eK-Kovi'iao^ly. Ion 378. SYN. 'Eepydc?o/i, tKirupevoouiv. Here F. 722. SYN. 'Edyw. W , v. [devasto,] to lay waste. Over, eK7rop0e7r Tpo/a>, ravrd yap fifrj- . Iph. A. 1398. p, dpos, 6, subst. [vastator,] a plunderer, a ravager. Ifcv/^ot XtoVrwi', eKTcopOrjTdpea. Eur. Suppl. 1223. SYN. Ylop6r)Ti}s, TropO/yrwp, \vpat>T>ip', i, v. [nave aveho,] to convey away in a ship, to carry off. re\aos avrfjv eKireTropOpevrai ^Qovijs. Helen. 1533. SYN. 'E#tyw, e u'cfw, V. [suppeditO,] to supply. Kpi^>a7oi> els irnlb' eKTrdpigovffat Ion 1114. 'EK7rordo/zae, et eKirdreofjicu, v. [evolo,] to fly away. 0e>fi)Xi- betXaia, irq. TUS (J>pet>as effTTfTrorao-fii ; Theocr. 2. 19- See also r. 357. SYN. T , f. i>, v. [(1) perficio ; (2) interricio,] to effect, to complete, to execute, to kill. Ilws KUI v\v elaeTrpa^ar' ; dp' albovjuevoi. Hec. 513. SYN. (1) 'EjCTroj'eaJ, e^epyd^oyuat, IKTTO^W, (2) avatpeco, Kreivdt. 'E*c7rpe7r//s, tos, 6 et ?), adj. [eximius, elegans,] distinguished, conspicuous, 'fls oTrXoicrt -)(pva0iffiv efCTrpeTTJ/s, yepov. Phoen. 170. SYN. Ev7rp7r^s, 7T))s, StaTrptTr^s, i^atperosj KaXos, wpalos, eVS^Xos. 'EjcTrpm^uac, v. [redimo ; pecunia corrumpo,] to buy of, to bribe. TtJ K7rpl'atTao/rwv. /3. 400. SYN. 'EfctcdXlw, TrpuKaXto). 'Efc?rpocp/^w, f. tj^di, v. [seligo,] to choose out, to select. IloXfos eKirpdupWeis e/xds. Pho2n. 222. SYN. See 'EKicplvw. /TTw, v. [desero, destituo,] to desert, to forsake, to abandon. 'iTnroQtv oi, KolXov \o\^ e<:7rpoXi7rovrS. 6). 515. SYN. See 'EcXe/Trw, TrpoXe/Tru;. Xed), v. [egredior,] to go out or forth. Aifj.vrjs e^Trpo/^oXeli/ TptrwvtSos, oi/rtvd fj,fjTiv. Apoll. 4. 1539- SYN. 'Ec/3cuVa>, e^epx^at, ^fivep\o]Ltai. 'EicTrport/^dw, v. [pluris facio ; prsefero,] to honor before others, to prefer. Tolwbe pevroi d eKTrpoTtrfaaff' yw. Antig. 913. 'Eic7rrr/<70w7rtox. Cycl. 185. SYN. See 'Efc7rX/7/v. e. 322. SYN. ATTOTTT-VW. 'EfCTTv^dvo/zat, f. Trevo-o/za/, 2. aor. 7ri)0d/u?>, v. [(1) audio, (2)sciscitor,j to learn from, to ascertain. iLKaiUJs yap avrov Kal ^dXfTrws KTrvv6a.i'et. Plut. 60. SYN. , e&peelvw, Ipwrdw, aviffTopeo), e7Tpd/Ltat. a;, v. [incendo,] to destroy by fire. *6s e/c?rvpoDrai Xapiraffiv Kipavviats. Baccli. 240. SYN. Ilvpdw, ' 272 EKIIft EKTA "E/CTTwyud, dros, TO, subst. [poculum,] a cup, a goblet, ^pvpvrjs tfyowrd, r' Itfiru/uurau'. Ion 11/5. SYN. HoYj/pidV, KvaOSs, (j>la\rj. Vc^, v. [virgis expello,] to flog out, or drive out by flogging. * /j.o')(6rjpovs. Lysistr. 576*. , v. [exspergo,] to scatter or dash out. Kparos t Xeu;coi> pvlXov veifieoov. Tracl). 783. SYN. 'Eif/3Xvc?w, c^w, airoppaivw. *rpw, f. pevaopai, v. [effluo,] to flow out, to gush out. Kpelrd raQeis' etc 6' al/itd ^fXav pee, SeiJe Se ycuav. N. 655. SYN. *A7roppw, efcptTrrojuat, 'Ecp?/yvi;/u, f. ?;w, v. [erumpo,] to break out. "forw, irafl' ?;juas 5' oi/Tror' e fJ.cL\r]. Aj. Fl. 775. SYN. 'Avappj/yj'V/a, Karappr]yvvpi, bWpvTTO). ti), v. [exsorbeo,] to sip up. Taiv Trpay^tdrwv, ori*; fjiovos TQV (t> eKpo- s. Equit. 359. SYN. See 'Ec7r/vw. v. [libero,] to deliver from, to rescue. Et /IT? exaTraato/jiai y' fioXov. Eur. Electr. 582. SYN. 'ATroffTrda;, avaanaio, d^eXf:a;, peoyuai. . , f. crTretVw, v. [libamina fundo,] to pour out libations. Xeyei. Ion 1192. SYN. See 2?re/5w. , v. [festino,] to hasten, to hurry. "EfcerTrevSt rdxews' ws aias. Thesm. 227. See ^TrevSw. 'EicoreXXw, f. eXo), v. [exorno,] to adorn, to dress. FlepoVas air' avri/s, aiolv e^eoreXXero. CE. R. 1268. SYN. 'E7ri><7/4w, avrov rd /3Xe0dp' eKffrptyas, ivu Plut. 721. SYN. ' 'Effff0pay/e?w, v. [(1) exsigno, (2) exclude,] to seal up, to exclude. CK yap e<70payr/^>oi. Here. F. 53. w, vid. 'Eiccrdw(w. , v. [acervatim adgero,] to heap or pile up. NfK-pot ^ reKpols i5. Phoen. 1212. , adv. [porrecte,] in a stretched-out position, at length. To>5' aoi KelaOov aXXr/Xots TreXds. Phoen. 1712. , a, 6>, v. [extensus, am plus,] extended, wide, ample. At7rX?/j>, CKTO.- ovXrj 6' eVfVr/j'ofle Xa^vj;. K. 134. SYN. 'Efcrera^>ds, evpvs, TrXdri/y, , rdvdos. , Ion. pro eicrejuvw, 2 aor. era-pity, v. [exscindo,] to cut out or off. eKTapvovres, viral 6f r KOfjnros O&OVTCJV. M. 149. SYN. See 'Efcre^trw. , et cKTeivw, v. [extendo,] to stretch out, to extend, to lengthen, to strain. BXm//e fo ol ^>tXd you/d0'* d S' vVriof i&Tavvadr). H. 271. See also EKTE EKTP ttfclr 273 ; Vesp. 1 207. SYN. "Avdrefrw, .irp&reivu, SldreiVw, eorertWv/u, avfaXou. Effrtf(X; Aves 1 16'5. SYN. TetvPw >l? T . o^ ri'i -i !* A, ^* u/t . . ftcTf^/iai, v. [hberos suscipio,] to bring forth children. Ylpdblbwol XaOpa. Ion 438. SYN. See w, et ecreXeto, v. [perficio,] to bring to an end, to accomplish. Ov faiverai. 'Ex be reXeu-rdcret. Pyth. 12. 51. See also Pyth. 4. 184. SYN. 'Ek- rfXew, reXetow, TeXew, TrXrjpdu), avvu. I, et $, adj. [perfectus,] brought to an end, ripe, complete, entire. /7 irfyvKdr e^eXrj viavlav. Ion 780. SYN. TlavreXris, reXetos, eireXi/*. w, 2 aor. fre/zd, v. [exscindo,] to cut out or off. M//r' olv yl T uv auv eKrtfjys rpi X os. Iph. A. 1437. SYN. 'EfCT-a/LU'W, reyurw, airfrluvu -' v, adj. wrb. ab e X o>, [habendus,] must have. 7 U Ha^ta, ff dwi opdos eKTtds. Acharn. 259. 'EK-revs, ews, 6, subst. [sextarius,] a measure containing about three half-pints. Of<70' QVV a.7rdXit)XeKv~ia irvpSiv e/crea. Eccles. 547 'E(cr?/fcw, f. ^w, v. [eliquo, emacero,] to cause to mi-It away, to waste away. M>) viiv ayav aov baupvaiv eKrr'ifys xpod. Helen. 1418. SYN. T/ /3dXw*>. Sept. Tiieb. 6*26. See also X. 439. Hipp. 106*8. x- 385. H. 341. and . 274. SYN. "ATrddev, efa t QoQlv, vw, v. [deglornero, perficio,] to wind into balls, to complete. Ovbev Trore Kalpltiv eKToXittrevaeLV. Again. 1000. z SYN. 'E^rtXtw, biari- Xtw, efcepyacloucii) eKTrparrd), eKTrXypou). fcro^eirw, v. [ejaculor,] to shoot out arrows,- to exhaust. Kcu arov TO (ftpevds. Androm. 365. SYN. 'EiCTr/Trrw, eKKtvfiu, airuvT\iXoya 7n//uiros, eXOire xal vvv. Q'L. II. 1 7 1. See also Bacch. 69. SYN. \\XXdKords, E>OS. , v. [exterebro, perforo,] to bore through, lo destroy by perforation. aKyoio xeXwi/qs. Horn. Merc. 42. , ?;, o>', adj. [sextus,] the sixth. "EkTOV be b>} Tub' fynp, Qoruv ayuis. Orest. 39. , ov, o et >/, acij. [aversandus, invenustus,] untoward, uncouth. Tia> apud Homerum priorem ancipitem habet ; apud ^Eschylum brevcm ; futurum autcm primam ubique producit." Doctiss. Blomf. Sept. Theb. 77. 2 See Dr. Blomtield's excellent Glossary. Agam. 1000. Pros. Lex. 2 M 274 EKTP Yiyvovrai $' tKrpfatXoiffi rfyite. Theog. 289- SYN. Kd*to, vdt>r)ptis, aKXripds, apovffSs, Orjplubrjs, alamos. 'Eicrpax^X^w, f. ia>, /uerd/3dXXw. f. Ope^io, v. [enutrio,] to bring or rear up to maturity, to educate. ws jjfffler' enredpapfJieydv. Ion 822. SYN. ' et bpafjovfj-at, 2 aor. eSpo/joy, v. [excurro,] to run out, to sally forth. Ov/cow e-epuae xp^ff/uoXoyT/ffets eKTpe^r. Avesp^l. xTpiflio, f. i^w, v. [extero,] to wear away or out, to rub upon. 'AXX' ey TTC- Tpoial Trtrpov ej', /uoXis. Phil. 2p6 SYN. 'A7rorp//3w, eirCrpifita, tyOeipw. fcrpoTn/, 7/s, >;, subst. [flexus tramitis, trivium,] a turning from the road, a winding. ITopvet', dmTravXas, eKTpoTras, Kpjjvas, tibovs. Ran. 113. SYN. IId|U- , ^, subst. [educatio,] education, maintenance. Kai ydp e/ cdXat. Eur. fr. Dan. 6. 'E*.Tpv7raw, v. [terebrando erumpo,] to bore through, to escape by boring. 'A\X h-rerpvirriKev \adovffd // tvbdSev. Eccles. 337- SYN. 'E^ropew, Starpi/Trdw, ClOpVTTtt). , f. rpw^ojunt, v. [erodo, derodo,] to gnaw or eat out. fliJXarrc 0', //?) TJ)V fiaXavov eKrpw^erat. Vesp. 156. SYN. 'Eew, mreSw, fcdrarptiyw. , v. [excaeco,] to make entirely blind. Ke/v^ crdftffTrj QprjKt, K&KTV- Xa>ffa/jtev. Rhes. 921. SYN. See TityXow. Eicrwp, tJpos, 6, P. N. [Hector,] the son of Priamand Hecuba. "Ecrop, drap av fjtol kaal Trdrrip, KCII iroTvld /u/rT/p. Z. 429 EPITH. Bo^v ayaOos, aXaoTos, elbosdpiar- TOS, i/s, Aa KopvdaloXos, caprepo$, yueyds, Xvo-awSiys, /ieyd0vyuos, ofipijjios, 0at- otywos, fjiddov dKoprjTos. PHR. Tpo/a$ dfjid^ov aorpd/3^ Kiova, Find. Efcroptos, a, o/, et 'Experts, a, ot', adj. [Hectoreus,] of Hector. 'E/cropeots dpd yuaXXoi' e?rt ^oevd 0jyx' "po//6pos 7rdr>7p. fc^atSpvrw, f. i)yw, v. [nitidum reddo,] to cause to appear bright, cheerful, gay. rXworafl bpdKovrds e^aibpvvoy yp St Bacch. 766. SYN. ivw, v. [in lucem edo,] to show, to display, to exhibit. Marrelov e ejjLoi. (E. R. 243. SYN. 'A7rd^a/j/w, S^Xow, 0atVw. ]s, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [conspicuus, rnanifestus,] apparent, conspicuous, manifest. Havres ijaav eK^dvels 1 ?be~iv. Pers. 404. adv. [supra modum, ut dici nequeat,] inexpressibly. MtXds en^arus . Agam. 686. , v. [effero,] to bring out, to carry forth. Nrjtiv 6' e*c^ep' deflXd, s re rpiTroSas re. ^F. 259- SYN. 'E^dpew, etfKo/ii'5w, e^dyw, Trpo^tpw, retVw, eKtyah'u, e^pew. ^euyw, ^/.tat et Dor. ovfjiat, v. [effugio,] to escape. Xeiju&vos ayptov pei'ds. Heracl. 429- SYN. 'E^vyydvw, V7rc^ei/yw, d;rd0evyw. , v, [eloquor,] to speak out, to declare distinctly. Mi^e rw eic 1 Dr. Blomfield reads f/j.Qavf'is. See his note. EKW EKXft 275 . v. 308. SYN. ' ipt*, et eK00rw, v. [perdo, corrumpo,] to cause to waste, to corrupt, to destroy utterly. "Avais, avavfyos, dTroXts, ee0apfjiyrj. Hec. 663. See also i. 163. SYN. See 'AiroAOTw. w , v. [exuro,] to blaze out. * Avrds e^dXdje TI\V TrdXty. Pax 608. SYN. See u^w, v. [ebullio, effundo,] to throw out, to pour out. Ovb' exe* eK\vai Toacroy yody, ovady ope^el. Apoll. 1. 275. /3w, v. [exterreo,] to terrify, to alarm. E* /u' eKftifidlev pavluaiv \vaan- i. Orest. 264. SYN. See 'EK7rXr/<7. tWw, f. w, v. [rubefacio, cruento,] to stain with blood. 'EXXrjy 'xJdT) poals. Iph. T. 260. , V. [exeo,] to go out of, to come out. BmVwv &OUCLT cKdtoira Eur. Electr. 320. opee, as, rj, subst. [elatio ; funus ; divulgatio,] a carrying out; a funeral ; dissemination. 'AXX' eKtyopav yap rovbe dfioofiat veicpov. Alcest. 434. SYN. , et eKQpew, v. [exporto, emitto foras,] to carry out, to convey away. KtyopZovTo, KOL aairlfes ofupaXoeffffai. T. 360. SYN. See 'EK0epw. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [quod exportari vel divulgari potest,] which may be brought forth or divulged. El b' eictidpos aoi avutidpa irpos apaevas. Hipp. 295. K00jor/5oyuai, v. [trader, tanquam merces navi transportanda,] to be exported (as on board ship), to be betrayed. 'E|//47r6Xr///ai Ka(C7re0oprtr/uat TrdXai. Antig. 1036. ExP. Tlpobebopai, $6pros yeyeviifjicu, tiroCijaavTo ^e (f>6pTov. a^w, f. acrw, v. [eloquor, expono, edissero,] to speak out, to explain. Et At&ou Baicxos, e^pdaatyuev dv. Here. F. 1110. SYN. ' a>, f. to-w, v. [excogito, meditor,] to devise, to consider, to deliberate on. Id^ws 6' aOpfaas Kat KXvwv, tK^povrlaov. Iph. T. 1324. SYN. ' , Att. 1 v. [effugio,] to escape, keopovs aeiKels Kat bvas P. V. 534. SYN. See 'E^evyw. K0i)X<$V0a v - [oraculum edo,] to give out an oracle, to predict. 'Os fioi rn TroXX' Ke~iv' or' eri KaKa. (E. C. 87- SYN. Xpdu>, w, v. [cedo, discedo,] to withdraw, to depart, to give way. E^ndyova fcrls, elrd S' &$ x t,p n oav K&KUS. Iph. A. 367. SYN. '***#*** On Attie verbs ending in ww, see a valuable note by Dr. Monk, Hipp. 1442. 276 EKftN EAA 'ILKUV, ov<7tt, ov, adj. [voluntarius,] willing, voluntary. 'Etcovrtv lip^as 'EXXdSoi/ vZavlais. Helen. 395. SYN. 0f\wv, e'ccovo'io's, avdaiperos. 'EXda, Attice (Vid. doctiss. Maltb.) eXo/a, as, et eXdts, ?#?, //, subst. [oliva, olea,] the olive-tree, the olive-fruit, AeyopoV tXa^s, 6 vtws eorai. Av. 6l7- See also Troad. 803. and Acharn. 997. .SYN. TTjXtflowo-d, rdvv^vXXvs, upa, yXavo}, do/pdros, a(3pa, BaXepa, KaXij, Kapirotyopos, irapOeviKri. PHR. FXavicas TratboTpotyov fyvXXdv cXa/as, (j)vrevfji a^e/pwro^, avroiroidv. Soph. OaXXaSos ayi/oV ayaX[j.a, yXavzfi x^>7' Eur. yXav/co~Xpws KOfffJios eXaias, 06XXot eXaiaV %pva.vdsapeTas. ^Esch. 'Aat"rc/j, a, ov, et eXtui'ds, ?), of, adj. [oleaginus,] made of the olive-tree, of olive, "fts TOV ai 6^Qn\p6s ZXali'ty irHpl /zo^Xw. t. 394. See also i. 378. 'EXcuoXoyds, ov, 6, subst. [olivarum collector,] an olive-gatherer. Nvv 6', dffTrep ^XawXdyoi, ^peW afjid TW TOV fjucrOuv e^ovrl. Vesp. 7^0. "-EXnioV, ov, ro, snbst. [oleum,] olive-oil, oil. Av^ara Travrd Kadrjpev, ciXe/i^dro 5e XtTr' fXa/y S. 171. SYN. "AXei^dp. EPITH. "A/u/3poror, atyX^ev, poSoev, J/^i), ev&bes, Kijwbes, XnrapoV, a^/3(0ov, 6 et //, adj. [olivarum ferax,] productive of olives. T H roj^ eXatd- ^o|0o^ o-^Qov ex wi/ - Here. F. 1 178. 'EXnto(pv))s, eds, et tXato^vrds, ow, 6 et >/, adj. [olivis consitus,] planted with olives. Tdv eXatd(j)vfj Trdyov Oaavet. Ion 1481. See also Pers. 885. s, vid. 'EXda. ov, o et r/, adj. [viros capiens vel perdens,] man-destroying. See , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [tonitru agitans,] thunder-driving. '6 6' dp' Zvbov tXciffifipovT avappriyvvs ITTJJ. Equit. 623. 'EXdo-tTTTros, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [equos aens,] horse-driving. 'Ev apec TO & eXd- annrov eQvos. Pylh. 5. 113. SYN. 'iTnrorrjs, QiXtTnrds, tTTTrtoxapf 17 ?^ TrXi^nnrds. 'E\a.(r(T, vid. Mtvpos. 'EXaorptw, Ion. pro eXavvb), v. [aito, impello,] to drive hard, to persecute, to harass. Apo/zojs anbpvTnialv riXatrrpovv p ad. Iph. T, 972. SYN ' ), rjs, //, subst. [pinus, abies,] a pine-tree, a fir-tree, a ship. 'EXdr^t aaaci. Phceil. 215. EPITH. "Y^av^rjv, biKWTros, TrojUTram, vi^iKofjios, v , fjpos, 6, subst. [(1) placentas geuus, (2) agitator, auriga,] (l)a sort of thin cake, (2) a driver, a charioteer. (l)'EXdr^pos, iva rets rnvs eXavi' KciXtas. Equit. 1182. SYN. (l)Ile/^d, jjacd, TrXaKovs, (2)'H^ioxos, fjvlo iirirr)Xarris, appdTr)Xd.Ttjs. 'EXarijpios, a, or, adj. [purgatorius,] purgative. "ATrar eXdr^ptov, ri>xj? Choeph. 955. , et etXdrtvos, /, dv, adj. [abiegnus,] of fir or pine. Hevdea 1 v oii>v Zirl. Bacch. 1059. , f. \dcrw, v. [agito,] to drive, to urge on. KaKols irpos avrfjs . Androm. 31. SYN. 'EXdw, tXatrrpew, e^eXavVM, dyw, 'EXd<^7/3oXm, as, ^, subst. [cervorum venatio,] stag-hunting, chase. M^o' eXd- JirjfidXlrjv, /aijo' evaTo^lrivlplbaiveiv. Call. 3. 262. 'EXd0?y/3oXds, et eXatyoKroi'os, ov, 6 et //, adj. [(jiii cervos figit vel occidit,] stag- shooting, or stag-killing. T (l t pa & vno awfjivovs \d^7//3oXos apTravrj urrjp. ^. 319. See also Iph. T. 1114. "EXd^os, ou, 6 et ii, subst. [cervu?,] a staff, a hart. El^or yap fiaXliw eXd^ov XVKOV a'/^di/t xXa. Hec. 88. SYN. Nt/^pos. EPITH. TdxeTd, wela, Kipaos, jieyas, vi^iKepias, 6or), 0vcdctv}), Kpanrvfj, ayporepa, Sat^dXta, MatvdXto. 'EXa^pt'cw, v. [levo ; levis sive celer sum,] to render light, to buoy up ; to be ight. MouvoV eXa EAEA 2 77 ,tXapa, ir&bas, Knl x^pas virepQlv. E. 122. SYN. Koityfo, UKVS, rd x &s. *6, adv. [leviter, celeriter,] lightly, rapidly. AZd TrdXai, Trcpi^Xd, rd oi phis. e. 240. SYN. Ko/0ws. vyds, 6 et ?/, adj. [breves alas seu pinnas habens,] having short wings. 'An-c beXfovwv 5' tXctx^Trrepvyau/ Pyth. 4. 29. 'EXa^'cros, vid. Ma:poy. 'EXdw, vid. *E\av'. "EXbdpat, et poet. eeXbdftat, v. [cupio, desidero,] to wish for, to desire. 'EXStf- fievai, TTtbioio, bia pWr/id rvtfi'a. I 7 . 122. See also H. 4. SYN. 'E7rt0iyuw, i/ue/pw, yXfyoAd. Hipp. 1333. SYN.Atd- , f. 4w, v. [(l) deprehendo, (2) arguo, refuto, adspernor, dedecoro,] to detect, to prove, to refute, to reject, to dishonor. "O& earl' Xoyrns. Soph. El. 1353. SYN. 'E^tXey^w, drt^ua^w, 'EXeetrds, et Attice eXeads, 1 r), ov, adj. [miserabilis,] piliable, piteous, wretched. Zev Trarep, &s OVTIS yue 0ewv eXeeo'oj/ vTrearij. $. 273. See P. V. 254. SYN. QiKrpos, oXo^vSj'os, a^grXtos, rdXa/Trwpds. 'EXeew, vid. 'EXea/pw. 'EXe^do-ui/r;, r;s, r/, subst. [commiseratio,] pity. 'AvT eX^rj^oavytjs. Call. Del. 151. SYN."EXeos, eXer/ri/s, (HKTOS, oiKnpfios. r, o>/ds, 6 et ^, adj. [misericors,] compassionate, merciful. OV/u' ws tyu' det rwv ^pvalbwr. Pax 425. SYN. OiKripftwv, vs, vos, r/, subst. [commiseratio,] compassion, mercy. OVK res ei>i Qpealir, ovb' eXtrfTvy. |. 82. SYN.'EXeos, oli 'EXetvos, r), ov, vid. 'E 'EXetvws, adv. [miserabiliter,] piteonsly, wretchedly. KXaetv tXetj'dJs (eXceci'wr Brunck.) o-e ^)' 7rtcXaetv vVrepov. Thesm. 1063. SYN. Ot/crpais, a^Xiws, Wri/ KO.KUIS. EXetos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [palusterj marshy. "Oo-d 0' eXetas Trap' aitXtiras. Aves 243. SYN. At^vaTos. 'EXeto/3dr77s, et cXeto^os, oi/, o, sub,st.[qui perpaludes graditur,] an inhabitant of the marshes. K "oXvpirof. A. 5--O- SYN. Ktrtw, (rc/w, Tivaaffw, eKTtvaww, auorpt^w, 7rplS(V' evvaiots yafjiois. Androm. 1234. EPITH. ITpcdyui^s, otwvoTro- apiffros, di/a^. PHR. Qeia'EXtvov ^V)(d. , ov, 6, ,adj. [nutritus in paludibus,] growing in a marsh. 'EXeo- Ov re oeXtvov. B. 776. SYN. 'EXetdvonds. , ov, 6, et tXoi>, ov, ro, subst. [mensa coquinaria,] a kitchen-table or dresser. Avrdp eTret /a' ^?rr/flrl, /cat etv tXeoTaif X ey ^- ^' 215. See Damm. "EXtos, ov, 6, et eos, ovs, ro, subst. [comniiseratio,] pity, compassion. Ets pacrrols rov eXeov 6r)pu}f*et'at. Orest. 56l. SYN. 'EXe^rvs, O!KTOS, ohripfjids. 'EXeTrroXts, ews, adj. [urbes capiens vel perdens,] city-destroying. See ' 'EXeaTrts, tbos, fi, subst. [locus paluster,] a marshy place. (See Schol, Apoll. 1. 1266.) IT/ffea re TrpoXtTrwr Kal eXeaTrlbas. Apoll. 1. 1266. 'EXeros, >}, 6v, adj. [qui prehendi potest,] liable to be taken. Qvd' eXerrj, enei ap Kiv a. fj.e liberal epKds oborTwv. I. 408. SYN. A^Trros, aipeTos. 'E\ev6epla, as, 77, subst. [libertas,] liberty. At' ZXevdeinas yuoXts eftX&ts. Soph. Electr. 1509. 'EXevfltptos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [(l) liberalis, (2) liberator,] free, liberal, ingenuous ; a deliverer. NvV aot rov eXevGepldv. Rhes. 354. SYN. (1) Fevycuos, (2) o-wr^p. 'Xev0ept$, r/, P. N. [Eleutheris,] the name of a rock at Citha?ron near the city Eleutherae, where there was an altar dedicated to Jupiter Eleutherius. 0ii- orevs, oKlwbrjs eV0' 'EXevfiepis Trerpa. Eur. Stippl. 7^9* 'EXev0epos, a, ov t adj. [liber,] free, independent. Aoi/X?; juev, e'iprjKev 6' eXevdepov \6yov. Trach. 63. ' SYN. Avrovo/ios, eXevBeplos, avrapKrjs. 'EXev06pws, adv. [libere,] freely, without restraint. T H 6eo>/ie'ot, icdrcpo) Trpos eXevdepus. Nub. 518. SYN. 'Aews, d^erws, yervatws, evye^ws. 'EXev0po/ 5' aKoveis e eXevBtpoffrofiov. JLsch. Suppl. 945. SYN. 'A0vpocrrd^ds, advpoyXwa- 'EXev0pow, v. [libero,] to make free, to liberate. To y' eis tavrbv, TTUV eXevOepol TTOfJid. CE. R. 706. ls, It'ds, r/, P. N. [Eleusis,] a town in Attica. A^r^rlp, eoriovx' 'EXevali^os Eur. Suppl. 1. ama, as, ^, P. N. [terra Eleusina,] the land of Eleusis. Ko/voi/ 'EXeva- . Antig. 1118. 'EX0a/po/zat, v. [decipio, noceo,] to disappoint, to deceive, to hurt. Oi/5' dp' 'Adrjvairjv eXe^rjpdpevos Xd0' 'ATroXXwv. ^. 388. SYN. 'ATrdrdw, /SXctTrrw, TrXdvdw, dbiKtaj. 'EXf^avrtros, r;, o>/, et eXfyavToberos, ov, 6 et }, adj. [(1) eburneus, (2) ebore vinctus,] of ivory, made of ivory. $a, icai tpioiiaas eXefyavrlvov yyiro &if Theocr. 24. 99.' See also Iph. A. 582. J EXf0as, avrds, 6, subst. [ebur,] ivory. KoXX^f xP vff ^ v t * v T ^ Xevxov . Nem. 7. 115. EPITH-'Ev'/aidfos, n/u//ts, vtoTrpioros, irptffTos. 1 A pun on the word 'EtoVif, or E\Va Dor. EAEfl EAKH 279 , 8pos, 6, P. N. [Elephenor.] Tov t>$ Trtaovra. TrflW Aa/5e A. 463. SYN. XaXKwSo>rtd?/s, ^yaQv^dtv ap%ds ' E\r), vid. EtX?;. , adv. [volubiliter,] in a whirl, rapidly. TpovdStvetrat 6' oud0' P. V. 907. , fir, P. N. [Helicae,] a town in the Troad. TV 'Avrrjvoplbrjs elve wv. T. 123. EXto?, ?/s, /, subst. [Ursa Major in ccelo, quam spectantes navigabant Graeci prisci; sed Phoenices postea observarunt Ursam Minorem, Kwoaovpdi/dictam. Damm. c. 651.] the constellation called the Great Bear; also the name of a place in the Peloponnesus, where Neptune was worshipped. Navrat eis 'EXlKqv TS Kai affTtpas 'ftptWos. Apoll. 3. 744. See also B. 574. EPITH. (2) EvpeTa, ay^idXds. EXtKo/3Xt0apo$, ov, 6 et //, adj. [cui palpebra3 sunt volubiles aut nigrae,] having black eye-brows. See in yXv/cfyie/Xtxos. , r), 6V, adj. [tortuosus,] curled, twisted, distorted. 'EXu-ros, evdvs trl . Phcen. 66l. SYN. Irpe-rrTos, ffTpeflXos, Z\i$. , wj/os, 6, P. N. [Helicon,] a mountain of Phocis, sacred to Apollo and the Muses. "Ay', 01 fiev 'EXtK&v, oife Ilapvaaov Trrv^as. Here. F. 240. EPITH. ZaOeos, evpv-^oposj v^rjXos, Botwros. 'EXt/cwftdS, MV, at. See Movcrat. Movo-aiv 0' 'EXiKwlabctv bw/nara. Here. F. :77. 'EXiKwvts, tSos, ^f, adj. [Hcliconia,] of Helicon. "ITTTTW eirt Kpavy. 'EXlKwribi KaXa peotay. Call. 5. 71- 'EXlKuwttis, 6, adj. an epithet of Neptune, who was so called from the worship paid to him at Helice. See 'EXto?. 'SXtntvWv a^tyl avaKra. Y. 404. 'EAfrfchrfr, l&os, ft, et tXt/cw^/, WTTOS, o et >;, adj. [cui oculi sunt nigri vel rotundi, vel mobiles,] black-eyed, full-eyed. ITptV y' eiTrd ?rarpt (j)lXy bofjilvat eXi^irlbd Kovpr)t>. A. 98. See also T. 190. SYN. 'EXU-o/3Xe0dpds. /w, v. [quiesco, cesso,] to stop, to delay, to rest. 'H$ /u// ptyyts eXtrpoxot. Sept. Theb. 1 89 ov, 6, subst. [aurelia, flos agrestis aurei colons,] helichryse, sup- posed to be the same with the English orpiment. Ktvads IXi^vay KtKoria- Ijevos' & be mr' UVTOV. Theocr. 1 . 30. 'EXKatvw, f. dfw, v. [exulceratus s. ulcerosus sum,] to be full of sores, to fester. Tw Trpvadev ekKaivovTl, KOI bebrjypeva. Clioeph. 830. ^XfcefftTreTrXos, ov, 6 et rj, et eX^x* rwv w ^ $ " ad J- [ vesle Ion 8 a i"dutus,] long- robed. At^oyuai Tpwas *cat TpwdSds eXutaiTrcirXovs. Z. 442. See also y. 685. 'EXfcew, vicl."Xfcw. 'EX/c7?Se>/, adv. [tractim, trahendo, luctando,] by dragging or wrestling. Uv* Tf K-oi e\KT)b6v' rot 6' wfctfTToSas Xdyoj ^fpoi/'. Hes. Scut. 302. *EXo70yuos, ov, 6, subst. [tractio, vis,] a dragging away, abduction, force. FFp/v y' trt aijs re fiofjs aov & eXicrjdfJold TrvdeffQai. Z. 465. arts, TO, subst. [praeda,] a thing dragged, a prey. T, aypa. 'EXkonoitis, ov, o et r/, adj. [vulnificus,] wound-causing. Ovb' eXfco;rotd yiyvtrai ra , f. VJTW, 'EXfc-ew, f. T7oi^vXds axel. b. TIW eXXt/3opoj/. Vesp. 1489. 'EXXedvo$, oD, o, subst. [vinculum,] a sheaf-band. See 'A^aXXocr??p. SYN. Aeiryuos, a^olvloV) ^etryuw^d, dXv/, P. N. [Helle,] the sister of Phrixus and daughter of Athamas arid Nephele. M^di/cus e/''EXX^s 7rop0/^ov, &OT ex etv nopov. Pers. 728. "EXXr/v, T^VOS, 6, et eXX/yvts, tSds, ^, P. N. [civis civitatis, vel incola regionis quae 'EXXds appellata,] Grecian, a Grecian. Td /3ap/3dpov ytvotr av"EXXr}atv lXot>. Hec. 1183. See also Helen. 56 1. 'EXXiyrta, usur.^atur ab Euripide eodem more quo 'EXXds, nunc (1) adjective, mine (2) substantive. 'En-ei TOV 'EXXa^ms. Hipp. 1120. f EXX7?j'u-os, ?), ov, P. N. [Graecus,-] Grecian. 'EXXrjrlKov vofjuapa Ovarabos fiofis. Sept. Theb. 255. SYN/'EXX^r, 'EXX^uos, 5 A X atos. , adv. [more Graeco,] after the Greek fashion. Tis eariv f] veavis ; i^ws. Iph. T. 6'6'0. ts, ibos, ?/, vid."EXX^j^. , ov, o, subst. [inter Graios arbiter,] lie who presided over the Olympic games, a Grecian umpire. 'Arpt^/ys 'EXXai'oo:as yXe^dpwy. Olymp. 3.21. x 'EXX^TrojTos, ov, 6, P. N. [Hellespontus,] the Hellespont, the strait which separates the Thracian Chersonese from Asia, so called from Helle. /rat. O. 233. EPITH. 'Ayoppoos, IxOvoeis, TrXarvs, evpvs, dyre/pwi', S/r^ Troptyvpwv. PHR. Hop0^ds 'AOajJiavTibos"EXXrj&. 'EXXoTrteuw, v. [piscor,] to fish. Oa/i/s fcer yviwv vlv OGOV aQevos eXXowlevwr. Theocr. 1. 42. SYN. 'AXtei/w, ypi7ret/w, tx^dw. 'EXXos, ov, o, et "EXXds, ), di^, (l) subst. (Q) adj. [(1) hinnulus, (2) mutus,] (l)a fawn, (2) mute. 'E>' Trporepotai Ttobeaal KVWV t\e Troi/aXdy eXXov. r. 228. SYN. (1) N 7 e/3pos, eXd^os, Kt/^ds, (2) dpon'os. , ov, o et r/, adj. et subst. [cervorum interfector,] a stag-killer. 'EX- , tvaKonov ?^s Trort Mvyabas, ws Xoyos. Phcen. 407. See 5. 314. EP1TH. y v^pa ) /, aAo- yos, TTTTJVJ}^ afUKpa, a\\r)KTos, yAi/*:e7a f Gapo-aXta, ?/e7a, Kovr), Kvbliivetpii, /Lta- \l/ibla, TroAvTrXayKTos, XeTTTi}, Kevf), atrXrjaTds. PHR. 'EXTrtSos ^tXov Opaoos, vedv eXTrtSa;^ ^aiivov re\os, Banrxe/as fv'a/X^y tarpds. XTTw, v. [in spem adduce,] to raise the hopes, cwrf tw ^Ae mtW. voice to hope. TTujras yuei' |t>' eX?rei >cat vnia^eTat at'bpieKaffry. ft. ^l. X7rwpj7, ^s, 77, vid. 'EX?rts. Xuyua, dros, ro, subst. [dentale, buris,] the tail or handle of a plough. Evr' d^ 'AQrjvaiijs bfjiwos ef eXvpari Trifias. 5. 1/p. Xvrpov, ov y ro, subst. [involucrum, integumentum,] a wrapper, a covering. cpe, rov bopdros atyeXKvffWfjiat TOvXurpov. Acliarn. 1120. SYN. EiAv/ia, <:d- ', et eXwpor, oy, ro, subst. [captura, prasda,] a thing taken, spoil, prey. KaXXnres 'Apyeioiffiv eXwp KO.I KvpfAa. ytreoOat. P. 151. See also A. 4. and ^Esch. Suppl. 807. SYN.^Aypd, aypevpa, fy>7rdy>), lAci^/iu, Boivij, "EXw, inusit. vid. A/pe&i. "EXwpos, ov, 6, P. N. [Helorus,] a river of Sicily near the promontory of Pachy- n us. 'A/*-0' d/cra/s 'EXwpov. Nem. 9. 95. 'Ejuavrov, rjs, ov, pronom. [meiipsius,] of me myself. Td TTIOT eyuaurw TOV 6pa- (TOVS irapQojjiai. Phoen. 275. 'E^/)d5/, subst. [calceus, solea,] a shoe, a buskin. Td 6' efjfiabia ; b. Kat ravrd > irar yatav eKaaros. O. 505. ExP. Tlefj fiaii'h). 'Eufiaivu, f. (, v. [ingredior, conscendo,] to go upon, to embark. To7 6' eyw eju/3a/vo>/, ^opi) ^aXfCfo^ e wretXijs. K. 164. SYN. EtVep^fy""* i/Tro/Sa/rw, ava(3aiv(i>, eirifictivw, tTrep^opai. 'E^/3aXXw, f. dXw, v. [immitto, injicio,] to cast or throw into, to dash into, -to inspire. Eis op/jad' avrou betvfiv epfiuXXet fyovtiv. Pho3n. 59 SYN. 'ETT* eyU/3aAXw, et, TrpoafluXXw, evrt^/ut. v. [intingo, immergo,] to clip in. 'E^e/Ba^ti/ ts ro*' :i;po' avrfis rw . Nub. 150. SYN. KdrdSi/i'W, fcdrd/3a7rr&;. , d5os, >/, vid. 'Eyu/Jd^or. vw, v. [regno, impero, gtiberno,] to reign amongst, to govern. Tj;^ ' a^drlprjffl 7rdTt)p E/JOS efjtpaalXeviv. o. 412. SYN. Sec BdatAeuw and"Apxw. E^/3d, evuOpeM, ere/paw 'E/u/3oX>), 775, /, subst. [impactio, sc. rostri navis,] the striking or attack of a ship in battle. I'lpovreive rei^x 1 ?* K&ftikA&trtr' epfioXas. Androm. 1131. SYN. , ov, TO, et fyi/3tf\os, ou, o, subst. [( I) rostrum navis ; (2) vectis,] the beak of a ship; a bolt or bar. XaXro&ru r* fyi/3oAci. Fhoen. 113. SYN. (2)MoxXs. ("E/u/SoXov is also the name of a district in Lycia. Olymp. 7- 33.) "E///3pdxi>, adv. [summatim,] summarily, at once, in short. Flow 5' o^x* blafic- 'j OTTOV Trtjt) e/.i/3pdxi>- Thesitt. 390. SYN. Si/iroyuws, oXws, aTrXws, mOctTra^. t, v. [infremo,] to roar, to thunder against. 'Jorrt^ e/^/vpe/ifrof rpo- l be re (f>ptva vavrai. O. 627- SYN. 'HLfifiptpaoftai. , eos, o et?/, adj. [onerosus,] ponderous, weighty, heavy. Tt 6' eort vtowov e^pides KaKov ; Pers. 699. SY N. 'Eirfflpidfjs. v. [fremo, ferocio,] to storm, to rage, to snort at furiously. b' kv afJiirVKTTJpalv e^/3pt/zo>^^a$. Sept. Theb. 457- SYN. 'E/ , ov, o et ^, adj. [attonitus, amens,] thunder-struck, astonished, mad. IIav<7atvr' a^ eicrfyepoi'Tts, w '^u/5porrjre rri). Eccl. 788. SYN. ^ >, oi/, ro, subst. [infans recens natus,] the young, a suckling. Hi irXolalv epfipuois. Eumen. 948. SYN. Neoyoyos. 'E/it/3vw, v. [obturo, obstruo,] to stuff, to stop up. 'Ev{3v paKlotat Ttoffafjitv. Vesp. 128. SYN. BUM, TrXrjpoM, KdXuTrrw. 'E/z/idvj)s, <5s, o etr/, adj. [furibundus,] maddened, infuriated. MVMTT/L travel ffKiprrtfjiart. P. V. 696. SYN. Md?tb>i}$, cnrodvfjids, opylXos. 'E/z/ud7Tws, adv. [prompte, dicto citius,] instantly, at the moment. vvas* (ft b' dp' epfjicnrews viraKovatv.} . 485. SYN. Ey0ws, rdx^ws, erTrovScu'ws. 'E/i/udorflro/uat, v. [cum vi et impetu immitto, injicio, impingo. Vid. Ernest, in 1. c.] to drive, to force into or against. SxeT-Xtot, ols Tvvrj \a\t7rfit' ep/na^cu opyfjv. Call. 3. 124. SYN. 'E/7/3aXXto, Trpoo'/narro'w, ti'tpeibw. 'E/z/ifXetd, as, >/, subst. [modulatio,] harmony, symmetry. 'E///ufXetdr, eiri TS batav obdv. Ran. 895. 'E/^X/s, Ids, o et //, adj. [(1) canorus, (2) aptus, con- cinnus,] tuneful, fitted, correct. A^r' eiaereyicoi' TTO\V yap fj.fjLf.\eaTf.^6v. Eccles. 802. SYN.^AK'pt/Svs, rlXetos, KO^OS, 6vs, et eyu//-ws, adv. [constanter, alacriter,] steadfastly, resolutely. *Ai//d- /uevot e:drep0, rd S^ -rpe^el experts nlev. i. 3&6. See also Hes. Theog. 712. 'Efj-pevw, v. [permaneo, maneo in,] to remain, to stay in, to be firm. irpoeliras,,tveiv y fca0'fyupas. QE. R. 351. SYN.'E7rfyi>w,, 7ru 7vds, oy, o et ^, adj. [menstruus,] monthly. Qto'ialv e/u//^i/' ?pd ro7$ ?. Soph. Electr. 281. f, et efjifjiiyvvu), f. /|o>, v. [immisceo,] to mix in, to engage. Avropicet ' poa. CE. C. 1057* SYN. 'Avd^t/yru/xt. f, 1 ov, o et ^/, adj. [inhaerens,] adhering to. Aw/ud. Call. Ep. 52. See also A. ^ 5()2._et Aj. Fl. 122. SYN/O^ws, irdvTus, aXX' ovv. 'EfAirdZopai, v. [rationem habeo, euro,] to set one's mind upon, to heed. Ovre 007rpoVt/7S kfnraZopai, rjvrua olba. ft. 50. SYN. 'Eirurrpeydfjiai, ftrfyigAed/mc, cvr PETTO pat, /u/ySoyuat, 0povr/Cw. 'E/*7rcucw, f. ^uai et ovfjai, v. [illudo,] to make a sport of, to sport with. '-ei Oeos 'Afyoblra. Anlig. 799- SYN. n/oojTTra/^w, t7rrx\euacw, 7rt- , biacrvpw, v/Sp/Cw, e^aTrardw, /, adj. [(l) peritus, expertus, (2) incidens,] skilled, expe- rienced, urgent. "EyuTraio^, ove /3a/s, aXX' ai/rws a^fios upovprjs. v. 379. SYN. "EyUTretjOos, t5ws, eTTitrrrjfJiwt', a'/juwv, Trpoo-Tratos, barjpwv. 'E/z7ra/w, 7rcw/<7w, v. [incudo, imprimo, (sc. percussu,)] to strike upon, to be suggested. Kei/0u$ raXaiv' ws elcJoV epiraiet TI pot. Soph. Electr. 902. SYN. ' E/i7raXtr, adv. [(1) contra, e diverso, (2) retro,] in return, back, the contrary way. KpvTTTovra \eipa Kai Ttpbauirov e^-naXlv. Hec. 343. SYN."Ai//, els , 07TLff(t), 'E^Trao-aw, d/, adj. [firmum robur habens,] lastingly firm or vigorous. -fftievea fiiordv appoffais. Nem. 7. 144. SYN. 'Ayaer0n)s, fiefiaws. , v. [stabilio, firmo,] to render firm, to confirm. Toy b' opKdv, ov ebtoao/jiev. Iph. T. 791- SYN. BE/SCUOW, ffTTjpita, TTIOTOW. , adv. [(1) firme, (2) certo,] firmly, decidedly. 'EyuTrtSws eiptyffcVcu. Trach. 487. SYN. 'AXriO&s, oJcpi/3w, fofiaiias. Efjiireipla, as, rj, subst. [peritia, experientia,] skill, experience. 'ErEorXees, ?rap- ecrrt, aXX' jftiretpia. Phcen. 539. SYN. AiaTrerpd. Efj.7re.ipds, et e/i7rpd^os, oi/, <; et ?/, adj. [peritus,] skilled, acquainted with, wise. "Efjiireipos, aXXd rovirttvT&s apnacai. QL. C. 752. See Call. 1. 71. SYN. See "EjUTrafos and Adr/yuwv. E^iTre/pw, TTfpdi, v. [iufigo,] to pierce, to fix on a spit, to impale. "AbtarSy t av rov obeXov epireTrappevdv. Acharn. 796- SYN. 'Ai/dTre/pw, ^tdTre/pw, ava- dSov, adv. [prope, juxta,] near. 'Early /i7rXd8oy Trdpd^at^/ifv aXX' eai. Hes. Op. 732. SYN. See 'Eyyws. 'E^Xd^w, f. d ep7T\a(rQf]vai Trore. Trach. 17- SYN. IlfXacw, 7rpotreyy/5w, , .. , adv. [perite,] skilfully. 'AvTtpts, t/xTrtpd^ws erpi^aro Xetrd Xd- fiotffa. Call. 5. 25. , dros, ro, subst. [vestis fibulis conoexa,] a robe or upper garment 284 EMOH EMFIO with clasps. Ylpafyvda, paXa rot TO mraTrr^x" epirHptivafJia. Theocr. 15. 34. SYN. AtTrXots. f. rjfa, v. [infigo,] to stick into, to fix in. Ady^*/ ris bi' ocrrtwv obvprfi. Acharri. 1226. SYN. 'E/uTre/pw, cVtfpe/cW, Kar f. Trpfiva), et eyuTrnrpTj^tu, v. [incendo,] to set on fire. rus di)pas t KO.I -($ KciTrt'y irlezeiv. Lysistr. 311. SYN. See 'E)U7rp//f3w. Vw, f. eyuTrtfytai, v. [imbibo,] to drink in, to swallow, to imbibe. 'E/*7rtetj> eyuo/ y' apetricet, rov Qtov bpwvTOS KaX&s. Pax 1143. SYN. Kdra7r/vw, etffSe- f. 7r\77. Ipb. A. 443. SYN. EiCTTrtTrrw, TrpocrTTiTrrw, 7rt7r/7rrw, eTTirvy^d^w, ey/ci/pw, elafiaXXu), eyyt'c?w. ?$, t5os, ?/, snbst. [culicis genus,] a bloodsucker, a gnat. Tas Aves 244. SYN. , et e^ivrXffv'w, v. [implico, involvo,] to entangle^ to enfold, to entwine. AVTOS ' o rXr/juwi/, fiviatffiv l^7rXd. b. Tavw juei^ eywye. Trach. 1022. See also v. 26. r. 580. and Apoll. 3. 119- SYN. Mearos, yeptov, TrXtos. 'E/i7rXr/0w, et etfir\i]6ii), v. [impleo, exsaturo,] to fill up, to glut, to satiate. ^apKwv dorewv 2 " T efnrXrjrrdw. Hec. 1055. SYN. 'AvairXr'iOu), efj.mTr\r)^i } (waTti* i, ytjttw, Kopevvvfjil, yt^ut'^w. jK:rds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [attonitus,] astounded, infatuated. "Eju7rXr?/cros ws Tos, aXXor aXXoae. Troad. 1596. SYN."EC7rX^fC70s, TrdpaTrX^, avaiaOrj- TOS, Kov(f)os, a^pwr, ficuvo^Let'ds* , praep. et adv. [prope,] near, close to. Botwrwj/ 6' e/j.7?Xr)v CTT' dptcrrtpd . B. 526. SYN. 'E/^7rXd6oj>, TrX^aioi', eyyvs, e'jUTrrjs, TrX^v. w, et poet. e/i7rve/w, f. euo-w, v. [inspiro,] to inhale, to breathe upon. Kdr' ovpov wffTrep Iffrtois e/^Trvevaoyuot. Androm. 553. SYN. 'ETrn , oi/, 6 et ?/, adj. [(1) spirans, (2) vivus,] breathing, alive. *Os 5' ^y er' , Trpos Ku.aiyvi\rr]v ibwv. Phcen. 1456. SYN. (2) "E/4i//v^os, $u>os. 'Efjt7robiiXoKrriT\ ejjurubiZovTai dapa. Philoct. 43?. SYN. KwXvw, os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui est impediment,] entangling the feet, in the way. 'AXX' el TOVT' e/jnTobiuv aoi. Lysistr. 531. 'E^TroSwv, adv. [(I) ante pedes, in promptu, (2) impedimento,] in the way of the feet, before. KO.KOV be TTO'IOV e^Trvbwv rvpavvlbos. CE. R. 127- SYN. ridpd TTobas, ejjnrobiot'. J E/u7roio, v. [insero, immitto,] to make in, to insert, to produce. 'E> 5' av- Tdltjl TruXas evf.Truif.ov ev apapvias. H. 438. SYN. 'EvepyacJfymt, evTidrjpi, efj.- /3aXXu>, vrpdrrw, Trotlw. *EfjnroXa.~ios, a, ov, adj. [(l) negotiator, (2) cpith.- Merc.] belonging to trade, venal. 'AXX' ejuTroXalov. b. 'AXXd TrXovrov^v rt ovv ; Plut. 1155. SYN. 'Ayopaios, efj.7ropos. *JE/i7roXdw, et e/i7rdXw, v. [emo, vendo, negotior,] to buy and sell, to traffic. 'Ev VTjt" y\a(j)vpr) fiiorov iroXvv e^TroXoMVTu. o. 455. See also Pax 562. SYN. 'ATT/U- TroXdw, e^/Z7roXda>, dyopd^w, 7rpid//at, wvtupai, TrwXfw, Kepbaivit), KaTpyad', 'E/i7roX^, ?7s, et tyu7rdXi;)ud, dros, ro, subst. [(1) merces, (2) lucrum,] an article of 1 Dr. Blomfield, Gloss. Pers. 815. doubts, and properly, whether the first /u in Tn/iTrprj/u and TtfwrArj/Lu is not the addition of later writers. 9 *0)7rrpw n-po- Set/cvvs, yaiav epTropevtrtrat. CE. R. 455. SYN. Hopevo/Jtat. 'E/zTropevreos, a, ov t adj. verb, a praeced. [eundus,] must go. T fl Qi>p, tivev (TKavbtKos efjiTropevred. Aeharn. 480. 'E^Tropla, as, fa subst. [mercatura,] merchandize, traffic, commerce. FIpo's r' e/HTTuplav, Kal trpos filorov KTfjaiv Kal Trpos yajjiov civbpts. Aves 718. SYN, , T), o)', adj. [mercatorius,] commercial. OI' e^ei aTff.iaayif.v6s ara StejUTrdX^v. Acharn. 973. ov, 6 et >/, adj. et subst. [mercator, vector, viator,] a merchant, a tra- veller. KaKijv ap' avrriv e^iropov fliov Xeyets. Hipp. 968. SYN. 'dboiirdpds, PHR. "Os 0' cfyia vrjl ira\VK\r)'ibi Qap.i$.ii)v y fpX^ s vavraMr, O'ITE TrprjKTtjpes prov T fJivrjiJ.(i)v^ KOI tiriaKoiros i]aiv oScu'wr, nepbewv 6 ' dpTrdXf a)v. 0. l6l. , 7]s, ft, subst. [Empusa spectrum,] a hobgoblin, a spectre. 'A\\' o vopos e\Kt a\ b. OVK ejue y', aXVEyuTroi/ffd rts. Eccles. 1056. SYN. Moppo- \vKe~iov, ^uopjuw, fjtoppwv, tyavTaana. EpTTpaKrus, ov, 6 et i], adj. [efficax,] efficacious. ZTrevSe* rar 6' epirpaKTov avrXet pa-^avav. Pyth. 3. 109. yuTrpcTTw, v. [praestans et conspicuus sum inter,] to shine or be distinguished amongst. 'Opwv ae TroXXots ef-urpeirovaay aXyeeri. Soph. Electr. 1193. SYN. et mr|OJ70w, f. crw. v. [incendo,] to set on fire, to burn. fjnrpijfftZi' av rti vewplov. Acharn. 918. See M. 198. SYN. ' , d^aKa/w, 7rpr/0w, ejunrvpevb). Dor. pro epTrpoffdZv, adv. [antea,] before. "Efjnrpodef MevaXKas. Theocr. 9. 7. 1 See Vesp. 866. SYN. See ), f. do-w, v. [intego,] to cover over, to wrap up, to veil. TO ye flrw/id, voos 6f 01 e/iTTCTrv/caarat. Mosch. 1.15. SYN. 'EyKctXvTrrw, , . ov, 6 et //, adj. [in quo pus est,] ulcerated, virulent. Hpos rovs pev ovv T epirvov fiaalv. Philoct. 1378. , v. [inflammo,] to kindle into a flame, to inflame, to set on fire. Pax 1137. SYN. , ov, 6, adj. [qui supra iguem graditur,] going or placed upon the fire. Tw pev viKrjffavri peyav rptTroS' e/uTrvpi/^/rijv. X K. 702. "Epirvpos^ ov t o et //, adj. [(1) qui igni adrnovetur, qui crematur, (2) e/iTrupa, ra, sacrificia igne accendenda vel accensa. Vid. Soph. Electr. 407.] on fire. burning, obtained by fire. Tvju/3ov Vi Kp^'ifr epirvp^ovs T opOoaruras. Helen. 546. SYN. AmTrvpos, Trvpoeis, Oepfjids, (2) OvpitTa, itpeia, OvpiapaTa. 'EnQat'rjs, eds, o et >/, adj. [manifestus, evidens,] manifest, evident, clear, m sight. T fl VVKTOS otys iptyavris (.win-lav. Pers. 524. SYN. $Kbr)\ds, tyavepos, tvapyr)s, aatyrjs. 'Eptpeis av pot. CE. C. 989- SYN. 'ETr Efji<[>oj3os, ov, o et /?, adj. [formidoiosus,] (1) alarmed, terrified, (2) terrible, awful. "AdiKToSf 01/6' oiKrjros' at yap 6ju0o/3ot. CE. C. 39 SYN. Ylepfyofios, tow, v. [capistrum injicro,] to place a mouth-piece, (such as is used by a pip*3r to prevent the excoriation of the lips), to prepare for piping. OUTTW KopaK eibuv epTretyopfiiwpevoi'. Aves 862. E/u0opw, v. [(1) importo, (2) infercio,] to convey into* to carry on, to fill. Kv- paalv efifyopEOVTO' Oeos & airoaivvTo vuaruv. p. 419 SYN. 'Eyu^>tpw, el 6Vo$, 6 et r/, adj. [mentis compos,] endued with or restored to reason. bwcpVi' Trore bt befjvicjv ctTro. Orest. 44. SYN."Ewoi's, (hpovlfJioSy bai- eos, et ejjtyvrds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [innatus, nativus,] implanted, natural, native. 'E/u0i)ts ovr aiQ dXwTr^. Olymp. 11. 20. SYN. 'E/^us, >, et eyu0vXos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [tribulis, intestinus, civilis,] of the same tribe, intestine, native. 'E^vKiov re KCU Trpos dXX?/Xovs Qpaavv. Eumen. 866. See also Ion 1581. SYN.'OyuopvXos, brj/ndTrjs, eyuTroXts, tnlb^Ws. Ejj(f)vaa(t), v. [inflo,] to breathe into. AvX^rprs cVf^vo-jjc-eV ol bt avfnrorai. Vesp. 1219- SYN. 'Avd^vo-dw. E/jt(f)v(i>, f. V/, adj. [(1) animatus, (2) vehemeiis,] living, animated. *H vvv EKeivovs anobos C/JL^V^OVS TrdXtv. Helen. 971- E>, praep. cum dat. [in, inter,] in, into, amongst, through, by, with. 'Ev rr/6', cXav^etv, /U7/6' avtiKearov Tpe Evayij , vid. "EvdXos. 'Ej/aXXo, adv. [mutuo, vicissim,] alternately, by turns. Ov6' ityrtyciyeli', ov&e riK^e?*'"' ov' tersely rw TTO' cvaXXdg. Nub. 983. SvN. 'Apotfiabls, apotfiabdv, af.ioifir)b?s, afjLOiflrjbrjr, tvapoifiabls. 'EmXXdo-o-w, f. w, v. [permuto, vario,] to change, to alter. Avrd r eVaXXd- a Androm. 1027. SYN. OdpaXXdrrw, /ieraXXdrrw, bi 'EvdXXo/uai, f. aXov/iat, v. [insilio,] to leap upon, to bounce. noSoTv t>//Xw Trarrt Flepo-t^ yei'ei. Pers. 5'2'2. SYN. 'E^dXXfymt, eTrtTr/ycViw, /tXXd/ucu. "EvaXXos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [contrarius,] changed, contrary. Havm 6' eraXXa yevoiro, feat a TTITVS a^'as evelKcii. Theoc. 1. 134. SYN. 'E^a^r/os, d , oy, o et /y, cmXtos, et etVaXios, a, o^, adj. [maritirnus,] living in the sea, marine. Swcroyre 'vzuv Trpwpas ZvaXovs. Eur. Electr. 1344. See also Androm. 252. and Troad. 1085. SYN./AXtos, Trd/uaXtos, dy^tdXos. 'E^djueXyw, v. [immulgeo,] to milk into. VavXot re aKafy'ibes re reruy^/d, rols tvap.e\ylv. t. 223. SYN. 'AjueXyw. 'Evct/^ot/SaSts, adv. [alternis vicibvis, vicissim,] by iurns, alternately. Tdir 6' fviifjiotfiabis avToi evearaQev an^orepcoQer. Apoll. 1. 380. SYN. See 'EmXXa. Si/awa, et eyajTfws, adv. [contra,] in opposition to, against. /'Hrot juey ydp drTetSdwi'os dva/cros. T. 67 See also Eumen. 6-15. SYN. "Avrd, aTre^a^ri, dvm*pi)s, e/^Trpoo-Sfy, evavrifltov. , ou, 6 et >/, adj. [ad versus,] opposing, against. 'Fie SioTrrevTwv, ?) va.i>rt(3iov 7ro/\eju/<5a;v. K. 451. SYN. 'A^rt/Sios, di^rtTrdXos, eVctJTfos, vnevuv- rtos, ctVTiKeijuevds. iodfjiai, v. [adversor, repugno,] to be opposed to, to resist. 'ETrei TrpoQv- 'f OVK lva.vTl^) P. V. 811. SYN. 'Avrt^epojuat, avTiKaOlffrafjiait ay- , a, ov, adj. [adversus,] contrary, in front, opposed to. 'Aural t 7rpo/3X?/res eVavruu dXXr/X^o-tf. :. 89* SYN. See 'EvavTtfiWs. , vid. "Evavrd. , v. [ventrem exonero in,] to ease oneself in. 'EmTroTrdretv ydp e<7r' os TTCLVV. Pax 122/. , taw, v. [solvo alicubi,] to pay, to restore. Kat Tcaat KOIVIJV tvanori- aai \pfifjLcLTd. Aves 38. 'EydTro^uY^w, f. ^w, i. q. 'EmTroTrdrew. M^S' evaTro^v^ei^' TO ydp oi; rot t-ori. Hes. Op. 757. 'Ei/aTrrw, v. [(l)alligo, (2)incendo,] to fasten upon, to kindle. ' euas TrXavovs. Ion 1492. SYN. 'Aj/a7rrw, e0d7rrw, dvdfca/w, evbijopat. "Empd, wv, rd, subst, [spolia, arma interfectis detracta,] spoils taken from a slaughtered foe. M>/m vvvwapwv e7rt i (3aXXo/te*'os, /uero7rtir0e>/. Z. 68. SYN. SfcDXd, XcHpvpa. EPITH. Bporoevrd. 'E^apy^s, eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [evidens, manifestus,] in the light, visible, manifest. Ar/dvepos, bfjXos, aptbyXos, o-d^r/s. vapyws, adv. [(1) evidenter, (2) strenue,] distinctly, vigorously. KXyowtr' yws, wo-Trep dvopys e/xe. Soph.' Electr. 878. SYN. 'E/^avws, 'Ivap/5w, v. [(l)spblia detraho, (2) interficio,] to slay in battle, to strip, to plunder. OVK avros ?}j/dptces, dXXd viv yvvrj. Again. l634. SYN. 'E&vapiZM, /pw, cnroavXau, aKvXevu), apr)a, [nonus,] the ninth. See Etvdros. 'Ei/avX/c?w, f. leu, v. [diversor,] to dwell in. 2r6rr) ye v\\as, ws evavXi'5o>Tt TU>. Philoct. 33. SYN. '7ravX/5o//ot, av\i$ 9 eriavu), vavXo^lw, evouiiii>. EvavXos, ov, o et //, adj. et (2)6, subst. [(1) inhabitans, tibiis pcrsonans ; (2)stabulum, recessus ; fossa, torrens,] (1) dwelling in, ringing in, sounding; (2) a stall, fold, or retreat; a ditch, a torrent. Mdrrjp, wore \eovras evavXovs. Phoen. 1589- * SYN. (l)Iuvotcos, EVOLKOS, e^bpds ; (2) auX?), ffTreos, /wi>xos, ^iwpi/xi?. EPTTH. (2)Aev5(UoK-o^os, avyxp9 r <>s, awards. E^Sats, aiSos, >/, adj. [taedam habens,] with torches, nightly. STro^Sat S' es TO TTO.V evbaibes CHKUV. Eumen. 1047- ExP. Mera \af.nrab(t)t>. 'Ev6a/cvw, f. Sj/KVVfu, crr]fj.aiv(i), ev-eXeu). , adj. indecl. [undecim,] eleven. 'AXXd TTOU ev ' A.VKUOVOS a bl(f>poi. E. 193. , v, adj. [undecim cubitorum,] eleven cubits long. "Ey^os erf ev- dpoifle ^ XaftTreTo bovpos. 0. 494. 'EvSeKctra7os, , 01^, adj. [qui undecimum diem agit,] for eleven days. 'AX/Y lyw, w M/Xwv, epcifjiai vxebov evbeKCLTalos. Theocr. 10. 12. 'Evf/cdros, T/, o^, adj. [undecimus,] the eleventh. OiVou ?/Sv7rdroio, rdv ej/5f- fcdrw tviavrw. y. 39 ! 'Ev^too^at/v. [dextra manu prehendo vel amplectorj to take hold with the right-hand, to receive, to embrace. 'Evbetyovaduj flu^df ws aurriplav. Iph. A. 1472. SYN. Aero/, adj. [popularis,] of the same country. MyioQfa eiirtp olbiv $vbr)[ios Trdpwv ; Choeph. 56*2. 'EvSmao-Kw, v. [dormio in meridie, sub dio dego,] to rest during noon, to live in the open air. "Ev6d 5' dv^p virepOTrXos evrjpevos htidafftiv. Theocr. 22. 41. 'EvbtaOpvTrrw, v. [per delicias illudo,] to scorn, to sport with insultingly. A*rel* Kal bwaui ot 9 eTret TV pot evbldSpvirrrj. Theocr. 3. 36. s *Evbiarpi(3b), f. i//w, v. [lempus tero in,] to remain in. To~is ap\aiois evbi TOVT ead\ o paXtcrrd bZbotKti. Eccles. 586'. SYN. 'Ev^myw, 6mrp//3w, f. wffw, v. [(i) in maims trado, (2)cedo, remitto,] to give, to allow, to yield, to relax. Et yap e^wjut, TrdjOe^w, C'IKW, avt^jui. v. [sector ; conor abigere,] to drive, to chase away. Ai/rws e KVVO.S 6rpvvoi>Tes. Z. 584. SYN. See Aa/^t. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [Justus, verus,] just, true. Ov TTOIKI\WV bel naTWv. Pho?n. 480. SYN. Afrcufc, evrteio/s, evvofws. adv. [juste, jure,] justly, with justice. Na), 7ra7, ^tSwjcacr' ovrot rdSe. Philoct. 372. SYN. Atca/ws, K'dXais, et/corws, d^tws, dX^0a)s. Ei'Sti'd, wv, ra, subst. [intestina,] the intestines, bowels. ^Vavay b' ia T evrea, Kal jueXdr al//d. ^ r . 806. SYN/Ey^drd. v. [instar turbinis circumago,] to turn, to whirl about. t, f:at as erv/^' e^Strevrrt. Theocr. 15. 82. SYN. See Aivew. , 1 ov, 6 et /, adj. [(1) meridianus, (2) sub divo,] (1) at mid-day, (2) in the open air. "Evbioi U'o/ieo-0' tspbv p86v 'AX^etoTo. A. 725. SYN. Mevrifjifiptvos, viraldpids, \a/ji7rpos, "ErboOev, evbddt, evtov, evo7, adv. [ex interiore loco, iutus,] within, at home, on the inside. Zirjvos TTOV roiribe y 'OXvjUTrtov evbodev av\fj. b. 74. See also A. 243. K. 378. and Theocr. 15. 77. SYN. 'Error, errw, cicrw. ^Erbojj.dxnSf ov, 6, adj. [domi pugnans,] fighting only at home, or on his own dunghill. ^Erbofjaxas dr' dXeKrup. Olymp. 12. 20. 'Evbopvxds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [abditus,] concealed, sheltered. Kpar' TrXrjyrjai VOTOV. Philoct. 1457. "Evbo&s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [nobilis, gloriosus,] noble, illustrious. "Evoos Ka lov. Theog. 194. SYN. 'AyaK\vros. 'Ev^ovTrew, v. [insono,] to resound. "AvrX^j 5' evbovTrrjoZ Triffovd, us eivaXfq MJ. o. 478. SYN. Aoi/Trew, tTrticrvTrcw. 'Erbpoptbes, wj/, ai, subst. [caliga? venatoribus usitatac,] sandals or boots used in hunting. AiV fyuoi re Kal innrure pr}KeTt XvyKas. Call. 3. l6. SYN. "Evbpdvds, ov, o et f/, adj. [roscidus, humidus,] dewy, exposed to the night damp. Evr' av be rvKTtirXayKrdv evbpoffov r' X W> Agam. 12. "Evbpvdv, ov, ro, subst. [paxillus qui temoni inest,] a wooden nail or peg which goes through the temo. "Evbpvov \KOVTUV ^latt^tav. Hes. Op. 467- SYN. "EXv^d, dporpov. 'Ep&fccuK, et tvbvKes, adv. [sedulo, humaniter,] zealously, carefully, \r\ kindly. ' 'Erptye T tv5i)fcew$, Kal oov Qipairovr ordpyvev. "SK. 9p. See aix Apoll. 1. 883. SYN. 'ETrfyteXois, ffnovbaiws, a&ws, ffrdrift**, QlXofpdvws. "Evbvpa, dros, ro, subst. [indumentum,] clothing, raiment. "Evbti Here. F. 443. SYN. 'Err^)s, Iparlov, j(Xa1t>d. 'Erbvjjiiwv, wvos, 6, P. N. [Endymion.] 'Evov^iiwr. 5aXwSe, ^>tXa yOvat, 'I Theocr. 3. 50. 'ErSih'affrevw, v. [in ditione habeo,] to rule in or among. "Opus V fvbvvatTTevaa.s e-yw. Pers. 6^3. SYN. Avvaarevu, apyu- 1 The penult, of tvtios is long in Homer, and common in the otlir poets. Pro*. Lev. 2 O 290 ENAY ENEX >, et evbvw, v. [induo,] to put on. "E^cro o' op0w0eva. B. 42. See also w. 495. and E. 736. SYN. See Avvw. ?w, v. [infelix et miser sum,] to be unfortunate in. 'EvSvorvx^a* beivdy evQpovrjs Kvfyas. Phoen. 739- SYN. See Avcri/x^- 'EvSvrjfp, 7/pos, 6, adj. [quo quis indui potest,] investing, infolding. T ft t ydp TOV evbvrripa TreirXov dprtws. Trach. 676. "Evbvros, ov, 6 et i], adj. [indutus,] put on. QoivtKdfiaTrrois evbvrots eadfjfiaai. Eumen. 1026. "Evebpds, ov, 6, subst. [inquilinus, incola,] an inhabitant. "Evebpos valet. Philoct. 154. SYN."EvavXos, ZVOIKOS. 'Evetfo/mt, v. [insideo,] to sit in, to occupy. 'AXA' dye, Hepo-at, rob' eveZoutvot. Pers. 140. See 'Eym0<^6>at. 'Evet'Sw, (inus.) a. 2. eveibov, \. [animadverto,] to view, to observe, to notice. "ATropd TCVKLVO'IS tvibew TraQr). Philoct. 854. SYN. 'E/u/3X7rw, ej/opdw, etVopdw. "Eveijut, v. [insum,] to be in, to exist. "Evecrrt 6' otKros, e>i 6e Kat 6vf*os f^eyas. Orest. 694. SYN. npotretp, VTrdp^w. "Evera, Ion. et Ep. tveicev, poet, et Att. etveKa et ovreKa, pra?p. cum gen. [pro- pter, causa,] on account of, for the sake of. . 7 As eVeic', <5 Tpota, 5opt feat irvpt '. Androm. 105. See also Med. 995. Androm. 408. et Iph. A. 102. , adj. indecl. [nonaginta,] ninety. Tw 6' tvevyKovra o. B. 602. 'Ei'o<7rdffta, as, ^, subst. [stupor,] astonishment. *fts 77i/Sa* Kv?rptv b' t Xd/3e /^u0w>'. Apoll. 3. 76. Cf. Rulmken. Ep. Crit. 2. p. 212. , et ej'vcTrw, v. [dico, cano,] to speak, to say, to describe, to sing. Tt ; r) Xoywv TroXeos eveTre /uot. Heracl. 96. (Double dochm.) SYN. Eliroj>, Xcyw, ciTrayyeXXw. w, v. [operor, ago,] to work in, to work. Kat wort T^ /uaVSpa cdreXa/z- /, d/^os evypyei. Theocr. 4. 6l. SYN. 'ATrepyd^oyuat. bb), f. aw, v. [(l) impitigo, (2) infigo,] to drive or fix in. J O00aX^uw evt- peio-dV eyw S' tyvirepQev aepOeis. t. 383. SYN. 'EjuTrjjyvv/u, eTrepet'Sw, e/i/3aXXw, v. cum ace. [ructo in,] to belch upon. Tvpov K&KUFTOV dprtws erfipv- yev. Vesp. 913. SYN. 'Afepeuyw. 'E^epfie, et evepOtv, adv. [subtus, inferne, infra,] below, from below. ToX/ua b\ ov yap avaeis TTOT ZvepQev. Alcest. 1007. See also N. 75. SYN. Nep0e, vepdev, viTEvepQf., Kanadev. "Evepoi, UP, ol, et (2) compar. ei'eprlpos, a, ov, ab inusit. evtpos, adj. [inferi, mortui, manes,] those below, the dead, the manes. Tijuds evepotv en Alcest. 30. See also E. 898. SYN. (l)Neffpot, ot vwd yrjv, ol veprepoi, ..(2) wv, oi, P. N. [gens Paphlagoniae,] the Heneti. TlwXovs 'Everas va. Hipp. 231. 'Ej'ln), rjs, r/, subst. [fibula,] a clasp, \pvffeirjs ' everycri Kara aTf/dos E. 180. SYN. ITepdi'17, TTOPTTT/. 'Evevbcj, v. [indormio,] to sleep in. Ovbe yap Evyudp^ rff beffTrdr^ fjs rot wevbev. ^Theocr. 5. 10. SYN. See 'Ey/cdOe^w. 'Evevvaios, ov, 6 et r], adj. [(1) qui ad lectum pertinet, (2) vestis stragula,] belonging to the bed, bed-clothes. Xjjret evevvat'wv icdfc' dpdvvtd Keirai evovcrd. TT. 34. t, v. [|>ignora capio, pignoribus cogo,] to take or give in pawn. i fyaaiv. b. 'Ereov, ciKorws ye, v) Aid. Plut. 1021. SYN. (2) Upootx^ ai a] ENZE EN0Y 201 et poet, ev&vyvvfjii, v. [innecto,] to yoke, to tie together. Tpeu, Kai vlv^ apOpd Kelros evgevfas iroboiv. CE. R. 718. See also Apoll. 1. 686. SYN. Zievyvvfjii, ffvvaTTTb). "Evrj efevr], et lvvr\, rjs, ij, adj. [tertia mensis dies,] the third day of a month. Jlpwrov evr) rerpas re Kat e/36o/*r), iepov ^udp. Hes. Op. 768. "Evrj Kat vct,[vetus et nova, ita scilicet ab Atticis dicebatur tricesima et ultima mensis dies apud Atticos, quod confiuium sit deficientis lunre, et renas- centis,] the last day of the month. Eudvs perd ravTrjv eW tvri TE Knl via. Nub. 1134. 'Evrjetd, as, 77, subst. [mansuetudo,] meekness, gentleness. NOv TIS evrjeirji Ua- jpOK\fjos betXo'io. P. 6'70. SYN. IT(Oaorr?s, dydvoQpdffvvrj. 'Evrjrjs, Z6s, o et fj f adj. [mitis,] mild, gentle. ToO btf era~ipov iiretyvls Kparepov re. P. 204. SYN. Ilpaos, 7rpocrr)vr}s t ayavotypuiv, ayavos, ifivs, j/, ra, subst. [(1) ligna, in qua3 defiguntur gradus scalae, (2) clavi rotam in axe continentes,] (1) the sides of a ladder, (2) the linch-pins. Els aKpd /3/]vai K\tfjiaK(t)v e^/yXdrd. Eur. Suppl. 740. 'Ev^yuat, v. [iusideo,] to sit in or on. Tt bfjTd OWKOIS ap-^iKols evrifj-evoi. Eur. fr. Philoct. 6. 1. "Ev0d, adv. [(1) hie, (2) illic, ubi,] here, there, where, npos rvpfidv, ?.vQd /3ov- Qvreiv fiaXXoy Trpeiret ; Hee. 26l. SYN. 'Ev0de, evddbi, evravQd, eK~iot, O7TOU. 'Ev0d, et Attice t>/0dSt, adv. [hie, hue,] here, hither. Qoify p Zire^av kv- 6d& aKpodivlov. Phoen. 289. SYN."Ei>0d, bevpo, avrove, (JSt/ecetae, etce'i. 'EvOaKtu, \. [insideo,] to sit on, to occupy. "Qrav dpovois AliyiaQov ei'OaKovvr tw. Soph. Electr. 267. SYN. See 'EyKdOeZdfjtat. 'E,t>ddKT)ffis, ews, >;, subst. [sedes,] a sitting, a seat, fldpearrtv eyQaicrjeis, ev depet 5' virvov. Philoct. 18. SYN.'ESpa, BWKOS. "Ei'0j/, evdevfe, adv. [hinc, illinc, unde,] from hence, from thence, from whence. "H0ataros, eV0e> eKpdyfoovrai Trore. P. V. 375. See also 0. 527- SYN. 'Efce70e>, avToQev, evrevQev. "EvdZds, ov, 6 et fj t adj. [numine adflatus, fanaticus,] divinely inspired. AVTVS ' 7rj?Xd\a|e/, evdeos fr "Apei. Sept. Theb. 493. SYN. edfjidi> t }s, f. dv&y v. [calefacio,] to place in the heat, to warm. OvS' ej>redepiJ.avrai TTO&W. Trach. 368. SYN. 'EKflep/zo/vw, ec. Hec. 246. SYN. See 0^ww. 'E/0ovo-idw, v. [lymphor, insanio,] to act under a divine impulse, to rave, to be mad. 'EvOovfflqs bvoTt]ve, Tois aavr^s KUKO!S. Troad. 1175. SYN. 'Efjpalvd- /uat. 'EvQptdofiai, v. [involvor, propr. ficnlnis foliis,] to be wrapt in, to be covered with fig-leaves. 'Avbpos oetv evOvs' a\X' OVK evTtdpiwffQat trplirei. Lysistr. 963. , v. [immurmuro, insusurro,] to whisper. Upddywyos old, ivldpvX- $ beffTTory. Thesm. 348. u, f. OopovtJtat, aor. Zvtddpov, Ep. Mopov, v. [insilio,] to leap or spring upon. Kat TrdjOtwv Xa evdoplv d^pdblyaiv. p. 233. SYN. Eladdpe^ ev0d- pfw, 7rei'0djOop/mw. 'Ev0v/ud/xat, v. [mente agito,] to turn in the mind. Td pkv ydp olbd Kaprd a 1 See an able note by Dr. Monk, and one by Valckenaer, at Hipp. 1229. 292 EN0Y ENin . Eumen. 222. SYN. 'ETriffKCTrro/iat, \dyi3tf ftat t Sldydto, eev- a, dros, TO, subst, [cogitatio, commentum,] thought, contrivance. Tap/3e7i> fjiev <3 yepcut, Ta.v6vp~fiina.Ta. CE. C. 296. SYN. 'ILvOvfjqats, \y\os, cr/c^xpis, pvOos, ao^tffjud, tTri^otd, 6tdvoid. 'Eyflv/uios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [quod alicui curae est, cura affectus, molestus,] held in the mind, longed for, annoying. Tl & earl aoi TOVT , Oibwovs, evOvpiov ; (E. R. 739. SYN. 'Airdpds. 'Evt, prsep. vid. 'Ev. 'Evmvoids, ov, o et r/, adj. [annuus,] yearly, a year old. "Icov (3abieiv Tor Zvlavalov KVK\OV. Phoen. 554. SYN. 'Er?/<7ios, ereios, avToeTijs. 'EvlavTos, ov, 6, subst. [annus,] a year. 'Ervtd >?) flefiaaal Atos /ueydXov ereavror. B. 134. SYN. "Eros, Xvk'd/3as. EPITH. TeXe^dpcfs, Trepfrpd^ewj/, TreptreX- Xo^uevos, TrepiTrhoperd's. PHR. Aw^e^d^^ros yjpovos, ^w5e HvpitCiva), aynv\ov apyud. Z. 39 SYN. 'A7ro/3Xa7rrw, e^uTroS/^oyuat. 'Ef^Spvw, et wbpvvia, f. vo-w, v. [colloco in, sedem figo,] to fix, to settle in. Tot 2vpafcoo-//(?w, f. 5/7CTW, v. [insideo,] to sit in, to occupy. Mov^eld feat &O.KOVS ivizov- aav, avafioaoot. Helen. 1 107. SYN. See 'LyKade^dfiai. 'Ei'ti/ftt, f. j/o-w, v. [injicio, conjicio,] to cast upon, to afflict. Zeus tvtrjKe TTO- voial biafjiTrepZs, elooK avr^n']. K, 89. SYN. 'Eju/3aXXw, eiJ.-niiyvvf.ii. 'Eviijves, wv, ot, P. N. in prosa scribuntur Alvltives, [yEnienses, dicti ab urbe Thessalia.] Tgi 6' 'Evifjves CTTO^O, nevoTTToXefJoi Se Ilepa< ( <3o/. B. 74-9. 'Evtf:drd/3dXXa;, f. dXw, v. [penilus immitto,] to throw down in. 'Aynwv effiraae Xe/pi', fjecrr} b' evuafipaXe blry. Apoll. 1. 1230. SYN. 'Eymrd/3aXXw, K'drd- /3aXXw, ^/3dXXw. ;, v. [superincido,] to fall upon. A^fcrpoiffi 7rpr)vi}s eriKainreffev a. Apoll. 3. 655. ojs, 6, P. N. [Eniceus,] an excellent archer, celebrated by Pindar. 'EviHevs tout 7rerp>. Olymp. 10. 86'. , do-w, poet, pro eyfcXdw, v. [(1) infringe, (2) impedio,] to break, to warp, to bend in, to thwart. Atst yap pol tuQlv tvtK\yv, O,TTI vd)]ar). 0. 422. SYN. '' t poet, pro fy^vwaerw, v. [indormio,] to sleep in. Tripos o. 00^0101. Mosch. 2. 6. SYN. See 'Eyfcdflei^w. w, f. lvu>, poet, pro eyKpivia, v. [adnumeroj to number amongst. Kul Krjbds eviKpivOrjixii 6^i\w. Apoll. 1. 48. SYN. "Evioi, at, d, adj. [quidam,] some. IIoXv /uaXXoV Zrtovs earlv e^oXwXe^ws. Pint. ^867. 'Evtore, adv. [interdum,] sometimes. KO.KIOVS evWr' evTv^eaTtpoi. Helen. 1229* t, v. [cum vi immittor, insilio,] to dance upon. 'HeXi'ov ws TIS re eviiraXXeTat aiyXr], Apoll. 3. 756. vs, tws et yds, 6, P. N. [Enipeus,] a river in the Peloponnesus. Kcu p* ?r' 'EviTrrjos TrwXetr/ctrd icuXd peeOpa. X. 239. vtTny, r>, r/, subst. [increpatio,] reproach. 7 ft '65i)}, \otbopia. ErfirXiidu, vid. 'E//7rX770w. viTrrd^w, tV/Trrw, et eviorffM, v. [objurgo, prsecipio, hortor, adloquor,] to re- buke, to enjoin, to encourage, to accost, to reveal. Xwer evtTrra^wv Trpdrepw ^ K vekos eri/x^ Apoll. 1. 492. See also 11.447. and X. 497- SYN. EN12 ENNH 293 Kdnjyopew, pepQopat, bidfiaXXw, eyKaXew, CTriTrXjjTTW, tTrin/idw, \oibdpiu, a>, 0Veic/c?a>, Xfyw, ar)u.a.ivta poet, pro evaKrjTTTtD, v. [incumbo,] to recline or lean upon. Oi)5ei " Kdpr/drd' Sckpud o^i*/. P. 437. SYN. 'A^affu/Trrw, irpdotpeibw, , poet, pro tv OKI PITT u, \. [infigo,] to fix, to thrust into. Ol/5et i>i- , 7ri ' oifpla^os TreXeju/^0^. fl. 6 12. ipw, poet, pro eVo-Tre/pw, v. [insero,] to sow in, to plant. Ka/p' tf /uv eviaireipus Trebloial. Apoll. 3. 1185. SYN. 'ETriffireiptD, KaraaTre/pw, >, *Ev/iWw, v. [(l)enarro, (2) increpo,] to tell, to announce, to reveal, to chide. "E t lvnrru, f. Ope^w, v. [innutrio,] to nourish or bring up in. 'He rov, 6$ Zitvpy fj.ot >x olos arad- pols frlftpfltral, ovbe /itv olos. Mosch. 2. 80. SYN. 'AiroQepfiopat, errt/So^d- fiai. "Ewa, as, fi, P. N. [Enna,] a town in Sicily. "Oaadv 'EXevo-T^t, TpldTry 0' oodv, oKKdffov"Evi'^. Call. 6. 31. r vvd^rj)p, i/pos, 6, subst. [incola,] an inhabitant. Tpirioves, TTOVTOIU /3d0i/p- poov evvaeTripes. Mosch. 2. 119. .SYN. Ok//rwp. 'Evvatrripos, ou, e^vder^s, etyder^s, et etVen/s, EOS, 6 et ^, adj. [novennis,] nine years old. Apuos fXv/ud, irplvov be yvrjv' j3ue b' ev>'dT//pw. Hes. Op. 434. See also Theog. 800. 2. 400. et Call. 3. 14. 'Ei/va/w, v. [inhabito,] to dwell in. Xwpas dXaarwp ovjjids evvaiuv act. (E. C. 788. SYN. 'Ei'oiKea), KaroiKeio, evavXtdfJiat. ed, adj. indecl. [novem,] nine. See'Evuivros. r, ov, o et r/, adj. [novem bourn pretium eequans,] worth nine oxen. ibeKa, adj. indecl. [undeviginti,] nineteen. 'EvviaKaibtKa piv yuoi /$ vrjbvos ?iadv. fl. 496. ?, i>, adj. [novem cubitos aequans,] nine cubits long. 'Errewpot 1 yap TOI ye, Kai evreaTrri^ees -ffoav. X. 310. 'Ev^fd^wj/os, et evveafydoyyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [novem sonos s. voces reddens,] having nine sounds. Svptyy' o> 7rot^ad K'dXai' eyw evi'iatywvov* Theocr. 8. 18. See Eur. fr. Beller. 7. 'Ej^ed^cXo^, pro wtaKia\i\loi, adj. indecl. [novies mille,] nine thousand. "Offaov & evved^iXoi ETrid-^ov, ?) Sfkd^tXot. E. 860. 'Evi'eopyv/os, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [novem ulnas longus,] nine ells long. Evpds, drp os ye ytveffOrjv evveopyvtoi.* X. 311. vat, v. [nidifico in,] to build a nest in. 'Ei'veorreuaovat, KaKXtyovoi d Kep/jidrd. Aves 1108 TTW, pro 'Et'eTrw, q. v. freq. ap. Homerum et poetas tragicos. 'Evi'taia, as, //, subst. [cohortatio, consilium,] exhortation, encouragement. T^J /, adj. [novennis,] for nine years. See 'EwidTrrixvs. SYN. , evvcLtTYis, etyder)s, etvr>)s pro ZvevriKovra., adj. indecl. [nonaginta,] ninety. IloXXol peaioi TC frac k.vvi\K.Qvra. TroXrjes. r. 174. in scanning here forms a molossus. The last word iu this line is to be scanned as a dispondams. 3 The three first syllables df ivviwpo3 only form a spondee in Homer. 294 ENNH ENOP 'EwrjiJiap, adv. [per novem dies,] for or during nine days. 'Evvfjjjiap per dva arpdrov $ytTo KrjXd 0eo7o. A. 53. 'Evvoew, v. [mente concipio,] to consider, to suspect. TovvQevbe Trpos TO Tr/Trrov avTds evvoet. Eur. Electr. 639. SYN. Aidvoew, eTrt^oew, eyflv/xefyiat, \dyid(jiat, (TKeTTTo/jiai, aiadavofjiai, Trpoae\w. "Ewoid, as, /?, subsj. [cogitatio, consideratio, consilium,] thought, reflection, design. Td^' a-v yevotro /J.CLVTIS evvotq TIVI. Sept. Theb. 398. "Ewo/zos, ov, 6, P. N. (2) subst. (3) adj. [(1) Ennomus, (2) incola, (3) legitimus, Justus,] (1) Ennomus, (2) an inhabitant, (3) legitimate. Qopicvv re Xpd/uoy re Kai "Evvo/Jidv olwvtffTriv. P. 218. SYN. (2) "EVOIKOS, ottfj/rwp, (3) vop-lpos, ct- , contr. ows, ov, 6 et ?), adj. [mentis compos, prudens,] sensible, pru- dent. "Ewoi/s, /ueraardfleZffd TU>V irapos (ppZvwv. Bacch. 12^0. SYN."E/j0pwv, GVVZTOS, ootyoSy bafypwv. 'Evvoffiyaws, ov, et Dor. 'Ej^'orriSas, a, 6, epith. Neptuni, [qui terram concutit,] a shaker of the earth. IloXXd /ud\' ev^oyuerw yatqoxy 'Evroo-tya/w. I. 183. See also Pyth. 4. 58. SYN. 'Ev6ai\Q(av t aeiaiyQw, fAJfTUxftutt 'Ej/i/drtos, a, ov, adj. [humidus,] dripping, moist. Avpats eri'ormts, rj. Iph. T. 434. SYN. Norton, 5i|0os, &vypus> vypos. i, f. eo-w, v. [induo,] to put on, to clothe. E'/yudrd b' OVK affKrjrd pZcras CVVVTO KvafjLas. Theocr. 24. 138. SYN. 'A/^fevvv//*, cTrtei/yvyui, evbvw, vw, v. [pernocto, incubo,] to spend the night, to lodge. Antig. 796. SYN. I7dpay\/5w, avvbiaTplftto. , a, oi/, et ov, 6 et ?), et eVyv^os, ow, 6 et ^, adj. [nocturnus,] nightly, in the night, by night. AuK/ovcrt r' ivvvyjiois' dydfuos. Orest. 199. See also Helen. 1189- i'oSict, et EiVdSm, as, r/, epith. Proserpina? seu Hecates seu Diana?, [Trivia.] Ov vvKTlyavrov TrpoTToXdv 'Evbbias p opys. Helen. 669. See 'Etdri? and , V. [incolo,] to inhabit. Florepd K'dr' avbpwv brJT tvoiKrjffei Alcest. 1070. SYN. Kdroticew, e^roc/aw, Evav\id/na.i, evvaiw, tvmvw. 'Evoktoy, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [domesticus,] domestic, of the family. 'Ei/otfctov & op- vt6os ov \eyw na.\r)v. Eumen. 869. EVOIKOS, ov, 6 et >/, adj. and subst. [incola,] inhabitant. ^Trapr^s ZVOIKOI, 5oXm /3ovAevrr/pm. Androm. 446. SYN. ivvotKos, ey%wpWs t evvopos, tvToirlos, eVro- TTOS, oiKeios, ffvveffrios, eeffTius, 6yno0vXos. 'Erocvoxofw, v. [vinum infundo,] to pour wine into. OTroV, tyoivd^oevvTls evl vpvaeois l SeTrdeo-o-iV. y. 472. SYN. See Otroxoew. 'AoTT?/, T^S, ^, P. N. [Enope,] the name of a town of Messenia in the Pelopon- nesus. KapSdftvXijv, 'EvoTcriv re /cat 'Ip^v Trotr/effffdv. I. 292. 'EydTT^, ^s, i], subst. [vox, clamor,] a shout, a war-cry. 'Ev O/ovymio-r floats evorrdiffl re. Bacch. 159. SYN. 'Avr/^r/, /3oj), 0wyj), dXdXi/rvs. EPITH. 0ea7To-ta, aaofyos, vv^ios. 'EvoirXtos, et eVoVXds, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [qui in armis est, armatus,] clad in arms, armed. Ev0vs ei/oTrXtd ^aXKudels eTrat^cv. Olymp. 13. 123. See also Pho3n. 266. SYN. TlavoTrXos, evoTrXos. EvoTTTpov, ov, TO, subst. [speculum,] a mirror. Xpvoid i' evoTrrpd, TrapQUvwv. Troad. 1096. SYN. See "EaoiFrpov. 'Ei/opdw, v. [inspicio, conspicio,] to look upon, to discover. 'H pHy tvdpw /3ovXev/z' ev opviQw yevet. Aves 163. SYN. 'E^o/odw, epfiXeTru. 'Evopiaosy et evopKos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui jurejurando fit, jurejurando sanctus,] sanctioned by an oath. AvSaaoyual Ivopulov. Olymp. 2. 16'6. See also Phi- loct. 72. SYN. See Au^uoros. 'Ei'opovw, v. [irruo,] to rush upon. ILirpoKXos 5e Tpwat KUKO. Qpovew evopovaev. IT. 783. SYN. 'Opovw, eTroppvo;, dvopy-tdoywat, op/jdfytac, 1 Xpvartois is here scanned as a spondee. ENOP ENTE 2<)5 ov et tros ov o, adj. [qui testiculos habet,] not emasculated, Trpdy^T, OGTIS y' evopffls ear' dw/p. Lysistr. 66 1. male. *AXX' UJJLVVTEOV T& Trpdy^T ^See also T. 147. SYN."Ap Aids evbov dyrjyepdr ' ovb"Evdffi-xQuv. Y. 13. SYN. See 'Evvofflyatos. 'Evo^Xew, v. [turbo,] to disturb, to annoy. Nvvi 6' Hv6^\oixr dyav. a\\' ov^< Mvpwvibrjs. Eccles. 303. SYN. AioxXew, OX\EW, Ka, f. w, et IvordXa^w, v. [instillo,] to drop into, to instil. ' Kara. fxiKpov det, TOV rjv f^x' dmty dXei/por. Vesp. 702. See also Acharn 1034. E^ffrdrT/s, oi/, 6, subst. [qui in via obsistit, aemulus,] one who stands in the way, a rival. "Eywy'' 'Obvcrcrea, 1 TOV aov evffTarrjv, Xeyw. Aj. Fl. 103. SYN. , f. a>, v. [infigo,] to fix in or upon. Tatrj eveffrriptKro, \i\ato- xpoos avai. 0. 168. SYN. 'Eyu7r7)yvu/it, tvtpe/Sw, tTrcpet'Sw, blepeibw. e0w, f. if/w, v. [intorqueo,] to turn in, to enter. *Lvv avfyn' ia ^ouvai vtupy. Helen. 1403. SYN. 'Evdytoryudrd, Kreped, fcrep/ff/udrd, x^ afi "Evred, w^, rd, subst. [arma,] arms, instruments. 'Ap}TaJ50' e'AWSos vpofffiKOfj.^, to this point ( f situation of hope are we come. The Latin uhi similarly governs a genitive. 290 ENTE ENTP 'Evre'XXw, v. [mando, jubeo,] to enjoin, to command. Ows ; rdvrtraX/ieV pi blKatdv KTr6v'tv\ Phoen. 1662. (Vid. R. P. in 1. c.) SYN. See 'ETrtreXXw. 'Evr^/ifw, v. [incldo, lierbas concido, medicarnenta paro,] to cut in, to cut herbs, to try to remedy, "YTTVOV roS' dvrfytoXTroi' erre/zrwv dfcos. Agam. 16. , adv. [celeriter, vehementer,] quickly, rapidly. 'EvrtveV ^vrc ris re" jyepos v^ofl? K/PKOS. A poll. 2. 935. SYN. 'Ei'roVws, renews, avvrovws. v, oi/, ro, (frequentius usilat. in plur.) subst. [intestinum,] the entrails. wdev evffrp/, subst. [interiora navis ligna,] the planking on the ribs of a ship. Efc.rof rpttjpets evrepdveiav ?/ fltos. Equit. 1182. 'E*T<7tepyos, ov, 6 et ft, adj. [qui armis quibusdam instructus opus facit,] working in harness. Zevfrv b' fipiovovs, KpaTep$xas, evrefflepyovs. ft. 277- SYN. 'TKoZvytos. 'Eyrei)0f j^, et Attic-e evrevQevl, adv. [hinc, ex eo,] hence, from this place or point. 'Eirei/dev dypt^t fyvTaKeis rovy rocrel. Orest. 34. SYN. See "EvSev. 'EyrevrXdi'ow, v. [cum betis concoquo,] to dress with beet. 2ov x w P^ s etJ ? 1 ' evTerevT\at>(,){jiii>T)s. Acharn. 894. 'Eirr/Kw, f. ^o>, v. [(l) illiquefacio, (2) injicio in animo,] to melt in, to infuse into. Mlo-o's re yap TrdXatov evTerrjK Zfj.oL Soph. E!. 1311. SYN. i, f. 0//<7w, v. [indo,] to put in or upon, to pour in, to inspire. Ov yap ' \ajjLTrp6v et>9f]crets Kopais. Hec. 1028. SYN. ' 'E^nVrw, f. rew, et re|o//at, v. [ingenero,] to breed, to engender in. Kayw 5o- /uots Tolab' apaeV evTiKra) Kopov* Androm. 24. 'EvnXdw, v. [stercore inquino,] to defile, to pollute or cover with dirt. '5 Xa/j- KQS f.vtTi\r)aev, &/ evrdX>) Aids. P. V. 12. SYN. To t>TeraXju>dj', JceXevo-jud, tav, rd, subst. [sacra mortuorum causa facta,] victims offered in honor of the dead. Kat JJLIV KvbaivovTts VTTO Kvefyds, eVro/.id /u^Xwy. Apoll. 1. 587. 1 "EVTOVOS, ov, 6 et TJ, adj. [(1) intentus, (2) acer,] intent, vigorous, strenuous, Jinn. "Eiroj'os 'A^apytfa/. Acharu. 666. SYN. 'la-^vpos, betvds, bpifj,vs, avv- ^oi'o-s, ffTrep^vos, ofcvs. 'Evrdvws, adv. [acriter, enixe,] firmly, strenuously. Tpdx^-XoV evrovws ft icap- rivos. Cycl. 609. "EvroTros, ou, 6 et r/, adj. et subst. [loci iucola,] an inhabitant of a place. FIpo- fiaQ' wbs, flare, /3dr' eWoTroi. CE. C. 841. SYN. See'^votfcos. 'Evros, eVoffSe, et e'ro, eaio. 'Evrpevrw, v. [(1) pudore adficio ; facio ut quis pudore faciem avertat ; (2) in med. voc. pudore suffundor; revereor ; curam habeo,] (1) to cover with shame; (2) to feel shame, diffidence, respect; to care for. 7 ft> evrptwov 0V wv ydp co' 0tos. CE. R. 724. SYN. (l) 'ETnrptTrw, eTrttrrpt^w, eyjcX/^w, , vid. 'Enrp0w. i, f. 6peE, et, 2 aor. e^pdyuo^, v. [curro in, facile me moveo in,] to run, to move easily in. Et ot e0ap//offffete, nal ei'rpt^ol dyXdd yv7d. T. 385. SYN. 'ETrtrpeftto, vapjj6(t). >See Scliol.etGesn. v. ENTP EMU! 297 'E)rpr/3?}s, Zos, 6 et r/, adj. [diligenter versatus in aliqua re,] practised or hac kuied in. 'Appals re Kctl vopoiolv eVrpt/3>)s Qavfj. Antig. 183. SYN. ltfvj- 6rjs, edas, rplftw. 'jrp//3rp67rdX/o>ai, v. [convertor, respecto inter eundum,] to turn back, to look back in going. 'Ej/rpovmXtcd/ie*'/?, 6a\tpoi> ^Eovaa. Z. 496. -SYN. /, r/s, r/, subst. [pudor, reverentia,] respect, reverence, regard. T H AH I bdKelTe TOV TvQXov rlv evTpoiri]V. CE. C. 303. SYN. EvXafieta^aiar-xyt'r), aibws. j'rpoTrm, as, >/, subst. /[versutia, dolus,] craftiness, trick. FIa7S' o/\tyo>/, bti- Xiya' elXvjjievdv evrpoxlyalv. Horn. Merc. 245. SYN. AoXos. vrpfytis, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [innutritus, adsuefactus,] nurtured in, brought up, inured to. A'ias ', d ^aXaffivos evrpotyos. Jph. A. 288. SYN. 2v Evrpwyw, f. ^dyuat, V. [comedo,] to eat. "Epflou, por}aot>, etrpay, e^t r/atw/3d- Xov. Equit. 51. 'Evrvy^dvw, f. re^o^tat, v. [occurro alicui,] to meet with, to occur, to encoun- ter, to converse with. Nai/rat ' avelXov evTv^ovrfs, a/s Aeyet. Helen. I2l6. SYN. 'ETTirvy^dva;, TrepiTr/Trrw, eycD/jtw, avvo/juXeu. EvTvXiffaw, v. [involve,] to roll in, to fold up. KartKetro 6', avn)v euTi>\ia.a ijcrvxfi. Plut. 6'92. SYN. 'EyK*\iv6cw, ei/etXcw, e/ZTrXe/cw, Tr^t/SaXXw. EVTVVW, et evri/w, v. [apparo, instruo,] to prepare, to furnish, to harness, to equip. 'Evrvved' iWoi/s app.aai vyrj, , ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [(1) aquis abundans ; (2)1n aquis degens,] (1) abounding in water, (2) living in water. Al/jivrjs tvvbpov TptrwrldSos. Ion 871. Ewevs, tws, Ion. rids, o, P. N. [Enyens,] the governor of Scyros. ^Kvpov tXwv at7re?dv, 'Evvfjos TrroXleQpov. I. 664. EJ/UTTV/OV, ov, ro, subst. [somnium,] a dream, sleep. "E^aQov tvvirvlbv, o T eyuwv. Hec. 696. SYN. See"6vepds. f's, oi/, 6 et f/, adj. [intextus,] interwoven. "E/uyvx* ov X ' 6'pfcwr, olff^v -^ Zvt>nt>Tos. Aj. Fl. 1 1 13. SYN. ^, ei/w7ri5tws, adv. [coram, palam,] in front, in full view, openly. IIoXXoi/ ems, VrdFdevrd 6' tvwabis e^drd /uvOdv. Apoll. 4. 354. See also Pros. Lex. 2 P 208 ENftll EHAI E. 374. and T. 94. SYN. 'Zv&irwv, eVavrioV, ty*7rpo(r0V, ^dyepws, /car' o^tr, f.v o\^>et. 'Eva>7Tid, wv, ra, subst. [parietes in atrio doraus, quos introiens habet in con- spectu ad dextram et sinistrani. Vid. Damm.] cavities or recesses in a wall, in which a chariot or other things were placed ; a pent-house. "Ap^drd e/cXtvav irpds >w7Tid 7rayu0dvoa)vrd. 0. 435. 'EfWTi-tos, /, adj. [impurus, exsecratus, arcanus,] execrable, not fit to be mentioned. tv A 6' edyi<77-d, /Z7] Ktvelrot Xoyw. CE. C. 1526. SYN. 'Evd- yrjs, ETraparos, Kovrjpds. i<), f. tw, v. [cubilis aliquem summoveo,] to keep off with the elbows. ti> o, TI bpdffets iror. b. 'EttyKwj/iu). Eccles. 259- uw, v. [enarro,] to speak out, to divulge, to publish, to declare. "Oy yovov e^dyopevEV' eyw & fpeetvov airacras. X. 233. SYN. 'ErrojOw, e w, v. [exaspero,] to render fierce or savage, to exasperate. ' aav' K S' titveva avrois dpas. Plioen. 890. SYN, 'ATrayptow, e/c0^piow, ejcrpd- , et edydyw, v. [educo,] to lead or bring out. "ATrXj/aros abe p e^dyet Xdpts yowv. Eur. Suppl. 90. See also T. 332. SYN. 'E^tpw, efoco/^'cjw, C7re- dyw, Trpodyw, e^w^tw, tk'/3dXXw. f, v. [certo,] to contend with, to succeed in a contest. To7l Trpvpyy efaiviiro fcdXXtyud Swpd. o. 206. SYN. 'ATroa/vvjuat, d^atptw, e&uptw, d?raX- Xdrrw. E^atperos, oi/, 6 et >/, adj. [selectus, eximius,] selected, choice, distinguished, Kovpoi cVovr' 'l6dicr)s efatperoi, 77 eot avrov. 5. 643. SYN. "EKKplrds, e&yos, 'Edipw, v. [eximo, tollo,] to take out or away, to expel, to select, to destroy. evTrpv/mvov I'EWS. Iph. T. 1358. SYN. ' , f. dpw, v. [tollo, aufero,] to take out, to receive, to enjoy, to raise, to EHAI E5AA 290 enjoy, to condemn. 'EatjOo/tei'ov vfyos ot/uwy>7s. Med. 105. SYN. 'E7ra/pu>, tyd w , 'a/cri<5s, ov, o et ^, adj. [(l)inauspicatus ; (2) iniquus,] contrary to fate, im- pious, unnatural. Cure rivu peas ea, oi/rc rt etTrwy. 5. 690. SYN."ErSr- , v. [cum impetu prodeo,] to rush out. 'Efc >e rw acgavre, . M. 145. SYN. 'Aval (raw, eop/7uoyuat, eicdtipeut, aiffffw. 'Edt<7Tow, v. [evanidum reddo ; deleo,] to destroy utterly. Ktpavvoi/, os iray tdt<7rwa > et yt^os. P. V. 689 SYN. Atdterrow, dVorow, eKTropflew, aat>iw. 'Eatrew, v. [deposco,] to demand from another, to supplicate, to obtain by supplication. tv H Trapdeveiav narptis e^rr/rdro. Troad. 973. SYN. 'ATrcurew, Trpocrbeofjiai, atrtw, aiow, ai'rtySoXew, yovva^df^at, Xicradjuat. "Efatrds, ov t 6 et r/, adj. [eximius,] choice, select. Ni/d K-at efalrovs tptras, tva Qaaaov iKr)at. ft. 307\ SYN. See 'EfatpeTos. , adv. [repente, subito,] suddenly, quickly. '6 6', ws UKOVCI 06yytiv TriKpov. (E. C. l6lO. SYN. 'E^dTTt^^s, ai/. Olymp. 7. 156. 'Ekoj'r/w, trw, v. [ejaculor,] to pour out arrows,^ to throw out. ^Tt rovs 'dbvcrveus 1 edfcoj'rtc?w irbvovs; Troad. 446. SYN. 'AKOvrl&ii, rogei/w, eKTofcvu, dTrayyeXXw. 'EaKoffiot, at, d, adj. [sexcenti,] six hundred. IlXeTv e$a.Koaiovs r6v Kalbrj Trore. Aves 1251. 7 E^d(covw, f. tcovffufjiat, v. [exaudio,] to hear out, to listen patiently. ravr' ov yap efyKovofJiZv. Heracl. 677- SYN. Etffdk'oi/w, i/7rdcov(D, dfcr 'EaKptfioM, v. [diligenter aliquid facio,] to perform accurately, to discuss with accuracy. Ka'taKptpuxrai \oyov. Trach. 426. SYN. "A^t^ow, tpevrdw, e^- 'w, v. [in sublime evolo,] to fly up high. T A, a* a rt 5/>d /ueXXer'; ed- i&r atfltpd ; Orest. 269. 'EdXdow, v. [excseco,] to put out the eyes, to blind. Qaadal 'oSv /3dpe7dv e^dXeuawjuat 0tas. Aj. FI. 655. See also Horn. 11. in Bacch, 51. Hipp. 673. and Apoll. 1. 490. SYN. 'E^yw, iti****, 'EfrX^'f. iffu, v. [volvendo ejicio, v. c. pulverem ; abstraho,] to cause to strotch on the ground, as a horse, for the purpose of rubbing him down, to strip oit. "ATrdye ro> tWo> ltXos avbpd fidXijaOd. O. 571 SYN. KdfldXXo/iat, ew, f. rfjaofjai, 2. a. ?//zapro>, v. [aherro,] to err widely, to act wrong. "Her' eis rvpavvovs av&pds e^dpaprdveir. Med. 309- SYN. 'A^uaprdvw, 7rX?/ju^ie- Xeaj, aTrorvy^dyw, TrdpaXXdrrw. 'Edjuaprta, as, ?/, subst. [frustratio,] disappointment, mistake; miscarriage. Kcu fj.fjv 10-77 vu>v effTiv fj 'd//apria. Antig. 564. SYN. 'Ajuaprta, 'Ea/ida>, v. [meto, abscindo,] to reap, to cut off, to extirpate. Ta cnrXayx etycKTKov e^dfjirjaaaQat /3t^. Cycl. 236. SYN. 'A7ra/mw, aTro^'OTrrw, e^apTTtcoyuat, e^dvvw, d^atptw. 1 'Ea/i/3Xow, v. [(l)abortum facio ; (2) obtundo,] to render abortive, to blunt, to weaken. Kcu vifivv ea/*/3Xoi)/4V, us avrr) Xtyei. Andfom. 356. SYN. 'A/i- pXvvb), e^w0w, ota00e/pw. 'Ea^u/3pi)<7ai, Eumen. 928. (intactum relinquo, ut sanatti difficilius. Vid. Doctiss. Maltb.) 'Ed/Lte<73w, v. [(1) immuto, (2)trajicio, (3)rependo,](l)to exchange one place for another, to depart from, (2) to pass, (3) to repay. Tov a^tyi Pers. 135. SYN. /icu, c ;, f. ^w, v. [emulgeo,] to milk out, to milk. OvXourt? e^y/ieX^ds eirpd- ydXd. Choeph. 885. SYN. 'A/xeXyw, K0X//3w, dTco/zdrro/uat, aTroOXifiw. , v. [excogito,] to contrive, to extricate. Et /^>/ rt rovrwv e . Heracl. 436. /, v. [per contentionem exigo,] to outstrip a rival, to rival in harass- ing. Th'cs TToXiruiv e^afjuXXiovrai , v. [demolior,] to destroy, to tear up. fily. Phoen. 1150. SYN. 'AvciffTrdw, *Kpioh), w, V. [corono,] to crown, to adorn. Kto-aw Kdprjriji' avOls Qd . Bacch. 1052. $YN. ' 1 See note EHAN ESAII 301 w, V. [evefto,] to overturn. Npopptgd Qvpbriv t^dyeorpaTrrat fidOpuv. Pers. 817- SYN. Avaarptfyw, avarpcTrw, dTroaKevd^oyuat. 'EdrdreXXw, v. [exorior,] to spring, to grow up. ToTo Se tyoiviievros d' a 6e rol edvd(f>avbot> m . v. 48. SYN. See 'Araavbot>. 'EavSp6fy*cu, v. [vir fio,] to grow out into man. "Ubrj be irvpacus yevvotv eai'- bpovpevos. Phoen. 32. 'E^d^et/ut, v. [exeo,] to go out or proceed from. Nctwv 0', cu bvvovrd KOI ovpd- vov QavlovrcL. Theocr. 22. 8. SYN."Ee, v. [deprehendo, invenio,] to find out, to invent. T ft plo6s t old Ka'^avevpiaKeis \eyeiv ; Philoct. 99 ! SYN. 'Aj/evpt7/co>, e&vpiaKW. 'E^dve^o/^at, v. [sustineo,] to endure, to put up with. "H rows e/ioi/s rts TrcuSds e^d^e^erat. Androm. 200. SYN. $epw, avt\o}Jia.t, taw. 'E^di/)(w, f. w, v. [emineo, exsto,] to stand out from the ground, to be con- , spicuous. *H ydp oye oraXav 'A^uprjiov e^at'^ovaay. Theocr. 22, 207. SYN. , v. [effloresce,] to put forth blossoms, to bloom, to burst forth. "T/3pts ydp ear6ova ? eKapirwffe ffra^vv. Pers. 826. E^av0/8w, v. [vestes diversicolores induo,] to dress in flowers or flower- colored garments. A? Kd0j//u0' efyvdurpevat ; Lysistr. 42. E^drf^i, 1 v. [emitto,] to emit, to send forth, to produce, to throw away. Kelvai ^, Ovpaovs e^avtelffUL ^epwv. Bacch. 751. HavTolr)V tvitprjaTov tivr- piiv egdrfetoxu. 2). 471. SYN. 'A0ii;jui, avaire^d), eC7re/i7rw, dvn/fit, drd- , v. [(l)excito, subverto, (2)m med. v. excito me, surgo,] (1) to rouse, to raise up, to overturn, (2) to rise up. Et /iev irpofftDirov e^a fj.ot>. Hec. 1147. SYN. 'AV/OT^/UI, avtyelpw, /uf 'E^dvo/yw, V. [aperio,] to open, to lay open. Elr' Acharn. 391. SYN. 'Ai/oiyw, Sto/yw, e^fpw, S^X 'E|avrXw, v. [exhaurio, exantlo,] to pump out, to draw out, to exhaust. MeXXwv r' Ipuryv riviK ejtfvrXeis orpdr^J. Eur. Snppl. 843. SYN. ' , et QavvTw, f. i/aw, v. [perficio,] to carry into effect, to dispatch, to mark out, to cause. 'ETreJ Sf noyQw repfjiar OVK itfivvrdv. Bacch. 1094. See also Troad. 234. SYN. Amfito, Kdrdvvw, TXW, irXrjpow, rrw, v. [libero,] to set free from, to save. "AXi/Trtfs arris ed7r . Soph. Electr. 1008. SYN. 'EaXXarra, aTroXvw, e^aTrdrvXXw, e . , v. [decipio,] to deceive, to cajole. 'EfrTrdr^ ScUfdvot /3ovXevpl- rev. Hipp. 1404. See also Acharn. 657. SYN. 'ATrdrdw, blaKpovu, ^aM evaKiw, efCKo/SaXtfcei/oyuat, TrdpdXdy^oyuat. 'E^dTrdri/, 77s, fa subst. [fallacia,] deceit. ITapO^jovs r' odpovs petbr^ard r' e^d- waras re. Hes. Theog. 205. SYN. See 'ATrdr?/. 'E|d7rdn/XXw, vid^ 'Ea7rdra. 'E^dTrd^dw, et etjoacaQiaKW ; V. 'EfttTrardw. 'E^d7rei'w, v. [in conspectu non amplius video,] to lose sight ot. \ponf Pfijpl aTpci(f>vTS t e'ZaTreibdpev. CE. C. 1648. 'EdiriVa7fa, a, 6>, adj. [repentinus,] sudden, unexpected. 1 The first syllable of %u whether simpl or in composition, is common in Homer, but gene- rally if not always long iu the Attic poets. 302 ESAFI E-AP Trlvala YLavaKptb'os epya /ue\/. Trach. 338. SYN."Ap/ctos. 'E^apfcov^rws, adv. [sufficienter,] sufficiently. 'E^ap/cowrws* aXX' eju/3a. Ran. 377. SYN. 'ApKOVVTWS, iKai'tis. *Efapveonat> v. [denego,] to deny. K^pvffff' dTraati/' ov yap efapvovfjieda. An- drom. 436. SYN. 'Apveo/ia, e^apvos ei>t. tcos, 17, o*', adj. [negativus,] disposed to dispute. Nvv fjiev y ibelv el ^apvr}TlKos. Nub. 1172. s, ov, 6 et ri, adj. [qui denegat,] one who positively denies. Nuv be bia TOVT' efapvos eivai btavoei; Nub. 1230. 'E^apTradJw, f. a|w et dcrw, v. [eripio,] to snatch from or away. 'Eap7rdo-as 06' e/c ytpwv e//wv fiiq.. Iph. A. 315. SYN. 'A^>ap7rac?o>, d^atpto^ai. 'E^aprdo/zaf, v. [dependeo,] to hang down from. T 6p^s; fliaget x l ^ s ^ a P~ ru/ievr) ; Hipp. 325. SYN. 'A7raprdo/>tat, e^aTrro/zat, eKKpeftupai. 'E^aprvw, v. [apparo,] to arrange, to prepare. Kcu ravbov ^aprve. TroXXd rot yvy*/. Eur. Electr. 422. SYN. Kdraprvw, e^aprt^w, jcdrapr/^w. 1 The second syllabic is here made long because the metrical ictus fells upon it. EHEA JM5JS/* 303 SfapxBs, ov, o, adj. et subst. [qui aliquid incipit, auctor,] a leader, a be- inner ' , ' *' ^ a ^X s Bpo^utcJs, eio7. Bacch. 141. SYN. 'Ap X os, >/yt/uwv, tn- , el rvtyXov Trarpos. CE. C. 13? 8. SYN. 'Ar/U(C?w, Kurfypdvto. 'Eavy?)s, cos, 6 et r/, adj. [splendens,] blazing forth, dazzling. UwXw XLOVOS e^ctyyeerrepwv. Rhes. 303. SYN. Aa/^Trpos, Xevfttfr. av5aw, v. [eloquor,] to speak out. 'Efavba, pfj K em rou, tva A. 363. SYN. 'Ee77ro>, e^evtTrw, e^epew, e^wi/tw, Xeyw. et e^av0is, adv. [statim,] immediately. DiyXe/iiys 5 A. 223. SYN. YlapaxpilfJid, evdews, icapavriKa. w, v. [transfugio,] to become a runaway, to desert. 'Eai/ro//oXw vyuas. Nub. 1102. SYN. Avro^oXew, 5ia0evyw. ew, v^ [glorior;^exspecto,] to boast of, to avow; to expect. Ob yap rror', w 7ra7, rovr' civ e^i/^oi/j' tyw. Philoct. 86,9. Eaa'Xero. Soph. Electr. 1 163. SYN. 'A^oupcw, ffaiped fiat. E^r^t, v. [dimitto, libero,] to send away from, to remove from. 'AXX' e^a- 0ejrat rouSt y', MS eyw :Xvw. Trach. 72. SYN. 'A0t"r?/u?, ctTFaXXarrw. E^p/5w, v. [despumo,] to foam out. ITptr aiparripov e^pi^eadai Agam. 1034. SYN. 'Airaypigoi. f. VCTW, v. [exhaurio,] to pour out. Olroi/ e fyQlvv&ovalv v es. . 95. SYN. 'E^dpvw, e^avrXtw. , med. v. ejpyeipofjiai, et eeypo//at, v. [(l) excito, (2) surgo,] (1) to raise up, (2) to awake. Evbovr' ai> e^eyetpe TUV 'Aya/xejU^oi'os. Eur. Electr. 41. See also Orest. 1545. and Theocr. 24. 21. e5w, f. ebopai, v. [exedo,] to eat up. 'E^eStrat <7/cw. ^eSpa, as, >/, subst. [locus in quo frequentes sides, exedra,] a seat at the out- side of a portico, a piazza. Tovs 6' EV eZtbpatai, TOVS 5'. Orest. 1451. $F5pos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [a sede et domicilio abseus,] from one's seat, from home, out. Aoyoi TrapaXXaffcrovTts e^eSpot Qptvtir. Hipp. 939* SYN. 'Arciora- TOS, euro-trios, r?/Xw7ros. ^e/^yut, perf.* e^ota, particip. et5ws, preeterpluperf. TfSetc, v. [perspicio,] to see plainly, to understand fully. Aiaxpov, rd juev <7t OeHa TTC'IVT Helen. 9^1. SYN. 'Efo/pr/aat, uKpij3u>s yiyv&ox&i Zirlylyvwaxw. &lrjs, poet, pro e^s, adv. [deinceps, in ordine,] in regular order. e^etV 7ro\\tjffi be Kr;Se' 0j/7rro. Z. 241. SYN. See 'E>;s and 'Ev(7x ^etra^w, v. [adstmulo,] to assimilate, to make like. Mop0// s ru7rw/ia, r' e'fyKaafjieva.* Phoen. l64. SYN. Et/:uC?aJ, e^^uotow, ettpi'iTTk). ^etXvw, v. [evolvo,] to roll out, to unfold. Tw 6' e^e w, v. [libere vel procaciter loquor,] to give licence to the tongue. Qapff&j* vfipigeis, Ka&XevQepoa-rdjj.eHs. Aj. FL 1275. SYN. See 'EXev- 0pooToyUw. E^fX/owu, f. |o>, v. [(l) evolvo, explico, (2) subduco e pugna,] to unfold, to explain ; to order a counter-march, to move. KdXXtorov 'i\vo& . Troad. 3. SYN. 'AveXiWw, eeiXvw/ew0w, 'EeXKTds, a, uv, adj. verb, ab eeXKw, [extrahendus,] must be dragged up. "OfjLws be Trpos ye TOVS (plXovs eeX/vT6V. Eur. Electr. 49 J. 'EeXid)w, et eeXfffa>, v. [extraho, eripio,] to draw out, to extract, to se- duce. 'AXX', eiTTEp 7rt0fyieZr Trjvb' eeXjcv<7at. Pax 508. See also Hec. 542. 'E^fc>, f. sff<*), v, [evomo,] to vomit forth. "H rot oy' e&fjieffete, \eprjs ws ey TTVpt TToXXfeJ. JU. 237' SYN. 'ATrEyiEW, eKKeVOUfJ.O.1. id), f. r/o-u;, v. [divendo,] to sell off, to dispose of, to betray. See . SYN. See 'E/xTToXdw. >, v. [interficio,] to kill. KVKVOV r e^ei'dpiv t KCU drro icXvrd revved i. Hes. Sc. 329. SYN. See 'Eva/pw. 'E^rdp/5w, f. ^w, v. [occisum armis spolio; occido,] to strip the dead of their arms, to kill. Avrdp 6 fifj p' 7 IcroV re Kai"Avri(f)ot' evapi, v. [incantationibus permulceo,] to soften by charms. i>i), f. dpw, v. [extollo, excito,] to instigate. Td$ 0o7s I; oXw. Lysistr. 624. SYN. 'E7rde/po;, Trdpo^vyw, ETrtaTrep^w, Trporpe- irw, 7reiOd) 'E7rei/)(d^cu, v. [glorior,] to boast publicly. Kcu ^id^ri SoiJvat, Ka^7reu^aff0at jSportDv. Philoct. 667. SYN. See 'ETrey^oyuat. 'E^eTrfTrX^ffffd), v. [percello,] to alarm. 'Es 0avju' (7>;'et Ka^7ri7r7rX7;icrat, od, v. [perquiro,] to ask of, to seek out or after. "flp/iau>', r) lepeeivot. \^. 86. SYN. 'E^spfw, d^Epwrdw, e^Epeuvdw, ei , v. [irrito,] to irritate greatly. Hdp' aladv e%epedi<*iv. Pyth. 8. 15. SYN. See 'Epe0/5w. E^pe/7rw, v. [everto : " item procido." Damm.] to overturn, to fall off. Zey- yXrjs e^epiTruvffd napacfrytiv afj. /3dpi)s. Eur. Suppl. 904. SYN. 'EpiaTJs, QiXoveiKos, dvrtXoyos, dyrc&ttfs. Eep7rw, v. [prorepo, tarde prot ratio,] to creep out, to drag along slowly. e&pirovTES ol KoptV6tot. Nub. 710. SYN. ' w, v. [discedo,] to go, to vanish ; imper. begone. "Eeppe yaias rij OITOV ra^os tyvyas. Hipp. 973. E&pvKw, v. [averto, prohibeo,] to draw away, to prevent. KetVwy KUK e flovXevwv ffd(f)ws. Philoct. 428. SYN. See 'Epu/cw. Eltpi/w, et Ion. poet, efcipi/w, v. [extraho,] to extract, to pull out. Tv/noD e^t- pvot, rl etyepoi v^dff aeipas. K. 503. See also Y. 8?0. SYN. 'E^eX^w, e^d- pi/w, a(f*ai>i. Eep X ojuat, cXev^o/uai, v. [egredior, advenio,] to go out, to proceed to. M^r ' eis xfyuv afjii\\a.v e&XOris epoi. Hec. 226. SYN."Eet/a, eic^oXcw, fKiropevofiai, > v. [decedo, excedo,] to slip out or aside, to withdraw, ' e^rjpatrjae K\vdov. Theocr. 25. 189- SYN. 'ATrepwtw, aTrep^ofiai (q. v.), , v. [percontor,] to ask of or from. 'AXX' e^epura' pr)fav evbtes Xiinjs. Phoen. 396. Ee/, subst. [legatio publica,] a delegation, an embassy. Twv v ?i\dev 'Obvevevs. 0. 20. SYN. Uefrftela. e&crtrjv TroXX^i/ obov ?i\de E|ecrrt, verb, impers. [licet,] it is lawful or allowable. "E^eartv at yap trvyye- vels opiXiai. Troad. 51. E^racjw, v. [examine,] to inquire, to examine, to investigate, to prove. 'Eyyv* 7rape<7rws e&razeodai fiXos. Alcest. 1030. SYN. ews, ^, subst. [exquisitio, examen,] investigation, review, proof. TOV QuKeos, arts eXey X et. Call. Ep. 62. , eds, adj. [sexennis,] six years old, of six years. O?S' eerei o-ot rpai/Xt- cravrt TrWdpevos. Nub. 860. E^ert rou, adv. [ex illo tempore,] ever since. 'Eert TOV ore, Attye>/, BpiorgrSd Kovprjv. I. 106. E^ei/Xd/3fo/iat, v. [vereor, caveo,] to be cautious of, to fear. 'ei;Xa/3ovTat, fju) / //3ov \povy. Sept, Theb. 12. SYN. Pros. Lex. 306 EHHF ESI1 'E^rjyeofKn, v. [prseeo,] to preside over, to lead, to command, to conduct, to explain, to interpret. Aeetv, a KdX^as Qeatyar efryrjaaTo. Ipli. A. SVN. 'Hygfymc, apx, Qayu, effSrjXow. 'EfaiceffTibrjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Execestides,] a sycophant and vagabond, satirized by Aristophanes. 1 Oub' av, pa A/Kw, f. &;, v. [pervenio,] to arrive at, to travel through. "Or' ovv rotavTrjv s obov. Soph. Electr. 1318. SYN. Ilopeufymi, k^ep")( y 'EjyXdros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ductns malleo, lamina inductus. Vid. Damm.] beaten out, embossed, plated. KaA^v, \a\Keirjv, e//XdroV i)v dpd M. 295. 'Ej//mp, adv. [per sex dies,] for six days. 'E^fjjj.ap ply fytws 7rXeo/ze> VVKTUS TE Kai fipap. K. 80. , v. [mansuefacio,] to render completely tame. 'E^fjowo-a pivos. Here. F. 848. SYN. See 'H/^epow. s, oi>, 6 et ^, adj. [mutatorius,] fitted for exchange. E'//udrar' e \uerpa re Oep/id *:at euvcu. 0. 249 ^TrepoTreww, v. [circumvenio,] to circumvent, to cheat, to cajole. ireveii', KCII ^rXelv Kat fi^ 0tXe7^. Lysistr. 840. SYN. See 'HTrepoTrei/w. E^s, adv. [deinceps, in ordiue,] next, in order. 'E^s Kadrjad bevpd pov Tr TEKVOV. Iph. A. 627. SYN. *Ee//js, e^e^j/s, Kadeffis, PETCL rai)rd, tT TOVTOV. /w, v. [exsudo, liquidura stercus emitto,] to sweat through, &c. Ou/c dv V els Golfjarldi', ciXX' dvevrrertf. Aves 792- SYN. 'EcrtXdw, aTTOTrdr , f. vo-w, v. [depono, colloco,] to set down, to station. Ir/faey /ue , w$ KvOwfjiEda. CE. C. 11. SYN. 'EvtSpvw. , v. [emitto, dimitto,] to send out or away, to expand, to remove. " ffTparevfJi 'Apyeibv e^irj 3 KaXtis. Troad. <)4>. SYN. 'ETre^jut, d7rori0r/jut, , f. vi/cD, v. [dirigo,] to make out straight, to rule. 'AXX' wore i6vvet. O. 410. SYN. See 'I0y/w. vw, v. [supplico,] to obtain a request, to petition. 'E^tfctreimt r^s os dly&v. CE. R. 7^0 SYN. KdOiKerevw, ^aiTopai t KdrdSeo/xat, fcdrd- Treidta. 'E^ufta^w, v. [" proprie exsicco, hie valet, praesentibus insistere, considerare,] commemorare." Brunck.] to consider. OVK e%iKpa, v. [comprimo, opprimo,] to oppress, to bruise. 'Sis e/uov ye rw rd>/ w/ioi/ cfrir&KaTtiv. Lysistr. 291. t, f. Trrr/ao/Ltat, 2 aor. eVr^i', v. [avolo,] to fly away from. , ap.iKpov avdijaas ^povov. Eur. Electr. 9^4. 'E^tffow, v. [adaequo,] to make equal with. 'E^iffujffat TOVS TroX/ras ica^eXel^ r( beifj.cLTd. Ran. 688. SYN. 'AvtfToo;, icrow. 'Etorr7/it, f. eKffTi'iab), v. [(1) de loco demoveo; (2) mente alieno,] to remove, to turn aside, to alarm, to confound. Ttor^eQ' aurov* Tr/owrd ' $Kffrriaov vw'. Bacch. 838. SYN. (med. v.) 'A^'ord^at, /Lte0tVrd//ai, eKTrX^TTdjuiat, bla- ei/ywjY rpu7rec?tus oorts egoyrotr* dyav. Eur. Suppl. 874. SYN. 'Oyfcow, Kdrd^vvvpl, cdXv7rrw, OaTrrw, i/^ow. 'EoyKw/m, dros, TO, subst. [tumor, tumulus,] a swelling, a tomb. Qixrlcntjl Xaii'oial T efyyKdjpdG/L. Here. F. 1332. SYN. Xwyud, Tvpftos. 'Eodu>, v. [viatico instruo ; venumdo,] to supply provisions for a journey, to sell. Mf) Tab' etobqv tyw. Cycl. 267. SYN. 'EeproXdw, eKTropevopai. 'Eo5oi7rope&>, v. [exeo foras,] to go out from, to travel abroad. IlptV ovv TIV avbpHJv et,dboi7rop~iv OTEyrjs. Soph. Electr. 20. SYN. 'El^ep^d/uat. "Edbds, ov, ?/, subst. [egressio, finis, mors,] a departure, an outlet, an end, ! death. KaXX/dVes r' dp' eiaoboi TWV e^ubwv. Here. F. 622- SYN. TE\OS, QdvaTos. E^dbvvddpat, v. [dolore irritor,] to be tormented with pain. Tvpvev\ eXice, , 0i/yd5euw, UET- E^otKobopEd), v. [inceptum aedificium perficio,] to finish a building. '] fj.r)Tai (JOL TO Tciyos. Aves 1124. 'E^oijuw^w, v. [ejulo,] to utter doleful cries. '6 6' evdvs etynw^Ev oluwyas Xv- ?. Aj. Fl. 317- SYN. See O<>ww. 'ddfjiat, v. [vino lymphor,] to be intoxicated with wine. Tepirvtis v\v et b' coXoXi/e, bpdpwv b* ijyyeiXE pveaalv. Batrach. 100. SYN. See 'OXoXy^. j, v. [consuetudinem habeo,] to associate with, to crowd around. Ou v o\X^ a e&ptXeladai orpdrof'. Ipll. A. 735. SYN. See 'OjutXtcu. r, ou,' 6 et r/, adj. [abhorrens a consuetudine,] unusual. Hei/wv ydp ?;Sc ns /3aars. Trach. 966^ SYN. AutrojutXos, dTrorpoTrds, droo;, v. [oculos effodio ;.oculatum rcddo,] to take out or open the eyes; to render quick-sighted. 'Ewyu/*drwrat, cat XeXa/iTrpvvrat *6pas. Plut. 635. SYN. 'O^u/xdrow, eKTV(f)Xo(i). /rf, f. ctopovfjiat, v. [abjuro,] to deny on oath. To pri elbEvat; 1 Alitig. 541. SYN. 'ATrdyopeyw, a v, adv. [ex eoclera loco,] from the ame place. ' 1 M^j e/Scvat is here scanned as a cretic. 308 EHOM E5OX juev 0tfXtys, o 6' eXafys. e. 4,77- SYN. See 'SyuctfeV. 'E^fyiotow, v. [similem efficio,] to make like, to assimilate. "Av&pas edf*oiovffOat tyvalv. Androm. 354. SYN. '6/ioiow. , f. fytopw, v. [abstergo,] to wipe off. MTJ&' efyop . Bacch. 340. SYN. '6/^dpyvi/jUt, dTro/iopyvvp, aTrfytdrrw, eit/idr- ro/icu. , terw, Attice iw, v. [probris incesso,] to reproach. KdXov ye /Ltoi ifave&lffas. Iph. A. 305. SYN. See '6/eiStw. ?w, et elfivtipalvu, v. [nomine voco,] to name, to accost by name. Xeipi re pv Kdrepee>, CTTOS r' e^dr', IK r ovdfjia&v. H. 108. See also 5. 66. SYN. See '6vo/udc?a>. , adv. [nominatim,] expressly, by name. 'E^oi/fymicX^v oyd- ctvSpa eKciffT&v. X.415. SYN. See 'Ofdna.K\r)brjv. , e|o7r(o-0e, et ed7rt<7w, adv. fa tergo, retrorsum,] Ilp/ Sopv fjiaKpdv. IT. 6ll. See also Equit. 22. and b. 35. SYN. See"67rrev. '(5w, v. [partes posteriores impingo,] to kick the posteriors. Tjjf QoTnaOdTrpuKTlffdv. Thesm. 1124. 'Eo7rX/e?w, v. [armis penitus instruo,] to arm completely. Aeoyrds, rjirep avros . Here. F. 464. SYN."O7rX/w. dw, v. [asso,] to roast. Ad/3py /udx/p^ adpfcds, tw7rra Trvpt. Cycl. 402. SYN. See 'OTrrdw. 'E^pdw, v. [perspicio,] to see distinctly. *!W %opao6ai po0m ^epyodev /udXts. Helen. 1268. *Eopyt'2w, v. [ad iram incite,] to exasperate. Tovrov xpiv e^wpyecrjuat. Batrach. 184. SYN. 'OpylSta. 'E^op0id5w, v. [alta voce excito,] to stir up by a loud voice. Kdop0id<:W TroXXd. Choeph. 265. SYN.'E7rop0mw, op0td5w, e^at/Sdw, ejc/3odw, d/op0td5w. 'Eop0ow, v. [erigo, instauro,] to raise up, to set right, to direct, to regulate. vffTepatalv eop0ov/*e0d. Eur. Suppl. 1093. SYN. 'A'op0ow, eTrdvop- , v. [extermino,] to exterminate, to banish. "AXXTjv aw dXX^s e^opt- TrdXtv. Heracl. 16. SYN. 'A^)dp/^w, e^eXavi'w, eK5i(OKw, ^vydSeyw, e^ot- tVo>, v. [incito, irrito,] to excite. 2i) 6' etyplvas ?/7riovs vXay/^daiy. Agam. 1621. SYN. 'E#p0/c?, v. [impello, incito, erumpo,] to excite, to exhort, to rush out, to hasten. Tcfav Trrepwrds yXv^iSds e^opjuwjueVay. Orest. 268. SYN. ' w, v. [(1) enavigo, (2) sede moveo,] to set sail, to withdraw, to carry out. 'Es TTOVTOV daa )(p>) veKvortv eZopftigdfJiev. Helen. 1246. Efypfjios, ov t o et rj, adj. [qui e slatione solvit,] one who sails from. KpTjras ?op/uos dvr]p. Hipp. 156. vw, v. [exsilio,] to spring forth, to jump out, to escape. 'Acr/cov /uev , avefJiot 5' CK Trdvres opovadv. K\ 4/. SYN. 'EfCTriySdw, eK0opew, avopovw, w, V. [excito,] to stir up. T H, icat o per Trporepwae 6o/ia>v e^aiprd Apoll. 1. 306. ^orpvrw, f. flya), V. [exstimulo,] to urge on. "Os /u' e^orpvrei waifr tfjtov TreTcrai Xtraw. Eur. Suppl. 24. SYN.^Orpvycu, eKTretdw. as, ^, subst. [facultas, potentia,] power, authority, keifafflv avrovs t^ovo-fy. Eur. Temen. fr. 14. SYN. Ai/yd/m, dSetd, d^rw/^d. v. [adaugeo,] to increase, to advance. MvTjarJ/pns bwpoiffl Kai e^w- teS^d. o. 19. SYN. 'ETTttyeXXw, o0eXXw, av^w. ?, #>>, adj. [eminens,] surpassing others, eminent, distinguished. 'Hi/re ESOX 02 309 J3ovs ayeXyfi /uey' ^x^s iTrXtrtf irat>ruv t B. 480. SYN. 'Efc/pcYds, i/Tre/povto, ^ i>7TpXW', TTptieXWV, VTTp(j)vf]S, 7Tpd(f)Epfc , evbo^OS, e/CTrpCTTT/S, KpCLTlOTOS. 'E^oxws, adv. [excellenter, supra modum,] eminently, exceedingly, in a particu- ^ lar manner. QvrjrSr* abacas elirov, e^ws 6' ep.e. Bacch. 1224. 'E$0piu, f. law, v. [injuriam facio per insolentiam,] to act with overbearing ^insolence. Td# i&fol&r irXriv dray KXi/j/ TWOS. Soph. Electr. 295. SYN. 1 pp/c?w, yavptdw, Tvod/jta.i. E^fordw'oTtyrf, v. [(1) sine mora erigo ; et (2) tn 2 a.ffjj.a, drds, TO, subst. [tela,] a web. KepfctSos or^> yvotrjs . Eur. Electr. 539. SYN."Y^aa/*d, WTOS. btiyZtipat, v. [praseo,] to go first, to lead the way. 'AXX' 5', ws EX^V ^X et * ^-E* ^* 1025. SYN. 'Y^yed/zcu. 'E^w, et e^w0j/, adv. et praep. [foras, foris, extra, praeter, absque,] without, out of doors, beyond. Avrdp Eywv olds ayZQov e^w vfjd ^utXatmv. ic. 95. See also Med. 1309. Ew0w, f. wOfiffw et w, vid."E^w. E^tuX^s, eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [deperditus,] utterly ruined. 'E&SXes AiyvvTOV yEi>os. isch. Suppl. 749. SYN. HavuiXrjs, irdvwXEBpds, oXoos, w, v. [humero tenus nudo,] to make bare up to the shoulder. TOV erepov /3pdx''o^d. Eccles. 267* ^w/its, tos, fj, subst. [tunica servilis non tegens brachia,] a jacket used by menials, which being short and without sleeves left the arm and body free for labor. At^Oepwi', Kaw/a5wy, &s OVTOS avrols rjfjuroXa. Vesp. 442. ^w/u^ta, as, ^, subst. [abjuratio,] a denial on oath. 'Ea>/ioirta 5' oi/K korlv\ b. Ov yap bet ffTpd^s. Eccles. 1026. SYN. 'ATrw/uoata, apvrjffts , oi/, 6 et //, adj. [extra conspectum positus,] out of sight. 'Hyov av f ruvbe bu)fjta.T(i)v e^WTriovs. Alcest. 562. Ewpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [intempestivus,] out of season. "E^wpa irpoffo-w, : tot irpoffeiKOTci. Soph. Electr. 121. SYN."Awpos, aKatpus, TrdXaios, ltrri\ds. rr^s, ov, 6, subst. [expulsor,] a driver-out, an expeller. M>) ^irijvSnflv t efaarfs "Apys. Rhes. ^22. SYN. 'E\dr>)p, o/3pt^os. w, v. [festum diem celebro,] to celebrate a feast. Nfyov re 0^* ro^*, dy eopraZrj Xews. Iph. T. 1459. SYN. 'Eoprqv dyw. Eoprj/, ^s, ^, subst. [festus dies, feriae,] a festival, a feast, a holiday. KnJ 0d- vartf Karexet, Epoplov irapafjiovads eoprals ; PllO3n. 797- SYN. TeXfrv), 7rd> i n v- pt, eiXamvr]. SYN. Seyuv^, ayv^, Xvfftir&vds, ttpit, e eo^t>s, TremaeTrjpis. Eds, cj), toy, et 'Ei>s, eos, pronom. [suus: usurpatur etiam de omnibus personis. 'Eos etiam apud Horn, bonus significat, unde geuitiv. plur. eawv, kdotwv, btari- vw vel simili voce subaudita. Vid. Heyne. A. 393.] his own, &c. 'Ev 7rayyeXXet. Here. F. 1176. SYN. 'ATrayyeXXw, KtXei/w, biayopevk), o/jtoXoyZd), TrdpayyeXXw, dveyyvaw. 'ETrdysipw, f. pw, v. [congrego,] to gather together again, to collect. Aaovs &' OVK eirZotKe ira\(\\oya TavT 1 eirayetpetv. A. 126. SYN. 'Aye/pu;, trvydyetpw, 7ra- *E7rayXaed/iai, V. [exulto ob,] to be proud of, to exult. Aypov eTret , v. [(1) accino, (2) incanto,] to sing to, to charm by singing. Tleidetv Ijrybovv' &a& opaprelv poi TTErpas. Iph. A. 1212. See also Eur. Electr. 864. SYN. npo AoK-pwv eiraelpov-Tl. Olymp. 9. 31. SYN. 'Avde/pw, ^de/p(u, eTraipU), 7rdyw, dm/cou^/Cw, 7ratVW. 'ETrde^w, v. [adaugeo, promoVeo,] to increase, to cause to prosper. "Os oi TroXXd deos 6' em epyuv ac^rj. . 65. SYN. 'Ae^w, a3u;, 7rai>w. "ETra^Xor, ov, ro, subst. [praemium certaminis,] a prize, a reward. KoVaOXd beiva, baKpva , f. ;a0dju^v, v. [(l)sentio, (2) audio,] to perceive, to under- stand, to hear. Ti x pos ; TI reov; rl 5' tiraiaQo^vri. Again. 84. SYN. At- ;, V. [irruo,] to rush on. E[a TrdS' 1 7r^as, trapKaii/ oorewv^ Hec. 1054. SYN. Kdratao-w, ettr/3dXXw, ETrtTrtVrw, ETropovw, d7TO7rX>/rrw. Trato-xvvd^ae, f. vvov/, v. [pudet me ; erubesco,] to be ashamed, to blush at. Tai/a*/r' etTrelv o^fc firaiaxyvdfioopai. Agam. 1344. SYN. S' for ro5-o(rTeW in scanning forms a spondee. EH AT EDAM 311 , v. [(1) mendico ; (2) insuper peto,] to beg, to ask over and above. 'Ev bvfffjieveia y ova eVaireirai Taot. Soph. Electr. 1134. SYN. 'ATratrtw, curew. , v. [criminor,] to accuse, to criminate. 7 ft Trpeafiv, pri vvv n/v&' w TroXiv. Heracl. 462. SYN. See Atrtdd/jai. , ov, 6 et /;, adj. [qui est iu culpa,] blameable, in fault. "CW JCCLKWV; Hipp. 1380. SYN. 'YTramos, virevdvvos, airws, 7rt)ie^7rros. 'ETTCUW, v. [audio, intelligo,] to hear, to understand. Trjv fiapfidpov yip crdv OVK eTratw. Aj. Fl. 1263. SYN.^Atw, Traiaddvo[, tTra.Kovti), du>uw. 'ETTtu'oAovflew, v. [subsequor,] to follow closely. 'ETrdKoXovOovvTwv e//o/. Vesp. 1328. SYN. 'AKo\ou0ew, edcoXov0W, TTO//CU, avvetro[ t pfTep-^ofiat. 'ETraKoyw, f., v. [exaudio,] to hear distinctly. Ni/v ZiraKovcrov, vvv ETrdp^oV. Choeph. 713. SYN. 'En-atw, ^dfcovw, v7rd:ova;. 'E7racoi/os, ov, 6, subst. [auditor,] a hearer, a judge. Ne/ice' oTrtTrrevovr', uyoprjs fTTUKovov ZQVTO.. Hes. Op. 29- S YN. "Ak'jOoar^s, ein'jKoos. 'EiraKpiZb), \. [ad summum perduco,] to bring to an end. 'ETret 5e TroXXwv eu/mrwv eirriKplffev. Choeph. 919- 1 SYN. 'Ed/i)w, CTT' afcpoi/ epxonai. rip, rjpos, 6, subst. [venator,] a huntsman. (Jl 5' e$ fiijaffav IKO.VOV lira ' irpo b' dp' avrUJv. r. 435. SYN. Kiivayos, Kvvrjyerijs. oSj a, dv, et ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [iittoralis,] on the shore. "EXnrfs, eXtTrw, ) /mXd TroXXd irdOr], Kat Tro'XX' 7rdXr]drj. o. 400. SYN. 'AXdo/^at, dTroTrXdvdoyucu, 7Tpt^)pd^ua. 'ETrdXaffmu, v. [indignor,] to be indignant at. Tov 5' ETrdXaarriaaffd Trpoo-ijvoa IlaXXds *A.Qrjvr]. a. 252. SYN. See 'AXaorfw. 'ETraXyfw, v. [doleo,] to grieve or be sorry for. "Qa-aov 7raXyw ptXtd r&v. Eur. Suppl. 63. 'E7rdXe/, 7rd/ii/yw. 'ETraXfrpevw, v. [molo,] to grind upon, to grind. Ilaj'o^oto /uuXqs 7rXd)/oys eTrdXerpevovaiv. Apoll. 1. 1077. SYN. 'AXfiw, dX^0w, aXfrpeuw. 'ETrdXt^Sfw, v. [obvolvo,] to wrap or roll in. "I^vtd yap vv^loiatv ^Tr^XtVSrjr 1 dvfioiffl. Apoll. 4. 1463. SYN. 'EcevTpov &, TTOVS 7raX\axQ^s TTooi. Heracl. 836. SYN. ridpaXXads, ou, 6 et r/, adj. [mitis, suavis,] cherished with hope, welcome. "ETraXTTvds ev HvQl- dbt. Pyth. 8. 120. SYN. See 'Hdfls. 'ETrdjua^evw, v. [tero plaustris,] to mark with carriage wheels. Kai appa>, ovb' 7rr}fjia^evfjivr)^ Antig. 257- , v. [coacervo,] to heap up, to pile up. Av)p, ^pos/6, subst. [qui conscendit vel insidet,] one who lights upon, an invader, a devourer. 2apKwv 7ra/i/3dr/pds dypiats yydOots. Choeph. 274. SYN. 'E7rt/3dn?s. 1 See Dr, Blomfield's Glossary, 312 EDAM EFIAN 'E7rd/xe//3w, V. [permuto,] to exchange. Tevxjia. &' dXX^Xots 7rd/zetyo>teV >d KOI otSe. Z. 230. SYN. totapeipw, d/ze//3o>cu, mraXXcWw, dj/rtfoSoj/uu 'ETra^ueVw, vid. 'EVdj/d//>a>. 'E7rd^ot/3dis, adv. [per vices,] in turn, alternately. 'AXXrfXotolv e 7rd/*oi/3d- Sis* ovs VTT' 'oSuo-o-eus. e. 482. SYN. 'EvaXXd, d/JOi/3uoV, 7rdpaXXd. 'E7rd/uo/0rds, et eirajjtoifids, ov, 6 et ^ adj. [alternans,] alternate, mutual, corre- sponding. Ttfj^v yap Trap Zrfvds X IS > ^dfjioiftld epyd. Hom. H. Merc. 513. See also Apoll. 2. 1077. SYN. 'A/ioi/3ds, d/*ot/3a7os. 'E7ra/Z7r)(w, v - [superinduo,] to clothe, to place upon. Tijv rS' eira^iria'^ov^ res, aipovfjiev bopv. Troad. 1147- 'E7rd//rfvrwp, opds, 6, subst. [(1) auxiliator, (2) vindex,] a protector, an avenger. w rot roi/rw y' eirdfjivvrdpEf TOVS ayopevcts. if. 263. SYN. 'A/uvvrwp, tiXe- f f. vv&, v. [(1) defendo ab injuria, (2) succurro,] to defend, to suc- cour, to avenge, flpotypwv vvv Aavaotfft, TToo-etSawv, eirap.vvat. H. 357^ SYN. , efapKea), eTrapKfw, 7rt/3o70w, w, vid. ' 'Exav, vid. 'ETT 'ETrdva/SaXXw, v. [differo, wzerf. v. induo,] to put off, to throw over or on. 'E7rdvci/3dXeo-0e, rals fiaKrrjpiats. Eccl. 27^. SYN. 'E7rt/3aXXw, irepl- dw, v. [acclamo,] to shout aloud. *Y/ua$ dyetV aXX' eld, refccd, Odfiiv . Plut. 292. SYN. 'Avd^odw, eVt/Soaw, tTrrfdeyyoftai. 'E7rdfay/cd5(i>, f. dira), v. [cogo, compello,] to force upon, to compel. "AKOvaav aXX' sTrijvayKa^e vlv. P. V. 692. SYN. 'E^dvayfaic?^, dvayKa$at. t, v. [pra3conis voce pronuntio,] to proclaim over and above. fjievTOi 6' rjfjiepq. ^tdXtor' 7rdvdydpeverai. Aves 1072. SYN. ' nrXd^o;, f. dffw, V. [duplico,] to repeat. 'EvrdrdStTrXaCe, Kai ffd^ws Kfj.&vddv. P. V. 842. SYN. 'AvdStTrXow, 7rdvd0p(>,\a.p,fia.vit). 'E7rdvatpo/iat, v. [(1) capesso, (2) occido,] to raise up, to kill. T Hs vvv sXpvrat, KcnravatpovvTai bopi). QE. C. 421. SYN. 'ETra/pw, 7riXaju/3di/w, d^at- ptw. v. [elevo meipsum,] to rise up. 'Pa^d/^po's * aXX' . Equit. 784. SYN. 'E7Tye/p6;ucu, ye/po/iai, ETravlffTufJiai. w, v. [repello, inhibeo,] to beat back. 'Arcip rti belra, Sevp* eTrdm- Kpovaai TtaXiv. Aves 648. SYN. 'Amifpouw, V7row, v. [exspecto,] to wait for. 'AXX' ETravd/jeivov /^' #Xtyo/ ^povoy. Nub. 801. SYN. 'Am/ueVw, k^EVw. , v. [insilio,] to spring upon. "ETTOS Trpos TTOS ^peiSdjtteffO'' cl6' euros ETrdfdTr^S^. Nub. 1378. SYN. See 'E7rt7r7?6da>. , EWS, ^, subst. [subversio,] subversion. Tp0wv Si)' dra, *cdrd- Qpovtov. Antig. 533. SYN. 'Avdo-rdats, e^dmo-rdats. i, v. [superimpono,] to lay upon. Ai/ov TrdXtV ^>p', ewavaOSt trot eal &\6v. Vesp. 148. SYN. 'ETrtrtO^t. 'E7rd/d0pw, v. [transfero, refero,] to refer to, to lay the blame upon. f fts ovblv elr' e rov At' ETrd^fveyKelv. Nub. 1079* ;, v. [tibiam inflo,] to blow or play on the flute. I,v S', (3 Tfpt;w>/, TLepffiKov. Thesm. 1175. SYN. 'Avd^verdoi, avuirvZw, aeiba). w, v. [recedo,] to go back, to retreat. ITpoo-iovrd' epe vvv eirava- iraXtv. Eccles, 28. 'Eiraveifjit, vav^K() t et fTrd^ep^d/iot, V. [redeo,] to return. 'Id^wv Kafd^dv tTrd- ir. Trach. 643. See also Iph. A. 1627, &c. SYN. 'AvepxtJ//at, a>, eiravetfjil, e-rravfiKb), t, v. [rursum interrogo,] to question again. To5e a* Pers. 965. SYN. 'Afcpfytcu, dvfpwrdw, , et EIIAN EFIAP 313 et poet. 7rai>0mw, v. [effloresce,] to florish upon, to blossom, to prosper. 'AT-CX^* eirav&el, rfl Ti ArE!2 If ; Nub. 11 74. See also Apoll. 3. 519. SYN. 'Eav0ew, airavdew. 'ETravBpaKibes, wv, at, subst. [pisciculi super carbonibus assati,] broiled fish. Ka< yap irpoTepov eTravdpaKibwv\i'ifjievds. Vesp. 1127. 'ETrai^pdK/cJw, v. [super carbonibus asso,] to broil. Movov 0ui> yap bla. a eira.vdpa.Ki2tiij.EV. Aves 1546. 'EiraviffTrjfji, v. [(l) excito, erigo, (2) in aor. 2. et perf. med. assurgo,] (1) to raise up, (2) to rise up. 'ETroVtarajueVoi rots brj/jioTiKo'iaiv opveots. Aves 1583. SYN. 'Aviffrrjpl, edf /or^//?. "EiravopBou, v. [in integrum restituo,] to set right again, to re-establish. Kav- , tiairep y ///uels, 7rdj'Op0ai<7a*/Ui> dv /yyuas. Lysistr. 528. SYN. 'Avop- ), Karopdow, ffypBow. vreXXw, f. fXw, poet, pro 7rd rdreXXw, v. [(1) tollo, (2) exorior,] (1) to raise up, (2) to rise up. Hobos 'iyvos eTrai/r^XXwv. Pho3ii. 105. SYN. 'AmreXXa;, , f. dorw, v. [adversor,] to oppose. "Os TTOT tiravTlaaeC , dr 'laovts elei/. Horn. H. Apoll. 152. dVw, et e?rd^. OE. R. 133. SYN. 'Aiws, ei/6t/cws, /s, >/, subst. [incantatio,] a charm, an incantation. 'E7rdo t, orrpas r'. P. V. 180. SYN. 'ETTW//. EPITH. MeXiyXw^o-ds, /idXdfO/. , v. [insuper minor; minor,] to superadd threats, to threaten. B^ ' ETrcLTretXriffas 'EXer^ jjpwl avaKTi. N. 582. SYN. 'ATretXso), :drd7reiXew, e/i- ', \. [accingor rei gerendaj,] to prepare for action. 'AXX' avbpes rovrfol ry 7rpay//drt. Lysistr. 6l5. SYN. ' , Dor. et ETrrjTrvw, v. [acclamo,] to shout at, to clamor for. Aaoi b' a.fji(j)OTpotis dpwyot. L 502. SYN. 'E7rdi;raj, eirififiuw, 'ETrapd, as, 77, subst. [imprecatio,] a curse. 'E e^Qev yeydwrd' 6fo< ^' Xos. 'ETrdpj/yw, v. [adjuvo,] to assist, to support. M/;ri7p ws, 'Obvyrji Trdptardrat, //5' . 783. SYN. 'E7rdXew, eTrapvi'w, dp//yw. wv, oi/os, o, subst. [auxiliator,] an assistant, a supporter. Mapva^ov - 7roXe7s 6' 7rdp?7o'S dXXot. Apoll. 1. 1039- SYN. See 'ETrdpwyos. is, EWS, r/, suhst. [auxilium,] assistance, aid. Kat yfjs tibeiav nal ytvovs eira.pKf.alv. (E. C. 447. SYN. Bo>y0em, eirtKovpia, dXfcdp, dpwy//. 'E?rap(v>, f. f(Tw, v. [propulso, opem fero,] to avert, to ward off, to succour. Pros. Lex. 2 k 314 EDAP Ei ff pi V bewalotv oVrd av}jtupcus eirapKtffw. Orest. 794" SYN. ' vjTws, adv. [sufficienter,] in a sufficient manner, adequately. Ov c?Ji; KO.K&S \Jitv y olo'* 7rapKovi'T(i>s &' Z/Jioi. Soph. El. 356. SYN. See 'Eapcovj'rws. 'Eirapovpos, ov, 6, subst. [agricola,] a husbandman. Boi/Xofyiq/ K* Eirapovpos ebv dnTeveptv ciXXw. X. 488. SYN.^Ayporijs, 6rjs. 'ETrapry/s, EOS, o et rj, adj. [qui est in promptu,] ready, prompt. Nf/d Kdreipv- <70a/, KO? fTraprtds e'yu/jfV zTaipovs. T. 289. SYN. 'ETOtpos, evrp7n)s, Trpo- , et 7raprva>, v. [paro, adapto, perficio,] to prepare for, to make ready, to fit to. 'AXX' avrws ayopT/tfeV zirftprtgovrd veeaQai. Apoll. 1. 877- See also 0. 447- SYN. 'A7rapr/c?w, mrapr/5w, e^aprvw, ap/zocfo. , v. [auspicor,] to begin with. 'AXX' dyer', oivoxoos, ptv . a. 417- SYN. 'ATrap^d/, mrap^o^at, op^o/iat. , ov, 6, subst. [dux, ductor,] a leader, a commander. Newv r' , 'iXtow r' dvaffrarris. A gam. 1198. SYN."Ap)(os. Trctpw, f. cipw et ^Eol. apffw, v. [adapto,] to fit in, to fasten. "H^atcrros, vas 5e dvpus (rraOjjioialv eTrfjpaev. S. 338. SYN. 'ETraprvw, dpw, apjuo^w, e^ap- , >7s, //, subst. [auxilium,] assistance, succour. "E^p??, drop y* api<7Tr'](*)V eTrdptuy^. Apoll. 1. 302. SYN. 'Apwyr), tnlKovpla. Trdpwyos, ou, 6, subst. [auxiliator,] an assistant, an ally. Ou ydp eywv yos VTT' avyas rjeXioio. X. 497 SYN. 'Apwyos, fTrdpryywi', dXe^r?r^p, florjdos, , eirippoOos. ew, v. [exerceo, exorno,] to work, to embellish, to extol. 'E ' ecFTtf eTrr]ffKTjrai Se ot auX?/. p. 266. SYN. ' s, a, ov, adj. [creber, alter post alterum,] frequent, one upon another. *fts TOT 7raaffvrepai Admwv K'IVVVTO tyaXayyes. A. 427. SYN. 2v>- ^>/Sj TTVKVOS* i *E7racr, otas. ^sch. Suppl. 18. EI1EI 315 "E7rd0c/s, ov, 6, P. N. [Epaphus,] the son of Jove and lo. "EirdQov, <5 Atos ytvc- Jd\dv. Phoen. 689. EPITH. KeXatvos. 'E7raplg(,), v. [spumam ago, despumo,] to foam at. KvproV ETra^picty, rd bl KVfjidrd irdvrd ^uf/^r/j'jj. Mosch. 6- SYN. A^p/c'w, ea0p/e?w. 'ETrdfyvffau), f. i)/, adj. [gravis, molestus,] odious, vexatious, burdensome. Olbovffdv VTTO KoyuTraoy/drtov, Kal prjp.dT(jiv tTra-^Otijy. Ran. 9^0. SYN. Bdpus, 'ETraxXvd), vffw, v. [obnubilatmn esse,] to be darkened. "H eboKrjaev adv ibecOat. A poll. 4. 1479- '-\Qopat, v. [indignor,] to be indignant at. Oi/0' ijbopai rolab', our' KdKols. Hipp. 1255. ,db), v. [illudo, irrideo, insulto,] to laugh at, to deride, to insult over. Ke7yot b' liteyylXdJalv eKTrefyevyores. Aj. Fl. 454. SYN. KdrdyfiXdw, eyy- 'E7Tye/pw, v. [excito,] to stir up, to awaken. "Ai>p' tTrlyetpo/utrov. Here. 1074. SYN. 'Ai^eye/jow, ej-eyeipw, eye/pw, dmiavew. 'ETreyfcdTrrw, v. [devoro,] to devour. "E^c rvv, eTreyfca^ov Xd/3wv rd/. 6. 5a/; Equit.-49l. SYN. Karci(/>ayw, fcdrec70ta*, 7rt0dyw. 'ETrey^Xevw^ v. [jubeo,] lo order. 'AXX' ovv eTreyK-eXei/e y', ws ev^vx^av. Cycl. 648. SYN. 'EyfceXevw. 'ETreypo/zat, v. [expergefio,] to awake. 'AXKju^i'a 6' tvaKovcre (3ods> Kai eTreypero Trpdra. Theocr. 24.^34. SYN. See^Eypo/zai. 'ETreyxew, f. yewa), v. [infundo, admisceo,] to pour in or into, to mix, to mingle. 'Eyw ' eTrey^ew^. Cycl. 422. SYN. 'Eyxeo>, inlyta). 'End, eTre^, ewetbtj, et eTretbdv, conj. [postquam, quoniam,] when, after, since. 'ETrei, 0ep', etTre, TTOV av ^avrls el od^s ; (E. R. 390. See also A. 307. A. 235. and N. 285. SYN. 'E?rar, 7rei dv, oirrjviKd, ore, ordv, oirordv. 'ETre/yw, v. [(1) urgeo, (2) festino,] to urge, to force ; mid. voice, to hasten. Kai /mXa Teipdjjievoi Trep' dvaytcairi yap ?re/yet. Z. 85. SYN. KarfTre/yw, tSw, v. [inspicio,]to look upon, to behold. IlcuSos /ifXeas, fy Se7 a' Hec. 148. SYN. Ilpoo-e/Sw, fc-dre/6w, 0opdw, deddfjtat. '7reifcd5w, v. [conjicio,] to conjecture. 'IoX//v fXe^ds, war' 7reiKaei' /^. Trach. 1222. SYN. Eicaw. "ETrei^ut, v. [succedo, advenio, obeo,] to be about to come, to come upon, to arrive, to attack. T//v ' yw ov Xvaw, Trplv jjiiv KCU yfjpds eireialv. A. 29- SYN. , v. [sum super et post,] to be upon, over, or after. Mrjkir' 7reir' Kdprj tipoialv crreir]. B. 259. SYN. 'E7ny/y'o/uai, imp.lvw t 7rl- 'ETretoi, wy, oi, P. N. [Epe'i,] the inhabitants of Elis. Ovs 'Eireiovs wvoftaZE Trds XEWS. Iph. A. 281. SYN. See 'HXeio/. 'ETrecos, ov, 6, P. N. [Epeiis,] the builder of the Grecian horse, which is said to have ultimately caused the destruction of Troy. Ao^pdrtov, TOV 'Eiretos eiroiraev avv 'AQfjv. 6. 493. EPITH. 0e7os, ^7os, /Uyd0u^(5s, vios HdrijTrTifa, 493. ei>/uc\tds, dprjtyiXds, ctyXdoprjTls. 'Eire-info, v. [insuper dicere,] to say further. Kal TOTTOS evftw?. H ris I- '. ^Esch. Suppl. 979. SYN/KctretTrdK, 7rai/5dw. , vid. 'E7Tpvw. . .-, oi/, 6 et $, adj. [adscititius,] brought in, introduced, foreign. C ylvos. Ion 592. SYN. 'AXXorp*os, 7r?Xvs, aXX^vXos. 'E7re t a/3ciXX w , v. [superinfundo,] to pour in upon, to pour down. pes, piKpfr, hXX 7re t 7/3dXe7v. Eur. Electr. 498. SYN. 'E7rr/3aXX W , c(a/ 5 XXa;, 316 EIIEI EIIEN ?, ov, o, subst. [vectus,] a passenger in a ship, a sailor. Aoyos S' tv t, TWV Z-rreiffflarwv. Helen. 1549. |uoi, v. [ingredior,] to enter into. "Oorts o-g yrifjias f.v8s eireiaeXQwv tfv. Ion 812. SYN. See Eterep^ojuat. 'E-jreiffdods, ov, 77, subst. [ingressio,] an entrance. Tijs tfjLijs ETrettroSov. CE. C. 30. SYN. See E'ioobos. itw, v. [violenter irruo,] to strike or rush against. 'Eire ion t-rraiKtv ov&tv '. Plut. 806. SYN. See EtV7ra/w. ;, v. [insilip,] to spring upon. 'Eyw 5' tireiairrib&v yl TYJV BouX//v /3tp KVKrjarw. Equit. 362. SYN. See EicnrqddbJ et 'ETrtTTT^dw. ETretffTrtTrrw, v. [irruo,] to rush upon, to fall upon. Td Trjcrbe rrjs yiys >cvpt*, J5' fTreto-TTfawv. QE. C. 9^5. SYN. See Et<77aVru>. E7ret, TOTE, 7Tl TOl. -d, adv. [illic, ultra, ante,] in those parts, beyond, opposite. Ylivbov rl L, Uaidvuv ireXas. ftLsch. Suppl. 265. ' SYN. Avro0t, Virepavw, rjoo), dTTfj'ajTt, Trepctv. /yw, v. [insuper bibo,] to drink up besides. 'ETreo-twv yaXuKTos a/ ^. Cycl. 327. SYN. See 'EfCTrtVw. i, f. fXdera;, v. [impingo, admoveo,] to drive upon, to spread upon, to cover with. "Qao eTvmf TroXfes ydp 7r' avT x n ^ K 1 ' ZXaaffav. ft. 421. 'ETreXw/^w, f. t/X7rt<7d ; Hipp. 1015. 'ETreXTTo/^at, et 7rteX7ro/ucu, v. [spero,] to hope in, to hope. OV^EV, TcoTf. Kaipiov eKTdXvirevffeif. Agam. 1000. SYN. See 'EX7r/e?w. 'E7re///3atVw, v. [(l) ingredior, (2) insulto,] to enter, to leap upon. "H fccfyt' arw Talab' tTrepJ3aivcii> de/. Hipp. 664. SYN. 'ETrtjSce/vw, eftftaiyia, ava~ '7re///3ctXXa;, f. dXo), v. [injicio, interscro,] to put upon, to insert. "ftcr0' al- >aaTdfjii' 7reyu/3dXe7/ 'f^ot. Iph. T. 936. SYN. 'Eyu/3uXXa>, ei 'E7re/z/3dri?s, ov, 6, subst. [vector equi, currus, navis,] one who mounts, a dri- ver, a mariner. Havr' d>fy>' o7rXw, fc;, et 7revreiVw, v. [insuper inteudo,] to stretch upon or out, to strain. rts Trdfftf oySds IKOITO. ^. 46'5. See also Antig. 1249. SYN. , v. [insuper jubeo,] to order besides. T? 5r/r' dv aXXo TOV& e\\ois rt; Antig. 218. SYN. 'EyreXXw, 7rtVeXXw, KtXevu, TrpoaTiiffffw. 7revrvi/w, et ETre^ri/w, y. [apparo,] to prepare for, to arm for, to put on har- ness. Ziuvvvvrai bt vtot Kal lirevrvvovriu dc0Xd. w. 89. See also 0. 374. EIIEE EDHB 317 v. ^[(i) egredior, (2) aggredior,] to go out against, to assail, to at- tempt. IIs OVTWV aoty&v. Ran. 1117. SYN. 'E7reepydfymi, v. [effectum opus polio, occido,] to polish a completed work, to perpetrate an additional crime, to kill. AI, al, oXwXoV nvbp' ETrefcipyderw. ^Antig. 1288. SYN. 'Eepydo/icu, eTrt^arrw. 'ETrc^epxo/uii, v. [obviam eo hostibus, insuper enarro,] to march out against, to tell besides. MaKpov Xoyov Set ravr' ZneteXQeiv rdp&s. P. V. 895. SYN. dc?a;, v. [laeta voce acclamo,] to shout out joyfully. 'AXwatyuoy -n-atdy affas. Sept. Theb. 632. SYN. 'Ec/3oaw, 7rdXdXaw. '7repydc?o7-ia, v. [conficio,] to perform additionally. A>) rub' 2py' 7red. Bacch. 1188. SYN. 'Epyd^fymi. 'E7Tpe*Sw, v. [impingo, firmo, fulcio,] to press upon, to thrust, to support by leaning. Aa/w, v. [superne eontego,] to cover over, to crown. ^X ( V^ e>;r ' ^ 7r * ^^^ |0e^ci. A. 89. SYN. 'Ept^xu, ffT 'ETrepoyi/at, v. [sciscitor,] to question, to consult. ov 0eov. Plut. 32. SYN. 'Epo/^ai. , et poet. e7reipa>, v. [attraho,] to draw to, to close. B?? p" tyuev e*c ' Ovprjv b' Eirepvat Kopuvy. a. 441. See also Apoll. 3. 148. SYN. t, v. j(l) accedo; (2) in animum venio; (3) impetuni facio ; (4) edis- sero, explico,] to come on or upon, to approach, to come into the mind, to attack or surprise, to detail, to explain. Mtwxpts lirfjXQov x et P<> s aatbt'ipov /utrd. Bacch. 725. SYN. Flpotrepx^at, 7ret^t, 7rt/3a/va;, efiKveSpai, ei<7/3dX- Xo/ucu, eTto-ei'oyuat, 0op)ud 7repwri?0e anoKpivai fjioi. b. To TL ; Plut. 002. SYN. See 'Epwrdw. 'E7re<7/3oXm, as, ^, subst. [conviciuin,] babbling, reproach. 7 ftc)' /\0o;v ro irpw- rov, ETreapoXtas avafyaiveiv. b. 159- SYN. Aoibopia, (p\i)apUt. '7retr/3oXos, ov, o, subst. [conviciator,] a slanderer. *Os rov \wf3rjrfjpa f.Traj56\ov e^x' Hytipaw. B. 275. SYN. Aot'opos, cd(>.oyXw eirrjeravot, TTO\V b' vbwp. airoiv ; ETrrjicoos 5' epwv. Agani. 1393. SYN. 'ETrd- KOVOS, aKpoarifs. 'Eirfi\v, vyos, adj. [obscurus,] shaded, dark. Ovroi etX/y- yotfftv eirrjopos Qavlovaa. Apoll. 4. 142. SYN. See Mfrewpos. '7r?}pdros, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [valde amabilis,] very lovely, enviable. Ao^dv C7r//pd- TOI^,* ea^drials. Isth. 6. 17 SYN. 'Ejodros, epavvos, tpdret^os, fcaXos, ^us. 'EirripeTfids, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ad remigationem adcinctus,] at the oar, furnished with oars. Oi> yap oi napa vfjes 7r///3r/iot KCU eValpot. b. 559. SYN. 'ETTI- KOJTTOS, tTOlfJLQL p6fffflV. 'Eirrjpe(pt]s, cos, 6 et ^, adj. [coopertus,] roofed over, over-arched, projecting. See AvTo\otds. SYN. Ka.Triplr]p(f)ris, v^ijXos, TrpoflXrjs. 'ETD/jOiros, oi/, 6, P. N. [Eperitus,] Avrdp ejjioi y* dro/x* earlv 'EirfjpiTos' ciXXd juc ba.ip.tav. at. 305. 'ETTT/rjys, ou 6, adj. [facundus,] eloquent. Tov a CK (jxtcri ytveaQai' Eirrirfj 6' avbpl ZOIKUS. r. 127- SYN. 'H6i)Xoyos, ayoprjriis. PHR. Tov fca? d?ro yXw\e-yedovoiv 7r>yrpi/40i, v^oae b' avyrj. 2. 211. SYN. 'ETraXX^Xos, TTVKI'OS. , v. [obstrepo,] to sound, to re-echo. "A/^oyer', eirrj-^el, 6' avrpdv & eyw. Cycl. 425. SYN. 'E^T^ew, icdr^tw, avrt^wjew, dvr^ew, praep. tres casus regens, [g'ew. in, super, apud ; dat. super, in ; ace. ad,] gen. upon, above, at; rfa. against, in, over; 0cc. to, on. '&K be Kal avrol fialvov ?T( prjyfjuri OaXacrarjs. A. 437 'ETTI is frequently put for 7reort. ETrmXXw, f. dXw, v. [immitto, injicio, efficio,] to bring upon, to dispatch, to lay upon, to occasion. 'AvrtVoos" ovros ydp fTr/^Xev ' Tabe epyd. ^. 49- SYN. 'E^?/ut, 7rt/3dXXw, t-yit/3aXXa>, iTrlrWrifjCi. Eniavbai'w, poet, pro Zfyavbavia, v. [complaceo,] to please, to prove pleasing. *fts 0dr' 'Afjuplvdfjios' roiaiv & fnlrjvbave fjivOds. ir. 406. SYN. 'ApetrKtD, av- w, v. [acclamo,] to shout, to shriek at. "Oacroi r' evvea-^iXoi fTr/d^oi', 2 >/ E. 860. SYN. 'E7rt/3odw, ETravw, 7rdi/rW, draKpcicJw, dvd/3odw, * The penult, of firirj\tv is here long on account of the augment. a For the quantity of the antepenult, of f-nia^w see note at the word EOIB EI1IB 319 'Errt/JaflpoV, ov, ro, subst. [naulum,] passage-money, fare. Kai bt Kev aXX' tV?- fiaOpov eyur edeXovffa ye bolrjy. o. 448. SYN. See NavXoV. 'E7rr/3atVw, f. flrjadfjtat, v. [conscendo, adeo, evenio,] to ascend, to embark, to go to, to raise, to turn out or prove. *H /ij) Vt/3atrel7raprtari5os ^Qovo^. Orest. 530. SYN.'Avd/3at>'w, e/u/3a, 7rpo, tTrlrlQr)}u t fTrtppnrrw, 7rdyw. 'E7rr/3a<7K-w, v. [induco,] to bring upon. 'ApxoV oVrd, KaKwv ETrtpaffKopey vlds 'A^atw*/. B. 234. SYN. 'ETrdyw, e*dyw, Eirifiaivw. 'E7rt/3aorraca>, v. [fero in,] to bear or carry in. Atao-ovs y' afyrijtras, *ca7ri/3aord- , /3arrac?w, avaKOVtyigu), (f>tpd). "ETrifiba, rjs, i h subst. [" proprie, dies festus additus ; deinde in genere, dies sequeus ; sequens tempus: uti in hoc Pindari loco. V. Schol. et Heyne in 1. et Damm. in v. item Ruhnken. ad Timaeum, v. 'E7rt/3a5at." Maltb.] a day imme- diately after the feast, when the common people were allowed to eat the rem- nant of the festival : generally, any succeeding day ; the following time. Tpa- "Xei&v epTr6vr(Di> irpos eTrifibav OJJLWS. P.yth. 4. 24$. EXP. 'H peOeopTos tiptpa. 'Ewifii'iTwp, opos, 6, subst. [qui navem vel equum conscendit,] one who mounts, a mariner, a rider. "ITTTTWV r' uKvirobuv eirlpijTdpas, o'i KE Ta^tara.. /s. ft. 453. SYN. Mo^Xos, oxevs, bonds, K\e?6poy. '7rt/3oda;, et fTri/Swcrrpew, v. [inclamo, vocifero,] to shout at or cry over, to bark at, to call aloud upon. "Oalov sirifioyv, R-dXelv be. Aves 898. See also Theocr. 12. 35. -SYN. 'Am/3odw, e///3odw *7rt/3oX>), 775, ^, subst. [mulcta,] a fine. Taurrjs 7ri/3oX/v Vesp. 766. SYN. Z?7juia. 'E7Ti/3ovfcoXds, ov, o, subst. [bubulcus,] a cowherd. Tor 5' ayre irpoffeenre flouv eirifiovKdXos dvi'ip. v. 235. SYN. See BovfcoAos. 'ETr'ifiovXevo), v. [insidiose molior,] to plot against, to take by a snare. At yap yvvaiKls 7rt/3f/3oi/Aei/Kaat poi. Thesm. 82. SYN. 'E^peww, evebpevw, Aox'cw, ov, 6, et e?ri/3oi/Xos, ov, o, adj. [(l) insidiator, (2) insidiosus,] one who has designs against another ; one who plots against ; insidious. To> TOV KairiflovXevrov orpdrw. Aj. Fl. 726. See also j*Esch. Suppl. 595. ta, as, r/, subsf. [insidia3,] a design against another, a plot, a stratagem. 'E7ri/3ovXt-a. Nem. 4. 58. SYN. A&XOS, 7ri/3dX>}, eyxe/p/;/ud. 'ETrifiovXos, vid. 'E7r/3ovXevrj/s. 'E7rr/3p/xw, v. [admurmuro,] to roar, to murmur. Ae/ZW, id(^W, 7T//XW. 'E7rijGpt6f}i, Ids, 6 et ?/, adj. [praigravis, pneponderans,] pressing with great weight upon, giving sanction to. Oavri ypoyw b' frr//3pt0e7s. Eumen. 968. SYN. ' 'E7ri"/3p/0w, v. [ingravesco, magno pondere irruo,] to press heavily upon. "Os eur' dv eirtfipiffais evrjTai. Fyth. 3. 190. SYN. KarappiOw, typpiOw, /3d- v. [infrendeo, minitor,] to roar at, to threaten. ftdro Xexwtaiv, a? Aa TraZ^ds. Call. 4. 56. SYN. 'E7rt/3p>iw, '7rij3povrjyros, oi/, 6 et ;, adj. [(i) attonitus, (2) amens,] thunder-struck, hair- brained. 'lls 6 arpaTrjyds ovmfipovTrjros [toXuv. Aj. Fl. 1386. *E7n/3vw, f. vaw, V. [obturo,] to stop up, to fill up. To O-TO/Z' eirlfivcas Plut. 379. SYN. Buw, ' ' 320 EH IB EI1IA 'E7r?/3w/aos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [altari iuipositus, ad altare cantari solitus,] placed on the altar, at the altar. Tlvp ZmpunWv 'Apye/o*i>. Eur. Electr. 715. 'EirlftwffTpEU, vid. 'E7rt/3odw. 'E7rt/3wrwp, opos, o, subst. [pastor,] a feeder of cattle, a shepherd. 'AvS/n bepas elKvm veu 7rt/3wropr /u//Xwv. v. 222. SYN. See Bor?7p. 'E7riyd/uu>, v. [conjugem superinduco,] to marry again, to add one husband to another. Ov yap tTreya^ei Tt^aiv iroaei. Orest. 588. SYN. See Fdjuew. 'Evrtyd/uos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [nubilis,] marriageable. Qvyarrjp 7riyd/^os, (cav #Xws XdXjif. Menand. , v. [arrideo, irrideo,] to smile upon, to laugh at. 'EvriyeXdo-at Trpd- . Tl)esm. 979- SYN, 'EyyeXdw, jcdrdyeXdw, fTricr/ca/Trrw, blairatctb). , et, v. [adnascor, succedo, supervenio,] to spring up, to succeed, to happen. T^XeOowad. 0i>et, Idpos &' tTriy/yvtrat (UjO/;. Z. 148. See also K. 70. SYN. rYyvo/zcu, yevi'do/^at, d^/o-^w, ai/o/ucu, eTrt^iSwjut. Triyiyvwo-Arw, v. [agnosco,] to discover, to understand, to recognize. Ai K' t)u' eirlyvoiri KCLI (ppaaaeral o^BaX/jiOiff/LV. w'. 2l6. SYN. lYyvtiKyKW. avayiyvtoaKd), aiff6avd/jiai, e^TriffTapai, fjtavBavw. 7riyX(u, mrijyd- pew, (f)\vapt.(i). .myva[j,7rTw, v. [inflecto,] to bend back, to prevail upon, to bend. Km p" aKeovcra KadTjaTo, eirtyvafJL^a (j)l\ov Kfjp. A. 669. SYN. Fva/ZTrrw, icdrd 6 et ^, adj. [(l)judex, (2) venive facilis,] a judge; consi- derate, indulgent. "AXye/ptor, la^ov. EPITH. A^evurj. , adv. [stringendo leviter,] with a scratch, lightly. Tw b" trep^ IJLIV eirtypaftbrji' /3d\e ^etpos. $. 166. SYN. Ai'yS^r, eXafjipws, Kovtyws. , drds, TO, subst. [inscriptio,] an inscription, a title. Ala^ov rovm- ev 'EXXdt. Troad. 1187. w, v. [(1) inscribe, (2) leviter perstringo,] to make a mark upon, to inscribe, to graze slightly. 'A^pordro^ 6' dp' 8'iards eireypa-^e xpod QWTOS. A. 139. SYN. 'Eyypctyw, KdOcnrrofJiai, CTT^EW. 'ETTiSa/d^at, v. [divido, distribuo,] to take as one's portion, to distribute. 'Us OVK airios el/Hi' /ueyav 6' eiribaiofjiai opxttv. H. Merc. 383. 'ETrtbaialds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [in haereditatis partitione attributus,] allotted for a ^ share. Owpd^oV oi/*: e/^eyrjpdv )( etv eKtbaiffiov olKov. Call. 1. 59 '^TrtSafc'pvw, f. vaw, v. [defleo,] to weep over. KaTTiSckpuetv a Vesp. 879' SYN. Kdrd E7ri5avpto$, a, 6V, adj. [Epidaurius,] of Epidaurus. Avros 0' owXtafJid rovTrt- bavpiov Xd/3wv. Eur. Suppl. 724. 'ETrtSe/cXos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [pomeridianus,] in the afternoon.^ EtVas & / 7r?5e(Xd, Xwtov r)/udp. Hes. Op. 810. EIIIA Em A 321 v. [demonstro,] to show, to exliibit. Kdpa 'iribeifav, ov\i Fopya- vos tylpiav. Eur. Electr. 856". SYN. '^vtiAttnvvpl, tribeiftv vel crvpfioXov enfiput vel Trapt^w, d7T<5eit> vel nelpav btbufu. , ws, >/, subst. [demonstratio,] a display, a demonstration. Qtwv ao- Kcnrlbe^is'EXXabi. Phoen. 885. u>, v. [secundariam coanarn perago,] to ejitertain with a second sup- >er. 0uo-as 7riSei7rve7s. Equit. 1137. os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [vestibus stratus,] covered with bed-clothes. 'ETTI- tas Treffoi^ fs evvav. Hec. 921. , a, ov, adj. [(l) dexter, (2) scitus, (3) lepidus, (4) faustus,] on the right, clever, auspicious. Fvju^ds ?]/ TrX^yets VTT' avrov Travrd raTrt^td. Aves ^1493. SYN. 'Ev5#to, Setos, cuatos, ev0u^, ao^oj, e/UTretpos. 'ETTibepKopai, v. [inspicio,] to look upon. 'HeXios ^deOwi/ 7rtep>ctrat acnVeaatr. >w \. 16. SYN. Eta^-o//at, 7rr/3\7rw. 'E7rt5e tTrpiw. Vesp. 1438. SYN. Aeo-is, &ov fyueXX' cTriS^areii/. Ran. 1038. SYN. See Aew. ov, 6 et 7^, adj. [manifestus,] remarkable, manifest. ToX^u^ tx e}p 7nc%tos l\iv. A. 233. See also Call. 3. 226. SYN. Ar/^uos, brjpoaios, e^u^uXios, KOIVOS. irl^lappriyvvjju, \. [disrumpo,] to break or burst asunder. KaweKpd^ffas aw- Tds, cTribiappayot. Equit. 698. SYN. Ata/o^yvvjut, Srdpa<7<7w. v. [dono praeterea ; do,] to give additionally, to increase. M6%0ov -hvV ETribwffw. Med. 189. SYN. SeeAtSw^t. , v. [insuper quaero,] to seek over and above. "Sis eiVoua' avdpovai' , bu>e , v. [reduplico,] to repeat. Xa/prt, \aipeTe b' avdis, Eumen. 1017. 'ETrtSfyptds, d5os, /, subst. [currus circumferentia,] the front semicircle of a chariot, " a ring in the box of the chariot, to which the reins were suspended." See Damm. 'E eiribifplabos Trv/Ktnjs <>a/, adj. [qui super curru est aut sedet,] sitting upon the box, on the chariot. 'AXXd pei', choice bwpa. <^pwr tTrlbtypla Vehj. o. 51. 'ETriboiaZa, f. deTe, xeP Te 8' aMs fj.oi. Pros. Lex. 2 S 322 EniA EI1IH IIoXXus 6' tTTtboiatra fiovX&s. A poll. 3. 19. SYN. 'Et>Soiac?w, a^^r^T/rew, /ucp- 'E7ri6oos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [illustris,] illustrious. IIoX-Xo7s 7riooV aprjTcti. Nem. 9. 110. SYN. See KXvros. 'ETrtSopTTito, ov, o et >/, adj. [ad co3nam utilis,] proper for supper. K^ged* "YXos 6 favOos vbiop tTrlbopTTiov olfftiv. Theocr. 13. 36. SYN. HuribopTrws. 'ETTiSpfyij/, >/s, ?/, subst. [incursio, irruptio,] an inroad, an attack, an assault. At/3v/?s T epvfjovs, a&vovs T eTribpoftas. Helen. 403. See also A poll. 3. 593. SYN. Etofyd/Ji), eju/3o/\j), 7rt/3oX//. 'E7ri5po>dw, v. [incurro, grassor,] to run to for refuge, to assail. 'E7rt5po/iw/, adj. [accessu facilis, incursionibus obnoxius,] accessible, assailable. "A/^/3ciros eort TroXis, feat eTribpofiuv errXfro rel-^os. Z. 434. SYN. Ev7rpoflroos, evTrpocroiaTos, uXiaros. TTt^wrw, v. [occido super,] to set upon. M>) 7rpij> tvr' 7/tXtoi^ bvvat, Kai tirl jc^as eXdew. B. 413. SYN. See Auro> and AWO/KU. Trte/jceXos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [similis,] like. Maiuv At fjidribrjs , fTrte/KtXo.v uOava- rotalr. A. 394. SYN. EiKtXos, ojuotos, Trpocropotds, aXiyKios, evaXiyKWs. TrtetKr/s, cos, o et ?/, adj. [sequus, decens, niodpr^tus, mediocris,] fair, equi- table, proper, moderate, meek. OuStri TTO, ^ t KfDs, adv. [decenter, moderate, mediocriter,] fairly, adequately, fitly. Tovri ^ufi' tTTteticais , ore K-e^ rtv' 7ri$as, , fftyobpos, i* o * s fiteveaivev. 5. 330. SYN. 20o5pd, Setvws, )(dX 'E7rt5ei/yj/i;w, et 7rt*euyj/v/ut, v. [desuper innecto,] to fasten besides. Xe? f peaas fioeoifflv tfj,aaiv. Theocr. 22. 3. SYN. t, wv, ot, P. N. [Epizephyrii,] one of the four divisions of the Lo- crians. 'ETrt-^f^vpiwi/ Aotcpuv yzveav dXfywv. Olymp. 11. 14. ETricJtw, f. EO-W, v. [fervesco,] to boil over, to rage against. Aeii'// rts opy) batfjoi'wv 7reCo-j'. Iph. T. 988. SYN. 'Ava^ew, c'lw, l-nep^u^ai.. Tr/c'jjXds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui beatus praedicatur,] called happy, to be ad- mired. '6 6' A^OoVijros y' OVK emr)\os ireXei. Agam. 912. SYN. ' , et 7rtrjpos, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [jucundus, gratus,] desirable, agreeable, j gratifying. Ovbe TI JJOL irobavnrrpa Trobwv ETrlrjpava dvfjy. 1 r. 343. See also A. 572. SYN. 'ETr^pdros, tpavvds, luepoeis, ayairrjTos, wp8ffijv^s 9 Kt^a " Alii iriV ava 0tv*." Seber. EOI0 x EOIK , v. [iusuper fidentem reddo,] to give additional confidence. povttyr] 0.1*60$ MfVfXcioj. A. 183. SYN. See Qapavvw. 'EirlOavpdw, f. dcrtu, v. [donis honoro,] to honor with presents. Xp>) yap 6av/jiaeii> TI TOV blbcianaXov. Nub. 1 146. SYN. 'A7ro0av/xdc?;, subst. [accessio, additarnentum,] addition. FlXe/wi/ yap TrXto- fjeXtrri, yue/fwr 6' eirWi'iKT). Ht;s. Op. 380. SYN. TlpoaOi'iKr). wa, drus, TO, subsl. [operculum, tegmen,] a cover, a lid. T H, KO.I eTrWfjfJLdrd KCL\' di'twyci/. fl. 228. SYN. 'ETri'/cdXi/yu/id, , v. [urgeo, pertnibato animo sum,] to press on, to be irritated. 'rj, Ka7riQdciov(r' ; Clioeph. 843. SYN.God^w, ru-^yvw, tirlaevofjiat* et fTrWpwaKw, v. [adsilio, insiiio,] to leap upon, to insult, "fts ?rt ool, MeXdvtTTTre, 06p' 'A^riXd^os yuerex^P^^ 5 ' ^- ^^^. See also E. 772. SYN. a/, v. [concupisco, desidero,] to set the mind upon, to desire, to covet. y' tTTiSvpoj bwfjidra. raieii'. Alcest. S84. SYN. 'ETrev^o/iai, TroSew, t7rt?ro- , ijuelpofjiat, opeydjjiat, &\>6ftat t eTrieX^oyuac,, fjereaivw, e/od/uat. a, as, ?/, adj. [cupida, studiosa,] desirous or fond of. 2ot K-at oXeyuou enWvp:iiTipo.L. Call. 3. 237- a, as, r;, subst. [cupiditas, conatus,] a de&ire, an attempt. AdXtds // la.. Cycl. 448. SYN. ITpo0v/jia, ipepos, ope^is, epws, opfjirj. EplTH. , dros, ro, subst. [suffimesitum,] incense. 2rt0>; Xafiovarj KairWv- . GE. K. 913. SYN. 0v/a/ua. , et 7rt9t5w, f. i/o-w, v. [irruo, dirigo,] to rush on, to direct, 'fts dy CTT*- BVUUVTES ZXoi/jttda.' rovs 5e K*' eTretrd. TT. 297- See also 2. 17^. SYN. 'lOi/^w, , evopovw. , f. vaw, v. [irisuper sacrifico,] to sacrifice in addition, to sacrifice in revenge. 'ETrt &' eOvaa prjT^pd. Orest. 555. , v. [armor adversus aliquern,] to arm oneself against. 'QinroTf. AdirWai ZKtQit)pi]a. ( 26. SYN. See"I6^wv, and"lffr eirUdQqfiai, et tTrindOigw, v. [insideo, adsideo,] to sit upon, to ride upon. '' ols d ovros eTrU'dfle^rat poios. Plut. 185. See Kan. J040'. and t. 179' SYN. 'EyKd0eCo/ia<, 0e5oyuat, etyiZdru). iriKaivdu), v. [innovo,] to new-model, to change. Ai/reDy TroXtrJiv /u>) '7riu- VOVVTUV vo/novs. Eumen. 6S^6. TTtKatpos, oy, 6 et r/, adj. [opportunus,] seasonable, opportune, suitable. 'E<7Xtyw, ;, alddXoit), Ki'taadb). , et eiriKexXofjiai, v. [voco, invoco,] to call by an additional name, to call for. Elev y', duovu)' raur' 7rtfcdXe7s ; ftavOdvu. Pax 663. See jEsch. Supp. 41. SYN. 'EyKdXfW, amicdXeai, C7rij3oaw. *'E7rU-dXv7rrw, v. [opperio,] to cover, to close. dos eittKdXv^ay. Here. F. 642. SYN. See KdXi/7mo. 'E7ri(ca/i7ryXd, oi/, 6 et i/, adj. [incurvus,] crooked. T ft yepov, o$ rt ^>i)rd (r:d7r- rets 7rtcayu7rvXos w^ovs. H. in Merc. 90. SYN. See Ka^irvXds. , a, fiy, et ov, 6 et /, adj. [pronus, obliquus, praeceps. Vid. Damm. 324 EniK ERIK in v.] headlong. At ^lv 7reir' fytpovr' eTrifcapaicu, I arid be oQiv. t. 70. SYN. 'EyK(ip<7Tos t \^ptos. atm/, /?, r/, P. N. [Epicasta,] another name for Jocasta, (See 'IoK-a/, adj. [funebris, lugubris,] funereal, mournful. 'lito*> 7rtfCJ7et^ / . Troad. 51 6. SYN. Toepds, Oprjvwbqs, irevQlfJLOS. 'EniKripds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(l)fato lethifero obnoxius, (2) caducus,] subject to death. Aafcpwaas ZrriKrjpov Zov fitov' ovbe yap avros. Call. Ep. 6l. d, dros, ro, subst. [legatio de aliqua re,] a deputation, an embassy. /, KamKripVKCVpacri. Med. 736. SYN. YIpeafleia, TrpeafievfJia. if v. [pacem offero per preeconem,] to offer terms of peace. Kd- KOV ToXonrov' ravT* e7riKr)pvKvo/ Thesm. Il63. vo-o-w, f. w, v. [annuBcio,] to announce by a herald. Ylvpyois tTrejjtfias, ls -^Oovi. Sept. Theb. 631. SYN. Kj/pi/o-aw, avciK^pvcrffd), avayd- , v. [dispergo,] to scatter upon or over. 1,6v b' tyroi K\tos e. 'EmKXijfjLa, dros, ro, subst. [criminis objectio,] an accusation, a charge. 'ETrt- KXrjiJ,' -%ovffais O,TI rvyoc bpacras b' eyw. Orest. 563. SYN."EycX^d, airiaua, KaTrjyopla. 'E7TiicX77pds, ov, 6 et ^, subst. [haeres,] an heir or heiress. 'ETrt^X^poV el^at r/i> iav boKC~is. Aves 1653. SYN. KXrjporouds. v, v. [(l)sorte adtribuo; (2) sortior,] to allot. Fet^oyue^i/ ro TrpwroV dp^yeiv. Call. 3. 23. SYN. AmKX>/poo>d. 'E7nffcX?ros, ov, o et r/, adj. [advocatus,] invited, summoned. Ovpqpfyiei'u rd T&V 7rtfc\>|rwv bevp\ tva. Pax 1265. SYN. Hp6rpdv airo- fiaXois. Eccles. 907. SYN. KXtV??, K\L(T/JOS, Xeicrpot*. 'ETTiicX/rw, f. Ivio, v. [acclino, jaceo super,] to incline to, to verge upon, to be contiguous to. Tas enliKeKXifj.i>as o^Qois icpoTs, Iv eXaias. Troad. 803. SYN. 'ATrofcXiVw, eyfcXo-w, eirlKetfjirtt, eTrtTT/Trrw. 'ETTU-XOTTOS, ov, 6 et //, adj. [f'urax, furtivus, occultus, vafer,] over-reaching, cunningly expert. KepbaXeds K eir) KUL ETT^XOTTOS, os al ircipeXdoi. v. 291. SYN. KXeTTDjs, boXofJirjTis, JcepSdXtos, ^TrtpoTrcus, irarovpyus. 'ETrtVXv^w, et emKXvgeffKoj, v. [(l) proluo, (2) inundo, submergo,] to overflow, to inundate, to dash against. "Evoffis airaaav, evoals e-n-iKXvffet TroXiv. Troad. 1318. S;,'e also Y. 6. SYN. KXvw, KaraM^, /card/3aXXo>. 'ETri/cXvw, v. [audio, ausculto,] to hear, to listen to, to learn. "Hi', ETreiS/} Zrji'ds 7reK'Xi)ev ctyyeXmwv. e. 150. SYN. See 'ETTCUW and KXi)w. 'E7rt/cXw0w, f. ffu, v. [neo ; fatalia stamina duco ; sortior,] to spin the web of fate, to allot. 'AXX' ov pot TOIOVTOV cTreicXwcrai/ OEOI Q\(3ov. y. 208. SYN. ), v. [intero,] to grate upon, to scrape with a grater. 'AXX' i rvpov eXatov. Aves 533. SYN. Kvdw. s, ov, 6 et /;, adj. [communis, promiscuus,] common, promiscuous. eiriKotvov. Alldrom. 124. SYN. Kotvwvos, pliToyos, KOIVUS, avyKoi- riovos. 'EnlKOKKvcrrpia, as, r], subst. [more icoiocvyos accinens,] cuckoo-like. 'Hx^, \6ytav avrybos eKiKOKKVffrpta. Thesm. 1068. 'E7ri'K"o/u7ra5a>, v. [glorior,] to vaunt, to glory in. '6 b' r)\aXa^, KtnrtKOfjnraaev Here. F. 976. 'E7rt*coVrw, v. [incido, in cacumine caedo,] to smite upon, to fell ; in the middle voice, 1 to strike oneself for, to lament for. "Evpi/^/t nexXois Kcnrl^o-^a^v vetcpov. Troad. 629- SYN. 'EyKOTrrw, mrd^oTrrw, tTrire/ivw, 7rt7rXy, v. [ablevo, sublevo,] to lighten, to buoy up. Mo^fto / ' s. Eur. Electr. 2. SYN. 'AvaKov<>lu ?Xa . Electr. 72. SYN. , et tTrupatVw, v. [perficio, efficio,] to fulfil, to complete. 'Hfc' 1 See Kuster de Med. Voc., and Remarks on tlie Middle Verb by the learned Mr. TAT, in the ' Museum Criticuro/ Vol. i. p. 102. 326 ERIK EOIK KOI vvv not Tbft EiriKprrnvdv teXSwp. A. 455. See also H. in Merc. 528. SYN. dw, v. [evibro, quatio super,] to shake, to brandish over, to |>ly. "Hputis xeipeaaiv ETriKpabaoi'Tas f-perpu. Apoll. 1. 552. SYN. KpdaVw, ava- , ov, TO, subst. [quod super caput est,] a head-dress, an ornament for the head, a chapiter. Aoyuwr TrdrpwoH'' CK 6' eTriKpai'wv KOU.CLS. Iph. r l\ 51. SYN. Kpribeprov, KKpva\os, Kpavos, Ka\vjjf.>a. 'ETTticpdrew, v. '[(1) praevaleo, (2) potior, (3) cohibeo,] to gain power over, to possess, to control, to stop. "Ews av v^tLv 7ru;pdr/7<7u> TOV KOU%. Ran. 268. SYN. KjOctrtw, fc'drt^w, i>7rp%aj, ap^w, eftWK'a&f. 'E7rti;pdru>s, adv. [potenter,] with superior force. "E/tTrta' tTriKpaTtws, /i) c>>) irvpos alQdfjilvoio. II. 81. SYN. KpdrtpcDs, iayvp&s, 1i. 'ETrtk-pdr^s, ovs, 6, P. N. [Epicrates.] Kctywy' 'ETrU'pdrous ovc oXiyw Ka\\iora. Eccles. 71. 'E7Tii:p6yuarrv/j/, (2) pass. 'ETrticpe/mjucu, [suspendo super,] to suspend over. Euros fTret 7rarre CTrtK'peyudO' ^jwiV oXcOpos. Apoll. 3. 483. SYN. ' (2) dTroicpefjiujLtat, fcpe/td/iat, eTTi/cet/iat. 'ETrtA-pt^ov, adv. [cum delectu, diligenter,] with choice. 'EiriKpriov i Apoll. 2. 301. SYN. 'OpQws, Xuyabriv. , ov, ro, subst. [antenna,] the sail-yard. T^Xov e aKeipov, K 7TOJTW. 6.318. voj, v. [pulso, impello,] to beat upon, to strike. Ba-icrpots cravras 'Arpei-bas. Agam. 196\ SYN. 'Ey^pouw, TrpoffKpovw, e/ , v. [celo,] to conceal v Ato-^pdv y' eXeas, ^p^o Eur. Suppl. 306. SYN. See Kpz/Trrw. E7ra:py^os, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [occultus,] hidden. FXoicro'ai' K - at eiriKpv^dv oipov. Olymp. 8.92. SYN. See Kpv-nrds. 'PW^W, v. [crocito,] to caw, to croak. Mi) Treidov 6ovtpal yap eTnxpwgoval i. Equit. 1051. SYN. Kpw^w, 7rt/3odw, K-pa^w. t, v. [insuper adquiro,] to acquire in addition. Evfj^aprvpas vfj.fjL' t. Antig. 846. SYN. Ilpoo-*crd6/.tat. fVw, v. [iterum neco,] to slay over again. Tts 0X^)7 TOV 6avm>T trriKTa- v~iv; Antig. 1042. * 'EiriKTEpeictto, et * 7riKTeptw, v. [largiter justa facio,] to perform the rites due to the dead. 'Ev irvpi Keener Kat eirl icrepea KTeplffeidv. H. 38. See also a. 291. SYN. See Krfpetew. m, ews, rj, subiit. [accessio possessionum,] acquisition. KdX>) yp ^ X^o;^ ei'd. Philoct. 1344. SYN. Kr>/ dpd/5ew, tTri^dtytw, bla^otyew . , v. [pronus incumbo,] to bend towards, to lean forward. Tt]V KepKov >, adj. [latidatorius,] encomiastic. 0>-ty. J lit> yi pav s vjui-os. Nem. 8. 85. 'ETTtxwTros, ov, 6 et >>, adj. [remigatioiii accinctus,] sitting at the oar, ready for rowing. 'Otys, obvvr]pos t ETTI-KWTTOS. Acharil. 231. SYN. Kti)ir(]prjs, KW7r>/fis. 'EVtXd/3/), T/S, //, subst. [prehensio,] the laying hold. T 7rtXd/3ds l^v. h. Suppl. 440. SYN. Ari^is. , v. [post alium sorte obtineo,] to obtain by lot next or after. TrvjudroV. CE. C. 1235. SYN. MtrdXayxdvw, 7rtrvyxarw, *"*- , v. [comprimo,] to stop, to close. loov' CTICUTTW, Kairl\d$vf*ai Androm. 249. SYN. Aav/ja, CTT/O-^W. '7rrXa///3dv&, v. [prehendo, avripio, occ.upo,] to seize upon, to get the start. TV/i' p~iv >iXd/3ov<7'' ov \ifiavMTOv yap /3w. Plut. 703. SYN. KdrdXa/u/Suvw, 6dvio, TrpoKaraXafjifluvM, TrdpdXa^/Jdi'w, k-pdrew, evpicrKw. , v. [luceo super vel post,] to shine upon or after. 'HtXtos 6* tTre- . P. 6'50. SYM. , v. [(1) dictis addo, (2) eligo, colligo, (3) nomino,] to add in words, to collect, to name. 'E^r/Trdrwi' yap TOVS nayeipovs, ZTrlXeywv roiavri. Equit. 418. SYN. Aeyw, (rvXXtyw, Trpdatpeu/jat, di'dXoy/^w. '7TiXet/3w, v. [super aliqua re libo,] to pour libations upon. FXoOcvTas 6' ev Trfyt /3aXXcJx, aviffranei'd & e:riXe*/3ov. y. 341. SYN. See Aeiflio. 'E7rtXe/7rw, v. [deficio,] to fail, to be deficient. Ttiwv oi/Trore Kapiros dTro oi/6' e7r, v. [(l) oblivionem affero, (2) in med. voc. obliviscor,] (1) to produce forgetfulness, (2) to forget, to neglect. N/jTrevfle's r', aj(ij\6y T, KCLKWI> 7ri\r)6ui' cLTTavTiov. 5. 222. SYN. See A^fldvw. '7rtXr?opwr t tov. Sept. Theb. 125. SYN."EfcXi)d\wrdV, ov, TO, subst. [quoddam genus osculi,] a wanton kiss. To TrffHTreraffTOV Kcnrifj.avbdXyeret. A. 190. SYN. 'ATTO- fjiaffffb), ^ttTrro/iat, cLTTTOfJiai, ^Aa^da;. 'Eir i poor tbtos, ov, o et //, adj. [mammas admotus lactens,] at the breast, suck- ling. Twv enlpacrTlblwv. Sept. Theb. 341 . 'EvlfjtaffTos, et 7rt/uttflrrids, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [(l)qid quasrit unde vivat, (2)mam- ma3 admotus,] (1) beggar-like, a beggar, (2) at the breast. OIot> /iei/ TOVTOV EX^S eirlfjiaaruv aXr/rT/F. v. 377. See Apoll. 4. 1734. w, f. T/O-W, v. [subrideo,] to smile upon. T>)v 6' eirljietb facts irpo TO. Zevs. 0. 38. SYN. Met^idw, yeXdw. i, v. [curam gero,] to be entrusted with, to take care of. Td 8ewt> & exovrts eiripeXovfJieOa, Phcen. 565. 'E7rfytX/)s, eds, o et ff, adj. [attentus, sedulus,] attentive, diligent. * <5, Kal TTpoOvftws pavQarw. Nub. 501. 'IfftyueAiTT^s, ov, o, subst. [(1) curator, (2) procurator,] a superintendant, a prefect. Twv rijs iroXtws et// iTrtyieX^rjys ?rpay^udrwr. Pint. 908. SYN. 'ETTO- etydpos, tTrtrpoTros, (crj^wv. rw, v. [acciuo,] to add a song. 'E^Qpov^ainv eTrtyueXTretr. Sept. Theb. SYN. 'ETTttSw, 7TtXj/K:W, fJ.\TTM. s, adv. [diligcnter,] diligently. Tov E^OVTCL TUVTIIV eOZpaTrevcrsv 7rt/^- \u>s. Menand. SYN. Aiiraptis, aKpifi&s, (nrovbatws. t, v. [reprehendo,] to arraign, to find fault, to resent, to punish. eyu^o/JtVa a', d-6e7d. Trach. 121. SYN. Me/u0o/m(, cdrd^//^o^at, i, ey/cdXtw, atrmo^tai. , el tTrlpipvu, v. [(1) permaneo, (2) cunctor,] to remain, to await, to stay, to delay. "Ep^os, anopos, enlptvei. CE. C. 1717- SYN. 'Ayd//ei'w, ?, ov, 6 et f], adj. [plenus,] full. Awcrei TTO.VT fTrfyteord, Kai oj TTOTI vaov iKOJvrai. Call. 6. 134. SYN. Yleptffffds, 7rX?;p^, avapearos, pearus. 'ETTi/uerpfw, v. [certa mensura mutuo do,] to measure out more, to lend mere. Ov' 7rtjuerp//o-w, epyd^ev, VJ/TTIE ITepo 1 ^. Hes. Op. 395. '7ri/irpov, ov.. ro, subst. [quod supra mensuram additur,] over measure. Ai- & wvrjaas' exuvb' emperpdv dTr^XGdv. Theocr. 12.26. SYN. 'EirlQiiKr) . a/, v. [excogito,] to devise, to plot against. ILWd b y taav veobaprd' "-"rfoaTV Trarpt. o. 437- SYN. -'- 5 -- ews, 6, P. N. [Epimetheus,] one of the sons of lapetus. "6s ov rav . Pyth. 5. 35. EPITH. IlotKiXds, eudXopjrts, apapTtvods. EOS, 6 et //, adj. [prudens,] cunning, sagacious. jjptoV i, ws 7rfyi770fs. Uieocr. 25. 78. SYN. 2. aor. eprivioy, [irascor,] to be enraged at. 'Eorddr' atei yap Dptd- u biu. N. 460. SYN. See M^vtw. v. [cogito,] to think, to contrive, to devise. T Hor' 7n/i;rit5w l xa.VTTr\ 5' 7rifJtiKT8s. Theog. 269. SYN. KTOS, i, adv. [promiscue,] in confusion. TiVmu ev TtdXluu' eiriui ce rl uai- veral "A^s. X. 536. SYN. See Mt'ySd. Trlfjii^isj ws, r/, subst. [(l) permistio, (2) commercium,] intercourse, com- merce. 'ExOaipovfft Se TrcWw- avayKuir} & tTrifjufys. Theog. 297. SYN. Kot- ojucu, v. [(l) commercium habeo, (2) accedo,] to have intercourse with, to approach. Atet fjiev Tpwe<7&> *:' aum lovrts eTrtfjivrjaaipWa x^PM 5 ' P !03. SYN. 'ATroyuvao/ucu, fj,vaufjLat , v. [advenio,] to come to, to arrive. 'HpfX/cXta Ve/ioXev 7rd6d ok'rt- . Trach. 857- SYN. See 'E^px G P ai ' , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [adveniens,] invading, an invader. 'ETrtjuoXows' Trvp- 6'. Sept. Theb. 625. SYN. 'ETreXflwv. , ^s, ^, subst. [objurgatio,] blame, chiding. 'Oe7-av tTrt^io^^av o TOKOS avbp&v. Olymp. 10. 12. SYN. Mo/i^j), /ue//\//r$, i//oyos, o>/et^s, Xoi- , ou, 6 et ^, adj. [vituperans, vituperandus,] blaming, to be blamed. 'OpB&s ari&is, Kcnripofji^ds el i\dKep- , v. [resono,] to murmur, to resound. "Ocrffov r' 7ri/uvperat tV0/ioj. Apoll. 1. 938. , f. w, v. [subsanno,] to grumble or murmur at. *fts t^aO'- ai f 6' tTre- ai/ 'Adrjvairj TKal"Hprj. 0. 457. , v. [conniveo,] to wink at. N?) TOV At', eTripvet ye rot. Vesp. 932. SYN. Mvw, eirlvevw. y ^, ov, adj. [vituperandus,] to be scorned. 'H b' Qvp.6v exovaiy. Hes. Op. 11. SYN. 'E7rfy*ejU7rro VKO.ITIOS. /rtvao-aw, f. ^w, v. [oppleo,] to overload, 'ils at Tpa.7reai y elaiv tirwtvaa- yuli/at. Eccles. 836. SYN. Nao-o-w, eKirXrjpdb),\rjf)w. , ov, o, subst. [exsul,] a banished man. 'AXXa QprjiKirjs cTrtvdorto* to. Apoll. 1. 795. SYN. Ovyds, aTroXts, perotKos. , f. j/t/iw et vEpr]ff(*>, v. [(1) distribuo, (2) depasco,] to distribute or divide into shares, to appropriate, to lay hold of for feeding. Se/uvoV r' *7rt- . Olymp. 9' 11- SYN. Amvljuw. CVW, v. [innuo,] to nod at, to intimate, to assent to, to approve of. 2& yap tirevevcras rd5', etpya, v. [neo, (de Parcis dicitur,)] to spin, to wind up, to destine. sTTcvrjas Xtvw, tire fjitv TEKOV avrr/. ft. 210. SYN. NEW, 7mXa>0w. 'ETrt^x^a'/ v. [in superficie aqua? nato,] to swim upon, to float. Nfi/ud 6' 0ow'x0>)' TraiSos 5' iTctvayETo (jxova. Theocr. 23. 6l. SYN. r v,',~. x.,. t'fctov, ov, ro, subst. [praemium victoriae,] the prize of victory. Kwv iravTa. raTrtmtd. Soph. Electr. 694. Pros. Lex. 2 T 330 EIIIN Emn 'ETrmjctos, et ETrtviKos, ov, 6 et ?), adj. [victorialis,] triumphal. rov. CE. C. 1088. See also Olymp. 8. 99. SYN. Nuct/rijpto's, Ka.\\lvLK8s. 'Eiriviaffduai, v. [advenio, accedo,] to go to, to frequent. 'Acto-flq, KCU yap Oeovs ETrivtWErat "Arrj. Apoll. 4. 817- SYN. 'A^tio'efymi, tTrepx v. [excogito, anitnadverto,] to think upon, to intend. T?7 rwv yv- , ?/ Tvpavrew enlvoel. Thesm. 338. SYN. NOEW, 7ri/i//o/iat, , as, r>, subst. [(l) mens, (2) solertiaj intention, thought. ffirevbeis Kart^wv. Med. 7^9- SYN. "Evyotd, Smvotd, ori/i^ts, uTfjia, yvwfjrj. EPITH. 'AraafldXos, Gai^iotem), Kaivrj. ov, 6 et >), [censors,] -a consort, an associate. . Pyth. 11. 13. SYN. ZVvadpds, ffvyK\r)pds. ids, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [nuptialis,] nuptial. OV eirlvvfjifofoos. Antig. 825. SYN. 'E7rt0dXd^uto$, vofufjios kv yafwis. TTu-w/xdw, v. [(1) insuper distribuo, (2) lustro,] to dispense, to distribute, to trace, . to apply, 'fls tTnVwjug araals cifj.a. Eumen. 310. SYN. 'ETriye/^w, , v. [dorsum contego, amicior,] to cover the back, to clothe, zav- Qbv Kpar tirlvuTlaas. Here. F. 362. , ov, 6 et /;, adj. [super dorso impositus,] on the shoulders. f fts t/u' eTTira/rio^ ^yft' S oljco>. Batrach. 79- (poet.) et 'EiriZevoio, v. [hospitio accipio. Vid. Blomf. V. C. Gloss. Agam. 1291,.] to receive as a guest, to entertain. 'H5' ws Ar)fj.vlabetTffiv ?rt- ICIVOVVTO yvvaifyv. Apoll. 2. 764. See also Agam. 1291. SYN. Eevoa). Tn^'dv, oy, ro, subst. [mensa coquinaria,] a dresser, a table to cut meat upon, a chopping- block. BW^JOV narpyov b' avr' (.TTL^VOV [levei. Agam. 1248. , ou, 6 et ^, adj. [communis,] common. Merp' ev x P a "' apovpy. M. 422. SYN. See Hvvos. [communico,] to communicate. 'H SE y KrjpvKeatrlv . Apoll. 4. 435. SYN. Kotrow. tds, ov, 6 et /, et a, oy, adj. [vinolentus,] over wine. Tis S' tov d0\oj^ XeT0at ; Theogn. 965. f. ojudaw et o//w, v. [(l)juro, (2) jurejurando confirmo,] to swear to. 'A\\' CK rot Epgw, KCU ETTI fjieydf opKov opovfiai. A. 233. SYN. , et eTrtoffadpai, v. [intueor, prospicio,] to look upon, to have before the eyes. Et b' aye rovs av eywv ITTIO^OJUCU, ol be TrWeaOuv. I. 167. See also P. 381. SYN. KdroVrdyuai, E7rr/3\7rw, fyopaw. 'E7rtopi,w, v. [(1) juro saepius, (2) pejero,] to take an oath on, to swear often. trtopKelv, KCU /3X7retv evavrwv. Equit. 1239. ov, o et ^, adj. [perjurus,] perjured. Et be rt ruvb' lirlopKov, tfiol aXyed bouv. T. 264. ra, subst. [interstitium,] " the distance by which a pair of nmles surpass a yoke of oxen in making a furrow of ihe same extent in the same time." Dr. Jones. (See Damm. c. 1770. from which Dr. Jones has abridged the note.) 'AXX' ore by p' dTTE^v, O'OTTOV r ETrtovpd TTfXot'rat. K. 351. 'ETrtovpos, ov, o, subst. [E&stath. est non solum 0uXa^, verum etiam /3a<7tXevs,] a keeper, a ruler, a king. *Os irptiros Mirwa rE/ce Kpr;r/; litlovpov. N. 450. SYN. See a\o(i)i>Tes dfjiov" TO. be Travrddev avrws. Apoll. 2. 127. 'ETriTraXXw, v. [vibro,] to brandish, to shake. 'Ev epyy fle\r) Vt7rd" Choeph. 166. SYN. 'Am7rXXw, TraXXw, ^taTraXXw. et 'ETrtVaXvyw, v. [inspergo,] to spread or sprinkle upon. Ty b' Emn 331 . J>ap}icLKa ifaoawv. E. 401. See also A. 639. SYN. 'E/u- ), Traaaw, KaTaJ3pe^t t ) t ZirtTidrjfjii, ewlfiaXXw, , ov, o et ?/, adj. [conspersus condimentis,] sprinkled with season- ings. AiKaffets, Xe/xwr tTrtTraord. Equit. 1086'. 'ETriTretdeirj, 775, r/, subst. [fides,] faith, confidence. TLavras Kii^iretBdn rptfat. Simon, fr. 231. 6. 'EirlireiQu, et viirei6tipai, v. [(l) persuadeo, (2) in pass. voc. obedio,] to per- suade, to obey. 2o/ T eTriTreiOovrai, Kai SeS/^/ueofld macros. E. 878. SYN. (1) TIeiOu, umTre/flw, ZKireiQw, Trapatvtu, (2) vTraKovw, Trtorevw, eX7r/w. ETriTreXo/uat, v. [accedo, supervenio,] to come upon. Novoos girl TreXerai betXow fiporo'iolv. o. 407. SYN. 'Eirlpxfy""* wapdyi'y>/fyia, popai. , v. [insuper mitto,] to send or bring upon. KaS^e/ots . 824. SYN. 'A^UTT^T, ^//t, 7rt/3aXXw, dr^t, ai/a^aXd^ f, et cn-iTrdrdojuat, v. [advolo,] to fly upon. 'ETrtTrtro^t Helen. 1485. See also Eumen. 381. SYN. ITpor7rer6/Ltat, ^'7rrd/ia<, w, v. [iusilio,] to spring or leap upon, to surprise. 'Aypiws aurols . Vesp. 704. SYN. EtVTriySdw, Trpoo-Tn^aw, evopovu, evaXXo/nai, v. [appropinquo aliquo,] to approach. Oi/rc aXXa /^d\' aidprj. 5. 44. TTtTrtrw, f. TTLo^ai, v. [insuper bibo,] to drink besides. 'Avbpopea Kp' feat e?r' aKpijTOV ydXd TTfVwv. t. 297- SYN. 'E(C7rtVw, mra7r/Vw. , f. Treo-oC/mi, v. [irruo, amplector,] to fall upon, to embrace, to attack. Androm. 1021. SYN. EtaTT/Trrw, e/>t7r/7rrw, t, v. [vagor,] to wander over. Iloj'ror 7rt7rXayx^ e ' s > roialv dftolos. d. 14. SYN. 'E^UTrXa^oyuat, TrfpiTrXd^do/int, TrtplyoffTeo). mTrXarayew, \. [plaudo,] to clap the hands at, to applaud. To7s /u> tTre- 7rXdrdyi/la\r\v bovvat, KOI air\a.y^v())v X e ^p' * 7r *~ 7r\>lf) VtTrX^crfff /io. P. V. 80. SYN. 'ATroTrX^ffffto, v/3(0/5w, 7rtrt/ud(u, eriTTTb), Kda'^w, Xoiboptu, Kd\aw. , poet, et 7rt7rvw, f, vevaui, v. [inspire,] to breathe upon, to inspire. itrnrveiovaa KUKUIS KtKatyrjOTa OVJJLVV. E. 698. See also Phoen. 801. SYN. 'E/^7TVw, e/u0i/ffdw. TrrTTvotd, as, ^, subst. [adflatus, instinctusque divinus,] breathing upon, inspi- ration. Boos e 7rd0^s, Ka^ fTrtTT^otas. ^Esch. Suppl. 18. TTiTToStds, a, d^, adj. [pedem irretiens,] entangling the feet, at the feet. Nfl- f*a$us eTTindbias. CE. R. 1350. TTIITOIWV, tVos, 6 et ry, subst. [propr. praefectus pastorum ; pastor,] a super- intendant of shepherds ; a shepherd. OuSe Trore fyOlvvQovai' deal 5' tTrtTrot- /ueves elalv. p. 131. SYN. See no, 7ri/uXi7r)s, t^Tpvirus. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [laboriosus, gravis,] laborious, painful, wretched. dV ri icdrd yvi/atfcds. Eur. Suppl. 95. SYN. Kd^dr;ps, Ka/udrw^f, apydXeos, 332 Enin 'ETrfrropTTts, tSos, 7j, subst. [fibula,] a clasp or button. Xpva& r V^XXwvif, rfl r f eVStfrov, 77 ?' ETrlTTOpTrls. Call. 2. 31. SYN. See IIdp7nj. ', vid. 'ETriTTErfyecu. 'ETTiTrpeTrw, v. [decorus sum,] to become, to be becoming, to be graceful. Oldv rot /neyd elc5os ETwrpETrel. ^ pet vi) iraibes. Theocr. 25. 40. SYN. wrpo, adv. [longo tractu,] all along, to a great distance. 'Ee/?js cTT^rpt/zot, as oy' ETrnrpo. Apoll. 1. 30. SYN. 'Ev&Xe)(ws, &tr)VK&s, 7ri7rpo0w, v. [longe procurro,] to run forward to a distance. Ai> Oeoires* v>' Siprtus aKprj. Apoll. 1. 582. SYN. ripoTropevfyuu, oo7roiO- w, f. dXw, v. [(1) protendo, (2) adpono,] to spread before, to place before. *H fftywiv Trpwrov (JLEV fTriTrpofyXe rpdTrecJdv. A. 627. SYN. riporetVw, TrapariOrjfjii, vrpdmXXw. 'ETriTrpdnyjui, v. [insuper mitto,] to dispatch, to send, to hurl at. "AvSpas Se \iffaea6al eTriTrpoerjKei' ctp/orovs. I. 5l6. SYN. Tlpoirijjil, 7rt7re)U7r/'j. 'ETrnrpo^oXfw, et 7ri7rpd^o/zat, v. [progredior,] to come forward to, to sur- prise. Mvpdnevrjv peaariyvs 7rt7rpo/ioXduer' tvor}CtV. Apoll. 3. 655. See also Apoll. 4. 1586. SYN. 'ETmrpd/ScuVw, 7rr7rpd0w. 'ETriTrpoTr/Trrw, V. [superincumbo,] to lean upon. N^vi/, Qopfiabt To-os eirurpoTre- ffcSjv EKdpeffdrj. Apoll. 4. 1449. SYN. IIpdTrt'Trra), 7ri7rt7rrw. 'Em7rpocr{3a\\w t v. [proficior versus,] to proceed towards. AapSd^i/ 5 Xt- TroiTfs, 7Ti7rpo<7/3aXXo' 'A(3vby. Apoll. 1. 931. 'E7ri7rpoor0, et fTriTrpoffQE^, adv. [ante,] before. Kat p) 'Trltrpoffde T&V Ip&v TOVS croiis Xoyovs. Eur. Suppl. 524. See also Orest. 462. SYN."E/z7rpoa0V, cnrc- t, \. [appareo,] to appear. Apoll. 3. 917. SYN. 'ETrtyaivofJiai, 7rpo^atVo/.tat. '7ri7rpo0pw, v. [insuper promoveo,] to move forward besides, to advance. 'E7ri7rpd0pwj> Tapffov Trobos' avrap o \Jikooj\v. Apoll. 4. 15 19- 'E7rt7rpd)(w, v. [efFundo,] to pour forth. 0pj?vdy ETrnrpoytova m^et dotS^^. H. in Pan. 19. SYN. 'EKX> Trpox^w. v. [adsternuo,] to sneeze at, to forebode. 2tp^t^ /xev ^i ydp o bei\os. Theocr. 7. 96. SYN. Ora/pw. v. [obeundo lustro,] to go about. Avrdp cJ 7reos cwy XcTro crrixas avbpwv. A. 231. 'E7rippeeffK(jj, v. [sacrifice,] to sacrifice upon. Nv/i^ctwy, o0t fffco/ o6Zvat. p. 211. SYN. 'E7ri0uw, pe^w. 'E7Ttpp7rw, v. [(1) incline, (2) contingere facio, superemineo,] to incline, to cause to happen, to hang over. Ou f&rftfttfos r^S' eTrtppEnots ndXei. Bum. 891. SYN. 'PfTTW, 7Tt0p6jUai, Ka.TCL(f> > TTpOKVTTTW. 'E7rppw, f. pev<7d/zat, v. [(1) supernato, (2) influo, (3) inundo, (4) largior,] to flow upon the surface, to flow to, to bestow, to pour in. 'AXXd re piv m0v7rep0j/ 7rtppet, ^ur' E\CU&V. B. 754. 'ETripprj-yvv^Lf f. pr/w, fTrtpp^o-o-w, et fTr/pp^creaK'w, v. [cum impetu et fragore claudo fores,] to fasten violently, to close, to bar. EtoXas ', OTTWS eltjij\Q\ ' <7w. CE. 11. 1244. SYN. KXe/w, 7rt/3a\Xa;, ETr^poyw, dvap- . ^v, adv. [(l) palam, (2) nominatim,] in express terms, distinctly. Ke- Dv t Kai p avris ETrippifav fjLETEenrEV. Apoll. 2. 640. SYN. Ampp^cS?;*', uvafyavoov, avadavba. w, v. [superinjicio,] to throw upon, to hurl, to inflict. Xp0'w*> /nyi/i/ai, jacrcS' 7r^ppt^e>' TrXdvas. P. V. 763. SYN. 'E7rt/3dXXa>, fTrt^epw. 'Errtppof}, ijs, rj, subst. [(1) adfluxus, (2) abundantia,] an influx, a torrent, ^abundance. 'ETnppualtrlv alfjiarMv. Again. 1487. SYN. Natrjuos. 'E7rtpp60w, v, [(1) strepitum edo super, (2) acclamo,] to make an obstreperous noise, to applaud loudly. IlcWes V enepfodwai' 'Apyclot rde. Phcen. 1253. ' SYN. EOIP EDI! 333 , ov, 6, adj. et subst. [auxiliator, clamosus,] clamorous, clamorous in defence of another. 'Eyepri KW&V av&p' avrjp eirippdOois. Antig. 419. * SYN. Boj/0os, ETTiTappoOos,'xos, EiraffffVTtpds. 'ETTippotflbrjv, adv. [rapido cum impetu et stridore,] with a whiz, with a sound- ing speed. Tdxs eirippoipbr)V & ojuctpreiv, us KvvriyfTy nvva. Here. F. 856. 'E7rtp,oic?w, v._ [acclamo ; cum strepitu irruo,] to turn with a whizzing noise, to destine. T H fcai rolavras Ty& eirtppoigeis vyas; Eumcn. 427. SYN. 'ETTI- 'Eirtppvels, evros, adj. [adfluens,] flowing to or on. "OX/3ov ' inippvevTos, ev- rv^effTEpos. Med. 1226. 'ETrippvgu), f. w, v. [acuto stridore urgeo, immitto,] to instigate with a vio- lent noise. 'ETTIT&V iyQp&v riv' eirtppvfas, aypiws avrols eirlirr}b$s. Vesp. 705. SYN. 'ETrtWcta, e(j)OpfjLad). 'ETTtppvdfjLai, \. [protego,] to protect, to defend. 'ETrrdTrtfXdV tbfc tvippfov. Sept. Theb. 151. SYN. Ti/djueu, fior)6ew, eira^vrcj. 'ETrlppvTos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [qui iufluit ; irriguus,] Sowing upon, well watered. KapTrov TE yaias Kal jSporwv tTrlppvTov. Eumen. 910. SYN. Kdrdppi/rds, ei/Trd- pOS, ETTIKTIJTOS. 'ETTfpjOwo/iat, f. ptiffofj-at, v. [moveo me apud aliquem,] to move, to shake. 'A/i/3pd<7tcu 6' ctpa ^atrat eireppuffcifTd ai/afcros. A. 529 SYN. 'ETrto-eto/ua/, , dros, ro, subst. [quod superinductum est, accessio,] an additional load or burthen. Aeivov ye Tovnlffaypa TOV vooiipaTos. Phil. 755. SYN. tw, et eirurcreiw, v. [(l)vibro, (2)incutio, (3) impello,] to brandish, to move against. ? H ^rep, tKerevw ae, /zr) Vierete /xot. Orest. 255. See also O.230. SYN. 'EvreiVo;, drdrivaffffw, avaaeiw, eTrfyepu. vTicrei/a;, 7rt ciTro ^Qovos^ v^oa detpas. Y. 325. See also e. 421. and v. 19. SYN. 'E0op/mw, 6p/mw, &IWKW., o-Trep^w, 7retyw, ETropovw. TT/Lo-rjpaivdfjiai, v. [signo vel acclamatione tester,] to prove by a sign, to dis- tinguish. Tvpov^os e'arcu, KaTriffrjfjiavOfjaeTai. Ion 1593. SYN. S^eiow, CTTI- OS, ov, 6 et 7), adj. [insignis,] distinguished. Ei //?) VtcrTy/uos ^ ri/x? yc- votro juot. Med. 544. SYN. Atd^os, bidbr]\ds, eVS^Xos, Trfpt^di/^ 7rto-/5w, v. [iustigo, immitto,] to instigate. "Ivd yiyj/wcr^s ro/ K$d' orav ovros y' ETrUffi^rj. Vesp. 704. SYN. 'EirippvZw. , f. d/, adj. [umbrosus, umbratilis,] shady. "AyaKra b' avroK o>- eiriaKlov. CE. C. l6*50. >, v. [inviso, inspicio, considero,] to survey, to see, to consider. 1 Schol. AoiSopots 2 See Suidas, who explains ^icriajvos by fteyay, quoting this passage. 334 EIIII Ems Qpaavs rayov'x&s ws avyp, tTnaKfaei. Euinen. 296. SYN. 'ETrtirK&rro'juai, Kara- , rrjpto). , ou, e, subst. [inspector,] an inspector, a scout. 'ETTIO-KOTTOS J/KW, ei/po, r Kvd^p Xayiov. Aves 1022. SYN. 'ETroVri/s, 7ro7rn)p, 3pos, 0i)Xa, 'ETT/O-KOTTOS, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ad scopum tendens,] aiming at. Boards rJfaS' 7rlaKd7rov peXos. Aj. Fl. 976. SYN. EiWoxos. 'EirtffKvZd/iat, v. [indignor, irascor,] to be indignant, to be angry. 'A/^doV, o(f>pa Kal aXXot ZTTI(TKVUI>TCU 'Amatol. I. 370. SYN. 'OpycuVw, dpytcjo/iai, , ov, ro, subst. [supercilium,] the eye-brows. Dai/ 6e r' e7rrfc"i;>'iov w eXfcerat ooae KaXvirTW. P. 136. SYN.^O^pvs. , ov y o, subst. [ductor,] a leader. 'HcSo^evq ^dSeaaiv ETriaKvpw TTO- Xe//otd. Call. fr. 231. SYN. 'Apxo*. fjiaw, v. [abstergo,] to wipe off upon. Ti yap OVTOS //ias OWK eTtiapy T&V ; Thesm. 389- SYN. 'ETrippaivtit, Kara7rXi/vw, 7rirp//3w. , a, ov, adj. [(l) aerumnosus, (2) tristin'cus,] woful, dismal. Flap eierrriKei emfffjivytpii re icat atyr/. Hes. Scut. 264. SYN. , adv. [graviter, miserabiliter,] bitterly, 'fls di/ r/XXerat eii/CK'u trarpos. 5. 6/2. SYN. 'ETriTrovtus, cXtetvws, oiVrpws, , y, or, adj. [quod quis sibi ipse attraxit,] brought upon one's self, self-sought. T H rd^d 7 Ipos dt'pos l^iairaaTOV KCLKOV e^ei. cr. 72. SYN. 'EKovfftos, avdalperos. ), v. [attraho, consequor,] to draw, to drag by, to reach. 'EX^f 61' rwvb' tiriairaffas Kojurjs. Androm. 70S. SYN. 'E0eX/ci/w, eTriavpa), eirayw, , poet. v. [attingo,] to attain, to meet with. Ow yap vrw rot fjioipa Qaveiv Kal TrorfJibv eiricrTrelv. H. 52. SYN. 'ETriStw/cw, 7rdcdXoi/0W, fcdrdXa/u- w, f. (TTretVw, v. [libo,] to pour upon, to shed. 2ra0i ^, fc K\avffdv ETTiffTrettras 5e ro Safcpi). Theocr. 23. 38. SYN. See STreySw. , v. [urgeo,] to hasten, to urge. Zevs rdpa^e Trdj/rdy, b' deXXat. e. 304. SYN. 'ETriffTrei/Sw, di^ayffa^w, Trdpd^^yw, 7re/ya;, w5w, v. [(l) accelero, (2) incite, (3) exhortor,] to hasten, to incite. 'AXX', (5 yepau TTOUS, eniairtvaov poXis. Troad. 1266. SYN. 27rev5w, CTTI- ta, as, /, subst. [(1) satio iterata, (2) insitio,] a second or after sow- ing. ZTrep^udrd buaaaaQai, Kal t-rriffTropirjv aXeavdai. Hes. Op. 444. 'E7rt' ol 6' dpd SdpTrdv eirtffrabdv u>ir\iovTd. TT. 453. SYN. 'ETTIOT^/IO^WS, ETrtord/uf^ws, /S/3a/ws. 'E7rtffra0/ido/iat, v. [ad amussim expendo,] to weigh. ITcW 7rtard0/4wyuvof. ^Agam. 159^ SYN. SraO/udo^at, fpeuvdw, e^ra^w. 'ETriaradluds, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [stationarius, mansionuni curator,] placed in the vestibule. 'EirlaTddfjids 'A^tTrdX/rew. 1 Call. Ep. 25. 'E7r/s, e//7re/pws, Trepfypd^ews, trvverws, bvvaTtis. rriffTaais, ews, //, subst. [retardatio,] stoppage, hesitation. IloXXds yap eoyov ()povriba)v 7rirTTdffis. Antig. 231. SYN. 'Eirtyoca, Xdyiffpds. TTtordrew, v. [impero,] to preside over, to superintend. 'Eirai/0' dpelois eneaTCLTOvv. CE. R. 1028. SYN. Ilpoffrurew, Trpotard/zai, e , ov, 6, subst. [qui praefectus est alicui rei,] a president, an umpire, a praefect. Tdo-crovo-tv elvac QV^LCLTOS 6' eTrtorarqs. Hec. 223. SYN. , v. [augeor in modum plantatarum spicarum,] to grow in ear, :o grow up to maturity. T I TTOV /cdKetVw eTricrTaxyeffKov tovXoi. Apoll. 1-972. w, v. [calco,] to tread upon. 6vb' 'At^s, ovb' iTTTrot iiriaTe . Call. 4. 277- SYN. See 2re//3. , v. [accedo, ingredior,] to go upon, to proceed. EvqXtws ^Qova. Eumen. 909. SYN. See 'ETrep^fyiai. , f. \ai, v. [(l)mittoad; (2) rnando, praecipio ; (3) attraho, ad- duco,] to send to, to send orders, to bring to. 'E/uot be Trpos OE rovb' tTrt- erreXXovo-' ayetv. Heracl. 938. SYN. 'ATrooreXXw, tTrtreXXw, erXXd/zcu, et tTrforrevw, v. [ingemo,] to groan at, or in consequence. Ot ^e' dp' edpri CTTI be arevaxovro yvvaiKes. ft. 722. See also ft. 79- Batrach. 72. CE. R. 186. Hes. Theog. 841. Iph. T. 284. and Med. 925. SYN. 'AvaffrevaZu, arevd^o;, OTEVU). 'E7rea>." Maltb. Procul dubio) [irrideo, couvicior,] to deride, to reproach. My /xtv Keprdfj-eovcrai e7rtcrro/3two-? yvvatfces. Apoll. 3. 663. SYN. AotSopew, xXeyd^w, ij3pi<*>. irtaTdXabrii', adv. [ornate, succincte,] elegantly, concisely. "Hpea-oi/ x edva b~iav, eTTtffToXabriv be ylruvas. Hes. Scut. 287- SYN. EuKOff//ws, iraXws, Xa/z- TrptDs. 7TrroX^, ^s, ^, subst. [quod cuivis demittitur vel injungitur; mandatum,] a commission, an order. Kov fj.vr}p,uyvei rets epas tTrtoroXds. Pers. 788. SYN. 'EjroXi), f Trtrdyj), (.rciffKri^is. 7ri(776>/w, v. [(1) os obturo ; (2) fraenum injicio,] to shut ihe mouth, to silence by refuting. 'ATra^dTravras TOVS exfyovs tTriaTdpiZeiv. Equit. 841. SYN. , eeey)(w. vw, v. [bello contra,] to make war against, to besiege, to infest vevpas, t>s eTriffrpaTevaufily. Bacch. 7J3. SYN. , j. . n .. rfr, ov, 6 et //, adi. Fin quern aliquis convertitur, spectabilisj dis- 336 Eni2 EDIT tinguished, conspicuous. 'EiriaTpenTov al&va KTICTUS. Choeph. 344. SYN. , et (2) 'ETrtorpe^fymi, v. [(1) converto ; (2) curam facio;] to turn towards, to draw back, to regard. npuirov plv ovv p.oi bevp tTrtarpe^/ov Kapa. Heracl. 942. SYN. 'Avrtorpe^o;, /zeraarpe^w, vTroorpe^w, cVdyepxo/iat, eVdyw, , adv. [hue illuc se convertendo ; studiose,] turning here and there ; hastily. Tvirrov Tnorpo(f>abr)v' ratv be OTOVOS &pvvr' iietK^s. ^. 308. *7rtoT(Oo0/}, /7s, 7)f, subst. [cura,] attention, regard. TIpo TOV davovros TJJV& ZdeoO' tiruJTpofyriv l CE. C. 134. SYN. ^TrovS)), jueXeYj/, bivrj. 'Eirlffrpd(j)ds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui conversatur cum aliis, spectabilis,] having an extensive acquaintance, admired. "AXXot, Zirel KO.L KCIVOS tTriarpofyos i\v arOpw- TTWV. a. 177. SYN. See 'ETTttrrpeTrros. ty^dw, v. [versor in ; oberro ; obeo,] to turn about, to traverse. An/eu* yijs rrjfffr ZTnorpcjcfty Tremor. Med. 666. SYN. 'ETrtorpe^o^at, evblarpifiw, , f. |w, v. [insuper macto,] to sacrifice besides, to sacrifice upon. 7 ft 0/Xrar', apa, ca// 7rt. 71. SYN. Ilpoapp.a.Ka. Eur. fr. Beller. 18. i/w, v. [(1) intendo, (2)augeo,] to stretch upon, to superadcl. "H//J tTrt Ppiffas' o be ol Znl vevpa Tavvodets. Theocr. 25. 148. SYN. See 'ETrtretVw. 'EmrappoOds, ov, 6, subst. [auxiliator,] a helper, an avenger. Z>>' vwarov yu>/- OTiapa pa^ris emrappodoy elvac. P. 339. SYN. See 'Eirippodos. 'ETTirao-o-w, v. [injungo, impero,] to enjoin, to order. Td 7rpayjud0' oi/rws, et Vtra^o/ze<70d 6>7. Eur. Suppl. 531. SYN. 'Amrdo-ffw, ^idrd) rep/zdrd rwrb' tTrirelXai. P. V. 100. SYN. 'EireXXw, TrpoffTuo-ffw, TrdpayyeXXw, dvdreXXw. , f. c/iw, v. [amputo, brevius reddo,] to amputate, to abridge. Mfj Tciv X eTpd KCLTmrpiwv TO fcvyutvoi/. Theocr. 10. 55. SYN. Kdrdrfyvw, Stdreyuvw, ffwrrejuvw, a^i$i(a t eTrk'OTrrw, ftpa-^vvd), e^wplio. EirirepTrris, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [jucundus,] pleasant. 'E^ei ' eTrtrepTrcd x^po^. H. in Apol). 412. SYN. Tepees, ei/rep7r>)s, ^v*. TTirepTrfyiat, v. [oblector,] to be delighted at, to take pleasure in. "AXXos yap r' aXXoiao> d^p cTrir^pTr^rat epyots. ^. 228. SYN. See Tt'pTro/iat. Appareo. significaturariore. 'ETrtrefAas' yT(A$ Suid, quorum posterior in hoc sensu frequens est." Cl. Blomf. EDIT EDIT 337 a, ov, et eTrtrrjbt}s t ttis, o et >/, adj. [idoneus,] fit for, suitable. J Ev- ovvdjji eTrirfibeids el. Bacch. 500. See also Iph. A. 476. SYN. detiKuv, iKavds y Trpoatyopds, erotuos, okelos, 0tXcfc, evvovs, avvi]Qris. , ews, //, subst. [(1) studium accuratum, (2) disciplina,] Btorov drpeKels eTriTfjbevffets. Hipp. 26l. SYN. 27rov6>), 7rfy\etd, peXerrj, Trpodv- , [iddrjffis. 'ETrtr^euw, v. [do operam,] to endeavor, to pursue, to cultivate. TloXXr'i y KaTriTrjbeveiv Kand. Soph. El. 311. SYN. 27rovuc?w, 7r?xetjo&>, , v. [impono,] to put or lay upon, to impose. 'E7r?0els dva-^ets ; u* avrtKa. Cycl. 243. SYN. 'Avdrr0^t, 7!y>o<7r#%u, 7rt/3a\Aw, Trpoa- yui, e7ra.viaTr)pi. , ou, et tiriTipriTwp, dpos, 6, subst. [(1) censor, (2) reprehensor, (3) vindex,] a censor, a reprover, an avenger. Tourwv fcoXaorx/v Karriri^Tfjy, aval. Eur. Supp. 266. See aiso t. 270. SYN. Ilaidevnfc, (3) /3o^0d$, riftw- pos, afJivvTup. Trm/ifdr, frequentius plur. tTrm'juia, wr, ra, subst. [merces,] a fine, reward, re- turn. ApdoxuTt 5' alwxpa, betva raTTtrtjum. Hec, 106^. SYN. Fepas, , ov, o et 7, adj. [(1) valde honoratus, (2) opulentus,] highly honored, wealthy. KcnriTifjiovs nai TroX/ras, oaris av ^vvvavjud^y. Ran. 701. SYN. "EtTt^os, aidrifj.ds, r////;ets, riultis, TrXovatos. TTirlrdids, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [subrumus,] at the breast. "Hrot dp' us c&ovr ?rt- rirdlov 'HpciK\rid. Theocr. 24. 53. SYN. See 'ETriftaoTtbids. , v. [perpetior,] to etjdure. TJ rot 7rtrXr/rw Kpdblr)' 'iinrov 5e rot avros. . 591. SYN. 'Avar\r)/ui, 6mrXaw, rXdw, vTru/jeva). oXr/, ^$, r/, subst. [exortus,] the rising. Td per tyv aarpwv emro\a~iffiv . Pl)03n. 1132. SYN. See 'AmroX^. w, v. [audeo,] to dare, to make an attack upon. 'AXX' 7rerdX/*i;ro KdprjKOfj.db)VTes 'Amatol. F. 79- SYN. Toeuw, aT6-^a^ t 0op- ETTiroffffd), 1 v, [supervenio celeriter ex improvise,] to come suddenly upon. Nat KpriiJLvavTWV eTreroffffe, Buds. Pytll. 4. 43. SYN. 'EviKvpea), cdrdXa/4/3dvw, enlrvyxdvu), 7rt7r/7rra>, tirepyouai. ETrtrpeTrw, et tTrtVjOWTrdw, v. [(1) trado, (2) sino, (3)jubeo,] to entrust to, to permit, to command. 'AXXd av y i\Quv avros eiriTptyetds e/. T". 504. See Apoll. 4. 1604. SYN. 'ETTtflew, 7rr/3aXXo>, etV/3aXXw, irpooTriirTto, eTrep^ofjiai. Emrpiflw, v. [(l) attero, (2) crucio, (3)instigo,] to rub upon, to wear, to teaze, to urge. Notros fji eTreTpi^ev Imrtin), betvt) dye~iv. Nub. 242. SYN. Ku- rarpiftw, dirorplfiw, evrelvw, eTrfyepa), avfiua, 6X//3w. 'ETrTrptTTTds, ou, o et ^, adj. [(1) contritus, (2) sceleratus,] hacknied, rascally. T H TOVTrlrpiiTTOv rtvdbos tyjpov p UTTOV ; Aj. Fl. 103. SYN. 'EfrOX^s, Trdroup- yos, irovrjpos. 'ETrrrpoTreuw, v. [procure, administro,] to superintend, to rule. OVK ecO' Virus o Trats db' ov TOV bfjiov eviTdirevaet. Euit. 426. SYN. 'ETrurrdrfw, d./, v. [incendo,] to kindle. "OTTWS dv dv%> ^i juov. Lysistr. 221. SYN. 'ETTIKCUW, ejCTri/pow. s o et ^> ac ^J' [secundus,] prosperous, fortunate. N^ds eT -orw. ^Esch. Suppl. 752. SYN. See E6r#xfc. , f. i)va), v. [splendidum reddo, lavo,] to render splendid, to wash. Evpov a\6s vortbeaal Kaprj emtyaibpvyovffav. Apoll. 4. 662. SYN. See $ai- :j/w, v. [(l)ostendo, et (2) eirfyalvopat, appareo,] (1) to show, (2) to ap- pear. Zr/y^drd 6' ws 7r0arro telv betvolat SpctKovat. lies. Scut. l67. SYN. }yu0cuVo/zac, alvdfjiai. r, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [conspicuus, praesens,] conspicuous, present. 'AXX' r ; Antig. 841. SYN. 'E7rt^dj'>/s. f. 7Toiff(a, v. [infero,] to bring upon, to assail, to charge with, "ibiov, rj KOIVOV TroXirais 7ri^pwv eyfcXT/jud rt ; Orest. 757- SYN. IIpo<7^pw, 7rdyw, w, v. [nomine alterius appello. Vid. Mark!, in 1. c.] to call by the name of another. Oi/S' ort Ketvy Tralb' e7re0drw. , v. [invideo ob,] to bear malice to. T ft t K ZTrityddveois, obe TOI\ elolv oiriaow. X. 148. SYN. See 00ovw. vos, ov, 6etr/, adj. [invidiosus, reprehensione dignus,] enviable, hateful, invidious. Oi/S' ala^pov ovbev, ovb' emtydovov at Spyv. Troad. 735. SYN. , ' ijTot TOVTOV ^ev ETrujiXZy TTvp. T. 52. SYN. 'SirtKaiu, ^Xeyw. 'ETTI^XVW, v. [convicia jactito,] to bespatter, to abuse. To7d (parts Kai rovs eTrt^Xvetv fj.a.Kapeffott'. Apoll. 1. 481. SYN. $Xvw, (f)Xvapeep/3o>, fioffKw, tTrifiovKdiJiat. v. [desuper injtcio,] to bring, carry ; or throw upon. "6if gigniSes, ordinary, common'. EIM EI1IX 339 4o admonish, to consider, to deliberate, to devise. "Ev0tv V uv judXd irH c7rtpaaaaifAeda fiovXr'ir. N. 741. SYN. IldpayyeXXw, 7rayyeXXw, S/jXow, 5 aatyed), ZnivoEU), eTrtyTyvwaKw, evOujueoyuat,, 5tdvow, roily X W Trfypdavvri, W> *l subst. [prudentia,] prudence, discernment. At ydp bf\ TCKVOV, enuppoavvas dvtXoid. T. 22. SYN. Hd\v(f>pdavvr), v(3ovXla t fjiiJTis, Trpo/iT/fletd, avvi-aif;, irvKtval Qpeves, 'Eirfypovpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [custodiens,] guarding. Et0os 6' E/Z//S Buyurpos 7rt- povpot> bepy. Orest. 1591. ETT^/QW*/, o^os, 6 et fj, adj. [mentis compos ; prudens,] wise, sagacious. 'AXX' era Ovpdv t^ovre, voy, KOI tiritypovl fiovXrj. y. 128. SYN. " 7ToXv0jOWV, Qpdvijjltis, OVVETOS. 7r:0i/Xtos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [in tribus distributus,] in tribes. Ion 1577. 'E7rti/, orw rdS' emx&p^ ; P. V. 166. See also Sept. Theb. 904. SYN. Ei/^dpis, evdpeoros, ^dpteis, dydirrjTos, rjbvs, eTrtrepTr^s. Trtxapfrws, adv. [gratiose, venuste,] agreeably, in an ingratiating manner. Net TOV 'IdXadv, Eirixapirus y' dr, <5 ^e^e. Acharn. 867. SYN. XdpteVro;*, aaTt(i)S, OTli)fJLvXii)S. KixapirTa, pro 'ETrfyap^ov, [insuper gratificare,] do thou moreover oblige. T^JSe ifi/Tri^dptrrd rw eV$>* Acharn. 884. a 7rixapy"a, dros, ro, subst.' [(l) res laetabilis, (2) ludibrium,] a sport, a laughing- stock. 'Y/JptO'jud, KaTrfyapfjia KOI biatyQapav . Here. F. 459- E7rtxap/^ds, ou, 6, P.N. [Epicharmus,] the Syracusan, the inventor of Comedy. * (See Bentley's Dissert, on Phalaris.) Evp&v 'ETTIXOP/UOS. Theocr. Ep. 17. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [laetitiam adferens,] giving gratification to. ' 7re7rov6a. P. V. 16*4. , v. [incaco.] 'Iov y' 7rtxffe7, Troyariv ^rfpos ro^orjys ; Lysistr. 442. See 'Eyxe^w. >?s, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [non plenus,] not full. W 6s eTroltiaev rtjv iroXiv yipuv evpwv ExixetXrj. 3 Equit. 814. SYN. 'EvSf*}*, apotpds. d, wr, ra, subst. [praemia militias; praemia,] the fruit of one's hands, pay, effect. FX&aaris, YlpoprjOev, rctTrtxetpd yt'yverat. P. V. 327- 'E7Ttxe, v. [manum admoveo, aggredior,] to lay hands upon, to attempt, to attack. Hapyvtaas /uo<, KaTrZ-xeipriaas KUKO.. Hipp. 704. SYN. 'Eyx^tptw, > See Dr. Blomf. Gloss. P. V. 183. 2 " In hac, uti in citatione proxime prsec., Boeotum loqui fingit Coinicus." Maltb. 3 See Brunck's note on this line for the meaning of ih 340 EIIIX EOOM *'E7rixe*Vud, eiros, ro, subst. [infusio,] infusion, produce. Zvv /3orpi)wv pari \otfias. Here. F. 890. w, et 7rtx#w, v. [infundo,] to pour upon. Xepo-iv vSwp 7rixecu dnjpdroV, udpetos, x^" ), v. [sum obsitus lanugine, pubesco,] to be covered with down, to grow. A.evKrj(Tiv tTTixvociovaral tdfipais. Apoll. 1. 671- SYN. See Xrodcw. TiTxpdw, v. [(1) irivado, urgeo, (2) med. voc. utor,] (1) to seize, to press upon, to covet, to court, (2) to use. Myrepl JJLOI ^irrjffrrjpfs ETri^ipaov OVK ZOeXovarf. (3. 50. SYN. 'E0op/^dw, eiriiriirrto). , v. [adhinnio,] to neigh at, to snort. 2/capfyu^ tTrixpEjJieOwv Kpovei Apoll. 3. 1259. SYN. See Xpe/u0w. , v. [admoveoj to bring near. Ae^pts 7rtxpt/^^0ets, irepi 5' v'^wp. Apoll. 1. 1234. SYN. See Xpt>rrrw. v. [inungo,] to put ointment upon. "Opa veot 6a\7rovTs ei (j>. 179* SYN. KdraxptW) eyxP' w > XP t/w ' e 71 ""^ 6 ^^' , v. [concede, cedo,] to give place to, to yield. To nv'riywpeiv ro7$ f . Antig. 219 % SYN. 7Lvy%(i)()w , fTrirptTrw, ecfnijpi. , ov, 6 et jj, adj. [indigena,] peculiar to a place, indigenous. "Oorts enl^o-pla. Pyth. 3. 38. SYN. 'Eyx^P^* avdiyti'rjs, d^oyAwovros. v. [attingo,] to touch upon, to reach, to be superficially informed. begets, tTrei^av-ffav. Istll. 4. 17 SYN. 'E0a7rro/ut, i//?7Ad0dw. 5w, v. [(1) irroro, (2) instillo,] to drop upon, to besprinkle. Toy 0eo^ b' JETri-^eKc'iZetV) KCL'I rlv' elirelv ye/rom. Pax 1141. SYN. 5 E7ri)3px w > Karei- W, v. [insono,] to rattle. 'ETre^d^eoy ^dperpat. Call. 3. 247. SYN. , at, subst. [loca, in quibus naves a ventorum injuria tutae esse possunt,] a bay sheltered from the wind. Oi ydp eaav \ifjteves vrjtiv o^pi, ov5' eKivyal. e. 404. 'ETTOIKEW, v. [incolo,] to dwell in. KikAdSds tTroiKriaovoi vrjtraias TroXeis. Ion 1583. SYN. 'EfotfC&), ota'o/*cu. "ETTOIKOS, ov, 6 et rj y adj. et subst. [colonus, ad vena,] one who dwells in a country not his own, an inhabitant, "(lore Trrepwv aot rols eTroiKots be~i Trddev. Aves 1 307.* ipu), v. [misereor,] to pity. Kat rw, TJ}V arfv &OT > tT Hec. 341. SYN. See OtKre/pw. 'EirotKTiZo), v. [misereor ; miserabiliter queror,] to have pity on. TOIOVTOV, oiov teal arvyovvr 7rotmcrai. CE. R. 1295. SYN. See Otfcr/5w. 'E7ro/xo/uat, v. [invado, procurro,] to go to, to frequent, to ply, to visit, to in- vade. Eeu/tcus avrovs eTTOt^ovTat rpaTre^ats. Oiymp. 3. 72. SYN. "ETretyut, 'E7rdAdXvw, v. [miserabiliter lamentor ; ffcm 6o?io 5ew.sw,] to shout at, to shriek aloud. $iAois Trveovffdv ws 6' 7rwAoA^dro. Agam. 1207. SYN. 'OAoXv^w, eTrWprjveb), ETTIKWKVW, fTrotjuwc'w, eu0r//4W. "ETrojuat, poet, eWo/ja, v. [comitor, sequor,] to accompany, to follow, to at- tend. 0>?ffe7 TrdvwXets e^dfjieffff e$o\Kibes. Here. F. 1417. SYN. 'E7ro/z/3pia, as, ^, subst. [imbris copia,] a heavy rain. "fl(rr 1117 5eti/ ^t^r' dyai/ 7roju/3ptav. Nub. 1118. SYN. "O/i/3pos, Vrds. 'ETrd/uvvjut, et ETTO^IVVW, f. ojjiovpai, v. [dejero, juro,] to swear in addition, to confirm by an oath. "I/ 7royu^i;yui'ov at Trai/o-w r^s EKKXrjfflLas. Pint. 725. SYN. 'OpKOW, KaTO^VVfUj OfJLVVjM. , ov, ro, subst. [(l) quod supra umbilicum est ; (2) umbo clypei,] EIION EHOX 341 boss of the shield. Meffodv 67roju0dX- Treplnxn^y & dpd \n\KSs. H. 267. ov, 6 et rj, adj. [probrosus, reprelicnsiune dignus,] scandalous, in- sulting. "O yap ffv XvTTpoy KaTroveibiffTov Xtyets. Iph. T. 690. SYN. ' oros, 7rfyte/j7rros, 7rif3dr)Tds, , v. [cognomino,] to give an additional name, to call. ravr eTrwvo^ctcryuem. Here. F. 1320. SYN. UpocovofJia , v. [revereor, caveo,] to respect, to dread. Ovrw vvv airdirepirc, e. 146. SYN. 'EvrptTrojuat, 7ri<7rp0fyiai, v. [asso insuper,] to roast upon. 'A\\' i/Sdri eyfc-drd navTa. /u. 363. SYN. See 'Orrdw. 'ETTOTrrevw, eVoTrreveorw, et eTroTrro/zccc, v. [inspieio,] to look upon, to inspect, to visit. Xprjffrrjptav eor0V 7rw7rreycras 6e yue. Agam. 1241. See also TT. 140. and T. 260. SYN. 'ETrr/SXevrw. 'E7ro7rr/}p, ^pos, et sTroTTTrjs, ov, o, subst. [(1) inspector ; (2)curator,] a specta- tor, an eye-witness, a spy, a superintendant. Ildrp^'as yrjs eiroTrrripas Xtrwv. Sept. Theb. 640. See also P. V. 307- SYN. AtoTros, Sto7rr/?p, icdroTrr^s, eiriffKOKos, e0opos, Oearr/s. 'ETropymq'w, v. [mysteria celebro,] to celebrate orgies. "Epws tTropylaZet. Anacr. ^32. 23. SYN. 'Opymu>, reXtw. 'E7ropeyo/uat, v. [exporrecta manu prenso ; irruo,] to stretch out the hand and seize; to rush upon. "Evff 7ropedyu>os peyaOvfjiov Tvbeos vios. E. 335. SYN. IlporetVw, eirtXa/jfiaviij. 'ETropdiagoj, v. [ahum clamorein tollo,] to raise a loud cry or shout. 'ETropOta- Ceij', eWcp 'l\lov voXHs. Agam. 28. SYN. See 'Eop0mo>. 'Eirop9o/3odw, v. [clara voce edo,] to utter with a loud voice, to proclaim. Ni/- \lovs Tropddfioaffw. Eur. Electr. 142. 'ETropvvfjLt, ETTopoiia, et evropw, v [concito et paro adversus ; hostiliter adsilio,] to instigate, to rush upon, to assail, to overwhelm, 'il/jj/ tyv opyy' rovb* aroXdv. JEsch. Suppl. 195. See also A. 472. et ju. 313. SYN. 'Eto- pjudo>, CTrep^o/^at, 7rt?r/7rrw, e^op/^dw, tTraicrau). S, eos, TO, subst. [(l) verbum ; (2) versus ; (3) oraculum,] a word, a verse, an oracle. M&v CK 6eui> TOV KOIVOI* ayyeXXets e-rros; Troad. 55. SYN. Aoyos, pvdos, p///m, prjcris, aoibrj, /MTpdv, ftfXos, xpijfffjids, "XpyoTiiplov, Qripr], pavre'tdv, pavTGvp.a. EPITH. NEOI^, naXov, Ko.tv8v, bvarv'xes, Trapapdv, Xi/Trpov, , TriJ/ctVoi', Kovtyoy, UTTO- fi\r)Tdv, vrjuepTts. PHR. "ETrld vltyabeaalv eotKora yetfj&fAqdlv. ETrororu^w, v. [deploro,] to moan over. "AXXos ctXX' 7rwr6ri/(5e. Phoen. 1055. SYN. See ' f. vvo), v. [instigo,] to quicken> to incite, to urge on. Avrdp t K (J>aXayyas eiroTpiivriTov airaoas. %. 83. SYN.^Orpuvw, 7rdporpi/rw, Trdpo^w 'E?roi;pdvios, a, ^j/, adj. [co3lestis,] celestial, heavenly. OVK a*- tywye Qtoiolv tirovpuvioioi }j.axoif*r)v. Z. 129. SYN. See Ovpavlfa. 'Evrovp/^w, v. [(l)vento secundo impello ; (2)dirigo; (3) perficio,] to blow prosperously upon, to direct, to drive before the wind, to complete. Tpfy* vvv, rpE^e vvv, Kara TOVS KopaKas enovpiffas. Thesm. 1226. "fiTrovpos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [veuto secundo impellens,] breathing favorably upon, prosperous. Ffvotr' ^tirovpos effrtwris avpa. Trach. 956. SYN. Ovpltis. 'E?roxojuat, v. [vehor,] to be carried, to ride upon. "Ef;rwp OptdyLttSi/s cTrox'/fft- rat* oi; yap eao-w. P. 449. SYN. 'E7Tt/3atVw. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [curru vel quovis tali vectus,] riding upon, tending to. ydp eart XP^ K^X * T vv ^' Lysistr. 682. 342 EDGY "ETTOI//, OTTOS, o, subst. [upupa,] a hoopoo, pewet or lapwing. TOTE yEviaQai p ev*aTo. Aves 72. 'ETrctyfytos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [visu facilis, adspectabilis,] capable of being inspected, discernible. 'Es beivdv, OVK aKovmov, ov6' IVov^fytoV. QE. R. 1312. SYN. 'Oparos, 7roi//tos, 7rep?j3\e7TT/os, ^d^pos. 'Ewo^ws, ov, 6 ety, adj. [(l)t? c prtzc. ; item (2) inspector,] (2) superin- tending, protecting. 'AAV <5 Trdrpom yj/, 0eo/ r' ETTO^IOI. Philoct. 1040. SYN. (2) See 'ETTOTrn/p. 'ETrrd, adj* indecl. [septem,] seven. 'EKCIVOS eVrd vapBevtav rd^ov TreXds. Phoen. lb'1. *E7rrd/3oetos, et eVrd/3o(os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [e septem bubulis pellibus factus,] composed of or covered with seven skins, impenetrable. Kat Tr^X^fcas, KCU Kvr]fj.~ibas Kal Ovpovs eTTTafldeiovs. Ran. 1017- See also Aj. Fl. 577. 'ETrrayXfaxraos, eTrrafervTros, ewrafydoyyos, et e;rrdrd>os, ov, o et ^, adj. [septem sonos edens; e septem chordis sonans,] with seven strings or notes. 4>op- pyy' 'ATroXXwv eTrrdyXwffao^. Nem. 5. 43. See also Pyth. 2. 129. Ion 821. Alcest. 447. 'Eirraenis, CTTTET^S, eds, 6 et?/, et eTrreris, tSos, ^, adj. [septennis,] for seven years. "Ev&a p.v eTrrderes ^e^ov f.^f.^6v t e'//idrd 6' ate/, r/. 25p. See also Ran. 421. and Thesm. 487. 'ETrrcke et eTrrdfcts, adv. [septies,] seven times. Ov ydp eorai Svyd^tts, ov6' ^ eirraKts av \^rj

    /, adj. [qui septem habet turres,] having seven towers. Trjy eTrTaTrvpyov Ti'jvbe SeffTrogwv iroXiv. Here. F. 28. 'E7rraffro/ids,-ov, 6 et rj t adj. [septem ora vel ostia habens,] having seven mouths. 'Earaorfyioy Trvpywpa Kabpeitav CTTI. Eur. Suppl. 1231. 'ETrrdret^s, tos, 6 et r/, adj. [septem locis mimitus,] fortified in seven places. Ets eirra.Tei'xe'is e^oSovs 1 ra|w poXuv. Sept. Theb. 2^9* 'ETrrdrovos, vid. 'ETrrayXwcrcros. "ETrrd^d, adv. [septifariam,] in seven ways. Kcu rd plv eVrdxd Travra faepot- paro baiZwv. . 434. 'E7rrerr;s, et eVrem, vid. 'ETrrder^s. ov, ro, subst. [versiculus,] a little verse. '6 vovs fjiev, e^w vXXeywv d. Acharn. 398. .SYN. 'P^/jdndj/. , v. [ago, euro, gubemo,] to be busy about, to mind, to direct, to attend. TOJ/ 5' evp' kv eaXany Trepi/caXXed rev X e' ETTOVTCL. Z. 321. SYN. 'Erepyew, ev- rp7r/(5a>, tTrtyucXed/uat, Exdpat. 7ry5j7, T/S, >/, subst. [(1) incantamentum, (2) carmen,] an enchantment, a charm, a song. EtffJv 5' evrw^ai /cat Xoyot deX/cryptoi. Hipp. 480. SYN. See 'ETrdoiSj/. ETTWOOS, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) consonans, (2) subst. iucantator, cantus,] har- monizing with; and subst. an enchanter, a song. T Ap' OVK ETrybbs icai yor\s TTE^VX' oil. Hipp. 1041. SYN. 'ETTWVVJUOS, ETraoibus. e|ous dicitur pro ITTTO t|o'5ous Tetxecw, ut eirrdTrvpya K\f'iOpa pro"EwTa KAe?- Eur. Phoen. 1073." Doctiss. Blomf. Sept. Theb. 2G9. EPAT 343 ?w, v. [(1) ovis incubo, (2) clamo in modum gallinae incubantis,] to sit upon eggs as a bird ; to cluck. 'E/u/3as, enu^e, xapafytov /"/uovyufyfo. Aves 265. SYN. 'E7rucd$ev6w, 7revi>a$ufjiai, eTrlKelpai, QuX-nio. TTwXertds, oi/, 6 et ?'/, adj. [qui s.quod in ulnis vel sub ulnis fertur,] in orunder the arms, riaVr' ereirtDV Kurd KOfffiov, eirwXei'tov KWdpi^cjy. Horn. Merc. 432. 7rw/*a(dj, a, 6v, adj. [humeris superimposilus,] placed upon the shoulders. OVK evri' TTTepvyas ydp eirwjjidbias fyopeH. Theocr. 29 29 /, adv. [in humeris,] on the shoulders, 'le^cVoi, ZfjOos JJLEV tTrw/mSov . Apoll. 1. 738. US, ios, r/, subst. [(1) summa pars humeri, (2) nomen vestis muliebris,] the top of the shoulder; a female garment worn over the shoulders, a mantle. TTatdVd, yvfjivas K \epOJv eTTMfjilbds. Iph. T. 1405. SYN^fl/^os, evSfy/d. 'Errw^ords, ov, 6 et >'/, adj. [quijuravit; obstrictus jurejurando,] bound by an oath. Hoiav boKijaLV ; OUKT, eTrwyuoros Xtywr. Trach. 427- 'ETTwvfyua, as, ^, subst. [(1) cognomen, (2) nomen,] a surname, an appellation, a name. Kprjraees icaXcovafr tiruvvjjuriv euro rvpfris. Call. 3. 205. SYN. '6/nw- VVfJLta, 7TlK:A7?tftS, OVOfJld. 'ETTWVV^UOS, oi/, 6 et /, adj. [qui ab aliquo traxit nomen,] deriving a name from. To. b' 7ro^vyud beliryd QvecrTOV. Orest. 1005. 'ETrwTrdw, v. [inspicio,] to keep an eye upon, to look at, to watch. 'Us n-oXX' tTTWTr^s K&Kirdbwv ev KcifJieva. Choeph. 681. SYN. See 'Emj3\tTru. 'En-wTT//, fjs, rj, subst. [prospectus, campus,] a view, a plain. Marejotfs dv0o- vdfjiovs ETrwTras. ^Escli. Suppl. 54-8. SYN. See T ft^. *'E7rwrts, iSos, ^f, subst. [epotis,] a piece of wood jutting out on each side of the prow, to guard the ship from the beaks of the enemies' ships, and to which the anchor was sometimes appended. Kovrols be Trpwpav el^py oi b' eirurtiuv. Iph. T. 1351. 'ETrw^eXtw, v. [(1) insuper adjuvo, (2) prosum,] to give additional relief, to succour. Tt -bfjr' av dXXd vvv a eTrw^eXoT/i' tyw; Antig. 552. SYN. Npdcrw- , aros, TO, subst. [(1) utilitas, (2) beneficium,] additional assistance, benefit, service. 'ETrwc&eXr/yua , 'Epdros, epavvos, fp&ffplos, et epdretvos, r), to, adj. [araabilis, amo3ims,J lovely, amiable, delightful, charming. MoXTrat 6' rjvfyrr epdrat. Eur. Electr. J22. See also 1.573. Agam. 588. and T. 347. SYN. 'AydTnjros, tTr^pdros, KaXfo, r/Si/s, irddcwds, 7rpop- , as, >/, subst. [(l) elaboratio, cultus, (2) quaestus, lucrum,] working, labor, employment, gain, profit. 'Epydfft/jj/ Qevyovaa. bvfiTraddv os be Key avrfjv. Horn. Merc. 487. SYN. "Epyo*>, p.o-^Qos, TTOVOS, airoubt), tTrtyueXeid, Kepbds. EPITH. UdXvjiioxGos. Spydrqs, et epydriVi/s, oi/, 6, et epydris, lbos,fj, subst. [operarius,] a workman, a performer. TCKTOVUV 0' V^LVOLV epydraiv bvoiv. Androm. 476. See also Apoll. 2. 374. and Philoct. 97. SYN. Yrpovos, 5i?jutovpyos. , ov, TO, subst. [ofiicina,] a work-shop, a work-house. 'Eyt!> be / d?r' epyaffTrjptov. Equit. 744. , CLTOS, ro, subst. [claustrum, septum,] an enclosure, a hedge, a place of confinement. IIpos tpy/ud Tv^6\waTov. Antig. 860. 2py/^d, dros, et (2) e'pyo>, ov, ro, subst. [opus, facinus, factum,] a deed, a work, an achievement. Ae/7rojuctt, eV re Tv%ais QvaTtiv, Kai kv epypaai Xevaawv. Hipp. 1108. See also Hec. 780. SYN. rfpdy^d, 7rpdis, 7ri^e/p^/ud, ToXprj, ToX/.ir)pa. EPITH. ^AyXdoV, deiKes, a'iatfjidv, XolyWv, <7)(rXto', aeKr]Xiov t narinov, fiiaiov, yeXaoro^, , KCLKOV, Kparepof K\vr6v, XeTrroi', pepfj.epov, TraXivTirdv, Trarpa'itdv, TrepticaXXes, irepLKXvToi', ), or, adj. [furvus, obscurus,] dark, gloomy. 'He rtya Tpwwv epe- jSevvri vvurl KaXtytu. N. 425. SYN. Ifcoreti/os, epefiros. "EpHfiivQos, ov, 6, subst. [cicer,] a kind of pulse, chick-pease. "Aprovs, rH^a^rjf fj.a$us, xXaivas, olvov, oTtyavovs, ttpefilvBovs. Eccl. 607. tw, v. [orci tenebris abscond ita scrulor,] to explore Erebus. Ovrot VTTO Toy Taprdpo^. Nub. 192. s, eos, et (antiq. gen.) o0t>, ro, subst. [Erebus, orci tenebrae,] o>$ eyuot. Aj. Fl. 395. (Double Dochm.) SYN. Swords, C . EPITH. Kvavtov, fjtETajjidjXidi', jueXa^dfs. PHR. NtKp&v ds Ylepa^di'rjs. See "Atbrjs. , v. [interrogo,] to ask, to interrogate. *Oi> yovoV e^dyopevEV eyw 5' azpeeivov aTraaas. X. 233. SYN. "Epopai, dvpwrdo, epwrdw, ETrepwrdw, 'Epe6la), et epe0w, v. [lacesso, irrito,] to irritate, to stir up, to awake, to en- counter, to alarm. 'E/^as be typlvas iipWlat Sidropos tyofios. P. V.I 88. See also A. 519. SYN. 'EpifyuaiVw, XuTrew, Trapo^vfh), Ktyew, 7rdpd0^yw, Trdpopyt'cw, , dros, ro, subst. [irritamentum,] provocation, irritation, excitement. re ^opwv e|00/(r^drd. Nub. 312. 1 The individual names of the nine Muses very rarely occur in the earlier Greek poets : not once in Homer (except Hymn, 30. 2.) Sophocles, ^Eschylus. or Euripides ; though thejr are all given, Hes. Theog. 77. EPEI EPEY 345 ;, et f>e/5oyuctt, v. [figo, firmo, fulcio,] to lean upon, to press against, to prop, to support, to fix, to apply, to direct, to embrace. 'ai' rt)y avrwv, Kal $.i}Ti]ffTpii- y os rds fpeiKas. Theocr. 5. 64-. , v. [(1) frango, (2)t'rangor,] to cause to break, to split, to rend, to plow. SYN. Kdre- 346 'Epl^>w, v. [tego,] to cover, to crown. Ai>c5 ' avrtiv epetpav TtXoxot aeXl vtfv. Olymp. 13. 45. SYN. 'ETrepe^w, /cdrcpe^w, areya^w, ffK-e^a^w, crc?a5w, ai, wv, o*, P. N. [Erecthei posteri ; Athenienses,] the posterity of Erectheus, the Athenians. 3>i\ov re QeoQai TrcW n Epex^eia)v Xlwv. Eur. Suppl. 397- pexOevs, rjtfs, et tws Attice, qui et dicitur 'EpixBovids, 6, P. N. [Erectheus,] a king of Athens and priest of Minerva. Aui>e 6' 'Epe-^d^os trvulvov bd/jtiv avrap 'dbvffcrevs' r). 81. EPITH. lloi/uXoyUrjris, rdxv/3ovXos, irXri^nnros, peyaXijrwp, &KVS. pe^w, v. [scindOj macero, agito,] to break, to cleave, to shatter, to distress. AaKpvffl nai oTomxjjfcri Kat aXyeal dvfiov epe^Owv. e. 157. SYN. fiapvvta, aaXevto, rdpaffflrw, tXovi/w, ox^tw- s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui inservit contignationi,] covering. AOJUWV epetyfjov* areyds. Iph. T. 48. w, v. [clico, nuntio, qusero,] to speak, to tell, to announce, to ask, to consult. Tot yap tyiav IpcW av be avvQto, KCL'I pot opoaauv. A. 7^. SYN. 'Epcor, os, a, OK, adj. [(1) solitarius, (2) privatus, orbatus,] solitary, lone, de- prived of, bereft. O'uKer' eprjjj.airjff'iv VTTO bpfatv rjpevos ^et. Mosch. 3. 21. SYN. 'Eprjpos. '%fHjpa$ttncti t v. [in soliludine vagor,] to wander in solitude. "Aptyw eprj/u&^eff^ KOV, aTroTrXayx&evTes eraiptav. Theocr. 22. 35. 'Epj/juia, as, >/, subst. [desertum,] a desert, desolation. MrlvavrJIs, aXXa TTJV efjtrjv eprjfiiav* Androm. 067. EPITH. 'Opetcts, auardXta, Troo/etro-d, ^^Xt^)^ aypavXos. 'Epfjjuos, rj, ov y adj. [(l)desertus ; (2)incultus; (3) vacuus,] deserted, desolate, empty. 'Us ibe ^wpov ep^oV, t>0' earaaav w/cees 'ITTTTOI. K. 520. SYN. 'Epjy* \ijpus, opfyavos. opds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [deserta incolens,] dwelling in solitude. "IXdr', Kvtpal deat" dju^i Se voorw. A poll. 4. 1333. *'Ep?7/io7roXiy, ews, ^, adj. [civitate orbata,] bereft of citizenship. T il revr', ZprjfjdndTrdXis JJ.CLTTJP airdXeiTreTal vpwv. Troad. 605. 'Eprjfjiow, v. [vasto ; destituo ; derelinquo,] to render desolate, to leave ex- posed, to withdraw from. li> 6' ws /udXterrd rovab' ep^yuwo-as ex^- Med. 89* SYN. 'EfCTropOew, a^os, oet >/, adj. [cervicem elatam habens,] high-necked, spirited. Awo-w ydp d/0poj/ re Svw r' eplav^evas ITTTTOVS. K. 305. SYN. FaiJpoi. 'Ept/3od, as, >/, P. N. [Eribo3a,] the mother of Ajax. TcXd/iwct de/fy, ^?rpt r', jEptjSoi^t Xeyw. Aj. Fl. 570. 'Epr/3pe/itr^s, et eptfipopos, ov, 6, adj. [graviter fremens,] loudly roaring, raging. Zqvos epi/3pe/uerew yaXZiriiv ebbeiaaTE prjvlv. N. 624. See also, Horn. 6\ 56". SYN. 'Yi//i/3pejuer?ys, /3dpu/3pcJyuos, epiKTvnos, epiyboviros, ep*iK\ayKTr)S t epi(rjj.apa- yos, eptffapayos. 'EptJSpux^s, ol/ > a( ^j- [valde mugiens,] loudly bellowing. TaJJpoy epiftpv^eu) * /uevos aff^erbv orraav ayavpov. Theog. 832. SYN. See 'EpifjivKds. 'Ept/3wXa, dcos, et ept/3wXds, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [glebosus, fertilis,] having a rich or deep soilj fertile. Bwpov, ds CK 'Yap^s epiflwXaKus elXrjXovOei. E. 44. See also $. 154. SYN. EvKap-n-os, Xurdpos. 'Epiyboviros, et eptboviros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [valde sonans,] loud-sounding* *J 1 Dr. Blomfield wishes to retain the old reading tpetyfyoi'. Sept. Theb. Gloss. 880. Bui the notes on this passage in Priestley's new edition. 2 The two last syllables of tfu/3pyx are scanned as one long syllable. EPIA EPIFI 347 irzbiov, riiv wpoav tpiybovTroi TrdbZs ITTTTWI'. A. 152. See also ft. 323. SYN. ^EpTflpdfjos, ZpTfipefierris, /x*/e7-p/w, eptiaivv, ep^bfjiaiva), epHbeopat, renew, btu^po^ai, afJuXXaopai, ivav- rldojutai, Xotbopeit), rri^e/y0d//a<, a^iffftrjreu. *puip, vpos, et tplrjpos, a, ov, adj. [(2) vahle congruus ; (2) amabilis,] well fitted and attached to, loved. Avrop rovs aXXovs KeXdpiiv epirjpds eraipovs. t. 100. See also 0.471. SYN. 'ETrtr^Setos, ffTrovbaids, 0v/4//p7js, trpdOv^os, tparcn'tis, eTTtpaaros, ayaOos. 'EpWr)\)]s, eds, o et ?/, adj. [valde virens,] very green, very luxuriant, very blooming. Olov be rpeyel epvos avt]p pWr)\es \airjs. P. 53." SYN. Ev0aX>/$, BaXepos, TrfX'iQatoV) -^Xotpos. "EptOds, ov, 6, subst. [(l)opifex; (2) agricola,] a worker in wool, a laborer. AetTri'or efjidoifftv, XevKaXyira x e p ff i TraXvvov. X. 560. SYN. ElpoKdfios f Qnoaa, epyarrjs, fjtffOuiTos. 'EpiKXuyK-rjs, et ZpiKrvrros, ov, o et >/, adj. [valde strepens,] loud-sounding. Mt- fj.riaair eptK\ayKTcip yoov. Pyth. 12. 38. SYN. See 'Ep?j3pfjiTT)&. 'EpiKvbt/s, eos, adj. [admodum gloriosus,] very glorious. Avrdp Z-rrel p ijpijs tpttcvbeos IKETO nerpov. A. 225. SYN. Kvbijjtds, e^'bo^os, ayXaos, uyavtis, j ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [ad magnum numeruin in utero conceptus,] very prolific. BooTco/itVoi \aylvav t eptKVfjiaTa 0ep^dra, yivvav. Agam. 1 17- 'Ept^vKos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [valde mugiens,] loud-lowing. See 'Eirfyopfito). SYN. ^EpijSpv^s, pvyp.r)Xds, tpiybovTros. 'Epiveos, ov, o, subst. [caprificus,] a wild fig tree. T b' tv ipi.vf.6s cart ftZyas, QvXXotffi redriXws. /z. 103. EPITH. 'Hvcyuoets, evKeaTos, fiaKpos. 'Epwvs, vos, //, P. N. [Erinnys, furia,] Erinnys ; pi. the three Furies. a OUK av yue nia&v dve^opev 'Epivvaiv 3 ; Orest. 575. Ev/ucvio, a\aovri re ot AA.6KTOJ Kal Ota. Meyatpct. 3 Dr. Blomfield, in his very learned note, P. V. Gloss. 53., has most satisfactorily shown that 'Epiv i>s, and not 'Vpivvvs, is the correct mode of writing this word ; and to that note the reader is referred. 348 EPI2 EPMH e)//U4/3t}v ZpiTTvas. Apoll. 1. 581. SYN. 5 A:rOjUpw, Kbpvfyt), tcpijpi'ds, opus. EPITH. 'HX avbp&v ; ctXyii'oeo'o'd 6' "Epis/teyd /ucupwwffdl "Aptos ai'bpd(ptivoio Kdffiyrrjrn erdpr) be ; "H r' oXty?; per TTputrd KopvffffeTai avrap fTretra ovpdv^ eorr?ypte fcdp?/, icat CTrt ^0ort fiaivei ; iro- \suoto rtpas evrt vep<7t / t^oixrd ; Aetvd rts 'Epts Qeos. 'Epiadevris, tos, o et r/, adj. [valde potens,] very powerful. Awn) be Trpos irarptis tpiffBcrtos irvKtvov Sw. T. 355. SYN. Kpdrepos, pfyaa6evr)s, , arcs, ro, vid . "Epts. , ou, 6, adj. [valde tonans,] loud thundering. Avrap Atos K\inl emwvpoi. Hes. Theog. 815. SYN. See 'Eptppe/ueri^. pffrd0i)Xo$, ov, 6 et /, adj. [inagnas ferens uvas,] bearing large grapes, rich, luscious. OlvSv tpierrd^i/Xoj', Kai a^iv AAOS opfipos aefci. t. 358. Epiorros, ov, adj. [de quo contenditur,] to be contended for, availing. QVK fptora TrXdeieti/.* Soph. Electr. 220. Eptff^dpdyos, ov, 6, adj. [valde souans,] loud-sounding, having a deep throat. 'Ay>#j> tptafyapayov Vanrjo^ov' evda ytpovra. Horn. Merc. 187 SYN. See , ov, o et ry, adj. [pretiosus,] very valuable, precious, TOIO td rpt?rd5wv tpiTlpuv. Equit. 10l6. SYN. "E "Epfyos, ov, o, subst. [hsedus,] a kid. KapTroXfyuws S' CTT? ri/d 0o/)v epfyovs rt 7r' exprjv ravrrjr KdXelr. Vesp. 1 148. SYN. Kdrcuyts, deXXd, TV(f>u>v, TTVOJ/. 'EptwTrts, tSds, r/, P. N. [Eriopis,] the wife of Ajax O'lleus. YVMTOV nrjTpvtfjs 'Eptwirtbos, $v % *0Xew.' N. 697- 'EpKeios, et epK/Los, a, oi>, adj. [ad septum, vel aulam, vel aram pertinens, Jovis epitheton, quasi tutelaris, qui tutatur septa. Hed.] defending the halls or enclosures. 'EpKeiov 7 token, an interpretation. Ov TrotKtXwv Sel riiybt^ ep^j'et^udrwv. Phoen. 480. SYN. TsKfjtfipWv, {jLvri^a. pwevs, fws, o, subst. [interpres,] an interpreter, a mediator. Qv- -rrpiv / av eiTroi TOVKOS epnqvevs robs. Iph. T. 1303. SYN . 'Y0rp/??7v)s, vTrocjnjTTjs. pfjirjvevw, v. [(1) interpreter, (2) demonstro,] to interpret, to explain. " ri 6pa7ds, uyXdds, Atds fids, TrottfXd/j Xd^tT/rts, dyopcudy, Odd*, Kvcl/jos, \aoffcruos, tyU7rdX7ds, bvXios, Tro^iTraTds, KvXX^vtos. PHR. To^&f roi' Atos rpd^t^, rov rov rvpcivvov rov vov P- V. 977- 7-dv WK-VTTOUV MumSos yd^dv. Helen. 243. ! Epyt//6td>', ov, ro, [" dimin. ab 'Ep/z^y. qu. d. Mercuriolus. ab 'Ep/ii/s effiniji putes "Epjutdr, inde 'EpjuaStoV, contr. 'Ep^/^u^. Vid. Dawes. Misc. Crit. p. 213." Thes. Morel!.] dear little Mercury. Ataadpat a\ u 'ppibtuv. Pax 382. 'Ep^ttf, vel epfAs, 7>^ds, o, subst. [fulcrum tori,] a bed-post having the image of Mercury carved upon it. , See Schol. *//. 198. 'Ep/a*'' aa^^as' rerp/^d ^ TTCLVTU rfperpw. ;//. 198. /, 77$, r^, P. N. [Hermione,] the daughter of Menelaus and Helen. Mt- dydywv 'Ep^utd^rjv ^TraprTjs d?rd. Orest. 65. EPITH. Adk'atj'd, pd- PHR. ElSds ^e -^ovaffs 'A^poS/nys. b. l6. is, ov, 6, subst. [qui statuas Mercurii mutilat,] a mutilator of the statues of Mercury. Tw>/ 'Ep/idfcdTrtSwv p/rts vyuas oipfrat. Lysistr. 1096. d>os, ?/, P. N. [Hermion,] a city in the Peloponnesus. X0o>ms v\v y, 'Ep/ztwi^ r' E^ei TrdXts. Here. F. 6 14. ?, oi/, 6, P. N. [Hermus,] a river of Mysia. "YXXJ ETT Ixftodevrl Kai "Epw I. Y. 392. EOS, ro, subst. [(1) planta, (2) ramus,] a young plant, a branch, offspring. See in 'Epi0^X;s. SYN. 4>vr6V, 0dXds, /3Xao-rr//ud, fcXdSos. EPITH. 'Epdeis, ecrffa, >/, adj. [(1) amabilis, (2) venustus,] lovely, beautiful. XaZpt epoeo-ad, ^opo/rvTre, Satros tra/p?;. Horn. Merc. 31. SYN. See 'Epdros. v. [interrogo, inquiro,] to ask, to inquire. 'EpoD, r^' avSp' aptarov dv. Here. F. 182. SYN. See 'Epeurdw. Epos, oy, o, et epos, os, ro, pro fpws J^ol., subst. [amor, desiderium,] love, desire. Kayw rov avrov rw' pov ^vv^s ^w. Eur. Electr. 297- See also Sappli. ap. Athen. p. 687. SYN. See"Epws. "Eporis, vox jEolica pro 'Eopn;. Nv//0ats 7ropoW eporlv, a$ 6o^ /uoi. Eur. Electr. 625. 'Ep7Tro>, oi/, TO, subst. [reptile,] a creeping thing, a reptile. HtTrotQa' beivov b' ep?rrwv IJLEV ayptw^. Androm. 268. 'Ep7ruc?w, v. [serpo,] to creep. See "Epirw. "Ep7rvXXov, ou, ro, subst. [serpyl um, herba,] a shrub, a herb, wild thyme. See for auth. EPITH. No/ia?di/. , et epTrvcw, v. [(1) serpo, ( TfQaXvla. T epar). v. 245. See also A. 53. SYN. Ayoo/ros, voris, ofuyXri, (2) dyuyos. EPITH. 'Apfipoairj, yorta, ^Xwpu, dv0/io- eo-ad, a^vetos, eldpti'ij, apTreXoeffffd, cieibwpos. 'Epyrjeis, CVTOS, adj. [(1) roscidus, (2) tener,] dewy, tender. Ni/> e yuot epafjeis, Kai Trpoacbdrds ev fueydpoiol. 11. 757 'Epvyydrw, vid. 'Epevyw. 'Epvy^TjXds, ov, o, adj. [graviter boans,] loudly roaring. Tavpoj> epwy/uqXov c)er?7>' o 6e fjiaKpa. jjLejuvKws. 2. 580. SYN. 'EpipvKos, q. v. 'EpvGctiva), vid. 'EpevOoi. 'Epvdeia, as, //, P. N. [Erythia,] the name of an island. (See Pliny, iv. 22. and Apollodori Biblioth. ii. 5.) Bovo-t Trap' elXlTrobeaal Trtpippvr^ elv 'Epi)0e/7;. Hes. Theog. 290. 'Epvdqis, ibos, //, P. N. [Erytheis,] one of the Hesperides. 'EaTreptf, aVyetpos* b\ 'EpvOr)/LS f-yevro. Apoll. 4. 1427. i, dros, ro, subst. See"Epev0os. , v. [erubesco,] to blush. Albol epvdwtaady i/TrofcXeTrrovad Trapelrjv. Musae. l6l. SYN. See 'Epev0w. 'EpvOpos, d, ov, et epevOrjeis, ecrffa, *>, adj. [ruber,] red. Ildpd r?)v 'Epvdpav QaXaTTav. b. Ot/ioi, /Ltjfcd/uws. Aves 14^5. See also Apoll. 1. 724. SYN. ITuyOpos, avdds, (poiviKeos, bdtyoivos. 'EpvdpoTrovs, TTOOOS, 6, subst. [el^os o'pvtov,] a red-shank, or pool-snipe. Nep- ros, *|oa, 0drrd, pts. Aves 304. 'EpvKw, fpvKcLKea), et epvKava;, v. [coerceo,] to keep off, to restrain. M?/ ro/ // epvict Sp^v 7rdpe. Heracl. 691. See also E. 263. and K. 429. SYN. Etpytu, v- 'EpvpavOios, ov, 6 et r/, P. N. [Erymanthius,] of Erymanthus. 'Epvjudv0to)/ re 6fjpd- TOV tf VTTO xQwvs- Trach. 1099. 'Epvpavtios, ov, 6, P. N. [Erymanthus,] the name of a mountain and river in < Arcadia. *H Kdrd TrivyeTOV TrepiprjKeToi', Tj 'Epfyua>06>. fjicLT(t)f ^X et Kpa.Tos J Helen. 68. SYN. 'Iff^vpo*, v\^rjXos f d/3dro$. "Epi/^, VKOS, 6, P. N. [Eryx,] the name of a city and mountain of Sicily, on which there was a temple dedicated to Venus Erycina. AtTmvoV r' "EpvKa, I Xpv iraioboHT 'ApdbtTa. Theocr. 15. 101. 'Epvffdp/xdros, ov, o et y, adj. [curruni trahens,] carriage-drawing. ITd'res d//o- : fcX^aavres, CYOV fpvaapudrds 'ITTTTOVS. O. 354. rdXts, tws, 6 et r/, adj. et subst. [custos urbis,] guardian of the city. Uorvi' 'A^va/?/, epvfftVroXi, b~id deauv. Z. 305. SYN. IldXiffcrods, pvffiTroXis, TTVpyofyvXa]-, , ovos t 6, P. N. [Erysichthon,] 'A pev roaa eiTrola' 'Epi irdvrjpd. Call. 6. 82. 'Epvoros, }, o//, adj. [tractus,] drawn. Koi/Xewv * Ipvord bttTrepatwOrj ^17. Aj. Fl. 730. "Epvros, ov, 6, P. N. [Erytus.] Yiees, ev ^eSdwrc SoXoys "Epi/ros tat Apoll. 1. 53. a spondee. EI0H 351 EpiJw, eipuw, v. [(l)traho; (2)custodio; (3) vito,] to draw, to pull, to tear, to distract, to cover, to draw back ; in mid. v. to obey, to observe, to de- fend, to rescue, to frustrate, to repress, to avoid. Neicpov VK A'iavros epi/etv TeXd/JowdSao. P. 235. See also A. 21 6. SYN. "EX*w, dveXci/w, aupw, v- Xaffaw, ffwcw, dyuiJyw, r^pew, Ku>Xi>w, eXeu0epow, fc'artxw, K'pdrew. Epxdrow, v. [obsepio, occludo,] to enclose, to contain. Ilevrr/fcovrd - r ep^dfjiai viKT), aTretpyw. 'Epw>), ?;$, ?/, subst. [(1) impetus; (2) cessatio,] attack, force, cessation. Xet- pos eXoi/cr'* ai/rdp /3eXewv aTrepvKol epwj/y. ^- 542. SYN. 'OpfJirj, di'd7rauff?s, av&Koj-xfi. EPITH. 'ASdyuacrros, ctyvicrfc, aypios, bpipe'ia, Kpvoeaaa, ifjitpoeffoa, ir&poeaaa. "Epws, wros, 6, subst. [amor,] love, affection; and (2) personified, Cupid, the god of love. "Epwri QVJJLOV eKTrXdyeto 1 ' 'laaovos. Med. 8. SYN. (1) 'E7rt0i///ta, 7ro0os, tyuepos, ei/i/otd, ^iXor^s, fyiXta. EPITH. "A(J)VKTOS, aWoptvos, a*cd/^dros, dydj'ds, aXyt>oeis, d//r/x" v ^ s > dpydXeos, driT/pos, atVos, dr^pj/s, afipoKopos, a/3pos, aj3poxln)v, ftadvs, /5poroXotyos, ^dpv^7/vts, yXi)*:vs, Senses, bpiftvs, Oeppos, Oovpos, Bpciffvs, a.Kopr)Tos, d^uXafcros, d/ax 7 ? 7 "^ 5 * ft&X8x$9 t /udpyos, KOV^OS, Kovtyuvous, Kpv- (fnos, tfj.epoei.Sf d?rdp^yoprjros, ovXos, irapdtviKos , a.Koifj.r)rds, ao^os, reXe/0ewv aTrdXas pvas. Archil. 24. (See also Eur. /r. incert. l6'5. Hipp. 520. Hipp. 1269. Antig. 781. Aves 1737. Mosch. Idyll. 1.) ? Epwrdw, v. [interrogo,] to ask, to interrogate. Dorepoj/ epwrg*' >} , 7rt/3X7rti;, e/VSepfco/zat, deao/Jiat. 'E>, e/c be Kiaal- vwv. Bacch. 699* SYN. ^.fjifjvos, 7rX^0os, eviropla. EPITH. Avorynd^oy, ^X^" pt)V, bfjlos, 6f)davs. v. [incolo,] to dwell within or in. T/yuwv maavOpwds c. , ou, TO, subst. [speculum,] a mirror. Ad/3wr e/roTrrpor, ci^pet. Anacr. 11.3. "SYN. EvoTrrpuv, KaroTTTpov. EPITH. Xpvfftoi', Stavyw. EffTreprj, rjs, rj, one of the Hesperides. See 'EpvOyls. Effireplbes, wr, al, P. N. [Hesperides,] the daughters of Hesperus, the brother of Atlas. 'EffTreplbwv ZTTI fJtrjXoffiropov UKTOLV. Hipp. 739. EPITH. AiyvQwot. See Hes.Theog. 215. Eaxeplds, efEiiTrepos, a, ov, adj. 1 [vespertinus,] of the evening, evening, western. 'He Trpos r/otwi/, 7) eoTreptwv avdpuTruv. 6. 29- See also p. lyi. EaTrtpiTrjs, oy, 6, P. N. [incola Hesperidis, oppidi Libyaj, postea Berenices dicti,] an inhabitant of Hesperis. 2dpu7ri, TOVS b 1 oiarovs t-^pvalv 'Eo-Trfplrot. Calliin. Ep. 38. 3. EffTrZpos, ou, o, P. N. [Hesperus, stella Veneris,] Hesperus, the evening star. "HXids, tytXKwv Xa^Trpdv 'EoTrepov ^dos. Ion 1149. EPITH. MeXds, xp^aeos, ew^opoj, QuaQopos. PHR. See Apoll. 4. 1629. Eaai]vf ijvos, o, subst. [rex,] a king, a sovereign. Ou as deal efforjva TraXoi Oeaav. Call. 1. 66. SYN. BdfftXevs, sc. TUV niXiaauv ; r/ye/iw^. , adv. [(l)ciun impetu ; (2) confestim ; (3) studiose,] with impetuo- ays an adjective ; and wherever it seems to be a substantive, a substantive is always understood. See the learned Dr. Maltby and Damm. 2 " 'Eao-V ex iis vocabulis est, quae Eustathius 11. r. povfipeis Ae'|ets vocat : quaj semel tan- turn ab aliquo auctore uburpalaj sunt. Ita ^Eschylus $a\riva, -rbv jSoaiAea. Unde et apud Plu- tarcluim iv rtf irepl TroTa/nwv, opos PaXivcuov, Tovreart, Paffi\iK6v. Ita Indict lingu.^ dewov regem significat." Vulcan, in 1. 1 Person seems inclined to reject the reading 'fcrw/ua. See his note on Orest. 1071. Pros. Lex. 2 Y 354 ETEI ETI s, /. Xiyitywi/os, Ovpiprjs, evTrarepeia, "Eretos, a, ov, et enjcrios, ov, 6 et r\, adj. [annuus, anniversarius,] yearly, from year to year, for a year. Opbvpas tret'as prj^os, ijv fcoijuwjufVds. Agam. 2. See also Apoll. 2. 525. SYN. 'E7Tn/ffios, eviavcrtos. 'EreofcXr/eios, a, 6V, adj., of EtCOt'les. Aaij/v/*>os Kara btifjia fliqs 'ETOK\T]ir)S. A. 386. , os, 6, P. N. [Eteocles,] one of the two sons ' of (Edipus. 'Erco/cXea tf, CTT' evyo/a -)(Q6v6s. Sept. Theb. 1009. , ov, o, P. N. [Eteoclus,] one of the seven commanders against Thebes. 21 aXXov xpj/}ropS, ev Se KvSwves. r. 17^. 'ErepaX^s, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [qui alteri parti adest : dubius, anceps,] prepon- derating on the other side ; doubtful, dangerous. 2^d ridels Tpweorai, fj.a^r)s tTtpa\Ked VIKTJV. 0. 171. SYN. 'Erepopp'tTn/s. , s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [alternis diebus,] on alternate days. "AXXore JJLGV erepiifJiZpoi, aXXore 6' awe. X. 302. , adv. [alieno animo,] with an estranged mind. T fl TTCTTO^, w$ erepo- j.oJpdv. Hes. Theog. 544. ov, 6 et >/, adj. [alternatim flans,] alternately blowing. 'ETtpoirvdois avXoTs. Anacr. 49- 6. , 6 et r/, adj. [in alteram partem inclinans,] inclined to either side, equally inclined, impartial. Zevs ZrepopptTrrjs, ve^uv ekorws. ^Esch. Suppl. 408. "Erepds, a, 6v, adj. [(1) alter, (2) alteruter, (3) diversus,] another, one another, opposite. "Ertpd S' a' arrows irepipa\elv KCLKO) rivl. Orest. 897. 1 Sophocles (E. C. 1296. makes Eteocles the younger. Bui it is more probable that he was the elder, as Euripides represents him, Phcen. 69 : else there seems no sufficient reason, why he should have held the kingdom before his brother Polynices. 2 The seven commanders posted against the seven gates of Thebes in the war between Eteo- cles and Polynices were, Tydeus, Hippomedon, Partlienopaeus, Eteoclus, Polynices, Amphia- raus, and Capaneus. Adrastus is one of the seven pointed out by the UaiSaywybs to Anti- gone on the walls of Thebes, as engaged in the war, and the name of Eteoclus is omitted. But Euripides in the Supplices gives the names of the commanders as stated above, and agreeing with Sept. Theb. We may therefore conclude that Adrastus entrusted his share in the com- mand to his subjct Eteoclus. ETNH EYAZ 355 s, ?/, subst. [trulla, qua puls hauritur,] a ladle. r ft /ujjrfp, avabos 5ei5po TYIV ervrjpvffiv. Acharn. 245. v Ervds, eds, TO, subst. [puls e leguminibus elixis,] pease porridge, broth. "\v ETVOS Karate to rev '\arfjpos TovTovL Acharn. 246. 'Eroi/mc?w, f. d>w, v. [paro,] to prepare. Kat 6w// ero///a', ws ovvoiKriaovoa juoi. Alcest. 3?4. SYN. EvrpeTr/^w, Kara//. Eccl. 244. SYN. Mdrqv, dXXws, erwfftd tws, ai/rws. "ETvpds, ov, 6 et >/, e't r/, o', adj. [verus,] true, certain. Et &) 0dris Jph. A. 795. SYN. See 'AX^/s. 'rv/iws, adv. [vere,] truly, certainly. Ilpii/ Irfytws tSw rdi/ 'EXei/as Crest, 1352. (Double Dochm.) SYN, 'Erqrfyws, ered/, vrjfjiepTes, OVTWS. 'Erwo-toepyds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [laboris fugitans,] lazy, indolent. Ou ydp e oloepyos avrjp irijjiTrXrjffl KaXirjv. Hes. Op. 409. SYN."Aepyos, abpavijs. , ou, 6 et //, adj. [inaiiis, inutilisj ineffectual, fruitless. 'Ic/uciw rd %. 256. SYN. Mdrcuos, Ev, adv. [bene,] happily, well, prosperously, 'fts ev KCLKOV Iph. T. 560. SYN. KaXws, op^ws, t epet'Swv, (i^Qos OVK evayxaXov. P. V. 358. Evayfcetd, as, >/, subst. [corivallis,] a vale, a valley. ILVo& dv' ei/ayfcemf, o 5' evvta (j>aea tcelrat. Call. 6. 82. SYN. See"Ay^s. Ei>ay(cj)s, eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [leniter declivis,] forming a fine valley, gently sloping. Te /cpdrei NtVou r 1 ev evayicet. Nem. 5. 84. Evdyop?/, ;?, ^, P. N. [Evagore,] one of the Nereids. Aftdyopr/ re KOI Evaytipn Kal AuoyueSeid. Hes. Theog. 257. Evdyopm, as, -^, subst. [fausta precatio,] friendly address, congratulation. Iv r'ei/aydpta avv r evy petal, avv T oXoXvyaTs. Call. 6. 139- SYN ' Evaypos, ov, 6 et ??, adj. [felix in captura,] fortunate in capturing. reXewtrat \^6v. (E. C. 1089. SYN. 'AXwai/xos. Efraywv, wvos, adj. [in certamine bene versans,] one who combats well, well- contested. Evdywv rt/zd Xdpirecrfft re ca^. Nem. 10. 71- Ewa dvriTrfjytfs, ws irais. Ion ,40 SYN. See 'E\IKTOS. EiXtTroi/s, TroSos, 6et ^, adj. [pedes curvans,] turning the feet, winding. IloXXct be id jufjXct Kai eiXiirobas eXiKas fiovs. I. 462. E>)s, cos, 6 et /, adj. [tentus in lineae spiralis modum,] curled. Kcu 0dX- a\it>a, KCU ei\irevris aypworis. Theocr. 13. 42. ExP. 'Ei> roTs EtXv/m, dros, ro, subst. [involucrum,] a covering. Et ri TTOV eiXvpa ffneipwv exes >0d5' Lovaa. 5. 179. EiXvos, ov, 6, subst. [latibulura, latebrae,] a hole, a den, or lair. 0j/pes &' ei- Xvovs r Kara v\o\ovs re Xivrovres. Apoll. 1. 1144. SYN. 27r?jXatov, Kevdfjtwv, (j>/ //e- yapoi(Tiv avwyers efymfl' tXe0/^j/6'' 7ret) TroXv tyeprepov effrtv. A. 169. SYN. Bfaofjiai, irdpeuo-d/zat, vdaopcu. EtV, poet, pro e^ q. v. Etva>s, adv. [per novem annos,] during nine years. Elvaeres yap afyiv KO.KO. pa.TTTofj.ev ctfjityieTrovTes. y. 118. Elvds, dSos, ?/, poet, pro e^ds, subst. [nona mensis dies,] the ninth day of the month. *Eivas b' n pkaar\ e7ribeu\d Xwio*' r^dp. Hes. Op. 808. Eti/dn/p, Ipds, fj, subst. [uxor fratris,] a brother's wife. 'Aju^t be piv yaXoy re Kat eivarepes dXis earav. X. 473. Etvdros, et evcLTds, r], ov y adj. [nonus,] ninth. Tempos 6' eivaros 7]\6e, TraXlvrdva. Tofa Tlraivuv. 0. 266. See also^B. 313. Ei'vf:d, poet, pro 'EvfKd, prasp. [proptcr,] on account of. "Yfipws etveKa rfjabe* ffi) 6' "wyeo, Treideo 6' ^tv. A. 214. SYN. See"E^fcd. Et^i, vid. 'Ev. Eiv&dlfa, poet, pro Zvobios, a, 6v, adj. [trivius,] by the way-side: fern. Trivia, an epithet of Proserpine. EtroStots, cvs Tralbes fpibpaivovalv edovres. II. 260. l EtVocr^uXXos, ov, o et rj, adj. [in quo folia agitantur ; frondosus,] shaking with leaves, leafy. N^ptroi/, etVoo-i^i/XXov, apiirpeires' a^i be vrjtrot. t. 22. SYN. , fepyw, e'/pyw, 3 et etpyd0w, v. [excludo, arceo, prohibeo, include,] to ex- 1 Heyne~(A. 156.) objects to the variation of quantity in the antepenult, of these words. See his note. 2 Eijttap/ievTj and Tffirpop.itvr) are used as substantives signifying fate or destiny, fjtalpa. being understood. 3 Some writers contend tliat e'/pyw denotes, ' to include/ and ttpyw, 'to exclude ;' but there does not seem to be much ground for making the distinction, though most Lexicographers observe it. See Steph, Thes. EIPE EIIA EA 257 elude, to keep out or off, to prevent, to inclose. Ti/Xt f*e eipyovai ^v^ai, etSwXa Kdpovrwv. T. 72. See also X. 502. and Soph. Electr. 1271. SYN! 'A7re/pyw, ct7roKXe/o>, direipydOb), uTrwfllw, ^wp/5w, tfwXvw, Travw, *cart^w, eyicXc/ai, , (f>vXciTT(t). Elpea, as, //, subst. [concio, co3tus,] an assembly. Eipects * aQavdriav , oi 'oXvp- irtd bufjidr* eyovalv. Hes. Tlieog. 804. SYN. 'Ayopa, o/uXta. E'ipepos, ov, 6, subst. [captivilas,] bondage, slavery. EtpepoY eiaavayovol, irovov r' E^fiev "^ &&VV- & 529' SYN. Aoi/Xe/a, bovXtjauvq. Eipearla, as, 37, subst. [remigatio, remigium,] rowing. Teiperti b' avbp&v Ovptis VTT' elpsalrjs dXeyetvijs. K. 78. Eipe)7, 7/s, >/, subst. [ramus olea3, lana velatus, insigne supplicum,] " an olive or laurel branch bound with wool, and crowned with all sort of first fruits, to signify that scarcity had ceased, and used in the festival called Iluave^ta." Dr. Jones. "Hi/ TTWS 7rpv[j.var dvdfrjoova^rai, TrX^yeJs rcus elptffiw- vats. Vesp. 399. EXP. (See Schol. Plut. 1054.) Elprjva~ios, a, 6v t et ipr)vlKos, T), o^, adj. [pacificus,] peaceable, peaceful. Ei 5e Trdr' ts dypov OVTOS aTreXOwv elprjvaios blarpiipei. Equit. 802. lpqvq, ?s, ^, subst. [pax, quies,] peace, quiet, 'fts TOTrdpos" TT\OVTOS be KO.I elprjvrj dXts eorw. w. 485. SYN. 'Aorpctrem, j/o-i/^ta, StaXXdyj), ojjiovoia.. EPITH. 'Aya0?}, // KaXXicrm 6eos, fiaOvTrXovros, oX/3o5oreijt>a, epdr^, -)(apiffffd. PHR. see Theocr. 16. 89. Grot: Floril. p. 208. and Olymp. 13. 6. TL'ipWv, ov y elpos, cos, et eptof, ov, ro, subst. [lana,] wool. "H/ueVeu ef fie-yapy, ?} etptd Trec'jcere X P fflv - ^- 3l5 * ^ ee a ^ so ' 42 ^' an( * ' 124< SYN. Ild/cds, **#, /itaXXos, fcwds. EPITH. 'loSve^es, TrtVwSes, po^olv. s, a, ov, adj. verb, ab e'ipyw, [cohibendus,] must be restrained. 'AXY v Tab' early' ov yap oi irXarels. . Aj. Fl. 1250. ^s, ^f, subst. [career,] a prison, a place of confinement. E/pmu<7i r' vXa]- > d(j.ei'. Bacch. 489 SYN. Aeer/ios, befffj-wrripioy, , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [lanam carpens,] dressing wool. ElpdKo/jiy, ij oi AO.KC- ba.ifj.ovi yaiETa&ar]. T. 387 Kos, ov, 6 Ct$, adj. [laniger,] bearing wool, fleecy, "fls ot v?r' ffrepvoiffl bebevro. t. 443. SYN. Actwdpig, bdovfiaXXos. , v. [necto,. sero, consero,] to connect, to bind, to entwine. eepfjievdv, rjeXlov ws. ^7. 294. SYN. 'Ave/pw, Eveipw, ir\Kia t f. epw, poet, fjoew, unde verb. 'JSpew, praet. eipyKa, usitatius Eipo/zoi, v. [dico, nuntio, interrogo,] to speak, to tell, to ask, to inquire about. Toiyiip eywv cpcw tri) be y eiffayytXXe- rat. Thesm. 597. SYN. 'AyyeXXw, evbetKvvfJit, /UTJVVW, dTro^a/^W; Sid/3aXXw, 1 Etpeas is here scanned as a spondee. Pros. Lex. 2 K 358 EYFN EYAO Evyvw/zwv, ovos, o et rj, adj. [aequus, candidus,] just, fair. ffds, epwrlKos, ets avpov aSiis. Theocr. 14. 6l. SYN. Eitypwi', eiWos, evflovXSs, 7rieiK>)s, cnrXoos. Evyi/woreJs, ov, 6 et /, adj. [qui s. quod facilis est cognitu,] easy to he known, remarkable. To. yap vrpiv OVK evyvward ffvpfiaXova' X W ^ res t 1392. SYN. , bijXos. ov, 6 et f], adj. [bene coagmentatus clavis,] well nailed. KdXeTr', evyoptyovs TrvXas. I ph. T. 1286. , v. [beatus sum ; beate vivo,] to be happy, to live happily. OVK earlv ovbev bid TeXovs evbaiftovovv. Suppl. 281. SYN. Eurico*, evdi-vew, KaXws, ev, evTv^ws frparTd). , as, >;, subst. [fielicitas,] happiness, prosperity. MtydXat, /ulydXwy ai. Iph. A. 590. SYN. "OX/3os, evrv^a, cvTrpayia, evTrpa^m, ev- ^w, v. [beatum existimo,] to accost as happy, to congratulate. Eu- E Traiba atjv' eyei KaXtis. Troad. 270. SYN. See Mdrnpt^w. s, et evSaijuoi'frcws, adv. [fortunate, feliciter,] fortunately, happily. roial bpaaaolv OVK evScu/uovws. Orest. 594. See also Pax 856. SYN. , ovos, 6 et f], adj. [beatus,] happy, fortunate. Qvyrtiv yap ovSe/s eariv evbaiuwv tyvaei. Med. 1225. SYN. "OX/3tds, evrv^rfs, evnoTfids, evirpayijs, 6\- fiw&aifjiwv, evuXfiios, uaKaplds, TrXovalos. JLvbaKpvros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [deflendus,] to be wept for. Ou fiot Xtyeis Tabs. Clioeph. 175. SYN. 'AptbaKpvros, 7rd\vba.KpvTos, EvbdeXos, ov, 6 et f], adj. [bene ad meridiem vel occasum solis situs,] exposed to the south or west, sunny, conspicuous. T H TTOV ris v^nwv evbeieXds, ?/e TIS aicrf}. v. 234. EXP. Ew irpvs beiXrjv Keiuevos, evbfjXos. SYN. A.'iQpios t evbws, evbrjXos, ?rt^dv/s. JLvbeurvos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [bonis epulis instructus,] well furnished, sumptuous. MoXiralat fiporovs' iva 6* evbenrvoi. Med. 203. SYN. EvOotvos. EvSevSpoy, ov, o et y/, adj. [arboribus bene consitus,] abounding with large trees, well shaded. Kai re/x*?, x^P rwv r ' evcevbpwv. Iph. T. 134. EvSqXos, ov, 6 et rj t adj. [manifestus,] very evident. FleTrXr/y/itft', evS^Xd -ydp. Pers. 1007. SYN. 'AplbrjXds, bfiXos, fcdrd0d^s, Eirfydvris, a'idpios. EvSia, as, 77, subst. [serenilas,] serenity. YleTpaialv dvrejcXay^ev* evbia b' OTTWS. Androm. 1134. SYN. AWprj, ydXi'fvri, vj|veyuia. EvSmvos, fi,*ov, adj. [serenus, tepidus,] calm, genial, warm. Kcu ^v-^pav OTTOT eifbld-i'dv. Ol'ymp. 9. 146. SYN. Evblos, dXe^di'e^os. Et/Smw, v. [tranquillus sum, tranquillitate fruor,] to be quiet, to enjoy tran- quillity. Me/Xt^os, J fc' CTrt ir6vTOV eXevaouetf evbiouvres. Apoll. 1. 424. EvSiKtct, as, r/, subst. [observantia juris et aequi et moris,] the fair administra- tion of justice, strict justice. ILvbtKias dvtyjial' ^tp/^ai be yald utXaiva. T. 111. SYN. Atn?, 0^?s. EPITH. 'Epdretrr/. Ei/Sios, oi/, 6 et f], adj. [serenus, tranquillus,] calm, tranquil. Zj^m/icowu rd Trpos TrXodi' evtd Trai^rd. Theocr. 22. 23. SYN. AWpWs, evbeieXos, ydXrjros, 'Evbfj.r)ros, ov t o et ^, adj. [bene aedificatus,] well built. Ot 6' dpd tvbfjirjTMV CLTTO rrvpyuv. M. 154. SYN. EvTroi'qros, ei/rvKTos. EvboKifjieit), v. [bene audio, clarus sum,] to be renowned, to be illustrious. 'AXX' o yuev evcijKiueiv ireipwjjievds, ov Trpovorfffas. Theog. 587. SYN. KXe/o-, eX\afj.Trpvvduat, evbo^eot. JLvboKi/jids, ov, o et rj, adj. [probatus et laudatus,] approved, distinguished. ILvbotrtuov yap l\ei Odvarov pepos. Heracl. 621. SYN. 'ETratVeros, vwobeKTos, yvwplpos, evbo^os, yevvalos. EvSoa>, v. [celebror sermone hominum,] to be signalized, to be celebrated. T/s b)} per avrov iiXXos cvboe~i arpdrov; Rhes. 496. SYN. See EvS as, ij, subst. [celebritas,] celebrity, renown, glory. 'Eyw St EYAO EYEP 359 rfjs r' evbo&as. Troad. 645. SYN. Ei/ffXem, etyrjpla. PHR. See Nem. 4. 6. and Nem. 7. 16. 'vdoos, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [celeber, honorificus,] celebrated, signal, honorable. Upas yfjpas OVK efoo&v t&patve aot. Med. 593. SYN. "Ev5oos, evfcX/)s, u- , epiKvb)}s, 6 et r/, adj. [in videndo promptus,] quick in seeing, easy to awake. 'Ev voW evbpdKris. Philoct. 847. ov, 6 et >/, adj. [pulchre roscidus,] abounding with dew. Evbpdvot irayeu'. Iph. A. 15l6. Evbw, f. evSjyo-w, v. [dormio,] to sleep. Ov -^pr) Travvvylw evbeiv fiovXrjfopoi' civbpa. B. 24. SYN. Kd0ev5w, Koipatipat, Sapfldvc.;, ^pe/uew. i/fdyos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [decenter vestitus,] well robed. "larw yap Kovpij re KCU evedvos Ajyr. Mosch. 4. 75. SYN. Eve/yttwv, V7r7r\6s, Ka\\?7reir\ds, vebpos, ou, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) tutus, firmus, (2) cni facile insidetur,] well seated, firmly built. 2vv b' ovrw fcdr/3atyev"Y\as evebpov es 'Apyw. Theocr. 13. 21. SYN.'Efyfuos, /3/3atos, X|Oos. Ev0e)s, dpi7rp7n)s, T0dXv7d, eI5os dpiffrrj, EvetXos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [apricus,] sunny. Taiav & vlv eveiXoiai. Phoen. 685. SYN. npo07/Xtos, evSteo'os. ', t/yos, 6 et fi, adj. [bene vestitus,] well clothed. 'Eodrj?' pot bvu ' eveipdve. Pers. 186. SYN. See Ev^ds. Evetpos, et euepds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [bonam habens lanain,] of fine wool. "EyptoF, apyijr olds eve/py TTOKM. Trach. 688. See also Aves 121. s, ibds, o et rj, adj. [bene sperans,] hoping well, sanguine. EveXTrts el pi 0' K beffpwv rt. P. V. 518. as, r/, subst. [bona corporis habitudo,] a good or healthy state of body. Ka/. JJLYIV dffot pev aapKos els evetfav. Eur. fr. Antiop. 7- SYN. 'Yyiem. Eve&bos, ov, 6 et ^, [facilem exitum habens,] having an easy egress. 'Earl 6' OVK eveo5o>. Pers. 696. * SvfTretd, as, r/, subst. [(l) fausta compellatio, (2) facundia,] kind salutation, eloquence. Tr)s eveTreias OVVEK aXXd typag orov. CE. R. 932. SYN. EvyXwa- ffia. EPITH. *Epdrj), 0pfo0eXy>)s. Evepy. 389- Evep^/s, EOS, 6 et */, adj. [(1) virens, (2) dumosus,] having fine branches, luxuriant. Aa0va>/ r evepvea, Kai. Iph. T. 1101. SYN. Ev0dX>)s, ev- 360 EYEP EYHP Evtpos, vid. Evetptis. Eveffrios, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [bonam domum habens,] having a fine seat or man- sion. 'lorn? w vricuv, evearle, x a TeXevrriaarr ev evearol iXy. Agara. 938. SYN. Evbatporla, EVETVS, vos, //, subst. [annuorum proventuum fertilitas, felicitas,] a fruitful season, abundance. "O^pd TIS^VETVL \aipri Trorlbeyuevos avrjp. Arat. Diosem. 5. 358. 'Evgvyds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) bene junctus, (2) bona transtra habens,] well bound, having good benches for rowers. TJ/S eveKev Kal vrjUs Hvvyoi aovrat. p. 288. SYN. 'EiWeX/uos. Evc?wa, as, /, subst. [bona et beata vita,] a happy life, prosperity. ev$/, adj. [(l) simplex, (2) stultus,] simple, foolish. 20aoi Ovyarep* evijOeffTara. Androm. 623. SYN. ^ATrXods, pwpos, at drj- ros. vrjdia, as, r/, subst. [simplicitas, imperitia,] simplicity, folly, stupidity. JLvrjdtg. mf' olvtov 'i&pvTai yvvi]. Hipp. 635. SYN. 'A/3ouXm, /zwpta, ffKaiorrjs, airXdrrjs. adv. [simpliciter, fatue,] simply, foolishly. 'fls evrjBlK&s. Eccl. 520. SYN. 'A/3ouXws, jyXifltws, at>of)TM*, , eos, 6 et /, adj. [valde acutus,] well pointed, sharp. *ls Xa/i7r' evi'iKiEos, iji' ap' 'A^tXXeus. X. 319- SYN. 'Ovra>os, evdrjKTos, OrjKros, , ov, o et ^, adj. [coins tractandee peritus,] skilled in the manage- ment of the distaff. f fls evaXdKaros Qevytris kv ba^orlaiv TreXy. Theocr. 28. 22. JLvrjXiws, adv. [claro sole,] with a bright sun. Ev??Xtws irveovr xOova. Eumen. pop. Ev/7/itpew, v. [(1) vitam felicem dego, (2) vigeo,] to live happily, to florish. Kal Talffi Qfjfiats el ravvv svtj/nefiel. QL. C. 6l6. SYN. Evflevew, i, vid. EvauepiLa. f, vid. Evauepos. s, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [ventos habens prosperos, tranquillus,] having fa- vorable winds, quiet. Afyevas 7)X6fs els evrjveuovs. Androm. 747. SYN. Evbieivos, ovpws, evarjs, tcaXos. Evrjvirr), rjs, ?/, P. N. [Evenina.] K.ovprj MapTriffarjs KoXXiatyvpov Evrjvlvrjs. I. 553. Evrjvopla, potius Evaropm, q. V. Evr)v optics, ov, 6, Patronym. [Evenorides,] the son of Evenor. Tr)XefjLa^os 6' Evrjvoprirjv AetoKplTov ovra. %. 2p4. Ei/7/ids, ov, 6, P. N. [Evenus,] a river in ^Etolia; also the name of a man. B. 6p3. w Os TOV fiaQvopovv KOTafiov Evrjvov fiporovs. Trach. 568. Evrivwp, opds, 6 et rj, adj. [(1) virilis, (2) viriles seu strenuos faciens,] manly, strong. "Ejud\ej>*Hpas TOV evdv-dpd. Nem. 10. 66. SYN. See Evavbpos. Evriparos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [valde amabilis,] very lovely, well beloved, sweet. EvfjpaTov GaXXoiaav okelv. Pyth. p. 15. SYN. rioXv^paros, esparto, 7rt- paardf, EYHP ET0Y 301 ov, o et //, adj. [bonis rerais instructus,] furnished with good oars. 'A 6' evijperfjios eWayX' dXla x e P~i- CE- C. 7l6. Evrjprjs, EOS, u et //, adj. [ad remigandum aptus,] adapted to rowing. Ovo' ei/>)p" eperpd, TO, re Trrepd vqvffi TrtXoi/rcu. X. 124. SYN. Eu^ep^s, CVTVKTOS. Evfixys, tus, et evt'ixrjTos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [bene sonans, sonorus,] sounding well, sonorous. "Hroi ArjXldbes ^ev, or evi^s vpevatos. Call, 4. 296. See also Hipp. 1272. SYN. EvKtXdbos, r/x>/e, pi'Sov7ros, ev^wj'os, ev^rj/uds. EvOdXctaffos, ov, u et /, adj. [navibus gaudens, vel pruestans,] excellent by sea. EiWTroV, euiruXov, evQa\aaaoi>. CE. C. 710. EvddXr)s, eos, 6 et rj, adj. [florid us,] flowery, blooming, fyvrov evBdXls b' >?/- Xe7. Anacr. 64. ). SYN. Ei/eiov^, reQrjXus, TrjXZduw, X X "P<> S > aftpos. Evd&vdTos, vid. EbfMjalpdt. Evdapff^Sj eds, 6 et >/, a"dj. [fiducia praeditus,] of good courage, courageous. K\v0t, fiporwv 7rkov/), ^drr/p evdapatos ?//3??s. Horn. 7. p. SYN. EvroX^os, v//7'wp, evKapbws, dt>)s, Opaatis, TrpoOv/jids. Eui%patDs, adv. [cum fiducia; audacter,] with good confidence, confidently, boldly. FTpos raiJr' d/^e/'/Soy, :at Xey' evOape&s epai. JIscli. Suppl. 257. SYN. OapcrdXews, dpavews. Ev0j/ew, v. [prospero successu utor,] to be successful. 'AoroTo-iv evflf^ouird /ur) Kafuiveiv \pova). Eum. 9^6. SYN. EvbatfjLoi'eu, TrXoi-rlw. /cw, v. [concinne dispono,] to dispose well, to set right. Ev^rio-as ,drt- apyerl brj/ju. lies. Theog. 539. SYN. Koa/utw, 6tdrarrw, avvap- , ov, 6 et >), adj. [appositus, aptus,] well arranged, fit, orderly. F Xeftrj-ds evderovs. Again. 431. SYN. 'Apfjiobibs, eu7ro/r?re)v, ei/0rdA//s. Ids, 6 et >/, adj. [elegans.] elegant, beautiful. Yios ev0oXe7 Pyth. 9. 128. JLv6r)Xos f ov, 6 et >/, adj. [mammosus, uber,] full of milk, exuberant. ^ TpZfyovro fioes. Iph. A. 579- vOrj/^idavt't], rjs, f{, subst. [concinna reriim dispositio,] just order or arrange ment. Evdrj^dffvt'tj yap dpifTr). Hes. Op. 467. SYN. Td^ts, evrafta, . dros, o et ?/, adj. [(l)qui rccte disponit, vel (2)disponitur,] arranging ed well. A/uomt yi/j-a7/ces, ^w^drwj' evBfj pores. Choeph. 78. SYN. iTrrjperrjs, (2) evTroirjros, evderos, evG"xfnJLti)v. Evdijpards, ov, o et r/, adj. [facilis venatu ; felix in venando,] easily hunted or gained. Atos '/yuepos OVK evdtjpaTds ETv^rj- ^Esch. Suppl. 9- SYN. EvXa/3//*, , et evddi'drds, ov, o et ?/, adj. [facilem mortem adferens,] causing an easy death. Af'/udrwv ei/0vr/o-t/^wi'. Agarn. 126'4. Evflon'os, ov, o et ?/, adj. [splendid is epulis instructus,] of a splendid banquet. "Eets bfjioias x ei P^ s ev&owov yepas. Choeph. 251. ExP. KaX^' evw^"*' *X**' > SYN. See E^SeiTrvos. Ei%>tyKos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [pinnis conspicuus,] strongly embatlled. /j.(j)i(3Xri/uidT\ evOptyKoi t)' Zbpat. Helen. 70. Ei >i?, rply&Sy adj. [bene coinatus,] long-maned. Ot be rpls vept vtKpov Xs 7/Xdffdi/ ITTTTOVS. T. 13. SYN. Evrpi'x^ s > , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [pulchrum thronum habens,]well enthroned. Avrl:d ?}ws ifXflfV evOpovos, rj eyeipe. 5. 48. SYN. Xpvaodpoi'ds. vyXwffffds, ov, o et r/, adj. [veridicus, probus,] one who speaks in a straight- forward manner, ingenuous, true, honest. 'Ev -iravrd be ropoi' evOvyX(i)ff~oos. Pyth. 2. 157. SYN. 'AX^iyos, a^ev6>/$, airXods, emeiKi'is. vdvbiKds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui secundum rectos justitiaj canonas res admini- strat,] impartial in judging. OU-w)/ 5' dp cvdvblw. Again. 736. SYN. A- Katos, Pros. Lex. 2 7, 3(52 EY0T ETUI s, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui recta in aciem prodit, fortis,] brave, valiant. vdvuaxav. Olymp. 7. 27- $YN. 'Ap//r<5s, ayifvwp, ^v^ToXe^ds. ?, os, o, P. N. [Euthyrnenes.] 'ETT' Ei/Sv/zerovs "Apxovros. &. o'//4ot rwi> . Acharn. 65. v. [bono vel propitio animo sum,] to be kindly disposed, to be cheer- ful or merry. MeVwj/ vvv avrov, Trlve Kevdvuet, KVK\W^. Cycl. 527. SYN. la, as,^, subst. [laetitia, alacritas,] joy, alacrity. Evdvpiav re pea, TKCII. Olymp. 2. 63. SYN. YlpoOvula, evetrrw, x a P a * Evdvuds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui est bono et bilari animo,] kind-hearted, cheerful, ready, pleasant. Evflv/uoy eariv vrv^e7s vatetv bouovs. JEsch. Suppl. $66. SYN. Tlpodvfjtos, TTjOo^jOwi/, (fxiibpos, (piXotypwv, evvoos, evy^wjuwv, evfypwv, evKap- , adv. [alacriter,] cheerfully, readily. Tw '^uw, xptovpyov ayetv. Agam. 1582. SYN. Tlpodv/uttos, eroijjitos, (j>atbpws. Evdvvr), qs, r/, subst. [disquisilio, accusatio, posna,] an examination into the accuracy of accounts, a scrutiny, an action brought against a magistrate for misconduct in his office. "Slcnrep deov, avrifloXel p.e t rpt^wy, rfjs ei/Bvyrjs a?ro- \vffat. Vesp. 571. SYN. *Eera> pev OVTW ical KTlavuv boalv ev-6vvoi. Pyth. 1. 88. SYN. * vdos, ov, 6 et ft, adj. [recta flans in earn regionem,] blowing in a right direction, favorable. Ev0v, TTVOOV Zetyvpotd Tro^Tral. Nem. 7. 43. Ei;0u7ro/i7ros, ov, o et r/, adj. [recta duceiis via,] conducting in a straight line. Elirep K&d' obov vtv evdvTrofjnrds. Nem. 2. 9. Ei/0v7rdpw, v. [recta procedo,] to proceed in a direct course, 'obtiv cvOvnopel. Olymp. 7. 166. ' Ei/6ypffos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [thyrsi frondibus ornatus,] adorned with the thyrsus. "EXa(3ev, evQvpaov. Bacch. 1156. Ev0vs, ela, v, adj. [rcctus,] right, straight. Kpanora r>/^ evOe~iav, y Tre^vKii^fy. Med. 385. SYN. 'Op0os, tyavtpos, bUaios, a^evvrds. Ev0i)s, etev0v, adv. [statim,] immediately, irt^oi/^tv evOvs aov Katriyviirov *.apa. Eur. Electr. 854. See also Batrach. 156. SYN. HdpavrtKd, Trapapa. 'EvOvrduds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [in rectum sectus,] cut straight, levelled. re KCLTe6r)Ky. Pyth. 5. 120. Evdvrovos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [in rectitudinem extensus,] straight or tight. biov fj.f.v apiaTfvoe.v evQvrovov. Olymp. 10. 76. EvOvQpwv, ovos, 6 et rj, adj. [benevolus,] kindly intentioned. 'ETT' Trofnrqi. Eumen. 1032. SYN. See Evdvpos. Evtos, a, or, adj. [Evius, Bacchi cognomen,] Evian, Bacchanalian. Kai yi-rat- &v Etiais. Phoen. 666. EVITTTTOS, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) praestantes habens equos ; (2) equitandi peritus,] having excellent horses, skilled in riding. See in EvdaXacrads. SYN. 'IT 1 I have not been able to meet witb an instance decisive of the quantity of EtfQwos in the penult. The word occurs only twice in ^schylus, viz. in the passage o noted above, and in the Persae 833. The quantity is here assumed to be long on the authority of those eminent scholics, Dr. Morell and Dr. Maltbj, EYKA EYKO :*r>:t EvKatpds, ov, oet;/, adj. [peropportunus,] very opportune, convenient. Ev- Katpov early, eWef , &s uvijp obe. (E. C. 31. SYN. See Kalplos. EvKauaros, ov, o et /, adj. [facilem laborem habens,] easily labored or per- formed. \\6v6v rjbvv, KCLUILTOV r' evfwd^udrw^. Baoch. 66. EvKa^Trrjs, eos, 6 et //, adj. [bene flexus,] well bent. E'tXero be KXrfib" evKa^rrtu. \eipi irdxeirj. (j>. 6. SYN. Evyya/UTrros, yvapirros, irovXviXiKrds, evorpeirrds. EuKapblos, ov, 6 el . adj. [ntagnanimus, forti aniruo,] noble-hearted, courageous. OVK el TI bwawv ry irepiaor' evKapbfy. Hec. 577 ' SYN. EvQapatjs, Opdavs, KpH- repos, dyfjvwp, ev-bvyus, irpodvpos. tinapblvs, adv. [boiio animo; fortiter,] cheerfully, firmly. Tov 'pov' vapefa yap bfpr)v evKapbiws. Hec. 547. SYN. Hptidvptas, ev^/v\tas. *EvKap7reia, as, >/, subst. [frugum uberlas,] a plentiful harvest. EvdaXel T ev- Kapnely. Troad. 219. 'SYN. See Qspos. EvKapirds, ov, o et y/, adj. [bene fructificans,] very fruitful. Xetpuves eK^- povvlv evKapiry Bepet. Aj. Fl. 6*80. SYN. Kapnotpdpds,ay\auKapTros t 7rvpd/, subst. [placatrix,] an appeaser. See at 'A\eiapT). Ei>Kr)\os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [quietus, mitis,] placid, quiet, silent. "Ecr* ws ov/3\t- Trets p evtcrjXov, aafj.er6s p ib&v. Iph. A. 644. SYN. "Rav^os, Trpavs. EvKt'iXtas. adv. [quiete,] quietly. 'EvrvTrds evKrjXws eiXvpevol, ovre TI airov. Apoll. 2. 859- Ev/W, ores, 6 et 77, adj. [pulchras habens columnas,] having fine columns. EvKtoves -fivav avXai. Ion 184. EvKXZrjs, et poet. ei//cXeu)s, eds, 6 et >/, adj. [gloriosus,] glorious, illustrious. TloXXwv b n^QtDv evKXtijs Ale. 9^9' SYN. 'Aya:X;)s, evbotys, ev- bo&s. EvKXeid, as, fj, subst. [splendor nominis; gloria,] glory, renown. Ei/vXem b* ols p.ev ear aXjjdeias CLTTO. Androm. 321. SYN. Aod, KXtos, evbofta. EPITH. 'Epdretvos, Kvbtaveipa. EvKXeiclu, f. eiffta et /w, v. [celebro,] to celebrate, to render illustrious. Tpls brj KdXiv rarb' evKXti&v. Pyth. 9- 162. SYN. KX5w, K\etw, KaXXvrw. EvKXetws, et evKXZws, adv. [gloriose,] gloriously. 'He KCV avrtiv oXeaOal tvKXct&s Trpd TToXijvs. X. 110. See also Alcest. 303. SYN. 'Evbofas. EvKXfiis, ijibos, adj. [bene clausus,] well bolted. 'Avfpds a^veiold, tvK\ifis t dpa- pvid. h. 319. SYN. KXeiards, aafydXris. EvK\b)rrros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [bene nendo ductus,] well woven. Map/ndpi/yeu rt TrobuJv Kat evKXwaToio x/rw^ds. Horn. Apoll. 203. 'EvKviiuts, tbds, adj. [bene ocreatus,] well greaved, well booted. 'Arpeibal re Kai ciXXoi evKvrjuibes 'A^aioi. A. 17- SYN. 'EvoirXos. EvKoivdfMirls, tbds, adj. [cum populo consilia coinmunicans,] provident, pa- triotic. HpOjuaOevs evKOivou^rls cipX"- ^ scn ' Suppl. 708. EvKdXos,ov, 6 et jj, adj. [(l)facilis, (2) qui non est stomacho fastidioso,] easily satisfied, not fastidious. '6 b' evKdXos ^tv evddb', evKoXos 6' e^ei. Ran. 82. SYN. Evirerfis, evudp)}s, ev^eprls, Trpaos, pybios. S, ov, 6 et //, adj. [valde sonans,] high sounding. E^o>7rot$ e#/p x ov Troad. 153. , as, rj, subst. [decentia,] decorum. Qavfji tbelv evKoa^as. Bacch. 692. EvnpeTreid, Koapos, icdXXos, TO TrptTrov. EvKoauds, et evKoa/jLrjrds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [bene ordinatus, conciiinus,] well ar- 1 "Ea extra metrum est. 3 Qeovs is here scanned as a long monosyllable. 364 EYKO EYAO ranged, orderly. Kdr' ovpov OVK evxoffpov a'ipovrat fyvyfjv. Pers. 487. See also Horn. Merc. 384. SYN. EvQtTos, cvaxfiuwv, evarSXds, Kop-dsos. MUMS, adv. [concinne, recle,] neatly, orderly, regularly, 'fts CVKOVUWS 'ijffe' TTapos 5' ou TrtuTror' (JTTWTTei. 0. 123. oYN. KoajUiws, K'drd Kocrpov, fis, eos, o et ;, et EuKpas, dros, adj. [temperatus,] well-tempered, mo- derate, gentle. NK(. 6' eikpco/s avepos fytptV al\la be vijaov. Apoll. 4. 891. See also Eur. fr. Antiop. 41. ""A^pai^^s. Evicpatpos, a, or, adj. [bene cornutus,] large-horned. "Ocrris o TTO.~IS a/iu fiovoiv fvKpaipyfflv dTrrjbel. Horn. Merc. 209. SYN. Eviepwy. EiJ/cpas, vid. Evfcpu//s. EvKparrjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Eucrates.] "flaTrep Ei/K-pdnjs ttyevyev evOv T&V Equit. 254. , oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [bene seu pulchre strepens,] sweet-sounding. evKpeKTOv Kai aoibrjs. Apoll. 4. 1193. SYN. See Ev^^s. , ou, 6 et >/, adj. [bonuni habens hordeum,] having fine barley, full of corn. 'A Sat'/^wv evKpiOov aveTrXiipiaasv aXwav. Theocr. 7 34. EvKpiros, ou, a, P. N. Vid. "A\ets. , oi/, 6 et /, adj. [facilis judicatu,] easy of decision. Ou?: evKplrov TO IJL alpov Kptrfjv. ^Esch. Suppl. 402. j-os, ov, o et >/, adj. [inalleo bene induratus,] well bammered, finely wrought. "Efc r evKpdrfirov ^aXrctas tipbrjv Trpo^ov. Antig. 430. EvKpvTrros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [celatu facilis,] easy to be concealed. 2x icr ^rd 5' OVK evKpvirTa ylyverai Tabs. Agam. 606. EwraTos, a, oi/, et CVKTOS, r),dv, adj. [qui prece vocatur, votivus, optatus, opla- bilis,] invoked by prayers, votive, wished for, desirable. HarpddZv evKrala ^dris. Sept. Theb. 841. See Heracl. 459. SYN. Ev^s afros, SXEVKTOS, TTO- \vrijJios. EvKTeavos, ov, et ei'm//uo>, ovos, o et r/, adj. [bene instructus possessionibus, dives,] having fair possessions, opulent, rich. Kai rets ev/credvovs Kara K\fjpdv. Pers. 895. See also Nem. 7. 135. SYN. UXovalos, ev^ai^iov. 'EvKTlutvoSy rj, ov, et evKTiros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [bene iedificatus,] well built. 'A^j'etov re KvptvBuv (.vKTifJievas re KXew^as. B. 570. See also B. 502. EVKTOS, vid. Eu/cratos. EVKVKXOS, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [rotundus,] well rounded, round. 1oy Trep/Trrvy/x' ai'TlTrrjyds evKVKXov. Ion 1390. SYN. Evrpu^ds. EvXafleia, et Ion. EuXd/3t^, qs, fi, subst. [cautio, circumspectio,] caution, cir- cumspection, fear, anxiety. 'AXX' ei/Xd/3etdv olca yap KaTaKTavwv. Here. F. 165. See also Theogn. 118. SYN/'Evyotd, 0vXdo), evogfieia', dj3ds. EvXafitopai, v. [vereor, caveo,] to be cautious or careful; to be afraid. HKO- Tetva KOI fiXeTTOvati' evXafiovjjievat. Eur. Suppl. 335. SYN. i)Xacrffo/KU, e^d- E{/Xd/3effrtpws, adv. [cautius,] more cautiously. "O)(Qots 6' eTrto-rd^evrls, ei/Xd- fleorepus. Iph. T. 137t). SYN. pot'tjuws, da^dXws, euo-ro^ws. EvXe/juw^, w^ds, et evXetuds, oi/, 6 et //, adj. [bona prata habens,] abounding in fine pastures. Ov yap TIS vi^aiav 'urirf]XuTos, ovb' evXet'/uwv. b. 60J. See also Bacch. 1082. EvXe^rpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [nuptiis idoneus,] fit for the marriage- bed. Ev- Xecrpos ev uefry KvTrpis. Trach. 515. EuX>), rjs, ?/, subst. [vermis,] a worm, a maggot. AioXcu euXot tSovrat, tVet K Kvves Kopecrwvrot. X. 509. SYN. 2ica>X^. EPITH. YlouttXris, evKtvr}Tos. EvXr)pa, o)v, ra, subst. [habenae, lora,] reins.]\oV kv b' avros t-^tav evXripa /3e/3r;ve. T. 481. SYN. See 'Hmt. EvXinevos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [bono instructus portu,] having a good harbor, well fitted for landing. \\euTrovrls evXlutvovs. Helen. 1480. SYN. Evopuos. EvXoytw, f. ^cw, v. [(1) laudo, (2) bene precor, (3) benedico, (4) gratias ago,] to praise, to implore blessings on, to bless, to thank. Avrols Te EYAO EYME 366 evXovovoiv t/^d'ws. Eur. Suppl. 937. SYN. EvQripew, fTrcux/EW, cXc/w, vfj-vZw. vXoyTrc, as, >/, subst. [benedictio, laus,] benediction, blessing, praise. Ai' evXoyias 0t\io. Here. F. .356'. SYN. Ev^^io, euros, tiratvos. EPJTH. 'Ayj;- (Oaros, juetXt^a. EvXoyos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [(1) ratioualis, (2) quod facile parari et haberi polest,] very reasonable, probable, specious. TLllvvvKtr evXoyoiat vovQUrr^aal. Pers. 832. SYN. Ivvf-os, (^poVtjuos. EvXoyws, adv. [cum ratione ; merito ; non temere,] rationally, justly, spe- ciously. 'E^UOV 6' avciKTos evXoyws eTruvvfJuv. ./Esch. Suppl. 260. SYN. Vv -- y rws, fcaXws, ek'orws, 7rWa)>ws. EuXo^os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [bene cristatus,] well crested, 'fypas apovpas aXX' os euXo^ov. Aj. Fl. 1286. Ei/Xo^os, ov, b et fj, adj. [parturientibus vel gravidis favens ; epith. Dianae,] giving an easy birth, lav & evXoyov, ovpavlav. Hipp. 165. See."Apr^ts. EvXvprjs, et evXypos, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [(1) bonani lyram habens, (2) bene lyra canens,] having a good lyre, playing well on the lyre. EvXi)pas 'ATro'XXan'. Alccst. 574. See also Ran. 229- SYN. Eityof>/uty, Xtyvpos, pouolKos. EV\VTOS, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [(1) qui facile solvi potest, (2) paratus discedere,] easy to be loosed, soon dissolved. EvXvrd b' elvai ffrepyrjSpa typtv&v. Hipp. 256. SYN."EfcXi)ros. Evjjiadris, os, o et r/, adj. [(l) docilis, ingeniosus, (2) facilis intellectu,] docile, ingenious, easy to be learnt. Kat rab'c' d/ro/crets tr^', o Kelvds evpaSes. Trach. 6l4. SYN. EuOj/pdrds, evXjyTrros, bibaKTos, 7TtOdo$. Ev^d0m, as, r/, subst. [docilitas, celeritas discendi,] docility, quickness in learning. Ewjudffi^^ r/retro, uibovs e/ite ^.ifjtos o M/K'^OV. Call. Ep. 51. Evfjapeia, as, ^, subst. [(1) facilitas, (2) tranquillitas animi, (3) latrina,] ease, tranquillity, convenience. 'AXX' o 6eos evpapeiav tTribibov ytpoiv. Bacch. 1117. SYN. Ev^epeid, ei7rreid, fyrityla* Evpap^s, os, 6 et ?/, adj. [facilis, commodus,] easy, convenient. Xpovos ydp eupapfis 0fos. Soph. Electr. 180. SYN. Euyjrp>)s, pablos, evuoXos, tXatypus. Ev/^dpws, adv. [facile,] easily. Ev^tdpfws rot j^pri^a Oeol bdvav, ov~ rt Theogn. 463. SYN. See Ei/KoXws. , ?os, r/, subst. [calceamenti genus,] a kind of slipper. Rapfiapois Orest. 1364. r,s, os, 6 et r/, adj. [ingens, procerus,] pretty large, tall. At0o' TTpos 7?; KtihuXfj' airelffdat b\ avrl pev aprwv. Plut. 542. SYN. vpeibtjs, cos, 6 et ^, adj. [hilaris, benevolus,] cheerful, kind, benevolent. Efc- ywei(V/s re TreXotro, /cat rJTrtos aptyurepoiaiv. Apoll. 4. 715. SYN. Ei/7rpopuvtovolv. P. 23. SYN. \\rbpews. v^evetd, et cvpevla, as, //, subst. [henevolentia, animus bene adfectus,] kind- ness, a kind disposition. IIws evptvetav rolalb' kv bofnois t\ is Helen. 312. See Pyth. 12. 8. SYN. Ei/md, Trpev^eveta, ^)iXia. v/xevervs, vid. Ev^ev^s. v^uevcw, v. [benevolus vel propitius sum,] to be kindly or propitiously dis- posed. Aat/dyes, ot jUfjS' w5e 0aj/ort Tp evjufreott)'. Apoll. 2. 260. SYN. , et ev/ivws, adv. [benevole, benigne,] benevolently, kindly. 'Afot evpeveus o 0os. Thcocr. Ep. 4. See also Agam. 925. SYN. QlXofporws, , 7r-et/cu)s, xf^rws. r}s, EOS, 6 et ;/, et evpZierrjs, ov, 6, adj. [benevolus, amicus,] kind, friendly, propitious. 0o> Trapaff^oiT els TO \oinov evfjevn. Androm. 55. See also 366 ETME ETNE 5. 186. SYN. Evvoos, euepytr^f, t\v6iptos, irpavs, fnei\i\ds t ayados, \pt]- OTOS. , vid. Ev/iefeta. es, 1 wv, at, P. N. [Eumenides, furise,] the Eumenides, the furies. Me- Jjrts Evjjievlcts' at Tt rov. Orest. 315. SYN. 'EptruES, q. v. EpITH. rior'tat, beiv&Trzs, aepvai, jueXa/iTreVXci, fjLf.yaXwvvfj.oi. PHR."E/^0o/3oi yj/s rt Kai OKOTOV Kopat. CE. C. 39- NIMTOS, aiarrj TEKVCL. vptTpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [modum servans, moderatus,] well proportioned. vueTpov' TO [JLt> avTds inro cftflew 'JUfc&rf. Theocr. 25. 209- SYN. - Evfj.riKris, tos, 6 et ?;, adj. [bene longus, decore procerus,] pretty long, stately. 'ETTI T evp^Keis rjKovffi Tv%as. Iph. A. 595. SYN. Efyieytflqs, 7rt/^?7c^s, vvrep- pfap. l^vfj,ri\os, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [ovibus abundans, pecorum ferax,] abounding in or productive of sheep or cattle. See in Evfidos. SYN. Ylo\vfir]\ds t nd\v- a^> ^, subst. [induslria, solertia,] good contrivance, industry, abili- ty. Ev/na'xaviuv yap fyftvas 'loQftioir. Isthin. 4. 3. SYN. Ei/Tro/Jta, a.yylvoi.a., , ov, o et ?/, adj. [ad machinandum promptus, ingeniosus, indus- trius,] good in contrivance, ingenious, clever, industrious. Kd/c T&V d/^^x"~ vtav Trdpovs evfjtri^avovs Tropliv. Equit. 7^9^ SYN. 'Ay^'dos, evovvtros, , ov, 6 et //, adj. [e bono stamine factus,] consisting of fair or fine threads, finely woven. "r/, adj. [cujus facile recordamur,] well remembered. Ev- avcpos beiia. rptfyovaav ocov. Trach. 109. ov, o et r), adj. [bona sorte utens, felix,] having a happy lot, rich, noble. Evftotpot b' tytvovro /ecu a.K\ets OVTTOT EKZIVOI. Call. 4. 295. Ev/jio\7ribcu, wv y P. N. [Eumolpi nepotes,] the descendants of Eumolpus. TlpovTrdXajv Evju.o\7ribui>. CE. C. 1053. (See Suidas.) Ev/iOj00ia, as, r/, subst. [pulchritudo,] beauty. EvpopQiq. Trpddelaa, KwvetS/c'o- pai. Troad. 929 SYN. Eva-^fjioavvrj, einrpeTreta, KU\\OS, K0p,\^drr)s. *Evjjiop(j)os, ov, 6 et r], adj. [speciosus, pulcher,] fair-formed, beautiful. Ev- ^ KdXoaawv. Agani. 406. SYN. See KaXos. s, ov, 6 et //, adj. [venustus, eruditus,] polished, learned. 4>ot/3' ev ev- rivals. Thesm. 112. SYN. 'E/,-7rp7n)$, eirl^apls. Evvagto), et evmw, f. do-w, v. [colloco in cubili,] to place in a bed or on a couch, to cause to rest. 'ETret yd> >/juds evvad 'EKTopeia % e/ P' R"es. 758. SYN. Karevvac.d), icdrd'cot^dw, Kot/^t'^w. Evvaws, a, ov, adj. [qui procumbere amat, consors lecti,] inclined to bed, a partner of the marriage-bed. 'AXX' els fjtiav fiXeTrovrts evvaiav Kvirpn*. An- drom. 179. EvvaoTijpldv, ov, TO, subst. [cubile,] a bed, a couch. Kat TO Aape/ov re KOIVOV evvaarf)p'ioi>. Pers. 165. SYN. See Evvrj, cubile. Evverrjs et evv^rj)s, ov, evi>r)Tt}p, rjpos, evv^rwp, dpos, o, et evviiTetpa et as, r/, subst. [concubitus, maritus,] a bed-fellow, a consort. Ad/3wj/ be TT/JO- X^T-as fir)Tpos evreTijs aedlv. Eur. Electr. 803. See also Med. 160. Ion 1 It is somewhat singular that the word EvfjiwiSes does not occur in the works of ^Eschylus now remaining, though he has left a tragedy bearing that title. Except in four instances, in the Orestes, v. 38, 315, 827, and 1667, 1 have not been able to find the word at all. The more usual term for the Furies is 'Eptvves. EYNH EYOr 367 911. Pers. 142. 162. and Trach. 923. SYN. SvyKotros, d^o/riis, tyev^rTjs, r, dvr)p, TrapdKOiTrjs, o//6Xe7s, //, subst. [(l)cubile, (2) tentorium, (3) lustrum ferarum, (4) sepul- crum,] a bed or couch, a tent, a den, a grave. "AXXr?> rlv evvt}v avrl aov arepyei novls ; Androrn. 899- SYN. Koirrj, KO'ITOS, KXivrj, XeKTpov, Xe^os, ev- tv, JcXiatd, 6)dXdyuos, (TTrtos, rd0os. EPITH. "Atrrpwros, a/5pdx^7"wf, /id- Ado}, evpeTd, TtoXv^puTos, /3porea, TreptKaXX^s, yajur/Xto?, eyKXrjpos, \afjia.nrtTj]s t 'coXlos, adiKTos, 7u<7J7yUos, fcpv^ai'a, dk'otvwi'Tyros, aTrroXt/uds, wfJKblblus, Ktvff t rv/j^>elos, fffcorta, e^eorlos, KpVTTTr), ?V/J^HIO), yXvvepd, /e7d, evydjuos, evirapOev&s, &*? ' evvr'ifJiaTa. Ion 304. stpd, vid. Evverqs. ;, ov, 6 et ?), adj. [bene textus,] well spun or wrought. Etdrd cvr//rovs, ffTtXpovTCLS e\aly. 2. 596. SYN. EVV^J/S, Xe?rrcJs. et evvrjrbjp, vid. Evferj/s. r, t5ds, 77, subst. [uxor,] a wife, fldpd Sa^s eorrat, KaKlffrrjs evvibos r//iwpta. Iph. A. 397- SYN. See EvverT/s. (f.) ivyts, tds, 6 et f), [orbus, viduus,] deprived, bereft, widowed, destitute. "Os IJL vl&v TroAXwy re Kai ecrOXwv evvlv ZQrjKe. X. 44. SYN. X^pos, , v. [benevolus sum, Hene adfectus sum animo,] to be well disposed towards. MeXetv piv fjpuv, evvoeiv b' vfj.1v d^ud. Aj. Fl. 698. SYN. "J evvow, evfiEvfjs elfjii. i, os, r/, subst. [benevolentia,] good-will. Evrot' dTreorij TWV ffjitiv t. Troad. 6. SYN. E{//m'eid, dydTrr;, ffTrovbr), tXapwv, t'Xdos, 0iXo$, yvrjalds. vvov^osj ov, 6, subst. [eunuchus,] one who has the care of the bed-chamber, a chamberlain, an eunuch. Kai rolv JJLEV evyov-^otv TOV ertpov rovrdvl. Acharn. 117. iv^tvos, et evl/os, ov, 6 et 7^, adj. [(1) hospitalis, (2) item epith. Ponti,] (1) hospitable, also (2) the Euxine or Black sea. At/uevd r6v eu^etvordrov vnv- rats. Hipp. 156. See also Choeph. 700. PHR. (2) Evetvov weXdyfJs, Ev- eivtiv olbpa Xipvas. Here. F. 410. Ilovros Eveivos. ., adv. [hospitaliler, amice,] hospitably. "EicXvoV, oirlrts cltv tvtfivus apecravTO. Apoll. 1. 963. SYN. Eeytws, ^tXo^tvws, ^tXtws. Ev^eoros, et ei/dos, a, ov, et ov, 6 et ^, adj. [bene rasus, politus,] well pohshed, finely made. Ma^pat, ev&arot, ^evy^Hval elpveffovrat. 2. 276. SYN. Seords, ^vi/eros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [bene intelligibilis,] easy to be understood. Ev>- vlrov tyve-olal (3oav. Iph. T. 1093. EvoyKds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [molis amplae et compactae; portatu facilis,] of proper size, easily carried. Evoycos, ws av bvv\ds, uXXd Kai vroXi'iv. Eur. fr, Syl. 5J. 55. 368 EYOA ETFIA Evdbia, as, ?/, subst. [(l) expeditum iter, (2) prosperitas,] a good journey, prosperity. Dpwrd pHv evoblav dyddt}v airlovTi Trouj-y. Ran. 1575. SYN. (2) Evri)^m. Evob^os, ov, 6 et f], adj. [suaviter olens,] sweetly breathing. Eav6a ovv evob- fjiois UKpdXlTrfj (TTt^d^ois. Call. fr. 106. SYN. Ev&brjs, dvoeis, KYJWCIS, fjbvnvoos, Evoboio, v. [prospere progredior,] to have a prosperous journey. 20wV ' evo- Z>olr}Zevs. (E. C. 1435. SYN. EvSeu/idr/Sw. Evol, interject. [Evoe, vox bacchantiurn,] the bacchanalian cry. See Eva/. EvoXfios, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [felix, dives,] happy, wealthy. Ty CK ra}> evoXjSwv. 1 Iph. T. 189. SYN. See Evbaipwv. EvowXtis, ov, o et rj, adj. [(l) bene armatus, (2) felix in armis,] well armed, suc- cessful in arms. See 'AaTrtio. SYN."E'07rXos. Evopyriffla, as, ?/, subst. [(1) promptitudo ad iracundiam ; (2) lenitas niorum,] irascibility; moderation in anger, gentleness. "Os T>}V eprjv nenoiBev Hipp. 1042. Euojocew, v. [religiose juro,] to observe an oath faithfully. TV/v :dra>/uo/, adj. [bene fidus carinis,] having a good harbor, safe for ships. 'EXXdSos evoppovs. Troad. 126. SYN. EvXi/^os, 7rtr//etos. *Evofffjids, ov, o et rj, adj. [fragrans,] fragrant. ZavQolal (^oarpv^OKrlv evoa^os Kofjiriv. Bacch. 231. SYN. See Evofyds. EvTrdy^s, eos, 6 et ^i, adj. [bene compactus,] well fastened. See AvrotiXoiov. SYN. EvvriKr&s. * EvTrai&evTds, ov, o et //, adj. [bene eruditus,] well instructed. 'Zefivai yap" ev- O. 6' aTrorpeTrei Xeyeiv. Orest. 404. , as, //, subst. [felicitas in gignendis liberis ; item soboles,] happiness in children, offspring. Ilou'cuo-i 6' e^Opa, repTrerai T evTraibla,. Eur. Suppl. 500. SYN. EvTfKvla, TZKOS. Evwais, aibos, adj. [bonos habens liberos,] happy in children. Evrrais TTOT oiiaa, vvv be ypavs, airais 6' d/id. Hec. 798. EinraXa/jos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [artibus probe instructus,] well put together or composed. Ei/TrdXd/uor fjieptpvdi'. Agam. 1509. SYN. 'Eirlbe&os, vOti'tipus. EvTraXris, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [luctam facilem habens ; facile eluctabilis,] easy to combat in; of easy conquest. EvrrdXeas reXeeffdal 'Ayrjvdplbrjs p, dpds, adj. [claro patre genitus,] nobly born. *H AiXatos Pers. 961. SYN. See Ewyei'i/s. EvTremros, ov, evTretOrjs, et evirWtis, EOS, 6 et ?/, adj. [cui facile persuaderi potcst,] easily persuaded or believed, tractable. Evveitrra Xeyei. Aj. Fl. 152. See also Androm. 811. and P. V. 341. ds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [felix, laetus,] happily sent, happy, fortunate, joyful. Avrai 6' e^ovaat polpav OVK eviteprreXoi'. Eumen. 479. SYN. v- s, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [nobiiem socerum habens,] happy in a father-in-law. (3 fv/jfpa, -%(tlpois, evirevftZpf. yap-Spe. Theocr. 1/, adj. [pnlchre textus,] beautifully woven. Ht-rrXuv TE irpov- ev7r>/rovs i)0as. Jph.T. 313. SYN. Ev/utros, evvrjTvs, CVTT^^TOS. 6>s, >/, adj. [pulchra brachia habens ; puichra,] having beautiful arms, beautiful. Ad/ler' evir/^cts X^P 05 ' KpoTtoXot. Hipp. 200. SYN. KaXXt- , adv. [fideliter,] very faithfully. EVJT/OTWS Se rov^o*. Thesm. 105. SYN. See IltoTws. s, a, or, adj. [bene plenus,] very full. 0/>ti' ei/TrXe///^' //trd be /IVJ/OTT/P- er. p. 467. SYN."E/*7rXfcds, enirXeos, 7rapTrXr]Or]s, irXijpris. Ev7rXeo}s, cos, et eyTrXe^ros, oi/, 6 et >/, adj. [bene junclus; nexilis,] well twisted or turned. Atypovs r bvarptyeiHv vTr\ei*eas t Kara, b* UVTOI. *. 436. See also Bacch. 858. SYN. Ltn-rjTds, fvaTpeir-ds. LvTrXoia, as, >/, subst. [felix naviatfo,] a prosperous voyage. rt Tror' evTrXotdv 7rpadV. sch. Suppl. 1053. SYN. OXoDs ovpios, roffTus, voblia. EPtTH. 'Afcy/uarrds. v-irXoKapls, ibos, r/, et tvxXvxapos, ov, o et >'/, adj. [pulchros cincinnos habens,] lair- tressed. 'Aju^t be ^ -fryepeQovTo ti;7rXoA:d/u7Sts 'Anatoli r. 542. See also I ph. A. 791. SYN. KaXXiTrXo/cd^os, to7rXocd/Jos, ^Dcd/iox, KarafioffTpiixos, fv- s, ov, adj. [navigatu facilis,] easy to sail in, safe. "Hpid Tranrd Kal ev-rrXoov opptiv tKoirti. Theocr. 7. 62. Ev7rXv>>)s, os, 6 et //, adj. [(1) bene lotus ; (2)mundus,] well washed, clean. apos /J.ev ot TTpvrdi- fvVXvifS, fibl ^Trwi'd. v. 173. EvTri'oos, ov, 6 et i/, adj, [bene spirans,] sweetly breathing, sweet-smdlin^. *H OTTOT CK \etfjnavos tvirvda Xeipia Ktpooi. Mosch. 2. 32. SYN. See Ei/ofyos. EvTTotiyros, ov, 6 et T/, adj. [bene factus,] well made or wrought, (mdms fors. e<5 TTOi^ros, Ut ev TTOICW non ev7rotw.) 'Pao-o-drE r'' e' be Oporots ei/Tronyrotot rd- TTA/rds. v. 150. SYN. Evrvfcros, ev7rdy;/s, evirrjKTos, cu&ff-ds, ev^oui. EI/TTO^OS, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [bonum vellus habens,] fleecy. M//Xwv (t>\iuvTwv evTroKois vopevpaalv. Again. 1389- SYN. EV fiords. Ev-noXefieia, as, >/, P, N. [Eupolemia.] See in 4^mv. Prnx. Lrr. 3 A 370 EYflO EYPH EvTroXf/uos, ov, 6 et r;, adj. [bellicosus,] warlike. N/KJJS evTroXf/uoto Trdrep, <7v>d- pwy 0fyui(rrdy. Horn. 7. 4. SYN. MeveirToXejuds, evTrdXdjuos. EvVoXis, icos, o, P. N. [Eupolis,] a comic poet, who lived in the time of Ari- stophanes. EvVoXis n&v TOV Muptvay irpuriaTOv Trapei\Kv,7}>. Nub. 553. Ei/TTo^Tros, ov, 6et >/, adj. [bonus dux,] fair-conducting. 'Op/^w/u>ov evTrd/^Trw ri^. Eumen. 93. ExP. 'Aydflos oSqyos. Ev7rop<5s,' ov, o et //, adj. [facilis meatu; parabilis, abundans,] easy to pass, expeditious, ready, abundant. Xpr/judrd nopiZeiv evTropwrdrov yv>>/. Eccles. 236. SYN. Ovs, ev^eptjs, e-rribefyos, a6ot'os, c?a7rXovros, irepicraos. EvTroTyios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [felix, fortunatus,] happy, fortunate. $tXov rptrd- ffirovbov evTroTjJLOV r'. AgaiB. $37. SYN. Ev>a//(wy. EvVoros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [potatu facilis et suavis,] fit for drink, fresh, clear. Boos T d0' ayvrjs XevKov einrorov ydXd. Pers. 6l7. SYN. 'H^VTroros. EI/TTOVS, TTOOS, adj. [(1) bonis pedibus prreditus ; (2) velox,] having- good feet, swift-footed. Xwpi ^arpityovol KUI eviroba Avjiwvrjv. Call. fr. 48. SYN. , evirpaia, as, et ei/7r/oats, ews, //, subst. [res secundae ; bona actio,] success, prosperity ; a generous action. 2.vv Beols ev-rrpaylas. Olymp. 8. 18. See also Helen. 735. and Agam. 246. SYN. Ei/Sa^ona, evTvxJta, ei/e/>y- /ys, cos, et evirpeTTTos, ov, o et //, adj. [(l)decorus; (2) bene ornatus,] graceful, proper, becoming ; well adorned, elegant. 'H Tivrbapls yap clbds evTrpeTrecrraTr). Hec. 269. See also jEsch. Suppl. 730. SYN. See 'E/c7 vTrptTTois, adv. [decore,] becomingly, decently. 'EaOrJTci Kocrpov r ev fiffKriaard. Alcest. 156. i/TTpTjoros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [facilis accensu ustuque, bene flans,] easy to burn, full-blowing. TlavToiriv einrprja-ov avrpfiv e^ai'telaai. 2. 471. vTrpoo^yopos, ov, 6 et 7;, adj. [blande compellans ; comis,] easy of address, affable. "' evTrpoo-^yopojat^ earl TIS x"pte> Hipp. 94. SYN. Ev7rpo<7oioros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [allatu facilis, commodus,] easy to be reached, attainable, convenient. Kovfc earlv ctrr;s evTrpdooicrrds eVjSdals. Med. 279* SYN. EvTropos, eixpdpos, evaiT?ys. Ev7rpt(Ta>7r6s, ov, o et r/, adj. [pulcher aspectu, qui formosa est facie, pulcher,] fair-faced, comely, beautiful. OVA: evTrpoa&Trois (ppotpwts px et Xoyov. Phoen. 1356. SYN. Ev7rpu<7J/yo|Oo?, v/ue<5j)s, evoro/uos, ev/^op0os, ei/et>)s, ev7rp7r/)s, wpalos. i/s, cos, 6 et ;, adj. [decorus,] well-regulated or decorated. Tottivbt , evTrpv/mvfj /, adj. [bonam seu pulchram proram habcns,] with a fair prow. IloVrios, evTTptjjpoiffi irXdrcus. Iph. A. 765. EvVrtpos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [bene alatus,] well pinioned. 7 Ai7Tp evtrTtpov opviv. CE. R. 176. EvTrvpyos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [pulchras turres habens,] well fortified. Acy*o /u> o'lfr, evTrvpyd r' epvpara "xtiovos. Dan. 1. SYN. KaXXtTrvpyos, evre.i^rjs. EvTrwXos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [producens bonos equos,] famed for horses. See Evfld.Xao'O'os. SYN. EVITTTTOS. Evpa^, adv. [ex obliquo,] by the side, obliquely. QVK aTrocrofii'iaets ; ov rd^fws evpa|, 7rdra| ; Aves 1258. Evpe/r/?s, ov, et Dor. evpe/ras, a, 6, adj. [pulchre s. bene fluens,] fair-flowing. FlwXw/, ^ifjioevTi 6' ?r' evpe/r^t TrXdrar. Troad. 815. Evpry/ud, dros, ro, subst. [(1) inventum ; (2) lucrum, inpr. insperatum,] an in- vention, chance gain, iwo-at roo' evprjft es TOV ovra v\>v 'xpovov. lou 1348. SYN. 'E^evp^d, firyxavt), cTrtr^Scv/ud, /3ovXev/zd. , rjvos, et evprjvos, ov, 6 et Ti t adj. [alens pulchras agnasj famed for beau- EYPH EYPY .171 tiful lambs. Ovbe 3>epa7s "Ab/uijTos evp/>'e<7/, adj. [verborum inventor,] an inventor of words. Ei/pq- vi7r)}s, Trepirpif-i/ua. biKtLv. Nub. 446". SYN. KotroXoyos, wyXuaoos. Evpis, vel evptv, irus, 6 et ?/, adj. [cui bonus est nusus,] quick-scented. Kvvos AaKalvrjs ws ris evpivos fiarrts. Aj. Fl. 8. Evpuribrjs, ov, v, P. N. [Euripides,] the famous tragic writer. OUKQVV biKalus, carts OVK Evpmlbr]v e-rraiveis. Nub. 1377- EPITH. Kdra^purros, <7o0wrdrds, , KavovpyoSy TT; /, ov, ro, dimin. a pranced. Evpitrl&lLov, <5 yXv^vrdrov Kai Acharn. 475. , ov, 6, P. N. [Euripus,] ihe strait which separates Eubcea from Bccotia. *:dr' Evpt/rov e^ovatr. Iph. A. 11. EPITH. Sren-os, xavci'VYjba. pUwv. ), 2 aor. evpwi', f. eyp)/p8- evpy plya. Hipp. 447- SYN. 'Aj/evptV/cw, efevplaKU), KdrdXa^/Sd^o;. Ei/pdos, vid. 'i/pp>;y. Evpds, oi/, 6 et (2) e-ds, TO, subst. [(l)Eurus; (2)latitudo,] the East wind, Eu- rus ; (2) latitude, breadth. IloVrov 'lK"dpio/, adj. [latas vias habeus,] having wide sheets. "Apyos re re Kai evpvayvia Mv/cr/yty. A. 52. 1, r]s, fj, P. N. [Euryale,] one of the Hesperides. 20etrw r', EvpdX^ re, rd re Xvypd TrdQoverd. Hes. Theog. 276. s, ov, 6, P. N. [Euryalus,] the son of Mecisteus. Apfjaov Kai '60eXrtdv t^ei/dp^e. Z. 20. EPITH. Mevexap/^s, ^por^Xotyw laos ZaodZos 0WS. i, ;s, ^, adj. [late regnans,] widely-ruling. Teaadpes* ws 'dXa Beds evpvdvaffffa. Call. 6. 121. SYN. See EvpvKpeiwv. arr)s, ov, 6, P. N. [Eurybates,] the herald of Ulysses. 'AXX' oye TaXOv- fiiov re Kai Evpv(3a.Tr]v TrposreeiTre. A. 320. PHR. K//p>^ 'I0doycrtos, yvpos tv &fjiOiaiv y yutXdroixpoos, ov\}Vos. r. 246. Evptifiiti, ye, r], P. N. [Eurybia,] the daughter of Pontus and Terra. Evpvfiirjv, abafjia.vTd's evi 0pe'/, adj. [concinnus,] neat, well proportioned. 'Erfas yt- evpvfyois irp&Ptpaolv. Plut. 759- s, adv. [concinne,] neatly. 0es 5) r^r d Cycl. 560. vpv^epws, w et wros, 6 et rj, adj, [lata cornua habens,] large-horned, "fts 1 See a very learned note in Dr. Maltb/s Thes. 372 EYPY EYPY evpvutpus fiovs. Moscli. 2. 149. SYN. Ktpuos, Evpv/cXetd, as, ?/, P.N. [Euryclea.] 2ri/ >' dp' eV ouc56V twi', Trpos 6' E}pi/cXetdi> cei7ri>. v. 128. EPITH. 'UTTOS Ovyarrjp, irepfypwv, <^>tXr/, rpo<^os. EvpvKoXTz-os, ov, 6 et /, adj. [spatiosurn sinum habens,] having a wide bosom. 'OjudX6> efy>ico\7roi/. Nem. 7-49. Evpvicpe/wv, oaos, o, adj. [late regnans,] widely ruling. "Hpws 'ArpiS/?s ei>pv- Kpeitav 'Ay ape fit* wi 1 . A. 102. SYN. Ewpvo-^er/js, evpvfiirjs. EvpuXei^wy, wj'os, 6 et ;, adj. [lata prata habens,] having extensive meadows. Nvv & evpvXcipuv. Pyth. 9- 95. EvpvXoxos, ow, 6, P. N. [Eurylochus,] one of Ulysses' companions. '*: o' I0ope K\ijpos ptyaXriTopos EvpvXoxpto. K. 207. Evpv/mx#s, oy, 6, P. N. [Eurymachus,] one of (lie suitors of Penelope. Tt}v 6' avT Evpi)//d)(os TreTrvv}j.f.vos avriov rjvba. (p. 320. Evpv/iovord, TJS, rj, P. N. [Eury medusa.] Fp^vs 'ATretpua; daXcitjirjTroXos Evpiy/^- Sovera. ??. 8. Evpv/xcSwi', OITOS, 6, P. N. [Eurymedon; 7em adj. late imperans et curans,] (2) widely ruling. Evpv^ilSwv, i/tos TlrdXe^aiov Yleipaibad. A. 228. See also Pyth. 3. 6. EPITH. 'Ayd7rr>a-p. s, ov, o et r;, adj. [latani frontem habens,] having a broad forehead. y vTroffTayya TO flowv ylvus evpi/yuerwTrw^. v. 212. ;s, ov, 6, Patronym. [lilius Eurymi,] the son of Eurymus. TifXt^os Evpvfj.ibqs, os fJLavrdavt'r) eneKaaro. i. 509. Evpvyo/z??, vjs, >/, P.N. [Eurynome,] a daughter of Oceanns, and mother of the Graces, (see Hes. Theog. 358. and 906.) also an attendant of Penelope ; (see . EvpvvwTus, ov, o et ?/> adj. [latoj habens humcros,] broad-shouldered, athletic. OvS' evpvi>(i)TOt )s, ov, et evpvo^/, OTTOS, adj. [late sonans, vel prospiciens,] widely sound- ing or seeing. Avros be yjpvaewv e-rrl Qpoiov efyVjira Zeus. 0. 442. See also 0. 206. SYN. 'Epiybownos, fiapvybovTros. Evpi/TTopos, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [amplos habens rneatus,] wide-across. Kat TUT% b>} Trdpd diva daXacrfftjs evpvTropotd. b. 432. SYN. Evpvobews. EvpvTTpwicria, as, ff, subst. [amplitudo podicis,] broadness of bottom. Kai (T^iipa Kvpv7rpu)Krl r tv. Vesp. 1070. EvpvTrpwKTos, ov, o et r/, adj. [qui arnplo podice est,] having a broad bottom. "Eei riva yvw/jiriv fx e(V TO pi) evpuwpuKTOi elvat. Nub. 1084. EvpvTrvXq, TJS, rj, P. N. [Eurypyle,] a woman beloved by Anacreon. Sardy b' EvpvirvXrj ptXei. Anacr". 62. 1. Evpv7rvX))s, tos, et evpviriiXos, ov, 6 et rj t aevovTai err evpta rwrd . B. 159- SYN. FlXdrvs, /ueyds. , ov, o, P. N. [Eurysaces,] the son of Ajax and Tecmessa. Evpv- aaKes, 'iffX*> ^ l foXvpp'd^ov aTptywv. Aj. Fl. 576. ds, o et ^, adj. [potens,] having extensive power. T H voirol, ' EYIE 373 374 EY2E EY2T EvffeX/*os, et evffffeXpds, ov, o et //, adj. [bonis instructus franstris,] well benched, fast-sailing. "EOrjK* ubeX^i)^ evrvs ev/, adj. [prospcra signa dans, fauslus,] auspicious. Ei/o-r;- /uoV re 0aepoi> ITTTTOL. N. 31. SYN. Tali's, 0oos. , v. [bene instructus sum,] to be well prepared. Ourw yue> evvKevov- K be T&vti ep.oi. Aj. Fl. 823. SYN. Ev-rreXXoyuat, evordXi^o^at, Trdpa- Ei;/, adj. [quod facile adnmbratur, opacus,] well-shaded, dark. EvffKlaffrdr alev. CE. C. 1708. See also Theocr. 7. 8. JLvffKoirbs, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [providus, speculator,] well fitted for observation, quick-sighted. ILirevbovras beTraevaiv evcrKOTra} 'Ajt>yef0o>'r|;. rj. 137- SYN. 'ErroTrrj/jO, evGTo\os, TrpoaKoiros. Evo-ota, os, >/, subst. [salus, incolumitas,] safety. ZcDvra r' evvotas xaptv. CE. C. 390. oos, ov, o el ^, adj. [bene salvus,] safe, well preserved. E(/6fr', evc-oa reci'd. Theocr. 24. 8. , s, >/, subst. [animi praestantia,] courage. T?]s /i/ Rhes. 192. SYN. EvroX/na, Evo-TTopos, ov, 6 et >;, adj. [fecundus seminis,] well sown, fertile. "Oo-d r' eudvov r' 'Atjiptiblnp. 6. 267. SYN. s, ov, 6 et //, adj. [" bene calcatus, ideoque densus et bene textus,] well trodden, closely woven. "E,v& ai> Tvvbaplbrjs pev Evamrrov 0ero apos. Apoll. 2. 30. SYN. EvjrpeTrros. vffroX/5w, v. [apparo, orno,] to arrange well, to furnish, to adorn, ^rjfjieiois V(TTd\i(7fjievas. Iph. A. 255. SYN. Ev oreXXw, Trdpafffceva^w, KaraoreXXw, ev- , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [bene instructus,] well fitted or furnished. 'ETT' evoro- Aov ru^eias vtws Tropevo-atyu'. Philoct. 51 6. SYN. EvordX)s, evKoaprjTos, evet- , v. [concinnum ore caritum modulor,] to sing beautifully. "E, silere,] having a fair mouth or tongue. EiWo/z 1 e^e, vol. b.riTdbt; Philoct. 201. SYN. Ev- . 408. and Iph. A. 293. SYN. E^TrXeo/s, evTrXeu-os. EvffrvXos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [pulchras columnas habens,] decorated with fine columns. IIpos aav avAai', evorrvAwi'. Iph. T. 128. EvovpfiXriros, et evffvpfioX&s, ov, 6 et //, adj. [quod per conjecturas facile cognosci potest,] easy to be conjectured or comprehended, 'lib' OVK IT fvvpfi\r}T6s ?/ . P. V. 800. See also Choepll. 164. SYN. Evyi/worj-os, evyvvtros, , ov, o et fj, adj. [iutellectu faciiis,] easily intelligible. Tolai fioav. Iph. T. 1693. SYN. EviraibevTos, evoroyos, ffdyos, fyvtros. Evov/jfyos, ov, o et //, adj. [sui et elegans pedum forma,] having a beautiful ancle. IIXr}oraffa K\i^aKTi~]pas ei>a ov-' ei/o-w/xarei^ ; Androra. 763. SYN. Ev- efcrta;, vyiaiva), ev e\ft). ILvaurpus, et poet. tiWwrpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [cujus rota3 bene ferro congluli- uantur,] well soldered or braced. ToJ pev yap tiiaawrpov en CLTCIIVTJS. Hes. Scut. 273. Ei/rcufros, ov, oet ?/, adj. [bene ordinatus,] well arranged. EveraXels, opyrjs Ka.1 P.EVOVS jj.7r\ijpvds. Vesp. 424. SYN KOfffltOS. Evrd/crws, adv. [ordi:iate,] orderly. Etrci fiabi^eiv fv Talolv obols evraKTws es KiOdptffrov. Nub. 964. SYN. Ei/o-^juoVws, evff^'ifjLCtiSf e^i/s, kv ra^et, Kara raiv. Evre et ^ure, conjunct. [(1) quando, (2) sicut,] wlien, as. FWaocos evvas evr av elfflbh) Ket'as. Alcest. 966. SYN. "Ore, o^rorav, ora^, 7)juos, ei-rrlp, tTreto;), wairep. Evretxrjs, tos, evre/xtos, et evre/x?s, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [bene munitus,] well walled, strongly fortified. Evretx^ Truyov. Androm. 1002. See also A. 129. and Horn. Ven. 112. EvrcKiaa, as, ?/, subst. [felicitas sobolis,] a fair offspring. Ftvos evrtKvtas XP$- vlov KaQapols. Ion 473. SYN. EvTraiSta, KaXXiiraibta. EVTEKVOS, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [felix prole,] fortunate in children. Few/it^ eDVt^oi, 0iXd. Phoen. 1076. SYN. EVTTOIS, TroXvyo^os. EvreXetci, as, ?), subst. [parva impensa,] frugality, cheapness. Ets evriXetav ^r]vl ffvyyeypanjUEi/y. Aves 805. SYN. ^avXorrjs, tyetbw. EbreXijs, cos, oet r/, adj. [facilem impensam praebens, vilis,] cheap, frugal, paltry. '6 }$, tbuXos, ^avXos, o TV-^V. EvrcXt^w, v. [vilipendo,] to degrade, to despise. BeXos jjvTeXtg "Epuros. Anacr. 45. 10. SYN. 'Ar/5w, dflcrcw. EvrepTr^, ??s, ^, P. N. [Euterpe,] one of the nine Muses. KXetw r', ErepTriyre, 0dXem re MeX7ro>eVj; re. Hes. Theog. 77- 1 SYN. See Movvat. Evrep^s, cos, 6 et //, adj. [valde jucundus,] delightful, sweet. "T/zvwv cie^' tu- repTrcs avdos. Olymp. 6. , ov, o et ;/, adj. [bene sectus,] well cut. A^c b' omaw xc'P$ IfJiaoi. $. 30. 1 See note at the word 'j 376 EYTO EYYA EvroXyufa, as, /;, subst. [audacia, confidentia,] good courage, resolution. Ov- TOI dpaaros rob' earn', ovb' evroXyum. Med. 469 SYN. Qpaavrrjs, ev^v^la. JLvroXfjos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [audax, confidens,] courageous. TXri/uwv ova ctTr' ev~ roX/iov typtj'ds. Agam. 1573. SYN. Qpavvs, evipw^os, TrpoOv/utos, ^afjilv^s. EvrcX/^tos, adv. [audacter, confidentcr,] courageously. IIpos /3wjuor evToXfjus wards. Agam. 1269. SYN. Ev^v^s, vpddvfiws. Evrovos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [validus, firmus,] strong, firm. EVTOVOV, aypot.KoTf.oov. Acharn. 673. SYN. BfyuMrfc, eiyttyj/s-, yevvalos. EVTOVWS, adv. [acriter; magna contentione,] firmly, tenaciously. 'ls evrovws, w Zev /Sdo-t'Aev. Plut. 1096. SYN. '[a^ypias. Ei/ropi'os, ov, 6 ft ?/, adj. [(1) tornatu facilis; (2) pulchre tornatus,] easily turned by a lathe, beautifully polished. "ITVOS r' EV evropvoiai TrlptSpojuots tfywy. Troad. 1197. Evrpcbrecjos, ov, o et //, adj. [qui multos in mcnsa excipit,] who receives many at his table, hospitable. OVK cu-paTreZos, a\X' en-aicriiot Qari'at. Eur. fr. Stenob. 3. 2. EvrpaTreXds, ov, o et >/, adj. [lepidus, urbanns,] facetious, witty. O^r' erros ei/rpdTreXor. Pyth. 4. 186. SYN. 'Ae~is jjfirjs reXijs. Med. 920. See also . 530. SYN. Ei/ BpeTrrds, ev TraibevTos, iriwv. Evrp7r)s, eos, et evrikos, ou, 6 et //, adj. [paratus,] ready, prepared, compliant, propitious. 2u /ue^ rd veptitv evrpeirfj TTOIOV, yvrat. Here. F. 495. See also . Suppl. 970. SYN. 'Erol^os, irpo^eipos. igu, v. [paro,] to manage well, to arrange, to prepare, 'fls xepvififs t. Iph. A. 1111. SYN. 'Eroi/mEw, eapTvb), (cdrafTvevac'w, irw, ETrlKoafjLf.ii). /v^s, ov, 6, adj. [tridente insignis,] distinguished by a trident. Ewr/otai- vav o ft airy. Olymp. 1. 117. See Hdaeibon>. , ov, o et ^f, dj. [bene comatus,] having thick or lone; hair, bushy. Ka-earac,' evrp^ov yereiabtis. Here. F. 929. SYN. See vrjod^dXos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [rotundus, p!anus,] round, level. Tpt/^eVut xpl \evKov evrpdxaXv (.v aXwrj. 1 Y. 496. SYN. E.vTpi>xos t VKVK\OS. ov, o et //, adj. [bene currens,] easily running. "Ev0' ov KCV pla po-xoi' apfj.a riraivtav. M. 58. SYN. 'EXa. Iph. T. 350. SYN. Ev Trparrw, eo), evirpayew, ev Trao-^w, et'/^ui-pfw, KaXtis Trparrw. PttR. 'E 77 ^oet^, adj. [laude digims,] well worthy of praise. Odis r' up d u) TTUVTWS evvfjivov eoVrd ; Horn. Apoll. 20?. SYN. HdXvvpvos , auA'i- (3oi]70S. EvvQris, Zds, 6 et r/, adj. [bene textus,] well woven. "OTWS tiepys pot roVSt y evv^Trtn-Xdv. Trach. 6*11. SYN. Evj'rjrds, Xeirros. Etydperprjs, ov, o, adj. [pharetra insignis,] distinguished by the quiver. 'ITU KXuyya' rov efydperpav. Trach. 208. , tds, 6 et /, adj. [pulchre splendens,] beautifully shining. Uatrnv yaldv, cvfayyf)* ibe~tv. Pers. 386. SvN. KaXXtyeyy?/$, Xapirpos. v. [(1) faveo lingua, bona verba dico, (2) gratulor,] to speak well, to speak words of good omen; to congratulate. Ov pfolov fip6To~iaiv opd. Hec. 659. SYN. 'ETrev^ew, evXdytw, et^ro/UEw, tTroti/tw, m, as, //, subst. [bonum omen, fausta prccatio,] a good omen, an auspi- cous prayer. Ev^^iav dvelire, Kal rjiy^v arpary. Iph. A. 1563. SYN. EuXoym. Efyrwos, ov, o, P. N.and (2) 6 et >'/, adj. [(1) Euphemus, (2) boni ominis, faus- tus,] (1) Euphemus, one of the Argonauts, commander of the Ciconians, (2) well omened. Taivapov avr eirl Tolat \tTrwi> Efyrjfjds tKare. Apoll. 1. 179. SYN. (2) Evuvvfjids, aialos., adv. [auspicate,] auspiciously, piously. Kcu vvv a0' ayvov ardfiuTos cvtyripws ca\d). Eumen. 287- SYN. Ev^. Troad. 127. SYN. See Ev^s. EvQtXijs, eds, et ev0iX??ros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [dilectus, jucundus,] well beloved, dear, pleasant. Yevoiro 6' ovv /uoXoiros evtyiXij \fpci. Again. 34. See also 104. SYN. Tpt7To0^ros, TTjOOO^iXj/s, QtXrjTos, dyinrrirvs. Tra/Sos, adj. [pueris amicissimus,] very fond of children. "A/uepov a. Agam. 700. os, ov, o, P. N. [Euphorbus,] a noble Trojan, llavddlbrfs EvQopflds, 6s oTo. II. 809. EPITH. RovKoXtbrjs, driprjTvp, Sovpuc fjids, 7TpiKa\X}]s, AopSuros arijp. PHR. IldfOoy vtos ZvpfitXirjs, elbos afj.&[j.T]Tos. EvtyoprjTos, ov, 6 et 57, adj. [elatus ; item tolerabilis,] easily tolerated, vws, KOffjUld)S, CVKOfffjltoS. , f. avw, v. [exhilaro, oblecto,] to delight, to exhilarate. Td^6y TrXeov, 17 Xvire'if, Alcest. 245. SYN. fyai&pww, tvirepTrw, 0eXyw, r)s, r/, subst. [nox,] night. "6s fipepas rt K* evfptivas Bacch. 233. SYN. See Nv. Etypovws, adv. [benigne, laete,] kindly, joyfully. ITvXas avoias, irpoffevvEireiv. Hipp. 793. SYN. 'Hbeuts, Tepwvws, ay civ us, evdvpus. Etypotrvvri, ys, ^, subst. and P. N. [(1) lactitia, (2) Euphrosyne,] (1) mirth, (2) one of the Graces. To> napd KaXXicrrtQdvois ctypoavvats. Bacch. 372. SYN. Yavos, evOvpla, afipoavvri, afipdrqs, EPITH. 'Epdr), yXvKtpa, yXvK EvQpovpds, ov, 6 et fi, adj. [bene munitus,, vigil,] well guarded, vigilant. Swaiv 'Apydataiv evtypovaov Kapats, Dan. 23. , ovos, adj. [hilaris, laetitiam afferens,] glad, cheerful, generous. " Kal olvoy evtypova, Kapirov dpovpr)s. T. 246. SYN. Ev8vp6s t el titr, >/vs, iXdpos. s, Ms, 6 et ^, adj. [habilis, ingeniosus,] well fitted by nature, ingenious, tall, robust. EvQvees, Kvrjpai T\ qbe ffvpd ifaV vnevcpde. A. 147- SYN. Meydy, laxypos, KaXos, ay\ivoos, 7rtetK/s, bpaffrrjpws, evyro^ds. aKTds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [bene cnstoditus, tutus,] well, guarded. 'Er rif- Pro*. Lex. 3 B 37B ET4>Y ETftN \aKry ' effrV rovrtt b' kv /udx??. Here. F. 200. SYN. 'A/, adj. [pulchra folia habens,] having fair foliage. Boencas . Helen. 1330. SYN. 'EpfyvXXos, fiaBvfvXXos, Tavv^v\X6s t , oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [bene sonans, sonorus,] sweet-sounding, melodious. Eirj fuv, ev^wrwv irTtpvyeoalv dep-0et>f'. Isth. 1. 90. SYN. s, ou, 6 et //, adj. [e pulchro aere factus,] of fine brass. ev%ciXKoV Xvve be yvla. H. 12. * s adj. [facetus, gratiosus,] agreeable, acceptable. Eirj T 'Atypobira. Heracl. 804. SYN. Xd/oie/s, 7rt^dpis, dydTr^ros, r/i)s, e tp, e*p^rs, 6 et //, adj. [manu praestans, fortis,] brave, valiant. opwj'-r'. Olymp. 9- 165. SYN. 'A^5pe7os, Itr^ypos. wros, oy, 6 et >/, adj. [facile superabilisj easily handled, easily con- quered. KretVcaei' Ev^eipwrov 'EXX^wv arparov. Pers. 458. SYN. 'Aer0v>/s. * Ev^epeid, as, ^, subst. [facilitas,] ease. Ev^epe/^t tyvapfjiocrei fiporovs. Eumeti. 498. SYN. See Efyupem. Eixfp>)s, os, 6 et /, adj. [facilis,] easy. "Opa o-v, /LI?) vD*' /^ei/ rts ev^Eprjs Trdpps. Philoct. 526. SYN. EvKoXo*, evTrerr/s, p/, adj. [bene virens, frugifer,] verdant, fruitful. Tw 6' ets tTro^v. (E. C. l6()0. SYN. Stro^opos, 0epe<7/3to$, i, v. [(1) precor, (2) glorior, (3) profiteer,] to pray, to boast, to profess. Totwv^e Tm/Sfaij/ yvrialuv ev^ov rv-^iiv. Hipp. 1453. See also 0. 467* SYN. 'ETrev^ofuiai, Trpoaev^ofjiaif beopat, U'ereuw, 7rt0i;jUW, Kav- Xdo/^ae, eTrayyeXXo^tot. El/x^p^os, ou, 6 et rj, adj. [pulchras chordas habens,] beautifully stringed. 'AXX' d/^ws ei/x^p^oi/ eyetpt Xvpav. Nem. 10. 39 Ev^os, tos, ro, subst. [gloria, decus,] glory, honor. EI>XOS e^uo/ Swo-eiv, b' "Albi K'Xvr67rwX&). E, 654. SYN. Ao^d, ifXeds, Tipr), ev^wXy), Kavxrjfji EPITH. "E^7roj/, ao-7TToJ>, afyftlrov, aytipaov, apiri\6v. Ei/xpoo ? , oy, ei/xpws, w, adj. [bene coloratus,] fair-colored. Ev^ptyv ye Kaird7TVTici fcdXws. Lysistr. 205. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [auro abundans,] abounding in ^old. *A TOV ov ev*xpvrTOv re/ueis. Philoct. 397 ^, rjs, rj, subst. [votum,] a vow, a boast. Kabbe Ktv ev^io\y Kai Tpwai XtTrotev. B. 160. SYN. Ev^^ ev^us, Kav^als, Qvala. EPJTH. > as > *J> subst. [animi prtestantia et fortitude,] nobleness of soul. b' eXeyxos, ovyl TO\ ev\^v^ias. Here. F. l6l. SYN. EvroX/aa, a/- Ev\l>vxos t ov, b et ^, adj. [qui generoso et alacri est animo,] noble-hearted. OoXXdiv vtuv ydp, Kctv ytpwj/ ev^v^os y. Androm. 765. SYN. EvroXjuds, OapcrdXfos, roXju^pos, evQvpos, ev^pwv. Eww, v. [ustulo, uro,] to singe, to burn the hair off. Euet dre-p 5aXoD, mt w/w^> y^pdi biuKev. Hes. Op. 703. SYN. Keu'/, adj. [(1) fausti nominis, (2) sinister, per efytyutff/jov,] of FJ&ET auspicious name; left. Evwyfyo/ re, Kal biairav 7/Vrtm. P. V. 499. SYN. Ev Cycl. 346'. SYN. AncVi//rf, eartdw, tvtypaii'ouat. , as, v, sub*t. [convivium, epulae,] a banquet, an entertainment. '* vw^tav. Ran. 85. SYN. See Aa/s. , poet. tTraXXo/mt, v. [insilio,] to leap upon. "Ev0d ot utds 7rdXro Tlv\atfjiVOS fiaaiXfjos. N. 6"43. SYN. See 'ETriTrr^dw. ^dXds, oy, o et r/, adj. [maritimus,] on or near the sea. Krypd-floi/ r ' tyaXov, A/oy r* atTrv iTToXteBpov. B. 538. SYN. 'AyxtdXds, TrdpdXtos. 0ai'^dvw, v. [complaceo ; gratus sum,] to please, to be agreeable to. Boi/- X?)/, ij pa Bloialv tfa'ivbavs priTiowai. H. 45. SYN. 'Ar^dj'w, dSew, apeatcw. ^aTrrw, v. [(1) tre act. v. illigo, alligo, (2) in med. v. attingo, capesso,] (i) to bind, to attach or fasten to, (2) to touch, to undertake. Ai-wr, TTOT^OV l^a-^as. Olymp. 9. 91. SYN. (l)'E''a7rrw, t^airrw, KaQaitTw, fTrapraw, (2) O.TTTO- /uat, uaddTTTdfJiat, ^r/Xd^dw, kyyeipHii), QanTup, dpos, 6, subst. [qui aliquem contrectat,] one who feels or touches another. "Ayetv QeXovres pvalwv t^cnr-opes. ^sch. Suppl. 736. qxtpfjiQgw, f. oo-w, v. [accommodo,] to adapt. Et ot tyappoffacie, KCU e ayXdd yi/7d. T. 385. SYN. 'Ap/uofw, KaOappo^a), ovvap^^io, o 'E^a^is, ews, r/, subst. [contrectatio,] a touching or handling. ETTtJJVVlJUq,. ^LSCll. Suppl. 4:6. cfebpevu, v. [insidior, insidias colloco,] to lie in wait for, to watch. 'Ev ^ rdS 1 ayyos rwS' efyebpevov Kapq. Eur. Electr. 55. SYN. 'ErcSpeuw, e7rt/3ovXeuw, (j)Zd[, evebpas reKraivopai. tyebpds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui in sella sedet ; assessor,] sitting near or on, watching. Tlrepovvros etyebpov '/TTTTOV. Ion 200. SYN. "ETTO-)(VS, avTiiraXds. ^ec^o^at, v. [sedeo,] to sit upon or at. EvpwTav e^eio/ut^ot. Helen. 1491. SYN. 'EyKtifle'cJd/iai, TriKaBedpat, 0tcdrw, tfyebpevio, eirtKeipat. ^eXfcw, et e^eXfcvw, v. [attraho,] to draw or bring on. IloXXds e^eX tyopas afjiY)xai'Ovs. Med. 552. Sree also Theocr. Ep. 22. SYN. ' et 0e<77ro/xat, v. [insequor; sum comes,] to follow, to be a com- panion. "Ayei 6', dyct rii'* ct & tyel-Trer'. Orest. 1444. See also //. 34J). SYN. 'E7rd:oXoi;0W, tTro^ufJt, vTrorcHTaopat. 07rw, v. [persequor,] to follow closely, to press upon. Toovrous 6' eti-;il upon, to advance slowly. Micros etyepTrvaas' Trdrdyei 6' vpe7d fid\no-<7d. Theocr. 22. 13. See also Plut. 675. and Alcest. 279- SYN. Upoaep, cpirv^u), TrapeifTbvdfJiat. Trapetaepxo/jat, tirepxo/jat, Trapaylyvdf.iat. 'E0ew/, Tobrris, tyvptis, bltcaaTijs. ' V/u}), T/S, r/, subst. [mandatum,] a command, an injunction. "Hcd/iev ?^r- ls OVK airtaTOvaat aeOtv. Iph. A. 634. SYN. 'EvroX/, fTTt/jroXv, , Trpoaray/ud. EPITH. 'Epdr/, Jcpvepd, (7d/, 380 'E^ei/joen/s, oO, o, subst. [inventor,] an inventor. Tov tyevperav -^dpeias. Anacr. 41. 3. SYN. 'A\<(>r}ffTris. 'E0evp/orK'u>, v. [invenio,] to find out, to discover. 2oei//mo/mt, v. [conviviis incesso, illudo,] to taunt at a feast, to make game of. Ourw TTOV feat . 'E0j7/3da;, v. [pubesco,] to grow up to manhood. Ovr' ey Tpufycualv, ovr ^g- fr'iaavTa TTW. Sept. Theb. 662. SYN. 'H/3dw. 'Er)(3tKos, f}, df, adj. [puerilis, puber,] youthful, blooming. Ei'yudrd KO.VT epiavev e^aftiKa' fla~ive ' $ a0Aws. Tlieocr. 23. 56\ "Er){3os, ov, 6 et //, subst. [ephebus,] a person grown to puberty, a youth. "AXdro /cat rdJyaX^ud, fcddoi/ 6' feVretrfv etyapov. Theocr. 23. 60. SYN. 'E0^cw, v. [pervenio, advenio,] to come, to arrive at. Kai p^v o5' dya avros (pr]Kt. Antig. 1257. SYN."H:w, 7rd|0^fcw, t^vtopat. >, v. [clavis infigo,] to nail on or in. SroAov yvvaiK&v* T&V& . ^Esch. Suppl. 9^1. SYN. Lp/yyw. t, v. [insideo,] to sit upon, at, or near. Bpras TE rovfiov rw6 . Eumen. 412. SYN. 'E^eio^at, 7m-a0ec?d/iai. , ov, 6 et r/, et fyriptpids, a, ov, adj. [diurnus, unum diem durans s. vivens,] enduring for a day, mortal. ! Iw, tw, TravbaKpvr l^a^p^v. Orest 6 6. See also 6. 223. SYN. avvr), TJS, >/, subst. [mandatum,] a command, an injunction. Au j Trdcrdv erjoavviv aTreenrev. TT. 340. SYN. ' - 'E<0os, >}, dV, adj. [coctus,] cooked, boiled. Td b' CK \e(3r)Tds efyQa KO.L Kdra. Cycl. 246\ 'E0tdXXw, f. ciXw, v. [immitto,] to send to. Tw KCLI ol yfjpas pev 7rt brjvaiov taXXfv. Ap. 2. 183. SYN. 'ETTiTre^Trw, 0i?/)ue, 7rt/3dXXw, 7rt^eipw. 'E^idXrijs, ou, 6, P. N. [Ephialtes,] one of the Titans. Mlro*' r' avTiBeov, r^Xc- tfXetroV r' 'E0tdXrrjv. X. 307 'E0cat, e^fKveo^aif KaraXajjifiavb), KciO^iKvedfjatf td- 'E(j>i{.tepds, ou, 6 et ?/, adj. [amabilis,] engaging, charming. Afra //ot ri) 0iXos TOV tyt'fjtpdv vfjivov aeivys. Theocr. 1. 6l. SYN. 'I^uepros, /, adj. [qui equo insidet ; equestris,] seated on a horse, equestrian. KXvSwi/ ^ITTTTOJ/, kv peay KVKM^VOV. Soph. Eleclr. 735. SYN. "iTTTreios, iTrniKos, TTW\IKOS, tTTTrorrjs. 'EtyinTapat, v. [involo, advolo,] to fly, to pounce upon. *fls dpd ol elirovri 7re7r- rdro beftos opris. N. 821. 'EQlarrifji, v. [insto,] to press upon, to come upon. Totdo' tirearr}, Qavftaffru Hlv d^Td. (E. R. 775. 'Ed>t*ra/mc, v. [priesum, adsto,] to preside over. Ktvals 6' 0iVrdyuae Soph. Electr. J92. EXE! uw, v. [vigilias circumeo,] to go round, to inspect, to explore. rai, Kwb()t'u(j)op^Tat, Travrdxn. Aves 1158. SYN. Kdrao-KtfTTj-w. 'E^oSidV, ou, ro, subst. [viaticum,] provisions for a journey. 'AXX' &v dQdvd- TOS, a) 'vbpes, 0ooi'' OVK f^w. Acliam. 53. SYN. 'Obawv, TOO^YI, air 6s. Etydbos, ou, 77, subst. [via, seu ratio,] access, a way. f ffy>pcus fydbots peXdvei- jjioalv. Eumen. 372. SYN. See 'Evooia. 'E0oXkis, ibds, /, subst. [navis parva ; appendix,] a small vessel; an appendage, an incumbrance. See iir'Evrojucu. '90X^0$, ou, 6 et fi, adj. [alliciens ; item prolixus,] calculated to attract, falsely alluring; prolix. Kcu /*// 7rpoXeffx os /"^' fyoXuSs kv \oyy. ^Esch. ^Suppl. 199. SYN. 'Emvjjs, /naKpds. '0o/iaprw, v. [insequor,] to follow after. 'AXX' 0fyeapre?roi> cat ofya Xd/3wjuev. 0. 191. SYN. v. [armo, apparo,] to arm, to prepare. 'OmrdTe SaTrd '. A. 344. SYN. , v. [intueor, observe,] to look upon, to inspect. 'HfXtos, os 7rdr' ^>d- p^ts, Kal TTO.V& enaKOveis. F 277. SYN. 'ETreTtJoy, ?Tt)3X7rw, TrpoffXevavw, Kadu- pdw, tTTiffKoirea), a7ro/3X7rw. 0eJpevw, v. [ephorum ago ; inspector sum,] to act as a magistrate, to superintend. FJlXero x&pas eopevew. Pers. 7 SYN. 'ETrt^KroTrcw, 7ro7r- w, et fyoppaivu, v. [irruo, aggredior,] to rush upon, to urge, to excite. O'/ HQI ep[jir]aav TroXf/uo^ 7roXi)SaK:pi)/ 'Axfw'. F. l6a. See also Pers. 213. SYN. 'E^op^udw, 7rdpop/mw, fTrorpuvw, optVw, fvopw. E0opjuj), rls, ?/, subst. [incitatio, invasio,] an attack, a way to attack, access. See in Eua^rjys. SYN. 'Opju>), 'E0u/3p/5w, f. to-w, v. [contutnelia adn'cio,] to insult, to speak insultingly. IloD ' Setvd rp^' e(f>vfipia)i> iroXet. Phoen. 185. SYN. 'Ev/3pi'c?tu, , ov, //, adj. [aquaticus,] aquatic, watery. Hawtxps' avrap dtj s /iyds, aiei> 0v5pos. ^. 458. SYN. See'^uSpos. , v. [decanto, celebro,] to chaunt, to celebrate, to appeal to. Tr olv aviayas Trjb' tQvpvfiaat -^ovl ; Eumen. 905. SYN. *Y/ui/W, ', ov, TO, subst. [post hymnum carmen,] a song after a hymn. " bfj robe KaXov l^v^vwv CTrXero $ //5w. Apoll. 2. 713. EXP. To lirl ry ... 'E0i)7rep0, et tvTrep6ei>, adv. [desuper,] from above, over. 'Afdpatfas oropetraj, ofteXovs fyvtrepde ravvaae. I. 213. SYN^TTrepOfj', KaGvTrepOev, virlpavu. E^vpT/, rjs, >/, P.N. [Ephyre,] the ancient name of Corinth, also a city in Elis, afterwards called Cercyra, and its inhabitants were called "iUepoi. N. 31. See Damm. P.N. "Eart TtoXis'EQvpr) ptfgyi'Apyl&i i**dfltirot&. %. 152. Exeyyvds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [fide dignus, qui promissa servat,] guarantied, trust-worthy. lot ^tj pfXeadac TYJV botnv & iixeyyvdy. Phoen. 771. SYN. vos, d^toxpws, aftoTTiffTos, d<70dX>7J. s, oi/, 6 et //, adj. [potens animi,] controlling the mind or passions. ii oi KaXr) 0uydr?7p, drdp OVK exedvfjLos. 0. 320. SYN. " , . , Ibds, ^ adj. [" naves detinens. Sic dicebatur piscis quidani cxiguus, quern naves retardare veteres fabulati stint." Doctiss. Blomf. in 1. c.J sliip- detaining. M^ rims avriirvovs Adrdots xportas tx^fjbas. Agam. 145. x7reu^s, os, 6 et //, adj. [amarus, mortifer,] bitter, deadly. Avrdp t>eir' avrolal faXos e X errVKes 0te/s. A. 5 1. SYN. Tlftpos, Oavdr^opSs. xe<7To^ds, ou, 6 et ?/, adj. [quod gemitus et suspina adfert,] wo-beann-:, deadly. Uepl o' lov e'xearoi'oV elBdp tfir), bl&KelfJUH, 'Ex0s, [heri,] yesterday. See X0fs. <;, v. [altercor; invisus sum,] to quarrel ; to be hated. r H br] \oiyid \ or lp exdobonfjffal ?/c0apros, z adj. verb, [odio prosequendus,] lobe bated. "Or' e%6pos ijfJirji', Is rovovb' exOapreos. Aj. Fl. 679. , ores, 6 et ri, adj. [invisus diis,] hated by the gods. Tts fiaXXov av ytvoir' avt'jp ; CE. R. 8l6. SYN. 0ofttbpo(j>6dpos, EKUToyKfyaXos, 0o I'm, Trucpa. EXtS^aZos, a, 01^, adj. [vipcrinus,] of a viper. Hetvos evtbvalov vepdev evtor bu- KZTOV. Call. fr. 161. x v. [haheo, &c.] to have, to possess, to be able, to occupy, to keep, to carry, to remember, &c. 3 T/iets tyy doid TO"IS (jovXevfjidaty. Hec. 331. SYN. Kdr^w, KpaTW, /cwXvw, JTX<>, ir dvrX&', VOL'IW, 0pw, bvvafjiai, fjLtjjirrjpat, tiri Graftal. 1 Hoc semper, illud nunquara usurpaverunt Traeici. Vid. R. P. Orest. 555. 3 Vid. R. P. ubi supra. 1 "EX also with an adverb denotes to be, and in translating into English, the a?lverb must ba construed as an adjective j thus opOus ex signifies, I am right. See Viger. p. 203. ZATP 383 , >), 6v, adj. [elixus,] boiled. OvSels ovS aicdpubov K-t, subst. [suspendium,] a suspended cord. FlXe/crots ewpats e//7r?- TrXeyfj.vr)V 6 6e. (E. R. 1264. SYN. Bpo^os, (ly-voyij. "Ews, vid. 'Hws. "Ews, i. q. ws, conjunct, [ut, dum, usque, interim,] until, till, while, so long as. "Ews ew'- fj.os afjs, veipZa aKidevra bovrioas. M. 157* SYN. MeydXws Tr^ewi', fliaitis, layvpos. ZaOtos, a, ov, adj. [valde divinus,] hallowed. KiXXav re 5d0^^, TeveSottJ re T^)i avaffveis. A. 39. SYN. 0e7os, ^ydfieos, evdy>/s. Zd/coros, ov, belt], adj. [valde iracundus, furiosus,] very angry. $a/?/s icev ZCLKOTOV rlva epjiieval, atypova 0' ai/rws. F. 220. ZaKwdos, ov, 6, P. N. [Zacynthus,] as island in the Ionian sea, now called Xante. AovXt^tw re 2dyuj/ re (cat vAj/ej'ri z ZiaKvvOy. a. 24-6. ZdXj/, 775, r/, subst. [procella,] a storm. Oou-tas I/TTO a\r)s. Aj. Fl. 352. SYN. dpd^j), deXAd, d^e/uds, \a(3pos, ^ei^v. EPITH. 'OfjLJ3poKTV7rds t air\rjaTd$ t , v. [(l) magna vi ago, (2) valde irascor,] to act with great violence. Yeivaro, KCU Cafj,vrjff KCU ripiatv y TrapaKoiry. Hes. Theog. 928. s, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [vehemens, validus,] violent, strong. Aetvos re 5d- re koXidvia) irHai bfipy. Apoll. 1. 1029- SYN. Etatds, afocpds, fjs, eos, 6 et rj, adj. [admodum plenus, copiosus,] very full. 2a7r\r)0fj baffKlov ye^etdSd. Pel's. 321. SYN. TIo\vTr\r)Oijs, Trafjar\r}dt}s t Za-rrXovros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [praedives,] exceedingly rich. M^* et ga o'ifferai tyepvas &OJJLOIS. Androm. 1282. SYN. BdfluTrXovros, evirtipds. Zairvpos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [valde igneus,] very fiery. IrepoTr^s zatrvpot, 5e KOVIV. P. V. 1120. SYN. AtdTTUpos, aTrvpds, Kairvpds, a(f>Xeyi'is. ZaTpfyvs, eos, 6 etr/, adj. [saginatus, pinguis,] very fat. Zarpe^eas' Trdaas o* dp' eTTw^ero, Xeicro 6' apiBjuoy. 5.451. os is here scanned as a dactyl. Here the final syllable of uA^ecrt remains short before the double letter Z : on this subject the learned Herman remarks: " Nusquam correpta vocalis invenitur ante { et ^, raro ante f, nee nisi in fine prsecedentis vocabuli, si f initialis est nominis propiii, sine correptione ista int>tro repugnaturi." This rule is doubtless true, and Dr. Maltby suggests a very ingenious reason why it is so. See his Thesaurus at the word ZanvvOos. 384 ZAA ZaQXeyrjs, cos, 6 et rj, adj. [valde urens, florens,] strongly burning, florishing. Zd^Xeyees TeXeOovtriv apovprjs Kapirov Zborres. tf>. 4>66. SYN. Zairvpos. ZaxpriS) Zos, 6 et //, adj. [vehemens,] violent. Za^pn^ aye/uwi/, oire i>0ta ffKtoevTa. E. 525. SYN. Btaios, /^lyds, /3dpi/s, Iff^ypbs. Zdw, et poet. c?tew, et c?ow, v. [vivo, vigeo,] to live, to florish. Zwaas op& HaXiaTa TWV povXevpaTuv. CE. R. 45. See also II. 15. SYN. Btow, Zem, as, ^, subst. [zea, far,] spelt, rye. See in Evpt/^vi/s. Zeibwpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [fertilis,] fertile. "E\:ot> VVKTO. peXaivav ETTI poi' apovpav. 0. 486. SYN. -BtoSwpos, 0pe>/3?6s, Qvaigoos, Kovporpotyos, rpo^t- fJlOS. , , as, >/, P. N. [Zelea,] a city in Lycia Minor. O "l6j7s. B. 824. , ou, ro, subst. [parvum jugum,] a little yoke. Ol 5' a?> KopaKes v, ol7^ Karupovfrl. Aves 582. Zevyi/ris, tds, >/, adj. [jugalis,] yoked. 'E|or' CTT' 'A^u^puo-w gewyfjTibas fTTTroi/s. Call. 2. 48. Zei/yX/j, 77$, a i/, subst. [pars ilia jugi, cui bos velmulus inserit caput,] the collar of the yoke. ZewyX^s e^nirovaa irapa Zvyov d^^orepoiffi. P. 440. a, dros, ro, subst. [junctura, conjunctio,] a bond, a fetter. Ets o? ' eto-TreTrrw/cd/iev ; Iph. A. 443. i, et $.vyvv(t), f. eiw, v. [jungo,] to join, to yoke. 'Ei> rotffiv CIVTOIS yapois. Helen. l653. SYN. ZeOyo.9, fos, ro, subst. [jugum, par, vehiculum,] a yoke, a pair, a carriage. Zevyos Trpo bo/Jiuv. Audrom. 495. SYN. ZevyX*;, 5i)yos, aeXfjta. EPITH. TLvyKporov, KaXov, 0iXt6v, Tplirapdtvov. ZevKrrjpiov, ov, TO, subst. [juguni,] yoke. Tolovbe Tpo/^t 7rept/3dXwv evKTijpiiav. Agam. 512. Zevs, gen. Atos et Zrjvds, P. N. [Jupiter,] the fabled king of the gods. Qaparec Tre^evyas rov tpov tKetriov Atd. Hec. 345. SYN. K.povibr)s, Kpov/wy, gen. iovos, et Kpo^twr, ge n. luvos. EpITH.^AyXdos, dyavos, aXefypopos, dXe^a'dvos, ayvos, a'iBplos, nlyw\os, airos, adavards, apyiKepavvos, aplr)Xos, aKdjudros, afieiXi^ds, aoTpo7r7?TJ7S, apyj^s, (3api>oirr)s, /3dpu/3peyuen?s, papvfipdfjids, flapvybov- iros, flapvbovTros, epiadei'^s, tpijGpt/^tYj/s, epiybovnos, epicrfjiapayos, vpvd)\jj, fiupva- 0dpdyos, evpvrt/jtos, eKrjfioXos, jcpe/wv, ava t fiaaiXevs, ITTOI^IC/S, iKerrjfflos, epKclos, neyaodevtjs, ^eiXl^os, eXevQtplos, /uydXo/3pc^r;s, ^uisyds, KaTayQovWsy fj.r)TUTijs, TravroTrr^s, oi/ptos, Trpo^pwv, Trdvrap^os, TrfXwptos, 7 ?rayicpdr?)s, o^eVXids, TeXeatyopos, Tp7riKepavvos t ffTepOTrtjyepeTrjs, vv^/^vyos, fipefj.rr)s, Tai'vtTiTrTfpds, v^iaros, dpicrrds.'OXv/iTrtos, AwS(i>a7os, rTfiXacryi/co awrrjp, eratplos, biKaanoXos, faii'los, tyvlos, opKios, AtrvaTos, l^eartos, Kvbiarosy KXan-0^s, vnaros, TravvirepraTos. Vnn."lbr]6ei> [Jiebewv, F. 2 6fpi vaiwv. B. 412. Trarrjp avbpuiv T Qlwv TE. A. 544. dyd8oj> r /cdvo^ S. 237- avbpeaai vofipaTa Travra ov reXevry. 2). 328. dpD/j/ avbpeffvlv re plvvdei TE. Y. 242. j^/m oX/Sw avQpioifois. c. 188. ETrtn/^/rwp t^rdw>/ re ^/- >wj> TE. t. 270. epiybovuds vows "Hpqs. H. 411. ov, adj. [zephyrius,] of the Zephyr. Zetyvpiri irvdovoa, rd /zei/ $i/et, aXXd 5f ireaaet. rj. 1 19. Zfyvpds, ov, 6, subst. [Zephyrus,] Zephyr, the west wind. Ze^vpos >0a ffrv. e. 118. See also Plut. 1016. SYN. ^ovepos, t\ovetKfa, e(j>a/tiXXos. ffXds, ov, 6, ZrjXovvi'ri, ys, fj, et ^//Xwyuct, oros, 70, subst. [aemulatio, invidia,] rivalry, emulation, jealousy, envy. Z>/Xoj &v TTOT OIKOIS. Orest. 963. See also Horn. Apoll. 100. and Iph. T. 380. SYN. tytXtivciKla, 6oi'8s t euSat- luovia. EPITH. Bcipys, bvfftiXdbos, Xvypos, TriVpoi, blKaffiroXos, XevyaXeos, 6io- u), v. [aemulor, ambio, probo, invideo,] to emulate, to court, to approve, to admire, to envy. Z/?Aw 6' dyapovs UTCKVOVS re flp&rwv. Alcest. 903. SYN. id, vid. ZfyX&s. Z;Xwros, 7), di>, adj. [icmulandus,] enviable, desirable. Z^Xwros, eV ye roj nplv 'Avbpdpdxr] 'xpvvw. Androm. 5. SYN. Mdwiptos. Zirjpta, as, fj, subst. [damn um, pcena, mulcta,] a loss, a punishment, a penalty, a fine. Kepbij Trovrjpd r)[.uav j^e/i/'dro. Cycl. 312. SYN. BXd/3/7, (irrj, evrt- poXij, ETrlTifJilo)', Tipwoia, TTOtvr/, biKr). tSijfjiWb), v. [dam no afficio,] to tine, to punish. KaxosTrtyvKr), r)[jiiovoii> ol Oeoi. Ion 444. SYN. T/^uwpeoyuai, fiXcnrTto, aiKtcrd/ucti, d>'cupea>. Zi]Tvw,elr]TM, v. [qurero,] to seek. Zrjrfveir, 'Epfjtijv eiv. Horn. Merc. 392. See also Orest. 672. SYN. bi$rjf.tai, fiai.ojj.ait pdrevto, juedeTrw, ^ueraXXdw, epwrdw. Sfri^fid, dros, ro, et ^rijorts, ews, >/, siibst. [quaestio, investigatio,] a question, a search, an investigation. Ou pyblov crjrrjfjtd' xpa-d b' adXiuv. Bacch. 1128. See also Cycl. 14. SYN. 'Epwr7?/m, epwnjo-is, fldaravos, /udrr/, e^erdo-ts. Zr)rr)Tos, a, ov, adj. [qua3rendus,] must be sought. ZrjTrjreat ydp eere. b. Ka- Kodat'fj.(j)v eyM. Thesm, 604. Zorj, Ion. pro Zw?/, q. v. Zoos, Ion. et poet, pro Zwos, q. v. ZotyZpos, a, ov, adj. [tenebricosus,] darksome, gloomy. Ttrrjvcs vaiovvl, ireprjv \dtos Co0epo7o. Hes. Theog. 814. SYN. Avo^epos, GKOTZIVOS, optyvalos. tyus, ov, 6, subst. [caligo, tenebrae,] gloom, darkness. "Eaoov ov ydp ovbt yj/s V7ro o(j>ov. Hipp. 1414. SYN.^AxXvs, uptyvn, CTKOTOS, bvffls, d^T^Xr]. EPITH. 'ApydXeos, alros, djJirjxdvds, evpvs, tcpvepos, oyudeis. Zow, poet, pro Zdw, q. v. Zvyao-rpoi/, ov, ro, subst. [area, capsa,] a chest. Ko/Xy ZvyaoTpy bwptv, &(rrrtp eibere. Trach. 715. SYN. Xflpds, K-i/Jwros. r, ef 2vy8tip8s t ov, o et >;, adj. [jugum ferens,] bearing the yoke. __' fairovs cippdni vyr}opovs. Hipp. 1 183. See also Here. F. 120. Zvylos, a, dt>, adj. [(l)jugalis ; (2)epith. Junonis,connubii pra?sidis,] (l)yoked, (2) presiding over marriage. "Hp? re Zvyirj, Atos everts, Jj ptv tpmal. Apoll. 4. 96. SYN. ZVKTOS, ZvyuTos, avvyos. Zvyobzffijid'v, ov, ro, subst. [lorum, quo equi ad temonem ejusque antri- partem sunt juncti,] the traces of a carriage. 'Ec # fytpov zvyobeerftdv d/ia vyy evvedirrj-yv. ft, 270. Zvyds, ov, 6, et Zvyov, ov, TO, subst. [(l)jugum; (2) trutiua ; ( menti corrigia ; (4) caput citliarw,] a fastening, a yoke, the transverse beam 1 Some read OTJA.TJ/IOVCS. Pros. Lev. 5 C 386 zrra ziirr of the balance, a chariot, the bench or transom of a ship, the latchet of a shoe. , optyaXoev, ev oiriKeariv aprjpos. Ii. 268. Zvyw0p/c?, v. [perpendo,] to weigh, to balance, to bar. Kivrjadv avdis es avro, KCU c?i/yto0pi<7oV. Nub. 745. SYN. 'Arcucp/vw, ordQ/zdo/mt, tirow, avvapporru). ZvywToSy f), ov, adj. [junctus,] joined, yoked. Ai/3ves ^vytoroiv dpjudrwv CTTI-* ffrdreu. Soph. Electr. 704. SYN. See Zvyios. Zwayptd, wy, ra, subst. [przemia, quee penduntur pro vitae redemptione,] the reward given for preserving the life of another. Mvr/cr^ f/*e*', ori juoi Trpwrj <5waypt' o0e\Xets. 0. 462. EXP. Tct rjys 5wj/s xaptffri]pla. Zwypatyew, v. [ad vivum pingo,] to draw to the life, to paint. *Os rots rt/cpolo-t ioypa<(>e~i ras XrjKvOovs. Eccles. 99^- SYN. See Fpa^w. Zwypa^os, ov, 6, subst. [pictor,] a painter. "Aye, cwypct^wv apicrre. Anacr. 28. 1. SYN. See Tpafavs. Zwyptw, v. [vivum capio ; vivifico,] to take alive, to preserve the life of a captive ; to restore to life. Zwypet //, 'Arptos vie, av & ata befat airotva. Z. 46. SYN. ZwTrvpew, evQdXrj TTOICW, areye/pw, aj^op0ow, eye/pw. Zw), ^s, ^, et poet. ori, subst. [vita ; victus,] life; the means of living. Keu orvytpas 5wa$, w Trarep. Eurip. Electr. 121. SYN. Btos, fildros, einropla, o^ffta, Krj/ffts. EPITH. "AXevrpos, crrvytpa, apfipoaia, aXylvoeaaa, tXa^pa, Xvypa, XvTrpa, eTrtpo^Bos, TraXtVopo-os, ptvdeiKijs, fcciflapa, e/ufyvros. ZtoOaXfjuds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [vividus, almus,] lively, florishing. "AXXort S' aXXor eTTOTrrevet x f V ts 5w-0aX/^tos. Olymp. 7- 19 Ztifjia, tiros, TO, subst. [lorica; vestimentum quo cingimur,] a coat of.mail, a girdle. Zwjuci re, feat yut'rp^r, r))^ ^aXfci/es Kayuov ai^pes. A. 21 6. SYN. Zwv?7, ratvla, eVSvyua, 0apa^. EPITH. ^aefrov. Zwpevfjia, arcs, TO, subst. [condimentum,] seasoning, the ingredients of pottage. Tato-i rfeXoTrovvrjfftwv rplrjpeffi cwyuev/iard. Equit. 279- Zwfjublov, ou, ro, dimin. a (2) Zw/uos, ov, o, subst. [(l) jusculum, (2) jus,] broth, pottage, soup. Xwo-rrep /3povr?) ro ^plbtov Trdrdyel, feat ^etvd Nub. 389- See also Nub. 356. Zwvrj, TJS, r/, subst. [zona, cingulum, pera,] a zone, a girdle. ToCrov ETEKOV Kaepov b)vrjs inro. Hec. 750. SYN. Zworj/p, <5w/ud, Trept^w/ud, EPITH. Aep/^drti';?, TrapOevla, (pniriKoKpoKos, K'aXj), ^pvaeir). ZwrZov, ov, TO, subst. [cingulum,] a girdle. MoXis ydp e^o*' er ffKorw r Lysistr. 72. Za^i/jut, et 5wwvw, f. ToKoi re. Theocr. 25. 125. ZwTrvpew, v. [ignem sopitum accendo, ignifico,] to renew a flame, to kindle. ZwTTvpovol rap/3os. Sept. Theb. 276. SYN. 'Efa-eu'w, dt/aTrrw, dreye/pw, ev~- o, P. N. [Zopyrion.] 0apos, 6, subst. [cingulum, balteus,] a girdle, a belt. Toy pd ZbMTTrjpa fiaXev TeXd/uwrtos Alas. E. 6l5. SYN. Zo**/?;, reXd/iwi/, EPITH. 'Aprjpws, avatcris, baibaXeos, navaioXos, 0otVtK't Qaetvo's. HFHT 387 ov, ro, subst. [vcstimeritum quo cingimur,] a girdle, a wrapper. Zwerrpd Tf. KCLI TreVXovs KCLI pr'iyta fftydXtfevrd. c?. 38. SYN. See Zw/m. ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [ferlilis plantaruni,] productive of plants; fertile. cufja fiporo'iffl OaXXet. ^Esch. Suppl. S6'4. , poet, et Ep. pro Zdw, q. v. H. 'H/3ai#s, a, 6>, adj. [parvus,] little, small, short. 'Eirel uv ol tvi pevts ovb* '. H. 140. SYN. Baios, oXiyos, Ttavpos, oXl 'H/3dw, et poet. >;/3aw, v. [pubesco ; juvenesco,] to grow up to manhood, to be vigorous. riopfl/fo-fft' iifihffavres 'laprivov irdXi*>. Eur. Suppl. 1 224. See also e. 69. SYN. 'E^>J7/3d<*>, dniXXw, vea<*), 0aXXw, a.Kp.a$.tij. "H/3?;, ;s, >;, subst. [(1) pubes; juventus, (2) n em l>. N. Hebe,] (l) puberty, youth, (2) Hebe, the goddess of youth. 'Enei 6' es ijftrjv ?i\Qlv wpaiav yafjuav. Helen. 12. SYN. Neor^s, >/Xt/cm, a^. EPITH. (1) 'AyXaos, ay\aoyvios, , epanj, ev^at/uw^, 6a\epa, ycdpa, vectyis, ^X*^, 7ro\vr]pa.Tds t atypwv, epdretvj), (2) KaXXicrtyvpos, XevKoatyvpos, rtpfieffaa, , apppords. PHR. (l)^A^ ^'/3^. Alcest. 32^. s 5a)pd, Al- cest. 300. OaXepos r'lfirjs ^povos. Eur. Electr. 20. 7//3^s epuvbeos fjterpdv. A. 225. repe^ avdos eptKvbeos fjprjs. Hes. TheogjQSS. Tepirvas ^pvao(rrii^a.voi.(j Kupiros fflas. Pyth.4. 281. 'H/^rijs, ov, 6, adj. [puber,] in the vigor of youth, youthful, vigorous. Bpd- Xiovwv ebei&v r]fiiiTi)V TVTTOV. Heracl. 859. SYN."E0^/3os, aigijos, i)\i. *H/3i/XXtdw, v. [prae juventute petulans sum,] to be wanton through youth. 'H/3t/XXtw^ye- . Plut. 1159. eyuwt/, ovos; fiyr)Tt}p, ijpos ; f/yrjrT/s, ov; r/y^/rwp, dpds,o; et >/y//o>r7, T)J, >/, subst. [dux; praeses,] a leader, a guide, a commander, governor, mover. IloXts, rldrivrj, ftaKTpov, //yc/xoiv oSov. Hec. 281. See also CE. C. 1520. jEsch. Suppl. 247. B. 79. and Call. 3. 228. SYN. 'r^rjyrjrijs, dyeJy, aywyds, apxos, /SdfftXevs, orpdrr/yos. EplTH. 'AyaicXi/rds, ecrQXos, t00t/-tos, 0iXtJ$, Oto- 'Hyeo/zat, vid. ' , et >/yp0o/iat, poet, pro 'Aye/>6>eu, q. V. 'Ev QvXaKeacr'' Iva yap eirtypabov fiyZpEeffdai. K. 127. See also F. 231. a^w, v. [duco, praeeo,] to lead, to preside. NDv pkv bt) //dXd r/y7]Xd5et. p. 217- SYN. 'Hyefytai, dyw, 0pw, cXaww, , et /y?r^, vid. ' 388 HAEft HEPO 'H6ews, adv. [libenter,] agreeably, readily, gladly. 'AXX' r/ews epoiye Ka\yei- vws dpi. Antig. 436. SYN. Tep-irrtis, aXvTrws, evQpdvus, evfivfjus. "H5?7, adv. [jam, mox, protinus,] now, already, presently, immediately. "Het 6' 'Obvvevs offdv OVK i'jbr). Hec. 140. SYN. Nvi>, iraAcu. 'HSo^icu, v. [delector,] to be delighted. "O// trot u 1 Qavelv eV ore^udat. Ion 1309- SYN. Fdj'os, repil/ts, rpv(j>i) t tfbos, t-nl- ~Hbos, eos, 70, subst. [suavitas,] sweetness, charm, pleasure. 'H//wv iaraerai %bos, tirel re^Aifytpera Zevs. A. 318. SYN. "A^os, ^Soi/y), w^eXetci. 'H5i)j8o?7s, ov, 6, adj. [dulcisonus,] sweet-sounding. Kepaaa^ abvfloq. Bacch. 127 SYN. 'H6v$pdos, r/Sv^teX^s, evfi\r) , wros, adj. [dnlce ridens,] sweetly smiling. SyyeXwra. Horn. Pan. 37- SYN. friXo/jpeibhs. , ou, 6 et r/, adj. [suavem linguam habens,] sweet-tongued. 'A/i- oTpu)Oev y abvyXwa-aos, Olymp. 13. 141. Htoftnfo eos, et >/6i)Xoyos, oy, o et ?/, adj. [suaviloquus,] sweetly speaking. HSi)Tr)s avdpovcre, \lyvs lli)Xtwv ayopr^rtis.' A. 248. See also Hec. 131. SYN. MeXiyjjpvs, fjzXifyOoyyos, yK&KfafMW&s, tfj.tpdff>wvds, 7T7;n/s, avbfjeis, Svvdros et >etvos elirelv, Xtyetv. HSv0pdoy, ou, oetr/, et rjbvf.i\i]s, eos, o et ^, adj. [dulcisonus,] sweet-sounding. ITa^d fjtovauv abvdpdov. Eur. Electr. 703. See also Aves 659. SYN. . *HS- fiorjs, ijbvTrvdos. , vid. 'Hl7r/s. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [suavis, jucundus,] sweet, pleasant. /7 >a vto\\ovros, ijbvpov vwvov. Hom. Merc. 241. SYN. N^V/JOS, r/i)s. , ov, 6 et }/, adj. [suaviter spirans,] sweetly breathing. 'Hlvirvoovs avpas. Med. 835. Ho^TToXis, ews, adj. [gratus jucundusque civitati,] dear to the city. Bd/6u/, adj. [(l)aerius, obscurus ; (2)matutinus,] in the air, dark, in 'the morning. 'He/oior rore tJj; pd m/cr) Aios cilcrd irapeaTJ]. i. 52. SYN. 'Aeptos, (2) ttotiivds. 'Hepdetbijs, eos, et 7/epoeis, evros, adj. [obscure,] gloomy, dark. "H yuev oaa vv tit riepoetbea TTOVTOV. y. 105. SYN. 'Heptos, ffkdren'os, bvofytpvs, trts, tos, ^/, adj. [per aercm means,] air-tra ver -ing. 'AXXa Zevs Molpu Kal >}tpo(j)Q'i.Tis 'Epivus. T. 87. SYN. 'Aipo/3drovffd, aepalirovs. v is here scanned as a monosyllable. HEPO HAAK :JHJI vus, ov t o et //, adj. [elatam sen altam vocem habens,] having a loud voice. TLKJjTTTpd be xrjpvKwv ev X*P a ' *\& v ilipowro)v. 2. 505. SYN. MeydXtf- (pwros. HeYtwj>, wvos, 6, P. N. [Eetioil.] 'Hertwy, os tvailv VTTO ITXcu-y vXrjeffffr}. Z. 396. EPITH. 'AvrWtos, fjeydXyrutp, afJivpwv, oflpifAos. 'H/)p, epos, ?/, Ion. pro 'A>)p, q. v. [(l)aer, (2) caligo. "In posteriori significatu semper ponitur 'feminiiium ; in priori semper masculinum." Damm.] 'Hflds, abos, adj. [consuctus, familiaris,] accustomed, usual, familiar, intimate. Td natvd y etc T&V rjOdbwv, w beano-a. Cycl. 250. SYN. 'E0ds, TT)S, triiviiQqs, oiKelos, efyeaTWS, KOLVUVOS, i'lpepos. 'ROews, a, di', adj. [(1) venerandus; (2) subst. patruus,] dear, respected, a term addressed by a younger to an elder brother; (2) an uncle. TYa-re /uot, ^0e/i| Kt(j>dXr}, bevp' flXi}Xovdds \ Y. 94. Exp. 'Hfttaf irpocr^djvrfffis veurepov irpos irpevpvTe.poi'. SYN. 2e/z^o>', ayXdoTipos, delos, r/ydOeos, ^iXos. H0yuos, ov, o, subst. [cribrum,] a sieve. *H xaXKriXardv 37^0^ 7rpovx w '- Eur. fr. Eurysth. 1. 2. SYN. KOO-K-I^OJ'. Hflos, tos, ro, subst. [(1) rnos ; (2)consuetus habitandi locus,] manner, habit, custom, haunt. "AyptoV fidos, crrvyepav TE Qvaiv. Med. 102. SYN. '0os, rpoTros, 0i)^, (ptiffls. EPITH. "Affropyov, /3ap/3dpov, evatfies, a^/ei/, ^tXort/wov, ^varye^gs-, dvoXaoroi', k'ati'OJ'. Xoi'ytoV, f/uepoer, KtpbaXeov, Kebi'dv, KifibrjXoi', Kvba.Xlfj.ov, iriaTuv, TroiKlXof, irarpwlov, TroXwrpoTro*-*, ^uyytVts. 'Hia, et ?/id, item ^' fjloevri 1 Svd^tarSpw. Ii. 36. Hlos, or, adj. [jaculandi peritus,] skilled in shooting. *Ej>0d CTE, fj Seat Xoo^ v6dri K-aXw. Horn. Apoll. 120. SYN. EvaKdnds, EKt]fidXds, e ^s. et rjiovy ovos, //, subst. [littus,] a shore. Avns 6' r/to'a ptyaXrjv ^apa- KuXv^e. M. 31. See also Orest. 989. SYN. "Am/, alylaXos, o\0i), ^Js, EPITH. IldpaTrX?}^, Trpoi/x ^^"* ^^ph, fiiidela., fiapvbovnus, ctrdXirr, r Hl, adv. [leniter, quiete,] gently, mildly, quietly. Ei'dro ewvii/rws, rjiva ar/X- fiovras ZXaty. 2. 59^- SYN. "Hpe/^d, rjffv^ws, Trpyws. S, r), o>, adj. [scuticam nunquam expertus ; jugum nullum passus,] not having experienced the goad; unsubjected to the plough. "Hm, tepevo-e/^i', otc' tXlfjay. Z. 275. SYN. 'Afcevrrjros, dbduaards. "H/ctoros, vid. MtK'pos. "H/cw, v. [veni,] to be come, or arrived. "Hiccu rexpwv KevQpuH'u Kai OKOTOV irvXas. Hec. ]. SYN. Kd0/;u, eX//Xvfld, Trdpayiyvdfjiai. XatVw, y/Xaliri>\oiai KeXeve. Z. 491. See also rj. 105. SYN. 'ArpaKTos, EPITH. Ait>oK\u)ffr6s, 1 For the reason why the final syllable of Tjwfcm remains short before the initial 2* of 2*4tay- 5pos, see the note at the word ZdicwQos, 390 HAAS HAI0 'HXao-fcdcJw, et r}X. Orest. 23. EpITH. 'Apxjiydvds, bvarrjvos, beiXata, fiaQinreir\os, pobdrrrj^vs^ATXai'Tts. "HXecrpcu TrvXai, wv, at, [Electras Pdrtae,] one of the seven gates of Thebes. KdTrdveus, Trpoafjye Xijyov lir 'HXe/crpats TrvXcus. Phren. 1 145. 'HXe/crptVos, ov, adj. [ex electro factus,] of amber, bright, pellucid. See in "H\eKTpos, ov, o, et ijXeKTpov, ov, TO, subst. [mixtura ex auro et argento contfata, electrum,] a mixture of gold and silver, burnished gold. Xpvffov r' r/Xe/crpov TE Kai, apyvpov, 776' eXetyavTOS. 6. 73. EPITH. Atei/)s, ^(pvffavyrjs. 'tlXeKTpotiaris, eos, adj. [electri splendorem habens,] shining like electrum, glittering. AdKpi/w*' TO.S rj\eKrpo(j;aeis avyas. Hipp. 738. 'HXetcrpvuvr),* rjs, rj, P. N. [Electryone,] Electryone. Z&e S' dyaXXo/ieyos avv evcr(j>vpy 'HXeKrpv^jvy. Hes. Clyp. 86. , iovds, o, P. N. [Electryon,] Election. 'Eyelydr 'HXeKrpvtovds Art. Alcest. 855. , opos, 6, subst. [Sol,] the sun. TevxeatTrajjKpuivMV, &ar ^Xe^rwp vire- . T. 398. SYN. See"HXtds. s, adv. [temere,] rashly, at random, cursorily. Ty Kai or 7/Xlyudrws fjLaQdv cLVTlouvres. Apoll. 4. 1206. SYN. MdDjy, /mra/6>s, avrws. HXtos, et 77X05, r), ^r, adj. [stolid us, "J foolish, silly. Mevrop, draprrjpe, T/Xee, Troiov tetTres ; /3. 243. SYN. 'Ai/o/yros, /^wpos, /udratos, r/Xt0tos. v, 01, P. N. [Elidis incola3, qui et 'ETretot dicti,] Eleans. f fts feat ^7v ve7i:os erv^Orj. A. 670. s, w>/, a<, P. N. [Heliades,] the Heliades, the daughters of the Sun. , ravafjfftv etyfyevat alyeipourl. Apoll. 4. 6l. SYN. $d0ovrtd5e$, $de- QOVTOS ubeXtfiai. 'HXtacw, f. ^w et o-w, v. [(1) ad soleni expando, (2) in Helisca judico,] (1) to expand to the sun, (2) to be a judge in the court of Heliasa. 6. 'AXX' OVK e6' riXluZets. Lysistr. 380. SYN. (2) At/caw. "HXms, vid. 'HXtdSes. 'HXm, adj. [Heliasticus, judicialis,] of the court of Heliaea. f Y?ro- yaffTplov yepovrds 'HXtaaTiKov. Vesp. 195. 'HXt/3dros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [tarn altus ut soli uni sit pervius,] accessible only to the sun, very high. Twv r/Xr/3drwv Opovwy. Aves 1732. SYN. ' "HXt0d, adv. [effuse, valde, copiose,] very, exceedingly. YtvwaKeiv -ft yap fie &vr) e^L ijXWa TToXX?/. ^. 215. S YN. "Adpous, fftyobpa, /idXd, iravv, (JLOLT^V. 'HXi0tac?w, v. [stulte ago,] to play the fool, favr 7;Xi0mc?w. Equit. 1121. SYN. Mwpa/yw, fjXaivb), d^ato-G/yrtw. 'HXWlos, ov, adj. [stultus, vecors,] silly, foolish. 'ISov Kpepat" ws e(j>deyaro. Nub. 872. SYN. 'AvaioOrjTos, juwpos, a^pwv, aicXiipos, fj.aTO.tds. ow, v. [attonitum reddo,] to astonish, to astound. M>) pevas v /. P. V. 1097. SYN. 'Ar^w, e^TrXryrrw, 1 Homer gives different names to the three daughters of Agamemnon. Kai 'Iaibpa, f, ov, 6, et rjXt, t/cos, 6 et >/, subst. [par aetate,] a youlh of the same age, an equal in years. 'EwXeuo-as vyti/s 7rdi>?/X0' EJJLOS aXirtwras. Theocr. 14. 54. See also Here. F. 511. SYN. 'o^Xt^, <7im/X. IKOS, r], ov, adj. [quantus, quali aetate,] how great, of what age. '6p$ plv t], /Xuv-oi irpotry'ifjiWa. QE. R. 15. SYN. 'Ooos, Troffos, OTTOCTOS. IXlofiXiiTos, ov, 6 et ft, adj. [apricus,] smitten by the sun, sunny. Qpvytiv re Ilepircur & iiXlofjXrjTOvs TrXaKas. Bacch. 14. ov, o et >;, adj. [sole perustus,] burnt up by the sun, sun-burnt. ', aXioKavffrov' tyw be fjioros ^ifXr^Xwpov. Theocr. 10. 26. >, os, adj. [sole gaudens,] delighting in the sun. GaXwto-t /uto-q/ufp?- VOLS tiXWparrjs fioq. Aves 1095. >t}s, eos, adj. [sole privatus vel privans,] shading from the sun. IIwXov c* ffpart 6' /Xtoflrrp>/s. CE. C. 313. HXioori/3?/s, os, adj. [per quern sol incedit,] traversed by the sun. dvroXas 0Xoyw?rd 7/Xtotrr/ets, alOopevos, evpuoTr^s, XiTrdpo^w^os, fjiappaip(t)i', p.aXepos, ^npei'ijs, TrjXtfyavrls, ffetploeis, yXtov (3oXai. Orest. 57. 7/Xtoy ayvov Med. 750. tyaevvoi Xafjurriipes ?'/Xtov. Rhes. 59- KaXXfyeyyts rj\iov Troad. 853. 6s Trarr' 0op^ *:at Travr' 7rdicoi>et. /^. 323. TraWa;*' yuos fjXios. CE. R. 660. fl^etaf o yer'edXids euerlyuv Trarr/p, ?rDp 7r)'to'rw> > a^ i'TTTTwv. Olymp. 7. 128. aorpos ovpavlov rrjXavyeffTepos tyaus. Pyth. 3. 134. 7rcu'O7m/s fcu/cXos ?/Xtou. P. V. 91- roV at?rvr ovpavov bfyprjXarwv. Aj. Fl. 845. HXts, ros, >/, P. N. [Elis,] one of the divisions of the Peloponnesus. Svi/aoropES. Iph. A. 280. EPITH. 'iTTTnyXdros, ^7d, evpiJ^opos, / evbfypos, TToXvTra/uwr. PHR. Evaj'wp A.vbov IltXoTros UTTOIKICI. Olymp. 1. 37. HXirdprjvos, oV, adj. [natus ante completes menses,] prematurely born. 'E/c 5' dydye Trpofyowabe, Kai riXlTop.rjv6v HOVTO.. T. 118. HXtwrts, t^os, adj. [solaris,] sunny. 'A/vTZv' $ j/Xiwrtv* MS 5' flaX7TTo. Trach 699. 'HXiow, v. [rutilo,] to be red and flaming. Td o' Is aKpov //Xiwrras. Anacr. 29- 6. "HXos, oi/, 6, subst. [clavus,] a stud, a nail. 'A/u^i S' dp' ¬ffii> puXiro i$os' kv be oi fjXot. A. 59. SYN. TofjKpds. EPITH. Xpvaeios. 'HXvyrj, TJS, r/, subst. [tenebrae, umbra,] shade, gloom, darkness,. Qi>x ovbev, et 7^17 r^s biKrjs rr)V rjXvyrjv. Acharn. 684. SYN. 2*;ia, Co^os, an HXi/o-tos,, d, ov, adj. [Elysius,] Elysian. 'AXXd a Zs 'HXuvlov iribiov KOI TTC/- pdrd yalrjs. b. 563. PHR. See the whole passage from which the quotation is taken, and Olymp. 2. 109. and 128. ws, ii, subst. [adventus, ingressus,] an arrival, entrance. tiXVffw, 7rdpe;> epaTeivrjv. H. 226. SYN. IloXvoX/3os. uvos, o, P. N. [Emathion,] the son of Tithonus and Aurora. Kat avaKra. Hes. Theog. 984. 392 HMA0 HMI0 'Hpaddets, effffa, tv, adj. [arenosus,] sandy. He^u ' t$ 27rapn;r rl Kni flvXov T^tdfloerTd. a. 93. SYN. a^a0oV Tpaxvs. 7 Hyuat, v. [sedeo, infigor,] to sit, to be placed in. TIpds e^ \f;vx$ Opavos riarai. Alcest. 620. SYN. Kadijpai, eTriKadfjfjiai, eco^cu, IZCLVM. 7 H/mp, aros, TO, et fyulpa, as, ?/, subst. [dies,] a day. Kcu ju' ?]judp ?/c>7/ v/z- perpovfjiei'ov \pbvy. (E. R. 73. See also Hec. 317- SYN. Ows, (/>dos, ^. EPITH. AovXetor, Kvpiov, e-jflpov, \ev0po>, XvTrpor, flpaxy, 7T7rpw/;VoV, cte,\7rroi', uraXXt^eyyfs, Xet/^oTrwXor, yXikfpoV, aioifutov, ephcrfjluv, i>6arl^ov y ev- ', a.ljuu.roV. PHR. 'HXtoy dfcrts, fif.iepas ayvav tyaos, rpo^oi apiXXririipes r/Xtov, dXtou 7ra7s. 'H/uartos, a, or, adj. [diurnus,] daily. "Ev6d KEV rmariri per . r. 14p. SYN. 'Hptpfoios, eir )//udrt, ETT' ^pap. TTos, 77, or, adj. [nostras,] of our country. "Hi' HIT 'Aaovpiwv ). Call. fr. 152. , vid. T Hyudp. vu), \. [diem transigo; per diem aliquid facio,] to pass the day. . Soph. Electr. 78(). SYN. , o>, adj. [unius diei ; diurnus. Vid. Doctiss. Blonif. in 1. c.] of one day, daily. 7 ft X n ~ l P*> ^ c "A*' r ''')p MKTOS, iipipijaWv. Agam. 21. SYN. Kadq- fjtepws, TrifjtarWs, Travrjpepios. 'Hpepls, ibds, ?/, subst. [" vitis hortensis et ab hominibus culta, ad dirl'erentiam sylvestris, Tijs ayptabos." Darnm.] a cultivated vine. 'Hftepis ///3wwo-d, re^>yXet be orct0vX^at. e. 69. SYN."A/z7reXo, oivi). 'HjjtepoKoi-ds, ov, 6, adj. [qui die dormit,] one who sleeps in the day. M// Trore a fyuepo/ceuros}p d?ro < ^pijfJia& > eXijrat. Hes. Op. 603. 'H//poXey6o>', adv. [per singulos dies numeratim,] counting day by day. Td- Kees 6' aXd^oi & 1]fJitpdXtybdv. Pers. 63. "Jtyfjoos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [rriansuetus, cicur,] tame, gentle, kind. "Hpepov e^ avXr/s' 01 6' ivovTs ETTOVTO. o. l62. SYN. 'H0d$, vnoxeipios, xf.tporjQrjs, rt- Qaaaos, irpqos. 'HjutpoaKOTTos, ov, 6, subst. [speculator diurnus,] a spy by day. "OTTWS 6' d ros ^i/ ij^fpoffKorros. Antig. 253. SYN. Qpovpos. 'Hfjtepofyavrus, oV, adj. [interdiu conspicuus,] seen by day. "6vdp aXaivet. Agam. 81. 'H/ie/)do>, v. [mitem reddo,] to render mild or fertile. 'Avrjfjtepov fj.f.vr)i'. Eumen. 14. os, a, or, pronom. [noster,] our. XeTpas 0' >//urepas, //?/S' oVrtrd . Z. 58. SYN. Nwtrepos, ry/^os. pro ^j/fJi, q. v. [loquor,] to speak, to say. 'H pd yvw) Tapir)' b 6' d7r^/s ^' dpd vrjvs XtTrer' avrodt' ev. 'll. 294. SYN. 'BfJU^KTbs, rjplTo^os. , ov, TO, subst. [dimidiata diplois,] a bed-gown. Tov-i TO r>7 yvvaiKbs ^jplbiTrXotblov. Eccles. 318. SYN. Kpo. 'Hyutoi/Xos, or, adj. [semiservus,] half a slave, meanly born. 'H b' ?/y rots t//ols, ro0ayere7s. Androm. 942. eor, ov, TO, subst. [dimidiatus sextarius,] half a sextarius. Trporepor ///UCKTCOV. Nub. 643. s, ov, o et ^, adj. [semideus,] a demi-god. 'Hp0wr' ovs 7rf Tpo7-ar. Ipli. A. 173. SYN."Hpws, Sa/juwr. , vos, adj. [semifemina,] half-woman, effeminate. Tor //ut0i/Xffi/ . Anacr. 13. 2. HMI0 HNIO 303 rjTtis, adj. [semianimis,] half dead. O< /ue> dp' iiuid^Tes, ?rei rdv ; j iroTvidv elbov. Call. 6. 60. I 'HptKdKws, adv. [non omnino bene,] half well, very indifferently. Ttws ^iv \ ^ ovv, dXX' 7//uKckws, J3o(TKdur)v. Tiiesm. 449. SYN. Mcrpfos. j 'HfuKpaipd, as, >/, subst. [dimidia capitis pars,] half the head or skull. T/)i/ fjpittpaipav Tt}v Tpdv \jsiXrjv e^wj' ; Thesm. 227. 'HulXeTTTds, dv, adj. [semidecorlicatus,] half stripped off or shelled. '6 b' /jo/;. Anacr. 33. 10. 77, ov, adj. [mularis,] of mules, mulish. Kaoo' diro iraoodXtifytv v rjpeov fj/uitoi'eiov. ft. 268. 'os, ov, 6, subst. [mulns,] a mule. 'H/^torw^, a? yap re (3otav eiaiv. K. 352. PHR. See Y. 652. , ov, TO, subst. [securis,] a hatchet. ("Ho-o-wv yap 7/^utTreXefCfcd. ^F. 858. , r7yos, adj. [semipercussus,] half-smitten, half-cut. T//v rt flools TTC- ' 00' fjftnrXfjyd XiTrovTes. Apoll. 4. 1083. - ov y adj. [semivivus,] half dead. Tpw^iprTis //i:e(. 0. 68. SYN."H / tfcd, ore, ordv, oTrordv* H/uvw, 1 v. [incline, dimitto,] to bow down, to let sink. f fls erepwa' 7/)UVffe Kaprj . 0. 308. See also B. 148. SYN. 'ETruX/rw, cdracXo/w, , 6, subst. [jaculator,] a shooter, a slinger. QijK es dywva KOI p' tffjidves avbpes avevrav. Y. 886. SYN. See 'AKOvnariip. *H^, idem quod 'EdV, 2 partic. cum conjunctivo conjungitur, [si,] if. 2v/i7rav- TM' ovb' rjv 'Aydp.efj.vdvd. e'nrys. A. 9^. SYN. Et, eiTTtp* Hveuoets, eyed, ev, adj. [ventosus,] exposed to the wind, windy, high, lofty. Oi oe Trdpd crKdTrirjv, nal epivedv ffveudevTd. X. 145. SYN.'T^Xo's, ' , Dor. pro 'iSov, [ecce,] lo ! "Hvibe rot r6 ceras' ddaat, ^>tX6s, ws KaXdv . Theocr. 1. 149- SYN/H^, tdov. , as, r/, et ap-.'d Hom."HvWv, ov,ro, subst. [habena,] reins, harness. IIoXvs , ijpTrdff yvias ytp~ iv - Hipp. 1215. See also P. 482. SYN. XdXti-d*, EPITH. Aevo), otydXdeffad, QotviKdetrffd. lKd, conjunct, [quando,] when. Olad' ijvlt: fades 'iXlov KdruffKdirds. Hec. 239- SYN. See 7 H/*os, et'OTrordi/. vtdTrevs, rjds, Ion. 6, P. N. [Eniopeus.] Vtov virepdvpov 0^/3atov, ' 0. 120. 1 " Penult, ancip. frequentius longa." Maltb. 9 *H> is also used in the sense of Ecce. See Here. F. 863. Pro*. Lex. 394 HNIO Hirni , v. [habenas flecto,] to turn the reins, to guide a chariot. W 6s id \evKoi> j/vtoorpo^et /3ej(3ws. Phoen. 177. SYN. See 'H , rjrld^ds, ov, et i]vlo\evs, ews, 6, subst. [equoruoi agitator,] a cha- rioteer. JTVovs b' ov 'ASrjvwv Setvos >/vid)$, avdrjTos, ris, s, adj. [in continente natus,] born on the continent. 'o^Xos, oiV r/Treipd-yevts. Pers. 42. , ou, ^, [continens, (2)apud Homerum est civitas, in terra continenti Peloponnesi sita, subjecta Ulyssis imperio. Post Homerum terra satis ampla infra Illyricum, ad mare Adriaticum, sic vocabatur. Vid. Damm.] the main- land, continent. 'Am/*' 'H?re/poto, fce^aXX/^ecrfftV avaaowv. w. 376. HTreipwTis, ibds, ^, P. N. [Epirotica,] of Epirus. Aetv;) yap 'HTretjOwris els TO. roldbe. Androm. 159- HTrepoTrevs, ews, Ion. rjos ; ijTrepdirevr^s, et ^TrlpoTros, ou, 6, subst. [deceptor,] a deceiver. 'HTrepoTTT/d r' ejuev, *cat eTrtK'XoTrov, old rt TroXXows. X. 363. See also N. 769. and Anacr. 131. SYN. ^Yevtrrr}$, dyvprris, dTrarr]\o's, inrtpiityavos. HTrepoTrevw, v. [decipio,] to juggle, to deceive. 7 H ou^ dXis, OTTI yvva~iKas di'a\Klbdsri7repd7reveis; E. 349. SYN. 'ATrdrdw, e^dirdrdw. H7r//rj7s, ov, 6, subst. [sartor,] a mender, a cobbler. TpwyXcts T e/zTronjo-av' 6 b' 7/7r^7j'/s HOL eTrearr]. Batrach. 183. , v. [epiala febri laboro,] to labor under a shivering cold, to shiver. ydp okd6' e^. Acharn. 11 64. , ou, 6, subst. [febris quotidians species,] the cold shiver preceding or accompanying a fever. Kat y//pws TroXtov, Kvpve, icai r/7ridXov. Theogn. 174. 'H7rtowpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [lenis, qui mitia dat,] mild in giving, benign. ol riTr'idbwpos Evavrirj rjXiidZ ntjTrjp. Z. 251. 'H?rtos, ov, adj. [placidus, mitis,] soothing, soft, mild, gentle. ' Traoo-eiv. A. 515. SYN. IIp^os, irptiffrivrjs, 7rpo^>pwi/, , ov, 6, subst. [vociferator,] a shouter or bawler. Dras 6' kv ni rvrd *:>7pv. H. 384. , ov, 6, patronym. [filius Epyti.] Ki^pv^' 'HTrvrtSij, o$ ot Trdpd . P. 324. , f. vow, v. [sono, clamo,] to shout, to sing aloud. Ot 'eyw /xeXeu. n HP HIIH 305 TroV aTTvcrw ; Hec. 1 52. See 'A?rvw. 7 Hp, vid. 'Edp. "Hpa, as, r/ L P. N. [Juno,] "Hprj, Trpefffia. Bed, OvydTTjp peydXotd Kpdvoid. E. 721. EPITH. 'ApelXtKTijs, dyuf/xdi'os, aXXonpoaaXXos, ftdpv^vls, yXavKtiiris, ?}epo0o7rts, rfv^ofjids, XevK&Xevos, k'XvT)}, KtXdbetvij, 'xpvaodpovos, Aos, xpvvrjXdKdTos, jjlptofiWs, OaXd^TroXos, 'Apye/q, Tra^d/mreipd, viiovad, SoXo/zjjris, TrotKf \djurjrls, fiouJTris, Trorvld. 'Hpa\v\f/s, f;os, Ion. o, P. N. [Hercules.] J}0' 'Hpa/cXiJa, epywr. 0. 26\ SVN. 'AXice/c^s, 'A/ufirpvwvtabiis. EPITH. 'AptbeiKeros, drop- fitjs, aXe&KaKds, arpeoros, bafyj)wi', ZptKvbrjs, evffKOTTos, Qv^oXtwv, dfjaavs, Betas, tfpws, fttyaXoQpWf, cparepos, ofipifjos, otyyeip, oivd(3apr)s, TroXvirovos, pws, fttyaXoQpWf, cparepos, ofipifjos, otyyeip, oivd(3apr)s, TroXvirovos, irtX&pios, Trav^d/^drwp, ffvp^d x os, Xaorraoos, fjiopvifios, bubeKaeOXos, TipvvQlos, MrjKiffrevs. PHR. Bt/7 'HpaKXeitj, Atos uXKlpos vlos, ZKdprjros avrrjs, evboKifjios AteJj ~ivls, aepvov BaXos 'AXKalbav, /uop0dv ftpa-ftus, t^v-^a.v tf aKapnTds. ov, o, P. N. [Xanthias Herculem simulans.] Kai els TQV e Hpa.KXtoat>6iav. Ran. 499. Hpavos, ov, o, subst. [rex, custos,] a king, a guardian. Kai j.ut> luv yur/Xwv Qlaav iipavov, 6W evEpovTo. Apoll. 2. 513. S\N. Upoarar^s, TrdpaffTarrjs, / ' fiacriXevs, bioiros a, adv. [cjuiete, sensim, paululum,] quietly, gradually, by degrees. 'AXX* ripep.a TrrrjfavTfs, aKpddf*tda. Rail. 315. SYN. TIpyws, arpeftd, %Ka, ', (3dbea)s. ? Hpt, 1 adv. [(l)mane, (2)vere,] in the morning, in the spring. 'Hwflev tlpl Xoeaaai re "Xfiioai rt. r. 320. SYN. 'HdifleV. 'Hpiyej'/}s, eos, et ^ptyeretd, as, >/, subst. [aurora,] the morning. 'J rov ' dptyl TrepiKTu-cu riyepeOovro. Apoll. 2. 452. See also /z. 8. SYN. See 'Hu;s. 'jHpiSdyos, ov, o, P. N. [Eridanus, Padus,] the river Po. 'Avrds, 'Hplbdvov 0' vbwp. Hipp. 734. EPITH. Bdfli/StVjjs, KaXXlppbos. |j "Hpu-os, vid. 'Edptyos. I, 'Hpt6>, ov, ro, subst. [monumentum, sepulcrum,] a monument, a tomb. 4>pa7?s. Call. 4. l6l. (See Apoll. 4. J309. and I Apoll. 1. 1049.) 'Hpg;oV, ov, ro, subst. [monumentum heroi constructum,] a hero's monument. Qj;pwoi> et TTCJS KKOfj.tffeiasTOv Av/fov. Vesp. 819 "Hpws, wos, 6, subst. [heros,] a hero. "Hpw AaoyucSovrt iroXlaadntv aOXi'ioavrt. H. 453. EPITH. "AyXdos, oftpl^os, peydOu^os, Xaoaaoos, bvvdros, uXfiius, xpd- repos, OdpcrdXtos, al^ni]TYis,avTWf.6s, aOdvdrots tKeXos, 0a/5tyuos, 6tpa7r(t)i > ' t Apr}ds t dXWeparjs* PHR. 'AvSpwv 'Hpwwv 0e7ov ytvos, ol KaXtorrat tifiiUtoi. Hes. Op. 159. I JfftdSos, ov, 6, P. N. [Hesiodus,] Hesiod, a poet born at Ascra in Boeolia. At vv 7T00' 'Hffldbov KaXijv eblba&v dotbi'iv. Hes. Theog. 22. PHR. 'llalooos KUTtbei^e yrjs epydaias, KapTTUv u>pas, dporovs. Ran. 1033. Headd/iai, et ijTrdofjiai, (quam formam tamen nunquam adhibent Tragici. Vid. R, P. Hec. 8.) v. [minor sum, vincor, superor,] to be inferior, to be sur- passed, to be conquered. To //>/ biKcuov rj/s blKrjs ^(ra^ptvuv. Ion 1117- SYN. 'EXarroO/zat,, i'jffawv elfj-i, j'iKwyuat. [Iffcr^reos, ov, adj. verb, a praeced. Kov rot yvvaiKds ovbdfjiws 7/(7, adj. [quietus,] quiet, at rest. MT/&' rjcrvxaiav, aXXo darepov rponov. Med. 804. See $. 598. Iph. T. 1435. and Olymp. 2. 57- SYN. See 'E^Xds. 'H<7#x"*> as, r], subst. [tranquillitas, otiurn,] tranquillity, quietness, ease, re- pose. Tt ?ro0' iiavyla irpooOe fjitXaOpwv ; Alcest. 77 SYN. 'Epw/, ev/mpeid, dj/d7ravto>, ou, ro, subst. [(1) stamen, (2) textum,] thread, woof. 'E> fjrplois TreTrXwv. Ion 1420. SYN. (l)"I>, ar^^tiiv, (2) ix^aa^u. ? Hrpoy, ov, ro, subst. [imus venter,] the bottom of the belly, a bottom. yap ^rpov r//s x^^pos eXa/crtae. Thesm. 50p. 'HvKo/zds, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [pulcras comas habens,] fair-haired, 'dv y TEKE AT?. X. 317. SYN. See EvTrXd^os. 'Hiis, vid. 'Ei)s. 'HiJre, pro eiJre, adv. [sicut,] like as, just as. "Hvre pviawv ablvawv edvea TroXXd. B.469. 'H0at'. Iph. A. 1072. See Philoct. 986'. , ov, 6, P. N. [Vulcanus,] Vulcan, fire. "H0an:e, ^ctSovxe TroXv^u^rt vs, aQtvu, ^iXlp.f.a.ivwv y piKvos irobas. w, v. [sono,] to sound, to roar, to reverberate. 'Hxet 6e mpj? . Hes. Theog. 39 SYN. 'AV^X^^J ^TTUW, /3odw, ^wrtw, ^o 7, >)*, >/, subst. [sonus, sonitus,] sound, shout, noise. 'Hxji' ws ore fc rdXv0XotV/3oi6 OdXdffflr^s. B. 209- SYN. Kdvax'), icrvTros, Kporos, flpojjos, bov- TTOS, a'r;, Kpavytj, ^/d^os, (jtdeypa, pot), p6ffTofj.Ss 'Hx^ ri/Xe^di'r/s Tru'pds olfj.(t>yfjs. Philoct. 188. 'Hw0eV, antiqu. genitiv. ab"Hws, q. v. SYN. Ilpwt, ets tw, Trtpt opdpov, tfpY. , 6v t adj. [ecus, matutinus,] of Aurora, morning. 'Hyot 0AAA /. CalK Ep. 21. SYN. 'Holds, ew0tVds, opdpws. s f vid. 'Ewox&dpds. 'H(i;s, t-t 'E), vdftpa, edpdvos, iV7r\oKd7rwXds, XtvKaivov- oa, irorvia, poodV^s, poboTreTcXos, pdt>dbaKTv\ds, QatfflpfipoTos, Qaetvr}, (pXdyepa Xpvaodpovos, xpy^oTT^tXos, bpootpa, fCpofco7r7rXos, TroXv^epfc^s, pobaovpds. PHR. Aevfc-oj' TrowTTdv iov , Xpvaodpovos, xpy^oTT^tXos, bpootpa, fCpofco7r7rXos, TroXv^epfc^s, pobaovpds. PHR. Aevfc-oj' TrpowTTdv ijovs. Eur. Electr. 730. aly\rjffffd tiaeirois ouuaaiv fius. ApolK 1. 520. e. 0aa, v. [sedeo, ffcm jaceo,] to sit, to lie. Af/0d 6ioir Satrt daaffaepej', dXXd veeevs [ri/s 6vptw], orpo0iy|. , vid. ddo-o-w, aros, ro, subst. [sessio, sedendi actio,J the act of sitting, a seat. 'AXX' et ro Qa.Kr,fjL ai>ayKdei, ondiret. CE. C. 1 1 79. 0doos, o?;, 6, subst. [sedile,] a seat, a throne, ^.ejuvoi re OO.KOI, $aifjL8v&s r' arrij- Xtot. Agam. 502. SYN. 0wfcos, Opovos, eSpa, Kadebpa, 06wkos. 0dXd/xa^, OKOS, et daXapws, ov, 6, subst. [remex infimi ordinis,] a rower of the lowest tier. Nj) TOV 'ATroXXw, icai 7rpoo-7rape7v y' Is ro o-ro/id rw OdXd^ajct. Ran. 1074. See also Acharn. 522. SYN. Nawrrjs, eperrjs. , aros, ro, subst. [contubernium,] a lodging. T ft GdXd^u'v^d Kovp//- /. Bacch. 120. SYN. Ii)i/otua. ?, 77$, 77, subst. [(1) cubile, (2) latibulum ferarum,] a bed, a den, a cave. flaXdjucus, ov bpaKwi' o y^yei'^s. Phcen. 945. J , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [genialis,] genial. Auroyi)^ Kovprj 0dXd/u>/tov evri/ov nvvi\v. Apoll. 4. 1130. 0dXd^>/7roXos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [cubicularis,] a frequenter of the bed-chamber. See in Ritpvpebovaa. 0dXd/4ia, as, rj, subst. [remus, navis foramen,] an oar, a groove in the side of a ship through which the oar passed. Trjv^t, bids rj)v \e~tpci blu TIJS Pax 1232. 0dXd^tds, vid. 0dXdjua. 0dXdfios, ov, 6, subst. [cubiculum,] a bed-chamber. KaTretrd flaXd ffoi/ffd Kal Xe^os. Alcest. 176. SYN. 0dXd/u/), \eKTpov, Koirrj, fiv\us t otKds. EPITH. Flarp^os, /6vs, 'Sp;$, ^pvaeof, Trarpios, {3affl\iKds t ireplKiwv, reytos, Bvwbrjs, rlus, vvpopo^os, TroXvic/i^ros, v^;;- P^T)S, evpvs, Kebplvvs, Krjweis, 7roXv5a/SdXos, v\//;Xos, evtrrdO/ys, eu 7ri;:ros, TTVCO TTOITJTOS, ayXdos, d^/3p6atos, yd/^>/Xt5s, tpdreu'os, Kovpibids, Wilfrids, K\vrtis, TroXv^pveros. 0dXao-ad, TJS, ^, subst. [mare,] the sea. 0dXa)s, yXavo), ii\^rrofi ?roXX), TToXfy, aQeatyarbs, arpvyeros, evpviropds, 7roXv0Xotff/3os, d/m &> fcvdvc?/, lyQvti&roa, 7rif Greece. Tov 0dXj/v 6avfjLaofjiet> ; Nub. 180. EPITH. 2o0os. 0dXia, as, f], subst. [convivium,] a feast, a banquet. Kiatrdtyopois & ev 6d- \iais. Bacch. 379* SYN. Evw^m, eiXd7rt^7, eoprr], evypoavvrj, iraviiyvpis. EPITH. $tXr), repirvri, geibupos. 0aXXos, ov, et fidXos, tos, ro, subst. [germen,] a shoot, a blossom, a branch. 'iKrfjpi OaXXw TTpooTrtrvova l^ov yoi'v. lEur. Suppl. 10. See also Eur. Electr. 15. SYN. BXvXXov. EPITH. 'A/*- flpofftov, ayXaort/Jiov, Kparlpov. QaXXo(f>dpds, ov, 6, subst. [qui oleaginam frondem gestat,] a person who car- ried a branch of olive at the Athenaea. aXXo^dpot KaXotped', av-Tw^oaldtv. Vesp. 54. 0aXXa>, et QaXWw, v. [vireo, floreo,] to grow green, to florish, to abound. re KOI daXXoveav a^tws efj.ov ; Iph. A. 1225. See also I. 446. SYN. 0dXos, eos, TO, subst. [germen,] a shoot. See 0dXXos. 0aX7ridw, v. [calesco,] to grow warm. f fts K ev daXTriocav xpvaoQpovov ?}w IKTJ- rat. r. 319- SYN. 0dX7ro/^at, deppaii', aXeairojj,ai. 0aX7Ttds, ov, 6, P. N. [Thalpius,] the commander of the Eleans. 'A/^fyid- "Xos KO.I 0dX7rtos fiyrjffaaOrjv. B. 620. 0aX?rvos, 77, ov t adj. [calidus,] warm, hot. "AXXo Qa\7rvoTepdv. Olymp. 1. 7. SYN. 0ep/ids, \apirpds. 0aX7ros, cos, TO, subst. [calor, aestus,] warmth, heat. Kcu irpos ye daXnos rjXiov Tfivf.iv KaXov. Cycl. 539* SYN. Kavyud, aI0os, eiXrj, Trvp. 0dX7rw, v. [foveo,] to warm, to cherish. 0dX7rwv evdd Kal evdd . 246. SYN. 'Aj/dfldXTrw, aldveao), e^cfca/w, 0ep^uaiVw. 0aX7rwp>7, T/S, ^, subst. [(I) fomentum, (2) spes, (3) laetitia,] consolation, hope, joy. "Effrcu daXTrupr]' 7ret av ffi/ye Trorpov eTriaTrys. Z. 412. SYN. Xdpd, 0dXv<7id, wr, rd, subst. [(1) primitive frugum, vel quae post collectas fruges Diis offerebautur, et in primis Cereri; (2) f'estum in honorem Cereris ; Ce- realia,] a festival in honor of Ceres, consisting of the first fruits; first fruits. Xwofdjuei'Tj, o 01 ovrt QdXvala yovvw dXwf/s. I. 530. 0d/ud, et OdpdKis, adv. [crebro,] frequently. tv Hv ap^l bivais, as daft Evpuros irvKvals. Iph. T. 6. See also Nem. 10. 72. SYN. YIvwws, noXXaKls, av-^vws, rd TrXelard, ovveytis. 0a^i/3cw, v. [obstupefacio, obstupefio,] to strike with awe, to astonish, to be astonished. 'A^i/i/erdt/ ala^ova- tdaraev be Tras. Ion 1205. SYN. 'En0a- 0AMB 0A22 , eds, T-O, subst. [stupor,] awe, astonishment, alarm. 0a/u/3i ryfr ee- . Hec. 177. SYN."EK7rX7?#s, Set/id, 0ai//id. EPITH. 'ApydXto*', //- , bvffQopd)', Tepirvov. Qdpews, a, d>, 6d^v, eos, et Qajjtivos, rj, ov, adj. [creber, frequens,] frequent, crowded. BdXX'' cue* &e 7ri)pai vtKvwi/ KO.LOVTO Bdfjietai. A. 52. See also A. 551. and Call. 6. 64. SYN. Ufaivtis, TTVKVOS, av^i'to, ovi't^s, aflpofls, dblvfa. 6tyifw, v. [frequento,] to attend frequently, to frequent, to visit often. Ai- boitf TE (f)L\ri TE ; Trdpos ye JJLEV ovrt Bdfjitgeis. 2. 386. 0ajuvos, ov, 6, subst. [dumetum,] a thicket. "Eoe, Bafivuv $ cKXdxlSdfiev Qofiais. Bacch. 722. EPITH. 'A/i0tK/ws, avdXeos, d^dXeos, Xddtoy, T&vvfvX- \os, aKieptis, x^tP s > GaXeQwv. Qd^vpts, ibds, 6, P. N. [Thamyris,] (1) a prince of Thrace, the son of Philam- mon, (2) a celebrated poet. Qaptipiv, os ijpwv TroXX' tbewaaev rlyyi\v. 925. Savafflpos, Oavdrrjfydpds, ov, et Qavdrdeis, eaaa t tv t adj. [lethalis,] deadly, fatal, destructive. Ev to-0' tfcetrov Qdvdal^LOv fteft^Kord. OE. R. 955. See also CE. R. 181. and Iph. A. 1288. SYN. 'OXefytos, ^uopa^ds, irevKebdvos, Itf' 0di/drds, ov, 6, subst. [mors,] death. T^w Bavdro-u KdrdKvpudels. Orest. 1012. SYN. K?/j0, yuolpd, popos, TTOTfios, reXevrj), biat/3evw, KTtptiu>, Krjbevu, 0apy?/Xtd, wr, rd, subst. [Thargelia,] a festival in honor of Apollo and Diana. Xo>) yap 0apy^Xto(s eyu/ieXws biffKetv. Anacr. 135. QapadXeos, a, ov, adj. [(1) fidens, (2) audax,] confident, bold, valiant. T ft& r OapffdXeoi Kal T\iifJ.oves y ws 'AtypobiTr). $. 430. SYN. 0pdaiblfios "Ecro;p. N. 823. SYN. See 0ap- 0ap, et Bpdffvvw, f. ih'w, v. [fiduciam adfero,] to give confidence, to en- courage. IIo0e>; ov/c av^w* r? ds ip^uiv /ie/a 0opae?j/ is the reading here adopted instead of Ba^v, on the authority of Poison, Hec. 8. 400 0A2I 0EIA - tTTTTOvs. N. 819 SYN. 'ftaW, d)KVTpos, Ta^vTcpds, r&xliav. Qaaffb), vid. fldderw. 0drepds, a, oV, adj. [alter e duobus,] one of the two. *H flarepov 5e7 r? 0arepo>. Ion 848. SYN. 'EKartpos. Qavfia, dros, ro, subst. [res mira ; miraculum,] a wonderful thing, a wonder. Et ffoi pt6>, TroXvrpoTroi', oeivov. 0av/zd5w, et davpaivw, v. [miror ; revereor,] to admire, to respect, to wonder at. 'A ' kv bdfjiois eSpaae, davpaffet fcXvwv. Alcest. 158. See also Horn. Ven. 84. SYN. 0edojucu, eKTrXrivaduai, eWayXeoTmt, dydcjoyuat, PHR. 0ai/ju' e)( ei /" e * s Ouvfji Effeipt, davjji e^w, davfjid yu' VTrepxerat. et Sa^aoroj, ?}, o^, adj. [admirabilis,] wonderful. Tepas /uev TTpoatbe-adat. Pytll. 1. 4p. See also Med. 510. SYN/'Ay^ros, 6es pZv ofjiolos eytVero irpXXcuct 6a\^a). Theocr. 2. 88. 0do/ QVTITOS re yi)vatcd re Qiiaaro jua^ov. H. 58. See in "HvtSe. SYN. See 0eaoyuat and 0^Xa^w. 0ea, ai, 0ecu'ct, 77$, et 0eos, ov, ^, subst. [dea,] a goddess. M^/itv dctSe, 0ea, n^X^taSew "AXI^OS. A. 1. See also 0. 5. and a. 420. EPITH. AtcWa, /caX- XtTrats, OVK avwvvfios, TrvpQopos, (fHtxrtyopos, Seivji), nv^jOa, aep.vij, dyd^j), dpyu- 0ea, as, r/, et fiea^d, dros, ro, subst. [spectaculum,] a sight, a spectacle. 0eo: blborres O^HCLT ee7r/prXd/ue>. AnHrom. 1077. See also Phoen. 1 155. SYN. "O^/is, opafjia, 5epy/id. EPITH. Llticpd, Sew), KaX>), \vrrpa, adefftyaros. 0ea/w, dds, ^, P. N. [Theano,] the wife of Antenor, and sister of Hecuba. "Os pa vodos fjitv eqv, irvKa & erpetye 57d 0eavw. E. 70. EPITH. KaXXtTrdp^o*, - evKoXiros, 0edoyuat, et fl^eo/zcu, v. [specto, contemplor,] to gaze on, to look at, to con- template. Y\poae\Kvffai vlv VOTO.TOV dedifjitvat. Hec. 1137- See also O. 682. SYN. 0ewoew, dva/3Xe7rw. 0ear^s, et &r}rjrfjs, ov, 6, subst. [spectator,] a spectator. "Aw QZarriv bfj- Qev, ws OVK orr'.epSv. Ion 58. See also . 397. SYN. 0ewpos, e7ro7rr;j, 0eards, drjrjrds, et Dor. Qar\Tos, ?), 6>, adj. [spectandus, visibilis,] to be beheld or viewed. Ov TOL OEUTOS. Aj. Fl. 915. See also Hes. Theog. 31. and Theocr. 15. 84. SYN. 'A#o0eards, TrepiJSXeTrros, oparos. 0earpoV, ov, TO, subst. [(1) theatrum, (2) spectaculum, (3) spectatores,] a theatre, any theatrical exhibition, the spectators. FVt*ffd^>) Se 0Xo iSpro 0ee/ov fcato/zevoto. 0. 135. See also x 493. SYN. Kepavvwv nvp. EPITH. Kd0dpov, ^Xd'yepov, airvpov. 0ee't<5w, K'd0a/pw, vid. 0e7os. 0ey/Xdrs, ov, 6 et fa adj. [a numine impulsus, mandatus, editus,] enjoined by an oracle. Ovb\ el yap 3\v TO Trpdy/^d p] QiriXaTov. (E. R. 255. SYN. 0eop- ros, 0eocrdros, deocrovTos, detds. Qela, as, j] t subst. [(1) amita, matertera, (2) P. N. mater Solis, Lunae et Au- 0EIA 0EMI 401 rone,] an aunt, (2)Theta, the mother of the sun, moon, and Aurora. Murp 'AXtov irdXvuvvpE, 0e/a. Istlim. 5. 1. 0e6>, pro TO ec'Atfn-cfoi', ov, TO, subst. [locus apricus,] a place ex- posed to the sun. etXoTreSov Xevpy evt fapy. rj. 123. 0e/rw, vid. 0>w. Qelos, (1) ov, o, subst. (2) 0e7os, et dtifi&s, a, 6V, adj. [(l) avunculus, patruus, (2) divinus, mirabilis,] (1) a father's brother, an uncle, (2) divine, wonderful. (O'Hfl-ov roffovvras dews vfiplae^ bopovs ; Iph. T. 931. SYN. HuTpabeXfds, s, 7rarpueX0os, Trarpws, (2) dvri0d, dtdeirtXds, Oeairiolos, b'ids, , Oav/j-aaros. ', et 0eXo-p6>, ov, ro, subst. [delinimentum,] a charm, allurement, soothing. T ft 0iX6> VTTVOV GeXyiyrpdc, imKovpov roaov. Orest! 211. See also Euraen. 889- et Tracli. 586. SYN. K/Xij/m, 6eXdp, eX^w, f. ^w, v. [mujceo, ^demulceo,] to soothe, to bewitch, to enfeeble, to charm. 0eXyet 6"'Epws, y fjntvdnevq Kpably. Hipp. 126"9. SYN. MctX/aao;, ic^Xfoi, re'oTrw, 0aX7roj, aTramw, vrrayop.ut, dyuavpow. 0/\(Js, et OeXepos, ov, et deXtj^v, oVos, adj. [volens, spontaneus,] willing, volun- tary, quick, ready. 0Xfos adeXeos. ALsch. Suppl. 869. See also jEsch. Suppl. 1034. and Apoll. 2. 558. SYN. 0Xwy, ZKWV, TrpaQvpos, avflaiptros, , vid. tip, fipds, b y subst. [delinitor,] a soother. Xap/uct pey' avdpuirotoi, 0eXfcr)p' o5vj'dwv. Ho in. 15. 4. a, o>, adj. [demulcendi vim habens,] soothing. Kaicei deXKryptovs. Eumen. 81. o/os, adj. [animum deliuiens,] heart-soothing. "I*'' 01 dXipovet Bacch. 398. oj, f. OeX^ffw, v. [volo, opto, possum,] to be willing, to wish, to be able. 0fXw y- TO BeXetv & OVK ex MV aXyvvopai. Iph. A. 657. SYN. 'E0Xw, fpdyuat, XP#* W > 7rpo6ly/zw, bvva^ai. PHR. 0y/uds >t aTr\Qeaalv avuyei. et fejue/Xiov, ov, ro, subst. [fundamentum,] a foundation. *Ai/< ^' fcdra aropaxoio 0^e0Xa. P. 4?. See also Y. 255. SYN. Baaiy, fiadpov, pa. EPITH. A(0dXd^, evpv. 0/4Xtds, or, adj. [qui in fundamento ponitur,] of a foundation. Ffpdi'o/, 0t- peXtovs KaraneTcutKviai Xtdovs. Aves 113/. ^pw7rt$, to$, adj. [verecunda,] modest. Tai/ deptpuTrii' albfr av-drjv. P. V. 137. EXP. 'Epaoyna. e/^/(a, v. [in jus et fas compono,] to bring under the influence of justice, to adjust. 'AXV > xPn ai * de^iffaa^vovs. Pyth. 4. 250. ExP. Ma0rfy4w, , o et ?/, adj. [Themide contextus,] woven by Themis, lawful. XeKTOts d/id. Nem. 9. 125. 0>ts, iros, iffTos, et t6s, ?/, subst. [(l)lex; et (2) personif. Themis, justitia dea; (3) in plur. 0e/uiares, tributa,] (1) law, justice, (2) the goddess of jus- tice, (3) tribute, taxes. 0>m vlv ijpas eibevat xPW^ Oeov ; Med. 6? 4.. SYN. (l)Aro7, j'o/ids, ro bticaiov, Qf.p.lrov, 6oWv, biKatdatirrj, (3) ^dpot, rtXta. EPITF. (2) Alboia, aXe&KaKds, KaXXlirapyos, XiTrdpa, KXvri;, Upa, vKTaia,6prta, (TU)Tlpa. PHR. AlOS ^>^tOV TTOpibpOS. fpiffKdnos, ov, 6 et >), subst. [inspector juris,] an inspector of justice, a super- intendant. QepioKo-rrdv olKeiv tovra irtiXvdvTOts. Nem. 7. 68. /, ovros, adj. [juste imperans et regens,] one who rules with justice. 6o^uovs OEpiffKpeovTiav. Pyth. 5. 35. ids, a, dv, adj. [a Themiscyra, urbe maritima Cappadoci*,apud Ther- modontem fluvium, iibi olim Amazones,] of Themiscyra. "Ev0d 0^u^pfMU 'A/id5o^ wnXlgovTo. Apoll. 2. 997- Pros. 402 GEM I 0EOM 0juicTe7#s, 6v, adj. [legitimus,] legitimate, lawful. Qefjuoreiov os Olymp. 1. 18. SYN.0>?rtfs, Kicaids, ro^os, swop-os. Qe/juffrevw, v. [(1) do jura, (2) vaticinor, (3) impero,] to administer justice, to dispense oracles, to celebrate, to rule over. $o7/3os bliccUm TOV O OVTCL cot. Ion 374. SYN. (1) AifcaCw, (2) yuarreud/xcu, xprjfffjiubei (3) &px*>. 0^<0roK-X/s, to?, 6, P. N. [Themistocles,] an illustrious Athenian. '6 K\eovs yap Oararos riiperurepos. Eqiiit. 84. 0/LU<77-ov)(os, 6i', adj. [jus dicens,] administering justice. Etffove rts depifTTOv^y /3doriA)wi'. Apoll. 4. 347. Qe/jtros, ov, adj. [licitus,] allowed, lawful. 2oi 6' ov%i. destroy npos (TTei%eiv ra, et 6eiv*>, v. [pulso, tnndo,] to strike, to beat, to lash. Kctfleivc, Kevrpy briQlv ws tievcov %epl. Here. F, 944. SYN. Oe/pw, cnrZpei&u), TVTTTU), KOTTTCJ. 0o/3\d/jfa>, v. [Deos injuriis lacesso,] to insult the gods. Aitfat OeofiXafioVvff VTTcpicofnrb) Bpaaei. Pers. 836. 0eoyvfc, ibds, b, P. N. [Theognis,] (1) a poet of Megara who florished 540. A. C. (2) one of the thirty tyrants, a frigid candidate for the tragic prize. (2) '6 6' av 0oyrts ^/t/^pos &v ^/u^pws Troiet. Thesm. 170. Qeoycvvris, eos, et Qtijyovos, ov, adj. [a deo genitus,] born of a god, heaven-born, divine. 'AXXd 6tos rot Knl Qldyewiis. Antig. 845. See also Orest. 340. SYN. A7os, dtews, 0e7os, Qeairliw*. Qeob/*r)Tds, ov, 6 el ^f, adj. [divinitus a?dificatus,] built by the gods, strongly built. AVTOS be ftct)fjy irpos deobfji^ry Trirve'i. Hec. 23. SYN. Qtdirdvr)Tds, , et Beoaboros, ov, o et 77, adj. [divinitus datus,] given by a god, di- vinely endowed, noble. 0dorwi' e'pywy KeXevdov dv' /cdOdpuv. Isth. 5. 29 See Hes. Op. 318. SYN. 0opros, SWOVTOS, Oelos. Qtoetbfis, eos, OeoeiKeXos, et deiKtXos, ov, adj. [deo similis,] godlike. T/)j' be TroXu TTpwros ibe TrjXeftiixos Oedeibijs. a. 113. See also y. 4l6. and Lysistr. 126l. SYN. GeffKeXos, delos, ladOeds, yyadeos, avrldeos, xaXos. Qeodev, antiq. genitiv. a 0os, q. v. , ov, o, P. N. [Theocly menus,] the son of Proteus and king of Egypt. v pev apcrev', OTI b)} 6eovs l aefiuv. Helen. 9- v. [deum invoco,] to invoke the gods. 'E?ret be ?roXAd BedxXvrwv Pers. 506. SYN. 'EviKaXedfjint. , ov, o et r/, adj. [Diis audiendus,] to be heard by the gods, solemn. lralffi ae OeoKXvrots. Sept. Theb. 131. s, bv, adj. [a deo perfectus,] accomplished by a god. Ov deoKpavrov kariv\ Agam. 1465. eoKplros, ov, o, P. N. [Theocritus,] the famous Syracusan poet. "AXXos 8 Xtos* yw be QeoKpiros, os Tab* eypa^d. Theocr. Ep. ult. edjjiavtis, eos, adj. [deorum instinctu furens,] enfrenzied by a god, outra- geous. TXfjjJiwv 'Qpeorrjs 6eofj.a.vel Xvaarrf bdpeis. Orest. 835. SYN."E;^6s, Oeoprtis. d/zd^w, v [cum deo pugno,] to fight against God. To Qeo^a^vyap ano\i- irova, o )s, eos, 0fyioptos, et Qttifjioipos, fj, ov ', adj. [divinitus acceptus,] divinely bestowed, supremely blessed. To-5f yapvepev Oevptpy. 1 Nem. 7. 121. See also Apoll. 3. 676. and Pyth. 5. 6. )dju>7pwj/. la, contr. Qevp.opia, as, ^f, subst. [fatum,] fate. XdXfTn] &' i'ii>Ttti 0eu- ; Call. Ep. 32. 4. SYN. Mopos, /jiolpd,]. r>)s, EOS, adj. [diis invisus, sceleratus, abominandus,] detested by the gods, wicked, abominable. '6pw b' >' optyaXu pev at'bpd Qf.6p.vafi. Eumen. 40. SYN. Muadpos, Qedfjnff{]s. Deovor), qs, rj y P. N. [Theonoe.] TV QevKiabov Qeoi'drjv ^Py^v ibelv. Helen. 144. 007royu7rds, ou, 6 et ?/, a-dj. [divinitus missus,] sent from heaven, divine. 0d- triv rip.a\ (frvrevOev. Pyth. 4. 121. /ros, Sv, adj. [divinitus elaboratus,] formed by a god. Aidrjp, u8ev av eX eis ^X*!' Helen. 583. >, v. [vaticinor,] to prophesy. Keu vvv ev Adrdoiai Beoirpdnewv dyd- peveis. A. 109. SYN. See Mctvrei/tymt. deoTTpoTTia, as, jj, et QloirpoTrlov, ov, TO, subst. [vaticinatio,] prophecy, predic- tion, divination. Eu^o/^fvos AdmoTai Qeotrpoirlas arafyalveis. A. 87 See also A. 85. SYN. 0e<77rt<7/ud, p.avTevpa t ./uaiTeid, 0e<7^>dro>'. ^fOTrpoTros, oj^, [faticiicus, flrf/. vales, swfrs.] prophetic ; a soothsayer or prophet. TOWTTOS ro 007rpo7ror ^i^. Trach. 824. SYN. 0e76s, p.avTls, xPlcpybos. 007rri/<7ros, o*', adj. [diis invisus, quern dii abominuntur,] detested by the gods. '6XwX.j> avbpwv tyv OeoTrrvvrM yevet. Sept. Theb. 600. SYN. See s, ou, 6 et rj, adj. [coelitus accensus,] kindled from heaven. 0ep/jot \dyl OeotrvpM. Eur. Electr. 732. 0lf>|0ros, or, adj. [a deo missus,] divine. QtopTv vvv o\fiy. Olymp. 2. 67. SYN. QeoboTos, Qlorrboros, fcoavros, de'ws. 0ds, ov, 6, subst. [Deus,] (1) God, (2) a god. '\*&v d^o^rwv trupov evpe 6t6s. Med. 1415. EPITH. AiyX^e)p, afjivvTwp, apy^lpuv\6s t ayKiXd/urjTrjs, atoij'tos, ai^evbrjs, <^e/6wpos, eXei'ifJLW, Kpartpos, /^eyaaOf^T/s, )Uyds, 7rayK'pdr/)s, TravTOKparwp, TrdvoTmys, otKrlppujv, ffVfjpu\os, ffKriTTTOv-^os, 7rt*coi/pos, evvpros, aQavaros, ovpavlwv, (2) 'OXujuTrids, >'dXtos, yQovlos, ovpavlds, yulXoy- ^o/r^s, ravpoKepvs, i:o\i>vf.ivos, veprtpos, beaTrorrjs, OaXaffoiios, apiywros, dret/3/)s, evbai/j.(i)v, yudfcdp, eTrovpai'los, 'iydipos, Xei/KOJrwXos, TroXto-dou^os, pfta <5air, otti/ fwy, '6Xi'/i7rtd bai/jar' % wl '> bwrrjp awr, Trarpwos, irarplos, yereOXlos, yyevi}s, epicetos, LKeaWs. PHR. See Pyth. 2. 89- , of, adj. [divinitus datus,] given by God. Xpif/fidrd 6' ofy ipn-aicra' TroXXoi/ djuet'vw. Hes. Op. 318. SYN. See Qtobdros. /}s, Ids; efoo-eTrrwjO, opds ; et Qfoae-rrTos, w, 6 et //, adj. [religiosus,] re- ligious, pious. 0aor6/jos, aya6ds. Qed<7-%6pia, as, >;, subst. [dei odium,] hatred of the gods. T ft TroXts K-ai 0(ipov la. Vesp. 41 6. SYN. See Ai/ff/, adj. [divinus,] divine. 0o<70dpav. P. V. 643. SYN. See0opros. 0draupds, ou, 6, subst. [deus taurus, epith. Jovis,] bull-god. Hij pe ftpcts, ; rts eVXfo ; TWS KtXevBdv. Mosch. 2. 131. ' Vid. Heyne in loco. 404 GEOT 0EPO 0eor//ui?rds, oV, adj. [diis honoratus,] honored by the gods. i. Again. 1308. SYN. 0ectyi\}s, , 6v, adj. [a diis conversus,] turned or reversed by the gods. Nvv ' OUK antfio\ws OeorpeirTa Tab'. Pers. 902. 0eou/7, ijs, ^, subst. [pietas, religio,] piety, religion. SeeVwv jueiXtxfy re Otovbeiy r lKf.Ka.OTo. A poll. 3. 586. ?)*, 4 cos, adj. [religiosas,] pious, religious. 'AvflpwTrwv i'i\Qr]pl QZovbta. dv- vra. r. 364. SYN. See 0focre/3^s. , eds, adj. [deogratus,] beloved by the gods; divinely favored, XoiJs eoprf/s. Ran. 440. SYN. See Qeoaefir)*, etOeoo-eTrros. Qeotyiv, adv. [divinitus,] of or to the gods. Aop6d> '46175 Uptakes, Otofyiv drdXttirds. H. 366. SYN. See 0ecr7r/, adj. [numine instiuclus,] carried on by a divine impulse. ^ptvopaviis rls el 6d(jjopr)TOS, ap-(j>i. Agam. 1109. SYN. Qeopros, et'Oeos, QeoffffuTtis, Qlofypw. fo^jow*', 6vos y adj. [diviua menle praeditus,] divinely gifted. TIKTE Kovpov. Olymp. 6. 70. SYN. 0ed^<7rwp, Ototrefit'is. Qepaireta, as, ?/, et Oepdvev/jd, dros, ro, subst. [famulatus, ministerium,] atten- dance, care, attention. OtXoy 6e OepaTreicnaiv avbp' evepytr&v. Iph. T. 315. See also Here. F. 633. 0epa7revw, v. [famnlor, servio,] to be an attendant, to attend, to minister. ' a&e\(f>rj \etpi Bepdireveiv pe\r). Orest. 2l6. SYN. ' 0fpa?n/a, as, r/, adj. [ancilla, famula,] a handmaid. 'Aalav Evpwiras Qepairvav. Hec. 480. , tSos, ^, adj. [famulas decens,] befitting a female or handmaid. TrovTitd (f)epvj')V. yEsch. Slippl. 9?6. , 6vTos t et Stpai//, a7ros, 6, subst. [minister, servus,] a servant, an at- tendant. Avrajt) Mr)pidvr)s, OepaTrwv tvs 'Ibdfievijos. Y. 528. See also Ion 94. SYN. 'E7rtr))s, ofcerqs, V7rr)prr]s, a.KO\ov6os, bov\os. EPITH. 'Ayd05s, avrWlos, i6ijuos t a-y-^e^d-^dSf dyai/o.?, aprjldoos, orprjpos, Boos, Triords, (f)l\os> yrjdoavvos, 0epew, vid. 0epw. w, v. [demeto,] to reap. SYN. 'ATTO^P/^O), d/mw. , ov, 6, subst. [messis,] reaping, harvest. Oep/3e /3oas, tyepe f*a\a' , ol-. Call. 6. 137- SYN. 0epos. , ov, ro, subst. [vestis estiva,] a summer robe. 7 ft pot, &ei\aia, TO depioTptov ijbrj. Theocr. 15. 69. , et 6)ep^&>, v. [calefacio,] to warm, to heat. "Otwi/ CTT' avSpt flep/xovpyw. Eumen. 557- s, Ids, TO, subst. [(1) aestas, (2) messis,] heat, summer, harvest. K^r' d'j)p elvai, TaXXdrpiov d/zwi/ 0cpos. Equit. 392. SYN. 0fpt et epou>s eptv, ybe OepevOai. r. 6'4. See also p. 23. SYN. Qepuahw, ai, cws, >/, subst. [positio,] deposit-money. "lv at 0res yiyvoivro TTJ vov- ^'ty. Nub. 1189. 0e be /uoi Xeye OevKeXa epya. X. 373. SYN. QeoeiKtXos, de~ws, fads, deairlaWs, ftp.- fiporos, Qavf^affTOS. eapws, tit>, adj. [leuitiraus,] legal, binding. "H Kaivd Kclffdai Bev/iV avQpunots ravvv. Med. 494. SYN. No^os, 8vvfyos, bUaios. ea/uo0fr^s, ow, o, subst. [(l) legislator, (2) nomcn magistratus Athenis,] a law- giver, a reviser of the laws. Ovbeis a aTroicXetVet dea/udOerrjs TTJ KiyK\ifa. Vesp. 775. SYN. N^ofltrqs, deffpotydpos, vdf*d(j>vXa,, (ipyuv. 0eti). e*7//os, ou t 6, plur. Qeanol et Oe^r/ud, 1 subst. [lex, institutum,] a law, custom, in- stitution. 0e7ov be aefjivov 0ej/, ou, 7-0, subst. [templtim, ubi Qeapu^dpld celebrantur,] a temple where the festival called Thesmophoria was celebrated. ^,r\p.elov ev rw 0e<7/io0optw tyaiverat. Thesm. 277* e/ /jtffr}. Thesm. 80. e', 0o^>i/. 0e)s, Ids, adj. [divinitus ardens,] greatly blazing, raging. "Ep7Trd yivov- rat, icat i)6wp, Kat Trvp. b. 418. SYN. 0:ai /uAXovrd Oeairicuv det. Ion 7- SYN. 0eff7riw$fw, f , 0e 6' e^XtWets TTWS Qlov Qeania^dTu. ; Eur. Suppl. l.JC. SYN. 0e>, cs MiMtfl' ov^f/o. Phcen. 976. SYN. 0eo-7rt'cw, xpWpfaoyW' parrevd^ai. 0eo-7riwos, oi), 6 et ^, adj. [fatidicus,] prophetic. T^s deffTrlybov beiipo Kaaav- Vid. R. P. Med. 494. 406 0EXn OEflP Spas Qepets; Hec. 6^1. SYN. Qeffirts, pavrtKos, Xt/yios, xprjafJitiXoyds, bds, fjiavrts. eoTTrpwros, ov, P. N. [e Thesprotia, in extrema Thessalia,] of Thesprotia. 0e ovSas. b. ^Le^va Aw6a>i')?s (3adpa ; Fhoen. 99^ 0e<7<7dXm, as, r/, P. N. [Thessalia,] thessaly. "E/nTropos 7/Vwv CK 0errd- Xias, Trdpd TrXeiorwv avbponobiarijjv. Plut. 521. EPITII. EvvrwXos, QeocraXiKos, ecradXos, ?;, ov, et QecrcraXls, tbiiSj ^, adj. [Tliessaius,] Thessalian, QeffffaXiKe, KXeovtKe rdXav. Call. Ep. 32. See also Alcest. 693. and Al- cest. 341. 0eortds, ctSos, r/, [patronym. a patre Thestio,] the daughter of Thestius, an epithet of Leda. 'AirwXo/jieaOa' Qecrrias b' e'oriv Kopjj ; Helen. 133. 0eortos, ov, 6, P. N. [Thestius,] prince of the Curetes, and father of Leda. AtySas d/iatjuoi', 0e irapderov. Eur. fr. Meleag. 1. 5. QeaTopelds, et Qearoplbrjs, [patronyrn. a patre Thestore,] tlie son of Thestor. Tow QecTopeiov /uavrews, Katf //^uepav. Aj. Fl. 800. See also A. 69. 0e T<>OIS /3dXwv. Hec. 388. EP1TH. 0dXaffo-ta, albuiri, ravvireTrXos, 0^X77, Ka\Xi7r\dKa^ds t fivKo/jids, dpyvpoTre^d, dXia, (3advKo\Tros, TTorvm, o-e.uj')), 0pets, ibos, r/, P. N. [Theogenis.] 'Hs evaXd/cdros ci/yfyts ev veXr]. Theocr. 28. 22. p<^t. pro 0o^uoptos, vid. 0fdjupi?s. os, //, P. N. [Theucharila.] Kat yu' a ew^dpiXa Qpqaaa rpo^os A is. Theocr. 2. 70. 0w, poet. 0e/a> et 0e) s , f}s, 6, adj. [Thebis genitus,] sprung from Thebes. TvSe? re, Oo- XvveiKei re rw rj/Sctyei'ei. Enr. Suppl. 14/. 0fl/3a7ov, a, oV, a.lj. [(1) Thebantis, (2) P. N. nobilis Trojanus,] a Theban ; also the name of a noble Trojan. Xp^w 5e vtv ytXwrd 0^/3a/ots otyXelv. Bacch. 842. SYN. ZiraprSs, Kafyetdr, 'Ka^uettoj/, KafyoyeVj)?, Qr^dyl^s'. PHR. ZTrep^ua roi) (TTrttpruty yzvovs. >?/3i7, qs, //, et0v/3at, fir, at', P. N. [Thebe and Tliebae,] Thebes : (1) in the Troad, (2) in Egypt, (3) in Bceotia. 0/,/3/; viro FIXu^, KlXiKetra nvbpeaalv avaaauv. Z. 39$. EPITH. (2) w "A^.j/eti7, SaGey, Xtxapu, Evtrrfyiivfa, ei/re X ^, os, evnnros, evpy^dpos, eplKvbrjs, ^ovporpo^os, itpa, TroKvijparos, iriiXvap- (jji\ap partis, i>\Li7rv\os, eirTaTivXds, Kabjjda, wyvyta, 'unroTpfyds. PHR. ebds eTTTUTcvXotd, exTaTrvpyos ya, eTrraTri-Xd rdyri, Kabpov TroXts, enrooro/uov Trvpy^pa 0/?/3ams x^oj'os, Bar^fir ayvta/. , r)s, r/, subst. [cos,] a whetstone. It/jpo/3|0wrr dnyary verjKon'is. Ai. Fl 820. SYN. ' 0//y&;, f. fw, v. [acuo,] to whet, to sharpen. KctTrpot 6' OTTWS 6f]yovres ayplav yeviiv. PliO3i). 1395. .SYN. 'Axo^dw, oui-w, Trapadfr/u- f]Krj, rjs, 77, snbst. [(1) tlieca, (2) sepulcrum,] a chest, a repository, a grave, a tomb. 0^k-as ^paaovad ITptdyut6a)v tv 'I\tw. Hec. 1129. SYN. (2) \opos t 5(W/^tt, TVfJifioSy Ta(j)OS, rjKTos, ij, oi', adj. [acutus,] whetted, sharp. M>) drjKTdv wag tynoyavov bV 7/7:0- ros. Med. 40. SYN. 'Oi>', Spv^^i re /uif erpd^e ftarrjp. Theocr. 3. l6\ SYN. TtO^j'tw, fiaarols v^irj/nt. /?\ew, v. [gennirio, vireo,] to blossom, to florish, to bloom. r/Aeov ev6u K' ETretra Kal aOat'CLTOs Trep eneXOwv. e. 73. SYN . See 0ci\Xw. ^X/}, r>, r^, subst. [mammilla,] a teat, an ud.ier, a breast. Af^at 6r)\a?tri o-Tropas. Cycl. 56. SYN. See Maos. *)r)Xi>yi>f)s, eos, adj. [foemina ortus; foemineus,] woman-born, female. *Os rax Qr)\vyevii oroXav. Bacch. 1 145. SYN. Fi/vatceTos, BrjXvffTropos, OtjXvs. )/7\u5pta;7/s, tds, adj. [effoeminatus,] woman-like, effeminate. K< Kal ka.rey\t*)TTi(T/ii'di>. Tiiesm. 130. SYN. QrjXviovs, fl/yXv^pwv, yvt'atKelos. yq\vicpart}s, eos, adj. [feminis imperaus,] ruling over females. 0>/Xi/k-pnn/s epius v apart K frevdv, os eivfytpet roaov. Bacch. 349 $r}\vvovs, ov, et 0r?\u0pwv, o'os, adj. [muliebri mente praeditus,] woman-hearted, timid, like a girl. QrjXvvovs ygityfffyim. P. V. 1039. See also Ec< It-s. 110. SYN. QrjXvbplubijs, yvvaiKdfj.ipos, avavbpvs, aXcnrabvds, OrjXvs, yvvat- drjXvvta, f. vj-w, v. [effoemino,] to render effeminate, to soften. UoXXovs els pd^rjv bpnupiEvovs. Eur./r. Erecth. 1. 34. SYN. KrjXeo;. *)r)Xv7rovs, Kobos, 6 et j/, adj. [foemineo incessu,] female- footed, delicate. Kp'/- vi}v dj>a\Lv^{tvevyovffd ovyyevri ydftov. P. V. 853. riXvTOKds, ov, >/, adj. [qua? filiarn peperit,] producing females. 6>)XvrdKoi re, Theocr. 25. 125. 408 0HMH 0H2A 07juwj', wvos, o, subst. [acervus frugum in agro,] a heap of corn, a heap of chaff. 'Hs c' dvejjLos carjs rjuv 9r)fj.u>va Tlvafy. e. 36'8. SYN. 2wpos, oy/cos. 0/)>/, adv. [sane, diu,] indeed, surely, in time. ILjXevs 0>/> /not eTretrd yvyaud ydjuea-fffrat ai/ros. I. 394 0//7rw, inus. 2 a. erd^oV pro 0d7r6V, prae. med. red^Tra, v. [miror cum stupore,] to gaze upon with admiration, to be astonished at. 0vpac? rffljjTrords, r/vrc veppovs. 0. 29- 0/}p, et ^E,ol. 4>7p, ?pos, 6, subst. [fera,] a wild beast, 0jyp w$, &WKW ras fjii vovs KVVO.S. Hec. 1155. SYN. 0//pioi', cwo>, KT^J'OS, &O.KOS. E.PITH. TfiYpuT dpearepos, ayu/3ar>)s, Trp^ios, Travovpyos, Oeoarvyris, $wti(OCiiTT)S t ^etvos, opetos, a/ s, /3a\ios, bafyoivos, 06os, Aairtai'X/jJ', /x'jodrepos, Kparaios, opeffKWos, cu\o- ;(ua, as, >/, subst. [venatio,] a hunting, the chase, ^rfi^ovra, Orjpas CfcXtAoiTrora. Hipp. 52. SYN. Kur?7yej> r' aypiw^ Gf/payudra. Ion 11 62. SYN.^AypevyLtd, aypa, 6rjpa- ypa, evpepa. , ov, adj. [qui venatione capi potest,] caught by hunting. ov dpaoljuovs. P. V. 883. ros, or, adj. ver!>al. [venanclus,] to be hunted after or sought, ovv yiyvoir d', etTrep wfe' X et * Philoct. 117 0r7par;)s et 07/pei/D/s, vid. Qrjpayperrjs. 0//paw, v. [venor,] to hunt. 'Ap^)}*/ ^ O^p^*' ov TrpeTret rd//^dvd. Antig. 92. SYN. 0^pe{rw, Kth'Tjyerew, r)rtu). 0//petds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ferinus, belluinus,] belonging to wild beasts. Ovre Otipetos /Sm. Trach. i'o6o. SYN. QripMn*, Qnpios. QrjpevrtKos, et drjpevro^ ), o>, adj. [venaticus,] of or for hunting. '6 5e icvi'as OrjpevrlKas. Plut. 157. 0/;pevw, v. [venor feras,] to hunt wild beasts, to hunt. Ilai/res 0tXot /xot, 7rX/)v o 6r)pev(t)v yafjiovs. Helen. 314. SYN. 0r/pdw, icvr^yertw, aypevw r 0//pr/r/)p, ^pds, 6ripf)Twp, opos, 6, et Brjpfireipa, as, >/, subst. [venator ; venatrix,] a hunter; a huntress. 'E<70Xoi> 6r]priTf)pd' btbatf yap "Apre/us awr//. E. 50 I See also I. 540. and Call. 4. 228. SYN. 0*7par)s, 0?pevn)s, drjpaypETrjs, (cvi/o-1 yds, Kvfjjyerrjs, aypwar^s, f. Kvviiyerls. PtlR. Qr]po(f>di'0)v bebaripevus epywr. ^, ov, ro, subst. [besti<, bellua,] a wild beast, a monster. 0//ptw>> r' I i^ 0^?;. Antig. 345. SYN. 0/)p, ayplov rt, dfi - ds. 0r/piwS?;s, eos, adj. [ferus, belluosus,] wild, savage. To Oyplubes TOVTO Kal /iua/- I tyovov. Orest. 525. SYN. 0?pevffiv Grjpofio- j . Philoct. 165. s, ov, o et >/, adj. [ferarum confector,] a destroyer of wild beasts, j 0^poKroj'"'Apr/uts Atos. Iph. A. 1570. 0/;po(7K07ros, ov, o et >'/, adj. [feris insidians,] lying in wait for wild beasts. Av- 1 rdp ITT^V reptyOfj 6r)poaKOTros'l.d)(eaipa. Horn. 26. 12. 0/;porp60ds, ov y adj. [a feris nutritus,] fed by wild beasts. Tav d?ro /res re &/uo)es r ; ye k'ai TO reXeo-ffat; 5. 644. SYN. A^uws, ^ovXos, //t<70a>ros, Trapaffiros. 0>ynravpt;o-e7oV, ov, ro, subst. [Thesei templum,] the temple of Theseus. Els rd Qrj- ceiov TrXeovaas* r) Vi rwi> vefjivtov deaiv. Equit. 1312. Qrjaevs, EOS, 6, P. N. [Theseus,] the son of ./Egeus king of Athens. 07/ffed, cat TUS biffroXovs. CE. C. 1055. EplTH. 'Ayav/$, djuvyuwv, dfjLelXi\ds , ayptos, ITTL- 0///Tffd, TJS, //, subst. [ancilla mercenaria,] a hired handmaid, a servant. Qfjfr- cruv Tpa7reav aiveffai, 6e6s trip &v. Alcest. 2. SYN. AovX^. ^retd, as, //, subst. [(1) servitus, (2) servitutis merces,] service, the wages of service, hire. IIo//^*/ ydp ?|/, P. N. [Thisbe,] a city of Boeotia, famous for doves. Ko7ra*, iv re, TroXvTpripaiva re Qifffirjv. B. 502. 0Xdw, v. [contundo, frango,] to bruise, to break. 0Xaorfi) pfj^e revovTt, E. 307. SYN. ^.vvdpavd), 0pavw, cXdw, &yrvpi, apaoau, 0Xt/3w, v. [premo,] to press. 'AXX' a, Trtecw, emrpiftu, dvtdw, KO.KUO), a^iyyw, , f. Oavovpat, 2 a. eOavov, V. [morior,] to die. QriitrKOval yap, ir\tjv els Tis, os (pdfio) ^vyoiv. Q^. R. 118. SYN. 'ATroflfifaKa;, Ka.ra.Qn] a KO>, eKirviu, OL ttai, reXevrdw, ovfcer' et/xi. PHR. Tov /3i6> aTro^v^u), fc'draorpe^w, reXew, Xdrrw, roi/ /3ioi/ dmrravo/iai, aTroXvopai, /ue&'ara/mi, If /3tou dva^wpew, aireiulf efyifjil, /uoTpav be^o/, dvaTrXT/pow, eKirXrjpou),\i]Q(i). 'Ybv bZ oaaa KaXvTrret, Ov^uov bevofj.evot> reXos fldydroto K&XvirTei, av&Kdos ev KoiXq. evbb) judXd fj.a.tcpov dre/)/^6i'd, rj/ypertJv VTTVO*', Qdvarov KtXXw Tror? 0rrjroyevj/s, cos, adj. [a mortalibus genitus,] born of mortals. 'H/*eIs ^ fiptirol KOI dvrjroyeveHs. Antig. 835. VTJTOS, ^/, OK, adj. [mortalis,] mortal. KXa/d/uev a0dmrot re GeoJ, Ovrjroi r Mpuvoi. u>. 64. SYN. See Bpdros and "A/0pw7r6s. PHR. See Nem. 6. 7- 0oaw', v. [celeriter urgeo, celeriter sedeo,] 1o urge rapidly or violently, to sit down in haste. QoaZwv 7pt6>, ov, TO, vid. Qoivrj. w, v. [(l)epulor, (2) vescor,] to banquet, to eat. Ala^pov Trdpu KX QoivaaQai ^IXois, Alcest. 558. SYN. Ei/w^ew,, eafliw, Qoivrj, rjs, r\, Ooivrj^a, dros, doivrjTripiov, ov, TO, subst. [convivium,] a feast, a banquet. Ovb' otrd irpos doivrjv uEpoxwv Tev^ovai payetpot. Batrach. 40. See Orest. 812. and Rhes. 515. SYN. Ipo^rj, evo^m, rpv0?}, bals. rip, r/pos, et Ootvarup, dpds, 6, subst. [conviva, epulo,] a guest. doiraTfjpos. Agam. 1479- See Ion 1205. SYN. AcurdXevs, 0dXepos, d, ov, adj. [(l) turbidus, (2) obscurus,] turbid, muddy, obscure. *H vbaTt vigeiv BoXEpav loeibfl TrXivOov. Theocr. 16. 62. SYN. 'Aicdflaprds, re- TapaypEvos, abr]Xds. 0oXta, as, fi, subst. [pileus fastigiatus ; umbella,] a round slmde, a hat. Tcfy v (j)Epe uoi, Kal TO.V OoXtaV KOLTO. KOffuov. Theocr. 15. 39- SYN. IltXds, 0oXos, ov, o et ?/, subst. [aediticium rotundum,] a round building. Me<7, a irpoOoptb). QoplKlds, ov, adj. [Thoricius,] so called from a district in Attica. 'A^>' ov eras, rov re Qoplxlov Trerpov. CE. C. 0opt//3w, v. [(1) tumultuor, (2) perturbo,] to clamor against, to disturb. 'TTTO i>>u TOtovTttiv ai>>pun> 0opu/3el. Aj. Fl. 164. SYN. 'Avaddpvfiew, eKKpovio, t, oro/Sew, avTrj-^EU), evo'^Xea), Tapaacrti). PHR. KtXd^s ev bojjiots Qopvflds, ov, 6, subst. [tumultus,] a tumult, a commotion. "H>> 6' e| ' Bopvfios, ri 'iriKOVpta. Hec. 860. SYN. Tdpdx7, KeXabos, oro/3os, Trdrdyos, 0opi>/3??raos, ?), ^J^, adj. [pavores faciens,] alarming. KdrdX?7rrtKo's r dptpaaros-, ov, 6, P. N. [Theophrastus.] AiJo-torrpdros, 0ov- fypaffTos, ol Qpvvlyov. Vesp. 1302. 0owfcds, poet, pro WKOS, q. v. Qduv, uvos, b, P. N. [Thoon,] Thoon. B// be /iera Saveov re, 0owvd re, voiros vie. E. 152. 0ows, adv. [celeriter,] hastily, quickly. *Ai opdwv ITdpios 5e 0do5s ec SpovaEV. F. 325. SYN. Td^ews, o*Ktws, cov0ws, aaX&s. , TJS, ^, P. N. [Thoosa,] the mother of Polyphemus. 0owpdavj3ovXos, ov, 6, P. N. [Thrasybulus.] 'Y/zeTs y', oiirep Kai Qpdav(3ovXy Attf- vvaiov elvai o/zotoi'. Plut. 550. 0pd<7vyvtos, ov, 6 et fi, adj. [audax robore corporis,] strong in limb. 'lofyuu Qpdavyvtov. Pyth. 8. 51. SpdrrvKapblos, ov, flpdcrv/i^Sjys, eos, et Opdffv pr'^di' 'os, ov, adj. [audaci animo prae- ditus,] bold-hearted, courageous. MdXd ns Opdavxapblos eorat. K. 39. See also Nem. 9. 30. and Olymp. 6. 114. 9pd<7fyte//vw*>, o>-os, adj. [qui irruentem hostem viriliter sustinet,] brave in re- sisting a foe. Qpdavfj,epvovd, dvpoXeovrd. E. 638. SYN. pdffeo/zdx^, dpdvvs. ^pdffvpyjbrjs, eos, 6, P. N. [Thrasymedes,] a son of Nestor. Hepyevs T, 'A re, Kai 'AvrtOeos Qpdyv/jirjbrjs. y. 414. EPITH. 'AyafcXe^s, dya/cXetros, fJLos, bios, Kpdrepos, ev^jne\Lr)s, /zeveTrroXe/ios, NeerroptSrjs, Nearopos vios, //OS, 7TOtfJ.r)V XttWV. ?, ov, 6 et i], adj. [verbis audax,] daring in language, insolent. Ma- dpdvvfjivdov. Olytnp. 13. 12. SYN. See pdavcrroyuos. ivos, ov, 6 et fj, adj, [in labore sujtinendo fortis,] hardy in labor. 'A^a/ r f ivxyos Qpaavirovoi. Olymp. 1. 156. Qpdavs, eld, v, adj. [audax,] bold, daring. 'Aff^dXr/s ydp ear* djue/Vw*', T) 6pdavs ffrpdTijXdrrjs. Pho3n. 60S. SYN. Oapo-dXeos, dyr'ivtap, evroXyuos, yei^aTos, roX- jurjpds, BpdarvKapbios, Bpdffvfj.epy(i)V, 6pd(TV7rXayx i 'os, Opdavirdvos, KapTf.p6Qvp.6s, dberjs, av6abt}s, vfiptarfis, ffKXrjpos. PHR."I, adj. [qui forti animo est,] spirited, brave-hearted. AovXot ydp avbpd, KO.V Bpa.avffirXayxyos ris $ Hipp. 424. SYN. QpdffvKapblos, dpd- , adv. [fortiter,] valiantly, spiritedly. *Oy 0pdflrvfT7rXdyxvws ae _ 7. P. V. 755. 0pdo-voTo//w, v. [insolenter loquor,] to speak audaciously or insolently. Kcu I ravr', eiretbi) Kai Xeyets dpdv. Philoct. 384. SYN. 'EXeuflfpoaroyuew, I Qpa.avv6fj.aij TrGppr)alaouai, irdv eXevdepw crro/zd. | \QpdavaTouos, 6v, adj. [ore audax,] audacious in language. j avbpdaiv, typev&v ply. Sept. Theb. 608. SYN,, QpdavuvOos, Xoibopds, poffTopoSj ddv'poaropds, XdXos, dfAETpoEirfjs, a.Kp[TouvQ6s. QpavaavTv^ vyos, o et ?j, adj. [currum frangens,] chariot-breaking. 7 H aKXrjpt ba'ipov, w rv^ai dpavaavrvyes. Nub. 1264. Qpavapd, dros, TO, subst. [fragment um,] a fragment. 'AyaTrrt KWTTWV, Qpnvaud- aiv T epeiTTiwv. Pers. 431. SYN. Kdrayyud, 7rX^y>), avvTplfit}, xXdais. ^ Qpavto, f. Opavau, v. [(1) frango, (2) debilito,] to break, to weaken. "Areu x- N ^" " Opavet peaov. Pers. 201. SYN. 'A7ro0pavw, auvOpavot, 0Xda;, , drds, ro, subst. [(l) omne quod alitur, (2) pecus,] a nursling, cattle, epwrw, Qpe^ar OVK dvaax^d. Sept. Theb. l66. SYN. Boror, ft 412 0PEO 0POE 0ptfytai, v. [(1) sonura edo, (2) lugeo,] to cry out, to lament. 0pov/iaf 0o/3epd jueydXd T d X 7j. Sept. Theb. 78. SYN. Qprjvtu, 0o/3ofyat, 0pdew, dXd- , et QpeirTripWv, ov, TO, subst. [educationis praemium,] a return for the care bestowed in education. Qpeirrpd lXois dTre&wKe, plvvvddblos be ot aluv. P. 302. See also Chogph. 538. SYN. Tpofelov. QperravaXd, [threttanelo,] a musical note or interjection. 'H/uets be y av r\- Trjffofj.ev, dperraveXd TOV KvfcXwTroi-'. Plut. 290. 0perre, [vox barbara pro OappeTv, vid. Brunck. in 1. c.] confidence, assurance. 'AXX' OVK evl pot TO 0perre. Equit. 17. QprftKWs, (2) Qpfjoaos, rj, ov, (3) 0pj?, et (4) 0p/?'i, KOS, adj. [Tlirax, Thracius,] Thracian. QprjiKirjs' evdev yap fyaivero iraaa fj.ev "Ibrj. N. 13. See also Apoll. 1. 1110. Antig. 596. ft. 234. and K. 434. EPITH. (3) 'ApijtytXos, draor0dXos, draprrjpos, aTn/i/rjs, betvos, 0iXt7r7ros, i)/3piid QprJKrjs CK TOTTUV Alcest. 67. EPITH. Xldvwbris. Qprjveu), v. [lugeo,] to mourn, to lament. 'AXXd yap ri raOrd 0p^vw, icat obvpo/jiaf, Phcen. 1775. SYN. KWKVW, eiribaKpvu), KaraK\alv, K\nia), b), youu), dprjvvbea), dvev^ij/utw, dXvw. PHR. AaK-pvrri 6(d0ep(u Opfjvov ird\v(j)Ufjioy X' w > fdrdp^o^uai trrtvayuov. , O.TOS, ro, et Qpr]v6s, ov, o, subst. [carmen lugubre,] a dirge, a lamenta- tion. At S' ay Trapeifft, rols efjLols Qprjvi]^.affl. Orest. 132. See also ft. 720. j SYN. KXavGfjios, u&iippos, otyuwy/), dXofyvpfjios, cuay/xd, EPITH. j Oi/Xtov, arvytpoy, 7rdvo5vpro', //tXeoi'. &pr)i>t}Tt)p, fjpds, et 6privr)rr)s, ov, o, subst. [qui luget,] a mourner. Mapiavbvvov j dprji'^rfjpds. Pers. 933. See also Agam. 1042. 0p^fvs, vos, 6, subst. [scabellum pedum,] a foot-stool. KaXov, batbaXZov vird be 6p)~ii>vs Troalv i]Zv. 1. 390. SYN. 0pa>'os. fa/, v. [lugubre carmen cano,] to sing a dirge or mournful song. dpyvubovv aei. Iph. A. 1173. SYN. See Qprjviw. , et 0p>/Y, vid. QprjiKlds. 0ptai, 6jv, at, subst. [lapilli seu calculi vaticinatorii,] fortune-telling stones. KetVoy be dptal KUL fjiavrles' K be vv $ot'/3ov. Call. 2. 44. , ov, TO, subst. [fastigium aedium,] the top or roof of a house. 'E/c 5' /ueydpoto Trope* peya Qpiyrtov avXrjs. IT. \65. , ov, '6, subst. [(1) pinna seu corona murorum, (2) cacumen,] the bat- tlement, a pinnacle, a cope-stone, a height. *H rybe Opiyicy Kpard alQlv. Orest. 1586. SYN. Te/x^v, Trtpi'/SoXtJs, Kopwvis, Kopv^f), rrrt^ 0ptyc6w, v. [sepio,] to fence round. 'Puroto-tv Xde<7cu, Odptfitu, r, ov, 6, subst. [grumus v. c, sanguinis concreti,] a clot of blood, "ftsr' ei> ydXaKTi 0poyu/3oV at pares aTrdffai. Choeph. 526. SYN. 'Oycos. )po/z/3a/$7?s, EOS, adj. [grumosus,] clotted. 'Ava&ovyt dpop(3wt>ets dpoi. Trach. 704. 0p6>oV, ov, ro, subst. [(l)flos; (2)pigmentum ; (3) pharmacum,] a flower, a drug, paint. At7rXd*cd, pappdpEqv, kv be Bpdvd TrotKtX* EiraoaH. X. 441. SYN. Av0os, Tro/fCtXjud, (pappaKov. < t ov, 6, subst. [thronus, solium, sedile,] a throne, a seat, a pedestal. >, a KUfcXdevr' dyopas Opovov evfcXea 1 Oacraet. CE. R. l6l. SYN. 0wicos, ?, eSpdyoV. EPITH. 'AyXdos, a00iros, atyXr/ets, apyvpoqXds, KaXos, , /3dotXf/tos, eoros, r/Xt/3dro$, XtTrdpos, Trept/caXXjfs, 1/^/77X0 tydetvd's, criydXoeis. ;, ov, 6, subst. [fremitus,] a clamor, din, noise. Ov ydp Travrwv ^< 0pdos, ov' td y^pvs. A. 437. SYN. 'H^os, r/x7, <^wvr?, ^T/JUJJ, 0^pi)/3os, 0pvXXos, ^idvpifffjd. 0pi/aXXts, ios, r/, subst. [ellychnium,] a wick. '6rt rwv irayei&v EvtrWeis 0pi>- aXXtSwy. Nub. 59. SYN. 'EXXv^woV* Xvx v ^ s > (nrivd^p. 0pvydmw, v. [(1) frico, (2) leviter pulso,] to rub, to beat gently. 0puydi/o}cai XdXwi^ ev rats dSoTs o-eavrw. Equit. 348. See also i//. 396. et Theocr. 2. 142. SYN. Yt0vpt'5w, 0pvXXos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) susurrus ; (2) tutnultus,] a whisper ; a noise, a tumult. ^KeTTTdpepaty & avTtiv, TroQlv rf ffrdais ri TIS 6 dpvXXds. Batrach. 134. SYN. *ldvpiffpd, dpoos, 0opi)/3os, fldrj. 0pvdeoro-d, idem q. 0pvoV, P. N. [Thryoessa, vel Thryum,] a city of Elis. "E, a/ctprdw, 0opew, TrrjSdw, d?rd- 0pw. Plut. 710. 0t)eXXd, TJS, ff, subst. [vehemens procella,] a violent storm. 'lorov Se irportivovs epprjg dvEpoid 6veX\d. p. 407. SYN. 'AeXXd, d//r?;s, Xat'Xa^, orpopfios. EPITH. 'Arf^orpoTTos, Setvr), dpVTjs f Kaiu), Kpanrvr), ffrovueaod, S^o^tpd, oytfpSdXea, XdXtTrr), 7rpo0veXXd, dpydXea. PHR. See ^. 407. veoretos, ov, adj. [Thyesteus,] of Thyestes. Kelrat 5' d0ev rwv 0ye, evOa be ol reyutVos flwfJios Te Ovrjets. 6. 363. SYN. Qvwbrjs, Bvoeis, evfctdros, evofyuos, evubrjs. QvrjXr), fjs, r], subst. [libamentum,] a libation, an offering. TlaTpoK\ov, dv eYa<- poV o V kv irVpi flaXXe OvrjXas. I. 220. SYN. 'A7rdpx7, Qvala, dvpiapa. EPITH. Evdyrjs. 0v7/7ro\w, v. [sacrifice,] to sacrifice. EvayyeXoto-ii/ e\7riVTf.s evwbr) 0Xoya. Agam. 580. 0i/(ds, dSos, >/, subst. [Thyias, Baccha,] a bacchanalian. Ba^ 0i/tds ws, ^)d/3o>/ /3XE7TWI/. Sept. Theb. 494. SYN. B, ov, ro, subst. [sacculus, capsula,] a small sack or bag. Kcu Kwd- plov Kal XrjKvdlov Kal OvXaKtov. Ran. 1203. 0i/Xdfcds, ov, 6, subst. [(l)saccus, uter, follis, crumena, (2)vestimenta cruralia,] (1) a sack, a skin, a bag, bellows', a purse; (2) breeches. QvwagovTes els TOVS BvXdKovs. Vesp. 1087. SYN. BdXdvrtoV. QvXrjfiaTd, wv, rd, subst. [(1) molae, () farra ad sacrificium pertinentia,] sacrificial cakes, flour used in sacrifices, incense. 'Eyw 5' eirl aTrXay^v' el/^t, icat 0i/X>7/idrd. Pax 1040. 0v/^d, dros, ro, subst. [victima,] a victim, a sacrifice. KaTrjvOpdK&dri QvfjC ev 'H(j>aiaTOv Xoyi. Iph. A. l60l. SYN. 0y, f. avu), v. [irascor, excandesco,] to be enraged, to be angry. 'AXX', iot. Nub. 1478. SYN. 0vyufymi, o'pytc?cy*ai, s, ^os, adj. [dolorem adferens animo,] heart-rending. Mdpvdrat, dXX' ?ri vrjvai x^Xov 0v/uaXyed Treaaei. A. 513. SYN. 0v)uo|3opos, 6vjj.dbu.Kr)S, dvpo- pdiaTrjs, 0v/zo00opos, Xvmjpos. 0y/idXw^, WTTOS, adj. [titio niger,] a firebrand. Kdyw *lbvs, yXvKvs, ev- dpeoros. 0u^/3p7, r)s, rj, P. N. [Thymbra,] a city in the Troad. Ilpos 0i/yu/3pj;s 6' eXd^oy AvKtot, Mi/ffot r' dytpw^ot. K. 430. 0v/i/3p7ri5et7ri/ds, et 0i/^/3pd0dyds, or, adj. [qui thymbra vescitur; tennis faci- lisque victu,] living on herbs or vegetables, abstemious. Kcu 0etwXoi>, Kal rpvort/Brovyaorpos, icat Ovfj-pptTrlbeiTrvov. Nub. 421. See also Acharn. 254. SYN. EvreX^s, QeibwXds. ts, tbds, 6, P. N. [Thymbris. Vid. Valckenaer. in 1. c.] Kat 0TME 0YMO IK, rot xetre KaXov Kara Qvpfipiotis Map. Theocr. 1. 118. vpeXrj, rjs, ?}, subst. [altare,] an altar. 'ETTI KvKXuirw lets OvpeXas. Iph. A. 152. SYN. BW/JOS, eaxjapa, /3r/^d, Kwfjios. EPITH. Xpv i//v X r7V avX- w, v. [hilari sum animo,] to be cheerful-hearted. 'Av)p 6' dray paXttrrd 6vpr)be~ir boicy. Simon. 2. 103. , eds, adj. [animo gratus,] cheerful-hearted. Mr/ oc ^pfipd^eTreiTd a\is ebwfjiEv. TT. 389. SYN. See Qvfjiaprjs. tayLid, arcs, TO, suost. [suffimentum,] frankincense. TldXts & 8pov ph Qvfna- HO.TUV yefjiet. CE. R. 4. SYN. 0i/os, dvov. vfjilhdy, ov, TO, [dimin. a dvpos, ira. Sed in I. c. lusus est verborum. Vid. Brunck.] 'Avrt alpalov, peXiros ypiiKpov Ty dvfubly irapafjilas. Vesp. 878. ov, adj. [thy mo conditus,] seasoned with thyme. At Xps, TreptSov w i QvfjuTav a\&v. Acharn. 772. w, v. [animum exedo,] to fret the soul. "AXytd 6v^o/3ope7v' paXa TO TTe\ff[jievoi> r)/udp. Hes. Op. 797- SYN. $pem &a.Kva>, Ovfjiov icdreSw. 0i/yud/3dpos, ov, 6 et ?y, et 0v/ioSdf07$, EOS, adj. [animum corrodens,] fretting the soul. QvfAoftopov eplbos fjievei \vvlr\Ke fia^ffQai. H. 210. See also 6. 185. SYN. See 0v/*dXy?7s. , ov, 6, P. N. [Thymaetes,] a noble Trojan. Ot & a^l Upld^oy vai 7/5e Qvfjtoirriv. T. 146. iSos, r^, adj. [orta a quodam pago Attico,] of Thymus, a bfifios in Attica. 'Ey& be fflavpav v^), ^rop, yvwprj, bldvoia, pevds, pta, opy>), Xoyifffids. EPITH. 'Ayr/vwp, ayplos, aTrrjt'TjS, d aprjios, fia^rjTrjs, a\Kf]ets t dvaibrjs, dfieiXt^ds , dvaXfcis, fiXX/:re>j, aTTtoros, &ppr)K- TOS, upaifjiaKeTos, (3apvs, fldpvfjtrivis, y\vKvs, ev^pwv, e\apos, OeXtftypuv, Oap- ffaXeos, KpaTepotypuv, KpaTepos, iXaos, fieydXrjTUp, vrjXerjs, oyuo^pwv, TrtiXvrXiipwv, KTepoets, TreptXvTTos, TrepiQapffrjs, Trpo^pwv, Kcucdepytis, ireXwpltis, errovdets, ait^ rXr/ros, rXr//uwi>, ToXf^rjets t vTrep^tdXos, V7rep/3tos, i/Trep^wp, fypevi]pr\s t piKwbr]s t evr)s, fiapvTrr}fu>)i' t bptpvs, alor/po^pwy, Kovtyds, KaKds, lXtis t vl8- , oivios, eXefipwv, oXiyos, rerXr/ws. , ov, et 6vp6(f>dopds, tiv, adj. [animum perdens,] life-destroying, destructive. Kat icopvs' a/x^i ot Odmros x r ^ Qv papal (TTTJS. N. 544. See also Z. 169. vfjidffofiKds, et Ovfjifatyds, ov, adj. [ingenio solers,] clever. Elr 'Aptypdbrjv, TrdXv rt Qvnoa6$iK&Ta.Tov. Vesp. 1280. See also Nub. 875. SYN. Ev/m0j/$, evtyvrjs, ay^voos. vjuo00opew, v. [animum corrumpo,] to be disheartened. Ild0^/id rov^cJv ws S'eyw 6vpoddpG>. Trach. 142. 0v/zdw, v. [irrito,] to irritate, to enrage. 0v/*w0r; S' dpd ketyos, eXwv de ye \etpl irf. Batrach. 236. SYN. 'OpyeuVw, 416 0YMfl 0YPI 0y/*w/ud, arcs, ro, subst. [ira,] irritation, anger, rage. Ntwv, doivois 6vfjLu>ndcrw. Eumen. 857. SYN. "Opyrj. , et Qvvw, v. [cum impetu feror,] to rush, to hurry on. AeX07ves rjj KO.L ZQvvtov ixOvdovrts. Hes. Scut. 210. See also E. 87. SYN. 'Op^dw, , 7rep7;0t, [prisca dativi forma, pro adverbio habita, foris, extra. Heder.] abroad, without. Ilavrd udX' t 6W riweXve. rd ' aoaevd XetTre 0i)pr?0iv. t. 238. SYN. , ov t ro, subst. [ostiolum, fenestra,] a small door, a window. '6p* r& Ovplov rovro ; Thesm. 26. |i 1 Gvpthv is here scanned as an Iambus. 0YPO (-)vn 117 , v. [januam pulso,] to knock at a door. Kal OtpoKijirTiaat, Kul a- raat, Kal (3aXc~tt>. Vesp. 1254. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ostia pulsans,] knocking at the gate. "H i//ev<3- \{ju OVpoKfiTTus 0AeSwv. Agam. 1 166'. v. [janua claudo,] to shut with a door. Oiibe dvputaat. Aves 6l3. aw, v. [thyrsuna agito,] to move the thyrsus. Qvpffabbuav Kcvabbuav. 1 Lysistr. 1312. Svpols, ibos, 6, P. N. [Thyrsis.] Qvprts 06' w MTVO.S, Kal Qupot&os afr a wa. Theocr. 1 . 65. ris, Ifo, adj. [thyrso furens,] raging with the thyrsus. Ov Trdbd dvpffo- epibuv perd biveveis. Phoen. 803. ov, 6, subst. [thyrsus,] the thyrsus, a wand entwined with ivy or vine leaves, and borne by the Bacchanalians. 0;pdeivos, Tray^pvacos. ffOXd, wv, rd, subst. [(1) vitis folia, seu rarni cum fructu appenso, (2) virgae Bacchicae, thyrsi,] vine leaves or branches with their fruit, bacchanalian wands. QvaOXd xdpal Kdrc^evar, VTT' uvbpotydvoio AvKovpyov. Z. 134. SYN. ^os, Ovpffos. , as, fi, subst. [(l) feriae, (2) hostia,] a holiday, a sacrifice, a victim. Qvaai fjLe Qvalav Trpwrd Se7 rlv evOdbe. Iph. A. 673. SYN. 0v^a, Ovos, lepeldv, ffirovbrj, efcard///37, eopr//. EPITH. 'Airvpos, ^dpu7roids t aluoppavros, (3poTOKTtivds t at/jidroeacrd, cvartfydvos, yuvorts, awrr/ptos, Trayk'apTrias, ddvjos, dveopros, diropprf- lKb)br]S. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui sacrificari potest vel solet,] fit to be sacrificed. 'AX\' ovbe dvaifjtos early avrtryl.* Acharn. 784. ds, dSos, f], adj. [(1) sacrificalis, (2) Bacchica,] sacrifical, bacchanalian, frenzied. See in 'EXXrjviKds. vr?p, r^pos, o, subst. [sacrifictis,] a sacrificer, a priest. OI#, o>$ Oun'ip ye TcoXXd br) OTddels dvw. Trach. 1194. SYN. Qvvfftcdus, dvoaKfaus, ?epevs, <7$>d- yevs, 0vr>7pt6v, oy, TO, subst. [ara,] an altar, a sacrifice. 0e ^tXov Trpd^ay/za rai 0vn/p?ov. Iph. T. 244. SYN. Bw/^us, Bvfid. w, v. [furo, feror cum impetu,] to rage, to move violently. Ilop^pto*' /i?yd 6vf. TrdXvtyXoiafioio ddXacrarjs. v. 85. SYN. 0vvcw, Ovvw, pairdftai, op/ictw, , et 0va;, (frequentius penult, producitur,) v. [sacrifice,] to sacrifice. taw eicarl Oveffdai ydpuv. Iph. A. 493. See also o. 260. ^SYN. 'Airap- f, tepevw, Kddupevat, o-^arrw, a^aymcjw, jSovOvrtw, eTr^w^m^pe^a;. PHR. "Epa> iepas Kcird/u/3as, fiovrav tyovov cte^w. Lacon. for upaafoyirft;?' Kal eyafrwrwi'. 2 Megarensis loquitur. Pros. Z,e#. 3 G 418 0THA 0vwoV, tos, adj. [odorus,] smelling of frankincense, fragrant. eoTo-tv OvwSei Ku.TTv t^Btjaop.^ r\v KeflBvuy. (3. 192. SYN. See Z^ta. 0akds, et poet. 6ob)Kos, ov, 6, subst. [sedile,] a seat. "Ecero 6' ei/ irarpos 0wf, clav yepovres. /3. 14. See also p.. 318. SYN. 0cif;os, e6pa, 0povos. EPITH. 'EvS^rjrds, /3ptdpds, Xcuyeds, OeuTteaflos, oloxoXos, TroXvbaibuXus, irdXv^pVffds, re7ds, aXrjdijs. 0w/u(y^, tyyds, >/, subst. [funis, nervus,] a rope, a string. 0w/utyyds tot TTtryovres ^XXvo-dv. Pers. 467. SYN. i^o/Vtdv, ^CCT/UOS, x f 'P^'/* EPITH. Ad- Xt^?;, icpdrtpd, XivooTjt/o^ds, ^pvffYjXaTos. QufjiiZiii, v. [(1) vincio, (2) fodico,] to bind, to lash. Maortyt Anacr. 62. 16. SYN. Aetr/ueuw, Sew, rvTrrw, Tr\r f ](T(T(t), yuas eare BdJTrlKal vaei. Lysistr. 1037. SYN. 0a)vp. 0(u7rv/ud, drds, ro, subst. [blandimentum,] a piece of flattery. FXt/KeTai 6' ?iaaov els 0w7rev/udrd. Eur. Suppl. 1113. SYN. KoXoKei//^d, 6\nrr]pWi 7/^etd. wTrevyudrtdv, ov, ro, subst. [adsentatiuncula,] petty servility. 'Hs and evvovs avry dwirev/jtartdtv yeyei'rjffui. Equit. 788. et 0a>7rrw, v. [adulor, adsentor,] to flatter. Ad*:e7s ydp av pe rovbe TTOT av. Med. 369. See also P. V. 973. SYN. e Y7ro0W7revw, KtiXa- ffaivu), ^dpievrt^dyuat, p,iXiijati) t aTrdrdw. , ov, ro, subst. [propugnaculum ad altitudinem pectoris extructnm,] a breastwork. FlXrypovre 0wpace7d ; fcaTri 'aeXuaolv. Sept. Theb. 32. SYN. , nfctJs, Ion. 0wp^, o, subst. [thorax,] the breast, a coat of mail. 'T}S 7rlp//3oXots ijt)Tr\L(j^if.v6v. Ion 993' SYN. ^LrijQos, ^trw^, Bptyitos, iriip- yos. EPITH. Aat^dXtos, irdXvSa/^dXos, Trdva/oXos, TTVKLVOS, ^aXfceos, yvdXds, ^fTrXdos, Trot/v'tXds, dortpde/s, Xa^Trpov ydvowr, atvoTtpos Trvpos avy^s, cpdrai- yvdXos. >)s, ov, o, adj. [thorace indutus,] clad in mail, a warrior. Eltv or' 'Ap- dwpijKTrjolv. $. 429. >, v. [lorica anno,] to arm with a coat of mail, to arm. ITpwt avr rev^eai 6()pr)-^6evTES. 0.530. SYN.^OTrX/Cfytcu, KdftoTrX/cdyucu. PHR. >eyuds oTrXots. ', Wds, 6, P. N. [Thorycion,] a wicked Athenian, a traitor. 0wpv/ctwv /i.) /3ovX)/rat. Ran. 383. 0ws, wds, o, subst. [animal lupo simile,] an animal sprung from the wolf and fox, a lynx, 'ftore/ re batyoivot 0wes opeotylv. A. 474. EPITH. 'A'at5)s, 7rtKds,] flattering. 2oi 0w?r' Adytfv. Eur. fr, Syl. 2. - .-,- "' IA IAII I. 'la, as, ?/, et Ion. 'L>, subst. [vox, clamor,] a voice/a cry. KaKofbdrlbd ($oav, KOKtpiXtTdv tdi/. Pers. 932. (a double dochmiac.) SYN. Mvr,, ^ fats, _po/7, tfaiyif, lu^rj. lai'i/w, f. Iav5>, \. [tepefacio,] to warm, to cheer, "fts ol ply, -frotpololv tatvd- . Theocr. 27- 66. SYN. Eixppalvu, afipvvu, ydrow, Oeppnivu. r;s, >/, subst. [ululatus,] a bacchanalian shout. IreVa/crd*' laK\av. Phoen. 1321. SYN. See 'Id X ?. , 6, P.N. [Bacchus.] 1ca- X e 0tXoxopevm, /yi;//a, obvp^os. AXw, v. [mitto, emitto,] to send forth. Ot 6' CTT' dvelaff erol^d Trpoicei- ici'a xlas mXXdv. I. 91. SYN. 'ETriaXXw, e/c/3aXXw, Tre/iTrw, iJijjit, eKreivu, /, adj. [missus,] sent. 'laXros ec 5o^w/ e/3?;^. Choe'ph. 20. layua, arcs, ro, subst. [medela,] a remedy. 1 Tvx'7^ yap ovros juiuvds t^et fjidTd. Menand. 278. SYN/'Iao-is, aKeopd. la/^eloj/, ov, TO, et Tafj.fids, ov, 6, subst. [iambus, carmen iambicum,] an iambus, iambic verse. 'Ei/ ro7s 'Iayu/3e/otcrt- Se/^w ^' at-rtfca. Ran. 1201. See also Ran. 673. , ov, 6, P. N. [lamenus,] lamenus. "Aaiov a/juftt avaKra, epa rt fcai 'Idra^o-d. i. 47. >d, as, fj, P. N. [Janira,] one of the three thousand daughters of Occanus. See in T , fj, P. N. [lanthe,] one of the same family as the preceding. r , 'Ab/jDJTr] re 'larOt) T, 'liXenrpi} re. Hes. Theog. 34.9. aofjidL, v. [medeor, sano,] to lieal. $iXws, K-dXws 6' ov, Hipp. 593. See also Eur. fr. Dictys. 7. 7. SYN. GepttTreuw, aKt ', vid. ' s, ov, 6, et 'laTren'ffvts, tSos, >/, patronym. [lapeto satus,] sprung from lapetus. 'laireTwt'ibr], itavruv aptbeucer' avaKrwv. Hes. Theog. 543. See also Olyiup. 9. 80. ov, 6, P. N. [lapetus,] the father of Prometheus and Epimetheus. al TTovrotd, Iv 'Id^eros re Kpovos re. 0. 479- EPITH. 'Ay/)i'wp, , v. [mitto, jacio,] to send, to throw, to smite. "Os /ue KaTaanvyuv tea? es oarlov u\piLs taTrret. Theocr. 3. 17- SYN. 'laXXw, /SXavrrw, Sta^>0e/pw, at- 56/Uat, vfipib), ITTTb). apbdvVs, ov, o, P. N. [Jardanus,] a river in Crete. $e/i}s ?rop rel\efffflv, 'lap- odi'ov /, adj. [sanabilis,] that may be cured. Aem) ydp // 6eo, x aXX' ojuws larttJios. Orest. 393. SYN. "lards. 1 " Haec vox rarissimi apud poetas usus 5 ancipitem forsan habens primam vocalem." Maltb. 2 ebs is here scanned as a long sellable. See Pors. 420 IA2I IAAI "Ia' "\affov "Apyos 'Axato/. &. 245. 'lairwj', et Ion. '\i\ffwv, fives, o, P. N. [Jason,] the leader of the Argonautic expedition. 'Epwri dv^or eKirXayeld 'Ido-oVds. Med. 8. EPITH. 'Ap)/ios, bios, ^eivaTrartjs, "^ev&opKos, Alaorlbrjs, QeffffdXos, Troip^v 'IwXcov, ayXdos. PHR. Tavpwv TrvpTrvowv fTrtordrJjs, o ev Xe%ei ^lar^p, et Ion. t^n/p, rjpds; tarpos, et Ion. trjrpos, ov, o, subst. [medicus,] a phy- sician. "EXfcos 6' Irjrijp t7rijua(Toad. 518. See Helen. 1502. SYN. lafcxtw, ^ w > /3oaw, 7, mxos, ov, o, et tdx^d, drds, ro, subst. [vociferatio,] a shout, a hissing. Bapflapov tdxv e^ovSdaw. Iph. T. 180. See also Troad. 1220 and Here. F. 879. SYN. Kpavyr), j3d>), fwr), dprjvds, fix * 8 - EPITH. Kd\d- 7d* aloXr), beivr), ifj.tpoeaaa, OeffTreatrj. >, vid. 'IwXxrds. ', ores, (1) adject, gentil. [lonius,] Ionian or Grecian, contrasted with and opposed to barbarian, also (2) the name of a river in Arcadia. '' v yf/v o'/x^^ot Trepaat OzXwr. Pers. 183. "I/3ts, loos, fj, subst. [Ibis ; avis ^Egyptiacus serperites devorans,] the ibis, a small bird worshipped by the Egyptians for destroying the crocodiles aw serpents. "l/3is AvKovpya)' Xatpt^wrrt WKTepVs. Aves 129^* "Ifivxos, ov, 6, P. N. [Ibycus,] a poet of Rhegium. "IfiuKos Entires, Ti^los. Thesm. 168. 'lyj'va, as, et 'iyvvs, vos, %, subst. [posterior genu pars, poples,]the hind part o the knee, the ham. T HX0e, fcdr' iyvvrjv fiefiXripsvos d%u xaXvw. N. 212. See also Horn. Merc. 151. "Ia, YJS, et lon/'IS^, P. N. [Ida,] a mountain in the Troad, the top of which was Gargarus. Kae TYIV t>"I&y ypaju/mrwr TrX^o-ett rts. Hipp. 1248. EplTH Aaff/cios, 5d9ea, paKpa, TroXvbevbpos, vijjrjXos, five/uoeffffa, Kdpv(3avrts, TT< 6pef.ifji(>)v 'ISatav vvpfyav GKoirla., , a, //dr' 'Ioa/a KOVI&. Hec. 325. EPITH. (2)Ad^>pwr, ra ibws f Ltavns ev eibws. IAAA IEPE 421 6V, adj. [(l)rcstuosus ; (2) liumidus ; (3)speciosus,] raging, damp, beautiful. Kai//jdro$ ibdXifj.ov' jUro7rwpiVtj> vnflp{]0avTos. Hes. Op. 413. 'IbdXlos, ov, r/, P. N. [Idalius,] a city of Cyprus. Atavoiv', d FoXyws T? iccri 'l^dXtoi' eipiXavas. Theocr. 15.100. 'ibdvvs, r), ov, adj. [formosus,] beautiful. T$ iSdi-as xdpiras. Call. fr. 467. "\$as, ov, 6, subst. [Idas,] the father of Cleopatra, wife of Meleager. Fd^jSpw jueXXoyd^uw, Avyicews Kal ft Kctp-epos"lbas. Theocr. 22. 140. 'ibe, pro >/, conj. cop. [et, atque,] and. Ol # eiret ovi> x orT& ibe wpo ooC eyeVoiro. A. 382. 'ibea, as, ^, subst. [(1) species, (2) modus et ratio rei,] form, figure, face. Ke~ivot> Kd-d yp ovov y ibey re KaXov. Olymp. 10. 122. SYN. EiSea, elbus, J'WPu* *P*Wi*&9 Oewpla, juop37, KaXXds. EPITH. FIoXv/uop^os, Kalvrj. 'ibWs, a, ov, adj. [(1) peculiaris, (2)suus, (3) privatus,] proper, own, private, domestic. QUTOI ret XP*}/"*-' t^ta K^KrtjrTai fiporoi. Phoen. 565. SYN. Okeios, fftyerZpvs, Kvpius. 'I&w, v. [(l)sudo, (2)humidus fio,] to perspire. "JSior, ws evtiricra, teb&Kpw- jat 6e juot o)s, ow, 6, adj. [(1) plebeius, (2) rei alictijus imperitus,] plebeian, obscure. 'lOi vvv Trpdfrev^Qv Toiws, Oepos. , et tSpm, as, r/, subst. [peritia,] skill, knowlege. "Itr* d:oyri/ TrefyvKas ical KCLKUV iroXXtiv ibpfs. Med. 285. SYN."E/^7rtpos, (rvveros, TTVKVOS, ffofyos, exefypwv, Trefri'vpevos. Ibpoo), et poet, fbpwu), V. [sudo,] to sweat, 'ibpwvei be rev ITTTTOS Zvtyov. B. 390- See also 0. 543. SYN. 'lf&>, vypatvoyuat. PHR. Mo* /card /ier ^pou)v peev affTreros ibpws. Theocr. lbpvpa, dros, TO, subst. [(l)opus construclum, (2)ara, (3) fundamentum,] a thing founded, an altar, a foundation. 0ewv 0' tSpu/xdra. Agam. 330. SYN. Nrtos, epeifffjia, ebpa. 'Ibpvw, et fbpvfjil, v; [colloco, sedere facio,] to place in a seat, to station. ^Trciprous avctKTas Tfjffbe yfjs tbpvffdTo. Phoen. 1022. See also Hipp. 33. SYN. "Iw, m0/2o>, '(cd&^pvw. 'ISpws, wros, ace. tcJpwrd, vel TSpw, 6, subst. [sudor,] sweat, perspiration. nXtop be TO"IS opwffti/ effrdXciffff tbpws. Phoen. 1403. SYN. ^Ibus. EPITH. Aiparoets, vorios, iroXvs, drtXeoros, 0fp/uos, fjivbaXeus, CLIVOS. "lefjiat, v. [(l)mitto me, eo cum impetu ; (2) cupio, desidero,] to send one's self, to go eagerly, to desire. See in KaTr^ds. SYN. (l)'Op/idw, Gopew, eTrer^?, (2) etylepat, eTTidvptu), TrpoOv^edfuat. 'lepaKHTKds, ov, 6, subst. [parvus accipiter,] a little hawk. 'Oi)y tepauffKov es rds ^eTpds Vf.iiv 5wcro/zev. Aves 1111. 'ltpa, aws, et Ion. 7p??, yKvs, 6, subst. [accipiter,] a bird sacred to Apollo, a hawk. See in 'EpvdpoTtovs, and also see O. 237. SYN. Kipuds, dorrtptds. EPITH. 'Huo/3oos, wKtnrerris, -ravvaiTTTtpos, &KKJTGS triTtr]vwv, Tci-^ys tityyeXos 'lepeid, et } tepdv, et f|o6>, ou, TO, subst. [victima,] a victim. 'Ztivtriv lipewv 422 IEPE I0AK rt ffwfletV d fa ris dv. Plut. 1180. See also X. 15p. e. 102. and E. 10. 'lepevsy et ipevs, ews, et Ion. fitis, 6, subst. [sacerdos,]a priest. Xpvarjs 6' av0' te- pevs emr?7/3dXov'ArroXXan'os. A. 370. See also E. 10. SYN. 'Apqr/jp, OvrjiroXos. 'lepevw, et tpevw, v. [sacrifice, consecro,] to sacrifice, to consecrate. See in "Hfceoros. See also T. 198. SYN. 0vw, o^drrw, epw, pec?w, oalow. 'lepoSofcds, oV, adj. [sacer,] sacred. 'lepoboKd 6f.&v Xr'jp-pdr'. jEsch. Suppl. 368. 'lepuBvrds, ovy adj. [sacrificatus,] sacrificed. M^e r. Aves 1266. 'lepdprjvla, as, pro ifpdvovprjvidy subst. [calenda;,] the first day of the month that happens to be a festival, the first day of the new year. 'lepo^uqvip Ne- peubt, Nem. 3. 4. 'lepoyuvT^uoVcw, v. [fungor munere tepo^^^/uoi/os,] to be appointed to superintend the sacrifices. Ti/res tepo/iVT/jud^eTv. Nub. 624. 'Itpdi'y ov, ro, subst. [(l)templum ; (2)sacrificium, victima,] a temple, a sacri- fice. 'Eveori 6' iepo> r^s ^St^s Zpol peyd. Helen. 1001. SYN. (1) See Naos, (2) See 'itpetoV. PHR. 0eas Nrjpybos ayXdos ebpa. 'lepos, et Ipds, a, 6V, adj. [sacer, sacrosanctus,] sacred, holy, vast, magnificent. 'H//ets ^' a[i/pwe<7fft. Theocr. 16. 80. 'lip&vvpos, ov, 6, P. N. [Hieronymus.] 'ApyeTos dpdOtjSy ctXX' '\epwrvpos cofyos. Eccles. 201. ^Itw, unde t??^/, v. [(l)jacio, (2) mitto,] to hurl, to send. T Ipts 6' uv& 'E\j>^ \VKu)Xev(i) ayyeXos i'iXQf.v. T. 121. SYN. Set: Ir//.u. 'I^dfw, t^w, et 'icopdiy v. [(l) sedere jubeo, (2)jubeo,] Avrov Xadi/ tpvice, *:at i'^aj/ei^ evpvv dyw^d. ". 258. See also P^ec. 114. SYN. Kd0/, KdOicdi w, '!?), iys, ?;, Ion. pro 'la, q. v. item,"!?/, interj. oh! 'I?;, irj, Ilat?/o^, dKovopef ^Call. 2. 97- 'Ijjtds, e/^ adj. [(1) sospilalis, jaculator, epith. Apollinis; (2) lugubris,] shaft- hurling, destructive, mournful. 1 'I//tof /cXvwr yoor. Eur. Electr. 1209. 'Irik'oirds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [doloribus medens,] alleviating labor. 'IrjKOTt-ov ov TTtXddeisi Ran. 1265. ?, vid. 'luXepos. i, f. fjaio, v. [ire facio ; mitto ; emitto,] to hurl, to send. IToXXas MS oZvppdrw. Iph. A. 1101. See also p. 192. it. , Ion. pro idooi'ls. See in 'latro^tds. v?)s, eds, adj. [(l) ex legitiir.a uxore natus, (2) indigena,] legitimately born, genuine. HaXXdus, aXXd /ue laov lOayevteacriv tripa. $. 203. SYN. , eos, o, P. N. [Ithamenes,] a noble Lyciau. See in Sy ^/, P. N. [Ithaca.] 'lOaicris 'Obvcrcrevs fXd^' dj'a^ bovXrjv a Troad. 278. EPITH. 'A^^tdXos, ei/Se/fXos, Kpdvuri, TranraXoeaaci, areTpd, prj-^ela, vitovrilos, atyt/3oros, ayaQtj, Kovporpotyos, PHR. See >. 605. 'iaws, q,v, adj. [Ithacensis,] of Ithaca, Ithacan. KeVXvrt 5^ vi/f ^uei/, 'I0d- ol, o f TTL KZV etTrw. /3. 25. , ov, o, P. N. [(1) Ithacus; (2)ttow adj.] (l)lthacus, the son of Pterc- 1 See a learned note of Dr. Maltby on the meaning of this word in ' I0MA IKET 423 laus, the founder of Ithaca; (2) of Ithaca. Trjv irolrjtr 'fflckos, KCU Nr/ptros fife IToXikTwp. p. 207. See also Cycl. 103. I0//d,.d-os, TO, subst. [gressus, passus,] motion, a step, velocity. At 6e jSarTji/ Tpiipwai TreXeiavlv tfyudfl' tfyuotru. E. 778. SYN. "I^-os, /3>/yud, ort/3oy. I0i>iK"?;s, ov, o, subst. [cujus judicia recta sunt,] one whose judgment is cor- rect. Ovbe TTOT ievblKa\v oiaKas Wvvoi bpopov. Hipp. 1222. SYN. KdrevQurw, et/Ourw, iiov, wvds, adj. [recta volans,] flying in a straight course. Aevrpos awr' 'A^iXeOs geXlrjv idvvrtvva. $. 169. 'I0vs, e7d, v, i/rtpos, vrdrds, adj. [rectus, rectior, rectissimus,] direct, straight, upright, just. "AXXoy tTwrXriZeiv kavaiov' IQela- y&p earcn. T". 580. SYN. "Opdos, evdvs, biKaws, uXrjdijs, davpaaTos. *}0vs, et Idv, adv. [recta, obviam,] straight forward. Of be fjieros \eipwv Idvs epov' butyl fre VVKTCL. E. 506. See also H. 403. SYN. Evdv, opOtis, Sinalus. 'I0i/w, v. [recta feror,] to move in a straight course, to assail. 'I0i)ei, aXX' ourt irpriffcrei' Oajuees yap aKOvres. A. 551. SYN. 'Op/zdw, e^op/udw, Qepdpat, eie- pat. 'I0a^?7, T/S, //, P. N. [Ithome,] a city of Thessaly. Oi 6' el^ov TpiKK^ Kal 'iQufjiriv K\y[j.aKdeffffav. B. 730. 'l/cdfds, 77, or, adj. [idoneus,] equal, competent. 'AXts ydp eX0wi/ iKavds av yevoib ffv. Here. F. 493. SYN. 'E^apK-^y, tilapnjSt 7rirr;etos, ^priatpo 'l*:avw, v. [convenio,] to come, to come to the knees of another to supplicate. ? fl TTOTTOI, i) ^eyd irei'Bus 5 A^aid yald*' tm^et. A. 254. SYN. 'A0fodva;, ?:&;, ticj'eojuat, Trapayiyvdftat, KaraXapfiavio, t/vtrei/w. 'Imprds, ov, 6, [(1)P. N. Icarius; (2) adj. sc. TTOITOS,] (l)the father of Pene- lope ; (2) Icarian, the Icarian sea, so called from Icarus, the son of Daedalus, or from a small island near Saraos. HOVTOV 'Lcdpioto, rd per T Eupos re Noro's re. B. 145. "kdpos, ov, fa P. N. [Icarus,] one of the Cyclades. A^/iPoy, 'k-dpou 6' ^Pers. 890. 'iKeXds, 77, d>/, adj. [similis,] like, resembling. 'H S' avbpl lKe\r} Tpwwv aaV dfJuXov. A. 86. SYN. See EkeXos. 'Ifctata, as, /, subst. [supplicatio,] a supplication, prayer. Srpdrev^' ibe'iv 'Ap- Atd. Hec. 345. SYN. 'Kirr/ptos, icerrjs. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [supplices ad mittens,] suppliant-receiving, botcov yap Tfjab' OLTTO aKoirT^ 6pu. ^Esch. Suppl.'721. 'K'treuw, V. [supplico,] to supplicate. 7 il /if/rep, tfcereuw fft, pj Vtorcte //oi. Orest. 249. SYN. 'E^utreuw, avTopai, yorvTrerew, XtTrdpew, Xiaffopai 'iKerrjpia, as, 7/, subst. [supplicatio,] a supplication. 'iKerr/piav 5e yuyacriv e$- <4?rrw o-0e'. Iph. A. 121 6. 'l/c>77s, ot/, o, et tveris, tbos, 7/, adj. [supplex,] suppliant. 'iKerrjs 0i/XXoi/ ap be TO* IKJJLCLS eprj, bvvet be raXoi^. P. 392. SYN. Noris, or/us. EPITH. Kd- Tappvros, vefcrapea, XetpWeaffa. "iKpsvos, 1 6>, adj. [qui venit,] one who came. M>'/ /J.OL /3t/3?7/:ot. TroXXd yap ro7s eV/iVots. Philoct. 494. "\Kfj.f.vbs t r), ov, adj. [commodus, secundus,] suitable, favorable. Tolviv b* 'iKfjie- vvv Qvptiv lei eKaepyos 'ATroXXwv. A. 4/9- ^iKveo/iiai, \. [(l)venio, (2)supplico,] to arrive at, to supplicate. Ie Kai a iKVoZfjini, at Se e 0iXi?s Traprfbds. Iph.T. 1070. SYN. See (iflKtijJiai, (2)'lieerevw, t, Aeo/xat. k-w, et t/co/xat, v. [venio,] to come, aao-o^, r/ /i' . Orest. 624. SYN. ' , ov, ro, subst. [tabula, asser,] a plank, the deck of a ship. 0p>/v#> e^>' XiTre ^' u'pm vi/os eiarjs. O. 729 SYN. 'ETTticptov, eixppbves l\ai. Nem. 5. 70. SYN. E'tX??, dyeX?;, ra^ts, arl^us, ovXdyuos. 'iXdSdv, adv. [(l)turmatim, (2)afFatim,] in troops, in swarms, immediately. '!Xdo> els aybpriv' pera be fffralv "Oacra bebrjei. B. 93- SYN. 'AytX^Soj^, Tracr- avbtt), aflpows, "IXads, ov, et r i\e(t)s, w, adj. [propitius,] propitious, placable. 'AXXd re TroXX' tTTi Tfjol' art & 'iXadv ev6to dvfidv. I. 635. See also A. 583, and Trach. 776. SYN. Efyu'))s, Trp^os, evvoos. 'iXdpos, ov, adj. [hijaris,] cheerful. 'iXdpot Triw/xEv olvbv. Anacr. 41. 26. SYN. OaiSpos, Tepirvbs, ev^a-pls, 7Tpi^dp>)s, f]bvs t ayavos. 'iXfos, ov, 6, subst. [latibulum serpentum,] a serpent's den. 'iXfoV OVK onus pi] yetToves wfjits. Theocr. 15. 9- SYN. Et'Xfos, ^wXfds. "iXfws, vid."jXaos. 'IXijios, ov, adj. [Iliacus,] Trojan. eyyw Trpos Trtblov 'IX>ytov, o^p' av . 556. SYN."lXlfos. 'IX//cw,^IX77^t,^IXdw, IXaffKu),* v. [(l) propitio, (2) propitius sum,] to appease, to render propitious. 'H/m> iXi'iKyai KUL aQavarot 0oi aXXot. 0. 365. See alsoy. 380. Theocr. 15. 143. and A. 386. SYN. (l)'Ape(mi>, (2) I'XEWS, ev- 'IXld&qs, ov, et "IXms, abbs, rj, adj. [Trojanus,] a Trojan. 'iXtdSai fiaolXfj-es. Androm. 1014. See also Troad. 528. iXtyytdw, v. [vertigine laboro,] to labor under a dizziness. 'YTTO rov btovs yap r, 'IXtofli, et 'iXtetyt, forsan prise, form, genitivi ab "\Xiov, ov, ro, et"I\ws, ov, ;/, P. N. [Ilium, Troja,] Ilium, Troy. "iX/oV, "l\u v K7repawv. Troad. 804. EPITH. AtVetroV, aiirv, epdretvor, evi/euo/ueVov TTTO- *#0poV, ebr6>\fo, evreixeov, j/repdev, 7p6>, aWaXoev, irarpis 'IXtds, fypvSev, Aap- ^ Sdj'toV, KaXX<:/3wXoi', OpvytoV. PHR. Ee?/os, H. 501. "IXXds, dos, //, subst. [vinculum, funiculus,] a band, a rope. "lXXd<7t*> oy/c ^ 0eXoj/ra /3?>? oY/.-rcuTs dyovati/. N. 573. SYN. Aeor^os, a-^oivWv. "IXXos, oj/, adj. [slrabus,] goggle-eyed. "iXXos yeyei/^/uat TrpoerSovw*'' o 6' ov- ^TTW. Thesm. 846. SYN. trptfiXos, ru0Xos. 'iXXvptos, ov, adj. [Illyricus,] Illyrian. lieu/wiTes, <3(7n-ep 'IXXi/ptot, KeKptyoris. Aves 1520. iXXw, idem quod E'/Xw et elXew, v. [volvo,] to roll, to turn, to bind, to nod. Aeo-^ols iXXdfjiet'ov jueyaXwr air f.Q VUTWV. Apoll. 1. 129. SYN. trvffrpetyoi, (TvyKXelo), 5ew, beafteva). IXos, ov, o, P. N. [Ilus,] the founder of Ilium. 'Ev vebi^ Ir^uoeiro yos riplov"\Xov. Tlieocr. 16. 75. 'IXvdeis, eo-aa, i% adj. [limosus,] muddy. Avrap o y IXvoevros ava Ttordfjolo. Apoll. 2. 825. "IXvos, ov, 6, subst. [antra ferarum,] a den, a cave. 'iXvovs HfiaXovTo viaalro $ a^p. Call. 1. 24. s, vds, 57, subst. [(1) IVTHIS, (2)lutum, (3) faex,] mud, clay, dregs. Reived' r IXvos KeKdXvfj/mei'cc xab ^e jutv nvrov. 0. 318. SYN. Bop/3opos, 7r/?Xoj, rpv|. aTos, of, adj. [(1) hauriens ; wwrfe (2) TjucuoV, carmen quod concinebant aqua rum haustores,] (1) drawing; (2) t/iatov, the song sung by those who drew water. 'Ae/Se* /cat TTOU rts dv)p iJ^drr/yos ifjiaiov. Call. fr. 42. /^as, avros, 6, subst. [lorum,] a thong, string. T^rivv tparTwy, ov Karoiti dry TpoTry. Hipp. 1240. SYN. "Afjpd, opuos, beanos. EPITH. Av^erlos, fioews, evrpriros, Boos , ff/cXr/pos, tyaeivos, ^pvireos, ttyids, acdXtos, irXeKros. PHR. jjs, r/, subst. [scutica, flagellum,] a whip. Xpvcrov ' avros eSvvt 7rpt yej/ro S' tpdadXrjy. 0. 43. SYN. iicwrdX?/, yud ipdrlov Kddapov, KOI icatva irsoiXd. Aves 973. See also Lysistr. 470. SYN. 'Er0^s, e(T0/7f/d, afji-ne-^ov^. l/ufiplos, ov, 6, P. N. [Imbrius,] the son-in-law of Priam. "Ififtplov TToXv/TTTTOV MeiTOpOS VIOV. N. 171- Ijjifipos, ov, r/, P. N. [Imbrus,] an island in the jEgean sea. "If*fipos nal \ijfjLvos dfjt^ddXoeffffd. Horn. Apoll. 36. /ucpas, 07;, 6, P. N. [Himeras,] a river in Sicily, on which the city Himera was situated. 'Ijuepd arff vbdros pe/rw ydXd. Theocr. 5. 124. EPITH. T^f- Kpripvos. PHR. EvuSpos cr?} 'I/uepov. Ifjiefpi-., et ipeipo/jat, v. [desidero,] to desire earnestly, to prefer, to welcome. 7 Hs yairjs, 6dveti> ifjieipsrat' ovbe rv aol trip. a. 59- SYN. 5 E7n0i//iw, 7e/4ai, eXbopat, 0eXw, 7ro0ea>, tTT^a/o^ai. PHR. 4>pems t'^ep^ bdueis. eo-o-d, er, adj. [amabilis,] lovely. 2r/v0d 0* l^epoevrd, KOI o/u/ndrd F. 397. SYN. "Jjuepros, epacrros, irddetvos, Capias, rjbvs, KO- Epdreivos, ov, o, subst. [(1) desiderium, (2) Cupido,] desire, Cupid. Ktnv/s ptitrtKwjitvds. Med. 556. SYN. (l)"pos, eTrWvjjIa, ?rd0os, (2)" Epws. EPITH. 'ArrdniXWs, KaXos, 6vs, Opdovs, ijcvs. PHR. iptpos evXeicrpov vvf.ia.s , ov, adj. [suaviloquus,] having a charming voice, tuneful. 3 426 IMEP IOBO Xopfrwv l^pdf&vwv llpov fvrVv. Theocr. 28. 7- SYN. l/jeprds, dV, adj. [desiderabilis,] desirable, lovely. OJ T a.p

    > 'Iva^ov KeKTrjfjierot. Orest.923. EPITH. (2) 'Q,Kvpee6pos, 'ApyeTos, Trorajuos, (3) evTrapOevos. PHK. QvrjTroXos "Uprjs. 'I'5a\Xo/iat, v. [l)siniilis videor, (2) videor,] to seem like. 'AXXa Kal &s epeb), &s pot. ivba\\Tal ?)rop. r. 224. s, TI, vv, adj. [Indicus,] Indian. "HXeKrpov, el /3ovXe<70e, Kal TOV ' Antig. 1039- "l^os, ov, 6, [(1)P. N. Indus, fl. (2) Indus,] (l)the river Indus, (2) an Indian. 'AKOVU rdfjtabas nrTrojGa/Joao'. ^Esch. Suppl. 292. "Ij'tdr, ov, ro, subst. [occipitium,] the nape of the neck. Kat Std ivwv 7i\6ev d b* e^ero \eipt irHraaans. H. 495. 'IrtSy las, 6 et >/, subst. [(>uer, nepos,] a son or daughter, grandchild. Mr) irreXXetv rav aav Iviv Trpos. Iph. A. 1 19. SYN. Yids, /3/oe^os, aTroyovos, reos, vyjnlds, Trals. 'Irw, 6os, r/, P. N. [Ino,] a sea-goddess. Ev6ovo-d b' 'Ivovs (rvfjiQopa TroXvi/ ^pd- yoi/. Eur. fr. Ino, 1. J. EPITH. "Apfipdros, ayXdon-ats, fiuvKpaipos, Ktpaa- Qopos, Xvffaas, oloTprjde'iffa, Trovrms, TrobrivZ/uos, T\r)atTrdvds t 'Ay//ropts. PHR. novrcdv fytofluXeijuos, N?p^tSwi/. Pyth. 11.3. 'Ira>7ros, ov, o, P. N. [Inopus,] a river in Delos, near which Apollo and Diana were born. "Etro b' 'Ii/wTroTo Trdpa pody, OVTC fiaOt(rrdv. Call. 4. 207. ''I^dXos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [saliens cruribus, impetuosus, salax,] leaping, caper- ing. AvriV eavXa Tuftv evfyov, l^dXov alyos. A. 105. SYN. 0ovpos, ot- ?))s, ov, 6, subst. [qui visco aves captat,] a bird-catcher. 'Ievras ert icti dXortt bevbpdevTl. Bion 2. 1. SYN. 'Opviflevn/s, opvtdddrjpfo. vWs, a, or, adj. [Ixionius,] of Ixion. OvS' orrdr' jpda&fjirjv 'I^toi/ti;s dXo- . H. 317- "I^ts, ews, >/, subst. [adventus,] arrival. Kat rovr' 'A-^onCJv 'i$s e|epyadperpa. 'labors, ov, 6 et fi, adj. [sagittas recipiens,] receiving or containing arrows. JloboKos, TroXXo/ &' tveaav arovoevTiis o'iarot. . 12. 'lffei)j, s adj. [niger, purpureus,] dark, purple-lmed. "H re KcidaXXo^r) ^ ideibea KOVTOV opii>et. A. 298. SYN. 'lobre^s, pe\as, ai'Orjpos, TropQvpeos. 'loets, effaa, tv, adj. [niger,] violet-hued, dark-hued. Avrap 6 rogevrno* rldei loevra atbrjpov. ^. 850. SYN. See 'I6ei6>/s. 'loKaoTri, rjs, r/, P. N. [Joca^sta,] the mother and wife of (Edipus, called Epicasta by Homer. KdXovat b' idKaaTrjv yue' TOVTO yap Trcm/p. Phoen. 12. PHR. See \. 270. 'loXaos, et 'IdXas, ov, o, P.^N. [lolaus,] the son of Iphiclus ; the grandson of Amphitryon. "Hpws, w 'IdXae, /Spora)^ TroXi) 0/Xrore Trai/rwv. Hes. Scut. 78. See also Nem.3. 6l. EPITH. 'Ap^tXos, affirwrris, bwrpe^s, Kparepos, Kvba- \if*os, OapaaXeos, fytkXei&p. PHR. '6 /ue>/ yepaiv OVK karlv 'loXeo/s 6'^e ; veos ^edearrriK Ifc yepovros avdis civ. Heracl. 793. 'loXi/, et 'IdXetct, T?S, ^, P. N. [lole,] the daughter of Enrytus, and wife of Hercules. 'loXrjv fyaaKts Lvpvrov anopav ayew ; Trach. 420. See Call. ^Ep. 6. 3. 'Id/iwjods, ov t adj. [durationem vitse violse habens, brevis aevi,] short-lived. ^Apyelot, toyuwpot, fXey^tes t ov vv asfieaBe ; A. 242. "lov, ov, ro, subst. [viola, vaccinium,] a violet, corn-flag. 'A/^t be Xein&vcs aKol toi/, fibe ffZXtrov. e. 72. SYN. Ki>avavyi]S, yueXdv, 0o*'to^, vTrdbiifsiov. , abds, 6 et ^, adj. [densos et teneros pilos habens,] dark or thick haired. eo-ev 6' eVt cSepyud lovGabos ayplov alyos. . 50. SYN. Adavs, baav6pi%. a, di', adj. [lonius,] Ionian. 'Io't^ vaieadai ITOVTW. Troad. 227. d/jtfc, vid. 'Io floor pvyps. 'los, of', 6, subst. [sagitta, venenum, rubigo,] an arrow, poison, rust. OVK a.v TOI ^pa/o/zT/o-i fiios, Kal rappees lot, A. 387. SYN. (1) BeXos, moros, yXi/0t$, (2) ^dpyuaKov. . EPITH. (l) Atyu'oets, Trrtpoets, raptyvs, u)Kv/jdpds, a/3X>)s, Td^i/s, ctpeiXl^os, fiapiis, boXfyoaKios, Oavarrj^dpos, \evya\eos, Xvypos, Kaprepos, ^pi/epos, [iiai(f>ovos t d^vs, uXoos, ^aXfcr^pi/s, wtvs, (2) e^tSj'a^os, 6vj46(fiOopos, o\6u>ids, ^o- Xoets, 00tflrj;vap, (pdifftfiftpoTdSj viroKapblos. "ids, a, ov, adj. [unus,] one. Ov yop Tra^rtuv jjey o/^os 6pdos, ow6' td yfjpvs. A. 437. SYN. Els, auros, /uoj-os. 'looTeat>os, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [coronam e violis gestans,] violet-crowned. EISos 6avfj.aorTes loaTf.fya.vov 'AfypdbiTqs. Horn. Hyrn. 5. 18. 'lorrjs, TJTOS, r/, subst. [voluntas, favor,] thought, will, favor. 'lorart yaftwv, 6rl rav b^oira-Tplov. P. V. 574. SYN. IVw^u^, povXrjffis, /3ovX>), ^povrts, 0X77/id, Xdpts. EPITH. 00/7. 'loy, tw, a), [exclarnationes vel gau, tab, hie et pluribus in locis est extra metrum. 428 IIINO inni ^ITTJ/OS, ov, 6, subst. [furnus, cnlina, laterna,] a furnace, a lanthorn. ZXOVTES, kv be TO"IS lirvolnl nvp. Pax 841. SYN. Kd/iivos, eff^dp 7 l7ros, ov, //, subst. [onus impositum,] a heavy burden. '\TTOV ^ Toy-Ktya\a. Olymp. 4. 11. SYN. Uuapos, 6\tyiis. 'I?row, v. [premo, propr. n>ore fullonum; affligo,] to squeeze, to pinch. '!TTOV- /Lte^os ra7s elff^opals. Equit. 924. SYN. Ylie;, adj. [equos transportans,] conveying horses; vaus <7T7rd- ywyos, a transport. 'fts or' ets rets /TTTrdywyoi/s eitrtTrribuv avbpiKus. Equit. 599- 'IinraSdpai, v. [equito,] to ride, to drive. 'AvriXo^', atypdbews iTTTrdcJecu' dXX' d>'t^' iirnovs. ^F. 426. SYN. 'ITTTTCUW, TrwXoScijuvtw, tTTTr/jXdrew, o^eoyuat. "I7r7raixy"^> ^^> a ^j- [qui hasta ex equo pugnat,] one who throws the spear from a chariot or on horseback. Aaov 'imra.i^p.ovj Qapd bij KUI 'OXv/n-Tridbotv. Nem. 1. 23. 'iTTTrdXeicrjOvwj/, ovos, ace. rpvova, et rpvu), ace. plur. vovas et i/ovs, 1 6, subst. [magnus gallinaceus, animal marinuni,] a large cock, a sea animal. MtydXd Kaart rvvi fyvOds l7r7ra\eKTpvu)V. Aves 800. , ov, 6, subst. [eques,] one who vaults upon a horse, a horseman. imraXlbas tSdev, 0i)yd$ 'Apyeos evduv. Tiieocr. 24. 127- SYN. See ov, o, subst, [magister equitum, nomen magistratns Athenis,] a commander of cavalry, the name of a magistrate at Athens. 'kliptOrj 0uXap- os, et0' i7nrap-)(os. Aves 799- et /VTretd, as, ^f, subst. [equitatio,] a riding, a ride. 'iTTTrtiffias /3a6/- Acharn. 116'3. See also Here. F. 374. SYN."l7T7rev^d. ibrjs, ov, o, patronym. [Hippaso satus,] the son of Hippasus. Tovs fj.ey eatr'* o S' dp' t l7r7rdx', 'iTTTrderov vte bai- 0poros, fTTTroSdyuoto. A. 450. "iTTTretos, iTTTrtos, et tTTTTt^os, >/, of, adj. [cqucstcr, equinus,] of a horse, eques- trian. 'loXaos, epfiijffat fir /LTTTTCIOV bfypov. Heracl. 845. See also Phoen. 1721. and Bacch. 501. SYN. IlwXiicds, fytirirtis. "iTTTrepos, ov, 6, subst. [equomm amor,] fondness for horses. 'AXX' tWepov /uov mr^xfev rwi' xprjparwit. Nub. 74. "iTTTreyjud, drds, ro, subst. [equitatio,] a ride, an incursion, 'fls CK 0dXdoi. Eur. Suppl. 676. See Here. F. 408. SYN. See ww, v. [equito,] to ride, to drive a horse. KavOtrbe irpos yepovrvs iinrevei tyvvov. Here. F. 996. SYN. 'I7r7rdc?o>a<, eXa^-w, TrwXtw, oxsSfiai, iTnrrjXareM. 'ITTTT^^OV, adv. [equitantium vel equorum modo, per jubain,] like a horseman, by the mane, 'imrribov TrXo^d/xwi'. Sept. Theb. 317. * 'linriiXarrlos, a, ov, et <7r7r>}Xdro$, ov, o et /, adj. [equitabilis,] fit for driving. "Ctypd b? aMwv 'nnrqXaalri obos eir). H. 439. See also b. 607- SYN. Evpv- \wpos, TrXaTvs^Xelos. 'I^^Xdrew, v. [equos agito, equito,] to drive horses, to ride. "fta0' tTTTrjjXd- i T~IV. Aves 1442. SYN. See 'iTTTrevw. , ov, 6, subst. [auriga,] a charioteer. T H Ke //ty' ol/jw^eie ylpwv fjio\ywi>. N. 5. 'a^, aratcros, o, subst. [dux equitum,] a commander of cavalry. ' . Pers. 991. Vid. Pors. Prfef. ad Hec. XLII. et Opusc. a Kidd. p. 195. mm iimo 4-29 . s, ov, adj. [setis equinis factus,] made of horses' mane. re, ibe \otpdv iTTTrw^air^v. Z. 469. et IvvS^apfiris, ou a( lj- [ e( l u ' s gaudens,] delighting in horses. vrWtev^ nai Tpt&tXov lir'rcW^apprjv. ft. 257. See also Olyoip. 1. 35. SYN. OiXiTrTros, 'nnrdrrjs. 'I7r7ro/3ajuwi', 6>ds, et iTnrofiarrjs, ov, adj. [eques,] horse-mounted, equestrian. 'Pr);ud0' 'nrr^oJDu^ova. Ran. 821. See also Pers. 26. SYN. "iTTTretos, iWios. /TTTTlfiOS. 'iTTTro/Sorj/s, ov, 6, adj. [qui equos alit ; qui gloria praeeellit,] a feeder of horses, a knight, illustrious. Qlaaos epdXev 'nnrdfidTas. Iph. A. 1059. SYN. 'ITTTTO- rrjs, iTnrorpo^os, 'nnrovupos, tTmofiovKoXos, iTnrofycp files. 'l7T7r6/3oros, ov, adj. [equis pascendis aptus,] n't for feeding horses, rich in pasture. Tatv iinrofidTMV Qdias Tribiwv. Androm. 1280. SYN. 'iTnrorpdfios. oXos, oi/, 6, subst. [equiso,] a groom. IToXi;/3ou 5e v\.v 'kaflovrts 'nnro- i. Phcen. 28. SYN. See l7nrd(3dTr)s. as, avros, 6, P. N. [Hippodamas,] a noble Trojan. 'iTTTroSd/iavrd 5' d Raff tTnrw ai^avra. T. 401. , as, ?/, P. N. [Hippodamia,] the name of several illustrious women. dv Olvofjiaov Rravtav. Iph. T. 826. Dor. pro tTTTroS^/uds, ov, o, P. N. [Hippodemus,] Hippodemus. '6 v Xe/jGerot Oiu'ptvos. Equit. 322. , 6, a*dj. [domilor equorum,] a tamer of steeds, warlike. 'ft< 01 "EKTopos 1-^Trdbaj.ioto. H. 804. SYN. 'lirirdrrjs, ITTTTIKOS, "iir- , etd, v, adj. [hirsutus e setis equinis,] thick with horse-hair. p efia\e irp&TOs Kopvdos tyaXov 'nnrobaaeias. A. 459 , ov, ro, subst. [habena,] a rein, halter. Ov0' iTnrbbea/uwv, ovre . Hipp. 1220. SYN. $Z/uds, xdXtros, i/^as. , ov, adj. [ligans equum,] serving to bind a horse, stout. pvriipd. Xd/3av. Aj. Fl. 241. r/s, ov, 6, subst. [agitator equorum,] driver of horses, 'ft o QecraaXos 'nrirdbiwKTris. Theocr. 14. 12. SYN. 'iTTTrorijs. 'l.Tnrobpdpia, as, ^, subst. [cursus equorum ; ludi Circenses,] a horse-race, a combat of horsemen. Tpin? be pera ravtf innobpofjilav a^rt. Pax 899- 'iTnrobfJuplds, ov, adj. [ad cursum equorum pertinens, equestris,] of the horse- race, equestrian. 'Ap^drtav iTnrobpdplov KeXabijaai. Isth. 1. 76'. 'I7r7ro6p6/ios, ov, 6, subst. [cursus equorum, circus,] a race-course. Aa^TrpoV 'unrobponov /3a//;v. Iph. T. 1139. 'iTTvoOur], et iTrirovdr), rjs,i], P. N. [Hippolhoe, et Hipponoe,] the daughters of Nereus and Doris. 'ITTTTO^O/; r' fpoecrcrd Kai 'iTTTroi'd/j puboTrj^va. Hes. Theog. 251. , ov, 6, P. N. [Hippothous,] Hippothous. 'iTTTroOoos 5' dyt $v\d Ilt- eyj^al^wptav. B. 840. roKaj 'Qapos, ov, 6, subst. [vox ab Aristophane conficta, hippocantharus,] a horse-beetle. Tovrt rt earl TO KCLKOI", b.'lTnrdKavOdpos. Pax 181. 'lmro> -tXej/Oos, ov, o, adj. [iter equo faciciis,] travelling on horseback. "Opoto, KBytves TlaTptkXeis, 'iTTTro^Xevde. U. 126. 'iTTTro/cd/^a;, v. [equos euro,] to attend to horses. 'IinrdKOfie'iv // >}jdyk-d(rt. Pax 74. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [equinis pilis exornatus,] adorned with horse-hair. v m]\r)Ka fjilaiveffOai Kovlrjal. IT. 797- Tris, ov, 6, subst. [bellator habens galearn i. e. cristam setis equinis tectam,] having a horse-haired helmet, a noble warrior. Kai /3dXe ftvpai- , os Haiuvds 'nnroKdpvffTas. U. 287- SYN. See 'iTTTror^s. , WVTOS, 6, P. N. [Hippocoon,] a Thracian prince, ^ftpcrev e K. 518. 7 430 inno mno 'iTTTro/cpor^, <3s, o, P. N. [Hippocrates,] Hippocrates. To7$ 'InirfapaTovs view eifcis, Kai at KaXovatv ftXlTd^a^av. Nub. 1001. 'ImroKpTjfjitos, oV, adj. [rupium modo grandis,] very precipitous, high-sound- ing. Kai p>;/ud0' 'nr7rdKpr}fJU>a. Ran. 929- 'Jurvfcj9>/tt}, et 'nnrovKpijvr), rjs, /, P. N. [Hippocrene,] a fountain near Helicon. *H 'lirirovKpfivvis f/ 'OXjueioi) gaOecw. Hes. Theog. 6. 'IinroKpoTds, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [equis perstrepens,] sounding wilh the feet of horses. 'iTTTrekpord XtXonre TTfbtd. Helen. 207. , ov, 6, P. N. [Hippolochus,] Hippolochus. '{7r7ro\ox os ^ /*' erucre, 07/*t yeyeffflat. Z. 206. r?s, ^, P. N. [Hippolyte,] Hippolyte. 'iTnroXvrrjs' ejue &' tvpe vlov lovXovs. Apoll. 2. 779- PHR. See Nem. 5. 48. ov, 6, P. N. [Hippol} tus,] the son of Theseus and of Hippolyte. , ayvov YliTdeus iraibevjuaTa. Hipp. 11. PHR. '6 'EXXrjrlas '^di'fjow- TUTOS affrrip'AOtiVcis. Hipp. 1120. 'Imrdfjiaves, eos, ro, subst. [(l) veneficium amoris equis iimatum, (2) planta,] a love-charm in horses ; a plant, \vhich when eaten by a horse renders him furious. (See Virg. Georg. 3. 280.) 'iTrTnfymj'es ^vror COTI 7rap'"ApKuffi' rJ6' t?rt Tratmt. Theocr. 2. 48. 'Imronaviis, tos, adj. [valde insanus,] outrageously mad. 2e TOV 'nnrdnavrj. Aj. Fl. 143. ExP. MeyaXo/jiavtis, ijTot 6 yueyaXws fjiairo^evos. ' ' \TT-ndjjia\os, ov, o, P. N. [Hippomachus,] a noble Trojan, 'linrdpa'^ov j3dXe bovpl, KO.TO. cWr7p rvyjiaas. M. 1 89. 'iTnro/j.tbwv, OVTOS, 6, P. N. [Hippomedon,] one of the seven Argive chiefs. (See note at *reo/>:X^s.) '6 6' av r/otros Tu>vb' f 'iTrTrdyut^wv, roioffb' tfyv. Eur. Suppl. 891. 'iTTTroyue^s, eos, 6, P. N. [Hippomenes,] the suitor of Atalante. 'iTnroptt'rjs OKO. br) TCLV TrapBevdv ijSeXe yapai. Theocr. 3. 40. *l7nrd/jtr)Tis, los, adj. [militiae equestris peritus,] skilful in equestrian warfare. "H or afjfi 'loXadv Linru^rlv. Isth. 7. 12. 'ImrovtKds, ov, 6, P. N. [Hipponicus,] Hipponicus. 'ITTTTOVIKOS KaXXtoj/, K'd^ 'l7r7rdriKovKa\X/Las. Aves 284. 'ITTTTOVOT?, rjs, 77, P. N. vid. 'iTnrodor). 'iKirdvopbS) ov t adj. [equos pascens,] tending horses or large cattle. 1 Kat /3d- TfjpttS ITTTTOfOJUOVS. Aj. Fl. 232. 'ITTTTOVOOS, ov, o, P. N. [Hipponous,] a Grecian commander. A'iffvp.vov r\~flp6y re teat 'ITTTTOJ'OOV juiere^apprji'. A. 303. 'iTrTrortOjuas, ov, 6, adj. [equos agitaris,] driving horses. Tov 0' tTTTrdvo^av, ds vTrep-Xa^Trpots. Nub. 572. SYN. See f l7T7ror??s. T l7T7rc/7roXos, o^, adj. [equos alens,] conversant with horses, skilful in managing them. 'iTTTroTToXwv 0pr)Kwv opea ritpoerrd. H. 227. "ITTTTOS, ov, 6 et ij, subst. [l)equus, et (2) >/, equitatus,] (1) a horse, (2) cavalry. "HXte, ^oa?$ iTnrotctv dXiaouv (f>Xoyci. Phcen. 3. SYN. tl&Xos. EpiTH. Aou- petos, Trrtpdeis, yvfj.vas, d.i>yr), deOXofyopos, depainovs, aiOwv, dptaros, aporjv, dtyaprtpos, fipdbvs, btv, tplav%r)i>, epuorapijdTos, tvffKapd^ds, kaXXWpt^, /ueyds, yuo>'i/, TrobiuKrjs, rd^i/s, r)S, WKVS, MKVTTOVS, deXXoTTovs, dp^TrpeTTrjs, u'ioXos nobds, ardros, u6\otpopos, va(t)v. II. 776 SYK. Imrifirft. , ews, 7), subst. [equile,] a stable. "w Qaevvav, i/Xov 0' i Eur. fr. Phaeth. 1. 5. y 6, patronym. [Hippoto satus,] the son of Hippotus. A'idXos s, ebpus' 'nnroTas per iTTTrorats. Phoen. 1111. SYN. 'linrevs, iinraXi^ns, i7nrr]Xarr)s, 'nnrW^apfjir}s f (piXurTros, imrevTris, imrofianvv, iTrirdfiarrjs, In-noba/mos, iirirobuoKTii 0os, 'nrTroKopvffTijs, /7T7ro/<5er' aldepa Trrepois. Orest. 269. TCLVCLOV aWep' aft7ra\Xo/xat. Orest. 316. XapTrpaJy ctorpwv TroXo*' tdvveu'. Orest. 1702. TTT-TIVOV apat aw/jt es aWepos /3dflos. Med. 1 294-. "I7r-w,et iTrrdpai, v. [lasdo, piinio,] to hurt, to punish, to wound. Nvv /^ey Tret- parat, rd^d 5' i^erat vtas 'A^atw^. B. 194. SYN. BXrcirrw, airo/jiai, a,lKi6[j,ai. "Jpo, vel Ipd, as, 77, subst. [forum, locus sacratus ad conventum populi; tem- plum publicum. Vide Damni.] a market-place, place of public assembly, a temple. 'IptW TrpoTrapotQe KaOfyevol, ai/rtfc' e<^' iWw*'. 2. 531. SYN. 'A-y'opa, , vid. 'lepa^. J Ipts, i&os, (1)6, (2)^, subst. [(l)Iris, fluv. (2) arcus calestis, (3)Iris, dea,] a river in Asia Minor ; the rainbow ; the goddess Iris. Ae/j'ov epei/yovrat- //era ro^'ayxWo^ 7 ^- Apoll.2. 367. See also A. 27. and B. 785. EpiTH. (2) Ai>- , deXXozros, Trop^vpeos, ireJ^jyve^ds, ^pvo-OTrrepos, rd)^f7d. PHR. (2) Tepas ai'dpuTriiiv. A. 28. QavjuavTOs Ovyarrip irdbas w^td. Hes. TrwXelrat ?r' evpea v&ra daXaaarrjs. , T Ipds, ou, 6, P. N. [Irus,] the name of a beggar in Homer. *H rd^d T Ipds d'/'pos eirlffiraiTTov KUKOV eei. cr. 72. SYN. 'AXj?r^s, Trrw^fls. "Is, Ivos, >/, subst. [nervus, fibra, vis,] a nerve, a fibre, strength. KateTo 5' Is , eTros T fyaT , etc T oi'dpagev. 0. 356. SYN.IvWi', vevpov, 5i/rd^ts, s > fit a > aXKrj. EPJTH. Aeufcr), Trdxetd, av-^erlos, dTreXtflpos, Kpurtpa, 'I/, adj. [fratris animo prxditus,] like or equal to a brother. 'lad- avr)p. Orest. 1014. , et IvdaKojuiai, v. [adaequo,] to make equal. 'Io-aov/ptr/zot. Tph. A. 242. 'Iffj'lprjs, EOS, adj. [par, aequalis,] equal. Na-^, laripeis, oafis av fatiovs Xd/3ij. Iph. T. 1473. ov, TG, subst. [monile,] a necklace. "laQinov rjveucey QEpaTrwv, 7rtplKa\- XES dyaX/id. ), *ovrla, 7rXdre?a, GTEVOS, Awpia, Koptt'Olos, aXtepxi'is. PHR. IToi/rms ye^vpa. 7 I, adj. [Deo par,] godlike, noble. A^et, TO TOV Nrjpfjbtis laoftZov jyu>ds. Iph. A. 626. 'Iffopriratp, dpos, adj. [par matri,] equal to its mother. Moa-^ov tyw Orjati' TV be Jdes y laoparopd auvov. Theocr. 8. 14. 'ivopotpds, et Iffofudpos, ov, adj. [cui portio par datur,]~having; an equal share, equally spread. 'Icrdpotpds 'drip, &s pot. Soph. Electr. 87. See also O. 209. SYN. 'lo-dScu'/ian', IffoirdXrjs. 'laovfipos, ov, adj. [somno similis,] like sleep. 'AKIKVV, iffoveipov, $ TO (pwT&v. P. V. 564. SYN. EiKEXdreipds. See Aves 685. vds, adj. [fato defunctis par,] equal to the dead. '6Xdyu0', . Orest. 195. atbos, adj. [juvenilis,] boy-like. 'Iffoiratcd VE^OVTES EK\ aK^ Agam. 74. 'Jo-c>7rd\^s, EOS, adj. [in lucta par, par viribus,] equal in wrestling, "flptytis lab- TrdXrjs' TV (1$ o rpdyos) OVTOS Epiabe. Theocr. 5. 28. SYN. ^Iffos. 'laonEbov, ov, TO, subst. [planities terrae,] even surface, a plain. 'laoTreW, TOTE & ovTe KvXivbETcu, effavpEVos TTEO. N. 142. 1 This is the reading proposed by Professor Gaisford for ou8' foaffiv. HOP irro 433 os, of, adj. [vergens ad ^equilibrium,] of equal weight or force, equal. r Hi> 5' dyiov laoppoTTos. Eur. Suppl. 7l6. SYN. 'AvripptiTros, lodfwipos, uvri- 'lads, 1 et i'o-os, ?/, or, comp. iffairepos et iantpos, adj. [par, aeqtius,] equal, im- partial. Awly dbeXfyolv TTOVS dv ov yerotr' t/ros. Eur. Electr. 536. SYN."Et<7os, d\iyKios t %vcL\lyttt6s, ^tXorjjs. 'Iao0dp/c?w, v. [aequiparo^] to bear an equal part with, to equal. Malverai' ovbe ris 01 bvi'drat pevos i(ro. Z. 102. SYN. 'Et<7dd/iai, taaCw. 'Indpupos, dV, adj. [eequalem partem ferens,] bearing an equal part, a match to. "HAi/ces, laofyopot, rwv re a^tros OVK d\'dv. a. 372. 'I, adj. [unahimis ; par animo,] unanimous, like-minded. Kpdros r laivyov K yvrciiKwv. Agam. 1446. o-ow, v. [aequiparo,] to equalize. Apdfjiov 6' towaas rfj 'tyeaei rd Soph. Electr. 688. SYN.^Io-a^w, latyapigta, o^oiou). ' arrj/uii, v. [stare facia, sisto ; f. OT//O-W, 1 aor. earrjvd; (2) steti, 2 aor. (1) to set up, (2) to stand. Xopous CTT' ecOXa'is Ivpfyopaialv lardvat. Alcest. 1174. SYN. ^Ai'iarrjf.ii, drcye/pw, t?re^w, f,dr^w, (2) ecrrifiKa), eordd. orwi, Ion. pro 'Ecrrta, q. v. ortata, as, //, P. N. [Istia3a,] a city in Eubo?a. XaXfctSd r Elperplav rt, irti- \vard(f>v\6i> 0' 'Iffr/atar.* B. 537. oTioV, ov, ro, subst. [velum navis,] a sail. Oi^cer' ar 6dvois dv avpav trros, KaXv/jfjid. EPITH. cLKpoi', ijt'e/joev, [*e(jdi>. PHR. N/yo$ Trrt^d TrnvroTropoid Xii'dbsrd. , ov, 6, subst. [(l)qui vela suit,^ (2) dolosus,] a sail-maker; crafty. 'OXtyoi; p d0e/Xer' nvrov iffTioppdos. Thesm. ^32. lTro/3oeys, rjus, o, subst. [aratri temo,] the plough-beam. Aa^v^s S', 7} 7rreXt;/s tffTvfidfjts. Hes. Op. 433. , r/, subst. [in quod reclinatur mains navis,] the receptacle of the mast when laid down. 'loror ^' ioroboKri TreXdcrai'tTrpoTdvoiffiv vQevTts. A. 434. <77o7TfS/7, T/S, //, subst. [in medio navis altuin lignum, cui alligatur malus,] the wooden step in a ship, in which the lower extremity of the mast is fixed. 'Opddv Iv iffTOTrtby' EK ' avrov Tre/pdr' dvf]6dvofj,ai, fjiarQdi'di, epwrdw, birjyeojuat, ^rjreto. d, droy, ro, subst. [insigne,] a device, a motto. M?7 VKTOV i Anacr. 18. 11. lards, ov, 6, subst. [(1) malus navis ; (2) malus seu lignum e quo stamina sen tela suspenditur; (3) ipsa tela,] the mast of a ship, a shuttle, a web. Ai/r>) vpds Ifj-ov vaos a^aet TTO^I. Hec. 1245. SYN. (2) "rtyaofjtd. EPITH. (1) eiXdrlvos, v\^iKapr]rds f ptyds, (2)vaXX/00oyyos, (3) 7roXi)Sa/6dXos, XeTTTOS. \OTOTOVOS, ov, adj. [telam intendens,] stretching the web. 'Irrdrdvd Tr^i'/ff/udrd. Ran. 1315. 1 The penult, of ^Iffos is always long in Homer ; but generally, if not always, short in the Attic writers. In other poets it is doubtful. See Damm. in v., Brunck. Soph. Antig. 837., and Dr. JVIaltby's Thesaurus. 2 " Vox haec aut aliter scripta Homeri aetate, aut secunda et tertia syllaba in unam contra- lendae." Maltb. See Herman, de metris^ p. 30. Pro*. Lex. 3 I 434 IITO ITEA 'I<7rorpi/3r?s, tos, adj. [qui circa maiuin versatur,] engaged near the mast. f lrro- rpt/Bqs, 1 an pa ' ovx eirpa,aTr)v. A gam. 1418. 'lerrovpyew, v. [telas tracto, telam texo,] to work at the loom. Qcuouaiv iffrovp- yovvres" at be avvvopoi. OE. C. 340. SYN. 'Y^atVw, i}0d, TrAeicw. "Irrrpos, ov, 6, P. N. [Ister,] the river Danube. "lorpoi) d?ro /rfadpdV TrayoV et>t- Kev. Olymp. 3. 25. EPITH. KaXXtpeeOpos, evpv pewv, tepos, KeXaivos. "larwp, opos, 6 et j, subst. [(1) arbiter, cognitor, judex ; (2) sciens,] an umpire, a witness ; skilled in. 'Y/*as be, rds rtivb' iWopas jSovXeu^drwv. Iph. T. 1432. SYN. (1) Maprvpos, Kplrtjs, crvvlvrup, (2) e7rt7roi/. P. 572. See also O. 723. P. 7*7. Orest. 293. and O. 6l8. SYN. 'ETT^, Kare^o), fcwXuo), jcpdrew, etcretVo/iat. 'la^as, abds, ^, et la-^a^lov, ov, ro, subst. [carica, ficus arida,] a dried fig. OVK av Trplaifjirjv ovb' av la-^alos pas. Pax 1223. See also Pint. 798. SYN. Sikoj'. EPITH. Avrj, xtX'^^t'os, 'Arrttf^, $pvyia. "\oylov> ov, TO, subst. [coxa, coxendix,] the hip, the thigh-bone. "\crylcL re yXovrovs re HXiaao^vov boKevei. 0. 340. SYN. Kori/X??, prjpos. EPITH. Bdpv- , v. [attenuo,] to impair, to wither up. Kcu /wi) apiyu>VTa Qvptiv fita. P. V. 388. SYN. Kdriff^ya/vo;, \//tXow, Xenrv^w, eKrr/fc'w, ire- }, di', adj. [macer, gracilis,] slender, squeaking. Flap' tjuot 6' i Kat rols e^0pol$ avtapoi. Plut. 56l. SYN. ACTTTOS, s, a, ov, adj. [robustus, validus,] strong, vigorous, severe. Ov yap icdr' earlv' el 6' iayypos el. Acharn. 591. SYN. lOevdpos, fptffGe^i^s, /cpdrt- pos, t00t/ios, K'pdratds, /3f/3atos, arifiapos, peyas, (3a6vs. ff-xys, vos, o, P. N. et (2) ?/, subst. [(1) Ischus, (2) robur, vis, exercitus,] Ischus; strengtli ; an army. 'lox^ s T ' ^ fa*} KOI wxavai tfaav ITT' epyuis. Hes. 0. 146. SYN. (2) See "AXoj. EPITH. (2) "Awards, ctTrXtros, Kparepa, Kpa.Ttpa\Kr)S, v-rrepfjieytdrjs. PHR. TIO 435 willow, a shield formed of willows. Kpewv yH rovvQevft Irtav X/3wv Eur. Suppl. 705. SYN."lrvs, 'Irenes, ov, adj. [salignus,] made of willow. 'Axdopevoi ff&Kieoal Jreivoiatv. Theocr. 16. 79. SYN. Olavlvos. 'Ireos, o>, adj. [eundus,] must go. 'Ireoi>* ws a.vavbpov t dfcXews Kardavely. b. ^Ao'w rde. Orest. 777- "irrjs, ov, adj. [temerarius,] straight-forward, rash. Qpaavs, evyXwrros, roXjuiy- pos, lrr)S. N. 445. SYN. ird^uoy, Oovpos, TrpoVen/s, aflovXos, roX^jpos. "Irptor, ov, ro, subst. [uterus, placenta,] a paunch, a cake made of honey and sesamus. 'AyuvXoi, TrXaKot/jres, arjaa^ovvrts, trpm. Acharn. 1091. SYN. jEpeiKoV, ijrpiidv, KaTrvpubr) TrXaa^udrd, Tre/^/mra. "irvXds, ov, el"lrvs, vds, 6, P. N. [Itys,] the son of Zethus, killed by his mother Philomela. Tlaib' oXotyvpojjievr} "IrvXov QiXov, ov Trore \a\Ky. r. 522. See also Aves 212. 'Irtyuoyeus, Tjids, 6, P. N. [Itymoneus,] Itymoneus. "Or' tyh KTUVOV 'Irfy/oi'jjfa. ^A. 670. "irvs, vds, >/, subst. [circumferentia et curvatura rotae, umbo,] the circumfe- rence, the felly of a wheel, the rim of a shield. See in Evropvds. SYN. "A.\^>ts. EPITH. EuKvtfXds, KVK\deffoa, Ka/j.7rvXdeff(ra t rpo)(oeaaa. "Irwr, was, et 'Irwv, wvos, rj, item 'Iruvrj et 'ZiTuvrj, ijs, >/, (nam sic varie scribitur,) [Itone,] a city in Messenia. "Irwi'a re furjTtpa ^jXioy. B. 696. ^Ji/yj), fjs, fj, et "Ivy/^os, ov, 6, subst. [clamor acutus,] a loud shout. Tdffrjvb' Ivyriv, KOI ffrovov aavrov Trolels ; Philoct. 752. See also Heracl. 127- and 2. 572. *SYN. Bor/. EPJTH. Bup{3apowvos. "Iw'yfi i/yyds, ^, subst. [(1) motacilla, avicula, (2) illecebra qua?vis,] a^water- wagtail, a charm. 1 "li/'y^, eX/ce 7iJ r^^oi' eyuo*' TTOT-I Swyud ro^ ai^/ad. Theocr. 2. 17- SYN. AeXtdjO, C7rr0y//m, apfjLa*6v. PHR. See Pyth. 4. 380. ^, v. [strideo, fistula cano,] to utter a shrill cry. OoXXd yudX' lvovrtv , ov5' e9eXovfflv. P. 66. See also TrachI 800. SYN. Bddw, , ov, o, subst. [qui acute clamat,] one who has a shrill voice, a piper. npdros 6' J)V aeibe Xaxwv IVKTCL MemXicas. Theocr. 8. 30. SYN. TZvpiKT)}*, "IfOt/jius, ov, o et ?/, adj. [robustus,] strong. DoXXas 5' 7T|Ootai//i/. A. 3. SYN. Kparepos, yvvcti6s t evs, t/reipd. Apoll. 1. 312. 'I^tSd/uas, avros, 6, P*. N. [Iphidamas,] Iphidamas. *I0rSd/ii| 'Ai'njropiS'?*, 7/i/s re, /zeyas re. A. 221. 'I^KXrjs, ews, et Ion. r/os, o, P. N. [Iphicles,] Iphicles. Zriptiv viral beiovs a.K P ax*Xdv 'IfiKXija. Theocr. 24. 60. 'IfiKXeibris, ov, 6, patrouym. a praeced. [Iphicle natus,] the sou of Iphicles. "Are ro 'I^Xc/Say. Pyth. 11. 91- ds, ov, 6, P. N. [Iphiclus,] a Thessalian priuce. "ltvoov fiaXt bovpt Kara rpd- fjv vfffjiivrjv. H. 14. "I0td$, OK, adj. [pinguis,] fat. To> /wlv dp' ap7ru<2oi're /3o rat Vfta ^Xa. E. 556. SYN. AtTrdp^s, evrpatyrjs. > See Schol, Pyth. 4. 381. 436 I$I2 WIKH T tytr, Ws, o, et (2) T tyts, r5os, ^ _P. N. [Iphis,] (1) the father of Evadne, (2) the concubine of Patroclus. (2) 7 I0is evlwvos, ri\v ol Trope 7os 'A^XXevs. I. 663. , o>, adj. [Iphiteus,] of Iphitus. Kcu rooV 'tyireidV. Anacr! 31. 12. , ov, 6, patronym. [Iphito satus,] the son of Iphitus. 'I^irt5i})> 'Apxe?r- Qpatjvv, oi' pa rot? tinrwt'. 0. 128. , wi'os, 6, P. N. [Iphilion,] a noble Trojan. I/iepcdXta i'dx^' Trpwrov 6' eXeV 'tytrZaii'd. T. 382. "l^trds, ov, o, P. N. [Iphitus,] the name of several illustrious persons. Tur0o>' tf &e ^xtbiov, peyadvfjov 'Itftirov v\6v. P. 306. * "lx&P> subst. [desiderium,] desire, a wish. "l^ap, 1 yptvds arav. ysch. Suppl. 857. et Ion. fydti&cloKV, v. [piscor,] to fish. Avrou 6' ix^ a ffKonZXov ixja.. fjt. 95. See also S. 368. SYN. See 'A\teiiw. , 770$, et IxOvfioXos, ov, o et //, adj. [qui pisces fig't,] fish-piercing. Tw atye KCU IxOvfiuKijes a\iir\8oi fwacravTb. Call. 4. 15. See also Sept. Theb. 123. SYN. See 'AXtei/s. * ov, TO, stibst. [pisciculus,] a .little fish. 'Ei> Trpoo-^cirots I Menand. y or, et l^Ovofts, etroa., ev, adj. [pisculentus,] fishy. Tows l-^ apyvpoiis xapeaO' opyv. Plut. 81 6. See also IT. 7*6. f ov, 6, adj. [qui multos pisces absuinit,] a pest to fishes, a glutton. pat. Pax 8 1 4. i/os, 6, subst. [piscis,] a fish. To7s i^vfftv TO I>YIKTOV. Anacr. 2. 5. EPITH. 'A-TraXos, o'toXos, iivavbos, flvOws, baibaXos, etmXtos, vavTiXos, ijirlos, , TTOVTIOS, u)/ur)(TTt}s, inrepfyiaXos. a, o>, adjc [Ichnaeus,] tn the fern, an epithet of Themis, derived from the city Ichnae. 'i^vairi TE 0^ts, Kal ayanrovos 'A/z^crp/ri;.. Horn. Apoll. 94. uw, v. [vestigo,] to trace, to search. "Ijpevdv oi/ros, /u?) . II. 221. SYN. ' \\i'lov, ov, et ?\vos t eoj, ro, subst. [vestigium,] mark or print of a foot, a trace. KapTrdXtyuws* 6 6' 7re, Trdros, O' S os, Tropeid, /3j/jud. EplTH. AeTrror, ^poviov, ypvnf.orrav- bdXoi', yepaiov, KaXXtarov, Ta^inrovv^ apavpoi', beivov, XcuoV, a^dtyoi; ctXyetvcy, v. [vestigia lustro,] to spy out the footsteps, to track. ^l\vo~ rd T kv ort/3ot/Tt ro7s e/jo7s. Choeph. 222. SYN. See^x^et/w. 'Ixwp, a>pos, 6, subst. [cruor, ichor,] gore, ichor, the blood of the gods. 'Ixp, 0?OS TTp T pl pa.KapfT(Tl BZolfflV. E. 340. SYN. AvflpOV, fipiJTOS. *Ti//, I'TTOS, 6, subst. [auimalculum, quod cornibus innascitur, eaque infestat,] an insect engendered in and injurious to horns. MJ) nepu Tvres e^oter, dn-otxo/^t- VOIO O.VUKTOS. (j>. 395. SYN. 2lCbXl?g. '!(>, oi/s, //, P. N. [Io,] the daughter of Inachus. Tds K^pavtydpov TretyvKZv'Iovs. Phoen. 255. I^PITH. 'I^dxts, 7rpo//artp, Ktpofaaa, ^otrdXta, adXta, troXv- TrXayKros, oiarpobivrjTos, 'Ij'dxetd, /3oi/Kfpws, flownis. 'luj, exclam. Vid. 'lov. 'Iwy^, ijs, f}, subst. [(1) legmen, (2) clamor, (3) littus,] a protection; a roar; a shore. Tlerprj VTTO yXafyvpy evbov, /3opcw vir twyj7. . 533. SYN. (l)2>C7r^, (2) t(i/, (3) atytdXos, O.KTT].' 'Iw>y, fjs, ff, subst. [(1) vox, clamor, (2) flatus,] a shout, a blast. AUi Trapa vtjvai irvpbs bqoio IWYJV. IT. 127 SYN. $u)i't), floi), irror). EPITH. At7re7d, dXtyetv)), dXe^t/uopds, dxdXti'os, dyuot/3ds, yoepct, ^s, ef form, antiq. tw, w, adj. [lolcius,] of lolcus. M//5ed, irvpyovs yijs eirXevv' 'lM\Kias 7. , et 'laoiXcfc, ou, r), P. N. [lolcus,] a city iti Thessaly. T/)i> Ilf/Xtuiru/ eis . Med. 484. See also X. 255. EPITH. 'fepci, Xfm/, et poet. 'laoVcs, (q. v.) wi/, ot, P.N. [tones,] lonians. "lures res efyvffiv K\eos. Ion 1588. 'Iw^ta, as, fj t P. N. [Ionia,] Ionia. "HS^ rov UTT' 'Iwrtas. Eccles. 913. 'IUVIKOS, et 'laovtos, a, oc, aij. [lonius,] Ionian. Tws sat eyw 'ladi'ioiai vofJLOim. ^Escll. Suppl. 69. SYN. 'lawy. 'IwvlK&s, adv. [lonice,] after the Ionian i'ashion. 'EftiTpoydpovv re, Kal 'lurtK&t. Thesm. l63. "lw>>, w^'os, 6, P. N. [Ion,] (1) a tragic poet. See Pax 83.5. (2) the son of Creusa. "iw, lovrl bfjdsv ore avvijvreTo. Ion 830. 'Iw, vid. 'IwKTy. 'IwX/jos, ov, 6, subst. [persecutio,] a rout, routed ranks. AvOls civ' l^xf^ov eiri be Tp&es re /ci "Etr^p. 0. 158. SYN. 'lw, iwo), buoxfj, 0opv/3os, rdpci)(os, KUTTOS; pa^r). EplTH. "Ao-Treros, bvffr]^is, Kparepos, K. Ka/3/6V:XXw, pro Kdrd/3(iXXw, q. V. Kd/3/jo-av, ov, e^ awv. , o', adj. [aridus,] dry, split. "Ofpa tyaeivoief vrept be ^i)X /. o-. 307. SYN. See Ai'/dXtos. w, v. [(1) caciiinnor, (2) convitior,] to laugh at, to revile. yXwffaais. Aj. Fl. 199 dtu, v. [(1 ) cat -humor, (2) exsulto jgaudio,] to lau^h loudly, to scoff. vs ' eh UTrepoi' di'e/3/;crdro Kay^dXoaxrd. ^/. 1. SYN. Kay^a^w, yeXda;, l\nbfj.e~ids, a, 6V,' adj. [Cadmeus,] Cadrnean, of Cadmus. ' ywjud Ko^yue/wv eiri. Eur. Suppl. 1231. SYN. 0/?/3cuos, Ka^/idyei'Tys, Qqfla- a^rjts, t^os, //, patronym. [Cadmeis,] of Cadmus. Tous /ut^ e^' e7rrd7ri/Xw 0///3r/, KaSyu^t yea'?/. Hes. Op. l62. ubftoyei'ns, tos, adj. [Cad mo satus,] sprung from Cadmus, Theban. "A Trorc Kabpoyevr], Terpaftn^uai ^rjXalerir. Phoen. 821. ab/jtos, ov, 6, P. N. [Cadmus,] the son of Agenor king of Pho3iicia, and brother of Euro pa. T ri rectd Kubpov TOV TrdXat red rpo, v. [orno, instruo,] to furnish, to adorn, to surpass. 7 fl/*o>' Olymp. 1. 41. SYN. Eurpe7rt'c?a>, icoo-^ew, VIKCLU). w, v. [(1) purifico, (2) expio, (3) polluo,] to purify, to expiate, to 438 KA0A KA0E pollute. "Offwv ffirdpayfjidT i) Kvves KaSriyiffai'. Antig. 1081. SYN. icut, v. [purifico, consecro,] to purify, to consecrate. 0avoi/. KddairTos, or, adj. [ligaius, adstrictus,] fastened, tightly clad. KdflctTrros kv TrevKatcri Hapvaffov Kara. Eur. fr. Hypsip. 1. 2. Kd0d7T7w, v. [(1) aduecto ; (2) in med. voc. attingo,] (1) to fasten upon, (2) to reach, to accost, to soothe. 'Ev r m0d^a$ d/^>t iratbl ffw^drcs; Ion 1006. SYN. (1) YIpoffctTTTw, TrpdvapTcui), irpoffepeibd), apyuocjw, K'araTrXe/cw, (2) Kara- vrpavvw, airTOfACii. v. [(1) purgo; (2) purus sum,] to purify, to be pure. "Oaris dneipos Xoywv, rj yvufj.^ pr) Kdddpevei. Ran. 358. SYN. 'Ayvevw, KaOalpouai. , drds, TO, et icddapuds, ov, 6, subst. [(1) piaculum ; (2) scelus ipsum, pro quo piaculum debetur ; (3) locus lustratus ; (4) homo sacer et scelestus, quales erant, qui peste expianda aliove morbo, immolabantur diis,] an expia- tion, lustration; an impurity or crime; a place purified; a wretch immolated to the gods, fyepovaav e\6&v, TTOVTIWV KdOapjjdTwv. Here. F. 225. See Iph. T. 1192. SYN/'Ayvto-^a, Xvyud, pvpd, XvTripwt', (4) pvirdpos, dT Kd0apjuos?w, v. [adapto,] to fit, to compose, to wrap up. Aevxq, ^pa. Hipp. 769. SYN. 'Ap^o^w, 0apjuo5w. KdOapuos, vid. Kddapud. Kdddpos, a, oi/, adj. [purus,] pure, clear. Kdddpos anas rot, TrdXl/niovs us av KTdvy. Ion 1333. SYN. 'Golds, blKatos, eTrietKrjs. Kd0ap7rd/, adj. [expiatorius,] purifying. Ylpo^vTais KdOapriottrZ" teal Trdn/jO epos. Iph. A. 1471. ov, 6, subst. [purgator,] a purifier. Au-p KdQapTqs, Trpos 6iwv w/5yuj- Soph. Electr. 69. s, adv. [pure,] clearly, purely. KdOdp&s ecrrat fidolXevaiv. Heracl. 1055. SYN. 'Ayyws, dKepaiws, dboXus, , as, //, subst. [suggestum, cathedra, sessio,] a seat, a chair, a sitting. 6' e^ero Xaos, epfrvQev be KdOebpas. B. 99. SYN.'Efya, ebos, dw 1 See Dr. Monk, Hipp. 365. KAOE KA0I 439 , v. [cousid^o,] to sit down. 'Es 5* aye \eipds tXa/v, Kara & efytd- aoQal avwye. A. 646. Vid. KadeZopat. d0ec?fyia/, v. [sedeo,] to sit. KaQeCer' apx^ 5 * ^ pe&Vrarae Opdvwv. PhoBll. 73. SYN."Ec?o/u, KaBieftvu. , v. [conclude, coerceo,] to shut up, restrain, inclose. Xuijoet* r alrov IvviKals ntXas. Bacch. 501. SYN. 'Aveipyw, curelpyw, avv- cpyio, KjodrEw, K'dre^w, mrafcXet'w. , et Kdde\Kva) t v. [traho deorsum,] to draw down, to launch, vavv TrpwTOTrXovv KaOeiXKouev. Helen. 1530. See also Equit. 1314. , v. [contego,] to cover, to clothe. Towrd St N^pcrdv e0rti> vXy. v. 351. SYN. 'ApQitvyvpi, KaXvirrdfJiaL. Ka0ep/ua, droy, ro, subst. [monile ad pectus demissum,] a necklace, a pendant. 'to;. Kd0e^tdo/iat, v. [scommatis incesso et illudo,] to rail at, to taunt. r fls aeflev at at'^e KadetyodJVTal aTrauat. r. 3/2. SYN. *E^tao/*at, Ijurratifw, icepro/iew. , et Kd0et//w, v. [decoquo,] to boil down, to digest. Td^v yovy icd- ts apyvpiov, r) ^' os Xfywv. Vesp. 795. SYN. 'A^^w, KaraTreTrrw. Kwr, ovros, adj. vel particip. [pertinens, status,] befitting, stated. " /w row KaBfiKovros \povov. 1 CE. R. 75. i, v. [sedeo,] to sit down or on, to abide. Ka/ 01 detSpi/uetd KaOrjTai. Theocr. 1. 18. SYN. 7 H/uat, t iepids, a, o*', adj. [quotidiauus,] daily. MoTpd KaBrjuepia ty&ivei. Soph. Electr. 1413. SYN. 'H^prjfflds, tyrjfitpds. . dfli^joi/o;, v. [colloco,] to place, to cause to be seated, to erect. aiav aov Ka&ibpvffei /3tov. Bacch. 1329* SYN. "'l.bpim), , v. [sedeo, insideo,] to sit upon. Of be Beol B&Kot'be KaBigavov. e. 3. ) t v. [(1) colloco, (2) sedeo,] to place, to sit down. E'inep Kd&iei rpl- irobd KOIVOV 'EXXd6os. Ion 369- SYN. "lew, idv(i), ibpva), Kd&etifjiai, ey/cdflrj/ueu. i, v. [demitto,] to set or let down. Flws ovv ; es oibfJM rlvl rpoTry na- !>; Helen. 1265. SYN. Kdrd/BaXXw, &0lq/it. vw, v. [supplico,] to supplicate. "A JJ.QV KaBiKErevadr ovbe /uwjot^t. He- len. 1017 SYN. 'Iiccrevw, TrdpaJcdXew. Kd0i)cvd)uai, v. [advenio, pertingo,] to arrive at, to reach, to hit, to sting. 11 'Obvaev, judXd TTWS pe KaBiKeo Bvpov evtiry. H. 104. SYN. 'A^ti^efymt, KaBairTdfJiai, eTrt^avw. Kd0, v. [inequito, insulto,] to ride against, to, or over, to trample on. 'Eirel KaBuriraGei pe Trpeffflvrtv vtos. Eumen. 734. See also Phoen. 744. SYN. 'iTTTrevw, bleXavvw, p/w, t)v dydpav fuyav Trdj'i/. Vesp. 16. Kd0toT^jui, f. icaratrr^ffw, active sumpt. 2 aor. Karearrjv. neutral, v. [constituo ; 2 aor. constitutus sum,] to place, to set down, to appoint. Aoyovs tXto-ffwr, 1 Dr. Maltby remarks that this is the only instance of the word naO-fjituv found by him. If the reading of the preceding line, suggested by Person, be correct, ToD ykp ftK6ros irepq, the line above quoted may be considered as a gloss or illustration of it annexed by some scholiast. 440 KA00 KAIP OTl KddiffTalrj roftovs. Orest. 883. SYN. Atdrt07;/Jt, Kddlbpvu), raffffw, CTrtrpeTrw, eTrljueXeditui, evrptiri^b), erotjuacjw. KdfloSos, ov, r/ f subst. [descensus, reditus,] a descent, a return, a restoration. Kaddbov blbwvl fjuadov Evpvoos, Kara- ywyn, KarriXvffts. KdftoTrX/c'w, v. [armo,] to furnish with arms, to arm. To /jf) KdXov KddoirXt- aaad. Soph. Electr. 1087- SYN. 'AyomCo/uat, o7rX/<-?w, e/jievos aldv. N. 4. SYN. 'ATroaKoired), aladdi o/jat. :/e?w, v. [stationem subeo,] to bring into harbor, to plunge into. 'Es ffavrov Trrj/jLot'ds Kd6<*)p[*i(ras. P. V. 1001. SYN. '6/ceXXw, jceXXw, etffdyw. row, v. [sanctum scelerisque purum reddo,] to render pure or holy. *Ov rolffbe I3wjuo~ts BecojT/, aclj. [superior, praestantior,] above, superior to. Tas Trjvu) 0Xtds KaVvTreprepov, as erl Kal vvv. Theocr. 2. 60. Ka/, conj. [et,] and, also. KdVcos, ov, 6, P. N. [Caicus,] a river in Mysia. Urjveiov re *:at "Epyuor, evp- petTrjv re KdtKov. Hes. Theog. 313. Katrevs, etas, o, P. N. [Creneus,] Caeneus. See Ovid. Metam. 12. 172. Kcu- I'ed yap ^wov irep eTrtfcXe/ovatr dotbol. A poll. 1. 59- Kot'/(w, v. [novo, renovo,] to renew, to invent. "Eppi^ev oarts TOV& e^ati'taev Xoydi'. Eur. fr. Pirith. 6. 2. SYN. 'A'di>eaw, didvtoopai. Kat'd7rd0/)$, eos, adj. [recens perktns,] newly endured. IToXXd be jrr/yudrd, , Kal KaivoirdQij. Trach. 1279. Kajj>o7Tf7yf}s, eos, adj. [novo quodam modo cornpadus,] newly wrought, splen- did. "E^et be Katvdirrjyes ev6erov caws. Sept. Theb. 639. KatroTT^wv, oi^os, adj. [rniseriis inassuetus,] uninured to sorrows. /uoi/es j'eai. Sept. Theb. 358. Kaii^oTrotew, v. [novas res facio,] to make new. Tt 6', w yepata, Xeyets; Trach. 875. Katvos, ?), ov, adj. [novus,] new. Also Katvov, sc. biKaffri/ptov, is one of the many courts of justice at Athens. Vesp. 120. Kcuvwv Xoywv buvovres aX- XrjXots epiv. Bacch. 704. SYN. Neds, 7rdpdboos, Kaii'orporros. Kaivoroy*ew, v. [res novas molior,] to work a change. Et Kaivordfjielv eOeXri- aovmv, Ka\ pi) rots rjflefft Xiav. Eccles. 584. KatrorpoTTos, ov, adj. [novus,] new-fashioned, hew. Tts o Kaivorporros ovros [ivdos. Dana. 49. Kaivovpyew, v. [rebus novis studeo,] to engage in a new project. Et p/ rl irdpdi'dovad Katvovpyels Xoydv. Iph. A. 838. KtVv,wai, v. [vinco,] to surpass. "Os e*ct>'ro 0i)X' avdpuirtov. y. 282. SYN. 'Y7rfp/3aXXw, vtKdo), dTTOKaivv/jiai. Kat'ra), f. di J}, v. [occido,] to kill. ITa7s Trdrepd Kaivei, Kal Xd/3wv #x'^juar#. Phoen. 44. SYN. Kdrdica/rw, fcrt/rw, d>0etpw, aTroffretVw, crfyaTTOj, d?roa^)arrw. KatVep, adv. [etsi, quamvis,] although. Kre/vo^res ; etVe, Kaiirep ov Xefav 0tXd. Hec. 515. SYN. Katrot, et jcai, KO.V, Kal tdv. Ka/ptds, a, 6v, adj. [(1) lempestivus ; (2) lethalis,] seasonable, critical, deadly. 1 QfS, is here scanned as a monosyllable. KAIP KAKO 441 f- UavceaaB' area-res' Katpiav V . vplv dpti. CE. R. 631. SYN. *E.irtKatpos t utpalos, trvfttyepiDV, eTrtT)'ibetos, efatptros, x/or/afyuos, fjiopalfjios. Katpius, adv. [opportune,] seasonably, to the purpose. Ev napatveis ', K al ov Models. Rhes. 339. , effffd, ei/, 1 adj. [bene contextus et compactus licio,] closely woven. wv b' oBovewv d7roXe//3erai. r). 107. SYN. Evvtyrjs. Kaipds, ov, o, subst. [occasio, opportunitas, tempus aptum,] season, oppor- tunity, fit time, occasjon, crisis. ^iKpov 5' o Katpds apr aTraXXafai fliov. Helen. 301. SYN. 'A^op/j?/, ^povov Katpds. EpITH.^ArpfcO/s, o TOS, awpos, wplpos, Travbu^dnop. Ka/po;//d, aros, ro, subst. [coniiexio staminis,] a web. Kaipw/z' . Call. fr. 295. Ko/w, f. Kavau, v. [uro, accendo, cremo,] to burn, to burn incense. Hvp tytpov, ovfr eKaictf- ol S' opyrjs viro. Bacch. 748. SYN. '' Kdmy-yeXros, et fcdmyyeXos, cu, 6 et //, adj. [mala nuntians,] announcing evil. Tt fj,' oXeKets ; w KaKa-yyeXra pot. Antig. If286. See also Agam. 619. Kdfcav5jf>m, as, ^/, subst. [ignavia, timiditas,] unmanliness, cowardice, ftpouboi 6' aTrXrjKTOt, rr) Qpvytir Ka.Kabpt), fiapela, dvpo- fiopos, rnKprj, <5o0p)7, a-vytpft, 0X0^, bvo^epi), TroXvTr^wv. Kd^yopta, as, r/, subst. [maledicentia,] evil-speaking, slander. Qevyeiv baKos abirov KaKayopiav. P^th. 2. 97- SYN. Aot^opta, Xoibdptfffjids, oveibos, vfipls, tJy, adj. [mak'dicus,] one who defames. Oft/urn m/cayopws, Olymp. 1. 85. SYN. Kdfc'offro^uos, A:di;oyXwo-cros, KciKoOpoos, KaKoXoyos, i, v. [vituperor ut malus,] to be vilified as wicked. Ov; Oeis eh avavbptav ireays. Eur. Electr. 982. SYN. Aoibopovfjiat, *KaKiffTos, or, adj. verbal, [vituperandus, contemnendus,] must be disparaged or disgraced. Tor TOV Beov be ^p^fTfjidr ov KaKitrrfov. Ipli. T. 105. KaKK&pigw, vel KiKKafiiZd), v. [vocem perdicis edo,] to cry like a partridge. Ta7s dypwTrvtateri Ka.KKafii/ov/s ; Hec. 655. SYN. KaK'o^jyjuos, ejjaiatos. Kdco6aiju6>dw, v. [a malo genio agor, insanio,] to be wretched, mad. 'AXX' ; b. Kdico^at/JoVas. Plut. 372. dt'la, as, r/, subst. [(1) furor, (2) infelicitas,] madness, misfortune. fJLa.vla.Vy KaKobai^uvlav b' ert /xdXXo^ ; Plut. 502. , dvds, adj. [malo genio agitatus, miser,] urged by an evil genius, wretched. Toy KaKobal^dva, Kai KaTaparov. Hipp. 135p. dKooos, ov, adj. [ignobilis,] infamous. Kpel^o-ov be VLK^V p} fcdrffaf*)' e^etv. Androm. 773. 1 Sed videsis oranino Maltbeiuin. Pros. Lex. 3 K 442 KAKO KAKO Kdicoe//*wv, ovds, adj. [male vestitus,] ill-clad. 'A/juftt 6' dpd jjLovas -nyipeftovTo. a. 41. SYN. 'Ave/yuwv, bvaei^v, puKoSvros. PHR. vtats d/jop(j>ds. Kdfcoepy/a, as, ?}, subst. [maleficium, improbitas,] mischief-making. 'Sis Ka yiqs evepyeert/ pey' aueivwv. %. 374. Kd/coepyew, et KaKovpyev, v. [maleHcus sum,] to make mischief. Kal /u>) rous (ravrov ydveas K'dfcoepyeli'. Nub. 994. See also Vesp. 955. SYN. KaKdepyds, et xaKovpyos, ov, adj. [qui male facit,] doing ill. "Ew cv d0d- varois o reVwr, ovSets KciKoepyos. Theocr. 15. 47. See also CE. R. 705. KdcoeJetfa, as, ^, subst. [misera vita,] a wretched life. Mrayud /cdKo^oias. Sapphl 65. KaKoqdris, eos, adj. [malignus,] ill-disposed, depraved, malignant. 'ATT' ovpavov QaiveoQl KaKorjOets navi). Pax 822. ?s, ^f, subst. [quum res male disponnntur,] bad arrangement. dv0pa7rois, KaKod^fjoavyr) ^e KaKiarrj. Hes. Op. 472. SYN. ' s, contr. ovs, ov, 6 et f;, adj. [maledicus, infaustus,] uttered from ma- lignity, malicious. Adyos eK Admaiv K&Kodpovs CTrl^y. Aj. Fl. 138. SYN. See Kd^yopos. ds, oi/, ^f, P. N. [Ilii infausta et execranda civitas,] unhappy Troy. eTTO^ofteros KaKoiXlov OVK ovdfJtacrTrjv. r. 260. , as, r/, subst. [iuiqni lucri studium,] base gain. 'AXX' d ^ucv OVK eXei KOLKoKepbelriatv eireoQai. Theogn. 225. SYN. AiaxpoKepbeta. KaKoKvrjfjios, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [macilentas liabens tibias,] having bad legs. Tlaveercri KaKOKvcinoioVv epmSet. Theocr. 4. 63. KdvoXoyds, ov, 6 et ff, adj. [obtrectans,] calumniating. KdfcoXoyoi Sc TroXZrai. Pyth. 11. 44. SYN. See Kd^yopds. , ids, adj. [mala vaticinans,] evil boding. 'Oyuot-av, TrdvdXijG^, KO.KO- Sept. Theb. 719. SYN. YevSfyav. , ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [tristia canens,] doleful. See in 'id. KaKofj.r}bris, eos, adj. [cui ma him est consilium,] ill-designing. Zevs be p.ty 7ra76d. H. Merc. 389. , ids, adj. [malo consilio utens, mala iniens consilia,] malignant. '6 Trats Irpo^iov, KaKofJirjris avfjp. Orest. 1401 . niachinans,] evil-planning, nnschief-niaking. tvd', vfiplv eytov* KaKofiri^dve, Kal be ae fyacrlv. TT. 418. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [malevolus,] evil-minded, hostile. Kd^orovs avrj i\v e'rOdSe. Pax 670. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [in matrimonio infidus vel infelix,] faithless or unfortunate in marriage. Tov ev Xe^et TrpdSorav KanQw^ov. Med. 209 Kd^evos, et Ion. KaKo^etrds, adj. [inhospitalis,] inhospitable. Oi/rts aeld KaKO&tvwTepos dXXos. v. 376. SYN."Ae)/o$, dTro^evos, e^po^vos. KdicdTrarpis, tds, ^, adj. [malo patre natus,] born of a base father. Avro's rot Tavrrjv elbws KaKOTraTpiv tovaav. Theog. 192. Kdcd7rii/7;s, eos, adj. [impurus, illuvie foedus,] sordid, squalid. r' aXrjpa arparov. Aj. Fl. 381. (A double dochmiac.) KdKoTrotew, v. [male facio, vafer sum,] to do wrong, to ill-treat. icX^Trrai KvirraZeiv /cat KaKoTroteiv. Pax 731. Kdco7rotos, et KaKopp^Krrjs, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [maleficus,] malignant. oveibds. Nem. 8. 57- See A poll. 3. 595. SYN. Kdkoepyos, Kaicovpyds, ir8- , ov, 6 et //, adj. [cujus sors est mala et misera,] ill-fated, wretched. 'Iw rdXaiVas KaKonor^ot rv\ai. Agam. 1105. SYN. Ku/co'oW/zfti)', pctyra, as, //, subst. [malorum machiriatio,] a base contrivance, wiles. , tvd HYJ rl KaKoppd(j)iy dXeyeu'jy. X. 26. vid. KAKO KAAA 443 , o>'os, adj. [male ominatus,] predicting ill. KtiKopprifjiovas ; Agam. 1124. SYN. KaKoyXwo-aos, KaKoOpoos, bvatyrjutis. KdKoppdQew, v. [malo strepitu linguae insector,] to raise an uproar against, to slander. TEKVOV, TI TT curvets ; avyyovovs KaKoppoOels ; Hipp. 340. SYN. Kdo/yopew, XoibopEO), ovetbigw. K&KOS, rj, ov, compar. KaKwrepos, et KdttW, adj. et (2) K&Kdv, ov, ro, subst. [(1) malus, ignavus, infaustus, vilis, (2) malum,] (1) bad, cowardly, unfortu- nate, (2) an evil, baseness. KO.KOV KO.K&S vlv duopov eKTptyai filov. CE. R. 248. SYN. (1) Hovrjpos, beiXos, 5oXto0pwi>, avoalos, ndvovpyos, drvxfjs, 0aDXos, (2) avutyopa, irovos, nddos, KaKorrjs. EPITH. (2) 'ArrjKearov, avKonov, dudyuv, TXiiTov, betiov, poyEpov, tydpepov, baKpvoEV, OujnubaKes, \vffati- puVj deXTrrov, a'/oXor, l\aiaK-ov. ov, 6 et r/, adj. [foetidus, olidus,] bad-smelling, fetid. Xpijpa Kul Kai popov. Pax 38. SYN. Avawbrjs. j ov t adj. [timidus,] cowardly, timid. 'AXX' os ?roX/ras /z?) KCIKO- rldgs. Sept. Theb. 223. SYN. AetXdi, KU/COS. v. [convicior,] to use a bad tongue. KaKoard/Jovjuev Kai /, adj. [maledicus,] abusive. Aepabi)s, cos, adj. [mala cogitans aut machinans,] designing evil, ill-man- nerly. A!a>, vetKos dptore, KaKoQpabes. "*F. 483. dKoQpoveu, v. [malevolus sum, deraens sum,] to be evil-minded, to be mad. Kai T/S ffe Ka.KopdvaJv. Agam. 1145. dco^pwv, 6vos> adj. [cui mala est mens,] evil-minded, foolish. Kdfc^pdfwv r' a.vbp yap rot irdXet J5e cd- avbdvel ovbiiv. Theogn. 287- [damno afficio, vexo,] to injure, to harass. Ovbev KaK&ffat TOVS dvaiTiovs 0cXw. Here. F.I 153. SYN. Kdk-oi/pyew, di/iaw, . f. v^a), v. [malum vel improbum reddo,] to render wicked. JVKOVV TolalE aois fiovXevfiaffl v ; Hec. 251. SYN. KdratKi^at, blaQeipu>. Kaicus, adv. [male, improbej wickedly, miserably. See in Kdris. KdXa/3po^/, potius KdXavpo^, OTTOS, //, subst. [pedum, baculus,] a shepherd's crook, a staff, riaXXeV oirribevovad KaXafipoird' rds be Kai avrol. Apoll. 4. 974, See also Y. 845. SYN. 'Pa/3$fo, Xdyw/3dX>', 444 KAAA KAAA KaXadtffKos, ov, 6, subst. [parvus calatbus,] a little basket. Retro rd ralv x l ~ poiv aOXj/judrd rot KoXaBiaaoi. Tbeocr. 21. 9 KdXd0#s, ov, 6, subst. [calathus,] a basket. X' us at TOV KaXaOov XevKorp^es tTTTTOt ctyovri. Call. Cer. 121. SYN. Kave&v, KUVCIOV, rnrvpls, rdXdpos. KdXd/zatos, a, o>, adj. [culmarius, inter culnios versaus,] of a reed or stalk,- being among reeds. Mavrts rot rav VVKTCL ^po/^ercu a KaXapaia. Tbeocr. 10. 18. KdXd/iei/riys, ov, 6, subst. [piscator,] a fisherman. Ovrw K vfjtpes 6>}i> rws fcdXdyuevras. Tbeocr. 5. 111. SYN. 'A/uqn/p, aXt,evs. KdXd/zjj, 7/s, /, subst. [stipula,] a stalk, stubble, straw. 'A\X' epir^ ye cr' oid/ eiffopdwra. |. 214. SYN. Kap^os, avOtptj;, KaXapos. , ov, 6 et r;, adj. [ulnios secans,] cutting stalks. KXe/ovv0' VTTO adv. Iph. A. 1038. EPITH. AoVdifdets. KdXd^uos, ov, 6, subst. [calamus,] a reed. Ai/Xwv, 'oXv^-irov cdXd^ots. Iph. A. 578. SYN. Ao>a, avXos, rnXdpr;, oVoros. EPITH. Iltiv-pos, \lyvpos, evdppocr- ros, Krjpdbsrrjs, Kypoberos, ev rpr}Tos. KuXd^offrec/}s, eos, adj. [calamis circumdatus,] covered with reeds. 0d>/>?7Kas r' eJ^or KaXajnoff-tyew airo fivptrtiv. Batraeh. 126. KdXd^o00oyyos, ov, adj. [calamo sonans,] sounding with or on the reed. 6 K&- Xdjud^floyyd 7ra/5t>i'. Ran, 231. KdXaupoi//, vid. KdXo/3po^/. KdXew, v. [voco,] to summon. Tlae 5ei5po Heracl. 545. SYN. MerdTre^tTrw, ^wvew, yueraoreXXw, e/c/cdXew, aTromXcw, KdXta, as, 77, subst. [nidus,] a nest, a home. "Sis KE rot wpcuov fiiorov -n\i]Qa}ol KaXiai. Hes. Op. 304. SYN. Neorrta, etfc-ca, olxos. KdXtflrrpew, v. [advoco,] to summon. Mrjrrjp pei> KvfcXwTrds e^ Zirl Trat&i KaXtar- Tpel. Call. 3. 67. SYN. See KdXew. KaXXatd, wr, rd, subst. [barbae galligallinacei,] a cock's gills. XWTTWS rd icctXXut' a.7rod>ayu)v t ijj^eis TraXlv. Ecjuit. 4^5. KaXXtd^etpd, as, r/, P. N. [CaliianiraJ one of the Nereids. Ae^djuEi^ re, Kal 'A/^tyo/^, xal KaXXtdretpd. 2. 44. KaXXtas, ov, 6, P. N. [Callias,] a noble ^ginetan. Xpvo-a-Xdmrw Trore KaXXtos abwv. Nem. 6. 63. KaXXt/3X0dpds, o^, adj. [pulchras habens palpebras,] having beautiful eyelids. KaXXifiXefapov :aXXt- fioas rd^' vyutj^. Trach. 650. KoXXt/3orpvs, vds, adj. [pulchros racemos habens,] beautifully clustering. '6 KaXXifioTpvs fcdr' ?)yudp ate/. CE. C. 682. KaXXt/5wXos, ov, adj. [ferax solum habens,] having a rich soil. OpvytoV dorw KuXXifiwXov. Orest. 1388. SYN. 'Epets. Troad. 837 KaXXtye^ctd, as, ?/, subst. [quae pulchritudinem gignit,] the producer of beauty, epit/i. of Ceres. Kal rw OXovrw, KOI rfj Ka\\iyevet$. Thesm. 299- KaXXtye^vpds, o>', adj. [pulchris pontibus instratus,] covered with beautiful bridges. '6 KaXXtytyvpos Trdrd/^ds. Rhes. 350. KaXXiyvvat^, atcos, 6 et r/, adj. [pulchris mulieribus abundans,] famed for beautiful women. "O(f>p' av eywi/ eX0u> *2,irapTr)v es KaXXiyvvaiKa. v. 412- KaXXlbivrjs, ov, adj. [pulchre fluens,] fair-flowing. Zvvotbe Hrjvews o KaXXlbivas. Here. F. 368. SYN. EvptJos, evppeirrjs, evppevs, KaXippoos, KaXXliror^os, KaXXi- vutis, KoXXlptcOpos. KAAA KAAA 445 KaXXlbfypos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [pulchro curru insignis,] distinguished by a beau- tiful carriage. Tcts KaXXlbtypot 'AOavas. Hec. 471. KaXXlbovat, O.KOS, 6 et //, adj. [pulchras habens arundines,] having beautiful reeds. Tov KaXXtbdvaKos tlnlv Eupwra p,6i'bv ; Helen. 500. Ids, adj. [facuudus,] using fair words, eloquent. MeAXei yap 6 AtETn;.? 'AydOwv. Thesm. 52. SYN. KaXXtyOoyyds, evyXwaaos, f]bv7rrjs, Tofuds, fjbvyXwffGos, iibuXoyos, f^eXlyrjpvs, ip,ep6(b(i)vbs. , v. [rite seu fauste sacrifice,] to sacrifice auspiciously. Tav aly&v 0Xaa-u> TV, Ttplv ?/ ye. pe KciXXlepfjaat. Theocr. 148. KaXXigvyris, tds, adj. [bene junctus,] beautifully joined. 'Ayuvro Ka\Xtvyes. Androm. 2?6\ SYN. Evvyt)s, CVTVKTOS, ev apapus. KuXXlZwvos, ov, fj, adj. [pulchro cingulo ornata,] beautifully girt, graceful. KnXX/c-Wo/ Tf. yvvaiKts. H. 139- SYN. EvcWos, \i7rap6wvos. KaX\Wpi, frpixfat 6 et ^, adj. [pulchros habens pilos,] having beautiful hair, fair-maned. Ta p6viu>v Kara Ovftuv, OTTWS fcaXAt'rpt^es I'TTTTOI. K. 491. SYN. Evctyn, fjVKo/uos, Kardftoarpv^ds, ^atnjets, KaXXiKupos. KoXXrfcapTros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [foecundus/J producing beautiful fruit. TJ/S KaX- XtKap-rrov IifccXta? Xevpas yvas. P. V. 869. SYN. EvKapirvs, ayXaoKapTros, Zel&wpos. KaXXtcdXuivif, r^s, 77, P. N. [Callicolone,] a beautiful eminence in Troy. 7r' cxppval KaXXt/coXwvjys. Y. 151. KaXXfcd/ufc, ov, 6 et //, adj. [pulchras comas habcns,] having beautiful hair. Ilept x^ffaro raXXt^otd. I. 449. SYN. See KaXXt9pi|. KaXXCKpi'ibefjivostOv, o et 17, subst. [pnlchram habens vittam,] having a beautiful fillet. 2trov be a& a\o\ot nuXXik-pribefivol evetKav. b. 623. SYN. AlirapoKpr)- be/uvos, ^pv(7dfurprjs f tbffr%ibavds. KaXXtXju7reri?s, ov, adj. [pulchre lucidus,] sweetly beaming. "HXte Ka\\t\ap- irlTTf], Anacr. fr. 135. KaXXifjaxos, ov, 6, P. N. [Csllimachus,] Callimachus. KoXXt/m Olyrap. 8. 108, KaAAr/jopos, ov, adj. [pulchra forma insignis,] fair-formed. To Tpav/na.T(t)v VTT' dyptwv. Androm. 1 155. KaXAfyjos, r;, or, adj. [pulcer, elegans,] beautiful. ITpwrci p.Hv elpealrj, Treira be KaX\ipos ovpos. X. 639- SYN. See KciXos. KaAAo/aos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [pulchrifluus,] fair-flowing. Fldpd naXXivaov. Alcest. (K)0. KaXXtrt/cos, ow, 6 et ^, adj. [victor egregius,] gloriously victorious. Tov KaXXt- pera Qe&v &bp<&>. Here. F. 179- j, r)s, f], P. N. [Calliope,] one of the nine muses. See 'Epdrw, and KaAXtTrats, Tratbds, adj. [pulchram sobolem habens,] having beautiful offspring. KaXXtTrats Tror/^os de/. Again. 737. KoXXi-dpr/os, oy, o et ^, adj. [pulchras habens genas,] fair-cheeked. "H 6' aX- Xovs pv eatre, 0utort 5 KaXXliraprju. O. 87- KoXXtTrapfleros, ov^ 6 et ^, adj. [pulchras habens virgines,] of or having beau- tiful virgins. "AyjpavTov alpa KaXXtTrapderov btprjs. Iph. A. 1574. KaXXiTtbtXos, et KaXo-rrebiXds, ov, o et //, adj. [pulchros habens calceos,] having beautiful sandals. 'A^u^i Ato Kpovlbrjv KO.I MaiabaKaXXiTrebiXdv. Horn. Merc. 57. See Theocr. 25. 102, , ov, 6 et /?, adj. [pulchrum habens peplum,] fair-robed, "ir', w Qpvywv. Troad. 339. , Ms, adj. [pulchros habens cubitos,] having fine elbows. r ft xaX- E/iTdpos /3pdx/o>d. Troad. 1194. ov, 6 et ;/, adj. [magnas habens opes,] very wealthy. KaXX/- TrXovrot TroXtes, a r' EU-/3otd. Olymp. 13. 159. KaXXt7rord/xds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [pulchre fluens,] fair-flowing. tm ye, Phoen. 654. 446 KAAA KAAO KaXXiTrpwpds, 6V, adj. [pulchram habens faciem,] handsome. See iu 'Ai/- bpoirais, KaXXiTTvpyos, et KciXXl7rvpy//3ams X 0dros. Bacch. 1191. See also Baccli. 19. KaXXt/rwXds, ov, o et r/, adj, [pulchros habens equos,] famed for beautiful horses. At re vaierl KaXXiTrwXoV e-bpav. Oiymp. 14. '2. SYN. EvTrwAos, eviTTTros. KaXXtpecflpos, KctXXipdos, et KaXXippdos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [pulchre fluens,] fair- flowing, limpid. A/pra 0' a xaXXtpeeOpos. Here. F. 780. See also p. 206. and B. 752. SYN. See KaXXlbivfo. KaXXtffrdotds, ov, adj. [pulchro stadio Celebris,] famed for a beautiful stadium or course. Apojuovs KaXXtcerdblovs, Eu^-etvor. I ph. T. 437 KaXA0re7d, wv, ra, subst. [optimi et pulcherrimi praemia,] the rewards of the noblest and best. Td vrpwra raXXurre? dptareyaas orparov. Aj. Fl. 435. KaXXtjrrev/ud, dros, ro, subst. [pulchritudinis pra?stantia } ] pre-eminence in beauty. KaXXiorevftdrd Aoto;. Phcen. 222. SYN. See KaXXos. KaXXiorevw, v. [pulchritudine excello,] to excel in beauty or strength. *Av vypcuVei KaXXiorevwr. Troad. 228. KaX\iffre(j)dv6s, ov, o et ^, adj. [pulchra redimitus corona,] decorated with a beautiful garland. See in Y^pdavfri. KaXXtV^v/joy, ov, o et r/, adj. [pulchros talos vel pedes habens,] having beau- tiful ancles or feet. See in Evj/wVq. KaXXiYoos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [arcu bene instructus,] distinguished by a beautiful bow. Ty KaXX?Tvfy /UT/rpt, MatvciXov Kopy. Phcen. 1 177. KaXXi0eyy>)s, to?, adj. [pulchrum splendorem habens,] beautifully beaming. T ft caXXt^eyyes ? f yXrov aeXas rooe. Troad. 853. KaXXtd)\o^, oyos, adj. [pulchra flam ma coruscans,] blazing with a beautiful flame. KaXXtyXoya irtXavov. Ion 707. KaXXt^Ooyyos, oV, adj. [pulchrum reddens sonus,^ sweet-sounding. OvS' tarois ev KaXXt00oyyou. Iph. T. 221. SYN. See 'Hbvtnrjs. KaXXi^>vXXos, or, adj. [pulchris foliis praeditus,] having fair leaves. To pdbov TO KuXXi(j)vX\df. Anacr. 5. 3. SYN.^A/rptro^vXAos, evTrcrdXos. KaXXT^opds, ov, 6, subst. et adj. [(1) Callichorus, (2) 6 et //, pulchra chorea gaudens,] (l)the name of a river, also a famous fountain in Attica, (2) loving the beautiful dance. r ft(cd be K.aXXi'^opoid Trapa vrpo^oas Apoll. 2. 904. KaXXo^y), ijs, rj, KaXXos, eos, ro, et KaXXoavvi], r]s, //, subst. [pulchritudo,] beauty. Ti}v 'Aypdbirrjv KciXXovij 0/jpw^ej'os. Bacch. 451. See also Helen. 23. and Helen. 389- SYN. Ev^uop^ta, &pa, eibos, KOffftGs, ei7rp7rem, aKftrj, KVTrpis, "Xi/3p6(7ta, dpt'^Xos, dy?;ros, ayXa??, ?r/ypd- TOS, i^epoefTfja, rjbeld, ^apfjiaipovad, batbaXea, eapivrj, ovpavla, KaXXvvtt), f. vya>, v. [pulchrum reddo,] to beautify, to embellish. 'AXovs, TOVTO KaXXvveiv 6eXrj. Antig. 503. KaXXw7r/5w, v. [decoro,] to decorate. Kpotwrd 0epovo-at, KO.I ArcKaXXwTnoyzeva. Lysistr. 44. SYN. 'AyaXXw, KOff^ew, aaxtw, aejj.vvvia. KaAdv, ov, ro, subst. [lignum,] wood, a log. FloXXd be KayKavd K-dXd KCLTOV- baf,(f) Ivl fioBph). H. Merc. 1 12. SYN. See Ei>Ao>. KaXoTTtotAos, vid. KaXXtirebtXds. KdXds, ov, KaXais, w, 6, et KaXwbWp, ov, TO, subst. [rudens, funis nauticus,] a cable, a rope. '' & vnepas re mXovs re Trobas r erebijffe^ ev avrrj. e. 2^0. See also Med. 280. and Vesp. 379. SYN. IleTcr/ud, TTOVS a-^oivlov. EPITH. KaXds, 1 >}, or, adj. [pulcher, bonus,] beautiful, honorable. IToXXdxts, w ITdXv- TO. fj,ij KaXd KaXd TretyavTai. Theocr. 6. 19. SYN. 'Aydvos, evetS^s, K7rpe- 1 The penult, of /caA&s Is always long in Homer, always short iu the Attic poets, and common in Hesiod and Theocritus. See Clark. II. J3. 43. KAMI KAMA 447 wpaTos, 7rplKa.X\r)S, ffepvos, euSo/ctjuos, dydQos, avSpetos, fj&vs, evirdpads. " , ibos, rf, subst. [urna,] a pitcher. A? raXXd 0' vfipiLKam, KUK T&V KaXirl- c. Lysistr. 400. SYN. "Yfytfa, Kepdpos, e\Kvbpwv, arapos. EPITH. XaAcea, apyvpsa, /ueydXjj. KdXv/???, 175, //, subst. [tugurium,] a hut. 2rpw<7djwVoi /3pvo> avo> VTTO 7rXe/cra7s KdXvfiatat. Theocr. 21.7- SYN. 'ETravXioV, <7K)/^, oia'c7o>, pv^os. KdXvbvat, &v, a, P. N. [Calydnae,] the islands Calydnae, called also Spora- des. Kcti Kwf EvpvTrvXoto TroXtv, rrjaovs re KdXvc>as. B. 677- KdXvSwy, aivos, ?/, P. N. [Calydon,] a famous city in jEtolia. XaXfciSd r' ayyjia- , KdXvtDj'd re- KeTprieaaav. B. 640. EPITH. AtVetv?}, epavvtj. PHR. yQuvos ev avTliropOpots TreSt' t^ovo 1 ' evSa/yuord. Eur. Meleag. s, a, dv, adj. [Calydonius,] of Calydon. Ol plv TTIK\T]TOL aypVT?ipes. Call. 3. 218. Ujud, dros, TO, subst. [velamen,] a covering, a veil. 'Eyw 5e XeTrriSv KdXv^fjiaTcjv. Iph. T. 373. SYN. 2fc7rds, TrtptTreracr/id, ^Xacyd, neplfio- Xvrpoy, K'dXvTrrpa. EPITH. Ki/areov. ^ s > ^> subst. [(1) calyx, flos, iw^r. rosae, nondum expansus, (2) mun- dus muliebris,] a rose-bud, a female ornament. 'E,u7rXeas KuXvueffoi Kai evobpoial creXivois. Theocr. 3. 23. EPITH. 'Poea, elapiVT), 7roptf>vpea, toffre- avos. aXvTTTds, 37, bv> et ov, o et ^, adj. [tectus, tegens,] covered, covering. Kd- XvTrrijs e^eKetrrd TrifJLeXfjs. Antig. 1011. SYN. ^reyavos, Ka.TT)pe(j)))s t 7r/p0j/s. as, ^f, subst. [tegmen capitis muliebre,] a female's head-dress, a veil. KetydXrj & eiredrjKe KaXvTTTprjv. e. 232. SYN. Ka\v/jpa, 0Ke- EPITH. Acti&ttXfa, apyvpea, apyi/^e/y, bevbprjeffffa, XtTrdpj), v. [tego, operio,] to hide, to veil. Xe/xrw mXvTrretv rovs Helen. 106a. S^^N. Kevflw KdrdicdXt'Trrw , o, vid. KdXds, funis nauticus. Xws, adv. [pulchre, bene, recte,] beautifully, properly, rightly. '] ' " rovs icdXws TedvriKvTdt;. Hec. 329. SYN. Kd"Xd, ev, evTrpeirws, evff tjuws, evo-/3a;s, o'p0ws, aicptpws. arts, rj, subst. [(1) lignum erectum vitem sustinens, (2) lignum hastac, hasta,] a pole supporting a vine, a shaft, a spear. T H>, KdpdKos aptyolv xeip d7TffTfpr]fievou'. Pho3n. 1418. SYN. ( 1 ) 2*dXot//, xP a ^ ( 2 ) "(fo^rto^, 5opv. Kd/xdptvd, 775, %, P. N. [Camarina,] a lake in Sicily, also a city on the lake; a nymph. Kd/xdpivd, XaoTpoQov. Olymp. 5. 9- Kd/udri7pd$ 5 ov, adj. [laboriosus, defessus,] laborious, worn out. Ovre rd Koiros eXot p.ov icd)udri7pds. Lysistr. 542. Kd/mrds, ov, 6, subst. [labor,] labor. See in EvKu/udrds. SYN. Kdirds, ^o'x6 orXos, 7To>ds, voffds, diropla. EPITH. Ai/ffTrovr/s, 0v/zo^0dpds, TroXvd't^, atvos, opydXfds, 0v/zaXy>)s, aairerds, apydXeos, bvoaXyfis, fjioyepfa, KvbdXlpos, dXovs, VTvvoeis, ddXios, fio^Qjjpos. 7$, los, adj. [gravis, laboriosus,] laborious, severe. Kd-//drwSwy ' av. Nem. 3, 28. SYN. 'EirtuovOos, tiriirovos, pdyepos, 448 KAME KANN vos t apydXeos, Xvrrrjpos, T\r}alTTovos, (f>i\v7rovos. Kd/*etpos, ov, f/, P. N. [Camirus,] a city in Rhodes. See in 'L;Xvoi Kdp/Xots aaTpafiiovffais t X^oVd. JEsch. Suppl. 293. EPITH. Kvpn), TraxvKvr)j*os. Kd/utros, ov, 6, subst. [caminus, fornax, ardor,] a forge, a furnace. Aei/p' dy' 'Adrivair), KOI vireiptx* X */ ; " Ka-plvov. Horn. 47- 2. SYN. ""ITTVOS. Kd/utfw, oos, ^, adj. [camini fuiigine oppleta,] covered with soot. Fpqt Kapwul. laOS' OV CLV KO.KCL fJUJTlffai fJLTlV . ff, 27- KawjuoWa, as, r/, subst. [perseverantia, victoria,] perseverance in a conflict, victory. A&>/7 Kaj.ifjdvfyi', yi'wtuert be TTCIVTES 'A^atot. ^F. 66 1. Kd/^/uopds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [infelix,] unfortunate, ill-fated. Kelvov OIO/JLEVT] rov tcaufjiopdi', et iroQEV eXdot. p. 351. SYN."A0Xtos, TrdraGXios, bvapopos, bvarvyfis. Ka/xvw, 2 a. eicdjuoj', v. [fatigor, laboro,] to labor, to suffer, to end one's labor. "Hpa HE K.a.p.vew rijvb\ zdrjKt rfjv rotrov. Heracl. 99^- SYN. KoTrida), KoTTOvfJ-aiy voatw, appwoTfw, aaQej'fw, judXd(C/5o^/at, Trorew, epya^ojuat. Ka^yn7, ^s, ;';, subst. [(I) flexura ; (2)articulus,] a turning, an inflexion, a joint. Et Se TIS CLVTWV /3w^oXo^ev} fcayu^/etev rti'd. Kctjuiirr]i>. Nub. 969 Ka/i7rt/ios, 77, of, adj. [flexilis,] winding. Apo/^ovs Se TroXXovs e /uovs. Iph. T. 81. Kd^UTrrw, f. 4/w, v. [flecto,] to bend. IloXets r' ^ovrat ^td Xoyov Ka Eur. Suppl. 7^8. SYN. rVayuTrrw, trrpe^w, rp7rtu, KaOcnrrofiai. KayUTrvXos, or, adj. [curvus, inflexus,] bent, curved. AF^' ETTI Tvbelbrj erirai- VETO fca/^7rvXd ro^d. E. 97- SYN. Ka/i7rt/.eto. Call. 6. 99. w, et mfd^tcifw, v. [resono,] to resound. 'Ev bi Xe^Tyri Tretre nvfifjiri' KCL- be. xX(cds. r. 469. See also M. 36. *YN. 'H^ew, ^OVTTCW, dftdx^. , ^, ^, subst. [crepitatio, sonitus,] a rattling, a sound. Tov KOI oSdf- ev Kavayji TreXe, rw ^e ot OOGE. T. 365. SYN. ^Ko^os, dpcty/ios, Trdrdyos 1 , , SOVTTOS, ^>}. dvd^Sd, adv. [cum strepitu,] with a loud blast. A#c)ta> jutrpav n-ETrot-KiXfievar. Nem. 8, 25. dvtof, fcdfovf, et fcdvetof, ov, ro, subst. [canistrum,] a basket, a dish. ^e, fcped r* OTrrd KOI ev jcdftw pEyas dpros. Theocr. 24. 135. See also Iph. A. 3564. and K. 355. SYN. Kr/3oirto, KaXados. EpITH. Xpvo-etdf, xXfce(of, etf- Kdvr/0os, ov, 6, P. N. [Canethus,] Canethus. See in , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [canistrum gerens,] bearing a basket. tt/ 5oKw jcdv^opw. Aves 1551. u, v. [canistrum gero,] to bear a basket. Ttvt Kavrjtydpfi . Lysistr. , ov, 6, subst. [(I) scarabaeus, (2) portus Piraeensis,] a beetle ; also one of the three harbors of the Piraeus. '6 KavQapos bs irpus TI ; fc^r' avry y' avi'ip. Pax 45. KctfO/jXtd, (Dv t ra, subst. [onera asiriorum, clitelJa3,] panniers or packs carried on asses. Avrotat rots Kavdr)\iois. Vesp. 169. KavBos, ov, 6, P. N. [Canthus,] one of the Argonauts. Avrdp air' Evfioirjs K6.v6os KIE' TOV pa KavrjQos. Apoll. 1. 77. Kavdubrjs, EOS, adj. [aduncus,] crooked. Taju^et KavQubei 1 ropyos EKO^E VEKVV. Call. fr. 204. Kdv6wr, wvos, 6, subst. [asinus,] an ass. K&vdwv, rt/cXaets; Vesp. 179. SYN. Karvd, f/s, >/, subst. [canna, storea,] a reed, a mat. Fldpd rds Kttvvas ov Ht)S airbnapbw. Vesp. 393. SYN. Tm0os, bova'. 1 Rubnken. Ep. Grit. ii. p. 47. proposes 'Pa^et ^w5ci. I KAN 7 ft KAP 449 Kavwfios, ov, r>, P. N. [Canobus,] a city of Egypt. "Eoriv TrcXts Kdrw/fo*, ff X arri x0o>os. P. V. 8J1. 6Vos, o, subst. [regula, canon,] a rule, the handle of a buckler. FVw- Trtivrjpas tcuvdcriv avafjierpovfJiEVOs. Eur. Electr. 52. SYN. Srafyo), vs, e;s et f/os, 6, P. N. [Capaneus,] one of the seven chieftains against Thebes. Ovr' av y er opQtis Kanavews Ktpavvluv. Eur. Suppl. 496. El'ITH. ' , et Kairavifids, ov, 6, adj. [Capaneo salus,] of or descended from Capaneus. "Opao, TTETTOV KdTrdvrjidbt^ Kdrd/3;ffO btypov. E. 109. See also E. 108. , ov, ?/, subst. [fossa,] a ditch. 'Ayu0t Se, Kva'ci?v Kairlrov, Trtpt 5' tp eXacro-e. 2. 56*4. SYN. Ta0pos, opvy^ua, twpv, flodpos. EPITH. Ko/X?;, i?$, ^, subst. [(l)praesepe ; (2) pabulum equis in praesepi appositum,] a stall ; fodder. Kcu TOVS p.ev Kdrebrjadv t(j>' iinreirial Kcnrriai. b. 40. SYN. ', oi/, TO, subst. [caupona,] a place where provisions are sold, a tavern. Ovbev TroitDv aXX', ?} KaTrrjXeiov ffKoirwv ; Lysistr. 427- d7r?;Xevw, v. [cauponor,] to sell by retail, to keep a tavern. See Dr. Monk, Hippol. 956. and Dr. Blomfield's Gloss. Sept. Theb. 541. 'EXflwj/ 5' eou-et/ ov KaTrrjXevffeiv yuct^v. Sept. Theb. 541. SYN. 'ATreyuTroXdw, xXevd^w. , adv. [institorie, dolose,] like an innkeeper, deceitfully. 'ETTCI vvv XiK&s e\ et ' P^ ut ' 1063. , ov, 6, et KaTnjXis, tds, ^, subst. [caupo,] an innkeeper. Kei TIS \os, r) KanriXls, TOV -^dos. Thesm. 347. SYN. IlavbuKos. ;, rjs, fj, subst. [caminus,] a chimney. "Ava^ flotreiSov TI TTOT ap' // ; Vesp. 143. SYN. Kupn'os. o), V. [fumigo,] to fumigate. 'He ^fXiffobKo^oi Trerprj tvi KaTrriduHrlv. Apoll. 2^ 132. a7rv/cw, v. [fumum excito,] to raise a smoke. KhnviGaav TE Kara K\laias t KO.L beiirvov e\ovro. B. 399- SYN. Kcnrvtaw, irvp avaiTTb). CITTVOS, ov, o, subst. [(l)fumus ; (2) poet, ignis,] smoke, fire. 'lepevos KO.I KOTT- vov aTroQpuffKOVTCL voTiaai. a. 58. SYN.^Ax^f? irvpos. EPITH. Qvwbtjs, aido\j;, KO.KOS, a/yuaroe/s, abevKrjS, evwbrjs, evoSyuos, aicideis, jueXas, Kviecn'jeis, XcvKavBijs. aTrj'odyuat, v. [in fumum redigo ; fumo,] to reduce to smoke, to smoke. Ac- /uas Kdirvovrat tcXtfjiaKuv opOGyrabwv. Eur. Suppl. 507. aTrpdw, v. [proprie de porca aprum appetente ; salax sum,] to play the wanton. Fpaos KaTrpwffrjs ra^obla KareaQletv. Pint. 1025. Ka?rpos, et KaTrptos, ov, 6, subst. [aper,] a boar. KdTrpw XZovrt 0' apfjiuaat TTCLI- 5wv yapovs. Phoen. 422. See also A. 414. SYN. Ts, x~ l P" s ' EPITH. 'Opeorepos, oXoo^pwv, aypios, ayporepos, fiXoavpos, AtrwXos, 'Epvyudvfli'os, x"^ a4 " cvy^s, dpytdSwv. PHR. See Hes. Scut. 386 391. aTrrw, v. [(l)"aperioos ad captandum a^ra ; (2) edoavideet cum spiratione." Damm.] to gasp, to eat greedily. a."lva KawTtDaiv; &. Ma At' aXX' Iv IKEI bet- irvwfflv. a. "Orw be TO ypa/u/ua. Eccles. 687. SYN. 'AvaatTrrw, eKTrvew, Kata). KaTrvpos, a, ov,' adj. [torrid us, fervid us,] parched, burning. 'AXXa yut TIS KctTrvpa ro^s 4#X6ra. Theocr. 2. 83. SYN. Aeivds, avaXtos. Ka?rvs, vos, 6, P. N. [Capys,] Capys. 'Affffdpdffos beKaTrvV o b' dp'Ayx^/*' reice a. T. 239. , inus. [(l)spiro; (2) antiquitus, capio.] See Ka?rrw, and Damm. in Kap, apos, o, nom. gentil. [Car,] a Carian. T H Vi ro> ^tavXov ?i\.6dv ; b. d ol Kapes yuev ovv. Aves 292. Kap, K-dpos, 6 vel ro, subst. ["capillus rasus, rescissus, ideoque res vilissima,"] a slip of hair, any thing mean. (See Heyne's note.) Ttw bs ptv kv Kap I. 378. Pros. Lex. 3 450 KAP KAPI Kdp, Kdpa, Kdpj;, ro, (gen. Kparos, dat. Kpari and Kdpp, ace. rov and TO Kpara, also ro Kdpa. See Schol. Hec. 432. )* Kdp/jdp, gen. rjdros and rjros. KdprjvdV, ov, TO, subst. [caput,] the head, tlie summit. 'E opewv ETTI cap* ^u- vvdei re epy' avOpuTruv. II. 392. See also Med. 1384. A. 443. T. 405. and H. 19. SYN. KetyaXr), Koparj. EPITH. AuorqjdV, TraXXei/KoV, /Ju^elov, a0Xto>, oXewpo)', dvoalov, uprjKes, ay0oV, fcaKoV, tylXoy, a.\KifAov, yepato>, oXXlviKov, ey/CKapjuroV, 7rdXt6V, alireivov, aicpot>, t, avQoKofJov, dSdrdroK, Seiro*', Xdatoi^, , v. [expecto,] to expect. Kdpa^o/v^/aw cr^v t/cet Trdpoucriav. Iph. A. 1432. SYN. Hpoabokaw, boKevw, eXTrt'^w. a/jpts, los, fi, P. N. [Carambis,] a promontory of Paphlagonia. YlavroBev K dXeoval Kdpa/j(3iv. Apoll. 2. 36l. , r7pds, et Kapaviff-rjs, ov, 6 et %, adj. [mortis c'apitalis auctor,] one who cuts off the head. 'AXX' o% Kapaviorripes 6^6aXfj.wpvj(oi. Eumen. 186. See also Rlies. 817- SYN. Qavar^opos , iroivi/jios. Kdparow, v. [ad fastigium perduco; perficio,] to bring to a head, to terminate. ToioVt> TTpay/ud p*) Kapavwffat QiXois. Chueph. 6*93. SYN. Ke^dXaiow, re- Xetow. , v. [caput abscindo,] to behead. Hapiv /^oXo^re, ^p^v Kaparopely . Rhes. 582. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [cui caput est abscissum,] having the head cut off, or cut from the head. Aot/3a7cri irptirov KOI Kaparojuiois ^Xta7s. Soph. Electr. 52. , ov, 6 et /, adj. [barbarus,] a barbarian, a foreigner. Kapfiavos &v ay ay. JEsch. Suppl. 921. SYN. Bap/3dpo$, a cj, v. [de nasturtio garrio,] to babble about the nasturtium. Ti icap- Zeis ; ov fiabieT. hevp' MS epe ; Thesm, 6l7. , ov, TO, subst. [nasturtium,] a kind of water-cress, of an acrid taste. 'O^DOy/^w^, KCU Sticaiuv, KCI\ fiXeTrovTajv Kapbd/jid. Vesp. 455. KapdyuuA//, i]s, //, P. N. [Cardamyle,] Cardamyle. See "Ipj;. Kop6ta, et Kpdbia, as, >;, subst. [cor, animus,] heart, affeclion, courage. Tly kv fagots fjie Kapblav efciy COKCIS ; Iph. A. 1173. See also Med. 98. SYN. K^p, Kdp, T^rop, ^>p-')v, Ovpos. EPITH. Kd^dpa (fiiXr], rdXatvd, TroXXd 0foIV fjnjrepa. Eccles. 1178. Kupbdntis, ov, >/, et Kapboirrj, rjs, r/, subst. [mactra,] a kneading-trough. "OaTts KdXZaete Kapboirov T^V Kapboirrjv. Nub. 1253. SYN. M Kd/)??k'oyudw, v. [coiuam alo,] to have long hair. KeXev B. 1 1 . SYN. Koyuw, Kdrd(36arpi>\os eip.1. Kapm, as, /, P. N. [Caria,] a territory in Asia Minor. "Ert vvv rov o 7rdpd/3aXX' els Kapiar. E(juit. 17 Kapts, t^os, rj, subst. [squilla,] a shrimp. KaptW dbe\(j>oi. Vesp. 1522. Kaptic^epy^s, o et r/, e&s, adj. [a Carica gente factus,] wrought or made by the Carians. Aei/r Kapaoppytos oyavoio. Anacr. fr. 137. KapiKos, j), ov, adj. [Carius ; hinc, vilis, exiguus,] Carian, paltry, small. Ko- WV avX?7/jdru>j>. Ran. 1302. 1 Kapa is frequently used with an adjective, per synecdochen, to denote a person ; as pa, a dear person. AlXo? KAPI KAPT 451 /, 1 r#s, o, P. N. [Carion,] the name of a slave. IlaT KapiW, ra eptv a f^pj/j'. Plut. 624. Kap*:a/pw, v. [resono, spnuni edo qualem sicca vi pulsata,] to resound, to crack. KapKatpe be yald irobeoatv. T. 157. SYN. 'Hxtw, dpd/3ew, *KapKnurr]s, ov, 6, P. N. [Carcinites,] Carciniles. "Erepos rpdywSos epXtrat. Vesp. 1505. Kapjcu'ds, ov, 6, subst. [(l) cancer ; (2) sinum coeleste; (3) forceps,] a crab, the constellation called the Crab, a pair of pincers. Ov irorl Troo/o-ets TUV KapKi- VQV 6pOd fidbt$eir. Pax 1083. EplTH. AexP^os. Kctpvetdbrjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Carneades,] the father of Telesicrates, an illustrious Cyrenean. 'A-ydOeyKapvetdba. Pyth .9. 127- Kapved, item Kapve'id, tav, TCI, subst. [Carnea,] a festival in honor of Apollo, instituted on account of his punishment of one Carnus, a prophet. 2 " Td be Kapved KOI by eytpirei. Theocr. 5. 83. Kapvetds, dbds, fj, adj. [Caracas,] of or belonging to the festival Carnea. Te0- liial evre ffiv Kapvetdbes i']\v9ov wpat. Call. 2. 87. Kdpos, ov, 6, subst. [sopor cum gravedine,] a deep oleep. Kpos be fnv aptyt- Kd\v\^. A poll. 2. 203. Kdpow, v. [veternum induco,] to render torpid. 0di'drw KeKaptapevd betva ire- \(Dpd. Theocr. 24. 55. SYN. Bdpurw. Kap-rrdOds, et per metatii. KpdndSos, ov, r/, P. N. [Carpathus,] an island, from which the Carpathian sea derived its name. Kot Kvlbos aiireirri, nal Kapird- 6ds f)Vfj,deff(rd. Horn. Apoll. 43. See also B. 676. EPITH. riat7rd\6e(T<7d. , 6V, 6 et ?/, adj. [celer,] quick. KapTrdXtyuottrl Trobeuffl' Oeol be re . X. l66\ SYN. 'flici;$, atyrjpos, rd^s, ofys. , adv. [cito, raptim,] rapaciously, quickly, rapidly., Tctypd ll ffyKero rrjvs evepyi/s. /w. l66". SYN. 'Oi>, d^'ews, rd^y, -d^eats, Kapni^d), v. [fructurn decerpo,] to yield fruit. Ou KapTriZovo dporois. Helen. 1327. KapTriyuos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [frugifer,] fruitful. T Ht GV iriGrevuv dpeXyeis rwr t^t wv rovs KapTTtjuiovs. Equit. 326. KapTTOTrotos, Kap7rorpoepedwos, reddr)\i}s, tpl- 6rj\i]s, 6&\\Mv, 7rd\vyr)9>}s, ^dpiis, TT/W', o'iroifs, /^eXt/)6r/s, /utAtippwr, fllpetas. KapTrw^d, dros, TO, subst. [(l)fructus, quaestus, (2) victima,] fruit, gain ; a victim. Kap7rw/mra crraiorrd xrjpvffaei Kvnpis. ALsch. Suppl. 1008. SYN. "Ovrjals, Qvala, irpoffifttipa. Knppwros, ov, 6, P. N. [Carrotus,]the brother of the wife of Arcesilaus. 4>iXe7/ be KappwToi' e^o'x' eraipwv. Pyth. 5. 34. Kaprd, adv. [valde,] very, very much, powerfully. Xp>) b& ivo\> per k-aprd Trpocrxwpetr TrciXet. Med. 224- SYN. Ild^v, dydv, yudXd, /ueydXws, beivws. Kap-aiTTovs, et KpdTaiirovs, vobos, adj. [validos pedes habens,] strong-footed. Kapra/7ro6' av epvrj Fata^x^. Olymp. 13. 1 13. See Horn. 48. 8. Kaprepa/x/n?*, ov, ' 6, subst. [bellator valid us,] a valiant warrior, ^.-novbaialv apa.t Kaprepai-^fjiav, Isth. 6. 55. ew, v. [forti animo sum, patienter fero,] to be brave, to persevere, to 1 For the quantity of the first syllable of Kapfav see Brimck, Plut. 1100. = See Heyne, Pind. Pyth. 5. 103. 452 KAPT KAIT endure. 'Pyov Trapaive~iv, 77 TrdOoVrd Kaprepeiv. Alcest. 1097* SYN. Ata- Kaprepew, biapKEW, fjievio, vTro^eVw, drre^w, idreXew. KapTepodv^os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [tolerans,] strong in mind, resolute. TvpTiabrjv, Mvcrwv //yj/7-opd KapTepot)v/j.(av. *. 512. SYN. See Kpdrepo^pwj/. Kprepos, vid. Kpartpdf. Kaprepoxe'p, \.eipos, adj. [valid us raanu,] strong-handed, powerful. Kaprepo- X 1 P> apoyrire, bopvadeves, epKos 'OXv/^vrov. Horn. 7. 3. Kaprioros, et KpaTiards, rj, ov, adj. [prsestantissimus,] most excellent. Kap- Tiarr\v brj ri]v ye /nd^rjv ^>dro bv^eval avbpu>v. Z. 185. SYN. "Apiaros, av- bpetoTaros, ctvbpwbeoTaTos* Kapros, vid. Kpdros. Kapru^w, vid. Kpdrvj^w. Kdpu^oTTotea), v. [suaviter condio ; sermonem variis modis condio,] to season agreeably, to varnish. e 6ru) Xeyetv olos re /, rd juev dp re, subst. [festuca,] a straw. Kop0/;pds 0/jos, eos, ro, subst. [palea,] chaff, bran. f fls 5e yv>'j) yudXepw Trept [or Kapros, adj. [acutos liabens dentes,] sharp-toothed, ravenous. "flare bv' atyd Xeoyre, KvvGjv VTTO wop^dpdSoJTwr. N. 198 Kop^i/orioi', ov, TO, subst. [(l)poculum; (2) summa pars mali nautici,] a goblet, the shrouds of a ship. Kptyy yuev ovv neffovaav CK Kapyjialuv . Hec. 1251. SYN. (2)"U-pr<>>. Kd'^ Trapfjirivibi Kacrffttireta. Arat. Phoen. 190. Kao-fftrepos, ov, o, subst. [plumbum album,] white lead, tin. XotXrcov 6' kv irvpt fiaXXev dretped, Kaffffirepov re, 2. 474. EPITH. 'Edvos, vtorevKTos, 0det- vos, -navefydos. KdardXta, as, ^, P. N. [Castalia,] a sacred fountain at Delphi. "Ert be Kao-- rdXias vbwp. Ph03n. 229. PHR. 'ApyBpdeiSels KaordXras bivai. Ka/ Kaortdveipd, btfjias eiKvla Oeyff^. 0. 305. KctffTopewv, TO, sc. ixeXos, et Kaoropetos vpvos, [Castoreutn carmen,] the mili- tary song of the Spartans. To Kaffropewv. Pyth. 2. 127. Koorwp, dpos, o, P. N. [Castor,] (1) the son of Jupiter and Leda, and brother of Pollux ; (2) a Cretan, the son of Hvlacus. See . 204. Kaardpt re IToXv- bevKet T ev aldepos irTv^a'ts. Orest. 1653. EPITH. 'linrdbd^os, Kparepos, ITTTTO.- \lorjs, at'oXoTTwXos, fyaeafydpos, \pvffapfjidTos, Tvi'bap'ibj]s f ra^vTrwXos, bopvarouos, X a XfCo0apJ7, fjpldeos, wKVTrooutv SeSary/atvos ITTTTW. Kara, praep. [(1) cum genitiv. de, contra, ad versus ; (2) cum accus. per, secun- dum,] (1) down from, against ; (2) along or down, according to. T?fos ' o'iaerai 7776' fifj.ep, v. [obstrepo, strependo vinco,] to inveigh against, to outbawl. ' Acharn. 711. Kdrd/-/oX), rjs, %, subst. [fundamentum,] the foundation, structure. Kdrd/3oXav iepwv dywvwv* Nem. 2. 5. SYN. 'EbeOXlov, dtiata, TeXtTrj. Kdrd/3o^fcw, v. [depasco,] to keep down by feeding on, to cultivate. 'A Ml- Xaros pet, ^o TO.V 2d/uai/ KarapoaKw. Theocr. 15. 126. SYN. Kdrarpwyw, * KdrdpoffTpv-xos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [comatus,] having pendent locks, hairy Kdrd/Joffrp^xos, opfj-dal yopyos. Plioen. 146. SYN. An^i'i'ieis, ^atTrjeis. Kdra/3pxw> v. [perfundo,] to moisten thoroughly. MT/TTW, /UT/TTW yt, irpi av TOVTI Trr^wiat, ^>/ mrd/e^- Nub. 2()7- SYN. ^ iOw, v. [ingravesco, z7em onustus sum,] to weigh down, to be loaded, to surpass. "OX/3w /uev Trayras KaTaflefipitiei fiaaiXrjas. Theocr. 17- 95. SYN. Bd|0w, /3api/i opal, rtKuw. Kdra/3oox 9 '^ w v - [deglutio, devoro,] to swallow down, to devour. Kdrd/3pox- 6'iaas, K'^r' eortwv roi' w[jiov, dvcLTroi'tirTos. Equit. 357 Kdra/3poxw, v. [sorbeo,] to suck down or up. tt Os ro Karafip6eui>, TD}V Kpi}r>]pt fjiyein- ^. 222. Kara/3/Dbi/uZ, v. [devoro,] to devour. Aurdp 7rei6/, $o7/3, cdre/3pws elbdp. Horn. A poll. 127. KdrdyfiXdw, v. [derideo,] to laugh at. KdrdyfXoiyrds t^dvr^ei 6m , et cdrdyj/pdw, v. [senesco,] to grow old. 'O^vpws y' ctiy pdoreiv. Med. 124. See also i. 510. SYN. TrjpaffKw, yr/pdw, Trapr}fiaw, yiipds iKeffOai. Kdrdytrtw, v. [deorsum fero, deveho,] to bear down. "Aori/ ' a0' v dpthiv Karayivtov vXrjv. K. 104. SYN. Kdrd^epw, Kdrdyw. Kdrdyiywonrw, 2 a. eyvuv, v. [decerno ad versus aliquem, condemno,] to decide against any one, to condemn. Kat TWV& OTTMS av ev KarayrwaQr) biKrj. Eumen. 576. SYN. KdroKpe'W, eXey^w, fcdrdjue/j^ojuat. KdrayXwrr/a>, v. [(l) impudice suavior, (2) deblatero, convicior,] to kiss ob- scenely, to use the tongue against, to abuse. See in Qi]\vbpl(t>br)s. SYN. , drds, TO, subst. [(1) osculum impudicum, (2) obtundens loqua- citas,] an unchaste kiss; a deafening loquacity. 'H b' av yui/pov, Kpfaov, icdra- yXwTTKrfJLciTwv. Nub. 51. Kdrayjud, drds, ro, subst. [fractura,] a thing torn or broken off, a lock of wool. XwptS SKtlffTOV' KQT 1 CLTTO TOl/TUV 7TCLVT(t)V TO KClTayfiO. \afi6vTaS. Lyslstr. 584. Kdrdyvt/jut, f. aw, 2 aor. pass, yrjv, v. [frango,] to break. Kat ///) icdra^at, a' be ^ aoi Karayopeiiffr) ; Pax 107. SYN. Et/ TdXatr' yw. Med. 1012. SYN. ripoadyw, Karnipw, 7rdpd/3dXXw. Kdrdywytov, ov, ro, subst. [diversorium,] a place of reception. Kdrdywytov TOMTOV. Anacr. 22. 8. SYN. Havlb^iiov. Kdrda8o/Ku, v. [divido, distraho,] to divide, to tear. 'AXXd tftvis re itai olh)vol Kara iravTa batrorTat. X. 354. SYN. ', \r}'i^, blapTra. Kdrd^a/o/^at, v. [devoro, comedo,] to devour. Atyaiv oybwKovTa. fJLoros baiffard paabas. Tbeocr. 4. 34. SYN. Kdrarpwyw, Kdrd^d^oyuai. KdrdSatfvw, v. [mordeo,] to bite, to gnaw. 'A\X' CTTI Xefcrpo^ iu>v, Kara bctKTv\ov uKp6i>. Batrach. 45. Kdrd6afcpvw, v. [largissime fleo,] to shed tears abundantly. KdrtSd^v'Gu. Trach. 1002. SYN. Ae/)fco/uat, Ka0opdw, /3Xe7ra), Otwptw. KdrdSei/fi), v. [madefacio,] to moisten. IllXoi/ tx etj/ Av/udrd ^tipuv. Eur. Suppl. 51. SYN."Ajuyy^d. Kdrdv/jt, KaTubvi'is), Karabvb), v. [demergo, induo,] to plunge down or into, to sink; to set, to put on. "OTTTTWS rovvb' 'ITTTTOVS XctjGerov KaTabvvTis dftiXov. K. 54o. See also Horn. Merc. 23?. and 0. 559. SYN. Eiffbvvt*, 6uw, aft to pat, g^w, v. [canto, incanto,] to sing, to enchant. f AvwXdXv^e t KUI Karpbt fiap- ftapn. Iph. T. 1338. SYN."Atw, q. v. K.araw|0o5rkw, v. [corrumpo sordidis muneribus,] to corrupt with bribes, to gain over by bribery. *H rTjs TroXews ^etfjia^dfievrjs np^v Ka.Tabu)pt>boKe~iTai. Ran. 361. SYN. Aia00e/|ow (^paat). Kdrdej'vvw, v. [induo, vestio,] to put on, to clothe or cover. Qpti be iravTa VEKVV KCLTaeiviiov , as enefiaXXov. ^F. 135. SYN. KdrdKaXvTrrw, ff/c7ra5w, irepl- /3aXXw. Kdrac?dw, v. [longuni vitae tern pus traduco,] to live long. Kdra^gi bevp' del ajj.vov j3cov. Ion 52. SYN. Zdw. KarnZeuyvvo), et KaracJevyi'u/u, f. C*ey^w, v. [conjungo,] to tie down to a yoke, to inclose. Tu/^/3//pet GdXd/^w Kare^ev-^Or] . Antig. 94-7 SYN. , v. [arefacio,] to dry up. Feud fjieXaiva aveffKe, Ka be baiuwv. X. 586. SYN. 'A^atVw, avcu'i'w. * Kdraff(i), V. [accingo,] to gird. "OtyZol Ka.TewaavTd yevvv. Bacch. 688. KdrdfldTrrcu, v. [inhumo,] to bury. KoTTTreVe, KarBave, Kai KaTada^opev. Agam. 1530. SYN. OaTrro;, e/rd^td(?w, KreuelSw. KdrdfleXyw, v. [demulceo,] to soothe. Tovs avrri K-dr0eX^t?', eiret KUKCL 0dp/m7)(a>, fk-drdtf^Xew, Trpavvw, ijfjLtpwo, Tidacrcrevut. Kdraflj'T/o-Kw, 2 aor. tQavov, v. [intereo,] to die, to perish, "iffrj deijal, 7rX>}v TO Kardave'iv IAOVOV. Hec. 356. SYN. 'ATTO^J/O-^W, OnjffKu), CKTrreiD, oi\8pat. KuradvrjTds, )}, ov, adj. [mortalis,] mortal. ' ; HXv0' ex tev * r " /"^ ^ r? ^'ra0i'i;- roTffti/ eotcej/. K. 440. SYN. QvqTtis, fiporos, avbpdfjieos. KarudpTivetD, v. [lamentor,] to lament, 'fls eiri rv/u/3w KaTaBprjvriffu). Eur. Eleclr. 1324. SYN. 0p^i'W, yodw, KaTo\opa e-nos eiiroipt, TO fioi (TTIV. x- 392. SYN. 'ATroOuftws, Qvfjiapris. Kdrd0vw, v. [fascino, incanto,] to fascinate. Nuv be viv tic dvtwv aXXd, leXava. Theocr. 2. 10. SYN. 0utu, eTr^'Sa;, g7rtff0drrw. Kdra^dr^s, ov, 6, et (2) icdro//3drts, /, adj. [descendens, declivis,] descending, open to descent. KdKwv d rX^wi/* ovSc ro>/ Karaifiarrjv. Bacch. 1350. See also Apoll. 2. 353. Karcuy/c?w, v. [irruo vel everto more turbinis,] to descend like a storm. 4>/> fj, subst. [procella,] a storm. Afyt^ tVi Qp#ijct, roflev itaraVg. Call. 3. 114. SYN."AeXXd, Xa/Xcu//. EPJTH. 0oa, yetpepta, Kdra'/ytJrjv, adv. [cum impetu irruendo,] with a violent impulse. GTifidprjai Kara'tybriv iXdrrftnv. Apoll. 1. 64. SYN. Aafiptis, $opd&r)v. KaraibZofjiai, v. [valde revereor,] to respect greatly, to believe. 'Opeerr', tyw rot aov KdratSoi/yLiat /cdpa. Orest. 6?5. SYN. At&eoyuat, acjefyucu. Kdrm0dXow, v. [(1) combuvo, (2) nigrifacio,] to reduce to ashes, to cover with soot. M-ipavrd Trvpl Kdrai6d\o1. Ion 213. Karatdvaffot, v. [lucere facio, nioveo me per et super,] to flash as lightning, to wave over. "Opftpov rear Karai.6vff-ffei. Pyth. 5. 13. SYN. AiBvaatt). Kdra/0w, v. [comburo,] to burn down. YlvXdbrj, Kdraide yeicra. reiyjiuv rde. Orest. 1637. SYN. Kdrd*ca/w, fcdraTrpjySw, K'dratQdXow. KdraiK'5w, v. [foedo,] to ill-treat, to disfigure, to pollute. 'AXXd Kanj oaaov irvpos tVer' dvV//). r. 9- SYN. A(^. A. 439 SYN. Ka/ptos, Odvdrrjtyopos. Kdrdfca/w, f. Kavaw, v. [exuro,] to burn down. Tw '00aX/zw /uow irpuaeriXrjffev, KO.I Ka.Tf.Ka.vaev TO TrpoewTrov. Nub. 411. SYN. Ka/w, fcdra^Xeyw, TrprjQw, irvp- Ott), , v. [obtego,] to draw down a veil, to hide. MeXas ydp . Troad. 1306. SYN. KdXv?rrw, TrejoioreXXw, areyctc'w, , v. [deflecto,] to bend down, to turn, to alter. 'EXirtbds tirt aol lov. Troad. 1242. SYN. IVa/ZTrrw, /ieraorpe^a), ci7ro<7rp0w. i, v. [arefio, marcesco,] to be parched, to be withered. Kdrd- Kap v/r' a Kofj-tf KdruKel os" aXXd r' eV avr^. P. 6?7- See also ;i'os KdrdKrjXrjffet. Trach. 1005. SYN. KdrdfleXyw. KdrdaoYTds, oi', adj. [hederaceus, hedera redimitus,] bound with ivy. Kdrd- Kiffffoiat flpepovras. Anacr. 6. *KaraicXala>, v* [lugeo,] to mourn for. ILvyyovav apbv Kdrdi^Xatdfieva. Iph. T. 143. SYN. See Kdrafy^ew. KdraK-Xdw, v. [frango,] to break down or off, to subdue. 'Atypdbl-ras rooy KdrecXaadij. Hipp. 764. SYN. K&rayrv/rf. KdraK-Xets, et^os, et lon.'tdra/cXrjts, tSos, r/, subst. [quod claudendis jforibus adhibetur,] a lock, a chest. Kcu rfjs icdrd/, adj. finclusus,] shut up. 'H vals f) KaT&K\eior8s. Call. fr. 118. 1. Kdrafc'X^ts, t5os, >;, vid. KdrafcXe/s. Kdra(cX, f. lvu>, v. [(l)judico, ( C 2) condemno,] to decide against, to con- demn. Kdre/CjOtvds* oTrrj Xoyos iijJLtv arapTrdv. Theocr. 23. 23. SYN. Kpt'^w, rdX/^w, v. [magnopere strepito,] to make a rattling noise. See in . SYN. KpordXt'cJw, ^ovTreo;, 7revr)iJiu) t avla\(i}. vTTTM, v. [occulto, tego,] to conceal. IlevQei bvotyepy KareKpv^as. Pers. 542. SYN . 'AvroKpvTrrw, *cdrd^dXi/7rrw, Keu0w. //, T/S, //, subst. [occultatio,] conceahnent. 'AXX' jow, oi -ydp ^w ?. OE. C. 218. SYN. Kpu^is, arrofyvyi'i. y et mraKrdo^ai, v. [obtineo,] to gain possession of. Xetpwj/ r H0aj'7rw ) vetv yu. Ion 1282. See also Hec. 1 1^8. SYN. 'ATroicre/vw, KTeivw, Kdra/,ros, o*', adj. [(1) deduceudiis, (2) pensilis,] what can be brought down, hanging down. Vlvi]alrai aot TU>V KO.TO.KTUV KOTTufiuv. Pax 1244. SYN. Kp- , perewpos. V7rT(t), v. [incurvo me, decumbo,] to bend or stoop down. Tlpoaato yup t TO 6' QonWev bdpv jnuKpov. IT. 6ll. SYN. ^vyKV7TT(t) t iyK\ivii). *Kdrckvpow, v. [sancio, constituo,] to sanction, to adjudge. Y7;^w fidmrov is. Orest. 1012. /cwXvo;, v. [prohibeo, veto,] to prevent, to forbid. 'AXX' eynovec benr- KuTUKiaXveis 7rd\a. Acharn. 1087- SYN. KoAi/w, aireipytt), a^w, v. [temulentia proterva insulto,] to carouse. Etrf ro Phceu. 3^3. SYN. K. KdrdXdXfw, v. [obloquor,] to speak against, to blab. Tt be rots 6vpae KdrdXdXa)^ ; b. eyw. Ran. 752- SYN. 'A*TtXdXw, blafiaXXw. KuTaXapfiavw, f. Xtj^Sfjuii, 2 aor. eXafiov, p. c/X);^, v. [deprehendo, corripio,] to seize, to overtake, to detect. Avrlna. /jdX' eaTat' fcdrdXd/3e7v ^' >;yuas ebpas. Eccles. 21. SYN. 'E7rtXa/u/3d^(u, ^Odyw, aXiffKu), e * Kdrd.\d/z7ra, v. [illumino, luceo,] to cause to shine on, to shine. Tdi> mrd- Xa^Tro/jfray. Troad. 106"2. KdraXyw, v. [moieste fero, doleo,] to be annoyed at. Kat cdraXy//aas Xeyw. Pliiluct. 372. SYN. bvoyspa.^, uXytw. , v. [recenseo, enarro,] to recount, to describe. "EXfytv oTrXtVos Za.K.vv&i6}> . Lysistr. 394. SYN. Afyw, fcdraypd^w, eyypd^w, bla- KdrdXe//3ai, v. [destillo,] to cause to drop, to distil. Trjv diro TUS ireTpas i tyodtv vbtup. Theocr. 1. 8. SYN. 'ATroara^w, icdraarci^w, KATA KATA 459 , ov, adj. [peruncfus,] anointed. Mtfpw KdrdXenrTos ; Pax 862. KdrdXetVw, v. [relinquo,] to leave, to quit. TioMvbe {juaQov KaraXiiruv Trpos TOVS buftovs. Iph. A. 1179 SYN. Ae/TTw, U7ro\etrrw, d KdrdXerroXoyew, v. [suhliliter et argute rimor,] to criticize with subtilty. t. Ran. 827. SYN. AeTrroXoytw, ' vcf',. v. [lapidibus ohruo,] to bury under stones, to stone to death. 2e HEV ovv KdrdXevtroptr, (o fjldpd Ke^dXt'j. Acharn. 285. SYN. Aevw, Trerpow. KdrdXtw, v. [niolo,] to grind. At' yue>> dp' ctXXat evbov, tTret Kara Trypoi' dXeo-- ffor. v. lOp. SYN. 'AXiw. * KdrdX/yyw, v. [desino, cesso,] to cease. Netprj rpe^trai* Trplv jcdrdXi/^at. Agam. 1455. SYN. See Ar/yw. KdrdXijddfjtat, v. [penilus obliviscor,] to forget intirely. Et Qavvi'-ur ?rep fcdrd- \}]QovT flv 'AiSao. X. 389. SYN. 'EnlXrjOopai. KuraX^TrrlKos, >}, dy, adj. [comprehendendi facu't;ite praeditus,] capable of comprehending, of seizing. See in Otfpv/Sqrk-os. KdrdX^Trros, y), oi/, adj. [comprehensibilis,] which can be caught, derived. ITey- 6os deddei' KdrdXrjTrTOt'. Hipp. 1347* SYN. YleplXrjTrros, aXwros. KdrdXjj^ts, ws, jf, subst. [depreliensio,] a seizure. Ka) repdre/ar, :at Trept- Xe^iVy Kai Kpovffiv Kai KUTdXr)\^tr. Nub. 318. SYN. FvwptCTts, niaOrjats, avvtals. KdraXXdyj), rjs, r/, subst. [reconciliatio,] reconciliation. Flfpt 7roXe ( uoi/ KdroX- Xdyi/s. Aves 1588. SYN. EvvoXXdyr), ^taXXdy/y. KdraXXacrerw, v. [reconcilio,] to exchange one thing for anolher, to recon- cile. Ot/ not KCLTCiXXaxQeHaa, Trtpt o-e rat bojj.ovs. Iph. A. 1157. SYN. AtaX- XatTO-W, OlKtO(t). KdrdXoyos, ov, 6, subst. [catalogus, enumeptio,] a catalogue, an enumeration. "E-rretO' o TroXirrjs erreOets kv KaraXoyu. Equit. 1369. SYN. Aoyos, Trtra^. * Kdrd/\oa'5w, v. [snlco,] to make a deep furrow. TdXaivai reicvwv. b. Kara HLV ovv^iv 'HXooV/ueflV Eur. Suppl. 835. SYN. 'AXo^w, dporptdw, x a ~ KdrdXovw, v. [in balneas consumo,] to wash away, to waste on baths, "ft/r- fjiov KaruXovci Tov /3toi'. Nub. 838. SYN. KdrdyaX/CTKw, dj'd- KdraXo^)deta, adv. [supra cervicem,] on the neck or shoulders. B7f 6e mra- Xopabeia, 0epa;v CTTI vJ/d /ueXaii'dr. /:. 169. SYN. Ktirufiittidv. , o , v. [qui dissolvi vel aboleri potest,] what can be dissolved. dre KaraXvfflpdv. Soph. Electr. 1260. vo-tj, ws, 77, subst. [(1) eversio ; (2) exit us ; (3) diversorium,] a dissolu- tion, an end, an inn or place of entertainment. Aew;u0' O'IKWV KaraXvaeis* X^peTv xpewr. Eur. Electr. 393. KdrdXi/w, v. [(1) dissolvo, destruo ; (2) commoror ; (3) conficioj to loosen, to destroy, to stop. "Ort KardXvei wept^drws, els wr ptirds. Plut. 9*8. SYN. Ai/w, eK\vn), dt'oVptTTw, d^drt'c'w, (2) 6mrp//3w, (3) reXtw. w, v. [quiescere facio,] to cause to rest. Kovpqi' 6' e d^ewv atuui ev virvtis. Apoll. 3. 6l6\ SYN. Kdrdiravw. rw, v. [comprehendo,] to seize, to reach, to devour. "Us K^ /t' >/- reader irtiXios Kora/iap^p eovrd. Z. 364. SYN. KdrdXa/y/ydi/w, KaQap7ru. Kdrd/udw, v. [meto, accurnulo,] to reap, to gather TT/J' pd dJXij'id/n^x erjoi. ft. l65. SYN. '7rd/mw, adpotZM. , f. vrw, v. [liebeto, obtundo,] to blunt. Tov/uo' Trdpteis rot Ktap. CE. R. 688. SYN. 'A/u/3Xv*w, d7ra/u/5Xurw. Kdrd/ueXtw, v. [negligo,] to neglect. Krtv e^trrpa^v, et i:d.Tr)peXr]a cyw. Aj. Fl. 45. SYN. 'A/ueXcw, Trapd/utXew, e^d/ueXtw, aQip&w. Kdrd/ueXtrow, v. [melle condio,] to mix with honey, to sweeten. Olov Xlrwat Tqv Xdxwv dXrjv. Aves 224. SYN. MeXtrow. 1 Tmesis for /caT^oKiV/iefla, Barnes. 460 KATA KATA * KdrdyuejUTrrcis, oV, adj. [vituperandus,] to be blamed. Ov roe CE. C. 1696. SYN. 'ETrt/zejuTrrfls, eTriXf/Trrfls, eV/^fldyds, Karapou^o Kdrd/ieju^>o/ia(, v. [increpo, accuso,] to censure. Aet/Ki) yap ic Anacr. 64. 8. SYN. 'Eirlueutyouai, atrtdojuat, eyKaXew. Kdrdjur/Xow, v. [spatula explore,] to probe a wound. KT/JUOV Equit. 1 147. SYN. Iletpdw, boKifi&Sw. Kdrd/iTji'i'w, v. [(1) indico; (2) prodo, enuntio,] to inform, to bring proof against, to denounce. Kdrdjujjfycra), ?rptV av e dyptwj/. P. V. 182. SYN. Mrjvvta, aTrayyeXAw, drrofyatva), Kard/rfaeW, f. dva), v. [poiluo,] to pollute. Kara/adverts dire yeVvav. Pyth. 4. 1/8. SYN. See MicuVw. Karauiyvvul, f. /j/w, v. [commisceo,] to mix with. Karafjiyrvvras rovs re y KC'I TIS evvs t ri (j>l\os vptr. JLysistr. 580. SYN. 'ETrfyitcryojuai, drd- v. [in stipendia miiitum exhaurio,] to expend in hiring soldiers, or giving them pay, to bribe. Karcif.u v [cooperio,] to cover over, to invest. Kovcpfj KdTafjnriff^ovaiv ev Helen. 852. SYN. KdrdmXuTrrw, TreptffreAXw. , v. [iacero,] to tear. Kdrd;uudro xe7pd dpat^i'. E. 425. SYN. v. [instar moreti contundo,] to pound like pap. . Pax 247* ;, v. [conniveo,] to close the eyes, to wink. "Hv & olv Karapvari Kay , opus e*ceZ. Vesp. 92. SYN. Muw, aKctpbdfjivffffut. Kdrd'(tykd^w, v. [cogo,] to force or bind down, to compel. 7 Hv Karriva.yKa.o- /u os. Bacch. 633. SYN. 'Ai/aycd(5w, Kadeipyw. * Kdrdvdw, f. daw, v. [habito, habitandum do,] to dwell, cause to dwell. Ilap- vaarov KVLTtvaaQriv. Phoen. 215. SYN. Kdroiia'cjw, tcdO/orr^/zi. Kdrdreo^nt, v. [desceudo,] to descend, to come back, to return. Flderas & orpvvov Sjuwds icdrd &u>[.ia. veeadat. )(. 484. SYN.^ATroreo/icu, , v. [annuo,] to confirm with a nod or faithfully. Kdrdi/ei/ffoy, tao&v us. Thesm. 1020. SYN. Atd^evw, tTru-evw. * KdrafOew, perf. med. Kdreinivodd, v. [conspergo,] to besprinkle. Elorr^fc-et* TroXXr; be KOVIS KarivYivoQiiv wfjovs. Hes. Scut. 269. Ka.Tav6pa.Kow, v. [in carbones verto,] to reduce to ashes. $Xoyt'di.Trd>'. 1 See Valcken. Diatr. Eur. p. 15. . KATA KATA 4G1 v, adv. et praep. [e regione, ex adverse,] over agaihst, straight down. 'AXXd KaravTiKpii reyeos, TreaeV K 5e ol avyr]v. X. 64. KdravrXew, v. [hausta aqua perfundo,] to pump upon, to asperse. Tourd ravrd (TOV Ka.Tat>T\rj, Kal tyviapoTas KaXrj. Vesp. 482. SYN. Am/3/)X w< Kardww, f. vow, v. [hospitio excipio,] to receive as a guest. Kdrai^aavra Kal \Ka.Tetva)jji>oi>. Choepli. 6p4. SYN. HeVow. Kdrtos, a, or, adj. [dignus,] deserving. Ad/3wv, vj3picn>, ov Karaites yiyuts. Eur. Electr. 46'. SYN."Atos, e-rrafyos, biKnios. ^tow, v. [dignum judico,] to deem worthy. A/ICIJ irpoffelbe, Kal KaTrj^liui- . Sept. Tlieb. 664. SYN. 'A&OW. , adv. [digne, pro dignitate,] worthily. 'Ewe! SeSpaKds ovr' f/ioi) /cdra- . CE. C. 91 1. SYN. 'Aiws, 7ratws, Kdr' a^tar. TrdXafw, v. [eluctor, lucta vinco,] to overcome in the struggle or con- test. 'AX\' ol \uyoi ye KaTanaXaiovfftv Xoyovs. Iph. A. 1013. SYN. Atd- Kdrd7rd/s rpdTrecrjs icdrd- Trdo-as XeTTTrjv rttypav. Nub. 177 SYN. V\po e^dvi/w, KardXf/yw, dvd- w, v. [constringo pedibus, implico gravi malo,] to bind down with fetters, to involve in calamity. BXd7rrou. Acharn. 160. SYN. Kdrd^orr/^w. KdrdTrcTrrw, v. [detoquo,] to boil down, to digest, to manage. 'Eripa-ffav, %r TdtTaXos ovros. 'AXXd yap kdrd-Tre^/at. Olym. 1. 86. KdrdTrepSw, v. [oppedo,] to show contempt for. Kat rijs rrtrtas Pint. 618. rdirerd^w, et KaraTrtravru/it, v. [expando, explico,] to spread over, to ex- and. Kdravrlrdo-avres kv KUK\(J), tyvXcirrufjiev. Vesp. 132. SYN. ^ATrXoa/^ pand , V. [occido,] to kill. 7 ft /uot Kdre7re ya/p kdrerrnKrd* d Se /jdXd ;6u yeXdo-ffas. A. 378. KdrdTuVw, v. [deglutio,] to* drink down, to swallow, a. '6 fjieaaros. b. 'AXX* ovros ye KdrdTroflqo-erat. Vesp. 1502. SYN. Kdrd^pox^'^w, eKvirw. KdrdTr/Trrw, 2 aor. KdreTreao^, et in Horn. Kamreadi', [decido,] to fall down. MeSvwv K-dreTreaes es ptaovs TOVS avOpaKas ; Cycl. 665. SYN. IltTrrw, e at TTO&. Eccles. 1109. SYN. Ilt Kara rSJv KoXiruv Kal T&V /zqpuir Kdrd-m'eixTr]. Lysistr. 552. SYN. ' *), rjs, >/, subst. [flatus,] a breath, a blast. 'A-vtp.wv a, 6d-jud\/ot. Pvth. 5. l6 l 2. SYN/'A^jud. , cos, 6 et >/, adj. [declivis,] bending down, headlong, prone. TY/v yprjvs xet'peofri KnTciTrprjrecrai \afiiwaa. r. 4-6*7. SYN. Hpijvi)*, , v. [demulceo, lenio,] to appease. Avrap 6 T&V ^Iv tTretrd irdre- 7rp//vi'V d^ms. A poll. 1. 265. SYN. Ylpaiivw, iXaaKopai, fcdrd0eXyw, Trdpd- Kdra7rp/w, v. [serra deseco,] to saw off. See in 'ETrtre^vw. SYN. Ai f. w, v. [prodo,] to betray. Ilep# rorarais ffTreipot'T* avrov bZai'oiats. Vesp. 1044. SYN. Tlpdbibwfjtl, droTrpot^o/tat, 1 v. [impune evado,] to escape with impunity, or (according to Constantine) to insult with impunity. 'Epov KdrairprH^et. Nub. 1230. , v. [ante deseroj to abandon. 'Ei> \wpri, 081 rovs ye KarcnrpoXi- ZXlaadrj. Apoll. 3. 1 l64. SYN. KdrdXe/Vw, d7roXe/7rw, Qe w, v. [profundo,] to pour down. "ls dp' t07, eXeecrd Apoll. 3. 1 1 17- SYN. ITpox^ xw, icdraxew. KdraTrrdw, vid. Kdd/Trrijfii. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [plene plumatus,] having long wings. 'JEpc- t6i* yuoXe KdrcnrTtpos. Orest. 176. SYN. Ylrepotpdpos, vrr^rov, rdi>i;- , et kraraTrrwor^rw, v. [consternor,] to crouch down through fear, to dread. AdOgoi KdrairrJifas viro Qapvy. X. 19J. See also E. 4?6. SYN. ITr^erffw, VTroTrTijrrrrw, ^etXtdw, oppwteit), rap/3ew, K'draTrXr/^ffo/^ai. Kdra7rru a ^j- [sinuosus,] full of folds. Md\d rot TO KUT vapa. Theorr. 15. 34. SYN. ritfXuTrri/xtfs. , vid. Kdra7rr//<7 , v. [torrefio,] to crackle. Acu-e< Theocr. 2. 24. SYN. Xey/itiv rtXto-cu ras irepWvpovs Kdrdpas. Sept. Theb. 721. Kdrdppd/cdw, \. [lacero,] to tear into rags, to rend in pieces. Nuv ' <3* avap- Opos Kal KareppaKupevos. Trach. 1119. SYN. Sffdparrw, KardjuiWw. * K.arappaKTr)s, et fcdrdpckr/js, ov, o, subst. [iionien avis cujusdam,] a ganet, a kind of eagle or ravenous bird. Koi KdrdpuKry Kal yutXayjcfyvipw. Aves 887. KaTapaopai* v. [exsecror, male precor,] to pour curses upon. Ovic ets KdpuKas ; na.Ta.pq. a\> T$ blbaaKd\M. Nub. 871. SYN. Bf\urrd/*cu, dTrev^ojucu. Kdrdparos, or, adj. [nialedicus, maledicendus, scelestus,] execrable, accursed, wretched. 'Ej/S^o-d/Lteva rov KardparoV. Med. l6;3. SYN. 'ETrdparos, Trrvoros, anevKTOS, fjiaijTos. Kdrapytw, v. [inaiiem et inutilem reddo,] to render useless. 'AXV el/i', av fjtj Ka.Tapywfj.ev X*P a ' P^cen. 7^5. SYN. 'Apytw, d/cvjoouj, axoXa^w. Kdrapy/jd, dros, ro, subst. [initiatio, primitia?,] an initiatory rite. ' Xepvifias be, Kal KaTapypara. Iph. T. 245. SYN. TeXerj), drrapy^drd, KdrapyupoD/jcu, v. [argeuto corrumpor,] to be bribed. Kat rai)r' adpriffov el Karrjpyvpwuei'ds. Antig. 1077. SYN. KdrdSwpo^e^. Kdrap6w, v. [irrigo,] to bedew, to refresh. Ovre mrap^wv, d\Xd rd /3Artffrd ^iSdo-fcwv. Acharn. 658. SYN. Kdra/3pexw. Kdrdpe<5w, et KarappeZttt, v. [blande mulceo maim,] to stroke with the hand, to caress. See in EvTr^TrXos. SYN. Kdra^/dw, Karav////^. Kdrdp/y^Xos, or, adj. [horribilis,] to be shuddered at, horrible. Avypd, rd r' &\\Otffit> ye Ka.Tapiyr]\d TreXoi/rai. 3 ^. 226. SYN. 'Pf'y^Xos, 0o/3tpos. KdrdpfOjuew, v. [annumero,] to number. Kdr?ypt0/u^rat TpwdSwr dXXwr Troad. 865. SYN. 'ETrdpiByutw, K'drdXoytCojuat, fcdrdrt^r/jut. KdrnpKew, v. [sufficio,] to be sufficient. 'E^uot ^e ^ws >r 77X401; Rhes. 448. SYN. 'ETrap/ctte;, apfcew, eopK'w. Kdraprto/iai, v. [inficior,] to deny. crr;s, ov, 6, [cataracla,] a cataract. Et adj. [prseceps,] dashing. Kd- rappaKTos, rj, ov, adj. [abruptus,] steep, rugged. 'ETret b' a~tKTd TOV Kdrap- pciKrjv obov. (E. C. 1590. KdrappaTrrw, v. [consuo,] to sew together, to contrive. Adyw b KaTctppa^as pooov. Eunien. 26. SYN. 2!vppa7T7w, IvrlBrfftT, , Kdrappecjw, vid. Kdrdpe^w. KdrappeTTw, v. [deorsum vergo,] to bend downwards, to cast down. dp0o7, Kal rv^i] KO.T append. Antig. 1158. SYN. Kdrd/xiXXo>, 7r/7rrw. Kdrappew, 2. a. Karfppvoi', v. [defluo,] to flow down, to be drenched, to stream. < fc'droppet* vrpos ^t Kprjnt&uv fiaOpois. Troad. l6. SYN. 'Aircppev, Kdrd- , f. r/w, v. [dejicio, decide,] to break down, to burst. l' rwv 6' opdovptKnv. Anlig. 675. SYN. 'AruppV/yvvjut, 6pavu), K'drd/SdXXw. Kdrapp/vdw, v. [lima polio,] to file down, to polish. GoXTret ppayJLov cv K pivrj/nevovs. ^Esch. Suppl. 755. SYN. Zew, e,aKpifiu(*). Kdrdppvrds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [irriguus,] well -watered. Ki/pe7 5e fc//7rots ev Karap- pvrois pefiws. Eur. Electr. 777. SYN. toappttyps. pw^, wyos, ?/, adj. [praernptus,] craggy. 0^po*v ope/wr, w Kdrap'ptDyes i. Philoct. 938. SYN. 'ATroppw^, Kprjpvwbrjs, KUTCiKpii/Jivus. Kdrapr&w, f. vaw, v. [cornpono, instruo,] to train, to arrange, to instruct. "AXXws re KUI av p.kv KarrjprvKws opus. Eunien. 476. 1 Kctrapa is found in the tragic writers only in the choral odes. 2 The second syllable of Karapao/xot is sometimes found long, but only where the metrical ictus falls on it. 3 The second syllable is prolonged because the metrical ictus falls on it. 404 KATA KATA Karapxtit, v. [primus facio ;] to begin ; [et med. Kdrapxopai, auspicor,] to begin a sacrifice. A?, al KaTap^opat vopdv. Hec. 685. SYN/A|OX W > atrap- , f. afieaa), v. [extinguo, sedo,] to extinguish, to appease. " Trvp Karaafieaai Xd/Jpov. Orest. 689* SYN. Z/SeVvvjtu, Ka.Ta.Trav d). Kdrdareito), v. [concutio,] to shake down. 'l^Bvds CK Kd\afji/7rw, (cdra7ry0w. 'to), v. [anhelo,] to snort at, to champ. "Iirnos xdXtv&v b' ws cdra- ptvci. Sept. Theb. 389- SYN. 'AfffymtVw. , v. [Siculorum modo comedo,] to devour like a Sicilian. Kdre- , Kare.TT\riT > ev TU> cncora). Acharn. 91 ! , v. [admodum laedo,] to injure deeply. Kcu /uev Kdrtairage. Theocr. 30. 32. SYN. Kdra/3\a7rrw, daaf0w, dviarrjfju, fcdrd/3aA\w, KdropvTTW. i, fjs, >/, subst. [(l) specus ; (2) eversio,] a cave dug out, destruction. av. Helen. 197. SYN. (1) KevOfthi', opvypd, (2) y, ed$, 6 et r/, adj. [(l) defossus ; (2) dirutus,] undermined, dug out. 'fl rvpfios, (!) vvjji^elov, aj KdravKdcpt'is. Antig. 891* SYN. 'Avaardros, vTrdyetds, Kara-yews. drao-fre^dj'vvyut, f. ffKe&dfffD et afCfcSw, v. [dispergo,] to scatter, to spread. Ka- Treird KdrefffceSdo-a*/ Qeppov. Aves 536. SYN. AtaerK6a/s, /7, subst. [speculatio,] spving, exploring, examination. Tov ovj/ -ndpovrd TTC^OV els KdraaKOKiiv* Philoct. 45. SYN. 2fCi//ts, epevva, , ov, 6, subst. [explorator,] a spy, a scout. Mijrpos b T^S aijs Kara KOTTOS. Baccll. 904. SYN. IKOTTOS, ttyopos, KdTUTrrrjs, , v. [lento ine comburo,] to reduce to ashes, to choke, 'fts be t Kal dverpd7Tro typei'd Xvira. Theocr. 8. 90- SYN. tu in scanning is a long syllable. KATA KATA arrw, v. [dilaccro,] to tear to pieces. TV)v eipEa'iw ecr7rdpadr. Equit. 728. SYN. ^Trdparrw, Karcia^^, KctTUKGTrrw. Kdrao-Trdw, f. d, v. [detraho,] to draw down, to swallow, to wrench from. \dfiovd, J TOVS KoXiKas icar&rTrutras. Ran. 576'. SYN. AiacrTrdw, uva- Karate/pa/, v. [spargo,] to sow the seeds of, to produce. "Go-as ib'ius fjoi Kdracnrelpas ttivtis. Aj. Fl. 1005. SYN. ^Tre/pw, Qvrevb), 0irevw. Karciffnevbw, f. GTreiau, v. [iibo, libameuto perfundo,] to pour libations down, to supplicate. Xods Karucnrelffovcr' vrrep urjrpos rdpw. Orest. 1186. SYN. v. [impello,] to urge on. Arjoras cXavvur Km KaraoTrepxwv bopi. Acharn. 1188. SYN. ^-rrep^u), evre/yw, /cdreTret'yw, CTTrouSa^w, /cdraffTrew^w. KdraffTro^ew, v. [in pulverem dejicio ; metaph. occido,] to throw in the dust, to kill. Ovb' ctjuKplXeKTws p]v Ka.Tff7robr)pti'Ot. Sept. Tieb. 80^. SYN. OA>/o'0'a;, Koviaw, A.'drd^wvi'i'jUt. KdraoraC'u;, v. [destillo,] to drop down. 'Op/, subst. [conslitutio,] situation, arrangement. Qvr d/ yap brjXos l]v Karaaraals. Med. 1194. SYN. Evra#a, KUTapoXi), 6mra^ts, ay- s, ou, o, subst. [instaurator,] an establisher, an avenger. 'AXX' KCU karaara.rr)v &6[jni)v. Soph. Elect r. 73. Kara or ft (3io, v. [calcando tero,] to tread. To Trpwrov IKOV, Kal mreorei^/as irebov. (E. C. 46'8. SYN. 2re//3w, tirtardBu. KdrairrtXXw, f. eXw, v. [demitto, reprirno, compono, orno,] to compose, to adjust, to settle. 'Yoaovrov O\KTOV 7riot/3dXwj' KdraorfXw. Iph. A. 934. Kdraortj/w, v. [ingemo,] to lament. 'Yirep Tvpavnov fypydpas Karaffrfvew. Iph. A. 470. SYN. 2ri'w, avaartvio, a-i>u(tj t oXofyvpofjiat. Kdraare^j/s, eos, o, //, adj. [corona redirnilus,] covered with a garland, shaded. Etyrifiiav vvv 'ia\' f^et KaraoTetyfj. Trach. 178. SYN. 2re0d/^- Qopos, K'Xabots e^eare/x/iti'ds, TroXvaTefajs. , v. [corona cingo,] to crown, to cover. 'AXX' avrop-at ae, Kal Kara- oiv. Heracl. 227- SYN. Sre^w, dvd^ew. 5w, v. [firmiter infigo,] to fasten down, Aocu 6* IK avrijs rpels Kare(T-ripiypei>qt. Eur. fr. Thes. 5. 9- SYN. ^.rrjpl^w, eyypd^/w. * KdracrruTr/s, ov, 6 et //, adj. [maculosus,] spotted. 5fdc0p' ZXeXvTo, Kal KO.- raariKTOvs bopas. Bacch. 69^- SYN. AtoXos, fiaXlvs. Kdra(Tr/X/3o>, v. [reluceo,] to cause to glitter. Hpijv tidraerrlX^MV aeXds fyo- Qtv Is fiioTTjTa. Horn. Hymn. 7. 10. SYN. 'AiroffriXpta, avtiXafjiirw. Kdraord/jfo;, et KaraaTCjpvvpl, f. ,r. 3 N 466 KATA KATA , v. [deblatero,] to mouth at, to chat. Ov 5?/rd rovro y', arrw, KaraKreivM, avaipew. Kdraw, v. [(1) extendo, (2) explico, expedio,] to stretch out, to expand, to contend. "E,vda qfyiv Kara lad fJta^rjf erdrvaae. Kpdv/wy. A. 33(). See also Hec. 129- SYN. 'E^Trtraww^t, e/cretVw, auyre/yw, Kdre^w, bla- TlV(t). Kdrdre/uvw, v. [concido,] to cut or tear down, to mangle. AteTrfymr Kara per (f)l\av "Oyv-^i Te.p.v6niiva bepav. Eur. Electr. 146. , et fcdrdrr/ico/zat, v. [colliquefucio, liqueo,] to cause to melt, to melt. v Ka.reTa.KtTo T^I-OV Iowrd. Theocr. 14. 26. SYN. iL, f. 0// 2 aor. ebpdfjidv t v. [decurroj to run down, to inveigh against. Kdracipd/^ouffd TJJV Qvpav avoi^ov, Eccl. 961. Kdrarp//3w, f. t/3w, v. [attero,] to wear down, to consume. Adpds aiy&v mre- Tpifiov. Tlieog. 55. SYN. 'Ararp^w, biaTpipw. Kdrarp/^w, v. [stride magnopere,] to make a shrill noise. XeTpas 6' eaopeoi'rat. Theocr. 5. 115. (See also y. 315.) SYN. Kdra- w, v. [eloquor,] to speak out. Oi //ot, KciTavba' TrXelov. Antig. 86. SYN. 'Eav&do>, aTrayyeXXw. , v. [tibia mod u lor,] to play on the pipe, to inspire. Td^d a cyw ^opeutrw, Kat KaravX>)<7w fyofia). Here. F. 867. SYN. 'ETravXtw. , v. [stationem habeo, castra metor,] to pitch one's tent, to lodge. Ni)/ per Karav\iaOrJT' Kal yap ev^povi/. Rhes. 518. SYN. AvX/^o- /uat, drav^ew, v. [glorior,] to be proud of. *H irals epos, Tr\fidei Karav^aas ve&v; Pers. 358. SYN. Ai>Xw, eTrai/xew, evyouai. , v. [exhibeo,] to display, to declare, to cause to appear. Tov-rov Xoyo^. Nem. 10. 20. SYN. OatVw, llafyaivu. , os, 6, ^, adj. [manifestus,] conspicuous. MaXtord. ravrd Kard- (bavels TroXXots wote'iv. Antiph. 5. SYN. A>)Xos, Kcr)\os, blatyavfis. drd^d^ws, adv. [manifeste,] conspicuously, plainly. Kajuoi 6o, aTro^euyw. , v. [aio, affirmo,] to assent to. *Av cdrda/?/K'<:?UJ, mrayyeXXw, dfayyeXXw, td/3dda;. Kdra^Qdreoymt, v. [celeriter pervenio,] to extend to, to pass quickly over. *ATTO ^.Kcijuarbpov yTjv KaracbdaTOvpevri. 1 Eumen. 401. SYN. $f)dvw. Kdra00e>w, v. [corrumpo,] to corrupt, to waste. 'Hs iv /a 7rXr)yfj Ku TroXvs. Pers. 256. SYN. 0e//oo;, bfaipdetpu, mraorpe^w. Kdra00iVw, v. [consumo tabe, tabesco, intereo,] to waste, to pine away. pevrd y>/p# Trevdifjia) Kara^Qlveiv.' 2 ' Alcest. 638. SYN. 4>0ti'a;, Kdra^fliw, v. [interimo,] to kill. Ov /^^v bfj ae KaTatydtffet, /idXd e. 341. SYN. $0rw, bicitydelpw, KaraKTeirw. Kdra000jod, as, ^, subst. [corruptio, pernicies,] corruption, ruin. Odpeo-rt 6' a>5t5, Kat KaratyOopa. Choepb. 205. SYN. Aia^>0opa, oXtdpos, tyovos, Qavaros. Kdra0Xyw, f. w, v. [comburo,] to burn down, flavrd Kara^Xe^u ?ri;pt Krj\ey. 3 X. 512. SYN. Kdrdfv'a/w, fcdreyu7rp/y0u;, dm/ca/w. <, v. [extimesco,] to be terrified at. Ei 5e roi/ro ^drd0d/3e rts apdOia wpoay. Ran. 1 10p. SYN. 'E^o/'jeo/iat, eK7rXr/rro/^a(, vu, v. [trucido,] to slay. Kdre0o*/evff rq/. Baccb. 1166. SYN. icdra^dia;, KardTre^vw, fcdrar^)drra>. Ka7-a^joa5o//at, v. [considero,] to consider. 'T/zeTs 5e Karatypazeffde Kai avroi. Hes. Op. 246. SYN. (t>pd5o^ai, avaaKoTrtw, e^erd^w. KaraQpat.'Tos', ov, adj. [munitus, septus,] bound, fortified. rTerpojSct mrd^jocuc- ros ev becrfjiw. Antig. 958. Kdra^joovew, V. [sperno,] to despise. Ad5vvyw, a.TravQpaK(v t K'dra^Xeyw, Karaidt*. , i/s, ^ } subst. [refugium,] a refuge. Ovros ydp ^f />(ot rard0i)y) . Orest. 715. SYN. 'Airofyvyrj, avaopa. * Kdrd^vXdrrw, V. [custodio,] to guard. M^/TTOV TIS CK TOinriaQiEV UH> TO Ka.Tav\afy. Eccles. 482. SYN. vXdrrw, eKauu. Ka.Tav\\dpdfw, v. [marcesco,] to shed leaves, to wither. 'A;Xe//s r'/m K&TI- , subst. [ludibrium,] a laughing-stock. Km 5^ KaTa^apf^d ex,Qpo~is, Theog. 1063. SYN. FeXws, icdrdyeXws. , f. ttrw, v. [decaco,] to pour down excrement. 'ATTO r//s opdtyfjs rvx- rwp yvXewrrjs KaTEX^^y. Nub. 173. SYN. XeCw, lirtx&v- pios, o/, adj. [manibus aptus, commodus,] handy, convenient. Kdra- ei'TvvaffOat. Apoll. 1. 1188. uw, et mrdxew, v. [effundo,] to pour down or into, to shed. To ptv els dXd Trav KaTaevaai. H. 46l. SYN. 'ETrtxew, :drd/3dXXw. , 775, /, subst. [(1) hiatus oris; (2) derisio,] the opening of the mouth, derision. Towr' kor npx r /> K * TOV TT\OVTOV Ka.Tuxn vr l Vesp. 574. SYN. KdrdytXws, d 1 See Dr. Butler's note on this word. 2 The penult, of this word is long in Ionic, and short in Attic verse. Dr. Maltby. 3 Krj\c'y is here scanned as a spondee. 468 KATA KATE KdTci-xBorids, a, ov, adj. [subterraneus, infernus,] subterraneous, infernal. Zevs > KaTayQui'los,, Ka.1 iTratvij TIepaZtyoveid. I. 457- SYN. 'YTroyetos, o fcdrw. Kdraxpe^Trro/icu, V. [ conspuo,] to spit upon. 7 fly KaTdxpep^dpevrj. ^ ax 815. SYN. 'ATTOTrrvo;. Kdroxpi/o-ow, v. [(1) inauro; (2) laudibus exorno,] to gild, to emblazon. Kev- Qvs Kartxpvcrov Tras dvt]p E,vpnribr]V. Eccles. 826. SYN. Xpvffow, eTrcttveu;, d, dros, TO, subst. [jusculurn, condimentum,] a kind of soup; in the plural, sweetmeats, nuts, figs, &c. (hence Nuces spargere,) which were poured on the heads of slaves or brides, to welcome them to their new ser- vice. Mdyetpe, TO Kdrd^vcr^d xp>? Troielv y\vKv. Aves L^37 SYN. * Kdraxpwv avTor, wcirep TrwX/oi'. Pax 7^. SYN. ^Fdw, kdra*//>y^o;, 7T(rpt/3(>. Kdro^tm^w, v. [irroro,] to fall upon in drops. Apoo-ot ^dre^eca8oj', ejuTreSov alros. Agam. 544. SYN. 'E?r< l^tf <**>, 7rtror/5w, pati'to. Kdra^/ei/5d^at, v. [mentior,] to tell a lie against. Taurus fcdra^evSdyuevos* ov yap liberal. Pax 533. SYN. ^Yevbo/nai, btcf^evbofjiai. Kdra^/^w, v. [(1) derado, (2) detergo, (3) sequo, (4) contero, demulceo,] to scrape down, to plane, -to soothe. 'Pet itnv dbr/Xor, xal Kare^rjKTai ^Odt'l. Trach. 700. SYN. Kdra^gw, ctTro^dw, Kard0eXyw, rpt/rlw, apadvraj. Kdra-^i/xw, v. [refrigero,] to refresh. *ls ^dro, ^uetXt^iotat KaTa^vywv odpotcrt. Apoll. 3. 1102. SYN. 'AraJ/ux w - Kdreyyvdw, v. [vadimonio vel satisdatione obslringo,] to pledge, to betroth. '6perrd, o-ot e TrcuS' cyw jcdreyyvw. Orest. 1692. SYN. 'EyyMw, Trdpd- Kdrey)/a/rw, V. [iuhio,] to mock at. Kdrey)(d^oi ye TOIS ep.aialv av Tv%ats. Acharn. Hy6. SYN. KdrdytXd^w, KdraorwTrrw. KdreSw, v. [consumo, corrodo,] to eat up. Z^>ds ydp 7:apde^roi Kt^dXds, m, rt ^paJo-if ; Nub. 350. SYN. icta, v. [conjecturis assequor,] to conjecture, to assimulate. Kctl filov Tpotyas. CE. C. 337 SYN. Eifca^w, aTreifca^w, ?ret- i, v. [instar serpentum repo,] to crawl along like a snake. f/j' 6' K rpo)(iXicus av fcdreiXvo-TTw/xtv^v. Lysislr. 722. areijjil, v. [descendo, reverto,] to descend, to return, to be restored from exile. "H# ovv yvvii Karetalv els "A t 6ov bo/novs. Alcest. 73. SYN. Kdre Kdre/pyw, vid. Kdrepyd0w. KdreK'^evyw, v. [effugio,] to escape. Xrjpevopev, TOV 8 OVK eyofjiev KaTeKfyvyeiv. Cycl. 439- SYN. Kdrd^euyw, e/c^euyw, dTro^euyw. KareXavw, f. eXdaw, v. [comminuo, depello,] to drive, to push down, to smite. T il Sff7ro0"Ep;uf/, 7775 'OTrwpas /cdreXd er' ovactv mn/vdpes fie. Antig. 871. SYN. KdrajcretVw, bia(f>0eip<*). 0d, vid. KATE KATH 469 KdrcVup/c?w, V. [occido, perdo,] to kill. Aop/r/ztyros ffOrjs. CliOepli. 314. SYN. KdrafcretVw, KUTevaipw, mratr^arrw. KdreVwTrd, adv. [in conspectu,] in sight. Avrup end KaTf.VM7ra ibuv Adi'dup TaxyiruXwv. O. 320. KdrtTrdyw, v. [induce, invito,] to introduce, to superadd. Elm 5' ai/ro KO.TE- Ttaywv KVKVOV. Equit. 25. SYN. See 'ETrdyw. KdreVe/yw, v. [urgeo, incito,] to urge, to harass. Qevveai' i'tbrj yap ^a\t7rov Kara yfjpds tnelyet. T". 623. SYN. 'ETm'yw, KaTutnrepxw, 7ri0A//3w. KetrcTrw, (inus.) v. [loquor,] to speak. "ftyfljj &, KOI ifdreTir' dyaycaffdets yuoyts. Ion 1215. Kd-epyao/mt, v. [efficfo, conficio, interticio,] to effect, to perform, to kill. Ti bfjrd aefju'bv cry Kareipyaarai irocrei ; Here. F. 150. SYN. ' ola.7rpa.Trd fiat t otaTroVfo^uat, di'atpew, fyot'evw, Ka.~a.). KarepyaOa), et Karetpyw, v. [veto, coerceo,] to restrain, to control. KCU ffrparbv Kareipyadov. Eumen. 5Gp. See also Med. 1254. SYN. , aTretpyo), X'dre^w, ^etpow. , v. [sciudo,] to rend. Kdrepetico/zeyat. Pers. 544. SYN. ' , v. [dejicio, diruo,] to throw down, to fall. *A Kam>$ icdrepc/- . Hec. 475. SYN. Upc/tr**, fcdrdTrtVrw, KarafiaXXofjiat. Karepevyu), v. [(1) eructo, (2) efflo in,] to belch upon, 'fls Oepjuov ^ /ucdpd re juov KaTiipVyev. Vesp. 1151. SYN. 'Epevyw. Kdrtpt^w, v. [tego,] to cover, to protect. 'Us ev Karrj pe^affQe KOI rov Vesp. 1294. SYN. 'Epe^w, /' icat ovff o HXovrwi'Os Kvwv. Alcest. 370. SYN. 'Avep^o^tat, aTrep-^upai, Kara.- >, v. [devoro,] to devour. Ov Trauao^at 6pwv ev, KareaOiwv re ydp Oit7rov fcdreuy/^drd. Sept. Theb. 706. See Choeph. 470. SYN. Ev)(?7, k'drdpct, dpa. w, v. [tranquillum reddo,] to make calm. Nv epywv uv^peo-o-t, K-ir- be Traaav. A poll. 4. 1059 SYN. KdrdTrauw. ^w, et jcdrei/idw, v. [sopio,] to lull to sleep. $oyiy Karevvaofr. Hipp. 562. SYN. Kdrckot/zdfyiat, dvawavo^at, KaTaKoi^i^M. drei/rpeTT/^w, v. [compare, instruo,] to arrange. SYN. Eurp7r/c?w, icdrdroor- /uew. /), vid. Kdrei/yjud. i, v. [imprecor, opto, insulto,] to pray against, to wish, to boast. r', e'ire rts. CE. R. 246. SYN. Ei/^o/^at, i, v. [contra irruo,] to rush against, to jump or spring from. T Hroi oy c tWwv KareTraXf-ievos &VTIOS effrrj. A. 94. Kdrg^w, Kariffxu, et Karaa^fQa), \. [retineo, obtineo, &c.] to keep, to restrain, to encompass. 'Er rolalv av-rols bwi.ia.ffiv K'dret'^o/iev. Eur. Electr. 1034. See also I. 122. and B. 233. SYN. 'ATTf^w, KarepvKu ,:dr^p7?ruw, KaQelpyta, Kpa-tw, w, v. [accuso, reprehendo,] to accuse, to proVe, to complain of, to 470 KATH KATO reprove. Ev yap typbvovvrbs cyu/id ffov Karrjyopel. Agam. 262. SYN. Atrid- dpai, fTrcurtaoyUcu, eyfcdXew, eXeyxu, pep^dfjiai. Kdrriyopos, ov, 6, subst. [accusator,] an accuser. Evvijyope'is aiywad T fcdri/- ydpw. Trach. 81 6. Karroos, oi>, adj. [morigerus, attentus,] obedient. Kd-rjKoovs Qvaavres kv bopots f^eiy. Alitig. 642. SYN. EvjyKoos, iJ7rf]Kods, evneidrjs. Kdrj/Xti//, t^os, >/, subst. [scala, tabulatum,] a ladder, a plank. 'ETU r>)j> fcdr*/- Xty'' evdi)s dveTrrjbfjadnev. Ran. 573. SYN. KX//m. Kdr?jXi//, subst. [(1) vultus demissus, (2) pudor cum rnarore,] dejec- tion, shame. ^va^Evlaiv p.kv ^ap^a, KdTrj^elrjv be aol avry. F. 51. SYN. A.i', dvos, subst. [qui dedecori est, infamis,] infamous, who brings shame. ^Trevo-drt pot, fcdfcd Tt-Kvd, Kdrrjfyoves' ai& dyud TravTes. H. 253. SYN. 2rt/yi'0f, betXot. Kdr^x^* ^os, adj. [sonorus,] sounding, murmuring. "AbWv, tXt7r7re. Call. Ep. 48. SYN. 'I, KdrdvaXiffKO). vw, v. [invalesco, praevaleo,] to grow strong. T/od^s eX^e, /cat mr/er- btfJ,as. CE. C. 360. SYN. 'Iffx^ w > Kparvvoftat, Kparsa), , v. [habito,] to inhabit. KetV^r mrotfceZv oo~iaVv kv Helen. 1651. SYN. Oticcw, evoticew, va/w, vaterdw, evvaib). 'to;, v. [habitare facio,] to establish a colony, to place, to plant. Tv- avrots eX?rt5as KarwfctCTa. P. V. 258. SYN. OtV/c?w, eymroto'^w, vatw, * Kdroa-os, ot;, 6 et 77, subst. [incola,] an inhabitant. Ti S^r' eyw KdrotKos <3S' dfaoTcvw. Agam. 1257- "Evo/KtJs, evvbp.6s. Kdrot/cre/pw, et KaToiKTlZw, v. [misereor,] to pity. 'AXX' alcHaaL, Kal Kdroin- 1 On the quantity of the penult, of K&TfjfjLvw, see 'Hfj.vw. 3 Dor. for Ka KATO KATO 471 reipov Piov. Iph. A. 1246. See also Eumen. 121. SYN. Ot*re/pw, fvoiK- re/po), eXeatjOw. Kdro<,uwCw, V. [defleo,] to deplore. Ko^o/xev j/tv , adj. [ebrius,] in wine, intoxicated. "E// $' av KaroKvels, TUV Aids r t-v0pwj/ vn-ep. P. V. 67. SYN. 'O/^w, bvaxepaivu), an^aveut. Kd-oX6Xi/s?6;, v. [lamentor,] to implore aloud, to lament. KdrdX<5Xi/drw 0u/id- ros Xevfflpov. Agam. 1037- YN. 'OXd\u5w, ai/d\d>\iJ<2&;, i, v. [deploro,] to mourn over. Kdro\60vpo^ai, KaTd\dvp8pat. Orest. 333. SYN. /6\o0vpd/zat, oticr/5fyia, olKrelpw, a.iroK\aiu, dvaswicvw, Ka.robvpofj,ai, Ka.TaOpr)VXoi>. Pint. 13. See also 0. 339, an d ^F. 505. SYN. 'Ed7ri0', oTriaQtv, o7rtrw, fywaXiv, juerd ravrd. droTrreuw, v. [exploro, aspicio, animadverto,] to behold, to discover. Kcu fjiri Trpos e^Bpuv TOV KaroTTTevBels Trapos. Aj. Fl. 829- dro^/o/zat, v. fut. of Kaflopdw, [conspicio,] to see. "OTrrw inus. Ai/olv Se iraibotv bvu veKpoj Kar6\^erat. Hec. 45. SYN. 'Ojodw, (3\7rb), mra/SXtTra;, Ka ?, ov, et KdroTrrr/p, f/pos, 6, subst. [speculator, exploratorj an eye- wiiness, a spy. "Hrcu Ka-oirrriv, r) /cXoTrcus drjpwpevov. Helen. 1174. See also Sept. Tiieb. 36. SYN. SKOTTOS, ETroVr/js, 7ro7rrr)p, KaraffKOTrds, 0arr/s. , et Karotyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [conspicuus,] conspicuous. Ilop0juov / v7rep/3aXXeiv irpdffh). Agam. 298. See also Hipp. 30. SYN. v t ov, ro, subst. [speculum,] a mirror. Hav0ov KarowTpy Kdfj.rjs. Ear. Electr. 1071. SYN. "EvoTrrpoi/, eiaoirTptiv, EPITH. Aa^iTrpoV, avTiTv-rrov, apyvtyeov. PHR. Xpvo-ewv eVoTrrpwv areppovls avyai. Hec. 911. Kdropflow, v. [(1) erigo, (2) cum virtute aliquid gero,] to set aright, to restore to prosperity. }&xfifferai //ov KO.I Karopdovvros typeva; CE. C. 1487- SYN. , v. [perfodio, obruo,] to dig down, to hide in the ground. 'YTT' , TOV Trdrep' avriys ev ry KefyaXrj Ka.Topvai. Aves 475. SYN. Kdra- KdrouXds, dSos, ^, [spissa nox,] a dark night. Cf. Brunck. Lex. Soph. Nw^ ^>o/3e, rr/>7rep re KdrovXdSd KtK\riaKOv0l. Apoll. 4. 1695. Kdrovpew, v. [permingo,] to make water upon. M/; fcdrovp^axri /iov. Eccles. 827. SYN. Oi>p<>> 7roupW. Kdroupt^w, v. [vento secundo vela expando,] to sail with the wind, to arrive prosperously. "E^nrebd narovpiget. Trach. 840. , 6, subst. [repagulum,] a fastener, a bar. Avroi vvv . Call. 2. 6. SYN. BuX/to. 472 KATO KAYX Karons, ov, 6 et f}, adj. [correptus, occupatus,] detained by, engaged in, seized. Ta^TraXiv be Ttirbe yaiq. Karo^a f-tcivpovaOat OKOTM. Pers. 228. SYN. ArjTTTOS. , vid. KdroTrros. a, dros, TO, subst. [coria duriora, soleae, &c.] a shoe, strong leather. as i'jbrj rourwi KaTTvpa Trapa ffeavrov. Equit. 869. Kdrrww, v. [consuo,] to sew, to mend. Gift lyi TO npaypa rovQ\ oQev TrdXtu Ka.TTVf.Ta.i- Equit. 314. SYN. Kara^OjOaTrrw, errifiaXXu), arvvrWrj/ni. Kdrw, compar. n-arwrtpw, adv. [infra, deorsum,] down, below. Xwpet fcdrw, (TKeXr) be KtpKwtrov flip. P. V. 74. See also Ran. 70. SYN. 'YTro/cdrw, tvepde. Kdrwfle*', et /cdrwSt, adv. [ex infra,] from below. "ATrret KdrwftfV ovparov bvv- irpa&y. Here. F. 1231. , adv. [in caput,] down on the head. Kdrw/cdpa pl\l>as JJ.E fiovKo\r]ae- I. Pax 152. SYN. Opryv^, vTrrtws. , or, adj. [ad humerum, ab liuraero,] raised to the shoulder, highly raised. "Ocro-d 6e bioKov ovpa KaTw/uabloio irt\ot>Tai. X F. 431. v, adv. [humeris,] across the shoulders. Meiortyt 6' auv eXai/re /.dr- Ot ^ Oi 'tTTTTOt. ^K. 500. , T/S, ?/, subst. [vestis servilis vellere subsuta infra,] a garment worn by a slave and bordered with sheep-skin. Kdrwvdo; TOV \olpov axoreTiXnevas. Eccles. 724. Kdrwp, [de hac voce Lexica silent : neque constat qua3nam sit interpretalio - forsan a tca, fcaorwp, princeps, ruler.] 0apo-e, b~ie Karwp, rw tyuw Ke^d- pivfjiZve Ovfjiy. Horn. 6. 55. Kdrwjoi/xj/s, eos, et KaTwpv,, v%ds, adj. [defossus,] deep dug, or deep sunk, massy, under ground. 'Pvro'icnv Xaeaot KaT^pi'^eaa apapvld. c?. 267. See also P. V. 46l. Kurwpvf, //, is used as a subst. Hec.'988. Kdrw^dyds, 6, subst. [qui demisso capite edit,] a glutton. "Eorri yap Ka yas rts dXXos, ?} KXewvi/juds ; Aves 290. SYN. 'A'^//r/)dyos. Kavaywyut, v. [frango,] to split. "A6j'd Kavaais, TCI be ;Xi/3droy, etT^droeis, r}j'^uoets, vfyoeis, Vyt(TTOS. PHR. X0OTOS Tl'l\OVpOV TTtboi'f afiaTO , uv, oi, P. N. [Caucones,] (l) inhabitants of Peloponnesus, (2) inha- bitants of Paphlagonia. K. 439. 'Haider peTU KavKwvas peyadvfjiovs. Y. 3(56. KovXo?, ov, 6, subst. [(1) caulis; id in planta, quod supra terrain simpliciter as- surgit : (2) pars teli, manubriurn,] the stalk of a plunt ; the handle of a spear; colewort. 'Onorav x a W> Ka ' 1 T vs KavXovs. Equit. 824. SYN. T/qd, (2) K&Trr}. Kai/jud, dros, TO, subst. [sestus, incendium,] scorching heat. KavpciTos av- f*cno bvaatos dpvvpevoto. E. 869. SYN. AiOos, OaX-Tros, 6ep/uoTr]s. EPITH. 'AcdXtov, aWaXoev, QeaTrealbv, bvaats, Xcifipov, bi^aXeov. rjs, >/, subst. [laena, lodix,] a kind of garment. kiKaioTtpov y, rj Kav b. t^', w 'yciOe. Vesp. 1149. , ?}, of, adj. [ardens, fervens,] burning, raging. "Eord^tj/, r} paxys avrifioXijaat. M. 3l6. SYN. A.'i6iav, Oep/uos. *KavaTos, ov, adj. [adustus,] burnt, seared. Kai/oroy /ioxXoi' Xd/3ovrds eKKaietv TO (j)ws. Cycl. 626. Kdwcrrptos, et Kdworpos, oi/, 6, P. N. [Cayster,] a river in Asia Minor. 'A ev Xe^uwj/t, KavaTptov aptyl pZedpa. B. 46l. See also Anacr. 172. 8. Kai>rr}/>, fjpos, 6, subst. [ustor,] one who burns. Tov c) ravpw j^uXney Kav-Tfjpa. Pyth. i. 185. v. [glorior,] to boast, to glory. KovSev Kavx&fJiai* TV 5' dyar evvi. Theocr. 5. 7- SYN, Avx^w* )UydX//yopW, KAYX KEIP 473 W, /, Kafywa, dros, ro, et Kav^ais, ews, //, suhst. [jactatio,] boasting, glory. Kciv^ns aoiba 7rpo<70opos. Nem. 9. 17. See also Isthai. 5. 65. SYN. w, v. inus. fspiro,] to gasp, to pant. *E dXlyriTreXlrjs, bdua oi'. e. 468. SYN. 'Effirrcaj. Kdxw, f. w, et Dor. #5, v. [cachinnor,] Jo laugh heartily. K^ywi/ yap ifr YoV. Sept. Tiieb. HO. 1 SYN. 'H^tw, ^ew, SOI/TTEW, d^aCew. , i/os, //, subst. [hordeum in furno tostum,] roasted barley. ov evw^nHvov. Vesp. 1306. s, ov, o, patronym. [Ceades,] the son of Ceas. Ytos Tpot^votd, blorpe- Ked^oto. ]B. 847. a^w, v. [findo,] to cleave, to cut. BdXwv Ktaaatp.*, ^tvy Ivl oivoirt /u. 388. SYN. 2)^i 5w, pfjyvv^l, biare^M. Klop, ro, subst, [cor,] the heart. Xu/pwy rts avrwv rovpov dXyvvet ^eap. Med. 399. SYN. See Kfy>. Ke/lXr), >/s, ^, subst. for ^aYrd, KOKKV, epvOpowovs, KttiXrjTrvpts. Aves 304. Ke/3pu>>'77$, oy, o, P. N. [Cebriones,] a natural son of Priam. Kefipiovrjv ' , eyyi/s eoj^ra. 0. 318. EPITH. ;, ov, o, subst. [milium,] millet. *liuos bf) Key%poiat Trepi yX<; Qovat. Hes. Scut. 398. Ceyxpwfidra, w^, rd, subst. [foramina, sc. clypeorum,] small holes in the shield, through which a warrior viewed his opponent. 'AXX' ev Trpofffjyov at v. Phoen. 1408. , et KEbaia), V. [dissipo,] to scatter, to rout. "Ev0d & avtjp eXev vffuivrjs. O. 328. See also Apoll. 2. 627. SYN. ^Ktbagu, bid- , StdXvw. r, i], ov, adj. [venerandus, inclytus,] venerable, estimable, dear, anxious. 'AXX' WOT vaos Kebtov olaKoarpbfyov. Med. 523. SYN. 'Ayvoy, (re^ros, (j>po- vlfjLos, avi'eros, ffw, 'ifyOiuuSf ayaQos, ayavos. vos, et Kf^pa/ro?, y), ov, adj. [cedrinus,] of cedar. 'EXouVdr', e*: & vtav bouwv. Alcest. l6l. See also Orest. 1377- us, ibos, jj, subst. [fructus cedri,] a cedar-berry. K^'0' o aHv erptflei ds, avr)Qov y ff, ov, TO, subst. [supellex deposita,] a store, a treasure, a memorial. Tab' avrl Traibuv earl uoi KetpriXia. Heracl. 591. Kelvds, pro Ke7t'ds, q. v. Ke7ds, a, ov, adj. [Ceus,] of Ceos. Trjv uovody, ws o Ketos 'YXXt^ou vlvovs. Call. fr. 77. Ceipm, as, y, subst. [fascia lecti, instita,] a bed-girth made of rushes. y Keipiay EX*V. Aves 815. SYN. Xi 1 See Dr. Blomfield on this word in his Glossary. Pros. Lex. 3 O 474 KE1P KEAA *Ke/pvXos, ov, o, vid. K>7pvX#s. Ke/pw, v. [tondeu, ubscindo, depascor,] to sliear, to consume, to deflower. Kovpg Ovyarpos Treyfit^w KcKapftevus. Orest. 452. SYN. 'ATro/cetpw, mrdfcetpw, cnruKopffow, vpw, Kovptb), ayi^oi. PHR. 2tap6> fvrt /cap^t riflelad icovptyuoV. Orest. 955. Ke/w, et KW, v. [decurnbere cupio,] to desire to lie down. Ko^/g & a f-ievos ff\^y &pvos, }y Xi7T Keiwv. . 425. See also 77. 342. SYN. KfArXijya, perf. a K\a5w, v. [clango,] to shout, to howl. Ot )uey 7repd/io>* ai/rap 'Obvcrvevs. . 30. SYN. See KXa^w. KeK\dprjv, aor. 2. a KeXopai, v. [hortor,] to recommend, to summon, to give name to. KefcXfro* KCLI & ap' a6\\iaaa.v Kara aarv yepaias. Z. 287. SYN. KtXo/iac, fceXeuw, TrapdcaXew, eTrtvdXeojuat. Kek-pay^d, drfo, ro, et KeKpay^ds, ov y 6, subst. [clamor, vociferatio,] a bawling. T^e /uev biKpo'is ZuQovv rrjy Qibv KeKpaypaffi. Pax 637. See also Ipb. A. 1357. SYN. AJvovri, /3o), dXdXay/4os, Kpavyrj. KeKpdfcnjs, ov, 6, subst. [claraator, clamosus,] a bawler. Kat neKpaKra TOV aov Bpdffovs, Equit. 304, KeV/>atd/*as, avros, 6, subst. [ante alios clamosus,] one who outbawls others. Avros 6' 6 KXtwv o povuv ?//4ds ov irepiTpuyei. Vesp. S^s, ov, 6, et KtVpoTm, tSos, ?/, et KtVpoTrtos, a, 01^, [Cecropius, Athe- niensis,] Athenian. KeKpuiribrj cdfco/3oyXe, TI rovO* 7/yet /ueyd rowpyov ; Equit. 1055. See Aves 1407. and Hipp. 34. KeKpoip, OTTOS, 6, P. N. [Cecrops,] a king of Athens, and originally an Egyp- tian emigrant. Xwpcu/ re iraaav KeKpoxos, r/ p ebe^aro. Pliit. 773. K Kpva\os, I ov, o, subst. [reticulum,] a hood, a cowl. KeVpi^>dXov Set Kal /uirpas. 6. 'HSJ ntv ovi>. Thesm. 257. SYN. Kp^SeyuvoV, rao-m. KeXd(ds, et KeXdSevfos, }, dv, adj. [obstreperus, tumultuosus,] clamorous, noisy, resounding. "Hp// S' d^rt-frrr? xpv(rr}\aKaros, KeXabeivtj. T. 70. See also Isthm. 4. 14. SYN. 'Hxfcts. KtXdSew, et K-cXdSoi, v. [strepo,] to ring, to resound, to celebrate. Ilatdv be Ktjl (TctXTrtyyZs EKtKabovv dfjLov. Phoen. 1118. See also 2. 376. SYN. , dros, ro, et KeXabus, ou, 6, subst. [tumulluatio,] a ringing murmur, a sound. KaXXtarov iceXd^jud. Phoen. 223. See also Pers. 394. SYN. 'Apny/utos, dopvfius, r}^, dvdfceXd^os. KeXaS?/ 7 "^* ibos, fj, adj. [celebratrix,] warbling. r\uiaaav evperw Ki-XaSfj-riV. Nern. 4. 140. KeXatvos, ?), o^, adj. [niger,] black, dark. Avrdp tywv evopovaa, KtXaivrj Xcu- Xdvri Irros. A. 746. SYN. MeXas, /jeXa^u/Sd^j/s, o'p^j'alds, ffKoretvos. KeXatrtyx'ys, cos, adj. [qui uigram et funestani liabet hastam,] having a black spear, blood-shedding. Ivy r' 'Adavaiq. KeXaiveyxet r' 'Apet. Nem. 10. 158. KeXati'e^^s, os, adj. [nubium obfuscator, niger,] spreading black clouds, black. $o>rd KEXaivt^etav Trtblwv. Pyth. 4. 93. KXa/o/3pwros, oV, adj. [devoratus, ideoque niger fact us,] having turned black from being eaten off. KfXaii/o/BpwroV r^dp eKdoivtitrerai. P. V. 106*0. KXiuvorpai}s, 8s, adj. [niger, obscurus,] black, gloomy. 7 ft VVKTOS JCfXatvo^dr/s. Ran. 1331. SYN. 'Op^vatos, ai6o\L. KeXaivo(j>p(nr, oi/ds, adj. [qui nigra agitat consilia,] dark-minded, cruel. 'AXXd vtv Kl\aiv6(f>p(*)v efjiri. Eumen. 462. SYN. AoXt(typwj>. KfXaii^oo/iat, v. [nigresco,] to turn black. STrXdy^d SE JJLOL ntXaivov-rai. Choeph. 407. SYN. Tapaffcfyai. ov, fceXatvw^/, WTTCW, 6 et ?/, et CfXatvaiTrts, t5<5s, //, adj. [nigro vultu 1 The antepenult, of this word is short in Homer, where it occurs only once. X. 469. : but/owg- ia Aristophanes, here and v. 145 KEAA KENE 475 prseditus,] black-faced, cruel, insidious. T H pa iceXau'wTrav. Aj. Fl. 954. See also Pyth. 4. 376. and Pyth. 1.13. SYN. AoXto*. dpi/cJw, v. [cum strepitu fluo,] to murmur, to trickle. Nvpfydv e avrpoc Karetfidpevov KtXapvffbev. Theocr. 7. 137. $YN. See KtXdcew.^ KeXe/3?;, rjs, ?/, subst. [patella,] a wooden bowl. 2re"4/oi> rav K\e(3av owiKe vios dwrw. Theocr. 2. 2. KeXfvdonoids, ov, 6, adj. [viam exscindens,] way-mking. KeXevdoTroiol iralbes 'H0a/(rrou, ^Bova. Eumen. 13. KfXevflos, ov, ry, et plur. KfXevflo*, at, et tceXevQa, wv, rd, subst. [via,] a way, a course, a voyage, a clime. 2v b' ov K-fXevfloV, et rts efiXa-^ev irdbi. Helm. 867. SYN. 'Obos, Sbifffjid, arpuTTos, ofjuos. EPITH. 'AXta, bn^fjua, rer pair ovs, evdela, a^/o0os, aff(pdXrjs, paKpct, adtus, et/^owecr^a, i/tpoeaad, l^Ovoeaffa, \ai\^T}pa, vypa, evpeia, aivri, aorrepoeo-crd, a/Sards, fiaOela, ^oX'i^i, eypv^opos, Kpvtieffoa, tiXdrj, irovTOKOpos, (rretvi}, rrjXtiropos, opdt}, o-^/ar;/, Trorrms, Xaotyopus. KeXevvfjia, aros, ro, et KeXevtr^ds, ov, 6, subst. [hortamentum, mandatum,] a command, an exhortation. KeXevrrpa b' ?iv k-ar acrrv Tpoi-as. Hec. 917. See also Bacch. 1078. SYN. Tlpoffray/na, erroX>}, erraX^d, r/,er/ur/, vov6eTY)f.tu f KeXeu(Tr/}s, ov, 6, subst. [hortator,] one who gives a signal to the rowers. BOJ/S, KfXevoroiJ 00eyyud0' ws i]Kovaa^ev. Helen. 1575. KlXevrtdo>, frequent, a KfXevw, v. [jubeo, hortor,] to order, to call to, to 'Aortw & exhort, to encourage. 'A^ortpw & AtWre KtXeurtowrr' eTrt Trvpywv. M. 265. See also ^F. 659 SYN. 'Ey^reXeuw, KeXopru, ^(drorrw, orpvyw, avwyw, TTO- * KeXeon-es, of, subst. [" pedes textorii mali, e quibus stamina deducuntur." Kiessl.] the lower beams of the loom, to which the warp is attached. Kepfu&t ffVfj.irXe'affa /uaKpu>v erdyu' CK k'eXtorro^f. Theocr. 18. 34. KeXrjs, TJTOS, 6, subst. [(l)equus desultorius, (2) celox,] a riding-horse, a yacht. 'ETTI rutv KtXiirwv biafitfliiKaa opdptat. Lysistr. 60. KfX^r/5w, v. [equito,] to ride on horseback. "Ori K-eXr/rt^ai Vr&cvtiP, 6 delad fnot. Vesp. 501. KeXXw, v. [appello,] to bring a ship to land, to moor. KeXtratra, /zov. Ipll. A. 167. SYN. Kdra/pw, oteXXw. KeXojuca, v. [jubeo, hortor,] to order, to encourage, to recommend. OVK dv cyooye ae fJLrjvtv a.Troppi'tyavTa. Ke\otpr)v. I. 513. SYN. K KeXros, 7), 6V, adj. [Celticus,] of the Celts, Celtic. Bap/3dpto/f Kai d'aaTr/<7aiTs"A^r/a. Call. 4. 173. KeXvfrj, >/, et KXv0o?, TO, [(l)putaroen; (2) navigium,] a shell, a husk, a small boat. 'Air-to/uoo'iwi' KEXvtyrj. Vesp. 545. SYN. ^Xotos. KlXwp, opoj, 6, subst. [legatus,] one commanded by an oracle, a delegate. 'Aydpefj-rdveios KfXwp, Androm. 1032. Kc/ms, dcos, r/, subst. [hinnulus cervi,] a young fawn. *H Kefjdb', IJE Xdyw^j' ETreiyeTov eju/ii's oiet. K. 36l. SYN. Aop^ds, veppos. EPITH. 'fticvTrovs. Kfvayyj/s, os, adj. [vasa exhauriens,] vessel-exhausting. Evr' airXoiq. clrny- ye7 (3apv-vovT\ Agam. 181. Klvavopia, as, r/, subst. [virorum penuria,] want of men. Opos rdo' ws KerarSpos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [vacuus,] deprived of its inhabitants. Kevav-bpov. Pers. 123. SYN."Epr7/uos avbpuv. KfVav)(r)s, Ids, adj. [vana jactans,] vainly boasting. *As, tirror ev A^i-w, Kl- Vavvs fiyopdcLcde, 0. 230. SYN. 'AXae?&JV. Kve/3pm, wv, rd, Kpeas cV/3petov s. rtvEppiov, subst. [carnes morticinee,] carrion. Avrwv &tjnep KZvefipiwv. Aves 538. K^OS, Keros, et Ion. fceti/ds, r}, ov, adj. [inanis,] hollow, empty, vain. *Ai terai fCE^EOi'* judXd yap K^oXaarai e/j.7rr}s. o. 214. See also Hec. 230. aiul Apoll. ]. 103. SYN. AmC'Cs, dyuotpos, f.idTCiios : tXa^ptJs, xovtyos, dXttJs. ', et KtvoQpwv, o'os, adj. [stultus,] hollow-minded, foulbh. 476 KENE KEPA , TVTTTE be Kerrpa. Theog. 845. See also P. V. 787. wj/, &vos, o, subst. [venter,] the t>elly. Ne/are/v is KEVE&VO.* m TT/JO be eXa<7 be pas. Helen. 1059. Kfj'p^pwi', vid. KeVto^pwi'. Kei'dw, v. [exinanio,] to empty, to desert. BOIJUOV Kevuvas be^ifjirjXov etrxapav. Androm. 1 127- SYN. 'An-airX^, exKevow, e^dpvd). * Ker-avpeios, ov, adj. [Centaureus,] of the Centaurs. Ov tyaal Kevravpetov vKivdat yevos ; Iph. A. 706. KevravplK&s, adv. [more Centaurorum,] Centaur-like. T/$ rr\v Qvpav Hirarafyv ; ws KevravpiKois. Ran. 38. SYN. 'AKOVUWS, aypotKws. KerravpoTrXrjdijs, eos, adj. [Centaurorum pleiiiis,] KevTavpdnXrjdri iroXc/uoi/, ov/c etfvvffa; Here. F. 1264. Keirai/pos, ov, 6, P. N. [Centaurus,] a Centaur. Ttrpao-ceXes 0' i//3jOto-/L/d, ravpwv yevos. Here. F. 180. EpITH.^Aypios, opeivouus, w^o^ctyos, blfyvrjs, (ifjiiKTos, vfiptarfjs, aro/uos, vTrepd^ds fiiar, oivoflapris. Kej/rtw, v. [pungo, stimulo,] to goad, to pierce, to stab, to spur on. yu>) feibeoff, eyw 'TEKOV N.uptv. Hec. 387- SYN. Nvaaw, K"d0^Xow, o/^w, Trap- o^uvw. PHR. Kevrpw 7rX/yrr. KevT-jOT/refc/ys, tos, 6, ^f, adj. [ssimulis agitatus,] urged on by the goad. TJ] pd bf avTCidiv KevrprjreKeus tyoi- 'ITTTTOVS. ("). 3$6. Kei'TpobyXrird*, ov, 6, adj. [qui pungetido noxam adfert,] injuring with the goad, piercing. Ke^rpoa-X//rots 0e/as"Hpas. ^Esch. Suppl. 572. KetTjOor, ov, ro, subst. [( I ) stimulus, calcar, (2) centrum,] a prick, a sting, a point. rXwo-ff/js irtKpois Kerrpoiffl K\r\^ov^()Vfjiiii'oi. Here. F. 1279- SYN. FIX>;- K-pov, pvo)}p. EPITH. 1.ibfipeot', KciKor, aXyu oer, apya\eov f yXvxvirtKpvy, ijbv, Oeppuv, toeibes, KsXan'ov, fcpi/^tov, o^i), TreufCtSdj'ov, ffKXijpov, j adj. [poliens cornua,] a polisher of horns, a maker of bows. Kai rd ntv atTK^tras Kepao^dus ijpape TCKTUV. A. 110. Klpatfs, Keparrfyopos, xepotydpos, et k'epaffrjjs, ov, o et /, Kcpawbqs, ios,Kepov)(t>s, ov, et Kepdeis,e(Tffa t -et>,s. Kepoi/x**, //, et Kepatrrls, tbos, fj, adj. [cornutus, corniger,] horned, horn-bearing. Knl fapvijv, Ira r &pvts afap Kepao} TiXtQovai. S. 85. See also Phoen. 255. Bacch. 690. Soph. Electr. 5/0. Call. 2. 90. Eur. Electr. 723. Theocr. 5. 145. and P. V. 695. SYN. EforfjBws, trftXiMfpw. Kepcis, aros, TO, subst. [cornu,] a horn. Aurdp eywv fccpds 1 vypo^ t\w', ico/Xqi/ re (f)aperpr)v. Theocr. 25. 206". SYN. To^di/. EP1TH. Airov, bo\ixdj3povra. b. /u), Trpos T&V Qtwv. Pax 375. SYN. Kepovj/os, ov, o, subst. [fulmen,] a thunderbolt. 'Eyyvs ewv, ^dXt^ros ^ Kc/oai/vo's. S. 417. SYN. InjTrrds, aaTpairf). EpITH. At^dXoets, K'pdrtpds, Kpanrvb's, f-taXepos, vXoos, Trup^opos, aToroeis, (ryuep^dXIds, \l/oXoeis. PHR. Kepavyiov jSeXos, Trrepo^opov Atos /3eXo$, Kepavrlov Trvp al- 6aXoei'. epavrdiparis, ids, adj. [in modum fulminis coruscans,] like lightning. Afycu'ov, Kepavvoyaes Trvp. 'I road. 1105. ;, vid. Ktpou^o/3oXew. , vid. Kepdos. Kep/3epos, ou, o, P. N. [Cerberus,] Pluto's three-headed dog. "E x pw rt?0', ^fi'tfc' ^X0 CTTI roi' Kep/3epor. Ran. 111. EPITH. 'Api-%avds, ov tyarews, rpt- Kparos, &/jrjvT)]s, 7rei'Tr)Ko^ra.Kapr}i'ds avatbijs, Kpartpus. PHR. Tptaaryudros . See (E. C. 1 568. et Trach. 1 100. /rw, f. di'w, v. [lucror,] to gain, to acquire. Xp//pu)i>, orbs, adj. [astutus,] artful. Tas r' e/uiro- pias Tas xepbaXeas irpbs TOV /uarrtv KarepotHTiv. Aves 594. See also A. 339- epStwr, z or, compar. et Kepbtvrds, superl. [utilior, utilissimus,] more and most useful, advantageous, cunning. TWrows drpvvo^res* efiol be K xtpclov eV//. /3. 74. See also Z. 153. epSos, cos, TO, subst. [lucrum,] gain, lucre. "OTTWS ecvdrjs, Ktpbds ovbtr, e<- t. Helen. 762. SYN. KU/OTTOS, Kapwfjia. EPITH. Ev*Xe, r5rd>', Troviy- ', ala^pov, boXlov, ovtov. i, TJS, r/, subst. [astutia,] subtlety. 'E5erd Kepboovt-p' em/Trrpor ^ ot ^etpos. ^. 33. SYN. 'Airdr/?, tr6vr)pia t iravovpyla, Kepbos. 1 The quantity of the penult, of Kepos in the genitive and dative singular^ajuj nominative, geni- tive, and accusative, dual and plural, is long only as being formed from /cepaaros, Ktpaarl, &c. So the nom. and ace. plur. of 7tpos have the last syllable long by contraction, 7epaTa==-) t/>ao=7epa. See Brunck's note, Bacchaa, v. 909. 2 The penult, of KtpSiW and of all comparatives in twv is long in the Attic, and short in the other dialects. 478 KEPA KEY0 KepSw, titis, rj, subst. [vulpes,] a fox. AaiOapyov, raxyirovv, btiXiov K &piv. Equit. 1068. SYN. See 'AXwrr^. Kep/c??is, ibos, >;, P. N. [Cerceis,] one of the Naiads. KepKrjis r vi)v tpdr>), llXovru) re (jounris. Hes. Theog. 355. KepKts, ios, ?/, subst. [radius textorius,] a shuttle. QCIKOVV, e^ovaat 'HcWr7$ x^s. Hec. 1135. Kep/cds, oi/, /, subst. [cauda,] a tail. See in 'EyicvTrrw. SYN. Ovpa. KepKvpa, as, >/, P. N. [Corcyra,] an island in the Ionian sea. OvS' tfris QlXofcivwraTi) aXXuv. Calf. 4. 156. KepJcafQaTos, #r, adj.^ [Corcyrieus,] of Corcyra. KaXXtord KepKvpaTd roiavrt Trrtpd. Aves 1463.' Kep^a, arcs, ro, subst. [segmentuni aeris, nummulus,] a small coin. To 7rt/3u/, subst. [tirmunculus,] a screech-owl. Oi/ roc, fjia ras Kepwybas, ert aov a^aofjuii. Aves 1335. K^ffKopat, pro KeHfjai, v. [jaceo,] to lie, to be placed. Keo-Ktr* eft ptyapoiat' ope~i be fa CTTI yairjs. (p. 41. SYN. See Ke7//a. Kecrros, >), oy, adj. [acu pictus,] embroidered. T H, feat TTO aTiiOecr/, subst. [(l) malleus, (2) piscis species, (3) genus teli militaris, sudes,] a mallet, a kind of fish, a pike. KeorpdV rc/^dx'? /weydXa^, dydflav. Nub. 339. Keerrpevs, ews, 6, subst. [mugil, piscis,] a mullet. KaVetr' eireQijKt rpels Xdv/ibas fjioi KeaTpeuv. Vesp. 7pO. SYN. Mi/patvd. Kcvdavb), et Kevdu, v. [occulto, tego,] to hide, to cover. Keyflw is also used in a passive sense. Ow plv yap 0tXdr>;ri y EKevdavov, ei TIS iboiro. T. 453. (See also CE. R. 968.) SYN. KpvTrrw, icdXvTrrw, d7roA KHKI 479 , . , n. *S yutXaju/3d^)f, Trerpwces, ffri/ytpoV, GK^TIOV. Ke0dXa7s, a/a, oV, adj. [summarius,] capital, summary. "If a p) KfydXaiu rov Kpdratyov anv pjyyudrt. Ran. 854. SYN.'ASpov. Kl^fiXj, ^, ^, subst. [caput,] a head, a top, a sum. See in Ev^yWrjs. SYN. Kdpd, Kdp, Kiiprivov, Kpcis, xoppr). EPITH. EavOrj, /zoc. KtyaA&i ov, o, [(1) P.N. Cephalus, (2) capito,] (1) one of the sons of Endy- mion, and husband of Procris, (2) a fish. 'H KaXXt^eyyrjs KeddXoV els Otovs "Eus. Hipp. 457. * Kew, pro icc/w, et Keagw, v. [scilldo,] to split. "Hroi Ktavres, ry reyuoVrts ev- /ev//a, e/c0opa, rctyr}, ratyos. Kfibetos, Krjbcds, et K^btards, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [cujus curam gerimus, carus,] such as belongs to a relative or guardian; faithful, domestic, dear. Tpo^at Krjbeioi Kebvtiv reKvuv. Ion 490. See also T. l6l. and K. 225. SYN. O'iKews, l\ds f irpe>ff Mci'fXeirfs, K-jySev/u' tyuov. Orest. 471. SYN. 'Ay^tore/d, (plur.) avyyweia, ovyytvys. Krjbevw, Krjbeopai, et /o^eoTcfym/, v. [(1) affinis n'o, euro, (2) funero,] to form a connexion by marriage, to protect as a relation ; to bury, to mourn over. K/jSeu-oru KaB' tavrbv apurrev-et. P. V. 9^7- See also Sept. Theb. 128. and X' 359. SYN. ^povr/cjo), Krjpctiva), BepaTrevw, fidrjQeb}, QCITTTII), Krjbed dtpdirevut. Hrfios, tos, TO, subst. [(1) affinitas, cura, solicitudo, (2) funus,] relationship, care, mourning, distress, burial. To rovbe nijbos yudXXoj' e/Xfr', >} Trdrpos. Orest. 743. SYN. K>y5ei/yud, arvyyevfia., 7rt/ueXetd, Qpovrls, \virrj, evdyifffjidra.. EpITH. Hei/of, TrtVpo^, ex0po>, oXedpiov, eaOXov, KaxSv, dpydXeoi', aXeywov, arXrjrdv, Xvypov, yoepo^, TroXvoro^dv, aTovoev, XevyaXtov. Krjboavvr), rjs, fj, subst. [moeror, moestitia,] sorrow. 'AX^ti?/, mi ro?ov eiros (para Ktjbdffvyyffi. Apoll. 1. 277- SYN. AVTT^, arm, d^fl/ySwy, Ktfbos. Kr)bdavvos, 6v, adj. [officiosus,] affectionately attending. FloSt Krjbdavvy Trdpd- aetpos. Orest. 1022. SYN. 'ETrt/ueXjys, aTrovbalds. v. [mcerore afficio, ango,] to grieve, to infect. KaXoy aol ovv t/zot rov , 6s K /ue Kr'ibr). I. fill. SYN. 'Avmw, Xi/Trew, Kaicow, /3Xci7rra>, aivopai. , ou, TO, subst. [vasculurn, in quod suffragia seu 4//7^ot conjieiebantur,] a ballot box, or one into which the balloting beans were cast. 'E(c K/?0dptou Xdydpv^oyue^oj/ Kal rpdydX/^orrd ro pTjbev. Vesp. 6'74. Ki/fcds, d5os, 6et 77, adj. [maledicus,] slanderous. KrjKabl avv yXwcra/y. Call. fr. 253. SYN. KeproyuiSs, fceproyuos, Xoibopds. KTJKIS, Ibos, fj, subst. [id quod tingit,] a stain, any thing that oozes out. Qovov be KrjKisfry XP dv V ^pftuXXerai. Choeph. 1010. SYN. Atyvvs. Kijiciw, 1 V. [exsiiio,] to gush out. AifJia-bd KrjKw^Evav eXKtwv. Autig. 6'97. SYN. ' 1 The penult', of K7j;ctw is here/og-. See the corresponding line in the strophe 682, It is also long, v, 784. of the same play, but slwrt in e, 455. 480 KHAE KHPO K>/Xetos, et KrjXtds, ov, adj. [urens,] burning. luv ?rvp* KrjXeiy, xP^v "Etcropos orpvvavTos. O. 744. See also 2. 346". SYN. AWwv, deppos, XajuTrpos. KT?XW, v. [mulceo,] to soften, to charm. "Y/mno-i fcrj\//, /m- Xty/ud, ydyos. K??Xr/r//ptos, a, or, et os, 6, >/, adj. [mulcendi vim habens,] propitiatory. Ae- , etos. KrjXov, ov, TO, Att. fcaXov, subst. [teluin, lignum prseustum,] a weapon, a shaft. N(/>fjU> dv0po;7roi<7t irfyavffKdpEvos rd a KrjXa. M. 280. SYN. BtXos, Wy, OtOTOS. wj'os, o, subst. [tolleno,] an engine for drawing water. 'A^fayov K^- 6rpvvr]ayov. Archil, fr. 9^- , ov, 6, subst. [camus,] an osier cover for a ballot box. See in Kard- , sc. tiKpov, ov, TO, P. N. [Censeum,] a mountain and promontory in Eubcea. KqvaiSv earlv evQa vrarpo/w Au. Trach. 755. ^, TJKOS, Kyi)!- et Kavifc, rj, subst. [iarus,] a coot, a sea-mew. "AvrAw 6' ev&ov- TrrjffZ Trgcroi'cr', d/s eitaXirj fc//^. o. 478. Krjirevpa, dros, ro, subst. [cultunt ; item, res culta,] cultivation, a cultivated or favorite spot. Xdpi-rwv re KrjTrev^dra. Aves 1101. K^Treyw, v. [colo, proprie, hortum,] to cultivate a garden, to preserve care- fully. A.ibu)s be Kqirevfi bpbcrois. Hipp. 77 K^TTOS, ov, 6, subst. [hortus,] a garden. "Oad tf v/nwv /card K^TTOVS tVi/a^o-ov. Aves 238. SYN. "Opxdros, iiXeds. EPITH. FXvicvs, KdXvbevbpios, evwbqs, epffrjeis, d^Oe/^oets. K>)p, rjpds, >/, subst. [sors, fa turn,] fate, lot, death. YloXXolal Kfjpd /3ap/3dpot$ "EXX?7CTi re. Troad. 773. SYN. Mo7pd, Biitariis, tlpapfievr), arr?, vuoos, (pBopa, 7TE7rp(i)iJievrj, juopos, TO pfyfffy&V. EPITH. MtXn/vd, bsirij, oXoi}, crrvyep;}, fcdfCf), /3tad?, dpydXea, Trupa, ovXdpfi'rj, 0/?Xdros, cr/iep^dXfa. See Mo7pca. K>;p, et /^tdp, ro, subst. [(l)cor; (2) animu,] the heart, the soul. Oi/r TTOT is iro\fji6j' y' dXXa (j>frit'v6efTK QtXov Ktfp. A. 491. SYN.'Hrop, ^v^rj, Kapbta. EPITH. 'Ac>t/oi', drtpa y, KiibaXlfidv, Xdalov, oXouv t dpydXeov, Kpdrtpoy, lrw, v. [(l)lasdo, corrumpo ; (2) solicite cogite,] to mix, to injure, to soil, to infect; "to think anxiously. Qijpes e Kripaivovai Kpovriu>, kaX^alvu), eKTrXijaaofJun. Kiipe8pr)-ds,ov, o et >/, adj. [f'atis agitatns,] urged on by the fates to annoy; malignant. 'E^fXdav evOevbs. kvi>as KTjpevafyopJiTovs. 0. 527- Kr/pu'0os, ov, ?/, svnbst. [Cerinthus,] a city in Eubcea, anciently called Hellopia. K7pu'0oj> r' eydXov, A/ow r' UITTU TrroXteOpov. B. 538. Krjpio)', cv, TO, subst. [favus,] honey-comb. '6 T?)V ff^d^Tjv Xd/3wv Trpoi'rw, TCI Krjpta. Eccles. 742. EpITH.'Aypio^, yXvKii, Xeipldv, \ewfo. PHR. rpr/ros TTOI'^S. y, eds, adj. Tmorti obnoxius,] mortal. Batov vTrep Kt(j>dXr)s K v. Hes. Op'. 41(3. , et Krjpoberds, et n?po7rXaords, ov, 6 et r^, adj. [cera ligatus,] bound or fastened with wax. Ivp/cwv ' 6 /crjpoSeras. Iph. T. 1 125. See also Theocr. Ep. 5. and P. V. 591. r, genitiv. antiq. pro jc^pos, cordis. See "The British Critic," for KHPO KIBI 481 April, 1826. p. 238. on the origin of the Greek cases. Ki/poVXacrros, vid. Kripoberqs. Krjpos, ov, 6, subst. [cera,] wax. 'YTTO rots ovvty Kqpov v7ro7r7rXa<7/*>os. Vesp. 108. EPITH. MeXt;5))$, r/tJiJs, [ju.Xa.Kos, XevKds. ov, 6, subst. [qui in cera imagines fingit,] a worker in wax. OVK Anacr. 10. j, v. [ceram liquefacio et e cera fingo,] to rnelt, to form of wax. Kcu , Km yoyyvXeei. Thesm. 56. SYN. Ei/ TrXarrw, /^trdxetp/^oyuat. , et KqpvKevftd) dros, ro, subst. [pneconium,] a proclamation, an edict. AKOVE KO.LV&V f Efj.ov Kr]pvy}jLar(i)v. Iph. T. 340. See also Sept. Theb. 648. SYN. 'AyyfXta. KrjpvKatvd, ?s, /, subst. [praeco,] a female herald. Au/3oui- Xos. Orest. 888. SYN. KXf/rr/p, KdX^rwp, ffaXiriyKrrjs. EPITH. 'Aorv/Sowrijs, Belos, dyavds, eadXos, Xiyvtydoyyos, r/7ri)r^s, raxybpojuos. PHR. Atos ayyeXds ryot KCLI avbpCjv. K.^pi/), ov, adj. [cera illitus,] covered with wax, (*??pwn), //, a wax po- made). 'QQdvla Krjpwrrjv, 7rdpao-/ceyaCere. Acharn. 1176. K^re/os, a, dv, et Krjrweis, evrds, adj. [(1) cetaceus, (2) magnus,] abounding with whales, of a whale, large. K^retoi KTeivovro, yvvatKtiv eiVe/cd bupwy. X. 521. See also b. 1. Kr/ros, tos, ro, subst. [cetus, balena,] a whale, a sea-monster. K/rei /3dpa ry V\avKeT7) 7rpoKetfj.a(.. Thesm. 1033. EPITH. 'AXeyeivov, apyaXeov, eivaXioVf Kva.vf.6v, eis, vid. Kj^retos. us, tas, 6, P. N. [Cepheus,] the father of Andromeda. Avr?) ydp kariv 'Avbpopeba ira~is Krjftus. Eccl. 1113. Kr)ioos, ov, 6, P. N. [Cephisus,] a river in Boeotia. 'ft ravpdjjop;, subst. [(l)scoriae admistio, (2)qu3evis adulteratio vel cor- ruptela,] dross, adulteration, corruption. TloXXijv y d0e7Xes TOV (3lov Ktfibr}- Xlav. Aves 158. SYN. See Mox0Wta. //3^Xos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [adulterinus,] mixed with dross, adulterated, coun- terfeit, false. T ft Zev^Tlbrj KifibqXdv avOptinois K&KOV. Hipp. 6l2. SYN. ITd- aarjids, dTrdrijXos, poyQiripos. , ios, ij, subst. fpera, sacculus,] a sack, a wallet. Topyovs- o/x0t Pros. Lex. 3 P 482 KIBft KIAA (ci/3r<7is 0ee, Qavfjta ibeatiai. lies. Scut. 224. Kr/3wros, oD, r/, et (2)dimin. Kr/3wri6V, ov, ro, subst. [area, cista,] a chest, a casket. 'Eo-^aXXtrc 2>' els ras fc/3wrovs. (Anapaest, dim.) Vesp. 1056. See also Pint. 711. SYN. Aapn*, aopos, Kicrrri, Kifilffis. Kiy/cXi^w, v. [agito,] to move about like a wagtail. Ov XP>) KtyK\iew dydflof filov, aXX' aTpEniZeiv. Theog. 303. SYN. IdXevw, ^uo X Xeyw. Kty/cXts, ibds, r/, subst. [cancelli, vel foramen,] rail-work, a lattice ; tbe bar in the senate-house. '6 6' avtyavri ttvEfycuos ETTI ry KiyKXlbi. Vesp. 124. SYN. 0i)pa, b'ticXlbes, OTTY], KiyxK>> v> [invenio,] to find, to reach. "ASpjroV kv bo^oialv apd Kiy^dvu \ Alcest. 493. SYN. See Kix^w. Klbvafjiaif v. [dissipor, diffundor.] to be scattered or spread. 'Hbvs ETT oaaots Kibvarat. Hec. 904. SYN. liKEbavvupai. GJVOS, 6, P. N. [Cithaeron,] a mountain in Boeotia. TTo7os KWaipwv s raxct. (E. R. 421. EPITH. ZaBeos, v^tKaprii'ds. PHR. Zadetav 7roXi;0/;porarov raTros, 'Aprtjut^os ^iovoTpd(f)oy o/u^ua. Phosn. 815. Kt- Xe?ras. Phoen. 24. NaTramt Kifla/pw^os Trrvx *'- CE. R. 1026. , et Ktflcupwytos, ov, adj. [Cithaeronius,] of Citlneron. AETTUS Kt- elvfftaXXopev. Bacch. 1034. See Thesm. 996. , as, et tidapis, ews, >/, subst. [lyra,] a lyre, a lute* Xopeuae S' a/u^t o-av KiOapav. Alcest. 599. See also a. 159. STNi *opjuiy, ^eXvs, Xvpa. EPITH. IltptfcaXXr/s, KtdpdotSdrdrov, J xpts e^eaTrero. Vesp. 12?8. See also'Eccl. 734. SYN. Kt0dpt)s, aoibos. idapigw, v. [cithara sono,] to play on the harp. 'Iptpoev nWapiZl' \wov b' VTTO KaXov aetbe. 2. 570. SYN. op/^w, Xvpiu>. PHR. />poev KiOaptze' Xtvoj/ 6' VTTO KaX^Ji' dei5e. Horn. Wdpttrpos, ou, o, subst. [citliara3 sonus,] the sound of the harp, florvm, acv irepl /3wjuoi> (.ye.ip6fj.erov Kidapiafjiov. Call. 4. 312. Wupiarfis, ov, 6, subst. [citharista,] a player on the harp. K^rd TOV KWapt- ari)v. Equit. 992. SYN. KWapaoibos, KlOapybos, aotbos. , vds, fi, a), 8v t adj. [citharoedicus,] attuned to the harp. ' r&v KWapy- elpyaan/ivriv. Ran. 1281. , ov, 6, subst. [cincinnus, cirrus,] a curl, a lock. Xw //urrrn^ TTO/\US ou- Tds, dyordXeot 6e kt/v't/i/ot. Theocr. 14. 4. SYN. Boerrpvx^, TrXoxafjios. fciK\iiaKb), id. q. KdXew, q. V. *Qv Trdrep' ec Trovroto ridaeteJawi'd fc-tfc Theocr. 22. 133. wi/, 01, P. N. [Cicones,] a nation in Thrace. "Hpdro 5', ws ba/ua.. 310. SYN. A<'xA t7 7 7 ' n '' , vos, /, subst. [vires, robur,] strengtli, bodily force. 'AXX' ov yap oi er* i\v is efjnrlbds, uvbe. TI KIKVS. X. 392. SYN.^Is, lor^vs, aXfCJ), bvva/us. *K.ZXlKios, of, adj. [Cilicensis,] Cilician. Tov ynyevrj re KiXtKiwv P. V. 359. KiXi, t/cds, o, P. N. [Cilix,] a native of Cilicia,a Cilician. Hafj Kni ai-%(jir)Tais KiXticeao-t. Theocr. 17. 88. K/XXd, n s, ;/, P. N. [Cilia,] a city in the Troad. K/XXa re Zaderjv, Teveboto TE fyl dvciffffets. A. 38. KtXXi^aires, wv, ot, subst. [ligna tribus suffulta cruribus, quibus clypei im- ponebantur ab iis, qui quiescere volebant a belli laboribus,] a wooden frame on three legs, on which soldiers rested their shields, when they were weary. Tous KtXXlfiavTas olffE, 7m7, r?/s ci(T7rlbos. Acharn. 1121 wv, WVTOS, o, P. N. [Cillicon,] the name of an infamous fellow, who be- KIMB KINV 483 trayed Samos. See Suidas. Oubevirdt'rjpov, a\\'oirep KCII KcXXfcwr. Pax 363. KtfjifiepiLKov, 1 ov, TO, subst. [veslimenti preliosi genus,] fine linen, a fine robe, cambric, a mourning dress. Mtfr' avTriba Xd/3e7v. b. KtpficptKdv et'bvffdpat. Lys. 52. KtfjtfteptKds, ov, adj. [Cimmericus,] Cimmerian. See in QpaavmrXaywd's. Kiju/iiepioi, w, bl t P. N. [Cimmerii,] a nation which dwelt beyond the Euxine sea. "E^vOa 5e Ktupeplwv avbpwv ^iTjpos re iroXis re. A. 14. Kfy/wXtos, a, df, adj. [Cimolitis,] of Cimolus, an island, one of the Cyclades, where was found a white clay used for soap at Athens. KaJ KipwXlas yijs. Ran. 713. Kfyjwr, MVOS, 6, P. N. [Cimon,] the son of Militaries, and a name of many others. Kfytwy, 0X77^ eo-wo-e rfjv AaKebaiptiva. Lysislr. 1 144. Klvafipaw, v. [oleo, foeteo,] to smell, to stink. Atywv re Klvafip&vrw fjie\rj. Pint. 294. SYN. Au<7wea>, oc?w. Ktvabds, Zos, TO, subst. [vulpes,] a fox, a cunning fellow. Kvpfios, KpoTa\ov t Kivdbos, rpviur]. Nub. 418- SYN. 'AXwrr^, KtpbaXtos, narovpyos. KivaOicrna, dros, TO, subst. [levis strepitus,] a fluttering or rustling, ^ev, 0ev, TI TTOT av Klvadiffpa K\vu>. P. V. 124. SYN. Ktvrjdpos, Klrrj^i, KtXabos, , v. [moveo,] to make to go, to move, to disturb. Kivel Kpablav, be ^oXov. Med. 98. SYN. KXoVew, So>^eo>, rwpab/, dt'do-e/w, trdXei/w, i, opovti), r, ov, 6, et dvrifjia, aros, TO, et Kivijats, fi, subst. [motus,] agitation, mo- tion. 2v>'fy)d/jwv KivY]Q[JLbv dyuot/xdicerof. Pyth. 4. 3/0. See also Theocr. 21. 47. Ktv^r^p, 77005, o, subst. [quassator,] a mover, a disturber. Fc/r/f Kivr)Ti)pa. KO.I arpvyeTOid OaXa epyor, w CTTWV Kivrjra Kai /^o^Xevra. Nub. 1397. K(Vvy/id, dros, ro, subst. [mobile aliquid, ventis ludibrium in 1. c.] any thing moveable, the sport of the winds. Nvv 5' aldtpiov Kivvyf.i d rdXas. P. V. 163. SYN. Aluprffja. KivvfAat, v. [moveor,] to be moved, to be in motion. KirfyteVos' vvv avTl fjiuXtuTCL/jie d>t'Xat, 'AOrjvr]. K. 280. SYN. Ktvto^iai. Kivvprjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Cinyres,] Cinyres. ToV TTOTC oe Kivvprjs buice fctrrilov clvat. A. 20. KtvvptifjMt, v. [voce querula lamentor,] to cry with shrill or plaintive voice. Ti KivvponiQT uXXws ; OVK e^iv rjTe~iv riva. Equit. 11. S\N. 'dbvpopai, pi- vvpi$M, plvvpofjiai, dprjvtd), fcXat'w. Ki^pds, a, ov, adj. [querulus, lamentabilis,] lamentable. HpuTdrotcos, Ktvvpt), ov irplv elbvld TOKOIO. P. 5. SYN. 'A^iodprjvds, oiKTpds. Kij/vtTCTo/xat, vox poetica pro icireo/iat, v. [agitor, hue illuc impellor,] to be moved about, to waver. "OTTWS Stypovns ovaa ^ 'Ktvvffffofirjv. Choeph. 190. SYN. See Ktytw. 1 So called because made by the Cimbri. 484 KINft Klfl Kt^oiTrerd, TCI, subst. [ferae bestiae,] wild beasts. 'IXvovs epdXovTd Kivw & avyp. Call. 1. 25. Kip*)), i/s, f], P. N. [Circe,] Circe. 0e<7^d0', a ^01 K'>K^ ^vfl/Jo-dro, bm fleawv. /u. 155. EPITH. 'A0urar^, aiatrj, avbijeaad, betrij, boXdeaad, evirXoKupos, TTO- \vepel opvideaai. P. 757 EPITH. (2) ' WKVS, yap\l>(j}vv^j wfj-dfiopos. PHR. 'E\a0poraros Trere^nut', opvts beios, ayyeXos 'ATroXXw^os. Kt/oKow, v. [atinulo adstringo,] to bind with rings. Xc&joet icaroi, ffKeXr; e aov fliq. P. V. 74. SYN. Aeopus 'nnrobdfjoio. Z. 299- Kro-7/jt)?;s-, eos, Kiaaofydpos, Kiaaivos, rj, ov, KiaaoKdftris, et Kiaaoarffyris, EOS, adj. [hederaceus, hedera densus,] of ivy, abounding or covered with ivy. Kiaai)- pets oxQai. Antig. 1131. See also Thesm. 997. Bacch. 699. Horn. Hym. 25. 1. and Anacr. 26'. 5. Ktaads, ov, 6, subsl. [hedera,] ivy. ITpoo-e/xefl', dare Kivaos epveatv bdtyvijs. Med. 1210. SYN. MtXas, TtZpiartyris, fio-pvdeis, IXtfcw^s, yueXa^0vXXo$, Kpo- Koets, tjntpdets, rTyXeQdwi', TdrvtpvXXds, TrXefcros. Kiaaofyopos, vid. Kiaaijprjs. Kto-o-ow, v. [hedera orno seu corono,] to adorn or crown with ivy. MAXwv ^opeveiv Kpard Ktaawaas efj.6r. Bacch. 201. Kt'(u, evplffKw, (.irlrvy^dvd), eTTticvjOew. Ki)(>}Xa, aii', at, subst. [piscis quidam marinus,] a sea-fish. See in Keo-rpa. KfyXij, ?s, ^, subst. [turdus,] a thrush. Horepov dxpibts ijblvv karlv 7} Kt^Xat ; Acharn. 1116. Ki"xXt'5w, v. [(i) indecenter et effusius rideo, (2)edo turdos,] to laugh immode- rately, to giggle ; to feed on thrushes, to be luxurious. Ovb' fydQdyelv, ovbe KlxXiZeiv, ovti 'iaxetv rw TTO' eraXXa^. Nub. 983. SYN. Koy^dXdw. Kr^Xiffyuds, ov, 6, subst. [risus petulans,] merriment. Tlaibwv, ywaiK&v, fiu)t>, o\l/(t)v, Trdrwv, Kl'x\lfffjiti)v. Nub. 1069. SYN. Kdrdx^*/. Ktw, KidOw, V. [vado, eo,] to go. 'H b* dtKOva apd. ro'tat yvvi] KUV' avrdp * Xevs. A. 348. SYN. flopevd/iat, tTret^ut, i]Kw t irdpdyiyvvfjiai. 1 See the word KIflN KAEI 485 KiW, tiros, 6 et ?/, subst. [columna,] a pillar, a column. Mrjrpos rdXm'rTjs, 6 &' T&TTO KIOVOS ortav. Here. F. 968. SYN. I,Tv\6s t ffTi]\r]. EPITH. Ti/^Xto, juavpos, fjieyas, ort/3dpos, QpSos, a^a^os, a, 6, K\abos, tos, ro, K'Xas, * fcXdSos, r/, et dimin. * KXaStords, ov, o, subst. [tener ramns, proles,] a tender branch, a twig, a descendant. BaX- XOVTO. KUI aeiovra. ftaK^elor K\abor. Bacch. 304. See also Aves 240. Ly- sistr. 633. and Anacr. 22. SYN.'A^e/^wv, O'PTT^, Ki\fot' 9i vTop6ds t 6a\\os, joa/3- &os. EPITH. Qvpdvttis, aicptis, eu^>i)^s, UKpoKopos, t/ceatos, bpvtvus, aTrdXoj, , vid. KXayya/rw. Xa/w, Attice /:Xaw, f. KXavffw, v. [lachrymor, ploro, lugeo,] to weep aloud, to bewail. "AXis t KXdetv TOV/JLOV ^v ejjioi KO.KOV. Alcest. 1060. SYN. 'Ava- cXaw, KXa, vicLKXryts. KXdptds, ov, 6, adj. [Clarius,] of Claros. An epithet of Apollo, so called from Claros, a grove near Colophon in Ionia, where he had a temple. Virg. ffLn. 3. 360. IloXXot be KXdpiov* ircit'Trj be rot ovrofjia TTOV\U. Call. 2. 70. KXdpos, ov, r/, P. N. [Ciaros,] See KXdptos. Kat KXdpos aly\ijeaaa t K at At- aayr]S opos oirru. Horn. Ap. 40. KXatrrafw, et jc\aa>, v. [t'rango,] to break. BouX^v 7rdr;o-ets, irni ffTparrj- yovs K\ctffraffis. Equit. l66. See also Ion 904. SYN. KXovew, dTro- ctyw. ov, o, et itXav/ju, dros, ro, subst. [ploratus, fletus,] mourning. kavQuwv T&V %, oiKtav. Agam. 1531. See also Pers. 711. SYN. Xo\vy>i, d\u\vypos. EPITH. Sruyepos, ptyaartii'ds. , v. [(l) plorare cupio, (2) crepilo,] to desire to weep, to rattle. ei'dv aXXws K/Xavo-tg. 6. ae rot Xeyw. Plut. 1099- or, adj. [in prrelio flens, vox a comico conficta,] weeping in battle. - 'Ap$pos ftovXo/ua-^ov k:a) KXavattfJcixov TWOS v'tos. Piix 1291* * KXavros, r), o^, adj. [lamentabilis,] lamentable. KXavrov t)' aprtrpoTrois. Sept. Theb. 323. KXdw, et K-Xdcw, vid. KXa, fcXj/iSwv, et fcX^Swv, d/d$, }, subst. [fama bona, omen bo- num,] fame, good report, sound, oracle, good omen, "fls dp' 0/* x a 'P e>/ ^ oios 'Oou-To-eus. v. 120. See also 6.317. et Eumen. 460. SYN. , vid. K\elvvosy et fcXetrds, r), oj', adj. [Celebris,] famous, illustrious. '6 OtS/Trovs naXovpevos. CE. R. 8. See also Pyth. 9. 22. and A. 379- SYN.")'$oos, dydcXi/rds, dyafcXeiros, fcXetvos, irep^Xo/s. KXes, (Ion. et Poet. icX^ts, Dor. cXais,) etoos, //, et dimin. * KXeioroV, ov, ro, subst. [(I) chvis ; (2) jugulum, cervix, transtrum,] (1) a key, (2) the clavicle of the shoulder, or blade-bone, (3) a rower's bench, (the>handle of the oar being like the handle of a key.) TuTrnre, fcXtffcWlr fyfyuew, aki wd^t Zeuj. //. 2 1 5, 480 KAEI KAHA *KXei<7ros, ), oV, et Ion. K\rjiaTos, adj. [clausus,] closed. Ac5/m ya/as *:Xei<7- T6V. Eur. fr. Pel. 3. 2. See also /3. 344. KXe/r7?, ??s, ;, P. N. [Clitc,] Clite. KXef'n??, Sv<7r//v, adj. Vid. KXeivos. * KXeiroftaxos, ov, 6, P. N. [Clitomachus,] Clitomachus. OvceKXe^fyrnxotdyud- X ar. Pyth. 8.51. KXe/w, KXqtea;, KXfl'a>, et irXi/w, v. [(1) claudo, (2) celebro,] (l) to shut, (2) to celebrate. KXeieiv KeXevio TT&.VTCI nvpyov kv KVK\U. Bacch. 642. See also w. 165. and Here. F. 992. SYN. (1) 'ATrofcXe/w, (2) V/JLV^, evXoyew, errt- KXeiw, ws, >/, P. N. {Clio,] one of the Muses. See in 'Eparw. KXe/u/ua, dros, ro, subst. [furtimi,] stealth, fraud. T ft ?ra7, 0wv rot) ytyovas ; 1 ph. A. 1514. SYN. Wjoa, K\uirii. KXo/j/3,ooro$, ov, 6, P. N. [Cleombrotus,] Cleombrotus. Et?ras, "HXu, KXeo>/3p6rds w 'nfipaKiuTrjs. Call. Ep. 24. KXtom-os, oi/, 6, P. N. [Cleonicus,] Cleonicus. 0ecrordX(K-e KXeovtfce Call. Ep. 32. , et KXe/oTraT-pa, as, r;, P, N. [Cleopatra,] Cleopatra. KeTro Trdjoa dXo X w KaXj; KXeoTrcir^. I. 552. See also Apoll. 2. 239- EPITH. fyaros. PHR. Kovpr) M.ap7ri, ael- fjivr)aTdi>, atflr^poj', yutyd, a^>0n-o>', dOdmroV, atTri), evpi), fiudv, tTrrjpaToi', KuQetvdv, ovpdrd^^fces, v^qXov, HrriTVfjiov. See Evota. KXe7rr?;s, oi/, 6, subst. et (2) adj. superl. KXeTrr/ordros, ov, [(1) fur; (2) furacissimusj] (1) a thief, (2) most thieving. KXeTrrwv ydp ?/ vv, T^S & aXriOeius TO 0ws. Iph. T. 1027. See also Plut. 27. SYN. KXwi, KXdnevs, KXoTros, 0wp, flaXavTtrjTOfjds, pwj^, o^os, 6, subst. [qui mentem decipit,] a deceiver. 'Ep/z^w 1 (3ovXfj- 'os, 6, P. N. [Cleon,] a demagogue at Athens, who lived in the time of the Peloponnesian war. 'AXX' elyt/' eirt TOV KXtwv', os avrov rj'/yuepov. Ran. 577- ewi/at, w>, oi, P. N. [Cleonae,] a town between Argos and Corinth. See in os, ov, o, et (2) KXewvvfjirj 9 rjs, ?/, P. N. [(l) Cleonynnis, (2) Cleonyme,] ' Cleonynnis, Cleonyme. 'EtrOtei KXtuvvpos. Equit. 1293. See also Nub. 680. K\q6i7i', adv. [nominatim,] by name. KXribrjv els aydpfjv KucXijaKeiv arbpa txarrrov. I. 11. 'OvofiaaTi, e^uvo^aKXi^riv. , v. [(1) claves habeo ; (2) sacerdos sum,] to carry the keys of the ta is here scanned as a spondee. KAHA KAIM 487 temple, to be a priest or priestess, rXwfforjs Tru-pois xevrpoivt KXribov\ovutvot Here. F. 1279- SYN. Neawdp ov, 6 et >/, sed frequentius fem., subst. [claviger, aedhuus,] having the keys of a temple or of a city, as its chief magistrate; a chamberlain, a priest or priestess. KX^ov^oi' "Hpas fact. JEsch. SuppL 290. SYN. 'lepers, upeia, tepla. K/\??5wj/, vid. KAeqSwy. KAr/d?w, K\r)iw, K\ei$w. Vid. KAe/w. K\T/^WI/, vid. KAfqSwj'. KA//0pa, as, >/, subst. [alnus,] the alder-tree. KX^Oprj T, aiyetpos T, ZXarrj r* i\v ovpavdjJifiKrjs. e. 239- KXfjOpov, KXitfOpof, et K\eWpui>, et Dor. KXaiorpov, ov, TO, subst. [claustrum,] a shutter, a bar, a lock. Mo X Xo7s be KCII KXjQpoial. Lysistr. 264.. See also Horn. Merc. 146. Phcen. 62. and Pyth. 1. 16.' SYN. BaX/3u, d^evs, fyfoXtiy. wv, et KXycwv, vid. KXe/?Swv. a>, KXrjb), et KXyZu, vid. KXe/w. s, Ion. pro KXels, q. v. Voros, Ion. pro KXetcrros, q. v. d, dros, ro, et K'/\/y quarts , t^ds, '/, subst. [palmes, virga vitea,] a vine-branch, a twig. KX^d TO ficiKxe'iov tielv. Anacr. 173. 5. See also Thesm. 746. , nropQos, "/. EPITH. 'AfjureXivov, porpvotv, Kapirdyopov, KaXXt- * KX>;ptos, 2 ov, adj. [qui sorte dividit,] who allots every thing. 'lnHala. Atos KXaplov. JEsch. Suppl. 365. KXrjpdnaXris, eos, adj. [qui sorte distribuitur,] distributed by lot. \e~ts' reXeov be ytpas TrpoaedrjKev eKUffry. H. Merc. 18. KAj/pos, ov, 6, subst. [sors,] appointment by lot, inheritance, power. OI6', $ ae bovXrjv K\rjpds eKTre/UTrei ^Oot'ds. Troad. 1262. SYN. KAj/pwois, KTijpd, /3d- atXeia. EPITH. RdOvs, warpwlos. KA^pou^kds, >}, ov, adj. [ad K\ijpovxpvs pertinens,] belonging to the allotters of land. Oorepu r*)v K\r)pov\iKf]v ; Nub. 203. KA?7po/xos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [sorte obtinens, particeps,] possessing by lot, partaking. rioXAwv erwv KXrjpovxov, rj , ov, ro, subst. [(l) locus ubi magistratus sorte creantur, (2) locus ubi K\r]p/, subst. [scala, gradus, climax,] 1 It is not easy to perceive the application of KXySovxoviJ.ei'oi to tbis passage. In the absence of Ms. authority, Herman's suggestion of Kij^ov/j-evoi seems preferable to the K\I$OVOVH*VOI of Scaliger, and the AotSoporf/teyoi of Reiske, and the /cAr/poux ^^ 04 f Musgrave. occurs in its legitimate sense Iph. T. 1464. 2 See Stanley's note, or rather his quotation from Valens Guellius. 488 KAIN KAYT a ladder, a climax. See in Evtrftipos. Pax 68. and Aves 841. SYN. 'Am- fiaOpov, fladpov. KXivrj, r)s, >/, K\ivibidv, ov, ro, K\ivts, ibos, >/, et K\tvrr]p, fjpos, 6, subst. [lectis- ternium,] a couch, a bed. "Ovois be K\ivr] jur) 'art, /uirjbe arpwyudrd. Eccles. 418. See also Lysistr. 915. Thesm. 268. and Tbeocr. 2. 86. SYN. KXtor/uds, XCK- rpov, Kotnj. EPTTH. Ylap6evlos, ydu.r)Xlos. KX/vw, f. ivw, v. [reclino,] to bend, to lean upon, to repulse. Aeivos TraXcuor//* i\V exXive yap Kepas. Eur. Suppl. 714. SYN. 'EyicXtYw, dvaxXlyu, -pint*). KXiarta, as, ?/, ct K\lolov , ov , ro, subst. [tentorium, casa, ovile,] a seat, a tent, a sheepfold. T?/ Trdpd pkr KXtvliji' nvpi KarQetrav, eV0' dp' 0tce. r. 55. SYN. K&Xvfir), xXivr). EPITH. AoXta, evirrjKTos, CVTVKTOS, v^Xrj. , ov, 6, subst. [torus discubitorius,] a seat to recline on. Elo-ev 6' ev rdTnjai rl TropfyvpEOiniv. 1.200. SYN.^ESpa, Xf^os, tcXivr). EPITH. otK'tXos, 7roXi>a/dXos, ^py^rtos, apyiipeos, 7ra//^di'6w>'. KXTros, EOS, 70, et k-Xtri/s, i/ds, ^f, subst. [devexitas, clivus, declivitas,] a slope, a valley. KX/red flaXX/yvajd, Kdi^aorpa/T/v i/Trtp atspiiv. Apoll. 1. 599* See also Alcest. 591. SYN. To irpaves, TO Karavres. KXo(ds, et K\a)os, ov, o, subst. [vinculum quod collo circumdatur ; torques, furca,] a ring, a collar, a necklace. KXotov tyopovvra irlpl ^uec-ov TOV Cycl. 184. See also Vesp. 892. SYN."Opjuos. KXd^tw, v. [agito,] to chase, to throw into disorder. "Us C^ETTC blov TOTE (j)aibt^ds "E/crwp. A. 496. SYN. 'Avdtre/w, rdpdo'O'a), , ov, 6, subst. [tumultus, strepitus,] an uproar, a crowd, a din. K\OVOV ev reixtai. Ion 204. SYN. 0opi)/3os, dXdX>), Kdrnx/), irdrdyos, EPITH. Kd/cos, atvos, drda^dXos, linrloxapprjs, arovoeis. XoTralos, cXo7r/fos, cXwTr^tds, et k'XwTrkos, ?}, ov, adj. [(l)furto partus; item active, (2) subdolus,] (1) obtained by theft, stolen ; (2) over-reaching. rL/y/> fcXoTrcuW, i) blbaffKaXos TEXVTJS. P. V. 110. See also v. 295. Apoll. 3. 1196. and Rhes. 512. SYN. KXeTrros, tTr^Xowos, \a6pa~ios. XoTrevs, ews, K'XoTros, ov, et *:Xw^, WTTOS, 6, subst. [fur,] a thief, a deceiver. *Hv KXetova TOV Xapov opwv IXovres fc'ai K\o7rys. Nub. 591. See also H. Merc. 276. and Helen. 552. SYN. See KXeTrrrjs. XoTn/, 7/s, j/, subst. [furtum,] a theft, over-reaching, seduction. Tpd7re-5av K\oTrcu(7i yvraiKos. Agam. 393. SYN. KXeyu^d, KXeirroavvr], cnrdrr]. XoroTrevw, quasi KXvruTTevw, v. [" niagnifice loquor, vel potius, quaesitis verbis loquendo, eaque audiendo ternpus tero,"] to waste time in talking. Al^d ^udX'' ov yap XP*/ K\OT(j7cei>eiv tv0d6' ovras. T. 149- XvSwv, wros, o, et KXvbwvWi', ov, ro, subst. [fluctus, unda, aestus,] a wave, tide. DoXX^s pt5os frveTrcuae jcXfigwi'. Hec. 115. See also Helen. 1208. SYN. ZdXty, il3ej3r]Kas. A. 37. See also Hipp. 91 6. SYN. AKOVW, VTTCLKOvu), afcpodo^uat, KXuratfjvriffTpa, as, rj, P. N. [Clytemnestra,] the wife of Agamemnon. M>- Xaos 'EXhw o be KXvrai/uv^rpas X^os. Orest. 20. EpiTH. Aid, boXopriTis, KeXaivotypuv, boXlotypwv, Tvvbdpls, irdvwXrjs, Tvvbdper) Kovprj. KXvrlbrjs per syncopen pro KXvTidbrjs, patronym. a (2)KXvrtds, ov, 6, P. N. [(l)Clytio satus; (2)Clytius,](l) Pirreus, the son of Clytius, a noble Ithacan ; KAYT KNHM 489 (2) a noble Trojan, the brother of Priam. Ueipaie KXvricr), ov & /uoi rd irep aXXa /mXtord. o. 53P. XvToKapirds, cv, 6 et ^, adj. [praeclaris fructibus celeber, inclytus,] having beautiful fruit. Ot-KdSe KXvroKapTrwv. Neni. 4. 124. , eos, o, P. N. [Clytornedes,] Clytomedes. IIv /*> ZviKijaa KXvro- dTToWoV. T. 634. , ids, o el /;, adj. [inclytus prudentia,] famous in contrivance, "rtycu- ffrov K\VTO[jtr)Tiv aelbeo, Movaa XtyeTd. Horn. ip. 1. KXvrtivrios, ov, 6, P. N. [Clytoneus,] Clytoneus. Aad5d/uas 6\"A\ius re, Kcit dv- rtfltos KXvrovrjos. 6. lip. KXvrozrwXto, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [celeber equis,] having excellent or beautiful horses. See in Ev^os-. KXv-os, >), ov, vel ov, 6 et //, adj. [inclytus, clarus,] celebrated, known. ToV p' VTTO rietpt0ow re/tiro K\VTOS iTrndbafteta. B. 742. SYN. See in KXetvvs. ~K.XvTo-xvr)s, ov, o, [celeber artifex,] an excellent artificer. Totem' 6' "H^ai- ffros KXvTOTe%rr)S 7]px ayopevetV. A. 571. SYN. KXvroepyds, KXvro^r)Ti5. KXi/roro^os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [arcu et jaculis inclytus,] renowned for the bow. r lpiv r* eXdefJievat, Kai 'AvroXXwra f:Xi/rdro^ov. O. 55. KXi/w, vid. KXvp. KXcu0w, ^of, ^, P. N. [Clotho,] one of the fates. KXw0o> re Kaaiyvriras re TTjodaev-vcTrw. Isthm. 6 r . 24. SYN. See Kyp. KXwfjaKdeis, cffffci, ev t adj. [asper, salebrosus,] abounding with rugged hills, craggy. See in 'I0wyu>;. SYN. Ato-/3drds, rpa^vs, dpem). KXwv, wvds, 6, subst. [ramus ; surcultis, qui rlecti potest, vel deputari,] a branch, a shoot, a sucker. Aeyfy>wi> viretKet, KX&vas ws eKffoj^erat. Anlig. 713. SYN. BXdcrrds, KXabds, BaXXos, epros, /3Xdan?/id ; tyvrov* PHR. 'Opeidi/, bavi]~ irvppos. tvatyevs, Attice yvatyevs, q. v. {.vacpevb), Attice yvd^cuw, q. v. wvdw, et win?, v. [rado, sculpo, scindo,] to scrape, to scratch, to tear. Aa- KvdfjLvos, Kai ev Krloaiai KaOevbots. Tlieocr. 7. 106. See also A. 638. SYN. v. [obscuro, tenebras obduco,] to spread a gloom over. OIov Sev fci-e^d-^. Agam. 129. SYN. Sk'or/qw, 0ow, eTriVI-pw. dya dtoSev , ov, adj. [caliginosus,] darksome. Ai'S?/j', M e^am r' d^i^t Taprdpov P. V. 1065. ds, arcs, ro, subst. [caligo, tenebrae, diluculum,] gloom, twilight. T H/ios 6' ^v, Kai eni KveQas r)Xe. A. 475. SYN. beiXrj, vv^ aKdTds. ov, o et 7>, subst. [cruribus albis praeditus,] white-legged. K^//mp- yot & fXlKes re' btrjicdrioi ye juev ciXXot. Theocr. 25. 127- ], T?S, r/, subst. [tibia, radius,] the leg, the spoke of a wheel. Ktii^v be Apyetov dpv. Pho3lJ. I40p. SYN. iKtXos, K^X^. ri, subst. [ocrea,] a boot, a greave. See in 'E7rr/3oe5s. SYN. , ov, o, subst. [saltus; pars montis, quae quasi sura ipsius a pede ascen- dit,] the woody part of a hill, the part of a hill above the foot. "lvtjs ev Pros. Lex* 3 Q 490 KNH2 KNUI Kvrjjuoifft TrdXvTTTv^ov v\r)effffrjs. 0. 449 KvTjo-idw, et Kvrjffeiat, v. [prurio,] to feel an itching. TpdTrov, rdXcuvd, Eccles. 915. Kvj/orts, tos, r/, subst. [(1) culter, (2) pruritus,] (1) a scraper, a knife, (2) an itching. KJ/J;OT< ^aXiceo/, TTI ' aX0trd Xev/cd TrdXvve. A. 639 SYN. Md- 7, T?S, T/, subst. [nrtica,] a nettle. See in Kmw. SYN. 'AKdXd(/r?. Kvlblos, a, ov, adj. [Cnidius,] of Cnidus. OVTTW rctv KviSmy, eri AwrtoV *poi> tvaiov. Call. 6. 25. Kvt5os, ov, r/, P. N. [Cnidus,] a city and promontory in Caria. See in Kap- irados. KvlSta, v. [pungo, vellico, rado, animum mordeo,] to nettle, to irritate, to sting. Mrjb' 6'X/3os, oaris rrjv tpiv Kviot 0pei'd. Med. 599- SYN. Ki'dw, ^eo>, Sawn), KadaTTTio, XVTTEW. , ou, 6, subst. [pruritus, prurigo,] pruriency, titillation. Ovcovv tjoeTs rov KVtffftbv rlva. ; Plut. 974. SYN. Kvu/id. KvtWd, as, Kvioa, r], subst. [(1) nidor pinguedinis incensa?, (2) pinguedo,] a strong scent, savor, fat. OVK' aXXd Kara TTJV Kviaaav eiffeX^Xi/^e. Pax 1050. SYN. Qvfjtlafjia, arpos, XITTOS, Sjyjuos, ffreap. Ki/tffdw, 1 v. [nidore impleo,] to fill with scent, to fumigate. BW//OVS be KVLO^V (3ov6vTOial irpoarpoTrals. Alcest. 1175. SYN. 0i/^tdw, Oetow, K'd0dy/, ov, ro, subst. [bestia,] a beast, an ox, cattle. Kaevd Trpwros ev 7, , fipor6, v. [profunde vel dulce dormio,] to sleep soundly, to snore. yudXa KVtoaaovd iv opetpeiyat irvXycrH. 6. 809. SYN. 'YTrrwo-aw, ev^w, 1 See Dr. Blomfield'* Gloss. Choepb. 4T8. KOAA KOIN 491 KdaXepds, ov, 6, adj. [stolidus, amens,] stupid. 'AXXa ore^dvov, Kal awtvbt rJ KoaXeyuw. Equit. 221. SYN. 'Avons, fjtwptis, parattis. * Koa, the noise made by frogs. See Ranae 210. &c. Ko(3aXtKVfjia, O.TOS, TO, subst. [adulatio, scurrilitas, versutia,] craft, cajolery. Ka< Kd/3a\iKvudffiv. Equit. 332. SYN. Tldvovpyla, KopaXeia. KdfiaXds, ov, adj. [(1) vafer, (2) maledicus, (3) loquax,] rascally, insidious, talkative. BepeaxeQot re Kal KofiaXoi Kal pddwv. Equit. 635. SYN. Ka/corf"x^o$, KaKofiovXos, navovpyos, eipdiv, ffKuirTijs. Koy X 77, *?*,et Kdyxos, ov, 6, subst. [concha,] a shell. Kcu rjjf Koyx? r tf *"* aepvws Ttils mjfjicioiaiv eTrovarj. Vesp. 583. See also Call. Ep. 5. ' SYN. , i. q. voew, q. v. 'H <>' eKor)ffe. Call. fr. 53. Kddopvds, ov, 6, subst. [(1) cothurnus, (2) versipellis,] (1) a buskin, (2) a turn- coat. 'Oriri Kddopvovs elx, avayr&vai a crt ; Ran. 557. SYN. "E/i/3dJ, Kddovpos, ov, adj. [iners,] dronish, sluggish. Zwp, Kytyriveffoi KoOovpois opytv. Hes. Op. 303. Koirjls, ibos, et Kotoye^eta, as, r;, [Coei filia,] the daughter of Coeus, i. e. Latona. Eiritee ot Kot^ts tKetcXeTd' awged ^aiotav. Call. 4. 151. See also Apoll. 2. 710. * Kdt, [vox grunientis porcelli,] the noise made by a pig. See Acharn. 780. , v. [grunnio 7 ] to grunt. "OTTWS be ypi/XX^etre, Kal Koi&Te. Acharn. 746. , v. [circumspecto,] to look or stare about. Ti av ov KVKat'ys ; fj ri KotKvXXets exw ', Thesm. 852. SYN. HepTfi\E7ru). KotXaivw, v. [cavo, exentero,detraho,] to make hollow, to disembowel. XtD/m pot KoiXavov, 6 pev Kov^ei rov epwrd. Theocr. 23. 43. SYN. Bd0i/i/, *KoiXm, as, fi, subst. [cavitas, alvus, venter,] a hollow, the belly. Ets D/F *cdrw pov KoiXiav KadeipTTvaev. Ran. 485. , ov, 6, subst. [qui vendit ventres et omasa,] a seller of tripes or paunches. KoiXidirwXyfftv be debs plyd Kvbos oita^ei. Equit. 200. KoiXoyaarwp, dpds, adj. [qui cavo ventre est, famelicus,] hollow-bellied, spa- cious, hungry. TOVTOV be aapKds ovbe KoiXoydffropes. Sept. Theb. 1037* SYN. KolXds. KoiXdirebos, ov, adj. [valles habens,] abounding in valleys. "Apei^ev, ev KotXti- . Pyth. 5. 50. KolXos, 17, ov, adj. [(l)cavus, depressus, (2) sculptus,] hollow, embossed. Ar- TTOVTUS f]pas AvXlbos KoiXovs pvxovs. Iph. A. 1599- SYN. FvdXos, fiddvs, yXd toivtiXexfis. Soph. Electr. 97. See also Agam. 14l6. SYN. 'OpoKoirds, opoXeKTpos. KoirorrXovs, ov, o et //, adj. [navigations particeps,] sailing together. 492 KOIN KOAA ye vaos Koivoir\ovv fyuXtav. Aj. Fl. 881. , Trobtis, adj. [socio pede iter faciens,] going together. ' Trdpovfflav. Soph. Electr. 1110. Koo-os, ri, tiv, adj. [(l)communis, (2) vilis,] common, low. Koivijs dalra Kpbs KOivr/i' irtvuv. Ion 654. SYN. 'ETrtK'o/vds, v'os, fyvtfios, Travbrjuos, eyKXrjpos. , ov, o etr), adj. [communi partu editus,] having a common parent. L KOIVUTOKWV. Soph. Electr. 858. , dvos, adj. [communem cum aliquo mentem habens,] entertaining the same sentiments. 'Es Tas 'Adfivas orel^e Kotvotypwv Trdrpt. Ion 579- Kotvow, vid. Kofvdw. Kot^w^, wi'os, 6, subst. [particeps, socius,] a partaker, a companion. Aortas Kotvuvt Trap' f.v-dvrdTa). Pyth. 3. 50. SYN. 'EraTpos, KOLVUVOS, avvyos, ovv. Kccvwrew, \. [communico, impertio ; particeps sum,] to partake of, to commu- nicate, to make an alliance with. Tis av Trarpos aov fyoivv Eur. Electr. 1048. SYN. Mtrt^w, as, 7^, subst. [(1) commnnio, (2)beneficentia,] participation, com- munication, liberality. TVs yap SaXao-o-rjs fiovicoXois KOIVWIO. ; Iph. T. 255. ov, 6 et ?;, adj. [socius, particeps,] a partner, a partaker. Kotvwos r) jnovij av bvarv-^els. Ion 773. SYN. Kotrwi^, yuero^os. adv. [communiter, simul,] in common, together. Kai TO oov KOIV&S Xeyets. Ion 1462. Kotvti)(f)eXris, cos, adj. [communem aft'erens utilitatem reipublicae,] beneficent, patriotic. KoirwtyeXel blavoiy. Eumen. 990. SYN. Ko/rwrds, ei/ Kotoyeretd, vid. Koujts. Ko/os, ov, b y P. N. [Cceus,] one of the Titans. KoToV re, Kpe/ov 0', r', 'IctTrerov re. Hes. Theog. 134. Kolos, Ion. pro rio7os, q. v. Kotpaven), v. [impero,] to command, to marshal, "fls p' oye Kmpavtuv Xetro ort^cts a.vbpfin'. A. 251. SYN. 'Ardicotpaj'tw, opx xofffJLe^. et Koipai'os, ov, 6, subst. [princeps, dominus,] a governor, a prince. , Qyfirjs ol Kotpdvlbai. Antig. 940. See also Med. 871 . SYN/Ayos, ap-^ijSf fiyefjiu)v, /3d' irerdXoiati'. Hes. Op. 484. , vyos, o, subst. [cuculus,] a cuckoo. See in KOKKV^AI. v. [mutilo, punio, castigo,] to mutilate, to punish. Ou yap rt 0a- rows KUKOVS KoXactouzi*. Helen. 1 171. SYN. 'ATrortVyu^?, rijuwpfw, uaari- yow, aiKi$u t 7ri7rX//or<7(i>, vovfltrtw, blevtiuvw. PHR. See Orest. 1562. *KoXaois, tt)os, >/, P.N. [Colyenis,] a name of Diana, so called from Colaenus, a son of Mercury, who built a temple to her. OvKeri KoXaivls, aXX' 'Am- \avftis "Aprt^is. Aves 873. KoX, a^s, o, subst. [adulator, parasita,] a flatterer, a parasite. '0X9* ; 0tw- KOAA KOAO 493 \os Trjv K0dX?)j> KoXaKos e\ t ' Vesp. 45. SYN. 0o/^/, OwTrevuv. EPITH. 2ro>- uvXos, fiwpdXoxos. PHR. See Agam. w. 763 771. KoXaTiTw, v. [tundo, tundendo excavo,] to bruise, to pound, to excavate. 'AXX' evl hi) (f>\oto~is KeKoXauueva Tooaa 0ope7re. Call. fr. 101. SYN. KoVrw KoiXou), Ki'i, o, subst. [vagina, culeus,] a sheath, a case. 'E- ce KdXeov' Xoyciai & 'ApyeiW ffrparov. Hec. 542. See also F. 272. SYN , V. [proculco,] to trample on. TOVTOV bei\awv KdXerpwo-' act Kal fj.r)~epa. Nub. 552. SYN. KctT-aTrdrew. KoXt, IKOS, 6, subst. [panis rotundus,] a round cake or roll, tripe. Xd/3ovo-', J TOVS KoXiKas Ka.Tea7rdaas. Ran. 576. KoXXd/9os, ou, 6, subst. [panis genus,] a sort of calte baked under the ashes. Ku rwv XayMwr TroXXd, K'at rows KoXXafiovs. Pax 1 19^ KoXXdw, v. [glutino,] to glue, to join. KtvoXXf/rcu yevos Trjaos cir^. Agara. 1543. SYN. T\pu(Tap/ji6(*), Trpo^aTrrw, Tn/yrv/zt, Tra^^ow. KoXX7?ros, 17, or, adj. [glutinatus,] glued. Ou0' 'nnrdbeffijuov, ovre KoXXrjr&v o%b)v. Hipp. 1220. SYN. Kg/coXXj^ei'os, avvQlros, evirrjKTus. KoXXlKfyayds, ov, 6, [qui KoXX^as vorat,] an eater of small loaves, a nickname of the Boeotians. T ll x a ~ l P^> KoXXiKtityaye, fioiwTibldv. Acharn. 872. KoXXo/zeXew, v. [versus concinne connecto,] to glue or adapt songs together. Td Se ropvevet, rd be KoXXofieXel. Thesm. 54. KoXXo^, OTTOS, 6, subst. [(l)callosum coriuyi durius in cervicibus et dorsis bourn aut etiam oviurn ; (2) verticillus citharae, quo chordse intenduntur; (3) scor- tum, cinaedus. Vid. Damm. in v.] (l) the hard skin about the neck of an ox ; (2) a screw or key by which the shings of the lyre were tightened; (3) a pathic. X' ijfjie'is avry Tore rr?s o'joyr^s oXiyov rbv fcoXXozr' avd^ev. Vesp. . 574. KdXXv/3os, ov, 6, subst. [(1) species numismatis ; (2) bos in numismate sculptus ; (3) collybus,] a small piece of money stamped with the figure of an ox ; agio, in money changes. Ovbeis e-rrpiaT' av bpeTrarov ovbe KoXXvfiov. Pax 1200. KoXXypd, as, j'/, subst. [panis qui pueris dabatur; frustulum panis,] a cake, a bun. KoXXvpav yucydX^r, teat KovbvXov o-^ov ?r' avrfj. Pax 122. KdXotap^s, ov, 6, subst. [graculorum dux,] a leader of jack-daws. Tipos TOVS KdXotap\as TrpoafjXBes ; oi) Xeyets ; Aves 1212. KoXoios, ov, 6, subst. [graculus, monedula,] a jay, a jack-daw. Tt ydp ear' 'Epex^eT, Kal KoXotols, Kal wvl ; Equit. 1022. EPITH. 'Hxye, Kal ypaiblwv KoXdcrvprov. Plut. 530. SYN. Oopi)/3os, TrXiyOos/ EPITH. 'ApydXtos, avbpttyuvds, TrdXvs.^ KoXoypa7os, a, or, adj. [przeccps,] steep. 'Ev yp pi.v Tpolgipl KdXovpahj vir6 . Call. fr. 66. SYN. ' 494 KOAO KOMI KdXovw, v. [amputo, praecido, decurto,] to cut short, to maim, to cut to pieces. 'E?r' avroV, ws KoXovjUfVovs, Jy ^biKrjaEy. aXXd ydp. Vesp. 244. SYN. 'Air&- KOTTTd), KdrdKOTTT(t), TTTJpOb), [AGIOW, Xw/3dto>. KoXTrios, ov, adj. [sinuatus,] covering the bosom. TlsTrXov ' pe a eiffpEOVT 6edro. Dan. 34. SYN. IIrv, TTTVX?, aycwi/. EPITH. 'Ayx^dXos, elvdXios, fidOvs, fiddvbivqs, evpvs, evubrjs, fipvdeis, beivos, ijjiEpdets, KrjwbrjS, oiKTipfJ., v. [sitiuo, in sinus contraho,] to swell, to expand. KoXTrwfl// b' tipoioi fiddvs EvpwTre/^s. Mosch. 2. 125. SYN. nnWw. >, fds, adj. [sinuosus,] winding. Tdv KoXirwbr) irrepvy Ev/3otas. Iph. A. 120. SYN. KoXTTtds. KdXv^u/3dw, v. [aquas subeo,] to dive. 'I^, TTWS vijooa KoXvpfiy. Anacr. 37- 5. SYN. AUTTTW. KoXv^/37/r)s, ov, fcdXv///3^r)p, ^pos, (2) K8Xvjji(3os, ov, 6, et (3) KoXvpfiis, ibos, rf, subst. [urinator, natator, urinatrix,] a diver, a swimmer, (3) a didapper. Afa KdXvjjipriTripos, es pvdbv poXelv. /Esch. Suppl. 413. See also Phcen. 1167. Acharn. 876. and Aves 305. KoX^os, ov, 6, et KoXxts, tSos, r/, P. N. [Colchus, Colchis,] a native of Colchi. KoX^wv alav, KvdvEas ^vjjnrXvjydbds. Med. 2. See also Med. 132. EPITH. 'Aprifydrds, KeXat^wi//, dprjios, pdKErds, a^fvos. KoXwdw, v. [tumultuor, effutio,] to gabble, to raise a disturbance. 0epo-/r7i 6' ETI fjiovros dperpoEirris EKuXya. B. 212. SYN. 0opi)/3(u, KEXabZo), fc'pavya^w. KdXwy^, rjs, rj, et KoXwvds, ov, 6, subst. [tumulus, collis,] a mound, a hill. KoXw'ij is also the name of a city. A. 756. KoXwyds, [pagus Atticensis,] a pagus in Attica on a hill near Athens, so called from a hero of the same name. "Ecrt &E rts 7rpo7rdpoi0 TroXews 3 alireld KoX&vr}. B. 811. See also Apoll. 1. 1120. SYN. TEwXotytiv, irpwv, KvtifJLOs, oxO<> s > o0pvs, betpds. EPITH. bpdffEpos, fivEfioets, 7rpo/3Xr)s, XdaWs, TraiTrdXoets , evv^pos, Kpdrdos, , ov, 6, subst. [perturbatio,] a disturbance. 'Ev be 0eo7o-t KoXydv eXav- veroV ovbt rl bairos. A. 575. SYN. 0opv/3os, rdpd X )7. Kopapds, ov, 6 et >/, subst. [arbutus,] the strawberry tree, the arbutus. Koyudpots, feat ro7s KOTIVOIS. Aves 620. Kofjiaptyayos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui arbuteis fructibus vescitur,] one who feeds on strawberry-trees. Td TE KorivoTpaya, TO. re Ko/Jiapdtyaya. Aves 240. Kojudw, v. [(l)como, comam alo, comatus sum ; (2) superbio,] to cherish hair, to be proud, to exult. Mr) tyQoveiQ" fjfjuv Koftwffi, ^b' dTreflrrXeyyto-^tevots. Equit. 580. SYN. 'E06, eTrtyueXfd/iai, Krjboj.iai, rpe^w. >;s, >;, subst. [coma, caesaries culta,] a lock of hair, foliage. Ou p/^/e0' v rdrrSe 7Tpi/3oXds KofArjs. Here. F. 56l. SYN. Bocrrpv^os, eOetpd, 0pt, oftr). EPITH. HctJ'O);, a(3pa % V7rXo*cdjuo$, eva>5i;s, av^uibrjs, ^pMECi, rai'dos, XevKoxpws, Tri^dpd, w/u7, XtTrdpd, loeibrjs, Ifjieprvj, /xfXatvd, XevK>), TroXia, ov, 6, adj. [crinitus; subst. cometa,] hairy, feathery; a comet. I7y- VOVTO.I TTO.V& o rl fiovXovrat' K<$.T yv PEV ibtaal KdfJLiiTr)v. Nub. 348. SYN. oorpvxos, V7rfc^(s, ^airiieis* ), ?)s, ^, subst. [(1) vectura, (2) cura ; (3) dativ. Kfyu5j/ vel Kofiibfj pro adverbio usurpatur, valde, niagnopere, diligenter,] conveyance, care, inainte- 1 See Dr. Blomf. Gloss., whose happy emendation is here adopted. * 0oz/ is scanned here as a long syllable. 3 nAw* is here scanned as an Iambus. KOMI KONA 495 nance, provision, (3) diligently, altogether, wholly. "Hvrivd ol icrtd^v, Kopi- briv ZrWevTo vofirJES. Theocr. 25. 109. SYN. (2) 'E7rr//eXei, 0epa7rei'a, o/dos. Ko>/cw, v. [euro, fero, repeto, accipio,] to take care of, to bear, to convey. pEons /it Qqpaias x&ovos. Bacch. 949. SYN. 'AvaKopigw, icq&cw, rra^o/iat, r^yueXew, aju07rw, jSaordcJw, aTrdyw. oV, adj. [ferendus,] to be born, conveyed or derived from. KapTros ov Ko/juffTEos. Sept. Theb. 597. fyucm/p, ijpds, et Kofjilffrrjs, ov, 6, subst. [(l) portator, (2) deductor,] a carrier, a bearer, a conductor. 'Ftytds e TTO/HTTOUS Kal Kofjuarrjpas utipqs. Hec. 222. See also Androm. 1257. SYN. 'Aywyos. dpifrrpdv, ov, TO, subst. [(l) inunus ob reditum datum ; item (2) vectura, de- ductio,] (1) money paid for a safe return; (2) a conveying. K fjLoKuv. Here. F. 1379- SYN. loJarpor. o/i^d, dros, TO, subst. [(1) segmentum ; (2) nota, vel signum nummo impres- sum,] a segment, mark, stamp. XQes re Kal Trpwrjv KorreHal T$ Kati Ran. 726. EPITH. Kcko>, irovrjpov, KO.IVOV. , ov, 6, subst. a fcoTrrw, [planctus, plangor.] wailing. " eire Kifffftas. Choeph. 417. pia., as, r/, subst. [ornatrix,] a female adorner. "lerrw Trap' avTtjv, ?0', rj *roju//(0rpta. Eccles. 737- Ko//7rac?u;, et fcoyuTrew, v. [strepitum edo, crepo, jacto,] to make a noise, to re- sound, to boast. Fvvalfc' dpiffTrjv tori KOfjnraaai. Alcest. 334. See also Eur. Electr. 815. SYN. Favotaw, a\ac?6Vevo/mi, ^/o^ew, bovireut, Kom/3ea>, Trdrayew, d, arcs, ro, subst. [jactatio,] an object of boasting. pevas ydp els avros rvTrets. P. V. 369. SYN. 'AXacJdyevyuu, ffav w, vid. Ko^tTra^w. , v. [inanes ampullas projicio,] to make a high-sounding boast. \' OVK EKo^TroXaKovv. Ran. 9^1. , oi>, 6, subst. [qui est tumidus, et sui jactans,] an empty boaster. 'Apd KOfjnro\aKv6ov ; Acharn. 589' Ko)U7ros, ov, 6, subst. [(l)crepitus apri acuentis dentes ; (2) strepitus ; (3)ver- borum ampullae, jactatio,] a noise made by striking or beating ; boasting, ap- plause. MJ) (j>Boi>i KOfwov TOV eoiKtir doibq. Isthm. 5. 30. SYN. ( C 2)*d(pos, &OVTTOS, dpayfjios, (3) Ko^7ra, dXazovevti- fjiai. TT//*, eds, 6, >/, adj. [festivus, lepidus, elegans,] witty, elegant. Twv , vrpos yovi' rd', w Ko^o-TrpETrrj. Nub. 1030. , 77, 6V, adj. [festivus, elegans, comptus,] elegant, pompous. E'icru TE op^d drj\eiu>v Eirr). Troad. 853. SYN. 'AareTo*, ev^v^s, eirixapis, alpvXlids, afipos, Trdvovpyfts, TrWdvos, yXd(f>vpos. o//^ws, adv. [scite, festive,] elegantly, pompously. Kop^tis TE Kal &etirvr)Ti- Ko>s. Acharn. 101 6. SYN. 'Aoret'ws, yXd^>vpw$, ^dptevrws. dm/3?w, et Kdvd(3iti>, v. [resono,] to ring, to utter a hollow confused noise. X^epodXeov Ko^d/^r/o-dv, dvaavTuv VTT' 'Avatar. B. 334. See also fl>. 255. SYN. 'HXW, dvldxii), KOfJ.TTE(i). , ov, 6, subst. [sonitus, strepitus,] a sound, a clash. Kovdfids ev Tri/- 496 KONA KOHP Xats xaXfcoSerw*' ffdicewj/. Sept. Theb. 148. SYN. To^os, boviros, KTVTTOS, fix* 5 ' KoVSvXos, ov, o, subst. [articulus quodigitusflectitur; alapa; tuber,] a knuckle; a slap ; a tubercle. Mtiv r&v aKopobwr evefiaXts els rov KovbvXov ; Pax 258. SYN. KoXfyos. Ko>ta/ as, et KoViif, tos, //, subst. [(l)pulvis; (2) lix, calx, lixivium,] dust, chalk, ley to wash with. "Affrti re, fcai OdAdjuovs, Kalhroalv ev Kovtats. Androm. 112. See also Hec. 325. SYN. Kov/ao-dAos, v//d/.epa, favOr), Kovfyr), peXatva, oOvela, ^OdyudX*;. Ko>/c?w, et Kovidjy v. [pulvere inipleo,] to cover with dust. EvpiJ irebiof av 6' ETro^eai avrovs. z. 145. See also 0. 122. KovlopTos, et KoviaaXos, ov, 6, subst. [pulvis,] dust raised. '6 Koviopros avTwv u)s opov 7rpoffKei/j.ev(t)v. Equit. 245. See also F. 13. SYN. Kons, KOV/TTOUS, et KOVIOTTOVS, TTobos, 6, subst. [qui est pede pulverulentus, solea,] dust- footed, dusty-foot, a name given at Epidaurus to country-people ; a sandal. be \it)pei ^Xdvlba ical KdviTrobas. Eccl. 848. , vid. Ko^ta. ds, vid. Kortopros. Ktiviw, vid . Kdy/5w. Kovras, ov, et (2) Kowds, ov, 6, P. N. [Connas, Connus,] the names of two men in Aristophanes. See Equit. 534. and Vesp. 673. Kovyew, v. [scio, cognosce,] to know, to understand. Kovi'w 5' oYai'. ^Esclf. Suppl. 171. EXP. Kovveiv ativlevat, eirlffraaQat. Hesych. SYN. See Fi- , ov, e, subst. [contus, nantica hasta, longa et robusla,] a sharp-pointed weapon, a pole used in thrusting the vessel from the shore. KotroTs Se irpu- pav el\6v' ol 6' eTrwrtW. Iph. T. 1351. SYN. IloVfl?/. , ov, TO, subst. [securis, gladius,] a battle-axe, a sword. Iletpal . Choe'ph. 847. SYN. KoTrts, pa KoTridw, v. [laboro,] to labor, to toil, to be tired, "flare irapearai Kdirijtv v Aves 734. SYN. ', KOTTO.^, ' , ibds, fi, subst. [culter ad caedendum aptus,] a carving-knife, a faulchion. O'irrei ris rjfjuv Konlb' ; airoppfifo ^eXvv. Eur. Electr. 837. SYN. KOTTCLVOV, l(j)OS. KOTT?S, ews, 6, subst. [orator vanus,] a wily orator. KdTrts, //SvXtfyos, crrr/s. Hec. J31. SYN. AdXos, prjTWp. KOTTOS, ov, 6, subst. [labor,] labor. "lv>\ fylKav KOTTOS p.' dTraXXa^ nore. Philoct. 880. SYN. Kdjuctros, avia. K^TTOW, v. [lasso,] to weary or tire. 'Ec TroXe^ov aviovffav, evel Xirjv eKorru)- Orjv. Batrach. 188. SYN. 'A7rorpvw, retpta, aitdK&jjtvw, icoTridw. KoTTTrdrias, ov, 6, subst. [equus notatus r^> Komra,] a horse marked with a ?. "Or' ETfpiajj.r]v rov KOTnraTiav' oip.oi ruXas. Nub. 23'. KoTrpdywytw, et KOTrpew, v. [stercoro,] to convey dung, to manure. 'Eyw 5e ifdTrpdywy^v yd Trpwrd vat atw. Lysistr. 1176. See also p. 229. SYN. Ko7rpo> dyw, 7rtj3aXXw. KoTrpetos, a, o>, adj. [stercorarius,] of dung. Kai Trpds epe TOVT elir dvrjp Kd-rrpeios. Equit. 899. KoTrpew, vid. KoTrpdywyew. KoTrpoXdyos, ov, adj. [qui stercora colligit,] a scavenger. T KoirpoXoyy, Kai ravrd \oibopov p,evos. Vesp. 1 1 84. Ko7rpos,ov,r/, subst. [stercus,stabulum,] dung, a stall, dust. Tlavras be ' 1 The penult, of Kovia, in Homer, is long in the singular, when it ends the hexameter, but always short in the plural. Euripides makes the penult, short in the passage quoted, and in Suppl. 831. Aristophanes <( in lyricis media brevi adhibet, in diverbiis autem longa." Herman. De Met. p. 153. It is long sometimes in the arsis. Dr. Blomf., whose sagacity nothing escapes, has proved that the last syllable of KOVIS and KOVIV is long, though probably on account of the me- trical ictus. See P. V. 1120. KODP KOPK 497 Kara /coVpoV. X. 414. SYN. ^Troo^s, KUVIS, irri\6s, ffKwp. w, v. [stercora fero; stercore oblino,] to bear, or besmear with, filth. ^<7w a', el XaXijveis. Equit. 295. tivos, 6, subst. [sterquilinium,] a dunghill, a stall. 'Es TOV Koirp&v olv . Thesm. 485. SYN. 'A^po/v. KoVrrw, v. [caedo, ferio, scindo, med. v. plangor,] to cut off, to forge, to smite; (in the middle voice,) to beat oneself for sorrow. KOTTTOVTCS bovpetroi ptra- Qpti'dv, ?/6e Kcit w/uiovs. 0. 528. SY'N. 'AVUKOTTTM, KurdwTrrw, 7rX/7 t dpaovTw. Kopdfctt/us, ov, 6, subst. Fgenus piscium, saperda,] a kind of shell-fish emitting a disagreeable smell. "OTO.V aairtfr % WJ/ > Kai fopyom ns, icyr 1 tivrjTai kdpaKi- vovs. Lysistr. 560. Kopo, d*:os, 6, subst. [corvus,] a crow. 'Es Kopaxas ftdbiel /ierd/iwvtt/s ; Fax 1 17. KopSa, afcos, 6, subst. [saltatio quaedam ridicula et lasciva,] a kind of wanton dance. IIpoorfle, pi6cr^6s t ?rap- , j3advwvds, fiadvKoXirds, 5etX?/, Svo-epws, bopvffffoos, Tvpavvos, evOios, tprj- , eXu'WTTis, evTrXoKCLjuos, eveibrjs, evfcrtdvos, evafyvpos. veddijXrjs, fjCiapa, ifjte- os, ^ Kdpi; also was a name of Proserpine. Eur. Suppl. 334. Kopj/yud, dros, ro, subst. [scopa,] a besom, a broom. KdrdOov ro 'KKdpet TIJV 'EXXdSd. Pax 59. lopdvvw, et KopBvw, v. [coacervo, colligo, tolio,] to heap up, to collect, raise. Zevs 5* ETret ovv Kopdvvev tov HEVOS, e^Xero 6' oVXd. Hes. Theog. 853. See also I. 8. SYN. 'ETrm'pw, v^ow, Kopv<])d(i>, avav(D, aiivaOpoiZtt), ffi/XXtyw. LOpStfs, iJos, r/, subst. [acervus,] a heap. Tds xopdvos a ro/id vfiplv. Theocr. 10. 46. Copia, as, r}, P. N. [epitheton Dianae,] Diana. "AXXo^ p.kv Kopfys, orl oi avvt- Xe^do Koiyms. Call. 3. 234. ^oplavov, et Koplavvtiv, ov, ro, subst. [coriandrum,] a herb resembling parsley, the coriander. Mvprois ore^d^ov aflat ical Koplavots. Anacr. 138. See also Equit. 679. [op/c?o/iat, v. [blandior,] to caress. Tovrov TOV vlov Xappavova Nub. 68. SYN. 'YnoKdpiZdpat, KoXaKevu). , a, 6v, adj. [Corinthius,] Corinthian, of Corinth. Kdpit-diai . Med. 216. ov, y, P. N. [Corinthus,] an illustrious city in Achaia. ^See in Evic- H. 'AXt/cXvaros, Awpts, o'X/3ta, 'Ia0/ua, o^pv^eaad, ay\ii&Kovp6s, rlfievos. EPITH. afjKJ)ida.\a.ooos, afyvews. opioV, ov, ro, subst. [pupa, puellula,] a little girl, a doll. 'AXX', w 7rovi/pd y deXtov irarpos. Acharn. 731. dpa, fos,6vebV f subst. [(l)cimex; (2) hypericum,] (Da^bug; (2) Saint John's wort, or the ground pine. 'AXX' OVK eaxrt p eeveyKlt> oi Kvpeis^ Nub. 634. , ov, 6, subst. [oius agreste et vile,] the pimpernel. K?0' r/^d/zeF row KopKopov. KaraffvtffavTts avroV. Vesp. 239- Pros. Lex 3 R 498 KOPK KOPY KopKopvyt), r/s, r/, et KopKopvypds, ov, o, subst. [(l) intestinorum tumultus, (2) strepitus quivis,] a rumbling noise, as that of the bowels; a roar. Ayaov be pdxas Kal KOpKopvyus. Pax 99 1. SYN. Tdpdxr/, jSor/, 6opv/3oJ, /3t>qrvs. ' Ko/ojuds, ou, 6, yol. Kopnos, (uncle corpus,) subst. [truncus,] a trunk, a stock, a log. Kop/zovs \aj36fTs Trevrtvovs' o # ov (peptnv. Hec. 5? 3. SYN. KXwv, ffrtXe^d's, irpefjivov, K\abds. Kdpds, ov, o, subst. [satietas,] satiety, wantonness. 'ETret be iroXXtiv bctKpvwv elxev Kopov. Alcest. 186*. SYN. J Abos, far), TrXqafJiQvfi. EPITH. At^pos, alfds, XevyaXeos, vfipiarris. PHR. See N. 6'36*. Eur. fr. Antiop. 27. 1. Nem. 7. 76. Kojooy, Ion. Kovpds, et Dor. tcwpos, ov, 6, subst. [puer,] a boy, a youth, a son. Ovb' a fj.(f>i parapets Kopovs. Aridrom. 466*. See also o. 149. and Call. 5. 85. SYN. rials, iralbttiv, a'ir)ds, vtos, vios, Kovplbtos. EPITH. ^AyXaos, afipo- XaiTrjs, ev(j>v^s, veodriXrjs, uWaXoeis, yeoTD/juwv, evTrpeTrrjs. Kdpff??, et Koppri, rjs, ?/, subst. [(1) crinis, tempora, caput; (2) maxilla,] the hair, the temples, the head; the jaw-bone. K6p0f)V r/ 6' erepoid bio. Kporatyoio . A. 502. SYN. Ke^aXr), Kporafds, yvaOos, Traprjis. EpJTH. Kd- Kopvfias, CIVTOS, 6, et Kvpfiatres, wr, ot, P. N. [Corybantes,] the Corybantes, who nursed Jupiter in Crete, called also Curetes and Idaei Dactyli. *H KopvfiavTW. Hipp. 142. See also Call. 1.46. EPITH. ' , v. [insanio more Corybantum,] to rave like the Corybantes. 'AXX' T/ irapatypovels ereo^, ?*/ Kopvfiuvriys. Vesp. 8. SYN. McuVo/KU, (j>otf3ao- pat, ficLKyevoiJLcu, baipovaw, ( Kdjov/3avr/5(u, v. [Corybantum sacris initio,] to initiate into the mysteries of the Corybantes. Merd TCIVT eKdpvftavTic'' o b* avry rvpiravw. Vesp. 1 19. Kopvbds et KdpvbaXXos, ov, o, et Kopi>6aXXts, tbds, r/, subst. [ alauda cristata,] a lark. "Aetbov Kopvboi Kai aKavdibes, eareve rpvywv. Theocr. 7. 141. See also Theocr. JO. 50. and Theocr. 7. 23. Kopv0ai, 'IKOS, 6 et ?/, adj. [galeam movens,] helm-moving. 7 la6s 'EyvdXtw KopvOatKi TTTdXejuiiaTri. X. 132. Kdjoi/0a/6Xds, ov, o, adj. [qui galeam habet variegatam ; qui galeam agitat ; epith. Hectoris, &c.] having a variegated helmet, helmet-shaking. Tputal peyas KopvdaioXos "Efcrwp. B. 8l6. SYN. XaXKOKopvaTijs, KEKO- , 6, plur. Kopvpfia, Kvpvfjftr), f], subst. [vertex, cacumen, cincinnus, ramus,] a top, a lock of hair, a branch. 'A/^i va&v Kdpvppa. Iph. A. 258. fCpdv, Kopv(j)ri, fcXwv, K\abds. EPITH. 'AcdXtds, aKpoKOftds, , evTreraXos, poboeis, ffnupos, v^/t7 SYN. Kepdtar?;?, , v. [caput jacto ; cornu ferio,] to toss the head; to butt with the horns. Toy AifivKov KVO.KWVO. QvXaaaed, pij TV Kopv^rj. Theocr. 3. 5. dpvs, vdos, ^, subst. [galea, cassis,] a helm, a casque. 'AaTrts dp' cunrib' tpeibe, Kopvs Kdpvv, avepa b' aviip. N. 131. SYN. TpitydXem, nvveri, yaXea, Kpavtis, irrjXrjZ, Ktipvbds. EPITH. "ApprjKTos, appayris, ap^l^aXos, baibaXZr}, i] iinrdbaffeia, 'imrovpls, 'nnroKtifjioSf KaXrj, Kparepa, \ap7rpa, ^devvj), Trafjupa TErpa^aXds, ^aXo/jO^s, xpvor],jTTpd((>dXr]pds. PHR. See Apoll. 3. 1228. , v. part. p. perf. pass. KEKdpvfffjievos, et euphoniae gratia (Vid. Damm.) [(1) galea caput armo, (2) instruo armis, (3) extollo, concito,] KOPV K02M 499 to put on a helmet, to arm, to excite. XwtYo" FfyXe/wj'?, rtpvyal bi w^d pooto. . 306. SYN. (l)Kpdvds t^Si/w, (2)^o7rXt'^w, KddoirXlZu), 7rdpao*eimw, Kopvorj/s, ov, 6, subst. [armiger,] one who wears a helmet, or who bears arms, a warrior. ITpwros 5' 'An-iXovos Tpwwj/ i\ev avbpd Kopvarriv. A. 457. SYN. n ^^ ^ / /v i pvtiri, fjs, ?/, subst. [vertex,] a top, a summit. 'Aieporurj; Kopvtyy irdXvbelpdbos vXi/^TToto. A. 495. SYN.'Aicpwpem, OITTOS, Kopvpfios, KfyaXt), po0), EPITH. ^Acpovoyuos, bevbpoKopos, rjXifldrds, ), v. [in verticem attollo, finio,] to raise to the top, to finish, to con- clude. Koi/0oV 0> Kopvfjwvral, tiTroTrrvei 6' dXos ci^rf/v. A. 426. SYN. ' f, w, >), subst. [ficus, quod friictns ejus sint cornicis colore nigro,] a kind of black-colored fig. Kdpwvrj, r)s, fj, subst. [(1) comix, (2) omne curvum vel rotundum, ut in ja- nuis curvum illud manubrium, quo janua attrahitur ; (3) pars exterior cubiti human! ; (4) pars posterior curva puppis ; (5) cornua arcus extrema,] (1) a crow ; in Homer, a sea-gull ; (2) any thing curved or round, as, the handle of a door ; (3) the elbow; (4) the outside of a ship's poop; (5) the extremities of a bow. Oi be Kop&vrjfftv tKeXoi Trtpt vfja /ueXatvav. p. 418. SYN. (l)Kopa, and in Horn. Xdpos, aWvid, (2) KPIKOS, (4) yX^xiy. EpJTH. ( 1 ) MeXay^poos, oyu^>at'a, TrdXvipwvds, rdt^vyXwa'ods. Ko/jamaw, v. [cervicem vel cornua eftero, superbio,] to put forth horns, to be proud. Al^pys o^etTjffi KopwvlomvTa TrerrjXa. Hes. Scut. 289 SYN. Favptaw. >, tbos, fj, P. N. [Coronis,] the mother of jEsculapius. KaXXtTrtTrXov id Kopwribos. Pyth. 3. 42. EPITH. Aid, Qvydrr]p $Xlyvov fidfflXijds. 'is, ibos, //, ad f. [epith. navis vel nigrre vel cujus puppis inflexa est. Vid. Damm. in v.] black-prowed, with a curved prow. 'AXX' 6 ^ey kv vrjecrai KOpwlal TTOVTOTTOpOlOl. B. 77 1 r, ov, 6, P. N. [Coronus,] Coronus. Yi'fl* vKepQvpoid Kopw^ov Katrelbao. B. 746. S.oaKivd}j.avTiis t tos, 6 et 77, subst. [vates qui cribro utitur ad vaticinandum,] a conjuror who uses a sieve in his art. ElTre KCII 'Apyo>, 76, subst. [curculium, quisquiliee,] leather-parings. KoffKvX- /udriots dKpoiffi Toiavrl Xeywv. Equit. 49- >, v. [ordino, orno,] to arrange, to embellish. Ko P" S > et KOff/i^rijs, ov, 6, subst. [qui instruit aciem,] a marshaller, a commander. *A\p b' ei> -^epo^ efl^ beTras Korrfj^rupl Xawv. a. 151. See also r}. 127. SYN. 'Hye/^wv, dyos. {6ap.l6s, to, oi/, adj. [bene compositus,] orderly, elegant. 'Hs rovs bUalovs KOI ffO(ftOVS KCU KOffftlOVS. Plut. 89 SYN. EvK'OOT^OS, CVTCLKTds, CVTptTTllS, (TW(f>p<*H' t s, rjros, r/, subst. [decor, moderatio,] modesty, decorum. "6-r rrjs olKe~i per Zfjiov. Plut. 564. SYN. Evra^ta, ffwfpdovvr), /ucrptor^s. adv. [composite, modeste,] orderly, modestly. Etydtf, iv' arrd Xe^et. Thesm. 573. SYN. ZwQpovws, avvlrtis, Koa/xoy, oi/, 6, subst. [ordo, decus, decorum, oniamentum ; Pylhag. mundus,] order, regularity, decoration; the world. nx^yeJ* ov Kdrd Kuapov eXevtrerat Ov- 6. 0. 12. SYN."AyaXjud, ra^ts, evrafta, KaXXds, KaXXwrriff^d. EPJTH. 500 KOI2 KOYP KaXos, eroifJids, juupio7r\7?0>7S, eptOf/Xjjs, veorev^is, vvfujtlbtds, XiTrdpos, 7repifcaXX>}j, ejuepoeis, fyaeivos, ^opteis, -^pvaiiXards. s, ov, 6, i. q. Korrd/3os, q. v. , et KO&XOS, ov, 6, subst. [merula,] a blackbird. Kd'ts, ^r}vWfJLos t yoXos, opyi/, Ov^os, (f>6ovos. EPITH. An'os, apydXeos, a^iXi^ds, fiapvpyvls, beivos, Kpvepos. Ko7-rd/3/c'o>, v. [cottabo ludo, vel certo,J to play at the cottabus. 'E7ria/, ovtis, >/, subst. [(l) idem quod KdrvXr), (2) item cavus et contractus pes polypodis,] (1) the same as KorvX?;, (2) the claw of a polypus. See in KoruX?7pvros, ov, adj. [quod scyphis hauriri potest,] drawn with goblets, co- pious. Tlavrr) 5' a^0i VEKVV KOTvXiipvrov eppetv at/id. ^F. 34. KorvXds, ov, 6, subst. [(1) poculum, (2) mensura 7J unciarum,] a cup, a mea- sure containing seven ounces and a half. Cf. Boeckh. Staatsh. Ev be v /corvXot Kal iravTa Kavaarpa. Horn. Hymn. 47. 3. SYN. KorvXi;, Korvrrdpts, /, P. N. [Cotyttaris,] Cotyttaris. Tavrd yap a ypcua pe Korvrrdpis e,eblbaev. Theocr. 6. 40. KovXeos, vid. KoXeos. Kovpd, as, r/, subst. [tonsura,] a shaving, a lock of hair. Kovp Ovyarpos nev- di/utt) KeKapjjievos. Orest. 452. SYN. Xa/rty, Kop&r). KovpdXtos, ov, o, P. N. [Curalius,] a river near Corona3a. Kat /Bw^uoi Trdrd/i^T Kelvr eirl KovpdXtw. Call. 5. 62. Kovpe7c5f, ov, TO, subst. [tonstrina,] a barber's shop. ToTs p-etpaKtois ev rolai Kovpeiots rabl. Aves 1441. Kovpr;, Ion. pro Kdprj, q. v. Kovprjs, TITOS , 6, Ion. pro Kdpys, adj. [juvenis,] young. Kptvafievos Kovpijr&s apivrrjas rid^dxatuiv. T. 193. SYN. Kopos, Kovpos, reds, a'igrjos. Kovpfjres, utv, ol, P. N. [Curetes,] the Curetes. See Damm. P. R. T ft 0dXd- fjievfjid Kovpf]Twv. Bacch. 120. Kovpjotds, a, ov, adj. [nuptus, vel nupta, with arr/p and yvi^), cf. Buttman Lex. virgineus,] married, blooming. ^xerXt^, ovb* erXrj iroalos ov Kovpibtow. \p. 150. Kovpigu), v. [(1) juvenilem aetatem ago, (2) palpo, (3)tondeo,] to be a young man, to invigorate, to fondle, to shave. Aafyrew ^'pwos, o Kovpigw QopeeffKe. X' 185. SYN. N*aw, ^/3d(M, Keipw. KOYP KPAA 501 , ov, et T),O>, adj. [tonsorius,] shaving. "Apaaae Kpard Kovptytdv. Troad. 28Q. SYN. Tdfialds. Kovp/, adv. [crinibus,] by the hair. Kovp/g* ei> baneby be x"/* " /3aX6 \iivov Kijp. x- 188. Kovpofidpos, ov, o et ^, adj. [pueros perdens,] youth-destroying. wdpeei. Agam. 1490. KoDpds, Ion. pro Kopos, q. v. KovpdToKos, ov, 6 et T/, subst. [puerpera, mater,] male-bearing, a mother. Kov- POTOKOIS ev'Apyeiats. Eur. Suppl. 9^7- SYN. M^rqp., rtKOverd. Kovporpo^os, ov, >jr, subst. [juvencularum nutrix,] nurse of young men or women. Kcu rjjf /covporpo<, r/j FT/. Thesm. 300. SYN. 0pe7rre7pd, Kow0/cw, v. [levo, elevo; werf. levis sum,] to lighten, to wield with ease, to raise lightly ; to be light, light-headed. flXrjflovs r Kovtylveie /uT?7-epa ^Odva. Helen. 41. SYN. 'Avafcoy^t^w, 7rt'Kov0/c?w, tTra/pw, t\a(j)pi$w t tXa^pt^efTfcw. Kov(j)i(Tfjia, arcs, ro, et Kofylcris, >/, subst. [levamen,] alleviation, solace. Xetpos dvpaias ava^tveiv Kov^ifffAard. Plicen. 86"2. SYN. '^mfcou^tffis, irupa Kov(f)dv/, adj. [levi animo praeditus,] light or silly-minded. ov, Kovtyovovv T evrjBiav. P. V.391 T?, oy, adj. [levis,] light, empty, nimble. Koitywv e/tart taf. Iph. T. 595. SYN. EiJKwXos, p$bws,Trpqds, eXcfypfa, d^er^vos, * KouipurTjs, 7?ros, 6, subst. [levitas, alleviatio,] a lightening, an alleviation. KovfydrrjTa fjio^Owv . Eur. fr. Androm. 22. 3. SYN. Kov0tytu, dfd(cov0t<7ts. Kov0ws, adv. [leviter,] lightly. Kov^dis (ftepovay Kpetaabvuv /SovXevyudrd. Med. 450. SYN. 'EXa^pws, ev^oXws, pfjtSiws, evTTfrws. Ko0t>ds, ov, 6, subst. [(1) cophinus, corbis, (2) mensura,] a basket, a measure in Boeotia containing three x S " K'u rovs Kotylvovs airavTcis epTriiTrXr) Trrtpwr. Aves 1310. SYN. Aapva|, Xap/cds, (poppas, tnrvpts, KaXadus. KoxXias, ov, 6, subst. [cochlea, scala cochleata,] a cockle, winding stairs. B6X/3os TIS KoxMas %p^- ^s KOTOS abvs. Theocr. 14. 17- Ko)(Xos, ov, 6 vel //, subst. [concha,] a shell. Ko^Xovs re tyva&v, ^vXXtywi/ r* cy^wptovs. Iph. T. 304. SYN. Koyx7> ^oy\6s, /coxXtds. EPITH. Tdvdos. Kc/x^w, Athen. KOX^CW, inde Theocr. K-ox^^eerfce, v. [defluo,] to ooze out, to trickle down. 'Ibp&s yuev Ko^ybeaKev taov vorlaiolv eepyais. Theocr. 2. 107. SYN. Kdrarpfx fcdrd^epojuat, mrappew, aTroora^w. Koxwj'i/, 775, ^, subst. [coxendicis commissura ; femur,] the joining of the haunch with the buttocks; the thigh. 'ATrdKpvTrro/uti'os els ras Kd^wvas, rov Beovs cLTT^fAvvv. Equil.482. KO^/L^OS, vid K6aav(f)ds. Kowi/, wvos, 6, P. N. [Coon,] Coon. 'AXX' eTrdpovae Kowvt, txwv d^e/iorp^es eyx^s. A. 256. Kows, et Kws, w, r/, P. N. [Cos,] an island in the Icarian sea. Kcu /utv 7retrd KowvS' ew vawpwriv aTreveiKcis. E. 255. See also B. 6'77. Kpdds, vid. Kpas. Kpayerr^s, ov, o, adj. [vociferator,] one who clamors, bawling, noisy. Kpayercu be Kd'loioi. Nem. 3. 143. SYN. KtVpaKrrjs, Ke\abetr8s. KpdyoV, adv. [alta voce,] vociferously, loudly. Kat cpdyov KtKpa&rai. Equit. 487. , et fcpd^dw, v. [vibro,] to brandish, to quiver. Nr/Si/todX' o|i> k-pd- djuevov Xve yv7d. P. 524. See also N. 583. SYN. 'AvdTrdXXw, avaoeiu, bo- , crdXcvw. ^ro', Dor. pro Kp^Se/urfi', q- v. pdS^, rjs, >'/, et K-pd5os, ov, 6, subst. [ramus ficulnus,] a branch or twig of a fig-tree, a fig. OvS^ airtwy ircp avSpwv ras *cpd5o mrj/aOioy. Pax 027. See Aves 40. SYN.IV/OJ. Kpd&a, vid. 502 KPAZ KPA2 Kpde?o>, v. [clamo,] to bawl aloud. See in Kpd&6V. SYN. Kpaflts, loos, 6, P. N. [Crathis,] a river in Lucania which was supposed to make the hair of those who drank it white and soft. See Pliu. xxxt. 2. 10. Kpadis, Zadeais irr)ya~iffl r/oe^wj/. Tioad. 230. KpcuVw, et Kpataivia, v. [(l)efficio," (2)impero,] to accomplish, to fulfil, to complete. IloXXd 5' de\7rrws Kpaivoval 6eoi> Med. 1413. See also E. 508. SYN. TeXeidd), avvuj, eKTrparrw, KpatTrdXdw, v. [crapulam sentio,] to have a sickness from drinking. Tlt'ipav e%ovTa, Xd^dyd T dypld bpooepa Kpanra\u>t>Ta 6\ Plut. 2^8. SYN. Ka^ct^w, /U601/W. KpanraXr), rjs, fi, subst. [crapula, comissatio,] a sickness after hard drinking, revelling. "Ear fiefl' fj/uwv v/j7rfys, CK KpauraXrjs. Acharn. 277. KpaiTrdXoK'wjuds, ov, 6, subst. [ebrius comissator,] one who gets drunk at a feast, a reveller. "Hv l\ d cpat7rd\o/cw/ios. Ran. 217. Kpaiirvds, >), ov, adj. [rapid us, velox, celer,] rapid, swift, furious. Hfi^fj." Zs "A*6oi/ Kpanrrov op^aaaa fioi. Hipp. 830. SYN. K/>7rdXfyos, deXXoTrows, rd- \vs, Odds, otys, &KVS, \a(f>pos. Kpat7r^oai)ros, ov, adj. [celeriter vectus,] quickly moving. Kcu vvv Trdbi KpatirroavTov. P. V. 287. Kpunrvofyopos, ov, v et ?/, adj. [rapide ferens,] rapidly bearing. be // eTrep^dv avpat. P. V. 133. KpaiTr^ws, adv. [velociter,] swiftly. 'AXXd Troat Kpanrvws Beoper, Kal vr\vaiv apiffrot. 0. 247 SYN. Td^tws, pipfya, 6owi> f KapTra\ifj., Kapirov re K'pdre/os. *c. 242. Kparaos, a, 6v, adj. [corneus,] of the corneil or wild cherry-tree. Ncu pa robe Kpaveiov 1 aKovriov, % fJLtv tyw at. H. Merc. 457. Kpartov, ov, TO, subst. [(1) cranium; (2) poculi genus,] (1) the skull, (2) a drinking-cup. "E^ets; b. KaKov ye npos KCLK^' TO KpavWv. Cycl. 677. SYN. Bpey/ud, (2) ffKixftoa, aKatyluv. KpavoTroitw, v. [galeas facio,] to make helmets. Kai by \wpe7 rovrt TO KOLKOV* Kpavajroiwv av /*' tntTptyei. Ran. 1017- Kpavdwoids, ov, o, subst. [galearum opifex,] a helmet-maker. O'/yu', w KpavonoT, ws ad\l(i)S Trewpayafjiev. Pax 1255. Kpdyds, eos, TO, subst. [galea,] a helmet. J/ Er' earl Tolai Kpaveffiv o TI ns \prj- aeraf, Pax 1257- SYN. Kvt'trj, ydXtd, xopvs. EPITH. XpvoedTvirdv. Kpavrwp, dpds, o, subst. [rector,] a ratirier, a ruler. 4>0/as KpavTopes, w Trdrlp. Androm. 507. SYN. Kpe/wv, j3aos yoaaaKe. 0. 92. See alsoH. 177. SYN. See Kap, caput. Kpcitrts, ewj, ?/, subst. [mixtio, mixtura,] a mixture. Kpdfftv yap vypuv OVK e^wv ai//7Sd fffjv. Phaeth. 72. SYN. M/#fs, avyxyol*. Kpaffirebov, ov, TO, subst. (1) fimbria ; (2) margo ; (3) ora veli,] the bottom of a garment, a flounce, a margin, the extremity of the sail. KpcHnreba arepfjia- TUV, ri\v ff virri-vrjv. Vesp. 476. SYN. Qvadvos. KpaffTrebdw, v. [circumdo velut fimbria,] to surround with a fringe, to hem. KeKpamrebioTai r ofyeaiv, Alylbos Tpoxov. Ion 1423. Kparcu/3oXds, vel itparafioXos, ov, adj. [caput percutiens,] liitting the head. rijO(Iiro> HEV avrov ^epfjidbas Kpdrcu/3oXovs. Bacch. 1085. KpdratyvdXoj, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [firmus, fortis,] having a strong cavity, strong. re KpdratyvdXot, KCLI pciXivd bovpd. T. 36' 1. SYN. 'Iff-^ypos. Ex P. ^ypd yvd\d. us, ibos, ?/, P. N. [Cratreis,] the mother of Scylla. 'A\Xd ^udXa o-^oSpais e\dar, fibHTrpeiv be Kparauv. yu. 124. * KpttrcuAfws, wv, et Kparanrebos, ov, adj. [lapidibus stratus, durus,] rendered strong with stones, strong. Ows 6' av yevoir av ev KparaiXey ireby. Eur. Electr. 534. See also 4/. 46. K/odraids, u, ov, adj. [robustus, fortis, violentus,] strong, violent. 0tywv Kpd- Tcttas X 1 P<> S > evveiret Tale. Here. F. 959. SYN. Kjodrtpos, eyKpa.Tt}s, aXxfjets, aXKifjios, yzvvcuos, oQevapos, epiffdevrjs. KpaTaurebos, vid. KpdraiXews. KpdratTrovs, vid. Kaiora/Trovs. s, d, 6v, adj. [robustus, fortis,] strong, brave. T6ov d?ro oXeKOVTd tyoXciyyas . 0. 279- SYN. Kpdratos, dyijvatp, betvos, a , ovos, adj. [infractus animo,] strong in mind, fierce. "H p' 'HpaK\7/a Kpdrepo>p6Vd yeiVard 7rat5d. S. 324. SYN. Kaprpo0u/*os, Iff-^ypos, xpaTepos, ToXjuriprjs, fjteved irveiwv. Kpdrtpwvw^, v^os, adj. [solidos ungues habens,] firm-hoofed, solid-footed. "Imrovs 6' auros )(e /cpdrepwvi^ds ev yueydpotai. 0. 30. Kpdrepais, adv. [valide, strenue,] strongly, sternly. KdS' S' e/3d\e i, /to>, a6irm>, aairtTOV, dtrcOcoy, dfj.aifj.dKer , 6pdav f fretvov, fieyd, vtKrjfyopov, v\fjrj\ov, TTO- et Kaprvvu), v. [confirmo, munio,] to strengthen, to support, to go- vern. 'Evos Trpos dvSpos, ou/c 0^^ Kparitt'erai. Eur. Suppl. 421. See also A. 215. SYN. Kdriff^vu), /i7rl6dw, ap^w. Kpdri/s, i/os, adj. [fortis,] strong. T?}v yuerd ^epaiy e\wv Trerero Kpdrvs 'Apyet- tyovT-ns. ft. 345. SYN. See Kpdrmds. Kpavyj), ^s, >/, subst. [clamor,] a clamor, a cry. Kpai/y)i/ ZdrjKas MtvtXe^ ftd^pofjielv; Crest. 1526. SYN. BOJ?, dXdXayjudy. _ Kpeaypa, as, ^, subst. [fuscina, harpago,] a flesh-hook, harpoon. KdrdOou ye fjievroi KO.I KpZaypav. b. Ta), ri ^ ; Vesp. 1155. SYN. Tptatrd, dpTrdy//. KpfdStdy, ov, ro, subst. [caruncula, carnis frustum,] a morsel of meat. Kat 6^} ^d5/CW 7-ouro Se TO /cpedStoi'. Plut. 227. Kplavo/ids, ov, 6, et ^, adj., q. v. [carnes distribuens,] distributing the meat at the sacrifice. Qepprjv ebovros baird ry Kpeavofjiy. Cycl. 245. Kptds, ro, contract. Kpfjs, gen. /cpedros, Att. fcpews, nom. et ace. plur. Kptdra, Horn, per apocopen, Kpcd, subst. [caro,] flesh, a piece of flesh. K?/pu, rjy S<), rovro Trope Kpeas, 6'0pd 0dyp, adj. [pulsatus, sonorus,] struck with the quill, creaking, shrill, sharp. 'OfJiov be KpeKrov yor\-ruv. Choeph. 808. SYN. Aiyi/pos. Kpecw, v. [pectine pulso,] to play upon the harp, to rattle. T ft KaXXt/3dav KpeKova avXov. Aves 683. SYN. Kt0dpt'c?w, fcpovw, ^%w> avXew. Kpeftadpa, as, >/, subst. [stragulum pensile,] a coverlet or basket hung up in a room. Kat r&v ye Kpe/JidBp&v ov rplflwv TUV evddct. Nub. 869. SYN. Kpdbrj. Kpe/udw, f. K-pe/ido-w, (2) in med. voc. Kpe//d//at, et, v. [(l) suspeii- do; (2) pendeo,] (1) to hang up, (2) to hang. Et ^ cpejudcras ro vdrjfjd, Kal ri]v QpovTicd. Nub. 229. See also Eur. Electr. 1217. SYN. 'A7raype, d/a- Kpe/xaar^s, 77, oi/, adj. [pensilis,] hung up, hanging. T^v /uev, K-peyuaari)v av- Xevos, KdreicofjiEV. Antig. 1221. Kpeju/3dXtaorvs, i)ds, ^, subst. [sonus qui excitatur a crembalum pulsantibus,] the sound of the tambourine. flcWou/ 6* dvOpwTrwv 0wvs, TVV. Horn. Apoll. 162. SYN. AOVTTOS, ^ KPEH KPHS 505 j, subst. [avis quredam bvooiuviaTos rols yapovcrt,] an Egyptian bird with a serrated beak. Tovrovs b' irVKigdv at KPCKCS TO!S jjvy\la\v. \ves 1137. Kpto/3oro$, ov, o et ^, [carnem devorans,] feeding on flesh. Kat T-CCS avavbpovs, Kptofiorovs r"A/udoi'ds. ^sscll. Suppl. 295. SYN. Kptofipurus. KpeovTetos, 6v, adj. [Creonleus,] of Creon. TldpaffTdrriveiv rois Kpeovreiois TreXds. CE. R. 400. KpZoKoTrew, 1 [carues seco,] to cut flesh. KpeoKOTrovffi bwrt'ivuv fJtXr}. Pers. 46p. oYN. Atao'Trdw, friraparrtt). Kptovoa, TJS, ?/, P. N. [Creusa,] the name of several distinguished women. B?^ KpEOvcrdt', v9d Trpocrfioppovs irerpas. Ion 11. Kpewr, orrdi, 6, subst. [(1) dominus, (2) P. N. Creon,] (1) a lord, a ruler, (2) the name of several distinguished persons. Hovrov Kpevrri iratbos -tjpaau -n-epi. Hipp. llG3. See Phoen. 11. SYN. See (1) Kpeiwv. KpgwtyvXos, ov, b, P. N. [Creopbylus,] a poet, according to some, contemporary with Homer. Kpew^vXw, Zei/ (j>l\e, rovro peya. Call. Ep. 6. 4. Kpiyyyos, 6v, adj. [bonus, jucundus,] dear or welcome to the heart. Murrl icafcwv, ouTrwTro-e fjioi TO Kpfiyvov etnas. A. 106. SYN. T\poff(}>'i\r]s ) l\ds,ayciddf, \apieis, -^pijolfAQs. Kpr'l&envov, et Dor. Kpabe/nvdv, ov, TO, subst. [(1) capitis ligamentum, (2) oper- culum doliorum,] a bandage for the head; the lid of a cask; an inclosure. Kprjbe/jivy 6' e^vTrepSe KaXv^aTO &~ia Oeawv. H. 184. SYN. Ka\v7rrpa,, raivia. EP1TH. KaXov, vr)yare.oi>, Xinapot', Xatvov. Kprjdevs, ews, 6, P. N. [Cretheus,] son of ^Eolus. Tovs 6' erepovs KprjOrji flacriXeia yvvatK&v. A. 257- Kpfjdis, ibds, ?/, P. N. [Crethis,] Crethis. KprjGtba T^V *o\vnvQ6v Ka\a TraiZetv. Call. Ep. 17. 1. ai, Vld. KjOt/xao;. ov, 6, subst. [praecipitium,] a high rock, a precipice. 'Etyevyd/jLev irpos ot (Af.v kv Kapy. Iph. T. 1374. SYN. OKOTreXos, X&P&- bpa, Trerpa. EPITH. 'T^Xos, Trerpw^j/s, r/Xt/3dros, r'jxfieis, arovoeis. oius, ov, adj. [grandiloquus,] one who uses high towering words. Tr\t(i)v, atyfTTCLTOv, (TTOptyaKa, KprjfjivdTrotov. Nub. 1370. s, a, ov, adj. [fontanus,] of a fountain. Tt be Kprivaiwv vaarfJL&v Hipp. 225. SYN. TIrjyaios. pfivr}, r)s, r] t subst. [foils,] a fountain. 'Ev bk Kprjvrjv del, d/^0t be 292. SYN. Fl/a, irrjyr), X'ifias, vafia. EPITH. 'Aerrdos, KaXr), aXffajbtjSf vbpoxyTos, aviri'os, lepd, K(i\\lvdos, KaXXtpee&pds, nijydffis, See Vlrjyr). prjvtdbts, et Kprjvlbes, wv, at, P. N. [uymphae fontanae,] the Naiads, or nymphs presiding over fountains. Kat rav Kpavldbwv KarwavTidv, subst.^[(l)crepida, soccus, (2) basis, fundamcntum, (3) ere- pido, ma'rgo, ora, ripa, (4) placentae genus,] a military shoe, a foundation, a coast, bank of a river, a kind of cake. Kprjirlbos CVTOS ws irdpos \prjoTt]- Androm. 1101. SYN. (1) 'E^/3d$, apfivXr), Mpopis, (2) QlplXiov, fta- ijrds, b, P. N. [Cres, Cretensis,] a Cretan. ZdQtoi re KpijTts. Bacch. 121. EPITH. ToZdfydpos, ^a^^x trwv ' a, as, >/, subst. [cribrum pollinarium,] a bolting-cloth. 'AXX' ov\i alTOvpedd. Eccles. 991' Nunquam KpewSaiata, KpeuKoirelv, Kpcwn-^Avjy, KpewffrdQw dicunt Attici, sod breve , rocalem semper habent." Poison's Suppl. p. CLVI. Kpcwicoirew, liowcver, is relnined, Cyclops. v. 359. and so it is quoted bj Dr. Blomfield in his Glossary. Pers. 469. Pros. Lex. 506 KPH2 KPIT KpfaWs, Kptjffffds, Kpr)Ta1dt, et Kpqrfrto, ?), ov, adj. [Creticus,] Cretan. Ob yap TroY' alayyvu yl Kprjfflovt bdjjiovs. Hipp. 7l6. See also Aj. Fl. 1295. Call. 1. 34. and Eur. fr. Polyx. 10. l. Kpj/rj;, y St f h e t Kpjjrat, wv, a/, genitiv. antiq. Kp^Se*/, P. N. [Creta,] Crete, now called Candia. *Os Trpwros M/vwd refce Kpjyrjj tTriovpov. N. 450. See also . 199. EPITH. 'AjU^)tdXd$, Trep/ppi/ros, evpetd, tKctrojUTroXts, n/j/jeaffd. PHR. See r. 174. Kprjrfjpj vid. Kpar??p. KpTjrt/aDs, adv. [more Cretico,] after the Cretan fashion, Kp^ruoDs ovv rw TroSe. Eccles. 1 165. Kp7, ro, indecl. et icptflTj, ??s, ^, subst. [horde urn,] barley. See in Evpvf)s, and also t. 110. Kpt/3dv/ojs, et Kpt/Gdrwros, ov, 6, subst. [testaceus panis,] a loaf baked in an oven. Kat rfjs efjtrjs TOVS KptfiaviTas eV^ept. Acharn. 1123. See also Plut. 7^5. Kp//3dvos, ov, 6, et Kpi flavor, ov, ro, subst. [clibanus,] an oven. 'E*; flovs. b. Kat ris el^e watTrdrt. Acharn. 86. SYN. Kd^u^os, fiavvos. , adv. [arietis more,] like a ram. "A^avres, elr' Is ri]v 0i)pav . Lysistr. 809. , et Kpidiau, v. [hordeo past us lascivio,] to feed on barley, to get wan- ton. KpiBwvTa TrwXov d\\' 6 bvff((>t\r}s ffKoru. Again. 1631. Kp/0i7, vid. KpT. Kpi0orpdyds, ov, 6, adj. [hordeo vescens,] feeding on barley. Nfyeotfe, 0wXd /uvpm KptddTpaywv. Aves 232. Kpfrcos, oi/, 6, subst. [circus, annulus,] a ring, a circle. Ilec^ CTTI Trpwrj;, CTTI $ K-pr/cdv eWopi (36.\Xov. H. 272. SYN. See Kvk-Xos, and Ktpjtfs. Kpiicw, v. [sonum stridulum vel gravem edo,] to squeak, to creek. Tw KpiK$ 6e ciJyov, rjvid ^e i5Xd, K'drd ^p)/rpas, 'Ayd/Lieprov. B. 362. SYN. 'ETTtXcyw, Ka.Ta.Kpiv to, 5t'icae?w, Geyutoreuw, ?rpo/cp/vw, ^/jy^/^w. ptos, ov, 6, subst. [aries,] a ram. 'Tv KOI Tpiiyov Kat Kpwv, e Plut. 820. SYN. KrtXtJs. EPITH. Bd0i)/iaXXos, apyiirovs, Ktpaos, fjiaXXos. ptats, tws, ^, subst. [accusatio, judicium, damnatio,] accusation, trial, deci- sion. Mop0^s OcXovffai bldTTtpavaffdat Kpiffiv. Helen. 26. SYN. Kptyud, dX>/- 6eiu, etfTaais. EPITH. 'A.u/, subst. [(I) calculus littoralis, (2) littus,] a pebble on the sea- shore, a shore. Ildpd re KpoKdXats. Iph. A. 211. SYN. Tftyds, alyidXtis, 6v, et KpoKdeis, effffd, tv, adj. [croceus,] of a saffron color, saffron- colored. 'AOa-vaias ev KpoKty KETrXy. Hec. 466. See also Phcen. 1 505. Kpoo?, rjs, et vpo, KPOKOS, rj, subst. [(1) trama, tramen, subtemen, (2) Irena,] the cross thread in the warp of a weaver's loom, the woof of a web, a woven garment. Tplfiwvis enXeivovres oi-^ovTai KpoKas. Eur. fr. Autol. 3. 12. See also Hes. Op. 536. SYN. (1) KAw , as, }j, subst. [fostidus ructus,] a belch, smelling of onions and vinegar. Tou ukv yap oe.t Kpofjiuvo^vpeyptas. Pax* 528. Kpdvibrjs, ov, KpoVtwv, wvos, et Kpoviwv, idvos, 6, patronym. [Saturno satus,] the son of Saturn, an epithet of Jupiter. Koiuigei \oypy Kpdvlbas ; Hec. 472. See also Nub. 399. and X. 619. SYN. See Zevs. Kpdvws, et Kp6>iKos, j), ov, adj. [Saturnitis, antiquus, obsoletus,] Saturnian, antiquated, doting. Kpo^tot & wbe Xeyovri vopot. Call. 5. 100. See also Plut. 581. KpoviTTirds, ov, 6, subst. [valde fatuus,] an old stallion, an old fool, ^ ff%vdub)povu.vr] vaipet, ffv 6' el KpoviTncds. Nub. 1066. SYN. Kpovos. Kptivds, ov, o, P. N. [(1) Satnrnus, (2) subst. senex delirus et morosus, fatuus, bardus,] (1) Saturn, (2) a superannuated old fool. "Hprj, 7rpedi'os f (2)- ap^alos, Xfjpos, u&pds, dvaiffdifTds. Kpoa/X* w< KpordXor, ov, ro, subst. [crepitaculum,] a rattle. Ytviiaei Tpipun, j. Nub. 260. SYN.KW&OV, TrXdrdyg/m, XdX<5s. ?, ov, o, subst. [tempus, pars capitis,] the temples. Nwj ;, v. [pulso, verbero, plaudo,] to beat, to clap, to rattle. Ov pav ov rls eirlffTaTal <5be KpdTijffcit. Thcocr. 18. 35. SYN. 'ETrfrportw, KpoTti- \ib), avaKpovb), Oopvfieb), Xdfctw. Kporripci, O.TOS, TO, subst. [crepitaculum,] a rattle. Kpd-rjp 'oSvo-^evs, Xijpu r\ apKovvTios Opaovs. Rhes. 498. SYN. See KpordXdi', KpoTos. Kporrjffpds, et Kpdros, ov, 6, subst. [plausus, pulsus,] a clapping of hands, a knocking. IJvKvov KpdTrjffpov Tvy\a.vov(f VTTO TTTO\IV. Sept. Theb. 557- See also Anacr. 27. 8. SYN. Kpor^d, KTVTTOS, -^ofyos, Oopvfids, (3d)}, tTraii'ds, Kpovpa. KpoTrjros, 7), ov, adj. [pulsatus,] beaten. KTVTTOV Kp6rr)Tu>v ap/xdrwv KOVIS 5' di'w. Soph. Electr. 716. Kpovpa, O.TOS, TO, subst. [(1) instrument! musici sonus, (2) pulsus,] the striking of a musical instrument, a knocking. Aoru> re, Kpovpara T 'Aalabos. Tliesm. 120. SYN. Kporos, Kporrjpa, KTVTTOS. Kpovvos, ov, 6, subst. [scatebra, saliens fons,] a fountain, a torrent, a stream. Kpoi/vot 6' t-^wpovv' rj be, teal Qv^rrKovd , opus. Hec. 566. KpovvoxyrpoXijpatdv, ov, TO, subst. [nugax, vox comica,~\ an insipid talker. 'AXyOts, OVTOS, KpovroxyTpo\rjpa.~iov el. Equit. 89. EXP. OXvapos, ^Xldtos, OTTO- ), v. [populo aures obtundo,] to stun the people. "Oo-ov /ue irapi- KOTTTOV "xpovov, TOtavTO. Kpovfflbrjpwv. Equit. 855. SYN. Kdra>:pouw, irapa.Kpov~ o/xai, aTrdrdw. "Kpovffts, Ids, fi, subst. [pulsatio, inpr. instrument! musici, item fraus,] a beat- ing, overreaching by noise, blustering. Km rtpdremv, KOI TrtplXe^tv, Kal Kpov- ffiv, Kal KaTaXr^iv. Nub. 317- KpovffTtds, ov, adj. [pulsandus,] must be beaten or knocked. OVK ol& o TI Xeyeis' -y]vbe &rj pot Kpovareov. Eccles. 989. KpovffriKos, }, ov, adj. [(1) puisandi vim habens, (2) pulsans aures, (3) sono- rus,] capable of striking, blustering, sonorous. Kai yvwjuorvTrticos, Kal aaii, Kpixpribot', Xadpalws, Aaflpd, d//Xws. Kpvepos, a, ov, adj. [friidus, horridus,] cold, shivering, dreadful. atyrjpos te Kopos Kpvfpold yooio. b. 103. SYN. Kpvdeis, ^v-^pos ov, 6, et. Kpvos, EOS, TO, subst. [frigus, glacies,] coKI, ice. t bvffata k-pvpov ayovaa. Call. 3. 115. See also Hes. Op. 492. SYN. 'Ply to, tray us, ^v^os, KpvaraXXos. Kpvoets, effffa, Hi', adj. [horribilis,] dreadful, terrible. QeffTrealrj f%e $i/c?a, xpvoevTijs srctlpri. 1. 2- SYN. See Kpvtpos. s, a, dv, adj. [clandestinus,] clandestine, secret. KpvTrrdSia 0po- Ku&fjeV ovbe rt TTO> poi. A. 542. ov, adj. verbal, [celandus,] to be concealed, lot Tovpydv eirj Kpvirrtftt'. Antig. 273. - - TOVTO 1 KPttl KTHM 509 , \. [occulto,] to conceal, to try to ensnare. OVTI irov upvirrevoftai. Helen. 540. SYN. See KpvTrrdaKw. KpvTrros, ?}, vv, adj. [occultus,] secret, concealed. KpvTrros KdraiTTas, ij Kdr' ofAjji eXOwv i*a\ri ; Androm. 1052. SYN. KpvirTabtos, Kpva~tds, Kpv. KpvoTaXXo7n}, iiyvs, et fcpvoraXXoTrtyKros, oV, adj. [glacie concretus,] frozen. KpuaraXX6~7r?/yd td iropov crpdros Trep^. Pers. 507. See also Rhes. 438. Kpv0TaXXos, oi/, 6, subst. [glacies,] ice. ^Fv^p?}, Kat o-dfceeom Treptrpt^tro fcpi/- (TraXXos. ^. 477. SYN. 'Ptyos, tcpv^s, irayds. EP1TH. Atavy>)s, XIOVEOS. et KpiKpios, a, ov, adj. [occultus,] concealed, secret. Ndo-oi' Kpvtyaiav eareves \d6pd; Ion p44. See also Here. F. 344. SYN. See Kpi/7rrt*. y, * Kpv

    ' drcp aneipov K~irai, TroXXd Krtdriffaas. (3. 102. SYN. See Krdoyucu. Krcdros, oi/, 6, P. N. [Cteatus,] a prince of the Eleans. Vies, o fj.ev Krtdroi/, d be Evpuroi/'Afcroptwvos. B. 621. Kre/rw, Krdw, et KTijfjti, v. [interficio, occido,] to kill. Kretvaa dvea-^pv 001 pr]vov; rrj /xev icrepds ovfev ojuoToV. K. 216. SYN. See Krf//*d. Kreptd, et KTeptfff.ia.ra, ws. Orest. 224. SYN. Kreavov, Krepas, btipov, KT?I t^ KTIVI.V y. 7 H rot /cat o Kap-repos. Olyrnp. '13. 118. Kr/oTw/o, opos, 6, subst. [conditor, incola,] a founder, inhabitant, "iwi/d 6' avrov Krltrrtip' 'A. Androm. 1200. See also Iph. A. 438. SYN. Yo0ds, ^S ^OWTTOS, fipdpSs, Trdrdyos, TrXctrd- yrjjud, dpayjuos. EPITH. 'AXmcrrov, alvdv, a/j(/>t7rXf}, fiapvybovirov, , poQlov, TrZbapvWit. , v, [strepo, strepito,] to make a roaring noise, to resound. ~lacrev KvavafJiirvKa. $ot/3os 'ATroXXwv. Theocr. 17. 6'7. Kvdvavyf)s, eos, adj. [cueruleus,] sky-bright. 'Aeptd. /cat ffK-drtd ye /cat Kvdvavyea. Aves 1389. ~Kvat>e{*pb\ds, ov, o et >/, adj. [coeruleum rostrum habens,] having a blue beak. Ilpwpats /ci/d>'e/*/36Xot~crtj>. Eur. Electr. 436. Kwdj/eos, a a, oi/, adj. [coeruleus,] dark blue, dusky. Ai/pats eXiaouv, Kvavtav dXa arp(j)ei. Iph. T. 7- SYN. Kvd^avy^s,, /ci/d>'o"xpoos, yXavK&s, s, toetbris. is here a spondee. The first syllable of Kv^eos is necessarily long in the Epic poets ; it is long also in the choral odes of Euripides ; but short in Iambic verse, and Pers. 83. where the true reading is that adopted by Klomf. Kvavovv 8' %ta< KYAN KYAI 511 j #$, adj. [cceruleus,] dark-looking. Kvavtieibes a/^>' vbtap. Helen. 179. Kvdvo7red, ijs, r\ t adj. [nigros aut coeruleos pedes habens,] having black, blue, or azure feet. KaXr/is KvavoneZav, evftoof avrdp eV avrrj. A. 628. Kvavoirpwpeios, et Kvai'OTrpwpus, ev, 6 et //, adj. [nigrain prorarn habens,] dark- prowed. Kvjudr'* drcip TCIS Trevre veas KvavoTrpttipeious* y. 299' See aisa Y. 858. Ki/dvoTrrtpds, ov, 6 et 57, adj. [alas cceruleas seu nigras habeas,] dark-winged. Kvdj/OTTT-epds opvls et0' etr/>. Androm. 854. Kviivos, ov vel ov, 6, suhst. [color coeruleus, vel nigricans,] a dark kind of metal, probably dark blue steel. Toi) 6' r/roi beKii oljuot e yueXavos KVUVOIO. A. 24. Kvdvooro'Xos, ov, 6 et /;, adj. [coerulea veste amictus,] dark-robed. "Eyped r 5et\am Ki/dfoerrdXt. Bion 1. 4. SYN. MeXd^e/^u>/, /ueXajUTreTrXos, yueXay^irwv. i/os, 6 et r/, adj. [uigram habens superciliurn,] having dark eyebrows. TO.V Kvavofypvv Ep&Tiba, TCLS TTOK IxviaQi]. Theocr. 4. 59- s, ov, o,>adj. [qui est nigris setis,] black-haired, having azure locks. Tavpovs Trayu/ueXdvcts 'EvoaiyQovl Kvavo^airr]. y. 6. SYN. Me\avodpi. Ki/di^o)(pods, ov, et Kvdroxpws, wros, 6, /cvd^o^pwros, ov, adj. [/, et Kvav&Trrjs, ov, adj. [cceruleo aspectu,] black-eyed. po%del KvavwTribos 'AfjKpirpiTrjs. yu. 60. , adj. [inclinato capite,] with the head bent down. Hdpd TOV ' l^6p.Evri rijs batyvys. Thesm. 489- , et Kvpri(3ri, rjs, //, P. N. [Cybele,] the mother of the gods. Ae* b> Trept rov ydp rovro iFOujaei ; Eccles. 673. SYN. Kirbwevw, mvfiov Trerrevw. , vid. KvfieXr). v. [praecipito me velut in aquam,] to dive head foremost, to tumble. Oi KCLTO. /caXd ptedpa Kv/3/orwv evda KCII eV0d. . 354. SYN. ijpos, 6, subst. [(1) urinator, (2) saltator,] a diver, a tumbler. TIvKVovs KvfitffTiiTrjpas eKvevevKoras. PliO2n. 1 167' SYN. 'ApvevrJ/p, (2\dp^rj(rrr]s. tvfios, ov, 6, subst. [cubus, alea, aleae lusus,] a die, chance, gambling. Me- \avnrirds' epyov b' kv Kvfiois"Apr]s Kptrel. Sept. Theb. 410. v. [convitior, maledico,] to inveigh against. 7 H irtTro'v, 7) 'vbaaaao fj.vOa). Apoll. 1. 1337- SYN. Aot^optw, vfipiga), KCLKOfti. l ^vbaivw, v. [celebro, decoro,] to honor, to exalt. 'Ev /ueydX< re, Kvbaivoi/ re. E. 448. SYN. Aoac?w, e7ricXe/a>, ytpa/pw, ripcut). KvSdXfytos, o/, adj. [gloriosus,] glorious. 'AXX' dy' o'iarevaov Mej'tXaov Kv^d- Xtyuoto. A. 100. SYN. Sv^eros, evbo^us, V7rpe7rr)s, r/jufos, Kvblfjos, Kvbpos, Kebvos. KvStdfetpd, ^, adj. [honestans viros,] man-ennobling. Ov ^uev ydp ?rdr' /udxj? ^1 fCvStdve/pr;. Z. 124. Kvctdw, v. [glorior,] to be proud or to exult in. Kv&tdwv, on iraal p\ 512 KYAI KYKA flpueffatv. B. 579. SYN. ravptaw, avytu, afipvvdfAai. PHR. 'E7rtoo> apeff- 0cu Kvbos. Kvbiptis, Kvbvos, Kvbpos, 17, ov, KvbdXiftos, ov, comp. Kvbwv, super!, a substan- tivo KV&OS, (ut e\Qitav, fyQiaros, ab fyOos ', KaXXiuv, fcctXXrros, a KciXXos, t multa alia, ejusdem generis,) adj. [gloriosus, venerandus,] glorious, noble, boastful, 'fls dp tiros re Kal epyov sfi^bsTo Kvbiftos 'Epfjtfjs. H. Merc. 46. See also Hes. Op. 256. X. 579- Alcest. 981. et A.' 122. KvbiTrirq, TJS, ^, P. N. [Cydippe,] Cydippe. Fpajujudrd, Kvc/7T7r?7v 6W epeovat fca- \J7?. Call. fr. 101. Kv5i<7ros, et Kvbfw, vid. Ki/6iyuo.v. KtfSofdoTraw, et irtSot/jEw, v. [tumultuor,] to make a bustling noise. Qvbev 6p6ws, dXX' av(D TE Kal KciTO) Kvboibo7rq.v, Nub. 6l6. See also O. 136. SYN. os, ov, 6, subst. [turba, tumultus,} a tumult, din. Dot ^p>/ fiorjOelv ; TTO! ov ejjifia\e~iv ; Acharn. 573. SYN. Qopvfios, Tapani, iruXe/jids. EpITH. j)s, al^droets, ayucujuaceros, dp-yaXeos, (3apvs, baupvoets, betvos, bvffKeXtibos, s, iro\v(f)\oiff(3ds, TroXurffov-^os, arvytpos. Kvbos, cos, ro, subst. [gloria, decus,] glory, boast. "Os pa napa Kpdv/Lwvl KCL- 6ero,Kvbel yalwv. A. 405. SYN. Ao^d, icXeos, ^jpn,, yavpos. -EPITH. , ay\adv, aoirtTov, dy^pdoi^, Ka\\tviKov, f/eyd, evpv, vneprepov. , wv, ol, P. N. [Cydones,] a nation of Crete. See in 'EreoK/of/rts. S, et Ki/Swvtos, ov, adj. [Cydonius,] Cydonian. 'EfrflXov ovv Moiaaial evpdpts nvbpd. Theocr. 7. 12. See'also Acharn. 1198. , 1 v. [(1) pario, (2) in utero gesto,] to bear, to be pregnant. 'Eerg', d^//- , /Speeds JifjLWvov Kveovffdv. "*F. 266. See also T. 117. , ov, r/, P. N. [Cyzicum,] a town in Mysia ; also KV&KVS, o, Cyzicus, a hero who gave his name to the island. KV&KOV, kv Koinrftri Kal tu/zdrt TreTr- rrjwTa. Apoll. 1056. Ki/0epeid, et Kvdfipr), r}S, ry, P. N. [Cytherea,] Venus. 'A/u/5jOo itep ei/ore- Ku0peid. vr]v exw. Equit. 137- vrcXos, ov, plur. KvitXoi, ol, et nvicXd, TO., subst. [circulus, orbis,] a circle, a revolution. KikXw yap clXiaaafJilQd 7ray%aXKois oirXots. Orest. 438. SYN. Tpo^o?, Kptnos. EPITH. 'Epf^eyyjjs, evcpeyyrjs, erlavcrWs, Odos, OecrTreaios, Xew- (popus, TronjTos, (pdeatyopos, evxdyris, boXios, Trrtpiros, CVTV^JS, evTpo^os, iravae- ocXwrw awparos 7rpo/3X>/- PO.TI. Sept. Theb. 536. SYN. Ew/cu/cXos, KvicXWs, KVKXortprjs. vKXo)\^, WTTOS, o, P. N. [Cyclops,] Cyclops, a one-eyed monster. The Cyclops were a nation of monsters, who were fabled to dwell in Sicily, and to be the workmen of Vulcan. See Odyss. 1. and Virg. fiLn. 3. KretVw Kv/cXwrras* Kal f.i drjreveiv 7rar//p. Alcest. 6. EPTTH. "Ayptos, ^uo^a)^/, ai'&pofyayos, /^yd adefJitffTos, V7rep(j)ia.\os, TreXwp, aQefjtiffTia eibws, pevos acylros, A'irvas t'd/nos, ^tj'tuv baiTVfMiJV, aroff^ds, yvva~ios t A o - /3>/s, oXoos, tyovlos, a^uoppws, dpetfjciTrjs, aycuciis, v-nepriroptidiv, ^Qoylos. PHR. Te/tTWJ/ Aios JTvpos, virepfiluv ^rop )/a;i'. See Call. 3. 51. vKveids, a, d', adj. [cygneuS,] of a swan. Kik-yetoV, ei/0d K&KVOS Iph. T. 1105. , ov, o et r/, adj. [cycni speciem habeas,] like a swan. T/oels , KOIVOV o/up' eK-rjiJievai. P. V. 820. os, ov, o et ?/, adj. [cycni pennas habens,] swan-winged . pov KaXXocrvi'as. Orest; 1383. KVKVOS, ov, 6, (1) subst. (2) also P. N. [(l) cycnus, (2) Cycnus,] (l) a swan. (2) Cycnus. See in Kvweids, and Hes. Scut. 5?. EPITH. (1) AoX/xu- \r)v t TroTa/jilos, TroXioxpws, opi is, ^tovoxp^s, f]\ETr]S, bovXi^dbeipos, Xlyvpds, Xlyvfydoyyus, iroTafJUos, ^.rpvpdvlus, uavriiroXos, (2) 'Aprjrtd^s, ^utydSv/^os, (TTTro^djuos, evfjLeXirjS) vTrepfilos. , KvXivbw, et KvXiti), v. [voluto, volvo,]" to roll, to impend upon. r. Aves 502. See also Vesp. 490. and Theocr. 24. 17. SYN. 'ATroKvXtfSew, aTToicwXt'w, eKKvXirbdfjicit, aveXirrcrb), enfyZpofJiat. , ov, o, subst. [cylindrus,] a roller. 'H 6' d^dp, t^o-rt Kv\ivbpos, tire- Kv^drt X/3pw. Apoll. 2. 596* , ZKVS, //, subst. [calix,] a cup, a tumbler. Zrjros e%eis tcvXlKw. Troad. 822. SYN. Horriplov, eV'Trwyud, bends. EPITH.^Afi-pT/rds, fidOeid, Treplfyepris. i/Xi^vtov, ov, TO, et KvXfyvr), ?/, dimin. a preeced. [pocillum,] a little cup. 'Eyw be KvXi^vior re em, Kai (pap^aKOV bibwjul. Equit. 906- SYN. KorvXicrKidy. iw, vid. Ki)Xo't>ew. Pros. Lex. 3 T 514 KYAA KYNA KvXXr/>'?7, rjs, >/ P.N. [Cyllene,] (l)a mountain in Arcadia, (2) a city of the Epeans. See Damm. KvXX?7!'jy opdws, oro) ^>///rto?, ov, adj. [Cvllenius,] of Cyllene. 'Epjui/s e \^v^as Ki/XXjyi'tos ee- KuXeiro. w. 1. Ki/XXffs, >}, of, adj. [claudus, curtus,] lame, maimed. See in KvXX/7j>r/. SYN. XwXos. KvXXo7ro(Vwv, ojos, 6, adj. [claudus pedes,] lame-fooled. XdX^eov, 6V p" avrcs Trou'ivard KvXXoTrdbiinr. 2. 371. KvXoibiaa), v. [sum tumentibus oculis,] to have swoln eyes, as a sign of vehe- ment love. TJ}^ X e 'P' *^' ^ TOVTO bp), e/cyoroi'. EPITH. (1) HOVTWV, tepo^, , dXtoi', oXefipTov, vypov, OdXnaaior, beivov, yueyd, ailoppov, ', K'eXcuJ'oJ', Xa/3poF, ^ueXdi^, 7rd\<|0po0to^, Trop^vpeor, podiov, dXeyei- fjiaKpov, 7ra^>X/(^o', TreXttipioi', Tpotyoev, fcw^ov, arpi/yero/, aXiKrvTrov, dre- ?, fiaQv, o/5pi/^or, d^v, TTifCpoi^, a/cptkeXcuvtoi 1 , rpi^aXot'. PHR. See A. 422. and Hipp. 1220. Kvpalru), et Kvpalvopat, v. [fluctuo et ferveo, turgeo,] to swell, to rage, to foam, to expand. Ile/^Trei yeywrot Z^vt Kvpaivovr tirr}. Sept. Theb. 439. SYN. 2dXe^w, rdpdrrojuai, ^etpuCo/jiai, fipuffffw, * Ki^idrtas, ou, adj. [fluctuosus,] full of waves. Atdre-/zj'ov KVjjui'bis, aeros. Aves 1181. SYN. XaXx's. oi/, ro, subst. [cuminum, herba et semen,] cummin, the herb and its seed. See in 'ETrirejLU'w. LvjLii^o7rptoTd<*;' roiyjjv, us Kui'aytrqs. Hec. 1156. See also Phoen. 11S5. Tt'ip. 1 Ki)j'dXw~r?, ZKOS, o, subst. [citnivulpes,] a fox-dog, a cunning fellow. ITws >} Tpii'iprjs evri Kvi'uXujJTT)^ ', b. orrcos ; Equit. 10/3. Ki/i'ca, as, >/, et contr. Ktivij, ijs, subst. [galea,] a helmet, (properly) covered with a clog's skin. Kvrias BHpi^wv, KairdKavXi vX. Eur. Suppi. 727- See Ly- sistr. 751 . SYN. See Kopvs. EPITH. 'A/*ftfy&&df, rerpdpaXijpds, detw ^aiSuXea, evrvKTos, -^a\Kr]pi]S t ircTroKopus, iTnrdbaffeid, tmrovpls, KaXr) f Terpd(j)d\ds ^pvaeia, 7rdy%a\Kds, dXofyus, apa\os, ev^aXKos, pivou TrofrjTtj, ravpeir), ^aXfvOTrdpj/os, aiyelrj. Ki/i'fos, et tfh'etds, o, oj', adj. fcaninus,] canine, impudent. TerXno;, Trtp cwy, a>, tyiXeta, Trpoo-fcvi/ea;, aaiyio. ki)vfl, j/s, vid. Kvj'ta. Ki)^^y(7(^, ou, ro, subst. [societusjvenatica, instrumenta venatica,] the hunts- men, a hunting train. Ti Kvvriysalwv KO.L not /neXerrj; Hipp. 224. , adv. [more caniuo,] like a dog. 'Eo-^otrwv 6' es rovTrrdyto^ X/'/aet tie v. Equit. 1033. , as, //, subst. [incitatio canum,] the art of urging on dogs. Keu e Kvi>r}\aalr)v re KOI evnroyliiv ebiba^as. Call. 3. 207. SYN. Kvraym, aypecrla. Kvv0tos, a, or, et Kvi/0ms, d^os, ?/, adj. [Cynthius,] of C\ntlus, Cynthiari. 'A Trdpd KvvtiWv oyBitv otKei. Iph. T. lOpy. See also Call.' Ep. 72. KvvQos, ov, o, P. N. [Cynthus,] a mountain in the island of Cynthus. KXcr- Trpos *K.vvOui' opns Kpavafj evl vijaw. Hom. Apoll. 26. j', ov t TO, et KvviaKY}, rjs, ?/, Subst. [caniculus,] a liitle dog or bitch. is also a proj>er name. [Cynisca,] Cynisca. Theocr. 14. 8. 'ATTC- boro tyiivas KvvlftQv ^.EpiQiHtv. Acharn. 542, See also Ran. 1402. Kvvobpop/La, as, //, subst. [canum cursus,] a chase with flogs. Norr^t Kvvobpo- fjuri$, iva TOI 6oov apyud ^epwat. Call. 3. 106. Kij/t/0ap(T;/s, eoj, et Kvvodpaavs, e7d, v, adj. [canina impudentia insignis,] impu- dent as a dog. 'Opflos dvcord 8 irvppos' & ws dyptos, KVvtidapfftjs. Theocr. 15. 53. See also jsch. Suppl. 766. Ki/i'o/c^dXos, ou, 6 et //, adj. [caninuui habeas caput,] dog-headed. Kvvos fiopav fftrovpei'os /ud^et av KvvoKtfyaXy. 2 Equit. 41 6. Ku^oJcXoTTos, ov, 6, subst. [qui canem furatur,] a dog-stealt j r. Em'SeTre rd^ews TOVTOVI TOV Kvi'OKXoiror. Kan. 605. Kvj'dfvOTTfw, v. [ut canem ferio,] lo fJog a person like a dog. K$*dK#in?ra /, subst. [musca valde impudens,] a dog-fly, very impudent. See Da mm. Knt S' cv^' ; wt'opvia dyet fipo-d- \oiyov "Apt]d. $. 421. Kvvopatar//$, ou, 6, subst. [ricinus,] a tike, veruin. "Evfla KI/W^ /,-eIr' "Apyos evi-jrXeios Kvyopatcrreui'. p. 300. Kvroo-/>dros, ot/, //, subst. [rubus caninus,] the dog-thorn. 'AXX' ov pwi', 6Vos, adj. [impudens,] having a dog's mind, impudent. ] a Kvi'ofypwv VTTVO). Choeph. 6ll. SYN. 'Avatbris, Kvi'o6apar)s, KvvoQpdavs, KV- , KvvraTos, r?, o>, comp. et superl. a irfup, [impudentior, impudentissi- mus, deterrimus,] more and most impudent, or dreadful. Ov yap TI aTvyeprj eirl yaorept KvvTEpov aXXo. rj. 21 6. See also Eur. Suppl. 81?. SYN. Aetvordros. &v&Trrjs, ov, 6, et KVI/WTTIS, tSos, >/, adj. [caninum liabens vultum ; impudens,] dog-faced, impudent. Tt^ur}* aprv^'ivot Mei'eXaw aoi re, KvvwTra. A. 159- See also Orest. 254. SYN. Ki)j'o^pwv-, dvntbrjs, Kuvodaparjs, Kvt'odpdavs. , fjevros, ^, P. N. [Cyparisseis,] Nestor's city near Pylos. Kal t 'Ayu^/'yti'etai' evaioi'. B. 593. , adj. [e cypresso factus,] made of cypress. KXtva^e^os cv7rdjO(7/7<>, apoKo[.ios, fftclepa, pablvrj, rrjXgflowo'd. vTretpds, ov, o vel //, et Kvnetpov, ov, TO, subst. [cyperus ; junci odorati species,] an odoriferous rush ; " a wild gulangale," Dr. Jones. 'HXajneada Td Ran. 243. SYN. 'Epa/jets, ftdOvs. ov, TO, subst. [pOCilluitl] a cup. "E^0d ^>tX' OTrrdXea fcped xeXXa. A. 345. SYN. AtTrds, Trdr^ptov, Kiffavfitov, Kvados. EPITH. Kv , acc. ibd et i^, ^ P. N. [Ven\is,] the goddess of love ; also love. 7rpo/3aXXeti'* dXX' o//a>s eipfydfrtti,. Hec. 803. SYN. See A.(bpobiTT). r/s, eov, 6 et /, et KvTrpoyei/etd, as, r/, adj. [e Cypro ortus et orta,] sprung from Cyprus. KvTrpoytrij b\ OTE yevTo 7rd\vK\vaTy Zvi Kvirpt,). Hes. Theog. 199. See also Lysistr. 551. vTrpos, ov, et antiq. gen. d&ev, fj, P. N. [Cyprus,] an island in the /Egean sea sacred to Venus. 'Es yfjv evaXlav Kvirpov, ov /z' eQeaTrlatv. Helen. 148. EPITH. Ev'jm/U>77, evtt/Sr/s, at7re7d, -fivefjioeaaa.^ TrepippvTos. PHR. See Bacch. 398. vTrrdc'w, v. [caput submitto, incumbo, immoror,] to stoop, to apply diligently, to loiler. Tltpt TCLS oKqras TrXetorot KXe?rrai KV7TTa$etv KCU KaKoTrotelv, Pax 731. SYN. Atarp//3w, ^ueXXw, ^UEI/W, ertat'w, fipabvvii). rrw, f. v//w, pert*. KKV(j)ti, v. [pronus sum, cubo,] to bend, to stoop down. eTTiopKovaw vfj.ds ot (3poToi. Avcs l609 SYN. 'ET , vid. , as, r/, subst. [crista galli, tiara Persica,] the comb of a cock, a Per- sian turban. '7rt-/$ KE^dXfjs^rfir Kvpfiaalav T&V opviQuv fjiovov dpQyv. Aves487- Ki'|0/5ets, ot et at, subst. [(1) tabulae, in qua leges Atticae scriptae erant; (2) "tabula geographica, aut columna lapidea, calce oblita et sic picta." Haelzlin. in loco infr. citat.] a tablet, on which the laws were inscribed at Athens; a geographical chart or map. Kvf>/3tds, ots . Aves 430. SYN."\wp, Xet'a, aypu, \d(f>vpa. , eos, ro, subst. [caput rei, auctoritas, rata h'des,] authority, ratification. - , vat T(b atto. Lysistr. 983. SYN. Flals, tafias, ) tanas. s, 77, or, adj. [(l) cnrvus, (2) convexus,] crooked, gibbous, convex. 'EKVK\OVTO 6', worre roo', >/ Ki/pros Bacch. 1055. SYN. "A-yKvXds. Kvprow, v. [curvum reddo,] to bend, to curve. KvprwOev, uptyev TE Oeov, Ot'r)- rfiv re yvvalKu. X. 243. Ki/fMu, et Kvpdjuai, f. Kvpcra), v. [incido in aliquid,] to meet with, to encounter. A.VTOS re KCLKOIS Tr^pdat Kvpaas. Androm. 1160. SYN. 'ETrtKvpo), Kvptw, crrvy- * Kvadds, ov, 6, subst. [podex,] the posteriors, the fundament. Ki/cr0ov \tovrriv vnv/nd^elr ei'r)fjLf.ievdi>. Ran 430. Kwar/7, rjs, et Kvrrrls, ews, ?/, subst. [vesica, pnbes, marsupiurn,] the bladder, a purse. 'Evbodev aurds, &a7rep KVGTIV, tyvnq' KaTreiO* STT' aVayojs. Nub. 405. See also Lysistr. 957- SYN. 'EQfjfiatdi', e-xiaetbv. Kvratevs, eos, et Ki/ratos, ov, 6, et Ki)raus, tSos, //, adj. [Cyta^us,] of or belong- ing to Cytaea, a city of Colchi. Ylvpyovs etVoi//eo-6e Ki/rateos At//rao. Apoll. 2. 403. See also Apoll. 2. 1095. and Apoll. 2. 399. s, ov, 6, P. N. [Cytisorus,] Cytisorns. TaibZ,Kvriac<>pos TreXet ovvojud' V be re, Ojoovrts. Apoll. 2. 1 159- , oi/, o, subst. [cytisus,] the trefoil. 'A cu ror nvriaov, 6 Xvi;os rav alyd blu>Kei. Theocr. 10. 30. Kvros, 2$s, ro, subst. [(l)alveus; (2) venter ; (3)quicquid capax est rerum, ut navis, vas, thorax, clypeus, olla, caput, cutis, &c. Vi(i. Markland. ad Eur. Suppl. 1212.] a hollow, a belly, anything capacious, flpctffawv abcXtyw nXex- Toy ea'pas KVTOS. Ion 3? SYN. KotAor??$, Kiarrj, yaorpa, oyKos. EPITH. nep/i&pojifoj', KotXo)-', ^aXKtjXa.Toi't etXicrdx, TreptTrXei/pov. Kvrrdjoos, ov, 6, subst. [ornne spatium cavum aut vacuum, loculamenturn apum,] anything hollow, the cell of a bee. Tw , adj. [incurvus,] bent forwards. Tv7ru)'rd, K-i/0or, aOXiov, pvrrov, , vwboi>. Plut. 26'6. SYN. Kvpros. Kv06s is also a P. N., a city of Perrhaebia. B. 748. vtpwv, tavds, o, snbst. [(1) lignum, quo cervix aut pedes noxiorum vincieban- tur; (2)sliva aratri,] a wooden collar, placed round Hie neck or fastened to the feet of a malefactor, which compelled him to bend his head ; (2) a plough- handle. T fl rvfjinava Kal Kvfwes, OVK apfffirt \ Plut. 4?6\ EXP. Ae 07*05 u- j, rjs, 7/, subst. [(l)alveare apum, e viminibus aut sframinc plexum ; (2) area ; (3)genus vasis aut mensurse frumentarias ; (4)interius auris fora- men ; (5) sordes aurium.] a bee hive, a corn-chest, a wine- vessel, the hollow of the ear, (5) filth of the ear. 'Efyebifjvor Kv\^e\r}r tiTrwXtaai/. Pax 6*31. Ki/\f/e\t'o>, v. [Cypselum imitor,] to imitate Cypsclus. *ls Kv\Le\\iov Zt$* oXeeeie ytvos. Theog. 890. Kiw, vid. Kutw. KVWJ/, K-WOS, o et //, subst. [(l)canis; (2) Canicula,] (l)adog, a monster; (2) the dog-star. 'Hjowo.ij', avrovs e fXwpla rev-^e Kvt'effviv. A. 4. See also Apoll. 2. 527. SYN. (l)I/cvXo, a^vos, (2)2e//otos, q. v. EPITH. (1) At- r)os, apyus, apyos TTOOCIS, apyvptos^ tpevvwi', OaXepos, KO.KOS, TU\ys t rpairc- c'eus, ^dpdTTOs, KCLKoftiixavos, oKpvoevcra, Kap^apobovs, OrjpevTrjs, rdXao'd, rpt- ffwjjiards, fjivplaicpavos, rpiKpavos, piat, subst. [pellis ovina, vellus,] a shcep's-skhi, a fleece. Xeiitj/ VTTO ^\a)pas panras Km K&O.S virepQlv. TT. 47. See also Theocr. 9. 18. SYN. KwStov, yuxiXXos, VCLKTJ, raKos, bepfjia, TTOKOS. EPITH. XjOvcreior, ^pvato- juaXXoj', 7rdy^pv(7oi', oryX^ev, pa\a.Koi>. Kw^dptor, ov, ro, subst. [lodix c'oriacea,] a small bag made of skins. Kcu Kwbapl6t' t KUI \r)Kv6ior, Kal QuXaKlov. Ran. 1203. SYN. See 0uXtk'toi>. Kwem, as, ?/, subst. [(1) caput papaveris, (2) globulus,] the head of a poppy. 'O Se (j)7j, Kwbeiav avaa^jv. H. 4<99 v, ow, ro, subst. [pellis, vellus ovinum,] a hide, a sheep's-skin. '6 bk y.^). o be yl irXvvei Kwbia. Pint. l66. SYN. See Raids. v, wvos, 6, Att. ?/, subst. [tintinnabulum,] a bell, a rattle. X' >/ Kwbwv tihaXarOls 7retyv/Lii>r) rvfyXa r/fcret. Pax 1078. SYN. ^.aXniy^, TrXdrdyr/. EPITH. Xa\KOfjroi.ids t Tw/Bflriyvio), fjbvOptitis. fa/Sam'sJw, v. [tintinnabulo experior,] to try by a bell. "Ai'ev Sw/io/cXeoi/s o rt 7TOie7 ^'wSwi'tcrw. Ran. 79- SYN. 'E^raCw, boxifJiaZd). Tos, ov, adj. [tinniens,] rattling, high-sounding. KXve f:aJ K'O/ITTOI/S orofs. Rhes. 380. adj. [qui tintitinabula phaleris equorum adjicit, vox a Comico conficta,] having horses with bells attached to their trappings. KVKVOVS TTOi&v Kal Mejjtvdvcts KubuvotyaXapoTruXovs. Ran. 9^3. tuSwvo^opew, v. [tintinnabulum circumfero,] to carry round a bell, to examine. 'Efpobeverat, KubuvotyopeHrat, TruiTd^ij. Avcs 1 l6'(). /, et KM\)]V, ?>os, o, subst. [perna, petaso,] a haunch, a gammon. /cwX?/s, jys Z-yu) K&rfjffQidv. Plut. 1129- S^c a l s Kur. fr. Scir. SYN. , ??7roy, ?/, subst. [tains, sura,] the bend of the knee behind, the ham- string. Ko^' oirlQev KuXrjTra rw^wv, vTrZXvae be yutd. X F. 7'26\ SYN. ' afyvpov, OGTOVV* KwXi'ds, dos, //, [epith. Veneris,] an epithet of Venus, ^drravrjs, KuXlabos, rrerv\\lbos. Nub. 52. KwXoj/, ov, ro, suhst. [rnembrum, cms,] a limb, a leg. OVKOVV dpys fiov fcdiXor, us eTreiyerat ; Heracl. 735. SYN. FuTov. EplTH. NO, d /3ouXo/Ktt. Ion 395. SYN. AidKwXvw, d7re/7rw, dpj-eojuat. Kaijud, drds, ro, subst. [sopor gravis,] deep sleep, repose. T H ^ze ;udX' atVo- 7rd0^ /jdXdfcoi' Trtpt KTO)^' &cdXv^/i'. ff. 200. SYN. Ko/^t^ud, VTTVOS, Kapos. EPITH. 'ATrdXov', XvafyigXes. Kw^wa^w, v. [(1) comissor, hymnis celebro, (2) salto,] to feast in honor of, to celebrate, to dance. Ov yap ae KwpaZovT' av i^Q6}i.r]v opaiv. Alcest. 831. SYN. 'Ard^opevw, i/ju^u>, rpu^dw. Kw/>ta), or, adj. [comicns, poeta comicus,] (1) of comedy, comic, (2) subst. a comic poet. TT/S 'AyopdvoKros /ut Xtye, >', Kt*)f.u*;ov . Call. Ep. 53. See also Vesp. 1047. SYN. (2) , ov, 6, subst. [comissatio,] revelry, a revel. A. r i/j.a-i Q Trpo^opeveis. Phoen. 802. EPITH. 'OTrtffduTrovs, TroXi/^r/ros, a/iv0d tSw/u. Theocr. 4. 18. SYN. $dk - \os. w/zwe/>, v. [mordaeibus dictis incesso,] to ridicule. rpiou reXerals rats rot) AtonWov. Ran. 368. SYN. Aoi^opew, w//wm, as, //, subst. [comtedia,] comedy. Kw^twStas ^ (f)opriKfjs Vesp. 66. , Vld. KwjUlJCOS. oao-KdXm, as, //, subst. [disciplina rei comicse,] instruction in the comic art. Ko>/,iw6do7a0 > /cdXmj/ elrca ^aXtTr^TCLTov tpyov airavTW. Equit. 513. bdfTKaXos, et K/, subst. [cnlex,] a gnat. Qdeipwv T apWpov, KCII Kal \L>v\\tit> ov^t \tytta- yava k'aXd, /jeXai'berd, KW7r//evrd. O. 713. KwTTTjXarew, v. [remis urgeo, renii^o,] to ply the oar, to row. AtTrXoI^ ^d\t- voiv rpVTrdi'ov KdtTrrjXarel. Cycl. 460. SYN. 'Epeaaw, q. v. Kw?r>ypjs, tos, adj. [qui remis instructus est,] furnished with an oar. 0>/or/, P. N. Corycus,] (1) a wallet, (2) the name of a cavern in mount Parnassus, also of a city, mountain, and cave in Cilicia. KaJ KwpvKov cu*pd kdp^td. Horn. Apoll. 39. See also Lysistr. 1211. SYN. (1) Bv\ai,ds,l3d\arrtdv. Kws, vid. KOMS. Kwr/XXw, v. [(l)garrio, (2) garriendo eneco,] to chatter, to kill with chatter- ing. 'ft cJiWaroi, dviirvrd KwrlXXoitrai. Theocr. 15. 87. SYN. HoXXa XdXtw, wriXos, 77, oi', adj. [garrulus,] chattering. Tt e rtV, ce irwrtXat e/'/ues ; Theocr. 15.89. SYN. AdXos. r), d/, adj- [CO hebes, mutus, surdus, (2) subst. species rubetae,] (1) blunt, dumb, deaf, (2) a kind of toad. *ij Kcu /u)v rd y' tiXXd KtaQa KUI eirrj. (E. R. 290. SYN. 'A///3Xvs, afwos, ayXwo-ffos, airaibevTos. A. Ada, as, ^, P. N. [Laa,] in town in Laconia. Oi' re Adav elxor, >/S' Oiri)Xo' 1 . B. 585. 1 Some read ^ of TvXoy. See Heyne. AAAI AA1X 521 Aad*, contr. Xas, gen. Xtiuo* et contr. Xaos, item Xads, oD, 6, subst. [lapis, saxum,] a large stone. ncpfcXtf/uct'os Treus, Xddv eyu/SaXwy Kap^. Phoen. 1 173. See also 0. 192. SVN. AWos, irerpos, XWa, XWds. EPITH. 'A/uai-oTrXijflfo TreAwptos, avaibtis, oVpos, /3pt6Jt)s, fteyds, errt/3dp6s, ecrros, Karwpv, et/rvKros. AafibaKtios, et AafibaKtbrjs, nv, 6, adj. [ortus a Labdaco,] of or sprung from Labdacus. Tw Aapbaaeiy ira'ibi, Ho\vbupov re, /cat. (E. R. 275. See also Phoen. 813. AafibaKos, ov, o, P. N. [Labdacus,] the father of Laius. IToXi/Swpov e^vtre- TOV bt AufibaKof. Phoeu. 8. Ad/3/}, j/s, >/, subst, [(1) prehensio, (2) ansa, capulus, manubrium, (3) pra?- textusj (l)a handling, receiving; (2) a handle, hilt; (3) a pretext. "Aprjs' TO velKos b' OVK ev upyvpou Xafirj. ^sch. Suppl. 94-2. SYN. 'ETrd^jy, KutTrrj, Aa/3pdyop?;s, oi/, o, adj. [procaciter loquax,] brawling. Aaj3puydprjv t/jie TTapa yap teal apelrdves a\\oi. "^F. 479- SYN. Aafipds, 0pd)s, ^tX/^wv. Aa/3pa, CIKOS, o, subst. [lupus marinus,] a pike or sturgeon, 'AXX' ov XappaKas Karutyayuv, MiXrjirinvs KXov//crets. Equit. 36l., Xa/5/oocrro^utw, Xa/3pa5w, et Xa/3pdyopW, v. [loquor rapide et cum praefestinato iinpetti,] to speak much and quick. Tt irapos \aj3peveai, al be T avevOh'. T. 475. See also P. V. 335. SYN. 0pd<7v<7rfyW, Aafipds, or, o et rj, adj. [(l) valn'e vorax, (2) vehemens,] voracious, violent. AafipM fc\i)wv< ffVfjLTTf.aovd' ^Tf/yero. Ipli. T. 1394-. SYN. 'A6//0dyds, TroXus, beiros, )(dX7ro$, TrpoTren/s. Aafip6rr. SYN. 'utvou/(a<. Aay7i', vid. Aa|. Aaylr^s, ov, 6, subst. [dux et ductor populi,] a leader of the people. Tcfce Se Xayeras e'. Olymp. 1. 144. SYN. 'Ap^/jyos, orpdr^yos, fjye/jiMr, dyos, ,-o/- /5^?, ov, , adj. [a Lao ortus,] sprung from Lagus. Aay/5as z oi:a , ov, TO, subst. [pedum quojepores fugientes petuntur,] a pole used in catching and killing hares. A'i0' 7js /uoi poiKov TO XdywfidXdv, s TTJ 7rdrdw. Theocr. 4. 49. SYN. Kopi/yj?. Adyw0/7pdw, v. [lepores venor,] to hunt hares. Kr' eXdyw0//pa. Lysistr. 789. SYN. Kvvrjyerew. froV, ov, ro, subst. dimin. a Adywos, [lepusculus,] a little hare. Kei TTOV v ibouv, 7} XdywbWv. Equit. Acharn. 519- SYN. Adytvds. >, ovos, // vel 6, subst. [ilia, lateris cavitas laxior,] the small guts, the flank. "Epp/7e, XdyoVos els jjiecrov, wdp' d^dXov. Hec. 557- SYN. AdTrdpd, ff' Adywos, Xdyos, ov, et Xdyws, w, 6, subst. [lepus,] a hare. 'Ap7rdo>j>, d^dX^v, r/ Trrwftrd Xdy6>. X. 310. See also Acharn. 878. Adyds, p'a, 6V, adj*. [leporinusj appertaining to a hare. See Equit. 1190. EPITH. 'AeXXdTrovs, rd^vTrovs, &KVTTOVS, 7rob 'ApKeivlos vlbv ETIKTE. TT. 118. See also Hec. 402. and Troad. 423. EPITH. 'ApKetaiabrjs, ap.vjji(i)v, bafypwr, psyaXfiTwp, avrlQeos, 7/pws, Tre-m>vjJiZvds, yepwv, bvfffJiopds. AaepTiabr)s, et Aaprtd^T/s, ov, 6, patronym. [Laertiades,] the son of Laertes. Aaeprtd6qs 7re/0et ffTpaTiav. Hec. 132. See also Rhes. 906. Adc?o>ai, et Xagvfjiat, v. [capio, prehendo,] to lay hold of, to seize, to grasp. Ilp/jvces cv Kovlyalv dba Xa^o/dro yaldv. B. 418. See also Med. 952. SYN. Aaju/3dVw, fTrtXa/^^dvw, e0a7rroyuat, K'pdrtw. Ad0a, Dor. pro ArjOrj, q. v. AadlKiibr)s, EOS, o, T/, adj. [curas oblivione tegens,] causing -sorrow to be for- gotten. AVTYJV' e'iiroTe ToiXadtKrjbea u.aov e-rrea-xov. X. 83. SYN. YlavviXv- TTOS, TravcriTroi'os, 7rav0T77pioff, Xa0t7rdvos. AaQlirdvos, ov, 6 et 7^, adj. [laborum et molestiarum oblitus,] forgetful of pain. Aa0t7rovov & obvvav ovr evbodev ovre 0vpa0ev. Trach. 1023. Aa6i(j>0oyyds, d>', adj. [vocis oblivionem inducens,] causing the tongue to for- get its office. 'PiyrjXot, 6d.vd.Totd XdOupdoyyoio bdrfjpES. Hes. Scut. 131". Aa0os, Dor. pro Af/0os, vid. Aridrj. Aa0pa, Xa0pj7, et Xadpaiws, adv. [clam, clanculum,] privately, secretly. Addpa TEdvrjKe TXqfjiovus TloXv^evr}. Troad. 40. See also T. l65. and Eur. Electr. 26. SYN. KpV/^T?!', Kpvfibd, KpV(f)t(t)S, KpV(j>al(t)S. Aa0pa7os, a/a, ov, adj. [clandestinus,] clandestine. Adflpat' e^ovTes, po0td r* e7rf'yu7rXdro. Helen. 1574. SYN. KpVTrros, KpvrrTdbtos, evbop.v")(os. AaOpalws, vid. Aadpa. Aaiy, tyyos, 77, subst. [lapillus, calculus,] a pebble. ITpos KoTvXrjboi'ofytv TTV- Ktval Xaiyyes e^pVTai. e. 423. SYN. Ai0a^, Xtflas, -^rifyos. EPITH. Map- udperj. Aaieitis, ov, adj. [ad Laiumpertinens,] of Laius. i^w Aateto/ TEKVOV. (E. R. 12l6. Aa/0opyds, ov, 6 et T/, adj. [clandestinus,] secretly working, back-biting. See in KepSw. Aatm5w, v. [pudicitiam publico, scortor, publico,] to fornicate, to expose to the people. A//crevXd^ets, kv TlpvTdveiy XaiKdveis. Equit. l67 SYN.] flopvevw, brjuiza). AatKaaTYjs, ov, 6, Xatfcaffr?)p, 7;pos, o, et Xairacrrp(fa, ay, /, subst. [scortator, mere- AAIA AAKA 628 trix,] a whoremonger, a courtezan. See in KdrdTrvywv, and Acharn. 528' SVN. TI6pVOS t Aeu'Xav//, CLKOS, r), subst. [turbo, procella,] a whirlwind. Aidtpos CK 5o?s, ore 1 re Zievs XaiXdTrd Teivet. EL 365. SYN. Kara'ig, deXXd, ^eijJLMV. EPITH. ' fidOeld, Oea-Treffiq, K'tXatv/), /WydX>), TroXXf), em), tr-vytpa, ffpepbakea, OTO- voeffoa, xejupia. PHR. See A. 305 309. al^d, dros, ro, et Xat^os, ov, 6, subst. [gula, guttur, fames,] the throat, greedi- ness, hunger. IIpos TO Xal^d rrjs Kdpr/Xov. Aves 1562. See also Ion 1037. SYN. A{/X>}J>, do-^dpdyos. EpiTH. Evrp7rs, /3pdreioi>, evKeXabov, /3d0v, eupv, , v. [avide deglutio,] to devour greedily. 'AXXd Xat^tarrouat TTOU. Eccles. 1 178. atfjidpvrds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [e gutture profluens,] flowing from the throat, throat-cut. Aatyuopvroy vQayas. Helen. 360. , vid. AaT^ua. o/^ea>, v. [jugulo,] to cut the throat, to kill. T H p'* ciyud. 5' evx^X^o-i*' $ Xat/ioro/i^cras. Apoll. 4. l601. SYN. 2d/3ov ptde'iffd Xai\Lrjpov TT Helen. 554. SYN. Tdxvs, 0oos, Xat^rjpobpofjids, q. v. \dKctcJw, v. [clamito,] to cry aloud. Aveu', \dKactv t ffbxppovwi is the active, Aai/x(ro/u0s is the passive form : Aa//u, /3odw. * Adfceuj/d, vid. AacttfP. AaKebatporios, a, oV, adj. [Lacedaemonius,] a Lacedaemonian, a Spartan. "Eywye psw yut> Aa^batfjoviovs (jfyobpa. Acharn. 50Q. See Advwv. AaKebal/uiw, o'os, //, P. N. [Lacedaemon.] 'AXX' // Aakebui/nwv TTOU Vrtv ; 6. oTrouVrtv; avrrji. Nub. 214. EPITH. Ko/Aq, Krjrwec-crd, wpv^opos, bla t oX&a. Aa:epw5a, qs, et xeXapv^a, /;, adj. [loquax, garrula,] chattering. Mr; rot e^c5o- juti'7? Kpa}r) Adfvf>ud Kop&vri. HfS. Op. 74t>. SYN. AdAos, ei/AdAos. Aaw, 2 aor. eAdicoV, [insoiio,] to ulter a loud sound. M?) >-u> Xdoy/; et XaKiajma, O.TOS, TO, subst. [fissura, proprie cutn crepitu facta,] a slired, a rent. Tloias ituff avrjp XaKi&as alrelrat TreTrXwv. Achari). 423. See also Troad. 4.97. SYN. f Pi?^ts, pd^?), rpavpa. AaKkOKpuKTos, ou, 6, subst. [cinaedus,] a catamite. T fl Xa^dTrpw^re. #. Trarre iroXXols TOIS pobois. Nub. 1330'. SYN. \aKar air vywv. ACIKKOS, et Xdkos, ou, o, ^ubst. [lacus, fossa, cisterna, vivarium, puteus,] a ditcli, a pit, a cistern, a fish-pond, a well. '> rolal Kavrj\eioiari XUKKOVS t/z- Troielv. Eecles. 154. AaKrtgw, v. [calcitro,] to kick, to spurn. Kjodm 5t . Call. /, adj. [Lacedaernonius,] Laceda3ttioiiian TWv/tciXXdi' ^/3dX6t-'Ta TOV Adjcw^tfcou. Eecles. 405. See also Horn. Apoll. 410. SYN. AaKe&atpovlos, ^.TrapriaTrjs. EPITH. , v. [Lacedeemoniis nimis faveo,-] to be mad in favor of the Spar- tans. 'EAd^tui'Ojudi'ouv a.TravTfs ai'QpwTroi rore. Avesl280. AitXayeu, v. [(l) vociferor ; (2) cano,] to rattle, to chant. Terriyes XdXa- yeiivres % 0)/ trui'dy a 5' oAoXt/ywv. Theocr. 7- 139* SYN. C>wifw, i)X^^ ^ v ^" d^w, drd/3odw, XdXfw. AdAew, 3 v. [loqtior,] to speak. Ouros, at XdXels; 1). OVTOS, ai XdXe?$ ; Thesm. 1083. SYN. Ai/Sdw, tytieyy 0^0.1, 0wvtw. AaXrjjjia., dros, ro, subst. [sermo, loquacitas,] chattering, talk. So^wy, -rrcivovp- y/, subst. [lapilli littoris marini ant fluminis,] pebbles on the sea-shore. AdXXcu Kpv r}6' itpyvpw ivbaXXovTo. Theocr. 22. 39. SYN. T^os. AdXoj, ov, o et //, compar. XaXiarepos, a, 6v, ao*j. [loquax,] loquacious, talk- ative, chattering. AdAtarepav p tOrjKas. Ai%cr. 6. 36\ SYN. 1 Vid. Blomf. Glossar. in 1. infra c. 2 Adieu? with the first syllable long is the name of a slave. Theocr. 5. 2, &c. See Dr. Maltby's note. a This word does not occur in Homer or the three tragedians, if Set-ems and the other Indices may be depended upon. AAMA AAH 525 , ov, 6, P. N. [Lamachus',] an Athenian general, who was killed be- fore Syracuse in the Peloponnesian war. 'E/ctXevue Aayud^o* tre ravrrjs rfjs bpdxp-fis. Acharn. 960. * Aapaxiiririot', ov, ro, [Lamachus eques, vox db Aristophane conficla,] dear knight Lamachus. 7 ft x a ~ l P*> Aapa-xiiririov. Acharn. 1207. Aap.fia.vit), f. X//^ojuai, 2 aor. Xd/3oV, \. [capio, consequor,] to take, to receive, to seize. Kcu o-d/Trrp' siraOXa Tijtrbe Xa/j/3d'et -xQdvos. Phcen. 51. SYN. Kd- apTiabioi', ov, TO, subst. [(l)parva lanipas; (2) viuculum quo in vulnere cu- raudo utuntur,] a small lamp, a surgeon's bandage. "Epi' olavirripa, Xa^?rd- blov irepl TO afyvpov. Acharn. 1 17^. a/jiTrabouxos, et Xafj.Trabrjtydpos, 1 ov, o et //, adj. [taedifer,] torch-bearing. 'Iw, tu). Xa/UTrabovxos >//iepa. Iph. A. 1504. See also Agam. 303. a^rrdsj abos, et \ajjurr], 775, >/, subst. [fax, larnpas, funale, machina bellica,] a torch, a link, a light, a warlike machine. Evicts dy^Xai, Xa^n-dSas r' Qeiv. Med. 1023. See also Eumen. 390. SYN. Aa/j7rn/f>, Safe, PHR. Aafj,7rabwv ffeXas, Oewpos Eti Aa/iTrerdw, et XO/ITTW, v. [luceo,] to shine as a torch. TltpirXavT, oaae bi. oi irvpl \ajj,irf.TO(avTl .iKr^v. A. 104. See also Androm. 772. SYN. ' ), rjs, //, P. N. [Larnpetia,] daughter of the sun. ir\os, o oi fioas CKTCLV eralpoi. /u. 37-5. Aafj.TTTtbr)s, ov, 6, patronym. [Lanipetides,] the son of Lam pus. ov Art/K7ros syeivaTO (pepTCLTOS a^bpuJv. O. 527- * AayuTr//, vid. AajuTrds. * AayUTTtrw, dds, ^, P. N. [Lampito,] one of the female characters in the Lysis- traia of Aristophanes. T ft e&(Xrdrj? AdKdiva, x a 'P^ A/i?rtro/. Lysistr. 78. Aafjiiros, ov, 6, P. N. [Lampus,] (i)the father of Dolops ; (2) one of Aurora's horses. See in Aa^Trerlb^s. AciprrovpoSy ov, 6, P. N. [Lampurus,] the name of a dog. 'U AajuTrovpe Ki/wr, ovrw fiadvs virvos X l T ^ Theocr. 8. 65. Aa^Trpd^d^os, ov, 6, P. N. [Lampromachus,] the brother of Epharmastus the Opuntian. lo-fymu-rrt Aa[j.7rpd/jaxov pi-Tpats. Olymp. 9- 125. ^ # ^x > AciyUTTjods, d, o^, adj. [splendidus.] shining 1 , bright. Ou*c kv Xoyots i\v Xajuirpos, dXX' Hv aaTribi. Eur. Suppl. 91'~. SYN.^AyXdos, Trayu^diowv, r;Xovy*)s, r^Xf- , v. [clarum reddo, 7/7erjvtv. Theocr. 25. 234. Atfydaw, \r)6av(i), et X?yOw, f^rjfftt), 2 aor. eXd06V, (%) med. voc. Aav0dio/mt et \/l68pai, v. [(l)lateo, (2)obliviscor,] (1) to escape the notice, to cause to for- get, (2) to forget. 'E^uot ydp etij /ii/re Xavfldi'etv k'dXd. Hipp. 405. See also 17. 222. and a. 308. SYN. KpvTrro/jcu, ea7rdrdw, Kara/cpvard/iat, (2 d^, et Xdy57i/, adv. [calce,] with the foot or heel. Avrdp d Xd irpoaf^as ex 1 See *-E. Portus's Lexicon lonicum, at the word 52(5 AASn AAIIA x ds ' E - 620. See also ^P^ ** P naedr - 3. , ov, 6 et >, adj. [calce pulsatus,] trodden upon by the heel. Oc/uot, avrpemov y^dpav. Antig. 1275. Aaoyoj'os, oi/, 6, P. N. [Laogonus,] Laogonus. Avrdp o Aaoydror *cai AapSd- vov, vie Brands. T. 460. EPITH. Qpaavs. AadSd/^as, avros, 6, P. N. [(l) Laodamas, item adj. (2) populum domans,] (1) Laodamas, (2) host-destroying. ToZs dpd Aadbdpas percyr] ndls 'AXiciVooio. 6. 132. See Sept. Theb. 335. Aaod^uei, as, >/, P. N. [Laodamia,] Laodamia. "laavbpov re Kal 'IirTroXd^oy xal Aadbdfjietdv. Z. 197. AaobtKri, T/S, >/, P. N. [Laodice,] (1) one of Priam's daughters, (2) a daughter of Agamemnon, better known by the name of Eleclra. 1 AaobiKijv eadyovod, Qvyarp&v elbos dptcrTTjv. Zi. 252. AaobdKus, ov, 6, P. N. [Laodocus,] Laodocus. AaoSdfcw, os oi (rxjibvv eVrpt^e f*WVV%O.S ITTTTOVS. P. 6^9' r)s, //, P. N. [Laothoe,] a concubine of Priam. Tehdro \aoQ6rj, " A\rad yepovros. $. 85. , WVTOS, 6, P. N. [Laocoon,] the uncle of Meleager. Aad/cdwv ' ov jjiev Ifjs ye. Apoll. 1. 192. Aao/cowad, rjs, 7^, P. N. [Laocoosa,] the mother of Lynceus and Ida. AafKowo-d, ^>tXov yd/uov eKreXeaavrd. Theocr. 22. 206. Aad/ieSeid, as, rj, P. N. f Laomedia,] Laomedia. See in Evdyoprj. * Aao^ueSoVrids, ov, adj. [Laomedontius,] of Laomedon. Aao/u&Wte rral. Troad. 82 1. v, OITOS, 6, P. N. [Laomedon,] a king of Troy. See in"H|Ows. EPITH. , tWayXos, fcpdrepos, dy^rwjo. Tldbr]s, ov, 6, patronym. [a Laomedonte natus,] the son of Laomedon. oi'Tldbiis, ev eioord dovplbos aX(C?jf. O. 527 eos, 6 et ^, adj. [quod populus patitur,] suffered by the people. Aadirddij aZpiZuv* dXtrvTrd re fidprj. Pers. 939- AaoTrojOds, ov, 6 et %, adj. [per queni populus transit,] conveying the people over. An-oTrdpots re fj.a\dva.1s. Pers. 118. Aaos, ov, et Attice Xews, Xew, 6, subst. [populus, multitudo,], the people, the multitude, host. 2;rf/pet QlXiTrirov Xadv evQvvwv bopl. Hec. 9. See also Hec. 530. SYN. A^7/y^s, ?rX>/0ds, oxXos, arpdrds, opdcos. EPITH. QlXnnros, opfios, Tev)(aup6s, vfipiGTijs, vvoiKo$, TeroinrroXls, avr6')(Q(i)V, eTrdirvfjids, trsvrjs, Xtos, vavfidrys, OVK e7ra;, adj. [o-r^/^ow. populum augens et alens, parox. a populo auctus,] maintaining many people, maintained by the people. Kdyudptrd, \aorpd(pov. Olymp. 5. 9. Aaofydopos, et Xao^dvds, ov, 6 et >jf, adj. [populum perdens vel caedens,] de- structive to the people, host-destroying. KaJ ardalv 'EXX^vwv XaotyQuooV aXXd ov, *o7/3e. Theogn. 779- See also Theocr. 17. 53. AaoQopds, etXew^dpos, ov, 6 etr), adj. [populum ferens, pertineus ad viam publi- cam,] bearing the public, pertaining to the high road. Aao^opov *d0' dbov TrdXees re e Q^aavro. O. 682. See also Anacr. 107. SYN. Kot^os, bripoaios. v. [inanio, spolio,] to empty, to plunder. *H fjirjv Xdirafciv darv i See Damm. in P.R. 'HAeVrpo. F r Aa , e % crefl/fwj', Dr. Burney reads Evpwrav rptroV. Soph. fr. Lacaen. 3. SYN. See Ato. 297 EPITH. Oiy epiaQevees, dyavoi. v. [lambo,] to lap, to swallow. Ach/wres yXw^rajfo-iv apa vowp. II. 10 1. SYN. 'Avappo0(i), 7T/va>, Xe/}w, Xii&vffffU), Karaniyd), T), oi/, adj. [saginatus, pinguis,] fattened, fat. Md At' aXXd Xeyetv TraXat /Jeyd, /cat Xaptvov CTTOS rt. Aves 465. SYN. AtTrdpos, 7/Si/s. d, r}s, ?/, P. N. [Larissa,] (1) a city in Troad, (2) in Thessaly, (3) the name of a female. (2) 'Op0/)i/ Trap' ol^6v t f) Vt Adpiffo-ar 0epet. Alcest. 851. EPITH. 'Ept/3wXa^. at'a, ov t adj. [Larissaeus,] of Larissa. Xw Aapt<7o-a7os rov Ipvv d?r' apx,as. Theocr. 14. 30. d^, adj. [corbem gestans,] basket-bearing. Tovs XapK-dywyovs eopoi/s otffetv |i/Xd. Eiir. fr. Autol. 1. Aapfa6tor, ot/, ro, dimin. a (2) Xapcos, ov, 6, subst. [(l^corbiculus, (2) corbis e vimine plexa,] a little osier basket, 'fts ro ro XapKlblov ov Trpo^wtro) Trort. Acharn. 340. (a Paeonic tetrameter.) See also Acharn. 351. SYN. (2) Kd- ^, d^cos, ^, subst. [capsa, loculus,] a chest, a coffer. Aapmc' es dpyv- >/s, vid. ArjToytvrjs. 1 Schol. ad Lycoph. 511. indicante cl. Maltbeio. 528 AATP AEBH Aarpem, as, //, et Xarpevpd, dros, ro, subst. [servitus, servitium,] service, mi- nistry, worshipping. 0o*/3e/ai/, subst. [servus, fatnula,] a servant. '6 Bios a efiovXer* ci/ bopois e X lv Aar/rtj/. Ion 1342. SYN. Okerqs, fyws, 0r)s, bovXds. EPITH. TldXaios, dyvprrjs, Metros, Trei'eoTJjs, ap^aTos. AaYpoV, ov, ro, subst. [merces famuli,] a servant's wages. "Avrpids aivvTo Xdroor. Call. fr. 23 8. ' AaTVfjLvov, ot, ro, P. N. [Latymnus,] a mountain near Croton. "AXXd^a Se ffKctipet TO fiaftvntCiov, subst. [olerum venditrix,] a woman who sells herbs. EwptTrtSov, roD r>/s Xd^dvo7rwXr;rpts. Thesm. 394. See also Vesp. 495. Ad^d, as, >/, adj. [mollis, molli solo. Vid. Datum.] soft, having soft soil. "E'6T aKTTf'i re Xa^eid, Kat (iXved Tlfpaetyoveirjs. K. 509- , tws, ?), P. N. [Lachesis, fatum,] one of the three fates; fate. KXwflw l A&x$ffis atylv etyeaTaadv r/ pev v&r'iffcrwv. Hes. Scut. 258. EPITH. Xpi/(t)i> TrdrpwW Xd^a/. Sept. Theb. 908. See also Eumen. 335. and t. 445. as also Damm. v. Herman et Aay^avw. SYN. K/\//pwcrJ's, 7rd\os, ' . . . . , , . a^vr}, TJS, 7;, subst. [lanugo,] soft hair, down. Ai7rXi/v, eKTdbirjv ovXrj Trei'rivoBe Xaxvrj. K. 134. SYN. "lovXos, rptx^jud. . . . . , . s, eaad, ej/, et Xa^^wS^s, tos, 6 et //, adj. [pilosus,] hairy, grizly, grassy. "Hjudrt rw, ore ^.j/pds eTtcdrd Xax^jevrds. B. 743. See also Cycl. , uv^j . ^* u/ , t// t U//^U tTlUllTO AUV^/yt J'TU.4. i->. ( ~f. EPITH. n 1 Vid Ruhnkenii adnotationem cruditissimam. AEFN AEIX 520 is, antipos, KaXtfs, XevK'Ss, cudur, ZirrjZrdt'os, apyi>- peos, fiats a$ds. Aeyvwros, 6v, adj [fimbriatus,] fringed. ZwvvvaQai XeyrwroV, lv dyptd Kalvia. Call. 3. 12. SYN. Qua ear dets. Alyw, v. [(l)colligo, dico, cubare facio, (2) in med. voc. cubo, jacco,] (l) to gather, to select, to speak, to make to lie down ; (2) to lie down. *Hf roioi TroXXols trpos ^apiv Xtyrjre rt. Hec. 257- SYN. SvXXfyw, fjterpeti), avbaw, tptto, eve-Ira), r]fu, Keljuat, KaraKcipai. AeTjXarew, v. [depopulor, praedor,] to carry off plunder, to take away booty.}Xdrr)ffi yjpovov' eyw 5' a7r6\Xv[ Aj.-Fl.343. SYN. A/jarevw, Aeid, as, ^, subst. [praeda,] plunder. Bora KOI Xetav. Aj. FI. 145. SYN A?;ts, aypa, Xd^vpd, trolfirld, fBoffKrjjjiuTa. Ae/dyd/?;, T;S, rj t P. N. [Leagora,] See in ILvayopr). AemtVw, v. [laevigo, polio,] to polish, to level. Haaav Xeidj'ew, rpe^o) ' 'AXCIIOVS. O. 26l. SYN. Hew, *coor^ew. Ae//So;, v. [libo, fundo,] to pour, to shed. KaTmrd \eifleis 6df;pi>' UTT* o/ aldtv ; Iph. A. 650. SYN. E'//3a>, oraC'w, /JU ydp 6 KpdrtSas ro^ Troc/uvd Xelds VTraiTwr. Theocr. 5. 90- SYN. Aevpos, o/^dXos, ftaXaKos, Xiaffos, XtWos. Aetorjys, ?;roy, r/, subst. [Isevitas,] smoothness. 2?rXay)(K;j' TC Xetorqrd. P. V. 502. SYN. Add*/, ro. AetTroyd^ds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui conjugem deserit,] abandoning the marriage- bed, faithless, AetTroydjuoV, a TrXe/arous. Orest. 1299. AetTTOTrdrwp, dpos, 6 et //, adj. [qui patrem deserit,] forsaking a father. Ten/ XeiTTOTrdropd. Orest. 1298. AetTrreos, ov, adj. [linquendus,] to be left. Ov XeiTrreoi' Tab' 1 aOXius be awcr- rtov. Here. F. 137?. AC/TTW, v. [linquo, relinquo, deficio,] to leave, to forsake, to abandon, to fail, 'fts ydp TreaovTS irai& eXetTrer^v fiiov. Phoen. 1443. SYN. 'ATroXetVw, eKXe/Trw. Aetpioets, evXXds, drexvos. Eumen. 788. Vet^vwp, opos, 6, \etxopv\r], qs, r/, et Aet)^d7rt/a^, CLKTOS, 6, P. N. [Lichenor, Lichomyle, Lichopinax,] the names of mice in the Batrachomyomachia, 214. 29. and 99. Ye/x&j, v. [lambo, lingo,] to lick. Aeixew, x^ a ~ ivav A*a^K/'> ri&v* n .v. Vesp. 738. SYN. AaTrrw, Xtj^jud^o;. Pros. Lex. 3 X 530 AEPF AEOA Aetyavuv, ov, TV, subst. [reliquiae,] a remainder, a relic. *A\\* Xetyavov ^pvywvXtTrelv ; Troad. 717- EPITH. HaXaitiv, Kutyov. AfVdi/Tj, T?S, ?;, et \eKavWy, ov, ro, subst. [(1) pelvis ; (2) catinus,] a dish, a plate. Tov ffxoyyoi' e^iov en rJjs XtKavrjs rapfiabi'' fyuwv irepiKwvet. Vesp. 600. See also Acharn. 1 109. AeicWos, ov, ?/, subst. [(l) vitellus, ovi iuteum; (2) XeKidos, 6, pisum,] the yolk of an egg; a dish made of peas. 'Es TQV ^a\Kovv eyu/SaXXo/uvov TrtXov Trdpd ypno?. Lysistr. 56l. , tos, //, subst. [quac pisa vendit,] a woman who sells peas, *H ov yap av TOVOVTOVI. Pint. 427- y}, ov, adj. [(l)leclus; (2) diceudus, dictus,] chosen, select; to be told, told. ACKTOVS aQpoiffas bevp' 'AfrqvcuW Kopcvs. Eur. Suppl. 366. SYN. "AptffTos, (2) faros, 6tjj.iTos eibevai. AeKroV, ro, is also a P. N. [Lectum,] a part of mount Ma. Horn. Apoll. 217- , 1 ov, TO, subst. [lectus,] a bed, a couch. *6s ovre \eKTpwv ^edya/tiw^ Med. J345. SYN. Kolrq, evy)}, Xe^os, ejurrc/j/, 6a\afjiits. EPITH. crreppov, /SderiXt'KoV, KUIVOV, ffrpwrov, dXXorpior, cuo^poJ', dKijpdrdv, dvi'ju^evroV, ydpiijXidv, paXaKov, vv/u^uor, jna.Ka.pwv , ovvatpov, iroXvirvvov, Keb- roj', ayvov, TrapOeveiov, epdr6>, biabpdfjidv, rv/JitytbWv , arvyepov, 6eo7rdvr)Tdv, eirt- ffripdv, ^oi'j'ioV. PHR. Tas avav&pou Kolrcts Xejcrpor, XeKTpwv aOtKTUv tyvaX- Xdyat, XeKTpw Kolrai tprjfjot, Xt/crpwf rpi)^r//^d 0lXoV, /cXtala Xe/crpwv ^oXia, AeXfyfs, w^, 01, P. N. [Leleges,] a nation which came from Caria to assist the Trojans. See Damm. P. R. Ktu AfXfyes KOI Kav/cwves, Slot re IlfXao-yo/. K. 429. EPITH. /, cot', adj. [leonjnus,] of a lion. Aep/ua XfoV- Tetov fjid\d ol K"^dpt(TjUVor avr&J. Theocr. 24. 133. AloiT7, with ^opa understood, [pellis leonis,] a lion's skin. Ran. 46. 432. 498. AfovroTrovs, 7rdbos, adj. [leoninos pedes habens,] livn-footed. f Y7r/XXova' VTTO XfovroTrovi' /3d was fastened, and connected with the jtmor^aXt^rj/p. Ai/0-e xpvcrewy KaXov vyov t ev be XfTraSvd. E. 730. EPITH. KaXoi', y^pvaeidv. Ae-jraios, a, 6>, adj. [(1) montanus, pra?ruptus ; (2) corticibus abundans,] mountainous, abounding with cork trees. Tavpov, XtTraias ov icdroto' dirov 'XOovos. Hipp. 1243. SYN."6peios, >'/Xt/3droj. AfTrapyos, ov, adj. [albus,] white. Tov OaXXov Tp&yuvTl rd bvo-aoa, air& d Aeirapyus. Theocr. 4. 45. SYN. ACVKOS, apyjjfets. AfTrds, dbos, ?/, et (2) X?rds, dros, ro, subst. [(l) concha petr3 adhaerens ; (2) rupes, promontorium,] (1) a limpet, (2) a rock, a promontory. 'AyfXaTd /Soo-jo'/fmr' aprt trpos Xeirds. Bacch. 666. SYN. (1) Koyj(T/, (2) TTfrpa, " EPITH. 1 AtKTpov is more commonly used in the plural number, especially by Euripides, and then denotes marriage, &c. 2 AeTraSi'os seems also to be used as an adjective in the sense of adhtcrcscens, joined or yoked to. Eumen. 500. See Pauw's note in Dr. Butler's most useful edition AEOA AEVF 531 J/, iis, r/, subst. [genus poculi, conchas formam habens,] a shell-cup. tyfiaeis, ETreibav Kiriys o\vov vlov XeTracrn/v. Pax 91 6. AeVpds, dcos, fj, fern, [aspera,] rugged. AeTrpds, t, adj. [tenuis, subtilis, gracilis,] slender. r rot de priTs afiaprij. 2. 571. See also K. 226*. SYN. ' tis, eds, 6, r/, adj. [minime profundus,] shallow. AeTTTofiaOwv. Suppl. 4. os, ov, adj. [tenuiter aedificatus vel textus,] slightly built. AeTr-r , \a-OTrupois. Pers. 117. w, v. [raiimta et subtilia disputo,] to speak subtilely. Kai Aoyetv 7/617 ^rel, cat Trept KaTri/oi; flrrevoXepems a? ttatiopaTE. Ran. 875. AeiTTdjjiiTds, 6v t adj. [tenui licio textus,] tinely woven. "ATTO', Xe?rro/itrov aptis. Androm. 831. ACTITOS, vid. AeTrrdXeos. i, 7?ro?, >/, subst. [tenuitas, subtilitas,] subtilty, refinement. T fl ZeD /, TJJS \eTrrdri]TOS T&V typiv&v. Nub. 153. , v. [subtiliter ago,] to refine. 'AXX' oi yap ev beovrt XeTrrovpyets, Hipp. 923. SYN. AejrroXoylw. A7rroi//>y)/s, eds, 6, ?/, irtlj. [subtili artificio factus,] finely wrought. Aeirrovp- yts, Tri'otjf avefjiwv viro 5' apffe^es fTTTrot. Horn. 30. 14. SYN. AeTrrdXed^, XeTr- TOS, ^at^dXeos, baibdXos. AtTTvpov, et XtTriyptoV, ov, ro, subst. [putamen ovi vel nucis,] an egg or nut- shell. 'H oe Kupvs, TO \7rvpoi> irl KpoTa(f)ois Kapvow. Batrach. 130. See also Theocr. 3. 95. Aepvalos, a, ov, adj. [Lernaeus,] ofLerna. Aepvatq, rt Swcrei rpialrg.. Phosn. 194. Aepva, TJS, i/, P. N. [Lerna,] a river and marsh in Argolis. 7 H TrdXts. b. MdXwv ss "Apyds, dvaKaXei Aepvrjs iJowp. Phoen. 622. Aerr/3m^w, el Aeaj3i<*>, v. [Lesbiam ago,] to act the Lesbian woman. Avnj Trot)' ?/ Mover' OVK .\eafllac.(.v ; ovic ; Ran. 1308. See also Vesp. 1337- Ae<7/3fds, a, o>, et Aeafils, t6os, ^, adj. [Lesbius,] of Lesbos. See in Aaftbd. See also I. 271. Aecrfios, ov, '/, P. N. [Lesbos,] an island in tlie ^Egean sea. "Qaaov Aeafios avw MaKapos ebds evros eepyei. H. 544. EP1TH. 'EvKTipt.rYi, ijyddtri, ijvtpoea- ' ad, iepd. a^a;, v. [garrio,] to prate, fo chatter. 2ty^v 6' OVK tdtXovffi KO.KO] K&KO. . Theog. 613. SYN. $Xvapew. 7, rjs, r/, subst. [publicum aedificium, ubi otiosi confabulabantur et men- dici norinunquani pernoctabant ; diversorium, Hes. Op. 495. ; confabulatio, conventus,] a place for loungers and of entertainment for the idle or destitute, meeting, conversation. 'He TTOV es Xefr^rjv' aXX' erdube TroXX' dyopevets. a. 328. EpJTH. 2vycXrjrds, Ttoi'rjpa, //a^pd, Kd.Koarof.ius. AevydXeos, a, dv, adj. [luctuosus, perniciosus,] deplorable, destructive, sad. AevydXeoi T eao^effdd, teat ov bebdrjKorES dXcr/y. jS. 6 1. SYN. 'OXeflptds, 8\ods, aXyetvos, olicrpos. Aei/ydXews, adv. [graviter, tristi anirao,] mournfully. "Ei0d KE XevyuXews xal KXiaiauv. N. 723. 532 AEYK AEYK AevKtuW, \. [dealbo,] to make white. "iQl. AevKaivei TO&E (j>&s $Si/. Iph. A. 157. AevKar6))s, eos, o, //, adj. [florem album seu canos capillos habens,] white- flowered, hoary, blue. AevKavded aw eiriavav KO.TTVOV. Nem. 9' 55. AevKavta, vid. AavKavin. as, 1 abos, >/, P. N. [Leucas,] a famous rock on the coast of Epirus. Tt- r' $ aXjjtrjv Aevtcabos Trerpas a?ro. Cycl. l66. , ibds, 6, adj. [album clypeum habens,] white-shielded. AevKaairiv V 'Apyelwv arparov. Phoen. 1115. ACVKTJ, rjs, //, subst. [alba populus,] the white poplar. "ZptXaKos ocjwv, KCU aTTpayfJioavvris teal Xevtcrjs (j>vXXo(3oXovcrr)s. Nub. 1007 PHR. 'Hpa/cXi-os izpov epvtis. AevKi'iperfjios, ov, adj. [albis re mis instructus,] white-oared. AevKyperfjiov 6' "Apr/. Iph. A. 283. Aevxi'iprjs, tos, o, >/, adj. [albus,] white, hoary. Ka/ pot yevelov trepde es, wv, at, P. N. [Phoebe et Hila'ira,] the daughters of Leucippus, or theii priestesses. TI&p' olbpa AevKiTrTrlbas, f; irpo vaov. Helen. 1465. AevKiwirtis, et AevKoxtoXos, ov, 6, [(l) P. N. Leucippus ; (2) adj. albos equos habens,] (1) Leucippus, (2) having white horses, trodden by white horses. Kelro, XevKiTnroiffi Kct-bpeiuv. Pyth. 9. 14G. See also Aj. Fl. 672. SYN. AeVK07T(i)XoS. Aevtirrjs, ov, 6, XCVKITIS, id$, //, adj. [candidus,] streaked with white. See in Ko- pviTTiXos. SYN. AevKds, Xe-rrapyos. AevKoQea, rjs, //, P. N. [Leucothea,] the same as Ino. 7 ft irovrtas TTCU AevKodeas, vluv ^\a. Iph. T. 271- PHR. See e. 334. Aevw6pt, tx^j a( ^J- [n u ' <^andido est capillo,] white-haired* nptirov Hav^uptf dvffat Xevx6rpi)(a. Kpiov. Aves 971. dv, ov, TO, subst. [alba viola,] a white violet. *H Kal XevKoiuv artfyavov KpaTi (pvXaffffwv. Theocr. 7. 64. , ov t adj. [albos fluctus habens,] having foamy waves. AEVKOKV- Kpos rtpaiaTlais. Orest. 987. Xo^a$, ov, o, et XevnoXo^os, adj. [albam cristam habens,] white-crested. TiJ ovros o XevKdXoQas. Phoen. 1 18. evKOTrrixvs, eds, adj. [candidos cubitos habens,] white-armed. Ov biKTvourlv, aXXa XeuKOTriJxeol. Bacch. 1 196. evKOTrXrjdi]s, tos, 6, >/, adj. [albatis plenus,] full of people in white. f fts XevKv- irXrid>}s -fiv ibelv ff 'KKXrjaia. Eccles. 387. , obos, adj. [albos pedes habens,] white-footed. Ba^ats ovv Xev- . Cycl. 72. , ov, 6 et fj, adj, [albas alas, vel alba vela habens,] white-winged. 'ft XcvKOTTTtpe Kprjaia. Hipp. 749* AeVKOTTdlXdS, Vid. AeVK'tTTTTOs. Aevjcos, ?/, or, adj. et (2) AevKos, ov, 6, P. N.[(l) albus ; (2) Leucus,] (1) white; (2) Leucus. TideUca XCVKOV o>i>X" ^" wd^jjtSwv. Orest. 9^1. See also A. 491. SYN. 'Apyfcts, Xev:>}p^s, AevuV^s, \E7rapyos, XayuTrpos, Smvy^s, cvrv- , eds, 6, ^/, adj. [alba Ian a velatus,] covered with white wool. Aev- ls tyovoa vZobpeirrovs fcXciSovs ; ^Esch. Suppl. 338. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [albis maculis distinctus,] marked with white spots. Aev-KoaTtKTu Tpl^t jGciXiovs. Iph. A. 222c 1 See Damrn. and Ovid. Epist. Sappli. 2 Dr. Blomfield in his glossary remarks that this is the only instance of ypris in composition with an adjective. But we find Iff-fipijs Iph. T. 1473, /iecro^/wjy, Ion 909, aArt^js, Hec. 454, and the numeral adjectives compounded with ypys. AEYK AHAA 533 , ov, 6 et /, adj. [candidos habenspedum malleolos,] white-ankled. Oi 5' els afiflpofflov daXa/Jtov XVfCoo-0vpov"H/3as. Theocr. 17. 32. evKOTpotyos, ov, adj. [albas baccas gerens,] producing white berries. Aev*o- rpd(fid juvprd, Xdpt-rwv. Aves 1100. evfco0d/)s, tos, adj. [album nitens,] shining, white, sparkling. Ildpd fa Xev- Ko. Z. 371. SYN. AevfcoTr^yvs. Aei/pds, a, ov, adj. [laevis,] smooth, polished. 'Ev ^/dyud0w Xevp^t. Hec. 693. SYN. AeTos, ojjtaXds, irXdrvs, elpv^wpoSf evpvs. s, oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [lapidatorius,] of stoning. 2ot (rjf r' dSeX^p Xcvo-iyuov SiKiyy. Orest. 607. SYN. Ae0#Xevoros, \evffrfip. , ov, 6, subst. [lapidatio,] stoning. Aevcrpov re Kal ^v^ovaiv oiKrtcrfJibv Eumen. ISp. AevffffO) f v. [video,] to see. Aetvor Se Xeuffffets Oju/udrw^ ^vpats Kopats. Orest. 383. SYN. BXfcTrw, flewpew, opdw, SepKo/uat, /3Xe//o/Vw. Aeuori7p, /pos, 6, adj. [lapidator,] a caster of stones. Aevarfipa S^ov 5' ovrt jui7 0i)yi; /^opo>/. Sept. Theb. 183. SYN. Aevat/zos, XWoftoXos. Aevw, v. [lapido,] to throw a stone at. Herpots e Xeuet pvfjfjLa Xatvov Trarpos. Eur. Electr. 328. SYN. See KdrdXei/w. Ae^aios, oi/, o, adj. [Lechaeus,] an epithet of Neptune, as having a temple^at Lechaeum. Ov Kep^vts fcpetovrt ITotretSawvi Acx a 'V' Call. 4. 271. , ov, o, adj. [herbosus,] grassy. 'A/5"/v . Hipp. 153. SYN. and EpiTH. See AtKTpov. , a, o>, adj. [obliquus,] oblique, bent. Anglos, eKTreffy (fiXas Kapbias. Hec. 101 1. SYN. AGIO'S, ^oxftos, ey^apatos, ffKoXios, Xo^os. * ts, adv. [oblique,] obliquely. Ae)(pts ^' atTrvr^pot bofjtot earaffdr . Apoll. 3. 238. , oos, et Xexwis, t6oy, r/, subst. [puerpera,] a woman in labor 7/Xiovs, ev olfftv ayvevet Xt^w. Eur. Electr. 654. See also Call. 4. 236. SYN. Toms, reffovad, TratboroKus, apriroKos. Ae-%wiov,T6, subst. [puerperii lectus,] childbed. 'Slytylov icdXeovat Xe^uWy 'ATrtSd^es. Call. 1. 14. Aewfopds, vid. Aao^opos. Aewj', poet. Xe/wv, oi/r<5s, et Xts, 6, subst. [leo,] a lion. Kd?rp^ Xeovrt 0' apjjtoffai iraibtav yd/uovs. Phcen. 422. See also E. 782. and A. 480. EriTH. Uv- opeffrtpos, opews, exjdpos, ayptos, f^avXos, aX^t/^os, beivos, oXoos, , Kc'iprepos, tr) 7 ts > Vpe , fiXoffvpos, ftapv^OeyKrrjs. PHR. See A. 543550. and Trach. 1108. Aewpyos, ov, 6-et ^/, adj. [facinorosus,] wicked. "Y^fjXdKprjfjtvots TUV o'xjudo-at. P. V. 5. SYN. Ddvovpyt/y, TrairoX/^os, brjpoxaplffrrjs, <\vpo(f)di>ds. Aews, vid. Aads. A//yw, v. [cesso, desino,] to cease, to abstain from. A//javpos, dTrdX?;, f3a0vKo\7ros, /SdflvcWos, AtrwXts. PHR. KVKVOI/ ^oXtav^eVos yovos. , ov, TO, subst. [rete,] a net. Tot KaXapot, ruyKtcrrpd, rd (pvKioevTa re . Theocr. 21. 10. , 6V, adj. [(1) Lethreus, (2) oblivionem inducens,] Lelhsean, consigning to oblivion. Ovb' ort ol Xr)6a~iot> e?rt TrrepoV virvos tpdaei. Call. 4. 234. SYN. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [oblivionem liabens ventorum, quietus,] tranquil. AaOavfjiot> re> &pav. Simon, fr. 18. SYN. rd\r)vos, ev&ios. , vid. \avQavii). rjdri, Xrjddffvvri, Xadfypocrvvr), XrjfffjiorTvvr), TJS, X?/0ds, Dor. Xados, tos, TO, et Aborts, ios, ?/, subst. [oblivio, P. N. Lellie, fluvius apud Inferos,] oblivion, forgetfulness ; the river Lethe. 7 H Trorvm X//0// rwv KO.K&V, MS el , o/, ro, subst. [srges,] a corn-field, a crop. A^toiJ aXS?/o-fcoj/- rps, dre <}>ptaaovali> dpovpai. T". 599- SYN. 2rax, affrdx^s. EPITH. ''AyXdeJr, PHR. A?;/iyrjOds fe^s dicri;, , tds, >/, subst. [pra3da, pecus,] plunder, cattle. 'AXXorp^s /3watv, OM trearlv kv TJJ XrjKvOy. Aves 1589. See also Ran. 1243. A^Xavros, et AqXavrios, ow, 6, subst. [campus Euboeae,] a plain in Euboea. Srijs e?rt A^Xfiir^ Tribltp. H. Apoll. 220. See also Call. 4. 289. UTOS, TO, subst. [voluntas, indoles,] will, purpose, courage. I AHMA % AIAN 535 rti Xrjfjid KabdparTos Cycl. 59 1. SYN. typtivripa, 0v//tfs, aia>/*d, Opdous, flovXevpa, flov\i] t pupr}, avbpetd. EPITH. TtflTjy/zli/oV, Tvpnvvlxov, yivvaiov, KO.KOV, dpaav, aTroro^or, dpioroV, fiapfiapov, avetfjitt'ov, evyeyts, betvov, rooi/Xco>, evroXjuoV, 6oitpWv 9 nlQov. ArjfjiaTidd), v. [forti sum animo,] to show a determined spirit. "l6t vvv, eveibi} Aq/uorcps, Kavbpetos el. Ran. 4^7. SYN. Meyd ^ooVtw. A///mw, v. [lippio,] to be blear-eyed. 'AXX', J Kptirftccur XTJ/ZOIS oVrws Xijpuv- res rds ^pe^ds rljU0a>. Pint. 581. SYN. 'O00aX/^mw, yXa/iaw. Ai/pij, r;s, //, subst. [(1) gramia, pituita crassa, ('2) lippitudo,] a concretion, blearedness. See in A^judw. Arjfjfjid, dros, ro, subst. [res qnae accipitur, proventus,] assumption, seizure, income. 'Et r&v yap ala^piiit' X^judrwr roi/s TrXe/ords. Antig. 313. SYN. KepSos, bwpov* A?7/o'ios, a, oi/, adj. [Lemnius,] of Lemnus, Lemnian. Ts Ayfjtrlas a^TreXov^. Pax 1162. See Damm. in Ar7/^ros. Ajjjui'ds, ou, j;, P. N. [Lemnus,] an island in llie JEgean sea, off the coast of Thrace. Kat Ai/juvdf apaevuv efcyKlffar. Hec. 875. EPITH. 'Ayu^td- Xoy, a^tTreXoecrrrd, ^yddetj, J-VKTIII^VT), KpHrarj. Arjva't-ris, oi/, o, et X?;vaVKos, adj. [ad leslum rwi^ A-qraltav pertinens,] belonging to the festival of Lensens. Qopvfiov xpyaTui' Arjvai-rjv. Equit. 547. (Ana- paest, dim.) Arjvalov, ov, ro, subst. [Leneeum,] (1) the theatre in which the festival called (2) Aqvcud, ra, in honor of Bacchus, was celebrated. 'OvTri Arjvaiy r' aywv. Acharn. 504. See also Acharn. 1 154. Arjvatwy, &vos, o, subst. [inensis in quo A^raTd celebrabantur,] the month rapjj\twv (January), in which the Afjj'aldwere celebrated. M?/'d be Ar/i/cu- oivd, fcdfc' r//udrd, fiovbupti irai'ra, Hes. Op. 502. Arjvos, et Dor. Xat'os, ov, 6, et (2) * X?>os, eos, ro, subst. [(1) lacus preli tor- cularii, ubi uvae exprimuntur, (2) vitta lanea,] (1) a wine vat or press, (2) a woollen fillet. ActyoV iTriQpwaKeis ; us rev novl vianoptvow. Theocr. 7. 25. See also Euinen. 44. EPJTH. (1) Eu, adj. [capiendus,] must be taken. A^Trreor paXXov. Ti OVK sXys, w aaptyopa ; Equit. 6'02. Arjpew, \. [nugor, ineptio,] to play the fool. Aijpov Xrjpels' Tavrd yap -jravd', dffd vvvl KartXefas. Plut. 517 SYN. $Xvajolw, d^oXeo-^ Aijpds, ov, o, subst. [nugee,] a trifle, fiction. See in ArjjOfw. A^tfyuoffih-T/, vid. AyjOrj. Ai]ffrr]s t vid. Arjiarrjp. Aijcrris, vid. AijQij. Ai'iTetpa, as, //, subst. [sacerdos,] a priestess. ArjTetpat Kaieiv bes. Call. fr. 123. Arjroyei'ijs, eos, o et //, A^royevetd, as, fi, ArjTuibqs, ov, o, A^rwtds, abos, Arj- rwis, /Sos, 7/ f et A?jrwos, a, 6V, adj. [e Latona natus sen nata,] son or daughter of Latona. 2ii , v. [agito, jacto,] to move rapidly, toss, separate. "En-epd x P ff * v ^Xot> TrpvTi ya/r/. Y. 420. SYN. Kti'tw, (XTreuSa;, Sorew. Arar, Ion. Xti/r, adv. [valde,] very greatly, too much. 'AXX' ovr avrd tit'ioopm Xluv. Med. 532. See also Androni. 858. SYN. MdXd, 536 MAP M0A Atopfc, a, oY, adj. [calidus,] warm, mild. NIC?' &dn Xtdpy ITTI V fata $ap- fjtaKa TraanH. A. 829. SYN. XXtdpos, depute. Alfiavos, et Xt/3d/wrds, oi/, 6 et ^ subst. [thus,] frankincense. Ne/crdpi, Sfyuas 6* (is Xifiavov KCLTTVOS. Bacch. 144. See also Plut. 703. EPITH. 'H^'a. PHR. ILvpiov ayXdia/Jid. Aiflas, dbos, fj, et Xt/3os, eos, ro, subst. [gutta,] a drop, a stream. TaKojucu us Kerplva iribaKoeaaa. Xiflds. Androm. 117- See also Agam. 1402. SYN. Ai\p, Kpovvos, crdXay/Jos, ordywy. EPITH. 'Av//Xos, bpootpa, bpoadecrad, bpoff&brjs, epfffjeaffd, vyprjXos, Xvaitroi'ds, Kaddpa, baKpvdeaird, tepd, oXiyrj. Aifivrj, ys, rj, P. N. [Libya,] Libya. ILireipeiv pev, orav yepavos jfpwcovo-' es TIJV Alftvriv fjiera^wpy. Aves 710. EPITH. At^/ds, 6i//aXta, btyids, fypa, 6r)po- rpd(j)os t 7ro\V)]pa.Tds t zprjfjir], 7ro\v/j,r}\os y TrdXvKapTros* A.ifii>Kos, >}, ov, At/3i)s, vos, 6, At/3voru-ds, >), ov, et Ai/Sutraa, ?ys, r/, adj. [Africus,] Libyan, African. 'Y7rde5tws tywye, Alfivnov opveov. Aves 65. See also Here. F. 684. Eur. fr. Lam. 2. et Bacch. 979. Atyd, et Xiytws, adv. [argute,] distinctly, loudly. 'Apty* avr$ xfyieyr/, Xiy* EKUKVE, e P* & avffffe. T. 284. See also K. 201. SYN. 'O^i), aoba, add, Atya/rw, v. [clara voce voco,] to call with a clear voice, to complain mourn- fully. M>) K I typevos opd&s yue Xlyaivetr. Sept. Theb. 871. SYN. 'ATroXc- yaivui, Kqpvffffd), dXdXdcw, avaKrjpvffoti), *cXa/w, $bu). Aiyyii), f. X/y|w, v. [sono clare et acute,] to sound shrill. A/y (3ibs, vevpfj be fjcy' 'ia%EV, aXro 5' oiorrds. A. 125. SYN. KtKW, ^/oW ', adv. [stringendo, superne lacerando,] on the surface, slightly. riv be pivor brjXrjffdTd xXfcos. %. 279 Aiyews, vid. A^yd. * AtyvVoets, evea, lv t adj. [fuliginosus,] smoky. Kaprspd Xtyvvoevrt irpt et- Xvf4eva. Kcnrvy. Apoll. 3. 1290. Atyvus, i)os, ^f, subst. [fuligo,] soot, smoke. Aiyvvv f*\an>av, aloXrjv nvpos Kaalv. Sept. Theh. 490. SYN. KOTTVOS, ctr/xts. EPITH. Irepo^/, KaTT^w AiyvfjioXirds, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [argute canens,] singing loudly. 2vj> be atytv tore Ny^u^ai opeffTiabes XlyvjUoXTroi. Horn. 18. 19- Atyvpvdos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [clara voce loquens,] clear-voiced. Alyvfjivdos arjbwv. Aves 1381. AlyvTrreiwv, ovros, et XtyvTrvoius, uv, adj. [argute spirans,] harmoniously sounding, loudly blowing. 'AXX' alel Zfyvpoto Xiyvirrelovrus dr/rcts. 5. 567. See also Horn. Apoll. 28. SYN. Atyv/ioXTros, Xiyv^wvos, fjbv(j)(ovds f Xiyvs, Xiyv6oyyos. Aiyvpos, a, ov, et Xiyvs^ eld, , adj. [argutus, stridulus,] loud-sounding, clear- voiced, tuneful. Maoriyi Xtyypp' rot be, TrXrjyfjs alovres. A. 532. See also Heracl. 893. SYN. wv?;eis, o^v/zoXTros, \LlQvpos, rjbvs, fjbvXoyos. AlyvfyBoyyos , et Xiyvtyuvds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [argutam vocem habens,] loud or shrill-voiced. AT^d be K^pvKeaol Xiyvtydoyyoiai KeXevve. /3. 6. See also Theocr. 12. 7- SYN. See Alyvirveiuv , et Atyvpos. AtyvffTis, ibos, y, adj. [Ligustica,] Ligurian. KiJ/cXw^, Alyvaris & ^ avtiv fjiop(f)a)Tpia. Troad. 439^. Ac^f, vid. Aiav. AlQa%, O.KOS, et Xtdeos, a, or, XWivos, 77, ov, adj. [lapideus,] stony. MI/TTWS /it' e/c- fiaivovTu fiaXy XWaKi TTOTI TreTpy. e. 415. See also v. 107- and Aves 614. SYN. Aalvos, 7Trpw//s. At0ds, abos, ri, subst. [lapis,] a large stone. 'AKpofiuXuv b' eVaX^wv Xi0d$ <" Sept. Theb. 146. 1 M?/ ZK here form, in scanning, only one long syllable. 2 Aiyvs is also a P. N. a Ligurian. ^Esch. fr. Prom. Sol. AI0E AIMN 637 t ct XWtvds; vid. Ai6a. AWdfidXds, ov, adj. [a lapide ictus,] hit with stones. AWSfioXov jcdretpydaw. Phoen. 1078. AWdKoXXrjTos, ov, adj. [ex lapidibus conglutinatus,] cemented by stones, strong. AWoicoXXrjTov ard^iov Trape^oi/cr'. Trach. 1*63. AttidXevffTos, ov, o et %, adj. [lapidibus ohrutus vel obruendus,] stoned to death, to be stoned to death. Ou Kal rbv Kfityiauv ; emae yap rj XWoXewTtis. Call. Ep. 42. 5. AWos, 1 ov, 6, et lonice fj, Damm. subst. [lapis,] a stone. 7 Sloe b' d?ro ptvbv Tpityvs XWds' avrap oy ijpws. E. 308. SYN. Adas, Xds, Trerpnt. EPITH. Zeoros, rpijTos, Kdrwpv^, TrDvu'd?, wvKvtis, peXds, rpj^fo, /^eyds, fJUKpos, oxploeis, , XCVKOS, (3pi6vs, batbdXtds^ d\oos, ofipipos. , eos, 6, ?/, adj. [a saxo avulsus,] torn from a rock. 'Adp^o XWocnrabij. Antig. 1216. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [lapidibus stratus,] stone-paved, stony. res, ni/^ts Trpos XWotrrpwTQv kuprjs. Antig. 1204. AWovpytis, ov, 6, subst. [hpicida,] a stone-mason. HXivBdtyopos, ov \l6ovpytis, ov reKvwv irariv. Aves 1134. w, v. [ventilo, dissipo,] to winnow. 'Ai'bp&v \IKHUVTUV, ore re )]TT. E. 500. SYN. &iaffKopiriu) t ii:/zdw, XiK)U/e?w, A?Kf*i)Tt}p t T)pos, o, subst. [ventilator,] a winnower. Ylvoirj VTTO Xiyvpy Kai \tic- pj]Ti]p6s epwy. N. 590. A^KVOV, ov, TO, subsr. [(l)cuna3; (2) vannus,] a cradle: the fan, " mystica vannus lacchi." See in AiKvofyopos. Afn'iutyotios, cv, 6 et >^, adj. [qui vel qua? vannnm fert,] one who bears the van- nus. 'fts at XiKtd(J)dpoi vpy/r&7 TrXed XIKVOI (j>epovTl. Call. 6. 126. A~iKpl(f)is, adv. [oblique,] obliquely, side-ways. Ampins aias, ovfr oareov iKerd (JUNTOS, r. 451. SYN. Ae^pts, Xiyvrjv. AiKv/jiviids,* ov, o, P. N. [Licymnius,] the brother of Alcmene. "Hbrj yrjpdtr- KOVTCL AlKVjjivlov, oov"Apr)os, B. 663. AiXaid, as, fj, P. N. [Lilrea,] a city in Phocis. Oi' re AtXaidv e-^ov ir^yijs 7rt K^0to"o7o. B. 523. / AlXaiopni, v. [cupio, frui cupio,] to be eager for, to long after. M7 // crt vvv KarepvKe, XiXatdfjLfvov irep obo'io, a. 315. SYN. rXt^o^uat, 7rt0yyuew, irodeb), epd- pai, 0tXew, (3ovXof.iai, ffirovbaZw. * AiXvfiriis, ibos, >, adj. [e Lilybaeo,] ofLilybaeum, a promontory in Sicily. Ylpo(j)pwv avTOfj-evri AtXy/3^iSd vaiejjiev aKprjv. A poll. 4. 919* Aijjievr)d\ds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. (2) Xt/jievrjo-^os, ov, [(l) portum habens, (2) portu inclusus,] having a harbor, being shut up in a harbor. Yvap^av 'A/J biov eKddev Xlpevrjo-^ov aKprjv. ApolK 2. 967. AipevoaKoTTos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [portuum inspector,] inspecting harbors. via Movvvxlrj, \lpHi'oa^oire, X a7p Qepairj. Call. 3. 259. Afyo)i>, evos, o t subst. [portus,] a harbor. Ka< bwjjd irarpbs Kat fjeyas rrXovrov \iftrjv. Orest. 1076. SYN. 'Op^uos. EPITH. Mlydy, evfctvoruTos, evf), evopjjios, KX&TOS, vcivXij-^os, antylbvfjios, Trdvoppos, y\avp6s, 7roXu/3ey0/)s, KaXos, evbios, evfeti'os, iroXios. AifjLrjpos, a, ov, adj. [famelicus,] famished. Tov be TEOV, /3ovva7c, Trpc; pov epwTd. Theocr. 10. 58. SYN. Atfjio6vj}s, -nlvfypos, irevr)s. Atfju'alos, dv, adj. [(1) palustris; (2)epilh. Bacchi,] (1) marshy ; (2)Limna3an, Epith. of Bacchus. 'AXXd Xt/a7os. b. Bd/3aJ, /cdXos ye Kal (poivtKtovs. Aves 272. Atpvas, dbos, et Xi/m/rts, ibos, >/, adj. [lacustris,] inhabiting a lake. Ov /idv, ov TavTus rets Xtprabas, w 'ydOe, villas. Theocr. 5.17. See also Theocr. 2. 56. 1 Dr. Maltby remarks under the word Afflos, " (1) masc. quum simpliciter lapidem significat; (2) fern, quum lapidem pretiosum vel expolitJ.m; (3) pro sepulcro ponitur in Epigi. (4) pro vitro seu lapide speculari. Arist. Nub. 767. (5) apud eundera (Acharn. 683.) expon. , - seu 5iKaffT-f)piov rb Iv UVVKI. Vid. Hesych. Suid. in v." 3 See Hesych. v. At/mwoit. Pros. Lex. 3 Y 538 AIMN A1IIA A//WVJ;, v, ^, subst. [(l)stagnum, palus; (2) mare,] a pool, a lake, the sea. Gdas UKOLTOVS CTT' olbfid \ifJLvas. Hec. 446. SYN."E\os, (2) Trovros, QaXaaaa. EPITH. X0d'tcr, Zvvbpos, Trop^tfpea, KaXXivaos, dXta, /3d0e7d, jccXacw), ws, ov, et At/*>>oxdpis, frfo P. N. [nomina Ranarum,] the names of two frogs. Atjurtaios & oyQaurl TupoyXityoy eeVdpte. Batrach. 221. See aJso Batraeh. 12. At,urwpeid, as, >/, P. N. one of the Nereids. KvpoBor) re, nal 'Aicra/ij, KCU At/x- ). 41. jtoOvtjs, JJTOS, 6 et rj, adj. [fame enectus,] dead with hunger. Or'a^os, rdXeura, . Agam. 1245. , ov, 6, (" sed apud Dores et Horn. Cer. 312. generis est feminini." Maltb.) subst. [fames,] hunger, famine. 'Evf}>/ epvKot. e. l66. SYN. rieVr/, (3ov\tfj,ia. EpITH. 'Arepir^s, O'IKTUTTOS, dpyciXeos, KU.KOS, TriJcpos, arovoeis, ^dXtTTos, XevydXeos. * Aapds. Hec. 1064. Alvov, ov, TO, subst. [linum, chorda, rete, velum,] flax, thread, cord, a net, a sail. Ten'd/jitvb) rr'jffavTo Xivu, ore piv reKt yu/yrj/p. 77. 198- EPITH. XpvoretoK, Kov, ^oXoev, judXdfcdv, Trdraypd^, XeTrroi'. AivoKopos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [velivolus,] sail-crossing. Alvdiropois avpais. Iph. T. 412. Ali'OTTTp6s, ov, adj. [alas e lino factas habens,] flaxen-winged. Ao/oTrrep' evpe .. P. V. 477* t, v. [retia inspicio,] to watch the nets. Tows Xofyovs aei&v eytj # . 1 Pax 11/8. Airoppd0/s, vid. Aii'ofyOopds, ov, b et ^, adj. [linum perdens,] robe-destroying. AlvofyOopot b 9 vfyacrparujv. Choeph. 25. Atvds, ov, 6, P. N. [Linus,] a celebrated poet of antiquity ; see Damm. in P. R. rpayu/jdru /ue> rov Tralba yepwv Aa'ds e^e^tSa^. Theoc^. 24. 103. AtTrd, vid. AiTrdpws. AtTraivw, y. [pinguefacio,] to fatten, to enrich. KaXX/' eiA' "Arrjv KtQdXijs AtTrdpoTrAtkd^otd. T. 126. SYN. Evuo/icfr, fjVKdftds, ^dOv^aiTijs. PHR. Kdratmos avy^evd ^airais. AiTrdpds, a, 6v, adj. [pinguis, nitidus, opimus, pulcher,] sleek, shining, beauti- ful. ' AnrdpoTs xevpdai yarns. /Escll. Suppl. 1036. SYN. ILW, afipos, Aa^u- Trpos, KciXus, (fiatbpds, be^tus. Al-ndpoxpoos, ov, et Afrrdpoxpws, wros, adj. [nitidum colorem habens,] having a bright color or skin, bright. Xa/pe, i^Xavou'a Xi-rrdpoxpoe, \aiplTl 8 aXXoi. Theoc. 2. 165. See also Theocr. 2. 102. AiTrdpws, et Anra, per apoc. pro XtTrapd, ace. plur. neut. adverbialiter usitat. adv. [nitide,] neatly, calmly. AVTOV pey Xlirdp&s yrjpaaKepsv iv peydpoiffiv. S. 210. See also K. 577. SYN. ^A/3pws, afipd, 7rtyu/\oJs. * AiTToravs, rods, et \lnov uvrrjs, ov, 6, adj. [deserter classis,] one who xleserts his ship, a deserter. Nws Xinovavs yEvwjjiat. Agam. 205. See also Theocr. 13. 73. Aiirds, eos, TO, subst. [adeps, pinguedo,] fat, grease. Ov Xlirds 'ATroAXw^ds aTroora^oi/atv edetpat. Call. 2. 39 SYN. K^/crcfo, br)jj.os, aXeifydp. * AtTTvvpds, ov, o et ;, adj. [cauda carens,] having no tail. Tjf KCU AiTrovpd, icac poviDTtd dverai. Call. fr. 76. AtTTdw, v. [pinguefacio,] to fatten. KaAo*' act Xtirowvrd Kara bpopov 'AvroA- \wvds. Call. fr. 141. , v. [avide cupio,] to desire, to taste, to covet, to be eager for. , CVT taov \e-Xt ppevot. Sept. Theb. 348. SYN. 'E7rt0i//i, Alpds, a, ov, adj. [impudens,] impudent, bold. Alpos tyw, ribe eci 6r)Kd $of3dv ; Call. fr. 229. Als, Leo, vid. Atwi'. A7s, \trds, o, et XITOV ov, TO, subst. [tenue et subtile linteum,] finely woven cloth. "Apfjidrd 6' apfiw/wlcri rWei, /card A7rd Treraao-as. 0. 441. SYN. i/i/- 5w/. AJs also seems to be used in the sense of AeTos, smooth, p. 79. though this meaning is not noticed by Damrn. Aiairos, 77, ov, adj. [politus,] smooth, polished. "EvOev bij ffro^drovpyos eiruv fidadviarpld, \iffirrj. Ran. 826. SYN. Aiffaos. Auroras, dbos, >/, et XHTGOS, ??, ov, adj. [lajvis ; subst. laave saxum,] smooth ; subst. a smooth rock. "H Xiaads alylXi^ dirpocr-beucros. Eumen. 801. SYN. lyjdAdktfs, dfidXos, \ls, \ews. Aivaoftai, Airau'w, AtVd^evw, et Atrt//uat, v. [supplico, oro,] to supplicate, to solicit. Aiffffov be TOVS Kparovvrds otKrelpai Oeovs. Alcest. 259- See also Eur. Electr. 1213. H. 357. and Yl. 47. SYN. Ev^^at aiTew, XlTdvevb), t/cerevo;, bedfjiat^ avr*/3oAew, avTiatZw, Trdpd/cdAtw, vid. v. [radula utorj to use a spade or hoe, to dig about. Aiorpev- TOV* joi/Trowvrd be eoro ylTGJva. w. 226. SYN. Ad^atvw, aKUTrrit), tyta. AioTpov, ov, TO, subst. [radula,] a hoe or spade. Aia-poiaiv bdirebov nvKd Troirjrold bopoid. ^. 455. Alraivti), et XiTdvevw ; vid. AiaaofJiai. Airdvds, et XlrdvevTiKos, rj, ov, adj. [supplicatorius,] supplicatory. MeAi; Ai- rdi'd Oeo'ial Kai. JEsch. Suppl. 816*. (Paeon, dim. hypercat.) SYN. 'l^r?;- fflos, iKTrjpids. Alrapyictw, v. [agili gressu procedo,] to move with a light step, to hurry. EI0' OTTWS XiTapylovfjiev o'lKab' es rd ^wptd. Pax 562. SYN. A^ci^w, ffirevbw, cTre/yo/xai, 540 AITH Aln), 1 fjs, rj, subst. [preces supplices,] a suppliant prayer. Tovs ff fad yains. Tj yap ae Xlrai. Hec. 146. SYN. Evx>7, ber^a, apa, eSypd. EPITH. Ba/^Jd- pos, pwpios, %Kealos. Atrojuat, vid. Alowd/iai. ATOS, Z )), oV, adj. [tennis, simplex,] slender, mean. T//J/ dAo?i> evbrifjos, d^' fc a\a \iroi> E7reo6u>v. Call. Ep. 50. 1. SYN. TlAos, XCTTTOS, oAiyos, a?rAovs. Airovpyos, 3 ov, o et ^, adj. [facinorosus,] mischievous. T)v 6' e/c KV^OS Afrovp- yov, avTo/jir]Topa. Simon. 230. ExP. KaKovpyos. Hesych. Ai^f/i', vid. Aet-^rjv. *A7xfjia(t), et Afx/udw, v. [lingo, devoro,] to lick, to eat up. Km' ol Xixva- CeffKe btpriv, KareOeXye be Kovprji'. Moscl). 2. 94. See also Hes. Scut. 235. and Bacch. 687- SYN. Ae/^w, KdrdTrtVw. Afyvos, ov, 6 et j), et r), or, adj. [gulosus, vorax,] gluttonous, greedy. 'Ev rots Katoivl Xi^vos c~'oa KttpZla. Hipp. pi/. SYN. 'Abtyjtayds, irpdBvfjios. Aty, Aifids, 6, subst. [(1) Africus; (2) libalio,] (1) the south-west wind; (2) a libation. EIvcu yuraCTX e ' r ) Kai fiXoffirovbov Xi/3ds. Choeph. 286'. SYN. (2) See Alfias. Ai-^ovfHd* as, 77, subst. [micturitio,] a constant desire to void urine. *H S/i^jf rt$, ?/ Xifyvpia. Choeph. 744. Ao/3os, ov, 6, subst. [jecinoris, vel auris, ima pars ; lobus,] the lower part of the liver, or of the ear; the husk. A'iytadds, ijdpei' KO.I Xofios yuev ov Trdpjyr. Eur. Electr. 827. EPITH. EvYp^ros. Aoyds, abds, 6, /, adj. [selectus,] chosen, select. 'E^etXure KoXeov' Xoyaai 6' 'A/oye/wv arpoLTov. Hec. 542. SYN."EfCKpiros. lbidv, ov, ro, subst. [verbulum,] a little word or saying, a maxim. 'AXV Xoytbtov yvwfjirjv t\6v. Vesp. 64. SYN. MvQds. fjiai, v. [repulo, compulo,] to consider. 2(ce^/at be ri)v yfjv eXnib', $ djjiai. Here. F. 295. SYN. 'ArdAoy/cfyme, rdptgw, ffKexTopai, k^Qv^lQ- /uat, oio^at. Adytt/j', ov, ro, subst. [oraculum,] an oracle. Adytd TrdXcud, Trjbe yrj Heracl. 406. SYN. Xp^CTyuos, ^eo-^droi', yuavrelor, 6eoirpd7rld^. EPITH. Ko>- 0eJ', tepor, traces. Aoylos, a, dj', adj. [disertus, clams,] eloquent, illustrious ; a prose writer. 'Aoiboi Kai Xdyiot TO. KaXa. Nem. 6. 51. Aoyterjudi, ov, 6, subst. [ratiocinatio,] reasoning, thought. Aoyiapov erde'ts rrj rex v ll' R an - 973. SYN. Novs, Zirlvota., oriels, Xoyos, Qpovrls, tj^pfjv. EPITH. Keoi'os, KO.KOS) ayados, irtvurds* Aoyiffrijs, ov, 6, subst. [calculator,] a calculator. Mo>ov ?rotu) Xoyiffrijv. Anacr. 32. 5. Aoyos, ov, 6, subst. [verbum, sermo, ratio,] a word, speech, advice, reason, calculation. "EXe^e TTUVTUV rX^oi fordro^ AdyoV. Hec. 560. SYN. 'Pff/ua, , patios, aibfj, />^ftr;, Xuyifffjios, blavoia, evyXwo-o-ta. EPITH. At>:a<6s, di os, 7r/0floi 6s, alias, bfiXos, aJ^vXto>, paxpos, aofyos, porus, KCHOH, f.ieyas t , fyaovbos, irafToltis, rjbvs, Kott'ds, Opaovs, IUU.TCHOS, XEptrrads, aw^pwv, 0e/\(.T//ptos, tva^fiftuvj aitrxpits, Kebios, reartas, 0f\r/s, XnjUTrpos, vewrtptis, evtyrj- [tfis, 7retar//ptos, e)(0pos, eroi^rios, eXevQepos, TroXefjios, Tripos, dvf,tbiffTt}p t jja\a- KOS, evKXtt]s, aXi}Bfjs t fvopKitis, \frevbiis, ervjjios, ffirovbuids, ap)(a7ds, irofrirtis, i//ev- 1 In the plural, AYral is beautifully personified in Homer, I. 498. q. v. 2 Dr. Bloiufield ha* in this and three other passages of Callimachus used the expanded form Aei-rbs, on the authority of Photius. See his note, Call. 2. 10. Acr&s occurs in one of the Epistol. Eurip. Elsewhere I have not met with the word in either shape. 3 There is nothing by which the quantity of the first sellable of Airovpybs can be determined. If the word be derived from Atr^ and epyov, the first syllable is short ; if from Arrbs and epyor. it is long. 4 Dr. Jones derives this word from Acfcrw, ovpb, and according to that derivation renders it, " a difficulty in passing water." The learned Dr. Blomfield's interpretation is here adopted. He derives \ityovpfa from Anrrcur, i,e, MvnCiv, and olpov ; adding, si interpretantur. AOFX AOHO 541 , cdjU>7/$, olicrpos, CKoXtos, irrtptieis, KUKodpoos, Tidqyfjievos. PHR. Ovc eort Tleidovs Itpov aXXo TrX?}^ Xtfyos, Xoywv ev^rj/xta. Aoyx>7, rjs, f), subst. [lancea,] the point of a spear, a spear. Aoy^ns irpoadev o'/y/mrwr TrvKrrjs. Eur. Suppl. 86l. SYN. "AKWV, UKOVTIOV, jStXds, wdXroV. EPITH. Mvpio,^ irdXe/jca, TrdXcua, a/^trfyos, Sdios, boplirovos, pciKpa, ovla. PHR. Aoyx^s aKpri, bopos Xoy\rj. * Aoyxfiprjs, eos, et Xoyxo0o>os, ov, 6 et /, adj. [qui lanceam fert,] armed wi(h a lance or javelin. *6s //ei x0o>d \oyxfl-ptol. Jph. A. 106?. See also Pax 1292. SYN. Aopi/^dpos, TToXeptds. Aoyxifjios, et Xoy^wros, dv, adj. [ad lanceam pertinens,] of the lance. KXtivovs Xoyxffjtovs TE teal vavflaras orrXivfjiovs. Agam. 395. (Dochm. trini.) See also Bacch. 750. Aoy^oTrotos, ov, o, subst. [lancearum faber,] a spear-maker. Kcu opyara KTaardat paTrjy. .Bacch. 1197- Aoy%ij(j)opds, vid. A.oy%ripr)s. Aoy^wros, vid. Aoy^ifjids. Aderpdv, et Xovrpdv, ov, ro, subst. [balneum, lustratio,] a bath, lustration. E/Vdice depict Xverpa fi/TrXoK'd^uos *EKafiijbrj. H. 6. See also Agam. 573; SYN. , irXvt'os. EPITH. 'ETTTjerdi't/i', yXvuepov, \valTrijvov, \lirapoy, X&piev r 'y bpoailpov, yXvuv, iravv(JTa.rov t tyoriov, bpdooev, KaQapov. j et \ovrpoxdos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ad lavacrum aptus,] fit for the bath, keeping a bath. 'He Xoerpfydw buy yepds, yyt r^> ciXXp. v. 297. See also Call. 5. I. Adtw, vid. Aouw. Aotfirj, ?/s, ?/, subst. [libatio,] a libation. Aoififjs re Kviaaris re 1 TO yap \uxppev yepas rj^e'is. ft. 70. SYN. TLirovbij, aTapx')) 0v<7ta. EPITH. "^Fv^pa, oivijpa, Aoiyids, or, [perniciosns,] destructive. 'EyyiJs oSe fcXoi'ewj^* vvv otw XotyZ' 0at. $. 533. SYN. 'OAeQpros, oXoos, ovXds, X^ETTOS, tiavardets. Aotyds, ov, 6, subst. [peruicies, exilium,] destruction. Alfid* flog, yap \oiyds vv. Choepll. 396. SYN. Qdvaros, oXedpos, \otfjios. EPITH. 'Aeu^s, , air ds. ew, v. [maledico,] to revile, to slander. "Ayav TrporwTrr/s els TO \otbope1y Audrom. 727. SYN. Aei^aciJw, /3Xao-0r?/xw, KaKoppodiw, Aotbopla, as, rj, et Xotbdpiy/jds, ov, 6, et Xoiboprjpa, subst. [conviciutn,] railing, abuse, invective. Ilov, }, ov, adj. [reliquus, superstes, futurus,] remaining, last, future. Ttf t)' tjftai' ///j7i/ XotTTos el airapTwv yevovs. Phoen. 956'. SYN. 'ETrtXotirds, i>7rd- XotTrds, dAXds. AomO^tos, XoiadWs, et Xotcflos, 77, ^Ji/, adj. [postremus, ultimus,] last. 'H/u?ra- Xai'Tov be -^pvmw Xoto-0^i' eOqce. X F. 751. See also Hipp. 57- and Helen. 1596'. SYN."E Locris,] (l)Locris, a country in Greece; (2) Locrian. 'AX\' eifflv erepoi rijs Aitepibds 'OTTOVVTIOI. Aves 152. AoKpot, wv t ol i P. N. [Locii,] the inhabitants of Locris. Aowols be rolab' tacts dywy. Iph. A. 262. Aortas, ov, 6. P. N. [Loxias,] a name of Apollo. $ovov o Aortas tfius partpos. Orest. 165. (a double dochm.) f ov, 6, et Xo^oftafjtWf ov, adj, [oblique incedens,] going obliquely. 542 AOHO AOXO Ao5/3drat, ffrptflXot, ^dXlboffrdfjiot, offrpaKdbepfioi. Batrach. 286. Exp. /utd fiaiviitv. Aoos, ?), oV, adj. [obliquus,] oblique, slanting. Aoat 6' ETT' avr^s rpels Kurecr- rj/oiy/uei'at. Eur. fr. Thes. 5. 9- SYN. See At-^plds, vKoXlds. * AoTrdbldv, ov, TO, dirriin. a seq. 'O$s e Trdo-d, hat Xdirdbw^ Kal ^vrpa. Plut. 812. AOTTCIS, dSos, r/, subst. [patella, patina,] a dish. Nvn-wp 70$ \d7rdbas Kal TUS vrjffovs bidXei^wv. E(juit. 1034. SYN. Xvrpa, XEKUVT), ryyavov. .Adiros, ov, 6, subst. [cortex,] bark, peel. OloV re Kpo/JLvoto XOTTO> Kara laya~ Xeoto. T. 233. SYN. Aeyujud, e~iov OTpoyyvKov. Nub. 749 a, as, r/, subst. [cervix, eminentia,] a neck. See in Adalav^v. SYN. , ov, 6, subst. [artifex cristarum galese,] a crest-maker. '%Ketv8vl yap TOV Xo^oTrotof ov^ opqs ; Pax 544. d^os, ov, 6, subst. [(1) cervix ; (2) crista galeas; collis ; supreme pars collis,] the upper part of the neck ; the crest of a helmet ; the brow of a hill. IIuX- Xas, updbaivovff' eyyos, viro Xotyu Kapa. Here. F. 998,_ 'SYN. Ao^ta, Tpd%r)\d!>, Tpt-%(t)fjid, Kpdvos, Kvrj/jios, ytf]\6(j>os. EpITH. ^Axpos, 'iTrneios, 'nrTrid^aiTrjs, vt- 0oets, -^pvaeoSf 'Epyualos, j't^oets, foiylK%df t bivrjets, %epdV opvtwv *, Aves 291. d\nyrr)Sj et Xo^ayos, ov, 6, subst. [cohortis ductor,] the leader of a battalion. TlvXas e0' cTrrd Kal Xoxyeras fio\wt>. Phoeii. 988. See also Troad. 1251. SYN. 2rparj?yds, fjye/j&v, ap-^ds, dyos. o^dbes, (DV, et Xoyd^es, at, subst. [albugines oculorum,] the whites of the eyes. Avyac?ej/ Kdddpals ov bvvdrat \6\CLrtlv. Call. fr. 132. w, v. [insidior,] to lay wait for, to waylay. IlcDs Kal ^rjprjs irpos bdjjiois i Zuols ', Eur. Electr. 225. SYN. 0/jpdo;, 0r?pevw, etyebpevw, eXXd-^i^d). as, r/,^ubst. [(1) partus, puerperium ; (2) foetus,] childbirth, offspring. *H Kal Xd^e/as, 7^ vtKpov Otyrj ytpolv. I ph. T. 383. o^evfjid, dros, TO, subst. [( I ) puerperium ; (2) partus,] childbirth, offspring. "HKovads, olyuat, rtiv tu&v \6^evfj.dr()v. Eur. Electr. 1124. SYN. EPITH. XpvffouaXXov, (TKHVOV. o^evw, v. [pario, parturio,] to bring forth. S^utXfj, \oyevQeia a Trvpt, Bacch. 3. SYN. T/Krw, Kveu, wbit'to. o^/riys, ov, 6, subst. [insidiator, manipularis,] one who lies in ambush, a mili- tary attendant. "Avbpas Xox'Vas, ol' di'7/p apxnyerris ; CE. R. 750. oxpaios, a, o>, adj. [sylvestris,] of the wood, wild. Movad Xo^paia. Aves 737. SYN. "YXalos, ayplos. ox/liy, rjs, r^f, subst. [dumelum,] a thicket. Ao^rjv Kevwaas, erff expvTrTouijv be/jtds. Bacch. 719. SYN."YX^. SYN. 2/afcpa, qwXXds, opetds, ^yXoxos. ti-pos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) cohors ; (2) insidiae,] a band of soldiers, an ambuscade. Et WKTds avrols 7rpoa/3dXot^ei/ CK X^ov; Phcen. 736. SYN. Ta^a, AVAI AYKE 543 EPITH. ztyriprjs, KpvnTos, $ beirpos GE. C, 1621. SYN. OUT/DWS. AwyStt'ds, dv, adj. [e lygdo fact us ; candidus,] made of the lygdus stone, white as marble. Hepi Xvybtvy rpa\riXq>. Anacr. 28. 27. Avy/w, f. taw et Dor. /w, v. [contorqueo, flecto,] to twist, to bind, to over- power. IlXevpav Xvylfffivros VTTO pw}ir)S. Vesp. 14S7- SYN. Ka^Trrw, trrpe^w. AvyifffjLos, ov, 6, suhst. [flexio,] a turn, a contortion. Tw^ avTiXSylwv /cat \v- yivptiv Ka} aTpofytiv. Ran. 775. SYN. Ka/uir^. Avycevs, ews et Ion. i/os, 6, P. N. [Lynceus,] one of the Argonauts. BXciroyr* drroSe/^w c-' oi)r/r;o*' rov Avyjcews. Piut. 210. EPITH. T^Xe/cXetros, a opfiaai. PHR. See Nem. 10. 1 16. Apoll. 1. 153. Awy, vytcos, >/, subst. [lynx,] a lynx, an ounce. MeXe-wv /3dXm re Alcest. 595. EPITH. MatrdXta. Avyds, oi/, 57, raro 6, subst. [vitex, virga,] a withe, a twig. Sr/oeTrrats 4-ai/ud ffvjjnrTrXeyfj.evovs. Cycl. 225. See also Anacr. 74. EPITH. 'AiraXf]. Avypos, a, or, adj [gravis, funestus,] mournful, destructive. Tcp\Lets t Xvypal be rwr6' orrXw^ Kou-un'iai. Her. F. 1368. SYN. Aeiros, ^dXtirds, /^eXeos, eXet- I'os, our/ods, XevydXeos, irevbifjLOS^ yospos, oX'eOplos, ai,o6pr)i'bs, Katos, oXoos. Avbrj, et Dor. Aua, as, ?/, P. N. [Lyde,] Lyde. Kae Auc5a 'ZarvptoKoV epws CfTf-iv^fT 1 a/jioipq.. Moscll. 6. 3. AvSto, vid. Avbws. AwVc?w, v. [Lydis faveo, Lydos imitor,] to favor or imitate the Lydians. Kai XuS/^w>/ *cat ^j'/^wy, Kat /3a7rroftfos ftdrpa.'^eiois. Equit. 520. , a, ov, et (2) Av5o, P. N. [Lydius, Lydus,] Lydian, a Lydian. Av- with y>/ or %wpa understood, is the country of Ljdia. Foi;s, fab xQoi'ds. Bacch. 230. See also Iph. A. 787. EPITH. , v. [singultio,] to sob, to sigh. Elrd \vei, Kal SaKpvet, Kat \eyet TOVS fylXovs. Acharn. 600. * Avr), T/S, fj, subst. [rixa, dissidium,] a quarrel. Halves fiiaffdevres Xi/a. Nem. p.34. Avttpov, ov, TO, et \vdpos, 6, subst. [cruor pulverulentus,] clotted gore, dust mixed with gore. Atjudri/cat Xv9pwTrEira.XayiJ.evdv' wore Xeovra. ^. 402. SYN. Bpdros, Xvpd. EPITH. QhivWv, apyaXtov, \evyaXedf, olttrpot'. Ai)m/3as, avros, 6, subst. [arinus,] the year. Tou 5' avrou Xv^dftavros eXevoerat Matt 'Obvffffevs. T. 306\ SYN. 'Evlavros. PHR. n^treXXo^evai wpat, tviav- alos xvKXos. AvKaldv, ov, TO, P. N. [Lycaeum,] a mountain in Arcadia. T H Hav, Hdv, eir eaai KO.T' &pca. paKpd Avxalw. Theocr. 1. 123. , ov, 6, patronyrn. [a Lycaone satus,] the son of Lycaon-Maenalus AvKaoi'ibao, TO Kai ^.aKdperralv dyaTov. Theocr. 1. 126. , a, ov, adj. [Lycaonius,] of Lycaon. Yt'wrot icivoval AvKaovirp dpKToto. Call. 1. 42 .' AijKaffTos, ov, fi, P. N. [Lycastus,] a city in Crete. AVKTOV, MiXrjTov re, *at apylvdevTa AvKaaTtiv. B. 647- AVKCIWV, dt'ds, o, P. N. [Lycaon,] Lycaon. T H pev pot judXd TroXXd yepw ai- d AVKCHOV. E. 197- , rjs, fj, subst. [subaud. bopa, pellis lupina,] a wolfs skin, a helmet 644 ATKE AYMA of wolfs skin. Kcu Xike/jv, KO.I rod TrdX/vroVu, Kal 5opt) paKptiv. K. 459* Aviceiov, ov, TO, P. N. [Lyceum,] a place out of Athens to the east, sacred to Apollo, where Aristotle had his school. 'Es AvKelov, KO.K AvKeiov. Pax 355. AVKCWS, eta, eiov, adj. [(1) epith. Apollinis, a AVKTJ diiuculum. Vid. doc- tiss. Bloraf. Sept. Theb. 133. ; (2) lupinus,] (1) Lycian, an epithet of Apollo, (2) pertaining to a wolf. Tavr', 5 Ai/Kei" / A7r0XXd', i'Xtws K\VU>V. Soph. Electr. 655. Avw/evqs, fos, adj. [(1) in Lycia genitus, (2)qui lucem generat,] (!) born in Lycia, (2) parent of lijjbt. Ei^ero b' 'ATroXXwrl AvKrjyevei, cXi)roro. A. 119- AvKtbas, ov, 6, P. N. [Lycidas.] Tbv b' eyw a.uet(f)di]v' AvKlba ^uXe, QavTi TV Travres. Theocr. 7. 37- AvKtbevs, ews, o, subst. [catulus lupij a wolfs cub. 0pei//cu iccu AuKdSets, 0pe- i//at Kurds, ok ru 0dywri. Theocr. 5. 37. AVKIOS, a, ov, P. N. [Lycius,] Lycian, and Avicm with yrj or ^wpa understood denotes the country of Lycia. Hpos rivos AvKlwv, irdrep. Choeph. 340. EPITH. Plur. 'Ay^fyid^rcu, '(00tyuot, ai'rt0fot,^a<77rt<7ra}, duiprjKraij ayrji'dfiES. Auvts, Ids, 6, P. N. [Lycis,] a comic poet. Elude Troieiv Kal AVKIS, Ka/ueityas. Ran. 14. AVKOKTOVOS, ov, o, adj. [qui lupos interficit,] wolf-killer. Avrrj b\ '6peKo/Jiti- evtiXov eraipdv. P. 345. EPITH. KpetovTlabrjs, Kpeiovrds vlos bids, Kpare- ptis, apr)i[(j)i\ds. AvKdopyds, et AvKovpyds, ov, 6, P. N. [Lycurgus,] (l) a prince of Thrace, (2) the Spartan lawgiver. Toy Avwopyos lire^t bo\w, OVTL Kparet ye. H. 142. See also Aves 129b EPITH. 'Avbpofyoi'os, Kparepos, (jtlaiyovos, &pva)>Tiabi]s. Avwirovs, irobds, adj. [lupinos pedes habens,] wolf-footed- 'AXX' dyere, XVKO- TrdSes. 1 Lysistr. 664. AVKOS, ov, 6, subst. [(1) lupus ; (2) item, P. N. Lycus,] a wolf, Lycus. EIW yap jSdXtav tXatyov, \VKOV at/uoia x a ^?' Hec. 88. See also (2) Apoll. 2. 752. EPITH. "Aypios, bdtpoivds, KpaTJipuwvZi opeffTtpos , TrdXios, ffivrls, wp.oipa.yos, Kap- "Xapobw, Tpa^vs, o/3p6i>Tr)v. 0. 275. EPITH. MereTrrdXeyuos. Avw(f>p. FT. 337. AvK&peios, ov, et AvKtapevs, tws, 6, [cognomen Apollinis,] a surname of Apollo* TiWo Qoifioto Avwpeiotd Kdfuvpos. Apoll. 4. 14pO. See also Call. 2. lp. Avud, dros, TO, subst. [purgamentum, sordes,] water used in washing, filth. Au/idrd 7ra>rd KdQypev, dXei'i//dro 6^ Xt?r' eXa/^>. H. 171. SYN. Kadapua, \vfjirj. Avfj-aivofiat, v. [devasto, corrumpo,] to violate, to lay waste. "AXts be \vprjs, fjv eXvutjva) Trapos. Helen. 1098. SYN. QQeipw, /SXctTrrw, \a>(3a(t), Trepdu, Xw- fievu), dvtdw, eKirepBcj. Avfjiat'TripiLos, ov, adj. [perniciosus,] destructive. ITptv av ya\aoQy bevfjid Xw- HWTfipia. P. V. 1027. SYN, Avypos, oXedpios, \oiyws, Ov^aXyiisl Au/xai/rr},ou, Xu/uavr/)p, i/pos, et Xi/yuewy, &vos,b, subst. [perditor,] a destroyer, a pest. Olov KaraKTijffaiTd Xu/ua^rr/v /3toi/' Trach. 806. See also Hipp. 1071. 1 The metre of the two succeeding lines, pzeonic dimeter, seems to point out Awcw, abiKeia. AVTT;;, jys, r/, et Xvirrj/jia, arcs, ro, subst. [dolor, aegritudo,] grief, pain. Mr) 6' i/7TpdXyet tf>p6vTiba Xv-rra. Heracl. 620. (Anapaest, dim.) See also Trach. 553. SYN. 'AXyrjbuv, aXyos, d^os, TrevQos, dbvvrj, avia. EPITH. ITu-pd, aviapoTarr), evvaia, orvytos, 0v/io/3opos, cm/Keoros, beivr'i. , et Xvirpds, a, o>, adj. [molestus, tristis,] troublesome, painful. Av- rifjuv rovafr av e/cXi7rot bofiovs. Hipp. 796. See also Phcen. 441. SYN. os, oic,vpos, obvviypds, ^dXeTros, apyaXtos, TrepiXviros. , et Xvirpws, adv. [moleste,] in a troublesome manner. Tt ft ov KaXws ', ij TI Xvnrjpws \ ei > Bacch. 1253. See also Phoeu. 1222. SYN. '66i/- , bvayeptis. iipa, as, 77, subst. [lyra,] a lyre. Kat TYJV Xvprjv aTraaav. Anacr. 1. 5. SYN. Vid. Kt0djod, et Oop/ay. EPITH. 'ETrrdroros, tjodrr), OeffTreo-m, ^i)7r/}s, KaXf), 'Ayu0to^m, QprjiKUj, evKeXabos, eXfyavTivr] . vpiZw, v. [lyra ludo,] to play on the lyre. 2ret/oi> or/v /ue Kat Xupt'^w. Anacr. 5. 12. SYN. Kt0djOt'5w, ^>op/Z('5w. PER. Ey^opSo^ eyetpw Xi/pav, (j)6pfj.tyy J CTTrayXwo-^oV ^pyo-ew TrXtjurptj) biwKw. \vpiKds, r), oj/, adj. [lyricus,] lyric. Atfpfcifc aKove. Anacr. 49. 2. os, ou, ^, P. N. [Lyrnessus,] a city of Phrygia. "H/^drl r^J, or' yw/ A.vpvr)(raov oXeaaus. T. 60. , ou, 6, subst. [qui lyram pulsat,] a player on the lyre. 'Eyw be . Anacr. 172. 47. ov, 6, subst. [qui lyras conficit,] a lyre-maker. T6v Xvpoiroiov ypo- jur/v. Anacr. 134. !\i/po>f5ds, ov, o, subst. [lyricen,] one who accompanies the harp with his voice. 'EyuoJ be rut Xvpybaj. Anacr. fr. 2. 31. \.vffavbpds, ov, 6, P. N. [Lysander,] Lysander. Ovrd be Avaarbpov, Kal Ov- paaor, rjbe YlvXapTij^. A. 491. \vaavias, ov, 6, adj. [qui a soiicitudine liberal,] delivering from annoyance. \vaavius Trdrpwwj/ /ueydXwv irovuv. Nub. 1160. \yaidvao-o-d, rjs, >/, P. N. [Lysianassa,] one of the Nereids. TToyXv^d/^ re /cat J\.VTOVUY) KCLI Avoid j'acrcrd. Hes. Theog. 258. \.vai(i)i>os, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui solvit zonam, discinctus,] one who loosens the zone, ungirdled. "Er6d yap EiXeiOviav eftuvard XvaiZiDvov. Tlieocr. 17. 60. \.vatKUKdsj ov, o et >/, ailj. [mala sedans,] sorrow-soothing. "Y^yoy XVOIKCIKOV (Jivrjaop.a.1 ok'dS' ewv. Theogn. 476. SYN. AdfltTa/jucui', Xv<7t/^eptjuvos. \v/s, Ids, o, P. N. [Lysicles,] a seller of sheep at Athens. BeXrttrros avrjp pe-a Av(riK\ea, Kat Kvvvav, Kal ^a\d^a.K-^av. Equit. 7^2. \vau-pdrjjs, eos, b, P. N. [Lysicrates,] Lysicrates. T H t A.vali;paTr)s ^eXait'erai. Eccles. 735. \va?^dxos, ov, et Xvrifj.axri, fj, adj. [quae pugnas dirimit,] one who puts an end to battles. "Iva Xvalpa^v ae KaXiopev. Pax 992- \uaJjueXeid, as, >/, P. N. [Lysimeiia,] a lake near Syracuse. EtXa^as jueyd Trap' vbacri Avat^ueXems. Theocr. l6. 84. )s, eos, 6 et f], adj. [membra solvens,] relaxing the limbs, refreshing. . 343. SYN. , ov, adj. [qui solvi potest,] which may be dissolved or terminated. ^Esch. Suppl. 818. * \.Vffiiruiy[juav t dvos, acij. [in jocos resolvens,] relaxing into sport. JJLIOV rore RaK^ds. Anacr. 39. 9. (Ionic, a minor, dim.) 1 See Dr. Butler's able note ad loc. on the quantity of the first sellable of this word. Pros. Lex. 3 Z 546 AYII AftBH Ai)ffts, t<5$, f], subst. [solutio, liberatio,] a loosening, a release from, an em T ft o7/3', diceorwp, 7rrii.ia.rwf bolrjs Xv. Androm. 892. SYN. Avrpwjls, awrrjpla. AuaiarpaTY], rjs, >/. et (2) Afoiffr paras, ov, 0, P. N. [(1) Lysistrata, (2) Lysistra- tus,] Lysistrata, Lysistratus. MrjXoa^ayovffas. b. /o/ av y, w Avo-tffrpdrq. Lysistr. 189. ee a ' so Vesp. 1299- AvfftreXeti), v. [utilis sum, prosum,] to profit, to be serviceable to. Ei TOVTO yevotb\ 6 TrodeW vue'is, ov ^p av XvalreXelv fffyipv. Plut. 509. SYN. Xpcuff- /uew, w^ieXew, reXr; Xww. AiWd, ?js, fj, et Xvfffrrjua, dros, ro, subst. [rabies, insania,] fury, madness. Eu- Xaflov XvffffTts nTa(r%e'iv rrjs ejui/s. b. rub' ovv ITM. Orest. 784. See also Orest. 26*4. SYN. Mco'ia, olorpos. EPITH. Md^tds, 0otrd\o$, 0O/udv)s, Kpa~pa, /uatrds'. a.7rr)V)}s, u\oij t dvas, (J)OLTO,S Av(7o-a/i'w, et Xuffadw, v. [rabie actus furo,] to rave, to be furious. FlaT-pt Xi/o- anivwv irapei ; Antig. 632. See also (E. R. 1258. SYN. MereatVw, * Avo-crdXeos, Xvcro'ai'tos, ov, Xi/o-rrr/rr/p, ^po$, XwaawS^s, cos, o et r/, et abas, ?/, adj. [rabiosus,] furious. AvaaaXeots b' ijireir UeXoi KVTII/ ataaov- res. Apoll. 4. ]393. See Lysistr. 1173. also 0. 299- N. 53. and Here. F. 1018. * Avrt}p, ijpos, o, subst. [qui liberat,] a deliverer from. T yueXt^t Xi)n)p, c3 Zev. Eur. Electr. 136. s, ta, io^, adj. [solvendi vim babens,] competent to deliver, rescuing, y yHvoiro TWV TrdXat Xi/nyp'o*'. Soph. Electr. 1490. SYN. Awfytos. , ov, ro, subst. [redemptionis premium,] a ransom. To0i \vrpov ffvp- Tra^avd^v. , ov, 6, subst. [lucernarum confector,] a lamp-maker. "6ri wv, Trpo rou juer oy^. Pax 689- , ou, o, subst. [lucernarum vend i tor,] a lamp-seller. 'ZavTov bi wXrja/l, KUI vevpoppafyots. Equit. 739. J^os, ov, o, subst. [laterna,] a candlestick. 4>a/'etv urrevdvrovs, \v%vov- Kal KvXi^. Acharn. 936. SYN. Av^'ioV, Xa//7rdSoi/^ds. vo^optdw, et Xv%vo((>dpeu), v. [lampada gero,] to bear a lamp. "A?rep \v-^v6 dKeKVtyafjits. Lysistr. 1004. SYN. Aa/nTrabov^eio. Avw, f. v. t, et Xw/3euw, v. [contumelia adficio,] to insult. 0e/pou(rr>>, di'^paii Xw/3w^i'oi. Orest. 920. See also ^/. 2l6. SYN. AvjuatVo^uat, vfipieiu) , T?$, r/, subst. [contumelia, injuria, dedecus,] insult, scorn. MtydXai Hptd/uou TroXews Xa>/3a>'. Androm. 298. SYN. "Y/3pts, at/ct'u, oveiSos, yeXws /3Xd/3/, 8X*edpos, Xv/jirj. EPITH. 'E^Si'ar^, /ueydXr;, Trarpya, Xvypd, ba.Kf.Ov/jos, aeiK^s, dvuuXyjjs. 1 The penultimain the pres. and imp. in Homer is s/ior< only twice, . 513. and rj.74. in tin arsis /on#, where it is also long with the Attics. In fut. and aor. act. and mid. the u is alway lung, and perf. and pluperf. and aor. 1.2. pass, always short in Horn, except cr. 238. AnBH MAFE 547 7/pfo, et Aw/3r;n}s, ov, o, subst. [qui contumelia adficit,] a reviler, des- picable fellow. Toord, Xw/37/n/p, Kepa ayXde, irapdevdir~ura. A. 385. See also Ran. 93. SYN.'T/Sptffnjs, vTreptydvos, dpdffvs, curToeirfis. Ao>pr)Tds,f}, ov, adj. [infamia notatus,] marked with infamy. Aw/fyroV avrov eK/3dXetv, rd07/s drtp. Aj. Fl. 1388. SYN. 'ETroVet'S LOTOS, eTrtyte/ZTrros. ov, 6, subst. [mensis Augustus,] the month of August. Kat Awov rjj ; r?/ btKiirr}. Call. Ep. 48. ?, 775, ?/, et XWTTOS, ov, 6, subst. [vestimentum tenue,]a thin covering, a coat. aju* wpoiviv l^ova evepyed XWTTTJV. v. 224. See also Theocr. 14. 60. ew, f. //era/, v. [veste exuo, furor,] to strip, to rob. M?) XwTroSvri/o-ai, rols Tr\r)aluv. Eccles. 565. , ov, o, subst. [(j))iffti)v yap ov ire(j)VKe TTUJ. P. V. 27- SYN. 'AvaTravo), avuTrvUta, Xqyw. Aw0>;t6$, m, or, adj. [allevans, piacularis,] alleviating, expiatory. Xw(/.j/td pe^'ai ETT' ai-r^j. Apoll. 2. 487- SYN. M. Md, praep. [negandi fere per jusjurandum,] no by.. . . Ov /m ydp ' Au 0i'Xov, UTS (TV, KaXx"^. A. 86. * Ma, [vox Syracusana pro Mari^p. Vid. Eustath. E. p. 428, 52, et Stanleii adnot. ad ^Esch. Suppl. 89?.] mother. See in KwrtXds. Mayyd^evw, v. [pr3.stigiis et incantationibus utor, mangonizo,] to use incanta- tions. Kat fjiayyavevovaav /utJXvvoi/o-av Tt rovs era/povs. Plut. 310. SYN. MaybaXiu, as, r/, subst. [" pulpa mollior ex pane, ad detergendas manus adlii- beri solita." Heder.] soft bread to rub the hands on when greasy, coarse bread. 'ATTO fj.nfybd.Mds (Ttrov/ucvos TOVOVTOS eKTpdfyeirjv. Equit. 412. Mdyetpifcds, r/, or, adj. [ad coquum pertinens, culinarius,] of a cook, culinary. XTroyXvicati'wv prj^drlots pdyeiptKols. Equit. 21 6. Mdyetpi;a}s, adv. [more coquinario,] cook-like. T^> mirraXov /udyetpa-wi. Equit. 3?6. Mdyetpos, ov, o, subst. [coquus,] a cook. 'AXX' eioW, w$ o pdyetpos rfirj rti. Ran. 5I7 , dros, ro, subst. [machinamentum magicum,] magic, sorcery, a love- 548 MAFN MAIN potion. BpwroTtri /ecu Trdrolai Kal judyev/idat. Eur. Suppl. 1J20. SYN Mayi/qs, r)Tds, May^ffffos, MayvTjrtKos, ^, ov, et Mayvfjm, 1 ibos, P.N. [Magne- sius,] Magnesian. Eavdalai TrwXots* e/35fyiots Mciyv^s di/r/p. Soph. Electr. 707. See also Theocr. 22. 79- Pers. 498. and Eur. fr. ^Eneus 5, 2. Mdyos, ov, 6, subst. [magus,] a magician, a juggler. 'Ytyeis fidyov Tolovbe f^rj- ^dvoppd(j)ov. CE. R. 387- SYN. 'Ayvprrjs, tyappaKevs, ^apjudfcos, yoqs. EPITH. AoXtos. MdSda), v. [madeo; (quando capilli defluunt), lasvis et depilis sum,] to be wet, to be bald-headed. See in Kvtyos. SYN. QdXaKpos, \frebvos elfju. Mabba, Megarice pro /iaa et yuac?a, 775, ^, subst. [maza,] a cake, a coarse pudding. 'AjU/3drc TTOTTCLV fj.abbdv, at % evpoirt ?ra. Acbarn. 732. See also Plut. 192. SYN. nXdjcovs, apros, ^tapos. r}s, rj, subst. [parva maza,] a little cake. 'Eyw be /ma^iffKas ye bm- t>as. Equit. 1105. , et Dor. paabos, ov, 6, subst. [mamma, mamilla,] the breast, (pro- perly the breast of a man ; though it is sometimes used for /macros, the breast of a woman,) a ^aatrw, ^aaad^iai. See Steph. Thes. in v. Maos. SYN. Ko\7roy, naaTiblov, rirQos. EPITH. At^tos, be$Tepds, XdQiKrjbfis, repin'os, tyt- pevfilos, Kovporpo(f)os, y\vKvs, dpr/ywr, evvalds. , arcs, TO, subst. [disciplina,] that which is learnt, instruction. Ti bfjru l rciXXa //ev paQ ] rf /ndrd. Hec. 802. SYN. 'ETrtorr/jUT;, tai's. is, (Ds, ^, subst, [" discentia, ipsa discendi actio." Steph. Thes.] the act of learning. Aeyetv, dfcovetv 0', uv ^ddrjalv OVK e^et. Eur. Suppl. 925. SYN. Maffy/m, e?r tor fiprj, Tratbdyiayia, Traibeld, b'ibafys, blbd^t], btbaffKciXla. * Madrfreds, ov, adj. verbal, [discendus,] that must be learnt. M.ddr)Ttdv y dp* eorri TTO\\OVS TWV \oyuv. Vesp. 1262. ov, o, subst. [discipulus,] a disciple. Tw rwr fjidd^Twv cjJLtyeprjs ylvri~ i. Nub. 502. SYN.'Af;p6ar//s. ), v. [discere cupio,] to desire to learn. Muflj/rtw yap* ciXX' drotye rr}v dvpav. Nub. 183. Ma7d, as, rj, subst. [nutrix, obstetrix, mater,] a nurse, a midwife, a mother. 'Iw ^tot rii^as* ^a?d by Karw. Alcest. 403. SYN. Tpo^ds, ridr]vrj, ?/ rpe0oi/<7a, ypavs. Maid, as, et Maids, dbos, fj, P. N. [Maia,] the mother of Mercury. "AyyeXoi/ aQdvcLTuv eplovvlov, ov TEKS Ma~id. Horn. H. 17. 3. See also Helen. 243. EPITH. KaXXiTTebiXds, alboia, TrorvVd, , \vffffaivti), bvafj.tva.ini), \vaaab), irapavotv. Ma/dyUai, vid. JV'latyuaw. Ma7pd, as, r/, P. N. [Msera,] Maera. See in 'Eptyi/X?;. McuW, an-ds, 6, P. N. [Meeon,] a Theban prince. McuW Alp KtXos aQavaTOifflv. A. 394. * MouwrtKos, r), o^, adj. [Ma3Oticus,] of the Ma3Otis. Aiirovvav av P. V. 756. Sas, ^, P. N. [Maeotis,] a lake at the mouth of the Tanais or Don. TOKOV a^i Mai-wrlv. P. V. 426. EPITH. IloXi/Trdrd/uos. , adv. [Maeotico more, lingua, vel sumptu,] after the fashion, lan- guage, or expense of the inhabitants of Maeotis. "fti^tro, MaivnaTi Xd/3wi/ evKctfjirea ro|d. Theocr. 13. 55. Mckd/o, o, //dfcatpd, ^, superl. fiaKapraTds, paKaplds, a, o^', judffdjO/rrjs, o/, a, et paKaplTis, tbds, ^, adj. [felix, beatus,] happy, blessed, fortunate. MdKct- pts, ot jjierplas 6eov. Iph. A. 543. (Pseon dim. hypercat.) See also Iph. A. 1482. Bacch. 1161. Pint. 555. and Theocr. 2. 70. SYN."OX/3ids, eibai- fjKttv, oXj3ioa/ffwv, eviroTfjids, ev-v^s, cJjjXwros. Macap is also a P. N. ft. 54. Mdcap/etai, v. [(1) felicem pr32dico, (2) gratulor,] to call happy, to congratu- late. OtSiTro^d, pporwv ovSlvd paicapigu. CE. R. 1195, SYN. Evbatpovigw, 6\j3ib). MaKapios, vid. Md/cdp. MdKdptffrds, r), dv, adj. [qui beatus vocatur,] deemed happy. Ti ydp evSat/ioy 7', r) yudfcdptoror jUctXXo*' vvif eari StK'aerrov. Vesp. 550. Maicap/riys, et /zckdpiris, vid. Mdmp, et Sleph. Thes. in v. Mfk'dpiws, adv. [" beate, feliciter, divino consilio." Steph. Thes.] happily, providentially. e fts evrv^id\ ws^udmptws TreTrpaydrt. Plut. 629- MctKebvvs, r/, dv, adj. [" longus, procerus." Vid. Damm.] long, tall. old re }ci MdfceSoi'wy. Pers. 498. See also Call. 4. 167. MdfceXXd, 2 et ^tdfceX?;, 77$, r/, subst. [ligo,] a spade. Atos fjiaKeXXy irav Aves 1240. See also Apoll. 4. 1533. SYN. XoXfce/?;, ijpds, o, adj. [prolixus,] prolix, tedious. "Hfcovtrd ^Esch. Suppl. 4?5. SYN. See Maicpos. vid. Meyds. MaKKodta, v. [desipio,] to be foolish. Kcu TU rovfypov irporjiairov Equit. 396. vid. Mrjicds. wv, wvds, 6, //, adj. [longaevus,] long-lived. Matcpaiuv 0', ws QE, C. 149. SYN. M.a.KpofiloTds, >7pd/3ios, bqpos, ^jpovios, adavdrus. a/v-pavx 7 ? 1 '* ^os, adj. [longum colluni habens,] long-necked. yap K\i^aKos Trpoaajutftaaeis. Pho2tl. 1190. SYN. "Y^rjXos, (IITTVS. w, v. [prolixe loquor,] to be prolix or tedious. M.aKpr)yopovpV OVK eyw. Hipp. 701. SYN. Aoyov TrdpdretVw, vroXXd Xeyu;. 1 06oG is here scanned as one long syllable. 2 MaweXAa and AfoeAAa are distinguished ; the former being a spade, and the latter a shovel. See Dr. JBlomf. Glosa. Agam. 509. 550 MAKP MAA0 Ma/^yopta, as, ^, subst. [serraonis prolixilas,] tediousness in speaking, pro- lixity. 'A-vddenev irdaav /ud/cpayoptav. Pyth. 8. 40. ds, 1 dcJos, fj, adj. [Macrias,] Macrias. Toiat e MatpidSes ffKoniat, Kat Trepattj. Apoll. 1. 1112. evs, eos, o, P. N. [e Macride, i. e. Eubcea natus,] born at Macris, Eu- boean. Maicpiiav ettravru HeXaffytKov aped KeXtrat. Apoll. 1. 1024. Ma/rpis, ibds, acc. uJd et Iv, >/, P. N. [Macris,] (l)the nurse of Bacchus; (2) Euboea and Chios were so called from their length. MaKplbd ^iXd^evrj' bpeTrdvrj roQev K\rfiarat. Apoll. 4. 990. PHR. (l) Koi/p-j 'Apurr&ioiti jUfXt"- fypovos. MaKpofilo-os, ov, adj. [longaevus,] long-lived. T H juucptfbfofa o ye rts. Pers. 267. SYN. See Macpa/W, paKpofilos. MaKpoirvovs, ov, o et r/, adj. [longum spiritum ducens,] long-drawn. "EXiceis fjLfiKpoirvovv $(anv. Phoen. 156l. MaKpds, a, oi', comp. /uaorrrwv, snperl. PIKHTTOS, r), ov, adj. [longus, largus, mag- nus,] tall, long, distant, great, far. TeOvrtf' 6 pvBds ov ndicpos /udfcpaiv 2 - vept. Orest. 749. SYN. Mcuapri/p, fjtaxebvos t 7ro-\i)s, CIITTVS, fj.eyds. MaKp&ves, wr, 01, P. N. [Macrones,] a Scythian nation, derived from Eubosa. MaKptires* perd 6' ay irepiovald (f>v\d P>e^f-ipwr. Apoll. 2. 39^. Mafcrpa, as, >?, subst. [vas, in quo pauis subi^itur,] a kneading-trough. ^e dparov, arufj.vov KfydXriv PHR. MdXd*:^ y'u/ur. MdXdcds, 77, dv, adj. [inollis,] soft, effeminate. Oi>S' ar yudXdfc/)v Tf}v , Trpos TOV fpatTT^i'. Nub. 979- SYN. MaXttdKvs, rpi)0epos, afipos, ^ue/Xl^o?, a/3pos, aTrdXos, ^vs. MdXd(c^

    etpos, o et ^, adj. ['*qui mollem habet manum et lenientem." Damm.] soft-handed, balmy. MdXd:oxepd vbpov. Nem. 3. 95. MdXdKws, adv. [molliter,] softly, effeminately. K^rd KdtiiZov /jdXckws, lm /u) rp//3i;$ r/v kv laXaplvl. Equit. 782. SYN. See MaXOdtcws. MdXacrerw, v. [emollio,] to soften, to enervate, to beat. 'Opyas vdXaacrovcr' ' apd TOV llvw. Alcest. 787- SYN. MaX0ck/w, /jaXOacrffw, 7, ?, >/, subst. [malva,] mallows. MdXd^s TCTopQovs, avrl be la^vC[)v pdtidvilwv. Plut. 544. a, et MdXetd, as, ?/, P. N. [Malea,] the southern promontory of the Pelo- ponnesus. "HSi/ 6e MdXeas irXrtaior TreTrXevKords. Cycl. 18. See also i. 80. MdXepos, a, ov, adj. [violentus, ardens,] violent, consuming, melting. HoQu) arevtTai yudXepw. Pers. 62. SYN. Apt ju us. MdX?;, T;S, //, subst. [ala, axilla,] the arm-pit. KoVetrd 6opv 5f/0' VTTO fmdXrjs iJKfts fx wl/ J Lysistr. 984. MaX0ds, adv. [molliter,] effeminately. 'E0' dp/id/*au/v paXQaKais K"drdice//*ej/ot. Acharn. 70. SYN. Md\d/cws, a/3pws, i]avytis. MaXfldflraw, v. [mollio,] to soften, to enervate. M^S' ayvofjays irrj^Z. /xaX0a- \Qeia vnvy. Eumen. 134. SYN. See MdXdaaw. MdWrd, vid. MdXd. MaAXoV, vid. MdXa. MaXXos, ov, 6, subst. [vellus,] a fleece, \\pyfjrl /uaXX^f. TjfSe yap rpdvws f/ow. Eum. 45. SYN. K&ds, Xa^v?;, TTOKOS. EPITH. EVTTOJCOS, ei/etpos, reoyvos, ei/- cipos. , ov, 6, P. N. [stultus quidam,] the name of a fool, a stupid fellow. MajjfjtuKvdot. Ran. 990. , adv. [sic optime doctiss. Maltb. pro Mci/4/^j'. Ma//yuav est aarjpos t] iratbtuv \a\ovvT&v. Schol.] a child's cry for the breast. Ma^udv b' av , ^KOV aoi tyepwv av aprov. Nub. 1383. , as, rj, subst. [mater,] mamma. $/> ae ^tX>/Tarov ry fj.ap^/1^. Lysistr. 8^0. * Mdi', Dor. pro M;)i', q. v. MavSdXwror, ov, TO, subst. [osculum quoddam lascivurn,] a wanton kiss. Kat fjiavbaXuToi'' UHTT' lfj.ov y' aKpoioptvov. Thesm. 132. MavSpa, as t rj, subst. [slabuluni,] a fold or stall. Xi/joat /uer puv&pai, Keveat 6t fjioi ai/X?* ijbrj. Call. 6". 105. SYN."E|UKos, liravXts. EPITH. Y\o\vxavbr}s. Maveopat, v. [iusanio,] to be mad. 'A yepavos T&porpdv tyw 6' tnl T\V /ue/^d- ?Wccu. Theocr. 10. 31. SYN. See Ma/vw. Mdj/i;s, ov, 6, subst. [servus,] a slave. TOVTOV IJ.EV olv fyoppiaios, Meyaiveros 0' o yuv?;s. Ran. 9^5. Mav6av(>, 2 aor. Ip-aQov, v. [disco,] to learn, to observe, to perceive. QVKOVV \eyetv fj.ev j^pij oH, pavQaveiv & epe ; Iph. T. 811. SYN. AtSdo-Ko/xat, bacrKo/jtai, Kp.av6avcj, ebarjv, TrevOdfjiai, aidSdrdjuat, ytyvwaKW, ei'voeia. Mdi/ta, as, ^, subst. [furor, insania,] fury, madness, frenzy, rage. 7ro)(ov piirTOvaa. \6yov. Hipp. 214. SYN. EPITH. Tjt)d^?/Xdr6s, d^eld, 0X0?}, dk'oXaorros, d^dyuaoros, Xvacruiffd, cdfi:^, '?s, vid. Mj/rts. * , ov, 6 et //, adj. [monilibus ornalus,] wearing ornaments. Ildo-as KUI ffKvfjvujs Teaodpcis iipKTw. Theocr. 11. 41. Mdj'retd, as, jy, ftavrevfta, dros, /ua^reTov, et ^uai/rjytov, ov, ro, subst. [divinalio, oraculum,] prophecy, an oracle. Tde juavTeias d|td 7roXX>;s. Hipp. 236. See also Med. 6'83. Androm. 918. and p. 272. SYN. Mavrbavvi], Qtoirponla, aTls y (j>r}fJ.r], -^prjcrpos, K\rjba)t>. EPITH. Kpvvrr//, KuOdjod, TrotKtAw^os, fre/nvi]. MavreTos, a, 6>, et oi/, o et ?/, et Ion. /xav-//tds, a, ov, adj. [fatuiicus,] oracular. Naoa, ITT' 'lofjiiivov re /^avrc/o: andba). (E. R. 21. See also A poll. 2. 495. SYN. Mav7-d<7VJ'os, 'xjprjapybos, Oeamvbds, OeoTrpoiros, ^pria^oXoyus. Mavrevoyuat, v. [vaticinor,] to prophesy. "H rot ^tXovera y' ^s vTrep /uavreverat; Ion 434. ? SYN. GeorTrt^w, //avrtTroXtw, Be&Trtybew, Mavrevrcos, o>, adj. verb, [vaticinandus,] must prophesy. TJ yp 0tw rd- vdvrt' ov pavrevrcdv. Ion 37^. Mai-reuros, r), ov, adj. [ab oraculo praedictusj predicted. 'YTrep rpaver)s ?i\ o yuarrei/ros yoros. Ion 1209- 552 MANX MAPI Mavrtrifo, ?}, ov, adj. [ad vaticinationem pertinens,] prophetic, of divination. Kai TO fjidvluibes fjLavriKrjv 7ro\X^v ^xei. 1 Bacch. 295. SYN. Mavre/os, {JLO.V- rijlos, ftavToavvos. Mai/rticws, adv. [prophetice,] prophetically. OVKOVV bvKti aoi pavTiKws TO (Jipv- ydvov Tideadat. Pax 1026. ea, as, 7;, P. N. [Mantinea,] a city in Arcadia. Kcu Teye^y eiyov, Kal dretviiv. B. 607 s, ov, 6, P. N. [Maritius,] Mantius. McWtos av TZKETO Ho\v(j>eibed re, KXelrdV re. o. 249- MaiTtTToXew, v. [circa vaticinia versor,] to be engaged in prophecy. Mairi- iroXel & dfceXevoros, d/uiados doiba. Agam. 951. SYN. See MavTiTToXos, ov, et 77, adj. [vaticinans,] foretelling, prophetic. Tf/s paK-xrjs ave-^av. Hec. 120. SYN. See MavreTos. Mdvris, tos, 6 et 7^, subst. [propheta, vates,] a prophet. Qluvov, wore eiaopti KCLKOV. Hipp. 877. SYN. QeoirpoTrds, wrro^>/r7S, \pr]afjio\6y6s y bos, tspevs. EPITH. KaXos, aptffTOS, TlvdiKtis, aoos, TO Oelov et5ais, d\ads t , rjvs re fueyas rt. 7, ?7s, 77, subst. [vaticinium,] the art of divination. "Rbee navroavvas, ovs Tralbas eacrKe. B. 832. SYN. See MdvTeid. )w, vid. hlrjvvii). MavTovos, r], ov, et ov, 6 et 77, adj. [ad vaticinationem pertinens,] prophetic. M.avTOffvvot trvevawa' avayicai, Iph. A. 7^1. SYN. See Mavri/cos. Mdpayva, rjs, f), subst. [flagellum,] a whip. 'A\Xd biTrXfjs yap Trjabe p.dpayrr)s. Choepli. 369. SYN. Mo.vos y 6, P. N. [Marathon,] a plain in Attica, famous for the defeat of the Persians. "Am Tfjs yrjs uTroXavovres, Kal TOV V MdpaOom Tpoiraiov. Vesp. 711. EPITH. 'Epoeis, dXiKXvffTds. Mapddtuvofjidxos, et Mdpdflwvd/id^s, ov, o, subst. [qui Marathone pugnavit,] one who fought at Marathon. ' wi/ (ivbpas Mdjodflcujo/id^oi's. Nub. 982. See also Acharn. ISO. v. [marcefacio,] to cause to wither or fade, to extinguish. Huvd' 6 ^poros yudpcuVei. Aj. Fl. 714. SYN. AueuVw, l MapyotVw, et /japyaw, v. [furiose ago,] to act furiously. Mapyaivetv ITT' aOdvdTotoi Otolai. E. 582. See also Phoen. 1262. SYN. Mapydpds, ov, o et ?/, subst. [monile margaritis insertum,] a pearl necklace. Kal papydpov rpd)(//Xw. Anacr. 20. 14, Mapyos, 77, ov, adj. [vesanus, avidus,] greedy, furious. 'EwXes tort papyov A.lyvTTTOv yevos. ^Esch, Suppl. 737. SYN. MdviKos, fjtdviwbrjs, drreXyi)s, dicd- Xacrros. 7, 775, et papyorrjs, 777-05, 77, subst. [insana libido,] fierce desire. Map- 'ia-Tu) & lepov fydos 7/eXtoto. Apoll. 4. 1019. See also Androm. 941 . SYN. Ma^Xocri)>'77, TrpoTrereid, Zpajs. dpiai'bwoi, wv, ol, P. N. [Mariandyni,] a nation in Asia Minor. Kat Md- plavbvvwv avbpwv, dirtovTos UVUKTOS. Apoll. 2. 140. dptKas, o, [Maricas,] the name of a play composed by Eupolis. See in Eu- TTdX/IS. dpiXd^s, ov, 6, subst. [qui inter carbones versatur,] one who is engaged amidst coals. Ttivbl be fj.r)bei> ; treat*, w fjidptXdbr) ; Acharn. 609. ), 77$, 77, subst. [pulvis carbonicus,] glowing ashes. e iv# TOV beovs Tfjs pot avyvi]v. Acharn. 349- Mdpts, ibos, o, P. N. [Maris,] Maris. "Hplne be irpoTcdpoide' Mdpis b' avroffx^d bovpl. I!. 819. 1 Te'x^rj is liere, as in many other places, understood. 3 The last syllable of ouSe is here made long on account of the metrical ictus, and the digamma in fovs immediately succeeding it. MAPM MAST 553 Mp/xoupw, v. [splendeo,] to glitter. Avrov, ual QHpairovTa, avv eVrtfft nappat- poi'ras. ll. 279- SYN.. Aa/J7rw, dorpaTrrw, 0r/X/3w, [.lapftapvcrattt. Mappapeds, 1 a, or, papiaapivos, ov, /nap/udpoets, evcra, tr, et yuapyudpeos, ea, ov, adj. [marmoreus,] like or of marble, bright. TpnrXdm, fiap^dperjv, etc b' apyvpeov rZXap&va. 2. 480. See also Theocr. Epigr. 10. Autig. 619. and Phoen. 1416. -SYN. A.afj.TTpoSy XevKos, Mapftapvyi), rjs, ?/, subst. [splendor,] glare, glance, splendor. See in trrtis. SYN. Awyv, ayXdta, d/rrpaTn). EPITH. leXao^opos, pobtieaaa, Mapfjiap(t}7ros, ov t o et j^, adj. [micantes oculqs habens,] bright-gleaming. '60ea/j> td^fj/jLaai Xvcrcra ^uap^dpWTrtfs. Here. F. 879- Mapm//at, v. [pugno,] to contend in battle, 'libels re irpos yvvcuKa. fji&pvaadai IU-CLV. Troad. 733. SYN. See Mdxfycu, TraXo/w. MapTrtaffr), r)s, //, P. N. [Marpissa,] Marpissa. See in ILvrjvivr}. Mapirrls, ibos, 6, subst. [prehensor,] one who seizes. "6^ pAp-xTis raios, ycuds. Suppl. 833. EXP. " MapTrrvs' vj3piarr t s" Hesych. , f. ^/w, v. [prehendo,] to grasp, to catch. Ts arbpotyovovs /. Hec. 1044. SYN. Aa/^/3dj^w, KaraXa/^Sdvw, icpdrea;, vel //apriJs, i/os, et juaprupos, ov, 6 et >/, subst. [testis,] a witness. Ne- TTapovros ftapTvpos ffatyeffruTOv. Hipp. 9/6. See also B. 302. EPITH. Maprvpew, et jjiapTvpopat, v. [testor,] to bear witness, to appeal to. Ou ' "lo-^tas 2m$ Trore. Hipp. 981. See also Iph. A. 78. SYN. ' , dros, fjiapTvpWi>, ov, 70, et /^aprvpia, as, >/, subst, [testimonium,] a witness. M^jueld 0' O'PKWV, /uaprvp^d 0' 'EXXdSt. Eur. Suppl. 1214. See also Eumen. 488. and Vesp. 1066. * Maptfw, vid. Mrjpvo). wvos, 6, P. N. [Maro,] the grandson of Bacchus. 'HSeds, ov pol , Ei/dv0os vlus. t. 197. i, v. [nianduco,] to masticate. ~M.affu)^os TO \ourov OVTW T$ i. Pint. 321. SYN.. 'A7rop7rw. , r)Tos> r/, P. N. [Mases,] Mases. O'l T e\ov Aiytva.y< t Mdffijrd re, Kovpol w^. B. 562. MctadXrjs, rjTds, 6, subst. [mollitum lorum ; homo astutus vel effeminatus,] softened leather; a cunning or effeminate fellow, 'fls 5' dXacwr, a>s 5e /udcr- 0X7;s- elSes, ol t/Trepxerai. Equit. 269. SYN. TXoios. aaSos, et /uaoros, oD, 6, subst. [mamilla, excrescentia quaevis, tumulus,] a woman's breast (see Ma5os), an excrescence, a slight hill. 'H ypfjvs paa- 6wi> us dTrexet ^piras. Call. Ep. 27. See also Bacch. 690. dffo-w vel /mrrw, v. [tango, pinso, subigo, abstergo,] to touch, to knead, to bake, to wipe away. Tous 0' 'HpdicXEas rovs /idrrovras, KUI TOVS . Pax 741. SYN. YLeffcruv, dmjuderaw, mraff^evd^w, KaOaipw, , 2 ' dvds, o et r/, adj. compar. [major,] greater. Mn IJLOV Trpcto/Sov ws epol y\vKv. P. V. 65. SYN. Met'^w^, paKporepos. dara^, dcds, >/, subst. [mandibula, os, esca,] the jaw, mouth, a chop, meat. Mdtrrciv' Zirei KC \aj3yal' KO.KUIS 6' dpd ot TreXei avrp. t. 324. SYN. Fvdflos, , oroju, rpi, paffijp. y^w, et juaordpt^w, v. [" male mando, languide et ignaviter manduco," Steph. Thes. p. 5947.] to chew indolently. "6t>* i)7rd yj'ipws s, \?0os being understood, is used for a stone, Phoen. 673. M. 380. Acharn. 2 On the derivation of this word, see Dr. Blomfield's Gloss, Pers. 444. Pro*. Lex. 4 A 554 MAST MATH Acharn. 689. EXP. KO.KWS /udaw/ucu icai /3\ac( Maorevo), vid. Mdreuw. Maarfjp, rjpus, /ua) &a/3a\\er icprd /ua. * Matmywreos, o*', adj. verbal, [flagellandus,] must be flogged. Kai TroXv ye pa.\\8v earl /aaanywrfos. Ran. 633. M a, opos, o, subst. [flagellifer,] a scourger. 'YTTO Xo/3o^ Trdpecrrt naariK- ropos. Eumen. 159. Md;s* o yap olds o/JifXt/cTrjj' tKeKaaro. /3. 158. * Maaroj, vid. MdaOds. Maam, vid. Maartg. -os, ov, o et ^, subst. [leno, et lena,] a pimp. "Us r 1 av rd K'pe' e^ 'ATrd- Toils [JLCUTT poxo is bibovvai. Thesui. 558. SYN. Hpodywyos. Mdvrcup, opos, 6, P. N. [Mastor,] Mastor. Tou ^leV d/xapO'* o ^' sTretrd AVKO- s vto/. O. 430. dX?/, r/s, ?/, subst. [axilla, ala, arraus, ramus,] the arm-pit, a pinion, the arm, a twig. "Dewy KO.KOV TWV juao-)(dXwv. Acharn. 852. SYN. 'ETrw/^ts, Trrepov, OaXos. ciffxaXiZu, 1 v. [obtrunco,] to mangle. 'E^ao-)(dX/<70j;, /caTrt \ovrpo~iaw Kapa. Soph. Electr. 445. SYN. KoXo/3ow, /cdrd/coTrrw, a^pa>r7?ptdc'w. a, ov' eOtXrjTdv. E. 233. SYN. 'A/xtXew. Mdrevw, et ^uacrreyw, v. [quaero, vestigo,] to investigate. *O*> Kapareves Bev elalbew' drdp. CE. R. 1052. See also Hes. fir. 31.4. SYN. tpevvcua, 7rt5^rew, (T^vevw, ^^Xd0dw, ^uaorevw. Mdr?/, i?s, //, et /idrta, as, ^, subst. [inanis deliberatio, stultitia,] an idle deli- beration or pursuit, folly. M>), dXX' z dV QovevBtfra dicebantur, cum ei extrcmas praecipue partes corporis amputautes, casque connectentes sub axilla ferebant." Stepli. Thes. v p. 5961. 2 Mfy, dAA' in scanning, form only one long syllable. MATH MAYI 555 Choeph. 905. See also K. 79. SYN. J A/3ouXta, 0avXorJ?s, djuaprta, uj Mar??)/, adv. [frustra, false, temere,] in vain, falsely. "OTTWS aibrjpos eoXt/a>, airdXetyu, dyuaXouj'w, edXe/<^w. MdxaipttioV, ov, ro, Equit. 410. dimin. a v. seq. Mdxd'pd, as, >;, subst. [culter, sica, gladius.] a knife, a dagger. 'Arpelfys 5t tpvvaapevos ^aipff(ri payaipav. F. 271. SYN. Kc/ris, eyyeiplbwv, EPITH. 'O^aro/uos, Xa/3jOos, 6r)KTOs, * Mdxa*jOo7rotds, cy, subst. [cultrorum ant gladiorum artifex,] a knife or sword maker. '6 /mx*po7roos, ju^re ^afvcti* TOVTOVS efjie. Aves 441. Maxaipo/f(wv r of#s, oy, et fjiayliws, ?}, oy, adj. [pugnax, pugrioe aptus,] ready to or fit for fight, quarrelsome. Ov yap trot Kpabirj ^eveS//fos, ovSe paxtipuv. M. 247. See also Vesp. 1057- SYN. IloXe/m-o&-, dpiyios, aprfiflXos, /uei'eTrroX^cJs. dx?n/s, ou, o, subst. [pugnator,] a -warrior. T ft yipor, ?} /^dXd bi] ffe reot rei- povffl fjta^rjrai. 0. 102. SYN. rfoXe^ttfrrj/s, do'Trtorrj/s, al)fr)fjirjrfjf t j 17, d^, adj. [oppugnandus,] assailable. See Damm. in v. Ae'oV r* re Kal aypiov ovbe pa^riTSv, M. 119 SYN. 'AXwros, apflarus, eirT- bpd/j.os t dXaTrabvus, vid. Md X r/AwK. rj t ov, adj. [incontinens, libilinosus,] lustftil, profligate, wanton. be yuvctlKES, atyavporaroi be re avbpes. Hes. Op. 584. SYN. 'AffeX- y>)s, dffwros, /zapyos, iropvos, aKpa.Tt)s, dfcoXaortfs. ^, TJS, >/, subst. [incontinentia, lascivia,] profligacy, wantonness. Ti}t> tf ' 1 ""^pe fjia.'xXovvvrji' aXeyewi'iv. ft. 30. SYN. Mopyo/rv^, d drop /uiv t^jjv /udi// avrws ei/x"' ff ^ at ' Y. 348. See also rj. 310. SYN. See Mdrrjv. MafybWs, a, ov, et ov, 6 et >/, adj. [inanis, vanus,] idle, foolish, vain. Mav//t- bwv ex et ^>artv. Helen. 259, (P^cm dim.) SYN. Keros, pdratds, a"0pwi/. Mai//iotws, vid. Mai//. Ma;/>rXfkas, vel, ut mavult Heyn., MaipuXd^s, ov, 6 et /, adj. [inaniter eftuti- 556 MAfl MEFA tus,] foolishly uttered. ItKV-otalv are /mi//iXaK:as, Atos KopivQds. Nem. 7. 155. SYN. 'AboXecrxds. Mdw, inus. perf. med. peuaa^ particip. jut^dws, wros, et /ut/zaws, oros, v. [ve- hementer cupio. Vid. omnino Steph. Tlies. in voce, p. 5978.] to be very eager after. 'A/utyorepoi peuaaav TroXe/Hlceiv fjbe na^eaQai. H. 4. SYN. Tlpotiv/JLto- fJLai, yXixouai, CTrevbaj, eirWuptb), /SovXttyuu, e^Teuai, c^rew, eKjudoyca, ev)(ojua<. MtydS/js, ov, o, patrouym. [Megades,] the son of Megas. Kal Yleplpov Meyci- br)i', Kcu'ETTtoropa, Kal MeXdvtTTTrdy. II. 695. MeyaOapfft}s, eds, o, ?/, adj. [magna fiducia praeditus,] very confident, cou- rageous. 2j/jud TtOeis TroXefjioto cy peyaOapatl Traibi. Hes. Scut. 385. SYN. QappaXeos, evQv/jLos. Meyd^yyuos, ov, 6 et ?% ad^. [magnauimus,] noble-minded. T/awes be ju met ibov vie Aaprjros. E. 27- SYN. MeydXau^oj, yueydXr/rwp, avbpelos, a-yn yewalus. Meyaipw, v. [moleste fero ; invideo,] to be indignant ; to grudge, envy. be veKpolaiv KaraKyefjiev ovri jmeyatpu. H. 408. SYN. Qdovea), M.yaKr']rr)s, eds, 6 et //, adj. [magnae bellua? similis, ingens,] huge, large. Et- arfiKei yap eiri irpvftvr) jueyaKrjTU vrji. A. 599- SYN. Meyds, eu^eyedrjs. w, v. [magnifice jacto/J to be a braggart. MeydXai/xe/rw, ^t(j)dbrj- . Agam. 1506. SYN. Avj(w, eTray^w, ffenvvvoftai, Kav^aofjiat, dXa- MeydXav^os, et peydXyyopos, ov, o et fj, et fieyavx*is, tos, o, i}, adj. [mag- nifice jactans,] loud-boasting. T fl jueydXai/xoi Kal fydepffiyeveis. Sept. Theb. 1057. See also Sept. Theb. 56l. and Nem. 11. 27. SYN. 'AXa5w*>, v^yopos. * MeydXqydpta, as, ?/, subst. [grandiloquentia,] boasting, haughty speaking, bombast. MlydXj/yoptav vrrepavdpa noijjiiZots. Phoen. 190. MtydX^yopos, vid. MeydXav^os. t, as, ?/, subst. [magnificentia,] proud magnificence. 'AXX' e^av us eufiaivouei'. Nem. 11. 57 SYN. 'AXa^ove/d, Kav^^s. >, opos, adj. [magnificus,] magnificent. Kat rls ewr ^eydXa-rwp. Pyth. 1. 99. SYN. 'YTrepj/^d^os. >, opos, adj. [cor generosum habens,] noble-hearted. 'AXX' 1v Ot- s opyai. Isth. 5. 44. SYN. See Meyadvuos. Ju), et ueyaXvvb), v. [altum et celsuni facio,] to make much of; middle voice, to assume consequence, to be proud. Ylavras Kvbaiviov' prjbe yueyd- X/5ed Ovfjty. K. 69. See also Bacch. 3l6. SYN. MeydXau^w, 7ra/pw, dXa- ctfvevu), avx^oftat, virepfilos elui. MeydXoSwpos, ov, adj. [munificus,] very liberal. Kat yueydXoSwpordre batfid' vtav. Pax 392. SYN. Awr/}p, jueydXoTrptTTjJs. MeydXotros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [infortunatissimus,] most unfortunate. Tdy TTOJJ,- TTCLI' BacraaQai' eyut be ol a /ueydXotros. Theocr. 2. 72. SYN. Tpiaa0Xtos, ex^pobai^wv, KUKobai/jicov, adXlwrdros, TravaQXlos. MeydXofcev0;)s, cos, 6 et ry, adj. [multa latibula habens,] having many recesses or hiding-places. MeyaXoKevOceffaiv kv VOTE BaXduots. Pyth. 2. 60. >, tos, adj. [" magna meditans," Blomf.] deep designing. Meyd- is el. Agam. 1399. f, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ingeutibus saxis munitus,] fortified with large stones. MeyuXd'ireTpov dpdroV aKpoiroXlv. Lysistr. 483. \ieyd\o7roXis, ews, o et //, adj. [rnagnitudine civitatis insignis,] distinguished by the grandeur of its city or state. AeoopKev, a be /ueydXovroXts. Troad. 1282. VleydXoTrpeTTi/s, cos, 6 et r/, adj. [splendidus, speciosus,] magnificent. KaXXia- TOV epyov, Kal yueydXoTrpeTreordroi/. Avesll25. SYN. Tlepiffrjpos, aplbeiKtros, , et jucyaaOcvr/s, eos, o et r/, adj. [validissimus,] most powerful, MEFA MEAO 557 KXvQl, rioffeiSawH, fjZyaXoffBeves, 'EVvoaiycue. Horn. H. xl. 1. See also Nub. 566. SYN. ^LQevapus, epiadevijs, ierxypos, ayrjvwp, V7repju>>/s. MeyaXoo-TrXay^vos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [magnanimus, iracundus,] magnanimous, pas- sionate. MeyaXorrTrXcty^^os, buffKciTaTravvTOs. Med. 108. SYN. Qeppofiov- Xos, opytXos, fueya.0vf.ios. MfydXoorreJj'os, 6V, adj. [" magno gemitu dignus," Blomf.] deserving loud lamentations. "EtJos vl^ovrat fifyaXo-rrtivotal. P. V. 420. SYN. 'Afyodpiivds. MeyaXoor^/jUwr, ov, uvos, et fj.eyaXoff^rjfws, 6V, adj. [magnificeivs,] magnificent. AcXdirc x^| a > ^yci\o-cf\f]^6va., P. V. 415. SYN. See MfiydXvj/w, vid. MeyciX/^w. , 6V6s, adj. [magna seutiens,] high-minded. . Lysistr. 1289- SYN. Meydfiv^os, jueydXav^os, os, ?;, oi/, et ov, 6 et //> adj. [praeclari nominis,] of high repute. Kat w^y/uof 7/jUtrepov 7rarep\ Nub. 56p. s, et ^tyaXwari, adv. [valde, rnagnopere,] greatly, violently. Me- roS' op/udrat. Med. 186. See also w. 40. qs, tos, 6, P. N. [Megapenthes,] a son of Menelaus. OVK olos, apd rwy' 'EXev?; ifte KCU MeyaTrei'Qrjs. o. 100. EpITH. TrjXvytTos, Kparefws. Meyapa, as, //, P. N. [Megara,] Megara. Kai Meyuprji/ Kpeiovrcis vTrepdvpoid Buyarpa. X. 268. * Meycipd, wv, et geniliv. antiq. MeyapdBev, TU, P. N. [Megara,] a city in Greece. 'Iw Meyd/ad, Meydp', ws 7rt7-p/^<70' avriKci. Pax 246. Meydpevs, eds, et Ion. r]os, P. N. [(1) Megareus, (2) Megarensis,] (l)Megareus, (2) a native of Megara. Tou irpiv davovros Meydjoews K\eivbv \e%ds. Antig. 1303. See also Pax 480. Meyd0/c?w, f. td), v. [Megarensem ago,] to act the Megarian. KXawi^ Meydot- eis. QUK a(f)t](Tts 7ov GaKov ; Acham. 822. tis, >/, 6>, adj. [Megaricus,] of Megara. Qappet, MeyapiK" dXX' rys TO. anebov. Acharn. 830. EXP. Novrjpos. , ou, 70, subst. [domus, aedes,] a house, a palace. 'Ec S' ?]X0ov jueyd- poto TrapeK peya reiyluv avXijs. TT. 343. SYN. Ao|tos, )s, eos, 6, 7*7, adj. vid. MeydXofffltV/ys. Meyau^T/s, vid. MeydXav^os. Meye0ds, eos, TO, subst. [rnagnitudo,] greatness, size, grandeur. OVK av bvvai- jurjv neytdos e^etTreTv oavs. Bacch. 269- SYN. 2e/uvtJr?js, aiwfjiKi t v\^ds. tyjypdros, dv, adj. [dilectissirnus, pulcherrimus,] most beloved or lovely. Nqpj/os ' Hyevovro fj.eyfipa.Ta. TCKVO. Otdwy. Hes. Theog. 240. SYN. rit;Xi;//pd~ ros, epavTos, dyaTT^ros, )(dpte, adj. [plurimum veneratus,] most esteemed. Anats yeypaiTTai /LieyiaTOTtfjiov. yEsch. Suppl. 7 1/. fSfw, et fielu), f. 7/ffw, v. ["praesum, rego, euro, administro." Damm.] to rule over, to manage. Navrcus [tebeovaa. 6u.Xa,ffffr)s. Orest. 1707- See also a. 72. SYN. 'Avaffffw, /3d(7tXevoj, ap\w, nfjti(3efir)Ka t /ur/So^tat, (f>pot>Tt$7pes 5e Qpiffaova, ovpas cV VTT# /^cjf' idevro. Hes. Op. 510. SYN. M^d. MfflatpEw, 2 aor. fjtedriXdv, unde Ion. ftedZXecrKov, v. [comprehendo, excipio,] to catch. 'Patois jneOeXeffKE, irapos noalv ov&as iKeerVat. Q. 3? '6 '. SYN. Mcra- JMflfl&VW, CKbe^djuiai, aiptw. Medd\Xo/*at, v. [insiiio, irruo,] to leap or spring amongst, to fall upon. 'A\\' oy' dp' ?} ripTratf ^ueraX^eros, 7/e cat CIVTOS. M. 305. SYN. 'E^>dXXo//cu, tfyop- * Meflayueptds, Dor. pro Mefli^gpicfr, q. v. MtSap/^o^w, 1 v. [adapto de integro, muto in,] to fit anew, to alter into a new form. Nvv yap pedrippoapeaOa pe\Ti(t) /3iov. Alcest. 117&. SYN. * MZdZXeffKe, Ion. aor. of Medaipew. , 2 aor. eairov, v. [sequor, quaero,] to follow after. An//ci I'TTTTOI/S. E. 329 SYN. Merep^o/xat, "MtOrj, rjs, et pedvats, ews, ?/, subst. [ebrielas,] drunkenness. Meflq rfjs eprjs /x^rpos 7rd/s. , f. 0// KV paritr, e'XXd/3er' avrfjs. E. 325. SYN. 'E^op^uda;, eiropovct), ), v. [amoveoa statione navali, ejicio,] to drive off. Kcu ec^pas ptdwpfiaa. Bacch. pip. SYN. 'Ec/3dXXw. , ro, subst. indecl. [vinum,] wine. Ov5' el^ov jueOu Xe7^at ?r' /*. 362. SYN. OIi/os. EPITH. 'H>i/, yXvici), yXv^pof, , ou, o, subst. [qui vinum dat,] one who gives wine. 'EcreXfl;/ . Anacr. 7- 4. SYN. Ohoborrjs. t, v. [calceos muto,] to alter the shoes. "Ira Ooi^ariov r)i'. Eccles. 540. MeBvffls, vid. M0>/. MeduaoKorrafios, ov, 6, subst. [qui cottabis ludit inter pocula,] a drunken fel- low playing at the Cottabus. Weaveac KXevTOVffl pedvooKOTTafioi. Acliarn. 524. ], ov, adj. [ebriosus,] drunken. Fpavr pedVtrriv, row KopbaKtis See Dr. Blomf. Gloss. P. V. 317. ME0Y MEAA 559 >/V. Nub, 555. SYN. Oh'o/3dp)s, napoivtis, v7repTrXr)orde\s /utftys, /S^dprj/ueyfa divy. Mtdvu, \. [ebrius sum,] to be drunken. 2ey a ov'ya* cat5} /ueflvwi/. Cycl. 485. SYN. KarajueOvaj, olvdofjiat, olvofiapfw. Metdywyew, v. [ad libram suspendo,] to fasten to the beam of the balance, to weigh. Tt be peiaywyriffovai rr)v Tpdyyblav. Ran. 810. MetSdw, et /mdtdw, v. [subrideo. Vid. Damm. in v. MeiSdw.] to smile. Met- bfaaffa Se"HpJ? ebe&To x^tpc nvTreXXov. A. 596. See also Y. 786. SYN. Tc- Xdw, yeXotow, into fie ibau). *Ma'wj/, vid. Meyds. * Me/Xas, vid. MeXas. MetXty/za, dros, fjieiXiKTi'ipluv, et peiXiKTpov, ov, TO, subst. [dclinimentum,] a soothing, a charm. ^Latvucr'' (atei yap re ^>epei peiXiypuTa. 6vpov'} K. 217. See also Pers. 6l6. and Apoll. 4. 712. SYN. K^X^ptdi^, de\KTi']pWt>. * MetXif:r//)oios, di', adj. [" qui pacat." Blomf. Pers. 6 16'.] which pacifies. * MeiXlvus, rj, ov, adj. vid. MfXtvos. Mei'Xioi^, ov, TO, subst. [(1) munus, quo aliquem delinimus ; (2)ludicra, deliciae,] a kind office, sport, delight. MeiXiov otTrXoujs, ore ol Karebrjaas dr/ras. Call. 3. 230. SYN. Ilpoti Trcuyvia, ^e/Xiy^ud. MetXiVaw, f. /^w, v. [mulceo, placo, delinio,] to treat kindly, to appease, to soothe. Zevs peiXiaewv ^rvyiovs. Helen. 1338. SYN. 0eXyw, trpavi'd), KTJ- Xeo>, fj.dXuffcr(ij. etX<^m, as, ?/, subst. [lenitas, comitas,] gentleness, courtesy. E'tV ovv y 7reipriaofjiG > AujTad. Apoll. 2. 1283. SYN/Aveo-ts, ayavotypoovvr), ^ a, o', et peiXlxo** ov o et ^, adj. [comis, hurnanus, suavis,] sweet, soft, courteous. To> 6' 'EXev?? pvOoiffi Trpoarjvba fAetXlyioiffl. Z. 343. See also o. 373. SYN. TXvKiJdvfios, >/gs, ffivXtiyds, dydios, yXv^vs, ?J7rtos. Meipdkto^, fj.eipa.KvXX/Ldi', ov, TO, fJ.eipa.Kt a Krj, r)s, ?/, et yue/pa^, dcos, 6 et ?'/, subst. [adolescentulus,] a stripling. Kat pjv TO netpaKlov Tobi irpovepxeTai. Plut. 1038. See also Ran. 89. Ran. 411. and Thesm. 417. SYN. Nea^i^os, irals. Meipw, f. sp&, p. p. fjiepap/jLat, Altice et/uap^uat, v. [divido, partior, tribuo,] to divide, to bestow. T I<70>, e/io< /3do-tXeve, /cat ^tcri) petped Tipjs. I. 6l2. SYN. Aat'w, pepictdfjiai, Xay^d^w, KXrjpoo/, ^iSw^ui, aKajuieipdfjLai. Mels, .(Eol. pro M^v, mensis s q. v. Me/a)^, comp. [minor,] less. Vid. Mtxpos. MeXayfcepws, w/, et jj.eXayKepds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [nigra habens cornua,] black- liorned. MeXayfcepwv \aj3ovcrd yu?j^dv//judri. A gam. 1096. * MeXayKopi)0ps, ov, 6 et rj t subst. [qui insignis est atro vertice,] black-cap. Kat Kal fj.eXayKopv(f)/, a'dj. [uigra habens vela,] having black sails, dusky. [rdy a.ffTov6v,~\ fjizXayKpoKov VEKVO(TTO\OV Oewplbu. Sept. Theb. 856. , ov, adj. [nigricomus,] black-haired, gloomy. "Iffrw S f 'AtSas ft . Alcest. 450. SYN. Kvdvo^a/r^s, ov, o et rj, adj. [niger,] black, mournful, dismal. Kdpa vpr)Kes Kal TreVXovs nfXayylfjiovs. Eur. JElectr. 513. SYN. See MeXas. eXay^irwj/, wvds, adj. [nigra vestitus tunica; moestus,] clad in a mourning cloak, sad. Tavrd /uot /ueXayxtrwv. Pers. 119. SYN. ' , v. [atra bill laboro ; insauio,] to be melancholy, to be mad. Teupyosei; b. p.HXay^6\^v (JL ovrws oiet ; Plut. 903. SYN. Malvdfjuu, yalvta. , bv, adj. [atra bile tinctus,] steeped in poison, , % fj.eXayxpXovs. Trach. 573. xpo^s, eos, 6 et rj, ^ueXayxpws, et peXdvoxP^s, WTOS, et /ueXdyxpos, ov, adj. [qui est fusco colore,] dark-hued. *At// 6e //eXayxpotr/s yevero, yvadpol be TO.- yva0ei/. TT. 175. See also Orest. 315. and N. 589- SYN, MeXas, 560 MEAA MEAA MeXaflpoV, 1 ov, TO, subst. [domus,] a house, a roof. 'EXZvrjv Z,r)t>bs fteXadpois irZXaati). Orest. 1701.* SYN. "Opttyos, oiKtis, otKta, bo/ids, bwjjd, eortci, ffrlyrj. EPITH. Aida\dv, Trprjves, ui/^XoV, cvTroiTjruy, irpovyov, v^rerts, a/i^frrvXdi', TrarpwoV, bovXetov, V7rwpo(pdv f paXepov, Trerplvdv, vvyjiov, avvjuKbov, cu7ri) 5 aorc- poev, evrvKTOi', evbfirjToi'. MlXatVw, poet. jueXavd), et ^eXdrew, f. fjieXayaj, v. [atrum reddo, et absol. pos. ater redder,] to blacken, to render or be black. 'AxQd/jievrjv dbv^yffi' /ze- Xaiverd be X pod KaXoV. E. 354. See also H. 64. and Apoll. 4. 1574.' SYN. tos, 6 et >;, adj. [nigram profunditatem habens,] deep dark. is iJitXa/jfiadri. Phoen. 1024. SYN. K^^a7os, GKOTCIVOS, (TKOT/LOS. , ov, o et //, adj. [nigros incolas habens,] having negroes. *6s CK to TrXrjpovTai poas. Eur. fr. Archil. 2. 3. SYN. vid. MeXa//7re7rXos, ov, o et 77, adj. [atras vestes habens,] black-robed. 'O rrjs Tvvbapetos Orest. 451. SYN. bvaoptyvaios, peXdvoaroXos. ris, eos,.b et ?/, adj. [concretus et nigrescens,] darkly curdling. Mt- al^d tyolvlov. Sept. Theb. 734. (Double Dochm.) , nobcs, o, P. N. [Melatnpus,] the son of Amythaon. Mavrls' arap yevefjv ye M-sXapTrobos eKyovos j/eV. o. 225. MfXd^Truyos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [nigras nates habens,] having black buttocks. Tpa^vs ei'revdev, peXafjnrv-yos. Lysistr. 803. SYN. 'Avbpelos, Kpdrepos^Xdffids. MeXa/ji(j)aris, et /utXd/'avyj/s, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [atrutn splendens,] darkly gleam- ing. MeXaptyaes oi^erai. Helen. 517* See also Hec. 151. os, ou, o et >/, adj. [nigra folia habens,] dark-leaved. Tat be fjtXap- batyvai rlv, TlvBle Flamy. Theocr. Ep. 1.3. ts, tbds, r/, adj. [nigros calculos habens,] having dark-colored peb- bles. A.UV efiovKoXeovTo //eXa^u^/>/0i6os 'Avavpov. Call. 3. 101. ts, ibos, r/, adj. [atra procella indutus,] surrounded by black storms. piov ev Kvpyjaas' /utXdvatyis OVK. Sept. Theb. 6$6. vid. M^Xa^^di/s. ov, adj. [nigro ferro illigatus,] bound with black iron, black- handled. Ilvjoyw)/ CTT' a^jowv ffras, peKavbtrov tyfyos. Plioen. 1107. MeXdre/^uwv, ords, adj. [atra veste indutus,] clothed in black. 'Hperepais ttidbois ^Xavel^balv. Eumen. 372. SYN. MeXay^trwi/, peXa^TTETrXus. MeXdv0tos, ov, 6, P. N. [Melanthius,] Melanthius. 'Ha)0ev 5e K\eaSe MeXdt/- 6ro/, aiTTdXdi' aeywv. 0. 265. MeXaT/TTTTTy, ??s, >^, P. N. [Melanippe,] Melanippe. "Ev6d nore 'AprjTldba MtXaviinrrjv. Apoll. 2. 968. MeXdvtTrTros, ov, 6, P. N. [Melanippus,] Melanippus. See in MeXdi'twv, wvos, 6, P. N. [Melanion,] Melanion. Tov MtXd^iw^ds ot es. Lysistr. 796. MeXd/o5yyj?r^s, ov, et yulXrxvocvl, i)yos, adj. [nigra transtra habens,] having black benches of oars. Tav /ueXdj/ocfryarav. JLsch. Suppl. 539. MeXavoKapblos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [nigrum cor habens,] black-hearted. Tola 2rv- yos 'ovKve/yuwv, o>os, o^, adj. [funebribus vestibus indutus,] clad in mourn- ing robes. Mt\av6vEKi>d^ova. t tyovta, Quina bepKOfj-tvov. Ran. 1336. SYN. See MtXd^TrcTrXos. MfXdvoTrrtpos, ov, et * //eXdvovrrlpv^, vyos, adj. [nigras alas habens,] black- winged. MeXdVoTrreprV, CLV Hazibov. Hec. 698. See also Hec. 71. MeXdj/oo-vpjLtalos, OP, adj. [nigro raphano utens,] taking black doses. vdriei fieXavoavpfJicuov Xtwv. Thesrn. 857- , vid. MeXayxpot>/J. On the derivation and original meaning of this word see Damm, MEAA MEAT 561 * MeXai/raros, vid. MlXas. s, cos, 6 et f], adj. [ex nigra materia structus,] black-walled, dark. oofjiov Hepatyovas. Olymp. 14. '28. SYN. l,Koreiv8s, OTeppos, /ue- , vid. MeXas. s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [nigricantis aquae,] of dark water, deep, 'fls 5' oV dw)o oxfTrjyos dirb Kpijvrjs fjteXdvvbpov. $. 257- SYN. Bdflfa, j3ddvppelrr]s, (3d6v peluv, fcaOtffitis. MeXas, 1 et poet. peiXas, aim, dv, compar. peXavTepos, superl. ^eXdirdros, adj. [niger, ater, obscurus,] black, gloomy, dark-colored. Tolai be repTroyuevotert i effjrtpvs 7i\Qev. a. 423. See also fl. 79- SYN. KeXauds, 6peos aldXow. $. 3^3. SYN. T^tw, fcdrdr^w, 00/^w. eXeaypos, oy, 6, P. N. [Meleager,] a prince of Calydonia, the brother of Tvdeus. OvS' dp' er avros c^v, dave be fai>8os MeXeaypos. B. 642. EplTH. 's, avdds, vlos Oivrjos, Olvcl^rjs, dXo/cts. , vid. MeXdjuat. , dros, ro, /ueXeSw^, wvos, /uieXebtovrj, rjs, ^, et yueXtySwy, ovete, ^, subst. [anxia cura,] anxiety, care. Nwrd ^>t' anftpoatrjy //eXcS^/udrd irarpos e o. 8. See also Apoll. 2. 629, r. 517, and Apoll. 3. 811. SYN. Ktjbos, ^eX?7/ud, peptfiva, Qpovris, oivs, &pa, fj.rjbos. EplTH. UvKivoff 6v, apyaXeov, aXXr^KToy, aTXrjrur, dvjioflopov, arovoiv, d/ju f ]^avdv t xaXeirdv. eXeSwveys, ews, et /leXeSwrds, ov, 6, subst. [curator,] a protector. Yitis *A- 7roXXwi/os, peXebuvevs aypvTrvds, ijpws. Theocr. 24. 104. SYN. ' , verb, impers. [curaj est,] is a care to, or the business of, is regarded. AXXotaiv liXXtov Qt&v re* KavOpwiriav peXei. Hipp. 103. "itfTt, advJ [membratim,] limb by limb, piecemeal. r H ( o-t Kvalv /ueXeYar* uv TrpovOrfKev 'A^tXXevs ; H. 409- tos, 6 et ^, adj. [qui misera passus est,] having suffered wretched things. MfXeoTTdi'os. b. MeXeoTrdflj/s. Sept. Theb. 96l. leAco7ro>os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [aerumnosus,] who is wretched from great troubles. See in MeXeo7rd0?;s. SYN. Yld\v7rot'ds. , a, ov, adj. [miser,] wretched, unfortunate. Ti ydp ou Trdpd poi ; Troad. 106. SYN. ^AflXios, & } KdKobaifjiwv, Kdntis, rvxfis, p.b)pds t aTrpaKTos, /Xtos, (.tdraids. , di'os, adj. [infelix animi,] wretched in mind. MeXtetypwv Iph. T. 855. (a single dochmiac.) , et /^XeScui/w, v. [euro, curam gero,] to attend to, to take care. M- aXyelv atyia /^eXcr^. Eur. fr. Alex. 17. 2. See also Theocr. 9. 22. SYN. , ), KaKt/. MeXe-wp, opos, et /ueXtnjpos, oy, 6, subst. [" qui curam gerit alicujus rei." Steph. Thes.] one who cares for or takes an interest in. OI6', old'* e^d^?; ydp /itXIrwp d/u-^t. Soph. Electr. 846. SYN. MlXcSwyevs, rtr^s, TifJLUpos. *MeXW, vid. MeXdjuat. leXr;^d, vid. MeXer??. ItXriffipfipoTos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui in cura et fama hominum futurus est,] which will engross the attention of men. fyvrev-ffeoOcu ^HXriffi^poTov. Pyth. 4. 27. MeXi, irtis, TO, subst. [mel,] honey. Toi> teat dirb yX&ffoqs /ueXiros 1 MeAas is also a P. N. see H. 117* 2 cw?' is here scanned as one long syllable. Pros. Lex. 4 B 562 MEAI MEAI peev av6>;. A. 249. EpITH. XXwpoV, yXviccpoV, yXikv, yXwo-ffdV, epdretvd>>, njpooeroV, ddjpdroV. PHR. FXvicetai jjteXiTos poat, ov0dV MeXta, as, ^, subst. [(1) fraxinus ; (2) nympha praeses hujus arboris ; (3)hasta fraxinea,] (l)an ash-tree, (2) the nymph who was supposed to preside over it; (3) an ashen spear. Atxfi?rat, /ueyudwrts dpe*crijf<7tv ptXlyat. B. 543. SYN. (3) BeXos, aKovTlov, bopv. EPITH. (3) EvxaXKfo, t0v7rrtw% x aX. Apoli. 1. 592. MeX/ySovTros, ov, peXiyrjpvs, vds, /ueXtyXwovros, et jueXt00oyyos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [suaviter sonans, cantans, vel cantatus,] sweetly sounding, singing or sung. Kat ^teXtySoi/Troiffi batbaXQevTd jueXtcJejucy dotbals. Nem. 11. 23. See also Pyth. 3. 113. P. V. 179- and Isthm. 6. 13. SYN. 'Hovels, rjbvpeXijs, t/uepd- VTTVOOS, i\iirv88s. >, vid. AtTrdpa. ?w, v. [in partes divide, cantu celebro,] to divide into parts, to celebrate in song. See in MeXt'ySovTros. SYN. 'Ae/Sw, $5w, atvew, fyop/jLtZu), cTrat^ew. yieXt^yer^s, eos, 6, ^, adj. [fraxinigena,] ash-sprung. Tav fter xaXKeiqs fifXtrj- yevewv av0pa7rwv. Apoll. 4. l641. WeXirjbrjs, eos, o, /, adj. [mellis suavitatem habens, valde suavis,] sweet as honey, delicious. OtVdV r' e^atroj/, jueXfySed' dXX' dpd feat ts. M. 320. SYN. MeXtroets, tfbiffros, yXv/cvrdros, fjieiXi^os, fj.etXi^l8s f /ueXtxp^s, /ueXt^pwv. r, ov, ro, subst. [favus,] honeycomb. "Eppee pot (fxavd yXi/Kcpwrepd rj >. Theocr. 20. 27. SYN. K^pos, Kripiov. f, ov, 6 t >/, adj. [suaviter sonans,] sweet-sounding. Ovre /ueXtco'/i- dotSdV. Pyth. 2. 46. MeXticpards, ov, et /ueXt, adj. [fraxineus,] ashen, of ash. 7 J5e & enl fjieXivov ovbov evToade dvpawv. p. 339. See also N. 715. MeXtVfoo's, ovs, gen. ov, 6 et^, adj. [suaviter spirans,] sweetly breathing. v Ev0', t5 V4, Kat Tavbe 0ep' evTrdjcrotd ^Xiirvovv . Theocr. 1. 128. SYN. See MeXt'y- Jw, Dor. pro MeX/5w, q. v. MeXt5i;s /ueXt- re;d. Theocr. 4. 25. MlXtr>7, TJS, ^, P. N. [Melite,] (l)one of the Nereids; (2) the name of an island. Kat MeXtr/, KOI latpd, icat 'A/u0t0o^, cat 'Ayaui/. I. 42. MSXtrtoat, wr, ot, P. N. [Melitidae,] the supporters of Melitus. MeXtrtSat cd- . Ran. 991. MEM MEAH 563 , effoa, ey, peXfxpos, a, ov, et jueXtrwSrjs, Z8s, adj. [mellitus,] honied, sweet. "Exet /ucXirtfe /ue- , ro Kat paKape; trodeoval. Batrach. 39- , vid. iVlX/ySow7rd$. , o^s, adj. ["exhilarans dulceHine sua et benignus, ut mel." Damm. in v.] refreshing, sweet. 'Yfuv trap irpdrepotat, jj.f.\ipdva irvpov edrjKev. 0. 189. SYN. See MeXfySfc. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [mellei coloris,] of the color of honey, yellow. , &XidKavffToV ey dos, et /ueXX^o-ts, ^, subst. [cunctatio, dilatio,] delay, hesitation. Td TWV 'Arpetbutv firj ptvuv /zeXX^/udrd. Iph. A. 818. See also Agam. 1327. SYN. Bpd^vrTjs, avafidXri. * MeXXrjTtds, ov, adj. verbal, [cunctabundus,] must delay. "O^udo-' &rrl 5et7rwy- ffovrct, KOV fteXXrjTeov. Eccles. 876. MeXXdyaftos, et /ueXXo>vju0d$, ov, o et /, subst. [futurus sponsus, futura sponsa,] a future husband or wife. Faju/Spw ^ueXXoyd^uw, Avyjcevs icat o Kaprspos Theocr. 22. 140. See also Trach. 207. MeXXobenrviKos, rj, ov t adj. [ad coenam vocans,] inviting to supper. 'ETry yueXos rt neXXot)et7ri>iKdi>. Eccles. 1 153. MeXXdviKiaw, v. [vincere cunctor, Niciae more cunctor, vox ab Aristoph. con- ficta,] to hesitate ta conquer, to hesitate like Nicias. "flpa Vrtv f]fjuv, ovbe fjieXXdviKiyv. Aves 639. MeXXw, v. [futurus sum, meditor, eunctor,] to be about, to intend, to delay. Et 6' ovTd) roiJr' early, efJLol peXXet (f>l\dt> elyat. A. 564. SYN."EotKa, MeXoTToiew, v. [modulor,] to compose the music. TWJ> beairoffvvtov Thesm. 42. SYN. MeXori/Trtw, /ueXyiew. MeXoVoids, dv, adj. [musicus,] who composes music. MeXfaoidv ovrd, icai TtoiovvTa ravT act. Ran. 1280. MeXds, EOS, TO, subst. [(l)membrum, artus ; (2) carmen modulatum,] (l)a limb, a member; (2) a song. MeXos els ajKJxi) rr^7rrwce ri/^s. Iph. A. 1280. SYN. (1) MeXtoyid, 7ros, doiSj), ^/. EPITH. (lyApfjiareiov, bvytyverov, KaXov, (3aK\e~iov, ^iXtov, balov, yapriXlov, aioXov, yXvKepov, Xiyvpov, /uetXtyoi', Tra^iot'dv, xapviv, wrjev, repirvov, KaXXfyopdv, ijbv, evlov,, deXtcrripidv, upov, irpofrfiXes, (2) yvapirTdv, fipiaptiv, Jtparov, affdyud- TOV, arifiapov, Tpopepov, dvqTOV, a(f>aTtit>. MeXdrtirev, v. [ad mensuram cantus pedibuscalcare,] to beat time to the song. MeXorvireHs, dfjiov T opOtou kv vopois', Agam. 1122. (Trimet. Docbm.) SYN. MeXirrjQpdv, ov, TO, subst. [tripudium cum cantu,] music and dancing. Ilorpo- KXov TipuTJoi Kvalv fjLeXirriBpa yeveffOai. 2. 179. /zcviy, 775, r>, P. N. [Melpomene,] one of the Muses. See 'Epdrw. , v. [" cano cum saltatione et tripudiis." Damm.] to sing and dance. , d peXTrova ov aa eV0d Micros pZXybos. Iph*. T. 1105. SYN. Movafrfc, povodiroXos, peXd-rroios. Me/idws, vid. Maw. * Me/i?}cw, vid. MrjKaw. *M^//x"* /7 ?A'^ ws > a( ^ v ' [consulto,] intentionally. Tov crov Trpos d^SjOos, *cat IJ.fjir)\arrjiJiV(i)S. Ion 808. SYN. 'Eic irpovoias, e/covatws. Me/ivwv, o'o$, 6, P. N. [Memnon,] the leader of the ^Ethiopians in the Trojan war. 'Hvi/c' av TrevdwfJifv rj TOV Mepvov, f/ LapTr^bdva. Nub. 622. EPITH. ATos, avTWtos, xaXKOKopvffrijs, AtOio^/, d^o/3os, f.vapl^f3pdTds t ffrparapxus Al- Owirtav. TTTds, ?), d^, adj. verbal, [reprehendendus,] censurable. Arj^dev i, KapTd paivdfiat. Trach. 447. SYN. Mwpiyrds. s, ibos, f], P. N. [Memphis,] a city in Egypt. "6 re rrjs lepas - Pers. 36. SYN. 'Hydflea. t, v. [conqueror, accuse,] to complain of, to accuse. Zv 6' et Ttjs fj,}js aTrovaias. Hec. 94>9' SYN. Atrmd/zat, icdrdytvwo-ffw, yopew, ey/cdXew, ^uc/i^t^otpew, fjiep^lv e^w Kara. , ews, et po^fr), rjs, %, subst. [querela, querimonia,] complaint, censure. wf TrapoiQe /ue/^ts es /ueo-or /uoXj;. Ion 1558. See also Orest. 1038. SYN. s, atria, ovetbos, Xd/3^, alricipa. partic. Vid. Damm. , ov, 6, P. N. [Menalcas.] MdXd vep^Vj ws 0avrt, mr' dijoed paKpa. . Theocr. 8. 2. pevoivabtf et fievotveu), v. [valde cupio, destine, irascor,] to desire, to be resolved, to be angry, Ou uev brj ae Karatydiffet /udXd nep fttvealvtov. e. 341. See H. 264. and M. 59. SYN. UpdOvpedpat, eeXbopai, e^tc/zat, X o- Xoo/uat. Mei'eSr/ids, /ueveTrroXe^uos, ueveua^oSf peve^apfjir)s t et five^apfj.os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [bellicosus,] firm in war, warlike. 'AXXd, 0oar, jcat yap roirapos pet'tbrjWs jada. N. 228. See also A. 395. T. 419- and H. 3?6. SYN. *Ap//Wte, ?roXe- /utos, iroXepiKos, fja-^iTrjs. Me^eXaos, ov, et Me^Xews, w, 6, P. N. [Menelaus,] the son of Atreus. apvvpevot MtveXaw, trot re, Kv^wTrd. A. 159- EpITH. 'AyajcXe^s, ava brjs, biorpfyris, op^djuos \av, ayaOos, fioijv ayaGos, aibolos, aprfifylXos, 'A^atwv, "Arpeos vtos, ^ovpikXvros, 'itydtuos, av6ds, afj.vfj.taVj btoyZvijs, rjpus, KvbaXlpos, uvrldtos, rewrepos ^Arpeos vtos, IffoOeos p??, bios, pHya^vfJLOs. Me^tros, 77, or, adj. [qui manet, patiens,] forbearing. Me^erot eot, feat /ur) 'irdblby, fjuarjTiav. Aves 1620. Meve^ap^Tjs, et peve^appos. Vid. Me^eS^/tos. MtvoeiKris, eds, 6, y, adj. [gratus animo,] agreeable, refreshing. *Es K\iair)V irapa. b atyl rWei pevoetKea balra. I. 90. SYN. 1 Mffjifttierai and )ttc')u/3A,To are used in Homer for fteyttfA.r;Ta( and fytc/xeA>jTO. Vid. Damm. in . M\W sub fin. MENO MESA 565 , et pevowew. Vid. Meveatru. Mevotvfi, ijs, rj, subst. [desiderium,] consilium, the desire, the design, the in- tent. QapuaKa iraffffUfjievr), "Hprjs b* aX/Lwae pevoivas. Apoll. 4. 21. SYN. BovXj), CTrivotd, oppri, yvwpr), 0poj/rts, Trpodvpia. EpITH. T/OT/^eTd, oe7d. MeVoiridSiys, ov, 6, patronym. [e Mencetio satus,] the son of Meuoetius, sc. Patroclus. "Hie, aiiv re MevoiTiuby Kal ols sTapotaiv. A. 307. MZvoirids, ov, 6, P. N. [Mencetius.]' 'Hycyi6>w>- wp&Tos be MevotTiov vlos. II. 307. Mtvos, eos, TO, subst. [vis, robur, ira,] strength, anger. "l&aQat, Kal yelpa* 'A-Xaitiv. Z. 502. SYN. "Is, a\Kj), ^vls, aderos, /3ta, 6p/ij>), ts, l, alev dretpes, aa^rovy araaQaXov, a-popov, bpipv, e/nirebov, e'wr, Kparepos MepiSdpTra^. Batrach. 256. Mtp/c'w, v. [partio, divido, separo,] to divide into parts or shares, 'fls KCU TCLV aypav, T&veipara ?ravrd //CjOt'c^w. Theocr. 21. 31. SYN. Metpo/iat, blaiptw. Mepifjiva, r)s, et fjLepfJirjpa., as, ^, et fjttpipvr]fjia, dros, ro, subst. [cura, solicitude,] care, anxiety. Violas pepifjivrji rov0' vTrocrTpatyeh \eyets; CE. R. 728. See also Hes. Theog. 55. and Philoct. 187. SYN. MeXeS^d, ^eXeSwv, fieXebuvrj, Kfibos. EptTH. XdXeTT^, KOV(j>rj t Kparepfi, fiapela, /neXoiroios. Mepi/uivdcj, \. [euro,] to attend to. "Epyov pepifjivuv Trolov, rj (5tov rivd ; CE. R. 1124. SYN. QpovTiZu, Krjbevo), Kt'ibopai, enifj.l\, evroeu),}pi(). ris, ov, 6, subsl. [indagator, curator,] an examiner. Ao^ovirds elvcu, l fttpip.vr]Tas Xdyuv. Med. 1223. SYN. 'E^raorjfc, Qetapos. TtffTrjs, ov, 6, subst. [sophista, nugator,] a sophist, a trifler. Me- pipydff)povTiaral, KaXoi re Kayadoi. Nub. 101. Mepls, ibds, r/, et ftepos, eos, TO, subst. [pars, portio,] a part, a class, a share. Tpels yap TTO\IT&V /le/nSes* ol pelt oXfltoi. Eur. Suppl. 224. See also Ran. 337. SYN. Mo/pd. ris, ov, 6, patronym. [filins Mermeri,] the son of Mermerus. *E| avlovTo. Trap "\\ov Mepfjiepibao. a. 259' s, 1 ov,6ei //, adj. ["masc. notat curiosum, solicituiu, percontantem : neu- trum est, quod curas anxias excitat, de quo inulta est quaestio et inquisitio." Damm.] anxious, causing anxiety, stupendous. "E*KTn>p juev JAETO. TQICTIV p.eppepd. pe(i)v. A. 502. SYN. Aei^os, apyaXeds, "^aXeiros. , vid. Mept^uva. iZw, v. [delibero, vel agitor,] to deliberate anxiously, to be in doubt. o peppfipi^e woXvrXas bids 'Obveaevs. e. 354. SYN. Mept^urdw, , idds, rj, subst. [funiculus tenuis,] a thin rope. N^i 5' evi y KdTebei pepfjudi faetvrj. K. 23. EPITH. 'Apyvper}. SYN. Mrjpivdds. MepoTrrjis, ibds, rj, adj. [Meropeis,] of the Meropes, the ancient name of the people of Cos. 'lyvylr)v ft r/vreird Kow^ NlepoTrrjiba vTjaov. Call. 4. l60. Mepos, eos, TO, vid. Mepts. Mepo\j;, dirds, 6 et //, adj. [(l) articulatam vocem habens ; (2) item P. N.] (l)arti- culately speaking ; (2) an inhabitant of Cos. 'Ev Trebly TrtTroXiord ird\ts pepd- TTWV av6pu>7ru>v. T. 217' Meffafiov et */ueo-CTd/3ov, ov, ro, subst. [lorum subjugium, lorum quo boves copu- lantur jugo,] the thong which fastened the ox to the yoke. "Evbpvdv eXcdV- riav peaaflw. '6 be rvrQos oKiaQev. Hes. Op. 467. See also Call. fr. 478. a F. N. See E. 51$. 566 MESA MEI2 EXP. *O TrXarvs ipas o T$ $vy$ TrapaKadairTofievos exe/3oiov, *at /ieCios. MfffdyeTds, d, ov, et /ue<7, adj. [mediterraneus,] in- land. 'AfjQdTepri )Uffdyeid, cat a? ireXayeaai Ka0)?j>rat. Call. 4. l6'8. See also Call. 3. 38. Mfo-ofyii;, ns t ^, subst. [trabs magna domus vel navis,] the large beam of a house or ship. Ai'/^dri 6' cppaburat roT^ot, jcaXcu re peffob/jiat. v. 354. MfffoXd/3/)s, Ids, 6, ^, adj. [qui medium corripit vel ferit,] seizing or striking the middle. Mea\8s f ov, 6 et ^, adj. [umbilicalis,] at the navel or middle of the earth. "Ivd fjLeff6fjKf)d\ot \eyovrai }JLV\OL. Orest. 325. MeoovvKTios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [media nocte,] at midnight. MfaovvmdswXXiJjuav. Hec. 902. MTd7rdy)s, et Ion. /ucaao'Trd'yjfc, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [" usque ad mediam sui par- tern infixus." Damm.] fixed up to the middle. MeyadTtdyes o' dp' 0J7K KO.T fieiXivov ey^os. 0. 172. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [per medium tranans, medius,] mid, middle. yet /jieaoTrdpov fa' aWepos. Ion 1152. , vid. MecroLTOs. , v. [in medio sum,] to be in the middle. ZtjXw a- ev dpxjf llirta /*<70t. Med. 59. ^fferd/3d>/, vid. Meoupov. eiraairtVs, ov, 6, P. N. [Messapius,] a mountain in Boeotia. Meffaamov (f>v- Xat armalvei fjidXdv. Agam. 284. 1 Dr. Blomfield proposes iupdrvvtv tirdicrovs. 2 Mww/Afo ie also n adj. Alcest. 565. between the porch and hall.' MES2 META 567 Meaffav\8s, vid. M&ravXos. Metrtrj/yi/s, vid. Meo^yi/s. Mefftnjyid's, 6V, adj. [Messenius,] Messenian. M}Xd yap e 'I0d, adj. [plenus, refertus,] full. 'AXX' r/ftK* ^617 pearos %v 0v/xov/ie- vds. (E. C. 768. SYN. rejuwi', TrXlcbs, TrXr/pijs. Meorow, v. [impleo, refercio,] to fill up. Tlavvai, irplv opyrjs jcd/ue /jeorwom Xeywr. Antig. 280. SYN. riXijpow, avanXiiQw. Mefftya, adv. vel praep. [dum, donee,] whilst, until, so long as. Mea^>' avVtt SO'PTTOIO KbpeaoajJitvoi KartiapOev. Apoll. 2. 1229- SYN. See MexP*. * Meows, adv. [mediocriter,] moderately. "Eo>oios /lerdSopTTtos* dXXd cat 'Hws. 5. 194. , ov, 6 et f/,adj. [sonans inter,] sounding or making a noise between, 1 See Steph. Thes. p. 6096. and Daram. in v. 568 META META interfering. Ai ' aXXat //crdSovTrot, aKrjpioi, OVTI Qepovvat. Hes.Op. 821. MeraSpfymSrjv, adj. [persequendo,] by running after. Tor be peTabpofjiabriv ttri MvprtXos i]\aaev tirvovs. Apoll. 755. SYN. Apo/m7;i>,>s. , fjs, rj, subst. [incursus,] an assault, an attack. Ets x ~'P& s %\0e, is 'Epivvvwv. Ipll. T. 942. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [persequens, ulciscens,] running after, avenging. MeTabpopoi KCLK&V 7ravovpyrifj.a.T(i)v. Soph. Electr. 1387. (Dochm. dim.) SYN. Tt/uwpos, rtrjjs. Mfra.0ojpriffadfj.aif (legerim potius pera flwpr/o-o'o/icu.) [armor inter,] I am armed among. Meracydi})', adv. [cum impetu,] violently. KOI//C fjieTaiybtjv vnep ovaros' oored b" etcrw. Apoll. 2. 95. Merd/c?w, v. [una sedeo,] to sit along with. E'tW, ovre vluv fTaieiv, ovre . TT. 362. /pw, Dor. et ^Eol. TreSa/pw, f. dpw, v. [amoveo,] to remove. Ti robe e aKivriTwv fiadpuv. Ipll. T. 1158. See also Pboen. 1041. SYN. , v. [" ruo insequendo, persequor, irruo." Damm.] to pursue. 'He /uerat^as Qavarov rev^eitf efcaori/. p. 236. SYN. AIWKW, f^eTro^uat. Mlratrtto, v. [mendico,] to beg. 'Ev TW (cotrw, roi/s yuev orpe/3Xwv, rovs 6* ay^wr, rovs ^e fjierairuv. Equit. 775. SYN. 'ETrairew, atrtw. Meramos, ov, 6 et //, [compos, auctor,] the author, the cause. 'Pw/up yt- i, Kal Taov perairidv. Eur. Suppl. 26. SYN. 'ETramos, atrtos, o-yyu- , et Dor. et ^Eol. TrlSa/xjuics, o, d^, adj. [medius intra duas acies, intermedius,] midway, intermediate. Merat^jutov, TO, [intervallum,] interval. "Eorri jjteffoiaiv er juerat^jutots ^opos. Heracl. 803. See also Choeph. 581. MtrdmXew, v. [revoco,] to recall. Kcu fjtrtKaXei TOV itpea' vvvb' ovbe els. Plut. 1182. SYN. 'Ai/aicaXew. MlrdKtd^w, et * peTaKiv, v. [consequor, accedo,] to pursue, to occupy. 'AXX' OTC irav Trtbiov ^rldaQov^^1 b' 'Adijvrj. A. 713. See also o. 147. SYN. Mtrep)(o/>, et /iertt^Xei^w, v. [mutato nomine voco, celebro, cognomino,] to call by another name, to surname. 2rpo0das be [j.eTaK\eiova avdpuTrot. Apoll. 2. 296. MtrafcX/vw, f. tvw, v. [retro flecto,] to bend to the other side. M?/TTWS JJLIV ird- \efjioid fjLTaK\ir6eprds eXotev. A. 509 SYN. 'EK'tfX/vw, etrptTroyuat, dXee/vw. Mcrdcot/z/c'o//at, v. [interquiesco, ve/ post quiesco. Vid. doctiss. Blomf. in I.e.] to rest somewhere else, amidst or after. Meranoimadev /ut vvs UT^S ; Choeph. 1063. SYN. MtraTrauojUcu, avaicX/vojucu, MeTaKotvos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [particeps,] sharing. Merckoivoi 5' a< ^>tXai fjarpc irapeiffi. uEsch. Suppl. 1046'. SYN. Kotvos, KOtviovds. MeTa.Kv\ii>bea), v. [volvendo transfero,] to move with a rotatory motion. M- rd^vXtvSelv avrdj' ate/. Ran. 536. SYN. KvXtvbew, ptTaffTpeQw. MeTaKv/Liios, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui est inter fluctus,] who is amidst the waves. Et yap fJieTaKvpids aras. Alcest. 9 1. 1 MeraXayu/iJdVa;, f. Xj/^w, et * /ilraXay)(d>w, v. [" particeps fio, una pre- hendo." Damm.] to share in, to take something else, to change. ZijTels peTa- Xd/3e7v. b. /uerdXd/3e7^ r)T& ; TWOS ; Plut. 370. See also Eur. Suppl. 1087. SYN. Mere-ftd), /uerdStSw/zt, //cra/pcJ, Kapirdat. MtraXylw, v. [dolorem cum alio participo, doled,] to mourn along with. Mer- aXyels TO blKaiov epfrti. flLsch. Suppl. 410. SYN. See MeracXa/w. *MeraX/ycr/cw, v. [produce,] to produce, to generate. 'AXX' tityios betvoHo /ilroX- brjaKovTas obovTds. Apoll. 3. 14. SYN. See 'A\br)aKu>. 1 See T)T. Monk's note on this passage. Hesych. MTK^/*toy fierafv rwv KVfidruv. META META 560 MerdXr/yw, unde Ion. imp. perdXrjyeffKU), v. [desino, desisto, cesso,] to cease. "A^id bwpd bibwal ^eraXXri^avTi 1 ^oXoto. I. 26l. See also Apoli. 3.414. SYN. A/yw, aTroTravdftai, K&raMjyta, /xerdXw^dw. MfraXXdy?/, ijs, r/, subst. [niutatio, cOmmutatio,]a change, exchange. MeraX- Xdya< yap batcpvuv. 2 Here. F. ?6l. SYN. Mcra/3#\j/, dXXdyj/. MerdXXaKTos, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [reconcilians, mutatus,] reconciling, re-uniling, changed. Awards kv rpoTrala XP 5 *' r peraX-XaKrds. Sept. Tlicb. 703. MeVaXXcWw, f. a, v. [muto, immuto, transformo,] to change, to transform. ^K\r)pu>s fjieraXXaffffovaiv els rdp/xdra. Eur. fr, Autol. 3. 9. SYN. 'AXXaaaw, ^terd/xiXXw, perdfjieifldfjiai, fjteTaarpefyto, f^edlffrrjfjil, yuerd^t//3o / im(, di arptTrw. MeraXXdw, f. 7/Tw, v. [quaero curiose, inquiro, percunctor,] to seek or question diligently. Tovro be aXXs. T. 177. SYN. 'Epevmw, &lijfjit, ^^rtw, tTrtf ijrew. MerdXX^ros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [investigabilis, explorandus,] may be investigated or discovered. Et /ierctXXarov rt. Pylh. 4. 291. SYN. Z^r^rtos. , ov, ro, subst. [(l) metallum, (2) fodina,] a metal, a mine. 'AXXd tbrjboKws, ww/arymi /ueraXXd. Equit. 3()2. EPITH. et //erdXw^dw, v. [desino, cesso,] to cease. Tetpopevot Kal S/} avrap 6 TOVS ye. Apoll. 1. Il6"l. d^ios, or, adj. [qui est inter ainbas mammillns,] which is between the two breasts or nipples. 'AXX' t/3dXe ffrijdos /icrajudcjtov* were & tityfarwr. E. 19. era/uaiofJtnt, v. [consequi et contingere cupio,] to be anxious to meet with or obtain. Trj-XuOe peTapawfJievos. Nem.3. 141. SYN. Maitipat, i'e/iai, biZ , v. [omisso eo quod prius didiceram, aliud addisco. Vid. Schol. Aristoph. Pint. 9*25.] to leave one thing and learn another. Merd^avSdrovad, 5' VJJLVOV. Agam. 689. Merdjuet/Sw, /Eol. 7reSd)ue//3w, V. [commuto,] to change. 'Erepas erepats )uerd- fjieifidpeva. Phoen. 845. See also Pyth. 12. 18. SYN. See MtraXXd^o-w. Merd^eXet, f. ^eXj/tret, v. impers. [poenitet,] it repenteth. Upbs ravrd rf TO.% vfjuv fyrjfjtt fjiiTa^ifXijaeiv. Pax 1315., v. [simul cano,] to sing together. Trjrrt pey ovr alff irerai, ovre Xd^eia. Horn. Apoll. 197- SYN. lv ^t6w, apa fieXTrdfJLat. Merd/uVyw, f. ifa, et fjierd^yvvpl, v. [admisceo,] to mingle with, lolaiy 'Qbva- fffjos fJtTafii8f*$V ovbe rot vids. )(. 221. SYN. St/jMjUt'yyv/u, ZvyKepuvvvfjit, dvd- Ktpvd() t dvdKepavrvp.1. Merd//wXtos, et ^erd^w^tos, ov, c et 77, adj. [vanus, irritus,] vain, useless. ' Xeerw, (//// fjioi juerd/zwXtd )'7;ftdr oX/?rat. /3. 98. See also Pax 1 l6. SYN. ' Xi'os, judratos, Kovipds, UTrpaKTds* Merdmytvaxr^fa;, vid. Merdytvwcrfrw. Merdrcucnjs, oi/, et /urdMor77s, ow, oetr/, adj. [inquilinus, peregrinus, colonus,] a foreigner, an inhabitant. IlatSas & r/judrd Travrd eovs /lerdraterds elvat. Hes. Theog. 401. See also IT. 59. SYN. $i)yds, dTroXts, fierotKos. Mtrdveiffffdfiru, et peTdviffffd^at, v. [transeo, supero, una versor,] to pass over, tobeamongst. 7 H/uo$ 6'r/eXtos fAereveiffaeTo fiovXvrovbe. 11.799- Seealso Troad. 131. SYN. Merepxfy" 1 '* ptTaflaivw, Tropevo/xat, d^uvto^at, fitraareix^- * MeTdviffTrjfjtl, f. //aw, v. [finibus expello, migrare facio,] to banish, to cause to quit a place, ritorevfjas Kai yuerdj/aorrds. CE. C. 175. SYN. , et nerayvoia, as, r/, subst. [resipiscentia, poenitentia,] repentance. "Axpr), rjffv-^a^ Merajravo-wX//, rjs, rj, subst. [cessatio, quies,] rest, quiet, cessation. rts fjLtTa.iravff(i)\ii 7roXejj.oto yevrjrai. T. 201. SYN. IlavowXty, dvdir avals, dveals. MeTdTreiOoj, v. [aliud persuadeo,] to recommend a different measure. 'Ai^p vttcq. roial Xdyoieru-, KOI TOV brjfJiov /zeraTret'fet. Acharn. 626. SYN. Tlaparreidw. w, v. [alio modo tento,] to try in another way. 'A7rad7rao-ar Kov)(i as. Eccles. 217 SYN. 'ATroTrecpdw, TrdpaXXctrrw, jutraXXarrw. t, v. [accerso,] to send for or after, to invite. '6 row kibvvaov yap a upevs /uerdTre/iTrerat. Acharu. 1087* SYN. 'ATroareXXw, yueraoreXXa;, , 2 aor. tirtaov, v. [(l)recido, (2) muto sententiam,] to fall back, to interfere, to change. Ilws b" ok^aw, /ucrdTrtTrrovros. Alcest. 936. SYN. vw, v. [miuistro,] to attend, to wait upon. 'A^ur/}7r)$, ACS, , v. [prse aliis insignis sum,] to excel others. 'Aort/Des ws vfyeeoat, ' wbe b' ZKUOTOS. Apoll. 1. 240. SYN. ' , v. [proterreo,] to scare away. "E^Oet ueraTTToiovadv evvaiuv ya- fjtii)v. ^isch. Suppl. 336. SYN. Ilrotcw, TTD/CTO-W, iKwrfjfffV, beibopai. MeTapWuws, ov, o et ^, adj. [adnurneratus,] numbered amongst. T ovoaaaQal" d Kal ueTapidulds ?iHv. Apoll. 1. 205. Merappvduicw, v. [in ordinem cogo, refingo,] to arrange. Ka< iropov pv6uif; t Kat ntbais ff(J>vpr}\aTOts. Pers. 753. SYN. 'PvOuigw, evrpenigu), utTa\- os, et KtbapaWs, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [sublimis, excelsus,] being* on high, sublime. 'YTTO aov Trrepwdels /3ouX6/uat (jterapffWs. Aves 1383. and Choeph. 832. SYN. Mtrewpos, pZri'idpus, v\^r]\ds, vTTtprjtyavos. traffKevdgd), v. [in aliam formam verto,] to transform, to alter. IldXti/ /xera- pijbiTTj. b. 26l. See also Hes. Scut. 92. SYN. See MtTaicXaiw. Mfraoroixct, adv. [in ordine, seriatim,] in order. ^Lrdv be ^eraarof^ei' be rtppar' 'A X tXXeus. T. 757. SYN. Kdrd rd^y, E(^ijs. , v. [couverto, iiiverto,] to turn, to alter. 'AvrlXfyos bi META METE 571 f*%raetvTa ZdKetiras. N. 545. SYN. Mcrarp*, /ulrd/3dXX. 6? SYN. , f. o/<7w, v. [transfero,] to transfer, to deal amongst. . Phoen. 183. (Dochm. monom. hypercat.) SYN. Mera/pw, , v. [(l) interloquor, (2) adloquor,] to speak amongst, to accost. Tolirtv 6' 'AvTivdos fitTetyrj, Ev?re/0os vios. cr. 42. SYN. MirctvcJdw. era^pd<5o/uat, v. [postea cogito, et perpendo in animo,] to reconsider, to de- liberate upon. 'AXX' r)TOi /uef ravrd ^era^a.a6p.eaQa Kal avrts. A. 140. SYN. ' ) ov, TO, subst. [tergum, pars corporis opposita pectori vel dia- phragmati,] the back, the part opposed to the (ppercs. KOXTOVTCS bovpevffl e Kal wpovs. 6. 528. SYN. Nwrov. EP1TH. Ei/pi), /Spmpd*', TrXdrv. , v. [(1) interloquor, (2) adloquor,] to speak amongst. 7 H pd, Kal pETe(f)(ji)veei> a^abv zovaav. Apoll. 1. 702. SYN. See Merav&au). ^at, v. [refugio,] to flee back. 'He Kal ovXoftei'ov jufrd^offo-fat apri- roio. Apoll. 3. 436. SYN. 'ATTOX^PEW, d7rdx5w, dTreM-XtVw, i-KKXivw. rdxetpt'<5w, v. [administro, euro,] to handle, to manage, to govern, 'fl/uo- ffTrapaKrov 7rdpdXd/3wy, fj.ETd^tplffaid xprjffr&s. Equit. 345. SYN. , a, ov t adj. [terrestris, quae terram reliquit,] on earth, eartlily, raised above the earth. HXrjpfjivpls CK irovraiS jULera^Odvtrjv IKOUKJOE. Apoll. 4. 1269. SYN. XSoi'ids, Trf)(6oi'los, ^Q6vo(Trlftn s > /nZrapffios, fjeTa\pbvlos. raxp'"vlds, a, ov, adj. [sublimis, in co3lodegens,] being aloft, flerpawv v-^ov be fjLTaxpdvlrj ire^vprjTo. Apoll. 2. 589. SYN. MfiYfwpos, /Ur/;opos, tirovpavWs, ^ETa-^QuVLOSy fJlETapffldS. * MfYdxo^pfw, v. [secedo, migro,] to recede, migrate. ^.Treipetv HEV, orav ypd- ros Kpwovv es rfjv Alfivrjv ^.ETa^wpy. Aves 710. SYN. 'AiruxupEU), a.Tr6\a.o- /uai, dvdxwpfw, aTrepxo/uat. Mrav//a/pw, v. [dimoveo,] to remove, brush against. 'ErfOftrXf^s Sf, wdtJt /uera- ^aipuv TTETpov. Pho2n. 1405. SYN. Mcrctycpai. fret/ui, v. [(1) una sum, intersum, (2) post ibo, sectabor, (3) particeps sum,] to be among or with, to be going to follow or pursue, to share in. (3) MET- earlv vjuv rS>v irEirpay^EVMV fjiEpos. Iph. T. 1300. SYN. (1) Ildpei/u, irdpt- 572 METE METO Mere/pw, v. (ab eipw sero,) epro, 3 sing, plusq. pf. pass, [include,] to fasten with, set in. \pvffZov opfjiov #x wr /uerd & fi\eKTpoiriv eepTo. a. 459- SYN. w, f. o/ei7roV, vicl. McrevvETnu. i, et $lol. Trfbepxopat, ^ Xevcr6>at, 2 aor. ?}X06>, v. [post eo, perse- quor,] to go after, or in pursuit of. 'AXXd ov y t^fpoevra ^erep^eo epyd yd- /uoto. E. 42p. SYN. 'ETrtpxfy 1 "'' ^reifjiij /ueroixopai, /ueraXXdw, plraffTei^d). Mtrevx^yuat, v. [contraria precor,] to alter one's prayers or wishes. Olcrfl' ws /uereu^et, feat o-o^xurepa tyavei. Med. 600. SYN. MtrarpeTrd/mt. Mere^w, f. jueQe^w, 2 aor. C/TX^, v. [particeps sum,] to share in, to partake, to enjoy. Kdyw ^Irkayov Uprnplbais bvyirpa'tfas. Helen. 1220. SYN. Hvyu/^e- Tiff^d), [AeTaXafjiflavw, ^uerd^iSw/xt, Ufpi^dpai. MeTEwpiZw, v. [tollo, elevo, med. superbio,] to raise or puff himself up, mid. to be proud. "Ordc els ravras avtpos r}pos perewpiffdels Ka.TaK\icrOrj. Nub. 404. SYN. 'T^dw, de/pdyuat, aldipeupai, eTraipo/nai. MerewpoKOTret*), v. [sublimia peto,] to aim at lofty things, to be pompous. Hoi j/r' a\\(i)s fj.T(i)poKd7ris ; Aves pi* Merewpos, et peri'iopus, et ^ol. TrtSadpos, ov, o et ^, adj. [(l) sublimis, excelsus, (2) suspensus, (3) fluctuans in mari,] aloft, suspended, tossed out at sea. "A.pdr)Te, ^dyr/r', d> beaTrotrai, ro> ^poi'Ttary ^erewpoi. Nub. 266. See also ^. 869. and Choepb. 582. SYN. Merapatos, TrtSdjocrtds, v^j^Xoj, 7r>/opos. Mer(t)pdffdv /jiT(i)pdao(j>i<7T&i>. Nub. 360. Merewpd^tral, a^os, 6, subst. [qui homines de rebus su'blimibus decipit,] one who deceives in relation to heavenly objects. KikXiwy re x^P ras, avbpas fjeTeupofyEvaKas. Nub. 333. , vid. Merewpos. cew, v. [(1) migro, (2) incola sum,] to migrate, to inhabit. Qavuv o zXd^wi/. Hipp. 838. SYN. KdroiKo>, VOIK-W, d7ro(fCW, Mfroifcia, as, r/, subst. [migratio, habitatio in terra aliena,] a dwelling in a foreign country. MeroiKias olv rijs avia ffTpf]0Tat. Antig. 902. SYN. 'ATTCU- Kia, aTraXXdy?/. Merouc/cftj, v. [incolas transfero,] to remove or transport inhabitants. Ilorfpa I.IETOIKIO pit as. Eccles. 754. Merouos, ov, 6 et ^, subst. [qui in aliena civitate degit, inquilinus,] a foreigner, an inlmbitant. MfYojKoi bo/nwv TteaovvTai. TrdXtv. Choepii. 958. (a double dochmiac.) SYN, 'ATTO(KOS, ZVOIKOS, avvoinos, /alTavateTrjs, fieTavaarrjs. , v. [persequor, sequor, adeo,] to pursue, come to. Qvovaa ical ov fJiSTUtytTO. Iph. T. 1333. SYN. Merepx^/xai, /XEraifcrrTw, jufYoTrd- yurd/3a/rw, blwKbt, fTrepxo^uat. a^u;, v. [subside in genua,] to sink upon the knees. 'AXXd yuroKXdc?e<, aptyorepcvs irobas tei. N. 281. , f. d/rw, v. [una sequi facio,] to cause to accompany. 'Hp/fyteoy' * ''Tiipotfflv oiraaoa. K. 204. SYN. 'OTrd^w, Trapsed), /, /Ltro7rtff0, et peTdmffdev, adv. [a tergo, postea,] behind, afterwards. 'Hpfrtyteov is here scanned as a molossus. METO MHAE 573 Tevw rt> /^roYiv rdXas ; Philoct. 1 189. See also Apoll. 1. 75. SYN. Kdr- vnlv, oirlffw, HETCL ravrd. MfroVis, ibos, ^, subst. [vindicta,] vengeance. Aein) yap peroms &VILOV Ajfo*, os K dXirT/rai. Horn. Hym. 42. 4. SYN. Tt/. 1V1 eroirwpivos, ov, adj. [autumnalis,] autumnal, in autumn. KUV^UTOS tSdXfytov, HerdTrwpivdv 6fJi(3pijffavTos. Hes. Op. 414. SYN. 'Oirwplvds. MfYopXto*', ov, ro, subst. [spatium inter arborum ordines, interordinium,] the distance between two rows of trees. *H KuXws avrwv airaXXafatev av ^uerdp- Xiov. Pax 567. MfYovata, as, f/, subst. [communio, consortium,] communication, partnership. Meroviriav be? ruv Tpon-wv TO CTW/Z' X tl/< Thesm. 152. SYN. Kotvama. /cJw, v. [vecte dimoveo,] to remove by a iever. 'Pe7d yucro^X /o-6ovy Rhes. 7^8. SYN. '6p/> y ^, owr' apidjuos eort juot. Troad. 622. SYN. M'rp7/4d, rporrds, vop.os. /, wvos, o, P.N. [Meton,] Melon. Mfrwy. &. rt e) Aves 1010. , ov, 6, P.N. [Metopes,] a river in Arcadia. Ilecjos iJrrep Kpddlv rl, j' r MfrwTnji/. Call. 1. 26. ', ot/, ro, subst. [interstitium inter supercilia,] the space between the eye-brows. "\TTITWV >;vi' X^d, /Uro>7rtov v&i Xdt. O. 739 frwTroi', ov, ro, subst. [frons,] the forehead. *Qv CK perw-rrov TroXXd/cts ; wd- vovs EXWV. Troad. 1188. EPITH. 5av0or, airaXov, Xevco/, oT?/3dp6>, et /u~xpfr, adj. [usque ad, quoad,] as far as, until. TwXov yy6r0ai SeZ erf ^XP* TOV pvppivov. Equit. 964. See also Apoll. 4. 1234. ^ j), 1 et (2) adjunct. ^ vel r, /ur/Sf, et /u>yr, adv. [(1) ne, (2) neque,] (1) lest, not, (2) neither. "Ecrop, jufi poi /U//UVE, t\ov airo fjtr]bed Trarpos. Hes. Theog. 180. SYN. Td cupola, opxets, //^a. d, as, 77, P. N. [Medea,] Medea. M^Seid nvpyovs yfjs tirXeva' 'IwXicca*. Med. 7. EPITH. AeffTroii'd, avaoocL, Kovpr) AlrjTad, bvarrjvds, firina.ap.evri, *\>ffvpos, oXo>/, TraiboXereipa, povi), /ufX^a irtivwv, 1 On the various usages and government of ^, 6ee Steph. Thee. torn. ii. p. 910=c. 6119. ' Ou negat, ^ vetat et probibet.' 674 MHAE MHAO KoXifis, vvjjiQr), vKvOpwirtis, Tfdv^Xrjs, fftyrj, KUKUV TroXXwv $pi* Alalrj. PflR. See Med. of Eurip. and Apoll. lib. 3. and 4. M>/etds, ov, 6, P. N. [Medius,] Medius. htybeios TO fjivdp tirl T$ obf. Theocr. Ep. 18. 2. is, /urn, eV, adj. [nemo, nullus,] no one, none, no. A?/yu6> iriQavvKW o * tev ZX'effOat. 1'. 500. , adv. composit. ex prjbe et Trore. * Mj;Sf7rw, adv. [necdum,] nor yet. Etrcu Sofcet tro* yuijSfVoj V irpdoifitots. P. V, 766. Mijduros, et M}Sds, 77, or, adj. [Medus,] Medish, Persian. *A V roial irdpdTrl- TafffjidfTtr rois Mr)biKO~is ypdovfflv. Ran. 938. See also Vesp. 1094. SYN. TlepaiKos, TlepffijS. Mii&ofjiai, f. rjaofj.a.1, v. [prudenter consulto, delibero, meditor, statuo,] to . weigh maturely, to contrive. 'AQd^drwv aeKrjrl Qiuv ju/jadro epyd. w. 444. SYN. BovAeyfyicu, eTrlp.e\/ t jueXtrdw, ju;^dvdd/iat, re^i'dcjfyiae, e/c- , <5s, ro, subst. [(0 cura, consilium ; tn j?/. (2) pudenda. Vid. supr. in v. ,] care, deliberation, intention. 'Ev 7ri/pt 6j) fiovXai re ^//5ed r' wv. B. 340. SYN. McXeriy, /zi)0os, /3oi/\eu)ud. EPITH. "A^>0troi>, K\VTOV, dt'y TrvKivov, TrvKvoV) tdu/7cu, aKovvaaat OTTO. api'uv. A. 435. See also t. 439. SYN. BX/?xfytcu. * M^ctrt, adj. [nonjam, non amplius,] no longer. 'EKeiae pev yu^eri /3dt', aXX' er0dc)e. Vesp. ?65. SYN. MJ/ TrXeot/. Mj/aareus, tws, 6, P. N. [Mecisteus,] Mecisteus. Mqaarevs, '^10^ iruis, Kal bws 'AXa/, (1) adj. (2) subst. [(1) Maliaca, (2) mains,] (1) of Malia, a dis- trict in Thessaly, (2) an apple-tree. MrjXtSd ?rdp Xipvav. Trach. 637. SYN. (2) MriXta, prjXdv. MrjXo/Bdr^p, fipds, * nr)XofioTr]s, et fj,rjX8f3oTos f ov, 6, subst. [oviuni pastor, opi- . lio,] a shepherd. 'Apyewtiv ift&v Krelvov & eirt firjXdftdrijpds. 2. 529. See also The word ^Ae'ccj is here scanned as a spondee. MHAO MHNI 676 JEsch. Suppl. 557. and Cycl. 53. SYN. IToi/i^, rdfievs, /3, adj. [pecudes recipiens,] sheep-receiving. 'Ev &' dpd bdKo). Pyth. 3. 47. MrjXodvTTjs, ov, o, adj. [pecudes mactans, sacerdos,] cattle-sacrificing, a priest. Bw^ovs re prjXdevras. Ipli. T. 1117. MrjXoXoVfJ?;, ?;s, //, subst. [melolonthe,]a chaffer, a golden-fly. Ao/oSeroj' dWep prjXoXovOrjv. Nub. 671- M?;XoV, ov, ro, subst. [(l) ovis, pecus, (2) malum, (3) mamma puelleris,] (l) a sheep, (2) an apple, (3) a girl's breast. Karri rots /ur/Xois enavOei. Eccles. 903. SYN. (1) 'OTrwpn, (2) ols, 7rpo/3drd>, jSorov, (3) paoBos. EPITH. (1) ^A- yXaov, "xpvaeov, Tropfyvpeov, (2) aypavXdv, |8d0vf3pi, baavdpi^ eiporrdKdv, ent- loV, 'i(f>lOV. , et prjXdi'opos, ov, 6, subst. [opilio,] a shepherd. "ErXri be ooiot . Alcest. 589- See also Cycl. 654. SYN. See Mry\6/3on/p. rjXoTrapyos, et fjirjXfjTrapeivs, ov y o et rj, adj. [genas nialis similes habens,] apple- cheeked, rosy-cheeked. 'Jvw, *:' Ai/roj-oa, ^' a /uaXoTrappos 'Ayava. Theocr. 26. 1. rjXoffKdTTos, ov, belfi, adj. [unde pecora conspici possunt,] possessing a view of sheep. 'Afwpordr^f Kopvtyrjv uriXooKoirov eiaavafiaivuv. Horn. Hym. 18. 9 , ov, 6 et rj f adj. [pomis consitus,] planted with apple-trees. 'E' d7ra(7;s 'AatSos ^r)Xorpu(f>ov. Pers. 769. SYN. MrjXofioTOS. MrjXtyovds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [oves mactans,] sheep-slaughtering. dyatatv. Agam. 709. SYN. Mr;Xocr^dyw^. *Mr)Xd(f)dpos, 1 ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [pornifer,] apple-bearing. Xpvo-ewi' 1 TrerdXwi'd iro wXoQdpov. Here. F. 396. M^Xd^opew, v. [poma gesto,] to bear or carry apples. Ne/3ptd, rav irypav, $ TTOK c/zaXd0opet. Theocr. Ep. 2. 4. !M;X&M//, OTTOS, adj. [pomi maturi colorem habens,] like a ripe apple. Ai per aXtrpevovat [ivXrjs eTrt pijXoTra Kapnuv. rj. 104. M>)r, ryvos, 6, et ^ol. pels, subst. et (2) * )u?)v, adv. [(l) mensis, (2) autem, vero,] (1) a month, (2) but, yet, &c. 'AXX' ore brj pr^es re KCII ^tpat e^cr- \evv'6. X. 293. See also T. 117. SYN. (1) TeXe^opos, TrHpiir\6plvos 9 TTOI- ^i'as, abos, et M/jvrj, T?S, r/, subst. [luna,] the moon. Ov Xev^o-ere pr)t>abos aiyXav ; Rhes. 530. See also Aves 1115. SYN. et EPITH. See 2eX>/rj;. Mijviab), vid. Mqrfw. ^rt0//os, ov, 6, p'ji'ifjia, dros, TO, et /u>yvts, tos, ?/, subst. [ira perdurans,] lasting anger, continued resentment. Mijviffyuov plv a.Koppi\^ai f TI. 282. See also X. 73. and A. 1. SYN. 'Opy>7, Ovpos, KOTOS, e EPITH. QvXofjiZvds, xX7ros, oXoos, /3dpi)s, ffrvytpos. , ov, 6, subst. dim. a Mi/ri?, [lunula,] a crescent. *Hv be /IT) prjvlffKovs pelv. Aves 1114. w, f. / aw, et * prjt'iaM, v. [succenseo, iram foveo,] to be deeply enraged. E'i ?rep judXd /urjvtet, aXywv avry. p. 14. See also Apoll. 2. 247. SYN t' opyfjs ex w > op 1 This is an anapsest. dim. acat. ; therefore X9 WT ^ UV ' s scanned as a spondee. 2 The penult, of Mrjvfw in the present and imperf. tenses is always short in Homer, except in the arsis B. 2. T69. as also in the Rhes. 590. It is long in the only place where it occurs in the surviving plays of ^schylus, sc. Eumen. 101. The word is found in the seven plays of Sophocles five times ; hxit from its position, the quantity of its penult, oannotbe determined. In all the poets the penult, of the future M^iVw is long. See Clark, II. E, 178, 576 MHNY MHTI M^rvr^p, ijptis, et nrjvvTrjs, ov, o, subst. [index, delator,] an informer, a disco- verer. "ETTOV be prjvvffTijpdSf cupdeyKTOV aiv(iJ t cfyrew, K^pvo^w, ftf^tpu;. Mjfdi'ts, Ion. pro Maloves, wv, oi, P. N. [Maeones,] the ancient name of the Lydians. See Herod. Cl. 7. and Polymn. 74. O? K'at M^oi'ds -fiyuv VTTO T^uwX^ yeyddDrds. B. 866. SYN. Avboi. Mgorta, ay, ^, P. N. vel potius adj. voce yfj subaudita, [Maeonia,] Maeonia or Lydia. T ft dm, Kal AVKITJV KOI M.T}6vlr]v epdreii'^v. Horn. H. Apoll. 179- Mydi'ls, ibds, %, adj. [Maeonia,] a woman of Maeonia or Lydia. Mrjbvis, r/e Kdetpd, Trapijiov eppevai ITTTTUV. A. 142. r, adv. composit. ex /u>), el n-ore, [nunquam,] never. et prjirus, adv. composit. ex //>) et TTOI/ or TTWJ, [necubi,] no where. >, adv. composit. ex pri et ?rw, [nedum,] not as yet. s, ov, r/, subst. [funiculus tenuis,] a thread, a fine string. Avnj juev ^ fjtfjpn'dds ovbev (T7ra ^ l avXayxy enaararTo. B. 427- See also Apoll. 2. 693. EPITH. Ei^ues, dp/arcoov, Trd^vy, AraXoy, ^ueydv, yvpvov, 7rlov f dTrdXov, Kti-^apifffJLevoVf GdXtpdv, joo^oe^. MJ^OVW, v. [conglomero, circumvolvo. Vid. Damm. et Steph. Thes. Tom. ii. p. 923 =c. 6146.] to wind round, to twist, to furl. "Apjuevd pjpiWro Kara Xpeos* v^/t 5e XaT^os. Apoll. 4. 889. SYN. iv/i7rXe/cw, 1/iTrXecw, dvdXeyw. M77, rpdds. EPITH. 4>tXj;, yepata, dvoo-twrdn;, KaXXtro^os, fjLJiXatva, neXybos, vypa, 0iXor^'ro$, afldi'dri/, bvaajjifJiopoSy r/7rtoa;pos, tfvvprj, TrpwroroKoy, dyuv/zwi', Kebvi), yvKopos, Trlvvri], d^u^rwp, ^dpteortrd, TraXXdas, /3ap- fiapos, alboifi. MTJTIO.W, et/ui;rtow, v. [consulto, cogito, molior,] to consult, to determine. A/} TO> WTiotavTo Tidffetbawv Kai 'ATroXXwv. M. 17. See also Apoll. 4. 493. SYN. s, ov, 6, subst. [consiliarius, consultor,] a counsellor. 'AXXd av Trep /^ti/ ', fj.r)rt/ETGL Zev. A. 508. SYN. BovXei/r/s, dyopqrr/s, avveros, , f. iffdpai, v. [consilia agito,] to devise exOedXvypd. T. 416. SYN. See 1 The penult, of jurjnW in pres. and imperf. is short, Horn. H. Merc. 264. Olymp. 6. 97. and Isthm. 8. 120. where it is followed by a long syllable. Though the word is frequently used by Euripides, we meet with no instance decisive of the quantity of its penult. The penult, is long in Soph. (E. C. 1189. ; it is scarcely necessary to add that the penult, of its future and aor. is always long. 3 The antepenult, of the fut, and aor, is always long* MHTI MHflN 577 Mr)rtoeis, effffa, ei>, adj. [consilii pleniis, artificiose factus,] wise, skilfully made. Tom AAOS dvyarrjp e%e (jtappaKa prjTiioei'ra. 5. 22"7* SYN. Ffoi^Aos, TrtfAfyUT/m. Mijris, i&os et Ws, r/, subst. [prudens consilium, macbinatio,] prudence, con- trivance, wis plan. "(%/ ii\\r)i> typdZuvTal etl ffis t yvu}iur), ^fjx os Eirivota. EPITH. 'A^tt/yuwv, aplffrrj, tTrfypwy, Travrolij, a/jetVwv, Aerr/), doAta, dyaw), Trivtfn), eTrippoOos, opdfi, TaxyfiovXos. MijrpabeX^os, et yuj?7-pd>eA0&>j, ov, 6 et f/, subst. [matris frater vel soror,] a mother's brother, maternal uncle, uncle. Ma-rpdSeA^eovs, 'OAv/wt^t re 0eo- yywroi'. Pyth. 8. 4p. M^rpaAoms, fjrjrpoKTovds, yur/rpo^ovos, 1 et ju^rjoo^ovr^s, ov, 6 et ?;, subst. et adj. [matricida,] a matricide. Toi/ ^rpaXoiav # e^K\e^ds &v Qlds. Eumen. 153. See also Eumen. 102. Eumen. 257. and Orest. 473. ids, a, i>v, adj. [semen iii se habens,] maternal. 'AAA', J Tr)t)u>i> KOI jurjTpl&w a.Kci\r)(j)un' . Lysistr. 54-9. ov, 6 et //, adj. [a matre exceptus,] received by a mother. VTTO f^arpoboKOts yoi'cus tyvreiiffai. Nem. 7 124. * MyrpoOev, vid. MfjTrjp. MriTpoKaaiyrfjrri, r/s, ^, subst. [raatris germana, matertera,] a mother's sister, an aunt. MaTpdKairiyvrjTai. Eumen. 965. SYN. M//rpaSeA0eos. * M r/rpoKTdj'ew, v. [matricida sum,] to kill a mother. MrirpoKTovovvTa ; K&TTI 7-wS' avlararai. Orest. 488. M.rjrpOKTovos, vid. MrjrpaXotas. MriTpdTrarwp, dpds, 6, subst. [matris pater, avunculus maternus,] mother's father, maternal grandfather. Mj/rpdTrarwp, os TIKTZ 0earw KaXXlTrapydv. A. 224. MriTptiiroXis, ews, ^, subst. [metropolrs,] the mother or parent city. T J1 Ba^ev, Ba^a>/ prjTpoTToXtv Qvfiav. Antig. 1122. MrjTpo7ro\ds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [matres curans,] attendant on mothers. Hplv rl- Aeo-o-at ^tarpoTroAw ri>v 'EXet-dvly. Pyth. 3, 15. Mr)rpo(j)di>d$, et pr)Tpo/, subst. [noverca,] a stepmother. 'E^flpa yap // Viovffa prjtpvia retrois. Alcest. 320. EPITH. Bapela, bvfffjevris^ flccpvftrivts, araeBaXos. Morphias et jurjTpwds, a, d^, adj. [maternus,] maternal. "OTTTrdr' av fifirjffas /Lir?- rpulov es fieya bw/ja* r. 410. See also PliO3n. 58. wos, 6, snbst. [avunculus maternus,] a maternal uncle. M//rpw at/idros 5tK>;i/. Here. F. 44. SYN. 0e7os, //^rpdSeA^os, fXrjfpdVctdi- yvrjros. f. r/ffcyuat, v. [machinor, molior, struo,] to contrive, to devise. ard flfwvrarrw, ffvvTiOrjpi, tTrtvoew. W^' P^X"l> r ^ s > et priX<> s > * os > ' SUDst ' [machina, cona- men, remedium,] a means, contrivance, remedy. "H/ ^ot vrdpos rts //^x"^ r> e&vpedfj. Med. 262. See also Here. F. 851. jEsch. Suppl. 602. and Androm. 534. SYN. MrJTis, rexvri, Te-^yciff^a. EPITH. IleTrAcy/iei/T;, apKvordrr/, :pi/7rn}, , et nr^avoTrotos, ov t o et >/, adj. [versu- tus, peritus,] clever in inventing machines, planning. Bov^oi'f, w\avtwra, leitvevfievt baiTos eralpe. Horn. H/Merc. 435. See also (E. R. 397- Pax 173. SYN. AoAttfs, fpyarrjs. rjxavoeis, effffa, ev, adj. irfem ac prteced. 2o0ov rt ro ^yavSHv. Antig. ^365. ^xa^oppd^ew, V. [artes consuo,] to plot. AVTOS K&T avrov rapa ^^a Choeph. 215. SYN. See Mqridw. r?xdvoppd0os, vid. M^xdviwrT/s. Mywv, ovos, 6, P. N. [Mseon.] 'ISo^eve^s 5' dpd Qcuarov cfjfpdrd, . E. 43. this sense are paroxyton. M^KTOVOS and ^rp6ovos with a passive signification are proparoxyton. Pros. Lex. 4 D 578 MIAI MIAT MttuVw, f. at>w, v. [polluo, vitio,] to pollute, 'fls pi /uicuVoi /3w/xof evyeVet Iph. A. 1594. SYN. Bd?rrw, juoXvyw, TrdXaao-w, xpa/vw, ta^0e/p OVlplt)TTti). Mtac06Vcw, v. [sanguine me polluo,] to pollute oneself with blood, to commit murder, b. Tlovripav y' aipeatv, /uiai0o>e7v. Iph. A. 136'4. SYN. ' Muu0oVos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [qui se caede polluit, crudelis,] polluted with blood, murderous, cruel. OVK early a\\r) . Mmpos, a, 6V, adj. [impurus, scelestus, dims,] impure, wicked. M^re Kt0cu- pwv fjilapos p.' Efflboi. Bacch. 13?4. SYN. Mitedpos, fief>r)\os, avooWs, d0- Mia<7/ud, drfls, TO, subst. [pollutio, conlagium, piaculum,] a stain, pollution* 'ft0etv ^' UTT' O'IKWV Travras, os /zt4pv, /3o^po/^e7rf, Kat Md- ta. Vesp. 433. am, tos, ^, patronym. [a Midea sata,] the daughter of Midea, the con- cubine of Electryon. 'AX^/yvas vibs MibetiTibos r/pwiVas. Theocr. 13. 20. *Mt5etd, as, rj, P. N. [Midea,] a town in Boeotia. O'l re TrdXuard^X tXo^, o? re MtSeidv. B. 507- MU'KOS, yu/KKi/Xos, fj-iKpos et fffjiiKpos, d, oy ; compar. ^'rrwr, ptKpvTtpos, pds, tXdx/wv; superl. /uiicpordros, fXa^oros, fJKiaTos, adj. [parvus, exiguus,] small, few. The penult of /utcpos is long, cf. Wolf. Anal. 4. p. 509. KaJ rdv cuXovpoy, ray erpe/uc 0?;pid IHIKKCL. Call. 6. 110. See also Mosch. 1. 13. Orest. 456. and p. 757. SYN. Ba/#s, dXtyos. MiKpflTroXirrjs, oi/, 6, subst. [parvze urbis civis,] a citizen of some obscure town. Mcpo7rdX/ras aTrotyrjvat. Equit. 814. MIKTOS, rj t 6v t adj. [permistus,] mixed. ^.K^at TO Troarrf pr] TI HUCTOV rai ; Thesm. 1114. SYN. Me/utyjLtevos, /utyds, avj^/jly^s, 0i/pros, M/Xog, vid. 2/z/Xa^. MtX^fflot, wv, ot, P. N. [Milesii,] the Milesians, the inhabitants of Miletus. See in Aa/3p. M/X^rfls, ou, >/, P. N. [Miletus,] the principal city of Ionia. Ot MiXriT r* opos aKplT8(j>v\\di>. B. 868. EPITH. 'Epdreti'*), rpv^tpci, MiXridS>;s, ov, 6, P. N. [Miltiades.] OIo* Trep 'Apterret^i; irporepov, KO.I ZvveaiTei. Equit. 1325. MtXroTrdpTjos, oi/, 6 et >^, adj. [proram minio illitam habens,] having ochre- colored prows. T 5' d/nd v^cs evrovrd SvwStfcd /utXro7rdpi;ot. B. 637- M/Xrds, ov, ^, subst. [minium, robigo,] red earth, ochre. Kai brjra irti\vv ?/ fj.i\TSs t &Zev 0/Xrdre. Eccles. 378. SYN. Bdyu//d, epvalftrj. , v. [minio inficio,] to mark with ochre. To a\owov ^evyovat T& /uc- . Acharn. 22. SYN. Mt'Xrow, /3d7rrw. MIAft MIHO 670 , 1 wi/fo, 6, P. N. [Milo.] 'Ev rfcy yap Trjris* W w K &\t, Kal \tyt Ui\ur. Theocr. 8. 51. vos et ptfjiapKu, ?}, subst. [farciminis genus,] a hare pudding made of the blood and inside of a hare. 'AXX' i/ 7rp8 le'nrvov Trjv /jfytapicuj/ jtarefyccu.* Acharn. 1112. Mr/cms, O.VTOS, 6, P. N. [Mimas,] (1) the name of a giant; (2) also that of an island not far from Chios, where the giant Mimas was buried. See Damm. in P. R. Avros & 'Irfyio^d TrtXwptoJ', qbe Mfymvru. Apoll. 2. 105. EPITH. (2) 'Hve^ioets, i/ipilcprjjuvos, iranraXdets, vlfyoeis. Mtfjtdfjiai, v. [imitor, imitatione exprimo,] to imitate. Tt brjr, eTreiS/) TOVS dXeic- Tpvovas dTravrd fjupel. Nub. 1430. SYN. 'ATrei/cac^w, vTTOKpii oyuae, 5;Xow. Mlfjtrjpa, arm, ro, et * ptprjcrts, tws, ?y, subst. [imitamentum, imitatio, imago,] a thing imitated, representation. "A 05o-' 'Epivvs tevat fjufji^ard. Iph. T. 295. See also Ran. 109. SYN. Ekd', e'ka<7yua, dyaX^d. EPITH. Iliifpo di/, adj. verbal, [imitandus,] must imitate. 'ItyeTs 5e, rovs yap ov fj.ipr)Tdv. Hipp. 113. t^uj'acta, et fitpvw. Vrd. Mei'w. tyurr/afcw, v. [in memoriam revoco,] to recall to mind ; in middle v. to remem- ber. M/yuv^o-fc'* 77 yap 6vfj,ov evl art'iQecralv ZfJLoiaiv. %. l69 SYN. ' , ov, 6, subst. [mimus, imitatio,] a mimic, imitation. TerpdTrovi/ Xw' 7rt. Rhes. 253. (Ionic, a minor, dim. hypercat.) SYN. Maori e/pwv, vTTOKpirfjs. Miveoo), v. [stercore inquino,] to daub with filth. MiySwo^uev 0', rpdyov. Pint. 313. SYN. Mia/rw, KOTrpow, airoffKopaidctta. MiVi)at, wv, of, P. N. [Minyse,] a noble family in Orchomenus, who afterwards settled at lolchus in Thessaly, and accompanied Jason in the Argonautic expedition ; hence the Argonauts are called Minyas. IlapSlvtrr/v, Mlvvcuai tpa)i> -xaplv* e-yyvdl &"Apyos. Apoll. 4. 10/4. EPITH. "Hpwes, doXXe7f, et Ion. jjuvvifitis, a, 6v t et plvvrjis, tbds, y, adj. [Miuy'ius,] of the Minyae. Ot b' 'A(T7rXr/o^d vaiov, i& ^Op^o/Jievoy Mivvetov, B. 511. See also Apoll. 1. 763. and Apoll. 1. 233. AivvOa), et Ion. imp. * /uyvfleaKw, v. [imminuo, minuo,] to diminish, to waste. Zevs b' dpertiv ai'bpeaatv d(j>eXXet re pirvdet re. Y. 242. See also . 17. SYN. vd), KoXovu), (pdeipit), Ka.datp(t) t yudpatVw. a, adv. [parumper, paulisper,] for a little while. Et roiofffr gXdotpi 'd Trtp is Trdrepos bw. X. 500. SYN. Miicpor, 7rt /m-po^, /^pd^v. >ioi, a, ov, adj. [breviter durans,] of short duration, short-lived. M>/- 7p, 7re/ ju' ereKes ye plvvvQabiuv vrep eotrd. A. 352. \\lvi>pi2(*>, et iuvvpopai, v. [exili voce lamentor, minurio,] to complain with a slender voice, to moan, to whine. Avx^ovs x OI ' res Kni ntvvpiovTs ^eX?/. Vesp. 219. See also Agam. 15. SYN. Ktvupw/^ai, oSupo/zat, fcXaw, 0p7/- rew, aiaa), dpeopat. Mti/f/pos, a, dv, adj. [stridulus,] plaintive. AuaaXyet rvx? /utvvpd dptdpevas. Agam. 1135. (Double doehm.) /ItVws, wos, 6, P.N. [Minos,] son of Jupiter and Europa, and king of Crete. "Evff ijroi MtVwd iov, Atos dyXdov viSv. X. 567- EPITH. Kp//nj eTrtovpdr, ', odptorvs Aids, TToXios. ', et /utrwts, iSos, ^, adj. [Minoius,] of Minos, Cretan. 'Ar0td, >$ Mi^id^et vi) TTOV, i'pws. Apoll. 4. 1564. See also Apoll. 2. 299. Mtd/3dp/3dpos, ov t adj. [semibarbarus,] half barbarian. 'Hs rt, f^d/3dp/3dpo$. IPhoen. 138. > See Villoison. Anecdot. Gr. p. 291. 2 Vid. Elmsl. in 1. c. 580 MIHO MHO MtoSta, as, r/, subst. [mixtio viarum,] a varied way. Ki/n-pd ^o^mv aXos pai<7r/7pid VYI&V. Apoll. 4. Q21. Mto0?7p, ?]pos, 6, adj. [semifer,] of a monster's mingled form. Kat lufyQn- pas 0Sras /We/as r' dypas. Ion Il6l. Mto0poos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [mixto clamore,] with mingled or confused clamor. Mid0poov fiapeias. Sept. Theb. 321 . M/, adj. [in pascuis versans,] mixing in the flock. Mio- rdfiov re irarrjp epfyov, Kai u^rXios t)^0j/s. Simon. 102. Ss, ov, o et //, adj. [semivirgo,] of a virgin's mingled form. Mt#/- , bcuoy rtpas. Phcen. 1037- , as, r/, subst. [" locus depressus, in quern a montibus circnni- positis aqute confluunt." Damni.] a hollow between two mountains where torrents meet, a ravine. 'Es /utayctyfcemv avpfiuXKZTOv ofipifJiov itbwp. A. 453. SYN. XapaSpa. M/tryw, vid. M/yKi^it. Mterew, f. /;arw, v. [odi, aversor, repudio,] to hate, to abominate. OVK av pe cu-f-^opev 'Epivvcrlv; Orest. 575. SYN.-Srvyeo;, aTroarvyew, e^datpo), a'pw, bi e^Bpas X Wp , aros, et pcros, tos, ro, subst. [odium,] hatred, object of hatred. Avetv, Xa.K"U(eiv, awypov&v JJLI cry para ; Sept. Theb. 170. See also Hipp. 1252. SYN. 'ATre^Setu, aTre^ffyyua, e^0os, bvapEt'eia t arvyos. as, r;, subst. [insatiata libido,] abandoned lust, profligacy. J Oeot, K-ai ^117, TroStSa), yutor^riav. Aves 1620. SYN. flopfe/a, aTrXTjtrrm. , ?}, ov, adj. verbal. '[abominandus, odiosus, libidinosus: quidam inter- pretantur, quasi ^to-y^ros a ^Vyo/mi, libidinosus, sed hoc non opus est,] detestable, lascivious. OVK clbev ola yXwo-crd jJUffrjTfjs KVVOS. Agam. 1199 SYN. 'ATre^fl^s, arvyrjTos. f(70dpioj', ou, ro, subst. [mercedula,] a paltry reward. 'ATTO yap rovb' e)ue TOV f^iaBaplov. Vesp. 300. , et fjita6o(f>ope<*), v. [mercedem capio,] to receive wages. "Oorot be vv-es tfvvvav rd6e. Antig. 302. See also Eccles. 188. ov, 6, subst. [magistratus mercenarius,] a mercenary magistrate or officer. 2v 5' e| orov irep o vrdX^os, /uior0ap)(i5j;s. Acharn. 597 MttrOoSorfjs, ov, 6, adj. [qui mercedem persolvit,] one who gives pay or re- ward. Miadvboras IlroXcjuatos eXevdepy olds dptoros. Theocr. 14. 59. Micrflos, oy, o, subst. [merces, premium,] wages, a reward, bribe. HLvbaijjiovotiis fjiiff66v //5/crrwv Xoywv. Eur. Electr. 231. SYN. A^rpo^, reXos, /3pd/3e7dy. EpITH."A^ios, prjTos, ato-^pds, ^ueyds, arjbfis, OTTO^OS, detfo/s, Trpoafyopos. Mt <70o< opt w, vid. MtaQaprew. Micr0o0dpos, et niat)(DTos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [mercede conductus,] hired. MorOo- ^opot rptT/pels. Equit. 555. SYN. Mt avrov ""arlv els TU>V bctKTvXwv. Vesp. Il60. MtaoXa/^dxos, ov, o et 57, adj. [Lamachi, imperatoris bellicosissini,osor,] hating ; Lamachus, unwarlike. 'H^uepa yap e^tXa^^/ev ifie /uiicrdXapu^os. Pax 304. MtffoTrdXrs, ews, 6 et ?;, adj. [civitatem exosus,] hating the state or city, 'fls V a^Spd fjnaoiroXlv. Vesp. 411. SYN. Mtadbrjfjtos. r\ t ov, adj. [man.ubriis clypei, vel bello, inimicissimus,] \ M1SO MNHZ 581 having the greatest hatred to war. "iff, w yvvauc&v ptffoiropiraKiffTarr). Pax Mltros, eos, TO, vid. MicrruXXw, v. [in paries minutas seco,] to cut into small pieces. M/orvXXoV r apa.T aXXd, feat ap(p ofitXoialv eTreipar. A. 465. SYN. Mtros, ov, 6, subst. [filum, licium, fides citharee,] thread, the woof, a string. K.ei'adu) bopv /iot furor afAtyiTrXzKetv Eur. fr. Eurysth. 6. 1. Mirpa, as, 77, subst. [ciugulum, balteus, zona,] a broad belt about the loinSj a girdle. See Damm. in v. and Steph. Tom. ii. p. 952=c. 6194. Ka ?rpoa- TTtrret riv' 6 be fjiirpav KO/UJ/S aTro. Bacch. 1104. SYN. Zvvrj, raivia, EPITH. 'AvabeTos, TrapOeviKt), deXgitypwr, TroXvavdeiuos, epv/ua \poos. iw, v. [mitram gesto,] to wear a girdle. 'Efurpotyopovv re, KCU ws. Thesm. 163. ;, a, dv, adj. [Mitylenaeus,] of Mitylene. Tov MirvXr], rov'rppabw. Call. Ep. 1.2. j, 775, >), P. N. [Mitylene,] the principal city in Lesbos. r CK MirVXvjvfis. Equit. 834. , 77, ov, adj. [mutilus, cornibus carens,] mutilated, having no horns. rai' ulrvXav buvti rd blbaKrpd TOL alyd. Theocr. 8. 86. SYN. Ko- is, KdXofios. s, eos, et ftfrp&brjs, 6, ^, adj. [e bono stamine factus, textilis,] well twisted. /utro/Set ffivbovos]v. Antig. 1222. '5, as, 77, subst. [miua ; varii ponderis apud diversos : vid. Steph. torn. ii. p. 952 = c. 6196.] a mina. "Or' avTtbuKa y' cirri rwvbe fjivdv Trore. Pax 1251. Vlvdw, (2) voc. med. fwddpai, et /iv/fcao/mt, v. [(1) in memoriam revoco, (2) (a) recordor, memoro, mentionem facio, (6)ambio,] (l)to put in, or recall to, mind ; (2) to remember, to court. Noarov br) pvijcrat, fjityddvfjtov Tvbeos vis. K. 509- See also Anacr. J70. SYN. (1) Mtjuv>7o-/cw, fivrj/jLovevUf v7ro//'dw, avauiuvijarKb), (2) (&) Trpoftraofjiai, [wrjffrevw, avrtirofovfjiai. \ivela, as, pvripij^ fjivrjfjioffvvr), ys, et nvrjffTis, ius, 77, subst. [memoria, recordatio, mentio,] recollection, memory ; also, personified, the mother of the nine Muses. See Hes. Theog. 9^6. KdKwv be rwv nplv nrjbevos fjLveiav ex (Vt Phcen. 474. See also Iph. A. 302. 0. 181. et v. 280. PHR. Movaop'iTwp epydris diravr^v. YLvijpd, aros, iivrjpelov, et Ion. p.vr)fjn']iov, et pvrjuoffvvor, ov, ro, subst. [monu- mentum,] a monument, a memorial. Tlerpots re Xevei fjLvijpd Xaivov Trdrpos. Eur. Electr. 328. See also Iph. A. 1240. Pyth. 5. 64. and Vesp. 536. SYN. trw, v. [(1) memini, (2) memoro,] (l)to remember; (2) to mention. b\ &airep ctv0pw7ros KU.KOS. Androm. 1153. SYN. Mvdojuat, yut/z- vrjpat, p,rriur)t> e^w, fivriffKopat. Mv*ifjioi>iKos 9 >/, ov, adj. [bona memoria praeditus,] having a retentive memory. Ei jjtt'rjjAoviKos el. b, &vo rpoTTd), vrf TOV Atd. Nub. 483. SYN. MV//UWJ>. , vid. Mviy/xd. ', o^os, adj. [memor,] mindful of, grateful. 'A7rooi;va/ /ioi n)v x^ *" - kos, Kai /uv/y/^ovds elrat. Pax 76l. SYN. Mv^ovtK-os, 7ri/(X;s, p , v. [injurise sum memor, succenseo,] to bear in mind an injury, to resent. MrrjoiKaKfjffai n)v fi\Mav e %s effOTTOTpofr'jBrjs. Nub. 999- SYN. v, oi>6s, adj. [malorum memor,] remembering misfortunes. TTOVOS, if at 7rdf>* a-ico^rds. Agam. 173. t, vid. Mrdw. M^r/aretpd, vid. MI/IJOTJ?. rds, ro, subst. [desponsatio,] an alliance, an espousal. *Epe~i 5e TIS, (S KUKCL /Ltvi?oTev/^drd. Phcen, 489- SYN. Mvrjarvs^ , et fjivrjorw, v. [nuptias ambio, concilio ; procuui ago,] to act the 582 MNHI MOIP suitor, to espouse. 'AXX* T) irfrroi'dd betvd" /uv^arevw yd/iovs. Iph. A. 852. See also Theocr. 18. 6. SYN. Mfatyiac, ydyuew. Mvijffn), T/S, et fjLvt'jffTetpd, as, //, adj. [desponsata, nupta,] betrothed, wedded. 'Avbpaviv, $ Kai jjitv fj.vr](TTYiv ndfieoval roKfjes. Apoll. 1. 780. See also Istlim. 2.7. SYN. YapriQeiaa. Mvrjorrip, >/pos, 6, subst. [procus,] a suitor, a lover. TiffatrBat fjLvrjffrijpas virep- flaffirjs dXeyetvi/s. y. 206'. SYN. 'Eec>wrj)s, vvftQios. EPITH. 'Ayijvup, vtrpr)~ voptwv, dyavos, di/rtfleos, virepfilov vfipiv ^x (ay > i/Trep^tdXds, avails, s, vid. Mveia. iJos, >/, subst. [" studium proci ad conciliandam sibi sponsam." Damn).] courtship. Kai pwjffrvr* avros -yap e^eXncerat nvbpa fftbrjpos. TT. 2^4. * Mr77/, adj. [(l)parientibus opitulans ; (2) cum difficultate multa pariens,] (1) assisting women in labor ; (2) bringing forth with difficulty. Av- rdp zTretbii rov ye poyoaTOKos EtXet'0/(d. II. 187* Mddos, ov, 6, subst. [pugna, concursus praaliantium,] a fight, turmoil. "AXXor* Kara juddov, dXXore b' avrt. 2. 159. SYN. 0opi)/3dj, ^o^Qos, p dx/7, , cpts, Kvboifjds^ rapa^. EPITH. Atvos, Setvds, ffrvytpos, 6^tos, o/cpi)oets, , oXoos, r/x^/ets, dXeyetros, oivpos, 0ovtos, atparoeis, arvyvus, [.iuXepos. s* ut'ds, 6, subsl. [verna,] a saucy slave. See in Ko/3aXds. EPITH. $Xi/- apds, (j)OpriKos, alamos, dXa^wr, art/uos. SYN. Ou'dyeviys. MoTpd, as, //, subst. [(1 ) pars, portio, sors, conditio; (2) fatum, lethum,] (l)a part, division, condition, (2) fate, death. 0ure7y ydp avry fjioipa et. Orest. 1673. SYN. M epos, rvxn> / ittvpw pevri, (2) pdpos, fjitov, dvayxr], K\rjpos, 0civdros, >c?)p, TrJy/ud. EPITH. AvaaVvyuos, cd>c>), Kparatfi, ^dXtTTj), 7rd"rpwia, 0tXia, evvd/^os, TroXvTrovos, dScucpvs, avro^etp, reXeo-fftSwreipd, dyd0//, K'd'Xj/, Xv<7crds, pEyaXr], bvaruXaiva, a, adj. [fatalis, fato evenieus,] fated, happy. OuSeVt fjioitiia cpxerat. CE. C. 228. SYN. Atatjuos, popoiptis, poplfjios, c/>apyuei/ds, popoeis, 1 f lo6, fou, extra metrum est. 2 Mofleoj/ is also a kind of obscene dance performed by slaves, See Schol. Ariitoph. Enuit. 694. and Jul. Pollux, lib. iv. . 101. MOIP MONA 583 MoipoKpavrtis, ov t adj. [a fato perfectus,] effected by fate. MoipoKpavrov is Tfytdp, Choepli. 602. Motxaypid, wv, ra, subst. [adulterii mulcta,] damages paid by the adulterer. XwXos ewv, Te^yffL' TO KO.I p.oi.yaypT o^>eXXet. Q. 332. Mobutu, v. [moechor, adulter sum,] to debauch, to commit adultery. "fto-Trep irporepov fjLOi^evcrovres rets 'A.\Kfj,rjras Ka.Tzfta.ivov. Aves 558. Motxs, oi>, 6, subst. [adulter, moechus,] an adulterer, a debauchee. M ydp f/p ri/x#s aXovs, rd&' arepe7s TT^OOS UVTOV. Nub. 1079. SYN. Ma * MoixorpoTros, oi/, 6 et ?/, adj. [meretricios mores habens,] courtezan-like. Tos p.oi^o-po7rovSf TO.S dvSpepaorptas K'dXwv. Thesm. 392. MoXyos, oi), 6, subst. [(l) bulga, culeus; (2) depeculator,] a sack; a public rob- ber. MoX-yov yevcffQat bei ae. b. KCLV ye rovrwi. Equit. 963. MoXfw, f. iyirf fjtt-a be oi Mo\iot>e Qwpfio- OOVTO. A. 7^8. EPITH. 'Aicropiwr, avTWeos, Qepatrw. MoXofipos, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [(l)gulosus, vorax ; (2) mendicus,] a glutton, a men- dicant. 'ft TroTrot, ws o poXofipos eiTiTpd^abrjv ayopevet. or. %6. SYN. , f. do-w, v. [canto, decanto, celebro,] to celebrate. TJ? ^wvjj fj.o\Tra- . Ran. 379- SYN. MeX?rw, de/Sw, dm/ueX7rw, v^t'fw, avvpveu. TT)), >;s, ^, subst. [cantus cum saltatione; carmen. Vid. Damm. in v.] singing, song. MoXTTJ/s re yXvKepfjs KO.I afj-vfjovos opy^dfuiold. ^. 146. SYN. MeXoy, tpbr], aotbrf, fyiai*)}, v/uvos. EPITH. Aiyvpj), e7rrdrd/os, IfJiepoeaaa, fieXiTJ&t}s t Aw- pts, ^tetXt^ta, 0ot/3ds, eu^pwv, evpovoos, evTv-xfjs, baKpvppods, epdn), PHR. KaXXe^opoy iudapr)s fjieXirjbea fjLoXtn'jv. MoXTT^Sdi', adv. [cum cantu,] with songs. MoXTr^Sov ev^/x^trty, opBlov 6' Pers. 395. MoXi/j6Scm'd, ?;$, ^, subst. [massa plumbea,] a mass of lead. 'H tCX>) es fivacrov opovvev. ft. 80. SYN. MoXi//3Sts. MoXv(3bos, et jjdXvfibis, vid. MdXiflcos. w, v. [plumbum fundo, conflo,] to run lead. Trept rd fffyvpa. Eccles. 1110. -npaynoveM, v. [res feed as facio,] to be engaged in a disgraceful business. vvd7rpayfAdvovpevds. Acharn. 381. vvw, f. vv&, v. [(1) tingo, inficio, (2) polluo, inquino,] to stain, to dye, to defile. Kcu poXvvtav rfjv vTrr/v^v, Kal KVKUV TCLS eff^apas. Equit. 1286. SYN. vdi, ai>a(f>vp(i>, KaOv(3pia). ), rjs, ^, vid. Me/ji^ts. as, f], subst. [agitatio equorum, quae fit uno fraeno,] a driving of horses with a single rein. ITTTTO/S, rjfjiiovots re, fjidvapirvKi-q. re. Olymp. 5. 15. MovanTrvKos, ov, et fjidvafjiTrvt, VKOS, 6 et f/, adj. [uno loro circumdatum collum habens,] having a single rein or cord. MovafjnrvKov be Met'eXews ^i]ywv beprjv. Helen. 1566. See also Eur. Suppl. 690. SYN. Mo^dfceXr/s. * M#va, et Ion. Mouva|, q. v. Mdyapxew, f. j5 r/, subst. [unius dominatus,] a monarchy. Tvvai, rd5' e/, adj. [perdurans,] durable. '5 /ueyas oX/3os oi; fiovipos kv (3poTo'is. Orest. 334/(Double dochm.) SYN. Be/3a(ds, e^tbds, aluvitis. oi'tos, ov, adj. [solitarius, sylvestris, ferusj lonely, savage. At > K eyii robots jjiovlov baKos ij TI TreXujpov. Call. 3. 84. SYN. "Eprjfids, opetvos, aypios. I ovuyevris, eos, o et r/, et ^ud^dyti/eta, as, ^, Ion.,/^ovvdyVJ7S, et povvdyeveta, adj^ [unigenitus, singularis,] the only born, only. irt/Xov irofypr), novoytves r^jcvoj i. Agam. 871. See also Apoll. 3. 846. SYN. Mdvds, olos. , Ion. fj.ovvoy\r]vos, et f*ovobepKTr)s, ov, o, adj. [unoculus,] one-eyed. fj,ovvi>y\r}va, ffaKet laa rerjoa/3oe/w. Call. 3. 5. See also Cycl. 7$. SYN, s, 6 et //, adj. [unicum dentern habens,] having only one tooth. as ou0' $Xtos TrpoabepKerai. P. V. 821. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [ex uno deciso ramo factus,] made of one branch. -ro, TO /jLovobporror (frvrov. 1 Pyth. 5. 56. vyos, et fjidvouyt]s, ov, o et rj, adj. [unijugis, unicus,] widowed. Ae/?r- roe piivogvZ. Pers. 144. SYN. Evvis, xnptis, 'dvavbpos. s, ov, 6 et ), adj. [qui unius est diei,] lasting only for one day. Kai reXen] pdvofytpos e&rl\4tftf. Batrach. 294. , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [qui ab uno tantum lugetur,] attended with the lamentations of one only. MoVck-XavroV %wv 6p?jvov aceXQrjs. Sept. Theb. 1067. tw, v. [solus cubo,] to sleep alone. MovoKotrovjuiev bla ras orpartas, pov /4>/ eart. Lysistr. 592. , tbds, 6 et r/, adj. [uno tantum calceo indutus,] wearing only one shoe or slipper. Tov pdvoKpriTrtbd Trajrws. Pyth. 4. 133. o>oaj7ros, ov, 6, adj. [uniremus,] using only one oar. MOVOKWTTOS dvrjp TTC- rpats. Helen. 1127. w, f. riffw, v. [singulari certamine pugno,] to fight in single combat. u P ls yuovo/^d)(e7v Travros crrpoiTOv. Pho3n. 1235. et /idroyud^s, ov, o et >7, adj. [singulari certamine pugnans,] of single combat. 'E0pad/ze<70d ^ovofia^oiol Trpoffrdrnis. Sept. Theb. 799. Movoprirup, dpos, 6 et rj, adj. [privatus matre,] deprived of a mother. fJLardpos dbvpfiols efjiois. Phcen. 1533. Movon-ais, Trmbds, o et fj, adj. [unicam prolem habens, unicus,] having an only son, an only son. Mdvdirais' dXX' e^Tras. Alcest. 931. SYN. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [uno peplo indutus,] clad only in one garment. Ma povorreirXos. Hec. 921. SYN. MovotrroXos, olo^iTiav. , ov, 6 et >^ f adj. [qui uno vehitur equo,] conveyed by a single steed. MoVoTrwXoV es dw. Orest. 1001. ovoppvdfjos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [epith. medium, quae unam tantum familiam ca- piant. Vid. Schutz. in 1. c.] fitted for a single family. OdpeoTiv ohe!* Kal bojjiovs. uiEsch. Suppl. 968. 1 The emendation of Pauw is here adopted that the metre may be preserved, which is trochaic dimeter catalectic. Compare the corresponding line in the antistrophe, Kal irtirpdtov iro\w. MONO MOPM 585 Movos, et Ion. [totivds, 77, vv, adj. [solus, simplex, deserltis, viduus,] alone, single, deserted, widowed. Mores tyva^u} vyyot'y rw 'u fjta\r)v. Phoen. 1245. See also Apoll. 3. 43. SYN. Qlos, els, pot'tds, udvoaroXos, los, Zprjfjios, x?)pos. 'Moi'ocrKrjTrrpds, ov, o et ^, adj. [solus sceptrum gerens,] one who wields the sceptre alone. MovoffK^irrpotal 6' eV Qpovoial ^pltis. jEsch. Suppl. 379. Movocrrlfitjs, cos, adj. [solus iter faciens,] travelling alone. Ei fyv Xo^'rcus, eire. KU\ /jdvoffTifiij ; Choe'ph. 756. MowffToXds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [unam stolarn habens, solus,] having one robe, single. Ao^y avaacreti', ?} uuroffroXcv bopos ; Phoen. 754. SYN. Mo>o- , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [unam tantum habens prolem,] having only one child. TdXdvi Aloyevei Kopu povoTtwov T3poKvr)s. Here. F. 1015. MdvoTpcnre$os, ov, 6 et //, adj. [solus cibum capiens,] eating by oneself. Ot 6' eff^Gf cu5w, lf.i la jUororjOaTre^a /uot. Iph. T. 950. Mdi'orjOOTrds, ov, 6 et r/, a epKos. Again. 248. MO^O^WJ^, dt'os, adj. [suijudicii,] thinking independently. At^a 5* oXXwv ^8- votypuv el-pi. Agani. 732. (Ion. a min. dim.) "Mdvo-)(r)\8s t ov, o et //, adj. [solam vel solidam habens ungulam,] having one or a solid hoof, not cloven. Moro-xaXd b' VTTO avpa. Iph. A. 226. SYN. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [unius suffragii,] independent. Mo aWiv. JLsch. Suppl. 378. , et Ion. /uovfow, v. [solum relinquo, dcstituo,] to leave destitute. re TratSwr ^t>) Tra^a; (jtoi'ovfjiEvds. Here. F. 13SO. See also II. 117. SYN. 'A7ro\e/7rw, fjiedtrifjil. iD, f. //aw, v. [solus canto,] to sing alone, lo bemoan alone. EFra /nd- eK Mrjbeias. Pax 1012. SYN. Qprjiew, obvpojuai. ia, as, //, subst. [monodia,] a monody, a poetical soliloquy. EIr' d^e- v novwklais, K^^to-o^wvrd jiiyvvs. Ran. 9^4.. , et poet, povvu-^, WTTOS, adj. [unoculus,] one-eyed. ?,7ei\ot>6' vtyaTrrciv rov nov&ira 7ra"iba yi/s. Cycl. 641. See also P. V. 829. SYN. Mo>oyX?i'ds, Mdpla, as, ?'/, subst. [olea sacra,] an olive-tree. See in 'A Mopiuds, et uopmpos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [fatalis, letalis,] destined, fatal, deadly. Tovbe KaraKTeivr)' popffioy be ol ear' aXeaadai. Y. 302. See also Alcest. 960. and ff. 297. SYN. Atat/^os, a'iaWs, Tre.TTpM^Evm,Qvr}Tos, eljuapfjsvos. * Moptor, ov, ro, subst. [pars, particula,] a part, a share. Mcy' draXwcras ^vx^is uopiov. Androm. 539. SYN. See Mcpos. dpWs, a, ov, adj. [Morius,] Morian. Afvao-ei viv Mo/nov Atos. CE. C. 705. See Schol. in 1. c. &opfjbXvKew)> ) ov, TO, et jjopf*o\vKri, j), subbt. [larva tragica, terriculamentum,] a bugbear, a tragic mask. Tpfyovat, poppdXvKcta rots /uo Kvt'as. Thesm. 417. SYN. Mopyuw, Mop/zwv, (j)a.(r^a. lopnoXvrropai, et yuop/.iiWojUca, v. [terrefacio, proprie larvis,] to frighten. Tavrt \eyovaa poppoXvTTeffdai boK~is; Aves 1251. See also Call. 3. 70. SYN. Mop^opwTTos, uv, adj. [ternfictlS,] terrific. 'O^pvs e^orm KOI Xo^ovs, e(V ami opwn-d. Ran. 925. ypw, v. [murmuro, ut fluvius cum strepitu rluens,] to make a noise like a river, to roar. 'Ptnafois ev upevoiv diTOTrpoOi f.wpfjtvpovfflf, Apoll. 4. 287 Pros. Lei. 4 E 586 MOPM MOYN Mop/ivtrpfyicu, vid. MopfjidXitTrSuai. Mop/i, dds, et juopjuwv, Bv8s, ?/, eubst. [mormo, larva,] a bugbear, a goblin. 'AptyWes. ovic afo TV, rSia'ov /uop/uw, buKvel '/TTTrds. Theocr. 15. 40. See also Pax 473. SYN. Mop^oXik-eioV. Mdpoets, effffa, tv, adj. [(1) letalis, (2) curiose elaboralus. Vid. Damm.] (1) deadly, (2) beautifully wrought. TptyXqva, ^dpoejrd* x<*l ts ^ ciTreXdjuTrero TroXX)/. H. 183. Mopos, ov, 6, subst. [portio, fatum, exitium,] a portion, fate, destiny, death. OVK a.v bvvaifj.rjv ctjj Trapearavai fiopo). Heraci. 564. SYN. MoTpd, Tvyji, irovos, , pvTrdw, ^oXurw. , ov, 6, P. N. [Morychus,] Morychus. 4>iX?; t)t Mopv^w. ^wes e^tj ey- . Acharn. 887. Mop0>), 7s, ?/, subst. [forma, delineatio,] form, beauty, sketch. Uws f*opei-r' eWayXos, /uop-0aeis. 1st!) in. 7. 30. SYN. See Eve/S^s. Mop^vos, ov, 6, adj. [niger, tenebricosus. Vid. Damm.] black, gloomy. Mop- tyvoio fyXeyvao K'dXvTrro^ei'oi Trrepvyecratj'. Hes. Scut. 134. SYN. ! Op0ros, , drdj, ro, et /uop^>w'0ev eao'tJ'. Apoll. 2. 383. SYN. Ovpyos, Moerorvj/ov, o<, P. N. [Mossyuoeci,] a nation near the Euxine sea. TJ? 5' CTTI Moffnvt'oiKOi o/jtovpwiv v\i]^(jffa.v . Apoll. 2. 379. , ov, ro, subst. [germen novel lum,] a young shoot. Etrd Trdpd rovbZ a f^oa-^lbta fTVKlbwv. Acharn. 99^ SYN. KXdSos, epros, Xi/yos. , vid. Motto's. , a, ov, adj. [vitulinus, tener,] of a calf or heifer, tender. MyioQos op&fjv vd pijva. Aves 1047. Movrv-fcos, ov, o, P. N. [Munychus,] a hero of Athens, from whom the harbor Munydiia was named. Movvv^ov o' &KTCUUIV knbi)-0avTo. Hipp. 758. Mouvw\b, ioiros, Ion. pro /j6>wi//, adj. [unoculus,] one-eyed. FpvTras QvXafat, TOV TS /jiovvaJTra arpdroV. P. V. 829. SYN. MuvoyXrjvos. Moi/ffd, T/S, //, subst. [musa, cantus, carmen, cantatrix,] a muse, song, poetrv, a songstress. "At'bpd yuot ^I/CTTC, MoDo-a, Tro/XvrpoTrov, oy /^a\ci TroXXd. a. 1. SYN. 'AotS//. EPITH. (plur.) Ka5es, Il/, oV, adj. [musicus,] musical, harmonious. povaelos eSpa. Bacch. 404. See also Hipp. 993. Mov}$, EOS, 6 et ?/, et /-tovaoTrdrwp, opos, 6, adj. [Musa genitus,] born of a Muse. MovaoyZvfjs, /jLovffoirdTwp "Oprjpos. Anacr. 185. Movartf/iairfc, ews, 6 et r/, adj. [musicus augur,] an harmonious prophet. T/s 7ro0' o p.owoiJ.a.vTls uTOTTos opvis opetfidrrjs. Aves 277* Movadfju']Ti/ev Trdpos. Helen. 1445. See also B. 723. SYN. IloVtw, /ttoytw, rdXcuTrwpew. Mo-^drjpd, dros, ro, et fjio^Sos, ov, 6, subst. [aerumna, labor,] toil, trou- ble, exertion. 2id/j>as aviarr) TCKTVVUV no-^dt'ifjidalv. Ion 1129- See also in Mo^0w. SYN. KOTTOS, Kapdros, TTOVOS, au/a, aria, droorQaXta, dbiKta, vfipis. EPITH. Bpd^i), /Jtyd, dfJLfi^avbv, apydXeoi>., OTvyepov, tfvp#r, arovftlv, a^Xtov. -, a, or, adj. [aerumnosus, miser, improbus,] troublesome, wretched, 1 See Dr. Blomfield's note on the proper form of this word. Gloss. P. V, 90. ^ OF THE *& 588 MOX0 MY0O wicked. OVK eari 7rpdrroT/s rt po-^dripor Xd0e7i>. Eur. fr. Melan. 25. 1. SYN. Bdpvs, aQX'ios, <})av\ds, KO.KOS, TroVr^pos, 6"tcvpos, dSa:os, CTTITTOVOS. Mexico's, vv y adj. verbal, [laborandus,] must labor. OVKOVV rouavrd y' ev perpy po^Qrirlov. Here. F. 1242. M 0x60?, ov, o, vid. Mo'x^^d. BioxAevn}*, ov, 6, subst. [qui vectibus aliquid submovet, motor,] a mover, an inventor. HLov epyoV, w KO.IV&V eiriijv KivrjTa. Ka.1 pdyXevTa. Nub. 1397- Mo~xXeuw, pvxXeu, et /uoxXow, v. [(1) vectibus molior, (2) collabefacio, emoveo vij to move with a bar, to shake. Ilerpovs po-^Xeveiv, ?) 's pvX&va icdrdj&tXeiy. Cycl. 240. See also M. 259. SYN. *Ara/io"xXei;w, fco-ew, d/ro0pavw. Mc~xXoj, ov, o, subst. [vectis, obex,] a bar, a bolt. KXet0po7o-i KCU pd^Xolai 5w- . Androm. 943. SYN. 'O^evs, e7nT/3\ijs, /3\j/rpo^, /3aX/3/s. EpITH. , TrvplrfKrjs, x\(*)pos, Trefyvppiii'os atyudre, Kavaros, daiS^pos, Mo\//o$, ov, 6, P.N. [Mopsus,] a distinguished prophet among the Argonauts. 'A^TrvaScw 1 Monoid deoirpitirfas ayupevtv. Apoll. 1. 1106. PHR. See Pvth. 4. Mvdw, et fjot/nvaw, v. [labia contraho, vel oculos claudo,] to close the lips or shut the eves. Avrot, ri fjioi yuvare, Kavarevere ; Lysistr. 126. SYN. Mvybbv, ovos, 6, P. N. [Mygdon.] MvySoros wiov 0art Kopotptiv. Rlies. 535. , f. di/ai, v. [stillo, madefacio,] to drop, to moisten. R. 1278., SYN. Bpex^/ iat > btafipe'xpfjat, biaivo/Jiai, af/Trojuat, Xe//3w. MvSpoKTVTrew, v. [massam ardentem cudo,] to form red-hot iron. KopvQcus 5' ev cLKpais i]fj,lvos yuvSpOfcrvTrel. P. V. 374. SYN. XaX/cei/w, MvbpoKTvnds, ov, 6, subst. [faber ferrarius,] a worker in iron, a smith. MvSpo- KTVTTd)v piprjp vrrep Kapa /3d\wj/. Here. F. 987 SYN. XoXftrevs, ^aXKoKporos. Mvopos, ov, 6, subst. [candens massa ferrea ; globus ignitus,] a bar of red-hot iron. T H/iev 6' eroipoi Kal /^vSpovs a'ipeiv ylpolv. Antig. 264. wvoj, 6, P. N. [Mydon.] "Ev0' eXe 0epi>. /3. 290. Mvd), v. [in sacris initio vel instituo,] to teach mysteries, to initiate. Ae7 yap pvrjGrjvat ps irpiv Tvr)&vni. Pax 376. SYN. AiSdcruu, karupxafiai, Mii^a;, v. [musso, mussito,] to mutter. Mi/^otr* dv, cb'?)p 6' oV'xtrat ^evywv Eumen. 118. SYN. Xreratfa;, fipf.rQvopat, yoyywcw, 6pr)VM. MmOffai, pvQi$,ia, pvdvXoyevu), pvddpai, v. [loquor, dico, appello,] to speak, relate, address. Mvdtoprjv oaa Kelvos, oizveas euoyrjcrei'. 6.152. See also Theocr. 10. 13. /u. 450. /3. 202. and I. 289. SYN. Avodw, Xeyw, utXdSew, bfyyttiflttl, di/dyopeuw, tiaXeyopai. Mvdev&i, v. [fabulosa narro, inemoro,] to tell a tale, to mention. ITpos dewy a\r)dws, ds pepvdevrat /3poroTs ; Ion 268. Mi/0os, ov, 6, subst. [verbum, sermo, fabula, consilium,] a word, fable, fiction, counsel. 'ATT\OVS o piidos rrjs aXijOetas fyv. Phojn. 479- SYN. Aoyos, tiros, , /3ovXr/. EPITH. MaKpos, o-d0ys, fcaXXtoros, K'on-oy, Iff^vMV jueyd, pa^ys, KvpWs t drrtaros, j'tos, KatvoTpdnos, evpein}s t Trr^ros, /3pd6vs, 1 'A/ziru;c?8ew is here scanned as a choriambus. 4 The antepenult, is short in /Esch. Ag. 76. Soph. Gr. 781, Eur. Hipp, 255. MYIA MTNH 581> XCTTTOS, ^>ev5>;s, vto^os, ovvrofjios, ^/o/Sepfls, tvTTfJoaijyopos, aKpiTos, dydi/tJs, ttet- , Triktros, KepcJdXeos, ^aXtTros, dXtos, dydOos, ?/7rlos, 0v^uaXy/s, t^tos, Trtros, Kepcdeos, ^atTros, dtos, dydos, ?/7rlos, v^uay/s, /cpdrepos, oi'eibetos, K^etrvvptros, aTrrjfjtMV, aTrrepos, trrjTViJos, vyu)s, v7rep0tdXos, KUKOS, aTii- yspos, KXoTrltis, btbatba\f2t'ds, drriTrdXos, aipvXos, eVcuVfyios, //Site, TTVpoets, 0-o^os, ovpat'ios, KepbaXeos, effOXos, dy^rwp, d/xoi/3atos, d f7d, as, ^, subst. [musca,] a fly. 'AXXd JvdX?ys r' atTreu'd Kaprjva. B. 869. y^dXr^crffos, ov, //, P. N. [Mycalessus,] a city in Bceotia. 0eff7reiar, Tpatdv rt /;at evpv^opot' Mv^'dXr/cradi'. B. 498. vffatyiac, f. ^(To/^at, 2 aor. efivKov, v. [mugio,] to bellow, to ring. "I^ovtr*, dXX' ablvbv fj.vKit)}jLf.vai afityWeouffi. K. 413. SYN. Bpu^w, ?})(a>, /3odw. vicrjdpos, ov, 6, et iJ.vKf}[jia f ards, TO, subst. [mugitus bouin,] the lowing of oxen, roaring. M.VKrjQpy 6' d?ro KOTrpov Eireaaevovru vo^.6vbe. 2. 575. See also Bacch. 680. SYN. Bo>), /ceXaSos, avS>), 0wv>?. EPITH. RapvfipdfJids, vtf rjyai, wi', at, et Mi/fr^i'i;, T?S, ^, P. N. [Mycena?,] a celebrated city in Ar- golis founded by Perseus. 'AbiKly y t5 6eoi. L b. MvKrjvats, pr) 'v&ab\ araitaXei Oeovs. Phoan. 6l7. See also A. 52. EPITH. KvfcXwTrtat, TroXvxPVffoi, ev- pvayvtai, EVKrlpevov TrroXledpov. WlvKrjvr) is also the name of an ancient heroine. B. 120. M&Krivai8s, a, or, et MvKrjvts, ?os, ?/, adj. [Mycenaeus,] of Mycenae. MVKTJ- vaiai T epal QepoLirvai. Iph. A. 1498. MVKJ^VT;, vid. Mi)/c^vat. MiJ/oys, ?ros, /, vel ov, 6, subst. [(l) mucus, fungus, (2) fungus ellychnii,] a mushroom, a candle-snuff. "Erreiffl yovv rolfnv \v^vois ovrofi HVKIJTZS. Vesp. 262. *MtKdvtis t ov, //, P. N. [Myconus,] an island in the J^gean sea. 'AKTCU Se Mv- KOVOV, A>/Xto/ re ^otpabes. Troad. 89- MVKTJ/P, rjpos, 6, subst. [(l)naris, nasus, (2) ludibrium,] a nostril, a nose; raillery. Tovs jjvKTfjpas npvs ras \avpas ; Pax 158. SYN. Tir, pivltiv. , ov, adj. [per nares sonitum edens,] proudly snorting. Mvn-q- vpafftv TrXrjpw/jerot. Sept. Theb. 4^0. o^, duos, o, subst. [lapis molaris, vel ingens,] a mill-stone, large stone. BaXXo ( uevat nv\aKeaal, Kai acmbes o/jfyaXoecrffai. M. l6l. MvXr), ?js, >/, subst. [mola,] a mil), a mill-stone. Tlpos ravrd ]uv\r)v aya6t}y &pa ^rireiv ffoi, Kai VEOKOTTTOV. Vesp. 648. MvX?;0dros, ov, 6 et f], adj. [a mola coin rain utus,] ground. EiVoai b' eara //- rpd f.ivXt](f)aTOv dX0irov ctKrrjs. j3. 355. Mu/\m&>, v. [dentibus freiuleo,] to gnash with the teeth. Avypov /uvX?dwyr dj'd bpva /DrjcrfffjfrTd. Hes. Op. 528. SYN. Tp/e?w, /ivXXa/i/bi. MvXX&;, et/io/wvXXw, v.[rnolo, in obscoeno scnsu ; mutio,] to grind ; to mutter. EITT' dye yu', w Kopvbwv, TO yepovrltiv ?] p ert /^uXXec. Theocr. 4, 58. MvXdeifys, eos, 6 et //, adj. [molae instar,] like a mill-stone, weighty. EiVw 6' AffTriS' eafo j6dXw/ ^uXoeibei Trerpy. H. 270. * Mi)Xwv, wros, 6, subst. [pistrinum,] a mill ; a punishment for slaves, as the tread-mill. See in MoxXevw. Mvvbids, or, adj. [Myndius,] of Myndus, a city of Caria. *fts rawed* VTT' d Nlvvbids avTlKa Ae/\ts. Theocr. 2. 29. Mvvr), ?;T, r/, subst. [excusatio, pra3textus,] an excuse. 'AXX' dyt p^vvri TrdpeXicere, /u//6' eri ro|oy. 0. 111. SYN. Ilpo^dcris Xd/3?/. Mi)ri;s, rjros, 6, P, N. [Mynes,] the husband of Briseis. " 6C('010 MVvtJTOS. T. 296'. 1 eot is here scanned as one long syllable. 590 MYHA MYPO Mvd, r)s, tj t subst. [mucus,] mucus in the nose. Tijs CK jj.ev ptv&v K be Trdpetuv. Hes. Scut. 267. SYN. KdpvZa. MvoKTdi'ds, ov, 6 et % adj. [mures occidens,] mouse-killing. TO HVOKTOI-OV wbe rpoTrnidv. Batracl). 158. Mvpatva, rjs, >/, subst. [muraena,] a lamprey. Tapr/jffta ftvpaivd' rw be aov. Ran. 475. EPITH. Olarpondviijs. * hlvpiabapxus, vid. ^lvplovrap\6s. Mt/ptdm, adv. [decies millies, saepissime,] ten thousand times. Kat bwbeicdxts, cat nvplaKis* loir, tov. Plut. 852. Mvplafuj>opds, of, adj. [decies miile amphoras tenens,] holding ten thousand amphorae. Yl&Qev civ XaSotpl p?/ud fj.vplap(t>opdv. Pax 520. Mvplas, dbos, ?/, subst. [myrias,] ten thousand, a myriad. Awd fj.vpia.bes T&V brjfJidriKuiv ev civ Trufft Xdyijjots. Vesp. 709- Mi/pteYr/s, EOS, 6 et //, adj. [valde annosus,] very long. AtdKvaio/ifvos TOV nvpl- erij. P. V. 94. Mvplo), f. icrioj et fjvpou), wet*), v. [unguentis imbuo,] to perfume. Oi/re /uv/oot- aiv fjivplffai GTCLKTols, oiroTCiv rvfji(f)r]v ayayqaQov. Plut. 529. ^ ee a " so Eccles. 1109. SYN. 'AXetyw. Mi/pticT/, 1 ?s, r/, subst. [myrica, genista,] a tamarisk. QijKtv dra Xor 5' STTI OTIH& T fdrjKe. K. 466. MvpiKtvos, T/, ov, adj. [myricinus,] of a tamarisk. "O$y evl &yKv\ov ap/ja. Z. 39. MvpiXXa, qs, j], P. N. [Myrilla,] Myrilla. 'Pdbov kv Kopats Mvpt\\a. Anacr. 61. 14. Mvplwd, w, >/, P.N. [Myrinna. Vid. Damm. in P. R. et Schol. Apoll. Rh. 1. 604.] Myrinna. 'AOuvdrot be re afjfJid TroXvcrKapdpoio Mvplrvrjs. B. 814. MvpioKapirds, ov, 6 et r/ f adj. [innumeros habens fructus,] very productive. ^uXXciSa fjivpWKapTrdv, avaXiov. (E. C. 676. Mvp to Kp a vos y ov, o et r/, adj. [innumera capita habens,] many-headed. Tai> re fivpioKpai'dv. Here. F. 418. MvpiovTapxos, et * fjtvplabapxos, ov, o, subst. [qui decem millibus prasficitur,] a commander of ten thousand. Xpvvevs MaraXXos fji Pers. 319. See also Pers. 988. and Dr. Blomfield's note. MvpioTr\r)Qt]s, eds, o et >/, adj. [innurnerus,] innumerable. Koauos evov o irXridtis. Iph. A. 571. Mvpios, a, ov, et (2)^uptot, at, a, adj. [(l) innumerus ; (2) decem miile,] innu- merable, ten thousand. Et ^>ev^eff0' ev dvbpd" pvplov & oy^Xov. Cycl. 199- SYN. 'Ai'f/ptByuos, pvplonXridris, direlptros, aTrXeros. Mvp/LOffTos, fj, ov, adj. [decies millesimus,] the ten thousandth. Md TOV A*' ou TTJV f.ivpio. 18. and Hymn. 3. 8. The antepenult, of its derivative MVOIKIVOS is long ; see subsequent word. 2 See Seidler's note on this passage. MVPO MY2T 501 , rids, //, subst. [unguentorum venditrix,] a female perfume-seller. KporJ/pd avyKtpvaaiv at /ui/poTrwXtSes. Eccles. 836. MvpoxptffTos, o>, adj. [unguentis perunctus,] besmeared with ointment. Mvpd- XpiffTov XlTrdpov fio-ffTpi/xov. 1 Cycl. 498. Mvpow, vid. Mvpiw. Mvpptvij, et apud Tragicos (Vid. R. P. ad Hec. v. 8.) Mvpolvri, rjs, ?/, et Mvprdi, ov, >/, subst. [myrtus,] myrtle, the myrtle-tree. KCLVOVV fr EX OVT ^ S Kal xyTpav, Kal pvpfivas. Aves 43. See also Alcest. 775. and Call. 3. 201. SYN. Ttpetra, tepu, cLTraXr). Mvpplvos, et fjivpuit'os, rj, 6v t adj. [myrteus,] of the myrtle. x Fw\oi/ yevevQat bel ae pe^pl TOV f.ivpplvov. Equit. 964. See also Call. 3. 202. Mvpo-tvos, >/, is also the name of a strong town of the Eleans. B. 6l6. v, oh'os, o, subst. [myrtetum,] a myrtle-grove. Kai pvppivtivas KUI evbai/jiords. Ran. 156*. s, eos, o et //, adj. [myrto similis,] myrtle-like, ^v^dayuv pvp^as Kal fjivpffn'detbtas oovs. Horn. Merc. 81. Mvpaivos, vid. Mvpplvos. MvpTi\os,ov, o, P. N. [Myrtilus.] Am TO MvprtXov Treo-T/yu' e/c bfypov. Orest. 1565. (A double dochmiac.) , ou, TO, subst. [bacca myrti,] the myrtle-berry. Kai , Kal aiffvp(3pld. Aves l6'0. EpITH. "HjOtyo*', Trapdeviov, rpotydv. MvpTos, vid. Mvpplvrj. Mupw, v. [fluo largiter et cum aliquo strepitu ; stillo; fleo, moereo, ploro,] to flow copiously, to weep. Flupyw 0etorr/:et youwGa. TE ftvpofJiei'Ti re. Z. 373. SYN. KXaw, dprjreu), Xe//3w, ftpe^ofjiai, pew, obupofnat, Kivvpopat. Mvs, pvos, 6, subst. [mus,] a mouse. "O/c/c* t ^tvo-a^Qeta' ettroSous* TTOGIS be aos. Med. 1146. SYN. MicuVo/uru, /5\vrroyuat, aTroTreyuTTOjuat, bva^epaifii). Mvffios, et (2) Mv^os, i), o>, adj. [Mysus,] Mysian. To ntXi&ov Trepi TYIV KtQu- Xi}v TO MvffWv. Acharn. 438. See also Acharn. 429. EPITH. (2)plur. 'Ayepw^ot, ay^e^d-^oi, KapT$pd&VfJUH t ayavol, aKovTiffTijpes. MUCTOJ, eos, ro, vid. Mvaayfjid. Myo-TroXew, v. [velut mus oberro,] to run about like a mouse. Keu ^v<77ro\el TI KdTabebvK&s. aXX' udpet. Vesp. 140. Mvffra, arts, 6, subst. [(l) labrum superius ; (2) barbula labri superioris,] the upper lip, the mustachios. Xw fivctTa^ iro\vs OVTOS, avcrraXeoi be rtKivvot. Theocr. 14. 4. SYN. Yeveiov. MvffTripWv, ov, ro, subst. [arcanum, initiatio sacra,] a mystery, initiation into the sacred rites. N?) TQV At* gywy' ovv ovos dyw^ yuv<77//ptd. Ran. 159- SYN. 'ATTOpp/jrox', opyia. EPITH. lejui'oV, airiaTOV* MvaTTipwds, /uvaTrjplaKos, et fivcrriicos, >}, ov, adj. [arcanus, secrctus, mysticus,] mystic, secret. X' f/aelre (jxavav ^otptwv ^vorr^pkwv. Acharn. 747. See also Ran. 316. Mvtrrqr, ov, 6, et ^uvarts, tSos, //, subst. [(l) initiatus, (2) i. q. (1) the initiated, (2) one who initiates. Mdxp* rd/uvarwy 5' 6'pyi' Here. F. 6l2. See also Anacr. 18. 12. SYN. 'lepevs, ap?;n/p. 1 Ionic, a minore dim. 392 MT2T MflNY MvffTiXri, rjs, ?j, subst. [panis excavatus,] bread scooped out. 'Eyw be /uvorri- Xas fj,epvffTtXr)^ei'as. Equif. 1165. Mv;, o>^, adj. [maxime interior,] innermost, farthest. T Ice ^uv- cuet* dra(70dXtat 6e 01 oiw. (f>. 146. SYN. Mi/)(a'"os, pv^os, evo- TdTOS. v^ds, ov, et genitiv. antiq. /nv-^ddty, 6, subst. [penetrale, recessus,] the inner- most recess, a sanctuary. 'EAflwv TrdAatas %otpdbos KO~I\OV /ut'x^''. Androrn. 1254. SYN. Kevfyuwr. EPITII. MeffOju^dXos, epefti'ds, aKorios,dri]\los t otcpvo- IS, CTKttjOOS, TOprdptOS. vw, 1 f. vaw, v. [claudo, comprimo, proprie oculos vel labia,] to shut the eyes or lips. Ov yap TTW nvadv oaae vrro fiXtfydpotati/ epoiffii'. H. 637 SYN. , uros, o, subst. [musculus in corpore,] a nerve, muscle. A/JV^/' d?rd yuvw- v(av, diro b' offrlov &\pis dpafc. II. 324. Mi>wi//, WTTOS, o, subst. [myops, O3strus, asilus,] a gad-fly. TtXXerat, 6V re /ui/wTrd /3o<5v KXeiovai vopiies. Apoll. 3.277- SYN. Olarpos. EPITH. 'A6^- dyos, aloXos, d^iyord/^os, Ktpaarts. MwXds, ov, 6, subst. [prselium, pugna,] a right, battle. Evx^evos Qavarov re 7> btforrjs, QvXoTrls, Ttovos, po6os t Qopvflos. EtPntJ." Affords,, atfj,droeis, XevydXeos, beivos, aypios. MwXv, vds, TO, subst. [moly,] a bulbous plant. MwXv &Z \iiv KaXZovvi 6eol, \dXeTTOv be T opvaaeiv, K. 305. Mw/mo/mt, et /^w/ieuw, v. [vitupero,] to disparage, scorn. N) TOV btovvaov, ev ye puna ravrdyi. Aves 171. See also i5 is generally long in the pres. fut. and aor., in the perf. always long, as j ft. 420 j ,with the Attics short, as is also the aorist in Horn, in the above passage. MflPA NAIIY 593 , v. [stulte ago, stultus sum,] to act foolishly. TVya~iKa fj^apaiyovaav ey fagots c^wy. Androm, 572. SYN. 'HXa/i/w. Mwpta, as, ?% subst. [stultitia,] folly. Mrjfr efyiopp /zwpmi> rr}v or)v fytet. Bacch, 340. SYN. Td n&pdv, ei/?/0eid, drotd, afiapTia, vrj-rrlda, vr)7rlea Muipos, a, ov, adj. [stultus, fatuus,] foolish. Mwpos i>2 Ovrjr&y Saris iroXeis. Troad. 95. SYN. 'HXlfflrto, averts t parents, apuy. N. NaJ, 1 [adverbium affirmantis vel concedentis,] yes by , truly. 'Wrj re; val irpos TU>V Oefiy, w SwKpdres. Nub. 784. Neuds, et Ion. N^tds, dSos, et Nats, Ion. N??*s, tSfo, ^, P. N. [Nais,] a Naiad, a heathen deity, supposed to preside over streams. Ncu'ei //eXa0pd NatdSwy 'i/ju0wv ;urd. Cycl. 429. See also Helen. 187. Naitrdw, Ion. imp. vaterdao-^^, et vateraeffKoy, et (2) ya/w, v. [(l)habito, (2) ha- bitor,] to inhabit ; to be inhabited. "Apnj vateraovra Meve Kdpvvrjrrjs. H. p. See also P. 308. Apoll. 4. 1211. and Hec. 6l5. SYN. ' Karouctb), blarplflb), (ty vattifjiat. *Nat5s, et Ion. N/jttfs, a, cJr, adj. [navalis,] of a ship, naval. "Ap^e valov TOV. Iph. A. 260. See also O. 410. SYN. NavriKds. Na7s, vid. Natds. Ndf07, fjsj ^, et miccJs, eds, ro, subst. [pellis villosa,] a shaggy skin. 'Ai> 5e vaKrjv eXer alyos Evrpfyeos /ueydXoio. . 530. See also Theocr. 5. 7. SYN. Aep/m, fivpaa, Kwblov, KUOS. EPITH. Tlay^pvo-ds. Na/^d, aros, ro, subst. [fluentum, vortex,] a stream. Qavpacrrov let vajjia TTO/U- Qayov wvpds. Med. 1184. SYN. Naaoj>, yXi)ci/, 0at5pd>', KaXXippoov, ipepoev. Navpo0v*/s, eos, adj. [naturam nani habens,] dwarfish. Pax 790. SYN. 'AvflpwTritfv, avbpaplbv, avdpwTrapWv. Na#c*, a, df, adj. [Naxius,] of the island of Naxus. Antig. 1150. Naiovpyfjs t eds, 6, ^, adj. [in Naxo fabricatus,] built in Naxus. Td 5e ir\o~idv earai Na^iovpy//s KavQapos. Pax 143. , ov, ^, P. N. [Naxus,] an island in the .SIgean sea, 'H5e Ildpos, Na^os, 6. T*/-vy. Pers. 88( Nads, Ion. Nqos, ov, et Attice Nf&s, w, 6, subst. [aedes sacra, templum,] a temple. *E tepov vaolo ^Xiboyes, ovKtrl boet. Lysistr. 775. SYN.^Iepoi', uyaKTopdy, TtftZvus, aXaos, arjKos. EPITH. Xdpieis, tTn/pdros, Bvwoqs, peyiis, ^aotyvXaj-, CLKOS, et vrjoTrdXos, ov, b, subst. [templi praeses,] a guardian or keeper of the temple. T H vafyvXaKes /3w/ito/ r' 7ri[u7raTds, a, dv, adj. [in vallibus habitans,] of the valley. Evpwi/ vciiraiais ey KiQatpw^os Trrv-^als. CE. R. 1026. SYN. Apy/iaS^s, vX&brjs. ^aTTTj, ys, r], et vcnrds, eos, TO, subst. [vallis circumdata montibus, saltus,] a valley between hills and rocks, a mountain wood. Ovyj; Xe-n-alas eg juiey vairas. Iph. T. 325. See also Androm. 283. SYN. "Ayk-tfs, 0dpay, KoiXas. EPITH. Ei/Xetjuos, ^i^.a^p6s t lepa, TroXvdrjpos, vXoxojjids, fioXos, Trotrjpos, KiffooQopos, vXrieaaa, Kprjva'ids, aiciepa, vXoKopos, KotXfj, needs. NaTTv, vds, TO, subst. [sinapi,] mustard. Ka/3Xe^/e vairv, KU *-* Equit. 631. SYN. itrj/TT?. EPITH. Apt//i), 6pyt\dy. On the origin and use of this particle, see the learned Hoogeveen, Doctr. Panic. Ling. Gr. cap. 31, p. 787. Pros. Lex. 4 F 594 NAP0 NAYII Nap0rj, TIICO^, o, subst. [ferula, bacillus,] a ferule, a rod. 'Ev KoiXy Xadwv Aid TepTTlKepavvdv. Hes. Op. 52. SYN. 'Pafibos. EPITH. lepds. Nap07co7rX7/pa>ros, ov, 6 et r>, adj. [in ferula conclusus,] enclosed in a ferule or rod. Nap0r/(C07rX//pwrov be 07pu^ai Trvpds. P. V. 109. Napcdw, f. 77<7u, v. [torpeo, obtarpeo,] to be benumbed, to grow numb. Tr/^f be ol vevpijv vapKrjve be %e}p enl capTrw. 0. 328. SYN. Nw0pevw, Xvo/uat. Napfo/, 77$, 7/, subst. [stupor,] numbness ; properly, the fish called torpedo. O'ipoi' rt 7T00', c'avpoV. Apoll. 4. 1496. Na0y*os, ov, 6, subst. [fluentum,] a stream. *A 'y^ p#ro7s vace^matv Hipp. 649. SYN. Nd/m. EPITH. MfXdi'avy^s, Kpqvaios. Naffo-w, f. w, v. [condenso, cogo,] to thicken, to fill. 'A/*0i be yaTdv rd^>os o tXfi Travrds, tooi^rds. ^>. 122. SYN. 'ETre^tpaXXw, ffwpevc Nd, v. [navis magister sum, navem guberno,] to command a ship, to direct. Me^i//et, vv b' avros yvw0i vav/cXr;pe7v iroXiv. Sept. Theb. 649. SYN. Navr/XXo/uai, Kvj3epmw, eKff&ctuf. Nav/eXr/pta, as, T*/, subst. [navigatio,] a voyage. KvTrptJ/ yo/i/cw r^s //^s j/av KXyplas. Med. 527- SYN. 2roXos, vavriXta, TrXoos. * NavcXr}ptoV, ov, ro, subst. [classis,] a fleet. MoXot ^ vavKXypia Kal orpdrtaf. Rhes. 233. SYN. Navat/7r/;ye7v, ) pcnrretv, j) Tpdxoirotew. Plut. 513. NavTnyy/a, ay, r/, et vavTrriyrjffls, ?'/, subst. [navis fabrica,] the fabric of a ship. Nav7T7?yiav b' us e'i TIS apuo^wy dvr/p. Cycl. 459- Nav7r?)yio>, ov, TO, subst. [locus ubi naves compinguntur,] a ship-yard. AVTWV TreXeKwvrwv, w<77rep ev vavTTTjyfy. Aves 1157- NavTrXtetos, ov, adj. [Nauplicus,] Nauplian, so called from Nauplius, the son of Neptune and Amymone. AfyueVd be Nai/TrXietov eKirXrjpui^ irXdrrj. Orest. 54. NavTrXBs, ov, o, P. N. et<2) a, dv, adj. [(1) Nauplius, (2) Nauplicus,] Nau- plius, Nauplian. Swo-dre p eV UKTCIS NavrXtas Sd^aprd re. Helen. 1585. NavTropds, et vavcrtTTopos, ov, o et //, adj. [navibus pervitis,] passed by ships, navigable, ship-urging, sea-passing. KeXaas eV a/eras vavirupovs rds IloXXa- 5os. Eumen. 10. See also Iph. A. 172. Nai5s, vaos, veos et vews, et Ion. y^vs, /^os, ^, subst. [navis,] a ship. rai/s tKivrjaev TroSd. Hec. 928. SYN. riXo7ov, irevKr), tTrijpETpos, euTrpuyuros, r//udrta, /ueydjc^r^s, 7ro\vvyos, evpeld, 0dXad- Trjffi (f>v>}v Kal ethos oyuo/iy. Navl\orrjTi. Hes. Theog. 1017. Trds, ov, o el //, adj. [naves impellens,] ship-conveying. a/ore vavolirofjurov avpav. Phcen. 1727- SYN. Navanropos. auo-tTTopos, vid. NavTrdp^s. avaiffrovos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [navibus miseriam afferens,] ship-afflicting or destroying. Navyiarovov vfiplvlbuv. Pyth. 1. 140. avfffyopriros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [in navibus portatus,] conveyed in ships, mari- time. "Ap^dcrt* Nav/crw, v. [(1) navi deduco, (2) adnavigo,] to convey by sea, lo bring in a ship, to sail to. Kat 5d/zaprd r/)v KaKiarrjy yavordXa/v X/Xi)0ti' ; Orest. 732. SYN. Navr/XXo/xat, vavfcX^pew. NavffroXrjfjid, dros, TO, vavvroXla, et vavrtXia, ay, >/, subst. [navi deductum, na- vigatio,] what has been conveyed by ship, navigation. floWov re ravaroX)/- fjidd', ws SiaXXdyas. Eur. Suppl. 220. See also Androm. 788. and Pyth. 4. 124. SYN. IlXofo, vavK\r)pla. Navrrjs, ov, 6, subst. [iiauta,] a sailor. News Se vavr^s i'lav^o* Kaip$ avfyos. Eur. Suppl. 519. SYN. Nav/Sdnjs, vavrucos, vavrtXos, TropOpevs, EPITH. See Naw/Sarrjs. PHR. Naias dpwyos 596 NAYT NEBP NavrVdw, et j/avaifuw, v. [nauseo,] to be sea-sick, to nauseate. Ov/e efo-0' ov vavrlys er\ w &VE. Thesm. 882. Navy-ore's, T), 6v, adj. [nauticus, navalis,] of a sailor, of ships, naval. orpdrevyu', a.vap'xpv, Kairi rois KaKols 6paav. Iph. A. 914. SYN. NavrtXos, vrjWs, vrjtT7)S, QaXaffalos. NavriXia, as, r/, subst. vid. Nai/ffrflXTjjud. Navrt'XXfytat, v. [navigo,] to sail. Aiyv7rroVe pi Ovpos dvwyet vavri'XXeaOai. . 246. SVN. IlXew, dTTOTrXew, vavoroXtw. NavriXos, oi/, 6, subst. [nauta,] a sailor. T ft vai/rtXort x e 'A t " ros ^fy") / 0ave/s. Androm. 883. SYN. See Navr??s. Nav'00opds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [naufragus, naves perdens,] ship-wrecked, ship- destroying. YIpti6tipois faOriHEVOi. Helen. 1538. SYN. Navayos. Nav^paKTos, ot/, 6 et ^, adj. [raunitus in navi, classe instructus, navalis,] forti- fied or defended by shins, naval. '6pa0' 8' avroy iKws. Vesp. 1362. SYN. Ntdpws, iffxupwf, yevva/ws. Neavts, vid. Neavtas. NtaviffKos, vid. Neav)fas. Nedpos, et yemtpds, d, S^, adj. fnovitius, tenellus,] new, fresh, tender. Be/3d<7t' av be Trpoawna ved-pd. Troad. 832. (Iamb, dim.) SYN. Neos, dTrdXos, yea- VIICOS. Ntdros, et Ion. ve/drd$, 77, ov, adj. [ultimus,] farthest, last. Ildo-at 6' eyyi/s dXos vedrai IlflXov r//xd0devrds*. I. 153. See also Z,. 295. SYN. "Eo^xdros, ve/atpos, vcwrards, i/ordrds. Nedw, v. [novo,] to plough a fallow. Opwrd /lev ydp, r^^ vtyv fiovXrjffd' lv wp^t rovs dypovs. Nub. 1117. Ne"/3pe(os, dv, adj. [hinnuleus,] of a fawn. Ov ydp TTW ve/3pem 6t' oVred rerpjj- vovrij. Call. 3. 244. Ne/3pis, IfSds, >/, subst. [pellis cervina,] the skin of a stag. N/3p6a trroXlbw- aafieva irdr cyw. Phoen. 1768. SYN. Aepas refipov. EPITH. 2mT)}, TTOI- , ov, 6 et 7^, subst. [hinnulus,] a fawn. Qvpaov re x et P ? K ' a * ''e/Spov OTIIC- ro>/ Sepas. Bacch. 823. EPITH. UoiKiXoOpi^ TroiKtXos, 1 The penult, of Ncfw in the sense of compleor is s^ort in the pre's., and long in fut. and aor. t. 122. Xo>pis y aSfl' ?p(rof yaof 3* op$ &yyw vdivra, unless the true reading be tvaov. NEH0 NEKT 597 , efa, et vedQrjXds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recenter virescens,] freshly blooming, youthful. "Ay c5 rerjdaXts, c5. Ion 112. See also Z. 347. and Eumen. 453. SYN. NetfytXto, retfyoros, veoyvos, x^o)pos t xXo^opos, veds, veapos, veoOpeirTos. NefjKrjs, tt/s, 6 et ?/, et verjKdvrjTos, Dor. I'eaKorijro's, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recens acu- tus,] newly sharpened. 'E^erd/^or iceXftceffal vcriKetri, v*\\tiv elrcu. II. 484. See also Soph. Electr. 1394. NejjXiJs, i)os, 6 et f/, adj. [qui recens advenit,] just arrived, newly come. "ITTTTOI 5' otbe, yepcue, ve^XvSes, ovs epeetreis. K. 558. SYN.'&njXv*, rtapos. Nc/y^dros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recens dictus,] recently spoken. 0avyud yap rr]vbe vefyaTov offffdy dfcovcu. Horn. Merc. 442. Nemtpds, a, ov, adj. [imus, ultimus, extremus,] at the bottom, the last. Nem/pp 6' ev yaffrpi 6?a s?wffn/pos eXafftrev. P. 519 Nemros, vid. Nedros. NeiKew, (Ion. veiKiw, et Ion. imp. kveiKdeaK&v,} f. oy , oXooi', ajufr'iptaTuv, apyaXfdi', Xei/ydXe^i/, Kparepdv* , fors. Dor. pro N^Xews, q. v. 1 NeiXo0p))j, cos, adj. [Nilo enutritus,] Nile-cherished. NetXoflfpi? 7rdpem/. .ffisch. Suppl. 74. NetXos, ov, 6, P. N. [Nilus,] the river Nile. "I;flrt peves CVTOS. K. 10. See also 0. 317- SYN. Kdrwfle^, vep0c>, CK fiaBovs. Neio?, Ion. pro Neos, a, or, adj. q. v. Netos, ov, ^, subst. [novale,] land newly broken up, a fallow. 'Ev 5' veiov fJiaXa.Kr)V t irleipav apovpav. 2. 541. EPITH. Bd0e7d, epifiwXa.%. Neiffaopai, vid. Neo/^at. NY W e t v/0w, f. yt^a) et n'^/w, 2 aor. evfytiv, v. [ningo,] to snow. avdpwiroiari Tfi^avffKofJievos rd d fC^Xd. M. 280. Ncicds, dScJs, ^, subst. [strages mortuorum, acervus caesorura,] a heap of the slain. Avrov 7r>7judr' eiraaypv ev aivrjfftv veKabeffalv. E. 886. NeKpobeyfj-wv, ov y 8vos t adj. [qui mortuos cogit,] assembling or receiving the dead. Tov veKpdbeyfjtdvds" els aTrepavrov. P. V. 159- Ne/cpo0)7^, v)s, r/, subst. [sandapila,] a bier. Fereo-t v re /Spdrwv, cat veKpdQfiKTjs. Eur. 2. 18. NftfpoTn pros, ov, 6, adj. [qui mortuos deducit,] conveying the dead. Ne/cpo- TTO/XTTOS i'5e(. Alcest. 453. NcK-pof, d, or, adj. et (2)Ne~K:pos, ov, 6, subst. [(l)mortuus ; (2) cadaver. Vid. R. P. Hec. 665.] (1) dead, (2) a corpse. Tj?S' e'irj 8s avowa epot, KCII t>eKpdr ayotrd. ft. 139. SYN. (1) Kd/iwr, otxojLteros, re0rews, 0drti;v, veuvs, Nefcrdp, dpos, ro, subst. [nectar,] the fabled liquor of the gods. Nen-dp eyvityitec rot 5e ^(jpvaeois beirdeffffl. A. 3. EPITH. 'Epv0por, iptpuev, y\vw, aKprjrov, yyrov. , a, or, adj. [nectareus,] of nectar. Nemipfy 5e xtrwii /ueXcuv' T(j>prj. 2. 25. 1 See Wesseling. Herod, ix, c. 97. Kiessl. Theocr. 28. 3. and Brunck. 598 NEKY NEOI Ned/*, i/#s, o et i/, adj. [mortuus,] dead. Mopjuvpwv &. Theocr. 25. 182. See also Hes. Tlieog. 329- Nf^fcs, Nc/ietos, et Nf/ietcuos, oV, adj. [Nemeaeus,] of Nemea. KoiXrjv avXlv e X ovrd Atos Ne>eoo>. Ne/zeffdw, et j'fyueVcJw, v. [indignor, reprehendo, improbo,] to be angry with, to reprove. Kat & aXXy vlplaa.rov, o TIS TOLUVTCL yt. pegot. T. 494. See also E. 757* SYN. Me/^00)uot, dydvajcrew, 00oyew, eTrtrt/wdw, 17, df, adj. [indignatione dignus,] deserving reproach or reproof. AtSotos, yjue<7^ros, o yue irpderjKe TrvdeaOat. A. 648. Ne/xeats, ew$, ^, subst. [justa indignatio, ultio,] just indignation, vengeance ; personified, the goddess of revenge. 0tw' repeats els 'EXe>/ar. Orest. 1357. SYN."T/3p?s, ^^oros, fJie^ls. Ne^uerwp, opos, 6, subst. [ultor,] an avenger. Zevs ve/icrwp cTrtSoi Koraivwv. Sept. Theb. 481. SYN. 'A/u/vrwp, Ttyuwpos. Ne^/ds, eos, ro, subst. [neinus, locus pascuus umbrosus,] a shady pasture. 'Ei/ vtfj.ei ffKifpy' ETTI re Xlvrj-yuye baipiov. A. 480. SYN. "AXo-os. Ne^uw, et ve/i0w, v. [tribuo, distribuo, pasco, &c.] to distribute, to feed. Nc- fjieiv yudra/w jjLaXXbv, i] XP^^V "fo-rpl. Helen. 917- See also A. 635. SYN. 'A7rdvefjifif f biaipeu), pepi^w, fioffKb). Ne^tr^Xos, ov, adj. [fatuus,] foolish. "Os /uaXu /u>) vtvt^Xos ; ETT loaiy yap KOIKE. Call. 1. 63. SYN. 'AvaioOyros, dXdds, avoids, (3\ewos, yXos. Ncoap5>)s, cos, adj. [recens rigatus,] recently watered, 'lls 6' or' dTrwpwos Bo- pcfjs i/foapof' aXwfjv. 0. 346. Neoydjuos, oy, 6 et r/, adj. [recens nuptus,] newly married. "Eorcu Agam. 1152. SYN. NeoSyu/ys NtoytXos, roydvds, et vfoyvos, 77, o>, et * vtoytvYis, los, adj. [recens natus,] newly born, young. TJ/S r/rot tyuvri /K^, O, adj. [recens nutritus,] newly nourished, young. 4>vrd- Xi?J VEodpeTTTd KaTijfJivovriv epa<5e. Apoll. 3. 1399. foo;, T/S, r^, subst. [juvenilis setas,] youthful-ness, youth. 7 H<70d vrdpos' vvv avTt voov riKtjot vloiq. T. 604. SYN."H/3i;, yednjs. - NEOI NE02 699 , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [in nova urbe domum habens, nove habitatus,] having an abode in a new city, newly inhabited. Kal ray VEOIKVV ebpav. Olymp. 5. 19. NtoKrjSj/s, vE07ra6>]s et vEOTrevQris, tos, 6, ^, adj. [recenti moerore vel calamitate adfectus,] recently afflicted. Et yap rts Kal irevQos e^v vedKrifei 0v//. Hes. Theog. 98. See also Eumen. 917. and X. 39. NtoK\eibr}s, ov, 6, P. N. [Neoclides.] Els pkv ye NeoKXeibrjs' os eari fjiev rvtiXos. Plut. 665. NcoffXuffrcfc, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recens contextus,] recently woven. "Hroi 6y wpt- yvaro VOK\w(TT(i) TeXafj.o>vds. Theocr. 24. 44. *NtoKpr)-os, vid. NfVkroVos. * NeoKOKTos, ov, o et //, adj. [recens ca?sus,] recently cut. IIpos ravra a.yadr]V wpa r)Teiv 001, Kal VEUKOTTT^V. Vesp. 648. Ntckoros, oi/, 6 et r/ f adj. [novus. Vid. Blomf. in 1. c.] new. Ti 5' e vioKriarav Is Airvav. Nem. 9. 3. SYN. Neocicds.' NeocTt>'o$, I'Edfydvds, et * veoKprjTos, ov, 6, >/, et rtoa.yi\s t eos, adj. [recens oc- cisus,] recently slain. 'Afup 'A^lXel. VZOKTOVM. Nem. 8. 52. See also Eur. Electr. 1170. Uhes.884. and Hec. 882. NeoXcua, as, r/, subst. [juvenum multitudo,] a youthful band. Ile^et Trtr^e?, ovvtoXaia. Alcest. 103. SYN. NeorTjs, veoia. NetJXXovros, ^eoXovros, et vcoTrXi/ros, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [recens lotus,] newly washed. AJ; pa' veoXXovros TrpoKaXevfjievds ijbv/jov VTTVOV. Horn. Merc. 241. Sse also 5. 6'4. Nffytoi, relffffofiai, et viaao^ai, \. [ibo, abibo, redibo,] to be about to go, to depart, to return. 'Hw0ei> yap reveal ap yeXfy avlovrt. ^F. 150. See also Theocr. 7. 25. and Olymp. 3. 62. SYN. 'ATro^fyiat, aVci/n, ihroarptyw, votrrew. Nco7ra0//s, et veoTre^s, vid. NeoK^^s. NfoTT^ncros, et vtoTrayrjs, ous, 6 et i), adj. [recens compactus,] newly fixed or hardened. OvStTrvpos VEOTTTIKTOS CLTTO y\vKpo~w yaKuKTos. Batrach. 38. NeoirXovrds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [recens ditatus,] newly enriched. "EoiKas, J 7rpe vZoppvry ftQei. Agam. 1322. Nsoprds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [improvisus,] newly risen, unexpected. M>/ pot vtoprov TTpofTTrlffov ^aXXov baKot. Eur. fr. Thes. 4. 6. Neos, a, 6>, adj. [novus,] new, fresh, tender, young. See in Nftftr. SYN. Nedpos, vwprjs, veo^os, verjyE^s, aTaXos, r/i0eos, ai$r)us, rf.offiyrjXos. JttdaiyaXos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [recens splendens,] of fresh splendor, beawtiful. Mot vloaiyaXov evpovrl Tpoiruv. Olymp. 3. 8. is here scanned as the first Paeou. 600 NEOZ NEIT , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recens detersus et politus,] newly burnished. veocrpiKrwv, ordiceW rl 0deivwv. N. 342. , eos, vtoffiras, abb's, et reoffTraartis, adj. [recens evaginatus,] newly drawn. 2rac?ovrd x 'P as > Ka * *&**&* #0os. Eumen. 42. See also Antig. 1215. NeoWopos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [recens satus,] newly sown. Tckevs, rpobs fa jcv/ud- ros t'eocnropov. Eumen. 662. Neoffffds et veorros, ov, o et ?/, subst. [pullus,] a young bird. E'ip$et veocrcrwv MS bpaKovru bvaxfyov. Sept. Tbeb. 499. SYN. IlJiXos, reoyvfo, ^6a^6s. EPITH. as, 7), subst. [insolentia,] strangeness. *fty TjvSa* KvTrpiv b% veoord- alrj Xa/3e fivduv. Apoll.3. 76. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recens tortus,] newly twisted. Nei/p)v 5' e^ejop?/^ , -fjv 01 ebqcra. O. 469- vid. NCOKTO^S. , ov, 6 et ^, et j'eorevx^, eos, adj. [recens factus,] recently made. /tt^ KVY^JUS VCOTCVKTOV KaacriTtpoid. 0. 592. See also Theocr. 1. 28. SYN. Nqy areas. edr^s, ?ros, ^, subst. [juventus,] youth. 'A vtoras /zoi 0t\oj/' a-yQfc* Here. F. 639. SYN. Neom, vl6\a.ia t rjfir). Ep^ITH. 'Epdr^, daXepa, a^pwv, r?\- Qowaa. , et reordfjids, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [recens sectus,] recently cut. "Ei/ re yeyaOores oivapeoirt. Theocr. 7. 134. See also Choe'ph. 23. os, ov, o et /, adj. [nuper natus, quze nuper peperit,] newly born, having recently brought forth. "Ovais VZOTOKOIS /^aords %v o-Trapywv ert. Bacch.690. Ntorpg^^s, eds, et vOTpoos, ov, 6, ^, adj. [nuper nutritus,] newly nou- rished, young. NeoYoe^eTs, ^pd/jue- repov. Aves 790. Neorria, as, ^f, subst. [nidus,] a nest. 'EoreXOer' els veorrlav ye T^V efifjy. Aves 642. SYN. KdX/a. , ov, ro, subst. [pullulus,] a young bird. Td yeomd, Ka^avrbv, ot^o-w Aves 547. SYN. See Neovads. a;, v. [pullos nutrio,] to bring up young. Mv)j/, t^ fc eveoTTdrpd^drjs. Nub. 999. fovraT-ds, ov, o et rj, adj. [recens vulneratus,] recently wounded. Kara 5' afym vf.ovra.TOv eppee xeipds. N. 539- , vid. Neo'/eroVos. , o/, adj. [recens impressus,] newly imprinted. "l\vri rd ', onus ibys. Aj. Fl. 6. , 17, ov, adj. [novus,] new, strange. Tt ' Icrrt Hepcrats vZoxpov Kdfcd/ ; Pers. 699. SYN. See Neds. *Ntow, v. [renovo,] to make new. Newjrdi-' ei^poV alvov. jEsch. Suppl. 543. NCTTOVS, Tcobos, adj. [(l)qui est sine pedibus ; (2) prognatus, nepos,] (l) without feet, (2) a descendant. 1 'A//0t be JJLLV 0o>/cac, re-robes KaXrjs'A\dffvbi>r)s. b. 404. NepOe, et vef/dev, adv. [ex intimo,] from beneath. Et yap p vird yr]V, vepQev 0' 'ArSov. P. V. 158. SYN. See Ne/d0ev. N^preptfs, a, ov, adj. [infernus,] infernal. Md rovs 7rdp'"Ai7?v veprepovs d\a dydp>;n/s, avbp&v, STds, /ueyds, 7roi/ji)jv Xawi/, dyavds, d^a^, virepOvpos, /7T7rdd/ids, , fieyaOvptis, avrWios, yepjijvtds, yepcui>, r)bveir^s t iTnrijXuTa, iir-nora, ovpos Neu/m, arcs, ro, subst. [nutus,] a nod. Mot'o^tyotai vevfrnaiv alQev. jEseh. Suppl. 378. SYN. 'PdTn). EPITH/'A^floyyov, KVTrplblov. Nevpa, et vevpet'a, as, ?/, et 'evpdi>, ov, ro, subst. [uervus,] a nerve, a sinew, a string. 'Iw dTToi revpfjs' ror JJL&V r' ?';Xv^e TroSeo-fft. A. 476. See also Theocr. 25. 14. and II. 3l6. SYN. Xopbrj. EPITH. Boe/u, evcrTpfyijs, , ov, o et ?/, subst. [sutor,] a cordwainer, a cobbler. Sai/rov , feat vevpoppaois. Equit. 73p. abrjSj ov, adj. [nervo tractus,] string-drawn. NevjOoo-TrdSj aurds av rdXas. Philoct. 290. Nevpdw, v. [nervos tendo, firrno, roboro,] to strengthen. Bd/3a/ IJLIV ijbe avfifyopa. Lysistr. 1078. SYN. 'Pwi'ru/it, uparvi-w, e^Trlbua). NevrrTaw, (3) , oi/, adj. [nuper emptus,] lately purchased. v KCLKOV. Equit. 2. /s, ec^s, 6, r/, adj. [novus,] new, fresh, fyoftvv rewpfi r)s (E. C. 730. SYN. See Neds. Newpiov, ov, ro, subst. [navale,] an arsenal, a dock. 'Us 6' 7yX0oyuei> ff> ?repi- /3oXov viuplwv. Helen. 1546. SYN. Naverrafyds. News, vid. Nads. * New) rows Oeovs 7;/ze7s y', uv /3ovX?7 ye av. Plut. 74. Nr/ai0os, ov, 6, P. N. [Nesethus.] Kai norl TQV N?ya<0d/' OTTO fcdXd Travrd rt. Theocr. 4. 24. reds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [novus, recens factus,] new, recently made. KaXy, drew' XevK'ov 6' ?i/, VyeXtos <3s. H. 185. SYN. Neds, >, adj. [dulcis,] sweet, refreshing. EvSov vayvVyjlor Atti # OVK viryds. B. 2. SYN. 'HSvjuto, ^Svs, yXvtffis, yXv^pSs. , tfos, I], subst. [alvus,] the belly, the womb. 'Eyved/ca/'&Kd /uev /*ot, vqbvvs, i\aav. H. 496. SYN. TaorJ/p, /ur/rpa. EPITH. MtyaX?/, s, ayovos, BvpaXyrjs, aKv/iiwj', d5u//os. w, f. ?7<7w, v. [acervo, congrego,] to heap or pile up. Nyo> ' KfyaXijs aTrepelffl' diroii'd. 1. 276. SYN. See New (3). * Nfj6t, f. r/Ti. a. 186. N/yios, a, dv, et yjj/rqs, oi/, 6, adj. [navalis,] of a ship, naval. Srparos, e^/3o\a7s. Pers. 284. See also Apoll. 2. 239. SYN. Nav- vid. Nais. , vid. Nals. TJILS, ibos t adj. [nescius,] ignorant. OvSe r' dt'Spe/p* tTrei oi/5' t/^e v^tSd y* ovrws. H. 198. SYN. "ATretpos, d^7rtffr//juwv, dtSpt'y, aftadfis. //r^s, vid. Nyt^s. >jtr7, 77?, ?/, adj. [Neita,] the name of one of the seven gates at Thebes. See Beck. Plujen. 1120. Kai Trpwrd ^tv irpdarjye N^trats TriJXats. Phoen. 1120. , Ids, 6 et ?/, adj. [non prudens, non commodus,] foolish, useless. boVf ris rot vv Qt&v rriKepbta /3oi/X)J'. P. 409. SYN. 'AfcepSj/s, a ov, et rrjKepws, wros, 6 et ^, adj. [cornua non habens,] not horned. Kai TOT b)) K^pdoi KO.I vyKlpol vXrjKoiTai. Hes. Op. 527- N^-eartfs, ov, 6 et ?;, adj. [insanabilis,] incurable. Tevffereu, lt> 5e Stiojv /3XA- ^/os, vrjKeartiv a&ff6r). Hes. Op. 281. SYN. 'AvriiceffTos, q. v. NTjKovoTfu), v. [non audio, non obtempero,] not to listen to, to disobey. N/- KovarrjaE dtas, aXX' e dXos 7]\6e /uer* avrovs. T. 14. SYN. ' Xew, Trdpopdw, a7rt0e, adj. [natatilis,] capable of swimming. To7s Anacr. 2. 5. NjjXh/s, vriXeirjs, et vr)\rjs, eos, o et ^, adj. [immisericors,] pitiless, cruel. -N;- Xees- dXX' ov Qi]v fJLOi 7rtXX/5orrts d-rriffffw. Apoll. 4. 390. See also Horn. H. 4. 246. and P. V. 42. SYN. 'Ar^Xe^s, avoiKTos, airrivi)s, crK\r)p8s, fr^rXWs. NrjXetcrjs, NrjXrjiacrjs, et N^Xr/tos, ov, 6, et * NqXjjiS, t5os,7/, patronym. [a Neleo natus,] the son or daughter of Neleus. N^XelSat HETOTTIGQUV 'labves ibpvcravro. Apoll. 1. 959. See also K. 87. and B. 20. NiyXeoTrotfos, ov, 6 et T), adj. [immitis,] merciless. Kat Mo/pas, KCU K^pds eye/- vdrfi t'rjXttiTroivovs. Hes. Theog. 217. N);Xei)$, ews, o, P. N. [Neleus,] Neleus. N^Xevs 'IceaKev, Qeofytv prjffTup drdXay- TOS. y. 409- EPITH. 'Ayavordros ^ojovrwr, /ueydQv/uos, avrtfleos, QelSs. , et ^Xet'ws, adv. [crudeliter, inhumaniter,] cruelly. Kai ri/s Choeph. 236. See also Apoll. l. 610. SYN. , vid. , ov, et V^XITTOVS, TrdSos, 6 et ^, adj. [discalceatus,] barefooted. TT^S, oted^os- fcai S>) XeXirjTd veeadai. Apoll. 3. 646. See also (E. C. 362. SYN. 'ArvTroSijroj, dos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [venti vacuus, serenus,] free from wind, serene, calm, quiet. 2/ya, trcunra' vi]vlpov 6' 'iarr\d uy\ov. Hec. 531. SYN. Evbios, yaXr)- vos, rjffv^ds. N^ts, ews, fj, subst. [natatio,] swimming. Nj^e* repTrfyteVos ^utriyydOov* dXX* tfre // pd. Batrach. 67. SYN. Tt? v^rdv. , vid. Nao0i/Xa|. , Ion. pro Naos, q. v. poet, pro vgoo-trdds, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [naves servans,] ship-preserving. Olaypoid irais vrjocrauuv, ei/Trdre/oetdi/. Apoll. 1. 570. r/Trevflr/s, eds, 6 et ?/, adj. [moerore carens, serenus, Idetus,] free from sorrow. Nq-rrevdes T a-^oXov T, KCLKUV irZ\r)dov anuvTuy. 5. 221. SYN. ' aXvTros, aXvirrjTds, av&bvvos, a.Trev6r]Tds t d^oXos. ^ma, et j^Trtea, as, ^/, subst. [(1) infantia, (2) stultitia,] infancy, folly. Tridas o-xeei-v e^ct OVK erl TT)\IKOS effffi. a. 297- See also 1. 487. SYN. afypoavvr), d^otd. ^Trtd^e^, et V7?7ridxw, v. [pueriliter vel stulte ago,] to play the child, to act foolishly. Avrdp 00' VTTI'OS eXot, Travaatrd re vrjTria^evuv . X. 502. See also Apoll. 1. 1212. SYN. N//7rm (j>porM. ^Trtd^os, v^Trtos, et r^Tri/rtos, a, d/^, adj. [(l) infans, (2) stultus,] (1) an infant, a child, (2) foolish. TLaibd re y^Trtd^ov, KOI ep dyuyuopov, rj TU-^O. X'/P 7 ?* ^ 408. See also Androm. 753. and T. 211. SYN. Bpe0os, reoyvos, n^pos. r/TrXetrds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [intextus, incomptus, iuornatus,] untwisted, un- combed, unadorned. FleyfldXea, wjirXeK-os, aauvbaXos. Bion. 1. 22. SYN. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [nulla data satisfactione,] unrewarded, for nothing, gratuitous. 'PeV' e?ret a\\orplov fiioroY vr}itoivuv ebovolv. a. 160. SYN. ATITOS. os, vid. N^Trm^o^- s, tow, 6, P. N. [Nereus,] a sea-god. Avral pev Nrjpijds apvpSvfa e^eye- VOVTO. Hes. Theog. 264. EPITH. 'Ayavos, /ieyds, ye/owv, iroXlds, vrjjjiepTr)s t /^eydXaj>v^os, fields, a\jjev&r)s t aXrjOfjs. riprittes, w, al, P. N. [Nereides,] the Nereids, the daughters of Nereus. Ildo-ai dffat /card fievdos dXos NT/p^i^es ^ffdf. 2. 39 EPITH. ^ASd^droi, wor- vtat, eXceai7re7rXot, %pvar)Xa.Ka.rot. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [innumerus,] numberless. Krj//' oc CTT' ayptiv. Theocr. 25. 57- SYN. 'Avvjp?df*tis, tMlpi&pdf, airXtrds, , ov, r/, P. N. [Nericus,] an island afterwards called Leucas. OIos v elXdv evKTipevov TrroXledpov. o>. 37 6. N//ptrdr ov, ro, P. N. [Neritum,] a mountain in Ithaca. Tovrd be N^pt-5*' t, adj. [conglomeratus,] heaped up. Ei/piJj', o0t vrjros xP v s Ka ' eKetro. />. 338. SYN. Ntj^gifo, eirafjavTe^os, jueoros. ifoi', ov, ro, subst. [anaticula,] a little duck. Nf?7rapiov av KCI\ ^a i&o. Plut. 101 I. , vid. Naus. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [halitus expers,"] breathless. Kelrai V^VT/JLOS cts cvtavrd*'. Hes. Theog. 795. SYN.^ATTJ'OOS, a4*v\ds, avu N/70dXios, a, ov, adj. [sobrius,] sober. Xoas r' aoii-ovs, vrifyaXia Eumen. 10^. SYN. Ni/0wr, cioa-os, an-oivos. N//^>w, v. [sobrius sum,] to be sober. 'Opflws y', ora) rf^ovres ovx Lysistr. J228. SYN. rprjyopeu. N//xvros, o^, adj. [diffusissirnus,] well spread, ^ap^tdx', o^' r/Treipo's re 0vei icai VYi^yTov vbwp. Apoll. 3. 530. SYN. 'A^i/rert/s. Nr/^w, vel vf]\ t v. [nato,] to swim, 'ftj 6' or' d*' aanaaiws yr\ Qareitj. $. 233. SYN. KoXi//j/3dw, vew. dpos, oy, 6, subst. [genus niodularninis,] a rower's tune. AvXwr, poji', avpty/jdrw^. Acharn. 554. /o>, v. [lavo,] to wash away. MtXjj, ^ayeuoi/a', ws ^ovov vlZovaa 6/. Ipli.T. 1339' SYN. 'ATTOV/^W, Xouw, v/7rrw, ' av-l viKr)Tr)piwv. Troad. 956. SYN. "AeSXdf, trraOXov. , vid. Ntffdw. m, as, ^, subst. [victoria,] victory. MaX0dff^ viKa^opta CTVV uotby. Nem. 2. 6. SYN. See Nmj. N/c^opds, ov, 6 et j/, adj. [victoriam afferens, victor,] bringing victory, victo- rious. Evi/ 0eo7o-, feat F^, Kal Aticr; viKrjtyopa). Choeph. 142. Nik-ms, ov, 6, P. N. [Nicias.] Aei/fcos Tts dvs^'jbrjffev, dfioios Ni/cTa. Eccles. 428. * Nt>.6/3oi/Xos, ov, o et >/, adj. [qui in senatu vincit,] victorious irt the council. Tt 6' aXXd y', et /x) rtKopovXos lytiro^v ; Equil. 6l5. NtKdblKr), rys, //, P. N. [Nicodice.] Ilerov, Trcrov, Ntfcoot^, Lysistr. 321. (Choriamb, dim.) * NtKo/.td'xo's, ov, o, P. N. [Nicomachus.] Mvp//^t 0' fytov firai Nu-/uax. Ran. 1506. NtKocrrpdrete, oi/, o, P. N. [Nicostratus.] Nifcdirrpdros 6' av 0rj(rti>, 6 Vesp. 81. y, 7?s, //, P. N. [Niobe.] See Villoison. Anecd. Gr. p. 3o6. w TrX^o-tov 7rdpa/rrdre7. PliO3ii. 162. EPITH. ' , baKptioeo-aa, Trcrpd, Xcurta. Trav- tfltlT NOME 605 N/7rrp6V, ov, TO, subst. [lavacfum,] water to wash the hands Or feet. Xfyo7? ZicefjtTTe vtTfrpd,, Kue0v/ua. Ion 1174. SYN. AoeVpoV. NtVrw, f. ^w, v. [lavo,] to wash, to bathe. Bous i^XBo^v vi^ovrts trdXfy bpoffw. Ip!i. T. 255. SYN. 'ATroVtTrrw, fcXv^w, r?w, Xoi>w. Nipevs, eis, 6, P. N. [Nireus,] one of the Grecian leaders at Troy. Ntpevy, os KaXXtffTds dvfip VTTO "\XWv iyXfle. B. 673. PHR. KaXXtcrds 'AXOIWI-. N7a7os, ov, o, P. N. [Nisaeus,] of Nisaea. Niacuot Meydpj/es, apiaTtvuvTes per/*o7s. Theocr. 12. 27. N7/a c^" r* c/uv, avei6v re. v d-rro ffKavas ayopaabtttv. Theocr. 15. l6. as, iibfa, f], et vttyeros, ov, 6, subst. [nix,] a fall of snow, shower. Ae vfyabl Kai fipovi-faiaffl. P. V. 1029. See also 5. 566. SYN. Xidiv, \jseKas, EPITH. riufCJ'/}, ^et^epia, rap^>e?d, ^pv. 257- SYN. 'Ev- roew, cilaQavofJLai, e^dvfjied^ai, 0poJ^w, Xoy/coyuat, 7riVrd/ucu, ytyi/wo-K-w. No^d, dros, ro, subst. [cogitatio, consilium, volnntas,] thought, will, notion. Avrdp e/ioi Zevs avros svt typevi TOVTO rorj/ua. . 273. SYN. "Evvota, fadvotu> ffvvtffls, rods, flovXri, -yvwf.irj. EPITH. 'EaOXoK, KepfraXeov, yvapirTdv, WKV, uj3ov~ Xo>, TTotfctXdv, Qeiov, nlvvTov, ovpavlov. N(%ta>y, dros, (1) o, P. N. (2) adj. [(l) Noemon ; (2) prudens, intelligens,] (1) Noenion, (2) prudent, intelligent. "AXKavbpov 6\ "AXiov re, No//^ovd re, Ilpurdj//i/ re. E. 678. SYN. (2) Sherds, efiireipos, yur/rter^s, TreTrvvpevds, ffw- p(av, typtiviiuds, eptypw, ayylvoos. Nd0ayeV>)s, eos, 6, ?/, et i/d0o$, 77, ov, adj. [spurius,] illegitimate. Quvov y t. Androrn. 904. See also Androiil. 9^0. SYN. No0e7os, em, ov, adj. [sptiriis datus,] given to the illegitimate. N<30et' dTrd- ; b. 6 vofios Q.VTOV ovK e^ ', Aves 1656. , ov, ro, suhst. [cogitatiuncula,] a little thought. Fi/o^rStwv cat vol- , Equit. 100. T?S, ^, P. N. [Nomaea,] Noriiaea. Aa^m tyw, Av/ct^as 5e 7rdn)p, ^?;rr;p tf/iat?/. Theocr. 27. 41. , dSos, adj. [(1) in pascuis versatus ; (2) gregalis,] engaged in pastures, herding. 'JX/o-o-ov vdpabes pleOpiav. (E. C. 687. ojutoytat, v. [dilanio, discerpo,] to tear to pieces. At b' uXXai rd Trtpto-ad icpea vofJisovTu yvvatKes. Theocr. 26. 24. SYN. Atdyuoipdo/^at, , dros, ro, subst. [grex pecorum,] a flock, a herd. M/Xwv . Again. 1389- 1 A double dochmiac. The penult, of Nf^w is long, M. 280. and doubtful, Isthm. 7. 7. In the passage quoted, it is decidedly short. Clarke's note M. 280. does not apply to the present word, though the principle is undoubtedly true, that from npiv 8f- rplfiw, &c. are derived Kptevs, W, 6, subst. [pastor,] a shepherd, herdsman. Ot & raya i yovro, Svw 5* d/V cTrorro, vofjirjes. 2. 525. SYN. Borgp, TTOI//^, ^rjXo/ pr}Xovopos t cuTroXos, (JovKoXos, ffvpwTijs, ixTrofiovKoXos. EPITH. Kd*os, XP U " veios, Xlyvfydoyyos. Nd//eyw, f. v/), r/s, r;, subst. [partitio, pascuum, pastus,] a division, a pasture. povs XtTTOVffd vdp&s. Cycl. 6l. SYN. Nfytos, irpoi'Ofjtr], iroa, fiios. EPITH. *AjU0t/3ios, av6ef*oe(Taa, opecratporos. Nd/i/c?w, f. iJi, v. [(1) usu, consuetudine sancio, (2) puto, arbitror,] (l)to esta- blish by usage, (2) to think. ITparoV metro. 6' a\e>, adj. [(1) usitatus, legitimus ; (2) Justus,] custo- mary, legal. 'Ev evtrefieiyovv, >'oyuiyua //) fcXeTrreti/ ) tfcpaiv. Helen. 12/6. SYN. , a, ov, et 6, T>, adj. [pastoralis,] pastoral, an epithet of Apollo. See Voss. Virg. Georg. p. 53. and Spanheiui in 1. c. ftolfiov Kai No/uoy KiK\r)ffKo- VLEV, QeTl Kelvov. Call. 2. 4?. Nd/ito-^d, dros, ro, subst. [(1) mosreceptus; (2) numisina,] (l)an established custom, (2) a coin. Oi/roi vopifffjia. XEVKOS upyvpos povuv. Eur. fr. CEdip. 5. 3. SYN. "Edos, (2) icepjud, apyvpwr. No/^os, ow, 6, subst. [pascuum, sedes,] a pasture, an abode. 'P/yu^d e you^d ^pet /utrd r' ^fd cai vo/ifir 'imriav. Z. 511. SYN. See No/^/. No/ids, ou, 6, subst. [(1) mos, (2) lex, (3) cantilena,] a custom ; a law; a tune. Kat ras avayKus oi vofiot biwpiaai>. Hec. 835. SYN. Qea-pos, Qepis, blur), TO vofjiifjovf eQoSf ne\os EpITH.^Iaos, jSctfc^etos, KOWOS, Trarpwos, TrdAaios, yoe- pds, ap-^aloSf do-^dX/ys, /3cip/3d/jos, ao-Tro^Sos, dTrr/i^^s, aypaTrros, Kadapos, ao(j)ds r tyiirovs. Ndos, voOs, oov, oi/, o, subst. [mens,] mind, resolution. TovSt voov Kal tv\ ari'ideffolv t\oyTs. A. 309. SYN. Op/)v, yvutprj, 0poVrts, Stdvoid, Qapffds. EPITH. AeTrros, ov /3e/3atos, eXeyflepos, rd^vs, dydfios, SoXepos, TJJS, T\^fjnaf t Kaprepos, cva/crt/xos, drap/3^rd$, 7ri)/*:tVo$, Tri^vrds (j)(t)\tos, TTUTTOS, ico0os, cXa^pos, ffdtyos, iadXos, Qgovbrjs, irpofypuv, ros, Kpaiirvos, arpo//os, aTrXfjoros, iroXvKepbrjs, aKr)Xr)Tus. Noaew, f. 7/aw, v. [(1) aegroto, (2) sanam menlem non habeo,] to be ill, to be disordered in intellect. Noo-oiivrt X^peZv, ai^Spos o^i au)(ppovos. Trach. 435. SYN. 'AaStytw, dppworew, /^dXdk'/^o/iai. PHR.^Aypio; roaj) N^ffepos, a, or, vocr)iJ.dTiKds t r), ov, et i^offwS^s, cos, 6, ?/, adj. [morbidus, morbo- sus,] sick, pestilential. 'lerdSeX^os dyr/p, o'p0wi> vooepov. Crest. 1014. See also Eur. Suppl. 433. SYN. 'Ao-flevfc. NotTji/Xem, as, //, yoa^jud, dros, ro, et vdaos, Ion. vovaos, ov, 77, subst. [morbus,] a disease, disaster. 'Pd*;??, fiapeias TOV vijffrjXeias TrXcd. Philocl. 39. See also Crest. 874. Crest. 10. and A. 10. SYN. Kd/mros, aoQiveia, dppw/, subst. [humor, humiditas,] moisture, water. Kaptry BptdofJievr], rorlyffi ri etapivrjiriv. 0. 307. See also Iph. T. 107. SYN. Ya- ms, ft/ids, vypdrrjs. EpiTH. Flovrta, i:aXXt7rord/i^s, ^pdflra5^s, rdxeld, 6tt- , v. [humecto, madefacio,] to wet, to moisten. AeuKrjs vtiriei wv. Thesm. 857- SYN.TypaiVw, /3p)(w. Nortos, a, o/, vid. NortpeJs. Nords, ou, 6, subst. [Notus,] the south wind. Er' opeos Kopvtyfjffi N^ros *rdre- XeveV ojjLiyKriv. F. 10. EpiTH. 'Apyetrr^s, aXXjyicros, Setvos, Kpatirvoffcrvrds, ^eijuepios, biepos. Nov/3vws. Nov0epd- Novs, vid. Noos. oCffds, Ion. pro Ndff^s, q. v. vKrepeifflds, wKTtpivfc, ^, oV, et vvKrepfc, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [nocturnus,] nightly, dark. AoVwi/ yvyatfcwi' epyd vvKrepfiaia. Thesm. 204. See also Vesp. 2. and Agam. 4. SYN. Ni^os, evvvyos, effTreplds, TTOS, ffKdreivos, VKTOTT6p?TrXdl'1]TOS, OV, 6 Ct //, adj. [llOC't IVflgUS,] wandering or coining by night. NvKTiTroXwv efyobtov dvaaaeis. Ion 1049- See also P. V. 678. and Acharn. 263. SYN. NvtcTtyav-os. 'NvKrifrefj-ros, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [nocte venerandus,] grand by night. Kat vvxrl- fffj.i'd be~nrv e;r' eo^dpa irupos. Eumen. 108. * NvKrl(f>avTos, ov, 6 et ;, adj. [nocte visus,] appearing by night. Ov vvKTtyav- TOV TrponoXdv 'Evooias /i' op^s. Helen. 569. f, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [nocturuis praesidiis custodiens vel custoditus,] guarding or guarded by nocturnal forces. "Apei tdfjicvras vvKrt^poi/p/yr^ Opd- aet. P. V. 886. r, ov, 6 et f], adj. [noctis faciem habens, ater,] night-faced, dark, nightly. Nvcrw7ro*' ee7Xe fiporuv. Iph. T. 1280. SYN. See NuKrwp, adv. [rioctu,] by night. 'ATTO rijs opo^s vvKTwp ydXewTqs Nub. 173. SYN. Ni//cros, Trayrv^lov, ev VVKTI. Vv/^0dywyos, ov, 6 et >/, subst. [qui sponsam ab aedibus paternis ad sponsum deducit,] one who conducts the bride to her husband's home. Ildpet/u vv^u- 0dywyos* aXX' o^^^drwv. Iph. A. 6lO. SYN. Nvyu^o:o^tos, Trpojuv^orpfa. ^vfjufrews, Ion. vvyu0j}ids, ov, vv^iclos, a, ov, et ov, 6 etr/, et vv/i^ifcos, >), 6v t adj. [nuptialis,] bridal. In the neuter, vvjj.eiov signifies marriage, and in the passage quoted, the abstract being put for the concrete, it denotes a bride. 'AXXd KreVe7s vv^ela. TOV (ravrov Tttcvov ; Antig. 574. See also Call. 4. 118. Alcest. 906. and Med. 1134. t, drds, ro, subst. [nuptiee,] marriage. Kpewv ft eoiKe rS>v v. Pli03ii. 1219. SYN. Fd/KJs, v^vatds, vvi*e~tov. EPITH. ov, et vvfji7r?s, yea, fcaXXiTrdp^os, dfj-vfjitaf, ovpeia, evK\)}s, aTropXeTrros, epdrwTTis, r)VKo/jiQS t d }s, Ka\Xia(f)vpos, Iptpoeffad, Kvdt'ovfj?loi>, ov, TO, subst. [ibalamus nuptialis,] the bridal chamber. n/?Xto>, a> ^iXvprjs vvp$iiWv t aXXd ov peivtiv. Call. 4. 118. See also Antig. 903. SYN. QdXdpds, Xw, f. r/irw, v. [sponsam orno,] to deck or attend to a bride, pots &' i'jbij TTupa MfjKpdkdfiriarei. Med. 981. Ntyf^dgfyids, ov, 6 et //, adj. [ministra sponsae ; de sensu liujus vocis parum liquet; vid. Reisk. Musgr. et Markl. in I.e.] bride-adorning. Ildpd e yurj- Tpt rv^oKof-ioi'. Iph. A. 1087. SYN. See Nv^/6dywyo$. Nvyu^ortyL/os, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [sponsam honorans,] bride-honoring. npuctrojuLtva, TO vv^pdrtfjidv. Agam. 685. *Nvr, rv^, adv. [(l)nunc, (2) igitur,] (1) now, at this time ; (2) then, there- fore. "laTw vvv evKXZ/is ye KarSdi'ov/Ltei'r). Alcest. 15 1. 1 Nv|, VVKTOS, ?/, subst. [nox,] night. tyOit'ovviv VVKTCS T *:at ijfjaTa A. 183. SYN. Ev0poV/7, opr), aKoros. EPITH. '6Xoa, cipfipoaia, boXi^ri, bvffKqbrjS, Odii, rao), yufXau'd, op0j'a/a, dvTr^os, fpepvr}, epe/3e^'>), afipdrrj, ayu/^poros, apfyiXvKr), batfjiovia, 6/^retpd, KeXrttvfj, yuak'pa, <7KordyU iroTvia, Xvycua, tfpa, aveXrivos, atTTfpwTros, b'tu, boXta, XevydXea, orvycpd, pepia, fjieXdy^if.ius, aloXo^pios. PHR. NVKTOS atyeyyes fiXetyapov, VVKTOS Xvya/as, jueffovvKTios o'Jpa, Kvd^oTr^TrXos ojuU%Xri, OKOTGLVOV VVKTOS apyud. See also A poll. 3.743749. Ni/os, ov, >/, subst. [(1) nurus, filii uxor, (2)fratris uxor,] a daughter-in-law, a brother's wife. 'EX/vOjUfVas TS vvovs oXdrjs VTTO ^epfftv ^A^atuiv. X. 65. NjWa, 775, //, subst. [meta,] the pillar, round which the candidates for curule fame were obliged to drive at the Olympic games. *Hr#y vvvad TZTVKTO lirl Trportpwj/ a.v6po>7T(i)V. *. 332. Nvc-ad, vel Nutid, rjs, r/, P. N. [Nysa,] the name of several ancient cities, and also of one of the tops of Parnassus. Ov Nvoyyufrd vv^dv. Cycl. 68. EPITH. Nv<7<7a7df, et Ion. NVCTO-J'/IOS vel NVITJ^OS, et NVTep6ev. A. 252. SYN. Ila/w, ra^w, et,yvf:rd5a), v. [nuto, dormito,] to nod, to doze, to sleep, to loiter. Kal fjtrjv t fjia TOV At', ov^i vvoTageiv erl. Aves 638. SYN. Bpi'w, virvwaou, t/s, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [dormitans,] dozing. Mijbos TIS enl rd flXfyapd vva- t]s vTrrds. Vesp. 12. ta, as, r/, P. N. [Nychia,] the name of a nymph. EvmVa Kal MaXts, tap wo. Nvxe/a. Theocr. 13. 45. ,td, drds, ro, subst. [uocturnae vigiliaj, pervigilium,] night-watching. riov vv\evfj.dT(i)v 3 \dpls ', Eur. Suppl. 1 140. 1 On the quantity of Nh> the enclitic, see some excellent remarks by Dr. Monk, Mus. Crit. i. . 73. and Alcest. 1096. 3 Hvffff-fftov is used as the name of a mountain, Z. 133. 3 Others read \oxevfjLa.T(av in this passage. Pros. Lex. 4 H 610 NYXE 5AN0 /w, v. [pernocto, vigilo,] to watch all night. Tor abv rv^evtrat, rov re- vov bi^a. Rhes. 5l6. SYN. navftf^ioj 0i)Xaffffw, j'VKrep/c?w, avX/cJo/mi. , a, o>, adj. [nocturnus,] nocturnal, darksome. OVKOS 2>e ^aet Trrepoeyri vvx k '" r " TdprdpoV evpvv. Aves 698. SYN. Ni/KreptVos. NwSos, ov, 6*et ;, adj. [dentium expers, edentulus,] toothless. See in Kv^ds, Nw6iM'*a, s, ?), subst. [indolentia,] exemption from pain. NwSvviaj' KO.TE- \ZVE pt\G*v' 6 e Trarpt EOIKWS. Theocr. 17- 63. Nwu>os, ov, 6 et /, adj. [doloris expers,] painless, pleasant. 'Aot-bals ' dj'>/p fcai TIS KafjaTov. Neill. 8. 84. SYN. "A\vnos t dXuTr^ros, avutbvvos, los, 6, ^, et vwOpos, a, ov, adj. [tardus, segnis,] slow, sluggish. KwXov, eKirobwv e\a. Here. F. 815. SYN. NwxJEXrjs, fipabvs, apyos, , et vwXf/jtwj, adv. [adsidue,] constantly. Mupvaadai byotai ^uer' dv- vwXe/us atet. I. 31?. See also N. 3. SYN. 2i/i/x, awtX" 5 - , f. 7?tos, d/7a0>)s, a5oos. /, orrds, adj. [fulgidus, fulgens,] bright, shining. ActoieTrovr'* ev b' O.VT& rupoTra ^n\Kov. B. 578. SYN. Aa/xTrpos, alQo\^, atydXoets. v, ovos, adj. [incudem in tergo gerens,] having an anvil on the back, elattyvrjs fwra^o^es, dycvXdx>/Xa. Batrach. 285. * NwrmTtfs, am, 6v t adj. [ad tergum pertinens,] of the back. Eis ofyovlvXow vwriaia &E. Eurip. Electr. 841. , f. r<, v. [(1) tergum verto ; (2) tego,] to turn the back ; to cover. tSoutrat, ?rpos \(>vyt}v EVWTiaav. Androm. 1130. SYN. 'HLvTpona\i$ , ov, TO, et VWTOS, ov, 6, subst. [tergum, dorsum,] a back, a shoulder, a ridge. Nwrots vTrocrrevaket. P. V. 43p. SYN. Mera^peroi'. EPITH. Evpi), irlov, bir)VEKs, vTroTrrtpo^, pvffcrov, ^a\KE.6v t K\aivdi>, eairEpov, a ^s, eds, o, f/, adj. [imbecillus, piger,] weak, lazy. IleptjGdXwr irXevpols vpa vwyfXii voiju. Orest. 791- SYN. See Nwfljfc. a, as, >/, subst. [tarditas,] slowness, weakness. Ove ydp re ra>xeXtt? re. T. 41 1. SYN. 'AafleVeia, dpyta. E. EatVw, f. dvw, v. [pecto, carmino,] to comb, to tear, to lacerate. 7 fl t ffrepuara Zhvaff' ETreK\(t)ffv Ota. Orest. 12. SYN. 'Avacu j^;, K7evi(i) t trwpevw, vydb). *EavOlas, ov, 6, P. N. [Xanthias.] Ovrw ^ueV elaiwuEV' aye bfi f ZavBia. AvC3 656. ^avOlSior, ov, ro, P. N. [dimin. a Eavfltas,] Pretty Xanthias. T ft Eav b. Kal TTais dv'AXfc/i/yt'^s eyw. Ran. 582. Eav0/c?w, v. [flavum reddo,] to make yellow. 'O?rrare ravri, Kal KCL\WS I Acharn. 1047- SYN. TIvpp'/^w, Kotrpeio. 7, ;s, ?/, P. N. [Xanthippe.] 'HSe Trap' avr^i' ZavdtTnrr). Anacr. 167.. * BdvOurnds, ov, 6, P. N. [Xanthippus.] Ed'0t7T7ro^, i) XdptTTTro*/, 77 >. 64. id, drds, ro, subst. [ipsa actio reddendi flavum, tinctura,] a dyin-g of ai auburn color. tXe7 raroirrpa Kal xoprjs a*>0/oyidrd. Eur. fr. Dan. 5. 2. ZavBoOpiZ, Tpfyb's, et ^avQoKopris, ov, et av6vK8[jios, 6 et 77, adj. [flavos capillo^ habens,] auburn-haired. "Ev TTOK apa Theocr. 18. 1. See also Theocr. 17. 103. EAN0 EENO 611 Ea>/0os, ov, 6, P. N. et (2) j), ov, adj. [(l)Xanthus ; (2)flavus, fuscus,] (a) the Scamander, a river in Lycia ; (/3)the name of a noble Trojan; (y) also the name of a horse belonging to Hector ; (2) yellow, brown, auburn. *Ov Scivflov Oeot, civbpts be ^KafnavSpdv. T. 74. EPITH. (a) Badvbtvi'ieis, bivtjeis, evppetriis, 'Iba'tos, (ft) rrjXvyerus. SYN. (2) Vlvppos, epvdpaws, at>0o- ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [flavum colorem habens,] yellow-colored. Tov b* EV tiXXo bepas ^ar^u^poov eGKev. Mosch. 2. 84. SYN. See Zavdos (2). EeivriWv, et alias tor mas lonicas a S incipientes, vid. in Eei'/c?w, &c. , ov, 6, subst. [" hospitum exceptor et deductor ad locum convivii." Damm.] one who introduces guests. Rapvvdev be nepiffffd AeX^>oi lHvaylrui. Nem. 7. 63. EevctTrdrqs, et Ion. ^etmTrdr^s, ow, 6 et fj, adj. [qni clecipit hospites,] deceiving guests. AdfJLWv bajuicipTa. ZevairaTris eXrjaciTd. Troad. 859. Hfyaprcrifr, 6^, et j-fvapKys, eos, o, >;, adj. [" hospites defendens ab injuria ant inopia; hospitibus sufricienter ,praebens." Damm.] kind to strangers, hospi- table. ZevapKeidv ebcKTo Kip-patiev. Pyth. 8. 26. See also Nem. 4. 18, EeJ'^Xdrew, f. ?}t\uv. Hec. 782. See also $. 350. EPITH. UpoffKjjbrjs. ZtvlZw, Ion. %eivia> t f. iffw, Zevdbdxeu, et j-pvdta, v. [hospitio excipio,] to receive hospitably, lovobe evfetv ovbeiror tax 6 ' 7 V QVpa.. Acharn. 127. See also Alcest. 56'8. and Hipp. 1088. SYN. fyiXotypoveit), thrg&ig^uu* ECI^K-OS, et Ion. etvtKds-, ?), 8v, adj. [peregrin us, extents,] foreign. aeviKtiv d. Ion 722. SYN. 'AXXorptos, |e^os, cTrakTos, aXXobairos, TijXebairds. Zerlos, 1 et Ion. falvWs, a, of, adj. [ad hospitem vel peregrinum pertinens, hos- pitalis,] of strangers, hospitable. "Icrrw vvv Zevs irpStra QE&V, %evir) re Tpcnreeft. 158. SYN. Eevoboxos. zerobaiKrrjs, ov, 6, subst. [hospitum interfector,] a murderer of guests. KVKVOV J>e gvobaiKrav. Here. F. 390. Zevobairris, ov, 6, subst. [epulator hospitum,] a devourer of guests. Tov et>d- \ baira. Cycl. 652. SYN. SCVOKTOVOS, Zevotyovos, et evobaiKTr)s. PHR. 'O ^- >s, et Ion. faivoboKos, vid.SfiVios. t, eTl. Iph. T. 1282. 5>o"/cX,7 $ , eos, 6, P. N. [Xenocles.] *6 bl SevoKXens ; b. e&Xoiro vij Aid. Ran. 86. ;, et j-fvdfyovecj, v. [hospites trucido,] to murder guests or foreigners. Trap' fy7v pyblov ftivoKToveiv. Hec. 1229. See ulso Iph. T. 1022. r, et * >o>o>os, ov, 6 et /, adj. [hospites trucidans,] guest-destroying. e\vrjv Trivb^ t fjv Yw ^.VOKTOVOV, Ipb. T. 53. See also Iph. T. 77^ SYN. Eei'dbaiKrrjs. Zei-os, et Ion. e7i-ds, r;, ov> adj. et subst. [(1) peregrinus, externus, (2) hospes,] foreign, strange ; a foreign friend, a foreigner. OvV civ ftiroial ratal aols xp*7- aui^eff dv. Med. 6l6. SYN. Ylpo&rus, tfvios. EPITH. (2) Uarpytis, eVS^os, aXXoxP<^ s > , vid. Sfcricw. Eei-wj', wvos, 6, subst. [cubic-ilium hospitale,] a receptacle for strangers or guests, a guest-chamber or apartment. Eevuivas divas' roHs r' tfyecrTwati' a Eepfys, fiaviXevs. Pers. 5. PHR. BdaiXevs Aapetoyev^s, TroAvavfyjov 'Acrtas Qovplos ctp^wv, TroXy^etp KCU TroXiJ- vaurr^s. Htjuos, a, or, adj. [siccus: ppov, , iayvaivti). rjpos, a, ov, adj. [aridus, siccus, torridus,] parched, dry, withered. Aetvov e Xevffaeis o/jjudrai^ ^pols Kupcils. Orest. 383. SYN. Ai/dXeos, d^dXeos, epos, * Hi^6^dx'pd, as, >/, subst. [ensis et gladius,] a sword which can be used also as a sabre. To Zifyu/jaxaipav dndKeKo^l TOVTUI. Thesm. 1 127- Et0//p?s, cos, et 'tfQrjfyopos, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [sladio armatus,] armed with a sword. 2# 0', os ZfywYjs rfjb' p6vets Kopy. Orest. l6'44. See also Helen. 1072. SYN. Mctxatpdydpos. Ht^)iior, ou, ro, subst. [gladiolus, pugio,] a dagger. M/jre %^KS, aiSjyped^, ^tTraXrof, Xadpct'idv, , rdvrjKes, dpyi/po/jXoj/, d^i), /3ptdp6V, ^dXfctdv, XaipriTO/nov, 6\oov, alvov, ^aXfc'ordpov, \evpov, [jLovo^infior, afji(f)fypvndv t 6oov. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [gladium stringens,] sword-drawirig. Aew' Ht-j . ov, 6, subst. [gladiorum fabricator,] a sword-maker. KdreTrop^*' j rov ^i(j)ovpyov KGIVOVL. Pax 547 /, ov, ro, subst. [opus sculptile, sculptum simulacrum. Vid. Steph. Thes. , t. ii. p. 1130=c. 6486, et Leiinep. Etym. Ling. Or. in v.] carved work, an image, a statue. Kheirrovres CK yfjs ^odi'd, KO.I 6vi]Trd\ovf> ; Iph. T. 1360.J SYN. See"AyaXjud. EPITH. ^ItpoV, ^puatdK, avrdpardv, avKtvov, dprt , Tpr/ceXes, dfovciroi/, Xa//7rpt?^, XiTrdpor. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [flavas alas habens,] yellow-winged, Ttvos yuat ; Trais df axs ^ovQoirr^jos . Here. F. 485. Zovdtis, ?), ov, adj. [flavus,] yellow. EovOdv re TroVtyjud juiZXtoaav. Iph. T. l65. SYN. Ea>0os, q. v. EvyydfjLds. Evv et voces cum eo compositas videsis in 2vy et vocibus cum eo compositis. HYAI . OBOA 613 i/Xiao's, 77, oV, adj. [ligneus,] wooden, of wood. p' tSw rt Sat; ra vXim rou re/^ovs rtj'fs. Aves 1153. SYN. Aopdreos, et Ion. Aovpdreos. vXdV, ov, ro, subst. [lignum,] wood, a log, pillory. Bw/zov 7Tp a/J0fa? >Xd. Here. F. 243. SYN. Aopv. EPITH. 'AXefrr avov, KaynavuVy TrtpiKrjXov, avTOTrpe/uvov. tfXovpyia , as, >'/, subst. [opera ligiiaria,] timber- work. AOJUOI/S rrpuffe(Xovsyffdy f ov vXovpyiav. P. V. 4t)0. uat, v. [ligna caedo,] to cut faggots. T/i>a rets Trdpd rfv lv\6\ia- ' evrl be Mopawr. Theocr. 5. 65. ExP. SvXd re/ui'wv ^umyu;, v\to/iat. , ov, //, subst. [saltus,] a thicket, a grove. TV}, d^, et w//wv, t/ros, 6 et //, adj. [com munis,] common, in common. Tev^fa 5* a/n^drepot vv)'iia raurd tyepteQuti'. X F. 809. See also IT. 262. and Pytl). 3. 84. SYN. Kotvos, 7rtcoivos, KOIVUVOS. Hvpew, f. ?}dw, v. [rado,] to shave. Hi/pet ydp ev ^p^ rovro, ^ujj Xaipeiv rlva. Aj. Fl. 78^. SYN. Hew, ^uo>, K'e/pw. EtipJIKrjs, Ids, 6 et r/, adj. [acutus, qui radi potest, rasus,] sharp, which can be shaved, shaven. Kovpq, jfipriKei, cot ^Xaju7T7rX&> ffroXrj. Alcest. 439- ZvpoboKrj, rjs, ?/, subst. [capsula, in qua reponuutur novaculae,] a razor-case. 'Ej/revfle*' IK r^s vpo6oojs. b. yevvaids el. Thesm. 220. Hvpo', oy, ro, et #pos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) novacula ; (2) novacula3 acies,] a razor, the edge of a razor. 'Avdpwirwv o-wr^pds em vpov ijbrj Zovrtav. Theocr. 22.6. Hvpo(/opew, v. [novaculam porto,] to carry a razor. 'Aydflwj', o-i/ /^e^roi ^vpo^o- pe7s eicarrrore. Thesm. 218. Hvo-m, iSos, ?;, subst. [vestis crocei vel purpurei coloris,] a saffron or purple colored vest. Ka/u^tarejXd/^era rai> ^vfffibd TO.V KXtdp/aras. Theocr. 2. 74. EvoroV, oi), 70, subst. [(l)hastile ; (2) hasta,] the shaft of a spear, a spear. Ny56. SYN. Sew, q. v. o. '6a, Dor. pro 'O>), interject, ho! 'O?/- TIS ly irvXauri Swjudrwv KVpel; Phcen. 1083. "6dp, dpos, >;, subst. [uxor,] a wife. 'Arbpavi fiapvdfjiet'os odpwv eveita ffQere- pantv. I. 3^7- SYN. Fvj'j), dfcotrts, aXo^o^ evvfireipa, 5a/uap, Trdpdcotrts. 9 Qapl$ta, v. [confabulor, colloquor,] to talk with. 2rpe^e<70' t/c ^wp^s, #0? 3 odpiCe yvvaiKi. Z. 51 6. SYN. AidXeyo/uai, d/utXcai, ffvi'd/uiiXta), evrvy-^dru). *6dpio-juos, ov, o, oapurrVs, vos, //, et odpos, oi/> 6, dapteXovs ydp rifqoovs ey/C^avjUvovs ?rvpi. Cvcl. 392. EpITH. BovTropo's, Sovpareos. '6/3dXds, oD, 6, subst. [obolus,] an Athenian coin, the 6'tli part of a drachma. 1 'Ev^ewpos is here scanned as a molossus. 614 OBOA OAHF Ovie ay a.7rbboir)V ovS' dv ofloXov ovSe>r. Nub. 118. SYN. Nfl/xuryud. EPTTH. 'HXtaori/cos. 'ofldXoffTarrjs, ov, 6, subst. [foenerator sordid us,] an usurer. 'Iw, fcXdeV w '/3o- Xoordrai. Nub. 1155. SYN. Advetorr/s, ^prjarrjs. ^O/SptJcdXd, w<>, rd, subst. [leonura, luporum, et similium animalium catuli,] young cubs. QqpuJv o/Spt/caXoto-tv. Agam. 140. SYN. ^.Kvpvoi, aicvXdicIs, ofipia. "Ofipl/joepyds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ingentia et fortia faciuora patrans,] performing terrible acts. TLy&r\Ws t ofiplfjtdepyos, os OVK oQtr' aiavXu pccW. E. 403. ^OfipipdTrarpr), et opfipi/jtoTraTpr), ys, ?/, adj. [forti patre nata,] daughter of a mighty sire. Kdbfr Maev irpooQev TXavKw-n-tbos ofipipoTraTprjs. w. 539. See also Equit. 1175. ^Ofipi/uds, et onflplfjLos, ov, 6 et ?jf, adj. [fortis, robustus, impetuosus,] brave, impetuous, terrible. HITTTOVTUV odev avrts dTrerpdTreY' o/3pfy/6s "Efcrwp. K. 200. SYN. Bpidjooy, lirxypos, filaios, adet'cipds, beivos, ^dXeTros, Kparepos. 'OySodros, poet, pro oyboos, a, ov, adj. [octavus,] tlie eighth. 'JH-ydyfytTff kv vrjvai Kai dySodrw eret -fi\Qov. b. 82. See also H. 246. Oyfca, as, fj, P.N. [Onca,] the Phoenician name of Minerva. "OyKas 'A0avas, vv porj TraptaraTai. Sept. Theb. 483. Oyjcldf, ov, ro, subst. [spiculorum vel sagittarum receptaculum. Vid. Schol. in 1. infra c.] a case for containing missile weapons. Trj 6' dp' dp a^iTroXoi epov oy^iov' ev6a aibijpos. 0. 6l. SYN. ^Librjpodt'iKrj. Oyfcos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) tumor ; (2) moles, gleba terrae ; (3) uncus ; (4) onus; (5) fastus ; (6) amplitude,] a swelling; a mass, a clod; a hook; a load ; pride; bigness. '!$ 6' elbev reiipov re Kai oyKovs euros eovras. A. 151. SYN. 2wpos, &X00S, niyHQos, Qvffrjfjia, arts, ftapos. 'OyKdw, f. wtTw, v. [tumefacio, fastu extollo,] to cause to swell, to render pom- pous. Ovbev yey&cri fiWrdv wyK'oxras peyav. Androm. 320. SYN. ' 'OyKv\Xo/.iai, v. [superbio,] to be puffed up, to be haughty or proud. Ou 4vXX^e7jyo>ai, K#/l/f*, 'o5?ds, ov, 6, P. N. et (2) 6 et ^, adj. [(1) Hodius ; (2) in via stans, faustus ad iter,] (1) Hodius; (2) standing in the way, propitious. 'Apx "Obtov fjLiydv e*/3dXe btypov. E. 39- SYN. (2) EvtrripSs, Sextos, StOS. *6cW/ud, dros, ro, subst. [via, iter,] a way, a passage. I\8\vyou6ov dbtffud. Pers.71. SYN. See '6&fc. , ov, 6, subst. [viator,] a wayfaring man, a traveller. Et Kir vbov a- avyvrirat fis obtTrjv. Theocr. 25. 6. SYN. 'Obouropos. EPITH. 'H$>os, etnreptos, KCK/mrjKws, Kovtyos, Trdbrjt'efjids, wKvirebiXos. > *7s, r/, subst. [odor,] smell, breath. ? fl 0eI6> objjrjs wvev/xd, Kai yap ev Hipp. 1389. ^ SYN. 5 O<7/^}, oSwS//. EPITH. 'H^eld, 7rr*cpd, apfipoola, \iploetTffd t d0eyy/)s, ^epdeo-ffd, ayad)), icaic^, a^TrtXaeaad, deffirioia, ov s, Ba^tds, /uo^ooroXos, oAoa. vew, 1 v. [via aberro,] to lose one's way, to wander. evKrivi]fjiei>oi. Acharti. 69. SYN. See IlXdvdw. 'Obouropeto, \. [iter facio,] to travel. 'T^;X' eico/iirets, icaTr' d Aj. Fl. 1230. SYN. '6$evw, trtipevBHai, fiabigw. as, ^, subst. [profectio, iter, expeditio,] a journey, a march. iept^Oev, obonrdpirjj' a\ecivTd(pvt]s, cos, 6 et ?/, adj. [a dentibus natus,] tooth-sprung. Tevvav dbov-ofyvri, 0>;/3ats KciXXtaTov oveibos. Phcen. 835. 'obos, ov, et (2) Ion. pro ovos, ov, f], subst. [(1) via, (2) pavimentum, humus,] (1) a way, a road, (2) pavement. UoXXas 6' dbovs eXOovrd typovrlbos TrXavois. CE. R. 6'7. SYN. (I)'6ot7ropta, KtXevOos, rplfios, arlfivs, obifffjia., ot/^?/, arpd- TTOS, dyvta, rpoiros, (2) see Ovbos. EPITH. (1) 'ApydXta, boXt^, Xao^opds, Xe/a, TranrdXoeffau, orvyepa, rXr/judveffrdrr;, varanr}, eprjfjids, ddXia, 7ru:/)a, (pavXrj, ivavrla, biTTTv^os^ Odvafftfjos, cvaefitjs, TTVKVI}, fyaevvr), Kpvla, noiXij, OTIVTI, 'nnrri- Xdffia, rrivnia, dXta, oretvwTros, TrXdreld, opQWs, (2) see Ovt)os. f 6Soi/pos, ou, o et >% subst. [comes viae, qui viam custodit,] a companion or guide on the way, one who guards the way. 'Ata y y^wv obovpos Kal lXouaa ye TtroXlv. Ion 1617. 'Obovs, OVTOS, 6, subst. [dens,] a tooth. Atf)(os b* obovruv oeos el- > r)vbpwfjiivd$. Eur. Suppl. 713. SYN. To^Ws. EPITH. FaTrtr^, ^vffdpos, Kpdripos, \evKds, TpiffTOt^os, apydXIos, aiOwv, oXoos, Trticpos, pdXepos, \evKa. Otaiv, wjuo^dyos, irvKv6s y Bdjjievs, Seti'os, avails, veoyiXos. *6ow, f. affw, v. [deduce,] to conduct. "ftSwad QHTJTCVS' nal ^XdywTrd afipard. P. V. 507. SYN. See 'o^yew. J 6i)/dw, f. 7, adj. [calamitosus,] calamitous, painful. lias ofti/^pos /5wJs, /. Hipp. 189. SYN. 'Eirlirovos, Xvirrjpds, brfidvpos, dXiywos, oizvpos. 1 Wolf and Elmsley have rejected 616 OAYN OI 'o&W/^drto, ou, 6 et ry, adj. [qui dolores minuit,] pain-alleviating, \epal tiarpii^as, oi/rr)0drov, ?/' ol aitaaas. A. 846. "Obvp[.ia, artis, TO, et dbvppos, ov, o, subst. [lamentatio,] lamentation. IToXXds >le~iaa fjieraftoXas oSvp/idrwv. Iph. 1101. See also Hec. 153. SYN. Qpfjvos, otjuwy?), oXoyvpfjios, oXoXvyi]. EPITH. MaKpdv, /jcyd. 'Obvpofiai, v. [lamentor,] to lament. 'AXXd yap ri ravra 6pr)v& xal narriv obv- po/naf, Phoen. 1775. SYN. Avpo^cu, 1 arcpd^w, CTfrw, ofyiwcjw, amc?w, baupvb), K\CLU), dXd(t), OTOI d^^w. 'Obvprds, YI, o>, adj. [lamentatione dignusj worth lamenting for. rjye fj.oi St' OCTTEWV obvpTr]. Acharn. 1226. vs, et 'obvaevs, lon.ijds, Attic. w, A, P-N. [Ulysses.] EI/i' ' os Traai bo\oi(Ti. t. 1^. EPITH. ndXvafj'dy, bovp'iKXvTds, bidyevijs, , btOTptfyijs, 6e1os, TroAvyu^rts, TroXirpoTros, rXTy/iwj/, dycU'Xvros, dva^, bafypwv, , K\VTOS, 5^)UO)(d.ptOT7?S, TToXv^WV, TTToXlTTOpdoS, ClVTldtOS, bvfffJOpOS, K'oTrts, Kv6dXt/^os, oXfiws, -noXv^^avos, (paibi/jds, boXofypoiewv, bvOTtfvVs, , etrOXos, Opaavs, 'lOdk'^atos, TrepiicXvros, TroXvrXas, ?/5uXdyos, /icyaX- ryrwp, TrTdXt-rrc'ipBlds, /JtydOv/uos, TaXaafypuv , ait>Xo/jir]Tis, Qv^oXl^v^ fypovlfjios, ^tXoTrroXt/uos, 'iflavos, ^oXo^u^rts, apydXcos, TrotK-iXo^pwi/, Trfpfypabys. PHR. AoXwv aros ^5e TTOJ-OIO, fc, yiys dra^, Aa \ITI\T\V drdXarros, et^ws Travroiovs re 5oXov^, /cat fj.rjbta , /ueyd *:i}^ds 'A^ataiv, Aa CtXos, ro Siav^etoi/ ffTrepjja. ;ids, j), or, adj. [Ulyssensis,] of Ulysses. OI/K d0eJ o5' dr>)p '65vo-^tov es 5o/t^>/ tm. 'au, opy/^o^uat, )(dXoo /urtt, dydvaKTeuj. 'oSwrds, >}, ois adj. [viani habens,] having a way, passable. 'E/uot /uet^ o^ oSwrd* X7ro/aeu ydp ev. CE. C. 495. Oc?os, ov, o, subst. [ramus,] a branch, a twig, a descendant. Tw 0}?), ^toi/wStys. , ov, TO, subst. [panuiculus linteus,] a linen rag. '606>m, K^pwrr/f irapa- a2eTe. Acharn. 1175. SYN. 'Pd^os. , orp?x^s, adj [habens similes pilos,] having a like mane or hair. "Orpi- yds, oteTtas, (TTatyvXij Eirl V~>TUV tiff at, K. 7^5. vs, loi\. ijds, 6, P. N. [Oiluyoneus,] a noble Trojan. 'Oflpvdfev, wtpt porwv aij/efo/j' d?ravTWJ'. N. 374. , vds, >/, P. N. [Othrys,] a mountain in Thessaly. "E/3a reXurovo-' '60pv-or. Alcest. 596. EPITH. 'ifyifXi), rityoeooa, rfyofioXos. Ot, [interjectio dolentium et lamentantium.] Occurrit passim apud Tragicos. Vid. Lenuep. Etvm. Ling. Gr. in voce Ot. 1 See Dr. Blomfield's Gloss. P. V. 191. and R. P. Hec. 728. OIAF OIZY 617 O'iaypfc, ov, 6, P. N. [GEagrus.] Kav O'iaypds ifft\&y (jxtvyuv, OVK andtievyei nplv av fifjuv. Vesp. 579. OlaKdvtiuos, et oiaKoarpocpSs, ov, o, subst. [qui clavum dirigit, gubernator,] one who directs the helm, a pilot. Neot yap oiaKovdpot. P. V. 153. (Choriamb. dim.) See also Med. 523. SYN. Kvfiepvjrrjs, oiaKd vuutiv, KvpWs. EPITH! Ke0*OS, TTtffTOS, UvflflCjV, TTOVTOirdpOS, ffpv>, ftXe^apd ufj KOIUUV VTTVW. Sept. Theb. 3. See also ft. 269. and i. 483. SYN. UtfaXWv. Olarts, tics, >/, P. N. [CEatis,] of (Ea, one of the demi of Attica. 1 OmrtSos IK rfyov. CE. C. I06l. z * Oipdpris, ov, 6, P. N. [CEbares.] Tiapdov re, peyay r Olfiaprjv. Pers. 977. (Versus parremiacus.) 0'iyvvfj.t, et o'iyw, f. o'ifa, v. [aperio,] to open. Dacca 8' wiyvvvrd vri/Xat, e/c 5' Xaos. 0. 58. SYN. 'Avolyu, e^ai'o/yw, avoiyvvfjil, avaTrera^w, inruvoiyw, ), 3 et Ion. oiScuveo-Kw, v. [tumefacio,] to cause to swell. 'AXXd poi oi&a- Kpabiy yo^V OTnror JtKeivw. I. 642. See also Apoll. 3. 383. SYN. Qvaaia, oyKou, ETraipw. , f. 7/acu, v. [tumeo,] to swell, lo be enraged. "fl t $ee ^ ^poii iravra, 6a- fo/fae TroXX^. e. 455. SYN. 'Eot&w, efyyiaoduai, oy/cuXXo/iat, opy/- , ov, et Oiciirovs, irocos, acc. irovv et irobd, 6, P. N. [CEdipus,] the sonofLaius and Jocasta. *A bouov Olbtiroba TrpdTrdv #Xe)v, uvos, adj. [una tan turn veste indutus,] having only one garment. N^Xfrros, oledvos* Kal cr) XeXt/yrtJ veeaOai. Apoll. 3. 646. See also . 480. SYN. MdvoneirXos. OIETTIS, EOS, 6, fj, adj. [asqualis, ejusdem aetatis,] of the same age. See in B. 765. SYN. 'O/AijXil-,, jjXtK'twTrjs. 'G'igvpds,* a, ov, adj. [aerumnosus, miser,] calamitous, wretched. Ov uev yap rt TTOV kcrriv d'ivpu>Tpov arbpos. v. 140. SYN.^AQXtos, rdXa/Trwpos, Xvnypos, iuo\6r)pos, ETrtTTovos, aXyit'oeis, KaKobaiuwv, 7rdvotvs. '6'i$vs, 5 vds, ^, subst. [aerumna, miseria,] trouble, misery, wretchedness. 'Etyv- yUetv uZyd trelpds d'ivos, rj iKavet. e. 289- SYN. "A.OXtdrT]s, TTOVOS, Kapd- TOS, rdXatTrwpia, XVTT^, po^jdos, atKia. EPITH. "ArepTtds, air)}, apydXla, aru- vdeatrd, caKpttoeffad, aKopearos, inKpa, uXylvoeaaa, avaayjiTos. '6'iva), 6 f. vffd), v. [aerumnas perpetior,] to endure distress. KaXXctyetr, fa :' o'ivo}iev KO.KCI TroXXd ; H. 89. SYN. TdXaiTrwpew, Trao^, pdyew, orXtu. 1 See however, on the meaning of this word, Hesych. and Eustath. p. 1165. 2 Logaaedic. dim. See Hermann de Metris, p. 231. 3 OlSaivu is not here inserted, because oiSdvw is the only form used by the ancient Greek poets. See Pors. Phoen. 1398. 4 The penult, of oifrpos is made short by Arist. Nub. 655. 6 The Attic poets always used otfis as a dissyllable. They also said oi'fupos, not oifrpos. Dr. Butler retains airfooi>''oiftos, Euro. 796. which seems strange. See Person, Hec. 930. and pref. Hec. p. CLVII. ed. Priestley. 6 The penult, of oivoe is always short in Homer ; but we find it long in the pres. Apoll. 4. 1324. in the fut. and aor. t is always long, Pros. Lex. * l 618 OIHI OIKO OlfiWv, et ofy, vid. Ota. Oils, vid."6is. , et okoVS^, 1 adv. [domum,] to one's home, homeward. Avvat ab' CK Tpoias vdba. Hec. 10()6. See also A. 606. QiKelos, a, 6v, et ov, 6 et //, adj. [(1) domesticus, (2) familiaris,] domestic, be- longing to the family, intimate. QiKelos avrov foXta* ap/irw/' o^os. Hipp. Il6l. SYN. Krjbffjicjv, ETrlrribetos, (Tvyyew}s, olKoyevrjS. QiKereva), v. [domesticu* sum, famulor, habito,] to be a domestic, to dwell in. T Tov avaXlov oltiov oiKerevots. Alcest. 44-9. SYN. Okeiu, avvotKew, vTrr/pe- rew. Oker^s, ov, o, otKtrts, tbos, ?% et otfcevs, Ion. gen. fjds, 6, subst. [famulus,] a domestic, an attendant, a servant. "AKparrov ovbtv ou6' es ohtras Xa(3wv. Eur. Suppl. 880. See also Eur. Electr. 104. and p. 533. SYN. OkeTos, bovXos, VTrrjperrjS, Sjuws, flepdrrwi', ap(f>L7rd\ds. ElMTH.^Orpfjpos, Trioros. Okew, f. r/, vid. O OiKrjTds, ov, adj. verb, [habitandus,] must be inhabited. at yap e^o(3oi. (E. C. 39. OtVta, z as, 77, et okiov, ov, ro, et olnds, ov, o, subst. [(l) domus, domicilium ; (2) familia,] a house, a home ; family. 4 OVK el^e^, es TYJV ohiav, ovb&v \afieiv. Plut. 205. See also M. 168. and O. 498. SYN. OtKij/m, oitcrjais, bo/uos, b&fjia, Karoitia. EPITH. Evpweo-crd, abe yueV. Soph. Electr. 190. SYN. AiotKew, bieTTio, evrpeTTiZM, yvficpvaw, biaT&ffffta. QiKovtyos, ov, o et //, adj. [dispensator rei familiaris,] a manager of a family. OiKovtifjios buXict, urafjLuv pijvts TtKt'onrotos. Again. 150. SYN. OiKovpos, em- TpOTTOS. Quo-rows, ov, o et >/, adj. [(1) domum faciens, i. e. aedificans, (2) domi factus,] (1) building a house; (2) home-made. Ou/c evbov olnorroids cart ns r Philoct. 32. SYN. OkeTos. O~IKOS, vid.Oa-ta. - OiKorpid/, ifids, adj. [domi nutritus, verna,] a slave born in the family. ovrds avrovt wVorpt^ EvpnrloTjs. Thesm. 426. PHE AovXos, OVK wvrjrds, dXX* , v. [domum servo vel custodio, dorni maneo,] to guard the house, to remain at home. ^KOV QvXavaei npfyids olKovptiv ofis. Philoct. 1328. QiKovprj/ua, ards, TO, et oiKovpia, as, r/, subst. [domus custodia,] care at home, fidelity. Et To-vbov oiKovpiiftaff ol \e\ei ppevot. Orest. 9^9' See also Here. F. 1365. SYN. /, et olittyv\a, dtcos, subst. [qui vel qua3 domum servat vel custodit,] housekeeper, protector of a family. Kre^el vlv ?/ TOVO' a\o%os, olxovpos TrtKpu. Hec. 1284. See also JEsch. Suppl. 27. SYN. OiKovptiv. OiKrelpd), et olKTlw t f, lew et to), v. [misereor,] to compassionate, to mourn for. OlKTCtpe tf avTOvs" Ka\ ov rot iraibw 7rdn/p. Med. 345. SYN. see KlLTOlKTelplt), ETTOlKTetpti), \a/|OW, f\W, OIKTOV X W * OlKTtpfJLUS, vid. OlKTiafJiO.. , ovos, 6, ?;, adj. [misericors,] pitying, merciful. "A/j/ue ' oiKTipporos avbposi. Theocr. 15.75. SYN. 'EXeewos, KrirrfJia, dros, TO, oiKTipfios, et oleros, ov, 6, subst. [miseratio,] pity. *Hv 5' els \dyovsTE Kat TO. TMvb' olKrifffjcLTa. Heracl. 159- See also Pyth. 1. 164. and Hec. 517. SYN/'EXeos, oXdXvy/uos. SYN. Mcyd, bo\iov t Kybetov. O'lKTtffTOS, V'id. OiKTpOS. OtKTOS, Vid. QtKTia/JOS. OiKTpos, a, ov, superl. oiKTtaTtis, 1 adj. [miserandus,] deserving of pity. Oltcrpov yap ol TrapovTts tf uZffu> \oyoi. Helen. 9^3. SYN. 'EXeetro*, oixr/p/fcw, ws, adv. [miserabiliter,] in a manner to excite pity. HpoffiriTrTe 5' oi rovfr 'Obvaoews yov\>. Hec. 339. SYN. Oi^rpd, IXeu-ws. OiKTpoxpeb). v. [miserabilia verba fundo,] to pour forth a piteous note. ' ovffiv ff viroMirrovres, TIJV (jxovfjv olKTpo%oovvTts. Vesp. 553. OlK(jj subst. [(1) via; (2) modus,] a way; a tune. AvrodtSaKros # ei/u' /zo* kv typZaiv oipas. %. 347. SYN. 'Qbrj, ^wn), oos, ol/uos, arl-^os. , ov, 6 et r/, subst. [seraita, tractus,] a path, a tract. 'Opdrjv Trap' ofyoV, Vt Aapicrffav 0epei. Alcest. 851. SYN. *6c5ds, arlyos, oi^r]. EPITH. "AyXdos, Xryi)s, dXivfypos, fiaKpos, /3pdxi>s, ITTLK^OS , op0tos, ffKoXWs. t/uwy^, r7s, f/, et ot/uwy/m, drds, ro, subst. [ejulatus,] a groan, a lamentation. 'H/couffdr' di'Spos QpyKos ot/zwy)j/, 0t\at ; Hec. lOlp. See also Bacch. 1101. SYN. K&KVTOS, ffTot>a.x?i t K&KVud, K\avQjjios f amyjud, Opfivds, oXo^v^oyuos, areva- y/jd. EPITH. ^oyta, bvvrrjvds, aflXta. f. w, v. [gemo, lamentor, ploro,] to groan, to bewail. 'Arpeibr}s els ovpavov evpvv. F. 364. Atd5w, dXdXa^w, eXeX/c^a;, ?), dv, adj. verbal, [deplorandus, lacrymabilis,] deplorable. av yevotrti fiot. Acharn. 1 195. SYN. 'Aftodprjvos. jy TJS, ?/, subst. [flos vitis,] a vine-blossom, ol-vdi>Qas leiaa fiorpvv. Phoen. 238. EPITH. UoXvKapTTds, poboeffffa, Olvupeov, ov, ro, subst. [pampinus,] a vine-leaf. "Er r^ ylor/uarotal yeyaBfaes oivapeoiolv. Theocr. 7. 134. OtVdp/5a>, v. [pampinos decerpo,] to pluck vine-leaves. Ou ydp olov tort trav- T(I)S olvapieiv riiptpov. Pax 1 1 56. * Oivelbris, ov, 6, patronym. [CEnei nepos,] the grandson of CEneus. "oXoird ^v Olveibas. Rhes. 909. Olvevsy EMS, et Ion. ijos, 6, P. N. [CEneus.] Tls & early ovros ; b. Tlais fttv O<- vt/, subst. [vitis,] a vine. O'iva 0' a Ka.Qap.epWv. Phoen. 236. SYN. See "A/uTreXos. s, a,t>v, adj. [vino abundans, vinarius,] of wine, rich in wine. Olvrjpa aftiKpa, //eydXd 6' ea^peiv. Ion 1 179. -is, tds, jf, subst. [vasculum quo vinum hauritur,] a wine measure. rets ffirovbas' tyepe rrjv olvfjpvalv. Acharn. 1067. SYN. KorvXi/. v. [vinum redoleo, vinum peto,] to smell of wine, to procure wine. lpus' olvov be filXi^pova olviovTO. 0. 546. et poet, olvdfiapeiw, v. [vino gravis sum,] to be intoxicated. Ow'o- /3dpo) KtyaXiiv. Theogn. 503. See also K. 555. SYN. js, t8s, 6, ij t adj. [vino gravis,] heavy with wine, drunken. KVVOS opfjidr' ex tl)t '> K po-bir]V b' eXafoiti. A. 225. SYN. "E&ivos, irapon'bs, oivo- s, oti'OTrorryp, otroTrort;?, oivy ftejBaprjfJievus. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [vinum recipiens,] containing wine. OlvdboKov o. Isthm. 6. 58. ov, 6, subst. [vini dator,] giver of wine. Ildpdrfc Bpo/itov Here. F. 682. SYN. See EPITH. kiowaos and , ov, 6, P. N. [CEnomaus,] the father of Hippodamia. 'Aambr)t> T 'Aba/uavra, 0owm re Qlro^aov re. M. 140. Otvo7re6os, w, adj. [vineis consitus,] planted with vines. HcvTrjKovTdyvov, TO tilv fipttrv, olvdireboiu. I. 675. SYN. See'AXtua. Oho7rlbr)s, ov,j>, patronym. [CEnope satus,] the son of CEnops. OlrdTribrjv 0' "EXtvov, Kat 'Opeafilov aloXupirprjy. E. 707. Oti/oTrXdi'qros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [vino turbulentus, temulentus,] wandering, let- tering or reeling in consequence of wine. VaXpolffl Kat KvXiicwv oadTrXdvr/- rots. Rhes. 359. SYN. See OtVtJ/3dp>/s. Ocia>. Y. 84. SYN. Evw X d/*a(. OtVo7rorj7p, ?7pds, otroTrorrjs, ov, 6, et olvd-rrGrts, ibtis, r% subst. [vini potor,] a wine-drinker. "E* p aaa^ivQov pas avbpas fterd otvoTrori/pas. 0. 456. See also Anacr. 136. and Thesm. 400. SYN. Oivypos, olvuir\r]d)}s, olvdfiapy'is. OTvos, ov, 6, subst. [vinum,] wine. 7 ft5e afi eyKfyaXos ^d^dSts fan, w$ oSc olros. F. 300. EPI^H. 'Hbvs, ijbviroTos, /zeXds, TrdXatos, aKrjpaffids, ytpovfflos, epiffratyvXos, epvdpds, ev//vwp, ev^pwv, 0e7ov TTOTOV, /ieXtrjo^s, /ut-X/fypwv, adefftyaTds, cvubrjs, cu'0o^, aicpr)'ds, YlpapveHos, yXvKvs, apKefftyvios, a\etKaKos, yXijKtpds, ev^wpos, v)fii>iJioSy ILvios, Qafflos, Bt/3Xtros, ^Xtdatos. PHR. Ot^oi/ repots dAv- TTOS, oiVov ^Xwpat aTa.yove.Sy /3idr)s ajUTreXov TraTs, cui'oto HEVOS KOI aXc?/, dj'^i KK^T)MTI fjteya yuej/o ol/os de^et, otjureXou pua/. See also Bacch. 2?4 279. Otvovrrd, 775, /, subst. [maza vino subacta, placenta e vino et maza confecta,] a cake made of wine and rice. II(W dyd0' W0> evdvs, olvovTTav, Plut. 1121. Oivd\oeva), et oivoyvtw, v. [vinum infundo,] to pour wine. Tov ical a Otol Au olvdxpevew. T. 234. See also Y. 255. SYN. 'EKlotvoxdevw. Olvdxdrj, 775, ?/, subst. [vas e quo vinum in pocula infunditur,] a wine-pitcher. M^eTror' olvoxorjv TiQefJiei> KprjTrjpos *7rep0>. Hes. Op. 742. SYN. Olvrjpdr, ayyeiov, eKTrwfJia. Olvoyoos, ov, 6, subst. [qui vinum infundit, pincerna,] a cup-bearer. IIoXXoc KCV femSes bevoiaro oivoyooi!}. B. 128. QivoyvTos, uv, adj. [cui vinum infusum est,] filled with wine. *Os /zr/S* on'o^iJ- TOV TTOfJLCLTOS. PlliloCt. 714. Ot^o^/, OTTOS, otVwTros, ov, et * oivu^, wTTos, adj. [vini colorem et adspectum habens, nigricans,] having the color of wine, purple-hued, dark. DXc/wv olvoTra TTOVTOV (.IT aXXoOpoovs avdpwTrovs. N. 703. See also Iph. T. 1246. and (E. R. 211. SYN. HopQvpueis, peXas. Qii'du), v. [vino impleo,] to fill with wine. M /JTTWS ot^w^^^res, eptv o-n/ aiws voXirjv rpfyov a^iTreaovaa. Apoll. 1.270. See also Apoll. 2. 711. SYN. Nous. CE. R. 846. SYN. See Movos. 'O/d^ot, oio/zat, ol//at, otw, et otw, v. [puto, arbitror,] to think, to believe. *H ydp o/o//at avSpd ^6\taaHfJi/, adj. [(l)qui solus in aliquo est loco, desertus, (2)oves pascens,] solitary, feeding sheep. Nuv be woi) kv irzTpqolv, Iv ovpeylv oioiru- Xoto-tv. ft. 6 14. SYN/EP^OS, /uo^/pi^s, ptivtis. ios, 1 77, ov, adj. [solus,] alone, single, the only one. Ttwvv tp6v rti yap old> tUV erf XOITTOI/ eeXbwp. Apoll. 1. 282. SYN. See MoVd*. 1 0? 5 is rarely if ever used by the tragedians, except Aj. Fl. 750. See Elmsl. Heracl. 743. 022 OIOI OITH Olds, a, 6>, adj. [(1) qualis, (2) olos re, qui poiest,] (l) of what kind, what, (2) able. T H rX?//u6>, cms olds otv tipapraveis. Alcest. 145. See also (2) Hec. 16\ SYN. (1) Ho7os, oTrolds, (2) Si/Metros, trolls. Olo. 'OtVroSey^wv, o'os, et o/<7roo\ds, 77, ov, adj. [sagittas recipiens,] receiving or containing arrows. ToVSe r' oiar obey nova. Pers. 1020. See also Apoll. 1. 1194. Oioros, et oiffros, ov, 6, subst. [sagitta,] an arrow, a shaft. A&rfra 5' CK 5w- arfjpos aprjporos t\Kev OLOTOV. A. 213. SYN. BeXos, tos, arpaKTos. EPITH. , atvos, Boos, tvrrrepos, Trrtpoetsr, m$ptwvitf v i 7rt)cpos, oroVoets, OlfrrpcLM, Ion. olffTpew, f. >//, P. N. [CEta.] KaKeWev ov fioi fiaicpSs els Q'tTrjv s dixerunt, non oi'fvs, otfupby, non oivp6s; quod monuit Piersonus ad Moerin. Eodem modo dixerunt ois, olffrls, OiK\ris, Ol\evs." Doctiss. Person. Praef. Hec. p. clvii. Edit. Priestley. OITO OKNH 623 Olros, ov, 6, subst. [calamitas, aerumna, infVIix fatum, mors,] calamity, death. Olrdv expvffa KCIKMV' o be Xaderat. Soph. Electr. 168. SYN. Mopds, ovpQSpii, oli>s, polpa, GaraTus, dXedpus. EPITH. 'Aeio}s, fiapvs, tokos, bvaTruTjJios, aQXlos, k&KttbaifjHiH', TroXv^o^os, bvtrfyopos, ororoets. OtrffXte, ov, r/, P. N. [QEtulus,] a town in Laconia. O? re O'i-vXdv aju0eVe^ovro. B. 585. OlxnXla, as, //, P. N. [QEchalia,] (l)a district of Laconia, and a town in it of the same name, (2) a town in Eubcea. O'/ r t^ov Ol\a\itjv irtiXlv Ei/pvroi) Ot'xdXnyos. B. 730. Oi\fiXievs, Zios, Ion. ijds, adj. [CEchaliensis,] of CEchalia. See in Ot^dXta. O/.x>w, Ion. ot^veff/cw, et o'/^d/icu, f. myftv&paiy perf. y^Ka, v. [avolo, abeo, proficiscor,] to fly off, (cf. II. E. 790.) to depart, to go, to be undone. AvrvETes ol^vevaiVf enei /ueyd re, beivov re. y. 322. See also E. 790. and fl. 201. SYN. fldpevofnui, dTrep^o/zat, ci7rei/u, aTro^wpsw, ctTro/^fymi. Otw, et otw; vid. O't'fyjac. Qiwi'HTfjia., ciros, TO, subst. [augurium, auspicium, omen,] an augury. Qvs eXd- ftov olit)via^ar opviQwv.^aQ^v. Plioen. 853. SYN. OZwvos, ervfjfioXdv, fcXpSwr. Qiit)vtar)}s, otwro0r?;s, ov, olwojuavTts, % adj. [avibus exitialis,] bird -destroy ing. Xetyuwra 6* ei Xeyot res oluvoKTovov. Agam. 546. Oi, 6, subst. [(l)avis rapax, (2) omen,] a bird of prey, an omen. Qi(t)vo~iat re Trdo-t, Atos r' ereXe/ero fiovXri. A. 5. SYN. "Opi'ts, opvtov, ol&vifffjia, ar)jj.eiov. EPITH. Ta^vs, ^lax^tXoyos, rdwTrrepu vos, ya/ut^uvvj;, atoXos, fjepios, aepo^oirrjs, rdvi/vrrepos, d)jj.rjffr)is, ;w, v. [auguror, auspicor,] to divine by the inspection of birds, to i be a soothsayer. HiKpos jcdOeo-r^'> < s & v olwvoaKdvfj* Phoen. 970. k'eXXw, 1 v. [appello, naveoi applico, in lit! us ejicere,] to drive a ship on shore. Kav rube', betvos yap KXvbwv wKetXe vavr. Iph. T. 1380. SYN, KeXXw, ""OkXablas, ov, 6, subst. [sella quae plicari potest,] a folding or camp stool. "^e wv 7rt TOVTOIS TOVTOvl TOV uxXabiav. Equit. 1384. EXP. Afypos i^, et o/*:Xa^, adv. [genu flexo,] with bended knee. Xpoij; 0oXXe>' epfy- ' o 6' eyyvfleV dicXd^i' ^". Apoll. 3. 322. See also A poll. 3. 1307. SYN. y, yovvvreret eSp^t. , f. d?pcu e TrdXi^ Kevtas eirt TrvO^ti'l xrjXu. Theocr. 16, 10. SYN. AeiXds, apyds, p^0ufos, droX/i(is, S 1 The Attic writers used fjL6pjvvfJu and o/j-SpyvvfjCi, of which /ceA\o>, Svpopat, &c. are the more ancient forms, 'ciceXAw and /cf\Aw, Sfyo/xai and 55i5/3o/xa, &c. See R. P. Hec. 728. and Damin. ' 624 OKNO OAEK , ov, 6, subst. [pigritia, ignavia,] indolence, diffidence. Ovrl rt fie bet aKfjpltiv, ovre rls oKvy. N. 224. SYN. 'Apyia, avafloXr), , adj. [acutas et duras extremitates habens, aspei confragosus,] rugged, pointed. Ty p' evi oi juc/udwrd (3a\ev Xt0J oKpWevrl 0.327- SYN. Tpa-^vs, eKXypos, ^dAeTrds, Kpvepos, fypiKwbqs, TrerpwSjys. "OKpts, ibds et tos, ?/, adj. et (2) subaudit. Trerpa, subst. [(1) asper, scruposus (2) summum cacumen,] (1) rougb, (2) a cliff, a precipice. "ETreta avKTds v yap OKplbd. P. V. 1052. , dv, adj. [qui octo buccellarum est,] containing eight mouthfuls "A/)rov benrvtiffas Terparpvtyov OKrafiXwfjtdv. Hes. Op. 440. 'OKTaKi'iinds, ov, o et 77, adj. [octo radiis instructus,] having eight spokes XaX:ced, oKTaKvrjjjia, cribripew aovl a/jfis. E. 723. ', a, ov, adj. [octuplus,] eight-fold. 'YircJ TOV yitpovTos o Equit. 70. s, adj. [octo pedes habens,] having eight feet. ' ees' ot be Ka\evt>Tai. Batrach. 289- w, adj. [octo,] eight. 'Ocro>- drop pfiTrjp Hvarri fa, % TEKE refcrd. B. 313. oxrat^ffc-dros, 17, ov, adj. [decimus octavus,] the eighteenth. 'OfcrwfcatSerarr j5' 0dj'7 opta ffkldevra. r]. 2^8. '6\aJ, &v, at, subst. [hordeum cum sale conspersum,] salted barley. 'E*: rwi rS>v K FlvXcDv jj.efjiayfj.vr]v. Equit. 1 164. ExP. At /i0' dXwv /ut/uiy- Kpidai. /(5a;, f. 5f oXfiiov fipoTtiv. Androm. 100. SYN. 'OX/3ioSa//^a>^, euSafyzwy, paKapt fjs, TrXovatos, atyveios, fj.aKa.pios, evTrorpos. s, adv. [feliciter,] happily. 'AXX' CTTCI oX/3iw$ y' IXv^e. CE. C. 1720, SYN. YlXovaiws, f^aKapTCLTa, ev&ai/zoyeordrd. 'OX(3oborr)s, et dX/5o0dpos, ou, 6 et ^, et oXfioboretpa, as, rj, adj. [dans divitias,] wealth-giving. Eporols 6\(3oborav, Trdrtpd re. Bacch. 564. ' See also Iph. A, 596. and Bacch. 413. SYN. See "OXfilds. "OXfids, ov, 6, subst. [felicitas, opes, divitiae,] happiness, fortune. TOP iravra & oXfiov rj/utap 'iv [i d^e/Xero. Hec. 285. SYN. Evbaiporta, V\OVTOS, Treploveia. EPITH. Mtyds, iroXvs, abiKos, ffa/, adj. [perniciosus,] destructive, fatal. OIlXovs, evyetv T oXe^i'Spas opKovs. Theogn. 398. $YN. BportXoiyos, j'WjO, ptfrji'iop, dXeOpios. 'OXeaWrjp, rjpds, et uXeffi6rjpos t w, adj. [feras interficiens,] destroying wild Jbeasts. Kpard dXfoWrjpos. Phoen. 674. OXsrrip, rjpos, 6, et dXereipd, as, ij, subst. [perditor, inferemtor,] a de- stroyer. Nui/ & elyu' oQpd (j)tXijs Kea\>~i$ dXerJ/jod Kfya'w. 2. 114. See also ^ Batraeh. 116. SYN. Qoreis, Xvpewr, avOevrrjs. 'oXeearKov, Ion. imp. Vid.*OXXi/yui. 'OXtyd/as, adv. [raro,] seldom. 'OXiydas darv Kayupds -^pnivwv KVK\OV. Orest. . SYN. 'OXtyo*', airavlus. v. [parum valco, infirmus sum,] to be weak. Yrjv vXiyrjTreXew 6' oi;6' &s Qvpov aviei. O. 24. SYN. 'AaSerew, dXiyo^pd^ew, k'dic^TreXetu. as, >/, subst. [virium defectus, imbecillitas,] weakness. 'E^ dXt- yr)7reXiT)s bafjLaari KKa(j)rjdra dvpov. e. 468. SYN. 'OXiyofyKm ' vid. 'OXiyos. w, v. [langueo, spiritum vix traho,] to be faint. Tov # KdpvdaioXos "Efcrwp. O. 246. SYN. 'OXty^TreXew, 'oXlynbpav>}s, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [infirmus, imbecillus,] weak, faint. 'oXtyo- bpavees, 7rXa e\oi', KOI 'OX/cJwva rprj^eldv. B. JT17- SYN. (2) See 'OXiyos. '6Xr0a/Vw, 2 aor. oXtodov, v. [labor, labefio,] to slip, to decay, "fls xev oXur- Qaivovad. bF avrduv Qdpeotrd. Apoll. 1. 377. SYN. 'Y7ro7r/7rrw, os 6Xcds , dTro^retVw, e^oXXv/^i. "OXjuos, ov, 6, subst. [mortarium. yid. Steph. Thes. in v.] a mortar. "OX/xor S' ws, ecroeve, KtiXivbeffOat bl' opiXov. A. 147. SYN. 0vem. 1 Dochmiac. dira. hypercat. See Heyne's note. Pros. Lex. 4 K 620 OAOE OAYM 'oXoeis, vid. 'oXttfs. 'oXoirpoxto, et oXooirpoxos, ov, o et //, adj. [omni ex parte rotund us,] round on all sides. "EordacV, r/i/re irerpoi tfXo/rpoxoi, ovs re KuXtVSwy. Theocr. 22. 49. See also N. 137- SYN. Tpoxoeis, Tpoxoetbi'is. 'OXoXvy//, )s, ?/, oXoXvy/m, dros, ro, et oXoXvy/uos, ov,_6, subst. [exultatio, ulu- latus,] a shouting, lamentation. Elr avripoXTrov fosv vXoXvyrjs fjieyav. Med. 1173. See also Heracl. 782. and Orest. 1136. SYN. '6Xctyvp/*os, KwKi//*d, KWKVTOS, KXavOfios, /3or), dXdXdyj), aXuXrjTos. 'OXoXvywj/, oi'6's, r;, subst. [acredula, ulula,] an owl, a swallow. Terrtyes XeXd- yei/n-ts tx ov novov' a b' oXoXvyuv. Theoer. 7. 139- 'oXdXvcw, f. w, v. [(1) ululo, (2) exulto,] to shout, to lament, to exult. 'H ffY) If. pnrrjp wXoXv&v ev pecats. Baccli. 678. SYN. 'AvoXoXvZw, , vid. 'OXotrpo^os, et Damm. in v. , ?}, of, dXoets, eatrd, ei', et oXwtos, adj. [perniciosus,] destructive, malig- nant. 'E/u^J k-d/jct KTVTTYifjLa. \epos o\dov ; Androm. 1200. See also Trach. 530. and Hes.Theog. 591. SYN. OJXos, ovXios, e^X7/s, oXeVpws, Xo>/3//ets, x^- iros, oXoo^pwi', ^77X5^5, oAga/f/rwp, oXo^wtos. '6Xoo/, adj. [periculosus, letiferus,] destructive, deadly. Ilavrd Se trot /)W oXo^wid 6//vd K/pfCjys. 77. 289. SYN. See 'OXoos. "OX7T/7, TJS, et oXTrts, ios, ?/, subst. [lecythus,] a phial, an oil-cruse. Ken ?rdp' erWei TUV Awpt^d iroXXaKis oX-rrav. Theocr. 2. 156. See also Call. fr. 185. SYN. Aj]Kv6ds. '6Xi//i7rta, as, //, P. N. [Olympia,] a town in Elis, also called Pisa, where the Olympic games were celebrated. 'OXv^Trtp /ii> yap ai/ros. Olymp. 2. 87. PHR. Marjjp yj)vcroGTii(l>av(av aedXtov, bevTrotva aXrjdeias. '6Xy/i7r?ds, dos, ;, adj. [Olympias,] of Olympus. Et /ur) '6/\vyu7rtd5es Atos otytoxoto. B. 491. '6Xv/i7mos, r), dr-, adj. [Olympicus,] Olympic. Ei ydp enXovTet, irws av T&V 'QXvpirlKov CIVTOS dywi'd. Plut. 583. 'oXvuTrlos, ov, 6, adj. [Olympius,] of Olympus, of heaven. (2) '6Xu/i7rtos is also frequently used as a substantive, Otds being understood. Aat/^o^, ZeOs au- ^ jcJs 'OXvjjLTrlos opKios eaTw. Apoll. 4. 95. SYN. Oi/pdvios, (2) 0fds, Tirai/. "oXu^Trds, et Ion. QiiXvpiros, ov, o, P. N. [Olympus,] a mountain in Thessaly, the fabled residence of the gods ; the sky; also the name of a famous flute- player. Kcu TOTE ty irpos "oXvpTrdv law* Qlol ate*' ZovTEs, A. 4p4. See also A. 497. EPITH. 'Ayai/i/t(^os, aiTrvs, pa/epos, /teyas, aKpds, a?yX;/e, rfyfcts, uptis, vroXi/Sctpas, ayvdy, OAYP OMHF 627 "dXi/pd, as, r/, subst. [arinca,] rye. See Damm. "ITTTTOI e Kpl voi KO.I dXvpas. 0. 560. SYN. Zed. 'OXuios, vid. 'OXoos. "OXws, 1 adv. [prorsus, oinnino, sane,] on the whole, entirely. Ol\&\7TGs, dopvfius, rdpd)(j), o)(Xos, k'eXd^os, [JioOds, KvbotfJids, oro/3os. EPJTH. 'AXtaoros, OeffTTefftos, otfos, fjityas. "6/zat^ds, dfjiuipWs, d/jo5eX^ds, ov, et opalfiiav, drds, 6 et >/, subst. [frater vel so- ror; affinis,] a brother or sister; a relation. Mvptw*' Kpeivowv of.ini.piov arbpi KeKTfjffdai ), or, adj. [planus ; aequabilis,] plane, middling, even, smooth. Oi/re xpards tews, o/JidXos be TIS 6 ffrpdriwras. Theocr. 14. 56. SYN. AeTos, fads. '6^uaprac?w, v. [confrico,] to rub. Avyas wjuaprrt^', boXo^poavvriv dXeye/rwr. Horn. Hymn. Merc. 361. SYN. Atacvac'di, ^/?x w oyuppya^w. 2 '6/^aprew, f. ?}ITW, v. [convenio, sequor ; eo una cum,] to meet, to follow, to attend. 'EvSi/icews -ev J'JK 0o^, T/ Tre^os d/^aprewr. 3 fl. 438. SYN. rTi, adv. [simul,] together, at the same time. AeirraXeri rj m rot be pfo- ts ofjiaprij. 2. 571. SYN. 'O^ioy, d/ud, oyuo^eV, ufjvbis, ct^iyd. Xta, ay, 5^, subst, [contubernium,] association, intercourse. SvSvyovs ' bfiavXias. Choeph. 590. SYN. 2ih'ot/da, atfravXlfo, tifjuXia. "OfjiavXos, ov, o, et r/, adj. [commixtus; vel potius concinens,] mingled together, harmonious. Ilatav 5e Xafnret, oTovoeaaa re yj/pi)s o/tiai/Xo$. CE. R. 187. SYN. 'Ojuofywos, avfj.fywvos i (rvv(i:>$ivs,avva.vXos. 'O^ujSpew, f. 37orw, v. [pluo,] to rain. "Epred ?rov ro/ws, Atos uffTrerdv o Apoll. 3. 1398. SYN. '7ro/i/3pw, vw, It*0fjifipi4, di'0yu/3pw, /3p 'Oju/3p7pos, et ofjppWs, a, or, adj. [pluvialis,] rainy, stormy. Ae ebaK' avbpos afiovTCta. Hes. Op. 449. See also (E. R. !5?2. SYN. , OfjfipdKTVTTOS. s, ou, 6 et r/, adj. [magnanirnus,] strong-minded. ' epaff7ri, irvXiaffoe, xa\KOKopvffTd. Horn. Hym. 7- 2. ', vid. ^O/3pfy/o7raYp?;. O///3ptos, vid. Of*flpos t ov, 6, subst. [pluvia, imber,] rain, a shower. KatZevs ^uej/ o/jfipov vat XdXaZdv affirerov. Troad. 78. SYN. 'Yfros, t7ro^/3pta, rafffjios. EPITH. J A0e70dros, ^eifjieplos, KaXXtaros, (fiptffffwv, ufji^tXa^s t bpoatifis, bfepos, cepar/ets, Tra'pos, (3apvr)xi}s, \af3p8s, ovpavtos. s, ov, 6 et //, adj. [pluvia sonans,] sounding with rain. Xeipwrt J, ffvi/ cJdXr; r' OjU/3pocru7ra). Agam. 639- o0opos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [imbrifer,] producing or bearing rain, rainy. Dap- e o/u/3po0opot. Nub. 2*98. , ov, et opewos, 6, et o/.i(.vveTis, tSos, et opewis, >/, subst. [qui sen qnae eodem cubili utitur, maritus, vel marita,] a bedfellow, a husband, a wife, a con- cubine. 'Af&pos y avtffTov ffov Tv-^ovd 6ij.evve.TOv . Med.949 See also Aj. Fl. 501. SYN. 'O^uoydjuos, fytddaXa/udf, o^uoXeicrpos, nru^euroy, ffvi'firtnjs, avyKoiTos. /)s, et ^Eol. o/i?yup^s, os, oet>/, adj. [congregatus,] assembled together. '"OXws is not a word which frequently occurs in poetry, though very common in prose. 2 See Herman's Homerica, who adopts u^pyafe, the reading of Ilgenius. 3 'Op.aprf(av is here scanned n a Bacchius. 628 OMHF OMMA Uavrts ZfjuiylpHes, i]^v viol, fae yepovrts. B. 789- See also Pyth. 11. 14. OVflpdSs, ao\Xi]S, dblvSsj trvKfds. l^u), v. [una congrego,] to assemble together. 'AXX'dytre ?rp/V Kelvov Gpr)- ffdai 'A^cuovs. TT. 376. SYN. 2ih'a0po/<5w, ffvvayeiptt), avXXeyw, ffvyKo/Jiiw. 'Ofii'iyvpis, MS, Alt. CMS, ?/, subst. [concio, coetus,] an assembly. " Aarpuv Karoiba vvxTlpiov opiiyvplv. Again. 4. SYN. ITdy/jtyvpts, adpoiffpa, ffvvadpotffis, avvo- btis, djiuXds, TrXridffs. EPITH. ITX^s. '6p/0?s, tos, 6et >/, adj. [qui similium morum est,] having similar manners. Ar- ffdjuevrjf, TVT&OV irep o/utjOeas avbpds ibeadat. Apol). 2. 9^9- SYN. 'OfwrpoTros. '6^r]\iKia, as, ^, subst. [sequalitas aetatis,] equality of age. Maaro/)t^s* o yap olds dfjr)\iKir)v KKaffro. /3. 158. EPTTH. 'EpaTetvi), yXvKela. 'Ouri\i%, IKOS, 6 et fj, adj. [acqualis,] of the same age. YlXoKa/jiov xepovfjiai, npos ra(f)ov & oyujjXtKwv. Troad. 1173. SYN."HX^, avvoutiXt?, otirtjs, ijXiKlwrrjs. 'Oyurjjoeuw, v. [(l)obses sum ; (2) obsides accipio, congruo,] to be a hostage; to receive hostages, to agree. 'Eret S' erre/jad, riovb' dfjirjpevffas TEKVO.. Rhes. 431. $wj^ bjjiripevffai. Hes. Th. 39. 'Ojur/pew, v. [convenio,] to meet together, to encounter. 'lfj.r'ipr)(re be /.tot Trap' tTaipwv ayyeXos &KVS. IT. 468. SYN. 'AjTtia;, avvat'Tab), ovvTvyyaw y fTrirvy- yavw, (TvvetjUi, O7ra6ew. 'durjpibat, wv, ol, subst. [Honieri imitatores,] imitators of Homer. "6Qev irep Kai'O/jtrjpibat. Nem. 2. 1. "6yu7/pds, ov, 6, (1) P. N. et (2)6 et f/, subst. [(l)Homerus; (2) obses,] (1) Homer ; (2) a hostage or pledge. Et yap Truvrjpov i)v, "Ourjpds ovbtTrdr' ai> tiroiet. Nub. 1056". SYN. (1) MatortSr/s. EPITH. (l) 'Hbvem']*, K\eivos, doi- b&v apiaTos, X^rrrd$, aofyos, XafMrporaros. 'OpiXabdv, et ofuXybSv, adv. [catervatim, turmatim,] in troops, in crowds. *fis Tpwes, eiws i*ev ofiiXabdv aUv CTTOJTO. P. 730. See also Hes. Op. 834. SYN. ^Aflpows, \\abov. '6/itXeo>, v. [versor cum aliquo, una sum,] to associate, meet, engage or mix with, to converse. OIs alel roTrctpoiflcv ofiiXeov. 'AXXd ydp CJUTT^S. A poll. 1. 630. SYN. 2 'O/uXr]fia, CLTVS, ro, subst. [officium, congressus,] intercourse. Kanov & aaQeves be /cat TroXei. Eur. fr. Antiop. 10. 3. ', 57, ov, adj. [mitis, adfabilis,] gentle, sociable. KpaTovaa HGV ydp, X^rov Opairos. Sept. Theb. 173. as, >;, subst. [congressus, commercium, colloquium,], society, inter- course, connexion. Me fiporetas irpoantaMV o/uiXtav. Hipp. 19. SYN. 'OulXrj/na, jueroi/ffia, iarpt/3)/, Trdj'r/yCpts. OptXds, ov, 6, subst. [co3tus, turba, multitudo,] a company, a throng, a band, a tumult. IloXXos S' Ifjtepdevra. yop v irepuffrad* duiXos. 1.603. SYN/'IX;/, pls, aritios, adpoifffjtd, 7rX//Oo^, o^Xos, 6opvf3os. EPITH. 'Ai^Xos, a^&po- aTTCtptros, evpus, fjuaityoros, apiitos, avrlfilos. w, v. [mingo,] to make water. M?j6' ctvr' /?Xtoto rerpa^yuevos dp0os o/u- . Hes. Op. 725. SYN. Ouptw, KaTOvptu. Xr), TJS, r/, subst. [nebula,] a mist, darkness. Avru'd S' r/epd juev ff^Sdo-^v icai aTruatv ofjii-x\r]t>. P. 649. SYN.'AxXys, vt^Xi?, Kviavu. EPITH. MeydX)/, "O//yud, drds, ro, subst. [visum, spectaculum, oculus,] a sight, a spectacle, a Jook, an eye. Yvxy Ivv^ls o^a ^XTCLTOV fipoT&v. Soph. Electr. 903. SYN. O\fts, oTTwrrr/, ti^/, G^)0aXjuos, opajud. EPITH. 'EcSico', nr&yldM, K'aXdv, /uap- palpov, (paetvov, o'^rdroj/, \afjnrpor t rv^Xth', 0aipw:roj/, dpvtBoyoi'ov, beivov, -ylb- vorpotyov, aKvQpwirov, aXativ, fyaibpov, crefjrvv, crKOTetvov, avoXfiov, alfjiarripov , XiKdt>, QtXdv^ Xev6epov, upov, viratypov, aypvwov, riav-^ov, jcar^es, Xa/3poi', ravpo^op0o', ayptw:rdv, Xevxor, blafipoxor, GTIKTOV, opQov, ayplor, Xoo^, TTOU- XveXt^rov, SoXtot/, 00/i/teJr, Qaifopdv, ropyeidv, /uaX0dfCoj/, aKoiprjrdv. /s, cds, 6 et >/, adj. [(1) oculis privans ; (2)oculis privatus, caecus,] OMMA OMOK 629 depriving of eyes ; deprived of eyes, blind. $Xoyjji6s T oyu/^dro<7rep7)s tyvrGtv. Eumen. 943. SYN. (2) 'AXads, Tv\ds. O^/udrow, v. [oculatum reddo et vigilem,] to render keen-sighted or vigilant. Qvroi (jiptva icXe^eteV o>///udra>jU>?7J'. Choepb. 841. SYN. 'Eoju/mrow. Oyui'vyuf, et oprvta, f. opoau), et OJUOV/UGU, perf. &fj.oKa, et At lice o/^/jofcd, v. [juro,] to swear. "ft/z>ve 6' os eiceXeve, flfovs b' ovdfjiyvev anarTas. E. 278. SYN. 'E-jrofjLVVf.u, KaTOfivvfju, btopvvpt, opKdjjjdrecj. Oyutfydyuos, et dfjiobepv/Los, ov, 6 et j, subst. [maritus, uxor,] a husband or wife. '6/uoydjuos Kvpel; Phoen. 137 (Dochiniac monometer.) See ako Agara. 1077* SYN. See 'O/zevvenjs. Q/jidycKTTpWs, ov, 6 et r/, subst. [frater uterinus,] an own brother or sister. M?/ pe KTeiv', 7Ti oi/x o7joya0Tptds"EK7-opos dpi. $. 95. SYN. See "Opatpos. O/uoyererwp, opos, opoyevrjs, eos, 6 et >/, opoyovos, et o/jtoyvWs, ov, o et >/, subst. [frater vel soror, cognatus,] a brotlier or sister. Opos e^dv o^oyerlropd. Phoen. 167. See also Iph. T. 919. Pyth. 4. 260. and Ran. 761. SYN. See " lds, vid. ' , ov, 6 et /, adj. [ejusdem populi,] of the same nation, people, or rank. 'l^Xeos ^uey Trats, dpobafjios ewv. Islhrn. 1. 40. SYN. '6/uo7rroAis, brj- ofioyvios. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [conservus,] a fellow slave. "Ayer 6p6ovaat vvv . Hec. 60. SYN. ^.MovXos. , ov, I et //, subst. [socius tori vel cubiculi,] partner of the bed or chamber. '6yud0dXd^e N^7?iwi/. Pyth. 11.4. SYN. ' , et d/iov, adv. [ex eodem loco, una, simul,] from the same place or source, along with, together. Ekos TttTrovQa' TUV opoQev TTI^VKOTOL. Iph. A. 501. See also A. 127. SYN. 'O^uaprf/, d/ud, a^eboy. '6f.ioQr)pds, ov, 6 et ?/, subst. [venationis socius,] a companion in hunting. IIoY- via, ariv ofjLddrjpov 0>/Kao' ical ae b (j>aai. Call. 3. 210. 'Ojjodpovos, ov, o et >/, adj. [ejusdem throni socius,] possessing the same seat or throne. Ziqvbs v-^iffrov Kaei/w, dTretXIw, Trdpdk'eXevo/iat. 'OjjidK\ri, fjs, /, subst. [hortatio clamosa, inclamatio, increpatio, comminatio,] a clamorous exhortation, a chiding, a threat. ILirrordros be ol Zaxe /uaxp ^ fjieival d/uofcX//r. II. 147. SYN. Bo^, dTretX)), eXeyxos. EP1TH. XdXeTr//, Xev- ydXea, icpdrepd, dplbrjXos, (TTOideffffd. 'OfjoK\r)pds, ov, 6 et >;, adj. [censors, ejusdem sortis,] having the same portion. 'OfM)K\apov is abeXtytov. Olymp. 2. 89. 'OpoKXriTrip, rjpijs, 6, subst. [qui clamore hortatorio vel minaci utitur,] an ex- horter, a reprover. To7d 5' avevQlv tovrvs, tij40KXr)Trjpds aKovvas. H 7 . 452. SYN. 30 OMOA OMOT 'OfAoXeKrpds, ov, 6 et >), adj. [qui eodem lecto utitur,] sharing the same bed. T fl \a~tpe, TTpeffpv, Zrjvos b^bXeKTpov fcdpd. Orest. 470. SYN. See " '6/uJX?;, ijs, //, P. N. [Homola,] a mountain in Thessaly. evav-Xoi. Here. F. 371- 'OyuoXoyew, v. [consentio, adsentior, confiteor,] to agree with, to assent, to con- fess. Avro * TO (Tiyyv, duoXoyovvTos iffTi ffov. Iph. A. 1 142. SYN. ~ , tos, r;, adj. [Homolois,] one of the seven gates of Thebes. e Kpos TrvXcus TeTayuevbs. Sept. Theb. 56?. , ov, 6, adj. [ejusdem tiagellationis particeps, conservus,] sub- ject to the same lash, a fellow slave. IJpos AIOS, os i]u~iv earlv onouaaTtylas. Ran. 756. SYN. See '6,uoovXds. pofjifiTplds, a, 6V, adj. [eandem matrem habens,] having the same mother. 'Ouburjrpta yap earl KCIK TCLVTOV Trdrpos. Acharn. 79^- SYN. See "Oyuat//os. ota, as, ^f, subst. [unanimitas, concord ia,] unanimity. Ketcr' op.dvoir\s ' evtypovos, o^p' Apoll. 2- 720. SYN. 'Ouotypoavvrj. arptos, n, bv, adj. [eiindeiu patrem habens,] having the same father. 'lorart yafJMV> ore rav oyud-Trarpio^. P. V. 574. SYN. See"6yua/, adj. [(1) qui simul mittitur; (2) comes ; (3) qui eodem amictus genere utitur,] sent along with, a companion, in the same dress. 2re/xovpo)'w, v. [eadem mente sum, consentio,] to agree, to consent. *H #0' dpopove(n>TE. . 183. SYN. ^.vvaivlo), en/ju^^t, oyuoXoyew, opoppodew. Ofjiotypoovvi], t]s, >/, subst. [unanimitas, concordia,] agreement, concord. 'A\- Xr/Xots els alev djuo^pdcvi'ytri vooio. Apoll. 2. 718. SYN. 'dpovoia, ovpfiacrts, apQ/jids, aXu Kal rfjaiy ael ueXirjbeas ofjuras. Call. fr. 123. See also Call. fr. 268. , la, dv, adj. [fertilis, almus,] fertile, rich. TtTfjvas & ebaev araypv aprivaadat. Apoll. 4. 9$9 SYN. Ze/wpds, irXovolos, atyQovos. , ov, adj. [acerbus, immaturus,] sour, surly, keivbv ydp ovrws op- TT(J)VKevai. Acharn. 351. SYN. 'ft^ios, aKXrjpos. ], rjs, fj, P. N. rOmphale.] Kel^os be Trpadels 'O^aXy ry /3ap/5dpw. Trach. 252. 'O^aXlos, ov, adj. [Omphalius,] of Omphalus, a place in Crete, sacred to Jupiter. 'QjjupaXiov ^uereTretrd vebov KaXeovoi Kvbwves. Call. 1. 45. 'O/u^dXoets, eaad, ev, adj. [umbilico-ornatus,] having a navel, boss, or ex- crescence; embossed, round. Ylvfyvdv, dfttyaXdev r t ev oi^Keaalv aprjpos. fl. 269. 'OfjtaXos, ov, o, subst. [umbilicus,] the navel, the boss in the centre of a shield ; an excrescence, centre. "Epprj^e Xayovos els fjiecror, Trap' OfjufAXdr. Hec. 557* SYN. To fieaov. EPITH. AevKos, ftevos, deffirtybus. "QfjiQaZ, CLKOS, r/, subst. [uva irnmatura vel acerba,] an unripe or sour grape. "Orav be rev^y Zevs cnr' ofjiQaKos iriKpas* Agam. 9^3. EPITH. AptyueTd, cu/x^. 'O^0j), rjs, rj, subst. [oraculum, vox divina, fama,] a divine voice, an oracle, a response, a report. Aecur' o^av. Med. 176. SYN. Xprjoyjos, KXybwr, i]uri t 0drti, '^jprjffT^plov, pavrelov, deaTnapa, BeoTrpo-nldv, nXybuv. EPITH. 0e/a, deffireoia, fjbeia, XtyeTd, OeffKeXos, Oeff^ards, ZaQea, ee//Xdros. 'Ofj.wXa, CLKOS, 6 et rj, adj. [conterminus, finitimus,] bordering upon, adjoining. Bw^pes b' eirl Tolaiv ou&XaKES, <5v vntp ijbrj. Apoll. 2. 398. SYN. Fetrwv, dfjiovpids. '6juwvi)/dp CK Aids eoru'). A. 63. SYN. See"6veipos. "Oveidp, O.TUS, TO, subst. [praesklium, auxilium, cibus,] support, assistance, pro- visions. ^'AutyoTepov, Kiibos re, Kai ayXdfy Kai oveiap. o. 78. SYN/Ovifffts, (Tiros, fip&ua, fip&crts. EPITH. "Erot/uoV, ueya, uvpiov, 7rpoice/yue>o>. 'Oj/etSeios, vid. 'OmoWnyp. 'dveibigw, 1 f. taw, v. [probris increpo, probris adficio,] to reproach, to upbraid with. 'ftve/6te, oj'os, 6 et //, subst. [qui somnia interpretatur, vele somniis futura praedicit,] an interpreter of dreams, one who tells fortunes from dreams. "EffTiv oVe, alvov, Trrepoe^, oXoor, Trupoi', Kt^eov, ^Xoei^, vi/fcrepw TTOV. PHR. MeXa/vas WKTOS irals fjLeXdrdvtKveiiJ.wv t boicy/na vvKTepwitov evvv^uv oveipwv. 'O^etpoTroAew, v. [inter somnia versor, somniorum interpretem ago,] to be busy with dreams, to interpret dreams. 'Oi/etpoTroXel yap K-at Kadevbwv li Nub. 27. *Oveipo(f)at>Tds,ov, o et r/, adj. [in somniis apparens,] appearing in dreams. '( potyavToi be irevdr'iudves. Agam. 410. 'Oj^ew, ovrjui, et Ion. orivr)ul, f. ovriodj, pass. 6Vd/iat, v. [adjuvo, delecto,] to assist, to cause good to. Zeu Trdrep, etTrore ?; . 402. SYN. "Ovetdp, w^eXetd, w^eX^/id, o^eXos, ro , ov, 6, patronym. [Onetore satus,] the son of Onetor. $p rjv, ds etcaivvTo 0vX' av6pu)7r(av. y. 282. , opos, 6, P. N. [Ouetor.] Aaoyovov 6paavv, vlbv '5r}rdpos, os ipevs. IT. 604. verns a dative of the person upbraided, or of the instrument, and an accusative, sometimes a genitive, of the thing. ON00 OHYF 633 "Ovdos, ov, o, subst. [stercus vel fimus,] dung. 'Ei> c' ovQov fitieov irXijro <7ro/m re, fivas re. T". 777. SYN. BoX/3tro>, KOTTpos. 'Qvlblor, ov, ro, subst. [asellus,] a little ass. "flvirep Ka-^pvwv ovlfaov evw^/u- vov. Vesp. 1306. "Orts, ibos, /;, subst. [stercus asininum,] ass's dung. Acs, pagav erepav e ovl- bw TTETrXafffjerrjv. Pax 4. "Ovo/id, arcs, Ion. ovvtina, et jEol. oVtyud, ro, subst. [nomen, praetextus,] a name, a pretext. 'Api'aTos 5' o>oyu' eWc" ro yap Oero Tro'rJ'td firiTijp. a. 5. See also 5. 1.94. and Olymp. 6. 95. EPITH. KXi/roV, irodetvov, yevvaidv, i\-cLToi' t KXetvov, dyepaoroj', ^vrrK'Xees, TtoKvirovov, eXevdepov, w^eXtyuo^, eaflAdi', ayXdoi', dyaf:Xetroi', KvbaXifJidv^ evbotyv, apfirptrres, TrjXeK\vruv. 'O^o/iafw, et poet. o>o//cuVw, v. [nomino, nuncupo,] to name, to designate. Ei yuer yap /^j) 5dipd ^>epot, TCI 6' oTrcorQ' dro/jiaoi. I. 511. See also Hes. Op. 80. SYN. KdXew, CTTifcdXew, fcXr/^w, Trpdcrayopevb), f^o^o/id^w. ', et ovo/xaart, adv. [nominatim,] by name. 'E/c 6' ovonaZts aplarrovs. b. 278. See also Theocr. 24. 76- SYN. , et orojjLaaTos, ?}, ov, adj. [norninandus, celeber,]c having an illus- trious name, celebrated, renowned. IToXXd yap tiiraaz iraibl yepwi/ 6vopaK\v~ TOS "AXTrqs. X. 51. See also Here. F. 507. SYN. KXv-os, aya/cXuros, r^Xe- K\i)rds, eiiKXerjs, eplKv&i'is. 'Oi'dyuaort, vid. 'OrofJtaKXi'ibijv. "dvds,ov, 6 et ?/, subst. [(I) asinus, (2) vasis quoddam genus,] (l)an ass, (2) a wine-vessel, 'fls 6' or' oi'os Trap' apovpav toy e/3o'/rrdro 7ra7ds. A. 557- SYN. 'O'tioV. EPITH. Nw0j)s, flpabvTrovs, XapK'dywyos, XdeiSi'c?w, Xoioopew, 'Oi'oros, et OVOTO.TOS, vid. 'Ovooros. * "Ovrws, adv. [vere, revera,] truly, certainly. "Ex et 7"P oiTwsev 0oZ Iph. A. 1621. SYN. 'A\r)6ws, eri/jucus, er^rv^ws. "6vi;/m, ^ol. pro"6?'oyud, q. v. "6*'v, i))(ds, 6,. subst. [unguis,] a nail, a fang-, a talon. Ti0e7/3dXe depfjirjv. Vesp. 331. 'Ou'j?s, ov, o, subst. [vinum quod coacuit aliquatenus,] wine somewhat sour. 'E/naxopeaQ' avToivi Qvfjiov oii>r}v TreiruKores. Vesp. 1077- SYN. kptfjivs. 'O#s tbds, r/, et oZvfiaQov, ov, ro, subst. [acetabulum,] a vinegar cruet. Tovri rl %v, TO TrpdffepTToi/, o&s ?] aXarf ; Vesp. 1509- See also Aves 360. EPITH. 'Oos, cos, ro, subst. [acetum,] vinegar. "Eri 6' es rds p'7i'ds ey^Eojy. Ran. 620. 'OtyfifXtjs, EOS, o et rj, adj. [acutam cuspidem habens,] sharp-pointed. 'O^v/31- Xjjs, K"d0' optXuv Eiwrreadai fjieveaivtov. A. 126. SYN. 'OfyOrjKTos, o^vardpos. 'Ov/3das, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [acute clamans,] shrill-sounding. Foov otyfioav. Agam. 56. SYN. 'O^vrovos, ou>0s o^vrjv. Heracl. 727- 1 SYN. See Adpi). 'Ov0??Kros, oV, adj. [przeacutus,] whetted so as to become sharp. Hals, di>- 0/;/cr TrXevpd tyaayavo) Tv-rreis. Androm. 1139. SYN. See 'Ou/3e\r/s. 'OD0i//uw, v. [praecipiti ira excandesco,] to be exasperated. *Hi> fr o aol IJLS.V 7; yXwfforaXyia. Androm. 687. SYN. 0v/uoo/ua, /unt. 'O#0v/uia, ay, et dv0v/u/?cris, //, subst. [ira praeceps,] violent passion. Kat ZvatyvXcLKTo^ o^vdvfjtias viro. Androm. 726. SYN. M>>ts, dpyr), flv/uw/ud, ftevos. et dvKapStosr, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [iracundus,] passionate. Fun) yap as 6' avrws awip. Med. 320. See also Vesp. 430. SYN. " , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [acute flebilis,] lamenting loudly. IIcuSos roS* ^eer' olpKuKvrov naGus. Antig. 13 16. SYN. See 'O$J/3das. oy, 6 et ^, adj. [argute loquens,] sharply speaking. 'HviK av Trep iby Qt'iyovros oboi'Tas. Ran. 815. SYN. AtyiJs, Xlyi)0w^os, d^i>- , cos, et oty/wXTrds, ov, o et ?/, adj. [acuta voce canens,] singing with a shrill voice, loudly lamenting. 'Hvuc' dy o SerrTreatds o^eXrys a^eras. Aves 1095. See also Sept. Theb. 1025. SYN. See 'Oi>/3Sas. ov, o et ?/, adj. [acute excogitatus,] acutely devised or invented. els tplv o^vpepifjtvots. Ran. 905. iTds, ov, o et f), adj. [celt'viter vindictam provocans,] keenly provoking vengeance. <$oi>ovs biaipe'iv afypvjriTOv biKas. Eumen. 475. OvpoX7rds, vid. 'OtyfjieXijs. O^vro;, f. vvti, v. [(1) acuo, acescere facio ; (2) acesco,] to sharpen, to irri- tate; to be sharp. Kat p) Vt/zeu/ai rovfjiov oi/vai / vvv Trdpd. Orest. 1567- SYN. Tdx^T TOVS, 7TOWC^S, UCpffLTtOVS. 'Ov7rpwpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [acutam proram vel cuspidem habens,] having a sharp or pointed prow, sharp. Adios orpdVos, d^Trpw poiert. P. V. 431. 'O|vpe7r^s, los, 6, et 77, adj. [celer in vergendo, statuendo, agendo ; celer,] ^ quickly moving or acting. 4>oiras 6' O^ITTC* 5oXw. Olymp. 9. 138. 'O&s, c7d, i), compar. d^urepos, superl. d^vrdros, adj. [acutus,] sharp, keen, shrill, piercing. Uaiuv -rrpos 6ui> y ovvya neTpaiov XWov. Cycl. 400. SYN. 's, d^uorojuos, evdrjKTos, UKVS, bpt/Jtvs, bmTrpvalos, og&peirfis. t et d?vrd/ios, ov, 6 et r/, adj. faciem acutam habens,] sharp-edged. ov paxaipav es yaias fj-vyovs. Eur. Suppl. 12 l6. 'p^vo-^otvds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [asperos juncos habens,] having prickly rushes. "Ey X os b'6^vff X oivds eicatmp paKpos dpjypet. Batracll. l63. Ofrrepos, et d^vrdros, vid. 'O&s. 'Q&TOfJLOS, Vid. 'O^VOTO/UOS. 'O^rdi'ds, ov, 6 et ?;, adj. [argute sonans,] sharp-toned, loud. 'O-vrorovs uiv t y8ds. Aj. Fl. 630. SYN. See 'Ofr/loas. 'O^pwv, bvos, adj. [praeditus celeri animo, acuto ingenio,] of quick deci- sion, acute. 'Oi/0pwv Kpivoi Xs^n yvvatKuv. Med. 642. SYN'E otys, crowds, bewos. 1 See Musgrave's note on the passage quoted. OHY$ OniX 635 ov, 6 et ^ c adj. [arguta voce utens,] shrill-voiced. npowXaoV, o'#5- s > et rj, adj. [celeri praeditus manuum motu,] quick-handed, rapid. Xoas irpo-rroniros o&xeipi avv KTVTTW. Choeph. 21. SYN. ov, 6 et /, adj. [iracundus,] irascible, angry. Zeu^ b' irals u kpvavTos. Antig. 955. SYN. See 'O&dvpos. 'OTrabos, Ion. onrjbos, ov, 6 el //, subst. [comes,] a companion, an attendant. WV dirabe Trpevpv TWI> 'laaoros. Med. 52. SYN. 'A/^iTroXos, OTrdwr, 0e,od- vTrrjperrjs, aKoXovdos. Zu), f. do-w, v. [comitem do, comitor, praebeo,] to give as a companion, to send with, to give. 'Avfl/awTrwy epyourl x&pw Kat KV&OS onacct. o. 319. SYN. ov, 6 et rj, adj. [ex eodem pal re genitus,] born from the same father. "liroi o 'ItylbapavTa Kaaiyvr}TOV KO.I oTrarpov. A. 257 SYN. ' ofj.aijj,ds, b/jLOyaffrplos, f]. v. 'OTrawv, 6v6s, o, subst. [comes, sectator,] a companion. 'AvrWeov oiraova irarpos eoTo. ^. 360. SYN. See 'Oirabos. 'OTT?}, TJS, ij, subst. [foramen, famarium,] an aperkire, a smoke-hole, a window. ^OTTCIS yap eiyZv OVK oXiyas, p.a TOV Aid. -Piut. 715. SYN. Tpf/yud. "OTTTJ, QTnrr], oWo^t, OTTTTW, et oirot, adv. [ubi,] where, whither. nXaefyici/ot icdrd X/jtS', oirr) ap^eilv 'A^iXXevs. y. 106. See also a. 347. y. 16. Vesp. 352. and Heracl. 19. SYN.'H^ fix** ^> <57rot > ' eV0a, oTnrodL 'Oxrjcea), Ion. pro 'OTra^ew, v. [comitor, sector,] to follow, to attend. avTOs veos evai, yitpuv be rot OVTOS oTT^bel. ft. 308. SYN."E7r/, adj. [(l)caseus lacte ficulno coagulatus, ab OTTOS, q. v. (2) repensper foramen. " Aristoph. autem per jocurn oniav derivavit ab OTT//, ac ovtav yeveaQat usurpavit pro Per foramen perrepere. Vesp. 353." Steph. Thes. t. ii. p. 1377=^385.] (1) cheese curdled with fig-juice, coagulated, (2) stealing through a hole. Kai rvpos oV/as earl KO.\ poos ydXd. Cycl. 136. 'O-rribvus, ?}, ov, adj. [reverendus, extimescendus,] to be reverenced or feared, awful. 'Piylff-ri iravTeaaw oTTibvoraTT] re TETVKTCII. Apoll. 2. 292. SYN. fyofitpos, beivos. 'OTT/tfd^ai, v. [(l)sequor; (2) euro, revereor,] to follow after, to attend, to reverence, to fear. 'AXXd aov alel dvjjiov diri^ %& dXeetVw. v. 148. SYN. , oTridev, oTriffOe, oTriadet', oiriffw et poet. oVtWw, 1 adv. [a tergo,] behind. Ir// b' dirlde, TrX^ev re fjiera^perov, evpee T tifJiw. IT. 791. See also B. 542. I. 332. E. 595. F. 218. and T. ]6"0. SYN. KdroTri*/, KdrdTriffOev. man, posthu- rds, ov, o et rj, adj. [hominem sequens,] following a mous. Ev-rpaTreXois. '67rt0oju/3|0oro> 2 ' au-^^d. Pvth. 1. 179* . . . . * v. [specular, specto, respecto,] to look for or about, to spy out. , oTrtTrreyo-as, aXX' afj.(j)dbdy t atKe rv^w/^i. H. 243. SYN. 'ETTOTrrevw, eTrt- Trjpeit), OTTTCVM, 7repLJ3\eTra), or^eTrro/iat, fffcdTrid^w, /, [pedissequus, pedissequa,] a foot- man, attendant. 'OirtoBoTrovs bs rovcrce teal j-,vi>epiropovs. Choeph.701. See also Hipp. 1179. 'O7rt<7w, v'id."Oirld. 'OiriffTaros, rj, ov, adj. [postremus,] last. Alev d7rofcretVo>j> rov o7r/ 6' V.T' currivy. B. 73. See also /3. 289. and T. 171. SYN. Kopuo-o-w, Qupiioow, at'x^a^w,' f07rXi'2w, ?!, fjs, >/, subst. [ungula,] a hoof. T eyw ^vo-as aTroQetojuat, oVXd re Tra^rd. 2. 409. SYN. BeXos, /SeXe/^i'dr, adcos, OTrXtfffios, oTrXtrrpa, pi. eWea, rei/x^a, O-KCVJ/. EPITH. XaXo?to^, beii'or, beipaXeov, yueyd, fivflXlvov, ev'orpe- , KaKiffToi', KaXXUvtKov, -ftpvaedv, 7rdyxXKo;>, aar^fjiov, tpaevvov, compar. et (2)'O7rXdrdros, 77, oV, superl. adj. [(l)junior, (2) ad arma magis idoneus,] (1) younger, (2) more fit for arms. 'On-Xorepot yeyd/. *"67ro<, adv. [ubi?] where? He/iTrwr OTTOI y^s irvvQavoiff l^pv^vovs. Heralcl. _19- SYN. See"07rou. 'OTTOIOS, et poet, oirxolos, a, ov, adj. [qualis,] such as, what sort. To/J, dirolos Joi, Kat drev Kexpwtvos eXOoi. r. 77. See also a. 171. SYN. See OIos. 'OTTOS, ou, 6, subst. [coagulum,] rennet. 'Hs fr or OTTOS ydXd XCVKOV tiretyofjitvos ^avvf.Krilf.v. E. 902. SYN. Xv//os, x^os. 'Oirfoos, et poet. 'Qirirooos, rj, dv, adj. [quantus,] as much as. 'Ho' 0*000. ToXvirevat avv avry, Kat iraQHv aXyea. 1 ft. 7. See also T. 238. SYN. Tlooos, 1 "AAyca is here scanned as a spondee. OIIOT OPAT 637 poet. OTTTrordi/, orroYe, et poet. oTTTrore, adv. [quando,] when. Oi> trplv pTjndfjiOv Kara.7ravffeiJ.ev, aXX' OTTOTUV bf). II. 62. See also O. 209. A. 670. and B. 794. SYN/'Ordv, ore, r/va-d, fytos, enetbrj, cure. 'Orrorepds, poet. oTTTrdrepos, a, oV, adj. [uter,] whether of the two, which. Kai Oear&v dirorepot TrXetovs, OKoirct. Nub. 1096. SYN. ITort^os, , vid.'OTnj. pwOei', adv. [ex utraque parte,] OQ both sides. ' opivd/Jievoi KXoveovrai. 5. 59 i/j'rtos, ov, 6, adj. [Opuntius,] of Opus, a city in Locris. OVK ZXMV Kopa. Aves 1294*. VS, oeiros, f/, P. N. [Opus,] a city in Locris. KXetvds e 'Qirbevros, ai- . Olymp. 9. 22. , et OTTTOS, >), ov, adj. [assatus,] roasted, broiled. 'OTrrdX&oj/, d /od ry TTpdreprj vTrsXenrov ebovrts, TT. 50. See also Theocr. 14. 7- SYN. typvKTos. 'OTrrdj'ioj/, et oTrravewv, ov, TO, subst. [culina, furnus,] a kitchen, an oven for baking. Tovri 6' o/odre TOVTrravwv vfj.1v KaXov. Pax 891. 'OTrrdw, f. >/(rw, v. [torreo, asso,] to roast, to bake. 'O7rr/7/pas Se Kara aKoirtas. %. 26l. SYN, KdroTrr^p, KaroTTTqs, KaTaaKdnos, Starts, e?r/- , ta, I6v % adj. (rd O7rrr/ptd, pi. subaud. Sw/ad,) [(l) id quod videndi causa datur, (2) agnitio,] the sum given for a sight ; the present the bridegroom gave to the bride when he saw her without the veil ; an acknowledgment. Aevorete biffaas Traibos GUT' OTrTrjpiwv. Ion 1127* SYN. 'A.vaKaXvTfrrjpta, Oe&prjTpd. TTTdfjiaij oyrrevw, et OTrrd^w, v. [video,] to see, to behold, to inspect. Et a r) Vtoi/o-d Xa^ds o^erai deov. Med. 353. See also Aves 106l. SYN. 'O;rros, vid. 'OTTU/W, et oTri/w, f. varcj, v. [uxorem duco,] to marry. TIpfcrfivTaTrjv & &7rvie BvyarpaJv 'iTTTrdbaftetav. N. 429. See also Acharn. 254. SYN. Fd/iew, avv- OTTWTTJ), ^s, ^, subst. [visus, oculus,] a view, a sight, the eye. Apv^e Se oi ft\edpov, yvfjivr, 6' vTTfXetVer' dram/. Apoll. 2. 109. SYN."O^/is, /^d, o^u^d, irpdffotys. EPITH. 'AypUTT^os, dydvo(f>p(av t tjuepoeaad, 37p, ?/pos, 6, subst. [inspector, speculator,] an inspector, a spy. NVKTOS fjpa, TrvXrjboKov. Horn. Merc. 15. SYN. See KdroVnjs. wpa, Ion. 'OTrwp?;, 775, //, subst. [autumnus,] autumn. Kai $dr' fXevo-eo-- Oa T/ es 0epds, T) o7rwp7?r. X. 27. SYN. , adj. [autumnalis,] autumnal. 'Us 6' or' dTrwptvos Bopeijs yefi- ' dXwr/v. 0. 346. S, Ion. OK*, adv. [sic, quomodo, qualiter, ut,] so, how, like as, that. f O7ro7d Kiffffos bpvos, onus ri/o-S' e^o/iac. Hec. 398. See also A. 344. SYN. 'fts, wore, tvd, o0pd. "Opapd, dros, TO, subst. [visus, spectaculum,] a vision, spectacle. "T5pos 6' e^dTTOTjs dveQaivero beivov opaftd. Horn. Batrach. 81. SYN. "O^ls, OTTWTT)/, bepypd, Osa^d, Trpoo-o^/ts. 'Oparos, ?/, o', adj. [visibilis,] visible. Ilerp UTTO BXe/^i/wv, ^flt*' OVK ert Ne7Xos opards. Theocr. 7. 114. 1 The penult, of Mpivos is uniformly long in Homer when the last syllable is long ; but short in Hes. Op. 672. Eur. fr. incert. 169. 2. and in Martial. Epigr. 9. 13. Si daret autumnus, mihi no- men oTrdpivos essem. 638 OPAH OPEK '6pdw, iraperf. ewpwv, perf. twpa/cd, f. o\^d^ai, v. [video, cerno, aspicio,] to see, behold. av^a^er ft'Obvcrfja ei> o^BaXfJioialv opwird. 0. 459 SYN. BXeTrw, bepKopat, BZaopai, aQplu, KuQopaw, KaroTrToftai, 7rpo<7/3A7rw, roew. 'Opydc?w, et opydw, f. d si) y' o'pyd>etds, expels Trore; CE. R. 335. See also Vesp. 223. SYN. 'Ep0/o;, Tapaffffd), irapovv(i), dpydcfoj, Trdpd&yyw, efyppau). 'Opydi'T;, 77$, >/, adj. [efteclrix,] effective. Tu'os oi5j/fc', an^ov opya-vav. An- drom. 1005. , ou, ro, subst. [(l)opus, (2) instrumcntum,] work, instrument. Xprf- i 'Adavasrobe, naXaiov opyavov. Ion 1030. SYN. TeDx^s, ep-ytiv. EP1TH Aan'to*', QianeXov. 'Opyds, abds,rj, subaud. yj/, subst. [locus sacer,] a sacred place, (whether field, meadow, or grove). Kcu TTWS 7rpds"I>7S opyabas iropeverai. Rhes. 278. SYN. "A\(70$, TtfJLEVOS. 'Opydw, v. [impatienter appeto,] to be eager for. Td 6' avros opya padew. Choepli. 447. SYN. 'Eirr0i//iew, e^a/iae. 'Opy^, iys, ?/, subst. [indoles, ira,] disposition, temper, anger. 'Opy?; ydpa/^d /, adj. [montivagus,] moun- tain-traversing. Out> 6J/p' opet/3dn/v. Philoct. 955. See also Antig. 356. Bacch. 983. Iph. A. 1592. and Thesm. 333. SYN/O^oetds, opeivopos, opeptalfiuTr}s, opeffcrpu- <})ds, ovpeidpeiTTds, ov, 6 et ^, et opirpfy/js, os, adj. [qui in montibus pascitur,] mountain-fed. Tav T ope/Vd^o^ dypmr. Here. F. 364. See also Hes. Clyp. ^ 407. M. 299. and Apoll. 2. 34. SYN. See 'Qpei/3dr^. "Opetos, Ion. ovpews, ov, 6 et y, et a, ^/, et opiartpos, a, ov, et opeartds, d5os, r;, adj. [montanus, agrestis,] of a mountain, mountainous, wild. Utrpas opetas ncCis. Hec. 1092. See also Horn. Hym. 3. 244. X. 93. et Z. 420. SYN. See aXKos, ov, 6, subst. [aes montanum, orichalcum,] mountain brass. " as opei-^aXKoid aewov. Hes. Clyp. 1 22. , rj f vv, adj. [porrectus, desideratus,] extended, stretched out, desired. OPES OP0O G39 Aix/urjrcu /ue^idwres upeKTrjcri peXlrjfft. B. 543. SYN. Muicpfa. '6pe<7/3ios, ov, 6, P. N. [Oresbius,] Oresbius. Oivoribrjv &"EXZvov, cat '6peff/3toV aloXdfitTprjv. E. 707. '6pe, adj. [caput, cornua vel vela erecta habens. Vid. Steph. Thes. t. ii.-p. 1437=6915.] having the head, horns, or sails erect. "Effdovres Kptd TroXXd fioujv opdoKpaipatoV. 0. 231. 'GptioKpavos, ov, 6 et yj, adj. [(l)erectum caput habens; (2)eminens,] with head erect, eminent. Kai Tvpfiov opdoKpavov oliceias yQovos. Antig. 1217- SYN. 'OpOoKpatpos, v^//;Xos, opdovTabiLos. 'OpOdfiavreia, as, y, subst. [vera vaticinatio,] true prophecy. 'iV aw /ue bei- ros opOopavTeias TTOVOS. A gam. 1186. 1 'Opftfci is also an epithet of Diana, BO called from a place in Arcadia. 640 OP00 OPKA 'Op06Vo>(os, ov, o et >;, adj. [recte distribuens,] dispensing justice. Aa/ opBovdpoi. Eumen. 966. 'Op0o7roXts, 10$, 6 et ?/, adj. [civitatem recte constituens,] rightly regulating a state. "Awro>, opBondXii'. Olymp. 2. 14. SYN. 'Acr^'o^ds. 'OpBoxovs, irobos, 6 et rj, adj. [erectus,] elevated. Bopects dfjLnnros opBoirobos virep Trdyov. Antig. 985. 'Op0os, T), 6>, adj. [rectus, erectus, porrectus,] right, straight, correct, elevated, extended. Ma/myos opOds eh obov Tropeverat. Aj. Fl, 1254. IraSruds, I6i)s, , ov, TO, subst. [tunica recta,] a straight tunic without seam. Kcu K opdocrrdbid, KCU Trepifiaplbas ; Lysistr. 45. 'Op0o, et opBoardbdv, adv. [erecte,] in an erect posture. IToXXor virep yair)s opBoffrdbov >/eo>'ro. Apoll. 4. 1426. See also P. V. 32. SYN."Op0td, opBws. 'OpBoararrjs, ov, 6, subst. [qui stat erectus ; columna, signum arrectarium,] which stands erect ; a column, a pillar, an upright statue. Tvpfiov Vt Kpn^'ib' 1/zTTvpovs Oj00opus matutinum,] the sun-rise ; the morning. "Opdpov aviaTdiJ.vos t iva rot ftWs apKios eirj. Hes. Op. 575. SYN. See *Af.i(}>Z\vKri, et "Hws. EPITH. Aj/juioepyos, fladvs, oeXafftyopos, ^ , ov, 6 et //, adj. [rite nominatus,] rightly named. 'iXtw & ^//Sos 6p-6u>vVfjiot'. Agam. 680. 'O/o0fa)s, adv. [recte,] rightly, clearly. 'Op0ws aKovaas r&v tyutDv *carevy/uarwv. Hipp. 1165. SYN. 'AX7]0ais, biKalvs, (caXws, ev. 'Op0wr)p, ^pds, 6, subst. [director bonus,] a good regulator. OvYw ' 'iepwvt fleos o'p0ar/)p TreXoi. Pyth. 1. 109. 'Opiyavov, ov, TO, et opiyards, ov, //, raro 6, subst. [origanum,] wild marjoram. Kcu fiXe-rrot'T opiyavov. Ran. 603. ', v. [appeto,] to long for. /jpoi*' optyvyr'' aXXd Qlo^a^eiv povov. Bacch. 1244. SYN. 'Optyoyucu, 7rt0v^uw, opex0ew. '6p/5w, v. [termino, finio, derinio v ] to terminate, to fix, to settle. Ets r^vSe TratSa \l/fj, adj. [(1) qui jurejurando adhibetur, jurisjurandi piaeses ; (2) juratus, qui jurat,] appealed to by oath or in swearing; sworn on one's oath. Nvv b' opKiov ffotZrjvd, Kal TrecW x^ovos. Hipp. 1029. SYN."Evopfcos, "Opa.v 6' dvd QvfjLov ) airep reXeeafiai e/ieXXov. (3. 156. SYN. ' ), f. r/o-w, v. [(1) moveo, impello, coiicito ; (2) moveo me, irruo, pro- ficiscor, cupio,] to move, to urge, to incite, to hurry, to be anxious, to ponder. Ei 6' ay /cat TroXe^ior trdOev opfjirjareu Kpov/wv. ff. 375. SYN. 'Eop//aw, Trdpopjudw, opvvfjtt, opovw, Ktyea;, CTre/yu;, irdpeXavvd), oppadw, opfjiaivu), Zmepofjiat. 'Op/zem, vid. 'Op/uta. 'Op/xe^j/y, ov, 6, patronyra. [Ormenides,] the son of Ormenus. 'Op/itvtSai mXeovrcs* aTr' <5v rjpvijaaro /iar^p. Call. 6. 75. * 'Op/uev?oi/, oi/, ro, P. N. [Ormenium,] a city in Thessaly. Ql 6' eyov 'Op/i- vtoj' oi' re Kprjvrjv 'YTrepetdv. B. 734. "Oppevos, ov, 6, P. N. [Ormenus.] 'Opo-tXoxo^ juev Trpwrd, icat "Op/ucvoi/, >;' 'O^eXear?/?/. 0. 274. "Opjuevos, pro dpdpsvos, part. pr3s. pass, per sync, pro dpdfjiivos, ab "6pw, q. v. f OpfjL(D,v. [stationem habeo ; appello,] to be in harbor; to land. O5 vai/s Xa\ivo~is XlvdbeTOis oppei alQlv. Iph. T. 1044. SYN. '0op/uea>, ep^t^cJ, cdra- r7s, ^, et opfjirjfjLd, OLTOS, TO, subst. [impetus, conatus, studium, cupiditas,] impulse, ardor, attack, violence, eagerness, desire, will. 'Opp/v Xd/3ots av T&V efjiiav /3oi/Xei^udro.'v. Eur. Suppl. 1060. See also B. 590. SYN. 'ETridv/jiia, X/, ir6vos t {3ov\ij t j3ta. EpITH.^Aypea, yueXea, avrdcrorvros, dfcoa/Ltos, Xa/3pos, avTigoos, aoirtTOS, e\apa, bvarfAa^os. 'Oppd, et opfjieia, as, /, subst. [(1) linea, seta; (2) liimni hami,] a cord, a string, a fishing-line. "Hbrj be Ka^ivovQ' opplav reivwv jue TU. Helen. 1614. See also Theocr. 21. 11. 'Op/u/cw, f. lau et u5, v. [navem ad terram appello,] to bring a ship to land. Ov VCLVS 'OpeaTOV Kpvpios iiv wp/u(r/*e>>q. Iph. T. 1329* SYN. 'Et/op/zt'>is. "OpveoV, vid."Op>ts. 'OpviOapxos, ov, 6, subst. [curator vel dux avium,] leader or guardian of birds. 'E7r/3d\i/ opvidapxos ovbeis aoi irdpwv. Aves 1215. 'Opi'idetds, a, ov, adj. [ad aves pertinens,] of birds. Evxe)Xv0ds. Acharn. 877. SYN. Oluvo- KTOVOS. * 'QpvlOltiv, ov, ro, dim. ab opvis, subst. [avicula,] a little bird. Keu /u>)v rdy dpviOld Xirrdpd y elvat Trpeirei. Aves 1590. 'OpviBoyovds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ab ave natus,] sprung from a bird. Am TO rds opviQdyovov oftpa. Orest. 1382. 'OpviOodrjpas, opvtdevTTis, et opvtxoXo^os, ov, 6, subst. [auceps,] a bird-catcher. OfjLtot rdXas, opvidodfipy rovrau. Aves 62. See si so Aves 526'. and Isthm. 1.6. SYN. 'I|evr7S. 'Opvtdonavev, v. [avium insano amore capior,] to be bird-mad. 'Opi'tOopavov- al' TTtcvrd 6' VTTO r^s rjbovrjs. Aves 1284. 'OpvtOoffKoTros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [aves inspiciens,] observing birds, augural. Ets yap iraXuiov dwKov opvitioaKtiirov. Antig. 1011. SYN. See Otwvrr^s. "Opvis, opvtOos, et Dor. opvvxps, 6 et //, et opveov, Boeot. opvaTreriov, Dor. opirt- TOV, ov, ro, subst. [(l)avis, ales; (2) gallus, gallina; (3) augurium,] a bird ; a cock, hen ; an augury. Tpwes pev K\ayyrj T evdTrrj T iaa%>, opvtdes &s. F. 2. See also N. 64. Acharn. 931. and Theocr. 29. 13. SYN. Olwvds, TTTtpwrov, oib)viafj.a t v EPITH. "Aifftos, TroSwKjfS, tyfXr], belia, effdXrjy rd pos, afuKpa, \iyvpa, Trere^vr), dp/orepa, fcdfcj), Trrepoeffad, ctTrrtpos, aloXos, ^eXdvoTrrepos, VTrrepos t Tjtpla, Kovfyrj, oiviKo\o(f)ds, w^, TCL^ela, aepotyoiTrjs. ?HR. Iltre^va)^ eOvea. , vid. 'OpvidoOrjpas. Opvvfjii, 6pvva) t opoQvvb), et dpw, v. [concito, cieo, excito, hortor,] to rouse, encourage, instigate. 'AXXd o-i/y' op^i/fit TOVTOV, 7retye. 'Opos, 1 ov, 6, subst. [serum lactis,] whey. Xwpts 5' av& epoaf rdov 5' op> ayycd Trdvrd. i. 122. '6pdr7r^$, ov, o et ^, adj. [montem feriens,] mountain-striking. 'A^dverov ^t- Kav vbdTds opdrvTrov. Sept. Theb. 85. 'Opovw, v. [concitus feror, ruo, festino,] to hurry, rush, attack. M6ffx.ovs opov- ffa ets peffas, Xew/ OTTWS. Iph. T. 298. SYN. 'E^opovw, eTropovw, The young scholar will easily recollect the difference between o/>os, a mountain, and Zoos, a limit or boundary, because though they have the same accent, the gender and declension are not the same, and the breathing is different ; and between Zpos a limit, and opbs whey, because. though they are of the same declension, they agree neither in accent nor breathing. OPO OP$A 643 fjs t ft, subst. [contectio conclavis aut thalami aut aedis, Damrn. contig- natio,] the ceiling of a house, a roof. 'ATTO Tfjs optics VVKTWP ydXewrTjs icare- "k- 173. SYN. '6po.'/>os, artyr), areyos, rcpa/uvoV, Kopityjy. ov, adj. [in camera degens,] dwelling in the roof. 'YTTO rwv K-epd/^i- 'HXm<77v)s opotyias. Vesp. 206. s, ov, 6, subst. [(l)arundo rluvialis in tegendis aedibus usurpata ; (2) ca- mera,] (l)a reed used in thatching houses; (2) a ceiling, vaulted roof. ptv opo^w TTTtpvya TrepifiaXXet TrtTrAwj'. Ion 1143. SYN. ' , et Dor. op?ra, avos, 6, subst. [(1) surculus, (2) spiculum, hasta,] (1) a sucker, a shoot, (2) a shaft, a lance. Td^uve, veovs opirrjKas, Iv ap/id- . TOS avrvyes elev. 0. 38. See also Hipp. 221. SYN. KXdSos, K\abiffKvs. EPITH. 'AjUTreXoeis,, x\otpds, QevaaXos, evdaXris. 'OppdTrvyidi>, ov, rv, et oppos, ov, o, subst. [pars subjecta testiculis ; sacri ossis extremum ; podex,] the rump, &c. Kara TO OTO/A' qbeiv, rj Kara Nub. 158. See also Lysistr. $63. SYN. Tlvyrj, irpwKTos. tio, v. [formido,] to fear, to dread. Tt %P^' a0v^e7$; <5 %iv t Eur. Electr. 831. SYN. Ae/Sw, Qofieopat, typiffffu, e/c0o/3ew, ofcyew, rap/3e m, as, ?/, subst. [metus,] fear, alarm. McDy ^pdvws e\6vv 7a 0y/^o^. E. 547. 'Op<7o0ypa, as, //, subst. [janua conclavis secundaria, in superiorem aedium par- tern admittens,] a side door to a hall, leading to the upper chambers. 'Op tve^ w5e ^dXovfjiEvds opaoXoTrevets ; Horn. H. Merc. 308. See also . Pers. 10. SYN. Tapacro-w, 0opv/3fa>, Stdrdpafferw, dydrdpao'O'w, Tr^Xe/^la). ds, oi/, 6 et //, adj. [turbulentus, vexans,] turbulent, tormenting. 'Op- pv"Aprjs. Anacr. 11 6. i, Ion. ex future verb! po;, [concito me, surgo,] to rise. "Opaed, Aao- dS^, K'dXcoyo-ty apiffTOt. F. 250. SYN. 'Ay/ord/zai, dvalffffdi. , ov, 6, adj. [tridentem impellens,] trident-moving. 'Opfforplaiva tTr"laQp:ov irovTlav. Olymp. 8. 64. prdXtxos, ov, 6, et oprdXtxevs, et o'prdXts, ios, r/, subst. [pullus implumis,] a chicken. OvV QTTOT oprdXrxot fjCivvpol TTOTI KO~ITOV opyev. Theocr. 13. J2. SYN. Neocraos, aXeKTWp. ov, 6, P. N. [Ortilochus.] OkJ Iv 'OprtXoxottJ baitftpovos* ?/roi 0. 16. m, as, //, P. N. [Ortygia,] an ancient name of Delos; also a small island near Syracuse. 'Oprtfyfys KaOvTrepdev, oOt rporat ^Xtoto. o. 403. "Oprv^, vyos, 6, subst. [coturnix,] a quail. "OpTv tKdXeIro* icat yap %KV oprvyi. Aves 1297. EPITH. Okoyer//s. 'Opri)yo//7/rpa, as, 77, subst. [coturnicum matrix,] a mother quail, a large quail. Kat A^rot opTvyd^rjTpa. Aves 871- 'OpvKTds, 7), ov, adj. [fossus,] dug. "ITTTTOI Se pea ra0p6V vTrepOoptorrai opvKTrjv. 0. 179. SYN. IfcaTrros, Ka.Tb)pvx>)s, Ka.Twpv. '6pfymy5os, ov, 6, subst. [sonus asper et impetuosus,] a crash, din, clamor. "EKTOffdev 6' avrpoio fiaXwv opvpaybov Wr]Ktv. i. 235. SYN. 0opv/3os, KTVTTOS, oTdpijs, rdpdx//, Kpavyrj, i//o^)ds, Krv?ros, Trdfdyos. EPITH. IToXi/s, a< yds, ?, subst. [orbitas,] an orphan or destitute 644 OP$A OIAK state. Ti ^jjfs ; rt Tapfiwv opQavevf* efuwv rttcvuv ; Here. F. 545. SYN. dvevw, et opfavlgu, \. [orbo, orbum reddoj to bereave, to render desti- tute. Kal iral^as wp0d/6VS' dXXd ravrd /dvtoT)s, ov, o, adj. [orbus quo vis propin- quo, viduus, desertus, privatus,] deprived of a relation, orphan, destitute. IlcuSes V opipaviKoi' o be & a7/mrr yalav tpevflwv. A. 394. See also Eur. Electr. 914. and Aj. Fl. 512. SYN. Xrjpos, eprjfids. *"Op, adj. [Orphicus,] of Orpheus. 'Op^e/a Kareypa^cv. Alcest. 989. 'Op0evs, cws, et Ion. ^/os, 6, P. N. [Orpheus.] M>jr' 'Op0ews /, et opQvds, ?}, oi', adj. [tenebricosus, niger,] dark, black. 7 il 5<5/id va/wv VVKTOS opipvaias Trdrep. Orest. 1224. SYN. 2k"orea'os, bvotyepos. "Opri, vjs, rj, subst. [tenebrae, nox,] darkness, night. 'H/ue7s tv optyrrj ffwap- ya.vwaa.VTes TreTrXots. Ion 955. SYN. "AxXvs, a/coros, o. H. 102. SYN. 'Hyt/iwv, ap^os, dp^yos, dp- os, et opx<> 5 > ov > o, subst. [series satarum arborum,] a row of trees, an avenue, a shrubbery, an orchard. "Ecroo-0e/ 6' avX>/s /ueyds opxdros dy^t 0i/pdwv. TJ. 112. See also??. 127. SYN. 'Oy/uos, KTJTTOS. EPITH. 'A/iTreXoets, veiaroSf jjvc/uoets, oTrwpiVos. PHR. See ;. 112. Opxeo/*cu, v. [salto, tripudio,] to dance. 'Hpxev>r' dXX}Xwv CTTI KapTry xelpas f\ovaat. 2.594. SYN."AXXo//at, ^opevw, avd^opei/w. PHR. 'E/^/xeXtws Kpaiir- volffi irtlov pijaffuffi TTobecrol. Apoll. 1. 539- 'QpXnOpfo, ov, 6, opx?j"a> dros, ro, dp}p}0/i&, ov, 6, et opx^orvs, i/os, ?/, subst. [saltatio,] dancing. 'HjuTv r/ye(r0w ^i\6ira.iy^ovos dp^Q/^oIo. ^/. 134. See also Aj.Fl. 699. and Eumen. 373. and a. 152. EPITH. 'A/iv/xw^, Nvcr<7to/, avro- Sdes, tfiiepoets. PHR. 'Avadrjfid Satros. 'QX 7 ? ffr '// J > %os, et o'p)c?^r>7s, ov, 6 et * dp^arpis, t5os, ), subst. [saltator,] a dancer. Kovpoi dpx^or^pes ebivlov, tv 6' dpd rolffiv. 2. 494. See also 0. 26' 1. and Ran. 517- SYN. XdpotrvTrfyffti/ dpiP 645 'Ovaritis) poet, offffarios, \i<\.*6ffos. 'OoT^tepcu, adv. [quotidie,] daily. MdXXoV, T/ KCLKOIS Toffovrois vav^a^lv offrj- jjiepat. Vesp. 479. SVN. '*' J),udp, tcaff fjjLttpar. "daws, 1 a, oV, adj. [sanctus,] sacred, proper. "Oalos be y erepov di/fyid, rt/iw- pwv Trdrpt. Orest. 540. SYN."Aytos, blKcuds, evaefljjs^epds. 'Offiow, v. [(1) sanctum reddo; (2)expio,] to render holy, to expiate. '6- alovffd'* avTiKa. ya Ttaaa yopevcei. Baccli. 114. SYN. ""Ayy/cjw, etyayvigio, KaOalpw. 'Offtws, adj. [pie,] piously, properly. ITcuS' ofy dfflus aov airoKTeivas. Hipp. 1282. SYN. Aifca/ws. 'Oflrp), ijs, et 007*77, fi, subst. [odor,] smell, perfume, stench. 'O^ icdr//pey, fiiKpov, dXX' 7retcr/3tt\ely. Eur. Electr. 498. SYN. and EPITH. See''Ofyi?/. "Oo-os, et offarlos, poet, oaaos, et baaarlos, a, OK, adj. [quotus, quantus,] how many, how great, as many as. "Hei 6' 'oSi/crevs iJaov OVK tjbrj. Hec. 140. See also E. 758. SYN. See 'OTTOVOS. "Offara, r)s, ri, subst. et (2) P. N. [(l)vox divina et ominosa; fama; (2) Ossa,] (1) a prophetic voice, a report ; (2) Ossa, a mountain in Thessaly. "Oo-ad b' dp' ayyeXos (5/cd ' icdra TTTO\IV w^tro iravrr). w. 412. SYN. (l)4>arts, rjfitr}, auS/}, K\er)>wv t 6^]. EPITH. (1) 'Apri7r/)s, Trarpta, a/x/3pords, epan), epd- i, JEol. pro oTrro^at, et orreu'fymi, v. [specto,] to behold. ?ra/rwv Kt^dXas, offffovrd & oXedpov. /3. 152. See also Lysistr. 597- SYN. , ?;, OK, adj. [quant ulus,] how little. 'Qaalyov earl TO rv^u/id, KOI dXi- detvov, blaffrpd^ov. , oi/, ro, subst. [os,] a bone. "A^pt *ccu ets OCTTOVV' ovb* oartvv IVert* . r. 451. EPITH. AevicoK, /uveXuV^ Ta^lai'^oov. ds, rj, ov, et o0r60i/;)s, eos, 6 et >/, adj. [osseus,] of or belonging to the bone. To7s OOTOWS QvffrJTe Toy trptaKTov KVVOS. Acharn. 863. See also Batr. 288. "O(TT\ty% t tyyos, ^, subst. [(1) scintilla, (2) cirrus,] a spark, lock of hair. ''OarXtyyes paXepold nvpos us IvbaXXovTo. Apoll. 1. 1297. SYN. (2) BoV /}s, vid. "Offrivos. ivba, adv. [sicut in ludo testarum,] as in the play with shells. 3 "flor* et av ppifjn'jffcud feat fiXtyeias 6aTpa.Ktvba. Equit. 855. 'OorpdvoSepyuos, ov, 6 et >^, adj. [cui testa loco cutis est,] covered with a shell instead of a skin. OorpdfcoV, ov, ro, subst. [testa,] a tile, pot, shell. Atfpas eVT rovrov ; TTOV Vrtv flTO~lS OffTpCLKOlS. R'dtl. 1305. SYN. See AtTTVpOK. 'Off^pcuVo/me, f. 6ff, otr^paVe rt ; &. rov ^v^ovs y Vaws. Plut. 896. 1 Homer uses the feminine 'Oo-oj as a substantive, as Damm. properly remarks. His words are : '* In poeta solum occurrit foeraininum elliptice et lonice quasi substantivum positum, TJ dfftij, jus, fas, mos." 2 It is to be observed that &r0aA/to((rf 8e5op- K&S. On this very common Atticism, see the learned Dr. Blomfield's note, Sept. Theb. 5. 646 OI4>P OYAA 'Off(t>pavTfipl8s, r, 6V, adj. [olfactorius,] having the power of smelling, sensible. "Stvveais re, KO.I /jtvKTijpes off^payr^ptot, Ran. 893. 'OffQvs, vos, >/, subst. [lumbus,] the loins. 'Oafyvv Trvp&cras, Svorejc^aproV eis Ttxynv. P. V. 506. SYN.'Pa X is, l#s. "O/os, 6, P.N. [Otreus.] Aaovs 'O7-|0>7os (cat MvySovos dvrt- Oeoid. T. 186. EPITH. 'Oyo/xdjcXvros. , pa, pov, adj. [celer, sedulus,] quick, ready, active, diligent. Tw ot KrjpvKe, Kat OTprjpii) QlpairovTe. A. 321. SYN. 'Qvs t Ta^vs, (rvj^epyos. rvs, vds, ?jf, subst. [instigatio, stimulus, jussum,] an incentive, command. Aawi> OTpvvrvv iroTtceyfjievos Iff^avdaadu. T. 234. SYN. ITporpoTr//, op/^j), ^Orpvvw, f. vvw, Ion. vvw, et Ion. oTpweaKw, v. [incito, instigo, adhortor,] to incite, to exhort. Tpwwv Se artya* ovXoV'Apqs oirpvve jjiereXOwv. E. 46l. See also ft. 24. SYN. 'E^orpvvw, eTrorpi/vw, TrapoTpvvu), opu, KtXei/w, opoQvva), opvvfjii, opvvb), TrdpdK'dXew, eyjceXevw. * 'Orrd/3ew, z vel ord/3ew, V. [strepito,] to make a noise. 'Y?ro Se KrjpoirXaaros oro/3et Soi'a^ P. V. 591. SYN. 0opi//3tw, TrXdrdyew, ^ X ^ w o/mStw, ^/o0ew. "Orro/3os, vid."6ro/3os. Ou, O&K, ante aspirat. voc. o(/ x et oux*> partic. negandi, [non,] not, no. Owe t^o^, ov TrvOofjirjv a\\a OTOVOV olov aKovaa, 0. 28. Ovas, aros, poet, pro ovs t w-ds, ro, subst. [auris,] an ear. ToV p" vtos TeXd/ttS- rds VTT' oudros ey x ^ A*acpw. N. 177- See also Aj. Fl. 149. SYN. 'A?. EPITH. ^vapa^ov, evfjieves, OeXyouevov. Ovaritis, a, ov t adj. [auritus,] long-eared, listening. Tpets be iroo ovdrtovs. Call. 3. 91. a, dv, adj. [humilis,] on the ground, low. IloXXd be KayKava KaXd ovbaly Hvl floOpa). Horn. Hym. 3. 112. SYN. X6oVtos, x^dXos, eyyetos, , Dor. pro oi/Sdyuj), ovba/wv, et ovbdjj.ias, adv. [nullo- modo, nusquam, in nullum locum,] by no means, no where, to no place. Ovbdfjid rot avvtfia. vddeffai rivd T&V aTreovTwv. Theocr. 10. 8. See also Antig. 886. Antig. 189. and CE. C. 805. Ovbds, drds, et ovbds, eos,To, subst. [pavimentum, solum, humus,] the ground, pavement, floor. Kdprj b* ds ovbas oparat. Hes. Op. 532. See also E. 734. 1 The syllable is frequently repeated several times, as OTOTOTOTO), OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOI. Person, Orest. 1387, on the word ororol, remarks : " 'OTTOTO* Aid. solenni errore, qui et in OTO&W frequenter occurrit." OYAE OYPA 047 SYN. AuTrlSoV, yf/, tbafd's, dbfo [obos]. EPITH. $vol2ot>v t ovbov. Hes. Theog. 749- SYN. Ba0/jos. EPITH. AvXetto, , Xalvos, doreyu0/s. Ovdap, aros, ro, subst. [uber, mamma, fertilitas,] a breast, richness. Et be ce> "Apyos iKOtfJieff 'A-^aiKoVyOvQap apovprjs. I. 141. SYN. Macros. SYN. OvKaXeywi', OZTOS, 6, P. N. [Ucalegon.] OvKdXeywv re /cat 'Ayrr/i'wp, a/u0w. F. 148. * OvXd, adv. [vehementer,] violently, loudly. OvXd KdreKpordXt^oV, be (j)dperpai. Call. 3. 247. OvX&nos, ov, 6, subst. [confertum agmen, globus,] a thick body of troops, a throng. tv fts 0d0'* "E/crwp 6' avrts eSucrdro oi/Xd/ioi/ d^Spwv. T. 379. SYN. ^ABpoifffjia, Xo^os, r/, subst. [(1) horcleum, mola salsa ; (S)cicatrix,] barley, the salt cake offered in sacrifice ; (2) a scar. OuX^ Trap' otypvr, r\v nor kv irarpbs bdfjiots. Eur. Electr. 573. SYN. Oi/Xo^vn;, (^) wretX?), jcijX/*. Oi/Xtos, et ovXos, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [(1) integer, plenus, fortis; (2) perniciosus,] (1) entire, complete, thick, brave ; (2) destructive. Olos &CK vtyetav avafaiverat ovXids aarrjp. A. 62. See also IT. 224. SYN. "6Xos, baavs, (2) d\oos t oXe- Gptos. QvXoKaprjros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [pleno et comis bene obsito capite,] having a bushy head of hair. Typos er\v wuots, /ucXdvo^poos, oiiXoKuprfvos. T. 246. OvXo/^os, Ion. pro dXd^iuei'os, aor. 2. ab v OXXvjui, q.v. * OwXov, ov, ro, subst. [gingiva,] a gum. OvXoiffiv e^peX^us evrpatyts ydXd. Choeph. 885. OvXoTrovs, TroSos, adj. [hitegros pedes habens,] sound-footed. OvXdTroS', ovXo- Kapriva Trvpos KdreSo/uvdr' dv'rjup. Horn. Hym. 3. 137 OvXos, r), ov, vid. OuXtos. OvXox^r??, 775, ?/, subst. [mola salsa,] a salt cake. Bou> 5e Treptfmjffavro', Kat ov- Xo^ras d^eXo^ro. B. 410. SYN. OvXj), 7rpo^vr7, Trpo^vats. Oi/Xw, v. [bene valeo, sum felix: in imperat. salve,] to be well, to be prospe- rous; imperative, farewell. QvXe re Kal iJteya ^alpe, Oeolbe TE oXfiiaboM. ft. 401. SYN. Ev TTpacrcru), vyiaivw, VTv^ibr)s t ov, ovpavWs, a, ov, et ovpavHwv, wvos, adj. [cO2lestis,] celestial. Ovpaviby juey' d'acrt, 0wv Trptirepy fiafflXfjt. Hes. Theog. 486. See also Here. F. 754. et il. 547 SYN. 'ETrovpavlos, aWeplos, 'OXyjurrTos, ovpavov^ds. OvpavobciKTds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [a co3lo ostensus,] shown from heaven. T Hs d?ro atyXrjs ya7dv eXtcro-erat ovpavobeiKTos. Horn. Hym. 31. 4. Ovpavo6ev, et ovpd'o0t, vid. adnot. in voc. O'tKodev. OvpavopiKris, sds, 6, et ij, adj. [ad coelum porrectus,] " towering to the sky," very lofty. Ovpdroju^ p^dre Kct^uot Qwvfiv, cS 7ra/i/3dfftXetat. Numb. 356. OvpdvoviKds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [ccelum superans,] conquering heaven, ovpavdvtKov. JEsch. Suppl. 172. Ovpavvs, ov, 6, subst. [coslum,] heaven, the sky. T ft rfjv lv aarpois ovpavov vuv obov. Phoen. 1. SYN."6Xv/i7ros, aWrjp. EPITH. 'Aerrtpoees, cvpvs, C48 OYPA OTTO peaos, TrtiXvxaXKos, ol&iptos, XXKEOS, a/i/3drto, alyXrjets, TroXvvtyeXos, adiros, ttorpwTro's, aarpa v, aiirvs, bivyets. PHR. "TTTCLTOV evpvrif^ov Atos, xa\Ktivebi>s Oeuv ecpa, Qewv ebos, Atos gaAj^jSarlf bapa, Zrjvos Qpovos, Sw/ud Atos v^fXrjyeperau, Ziijvos -rroXv^pvaos O'IKOS. Ovpavov-fcos, ov, 6 et//, adj. [coeium tenens,] celestial. "Ai6V ovpavov-^ov a aepeiv. Choeph. 94-7 Ovpews, Ion. pro "6/aetos, q. v. OvpeibpojAos, Ion. pro 'OjoeiSooyuos, vid. ' OvpeidpeTrros, Ion. pro vpeidpeirTos, ov, vid. ' Ovpevs, Ion. pro opevs,ews, Ion. ^los, 6, subst. [(l) inulus ; vel, ut mavult Dani- mius, custos, inspector, praesidium : at videsis doctiss. Hcyneiumiu 1. infr. c.] a mule; a guardian. "H rlva y ovprjwv biZiinZvos, ij rtv' eraipuv, K. 84. SYN. (1) 'Hpovos, opevs, Krfjvds, (2) see Ovpds, custos. Ovpsa), v. [meio,] to make water. HoXvv ye ypoviiv ovpeis av. &. /j) At', w /ucXe. Thesm. 614. SYN. 'Ojutxew, KaTOVpeu. OvpijTtaw, et ovprjadw, v. [micturio,] lo desire to make water. 'Apis ^ t ?> ovprjTlaaris avriji. Vesp. 803. Ovptaxosf ov, 6, subst. [ima hastilis pars,] the bottom part of a spear. "Hpd ol, acrrraipovcrd, Kai ovpla-^oy TreXc/ii^tv. N. 443. SYN. 2avjown/p. Ovp/^w, f. lab), et Attic, iw, v. [vento secundo proveho,] to bring with a fair wind. 'AXvovcrav, Kar' 6p6av ovpttras. CE. R. 714. QvpWs, a, ov, adj. [secundus,] prosperous. 'Epe-diZopevos ovpiq ptTrtSt. Acharn. 6&9. SYN. 'ETriSe^tos, ev0opos, evri/x^, evrjrepds. Ovploffranjs, ov, o, adj. [prospere institutus. Vid. Blomf. in 1. infr. c.] pros- perously established. QrjXvv ovpioardrav. Choeph. 807. *', ov, ro, idem ac Ovpos, et "Opos, q. v. s, Ion. pro "Opos, q. v. , oi/, o, subst. [(1) ventus secundus; (2) custos,] (1) a fair wind, (2) a guardian. Hpvuvrjdev ovpov, us ceicaairopw \povtp. Troad. 20. SYN. (2) $i)Aa, awTitp. EPITH. ( 1 ) "iKftevos, aTr^wv, sTraiyigwv b? alOepos, KaXos, Xa/3pos, Xt- yiis, eniXiyvs, KaXXfyds, Ttveiwv, TrXrjaiffTlos, Kpaiirvos, awTripios, (2) 7narrds t orpr]- pds. Ovpds, ov, 6, subst. [" locus paululum cavatus, per quern navis in terram sub- ducta, aut recens a3dificata, in aquam deducitur et demittitur,] ' the stays,' the hollow, down which a ship is launched. Ovpovs T e&Kadatpdv awn) 6' ov- pavov IKEV. B. 153. SYN."OXcos. Ovs, wros, ro, vid. Ovds. Obffla, as, 77, subst. [facultas, substantia, res,] means, substance, 'fts av irap- OVO-TJS ovatas eKaaros y. Helen. 1252. SYN. Hcptoi/crta, ^o^drd, *cn7/zdrd, VTraptys. EPITH. iK'di^, av^vrj. Ovraii), ouraw, ovTrjpl, et Ion. ovraaKoi 1 , et imp. ovrrjffaffKov, v. [cominus vulne- ro,] to wound, to stab. Ovra^ov aaicos evpv Trdva/oXoj/, ovbe bvvavTo. N. 552. See also K. 356. A. 658. 0. 745. and X. 375. SYN. Tfrpwem>, , 7), ov, adj. [homo vel res nibili,] good for nothing. T H yap KGV bei- \6s re Kal ovrtbdvos icdX0//z77V. A. 390. SYN. "Arejuos, avapWpios, o/ws. * Ovros, av^, rovrd, pronom. [(l)hic, (2) heus,] (1) he, she, it, (2) harkye. Owros, Tt Tfa.a^Gis ; b. ITpos 6eu>v ae \iaaopcu. Hec. 1109. 1 O&rws scribitur Dorice et o&rws. Damra. O4>EI OXET 649 '60e tXerrjs, ov, 6, et oV/>ee'XMs, tSos, ^, subst. [debitor,] a debtor. *Hv /u^y y' otyeiXerai 1 rt pot, juv/yyuwv 7rdi>v. Nub. 484. See also Rhes.9()5. '60e/Xw, 2 aor. tifiXdv, v. [debeo,] to owe, to be one's duty. ^Yv-^ ply. $rjv ov bvolv d(j)ei\of*Ev. Alcest. 728. SYN. AeZ ^. 2 '60eXXw, v. [(1) debeo, 3 (2) augeo, amplifico, adjuvo,] to owe, to be one's duty ; to augment, to benefit. T HX0e JU.ETCI xpeTos TO pa oi vds b^os o^eXXe. $. 17. , eds, ro, subst. [utilitas, commodum, augmentum,] usefulness, benefit, profit. "Os rot TroXX' otyeXos ye^ero vrroXet re KCU avrw. P. 152. SYN. ' w0e\etd, &e\r)(ns, vvr)ais t eTm'ovpia, avfyals, Kepbos. *6//u?7. 'O^0aX^umw, v. [a3gritudine oculorum laboro,] to have sore eyes. Md TOV Af, ou yap aXX'crtf)#r oV/)0aX/uta)t'. Ran. 193. 'O00aX^tto^, oi/, ro, subst. [ocellus,] a little eye, '!6ow Se^oy Kepwv Xdyw, rw '(fidaXfubibi TrZpi^rjv. Equit. 9^9- 'Q(pQa\/mos, oi), 6, subst. [oculus,] an eye. To~iai & O.TT 6(pdi> wo-ei> 'A0)]vrj. O. 668. SYN. See"Q/^id. EPITH. npo0y/uos, oXos, dv7ri'ds t ifjiepdets, 6vs, yXvKvs, fipepoaKOTrds, KVK\uTepfjs, yutyds, K 'O00aXjuoreyn-os, oi/, 6 et //, adj. [ex oculis rnauans,] streaming from the eyes. 'OtyOaXnoreyKTo) bevtrai TrXrjfjifivplbi. Alcest. 185. 'O^)0aX^upv^os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [oculos effodiens,] digging out the eyes. 'AXX' ov KapavrjffTfjpes o^daX^pv^ot. Eumen. 186. *60ioD^os, ov, 6, subst. [anguitenens,] the name of a constellation. Tov be KUI els ti/uovs K-cirdyet poyepbv '6(f>iov^df. Aral. 75. EPITH. AiyXr/ets, fiplaptis, ts, tos, Zos et ea>s t 6, subst. [serpens, anguis,] a serpent. '65a tus irapetas MV otyis. Plut. 690. SYN. AoaKwj'. EPITH. FopytoTros, aloXovdJTos, beivos, Trurpos, SqX^ftc^M, oXoos, ovXo^evos, -^ovlds, a^u fyiwbrjs, Ids, o et /, adj. [anguinus, plenus anguium,] snaky, covered with snakes. tt Os ras dfoubsos vi-ui>. Olymp. 13. 89. pvs t i/os, r/, subst. [supercilium,] an eye-brow, a brow. Irpd- TOV> XeTraiav 6' 6((>pvr)v KaQii^tvos. FIcracl. 39-5. See also Hipp. 290. EPITH. d, et', adj. [excelsus, superbus,] built on the brow of a hill, proud. ofypvoeffffu Tropl afj.v%piTO /cdr' dK-p^s. X. 411. SYN. 'Hvt/^oets, v^rjXds. ^d, adv. [valde, longe, rnultura,] very, greatly. 'A/j0orepw fjiev paXXov" o ydp fc' 6\ apiffrov aTrui'TW. M. 344. SYN/'E^o^"- xer77yds, ov, 6, adj. [qui aquam derivat alicunde,] who conducts a stream, or forms a channel. 'As b' or' dt>?)p o^rrjyds dTro Kpfivr}s peXavvbpov. . 257- , oi/, 6, subst. [canalis,] a channel, aqueduct, sluice. , &OTE pfj Qaveiv. Eur. Suppl. 1121. SYN. Autppo>), 1 Brunck, in the passage quoted, reads 'Oei'ATjTcu, though he retains the true reading 'Oei\e'- TTJS in the Ajax Fl. 590. 2 On tile various usages of this word, see Steph. Thes. t. ii. p. 1560=7094. 3 The interpretation of debeo is here given to "O^eAAw, because it is sometimes used lonice for u Os, ws, Ion. fjSs, o, subst. [(1) pessulus, (2) lor urn, (3) fibula,] a bolt, a bar, a thong, a buckle. "Os 01 vV avOeplw^s &xevs rtraro rpv^aXeirjs. 1^ 372. SVN. 'Ijuds, 7rpo>77, juoxXfo, bev/tos. ^ EPITH. XpvveiGs, paKpos, ori/3dp6s, oBevapos, evrevKros, aXvros, deobprjros, awXos. '6\vdt t v. [coco, ineo,] to be connected with. Ovros 6 XevuYas 6 KdpvirTiXds, ei rlv oxevaels. Theocr. 5. 147- 'Oxew, v. [veho, porto, persequor,] to bear, to carry, to pursue. oxeetr, wet OVK erl TTjXluds evai. a. 297- SYN. Oepw, K"o>a'5w, , dros, et dxos, eos, TO., subst. [currus, vehiculum,] a chariot, a con- veyance. 'A-^fSa ?rrpw 7rpoff/3aXwv dx^ards. Hipp. 1228. See also A. 419. SYN."Ap//d, bfypos, ain'}vr], a//a|ct. EPITH. W l7r7r(o', vaidy, TrwXuoy, ao-e/pw- roi/ Cvyots, Trrepo^opo*', TroXvKapTrov, TeOptmrdy, QaXaadoTrKa.'yKTOv, Ktvov, 'l ffas & l" elire ?rpos ov fjityaXiiropu. Qvfjiftv. A. 403. SYN. vctKTfw, j3apuvo/iat, XvTreoyuat, Ttoyew. , W, n, et ox^os, ov, 6, subst. [agger, ripa,] a mound, the bank of a river. b' ZftaxovTo ft&xnv Trorafiolo Trap' oyQas. 2. 533. See also Iph. T. 291. EPITH. Bcifleta, Trerpi^os, fivefjioeis, tXato^opos, eoros, upos, ayXao)cap- , \aoios, juaXa/07, ^ciXtpa, atTreTd, ev^evSpoi'. ew, f. >/ffa>, dxXevw, et o"xX/5w, f. to-w, v. [moveo cum molestia, turbo, vexo,] to move with trouble, to disturb, to vex. 'OxXels, avdeis r dv, OVK: dv irXeov. CE. 11. 446. See also t. 242. SYN. ' , a, ov, adj. [molestus, turbuleutus,] troublesome, turbulent. ' V cat rax' wa0/;CTei /3t^. Helen. 451. SYN. 'AXyeivos, d^S^/ , ov, 6, subst. [(1) lurba, multitudo hominum ; (2) molestia,] a crowd, trouble, annoyance. 'AXX' i\v irepi avrov c/xXos v-rrepfyvris oaos. Plut. 750. SYN."6/itXds, Oopvfios, Tapaxh* EPITH. N^veyuos, 7rd>o7rXos, i7nrdTT)S t 0^Xvye- v)s, p.vpWSf dTretpeortos, dflvpoyXwaaos. a^w, f. daw, v. [constringo,] to bind, to fasten. 'Y^jjXo/cpiJjuvots roy Xtwp- ox/*d ^ w > ff^tyyw, Kdrdoew, 5ea/xei/w, ai/v- js, //, subst. [pirum,] a pear. Ilaj/rd 6' emXXd yevotro' KCLI a Trtri/s j/ds cye/Koi. Theocr. 1. 134. TO. S, ov, 6, subst. [qui continet aliquid, ut currus, portus, vel cubile,] a safe receptacle. Ou yap ecav Xifjieves vijwf oxot, ovo' fTrtwya/. e. 404. , d, ov, adj. [munitus, finnus, tutus,] fortified, defended, strong, safe. otCTt 7rup0i/w<7t a.Xfis. * 'Oxvpws, adv. [firmiter, tuto,] firmly, safely. 'OX^PWS y' e/i; Med. 124. *Oi^, OTTOS, ?/, subst. [vox,] a voice. KipKTjs evbov O.KOVOV aeibovcrijs OKI KaXrj. K. 221. SYN. Av/}, (jxavf), fcX^Swr, 0wy77jud, ^So'yyos, /3od, tdx>/. EPITH. apprjros, tvavrla, d^ureros, bv(T%vpfiXr)Tos, 0d>pa, 0devj^/, evOpoas, ov, 6, subst. [messor vesperlinus,] one who reaps till late in the evening. M/Xwv o^/ayuctrd, Trerpas a7rojco/z^t' drlpafjivut. Theocr. 10. 7 i//d^ov, ov, TO, subst. [visum,] a sight. OyVot /xdrcuoy dj/Spo$ o^avov TrfXet. Choeph. 527- SYN. See"O^ts. ^dpdriys, ou, 6, subst. [qui sero arat, qui tardius arat, et post tempus,] one who is engaged late in ploughing, or who ploughs too late. OV'TW K' o tao^dpi'cjoi, Hes. Op. 488. OYE OAFK G51 'Oi//, adv. [scro, longo post tempore,] too late, after a long time. Ttye KO.KWS eXdot oXeffas a-jro TTCLVTUS traipovs. t. 534. SYN. Ai/pdV, xpovy. 'Oi//e/w, v. [viclere cnpio,] to desire to see. T p" oty' o^dovTts avrfjs Kal ?roXe- fjioid. H. 37. 'Oi//tyo>os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [post natus, posterus,] born long after, in the plur. posterity.. Aivaperr)' ris aev aXXbs ovfifferat otyyovos irep. 11.31. SYN. " 'O\j;iKoiTo<:, ov, 6 et //, adj. [sere dormiens,] late-sleeping. 'Ev tyiKolrots 6' i j3\dftas t^W' A gam. 862. , ov, 6 et 17, et * fytos, a, ov, adj. [serus, serotinus,] late. "Oj///uor, , dov K\eos ov TTOT oXexrat. B. 325. See also Isthm. 4. 5p. SYN. , ov, o et >/, adj. [tarde vel sero sapiens,] slowly wise, wise by expe- rience. "Aywv otyvoov Ovyarepa YIpd-Qaffiv. Pyth. 5. 36. ios, a, ov, vid. "Ofy/os s, 11, subst. [vultus, os, visus,] the look, countenance, sight, appear- , GTvyvfj, TrtKpa, ^>at5pa, If ros, ov, o et //, adj. [sero finitus,] completed late. See , ov, ro, subst. [opsonium ; id quod una cum pane comedimus,] a relish, a savour. "Oi^ov r aant/jii TTjOorayuwr, Kal olvov eTrtary^wv. I. 485. SYN. Bpw/id. EPITH. MevoetKes, Trorriov. ayew, v. [opsonia devoro,] to devour dainties, to be a glutton. Oi/S' j>, ov5f irtx\ieiv. Nub. 97P- , ov, o et r/, adj. [qui opsoniis inhiat,] gluttonous. r6pytiv%s o'i//d- Qayoi. Pax 810. SYN. Aaipapyos, abrjfpayos. , v. [opsonia coemo, opsono,] to buy provisions. Ovrtis tyuvelv tow tnl Tvpa.vv1.ti. Vesp. 495. n. * ITaydo-at, &v, at, P. N. [Pagasae,] a promontory of Magnesia. KXe/or*u Tldydo-oi Mayvr/rtSes' ap^i 5e Xcwv. Apoll. 1. 238. Udydo-aTos, Ion. * JLlayatrffios, a, ov, et * Tlayaffrjls, titis, ?/, adj. [Pagasa?US,] of Pagasa3. Yldv 5' aXcros Kal flwjjios 'Air6\\a)vos Hayatratov. Hes. Scut. 70. See also Apoll. 1. 524. and Apoll. 1. 318. Hayyaiov, ov, ro, P. N. [Pangaeus,] a mountain in Thrace. BoA/3?/s & eXecov dovaKa., IlayyaloV r opos. Pers. 500. IIayyXw<7<7m, as, %, subst. [loquacitas,] loquacity. MdfloVres be, \af3pot iray- yXojffff/ia. Olymp. 2. 157- SYN. AdXta, abo\ff\ia, \vapiu. HaysMvs, ws, 6 et //, adj. [gelu constrictus,] frozen, chill. 0ep/ioV re Kal Trayerwbes. Philoct. 1110. SYN. Xpv(TTa\\o7rr]KTOs, Kpvepos, \jjv^pos. ITdyj), ijs, et Trdyis, ibos, ?/, subst. [laqueus, decipulum,] a noose, a trap. Tr- vew Eire'nrep Kal Trdycts virepKoirovs. Agam. 795. See also Batrach. 50. SYN. AtkTvor, apKvs. EPITH. A5Xdeay. Agam. 933. llayKaKos, compar. tw^, superl. tctros, rj, ov, adj. [omnino malus,] altogether or very bad. T ft irayKaxiffTe, TOVTO yap a elirelv e\. Med. 466. SYN. See , adv. [pessime,] very badly. A^'ots : vs travra -jrayKaKus. Pers. 287. SYN. See G52 runt nAiA YlayxuXos, ov, o et ^, adj. [omnino pulchcr vel pulcherrimus,] very beautiful. Kai TafTyl x^pas TrayrnXovs ^etv JJL (j)rj. Plut. 1019- SYN. See KaXos. riaykaXws, adv. [pulcherrime,] most beautifully. 'AXyet /utV, ciXyet, S' dXyvvtrai. Eur. fr. Beller. 16. 7- SYN. See KaXws. TIayKapTros, ov, o et ?/, adj. [fructum omnigenum habens, fructuosus,] having fruits of all kinds, all-fruitful. HoXvart^s (55' elpTre Tray/cdpTrov batyvrjs. (E. R. 83. IlayKdraparos, ov, o et ?'/, et * Trayicdraruywv, dVos, adj. [omnino abominandus,] very abominable. Als ovSt fJLerTiv navv rov TroXepov ; b. Kal nr\v t w Tray/card - pare. Lysistr. 588. See also Lysistr. 13?. SYN. See Kdrdparos. TlayKevOfjs, e8s, 6 et *j, adj. [omnia contegeus,] all-concealing. Mopp rav TrayKevQf) /cdrw. GE. C. 1563. llayffXauros, et TraytcXai/ffros, ov, o et rj, adj. [(1) omnino lamentabilis, (2) semper lugens,] altogether lamentable, ever-wailing. "Ar^s, o0ev TrayfjXavroV Qa^y. etptis. Pers. 827. ilayfcXijpia, as, ^, subst. [tota haereditas,] an intire inheritanoe or property. Kat Sw/zd, Kal ffrjv TrapaXafiiov Tray/cXrjptav. Ion 813'. SYN. Ila/47r?]CTta. ITayicXT/pos, ov, 6 et rj t adj. [haeres ex asse,] inheriting or possessing everything. OVK ear^es av Tror' ovrc 7ray*cX?/povs bopovs. Ion 1542. OayKoivos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [omnibus communis, publicus,] all-common, pub- lic. IIXT/yeJs 0ov ^aoriyi irayKoivy 'SdjU//. Sept. Tiieb. 604. SYN. See , ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [qui omnes sopit,] all-lulling, lav TrayKoirav o0' '. Antig. 813. , ov, 6 et fi, adj. [(1) multo pulvere adspersus, (2) omne genus cer- taminis expertus,] (1) covered all over with dust, (2) trying every mode of contest. ria/iTrX^fcrd TrayKovira ?' e-?jX0o> . Trach. 505. SYN. (2) rioXvTro^os. ayKpariis, eos, 6 et /, adj. [omnipotens,] all powerful. Kai ov Trayjcpdres icopa. Thesm. 317. ayKpart&y, ov, ro, subst. [pancratium,] a festival comprehending all the Grecian games. Kai TrayfcpdrtoV y vTrdXei^d/ue^ots vtavtK&s. Pax 97- SYN. "A0XJ;, 770X77. s, adv. [magno cum strepitu,] with great noise. Iret'Xaord Xa7^>os epefffferai. ^Esch. Suppl. 731. flayds, ov, 6, subst. [collis,] a hill, a bank. npoo-TraoYraXevffto r^ Trdyw. P. V. 20. SYN. Ao^os, fiovvos, Trerpa, o'x^os. El'ITH. e\aid(j)vi]s t dpetos, atTrvs, opvoeis, orv^tXos, ttpo's. ITdyovpos, ov, 6, subst. [cancri genus, pagyrus,] a kind of crab. "Hadlov be TOVS Trdyovpovs avrl TTO'ICLS Mr^SU'^s. Equit. 606. SYN. KapKtvos. TlayxaXjctos, et TrdyxaXfcos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [totus zereus,] covered with brass. "Ai'^pd TOV oaris o' eort, Kal et TrayxaXfceoi^ ttrxet. Apoll. 4. 1655. See also Heracl. 277- SYN. XaXKcos, xaX*:e/^, Trtpto-cr/}, fovla, KoXfaovos, fteydXr), fiporeios, aTTpoa^o^ros, dpydXta, Triicpd, xX7r/), oiKeia. Oatdv, ai'ds, ?rat^wr, ovos, et Tratwv, wros, 6, subst. [(1) hyrnnus in laudem Apollinis, necnon Dianac ; (2) hymnus in honore cujuslibet dei ; (3) Apollo, IIAIA DAIA 053 ut medicus, (4) medicus,] a hymn in honor of Apollo or Diana, or of any god ; Apollo; a deliverer from disease. Tlatitv be XajUTret, oTuvoeaaa re yjypi/s o>avXos. CE. R. 187. See also A. 473. and Agam. 98. SYN. "Y/ui/os, 'ATroXXwv, larpos* T\atavtu>, f. taw, v. [accino,] to chaunt. 'OXoXvy^uoV Itpvv ev/ueyy iraiavlaov. Sept. Theb. 254. laTy^a, aros, TO, iraiyvta, as, f], iralyvltiv, ov, ro, et Traiyjuos, ov, 6, subst. [Indus, res ludicra, ludibrium,] sport, play, a laughing-stock. 'Itpos lepd Tratyjudrd eprj. Bacch. 16*1. See also Lysistr. 701. and Call. 4. 324. SYN. "E/z- , aQvpfja, eoprj), iratbia. , v. [instituo, rogo,] to instruct, regulate. T H TiruSaywyeTv yap ro> P^ V ' Heracl. 729. SYN. TlaiSevw, IQvvio. riaidywyia, as, //, subst. [institutio, moderatio,] instruction, education, gui- dance, attention. No<7r?/jd Krjbevovra 7ratdywyt^. Orest. 881. SYN. Ma ILiuSdywyos, ov, 6, subst. [puerorum custos et fonnator. Vid. Steph. Thes.] an attendant on the children of the wealthy. T H trpeafiv iratbay&y' 'Epe)(- 6ews t Trdrpos. Ion 725. ITate/a, as, /, Traibevfjia, dros, ro, et 7ra/5ev}, ayadrj. rLaibeios, ov, 6 et r/, et 7rai6t/cos, r), ov, adj. [puerilis,] puerile. Mepos ffdj/, ovre Traibelov rpety>7/s. Antig. 930. See also Theocr. 23. 32. * naiSepaoTj/s, ov, 6, subst. [paedico,] a lover of boys. Mot^f, wa Acharn. 264. ria/^evjud, et iratbevats, vid. ITaiSet'a. ITatSeva;, v. [instituo,] to educate children, to chastise. Et /u?/ yVraiKas iraibevers, Andron. 599- SYN. Ata/, [subst.] pue- rulus,] a little boy, a child. Xep adj. [natos devorans,] devouring children. Hv TrpwroV V7r7p|d^. Choeph. 1055. SYN. See TlaiboQovos. os, ov, 6et >/, adj. [liberos procreans,] producing children , roptos 'Imxov. Eur. Suppl. 639- SYN. IlatSoTroios, aKotTrjs. , v. [liberos interficio,] to slay children. Ilai5oicro>///, TratSoXtrwp, opos, 6, TratSoXtretpd, as, ?'/, et v^as, ov, 6 et //, subst. [liberorura interfector,] murderer of children. Marias r f ?r' av^pi' ^Se *ca 7rato:ro/ovs. Here. F. 831. See also Med. 1404. Med. 1390. Med. 845. and Choeph. 595. SYN. riatSo/3opos, rficvoXcr^p, TEKVOKTOVOS. ), et TratSovpycw, v. [liberos procreo,] to beget children. 2v S' aXXo i Xd/Sa*^ Orest. 1079* See also Ion 174. SYN. os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [liberos generans,] child-begetting. See An- drom. 4. oi' is used as a term of endearment. 654 ruiA , ov, 6, subst. [ludimagister,] a trainer of boys, a wrestling-master. 'Er 7rat5oYpr/3ou be rlva irtiXrjv e^avOdres; Equit. 1235. SYN. IlaiSdywyos. UatboTp^lKws, adv. [more ludimagistri,] like a wrestling-master. 'AXX' Xeyeis Knl 7rcuorpt/3t/cws ravrayl. Equit. 492* Hatborpfyew, v. [pueros educo,] to bring up a child. Ilws ravrqv TratSorpo- <>7, g. ftarav. Here. F. 903. (A double doch- miac.) SYN. Kovporpopos, Tpotyos. IlatboTpwTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [a liberis afflictus,] inflicted by children. IloXXd # erfym TratSorpwm. Eunien. 499. ITaiSoupytw, vid. n/, P. N. [Paaonia,] a nation of Thrace. El/*' CK rri\od' eov/, et TratTrdX^d, dros, ro, subst. [(l) pollen, farina tenuissima, (2) versutia,] fine flour; subtlety, a knave. Aeyew yei'/yo-ei Tpifijj.a, KpuraXoi', TranraXrj. Nub. 260. See also Aves 430. SYN. (2) KepSdXto^pwv, Travovpyos. TlatiraXoets, evaa, er, et TratTrdXoy, o^, adj. [arduus, saxosus,] rough, craggy. AvrlKci 6* Q opeos Kar^iffdrd TraiTraXo'evros. N. 17. See also Call. 3. 194. SYN. Tpaxys, oKpwets, KaraKprjpvos, Kpavaos. Hals, et poet. Trdts, TratSos, o et >/, [(l)puer, (2) filius, (3) servus,] a boy, a child, a servant, Gallied garcon. Avoir be iraibow bv8 veKpw Karoi^erai. Hec. 45. SYN. Kdpos, vlos, ircubioi', iraiblffKos, bovXos. EPITH. Qpovbos, ffKorlos, yevvaios, dyaTTjyros, aibrj\os, apiirpeTTijs, apiffros, drdXa^>pwi', a^vetos, Ipdretvo?, Kparepvs, rfjirlus, oXtyos, optyavltcos, ffftiKpos, , dpaffcrw, beipu), atKi'Sd). Ilatwr, medicus, vid. Oatdj/. Ila/wi/, vid. Ila/oVes. Ilatwr/^w, vel melius llamv/ammii Lexicon Pindaricum in v. na?s. IIAKT IIAAH 655 w, v. [compingo, claudo,] to fasten, to close. Kal bu>pd IT&KTOV prjfr vs yoovs. Aj. Fl. 579. SYN. Opafftfw, /cXe/w, a^7j/ ye^ov. Iph. T. 272. PHR. Uovrlus TraTs AevKoQeas, vluv ^vXa^. YlaXaiupriTwp, opos, adj. [anliquae matris,] of an ancient mother. 'Iw Zev, ras TrdXatopaTopos. Eur. Suppl. 6'38. HdXatos, d, bv t adj. [priscus, antiquus,] ancient, \vorn out, obsolete, frivolous. IldXcua Kaiv&v XeiireTCti Kifievp.aTtov. Med. 75. SYN. 'ftyvytos, avoids, ye- pctios, upholds. x I7dXaf)uv&v. YldXaiapd, dros, TO, et naXcuaiioavvr}, rjs, ?/, subst. [cerlamen,] a contest. FFd- Xaia^d ^utXeas. Hipp. 817. See also 0. 126\ SYN.^AflXqats, dywv, TruXrj. EPITH. Aetoj/, yviofiapes, vTrepoirXov. ridXa(oT/}s, ou, 6, subst. [luctator,] a wrestler, a combatant. Aetvos TrdXator^s ^f KXe-e yap ftpas. Eur. Suppl. 71 4. SYN."A0X7/n;s. IldXa/ arpa, as, ?*/, subst. [palaestra,] the wrestling school. Apo/xovs, TrdXa/orpas r OVK ava&xeTovs E/J.OI. Androm. 597. SYN. YvfjivaaWv. TlaXalydTos, ov, o et r/, adj. [olhn dictus, celeber,] said of old, of ancient renown. T il nonet, % /xdXd bt'i jue vrdXa/^drd Qf-atyaV iKavet. t. 507. SYN. ', o^os, o et ?}, adj. et (2) P. N. [(1) qui regionem olim possidet, (2) Palaechthon,] (1) anciently possessing the land ; Palaechthon. Tt pe^ets TTU- \alxOov "Apr)s; irpobuj-ffeis. Sept. Theb. 101. (A double dochmiac.) I7dXa/w, et IIdXat/io';, subst. [palma manus, manus,] the palm of the hand, the' hand. Bt/3aK b"Arpeioas dXo X ou TrdXdyuacs. Androm. 1026. SYN. Xe/p. EPITH. 'Av^po^o^os, aluofiafyris, aTrroXe^uos, TratSo^ovo?, -d/Jteafypotis, Kpdrepa. IldXdju>/5r/s, eos, o, P. N. [Palamedes.] ZtiviiKd' HaXdpibovs ae Tt//wpe7 ovus. Orest. 427. EPITH. Sdo^pw^, avrWeos. YldXafutva~idSj d, ov y adj. fcaede contaminalus,] stained with murder. TleirXov npodeadai. b.~ ft// TraXa^-valov Xd/3w ; Iph. T. 1226. SYN. Qo^evs, , d^orpoTraTos, Triivpos, juidpos, 0ov re TrdXa^ejuey aairlTOV ovbds. v. 395. SYN. Bpe^w, /uo- \vvti), fJidXaffau), TrdXvvd). TldXr], rjs, ri, subst. [lucta,] a wrestling, a struggle. NiKJ)at, Tri/y/u^i/ icm ird\r]i> t /3ot/0op/3td. Alcest. 1050. SYN, IldXataftd, ndXatafJLOffvyrj. EPITH. Ktis, euTrdXdju^s, fcpdraia. 656 HAM HAAI * TlaXiyyXuiTatis, ou, 6 et ^, adj. [contraria lingua utens, contrarium priori so- nans,] using a different language, false. BdpjSdpfls ovr TrdX/yyXwo-aos TroXts. Isthm. 6. 35. SYN. IldXtXXoyos. IIaXiyKaTrr)\us> ov, o, adj. [qui a caupone emit et rursus vendit,] a retailer of provisions. 'Eppijv TraXiyKcnrrjXdv ////as Set rpe^etr ; Plut. 1 156. Y\d\iyKuros t ov, o et ?/, adj. [denuo iratus, infestus,] again angry, resentful, hostile. "Ayptos el irpos iravrd irdXiyKoros, fy vTrepoTrrjfc. Theocr. 22. 58. SYN. , adv. [anirno iterum infesto, iracunde,] with repeated wrath, in- dignantly. Oepeiv TO. (TvpiriTrrovTa yu?) TrdXiyKorws. Eur. fr. (Enom. 3. 2. ITdXt, et TtaXiv, adv. [retro, iterum, de integro,] back, again, afresh. Kal TraXlv eiTre. Call. Ep. 30. 1. See also Hec. 944. "EfjnrdXlv, avOis, HdXiXXoyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [iterum collectus, dicta repetens,] collected toge- ther again, repeating what has been said. Aaovs OVK tTreot/ce TrdX/XXoyd ravr' iTrdye/petv. A. 126. SYN. IldX^ayptrds. rTdX//z/3a^os, ou, 6 et >), adj. [retrogradus,] moving backward. W A ^tv ov& iaruv ?rdX()U/3d^ous. Pjth. 9 33. SYN. TlaXivavrds, TrdXtVrjOOTros, TraXifj.- ITdXtyu/3Xa/r r' a/JiQiKpavov Kal TraXififiXacrrrj KVVCL. Here. F. 1265. TlaXtftjLiriKrjs, Zos, 6 et rj t adj. [duplicatus longitudine, praBlongus,] double in length, very long. IldXt uprjicrj ygovov rlQelaai. Agam. 189- SYN. , eos, 6 et ^, adj. [retro festinans,] flying or hastening back. Avrdp dy > iSTep(i)ff7rdXtfji7reTes I ofj.f J idT t evetKe. Apoll. 4. 1315. ldX/jUTrXayKT-ds, oi/, 6 et >/, adj. [retro errans, retrogradus,] wandering back, retrograde. 'A^' ov KaXifjurXayKTOiai xeipagei bpopois. P. V. 863. SYN. IldXt/i- v. [vagis erroribus retro agitor,] to be driven back in va- rious mazes. "Y\^pe(()S, TO) a ovri TrdXijjLTtXayxdevTd y' otw. v. 5. * ridXi^7ri>o/a, as, rj, subst. [flatus contrarius,] a contrary blast. 'Eo-Trepioi ' dvE/jLOto 7rd\ip.Trt'oirjaiv e/ceXudi/. Apoll. 1. 586. ov, TO, subst. [remuneratio,] a recompense. IldX/yuTrotvd Choeph. 780. SYN. 'Ard/*eu//ts, djUot/3/), uvrdXXay^d, d; ov, 6 et 77, adj. [maledicus,] changed into infamy. doiba. Ion. 1096. SYN. Av<70i;juos. TlaXtv, vid. IldXt. OdXtvayperoj, oi/, 6 et fj, adj. [retro recollectus et retractus,] called or drawn back, revocable. Alaoribi), TO p.i> ov Kd\ivaype.Tvv, ovfe TI /j.rjKos. Apoll. 2. 446. SYN. IldXtXXdyos. DdXtropos, et TrdXlvopffds, ov, 6, et ?/, adj. [retro concitatus,] rushing back. Kat 70 fftyvpov iraXlvopov e&KoKKiffZv. Acharn. 1178. See also Apoll. 2. 578. SYN. See IldXtvrpdTrds, 7rdXivopfjivds. UdXtt/ffTdpfo}, v. [clamorem iterum edo,] to renew clamor. IldXt^crro^eTs 1 av Qiyyavova dyaXjudrwv. Sept. Theb. 244. SYN. Avo^/iew, 7rdXdXa5w, Trd- XtXoyew. TIdXivTL-os, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [post retributus,] punished after a time. A'tVe ?rore Zevs cyal TraXivTlra. epyd ytveaQai. 0. 226. SYN/Arriros. HdXivrdvos, ov, 6 ctfi, adj. [retro tensus,] bent back, elastic. 'HpdKXZrjs os of) a/, subst. [couversio retro facta,] a turning back. 'H be Trd- iv afjtrjxavos, oiJTe TI /LtvOwv. Apoll. 3. 1156. SYN. TldX/vrpoTros-, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [retrogradus, redux,] turning back, returning. HaXivrpoiros e^dveyeipo^e-vos. Here. F. 1060. SYN. IldXtvopcrd's, irdXivoptis, rdXtr opp.evos, 7rdX/yu/3///zos, tvavrlos TruXto-o-vros. )s, cos, 6 et >/, adj. [repercussus,] struck back, rebounding. Tat/, subst. [rhamnus paliurus,] white-thorn. Kdycdm 6' cio-TrdXdfty fOX* roifjidffdr\ r] ird\iovpa>. Theocr. 24. 8?. SYN."Afca^d. ridXtppofltos, TrdXlppodos, TrdX/^poos, et TraXippoids, a, ov, adj. [retro ruens vel fluens,] flowing back, ebbing. TY/v 6' al^' r/Tretpo^e TraXtppodlov ^epe fcv/id. t. 485. See also Iph. f. 1398. and Call. 4. 193. SYN. "AtyoppSs, avTtoTpo- w, v. [(1) adspergo, conspergo; (2) albefacio,] to sprinkle, \vhiten. To rpirbv avfl' v6drt* fTrt 5' ctX^trd Xev^d TraXwetv. K. 520. SYN. d, as, 77, subst. [summa regina,] queen of all. K-a/uot ovaa rovbe TOV XoyoV. Eccles. 1043. SYN. Midpwrdros, /uvtrdpos, avoows, , ov, 6, adj. [valde potens, violentus,] all-powerful, violent. SX ?/, adj. [plena luna clara,] bright, with a full moon. afAp'ivtil Kao-ffteTretd. Arat. Phoan. 189. , ov, 6 et /, adj. [per otnues menses durans, continuus,] lasting through all months, incessant. HavavpTy Tra/up/yy TroXXwy. Soph. Electr. 851. SYN. AtVt/, subst. [tola possessio,] intire possession. ^Kvdy ai&ypy KTIJ- HO.T(DV Tra.fjnrr)crtiai'. Sept. Theb. 818. , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [undique percussus,] smitten on all sides. See in st ov, 6 et fj, adj. [valde varius arte et ornatu,] finely embroidered. to-dv oi TreTrXoi TcafivoiKiXol, epyu yvvaiKwv. Z. 289. SYN. TlavaloXus, -rroXXr;, -TrdXv, adj. [permultus,] very much. Qvar&v /3ior&> Tra y CKTOS dras. Antig. 6 14. ov, 6 et >>, adj. [pessimus,] intirely wicked. OvS' avdis nv oi 1 See Dr. Blomfield's note on the word Ufaos, Sept. Theb. 55. flAMO IIANA G59 ffKw\jjTat YlavffMV KctfjiTrovripos. Acharn. 854. SYN. See Ylap(3beXvpds. flafj.7r6p/, adj. [longe primus,] by far the first. To7s ' 6 yepwv aiveiv rip^ero jj.fjriv. ^H. 324. SYN. FIpwriTros. s, ov, o et rj, adj. [omriia devorans,] all-devouring. 0avyucurr6> lei va.p.a Trafityayov irvpos. Med. 1184. SYN. 'Abrjfyaytis. tjs, et 7rayu0eyy>)s, tos, 6 et ?/, adj. [splendidus,] all-shining. Ao/iots Se es (reXas. Troad. 550. See also Soph. Electr. 105. ;, et poet. Tra/tt^dvaw, v. [luceo,] to shine, to glitter. XaXiecjJ Qnlvov o 6' e^ aaTTibu Trarpos eoio. H. 11. See also 6. 42. SYN. 2r s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [omnium medicaminum peritus,] skilled in all medicines or drugs. Tlap^apfjtaKov fyivas 0er/za7s. Pyth. 4. 415. Ila//0eyyr/s, vid. Ila/z^d^s. Tla/uKpOapTds, ov, o et ^, adj. [omnino eversus, penitus exitialis,] entirely de- stroyed, all-destroying. Kairifc rapixevdevra ?ra^00apr^ juopw. Choeph. 290. Ilaju^tXos, ou, o, P. N. [Pamphilus.] '6 Ila/i0tXos 5' ovj(i 6m rowro*' fcXavergrac ; Plut. 1?4. nd^^Xefcros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [omnia comburens,] all-consuming, few /zo7o -I Tra/jt(f>\eKTOiffiV CK be QufJLarwv. Antig. 1006. TIapfyopos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) omnia ferens; (2) promiscuus,] all-productive, promiscuous. "Av6rj re wXeKrd, 7rap.(f)opov yams refcvd. Pers. 624. Ild//^vXos, ov, 6, P. N. et 6 et rj, adj. [(1) Pamphylus; (2) ex omni tribu mixtus,] (1) Pamphylus, and a Pamphylian ; see Schrader. Emendatt. praef. p. 20 ; (2) composed of every tribe or class. '&v vb^ois eKricrae. OeAoj/rt be Uap(j)v\ov. Pyth. 1. 121. Tlaju.(f)(i)vos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [omnisonus,] full-sounding. Av-Xwy refine wd//0w- rov pe\tis. Pyth. 12. 34. Tla^v^osy ov, 6 et %, adj. [omnino animatus, immortalis,] all-soul, immortal. Han^v^os avdcrarei. Soph. Electr. 841. SYN.'ASdi'aros. Dd^, arcs, 6, P. N. [Pan,] the god of shepherds : in the plur. Tlaves denote Fauns. *H Ylavos opyas, f/ rivos Oewv poXeiv. Med. 1169. EPITH.^Ayptos, ay\ae8eipds t 0i\o^opds, afyjilfatf, Beds vofjuos, opecrcrifiaTrjs, aypdvofjos, ovpiKrtys, bavvs, baffvarrspvds, dpe(raivdjj,ds, bvaepus, fJLrjXoi'd/nrjs, dtipevrris, evKpatpos, 0e/vyeXws. PHR. See Horn. Hymn. 19. Ildi/aypos, ov, o et >;, adj. [omnia capiens,] all-catching. M^TTWS ws a\jj~ial \tvov aXovre Travaypov. E. 487* SYN. ITdvdXwrds. rid'd0?/i/atd, wv, rd, P. N. [Panathenaea,] a festival at Athens. Havudrjvaiotfft yeXwj', ore d/y. Ran. 1090. IIdva0Xro, et Trufjpopos, ov, o et >/, adj. [miserrimus,] intirely wretched. TV- ralKes, 'EKapr) TTOV ?rd0' >/ TravaBXia. Hec. 652. See also (E. C. 157. SYN. TlavraXas, TT avr\ii JJLWV , TravaTror/nos, T\r)ju.oveffTaros, Svffd^dp^s, oiKrpdTards 9 navot^vs, bvarvxeffraTos, otVrpordros, KCLKOTV-^IS. TlavatOi ', r/, d*', adj. [omnino splendidus,] all-blazing. 'Effffafievoi f 'K(pdXas be n-avai&riat. Kopvdeffffi. ,. 372. SYN. Aa^Trpos. TlavaioXos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [omnino fulgens, varii coloris,] splendid throughout, variegated. Hdp be ^w^rr/p jcetro TravaioXos, J p' o yepatos. K. 77- IldvatVtos, ov, 6 et ?/, subst. [causa totius rei,] the author of all. f AXX' els rd TTGLV tTrpa^ds, ws TravaiTlos. Eumen. 200., as, >/, subst. [omnium morborum curatio,] the cure of all diseases, a panacea ; the daughter of ./Esculapius. Td /3Xt^dpd Kf.pltywrt*'' / FldvdA,eid i)l. Plut. 730. 660 DANA FIANA , eos, 6 et fj, adj. [omnia sanans,] all-healing. T H ndvdKts iravrutv & o-ctyta. Call. Ep. 48. 4. , eos, 6 et fj, adj. [verissimus,] intirely true, 'd/jtoi-ar, 'Tlv. Sept. Theb. 719. SYN. See 'AXqfltfs. cfc, adv. [verissime,] most truly. Et detrj Atos ev xavaXyOuts. jEsch. Suppl. 89. SYN. See 'AXqflws. dyaXicf/s, eos, 6 et ri, adj. [omnipotens,] all-powerful. J Iw, TrdvaX/cets 0eot. Sept. Theb. 152. SYN. See YlayKparr)s. IdvdXwTos, ov, 6 et rj t adj. [omnia capiens,] all-taking. Ta.yydfj.oy, O.TTJS irdi/d- Xwrov. Again. 352. SYN. Hdraypos. 1 ov, 6 el ^, adj. [tenerrimus,] very delicate. IlaraTrdX^, otoi re TratSes eatriv. v. 223. SYN. See 'ATrdXos. ', dvos, adj. [prorsus innocuus, omnino illsesus,] intirely harmless, unhurt. ITpwrtarTj & elvcis TrdydTT/yyuwv avSjOWTroiatv. Hes. Op. 809- SYN. See 'ATrrijjuuv. Tldi'dinipris, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [integer,] sound, not mutilated, 'fts TroSds, ws ce0dXas 7rdj'd7r/peds e'6>es ate/. Call. 6. 126. SYN."A/3Xdj&)s, uaK^ijs. IldvdTror/uds, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [infelicissimus,] most ill-fated or unfortunate. Av- rdp eyw Trd^aTrorjuos, eTret re^or vtds dpiarovs. H. 4p3. SYN. See Ildj/aflXtos. Hdvapyvpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [totus argenteus,] of solid silver. Aokd. 5e o< ^77- Tijpd Trdvapyvpov avOepoevTa. ft. 274. SYN. See 'Apyvpeos. ndvdptords, ov, 6 et jf, adj. [prorsus optimus,] best of all. Ovros pey Trdm- pioros, os avrw TTUVTU vofjffei. Hes. Op. 291- BeXrtoros, KaXXtoros, Trpd^epeord- ros, vireipd'xos. TldvtipKeTos, 77, ov, et TrdvapKijs, eds, 6 et r/, adj. [" ad omnia sufficiens." Suicer.] all-sufficient. Atr-tov TrdvapKtTas voaov. Choeph. 63. See also Call. fr. 48. 1. SYN. HavrapKrjs. Tldvapxos, ov, 6 et f], adj. [omnia regens,] all-ruling. Tots , ol t P. N. [omnes Achrei, nobiles et ignobiles,] all the Achaeans. Avros KCLI TOV btipd' av 6' dXXovs ?rep ITdvd^atovs. t. 301. SYN. See 'A^atot. dvdwptos, ow, 6 et r% adj. [omnino intempestivus,] very unseasonable. 'AXX' evd TratSd re^ev irdvawpiov' ovbe vv TOV -ye. ft. 540. SYN."Aeupos. avbcuffia, as, r^, Travbaiffiov, ro, subst. [convivium opiparum,] a sumptuous banquet. Kat TTVKVOV Kal ywpyov, dffTrep /ua^d ^at TravSatcrta. Pax 565. SYN. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) valde lacrymabilis ; (2) ad omnia lacrymans,] very lamentable, full of tears. 7 ft iravbaKovTov audv Oibiirov ytvos. Sept. Theb. 651. Ilavod//drwp, opos, adj. [omnia domans,] all-subduing. 'O^v 6e Trai^d^drwp Xow tbev olov Ipe^dv. Apoll. 4. 476. f IlavSdpe^s, ov, 6, P. N. [Pandareus,] the father of Merope, Cleothera, and Aedon. See Dam rn. in P. R. 'fts S'ore FlavSdpeov Kovpr), xXwprjts d^ai/. r. 518. Ilavcdpos, ov, 6, P. N. [Pandarus.] Ildf^dpe, TTOVTOI rooV, ibe Trrepoevres oiaroi. E. 171. EpITH. 'AvrtOeos, bdfypwv. PHR. Aik-doVos vtds apvptDV re KpdrZpds re, Tofav ev etSws. Ilai/SeXeretos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [improbus, more Pandeleti sycophantae,] rascally. > The first syllable of TIavdira\os, though naturally short, is prolonged in the arsis, as aQAvaros, oKa/iaros, and some others. See Hermann's excellent treatise on Greek metres, p. 27. and Person. Med. 139. 2 See 'Axeufr, and the note. DANA IIANH 661 rpwywv HavbeXerelovs. Nub. 9^1. SYN. Tldvovpyds. YlavbepKerrjs, ov t et TravbepKrjs, 6 et k> adj. [omnia intuens,] all-seeing. 'Iw Fa, teal Zev irarbepKETd fiporwi'. Eur. Electr. 1 177- SYN. See TldvoTTT^s. FLavbijfii, 1 adv. [toto populo,] with all the people, in a body. Ev^a/zeTre be iravbajjii. Eumen. 1042. SYN. TldvojJitXl, Koti'fj, brjpoffttos. Ylavbijuia, as, rj, subst. [universus populus,] a whole people. Tlav^ripty. yap ^po-t beftuvvnots. Msch. Suppl. 6 15. Havbf], et Travbrj/jos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) publicus, (2) vulgaris,] of or be- longing to the people, vulgar. T HX0e ' tnl TTTW^OS TrayS^juios, os Kara aarv. TTOTE. Ran. 557 SYN. "EvravXts, aradfjios. TInvboKevrpia, as, /, subst. [caupona,] a female inn-keeper. Xaivd TravboKcvrpia. Vesp. 35. SYN. KctTr^Xts. , riarSoivew, v. [omnes recipio,] to entertain all. "ATravrd TravboKovaa foXdv. Sept. Theb. 18. Havbotcos, ou, 6 et fj, adj. [omnes recipiens,] receiving all, spacious. eh aavri re %epeov. Sept. Theb. 858. Havbogia, as, fj, subst. [omnis gloria,] complete glory. Havboftas aKpov. Me- yaXtov b 1 aet)Xtt)v. Nem. 1. 14. Havbwptis, a, ov, et ov, 6 et r/, adj. et (2) in f. P. N. [(1) omnia largiens, bene- ficus, (2) Pandora,] (1) giving all things, (2) the tirst woman that ever lived, according to Hesiod. Ildrvm yf], Travbwpe, boretpd pZXtypovos oXfiov. Horn. 41. 1. PHR. (2) See Hes. Op. 81. YlaveXXr)i>s, tav, 01, P. N. [omnes Graeci,] all the Greeks. x KXvre TrdveXXr/vwv 7rpo$tpea-aroi, el ereov bf t . Apoll. 2. 209- SYN. See'EXX^vts. Hui>epysTT]s, ov, b, adj. [omnia efficiens,] making all things. HavaiTiov, iravep- yera. Agam. 1462. HaveffxaTus, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [extremns omnium,] last of all. KoX?roj/ c/, adj. [quietissimus,] most calm. "EKXidev ovpdvdQev be 7ravevKr)Xos yever aWrjp. Apoll. 3. 1 194. SYN. See Eu/o?Xos. Tiavetydos, ov, 6 et >if, adj. [omni ex parte coctus vel liquefactus,] well boiled or melted. Ki/fcXorepj/s trervfcro 7rdfe/0oo>, rjbl 0v- . F. 146. ', adv. [penitus iracunde,] very angrily. OvSov CTTI e/r. Pint. 951. SYN. llav- et Traj'-oTmjs, ov, 6, adj. [onmia videns,] all-seeing. Tr/v rov TOV bt(j)6(pav evripptvos. Eccles. 80. See also Eumen. 557. SYN. ai'opfios, ov, 6 et i/, adj. [aptani omnino stationem habens,] excellent for an- choring or mooring. 'ATpa-tlroi re blqreKees, Xt/itres re ir&vopfioi. v. 195. di'ovjoytw, v. [(1) callide vel vafre ago ; (2) perago,] to act knavishly or craftily, to do every or any thing. 'AXX' eovpyr)paT(i)r. Soph. Electr. 1387 (A double dochmiac.) di/ovpym, as, /, subst. [calliditas, astutia, malitia, praestigiae,] cleverness, cunning, knavery* Evpe 6' o iravovpyos (.rtpov, TTO\V -rravovpyluis. Equit. 684. SYN. To Ttarovpyov, al&xpovpyia, bo\os, Kepbovvvr), Tt\rr), bo\os. ldvovpycJs, et Trdvrovpyos, 6 et r/, adj. [callidus, sagax, vafer,] who can dp any thing, clever, cunning, knavish. See in ndrovpym, and Aj. Fl. 445. SYN. Aetvos, KepbaXeos, boXltis, ^oXo^pwv, /cdcovpyos. the adverb, or some corresponding periphrasis is employed. Thus Hec. 902. u\\vnav, and II. <*>. 560. 8' at; eTretra, Aoetra'afieros Trora/iott;, See the exampJe quoted under the woid nwvu^Tw. DANO DA NT 063 ov, 6 et 7^, adj. [qui ab omnibus cernitur, conspicuus, fulgidus,] seen by all, bright. Ovrdyutj'at, avn/ be. iravotyov ey^os eXovfrd. ffdcet. Sept. Theb. 385. tyos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [sapientissimus,] most wise. To iravaijtyov ' evpr/yud, 'tfpri aayr)v. Here. F. 188. , et 7ra. Havffvpros, ov, 6 et //, adj. ve! subst. [(l)omnia traliens, omni ex parle con- gestus, (2) colluvies,] drawing all things, heaped together from all sides ; a collection. See in Oa^/zT^ds. HctVTaK\rjs, eos, 6, P. N, [Pantacles.] Ta^ets, operas, ojrXiffets avbpuv ; b. Kat ^u>/v ov TlavTCLK\ea ye. Ran. 1036. itavrdXas, au'd, av t adj. [miserrimus,] most wretched. T li TravrdXaevd vv/u0a. Androm. 140. SYN. See ndraflXtds. naj/rapff^s, eos, 6et ^, adj. [ad omnia sufficiens ; omnes juvans,] all-sufficient. IIaj>raQKj}s, a.Ra.Kas t dfjLa^os /SatriXevs. Pers. 8^1. Tlavrapxrjs, ov, adj. [omnia regens,] all-ruling. 'Iw 6wv iravr&pxa Zev. (E. C. 1085. SYN. IlayfCjOdYfc. TIavTeKfis, tos, 6 et r/, adj. [perfectus,] intirely perfect, complete. 'AXX' w Zev Trdrep TravreXes, Trdvrws. Sept. Theb. 111. SYN. TeXetos. ws, adv. [perfecte,] completely, intirely. Tls a\\tis, y 'yio t Tra^rtXws . P. V. 449. SYN. TeXe/ws Travrjj. , as, ^, subst. [armatura tota, exercitus,] complete armour, an army. Ets 7//>'6' srroiaetv TroXe/xtov ?ra/rev^tay. Eur. Suppl. 1202. SYN. See IldVoTrXta. HavTexvos, ov, 6et?j, adj. [omnibus artibus idoneus,] understanding every art. To n//ua0, adv. [quotidie,] daily, llayr^ap Qtvfjl xapiof.tvoi TrpotaXXoy. Apoll. 2. 532. , et TravToaejjLvos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [honoratissimus,] most honored. effiXBe irdvrifjiov ytpas. Soph. Electr. 690. See also Eumen. 641. , dros, adj. [omnino infelix,] intirely wretched. T il beiva iraQov/, adj. [valde senex, a3ternus,] very old, everlasting. Tav ov0' ijrrvds aipei Trod" o Travroy^pws. Antig. 606. SYN.^Atkos, atw^tos. , vid. Davro7os. , 7rarroff, Travrort, vid. TlavTr}. 'ios, et irarrdbairos, ?), ov, adj. [omnimodus, varius,] of all kinds. "Eptures eifft iravToioi fiiov. Eur. fr. Rhad. 2. 1. See also Helen. 524. SYN. IloXvrpdTros, iravrpdiros. laj/roXjuos, et iravroToXfjios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [audacissimus,] all-daring, very rash. Aluo?, jfivovaa QWTI TravroKpy typevas. Sept. Theb. 668. See also Agam. 1208. r/s, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [omnibus invisus,] hateful to all. T ft TrcLVTopiarj , OTvyr) Qe&v. Eumen. 647. / , ov, 6 et fi, adj. [ad omnia callidus,] having resources for every thing. IlavroVopds, aTropos. Antig. 365. , vid. Hui/6irrr)s. 004 IIANT OAP HavTf)piKTr)s t ov, 6, adj. [omnia perpetrans,] daring every thing, bold. "Epwri TravTdp^KTTf. Anacr. 10. l6. YlavTdaeuvds, vid. YlavTifjios. TlavTOvpyos, vid. Tldfovpyoa. TLavrdtyvpTos, et irafxpvpTds, ov, 6 et q, adj. [omnino confusus,] all mixed, pro- miscuous. Td TroXXd 7rcu'ro0vpr' dvev blKrjs. Eumcn. 557. SYN. * Hai'TpuTfds, ov, o et fj, adj. [penitus vertens, vel versus,] turned, or turning intirely. Havrpoiry Qvyyyevovs. Sept. Theb. 954. Ildvrws, adv. [omnino,] altogether, by all means. Havruis aX/s. ridvwjody, ov, 6 et //, adj. [omni tempore proveniens,] at all seasons. $ej0^udrf yav Travwpy. ^Esch. Suppl. 698. Ilao/zat, 1 f. do-o/zat, v. [(1) gusto, comedo ; (2) in possessionem acquiro,] to taste, to eat, to possess. Me0es ^HitcLaQai iraTpi napQlvov Se^tas. Orest. 1J96. SYN. Fevo/zat, ebopat, Kraofjiai, X W * TlaTrai, Trd-Trata^ Trairira^ TraTTTrata^, TraTra*^ iraTraTrdTrai, interj. [atat ! papae!] ah! strange! alas ! Tlapead', b XOCTTOV early, aTrTrdrraJ, Trdrat, TraTratd^. Vesp. 235. See also Lysistr. 923. Nub. 390. Vesp. 235. Pax 119. and Thesm. 1203. , v. [pappa dico,] t.o say or call papa. Kai TrairiraZova' djuo rij TO rptufioXdv e)p. TLairnias, TraTrlas, ov, 6, et iraTTTriStov, ov, TO, subst. [paterculus,] dear papa. Zevavr' eXavvetv els Qtovs, <5 TraTTTrid. Pax 128. See also Vesp. 296. and Equit. 1212. TlaTTTros, ov, 6, subst. [(l) avus ; (2) lanugo carduorum,] (l) a grandfather ; the down of thistles. "H^ Kal Tramroi, Xei/idjs yripeiov dfcav07?s. Arat. Phoen. 921. SYN. TlpoTrdrcup, Trpoyovos, yipuv, (2) aKavBis. Hcunryos, a, ov, adj. [avitus,] of or belonging to a grandfather. Tov tpavov Tov^eyonevov TraTTTr^ov eartdi?/u, crv/4/3u\\b>, Trdpdfcidwp, irpofyeptt), o/jotow, dTTopaXXw, Trdpeyy/cjaj. HafjefiacTKoi', 1 imp. Ion. a ir&pafiaivu, v. [juxta sto,] to stand near, to go by the side of. "Afrt0os av TrapefiavKe TreptKXvrds' w Tror' 'A^iXXevs. A. 104. Ildpd/Gdros, et 7rap/3dros, ov, 6 et >/, et ??, o>, adj. [violabilis,] may or must be violated or transgressed. ndpd/3droi> ovba^ij 7re\et. Autig. 874. See also JEscli. Suppl. 1043. ndpa/3X7rw, f. ^w, v. [limis adspicio, hallucinor,] to look aside or askance, to mistake. Kat yap 7rdpa/3Xei//as TI /neipdKtffKrjs. Ran. 40p. SYN. Ildpopdan ridpa/3\?/5/r, adv. [(l)per comparalionem ; (2) dolose ; (3) ex obliquo,] com- paratively ; sarcastically ; obliquely. 'A[*7res r' ofdaXfub. I. 499. SYN. OoX/cos, crrpafids, \oos. w, v. [auxilium fero,] to succour, assist. Ylapa(3dr)OeW , us Equit. 257- SYN. 'E/c/3e>^0W, ap^yw, /3d^6/w, Ylapa(3d\ds t et poet. irapalfldXos, ov, o et >/, adj. [ternerarius, projectus, pe- riculosus,] rash, dangerous, flor^pos el Troppw re^v^s Trdpayye/Xas d^ap arpdrevyudrt. Pers. 475. SYN. 'ArrdyyeXXw, Trpoo"- TCLfffTMy K\ev(i) t 7rdpaivo>, ffr/juatVw, Trpoorao'iTU), TrpoXfyw. IldpayyeX/jd, dros, vo, subst. [prseceptum, mandatum,] a command, order. OXoyos TrdpayyeX/idortr VO($ 7rvpw-0evrd. Agam. 464. SYN. 'EiroX?}, K- Xevo-yud, Trpoaray^d, ^r/u>), eVraXjud. ITdpdytVo^at, v. [adsurn,] to be present, to arrive. "H*/5di' ^pvcwv, *cai 7rdpyt'i'rd Satrt. p. 173. SYN. Ilpoay/i'Oyuat, Trdpetyut, 7rt0o/rda>, Trdpep^d^ac. IldpayfcdXtff^d, dros, ro, subst. [amplexus,] an embrace. "Sfv^pov Trdpay^d- X(d roOro y/i/>iXi7/id. PHR. See Phoen. vv. 314 318. Ddpaypd^w, f. ^/w, v. [adscribo, inscribe,] to write by the side, to inscribe. Tt /3/3ovXevrat ?rpi rwv oirovb&v kv TTJ ffr/yXr/ 7rdpdypci\//a(. Lysistr. 513. SYN. Fpd^w, eyypd^w. Ildpdyw, 2 aor. r/ydyoi^, v. [(l)deduco, produco; (2) perverto ; (3) transeo,] to lead or bring aside, to prolong ; to pervert ; to pass. 'H ydp TV^T) Trdpj/ydy* . Iph. T. 479. SYN. Il/jodyw, e^dyw, Trpo^Epw, 7rdpd7re/U7rw, ea7rdrda;, ,* 2 aor. ap0dv, per metath. ebpadtiv, v. [juxta dormio,] to sleep near. Et TTWS i/ie/.oacrd Trapabpadeeiv ^>tXorr/rt. H. l63. SYN. Ildpd/.-et^a, Ildpdety/ud, dros, ro, subst. [exemplar, exemplum, documentum,] a pattern, an example, a proof. Ildpdctetyyud rots taQXoialv, elao^iv r' t\et. Eur. Electr. 1085. SYN. Etucjp, yapa.KT\]p. v. [accipio, adprobo,] to receive from, to admit. 1 This is said of the Tlapaftdrris, who stood in the war-chariot fighting whilst the charioteer drove the horses. See Damm. Lex. Horn, in v. 5 Damm. makes the tru word to be r> __ r , A P 060 FIAPA IIAPA roivvv o'iovs avrovs nap fyioD irdpebe^drd Trpwrov. Ran. 1015. U, dTrobex<>t* at > Xa/*/3dj>w, 7rt/3aXXo/mi. /coyew, v. [administro, inservio,] to administer to, to attend on. Kai ial Tef%iov(rl TrdpdbiaKovet. Aves 839- SYN. Ataitfycu, inrr)ptriiw. Hdpdbibuui, f. be*, v. [(l)trado; (2) relinquo liberis vel posteris,] to give, to deliver, to betray, to bequeath. YlXrjyi}i> oibfipy ndpdbodelcrdv eiolbuv. Phoen. 1408. SYN. AtSw/u, juerdt6w/ut, irpddt&w/ut. Hdpdbdx,*), w> >7* subst. [conservatio, a&setisio, institutio,] the preservation, the approbation. Ylarplovs Trapabu^as, as & oui'iXiKas ^pavi*). Bacch. 197. Hdpdbvut, v. [irrepo,] to steal into a place, to come in. 'E/cpat)p TY\V vv\6' oXrjv. Eccles. 55. SYN. '^Tretaep^, virobvpi. Hdpdeibw, V. [juxta cano,] to sing near, flavro/as evetyvoev' SOIKO. be rot Trdpd- eibeiv. ^- ^ 4 ^ Tlapadpw, v. [ad latus suspendo,] to hang by the side. At'pjud- napriepOr) be Kapi], vireXvvTo be yvla. IT. 341. SYN. Hapanpeuavvvui, eKKpeuavvvj.u. llapagevyvvni, f- fa, v. [adjungo, conjungo,] to join to, to yoke. ovv, el Trapagevete rls. Eur. fr. Meleag. 10. 1. SYN. Kdra^eyyi'u/it, HapaOa\7rpei'a pvOois. Med. 143. SYN. 0aX7ro>, mrd0aX7rw. Ild/>d0eXyw, f. w, v. [permulceo,] to soften, to win from one's purpose. 'Op- yas d.Tei'~is irapadeXfct. Agam. 70. SYN. YlapdQaXirtt), 6e\y(a. Hdpddepigu, et per syncopen TrdpadpiZw, f. i;, adj. [qui juxta alterum consistit in curru, ex quo pugnat ; transgressor,] one who stands in the war-chariot for fighting, a combatant ; a transgressor. FIdpat/3dras earr)(rai> els rc'i^iy bopos. Enr. Suppl. 689. See also Apoli. 1. 754. IIdpcu/3dcrta, Trapfidcrla, as, et Trdpaifldvls, ews, f/, subst. [transgressio,] trans- gression, crime. At r' avbp&v rg Oewv re 7rdpai/3dfftas e^eTrovcrai. Hes. Theog. 220. See also Sept. Theb. 740. and Apoll. 4. 832. SYN. 'r-irepfidata, airXdrta. EPITH. 'HcuTro'tros. * Hdpaifiios, ov, 6, P. N. [Parasbius,] Paraebius. Ivi' roiaiv 6' "nave Hdpalj3lds; os pa ot ?]ev. Apoll. 2. 458. ndpcu/3dXds, vid. HdpdfioXos. Tldpaidvffffb), f. w > v. [accendo, emico, praeterveho,] to kindle, to emanate from, to rush by. AaiQed Tratr' erivaj-f, ndpatOvfas Trrepvyeffffl. Apoll. 2. 1257. SYN. At0yffQoi>, Tj ; Helen. 315. SYN. 2i//j/3ouX>), vovtieffta , vov0er^d. , f. eo-w, v. [suadeo, hortor, doceo,] to give advice, to recommend, to teach. Pov 7rdpaive7/, f/ n-aOoird K'aprepeTj/. Alcest. 1087. SYN. * fldpatpew, 2 aor. eTXo*', v. [aufero, privo,] to take away, to remove, to de- prive. AvTras Trdpatpet. Hipp. 1106. SYN. 'A^cupecu, a,, e^atpeia, dnai , 2 aor. rjffddprjv, v. [sentio, decipior,] to perceive, to mistake. rts, Mopffwi', TTt^patVerat" ou^t irdprjffdev. Theocr. 5. 120. S\N. Alatid- ITdpa/o-tos, oi/, 6 et //, adj. [infaustus,] inauspicious. 'AXXa ZeOs erpe^/, irdpai- ald ari/jidTd tyalvwv. A. 381. SYN. 'ATra/atos, evavTlos^KaTruvvfjios, fid/cos, Trdpopvts. IJdpaiorffw, f. w, et Ion. imp. Trdpat'^oreor/cov, v. [praetercurro,] to rush past. Mi/o-as irapqtyv, Ka-noXvffov, J Trdrep. Vesp. 988. See also Apoll. 2. 270. SYN. Fldparpexw, TrdpeXavvo), Trdpep^o/xat. v. [peto, deprecor, detrecto,] to ask as a favor, to deprecate, to IIAPA IIAPA 667 decline, "id' eh ntXaOpd ae e irapatrov/jai rate. Iph. A. 685. SYN. 'Eftu- reo/uat, eurew, t/cereva>, XtTrdpeu), d^/tyytu. * Hdpaiydala, as, ?/, irapatyaois, et vrapyuais, ea>s, )/, Sllbst. [llionitum,] admoni- tion. Tw vyy fifjereprjoi Trdpat^daliyai TrWeaOe. Apoll. 2. 324. See also O. 404. and H. 21?. Hapal(f)tjful, vid. YLupa^rj/ji. * TldpdKd6?r]f.u, f. r/crw, v. [utrimque demitto,] to let down on both sides. IVdArd re c?evyXcu, f. /3d\w, v. [ordine depono, adapto, sacramento contendo,] to put down in order, to fit, to lay down money in law-suits. TlavTr) fiaXdv iianerdv v^r. Y. 127. SYN. Kdrd/3aXXw, TrapafiaXXa). ae, v. [juxta vel una cubo,] to lie near or with. T^> 6' d/od Trap- yvvri, TIJV Aebvi>evu>, v. [audacius periclitor,] to rush rashly into danger, to risk. Ztf & ovv TrdpdKivbvvev ', eTrei KUVTOV y epov. Vesp. 6. SYN. Yldpa.Kivf.tDt v. [moveo, moveor,] to move, to shake. 'I5ov, OKvnet y i\v pe TTU- paKivfjaavT' ibys. Ran. 657* SYN. Ktvtw, btdKivettt. Edpa/cXa/w, f. /cXai/aw, v. [temere fleo, ploro,] to weep without occasion. Aei/po avv avXrjriipl ndpaKXaiovrt ytXwvrts. Theogn. 1037. SYN. See KXdw. TldpaKXlbdv, adv. [deflectendo,] by turning aside. 'AXX' // /uei> XtTrer' avdi TrdpaXtbov old ytpaii'i. Apoll. 1. 315. HdpaKXivio, f. tvw, v. [juxta vel paululum decline,] to incline a little, to drop. Ti Trotets; TI Trotels; TTO! TrdpdicXiveis. Pax 157. SYN. 'Ek-KXtVw, 7rdparp7rd/iat, , v. [communico,] to communicate with. luyyertaiv TrdpeKot - vdQ\ Pyth. 4.236. dpda>/77s, ow, o, et (2) irdpaKoirls, tbos, >/, subst. [censors lecti, maritus vel uxor,] a bedfellow, a husband or wife. Tciwv ev Kdvlyal fidXes QdXepovs ^dpd- . 0. 156. SYN. l 668 IIAPA HAPA yd/in;*> (2) yvvn, dfcoins. EPITH. (1) BdflyTrXovros, ddXtpos, /3dpv7rorjufo, (2) alboia, ftddvwvos, fiddvffTepvos, veoydfjids, tydifirj, epaTi), Kvbpd. dpdKdXovOZw, v. [sector,] to follow. OlpE vitv eyw aot TrdpaKoXovdw Eccles. 725. SYN."E7ro/*at, dk"t>\ov0W, CTm'd/xaprew. lfipatfd/J&tf, f. Att. to), v. [deduco, adfero,] to convey, to bring. Ftpwv yt- pord TrdpdKO/acJf. Here. F. 124. SYN. Kfyu^a;, be Kat irdprjKoi'rji'raL. Ran. 1116. SYN. 0i7yw, d/co>dw, atyvb) irdp- /, rjs, r/, subst. [mentis error,] aberration of mind. ITd/odKoTrd, Trdpd- /, adj. [mente privatus, furibundus,] deprived of under- standing, mad. ITdpdk67r&> re X^drt oreXXerat. Baccl). 988. SYN. ridpd^o/ads, d>pvdfjiavi]s, (hpEvoTrXfiZ, m(. ridpdXetTrw, f. ^w, v. [praetermitto, relinquo,] to let pass, to forsake. "A croi TrdpEXtTTfv // TWV Xoyw, <{>pdau). Helen. 975. SYN. AC/TTW, d7roXe/^w, d^/ut, irdpfrjfjl, TrdpcLTre/mTTU). ITdpdXe/0w, v. [inunguo,] to anoint, to besmear. 2at/-w 7rdpdXe/^e*v rd /3Xf- <^idpd r^s eaTrepas. Eccl. 406. SYN. 'AXet'^w. IldpdXTjplw, v. [deliro, leviter desipio,] to dote, to trifle. Nu/i b' vjjie~ts avrov 6pa>VTs ndpdXrjpovvT' OVK eXeelre. Equit. 531. SYN. IIdpo^>p6/w, Xrjpett). DdpaXtos, et TrdpdXos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [mari adjacens, marinus,] near the sea, marine, sea. "Qpvial tyopfiri TrdpdXtots y^//<7era. Aj. Fl. 1085. See also Aj. F1.412. SYN. ITdpafcrtds, aKTios. *IldpdXirw, et TrdpdXtratVw, 2 aor. r/Xiro>, V. [offendo,] to offend. r H pd Beovs oXorjal 7rdpr]\iLTs ufypdbiyai. Apoll. 2. 246. SYN. 'Ajunprcu'W, d^d/iaprdrw. ridpaXXdyai, wv, at, et TrdpaXXa^ts, fws, ^, subst. [vices,] change, succession. Krwptuv r Kal Trvpos TrdpaXXdyds. Agam. 473. SYN. 'E-aXXdy?/. IIdpaXXa, adv. [alternatim, juxta,] alternately, alongside. "Ep?rei TrdpaXXd^ rovrd- irpoaQev ovros ?jv. Aj. Fl. 1087. SYN. 'EvaXXd, dpoifidbis. HdpaXXaoffw, f. |w, v. [alterno, prretereo,] to alternate, pass by. ITdpaXXaatot, irdpepyop* 11 * vdpdfjeTpeui. ridpd\vw, f. vaw, v. [persolvo, exsolvo,] to loosen, to release. \\dfiXvat b' dt> ' hXXdbos aXyetvovs. Androm. 304. SYN. 'ATroXvw, tfcXvw, aTraXXarrcu, /i- ITdpd//e//5w, et wdpd^e//5ojuat, v. fpraetervehor,] to surpass. Udpd^et^eiev dvrip. dXX* ov. (E. R. 504. SYN. Am/ue//3oyuat, TrdpaXXaffirw, Trdpep^o/uat. Ew, f. ;w, dm/ievw, bidKapTepeai. Ildpdyuerpew, v. [(1) metior secundum, (2) praetereo,] to measure according to ; to pass by. Tairiv KefrpdTrl'jjv Trdpd T AvXibd juerpjjcraires. Apoll. 4. 1779* SYN. SeellapaXXciaffw. rid/au^evo/uai, v. [iranseo, supero,] to go beyond, to surpass. Mop^ irapa- fuevcrerai aXXwv. Neni. 11. 1 7 SYN. Ildpdyu fifth), &7repex<>. U&paft(yvvftX t f. ju/w, v. [admisceo,] to mingle with. 'Avrt fftpaiov peXfros ru> Ovplblo) Trdpd/nias. Vesp. 873. SYN. M/yyv/u, arapiyvvfAl, s VVKTO.S re KCLI ////dp. ft. 37 SYN. Ildpef/it, Trdp/ard/^at, Trpofti/jue ridpd//ov(7os, ou, o et ?/, adj. [dissonus,] discordant, out of tune. Kai crijs aras. Choeph. 460. SYN."A/UOUCTOS. *ITdpayu7r/<7xw, 1 v. [obtego, involve, praetexo,] to cover, disguise, to use as a pretext. AlbotKci a ', ovbcr be? 'napu^.Ttia-^civ \oyovs. Med. 284. SYN. KdXv- TlapauTrvKi$(t), Dor. Trapapirvidbbb), v. [crines fasciis religo,] to bind the hair with a fillet. 'AXX' dye, Kofiav TrapafjirvKtbbe re. Lysistr. 13l6\ SYN. 'A/*7ri)a'w. ITdpdjui;Wo//at, v. [(l)hortor, (2) consoler,] to exhort, console. Kai # av rols a\\oialv c/, TroXeos Trdpdvelade KoXfuvovs. Apoll. 2. 357. SYN. Ildpa- TrXew, irdpep\o/j.ut t irdpavicraouai. ITdpd^^vew, v. [appono, accumulo,] to serve up, supply abundantly. STrov 5' effrrvfjVit)s irdpevtivett' kv Kdveoiair. w. 51. SYN. 2wpeuw, TrdpdrtO^yut. Ildpdj'r/xof , v. [praeternato,] to swim past. Et be K en irpoTepw Trdpd^^at, i\v TTOV efyevpu. e. 417- * ridpdi'ticdw, v. [vinco,] to overcome, to surpass. Qr)XvKpdrrjs direpwrds epus TrapaviKy. Choeph. 591. SYN. NIKOW. Hdpdvlffadf.tai, v. [praetereo,] to pass by. 'AXX' ore bf) rieXd7r6t>vri;, afij. [in obliquum,] aside. See in Kdrarr^s. Ilapti&fds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [peregrinus, ignobilis, insuetus,] foreign, ignoble, strange. "ATtpd Kai Trapdaripd Kal Trdpu&vd. Acharn. 517* SYN. 'Advlbtov. Tiapatpvlov , ov, TO, subst. [clavus inditus axi, ne rota excidat,] a linch-pin. ^.Kivba\n&v T Trdpa^ovld. Ran. 835. Hdpdiraiw, v. [excido, deliro, desipio,] to glide out, to err, to dote* Tt yap eXXenret /uy TrapaTraiew. P. V. 1092. SYN. See Hapafpovew. IIdpd7rdXXd//cu, v. [juxta aliquem locum moveo me,] to move along. OIs nap- 7rdX\ro. Iph. A. 228. SYN. Tlapnpfjtati). IldpdTrdrdw, f. TJC-W, v. [astute decipio,] to deceive cunningly, to steal upon, to elude. Oti'w, Trap^Trdr^o-as ap^alus Oeas. Eumen. 731. SYN. See 'ATrarau;. , 2 aor. fjiraQdv, v. [decipio, fallo,] to deceive. Aa/zmrat' ov yap av ' ^l " A 4 ' % *& baifjuuv. 488. SYN. 'E^aTrd^aw, irapa-narcut). Wb), 2 aor. TtapeirWov, Ion. et poet. TrapireTridov, et TrdpaiTrtTriflor, v. [(1) suadeo, (2) falsa persuasione decipio,] to give advice, to persuade wrongly. Hapajretaov be abv, ov \KT-a6fjiW. Eur. Suppl. 65. SYN. Tleidw, t, v. [periculum facio,] to try, to make trial of. 'E^nrvpots TrapaTrei-pwvrai. Olymp. 8. 4. SYN. Ile/jodo/Jat, SmTreipdo^at, Tr e/x7rw, f. ^/w, v. [praetermitto,] to send past, to dispatch. AtpeaQ' av- TO poBiov, 7rdjod7re/u^/dr' ^>' eV6e],f}yds, adj. [(l)ex obliquo percussus a mari; (2) delirus,] (l) struck obliquely by the sea ; (2) doting, delirious. 'Hioj/as T TrdpaTrX^yas MfJitvas TE 6d\aaffr)s. e. 440. IIdpa7rX>y<7, (f)oi(3d$o/*ai. Jdpawveta, f. Tr^euaw, v. [spiro praeter,] to breat breathe past, to escape. 'Ap- yvpey, Ivd fjtriTi 7rdpa7rveu, perf. eppwyd, v. [disrumpo,] to break loose, to burst forth. MfXaivd r dfcpou rs Trdpeppwyev Trd^os. Philoct. 844. TldpappeiQpo's, ov, 6 et //, adj. [praeterfluens,] flowing by. 'Op$s itapappeidpoiat \ctijiappois fad, Antig. 723. IIAPA IIAPA 671 ldpappVos, ov,6 et r/, adj. [qui exorari se patitur verbis,] easy to be persuaded. "E/crop, d/utr]^dvos errol Trdpappt'iToiffi irWeffdat. N. 726. w, f. ;//w, v. [subeo periculiirn, audeo,] to run the hazard. Tts ovros ; ris napapptyet, re/ci/d. CE. R. 1493. SYN. 'A7ropp/7rrw, pvtw, v. [elabor,] to slip away. HapcppvrjKev, ws XITTCJ pri ry Xd/3eti'. Pinloct. 653. Tlapappvals, ews, ^, et Trdjoappy/m, ro, subst. [tegumentum,] a covering, a deck. ^roXpoi re Xaltyovs /cat Trapnppvvets vews. ^Escl). Suppl. 723. TldpdpvOfjios, ov, o et 57, adj. [abhorrens a numero,] out of tune. Ylobi irdpd- pvOfi Vpvd/ndv /39. Here. F. 136l. SYN. Kdrao-iceva^w, ovvTaaab), ), ei/r|07r/c*a;, biairpaaffk). Kevri, fjs, /, subst. [apparatus, instructio,] preparation, resources. Aev- Ktjv be xpotdv els TrdpavKvf]v e%is. Bacch. 449- SYN. KdraaKevrj, nvpoi. , 1 v. [tentorii modo explico,] to spread over like a lent. Odpos t. Eumen. 637. SYN. riep(0TeAAd/*cu, Trdpaoro- * HdpatTKOTreu, v. fpreetervideo,] to look beyond, not to perceive. r H /copra dp' efjitov TtdpeffKoireis ; Agam. 1223. SYN. Ov rvy^uvw t d/iap- Ildpao-Trdw, f. daw, v. [abstraho, avello,] to tear aside, or away, fapevas ?rdpa- ffTrqs tirl \wfiq. Antig. 792. SYN. 'ATroo-Trdw, Trdpdavpw, ^)0e/pw, d(f>e\K n Choeph. 970. , dbos, >/, subst. [postis, porticus,] a post, a pillar, a portico. 'Abpaerov b* f]\0dv els Trdpaffrdbds. Phoen. 426. SYN. TLTaO/ios. oTdrew, v. [a latere sto, auxiiior,] to stand by the side or near, to assist. lldpaffra-rjcreiy rols Kpeovreiois TreXas. CE. R. 400. SYN. IJdp/ord/uai, Trdpa- TidpaaTdrrjs, ov, 6, et Trdparrrdrts, ibos, r/, subst. [qu: a latere stat ; iuixilmtor, socius,] one who stands by the side, a defender, a companion. ToV 'Hpd- K\etov tore TTOV TrdpavTdrrjv. Heracl. 89. See also CE. C. 559* SYN. 'Apwyds, lldpaoTe/)(w, 2 aor. ec-i^ov, v. [pra?tereo,] to go past, or near. Ao/zots ?rdpa- , Kal rdfr evvtTreiv. Choeph. 56*0. SYN. Hdptp , v. [aggemo,] to groan near. "A0poai At^rao Trd Apoll. 4. 1297. SYN. IldpaicXdw. 1 On the interpretation of this word, see Dr. Butler's remarks in I, c. 67-1 ITAPA IIAPA IldpaorropEw, f. r/erw, v. [sterno, extendo,] to lay flat, to prostrate. 'Eyw w, 7rdparp7rw. ridpa<70ttXXw, f. dXw, v. [praeter excidere facio,] to cause to fall, to disap- point. 'I<7X^'' o*f*wv Trapea-QaXev KaXtiv. Nem. 11.41. SYN. At, &"' adv. [prope, illico,] near, close at hand, immediately. Aalr' evru- Trapaff-^eboi', 6'0pd 6' tWiv. Apoll. 1. 354. SYN. Ildpavrd, irapa- Trdpaurud, cr^i^dr, eyyi/s. ;, f. ^w, v. [aciem instruo,] to draw up in battle array. *7rei irapaTeTaypHrov. Vesp. 1118. SYN. T EtraT, v. [praetercurro,] to run past. Oi/Vw ^E KOI aibif^ 'obvvaev. X. 487 SYN. Ildpjjydplw, TrapauvQsouat. idpawX/^w, f. taw, v. [(l)juxta cubo ; (2)habito,] to tarry or lie near. Ildpav- \i2ovffd Trlrpa.^ Ion 496. SYN. HapaKCifJiai, napaKOtfjiadfJia^ TrdpafcdrdXlyd/xat, IIAPA . IIAPE 073 fldpavXtis, ov, 6 et f}, adj. [vicinus,] neighboring. 'AXX' ws irdpavXov oiKtffys. TrdXis be ffoi. (E. C. 785. SVN. See YldpotKos, yeiYwv. TlapavTiKa, adv. [confestim, illico,] immediately. Avros Koplov/jiai rd ye Trdpav- TIK e*'5o0>. Vesp. 833. SYN. Udpaxp^a. /i'to, f. avw, v. [ostendo,] to show, to produce. Tlaptyatve fiay rftv opKtiv, jiedd. Lysistr. 183. SYN. A?;Xoa>, dirotyaivw, 0atVw. t, f. oiaw, et Trdpa^optw, v. [juxta fero,] to bring near, to bring, to carry. zvvdimd trapd^epovTl irolpeaiv Ao^wv. Phcen. 1156'. See also Aves 840. SYN. Ildpdya;, ei<70opea>, per sync. Trap^evyw, v. [practerfugio,] to flee by. Hapfyvytew avv ' Qepet be re KpctTi eKatrry. p. 99' SYN. flapaTcXeo), aTro^evyw. , poet. irapat^jjCi^ v. [suadeo, hortof,] to advise, to accost. Mrjrpi 6' eyw irapatyrjul KOI avry ircp voeovay. A. 577. See also ft. 771. SYN. YLapaivew, irapaKaXeto, TrapafjivBedfJiat. apatiQrfpi, 2 aor. TrapriQdriv, v. [praevenio, praetercurro,] to outstrip. Ktpbe- , ovri rd^ei ye vapaipdapevos MeveXaov. Y. 515. SYN. $0aw,, a, as, r% subst. [insania,] madness. See in Hapa) ls ereoi/, r) Kopi>j3avTi$s' t Vesp. 8. See also Theocr. 25. 262. SYN. Trapardeo) ,, jueuVfytcu, irapaXripew, TrdpaTrX^o-rro/zat. ^i/os, et Trapatypot'ifjios, ov t 6 et >/, adj. [amens, desipiens,] mad, foolish. Ti rob' av Trapatypwv eppt^as ends. Hipp. 232. See also (E. R. 691. SYN. ^A^jowv, eK$pw', TrapaTrXrjKTds, avorjros. apawrd. Call. 6. 46. SYN. TIdpdfJivQedfJiat, TrdpdicdXfw, ava^iix**** Flap/Bards, vid. ITdpd/3drds. Ylapfiaivw, vid. Tldpdfiatvti). Tlapfidffia, vid. IIdpai/3data. /, adv. [a latere,] sideways. 'AXXdr^ irapfidXdbriv* vctvn/crt 5^ x"f t. A poll. 4. 936. s, j), o^, adj. [humidus, uvidus,] wet, damp. 'ETreiSq 7rap5d*rov ro x^- ptoi/. Pax 1148. SYN/Yypds, bivypos. UapbdXea, as, et rrapbaXij, ijs, fj, subaud. bopd, subst. fpellis pantherae,] a leo- pard's skin. YlapbaXey fjikv TTpwrd pera(])pevdv evpv KdXv\pe. K. 29 IldpSdXts, et Ion. TTOpbdXis, ews, et Ion. Ids, ^, subst. [panthera,] a leopard, a tiger. 'Hvrc 7rpdXts el/, et Trdpjfioy, ro, subst. [gena,] a cheek. Aos, rac Trapetav. irpOfffiaXwv TrdpijtSt. Hec. 410. SYN. Fevi/s. EPITH. AayuTrpa, a7rd\)), afjKJnbpvfyos, ^dpteffffd, SdXepd, TrapQtviKti. *ridpe/as, oy, et wdpwas, 6, subst. [serpens quidam vEsculapio sacer,] a kind of serpent, having full cheeks. *6&a tXd/3o/j^v, ws Trdpe/as wv o^ts. Plut. <690- a0w, et Trdpe/jcw, v. [cedo, concede,] to give way, to submit. Ka rai/r' ts, Kal boKels 7rdpetfcd0et>' ; Antig. 1102. See also Philoct. 1048. SYN. , f. Zcrduat, v. [adsum,] to be present, ready. "Ai6' av 7rdpetriui, v. [persuadeo,] to persuade. Moyts P. V. 132. SYN. ndpa7re/0w. , v. [(l)inser%ev, firj ue napetabvs. Call. Epigr. 45. 5. SYN. ' ridpe^/3a/j/w, v. [transgredior,] to go beyond. 'I0etas, /cat fjjj rt 7rdp/c/3atVoucri blKaiov. Hes. Op. 224. SYN. ndpd/3atVw, 7rdpee, f. ^/}ow, v. [(i) insuper s. furtim emo, (2) compare,] to buy by stealth, to purchase. Famous irapep.ir8\wvTi y aXXoiovs iroatv. Med. 906\ SYN. 'fti/etf/mi. TlapEvavdeM, perf. evt'ivoOa, v. [superne floreo, surgo,] to bloom upon, to rise. To/?; Trapet'rivdOe /jtrjrls. Apoll. 1. 664. ndjoe^errw, v. [dico admonendo,] to admonish. Told Trap6vv7rev"Apyds' aval 5' erre^adro nvdots. Apoll. 3. 367. SYN. Ylapavbaw. TlapevadXevw, v. [tripudio,] to dance. Mi/iov^eVos, Kal rdlv irtibow wSt Trdpev- o-dXevwf. PJut. 29 1. IIdpe, et TrapeK, pra?p: [extra,] out of. 'fts dpd (jxavrjffavre, Trdpe oboV kv VEKV- ecrai. K. 34$. See also Y. 133. , f. ^w, v. [praetereo, transeo,] to pass by. Avero, ILjXtdSas 6e epiirvas. Apoll. 1. 581. SYN. Ildpdjuei'/Sw, TrdjOaXXa/raw, , v. [tibia canere desino, detero,] to leave off playing the flute, to wear out. OvSev tWds, dXXd nwcpovs, Kal rrdpe^/i/X^evojys. Acharn. 681. SYN. Kdrar,o//5w. Ildpe|e^. Phoen. 1563. SYN. UapeKpaivto, V7rep/3a/va>. ITdpe^eXavj/w, vid. ndjCieXayj/w. Udpe^epew, v. fut. irr. of Trdpe^eiTretv, [preeter verum loquor, percontor,] to speak falsely, to inquire. "H ri 7rdpe^epeeo-0at, o roi 0tXoj>, ^e rt fyaffQat. Apoll. 3. 978. SYN. Udpd^pl. Ilapeepxopcu, 2 aor. >)X0o^, v. [juxta vel clam egredior, anteverto,] to go out near or privately, to outstrip. 'Pe7d irdpefcXdovffd' TIS av 6eov OVK 0c- Xovrd. K. 573. SYN. 'E%pxdfjiat, Trdpep^ojitat, Trdp&jeejui. I7dpepydr7?3, ov, 6, subst. [rerum futilium opifex,] one who is busy about trifles. Ko/^os y o Kiipvfi, Kal ndpepydrijs Xdywi'. Eur. Suppl. 436. Tlupepydvy ov y TO, subst. [res secundaria, appendix, accessio,] an appendage, any thing secondary or useless. 'AXX'^ev Trdpepyy dov jul* Sv^epeid per. Philoct. 473. SYN. Opoo-0>}^. TlapepTrvgw, f. VITW, et TrdptpTrw, f. ;//w, v. [clam repo,] to creep near, to steal in. "E(Tw irapepTri)ffaffa, nplv rov av&pa JJ.E. Eccles. 511. See also Theocr. 15. 48. SYN. 'E^epTri/^w, TrdpemSi/dyUfiu, Trdpep^o^uat. Ildpepxo^at, 2 aor. ijXQov, f. eXevao/uai, v. [(l) pnetereo, (2) elabor,] to pass by, to go to, to enter, to pass, to escape. Hv^ Trarpt, Kal 7rdpr/X0 rvfjuftiKoiis Sojuous. Med. 1134. SYN. Aiep^o^uat, ct, Trdpd^epw. dpevKrjXew, v. [rnulceo, delinio,] to soothe. IL/yds o0a/pei, K-ai T Xoyots. Here. F. 99. SYN. Ildpa/ivflfojuae, irpavvb). Hapevva$6fjiai, v. [juxta cubo,] to sleep near. A/uw/J<7iv ^e yi>vcu# ta/ws. X - 37. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [juxta accumberis,] lying near. 'Iw, tw Tr^d ?rarpi . Sept. Theb. 1006. SYN. Zvvevvos, fyevvos, ndpeff-ws, opevvtriis. cTrt^w, f. V, 2 aor. dovos. Hec. 288. See also Apoll. 3. 6lO. SYN. ndpdpvdEdpai, TrdpevKT/Xfw, TrdpaKaXtw, KardfleXyw. Jldp^yopta, as, rj, et Trdp/jyoprjjud, subst. [solatium,] consolation, encouragement. MaXdrais aboXourl Traprjyoptais. Agam. 94. SYN. TLdpdpvOiSy, Trdpa^v^^ 7rap0dffta. Ildp^dv, ov, ro, subst. [(l) gena, (2) ornatus ad genas,] a cheek ; an ornament for the cheek. A.VTTJS TI]KETO Ka\a iraprfia baKpv^ovffrjs. r. 208. SYN. See ridpeid. ITdp^is, vid. Ildpem. *fldp//Kw, v. [(1) pr^tereo, (2) prodeo,] to pass by, to go forth. Uaprinev, &a-rl /3pdxd pot belaOat (ppaaat. CE. C. 570. SYN. See Yliipep^ofjiat. Ildp^a/, v. [juxta sedeo,] to sit near. 'ls pi pot rpvr)T ^api^iivol uXX<504V aXXw. I. 311. SYN. See Hdpezdpat. HaprjfjiZpds, Dor. icapapEpbs, ov, o et h, adj. [quotidianus,] daily. "A-et Trdpd- /uepov ea\ov. Olymp. 1. 160. SYN. 'Ertp^epos. Ildp;^ts, ews, f], subst. [adventus,] access to laud, landing. ^.Trapvas naprfiets Kal KaKoarpwTovs rt 6' ov. Agam. 539 Tlapyopia, as, //, subst. [lorum vel catena qua equus Trapfjopos adjungitur rjj !vi/wpt'6t,] a chair or trace by which the outer horse was attached to the car. "Q, doatat TrapOeveios r/Sov>;. Hipp. 1297. See also Phcen. 231. and Eur. Electr. 174. Tlapdcvevpa, ards, TO, subst. [(1) virginitas, (2) occupa'io virginea,] (1) virgi- nity, (2) virgin employment, "ft poi' voQov pe TrapOevevp ZTIKTE adv. Ion 1474. SYN. See Yldpdeveios. Hapdevevu, v. [(1) virgines educo^ (2) med. virgincam vitam duco,] (1) to bring up a virgin, (2) to lead a virgin life. *H TrapSeveveii/ Tralbds ev lopots icdXais. Eur. Suppl. 462. Flapflei^dTratos, ov, o, P. N. [Parthenopaeus,] one of the seven Argive chieftains in the Thebau war. "65* earl HaptiwdnaTds, 'ArdXarrqs yoi-os. Phoen. 150. PHR. See Sept. Theb. 525545. HapbevoTrtTrrjs, ov, o, subst. [virgiiium spectator,] an observer of virgins, a gal- lant. Todrd Xw/3/?r>)p, icepd ctyXde, 7rap0^d7rt7rd. A. 385. ExP. 'O ras irapQlvovs oTrtTrrevwv Kal 7rir^pJ>v, yvvaipdvrjs; Ilap0>ds, 3 ov, et 7rap0i'tK">), f/s, r/, subst. [virgo,] a virgin, a girl. s is properly said of the horse, which was attached to the side of one of the t>vo horses yoked to the pole of the carriage. 2 Tlapeevws is also the name of a river iu Paplilagonia ; and irapBevfla, plur. are hymns sung in certain sacred festivals by a chorus of virgins. See Brunck. Aves 919. 3 Sometimes irapOfvos is used adjectively in the sense of irapewos : also Trapftrt is dat. quasi a irc-pMiv. See Valcknaer, Theocr. p. 278. IIAP0 IIAPO 077 dvv/^ov, irapdtrov r airapQtvijv. Hes. 6 10. See also 2. 56/. SYN. Kdpa, Kovpa, Trais, TraibiffKrj. EPITH. "Acy^s, drrdX/), aSyuTjrtfs, avavbpds, dX^<7t/3oid, aTrroXf/jos, alboia, aX^ecrad, 6a\afj.r)Trd\6s , Epva/TrroXis, p <7o0/, yea, avvpevaws, dTro/tfXeTrros, tirjj deaial, vv^i6s. IIap0>o'cr0dyds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [e virgine mactata,] from a virgin slain. Muu- ytoj> 7rapdevoaw7rds, ov, 6, subst. [qui virginea facie est,] having a girlish look. MJ) TrapflfVwTros, aXXd rdrcpe/ov rpoirov. Eur. Electr. 949. IlapOios, ov, 6, adj. [Parthius,] Parthian. Kai flapQUvs TIS avbpas. Anacr. 55. 3. vw, v. [juxta commoror, una cubo,] to remain near, to lie with. E?Xcr*' 6' dXoxo> 6vfj.apZa, TTJ Trdpmi/wv. I. 336. SYN. See IldpavX/du;. vid. flape$o/ f. Tyaw, 1 aor. r)Ka, v. [(1) praetermitto, admitto; (2) solvo ; (3) re- mitto,] to ornit, neglect, loosen, weaken. IlcuSas Trapriau) TOVS e/zovs KaOvppi- trat. Med. 1057- SYN. IldpdXe/Tra), ^utOtT/^t, drtjy^t, avyxfaptw. HapWs, ov, 6 et r/, et a, ov t adj. [Parius,] Parian, of Paros, an island in the /Egean sea. SraXav 0/uev, Hdprov. Nem. 4. 131. ndptTTTreva;, v. [prater equito,] to ride past or along. Don-ov TrdptTTTrei/ovre, TT)j.\^djJiv Trdrpav. Helen. 1664. SYN. 'iTTTrevw, 7rdparp^w, irapeXavvti). Ylapis, toos, et ws, 6, P. N. [Paris.] Twv 5' fpwv Ildpis rlpxe, Kal 'AXfcdCoos /col '. M. 93. SYN. 'AXe^ctrdpo's. EpITH. AvtrTrdpts, -yvyat/mj/rys, ^TrfptJ- vrdts, 'Icatos, npid/it^//s, fiovrr]s, fJLeyadvfios, /GdatXevs, Oedeibfjs, Tlaplooo), v. [eequiparo,] to make equal, compare. Tar ov6' avra d/i X* 'EXeyj? TrapiffuOri. Theocr. 18. 25. SYN. 'Oyuoiow, e^tffdw, i ftracjw. t, f. aarr/ffw, v. [juxta statuo,] to place near, to show ; m iffTTj/j.i, 7rdpd0po>, Trdpaordrfw, wdpet/zi. Hdp/o-xw, vid . ridpfxw. riap/uoVds, et Trdpdjuovos, ov 6 et >;, adj. [permanens, constans,] permanent, con- stant. "OX/jos dv0po>7roto-t TrapfjLovwTtpos. Nem. 8. 29- SYN. Moi tjuos, fiefiaws. TlapvavWs, a, ov^apvaols, tbos, r], et Ilapvaaids, d6o$, adj. [Parnassius,] of Par- nassus, a celebrated mountain in Phocis. "OXwXe irop6r)t)e~icr*' 6 yap Oapva- oWs. Troad.9. See also Choeph. 555. et Ion S6. Ilapvaaos, 1 et Ion. Trapvrjffds, ov, 6, P. N. [Parnassus,] a mountain in Phocis. riapmffov Ka.Tti;, adj. [(l) inter vinum usitatus, temu- ientus ; (2) ad injuriam ex vino proclivis,] customary with wine, drunken, insolent. Kat T&V tyvovrwv 7to\v Trdpoivifcwrdros. Vesp. 1291. See also Acharn. 978. and Anacr. 42. 13. SYN. Olvofiaprjs, oh'ofiapeiwv, oivoTrXrjQris, OIVOTTOT^S, olvdiriTrrjS. Tidpoirepos, et (2) Trdpo/rdros, y, ov, adj. [(1) anterior, (2) primus,] (1) before, (2) the first, the foremost. "Eopd(t). * TLdpopvis, i6os, adj. [contra avium volatum, infaustus,] inauspicious, 'obovs advfj.ovs, Kai irapvpvidas iropovs. Eum. 773. SYN. HapaiffWs, airaialos. Tldpds, adv. vid.ridpoifle. * Ilapos, ov, ^, P. N. [Paros,] an island in the ^gean sea, famed for its mar- ble. 'Ht^eridpos, Ndos, MVKOVOS, T//-rw re. Pers. 886. Hdpovaia, as, >/, subst. [(1) praesentia, (2) adventus, (3) tempus,] presence; arrival; time. KdpabdKrjcrw ffifv eitei Trapovviav. Iph. A. 1432. SYN. Kotpos, a(j)((s. EPITH. Ev/Ltevrjs, Kftipws, (pl\rj. Tldpoxerevw, v. [alio derivo,] to lead off clandestinely by achannel. Tayr' ovj/ Tdpw^treyads ev, Kovbev X|ywf. Bacch. 479. SYN. 'O^erevw, ^erd^epw, Trdp- dyw. n^X^ s ov, o, subst. [paranymphus,]^ bridesman. Zijvos Trdpfyos yd/uwi/. Aves 1740. SYN. Hdpdw^ds. ndpo^wvew, v. [clam opsonia *coe'mo,] to buy provisions pHvately. Avrois Trdpo\^(t)vov(Tiv, dJo-Trep icut Trporov. Eccles. 226. ndpo^wj/^d, drds, ro, subst. [opsonium clandestinum,] a clandestine relish. Evvfjs Trdpo^/w^jud rrjs eprjs x^br/s. Agam. 1422, SYN. Ildpoi//^d. Tlapndb'ids, ov, 6 et //, adj. [praesens,] present, immediate. UapTrtbtov \av. Nern. 9. 90. rToppdXtos, poet, pro IldpdXios, q. v. Uappdffids, a, ov, adj. [Parrhasius,] of Parrhasia, a town in Arcadia, founded by Parrhasius, the son of Jupiter. UappdaWv oiKelv bdrrebov eviav-ov KVK\OVS Orest. 1662. 1 yri or x^pa being understood, is the name of the town. Call. 1. 10. HAPP IIATE 670 ijrta, as, //, subst. [(1) oratio libera ; (2) libertas,] freedom of speech, in- dependence. "fts pot yevrjTcu ^rpodey irappr)(Tia. Ion 674. SYN. 'Eovaia weals, \ev6epta. , pro Haparepvu, q. v. /vw, pro Ildpd^a/j/w, q. v. ffts, vid. Hapatyavis. * Ildp^v/crds, ov, 6 et >, adj. [qui praeterfugi potest,] that may be escaped. Acu- pwv. TO ye nopfflpov ov 7rap-(f)VKTdi>. Pyth. 12.53. SYN. evKreos. IldpwSds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [a proposito alienus,] out of tune, foreign to the pur- pose. KovKeri irdpu>bo~is xpriaofjieaO' ahiy/iaaiv. Iph. A. 1147. ITdpw0ew, f. wad), v. [rejicio, adspernor, uegligo,] to reject, slight, neglect. *O> vvv Trdpuxras ovros, fytTrdXiv Xeyet. Trach. 358. SYN. ' ov, o et ?/, adj. [denominatus,] named from or after. 4>o//3 Qoifirjs ' ovdfji e\et Traputvvfjidy. Eumen. 8. Has, Trao-d, TTUV, adj. [omnis, totus, qui vis,] all, every, any. 'Eydpol yap aai Travra Z>YI KaXwv. Med. 280. SYN."A7ras, cru/^Tras, oXos. , as, >>, P. N. [Pasithea,] the youngest of the three Graces. , as, ^, P. N. [Pasithoa.] Zev^w re KXuro; re 'iSuId re Ila TraerfyieXouffd Trap' At>/rao TrAlovcrd. JLI. 70. riacradXevros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [clavibus affixus,] nailed, fastened. 'YiraiOpios ^effjjLolffi 7ra.(raa\evTos &v. P. V. 113. * iTaflTTrdXr/, et TranraXr), rjs, ?/, subst. [res levis,] the least dust, a particle. ' opy. rfjs VVKTOS ovbe 7raff7ra\r)v. Vesp. 91 dXevw, v. [clavibus afRgo,] to fasten with nails or pegs. 'ftsTrao-ffdXeuffij Kpara TptyXvQots robe. Bacch. 1203. SYN. ITpoo-Trao-o-dXevw, Trpoairiiyvvpl. Ilao-o-dXos, ov, et ?ra;Xas e/i7rt7rroi/ffat, p^yvvj^rat, KO\ iraTayovalv. Nub. 378. SYN. x Fo0ew, ^OVTTCW, icXdyyw. ITdrdyos, oi/, 6, subst. [strepitus,] a clatter, a noise. KTVTTOV bebopKa' Trdrdyos ov x e>os 6opos. Sept. Theb. 100. SYN. Wtyfa, ^x s e j oi)s Gdpvftds. Ildrdacrw, f. ^w, v. [percutio, ferio,] to strike violently, to smite. "Ary 6vfjidv t ev bcivy irapa. Antig. 1097- SYN. tTXryo-, KOT TTO/W. ridrep^w, v. [patrem appello,] to call father. 'AXX', w Trdrep >/ju?repe . flai/o-at) teal fjir) TrdrepiZe. Vesp. 652. SYN. drew, f. ^o-ft), v. [calco, protero,] to tread on, trample on. IIdro76'* o 6' ovx evaefirjs. Agam. 364. SYN. Karon-drew, iXe5s, Opaffvftenvwv, 0vyuo\ewv, KXvrtfs, yEpaifos, dydflos, etrflXos, TjTrtos, peiXlxos, yepwv, dyavos, d/iv/xw>, bafypwv, bvarrjvos, spiadevrjs, tXevdepos, TrdXatos, TroXtos, avri- s, ov, 6, et Trdr^s, 7% subst. [conculcatio,] a trampling on. IIoXXSv Trd- ov & elparwy av ei^dju^. Agam. 936. Hares, ov, o, subst. [trita via,] a path. 'AXX* o> br) ife jfipov d ris irarov eKToQZv i\lv. Apoll. 3. 1200. SYN. 2ri/3os, arpdTros, rpt/3os, oSos. nar/oa, as, et TrarpU, iSos, (subaud. yr},) ^, subst. [patria,] the land of one*s fathers. "A/z$w Kara^eiv els TrdrjOar, TrpoerOei/ 6' e/xe. Phoen. 439- See also Phoen. 417. EPITH. OtX?/, fcXeiw/, eptEds, ov, et irarpdKafflyvr}Tds t ov, et irarpws, was, 6, subst. [patris frater,] a father's brother, an uncle. ITarpdSeX^eov. 'A-Xtfcwr. Isth:n. 8. 144. See also v. 342. and Pyth. 6. 46. SYN. See Qeios. IlarpdSeX^ta, as, r% subst. [consanguinitas avunculorum,] relationship of uncle and nephew, or of cousins. S^trfpi^djuej'ov TrdrpdSeX^tav. ^Esch. Suppl. 39 ITarpdXo/as, vid. HarpOKro^os. ITarptSto*', oi/, ro, subst. [paterculus,] a dear father. "10', w 7rdrpi5to>', 7rt rd /GeXr/w rptTrov. Vesp. 987. SYN. See IlaTrTri'as. IlarpiKds, et Trarptos, vid. Harpwios. Tlarpis, vid. Ilarpa. ITarptwr^s, oi/, 6, et vrarptwris, )t6os, ^, adj. [popularis,] of the same country, a fellow countryman. Mr) ov ere yt KCL\ Trdrpiwrav OlbiTrov. (E. R. 1091- See also Heracl. 755. SYN. 'Eyx^'pufc, br^anis, TroXtr^s. s, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [indigena,] born in the country, native. 0eo/ re Zs. 1 Antig. 938. SYN. TlaTpwltis. , vid. IlarpdSeX^lds. HarpoK\ibr)s, tws, o, P. N. [Patroclides.] Ei rl IldrpoicXctS^s rts i^tuv rvy X&vei xe^rjTi&v. Aves 790- OarpoKX^s, eds, Ion. f/o, et HorpoKX^s, ov, o, P. N. [Patroclus.] AT^d S' tTcitpov eov UaTpoK\fja irpdcrienrev. A. 601. See also 0. 476. EPITH. $t\os Au, btdyevrjs, 'nnrevs, 'nnroKEXevdos, fj.yadvpds, bei\ds t djuvyuw*', /uydX?/rwp, Mevot- rtabrjs, (pus tirofleos, aptaros 'A^atwv, ^'pws, Mevotriov dX*:t/zos wos. , v. [parricida sum,] to kill one's father, to be a parricide. Ila- yap \vvoiKricreis efj.oi ; Choeph. 896. dpos, o, subst. [avus paternus,] a paternal grandfather. Sa/^drt Trarporrdrwp. Pyth. 9. 144. HarpoKTovos, Trarpo^ofds, ov, 6 et ^, Trarpo^o^evs, ews, Ion. ^os, warp^ovrr/s, ov, et TrarpdXotas, ov, 6 et ^, subst. et adj. [patris interfector, parricida,] one who slays a father, parricidal. Aetvfis co-wads t->: TrarpoKTdvov xpos, Iph. T. 1084. See also Orest. 190. y. 307. CE. R. 1441. and Ran. 784. narpo iraval- XVTTOV afnrtXov bovvai /3poro7s. Bacch. 771. Havaiirdvos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [labori finem faciens,] trouble-abating. Aei-Xa/ai iravcriTrdvos' teal. Iph. T. 451. . id^io*, a, o', adj. [Paphius,] Paphian, of Paphos. Xatperw a Ild^ta* fiovov IXaos "Apreyuis etr;. Theocr. 27- 15. wv, d^os, 6, P. N. [Paphlagon,] a Paphlagonian. ETrd rov HafXayovd. Nub. 581. EP1TH. MeydX^rwp, , v. [ferveo, aestuo,] to rage, to bluster. Kv/^drd ira po0ew, /Jp Ila^Xao-yud, drds, ro, subst. [strepitus, quern aestuans mare edit,] blustering. Have T&V Trd^Xaffwdrwv. Aves 1243. Hd(j)ds t ou, ^, P. N. [Paphos,] a city in Cyprus. 'Es nd^dy, evOd be ol repevos /3w^os re 0v^ets. 0. 363. ndxeros, 1 ov, 6, et Kayos, eos, TO, subst. [spissitudo, crassities,] thickness, mas- si veness. Me/c?ora icat iray^TOv, crripdpwTepov OVK oXlyov Trep. 0. 187* See also Cycl. 379. ITax^7, w, ^, subst. [pruina, gelu, glacies,] hoar frost, ice. ^vvvt^es, apyi- voeffadv del Trepirerpo^e irdx vr l y ' Apoll. 2. 740. SYN. Ildyeros, <7rt/3?. EPITH. Xetjucpta. , v. [gelu constringo,] to cause to freeze. AvVp Trdx^wOelo-', % Vd as rlvos ; Hipp. 803. SYN. Kdrd7r?7yj>i//u, av pithy vvfu. , vid. Ildxerds. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [cui sunt pingues surae,] thick-ancled or legged. Kai yctffrpuoeis,-Kai TrdxyKvyfjiot, Kal Tridves elalv doreXyws. Plut. 560. Tlayyv<> ? vv<*>> v [pinguefacio,] to render fat or stupid. At 5' av irdxyvQfj KavaxyoavQij rq Tpixi. Acharn. 791- SYN. ITraiVo;, Xtiralvo). Ildx^s, e7d, v, compar. Traaawv, et va^v 9 superl. 7rdxrrds, T/, 8v 9 adj. [cras- sus, pinguis, tardus,] thick, large, rich, dull. Eian/m irpoffQev, Trdx^S", avrdp vTrepdev. M. 446. Ile^daffKdi', vid. Hebdut. Ylebalpw, JE.O\. pro Mera/pw, q. V. Iltbaixtrtos, jEol. pro Utraixfios, q. V. Hebdpeifiw, Aol. pro Merd/^et/Sw, q. V. IleSaopSs, ^Eol. pro Merewpos, q. V. HeoapaWs, ^Eol. pro Meraptrids, q. V. a^w, vid. Merai/yacjoj. i Some grammarians consider TTO^TOJ to be a different form of the comparative it is however here considered a subst., after the opinion of Damm. and H. Steph. Pros. Lex. 682 IIEAA HEI0 IleSdw, et Ion. imp. TreSdaaicoV, v. [compedibus adstringo, vincio,] to fetter. 'EeXdaV xX7n7 be 0ov KCLTCL ftolpa ntbrjffe. X. 291. See also ^. 353. SYN. Aew, Seoyjevo), avvaTTTw, dydSew, KdrdSew, crvv^ew. ^ol. pro Merepxfy"", vp>/Xdros. IleSrds, ddos, ^, (1) subst. et (2) adj. [(1) planities, (2) campester,] (1) a level, (2) of a plain. tl\ayx6els TrXarelas Trtblabos 0' apaZiTOV ; Rhes. 279 * ITf 5%j;s, eds, adj. [campester, planus,] plain, level. Qpatcrjs apirebuipets. Pers. 572. (for dm Tree^pm.) SYN. Ilebids. flebiXdv, ov, ro, subst. [calceus, talare,] a sandal, a slipper, rioo-o-t S' viral \t7rapo~triv ebricrard Ka\a TreStXd. K. 132. SYN. 'Y7ro%ot' t TrdjodTrord/uoy, atcapTriarov, avyxoprov, KaXXiTrvpydv, K\etvov, aflpoyov, KapTrd^opov, evbai/uidv, ctyLtTreXoei', Spdaoe^, eypv^opov,, , ov, 6 et >}, adj. [qui campos tuetur,] one who protects the plains. re mycJpds fTrtoroTrcis. Sept. Theb. 258. , ov, 6 et ;, adj. [sonans ex ungulis campum ferientibus,] arising from the clatter of hoofs on the plain. 'EXeSe/^cts, TreSroTrXoVri/Tros. Sept. Theb. 83. n^o/Ba/xwy, Gvos, et 7re5oo<7rt/3>/s. Ile^oSev, 7reSo7, et 7reoye, genitiv. dat. et ace. antiq. a TT&OV vel 7re6os. IleSo*', ov, ro, et tre5o$, ov, fj, subst. [solum, terra, humus,] ground, land, the floor. IToms Trdrpwcts yf\s ep^ju&'xras TTE^UV ; Rhes. 274. See also Horn. Hvmn. 2. 72. EPITH. Kpdvdov, Kap^t/nov, Trarpio^, fueXay^ifjioyf d/^drdr, KpdratXewj', ^pov, ybv. SYN. "Ebafpos, bair&ov. Ile^d, 77 s, ^, subst. [(1) planta pedis, (2) quaevis extremitas adfixa, ut fimbria vestis, clavus ad extremam orani,] the sole of the foot ; a fringe, extremity. Tlegrj cTrt Trpwn?, CTTI 6e Kpittov eaTopt flaXXov. ft. 272. SYN. 20iJpo^, Kpa- vw, v. [pedibus iter facio,] to travel on foot. OVT ETTI yaias noba ?rec?eiW. Alcest. 886. TIe5o/36as, et 7re5o/udx>?s, ov, 6, subst. [miles, pedes,] a foot soldier. ' uv Trdpd 7reof3dais. Nem. 9. 81. See also Pyth. 2. 121. xew, v. [pugnam equestrem committo,] to fight by land. Kca , Kcil irSXlopK&v. Vesp. 683. , vid. Ile^d/3oos. ov, 6 et T>, adj. [terrestris,] supported by land, land. He~$ovduois K re BaX&aaas. Pers. 78. Hegos, r), o>/, adj. [pedestris,] on foot, by land. Kr^e/zoVes ireZoiet KO.L iTTTrrj eaal rWevrat. Apoll. 3. 1273. SYN. , vid. Ilet0apxos. Ileiflapxew, v. [pareo,] to obey. '!ov, TrdpeortV ^5e TreiQapxpvoa aoi. Iph, A. 1120. SYN. TIeidofjai, vvrd/covw, VTre^w, vifoTa.aabfj.aij ev7rei0>)s ep, tfp#s, 6 et ^, adj. [obediens,] submissive to authority. Ot 6' OVK, dXXd TreiOapxv 0p'^ Pers. 380. See also Agara. 1629. Agara SYN. , r/, subst. [(1) suadela, (2) obedientia,] persuasion, obedience. lIei0 Se rijv rvpavvdv avOpwirois povrjv. Hec. 804. SYN. (2) IIei0apxia, TreTad. EPITH. eX^typwy, /ieXt//Sjs, rj^veir^s^ 2etp>/i>. Leidw, f. ffw, 2aor. TrexWdr, v. [(i) persuadeo, (2) in voc. med. pareo, credo,] (l)to persuade, (2) to obey, to believe. lie/dew, d r S f d Qovid Treiparfipla. Iph. T. 68. SYN. ITe7pd. lletpdw, 1 f. ijffd), 7Tipa$/, subst. [" alveus qui imponitur currui ad recipienda onera vel sessores." Damm. qui omnino consulendus est,] the body of the car. Kat rd HEV els ireiptvda rWet TLeiaiarpaTos tfpvs. o. 131. /pw, f. Trepai, v. [transfigo,] to transfix, to pierce through, to cleave. 'Av- wv re TrroXeyuovs dXeyetvd re Ari/^idrd Tre/pwv. 0. 183. SYN. AtdTre/pw, ?rep^- ITe/pws, tu, o, P. N. [Piros,] a Thracian chief. Ile/pws' owrd Sc 6ovpt OfjtfyaXdv' t'fc 6' dpd Trdffac. A. 525. , ov, o, P. N. [Pisander.] 'Efc 6' dpd netad^potd . ff. 298. , ov, 6, patronym. [Pisenoris filius,] the son of Pisenor. Ei/pu- . v. 148. 1 " Attici hoc verbum (Tretpaw) in activa forma ponere non solent, nisi notet ircipii yvvcuKa, etc. Aristophanes. Heipgi n*v ovv foots ital ruv nrdiuv f^dirrerai." Damm. imo etiam, vir doctissime, ubi notat Tripdfiv tpwriKws ^vSpa, etc. Cycl, 576. Ou/c Uv $<*4ffcuur at x^'^cs 684 IIEI2 IIEAA , tipfa, 6, P. N. [Pisenor.] K be, TI ; Aves 644. HeifffyppoTds, ov, o et ^, adj. [cui mortales parent,] man -persuading, \epoiv ireurfyPpdrov re flaKTpov. Choeph. 356. Hetfflorpartis, ov, 6, P. N, [Pisistratus/] See in Ileipirs. IleiaiLx&Xtvos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [habenis obediens,] obedient to the reins. "Ev 0' appard ireifflxdXiva Kdra^ev-yvvrj. Pyth. 2. 21. E[e7<7/ia, arcs, TO, subst. [navis retinaculum,] a cable. Qvtf oppos, OVCE Treioym- . ^Escb. Suppl. 772. SYN. ^xpivttiv, KaXws, xpv/ur^a-ta. EPITH. * Yletffretis, a, oi', adj. verbal, [credendus,] must believe. Tt rovr* a\vw ; Tceiffreov Trarpos Xoyois. Hipp. 1177 Tleto-n/p, %os, adj. [qui persuadet, vel persuadetur,i.e. obsequens,] persuading or persuaded, complying, following. Kcu rov ftev Treior^pa 1 Karriyov ETT ^irci- poio. Theocr. 21. 58. TLetarrjpws, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [persuasorius,] persuasive. 'AXX' avriact, KO.\ Xd- yovs 7ret(7rr?piovs. tph. T. 1054. IleKTew, Treffw, et Ion. irelicu, v. [carpo, carmino,] to tear out, to comb, to shear. 'HyiKtt 7re:re7v n'XXw, K6//JW. lleXaw, vid. IIfXa5w. * IleXdyios, a, ov, adj. [marinus,] of the sea. A'ipoiZv avpat ireXdytav vnep TrXdtca. Ran. 1438. SYN. flovrtds, 6d\&ffffios, dXtos, evaXlos. IleXdyds, EOS, TO, subst. [mare, aequor,] the sea, the main. Kcu vavardXovfjLevdy. Helen. 1209. SYN. 0dXalOV T. A. 295. IleXdcJw, f. do-w, et TreXdw, TreXdflw, per sync. 7rXd0a>, et TrXdw, f. rjffd), v. [(1) appropinquare facio, admoveo; (2) appropinquo,] to bring near, to cause to approach, to approach. 'EXXriviKo'ivi bwpdatv TreXct^ere. Phoan. 287. See also Horn. Hymn. 6. 44. Eur. Electr. 1291. Alcest. 119- and A. 449. SYN. (2) nXqfftac?^, irlXvdfJiat, Trpoo-TreXai^w, eyy/cw. TleXdvos, ov, 6, subst. [quidvis ex humido concretum, libuni, grurnus,] a sacri- ficial cake, clotted foam, moisture. Xeovad roV&e TreXdro*' ev Tvpfto) Trdrpos. Choeph. 90. SYN. IIe/ujud, a^pcJs, TrXdicovs, /ia5d. EPITH. Aipdrr)pb's, TrtdXtos, Zpvdpos, advTos. HeXapylbevs, ews, 6, dimin. a. (2) HeXapyos, ov, 6, subst. [ciconiae pullus,] a young stork. IlcWas Trotfffy rovs TreXapytSels rpe^wj'. Aves 1356. See also Aves 1354. HeXapytKos, 7), oV, adj. [" Pelargicus, idem qui Pelasgicus ; et Tyrrheni iidem qui Pelasgi." Not. doctiss. Blomf. Call. fr. 283. At vide Schol. in 1. infra cit.] Tls fr av KaQefct TIJS TroXews ro IleXapyiKoV ; Aves 832. HeXapyos, vid. IlXapyt6eus. , adv. et preep. [prope,] near. "Er6d b'eiretQ', r/'pws xi l ^^ 9e ' s weXas, ws oe uw. K. 516. SYN. TlXrialov, eyyvs. ffylKos, r/, ov, TleX&ayWs, ITeXaffytairi/s, ITeXaffyos, ov, 6, et rTeXarai b' itpoiiTp&Xov niXdrai. Pers. 49. SYN. TIapoiKds, yeirtvv, irX^aw^wpos. * Tl\e8ds, Vld. iTreXZdos. HeXeOpdy, et 7rX0oo>, ov, TO, subst. [jugerum,] a measure of a hundred feet, an acre. Kelpevdv kv bdnefy' o b' tV evvia. neiro vtXedpa. X. 576. SYN. Fi/a. FltXetd, as, et FfeXems, dos, //, subst. [columba,] a dove, a pigeon. T/XXe TreXeidv \wv, /card b& Trrepd ^evey epae. o. 527- See also Androm. 1129* SYN. ITejOt<7r|od, rpripwv, ^ctrra. EPITH. 'Epaoyzm, rdyvirrtpos, epdreivri, et- Aiy, bvaevvrjTetpdf Travrpofyds. TleXeiodpejjifiwy, tiros, adj. [columbarum nutrix,] dove-nursing. Ot&' vijaov rr]v TreXeto^pe/u/^dyd. Pers. 314. SYN. Tld\vTpr)pw. HtXeKas, avros, 6, subst. [pelecanus,] a pelican. Kai TrojO^fyHwi/t, Kat Aves 882. IlgXemw, vEol. et poet. TreXefcicda;, f. 770-01, TreXta'cw, v. [securi caedo, dolo,] to hew down with an axe. Ek-oat 6' efc:/3d\ Travrd, -xiXeKKriaev ft dpd ^aXKy. e. 244. * IleXefcTvos, ov, 6, subst. [avis quaedam,] a shoveler. Sanx. Kai TreXeic/^a) *ai QXe&fo. Aves 883. ', ov, ro, subst. [securis manubrium,] the handle of an axe. 'A^Vrjv eXatva) ap^i ireXeKKO). N. 613. , eos, Alt. ews, o, subst. [secuvis,] an axe, hatchet. KavroV ye TOVTOV, ir\Kvv, l^apacr' d^w. Hec. 1261. SYN. 'A^V?/. EPITH. Meyds, ovs, vXoro- /uos, ffTiftdpos, ^aX/oyXdros, o'^iJrojuos. TeXt'yu/^w, f. w, v. [moveo, commoveo,] to shake, to alarm. 'A^'avrw TreXe- /aat, epeibovres peXeefffftv. IT. 108. SYN. 2etw, fctvew, Tapaffcrw, Kpdoati/w, rt- ?, wi>, ai, P. N. [PeliadesJ the daughters of Pelias. Ovb' ay Treicraaa TleXtdbas Kopas. Med. 9. ?, ov, o, P. N. [Pelias,] king of lolchus in Thessaly. 'Kvdveas, /3d/os TleXiao. Apoll. 1. 3. EPITH."I00i/uos, avrlQiios, drdffddXos, ,), adepts, ofiplpoepyos. IlfXXd, 1 rjs, r;, subst. [(1) mulctrum, (2) pellis,] a milk-pail; a hide. evl fiptiptovai TrepiyXdyeas KCLTCL neXXas. II. 642. SYN. 'A/*oXyevs, yaiAos. HeXXa7os, a a, ov, adj. [Pellaeus,] of Pella. BovXet, IleXXatov /3oi5s ^yds ely atby. Call. Ep. 14/6. IleXX^v?;, 775, et Dor. FfeXXava, as, r% P. N. [Pellene,] a city in the Pelopon- nesus. UeXXrfvr)S dfiKavov 'AxaaSos, r/V 7ror IIeXXr;s. Apoll. 1. 177- IleXX^s, ov, 6, P. N. [Pelles.] See in IleXXTjvi;. FTeXXos, r), ov, adj. [fuscus, niger,] dark-colored, black. Td*/ olv ray 7reXXd', KpaTiba bwpriffdpai avros. Theocr. 5. 99. SYN. IleXXalos, iroXWs, TrtXtbws, peXds, KeXatvos, djuavpos, Ztyepos, aWo^. * TleXoTrriids, a, ov, HeXoirtys, iboa, f], HeXdirrjidbris, ov, IlEXoTrioj, a, dv, et * XdTrlbrjs, ov, 6, adj. [Pelopius,] of or descended from Pelops. Tla^XdyoVes T tTTt ro'is TIZXdTrnioi ciKadov avrws. Apoll. 2. 792. See also Apoll. 4. 1577- Theocr. 15. 142. Ion 1591. and Iph. T. 986. nfXoTrori'Tjo-os, ov, ^, P. N. [Peloponnesus,] a peninsula, comprehending the southern part of Greece. "A7ra ov, o, subst. [qui labore victum quaerit, pauper,] a laboring man, a poor man. IleVjjras ovbels flovXerai KTaaQai $tXovs. Eur. Electr. 1131. See also Plut. 977- SYN. U^xpos, 7rrw X os, ej/oe^, dTropdy, IIev0dXeo$, vid. TLevOriprjs. Hevdela, et nevdrjpa, vid. Tlevdos. Tlevdepos, ov, 6, et (2) TrevOepa, as, f], subst. [(1) socer, uxoris pater, (2) socrus, uxoris mater,] (l)a father-in-law, (2) mother-in-law. "A { S^v rdpiZuv irevde- pbv, Krjbos TTlKpov. Here. F. 482. See also Call. 3. 149. SYN. (1) eicvpos, (2)eKvpa. flevdevs, ews, 6, P. N. [Pentheus.] Tlevdevs Trpos OIKOVS ooe 5ta Bacch. 208. EPITH. 'ArdaffdXos, 6pa.avs, olarpdfjiavf}s f uKvfjdpds, d6lfos, doa'ds, adefAtffrds, bvcrfnopos. HevOtb), poet. TrevOetw, et vivQupi, v. [lugeo,] to mourn. MrySetd, trevOelv 6' ov re 0avjud5w rv^as. Med. 270. See also X F. 283. and r. 120. SYN. 'OXo- (j), oSvpo/zai, 6pr)ve, atd^w, o/^uw^w, yoaw. eos, Trej'SdXeos, a, o^, 7rev0///ia>v, d^os, irevBl^, ov, o et ^, et * 1 On the peculiar construction of Greek adjectives expressive of time, see note on the word IIEN0 IIENT 687 a, oV, adj. [lugubris, luctuosus,] mournful, mourning. Kovp irevdfipet. Troad. 141. See also Bion, 1. 22. Agam. 410. Alcest. 528. arid Choeph. 7. SYN. loepos, TToXvirevdris, Xi>7rr/p#s, avfapos, baKpvoets, TroXv7revOr)s. fjpds, 6, et irev6r}rpla, as, 7^, subst. [qui vel quae luget,] a mourner. ov 6pY]vr)Tripos. Pers. 933. See also Hipp. 805. , vid. Ilefdrjprjs. Het'dos, tos, Trej'fljjjud, dros, TO, et Trevdeta, as, //, subbt. [luctus,] mourning, grief. 'ft$ apri irevdovs TOVOE yevdpat niKpov. Alcest. 1088. See also Choeph. 426. and Agam. 419. SYN. Spijvds, ybbs, obvp^d t \tivr). EPITH. TXrjoiKap- biov, arXrjTd)', XuypoV, arvyepov, aaa^lrbv, a.Xnarbv, dyueVpqrdV, apprjrov, &- , Kparepov, yueyd, pvpldy, ^dXtTror, patcpov, ov fieTpriTov, ov T\i]Tbv t ov , 6\oov, afjieiXt^ot'. s, ?;, subst. [paupertas, inopia,] poverty, want. Heria yutf olv, ^ a$$v TrdXX' ETT]. Plut. 437. SYN. tlT^xeia, cvbda, airopia. EPITH. KaKrj, , digvpa, apyaXea, xdXtTn/, \vypa. PHR. Consult Plut. w. 415 6l8. bs, vid. Ile^s. at, v. [(l)ago, euro, laboro ; (2) pauper vel inops sum,] to do, to per- form, to labor, to be poor. w fts oi yuei' wept be~nrvbv evl ptyapoiai TTIVOVTO. b)' 411. SYN. Tloi'th), Trp&ffffb), epyabfjiai, KdfAVttf <77rot/5aCw, eTriTrjbeva). levTaedXov,* contr. TrevTaQXbv, et nevTaedXW)', ov, TO, subst. [quinquertium,] a contest consisting of five different games. Apopwv btavXwv TrevraWX'' a yo- . Soph. Electr. 691. , ov, b, subst. [quinquertio,] a person engaged in the Peutathlurn. peTa 7rei>Tcied\ois. Nem. 7. 11. iLs, ibos, r/, subst. [tempus quinque annorum,] a period of five years. tf OTTWS dpa eaTaoev eoprav. Olymp. 10. 69- r}, bv, TrevTaETrjs, et Trerrer^s, eos, o et fj, adj. [quinquennis,] five years old. AvrtKa ft elaayayov fiovv frpotva. Trevrderi/pdy. r. 420. See also y. 115. and Acharn. 187. TlevraKis, adv. [quinquies,] five times. Kat TpiaKaKbbaiiJuav, KOU rerpd/cts Kat TrevTaKis. Plut. 851. * HevTaKofflot, et irevTTjKoalot, at, ra, adj. [quingenti,] five hundred. TdXavr' TrevTUKoffla Trj 7ro\et. Eccles. 824. See also y. ?. ffTos, }, or, adj. [quingentesimus,] the five hundredth. Tf}v Trevrd- KaTZdrjKcts Trj TroXet. Eccles. 999- axa, adv. [quinque modis,] by fives. HefTu^a KOfffj.r)derTs t ap ^yl^bvea- oiv e-rrovTb. M. 87. Herri, adj. indecl. [quinque,] five. Fle^re 6' dp' fiyepdvas TrotfieaTo, TO"IS 7re- woidet. II. 171. , ov, 6 et %, adj. [quinque foramina habens,] having five holes. a fK\eve TrevTeffvpiyyo) v\(j). Equit. 1046. XavTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui quinque talentorum est,] of five talents. "Ort TrevTeToXavTOS SteyeypaTrra/ pot biKrj. Nub. 772. IIe>ren}s, vid. HevTaeTris. a, adj. indecl. [quinquaginta,] fifty. 'H/ieTs be irevTrjKovTa y &n}ibpoi Hec. 421. , ov, o et fi, adj. [qui quinquaginta jugerum est,] of fifty acres. v TO [liv ij^lffv, oivorreboto. I. 575. , -axais, et TrevTrjKOffTdTrats, Tratbos, adj. [e quinquaginta pueris vel puellis constans, quinquaginta liberos habens,] composed of, or having fifty children. II^uTrni 5' CLTT avrov y&vva. TrevTi]KovTairais. P. V. 878. See also Suppl. 325. , ov, //, adj. et subaud. vavs, subst. Quinquaginta remorum na- 1 The five different games which composed the irevraQXov are contained in the two following lines : "A\jua irotiwv, SiaKov re ^3oX^ nal &KOVTOS fpto$i, Kal JS6Ms 8e TTAT;' uia 8' See also Suidas in v. 688 DENT OEPA vis,] having fifty oars, a ship having fifty oars. Xwpei v Tolffbe TrevTrjKovrdpfiv. Helen. 1411. lilej>Tr)Ko0?oi, vid. TlevraKoalot. Tlevrogds, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [quinque ramos vel digitos habens : in 1. c. significat manus, subaud. x e 'P>] having five fingers. Miqb' and wevToZoto, Oe&v ev batTi OdXely. Hes. Op. 740. HevrwfidX&s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [quinque obolorum,] receiving five oboli. 'fts rou- rov be? TTOT ev 'ApKably irevrufioXdv fjXiacraadai. Equit. 795- *Ilos, EOS, TO, subst. [penis.] Ovbev ye, irXi]v ry ro TTEOS ey rji befty. Nub. 734. Il7rcuVaj, f. av& t v. [mature, ad matui itatein perduco ; lenio,] to ripen, to grow soft. BXe^as TreTrarOys, els TraXrjv Ka.OlffTa.rai. Heracl. 160. SYN. Md- Xa. EPITH. KpdKeos, evvijTos, TrajUTroi/ciXos, Xe?rrds, ^deti-os, juaXaKds, 7ropi>peds t peyus, TrepucaXXjys, ^dptets, ayu^poaids, ^V^^wS^s, Kva.vf.os, iroXvbaibd- Xos, batbaXeos, TroiKiXos, irobt]VK)]S. vid. IIfv v [coquo, mature, digero,] to boil, to bake, to render mellow, to consume. Ofyoi nXaKovvTos, TOV V rerpubl TreTrefjL/jterov. Plut. 1126. See also I. 56 1. and Eccles. 838. SYN. KdrciTreTrrw, TTfTrcuVw, waffffw. HeTrtav, oros, adj. [(l)maturus, (2) mollis, ignavus, (3) suavis,] ripe; soft, soft- hearted, cowardly ; sweet. 'E^Gpolal rols (rols ov yevrjardpai Treirwv. Eumen. 66. SYN. (2) 'AafleV/js, beiXos, (3)7rpocr(j)iXrjs. *Tlep, [" articula est earum numero quce annecti aliis orationis partibus solent, signif. habens e^avrtw/zartoy^ : ponitur enim pro quanquam, quamvis, ta- metsi, licet." Steph. Thes. t. iii. p. 232=c. 7478.] although. Meyrop, prj- Kerl ravrd \eyol/JieOa t Krjbdp.evol nep. y. 240. Elepa, ?Tpav, et Treprjv, adv. et praep. cum genitiv. [ultra, praeter, contra,] be- yond, contrary to. BporoTai n/ (bxacras Trepa blKrjs. P. V. 30. See also CE. C. 940. and ft. 752. . HZpaaffKov, Ion. imp. a Hepdw, q. V. Hepatfiol, et Tleppatfiol, wv, ol, P. N. [Perrhaebi,] inhabitants of Perrhaebia, a part of Thessaly, bordering on the Peneus. Ty b' 'Evu/ves iirovTo, fieve- TTTdXefjLoi re Uepatftoi. B. 749. See also jEsch. Suppl. 264. IlepaOe*', Ion. TrepqfleV, ireparridev, et ittpaioQev, adv. [(1) ex ulteriore parte, (2) ex adverse,] from the other side, from afar, zvvomos %XOes Xaov ; fy Trepa-det'. Heracl. 82. See also Apoll. 4. 54. and 4. 71. fleoulvw, et poet, rretpa/rw, f. avti, v. [perficio, finio,] to accomplish, to finish. My vvv TTtpatve TT)V boKrjff/iv, dXX' efjLovs. Orest. 629- See also x . 175. SYN. TeXew, e/creXew, j-,avvti>, Ka.Tpya8fjia.i t reXetow, cKirepatvu), Trepdrow. * Ilepatds, * TrepatVepds, et Trcpdros, 77, ov, adj. [ulterior, ultimus,] further, furthest, 1 See J. Pollux, Onomastic, lib. 7. . 49. 50. and Meutt, Alt. Lect, lib, 2, cap. 12. HEP A IIEPI 089 Teyueroi, rfj juev (fyrjKUH' ^Q6vu rfj & Trtpa/r/v. Apoll. 1. 923. ripat. 436. SYN. AtdTropftyevw, wtpdw, Trepalva). Iltpai-epw, adv. [ulteriu?, amplius,] further, beyond." 'AXXd ov rls el; b. /3ov- \VTOS rj TTtpaiTEpu ; Aves 1500. Hepav, vid. Ilepa. Hepai'T IKOS, yj, <>t> t adj. [vim finiendi habens,] able to finish or conclude. Ivv epKTiKcs yap e, OvuijbZs, baKpvoev, iuepotv. llepaffis, tws, r;, subst. [transitus, exitus,] a passage through, a termination. Tltpaalv ijbr), Kal KaTaffrpdfrjv rlva. (E. C. 103. SYN. See ITepds. ITeparos, 2 " vid. Htpaws. *Heparus, }, ov, adj. [qui transiri potest,] which may be passed. FdSe/pwj' TO trpos o/, et ITepydjuov, ov, TO, P. N. [Pergamus, arx vel tola urbs Ilii ; unde generaliter in plnr. arces vel alta aedificia. Vid. Suid. in v. et Eustath. ad II. A. p. 503, 4. et Barnes. Phcen. 1192. et Iph. A. 778.] the citadel of Troy, Troy, Pergamus; a lofty building, a tower. To pfj ov KO.T avpwv Trepyd- Hiav ZKeiv TroXiv. Phoen. 11.92. EpITH.^Iepd, cdflta, epareij), h^vpa, o^ypa. * Hepyaaal, G>v t at, P. N. [Pergasae,] one of the A^of of Attica. Tlplv yap elfai flepy aayalv, ZvZov kv rals epfiaeu'. Equit. 321. Tlepydfflbrjs, ov, 6, patronym. [Pergasi filius,] the son of Pergasus. Hepyaalbrjs, ov Tpwes d/ji&s Tlplauoto TEKSffcri. E. 535. HepbtZ, IKOS, 6 et >/, subst. [perdix,] a partridge. OVTOVI Trepbtfr tKeivocrt ye, vri Ai', ctrrdyas. Aves 297. flepbb), et Trepbouat, v. [pedo,] to break wind backwards. 'Eye/perat rrjs VVK- TOS, aXXd TTtpSerat. Nub. 9- UeprjOev, vid. HepaOev. a), f. ah), 2 aor.^ETrpd^ov, v. [diruo, vasto,] to sack, to ravage. 7 ft n/v TrepfffiVTES 'ApyeToi TroXtv. Hec. 545. SYN. *EK7rep0/i'z/T7, with or without rvx"n> dlffa, (J.o'tpa, &c. denotes fate, destiny. 4 Tlepi is paroxyton when placed after its case, as also in the sense of irtpit/, adj. [qui magnum circa clamorem edit, infamis,] uttering cries aloud or around, notorious. ^Xfyei pe irepiflorjTos (E. R. 191. Ueplfioia, as, r/, P. N. [Peribcea.] Tetrard, Kai Hepifioia, yvvctiK&v elbos a ?. 57. Ilpi/3oXa7or, ov, ro, subst. [amictus,] clothing, a vesture, a veil, drdrot/ rd^i^7rpi/3oXa7'd'//ju/i0d. Here. F. 548. SYN. ITfptjSoX;}, ap-rre^ovr], eVSv/^d. Ilpt/3oX/, r/s, ^, subst. [cinctura, vinculum, ambitus,] an enclosure, a sheath, an embrace, a circuit. $p', e&Xil-as nepifioXas a^payia^ar^v. Hipp. 867. SYN. Ilpt/3oXa7o>, TrfpiTrrt;^//. HZplfioXos, ov, o et r/, adj. [(1) sepiens, ambiens; (2) in neutro gen. subst. ambitus, septum,] (1) surrounding, investing ; (2) an inclosure. 'fls GUV TTtptfioXov vEi0pl(i}v. Helen. 1529- t, v. [depasco,] to feed near or upon. Ovbeirore x&^ ). Call. 2. 84. SYN. 'E7rr/3oo>' arpr)vts cS| 7rp arvtyeXri /Spinet d*:r>/. Apoll. 2. 323. See also Apoll. 1. 879- and Apoll. 4. 17. SYN. 'A/^rd X w, 7Tpiw, xept- , ov, o et //, adj. [circumfremens,] roaring round. XwpeT Antig. 336. eos, o et f}, adj. [valde Isetus,] exceedingly glad. Tfj 6' 7rt Kai ME- Xirr}v, Xtapy irEpty^QEES ovpy. Apoll. 4. 421. SYN. JltyfyVK yr]6Sffvr8s f riEPi riEFi 69i , et TrZptylvtifjtai, v. [(1) supersum, reliquus sum ; ( C 2) supero,] to be over, to remain, to survive, to overcome. YleplyiyveffOat 6'avrw^r;5ev,/u?}/uejToi MO* tTriXetTreo'. Plut. 554. SYN. Tleptei/Jt, TrtjOtrraei/w, vTreptx/, adj. [lacte plenus,] full of milk. See in IleXXa. nepryXTji'dd/jcu, v. [circumspicio,] to glance all round. Av epvetv ti be p elbe TrepTyXrjvwfjievos oaoois. Theocr. 25. 241. SYN. TitpifiXtTTti), Trl jj.a.1, TraTrrao'w. * HepTy\(t)ffffds, ov, 6 et v, adj. [valde disertus,] very eloquent. Ria-rai, i r* ityvv. "Avbpd 5' cyw Keir&v. Pyth. 1. 82. SYN. 'HSi>7n)s, Xi'yi/s, , f. ^ w v - [circtim curvo,] to bend round, to double a cape. frepiyvafJi^avTi -noXvs 7rapa.KK\irai ijbri. Apoll. 2. 36'4. SYN. Tleptt- \iffffw, irepiKXao), irepiKaftirTto). YlEpfypapt}, r/s, >/, subst. [eircumscriptio. descriptio minus exacta,] a faint out- line, a print. Kai yap bv eoroi/ rube Treptyputya Trdbolv. Choe'ph. 201. SYN. 'Y7roypd0)), TVTTOS, (Jti/JHjfJiii. * rieprypci^w, f. \pw, v. [circumscribo, deleo, oblitero,] to circumscribe, to ex- punge. Ovros, rt TTEptypaQeis ; &. ro 6e7v', es"I(70yutd. Pax 879- Ilc/stSa/ojuat, v. [ardeo, depereo,] to be desperately in love. Qv& oirj KCI\W TrlptSato/iat 'EvSy/JtwvL Apoll. 4. 58. SYN. 'ETrt/ua/vo/zat, balo/ Ylepibeibb), poet. Trepibbeibw, f. e/), adj. [ambidexter,] exceedingly dexterous, very clever. To'ts irepibetfoiffi. Nub. 950. SYN. 'AfJtQibe&os, beftos, ^o^tjuoj, iroXvrpo- t f. 7/ffw, v. [circumligo,] to bind round. 'Eyd> be delaa TOVS ffre ireplb)]ffofjiat. Eccles. 122. SYN. 'Avd^ew, afjitilbea, Secr/ievw, TreplaTTTU. eplbibwiJii, f. bwcro), v. [(1) largiter do, (2) in voc. med. depono, seu deposito pigriore certo, paciscor,] to give above others ; to pledge oneself, to bar- gain. 'AXX' eirev' avrdp eywi' tpedev Trepibuffdpat aifnjs. ^.78. SYN. Ileptri- tSiw, vid. Hepibdbw. , f. rjffw, v. [circumago,] to whirl about. *fts ro> Tpls np ijrriv. X. 165. SYN. Tlepiobevu), TTfptep^ojuat, Trepidyw, tpftpofjiri, fjs, //, subst. [circumcursio, circuitus,] a running about, a revolu- tion. "trial' biri\8ov b' evrrd Treplbpofiiis truv. Helen. 775. SYN. KvicXoy, , ov, 6 et n, adj. et (2) 6, subst. [(1) circumvius, circularis, (2) am- bitus,] (1) which may be run round, (2) circumference. "Otyewv be 7rXecrd- vaial Treplbpopov KVTOS. Sept. Theb. 491. SYN. ITept^pifc. Hep?bpv7r-ii), f. -^w* v [circum vel valde lacero,] to tear ail round, or cruellj. 'AyKwvas re TrepibpvtyBr), crrofjid re, plvas re. ^. 395. SYN. 'Aju^ufyjvnru), airo- bpVTTTO), bpVTTTto), bldffndpaffff(i). TLeplbvvu), f. vffa), V. [exuo,] to strip off. 2n/0eff* 7ra^0a/vords, CTTCI Treplbwe XiTtirds. A. 100. SYN. 'E/cSuw, d^aipew. Hepieibu, v. [valde scio,] to know above others. "A/u^w vooTiiaaiplv lire\ Trepr- otbe voriaai. K. 247. ITtpreiXew, vel Trepie/Xw, v. [circumplico, circumvolvo,] to wrap round or up. 'AXX' kv pdKlois TrepieiXdftevos icXctet, Kai <$>r\al TreveffBai. Ran. 1066. SYN.2yy- KrdXvTrrw, o-uorrpe^w, Trepte/pyw. rifptet/it, v. [(1) supersum, supero, (2) circumeo,] (1) to survive, to be superior to, (2) to go round. Anjv ^otr/cjovorcu ; 7Tt trtpUffTt Otawv. Apoll. 3. 54. SYN. See 692 IIEPI HEPI * ncpletpyw, f. w, v. [circum cohibeo,] to confine or inclose around. -al Td Trpdffbjnov 7rpietpyjU^os. Lysistr. 811. SYN. See XlfpteiXfo;. , f. w, v. [circum celeriter moveo,] to move rapidly round. \>ov, Trepl b& ff-^birjv eXfXt^Ej/. e. 314. SYN. ITfiptdya;. t, f. ffd) t v. [circuminduo, contego,] to put on, to dress. XpTerov b 1 , 7Tpt & ajufipdra. ei'/idrd ectaov. II. 670. SYN. 'Aju^te^'v/^t, Ilptepyac?rfyiat, v. [laboriose ago,] to labor diligently. Ei yur/ rt Kaivov aXXo 7rpievi'i^t, croijud^w, 6mSew. , as, r/, subst. [fascia, cingulum,] a border, girdle. Ilavroffe ?rop- . Theocr. 2. 122. SYN. is, eos, 6 et f] t adj. [rotundus, curvus,] round, winding. Ot e S' tfre Trepi'/yytd KaXXlirdv iiKrijt'. A poll. 1. 559. SYN. Flepi^po/uos, Tre , plusquamperf. a Oepie^t, circumeo, q. v. Heplrjpevs, eos, o, P. N. [Periereus.] Avrap eiriKX^mv Bwp^) Ilepi^ptos vli. n. 177. , f. j/o-w, et Tfepla^b), v. [circumsono,] to sound or echo all round. tTro^^dXtor* TrepiTj^icrev b* dpd ^aXfcos. H. 267. See also t. 395. SYN. 'E^ X W, KTV7TIW, ?? X W. Heplda fifths, EOS, o et >;, adj. [stupore perculsus,] astonished. Kal o-^tds 7Tpi0a/j/3eV aurdp 'b/ffwv. Apoll. 2. 11 62. SYN. "Etcdaftflos, Ilpt0apo-?)s, ds, 6 et ?/, adj. [valde fidens,] very confident. T fl / S' >t irspWapffed bvvlv o/iiXor. Apoll. 1, 195. SYN. Eu0apo-/s, euroX/^ds , ov, 6 et f], adj. [circumpositus,] surrounded or covered. TrepWeros, f)v eyu) vuKrwp 0opw. Thesm. 265. , v. [circuracurro,] to run about, to incircle. 'H/*e7s' Ild^Xdywi' be TOVS otfceras. Equit. 65. SYN. Tlfptrpf^w, TTEpiep-^ofjiat. , ov, 6 et /, adj. f valde iratus.,] passionate. 'Ept-vvr rEXfo-at rets ?rpt- 6v/jiovs Ka.Ta.pas. Sept. Theb. 721. SYN. Qvpiobris, dv^prjs. , adv. [irato anitno,] passionately. Me/*0eer0, V. [dejicio,] to cast down. 2ui> be Kapr} KoXirots Trcpi- Xov evO* eXeeu-o>. Apoll. 3. 707. SYN. Kard/3dXXw, Ttep^XX^. ayvvfjii, f. aw, v. [undique defringo,] to break on all sides or intirely. Ov 7TpU"dracu TO v\ov Tvirrovra x,prji> tlv avras. Lysistr. 357. SYN. Ilpp- pfiyvvfjii, KaTayvvfJu, Karappriyvv/jii. f 2 aor. eireaoVy v. [decido,] to fall down. K/OKOS & a^Xaortp atyd be MOI//OS. Apoll. 3. 543. SYN. KdmTrtTrrw, U7ro7r/7rrw, , f. dfjaw, v. [circumpono,] to place about. AvrlKa S' irepiKctTdeTd ftirpy. Apoll. 3. 156. , f. *:Vd/>iat, v. [circumjaceo,] to lie about, to surround. , os ol ireplKeiro tyaewds. /, adj. [onmino aridus,] intirely withered. Avd f rd ol trXwoiev eXa^pws. e. 240. SYN. Zqpos, au^/itr/pos. , Ktdvos, adj. [colunmis undique cinctus,] pillar-surrounded. IIc- ayKptfjidffcts OdXdfjiois. Eur. fr. Erectll. 6. 4. SYN. 'A/i^tJccwv. , Ids, 6 et r/, adj. [ramis undique obsitus,] thickly covered with branches. "H ord 0uXXd xafta^e irepwXaSeos Trerev vXr/s. Apoll. 4. 2l6. SYN. ^Kioeis, ev(f>v\Xds. ieptfcXer/s, eos, Trepi/cXetros, 77, ov, et 7rept"cXvrc?s, ou, 6 et ?/, adj. [valde celeber,} very celebrated, renowned. Qvi>o/ud re Qpifyid TrtjOKcXees elaaiovTis, Apoll. 3. 330. See also Theocr. 17. 34. and w. 153. SYN. 'AyafcXetros, dya^Xu/s, rosr, evfcXe>)s, tptfc'v^s. , cdntr. ntjOtfcX^s, eows, 6, P. N. [Pericles.] EIrd HeptKXerjs (pdfirjdels /uj) rJ/s ri)^r}s. Pax 606. , ou, 6, P. N. [Periclides.] Oui: ta0', or' eXdwv Sevpo Fl . Lysistr. 1138. os, ov, 6. P. N. [Periclymenus.] HfpiKXv/jiei'os TTCUS, Xadi^ Phoen. 1173. s, r), 6v, adj. [qui undique alluitur,] washed all round. v riffrv. Here. F. 1071 SYN. 'A/z^/^o/ai/rds, TTplppvrds t dXiepKfjs, dXiwi>us, Treplnvfjuav. os, vid. Uep^Xerjs. , f. varu), v. [elato capite cano, ut gallus victor,] to crow over. d irtipuKOKKvad. Equit. 697. dros, et dimin. Trepticoju^drtov, ov, ro, et ireplKoTn}, //, subst. [edulium ex herbis et carnibus concisurn,] minced meat. Ileptfco/i^dr' CK aov Equit. 372. See also Equit. 770. TlepiKop\j;ds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [perelegans,] very elegant. Tds ffTU)^vX\bp.E&. Pax 994. SYN. 'Aaretos, irtplKaXXr}s, xdpteis. IltptKreu'w, f. Krevd), v. [juxta vel circa occido,] to kill around. Etn-ep yap T aXXoi ye irEpiKTiva>nedd Travres. M. 245. IleptK? irTjs, ov, Trepu-riwv, o>os, et Trtptfater^s, ov, 6, subst. [vicinus,] a neigh- bor. TV Travres pvwovTo Trcpifcrtrat. X. 287. See also Apoll. 2. 7- ad II. ft. 488. SYN. IldpotKos, a/jityiKTtwv, yeiTtav, Tr\r]alo^it}pos t o lyyvs, o 7r\i)a16y. , et TrepiKVfcXow, v. [eircumdo, cingo,] to surround, to invest. s 1 roiv Trobolv. Pax 7. See also Aves 347. SYN. , adj. [circumfluus,] sea-girt. 2ov irepiKv/jiovds olx^irat 1 Brunck reads ircpfauA/tfas ia the passage quoted. 094 I1EPI riEPI Troad. 802. SYN. See UepiKXvords. JHeplKupagu, f. atria, v. [comessabundus obeo,] to revel round. Ov&e iraXai- 0Tpas TreptKttifjia^etv Tretp&v" ovb\ e'i ris epaarrjs. Vesp. 1025. SYN. Kwyua^w, eiriK(i)fj.a(t), elXa-rrtvaZw, evuj^ed^ai. HeplKwew, f. yaw, V. [pice oblino,] to cover with pitch. Td 'ufiab? fyuwv Trepi- Ktjvel. Vesp. 598. SYN. nipmXetyw. riepiXaXtw, v. [obblatero,] to prate about. Mrj 7reptXdX, vw/j.e6d. Eccles. 230. SYN. 2roy/yXXw, , v. [amplector,] to embrace. onus av TrtpiXafloifjC ai)T&v rlva, Eccles. 881. SYN. Heple^, 7Tpt/3dXXo;, TTEpiTTTvaffb), 7repi7tXeK(i), TTpoaTTTvaffofjiai, Ka-aaTrd^dfjiat. * EJe/jiXe/Trw, f. ^w, v. [relinquo,] to leave. "A/a^ao-dv, ?/V"w, rows ye irepiXeXetfji- HZVQVS. Helen. 425. SYN. Ae/Trw, d7rdXe/7rw, Kdrd\e/7rw, TTpoXe/Trw. TlepiXelxw, et Tre/otXi^/udw, f. y/uw, v. [circumcirca delingo,] to lick all round. Td (3Xt(j)apa TrepttXetxo^, us y tyuot boKti. Plut. 737. See also Aral. Phren. 1115. SYN. ITejOiXdTrrw. , ews, ?/, subst. [circumlocutio,] circumlocution. Kai Trtjodrem^, icat . Nub. 317. SYN. ^Xvapta, aboXeffxia. , f. ^/w, v. [decortico,] to take off the bark, to peel. Ov& avadrjXrjaec irepl yap pa e ^uXKos eXe^e, A. 236. SYN. 'ATroXeTrw, TrepiTrr/ffcrw. dw, vid. YlepiXei-^di. , f. rjaw, v. [lustra,] to seek eagerly, to survey. Avrov & l^dvaa 7rtpi]jiatiJ. o/uu, v. [(I) valde furo, (2) per furorem vagor,] to be very furious. *Os v\>v KeKXrjyws Treptjua/^era/ "lepov aXaos* Hes. Scut. 99- SYN. ' Tepijudpvd^at, v. [propugno, defendo,] to fight about or for, to defend. icat Kpareos Treptyuap^d/ucQ' r/yudrd Trdvrd. Hes. Theog. 6>47 tpfyaxrjTos, o et ry, adj. [qui magna contentione expetitur,] eagerly fought for. *Os ralo-t (f)vXats Trspif^a^Tos elp ael. Aves 1404. , v. [mire cupio,] to desire eagerly. Bd/crpy epetboptvr)' irepl be * ayopevvat. Apoll. 1. 670. ei'cu, f. P.ZV&, v. [opperior, expecto, moror,] to expect, to await, to delay. vvv, Iva. rfjs apxfjs, fjv aprl fce^etporo^^ai. Eccles. 517. SYN. avauevii), irpofffjievii}, eKbe^ofJiai, TrpoaboKau. os, ov, o et r/, adj. [justte plenaeque mensurae. Vid. Damm. in v.] of the proper size. AeTrrov feat Trepi^erpdi'' d0ap tf rifjuv /uertetTrev. /3. 95. Tept/^Sjjs, eus t 6, P. N. [Perirnedes.] "E^0' tepTjtd /uev nept^iryS^s, EvpvXo%6s TE. X. 23. epipiKETos, ov, 6et^, et Trept/ui/^s, cos, 6 et >/, adj. [valde longiis et procerus,] very long, tall. "H cdrd TrjvyeTOV Trtpi^y/Kerov, f/ 'Epvpavdov. 5. 103. See also K. 293. SYN. EV^K^S, /iaKpos. t, f. iiaouat, v. [machinor, molior,] to plot, devise. AVT/LKO. euoi. irEpiuriycLVoiavTO. . 340. SYN. *nept/,tds, ou, 6, P. N. [Perimus.] Kat Uleptaov MeydS^v, Kai 'ETT/ffropd, tj/atfTw, like the simple verb Neuerew, has also a passive signification : see 8. 177. FIEPI IIEPI oo6 . Alcest. 46l. See also Plut. 494. SYN. Hfyr^pxtyiat, 7r?pt/3aVw, irtyi- Trtptytpoiuat, TreptTrdrew. oew, f. r/ffw, v. [excogito,] to think about, to contrive. ffdai, irepivoelv aTravra. b. r)fj,c Kayw. Ran. 958. SYN. ITj:piro0Tew, vid. rieptvtffcro/iat. IIep<|, adv. [circum, circa,] around, all round. BW/AOI/ 7repe vriffarres $>Xd. Here. F. 243. SYN. Kv/cX&>, TreptcrdSoj', 7ruj/rd0e>, fl-Epr, d/^0?. IIepieoTos, }, of, et ow, o et rj, adj. [perpolitus,] highly polished. Ilerpj; yap \is eori Trept^earjj siKv'iii. p. 79- SYN. Heards. IIfpiew, f. eirw, v. [circumquaque rado,] to shave all round. Xei/uappovs TTO- rdjuos peyaXais Kepie&ae btrats. Theocr. 22. 50. SYN. Kdra^ew, aTro^vw. IleprdSos, oi/, ^, subst. [circuitus,] a circuit, a revolution. Hepwbois Trdtrais Irluv. Nem. 11. 51 . SYN. IIepiSpo>>), Trept^opd, KVK\OS, KvKXwpa. *HepioiKew, f. >/o-w, v. [accola sum,] to dwell near. NecmwV roi/rovs 6e ?rtptot- KOV av. Acharn. 1201. IlepiTrerojuat, et TreptTrerdo/iat, V. [circumvolo,] to fly round. Ilpr7re7eff0e Toy fm/cdp'. Aves 1721. See also (E. R. 482. IlepiTrerrw, et TrepiTreVrw, f. \//w, v. [tego, involve, obcrusto,] to disguise, to veil over. 'O^dri TrepiTT^rTovff ir^ /uox^pt a v. Plut. 159. SYN. IlcptTrXeKw, TTC- s, s, 6 et r/, adj. [(l) in quern quis incidit, (2) adversarius, opertus,] fallen upon, adverse, cruel, covered. NS*' ovv, eTretSj) TreptTrerels Z^eis rv-^as. Androm. 974. TlepiTrevKris, eos, o et f/, adj. [peramarus,] very bitter. 'Otf fieXos nipt* evicts* An avrov 6' al/zd ntXaivov. A. 844. SYN. 'ExtTrev^s, TrevKebavds, TTUVV Tra-pos. UeptTr/Trrw, 2 aor. eTreo-ov, et TrepiTrtr^ew, v. [incido,] to fall upon, to meet with. AovTpoifflv aXoypv Treplneaiav Trdi'i/crrdrots. Orest. 36l. See also Sept. Theb. 834. SYN. 'E/zTT/Trrw, Trpo/TTr/Trrw, evrvyyavw, -n xi, in the passage quoted, is per syncopen for irepiirtirtTaTai, upt the present from t as supposed by Dp, Morrell. & 69c HEFT t, v. [circumcirca erro,] to wander about. "Qffirep Ttibe TTEplTrXavdrat. Isthm. 6. 6p. SYN. See HtpiviaGfyai. TrXt ,ros, ov, b et 77, adj. [perplexus, implicitus,] intricate. Hoffoi KTOIS, Kepi S' "icye 5, v. [(l) impleo, oppleo, (2) plenus sum,] to fill, to be full. AvTap (3ovKo\iotai irepnrXrjdovai irep efjurrjs. Theocr. 25. 13. SYN. ' fo), >>, et 7rept7rXe|is, r/, subst. [circumplexus,] perplexity. TaS0' ai/'6>* , pfjrep, ov%i TTEpiTrXoKas. Phoen. 504. SYN. IltpiTrrv^j), Trep/ord- , per sync, pro TreptTreXofievos, vid. , f. eyjrw, v. [circumflo,] to blow round. Avpai Tr Olymp. 2. 130. SYN.TTvea;, eTrivrvtw. eptTTcXew, v. [circumeo,] to go round, to roam about. 'AXX' els iro\ovvT e\ (E. R. 1254. SYN. 'Ayuf/uTroXew, Treptyoorew, irep tare i %<*), Trtpt^fpo/iat, 7rpt7rXdvdo//at, Trtpiep^ojucu. , 77, ov, adj. [perniultus,] very great. Atr/rjy, judXd ro/ /^e 5t. a, 01^, adj. [improbissimus,] most wicked. Ov6' 5 weptTrov^poy . Acharn. 850. SYN. DUETTO j/j/pds. d, dros, ro, subst. [operimentum,] a covering. 'iSov Trlp/Trrvyyu' di/ri- evici/KXow. Ion 1390. SYN. UeplfioXos. , f. <>, v. [circumplico,] to fold round, to inclose. ' oXorjffi TreptTTTV^ai ywveaalv. Apoll. 4. 155. SYN. , ^, subst. [(1) ambitus, (2) septum,] a winding, an inclosure. ewv vavXo^oi irepntrvxai. Hec. 1001. SYN. Ilcpf/foXi}, nvaTTTv^ii. ris, cos, 6 et fj, adj, [circumvolutus, circumplicans,] wrapped round, investing. Ovrei Beards* a\\a'vw 7Tpt7rri/x. Aj. Fl. 915. SYN. , ov t 6 et ^f, adj. [fama notus,] celebrated. Mrjbelrjs vep'iirvtrrds epws Kai epy' ETETVKTO. Apoll. 4. 213. SYN. Htpiftorjros, wepiffrjpos, emQavrfa. Hepippaivw, v. [conspergo,] to sprinkle round. Bw/iovs Treptppait'ovres, vo-rrep Zwyyeveis. Lysistr. 1132. SYN. ArappatVw, pa/yw, IIEP1 ITEPI 697 f. eovrd. i. 388. SYN. 'A^tppew, Trtpippaivoncu. * Ilpi j opr}yj'v/n, f. w, v. [circum lacero, ] to rend all round. Hepippriy 'vvpevuv apwv. Sept. Theb.318. TIepipprjbris, eds, 6 et r% adj. [circumstillans,] dropping, streaming. "HpiTre 6' afjioTpoiai 7ceptppr)br)S Kepaeffvtv. Apoll. 1. 431. Hepippvros, 77, 6v, et ov, 6 et 77, adj. [circunifluus,] flowed round. 'Virep re VOVTOV, Kal Treptppvras irtiXeis. Eumen. 77. SYN. See Hep?K\voTos. ITepicrcuVw, v. [circum motito,] to move about. Ovpyfftv fj.aKpy/d;, adj. [valde potens vel robustus,] very powerful. 'Ev 'i fiaXa^deis. Nem. 3. 26. SYN. '^irepiff^ixov. s, ds, 6 et r/, adj. [perdurus, asper,] very hard, obdurate. X' <5 Metros opKos, x' at Trepto-ffeXe/s 0p^e$. Aj. Fl. 64p. SYN. Ilptrv7rr/s, los, et TrepiffKevTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui undique circa conspicitur, conspicuus,] conspicuous. Ketvcu fj.kv nvpyoiol TrepiffKeireeaalv tpvpval. Call. 4.23. Seealso|.6. SYN. Ti/^Xos. Ilpt, adj. [animosus,] spirited, magnanimous. " CX^^ avros re Trep/erTrXayx^os Aaeprrjs. Theocr. l6. 56. SYN. MfydXo'- x^os, arbpelos, evQvpos, evKapblds, yevvalds. '.vb), v. [abundo, supersum,] to abound, to be superfluous. Td plv T&V Xoywv d^es. Soph. Electr. 1288. SYN. Evropew, Tteplyivo- , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [supervacanea verba habens,] containing super- fluous words. riprffd^v0os o Xoyos evyevetav. Eur. fr. Alex. 12. 1. epiffffds, r), bv, adj. [(l)eximius, (2)redundans, supervacaneus,(3)impar,] dis- tinguished, important ; redundant, superfluous ; odd. TIoTov # eftov irepiffffdv ijKovffas Xdyov ; (E. R. 841. SYN. Ei/7rdpds, tTrt/^ecrTcJs, 7rpr7rX>j0^, llaitiivto, /udratds. Pro*. e#. 4 T 698 HEP I HeptffffoQpuv, dros, adj. [sapientior quam satis est,] too wise, over-wise. *H OVK oiffO' aKpifi&s, &v irepiffffd(f)pwv, orl. P. V. 336. SYN. IIlp%>wj>, dyav adtyds, ws, adv. [eximie, valde,] abundantly, very. IlalSas irepiaaws c ffdfyovs. Med. 297- . SYN. Ilptor7S. Pll(Jei). 660. llptflrr0dvda>, f. wo-w, et Treptort^w, f. ^w, v. [corona redimo, cingo,] to crown. to surround. YlipieaTEfyavioaev tv aydp, 7repm/C7rw, eiriffTefjxa. HeptaTiap%ds, ov, 6, subst. [lustrationum domesticarura praefectus,] one whc superintends domestic offerings. '6 Treptariap^os Trepifyepeiv xpt) rqv yuXijv Eccles. 128. YlspiffTi^i^o), idem quod 7Tptffrotx/5w, v. [circumvallo,] to fence or fasten round. HepHTTtxi(D, f. i//w, v. [circumverto,] to whirl about. T6v pa irtpiffTptyas %Kt trrifiapijs CLTTO %ipos. 0. 18Q. SYN. npirp7rw, Trfptcrvpw, Tre * HepiarvXos, ou, 6 et r/, adj. [columnis cinctus,] surrounded by pillars. pctv ETa^av ev TrepiffrvXois bdpois. Androm. 1088. w, f. o-^tQiv6vri)V ' ijpaTa fj,a.Kpa TE\eaQrj. K. 470. SYN. 'ETrirfXfw, rfXew, itepaivti), , , fXw, v. [circumvolvendo perficio orbem,] to go round, revolve. *H TreptreXXopevats &pats TrdXtv. CE.R. 156. SYN. Heptepxofjiai t 7rX7?pdo//ac, reXeio- /itai, TreprTTfXojLtat. lfptre/ivw, et Ion. 7Tpira/nvw, f. rf/uw, v. [circumcido, amputo,] to cut off. Bovs TrepirafjivofjiEvovs, >/' otwv Trwfd fcaXd ; w. 112. , v. [fio,] to become, to be. O'l rt Kvves, d, re. raupos, (o >t) Trepi TervKrai). Horn. Merc. 192. , f. 0^aw, v, [circumpono, circumdo,] to place about, to put on. Et- ftdrd iffffupevos, irepi be i/effffd yeyoifjiijv. Horn. Apoll. 65. SYN. See T*yu/ets. v. [circumextendo,] to stretch round. Avro/cdo-ry^ros, 7p Tineas. N. 534. SYN. Amre/yw, <:drdrea'w, IIEPI IIEPI 699 1 v. [valde honoro et colo,] to honor highly. Ty v& /uot &\\IJKTOV irlpl- rierai' ovbe KE Xw/^v. Apoll. 3. 74. SYN. Ttjudw, yepa/pw, vTrcpnpaw. ltplToZevv, v. [sagittis undique configo,] to shoot on all sides. HipUrofyvaev 6' av alirov rov irarpos TOVS Zpyytveis. Acharn. 712. lZpirpsirw, f. ;//<), et TreprrpoTrew, v. [circunrago,] to turn round, revolve. 'AXX* ore brj p eviavros t//!', TTtpl 5' erpavrov wpcu. K. 469. See also B. 295. SYN. TIeptffTpe/s, tos, 6 et ?/, adj. [obtritus,] worn. Aj/ordXeos Kuviyai, Treptrpt/Seas 5e x e ~'P &s ' Apoll- l- 1175. SYN. 2virpr/3>fc. irptju/^d, aros, ro, subst. [homo ad rem aliquam tritus,] g, hack. Evprjffle- , Trepirpt/iipa. &IK&V. Nub. 447. SYN. 'A7roTpurT*s. Tpo/jew, vid. Ileprrpew. HepTrpdTrabrjv, adv. [celeriler,] quickly. "H^S* uairlra prjXa Treptrpdnabrjv ?rd- /uovro. Apoll. 2. 143. , vid. Uspcrpeirw. , vid. nepn-pe^- os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [rotund us,] round. ACVKOV cr^' ertrvKTd TrfplrpS^of, jvr). y .4>55. SYN. KvfcXoets, KVK\IOS, KVK\orepr]s, 7rpt^)p//s, oTpoyyvXos. Oeptrpwyw, 2 aor. erpdyov, v. [rodo,] to gnaw, to eat. Avros 6' o KXewr KKpa- //oros ?/jUas ov Treptrpwyet. Vesp. 594. SYN. HepaSw, igw, f. a.M]S,Kbri\os, C7rt07?juos, Qavtpos. rip?0dva5s, adv. [clare, perspicue,] clearly, conspicuously. "Ori KdrdXvei ws, els wv fjLdyos. Plut. 9^8. SYN. Kdrd^dj'ws, e/i^d^ws, Qavepws. Hepfyas, O.VTOS, 6, P. N. [Periphas.] "H rot o )uev Dept^avrd TreXwptt/v eaae. E. 847. nptr/>e/o/zat, f. o-ojuat, v. [parco,] to spare. Ot?/ S' e*c naaf-uv yepapov Tr (faro Trarpos. Apoll. 1. 620. SYN. See $'&tytcu. * Ilpr0ep?}s, eos ? 6 et /;, adj. [orbicularis, rotundus,] circular, round. 6' epeibov Trepfyepri arlfiov \Qov6s. Ion 743. SYN. See Ilfpirpdxos. ITepi0pw, f. otVw, v. [circumfero,] to carry about. See in TltpioTiapx#s. SYN. , , . /;yw, v. [effugio, devito,] to escape, avoid. "Epyois. 'fivrci 4/a/i/uto e0euyev. Olymp. 2. 178. SYN. 'E^evya;, aTro^evyw, KaTafevyo,. rris, ov, 6, P. N. [Periphetes.] TcvK-pos Se npd0owvd r* evi/'pdro feat Ilept pa6/uwv. lepr^paco/^at, v. [(l) circuinloquor ; (2) perpendo,] to use circumlocution; to deliberate. 'A\V dye0' >;/ie7s oi'Se TrepiQpaZwpWa 7ravr. a. 7^. SYN. !%*- Xeyw, Trepto-KCTrrd/^at, Trepi^portw. lepi^poj/cw, f. j?ow, v. [(1) contemplor, perpendo; (2) contemno,] to contem- plate; to despise. Aevrr^, Kara piKpov Trepfyptivei TO. Trpdyjudrd. Nub. 741. SYN. Kdra0poyW, vTrep^po^EW, Trepiopdw, vnep67TTOf.iai, StaenceTrro/iai, irtpiffKeir~ TO fiat, irepfypaetofjiai. lcpi^pwr, dvos, 6 et ^, adj. [(l)prudentissimus; (2) superbus, arrogans,] most sensible; proud, arrogant, rtepfypom & eXdjces* dJo-Trlp ovv. Agam. 1400. SYN. rTEpto-ffo^pwv, i/Trep^pwi', ^^>pwv, a&typwv, avviTos, i/7Tp?/0dvds, virepfllos. tepfyvffriTos, ou, 6 et 77, adj. [graviter anhelans,] violently panting. Kai KpirvXXar 7Tpi0vo7/rw. Lysistr. 323. f. a ^J- [supra modum laetus,] exceedingly delighted. ' avXov, 7TptxP'7 s ^ Trpay/udri. Vesp. 1477- SYN. Ilfpryrj^/s, 7rt- ^ w > ^' X " ffw > ^ aor * *X V " v> [circumfundo,] to pour round. tyw pe^w, xpvffov Kepuffiv irf-pi-^vas. K. 294. SYN. ' eplxopevw, f- !, ?/, subst. [specula, locus editus,] a look-out, an eminence. Kap- s Trdpd vrjos avifiuv els TreptWTn'jv. K. 146. SYN.^Aicpwpem, crKoirici. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [eximius, vehemeris,] remarkable, vehement. Ovre ri dav^a^etv TTEptwtTtdv, ovr' ayaaadat. TT. 203. SYN. Tleptffaos. ai, Dor. TrepfcdaSw, v. [nigresco,] to grow black. HepiKaa&vv, lepov aveffrpEro. Call. 5. 76. SYN. MfXcuVojUCU. 77$, ri, subst. [pertica,] a perch. "H Trepms, oVd T &\\d /, subst. [fibula,] a clasp, a buckle. s tTrio-a^ov. Phoen. 818. See also Trach. 927. SYN. Flop??, EpITH. Xpi/o-ta, -^pva^Xarus, 0detvr/. lepdj/j^ud, Dor. nepovafjia, dros, ro, subst. [vestis qusc fibula adfigitur,] a dress fastened with a clasp. AeTrrd KCU ws ^levTa' Qt&v Trfpoj/u/mrd 1 ^a- ds, >/, subst. [vestis muliebris ad pectus fibula adnexa,] a female vest, fastened on the shoulders by a clasp. *AX\' lOi, ru^l^ovov KU\ rdv i XdffSev. Theocr. 15.21. , ews, 6 et//, adj. [urbes vastans,] city-destroying. TleTrepaKev per d is. Pers. 65. IIep<7eOs, tws, 6, P. N. [Perseus,] the son of Jupiter and Danae. Xa7p', J Alfos iral, Hepffews r' d^>' alparos. Alcest. 525. EPITH. 'Art0o$, laodeos, evpij- [jii&wv, &Kvirtbt\os, Advdt7/s, KopvdaioXds, \atfj.oTo^us t (i. e. Xat^ord^tos,) vpv- traopos. , et Ilepff^os, a, cv, adj. [Perseius,] of Perseus, nepo-e/ TT' afras. Helen. 1463. See also Theocr. 24. 71. , i'Sds, fj, adj. [Perseis,] descended from Perseus. Nuju^as rds , *cat. Here. F. 797. d, et ITeptre^arTd, 775, neptre^oi^etd, as, Tlepfftyovr] et QepffetydvTj, 77$, 7^, P. N. [Proserpina,] Proserpine. YlepaeQaaoa KO.I 0tXa. Phoen. 695. See ajso Thesm. 294. Eur. Suppl. 282. Hec. 135. and Pyth. 12. 2. EPITH 'Ayava, ayvrj t epdr/}, /iXa/z?T7rXos, XeufCtTTTros, apprjros, fcopd, f;po>co7r7rXos, epo-??td67is, ov, 6, patronym. [Persides,] the son of Perseus. Evpvafleus, Xoto Trdif's HepaT?id5ao. T. 123. , vid. Hepo-eids. jis, t5ds, r/, P. N. [Perseis,] one of the Naiads. Ueptrrjis T, 'idvcipa r f , re, EavQri re. Hes. Theog. 356. IIepo-77s, ov, 6, et (2) ITepo-ts, 2 rSos, r/, P. N. [Persa,] a Persian, Persian. TdSe /lev ETepo-w*' rwy olyoptvtav. Pers. 1. See also Pers. 59. EPITH. (l)Meyd- Xav^ds, ^vo-TroXeyuos, dyepw^fo* (ftovios, linrop.a.'^bSf ro^o^opos, (2) aKptiiret>dr}s, fia.Qv$.d)vos t aKpoyoos. HepcrtKos, y), of, adj. [Persicus,] Persian. 'H /ue*> TreTrXotal IIepe7^o7s a r/o-^T/yuti'T/. Pers. 187- Hepaovdfjitd[, v. [sub Persarum imperio vivo,] to live under the laws of the Persians. OVK eYt HepaovofjiovvTai. Pers. 591. Tlepffdvdftds, ov, o et r/, adj. [habitus Persis ab iis qui eorum legibus parent,] paid by those who are subject to the Persian laws. Kai Xlepcrd^/ioi; n^s /ueydX77s. Pers. 91 6. , et Trtpvao/, adv. [anno superiori ; antehac,] last year, before. To7 tTri^etprjffat iriEpvffiv, Kal roils Trvplrolo-t v. Vesp. 1036. , r), ov, adj. [qui superioris aimi est,] of last year. To ireptiaivoy 1 e/zo/. Ran. 986. d, dros, et Trends, ids, TO, subst. [(l)casus ; (2) cadaver,] a fall, an attack ; a corpse. T il ^>tXd 7reo-///idr' a0xr aOXiov Trdrpos. Phcen. 1715. See also Phoen. 1316. SYN.rirw/m, Trroiats, 1 This passage has exercised the ingenuity of the critics, who all agree in rejecting the read- ing vepovd/jLara. Reiske proposes Bewv irep ydfiara ', Valckenaer reads deawv vdfj.ara ; Ruhnken suggests Bfwv ye irovdfiara, and Wassenberg 6tw 76 -jrovd^ara. See Harles. in 1. c. 2 Tlcpa-rs with or without yaia, 777, oTa, denotes the country of Persia. TlepaKs is also the name of an effeminate cloak, Vesp. 1132. 8 nepo-t/cal, of, et nepcrt/ca, 3>v, r&, are terms used by Aristophanes, Nub. 151. and Lysistr. 229. to denote a species of high shoe or boot. 702 IIEI2 riEYK , ov, o, subst. [calculus lusorius, talus,] the mark or man at draughts. ih> rdb' fyu7*>, dffirep ev 7re<7<7ols, btbws. Eur. Suppl. 419. SYN. Kvfi&s, o/zw, v. [talos dispono,] to manage the marks, to arrange, dispose. KctJ aTaffutp-^os, rubs TreaffovopHJv^ , 6 6' ec?ro x e 'f^ ireraavas. H. 495. SYN. Tlapareivw, ave\b) t arrXow, avcnrTVffad). HfraXoy, et poet. irerrjXov, ov, 70, subst. [folium,] a leaf. "Os?J e?r' a/cpordrw, vTroTreTrrrjures. B. 312. See also Mosch. 2. 6?. ' SYN. $uXXo>, , \7rls. EpITH. ZdOeor, i, vid. , drd*, ro, subst. [velum, integumenturn,] a covering, curtain, carpet. ITeo> K-eXeuOov errpwwvvat irf.Tuarfjia.aiv ; Again. 882. SYN. Tlereeivos, Trtretvos, et Trerf^vos, ov, adj. [volucris,] winged. 'Ayporat e^et'Xovro, Trdpos Trercecm ycj-e^ot. TT. 218. See also Pax 129. and 0. 247- SYN. Ilrcpdets, Trrtpvywros, Trrqvos, Trrepwros. ITfrevpov, ov, ro, subst. [trabs,] a beam or pole. Zeio-d/ueVos Trrtpd fnarpos 2?r' aWaXoei'Tt irtrevpy. Theocr. 13. 13. SYN. Idvt^tdi', ckos. vos, //, P. N. [Peteon,] a village in Boeotia. Ot r 'EXIoiv eT x o>', W i IlTaivd. B. 500. Herews, w, o, P. N. [Peteos,] Peteon. T H vie' Iltrfaio 1 biOTptyeos jSdtrtX^ds. A* 338. Ilfiro/iat, 7Trd/uat, et Trlrda^at, v. [volo,] to fly, to proceed rapidly. Maortev 5' fXdav, rw 6' OWK dfK-oi/rf Trereadrjv. E. 366. See also Aves 574. and Pax 76. SYN. $ t 6p/mo>, rpf^w. Ilfrpa, as, //, et Trerpds, ov, 6, subst. [petra, lapis, saxum,] a rock, a stone. M- Xatrd ?rerpa yfjs vTrepreXXovu' di'w. Hec. 996. SYN. Aads, Xeppa, XWos. EPITH. '7n7p^)s, >;Xt/3dros, yueydX^, avaibfjs, altreia, \ioar) Xi0a^, 7rpo/3Xr)s, v^/jX?), r)epoi>r)s t [lapftaptis, KoiXrj, at pv\oeibr)s, dreep^s, aTepa/nvds, aX^K\vffrds f deXX?/e<7(rd, d /SdOeid, v^TjXoKprjfjivds. TTfrptvos, 77, ov, TTfrpj/ets, eo-epei. Sept. Theb. 366. SYN. 'AyyfXta, (jnjjJir), irvarls, Xoyos, 0pvA- IIev*<:dX//os, /, or, adj. i. q. ITVKVOS, cf. Buttman. Lexic. p. 181. [prudens, peri- tus,] prudent, intelligent. 'Ep^eias os lv\ pefft TrevKaXlprjai KtKaaro. Y. 35. SYN. TLvveros, irvKivos, 7ri)cpos, 0pov^os. r), di/, adj. [amarus, pungens,] bitter, stinging. 'He iruQt /ufya OToyud nev neb avoid. K. 8. SYN. Ila-pos, oXeOpWs, 1 On the formation of the genitive nerewo, see Damm. in P. R. IIEYK IIHKT 703 Ilevoy, r)s, *i, subst. [picea, taeda,] the pitch or pine tree, a torch. Trevor;, //>yo' eperp&rrat x" s Med. 4. SYN. rftri/s, Xa/UTrds, bats. EpITH. Qi'peta, d/u^iTriyjos, aWdXbeacra, TT/OJI', v nevK7ye<$, Dor. Trevicaets, eertrd, ev, ct irevKtvds, 17, oV, adj. [pineus,] made of pine, blazing. *H Trevudev OKGL^OS. Androm. 855. See also Trach. 1200. He^Ku, \. [occido,] to kill. Tjyrw eV d/u^>fy>vn/ nctyvev, /cat d/uryddro yaiav. Apoll. 1. 1305. SYN. Qovevto, d^cupew, fcretVw, aTTOKretVw, KurafcretVw. Ile^jkw, vid. /, adj. [denso vellere praeditus,] thick-fleeced. 'Apveiy IJLIV eywye e'iaKii) Tr^yeeri/jaXXw. F. 197- SYN. Ado-vyuaXXos, /3d0i)juaXXos, Sd7y>), ^s, r/, subst. [fons,] a fountain, a stream. Ilo^rov ae Trrjyais uyviffat /3ovX?/CTo/ucu. Iph. T. 1040. SYN. Kprivq, iriba, po>), peos, vafia, bpdaus. EPITH. $tX/, bpdffepa, Tro-apia, dev^aos, yXi/Kijod, KaXXlppoos, , f. TT^W, 2 aor. tTrdyoV, v. [compingo, figo, pango, co^o,] to fasten together, to fix, to curdle. Pt'^w/ue^, T) aKo\o\Lt Trjy^w/iev ^yuds ; Iph. T. 1431. SYN. AtdTrr/yi/yju.t, Ka-airriyvvfju. ttrjyds, rj, ov, adj. [(1) bene compactus, (2) iutumescens, vel niger. Vid. Steph. Thes. torn, iii, 2t)4=f. 7526, and Eustath. II. I. 124.] compact; swelling, or black. 'Paiarj liretyofjievriv avefta), KO.I Kvparl Trrjyy. ^. 234. SYN. EvTrd- yi]s, arepeos, jjieXds, TroXlus. TlrjyvXis, i5os, r;, adj. [glacialis,] icy, frosty. HrjyvXis oKptoevros avatrrdovaa Hv\olo. Apoll. 2. 737. SYN. IlayfrwSr/s, ^v^pa. Tl/lfSdXtdr, ou, TO, subst. [gubernaculum,] a helm, rudder. Ilpos b' dpd irrjbaXiov TroifioaTo, o(j)p' IQvvoi. e. 255. SYN. Oia. EPITH. At/caiov, tvfyov, tvv&iov, aypwrvov. Hfjbciffos, ov, 6, et (2) >/, P. N. [Pedasus,] (l)a. the son of Bucolion ; fi. a horse of Achilles ; (2) a city in the Troad. B?/ be per' A'iarjTrov, KCU n/y^do-ov, ovs Trore VVJJL^J]. Z. 21. EPITH. /3. 'A^v/uw^, ITTTTOS, ' (2) cuTretv*}, at7r/effffd, dw, f. >yo-w, v. [salio,] to leap. To Tpwu"o^ :r>y^yud Trrjbijaas Androm. 1128. SYN."AXXo/utu, aKipTau, opx^A 401 ^ II/ySj7/ud, dros, ro, et Tr/yS^ats, ?/, subst. [saltus, saltatio,] a leap, a dancing. See in Ilj/Sdw. SYN."AX/ud, aKiprrjfjid. Tlrjbdv, ov, ro, subst. [remus,] a paddle, an oar. 'Ecjo/uei'os Tr^SoTo-i rot 5e j3oeias. Apoll. 4. 200. SYN. KWTTJ;, ep'erpos, TrXdrt]. TlrjKri], -iys, >/, subst. [(l) caseus, (2) rete,J cheese ; a net. Aev/co'rtpa TraKTas ribfjv, a.Trd\(i)Tpu apvos. Theocr. 11. 20. SYN. Tvpa, biKTvdv. TlrjKris, ibos, ry, subst. [fistula,] a pipe. Tr}v ypavv epuTys, i) '(f>epet> ras bas. Thesm. 1218. SYN. 2vpty|. EPITH. KaX?), ?ySi/7r/ys, yv/u^tko/uos, Xt- ?/, oV, adj. [(1) compactus, (2) concretus, (3) fixus,] well fastened ; 704 11HAA F1HNI curdled ; fixed. Hvpyoiiri irrjKr&v KXtpaKuv nptiffaiuflaaeis. Phcen. 499 SYN. n//Xdywr, ovos, 6, P. N. [Gigas,] one of the giants. See Dr. Blomf. in 1. Hrj- Xdyov(i)i> eXdrrjpd. Call. 1. 3. , tiros, 6, P. N. [Pelegon.] *Os TEKE ILjXeyoVa K\VTOV eyx"' T v & fy* >. 159. , ALol. n^Xf/mS^s, ov, etIlr;Xe/v, wyos, o, patronym. [Pelides,] the son or descendant of Peleus. HrjXeibas fyv onXots, Trap avTvyd. Iph. A. 229 See also A. 1. and X. 469- ILfXevs, tws, Ion. iios, 6, P. N. [Peleus.] '6 ILjXews yap TTCUS, vnep rv/i/3ou Qaveis. Hec. 37 EPITH. Adfypwv, AiaKibrjs, tTTTrrjXdTrjs, yepuv, i7nrorr]S, dva^, dfj-vfjiiaVf avrlQeos, 06\os, fiovXrjtyopos, ijptas. HrjXrjios, a, ov, adj. [Pelei'us,] of Peleus. OticaSe yoor} dvpovs e7TTafioeiovs. Ran. 1017. SYN. Kopv, rp^dXetd, JCV^T/, Kpavos* EPITH, 'iTTTrOKd^OS, TTpO./Xtoj>, ov, TO, P. N. [Peliou,] a mountain in Thessaly. Mrjb' ev vaircu ^ irsptorepa. Aves 1302. ;s, ;/, et Tnjnov, subst. [(l) tela ; (2) tapes,] a web ; tapestry. Tt$; dp os tfjiaioi pvdevETai irapd Treats. Ion 15. EPITH. 'Av&oKfjoKos, baibdXea. lrjviZopat, v. [texo,] to weave. Oure TIS kv rdXdpy Trar/o-^erat epyd rotavra Theocr. 18. 32. SYN. Mijpi/fycu, vaivw. IIHNI TII0A 705 , adv. [quando,]when, what time. \\piv y dv dTm/ey/^s. b. aXX' a. TrrjviKd ; Eccles. 857. SYN. 'Hvu-d, ?)^os, Trore. nqwfc, a, oV, adj. [ad telam pertinens,] of or belonging to the web. e^eXKOvad TrdpeK fjUTov , ay\dBl b"i,Ktfiios, rvfyXos. f. wo-w, v. [mutilo, trunco, orbo,] to maim, to blind, to deprive of. o Xoyos* KO.V ri TTTjp&ffw ye (rot. Ran. 623. SYN. KoXovw, Xw/3dojuac, b), TV(f>\0(i), aTTOKOTTTW. s, a, o^, a[rot a^0os f/ev O/TOV Tnjj^vldf 1 virepde. Apoll. 3. 853. f. vv&> \. [cubito irnpositum gesto,] to bear on the arm. 'Apyvpeov irdXdjUjf eiu Trrj-^yvovau. Apoll. 4. 972. , eds, 6, subst. [brachium, cubitus,] the arm from the elbow to the head, the elbow, a cubit. Aatov b" eTratpe Tri/x^* ev6yvwv7ro5d. Heracl. 728. SYN. 'Ayfcwr, ayKaXrj, biXevi]. EPITH. Aevfcos, dTrdXos, poboeis. i Hla(, f. daw, et Dor. a^w, v. [comprehendo,] to seize, to catch. Ttjvei Kal TOV Tavpoi> CITT' wpeos aye Trm^as. Tlieocr. 4. 35. SYN. Efiecta. Hiaivw, f. drw, v. [pinguefacio,] to fatten, to enrich. Ilpaao-g, iriaivov, vtav TYJV btKrjV ETrel irdpd. Agam. 1599* SYN. Aiiratvti), ^oprctcjw. IlTdp, ro, subst. et (2) adj. [piuguedo ; pingue,] fatness ; fat. Els &pas eTret fjidXd TrTdp VTT' ovbds. i. 135. SYN. rL/^fX?;, brjjuios, (2) see Il/wr. Ilmcr^d, dros, TO, subst. [uber,] what fattens, the fattening. "Apbei, $i\ov TTI- acrfjid Botwrwv -^QHvl. Pers. 811. SYN. To \liraivdv. YIibdKdets, el7rt/ets, eo-ord, lv t adj. [aquis salientibus scateni,] of, or copious in, flowing water. Tcu, MS neTplva TricdKoecrvd \?(3ds. Androm. 1 \6. See also A. 183. SYN. YIoXvTribaZ, evvbpos. TLlba, dKds, r/, subst. [fons, scatebra, aqua saliens,] a fountain, a stream, fresh water. Ovpeiav inbaKuv evtyavr.. Androm. 284. SYN. Tlrjyij, Kpijvr}, Xffids, errdywr, drafiXvats. EPITH. Aafcpvoeofffd, KaXXivaos, iropfyvpea, irerpa/a, oXt'yr/. vid. HibaKoeis. , ov, 6, P. N. [Pidytes.] See in TlepK&crios. , f. ec-a;, v. [premo,] to press, to afflict. Ad/3o>i>, 7rie, ^drdTrte^w, 0X//5w, /Sdpuvcu, dvidw, pa Kdrd/3aXXw. IItpm,as,^,P.N. [" Pieria^ nonnunquamnotat partem mentis Olympi, nonnun- quam regionern Thessaliae, saepe et urbem. Quando serraoest de Musis ILe- pirjdev venientibus innuitur mons ille, Musis sacer." Cl. Damm. in P. R.] Pieria. Utepfy ^ovrjcios ebpa. Bacch. 404. 1 Hteplbes, IDV, ai, P. N. [Pierides,] the Muses. "Erj/ed TlteprSas. HWawr], rjs, ?/, subst. [dolium,] a cask/a hogshead. HWdKvrjs TrXevpav, yvlav Kal TavTqv* apd ye TroXXwv. Plut. 546. SYN. Fltflos. TLWdvos, 77, ov, adj. [persuasorius,] persuasive, convincing. HWdvd Travrd* be ravTrjs. Thesm. 464. SYN. EvTretartfs, Sfi/ct/zacrr^s, )(dpiet$, d\rj6ivos. here scanned as an antibacchius. 3 Compare the corresponding line in the Antistrophe, Bacch. 419. Pro*. Lex. 706 ni0A niNA *HWavws, adv. [apte ad persuadendum,] persuasively. rvyaiKtels e$ Kal 7ri0u- vws. b. TretpaGretyiai. Thesm. 268. ITr0w, f. {jaw, v. [fretus sum, cedo,] to rely on, to comply with. "Arrd, Trpoorw 0tp T 6Cf (rax' *" k " " 7r " <7 ^ 7Ti0//ereis..) 0. 369. SYN. rie/00?, 6, subst. [simia,] an ape. Ilorepov Kds dmTrXtws ^tpvOlov. Eccles. 1072. See also Pyth. 2. 132. - HWos, ov, 6, subst. [dolium,] a cask. 'Opwv 7rt0oj> KaTayvv^lvov tfivov Pax 703. SYN. Ifrdaici'i?, Kepapos. HiKpaivw, v. [amarum reddo, molestia adficio,] to render bitter, exasperate. "t\brj TIS Mopffwv TriKpaiverar ovyl TrdprjaBev; Theocr. 5. 120. SYN. , oet 77, adj. [cui nuptiee sunt infelices,] unfortunate in marriage. Tlavres K' &Kvf.topoi re yZvoiard TTiKpoyd/j-oi re. a. 266. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [amare dictus,] bitterly spoken. At, at, niKpo- apas. Sept. Tlieb. 787- , ov, 6 et >;, adj. [cujus fructus est amarus,] having bitter fruits. 'E%urpv-vet 7riKpoKap7rdy avbpOKTaalav rZXelv. Sept. Theb. 690. HtKp&s, a, or, adj. [amarus, acerbus,] bitter, tart, cruel. TXwaarjs irlKpols Kev- Tpoifft K\rjbov^ov^Eyoi. Here. F. 1279* SYN. A^etNC^fc, obvvrjpos, "^aXeTTuSj trrpv(j)vos. Hhportis, f}rtis> iriKpta, ri et 7riicj0ao-/uos, o, subst. [amaritudo,] bitterness. Fv- vcuKa, yXwffay TctKpoTijs evearl TIS. Eur. Electr. 1014. ritXew, f. 7/irw, v. [carrnino, cogo, constipo,] to card, to compress. OVTTAI bt^d- Xey yudX' VTT' rytjOt TrtX^^elcrd. Apoll. 4. 678. SYN. TlvKv&u). TliXij/A&f ardsj TO, subst. [carminatio, tegumeiitum faciei,] a carding, a cover- ing. IloifjteviKoy TriXijfjia' Kal kv ylpl ^cuov H^ovaa. Call. fr. 125. SYN. TTerdo-os, fur pa. , ov, ro, subst. [pileolus,] a little hat. Ttf TrtXlfaov nlpl TYIV K0dX)v TO vciov. Acliarn. 439. rf, v. [admoveo,]to cause to approach. Ovpeos kv firicrcrys iriXva, yQvvl TrovXvfiorelpr). Hes. Op. 508. SYN. IleXaCw, 7r/oo<7/3aXXa>, iyxpipirra). Tll\os,ov, o, subst. [pilus, indumentum e lana villisque compactum,] felt, a hat. Tl~iXov e%etv aaKrjTot', Iv cudrd p.ij Karabevr). Hes. Op. 540. Il/^eXr), rjs, r/, subst. [pinguedo,] fatness, fat. Mrjpoi KaXvwTfjs elfKGivro infJLfXT]S. Antig. 1011. SYN. AITTOS, hypos, Trtdp, aXet^dp, Kviaraa. IT///7rXetd, as, //, P. N. [Pimplia,] a mountain inThessaly, near Olympus, sacred to the Muses. 'H M.ovaai TOV iiotbov, o /ur/ IT/'/XTrXetdv aeiay. Call. 4. 7 * ILyuTrXrjts, tos, r/, adj. [Pimpleis,] of Pimplia. Omypw aKOTrirjs Hifj.7rXT}i^>ds u-Y)C L TtKtaQai. Apoll. 1. 25. Tiip.Tr\rijjLi t et 7rtjU7rXdi/w, V. [compleo,] to fill. Zievyvvffdf: S' '/TTTTOVS, TreSid TTIJU- ?rXd0' apparuv. Phoen. 532. See also I. (?75. SYN. 'AHHT/furXq/rf, 7rXr;0w, Tl(/JhcpT)fil t f. //aw, v. [accendo, comburo,] to set on fire, to burn. 6' O'IKOVS' a>b' fyei K7^X//yudrd. Troad. 886. SYN. Kat'w, dmfca/w, >, adv. [in modum tabularum,] like a tablet. Ran. 845. ivaKwv, et TrivaKifaov, ov, ro, et TrtvaKiffKos, ov, 6, subst. [tabella,] a little tab- let, a small dish. iLKOTreiv b 1 o rl av 7rpdypd^w/ze>' k.v rols irlvaKtois. Aves 450. itvdKOTrwXrjs, ov, 6, subst. [qui tabulas vel aves in tabulis consertas vendit,] one who sells tablets or birds on tablets, a poulterer. '6 TrrydKOTrwXrjs , TrtvSeis, e, 6, P. N. [Pindus,] a chain of mountains in Macedonia, Thes- saly, and. Epirus. *H KardHrjvei^ KdXu re/xTred, r) Kara II/vSw; Theocr. 1. 67. ILj>>on/ptfs, ov, 6, subst. [cancellus, vel squilla qua^dam pinnae socia,] the smallest of crabs that waits upon the naker fish. Sanx. '6 TrivvoTripris ovrds eari TOV yerovs. Vesp. 1510. Tlivoets, et Trij'to^Sj vid. Hivapvs. *IItj/os, ov, 6, subst. [sordes,] filth, squalidness. 'E-a0Xd avv viva -^epuv. Agam. 750. SYN. TUTTOS, pvTrov, Xvud. , et Trtfyo-o-w, v. [(l)doceo; (2)admoneo,] to teach, to advise. Kep- (re, 0e), ^udXd rwSf KivvffKet. Call. 3. 152. x SYN. NovQerew, , j), di/, a adj. [prudens, callidus,] wise, prudent, clever. Mayta TroXX* otXo7rdrew. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [pinguia pascua ha bens,] having rich pastures. NVV TTLovop.015. ^Escll. Suppl. 51. SYN. Ev0opds, ei/Kap7ro$, TT/WJ/. , v. [do bibere, bibo,] to give to drink, to sip. Old 7ri7T7r/c?ovfft, KCU i biaKeKpaydTes. Aves 508. v. [vendo, mercede accepta prodo,] to sell, to betray for money. s tTrpadrjV, &v eXevOtpov irarpos. Choeph. 910. SYN. 'ATre/XTroXdw, TrwXew. , f. Treaovpat, 2 aor. CTTCO-O^, perf. TreTrrwm, et Tnri/ew, 2 aor. tmrvov, V. [cado,] to fall. Td o' ov icdXws TriirTovrd bepKopat flpdr&v. Electr. M02. See also Med. 1192. SYN. KdrdTrnnrw, Trirvlw, ^yui)w, epe/Trw. , P. N. [Pisa,] a city of Elis, situated on the Alpheus. IleXoi// o ^avrdXeios, eh TLiaav /uoXo>i>. Iph. T. 1. Hiffdris, Ibds, et Utcrevs, Iws, Ion. et Dor. T/OS, 6, aHj. [Pisatis,] of Pisa. *Hv TraXXwi/, TrapQevov Utaarlba. Iph. T. 825. See also Theocr. 25. 201. , tos, ro, subst. [locus irriguus,] a marshy place, a meadow. IL'o-ed re tTrwv (cat eXev. -d, et 7r/rrd, 775, //, subst. [pix,] pitch. *H Tr/rrd SJ/TTOI; fcafyeVT/s e^epxtrat. Vesp. 1375. , eo-<7d, /, et Triffaivds, y,dt>, et 7rr/p7?s, 2s, adj. [piceus,] pitchy. 0d- i/ KqKibl Trtffrr/jpet /, dtwjud, EPITH. 'A)s, e'vSu-os, aXKrjcaffd, deoeibfjs. Hurras, r), or, adj. [fidelis, fretus,] faithful, to be depended upon. STrovcVtre, KOI ffi} TTt'orts, ?/ [Ji elfffiydyes. PllO3n. 376. SYN. 'Aio7ricrros, Sekfyuos, d^to^pews, evopKos, /3e/3atos. IltCTroo^ai, v. [fidem facio mihi,] to confirm. 'ETret 8 eTrtffTuOrjcrdv, ev be TTWS ytpwv. Iph. A. 66. SYN. BtySeuoojUcu. IL'v, Qappwv. Iliffvpes, wv, adj. [quatuor,] four. "Os r cvrei e: TroXewv Trtavpas avi'eyeiperai ITTTTOVS. O, 680. SYN. Te^dpes. ITrrdv?;, TJS, r/, P. N. [Pitane,] a town in Laconia. Mrjbe woXiv ITtrdvas. Troad. 1101. TLtTdevs, ews, et Ion. rjos, 6, P. N. [Pittheus.] 'IrnrdXvTOS ayvov YltTdews TTCU- .rd. Hipp. 11. ;, ct Tnrj'Tjjui, v. [expando, extendo,] to expand, to stretch. QvpeXai 6' pvffrjXdTOi. Eur. Electr. 713. SYN. 'E^cre/vw, Ifcrdvvo'crw. >, vid. ILVrw. f, ov, 6, P. N. [Pittacus,] one of the seven wise men of Greece. Heu-os 'Arapve/rrjs TIS dv^pero HtrraKov ourws. Call. Ep. 1.1. *rhYrdXds, ov, 6, P.N. [Pittalus.] Oi/c eortv, dXXd icXde Trpos rovs FlirrdXov. Acharn. 1032. Ilrrvetd, as, ?/, P.N. [Pityia,] a town in Asia Minor, "load, re SyfffceXd^ds re Kai i/uiepTt) ITtrvetd. Apoll. 4. 565. IliT-vXevw, v. [cieo strepitum remorum agitatione,] to splash, bluster, toil. 2v be y' wv dp^ets, TroXXd ^iev ev y/jj, TroXXd 6' e^>' vyp^f TrtrvXeveras. Vesp. 678. HtrvXds, ov, 6, subst. [sonus praecipue remorum aquam pulsanlium,] a splash- ing, a noise. Tapay Karripei TrirvXov tTrrepwyuevov. Iph. T. 1347. SYN. Ttf- v, ov eVe^rctyuV ypels. K. 478. SYN. ^/^u/, 5?;X^a>, Il/wv, ovos, compar. Trtorepos, superl. Triordros, ?;, ov, et irietpd, as, //, adj. [pin- guis,] fat, rich. ITid^d, Trevrdenjpov, i/Trep/uevtt Kpovtwvt. B. 403. See also Horn. Apoll. 48. I. 471. and I. 342. SYN. Ev6at>wv. IlXayd, Dor. pro IIXr?y/, q. v. IlXdytavXds, ov, 6, subst. [obliqua tibia,] a cross or oblique flute. Kf/v avXw XdXtw K*r/v bdjvdKi, KYJV TrXdytavXw. Theocr. 20. 29. riXdytds, a, ov, adj. [(l) obliquus, transversus, (2) ambiguus,] oblique, across, athwart, ambiguous. IlXdyid yap ypove'is' rd juer vvv t rd be TrdXat, rd 6' av- rtKa. Iph. A. 332. SYN. Ae~%pTos, eyKapaios, bo\?os. IlXdyfcwv, wvos, 6, subst. [cerea pupa,] a wax doll. f il$ be Mfymvri x*^ r > *** deXtw evt TrXdyKwv. Call. 6. 91. IlXayicrds, 77, ov, adj. [(1) vagus ; (2) stolidus,] wandering ; foolish. DXayjcrd 6' wo-et rs vetyeXa. Eur. Suppl. 971. IlXayicroavvi?, rjs, rj, subst. [vagalio,] a wandering about, vagrancy. ITXayfcrd- avvris & OVK eort Kacwrepov dXXd /3poro7o-iv. o. 341. SYN. IlXdv?;, dXrjfjtdffvt'r}, dXr)fid y dXrj. TlXdbdpos, d, 6V, adj. [madidus,] wet, flaccid. Bpi0o/uc>ot TrXd5dpo7o-i ffdp>ydo-(v IIAAA flAAT 709 . Apoll. 3. 1397- SYN /Typos, Stvypos, oy/dXtos, Stepos, vorepos. , v. [uimio humore madeo,] to be too wet. Olov 6 7rAd ouaav en-t- dpovpav. Apoll. 2. 664. SYN.^YypcuVo/icu, roriofjia.t. IlAttw, f. ayw, et TrAdrnw, f. 7/rrw, v. [errare facio, erro,] to cause to err, to frustrate, to err, to wander. Autr^r/juos TrAacWo 5t' r/tpos, >V crl Aao/. Apoll. 1. 1137. SYN. 'A7ro7rAac?w, TrdparpeTrw, <7^>aAAw. riAdfldj'?;, ys, >/, 7r\dQdvov, ov, TO, subst. [sartago,] a frying-pan. E'iSdrd 0' oWd yvvai&slTrl ir\a.Qavr) iroveovrai. Theocr. 15.115. SYN/HydyoV, ri'iyavov. TiXiiOw, viti. IIeAac?aJ. riAat, ov, ro, subst. [quadratum oblongum, lateris forma,] an oblong square, the form of a brick, a brick, a rectangle. Kat TrAa/ata typirrvKTo. ir\tv- Oevovcrc ye. Ran. 800. IlAd^pc/s, 1 a, ov, adj. [(l) lafcus ; (2) textilis. Vid. not.] broad, plaited. Zw, $wfj.os, OAdmw, vid. nAa'^w. TlAd)'??, T^S, r/, TrXavrifjia, aros, TO, et * TrAdvds, ov, 6, snbst. [error,] a wandering, an error, a maze. Kat Trpo's yerovrois, rep/id rijs e/jtrjs7r\dyrjs. P. V. 643. See also P. V. 853. and (E. R. 67. SYN. IlAayfcroffu^, aXrj, aXijpa. EpiTH. UoXv^dopos, aXWs. YlXavtis, >yros, 7r\avijTr]s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. et subst. [erro, vagus,] wandering, vagrant. IlAd^rw err' olfya, vroAeis re. Iph. T. 418. See also Heracl. 878. SYN. IT\ayvros, dAr/rjfs. TlXaroarifiijs, eds, o et //, adj. [errantibus calcatus,] trodden by wanderers. Be/3wr' avarel ri]v 7rAdi'Offr(/3j; 'xjdoi'a. Eumen. 76. YlXavvvo-io, et TrAdj/yrrw, v. [oberro, vagabundus sum,] to wander. TV, J TTOVTJP', di'd) Karw TrXavvrTOfjiev ; Aves 3. SYN. TLXavaofj,ai, 7rXddfj.a.t, dAdw, aXrjul, Trept^epo^uai. PHR. Apo/zous re TroAAovs TrA^Qw Ka/j.irtfj.ovs. IlAa, nXdKTos, //, subst. [planities, tabula,] a flat or level surface, a table. *Os rf)v apifJTrjv Xepo-o^^o-tav TrAdfcd. Hec. 8. SYN. ^Lai'ls, yij, laoTrebdv. EpiTH. &iKopv(bos, aWepla, irovrla, TrAouata, i]Xit,ofiXr)Tos, aepvri, vairaia, /3d- d, dros, ro, subst. [(1) figmentum ; (2) commentum,] any thing formed, a figure; an invention. 'OAtyoSpdvees, TrAao-judrd 7r??Aoi5, craoeiSed 0uA' dyue //?;vd. Aves 686. lAacro-fu, f. TrArio-w, v. [(l) fingo, formo ; (2) illino; (3) comminiscor,] to fa- shion ; to besmear ; to invent. KCUVOJ/ be Tovvop dvd ^povov Treir\a.. lXdffTiyt, iyyoj, >/, subst. [(l)lanx e jugo suspensa; (2) flagrum. Vid. Etymol. M. p. 674, 20. and Spanhem. ad Aristoph. Ran. 1420.] the scale of a ba- lance ; a thong. TlAaortyyd Trpoo-fas, Kavro ooi yevi](jlrai. Pax 1248. SYN. FlAaaros, >}, ov, adj. [fictus, adulterinus,] formed, fictitious. KdAet Trap' oivy, TrAao-ros ws eiriv Trdrpt. CE. R. 780. SYN. 'E7nf7rAaadro ro irXdrdyrjfJd. Theocr. 3. 29. SYN. Ildrdyo*, Trdrdyrj/m, dpay^uos, ^o^os, 6povs. nAdrdywvtoj', ov, ro, subst. [papaveris folium,] a poppy bell. *H /UQKW*'* aird- Xdv, ZpvOpd TrXdrdyaivt' eyoiadv. Theocr. 11. 57 riAdraid, as, ?/, P. N. [Platsea,] in Boeotia. O'/re IlAdradj> ex ol/ *^' * fX/a- fravr' erettoi'ro. 13. 504. HXdratevs, eos, adj. [Platseensis,] of Platsea. Kat IlXdraias cvfltfs elVat. Ran. 694. riXdrdyuwv, wi'os, o, subst. [saxum amplum et latum,] a large flat rock. Ae/w en-} TrXdrd/Jwvt, rov OVK e7re/3aXXe OdXaaad. Apoll. 1. 365. SYN. Herpa. ?, et w-Xdrdvos, ov, >/, subst. [platanus,] a plane-tree. KaX?; VTTO T, o0ev peei/ ayAdoV i/5wp. B. 307- See also Nub. 1004. EPITH. iu), v. [platanis obumbror,] to be covered with plane-trees. 'Ec Vxpuv vbwp e;rdywv. Theogn. 878. nXdreiaw, f. drw, v. [dilato,] to speak broadly. TpvyoVes eKKvaiaevvrl irXd- Teiaffbotaai uTravrd. Theocr. 15. 88. nXdreo/xat, v. [dilutor,] to be made broad. Tfl yewptov 5' av nwKtuv TrXdrou- /ue^wv. Acharn. 551. IlAarjj, et TrXdra, ys, >/, subst. [palmula,] the broad part of the oar, an oar. 'Ei/0dSe, ?rdp' evTrpv^.vota'iy 'Apyet'wv TrXdrats. Iph. A. 728. SYN. KWTTT;. EPITH. 'ErdAia, rvtcrtpos, vavvopus, vavrtXos, TrpwroTrXoos, TrovroTropos, vavat- Topos, cw^d-Tia, evirpvfJLVoSy evnopos. TlXarts, ios, ?/, subst. [conjux,] a wife. Kcu ro7at Traibiotal, KCLI r?J TrXartSt. Acharn. 132. SYN. FiJi'//, UKOITIS. TlAdros, eos, ro, subst. [latitude,] breadth. 'YTTO rov 7rXdroi/s av TrdpeXdyairrjv. b. 'HpdcXe7s. Aves 1129- SYN. Evpos, evpvrrjs. nXdriJy/c?w, et TrXdru^o^at, v. [palmula aquam percutiendo strepitum excito,] to make a splash. Tl 0dXorrd/^d7re7s, fcai 7rXdri)y/5ets ; Equit. 827- IlXdri/^pous, ov, 6 et /, adj. [late fluens,] wide-flowing. "Offrjv TrXdrvppovs ITXdrvs, e7d, v, adj. [latus,] broad. IlXayx^eis TrXdre/as 7re5td5os 6' dpa^iTOv. Rhes. 279. SYN. Eupvs, tvpv^cjpds. riAey/ud, dros, ro, subst. [textura, nexus,] any thing plaited or connected, a link. Evpws r' dTreoTt TrXey^udrwy ft 6' cv yuetrw. Ion 1392. SYN. IIXeKrdv/, TrXoo), 7rXecos. nAe0poj/, vid. rieXeOpo^. ITXetds, Ion. TrXrytds, et TreXetds, dSos, ^, P. N. [Vergilia,] one of the Pleiades. HXeidbSs aiaawv, ert fjieffariprjs. Iph. A. 8. See also 2). 486. and Theocr. 13. 25. rjprjs, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [quamplurimus,] extended, long. To XOITTO^ els d TrXeiarripr) "xpftvov. Eiimei). 766. TlXet(TTr)piofjiat, v. [potissimum arguo,] to accuse as the principal cause. Keu iXrpd ToXfjrjs rfiirbe TrXeiarrrjpi^ofJiai. Choe'ph. 1016. nXetorroft/3pdros, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [valde frequens,] much frequented. Ildrpds 0' eoprav re KTlor) TrXeto-rd^pdrov. Olymp. 6". 11 6. IlXetW, et TrXewv, compar., et 7rXe7rros, superl. a IloXvs, q. v. IlAeiwi', &vtis, 6, subst. [annus,] a year. Ot be rd /wev TrXetw^i, rd &' ov^ e^* roiv6' d?ro TrafjiTrdv. Call. 1. 89. SYN. "Eros, eVtavros. riXeicos, eos, ro, subst. [sportula e viminibus contexta,] a wicker basket. Tr b' w rdXas ye, rov^' exets TrXefcovs "\jpeos ; Acharn. 454. SYN. IlXey/m, 6{ fUOV. *IlXe(cdw, v. [coe'o,] to copulate. I.TVOIVT dv &t>bpes, KairWvfjioicv Lysistr. 152. nXefcrdvdw, vid. IIAEK IIAHK 711 H\KT&vr}, ys, ^, subst. [(1) spira, (2) rete,] a coil, a wreath ; a net. Avpat &ta\l/aipovai irXeKTavrjv K&TTVOU. Aves 1717* SYN. IlXey/m, TrXefcefr. HXeKTos, ?}, oV, adj. [(1) plexus, (2) textilis,] twisted ; to be woven. nXeicrotai eta, as, //, subst. [avaritia,] avarice. YlXeoi'e^iav TE bojfjidTwv aire- TTTvaa. Ipli. A. 509. SYN. Oi'XoxP'7^d''ta, fiXapyvpia. IlXfos, TrXetos, a, ov, et TrXews, w, 3(Jj. [plenus,] full. TIpo ye are^d^eis, /cat 6j3ov TrXea ris el. P. V. 721. See also 0. 162. and Equit. 1126. SYN. Yl\Vfj.b)t>, vid. riXeupa, as, ^, 7rXeiypo>/, ov, ro, et TrXevptofja, dros, ro, subst. [latus, costa,] a side, a rib. Kat ras nXevpas bapbcnrTovaiv. Nub. 711. See also Hec. 814. and Sept. Theb. 887. , iSos, >/, subst. [pleuritis,] a pleurisy, a pain in tbe side. YlXevpHrts ovbev av Xd/3oi irore. Eccles. 417. w, v. [latera percutio,] to strike the sides. Td 6e, TrXei/pdncdTrwy, 5t^' aveppi'iyvv. Aj. Fl. 236. , vid. riXevpa. wv, wvos, >/, P. N. [Pleuron,] a city in ^Etolia. O? HXei/pa/j/' EvUnovrG, KCLI oy, ^e EfoXr/i'iji.'. B. 63p. * nXevpa/tds, a, ov, adj. [Pleuronius,] of Pleuron. 'Ayk'a/ov ^c TrdXi; IlXevpw- j'lov, os fjLol avearri. T". 635. * ITXevoreds, a, o^, adj. verbal, [navigandus,] must sail. 'EjuoJ//tv ovv COT es 2dXd^u7vd TrXeuored. Lysistr. 411. nXeyort/cos, ?/, or, adj. [navigation! commodus,] favorable for sailing. Kov- ^orep', w 7ra7es, 7roteI0' OTrXd' irXevffTiKos ovpos. Theocr. 13. 52. SYN. IlXwar- /uos, vavcriTropvs, TrXwros. IlXtw, Ion. 7rXe/w, f. TrXeycrw, et TrXww, f. wo-w, et Ion. imp. irXwi&aKov, v. [navi- go,] to sail. "En-Xei/o-', OTTWS 5' eVXeuffd Oeojjiavei irorpu. Orest.79. See also TT. 368. e. 240. and Hes. Op. 632. SYN. AtoVXew, dn-oVXeoj, , apud Apoll. 2. 597. and 647. pro Sv^TrX^ydtes, q. v. Xw, fjs, //, et 7rX?7y/zd, drds, ro, subst. [plaga, ictus,] a stripe, a blow. y//s fidde'idv dXom rpav/mdros Xd^wr. Rhes. 792. See also Iph. T. 1367. SYN. Tpavjud, atcia, /3oXj), dpayyuos. , tos, ro, et irXrjdvs, vos, ?/, subst. [multitude,] a multitude, population. t yvvatKtiv ovbev ^VVTOV rdXas. Hec. 1 149. See also B. 278. SYN. s, op'iyvpts, Xaos, dXrj, Trdvi'iyvpls. EPITH. Aetvoi/, dXoytarov, apfKpoy, atipoov, aireiplTov. YIXr}dvt>(o, f. vvG), V. [multiplico, augeo,] to multiply. Tavrr/i/ tn-atyelv 7ravro0e>' t. Agaml 1341. SYN. Avfa. vu, f. vaw, v. [plenus sum, abundo,] to be full, to be very prevalent. Kparovod x l P ^ 7rot TX^Qyerat. ^Esch. Suppl. 6 12. SYN. , f. , v. [(1) impleo, (2) plenus sum,] to fill, to be full. "O\ptv repe*- vi\v rrivX eirXrjod batcpvuv. Med. 901. SYN. 'E/i7rX>/0w, 7rX>;pow, 7r//i7rXi7/Ltt, ids, vid. IlXetds. jKTiZdjjiai, v. [(1) depugno, (2)lascive me gero,] to contend with, to be wanton. UXrjKTi^eadui /uerd rijs afjs irvyrjs. Eccles. 964. SYN. Md x ^at, /uat, v(3pi(a. , et Dor. 7rXacrpoV, oi/,ro, subst. [pecten, calcar gallinacei, flagelhim,] 712 I1AHM HAIN an instrument with which the lyre was struck, a spur. 7rdraas' AIp irXijurpov, el yud^et. Aves 759 SYN. Krels, ipaadX)), (3e\os. EPITH. Xpv<70>, eKetyavrlvov. TlXrjfjil, vid. YleXu(>). IlXqju/^Xfw, f. j/o-w, v. [pecco, delinquo,] to act wrong, to err. Tt TO /nepos el fu.erf}Xde yfjs ; Pl)O3n. 1669- SYN. 'Ajuctprdrw, d beverai TrX^jUjuvpt^t. Alcest. 185. SYN. , v. [sestuo, inundc,] to overflow. FlX^/^vpov Xo^s CK at part ^elpds. Apoll. 4. 706. I\Yifj,vr]j 77$, >/, subst. [rnodiolus rotae, cui inseritur axi^,] the hole in the centre of the wheel, into which the axle is placed. '(Is av TOL TrXr//^ ye bodoaerai aKpov iKeo6ai. ^. 339 SYN. Xv^ci, crvpiy%. lX))v, adv. [praeter, sed, tamen,] besides, except, but, nevertheless, yet. IlXr/j/ T^J reKovrl Kapra bvffpadtjs tcflv. Med, 1193. TX^ITTTTOS, ov, o et ?/, adj. [equos pungens, eques,] spurring horses, eques- trian, warlike. Avro>, fTreird 5' eralpov 'O'iXija irXrjfyinroi'. A. 93. SYN. See , tos, 6 et rj, adj t [plenus,] full. HX^p^s irpo rvfipov, arjs Kopys eirl ffa- yas. Hec. 520. SYN. See U\eos. IlXrjpou), WCTW, v. [compleo,] to fill up. YlXrjpovcra QvpoV 6eo~cal* 6' wS' f^et ropus. Hipp. 1324. SYN. 'AvaTrXrjpow, eKTrXrjpow, 7rX?j0w, yffjl^io. tiros, ro, subst. [plenituclo, copia,] fulness. "Y/3pto-^d dvrjT&v, aQovov . Orest. 1659. SYN. TlXrjfffidvrj, TrXijdds. ), f. dorw, v. [appropinquo,] to approach. IIws o^v av avrf 6eir}v TTOTE ; Eur. Electr. 634. SYN. IleXacJw, TriXvr}^, eyy/5w, a, o^, adj. [propinquus,] near, neighboring, a relation. H ?rX^(7ia ardOelffd ^os. Iph. A. 629. SYN. TLapaTTXrjaids, oi/, 6 et f}, adj. [vicinus,] neighboring. 'EXe^aov, ^cat awcrov vw\ rov aavTOv irXrjaW-^wpov. Vesp. 393. SYN. YlpovoiKos, 7rpocrx/, subst. [satietas,] satiety. Tt/^wfftv, ovx is nX^e/iovcis 0^pwjU- . Troad. 1201. SYN. IlX/ypw^d, icopos. , et TrXr'iTTb), f. w, et Ion. 7r7rX//yw, v. [percutio,] to strike, to smite, be Koivfj tyntyopq. TreTrXrjyfjLtvos. Thesm. 1 86. See also I. 51. SYN. , rvTrrw, icoTrrw, dpdo-o-w, prjyvvfu, /3dXXw, oiracw, /3Xa?rrw, TrX^yas S. evTtit'b). vu, et TrXtvdovpyew, v. [lateres fingo,] to make bricks or tiles. See in , and Plut. 514. PHR. HXtVOovs eXcvw, oTrrdw. , ov, ^, subst. [later, tegula,] a brick, a tile. Kmvcus nXivdotoiv avot- iv. Pax 100. , vid. YlXivOevu. TlXivQo([)op(i), v. [lateres porto,] to carry bricks. "Ereooi 6' tTr\ivdd0d0G'pos, oi/, 6, subst. [qux lateres bajulat,] one who carries bricks, bricklayer. FlXtv0o^opos, ov XWovpyos, ov TCKTUV 7rdpf/v. Aves 1134. 1 The penult, of TrAij/i^upls is long in the instance quoted above, in Apoll. 2. 578, Apoll. 1241. and Choeph. 180. It is short, i. 487. and Apoll. 4. 12C9. ; other instances do not occur in the writers to which the author has confined himself. 2 Qeoifft is here scanned as a trochee. JTAIN OAni 713 , eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [lateribus contextus,] covered with bricks or tiles. E(f)vpuv eio/ TravTa, KOVTI TrXivdvQeis. P. V. 459- f. o/uttt, v. [tolutim incedo,] to go at an ambling pace. At 5' ev el be TrXitrffofTo Trobeaatv. |. 318. SYN. Am/3au>w. r, dimiij. a (2) * rrXoToi', ov, ro, subst. [(l) navicula, cymba, (2) navis, n/?r. oneraria,] (l)a boat, (2) a ship. 'Er rrXomptw rvvvovrui a avijp yepwv. Ran. 109. See also Sept. Theb, 598. SYN."E0oX 7rXo/cd//75d opevvros. Theocr. 13. 7. See also Orest. 381. and P. 52. SYN. Xa/r^, KIKIVIVS, fiovrpvxus, KO/JLTJ, 6p\, eOetpa. SYN. $aea'7), ai>xpipct, KaXXiKojjtrjs, rptxpepa, '^avGrj, XtTrdpd, Xev- Kodpi^, -^apieaffa, lofloXos. lXoa}, r}s, r/, subst. [nexus; fraus,] a plaiting; a fraud. 'EJUT) ^ortffOetcr'* 06 ydp [jnr\Keiv TrXoms. Iph. A. 936. SYN. Iv/JTrXoKj), aMeffpos, aTTary. , ov, by subst. [corolla, cirrus, funis,] a chaplet, lock of hair, rope. v re TreTrXov, Kal TT\OKOV ^pvffi]\ardv. Med. 782. SYN. IlXey^a, TrXom/uos. oos, contr. TrXovs, oov, ov, 6, subst. [navigatio,] a voyage, a course. Meveiv avayKr], irXovv op&vras fiav^ov. Hec. 889- SYN. NavrtXta, vavKXrjpla, vavvrd- Xia, ravardXrjfjLa. EPITH.' / Eo > )(d-os, tcaXos, ovplos, aTr/y/iwv, rd^i/s, evaveiivs. ITXoi/flvytetd, as, ^, subst. [salus et divitise,] health and wealth. OtdXas, ^Xd- vibas, arttyavovs, opfjiovs, eKTru/uara, TrXovOvyteiav. Vesp. 677- TlXovaios, a, ov, adj. [dives,] rich. Aipov 6' er ar^pos irXovvlov ^pov^/xdrt. Eur. Electr. 371. SYN. Ei/Tropos, a^i'etos, oXftlos, e.v-^prj/LtuTos, evKTrjfj.wv, - y 7ro\vKXr)pos, TrXouro^Qwv, 7rXov-oyr;0r)s, riXovaltas, adv. [affluenter,lin an expensive or splendid manner. "Arverov 7ro0' VTrdbvaafiEvos' etrd TrXova^ws. Vesp. Il68. SYN. EvTropws, a00o'ws. Xowrew, f. r/crw, v. [dives sum,] to be rich. YlXovrels b' ev ov TrXovrovtri, Mevt- Xtws be aoi. Androm. 210. SYN. EvTropew, ev^p^judrew. v. [divitem reddo,] to enrich. "AXX^f rtv' arats avr' //ov TrXovrt- Again. 1239- SYN. TlXovtrWv, eviropov iroteio, TrXovatdiw. eds, 6 et ^/, adj. [divitiis laetus,] delighting in wealth. IlXovrd- yaOfj PV-XOV Clioepli. 788.' (Vers. Cret. trim.) IlXovrddr7/s, ov, 6, subst. [divitiarum largitor,] the giver of riches. IlXovrdSo- raf Kal TOVTO ytpas fiaalXriWv eayov. Hes. Op. 125. SYN. 'OX/3td5wpos. riXovros, oi/, 6, subst. [(1) divitia2 ; (2) Plutus,] riches, wealth; and (<)personif. Plutus the god of wealth. EtVd/>oV beiXov 6' 6 uXovros, Kal ^iXo^/v^ov KCLK&V. Phcen. 606. SYN."A<^ei'ds, afyQmna, KD/judrd, oXfios, KTeava, ireptovaia, evbcu- poi'la', (2) OXovrwi'. EPITH. e. EPITH. 'ETT/jerdvd?, KaXos, Xalveos. HXvi'w, Ion. imp. TrXv^effK-ov, f. Ion. TrXvvew, Att. nXvvw, v. [lavo vestes,] to wash clothes. Ov/covv eirl TOVTOIS eiald). b. Kal TrXvve ye. Plut. Il68. See also X. 155. SYN. Aoyw, ;;dra7rXvJ'W, /udXvrw, vtTrrw, JcXv^w. *riXwds, d^os, ^, subaud. vfyeXr}, subst. [ntibes natans,] a floating cloud. IlXwdos o^vro^ov b\a irvevpaTos. Philoct. 1093. * HXuigeaKdv, vid. IlXetp. *IIXwts, tSds,^, subst. [genus avis natatilis. Vid. Pausan. lib. 8. c. 4.] the name of a voracious bird which frequented the lake Stymplu-lus and was de- Pros. Lex. 4 X 714 DAftl nOAE stroyed by Hercules. TlXwibas opvtdas 2rv/z0aXtds &70eye \ifirr)s. Apoll. 2. 1055. 77, ov, adj. [navigabilis,] navigable. MaKpbv TO bevpo TreXdycte, oi/5g . CE. C. 663. SYN. ITXwrds, TrXevffTiKds, vavaliropos, TrXwrocos. riXwrj)p, f/pdf, et irXwrrjs, ov, 6, subst. [(l)natator; (2)nauta,] a swimmer; a sailor. "EX*rovre rovs 7rXwr//pds av CLTTEKV a/ere. Eccles. 1087- SYN. Navrrjs. lXwros, j), ov, adj. [( l) navigabilis ; (2) natatilis,] navigable; floating.. "H 7rX&>- rj/s evpoVres er' eiv uXos o'ifymrt v/d. Apoll. 4. 232. SYN. IlXuxTt^ds, TrXei/- 0TIKOS, VaVfflTTOpOS. IXww, vid. IIXcw. yeiym, dros, ro, n^d?;, et poet. TTVOU), T/S, >;, subst. [spiritus, flamen, flatus,] breath, wind, a blast. Tejui/ei ai^w trvev^Tos biappdas. Hec. 5()5. See also Orest. 84. and E. 526. SYN. "Aj/m, dvr/iT/. EPJTH. "H7rdj/, , ovpldv, evaes, Qepjiov, l^eu/iwv, 1 et TrXevyuwv, ovos, 6, subst. [pulmo,] the lungs. OUK ctTraXXa^ei, et et Trvot?/, vid. f. Tfvvau), perf. pass. TreTrvv/iai, v. [sapere facio,] to make wise. 'Av- Twad' 6eol fr &Tradv oivv. \[>. 210. s, 6, P. N. [Pnyx,] a place in Athens, dedicated to public assem- blies. No), val, blaitpivov biJTa, TrXrjv /jiij V ry TlyvKi. Equit. 749. ITod, et TTola, as, >/, subst. [herba, gramen,] grass. "HoOiov be rovs nayovpovs avrl Kolas MrjbiKfjs. Equit. 606. SYN. XXo>), /3ord^>), yupros. EPITH. Te- petvd, evwbrjs, ^Xolpd, ava\t} 9 yudXdo), /3Xw0pa, Xei^iwj'ts, tpWrjXfis. IldSayds, ov, 6, subst. [pedissequus, dux,] an attendant, guide. 'Eyw Se rTdd- XeipWs r'lbe M&X&WV. B. 732. 57, tiv y adj. [cujas ? e qua regione?] of what country? "AfflpwTre, 1). ^oLpoTT^Xas MtyapiKos. Acliarn. 818. rjs, rj, P. N. [Poclarge.] Tous er(v-e Zetyvpo) avejuu apvvia lldbapyr). IT. 150. ldSapyos, ov, 6, P. N. [Podargus,] the name of a horse. Edvfle re Kal ov Yld- Sapye, nai A'iOwv, Aa//?re rl 6/t. 0. 185. Tl8bapKT]s t z EOS, o et /;, adj. [valens pedibus, velox,] powerful in or swift of foot. Tov 6' fyic//3*r* cTreird TrobapKrjs bios 'AxiXXevs. A. 121. SYN. See UobuKrjs. ov, 6 et rj, adj. [quo pedes circumdantur,] covering the feet. is the term employed by the more recent, ir\svp.w by the more ancient Attic writers. See R. P. Orest. 271. and Brunck. Trach. 567. 2 TloSdpuris is also a P. N. B. 704. IIOAE FIOIH 715 "Aypei//m Orjpos, r/ veKpov irdbevbvTdv. Choeph. 985. SYN. Tlobrjprjs, Trdbr)veK7)s, Tltibewv, tivos, 6, subst. [pediolus,] a foot. 'AKp&v bep^d Xeovros a^fjievdv etc TrobZuvuv. Theocr. 22. 52. Hdbrji'eKjjs, *7robf]prjs, eds, et 7ro5tor>}p, ?/pos, adj. [ad pedes pertingens,] reaching down to the feet. Aepjud ' o p.ev ravpoto 7rdbr)i>eKes afjurexer /, adj. [ventos velocitate aequans,] swift-footed as the wind. Et pi HrjXeiwvi Trdb)]vepds w/Cd"Ipts. 2. 166. SYN. 'loave^s, deXXd- TTOVS. See IIoSwKtys. Tlobrjprjs, vid. Oo^j/En/s. IIoSj/s, ov, o, P. N. [Podes.] 'ErrflXov, evt frpo/mxotfft flooV vidv ' P. 590. EPITH."A0v^os, ayados, aptfiwv. HobiffKos, ov, o, subst. [pedunculus,] a little foot, llepi rots cdXots Anacr. 44. 4. , vid. I7oJ7ve*c>7S. , ov, ro, subst. [mantile ad pedes abstergendos,] a towel for wiping the feet. Xwpts TTO^O^// arpwv re vat TWV TroiKiXwv. Again. 899- IT6wfce/d, et TroSwcia, o* f ?;, subst. [velocitas pedum,] swiftness of foot, fleet- ness. *Os Tpwwv (TKOTTOS leg, TrdbdJKeirjjot TreirotOws. B. 792. See also Anacr. 2. 3. SYN. 'EXapporrjs. *Yldba>KeieffTa~us, superl. a IIowKj?s, tos, 6 et ry, itdj. [pedibus velox,] swift-footed, fleet, quick. oppa, xe7(t)d 6' ov flpabvt'ETai. Sept. Theb. 6l9 SYN. ITdSds WKVS, TrobapKfjS) aepaiTrovs, deXXdjrovs, rd^vs, rd^VTrovs, Ta-^ybpd/Jtos, doos, eXct^pos, IloOet^os, 77, ov, et ov, 6 et //, adj. [desideratus, amabilis,] desirable. Ot a\riOe~ts' w Trddetvos ///ue^a. Helen. 622. SYN. TplrrodriTds, ETTCVKTOS. v, adv. [unde? alicunde,] from whence ? how? from any where. avros ; b. avrordros. . TTO^CJ/ ovr, (ftpavdv. Plut. 83. pTrw, Dor. pro IIpoffepTru;, q. v. , ?/, or, v. [vespertinus,] towards evening. X' ct fjiarrjp' TO. be TTO.VT aptdpevvTi. Theocr. 8. 16. SYN. 'EorTrejOtos. a), et Ion. imp. irdOseaKov, f. 7/erw, v. [desidero,] to desire, to regret. 'O/0ws dp' etSeVai rafce?, yvmi. Iph. T. 543. See also A. 492. SYN. 'Ayd- peydfjiai, KrXaw, 7rt0v/uew, ^>te^at, XiXniofjiai. TLdQfj, rjs, et Trodrjvis, /, et TrdOos, ov, 6, subst. [desiderium,] desire, regret, loss. Aew ro6' ctju^i /ui/i/jud (rov Trdrpos 7ro0^. Helen. 960. See also Apoll. 1. 1320. SYN."Ijuepds. EPITH. 'AfjtfibaKpvTos, apyaXea, ipepoeaffd, boXteffffa, j3ape1a, yXvKepa, yXvKel.a t Oep/mrj* , Dor. pro npoo-//fcw, q. v. u, et 7ro6opr)fj.l t Dor. pro Trpoaopdw, q. v. adv. [ubi ? alicubi, aliquando,] where? somewhere, at some time. Ilofli ylptuov t'xvos Tidrjfjii; Phoen. 1732. rio/a, vid. Iloa. ITota^rtds, a, ov, adj. [Poeantius,] of Poeas. Ev be ^tXoKn'iTTjv, Hotarrto^ ayXu&y vlov. y. 190. Ho/as, avrds, 6, P. N. [Poeas,] father of Philoctetes. Uoiavros vidv eyw Trore. Philoct. 5. EPITH. 'Ayavos, ayXdos, Bacch. , f. r/rw, V. [facio,] to make. Aeyetv ro peXXov rovs pe^rfvoras Trotet. h. 297. SYN. npdaaw, dyvrw, tpyd^o/tat, rtfl^t, Kd0tVn/yut, Spdw, Ktira- , e/^p wv ov KO^W. Nub. 545. SYN. Mov, TrdpaXXaYrtu, irpoaTrovio- UoiKtXfjia, O.TOS, ro, subst. [(1) ornatus versicolor ; (2) vestis acu picta,] em- broidery, an embroidered vest. HoXXas fiatyas tydetpovaa TOV TroiKt'X/jdrds. Choeph. 1000. SYN. rioutXm. YloiKi\ofiov\os, ov, o et ?/, 7ro(KtXo0pwv, ovos, et 7rotidXo/.ujr?7s, ov, adj. [varia et multiplicia habens consilia, astutus,] having various designs, artful. Af)/, adj. [varie sonans,] sounding with varied notes. OojOjuiyyd re TrotKtXdyajOi;^. Olymp. 3. 13. HoiKiXobeipds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [cui collum est maculosum,] having a spotted neck. 7 fl6 ! 'ipr) Trpdoeenrzv aqbov a iroiKiXobeipdv. Hes. Op. 201. HoiKtXo?)pfj.ft)v, ovos, adj. [variam habens cutem,] having a spotted skin. Ilo(- KiXdbepjuovas. I ph. A. 227. IloiKtXo0jOi, rpfyos, adj. [varios habens capillos,] having dift'erent colored locks or hair. <&o7/3g, 7roiKl\66pi. Alcest. 600. SYN. frtfcros, jfdrdortKrrds, aloXos. , vid. IlotciXd/3oi;Xos. , ov, d et //, adj. [variarn habens formam,] variously formed. ciiTTtov bairavais KOfffjifjaai TroiKiXopopfyittv. Plut. 530, YloiKiXodpovvs, ov, o et ?/, adj. [pulchrum sedile habens,] having a beautiful throne. YlotKiXodpov adavar 'Atypobira. Sapph. ITotciXo^wros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [varium habens tergum,] having a variegated back. TloiKtXovwTov otylv, w 'pkeatXa. Pyth. 4. 444. TIoiKlXoTTTtpos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [variam habens alam,] having a many-colored wing. 2v> 5' o TTOtKlXoiTTepos a/^i/3dXwj'. Hipp. 1265. HotKiXds, r), ov, adj. [(l)varius; (2) versutus; (3) dubius,] variegated, beauti- fully carved or painted ; deceitful; doubtful. Ad/3ov<7d teirXovs irotKiXovs r//47r- ea^ero. Med. 1156. SYN. ITa^Tro/KtXos, atoXos, TravatoXos, TroiKlXdfjiopfyds, srepo'xpoos, TroXveXiKTOs, OTIKTOS, TroiKiXo^pwv. TloiKlXoffTdXds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [variis rebus instructus,] furnished with various things. 'HXdov ^ue vr\i TrotKiXooroXw juerd. Philoct. 343. YloiKiXorpavXds, ov, 6 et /, adj. [varie balbutiens,] variously stammering, sound- ing. Kd irotfjavopiov 6e~iov. Pers. 76. SYN. Tloipvri, Trolpvwv, dyeXr?, et KotpavTwp, opos, o, subst. [pastor hominum, dux,] a shepherd of men, a commander. T/s be Trotpavaip eTreort, Ka.7ribeff7r6et arparou ; Pers. 246. SYN. See Hot p fa. loi/iiei'iKoSy ?), 6V, adj. [pastoralis,] pastoral. Tijvos 6 irotfAtvlKos KOL rai bpvts. at <> K aeibps. Theocr. 1. 23. SYN. Nfyiios, povKtiXlKos. , >ds, 6, subst. [pastor, dux,] a shepherd, a leader. "EvO* OVTE Qepfieiv flora. Hipp. 74. SYN. Iloi/iavwp, firjXdpdrrjs, ritpevs, roi/mw*' f Trtcrrdrjjs, fCT/de^wj', ap^os, fiaalXevs. EpITH aypta/r/js, dptff?bpofj.os, eadXos. Hoipi'r), T/S, et Tj0ev, //, et diniin. irolpvi&y, ov, ro, subst. [grex,] a herd, a flock. Aeifjiwva, Troifjivas flovffTacrets Tempos Trdrpus. P. V. 6'74. See also Orest. 995. SYN. 'AytXr), ITUJV, /3o<7/c??jud, tXcts. EPITH. XjOuaeo/^aXXos, ei//3orwrdr^, evK/oai- pos, evOpi. Hotjjivijios, a, o', et TTotfjiviTrjSf ov, adj. [pastoralis,] of a flock, pastoral. Atre Kara oraOpov iroipviitov riXdcrKovaiv. B. 470. See also Alcest. 593. DoivarwjO, opos, o et ?/, subst. [qui poenam exigif,] an avenger. vos Troivdrop', elxe^ ev bo/j.ois. Eur. Electr. 23. SYN. TVjuwpos, afjtvvrup. * Ilotrdw, et Troti'd^w, f. do, fipabvirovs. ou, 6 et ^, adj. [ultor, vindex,] retributive, avenging. Ki ^pwtr* wy Quv esnras ; A. 552. IIotTrrvw, f. vvypaalt'. Sept. Theb. 266. SYN. Bo//. Ilo:d, Dor. pro Tlore . ITdms, abds, ^, subst. [coma,] combed hair. 'AXX' eKTotfti aot ras b. ovTrore yud Atd ov y a^et. Thesm. 567. SYN. 0,o<, TrXdxajuis. ^at, f. Idfj-aty \. [vello,] to clip, to pluck. Ti's rpt^ds dr' tptw^ re's 6e napevaas. Theocr. 5. 26. SYN. Oekw, Ketpu>. , ov, 6, et TTO, ITOKOS, f], subst. [vellus,] a fleece. Ylvpas b' en avrr}s otr now. Eur. Electr. 513. See also Ran. 187- SYN. Koifo, nuas, bepos. , ov, 6, subst. [dux belli,] a commander in war, one of the nine Archons at Athens. "1W avairtibyv betfjiaivor'-as iroXXovs us rov vd\e^ap^6y. Vesp. 1042. SYN. Srpdrrjyos, trrpuTap-^os , r/ye/uwv. idX>ew, f. }, et TrrdXc/u^w, f, t/3oX' os y ;, adj. [pugnam excipiens et sustinens,] fight-sustaining. kv TrdXetJiabdKois' / Apds oTrXoi-atv. Pytll. 10. 22. in the plural is sometimes personified, and denote* the Furies : 718 nOAE nOAI noXtfitius, * 7ro-X>tfcos, et TroXt/m*, a, oV, adj. [bellicosus, ad bellum_pertinens, hostilis,] warlike, belonging to war, hostile. l^erXte, KCU 5' ay rot ?ro\- pfjla epyd fAt/jirjXe. p. 1 16'. See also Pax 673. and Vesp. 1158. SYN. A?i /w, vid. , et TroXe/jiids, vid. >?ppan', yfpcaj', dapcrdXtos, tidos, , oi/, 6 et ?/, adj. [bellum ciens,] war-stirring. v pyoi>"Apr)os. Batrach. 4. , ov, o et ?/, adj. [a bello confectus,] finished by war. Kat voXefjiilKpavTOv reXos ayvov. Sept. Theb. 149. , et TTToXefjids, ov, 6, subst. [bellum,] war. 'ATroXe/^oi', <3 Trat, eairevaas TCKVOIS. Here. F. 1124. See also A. 492. SYN. A^/ots, &r)lorr)s, fjLoQos. EPITH. A^droas, S;ytos, 6ucrjX'y)s, ^t/ff^x') 8 * ^'dfcos, Xevya- Xeos, oXoos, o/jiotios, TrdXvai!-, gen. t^os, ffTvyepos, altos, dXtaaros, a bctKpvoeis, dpaevs, TTdXvbaxpvs, 6iffr]V(*)p, fXa^pos, 7ri5///4< rXjy/iwr, oiKe~ios, xdX7ros, aiTt/3tds, e^QoboTroSj TrevKtbavos oivpos, aXtyetvos, KvbaXt/nds, betXaius, rpa'xys, tTTTrd^apprjs, oX^o(j)ddpds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [beilo consumens,] consuming by war. Oure yap (ivbpas TrtiT dTrwXXv TroXzp.o-(f>QopoiGlv. Pers. 658. ldXevw, v. [(1) verso,( 2) vefsor alicubi, habito,] to turn about ; to dwell in. Tevei TrdXevtai*. Antig. 342. SYN. Atdyw, dt'atrrpf^o/^at, Tdrpt/3w. JoXfw, v. [(1) versor, (2) aro,] to be occupied about ; to plough. 'A//-^>i fie.Xa.Qpov TroXet aov dyporas avrjp. Orest. 1265. SYN. ITdXevw, draarpe(j) > aporpia, v. [urbem condo,] to found a city. A? TTOTE Ka/ze/0<7tr ptov aari; iroXiacrat. Apoll. 3. 1094. SYN. Kr/<^w, ftpvw, ouooo/4w. tloXifjrrjs, et TroXlrjTts, vid, IToX/j-jjs. IIoX/6xos, vid. ITdXt'ovxos. HoXioKpdrads, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [cana habens tempora,] hoary-headed. TTpwOrjfias, TToXiOKpoTatyovs TS yepovras. 0. 518. SYN. F^w*', TrpeapvTrjs, TTCI- Xatos. ridXtopjcfw, v. [obsideo,] to besiege. Kat 7re5o//dx<5v, cat 7roXtopcwv. Vesp. 683. SYN. TlfpiiffrTJUi. PHR. See Sept. Theb. 118. IldXios, a, or, adj. [canus, albus,] hoary. 0vydr^p dva^pos TroXtd TrapOeveverat. Helen. 282. SYN. Aev/cds, XevKavOfjs, yepwv, TroXtoxpws. UoXtovxos, TrdXu'id^ds, TTdXto-o-oi/xos, et 7rdXt'ffova$ rtet. Sept. Theb. 77- See also B. 130. and Aves 564. SYN. "Aorv, irrvXitdpov* EPITH. ' 1IOAY 719 s, aiireivij, atTrem, cucpa, evaXos, eZ i/aterdwad, ev vaioftevri, evaXos, , evpvayvta, evrefyijs, ei>Ti\eos, tzpa, tfjiepoeffffa, fcaXAtyv>a<, Aev/c>), TTU- \v%pv(rds, upwards, air6p6r)Tos, apprjcros, K\v~r), KaXXCirXovTos, ^tAup/*dros, fiap- (3apos, xaXlyyXuaads, veoTrroXHs. IldAiffffoVoyuos, ov, 6 etfi, adj. [(l) in urbe degens, (2) civitatem regens,] living in the city; governing the state. AcuW, ap^ais re TroXiaffovdfjiois. Choeph. 851. SYN. See noXmpxos. TluXiffaoos, vid. YluXiovj^os . ia, as, r/, subst. [constitutio reipublicae,] the constitution of a state. ctTravrci irpos TroXlreiav a bel. Equit. 219* njs, 1 irdXlnrrjs, ov, 6, TroXi'^ri's, et TroXIrts, i^ov, ?/, subst. [civis,] a citizen, a subject, lives TroXtrMv e&iJiiXXtivTcti eg yrjs ; Orest. 425. See also B. S06\ Hipp. 1124. and Eur. Electr. 1333. SYN. 'A/, subst. [oppidulum,] a small town. IToXXdKts etc Tpmcnvds UTTO TToXiyyris. Call. 4. 41. , et 7roXXaKl, adv. [saepe,] often. See in HdXl-^vrj. SYN. 0dyud, TroXXd, TrdXi/, Oafttva, Oafj.a.K'is. *TLoXXaxov t adv. [multis inodis,] in many ways. rioXXdxoi) o-KoTroi/vrcs ^///os-, els axavO' evpriatTe. Vesp. 212. FIoXXoSeKdm, adv. [multidecies,] many times ten. Kcu TroXXdS^d/ci's, ws dTro- Xe7a0e Twepov. Pax 243. IIoXXos, Ion. pro IloXvs, q. v. IIoXcJs, ov, o, subst. [polus, coelun),] a pole, the sky, heaven. Aafj.Trpv itijXov Qavvaas. Orest. 1702. SYN. Oi/pdios. EPITH. Qaetvos, ovpavios, ^ArXayretos, ayripavrds, aarepoets, aorcpo^otrds. * HoXXoartis, ?/, ov, adj. [rnultesimus, longissimus,] very long. 'A07rd/, TrdXvdvwjt), opos, adj. [multos habens homines, vel mari- tos,] populous, having many husbands. Toil' n^yaXav^wv KCU TrdXv&vbpwv. Pers. 539. See also Agam. 6l. SYN. Evavbpos. HoXvavOends, ov, 6 et >;, et irdXvavQiis, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [multis germinibus efflo- rcscens,] having many flowers. Mtrpats TroXvavOe/uots. Anacr. 58. 3. See also . 353. SYN. EiiavGepos, evavdrts, aiOefudeis. ndXvdp^udros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [multos currus habens,] having many chariots. Tg TroXva^judrw a.VTl\apeiaa 0*7/3^. Anlig. 149- HdXvaprjTos, ov, et 7roXi)evKr8s, 6 et ^, adj. [multis votis expetitus,] much prayed for, Tlatbos iraibi QiXy 7ro\vapr)ros be TOL eort. r. 404. See also Eum. 5*40. SYN, Uddeivos, Ti^ids, TToXvOeaTOS, 7roXv>/pdros, TrdXvTroQrjTOS. HoXvaarpos, ov, 6 et >), adj. [sidereus,] starry. 'AXA' ov, rti Atos ebos. Ion 869. SYN. 'Aarepoets. noAv/3d^)>/s, cos, 6 et 77, adj. [maceratus,] well dyed or soaked. Parj. Pers. 280. HdXvfievdtjs, eos, 6 et r/, adj. [valde profundus,] very deep, fathomless. aKoirveiovoat dXos TroXv/Sevfieos obprjv. b. 406. SYN. Bv/ets, fiaQvs. ridXv/5os, ov, 6, P. N. [Polybus.] UoXvftov be vtv Xapovres ii Phcen. 28. 1 Uo\irris is also a P. N., one of the sons of Priam. B. 791. 720 nOAV nOAY rioXv/Borelpd, Ion. TrovXvftoTetpd, as, f], 7roXi>/3o/, adj. [multum alens,] much-nourishing or feeding, genial. 'E ITTKUV airofiavTes tiri yQova. irovXvftoTetpdv. F'. 265. See also Olymp. 7- 115. and Sept. Theb. 773. SYN. HdXvyopds, TroXvBpep^My, irtiXvylJvfa, evKapirfa, Kapvi- fJLOS, TToXvKapTTUS. libXvporpvs, vds, adj. [racemis abundans,] abounding in clusters of grapes. *Os Ttjv 7roXv/3orpvj' a/^TreXov 0vet (3poro"ls. Bacch. 640. SYN. 'A/Z7reXoeis. IIoXv/3oi/Xos, ov, o et r/, adj. [multi consilii,] very wise. 'OTTTrore KGV TroXfySov- Xus evi ^pto-t Qrjaei 'Adrjvr]. TT. 282. SYN. Ilot/dXo/SovXos, 7rot/u\o^>pa', TroXv- fj.r)Tis, TroXv/jrj-^dvos, (rvveros, cubpls, t^e^pwf . IIdXv/3oyr/7s, ou, adj. [multos boves habens, dives,] having many oxen orcattlej rich. 'Ev 6' av&pes raiovffi, TroXvpprjves, TroXvfiovTat. I. 2p6. OoXv/Bpox^, ov, 6 et 7/, adj. [multis laqueis constans,] having many meshes, nipt Si bcfffjta Kai TTdXv/Spox' fytjuarwi/. Here. F. 1029. IldXv/3wjuds, ov, o et >/, adj. [multas aras habens,] having many altars. T ft /ue- /Bwyue, TroXvirToXl, rroXXa tyepovaa. Call. 4. 266. Ids, 6 et fi, adj. [multum exhilarans,] greatly delighting. Ad-^ov .- Pyth. 2. 51. cv, o et ^, adj. [(I) multiloquus, (2)loquax,] many-tongued ; lo- quacious. M?) tyv tyuor mt vyds dfiXos e'irt pot. ^Esch. Suppl. 745. (A double dochm.) noAY noAY 721 IloXvbutpri. T)s, /;, P. N. [Polydora.j Tox rEKE Hi]Xfjos Ovyarrjp /caXry YloXvbwpij. n. 175. HdXvbwpds, ov, 6, P. N. et (2> adj. [(1) Polydorus ; (2) valde* dotatus,] (1) Polydorus, (2) well portioned. HdXvbwpos, 'EKaprjs TTCUS yeyws rijs Ktcraews. Hec. 3. EpiTH. (l)'Arr0OS, FlpmpcV, rdXay, vfwrdros I7p(d/u W, axXav- oros, drd^os. SYN. (2) EvKredyos, TroXvicrfdros. , ov, 6, P. N. [Polyidus.] Tovs /uev eaa', o 5"A/3avrd ^ueryxero, *ai V. E. 148. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [multiflexuosus,] much-winding. TloXveXiKrov abdvav. Phoen. 323. UdXvETrrjs, os, 6 et r], adj. [verbosus,] wordy. ridXi/tTrels r^a/. Agani. lips. SYN. See AdXos. TloXi/en/s, cos, 6 et r/, adj. [longreyus,] for or after many years, aged. "E/xevov K Tpoias 7r<5Xi/eYJ? jj.o\e~iv. Helen. 650. SYN. Xpoytos, y^paifes. IIoXi)evtfros, vid . HoXvaprjrds. Tld\vrj\os t et TroXv^Xwrds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [multo studio expetitus vel expe- tendus,] sought or to be sought with much emulation. Tax' * s &vf*vs /, adj. [luctuosus,] mournful. rioXvflp^vo*' /ueyd TTOV oTEvet, KinXJioKov-ffa. Agam. 69 1 See also Helen. 211. SYN. Ilo- XvbaKpvs, iroXvbaKpv'fvs, ndXvKWKVTos, 7rdXvirv6r]s, TroXv/cXavrds, YloXvdpdos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [sonorus,] much-sounding, noisy. Qvya&a /udratcri TToXvQpoois. ^Esch. Suppl. 827. SYN. See IIoXv^s. * IToXvSvpds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. ["ex multis foliis vel plicis constans." Vid. doctiss. Markland. in 1. c. ] consisting of many sheets or leaves. AeXroi/ ^EV a?6e?rd- Xvdvpot ^ia.irTv^d. Iph. T. 728. rLdXvBvrds, ov, b et f], adj. [multa habens sacrificia,] of or composed of many sacrifices or victims. IToXv^vrov ^e 6t' aXaos 'Ap-re/utSos. Iph. A. 185. YloXvtbus, ov, 6, P. N. [Polyidus.] T Hy bs rts Ei/x^v^Pi rioXi/t^ov puyrlids vios. N. 663. EPITH. Fepwv, dyd^os. HoXviSpem, as, ?/, subst. [multa scientia,] much knowlege, ability. 7ravr' e^vXao-ae *oov irdXvibpeirjfflv. /3. 346. SYN. 'E/iTreipm, ETnorii^. TloXmbpis, ECUS, adj. [multa callens,] "knowing much, learned. "HXt/0' 7ToXi)lptS //OV TTpOS bwfJldTO. TTUTpOS, O. 458. SYN. "E/ITTetpOS, TToXi/TTftpOS, 7Tt- ros. Lex. 4Y 722 nOAY nOAY HdXfainrds, ov, 6 et r>, adj. [equis abundans,] possessing many horses. "fyt- fiplov alwiTnv* TroXv/TTTTOV Mevrtfptfs vltiv. N. 171. rioAtf/x^os, ov, et TroXvixQvs, vos, 6 et ^, adj. [piscibus abundans,] abound- ing in fish. *H els olbp aXlov TroXvl-^dvov etui's opovcret. Horn. Apoll. 41 7 SYN. 'IGvoeiS, TToXi/KIJTI/S. is, eos, 6 et f/, adj. [ad mod um arid us, sice us,] much parched, dry. 7ret ovv Trivovr d^enjv TroXvKayKtd btyai'. A. 641. SYN. Er/pos, TIoXikdj>))s, fo, TroXvfcrovos, et TT'oXv^oVos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [multos inter- ficiens,] killing many. TIdXvKavels /Gorwv Troiovfifjuav' CIKOS b\ Agam. 1140. See also Orest. 1141. SYN. Aopikdvj/s, iroXvfyQtipos, KoXvKTuvos. os, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [fumo abundans,] abounding in smoke. M// a iroXijKam'ov crreyos nenXovs. Eur. Electr. 1140. SYN. ^ , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [fructuosus,] fruitful, productive. T Aptov f KepbaXtos, Travovpyds. , wros, adj. [multa hubens cornua,] many-horned. "Ev& zi TroXi/K-epwv (jtovdv. Aj. Fl. 55. SYN. effros, ov, b et ^f, adj. [varie acu pictus,] much-embroidered. ' ff-os ifjias &TraXr)V vird Setpryv. T. 371* TroXvKeffrds fyms &7rdXj)v VTTO beiprjv. F. 371* SYN. AouSdXeos, TroiKiXds, aioXos. 5s, 6 et ?/, adj. [valde luctuosus,] very lamentable. 'Aju^orepw crv )' efJLOV iroXvxrjbea voarov. //.351. , ^s, 6 et ;, adj. [belluis abundans,] abounding in large beasts. Ov yop Tts brituv TroXvo/red NeTXov V7rfp/3as. Theocr. 17. 98. SYN. See UoXvl- , 1 et 7roXvcXav<7r<5s, ov, 6 et ?}, et rj, ov, adj. [mnltum defletus vel deflens,] greatly lamented. "Epvos dep0^, T^V irdXvK\avrriv. Agam. 1503. SYN. See IloXvflpT^os. loXvjcXetrfis, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [multum celebratus,] renowned. 'E ov TroXvfcXet- rov KO.& "EX-Xaras. Olymp. 6. 120. , fj> a dj. [multis transtris instructus,] many-benched. NT?I TroXv- fibl KOI e'ialbe iravras tra/povs. ^/. 324. SYN. YIoXvvyds. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [locuples,] rich. 'Hydyoju7> 5e yi)va7/;d TroXvk'Xj/pwv . |. 211. , ov, 6 et^, adj. [longe evocatus,] called from afar. 'AXXyXots' drdp avre TrdXycX^rot eniKovpot. K. 420. ldXvKXvoTos, ov, 6 et ?% adj. [multis alluens vel perstrepens undis,] boisterous with waves. Ot pkv iravres dXovrd ndXvKXvffry Ivl TTOIT^. r. 277. SYN. Ild- jirjrds, ov, 6 et ry, adj. [multum laboris et rerumnae habens, elaboratus,] occasioning much labor, highly wrought. 'AXX' dp* cV ovSov I^e iroXvicprj- rov OdXd/uotd. 5. 718. SYN. YloXvbaibaXds, CVTVKTOS, HdXvKvrjpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [cui multa sunt juga et saltus,] hilly and woody. 2xo7vo^ re, 2cdiXov rt, iroXvKvr)fj.uv T* 'Erewvov. B. 497* \\oXvKviaa6s, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [multo nidore redolens,] fragrant. TrjXodZv arrtdwcrd TrttXvKviffaoveKaTOp^. Apoll. 3. 879. SYN. EvwSjjs. 1 The form 7ro\oK\ouros is preferable to that of iro\vK\avffros. See the able remarks of Hcin- rich. MUB. v. 236. p. 132. nOAY IIOAY 723 TldXvKoivos, ov, o et >/, adj. [omnibus communis, publicus,] very common, public. Meydf, 77 rov iroXfaowdv "A&av. Aj. Fl. 1193. SYN. U&yKoivSs. " HoXvKotpavia, as, T/, subst. [multorum imperium,] the government of many, ochlocracy. OVK dyddov TrdXvKoipdvir]' els Koipavd's eorw. B. 204. Il.dXvKoipavds t ov, et 7roXvfcpdr>)s, eos, 6 et T;, adj. [praepotens,] ruling many, iroi*r i-kj-v*>r k -Al I f >\ x .-./-. ii -. y -.jt-.l3v.-.v " T> t f\i*fr\ C?-r-.T 'c 1 ^ . ./3^..A^ very powerful. TldXvKolpave, pavQave TTU'I. Ran. 1270. SYN. ov, 6 et 77, adj. [multuin uatans,] swimming much. IIoXv/coXv//- fiots p.t\talv. Ran. 245. HdXvKpavos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [multa habens capita,] many-headed. QavriQl rav- pos, % iroXvKpavos y ibew. Bacch. 1005. SYN. 'EKaroyKtfaXds. ITd\v*.-jodrj)s, vid. ndXvKolpdvos. HdXvKpvrvs, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [(l) multis plausibus resonans, (2) astutus,] (1). loudly applauding, (2) crafty. AtyiTroSqv, <5Mpwrd, TroXv/cporo^, r^yyeXwrd. Horn. Hym. 18. 37. Ilt/Xw^redvos, ov, 6 et /, TroXvfcr^wi^, (Jj^os, et iroXvKTrjTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [qui multa acquisivit et possidet, dives,] having many possessions, rich. Ov iroXXov, t5e Trarpiba ir6\vKTf.avov. Olymp. 10.44. See also Ion 583. et Androm. 765. SYN. ^AfyveioSf iroXvKXrjpds, TroX^Tra/i/iwv, TrdXvXj'/Xds, 7roXti[Jir]\ds, TrXovaios, HoXvKTovos, vid. TloXvKTdplbrjs, ov, 6 patronym. a (2) TldXvKrwp, opos, 6, P. N. [(1) Polyctorides ; (2) Polyctor,] (1) the son of Polyctor; (2) Polyctor. Ueiffavbpos re !loXv*.Td- ptbrjs, TloXvfios re batypwv. ^. 243. See also p. 207. TldXvKWKVTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [multum lugens, luctuosus,] very sad, mournful. Bjjs TToXvKiaKvrovs els 'AtSoo 7rvXas. Theogu. 244. SYN. See TldXvdprjvos. jids, ov, 6 et i/, adj. [comessationibus abundans,] full of revels. IIoXv- f:drd balras. Anacr. 42. 14. , ov, b et >/, adj. [multos habens remos,] many-oared, ^rairj iroXv- a. yads avra). Trach. 658. HdXvXrjids, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [inultas segetes habens, dives,] having many crops, rich. Na7e TroXv^r^wV, TroXvX/ytds' aXXd e //olpd. E. 6 13. SYN. See Ild- YldXvXiards, poet. TroXvXXtoros, et TroXvXaos, ov, 6 et $, adj. [multum invocatus,] much entreated, supplicated. 'AXX' ijy ev vrjo'ial irdXvXXiffroiffl /^ei/ovo-d. Horn. Apoll. 347. See also Call. 4. 316. SYN. UpooiKTwp. fis, eds, 6 et i], adj. [multa doctus,] who has learned much. 'Avfyuv TToXvpudtiv Kal beftwv. Vesp. 1170. SYN. See TloXvtbpis. vos, ov, o et r/, adj. [multos medimnos gignens,] producing many medimni. Aa^uctrep, /ue-yd yoiipe, TrdXvrptye, irovXy^Hb^vii. Call. 6. 2. TloXv^erpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [copiosus,] plenteous. OVTOS nor CK ytfs wdXv- /uerpov Xd/3wi/ GTayyv. Eur. fr. Mel. 1. 6. HdXvpr]Xr), rjs, ?/, P. N. [Polymele.] UapQtvlos, rdv enffre xfy f^') HoXvpriXri. n. 180. HdXv/nrjXos, ov, o et ^, adj. [multas oves habens, vel multa poma ferens,] rich in sheep, producing many apples. l^u-Xov vt'o* TrdXv/i^Xov OvXduoad. B. 705. SYN. See UoXvdpep^v. , opos, 6, P. N. [Polymestor.] HdXv^ffTdpos Trpo* bwfjia, Qpyrtov . Hec. 7 s, tds, adj. [multoconsilio praeditus, sagax,] full of sense, wise. ETr' Kpv(f>6ev6\ oWep TroXvprjTis 'Oovtraeus. Vesp. 351. SYN. IIoXv- /3ovXos, 7TOtictXo/3ovXds, TrotKiXo^pw^, /Ltqrterijs, TroXv^pw^, Treptao-o^pwv, TroXv- , a , r/, subst. [calliditas, solertia,] much contrivance, ingenuity. Kat Ktppaa<7rat, &s xe vtfjrat, tTrel iruXv^^avos early, a. 205. SYN. IIo- Xv/3ovXos, TrciXityiTjris, TroXyTrcuTruAos, firfxavoppatyos, navovpyds. IToXfytfros, ov, 6 et r% adj. [multis liciis textus,] having many threads, woven. rioXfyurwv irir\, rot, subst. [carmina a Pcrlymnesto quodam inventa,] the strains of Polymnestus. Kat IloXvjun/oTetd Trot&v, Kctl fyviav - Equit. 1287. , rj, ov, et 6 et rj, adj. [multum ambitus,] much courted. IIoXv- aTrrjvOicrit). Agam. 1434. , opos, o, adj. [memoria pollens,] having a powerful memory. Ylvov iroXviJ.vr]ffT(i)p efycnrTwp 'Icvs. ^Esch. Suppl. 544. SYN. Evjuv^wy, prt'i- juwv, nvr)[jidviKos. TloXv/ivia, as, rj, P, N. [Polyhymnia,] one of the nine Muses. See the note of the word 'E/mrw. ITdXv^ox^os, et TToXvTroj'ds, oi/, 6 et rj, adj [aerumnosus,] causing or undergoing much labor, wretched. T il TroXv^o^Oos "Aprjs, ri KO& a." part* Phcen. 79(5. EpITH."A0XiOS, iravaQXifo, po^Orjpds, erinovos. s, ov, b et r/, adj. [verbosus,] of many words, loquacious. Ovr' ovv fjLaXa Trep TroXvfjLvQov tovra. j3. 200. SYN. AciXos, , ow, 6 et ^, adj. [multa habens delubra,] having many temples. Tiv , 7roXywvi)/i *rat 7roXvi/ae. Theocr. 15. 109. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [multos nautas habens,] having many sailors. , Kal TrdXvvavTrjs* Pcrs. 85. , 1 eos, 6, P.N. [Polynices,] one of the sons of CEdipus. 'E^uTrrm- aP as ros 7roXvoX/3ov. Eur. fr. Archil. 33. 1. SYN. See viOtis, rrv, 6 et >% adj. [avibus frequens,] having many birds. HdXvopvt- 6ov ITT' alar. Iph. T. 436. HoXiiox\ds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [populosus,] populous. Ov cfjs pwp.ev Tt Tvpavvllos. Ilhes. 166. SYN. dXds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [versutus, astutus,] cunning, crafty. apa fyon~iKS TrdXvTra/TrdXot riirepuTrevov. *o. 418. SYN. See tldXvfiovXdf. ldXvnappui', di'ds, adj. [multa possidens, dives,] possessing much, wealthy. 1 See the note on the word 'frecKArjs. 2 FloM^eiJ'cy is also a proper name nOAT flOAY 725 Tpwes, b\ WOT' dies TrdXvTra/u/uoYof avSptfs cv avXjf. A. 433. SYN. Sec HdXv- , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [multa expertus, callidus,] of much experience. , dydO>)>, ^avXi/J', aefivfiv, ayavijv, 7roXv7retpo>. Lysistr. 1109- SYN. See IloXyiSprs. HdXvirevdris, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [in multo luctu,] in much sorrow, sad. Kai , ovds, adj. [multa damna afferens, noxius,] bringing many losses or distresses, calamitous. Avrdp d:'o ary 7roXv7r>/^uovi ^eTpds aelpas. Apoli. 4. 228. SYN. BXd/3fpos, X/3//ets, &ri\i!fj.(t)V, TroXvalrtis, ciiipt&bris, Xv^avr^ptos. rioXw7r7?'os, ov, 6 et //, adj. [multo stamine textus,] richly woven. Xpi/o-at TrdXvnriva apea bvvat. Eur. Electr. 1^1 . SYN. IloXi;rtX//s. IToXi)7r<'5a, dices, et TroXvTribaKus, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [foritibus abundans,] abound- ing in springs. "Ibyv b' "iKavov TroXvTrt'tJaKd, ftrjrepa Oqpwv. O. 151. See also V. 218. SYN. Er/vypos, mfluypos, TroXviroTapos. IloXvTrifcpos, ou, 6 et ?j, adj. [valde amarus,] very bitter. Mr) TroXvTri/cpd Kot cum /3ias dTror/crlai eXSi'ov. TT. 255. SYN. ITtifptfra, os. , tos, 6 et r/, adj. [valde sordid us,] very squalid. Yatyapoxpovv Kapa T t\uv. Rhes. 712. , ov, 6 et ^, TrdXvTrXavris, eos, 7roXv7rXdvr;roy, et TrdXvTrXdvos, ov, 6 et ft, adj. [multivagus,] wandering much, roving. rioXvTrXayKrorepoV re Qvartiv. Here. F. 1190. See also Helen. 203. 1318. and Phoen. 671. SYN. Tlepifyoirds, Trepicrrpotyos. HoXvirXedpos, ov, o et r/, adj. [qui multorura jugerum est,] of many acres, ex- tensive, IToXXcDr juev op^ets, TroXvTrXeflpoi/s be aot yvas. Alcest. 70S. SYN. wpos, TrXdrvs, peyas. , as, ;, subst. [versutia, dolus,] cunning, deceit. 'AXXd 5oXovs, re, TroXvTrXdfCtas r' etylXrjaar . Theogn. 67. SYN.^a.via t Ttav- oi/pyta. TloXvTrXoKos, ov, 6 et ri, adj. [multis nexibus implicans vel implicitus, multi- plex,] entangling, entangled. ITovXvTrov opy^v 'io^ iroXvrrXuKov, os TTOTL Trerp?/. Theogn. 215. SYN. IloXv7n-v)(os, TrotKiXos, 6oXid0pwv. HdXvTroiKlXos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [variegatns,] variegated. 'Es tplv dpvv/ieVa iroXv- TroiKiXd. Iph. T. 1150. IToXv7ro/r7?s, ov, 6, P. N. [Polypoetes.] 'Avaravres 5' erdpot IloXvVon-ao poio. T. 848. EPITH. Kpdrepos, ^avfios, wodtos, /ueveTrroXe^os, vio^ , Ion. TTovXvTrovos, vid. Tlo\vfJ,o / x8ds. IloXv7rdrd/ios, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [multos habens fluvios,] having many rivers. a/u0t TroXvTrordyuov. Here. F. 409* SYN. TloXv7na, TroXviribaKos. , a, ov> adj. [valde venerandus,] highly to be honored. M^rcpd Aiv-. TroXvTrori'm*' eymXeovrts. Apoll. 1. 1125. ds, adj. [raultos pedes habens,] many-footed. "H^ei Kal TrSXij- TTOVS. Soph. Electr. 488. ndXvTrpayjudveai, v. [ardelionem ago,] to act the busybody. Ei/epytVetv olv carl TO TrdXvTrpay^ovelr. Plut. 914. SYN. Ileptepyo^oyucu , TroXi/Trpay^drew. IldXv7r f >ay/,to?7, 775, ^, subst. [solicitudo de multis negotiis nihil ad nos |>erti- nentibus,] a meddling interference. IloXvTrpay/joervvq 5 vvv es KetyaXrjv rpliroir t/Lto/. Acharn. 833. SYN. Ueplfpyla. ay/zwi', uvos, adj. [curiosus,] meddling, inquisitive. 'A/id^s -ydp s, KOV TroXvTrpay/iiwr. Aves 471. SYN. Heptepyos, 0iXo7rpdy/uwv, , Attice tloyAi/Trous, is also a subst., the name of an animal, the polypus. See Damn:, iu v. n alav. JLsch. Suppl. 564. (Choriambic trimeter.) SYN. IIv- potydpos, TroXvKapiros. IIoXv|0|Oa7rros, irdXvppaQos, ov, 6 et ?/, et 7roXi/jOjod0;/s, es, adj. [multum consutus,] well sewed. 'Pi^as roo> epacje, TroXvppcnrTOv re Qaperprjv. Theocr. 25. 265. See also Aj. Fl. 575. TloXvpprjv, r)vos, adj. [(1) multos agnos habens, (2) dives pecoris,] having many lambs, rich in cattle, wealthy. "Ay^i 6e vateraovfft irdXvpprjyes Ttfiaprjvoi. Apoll. 2. 377. SYN. HoXvpriXos, TrdXvfiovrris, irdXvKTearos. YloXvppivos, ov, 6 et ri, adj. [corio multiplici indutus,] covered with many hides. *Av b iroXvppivov TWfjia. aaKos, av bi KoCi ey%os. Apoll. 3. 1230. TldXvppobos, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [rosis abuudans,] abounding in roses, rosy. Xw- P&HEV es TToXvppobovs. Ran. 448. UdXvppodds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [multiloquax,] loquacious. 'YpvoW vV dorwv ^oot- fjtlLois TroXvppodois. Sept. Theb. 7 YloXvppvTos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [multifluus, copiose fluens,] flowing copiously, streaming. OoXvjypvroi' yap alju' vne^aipovffl T&V. Soph. Electr. 1419. IloXus, 1 poet. KovXvs, Ion. TroXXos, noXXr), ?r6Xv, poet. -TrovXv, Ion. TroXXoV, gen. ov, fjs, ov, et cos, adj. [multus, magnus, vehemens,] much, many, great, violent. HavToQlv eK fjieXewv TTO\VS eppeev, ovoe ?r^ elxev. II. 110. See also N. 804. and 6. 109. SYN. Meyas, ira^oXvs, aTrXeros, ovxvos, iKavos, TldXvaivrjs, tos, 6 et j], adj. [valde noxius,] very injurious. jroXvaivovs KVVOS biKrjv. Choeph. 440. SYN. See IIoXv7r//uwj'. IloXvo-iros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) frumento abundans, (2) cibo repletus,] abound- ing in food. OVK i\v p.av iruXvciTos' ETTCI benrvevvres Iv wp^t. Theocr. 21. 40. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [umbrosus,] having much shade, shady. "Hrwyev, be. irdXvffKwv aXffds"Apyos. Apoll. 4. l66. SYN. See ^rideis. pdiJids, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [tripudians, exultans,] dancing, bounding. 'AOavaroi be TO aT]p.a. TrdXvcrK&pQpow Mvpivvrjs. B. 814. SYN. Tax#s. oXvo-Trepj/s, eds, 6 et 7^, adj. [muitum disseminatus,] widely scattered. BoWei yaia /jitXaiva. TroXvaTrepeas ai'dpwwovs. X. 364. IoXvo-TrojOoy, el 7rdXva7repfj.os, ov, oetr/, adj. [segete abundans, fertilis,] abound- ing in seeds, fertile. Nid/3oXd TreSid, TroXvffTrdpd T. Aves 952. oXvffraQvXos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [uvis abundans,] abounding in grapes. r', Eiperptav re 7roXvo-rd0vXo>/ r' 'Irr/atdv.* B. 537. , vds, adj. [multas spicas edens,] producing many ears. , TroXvardxy, TOVTO TO \wijv. Theocr. 10. 42. ov, 6 et rj, adj. [lapillis abundans,] pebbly. TleZos virep KpaOiv re, MerwTrj/v. Call. 1 . 26. rr^s, eos, o et rj, adj. [multis sertis redimitns,] covered with garlands. fjiev epTra) irpos iroXvaretyrj fjLvyov. Eumen. 39. , v. [multum loquor,] to talk much. Kai fynfitiXoiaw ov iroXvoTo- 1 The last syllable of TroAvs sometimes is long in Homer, as in N. 705. ; but this arises from the effect of the metrical ictus. 3 'lorriaw is here scanned w an antibacchius. See Clarke's note on the passage. nOAY nOAY 727 wv. ^Esch. Suppl. 511. SYN. MaKpfiXoytw, TrfyrXdXcw, ^Xvapew, r s ' j/s, eos, 6 et fj, adj. [steliatus,] studded with stars. "EX/cwv eo7rt0ev TroXi/reipeos 'Apyovs. Arat. 604. os, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [multos habens liberos,] having many children. v' els afuXXav TroXvrEKvov aTrovbrjv e%wv. Mt'd. 557. IloXvTt/ur}7os tt ov t 6 et /, et 77, 6V, adj. [valde honoratus,] highly honored. Aem Sf/r', w TToXvnjUJjr?/. Pax 978. SYN. fldiTtjuos, Trorvios, oeftaarplos, TrdXvvpvos, albolos. IldXvrXas, O.VTOS, 7rdXvrX//^wv, ^Jvos, et TroXvrX^ros, ou, 6 et ?/, adj. [(1) multa passus, (2) patiens, (3) aerumaosus,] much-enduring; patient; calamitous. *ds /^d^os, TrdXi/Tro/KiXos, KepbaXeos, , ov t 6 et rj t adj. [multos alens, almus,] nourishing many, genial. Aayuarep, peya \a.!p, TroXvrpo^e, TrovXv/ieStyitve. Call. 6. 2. SYN. , et iroXvvpvos, ov, 6 et ?/,.adj. [multum hymnis celebratus,] much celebrated in song. 'Ev 7rd\vi)/j.vr]Ty Atos aXcret. Nem. 2. 8. See also Equit. 1325. SYN. EvR'Xe^s, TroXur/yuTjro's, nr#X$wy#ufo, eTrlbofros oXi/^dyos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [multum vorans,] voracious, Aves 1065. loXvQapjLtaKos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [medicamentis vel venenis abundans,] abound- ing or skilled in drugs. K/p^s i'^es, o, P. N. [Polyphideus.] Maj>rtos au TEKETO IToXv^etotd re, KXelroi/ 7t. o. 249 EPITH. Mai>m, virepQvpos, /3porwv o^' dptoros. , 1 ov, 6, P. N. [Polyphemus.] rToXv^juov avri 6' cvtwv ftaic^ev- . Cycl. 25. EPITH. 'Ai'Tldeds, K'pdrepos, atTroXos, Si/atpws, flXoevpos, ridXv00opoy, et (2) 7roXv00opo$, ov, 6 et //, adj. [(1) multos occidens, (2)dirutus,] destroying many, ruinous, ruined. Avri/s Xeyovo-^s ras irdXv\oiff(3oi& BaXaaarjs. v. 85. SYN. no\wfynfj.os is also used adjectively. See 728 noAY HOMO ndXvfoiTYts, ov, 6, P. N. [Polyphoetes.] Uo- Xvos, vid. noXvKavr/s. * EfoXityon-i;*, ov, o, P. N. [Polyphonies.] Afflov reraweu Xry/m, UtiXtyovrov fiia. Sept. Theb. 444. nn\9fopP#s, n> uv, et ou > et ^ ad J- [multos pascens,] feeding many, "^p^o^ai 0-^op.f.vt] 7rdXvpabf]s, eos, 6 et f}, TroXv^pab/nwv, et iroXvfyptnv, tfrcte, adj. [valde consultus, valde prudens,] very wise, very prudent. Tctiris evvtalycl iroXvfpabeeffffl boXw- Oels. Hes. Theog. 494. See also Apoth. 1.1411. and 0. 294. SYN. See IloXvfiovXds. Ho\v((>povTis t tbtis, o et r/, adj. [multis curis plenus,] having many cares. JIoXu- QpovTibes re ftovXai. Anacr. 39. 6. SYN. YloXvKrjbfjs. HoXfypoavvrj, rjs, >/, subst. [variarum rerun) peritia, prudentia,] skill, judgment. 'Es x eL P) tpos, adj. [multas mauus habens,] many-handed, having numerous forces. See in OoXvyaur^s. IToXi)xo|o6os, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [multas habens chordas,] many-stringed. Rapfil- TOV es 7rd\vxppcdv, Iv avbpart dfJK ovopacrrovs. Theocr. 16. 45. Ylo\vx.povids, ov, o et >/, adj. [longaevus, vivax,] long-lived, ancient, durable. Awaw'Kai /3torw rcppa iroXv^povlov. Call.. 5. 128. SYN. ITdXatyev//?. HdXvxpvffds, ov, o et r/, adj. [multum auri habens, dives,] having much gold, wealthy. T fi Atos abvttrtis ^>drt, ris if ore rets TroXvxpvaov. CE. R. 151. , ou, 6 et r/,-adj. [in altum congestus,] piled or heaped up on high. av el^es. Choeph. 345. , et irtXwfapp&s, ov, 6 et /;, adj. [arenosus,] sandy. Xw^ud noXv- aXadets. ^Escli. Suppl. 877- $YN. ^Fdjud^w^s. HoXviitbvvos, ov, o et //, adj. [(l) multos labores habens; (2)niolestus; (3)ad- tiictus,] causing much pain ; troublesome; distressed. 'AXX' ovfr MS VTTO flvp- aav ebv ndXvubvvos los. Theocr. 25. 238. SYN. 'ETrwbvvos, obvvrjpos. oXuw^y/uia, as, 77, subst. [multitudo nominum,] a number of names, renown. Kat TroXvwrvptJiV Iva fjLrj pot ^ol/Sos^plSy. Call. 3. 7- SYN. Ev0?7/ua. loXi/wvi/juos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [rmilti nominis et fama5,] havinj; many names, re- nowned. KlXUlov 6pe\j;ev 7rdXva>-vi)yud>/. Pyth. 1. 32. -SYN. IldXi^drds, it'o- , ov, o et ?/, adj. [multos habens oculos, vel multa foramina,] many- eyed, having many orifices. Aucri)^ e&pvffav TtoXvunra)' ot bt re iravres. x- 3S6\ , adv. [valde utiliter,] very usefully. TldXvufyeXws p.kv TroXct rrj . Thesm. 304. SYN. I'v^epoirws, Xv/a)yd e/iot Tro/^Trf/as oTracetv. v. 364. See also Bacch. 953. and Apoll. 2. 675. SYN. TlpoKOpiros, dywyos, r/ -TTOJUTTI^OS, obrjyos. EPITH. KpacTrj'os, dyavos, avii^wv; ourripffis. vw, v. [comitor, deduce,] to attend, to conduct. Avr?) /^ fcXeds eaQXov apoird. v. 422. SYN. IldjoaTr^/UTra;, 5tct7re/u7ra>, Tr noMn noNT 729 , r/s, ij, subst. [(l)missio, (2)deductio, f3)pompa, impulsus,] a mission, a message ; guidance; a procession, an impulse. EvpvvOews Tro^iraial, rwi' 6' i/ iXw>/. Here. F. 579. SYN. 'Airoiropm), aironrtiXri. EPITH. ' , vid. Tlo^nrevs. id/iTrt^os, ?;, ovj et ov, o et >/, adj. [(1) deductorius ; (2)qui deducitur,] fit or able to convey ; conducted. Ildrep yepcue, 7ro^7ri/uai>. Phoen. 1726. SYN. See Tlofjnrevs. , vid. FIoyuTrevs. w, f. w, v. [largiter profundo,] to burst forth. '; 6' dp' avrov TTO/^- v\v,a>>. Pytli. 4. 215. SYN. Bp&w. o'fw, f. r/o-w, v. [(1) laboro ; (2) putior ; (3) eegroto,] to labor, to work ; to en- dure; to be distressed, to be ill. OVKOVV iroveiv jjie ^pn' irtivovvra b" a^lov. lilies. l6l. SYN. AtdTroVew, Trpaaab), Traor^w, avtyopai, yuo^Oew, Kayuvw, rd\at- , vid. as, //, subst. [(1) misera vitze conditio ; (2)imrjrobitas, vitium, ne- quitia,] wretchedness, want; villany. Tt olv trt^^w T&V KopaKwv Tro^ptg. Thesm. 868. SYN. KcuCotqDyfo, Trd^ovjoy^jud, poxdrjpla, (j)av\drris t i:a.Krj t KU~ Kof]6eta t airopla* Hdvrjpos, a, oj/, adj. [(l) laboriosus, miser; (2) improbus,] toilsome, wretched ; wicked. '6 n<-i> Troj'^pos ovf a\\o, irXfjv KOLKOS. Hec. 5 % Q4. SYN. 'E7r?7ro^o$, fJLO^Orjpus , adXios, lvaTi>^}s y aru^s, m/cos, /zTdpos, d^at/)s, c/>XaDpos, dpovv t MeveXew Troyr/ff^drd. Helen. 1547. , vid. UOVTOS. }', OVTOS, o, P. N. [pontum regens,] sea-ruling. rioiro^eSwv, . Sept. Theb. 123. HOVTOVOUS, ov, 6, P. N. [Pontonous.] Tlovrovoe, KprjTrjpa xtpaoeafjievos velfjioy. rj. 179 ojTOTrdpei/w, TrovTOTTopevdfiai, et TrovroTTopew, v. [mare pervado,] to pass over the sea. 'ETTTabeKaibeKa //et/ TrXtoj' i^ara Troi'roTrdpevwv. 77. 267. See also e. 277. and X. 11. SYN. AtdTrepdw, vaur/XXo//ai. lovroTTopos, oi/, 6 et f/, adj. [mare trajiciens,] sea -passing. "H ai/roi udpd vr^val bdpeie:^ TrovTOTTOpoia^ H. 72. SYN. 0dXa<7. ldvros, ov, antiq. o6ev, ace. o', antiq. orS,o, subst. [(1) pontus, mare ; (2) Pon- tus, vel mare Euxinum,] (1) the sea, the ocean, (2) the Euxine, or Black Sea. ol UOVTOIO Kara crrfym, rat bid Trerpas. Apoll. 1. 2. SYN.j9dXa'ljuos, oTre/pwv, &fttiXl\8t, arpi/yeros, , oii/oi//, TroXv^Xvaros, arpi/yeros, 4 Z 730 noH nope 7TOS, TTtVp o, vicl. dTravov, ov, TO, subst. [placentuia lata, tenuis, et rotunda,] a broad thin round cake. Et TTOI/ ironavov c'irj TI KaraXeXeipusvov. Plut. 680. SYN. oTra*;, [" est interjectio notans indignationem, luctum, aut admiratio- nem magnam, aut aliura ejusmodi motum animi." Damm. heu! proh !] oh gods ! o strange! alas! T fl TroTrot, avaptOfta yap ) xal 7rop5?) dfioio). Nub. 395. Hupeia, as, >/, subst. [profectio, iter, trajectio,] a setting out, journey, ferrying over. N&tfffty erri wijpeiy. Thesm. 1055. SYN. 'O^otTrtJpia, jSaforts, o5os, EPITH. YldXvtrKapdfjLos, ojUooroXos, rdxe7d, dXryrXay/cros, deXXds, ITdpei//ud, dros, ro, subst. [(1) profectio ; (2) expeditio,] a journey; an expedi- tion. "AXXoto-ti/ OIKOIS, KOLI Trdpevjjiafft fipoT&v. Eumen. 239- SYN. See Hopes. TlopevaUjjos, et iropevros, }, o^, adj. [permeabilis,] that may be travelled, fit for passing. "Effretr', erpe00/y^, ijvtrep ?\v Tropevtffjidv. Eur. Electr. 1046. See also Agam. 278. * Ilopeureos, a, 6v, adj. [proficiscendus,] must go. *Av 6' avriflaivy irpos Zfjie oonrdpevTtov. Iph. A. 1016. Ildpeyw, v. [trajicio, mitto, ire facio,] to cause to go, despatch, convey. f ft$ ctv nopevaas 5t' 'Aytpovalov nopov. Here. F. 835. SYN. AmTropO^evw, fiaivia, , ffreXXw, tTriareXXw. In the mid. voice, 'EKTropevojucu, w, et per. redupl. 1 TrfTropew, v. [preebeo,] to afford, grant. AtVo-frd 5' ol^/d t^. Apoll. 3. 148. See also Pyth. 2. 105. SYN. Ilop0evs, ews, 6, P. N. [Portheus.] Flopfe! ydp rpe7s 7ra7es S. 115. ITop0a;, f. >/orw, v. [diruo, vasto,] to destroy, lay waste. Ilop0^cr0' 'IfffjLrjvov irdXiv. Eur. Suppl. 1224. SYN. 'E(C7rep0w, e^dXdTra^w, 7rep0w, Kara- orpe^w, avaTpeTTO), dvatpfw, mratr/caTrrw, cdrd/3aXXw. ITop0?7n}s, ov, et ?rop0r/rwp, dpds, 6, subst. [eversor, vastator,] one who over- turns, a plunderer. T ras Tpotas 7ropdr)r$. Troad. 215. See also Agam. 880. SYN. Avyua*T?}s, Xv/uieutVy afaffrarrjs. dros, ro, subst. [transvectio,] a ferrying or conveying over. IIdp0- i' a^ewv. Agam. 1535. vs, ews et Ion. r/ds, 6 et ?;, subst. [portitor,] a ferryman. XaXcirat y uv yevdftevai TropQp.T]s t b. TITJ ; Eccles. 1086. SYN. Naurqs, fc'WTrr/Xdr^s. vk), v. [transfreto, fret um trajicio,] to ferry over, convey across. t 7TOp0yuevwv tyvfa. Iph. T. 26*7- SYN. AtdTreyuTrw, ^tefCTrepdw, , et iropdfjieWv, ov, ro, subst. [naulum,] the fare. Tovpega at tyepovrai. Call. fr. 1 10. 1. SYN. Nai/Xov. Exp. '6 ^ta0os row . Suid. rs, tSds, //, subst. [linter quo transfretamus,] a ferry-boat, a ship, iropdfjilf)\ >J KaOfjadfJiai. Helen. 1060. EPITH. 1 Vid. Hejn. in 1. c. nope nopo> 731 Hop6[*ds, ov, 6, subst. [(1) frctum; (2) trajectus,] a passage over, a ferry, a streight. 2x^*9 vopOfjiov dpetyas. Pers. 69. SYN. riop0^ei//m. w, f. iffw, Att. tw, v. [viam aperio, invenio, suppedito,] to open a passage, to devise, to supply, to furnish. Do/nce >/, irdpt&. Alcest. 225. SYN. os, 01;, 6 et //, adj. [(1) pervius ; (2) transiens ; (3) industrius,] penetrable; penetrating; industrious, useful. Kai Trdptpov O.VTM, riji TroXei 6' a^^arov. Ran. 1429. SYN. Hopeval^os, cviropos, KepbdXeos. Tlopts, vid. IIopra. Copter/)*, ov, 6, subst. [(l)qui suppeditat ; (2) qui vectigalia colligit,] one who supplies; a tax-gatherer. Kot TOVTI Tolal 7roptora7s. Ran. 1505. SYN. ' riopK-?/s, ov, 6, subst. [" circulus quo cuspis hastae cumhastili firmiterjungitur." Damm.Ja ring which fastened the extremity of the spear to the shaft. A^/// \a\Keirj Trept 6e ^pvueos Ote TropKrjs. Z. 320. FIopveToj', oy, ro, subst. [lupanar,] a brothel. rXwrroTroeeev, els TO. Ttopve? clottvff eKuffrore. Vesp. 1283. Ilopn?, ys, //, et (2) dimin. iropv&Wv, ov, TO, subst. [scortum, raeretrix,] a harlot. MeOvMV re raisTTopvaiffiXsibopriaeTat. Equit. 1400. See also Nub. 993. SYN. 'Eraipr), eraipts, eratpiffTpta, Kavavpa, Kdcra\j3as. riopro/3oo-*rcw, v. [meretricem alo,] to keep a mistress. Et iropi 'ofioaKovd wantp fl/jie'is ol fipoTol. Pax 849- Hopvos, ov, o subst. [cinaedus, scorlator,] a pathic, a profligate. Ov TOVS ye. \prjarovs, dXXa TOVS -xopvovs' eirei. Plut. 155. SYN. Ma^Xos, fjiiapos. Dopes, ov, 6, subst. [(1) trajectus ; (2) via; (3) vectigal; (4) emolumentum,] a passage; way, stream; tax, supply; gain. Ovrotbe fjaKpdvij\6onet> KWTTJ/ TrSpoV. Iph. T. 116. SYN. YIopQjuios, KE\evdos, rpt/3o$, fJLi]^ t 0opos, reXos, baapos, Kep&us. EPITH. 'EvKTHfjiet'ds, ripaOoeis, ev^etvos, u^lvos, a\iaTos, airopos, ir\ovs, 'A-xepovffws, tepos, dXjui/pos, iropfyvpoffTpUTds, popfjivpajv, crKOTios, ai, et TropTraw, f. aaw, v. [fibulo,] to clasp, buckle. Kcu rrjvoe iropiraaov a.ffs t Iva. P. V. 6l See also Lysistr. 106. SYN. ^, aKds, 6, et iropTrij, rjs, TJ, subst. [fibula,] a buckle. Tavras tyv avrolal Tots TropTra^ dt'dreOijt'at. Equit. 849. See also Phffin. 60. SYN. 'O^civos, irepovr). HopTrajjia, dros, TO, subst. [indumentum fibulatum,] a buttoned vest. Kav- Tavdd yvfjLVOv orw//a dels 7rop7ra//arw>. Here. F. 954. Iloppw, jEol. Trdpo-w, et Troppwdev, adv. [longe, procul, eminus,] afar, at a dis- tance. 'H5, Trapdrerarat fidiepa. troppta irdvv. Nub. 212. See also Olymp. 3. 79. et Trach. 1006. SYN. lfap#0r; diroBlv, eKddev. Uopo-atVa;, et TTOQGVVW, f. vvw, v. [praebeo, suppedito,] to provide, supply. 2wr>/pi KopaaivovTds '6Xvju-7rta>. Istli. 6. 1 1 . See also Med. 1016. SYN. Iloptw, 7rdp)(w, evTpe.Trid), trot^uci/, adj. [vetulos nutriens,] nourishing calves. 'Hyt/fr di'' 7/Vetpov 7roprtrpo0or, ?/' dd vtjffovs. Horn. Apoll. 21. Ilop^vpa, as, r/, subst. [purpura,] purple. Tpe^ovffd TroXXfis iropQvpas taupyvpvv. Again. 932. Ilop(/)i)pos,'a, tiy, et irop^vpoeib^s, Z8s, o et >;, adj. [purpureus,] of a purple color, purple. Elerev ' ev KXtap.oioi, Tdirrjot re iropfyvpEoto'ii'. I. 200. See also Troad. 124. SYN. MeXds, OKOTCIVOS. HopQvpevTtKos, ri, ov, adj.[pertinens ad purpurarum venationem,] of those who seek purple. KotXwTros dy/uos, TropQvpevrtKal oreyal. Iph. T. 26'4. 732 nOPfc 11OTE IIop0flp*s, rod's, j), et * Trop^vptwv, wds, 6, subst. [(l) vestis purpurea, (2) avis quae- dam,] a purple dress ; a purple-crested water-fowl. Tlopvpis, Kep^vrj t KO- \vftfils, ap-neXts, fr'ri, Spvov/-. Aves 304. See also Aves 1249. riop0vpo7-o's, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [purpura stratus,] spread with purple. Ev0i>s yei'ecrtlw Trop^vpoVrpwros iropos. Agam. 883. Hoptyvpto, v. [purpureo colore nigrico ; perturbor,] to assume a purple hue ; to be disturbed or uneasy, 'fls b' ore Troptyvprj TreXdyos ^ueyd Kvpari KW(f>^. H. 16. SYN. Mt\/J'o/zat, rdpacrao/mt, fjieptpvaw, fCttX^ruVw. Floffet^awi', et noo-ei^wv, wvos, o, P. N. [Neptunus,] Neptune, the fabled god of the sea. 3>pue00ov bt} v^wl, rLoaeibaov KUI 'Afl/ji'rj. Y. 115 EpiTH. 'Evvofftyatos, yatr)d\os, evoffij^Oio)^ TTOVTWS, 7rovro/.*/, et 7ror?;s, jros, ^, subst. [potio, potus,] drinking, drink. Ow ts, ove /3pui/\tfcos MoXwv. Ran. 55. lloflr<7d*ct, adv. [quoties?] how often 1 HoffCTdjct &' apyuptotd 0^ neiprjaao rotyv; Call. 3. 119- TToo-o-j/^dp, adv. [quot dies,] how many days, within how many days, \\oaa- iifiap pepovas KTpi^efj.ey"E^Krdpa. blov. ft. 657- ITordyw, vid. Opoffdyw. /Sw, vid. Ylpotrabio. /vtds, ov t 6 et ^, adj. [recens dictus, recens,] newly spoken, recent, fresh. ^KtQpws TO. fj.\\ovT\ oi;6e fjiot TTUTdivlov. P. V. 102. SYN. Nldpos, reo^poSf veds, Trpoo-^dros, aboKijTos. riord/ze//3o/jcu, Dor. pro rip6ffd^e//3o/iat, q. v. riord/i??is, tSos, ^, et TroTaplos, ov, 6 et r/, et a, ov, adj. [fluvialis,] of a river. Ni///0ou E\i(jvofj.ot TrordyUTjt^ts, at Trept Kit'T)i', Apoll. 3. 1218. See also Troad. 1060. Flord^uos, ov, 6, subst. [fluvius,] a river. ITord/uwv re Trijya), TroiTtwv re KVfja- TUV. P. V. 89. SYN. 'PeWpov, j/a/xd, Tr^yj), poos, peeOpoV, pevoris. EPITH. KaXXtye^i/pos, /3pjSdpos, tepoj, ^ueyds, ^e//^appos, pewr, ^eiros, ^t7ren/s, evppeios, 6eios, |av0ds, dXt/=ivpr/es, fladiibivrjeis, ficidvppoos, bit-yeis, bova- Kevs, fclXdw/, TrapQevws, fiativbivris, evppoos, evpv pewv, Xa/3pos, \etf4afip6tis, 7c\riQu)v y wicvpoos, apyvpobii'rjs, Xa^Trpos, ^uopyuv^otui', jy^r/eis, ev/ceXdSoy, ), o*', Dor. pro Tror^ros, et wor^ros, ov, o et 77, adj. [volucris,] flying, winged. IToravav et (re rts Gewv KTtffat. Eur. Suppl. 630. See also Apoll. 4, 1 240. SYN. See ITeretyds. Il<5rdo7*at, et TroVeo/^cu, v. [volo,] to fly, to flutter. "Er0d feat ev0d TTOTWV- rcd dyaXXo/te^at Trrepvyeeraiv. B. 462. See also w. 7- SYN. Hero^at, drt- acJw, Dor. pro npo, adj. [uter?] M'hich of the two? 'whether? Ilorepd 5 $ iv OIKOIS, V dypots 6 Adtos. CE. R. 1 12. noTH non 733 ?/, subst. [volatus,] flying, flight. AlOvfri & ekvld, irorjjf avebvoard \ipvris. e. 337. SYN. ITri/ffTs, 7rrf//ua. Tlorrjros, vid. Htiravds. ripos, o, et Trorfipiov, ov, ro, subst. [poculuni,] a cup, a goblet. Florid ti> xei'peffoi Kiaalvbv Xd/3ov. Alcest. 772. See also Equit. 124. SYN. rds, eWw/m, KV\I, KorvXrj. Floras, vid. riocrts, potio. floras, ov, et superl. n-or/ordros, 77, 6V, adj. [bibulus,] drinking. Ot/uof rt ynp /uoi TOV irorriv fares Xv^vov ; Nub. 57. See also Tliesm. 742. Ilori/ros, vid. floraj'os. * rTorrSo'pTrtos, vid. FfpoffSopTrios. Ilort, 1 Dor. pro Hpos, q. v. *riortS(i/a, as, //, P. N. [Potida?a,] a town in Macedonia, in the peninsula of Pallene. lil S' e/c FlortSa/as t^o^r' ey oi^d ^ffcd rdXavrd. Equit. 438. IT5r/5w, v. [potum praebeo, aquatum duco,] to give drink, to bring to water. Actyrts 6 TMS ravpws Kal TTOprlds (55e TToriffbwv. Theocr. 1. 121. SYN. tyiTrt'^w, fipbw. rTor/ordros, \id. Tlorqs. Tlor/uds, ov, 6, subst. [sors, fa turn, mors,] lot, fate, dentil. EvSa/juov' vplv KOT- a.yye\\ Ion 1605. SYN. Et/^apjuev?/, ir^7rp,ai, adj. [clamantes, furore percellentes, furentes,] calling, mad- dening, enfrenzied. Ba/c^as TrorvtdSds ela^w*', at ri/or^e y^s. Baccl). 653. SYN. Mdj'twcJTfs, fjiavlas. vrds, ov, o et ^, adj. [dominatu venerandus,] venerable fof its power. ^LfjLvpvr]v dXiye/ro^d Tror^idvafcro^. Horn. Hymn. 37- 6. , et Trorm, ?/, adj. [venerandus, augustus,] venerable, awful, majestic. T fl TroTvla Xi'iOrj TO>V KO.KUV, ws el cro^//. Crest. 207. See also Troad. 292. SYN. 2e|iyj), a/3ao-yutos, evrtuos, rtjuia. Iloros, }, ov, adj. [potabilis, potus,] drinkable, drunk. Ilorepd be ^pioTov t ij Troroj', ro apfjiaKtit> ; Hipp. 518. Floroj/, ov, any thing drinkable. SYN. See IToi^d. EPITH. 'AffdeveaTiEpoy, vbprjpov, aKprjroi', fjbv, Qeiov, a^/3poffio)', evwbes, \vdiiruvov. * IIov, et TTOV, partic. [ubi? alicubi,] where? somewhere. Tlov TY\V avaaaav btj nor ovaa.v 'iXiov. Hec. 482. SYN.Ov; ivd ; evtia; OTTOV ; ITovX^oreTpd, vid. IToXv/56reIpd. *~Rov\vbafjia.s, Ion. pro IToXi;5d^as, aircfc, 6, P. N. [Polydamas.] O< 5' e$ ayaTrfjvopa. IIovXi)Sd)uavrd. N. 756. EPITH. 'AJUV^UWV, dyuw/L(/roy, , ey^e'0-TrdXos, TTfTrrv^evos. , Ion. pro ndXtf/uSi^vos, q. v. V\ov\v/j\a6pos, Ion. pro YloXvpeXaOpds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [multorum tectorum,] worshipped in many houses or temples. See in IldXvTrrdXts. IIovXvs, Ion. pro IldXvs, q. v. IlovXvTrovs, Ion. pro IToXvTrovs, q. v. riovs, irdbos, o, subst. [pes,] a foot. See J. Pollux, lib. 2. . 194. 'EKafiy irepq yap r/6' vTrep aKr]vriv itoba. Hec. 53. SYN. Ile^d, /3d\OV. EPITH. TXjy^uw^, j'OffrT/uos, Xcui/^pos, rv^Xos, Trdpd^opos, r/av^ds, yepw^, fiorjbpdfids, Zi-o- TT\OS, itffrepos, aWeplos, bapos, dvouTos, dp0d$, 7reooTi)(3>}s, ravpeios, Ta\vs, acpos, vtiaros, atoXos, XtTrdp^s, w/cvs, aTrdXos, dwpds, eptybovwos, fcapTrdXtjUtJs, bupos, apflpdcrlos, doos, fftyaXepos, a/cdyudros, crri/3dpos, (rrepeos, KaXos, Kpanrios, rpo^ut- po's, apydXeos, dpyvpcos. 1 The words compounded of TTOT!, Dor. for irpby, are arranged under the same words com- pounded of irpJs. 734 riPAr IIPAY Ilpayjud, 1 Ion. Trpj/y/m, ar8s, et Trpdytfs, Z8s, ro, subst. [res, negotium,] a fact, a matter, condition. ITpdy// es x^pns Xd/3oVr' aTrwaaaflai ro. Hec. 1224. See also Theogn. 1074. and Aves 112. SYN. Xpj/yud, epyov, 7rpd$:.cjuai, , ov, ro, subst. [res parva,] a little affair. OuS' e vrpay/jartov y\i(ryj)avTl\6ye%iTrlTpiTrTov. Nub. 1004. Hpayjjiarobtyrjs, eos, o et //, adj. [quijitem scrutatur,] a pettifogger. Ka Trprty- * narobtyrjs. elra beuftai Trrepd Xd/3wr. Avesl224. SYN. AucoXoyos. Ilpdyos, vid. Trpayjjia. TlpaKTrip, Ion. 7rpriKT)}p, ijpos, et ?rpaKrwp, dpos, 6, subst. [(1) actor, (2) niercator, (3)coactor tributorum,] a doer, a performer, a merchant, a tax-gatherer. 'Ap^os ravTawv, o'/re irprjxTrjpes eaffiv. 6. l62. See also Ran. 1322. SYN. 'Epydrr/s, ejunropds. TIpctKTiipios, ov, b et ^, et TrpaKrlKos, ?), ov, adj. [efficax, strenuus,] fit for acting, efficacious. ITetflw b" en-otro, KUI TV^T) TrpaKTiipios. ^Esch. Suppl. 532. See also Equit. 91. SYN. Apa ToXXwv be reOp/vr- TTWV. Theocr. 15. 5. Tlpa^ts, Ion. Trp^tv, ews, ?j, subst. [cfFectus, actio,] an act, an effect, conduct. Koine olba Trpd^tv T))vbe, TrXr/v Xoyw K\VU)V. Hipp. 1008. See also y. 82. SYN. Ilpdy/^d. EPITH. Qovia, Kotvij, u>Ke7d, d5tf:os, dyd07, Xevs* rq. Tratbl be raurd ^i/Xaertrw. Theocr. 5. 105. npgovws, adv. [leniter,] gently. 2v 5e /zj? Trpos o'pyr/v, Ato^X', ^* 1 Ran. 856. ITpsios, comp. oTEpos, superl. tiraTos, Ttpavs, et Ion. 7rp)?vs, superl. vrdros, adj. [placid us, mitis,] mild, gentle. '6 6r}p b' ob' iip.1v Trp^os, ovb' vTreo-Trdo-e. P>acch. 436. SYN."H/^po$, ndXaKos, JJTTWS. TIpaTTis, ibos, ^, subst. [pectus, mens, ingenium,] the breast, the heart, under- standing. "H0atoTos Troirjff elbviycri Trpambeaal. A. 608. SYN. Qprjv, 7rtvo/a. ITpdatd, as, ^, subst. [area in horto,] a plot in a garden, a row. 'l& npaalal rpiaadXtai, Kai nevTaKls. Pax 242. Ifyao-o-alos, ov, 6, P. N. [Prassaeus,] the name of a frog. Upaffvdlos b' ws elbtv 0' iifjiiirvovv Trpd-rrEtrovra. Batrach. 251. ITpaa<7odyos, ov, 6, P. N. [Prassophagus,] leek-eater, the name of a frog. I7paor- aofyayos b' faiSwi/, Trobos etXKvfft Kvtffadblu)Krr]v. Batrach. 229 npa, et 7rpeff(3vTT)s, ov, adj. [(1) senex, antiquus, (2) honoratus,] old, honored ; subst. an old man. To> 7rpeo-/3y*/ ol /ufreorTj. Vesp. 1451. See also Acharn. 178. SYN. Ttpwv, ytpovaWs, 7rpeir/3et)s, r//xtos, erbo^os. I}pffj3vrls, vid. npeer/3d. npecrjSvrifcos, T), ov, adj. [senilis, priscus,] old, antiquated. YIpefffivrlKov r?, roy rpoirov jjnfJLOVfjLEva.1. Eccles. 278. SYN. Ftpovmos, ycpwv, TrdXaios, ap-^alos. TJpeffpvTdboKos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [senes excipiens,] receiving old men. KaJ yepdpottri 7rpeff/3i/-rdococ. ^Esch.Suppl. 675. * Hpevfttveia, as, ^, subst. [benevolentia, placabilitas,] kindness, gentleness. "Hicw \aftovaa TrpevfjieveiaV aXXd ^te. Orest. 1317. SYN. Evpeveia, evvoid, cos, 6 eU, adj. [propitius, placabilis, mitis,] propitious, placable, auspicious, gentle. Tlvos Qe&v (3porwv re irpevpzvous TV\WV ; Dan. 9. SYN. , ei/roos, ^iXo^pwv, fJTrtos 1 M^j ou are here scanned as one long syllable. 2 The reading npicC/iy instead of Uptake, suggested by Musgrave, and approved by Seidler, is here adopted, because it is equally required by the sense and the metre. 730 IIPEY npm ws, adv. [rniti vel propttto modo,] mildly, propitiously. FT; rl, teal ya.aQa.C Trpev/itJ'ws <)' alrov Tfibe. Pel's. 225. SYN. Ev/ij'ws, ^TTIO/S, ayai'ws. Ilp/jye/ptwi', tivds, o, subst. [ingluvies,] the craw, crop, or maw in birds; the throat. *Hv e wot/ beurvfJTS, Trpqyopewyds VJMV irep^dfAev. Aves 1113. SYN. A.aif.ios. np?/0w, f. ITU, v. [incendo,] to set on fire, to burn. Xpwols be tyuvei ypa/uyud- aiv, Trpijffb) iro\iv. Sept. Theb. 430. SYN. Ka/w, dya7rpj/(?w, eK7rp//0a>, Trlfjnrpr}- fju, ava.TCT(i) > KarafyXeyb). ttpT)KTr}p, Vid. YlpClKTl'lp. np/jjimtVw, v. [vehenienter spiro,] to blow hard. HXoxa/uiovs & eKuroyKttyaXa Ti/d>a), TrprjfjLaivovGCLs re OveXXas. Nub. 336. ExP. j\afjp(t>s virdw. Hpqvrjs, f5s, 6 et //, adj. [pronus,] j)rone, steep. "Hptire be Trprjvrjs, dptt/3^o- bf Tcv-^e 1 TT' avrw. E. 58. SYN. Karo0ep>)s, TrudTrerijs, KaTu^opos. np^tSk?/, TIS, 7>, P. N. [Praxidice.] Ilpi$i6ticjj /^ev epe^ev, efiovXrjvev 6e Auffj/P". Anacr. 1^3. rTp^cro-w, vid. Ilpacraa;. np^oT/'/p, 1 f/pos, o, subst. [turbo igneuse nubibus prorumpens,] a scorching wind or storm. MtyuXw ri/^w, fc'at 7rp^/ e^ TruXaiat 17pm- . Orest. 1489- ou, o, P. N. [Priamus,] Priam. Ou^ )/6e Efptd/zov rou /uy' oXfilov bapap; Hec. 491. EPITH. 'Aya/c\>}s, dra^, fia/r#s lirtpfti- fiaios (7Kti7rt\oio. Apoll. 4. 1681. ITpo/3\7jr^, ov, 6 et r>, adj. [projectus,] cast out, exposed. Ti00o> KVO-I fiXr)Tds, oiwvois V eXwp. Aj. Fl. 831. SYN."EK/3Xj7ros, d7ro/3Xr?rds. IIpo/BXwervw, v. [progredior,] to go forth. YlpoflX&ffKeiv, aXX* avroi; uiciji/ fyerat Trdpd epyov. ( I>. 385. SYN. 'Ei;/3at'a>, eKTro/jeuo^ia Hpdfidaw, f. ??ff, v. [clamo prae aliis, exclamo,] to shout above others. "fts rtiiye Trpofio&VTf. /ud^j/v &rpvvov 'A^aiwi'. M. 277. SYN. Opo^wrew, ec/3odw. IIpo/3dXcuc>s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [exporrectua,] stretched out. AovpdriSe 7rpt//3oXa/w, VTT' affTriSi vwro*' ex 01 '' 7 '"- Theocr. 24. 123. SYN. IIpo/5XT}s, TrjOo/BXi/ros. npo/3dXr), ^s, ^, subst. [(1) object us, (2) propugnaculum,] interposition, defence against. 0dmrov -rrpofioXav. Orest. 14-9(>. SYN. npdj3oXds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ante positus, prominens,] et subst. o, [promonto- riiun, propugnator,] placed before, jut I ing out ; a promontory, a champion. 6^OS. Nub. Il6l. SYN. II s, irpofjioXos, i/w, v. [consulo, provideo,] to deliberate for. Kai Kribtipai aov, KOI vu TrdXat. Equit. 1339. SYN. ripofocw. IljOo/3ovXo/iat, perf. med. /3e/3ovXd, v. [potius cupio,] to prefer. Ofcot icat yap pa KXvrat/ii/T/arpas irpofiepovXa. A. 113. SYN. IlpoKpiVw, IIpo/3ovXd7rais, TTOI^OS, adj. [consilio prognalus, vel posteris consulens. Vid. Blomf. in 1. c.] counsel-born, or consulting for posterity. IlpojGovXoTrats d^eprds, aras. Agarn. 377- IIpd/3oi/Xos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) qui antealios consultat, (2) senator,] a counsellor ; a senator. NJ) TOV At*, dXXd rots irpdfiovXots dvm-pt/s. Lysislr. 609. SYN. BovXevr^s, yur^rterr/s, avpfiovXos. ripd/3vw, f. vtrw, et 7rpo/3v(7o-w, v. [emungo,] to snuff. Kap^os \a^aQev av vvv Xd/3w/, 7oi/ Xvx^o*' Trpofivaov. Vesp. 24-9. See also Vesp. 250. SYN. 'ATTO- wpoi/, ov, ro, subst. [vestibulum arae,] the vestibule of the altar. "EXitet /3ta/w$ ZT^VOS et 7rpd5w/uwv. Heracl. 80. Ilpoyve(ds, ov, 6, adj. [promissam barbam habens,] having a long beard. , Kai Trpoyevetos; d7ray^aor0at //e iroirjaels. Theocr. 3.9' SYN. Ewyevetos, , a, dv, adj. [(l) major natu, (2) venerabilior,] older; more vene- rable. EtTroi KOI peeic> Kai os Trpoyev ear epos e'irj. 5. 205. SYN. TlperrfivTtpos, iraXaidrtptis. Hpdycvvt'iTMp, op^s, Trptiytivos, ov, et Trpoyevj^n/ft, i]pos t o, subst. [progenitor,] a forefather, 1 ancestor. IldXatwv Trpoyev^ropwy. Hipp. 1377. See also Aves 543. SYN. IIpdTrdrwp, Trpoyevtorepos, Trporep^yevj'/s. Dpoytyvwerfcw, et TrpoSdrj/ut, v. [ante cognosce, constituo,] to know or deter- mine before. Tore oreVcicJeiv w o/xov ?rpo- nvpbs ae\as apTrvetovTes. A poll. 3. 1291 SYN. Dpodyw, 7rpo/3a/vw, , vid. Ilpoyevv//rwp. w, f. \l>d), v. [prius scribo; proscribe,] previously to write ; to proscribe. , o rl av Trpoypafytdfjtv eV rots Trii/dictots. Aves 450. npdd;jut, vid. IIpoyty^axTKw. npdSetSw, f. crto, v. [ante metuo,] to fear previously. OVK olv TrpoSe/o-as elfu rJ ye rvv Xoyw. CE. R. 9^- SYN. Opd^o/Qeoyuat, "jrpdbeifj.nivti). npoSet'tXds, ov, o et r/, adj. [qui ante vesperam aliquid agit,] before the eveniwg, in the afternoon. "Hroto p.ev fftjpayyd irpobeieXits ZaTlytv ets fjv. Theocr. 25. 223. 1 Tlpaywos has also the signification of step-son. Ion 1S28. I1POA IIPOE 739 t f. w, v. [praemonstro,] to show previously. 2icr/7rrpy Trpd&etKvts, yaiav Ifjnrtipevatrat* CE. R. 456*. SYN. TLpticrrjfiaivii), Trpd^a/vw, errayyeXXw. p<55epcfytat, 7rpo/3X7rw, et 7rp#e/Sw, v. [praevideo,] to see or look before or for- ward. Qvrjrovs 6' siravaa w vrpobepKeaOai /uopov. P. V. 256. See also Ran. 1521. and Nem. 1. 40. SYN. IlpdXeiWw, Trpoyiyyanwu. poSryXos, ov, 6 et f), adj. [manifestus,] very plain. HpdbqXtis ap $ wor/xtf*. Orest. 187. SYN. See 'AptSijXds. , f. w, v. [prius doceo,] to teach before or previously. 'AXX' roV irpeafivrrjv, ti rl Tcep /ueXXets, irpobibaaKeiv. Nub. 476. if f. Swo-w, v. [(l)prodo, (2) prius do,] to betray, desert; give pre- viously. Tlpobibwoi, nalbas r eKTewovfjitvos \adpa. Ion 441. SYN. ' , ov, 6, subst. [justitiae defensor, patronus,] a supporter of justice, a patron. 1 "Ep-Tret TrpobiKois 'Arpeibats. Agani. 438. SYN. Ivv^ydpos, Trpoerrd- TT]S, ffVvblKOS. YlpdboKr), rjs, >/, subst. [augustus locus, insidiis aptus,] a place where a person lies in wait for game, an ambush. Herpes eK^uivovTa tebeyiJLtvfts ev irpoboKrjai. A. 107. SYN. 'Evebpa, Xoxos, eyKpywa. npdSoytids, oy, 6, subst. [atrium, vestibulum,] an entrance-hall, vestibule. T Ht*:d 6' VTTU \ou)v irpdbdjj.0} evl ro^d ravvvcras. Apoll. 3. 278. SYN. Hpodvpov, irpo- 6vpa.iov y aWovaa, iraaras. * Hpdbdaia, as, f], subst. [proditio,] a betraying, treachery, treason. "H /ze TrpovbuiKev ; b. KaXrjv ye irpotboffiav Strata bpq.v. Helen. 1632. Upobdrrjs, ov, 6, et KpoboTis, ibos, rj t subst. [proditor,] a traitor, betrayer. Ow fjitiv irpdbdrrjs ytyovev ; Ion 863. See also Thesm. 400. , ov t 6 et ^, adj. [proditus,] betrayed. Tlpdbdrtis tic ^t'Xwv. Hipp. llpdbov\os t ov, 6 et 77, subst. [servus,] a slave. Avot rd^os TrpdSovXds irobds. Agam.918. SYN. See AouXds. po5pd/^ds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [praecurrens,] running before, or forward. 'Eyw irpobpdfJiQs, ffijs irapaffKevTjs \apiy . Iph. A. 424. SYN. ia, as, >/, subst. [prior sedes,] a first or front seat. 'Ibov irpdebplav oldv -' eyw. Equit. 703. w, v. [prohibeo, arceo,] to prevent, to hinder. Ylavras be Trp Odas 7ri vrias tibeveii'. A. 568. SYN. 'ATre/pyw, Kadelpyw, Kw\vm r e/i7ro5/ Hpoetbv, vid. Tw, vid. FlpoXeyw. <, v. [probe novi ante,] to know well before. KatVot rt iVrtt/uat. P. V. 101. SYN. ripoyiyvw?s, oD, 6, subst. [scrutator ante,] a previous examiner. Sre/^wv &' UVO.KTOS Trpoe^epevrrjTas ffrpdrov. Rhes. 292. cif, v. [prius mando vel jubeo,] to order or command previously. KeHvos evbvs, ws ffv irpov^iead. Trach. 76l. SYN. 'Eyr^XXw, Trpoev- TIpotTrw, et -yrpoepew, vid. OpoXeyw. Ilpoepvw, f. tfirw, v. [protraho, deduco,] to draw forward, to bring to. Avras b* evcrvfjievujs TrpOf.pvaaap.EV ijTreipovbe. i. 73. SYN. KdfleXd/w. , v. [promoveor remigando,] to row forward. iLTrovbfj b" es Xt/ieva ^ev, oi;5e ris ^/wlv. v. 279- , v. [(1) ante habeo, (2) promineo, (3) praesto,] to hold before, to jut out, to excel. T/;v affnlba. rijs cwX//s irpoe^wv, apeXy rfjs Tpiroytveias. Nub. 989. SYN. npore/vw, i/7rpX w - is also a P. N. Nub. 360. and Aves 693, 740 OPOH 1IPOI mi, v. [pnegredior,] to lead the way before. "lv

    7r on KpoiiKwv. Nub. 513. SYN. See Tlp8(3aiv(>). lpdiifjiap, adv. [ante diem,] before day. Hpdvv, Trporjpap, eadtei 5' CTT' eff^apy. Simon. 230. 47. ipo0eAv/uvos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [e radice erutus, conjunctus,] plucked up by the roots, extirpated, heaped up. Opaavres bopv bovpl, aaKos cramti N. 130. SYN. TlpojOjOt^os, avT(')f)pids t TTVKVOS, avve^js. iZd), V. [vaticinor,] to prophecy. To jueXXov p Kpaivoiro i. P. V. 219' SYN. Ylpdfj.avTevofj.atf TrpoetTroV, 6e(r7rtwfw, ^p tir, et TTpddteaKw, v. [praecurro, antecurro,] to run forward, to outstrip. Toy^era ol 7rpo0ov/crfau, 2 aor. efldrov, v. [morior pro,] to die for. Ilai'Swv TcpoQvtiaKeiv Trdrtpds, owS' 'EXXql'i/coi/. Alcest. 700. Upoddfivwp, opos, o, P.N. [Prothoenor.] 'Ap/c^tXaos re, Ilpo0o>y>/wp re, KXovtos re. B. 495. Ilpoflods, ou, 6, P. N, [Prothoiis.] Mayvryrwv 5' ^e IIpoOoos vlos. B. 756. YIpoQpwffKw, 2 aor. ZQopdv, v. [prosilio,] to spring forward. Ovpavodev Tr povad" (pofia) 6' er^axdey avri/s. Apoll. 4. 6'41. SYN. ITpoVrjSaw, avdpovat, civdreXXw, Trporr/Trrw, e^op^ ITpo0j/jua, tiros, ro, subst. [quod sacrificio prs. Plut. 257. SYN. 'Erotuws, aafJiEvws, r/5ews, TlpdQvpaiov, et 7rpo0i/poj', ov, ro, subst. [prima exterior janua domus,] the front door, a threshold. Ov fj.d Tab' evKoiruriTa TrpoOvpata. Horn. Hym. 3. 384. See also Vesp. 870. SYN. ITpoTrvXator, TrpoTrwXdv, 7rpo6o>os. EPITH. /w, f. vffw, v. [ante vel pro sacrifice,] to sacrifice before or for. IlcuSos vnuv %ivla Kal yZvedXia. Ion 804. , f. dXw, v. [ante mitto,] to send forward. 'AyporSe TrpomXXe- 0?Xct fie ue KrjpoBi fj.d\\dv. o. 369. SYN. npoTre/iTrw, irpoTW^ul, ctTrorrreXXw. poicbrrw, f. ^/w, v. [pra3mitto,] to send forward, or before the time, 'ftyi/ymv aibt TTpoiu-^ai. Sept. Theb. 310. SYN. UpoiriuTrw, 7rp67dXXw. ait TTpoiu-^ai. Sept. The. 310. SYN. UpoiriuTrw, 7rp67dXXw. Tp6^/ut, v. [projicio, abjicio, negligo,] to send forward or away, throw out, neglect, omit. Flayav irpoieloa Kpyuvuv. Hipp. 123, SYN. 'Em-pdirjuii, npoi npoK 741 FIpo7*d, TTpoi/cfls, et TTpfli^, adj. [gratis,] gratuitously. 'AXX' OVK dr, et n 7rpo7cd Trpoffdydyeiv a eSee. Pax 907 See a ^ so P* ^13. SYN. 'AfjiiffOl, Swpeav. ripotjcrqs, oi/, 6, subst. [mendicus,] a beggar. AtSws 6' OVK dydflj) Ke^prjfie^ avbpl TrpoiKry. p. 347. SYN. Hwxtis, TrEvrjs, f)(OfjLo\6)(os t ayvprrjs. EpITH. 'Avcu^j/s, dapodXeos. Tlpoiffrrjpi, f. ffTrjffu), v. [ante colloco, propono,] to place before, to propose. Xa/petv KeXei/W r rdSe Trpovarrjaitt Xoyy ; Cycl. 319* SYN. IIport0>fyut, ?rpo- , Mv t at, P. N. [Proetides,] the name of one of the seven gates at Thebes. Ti/Sevs /uei> ?'/*/ Trpos TrvXatffl Upoirifft. Sept. Theb. 3/3. Opolros, ov, o, P. N. [Prffitus.] Ttv' di'rtro^ets r^>e ; ris Tlpolrov irvX&v. Sept. Theb. Spl. Tlpoiy, Trpdfcd- Oevbet npy navv. Vesp. 104. iZu, et*7rpoKaQrjpat, v. [ante consideo,] to sit down before. KXay- TrpdKadiZovTwV , fcdXi/Trrw. , 2 aor. eKapdv, v. [ante vel pro laboro,] to labor or be weary before- hand or for. M) xpoKapriTe, Trobd. Here. F. 118. SYN. IIpOTroi'eo/icu. , vid. ripo^. dytyvwo-fcw, f., v. [ante damno,] to condemn previously. FIpos v OetDv, /u?) Trpofcdrdyt'yywo'K', ot yXjc. P. V. 650. See also Trach. 29. SYN. Mept^uvdw, Kronen, TrpofjirjOedfjiai, 0poyr/5w, eTr^eXeojuat. poKrjpvffffw, f. ^w, v. [(l) ante praedico, (2) per pra3conein edico,] to proclaim previously, or by a herald. 2di/ TrpoK^pv^orrd' Kal TO Trpay/z' dyetv. Antig. 34. SYN. K^pvo-o-w, avaKrjpvcrau), dvdyopevw. HpoK\vTos, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [ante vulgatus,] heard of long ago. aKovovres eirea Qvrirwv avdpwTrwv. Y. 204. SYN. Atd/foqros, Tr * IlpofcXatw, f. K\avff(o, v. [prius defleo,] to weep or lament before. oZupwros us dTjSwv. Trach. 965. SYN. See KXcu'u. [IpoKvr], rjs, fj, P. N. [Progue.] 'AXX', ei boKel o^)v t ravrd ^p?) &P$v, V Aves 665. SYN. 'Ar0ts, TratSoXeretpd. [TpofcoTrrw, v. [proricio, progredior. Vid. Monk. Hipp. 23.] to advance, to do good. Ti 6' av TrpoKorrrois, el OeXots del OTevetv; Alcest. 1098. SYN. ITpodyw, 742 IIPOK HPOM , f. ivw, v. [prsefcro,] to select in preference. Tlayruv irpoxpivas erw- v flptiTtav. Helen. 47. SYN. 'Ejcxpivu, Kpivu, airoaivtiuat, e^atpew, eicXeyw, TTptirtudti). UpoKpts, ids, vel ibSs, ti, P. N. [Procris. Vid. Ov. Metain. vii. 493, 672865.] fya&priv re TIpoKptv re tbov, r* 'Api&bvrjv. X. 320. JUpoKpoffffat, &v, at, subaud. r>;&, subst. [naves ita collocatae ut puppes altae quasi raurum pinnis eminentibus constituaut,] ships drawn up in a line, so that the high sterns look like a wall with projecting pinnacles. Ty pa Trpo- Kpoffcras epvffav, /eat irXfjcrdv aTraerijs. H. 35. TIpoKpovorris, ov t 6, P. N. [Procrustes.] O'iuot, JIptfKpovorj/s rrjuepov yevfioouat* Eccles. 1013. npo*-povw, f. era;, v. [pulsando extendo, trudo, subagito,] to stretch out by ham- mering, to push. Tijv ypavv TrpoKpovay Trpwrof rjv 5e yu>) BeXy. Eccles. 1017. TIpoKv\iv&df*ai, irpoTrpdKvXifbdput, et 7rpoKvXivbf.of.iat, v. [provolvor ad pedes alicujus,] to roll or fall before. Avrws, ovb' apd re TrpoKiiXivbtT H. 18. See also X. 221. and Aves 501. SYN. Upd/r/Trrw, yovva$ t , f. xpw, v. [procumbo,] to incline or bend forward. Hapappayevros TirQlov TrpoKVyCiv. Ran. 412. SYN. KvTrrw, eTrcpjOeTrw, 7rteu7rrw. , ovos, 6, P.N. [Procyon,] the name of a star which precedes the dog- star. Kcu TlpoKvwv blbvuots viro KaXa. Qaeivet. Arat. 450. v, vid. Tlpooiutov. TjOofcwTrds, ov, 6 et ?^, adj. [gladium capulo tenens, destrictus,] holding a sword by the hilt, drawn (as said of a sword). '6 be Qifyos TrpoKtinrov kv ^poiv c^wv. Orest. 1485. uyu), v. [ante sortior,] to choose before. "Ort irptieiXrjx' aXX' diravra nepvriiJLEvovs. Eccles. 1 159. , et npoXanfiavw, v. [prius apprehendo, anticipo,] to seize first, to anticipate, to surprise. Tlp8Xavuai yovv ry ")(povy Ttjs tjbovijs. Ion 1027- See also Ion 410. SYN. fyQavia, irpotjiduvw. poXeyw, TrpocTrw, irpoevveirti), et Trpoepew, v. [praedico, edico,] to speak first, proclaim. "EVEKO. ye T&V TrpoXeXey/utj/wi/. Vesp. 886. SYN. Hpopqvvu), irp8- lxw, v. [relinquo, deficio,] to leave, to fail, to faint. "Hv ft/) al fj.vpiai fj,e /ij/^apcu. Thesm. 927- SYN. See AC/TTW. o/, o et ?/> adj. [garrulus,] chattering. Kal /ur) nptiXetrxos, pi]b' Xoyy. ^Esch. SttppL 208. SYN. 2rw//i)Xos. , v. [praevideo,] to see beforehand. AOKW irpoXevffffew ols yap / KUKWV. Philoct. 1360. SYN. See IlpobepKopat. TlpoXdyos, ov, 6, subst. [prologus,] a prologue, an introduction of the subject of a tragedy, first adopted by Euripides: see Ran. 11 19. T6v npoXoydv ov^ eei TTpdffa^at Xf]KvQdi>. Ran. 12l6. IlpouaXos, ov, >/, subst. [salix,] a willow. See the Schol. in 1. c. 'Eeo;s Trpd- udXoi re Kai treat f-Kirttyvariv. Apoll. 3. 201. TlpduavOdva), 2 aor. EpaQov, v. [prius disco,] to learn previously. Elr* av Trpo- Ha&eiv yap ebtbaffKev, TW uqpw /u>) vvexpvTas. Nub. 966. SYN. See Ilpoyty- VWffKW. TlpouavTevouat, v. [vaticinor,] to foretell. *H Trpuird pev TO. 6e~id TrpovuavTev- adro. Eur. fr. Melan. 17. 1. SYN. See Ylpodeairlzw. Hpouavriis, MS, 6 et %, adj. [praesagus,] prophetic. AT, a!* irpfiuavrts Bvuos, As TI TrpoaboKy. Androm. 1061. Hpoudxigb), et irpoud^ouai, v. [(l) in prima acie pugno, (2) defendo,] to fight in the first ranks for or with, to be the champion of. "Ewop, urjuert n 'A X tXX7)V irpoudxtge. T. 376. See also P. 358. SYN. 'rvepudxbuai, 1 et vpofjios t ov, 6, subst. [(1) qui in prima acie pugnat; (2) propug- a P. N. in 5. 476. riPOM riPON 743 nator,] one who fights in the front rank, a champion. "Idvcrev b% bid Ttpo^d- t 'iprjKi eotKws. II. 582. See also Troad. 31. SYN. FFpoorarqy, VTrepaor- >, f. //o-w, v. [ante meditor,] to premeditate, to practise. C H TTOIS J:jueXXe Trpo/ieXer^i', 10 rooYd. Thesm. 1177. SYN. TLpoXoyl^opai. f, a, ov, adj. [Prometheiis,] Promethean. ap/uckoV, oppd r Qucrl .ov KdXeeadai, Apoll. 3. 844. i, et YIpdprjQta, as, f], subst. [providentia, cura,] superintendence, care. Kat TO.TTI ^paov vvv TrpofjirjOetav Xdfie~iv. /Esch. Suppl. 1 S6\ See also Hec. 783. SYN. IlpoVotd, TrpoOvpia, eiripeXeid. {IpdprjOevi, ews, 6, P. N. [Prometheus.] "Offris, npo/urjQev, aaioiv ov v>a- pdveu)V, Trots 'IdTreroto, 7rotKlXdj3ovXSs. PHR. See P. V. 445 515. vs, et 7rpojj.riQt]S, cos, 6 et r% adj. [providus,] provident. HpdpaQevs apx&. jEsch. Suppl. 70S. See also Soph. Electr. 1078. r, adv. [prudenter,] prudently. Ev y t7revor), f. vffdt, v. [praemonstro,] to declare before. 'AXX' o ye TOVTO fjtrjbevi. Antig. 84. SYN. Tlpoepew, Trpoar^jua/vo) Xeyw. [Ipojuj/rwp, opos, rj, subst. [avia,] a grandmother, a female ancestor. Kat TOV TTpofjaropos. Phoen. 687. npo/ityw^r, v. [prius misceo,] to mix in preference. TlaXXd/ctSi dTt/j.aeffKe 6' aKotrlv. I. 452. Ipo/jvdoT/at, v. [(l)ambio nuptias pro alio; (2) praesagio,] to court for ano- ther ; to presage. Upojuvarai TI pot. CE. C. 1075. SYN. flpd/jtat'Tevopai. >os, rj, ov, adj. [alter post alterum,] one after another. At be ?rpo- eTrrjeffdV r; be eKacrrr]. X. 232. )td, as, $i, subst. [(l)pronuba, (2) conciliatrix,] a female match- maker; a procuress. E't'0' o50eX' r] irpo^aTpT diroXeaQat tcaKus. Nub. 41. * VA EW, inns. 2 aor. epoXov, v. [progredior,] to advance, ^rrjcrdv o be wv tbero Kpeivv 'ETtwvevs. b. 22. SYN. See Tlpofiaivw. 1, ijs, ij, subst. [vestibulum,] a porch, a vestibule. Avrow 6' kv Trpo- fJioXfj Terpvfjfjievd yovvdr cKayu^eV. Apoll. 1. 1 174. SYN. I7pd0vpoV; Trpodv- Ipo^/o^fw, v. [prius laboro,] to labor previously. TlpoftefjioxQ^Kaffi ffefiecrQat. Eur. Suppl. 1244. SYN. tlpoirbvldnai. *Hpdvaia, as, %, adj. [Pronaea,] an epithet of Minerva, so called from a sta- tue erected to her honor, in front of the temple at Delphi. See Herod, viii. 37. and Meurs. Lect. Att. p. 87. X>/ ITaXXds, AeX0ot vlv off ibpvovro Hpo- vairjv. Call. fr. 220. npovads, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [ante templum situs,] placed in front of a temple. Bo^uovs Trpovaovs, Kal TroXtcro-ov^v ebpas. yEsch. Suppl. 503. IpoVf/jw, v. [attribuo, procedo,] to distribute, to advance. Tlpovefiev Trdrpos ov-veKd. Isthm. 8. 37- SYN. Ilpo/3a/vw. [[povdew, v. [ante animadverto,] to perceive beforehand. Elr' av TrdXlv avdts dvtffTdfj.evovs v/u^ricrai Kal Trpovofjorat. Nub. 975. SYN. npooTcoVew, ?rpoyi- yv&ffKO), TrpobtbacrKofJiai, irpobepKofjat. Hpovoid, as, //, subst. [prudentia,] forethought, prudence. noXX?)v Trpovotdv eT^eV vffx>lp(*>s ireffelv. Hec. 567- SYN. YlpopriQeid (ppovTts, eirifjeXetd, eTrtvoed. EpITK. 0eta, trod)?), ijffvvos. ^QOVOHOS, ov, o et ;/, adj. [ante pascens,] feeding before. Upovopd be fiord rws. ^sch. Suppl. 699. ov, 6 et >/, adj. [prudens,] prudent. Ildrep' evdapav Advdbv, \. Suppl. 976. SYN. TlpopriQevs, irpofJtijOrls, cvvoos, Qpovipos. 744 TOON npon IIpoVv, adv. [ante noctem,] before night. See in IIpo>7/udp. IIpo>a>7rr)s, tos, 6 et >/, adj. [(l) praeceps, pronus, (2) promptus,] prone; ready, "Ayav 7rpov(i)7r))s els TO Xotbopeiv (f>epei. Androm. 727. SYN, Y\p)jvr)s t Kara- ?)s, TrpoTrtr?}?, Trpuvwirios, Kprjfjivwbijs, at or opus. i'WTTids, 1 ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ante vestibulum,] before the vestibule. "6&' e 'ip' Tl Tabe ; TTUS TrpoVwTrios. Bacch. 634. SYN. See HpdQ&pov. IIpo, irpoKos, etTrpofcds, aids, o et %, subst. [hinnulus, dama,] a fawn, a hind, r H alyas Kepaovs, rye Trpck'ds t^revovrts. Apoll. 2. 279 See also Horn. 5. 71. SYN. Ne/Spos, Ke/Jias, bopKas. IIpoej/a;, v. [hospitio excipio nomine civitatis, suppedito,] to entertain in the name of the state; to supply, to furnish. Qvfr eXTrts, JJTIS nal dpaaos TI irpovr tfveH. Trach. 727. SYN. Sei't&u, irpoiffrajjiat. a, as, >/, subst. [hospitium,] hospitality. Ilol TTOTS rptyei ; rJfi'a TT/BO- , Med. 360. SYN. He* fa. , ov, 6 et ?/, subst. [(l)qui peregrinos nomine civitatis hospitio excipit, (2) liospes publicus, (3) conciliator,] a public entertainer; a public guest: a match-maker, ziiv irpo%Ei'Ourl t pavTeaiv re IIv0cco7c. Androm. 1092. SYN. Zeros, irpoffTarijs, 'fi\ds. flpooifiidv, et irpoKufjiWi', et 0po//xtoi>, ov, TO, subst. [prseludium,] prelude, Tt XW" /*' oiKTpois eKiiXtaas Trpdotpiots ; Here. F. 1170. See also Nem. 4, 17. and Troad. 888. SYN. IfyflXoyos. IlpooTfvv/^, f. o/uoo-w, v. [ante juro,] previously to swear. 'E fjioffas TO fjC eluevai. Agam. 1 167- Hpodvdfj.a.(i), f. d/, adj. [conspicuus,] conspicuous, manifest, ITpovTrrov es "Atir]v trre/xw ara yrjs. Hipp. 1363. SYN. IlpoSqXds, ^^Xos, ^>d- /Xw, v. [ante debeo,] to owe previously. Kai vrovart ; Ka^ioc yap ri 7rpov0e/Xet KCLKOV. Iph. T. 524, *Ilpo7rdXai, vid. IldXai. * n/oo7rdp, przep. [ante,] before, in front of. DpoTrdp ds ayelrat orrpdrov. Phoen. 119. SYN.Hpd. ripoTrdpoifie, et irpoTrapoidEV, adv. et praep. [ante, in conspectu,] before, in sight. Hiovos TTpoTrdpotfie f3adeir)s koTl^oaivTo. B. 92. SYN. See'^yuTrpoffflfv. npoTras, Traad, 7rrt>', adj. [uni versus, totus,] the whole, all. Ilarpos ov Qevfaffff 'Eptvvs ; b. epperw rrpoTras oroXos. Phoen. 633. SYN. Has, aTros, ^v/jTras. a(7x<" f Treioopai, 2 aor. ZiraQov, v, [ante patior,] to suffer or experience before. 7 ft> TrpoTrdflp, ro nVeiv. CE. C. 229. *Ilpd7rdrwp, opcs, 6, subst. [avus, progenitor,] a grandfather, an ancestor. ITe- XOTTOS cTrt TrpoTraTopos ebpuv. Orest. 1441. SYN. Ilpdye^VJyrwp, npoyovos, irpo- >, f. \//w, v. [(1) praemitto ; (2) deduco,] to send forward, to conduct. Tlpdai7rd& > ii/mas, Kat TrpoTre/^dre \Qoros. Hipp. 1102. SYN. ITp<5t7//ut, Trdpd- 7re/i7rw, TrpomXXw, avdyw. retd, as, ^, subst. [proclivitas, protervitas,] readiness, petulance. El 6' r/'*cw, rj^v TrpoTrereidv opa. Call. Ep. 43. 2. s, eos, 6 et //, adj. [prseceps, proclivis, protervus,] leaning down, head- long, petulant. Tv/u/3ov TrpoTTSTfj, ^oiviaaofjuivav. Hec. 149- SYN. npo^w7r/)s, ^lpo7rr)\aKiw, f. iffio, v. [contumelia adncio,] to insult. YIpo7rr)\a.Kice' aov yap OVK COTL (3pdruv. (E. R. 427- SYN. T Bacch. 629. t'vw, v. [propino,] to drink to one, to pledge. 'AKpijrov -rrpoiroQelff' $\IT used as a substantive, signifying a vestibule, a porch, Hipp. 37C. and npon FIFOS 745 Call. Ep. 37. 2. 2 aor. eireffov, et TTporfTvtw, v. [ante cado,] to fall before, to lean forward. Ac TrptfTr/Trrovad, Trpoo-atrouV. Eur. Suppl. 71. See also Soph. Electr. 1380. SYN. ndpdTT/Trrw, 7rpoff7r/7rrw, TrpofrTriryeaj, yovvdc?o/*at, irpckt/- j, v. [procedo,] to proceed. Kov0d Trdat 7rpo/3t'/3ds, jcat V7raff7rt5ia v. N. 158. SYN. See IIpo/3cuVw. , ards, TO, subst. [ministerium,] service, attendance on. 7 il T-as TTpdndXevfja bavas. Ion 113. SYN. 'YTTJjpervyud, Otpuwetci. TlpoirdXds, ov t b et //, subst. [minister,] an attendant, a minister. Ov TOV TrpoTroXoV 'EyoStas ju* opgts. Helen, 56$. SYN. npoo-TroXos, virrjperrjs. EPITH.^Itpos, dytov, /udtfdp. IpoTTOfjuros, oi/, 6 et /, adj. [praevius,] going before, conducting. Kat ra* Tro/Jiirovs brjra raaS^ \oibope1s. Eunien. 206 SYN. FIpo;/y^rj)p, , v. [ante laboro,] to labor or be distressed previously. "AXts dXts, yas TrpoirdvovfjLevas. CE. R. 685. SYN. ripo^o^ftew, TrpoTraff^w. 5^s, ^, P. N. [Propontis,] the sea of Marmora. E'iffw 6' owTibds, 'Ma Klavwv. Theocr. 13. 30. ews, //, subst. [propinatio,] drink. 0ep/u/)i/ /3a}e ?rpo- rvt//as. )(. 98. SYN. See IIp^VT/s. pra3p. [ante, coram,] before. IIpo7rp# /udX' evboOl Xvprtp' tv* ov^cert oTT/o-flrw. Apoll. 4. 1235. SYN. IIpo, Trpoirapoide. rpd(3la$diuai t v. [ante vim infero,] to use violence first. Hpo7rpdj3la^dnvoc ' eWero ll^Xtds 'Apyw. Apoll. 1. 386. i', adv. [procurrendo cum impetu,] with impetuosity, forward. '?*' KolXrjs dXos* ei/ 6' dpd fiecrcrcus. Apoll. 2. 597* , ov, 6 et fi t adj. [ante puppim,] thrown before the stern, destruc- tive. UpdTrpvfjiva. & e, icdrappew. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [praedictus,] told before, foretold. Kd/^oi rdS' Trpopp^rd, >rat rotavr' ebpctv. Trach. 686. ov, o et )/, adj. [qui una cum radice projicitur,] ruined root and branch. Opoppt^os, beivri bt Oeeiov yivlrai d6/Lt>/. z. 415. SYN. Hpd6e\vpvds. lpoffdydpevw, v. [compel lo,] to address. T ft VflpwTrc, /3ovXet /itj) Trpdffdy^pevetv e/ut; Acharn. 1113. SYN. Opoo-KciXEw, irpdativdnagd), ^^o/zdiSw, TrpdoravSdw. ipoadyw, Dor. Tr^rdyw, f. w, 2 aor. >/ydy^, v. [(1) adduco, (2) appello ; (3) im- pono,] to lead or bring to ; to allure, to land. Kat TOV vovv /uov irpdyayets KOVK otS' orl *xpijfja. fj.e notels* Vesp. 697- SYN. 'ETrdyw, ^Sa;, et Dor. 7rorde/Sw, v. [accino,] to sing to. Kat c7cWico//ui7j> Pros. Lex. 5 B 746 nPOI nPO2 av. Equit. 401. See also Theocr. 2. 11. SYN. Iv^ iaffw, f. w, v. [accedo,] to approach. Tr/Xe/ua^ov & dp' 7retrd Xdfie ydvywy. x- 365. SYN. 'Ena'taffd*, tTrtfpouw, 7rpd(T7rrjdw. poo-airtw, v. [(l)insuper peto ; (2) mendico,] to ask in addition ; to beg. Xw- X6s, irpbaaiTwv, orw/zvXos, beivos Xeyen>. Acharn. 429- SYN. Hrw^evu, ETTCU- Ylpoffa\e!ev tfcdorw (papnaKtiv aXXo. K. 392. SYN. 'E-jraXe {({>(*>, Ylpoaa\ t v. [insuper capior,] to be convicted besides. Kara Trpdo-dXt- trKofjieda. Acharn. 701. ITpo(Td^/3do-i$, Iws, ?'/ subst. [gradus,] a step, an ascent. TLvpyoial Tr^Krwv K\I- HO.K(I)V Kptiffcifjiflaffeis. Phoen. 499 SYN. B/fyid, fiaQpls. Hpocrafjieifiofjiai, Dor. 7rord/ie/j(3d/iai, v. [respondeo,] to answer, to reply. Tdv 6' dpd x^ Aa0m 7rdrd^e//3fro, KuTrpt /3dpetd. Theocr. 1. 100. SYN. Merd- dyueXyw, Dor, TrordyueXyw, v. [mulgeo insuper,] to milk besides. *A, 5i/' ' eptyws, Tr^rd^eX^erat es Si/o TreXXas. Theocr. 1. 26. i/i/w, f. vrw, v. [insuper auxilior,] to assist additionally. "H /od re ol % ripe~ts npdaapvydjjie^f ye Kat ov^e. B. 238. SYN. Ylpoff(3tir)de(i), , f. tw, v. [insuper induo,] to put on besides. crv & ot/iwc', w irdt>r)pe. b. ai/3ot. Equit. 89 1- SYN. 'ETrajU^t poffaireXXw, v. [surgo insuper,] to arise besides. Koviv TrpoffavTeXXovoav, us TroXXrj Traprjv. Eur. Suppl. 6"98. SYN. 'ETrdj/dreXXw, drdreXXw. , eds, 6 et r/, adj. [arduus, adversus,] steep, difficult, adverse, Ketrd pdvov Trpoaravres. b. rl robe KtvoV av Xeyeis ', Orest. 781. SYN. K , bva\epi)s, svavrtos, tr/cXi/pos. npo d7roXXi;/L, f. oXeo-w, v. [insuper perdo,] to destroy besides. IIpo<7d7roX- Xvre /u', oXXvr?. Hipp. 1371. SYN. ITpoa^ta|>0e/po;. Trrw, et TrpormTrrw, f. ;//w, v. [adjungo,] to join. Tr} rjf5' eopr)v (cat v. Med. 1379. See also ft. 110. SYN. 2i)M7rrw, cfw, f. f/rw, v. [auxilior,] to assist. Dot ^v/i7ro^^ eK\o%ov; Phoen. 736. SYN. 'E7rt/3aXXw, rrpoff- apdt, Trpdffapfjio^d}, TrpocruTTTb), TrpoaTWrjpi, KpooKpovu), eTrep^fyuat. avls, ea)s, ?'/, subst. [aditus,] an approach. f fts Trpuafiaaiv Tuivb' opOlav \ei. Eur. Electr. 489- SYN. YIpdadbds, eiffdbos. , v. [itisuper cogo,] to force besides. Ouros b' ciKoXovdei, nape i. Pluf. 16. SYN. 'AvayKaga), Trpoaayu. IIjOo QtXws. Trach. 628. SYN. 'YTroSdx'), avrtX^is. TlpoabepKd/jat, et TrortbepKofjiat, 2 aor. ebpaKuv, v. [adspicio,] to look to or upon. a eXtvvovTo. TrpOfrbep-^Ofj Trart'ip ; P. V. 53. SYN. See HpofffiXetrw. ov, 6 et //, adj. [alligatus,] bound to. XoXic?/, ^terwTrois iinrlKQial Rhes. 303. i, Dor. 7rort5evo//at, v. [opus habeo,] to have need of. OvSev eyw TrdTLbevdjuiar dXXd TOV avbpa. Theocr. 5. 63. SYN. Xpdoyuat. et TroTibexdjLiai, f. ^o/zot, v. [(l) admitto; (2) expecto,] to admit, to receive; to expect. Kcu r/s ae irvpyos 'ArQibos Trpoabe&rai ; Phoen. 1720. See also B. 137. SYN. 'Avabexo/jtai,v7rdbexdfjia.i, iffbe^ f TTpOffbdraw. w, v. [insuper indigeo,] to require in addition. Avirijs TI irpovbeis, */ OVTU) fads ; Here. F. 90. aQQeipu), f. 00epw, v. [insuper perdo,] to destroy besides. "oXwXd, ecu oe TTpoabiaQdepw tyvwv. Philoct. 76. SYN. TlpoaairoXXviu. * Tlpoffblbwfjii, f. Swo-w, v. [insuper do,] to give besides, to give. 2ot per irptiffE- bibov ffjjtiKpov, &v eXapfiavev. Equit. 1222. SYN. 'Eiribibwpi. HpoaboKaw, v. [expecto,] to expect. Mwt> T^V davovaav uxpeXew rl 7rpoJLl. Ilpdaebpevw, v. [adsideo, obsideo,] to sit near, to besiege. Yldrepd /car' O'IKOVS, rj Trpdffebpevwv Trvpq. ; Crest, 397- SYN. 'ETrtyueXeojuae, , as, ij, subst. [assiduitas,] constant attention. Et yap TrpoXetyets fjC, r} TTpoffebpiq. vovov. Orest. 298. SYN. 'EmjueXeta. Hpocfebpds, ov, o et //, adj. [assiduus,] assiduous. Tor' c/c Trpdvebpov Xtyvvos Trach. 796. SYN/E^pds, tTrfy/eXfc, (rvvE-^f)S. et ndreibtifjiai, 2 aor. ee6o>, v. [(1) adspicio, (2) similis stun,] to 748 11PO2 TIPO2 look, to see ; to look like. MdXtor' tKeivov /3oarpv^oc$ 7rpdae/&>cu. Choeph. 172. See also Theocr. 3. 39. SYN. See HpoaflXe. , f. daw, v. [(1) adsimulo; (2) compare,] to liken, to compare. ^a^aKTTjp, r) irpdffeiKaft p.*. TO)', Eur. Electr. 559* SYN. EtKa f*n & &det fay. Helen. 444. SYN. Hporeivw. , f. iXw, v. [simul evello,] to pluck out also. A? re 6r)\Giai irpdcr- avrov TO. Trrepd. Aves 287. $YN. 'EmXXw, ^"XXw. , f. V' A J- Fl. 1348. SYN. 'ETre/^/SatVw, tvaXXo^uru, tTreyyeXdw, e^aXXo^uat. * Upoffeutyepris, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [adsimilis,] like. Td \oia&tov be ry rplry irptiff- enepes. Eur. fr. Thes. 5. 13. SYN. 'E/u0p>)s, o/xoios, dX/yfctos, HpdffVViT(i), et inus. 7rpoff7ro;, 1 aor. etTrd et eetTrd, 2 aor. eiirov et eetTroy, pew, et Trpoapew, v. [adloquor,] to address. Ttras Sc TOVTOVS TWV 0iXwv Trpoir- cvr7rw; Choeph. 104. See also Iph. T. 371. Vesp. 21. and Alcest. 9^3. SYN. See Ilpdaai/Sdw. flpocrefcvpiffKb), et TrpdffevpioKw, 2 aor. evpov, v. [insuper invenio,] to discover besides, or something new. Ovbe Tra^Trdvrjpos' aXXa Kal Trpoa-e^vprjKe rt. Equit. 1283. See also Soph. Electr. 1352. SYN. 'AveuptWw, e^ez/p/oxw. npdff7rtopKw, f. ^crw, v. [insuper pejero,] to be perjured besides. 'Eiryveaafjitv av, KCLI TrpoffeTrVwpKrioaiJitv. Lysistr. 1238. Ilpdff7rtrep7ro/zat, v. [insuper delector,] to be delighted besides. IIpo /uot pov 70 TrpocrepTrov. P. V. 127. See also Theocr. 4. 48. SYN. 'E^epn-w, di npo(repx > o//a(, Dor. Trdrepx^at, 2 aor. i]XQov t Dor. rjvQov t et Trpoffiicvfo/icu, f. i ^opai, v. [advenio,] to approach. ITpdffepxcrcu yap rts KUK&S Trparrwv avfjp. Plut. 86l. See also Again. 76'5. SYN. npftretftf, trpdcrepTrw, , f. ippat, V. [precor,] to pray to. npoerevxo'/ueerOd roTai (ro?s dyaX- HPOI IIPO2 749 p&atv. Hipp. 115. SYN. 'Efl-cvxo/mi, cvx/" a &tyiai, frctreva;, XtTrdpfw, ctvrt- jGoXifw, \ifffftifjiai* npo<7xw, Ttpoffiaxw, et jrpocrxtflo'juai, v. [(l) intendo, (2) appello,] to direct to, to keep upon ; to land. IlalSes irpbaeayov o/*/u'* 6 & owed' CLVTOS %v. Here. F. 926. See also Orest. 356. and Theocr. 25. 253. SYN. IIpo<7/3dXXw, 7rpo, 7rpo<70pw, TrX^o-tacJw, eofceXXw. Hpoffriyopew, v. [adloquor,] to address. D^ff^yopT/awv etyrt *ai o-wcrwv TroXtv. Phoen. 1004. SYN. See Upoo-ai/Sdw. Ilpoffqyop^d, dros, ro, subst. [aclloquium,] an address. IIpotrijyopTjjud parepiav. Eur. Suppl. 813. SYN. IIpocr00ey/wd, irpoffprjffis. Tlpoariydpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui adloquitur vel salutatur,] one who addresses, or is addressed, talking. Irepio-oV, r) Trpden'jydpov. CE. R. 1338. YIpdffrjKh), et Dor. TTO^KW, perf. r)K&, v. [pertineo, convenio,] to belong, to suit. 0a'yi0d, Xpeia. be KpoariKei. Pers. 148. SYN. Ka0*/KW, TTJOCTTW, btaret- vop.a.1. Hjodo-^juac, irpoffdaKtw, 7rf)o<7t5di/w, 7rpoo-/<5w, et 7rpoo-m0/5w, v. [adsideo,] to sit down at, near, or upon. Bporwi/, ot rots TreXas Trpoirr/juevoi. ^sch. Suppl. 388. See also CE. C. 1166. Sept. Theb. 693. Androra. 227. and Helen. 894. SYN. Ildpe^o/zai,, 7rdp/5w, Trpdffebpevo). HpoffTjfjiaivb), f. dvw, v. [ante significo, portendo,] to signify or tell beforehand ; to portend. Toow^e fj-evroi aoi TrpStrrjuaivw, yvvai. Med. 723. SYN. npoa-y- yeXXw, Trpdfjirjvvb), Trpodyopevw, irpddeffmgw. Dpoo-r/wds, Dor. Ttorayds, a, d^, adj. [orientalis,] eastern. Kai rd Trorawov rti AaKiriov, $7rtp o KVKTOS. Theocr. 4. 34. SYN. 'Ewtos, ^5os, ?}yds. Ilpo/, adv. [ante,] before. Toi) irpoade Kabpov rov TrdXat r' 'AyjJ- . CE. R. 268. SYN. "E/47rpOff0/, Trapos, Trpty, 7rpo7rdpo(0V, Trporov. , ?js, //, et * irpoodrjina, drds, ro, subst. [additaraentum,] addition, aid. aXXd TrpoaOt'iKy deov. CE. R. 38. See also Eur. Electr. 192. SYN. IIpo ri TrpoamXei aotywTEpov ; Aves 1426. SYN. KdXa>, 7rtKdXW, iropoJcaXew, 7rpo;/ui. HpoaKei/uat, f. Keioofjiat, v. [(1) adjaceo, (2) insto, (3) incumbo,] to be adjacent to, to press upon, to enforce. "Eyi/w KXvbwa TroXejUtwv TrpooKeiptvov. Iph. T. 317* SYN. "E,yKipai, eTTiKeipai, OTapai, Trpocreyy/iw. I1poaKTrro/, f. ^o/^at, v. [(l) ante contemplor, (2) prospicio alicui,] to look to first, to have regard to. Tlvp aoi TrpoertuVw, KOV TO aov TrpoaKe^opai. An- droni. 256. SYN. AtaovceTrroyuat, Trpoyoew, TrpooxoTrEOJ, T >, ov, ro, [pulviirar,] a pillow. Kcuroc, ro OVK c^ets. Lysistr. 926. SYN. Flpoo-kparov, vir rjs, eos, 6 et >/, adj. [necessarius,] allied, intimate. irpocrKTjbeos* oiibe TpaTrezy. 0. 35. SYN. Otcetos, e7rtn/5e/os. t, f. i] t v. [admoveor,] to move towards. Kacdis napefa, TrpoaKtvr'iaofjiai. Lysistr. 227 SYN. Hpoertf&fuu, irpoaayt*), Trpoo-o/uiAtw. /rw, Dor. Troru'XtVw, f. tva), v. [acclino,] to incline towards. Avrou c>' /3eXos fcaX?] 7rp6ffK\tV Kopwt'rf. - d), /o-, et Trpooxvpw, f. pnlva.i. Hec. 64. , f. X}^w, 2 aor. eXd/^ov, v. [insuper accipio,] to receive or take besides. YevSi; Xeyovra. TrpoaXd^etv 751 fypQopy. Iph. A. 1145. SYN. , Dor. ^-driXsyw, v. [(1) insuper dico ; (2) adloquor,] to say besides ; to address. "Os juv djuaprijaras ro/w TrortXe'^dro pvOy. Theocr. 25. 192. SYN. See IlpoaavSdw. , v. [adspicio,] to look at. BXaoroi'o'', OTTWS f/3Xaore, ; (E. R. 1376. SYN. See JlpofffiXt. b), 2 aor. Zpaddi', v. [addisco,] to learn besides. Ylav' aXXd ccvpl Trpoffpavdat'e. Vesp. 1208. ), Dor. TrortjLtao-o-w, f. ^w, v. [adjutigo,] to join or add to. Kai Trpos TOVTOIS ttpiffTwary Toy Ileipaid Trpdo-e/uo^ev. Equit. 815. SYN. IlpoaTrttcJw, , v. [(1) permaneo, (2)expecto,] to remain, to wait for. Toy irpofffjielvat HQVOV. CE. R. 847. SYN. 'E/zjueVw, Trdpdjue^w, , v. [artificiose adfigo,] to fasten to with art. . Sept. Tbeb. 537. ripoi npoi 751 i, f. yu/w, v. [(1) admisceo ; (2) accedo ; (3) confligo,] to mingle ; to approach ; to engage. OVK lip fre/yp y ovbe. Trpocrfjil^ni Spaav ; Philoct. 105. SYN. 'E7rfyvjut, vTrubuofiai, VTrube^ofjiai, Trpoery/yvfl/Liai, 7rpotts, TTapovata, ecrtydpa, Tropus. ITpoo-o^w, Dor. 7roro, v. [redoleo,] to smell. 'A//0wes, ve^rev^s, ert yXv^>d- . Theocr. 1. 28. SYN."O5w, ctTro^w, 6aivw. , , ov, adj. verbal, [adferendus,] must be brought or added to. TrpeTrovaav pr)y^avt}v irptiffoitrTEoi', Thesm. 1132. i, v. [proficiscor,] to go. 'Es vaov Pyth. 6. 4. poo-o/iaprfw, v. [comitor,] to accompany, r/yvera^ ei/Sc rl Ka\8v ory 5o$ TTjOoao/moreT. Theogn. 609- SYN. ITdp^aprfw, fymprew, dicoXovOfw, /itXtw, v. [versor una,] to associate with. Movo-d KO? r//i7r, r^ Trp^ffo/uiXeT. Med. 1081. SYN. KdOo/iiXew, dpt\eu> t avvTvy\avi>) t ffvvetjjl, ffvyyiyvupat, f, a, oV, adj. [assimilis,] like. "Aye >} 0v di/Spes d/ yeVfo; irpoaupoiot. Aves 685. SYN. '6/woios, Trdpoyuoios, dX/ytftos, Trpdoeotffws, OIKWS, 7rpo<70^pos, irpoafytpris, epfyeprjs. I[\poff6irropat t et TrpoVopdw, Dor. TroOopdw, irtiOdpriiul, Trpdffocro-o/iai, et v. [adspicio,] to look upon. 'AfcrTm, fcv/cXor 0' ^Xt'oi; Trpoo-diptra*. Alcest. 209. See also Alcest. 885. and X. 356'. SYN. See Ilpo Trpocrovpos, OVK \(t)v /Gdtnv. Philoct. 691. SYN. Yeirwv, opopos, Trpocroiicos, f ripotro^etXu), v. [insuper debeo,] to owe besides. IIpos rplaiv lapfieioial irpoff- o^et'Xwj/ (pavei. Ran. 1133 HpofTotys, ews, ^, subst. [adspectus,] sight, look, presence. T ft irools, w 0iX /v f, Helen. 635. SYN."O4/is, TrpoawTro^, 0a/xd. EPITH. 'Hoe7d, ~' , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(l) contra feriens ; (2)recens,] striking against; re- cent. Fevotr' av, ei irpoffTrata ftr) rvyp*. K&KO.. Agam. 338. SYN. npo vtos, vto^jUtJs, ai(f)i>lbt&s , TroYcuVTos, vedpos. ipoffTrn/w, f. vio- juat, avTlflaivtOt avTepeibto, adXevu. lIpo<77raJ, irpoffTraTTaXevffb) TOVTWI. Plut. 943. SYN. TlpoaTryyvvfJi. npoflTTTfXdcw, TrpoffTrXdcJw, et 7rpocr7ri\vjjpi[ t v. [(1) appropinquare facio, (2) ap- propinquo,] to cause to approach; to approach. npo<77TXao-0eJs, i'i ae ye. (E. R. 1101. See also M. 285. and v. 95. SYN. IlX^fftaCw, irpoodyw, ey- ^p^Trrw, etyiffTTjini, Trpoaepyouai, yeiTvla. FIpoo-TrepSw, 2 aor. etrapbov, \. [pedo contra,] to break wind at. N/) T&V 'ATroXXw, KO\ trpoffTrapbelv y es cropa ry BciXdjuiaKi. Ran. 1074. SYN. Kdrd- Tr^pSw. npo(77r?Jyvv)Ut, f. TT^W, v. [adfigo,] to fasten. * * * * r) TrpoaTnjyj'vi'ai. Eur. fr. Scir. 2. 1. SYN. npo<77ra dXei/w, TrpdaraTrrd), Trpoffepe/Sw, ejUTrtSow. Hpoff7rr), v. [ulnis amplector,] to embrace. Zeu, , eTropovw, eTriri/y^d^w, Trpotrri/yxdvw. , ou, 6 et 77, adj. [qui adiri potest,] accessible. 'Ay^epoe ydp, Trpdo-TrXaffrot ^ei'ots. P. V. 741. SYN. Ilpdcnjvr/s, irpocrflaTds, irpoffirds, ev . , poet. Trpoo-Tr^e/w, f. ei/o-w, v, [adflo,] to breathe upon. 'Us rj^v pot oidwv icEwv. Ran. 340. SYN. ' npoo-Trotlw, et Trpoo-Trotedyuac, v. [(1) vindico ; (2) acquire ; (3) simulo,] to claim ; to gain; to pretend. "Orav *cdrdri0tD, irpocrTroirj TWV xp^judrwv. Eccles. 87 ! SYN. IlepiTroieo^uai, dyre^d/iat, irpocrTrXaffiru), Trpoortflj/jut, 7rpo/3dXXfymt, y)(r)fJia- w, v. [famulor,] to be a servant, to attend upon. Tv/x/fy rcYanrreu -rrpoffTrdXelv 'AxiXXeus. Troad. 266. SYN. 'A/u0t7TdXew, vrr^perew. ripocTTroXos, ov, o et ^, subst. [famulus,] a servant. 'H/uds 6' d?r' OIKWV dyerc roirSe, Trpoo-TroXo/. Orest. 622. SYN. 'A/i0i7roXos, depuTrw, irpfaoXos, depd- iratvd, bpus. HpooTTopTraTds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [fibula adnexus, adfixus,] fastened. O'/> beor/^y TTpocriropTraTos. P. V. 144. Opoo-Trra/w, v. [(1) impingo ; (2) erro,] to strike against, stumble ; err. "Ooris ffe irpootrTaiovTa. irepivoffTeHv elXtov irpoa- d, fitdeis. Troad. 784. SYN. ntpiTrXoo/, acrTrao-^d, 7Tpt/3oX)7, aaTracrfjids. , et Trpoo-Trr^o-flrd/zat, v. [amplector,] to embrace, salute. T ft 0/Xrdr', dXXd ardfjid ye abv TrpoffitTv^opat. Phosn. 1685. SYN. , v. [adspergo,] to sprinkle. FlXwr Trdpevxev, i]v irpoffeppatvoi' KvuXy. Eccles. 379- SYN. AtappcuVw, eirippaivd}, TrpofficaffffWj irpofffiaXXw. * ITpoo-pfw, i. q. IIpoo-Epfw, q. v. Npoffpriyvvfj.1, f. p^w, v. [insuper frango,] to break besides. 0Xd. Call. Ep. 41. 4. SYN. ITpoeSpta. rdo-o-w, et Trpoordrrw, f. w, v. [impero,] to enjoin, to command. Ows rats 'AOrivais Tovbe TrpoCTrdo-creis irovov', Eiir. Suppl. 196. SYN. Aiara, fTTtoreXXw, eVreXXw, ETrto'^Trrw. ; v< [(1) praesum ; (2) tueor,] to preside over, to defend. 2wc?e{>, Triage. Trpocrrdrels ^oi'os. Heracl. 207. SYN. TIpoiffrrjfjLi, 7rpdr}yeo^a.t f VLfJLVVli). JpcffTdTyplos, a, ^^, adj. [tutelaris,] tutelary. Ael/ud 7rporrdr^piov. Agam. 949. ITpoffrdnjs, ov, o, subst. [praspositus, praises, supplex,] a leader, a suppliant. rXwffaats TTovrjpOiV TrpoardrtDv QrjXovpevoL. Eur. Suppl. 254. SYN. TIpobiKos, iterrjs. [Tpocrre/xw, v. [antevenio,] to advance. Kplo^rd Trpoore/xoyrd ar]^a.ivovai uot. CE. R. 79- [TporrreXXo^at, v. [mittor,] to be sent forward. Akp b' tijuiatfjUDV fcdprd vvy Trpoer- reXXfrat. Sept. Theb. 411. [lpoffr^w, v. [ante gemo,] to lament previously, "laov be rf irpoareveiv. Agam. 244. SYN. 'ETrtarevta. Ylpoarepvds, ov, o et ^, adj. [ante pectus adpositus,] before the breast. tJTepvoi oroXyuot Tr^irXdjy dyeXdarois. Choe'ph. 27. IpoorejOTTw, et TrorirepTrw, v. [oblecto,] to delight, to charm. 'AXXd ae / QepdTTwv TrortrepTTErw' aurdp yo>y. O. 401. SYN. 'ETrtrepTrw, Trpoariyopeio. ITpoffr//>i:w, f. w, v. [adhaereo,] to stick. Aetvordrw /ufv v^pas Trach. 838. SYN. UpotrKeifjiat. *i, f. 0/70-w, v. [adjicio,] to add to. Movov Tob' epyov TeKVu. Eur. Suppl. 27. SYN. 'E7rirt(fy/u, 7rt/3dXXw, TTpoaraTrrw, Trpoo-- ITpooT/Xdw, v. [stercore inquino,] to daub. Tw '00aXyuw /uov Trpoafn'X^erev, ^at cdrfcav{rev ro Trpuffwnov. Nub. 411. Ipoorro/itoi/, ov, ro, subst. [ostium,] the mouth of a river. Ndtdi> apdevr dird KpooTOfjuwv. ^Esch. Suppl. 3. SYN. Droyud, aTOfuov, Trpoxo^. EpiTH. Ae?r- , v. [oro,] to pray, entreat. Kdfco>s oXecrdai irpoarrpeTr' 'Apyeiwv -)(9ova. Eur. Suppl. 1205. SYN. 'ifcerevw, ffe/3o/zcu, Trptioevyofjiai. *npoffrp)w, 2 aor., v. [accurro,] to run towards, to try to win. 'E07roi;d(a;7d 7rpo;, subst. [supplicatio,] a petition, supplication. IldXews Pros. Lex. 5 C 754 vpoaTpoTf^v JifJiov r' ^X wx * ^" ^" 55^' SYN. LKtffia, d7roYp#7ni}, mrdpa, dye's. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [supplex,] suppliant. 'IKSTCVO^V ae iravres otfe i. CE. R. 41. SYN. IIpo<7rpo7ratos, tKtrrjs, irpdaiKTUp. , 2 aor * ""''X^"' v> [ occurro > consequor,] to meet with, to obtain. Td irpO(TTv%6vra l j-fvla gv/tftyap padcof. Alcest. 770. SYN. 'Errirvy^arw, cTrt- \afjfidrd), crupPaivt*, 7rpo0dpeis, Eccles. 248. SYN. 'ETrtjuatfOjuat. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [salutatorius,] saluting. Kai TrpoafyQoyyoial xplbv . Pers. 158. d, as, //, subst. [amicitia, benevolentia,] friendship, kindness. TomSt 7rpOffi\td baipdt'bjv. Sept. Theb. 511. SYN. OtXta, (j>i\drr]s, (f>l\o- iis. ttis t adj. [gratus, amicus,] grateful, friendly. Ov &rjr' drop irpo0(j)t\f]s y dtroXXvaai. Hipp. 139&. SYN. $iXos, dyaTr/jros, evpevfjs, TlpoaQiX&s, adv. [amice, grate,] in a friendly or agreeable manner. 2fcea//cu yap e'i , v. [adloquor,] to address. KaXX/oV ovSeJs o/5e Med. 662. SYN. See 1 The neuter participle is used in the sense of obvium, fieis, evca, t>, adj. [loquens,] speaking. E< bit fy/o- ptiveots, Trdrfywvrjets re yevoid. t. 456. SYN. Avbqeis, (fxavfieis. Hpo(T v - [insuper peto,] to ask besides. 2d0e7 be pudy KOLV &7rep irpo/m, aros, ro, subst. [agger,] alluvial earth, a mound. Ne/Xov TTOOS avr^ dfituTi Kal Trpoffx^arL P. V. 872. SYN. See Xo^a. ew, v. [(1) progredior ; (2) vicinus sum; (3) obsequor,]to proceed ; to join on with; to conform to. "Hbrj Vrt, Kat rols rovbe Trpoa^pelv \oyois. Phi- loct. 964. SYN. HpovepxofJiai, vTretfcw, viraKovw. rTjOocr^wpos, ov, 6 et >;, adj. "[adjacens,] neighboring, adjacent. T ft TralSes, K\VTOV T&vbe Trpoffftupuv %ev ; GE. C. 493. SYN. Fe/rwv, TrXrjffHo^jpdSj Trpocrovpos. ITpoo-w, poet. TTpocro-fe;, adv. [ultra, longe,] onwards, forward, beyond, far. 'Iw, tw, Krai Trpdo-w y' ejuo/. Sept. Theb. 999- IlptJawSos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. and (2) subst. [(1) consonus, (2) accentor,] (1) in concert with, (2) one who accompanies in singing. Tlva be irpoaybov. Phoen. 1513. SYN. EwvwSos, frijiywos. * nporra>0ej/, adv. [e longinquo,] from or at a distance. Hpoff) TTporatvl raewi>. Rhes. 524. [Iporap/Sew, v. [timore ante corripior,] to be previously alarmed. Fldrepd irpo- rap/3ovvd' iKeffZov -^aveiv \epos. Here. F. 9^3. SYN. Tlpd(j>d( npd-dffffto, et Trpdrarrw, f. ^w, v. [praestituo,] to prescribe, to order previously. "Ava^ TTpordaaov. ^scll. Suppl. 842. SYN. Ilpo/cdfl/trr^t, TrportO^t. IlporetVw, v. [porrigo,] to stretch out, to offer. TeXtrds irporeivtav ewovs vtdvl- criv. Bacch. 234. SYN. 'Eicre/vw, TrdpdretVw, 7rpo/3aXXo>, Trpocr^tpw. ITporeXetd, wi/, rd, subst. [sacrificia antenuptialia,] antenuptial sacrifices, pre- ludes. ITporeXetd 6' i'lbrj Tratbos eaa\oeffffr)S. A. 424. SYN. "O/x0dXos. , ov, 6, subst. [rudens,] a cable. ACU^T? Trpororots tTrepetbonevas. Hec. H2. SYN. SeeKdXws. , v. [adhortor,] to exhort, to encourage. Kcu crot y* fTrirr^Tr . (E. R. 1446. SYN. UpomXEOyuat, Trdpck-dXfw, 7re/yw, /, adv. [concitato cursu,] precipitately. ITporpdTrdS^j/ (p eirlvri&v. E. 700. EPITH. IIpo0u/uws. IIpdrpi}yj?n}p, ^pos, o, subst. [provindemiator,] the name of a bright star on the right wing of the Virgin. Aeirpj/ ?rrpi>y<, Trporpvyr/n/p S' avr KaXelrat. Arat. v. [(l) ante verbero ; (2) prorumpo ; (3) appello,] to strike before ; to push forward, to burst forth; to land. "Ev0' 'Apyw Trpovrv^ev ETreiyopevri df/uot<7t. Apoll. 1. 953. SYN. Ilpo/3dXXa>, Trpoffpovw, TrpofCOTrrw. , contr. a IlpooTrros, q. v. os, a, or, adj. [potior,] more advantageous. 'AXX' erepd ydp l\v ye irpoi-pyiaiTepd. Lysistr. 20. oi', contr. a ?rpo e'pyov. ivb), v. [praemonstro, praeluceo,] to show before, to shine forth, to ap- pear. rr)6i]ffei, TTpdtyaveiaa ava TrroXfyuoio yfyvpas. 0. 378. SYN. 'Enfyaivw, osj ov, o et y/, adj. [conspicuus,] conspicuous. '6//tXe7v, Tr Kd0'"EX-Xavds. Olymp. 1. 187. SYN. 'E7rt<777/ios, aTrofiXeTrros. i, v. [praetendo, culpo,] to urge as a pretence, to blame. Ti XE- yeis ; rt Trpdaeiei ireptyavfj Trpayjmrct ; Lysistr. 756. SYN. Amddyicu, aKrjTTTOjjicu, 7rpd0d<7tv iroiovfjiai. Tpd^dffis, ews, ^, subst. [praetextus, causa,] a pretext, a reason. T/s yap KvpaiOetv irpotyaffis 'Apye/wv trrpdrdv; Rhes. 78. SYN. 2o]\^ts, afrta, a^opp), , ov, o et >/, adj. [pronuntiatusj pronounced. 'Ei> Olymp. 8. 21. ptytprls, f.6s, in us. compar. Trpo^fpearlpos, superl. Trpo^eararbs et ij, o*', adj. [praestans,] distinguished. Et ert r^s ^x 7 / 5 vpfyepeorepiiv, >} r . Apoll. 3. 730. SYN, Se npox -757 npo0pw, f. o/, v. [(1) profero; (2) objicio ; (3) antecello,] to bring forward; to upbraid with; to excel. llalbas Trpctyepetv els evTvylav . Med. 1088. SYN. 'Efc0p, Trpoa/pefymt, TrporpETrw, oj>ei5/c?w, ?rpc/e)(W, blu^epw. Tlpotyevyu, v. [profugio,] to flee forward, to escape. "Ie<70ae, Trpofyvyovra. JJ.EVOS KO.I ^elpds 'A^atwv. Z. 502. SYN. evyw, ctTro^euyw. Ilpo^revw, v. [praedico,] to predict. OVK karlv, of]TT)s, ov, 6, et * TTpfyriTis, tbtis, >/, subst. [propheta,] a prophet. *Os 62 K* /^wv 7rewr e'Xflj; Trpwrtffrd TrpofyriTrjS. Aves 97 2. See also Ion 42. SYN. Mdvm, juai/riTroXos, xprjffpybos, 0O7rpo7ros, -)(jpr]fffjid\dySs t Oeffnls, Hpo(f)6a.v(t), et Trp6(j)dripl, v. [praevenio,] to be beforehand with, to get the start. evto/jta. aro/mri, Trpo^dijvai deXwv. Phoen. 1400. SYN. 0dyw. :, v. [ante metuo,] to fear before, to dread. Hpotyofiovfjtaf 71 Tror* ^Esch. Suppl. 1053. SYN. Ilp6Yap/3ews, et TTpotppdvws, adv. [lubenter,] willingly, zealously, pvotcrde (j)i\07rro\efji(t)v vir 'Avcuwv. P. 224. See also Eumen. 930. SYN. , et f. Trpo^pacrord, ??s, adj. [benevolus, lubens,] kind, zealous, willing. Xcupf* Trpo^owv o-e -^Qovws & 'Eppis. Alcest. 759. See also K. 290. SYN. Evfjtevrjs, Trpodvpos, evvoos, (j>i\Ws. potpvXaffffd), et Trpo^i/Xarrw, f. ^w, v. [pro statione excubias ago,] to guard in front of. 2oi be ptyovv KUI TrpofvXarTetr. Acharn. 1 146. SYN. Atd0i)Xd, v. [ante misceo vel praeparo,] to mingle or to prepare before. Kcu ju}v dpyw, vri TOV Atd, KO.I irpoTretyvpaTai \tiyos els yuot. Aves 462. SYN. Ev- npo0i)rej/w, v. [ante genero,] to generate or form before. Aetvav tyvTevaavrts. Soph. Electr. 198. SYN. OpofffCt-Trro/zat. po^u^t, v. [nascor ante,] to be born or be before. OVK olc-fld, aov Trarpos fj.ev os 7rpov. Agam. 243. * IlpeJ^aXfcei/w, v. [procudo,] to forge, to make. Hpo%a.\Kevei 6' Alaa a)s, TT^- &os, beftds. Tpoxfw, f. vffw, v. [profundo,] to pour forth. 'Es Treftiov Trpo-^ovrd TLKa.fjta.v- bplov' avTap viro ^Q^)v. B. 465. SYN. 'Efc^fw, e. Nub. 272. EpITH. 'Apyftpta, bpocrepd. et 7rpoxvs, ov, ?/, subst. [aqualis,] a ewer, a basin. See in Tlpoxfa'i. o;, v. [prassilio,] to dance on. Afyidri 0///3as, Kwpoy avavKorarov irpti- . Phcen. 802. SYN. Xopeuw, &va\pev*i. vid. Hpo%oos. f. <0"w, v. [ante inungo,] to anoint previously. Tf/s oios, $ 0\oya. Trach. 698. s, ews, r], subst. [alluvio,] a heaping up, a mound. 'H&'icat d-H 5' avrw. Apoll. 2. 966. SYN. Xw/ia. , ov, o, subst. [mola salsa,] a salt cake. Hjoo^vrais KaOapatoivl' Kat eyuos. Iph. A. 1471. SYN. See Qv\8xvrat. , j], ov, adj. [prqjectus,] projecting. TlerjO^flrt TrpoxvTrjatV a be peeOpd. Horn. Apoll. 383. u, v. [procedo,] to proceed, to succeed. Ni/> oroi 7rpdx<*>pe~t is. Pbcen. 1281. SYN. See Ilpoepxfy* "' j/s, eos, o, subst. [miles pedes,] a foot soldier. 'Hye/u^ya Trpi/Xewv ayXao> w/di/. O. 517. EPITH. IleCos. is, ews, //, subst. [saltatio armata,] a dance of soldiers. OyXd be Kovpyres ye irepi TrpvXiv upx^ffavTo. Call. 1.82. . , rjs et antiq. Trpv^vijOev, r/, subst. [puppis,] the stern or poop of a ship. "OffTis v\affcret npayos kv 7rpvfj.vp TroXews. 1 Sept. Theb. 2. ^ et 7rpv/z^r?/s, oi>, adj. [ad puppim pertinens,] belong- ing to the poop or stern. ^Tra (Tangos, Trpvjmvaia ve&s CLTTO irc/er/uar' Apoll. 4. 208. See also Here. F. 477- and Med. 768. pvfjivos, rj, of t gen. antiq. irpv/uvoQev, adj. [extremus, postremus,] the last, the hiudermost. 'E^tpvo-e Trpvfjtvolo ftpdxiovds ofip?noi> ey^os. N. 532. SYN. FIv- /wards, eV)(aro. , ov, o et 7^, adj. [puppes tenens,] ship-detaining. Hpvjuvovxoi' eV0' vTreprelvas ?rvXas. Eur. Electr. 1022. , as, //, subst. [radix montis,] the foot of a mountain. "ITTTTOI & ev TrdXvvibdKos "Ibrjs. H. 307 Upvrd>/e7d, wi/, rd, subst. [pecunia quam depouebant actor et reus judicio disceptaturi,] bail money. ' ITpvrd^eld, /ueraXX', dyopds, \i(j.evas, /uta0ovs, Kai ^r/jutoTrpard. Vesp. 659. npi/rd>ei6>, ov^ ro, subst. [locus Athenis in quo Prytanes judicia exercebant. Vid. Potter. Antiq. lib. 1.] the Prytaneum. StrT/crt^ avroV kv flpi/rd^e/a) Xa/*- jGdvetv. Ran. 764. npvrdvevw, v. [(l) senator sum apud Athenienses, (2) praesum,] (l) to be one of the Prytanes, (2) to command, to rule. *Hv /uj) Kept dp-finis ye ?rpv- pot. Acharn. 60. SYN. Ev0vra;, biOtKew, tiriarareu), /3dfftXevw, rd- , ews, 6, subst. [(l) senator Atheniensis ex numero 500, (2) summus magistratus, (3) P. N. See E. 678.] one of the Senate of 500 at Athens, a prince. KpoVi'e, TrpvroVt ftpvyte, yererd. Troad. 1279- SYN. "Apx^, fldat- \evs, Trpoordr^s, efapxos. , vid. Upon. yv, et Dor. irpav, et TpwV^d, adv. [ntiper, olim,] lately, formerly. Tov Trpwrjv KTelvds, d/jivvofjievov Trtpt 7rurp?s. ft. 500. See also Theocr. 2. 115. and B. 303. SYN. "Apnws, vtoxn-i. lpw0^/3/s, ov, adj. [puber,] youthful, young. IlpwOijfiriv er eovodv eeiKoadflotd & ebwKev. a. 431. SYN."E0?;/3os, vetis, d 1 Tl6\fd)s is here scanned as an iambus. 2 TlpvfAvfiffLov is also used as a substantive, ctxoiviov being understood, and denotes the cable astern, by which the ship is moored : see Damm. in v. npfti npftT 759 [Ipwi, 1 et Attic. irpy, adv. [(l) mane, (2) tempestive,] (1) in the morning, (2) early. IIpwi &' vV r/otoi avv revert 6(t>prjx6vTes. 5). 303. See also Vesp. 404. SYN.*Ew0v. , vid. Hpwrjv. ?, contr. TTpypos, Trpouos, et Trp^cSs, a, oV, adj. [matutinus, tempestivus,] in the morning, early. Ae7rat be Kat r&v Kapirluwv arra ur'i Vri irpioua. Vesp. 264. See also O. 4/0. and Pax 1001. SYN. "OpOpWs. IpwKTos, ov, 6, subst. [podex,] the posteriors. To> irpuKrov auras evQvs ws rovrov rpeireiv. Pint. 152. SYN. l\vy{j. f YIpuxTOTrevTerTjpls, ibos, >/, subst. [quinque anni. Vid. Meurs. in Grsec. Fer.] five years. "Ocrrjv )(et rfjv TrptoKToirevTerrjptba. Pax 876. Mlpw^TorTjpew, v. [nates specto, custodio,] to watch the posteriors, to watch. OVKOVV ae bfjrd ravra beirov ecrrl TrpuKToTfipeiv. Equit. 878. et Trp-fiidv, dvos, 6, subst. f(l) collis, (2) cacumen montis,] a hill ; the top of a mountain, a precipice. Ow/c etc-' eprj/uot irpwrjis Cycl. 116. See also II. 299. and Hes. Sj:ut. 437- SYN. Eovvds, Xfyds. EPITH. 'A/<0/i-?ev*,Tos, KOIVOS, aXlos, fir)(rafits, aKpos. -, w/cds, o, subst. [gutta roris,] a dew-drop. Twared' /*?} xp&Kas o-tr/5erat, o TeTTi%. Theocr. 4. 16. SYN. Sraywr bpovov. as et antiq. aQev t rj, subst. [prora, navis,] the prow, a ship. 'Es irpajpdv tip-tre, KO.TTI ravpelo) fffyayrj. Helen. 1581. EPITH. 'ftvetd, evaXlos, evaXos. >, v. [in prora navem rego,] to be a boatswain. K$r' evrevOev Kul TOVS avepovs biaOprjaai. Equit. 540. ', ov, TO, subst. [captura prima,] the first booty. Tovrfl Kev bos Trpw-dypWv aiov eirj. Gall. 3. 104. SYN. ITpwroXeict. lporap)(os, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [a prima origine proveniens,] arising from the origin, original. rTpwrap^oV aTrjV kv pepei b' aTreTrrvoav. Agam. Il6*3. SYN. "Ap^OS, KVploS. UpwTeotXads, ov, 6, P. N. [Protesilaus.] Ilpwreo-iXaoj/ r', eni QUKOIS. Iph. A. 195. EPITH. 'Apj7tos, ijpws, fj.eyaQvi.Los, r/vs. Ilpwrevs, ews, 6, P. N. [Proteus.] ITpwrevs b\ or' e5>7, rfjvbe yj/s rvpavvos 1\v. Helen. 4. EPITH, MavrnroXos, yepwv, adavaros, vrjuepTrjs, aXlos, Hoaeibaovos V7TobfMl)S, TToXvrpOTTOS, TTOVTOTTOpOS. PHR. See 5. 385 8. Ipwrrjporijs, ov, subst. [qui primus arat,] one who ploughs first. See in 'Oi//ci- por^s. vid. Upwros. ?, ov, o et r/, adj. [primum percussus,] first struck. Tepyuom re Trpw- aXiy. Troad. 106l. -eta, as, ^, P. N. [Protogenia.] Ae Ilpwroyerctos. Olymp. 9. 63. 'ds, ov, oet^, et 7rpd)Td(j)vi]s, eds, adj. [primogenitus,] first born or pro- duced. *Av, TTpwToyovov QaXijs kv OaXduots. Iph. T. 209. See also Apoll. 3. 850. SYN. Opdrep^yev//?, Trpw-oroKos, (i. e. Trpwro'rovos.) IpuTodpoi'ds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [primo throno sedens,] sitting on the first throne or seat, \rjoias, 'Ipfipaairi, TrpwrvQaove' vol 6' 'Ayaueuvwv. Call. 3. 228. ~\pb)TOKTovos, ov, 6 et if, adj. [qui primus occidit,] slaying first. ITpwroKToyotat Trpoarpoirals 'I#oVos. Eumen. 721. IlpwroXetd, wv, ra, subst. [primitiae spoliorum,] the first fruits of the spoils. awv be yovarwv TrpwroXeia QiyyavtD. Orest. 376. ?, eis, r/, subst. [prima vates,] the first prophetess. T//V npwrouavTiv be rrjs Oe/us. Eumen. 2. ?, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [prius fato functus,] meeting fate first. Tot 5' c'ipd Pers. 576. npwrd7rdy}s, eos, adj. [nuper compactus,] lately constructed. KaXfiv, Trayfj' TreiptvOa be briaav ?r' avTfjs. ft. 267 1 " ITpcoi dissyllabam non agnoscit Atticus senno, nee seruel quidem apud Comicum occur rit." Brunck. Lysistr. 612. See also Ruhnken. Timae. p. ICO. 760 npirr FITEP u&>, tivds, adj. [primum damnum adferens,] causing the first calamity. tov' erXa b' ovv durrip ytveaQai. Again. 217. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [primo navigationem expertus,] first-sailing. Hpto- Kovpw be bvw, Kill TrevrrjKOVTci. 0. 35. &Tos, et irpwTiffTos, 77, ov, adj. [primus, longe primus,] first, by far the first. EeVtas T apiBpy TrptT.ros &v ep&v Tdvris t vid. Flpwroyoj'os. Ilra/pa;, V. [sternuto,] to sneeze. "fls 0dro' T^Xey/d^os be pey eTrrupeV a/^t be bwfta. p. 541. Tlralafjia, CLTOS, TO, subst. [(1) lapsus ; (2) culpa, error,] a slip ; an error, a fault. SYN. Ilrto/m, irearrjfjia, atyaXpa, Xvpr], Xwfir), dfiaprr) yud. rirotw, f. aw, v. [(1) labor; (2)erro,] to stumble; to fail. Tlraiaas be rybe irpbs KO.KW, fjiadrjaeraL. P. V. 9^2. SYN. UdpaTrratw, Trpoo-fcpouw, 7rpo(7/3aXXw, Tlrappos, ov, o, subst. [sternutatio,] sneezing. Qrjfjtri y opvts carl' 7rrapp.6v T opvidd K&Xei re. Aves 720. IlreXea, as, rj, subst. [ulmus,] an elm. Ka/ovro TrreXtai re, icat treat, r/Se /ui)pt- icat. $. 350. EPITH. 'EvQvXXos, al-reivi), ev0u^s. ITreXeark'os, r), oj/, adj. [Pteleaticus,] of Pteleuui. Toy IlreXeariKdy olvoj' dvro Kpijrfipds avw. Theocr. 7 65. IlreXeos, ov, f], P. N. [Pteleus.] 'Ayx^aXoV r' 'Arrpwv, fjbe UreXeov Xex^oirjv. B. 697- rirepeXaos, ov, 6, P. N. [Pterelaus.] XaXiceiav KareOriKev es aviriba, ray Ilrepe- Xaov. Theocr. 24. 4. Hrepn'os, 77, or, Trrepoets, eaaa, eV, 7rrepo0opos, Trrepvywros, et Trrepwros, ov, 6 et /, adj. [alatus,] winged. 0uovre$ eii^peada rots ?rreptvots 0eots. Aves 903. See also Ion 200. Orest. 311. Equit. 1084. and Aves 1198. SYN. KdraTrrepds, Trrr/vos, rdj(vs, rdvi/a/Trrepos, evTrrepos, Trereeiros. Ilrepts, tSos, >/, subst. [filix,] fern. At 5e /cat rv poXys, diraXav Trreptv <35e crels. Theocr. 5. 55. Ilr^pyd, rjs, r/, subst. [calx,] the heel. 'Es ofyvpov CK Trrepvys, poeovs fr e fytavrds. X. 397- SYN. ^Ltyvpov, rapaos. TlrepvoTp&Krris, et Trrepvotyayds, ov, 6, P. N. [qui calcem corrodit, nomen muris,] the name of a mouse. Aet^o/xwXr/, dvydrrjp HrepvorpwKrov fiaetXrios. Batrach. 29. See also Batrach. 222. rirepoon7rds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [pennis agitatus,] moved by wings. Kai Trrepo- bovrjTa' av 6e KXvwv e'iaet rd^d. Aves 1390. ITrepoets, vid. Ilrepti'os. Flrepoj', ov, ro, et 7rrepv, i/yos, r/, subst. [ala,] a wing. Aevpov yap olpov aWepos 4/a/pei Trrepots. P. V. 402. See also B. 31 6. EPITH. nap0eVto>, ovpW^ Trrepw- ptva. Orest. 1175. SYN. See rirepu'os. * Ilrj/tffo, ews, ^, subst. [volatus,] flight. Yau^iovvvwv re Trrrjffiv olmv&v o-jce- ?. P. V. 497. rw, f. w, et Tirana;, v. [expavesco,] to crouch through fear. 2iyj/ TTDJ- d^o/. Aj. Fl. 171. See also E. 634. SYN. T , ov, ro, subst. [pluma,] a feather. Tovri TrrtXov , 7> ^s,"^, subst. [plica,] a fold, a recess. TIpotrQs cie ol TreTrXoto , et 7rrwl\ov 7rrajfcas?//V "fjer. A. 372. SYN.Ilr^o/iat, irrijffffb), Trrwero-w, ec7rX>/cr- , dSos, ^, adj. [timida,] timid. Hrwrnai^ aidviqat ptov TES. Horn. Hymn. 42. 2. lrcD^d, drds, ro, subst. [(1) casus ; (2) clades ; (3) cadaver,] a fall ; disaster ; a corpse. MeVeXaos, 'EXevrjs irrHjp t5, are Kai raxrfyiois. Agam. 109,1. SYN. 'Epetyipds. u), vid. Iln/o'O'aj. lrwxe/a, as, ?), subst. [mendicitas, paupertas,] beggary, poverty. OVKOVV bi]icov rrjs TTT\eias irtvlav QajjLzv elvai abeXtytjv. Plut. 549. SYN. 'A^^j/ta, dTropia, XP ta > T^fa* evbeia. Trw^euw, et Ion. imp. 7rrwx e ^ effK <5i>, v. [mendico,] lo beg. Tlrioyevaw, Iva. pri ae KaTaTpvyju KO.I eraipovs. o. 308. SYN. 'ETrcurew, Trpooxurtw, aTropew. 17, ov, adj. [mendico conveniens,] beggarly, mean. 'Arap beopai ye jGafcrr/ptov. Acliarn. 448. SYN. See 11^. epds, vid. Hrwxos. s, ov, 6 et /, adj. [ad mendicitatem redigens,] reducing to beggary. Kai Trrw^oTroic, KO.I \ Ran. 842. Hrwxps, compar. Trrwx^repds, rj, ov, adj. [mendicus,] a beggar, poor. Hrw- Xv /^ei/ yap /3to>, or o-i) Atyets, v, P. N. [Pygmsei,] the Pygmies. 'Avbpaal ^Ivypaioiffi tyovov KO\ Krjpa Qepovoai. T. 6. ITyy/jdxt", as, et Ili/y/z)), ijs, fj, subst. [pugilatus,] boxing. EtSws Trvyp:a\ir]s t vlos flavoTrrios 'ETretos. ^F. 665. See also T. 669. EPITH. 'Airrjvris, vtrtp- 07T\US. Ilt/y^dxos, et VVKTTJS, ov, 6, subst. [pugil,] a boxer. o-ac. Isthm. 8. 135. See also Theocr. 22. 65. SYN. Tlvyfjirj, vid. YLvyuayla. HvyoffroXds, ov, o et /, adj. [nates ornans,] ornamenting the buttocks. yvvi] tre voov irvyoaToXos ^a.TTa.TaT(t>. Hes. Op. 371. TlvyovoWs, a, ov t adj. [mensuram cubiti sequans,] a cubit wide. opv^ai dffov TE Trvyovalov eV0d Kai et>6a. K. 517. IlveXdi, 1 ov, TI, subst. [(1) balneatorium vas ; (2) alveus in quo lac aut alius liquor excipitur,] a bathing utensil; a dish or bowl. Kai T>]V vrvtAov Kdrd- icAv^e, Kai Oep^aiv vbwp. Pax 843. SYN. 2/cv/, adj. [qui Pythia vincit,] conquering at the Pythiaa games. 'YTreprdras, HvQitiriKdy. Pyth. 8. 5. TlvOws, vid. UvdiKos. Hv6ui]v, evds, 6, j^ubst. [fundus,] the bottom. Di/Aats bi7rXa~is ev^Adr'* CK 5l *v&iJitvuv. (E. R. 126'1. SYN. Be^0os, fivaaus. Tlvdo'i, vid. ITy0a;. 1 The first syllable of Hve\os is long in Epic writers, as in Homer, T. 553. but uniformly short in Attic writers, as in Aristophanes, Vesp. 140. 2 nMios has the penult, long, Horn. Hymn. 2. 373. nreo HYAA 7*53 TIvBoKpavro's, ov, b et ^, adj. [ab Apolline perfectus,] accomplished by Apollo. Kcu yap rd TrvQ5KpavTa, bvcrpaQr) 5' O/JLWS. Agam. 1226. , adj. [Delphis oracula edens,] oracular at Delphi. Toy Hw- v, xpfoavr* ejuoi. Choeph. 101/. , et irvOoxprjerTos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [Delphis prsedictus vel praedi- cens,] foretold or foretelling at Delphi. '6 TlvOd^pJiaras 0i/yds. Choeph. 927. See also Choeph. 901. , f. o-w, v. [putrefacio,] to rot. 'Avepb's, ol ^ TTOV Xev/c' cored 7rv0erai . a. iGl. SYN. 2^7rw, aTToo^Trw, pvbaivu. w, oos, o7, o>, etlTvSwj/, wvos, ace. antiq. Fli/PwSe, ^, P.N. [Delphi,] a city in Phocis, famous for an oracle of Apollo. AtSw. Androm. 52. See also B. 519. and A. 580. SYN. AeXtyol. EPITH. d, vid. :a5w, f. dr] TTVKLV^S tvtKvpos. 0dXayi. N. 145. See also Phoen. Il67 SYN. 2vx v ^ s > avveros, Tri/icfytT^s', o^os, adj. [prudenti mente praeditus,] of a prudent mind. "AXXov y* e'tVeorOat Zqvbs TrvKivotypova /3ovX>/v. Horn. Merc. 535. SYN. ILkf/u^S//*, TTVK'IVOS, bafypwv, Trep^pwv, 7rtpiaao a ' l *~ , TrvKTtbas. Ac ham. 879 , oi/, 6, P. N. [Pylades,] the friend and relative of Orestes. rivXdS^, v eK7Towi>, ws av ffas. Choeph. 18. Il&Xa//udxs, oy, 6 et >/, adj. [qui ad Pylum pugnat,] fighting at Pylos. 'pwe ft ai/0' 7; IlaXXds, r/ ITi;Xcu>axos. Equit. 1172. t^e^s, eels, 6, P. N. [Pylzemenes.] "Et/0d o? vos tTraXro IIvXai^i/0$ Bdat- . N. 643. PHR. nvXac^tveos XdfftoV Kijp, araXavrSs "Apjjt, dpxos IlcfyXa- Xi/os. ydi'fcjv. vXatds, oy, 6, P. N. [Pylams.] Taiv fe' 'IwVOMs rt, B. 842. 764 IIYAA I1YPA YlvXaprrjs, 1 ov, adj. [portas clausas habens,] having ihe gates shut. Eu ' Trep toVrd irvXaprao KpcLTepolo. N. 415. * IliJXcms, tbos, f), adj. [apud Thermopylas celebrata,] celebrated at Thermo- pylae. llvXaribes KaXovvrat. Trach. 640. HvXawpos, TrvXwpds, et TrvXrjSoKos, ov, 6 et rj t subst. [janitor,] a porter. 'Orpi/vewv Trdpd rel^os ayaKXeirovs irvXawpovs. $. 530. . See also Here. F. 1268. and Horn. Merc. 15. SYN. 0vpwpos, vXa. EPITH. "lepos, TpaweZevs. UvXrj, rjs, ^, et IMw/ia, arto, ro, subst. [(l) porta ; (2) P. N. Pyla.] (1) a gate, (2) Thermopylae. "H/c) ITvXrotffti/ rv X 07. P. 704. EPJTH. IlvX^ygi^s. Ili;Xos, ov et antiq. bQtv, f], P. N. [Pylos.] 0v/uos e^pprtdrj l^v es UvXov t O0pa TrvdrjTai. b. 713. EPITH. 'H/ia^deerad, ^yd(?a, t"pd, catfea, Ni7\/?os. ITvXdw, v. [portis munio,] to fortify with gates. Kai vvv airavr' enelvd TrtTrvXw- rai TrvXais. Aves 1158. IlvXwyLid, vid. IlvXi/. IlvXwj/, w>^s, 6, P. N. [Pylon.] Avrdp CTretrd UvXwva Kai "Qpfivdv QerapiZf. M. 187. ITvXwpds, vid. IlvXaopos. ITi/)udros, 77, o>, adj. [extremus,] last. "AXXore 6' kv Trvjudrottrt, tiXevW TTUS 6' dpd ^aX^. t. 369. SYN. "Eo-^drdj, vardros, Trdvvffrdros, oTrtflrrdros, reXev- t, et Ion. imp. irvdeffKov, v. [(l) audio, cognosce ; (2) scis- citor,] to hear; to know, to inquire, to ask. "Eyvws" drap TIS &v ye ; Androni. 875. SYN. 'Avd7ri/i'0d'fymi, Kirvv6avo(, 7rtord/iat, du i/4> adv. [pugnis,] with the fists. rii> 7rdra|as /uov '^o^e rovs \opovs TOVS irpoadlovs. Ran. 548. SYN. Ili/yjUT;. ds, 77, ov, adj. [buxinus,] of the box-tree. Hv^ivov o^dXoev r', ev oi/;- iv dprjpds. H. 2b9 s, ov, r/, subst. [buxus,] the box^tree. 'faabopevov wv^otd wort KXdSoV w$ 6 f . Bion 2. 3. Ilvos, ov, 6, subst. [colostrum,] beasting milk. Kcu ffTfydvoiatv TravroSdTrotcrtr, Kal 7rv) Trypt be^eaQai^ pyre irpoafywveiv Tivd. Orest. 47- SYN. $Xo^,"H^at), dXeyeiv^, atv^. Ilypaypa, as, ^f, subst. [forceps fabrorum ferrariorum,] tongs. "\K^ovd re, atyvpav T\ evTroir}Tov re irvpa^ypriv. y. 434. * Ili/patflw, v. [comburo,] to burn. T/s yap 7rvpa/0etv irpotyaais 'Apyctwv arpd- TOV ; Rhes. 78. SYN. Katw, m7-a0Xeya), irifjnrprjfjiij atfldXow, irvpirdXtw. flvpa/x/-"?s, ou, 6, P. N. [Pyraechuies.] Kat /3dXe Ilvpa/x/w>7v, os ITa/eJrdy (T Ktipwras. II. 287- 1 Hv\cipTTf}s is a P. N. in Homer, A, 491. nrpA FIYPI 765 \TLvpaKTeaj, v. [in igne verso,] to turn in the fire. "Afc-poV aap be Xd/fov TTV- paKTedv iv irvpl KJjXew. 1 t. 328. Ilvpdjuoi/s, OVVTOS, o, subst. [placenta triticea,] a kind of sweet cake made of wheat and honey. ToD yap re^ra^t-tv /jjuerepos o Trvpdfjiovs. Thesm. 94. Ilypdffds, ov, 6, P. N. [Pyrasus.] Ourd be Avffavbpov Kal \\vpaoov fjbe HvXap- rrfv. A. 401. vpavyi}s, eos, 6 et */, adj. [igne fulgens,] shining with fire, 'ttvoperjs CTK^TT- ovxfc, Trvpai/yed KVK\OI> eXlaawv. Horn. Hymn. 7. 6. vpyrjbov, adv. [turmatim,] in crowds. "I rerpT}. O. 6 18. SYN. 'lXd56>, dyopqooV. vpyj/ptw, v. [turribus claudo, obsideo,] to shut up in the tower, to invest, to besiege. XpoVov yap ijbrj Tovbe TTVpyrjpovfjievois. Sept. Theb. 22. SYN. v, vid. , T}, Qv t et Trypyoirts, tSos, ?/, adj. [turreus,] of a tower. Nfl-/i/oymrct . Pers. 86^. See also Sept. Theb. 338. , ov, 6 et /, adj. [turres vastans,] tower-destroying. ITdXtjuovs s. Pers. 108. upyos, ov, 6, dim. 7rvpyt5?oi>, ou, et Trvpyw^ud, dros, TO, subst. [turris, aedifica- tio,] a tower, an edifice. Kcu 7ra7s /ici/apo-^v rrarlp e^ei Trvpyov ptyav. Alcest. See also Equit. 790. and Pho3n. 294. SYN. TeTxos. EpiTH/Op0ro*, js, /utyds, eiavyj/s, a0payv\a,a.Kds, 6 et >/, subst. [custos turrium,] a keeper of the towers. es, 7ro\lv. Sept. Theb. 154. , v. [in ahum tollo, amplifico,] to raise on high, to exaggerate. , os ireirvpyweat Opaaei. Orest. 1585. SYN. 'T^/dw, av^o>, /uc- >, et Trvpyoetbfjs, eos, 6 et T/, adj. [turritus,] full of towers. UK-pas rjKe irvpy&bovs TrXaKos. Trach. 273. typyw//d, vid. Ilupyos. *af)s, eos, 6 et ^r, adj. [igni urens,] burning with fire. Tlvpbdrj .v. Choeph. 597. Ivpewv, et Ion. Kvpiftov, ov, TO, subst. [igniarium,] wood for kindling a fire. 'Avbpos Te^vrjfjia, Kal TrvpeV opov Tabe. Philoct. 36. See also Horn. Merc. 111. ^vpeacru), et rrvperrw, v. [febri laboro,] to be in a fever. 7 {l//ot, TrvpeWw, avy- rdXas. Cycl. 228. [vperos, ov, 6, subst. [febris, ardor,] a fever, glowing heat. Tots r/7rtdXo tirt- %etpfi(Tai irepvaii', Kal Tols TrvpeTolaif. Vesp. 1036. SYN. $Xoy//o$, 7rup, jcavyua. EPITH. AWwv, Xa(3pos. ?, et Trvpo^opds, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [triticum ferens,] wheat-bearing. T lov y es ireblov TrvprjfydpoV eV0d 6' iTretrd. y. 495. See also Phoen. 653. SYN. IloXvXjyios, evKapiros, KapTrotyopds. ^LvpiaTrjs, ov, 6, subst. [decoctum lac,] scalded cream. See in IIvos. Ivptyeverris, ov, et Trvpiyevijs, eos, o et ^f, adj. [igni genitus,] forged in the fire. HvplyeveTav 'xaXtvSjv. Sept. Theb. 192. See also Hipp. 1218. TvplSaTrrds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [ab igni consumptus,] consumed by fire. Aei/p' ire, ae.fjiral, TrvpibaTTTiO. Eumen. 1044. >, ov, TO, subst. [igniculus,] a little fire. ITvpiStd XeTrrd n*v. Lysistr. 1206. ?, os, 6 et T 5 /, adj. [in igne acutus,] sharpened in the fire. "Sis TOV ev o(f)daXfj,dls TTvptriKed fio^Kov eXovTes. i. 387. rjs t eos, o et rj, adj. [igni calefactus,] wanned by fire. Y ', irvpWaXTreds fydQi 7reTpr)s. A poll. 4. 926. K?j\fcV is here c*nned as a spondee. 766 nYPi nvpp KavffTos, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [igni ustus,] burnt with fire. Kai TO JJLEV avrav '' ware aKutXos TrvpiKavaros. N. 564. ?Tos, ov, 6 et /, adj. [in igne fabricatus,] formed in the (ire. "Epyd 0' o/jov, beti'ov be. TrvpiKfJirjToi re Xefirjres. Call. 4. 145. SYN. IIvpiytVEn/s, Trvpt- , tos, 6, P. N. [Pyrilampes.] To*' TIi/ptXd^UTrovs kv dvpq. . Vesp. 98. * rivptyuos, et Trvptj'os, ov, 6 et /, adj. [triticeus,] of wheat. Hvp/L/wv, anudy KdXovwv ^aayavov peXaibeTOv. Eur. fr. Eurysth. 2. 2. IIvprTrj'lto, f. Tcvevotu, v. [ignem spiro,] to breathe flames. Tav Trvpiirvtovaav evaipet. Ion 201. YN. Tlvp Trrew. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ignem stillans,] streaming with fire. OkeTs v?r 1 rj; TrvptoraKrw Trerp^. Cycl. 298. os, ov, 6 et /, adj. [igni absumptus,] wasted by fire. Mr/Trore 7rvpt0a- roV. ^Esch. Suppl. 641. Ilvpi0X-x0a;j/, ovros, 6, P. N. [Pyriphlegethon,] the name of a river in Tarta- rus. "Ev0d nHv els 'A^epovTo. Ilvpt^XeyfGwv re peoval. K. 513. rfvp^Xeywr, OVTOS, et Trvpi^Xey^s, et Trvpii^Xe/cros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ardens,] bla- zing. Apdfcwv, f/ TTvpltpXeywv. Bacch. 1006. See also Ion 194. ITvpKcud, vid. ITvpa. Ht/pva7os, a, ov t adj. [maturus, edulis,] ripe, eatable. Ilvpvatats ord^vXalaJ Ka\bv /3e/3pt0i/ dXwd. Theocr. 1. 46. SYN."ftpiyuos, rpw^jos. Ilvpj'd^, et TTupivdv, ov, TO, subst. [panis triticeus,] a small loaf made of wheat, "ftrpvv', ws a.v Trvpva Kara prrjffrijpds dye/poi. p. 362. SYN."Apros, ^lo/nos. * Hvpov, vid. Trvpd. , eo-ad, eV, adj. [igneus, rutilus,] fiery, red. OIos 6' ovpavodev Trvpoets aorrjp. Apoll. 3. 13/6. SYN. Ovptu^s, TrvpwTros, eyu?rvpos, Trvp- pos, Trvpffds, Trvpaubqs. Tlvpoppayris, tfo, 6 et 7^, adj. [igue ruptus, iuutilis,] cracked by the fire, use- less. AdXov ri ifat nvpoppayes. Acharn. 933. Ilvpos, ov, o, subst. [triticum, frumentum,] wheat, corn. "Earaffd irvpov ebovrts. K. 569. SYN. KptOr), atros. EPITH. Tlvpvfpopos, vid. IIvpow, f. aw, v. [(1) accendo ; (2) accenso igne lustro,] to set on fire; to purify by fire. "A^rowl TTCVKCIS, w$ nvpucrovTes So/iovs. Orest. 1559- SYN, 'AvdTrvpdw, KaBalptD, Ka6api(t). IlvpTrdXd^os, 77, ov, adj. [igneam manum vel vim habens,] fiery, destructive, ffdfjieda fipovrav KUI 7rvp7rdXd/iov fieXos. Olymp. 10. 9^- TIvpTTvdos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [ignem spirans,] breathing fire. Ae cvrei, irvpTrvoot eo-Trev-ot. Eur. Electr. 473. rivpTroXew, v. [(1) circa ignem versor; (2)ignedepopulor,] to be engaged about a fire ; to burn, to lay waste with fire. Kai bt} TrvpiroXeovras eXevaaopHv ey- yvs ZovTas. K. 30. SYN. See Kae'w. IIvpTroX^d, dros, TO, subst. [vastatio per ignem,] devastation by fire. Td NavTrXtov r' Ev/3oud 7rvp7roX)/yudrd. Helen. 766. IlvpTroXds, ov, 6 et ?), adj. [iguitus,] fiery. *Ov Zevs Kepavva> irvpiroXy mrni- 6dXo1. Eur. Suppl. 650. IIvppdCTds, ov, 6, P. N. [Pyrrhasus.] Ot 6' i"^ov Oi/Xd^v, *cat IlvppdCTov av0e- /udei/rd. B. 695. Tlvppias, ov, o, P. N. [Pyrrhias,] the name of a slave. Kai gvois, ical irvp- ptats. Ran. 730. Ilvpptxds, 1 r), ov, adj. [(1) Pyrrhichus ; (2) rufus,] Pyrrhic ; red. Ti)v ITvp- pt\rjv TIS tpaOe rriv iLivrjailov. Ran. 153. SYN. (2) FIvppos, Trvptros, TrvpporpT- , with ^x^' J understood, signifiei the Pyrrhic or war dance. FlYPP miAO 767 Ilvppo0pt, Tpfyds, et 7rvpjjoTptxos,ov, 6 et ^, adj. [rufos capillos vel piles habens,] having red hair, chestnut-colored. IlvppoTptyas, ^oVd-xaXa. Iph. A. 225. JvppoTriTrrjs, ov, 6, subst. [ruforum puerorum atnator,] a lover of red-haired boys. Tov wvXiov r' av, yepovra TrvppoTr/Trjp'. Equit. 407. t/ppos, vid. Tlvpotis. uppds, ov, 6, P. N. [Pyrrhus,] also called Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles. Oy riaYpoKXjjs, ov Huppos OLTTO Tpo/as eTraveXdwv. Theocr. 15. 140. 1 Tlvporaivw, v. [rufuni reddo,] to make red. 'O fcvdav VO.ITO.V Trvpaaivuv Troad. 229- vpacvu, v. [face accensa signum do, accendo,] to make a signal by a lighted torch, to light. 'Yjuels be pot yv)/, ov, adj. [fulvus, rufus,] tawny, red. "HSi; Se ytvvalv QavbpovuZvos. Phcen. 32. See also Equit. 896. SYN. Ttvpoeis, vpo-oj'wrfo, ov, 6 et //, adj. [tergum rufuni habens,] red-backed. nvpaovuTov, os o-^'. Here. F. 398. Tlvpaow, v. [ignes excito,] to raise fires. AnireTrj & vl&v irvpaols Rhes. 43. IL/pcrwo^s, eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [ignitus,] lighted. Hvpffwbrj $\oya TrevKas. Bacch. 146. ew, v. [ignem fero,] to carry fire. OoVeuei, ra ^ Kal irvptidpe't. Sept. Theb. 332. , ov, 6 et f}, adj. [ignem ferens,] bearing fire. Kr^aavro* 7re/z?re ?rvp- ff>dpovs. Phcen. 699. SYN. Aafjnrabntydpos. Tvpw^^s, eos, et TrvpwTros, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [igneus,] fiery-looking, fiery, red. Tds re TrvpwSets Aias dtrrepoTras. Aves 1746. SYN. See 'llVpdets. Ivffris, ed)s t ff, subst. [(1) fama, (2) iuterrogatio,] a report; a question. Kat r&vbl TTvaris OVK dwy xpovi&Tai. Sept. Theb. 54. SYN. $wr), /3a^ts, aicoij, Opoos, OpvXXrjfJid, Xoyos. Ivrivalos, a, ov, adj. [viminalis,] made of wicker, 'ils Aurpe^^s ye /udfoV ex wj/ Trrepa. Aves 798. SYN. Avytvos. flw, vox enclit. [quodammodo,] somehow. 'EffBXbv 6' ov5e TI TTW etTras ov6' ereXeffaas. A. 108. Iwywi', wi-oj, 6, subst. [barba,] a beard. zvcrTetXapevai 0' a/'/^arm Trwywva re. Eccles. 99. SYN. re^etov. EPITH. Ad, aTrdStSo^uat, wved/iat. 7wXtd/iat, et Ion. 7rwXe, adj. [equinus,] of a colt. 0Vore 6' ovp^f TrwXU'J/s ptvov Rhes. 780. ov, ro, subst. [equuleus,] a young colt. Kovros Kara^Hjy avrov, . Pax 73. W, v. [pullos domo,] to tame colts. 'Eyw ^orevaw, vtaXobafjiyTjaets be Xwv fj.eXeiv. Rhes. 6 13. SYN. Neoffffos, /uoa^os, aKvp.- vvs> EPITH. Zvyo^opdj, reo^v^, pdvafjnrv^ ^pvaobaibdXds, bpupalds, bpdfjias, 768 nnMA PA0Y /3dXi#s, veoburjs, Zptavxrjv, aiyXfjets, aS;u;}s pa7os, aTaXos. Ilw/xd, 1 arcs, TO, subst. [(1) operculum, (2) haustus, (3) poculum,] a cover, a lid ; a draught ; a cup. Acuros yevoiurjv -Trw/mros r* avr&v bl^a. Iph. T. 954. SYN. (1) $f>ay/j.os, (2) bends, eKTrw/ud, d;Xc, Trords, 7roo//et Trach. 5l6. , ov, f], subst. [baculus,] a stick, a staff, a wand, "larrjal s, /oa/35ovs. Aves 527. SYN. 'PoTrdXo*', aKVTaXrj, /3a*C7/7pta, v. EPITH. riept/i^^s, /3o^\dr^s, fcaXj), TreplKaXXtjs, Xos, aKypios, birjrsKrjs. Pafi&ovxos, ov, 6, subst. [qui virgas gestat, lictor, viator,] a lictor, an atten- dant, a traveller. Xpijv fj.ev Tvirreiv TOVS pafibov-xpvs* Pax 733. SYN. Maa- i'5w, v. [uvas lego,] to gather grapes. A'et 0oirwaai rd TrbOeaTrepa pay/- t. Theocr. 5. 113. , i/os, et 'PdSd/ias, avOos, 6, P. N. [Rhadamanthus,] one of the three judges in hell. Yevbeaff' eyuiye rybe TOV 'Pdba^arOvds. Cycl. 273. See also Theocr. 2. 34. EPITH. 'Avrtfleos, farOos, trapebpos Kpovov. 'Pabivos, j), dv t adj. [(1) gracilis, (2) agilis,] slender; nimble, moving. Ackpfto-t- -GTO.KTOV d;r' offfftov pablv&v. P. V. 407 SYN. 'ATrdXos, Xevrros, eXaypos,' &KVS. 'Pybios, prjbws, et prjt^tos, a, o*', compar. pq.(t>v t et p^irepos, superl. p'^oroyj paioros, p^trdros, et pjfo-rds, adj. [facilis,] easy. Aioim Qeadat ; par5toi/ yap 1 ] errrt s, et p'jjtStws, adv. [facile,] easily. Ti/%ois dj/ aurov p^tStws, ^aov 0tX/s. | Orest. 693. See also A. 391. SYN*. Ted, pe7d, evytpus.- , f. atTh), v. [guttis conspergo,] to bedew, to besprinkle. 'Pcio-adre r'* eil 6povots evTcoirjTOiffi r&TrrjTas. v. 150. SYN. 'PcuW. , tyyos, ^, subst. ["gutta,] u drop. "As dp' cup 'nrneiuv a.7r\w pd0d- fjiiyyes e/3aXXor. Y. 501. SYN. Tco'fr, Xt/3ds, trrdywv, ordy/id, \fsaKas. EPITH.I ai, v. [planta pedis nates alicujus ferio,] to kick the posteriory. TroXtws, pa.0a.irvyl$(i)v t at rds awovbas TrpoKaXovvrat. Equit. 79^. , as, ^, subst. [ignavia,] indolence. AvtrKXetav iKTtiaavro KU\ Med. 220. SYN. 'Apytct, d/^eXem, i/w0pem, fiXuKeia. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ignavus,] indolent. Qvbeis yap &v p^Ov^ is invariably found io the sense (1) in Homer, and in the sense (2) and (3) in Euri- pides. On Hec.v. 392. Porson remarks: " H6p! Mss. etedd. sed haec forma: Atticis erat in- cognita. Quod hoc uno argumento satis probatur. Multa sunt loca, in quibus raetrum irufjia flagitet j nullum, ubi w, (3pexriw. Tatar os, vid. 'Pa'ctos. 'Paiffn/p, ifloos, 6, subst. [malleus,] a hammer. 'Patorrip aKptivbs &OTE, irdXtvrv- Tres' ol o' dfidbrjadv. Apoll. 3. 1253. SYN. Kes, a, oV, adj, [corrumpens,] destructive. KiWepd fjufyfariaiv dXos paivriipla vri&v. Apoll. 4. 921. SYN. Aolyios, \vfJiavTripios, oXedpWs, oXoos. 'Pa/w, v. [fraugo, corrumpo,] to break, to destroy, to spoil. "Earoi 7roO\ OTO.V Tavrtj paurOy. P. V. 197* SYN. $0e/pw, dvatpew, dTroppatw, Opavb), ?rop- , ov, ro, subst. [vestis vilis et detrita,] a vile and worn-out garment, rags. 'Evefivadfjev pdrtoial, KdTraKTU)ad/uei>* Vesp. 128. TdadcrvppaTrrdo/js, ov, 6, subst. [qui vestes viles et detritas consult,] a patcher up of rags. See in rTrw^oTrotos. 'PdfcoSvros, oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [lacerus,] torn. TdKoSvrj) aroXa. Rhes. 708. 'Pdfcos, eos, et paKWfjia, dros, ro, subst. [lacerum fragmentum,] a rag, a patch, a fragment. Aiaprd^u/ycret awjudros, /ueya pdk-os. P. V. 1059- See also Acharn. 431. SYN. 'PdKtdv, rpt/Swi', rpt/^wytoV, rpv^os, 0dpos. 'Papvos, ov, /, subst. [rhamnus alba,] white-thorn. 'Ev ydp opei papvoi re KO.I aaTrdXddot KojuoanTi'. Theocr. 4. 57. SYN. Bdros. r'a/^vova/'s, iboSj r/, P. N. [Rhamnusis.] "ETrXeov, dyu0' 'EXeVrj 'PafjLvovffibt dvpu- delffat. Call. 3. 232. *afj.(fids, eos, ro, subst. [rostrum,] a beak or bill. To paftfyos fjfjuv eov yeXoiov Qaiverat. Aves 99. SYN. Tvy^os, bepTpoi'. ?dvis, ibds, //, subst. [gutta, pluvia,] a drop, rain. Hoo-ty ^v 6 1 ovbe pdvib" viraiOplas bpdffov. Androm. 226. SYN. 'Pd0d/4ty, ordyw^, Xt/3ds, , a, 6v, adj. [conspersus,] streaming. 'Avbpbs fffydyelov, Kal ~>. A gam. 106o. , }, oV, adj. [consutus,] patched. TaTrro^ deiKtXiov' Trepi be KI fioeias. w. 227- SYN. 'Pdels. 3 a7rrw, f. i/>w, v. [compono,] ( to join or patch together. Mwv ets yvvalK eppa- tpds old by yvvf] ; Androm. 9^3. SYN. HvppaTrrw, avvTlQr\pl y Karaprt'^w, firjxa-, dfctojuat. ?d(j)dvrj, r)s, et p'dfpdm, I^os, 7;, subst. [raphanus,] a radish. Ov r^owyw pddvas, ov Kpapfias, ov KoXoKvi'ras. Batrach. 53. See also Nub. 977' Pd^evs, ews, o, subst. [sutor, sartor,] a stitcher, a patcher. Kdyw c7*;atos rovSe rov ^ovovpd0evs. Agam. 1594. SYN. 'Aveor^s. Pd<^?}, rjs, >;, subst. [sutura, compages,] a seam, a patch. ZavQov be Kpu-d btt- TrdXvve, Kal pdus. Phren. 1175. Pa^ta, as, ^7, subst. [littus scopulosurn,] a rocky shore. Xpt^Trrovcrd pa^iart>' eKTrepap^Oovd. P. V. 738. 3 d)(<<5w, v. [per spinam disseco,] to cut up. Ki/7, subst. [spiua dorsi,] the back bone. SYN. Noiros. EPITH. >, v. [carmina contexo,] to make verses, to chant. Ka< ras i/Spias, pa^ube'iv carat rots Traibdpioifft. Eccles. 678. SYN."Ai6w, yXvapeu. /w6os, ov, 6 et r/, subst. [carminum contextor,] a minstrel, a bard. Ylws /^ 60' // pa^abos h'Bdb' i)v KVWV. CE. R. 391. Pea, poet. 'Pet'a, as, /, P. N. [Rhea.] KeXevBdv, as Trpos peyav K&TTOV 'Pea*, P. V. 862. See also Bacch. 59. EPITH. Ila^pdara, ^r^p, wkv/reccXos, irav- bdpaTeipd, 7/&/c6^6s, TTOTVIU, Oeaireffia. Pros. Lex. $ E 770 PEA PHEI Td, et pe7d, adv. [facile,] easily. "ITTTTOI be pea rafypov #7rep0opeovra opvicrr/v O. 179. See also Z. 138. SYN. See Ta&iws. TeyKw, vel pey X w, v [sterto. Vid. Steph. Thes. in. v.] to snore. 'AXX', e Stf- icet, peyKwyueV fc-yCKdXt/^/ueVoi. Nub. 11. SYN. Kvoxrerw. 'PeeOpov, pt-Wpot', ov, peos, los, et pevjuia, dros, ro, po), i>s, T/, et poos, 01;, o, subst. , a stream, a river. 1 4>eids Trap Tei^eaalv^ 'lapbavov [alveus, flumen,] a channel, d/Li, KaXoV, aiTri), iepo>, KaXlppooi' t oreVo>, p.a\a.Koi', r\yr\f.v> Ifjtepdev, jma.Xa.Koy. 'Pe^w, Ion. imp. ptZeaKdv, f. pe^w, v. [(l)facio; (2) sacrifice,] to make, to do; to sacrifice. Kcu ^pdcrcu, et Tts dp* tort ywatKwv, r) rdSe p^5et. %. 158. See also x 209. SYN. TeXtw, fTTtrfXcw, 7roi"w, 7rpd<7'u<70e ^t re7 X os. M. 440. See also 2. 571. arid H. 141. SYN. 2 X /c?a), kdrapp^yvvfju, ayvvfjtl, dpdtro-w, ^ratw, K'Xdw, KaroKXaw. 'P?/yos, eos, ro, subst. [stragula,] a coverlid, bed-clothes. K<*d, nai x XaVas, Kal pt'iyea. o-tydXoevra. ^/. 180. SYN. Srpwyu^?/. EPITH. StydXoeV, KQ\6v t iropfyvplov, aXliroptyvpov. 'Pr)lbia>s t vid. 'P^t&tws. 'Pijirepos, p^Voros, et PHOTO'S, vid. 'P^'^tos. 'P?;/cros, 17, oj^, adj. verbal, [qui frangi potest,] easy to be broken, fragile. "Hr* dv oy' ovre prjKTos eot X dX. 291. SYN. T^a, X#s, SoV/id. EP1TH. UaXiy- ov, 6, P. N. [Rhesus.] 'Pfjffov rlQevT eXe^asev Tpoiy iroba ; Rhes. 2/6. , vid. 'P//yrvjui. 'Prjrrjp, fjpds, et pj/rwp, opos, o, subst. [orator,] a speaker, a proposer. Mwflwi/ re pVw' sperm, TrprjKTtjpa re epywi/. I. 443. See also Hec. 123. SYN. A^J)- yopos, avvjjyopos. 'Prjros, ?}, 6V, adj. [loquendus, dictus,] which may be spoken, appointed. Ov rXrjrov, ovbe prjTof dXV aTrwXojuijv. Hipp. 847. SYN. Ocirds, elprjpevds, 0d- Tr/rpa, as, ff, subst. [pactio,] an agreement. 'A\\* aye vvv pi'irpr)v ^ avrap Vireptfc. . 393. SYN. 'Pfjffts, avvQfiKri, d(3edfjiai. 'PiyrjXos, vid. TtyeSdi/os. 'Ptytw^, ovos, compar. et p/ytords, 17, ov, superl. ab inns, ptyos, adj. [magis seu maxime horrendusj more or most horrid. Mifavres bai x e 'P as * # rt :ai piylov a\yos. Apoll. 4. 403. See also Apoll. 2. 292. Tlyos, eos, ro, subst. [frigus,] cold, shivering, horror. Tlyos, Kal yXvKtpos be poi VTTVOS eireXOr). e. 472. SYN. ^fv-^os, Kpvos, tyofios. Tiyow, v. [frigeo,] to be cold. 'A^paStcus, eTret ouc e(j)apr]v piywoepev . 481. SYN. ^p/o-o-w, \^v^o/ t ^vxpatvu). Tt'5d, T?S et antiq. J70e^, /, pt^w^td, dreJs, et pLSitiv, ov, TO, subst. [radix,] a root. 'P/5as avffTrapa.cra6v aolbi'ipois poxXots. Bacch. 1093. See also Sept. Tbeb. 409. and Aves 655. EPITH. Evyevqs, at/^drw^, birjveKijs, /ueydXj), Triicpa, Xv- ypa, OaXXoyo-d, pabivij, bvffTraXrjs, i//pdrds, ey^TrevK^s, fiadela. 'Pic?ow, v. [radicibus firmo, stabilio,] to root or fix firmly, to strengthen. XaX- KO~IS ftuOpoiat yiiBtv eppi^evvv. CE. C. 1591. SYN. 'ETnpp'wrrvjui. a, vid.'P^d. v , rj, 6v, adj. [curvus, rugosus, tenuis,] crooked, wrinkled, weak. Baicrpy s piKvois Troati/ fit OvpaZe. Apoll. 2. 198. SYN. e Pucrros, T//u0a, adv. [celeriter,] quickly. 'Pffjujta MeXavriovs apl^Ko&s, air 1 evt 7roi/rj. Apoll. 4. 1707. SYN. Tdxews, pea, pe7d, fafows. 'Pt^^dpyuaT-os, ov, o et /, adj. [qtii citato cursu est,] of rapid chariots. <7tv, 17 ptfityap/jtarots. CE. C. 1062. TIP, et pts, 7vos, rj, subst. [nares, nasus,] a nostril, a nose. 'Anfipdffirjv \>ir8 plva K6.ary 6i~iKe tyepovira. b. 445. SYN. Mvm/p. EPITH. IIXdreTd, , v. [naribus investigo,] to smell out, to trace by scent. TWV TrdXot TreTrpay/iei/wv. Agam. 1156. SYN. 'Ix^euw, epevvdw. *'PivrifJia t dros, ro, subst. [ramenlum,] a filing. lipttrroTae Xoyx^s OeXytrai pivi/- Eur. fr. Tel. 25. , ou, 6 et ^, subst. [(l)corium-; (2) scutum,] a hide, a skin ; a shield. 5' eKTOffdev ptvov v&Xloiti XVKOIO. K. 334. SYN. Bvp/, adj. [qui clypeos coriis obductos perforat,] hide-piercing. 'Ptvoropos, (cat Trpoiros 'Aflijvanj tTropovae. 9el. y. 295. SYN.^AfepoV, td, a-KpioTi'iplov, wopv^jy, fc 772 PIIIH PO0E 'Pnrri, rjs, fi, subst. [vehemens impetus, jactus,] a violent impulse, a throw, a Stroke. 1 Urepvyiav purals vnoffvpigeis. P. V. 126. SYN. 'Oppr), /3dX>), TTVO//, PITT-IS. EPITH. IlerpiVTf, d)KV7r\avos, aidaXoeffaa, Tra^eyyjjs, XevydXea, 0oi- rds, 0od, oXod, dVe//wK/s. 'PnriZw, v. [ventilo, follibus accenclo,] to fan, to blow up a fire. 'AXX' cu'e- ye/pei tfai pt7r/c?et, Kepbwv ibuov e7ri0v^u' pnrlba. Acharn. 888. SYN. flri/flv. 'Plnos, Zos, ro, et /)(^, ITTOS, /;, subst. [crates,] a wicker basket, a crate. QpaZe be jutv pirrefftjl blcifj.TTf.pes oiawvqffl. e. 25(5. SYN. Tupo'os, \piados. 'PnrraiZb), Ion. imp. pnrTaeaKoV) ptTrrtw, p/7rro>, et Ion. imp. piirratTKov, v.[proji- cio,] to tiirow, to clash. 'Pnrra^wv Kara bwpa Qeovs' e/ne ' e^o^d TTUVTUV. E. 257. See also Horn. Hymn. 3. 279: Eccles. 503. Iph. A. 3$. and O. 23. SYN. 'ATTOpjo/Trrw, KarafiaXXb), KarapptTTTw. 'PnrTos, ?), ov, adj. [priscipitatus,] iieadlong. Adrjoeu/xdr', ow5' o purros 'l^irow ^uopos. Trach. 357. 'Pw, vid.Ta'. T)^, vid. TlTTos. 'Pl-^affTTiis, tbos, et ptyoirXos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [clypeo vel arniis abjectis fugiens, ignavus,] throwing away arms, cowardly. Tni)r' dpd, ravra K\twvv/aov avrai TOV piifsaaTW' %0s ibovvai. Nub. 353. See also Sept. Theb. 303. SYN. See 'Poa, Dor. pro Toto, q. v. , >;, dv, adj. [facile motus, agitatus. Vi/, P. N. [Rhodia.] '[TTTTW re, KXv^vrj rt, 'Pobeia re, KaXXtpdjy re. Hes. Theog. 351. 'PoSmtos, pobeds, pdbivos, rj t ov, et poboets, eaad, EV, adj. [roseus,] rosy, rose- cplored. Srt^dvos poStaTos. ^nacr. 142. See also A poll. 3. 1019- Anacr. 6. 2. and Med. 837. SYN. 'Epvdpds, Mbys. 'PobWs, a, ov, P. N. [Rhodius,] Rhodian, of Rhodes. 3 'K- ToSo evj/ed vices' dyev 'Po5twv dyepw^wv. B. 654. 'PdbobatcTvXos, ov, o et ^, adj. [roseos digitos habens,] rosy-fingered. r Hpas 6' ?/ptyeved c^d^ po^oacrvXds >}ws. (1. 778. 'Pooe/s, vid. 'PoSmTos. 'PobojjTjXdv, ov, TO, subst. [mala rose^,] a rosy cheek. Xe/Xeos, OVK oaotav XtTrd- pov dXXTyXoio-tv epp e/iot. Antig. 259. 1 'PtVr? is also a P. N. in Horn. B. COG. * 'PoSafos is also a P. N. denoting the river Illume, Apoll.4. 627. See the Schol. and Hoelz. in I. 3 'Po8loj is also the name of a river, II. M. 20. P00I PYMA 773 cjw, v. [(I) cum impetu remigo, (2) cum impetu voro, more porcorum,] to ' row violently ; to devour with noise. OIo> podlagova , w vtiXVripriff 'Hpa- cXe7s ; Acharn. 807. SYN. 'Po0ms, dcos, r;, et poQtos, a, oV, adj. [impetuosus,] violent, dashing. 'Eirel be KMTTTJS pddiabos v>eyu/3oXj(. Pers. 402. See also e. 412. 'Po0os, ov, 6, subst. [(I) strepitusundarum, (2) tumultus,] the dashing of waves; a tumult. TJ/S be cto/s poQos eXKopevri y K avbpes dywfft. Hes. Op. 218. SYN. 0opv/3os, po7/3os, dpayyuos, pv/nrj. 'Pom, as, 4, subst. [malus Punica,] a pomegranate. "Oyx^at, Kal potat, Kal /UTjXeai ayXaoKapTTOi. r}. 115. 'Poifibea), et poiZew, v. [strido,] to make a noise. Aeii'oV \*.i\ ov ye K~i6l TV^OIS, oTe potfibi]ffetev. p. 106. See also K. 502. SYN. e Pox0ew, /3pvxw, ^x^ w > ff p&- pdyeo*, wpvojuaif ffvpiaffw. 'Poifibrjais, ews, fj, po7/3oos, et pottos, ov, 6, et * p'o/cfyjud, drtis, ro, subst. [stridor,] a noise. Qv-b' ev poifibriffei /3oi/coXwv. Iph. A. 1086. See also Antig. 1004. H. 36i. and Aves 1182. SYN. 7 Hxos, pdflos, ^otyos. EPITH. ^AKd/zdros, , fjepia. , 17, 6'r, adj. [incurvus,] crooked. A"t& fa p.oi poiKov TO Xdyw/3oXov, ds TV . Theocr. 4. 49. SYN. TtA-yos, /ca/zTruXos, 0-KoXrds, pat/3os. os, ov, 6, subst. [(1) tornus, (2) rotatio, (3) instrumentum in orgiis Cory- banticis adhibitum,] a top; a whirling round; a bacchanalian drum or cym- bal. 'Poju/3ov 0' eXiffooueva. Helen. 136l. SYN. Be'///3(|, biros, rpoxos, pOTT- TOOV. EPITH. XaXk'eds. 'POOS, Vid. T0pOI/. os, ov, 6, subst. [satyriasis,] excitement. See Schol. in 1. c. K$r* rerdycv Tcpvvbv rols avbpaffi Kal poTraXiff(.iovs, Lysistr. 553. v, et poVrpdV, ov, ro, subst. [clava,] a club. 2i) fj.ev yevov 'yw, ro poTrd- Xov rovrt Xd/Swf. Ran. 495. SYN. Kopvj/r), fiaKrpdv, vX8v. EPITH. Meyd, 'POTT//, ^s, //, subst. [inclinatio, momentum,] inclination, impulse, consequence. ^/aiKpcnraXaia auj^ar evva$ei poirij. CE. R. 9^1. SYN. Nev^ct,, fidf/deia. 'PoTTT-por, vid. 'PoTraXov. 'Po^ew, v. [sorbeo,] to sup' up, to swallow. "Ei'Oov, p'o^o-dy, errptty', CXE rpiw- fioXov. Equit. 51. SYN. 'Ayappo^ew, KaraTr/yw, (3po-^0l$w t KcnrTta, Kar 0/Cw . Tox^ew, v. [strepitum asperum edo,] to make a hoarse noise, to roar. peya po^Qe'i KvaywTrlbos 'AfityiTpiTrjs. p. 60. SYN. 'Pot^ew, /3pev0vo/za(, , ov, 6, subst. [tumultus,] a tumult. Tov rtDv 'Aoavaiw yd . Lysistr. 170. EXP. " 'Pva^eroy, 66pvfiot>, r) TOV peovTa o Hesych. vy^iov^ ov, dimin. a pvyyos, eos, ro, subst. [rostrum, os,] a beak, a jaw, a face. 'AXX' upfldeoQt Kal Tabi rd pvyxid. Acharn. 744. See also Aves 1155. SYN. 'Pa/^os, xcHTjua. vbur, adv. [affluenter, abundanter,] copiously, abundantly. Kovprj ' e.lfjC *Apv/3avros eyw pvbov htyveloio. o. 425. SYN. Xi>o?/v, fffyobpa, Trd^u. tfq^ci'la, as, >/, subst. [opulentia,] wealth. 'Ei/ oe py^^evt^i' e/3dXes acpiolv, ev & aXls o'X/3ov. Call. 1. 84. SYN. EvTropm, ^X/3os ; vd/jtigw, v. [concinno,] to arrange, to adjust. 7 ftS' eppvfyueryuat, Z^rt ^vtr- icXe>/s 0ea. P. V. 249. SYN. Kdrapp'v0/uc?w, KOff/ueu, fcaXXwTr/Co^uat, evdvvw, , 1 ov, 6, subst. [rhythmus, modulatio, ordo,] rhythm, measure, arrange- ment, harmony, order. Ti be /<' w^eX^o-ovo-' ot pvdfiol irpds d\0trd ; Nub. 648. SYN. Ev07/uo<7v*>7, eppeXeia, ^erpoi/, ra^s, (ca^bif, fJieXos. EPITH. Atyvpos, Tv/^d, dros, ro, subst. [(1) tractio, (2) auxilium, (3) perfugium,] a dragging; 1 The penult, is with Attic writers sometimes short. 774 PYMB PYTH a defence, assistance; refuge. 'Anaa? KOWOV pvjud batjuovwv Zfrpa. Heracl. 26 1. SYN. "Epi>/id, <{>v\aKr), mrd^vy//. 'Pvpfios, ov, et pvfjfibv, dvds, 6, subst. [tortus,] a twirling round, a coil. Tv/^/3w TTO.VTWV tyvalv eyu7rXeav0'. Eur. fr. Pirith. 2. 2. See also Apoll. 4. 144. SYN. See TO/U/&S. 'Pvyur/, 775, fj, subst. [impetus ; cursus ; vicus,] force, course, impulse ; a street. 'Ev VVKTI xprjffdal r' evrv^el pvpy 6eov. Rhes. 64. SYN. 'Op/ir), podos. 'Pifyi/m, dros, ro, subst. [sordes,] filth. Et pvftfjia rvy^dvets ZXMV, (ro * cyw Trapefa. Lysistr. 3??. SYN. TvTroV, Kadapfjd. Tt///ds, ov, 6, subst. [temo,] the pole of a carriage. 'Pvjuov egpvoi, jj e v^dff aeipas. K. 505. EPJTH. 'Ei5|eords, apyvpeos. Tvtf/me, 1 Ion. \mp.pvffKopriv, f.pvcrofjLat, v. [(l)trahoad me; (2)(ueor,custodio,] to draw to oneself; to defend, to guard. 'Eppvtd' r///ds TOVT loov vaols 6e&v. Helen. 800. SYN. ', ^vXao-trw, Ifc^vXaao-w, efircrt&^w., o-wCw, eXevQepow. 'PvTraTral, vel potius pvTTTrdTrat, [nautica acclarnatio,] the cry of sailors working together. "Epywv bebpane fca/^e, KO.I TO pvTnraTrai. TuTrdw, f. pwTrow, v. [sordeo,] to be filthy or dirty. KaXflv vTreKTrpopeet paXa irep pvnowvTa KaOrjpai. 5. 88. SYN. riifdw. TVTTOV, oi/, ro, et pvTrds, ov, o, subst. [(1) sordes, (2) cera sigillaris,] (1) filth, (2) sealing-wax. Avrdp iTret TtXvvav re KaOfjpav re /owTrd Travrd. 5. 93. See also Lysistr. 1199. SYN. Ilu/to, Xv/m, Xv/^i, ^X/s. v. [sordes eluo,] to wash away filth, to cleanse. *AXX' ovbt TrwTrdr', e pvTrTopai. Acharn. 17. SYN. Kd0a/pw, d7ro//d \eipa 7rXa^'7r7ro/o 0&.To$. Isthm. 2. 31. 'Pvcrws, a,ov, adj. [(l)vim liberandi habens, (2)supplex,] able to deliver; sup- pliant. 5 - Kcu yur/re bfjptspvfftwv cuv re, 'PvrioV r*, TroXets ev vaiirawacLS. B. 648. Ti/rts, tios, fj, subst. [ruga,] a wrinkle. 'Ev rw irpoffuTry T&V pvriW 6Vas tvet. Plut. 1052. 'PvYos, 1 7), ov,adj. [(1) tractus, (2)fluens,] drawn ; flowing. 'A 'yw pvrols vaafjtoi- rrlv edf*6ptifjiai. Hipp. 649. SYN. Kdrdppi>ros. 'Pvrwp, vid. Tvn/p. 'Pv W , v. [fluo,] to flow. Vid. Tew. 'PwydXeds, a, OF, et ptoyas, dSos, adj. [lacer, ruptus,] torn, burst. IIvKvd pw- ydXeijv* ev be arpofos i\iv dopr//p. a. 108. See also Apoll. 4. 1448. SYN. ' et faxpos, ov, 6, et /ow, wyos, r/, subst. [rim a,] a cleft, an opening. X' d Xtflos es pwy/uov fcotXatVerat. Bion 11.2. See also //. 420. and %. 143. SYN. 'P^y^uci, oirrj, an-oppa)^. w/^t;, ?;s, >/, subst. [robur,] strength. Kat Trvev^ar drejuwv ovc dei pu Here. F. 102. SYN/IS, Svm/xis, d\o), tVxs. EPITH. 'Aff0v^$, a , fiialos. , v. [vehemenler moveor,valeo,] to move quickly, to be well. O irvprjv vrtpi Kato^evoio. w. 69. SYN. Ktved^tai, cTretyw. et pwTrelov, ov, ro, et (ow^, WTTOS, ^, subst. [virgultum,] a bush, a shrub. 'H/ze7s /xev we/ot cterri) cdrd jOW7T//id Tri/Ki-d. ^. 473. See also . 49. SYN. EPITH. Adffeld, S vid. ' , ov, 6, P. N. [Sangarius,] a river in Phrygia. ), fjs, fiy subst. [armatura,] armour. Aopvaaois erdyats TrvXats efi&dfjiais. Sept. 119. (A double dochmiac.) EPITH. 'YTrepKO^UTros, TravreX^s, Qepatnris, TO&I- , dros, TO, subst. [involucrum,] a covering. 'Eotffei'at /idX% P. N. [Salamis,] an island near the coast of Attica. T^s 2dXd/m'os aretyavov. Iph. A. 194. EPITH. 'EvKrifjievij, ay)(ia\ds , ;Xeit>>), dXiTrXayicrds, evbalpwv, Trept^avros, 2dXevw, et ', 6 rpdyt- :ds. Call. Ep. 51. 6'. 'Lafj.odpy^ $KOS, 6, adj. [Samothracius,] Samothracian. QijKe deals 2a/ud0p9#- \eywv OTI r{]vbt KO.T ev-^v. Call. Ep. 50. 3. Idyuos, et 2d^o0p^?7, 775, ry, P. N. [Samos, SamothraceJ Samos, an island in the jEgean sea, on the coast of Asia Minor ; also another at the mouth of the river Hebrus in Thrace, called by way of distinction Samothrace. Oca Acer/Bos, eXatd^vros re 2d/uos, Xtos. Pers. 885. See also Pax 2?6\ 2a^/0opas, oi/, 6, subst. [Samphoras,] the name of a horse in Arisloph. having a signia on his thigh. "YTrdye, ri /icXXets ; GIHC cX^s, t5 ^i> fj.<])opa ; Nub. 1298. 2dj/5dXoj/, ov, ro, et dimin. o-avSdXt^os, ov, 6, subst. [sandalum,] a sandal. SdvSdXd 6' avriic' epi^ev e-nl t//d/ud0ots aKlrialv. Hom. Merc. 79- See also Ran. 407. SYN. f Y7ro6r;yud, dpfivXrj. ^.dvlbWv, ov, ro, dimin. a pd<7vt'T?, vid. 2do^>pwr, vid. Zw Idow, vid. 2w5w. * IdTretpts, wr, o, P. N. [Sapires,] a nation in Scythia. 'Efc/ijs ^e SdTre/pts ETTI <70tri vaifrdovat. Apoll. 2. 397- SaTTpos, a, or, adj. [putris,] rotten, 'fts d?ra^r' ^77 'art jueord ra'0d5' elprjvrjs aairpds. Pax 554. SYN. See laflpds. ^aTT^a), ods, >;, P. N. [Sappho,] a celebrated poetess of Lesbos. 2e TrXeoV *Ap- 2APF 2AYT 777 Xi\oX<)io Trodel Ylaptis, dvri be Ia7r0oiJs. Mosch. 3. 92. EPITH. ^apyavrj, TJS, ^, subst. [vincu.lum,] a chain. Bpoxov rvxe7v ev /3dXe ro7xov. v. 302. See also Theocr. 16. 86. 2dp5ets, wv, at, P. N. [Sardis,] the capital of Lydia. OTo', os TO ZapSewv 1 aorv 7Tpt/3dXXei KvKXu. Bacch. 445. ^apbt'ivtj, rjs, ij, P. N. [Sardene.] No/cre SapoY/vrjs Trdod ve/drov v; Horn. Hymn. 34. 3. 2apmvu:os, et Sap^mros, ?), dv, adj. [Sardianus,] of Sardis. "Ivd ny ae /3d///id ^opctavtKov. Acharn. 112. See also Eur. fr. Plisth. 5. * SapSw, oos, fi, P. N. [Sardinia,] an island in the Mediterranean. "Oarts TTO- Xcwv apx^v TrXe/orwv, dTro rov IJovrov p^xpi 2apovs. Vesp. 7^0. 2apfcd5a>, v. [diducto rictu irrideo,] to grin at. rXtoxpoTara aapKaZovTes, fcvvtStd. Pax 481. os, rj, ov, adj. [carneus,] fleshy. "EX rwv v'vrvwv ^aret rov . Theocr. 21. 66. SYN. EvaapKos, iroXvaapKos. , apfcos, ^, subst. [caro,] flesh. Aev^r/v eSaTrrov o-dpicd r^s Si/tr Med. 1186. SYN. Kpeds, au^a, /3poros. EPITH. 'ATrdXj), 0wv7?evos, et ^apTr^Swv, ovros, 6, P. N. [Sarpedon.] Avrov CTT' dvrtflew 2ap7T7/Sdvi aibifjids''EKTtop. 11.649. EPlTH."Ava^, Atos v/os, AvKtwv dyos, \aXKoKbpvffTris, apxos, bids, f3ovXr)(f)dpos. lapTnjSovtos, a, ov, adj. [Sarpedonius. Vid. Schol. in 1. c.] of Sarpedon. Ka/ jutv dywv cd0ev, ^apTrrjbovirjv oOi irirpriv. Apoll. 1. 21 6. 2dpa>vt/cos, >}, ov, adj. [Saronicus,] Saronic, the name of the gulf of JLgina. ^Xoyos /ulyav Trwywvd, Kat 2dpwvtcov. Agam. 297- is, ibo, r), subst. [quercus hians aetate,] a decayed oak. T H TroXXds ^>i/- ' trdpwvtods vypos 'IdwV. Call. 1. 22. SYN. Apvs. , ;$, ^f, et aartvov, ov, ro, subst. [currus,] a chariot. Zeu^aad 0a adrt- vas. Helen. 1310. See also Horn. 5. 13. SYN^A/ua^d, d x os. Sarvtoets, evros, 6, P. N. [Satniois,] a torrent in the Troad. Ncu be 2arvtoev- TOS evppelrao Tap' ox^as. Z. 34. iarveos, ov, 6, P. N. [Satnius.] 2dri'tov ovrdfft bovpi jUrdX/Uvov o^voevrt. H. 443. Idrvpos, et dimin. SdrvpfV/cos, ov, o, P. N. [Satyrus,] a Satyr. "Orav Sdri/poi/s ro/vvv xotys, KaXetv epe. Thesm. 157. See also Theocr. 4. 62. EPITH. Kd- , v. [exhilaror,] to be delighted. IIpodrai, wv, ot, P. N. [Sarmatae,] a nation in the north of Europe and Asia, 2avp6/Ktras, ro7s aolaiv VTTO ffKijirrpoifft tJdyuds, avafyavbov , bfj\a, efjujtavios, Xa/UTrp&is, Zvapyws. 2d0//retd, as, >/, subst. [perspicuitas,] clearness. 'O0aXyu6> ew KCU ffu Xoyov. Sept. Theb. 67. SYN. 'Evapyeia, aKpifieia. 2d^r?i'i?w, f. irw et to), v. [clare explico,] to explain clearly. TocrovroV apKti crot aar) vfcrat juo'or. P. V. 642. SYN. Atdrrd^fw, S/jXow, epfurjreva), fyavepow. Zd^j/vjjs, e t ffar)s t eds, 6 et /, adj. [manifestus,] clear, plain. Xpovos. To be ffcttyaves iwv Troptra). Olymp. 10. 6?. See also Bacch. 1078. SYN. 'Api j'i/jui, e *Ieai;rou, contr. ffavrov, rjs, ov, prononi. [tui ipsius,] of yourself or thyself. AaKfwf oeavTOV, Kal TOV airo\oyov}Jif.vov>. Vesp. 778. SYN. 2oi, savrov. 2/3o5djuat, o-/3/5w, et ff/3w, v. [veneror, subvereor,] to worship, to venerate, to fear. Ou5e fjuv e&vapilf' ffEJ3a.ffffa.Td yap Toye QvfJiip. Zt. 417. See also Pyth. 5. 106. and Phoen. 1341. SYN. Iljo&revxojuai, evTpETrdpai, irpoffKvvto- juai, atSto^uat, dydio/zai, depairevb) . 2t/3ds, ro, subst. [veneratio,] veneration. Ti^uaa0w, trends eyuTrojOwi/. Alcest. 1018. SYN. T/jtiiy, at'Sws, Oavpa.. et <7/3w, vid. 2/3a5o/iai. s, ^, subst. [catena, funis,] a chain, a rope. Seip^ be TrXefcrr/v e^ avrov ^. 175. SYN. Aetrjuds, dXi)ats, o^oli'os. EPITH. Xpi/ffe/a, ev- s, et ffeipaQopds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [funarius,] of a rope. 2v> rw yepovrt ffeipatw fipdyitv. Here. F. 1005. See also Nub. 1303. j)>, j/vos, ^, P. N. [Siren,] the name of certain sea-nymphs. ^Leiprjves, e t i6 i /uo7s 70015. Helen. -169. EPITH. Y\Tepo"pa~a r* aXXor' aXXoff. Med. 1188. SYN. 'Avd(7e/w, aidvffffb), TraXXw, rtvoo-Xo^, Trvp. EPITH. Aicopv0o/, 0dS, KaXXt^eyyfS, tyXcyepov, Xa/zTrpof, KMvwTroV, Xa/3pov, ^pvaofyeyyts. ifXaatyopos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [fulgorem ferens,] light-bearing. Aa^TrdSwv al\aa- , OdXtpos. PHR. Borcivjy \EOVTOS. SeXXos, ov, 6, P. ^. [Sellus,] the name of the priests of Jupiter at Dodona. wv eaeXOvv aXtrus elaeypa^djuirjv. Trach. Il69- EPITH. 'YTro^rTjs, opeios, ^aiKOiTijSf %djUttievV7s, dvnrTOTrovs. d, dros, ro, subst. [transtruin, tabula,] a bench, a deck, a board. Tavpov T daedevTo aeX/idrd, Helen. 1565. SYN. Zvyov, ibwXiov, dpciros, , rjs t ij, P. N. [Seraele,] the mother of Bacchus. leyueXjjs' laual &, ws dfripirdaev Trore. Hipp. 456. SYN. Ei/wTm, Ka6//T/ts, euetS^s, Xev/cwXevos, ro- icds &tovv7rw, v. [gravitatem in vultu exhibeo,] to cast a grand look. Kavv- os KaKd TroXX' dv%et, Kitty' rifjuv cre^voTTjodo'wTrels. Nub. 363. , et aenTus, rj, bv, axlj. [venerabilis,] venerable, grand, dignified. Ovros, TI aepvbv, Kal irfypovriKos /3Xe7ret$ ; Alcest. 789- See also P. V. 83?. SYN. EutreTrros, aejuivorifjids t evff^i'ifjuavj mXos, Titles, evrifios. eyu'doTo//ds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [gravis ore,] grand in speech. le/ij'oaro/ios ye icai , et 2vd/uat. 5/, adj. [stabulo inclusus,] kept in the stall or fold. "Apvd TV ffariTav Xa^rj yepds' al be K dpecrKrj. Theocr. 1. 10. See also p. 224. SYN."Y7ravXos. rjKos, ov, 6, et oriKwud, dros, ro, subst. [septum, fanum,] an inclosurc, a fold, a den, a temple. 2^aas e/uavrov O-^KOV /uXa^/3d0r). Phoeti. 1024. See 780 XHMA 20EN also Eur. Electr. 1272. SYN."E7ravXis, ora0/uo, votfiv^Wv, vads, 7rept/3dXos, oreyi;. EPITH. Bpfyuds, d/3dros, lepto, Avicacto, Karrjpetyris, dyios, flaSvs. 2>7>d, arto, ro, subst. [(1) signum ; (2) portentum ; (3) vexillum ; (4) sepul- crum,] a sign, a device ; a portent ; a standard ; a tomb. Nkrjs re rn//ud, rat TO T&V r]ffff(t)fJiev{DV. PllO3n. 1273. SYN. 2//ie76>, repds, /uv//ud, <7v/a/3dX6>, r7Xo>'> KO>, /ueyd, Xvypoy, dyai/ov, evbefyov, eVa/afyuoJ/, Xlnapov, TrdXvffTovov. ^rjnairw, f. dvw, v. [(l) signo, (2) nuncio, (3) irnpero,] to sign, to signify ; to announce ; to give orders, to command. 'ETret b* e.ari^.r\v opdiov Tvparjri Heracl. 830. SYN. 'Airoarjf.iatj'w, SqXow, fjiyvvw, 7rp8(f>a.ivu), irpoardaait), I fip t fjpds, et 277/udvrwp, dpos, 6, subst. [qui signum dat,] one who gives a signal, a director. Tls 6' oTror' aypavXoto / re 0w<70opos. Ion 1 157. See also Call. 3. 219. SYN. S^d, arjpav- v, aijfiavTpov, repds, dyaX/id, crtypayls. EPITH. 2d0e<7rdroi', S/jjXoi'. ', et TrjfjLEpov, adv. [hodie,] to-day. Et yu?y /u' dvdTretVer', ds y. Equit. 68. 2i?7rta, as, T/, subst. [sepia,] a cuttle-fish. FIws KdrdyeXa<7roi> ; b. titairip e' ris arjirias. Eccles, 126. 2>77rids, d5os, >/, P. N. [Sepias,] a promontory in lolchus. AteV Eovve be 2^7rtds d-pr;. Apoll. 1 . 582. 2r/7rw, v. [putrefacio,] to rot. Ket/uevy, ovSe ri ot XP^ S ffflirerot, oiSe /utv evXat fl. 414. SYN. Tlvddfjiai, fj.vbaiv(t). 2r/pay^, ayyds, ^f, subst. [n'ssura, antrum,] a cleft, a cavern. "Hrot b payyd TrpobeieXos eortyEV els ijv. Theocr. 25. 222. SYN. KoiXds, gdff/ia ', avrpov, KolXov. , oi/, ro, subst. [sesama,] Indian corn. Ne/uo/iee70d 6' ev KT/TTOCC rd riffafid. Aves 159 ?, fjiovvrds, b, et, "ibds, r/, subst. [placenta e sesamo et melle,] a cake made of sesame and honey. Toi> ariaujj.ovpd'', ov Karetyayes, TOVTOV at \eaeiv Troifjab). Thesm. 570. SYN. IlXd/covs, fj.a$d. TLqaTos, ov, //, P. N. [Sestus.] Kai iLrjarbv Kcti"Aftvbo ^B. 836. 20empos, a, ov t adj. [valid us,] powerful. MdXXov ftpa-^twv aOtvapos aaQevov juevei. Eur. Electr. 389. SYN."Io-x v P# s > *:pdrspos eppto/jiivds, pwyudXeos. 20e>eXaos, ov, 6, P. N. [Sthenelaus.] Kat p' e/3dXe i/aV. II. 586. 20c/eXds, ov, 6, P. N. [Sthenelus.] 20eveXov rvpavvos. Heracl. 362. EPITH Heparjidbrjs, i'00t^os, Kairavfrtos vlos. PHR. See Apoll. 2. 913. 20eVo/3otd, as,r>, P. N. [Sthenoboea,] called also in Homer Antaea, the wife o Proetus king of Argos. Kai ri pXa-n-Tova', w a^ETX? avbp&v, rriv TroXiv at ' 20e/o/3otat ; Ran. 1049. 20e>os, eos, ro, subst. [robur,] strength. Nedr^s p e7n/pe Kai aBEvos rov TrXeov. SYN. "is, dXiciy, 'ia%ys, J3ia, Kparos, bvva pw^tT/. EPITH. Bpdxv, fJ-Eyd, deiov, iriarov, ajjLavpov, eirleiKTSv, eadXov, OVK aXairabvov, aprjtov, fiaXspov, Opdav, beivuv, Triicpov, ayvap.iTTov, /3dpi/, dyutyap- TOV, oXoov. ), v. [polleo,] to be strong or powerful. 20ei/etv rb Oelov ftaXXov eh t. Ipll.T. 912. SYN. /\vvafjLai,iffxv(i), bvvdptv s. adtvos ex"** 2IA HAH 781 , Lacon. pro 0ed, q. v. , ov, 6, subst. [porcus saginatus,] a fatted hog. Afyds av&i&vovs, ata- Xovs 0' evWrds ev aiXj/. /3. 300. SYN. 'Evyewpos, 5arpe0j)s, XiTrdpos. 2t/3vXXd, 775, ^, P. N.'[Sibylla,] the Sibyl. Mera yuh'. 6. rt 6' eywyc ; . njv EfjSvXXav &r0. Pax 1116. 2t/3vXXtdw, v. [Sibyllam ago,] to play the Sibyl. "A^ei Se xprjapovs 1 eld' d yepwv crt/3i/XXt. Equit. 6l. ZifivpTtos, ov, b y P. N. [Sibyrtius.] 'EyS', os eari KXetaflerjjs # 2t/3i/prtot/. Acharn. 1 18. 27yd, adv. [silenter,] in silence. SiyoY', 'AxaioJ, l\at. Hec. 713. SYN. 2ta)7rdw, fiav%a(t), vrjvefjius earrjv, Kdrdatyaqw, d^wvos el//t. 2/yetoj', oi/, ro, P. N. [Sigeum,] a town of the Troad. Kayw nlKpbv ILiyeitiv oi/ptw TrXdrr/. Philoct. 355. tyj), ?/s, ?/, subst. [silentium,] silence. Oy yap ri /rty^f StfTrepaffds 'EXXdSd. Eur. Suppl. 128. SYN.ItwTri), v^e/ua. EPITH. 'AXty'eiv/}, vtdirevdt]S, ro0^, 2tyr;Xos et (TtcoTTJjXos, 77, ov, adj. [silens,] silent. Td r* efCTrdSwv aiyrjXa, k'oi yXuffarjs and. Bacch. 1038. See also Call. 2. 12. SYN. IrwTrjyXos, ijavxus, rjav^nloS) d^wi'ds, dKewr, fftydXtos. * 2ty??ros, a, o^, adj. [tacendus,] must not be mentioned. Sty^reov /^oi- xai at 7rpocr7rotovjU0d. Helen. 1386. SYN. Ou Xeffros, ov fabaKTos. vos* ov, o, subst. [jaculi genus,] a kind of javelin. 'AXX' dfj.vbts Kopvvas -as, ribe riyvvvovs. Apoll. 2. 99. SYN. 'AKOVTidv, fieXds. f, et albi'ipeios, a, ov, adj. [ferreus,] of iron, hard. 'Epydrtvar roi 6' aibt'ipea epyd peXovrai. Apoll. 2. 376. See also H. 144. SYN. 2! oi/, 6 adj. [circa ferrum occupatus,] occupied about iron. eiratvrjffai. Nein. 5. 35. SYN. SiSjypevs, enS/jpovpyos, CTi $, cos, 6 et ^, adj. [ferro gravis,] laden with iron. eXd/3e 5e^ ^vXov. Eur. fr. Meleag. 4. , wros, 6 et >/, adj. [ferrum edens,] eating iron. 2t6/po/3pd)ri Aj. Fl. 820. , ?/ros, 6 et ^, adj. [ferro confectus,] despatched by the sword. pt)Kfjir)ali> ijcrvxps ntawv. Aj. Fl. 325. , opos, 6 et ^, adj. [ferrum producens,] mother of iron. , TJ)V oibrjptifJtriTdpa. P. V. 309, s, ou, 6 et>/, adj. [" (1) ferrum dirigens, (2) ferro distribuens,"] di- recting the sword ; distributing by the sword. Ka/ afe aibapdvofjiy. Sept. Theb. 788. itSrjpoVwros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [ferreum dorsum habens,] iron-backed. vwrots S' ao-TriSos TVTTOIS tTrfjv. Pho3n. 1 146. StSijpoTrXjjKTds, oi/, 6 et ^, adj. [a ferro percussus,] struck by the sword. poTrXa'/crot be rows pevovvtv. Sept. Theb. 906. I,ibr)pds t ov, 6, subst. [ferrum,] iron, the sword, a knife. Te/^et e'as is here scanned as a long syllable. is also a P. N. a people of European Scythia beyond the Danube. Apoll. 4. 320. 782 UAH 2INA , ovos t adj. [ferreus animo, immitis,] iron-hearted, cruel. (f)lXa 7rdXri>. Phoen. 683. SYN. ov, TO, subst. [cortex mail Punici,] the rind of a pomegranate. Kan tbidif j3a,rpd^ovs eiroiei, TTWS 5oKe7s ; Nub. 881. s, w*>, 01, P. N. [Sidones,] the inhabitants of Sidon. HoXXov, evel 2t5o- ves TroXfcSa/SdXoi ev aaKqaav. T. 743. tos, et EtSwytos, a, dV, et *2tos ayu^emXv^ei/. o. 118. See also Helen. 1530. and Helen. 1430. s, T), P. N. [Sidon,] a celebrated city of Phoenicia. 'Efc per ILto elvai. o. 424. a>, v. [strido, sibilo,] to crackle, to hiss. 2/ovffd TrdpdXos, IETTI TpdireSy Acharn. 1158. SYN. 'H^ew, ori)p/rrw, rpt^w, \^Wvpla). , as, ^f, P. N. [Sicania,] Sicily. See Damm. P. R. IlXay' ctTrd ltK.d Dp' e\6ef*ev, OVK WeXovra. iKe\iKds, et ZiiceXds, ^, o^, adj. [Siculus,] Sicilian. Toy SktXifcoi K\UOS ffvKivos. Vesp. 8^7. See also v. 383. Itui'^ts, tbos, fj, subst. [Sicinnis,] a dance of satyrs. Floras, r* ravra ; icporos alKivvlbwv. Cycl. 37 ILIKVOS, ov, 6, subst. [cucumis,] a cucumber. KetTrov alxvov iboiiv, r) Acharn. 519. 2rfciJw/, wvds, ^f, P. N. [Sicyon,] a city in the Peloponnesus. 'Ev ravr^f rd /xera^i) KopivOov Kal IiKvtivos. Aves 968. DiK^atVw, v. [odio habeo,] to hate. ILVw* aLK^a.ivw itavTa rd brjpoffia. Call. 29 4. SYN. See 'Ex0a/ou>. SiX^riat, wv, a, P. N. [Silenias,] a shore in Salamis so called. 2rv0Xovs ?rdp' aicras Qeiverat ^I\T}V/LIOV. Pers. 508. ^LiXrjvds, ov, 6, P. N. [Sifenus,] the nurse and attendant of Bacchus. 2/X?;vov kv HEffOLffi. Anacr. 38. 12. EPITH. Aax^/ets, Xdatds, baavdptZ. 2/X^tov, ov, ro, subst. [sylphium, laserpitium,] a spice. Tov IlXovro^ avro', Kal TO Btirrov ffiXWv. Plut. 925. 2t/uat'0a, T]S, r), P. N. [Sirna3tha.] "H pa. fj.e, 2t/za/0a, roaov etyOdads, ocraov eyw Qi]v. Theocr. 2. 114. 2t///3Xr/tos, a, ov, et fftjjifiXrjis, iSos, >/, adj. [qui ad alveare pertinet,] belonging to the hive. A^ifluv etc otTrdos o-tyu/3X^td epyd peXiffouv. Apoll. 3. 1035. See also Apoll. 1. 880. 2fyt/3Xos, ov, 6, subst. [alveare,] an hive. Qi o' evroaOe jjievovres eirripefyeas Kara /3Xovs. Hes. Theogn. 598. SYN. Z^ros. Si/udeis, c^ros, o, P. N. [Simois,] a river near Troy. "Hei bfj Styuoevrd, Kal. Iph. A. 751. EPITH. KaXXtpoos, bids, Oelos, QpvyWs, 'ISa7ds. 2t/4oevrts, et contr. 2fytovvrts, i^os, rj y et Dtyuovvrtos, a, o>, adj. [Simoentius,] of the Simois. St/jdevn&d Trap' a epTrebov oivos. Agam. 544. SYN. BXd/3)}, ^.r^jua, Trijfjia, ar?;. EPITH. AvypoV, KpVTrTabWv, dXeyeivoV, alvov, dpydXeoc, oXooV, bvaT^vov. Vr/s, ov, adj. [noxius,] harmful. Stvr^s, ov re. KCU civbpES airoKrafiEvaL aalv. T. 165. SYN. KaKovpyos, 5^\r/juwf, alt'apwpos, apyaXeos. iVrtts, wv, ot, P. N. [Lemnii,] the inhabitants of Lemnos. Ot^^rol es /uerct StVrms aypto^wrovs. 0. 294. SYN. A.r]jnviot. tSos, ^, adj. [Lemnia,] an epithet of Lemnos. O? Trptv /x^v TTOT A^i/ov f raco*'. Apoll. 4. 1759- , Ion. imp. aiveanov, et atva/^wpew, v. [Isedo,] to hurt. Ti)i' Se fc' d/av- y ore /zoi ffivotrdy era/povs ; /it. 114. See also 5. 6. and Nub. 106'5. SYN. See BXaTrrw. tvwTr^, T;S, ;/, P. N. [Sinop.] Avrifcd 5' 'Affffvplrjs 7re/3av x^^o 5 ' ?1/0 " 2r>/ ^- irr)v. Apoll. 2. 948. ?dv, ov, TO, subst. [sium,] water-cresses. T al&v ^dpot /^eXovri. Lysistr. 1306. fy>euof, ov, TO, subst. [defrutum,] sodden wine. 'Avri aipaiov, /ueXtros afiiKpov TO> Qvfjubly Trapafttfas. Vesp. 873. is, vid. TLrjaajnovs. , et alav^pov, ov, ro, subst. [serpyllum sylvestre,] wild thyme. Kcu Kat /nrjKwa, Kal /, subst. [sagum pelliceum,] a goat-skin garment. 'Ev Trevre alavpats ey/C(copuX//jLtj/ds. Nub. 10. SYN. Iltpi^X^/ud, t^dndt/, St00tpa. 'taveios ) et 2t0a r)e Liav(j)os eWi>, o KepbtffTOS yever' v. 7*. 153. EPITH. AJoXo/^m. PHR. See X. 596 602. , Ion. imp. fftreo-Kdyuqv, v. [pascor,] to feed. 'ATTO T^S pafys, $s o-trel- rot* TO.VT-TIV yap OTO.V TIS atyaiprj. Eccles. 665. See also w. 208. SYN efffltw, fioaKojJiai, biatTo.df.tai. ews, ?/, subst. [nutritio,] maintenance. LiTrjffiv O.VTOV ev eiv. Ran. 776. ir/^w, o-trew, et 6'- eXeos; trdOev eXx'tcds ; Philoct. 1091. , v, [panem conficio,] to make bread. *H o-troTroteTv, Kay TTE^ KOITOS tyfu'- Troad. 496. SYN. 'AprdTroiew. * 2tro7roto$, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [panem couficiens,] making bread. IIpoa0e/s avay- KJJV o-troTTOtoV ev So^ots. Hec. 362. SYN. 'AproTrotos. Slros, ov, 6, , ov, TO, et trmdv, ov, ro, subst. [cibus,] food, meat. T fi^ oi/re ff7-d Std Sepjjs eSedro. Crest. 41. See also Pax 137- SYN. Bpw/ud, apros, Zbap, elbup, ebefffJia. EPITH. FXvfcepds, jueXfypwy, TroXvs, KadatfJios, aXos, affdzvfjs. 2f ws dTroXoiro, 6eos frt0Xw7ei. H. 142. SYN. BXaTrrw, d^dv/5w, ru^Xow. 2t0wr, wvos, 6, subst. [fistula,] a pipe. '(Is td paKpov y TOV altyuva. TOV 0tXo>. Cycl. 438. 2t^wv/5w, v. [elicio,] to extract. "ETretrd oi$wvi.djjiev TOV olvov. b. c7rtrpt/3etV. Thesm. 557. SYN. 'EpiJw, tyeXKu. SiwTrdw, v. [sileo,] to be silent. Kat yap rt aiywff', <5v aiwKu.aQai \ptuv ; Ion 435. SYN. See Itydw. DiWTr/), T/S, rj, subst. [sileutium,] silence. 'Ap*ce7 aiwirfi yap padeiv o /3ovXo//at ; Here. F. 1117. SYN. See 2iy^. aw, v. [titubo, vacillo, claudico,] to totter, to halt, to hobble. Tw be Svw fiarriv "Apeos depairovre . T. 47. ?, d, o^, adj. [(l)laevus, stultus, (2)Scaeus,] left, foolish ; Scaean. "dirov 6' intends y, Tlves ootyoi ; Eur. Electr. 972. SYN. Aatos, dpiaTepos, dve- >, droTros, ubtKos. 7, 77$, 77, et ffKatdrrjs, ijTtis, rj, subst. [stultitia, imperitia,] folly, awkward- ness. Zwetv, tncaiocrvvav QvXaaffwv. (E. C. 1213. See also Antig. 1028. SYN. Mwpia, aypWTrjs, 5v, ov, et 6av petpaK i5wf, 7rt0u////. Troad. 29. EPJTH. Atoy, btvfjeis, >}ioeis, evppoos, fiaOublvr]*. , ov, 6, patronym. [Scambonides.] Nt/cocrrpdros S' av Qrjffw, 6 . Vesp. 81. > , ov, TO, subst. [decipula,] a gin or trap. K$r' dveX/cveras ffKat>ba\r)6p' laras e?rwv. Acharn. 687. SYN. 'PoVrpoV. mv5em, as, f], P. N. [Scandia.] 2fcd^5eta/ 5' dpd SWKE Kv0/?p<'w ' K. 268. fcai/S/^, ncos,6,subst. [scandix, olus quoddam sylvestre,] a wild pot-herb. 2fcoV- Stfcd /uoi 5os, fir)Tpodet> ^ebey^os. Acharn. 478. .KaTravr], rjs, ^, et ffKaQidv, ov, TO, subst. [HgO,] a spade. K^'^T-' ex*** ffKa.ira.vav TE KUI etKdTi TovroQe fjLaXa. Theocr. 4. 10. See also Aves 807. SYN. At- is also a P. N. in Homer. See Z, 402, and E. 49. TlXolov, OTp/3q t vavKXfolov. EPITH. 8. 2KAII IKEY 785 t Vid. ^KrJTTTpSv. , f. i//w, v. [fodio,] to dig. SfOXTrre*, /uo^Xevet 0fy>erpd, K<5c/c/3dXwv trrdfyid. Here. F. 99^. SYN. KdraovcctTrrw, aKaXevw, OTcaXXw, opvaffto. , v. [nicto, conniveo,] to wink, to blink. Ou ffKapbanvcraetv, ovbe rlva. Cycl. 6l9 SYN. Mvw, Kapfjivw^ vvaraZd), biybiXXw, , ov, 6, subst. [pes,] a foot. ^mpQfjLtf ETti-^t^diov. Apoll. 3. 1259. SYN. See Hoik. K&ptyr), 77$, r/, P. N. [Scarphe,] a city in Locris. Bi/o-o-av re, Sfcajo^v re, *:at Avyetas epdretyas. B. 532. , ov, 6, subst. [merdivorus,] dirt-eater. Md At' OVK eywy', aXXct . b. al ra\av. Plut. 706. r)s, et erm^ts, t5ds, ^, subst. [scapha, cymba,] a tray, a bowl. '6 rrjv Xd/3wv Trpotnu, rd fc^jom. Eccles. 742. See also t. 223. , ov, ro, subst. [poculum,] a cup, a bowl. 2i; be Ko^i-^y ye aKatyWv axo- . Aves 806. SYN."E/v7rwjud, TrdrrjpWv. vid. Sfcd^j;. , ews, 6, subst. [fossor,] a digger. S/xd^eus ris > ?/ /3ov^op/3os. Eur. Electr. 252. Kdc6ds, tos, ro, subst. [scapha, navigium,] any thing hollowed out, the hold of a ship, a ship. E'iO' s t ropus, aXrjdtis, -, wvos, 6, P. N. [Sciron,] a robber in Attica, slain by Theseus. rvs aKras rovp.ov fiaopqv. Hipp. 1203. ^KeXiatfov, vid. %K\OS. 2ceXXw, ericXew, et GKXtj/ui, \. [findo aestu,] to cleave or split by heat. &fj(f>iL Trepl xpoa "irtalv r)e juZXevat. Y. ipl. SYN. Zripaiva), la^yaivut. SiceXos, eos, et dimin. aKeXiaKiov, ov, TO, subst. [tibia, crus,] the shin-bone, the leg. Els b' anopov iJKwv bdptis, e?rt vKeXos TraXtv. Pboen. 1415. See also Eccl. 1160. SYN. KV/^TJ, atrrpayaXos. Xrtra^w, et <7Ke7rdo>, v. [operio, tego,] to cover, to conceal. Kpabirj TIVL o-ke- rrr/i^i.i At1iir>f Ol in Si<*o -jlc/-* ti Ofl S"V XT TTn\ i'iir, adj. verbal, [prreparandus,] must prepare. Ac/get?; dp' avrjf neat Xl/ca^v OKevaarHov ; Pax 855. 2cev/), j/s, r/, subst. [apparatus,] arrangement, dress. 2xev/J TrpfTroVrws aaifjt tpbv Kada^dfJiai. Rhes. 202. SYN. 2roXr), trroXos, Karaffxevfi, oirXiarlis. 2/cei/o7roios, ov, 6, subst. [qui personas parat,] a vizard-maker. Twx o-KevoTrotwv etKdffat ramie ye /ur/v. Equit. 232. licevos, vid. 2*revdpto>. ^Kvd(f)dpos t ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [qui impedimenta portal,] a baggage-bearer. 'Eyw ' eadfjial aot ffKevotyopos fv r^> yuepet. Ran. 499 * t$, fws, r/, subst. [consideratio,] consideration. Kai o-fce^t^, w/ ordcrts TroXei ; Pers. 721. SYN. TiJ^>ws, MC- pavvos, Tupd^Tj. KriirTovyl*) as > v, subst. [(1) sceptri gestatio; (2) imperium,] the bearing of the sceptre; sway. 'Y&v ap^eXawr, o'crr', siri ffKrjTrrov^lg.. Pers. 302. s t ov, o et r/, adj. [sceptrum gestans,] sceptre-bearing. fjirjbe fypefflv aicrtpd elbws. />. 231. Dor. ffkdTrrov, et crKr}Tra.vWv, ov, ro, subst. [sceptrum,] a sceptre, a staff. l^Trrpp Ilpm/iov SrepetSoyutva. Troad. 151. See slso Nem. 11. 4. and H. 247. SYN. SaVw^, |oa/3ds, /3a/crpdv. EPITH. "OX/3rdi', fidai\r]idv, ird- Xatov, a, ^(Xov, apyvpdrjXdv, SiKaffTro- Xdv, ayXaoV. o/7rrw, et afK^TrTOfiai, v. [immitto cum impetu ; incidn, incumbo ; siinulo,] to dash or hurl upon ; to fall down or upon, to lean upon; to pretend, dv e.'ir)s' rfjv (3iav aKr}^ad e\eis. Helen. 833. SYN. ' , et (mjp/Trrojucu, v. [innitor,] to rest upon. X??Xos aKYipiirTovre. va.vnp.ii- pioi irovHovTcti. A poll. 2. 66*9. s t ews, //, subst. [praetextus,] a pretext, a plea. 2/c/^tV rtv' exfyots trots Hb^u Med. 742. SYN. Ilpo^dcrts, dm/3dX7), Trpoa^pd, p6v- TIS. 2fcta, as, et 7, P. N. [Sciathus,] an island in the ^Egean sea opposite to Mount Pelion. ^atVfro elvdXlr) Sad^os, Qairorro 6' diruQlv. Apoll. 1.583. OS, adj. [latos pedes habens,] broad-footed. Ilf>os c rots 2*rta- t. Aves 1553. s, ov, o et //, adj. [umbrosa coma vestitus,] clad with foliage. 2KIA IKOn 787 r' Iv epvtalv vXas ; Baccl). 864. tfas, vid.lua. cmrpt>0(>i, v. [in umbra nutrio,] to nourish in the shade. Toev/*dr' alve~ti> pr} C. Acharn. 444. SYN. XXevdc?w. KifjiTrovs t Trobos, 6, subst. [grabatus,] a pallet, a couch. J A7roXXv/uu bei\ai8s" etc TOV ffKipTrobSs. Nub. 709. SYN. Kpd/3drdv. , et ffKtfjtpagio, v. [facio incumbere,] to cause to rest upon, to fasten. aporpov 07C//u\//dro. Pyth. 4. 399 S'/N. ' , et OKibets, vid. I,Kiepos. wj'os, 6, subst. [baculus,] a staff. Kayw ffKuXiy ffKiTrwpi \tpos. Hec. 65. SYN. See Ba:rpov. * 2apd, wi/, ra, P. N. [Scira,] a festival at Athens which gave name to the month 1.Kipadpit*)v. "Ova ^LKipots tbot rals eftais (j>i\ais. Eccles. 18. ^.Ktppcs, ov, 6, subs!, [extenia pars casei,] the rind of cheese. 'Eic T&V TOV aKtppov e&bqboKei'. Vesp. 920. f. ^ofto). Phcen. 1141. SYN. 'Avao-^tprdw, a\\, i> dpaaos. Androm. 260. SYN. 'Avrjvi]*, ayptos, areppos, drepa/^ros, ^d- XtTros, rpd^vs, ortpeos, Setvos. ffX^pws, adv. [duriter, aspere,] hardly, cruelly. 'TT ratcrt Tri-pais ou povTiet 0K\r)p&s ffe Ka.Qi]fjif.v6v ourws. Equit. 783. SYN. XdXtTrws, ^eti-cDs. *c^<7ralos, a, o', adj. [tardus,] slow. 'Ep^o/^trat aKwraldi' eTriaTrevbotev oS/rai'. Theocr. 16. 93. 'SYN. BpdStfs. , ow, ro, subst. [carmen conviviale,] a convivial song. 'Iriflei ropovs, ffKo\ia, yeypa^/uei'ovs. Acharn. 531. , d, ov, adj. [obliquus,] crooked, wrong, unjust. See in S^TTOI/. SYN. Ao^/wtos, /3pos, ou, o, subst. [scombrus,] a mackerel. Flept AdfceSa^d^wi/, Trtpt aK6fj.ftpd)v vEiav. Equit. 1008. 2*co7rdoat, a/, oi, P. N. [Scopada3,] the inhabitants of Scopium, a town in Thessaly. TloXXoi t)e I.KOTrabatffiv tXavvopEvot TTOTI aatiijv. Theocr. 16. 36. 2ff dTrtXos," ov, 6, (TKoirr), et wonta, as, f}, subst. [scopulus,] a beacon, a cliff. Tot- yap ddvovffat ffKo-rreXdv ypafav Trtrpas. Ion 277- See also Agam. 300. and A. 788 2KOn 2KYA 275. SYN. 'ATToppus, ep?Tn>r). EPITH. 'HXi/3dros, ffiplos, T7i\avfis, TraiTrdXoeis, dy^iaXos, KVAtdro7rX?/, Xofytieis, orv0eXos. SKOTTCW, et crKorreo/Jiai, v. [speculor,] to explore, to look to, to consider. ra xpri/uad', ws %et jjieya trQevos. Eur. Electr. 427. SYN. ), et GKo-jrla, vid. u>, et (TKOTriWjoeo/Ku, v. [e specula observe,] to watch, to spy. NwXejues* ovS' dv ETI yvoirjs, paXa Trep OKoirlaZuv. 5.58. See also Vesp. 36l. SYN. See DfceTrrfymi. IKOTTOS, ov, o, subst. [(1) speculator, (2) prceses, (3) meta,] a spy, an inspector ; a superintendent ; a mark. ^LKOTTOVS eire^t TOVOOE T&V E/JIUV KO.K&V. Eur. Electr. 354. SYN. KdroTrrijs, tTTOTrrqs, KaroTrrjjp, KaraafCoTros, 6orr}$, Ztyopos, reppa, rvirds. 'S.KOpbit'aoinai, v. [pandiculor,] lo yawn. Srerw, fct^vci, crKOpbivwfJiat, Acharn. 30. ), rjs, 77, subst. [muria allio condita,] garlick-pickle. , bwrreiv TO rpta>/3oXoi'. Eccles. 292. biza), v. [allio alo vel inficio,] to give a taste of, or to feed with garlick. rid^Xdyw^, (fiaaKMV ^tXetv ^', efTKopobiaas. Equit. 946. , diniin. a rrKdpobdv,ov, TO % ubst. fallium,] garlick. 'AXXa aKopobiois VTTO rpi>ris eKavTOTe. Flut. 818. See also Vesp. 1 167. forei'<5s, ffKorlos, a, ov t et CTKOTOCIS, eacra, Zv, adj. [(l) tenebricosus, (2) spu- rius,] darksome, dark, gloomy, spurious. $ep', es oKoretvas 7T^t/3oXas pedw Phoen. 283. See also Alcest. 1009. and Hes. Op. 553. SYN. ' /s, \adpaios, vodos t Krefyaios, afywriaros. as, ^, GKOTOS, EOS, ro, et GKOTOS, ov, 6, 1 subst. [tenebrae,] darkness. Atev Kpvirrsrat. Phoen. 346'. See also Hipp. 419. and Iph. T. 1026. SYN. Kve0ds, opfyrrj, >/Xiiy?/. EPITH.^Atpta, ffrvytpa, tydovepa. .KorobLv'idu), et orKoroWew, v. [vertigine tenebricosa laboro,] to have a dizziness. Kcu aKordbiriw. Acharn. 121p. SYN. 'IXtyytdw. .Korvunvlts, ov, 6 et ry, adj. [iliunis,] moonless. Nv S' ap' 7rrj\6e KCLKYJ vios, ve 6' d/oa Zeus. . 457- KOJ-OS, vid. Zfcorm. icorow, v. [tenebras obduco,] to darken. 'Eyw OKOTWOW /3Xt^dpd Kai Aj. Fl. 85. SYN. 'Ayuavpow, /, P. N. [Scytha,] a Scythian. Oi/r' ov piyaoes TLtcvdal, ovre ILlyvvvoi. A poll. 4. 320. See also Lysistr. 184. iLKvQiZu, v. [more Scythico utor,] to imitate the Scythians. Kat K-pdrd, fjLov T eaKvdicrfjievov typy* Eur. Electr. 241. I,Kv8iKds, et Icv0ios, a, dv, z adj. [Scythicus.] Scythian. Kat TTO trEpav, KOL 061 TrXdri/ re7^os. Theocr. 16. 99. 2, v. [vultu sum tetrico et mcesto,] to be sullen-looking. X' w aKvdpa$ei' beffnorrjs 5' aviaropel. Eur. Electr. 830. See also Lysistr. f. SYN. See ^Kvopaivu). ^Kvdpwirds, ov, u et f], adj. [vultu tristi,] sullen-looking. Tow vvv crKvOpwirov Kal ^vvearrwros (J>PEVUIV. Alcest. 813. SYN. BXotrvpos, aTvyvds, , CLKOS, et aKvfjivds, ov, 6, subst. [catulus,] a whelp, a cub, a dog. *dv ffKvXaKes, as eOptyaru. Bacch. 334. and 2. 419. SYN. See Ki/o>v. a, vid. ^LKvXdv. vw, vid. 2vXdw. 1 *' 2.K6TOS, in masculine genere magis Atticum est, monente, post alios, Porsono ad Hec. 819." Cl.Monk. Hipp. 192. 2 2Ku0i'a, with many other similar^adjectives, is used absolutely, 77) or x<^P a being understood, to denote the country of Scythia, &c? 2KYA 2MAP 780 StfvXXd, ijs, fi, P. N. [Scylla,] a marine monster in the Straits of Messena. Ka v -'^*-, 77 Ti/p<7r?voV yKrjae (TTTEOS. Med. 1356. EPITH. Aem), Trerpam, fci/wv, , AvcroVta, Trorvtd. PHR. See p. 95 105. , v. [lacero, fatigo, vexo, cutem detraho,] to tear, to weary, to haras.*, to excoriate. 2icuXXovrcu Trpos avavbw, 7/e. Pers. 583. SYN. 2ypw, cre/w, pnrT('t(>), re/pw, evo^Xew. ^KvXdbe^rjs, ov, o, subst. [coriarius,] a currier, a tanner. 'Es rwv <7KyXooeio5i', f}v 5' eTTtxXfV?; r/)v Qvpav. Eccles. 420. SYN. See ^LKVTZVS. KvXdv, ov, et ffKvXevfjd, CLTOS, et ypd (rd,) eXwp. EPITH. vdpldfjpciTdi', fipoToev. ,KV}ivos, vid. ^LKvXafc* 1.Kvpds,ov, r/, P. N. [Scyrus,] an island and town near Euboea. ZicvpoV oi7re7di', 'Evy^os TrroXte^pov. 1. 664. EPITH. AlyifioTos, 7/re/ioecro'fi, eVdXm. ):ypwros, >), 6^, adj. [complanatus,] level. 2(cypwrd>/ 6or, ev-dd. Pylh. 5. 124. incvrdXT;, T/S^ //, (TKVTdXov et o-JcvrdXto^, oy, TO, subst. [lorum, scytale,] a wand, a thong, the scytale. EiTrep ye ^' avn) Vri ffKvrdXr] Adk'wt'u'j;. Lysistr. 991 See also Eccl. 76. and Aves 1283. See also Theocr. 17, 31. and Aves 1283. SYN. 'PoiraXov, pafibos, IpaoOXr). Itcvrevs, ews, et crKVTordpds, ov, 6, subst. [coriarius,] a tanner or currier, a shoe- maker. Z/cvrjfs, /3dXdj'jJs, cxX^>trdjUOi/3ot, TOpvevTaffTrlboXvpoTrrjyoi. Aves491. See also H. 221. SYN'. Evpaobe^tjs. 77, or, adj. ^coriaceus,] leathern. Ovbev r)X0e pai^d/ueVT? aKvrttov v. Nub. 538. SYN. Aepjudrtpos. , et tJKvXobe^ea), v. [coriarius sum,] to be a tanner, leather-cutter, or shoemaker. "H (T/cvroro^elv, 77 ffKvXobe^eli'. Plut. 514. , eos, ro, subst. [cutis, corium,] a hide. '6 vovs yap r,fj.^v i\v TOT kv TO"IS . Pax 669. SYN. Aep/.td, /Gypord, bopa. KOS, T), bv, adj. [ad artem sutoriam pertinens,] of a shoemaker or cobbler. To aKVTOTOjjLiKbv 7rX/0os* ol & ec TMV dypwv. Eccles. 432. l^v^ds, oy, o, et eos, ro, subst. [poculum,] a bowl, a cup. c HSv aKvfyov r^5o' aaOeveffrepb) Trorw. Eur. Electr. 499. SYN. AeTrds, Kiaffvfitov, Tron/ptoV, Xor. EPITH. K/dffii'dv, xpvffUTevKTdi>, dpyi/peov, evpv, bopaTeov. TJKOS, 6, subst. [vermis,] a worm. "fto-Trep ol aK&XrjKts, kv rols K:I voi. Vesp. 1101. oy, 6, subst. [palus aridus,] a dry stake. Kcu r yuer avroi; pelv" ware TTVplKaVffTOS. N. 564. ^Kwfipd, CLTOS, et dimin. crK^fjipdT^ov, ov, TO, subst. [vituperium,] a banter, a jeer. 'AXX' eld vvv TUIV aKu>ppd.Twv dTraXXdyevres rjbrj. Plut. 3l6. See also Vesp. 1280. SYN. Oat^ia, XotSopta, yeXoTov, /3w/uoXoj(id. ?, ov, 6, subst. [vituperator,] a banterer, a jester. 'O '. Vesp, 788. SYN. , v. [vitupero,] to banter, to disparage. KaJ Tots TIS at, (jtXtyeadai. Nub. 992. SYN. KdrdyeXdw, XotSopew, wp, gen. awards, ro, subst. [merda,] ordure. Kat erKwp dei '^^' er be TOVTM s. Ran. 146. SYN. KoTrpos, fioppopos. , r5os, f/, subst. [sella familiaris,] a close-stool. "Iva pti ye>/w/uai OTK-W- nybiKf}. Eccles. 371- SYN. Ad<7aro>. , WTTOS, 6, subst. ["avis inauspicata, ex genere noctuarum," Damm.] a kind of owl. K?/ opewv rot OTCWTTCS cu'ibdal yapvaaivTO. Theocr. 1. 36. SYN. 2/^dpdyew, et /v, or' dTr' ovpd- 790 2MAO 2OOI aytiffri. $ *99> See also Hes. Theog. 693. SYN, 'H X tw, t, et oy^'/xw, v> [detergo,] to wipe. Oe^rat, \iirapov a^aaa^va. TT\UKCL- fjiov. Call. 5. 32. See also Pax 1307. SYN. Tpl/3m, d7ro eos, et ffpepbvos, r), or, adj. [terrificus,] terrible. IjuepodXff/ irc0a\#, e* e rpiffroixol dbovres. /z. 91. See also O. 68?. SYN. Qofitpos, piKiobr)s, Metros. fL/jtfjvos, e/s, ro, subst. [examen,] a swarm. 'AAV evfyrjfjet' [leya yap TL dewv KtveiTai afJiifvos aotbdls. Nub. 297* SYN. 2fyi/3Xos, eoyios. 2^i>7X w > vid. 2/^do/iat. 2/m-pds, vid. Miicpds. I/uXag/ a*&, $, subst. [smilax, taxus,] a herb called bind-weed. ds re, oyn'Xdvos r' uvOecr^opov. Bacch. 692. EPITH. XXofjpct, ta, dros, ro, subst. [ranientum,] a paring. r' e/oywi>. Ran. 819- tX7;, 77^, >/, et fffj-iXlov, ov, TO, subst. [scalprum,] a graver, a pen-knife. Ae- ao-0e fffjii\r)s O\KOVS. Thesni. 779- SYN. rXi/^dros. /utvdevf, cflis, o, [cpitli. Apollinis. Vid. Da mm. in P. N.] a name of Apollo. ]/m'0ev' etTTorl roi ^dptevr' t?rt r^oi' Ipe^/d. A. 39- 1,fjiivvr}, rjs, ?/, subst. [1'go,] a spade. DwXw yauXov, KTWJUCII a^ivvriv, KOL\ ras avopVTTii). Aves 602. SYN. A^/ceXXd, a/V^, vKafyeiov. , a, or, adj. [patiens, a3rumnosus,] enduring, calamitous. Tptcro-ai vtboW /uerd 6e o-^vyepwrdroi dvSpwr. Apoll. 2. 374. SYN. Moytpos. , adv. [aerumnose,] wretchedly. "Arrjv ov a^vyepo/s, ^etvwr i)?rep old r' copyd. Apoll. 4. 381. 2/jupvd, T^S, ?/, subst. [myrrba,] myrrh, frankincense. * T' efCTTw/udrw*'. Ion 1175. EPITH. A.Wepla, ei>u)&T)S, ' Z/^v^w, 3 f. w, v. [attero,] to waste away. Kijjp dxti o-yuv^ovad* I'oos 5t ot, r}i)r' vvetpos. Apoll. 3. 446. SYN. 'ATroffpv^j draX/<7Kw, rpu^w, Sta^Se/pw, , tyyoSy v/, subst. [vibex,] a weal. 2//w 5' aifmroeaaa. j. B. 267. SYN. Ko7^vXr/, /.wXw^/, ryXr;. 2o/3dpds, d, oV, adj. [tetricus, durus,] sullen, stern, severe. 'Us adfiapos, a Aa/zarcp, etffX>/Xi;0V. Plut. 872. SYN. 'rittpfyavds, xaXeTros, av^aS^s. 2o/3dptDs, adv. [tetrice,] sullenly, sternly. M^ /-tot o-o/3dpu)s x^p 64 X/av. Pax 83, SYN. 'Yirepr)(f>avi/a is also a P. N., a city of Ionia, in Asia Minor, Horn. Hymn. 8. 4. 3 The penult, of 0>tvx is short in the aor. pass. 20PO 2FIAP 791 . A. 344. See also A. 32. and Hec. 080. SYN. TOIS 792 2IIAP 27rdpav H ApT)s fyelaciTo. Sept. Theb. 408. EPITH. ^TrapTov, et dimin. o-Troprtor, ov, ro, subst. [funis, vel, ut Salmasio placet, " non rndens, sed funiculi vel lora quibus naves consuebantur." Vid. et Varr. ap Gelliurn, lib. 17- c. 3.] a rope, a string. Kai ^} ^ovpd attr^Tre vewv y KOA XeXi/vrat. B. 135. See also Pax 1247. SYN. KdXws, p/pu'6os, , , /, 6, et o-Trdfns, j], subst. [convulsio, tentigo,] a convulsion, irrita- tion. O'ifjot KaKubaifjLtov, olds 6 airaff^.6s /*' e\i. Lysistr. 845. 27rdrt'X)7, 77$, >/, subst. [stercus humanum iiquidum. Vid. Suidam in v.] huma; excrement, 'fls KC'IVOS avaibws Trjv aira.Ti\r]v i]aQlf.v. Pax 48. SYN. KoVpos. iwdw, f. d0r/s u' vTroKpovaas. Eccles. 596. See also Acharn. ,1169. , Ion. imp. vTrevbeffKov, f. /Xavpo>', r/epoet^es, KaTrjpt&Jis l/ri\6v y /3d6i), d^eyyes, K'o7Xov, (Lortov. m, dros, ro, subst. [semen,] seed, origin, race. To a-rrepfji dpovpd, Trdpd- Xafiova ctXXov Trdpd. Orest. 546. SYN. ^Trtfpos, yor'o, yov/. EPITH. J ftf , TroXi/wj'D^^v, d^dptcrrov, /uavru'o>, 0^lXv, yervatoi', bvarTjvov. vid. ^Tre/ow. 6vov- SYN* Olov re, Trplv TOP an\i]va K&fubrj 794 2FIOP 2TAA STrcfpds, dStfs, ^, adj. [sparsus,] scattered. "H vr\alwTr)v oirtipaba Ke /3iov ; Rhes. 697. STropytXos, ov, 6, P. N. [Sporgilus.] Ov yap eart iTropyiXos ; Aves 300. optjutfs, ov, oet ^, adj. [sativus,] fit for sowing. OcurfyieVos o-Tropt/noio t>i' av- . Theocr. 25. 21p. s, vid. 2?ropd. , f. d(jw, v. [(l)festino, (2) studeo,] to hasten ; to be anxious. Ov- TI yudXXov es reXos (77rovSdc?6>i'. Hec. 805. SYN. 'ETrtrqSevw, ptXtfymt, dvfjiedfJLai, ffTrevSw, airovbfiv X W > Tldepai. ids, a, 6V, adj. [(I) studiosus, (2) prpbus,] zealous, industrious, anxious, serious ; good. Aeye S^rd ro (TTroySalov o ri rovr' eori aoi. Lysistr. 96. SYN. 'ETriyueXr/s, TTJOO^V/JOS, orTrejO^vos, ^prjards, odtyos, dydflos. 7roi/6apx^s> ov > o, adj. [magistratus ambiens,] anxious for offices of state. "QffTis ; 7rG\tTTjs ^p^oros, ov arrovbap^lbrjs. Acharn. 595. sj a, ov, v. [studendus,] must be diligently attended to. 'ETrt ri^os poi jj.a\\6v, Iph. A. 902. 7, ijs, rj, subst. [festinatio, studium,] haste, zeal. iTrovScu Sc Xdywv Ko.Tareivonf.vuv. Hec. 129- SYN. Td X os, 7rpo0v/im, 7rt0i/)Uta, tTTi/zeXem, dptrij. STTI/P^, t5os, ^, et dimin. (T7ri)piSidv, ov, ro, subst. [sporta, corbis,] a basket. KaJ KwTrdrSwi/ eX0e!v (77rvpi6d$. Pax 1005. See also Acharn. 468. SYN. Ko0ti>os, Kdvedv, rdXapos, crrdyeros. * 2rayyud, dros, ro, ordywv, oros, ora^, dyos, ^, orrdXay/xos, ov, 6, et dros, ro, subst. [gutta,] a drop. T^s r' avfit/zowpyov erray/id, Pers. 618. See also Bacch. 756. Apoll. 4.626. Antig. 1239. and Hec. 241 * SYN. Atfias, paddfjLiy^ \l;eKas. EPITH. ApoalpcJv, vypor, a^dr?p6 XXwpov, vdriov, vypo/3oX6>. 2rd6a7ds, ordStds, et ordrds, ?/, or, adj. [statarius,] standing, erect. ey X r; ffrda7d. Pers. 245. See also Ran. 1353. and Z. 506. SY pefiatos, opOios. ^at, v. [stadio contendo,] to strive in the course. Ot cyw ord6to- t. Here. F. 859- , ov, ro, subst. [(1) stadium, (2) curriculum,] a distance of 600 Greek feet, or about 200 yards ; a course. '65oD TrepieXdeHv arabid TrXelv ?) ^t'Xtd. Aves 6. XrdStos, vid. SrdSaZos. Zrac?w, f. ^w, * ordXdw, ffrdXacrffw, et ordXd^w, V. [stillo,] to drop. 0ypcrwv yXv/cemt jueXtros eoraefcv poat. Bacch. 700. See also Apoll. 4. 106t. and Helen. 632. SYN. 'A7roorac?w, KaraaTaZw, ^EKa^at, Xe/jSw, pew. 2rd0eyr^s, )), ov, adj. [adustus,] parched. "Ov//et, aTadevros 6' ^fXiov 0o//3j? 0Xoyi. P. V. 22. SYN. $\8yt$diivt>s. 2rd0evw, v. [torreo,] to parch, to burn. Tjf Xa^i7rd5i aradevcra). Lysistr. 378. SYN. 'On-raw, 0dX7rw, aldvaffw. 2ra0//dw, v. [metior, conjicio,] to measure, to conjecture. IlXeflpov ordfyo/a*ros, ?), t>v, adj. [stillans, liquidus,] dropping, liquid. Ovre fjLvpototv p)pt- v crrdXivcs 6' aprtTrdyets dv' tipy. Theocr. Ep. 3. 4. SYN.HkpiSioV, 2rd/uiv, u/os, ^, subst. [statumen,] a rib in a ship. 'Apapbv 0d///, subst. [urna, urceolus,] an urn, a pit- cher. $perw Ki/Xud rts evboQev KOL erra/uvior. Lysistr. 199- See also Plut. 545. SYN. KdXTrts, Kepapus, apfyopevs. 2rd, vid. Sray^ua. 2ra, f. rd Trv/cn'oTai. H. 453. SYN. , r/, subst. [uva passa,] a raisin. 'A ord^yXts ord^is e/. w. 342. See also Theocr. 27. 9- SYN. Borps. EpiTH. TT/WJ/. S, ^, subst. [perpendiculum architectonicum,] a plummet. i voirov t/et>C jUEyav rpoyov* 0. 178. SYN. IL^X?), XtTros. 5w, vid. 2reyw. , et wyvos, 37, oV, adj. [opertus, tectus,] covered, reserved. Ttpvyi ffrZyavvs. Antig. 114. SYN. Kdrfjpe^s, ffvve^js eyr/, r/s, r/, et ffTtyos, eos, et (rreyaffrptJ^, ov, TO, subst. [(1) tectum, (2) domus,] d covering ; a house. OvS' a^ aTeyrjv yap, ys Karripfyeis Sopot. Hipp. 470. See also Pers. 146. and Choeph. 971. EPITH. Havbrjfjids, , et 0Tydc?w, v. [tego,] to cover, to protect. 5>yei rvpavvov yuwi/; Hipp. 845. See also Soph. Electr. 781. SYN. KdXvTrrw, 2ret/3w, v. [calco,] to tread upon. Im/3wy avoaiy. Helen. 868. SYN.Ildrew, , Ion. pro ^.Tevowupos, q. v. Sretros, Ion. pro Srei'os, q. v. tVw, Ion. pro 2rVw, q. v. , Ion. pro 2r^w7ros, q. v. 1 2Tf'aros is here scanned as a trochee. 79G 2TEI 2TEN 2re7pd, as, Ion. crre/piy, T?S, ^, subst. [(1) " carina navis ; (2) juvenca qua; nun- quam peperit." Damm.] the keel of a ship ; a steer. 2re/p7j Trop^i/peov ^cydX' ?, vrioslovffrjs. (3. 428. ?, et ffrirrros, 17, o>, adj. [calcatus,] trodden. IretTm; y* 0vXXds w rw. Philoct. 33. See also Acharn. 180. 2re7p<5s, et oreptyos, 77, ov, adj. [sterilis,] barren. 'EX0wv ets 'Idaxriv, oretpav fiovy. K. 522. See also Thesm. 648. SYN."Ay6Vos, drdfcos, d(cap?ros. 2re/x w > et ^rtx w > v - [ordiae incedo, vado,] to march in order, to go. ffTe>xovffi ydp els 0dV6V r/5^. Med. 973. See also B. 92. SYN. Tropeudjuat, VTroY,wpew, ep^ojuat. SreXea, Ion. arfXetd, as, ^ ; ffrcXeov, Ion. . reyLt0jiXd, ra, subst. [fraces, olivarum vel uvarum pressarum reliquiae,] the remains of olives or grapes pressed. Bpi/wv fieX/rrais, icat 7rpo/3dro(s, cat crre^i/Xo/s. Nub. 45. SYN. Bpvrtd, ra. re^ay^zd, dros, ro, orepay^uos, oi), 6, et orovd^j), ^s, 17, subst. [gemitus,] a groan. Ta>v o-oiv 5' d^outrao-', 'loXews, OTevay/uaTwy. Heracl. 47 9- See also Phoeu. 1054. and ft. 512. SYN. Irdfos, oiptayi), oXotyvpfios. EPITH. 'Hv. PHR. Tlevdiftos ffTEvayfjarwi' eiafitiXf}. rva}, ov, adj. [(1) gemens ; (2) gemendus,] lamenting ; to be lamented, mournful. 1,Tet>ci6d', ws artvaKru. Here. F. 909. SYN. Foepos, aio6prjvus, areva.KTf.os. , vid. Drevw. , ou, o et ?/, subst. [lamentum ciens,] causing bitter groans. 'E/c- KOKKiu> crov TUS aTevoKWKVTovs Tptyas. Lysistr. 449- r^oXeo-^ w > v - [de rebus male subtilibus garrio,] to chatter ignorantly about subtleties. Kai irept ttairvov aTHvbXeff-^iiv. Nub. 319. SYN. AevrroXoyfW, , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [arctum fretum habens,] having a narrow chan nel. KeXcraora, aTtvoTropQ^dv. Iph. A. 167. IrtvoTropos, Ion. oren'OTTopos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [angustos meatus habens,] having a narrow passage, narrow. Avroi ff vw avr&v aTtvoiropovs KO.T e?oovs. An- drom. 1 132. See also Iph. T. 891. ,Ion. erretvos, et orfryypds, d, 6v y adj. [angustus,] straight, narrow. Ov ri a-lvov StavXov fxttrrat Trcrpas. Troad. 437. See also Simon. 200. SYN. TVW7rcS, XeTTTds, flTTVO^WpOS. opos, 6, P. N. [Stentor.] 2revr^flt fladfjievr) /LteydX^ropt E. 785. 2re^w, Ion. oretVw, oreya^w, <7rvd)^t(?w, et rrrtfa^w, v. [gemo,] to groan. OVK av fjiovwQeis rijs ^d/iapros eWeVts. Alcest. 307- See also Phoen. 1654. TT. 188. and 0. 95. SYN. 2rovdxw, o< / uoc'w, ffromW^w, dvatrrerw, icXaw, ; , Ion. (jTeivuTTos, ou, 6 et 7;, adj. [angustus,] narrow. Api/^o's awwiros h rpiTrXals tibo'is. (E. R. 1399- SYN. See S 2TEP 2TEd> 797 , ov, ct arlpyi/jua, artf*, ro, subst. [amoris illecebrae,] an enticement to love, a charm. EvXvra 6' elvcu ffrepyrjBpa QpZvtiv. Hipp. 256. See also Trach. 1138. SYN. epyw, v. [(l) amo ut parens, (2) diligo, (3) contentus sum,] to feel natural affection, to love, to be content, to desire. Ae/, et orepojuat, v. [privo,] to deprive. TJ/S <7/7s orepjjfleJs (j)i\Ta,TT}s dfj,t\las. Hipp. 839- See also Eur. Suppl. 1103. and Phcen. 592. SYN. , adv. [firmiter,] firmly. 'Evrerdro arfpfws. K. 263. SYN. , vid. ^retpos. ros, j), or, adj. [amabilis,] lovely. Srep/crov, ?/ irpoariyopdv. QL. R. 1338. dTr^ros, epaaros. proi/, ov, ro, subst. [pectus,] the chest, the breast. "Aprjv AirwXov e** crrepvcis Phoen. 134. SYN. 2r>70os. EPITH. KdXXt^rot' l^6tv t \ayjtn]Zv 9 Xd- os, 6 et r/, adj. [pectora tundens,] beating the breast. ffrepj'dTVTrels T ova. TOTTOV. Eur. Suppl. 6 14. ds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [in gremio continens,] holding in the lap. xov x^o^os. CE. C. 691. SYN. Hefcovxds. Drcpoyuac, vid. 2repW. IrlpoTT?}, ^s, et oTfpoif/, OTTOS, ^, subst. [(l)fulgor, (2)fulgur,] brightness, splen- dor, lightning. XetwwyorvTrw, fipovrrj, aTEpoTry T. Asch. Suppl. 35. See also Antig. 1127. SYN. 'AorpciTn), dorp<>7rj7, o-fXds. ^repoTrrjyeperrjs, ov, 6, adj. [qui fulgur concitat vel congregat,] lightning-exci- ting or gathering. Kwrjoet TrvKivrjv vfyZXqv orpo7r^ypra Zevs. II. 298. 2reppos, vid. 2rpos. 2rep05, fds, 70, subst. [corium,] a hide. Srep^eaiv alyelois 6aafvat. Apoll. 4. 1349. SYN. Aep/xd. , v. [statuo, promitto,] to resolve, to promise. Srei/vrat S' tepov T/uwXoi; . Pers. 49. SYN. 'rTro&xo/mt, vTriffxfyat. 77$, ^, subst. [cinctura, ora,] an inclosure, a border. Ilvpywv ETT' dicpas oT M, vid. 2-f^w. , ov, 6, subst. [corolla,] a little crown, a cliaplet. ToSrvoio-t ds, Ka\\l\op^s f Ktafftvos, ^pvai]\a.Tus t 7Tpt/3c?Xos, tfpo , VdOt]\rjs f f]bv irj'wv, fjbvTrvdds, r^Xavy)s, pofoecs, eiaplvtis, \pvcuKofjids. 708 ITEfc XTIA , vid. 2re0a;. , os, 6 et ^, adj. [coronis aptus,] fit for crowns or garlands. 'A7'd i'd>Set re X^' ^P^ 1 ' A. 1058. s, vid. 2re^)a os. , ffrepparSu, ortyariZw, et nTtyavow, V. [corono,] to crown. OtvoV el be Kpard fjLvpircvots K\abots. Alcest. 774. See also Heracl. 530. and Orest. 915- SYN. 'A^atrre^w, 7rpt0T0w, KOIT/UCW, 7rfptisO', /^w, 1 f. ^w, v. [firmiter figo, fulcio, firmo,] to fix firmly, to prop up, to establish. ITpos ovpavbv Kal yalav ews. Bacch. 1072. SYN. 'Epe/5w, Kparvvw, forty**! eftTtSow. Trjai^dpds, ov, u, P. N. [Stesichorus,] a Greek lyric poet of Himera in Sicily. Ovrw yap"]pds ^5e ^rrja^opos. Simon. 10. 4. rta, as, 4, subst. [lapillus,] a pebble. 2rmwi/* etaw Se )U\a$ Xt0os -fipfipeuTTo. Apoll. 2. 1 176. SYN. Y^os, Xre>a. 2rt/5dpos, a, ov, adj. [(1) firmus, (2) gravis,] strong; heavy. "il^eY', eVe/ p" orifiupfjs O.TTO \etp8s opovaev. N. 505. SYN. Dreppos, OTpos, /Sptdpos, s, /3dpi/$, la^vpos, Kparepos. dpws, adv. [firmiter, graviter,] strongly, heavily. At pd Tri/Xas eipvvro TTVKO. ffTiflap&s apapvias. M. 454. SYN. 2rpfws, ffreppois, taxvpais. 2r//3ds, dSos, >/, subst. [stramentum,] a pallet bed. Ilpayyudrd re, feat . Pax 348. SYN. Irpw^u^jy, Xe^os. EPITH. Xd/ua/7Tr>/s. lr//3j;, ?;s, ^, subst. [pruina,] hoar-frost. 2r/j3^ vnrioirj. p. 25. SYN. alflpos, 7rdy7os. EPITH. Kd^. 2rt/3os, ov, 6, subst. [trames,] a track, a way. 'ETT//, subst. [stilla, nummus minimus,] a drop, a mite. T* oi/ic a tiaov oaov arlXriv ; Vesp. 213. 1 The active form of 2,rrjpifa frequently occurs in a neuter signification. * 2T1A 2TOM 799 , ;), oV, adj. [fulgidus,] shining, bright. 2rt\7r^ai &' d^TriTrroV lep/. IriTrros, id. q. IretTrros, q. v. &,, ro, subst. [turba, caterva,] a crowd, a troop. IToXeyuov ori^os vTES. Pers. 20. SYN."6/uXos, irXridos, rd#s, . I.TLXIOS, ou, 6, P. N. [Stichius,] a Boeotian general in the Trojan war. "Eicrwp tx'uV re Kat'ApKefflXadv e7re^j/e. O. 329. ou, 6, subst. [ordo,] order, a row, a measure. Tacu vewv fjiev orityos kv rpiffiv. Pers. 372. SYN. Merpify. ts, Kbits, ?/, subst. [strigil,] a scraper. 'Opjis, ws (rrXeyytSs Xd/3oi/ffa. Thesm. 556. SYN. T^rpa. 2roa, poet, orrota, as, r/, subst. [porticus,] a porch. 2roas flrrem^ovo-rys. Acharn. 548. See also Eccl. 680. SYN. AWowa. rot/3v, 174, >/, subst. [verbum supervacaneum, complemento versus serviens,] a word foisted in. "H , ro, subst. [(l)elementum ; (2) umbra solis,] element, first prin- ciple ; a line on a dial. "Ordv y beKuTrovv TO aroi^ov. Eccles. 652. rotxrjyopw, v. [ordine narro,] to tell in order. ULroiwyupoiriv OVK ay eicTrX}/- caifjLl aoi. Pers. 436. 2rooXjuo7<7t reKpwv Kparas . Here. F. 525. SYN. IrdXt^jud, ffroXi'/. SroXos, ov, 6, subst. [(1) praeparatio, (2) expeditio,] arrangement; an expedi- tion by land or sea. 3>pvywv es alay avdis a'ipotey aroXov. Hec. 1123. SYN. TlapaaKevt], orpdretd, e^oSos, TrXovs, TrXj/fios. rdyud, dr5y, et oropoi', ov, ro, subst. [os,] a mouth, an entrance. 'Ava crop ael Kal 5ta yX&ffffrjs x etv Androm. 95. See also Antig. 1231. SYN. Eto-- /3oX), eK-/3dX>), etaoSos, ^u t boXWv, aloXoy, ajjfipdffiov, avoaldi', Setvor, d^vXXor, <7u0eord- rtJK, aKpov, evTrpooi'iydpoy, D?ri)/idv, TTOVTWV, evtyrjpov, aQpuov, a^evbes, dxdXt- vo>, evpoov, eXewov, eXev&epot', veKTapeov, Ipoev, ftapfy* f papvtydoyyov, crKatuv, aTrvXwro^, //eyd, tyQovepov, aep.vov 9 KaKoyXwaaov. rd/^dXt/xvov, ou, ro, subst. [iestuarium,] a lake or inlet near the sea. Keu /mi> ^s (TTd/jiaXtfjivdv eXavvtrai. Theocr. 4. 23. yos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [loquax,] babbling, trifling. T?)v ff>)/ ffropapydy, t3 , yXwo-o-aXytav. Med. 525. SYN. Zro/mXyj/s, QXvapos, dXd^wv, VTT^- s, mreppoXoyos. royudroi/pyos, ou, o et ?/, adj. [ore opus suuiu couficiens,] one who mouths. wy. Ran. 847. 800 STOM 2TPA 2ro>dx#s, ov, 6, subst. [guttur,] the throat, gullet. T H, KUI avb apv&v rape vrjXZt xX/c. F. 292. SYN. Aa/juos, 0dpvy. Dro/xtoV, ov, 70, subst. [os,] the mouth. Vid. ^rd/m. ^LTOJMOV, ov, TO, fcubst. [frxnum,] a bit, a bridle. rVw/urj ord/awv are/) ev P. V. 295. SYN. See XdXtros. Zrojuow, f. wo/^dc?w, v. [magnifice loquor,] to talk big. 'EyxauKetv ay/*d. i>Xos, 6, subst. [praeacuta cautes,] a sharp rock, Ilerpatw aroVvx* atyvpov. Apoll. 4. 1679. so;, et aTopvv/ui, f. ecrw, et orpan/ru/ur, f. arpwo-a;, V. [sterno,] to spread, to prostrate. 2ropeiras 0eXa> Trpdrrivetv. Anacr. 4. 3. See also Eur. Suppl. 77& t.T(>, v. J(l) collineo ad scopum, (2) conjicio,] to aim at a mark ; to conjecture. Ev ye (TTo^a^et, KaTrotypayvvffai KvitXy. Antig. 241. SYN. Eu- o'idjLiut, etm5w. t, dros, ro, subst. [collineatio ad scopum,] an aim. OVK ayKvXwTo'is >. Bacch. 1194. tero,] to linger. Tt raur' e^wv trrpayyeuo/iai ; Nub. |j 2rpayyovpta, as,/;, subst. [stranguria,] a strangury. 'E^evpes drex'w$ QapfjiaKov | ffTpayyovpias. Vesp. 806. 2rpayyoi/pmw, v. [stranguria laboro,] to be afflicted with a strangury. 2rpay- ; yovpiti yap, eyQts e^>dyov Kapbdpd. Thesm.-622. 2rpa7rrw, i. q. dorpaTrrw, v. [fulguro, fulgeo,] to lighten, to shine. Srpd^avrdj Xetpos rfjs iiviKriTOV fleXrj. CE. C. 1514. SYN. 'AorpaTrrw, aTrocrrpdTrrw, dTro-], Xd/iTTW. Srpdrapxos, vid. 2rpdrrjyos. 2rpdrem, as, w, subst. fexpeditio militaris,! an expedition, "irw orpdre/a w> -_- 'J ^ r i C/e7, cpdrepos, dfj.eiXl^os, dprjtds. PHR. Kv^td ^epffalvv arrpdrov. Irpdrevw, v. [(1) exercitum in expeditionem duco, (2) milito,] (1) to lead army on an expedition, (2) to serve in war. "Evos b' eV dvSpos 5o>/udra or revojutv. Here. F. 821. Xrpdrrjyew, et o-rpdrijXdrew, v. [exercitum duco,] to lead an army. Ai)o7> yt POVTOLV Se o-rpdr^yelrat 0Uyi7. Androm. 39. See also Orest. 709. SYN Xrpdn/yfo, as, ^, subst. [munus imperatorium, peritia imperatoria,] the ofiicc of a general, generalship. Trjv & /o}' arparriy^av. Androm. 676. SYN. u5. s, adv. [imperatorie,] in a general-like manner. Ka< Aves 36'1. , vid. 2rpdro7ToV. fo, tos, r/, adj. [praetoria,] of a general. 1 Kcu j) Vt biayats i\v arpa- v TrvXais, Aj. Fl. 49. SYN. IrpaTiwris. , oTpdrap^os, et orpdr^Adrjjs, ow, o, subst. [dux exercitus,] a general. 20d\pd 5' ov ft'Aa) ffrparrjySJv Kpdrj;. Rhes. 132. See also Pyth. 6. 31. find Orest. 567. SYN. 'Ap^os, $yc/j<&p. Erpdria, vid. Irpdrcvjud. 21 , adj. [ad exercitum s.adbellura pertinens, militari more,] belonging to an army or war, in a soldier-like manner. Meyd KUI crrpartov Kdr7rap5eV. Vesp. 6l6. EXP. Mfyd, 0t>/3epdV. STpartwTrjS, arparwvtbrjs, ov, 6, et * arpdrtwrts, /tbos, ?/, subst. [miles, milites,] a soldier, military. Ei /z^ KarZwrioas TOIS arpdrtwrats ot 'Ad/3es. Vesp. 965 See also Acharn. 596. and Again. 46. SYN. "OTrA/r^s, Tev^arrjSf a'x//7;n}s, aaTrtffTrjs, TroXe^/tirrrys, pa^rjrrjs. * Srpdnwrtfcos, >}, ov, adj. [militaris,] military. Mo)v ov^ tipotov Kal yvXtov arpa- ; Pax 527. SYN. YloXe/JilKds, yaxipfc. , 6, subst. [augur exercitus,] soothsayer of the army. KeSvos aTpardpavTis ibuv. Again. 120. * Zrpdrw/n;, ?ys, r/, P. N. [Stratonice.] Kai ^rpardviKijv, vfJt&v ovbels oi/5' ey- . Thesm. 807. , et ffTparrjyltiv, ov, TO, subst. [castra, exercitus,] a camp, an army. Medeirat arparos orpaTOvtbov \ITTWV. Sept. Theb. 79- See also Aj. Fl. 721. Erpdros, vid. Irpdrev/zd. , v. [exercitum colloco,] to post or encamp an army. O< pd TOT wi/rd wdp' o^Ous 2ayydp?ot^. F. 187 SYN. SKJ^OW. tS^y, vid. Srpdrtwr^s. , jys, ^, subst. [instrumentum nauticum,] a screw. 2rpe/3Acu), o^, adj. [detortus, tortuosus,] distorted, crooked. "EXdwat vrs.s. Ran. 878. SYN. 2rpe?rros, R-a^tTri/Aos, Svo 1 - , ffKoXtos, arpafios. Srpe/3Aow, v. [torqueo, distorqueo,] to twist, to distort, to rack. 'ETrt row yap bet a t^et ffrpe3\ovjjievov. Plut. 8/5. SYN os, ?}, 6V, adj. [fulgorem torquens, vox dithyramb, ab Aristoph. conficta,] light- whirling. 2>pe7rr baiuv opp&v. Nub. 334. rpe7T-os, ?), 6V, adj. [tortus,] twisted, pliant. 2rpe?rrals Ai/yotai o-w^ud yueraorrpe^w, KV- ,rpe\^labrjs t ov, 6, P. N. [Strepsiades.] IIoO Drpe^tdS^s ; e'4'et, ror aaKavrr)v Ad/3ov. Nub. 633. a-fw, v. [jus perverto,] to pervert justice. 'AAA' da' fyuavrw arpe^tf- i, Kal TQVS xprjffTOvs fooXiffdelv. Nub. 433. with v Apx>? understood is used sufostantively and denotes praetura, a government, a command ; see Eccles. 830, and 865. 2 2rpaT< is also a P. N. : see Horn. B, 606. Pros. Lea:. 5 I 802 2TPE 2TPO 2rpe^Su-fl7T&vovpyta, as, ^, subst. [versutia in pervertendis causis,] villany in perverting justice. HiKpav ratf oi//ei orpe^oSiKOTrdi/oi/pymv. Aves 1468. ^rprjvrls, tos, 6 et ^, adj. [asper, acutus,] sharp, rough. I.rprjves be nepi ffTvfeXri ftpefJLei farf. Apoll. 2. 323. SYN. Tpd X vs. Exp. 'Avdrfrd/^ds, ecu jutyds, icat dvs, KCU biaropos. Schol. ill 1. c. ticty^ subst. [ne nauci quid^m,] not a whit. Oi/S' ai/ arpt/3tXu:/y- d\X' oifjuZe Trot. Acharn. 1035. ew, v. [agito,] to agitate. 2rpo/3e7, rdp(Wwv ^potjuiotai fa plots. Agam. 1187. SYN. Ktvew, orptyu. 2rpo/3tXos, et arpopfios, ov t o, subst. [turbo,] a top, a whirlwind. Ei/cu^oi'er/. rpo^ew, et arpw^dw, v. [verto,] to turn. "H5/; crrpotyel TI irvev^a. Trepi rc/v dyw0d- Xo/. Pax 175. See also N. 557. SYN. See Srp^w. rpd0>), ^s, r/, subst. [(1) versio ; (2) strophe; (3) versutia,] a turning, distor- tion ; strophe ; trick. 'Ev o///mrw>'. Here. F. i)27. SYN. TpoTry, , tyyos, ;/, subst. [(l)cardo ; (2) flexus,] a hinge, a pivot; a winding. i. Phoen. 1142. SYN. uJy, oi/, ro, subst. [zona, redimiculum,] a zone, a kerchief for the head. To ffrpoftov ifirj Xi/d/xai. Lysistr. 931. SYN. 5>po. EPITH.Xpvtreoy. 1 See Brunck's note on this passage. 8 STpoa5!s is also the name of two islands in the Ionian sea near Zacynthos, so called be- cause it was believed that they were floating island?. See Apoll. 2, 295, and Hygin* 2TPY 2TYP 803 2rpi//id5wpo$, ov, 6, P. N. [Strymodorus.] Tfa 2rpv/udSwpov Gp^rrd^ e rov $eXX&>s. Acharn. 273. ^rpvfjLovlos, a, 6>, adj. [Strymonius,] of the river Strymon. OTai 2rpi//4d>tov TTfXd-yovs. Pers. 874. 2rpy/iwj/, o>os, 6, P. N. [Strymon,] a river which separates Thrace from Mace- don. 'PeeOpw ayvov SrpvjudVos* 0ovs be TIS. Pers. 503. PHR. See Rhes. 345350. 2rpv0vds, 1 T), dV, adj. [acerbus,] harsh, severe. SrpvAj/ov rat Trpivtvov %Qds. Vesp. 872. SYN. 2f:X77pos, xdXETros, arepeos, rpa^vs, aypids. 2rpcD/*d, arcs, ro, et arpu)p.vri, fjs, fj, subst. [stratum, lectus,] a coverlid, a couch, a bed, Ad/cvei jje bfifjiap^os TIS etc TWV re 0-9 >o> Med. 990. See also Hipp. 770. SYN.Srvy^ros, dTre^^, fj.icrtjTos, yoepos, \VTrrjpos, ffKvdp(t)7rds t x^XeTros, eirupdovos. ^Tvyep&Trrjs, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [torvo adspectu adspiciens,] beholding with a stern look. 'OpapTfivet aTvyep&Trrjs. Hes. Op. 194-- SYN. ^KvflpwTros, ori/- y/?os. 2riJypw$, adv. [horrendum vel tristem in modum,] horribly. T H Kev ns orvyg- pius. Apoll. 2. 18. SYN. Oo/3pws, x^XETrois, 7rt7r6Vws. Srvyfw, f. r/rw, et orv^w, 2 aor. e'crvyoV, v. [odio prosequor,] to hate. X(So-ot orvyovffti/ avoolovs /itaoropds. Eur. Electr. 683. SYN. 'ATroorvyEw, fju, aTrex^a^pw, e^Gpaivu), ^va-^epaivw. Xri/y^jud, dros, ro, subst. [quod aliquis odio habet,] a hated object. 2n'X<3et roff&bets aaTpairas, ffTvyrffj? epov. Orest. 474. SYN. See Srvyos. *2rvy?7ros, T), dr, adj. [odio dignus,] detestable. "Hpa orvy^ros Trpos fllav yv/i- va^rat ; P. V. 6l2. SYN. See 2ri)ypos. Srvytos, ov, b et ^, adj. [Stygius,] Stygian. Zevs /ueiXtVo-wv 2rvytovs. Helen. 1338. 2rvyyo$, vid. 2rvypos. *2rvyos, EOS, TO, subst. [odium,] hatred. T fl dedfiaves TE, K-ai Qlu>v peya arvyos Sept. Theb. 650. SYN. Mttros, orvy^d. IrvXos, ov, o, subst. [(l)columna; (2) fulcrum,] a pillar; a support. Kfyi<5>rd Kiffffbj, orvXoV Evtov 0ov. Eur. fr. Antiop. 32. 2. SYN. Kiwr, or/Xt;. I,TV[*0tro's, o>K$)'etd, *:t- XT/s, ov, 6, subst. [lini venditor,] a tow-seller, 'fts Trpwrd y ytVfrat. Equit. 129- 2ri/7rds, cos, ro, subst. [stipes, caudex,] a stem, a trunk. "E "oppos. EPITH. 'Hepo- *lri/pd, wv, ra, P. N. [Styra,] a town in Euboea. 'H&' ot 2rvpd B. 539. 1 According to Draco p. 83. tke u was always long. 804 rrr* zrrr s, ov, o et f), adj. [decrepltus,] worn out, battered. T fl ovroV, olros, Kal xoipflOXtv^. Vesp. 1364. 1 ?w, f. w, v. [(1) disjicio; (2)coerceo; (3) verberibus incesso,] to dis- perse, to restrain, to insult. "AXXots tTttv&na ffTv^eXt^wv. Antig. 139* SYN. torpt^w, 7rpo7rr]Xa.Kl(i), Xotboptb), Kaieou, b'veibi(i). >, ov, o, sirbst. [injuria, contumelia,] ill usage, insult. 'Opyds v/tzw*' Kal aTV(j)ZXi.crfAOvs. Equit. 534. SYN. Aottipia, vflpts, jjiefj.'^is, oveibicr- , et orv^Xfls, T), ijv, adj. [asper, durus,] rough, bard. See in ^. SYN. Tpa^vs, aKXrjpos, Tapaxwbrjs, areppos. 2rv0ckojU7ros, ov, 6 et /, subst. [cothurnix quaedam,] a kind of quail. 'iv<> (Trv^dKOyUTrov T37V KetyoXfjV TTETrX^yjue^w. Aves 1299- STVW, v. [tentigine laboro,] to swell with lust. Kd-yw KaBev&eiv /3oi/XtJ/iat, k'ai ffrvofjiat. Acharn. 1220. ^TupvXedfjiai, (7T(a]jiv\euojJiai t - XaXos, QXvapos, evrpairiiXos. /, crot/, et Dor. Tlvvr), pronom. [tu,] thou, you. 'AXX* ets KaXov ov r' elTrtis. r)i> Xd/3e. Thesm. 1 197. v/3do-tof, ov, TO, subst. [grex suum,] a herd of swine. ToWd avtiv avpoaia. . 101. , et cv(f)op(3ds t ov, 6, subst. [subulcus,] a swine-feeder. Tola? 5e nvdwv wTrjs. p. 184. See also 0. 282. SYN. 'rfyopfios. ov, 6 et fj, subst. [conjux,] a married person, a husband, a wife. bvajjtf.ves fiaXtar det. Androm. 182. SYN. 2y'dwf>, avvudpos, avuyos, avvevvos, GVVOIKWV, ffvXXekrpos, ffvyKoirrjs, yaf^eTrjs, Krjbearrjs. 2vyye/Ta>v, o^os, adj. [vicinus,] neighboring. Evyye/ToV otfcwv aldy. Eur. Suppl. 396. SYN. 2!vy^opTos, ye/Twr, TrXifffto^wpos. SvyyeXdw, f. duw, v. [una rideo,] to laugh along with. 'AKoXaora 5' i'lBrj, Xa/x- Trpd avyytXqv novvv. Eur. fr. Erect h. 2. 22. 2vyy'em, as, f], subst. [cognatio,] relationship. T Ii ^vyyeVetd narptis epov. Crest. 724. SYN. Kffios, /;r/6ev/id. ^vyyeyeTeipd, as, >/, subst. [com munis mater vel soror,] a common mother or sister. KXetvwv fyyyeveretp' d6eX0w>'. Eur. Electr. 746. 2vyyVj)s, tos, et avyydvds, ov, o et >/, adj. et subst. [cognatus,] related to, kin- dred, a kinsman. 'Eyw b' aroXfJids el^i (rvyyevrj Qlov. P. V. 14. See also Hipp. 1376. SYN. 'O^iSye^s, dfjiaifjios, ovyyovos. * This is the reading adopted by Brunck, instead of TvQttfoos. See Toup. in Suid. iii. 142. rrrr ITFK 305 * S-vyyeVws, adv. [more consanguineo,] in a kindred manner, SwyycVws W. Pluf. 223. 2wyyj70ew, v. [una gaudio,] to rejoice with. Kai ^vyyeyrjde, Kai tyvubivet Ka- KO~IS. Helen. 726. SYN. Zvyxa/pw, avvifiopai. t, v. [una sum,] to be with, to assist. Tlavrwv ^gyt'orw, Z^^f, avy- /wot. Choeph. 239. SYN. ^.v/jpaxtopai, cri^epyfw, avi/ei^ avvovcriagw, wffKo;, f. yrwvopai, v. [ignosco,] to pardon. 2vyyj>uo-Yai crot r^ riav Travis. Androm. 832. SYN. Suy^w^au, avyyrtljfjirjv e)( w > fewtifMtii 2uyy?>ota, as, awyyj'w//)/, 175, et vvyyvunoavvt], TJS, r/, subst. [venia,] pardon. Zvyyvoiav 'la-^eiVy ws rube. Antig. 66. See also Vesp. 36/. and Trach. ufjuav, ovos, adj. [facilis in danda venia,] forgiving. Hvyyvwyttof* elvat. Med. 866. SYN. 'A//^wv, oiKrippuv. ^LvyyrwffTostr], 8v, adj. [ignoscendus,] pardonable. HvyyrwcrO', ^rav rts frpetc-- o-d>', >) , v. [conscribo,] to compose, to p^int. Ta 6' d\\a /u^ra ri?s /iat. Thesm. 432. o^a;, f. od. Vesp. 32. SYN. IIdpecd/za, avvQaKEU, av^pcvw, avrebpiaopai. t, f. r/erw, v. [una demitto,] to let down together, to deposit. Kat Kccrnov kv Tavry oKafyei. Helen. 1067. u, f. >/ITW, v. [una constituo,] to settle along with, to confirm. Ftf- a'lbe nvyKa.QiffTO.LVT ay voffov. Hipp. 294. SYN. Ka0/ar?7/u, 5td /w, avopdob), avvraTTd). jcdXtw, f. e>, adj. [contegendus,] must be covered up. 'AXXd crvyKa- \V7TTeOS. P. V. 532. SYN. , j), ^Jr, adj. [contectus,] covered up. Kriag T% cwXd , et ovp\eyio, v. [comburo,] to set fire to together. 0nXXo7s o S# \e\ei7rro avyKaryQo^v. Antig. 1202. See also Theocr. 22. 211. SYN. Kdrdfca/w. 2vyfcdrdfrei/ucu, v. [una jaceo,] to lie near, or with. Tots dvfydo-t ovyKa.ra.Kei- ffdai. Equit. 612. SYN. Djooo-^etjuac, ffvyKetfJiat, avyKaraK\h'dfJiai, Trcipd^e^at, Xej^ous, Kotviavew. 2vyKdrad pat, avafyoTTb). 2vymrd/i/yrvjut, vid. 2vyu/i/yvu)uT. Svyifdrao-^dTrrw, f. i//, v. [una diruo,] to destroy with. S Rhes. 392. SYN. Svvaipew, avvblaQOeipw. 2yymrepyac6oyya 5' avra'is dfC7/. Hipp. 642. SYN. Kdroia'5w. 2i/yfcdrot(CT/5w, f. tw, v. [coramisereor,] to pity. Td ' old ovfjtevr). Trach. 535. SYN. SvVaXyew, auy/cXdw, ffvyuTrao-^ 2vyK-ei//at, v. [(1) una positus sum, (2) consto,] to He together; to consist or be composed of; to be settled. Ai/3a/^ds elyui' r^6e avy^eircn bdXds. Rhes. 215. SYN. See DvyjfdrdKetyuot. Svyk-eXevw, f. x* avyK\d), irpoaKO\\a.ofJ,ai. 1vyKoX\rjTr}s r ov, 6, subst. [consarcinator,] a vamper, forger. BlXi/pos, i/>ew- wj/ %vyKo\\r]Tiis. Nub. 446. SYN. Zvyapyuoori/s. Ii/yjcoXXws, adv. [apte,] fitly. Kcu rafir' eXefcs 7r, , v. [concido,] to cut to pieces. Kat ^iSojite^ avrols TrpoTica i. Nub. 1426. s, ews, ^f, subst. [conimistio,] a mixture. 'AXX' earl rts avyKpcuri's, WOT' )(eii/ KaXws. Eur. fr. ^Eol. 6. SYN. *2,vfj/niis, tTri/itt^is. * 2uy/cparos, ?;, ov, adj. [comraistus,] mingled, joined. Kcu aiiyKparov. Androm. 494. * ^wyfcparvVw, f. vv& t v. [cornniolior,] to seize firmly. A KXabovs. Bacch. 1092. * 2vyKptVw, f. trw, v. [secerno,] to separate, to select. Zvygp/vas* Ttbs o?ye 0i>y)v aibr)\oi ZTTOVTO. Apoll. 4. 681. SYN. Ata^ptvw, eKKpivw, exXeyb). *ZvyKpoTta, \. [collido,] to beat together. Kcu fyyKporovfflv avbpes avr' em0i/ aw. Equit. 469. SYN. 2vyKpovw, ai/yUTrXdrdyew, ori>'dyw, avyKaQiarri^i, av- uw, v. [complodo,] to clap. '6 xpos 5' ev0i)$ rw cras. Pax 106l. SYN. , f. ^/w, v. [celo,] to conceal. TaaSe avyKptyai rdSt. Iph. T. 1053. SYN. Zi/yfcaXurrrw, KpvTTTb), KaXvirrw. awj v. [commisceo,] to throw into confusion. "HorpaTrr', e/3pdvra, ^e- r>)v 'EXXd^d. Acharn. 530. SYN. SedLvfjfj.iyvvfj.1. , ov, o et ?/, subst. [venationis socius,] a companion in hunting. 'ft tyvKvvayz, feat jpyeKTptitytls Spot. Iph. T. 710. SYN. ^vrOrjpevrris. , v. [simul incline,] to bend together. Td be avyKvirrovP apa fi\rj- Vesp. 570. SYN. 2yicX/vw, vTroKVTrrw, ffvyK&fjnrrto. , f. po-w, v. [evenio,] to happen. 2vi'eKvpor' dboK^rds alovu ; Ion 1447. SYN. SvjTvy^dvw, e^iTrtTrrw, ffvpfiaivbi), erriTvy^avd). cj t f. tKiyr)6w. w, v. [una in hibernis sum,] to winter with. Kai ravrd avvH^i- . Plut. 848. w, f. cvo-w, 1 aor. eyea et X V " v * [(^) commisceo ; (2) confundo ; (3) moerore adficio,] to mingle together ; to confound; to distress. Kai rai/rd yprfyumrd ffuyxets. Iph. A. 37 SYN. Stf/tyi/yyv/rfj ffyyKvfcdw, avvra- , ovyKepavvvfj.1. w, v. [una choreas exerceo,] to join in the dance. Aaflovoa ovy\d- . Aves. 176l. SYN. 2i/yKw/mc?w. , ov, o et ^, adj. [conterminusj bordering on. \6ova avy^opToy . Suppl. 6. SYN. "6/iopos, ye/rwv, soa irrx iLvyxvats, ews, ^, subst. [confusio,] confusion, disorder. 'Sis b' dvo\fldv oyuyud, ovyxyaiv r, ^ revy. Iph. A, 354. SYN. Tdpd^//. EpITH. ~ ^Lvyx^wvpl, f. watD t v. [aggere communio,] to pile up. Ei/yx^o'eiev, roi^ r' ovpavluv. P. V. 1085. Svyvwpew, f. TJCTW, v. [concedo,] to yield. r H cat rvparvos ravrd rat ; Iph. T. 742. SYN. 'Y7re/)W, )U0)f>7/ut, ;^i, Trapd^wpew, , a, #>-, adj. verbal, [concedendus,] must be conceded. ydp* fifjuv b' ov^ ffvy^(i)pr)Td. CE. C. 1426. SYN. Svyyvworos. *2v6?;>, adv. [tumultuose,] tumultuously. New l rayot raiv \e\etp pe av^v. Pers. 486. SYN. Td X <5*, /u/y^d. * Zveweris, ews, 6, P. N. [Syennesis,] a Persian, viceroy of Alicia. re, Trpwros 6ts eu^yx^ 17 ' P ers ' 332. ju)f, f. 5ew^w, v. [conjungo,] to join together, to unite. 0*Xai yvvat- i nor/uy avve^vyrfv ; Helen. 254. SYN. Sii/i'dTrrw, avvTWrjfjL?, avy- , 1 a, tJr, adj. [conjugalis,] conjugal. 'Iw, tw, . J.VKOV, ov, TO, subst. [(1) ficus, fructus; (2) ficosus tumor,] (l)afig ; (2) a swell- ing in the eye. Tiys b' f]bv ro VVKOV. Pax 1349. S'/N. Svfce?;, trvKfj. 2i/jco7ri\os, ov, o et f/, adj. [ficulueos calceos gestaus, vox comica notans sycophantam,] wearing fig-tree slippers. OAr}*/ Awpo7 avKoKtbtXe. Equit. 529- 2vKo0avmo, v. [falso calumnior,] to accuse falsely. ^.vKo^avTriaety Ttt>d. Vesp. 1196. SYN. Am/3aXXtt, \oibopew, dvetbiZb). ^.vKofyavTYis, ov, 6, et avKixpnvrpia, us, yj, subst. [sycophanta,] a false accuser. Kat avKfyavTiis. Aves 1423. See also Pint. 971. ILvKofyavrla, as, //, subst. [calumuiosa delatio,] a false accusation. 'Sis ovrds i'}br) KaiKias KCII avKotyavTias Trvel. Equit. 437. *vKo(j)UV7pui, vid. 2vKdr>7S. 2i/\do^, av\<-v/, rjs t rj, subst. [(1) syllaba : (2) plica,] a syllable ; a fold. "A^wvd mi ' cvXXdfids rWeis. Eur. fr. Palam. 2. 2. w, f. X^i//w, v. [(l) comprehendo ; (2) cum dativ. adjnvoj to seize; as a subst. in Plipp. 1123. 3 2vKa0pofw, dyw, vvvdyeipu, avvaipett), drjffavpi^a). , adv. [summatim,] summarily. 'ils ayadd avXXi'ipbrjv airavTa aoi j. Plut. 646. SYN. TLvi'Topus, airXtoS, dXws, /^pa^ews. , dpos, 6, subst. [adjutor,] an assistant. 2v ydp yuot rovSe ervXX^Tr- TTOVOV. Iph. T. 95. SYN. 2y>epyeJs, avvapwytis, av^uyud^os, * SvXXdyr), i/s, ^, subst. [collectio,] a collection. Ovr' ev ytvdov v\\oyfj rpi X^/udros. Sept. Theb. 663. SYN.'AfyHu^d, ffvvafts. 2vXAc?yos, oy, o, subst. [concio,] an assembly. "Epts yap kv Oeols ffv\\dy6s re ffov Trept. Helen. 877. SYN. SwoSos, oprjyvpis, KK\r)oia, adpoiais, Travfiyvpis. 2uXXuw, f. vffw, v. [uua so!vo, concilio,] to help to unbind, to settle. Et ^ fyva-^wv, d\Xd av\\i>aii)V Trapei. Aj. Fl. 1317- SYN. AidXvw, o-i/raXXao-ffw, Xvw. *vp(3aivio, f. fifjvoftat, v. [(l)accedo ; (2) convenio; (3) consentio,] to happen; to meet ; to agree. "laws avrarrd avufiairj /cdXws. Iph. T. 1056. SYN. l.vv jucu, o-vyyti'djuat, avyxwpew, e.rrvy^dvM f (Ti//z/3aXXw, trvju^wvew, avyrWe/ncii. ua;, v. [una bacchor,] to join in Bacchanalian revels. Oav ' opos. Bacch. 715. ,vp(3aK^os, ov, o et ^, subst. [qui una cum aliis bacchatur,] a fellow-bacchana- lian. 7 ft T&KVOV, d \vp^u.K^ Kaaavbpa 6eo~is. Troad. 502. SYN. See BaKx?. uyu/3aXXw, f. dXw, v. [(1) compare, (2) congredior, (3) compono,] to throw or put together, to engage, to confer. Aio^pov be pot ywmfy ffv^aXXeiv Xo- yovs. Iph. A. 830. SYN. 2v/.t0epw, ffi/XXeyw, crvfaTrrw, avt'Taffaw, , et ovfjfiifiaa'is, ews, ^f, subst. [compositio,] agreement. ' re Trolovpevov. Eur. Suppl. 749 SYN. ^vvrjuoffvfT], mraXXdyj), o-i/y- aXXdy;}, djudXoyta, HvvOijKr]. i/ju/3c/Xator, oi/, ro, subst. [(1) pactum, (2) necessitudo,] a contract, inti- macy. "EXflotjueV, d re vuv (rvpfidXaia Trpoffdev %v. Ion 414. SYN. ^vvOiiKTj, crvfji(3dais, avvaXXayrj, avpftoXov. vyu/3oXew, v. [obvius fio. Vid. tamen Gloss, doctiss. Blomf. in 1. infr. c.] to meet, to give the watch-word. Hi////3oXe7 0epwj^ ^epowt. Sept. Theb. 345. SYN. iLvvcLvrcni), avvrvyyavii), crvpSaXXdjuai, crvyKvpeu). vfjLJ3dXri, ijs, //, subst. [pactum, congressus,] an engagement, a conflict. 'Ap^j) be vaval av^oXfjs rls %i> Qpaaov. Pers. 356. SYN. Md^. EPITH. Bdpe/d. vyu/3oX6V, ov, -6, et avppoXds, ov, o, subst. [indicium, tessera, auspicium, pac- tum,] a token, proof, compact. 1 2uyu/3oX' 6s y eVwore ^uot. Ion 1385. See also P. V. 496. SYN. 2?7/ue7#v, repds, avvdrjfjtd, oiuviffjua. i/yu/3cri/Xevw, v. [consulo, suadeo,] to deliberate, to advise. 'H/ue7s /uev, <5 fivrd, ffvp,fiov\evop.f.v. Nub. 794. SYN. 2v/zyu^Tmd//at, /SouXeuw, * 2v/z/3ovX^at, v. [una volo,} to wish along with. 2v/u/3ouXov 5e /^ot. Hec. 373. 2u/i/3ojAos, ov, 6, subst. [consiliarius,] a counsellor. Toij'Se avpfiovXavs icdXely. Pers. 180. SYN. ^v/z^paS^o;^, /3ovXevn)s, crtvlarup, vvvebpos. 2v/Li/3vw, f. vo-w, v. [constipo,] to crowd together. Sv/^/Se/3v6ryuevoc Vesp. 1105. ^vppavddvcjf v. [condisco,] >to learn together. KovSels eTr/ardrat ^ue TOTTOS. Aj. Fl, 869. 2v/u/iap7rrw, f. ^w, v. [corripio,] to grasp, to seize. $wre ffvp/jiap^as Siifl. Cycl. 396. SYN. See IvXX'a^/3dvfu. 2v//ftaprvp, i/pds, 6, subst. [qui una testis est,] a joint witness. E t. An-tig. 846. os is also used in the sense of obvms, augur. JEsch. Suppl. 511. Pros. Lex. 5 K 810 2YMM 2YMH 2v/j/uapr#plw, v. [una tester,] to bear testimony along with or to. '0* icat av juot fyfjifjiapTvprjs. Hipp. 286. SYN. 'JiTrfyiaprflpf'w, , et ffi/vefc/udxew, v. [auxilior,] to be an ally in battle, to assist. Kal . 6. 3. roialv ev typdvovol av^a-^i rv-^n- Eur. fr. Pirith. 6. 3. See also Lys. 1156. SYN. 2i)vdpi7yw, ffi/jUTrdpaordrfa;, <7fr>djuiXXd6Y(ai, crvviarap.(ti t eVtKovpEW, at/yd- ia, as, f/, subst. [societas in bello,] an alliance in war. H d/uaprwv. Agam. 206. SYN. '6/zat)(/uia, Koivwvla, aprifts, ^>tXia. , ri, ov t adj. [socialis,] auxiliary. To av^a^lKov av rovQ\ or e . Eccles. 193. s> ov, o et ^, subst. [pugna3 socius,] an ally in war, a supporter. YI yvvat%i crvfif^a^os ire^VKf. TTWS. Eur. fr. Alop. 2. SYN. Si/vao-TrioTjfc, e?rt- Kovpos t avXXrjTTTwp, dXe^i/rj/p, ovvaptoyos. v/i^eTx w (aor. 2. avpperea^ov^ et o-yjujuerio-^w, v. [unaparticeps sum,] to share with. O? re ffVfjLjj.raa^6vTs bvpbs. Eur. Suppl. 658. See also Antig. 537. SYN. Merex^. ierpew, v. [una metior,] to measure with. Kal p Jjuap ^/Si; avfjiperpovpevos . OE. R. 73. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [accommodatus, similis,] suitable, proper, like, d5eX0ov Zvjj.perpov ry a

    / 5' eXfced iravrd ftefjivKt>. ft. 420 SYN. 2, w, v. [colludo,] to play with. AIrr irXelard ffv/i7ra/5et. CE. R. 1109. SYN. 2z/yfcu>^uac?(u, (tvyya/pntf, <7wvd0vpw. 2i//i7rat, v. [commisceo,] to mix together. 'Ev njf Ovetct . Plut. 719. SYN. See 2 2w^7rdpa<7rdrw, et avp7rapi \d(3e~iv. Philoct. 675. SYN. See 2v/i7ras, a<7d, dv, adj. [simul omnis,] all together. 2vw7ravrwv GdotXntid rtuav. Hipp. 1277. SYN."A7ra S , , f. w , v . [collido,] to dash against. Kai ^Trdralavres ravro arpdrdv. Eur. Suppl. 70^. SYN. Zvyicpovu, avpicaiw, IYMn 2YMJI 811 , f. v//w, v. [simul raitto,] to send with. Otis vti 5eVyua yvfjurtfAireif . Iph. T. 1330. w, v. [una lugeo,] to mourn together. Elx* wfjurcvdew tyeof, Choeph. 193. SYN. SvfaXyew, o-vflTEVa^w. ^u7r~oatVw, f. dyw, v. [una perficio,] to help to finish, to close together. Kai vfjnrepaii>ett>, icat 7rdpeaTdvai \e\ei. Med. 883. SYN. i, f. w, v. [compingo,] to fix together. 'ETretyo/xevos E. 902. SYN. ZvvaTrrw, avp-^iyvv^l, ovvayw, avv&Qpoiw, ovyicoXXdw, v/i7rtVw, v. [una bibo,] to drink along with. 'Eav [&* fjpwv vp,Kfys CK XTJS. Acharn. 276. v//7T/7rr&>, et erv/zTrrrvew, v. [incido,] to fall upon or together, to happen. *6s els aywvd rovbe ffv/UTreo-wv p&xrjs. Trach. 20. See also P. V. 441. SYN. 'E/x- , v. [confingo,] to form. I\uV yap av^irXaaoe. Hes. Theog. 571. SYN. M^^w^ao/^at, rexvaiSo/iat, ffVfjnrXeKO). a;, v. [rnanibus complosis strepo,] to clap the hands. Xepat rl . **. 102. SYN. See Svyfcporew. , f. 4^, v. [complico, conjungo,] to fold or join together. ''ATrop^ yi 'w, f. irvevffu, v. [conspiro,] to conspire, to combine. 'Epiraiois Agam. 180. SYN. 2t//u0v, ov, TO, subst. [compotatio,] a drinkjng party. OVTTW TOIOVTOV yw. Lysistr. 1225. SYN. Svveorta, avvbenrvov, bals. js, et o-v/zTroamor^s, ov, 6, subst. [compotator,] a drinking companion. ), Trpoffepel TIS Total trvfjurorats Xlywv. Vesp. 21. SYN. See 5)i>i'5ai'rwp. Kds t ), di^, adj. [convivialis,] convivial. zvnirdriKos tori, KCU tyvovolaaTl- . Vesp. 1214. , 6, subst. [qui aliquid cum alio facit,] a fellow performer. vS' ayyfXos TIS, ov&e avp.vpaKT(i)p tibov. CE. R. 11 6. SYN. 2vXX)jirrwp, f. w, v. [una facio,] to co-operate, to assist. 2///*ai>/' o ri xp*l ffOL v. P. V. 303. SYN. See IvjUTr^w. /s, eto, o et >'/, adj. [decens,] becoming. "Ilpav r' c^ovO* eVaartfv, wore (TVfj.7rpe7res. Sept. Theb. 13. SVN. Ev7rp7rj)s, TrpeTTWJ', 7rpoai]K(i)V, KoajjiWs. 2v/U7rpo>w, v. [more hospitali adjuvo,] hospitably to assist, zvfjnrpo&j'qadi', ws rvvw pavTevfuiuT(t)y. Helen. 146. SYN. 2v^7rpder, Trpo^tyfw. 2vprpo7re;U7ra;, v. [una deduco,] to conduct with. "la^e 0iXo)(opevrd, <7i//i7rpo- //e. Ran. 413. SYN. 2u>dfcoXov0W, aimtyiaprlw, TrpoTffytTrw, TrdpaTre/i- 7TW. * Zv/LiTrTVKTds, 6v, adj. [complicatus, quadratus,] folded together, squared. See in nXcuffidf. ^vfj.irrvaa(t), f. If*, v. [complico,] to fold together. KaO^^d ffvfjnrTvfaa dXa/uTrts >7\iov. Trach. 691. SYN. See Iv^7rXefc-w. i, v. [simul audio, vel qurero,] to hear or inquire with. Kai trapdevov OeffTriajJtaTa. Helen, 327- w, f. wo-w, et ffu/i^Xeya;, v. [simul incendo,] to burn together. 2v , avi'efiirpJiQb), K'dra^Xeyw. f et ffvfj.(j)dpr]T6s 9 77, o>>, adj. [collatus,] brought together. 2v/^on} 6V i] irtXelavbpuv. N. 237- SYN. "A0poos. , et ffvfjKpopZtD, v. [confero, congredior,] to contribute, to meet together ; impers. it is advantageous. ^Ft/x^v fiia^ov ra/ud av^epeiv KCLKO.. Here. F. 1358. See also Apoll. 1.39. SYN. 2vyKd/*/w, ai/vdyw, ovvadpoiZw, avp- , v. [confugio,] to escape, to go into exile with. Ev//0ei/ojuai rwS' Trdrpt. Phoen. 1693. SYN. Zi/mTroSpdw, fcdrd^evyw. f. (jii'iaa), v. [adsentior,] to agree with. Kai fyptyrjooval aotyoi pot. Hipp. 266. SYN. 'O/uoXoyew,, avvaiVEd), avvayopevu), avvav- , v. [una perdo,] to assist in destroying or ruining. "H /iev rt Kepbat- vovffa avfjKJ)6elpt Xe%os. Androm. 939- SYN. IvjUTropStw, vvvcupw. , vid. ^Lvfj.(f>(i)vos. w, v. [una amo,] to love together. Oi/rot a^vi^Qeiv t aXXd a Antig. 523. w, vid. 2u/z7rvpow. yw, v. [una interficio,] to assist in killing. 'T/xets 5e /*' dXXd 0vfji(j)ovvaaTe. Hec. 391- SYN. 2i/ymra>creVw, crvyKarepyd^d/u v/i^)opd, as, T), subst. [casus,] an event, good or bad. TIpos rets napoide pas evbaipovas. Helen. 456. SYN. Svrrw^ia, arvxrj^a,, Tv^y, 0X/v//is, EPITH. 0>}Xaro, ^dXcTr/), d^oo-lds, Kdfcr), Trat^oTrotos, ffK\r)pa t Kpa, Xvypct. w, vid. lv/^^epw. , ov, 6 et r;, adj. [commodus, utilis,] convenient, advantageous. Aow- ydp ibiov rouro, crot 6e vvfjifyopdv. Eur. Electr. 633. SYN. Xp/yatjuos, oni}- S, e7riryeio$, MfyeXtfjios, XvalreXj'is. , ovos, 6, subst. [consiliarius,] a counsellor. To/oCroi Sefcd /iot s ?]tv 'A^atwv. B. 372. SYN. Zv/u/3ovXtfs. t, f. dao/uat, v. [simul consulto,] to consult with, to devise. "Ctypd o-vpQpaaaeTai. Apoll. 4.439 SYN. 2v///3oyXeuw, avp^rju vpos, oi/, 6 et 7;, adj. [qui una custodit,] a guardian. Xa7p', w typ.>ppovpov epol. Philoct. 1453. v/u^)pwv, tfros, adj. [qui eadem est mente cum alio,] having the same mind consenting. Sv/^povd raydv. A gam. 109. SYN. 'Oyuo^pwv, s, dS3s, 6 et ^, subst. [socius exsilii,] a fellow exile. "Ira otxrpds. Bacch. 1372. 2VNA 813 , ov, oefe f/, adj. [cornmixtus,] mixed together. Eu^vpra b'ftv Hipp.. 1229. SYN. See 'Zv/mfivpi,), et avp(f)vpd(t), v. [couimisceo, fredo,] to mix together, to disfigure. Ilai> avveyvpe TrpoawTroi'. Theocr. 22. 111. SYN. See TLvppiyvv^i. Sv/i^vtraw, v. [una sufflo, conspiro,] to blow together or violently ; to agree, Kcu raur' 0' otiriv eort avp^vawfjieva.. Equit. 466. SYN. 2v/z7r'w. ^vyu^vreuw, v. [una auctor sum,] to join in forming. Kcu ^v/z^i/rei/o-at rovpyov. CE. R. 355. SYN. Ii/ju/SouXeww. ^,vju(pvros, ovy.oetfft adj. [congenitus,] congenial, native. 'AXfcav typtyVrtiv, aiwv. Agam. 1()6. SYN."Eju0uros. Sv/u^ui/fc, et ffvfj.(pdoyyds, ov, 6 et //, adj. [consonus, concors,] agreeing in sound, harmonious. "E?rrd 6e crz//z0wj>ovs oiwv eravvaaaro ^(>pbas. Horn. Merc. 51. See also Agam. 1158. SYN. 2uyu//o\7ros, crvyw^os, ffy^avXos, opotywos, pa)V, ovyyvtofjiMV, avvapftpos. iv/zipdw, f. 77j'dyw, v. [confero,] to bring together. 'Epprjs & evXoyws ^vvi]yayiiv. Sept. Theb. 504. SYN. SuyU^tpw, avXXlyw, trvvaOpoi cjw, avvayeipii), avravrrw, crvy/cd- . ^vvayvvpi, 1 aor. ea^d, v. [confringo,] to dash to pieces. Tas ol deXXat. ^. 383. vvayti)vi6}jLai, \. [certaminis socius sum,] to assist in the combat. VTTI* ]-,vi'r)y(i)viofjiT)V. Thesm. 1070. SYN. 2v/^jud^ew, ybw, v. [concino,] to sing together, to agree. IliJyciStYw be Xa7pts. Aves 858. SYN. iLvvavbaa) , oi/ravXtw, avjjfyrifu. vi'det'pw, v. [simul tollo,] to raise with. "Oans To\jjLr\aeCiv epol avv noy\8v aeipas. t. 332. .vvadpoi(i), vid. 2i/vdye/pdvev-ro* tyvaivtaai. Agam. 468. See also 1076. SYN. Ati>w, Karan-ecj, ?r, ffv l u(f)r}fjii > evXoyeb), eyKwfuaZu). .vvaivvnai, \. [colligo,] to collect. Arjrw be oVvaivvro fca/ivrvXd roa. 0. 502. SYN. ILvXXeyto, ffi/XXaju/xij'w, a0po/5w. vj/atpw, 2 aor. e<\oj', v. [(1) contraho, (2) aufero,] to contract; to take away. \Xa~ivav fj-ey vvveXuv KO.I Kutea. v. 95. SYN. iLvvayw, owrp//3w, vvvefatpew. I.vvatpa), f. dpw, v. [una tollo,] to take with, to perpetrate with. Kai g&pa/pe-t , tfvfls, adj. [particeps doloris,] participating in sorrow. *lr t w &v- a.Xyr]bdves. Eur. Suppl. 85. SYN. 2u/*7rd0>)s, Zvvybos KCLKO~IS. IwmXeyw, v. [cordi habeo,] to mind. 2i)^-dXeyet>/ rat Isthm. 8. 103. SYN. Mtpi/zvaw, 0popn'c?a>, eTTlpeXeofJiai. Si/paXtdcJw, v. [congrego,] to assemble. T/s 5' ay <7vvaXiae ro^Se roi> oroXoy. Lysistr. 93. SYN. 2vmye/pw, o-uXXeyw, avvaOpoiZw, avrayw. dy/}, j/s, r/, subst. [interventus,] interposition, intercourse. "Ev re Sat- ^DvaXXdyaZs. CE. R. 34. SYN. AtaXXdy?), Koivwvla. , f. ^a;, v. [(1) congredior cum aliquo, (2) concilio,] to have inter- course with, to reconcile. *E\V> ^vvaXXa^deladv evvaiots Androm. 1234. SYN. Koiywytw, avvrvyyavti), trvy^wpew, crvfjfiaXXk), t ofj.oX8- yew. vvd\omw, v. [contundo,] to shatter. Me^pt arvvijXotrjffe irapfjla. Theocr. 22. 128. SYN. 2vyva.fjLvv(d, f. i)^a/, v. [una opitulor,] to aid together. Tovrw ^i/yd^uv^etv, ct r^f eic bofjuav Xd/3wr. Iph. A. 62. SYN. 2vyit/3o^0W, ffv^fJid\(D t 7rdp>;yw. ^d^ayK'a^w, f. d, v. [simul cogo,] to extort. Kat auvrjvayKctffiJiEvovs. Iph. A. 395. SYN. Kdrdvayica^a;, e/Xi)0v 'Hjoa^r. Apoll. 2. 915. vvavrdoj, ai)/avrta5w, f. dcrw, et avvavronai, v. [obvius fio,] to meet. Tov 6vva.vTtiaa.vTa, pot. Ion 536. See also (E. R. 813. and Ion 830. SYN. 2vy- Tvy^dvw, 7rirvyxdvo>, av^epopat, Trpoari/yxdvw, avpfiaXXd/Jial, O.VTO.W. #ycWj;. u^arrXew, v. [simul haurio vel laboro,] to draw or labor with. A/ rraifa ovvavrXei J Ion 198. SYN. Ivyepydcjojucu, .vvavvTw, v. [simul conficio,] to contribute to destroy. EMn/rei /3tov. Agani. 1092. (A single dochmiac.) s, vid. 2vj/wo5. t Ion. o&vydpos, ov, 6 et rj, subst. [comes,] a companion. Ti9rjpl, Ivvapao-au, f. w , y. [confringo,] to break to pieces. T H yap ovvnpa? Here. F. 1133. SYN. 2Wp//3w, awOpaiw. better reading of this passage seems to be that found in one of the Vatican Mss, k SYNA IYNA 815 , f. e>, v. [comprobo,] to approve of. Kat Ofyls ap0pos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [connexus,] joined, agreeing, TtfjOoV -yap $et 0/o6V awraTs. Agam. 245. SYN. 2v/z0wvos, q. v. 1,vvaptffTa(jj, f. //0d Tols ctVflpwTrot ffvvapiffr&ffi. Eccl. I486. 2vVdp7revw, v. [excello cum alio,] to excel along with. *E/3as, efias, avvapt-arevffwv. Troad. 806. 2v>ap/zoc?w, f. dew, v. [apte compono,] to fit, to adjust, to close. Z be /3Xe^dpd fj-ov ry fffj \^P^- Phcen. 1465. SYN. ^ovaTrrw, avvaprvvw, avvrt- t ovveiptt), avfjiTrftyvvfit. ac?w, f. d/. Horn. Apoll. 164. SYN. See Jbvap^oc^w. , ov, 6 et ^, subst. [una defensor,] a joint defender. Svmpw . Horn. Hymn. 7- 4. SYN. "Apwyos, d\e^n)s, avup.a^os. -o0w, v. [una desipio,] to join in folly with. Kai TOVTO Xi/rpov, ^ rots pf) aofydis. Phoen. 405. /8w, subst. [una auxilior,] to assist together. Kwjuot Cycl. 39. SYN. See 2i;yu/zdxew. vv, 6, subst. [commilito,] a fellow-soldier. Ki/o's re Katvoy icol as QlXovs. (E. C. 379* SYN. See ^vpfjia-^ds. iy v. [simul doleo,] to grieve along with. Tts ov ^vvaor^dX^ KCLKOIS. P. V. 167. SYN. See Ii/prei^w. vvai/a/vw, f. dvw, v. [simul exsicco,] to burn up with. Kcu tyvavavia nopas. Cycl. 642. SYN. Aua/vw, ^patVw. w, v. [consentio,] to consent. Ei/mt/Sw. Aj. Fl. 943. SYN. See 2v/x- m, as, j^, subst. [contubernium, concentus,] a joining together, a con- cert. ZvvavXiav wev&rivdntv. Equit. 9. SYN. 2v ra/jdrt. Eur. Electr. 544. vvSat5(i), v. [simul occido,] to kill together with. 'AXXd pX ovvbaiov. Aj. Fl. 361. SYN. See I,vf*dyom'fymi. ^ a^w, f. d b' apuyovs frvbiicovs 0'. ^Esch. Suppl. 734. SYN. IIpo- ardTrjs, avvfiyopos. 1,vvblK(t)S, adj. [jure,] with justice. Aamo/td beiirvov ZVV&IKWS rWeis ap$. Agam. 1591. SYN. Au-p, biKaius. 2vfio\Xi//it, f. o\(jw, Alt. dXw, I aor. aXce avrbluXecrev. Eur. fr. (Edip. 7. 2. SYN. See Zv^ovevu. j, v. [consentio,] to agree. 2oi ^e avvbdKE~u> ^pt^v. Iph. T. 71. SYN. , v. [una servio,] to be a fellow-slave. zvvbovXevcrw. Hec. 203. 1,vi>bov\os, ov, 6 et ^, subst. [conservus,] a fellow-slave. M?) Kpvirre avvbov\av ffedev. Med. 6'4. ^vvbpaw, f. derw, v. [una facio,] to assist in doing. '6 avvbpwv cilyua KO.I /.trjTpos <}>ovov. Orest. 400. SYN. See Sv/^Trparrw. , abds, //, adj. [concurrens,] running together. Ilws ras avrbpdjuabas . Iph. T. 423*. SYN. l^TrX^yds. ^vvbpd/uos, ov, o et //, adj. [(l) una currens, (2) consentiens,] running with, meeting, agreeing. MeydXas avrbpd/jos 'AprjUios. Call. 5. 110. SYN. Trabos, ffVfjKJxtifds. IwbpdfjHas, adv. [una currendo,] with equal speed, concisely. Kai pclre ffvvbpdfjLdts. Agam. 1155. IvrSvds, abds, fj, adj. [compar,] a partner, zvvbvabos $l\ias dX^ov. Alcest. 488. SYN. 2y5v^. ^.vvbvo, adj. [bini,] two together. luj/Si/tf Kotfjififfavro. Horn. Hymn. 5. 74. 2yvSvff7i)^w, v. [pari calamitate laboro,] to be unfortunate together. 'Us *av MeveXews frvbvtrTvxg- Orest. 1098. SYN. 2i/yra^uvw. ^vvbAbeKa, adj. [duodecim simul,] twelve together. ^wbubeKa 7rX//0et. Troad. 1068. ^vvebpta, as, r/, subst. [consessus,] an assemblage. "E^0pat rl Kal orepy?/0pd cat avvebp'iat. P. V. 501. SYN. Zvvo^os, avyKXrjaia, eKKXrjala, Koivtiivla. 2vv5ptdd/ua/, CTw>'e5pevw, et o-vvpta5w, v. [consideo,] to sit together, to asseni- c ble. Tovs 6' aySprjv be (fvvebpiaaaOal avwyev. Apoll. 1. 328. SYN. s, ov, w et ^, subst. [(1) consessor, (2) adjutor,] one who sits with or near; a counsellor. Kareibov be bv Mavre cvvebpoi. Iph. A. 192. SYN. TldpieSpos, efebpos, avrOpovos, ffv/i/SovXos, avvQcucfts. 2#>epyw, poet, pro avveipycj, et avvepyadti), v. [(1) concludo, (2) colligo,] to inclose; to collect, unite. Zwffrrjpi 0dws avveepye ylT&va. . 72. See also H. 36. SYN. Kd0e/pyw, ovvt'Xft), avyKXeid), arvveXKU), avveipw. "LvveeiKdol, adj. [viginti simul,] twenty together. Oi/re tyvldKool 0wrwv. . 98. 2i/ve/5w, f. eiffdpat, perf. m. otd, part. et6ws, v. [(1) simul cognosco, (2) con- scius sum,] to be privy to ; to be conscious. 2uVoid beiv eipyaapevo's. Orest. 390. SYN. IvVr^r. * ^vveiXiercrw, v. [convolvo,] to roll together. Srre/pas avvi\iaaovTa. Ion 11 ^4. SYN. 2vretXW, aVUTTTVffffb). 2,vi>ifAi, v. [una sum,] to be with. SdXdfuVi'os ydp tarty, u> $i>ifjf Hyw. Eccles. 38. SYN. Mfrei/Lu, irapeip.?, oyu(Xw, IVNE 2YNE 817 1, vid. Ei^ep^fymt. ipw, v. [connecto,] to join together. "drt avveipwv TOVS airivovs. Aves 10/9. ; SYN. vpfo{j avvaTTTii), av{nr\K ffKatyos. Med. 477., v. [simul intro,] to go ill with. 0\w e myw . v. [simul exporto vel sustineo,] to bear out or support with. E,vveKKOfjiien> KvvrptV. Hipp. 467. SYN. See Ivyco/if5w. , vid. ZvyU/m^ew. w, v. [simul januam refringo,] to assist in breaking down a door. ei'<7&> ; Lysistr. 430. w, f, Tr^ei/ffw, v. [simul animam efflo,] to expire with. Xp) fj.e aot. Iph. T. 684. SYN. 'ZvveKQviiaKa), avvOv^ffKu. , f. //crw, v. [adjuvo in perficiendo,] to assist in completing. Oovori p.6yQovs evTvxs ^vveKTrovei. Eur. fr. Androm. 7 4. SYN. S s, a, d', adj. verb, [simul ebibendus,] must be drunk up together. korl aot /ecu TI]V Tpvya. Plut. 1086. ozM, v. [confero opera m ad salutem alicnjus,] to join in delivering. rjv p.r) ov ^vreKaw&iv. CE. C. 566. i), f. t oei//w, v. [simul educo,] to bring up with. Kcu ^vveKrpa^els Iph. T. 710. SYN. Swrpe^w. , v. [una educo,] to bring out with, to deliver. Ylarepa TE iratoiv ffvveK, f. ^w, v. [simul traho,] to draw together. ' s, Ttjvbe KM vi>e\Kvffdv. Pax 41 7. See also Pax 468. SYN. avvaipew. vreyu/3d\Xw, v. [simul injicio,] to cast in together. Hvve/^/SdXw/jev elalovaat rovs noy\ovs. Lysistr. 246. )t/ye^/3oX>), fjs, //, et $ppo\ov, ov, TO, subst. [(l)collisio, (2) commissio, (3) im- petus,] a dashing ; a fastening; impetuosity. Evflvs g KWTTTJS podlabos ^vvep.- fioXy. Pers. 402. See also A gam. 956. SYN. UpdfidXri. vreftTTopos, ov, o et r/, subst. [commercator, socius,] a fellow-merchant or traveller. 'iltScua?, rbv ^vvefjnrGpdr, Ran. 396. SYN. e 6/xopafy(ae. , ov, 6, et (rvi'd^j, ijs, %, subst. [juncture,] a joint. Ai/x^os ev ,vvf.o\- . H. 465. ETraetcw, v. [una accino,] to sing or celebrate together, zvyenaelcer "Aprc- V. Ipb. A. 1491. SYN. See Sv^w. ), vid. 2f/ratyew. Pros. Lex. 5 L , 818 IYNE 2TNE 2v^7m-ei/mi, v. [simul incumbo,] to assail together. Etfj>e7ruc(ff0' vjntis. Equit. 266. Ivv7m^evo/mi, v. [una pariter mentior,] to support another in a lie. Ov ydp <70(/ Xdyo>es ffvvtTTi^evffovrai. Call. 3. 123. 2v>7r6ym<, 2 aor. eairourjv, v. [comes sum,] to accompany. 2iy?; TrtAdcJwv d'/- rvyt fyveiKf.To. Hipp. 1226. SYN. See Iwojuctprew. ^uveTTo/jifvuif v. [una jurejurando confirmo,] to confirm by an oath along with. ZvvZirouvvad' vyuels rai)rd Truant. Lysistr. 237- SYN. See iLvvouvvfSC. 2v>7rorpuy'fpdw, v. [pariter amo,] to love together with. 'AXX' pdw* KaXov & r' Ipao- ffauevy ffvvspaadat. Bion l6. 8. SYN. Suju^iXfw, 4"7"pdw. Svvepydtfo/mi, v. [co-operor,] to co-operate; Ei fypTidrfjffeis Kal ^vi-epyaaet, ffKoirei. Antig. 41. SYN. See SvjuTrpdffo'w. 2vrepydr??s, et crvj'epyos, ov, 6, et ^vvepydris, tSos, ^f, subst. [nperis socius,] a co-operator. Ou5e OKOTOV Qpivaovai TUV Zvvepyarrjv. Hipp. 419 See also Ion 48. et Eur. Electr. 100. SYN. SvyuTrpckTwp, crvXX>'?7rrwp, yvveptOos, av.i^a.- (t), o-u^e/oyw, et ffi)vejoSw, v. [siruul facio,] to co-operate. BouXet y&v avros. Helen, 1426. See also Trach. 83. and Soph. Electr. 350. SYN. q. v. t'Sw, v. [coinprimo,] to press together, to fasten. Aec^ols fabvpois . Iph. T. 458. SYN. Kdra7n7y'i//u. I,vvpidds, ov, o et //, subst. [socius laboris,] a fellow workman. "EX-0/js ptOds avrols. Pax 786. SYN. ^.vvepyarrjs, avvepyos, av/jnrpuKTup, fiorjOos. ^.vvepKTiKoSyhov, adj. [bene constringens,] able to connect together, or to rea- son. ILvvepKTiKos yap earl. Equit. 1378. t, et f ffvfj7rdrr}s, avvotKos, ofwrpaire^os. Swverds, ?}, or, adj. [prudens,] intelligent. Td r' oiKTpci vvvtros eljut, Kal TO. fjttj. Iph. A. 1255. SYN. Qpovluos, awypwv, crowds, Trev/cdXt/xos, euireipos. I.VVETWS, adv. [prudenter,] prudently. Ov VVVETO. avvir&s. Iph. A. 466. SYN. 'EUTretpws, ^poV/'/iws, 7rt>i)rws, TTVATVO/S. ;, et, \. [una dormio,] to sleep together. 7 fl t 7rep ^vrrjiJ^s 0det. Eur. Electr. 1145. See also (E. R. 982. SYN. See Ivy^d0ei5w. , et ffuvevvos, 6, et aiivevt'erls, tSos, //, subst. [tori particeps,] a part- ner of a bed. "6rw judXtrrrd ^pTy/rerat ^vyevyen/. Med. 242. See also Eccles. 948. and Androm. 900. SYN. 'Oyuevyer^, o/ioyd/ios, o//oXefcrpos, avyyautis, avv%, avvyos. 2iJ/evrvx^ v. [simul felix sum,] to be successful with. Btov I Hipp. 1118. ?,vvev(f>paouai, f. aafiuai, v. [fausta precor,] to pray for blessings on. 'Eo-0Xos Se ffvvevtypaaffairdai tovaiv. Apoll. 3. 917 2vfev^o/xa(, vid. ^vyKarev-^jfjiai. Sv^e^aTrro^at, v. [una prehendo, adjuvo,] to lay hand to a work with some- body, to assist. 'Eyw e, ovfe(j)aTrTdfJLVOS crnovbq,. Olymp. 10. 117. SYN. See SyjUTrovtw. ^s, os, o et >;, adj. [continuus,] continuous. To CTU^ES epyoy Archel. 29. SYNE SYN 019 , contr. ervrtx 5 *** a( * v - [(l) continenter, (2)crebro,] continuously ; fre- quently. ^vvvextws epaxovTo. Hes. Theog. 636. SYN. ^v vvexflw, v. [una odi,] to join in hating. See in Sv^iXew. yrX w v. [contineo,] to keep together. 'Ao-d-Xevrov re Baccli. 386. SYN. Kure^w, Treptt^w, trv^e/pyw, trvoreXXo), ffiAXajU/3di'w. v^y/3aw, et , v. [una pubesco,] to grow up to maturity with. 'E/wot 0eXei avvri^v. Anacr. 76- 4. See also Dan. 105. SYN. fJiCLl. d\ia, as, fa subst. [congressus,] an engagement. 'Aptor?/es ll . Apoll. 2. 1161. SYN. iv/^oXj?. , v. [(1) patrocinor, (2) adsentio,] to patronise, to plead for; to agree. vair CK Ttvtav ; Nub. 1085. SYN. ZI/P&KCW, tru/j^/it, ovvfoia. os, rj, ov, adj. [patrocinandi vim habeas,] able to defend in a cause. A.VTOS 5e 0epet TO avvrjyoptKdv. Vesp. 6^)1. -vvy'iyopos, ov, o et ^, subst. et adj. [patrocinans, consonans,] advocating, agreeing. Mavreld Katva rols TrdXat tyvriydpa. Tracli. 116/. SYN. ^.v i, v. [pari gaudio adficior,] to rejoice with, to congratulate. Ov Oavovri y ovbdfjiws Zuvifiofj-at. Rhes. 9-58. SYN. See Syy^a/pw. ,Vrfl6eia, as, fj, subst. [consuetude,] intercourse, familiarity. Te7d olv. Horn. Merc. 482. SYN. '6/.uXm, edos, olKctdrrjs. LVvr]dris, eds, 6 et fj, adj. [consuetus, familiaris,] accustomed to, familiar with. "Arriv re, avviideasa\\r}\ot<7U>. Hes. Theog. 230. SYN."E0as, oiKelos, betos, 2vv>7Xt, IKOS, adj. [aequatis,] of the same age. E yap rob' tor', e/zol ces. Pers. 789. SYN. See '6/^X^. LvvrjfjioffvvT), r]s, ?^, subst. [societatis sanctio,] fellowship, compact- Mr; pot, dXarrre, avvr]fjioas ayopeve. X. 26l. SYN. ^vvQiiKrj, ovpfiaols, , dvds, 6, subst. [socius,] an ally. Aex#cu fjuetX/^arro crvvijfjiui'as. Apoll. 4. 1210. SYN. 2iW;0?s, ffvvaopos, av^a^s. , vid. ^Lvvaopos. Tre-ud), v. [simul decipio,] to assist in deceiving. Kcu ju))i/ ey . Lysistr. 845. ew, v. [una remigoj to row together, to agree. *H irapos ^ Aj. Fl. 1329. SYN. Swrpexw, dpoppudew. , v. [obfusco,] to cover, to darken. T Ap' oX/3os avro'is drlrvfyXos vvrj- ~i. Eur. fr. Phaeth. 5. 3. is, eos, o et r/, adj. [contectus, densus,] covered, thick. r ft bvyraXawa , us vi>rjfjE(f>S. Orest. 947- SYN. Kdr^pe^r/s, crvcrKws, arvyvos. , v. [consideo,] to sit together. Kai TroXX' ETIKTOV VVKTI avvQaK&v ad. Heracl. 994. SYN. See 2wyifa0ee?fyieti. vvdaKos, ov, 6 et r;, subst. [consessor,] one who sits with, an associate. Svv- 6aKds ecrrat, vavriXois crwrT/pios. Orest. 1654. SYN. See 'S.vv'ebptif. ,vvda\7rtt), v. [demulceo,] to soothe with. zvvdaXirZ juvdois ^evbecriv* vdffr}fid yap. P. V. 706. SYN. ndp7?yfy>o>, *cdrd0aX7rw. , v. [una sepelio,] to bury together, to assist in burying. Kcu TOV rovbe (rvi'daTrreiv 0eXo). Aj. Fl. 1395. SYN. ZvvKTepeiZw. , v. [consentio,] to consent. Ivi'0Xty & eyw. Here. F. 832. SYN. iZu), v. [una meto,] to reap with. 2vv-0fptce, xal TOVTOV Xd/3oi'. Acharn. 949. i/j'0o-ta, as, et avvdeals, ews, T^, subst. [compositio,] putting together, agree- ment. Uov bri ffvvdeffliat re /cat oph'td. B. 339. See also Pyth. 4. 299. , ov, et ), o', adj. [compositus, fictus,] composed, fictitious. A'^x 1 - CTTQV ivai 0)fyu ovvQsrovs \oyovs, P. V. 707 SYN. 820 2YN0 2TNN , f. 6ei>adjjLai, v. [una curro, bene cedo,} to run together, to go off well* $>Z yl fiov\t. v. 245. SYN. See 2v>/rp X a>. a;, v. [simul adspicio,] to see at once, or along with, 'fls ^i^0ewpet$ t KCI\ KXet<70>ei. Vesp. 1182. //yw, v. [exacuo,] to irritate. Olros yap opyrj avvrlQiiy^lvos typtvas. Hipp. 689. LvvQiiKY}, v, >/, subst. [foedus,] a contract. 2w0///cas 7T7rou?<70' civbpes. Pax 1065. SYN. 2vju/3d<7ts, j>??/3oXm, ffv^oXj), apQpos, ff7rov), crvvQZals, ovv- 0<7ta. vvdrjfjia, dros, ro, subst. [compositio, signum,] an agreement, a signal. OVK fpeHs $vvdr]fjia; Rhes. 680. SYN. Sjjftd, o^eto*', avpfioXtiv, /ud0j?^ud, ffvv- 2vy0j;judria7ds, a, ov, adj. [locatitius, condictus,] made at a fixed price, ordered. IlXe^at aretyuvovs ffwdrinariaiovs. Thesm. 465. ^,vvdr)pa'K0vJ7o-/cw, avveKirveu), ovvaTroXXvpt, avvb'ia ^vvQoLvarwp, opos, 6, subst. [con viva,] a guest. Iltvpov ye avvdoivaTdp'. Eur. Electr. 638. SYN. See Lwbalrup. , et avvQpavio, v. [confringo,] to dash to pieces. Aoyid r epprj&v ^d- 6' aTrd^. Bacch. 623. See also Orest. 1586. SYN. , f. vaw, v. [una sacra facio,] to offer incense with. Et Se Qvovs daroltrl t&v. Eur. Electr. 795. ,vvtav(i) t v. [subside,] to sink, lapses ' ol jut>/ tSpwrt avvlzavov. Theocr. 22. 112. vi/u?^, 1 1 aor. e^fcd et contr. T/KU, v. [(1) cpmmitto, (2) intelligo,] to engage ; to understand. Elr' ov tyviris Tt}v tirlvoiuv TOV 6tov ; Plut. 45. SYN. (1) Sv/u- /3dXXw, ffvfjijuiyvvpi, (2) aiadavofjtat, ytv&yKw, Tri<, fAayOavia. v'/arJ7jui, f. o-njaw, v. [wnstituo,] to settle. 'Er rjy iroKeityvtaTanevbv. Equit. 863. SYN. Zi/i'rao-0-w, Ran. 702. au>, vid. 2i)>/77/3dw. ft), v. [annuo,] to consent, zvvvevaov, w yepaif. CE. R. 1510. SYN. w, v. [obnubilo,] to render gloomy. Aafjnrpy . Eur. fr. Dan. 1. 7. SYN. 2v. , os, o, >/, et avvvtyeXos, 8v, adj. [nubilus, tristis,] cloudy,, gloomy. evpd ffvvvZ epavrf) TI avvvdovpsvos. Orest. 627. SYN. 2v/^paoyua, evvvtu), avXXdyl^ufjiai. vvvoia, as, /, subst. [consideratio,] understanding, tlioughtfulness. 'H #/'- void fiovXevet TrdXat. Antig. 279- SYN. Aoytapos, ffvPEals, eWoid, 0p//j/. vwdpus, ov y 6 *t y/, adj. [(1) qui iisdera pascuis utitur, (2) conjunctus,] having the same pasture or share ; a partner. ZVWOLLOV QtXwv eyelv. Sept. Theb. 347. vwoffto), v. [una regroto,] to sicken along with, zwavfipove'iv aoi fiovXoft, aXX' ov fyvroaeiv. Iph. A. 407. SYN. Zvyica/ii'fc;. vvvvptyoKo/nos, ov, 6 et r/, subst. [qui cura alio sponsam curat,] one who joins with another in attending a bride. ^vvvv^oKtiftov re bUaiov. Iph. A. 48. vi'oSos, ov, ?/, subst. [congressus, conventus,] a meeting, engagement. 'Ev ya f > 'A^aiwv 7rX?7pe7 tyvoby. Hec. 106. SYN. Sv^dfirty, eKKXrjaia, ffvppvXi), irav%~ yvpts. EPITH. Ki/drea. y^oifCw, vid. 'JLwvo.idi.. .vi'oiKYiTiop, opos, et avvotKrjrris, ov, 6, et crvvoiKbs, ov, o et /;, snbst. [qui una habitat,] one who dwells with. 'Qs o-e/uvortyuos icai VI>OIK{]TU>P e^uou Eumen, 836. See also Flat. 1148. SYN. IflvavAos, o^earws. as, r/, subst. [cohabitatio,] a dwelling together. ApaKord' dfjuXov, voiKiav. ^isch. Suppl. 275. SYN. ^LvvavXia. f. law, v. [una habitare facio,] to cause to dwell together. evv^v 'HpdfcXel tyvoiKtaas. Here. F. 68. , ijpds, 6, subst. [qui una condit. urbem,] a joint founder. re TCLV KXeivdv 'Zvpa-Kovvav. Olynjp. 6. 8. vi'oiKovpds, ov, o et //, subst. [socius in custodienda domo,] a companion in guarding a house. Kat uvoit;ovpovs KaKtiv* Hipp. 1072. SYN. luvotKas. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [consonus,] in the same tune, harmonising with. (popijLtyyl avvoipXov vpvdv aeibov. Apoll. 2. l6l. SYN. ^.vvubtif, avfj.- I,MXXv/jit, v. [una amitto vel perdo,] to lose or destroy with. "60' y ov tyvtoXb'itipt dfjiov. Helen. 104. , o et i), subst. [coasanguineus,] a kinsman. 2re>ov/e7rojuvwjui, ffimord/zai. ?LvvofJ.(t)fJiOTr]S, vid. ^vvwporrjs. os, Ion, avv6irr}bos, ov, 6 et rj, subst. [comes,] an attendant. E ds eovva. Apoll. 4. 745. SYN. 'OTrawi/, ^Tra^os, aKoXvv&vs, * IvvoirXos; ov, 6 et j^, adj. [armorum socius,] associated in arms. T ll ^v lopcLTa vea vty. Here. F. 126. SYN. ^.v or parlor YIS. ^vvopyiZofjiat, v. [uua irascor,] to share in anger. Aa/uarpi ffvvvpyioOrj . * lyj/oupos, ov, o et $, adj. [conterminus,] neighboring to. II^Xov jfivovpos, bi~ \l/ia KOVIS, rdSe. Agam. 478. 8-22 ITNO ITNT lih'ovo-ia, as, r/, subst. [consuetudo familiaris, congressus ; convivium,] fami- liar intercourse ; conviviality. "Oorts TrpdcrfiXdtiv a/3Xd/3ei Spvovclq.. Eumen. 285. SVN. 'OptXla, /LterovviLu, avvobos, avt'oiKta. Ivvoimaortfcos, ?), ov, adj. [facilis ad coetus conviviales,] fond of conviviality. See in ILvjnroTiKos. SYN. EvrpctTrfXos. t, v. [supercilia contraho,] to contract the eyebrows, to be sad. 7rpoo~u)7ru) Kal ^v^'w^pyw/ie^w. Alcest. 793. SYN. 2fc , &os, adj. [cui supercilia coeunt,] having the eyebrows united. Ti \e\r)6orws avvopvv. Anacr. 28. l6\ vvdxn, rjs, r/, subst. [conjunctio, angustia,] the union where two ways meet, a narrow part. 'Ev ^vrd^yaiv dbov. ^F. 330. .vvo-^ds, ov, 6 et TJJ, adj. [contiuuus,] continual. Ilatyyudrd avvoya. Bacch. 162. SYN. luj^x^s, irpdoexqs. , inus. a aDvE^o), v. [contraho,] to contract. Kvprw, TT aTrfios . B. 218. SYN. Svrdyw, d0euw, pro ffuffradevw, v. [simul asso,] to roast along with. Kat 6evff<*> TOVTOV. Lysistr. 844. io, pro ovffffutypovtw, v. [sapio cum,] to be wise with. See in w, v. [condoleo,] to be miserable with. X' fipels ye pera aro . Lysistr. 1225. SYN. 2vycayura>, crv^aXytw, (ry^i/oTv^eo;. , V. ^.WTeivb). aaw, f. ^w, v. [conturbo,] to disorder, to disturb. M^ fjioi bdpl avvra- Heracl. 379. SYN. ^Vvdplvia, avpjjiiyi'v^. tD, f. ^w, v. [compono,] to arrange together. Kat rolfft avvTa^Qelatv oval w 'ydeols. Here. F. 190. wTeivu), et cru^rdvuw, v. [contendo, concito,] to draw together, to enforce. EwretVei irpos rvpfiov yvwyua. Hec. 188. See also Pyth. 1. 158. SYN. Dd- pareivu), airovba$ti>, avropirw, foareivdfjtat, , v. [una liberos procreo,] to beget children with. Kat <5a>' ev ai/r^T Kivovfjitva. Thesm. 14. SYN. ^vvTeKvutrotf.(i>. t v. [conficio,] to complete, to establish. AVTIKO. avvrtKeQeiv. Pyth. 9. 100. SYN. Svrepya^o/tmt, avvlarrjp.i. 2vT\etd, as, ^f, subst. [collalio,] a collection or assemblage. T H vprcXetd, py Trpobys Trupywjudrd. Sept. Theb. 237. SYN."A0potcr^d, KOivwvia. * 2i/iTX/}s, e^Js, 6 et j/, adj. [impensae socius,] sharing in the expense, iributary. ITdptsydp, ovre avvTeXrjs TroXls. A gam. 515, , v. [concido,] to cut off, to be concise. "ATravra TO.VTO. o-vvreyuwv . Hec. Il62. SYN. HmT|3//3w, trvi'Opavto). , adv. [enixe,] strenuously. Kat avvTerafjievMs. Plut. 325. , v. [perforo,] to penetrate. Twv be awTErpaivZ pvdov. Choeph. 444. SYN. AtdTTfpdw, avvTLrpaii). vvTe.-xvos, ov, o, subst. [qui ejusdem artis est peritus,] a fellow artist. T#v aptffTov OVTCL T&V tavrov fyvrtyvuv. Ran. 775. SYN. 'OpoTt^vos. vvTi'iKHj, subst. [(l) liqueiaciendo consumo, (2) liqueo,] to cause to melt away; to waste away. '/<< fe ovvrifcoval VVKTIZS, yfjitpat TE cWpuots. Iph. A. 398. SYN. 2iy/00apw, eKT^Kta. LvvTidrj/nij f. Ofjffw, v. [(l) compono, (2) in med. v. paciscor,] (l) to-put toge- ther, to comprehend, (2) to bargain. ^vvrWels airav ytvos. Med. 745. SYN. , ov, 6 et //, adj. [concisus, brevis,] concise, brief. M?/ TI , aXXd avvTOf.wv \s, et superl. (jyvrojuwrdrws, adv. [concise,] concisely. Ilevcret rd 7rai/rd Tpa.7reus, ov, 6 et ?/, subst. [ejusdem meiisae particeps,] eating at the same table. Kcu fyvrpaireZov aio~ts e^ety fittiv. Androm. 656. 2i/Vrpets, let, adj. [tres simul,] three together. SiWpeis alvv^ievos. i. 42p. w, f. Ope-^u), \. [simul nutrio,] to bring up together. Kcu ^vvTe8pa\^ai fiaalXews. Helen. 1036. , 2 aor. 'ebpapov, v. [(l)concurro, (2) convenio,] to run together; to correspond, to agree. Xpovov TO pi^os avro ffwrpe^ei. Orest. 1214. SYN. , v. [tridente concutio,] to shake with the trident. 2rpe7rr> o-t- TroXir. Here. F. 94-1. 'SYN. ifiat, f. ^w, v. [contero,] to break to pieces. A.VTOIOI avv vavratal avv- ijsu) flciX&v. Cycl. 699 SYN. IZvvOpava), o-vvOXifiw, avmo>, K'ara^cia;, Karap- , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [simul nutritus,] reared with. Ov Ka Iph. T. 1120. SYN. 'O^orpo^os, ohelos. , v. [concurro,] to meet. 'EKeAevere avvTpo^a^etr. Anacr. 7. 4. SYN. See Svi-rpt^w. viTvy^d^w, v. [(l)obviam fio, (2) colloquor,] to meet with, to occur; to con- verse with. M/} Kal Ao\oji/ci (TUVTv^ajv KaraKTa.vrj. Rhes. 86l. SYN. 'Evrvy- &v v, avvepyofj.cH) av^u^epo/to/, (Ty ( U7rt7rrw. vpew, v. [in caseurn cogo,] to make into cheese. Kcu raK Bcucura5j> ravra 'Tvpovpeva. Equit. 4/9- SYN. 2i/yur?/yj'v^it, ffuyicvraa;. , as, >/, subst. [(1) occurstts, (2) congressus, (3) casus,] an occur- rence; meeting; event. Svi'ri/x* Kpeifftruv tuv^alv. Hec. 215. SYN. f v. [simul dolore adfieior,] to be distressed along with. Kcu , fcai vvit)bh'ei KO.MHS. Helen. 733. SYN. ZvyaXyew, av^TraOttit. , et trvrdot^os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [concinens,] harmonising with. Tab' ov rolalv efryyeXpevois. Med. 1004. See also Here. F. 787- SYN. 2vyu- ovroi^Ws, djjiavXds, ala., as, >/, subst. [conjuratio,] a conspiracy. 'Yyuwy drrd^rwr ras 4v^w- cpw. Equit. 474. SYN. SvaraTts. r^s, et avvopuporris, ov, 6, subst. [qui eodeni jurejurando adstrictus est,] one bound by the same oath, a conspirator. "Eiravaa revs ihfayu>ras. Equit. 862. See also Lysistr. 1006. SYN. 'Ej^orus. * Svrou'v^os, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [commune nomen habens,] having a common name. FaTd rts fyvMvvp.os. Helen. 494. 2vi/wp/(5o/xat, v. [copulo,] to join together. 'ISov, fyvaTrre, KCII |v-wp/5ov ^epd, Bacch. 194. SYN. See 2vevy>i//4t. 2vrwpifcevo;ua, v. [bigas agito,] to drive a pair of horses. 'IrTraceYai e ca2 vt>(jjpiKe.vrai. Nub. 15. Svrwpts, t6ds, ^, subst. [biga, par,] a couple of horses or mules drawing a car- riage, a pair. 'A7rovw0\ew, v. [una adjuvo,] to join in assisting. IldpoVrd /cat Hoi. Philoct. 871. SYN. Zv^dp/yw, ff v^/3o^0w. 2vj/w)(dov, adv. [continenter,] continuously. 'AffrpctTrrwy eyrei^e Hes. Theog. 690. SYN. Svvo^n, ffvi'Exews, frvve^aJs. SVOK:-O^OS, ov, 6 et fi, subst. [apri interfector,] a boar-slayer. Kovpqy 'laaloio avoKTvvov 'ApKarrlbao. Call. 3. 2l6. SYN. ^.vu^uvTrjs. 2vpa, as, ?/, P. N. [Syra.] BopfivKa xapleaaa, 2vpav fcaXforrt TV TravTts. Theocr. 10. 26. , et 2vpa(covo-at, wv, at, P. N. [Syracuse*,] a celebrated city in Sicily. w Svpa-Koorat. Pyth. 2. 1. See also Olymp. 6. 8. I,vpaKdffiids, et 2vpaffovo-tos, a, ov, adj. [Syracusanus,] Syracusan. "Rbrj /3aard- . Theocr: 16. 78. See also Aves 1297. 824 2YPA IY2T nielius ftupbw, q. v. Vid. doctiss. Blomf. Pers. 54. d, ards, TO, subst. [sibilus,] a whistling. "Evd* ex t ffvpiyfjiuTd. Bacch. 920. SYN. Widvpiffpa. yjo6oyyds, evKeXabos, \lyvpa, , KaXi], Trepi ^elXos eXtmjs, Tro^ueVm), (2) eXiTpo^os, (3) Oeppri, ai/m- w, Dor. avplobw, v. [(l)sibilo, (2) fistula cano,] to whistle, rattle; to pipe. Qifjiol be (jvpl^oval fiapfiapov rpoTror. Sept. Theb. 459- SYN. ^Wvpia). ?LvpiKT))s, et ffvpion}s, ov, 6, subst. [(l) sibilator, (2) qui fistula canit,] a whist- ler ; a piper. Od TTO^' 8 arvpiKTa 7rpoas, ?/, P. N. [Syrtis,] the name of two quicksands on the coast of Africa. Upoirpo yudX' et'bodi 2w>rtv Iv OVK ert f cards ortiaffu. A poll. 4. 1235. 2i/p0cr, df:o^, ffvpfyerds, ov, et crup^os, o, subst. [colluvies;] filth, scum, 'fts ijadovTO yt TOV pci> ffvpyaKa TOV aXXor. Vesp. 6/3. See also Call. 2. 109- SYN. Av/jd. 2upw, v. [traho,] to draw along. Supwv ev^dfietois re 6to~is. Batrach. 74. SYN. "EX. 2wy, .Eol. pro vs, vvs, 6 et r/, subst. [(l) sus, (2) aj>er,] a sow, a boar. 'H ov&v poptywTpLct. Troad. 439- See also Y. 32. SYN. XoTpos, Kairpos, KctTrplds. EPITH. ^Ayplos, dpylobovs, pciXa iriwv, Tre^rdtr^os, QaXedwv a.\oirj, p&ycis, avatb)}s, \aalos, ir&xys, XvaeraXZds. awvyut, f. aKebw, v. [una dissipo,] to scatter together. 2vffKebqv TroXXds ridpas eirwv. Ran. 904. SYN. 'AiroaKebavvvpt. ar avroi, Kai at ava- re. Helen. 1388. SYN. 2ww. ews, >*/, subst. [co2tus,] a baud. Els be ovoravtts. Androra. 1077- SYN. Si/xc^os, dfjuXtis, ffVvovffVa, trt>vo){Jitiala, ffrl^os. 2Y2T ! TrtTrXois otiveaTaXr)- oav. Troad. 380. SYN. Etepurr^XXw, v>o<7reXXw, avvTWrjp?, avvdpyw, *drd- pdXXw, KuTapaffffd}. 2i/0T*'d 5W , v. [congemo,] to groan or lament together, 'fts vflTj'dc?ei*' ol6d yevveu'ws . Orest. 1434. SYN. 2i/(i), avvetXiarao), arpeflXod), ervor^XXw. 2i/, v. [una macto,] to slay together. Keu crvo-^dyj/vat, nal irvpwQrjvai bepas. Iph. T. 6*86. SYN. See IvyKdraKreo'w. , poet, ffixjteids, ov, o, subst. [suile,] a pig-stye. e Pa/3S^) 7reirXr)yv~ia, Kara eepyvv. K. 238. See also K. 389- s, vid. Ivfl^rjs. , 57, ov, adj. [frequens, multus,] frequent, much. IlXjjyat av\va\ KO.T CLIJTV. Aves 1014. SYN. IToXfo, Qn^tvos, adpuos, ovvZyris, irvrtvos. , et o-eyw, v. [urgeo,] to cause to hurry on. Aetre/of/s, av-ro 6' alpd KtXat- es. 0. 167. See also Z. 133. SYN. Ko'lw, op/xdw, iropewpai. , ov, ro, subst. [vas, quo sanguis victimarum excipitur,] a vessel for receiving the blood of victims. AtVvatd re atyayeia. TTEXEKEWV yvaQois. Cycl. 394. ^ayevf, ews, 6, subst. [occisor, culter serviens mactationi,] a slayer, the knife used at sacrifices. '6 ^kv cr^ayevs earriKEv. Aj. Fl. 815. SYN. 'OXer^p, fj)ovevs. 0d,y^, >7s, r/, et a(j)a.yiaff[ji8s, ov, o, subst. [(1) caedes, (2) jugulum, (3) vulnus,] slaughter; the throat ; a wound. Al/id rwy e/iw' atyay&v. Trach. 572. See also Eur. Electr. 200. SYN. Ooj'Ss, avaipHris. EPITH. Aetvi), dXeOpta, a- Kpvoeffcra, O.I/TOKTOVOS, TroXvOvros, avoalos. arrw, V. [macto,] to slay. "Htrffyv P v - Pers. 199- SYN. Adveo/iat, ^dXe , dordrew, SmTrdptw, er0u5w. , ov, TO, subst. [victima,] a victim. *A S' AvXts tXd/Se aipr)&8v dfjiiXov. N. 204. (/>ctfpow, v. [in pilam cogo,] to form into a ball. 2n/0ed Se a^aipwr Theocr. 22. 46. otviav. Hec. 1060. See also Antig. 1291. 20a\pos, a, oV, adj. [lubricus,] tottering, slippery, dangerous. I^dXepd rdvv- bpopois. feu men. 377- SYN. 'E7ri7s, d<70>)s, dXiffdrjpds, dTrdrjjXtos, drap- rrjpos, yXiayjpos. * 2./>dXff>ws, adv. [lubrice, dubie,] in a slippery, doubtful, dangerous manner. 'ATTO, //j) atydXtptis, tVT ri]V ycudv. Iph. A. 600. I^dXXw, f. CT^dXw, v. [supplanto, fallo,] to supplant, to throw down, to de- ceive. Aetmi 6e ri^cti ffQaXXovvl bopovs. Med. 201. SYN. 'A7roo^>dXXw, 2dXjud, dros, 70, subst. [lapsus, error, peccatum,] a fall, a mistake, a cala- mity. Td Trpoerfle o^dX/xdr' e^mrov/^eVos. Androm. 54. SYN. IlrcD/ud, Treenj/ud, apapTr)p.a, bvctrv^a, Trralffpa, irXuvr}. I^dpd^ew, v. [gutture stridorem edo, crepito,] to make a rattling noise with the throat, to rattle. QvOara e atyapayevrro. i. 440. SYN. Bpuj(w, audpd- w, v. [cum strepitu excito,] to raise with a noise. "Evoaiv re KOVLV 6' apd eo-^dpdyt^oj/. Theog. 706. , vid. S^dytdc'w. , ^, ov, adj. [vehemens,] vehement. ^e;yo^* o 5e a^avov e(j>e7r eyx' ot K/7p. $. 542. SYN. I^>ofy>os, xaXeiros, bewos, areppos, l ,ds, dros, ro, subst. [scabellum,] a footstool. IToXXd 01 d/u0i K&pri avbpwv K TrdXdyudw)'. p. 231. SYN. 0pa't6V, Qpf]vi>s. fyevbafj-vwds, rj, 6V, adj. [acernus,] of a maple-tree. Mapadtovopdxai a<[ vtvot. Acharn. 181. SYN. 'Irry^vpos, orepeos, irplvlvos. fyevbovdo), <70e*'6V/c?a>, v. [funda utor,] to sling. 'Eo^evSoyaro x&p fjitXr). Pho3n. 1199- SYN. 'ATropp/Trrw. fyevbdvr], rjs, */, subst. [(l) funda ; (2) pala annuli,] (l)a sling ; (2) the bezil of a ring. Kcu /z>)v TVTTOI ye afyevbovrjs xpi^Xdrov. Hipp. 865. ?, a, 6V, adj. [(l)suus, (2) proprius, (3) vester,] their; proper; your. >a, as, (2) crtyriKia, os, r/, subst. [(1) nidus vesparum, (2) examen vesparum,] a wasp's nest; a swarm of wasps. IloXXaJy biKaar&v atprjKidv blatrKtbu). Vesp. 229. See also Cycl. 473. 20r/a'0r<5s, ov, 6, subst. [palus acutus,] a sharp stake. Meyav Xd/3o^res '. Plut. 301. SYN. IfcoXo^/. >, v. [constringo,] to bind fast. IlXox^ot 0' ol XP Vff( ? T ^ Ka " 1 apyVf J. P. 52. SYN. At(i>, ;rd)/yyct>, o r fo > 0/yyw, yo/udiow. ?, et /, subst. [vespa, crabro,] a wasp, a drone, l^ty eyu^epcord- rous. Vesp. 1103. EPITH. A/oXos, Tnxpos, batyoivos, oXoos, XeyydXeos, evobios. * 2

    ptis, a, oV, adj. [vehemens,] vehement, strong. IlvvOdvo/iat TTCLVV Plut. 25. SYN/'Ayay, Xiav, TTCLVV, betvws. tyobpvvdjucn, v. [vehemens sum,] to be violent. 'Arap / ff, Karavrjijiaivoi). typayis, vid. ILtypaytbwv. * ^(j)payifffj.a, arete, ro, subst. [sigillum,] a seal. jt/, e^eXc^as Trepi/SoXas cr^pa- . Hipp. 86Y. SYN. See typayifc&v. , v. [tumeo,] to swell, to be enraged. Ka< /u>) atyplytivTa QvpSv tff^- (31$. P. V. 388. SYN. 'Avflew, afc^ta^a;, OiSatVw, /3pacw, tnctpraa;, opyt- dfjiat f 6yKoo/j,at. u^w, v. [palpito,] to throb. 2^vcre7v ? ws avtadrj. Theocr. 11. 71. SYN. ffTra/pw, crtyabactu), Tr^Saw, aXytw, arfadfjiai. , as, ^, subst. [malleus,] a hammer. "AKpovdre atyvpav re. 7. 434. SYN. Keorpa, patffTrjp. tyvpas, et ffirvpas, aSds, r/, subst. [stercoris caprini globulus,] a piece of goats', dung. Navvove~is, a^vpdbMv. Pax 790. tyvpriXards, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [malleo ductus, durus,] beaten out with a hammer, hard, solid. S^vp^Xdrds old KoXoacrds. Theocr. 22.47. SYN. Irepeds. * ^vpd/na^os, ov, 6, P. N. [Sphyromachus.] 'l?^vpofj.axos Tror'elTrlv. Eccles. 22. 2^>i/pdv, oi/, ro, subst. [malleolus pedis,] the ancle, the heel. Kara trtyvpov' alrap u ri]V ye. Apoll. 4. 1^47. SYN. Tap, et v< KO fi n d> (2) deinitto, (3) cohibeo,] to slit, to relax; to dismiss ; to check. Tfipvy a^Qoyyov ^acras. Phcen. 974. See also Nub. 409. SYN. 'ATroo-^a^w, fcdrafCOTrrw, avuj/it, ^ctXdw, yurtt/3aXXw, mraTrai/w. ^tSta, as, ?/, subst. [ratis,] a raft, a ship. Tas TrovroTropovs eo^e o-^eSias. Hec. 110. SYN. nXotctpto*/, vavs. EPITH. Evpem, TroXvoea/uos. ^eStos, a, of, adj. [(1) qui praesto est, (2) item, P. N. Schedius,] near, immediate. 2x^ ? T ' vrofcw7rd /wyuw^ /SeX?/ ; Choeph. 157. See also P. 806. , et o-^eooy, adv..[prope, praBsto,] near, at hand. D^e^Oev Se ot r/Xv- dvr/p. o. 223. See also A. 247. SYN. nX7/<7toy, eyyvs, TrcXds, &y\i, /3d- , f. ayj)(n*>, ab inus. Phcen. 419. SYN."EXW, '^X w > , KaOeipyw, ETTE^U). , iSds, ?/, subst. [segmentum carnis taurinae,] a side of beef. 'AXXa (cws. Equit. 361. ia, as, r/, P. N. [Scheria,] an island of the Phaeacians, afterwards called , and now Corfu. Eltrev 6' cv ^-^pirj. 5. 8. EPITH. 'pdretwy, pi- 1 The only form which occurs of this word, in the Greek poets, is 's, ^, subst. [habitus,] shape, form. Ov X dVXwv ax**?*'. Sept. Tlreb. 503. SYN. 2x^""> Kardorafffr. 2 X erj7ptdv, ov, ro, subst. [remedium ad sedandum,] a sedative. 'AXX' ^60 \ifjiov Kal robe ff-^rrjpWv. Cycl. 135. SYN. K^X^rr/ptoV. , v. [conqueror, tanquam acerba passus,] to complain. Ov Set , KCU fioq.v. Piut. 476. SYN. &v to, ftfe, a, oV, et ov, 6 et >/, adj. [(1) miser, (2) asper, (3) scelestus,] wretched, cruel, wicked, T fl o-xerXtot TroyuTrcu. Iph.T. 652. SYN. 'Ar^x^* Kaxobalfjuav, , obvvrjpos, axXripos, Wjuos, 'xaXtnos, tTrax^s, abiKos, a a, arcs, ro, subst. [(l) habitus, cultus, (2) decus, ornamentum,] form, fashion, figure, splendor. T H a^lpar o'kw^, <5 ?ror' evrvxets bopot. Hec. 6l7- SYN^ Tv^-os, a^als, "xapaKTrip, buffi, TrpoffWTro^, a^twjuci, Ko ^> subst. [lignum fissum,] cleft wood, a log. Kcut 5' CTTI d yepwv. F. 45p. EpITH. "A^vXXds. f. io-w, v. [findo, scindo,] to cleave, to cut, ^x'^^e^^d & oi)K eincpvirra . Again. 606. SYN. 'AyaaxiZb), Karaff^t^, p/yvv^ut, ^mr/ir;yw, 5td- , paKOb), rep.vd) t KOTTTU). s, ov, o, subst. [fissura, scissura,] a cleft, a rent. 'Epol Se /z/^vei f]Ki bopi. Agara. 1118. SYN. 'P^y/ud, o-TrdpayjUos, pdyds, jowy//. x7v6s, ov, rj, subst. [(l)lentiscus, (2) squilla,] the mastich-tree, a sea-onion. K< a^lvov etr ofyi biepevos S^Tjrrtov. Plut. 720. , T), ov, adj. [fissus,] cleft, divided. % yrj KXp^erat* ffX lffT *l & . CE. R. 733. 77, /, adj. [junceus,] made of rushes, ^oivlvas "unroLal ydp. Eur. fr. Autol. 2. , ov, ro, et ax otl/ ^> <^ s > /> subst. [funiculus e junco tortus,] a cord made of rushes. "Slcnrep oi TO. ayoivla. Pax 36. See also Theocr. 23. 51. SYN. See 27rdpno>. xoTvos, 1 ov, 6, subst. [juncus,] a rush. Srt/SdSa a^oivuv. Plut. 541. xoXaa>, f. daw, v. [otior, moror,] to be at leisure, to loiter. Mi) vvv o-x^Xa^. ^.sch.Suppl. 215. SYN. BpdSvvw, pa0v^ew, ff^oXiji' dyw, evo-xoX^w, aTTjodyew. xciXr), 7s, ^, subst. [otium, vacatio,] leisure, exemption, slowness. Owe d^0o- rov ffx 6 ^" X W - Androm. 730. SYN. Aiarpt/3>), dyeais, airpayfjioavvr], fipabv- TTJS, apyla, EPIT|J. OtXrdri;, Tepirvri, icdo/. , vid. 2ww. , crdow, et o-dwcjw, v. [servo,] to preserve, to keep. 2wc?wy aibqpuv kv Xv- irefffifjiari. Pho3n. 1435. See also A. 83. SYN. See !oa>. W, v. [valeo, possum,] to be powerful, to be able, f MOVJ/I; ydp dyetv ovKerf atoti. Soph. Electr. 118. SYN. 'lax^w, ^vi/dfiat, oQevw, fiurjOew. Iwcds, a oi/, 6, subst. [servator, qui potens est,] a preserver, one who is mighty. A^rol 6'dyr^orq croivos, eplovvlds'Epufjs. Y. 72. w, v. [Socratem ago,] to imitate Socrates. 'E*cd/iwr, lireivwv, eppvirw, rovv. Aves 1282. , cos, 6, etdimin.SwfcpdrtSt^i/, ov, TO, P. N. [Socrates, Socrates parvus,] the celebrated Athenian philosopher; the little Socrates. 'ETTI ri a oi/xot, IwKodres. Nub. 256. See also Nub. 746. EPITH. M^Xftfe, Kd ad^os. 1 Sxoim is also P. N. Schoenus, a city in Bceotia. B. 497. See Damm. P. V. 2 SWKOS is also a P. N. See A, 427. 2HMA TAFH 829 artis, ro, Siibst. [corpus,] a body. Xw/x' fprj^wcras fy. Hec. 31. SYN. Aeyuds, XP^s. EPITH. Mtyd, d0a7rroV, a,K\a.voTfiv, 2CIr}fffytd>, yvfivov, afyudro- ordyes, XevKoV yjjpq.. SwTroXts, tos, 6, P. N. [Sopolis.] Ilalca ktoK\etiov 2 (rwpoV $/cety. Plut. 269. SYN. XtD/^a, oxiy^ud, 0Jr, oyxos. 2ws, vid. 2oos. * 2/, et (2) ioym, dros, ro, subst. [prudens monitum,] a prudent suggestion. 'IToX- \oialv aXXots adJ^poviff^affLV Trdrpds. uEsch. Supp. 999- SYN. DdpayyeXyud, , vid. ^Lt , et aaotypocrvvr], rjs, f], subst. [modestia,] moderation, discretion. f/ 66' d cra>0pd, v. [servo,] to preserve. 2wer* Sr) yap TTOU yudX' o/o//at . Apoll. 4. 197. See also 0. 363. SYN. Iw<5o>, erdw, adw, ffdw^w, ^w? tpv<*>, Trjpeu, Stdnjpew, ^i/Xdatrw, Xvrpow. T. Tayew, et rayevw, v. [impero,] to command. Tayeo>, e^ovra pitiv. Pers. 770. See also Sept. Theb. 58. SYN. Tdcro-w, Tdy/}, 1 775, ?/, subst. [praefectura,] a command. '6 o' e/uo$ yd, KO.V CK ras rdyas eXff^ 7Td, Terayo, the latter from the 2nd aor. frayov. See Dawes, Misc. Crit. p. 245. Dr. Blomfield, P. V. 96. Gloss, and Agam. 109, note. 830 TAFH TAAA Tdy/jj/dV, et riiyavov, ov, TO, subst. [sartago,] a frying-pan. T<5 /uev Tayr)vci> rev0?Swj>. Equit. 929. SYN/'Hyd^dV. Tayos, ov, et Tdyov^os, ov, 6, subst. [dux,] a leader or commander. Newv ye rayei ru>v XtXe/ju/xeVwy ?ro6' d rdXa/^pwv. Antig. 866. See also N. 300. A. 466. and Hes.Scut. 424. SYN. TdXdepyos, rdXd- TrevOfjs, rdXa7rd0>)s, To\fj.r)pos, raXavpivos, rdXdos. TaXavrov, ov, TO, subst. [(1) libra, (2) talent urn,] a balance ; a talent, consist- ing of sixty miiiic, and worth about 193/. 'AXX'fyv raXcm-d TIS Xaj3y rptd Kal tJeKd. Plut. 194. SYN. Lradfjios, POTD), uyos, 7rXa avros avTols Tols rdXapois Karrjcrdie. Ran. 560. See also Theocr. 15. 113. SYN. DTT^PIS, KaXaOos, Kavsov, KaXadifftcos, Ko(j>ivds t oppos. EPITH. HXeKTos, apyvpeos, birrjeis. TdXas, vid. TdXdds. ^cos, a, 8v> adj. [lanificus,] of wool. TdXdcr^td epyd ueurjXZv. Apoll. 3. TdXauptvos, r), ov, adj. [durus, fortis,] hard, brave. To ^101, ecrri rdXavpirov &tv. H. 239. SYN. See TdXatypwv. 1 Ta\abs is also a P. N. See Apoll. 1. 118. TAAA TANT 831 TdXdw, v. [perpetior,] to endure. 'Siriovra TaXuaoy. O. 104. SYN. TX^t, Kaprtpew, viroptvio, dvaT\r)]Ui. TX0v/3rfr, ov, 6, P. N. [Talthybius,] the herald of Agamemnon. Ta\6vfiiMs ?/Va> kayalbojv vrrrjperrjs. Hec. 501. EPITH. "Orprjpos, GepaTrwv, 0e7os, Kr/pv. PHR. 0fT6> IvdX/y/aos avbfjv. TdXts, t<>s, ^, subst. [virgo nubilis,] a marriageable young woman. TaXtSos ov 'AvTiydvrjS. Antig. 629. SYN. Nv/^?;. , o, P. N. [Talus. Vid. Val. Flacc. x. et Plat, in Minoe.] "Op/tact TdXfc>. Apoll. 4. 1670. , oos y adj. [corpus sen cutem incidens,] cutting the body or skin, keen. MaKpfjs, as ei%pv rafjiZaixpoas. N. 340. Td/ua, as, r/, et Tafias, ov, 6, subst. [dispensatrix, promus, condus,] a dispen- ser, a steward, a housekeeper. Kat rd/uat Trdpd vqvalv eeraV, o-/roid borfjpts. T. 44. SYN."E0djt)os, olKovojjios, beairoiva, btoiKYiTpia, &e07rorr)s. EPITH. Ai- boirj, o.[ji(pt7ro\ds t orprjpr], biKala. i/w, Ion. imp. rdpeveo-Ktfi', v. [dispense,] to act as a steward, to dispense. juevofiEv vfuv ; Lysistr. 495. See also Antig. 949. SYN. AtWefytai, , a7ro(Tfa>^w, ^uXaffffw, airorWrj/Lii. , ov, r/, subst. [coaguluin,] rennet. Kat rvpov 7raat, TafJiiffov &ptfjte1(ii> tvelaa. Theocr. 1 1. 66. SYN. Tlirva, OTTOS. Tayurw, vid. Te/mi'to. TavarjKtis, et rd^i/^ra/s, eos, 6 et ^, adj. [protensam habens aciem, acutus,] sharp, long-pointed. Krelvas ravd^/cet ^a\K^. b. 257. See also *:. 439. SYN., evdr)KTos t evjjriKrjs, otydrjKTos. Tavadbeipos, ov, o et //, adj. [protensum collum habens,] long-necked. Olwvtiv Tarad&eiport'. Aves 1393. SYN. AoXfyavx^v. farads, 1 a, ot>, adj. [extensus, longus,] extended, long. 'HXtdSes Tavafjarlv f^rj- plrai alyetpotcrn'. Apoll. 4. 604. SYN. UpopriKrjs, fjiaKpos, Tavavi/rovs, vid. Tavvirovs. Tdvr/Xeyy/s, cos, 6 et >/, adj. [longam quietem adferens,] bringing a long sleep. Moljo' oXo>) KaOeXrjffi rdvj/Xeyeos QCLVOTOW. (3. 100. lWdXe/, adj. [longum curriculum absolvens,] completing a long race. 20dXepd ravybpofjiois. Eumen. 377- TavvqKrjs, vid. Tdvd>/C77S. Tdn^0eipd, as, r/, et rd/v0p^, txos, adj. [promissam comam habens,] long- haired. Kepawov, Tai>vWet-pa. Olymp. 2. 40. See also Hes. Op. 514. SYN. Adv\\ov eXatrjs. ^.195. SYN. 'EpfyvXXos. i, f. vffo), V. [extendo,] to stretch out. Uelpap cTraXAa^cures, ZTT d/u^ore- Tavvaaav. N. 359. SYN. See TetVw. t>, v. [cohorti praesum,] to command a band. Ke rfs eTrldv^wv Tatfap- lv. Pax 443. SYN. 'Hyt/^orevw, rayeu>, rayevw, arpdrj/yew, ari^aivii). Ta^tow, v. [in acie constituo,] to post. ^erepas arepds ragiovadat. Olymp. 9. 118. SYN. Ta<7o-w. ap^x^ s ou " su bst. [ordinum ductor,] the captain of a band. Ylov V0' 6 ap-^os', Aves 318. SYN. Xrpdr^yds, 7ro\fJiap-%os, orpdrap)(os, ryye/zwv. , e^s, r/, subst. [(l) ordo, (2) cohors,] arrangement, rank, a band of soldiers. 'O^oXwio-tv t>e ra^iv el^e Trpos 7ri)Xats. Phoen. 1135. SYN. Ao^os, crroXos. TdTret^os, r), ov, adj. [humilis,] humble. "H^/w 6e yoVdrwi> rwv e/iwv Tarreivos &v ; Hec. 245. SYN. XdyucttTrtr^s, ^0d^dXos, /utxpos, yX/rr^pos, abojfis. TdTretj/orrjs, qros, ^, subst. [dejectio,] dejection. Tavreu'dr^ra 55ov ovej/ Xa/z- /3d>'ei. Menand. SYN. Kdr^etd. 'Tarrrjs, IJTVS, 6, subst. [tapes,] tapestry, a covering. Kai ^opjud*' % etv " l/r '- TUTrrjTOS aa.Trpdv. Plut. 542. SYN. Irpt^ud. EpITH. Odetyo^, itoptyvpeos, aXt- Tropfyvpos, ovXos, pobeos, paXaKtoTepos vrrry. Tdpayjud, dros, ro, rdpay/uos, ov, 6, rdpa^s, ews, et rapa^rj, T/S, >y, subst. [pertur- batio, consternatio,] alarm, disturbance, consternation, 'fts ev KXvbMvi Kal v rdpay^ari. Here. F. 1082. See also Iph. A. 1128. Thesm. 144. and Iph. A. 508. SYN. ^vy-^vats, Oopvpos, eWX^is. * TapaKrptiv, ov, TO, subst. [quod perturbat,] a thing which raises commo- tions. Kcu KVKrjdpov, Kal TapaKTpov. Pax 654. , opos, et rapaKTrjs, ov, 6, subst. [perturbator,] a disturber. TdV dv- , TOV TroXews 1 rdpdffropd. Sept. Theb. 569. . Ws, ov, 6 et /;, adj. [animum perturbans,] heart-distressing. TOVTO" TOVTTOS beivov ijbrj, Kal TapagiKapcWv. Acharn. 315. SYN. Aqt0i/juos, Qvpov , ov, 6 et r}, adj. [qui equestres copias perturbat,] one who throws the cavalry into confusion. Kai irdpat7r7ropevd. Hipp. 973. SYN. 'Amrdpoo'erw, ffvvTapaarau), 0opv/3ew, trvy^ew, fcv/cdw, opivw, , vid. Tdpay/^d. Tap/3dXtos, a, ov, adj. [timidus,] fearful. Tap/3dXtov, feat prjrpos Horn. Merc. 165. SYN. 'ArvfyXos, ^o/3epos, Se/Xatos, 5eiX^/uwv, rap- vos, oos. w, Ion. imp. rap/3e, v. [timeo,] to fear. Tap/Getv /uev epyd Setv dray ex et - Trach. 725. See also Horn. Hymn. 4. 252. SYN. Tplw, Set'S n<*Acws is here scanned as an iambus. TAPB TAYP 833 Top/Go's, cos, ro, et rapfidcrVyri, r)s, f], subst. [terror, metus,] terror, fear. Ovrw fe rdp/3ovs els d>o"/3ov T a^iK6fJLr\v. Phoen. 372. See also ov^ ravpybov Kara). Ran. 8 16. *Tav/)u-ds, 7), oV, adj. [Tauricus,] of the Tauri, a people of European Sarma- tia. 2v o' elTrds eX0e7v Tai/pt^s p opovs x^vos. I ph. T. 85. Tai/p6'7os, ov, 6 et YI, adj. [taurino glutine junctus. Vid. Toup. Epist. Grit. p. 118.] glued. Kat rai/pooeros y\ Eur. fr. Cret. 2. 8. TavpoKfpws, w, adj. [taurina habens coniua,] having a bull's horns. TXe&>, et ravpoff^dyew, v. [taurum macto,] to slay a bull, to sacrifice. TavpoKroj/et juev Swoeic' evreXels ex w) '- Trach. 762. See also Sept. Theb. 43. s, ravpofffyayos, et ravpo^o^ds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [taurum interficiens,] 1 ebv is here scanned as one long syllable, the metre being Ionic, a minore dim. Pros. Lex. 5 N 834 TAYP TAXY bull-slaying. 'I, f:at tri) /uov rd0ei)s ytv?;. CE. C. 582. Td(j)r), rjs, rj, subst. [sepultura,] burial, 'fis ev TO& eliras, TrX^v tV et x P ff( ? TCL^ds. Helen. 1062. SYN. K?]os, rd^>os, Kreped, ei> Tatyifitis, a, ov, adj. [sepulcralis,] sepulchral. 7 Ht Xai/joTOfJiriaav. Apoll. 2. 842. SYN. 'EiriTVpfiibios, Td0?os, a, d^, adj. [Taphius,] an inhabitant of Taphos or Cephallenia, one of the Ecbinades. Td0?w/ r/yjyropi MeVrjj. a. 181. SYN. TrjXefidas, Ke^aXXryv. EPITH. ^tXT/peVjLios, XrfiffTrjp, Xjy'torwp. Td^os, ou, 6, subst. [(l) sepulcrum, (2) sepultura, (3) terror,] a tomb, a funeral ; awe, alarm. M)y0' al/u' tdcr^s ets eyuov aTafai Tatyov. Heracl. 1041. SYN, Ovpcilos, Xaivos, fiaalX/tKtis, ^waros, ^flo^tos, aifj.vr)ffTds, epepvos, fJuivbeiKrj Tatypds, ov, >;, subst. [fossa,] a trench, a ditch. "EKTOS rd^>pwj> TW^', ws //ei/ovs rdxd. Phoen. 726. SYN. Rodpds, XCIKKOS, epKos. EPITH. 'Opv^, fd, evpelu, KotXrj, fjteyaXr). (a, et Td^ews, 21 adv. f(I) velociter, (2) forsan,] quickly; perhaps. SYN. fd, avTlKa, f.vdfis, KapTraXifjios, ei> rfix et > tffs t avvTOfj.d)s, Kpanrvus, >, vid. Tdxvs. Td^os, tos, TO, et ruxiJriys, ?r^s, o, subst. [celeritas,] celerity. 'ETTC! TO Sco-Trdrou rdvos. Troad. 1135. See also T. 740. SYN. T et TaxoTrbpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui celeriter incedit,] quick-going. rewv KaroTrrrji' oXe'iv. Rhes. 134. See also Helen. 1271- SYN. , ov, 6 et fj, adj. [promptus consilio,] quick of counsel, rash. 'JE> rd)(i>/3ovXopfa, and . 365. TAXY TEIP 836 Tdx>et0r)s, Id's, 6 et fi, adj. [credulus,] credulous. 'Eyo> &% ot d Theocr. 2. 138. SYN. Ev7re<0?)s, evmdris, evTretffrtis. Ta-xyfjiopos, et TaxviroTfjios, ov, o et f/, adj. [brevis aevi,] short-lived. dXXd Taxfyopoit. Agam. 4/0. See also Olyrap. 1. 154. SYN. 'ftdJ/xdpds, dXt- os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [celeriter deducens,] quickly-conveying. "E7rpa- iwy/,io7s ; /Esch. Suppl. 1054. , vid. Tdx^ar^s. , TTOOS, adj. [celeres pedes habens,] swift-footed. 2>e/xet, ra dyvwv. Troad. 234. SYN, 'ApytTrovs, rdxvTropos, rdx^d aeptrtirovs. os, ov, o et ^, adj. [celeres equos habens,] having swift horses. Tv- v ae riov Ad^dot rdx^TrwAot. 0. l6l. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [celeriter volans,] rapidly flying. 7 fl, 67os aldrjp, Trvoal. P. V. 88. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [velox, trepidus,] rapid, alarming. Hplv ctyye- Xovs <77repx i/ovs " ^"^ Ta^yppoOovs. Sept. Theb. 271. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [praepes,] fleet, rapid. Et0' deXXata rdx^joworos . (E. C. 1081. >f, eld, v, et rdx^vos, 17, o)/, adj. [celer,] swift, quick. 2ot fyfjnrovfjffat, /cat ^^ TrpoaapKeaat. Hec. 850. See also Theocr. 2. 7. SYN. 'ftdis, 0oos, pos, 6%us, Tdxy7rdpos t TCLyvirTtpoSy rdx^/yp^s, rdx^jopwards, rdxyTOVs, /3dXtos, , vid. Tdxos. y, w, et rdwy, w^os, 6, subst. [pavo,] a peacock. T^pevs ydp el vv ; opvis, f/ raws J Aves 102. EPJTH. MqbiKos, xpvffOTrrepds. Teyyw, v. [(1) madefacio, (2) mollio, (3) fundo,] to wet, to bedew, to soften, to pour. Tt x^ w |^ s Sai;pi>oi$ reyyets Kopas ; Med. 918- SYN. Bptxw, j'on'cw, judXatro-w, vypatVw, vSpatVfi), errata), ardXdo'o'W. Tcyca, as, ^, P. N. [Tegea,] a city in Arcadia. Ot Teyeijy KOI K\fjpov 'A^et- bavreiov evatdv. Apol). 1. l62. EPITH. EvprjXos. Teyeos, or, adj. [(l)tectus, (2) altus,] covered, lofty. AwSeic' ecrai/ reytot 0d- Adyuot fcffTo~i8 XiOotd. Z. 248. SYN. Sreydvos, Karrjptyris, VTrepwios. Ttyos, eos, ro, subst. [tectum,] a roof, a house. 'E^derat Kovafiov rtyHwv vTrep elaaiovrts. Apoll. 2. 1087. SYN. Irtyos, areyrj, opo^os, ^d, 5o/zos. EPITH. " s, a, dv, adj. [legitimus, solemnis,] legitimate, solemn. Teflyutai evre c$iv Kapj/etd^s /Xv0dj/ Jpat. Call. 2. 87. SYN. 0e77/u, i. e. Oi^r/o-fcw, [morere,] die. Teflydflt" *C7/pd 5' eyw rore be^dfial. X. 365. See also Nub. 1438. SYN. See 0V/cw., T0pi7T7rd/3d^wj', dvds, adj. [quadrijugus,] riding in a carriage and four. TtflptTr- 7ro/3o>dVi trroXw. Orest. 983. TeflptTTTrds, ov, 6 et rj y adj. [quatuor equos habens,] drawn by or having four horses. T fl TeOpurTrov rjXiov aeXds. Eur. Electr. 86^. SYN. Terpaopos, rrpw- pos, rtrpd/^ayuwv. TetVw, cj/a), v. [tendo, extendo, pertineo,] to stretch, to pertain. OUK et$ yt- povras rjbs aot retvet rv^rj. Hipp. 797 SYN. 'Efcretrw, rdvvw, TrdpdretVo;, Te/pos, eds, ro, subst. [signum coeleste,] a star. 'Ei/ 5e re re/ptd TroWd. 2. 485. SYN. See"A f- ?e7. Aves S39 SYN. A^uw, Kpatvvw, o^vpow, epv/i- VQd). ioeis, eaaa, EV, adj. [muris circumdatus,] well fortified. Fo'prvm T? . B. 646. SYN. , "TOS, et Tei X tff ^ s <>> S11DS *' [munimentum,] a fortification. 0pavffT Xa7i/w rei^iaparC. Here. F. 1087- SYN. 'Epvyud, elXdp, 7rpo/3oXds, ypupa- EPITH. Avro/iop^oV. xo>dxe6>, v. [murum oppugno,] to assault a fortification. Tt 5t, reix^a- tv /lot Stcivoet ; Nub. 481. SYN. IloXropKew. dxoy, ov, 6, subst. [muri oppugnator,] a besieger. *H retx^ax^s av^, 7<7drw. Acharn. 570. Te7xos, coy, et retxto^, ov, TO, subst. [murus, munimentum, domus,] a wall, a fortress, a house. Tpwifcwv CK retxewv. Orest. 240. See also TT. 343. SYN. Ilp{/3o\77, BpiyKos. EPITH. ^lepoi/, eTrrdTrvXov, irarpwov, \aivov, TraXatdv, a.Kpov t apfjtov, CUTTV, ^\Kiov t epvfjivov, paKpov, ^Xt/Sdrov, K\VTOV, ovpavtov. Tetws, vid. Tews. Tctf/ua/jDw, v. [(1) certis signis ostendo ; (2) conjicio,] to prove clearly, to con- jecture. "Epyw KOV Xoyw reKpaiperat. P. V. 344. SYN. ' TeKjj.ap t Tf.Kfjn,)p, et rec/i>;pTov, ov, TO, subst. [certum signum,] a distinct proof, a sign, a mark. T Hv 6' ov6e>> avroTs ovre ^eipdros TEKpap. P. V. 463. See also 5. 373. and Hipp. 929. SYN. l7/ud, , TeXos. EPITH. ' tvapyeSy iriOTov t fjisyiffTov. TeKfjujaaa, ys, ^f, P. N. [Tecmessa,] the'wife of Ajax. TeKfjtrjffaav r)v. Aj. Fl. 895. EPITH. Aata, ^va^upos y ZovplXriirTos. , vid. TEKVOV. , et TCKVOTTOIOS, ov, 6 et r] t subst. [parens,] a parent. Tewdyovoi . Sept. Theb. 923. See also Troad. 847. SYN. See llaiboydvos. TEKVOKTOVOS, ov, 6 et >/, subst. [liberorum interfector,] a destroyer of children. 'O00ty fjlYIVlS TEXVOTTOlvtis. Ag3m. 150. ffcyoTrotos, vid. Tefcvoyovos. f/ci'ow, v. [liberos procreo,] to beget children, to generate. Ei yap TEKVW- aeis 7ra76d. Phoen. 19- SYN. Fci^dw, ^vw, ^VTCI/'W, (ptrevio, TLKTUJ, Tratbd~ , vid. Taivv, v. [fabricor,] to fabricate, to construct. KTOV p", foots. Iph. T. 952. SYN. Tex"c?w, Teuxw, eKTovlbrjs, ov, 6, patronym. [Tectonides,] the son of Tecton. See in vos. 775, r/, subst. [ars fabrilis,] the art of a mechanic. 'Opyd-vap . Androm. 1006. 1 Some read Teix^MrX^TTjy, others TfiXfO TEKT TEMA 837 , fiv8s t 6, subst. [faber, artifex,] a mechanic, a contriver. T/croVwi> Ion 1129. EPITH. KXvros, Imipwv, ffo06s. uv, wyds, o, subst. et(2) P. N. [(1) lorum, fascia, (2) Telamon,] a lea- thern thong, a bandage ; Telamon. Trj pa bvia reXd/iwi'e. 5. 404. SYN. '1/ucts, beards. EPITH. Xpvcreos, (baeivos, eufyujjros, apyvptos, TrXdri/s, (2) dvri- 0ds, Kpa.Tepos> AtdfftSj/s, AfAVftUK, ayavos, apr)i, adj. [Telamonius,] of Telamon. TeXd/iomov 6' Atavros etaetSo*' o^dyas. Helen. 847. TeXeflw, v. [orior,] to spring up. Ileuses TtXedovtr, ovyl Tvyovrls. Med. 1092. SYN. Efyu, V7rap-%(i), yiyvofJLCLi. TeXetos, et reXeos, a, oy, et rtX^ets, 7reuw, dvww, reXeo-^opfw, airepya^dpai. TeXews, adv. [perfecte,] completely. TeXtws alKovelov epyov. Trach. 1279. SYN. 'EvreXws, axapTi. TcXr/cw, vi.d. TeXeeos. TeXOos, tos, ro, poet, pro rtfXos, (ut a^0o$ pro a^os,) subst. [tributum, debitum, merces,] tribute, a debt, a reward. T Jl Evrjpeiba, reXdos tityeiXopZvv-y. Call. 6. 106. SYN. XpeVs. TeXXw, v. [orior,] to arise. r Hv, /Xiov reXXovros, WKVTTOUS dywv. Soph. Electr. 699. SYN. 'At'dreXXw. TeX^d, dros, ro, subst. [lacuna,] a slough. "Opfipiov vSwp dv exer ev Tols reX^udoftv. Aves 1592. SYN. 2)r/pay, rcrdyos, fiaOpdv, IXvs, (TVCFTUS. TeXos, eos, TO, subst. [finis, tributum,] an end, a tribute, an office. TeXos av Ttjjv Zpwv 7rpoo-00ey/^drwv. Hec. 413. SYN. TtXeun), Trepds, opos, bacr/uos. EPITH. NiKpov, Oavanjfytipoy, 5/ppi/juov, rp/p rov, wKvfj.opov t Tepov, aic-t/uov, evoXfloy. TeXffdv, ov, TO, subst. [iinis,] an end, extremity. Te^^et 6e re reXffdy N. 707. SYN. TeXos, Trepds. TeXwvTjs, ou, 6, subst. [publicanus,] a farmer of taxes and tolls. Kat KCU ^dpayyd. Equit. 248. , ro, subst. [frustum abscissumj a slice. 838 TEME TEPE XoV. Nub. 339. SYN. KeppfoWv, pdpWv. , a, oV, adj. [ad lucum pertinens,] of a grove or sacred inclosure. iei t TfJ.evlav re (fwXXaba. Trach. 756. , eos, 7-0, subst. [(1) agri portio a caeteris resecta, (2) nem-us sacrum,] land set apart for an individual, a sacred grove or inclosure. Tepevos rd/*o> a\\uv. Z. 194. SYN. "AXcros, vads. EPITH. KaXoV, ayXdoV, Trepi- es, tepoV, TrevTrjKOvroyviov, KvXX>/vt6V. , 775, r/, P. N. [Temese,] a city in Cyprus. 'Es Teyuea^y pera ^aXfcoV. a. 184. , et Taftvii), f. reyuw, 2 aor. crdjuoV, V. [seco,] to cut. VUGK Kd/corijrd y. 175. See also A. 88. SYN. ' KOTTTti), ayj.w t Tnf]ff(T(i). Te/zTred, wv, ret, P. N. [(l) Tempe, (f2) loca arboribus consita et pratis virenti- bus amoena,] (1) a beautiful valley in Thessaly, through which the river Pe- neus runs ; (2) any delightful valley. "H KCLTO. IL^etw Ka\a TepTrea. Theocr. 1.67. EPITH. AvMievra. Tevayos, cos, ro, subst. [locus palustris,] a marshy place, \\avrri yap remyos, iravrr] f*vioei>Ta /3i;0o7o. Apoll. 4. 1237- SYN. TeX/m, ff>/pay|, IXvs. Temyw^s, tds, 6 et ^, adj. [coenosus, palustris,] muddy, marshy. 'Evrei rem- yw^fd Xevffcrw. Apoll. 4. 12^4. * Teydywy, ovros t o, P. N. [Tenagon.] Temywv r', apiffrevs, BaKrpiwy t0ayt'?;s. Pers. 311. , v. [rodo,] to gnaw. "Or* avoartos ov TroSd rev?et. Hes. Op. 522. SYN. , rpwyw, Kareo-0tw, At^vevw. , ov, r/, P. N. [Tenedos,] an island in the ^Egean sea. 'Es Tepebov 6* . y.159. EPITH. 'IpepTfj, dyxtdXos. , as, >/, subst. [gulositas,] gluttony. IToXX^v ye revQeiav \tye~ts. Aves 1690. SYN. 'Aj;0dyta, Xi^^e/a. ov, adj. [gulosus,] gluttonous. Te^0a(s TroXXots. Kara MeXayflfoV. Pax ' 1009- SYN. 'Ac^dyos, TevBprfwv, Ms, 6, P. N. [Tenthredon.] ITpo0or>s TevOptfdvos vlos. B. 756. TeVwv, orros, 6, subst. [(1) tendo, (2) cervix,] a tendon, the neck. TtVoir' ES opOov opuaai ffKowovfJiEvrj. Med. Il63. SYN. Av^/v. EPITH. Kpdrepos, vrd^vs, fiadvs* Ttos, poet, pro 2<5s, q. v. et repdrevo^at, v. [portenta narro,] to tell of prodigies. Ovrw 6' elTrc v. Agam. 123. See also Equit. 624. SYN. "Yevbofiat, pax/5w. v y et Tpefj.vdy t ov, ro, subst. [tec turn,] a roof, a house. 'ETTI Tlvdiots ?. Hipp. 538. See also Orest. 1366. SYN. 'YTrepwoV, arlyt] t VKJJVU- /ud. EPITH. Nv/^^tSiov. Tepds, dros, dos, et repdrei/jud, dros, ro, subst. [signum, portentum,] a sign, a prodigy. Ttpds, ov repds, aXX' cpiv. Helen. 1133. See also Lys. 763. SYN. TfKjudp, cn//m, TreXwp, ffrj^eldf, 6avfjia. EpITH. OvpetoV, aypWv, ^dior, TreXo/ptov, dTro^wXtdj'', ayptwTroy, ffuepSdXeov, dTrttrrdv, ueya. , ov, 6, subst. [haruspex,] a soothsayer. 'Ardp roS' dXXd 0a^d, rev >. Bacch. 244. SYN. OiwyooroTrds, /zdrris. Ttpdre/a, as, >/, subst. [prodigiosa narratio,] a marvellous story. Kat rtpd- remy, Kat TTtpiXe^. Nub. 317. SYN. M'ev^os. Ttpdrev/^d, vid. Tcpds. Tepdrevo/^ae, vid. Tcpd^w. Tepdra;s, eos, 6 et r 1 /, adj. [portentosus,] prodigious. Kot v/i0a. Cycl. 513. SYN. ^A/3pos, dTrdXos, rpv^epos, j(\(>pos t /idXaKos. * TepflpoV, ov, 7-ep/*d, dros, ro, et repjuwv, oVos, 6, et rep/ns, tos, b, subst. [ter- minus, meta,] a limit, a boundary, a goal, an end. Kcu ^uot ro repflpoj/ 5>/XoV elffTrdpevofiai. Eurysth. 3.2. See also Orest. 1337* and Troad. I06l. SYN. TeXos, Kd/UTrrii/p, opos, eff^drm, ro ea^drof. Tepptvdos, ov, 77, subst* [terebinthus,] the turpentine-tree. Teppivdov rpwywy eff-)(aTdv aKpffjLovd. Theocr. Ep. 1 . 6. Tepftloets, eo-o-d, ey, adj. [ad pedes usque demissus,] reaching down to the feet. Kcu repfJuoevTa. ^trwvd. r. 242. SYN. Ildj/pijs, TrdbrjvfKrjs, paKpos, fj.eyas. Tep/itos, et repjuo^ds, a, 6V, adj. [terminalis, ultimus,] concluding, last, re- motest. 'EXfldVrt x*P av repptav. (E. C. 85. See also P. V. 117. SYN. , T?\evra~tos. , vid. Tepdpov. , ov, 6, patronym. [e Terpio natus,] the son of Terpius. Tep7rtd5??s x- 330. , ov, 6, adj. [fulmine gaudens,] delighting in thunder. "Ira efatvufjiEvas. Bacch. 802. SYN. f Htw$, ayavus. TepTrw, \. [delecto,] to delight. 'AXX' at perat repTrovat TOVS ^v^eueras. An- drom. 207. SYN. Ev^paivw, ETrir^pTrw. TepTTwX)), ^s, et repots, ca>s, r/, subst. [delectatio,] delight. O'lr)i> 6os r/ydyev. o' dyud reffffapaHcovrd pitXaivat vrjes ETTOVTO. B. 759. EeaaapaKovTaeTrjs, ov, adj. [quadraginta annos natus,] forty years old. Tols 5* afjid reffaa.paKOVTaeTrjs at<5ijos eTroiro. Hes. Op. 439 re/, adj. [quatuor angulos habens,] quadrangular. '5 KvftXos yevrjTcti aot TtTpayuvos. Aves 1005. TeVpd'?;s, los, 6 et ?;, et rtrpdevos, o>, adj. [qui quatuor annorum est,] four years old. Terpatres be TrlQuv aTreXveTo Kparos aXeifyap. Theocr. 7. 147. Terpacjvyos, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [quadrijugus,] drawn by four horses. De/o-etds av riv t oiTives rerpacvywr. Helen. 1038. TerpadeXvfjivds, ov, o et rj, adj. [quadruple*,] fourfold. Scu-os Qtrd rerpdOAv/z- rov. x- 122. TerpatVw, v. [terebro,] to bore, to perforate. Terp^vev 6' dpd TTUVTCL. e. 247. SYN. Ardrdpew. Terpdu, et rfiVpdicts, adv. [quater,] four times. See in Hen-das. Terpao^juos, ov, et rerpa/cv^wv, oros, adj. [quatuor habens radios,] having four spokes. Fl^d* rov be rerpdicya-^dF. Pyth. 2. 73. See also Pyth. 4. 382. , 1 ov, 6 et //, adj. [quatuor rotas habens,] four-wheeled. TlpoaOe t \KOV TTpa.KVK\ov a.iri\vr\\\ H. 324. , ov, 6 et f/, adj. [qui quatuor metrorum est,] containing four mea- sures. 'Hyet' Trorepov rptjuerpoi/, rj TO TerpapeTpov. Nub. 642. Ttrpd/xotpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [quadruplum continens,] containing a fourth part, fourth. Oi Terpafioipov VVKTOS typovp&v. Rhes. 5. SYN. Terapros, rerpdroy, rerparpi/^os. Terpaopta, as, r/, subst. [quadriga,] a chariot and four. 0??pwrd > rerpodpms. Olymp. 2. 8. Terpdopos, et rcrpwpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [(1) quadrijugus, (2) quadrupes,] drawn by four, four-footed. Terpaopov ^oo-^d raiJpov. Trach. 508. See also Hipp. 1224. SYN. TeVpae?vyds, rerpd/3a//wv, TeGpimrds, rerpaTrovs, Tedpnnrofta^ndv. TerpdTrdXat, adv. [jamdudum,] very long ago. EeTy' 'AXi/capv^o-crev, rerpanaXat OTrdbirj. Call, Ep. 2. 4. SYN. ripoTrdXcu, TrdXat, XP^- TerpaTTT/xt's, fos, adj. [qui quatuor cubitorum est,] four cubits high. Et yer- ra/ovs, Kal rerpaTTT/xew. Ran. 1016. TerpaTrXjf, adv. [quadrupliciter,] fourfold. TptTrX?; rerpa?rX^ r' aTrdnao/ier. A. 128. , adv. [more quadrupedum,] like a quadruped. 'ETTI y?ys 7rdXa/eu', v kaTCLvai. Pax 8^6. , oy, 6 et ^, adj. [quater aratro versus,] four times ploughed. Kal o/zo/ws. Theocr. 25. 26. TerpdTroi/s, irobos, adj. [quadrupes,] four-footed. Terpd?roSos /3datv 0??ptJ$ t^pc- orepov. Hec. 1041. SYN. TerpacrfceX^, rerpd/Sdjuw*/, rerpddpos. TerpaTrrepvXXts, ios, /, subst. [locusta,] a grasshopper. *H TU>V rerpaTrrepi/XXt- . Acharn. 871. SYN.^AJC/B?*, rern. , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [quatuor pinnas habens,] four-winged. BovXei rerpaTrriXos ; Acharn. 1081. s, Iws, 6_et r/, adj. [quatuor urbes habens,] containing four cities. *Oc' CK Tiros yrjs, <5 yepov, rlrpdTrroXiv. Heracl. 81. Terpapxta, as, rj, subst. [tetrarchia,] a tetrarcby. 'AtrroTs e, Traaj; ' kv^H-rrta rtrpapxt^. Alcest. 1173. Ttrpds, dS^s, y/, subst. [quaternio,] the number four, a party of four, a period of four days. JTov V rerpdSt TreTre^t^ov. Plut. 1126. 1 The second syllable in Tfrpd K vK\os is long, t. 242. 'E<70\ai T/, adj. [in quatuor partes fractus,] broken into four parts. "Apror bet-rrvi'iffas rerpaTpv^ov. Hes. Op. 440. SYN. See Terpd^uotpos. .TerpuyaXiipos, et rerpd^dXos, ov, o et /;, adj. [quatuor conos liabens,] having four cones or plumes. 'AfjityfyaXov Kvveqv 6ero, TerpatyaXrjpov. A. 41. See also X. 315. a, adv. [quadrifariam,] in four ways. Tptxfl" rl icat rerpax0a OS aVf.fJLOlO. I. 71 w, vid. Tpe/uw. , vid. Terpaopos. " Terra, [possit esse vocativus ab 6 rernjs, ov, et est, Ut rara, arra, etTTTra, titulus juniorum ad seniores." Datum, in v.] respected sir. Terra, ?iao. A. 412. Terrapes, vid. Teaffapes. Terrtyo^opds, ov, 6 et >*;, adj. [cicadifer,] wearing the cigal. "66' EKelrds opyv rTTt-yd(j)opds. Equit. 1328. Terni;, n/os, 6, subst. [cicada,] the cigal, or balm-cricket. Of per yap olv rerrtyes eva piv' ?) bvd. Aves 39- SYN. TsrpaTrrepi/XXis. EPITH. AaX^s, j/Xenjs, /cvdvoVrepos, aotpos, y/y>'))s, /, subst. [loligo,] a sleeve-fish. See in Tev0pd't>7s, ou, 6, patronym. [Teuthranides,] the son of Teuthras. TevOpavi- bqv. Z. 13. Tey0pas, avros, 6, P. N. [Teuthras.] 'AvTlQeov Tev0pavrd. E. 705. *Tei/K-pts, ibos, ?/, adj. [Trojana,] Trojan. 0oupi6s opi'ts Tew(cpt6' eir aiav. Aam. 111. SYN. See Tpiafetf*. TeO/cpos, ov, 6, P. N. [Teucer.] "O^d /^ej/ r/^7^ Tempos. Helen. 87- EPITH. f dpiffros * Teu/.ijo-ds, ov, 6, P. N. [Teumesus,] a mountain and village in Boeotia. Tew- Waov e/c/\t7rorrd. Phoen. Ill6. EPTTH. Acx&rofys. TewrXor, et dimin. reurXtor, ov, ro, subst. [beta,] beet. GwpTjKas ' el^ov x^ot- pwv TrXdrewv CITTO revrXw*'. Batracll. l6l. See also Ran. 972. Tevxcfftyopos, -ewxocpopos, et rev^crrtjs, ov, et * revx^^r/yp, i/P^s, 6, subst. [armi- ger,] an armor-bearer, a warrior. 'E?r' ai^pt revxeff^opw. Choepli. 61 7 See also Rhes. 3. Call. 1. 77- and Pers. 900. SYN. See"O7rX/n;s. Tevxos, EOS, ro, subst. [(1) vas, (2) instrumentum bellicum,] a vessel, armor. 2v & air Xafiovoa Tev^os. Hec. 607- SYN. X^evos, ayyeToi', K'vros, OTrXoV. EPITH. Ilo^rto*', 7rayxpv<7o^, Xevntiv, alf*a.Tr)pdv, TrX^/pes, (^xpvai 'iXarov, apifiov, y bifiov, K\VTOV, atoXo^, papfjiatpov, TrepiKaXXes, 7ro\efj.riiov, ypvalov, Tra/u- coos, vid. , et rervK-w, v. [fabricor, paro,] to make, to prepare. yap fjtlv efyiXaro IlaXXds 'AOijvrj. E. 6l. See also o. 77- SYN. Teicra/vw, Te-xvaefifiat, evrpeiriZa), Trupao-iceva^w, TTOICW, orrX/^w. ^pa, as, >/, subst. [cinis,] ashes. Mear' eariv /j/zwv Kovtds T) re0pas iroQtv. Cycl. 634. SYN. AiOdX?/, (rnobos. EPITH. MeXatrd, XeTrr//, okTpordrTy, /3d- et rexvatifjiai, v. [arte par.o, vel ao,] to contrive inge- niously. Tov yap rex^tt^etv j/juertpos ^ irvpaaovs. Thesm. 94. See also He- racl. 1003. SYN. Mifxd* ( cto'/iCM, revxw, rexra/vw, subst. [(l)ars, (2) dolus,] art, artifice. Aeivai yftp a* vas. Iph. T. 1032. SYN. Tex^pd, rex^a/r/ua, ewiffrfip EPITH. Mairfci?, e/Z7rvpos, boXia, ZEVOKTOVOS, yvvaiKeia, 0K\r)pa, iroXv- > s, eTr* ToaovroVy ira.Xa.1. Tfj, imper. ab inus. raw, v. [accipe,] take. T?/ roSe QapnaKdv eodXov. K. 287. EXP. Ad/3e, Se|ca. T?y0>y, r7?0>), et r/r0?7, T;S, r/, subst. [nutrix, avia,] a nurse, a grandmother. *A\\* 5) Tr)6wi> av&petoTaTwv. Lysistr. 549. SYN. Tt0/v>7, fictjuyu?;, /uTyrpo/i^rwp. T^Oos, cos, ro, subst. [ostreorum genus,] a kind of oyster. HoXXovs av Kop- aeilv avrip obe TrjOta bityuv. II. 747 SYN. "OffTpedf, Koyyri. Tr)Qvs, vds, //, P. N. [Tethys,] the greatest of the marine deities. Tr)6i>s 6* TTordjuovs TEKE biv)')j>ras. Hes. Theog. 337. SYN. 0d\a, adj. [liquefactus,] melted. TVros, jj.d\vj3bos. Androm. 26(5. , et r/;K:d/icu, [(1) liquefacio, (2) tabesco,] to melt away, to pine. Ti//ce, yoowad. r, 264. SYN, 'Ecr/yKw, aTror/ycw, napaivo/Jiai, , o et ^, adj. [(l) longe splendorem spargens, (2) conspicuus,] shining from afar, conspicuous. 'AKTIS rrjXavyrjs OaXiret. Aves 1092. SYN. TijXt^dvjys, XafjiTrpos, eitbqXos, Trepfyavr/s. jyXe, Tr}\bQtv, TrjXddl, ri/Xoae, et superl. r^XoYd, adv. [procul,] far off. T?7Xe ^e XaX^s. K. 153. See also B. 849- U. 233. A. 455. and 77. 322. SYN. 'EKO.S, fjaKpoQev, Trdppw, dTroTrjXe, paxpajt, paKpoTdra). tyXe&aTrtfs, 17, ov, adj. [loriginquus, peregrinus,] distant. TiyXeSaTr^' Trpos 6* avrol ovi]a6fJLf.Q\ ^. 415. SYN. Tj/Xoiypos, ^g'os, eKbrj/uos, &XXobd7ros. da), v. [floreo,] to fiorish, to bloom. V E^O. ^e bevbpZd ftuKpa irifyvKei r}. 114. SYN. See 0aXXw. , et rj;Xe^Xi>ros, oi/, 6 et >/, adj. [procul celeber fama,] far- famed. T^Xe^cXetroj/ r 'EidXTw. X. 307. See also T. 400. SYN. See *Tri\K\fis t ?7os, 6, P.N. [Teleclcs.] 'HpdKXe^s pev evypdrd Tt]X(LK\ijd. Apoll. 1. 1040. f 6 et fj t adj. [e longinquo arcessitus,] invited from afar. T^Xe- r eniKOvpoi. M. 108. r, ou, 6, P. N. [Telemachus,] the son of Ulysses. Tf?XI/*dx&' ou ydp Troffei -novlv. Orest. 582. El'I TH."Hpws, vi^dyopas, batfowis, 0oet6/)s, s, TroXvp.vQoSy //ydX?/rwp, ^eyd0i/yuos, TreTrrv/jtros, pevos anytTos, &>r fe v OVK ^Wv^rfl. Agam. 291- , ov, 6 et //, adj. [longe penetrans,] far-penetrating, deep. TijX^ndpop ri (3oapa. Nub. 964. TjjXtTri/Xos, 1 ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [portas longe a se invicem collocatas habens,] hav- ing gates far apart from each other. *H5' ws r/jXtTri/Xov Aaiarpvydv'irjv d^tc- vlv. ;//. 318. TrjXeffKOTros, ov, v et >;, adj. [longe prospiciens,] far-surveying. TqXeairtfTr^ opfjLaTl yalav. Nub. '289. 'Trj\uvr)s, Zos, 6 et r), adj. [procul conspicuus,] conspicuous from afar. Trj- \e . Ran. 864. T??Xia, as, ^r, subst. [cribri circumferentia, tabula. Vid. Vesp. 147*] the hoop of a cask or sieve, a board, a meal-tub. IIov 'off fj rjjXta ; Vesp. 147. SYN. I.O.VIS, KOffKlVOS. TrjXiKos, rj, ov, et TT)\IKOVTOS, nvrrj, oOro, adj. [tantus statura aut aetate,] so great in age or size, such, "ftbrj per yap rot irals TTJ\IKOS. 0. 174. See also Eccles. 1031. SYN. Toffds, rdaovros. * TqXopos, et r^Xovpos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [longinquus,] distant. ! Ev roTo-o' eneivov vaiu bd^ots. Eur. Electr. 251 . See also Orest. 1319. SYN. Trj\vyerds, rj, uv t et ov, 6 et r/, adj. [(1) natus cum pater jam senex vel absens est, (2) delectissimus, (3) unicus,] born when the father is advanced in age or in a distant land, dearly loved, the only. "E^w 7ros, ov, o et 77, adj. [louge e conspectu,] far out of sight. TTOS ol^vel, bvapHvuv 6r]pav t\(>)V t Aj. Fi, 564. SYN. "E/cS^os, fJLUKpOS. T^eXew, v. [euro,] to mind, to observe. Swyudros r* er^jueXei. Iph. T. 312. SYN. 'ETrfyieX&fymi, yueXerdw, 0poj^r/5w, er7rovac?a>, ^tepiyuvaw. TT/juepa, et r/jue/!>or, vid. ST/juepa, et arjpepov. Tripos, Tfjfjiocrce, et r^ovros, adv. [tune,] then. Meyet KO\ rfjpds tietrQai. Apoll. 4.252. See also Theocr. 10.49. and Call. 3. 175. SYN. Tore, nfrfKtt, TTjviKdoe, TyviKavra, ro/fd, ro0pd. Tijvei, rrjvodev, rrivodi, rriv&Qe, adv. [ibi,] there. Tiyret yap 0oirjf. Theocr. 2. 98. See also Acharn. 754. Theocr. 8. 44. and Theocr. 3. 10. * Tj^veXXd, 775, r/, n/veXXds, ov, 6, subst. [lyrae harmonia victoriam clamans,] a triumphal song. T^eXXd bfjr e'tTrep KaXeis. Acharn. 1228. See also Equit. 276. a,, et DyviKavrd, adv. [turn, ideo,] then, therefore. Tai/tfca fjiTravETai. Theocr. I. 17. See also Pax 1142. and Aves 1487. SYN, See T^o*. Tj/vtos, a, 6V, adj. [Tenius,] of Tenos, one of the Cyclades. SKtfpdSwv rpels Trjriwv. Plut. 718. Ti/ros, Dor. pro 'EKe?i>6s, q. v. item P. N. [Tenos,] an island. See Tf)-v re avva.7rTOva . Pers. 887. Tfipeta, as, rj, P. N. [Term,] a city in the Troad. KacTijpefys opfo atVi). B. 829. * Tfjpetds, a, o^, adj. [e Tereo,] of or belonging to Tereus. "OTTO" ras T^pe/as. ^Isch. Suppl. 62. J Trj\c7ruAos is considered by Wolf as a proper name. See Pamm. in v. and Scliol, Hoqi. K. 82. 844 THPE TIMA Tnpeh, MS, o, P. N. [Tereus.] 'E? rals Tpayybiatffiv fye 1 rov Tnpta. Aves 101. Tijpew, v. [observe,] to watch. TrjpoDi/rfs fyas. Thesm. 416. SYN. Awtrij- pew, ^vXaffaw, dpairevd) t r^jucXew, ffKOTrZw, ffKCTTTopai, (ftpovpev, pov evda Kal Apoll. 3. 651. SYN. See Ma-aids. Ttopa, as, ^, subst. [tiara,] a turban. 'Eyvw-oterev Tiapats. Anacr. 55. 4. Tr/3apjjfr, t6dy, 7% adj. [Tibarenis,] of the Tibareni. IIape TtjSapij Apoll. 2. 1012. Tlpapyvol, &v, oi, P. N. [Tibareni,] a nation in Scythia. "Ayx* Sc irdXvppqves Ttpaptjvoi. Apoll. 2. 377. Tttw, f. //o-w, v. [pono, facio,] to place, to cause. ' apyo-epoiai rt0/?fft. A. 83. See also A. 585. SYN. 'Ayartfl/jjut, , racrffb), 7rpo/3aXXw, iroilw. t, v. [nutrio, servo,] to nourish, to preserve. Ov Ilorvtat ae^va -vovvrai. (E. C. 1049. SYN. Tp0w, dmrpe^w, ao'i^w, Bepciirevu. TWrjvos, ow, et (2) TldijVT), i)s, ?/, subst. [nutrix,] a nurse. Ildi/wv Tidrjvovs curd- fobovaa :, nXXe, ?rat, Sa7p. Aves 365. SYN. 'ATror/XXw, IxTiXXb), cnroKvi^w, alv(i), i^/aXXo.. *TiX^tos, ov, 6, subst. [vulsio,] a tearing, TiX/zot, rtX/Ltot, k'al / Ttfiayfjroid vaXal- o7/3', ablKe~ts av, rifJLds evepw. Alcest. 30. SYN. Tepas, K\tos t /, P. N. [Timonoe.] Ti^dvo/? e, ris e^t ; Call. Ep. 16. 1. os, ov, 6, subst. [pretium,] price. Iloi) 6/76' 6 rlfjids. Choeph. 903. SYN. ), ctvrXXay//d, r/yu^jud. , w^os, 6, P. N. [Timon.] T/JUWV fjnaavOp^rfos eerot/ctai. Call. Ep. 3. 1. EPITH. D/cXi/pds, uirrjvfis, aypios. Tt^iw^a^, UKTOS, 6, P. N. [Timonax.] Ei^fo, Ttfji&vaKTt Bevv itfpvKci. Anacr. 197- Ttuwpeti), v. [(I) cumdat. defendo, ulciscor; (2) cum ace. punio,] to defend, to avenge, to punish. YlaXapjbovs ae rijuwpel tiovos. Orest. 427 SYN. 'Efc^uew, rifjuott>, fjLTp%dfjicit, Ko\a<), fiorjdeat, dfj.vvtt) t Irrtcofpew, cipjcew, dp>/yw. *Tt//wpm, as, et r^wpjjats, ^, subst. [vindicta, poena,] vengeance, punishment. Marpos a'lfjidros rtfjwpiat. Orest. 394. SYN. Horn), ^tjoy, rtats. Tt/zwpos, Tipciopus, Ion. rtfjijjdpds, ov, 6 et //, et Ttpawp, dpds, 6, subst. [ultor, de- fensor,] an avenger, a defender. OUKOVI>, rpd^ei/rw^ rwi'^e, rt^uwpovs t//ovs. Here. F. 167. See also Eur. fr. Dan. 7. 4. Apoll. 4. 1309. et jfcsch. Suppl. 43. SYN. TITTIS, 7TOwr)7?ip, upvvTwp. dpos, o, subst. [quassator,] one who shakes. Oi; riotfei d yaias. Trach. 502. , v. [quatio, vibro,] to shake, to brandish. ILoros, Tivaatrwv xe v j3e\os. P. V. 9^3. SYN. 'Airorlvacrato), e ; (E. R. 2. *Tialabris, ov, 6, P. N. [Tisiades.] ft 2/uid)0r', cal TiamSjj. Vesp. 401. Ttotfs, cws, ?/, subst. [vindicta,] vengeance. Kcu ydp ram rtDv' eori ro7s re veprepois. Helen. 1012. SYN. Tijuwpia, TTOO'J?. Tira/vw, v. [tendo, extendo,] to stretc!), to spread. ITpo7rdpot0^ Qpovwv eriratvE Tpa.7reas. K. 354. SYN. Te/vw, e\Kd), Ttrdv, avos, Ion. ^vds, 6, P. N. [Titan,] (l)the Sun, also (2) in the plur. the Giants, sons of Coelus and Terra, who conspired against Jupiter. 'Aovos irEirrjyev. Choeph. 65. SYN, See Tt^twpds. TtV0^, r]s, f], subst. [nutrix,] a nurse. "E^ovad ; l) f rirQri, vf) At', efty. Thesm. 609. SYN. Ma/u/zr;, rpd^ds. Ttrdos, ov, 6, et dimin. nrfltoV, ov, ro, subst. [mamma,] a teat, a breast. Tir- 0ous y', wffirep rjuels OVK tyd- Thesm. 647* See also Ran, 414. SYN. Maqds, Tirtas, ov, 6, P.N. [Titias.] 'ASXevwy Ttrt7?v airlKaivvTo. Apoll. 2. 785. , et rpww, f. rpw}, adj. [Tityum interficiens,] slaying Tityus. "Apreui, ), TlrvoKTove. Call. 3. 110. Ttri)o, ov, 6, P.N. [Tityus,] one of the Giants. 7 Hy6>, eiro^ofjievov Tirvov, Tairiiov vlov. rj. 324. PHR. See X. 575. TiYvpds, ov, 6, P. N. [Tityrus.] '6 5e T/rvpos eyyvflei/ 9 Vet. Theocr. 7. 72. Ttrvncfy7, 77$, ^, subsl. [blatta,] a bakehouse beetle. 2eXdyor' dv v?rd 'rtyijs re >:at 0pvaXXtSos ; Acharn. 925. SYN. it'X^tov. Tl^>os, tds, 70, subst. [palus,] a marsh. 'EpvpavdWv a/z/zeyd r70os. Apoll. 1. 127. SYN. *E\ds, \ipvrj, T \ua. TZ0vs, vos, 6, P. N. [Tiphys,] one of the Argonauts. Tl^vs S' 'Ayviufys. Apoll. 1 The first syllable of rtvvjjCi is long in Homej, Hesiod, and Apollonius Rhodius, but short in the Tragedians, except in (Ed. Col. 220. TIJl TOAM 847 1. 105. EPITH. 'A//V/UWJ>, K&fiepviiTqs. Tfw, 1 f. law, v. [(i)honoro, (2) vereor,] to Iwmor, to fear. IIros Aft, pvfe & rlei. I. 238. See also v. 144. SYN. See Tcjudw. TXydvpos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [animum multa tolerantem habens,] resolute-hearted. IlayKpdriov T\dOvpos deet. Nem. 2. 24. SYN. See TAr///j/n, z f. Tftrw, v. [tolero, audeo,] to endure, to have courage. MJ) irpos ae 6(.wv, rXys jne irpobovvat. Alcest. 285. SYN. See ToX/udw. , adv. [patienter, fortiter, misere,] patiently, wretchedly. Adflpa r\r}fj.dv(i)s Ho\v%vrj. Troad. 40. SYN. Kdjctus, aBXiws, oiKrpws. r], rjs, ^, subst. [tolerantia, miseria,] endurance, misery. TX^tfo-vVas, off e^ovres vV adavaroifft Qeoial. Horn. Ap. 191. X?yU(i>, ovos, adj. [tolerans, audax, miser,] enduring, bold, wretched. f ft$ ratyov rX/y^wv ri/^w. Hec. 47. SYN. TX//0v//os, T\r)ros, raXd0-f0pwi>, rX^o-t- TroXurXas, 7ro\vfto')(dos, TroXvTTT^uwj', T\rj7radt]s f TaXa/Trwpos, bvffpdpos f , Kaprepodvfids, roXft^eis, icdprepos, evro\fjios. ov, 6, P. N. [Tlepolemus.] Ta}> /^ey TX^TroXt/uos B. 657- SYN. 'Hpa/cXe/B^s, ?}vs, //eyas, Tepros, avetcros, rX??//wv, VTTOHTTOS. T/u/yS/ji/, adv. [caesim,] with a gash. Tjjtribrjv 6' av^^' sTrfjXOe. H. 262. Tyuj/crtrw, f. ^w, 2 aor. eryudyo)/, v. [set'O,] to cut. 'A^pdSews ZTjj.rfEV. Apoll. 2. 483. SYN.Te/jj'w, o-x^w, vTrore/ivw. T//j;ros, ?), di', adj. [secabilis, sectus,] capable of being cut, cut. T/i^rwv t/tdy- rwv, ov Karoift orw rpoTrw. Hipp. 1240. SYN. SXIOTOS, evfc^dros. T/iwXos, ov, 6, P. N. [Tmolus,] a mountain in Lydia. 'AXX', w Xin-ovcrd Xov, epv^d AvStas. Bacch. 55. EPITH. Nt^oeis, Tepos, ^pvaopoos, Ka\os t $vefj.oets. * To?, partic. [sane,] in fact, certainly. AwSeKdrp Se rot av0ts eXevaeraiT. B. 287. ToTos, rotoaSe, et. rotbvros, avrrj, ovrv, adj. [tails,] such. ToTos CT/V TvSevs. H. 211. See also X. 420. and 5. 650. ToT^os, ov, o, subst. [paries,] a wall. Ets d^0orepovs rol^ovs ^teXewr. Troad. 118. SYN. Te7^oj, ret^rdv. EPITH. Atfloarpwros, evS^z^ros, evryu^ros. wp^x^^* v - [mirum perfodio,] to be a housebreaker. '6 5e XwvroSvrei ye, At', o ^e rot^wpyx 6 '- Plut. l65. , 6v, o, subst. [qui murum perfodit,] a housebreaker. To/x^X 05 rts btefiaXev. Plut. 204. SYN. AjjVr^s. Toms, d&os, >/, adj. [quae parit vel peperit,] a female breeding. Ka/rot TOKQ.OOS Sepy/xd \eaivrjs. Med. 190. SYN. Te/coDord, yei'va/ffd. Toicevs, ews, Ion. T/OS, 6 et ^, subst. [parens,] a parent. XdXa rd/orpas TOKOS. Androni. 884. .SYN. TEKVOV, TraTs, (2) y&vvrifj.a, yovos, yo>>), (3) epyo^, ^dvetov, bdveia/jia.. EPITH. Evyevj/s, atVos, TroXvicXavros, veoy^ds. ToX/ua, roX/itr), 775, >/, et roX/zj/jud, drds, ro, subst. [audacia,] audacity, an at- tempt. Et ToXfjia TrpoaycvotTo, flovXrjffts & afjia. Androm. 700. See also Orest. 1073. SYN. 0pdo-os, evroX/uia, 0pdovpye~tv. Med. 583. SYN. TX>7/ut, i/TrojUcvw, 0nppfw, K'aprepew, 6pdavro~ yucu, roXvTrevM, dTroroX/mw. ToXp/tts, , adj. [audacissimus,] most daring. T H fcdicwi' KaKtors, Kal ToXpiff-dre. Philoct. 984. TdXv7r^t/w, v. [machinor, conficio,] to contrive, to complete. Avrdp t/uot, rt ro5' if5os, sTrel TroXt^ov ToXvirevae. a. 238. SYN. 'EfcTeXew, Kdrepydco/uat, //>;- ^drddjuat, TrXeKfu, rX*//ut, rdXatTrwpew. Td\i/7r>7, j^s, r/, subst. [glomus, lana pexa et conglomerata ad nendum,] a ball of yarn ready for spinning. ToXt/Tr^v /utydX^v. Lysistr. 586. Tdfia'ids, ov, b et 77, adj. [(1) seclilis, (2) sectus,] fit for cutting, cut. '6p<5 TOV&E fioffrpVxpv rd0>. Choepli. 162. SYN. TfjrjTds, TpyOeis. v. [amputatione indigeo,] to require culling. 0poe7^ 7rw5as Trpos aTl. Aj. Fl. 582. TO/UJ), ?/s, ?/, ro/uds, ow, o, et ro/uid^ov, ro, subst. [amputatio,] a cutting, section, a part, the trunk. IL'floi} vvv, UVUIJLGIVOV be (j>aJ ro/uwrdros. Aj. Fl. 815. SYN. T^/uvwy, d^Os. TovQdpvgu, v. [mussito, murmuro,] to mutter. Tov68pvovTes beyrjpy. Acharu. 683. SYN. Foyyu^w, ^t%tw. Tords, oy, 6, subst. [tonus,] a bed-cord, a note. 'AXX' vQecOe TOV TOVOV. Vesp. 337. SYN. T H X OS. t, vid. To^euw. , ou, 6, subst. [praefectus sagiltariornm,] a commander of archers. oX?>iTais. Pers. 562. SYN. 'Ap^os, 7/ye/uwi'. To^ev/ud, drds, ro, et ro^eta, >/, subst. [jaculatio,] a shot from a bow. TityXoIs opuvras ovracas roev/m<7<>. Here. F. 108. EPITH. ITrepwrw, Xvypor, Sep/uov, , et TO&VTIIS, vid. To^orrjs. , ov, o et 77, adj. [sagitta percussus,] shot. To^evros, ws Xeyoytrtv, Oo//3ov 5d/uets. Philoct. 335. Toeww, et To45o/^ae, V. [jaculor arcu,] to shoot. "Epws tro^eva' avrov e (copras. Troad. 259. See also ^. 27. SYN.'OVoreuw, /3aXXw, mrdro^evw, df To^'/prjs, eds, 6 et /, adj. [arcu instructus,] furnished or armed with a bow, of a bow. MoXt ro//pr?s. Rhes. 226. SYN. See. Todrrjs. ToiKds, rj t ov, adj. [jaculandi peritus,] skilled in the use of the bow. 'Sis KaKws TTETrpayf p.ov Toroit6v. Lysislr. 462. ToZobafjias, avros, et To^dbafnvos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [arcu domans,] subduing with the bow. Kat Maa/Vrp/js, o re ro^dfjias. Pers. 30. See also Pers. 88. SYN. See Todr*/s. Too/, ou, ro, subst. [arcus,] a bow. UTIJVUV dyeXas Tootalv epols. Ion 108. SYN. Toevjud, /c^pds, /3tos. EPITH. "Ayd/Xoy, KafjiTrvXav, V(Jv y (j>aibljuov t drtpwXl&v, evipor, K poXov, ^pvfftoi/, icepocJeroV, ^vpfid^ 1 See a note by Dr. Monk, Alcest. 285. on the various interpretations of rotytaw. The learned professor there (after Person Phoen. 1740.) denies the existence of TATJJUI and rAtfo, and makes r\7)vai the second aorist of ToA/ww ! See Damm. in v. TOSO TPAF 849 , v. [curve,] to make into an arch ; to bend, Ov yap vptiret . Todovvri, V, ^> subst. [ars sagittandi,] skill in shooting. Mj5' eirt rod>iJj>0 Qovio) irarpos. Androra. 1183. SYN. TotK), roov\Kdv Xfjfjia. Toor?7s, Too subst. [tudicula,] a ladle. Aot'5v, ovSc Topwrj. Equit. 984. "dpvvw, v. [tudicula agito,] to stir with a ladle. 'Eropwe b 1 av0' ^ IlaXXds. Equit. 1169. SYN. Ktrew. lopws, adv. [clare, perspicue,] clearly. Topws Xcyovorai rao-5* avatpaKrovs ^vyas. Msch. Suppl. 204. SYN. $d>pws, e^^dvws, trd^ws, acptj3ws, rpavws. , poet. TOffvaKis, et TOffffaKl f adv. [toties,] so many times. Too-ffdia fjiiv potdev. X. 197 poet. ro'ar ^^, adj. [pertinens ad tragoadum,] belonging to a tragedian. 'AXX' wi>vvhQr]v trepoit av rpdywSiffoi/. Acharn. 9. SYN. Qp^w^s. TpdywSoSiSao-KdXos, et * rpdyy&oTroids, ov, 6, subst. [qui tragffidias scribit et docet,] a tragic writer. 'AydSwm Tretorai rov rpdy^d^tSdafcdXoy. Thesm. 94. See also Thesm. 30. Tpayubfis, ov, 6, subst. [tragosdus,] a tragedian. rTptd/^os rts H-^)v opvtv kv rolat rpdywo7s. Aves 512. Tpd//ts, tSds, et Tpaimr), ^, subst. [linea quae scrotum medium dividit, podex,] the posteriors. Atflos yeytv^at Trdvrd rd wept n)v rpd/xty. Thesm. 253, SYN. Upwards, oppds, Treplvaiov. Tpavr/$, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [manifestos, certus,] manifest, certain, "lapev yap ov~ Z&v rpaves> oXX' dXw/z0d. Aj. Fl. 23. SYN. 2d0?/s, ropos, dX^/ tyavepos. ws, adv. [perspicue,] evidently, clearly. "ETreo-xe, rpavuis w ^td0i;s . Eur. Electr. 758. SYN. Id0ws, X7;6>ws, efS//Xws, ^d^tpws. , T/S, ^, subst. [mensa,] a table. >/ovraj> rpaTreZav aivsoat. Alcest. 2. EPITH. Hevta, K'otv)), irXiiprjs, TrXoverta, /, fc'aX^, fCvdvoTre^d, tv^oos, TrX?;- Oovffa, apyvpta, X?7rdpd, ei/rpeTTT/s, vv^ibta, ^eirr?;, vireptylaXos, tv^earos. TpdTre^evs, ews, Ion. ^ds, o, subst. [mensae adsecla,] an attendant at the table. Oio/ re Tpane^fjes Kvves av&p&v. p. 309 TpdTrew, v. [uvas calco,] to tread grapes. "AXXas 6e Tpaireovai. y. 125. SYN. TTdrew. Tpdtrtd, as, 7^, subst. [tabula sen corbis, ubi siccantur casei et ficus, et alii fructus,] a board or basket for drying cheese, figs, or other fruits. "Oc?a;v rpvybs, rpdtrms, ept(t)V TTfptowfftas. Nub. 50. SYN. Tappos, rapabs. TpavXt^w, f. taw, v. [balbutio,] to stammer. OIS' e^eree o-ot rpavKtaavrl 7ri0o- /utvos. Nub. 862. SYN. Ba/u/Ba/rw, /3arrdp^a;, ^e\\i$c. Tpav^td, drcJs, ro, subst. [vulnus,] a wound. OVK ear* ev o^/et rpavyud. Heracl. 684. SYN."EXicos, 7rX7?y/}, dXe0pos. EPITH. ^o^dy, ayptoV, bei Hov, oXoov. Tpavjudr/cJw, v. [vulnero,] to wound. Terpav/mrioyiei/oj' yap us KVVV vt Eumen. 246. SYN. See Ttrpworjcw. , d, or, a'dj. [compactus, densus,] compact, close. Et / re Kai vypijv. v. 98. SYN. E^pfls, -^epaos. wv, rd, subst. [edulia a collo animalium,] meat from the neck, whicli was usually thrown away. See Schol. in 1. c. Kai rpd^Xt' t ** a( U- [ as P er >] *' l igh> harsh. Ae7ov rov vov. Pax 1086. SYN. Apt/jvs, cricXrjptis, dyp/os, ffTVew. Tp7rw, f. xf/w, v. [verto,] to turn. 'AXX' dyfV, e evv^v rpfVlfl' ///-tar. c\ 294. SYN. Meraerrpe^w, eKTpfTra), juera/3aXXw, oTpe^w, dXXd<70'w. Tpe0w, f. Optyto), V. [alo,] to nourish, to keep. Fi^alm )(pr;oT/)v KayaO^v, rj yu>) rp?0etv. Iph. A. 749- SYN. 'A^arpe^w, e/crpe^w, rlQrjvHit) t tt^ew. Tpex w > f- 6pefa f 2 aor. e^pd^oi', v. [curro,] to run. Tpe^wv o pvOos. Ion 531. SYN. See 0ew. Tpew, f. caw, v, [timeo,] to dread. Ov' av TpZaas e<7ro//ii. Med. 1222. SYN. Tpe/^w, rpoyuew, oppwSew, Tfirpe^a/^w, ^ptrrw, Qofleopat, rap/Zed). Tpijpa, O.TOS, TO, et rprjo-is, ews, //, subst. [foramen,] an orifice. 'EK7revpal vees effTtxowvTd. B. 6'80. See also Call. fr. 67. TptctKovTakvyds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [triginta transtra habens,] having thirty banks of oars. Ovvexey ripwrjae rptajcorrd^yoy 'Apyw. Theocr. 13. 74. TpiaKovTovrls, tSds, v> adj. [quae triginta annorum est,] for thirty years. 'AXX* avrctu ffTrovbal rpiaKovTOvribes. Acharn. 194. TpiaKoo-tot, Ion. rpirjKdffioif at, d, adj. [trecenti,] three hundred. Kal KS rptrj- Koatoifflv eywv avftpeavi ^a^oi^v. v. 390. Tpmfrr^p, rjpos, o, subst. [victor,] a conqueror. *Os $ EMIT fyv rpla-KTijpos. Agam. l6'5. SYN. N^^dpos. Tpms, dSds, ^, subst. [numerus ternarius,] the number three. Aoiac /uerd ^^ or^terti/ cvveabes rpels. Theocr. 17. 84. TpXjSaXXds, ov, 6, P. N. [Triballus,] a Thracian god. Kai rov Tpy/3aXXov epov. Aves 1627' , ?/s-, 7/, subst. [mora,] delay. $>ave~i yap ov paKpov xpoyov Tpififj. Antig. 1078. SYN. Atorpt/3)/, /3pdSvrr}s, dvd/3oXr/. Tpi/3e>XefcTpd7TXds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [nugacissimus,] most trifling. Ov oTw/JvXXa;v Kara+rfiv ayopav rpt/SoXefcrpaTrfX* old Trep ot yvv. Nub. 1003. TpHftoXos, oy, 6, subst. [tribulus,] a thistle. Kat rovs rpt/3oXovs dTroXe^ai. Lysistr. 576. Tpt/3os, ov, 6, subst. [semita,] a path. !ri?0' ai /iV (yiwv rr/vcS' d/za^pi? rptfiov. Orest. 1249. SYN. Irt/3os, oSos, arpdTrds. , Ion. imp. TpifieffKov, f. ^w, 2 aor. rp(/3dv, v. [tero,] to rub, to wear, to 1 Praes. inus. unde perf. rrrp/xa derivatur, sed melius a rapdrrw : cf. Buttmann, Lexil. p, 210. 852 TPIB TPIK consume. 'Ev roierSg tr\7joloiol rptfleffQai /uDo-fls. Eumen. 195. See also Apoll. 2. 482. SYN. Aiarp//3w, rpvxw, re/pw, avaX/o-Kw, aXflaw. Tpi/Swv, wvos, 6 et ^, adj. [exercitatus, peritus,] practised, skilled. I^os -yap cti/?/p KCLI Tpifiwv TU Med. 684. SYN."E/i7reipos. TptjSw*', wJ'os, 6, et rpt/SwvioV, oi/, ro, subst. [pallium detritum,] a threadbare cloak. Tpipwes eK\elTrovTes oi^ovrat upoKas. Eur. fr. Autol. 3. 12. See also Plut. 898. SYN. 2rdXtflr/m. Tpr/Swvt/cws, adv. [modo pallii detriti,] like a threadbare cloak. TV& Se x^ a *" vav avaXapov rpt/3wriKu>s. Vesp. 427. s, ov, 6 et rf, adj. [ter uxorem clucens, vel ter nupta,] thrice married. irapdeviKr) 7rpd0epet rptyajuottf yi/vatKos. Theocr. 12. 5. , OJTOS, adj. [valde senex,] very old. Tptytp^y pvdos raSf ^wj'eT. Choeph. 308. TpiyXjjyds, ou, 6 et f], adj. [tres oculos habens ; formosissimus,] having three eyes; very beautiful. Tp/yXrjya, pdpoevTa. a. 297 SYN. Tpto?rts. TptyXv^ds, oi/, ^, subst. [sculplum triglyphum,] a carved triglyph. "6pa Se y' eiffw rptyXi/^wv, orrot fccwv. Iph. T. 113. TpiyXwx tJ/ > ll/ ^> o et ^> a( U- [ tres cuspides habens,] three-pointed. '! rpi- yXwx^t j3a\v^^av TpienypTSwv. Bacch. 134. Tpieres, adv. [per tres annos,] for three years. Ot bfi rot rpteres peyapov KO.TCL- Koipaveoyaiv. v. 377. TpiZvyds, et rp/5v^, vyos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [trijugis,] being three under the same yoke. 0ujud rpt^iJyots Oedtat. Helen. 356. Tp/c?w, v. [strideo,] to squeak. Tpiovaat KOTtovrai. w. 7 SYN. 2t'5w, d, et rptriKovrot, vid. w, v. [trierarchi munere fungor,] to perform the office of trierarch. OVK ovf eQeXetye Tpirjpap^el. Ran. 1065. po/papxoy, ov, 6, subst. [qui in publicam triremem sumptus confert,] a trie- rarch, one who contributes to the expense of a trireme. Qopvfiov flrrpdri<*>- rwv, Trtpi rpi>7papxov f3ofjs. Acharn. 545. pa/pqs, eds, ^, subst. [triremis,] a galley with three banks of oars. Ta7 rplrjpeffi <5w^ev/^ard. Equit. 279 SYN. TptffKaXfjios. , et 7-piicpavds, ov, 6 et T/, adj. [triceps,] three-headed. 'TpiLKaprjvov . Hes. Theog. 287. See also Trach. 1 100. , et TP/JCKJJ, 7?y, ^, P. N. [Tricca,] a town in Thessaly. Oi' ot titovro Tpt- icr?s e t7T7ro/3oroto. A. 202. See also B. 729. Trends, a, 6V, adj. [Triccaeus,] of Tricca. "Ev6a fe TpiKKaiotf. Apoll, 957. ptKdpvs, v0os, et rplKopvQos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [tres cristas gestans,] three-crested. TpiKopvdes y Iv avrpois. Bacch. 123. See also Orest. 1488. aios, a, oV, adj. [Tricorysius,] of Tricorythus, a district in Attica. OVK: t/UTrls es, rpi0iXj?ros. ptXctyia, as, r/, subst. [crista triplex,] a triple crest. Tis o rpoiros rrjs rptXo- tyiias ; Aves 94. pl/jETpus, 77, 6>, adj. [tria metra continens,] containing three metres. See in Terpdjujfrpos. , ov, b et >/, adj. [trimestris,] for three months. XpoVov Kporafas us , r]vlK av. Trach. l64. , ards, TO, subst. [orator vafer,] a hackneyed speaker. Aeyeiv i/jt/ud. Nub. 260. SYN. Tplftwv, 7rt7-pt7rros, Trdvovpyos. , ov, 6 et 77, adj. [triplex,] triple. X06Vos rpfyioipoj' x\alvav wi/. Agam. 845. SYN. Tpt^pr}s, rptx0atos. Tpivanplos, a, ov, P. N. [Trinacrius,] Sicilian. Ave Se TptyaKplrj, ILUavwv Call. 3. 57. TptdSos, ov, ^, subst. [trivium,] a place where three ways meet, a highway. Udp avnjv Tpiobov'Iadplas 6eov. Eur. Suppl. 1221. , Tpidbovs, ovrds, 6, subst. [tridens,] a trident, Tpio-bovros r a^at/iafcerov. Isthm. 8. 74. SYN. Tplatva. TpwKrjs, ov, 6, P. N. [Triopes.] 0;yfcaro /3ov7raV# TptoTreai ' yo^ov otfcrpov tSe- . Eur. fr. Eurysth. 15. Tpi7rqx" s J ^os, adj. [tricubitalis,] three cubits long. KXww rptTr^e/. Cycl. 235. Tpt7rXa, a/cos, rp/Trrvx^s, ov, 6 etfj, et rpnrXacrios, a, ov, adj. [triplex,] threefold. TpnrXckd, pap/adperjv. 2. 480. See also A. 353. and Acharn. 88. SYN. , rpfytotpos, rpiTrXos, rptyaalos. r^Xos, ov, 6 et >), adj. [tria folia habens,] three-leaved. Xpvo-eojv, rpiTre- v. Horn. Merc. 529. SYN. TptyvXXos. pivrXoos, 77, ov, contr. ov, r7, ov>/, adj. [triplicatus,] treble. AiSv/za cacrpi7rXa. Choeph. 779. SYN. See Tpr7rXa. piTToo^ids, ov, 6 et ;, adj. [ad tripodem pertinens,] of a tripod. MXei rpt?ro- 5/yios e'Spr;. Call. 4. 90. pliroOriTos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [desideratissimus,] thrice desired. Elap 0aroi/. Bion 6. 15. SYN. See Tpi'XXurros. ptTToXtords, ov, 6 et fj, adj. [ter magnus,] "very great. Harpos olrov. Antig. 859. SYN.' Aid^juos, V7repjueye0^. piTroXos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ter versus,] thrice turned or ploughed. Netw tvl rpiTroX^. e. 127. TpiTrovs, et rpiTrdSoy, 6, (1) adj. et (2) subst. [tripes,] three-footed ; a tripod. rptTrooas ply ^Sovs. Agam. 79- YN. ( 1 ) TiTpofiapw, rpt- is here scanned as an anapaest. 854 TPin TPIT oKiXrjs, (2)X?/V xvrptfTrovs. EpITH. (2) AtfwSfrd/Boctfc, \oas, /ieydy, Tffffapd(3oi8s, arae, *ai KeXee, Acharn. 55. vid. Tpi7rXa. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [tres equos habens,] drawn by three horses. T/>- irutX&v appa bat/jidwv. Androm. 276. Tp(ppvfjios,ov, 6 et /, adj. [trijugus,] having three poles. A/ppvjxd re ical Tplppvpa reXrj. Pers. 47. Tpfr, adv. [ter,] thrice. 'A7roxetpoT8vri6fjvat rpts ev TTJ VicXTjotfo;. Pax 667- TptcraOXtos, ow, rptrdXas, aiva, av t et rptffKaKd&ai/juav, ovos, adj. [ter infelix,] thrice wretched. EiarjXde Toly rptro0Xtotv epts >cd^. See also Hipp. 736*. and Pax 1270, SYN."A0Xtordrds. Tpiaetvas, abos, ^, subst. [vigesimus et septimus dies mensis,] the twenty- seventh day of the month. Ilavpoi 6' avre l 6 et ^, adj. [tria crura habens,] three-legged. TpicrKcXes, avro- $\otdv. Theocr. Ep. 4. 3. SYN. Tpwovs. ptvKOTraviaTds, ov, 6 et 1$, adj. [ter pistus,] thrice-baked. "Apros rpiffKoira- vtards. Batrach. 45. , ov, o et T/, adj. [tres cyathos capiens,] containing three cyathi. rriv KeXefirjv e^ovard. Anacr. 90. aipd, rpt^dicdpi^s, et rpi, adj. [tribus ordinibus instructus,] arranged in three rows. 'Ev be rpiaroi'^ol dbovres. /z. 91. piffXiXioi, at, a, adj. [tres millia,] three thousand. 'YTTO jivptwi/ erwv ye. KCU rpiffxtXiw. Plut. 1083. Tpi% adj. [tria corpora habens,] three-bodied. ray Fr^pi/wv 8 bevrtpos. Agam. 843. , a, or, adj. [qui tertio die perficitur. Vid. R. P. Hec. 32.] on the TPIT TPOM 866 third day. TptraloV ^S| QcyySs aJwpov/jli'd's. Hec. 32. TptrdXas, vid. Tptos, adj. [tribus pcdibus incumbens,] tbree-footed. *A rpird- fiapdvos xep-t. Troad. 276. SYN. See Tpfrrovs. Tptros, et superl. rpirdros, ?, 6V, adj. [tertius,] third. Av0> ye. Helen. 14l6. See also Hipp. 134. s, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui trium talentorum est,] of three talents. 'Es iv, ws TptTaXavTov fiapos. Lysistr. 338. yeid, as, et TptToyev^s t e8s, %, [epith. Minervae,] epithet of Minerva. AIOS dvyarrjp Kv^>ianj Tptroyl^etd. A. 515. See also Equit. 1186. SYN. See 'AG^ij. TpiroWovSos, vid. Tpiairovbos. TpiroWdpos, ov, 6 et f] t adj. [tertium generatus,] third sown. Keu rpiToairopy yovfj. Pers. 823. Tpfrwv, wvds, 6, P. N. [(1) Triton; (2) Nilus ;] (1) Triton, a sea-god, (2) the Nile. Kcit Trordyuos Tpirwyto evppoos. Apoll. 4. 628. as, d5os, et Tptrwvts, i5os, ^, adj. [Tritouis,] of Triton. A//JVIP r* TpirwrmSos. Ion 871. See also Apoll. 3. 1182. #s, ov, 6 et T), adj. [ter amatus,] thrice-beloved. '5 TpfylXaros " Theocr. 15. 86. SYN. See Tpi'XXtoros. ptx> et Tpixfia, adv. [tripliciter,] in three ways. T H/uos Se rpi^ yu. 3 12. See also T. 363. SYN. TprTrXjj. ptxaV^, cos, adj. [cujus capellus et crista agitantur ; bellicosus. Vide tamen Da mm. in v. et Hesiod. fr. 68.] having the hair and cone of the helmet waving ; warlike. Awptees r rpfyai'/tes, %loi re. HeXacryoi. r. 177- , plur. a 0pi^, q. v. s, ov, 6 et ^f, adj. [trifidus,] cleft in three parts. TpfyaXoV, ti Kal trepl Sept. Theb. 757- s, ^, subst. [piscis quidam ossa pilis similia habens,] a sprat. plylbw eo-irepas efAirXrujLevos. Eccles. 56. ws, cSros, et rpixvfiop&s, 6, subst. [tinea, pediculus,] a moth, a louse. 'AXX' r/ rpt)(o/3pwres rovs Xo^ovs /xov icdre^dydy. Acharn. 1110. SYN. 2^s, , ov, 6 et ^, adj. [tres choenices capiens,] containing three choenices. Tovro yap irapenfiaXovfiev rStv Tpl^oiv^KuJy ETT&V. Vesp. 481. v. [pilorum defluvio laboro,] to have the hair falling off. Tpixp- , oi/Sfv eaj-oV TW Xoi/)w. Pax 1221. dros, ro, subst. [cacsaries,] the hair. EvXXtfyjf rpix^drds. Sept. Theb. 663. SYN. See 0pt'. Tpti^eptw, v. [diem tero,] to waste or spend the day* Ot/^ot, 5tdrp/^ea, K-aTrd- Xe7s Tpi\br)Hp&i>. Vesp. 845. SYN. 'Hjuepciv, XP^^^J rpt/3tf, Szarpt'/Sw. Tptw/3dXdr, ov, ro, subst. [tres oboli,] three oboli. "Hcrr d/zoo-at rpiui(3o\dv. Nub. 1235. Tpo/a, as, et antiq. a0li/, r}, P. N. [Troja,] Troy. Tpo/a, ?repi4 5l irvpytis el\ en TrrdXt*/. Hec. Itpl. SYN. Vid."iXtdi>. Tpotc^v, >>o$, ^, P. N. [Trcezen,] a city of Argolis. IloXXairf a 1 CK TpotZrjvtis. Call. 4. 41. * Tpot^tos, a, ov t adj. [Troezenius,] of Troezen. Tpot5//viat yvvawes. Hipp. 375. Tpoigrivts, ov, o, P. N. [Tr03zenus.] Y*os Tpoi^votd Slorpe^eos Ked^ao. B. 847- Tpd/uepoj, a, 6v t adj. [tremulus,] trembling. Tpofjpav 0p/f^t, rpoyuepdv ^pe/ X<>. Phcen. 1299. SYN. Uep1d(3ds, Trep^e^s, rpd>icoy, rpdfJiubrjs, viroTpoir&s. Tpoyuew, v. [tremo,] to tremble. Et 5^ rovrov ye rpo/icets. Km"w>, a troiTrdpd. Orest. 705. SYN. N//CT/, viKr)TJ]plov, viKytydpla. Tponatds, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [hostes in fugam convertens, averruncans,] putting the enemy to flight, averting. T flt Zev rpoTrcuc. Heracl. 867. SYN. NIKTJ- ^opos, a\ciKa.Kds, airorpoTratos. T^oTraXXts, rSos, r;, subst. [fasciculus (alliorum),] a bunch (of onions). To [ilv atepov TOVTWV, ffKopobwv TpoTraXXtbds. Acharn. 813. TptfTrew, et rpwTrdw, v. [verto, in fugam verto,] to turn, to rout. *AiJ/ X^ a Tpoireov. 2. 224. See also o. 666. SYN. TptTrw, vtmw, Kdru/3aXX. TpoTrr), ?7s, ry, subst. [(1) versio, (2) fuga,] a change, a turning, a flight or rout. TpdTras KciTappriyvval. Antig. 675. SYN. 'Apoifiri, bi(i)ts, bpatrpos. TjOOTrts, tos vel tSos, ^/, subst. [carina,] a keel. Aeye ri/f avvoras rl rr)v rpoinv rov Trpay/zdros. Vesp. 30. SYN. 'Evrepo^etd, arelpa. T/OOTTOS, ov, 6, subst. [modus, ritus, indoles,] turn, manner, fashion, custom, disposition. TWs Tponovs airXovs \ eit/t ^P^ 1 ' ^' 9^7* SYN. "E0os), ^0os, er^jud, j/o/Jos, Oea/zos, yv^^y, Qvals. E.PITH. 'EicovffWs, 0av\os, Trot^ros, di/ay- icaTos, xprjaTos, yevvaios, bov\os, ZXevOepos, ayplos, bvvaefifis, fiapfiapos. TpoTrds, ov, et TptiirwTYip, 7/pos, 6, subst. [strupus,] a thong which fastened the oar to the vessel. .'Hprvyavro ' /oer//d rpoTro'is kv bepjiarivoifflv* 6. 53. See also Acharn. 548. , v. [remum strupo adligo,] to fasten the oar to the vessel. aKoXfjidv /*$>' evjyper^tdv. Pers. 382. , Ibds, ^, subst. [recens caseus,] fresh cheese. Tpo^dXiSd rvpov LTcMiboKe. Vesp. 838. ' Tpdts,] thick. IloXXov KvXivbtTaL A. 307. ov, oet^, adj. [alimentum praebens, vel accipiens,] nourishing, nourished. Tpo^r/xds t^/3a, yvvaiKwv TWOS ; Ion 686. (A double dochmiac.) SYN. Tpo(f)oeis 9 rpd(f>ds, fJLodojv. is, eoro-d, ev, adj. [bene altus, lumens,] well-fed, swelling. Kvyidrd re TreXwptd. y. 290. SYN. Tpd^fyios, /^eyds, s, ov, 6 et f/, subst. [(1) altor, nutrix, (2) alumnus vel alumna,] one who maintains, a nurse; a nursling. Tpo^ov TEKVWV olicovpov. Here. F. 45. SYN. Tidrjpos t Tidier), rpo^evs, primp, rpd^lfjids. os, ov, 6, P. N. [Trophonius.] See in 'Evarpfyw* ) 9 vid. Tpo^dw. , T),OV, adj.[(l) currens, (2) velox, (3^ rotundus,] running, rapid, round. KetreJ KfpiyXrjves rpo^dXcv, ydXd /Jtv KaXsovcri. Arat. Phoen. 475. SYN. Tpo^oets, Tpd^oei^rjis, evKvfcXos, Kv^Xorepj/s. Tpd)(dw, rpo^a^w, et rpa>x"w, v. [curro,] to run. "ApKroi d/ua rpo^owal. Arat. 27. See also Helen. 723. and X. 163. SYN. 0fw, rpex w , KaraffTrevSw. Tpox?Xdr&>, v. [aurigor, exagito,] to drive about, to torture. Tfl /uj/rpos 6' 1 See Dr. Blorafield's Gloss. Choe'ph. 703. TPOX TPTM 857 vtv rpo\ri\a.Tei. Orest. 36. SYN. AfypTjXdrew, iXavvw, bfypevw, , ov, 6, subst. [auriga,] a charioteer. Kdyw rov eKTpeTcovrd, TOV . QE. R. 806'. SYN. AfypevrTjs, dp/mr^Xdrqs, bfyprjXarrjs, r/j'to)(os, , ov, 6 et %, adj. [rotis agitatus, circum impulsus,] urged by wheels, whirled round. "Hns cr^dyds jueV "E^ropcs Tpox^Xdrovs. Androm. 399. , as, >;, subst. [trochlea,] a windlass. Tf)v & CK rpo^Xuxs av KCLTCI- i'?7r. Lysistr. 723. , ov, 6, subst. [trochilus,] a wren. TpoxtXws, KoXv^fius. Acharn. 876. , Ids, o, subst. [nuncius, cursor,] a messenger, a runner. 'A\\' eiaopfi yap Tovce TOV Atos Tpoylv- ^j. Fl. 977- SYN. "AyyeXdj, bpofjievs. eM, v. [in orbem circumago,] to whirl round. T/odxoc^elrcu ^' o/i//idr' . P. V. 907. SYN. XlfpteXavvw, Trept^epw, /cXoa>. qs, eos, 6 et >/, et rpdxoets, eo-o-d, ^r, adj. [rotundus,] round. 'AQdrdrwj' 7rt Tpo%deibei Xt/jivy. Theogn. 7- See also Call. 4. 26l. SYN. See Tpo X dXds. poxoTrotew, v. [rotas facio,] to make wheels. ''H'/odTrreir, ?/ Tpd%oTroie~iv. Plut. 513. po X f>s, oi/, 6, subst. [cursus,] a course. Tov d^0t Alpvas Tpd^ov. Hipp. 1 129. SYN. Apd^os. , 1 ov, 6, subst. [rota, discus, massa rotunda,] a wheel, a quoit, a ball. ^os apparos yap old. Anacr. 4. 7- SYN. Fi/pos, KVKXds. EPITH. Kvpros, v, oi/, 7-0, subst. [catinus,] a dish. 'AXXd KUI rd TpvfiXla. Eccles. 252. SYN. ritZ/DO^ts, Xe-Kavri. Tpvyalos, oi/, o, P. N. [Trygaeus.] IIoD, TTOU Tpvyaids karlv ; Pax 1197. Tpyydw, f. T/O-W, v. [uvas vel fruges colligo,] to gather in grapes or fruit, to reap. OVK, dXX' eprj/nds WE& ovros pqfcws rpvyriffeiv. Vesp. 634. SYN. ApeVw, aTToXavu,, Kap-%lw. PHR. See Anacr. 50. T/oi)y?7, r]s, ^, subst. [vindemia,] the vintage. Ovbe rpvyriv oiaeis, Horn. Apoi!. 55. Tpi/yr/n/p, fjpos, o, subst. [vindemiator,] a vintager. ''EQdpew d?ro rpuy>?r/ypw/. Hes. Scut. 293. Tpvyrjcbdpos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [uvarum vel frugum ferax,] producing grapes or fruits. OVTZ Tpvyt](j>dpos fjfe y eTrjypdros. Horn. Apoll. 529. SYN.'~Kap7rdo- pos, evKapTros. Tpvyu-os, et rpvydxriKos, /, 6v t adj. [fuecibus perunctus, comicus,] daubed with lees of wine, comic. TpvyucoTs d clbaaKaXos rijj.a>f. Acharn. 628. Tpvyoa///wr, ovos, o, subst. [daemon os faecibus perunctus,] a poor devil of a comic poet. "ATrtp oi rpvyobaifjidi'es ovroi. Nub. 295. TpyyotTTos, ov, o, subst. [colum vinarium,] a wine-filterer. KITTOV, Pax 535. Tpvyybta, as, ^, subst. [comoedia,] comedy. MeXXw Trepi 7775 TroXews, Kolwv. Acharn. 499- SYN. Kw/^wc^a. Tpvywbwos, ?}, ov, adj, [comicus,] comic. r HX0es^ iroQeivi] pev rpvywb'iKo'is \o- pols. Acharn. 886. SYN. Tpi/ytfcos, KWjuiublKos, KWJJ.IKOS. Tpi/ywSos, ov, b, subst. [actor vel poeta comicus,^ a comic poet or actor. "O, dws, rj, subst. [turtur,] a turtle-dove. Tpvyoves eKKvaiaevvrl. Theocr. 15. 88. Tpvw, Ion. imp. TpvgeffKov, v. [strideo,] to whine, to squeak. 'Us jjifi pot Tpv$rjre Trdp^evoi. 1.311. See also Theocr. 7- 140. SYN. Tp/w, 1 On the distinction between rpcT^os and rpo^s, see Damm. in v. Pro*. l>^r. 5 'Q 858 TPYS Tpvpr}, r)s, >/, subst. [foramen a terebra ; veterator,] a hole made by an auger, an old knave. Kvp/3ts, KporaXov, Kivabos, rpvprj. Nub. 447. SYN. Tpv;rd- vbv, airoTpnrros, rpip^a, iravovpyos. Tpv, rpvyos, rj, subst. [(l) vinum recens ; (2) faex ; (3) sco.ria,] new wine, lees of wine, dross of metal. "Oc?w> rpvyos, rpdertds, eptwv Treptoj/ams. Nub. 50. EPITH. rXviceld, pZXirjbris, TrdXtud, aaTTpa, vtOTrXovros. Tpviravov, ov, TO, et rpviravrj, ^, subst. [terebra,] an auger. TpvTrdj/J, o'i b T evepQtv viroaveiovalv IpavTi. i. 385. SYN. Tpvpv), rtperpoV. Tpi/7ruw, v. [terebro,] to perforate. 'Hs # ore ris rpv:r dopv vr\iov arrjp. t. 384. SYN. Topew, rpew, TrepcuVw. os, ro, et Tpvnr), subst. [foramen,] an orifice. . Eccles. 624. SYN. 'OTT^. , opos, adj. [homines atterens,] man-wearing. TrjXodev avba. vwp. Philoct. 208. Tpv<7t/3ids, ov, 6et^, adj. [vitam vexans,] life-harassing. Kat 0ei^wXov cat ffifilov. Nub. 420. SYN. 'Aviapos, ^dXcTros, Xvirypos. avr), r?s, rj, subst. [trutina,] a balance. EI0' ^ ^uidpd ^dXatv', e^ovaa. rpvra- ^. Vesp. 39' SYN. Zi/yos, rdXarroi', oraQfji^i. d, as, r/, subst. [galea tres conos habens,] a helmet having three cones. Kai \evKd\d(J)Ovs Tpv(f*n\eias. Ran. 10l6. SYN. See Kopvs. EPITH. AvXw- wts, iTTTrovpts, 0detv^, Xei/KoXo0as, iinroKOfJios, TplTrrv^os, ^airr/eo-ffd. Tpv^dw, et Tpvo[jiai, \. [luxurior, abundo,] to live luxuriously, to abound. Ap' ovv TpvtywftZv ; Eur. Suppl. 225. See also Ves.p. 686. SYN. ^ /utu, OpviTTU), do-eXyew, ro- pes, i'TTTrwv, /^eydXr/ropes, ri/Xe/cX^roi, inrepfyKaXot, ^tXoTrroXe/iot, dytpw^ot, orai, evycyels, ^aXfcd^trwves, i/Trep^^opeovres, Oapo-dXtot, 6eiXoi, TpwydXtd, et rpwfcrd, wf, rd, subst. [bellaria,] sweetmeats. Tolv Kal furj'^aipet. Pax 772. SYN. Tpdy>?judrd, eTrfyopripara. TpwyXrj, rjs, rj, subst. [caverna,] a hole. See in the next word. TpwyXoSvi/w, v. [cavernam subeo,] to enter a hole. T H, /cat icdrd rpwyX^v tpeetVet. Horn. Batrach. 53. TpwyXoovrr/s, ov, o, P. N. muris. See in 'EirtyQtifu. , v. [rodo,] to gnaw, to eat. I.VKO. re rpwyetv. Pax 1324. SYN. eoo/zat. TPHI TYMB 859 Tpwkos, Tpwi'o's, Tpwos, a, ov, et Tpands, Tpwds, d5os, ^/, adj. [Trojanus,] Tro- jan. Ao0e7. Androm. 15. See also 0. 106. Eur. Electr. 1077. Hec. 94. and ft. 704. EPITH. ofTpwdbes. EvTrXoKdpot, /3d0v- KoX?roi, eXf;e boptKTrjToi. ov, 6, P. N. [Tro'ilus,] one of the sons of Priam. TputXdv i . 257. s, ov, 6, subst. [(I) vorator, (2) impostor,] an eater, a knave. os bfj TroXXd KUK avOpwroialv ewpyet. . 2S9 SYN. Tlavovpyos. pcDyud, vid. Tpavfjid. p^dpTrjs, ov, flLol. ad, 6, P. N. muris. Tpwdprad irdrpbs fteydXr'jTopos. Horn. Batrach. 28. pwfyios, ov, 6 et ij, adj. [edulis,] eatable. Ooin;, a1.vbp.eva rav Tp& Theocr. 1 . 49- SYN. Bpw^os, cSw^r/^os, eSearos. ' , vid. TpoTrew. os, 6, P. N. [Tros.] Tpwd 6' 'AXaoropiS^i/. T. 463. EPITH. Tpwros, 7), ov, adj. [vulneratus, vulnerabilis,] wounded, vulnerable. Ovrw albfipy TptoToff OVK e%et bejuds ; Helen. 809- Tpww, vid. Ttrpwo'/cw. Tvyxdvw, v. [(i) sum, (2) contingo, (3) adsequor,] to be, to happen, to reach, to hit. TLTJV fjiev biKaiav, TTJV b* OTTWS ervyxdvev. Hipp. 933. SYN. Et/zt, vTrapxw, ffvjuipaivb), eVrvyxdvw. Tvbeibrjs, ov, JEol. ad, 6, patronym. [Tydides,] the son of Tydeus. Tvbeibijv ' OVK ai' yvotrjs. E. 85. TvSevs, ex <*>be vav-as dXdpevovs rv/i/3evo/uev. He- len. 1244. SYN. QdiTTCt), TVfjiflov x^ w TOiew. r/pvs, eos, 6 et >?, adj. [sepulcralis,] sepulchral. Tt be br) av daffvets Taabe as; Thesm. 889- SYN. Tvfji(3dxdds, eirlTVfjfilibWs, rv/i/3dxworos. , ov, 6, subst. [bustum,] a tomb. T/s TQV yeporrd Tvpflov optydvov oeQev. Med. 1206. SYN. Xw/ud, rdtpds, arjfj.d, ra^pos, y>)Xo0os, Tvpfioxof]. EPITH. 'Ayuvyuwv, evpi/s, enietKrjs, fjieyds, v\l>r)Xos, aicpos, avbpoKfjiriTos, iroXvisXavTos, % et ^ ad J- [ acj gerens tumulum,] throwing up a tomb. Kcu fyeapreiv TV^OXOO. \etpu ftarii . Sept. Tlieb. 1024. oxucTos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [in tumulum adgestus,] dug up so as to form a tomb. No/iots Trpos epypa ri//x/3oxwerroV. Antig. 848. s, ov, 6, subst. [sepulcri violator,] a robber of graves, a resurrec- tion man. Tlpos Trarpos TvppwpvxVs. Ran. 1179. ExP. AwTToSi-njs veKpStv. Tv/ufia, dros, TO, et rvirt), /s, >/, subst. [ictus,] a blow. 'OaoiKtiv eart TO Theocr. 4. 55. See also Apoll. 3. 848. SYN. IlXr/y?/, , ov, o, subst. [(l)tympani pulsatio ; (2) excruciatio,] the beating ment. Xw rvfiTravivfjius, x' 1 irvKvot a/3acot. Lysistr. 388. of a drum ; torment. Tvpiravdv, et Tinrdvov, ov, TO, subst. [(1) tympanum ; (2) palus, ad quern devincti plagis caedebantur ; (3) fustis,] a drum or timbrel, a whipping- post, a club. Mera TUVT Kopv(3avTt' o & aurw TVfjurdvo). Vesp. 119. See also Horn. Hymn. 13.3. EPITH. Bypirorordv, fivpadrZvEs, eTTi^wptov, fiapv- , a, ov, adj. [Tyndareus,] of Tyndarus. Tr]s Tvvbapeias iraibos avb- alov . Crest. 368. Twbdpeos, ov, et TuvSdpews, w, 6, P. N. [Tyndarus,] a king of Sparta, and husband of Leda. IVapr??, -rrdrnp te Tvvbapews. Helen. 17. See also X. 298. EPJTH. Kpare/oo^pwi/. Tvrcaplcrjs, ov, 6, et (tyTw&apls, loos, rj, patronym. [Tyndaro satus vel sata,] (1) the sou, (2) lli daughter of Tyndarus. ITcuSes Tvvdapibat. Helen. 1496. See also Helen. 4/1. SYN. See Kaor wfjLov epelaas. Apoll. 4. 957- SYN. ?L Kpa- Ttb}, Kvptevu), (3ua~t\V(i), Sep>b)Tov bos KVKXov. Acham. 1124. TvjOoTrwXew, v. [(l)caseos vendo, (2) examine,] to be a cheesemonger, to weigh. 'Avbp&v TToirjTwv TvpoTruXiiffat Te%vr]v. Ran. 1369. TvpoTrwXrjs, ov, o, subst. [caseorum venditor,] a cheesemonger. Kcu rvpo- Tr&Xat. Equit. 854. ivpos, vid. 'Yvpevpa. TvpvrjviKos, ?), dv, Tvpmjvis, ibds, >/, et Tvp&rjvos, dv, adj. [Tyrrhenus,] Tyrrhene, Tuscan. Xp?) HEVZIV TvpffriviKrjs. Rhes. 985. See also Med. 1339. and 1356. W, bos, fj, P. N. [Tyro,] the daughter of Salmoneus. "Evd* %TOI Trptsnjv 'tov. X. 234. TvTOds, r], ov, adj. [parvus,] little. Keu eVjoe^s TVT&OV EOVTCL. a. 435. SYN. Mttpos, oXiyos, fiaios, TVVVOS. TvtyaoviLds, a, dv, adj. [Typhaonius,] of Typhoeus or Typhou. KdvKaaov ev Kvrjfjiolai, TvQadriri OTL TreTprj. Apoll. 2. 1214. Tft^awv, ovos, Tv0w^, wvos, Ti/^wevs, ews, Ti)0ws, w, 6, P. N. [Typhon, Ty- phoeus,] a famous giant. Aeivoi/ r' apyaXeov TE Tixftaova. Horn. Apoll. 307. See also P. V. 362. B. 783. and P. V. 378. EPITH. Qovpos, tKaToymprivos, TpitrtofjiaTos, aypWs, emroyjct^dXas, KtXt|, 7to\vKapr)vds, yr)ysvr]s, ajj.epba.Xeos, , Trobos, adj. [caecum pedem habens,] blind-footed. "A noba crbv Ti)(j)Xo7rovv depairev/Mffiv. Phoen. 1565. Tv(j)Xds t 17, or, adj. [(l) caecus, (2) qui non videtur,] blind, not seen. See in Tofevpa. SYN. 'A\aos, afyavrfs, TvfyXwbrjs, rvfyXu)^. TvtyXow, f. Maw, v. [caecum reddo,] to blind. "Q-^iv TixpXuaas. Phcen. 776. SYN. 'Ecru0Xdw. , OVTOS, 6, subst. [fastuosus senex,] a disdainful old man. "HKovaa yap rvQoyepov-Tas. Lysistr. 335. SYN. Tv^ebavos. v0w, v. [fumum emitto, ardeo,] to emit or cover with smoke, to burn. Kci- . Antig. 1 OOP. SYN. Ka7rvia>, vs, vid. s, w, 6, subst. [procella acrior,] a violent tempest. MeyaXw rvfyy KCLI TrprjffTfjpt. Lysistr. 974. SYN. "AeXXd, Xa/Xa^, dveXXa, Karaiyls. v^r], T/S, r/, subst. [fortuna,] fortune. OVK CUTIV, el jur) rqv TV^TJV avr>}v Xeyots. Hec. 774. SYN. ^vvTv^ia, eurv^ta, TreTrpujLiEvr), evbaifjidvia, bvffTv^la, avp^d" pa, TO crvuflaivov. EPITH. 'Ayadr), paKaipa, Opavffavrv^, yueydX^, acjpos, aicr-ftpa, afycivrjs, bvcrrv^s, aveXTriffTOS, rvpavvos, evbaifjiw, /3tijOVTor/ros, d/3tw- ros, bvffTruXaiaros, fiapela, o'iKrpit, yQovlos, avayKaia, evprfKrfs, TrpdffavXetos, fjia- Kapm, affdei'ijs, itoXvaTovos, XafjLTrpa, aararos, KCLKOTTOT [jtos , iroXv^Qopos, yXi/- Kela. vMpds, a, ov, adj. [(1) fortuitus, (2)fortunatus,] chance, fortunate. Ti)^poj/ OVT avev biKas. Agam. 449. SYN. EVTV^S. s, adv. [(1) fortuito, (2) fortunate,] by chance, fortunately. 'Ayayeiv TO. KO.T' aypovs kidvvola. Acharn. 250. SYN\ EVTV^WS, , ov, 6, P. N. [Tychius.] Ti/x^s ^e TEV^OV. H. 221. 862 TO0A TFPO Tw0dc?, f. dffw, v. [irrideo,] to jeer. Ad/3ovV, iv' avrbv rw0d, at, P. N. [Hyades,] the Hyades, a constellation of seven stars. , 'Ydcas re. . 486. /, o>, adj. [hyacinthinus,] hyacinthine, purple. f Ydfv0tV cu-0ei dfJioias. i//. 158. SYN. Ilop^VjOeds. 'rdKn>6ds, ov, 6, P. N. et (2) 6 et rj, subst. [Hyacinthus,] (1) Hyacintlms, (2)^ hyacinth. *H Kwftots 'Ydm'0ov. Helen. 1468. EPITH. (1) 'tyepoeis, ' KXaTos, (2) ev&brjs, TTVKVOS, /udXuKos, avdeftoeis, Troptyftpeos. 'YaXti'os, a, or, adj. [vitreus,] of glass or crystal, transparent. 'E K7r TroXts rdvi)^ frXvei. Orest. 430. See also Anacr. 7. 5. SYN. / ews, ^f, subst. [contumelia,] insult, insolence. 'A0di'dro^ "Hpas ets e/zjyv i;/3pr>. Bacch. 9. SYN. AtVeta, arista, i)/3pt;s. , drds, ro, subst. [(1) injuria, (2) ludibrium,] an injury, an insult. m 0^utj/os roi/ 'Aya^vovos yovov. Orest. 1037. SYN.'Tjfyns, abiKrifjia, ), ovei&os. , ov, superl. * T/3pi<7rordros, ?;, d^, adj. [contumeliosus,] insolent. ptffrijv Qrjri. Plut. 1074. See also Vesp. 1303. SYN. Aw/V/!, , Xotbopos, tipaavs, filaaTris. 'Yyta/i/w, v. [valeo,] to be well. 'Ort/} rrityovrts oi/x vyiatro^. Lysistr. 1228. SYN. Eu X W > eV0?7VW, Vpli)ffTE(jJ. , as, r/, subst. [salus,] good health. Aoav ro' vy te/os e)( et ' Bacch. 936. .^AyXddSwpos, ^pvcrta, fcaXXnrXofcdjUos, yudcatpd. a, oj^, et vytjys, eds, 6 et ^, adj. [sanus,] sound, healthy, true. ei'. Neni. 3. 29. See also Androm. 448. SYN. 'Affnj6/)s, , evpajtrros, eppw^te^os, avoaos. , v. [huinecto,] to moisten, to water. Aev^s rd/cetV^s y\ovos t vypaivei yvas. Helen. 3. SYN. Bpe^w, 5m/3ptx_ w > apotu, vbpaivw. v Typd/3dXos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [huinidus,] moist, wet. 'H b' vypo(3o\ovs arayovas vdriovs. Eur. fr. Chrys. 7. 3. ^Yypds, a, ov, adj. [(l ) humidus, (2) mollis, (3) viridis,] moist, watery, soft, verdant. " Afeivov vypdv cKTrepdaai. Androm. 786. SYN. 'YSdroets, vbari- vos, vbpr)\os, vbpripos, etyvbpos, evvbpos, bpuaepos, yudXdKos, vodp^s. TITOS, o, subst. [humiditas,] moisture. Tr/^ets T eVwyuwv, v . Phoen. 1271. SYN.'iK'/xds, vbapoTrjs, vypdcria. The first syllable of'TaSes is long twice in Euripides, Ion 1156. Electr. 468. and twice short in Hesiod, Op. 233. and Fr. 60. 4. and once Arat. 173. 2 '"r/3/nj i used in the sense of 'YjSpitrTTjs, Hes. Op. 189. YFPH Y0AE 863 j, v. [madeo,] to be wet. BoXals vypwoauv (nroyytis &XZaev ypdtyyv. 1300. SYN.TypcuVo/mi, bfaftpE^ofjtai. *Ybdpt}s, os, 6 et fj, adj. [aqua dilutus,] diluted with water. 'Y^dpet craiveiv $i\drr)ri. Agam. 771. SYN. See Typos. 'rbdTijyds, ov, o, subst. [aquae ductor,] a conveyer of water. Tts dvr}p i/Sdnj- yos ipaiSv. Call. fr. 42. "Ybarivos, 77, ov, et vbdroets, evaa, EV, adj. [aquosus,] watery. IloXXd fr old yvva~iKes ^opEoia vbdrtva fipaKri. Theocr. 28. 11. See also Theocr. 25. 89. SYN. Typos, vbdprjs, vbprjXos, Kddvbpos, Evvbpos, bpdffEpos, paXaKos. 'Y5drorp0/)s, EOS, 6 et ry, adj. [in aqua nutritus,] nourished in water. Atyet- p&v vbdroTpetyewv i\v aXaos. p. 208. *Ye/o>, et 'rbEdfjiai, v. [celebro,] to celebrate. XaXic^as vbelopev 'H^a/oroto. "1. 1. 76. See also Apoll. 2. 530. SYN. T/xvew, qbw, icX^w. , as, r;, et vbpos, ov, 6, subst. [hydra,] a water-snake. "Ypas \EOVTO.S r \eyuv. Heracl. 950. See also B. 723. EPITH. Aepvam, o\o/}. 'Y^patVw, f. d>w, v. [lavo,] to wash. 'H b' vbpi]vdfj.Evrj. p. 58. SYN, pp^w, vypaivdi. ^Tbpetd, as, ?;, subst. [aquatio,] drawing of water. "Ybpeirjs Trepl brjpi 0ed. Apoll , 4. 1767. i bpeuw, v. [aquam peto,] to go for water. *H neiprjvas vbpevodfjiEva. Troad. 208. SYN. tloTigu, avrXEw. "YbprjXos, et vbprjpos, rj, 6>, adj. [humidus,] moist, wet. Zrdyovds vbpr)\ds, ws rdy' K yams rpc^p. Eur. Suppl. 217. See also Eur. fr. Beller. 17. 6. SYN. See Typos. t, as, ^, subst. [vas aquarium,] a water-vessel. $pe bevpd ravnjv T^V vbpiav, vbpta. Helen, 348. :, rjs, ?/, P. N. ranae. Ka/ /ue ?rdrj)p IT^Xevs VOTE ye/vdrd, TSpfyte- bovay. Batrach. 19. ? '"d, ds, ^f, subst. [cloaca,] a gutter or sewer. Tdaavrd Xe^as, els vbpop- \>)v. Acharn. 1186. SYN. Atwpv, btapporj. ?, ov, o et r/, subst. [qui aquam gestat,] a water-bearer. SayufpoV, vopo^opoi. Call. 5. 45. SYN.^Y^pia^)dpos, vbpo^yTos. ^Ybpo\dpls, tos, ?/, P. N. ranae. T6po^dpts ^ TE ire^vE. Batrach. 224. "Y^po^vros-, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [aquam fundens,] pouring out water. Kpr]t>aicrl Trap' vbpo)(VTOis. Cycl. 66. "Y^wp, dros, et vbos, EOS, TO, subst. [aqua,] water. Kai KEV vbwp QdpEots. Z. 457. See also Hes. Op. 6l. SYN. Xev^d, \6a. t vdp.d t ddXaffad. EpITH. ^AyXdor, dXyuvpoV, aairETov, "lEpov, a.KY}pa.Tov, a.f.iflpoaWv, KoXippoov, cvd(j)pov t KaXXiffTov, Xd/3pordroi', fji\dv, opfiplfjiov, daro^, yeifjiEplov, ^v-^pov, yXvKEpbv, \CVKOV, /ueXt77s, Xidpov, ae^vov, bivfjEV, voTEpov, KvavoeibEs, irXovalov, Trord/itoy, aaraKTov, Katidpov, doivov, XifJ,va~iot>, a^Qlrdv, afyQorov, bvofytpov, ^Tr/ypdrov, Trop- (fwpEdv, Trot/Tidy, 7T7/ya7oV, vai>X6^ov, yuapyudpotv, /coi/porpo^d^, KapirordKov. TfYts, ibos, /, P. N. [Hyetis,] a mountain near Miletus. "Y/u/ues b' "Ysribos Kai Bv/3XtSos abv XITTOVTES. Theocr. 7- 115. Tfros, ov, 6, subst. [pluvia,] rain. Aw^udros ayXdi^v T Kal VETOV epjjiEvai ctXffdp. Apoll. 2. 1076. SYN."O/z/3pos, bpdaos, jSpox'/, vbwp. 'a, as, ft, subst. [indoles suilla,] hoggishness. SYN. Mwpia, d/ud0ta, w, v. [nugor, garrio,] to trifle, to babble. T0Xe7s' airepp OVK av fj.i]v a 1 ETI, Nub. 781. SYN. A^pew, ^Xvapetu, fjunpalvw, oro/^yXXw, cwn'XXw 864 TIIA TAOA Vubldv, ov, TO, subst. [filiolus,] a little son. To" yap viiclov rrjpe~i fj.e. Vesp. 1347. SYN. IlatctoV, Tratcapiui'. Yievs, EOS, vJos, ov, et vis, los, o, subst. [filius,] a son. Toy jrarepd rvTrreodai 'arlv VTTO TWV viewv. Nub. 1341. See also Troad. 980. and Apoll. 1. 72. SYN. ITals, TEKVOV, TEKOS, yovos, airoyovos. EPITH. 'ft/cv/zopos, (jtiXos, uparepos, apiaTos, vTTepdvfjds, blorptyijs, KvoaXlfjids, Kparaios, bafypwv, oXfiios, Kaprtpodv- pds, aj^ErXlos, y)<7fyiwpos, eaOXcs, irlvvros, rjfl&wv, aprjlos, aff^eros JJLEVOS, ayXdos, aXfcfyeos, djuvjuw*', yao/tos, ev/ijueXn/s, i00t^uos, VYfirlos, 7repiK\vrds , pos, arapfirjs, epiovvlos, voQvs, ra^us, ffvs, fjieyas, ZpiKvbrjs, vr)7rla%os , ff , ov, 6, subst. [nepos,] a grandson. Y/wroIo Kiaovros. N. 207. SYN. , oi/, 6, subst. [piscis quidam,] a kind of fish. Qebs be ol itpos VKYJS. Call. fr. 72. "YXayud, arcs, ro, vXaypds, ov, o, et vXaici], rjs, //, subst. [latratus,] a. barking. 2)i) 6' e&pivas ry/rioi/s v\ay/udfftr. Agam. 1621. See also $. 575. and Apoll. 3. 12l6. 'YXalos, ov, o, P. N. [Hylaeus.] Ovfe ptv TXaTov. Call. 3. 221. 'YXa7os, a, ov, et vXrieis, eiraa, ev, adj. [sylvanus,] of the woods, woody. Old & QfiP vXaws. Theocr. 23. 10. See also a. 246. SYN. Aet'Xaor>:w, et vXdw, v. [latro,] 1o bark. "Afjiova vXaKT&v. Alcest. 776. See also v. 9. and JEsc\\. Suppl. 884. "fXas, ov, 6, P. N. [Hylas,] the companion of Hercules. Avrap "YXav i\&- TYITI. Apoll. 1. 1324. EPITH. KaXos, eaQXos, ovrdwv, ?rpw0^/3;s, fav6os, vaX- XKTTVS, -^apleis. "YXj?, 1 ijs, fi, subst. [(1) sylva, (2) lignum, (3) maferia,] a wood, wood, mate- rials. Qtipyv Kad* v\rjv KvTrpiv. Baccll. 677. SYN. Apv/^os, SptoV, tyXov, typvyavov. EpITH. XXwpa, j3a6u^vXos, bvaevperos, aKiapaKopos, aKporarrj, /3d- 6e7d, bacTKids, iravroirj, TrjXlBdwaa, avTreros, ayrvros, d^dXta, rto6r)Xr}s, TTVKI'OS, avri, ayplas, Xderta, opeias, irdXvbevbptus, opj3as, avXos. 'YXr'ieis, vid. TXalos. 'YXrjKoiTrjs, ov, adj. [qui cubat in sylvis,] sleeping in the woods. Kai vijKopoi vXi]Ko~iTat. Hes. Op. 527. "YXrjovpyos, vXovpyds, vXrj-d^ds, et vXorojuos, ov, o, subst. [qui ligna secat,] a wood-cutter, a carpenter. "Arepes vXrjovpyol. Apoll. 2. 80. See also Here. F. 241. Theocr. 17. 9- and T. 114. SYN. HvXovpyos, ^DXoro/uos, "Y\r), v. [subtus moveor,] to move under. Bw/zou i)7rou- as. B. 310.^ See also 4>. 126\ et Aj. Fl. 301. SYN. f Y7reepxfyia<, 'YTrd/covos, vid. ' 'YTrdKovw, v. [audio, parco,] to hear, to obey. '6 ' dp e^ciTrews viraKOval. . 485. SYN. 'Afcouw, aKpijadjjiaif TretOap^tw, cTrd/covw, VTre/KW, vnoTaaoofiai, -irpoa- , f. i//w, v. [sublino,] to anoint beneath. 'YTrdXet^d*' etpvry /ut r f^/ 3 ^- i, et vTrdXvo-icw, v. [declinando vito,] to escape narrowly. Twy i/7rd- \evafjievos QO.VO.TOV. o. 275. See also 5. 512. SYN. 'YTreic^evyw. 'Y7rdXi/ts, tws, r/, subst. [effugium,] escape. Kd/cwr i)7rdXv^r/ eaeo-Oat. ;//. 287. SYN. $i)y#, dXi/^ts. , vid. 'YTraXei/o/ucu. , et vTrairoTptxw, v. [levi motu abeo,] to move away lightly. '^TT* TO SetTr^di/ vTravciKivelv. Eccles. Il6*5. See also Eccl. 284. SYN. See 'YTTO- KlVttt). YTrdytao/iat, v. [angor,] to be annoyed. "EwQUv viravl&v-o rp vovprivVq.. Nub. 1198. SYN. 'Armo^ta, XVTTCW, Ivo^Xeufiai, Si/o-^tpaiVo/^at, aXyew. TTttWord/iat, v. [exsurgo,] to rise up. 'Y7rdv/', adj. [clam subducendus,] must privately withdraw. Tovrt Trovrjftdv dXX' vTruTrok-tJ'T/reoy. Thesni. 924. * 'YTrdTrorpe^w, vid. 'YTraTroVcti'ew. "YTrdp, ro, subst. [visio vera,] a true vision. OVK ovap, dXX' i)7rdp ead\ov. r. 547. 'YTrapyvpds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [argentifer,] producing silver. Kpi/Trros ^' tv avrpots Trjab' vTrapyvpov %6dvos. Rhes. 9^7. "YTrapvos, oi/, ??, adj. [agnum sub se fovens,] cherishing a lamb under her. Kat 7rat&' ; i/irapros yap TIS ws uTroXXvaai. Androm. 555. * 'YTrap^J?, rjs, #/, subst. [initium,] a beginning. 'AXX' t^ vTrapx^js. CE. R. 132. SYN. See 'Ap x ^. "YTrapxos, ov, 6, subst. [(l) qui sub alio dux est, (2) dux,] a subordinate com- mander, a commander, typacrwv vTrap^ois Tols fpols. Helen. 1431. SYN. "Eirap-ftos, dp^os, Trpoordr^s, rjylf^wv, 7rtordr?;s. w, f. ^w, v. [(l)incipio, (2) sum,] to begin, to be. OVKOVV icarSdi'ovrd XP'7 1 Rhes. 629. SYN. Et^u, yivopat, 7rtytVo/iat. a, ov, adj. [sub clypeo gestatus,] worn under the shield. ' tX?/ TOV vTraaTribWv. Aj. Fl. 1407. YTrao-Trtorrjyp, ?7pos, et V7ra.(nriarrr)s t ov, 6, subst. [armiger,] an armor-bearer. "d-X\oi> fr vTracrTriaTtjpa. KUI bopvvaoov. JEsch. Suppl. 190. See also Rhes. 2. SYN. 'AaTTiffTris, Tevxai/s viruvXov. Aj. Fl. 796. SYN. "EvavXSs, v>d[JV')(8s t VTroareyos. 'Y7ra0pos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [spumeus,] rheumy. Kdrd ?rr<5Xt v> V7rapdv opiS l-^wv. Rhes. 707. 'YTreyyi/os, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [sponsion! obnoxius,] responsible. 'Apeptras < fitov TO yap vireyyvov. Hec. 1012. SYN. 'YirevOvvos. 'YTretbopai, v. [(1) suspicor, (2) video,] to suspect, to see. Ilws ; dp' vircl&ov rovtf. Ion 1023. SYN. 'Y^opdw, viroftXtTru), eiKaw. 'YneiKaOw, vTreiKw, et i)7roe uTretTrwv. Here. F. 957 SYN. *Y( /p, poet, pro 'YTrfy, q. v. 'Y7retp- , prsep. [ex,] from under. See in , v. [effugio,] to escape from. At, at* TTOVOVS pkv TpwtKovs Cycl. 347. SYN. 'YireKtyfvyw. 7reKK\iv'w, v. [clam excipio,] to receive secretly. M^rr/p v7re/cXd/3oi5(Td, icat 7ri>/\as. Here. F. 992. , v. [clam emitto,] to send out privately. Ae/o-as, yQovos. Hec. 6. SYN. Aatfpa Kire/J7rw. ea;, et v^fKTpe-^d), v. [praecurro,] to outrun. TVWoi' 6. 125. See also Med. 524. 'YTreKpdXvd), v. [clam solvo,] privately to release from. "Ev0' aty* ii vireKpoeXvaav airi]vrjs. $.. 88. SYN. iTroXww, K\v(a, v. [eripio incolumem e nialo,] to rescue safe from harm. AVTOV v-rre^ioawaiiv 'ATroXXwr. x^. 292. and Pers. 459- SYN. 'E(caw(w, epvojuai, vjre^atpeoj. r)fjl, v. [clam amoveo,] to remove privately. AdOpa 0i)yarpos r>/s ^/x^s v. Androm. 310. SYN. 'YTreicTrejuTrw. w, v. [paulatim declino,] to turn a little aside. 'Y7recrpd7rot7;v py ou 4 7rei. CE. C. 566. SYN. 'Avd^wpfw, 1/crpeTrw, os is also a P. N. ow in scanning form a crasis of one long syllable. 868 YIIEK YFIEP 'Y7reitrpX, vid. r Y7reK7rpo0w. 'Y7re^pw, v. [clam effero,] to carry away privately. "Ev0' A'ias fj.ev craKos. 0. 268. SYN. J Y7repi)u;, i)7recupw, e/cipEpw, edyw, i>7redyw. '\~TreK'xtaTu/s, a, ot', adj. [adversus,] opposite to. 'YTm'arrtor aXXijXoialv. Hes. Op. 347. SYN. See 'vavru5s. f Y7r>ep0, et t)7rj'ep0', adv. et praep. [infra,] beneath. "E^Setorer 6' inrlvepQlv ava. Y. 6l. SYN. Kdrwflfi'. 'YTre^dyw, v. [subduco,] to withdraw, to extricate from. ITot /u' vire^a-yeis noba ; Hec. 800. SYN. See 'rire^epta. 'Y7reaipw, 2 aor. etXov, v. [clam aufero,] privately to take away. AUOTTJVOS oXfiov bwfiarwv vire&Xwv. Hipp. 629. SYN. See 'Y7re/cfpw. uu), v. [ad cacumina ascendo,] to mount the tops of a mountain. Mo- WKpizdv. Bacch. 667. SYN. ""A/v-p/iw. uat, et vTre^aXi/afCto, \. [devito,] to shun. 2e S' virefcaXeaffSal drwyet. O. 180. See also Hes. Theog. 6l5. SYN. 'E^dXe%mi, vTrdXvo-k-w, , v. [transcendo,] to mount up from under. ' . Theocr. 22. 197- SYN. 'Yirc^w/it. ew, et vTre^d^i/w, v. [exhaurio,] to exhaust. Kdicwr ydp'aprt *ci/jLt' VTT- ^pevt. Ion 927. See also Apoll. 2. 985. SYN. 'E w, v. [subtraho,] to draw away from, to rescue. Ildrep' vpov (povoiu. Apoll. 2. 1185. SYN. 'Y^cupew, i)7recupew, /c/c\e7rrw, i)7re/cffw^w, , poet. vTre/p, praep. [CMWI geniliv. super, pro, per, de; cum accusativ. ultra, trans, supra, pneter,] upon, for, by, from ; beyond, above. Kdr' alaav oveltiaas, ovb" vvtp alaav. T. 59. See also Y. 227- 'YTTtpa, as, /, subst. [funis quo antenna regitur,] the rope which manages the sail-yard. 'Ev 6' vapors TE KciXovs T/E Trdbas T. e. 260. r Y7rpa?/s, os, 6 et >/, adj. [furiose flans,] blowing furiously. 'YTrlpau Taos M A. 297. 'Y7TpatOjuat, v. [valde revereor,] to respect greatly. 1$ pi /.IE Xiqv Kovprj ; Apoll. 3. 977- * 'Y7Tpat'pw, v. [excedo,] to exceed. M^Q' v?rpapas, pjQ' vTroKa^as. Agam. TiZo), v. [ultra jaculor,] to shoot beyond. 'YTrfpdfcoiT/^ets r' uvXrjs inrepaX^vov. E. 138. See also Theocr. 5. 108. SYN. ' , ov, o et /, adj. [supra alios, eximius,] above others, distinguished. rd//wj/. Nem. 3. 57. SYN. 'Ea<'p>o, dnai, v. [impudenlia superor,] to be surpassed in impudence. O'lpot Kaxubaiuwr, vTrfpoj/cuSeafl^croyucu. Equit. 1203. SYN. 'Avatbeiif- /3dXXw. YIIEP YIIEP 869 , v. [supra exsurgo,] fo rise up above. Nv/i0ai Owfravro Sfy/wv v7TpavreXXovrd. Apoll. 1.776. SYN. See 'YTrepreXXw. 'YTTfpairXoj, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [oppressus, ac pene submersus. Vid. Lucian. Tom. 1. p. 108. 73. et Monk, in 1. infr. c.] overwhelmed, and almost sunk. XdXfTr^ b' virepavrXos ovaci. Hipp. 765. 'Y7Tpco'tup, Dor. pro 'YTrfp/yrw^, q. v. 'Y7rpd7roKp*Vojuai, v. [defendo, ut patronus,] to defend. '^irepa^oKpivrj fiov ffa- 0ws, ffwa-Kts fyu2. Thesm. 186. SYN. Iv^yfyjew, c-vrfew, y-rrepb'iKt'M. t'rirepaffids, ov, 6, P. N. [Hyperasius.] 'Aareptos e feat 'A//0/av 'Y7Tpao70v vies. Apoll. 1. 176\ 'YTTfpai/xSs, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [jactabundus,] boasting, 'fts 5' vTrepav^d /3u JETTI TTTuXet. Sept.Tbeb. 4-79. SYN. 'YTrepKOTros, VTrtptyat'o f Y7T|t>ax0r}s, vid. 'YTrepjGdpT/s. YTrtpa^d^ot, v. [valde gravor,] to be very indignant. 'Y7rfpd^0o, 6oi). Soph. Electr. 173. SYN. See 'YTrepaXytw. 'Y7rep/3aiVo;, et vTrepmra/BcuVw, v. [transgredior,] to go beyond or over, to trans- gress. Afytovs vTrepfiaii'ovffa. Med. 383. See also N. 50. SYN. ITdpa/xuVw,\\, vTrepreXew, inrepep-^of^ai, vTrepTrauo, 7rdpd/ze//3o/iai. 'YTrep/SdXXw, v. [(1) super jacio, (2)supt-ro,] to throw beyond or further, to surpass. Aboard, ^u/; ;TOV yXwo-o-' virepfiaXr] KUKO'IS. Hipp. 928. SYN. 'YTrepd- KovTi^d), vTrtpe^w, i>7rep/3a/j'w, viKati), vTrspnipii). 'Y7rep/3dp^/s, vTrepa^Qris > et vTep/3ptff>)s, eos, 6 et /, adj. [pra^gravis,] overloaded, overwhelming. Ttft^o-t bai^wv vTrepflapijs eyuTrtrvw^. Agam. 114^. See also jrheocr. 11. 37. and Aj. F1.951. SYN. 'AxOeivtis, ETTOX^. 'Y7reppd/, ?js, ^f, subst. [quod exsuperat,] an excessive height. "Oams Kad' VTrep/3oXdv rofyvaas. (E. R. 1196. 'Y7re'p/3oXos-, ov, 6, P. N. [Hyperbolus.] 'ETTO^O-EJ/ e<\ 'rirtyftoXov. Nub. 557. 'YTrep/Dopeos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [Hyperboreus,] Hyperborean, northern. T H/^t/s 'Y7rep/3dpltuv tfpov yrds. Apoll. 4. 6l4. PHR. De Hyperboreis. Vid. Pyth. 10. 57 69. et Spanhem. ad Callirn. H. Del. 281. e Y7rep/3pt0/)s, vid. 'Y7rep/3dp>/s. 'Y7repyct(o^at, v. [clam facio,] to do privately. OoXX' vTre/pyaarat 0tXd. Med. 867. SYN. Kdrepydco^at. 'Yvrepyr/pws, w, et virep-yijpds, or, adj. [admodum senex,] very old. To 0' iJKfp- y>/pwr, 0i;XXdos i'jbrj. Agam. 78. 'YTrepSfws, os, 6 et //, adj. [major timore, intrepidus,] superior to fear, intre- pid. Kcu vTrepbea 2 - 6/7^0^ e*xpvTas. P. 330. , v. [timeo valde vel pro,] to fear excessively or for. Tts rewv -Kz. Sept. Theb. 279- SYN. Tltptbeibw , vTrepfyofitopat, vTrepbet/uaii'to. tw^ui, f. SOJCTW, v. [do pro,] to give for. IloXEWS Qavovaa r^cr5' vTrepboSt]- . Eur. fr. Erecth. 1. 40. , ov, o et ^, adj. [admodum Justus,] exceedingly just. Td o-icX^pu yap TOl, KO.V VTTCpblK Tj, bcLKtCt. Aj. Fl. 1119. SYN. Hdl'blKOS, ^blKSs. * 'Y-n-epbiKeM, v. [patrocinor,] to defend. Ilws yctp TO ^evyeiv rov5' opa. Eumen. 655. SYN. 'Y7rpd7ro/cpuojuai. is also a P. N. in Sept. Theb. 2 'Y7rep5ea is here put for vTrep5a, by syncope, as Homer uses K,\ F. 691. SYN. Kdrde\KTtot>. Equit. 920. SYN. 'Ava^ew, eKKVpaivw. 'Yireprivdpea, as, //, subst. [ferocia, virilitas,] high, manly spirit. "Os p vopiri OVEWV aytpaaTov tdrjKe. Apoll. 3. 65. 'Yrrepijvopewy v. [feroc-io, superbio,] to be high-spirited. Tpwwv vTreprjrvpt . 176'. SYN. 'YTrep^a^ew, vTreptypovtw. i'wp, 1 dptis, adj. [ferox, superbus,] of manly spirit; proud. "H// ' Alt'iry pi. Apoll. 4. 212. SYN. 'A-yj/rwp, virepytyavos, O.\KI/JOS, ev^v-os. m, as,//, P. N. [Hyperesia,] a city in Argolis. "Os p ' o. o. 254. , v. [superbio,] to be proud. TafiO' virlp^avtovrHs 'ETTCIOI yjLT(t)vls. A. 693. SYN. 'YTreprjvopEO), vTreptypovtio, Karafypovlii), ptya a\aoi>evdfjiai, ayaXXopai. Y7TfjO>y0dvos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [superbus,] gallant, proud, insolent. 'YTre Qeois rois irapos f.v-beiKvvviv. P. V. 41 1. SYN. 'YTrepfiios, vTrspiirwp, a vTrtpavxos, v7repia\Gs, dyoi/os, virepfypwv, vTrepOv/uids, virtpoirXos. YTrep&e, et virepQlv, adv. et praep. [supra,] above. Mox^ wv ^ K ^^os vrrepQlv. Med. 650. SYN. 'E^Tre/oOei/, ctrw, avtoQev. irepQeu, v. [praelercurro,] to outrun. T#xp & ^"ffpQei. Androm. 194. SYN. See 'YTrejorpe^w. ), v. [morior pro aliquo,] to die for one. MrjTpos XE-^UV 6s vTrepOw'}- . Androm. 498. w, et vTrodp&ffKct, v. [super exsilio,] to leap over, to hover over. Our' ap virepQopeew ayibov. M. 53. See also Hec. 811. SYN. 'YT , ov, o et r/, adj. [valde anirnosus,] spirited. YIds virepdvpovs. M. 128. SYN. MiEyaXtyvxos, yevvaws, irpudvfjids, vTrtpvityavos, ei/ftu^ds, 6vpw- brjs. 'TTrepQitjuws, adv. [animose, iracunde,] spiritedly, angrily. Ou5' vnepOvnus ayav. Eumen. 827. SYN. IlepiBv^s, evroXfjLws. '-oi', ov, ro, subst. [limen superius superliminare,] the transom over the 'Apyvpeov & l*i\os oi/rts iivfjp virep- . N. in Homer, P. 24. YDEP VEEP 871 . Soph. Electr. 188. See also jEsch. Suppl. 347- SYN. opos, adj. [supra modum sciens,] knowing above measure. wb* 'i0T(i>p t vTTtptffTiap. Soph. Electr. 850. SYN. 'Yirepootyos. ov, 6, patrowym. [Hyperione satus, Epith. Solis,] the son of Hy- perion, the Sun. KipKT) b' 'HfXtov 0i>ydrr?p 'rireptovlbao. Hes. Theog. 1011. * 'Y7Tp* ayjoy v. [porrigo,] to stretch over or forth. *Os pivots iKeryali re x e 'P* vTrepiff^ei. Apoll. 3. 985. ifTrfptW, oVos, by P. N. [(1) Hyperion, pater Solis; (2) Sol et ipse. Vid. Damm. Etym. et Real, in v.] (1) Hyperion the father of the Sun, (2) the Sun. Yeivaffy v7robfj.rjOe'i(T iTrtplovos ev rttXor^rt. Hes. Theog. 374. 'YirepKapvM, v. [valde, vel pro aliquo laboro,] to labor or be distressed greatly or for. Mo>os av noXews rf/crcV vwepKapvetSy povos. Bacch. 951. SYN. ITpo- vid. 'Y f, ov, b et ?/, adj. [nimis jactabundus,] too boastful. Totavr' dXvwv Tuls inrepKOTrois aayals. Sept. Theb. 387- SYN. See 'YTrfpav^os, and 'AXdcW. YTrepKdTrws, adv. [supra modum,] extravagantly. Oi b' vTrepKOTrtas. Choeph.130. SYN. 'YTTfpT/^di'ws, v7repfjtTp(jJS. YirepKopiu), v. [exsaturo,] to oversatiate. Qvre yap ar TT\OVTOV dvpov virepKo- peffais. Tlieogn. 1154. Y7repKp/u. Soph. Electr. 217- SYN. Hpoff/crdo/iat. >, avros, adj. [summa gloria insignis,] most glorious, "fts KCV --'is'A^atovs. A. 66. SYN. 'YTrepXajUTrpos. ?, ou, b et /, adj. [valde splendidus,] excessively splendid. -Xajjiirpois aKrlaiv fcdrf^et. Nub. 572. SYN. IloXi^>eyy?}s, Trpo^dv^s. i, v. [supra modum insanio,] to be outrageously mad. 'Yw t', Ka.vop.laav aowTa.Tov. Kan. 776. SYN. 'Ecyua/j'oyuat. tu>, v, [pro aliquo pugno,] to fight for. Tovb' virepnaxels epol ; Aj. Fl. 1346. SYN. ITpojud^'cw, /3o^0&>, vTrlp/crrd^uat. 5f7rep/iyds, yufydXi/, ^uyd, adj. [praemagnus,] immensely great. T ft vvv per ovbeis, avpiov & vTreppZyas. Equit. 158. SYN. OfXcOptos, jufytoros, a/, adj. [viribus pra^pollens,] mighty. Kat vTreppevew STTI- Kovpuv. P. 362. SYN. 'Y7re/p6)(6s, peyaXoaOevrjS. f, adv. [supra modum,] immoderately. TiyvwaKe ravGpwTTEm, prib* >s. Eur. fr. In. 21. SYN. 'A/ufrpws, vxepfldXabrjv, a^pdrws. * 'Y7repju?/K7/s, EOS, 6 et r], adj. [praelongus,] exceedingly long. Kcu vvv TOVS vireppfjKeis bpopovs. P. V. 6ll. SYN. Macpordros. ''YTreppvi'iffrpay as, ^f, P. N. [Hypermnestra,] one of the fifty daughters of Danai s. Ov & 'Yn-epyui'/yo > rpa TraptTrXayxdrj. Neni. 10. 10. PHR. Movo^rj^oy ?, ou, 6 et r/, adj. [praeter fatum,] premature. "Ev0d icat 'Apyc/otatv B. 155. >, v. [insuper cogito,] to consider besides. 4>pdv6i. b, ri bijQ' v^repvoels; CE. C. 1741. SYN.'ETTIVOEW. os, vid.'T7Tpo7rXos. i, as, r/, subst. [superbia,] pride, insolence. T H t s virepoirXirjiat. A. 205. SYN. 'YTrfprjyopEa, dXa^oveta. YTrepoTrXiZdpaiy v. [vi et armis supero. Vid. Damm.] to overcome by force of arms. OVK civ TIS piv iivrip VTrepOTrXlaaaiTd. p. 268. SYN. Ntfcdw. ?, oi/, o et rj t superl. ordrds, et ^co'rdrds, adj. [superbus, insoleus,] 872 YFIEP TOE? proud, insolent. 'AyaQos nep Zuv v7rlpoir\dv eeiTrti'. O. 185. See also Apoll. 2. 4. SYN. See "YV^^ayflf, 'YirepoTrrrjs, et vnzpoTTTos, ov, o et ?}, adj. [contemtuosus, insolens,] contemp- tuous, insolent. Upos nav-a 7rdX/y/;oros, ijb' virepoTTTrjs. Theocr. 22. 58. See also CE. R, 883. SYN. 'Y7rp//0d'ds, vfipiarii]S. 'rTcepoppubeo), v. [timeo valde vel pro aliquo,] to fear greatly or for. "60' j/ rc- Koi'o-d, xvTrepoppubovff Ipov. Eur. Suppl. 354. SYN. See 'rTrepbeibu. "YTTtpos, ov, 6, subst. [pistillum,] a pe.stle. "Ynepov be TplTniyyv. Hes. Op. 421. s, vid. 'rirdpoxos. dftew, v. [valde commoveor,] to be excessively affected. e Y7rep7rd0>/ffa/, adj. [pranlives,] excessively rich. Tfjs inrfpTr\ov-ov j7$. P. V. 475. SYN. IToXi/fcrtdi't/s, 7roXvoA/3os, TroXu^jOvtros, 5tt7rXoi/rds. , v. [nimio labore me exerceo,] to labor too much for. 'Evrei TOV& virepTTovovfjiei'o). Aj. Fl. 1310. SYN. 'YTrepK'a^urw, virepyaZopai , ov, 6 et /, adj. [transmarinus,] over the sea. 4>oirs 6' ev r. Antig. 785. a^w, v. [demulceo poppysmate,] to soothe with patting. ' ov re fie. Equit. 677. 'YTrepTn/pptdw, v. [supra modum rufus sum,] to be exceedingly red. 'obi be beiaus i/TreptTtvppicKTz /JLOV. Ran. 311. f rirepad(f)os, ov, o el //, adj. [valde sapiens,] excessively wise. Toy avbpa TUI> virepaotyov. Acliarn. 970. SYN. 'YTrep/orwp. w, vid. 'YTreptorrdftat. , v. [valde vel pro aliquo gemo,] to groan deeply or for. 2xSi/ . P. V. 66. SYN. See 'YTrtpaXyew. 'YTreprdros, vid. 'Ytreprepos. 'YTrepre/j'w, v. [supra extendo,] to stretch beyond or over. Yopyti(p vovaa crov xapq. KVK\OV. Eur. Electr. 1255. SYN. 'Ejcretrw, vTrepftaivd), 'YTrepreXew, v. [supero,] to surpass. MrjT* ovv rtapwv riv vTreprtXecrat. Agam. 350. SYN. See f Y7rep/5ai'rw. 'Y7repreX/s, eos t 6 et //, adj. [qui superat,] surpassing. Ni/y 5' t)riK d0Xwv rwf^' virepTe\y}s e0^s vTrepreXXovrd beifucilvaiy Ktrpui'. Orest. 6. SYN. 'Ai'dreXXw, vTrtpe^w, v?rep/3a/Vw. ta, as, r^, subst. [contabulatio currus,] the upper part of a carnage, i', VTrepTtplr) apapvluv. 5. 70. s, superl. vTreprdros, et vTrtpwrdros, ?;, ov, adj. [(l) superior, (2) surn- mus,] higher, highest. Et rabiK tWat rijs biKrjs inrepTtpa. Eur. Electr. 584. SYN. KaflvTreprtpos, Kpeiaaw, avMTtpos, Kpanards, avwraTos. 'Y7reprt0/7jut, v. [super pono,] to place over, to assign. Ilcivrt /uev Qlov at . Pyth. 5. 33. SYN. 'YTrtpa/pw, TrporiflqjUl, Trpo'k'ptVw. dw, v. [supra alios honore adficio,] to honor exceedingly. us evepytrriv. Antig. 284. SYN. Meyd rt/udw, YOEP YIIEY 873 s. ov, 6 et ?>, adj. [audacissimus,] very daring. 'AAV avb-pds. Choepli. 585. SYN. ov, 6 et ^, adj. [ultra modum tentus,] overstrained, dpd TUV vTreprovov (Soar. Nub. 1 154. 'Y7reproeverfytos, ov, 6 et T), adj. [qui sagitta superaripotest,] which may be shot beyond or surpassed. MIGHT/A' eXeds ov^ V7reproei>fffyto>. jEsch. Suppl. 482. SYN. 'rTrepflXrjTos. >, 2 aor. sbpapov, v. [supercurro,] to run over or beyond, to exceed. %epd. Helen. 1523. SYN. 'YTrepGew, virepTrr)baw t virepfialvu), tfTrlptxw. 'YTrepvSpm^w, f. dpeis v?rep0ev rets Tv%as. Here. F. 1312. ifTrep^tdXos, ov, o et ^f, adj. [fcedifragus, insolens,] violating treaties, insolent. MdXd 6' eialv VTrep^TdXoi cdrd brjfiov. <5. 274. SYN/'AffTroi/^os, dOeds, dbfads, y, vTrepOTirrjs. w$, adv. [immodice,] immoderately. M>? TTOV res ?. N. 293. SfTrep^rXew, v. [supra modum amo,] to love exceedingly. 'AXX' Jlut. 1072. r7rp^o/3ed^uat, v. [nimium timeo,] to be too much alarmed. MqS' dyay fiov. Sept. Theb. 224. SYN. See 'Y7rep5e/5w. i, v, [( l) insolesco, (2) contemno,] to be insolent, to despise. *i rof rrdpoVrd baifj.oi'd. Pers. 830. SYN. Kara^poj'ew, drtjud^w, t/Trep- y, tivds, adj. [(1) superbus, (2) magnanimus,] proud, gallant. TIolov KKpayas arbpos <56' i/7rep0pom ; Aj. Fl. 1236". SYN. 'YTrep^dyto, ayqvwp, VTrep^wp, yueydXo^pwv, yueyd Qpovwv, inrepfiios. Trep^v^s, eos, o et ^, adj. [naturae modum excedens,] supernatural, extraordi- nary. "OyXos VTrepQvrjs tivos. Plut. 750. SYN. 'Y7re/pox^, Virepnvbas, dya- ffTOS. ws, adv. [mirum in modum,] wonderfully. Ov ydp ctXX' i/Trep^i/ws. Ec- 386. SYN. 'rirepfev, vTrep^erpws, eKvayXtos. , v. [summopere laetor,] to be exceedingly delighted. Awpots vTrep- X/pov(rd. Med. 1162. 'YTrep^Xt^dw, v. [insolentia vel deliciis modum supero,] to be excessively in- solent or luxurious. Kelvoib 1 VTrep^XtSwrres K yXwffcnjs KCLKVJS. Trach.281. SYN. "A/3pv'0;ucu, vTrcp^po^tw, vTTprpv(j)db). 'YTrep^oXdw, v. [vehementer irascor,] to be very angry. 'YTrep^oXoi ydp. Ly- sistr. 693. SYN. 'YTrepcxxfio/zat, tnfepopyi^upat. 'Yirepxofjiai, v. [(l) subeo ; (2) circumvenio ; (3) obsequiose colo,] to enter into, to circumvent, to impose upon, to cringe to. Ov ydp TIS ol/cros afis p' virep- vy?is. Hipp. 1092. SYN."Y7ret/u, eiatp-xopat, i/7rorp)(W, aTrdrdw, KoXd- a, as, ^, subst. [palatum,] the palate. 'Yrrepw^*' & OVK Zbtyve. X. 495. , vid. 'rnoxupttof. contr. Sirepydv, ov, et antiq. tiQw, TO, subst. [co3naculum,] a supper or upper room. 'YTrfpwtd fftyaXoevra. TT. 449. See also II. 184. vid. 'YTreprepos. , oi/, 6 et //, adj. [tranquillus,] tranquil. KcifcetOei/ virevbld df. Apoll. 4. 1731. SYN. See Evfotfs. Pros. JLea?. 5 S 874 THEY , 1 ov, o et ft, adj. [rationi reddendae obnoxius,] responsible. Ildpd vMV tyovTa. xp^ard. Vesp. 102. SYN. 'rnoblKtis. aw, v. [congredior,] to sleep with. TeivaQ' DTrevvrjOela-' 'YTrtp/tm. Hes. Theog. 374. SYN. SeeEvvaw. , 2 aor. ta^tiv, v. [subeo, submitto,] to undergo, submit, afford. aijudros /nrjTpoKTdyov. Orest. 1666.. SYN. ' f a, ov, adj. [subobsciU'US,] gloomy. Kea'fl $' uTrqepioy deirjv bd ya7d*/. Apoll. 4. 1577. , et 'YTraKovds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [moriger,] obedient to. 'Y7n/Kdoi> rW, e^ Heracl. 288. See also Apoll. 4. 1381. SYN. Kdn/Koos, UW, perf. //jLtyfcd, "Attic. e/i//n/Kd, etinterserto v ad roborandam vocem, a," Daram. v. [sum demissu capite,] to hang down the head. Ha^rd rifjivKi. X. 491. SYN. 'ETriJcX/vw, K'drd/3aXXojuai. , a, d/, adj. [(I) ventosus, (2) inanis,] windy, empty. 'YTr^epot 0c/- t. Theocr. 5. 1 15. SYN. 'Hj'/uoas. os, oy, 6 et /;, adj. [vento non expositus,] under or sheltered from the wind, calm. Kd6J///^t0'a.';pwv efc Trdywv vTryji-epot. Antig. 41 1. injvr], 77?, ?/, subst. [barba,] a beard. 'Eyuav 5' eTrvKia^ty virrjvav. Theocr. 20, 21. SYN. reveidv, vrwywv. EPITH. ^ptVo-oucrd, Xdcria, atdywj/, Xa^J'T;. YirrjrfiTrjs, ov, 6, adj. [barbatus,] having a beard. Ilpuiroj' virr)vi]rr). K. 279. Y7r77o7os, et VTT^OS, a, o^, adj. [matutinus,] morning. 2ri/3?) virrjohi. P- 25. See also Apoll. 4. 841. SYN. See 'Ewfltros. , as, >/, et 'YTrqperjf/m, dros, ro, subst. [ministerial!),] service. /. Vesp. 600. See also Soph. Electr. 1358. SYN. ' , et i/Troupyew, v. [ministro,] to serve, to minister to. 'AXX' epyov ov TCI Xo/0' virripcre'iv. Philoct. 16. See also Philoct. 144. SYN. ov, o, et vTryptfis, tSds, ?% subst. [minister,] a servant, an assistant. Havo-cu' bibov be ^eift vTrrjpery / //o( rovrwi' . Eur. fr. Hipp. 1. See alsoY. 209. SYN. 'Y^tard/zat, tTrayyeXXojuat, eyywdw. rr]s, ov, o, et vTrroSoretpd, as, ^, adj. [somnifer,] sleep-giving. v. P. V. 593. See also Orest. 175. oy, 6, subst. [somnus,] sleep. r il ^>t\oj/ VTTJ'OU deXyrjrpov. Orest. 205. EPITH. 'ATrelpuiv, aTri'i/Jtov, yXi)/cus, fjbv/jids, rjbvs, Xmpos, viiyptTos, , TroXvs, fjiaXdKuSyVrjXrjs, 0dXeposr, XvatyueXT/s, fiaOvs, Xo/y/os, irp^tos. PHR."Ava| Tra^rw*' re detiv, Trdvrtitv T avOpwiruv VTTVOV f:wyud Kura- ypdfjevtiv. See also Philoct. 827 833. YTT^OW, vTrvfuw, et vTrvwcro-w, v. [(1) dormio, (2) somnum adfero,] to sleep, to bring on sleep. FWalK-ds e, v. [subdulce reddo,] to sweeten. 'Y7royX$Kali>wv pTjua-lots fia- yetpiKols. Equit. 21 6. vs, ews, by subst. [amanuensis,] a notary. "OTTWS y>w//cu aot Qavos -- *"K&V. Equit. 1256. SYN. 'Y7roypa/, f. 4/w, v. [intento crimen,] to bring a charge. ETrr', et rl KO.IVOV i rw >^5 /3tw. Here. F. 1009. at, et vTrobpad), v. [subjugo,] to subdue, EtTn- yuot, ^2 EKWV i/7rtf- ba^ivaaal. TT. 95. See also Horn. Hym. l6. 4. SYN. Ad/udw, x et p^ w > TO- , v. [rnetuo, vereor,] to fear, to reverence. 5 A/a>cr^s iv. ft. 265. SYN. f Y7ro7rr/ff(Tw, ^e/5w, beibiaffduai, ei/Xct/^td/xai, i>7rorjOw, , f. 6e/|w, v. [ostendo,] to show. vborras. Theocr. 25. 234. SYN. Aeterv/rf, avabeiKWul, virdrWefiai. YTroSe^'T/, 7?$, ^, subst. [copia ad excipiendos Iiospites,] provision for the enter- tainment of a guest. rid |c^5w, viriff^reofjiatf ava- Xaufiavouai. 'Y-rrobtouai, v. [subligo,] to tie underneath. 'Y7r#Se7flr0 6' ws rti^trrd rets Ad- k'wrtcds. Eccles. 269. 'YTTW^XOW, v. [occulte declare,] to declare secretly, ^rjueldv i/TrtSr/Xwae Hep- ffevs eKbpauwr. Thesm. 1020. SYN. 'rirdbetKVvul, inrbfyaivia, dTroSeu'rv/it, trjXou. 'rTrobrjfjia, O.TOS, TO, subst. [calceamentum,] a shoe, a sandal. 'YTrdS^drw*' e7. Thesm. 262. SYN. Ev/^apts, KtbiXdv, upfii>Xrj. 876 YOGA YFIOK 'YTrtibiKds, ov, u et //, adj. [reus,] amenable to justice. 'YTrSS/icos OsAet \tpiav. Eumeu. 260. SYN. 'r-revOwds, VTralrws, Zvdxfc. , v. [verso,] to whirl about. 'H & ^obiv^Qelaa. Call. 4. 79- SYN. 'YTTO^UWS, wtis, et inrobpr)ffTrjp, rjpos, v, subst. [subservus,] an under servant, a minister. Yldaettawvos i>7rdfyuo>s. 6. 386. See also o. 329- SYN. Ajuws, bov- Xds, virdxetpltis. 'Y7roo/, subst. [successio,] succession. Arffiv tinobdaw r2 Eumen. 508. SYN. Amox^. "Y7r6d)(j), T/S, ^f, subst. [(l)exceptio; (2) convivium,] reception, entertainment. 'Epwv (piXairtv tfTToSoxals bopwv. Iph. A. 1229. SYN. 'ATTO^OX^, 'Y7ro5pa, adv. [torve,] sternly. Tov 6' cip' t/7rofy>a rS^v. B. 245. SYN. , et t)7ro5pr/or iJTTo&pwwaw. o. 332. See also Apoll. 3. 274. SYN. f Y7r^perf6, tfTrovpyew, bovXevw, Q^revu. 'rjp, vid. 'YTTO^JUWS. y, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [currens sub,] running or rolling under. "l^ovs \bv CKTOS auTrlbos. Phoen. 1406. , ov } 6 et //, adj. [subroscidus,] dewy. Aet/uwv^s rl tytpovaiv VTTO- . Theocr. 25. 16. SYN. Apooroeis, Spoo-epos, bpocijuos. 'Y7rovyui, et t v. [(1) subeo, (2) induo sub,] to enter, to go under. Tov /uey e7ret0' vTrdbvvTZ 6vw. 0. 332. See also Eumen. 845. SYN. EtVdvvw kw, v. [cedo,] to retire from. To'0p' v7rtJei, adj. [sub corde latens,] lurking under the heart. ' bwv e%cos. Theocr. 11. 15. , f. Keiaopat, \. [subjaceo,] to lie under, to await. T A0\o's y Olymp. 1. 135. SYN. f Y7rdri0/ucu, vTrofiaXXofjiui, vQioTa/jiai, virei^i t , v. [leviter moveo,] to move slightly. Zc^vpou vnoKmiaavrtis. A. 423. rnoK rnoA 87? v. [sublacrymor,] to weep slightly. Qid' tiirbKXatwv, ovff VxGXei- fwv. A gam. 68. YTroKXeVrw, et vTroKXdirZdfiai, v. [clam abripio,] to steal away privately. Tovs ras evvas inroKXeirrb^vovs. Soph. Electr. 1 15. See also x- 382. SYN. 'Ed- Trdrdw, VTrooreXXoyua t, biaicXeTrTd). Y7roK\r)'i(o, v. [clam divulgo,] to divulge by private communications. 'YTTO- K\yojuEvav. Aj. Fl. 225. SYN. Atayy^XXw, (ftrj/ni^d). *"* ' >, v. [proclino,] to lean. ^x oir f *HrwrWwi|- e. 463. SYN. 'Y7rd/3aXXw, ', i/7ro0opv/3W. fTT^/coXTTios, ov, o.ct >/, adj. [qui in sinu vel amplexu est,] in the bosom. *AX- Xos rot yXvictwv vTroKoXirios. Theocr. 14.37. f7ro/cop<'e?djucu, v. [blando nomine appello,] to call by a fond name. Nr/rrdpioV av Kai (/mrrtoV v7TEKOpi$ETd. Plut. 1011. SYN. 'YTroflwTreuw, Stdo-vpw. t, v. [juveniliter cano vel ago,] to sing or act like a young man. uoibais. Pyth. 3. 33. cw, v. [subcrocito,] to sound gentty, to harmonise with. Mavlaalv tiiro- , Olym. 9- 59. SYN. f Y7r77)( w > o r vft0wva;, avvybo). YTToKpEfjiafjiai, v. [suspendeo,] to hang. Ilerpr) vTroKpEfjiaTcu. Horn. Apoll. 284. SYN. K^ptpauat. YTrok'pa-d/^at, f. ivovfjiat, v. [(1) respondeo, (2)simulo, (S)explico,] to answer, to pretend, to explain. Ovrws v-noKpivb^Evov ocify&s dveipuTa; Vesp. 53. SYN. 'ATTOKpivofjiai, anofjietj3ofj,at, eiKaSw, epfjUjfevd). fTroKpirfis, ov, 6, subst. [simulator, histrio,] a representer of a borrowed character, a player. Toy 6' vTrojcpmyv erEpov. Vesp. 1279- SYN. See Mi/xov. oKpovw, v. [obloquor, obturbo,] to inveigh against, to disturb. Ti o' ov/ rt Qrj. O.626. SYN. KdXvTrra;, d, adv. [clanculum,] secretly. AtSws ydp i/Tro/rpi/^d /cepSet Nem. 9. 79- SYN. Aa0pa, cpv^d, Kpvfylus. 'Y7rdfcv/:Xos, ow, 6 et ?), adj. [rotundus,] round. TdXdpdv 6'v7rtiKVK\ov dnaaaEv. 131. SYN. Tpoxoeifys. 'YtroK.voiJLa.iy f. t v, [gravida fio,] to conceive. At 6' T. 225. SYN. Kvew, yaorpo^optw. 'YTrofc-vTrrw, v. [caput submitto,] to bow, to lower. "J0t (%/9', Acharn. 954. SYN. KvTrrw, v7ro/3ttXXw, vTrekw, i/7rocX/i'w. OS, ov, 6 et /, adj. [subsurdus,] hard of hearing. 'forHm^d*' oSros rgf . 43. dj'w, f. X^w, 2 aor. eXd/3t>>', v. [(l)suscipio; (2)excipio; (3)respondeo; (4) puto,] to undertake; to take up, to catch; to answer; to suppose, to think. Aibovs V7rd\aj3it)v 0?X' tiv TV^OIS. Here. F. 301. SYN. 'AmXa/u/3d^(i>, c i,ti) t r/yec/yum, Tr^s, eos, 6 et ?/, adj. [sublucidus,] shining slightly. 'HXeKTp) 0' 7r e^/. Hes. Scut. 142. 'Y7roXa/*7rd/iai, v. [aliquantum luceo,] to shine faintly. XdpoTr// 'Hws. Apoll. 1. 1280. SYN. 'YTT^a/vo/xat, v7rorr/X/3w. 'Y7ToXe//8w, v. [liboj to pour a libation. See in 'YTrofcXa/w. SYN. Ae//3w, , v. [(l)relinquo, (2) deficio,] to leave behind, to fail, "dirorav bvo ifitpa vv vnoXeHpOr]. Soph. Electr. 91. SYN. 'ATroXe/Trw, fXXttVw. ifb\ t \. [aliquantum albesco,] to whiten a little. Ac 6' vovrcu a%ypfjiVal. E. 502. 878 TOGA rnon 'rir8\T}vls, Ibds, 1), $irii\iivl()v, r*, subst. [(l)vas quod torculari subjacft, veus,] a vessel beneath the wine-press to receive the wine; a trough. Xpu- aeias VTTdXrjrHbas e7r\{]ffavT&, Call. 3. l66. SYN. HveXos. 'Y7ro\/cwi', ovosy adj. [paulo minor,] somewhat less. Aaoi &' vTroXtZovts fjaav. I. 51.9. SYN. 'EXac^a^, peiwv. * YTroXiffvros, ov, 6 et f], adj. [laevis, lubricus,] smooth, sleek* IloXXoTs y vnfi- Xiffnois Trvytfaoiffiv s^dplaa). Equit. 1368. 'YTToXotTros, ov, o et //, adj. [reliquus,] remaining. Ovwvv vTroXourov aoi rti fiapadpov yirerat. Plut. 431. SYN. AotTros, cTriXotTros, TrtptXotTros. 'rKoXvpws, ov, o et //, adj. [a plus lyras,] fit for the lyre. "Evena buvdKos, tiv %KO~ \vpwv. Ran. 284. 'YTroXww, f. vo-w, v. [(l)stibter solvo, (2) debilito, (3) excalceo,] to loose or weaken beneath, to strip off shoes. 'riroXverai /uov TO. ybvar, w AvcrHTTpa-rj. Lysistr. 2l6. SYN. 'Efatpw. 'rTTofuiciKpos, a, or, adj. [paulo lougior,] somewhat long. "ETTCIT avwOev pafibuv evQvs vwtifjiaKpov. Pax 1242. w, v. [conspergo,] to besmear. 0eoruX?, vvv be Xafiovcra ri) ra 6poi>a \ vTrdjJiaoi>. Theocr. 2. 59- SYN. Ma(r^, adj. [subNeio monte situs,] situated under mount Nei'um . 'H/ie7s e 'lOaKijs virovrjiov. y. 81. 'iVoi'iWw, v. [clam pungo,] to sting secretly. AaKri)Xd ?rav0' v7refi^ei/. Theocr 19. 3. SYN. 'Y7T07rX)7<7ffw. 'YTrdTren'dw, v. [paulum esurio,] to be half famished. Kal ircubapwr inruTretvwv- TUV. Plut. 536. 'r7ro7repbd/, v. [suppedo,] to break wind. 'Y7ro7repSo/u*>os. Ran. 1128. 'YTroTrepmcJw, v. [paulatim nigresco,] to grow gradually black. 'Erepat 6' i/7rfl- 7repKciovai. r). 126. SYN. See IlepKac?w. 'YTTOTr/jLtTrpj/jut, f. Trp^o-w, v. [suburo,] to set fire to beneath. 'YTroTr/yuTrpT/rriV Lysistr. 348. SYN. 'Y^ctTrrw. 'YTTOTT/J/W, v. [pluscuium bibo,] to drink a little too much, 'rire-rnvdv sv Aves 494. SYN. n/vw, fjitQv ffKdfiat. ' YTrdTTiTrrw, 2 aor. tTrtaor, v. [cado sub,] to fall under or down before. ' awv TOV beffTrorrjv. Equit. 47. SYN. KdraTr/Trrw, 7rpo<77r/7rrw, VTTOKVTTTW. 'YTrortrrow, v. [pice sublino,] slightly to cover with pitch. 'licdvov ydp ai irporepov vittiriTTOVv ^povdv. Plut. 1094. 'YTTOTrXdrrw, v. [subeffingo,] to form under. 'YTTO rots tfvvi Krjpov /uevos. Vesp. 108. SYN. 'AvaTrXcicro-w, e^TrXdaaw, lva\d(f>u. 'YTroTroXios, ov, 6 et }, adj, [paulum canus,] rather hoary. ' Anacr. fr. 107. ifds, ^, adj. [quae vitulum vel liberos habet,] having a calf or young YII02 879 V7r07TTV(l) Tl 800 rnos rnoT i, y. [contralto, subduco,] to draw in, to withdraw, to lower. #7ro7reXX6 XSyw. Orest. 600. SYN. Di/orAXw, i)0ffyu. r~evau), et #7roffr(j)'d)(tcw, v. [iugemisco,] to groan. *1 /uev r' af y f 6 dpavtTrjs Xews. Acharn. 162. See also Aj. Fl. 1001. and B. 781. ifTrooTopew, f. ecrtt), et i/Troorpwyru/u, f. trrpwcrw, v. [substerno,] to spread under to spread. 'H fnev be^v? avvylv tfTroaropeacu. v. 139- See also Helen. 59 SYN. 'Y7ro/3aXXw, VTrordi'vw, vnoTfivw. YTTOffTpetyio, f. \w, v. [converto,] to turn back. Aefy>' Vnoffrpe&as TraXiv. Alcest 1038. SYN. 'Avaarpetpw, dTroorrpe^w, avep^o/uiat. r7roorpo0>), ijs, ^, subst. [reversio,] a turning back. 'E i/Troorpo^s. Soph Eleclr. 725. SYN. 'Ai/aerrpo0?/, i/7rorpo?na. r7ros, //, subst. [extensio,] extension. Heblwv vworaaeis. Bacch 738. ifTrordpafforw, f. |fe), v. [leviter commoveo,] to confound somewhat. 'Hi/ta KXtwv /u' vTrerdparre/' tmKelpevos. Vesp. 1276. SYN. 'YTro^tVfw, dvardpaao-w >, v. [paveo,] to fear. Tows ' virorapfiriaavTEs. P. 533. SYN. Se , ov, o et ?/, adj. [sub Tartaro degens,] dwelling under Tartarus is ff vTroraprdptot. Hes. Theog, 851. SYN. See 'riroyQovios. ti'w, v. [subjicio,] to spread or place under, to suggest. Ov vwoTetvuv ptffQovs. Acharn. 657. iXXd/jiat, v. [orior,] to arise. Bpv^ & DTrereXXer dbovrwv. Apoll 2. 83. , et viroTfjHjffffii), v. [succido,] to cut away. "Oorts ^TTdrepra /3oos. Equit. 3 16. See also Apoll. 3. 327. SYN. 'J ?/ut, v. [subjicio, suggero,] to place under, to suggest. 'rire TOVS Xoyovs. Ipli. A. 507. SYN. 'Y7ro/3a,XXw, 7rport0r//xt, ) t vid.'T >, v. [(1) conjicio, (2) suspicor,] to conjecture, to suspect. M?? vTroTOTrijrai' ravd\ opas. Thesm. 503. SYN. See 'Y? 'YTrorpexw, i)7rorpoxdo^, et i/7ro0ew, v. [(l)subter curro, (2) insiuuo me,] to rui under, to insinuate oneself. Kov^ inrurpE^wv ae TOVTO dwireia Xeyw. Orest 663. See also Mosch. 8. 5. and Equit. 1158. SYN. vd>ep7ro, aTrdrdw, fcoXd/cevw, vTr^p^o/zat. 'Yvrorpew, et viroTpoptw, v. [intremisco,] to tremble at. Of b* dXXoi eiar vTrerpeffav. Apoll. 1. 1049. See also Apoll. 4. 1340. SYN. See 'YTTO i, dros, TO, subst. [rnoretum,] a sort of meal made of several pounde* ingredients. "IK-r/ KEKOVI^'OS^ /BXtTrwv vTrorpi/i/ud. Eccles. 291. EXP. Apttti vid. 'Y? r, as, ^, subst. [reversio,] a turn or vicissitude. Srovoevros VTTO rpoTrtr; TroXeyuotd. Apoll. 1. 1052. SYN. 'Y; 'YTTorpoTros, ou, 6 et >/, adj. [redux,] returning back. Noar/yo-as es '] rponos. Apoll. 4. 1163. SYN. See UaXivrpdirds. e w w ^ o i ^ 'f' w YTrorpo^aw, Via'. Yirorpt^w. 'YTrorpwyw, v. [clam comedo,] to eat secretly. To^y i/Trorpwywr. Call. Ej 46. 4. rncxr YFITI , * v. [suffringo,] to beat out. Oi x r >" VKOTVTTTOVTES. Aves 1 145. SYN. ), d Trap da aw . , ov, 6 et //, adj. [pulchritudinis speciern ulceri obductam habens,] secretly rancorous. KdXXos KO.K&V VTTOV\OV e^0pe^dre. (E. R. 1396. , ov, o et ^, adj. [qui sub coslo est,] under heaven. 'O^-rdrov 5ep- V7rovpavitt)i/ TrererjvCjf. P. 675. , vid. 'YTrr/pfVfw. Yirovpyta, as, ?/, subst. fministerium,] service. *Er* dXXov ot7s t/^j/s vxovp- yias. CE. C. 1413. S~YN. See 'Yvr^ffta. YTTofyatva), v. [ostendo subter,] to show beneath. Ildptas vitEfyaivt XlQoto. Tbeocr. 6. 38. SYN. 'YTofie/Kvu/zt. , v. [suffero,] to bear, to supply. 'E\7riS' tTroiaets. Soph. Electr. 834. . $|ow, roX^dw, vnojuevw. , v. [evito,] to slip away from, to avoid. TdaS 1 i)7r60ei/ya>i', ore'i^ . Eur. Electr. 1339. SYN. See 'YTrefc^evyw. , ov, viro(f>{iT(t)p, opos, 6, et v7rd(j)^Tis t tos, //, subst. [antistes oraculi,] a priest, or interpreter of an oracle. Ntjpijos Qeiotti TroXv^pdSyuw) Apoll. 1. 1311. See also Apoll. 1. 22. and Pyth. 2. 139. SYN. , v. [succlamo,] to sing in turn. At 5' vire^pevv. Mosch. 3. 49 SYN. 'ETTt^fleyyo/Ktt. 5/*at, vTro'xwptw, et vTrlpwfw, v. [recedo,] to give way, to retire. Zeus avTos Kpovt^s vTrdxd^frai. Apoll. 1. 1101. See also Pax 506. and 0. 314. SYN. 'Aydxdcojucu, vTreiKo), vireKcbeuyi*), di'dx^ptw, VTrouTpe^d). ), et viro^affKO), v. [aliquantum hio,] to gape somewhat. 2v 5' 'Apt- ori/XXos vTroy6.aKii)v epe'ts. Pint. 314. SYN. Xa/rw. ?, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [qui sub manu est, subjectus,] under the hand or power, subjected. Srpdr^Xdrr/aas, ^yTrd^eipioy \cificlv. Androm. 734. SYN. td, dros, TO, subst. [liquor,] a stream. 'PajQeladv vfjivuv vTro^ev-fjLa- aiv. Pyth. 5. 134. tat, 1 aor. f.\eva, v. [suff'undo,] to pour beneath. TWTTOS 6' vTTfxeue 5d- ffeias. . 49. SYN. 'YTrooropfw, V7ro/3dXXw. >, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [subterraneus,] under the earth, subterraneous. "id' vTro^Odrioi. Androm. 514. SYN. Kdrax^o^tds. >, ov, o et rj, adj. [subpallidus,] somewhat pale. Kot %ir6y\oov el^f. i\v. Call. 4. 8. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [subjectus,] subject to. BdcrtXeTs, /3d rot fjC vTroi^d- Xd7ffT. Lysistr. 84. SYN. Kdra^dw, 7rd^>dw. ifTro^ta, as, >;, subst. [suspicio,] a suspicion. '\\n"iv & ?}v pev /6' uTro^ta. He- len. 1549. SYN. 'YTrdi'otd. YTTo^wvfw, v. [in coemendis opsoniis decipio,] to cheat in buying meat. Ov6' w viro^ojvwv ere 7rr/judre7rat. Acharn. 842. tdc?(i>, et vTrrtoo/zat, v. [supiniis sum,] to be upturned. Kdpa yap vrrrtd 5e. Philoct. 822. SYN. e Y7ro/cX/vd;uat. 1 See an excellent note by Dr. Maltby on this word. 2 BcwnAe'ws is here scanned as an anapaest. Pros. Lex. 5 T 882 YflTI Y2TP 'YiTTiaffnu, dros, ro, subst. [(l) sublatio ; (2) resupinatio,] the lifting or turn- ing up. "Aetv vlv vTrrlaffua. Agam. 1256*. Jk f*V^* v- ^ v 1 fV* o / "* ' I Trrioojjiai, vid. I Trrtacw. "YTmos, a, o>, adj. [supinus,] turned upwards, upset. 'E eXirlbwv vnrlovs opw. Eur. fr. Inus. 16. 5. ov, 6 et //, adj. [qui sub axilla est,] under the arm. '6 b' '. Horn. Merc. 507. as?w, v. [suggillo earn faciei partem quae sub oculis est,] to buffet under the eyes, to maul. Kat ravrd batfjiovlws virtDirlaa^lvai. Pax 540. SYN. KdraTrXtycrcroj, fj.apa.ivw. 'YTZ-WTTIOV, ov, ro, subst. [(1) pars qua? subjaeet oculis, (2) suggillatio sub ocu- lo,] the part below the eye ; a black eye. AvX??rptc)wv, vTrwTrtW. Acharn. 551. SYN, TvXos. 'YTTtGpetd, as, ^, subst. [radix mentis,] the root or bottom of a mountain. 'AXX' 6)' vTTwpetas. Y. 218. 'Y7rajOo0tos, et vtriopuyds, ov, 6 et */, adj. [qui sub tecio est, domesticus,] under a roof. Kat vrioaaL oiKovpol, vtrwpucbiot rz KoXoioi. Arat. 970. See also Here. F , , ( ^ , v 107. oYN. oee YTToortyos. 'Ypta, as, r^, P. N. [Hyrca,] a town in Boeotia. O? & 'rpirfv HVE^JLOVTO. B. 496. 'Yputvrj, r)s, ?/, P. N. [Hyrmine,] a town in Elis. "Qtraov fd>' "Ypuivr). B. 6l6. 'Yprdfct^s, patronym. ab (2)"Yprd^os, ov, 6, P. N. [(l) Hyrtacides, (2) Hyrta- cus,] (1) the son of Hyrtacus ; (2) Hyrtacus. "Ao-tos 'Yprdfct^. M. 96. See also 1.771. os, ov, 6, P. N. [Hyrtius.] TgXd^twvtoi'YprtoV ovrd. S. 511. Cn-> ^l s , V> subst. [vas fictile cui imponuntur salsamenta,] a pickling vessel. ?, olvov, Sambas, rvpov, /ueXt. Vesp. 674. 'Ys, vid. 2i)s. To-os, ^ol. pro "O cos, q. v. * 'Yo-mt, tiv, at,. P. N. [HysiaeJ a town in Boeotia. 'Yam* r', 'EpvBpus 6'. Bacch. 740. "Ytrphnj, qs, dat. 77 et t, (quasi ab "YfrfAv,) ^, subst. [pugna,] a fight. "I/, subst. [la- queus, scutica suilla,] a noose, a pig whip. "Qpviaiv & vWXay. Theocr. 8. 58. See also Lysistr. 999. SYN. A/KTVOV, Trdyts, fiovKevrpov. 'Yaffciicos, et vo-o-a^, d/cos, o, subst. [pudenda muliebria,] the female pudenda, 'ATDyXdov rws ctv^pds d?ro rw^ vaaaKuv. Lysislr. 1001. SYN. Xo7pos. 'Yarepew, v. [(1) posterior sum, (2) desum,] to be too late, to be wanting. Tlatbos varepyjaopai. Ipli. A. 1203. SYN. BpdSvvw, dvd/3aXXo/^at, fXXetVw, eXarroo/mi. ?, ov, o et fj, adj. [sero puniens,] punishing though late. vortpoTTOu'w)'. Agam. 58. , o et >/, neutr. TTOW, genit. Trobus, adj. [tardo pede,] slow- footed. vorrcpoTTOvs fidydti ; Lysistr. 326. ?, superl. (2) vordros, et vordrtos, a, oj/, adj. [(l) posterior, serior, (2) ultimus, postrernus,] after, subsequent, last. livMuaialv vaTtpmalv. Eur. Suppl. 1093. See also Here. F. 483. and Apoll. 1. 139. SYN. (2)"E/, adj. [tarde perdens,] late in destroying. TovVwy ae (rrtpO(j)6opoi. Alltig. 1074. , 6 et >/, subst. [hystrix,] a hedge-hog. Kat var^^os eV0d Ka Call. 3. 96. SYN. 'Ex7vos. rrrptx^) ^ s > ^/> subst. [flagellum ex setis suillis,] a whip made of hogs' bristles. Mwv varplxis etVe^dXev aot. Pax 746. SYN. T<77rXr7y, YOAI YYHA 883 ifr/ia*Va;, Ion. tyatv&trKw, et i>0ddp' vtyaivovaiv aXlTropyvpa. r. 108. See also (3. 10-1. and 17. 105. SYN. 'E^v^euVw, TrXfKw, Kdraoreudcja;. w, v. [subtraho, derno, aufero,] to take away. 'Opys, eyw 6' ws &ei}, oi', adj. [textus,] woven. 'Evfjv vyavTai ypctfjiuaaiv rotcu6' vtjiai. Ion 1146. SYN. Evt/0?)s, TrXe/CT-os. )Qt7rrw, v. [succendo,] to set fire to. Oflrfpor v(j)d\^Hi) bwfjta vvpfyiKov Trvpi. Med. 379. SYN. See 'iVdTrfytirpjj/tf. p7ra(t>, f. dcrw, v. [surripio,] to carry off privately. 'A\V ov/c ai/ ?ro0' ffaw. Eccles. 921. SYN. 'Y^atptw, vTTOK'XeTrrw, i)7re^pi;w. droy, ro, subst. [textura, tela,] texture, a web, a robe. aireipy TrcplfiaXova vfyaffpaTt. Orest. 25. SYN. 'lards, vfr), effO^jua. w, vid. 'Y0a/vw. ^eXjcrec^s, a, o^, adj. verbal, [subtrahendus,] must be dragged away. See n 'YTrepcew. Yp7r 6, subst. [suasor,] one who recommends. 7 flf tyu. CE. R. 9^6. See also OE. C. 16'88. SYN. 'Hy^rijp, 7/yeyuwi/, dyos, Trpodyos. yrjvioxos, ov, b, subst. [(l) administer aurigae, (2) auriga,] an under-cha- rioteer ; a charioteer. "Eo-^-tj-' v(j)r] videos. Z. 19. SYN. See 'H^to^os. fr'iffrFuv, ovos, adj. [paulo minor,] somewhat less. *H /^f*' v^affwv. Hes. Scut. 258. Y^t^droi, v. [subsideo,] to settle under. 'AXX' vtyizavov KVK\OIS. Phoen. 1397. SYN. iirdKa9r) ffiui, v. [(1) submitto, (2) suborno,] to consign, to suborn. aXyrjbooi. Med. 24. SYN. t, v. [(1) subjicio, (2) subeo,] to undertake, to undergo. Movrj I av TOV& vTTOffriivai irovuv. Eur. Suppl. 200. SYN. 'YTrortO/j/u, v7ro/3dXXw, d-r- e^w, virep', VTriff^vto/jLat, i/^oSe^ojUai, dvarX ?jui', inroQepu). ov, u, subst. [subulcus,] a swineherd. A^Oci/ dTro orafy/olo f:twv Ev- vopj3os. TT. 156. SYN. See Ii)/3wrr?s. , v^aydpas t et v^rjyopos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [grandiloquus,] pompously speaking. T^dyoprjv r e/nemt. a. 385. See also P. V. 368. SYN. Mt- yaXav-^ris, peyaXrjydpos, fJzyaXdXaXos . Y-^epetyris, v-^rjpetyris, eos, et v^dpotyos, ov, o et f}, adj. [(l) altum tectnm habens, (2) celsus,] high-roofed, lofty. Avoids re, Ka.t v^epttyes fjieya b&jna. T. 526. See also . 46. and K. 474. SYN. "YtyjutXadpos, v^rjXos, aix-vs, Kdrjjpe^s. , Zvds, 6 et rj, adj. [longum collum habens,] long-necked, lofly. ' 7re///3ds, ?/ 'Xdri?r v^av'^f.rd. Bacch. 1050. SYN. "Y\L^Xuv^t]v. See *T4/evs, ews, 6, P. N. [Hypseus.] Ti^fls evpvfiia. Pyth. 9. 23. , >/, patronym* [Hypsei filia, sc. Cyrene,] the daughter of Hypseus. is Kdr7re0y. Call. 2. 92. j, et v^KprjfjLvos, ov, o et ^, adj. [alta praecipitia habens,] high and 884 YYHA craggy. Tv^Xo/rp^rois rov Xwpy&v 6'xjudo-ai. P. V. 5. See also P. V. 429- 'YiprjXds, compar. vtyrtpos, super!, v^iaros, 77, dv, adj. [altus,] high. , fcctTr' d^pwv wSotTropets. Aj. Fl. 1230. SYN. 'Y^/ep!^y s, CUTTUS, v\buvyj)v, v^lXotyos. wv, et vifsfypw, oVos, o el >/, adj. [qui mente elata est,] lofty-minded. 0i//jos cupfVai TrpoVw. Iph. A. 919. See also Pyth. 2.94. , /ueydX//rwp, inrepfypwv , virepiiQavos, VTrepdvpos. , ooos, 6, P. N. [Hypsenor.] "YtyjvSpa blov. E. 76. EPITH. ' t)/;s, vTrepdvpos, TTOI^YJV Xa&r. Y4/?/p0)/s, vid. 'Y^tp^'/s. Y\^t]^}s, 6ds, adj. [altisonus,] loud-sounding, ^0wv v^77X s TTot. E. 772. 23. 27. SYN. 'Y^ifiptfjitTrjs. -^i, i^o?, et v^/ocrt, adv. [alte, in altum,] on high, aloft. "Y^/t Trep e^ evu. rr. 2^4. See also A. 486. and A. 307. SYN. "AVW, tt r, ov, b et r/, adj. [in alto situs,] towering. T-|//3drot TroXtes. Nem. 10. 88. SYN. T^?/3a/iw', v^popos. T^r/3oas, ov, o, P. N. ran. Ilpwros 6' T^/foas. P>atrach. 202. 'YtffipefjieTrjs, ov, adj. [altisonans, altitonans,] loud roaring. Zevs v^t/3pe/uer^s, ov re KpaTos earl yueytoroV. e. 4. SYN. 'Y\pi'/3po//os, v^ri^rfs. 'Y^tyervj^ros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [in alto natus,] high-born. "E^ovr', eXams 0' \}^ilykvvr\TOV fcXdSo>. Euinen. 43. SYN. Hepl/JirjKris, v^rjXoQvrjs. 'Ytyyvtos, ov, b et >7, adj. [altis membris,] high-limbed. 'Y-^lyvwv Olymp. 5. 31. SYN. T et v-tyiQpovvs, ov, b et 77, adj. [in excelsa sede sedens,] enthroned on high. "OpKtd jue/ Kpoi'io^s tylgvyds. H. 69. See also Nem. 4. 105. SYN. 'YiLlKapvvds, ov, b et r/, adj. [altum caput habens,] towering. *] bpves v\L>lKapr)vot. Horn. Veil. 265. SYN. 'Yipavy^j', v\];it Xvs, v\l/lXd(f)os. >ds, dros, et v-JjiKtpiDs, w, adj. [celsa gerens cornua,] having high horns. rd Trerpav. Nub. 597. See also Trach. 507. ?, et v^/^atV^s, ov, adj. [alte comatus,] high and full of leaves. 'Ec >. r. 297. See also Pyth. 306. SYN. T>f r, adv. [arroganter,] arrogantly. '6 5' {r Aj. Fl. 766. SYN. 'rirepijQavw. ?, ov, 6 et ft, adj. [celsam crestam habens,] high-crested. "Eorat 5' v re Xoyiov. Ran. 834. SYN. See T^kdp^j/os. ', OVTOS, adj. [in alto regnans,] reigning on high. '. Nub. 563. SYN. 'Y\^ivyds, v\l>i6poi>ds, iravTuv /3dv v^lfjieXaivcHttv. O. 387* 'Yi//ti'c0>/s, EOS, adj. [qui est in altis nubibus,] in high clouds. 2wn)p tyivfyes Zev. Olymp. 5. 39. 'Y^lTrekos, ov, b et r;, adj. [alte situs,] situated on high ground. 'Y-^iirtcov Qeputrvas oiKtuv tt)ds. Isthii). 1. 42. 'Y^tTrfnfcts, evrtis, et v\j;i7rt.Tr]s, eos, adj. [altivolans, excelsus,] high-flying, lofty. ''tyiTrtres els ptXadpov. Hec. 1084. See also w. 537. 'r\^i7rerr)Xds, ov, b et fj, adj. [altus et frondosus,] lofty and leafy. Aev^ped 5' v^iTrerijXa. X. 587. SYN. See 'r^iKo/jLos. 'Y^TT^XIS, ws, adj. [priuceps civiiatis,] high in the state. 'Y^^Xts* axoXis 5', Antig. 370. SYN. Aao*/3?/s. o. 77, ov, adj. [lucidissimus,] very bright. Evr* af7r;}|0 rdros. v. 93. * $ayc5curd, J?s, r/, subst. [pbagedaena,] a consuming disease. /zov ffapKa. dotvarai Trobos. Eur. fr. Philoct. 4. aytt), v. [edo,] to eat. Tvptiv aiVfyeVoe ^dyfytev. t. 232. SYN. 'E<70to>, ebofiat t Kard^dyw, rpwyw. [>d0ovcrd, r/s, >/, P. N. [Phaethusa, filia Helii et Nenerae,] the name of a nymph. 'OirXoTtpr) Oct0ovord 6i;ya7pwx 'HeXtoio. A poll. 4. 971- deflwv, ovros, adj. (2) P. N. [(l)lucidus, (2) Phaethon,] (l) bright, (2) Phae- ton, the son of Phoebus: also the name of one of the Sun's horses, and of a bull sacred to the Sun. Qaedwv KVK\OS 'HeXtoid. Eur. Electr. 465. SYN. (1) See Odeums. (2) PHR. See Apoll. 597601. [>den'os, ^derj'os, forma serior, inpr. lyric., et 0d'os, }, or, adj. [lucidus,] shi- ning, splendid. Oubels eblbov Kwduva tyaetvov. Pax 1094. See also Bacch. 624. and Acharn. 845. SYN. Aa^tTrpos, tyaWuv, ayXdos, vid. de,70d,om, as, ?/, subst. [taedae gestatio,] the bearing of a torch, illumination. 'AXXd (j)a.eff(j>dpirjv re. Call. 3. 11. );^, TJKOS, 6, P. N. [Phaeax,] (1) an orator at Athens, (2) a Phaeacian or inhabitant of Phaeacia, afterwards Corcyra. Sttyo's y 6 aia, befros T. Equit. 1374. EPITH. (1) I,vrpKTiKos, TreparriKus, crd^^s, KpovffTtKos, (2) plur. dyavot, anvpoves, 5oXix'/P^/zot, ftpUs, bai&ijLtos, ov, o et ^, et ^atSt^dets, eo-trd, eV, adj. [illustris,] illustrious. Kat fjiev T&V vireXvae pevos, Kal 0a/Sfyid yu7d. Z. 27. See also 636. SYN. *A- yctvos, eirlffqijios, Xafnrpos, Kiibtaros. , aTrOXapTrpvvti). Qaivaperr), rjs, r/, P. N. [Phaenarete.] ^andpEr^f r?}0;;i> e/ar/)'. Acharn. 49- QtcttvoXis, tbos, 77, adj. [splendide apparens,] splendidly appearing. "6<7d (j>ai- voXis eaKebaa* aws. Sapph. 23. SYN. See Odetros. a/j/w, f. dj^aJ, v. [ostendo,] to show. Kdfccts Ifyaivov TOJ GKOTTOVVTI Xas. Eur. Electr. 829- SYN. 'Eyu^>atVw, avafyaivoj, [/, WTTOS, (1) 6, >;, adj. [clare videns,] seeing clearly. (2) OTTOS, o, P. N. [Phaenops.] $/> OTTOS vie. E. 152. Q>a~iff7ds, ov, 6, et (2)aid/,-7/, r^s, >/, et (puKos, ov, 6, subst. [lens,] lentils, pulse. Kat irpoyeffTrjKev Vesp. 811. See also Theocr. 10. 54. * OdfceXos, et QaneXXos, ov, 6, subst. [fasciculus,] a bundle. Kat p,lyav QuKeXov tyXuv. Cycl. 242. 4>d\ay|, ayyds, ?/, subst. [(l) phalanx, (2) trabs, (3) tarantula,] a phalanx or army; a plank; a tarantula. ElXlocreTZ baKrvXois $a\ayys. Ran. 1314. SYN. (1) Tats, ffri\S, arpdros. EPITH. (1) Kpdrcpa, Trv^drr;, Trvfca'/}, ori/3dpa, >o>, adv. [turmatim,] by troops. TrJ p o'tye irpoxeovro QaXayyqbbv, Trpo 5' 'ATroXXwv. O. 360. fyctXaiva, ijs, r/, subbt. [balaena,] a whale, krjpriyopeiv Vesp. 35. Juv. 10. 14. Nonn. 6. 298. SYN. QaXrj. QaXaKpos, a, ov, adj. [calvus,] bald. Kat rots (haXaxpolffi Trapatvovuev. Pax 767. ?, iSos, 6, P. N. [Phalaris,] a tyrant of Agrigentum. 'Ex%a Travra 0drts. Pyth. 1. 186. $dXdpoj>, ov, ro, subst. [(1) phalerae, crista, (2) lorum,] trappings, a crest or top; a thong. Tta-pas QaXapov 7riavffKu>v. Pejs. 668. SYN. rfl'loV. EPITH. ILvTTotlJTOV. 4>dXr7ptdw, v. [alhesco spuma,] to be white with foam. Kvprd, 0d N. 799- SYN. AevcatVo^uat, a^pt'^w. QaXrjpiKds, rj, dv, adj. [Phalericus,] of the Phalerus, one of the harbors at Athens. 'A^vds dp' aets Trpldfjilvos ^dXrjpt/cas. Acharn. 901. $dXrjp/s, tSos, >/, subst. [avis marina,] a sea-bird, a coot. "Opvt0t QaXrjpiLbt Qvetv. Aves 566. ^dXT/pos, et (j)d\los, a, ov, adj. [albus, spumeus,] white, foamy. '6 KVWV o 0dXapos vXa/cret. Theocr. 8.' 27. See also Call. fr. 1?6. SYN. aXXtKds, j), or, adj. [phallicus,] of the phallus. "Ajiro/zat ro aXXtfcoV. Acharn. 260. 1 " Expectars tamen in hoc loco QouSpwir jj." Dr. Blomf. in 0>AAO $APO 887 ;, ov, o, subst. [conus galeae,] the cone of a helmet. Tavov 6' tTrirtiKdfjioi Kdpvdes XctfJiTrpolat tydXotal. H. 21(5. SYN. Ao(f>8s. If &v, at, subst. [illuminationes,] illuminations. 'Eort 6' e' (pdvaliri irpos Aves 1694. SYN. 'EXXa/.t^/ets, opyid. (ds, a, ov, adj. [splendidus,] splendid. 2i> juo* Zevs otyavcuos. Rhes. 351. 'bdvepos, a, ov, adj. [manifestus,] manifest. SYN. 'Eju^dw/s, Trept^dv^*, dptS^Xos, apibeiKeTos, brjXos, eKbrjXos. >di'epws, adj. [manifeste,] manifestly. $dvepws rtXews bldirpaaaovaiv. Eumen. 956'. SYN. 'Avafyavbov, XauTrpws. )avos t vid. ^deti^os. )avos, ov, 6, subst. [laterna, fax,] a lanthorn, a torch, a lamp. 'Es D)J> x^P 01 ^ v tyavov eyKaraQevres. Lysistr. 308. SYN. Adts, Xaju?rds, Trvpoos, 0eyyos. , o, P.N. [Phanoteus,] a city of Phocis; also a native of that city. l)d^6r/t. Theocr. 22. 114. v. [appareo,] to appear, fyavrazdpevos be yvvautt vtKpov. A gam. 1477. SYN. ia/i'dywat. >ara0>id, et 0a^d, dros, ro, subst. [visum, spectrum,] a vision, a ghost. tbavTOHTjua betpalvova epdv. Hec. 54. See also Trach. 850. SYN. Ei&wXoV, repds, opayud. EPITH. MfXdfOTrrcpo^, TTOLKlXopopfydv. ^os, 1 eos, et 04Ds, poet, ^dws, wros, ro, subst. [(l)lux, salus, (2) in plur. oculi, dies,] (1) light, safety", (2) eyes, days. 'Hyue7s b' kv (Jtdei bovXevaopev. Hec. 415. See also Hec. 435. and B. 4*9. SYN. 4>eyyos, avy>), o-eXds, fj/uepa, aiorripla, o'0- OaX/nds. EPITH. TXvKepoi', aoiraoTov, Xa/i7rpdV, o^vrdror, irepiKaXXes, \olffdiov, e^Opov, dyi'dr, afiarov, fjiuKdplov, aepvov, KaXXifiXefydpov, \CVKOV, deplov, tepov. >dpay^, ayyos, ?jf, subst. [vallis inter montium praerupta,] a ravine. Kai vr\v, Kal (pdpayyd, Equit. 248. SYN. Kpjjjuvos, dyfcos, ^a.ff^d f KotXds, Ta^pos. EPITH. TIdXvKXvaTds, bvo^einepos, yepta. as, //, et dimin. ^dperpiov, ov, TO, subst. [pharetra,] a quiver, fydperpav (TKevaCerai. Here. F. 964. See also Moscii. 1. 20. SYN. 'IdSo/cds, ap.- > t KOtXrj, lo^empd, virtoXet'los. , rjs, rj, P. N. [Phares,] a town in Laconia. $>apr?j/-e, ^Traprrjv re. B. 582. QappaKeiis, tws, QappdKos,* et 0ap^udco7rwX^s, ov, 6, et ^apyud/us, ibos, 57, subst. [confector, confectrix medicinarum,] a dealer in drugs. Kal ris roaovros (ffappuKevs Tpd^t^twv; Trach. 1142. See also Equit. 1402. Nub. 764. and Nub. 747. *apndKevu), fyappaccrii), et , v. [veneno utor,] to drug, to poison. 2}j> 7rn~ibd 0ap/udj,-ewo/iev. Androm. 355. See also Apoll. 3. 478. and Pyth. 4. 393. o>, 3 ov, ro, subst. [(1) venenum, (2)remedium,] a drug, poison, a remedy. Tt^os ro6' eiTTcts ^P^CLKOV rpiaaols 0tXots ; Orest. 1 189* SYN. 'Jos, O:KOS, di EPITH. Qvpo([)6opov f KdKdv, obvvrjtydTov, aypiov, etrOXov, j]7riovy Xvypov, IpaffTrjplov, Odrdvtfjioi', Keicpvpfjievdi', cofyov, dbrjXov, ovXdfjieiov, yXv/cv, "Xpiardv, XevydXeov, Xotylov, uvbpofyovov, Trucpoy, itoTov. ^appdKos, et ^apjud^oTrwX^s, vid. QapjudKeus. vid. ^ap^udfcevw. vid. Qap/udKevii}. -, ov,6, P. N. [Pharnaces.] 'E^X^ffta Trtpt ^apvd/coi/. Aves 1030. ov, ?^, P. N. [Pharus,] a small island off the coast of Egypt. AtyvTrrov :, $dpo^ be e KiKXi'ivKcvai. b. 355. 1 The first syllable of the plural &cea signifying eyes, (dat. AYA 1 tits, to, subst. [vestia,] a cloak. 2ret'x et yvvatK&v tyaptffiv /4Xay- . Choeph. 9 SYN. 'Efffljfc, eadr)fj& t /yudrtoV, ylTwv, TreirXdv, < EPITH. KpoVeoV, TTOpfyvptoi', XeTTTov, XeTTTaXZov, xP Vff ( >oT6'X6>, XeTrrfyur /, AevKor, TroKinroiiCiXov, TtuXvTTTjvdi', a\l7r6p(f)vpdi>, Kvaveov, d/ ^udXd/cot', VYiya.Tf.6v, , v. [aro,] to plough. *H d0dpov (papowol. Call. fr. 183. SYN. 'Apo- rptdw. ^>ap/, adj. [Pharsalicus,] of Pharsalia, a city in Thessaly. FI^Xea z 6' dvaairetv yijs ey ^apaaXlas. Androni. 22. See also Iph. A. 812. $dpvy, vyyds et vyos, ?/, subst. [gula,] the gullet, the windpipe. T( boijs tydpvyos w0//cret fcptd. Cycl. 587- SYN. Adpvy^, dff^dpdyos. ^dayd^oi', ov, ro, subst. [gladius,] a sword. Quffyava) aias. E. 81. SYN. "Aop, |t^os, /uax'pa, \aXKfis. EPITH. 'Afttyfypvaov, /nZKavbeTOV, fiapfidpov, >, KaXov, dpyvpo^Xor, afjLtyrjKfis, ^aXKEOV t o'v, )ueyd, drjKTov, KeXatvov, ex~ , ov, 6 et T/, adj. [enses fabricans,] sword-forging. ' Alo-d 0aaydvovpyo$. Choeph. 636. , ov, 6, subst. [leguminis genus quoddam,] a kind of pulse. 'AXX* rS)V aaiiXtav. Pax 1144. ;, o/, adj. [more phasiani,] like a pheasant. 'ETTIK^O^WS (f)aaatavovs, ovs Aewydpas. Nub. 109. uel. Androni. 649. EPITH. Ai^jyets, Zvppemis, KaX\lppuos, aj , vid. $?;ft. d, vid. ^d^rarryud. , ?/$, //, subst. [palumbus,] a wood-pieon. See in 'EpvOpdnovs. s, ov, oet//, adj. [palumbos interficiens,] wood-pigeon killing. ' w. O. 238. dretds, et ^dros, i), or, adj. [dicendus, dictus,] to be described, described. d/3os oure (pareios. Hes. Scul. 144. See also Hes. Op. 3. SYN. 'Oyo^uaaros, prjTos, KXvros, TroXi/^dros, et'^ot,os. 4>dri^ai, vid. ^;/^t. 4>dm, tws, >/, subst. [(1) dictum, oraculum, (2) fama,] a saying, an oracle; fame. Ovb' ajjdretos. OdvXXos, ov, o, P. N*. [Phayllus.] 'HKoXov0ovv $dvXX^> rpex^J'. Acharn. 214. OetCXos, et (fiXavpos, a, &r, adj. [mains, vilis, levis,] bad, paltry, trifling. $av- Xovs fjiaxfffOat povKoXovs >/yov;u0d. Iph. T. 3C)6. See also CE. C. 395. SYN. Kdfcos, abtiius, p6^0r)pos, evTtXrjs, ovrlbai'ds, flaws, irovypos. , TJTOS, y], subst. [improbitas, vilitas,] badness, meanness. 'Ev rw ydp (j)av\oTT]s eVeori m Eur. fr. Pol. 5. 2. SYN. 'AraaftdXta, dvotd. , et ^Xaypws, adv. [male, leviter,] badly, meanly. Ov^ ^^ 0avXws avr' tya* /ierepxo/.mt. Ion 1546. See also Aves 654. SYN. KCLKtilS. suv 1 1, rtisu iu xvpoii. o. r>i>z., in lour ouier insinnces i uil g> aiiusnuri. xifs. \j[), xoi. ocu aocun de Metris, p. 444. Brunck's Lex. Sophocl. Monk. Hipp. 125. and Heyne fl. 231. 2 IIr;\a ia here scanned as a spondee. 3 IlrjAcws is here scanned as a spondee. av- ' ATrlaraovd. A. 577 , vid. 'teor/^/fyo'rtk. et Qaeivu, v. [luceo,] to shine. 4>de ^vaoQpdvos >}ws. . 502. See also /z. 385. SYN. AO/ZTTW, 0a/fw. inus. fut. 7re0?;efiovrd. A. 121. SYN. $evyw, ^tJ/Seo^uat. Oeyyds, os, ro, subst. [lux, dies,] light, day. Tplrawv ijbt] ^eyyos alwpov /nerds. Hec. 32. SYN. $ci6s, ^ois, 0ows, ai/y^, t aaTtaawv, KaQapov. Oeta, as, /, P. N. [Pliia,] a town near Elis. Oems irap rei-^aaiv. H. 135. * OetSias, ov, o, P. N. [Phidias.] $etfoas J/^KO^. Pax 6l6. * OeiSurTrtSflff, oi/, 6, P. N. [Phidippides.] KaOepedd $etbt7nrtir)v. Nub. 657. fyeibunros, ov, 6, P. N. [Phidippus.] Twv 5' av Qeibtinros re Kat"Aj/rt0(Js //yjy- (Ta. B. 678. $et6o\as, oy, ^Eol. ao, 6, P. N. [Phidolas.] Ovros QeiboXd 'ITTTTOS. Anacr. 187. Qetbdpai, v. [parco,] to spare. Tt bij ye Qei&dfjiai fyxjjs efifjs; Here. F. 1137. SYN. 'A7T)(W, \W. $ei6w, oos, (peiSwX)}, et ^etSwXia, as, ^, subst. [parsimonia,] parsimony. $etol Troupe?, prfitv' ev irotelv fiporuv. Eur. fr. Autiop. 11.3. See also X. 244. and Nub. 833. SYN. ZuQpdavvri. $et^wXos, ?}, or, adj. [parcus,] parsimonious. Kat 0et5wXoi/ Kal Tpvalfiiov. Nub. 421. SYN. TXioxpos, evreX)s, dvtXevtiepos. 4>eXXeOs, ews, 6, P. N. [Phelleus,] a mountain in Attica. 'E* rov $eXXws. Acharn. 273. ^>eXXos, ov, 6, subst. [cortex suberis,] a cork. 'AfiairTun-ds eifj.1 0eXXos ws. Pyth. 2. 146'. SYN. $Xotos. $iraxfaa>, yo/jrevw, c7r)TxXei/a5w. ^>vaf:icryuds, ov, 6, subst. [deceptio,] deceit, imposition. Kai rolcrt crlv eftt7rdro;^j/77V. Equit. 630. SYN. OevaK'tcr/ud, dfrdrr}, e^d^drr]. QevaZ, aids, u, subst, [deceptor,] a deceiver, a cheat. "Ay ^r/, 2(ctraXot, K-ai QevaKis, i]v b' yw. Equit. 634. SYN. 'A7rdrJ?Xos, n-Xdi/r/s, yd7?s. * $i//, P. N. [Pheneus,] a city in Arcadia. Ot i)^u>/ r' evefiovTo. B. 605. t, wr, a/, P. N. [Pherse,] a city in Thessaly. See in Evp ei'/JLOVTU. B. 71 ! * $/ja7os, a, oV, adj. [Pheraeus,] of Pherae. 'Avbpwv Alcest. 622. $>a(77rts, t6os, adj. [clypeatus,] shield-bearing. 'OpptftdOv^QepaaTrt. Horn. 7. 2. SYN. 'A.a7Tibrj(j)upds t affTrt^o^t'pjuwr, uaTrtarijs, affirlboyopos, a , v. [pasco, nutrio,] to feed, to rear. BW/JOI /^' ep/3dv. Ion 326. SYN. , ov, 6 et r/, adj./[idoneus,] trust-worthy, competent, npoordrelv ^>p- eyyi/os; Sept. Theb. 3Q2. SYN. 'Arr^)dX}s, /3/3atos, (5vi'dros, fxeyyvos. x /Lr}s t ov, adj. [hastam fraxineam gestans,] bearing an ashen spear. 0pe^eXt;/. Mimnerm. 4. 4. SYN. 'Ey/ , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [domiporta,] carrying its house. 4>ptou-os d?ro fiaivtj. Hes. Op. 5t>9. s, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [laborifer,] toil-enduring. $p7rorot 7-\0ojTt. Pytli. 2. 56. Pros. Lex. 5 U 890 $EPE peo-/3ios, ov, u etfi, adj. [vitam sustinens,] life-supporting. Kw/0;? & apa ytud tyepeafiws. Horn. Apoll. 341. pe, contr. tyeprpov, ov, TO, subst. [feretrum,] a bier. Keipevov tv /, subst. [dos,] a dowry. See in ZaTrXoi/ros. QepffEtyacraa., et Oepffe^oVTj, vid. riep<70arrd. QepTepds, superl. 0eprdros, et 0pi<7ros, 77, oV, adj. [validior, praestantior,] stronger, better. Eis ro ^eprtpov Ti^et. Helen. 345. See also Apoll. 4. 1383. and Sept. Theb. 39* SYN. K/>et'<7ffwv, Kpdrtoros, aptrrTos, $epros, et QoprjTos, >}, ov > adj. [ferendus,] to be endured. Tds ov ^eprds. d> JUG/ /uot. Hec. 155. See also Hipp. 445. SYN. TXTjros, $/3w, f. o/o-o), 1 aor. ijveiKa, et i/i^eyicd, v. [(l) fero, (2)aufero, (3) specto, peto,] to bear; to take away; to tend to. AoXioV OIKTOV is jueow 0epwj/. Helen. 1541. SYN. ^opew, opr)p.l, Kopi$,(tJ t rXdw, /3aorac?w, dyw, $euyw, et (f>wyyai'w, \. [(1) fugio, (2) exul fio,] to flee; to be banished. Tlevrj- rd 0eyye TTCLS TLS eKirobwv <}>t\ds. Med/56l. See also P. V. 522. SYN >, v. [exclamo, 0ev, 0ev,] to cry alas. Te TOVT 0evds ; Agam. 1279 SYN. OiwoOcoj, ctfHCkOj. Dei/icrfos, QevKTos, et VKTOS, r), oV s adj. verbal, [fug, lend us,] must be avoided. 'Eyyus' ws ov tyevKTeov ryv. Aves 392. See also Aj. Fl. 223. and II. 128. bevels, et fyvfys, ws, >/, subst. [fuga,] flight. Oev^ii/ ove^dXos, ov, 6, et 0e^dXv, vyos, /, subst. [scintilla, carbo,] a spark, a live coal. Oe\//dX6s df//Xdr' Zpe-dicd^Zvos. Acharn. 668. (Paeon, dim.) See also Lysistr. 107. SYN. ^.Triv6t)p t ai>6pa. Jw, v. [in cineres redigo,] to reduce to ashes. ;. P. V. 362. SYN. Kdrdionw, aldaXow. us, ews, 6, P. N. [Phegeus,] a noble Trojan, fltyyevs ,?a TrpoTtpos eyxos. E. 15. 17, o*', adj. [fagineus,] beechen. See in Afoiro^Xatros. r, ov, >/, subst. [fagus,] a beech-tree. To;y avvavTeaQr)v napa r]y)lXr), r)Kos, 6, subst. [(l) " ficus nouduni matura, etsi maturitatis speciem prae se ferat." Heileric. (2) fallax,] an unripe fig; a cheat. Tor TE <}'jXr)x opu>i> olbdfovTCL. Pax Il6o. 0/7X77777$, ov, o, subst. [deceptor,] a deceiver. "Os y v ava%. lilies. 217. SYN. Q>t]Xr), kdKovpyos. $77X00;, v. [decipio,] to deceive. O^Xwajjs eirteaaiv* Apoll. 3. 982. SYN , 775, et rjpls t eoj$, r/, subst. [fama, omen,] fame, a report, an omen. TILS O'IKUV kv nv%o~is ibpvuevT). Helen. 819 See also o;. 200. SYN. d?ty, K\ZSs, fiatys, uyyZXla, OfJKJ)^, Xoyos, K\ybwy. EPITH. 'A6evc>)s, )(dX7r>), evayyt\os, >;Sv7r>}s, rd^eid, TepTrvf), ave\TrtffTos, erv/ios, dto7re>'0)s, eaOXfl, TroXid, w, et ^dr/5w, v. [dico,] to say. $>//i'* uTraXXdiffaoi/ ^ yj/j. Phosn. 6l2. See also Alcest. 653. and Iph. A. 93(5. SYN. Afyw, pw, The imperative form ^e is used adverbially, as also #ye. <1>HMI 0IN 891 /5w, v. [divulgo,] to divulge. T H t Kal Aoftas tyfiptaev. Choeph. 550. SYN. T)S, 37, subst. [ossifraga,] an osprey. fyfjvri et^o/uo/Tj. y. 372. O'/p, gen. (j)rjpds, Mo\. pro 0r/p, q. v. ?, f/, et 0rjpl, fut. 00//, et ^d^yyopat, v. [loqtior,] to speak. Ou yop rouo*S' av e00^y^w \oyovs. Med. 1304. SYN. AvSdw, efavbaw, ry^ew, /3odw, ayyeXXw, epew, 0^/^a>. t)oyyri, ijs, r/, subst. [(1) vox; (2) sonus,] a voice; a sound. X0o>> (pdeypdros K\r]pov^'rj. Hipp. 1210. See also E. 234. and B. 791. SYN. T H^os, fj-xfl, $<*>*>>), /3od, av5^, p/y/ud. EPITH. $?Xc 4>0eip, eipos, 6, subst. [pediculus,] a louse. QQeip&v r' dpt0/uov, cai PSut. 537. l?0e9epe~c r/cr6' ws rd^t^rr' UTTO oreyjys. Androm. 706. SYN. s, cos, adj. [genus perdens,] family-destroying. T ft Qdeprrlyeve'ts. Sept. Theb. 1056. 0w, inus. f. qOeiffw, et 00iw, f. (pQTffw, perf. pass. e00r/u, v. [perdo,] to destroy. Atu/^oi>te, ^0(Vet tre ro /r?;p Orjptiv. dias, abos, i], $dMTr)s, ov, 6, et $0ta)r?s, u5ds, //, adj. [Phthius,] of Phthia. MtaeH re ya?a Qdias' el 6' iftei Trapos. Androm. 917 See also Ran. 1265. and Troad. 1115. , et (})6lTds, ?/, dv, adj. [mortuus, absumptus,] dead, wasted, 'fls tyQt- be aol TTCJUTTW. Iph. T. 171. See also Eumen. p7 , CLTOS, TO, subst. [decrementum,] the waning. "AVUKTOS ^Xtov 6i- . Pers. 237. SYN. Artfis, bvtrpr]. 4>0tVds, dSos, adj. [(1) decresceus, (2) tabificus,] wasting. Ovre tydivaai 7r\riye~iffa voffois. Antig. 819* divoKapTTos, ov, o et ij, adj. [qui fructum amisit,] having lost its fruit. Kal 6tvdKap7rds totoa. Pyth.4. 468. divoTrvtis, Ibos, fj, adj. [autumnalis,] autumnal. M>) 00tvo7rwpis d-j/e/uwv. Pyth. 5. 161. 0t^o7rwpo', ov, ro, subst. [autumnus,] autumn. *H y\vKepbv $6ivo7rupov. Bion 6. 4. SYN. MeroTrwpoV, OTrwpd. 0ij'i)0w, v. [(1) perdo, (2) consume, (3) tabesco,] to ruin; to consume; to waste away. Tot be fBivVdovoiv tbovTes. a. 250. See also A. 491. SYN. , ^, adj. [pestifera,] destructive. N) At, <5 edv*> is long in Homer, and short in the Attic writers. The same remark applies to 6lvu : see Clarke B. 43. and 833. 892 $0IN . 0Zoi, a>, o?, P. N. [Phthii.] Of /*> ?rpo 000ia>rii-. Vid. 00), et Qdoyyos. Vid. $0eyjud. $0o7s, tos, 6, nom. plur, 00ols et 68ets, Att. contr. ^)0oT$; et 6tfis 9 ibos, ^, subst. [placentee genus,] a kind of cake. Tovs (j>6o~is d$ap;ra5ovra. Plut. 6?7 Qdovepos, a, ov, adj. [invidus,] envious. Bdi5-5e, eSeio-e pr) 'w. Eur. Electr. 30. SYN. F, ws, rit subst. [invidia,] envy. $opas ye rot Qovr)ff'is ov yi Trach. 1214. SYN. $0o>pia, tydovos. E>0o>os, ov, 6, subst. [invidia,] envy, a shame. Nfytovres r <^0oV6 fjiepos. Eur. Suppl. 252. SYN. kvaueveiu, ueutys, fjifjvis. EplTH. juds, rpa^vs, ddtos, adapts, dvouos, /3dpvs. \>9dpa, as, ?/, et 00opos, ov, 6, subst. [corruptio,] corruption, destruction. EVI/T/S dTToifjiw^ovrd Trjs KOLTW /, subst. [poculum, patera,] a cup, a bowl. "AXXfydv es ^pvcr^rjv 1 F. 253. SYN. AfTrds, 7ror>?ptoi/, dyyelov. EplTH. 'Apyvp/jiXdros, d/^^ii- 0roj, dTrvpwros, olvypd, epavvfi, dpyvpea. ^dpds, a, of, adj. [(l)splendidus ; (2) pinguis ; (3) acerbus,] shining; fat; sour. Ompwrepd 6'/i0dKds upas. Theocr. 11. 21. ExP. Aa/^7rpos, TT/WI/. >, ov, ro, P. N. [Phicium,] a mountain in Boeotia. Q'IKIOV aKpfodrov Trpdar- '). Hes. Scut. 33. .os, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [elegantia studiosus,] fond of elegance. Alreu at 0rXrtyXd, KaX-Xiard. Pyth. 12. 1. $tXdeX^)6s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [fratris vel sororis amans,] of brotherly or sisterly love. QiXdbeXQd cdrw ^dk'pv' eatds, ov, 6, adj. [Atheniensiurn amans,] attached to the Athenians. Kai S^rd QlXddfjvatos iiv vrrepfyvuis. Acharn. 142. QiXaiaKTos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [lamentationis amans, lugubris,] inclined to la- ment, doleful. 'EXev0epoi/-rcu $tXatctcrwr KdK&v. ./Esch. Suppl. 810. SYN. j ^ fyiXoovpTos, /, P. N. [Phila3nete.] Hpociovadv far} Trjvfe, Kai < Eccles. 42. Ss, et superl. 0iXcuYdros, vid. $tXos. >, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [litigiosus,] litigious. Kdr' dp^fjs yap tylXaiTios Xe&s. /Esch. Suppl. 481. SYN.$iXoSrcos, QtXepts. blXdKdkovdos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [sodalium studiosus,] sociable. 'Eyw 6' dei wws . Pax 307. Xpvfft^v ia her* scanned as a spondee. ?Xavpos, ov, et (pZXrivwp, Dor. lXdvwp, vpos, adj. [maritura vel viros amans,] husband or man-loving. QlXavbpov pevel. K-Zava r' cTrtyoVois. Sept. Theb. 896. See also Pers, 141. QiXavdpaKevs, ws, adj. [carbonarius,] one who loves coals. 'A?roXe7s dpd rov ijXiKa TovbH (j)iXavdpa.Ka t Acharn. 335. l\av@pwTrov Se iraveffBat Tpoirov. P. V. 11. arwp, vid. QiXavbpds. , et QiXybds, ov, 6 et f;, adj. [cantuum amans,] song-loving. Ka/ 01 aei ra> ^tXdotw. Theocr. 28. 23. See also Vesp. 270. SYN. See , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [amans argenti,] fond of money. Ttf yuavrtfcov yap trav fylXapyvpov ylvos. Antig. 1055. SYN. QlXoKTeai'os, Kep^aXfo^owv, />tXo- 0>iXappa-os, ou, 6 et >;, adj. [curruum amans,] delighting in chariots. (jj?Xap}jiuT(*)v aval^. Here. F. 465. QiXavXos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [tibiarum amans,] fond of the pipe. "lv o (pi beXQis. Ran. '1317. SYN. QiXdpoveos, ^tXaotSos, $i\yl8s, tj>lXonoXiros, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [festorum amans,] festival-loving. I rot/. Thesm. 1158. OtXepiflos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [lanificii studiosus,] fond of wool. T fl 0tXept0 1 a'Xd- :dra. Theocr. 28. 1. >, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [amans tori,] fond of the bed. KdXo's ye KUI tyiXevvos. Anacr. 174. 7. SYN. See QnXotQrjs. *t]s, eos, adj. [inimicitiis indulgens,] fond of animosity. 7 l raXav, eaai '//s. Theocr. 5. 137. SYN. QiXexQpos, ^tXd/itffos, (ftiXatTios. >, ov, 6, P. N. [Philepsius.] ^tXe^tos 6' ov^ evtua aov fjLvdovsXeyei; Pint. 177. I>tXcw, et (plXrjp't, v. [(l)amo; (2)osculor; (3)soleo,] to love, to like; to kiss; to be wont. Ov 0tXw rdpprjd* op^tv. Iph. T. 1199- See also a. 264. and %. 265. SYN. 'AydTrdw, Kvreo;, ^eri$u), 0t\T]w. "EW, v. [delector,] to delight in. Ov ydp 0iX7j5w fid^ms. Pax 1130. SYN. , as, >), subst. [amor voluptatis,] love of pleasure, delight. viro ^tXtySms. Plut. 311. SYN. $lXr]bovtct , ^appa, rjbovrj, dvota. tX^Xtaor?/s, ov, 6, adj. [(l)qui judicio in Heliaea contendere amat; (2)litigi- osus,] fond of trials in the courts of Heliaea ; litigious. fyiXrjXiaffrfjs kmlv, us ovbeis avrip. Vesp. 88. SYN. ^iXamos, 0tXex^/s, 0tXepts, QlXublKus, 0tXo- veiKos. tX?7jud, arcs, ro, subst. [osculum,] a kiss. $tXor ^iX^jud Trdpd yervv rlQevra auv. Eur. Suppl. 1164. PHR. $tXm 7rpo<7/3oX>) TrpdirwTrwv. tX^j^ds, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [habenarum amans,] bit-loving. "ITTTTOVS v^>' ^ydyo>' IAO QiXlvos, ov, o, P. N. [Pililinus.] Etr' ear ap o 4>rXt'os o pa\6aKos. Theocr, 7. 105. ^tXtos, 1 a, ov, etov, o et >/, adj. [foederatus, amicus, carus,] leagued, friendly, dear. To aw \l-novaa (piXlov. Androm. 601. SYN. QiXiKds, (JH\OS, okelos, ov, o et r/, adj. [equorum studiosus,] horse-loving. 2 * '5 T-J/S 'Afj,auvos (3oiXXvpibr)s, ov, 6, matronym. [Phillyrides,] the son of Phillyra. ueyaXov be Atos rods e^ereXe'iTO. Hes. Theog. 1002. OtXoyduos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [nuptiarum studiosus,] eager for marriage. $tXdyd- /uot uvriffTrjpes. Iph. A. 392. 4>tXoy;0J7s, eos, adj. [Ia2titiae amans,] fond of mirth. Aato^pwy ov Sept. Theb. 912. (j)vds, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [lauri amans,] laurel-loving. AeaTrora, i. Eur. fr. Licymn. 4. os, ov, 6 et ri, adj. [domini amans,] attached to a master. Ov yap iXobeffTTorov. Theogn. 847 >, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [populi amans,] attached to the people. Tevvalov Kal tyiXdbrjpov. Equit. 787- QlXobvprds, ov, o et r\, et $lXoOpr)vris, ids, adj. [lugubris,] doleful. Tws Kal eyw <}>lXdbvp-Tots< ^Esch. Suppl. 71. See also Mosch. 4. 66. SYN. See QKTOS. *Q>iX6bwpr)Tos, ov t 6, P. N. [Philodoretus.] Kat TJJV OiXoSw/^rov re Kal rdbov. Eccles. 51. *Q>iXoOripds, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [venandi studiosus,] fond of hunting. QlXodtipos etij. Bacch. 1242. tyiXodvrris, ov, adj. [sacrificandi studiosus,] sacrifice-loving. ^iXddvTMV beroi TroXeds opylwv. Sept. Theb. 164. $lXotKTipu(i)v, ovos, (jjlXoiKTiGTos, et tXot'rt<5s, ov, o, P. N. [Philoetius,] a herdsman belonging to Ulysses. e oiKOto $tXomos. 0. 388. EPITH. A7os, opxapd's avbptiv. 0>lXoi(f>r)s, ov, adj. [libidinosus,] lecherous. Eyy' wV^pwTrt 0tXotiX6'Kepbei Ovpy. Theogn. 199- SYN. See $tXaoyv/oos. y,ov,6et>/, adj. [qui maledictis incessere amat,] fond of reproaching. tylXdKtpToue. x- 287. SYN. $tX6XotSopos, advpoardpos, iloyos, aKwTrrrjs. bpos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [amans hederae gestandze,] fond of wearing ivy. | Kayw TOV (j)lXoKitraotXapyvp6s. ?, ov, 6, P. N. [Philoctetes,] a celebrated warrior at the siege of Troy. Trjv 4>iXoKT//rot/ al Set. Philoct. 54. EPITH. Ilotavrtos, K\eivos, TOO- rrfs, eKrjfloXos, lXoTTToXepus, ayXaos, t^>0t/uos. D/3os, ov, 6 et %, adj. [aleae studiosus,] fond of dice. Elvat QiXvKvfloy av- dXX* ovbev Xeyet. Vesp. 75. 1 *TAtos is a frequent epithet of Jupiter, as the patron god of friendship. 2 *r\*7T7roj is also a P. N. 1 The first syllable of vv ^rfXds. Orest. 418. SYN. (1) t\ids, 7rpoo-0rX?}s, evyoos, fiXtKos, >/ovs,^ (2) s. erdpos, 0ds, Ivotttos. EFITH. (2) ILoros, yeyvcuos, evopKos, yield's, oirov- bdlos, aatyrjs, affQaXfjs, Trodeivtis, aXr]t)f]S. $lXdvotXoCTo eyeipeiv ypovrlti, f.7nardp.Evriv . Eccles. 572 tXocos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [libationi aptus,] tit for libations. Ov Zov Xt/3os. Choeph. 286. QxXoffrtyavos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [coronarura amans,] garland-loving. vovs TS Kupovs. Eur. fr. Cresph. 4. 8. iX6ffTopyos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [propensus ad amorem,] affectionate. 2uv vena Trdpd yuarjot. Theocr. 18. 13. SYN. OiXoTrats, QlXureKvos, iXorK>/os, vid. QiXoTiis, r)Tds, et ^>tXta, as, ?/, subst. [amicitia, caritas,] friendship, affection. Kat UTTVOV, K-aJ ' QiXdrrjros. N. 636. See also Orest. 138. SYN. $rXo^.ptJ- /, apOpos. EpITH. 'Epctreit'j), TrpevjjLEitijs, o/zo^>vXos, KpVTTTabta, Uavv^l e<>i- tyiXorrifftos, a, 6V, adj. [amatorius,] amatory. 'ErfXeacre 0os X. 245. SYN. See iXoTtfj,ov/j.evos. Ran. 282. SYN. MydXo0p6Vw, ^>iX6VeiKw, inatpujuai. 4>rX6ryiua, as, r/, subst. [ambitio, aemulatio, fastus,] ambition, rivalry, pride. $i\oTiuia ufV j'Vrat, betva) KO.KW. Iph. A. 527. EPITH. "AbiKbs, KaMV-rj ^ v catfjiuvfjiv. QiXoTtfjids, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [honoris cupidus,] desirous of honor, ambitious. To ftavrXxov TTU.V mrepfjid (blXortfjiov KCLKOV. Iph. A. 520. tylXoT-apWv, ov, TO, subst. [amiculus,] sweet friend. $tXorrdpi6i> oi/X^rd. Ec- cles. 886. 4tAty$ppuy{, tyy6"s, adj. [Iyra3 amans,] lyre-loving. 4>joeo--0w tya^ ^Esch. Suppl. 705. SYN. See 4>rXavX6s. ^ >/o6Vp6^w^ dya.7raei. TT. 17 SYN. Kdrdc&iXfw, a.Tro^if.'^ofj.a. >, adv. [benevole,] kindly. Eis x e 'i" Tev*:pov ^e^ aj/ Aj.'FI. 751. $lXorf)poffvi>r), r}s, >/, subst. [benevolentia,] kindness. fyiXofypoovvr) yap d/ I. 256. SYN. ^iXta, (f>l\oT7)s, (TTrov^tfy dyd.7rf], crTopyf]. $lXo(f)pii)i', vi'6s, oetr/, adj. [benevolus,] of a kind heart. fylXotipuv yap crai- vov-crd. Pers. 100. SYN. flpo^pwv, TrpoOvfjids, evvoos, evfjitvijs, (piXavOpwrcos, s, evKapblos. 7}$, et ^IXo^opos, ov, 6 et fi, adj. [chorearum amans,] dance-loving. QiXoxopevrd. Ran. 413. See also Thesm. 1 147. SYN. See tXai/X6s. t, as, rj, subst. [amor quo quis libenter in aliquo loco commoratur,] attachment to a place. Tt ?r6r TO 'XP*Jf jL ' ^ s ^ eiv ^ v V (^Xo-^wpla. Vesp. 830. $tXo^/ew6/}s, EOS, adj. [mendaciorum amans,] fond of lies. Kai av (plXo^evbfjs eTTVt,0. M. l64. $lX6\l/dy8s, ov, 6 et %, adj. [reprehendere amans,] censorious. AvaapeffTtis r//zoiv Kai tX6vep7o/^6s. >, v. [vitae turpiter parco,] basely to spare one's life. Avrot 0tXo- ?. Heracl. 519. Tyrt. 1. 18. , ov, 6 et /, adj. [vita3 s. animae parcens,] life-loving, pusillanimous. ov & 6 TrXovTos Kat gnXo^v^oy KCLKOV. Phcen. 606. SYN. tX6s. ', ov, ro, subst. [amoris illecebra,] a love-charm, a charm. $/Xrp6V ou WAY OAEF 897 Ttoviav. Troad. 52. SYN. ^repyrjud, errepyqflpoV, ^eXtdp. EP1TH. Mfyd, Seti'ov, 0eXfcn;p/o>, at/iurTjpoi', afyvKTov, et/i/BpocrtoV, aTrdXoV , epdroV. foXvfjirds, ov, 6 et >;, adj. [hymnorum amaus,] fond of song, 2o0, y7?y>es, lXvpve. Anacr. 43. 16. SYN. See rXv7r*'os, ov, 6 et i], adj. [somni amaus, somniculosus,] fond of sleep, drowsy. 7 H pa fiXvirvfa ; Theocr. 18. 10. wy, of, P. N. [Philyres,] a nation bordering on the Black Sea. 4>e/>- QiXvpes' tXvpwj> 5* fyvirepQev eaert. Apoli. 2. 395. as, ^, P. N. [Philyra,] the mother of Chiron. "Erdd pev Qvpavibrjs Kpovos. A poll. 2. 1236. >tXi)peios, poet. (j)iXvpf]ios, IT), iov t et l\vprjis, ibos, ry, adj. [Pllilyreius,] of Philyra. ^iXup^tSa vfjady apeifiov. Apoll. 2. 1235. >l\vptvos, ri, ov, adj. [tiliaceus,] of the linden tree, " a name given to Cirie- sias, because he wore a linden board on his breast, that he might not stoop." Sanxay. 'Atnraqd/ieo-du t\vpivov Kirrjaiay. Aves 1378. tXw<5s, vid. QlXaoibos. iXws, adv. [libenter,] in a friendly manner. Oy ^Uws Ipol Xeyets. Orest. 100. See also II. A. 347. SYN. $iXd, >/ews, cto^ej'ws, Trpo^vjuws, j^apUvTins. if^os, ov, 6 subst. [capistrum,] a muzzle, a bridle. $ifj.ol be avpi^ovcri fiapfia- pov TpuTrdv. Sept. Theb. 459. SYN. XdXtvos. t/Ltob), v. [incapistro,] to muzzle. Etrd. ^t/xwo-^re roirw r^> ^i/Xy roi/ av^eyd Nub. 592. SYN. Aec-juevw, eiriffrofJiiZaj. '* Qivtts, ibos, //, adj. [Phineis,] of Phineus. ^tve^es dcra. Iph. T. 424. >u>evs, ews, o, P. N. [Phineus,] a king of Thessaly. See Villoison. Anecd. Gr. p. 414. Jib6v nor ijbrj irp(3f KO.I Xiiwv. M. 29- SYN. i/os, et (jtiTvpa, dros, ro, subst. [germen, proles,] a stock, offspring. ydp ai/pos ^77v iroiptios blKi)v. Eumen. 9*4. See also Agam. 1252. SYN. Tivvrma, /3Xa(777?//d, yovos, /3Xacrr)}, reicos, p/C'd, aveppa. iTvu), v. [(l)sero, (2) gignoj to sow, to plant; to beget. "Oans b' dyw^eX^rd Xavpovpyos, ov, 6 et 7;, adj. [male fabricans,] clumsy, unskilful. y e'jCTrwjud, (j)\civpovpyov TWOS. Philoct. 35. $Xavpws, vid. QavXws. Xdw, v. [cum strepitu frarigo,] to grind. $X^v rai/rd Tra^rd fcai Pax 1306. SYN. 0Xdw, avvrpifia), Kdrd^OTrrw, p)jy^v/Jt, 0pi/7rrw. , vid. $Xeyw. , dros, ro, subst, [ardor, inflammatio,] inflammation. $Xeyyud Kdctl' 0o- ,, $. 337. SYN. 4>Xoyjuds, cau/.jd. v. [exaestuo,] to be inflamed. Elr' I^Xey/ujjvtj/ avroD ro otyvpov ytpovTos OVTOS ; Vesp. 276. SYN. 'EtfTrvpoojucu, tiXoyiztifiat. Xeypa, as, ?/, P. N. [Phlegra,] a city in Thrace. OI6' ^v 4>Xyp yiyavrts earriaav Qtois. Ion 988. * OXfyptuos, a, ov, adj. [Phlegraeus,] of Phlegra. eot-o-t $Xeypcuo> els irtllov Here. F. 1186. , 1 ov, 6, subst. [aquila,] an eagle. Mop0i/o7o 0Xcyi)ad KoXvirTdfjieyot vre- Hes. Scut. 134. SYN. 1 *\e>us is also a P. N. Eur, fr. Ixion, 4. Pros. Lex. 5 X 898 4>AEF $AYK uv, ot, P. N. [Phlegyes,] a nation in Thessaly. 'He /utra $\eyvas N. 302. EPITH.T/3piora/. , vid. QXfiyeos. Xyw, efc poet. tyXtyeQw, v. [uro, ardeo, comburo,] to burn, to blaze. TTVKVOV 0/\eyi. Phoen. 258. See also Phcen. 171. SYN. $Xdyit 6vpo;;v7Tos (bXtbuv Again. 1166. SYN. See Ae/as &' avr siri TOICFIV 'ApaidvpeqdZv tKarev. Apoll. 1. 115. 4>Aets, Xoyeas. Hec. 1085. See also Helen. 1125. Acharn. 665. and P. V. 26l. SYN. AtdTri/pos, at6d- Xoeis, aiQd)v, irvpoeis, Xa/nirpos, (ftwretvos, aiQtav, KavariKds. Q>Xdyi(i>, v. [(l) ardeo, (2) incendo,] to blaze; to burn. T/fcret, KarevvaZet re, (j>X6yi8opei'dy. Trach. 95. SYN. See OAeyw. OAoyicTOS, ?}, or, adj. [ustulalus,] burnt. OAoyiorroV ?y5?7 Kai KarijvOpaKujfjievoi'* Soph. Elettr. 58. ^Aoy^uos, oy, 6, subst. [(1) flamma, (2) fulgur,] flame ; lightning. Te/xa Atos, cTTtayro (t>X6$. Helen. ll6l. SYN. $A6 , vid. , rj, tiv, adj. [e corlice factus,] made of the bark of a tree. . Eur. fr. Autol. 2. SYN. AgTrtWos. , ou, 6, subst. [cortex, suber,] bark, cork. yAAd re Kai 0Xoior. A. 237. SYN. AZvti Xo7cr/3os, ov, 6, subst. [strepitus undarum, tumultus,] the roar of waves, a tur- moil. No<70ij' d?ro QXoiafiou. E. 322. SYN. To^os, Bopvfios, Xo^, tyXoyos, r/, subst. [flamma,] flame. 2rep'ot), Trapyayos, /udAepa, >, v. [nugor, blatero,] to talk nonsense. Oy /i) ^Avap^Ayapta ravr* cirri TO. fj.Zfj.ifj.rjfjiei'a. Lysistr. 159 SYN. $Ayapos, A//p^s, /uaratorris. ( l>Ayapos, Ion.0Ay?po$, ov, 6, (1) subst. (2) adj. [(l)id. quod ^Xyapla, (2) nugato- rius,] (2) trifling. TctXXdc s e Traj/r'ecrt^Avapos. Nub. 365. SYN.(l) Sec Aya- i, (2) ffirepnoXoyos, djuerpo7r;)s, dSoAeer^j/s, ^AeSwr, AdXos, d( * 4>Aweys, ews, o, adj.[Phlyeus,] belonging to Phlya, one of the 174 A/fy/ot, into which Attica was subdivided. *H \dj3rjs d $\vevs ; Vesp. 234. Q>XvKTaiva, rjs, r/, subst. [pustula, proprie ab igni,] a pustule, a boil. M>/re Vesp. 1119. 809 vXvut, v. [(1) ferveo, (2) nugor,] (l) to boil up, (2) to trifle. 'Ard ' tyXi/e imXd peedpa. $. 36l. SYN. 'AraCew, /3pac?w, drd/3aXXw, p\v(i), pXv<*>. ftdjjiipds, a, or, adj. [formidolosus, terribilis,] terrible, fearful. Qofiiipos elalbelv. | Phoen. 126. SYN. OjOt/rw^s, arjuepbaXeos, aTvZrjXos, betfjidXeos, pi 777X05, iriipl6- /3os, beivos l&elv, (poflqros. , 77$, 77, adj. [quae fugam hostibus injicit,] army-routing. Toi/ri . Alcest. 173. SYN. Xalrd, 6pi, eOetpa, ^77, TrerdXd. EPITH. s, ttjoa, cu'joa, Sdo/3^ros Philoct. 1154. SYN. See Qupf.pds. ' Po/^os, ov, 6, subst. [(1) terror, (2) timor,] terror; fear. 'Eyw ere Of} e\v6fpov 7o-w, v. [lustro,] to purify. 'Efyoifiacrev be Trdyerrd. Call. 5. 11. i- IS YN. $ot pwv. i \ M. 220. SYN. See Oon/cucds. i, potwrcdrSfjuos, ov, o et 77, adj. [puniceos flores habens,] with purple flowers. Nvr, oiviKavQs.p,nv 7]pos aKfiq. Pyth. 4. 1 14. >7, et (polvtZ, IKOS, adj. [puniceus,] scarlet, dark-hued. OoirtKtw otos Theocr. 2. 2. See also Pax 302. Aves 273. and (j>. 118. SYN Tri/jOjOos, ZpvOpos, iropfyvpeds, aifJiaTwbrjs. CES, vid. ^>o7rt^. tic7, 17$, 77, P. N. [Phoenicia.] Qoufbau avrtjprj x&pav, Troad. 223. , vid. Qotviktds. laiTTos, ov, o et 7*7, fy(Hv tKofia.^* y , adj. [puiiiceo colore tinctus,] dyed red. ftoiviKfifiaTrrois evbvrois eadi'ifjiaoi. Eumen. 1031. , eos, adj. [e Phoenicia ortus, genere Phcenicius,] Phoenician born. vs Trai 7->Js Tvpias. Eur. fr. Cret. 2. 1. otviKoKpoKos, ov, 6 et 77, adj. [puniccam tramam habens,] having a purple woof. A be (poiviKOKpuMv. Olymp. 6. 66. ov, o et 77, adj. [punicearn cristam habens,] purple-crested. 'O/o- . Theocr. 22. 72. , ov, 6 et rj, adj. [puniceas habens genas,] ruddy-cheeked. Tot y 'tcraat veas fyoiviKOTraprjovs. ^/. 271. "'", 17$, rj, adj. [puniceos pedes habens,] red-footed. "Aprtd /u^So/zeros, 0otrtfco7reou'iK-o<7/ceX7)s, eds, adj. [crura punicea habens,] purple-legged. QoiviKOffneXels. Ion 1207. used as a P. N, and denotes Apollo, Phoebus, the Sun. See'ATrjAAwi/ and^'HAtos. 1)00 4>GIN drfos. , r)s, r/, adj. [(l) Phcenissa, (2) punicea,] (1) Phoenician, (2) purple, red. a be 0p^j/ctwv dytXa. Pyth. 4. 365. , f . w, v, [rubefacio, sanguine inficio,]toniake red, to dye in blood. Ma- ortyt Trpwror j'tDra fyotvt'xQels Oavei. Aj. Fl. 1 10. SYN. Aijudrow, Trop&vpu), ficnrTW. QotToXeds, 1 a, ov, et ov, 6 et >/, adj. [furibundus,] furious, enraged. ^otrdXer; 6e Trobeaali'efiaXf-ivpa fialre KZXevda. Mosch. 2. 4(). SYN. Baiidy, eppavfis, pai'ias. Ootrds, d5os, 6, /, ro, adj. [vagus,] roving, ' thick-coming.' ^oird^d betvfjv vo- vov, w rtKvov. Trach. 982. SYN. OcxrdXtos. , Ion. ^otrt'^w, v. [(1 )frequento, (2) furo,] to frequent, to haunt ; to rave. opvts* Hipp. 1063. See also Horn. Hymn. 25. 8. SYN. ' ( PoXis, tbos, >/, subst. [squama,] a scale, (sc. of a fish, &c.) Xpvc-e/cus fyoXt- beaal biavyeas. Apoll. 1. 221. SYN. Aevrts, (prop, est piscium,) Xeiros. $oXfc, adj. [strabo, vel valgus pedibus. See Buttmann's Lexil. p. 246.] squinting, or bandy-legged. QoXKds er)v. B. 217. ^oXos, ov, 6, P. N. [Pholus,] a centaur. 7 Apd ye TTO, TOtovbe $oXw card Xaivdv avrpov. Theocr. 7. 149. fyovaw, v. [csedis cupidus sum,] to long for murder. 3>ovg,, tyuvy. voos >///, Phi- | loct. 1209. $6Vevs, ews, Ep. et Ion. r/os, 6, subst. [sicarius,] a murderer. $o>ca yt^eirfiai Trarpos. Phoen. l6l5. SYN. ^Ltyayevs. ovo\lfiei Tv-ftcf. typfjv eirlpaiieTat. Agam. 1401. ^ovdpvros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [sanguine redundans,] streaming with blood. Zoa dovopiJTu. Sept. Theb. 935. $ovos, ov, 6, fyorr}, 7/s, //, et tyuvevna, dros, ro, subst. [caedes,] murder. Ets n'irbS Tral^a ^fityov tipicav 8vov. Hec. 259. See also Helen. 154. and Ion 1496. SYN. 'AvSpokTdffta, oXeOpos, otyayfl, ou tyfipy. Eur. Suppl. 494. SYN. 'Opju/, ^>opds, evdrjina. 1 The second syllable of (poiraXeos is supposed to be sometimes long 1 . See Blomf. Gloss. P. V. 020. and Ivlaltby's note in v. : but as I have not yet found any satisfactory instance to substan- tiate the fact, the quantity in the text is marked short only. op/3a7os, a, ov f adj. [pascuus,] pasturing. "Hei tyoppaiwv "Ivd^os e| optwv. Call. 5. 50. $op/3ds, avros, 6, P. N. [Phorbas.] 'iSwv be op/3as. Eur. Suppl. 690. l>op/3ds, ciSos, adj. [aliinentum prabens,] yielding pasture. Qopfidbos W-TTE yfis eXeti'. Philoct. 700. SYN. Nfyids. $opj3eed, as, >/, subst. [(l) esca, ( 1 2) capistrum,] a bait, a mouth-piece. ' roTo-t bUaffrais. Vcsp. 580. SYN. $op/3j), At/ids. op/3j), ?/s, //, subst. [pabulum, cibus,] food, provisions. Kat bovvat pvyx et /3th'. Aves 348. SYN. Tpof>), /30pd, ro, ftp&ffts. EPITH. ' vs, cws, Ion. ?/os, o, subst. [portator, bajulus,] a carrier or bearer. ITpw- wi/ re 0opcus. A poll. 1. 132. optw, v. [jjesto,] to bear, to wear. Ylrjyas trorafjitovs arro6eroy, ev^Ooyyo?, 6afdXea, Ka\r], Xtyetd, t'5w, v. [cithara cano,] to play on the harp or lyre. Aurdp o tyoppiZw dre- /3aXXtro KoXov aeibstr. 9. 266. 'SYN. See Ki'0dp/<2w. fis, ov, o, subst. [citharcedus,] a player on the harp or lyre. op-/iimis, av Trarrjp. Pvth. 4. 314. SYN. Kt0uptoppiis. $oppttrWs, nv, 6, P. N. [Phormisius.] Tovrou /uV our ^op^tVt'os, Mya/t/-o$ 0' o Mav/;s. Ran. 965. * $op/uwi', wros, o, P.N. [Phormion.] Kai art/3dds, as 2Xd)(2 Qopfjuwv. Pax 348. Oopjuos, ov, 6, subst. [(l)corbis, (2)teges,] a basket; a coverlid, fyapptiv ex eiv avrl rtiTT^ros cdTrpo^. Plut. 542. SYN. Ktorj), Kofovtis, TrpdiiaXvpfjia. $opds, ov, 6, subst. [tributum,] tribute. Tov ^opo^ ^/ijy dn-d rw' TrdXcoi^. Vesp. 655. SYN. Aa/r^os, reXos, et/706pa. , et ^oprdywyos, ov, 6, adj. [onera vehens,] carrying burdens. ^opr;yoi t. Theogn. 679- SYN. See $opevs. ', ov, TO, et 6pr8s, ov, 6, subst. [onus, merx,] a burden, a freight, mer- chandise. Tovri 7ro)'r/pov Qaiverai T&tyoprWv. Plut. 352. See also Plut. 79^- SYN. $#pityLtd, ax^os. oprts, t^ds, ?;, subst. fnavis oneraria,] a ship of burden. op7-tds evpeirjs. t. 323. SYN. QopTiiyds, oXfcds. , f. w, v. [(l)pinso, (2) misceo, (3) foedo,] to knead ; to blend ; to stain. alfjidrt TroXX^J. (7. 335. ^ypdw, opvvw, paffffta, 4>opvros, ov, 6, subst. [(1) quisquilia3, e variis rebus commixtae ; (2) coenurn,] riff- raff; mud. 2wes ^opvrw tTri/xapyatVovo'at. Arat. 1123. SYN/'A^vpoi', ^dpaSpa. ^opo/revs, ews, 6, P. N. [Phoroneus,] a river in Peloponnesus ; also a king of Argos. Mr)vidws, vid. Odos. pay/tos, ou, 6, subst. [septum,] a fence, a stoppage. n>;y>?s ot' wrwv 902 OPAA $PIM (E. R. 1387. SYN.'EpKos, 7rp?/3oXo?, cpfya, op/mry, X"J a - (frpdSdc'w, et 0pa:?a>, f. arjfjii. * pdcJJ7, ijs, et 0payudTvi'>?, ys, >/, subst. [consilium,] wisdom, device. ITaXXd- 5os (ppdba'is. Phoen. 677. See also Horn. Apoll. .99. SYN. M^rts, rorjfja, ffKe\Lis f burjfjoavvrj. )}s, typ ofintav, f.nreipos, em art) fib) v, ay^u'oos, (ftpZvripYJs. ), vid. $pd//. , ov, o, P. N. [Phrasidemus.] T^ AT/O! ydp erev^e 6a\vatci o . Call. 7. 3. , et 0pdrr&i, f. ^w, v. [sepio, munio,] fo fence round. FVVT; Trpos ctr- cTriffiv Tre^pay/jtevovsi Iph. A. 831. SYN. Ilept/^oXXw, OptyauM, , opos, o, subst. [indicator,] a director. "Oiraovas be parpa, ^parp?;, Ion. ^pj/rp;, ?/s, f/, subst. [curia,] a ward, 'fts (pp^r apijyr). B. 163. $pdrwp, opos, 6, subst. [tribulis,] one of the same ward or tribe, ^paropas (3o\ov. Equit. 255. SYN. 'E^cpvXlus, oyuo^yXos, ffvyyei'tjs. $pap, Ion. 0pe7dp, dros, ro, subst. [puteus,] a well. To ^pap 5' /\a/ov fjiecrroy. Plut. 810. 4>pypvytXos, ov, 6, subst. [frigilla,] a chaffinch. $pvytXos op^ts e^0dc)' pi>tjpr)s, eos, adj. [(l)mentis compos, (2) sapiens,] sensible, wise. Ov yap y ovra. Heracl. 151. SYN. fypov/LfJos, aoyos, (ppabijs, q. v. , ibos, >/, subst. [amentia,] folly, madness. See in IldpdkoTr?/. SYN. , aroia, /uupia. Zr, [ex animo,] cordially. dv^Sj 0p'07rX//y?7S, cos, (f)pei'O7T\r}KTos^ ov, et 0p^wX^s, os, adj. [mente captus,] mad, raving. QpevoiJtavris TIS el, OZotioprjTos, d^fy-l. Agam. 1109. See also P. V. 903. and 1090. and Sept. Theb. 754. SYN."Ei^pwv, 7rdpa0pw>/, , adv. [dementer,] madly. fypEro/uidpws awvari. Aj. Fl. 626. )i' t ovos, adj. [qui sua mente aliquid componit,] who composes any thing in his own mind, bombastic. $pevoTet;To>>os di'bpos. Ran. 838. p^ow, v. [(l)ad mentem sanam reduco, (2)fallo,] to bring a person to his senses; to deceive. Ou /u?) tipUvvaeis ju'. LJacch. 781. SYN. Nov0rw. pewpvxew, v. [puleum effodio,'] to dig a well, 'fts ?rdXai y fjt e^pwpi/xet. Lysistr. 1033. p>)r, evds, ^, subst. [(l)mens; in plur. (2) consiliurn ; (3) prsecordia,] the mind, the hear? ; wisdom ; the diaphragm. Tor ev \Zyovra 6vo-//>'j} TTOIOV 0pej/t. Hec. 300. SYN. Nods, blaroia, yvw/mrj. EPITH. Bd0e7d, alvijjir), dfjufti- eo-OAos, jucydXjy, ^ucXatru, TTV^I^?}, fVa/c-tytos, arpeTrr^, ?}/3ata, a, TrevraXfyj?;, 5Xo<), dXtaoros, rpo^p/Kw>, wi'ds, 6, P. N. [Phricon.] Aaot p/fcwi/o$, ynopywi/ 7r'/7-opts '/TTTTWJ/. Horn. Hymn. 37. 4. p/p'7ao7*cu, v. [fremo,] to make a noise. YAA Qpvyids, 1 a t uv, adj. [Phrygius,] Phrygian, of Phrygia. Ylobtis yais fypvyiats. Troad. 152. , et fypvaffu, f. w, v. [torreo, asso,] to roast, to parch. Srt^dvoi TrXt- t, ^pvyerat rpdy/}/jdrd. Eccles. 844. See also Theocr. 6. 10. SYN. avftpfitdzu), avaivio. , r), 6V, adj. (2) QpvKros, ov, 6, et typvKTwp'ia, as, ?/, subst. [(1) tostus, (2) specula per ignem nuntians,] (1) roasted, parched, (2) a beacon. A^Si ^pvK- TOVS o-fcrevdo-w. Vesp. 1331. See also Aves Il6l. SYN. Erjpos. pvKrtapos, ov, 6 et //, subst. [custos signoruin per faces datorum,] a watch at a beacon. jtvnup* bid. Again. 573. typvvri, ijs, j/, P. N. [Phryne,] a famous Athenian courtezan. tf>pvvi]v e^ovaav \i>tf>Qov. Eccles. 1101. pvris, 10$, ^, P. N. [Phrynis,] a famous minstrel of Mitylene. Otas oi vvv ras Kara Qpvvlv. Nub. 969. pvvlxews, a, 6v, adj. [Phrynichius,] of Phrynichus. Kat ro fypwlyeiov. Vesp. 1.524. , ov, 6, P. N. [Phrynichus.] See in Qovfypciaros. , ov, 6, P. N. [Phryuondas,] 'fi, fildpe, KUI fypvt'wvba, KCII irovqpe av. Thesm. 868. pvZ, vyds, 6, P. N. [Phryx,] Phryx, a Phrygian. 7 fl irai rlv av^els, Trorepd Avov j) OjoCyd. Alcest. O^l. EPITH. plur. Af'oXoTrwXot, 'unroba/toi, KO.KOI, Tro\v^pvaoi, iTrirdKopwrw, apyvpwvrjroi. uyabe, adv. [in fugam,] to flight. 'Es btypov 6'di-'d/3as ^vydS' erpaTre. II. 65?. ^yyydj w, vid. eyy. vy^d, et (bvybrji', adv. [fugae modo,] in the manner of flight. MJ) Xd /3a$. Eumen. 25(). , ov, adj. [bellum fugiens, ignavus,] \var-shuning, unwarlike. Xaos ov vyaiftas; Pers. 1025. SYN. ^vydfjidds, vyoTrroXe/itJs, bet- ds, dbos, adj. [profugus, exsul,] fugitive, banished. At 5' tyvydbas, &s \6yos. Phcen. 40/. SYN. ), et vyrjt>. Hipp. 37. See also I. 2. SYN. $evi.s, lis, rpoTrj), dXv'&s, EPITH. Geo-^tcrm, ala-^pa, bvffrv-^effTdrrj, TrdXaia, rX?///wv, Xei/ydXea, i], oivpa. s, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [fugiens bellum,] war-shunning, cowardly. OvSe ^i)yo7rrd\c/*os. ^.214. SYN. See ^vym'x/u^s. ^yyo^evos, ov, 6 et >/, adj. [hospites fugiens,] stranger-avoiding, inhospitable. M]7 fur, ^, r7s, 7/, subst. [natura, statura,] nature, stature. Ov be^ds, ovbt tyviiv. A. 115. SYN. fyvais, Tpoxos, eibos, yevos, $v\bv. vKideis, eaffd, tv t adj. [alga abundans,] abounding in sea-weed. Avr) e-' dlovos k'dreraKiro (pvKloeffcrrjs. Theocr. 11. 14. t ov, TO, dimin. a ^v/cds, eos, TO, suhst. [alga, muscus,] sea-weed, moss. Os etr^dTd tyvtcid Kivei. Theocr. 7. 58. EPITH. AvdXto^. $vKros, vid. QevKTeos. //, subst. [custodia,] custody, guard. Ti$ e^pv^07; irpwTrjv Rhes. 534. SYN. 4>povpa. EpITH/EpreStfs, a'pydXea. , 777 being understood, denotes an extensive portion of Asia Minor, in which was Troy. 2 fiiA/ojis also a P. N, in Horn. N. 696, a city in Thessaly. 905 patronym. a (2) vXu*.T/)p, fjpos, et 0vXa, O.KOS, 6, subst. [custOvS,] a watchman, a guard. 'Es orpdro> ovbe yap av QvXaKovs Xadoi. il. 566. See also H. 444. et Hec. 760. SYN. Qpovpos, 7rpouXas, avros, 6, P. N. [Phylas.] OvXavros 6vyarr]p. II. 181. buXavffto, f. ^w, v. [custodio, in voc. med. caveo,] to guard, to beware. "ATTO.V j KO.KIOV TOV (pvXaffaeadai KuXuts. Phoen. 743. SYN. Ti^pew, bia^v\aaaa) t Trapa- I rvjpeto, pvofiat, typuvpeto). fivXeibrjs, ov, patronym. a (2) vXevs, ews, o, P. N. [(l) Phylides, (2) Phyleus,] (1) the son of Phyleus, (2) Phyleus. ^vXeibrjs, oV TIKTE Au ^uXos 'iTnrdTa $u- I Xevs. B. 628. Q>vXerr)s, ov, 6, subst. [contribulis,] one of the same tribe. "Ovre ^vyylvel KCU | (pv\f.Ta. ; Aves 368. pwX>/, rjs, >/, subst. [tribus ; item P. N. Phyle, pagus Atticus,] a tribe ; Phyle, a town in Attica. 'Hjuels bs v\fi xal yevet riyuwjuci'Oi. Aves 33. yXm, as, ^, subst. [oleaster,] a kind of wild olive tree. '6 pev ^uXtrjs, o b' eXatrjs. e. 477. SYN. Korti'os. vXXds, abtis, ry, subst. [(1) cumulus foliorum, (2) frondes,] a (ieap of leaves ; branches, ^eapov b' abeffpov rovb' s^ovffa tyvXXabos. Eur. Suppl. 32. EplTH. , (3ade~ia, evKctpTros. , vid. QvXXdv. , ov, 6, P. N. [Phylleius,] a mountain in Thessaly. "Opeos ^vXXrjwv i/a/wv, Apoll. 1 . 37- uXXivos, rj, ov, adj. [foliacens, factus ex foliis,] leafy, made of leaves. Ke- KXifjievot Toixy TyQvXXlvy. Theocr. 21. 8. SYN. QvXXotydpds . , et (pvXXopptieu, v. [frondes amitto vel spargo,] to scatter leaves. \evKris QvXKofidXovarjs. Nub. 1003. See also Aves 3. 1481. SYN. r, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [foliis comatus,] leafy. Am ^vXXo/cfytov YI\W. Aves 2 1 5. uXXo>, et fyvXXe'iov, ov, ro, subst. [folium,] a leaf. O'irj Trep 0vXXwj/ yevo}. Z. 146. See also Acharn. 468. SYN. IlfrdXov, ^)i/XXds. EPITH. FIXekTor, XdjuaiTrfres, eXdriVov, rjplvov, ayptov, ^Xoepor, rtpev, Xd^tov. OvXXoarpws, Jiros, et ^uXXoorpwros, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [foliis constrains,] strewed with leaves. Evicts ^vXXocrrpairi TTC^W. Theocr. Ep. 3. 1. See also Rhes. 9- i/XXtvos, ^i/X-XoK'o^uds, ^>vX- , ov, o et //, adj. [folia fundens,] leaf-shedding. 4>vXX#x<% ev Apoll. 4.217- vXoV, ov, ro, subst. [genus, natio,] a people, a nation. '6pw bt 0v\d r rptwv crrpdrev/idrwv. Eur. Suppl. 633. SYN. 4>uXi7, e0yos, irarpa, -ytros. EPITH. 'Afleff^droV, K\VTOV, TrtpikXvT-d^, ayptoi', Seo'oV, /3ap/3dpor, spikvbes, TToXvjjioxdov, iroXvffTdvov, ayXdoV. vXoTTis, ios, r/, subst. [(1) clamor bellicus ; (2) praelium,] the war-cry, pro- perly of a tribe; a battle. iAd7n:os Xf/m. Pax 1076. SYN. See* EPITH. Kpdrepd, k'pvepa, ctlrrj, dpydXea, a \Xo7rpotraXXos. Pros. Lex. 5 Y TTA w, oos s. ofa, ^, P. N. [Phylo,] an attendant of Helen. 4>v\w &' a rdXdpov 0pe. . 125. t, vid. ( I>y. >uufwp, opos, adj. [fugam viris immittens,] husband-banishing. Tov fyvJiavopd yd/uiov A-iyvnTov. ./Esch. Suppl. 9* tvfyXis, ios, adj. [(l) profugus, exul, (2) timidus,] running away, banished; cowardly. KXos eoQXov Z^ei tyvfyXiv eovrd. P. 143. SYN. fyvyatyjjirjs vyds, dvavbpos, betXos. >y^uos, et (pvftds, 1 ov, o et /, adj. [(1) qui vitari potest ; (2) ad quern confugi tur ; (3) qui in fugam vertit,] which may be avoided ; convenient for escaping to ; putting to flight. yfytos vvbtis. Antig. 788. See also Apoll. 4. 699 SYN. See fyevKTtos. >is, vid. 0>evis. d, v. [misceo, macero,] to mix, to moisten, to soil. *H yTjv Bdvov- res Trjvbe vpaffetv ova). Sept. Theb. 48. See also Hec. 944. SYN. '" KVkdu, avpiJiiyvvfjCi, tlp&vwftl, piaivtn, naffffw, dvdfjiaffau). , adv. [(l) mixtim, (2) confuse,] promiscuously ; in confusion. , vaO)v T* ETTO^OVS. Pers. 54. SYN. See Miybd. , rjs, ?/, subst. [follis,] bellows. *EXt.aoo{JLtivov Trept vaas. I. 372. PHR. See Apoll. 3. 1299- , s, >/, P. N. [Physadia,] one of the daughters of Danaus. Tas KaX- ri 's fyvadbeidv. CalL 5. 47. , ibos, r], et tyvffrjrtipWv, ov, ro, subst. [tibia,] a pipe. Ad/3e 5;) av Tits , Trpos TWV Oewv. Lysistr. 1245. See also Lysistr. 1243. SYN. AlAd*. >vadw t et ^vfftow, v. [(1) sufl3<', (2) spiro, (3)efflo,] to breathe, to blow, to puff out. EtTre /xot, TI beti'd (pvaqs ; Iph. A. 381. See also II. 506'. SYN. 'Aret- 0vadw, Trvew, Tr^everrtdw, daOp.uivii). yo-^d, et fyvaland, dros, ro, subst. [iuflatio, eruptio aquae vel sanguinis,] a panting, gale, oozing out. 4>w/fft'5oos, et i/;}, elbds, ri, yei'ds. EPITH. ^Lrvytpci, aypta, evet6//s, trKXrjpa, eXevOspa, yevraiu, , ^dpieaad, arpeTrro.?, yvrjcria, dboXtis. bffKri, TIS, //, subst. [crassum intestinum,] the thick gut, a sausage. Toy u.vr\ tyvaKrjs. Equit. 364. , <>v, b t P. N. [Physcus,] a mountain near Crotona. "Es re rd yo-k-w. Tlieocr. 4. 23. uo-ros, )), fa, adj. [tumidus,] swohi. ^yoriyi' /uudta" vp&aev^yKy. Vesp. 6()8. OwrdXid, dv, //, subst. [plantatio, planta,] a plantation, a plant. KaXoy 0vrd- . M. 314. aX/zi'os, oi/, 6 et //, et a, 6V, adj. [(l) fcecundus, (2) naturalis,] productive ; 1 4>u|tos is an epithet of Jupiter, as the supporter of fugitives or exiles. Other reasons are ssigned for the appellation by the Schol. .Apoll, 2. 1151, q. v. 4>YTE I124 907 natural. Atnrpots eTrXaOrjy Irpvfjoyos 0vraXjuto. Rhes. 917. SYN. $VTU\I- yds, #revjud, dros, et^vroV, ov, ro, subst. [planta,] a plant. 4>vrev/z' ioV. (E. C. 6^8. See also Med. 233. SYN. 4>Zrv, epvos, fldAos. EPITH. TrKpoi', adXiov, yXvKepov, KaXXnnfr^XoJ', TrayicapTroj-', ^XolpoV, ajUTreXdfi'. os, et tyvroffTTopos, ov, o, subst. [plantator, hortularius,] a gardener. Ovpovs HYIV 'iffaci (pvToaKatyoi. Theocr. 25. 27 See also Trach. 35p. SYN. , ov, 6 et r/, adj. [plantas alens,] plant-nourishing. KXTypov r/pa QvroTfjoQdv. Apoll. 3. 1402. irvo>, yevvvna, TIKTO), e^arareXXw, ^os, r/, contr. ^s, 0wSds, pi. tyiolbes, ^wSes, [pustula,] a pustule, pimple. (jxpbwv eK fia\aveiov ; Pint. 535. SYN. Q>\vKratvru. s, ews, o, et &WKIS, ibos, /, P. N. [Phocensis,] of Phocis. ^pofitis o 4>w- KCVS Tovbe K\yerai 7ran)p. Iph. T. 9 1 8. vSee also Iph. A. 26l. MKr], rjs, >/, subst. [phoca,] a sea-calf. fywKrjs fr ocrprjv. Vesp. 1033. EPITH. , ou, o, P. N. [Phocus,] the brother of Peleus. Ovb" uv at QWKOV i)de\ov ave'iv. Androm.^685. , ab8s, ^wXeuoycrd, adj. [in specu habitans,] dwelling in a hole or den. ijOtd 0wXds apKTot. Theocr. J. 115. uw, v. [in specu habito,] to dwell in a hole. KywdXd ^wXevoyrd. Theocr. 24. 83. , v. [(1) vocem emitto; (2)dico ; (S)noraino,] to sound ; to speak; to call. fywvet. Iph. T. 688. SYN. AdXew, Xeyw, ^\f(o, icdXea;, 0^L ), 775, r;, subst. [(l)vox, (2) fama,] voice, report. OvpavdpiKr} pi KUfj.01 fyit)vi]v. Nub. 357- SYN. fydoyyos, /3o>), r/^os, avbrj, EPITH. 'AptJixn s > vi^Xe^s, ev^Ooyyos, dyd'/), r/t)v7rvdo \i)s, peiXi^oSf /^avrtTroXos. ydp oi/ crot TO ffov 0w- ' itJv. (E. R. 324. SYN. Ofloyyos, 00ey/jd, ^x^ s > ^wv^. p, wpos, , subst. [fur,] a thief. "Mure ristywp. Apoll. 3. 1196. SYN. KXe- rys, KUKovpyos. d, as, //, subst. [furtum,] a theft. OVK l-rrl 0wpuv. Mosch. 7 6. SYN. K.XOTT?/.. K'Xe^ujud. fa/, v. [(1) furor, (2) deprehendo,] to steal; to discover. 'AXX' ovyl tywpa- eywy' elaep^opai. Nub. 499* SYN. Alepevi'dw, ec5^rW, ffdrdXa/.t/3d>'w, $, ov, 6 et //, subst. [arcula,] a small coffer. 'EXerrj & Trapiar lv. o. 104. SYN. Xojptdjuos, Kifiwros, KiffTf]. $wptos, a, ov, adj. [furtivus,] clandestine. 'Avtordro <^wptos evra. Theocr. 27. 67. SYN. Aaflpeuds, KpvTtTatios. >ws, wros, 6 subst. [homo,] a man. $wrd /3op/3dpov KrtreTs; Hec. 86.5. SYN. See^Aw/p and "AvflpwTrfls. ais, vid. Odos. , vid. s > rt > *' a( lj- [probus,] virtuous. Oy:ra yvj/atK 5 #7rw7ra x* t >'"P a > / - Lysistr. 1157* SYN. 'Ayafios, ^prjffTds t evytv{]s. wv, WVTOS, 6, P. N. [Chserephon.j Xaipe^w^rt vvKTtpts. Aves 1296. w*', vid. Xap/>td. , of, subst. [Chaeridis discipuli,] the disciples or followers of Chaeris. Xa(joi.'$jjs fiofjifiavXlot. Acharn. 866. XaTpts, ibos, o, P. N. [Chaeris,] a Theban musician. "Ore 6/} irapeKv^Z \nlpls eirt TOV opBWv. Acharn. l6. Xa/pw, f. x n *P^ <7W e ^ X"^^' ^ aor. pass. tyapr]v t (2) imper. x a ^P^ (3) parti- cip. xaipw, v. [(l)tiaudeo, valeo ; (2) salve; (3) impune,] (1) to rejoice, to fare well, (2) hail, (3) with impunity. M tirtp, a\\d pot av xaipe. b. Xaprct yovv watrxw reKt'tiv ; Phoen. 627- SYN. "H^>o/^at, r^pTrdjuat, ev^patVo^iat, 77}- 6o/^ai, epp&adai rj^. Xa/r?;, TJS, r/, et ^airwpa, fads, TO, subst. [juba, coma,] a mane, the hair. rioXtas 7rt x at ' rns wpoTer^ &'. Alcest. 933. See also Sept. Theb. 381. SYN. nXoKo^os, tffeipd, Kon^ t ^P' yptT9*li& 9 Xax>'7. EPITH. ' icvdvea, OiiXtpa, ^a^^>), To/za7o$, afipoirXovros, aTrdXi), Xdaia, Xatr^ets, r/eaerd, f/cv, Dor. xa^ets, adj. [jubatus, comatus,] long-maned, hairy. " vdX/yK, et xd\a. Equit. 381. XdXa7re/*:w, ev^lbwjju. XdXdpos, d, ov, adj. [laxus,] loose. Irpt^erat x^P KorvXtfuv. Vesp. 1495. SYN. Xauj'^Js, aveifjievos, uXtTrruW, et xaXt7ra/r^/ia<, v. [(l)exacerbo, (2) saevio,] to exasperate ; to be indignant. 'Eyw 6' ^px"*' \a.\iiraivw. B. 378. SYN. 'Ayd^a/crew, vt/^to-da), i, \ti\dtipat. os, 7), o>, adj. [saevus, durus, acerbus,] savage, hard, harsh, difficult. XdXeTrd yap fiporms dfioytvij fj.ia.rr par' . Med. 1265. SYN. *2,K\r)pos, beirfis, fiapvs, d7T7;v>/j, apydXeos, ayptos, W^L/OJ. XdXerrrw, v. [danuio adficio,] to injure. "Os TIS at x&MirTet. b. 423. SYN. BXaTrrw, Kfikuh), rr/Vo/^ot, ab^Ktit). X6Xc7ra;s,adv. [rnok\su>, diiftculjer, accibr,] hanlly, with diflicully, harshly. Xu- XAAI XAAK 90D ETTWS o'pyas pZ-aj3a\\ovrtv. Med. 121. SYN. Aivws, bewus, ayptws, 0^X77- , ov, o et ^, adj. [nierus,] unmixed. Yllve xaXiKpriTov \apov Apoll. i. 473. SYN. ^AKpards. \aXtvos, ov, 6, plur. ot, et x a ^ lva > ra, subst. [fnenum, habena,] a bridle, a rein. Avo7> -^aXivoiv rpviravoi' fCWTrrjXdret. Cycl. 460. SYN. "Hvid, oro/LiidV, ^/a- XtoV, ?\t0tds, a^pwv, /uwpos. aXfypoffvvrj, rjs t f], subst. [animi imbecillitas,] weakness of understanding. Ou yap TI ^aXi^poavval yg ^u' Zypvalv. IT. 310. SYN.^A^poffvvT;, Trapavoia, avoid. rtis, ov, o et //, adj. [aereo curru vectus,] riding in a brazen chariot. yuccv xaXKup/naTos eori irdats. Pyth. 4. 155. XaXK-a/, et \a\KTjpjjs, efts, adj. [aere ducto factus,] plated with brass. XaXfceXdrw TrZXtKei. Olymp. 7. 66. See also Ran. 959. and A. 469. XoXK-e/z/3oXds, dbds, adj. [a?reo rostro armatus,] brazen-beaked. M>/ ^tot va&v X<*XKn3o\ab(i)i>. I ph. A. 1320. >)s, EOS, adj. [aereis armis utens,] having brazen armor. Il6/\e//ov ol y^aXKei'Ttos. Nem. 1. 24. , et "^aXuoQwpri^, r)Kos,et a, atcos, adj. [aereo thorace utens,] hav- ing a brass breast-plate. XaXKcddtopyKW arap affTrtbes ofjtyaXoeaaai. A. 448. See also Aj. Fl. 179. and II. 0. 62. aXdd^utro>p, dpos, et ^aX*cto//irpr;s, ov, adj. [aeream gestans mitram,] having a brazen mitre. Tt fr, >/ rov x^^o^tropos "E^ropos ^djudp. Troad. 273. See also Nem. 10. 170. ov, 6 et >/, adj. [aereis armis indutns,] clad in brazen armor. XaX- Adj/dwi>. Helen. 692. SYN. XaXjcevn/s, y^aXKopiiffrifs, ^aXKdrev^fjs, owoij^,, ya.\KoylTMV, ^aXicoKv^pis. os, vid. XaX^etos. , et xaXicofloas, ov, adj. [vocem aeream habens,] brazen- voiced. Mey'iXi/ropt x a ^ K ^^ r y- &- ? 85 - ^ ee a ^ so ^- C. 1046. SYN. MeydXo^w- j/os, ev(fnovos. \aXKevpa, O.TOS, et ^aXtuov, ov, ro, subst. [aerea catena; quicquid ex aere con- fectum est,] a brazen chain ; any thing made of brass. IIo6aket 7Tpt/3dXwy XaX*fev/idrt. Choeph. 572. See also Theocr. 2. 26. SYN. XaXfcw/m. Xa\cevs, ews, 6, subst. [faber aerarius,] a brazier. 'AXX' 6 ^tXicevs OVK Zq.. Pax 480. XaX*ceuw, et xaX^evo/^at, v. [ex ?ere fabrico,] to form out of brass, to be a brazier. TVs ^aXKeveiv, 7) vavrcriyeii'. Plut. 513. wj/, wvds, o, subst. [fabri aerarii ofh'cina,] a brazier's shop. Bj) p' . 1 0. 273. SYN. XaX*e76>. scanned as an antibacchius. 910 XAAK XAAK Xa\K/7\aros, et xaXicfjprjs, vid. XaXjaSees, w, oi, P. N. [Chalcidenses,] the people of Chalcis. OVK e OTTWS ov XaXKt&eas d^i'ordrdV. Equit. 233. XaXiuSttros, ?), ov, adj. [Chalcidicus,] of Chalcis, XaXa5t*o7 s ^' avri/juap d^- aXos v&wp. Call. 4. 46. XaXirtotKos, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [aeream domum habens, Epith. Minervae apud Spartanos,] having a brazen house or temple. 'Pdbta TrtrdXd, ^aXKioiKov ws 'A0/i>av. Helen. 245. SYN. XaXiuvaos, xa XaX*aoV, vid. XaXtcev/zd. XaXKioirrj, r)s, ^, P. N. [Chalciope.] See in ' XctXtrts, tos, //, P. N. [Chalcis,] a city in Eubcea. KaXiuSd r' ay^taXoy, KdXi;- StDvd re 7TTpr])s, e7d, es, adj. [aere gravis, jereus,] heavy with brass, made of brass. los x a ^^/3P>/s. 0- 423. \aXk-uj3a.Ti)s t tos, et xaX^Tre^os, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [qui aereis fundamentis insistit,] with a brazen foundation, firm. 'ETTCI i'*cev t/uov Trort ^aX/co/3dres w. r. 4. See also Isthm. 7- 6l. , vid. XaXf:eo0wvos. , vds, adj. [aereas aut ferreas genas habens,] having brazen cheeks. tK ayKvpav TTOTI \a\Koyevvv. Pyth. 4. 42. , w&s, adj. [aeream habens cuspidem,] brazen-pointed. 'Enl jue- Xw^tvos ZpeiffOeis. X. 225. XaXcod//as, O.VTOS, o, v. [aes vel ferruin domans vel acnens,] subduing or sharpening steel. XaXKutapav cudi/ar. Isth. 6. 108. XaXfroScrds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [aereis vinculis ligatus,] bound with brass. Kord- /3os ev TrvXats ^aXfcocJerwi/ erdd-u/v. Sept. Theb. 148. wpiy^, vid. \a\Kto3wpr). ripis, tos, adj. [ocreis zereis armatus,] brazen-greaved. XaXcocj/>//4t- f Amatol. H. 41. SYN. See XaX/ceoTrXos. \aXKoKtjpv/, adj. [aere cusus,] cast of brass. OvcV A TrdXom KOTrXrjKros. Soph. Electr. 484. SYN. XaXicorvTros. XaXfc-oTrovs, Trobos, adj. [aereos pedes habens,] brazen-footed. Xdoi/os rr7po\j; t -, a/jieaixpws, ^v^pos, Oeaireariios , rdvu^ifj/s, OKXrjpos, UTrexBrjs, aWu\^ f ^ep^dXeos, o^vs, TroiffjTutp. XaX^(Tro/4o, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [aereumos habens,] brazen-mouthed. XaXfc'0(Tro' yuov Kwbwvos wt Tv/xri/i/Tifov. Aj. Fl. 17. XAAK XAO2 911 os, ov, o et >/, adj. [ex aere factus,] made of brass. "H y^aXKoTevKra. K\rjOf)u XvaavTes juo)(Xois ; Iph. T. 99* XaXfcoYevxiys, tos, adj. [aere armatus,] armed with brass. XaXKorev^ovs re Ka- Trdvews ; Eur. Suppl. 1009. XaXfcoroos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [aereum arcurnhabeus,] having a brazen bow. KaJ rove xaXKorofov. Nem. 3. 64. XaXfcoropos, ov, o et 77, adj. [qui aes perforat,] brass-penetrating. Ov Trpeiret viiiiv xX*corojoots Q^ialv. Pyth. 4. 26l. XaXfcoYvTros, ov, 6 et //, adj. [aere percussus,] smitten by brass. Kara ^aXKo- TVTTOVS wretXas. T. 25. SYN. XaX/coTrXiKros. ov, adj. [aere vel bello gaudens,] delighting in brass or war. levoi. Pyth. 5. 109- , wvos, adj. [aeream loricam liabens,] brazen-mailed. Afore yl~it)vas 'A-^atovs. K. 287- SYN. See XaXsioTrXos. XaXncow, v. [aere induo,] to clothe with brazen armor. EvOvs ZvoTrXla 6eh 7rai2ev. Olymp. 13. 123. * XaX/aoo>fo>, ov, TO, P. N. [Chalcodonium,] a mountain near Pherae. vHv i'Tro /$, ^a/uLatXe^'is. f/s, Ids, adj. [humi prociduus,] falling to the ground, low.- "Y^dQev /s. Bacch. 1100. 77$, et ^d/.ievvts, ibos, >;, subst. [stibadium humi stratum,] a bed spread on the ground. Oi>c>' CLV ^a/jtevvy, iravv ye tieipiuv fx wv * Aves 8l6. See also Theocr. 7. 133. SYN. Aejuriov. s, >), ov, adj. [humilis, abjectus,] low, ignoble. '6 Is \a^riXa irvluv, v /3p/it. Pyth. 1. 46. SYN. Xfld/xdXds, fjuxpos, TCLTretvos, ovTibavos. , v. [capio,] to hold, contain. To ot allv (.^avbare be$T(>a x 'P Theocr. 13. 57. SYN. See Xdw. , adv. [ore hiante,] with open mouth. BXaTrret, os uv /ja- ^av^ov eXy. 294. wv, o/, P. N. [Chaones,] a people of Epirus. Olbev TIS VJJLWV rdy/5d- rav, 11 TOVS Xaoms. Acharn. 6 13. Xdos, ds, TO, subst. [(1) hiatus vastus, (2) aer, (3) chaos, (4) inferna,] a gulf; the air, the atmosphere; chaos; hell. Am ri/s TroXsws rf;s aXXoYpias kat rov Xovs. Aves 192. PHR. See Aves. 912 XAPA XAPM Xdpd, vid. Xapyud. Xdpay/id, dros, ro, subst. [(l) scriptura impressa, insculpta, (2) argeutum cu- sum,(3) morsus,] (1) engraved characters, (2) a coin, (3) a bite. 'Exibvrjsaypfy ^dpayjudri. Philoct. 26/ SYN. Af/y/^d, rv?ros, ^dpaicrj;p. Xdpadpa, as, ^, subst. [lerrae fissura, caverna, lorrens,] a ravine, a cavern, a torrent. (Pwnftv 5' el^e^ -^apdbpas oXeQpov reroKvms, Pax 75?. SYN. Aiwpu|, Xelfjiappos, yaaiia.. E.PITH. KotXj?. XdpaSptos, ov, 6, subst. [avis flava quae alveos torrentium habitat,] a yellow bird which frequents ravines, a sea-lark. Ol -xapabpioi ical rdXXd 7rord/*i' opred. Aves 1141. Xdpcu-n/p, 7/pos, 6, subst. [nota irnpressa, forma, character, stylus,] a mark im- pressed, the character, a style, a form. Aeivos xapctKTrjp, Kan ay ads kv /3poro7s. Hec.379 SYN. Xdpay/ud, ff/7/ieIdV, ruvros, Tpunos. EPITH. d>/pos, Xa/U7rpos, Xdpa, dicos, r/, (2) <', subst. [(1) adminiculum vitis, (2) sulcus,] (l) the prop of a vine, (2) a furrow. Ad/3oi/z' av avr' es ^dpdk'ds. Pax 1263. SYN. 2rnvpos, KaXauos, ratypus. Xdpaa, v. [(l)sculpo, (2) formo, (3)incido, (4)exacerbo,] to carve ; to form ; to cut ; to anger. Nuiro^ x a P a X^ ' s ' ^ nes - 73. SYN. TVTTOW, ey/forrrw, , 7?n5s, 6, P. N. [Chares,] an Athenian general. 'Erepovs Se Trdpd ri. Acharn. 604. XdpqrdSqs, ov, 6, P. N. [Charetades.] See in fyiXobwprjTos. Xapi&wTTjs, ov, 6, et xf>^w r , t^ds, YI, subst. [gratia? dator,] a giver of grace or elegance. Xalp', 'Epjui;, ^dptSwrd. Horn. Hymn. 17. 12. Xdpteis, effffd, ev, aias orjf ^apl^eaOat typevi ; Hipp. 1257. SYN. Awpto/icu, SmStSw^t, 7rirp7rw, crvy^upent. Xdpf/ xP^* Hec. 320. SYN. "AyXdia, caXXds, Swpea, n/^>7, t\drr)S. EPITH. MeytVr-ty, yXv^vrdrj;, Trarpwa, u^apiarTos t a\apls t anXrjffTos, ayi'ipws, iJterpia, w/uo0dyo^, Xtyetd, d)ud0)s, Xopdrrotds, 0tX;, Tro^r/pa, dSt/cos, (plur. Gratiaj 2 ) KaXat, XiTrapoKpiibefJivoi, aibo~tat, (3aOv$(t)voi, evirXoKcifjioi, k-aXXt7rdp>;ot, KaXXixofj-ot, KXeivai, dydyal, c5X/3ooretpat, lfjiepd(f>(iivoi, ybvTTvoot, do/^t/zot, Qeairlalai. XdpiroyXworaew, 3 v. [lingua gratincor,] to gratifv with the tongue. yXwortrelv tvl paC q>tpe yap. P. V. 302. SYN. rXw/ro-oxdptrew. Xapyud, dros, ro, x a 'l Qr ?^ v > ovos, o, X"P"> " s > e ^X joy. FIpos rds ri>xs ?"o X"! ^^' TO ^ S 7^ ovs r ' *X^' Holen. 320. See also Acharn. 4. Phoen. 173. and Here. F. 384. SYN. Xap^j), ^oV>), repots, avvrj, ev<(>poavvri. EPITH. "Heri/xo^, fcraXXtviKoy, OeaTreaidv, Xajjnrpov, rt^wpiov, ^Si), yrjOoavvoi', aTTdvov, yXvKtpov. ?;$, r/, subst. [(l)gaudiun, (2)certamen,] joy; a contest. 'Evret ^PW- ^* 218. See also Pind. Ol. 9- 129- SYN. Xdp/m, //dx7. EPITH. 'Aet/c^s, ovXduevr), (}>0iaf]vwp, eutyv 1 Tlie accusative x^-P^ v ' 1S use( ^ as a preposition in the sense of propter, on account of. 8 The names of the three Graces are contained in the following line of Ilesiod, Theog. 909 : 'AyAafojj' re, /cat" Euc|>po0w7j', aXti)V r* 3 See Dr. Blomfield's remarks on this word in his Glossary. XAPM XEIM 913 ), vid. \up/na. pwv, dvus, 6 et fi, adj. [mentera exhilarans,] soul-delighting. 'Ep/^y elpvffaard Triova epya. Horn. Merc. 127 r), 6>, adj. [(l)laetus, (2) caesius, (3)trux,] glad ; blue-eyed ; savage. "Av&pes xdpoTTOtal TrWi'iKois. Pax 1065. SYN. HepixafXs, yXavKos, ^o/Stpds. Xapros, y), dV, adj. [dignus de quo Isetemur, acceptus, jucundus,] deserving of rejoicing, acceptable. See in Xa/pw. ls, tws, Ion. tds, ?/, P. N. [Charybdis, vortex marinus,] a whirlpool on the coast of Sicily. EtVci>s r>?v oXoj)i/ ju/ vTreKirpu^vyoi^i Xdpv/^oty. ju. 113. EPITH. Ala, &etv?7, ffrovoeaaa, a , ovros, 6, P. N. [Charon,] the ferryman of Hell. Ov0' 6i/7rt KWTH CLV Xdpwi'. Alcest. 371. EPITH. NeKvoaroXos, ^>cpo7ro^7ros, crrvyepos, , et x0''< :w > v - [hio,] to gape. 2v 5e xaaicaeis rbv KwXctffper^v. Vesp. 692. See also Equit. 1029. SYN. See Xamu. Xdo-yud, et x^>?/"d, arcs, ro, subst. [hiatus, vorago,] a gaping, gulf, chasm. xd/, subst. [laxatio, demulcens adulatio,] "a fraudulent discourse, that softens the minds of the judges, and engages them to acquit a man law- fully accused." Sanxay. *H yavwalv dva7rei<7rj?pia>. Nub. 873. Xecfyriaw, et yjiadio, v. [cacaturio,] to go to stool. 'Eyw be KaTaKeipat TraXat X??7rta}i>. Eccles. 313. See also Equit. 994. XecfoqviKos, ^, of, adj. [cacatorius.] Aur>) jSe/3a7rrat (3appa xeiKr)viKuv. z Pax 1176. Xew, v. [caco.] M) /36e7r, /u?? x^eQ' r^epwv rptoh'. Pax 151. Xem, as, >/, subst. [latibulum serpentis,] a serpent's den, a hiding-place, 'fls &E bpaKwv ?rt x et 9 opeffrepos. X. 93. SYN. 4>wAos, etXeos. XelXws, eos, TO, subst. [labrum,] a lip. Kets avro %ei\rj Trw/Ltdros Ke^prj/ULevat. Ion 1199. SYN. XeXvvrj. EPITH. "Afcpov, KdOapov, dTrdXot', 0pdtri), pobtitv, boXotypov, yXvKv, eTrriparov, avaXlov, yefjiuv neidovs, epKos obovruv. XeTyud, dros, ro, et ^CIJJLWV, wvds, o, subst. [hyems, tempestas,] winter, a storm. 'ft i/aurtXotflrt ^eijjLaros Xfyu)v gavels. Androm. 883. See also Troad. 690. SYN. Xetyuepta (Dpa, Xa/Xai//. EpITH.^Ayptov, (jLETpKov, aivov, aXZyetvov, i]v'i~ d^w, et \ei^aivd) t v. [tempestate vexo,] to toss in a storm. Ad/^wi' aw^ 6'X- ws x e ^dtabr)s t Keipwvti- TVITOS. iijv, vid. XeTjua. s, ov, o et 7/, adj. [hibernus,] wintry, stormy. Xet/iwj'orvjrw, (3porTrj t r. jEscb. Suppl. 35. SYN. See Xet/uepts. Xet'os, cetv^, Keve.a t ortjSapa, cXa^pa, adavarr], KaTaTrprjvrjs, Tra^etd, VZOVTOL- ros, Opaaela, avtirros, aju/3poata, roX/z/jeaffa, aXe^i/cafCos, , v. [manu duco,] to lead by the hand. "Epws e^etpaywyci. Anacr. 174. 10. XeipWs, a, dv, adj. [subjectus,] subject. FWcuica x ei P^ tay ^{>wv. Androm. 626. SYN. 'YTTdxe/ptos, q. v. Xetpis, los, j f /, subst. [manica, manus involucrum,] a sleeve, a glove. Xe/p7- 6as r' 7Tt x^pcrtv. w. 229- iKTos, ov, o et >), adj. [manu c?esus,] slain by the hand, slaughtered. a tr^ayi' a^d/3al/^. Aj. FI. 219. , ov, o et /, adj. [manu osteusus, manifestus,] pointed out by the hand, manifest. Et ^j) ra6t x e 'P^ eiK7 "- CE. R. 901. SYN."Efc5^Xos, avepos, s, ov, o, subst. [qui jus pdtentia sua metitur,] one whose right de- pends on his own power. XetpobiKut. Hes. Op. 187. SYN. lla \eip6bpaKojv, ovrds, adj. [manus serpentibus armatas habens,] dragon-handed. XeipobpaKorres, -^pwra yueXatvat. Eur. Electr. 1341. Xe/po/uau-poV, ov, ro, subst. [(1) mantile, (2) capitis involucrum muliebre,] a towel ; a female head-dress. XetpojuaKTpa be xayyuvwv 7rop0i)pa. Sapph. 6l. Xetpo7rX7j07)s, os, adj. [manum implens,] filiing the hand, large. XetpoTrX^flj/ re Kdpvvrjv. Tlieocr. 25. 6'3. , et med. eo^at, v. [manu facio,] to manufacture. Avr?) ?rpos avrrjs ra^e. Trach. 893. SYN. AtaTrpaoraw, x et p vp-ya;. , OVTOS, adj. [qui manibus est longis,] long-lianded or clawed. BXattr- y. Xetporo^w, v. [proteusa manu eligo,] to elect by stretching out the hand. 'Ey^j^a TOVTOVS ^iporovovvras fiev ra-^ds. Eccles. 797 SYN. s, a, ov, adj. verbal, [porrecta manu eligendus,] must be voted ' for. XdXfTTOX/ TO TTpliyfji' OflCJS 5t XGllWT(JVr]TEOV. Eccl. 266. etpoTovos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [sublatis manibus,] with uplifted hands. Xetporo- vovs Xrro^. Sept. Theb. 158. XEIP XEPX 915 , v. [(1) man uu in viribus supero ; (2) tracto,] to subjugate; to lian- die. Ad^taprd rr)v e^u?)v y^tpu)ffofjiai. Troad. 854. SYN. 'YTrorctcrtrw, Kpartw, 5d//dw, Sdjuetw. " etpovpyta, et xecpupagta, as, ?/, subst. [operatio quae fit raanibus,] manual labor, operation. See in AtTopijf, and P. V. 45. SYN. 'Ey^e/p^d, ro\/ia. e/pwyud, dros, ro, subst. [quicquid manibus fit,] the work of the hands, a deed. Kat p/0' iJjuapretv Tvufioxoa xecjw/iard. $ept. Theb. 1024. SYN. Xetporepos, poet. ^peioTEpbs, a, ov, adj. [pejor,] worse. Mr) \eipwv TraTpdi. Heracl. 329. See also A, 114. O. 5J3. and M. 270. SYN. "llorawv, \afffftuv f TaTreivoTepos. Xetpwv, wot, o, P. N. [Chiron,] one of the Centaurs, the tutor of Achilles. \elpojv e&TTovaffei'. Iph. A. 209- EPITH. AtKatordros Keiravpwr, 0i'\d (j>po- ', ffw. Vesp. 1078. SYN. See XetXos. >, vos, ft, subst. [(l)chelys; (2) pectus,] a shell; the breast. Ildpd rt C-RTO.TOVOV. Here. F. 683. SYN. Ai)pa, xWapa. EPITH. 'Epareivfj, dff7rd(Tta, epdry), ^opotTVTros, opeia, baiTos, tTalprj, xpvaea. %\<*)vri, TJS, jj, subst. [testudo,] a tortoise. 'Iw ^eX^vai, paKaplat TOV Sepyudrds. Vesp. 1283. EPITH. AtOopptros, Kpurafptvos, ^uap^udpta. ^pdi-, abdsi '/> et x^pa^. ^os, TO, subst. [acervus parvonim lapidum,] a heap of pebbles. Bw/^o^ 5' av x^P^^ os "irapei'vjvEov. Apoll. 1. 1123. See also Pyth. 6.15. SYN. Ar0ds. EPITH. 'Tlapfopos. >, et Xepet'wv, vid. Xe/pw^. Xtp'V 7 ? 5 ? ov > a( ^.i [ ( l lu aiiquid manu aptat,] hand-fitting, expert. "OTrocrd xptdpai>. Pyth. 5. 47. ^.epfjidbldv, ov, TO, et -^eppas, dos, j/, subst. [lapis missilis,] a missile stone. See in Evfyuqros, and Bacch. 1085. SYN. At0o$, Xt'Ods. EPITH. Mtyd, avbpci'^O^s, OKpvoev, aK\r)pov, aTovolv, aXtyeivov, Qoov. ^epvrjs, TITOS, ^pvi'irrjs, ov, 6, et yepvtirls, ibds, /, adj. [manuum labore vivens pauper,] living by manual labor, poor. 'Ev %pvr)oi Sojuots va/w. Eur. Electr. 207. See also P. V. 922. and M. 433. epvi7/, et xepi'lfiov, ov, TO, subst. [(1) aqua, qua abluuntur manus ; (2) aqua lustralis. Vid. Stanl. ad Choepli. 123. and Atlien. 9. 409.] water for washing the hands, lustral water. Ev y ovv Biyois av xepvlfiwv. Orest. 1619. See also ft. 304. EPITH. Il^ya7os. XtpoTrXqfcros, ov, o et >/, adj. [maim impactus,] struck with the hand. Xepo- 7rX77*:roi S' kv aTepvoiat Treaovrrat. Aj. Fl. 6ol. * Xepo-a7os, a, dv, adj. [terrestris, in terra continente,] terrestrial, continental. ydp KV^U \fpavuQv a-parov. Sept. Theb. 64. EPITH. X0<$r0<7r// > ^ aor< ^X ev " e ^ *X^ v> [f* in do,] to pour. Advpi)' 6d)6aXfj.u>v ye et ^> a( 'j* [i u ' est velocibus vel albis ungul having rapid or white hoofs. XaXa^oyoTs ev dftlXXats. XqXii, T/S, >/, subst. [ungula,] a hoof. X^Xcus TerovTds e^oivtffffov irobwv. Phren XrjXlvos, 17, ov, adj. [plexus,] platted. XrjXivov b' dyyus e^ov. Anacr. 101 SYN. XrjXevTOS, TrXeKros, pcnrrds. XT/XOS, ov, ^, subst. [area,] a chest. To pd TOT CK x 7 ?^ ^ Xd/3wr. FT. 228 SYN. Kt^wros, Ktarrj, TTV^LS. EPITH. 'pi7rp7r>/s, 7Tpi/caXX?}s, 7ri/fCt'>), c Xfa, fcaX)/, bovpdrea, eveffTr). ?, 6 et T^, subst. [anser,] a goose. See in EwrfXetd. EPITH. ^ , ?//Upos, bovkfyobcipds, TV!-, ZKOS, 6, subst. [vulpanser,] a brent goose. Xijva) Avesl295. Xrjvelds, a, ov, adj. [anserinus,] of a goose. MO vrfpt ^ripdfjtov elXtaaovrat. Apoll. 4. 1452. SYN. $wXos, ^6.ffiJ.r]fjLd t ^afffjid. EPITH. KotXr). XqpevM, v. [viduus sum, solitarius vagor,] to be deprived or destitute, to wander in solitary places. MsXeos fieXey irobt xypevuv. CE. R. 479. SYN. ^LirdviZb), evberis, opfydvos, eprjfjos elpt. Xijpos, a, ov, adj. [viduus,] bereft, widowed. ^LTvyval & o^eis -\fip()v peXd- 6pwv. Alcest. 875. SYN. 'Op^dros, Hprip.os. Xypoavvr), rjs, fj, subst. [viduitas,] widowhood. Xrjpoavvri noaios, Apoll. 4. 1064. PHR. See Pers. 133-39, and 537-545. Maltb. Xrjpou), v. [viduo, privo,] to make a woman a widow, to render desolate, to de- prive. Xrjptjae & dyvias. E. 642. SYN. 'pj;juow, Kerow, eK7rop0o>, ffTepew. Xrjpwarris, ov, 6, subst. [haeres orbi,] the heir of one who dies childless. X??- pwoTai be bio. Krijatv bdreovro. E. 158. Hes. Th.607. Xijrds, eos, TO, subst. [indi^entia,] want. X>;rei ^dpoifoiu oeXtjvTjs. Arat. 1152. SYN. XriToavvr), ffTrdvis, evbeid. XBdpdXos, r), ov, adj. [humilis,] low. Tov o' erepov ffKoirUXov o\l/et. /n. 101. SYN. Tlebtvos, Tdireivos, xdftanreTfjs, ovbalos. X6es, et ex "' ac * v - [ neri >] yesterday, lately. X6es ovv KXewv 6 Vesp. 242. See also Antig. 456. SYN. T^f Trporlp?. rivos, et x^-* >)> ov, adj. [hesternus,] of yesterday. Aid TUV ^dealvov y Vesp. 281. See also Apoll. 4. 1436. 1 Xepvos, yrj being understood, is used as a subst. in the sense of land, a continent, Hipp. 148, Iph. T. 885, &c. X0ON XlflN 017 , ov, 6 et 7% adj. [in terrain dilatus,] borne to the ground. opov CK be TOV. Eumen. 817- ios, a, o>, adj. f(l) terrestris, (2) inferus,] earthly, of the earth, infernal. X dovlo v fji era Hepaefydvas r*. Ion 144.1. SYN. 'ETrt^Oovios, ^0ovoo<7rt/3jj. CE. K. 301. 06VorQe^)s, d$, adj. [a terra nutritus,] fed by the earth. X06>orp0es, ebavoVf ri TTOTOV. Again. 1379. 0wj>, xjddvos, r/, subst. [terra,] the earth, the ground. See in Xa/vw. SYN. See Pi/. EPITH. A7d, 7rovXv/3orei0d, /3wrtdveipd, evpvvbeta, ayxtdXos, Tprf^eta, irorvla, oXfiiobwpos, evxapTros, evpvyopos, filobwpos, yXd0i)pd, KapirordKos, j3aducrrpvds y bvarrjvefjios, tejoa, avBoKofjids, evbieXos. lbp6v y ov, ro, subst. [novellum tritici granum,] a young grain of wheat. Tols aypoiKOtyi yap i^ada. Klbpd. Pax 595. X/Xtot, ai, a, adj. [mille,] thousand. Et)pa xt/uerXov ovSev \yi\jjtifjiat. Vesp. 1167. toVo/SXjjros, vid. Xioj'djvTVTros. 6volpoaKos,yji6vvs, ov, et ^td^oflpeju/iwv, ovos, adj. [nive nutriens vel nu- tritus,] nourishing or nourished with snow. Aet/iwvd yjiovofioaKov. ^sch. Suppl. 568. See also Phcen. 815. and Helen. 1322. toVoKTvTros, et -xlovofiXriros, ov, o et ^, adj. [nive obrutus,] snow-pelted. KvX- Xavtas -tiMvoKTVirov. Aj. Fl. 695. See also Nub. 269. SYN. Ntyo/3o\os. , wros, adj. [qui est niveo colore,] snow-white. Xiovoxpws KVKVOV . Helen. 2 l6. , los t adj. [nivibus oppletus,] snowy. T?)*' x^'^ Opj/fflv K-drexee. Hec. 79. SYN. Ntyoets, bvaxetptpos. X7o$, a, ov, adj. [Chiensis,] of Chios. 'Iw> o Xtos, oWe/) eTrotrjaev TrdXeu. Pax 835. , ov, ?/, P. N. [Chios,] an island off the coast of louia. O7a Aea/^os, eXaio- os reDd^tos, Xtos. Pers. 885. EPITH. 'AfjLlpvrrj t vi\auv XtTrdjOwrdr?;, Trat- t-wv, wvos, o et ?), dimin. ^irwt'toj^, ov, ro, et ^tru>i//o r :os, ov, 6, subst. [tu- nica,] an under-garment, a tunic. See in Ev^Xworos, Ran. 413, and Aves 956. SYN. QZpos, eodt)s, eorfl^d, Oupa. EPITH. 2r/d\oets, detfceXtos, a/- , b*i7T\a t evvrjTos, KaXds, \aivos, /udXa/cos, y^ydreos, 7rop(j)vpf.ds, paTrros, veKTaptds f evfcXwaros, arpeTrros, ari\- TJS, //, adj. [tunicata, epilh. Diana;,] robed. 'ETrafcr^pds re Call. 1. 77. t;, subst. [nix,] snow. AevKfc TaKdoqs ^ v ^ s - Hel. 3. SYN. 918 XAAI XNAT Niseis, viideros. EPITH. Aev/o/, Kpvoecrad, \^v%pa, cnraX)), oeid. XXan'd, T/S, ^Xavis, ios, ?/, et dimin. ^XdviStoV, yXcLvicrKiov, et %Xcm<7/utoJ', ov,i ro, subst, [Isena, palla,] a thick cloak. See in 'Epefiivdds, Vesp. 670. Lysistr.; 491. Acharn. 518. and Pax 1002. SYN. HeplptiXi), eaQrjs. EPITH. MeXeo,! dXedveyUos, KaXrj, jJiaXa irvKvtj, ptydXrj, pa.Xa.Kii, Tropfyvpsa, QoiviKoeaffd, airXols, avepoffKETrris, XCVKIJ, Teppweacrd. ~K.Xa.pvs, vbds, rj, subst. [chlamys, paludamentnm,] a cloak, a mantle. Tt 6>) vpofiaXXet rr}v ^Xdpvbd. Lysistr. 986. SYN. See XXcuvd. \\dpvbr)(j)dpds, ow, 6 et >/, adj.. [chlarnyde indutus,] wearing a mantle. Havra y\dpvbi]tyupol civ^pes. Theocr. 15.6. XXaMt&cfy, xXdj'is, yXdviffKiov, ^Xaj/io', vid. XXa7m. XXei/a^w, v. [(1) jocor, (2) irrideo,] to mock ; to jeer. 2'/, adj. [delicatos pedes habens,] elegant-footed. XXi- &av6>1, paXaKeia. EPITH. Kaparopos, /3dp/3dpos, TropOevt^s, Xovrpatyopos, TroXv^pv- GOS, inrepTrXovTos. XXt'w, v. [exulto,] to exult. 'Ev rotat crols irovoivi yXiovaiv peyd, Clioeph. 131. SYN. QpvTTTopai. XXoa, 1 as, r/, subst. [(l) herba viridis, (2) viriditas,] green grass; verdure. Act TOVS fiaOelav dru ^Xoov. Hipp. 1134. SYN. Bordr?/, vroa, 'X.opros, EPITH. FXavo), eXt, (T-etydvwbrjs, florpviobrjs, avdrjpci, irvpipos. XXotjOos, ^Xwpus, ^XdrjpvSy a, or, et ^Xwp^t's, t5os, >/, ^Xow/ys, eos, adj. [viridis, green, verdant. XXoepd bepyfiarwv Kopniat. Phoen. 670. See also Lysistr 255. Bacch. 107. and r. 518. SYN. QdXtpus, -^XwpoKdpus, atcpaZtov, vlos, pa Ackos. , ov, o et r/, adj. [herbas alens,] grass-feeding. A/pitas, v. Phoen. 840. , ou, 6 et ?/, adj. [virides herbas ferens,] grass-producing. potaiv epv<7U'. Phoen. 662. XXoos, ov, o, subst. [(1) viror, (2) pallor,] greenness ; paleness. HdXteecri 6' en \Xoos elXe irdpfias. Apoll. 2. 1220. SYN.^xP^* u%porT)s. XXovvT?.?, ov, adj. [ agrestis, asper,] clownish, rough. J ^lpatv evrt avv. I. 535. XXouj/is, toy, ?/, subst. [test! um exsectio,] castration. Tla/Swr /vwcovrat Eumen. 188. , vid. XXocpos. os, adj. [viride collum habens,] green-necked. Evr' diyboves nd- vKwTiXot xXwpavxfres. 158. SYN. XXwpqts. XXwpis, t^os, r/, P. N. [Chloris.j Kat XXwptv elo Trtpi/caXXed. X. 280. XXwpdjcdjuds, oi/, o et >/, adj. [qui viridi coma est,] green-haired, verdant. XXw- poKopa) o-rt^idj'w bafyvas. Iph. A. 7^9* XXwpos, vid. XXoepos. * Xravw, v. [mando,] to chew. 'E^0d /cat OTrrti KUL avQpdtias and Cycl. 358. 1 XAor; is also an epithet of Ceres. Sec Mcura. Gr. For. in XAo'uo. XNOO XOAO 1)19 5)I> e Xodvjs UTCL. Thesm. 18. See also 2. 470. EPITH. Evrpjjros, Tprjros. lots, ttjv, of, subst. [pars festi apud Athenienses, quod vocabatur rd AioVyatd iv Aipvais.] Ets TOVS \oas avrw fjierdbovvai TMV Kt^Xtov. Acharn. 9^0. ioevs, tis, o, subst. [mensura liquidorum apud Atticas,capiens cotylas Atticas duodecim,] a measure containing about 7j gallons. 'Eyw '/uavrw Trpoo-dydyw ro> xod. Equit. 113. i8t], ijs, ?/, subst. [libatio,] a libation. 'AXXd pyre pot %oas. Heracl. 1040. SYN. 27rov>}, 0v<7ta, KTtped. EPITH. KrjX^r?'/pios, r^Kp&v apwyos. X-dtipijs, tos, adj. [aptus ad fundendum,] fit for pouring. Xoi/pes dyyosnaXXd- Colv/^, IKOS, //, subst. [choenix, mensura cotylas quatuor continens,] a measure containing four eotyla) : and in plur. fetters, or the stocks. Kdp/3tV0wv ^O'L- VIKO.. Eccles. 45. ^otpds, dbos, i/, subst. [(l)porcula, (2)rupes e mari aliquantum eminens,] a little pig; a rock rising; out of the sea. UdXatds xotpdiJos KO~I\OV pvyov. Au- drom. 1254. SYN. Ilerpa OuXaffaia. Motpetos, et 'xp t pws* a > ov, adj. [porcinus,] of a pig. 'fls ?/5i) ^uot TrpoatTrvevcre Kptuv. Ran. 341. See also . 81. , vid. XoTpos. rjs, >/, subst. [concha q used am marina,] a shell used in voting. Aid aavlbwv HETO. yQipivris irepleXdeiv. Vesp. 349- SYN. I Xop?6V, vid. Xo7pos. * Xoipo8Xi\^, iflds, o, subst. [stuprator,] a profligate. See in 1; )Kope~iov, cv, ro, subst. [hara,] a pig-sty. "QaTrep x^tpo^^teto^ ?rtpt rots iv H^ovrHs. Lysistr. 10/3, SYN. ^LvfyEos. , ov, 6 et f], adj. [porcos ceedens,] boar-slaying. $o//3ov, riXdOrj 'XpipoKTovots. Eumen. 283. , ov, o, subst. [porcorum venditor,] a pig-seller. XotpdTrwXas Me- Acharn. 518. Xo7p<5s, ov, 6 et ?/, dimin. %/, subst. [(l)bilis, fel, (2)ira,] bile, gall; anger. Mdii/ Kpvpds TrXevpd yvfj.viiei X"^^ s > Eur. fr. Scyr. 1. 3. SYN. See XoXos. IKOS, ?/, subst. [intestinum crassum,] the flitter tripe. fYyverat f Vesp. 1144. SYN. See XdXdSes. , ov, 6, [qui est e quodam pago Attico,] who is of a certain Attic vil- lage. AiicatoTroXts mXet ae. XoXXtdjys, eyw. Acharn. 405. * XoXoivyj/s, ov, o, P. N. [Cholozyges,] a nick-name of Demostratus. See Schol. in 1. c. '6 6eo~iciv e^Opos KCLI XoXoe?vy?}s. Lysistr. 397. XoXos, ov, o f subst. [(1) bilis, (2)ira,]bile ; anger. Oi/Se Travjtrot x^Xov. Med. 920 XOAO XOPO Q3. SYN. XtfAj), Kdrtis, opyti, fjievtis, pdvia. EPITH. Mtyds, Seo-os, airavvros, at?rvs, 0v//aAy?)s, aypios, atros, uv^Kecrros, dpydAfos, bptfivs, KCLKOS, /u r//uw>, xaXeiros, ir'iKpds, 6vs, TrdA/yfcdros, dAytVoets, aff7rA)s, i)o-a>}s A<3$, na.LVopf.v6s. XoXow, et x^w, v. [ad iram excito,] to enrage. Et yap TI \efcis, $ orpdros. Troad. 737. See also A. 80. SYN. 'Opy/c?w, dvpdw, Tnf/cpcuVw. XdAwros, r), oV, adj. [iracundus,] angry. NeiKetov & 'Obvfffjd xAwro7o-iv 7T;. o>, v. [implico,] to entangle. Tdparro, Kal -^opbev 1 ofiov TO. Trpay/zdrd. Eouit. 214. SYN. 'E7rf7rAK:a>, KCLKOTTOUM. Xop^>), ^s, 7;, et xopbevpa, O.TOS, TO, subst. [(l) chorda, (2) farcimen,] a string; a kind of mince-meat. 'A /Jap^iros be -^opbals. Anacr. 1.7- See also Equit. 315. SYN. Neupof, KlQapa, ^oXas. EPITH. AtTrdpa, evKfXubos, opdios, avp- 0wrds, AtyeTd. Xope/d, as, r/, et xoptvjud, dros, TO, subst. [tripudiura, saltatio,] a dance, dan- cing. OVK ev ^opeiais, ovbe. irapQtvevpaal. Phoen. 1280. See also Here. F. . SYN. 'Opx^orvs, xvp" s > VPX 7 !^ 5 ' vPX 1 !^* X<>po(r-ayia, opxn^l^os, xP l ~ . EPITH. Bafcx^a, ^iXt], 1/j.fpdeaaai Tep^lvods, fpdretvj), aypvTT^os, TTCU- S, TTO\V\IKTOS. * Xopeurfos, a,dv, adj. verbal, [saltandus,] must dance. 'AAX' efyuws yop eVT tv v * Bacch. 320. yidpevrfjs, et xopotri)7ros, ov, 6, et xfyei/ris, tSos, r/, subst. [saltator,] a dancer. Toiis & civ xpei/7-ds jjXWlovs Trapeardvai. Acharn. 443. See also Call. 4. 306\ and Horn. Merc. 31. SYN. 'Opx^ffD/p, OPX^OT^S, opx^^rpta. Xopevw, v. [tripudio,] to dance, to celebrate by a dance. Ti be~t fie x^P e ^ etv CE. R. 896. SYN. 'Ardx^pet/w, opxo/uat, /Sacxevw. Xdp;yw, v. [chorum praeesse, choris sumptum praebeo,] to be choregus, to supply the expenses of the chorus. A.r)-vatd xvpriy&v, airlXva abetTrvdv, Acharn. 1152. Xop>?y#s, oy, o, subst. [choregus,] the master of the chorus, one who sup- plied the expenses of the chorus. X' ovrw TO Trpo^ Pax 1022. SYN. Xopo7roD;s. ?/s, EOS, adj. [saltationibus vehementer gaudens,] passionately fond of dancing. Tldad xopo/xdvel rpoTrw. Thesm. 970. opoTTotos, ov, 6, subst. [chori magister, chorum ducens,] a former of the dance. XopoTroior, /udrap, i}fiai>. Ran. 353. SYN. Xopos, oi), 6, subst. [chorus,] a chorus, a dance, a company. Ad/3o5 Androm. 1256. SYN. Xdpeed, x ( V' r ^ 7r * a > pevfid. EPITH. 'Ifjiepdets, 8fflos, KaXXipoptyos, yvvaiKeius, KavvvyjioSy K'pi)0a/os, Kvx\ios t 7rap6t)>ios, aiOtpUds, vpvoirdXoSf evKtXdbos, i]bi)s Xitis. XOPO XPHM 921 a, as, ^, subst. [chorea,] a dance. Ovb' cdpoi vvfjttyav ovbt x^P OOT "-~ aiai. Call. 5. 66. SYN. See Xopetfi. XopT-ttsEw, v. [(J)gramine pasco, (2) saturo,] to feed with grass; to fill. Tow- rotffi Tols avrolai TOVTOV ^prdffu. Pax 139- SYN. Botrfcw, iriairw, Kcpevi'v/ui. Xopros, ovy b y subst. [(l) fcenum, cibus, (2) septum,] grass, hay, forage, food ; an inclosure. See Damm. in v. Qr}p&v ope/wi> yj)pTm>, oi/x 'ITTTTUV, Xe- yets. Alcest. 511. SYN. (2) Ilep%>ay/xa. EpITH. XXofpos, judAckos, ei/S(?>'- , ov, 6, adj. [qui choro debetur,] due to the Chorus, Hoi-r) x#P w - XI 01 " >, et xp c "0>vXaff- Spaww, yEol. pro XP W > v [leviter saucio,] to wound slightly. Xpctvarj [JLEV r' atX>7s inrzpf'iXjjitvdv. E. 138. SYN. 'ETT^UW, KaQc'iTrrd^un, 6tya). Spaw, v. [(1) oraculum edo, vaticinor ; (2) do utendum ; (3) cum impetu ad- gredior; (4) in mcd. voc. oraculum consulo, (5) rautuo accipio, (6) utor, tracto,] (1) to deliver an oracle', to prophesy, (2) to lend, (3) to assault, (4) to consult an oracle, (5) to lend, (6) to use, to treat, lot 5' OVK K&K&V; Hec. 1250. SYN. as, r/, xi 064 ^? et Xl'^ *^ s > et XP^^ V subst. [(1) utilitas, (2) necessitas, fatum, (3) oraculuni,] use ; want, necessity, fate ; an oracle. T/s \peia a fj.ov', Hec. 962. See also A. 342. and Bacch. 507- SYN. "Ovrjels, evbeta, ptosy popus, xP J ? /7 j u ^ s , n, ov t adj. [(1) utilis, (2) indigus,] useful ; in want. 'E\cvdepos bt, ov, vvbev oQevei. Eur. fr. Androm. 16. 3. SYN. 'ZXipos, 7rj'?}s, /w, et XP W > v - [oraculum edo,] to deliver an oracle, 'fls yap oi . 0.79- SYN. See Xpctw. /!?w, et xpE/4/^bi, v. [iiinnio,] to neigh. MaXd 5e -xpefASTiZtiv en M. 51. See also Hes. Scuf. 348. SYN. Opt/udo-ao;, ^pvaairofjicii. peyutrtrryuos, ov, 6, subst. [hinnitus,] a neighing. Kat xptfttTifffAds avbdvei. Equit. 550. SYN. typvaypa. Xpe^7rro/.mt, v. [excreo,] to expectorate. Xpe/47rrrai yap ?j5?;. Thesm. 388. SYN. 'ATTOTrrvw. Xpef*v\ds, ov, 6, P. N. [Chremylus.] XpefJivXos irtTrXovTrjK e^aTTtrrjs ; Pint. 336. Xpos, "xpfjosy et "Xjpeiosy ios, et xi^^ s subst. [debitum, beneficium, fatum, oraculuni, desiderium,] a debt, benefit, fate, an oracle, a longing. oi/ OVK eXaaadvy T) fcetVjjs xP^ s - Hec. 880. See also Apoll. 3. 1197. and Nub. 30. SYN. \dv f .f7pds t TOKOS, ofyeiXrjfjia, fj.o1pd, epyoV, Trpayyuct, pavTevfj-d, vpe/a. Xpw, vid. Xpetw. Xp*), 1 v. [oportet,] it is proper or necessary, it behoves. To xPfl*' ^^ ^c (2) volo, peto, (3) vaticinor,] to want ; wish, beg ; to prophesy. A/Vxpo*' yap ai^pd rov fa f > v - Aj. Fl. 473. See also p. 558. SYN. Xpf/^ti, dros, 70, subst. [res, negotium, iw p/wr. pecunia,] a thing, affair, busi- ness ; money. Tt XP'~?/"" ^affrevovad. ; Hec. 742. SYN. Opay/ict, epyov, 1 On the different governments of Act and Xp^ t see R. P. Orest. 660. Pros. Lex. . 6 A 922 XPHM XPOM obffia, Xfj/dfjd. EPITH. "ATroptfy, QtXo^oyov, tivet ov, cotyuv, oj^Kpov, /sJw, v. [negotium gero,] to manage, to transact. Kru wrd Trfpt EvptTriSov. Tlicsm. 384. SYN. BoyXevfyiat, tdXeyoyuai, Trpayjud- irris, ov, o, [pecuniar divisor,] an awarder of money. Kreavtav -xprma.Toba.i-T as. Sept. Theb. 726. p^d-oTrotos, of/, 6et ?/, adj. [qui pecunias comparat,] money-getting. Kai XpV/ua-o7rotoi'. Eccles. 441. pijvifjids, a, oV, adj. [utilisj useful. $eu r# xpijtripov (ppevwv. Pli03U. 1754. SYN. See Xprjvrds. &j, vid. XpijujUwStw. , vid. Xpjjcr^w&os. dSt ov, 6, subst. [oraculi responsum,] an oracle. "Exprja 'Akpaoru jarpvv TIVOL. Phoen. 420. SYN. XpTyo^uwSta, ^priapoavi'T], p,a.vTi6v, , OtotrpoTrlov, /^avrei/jud, Oeairiff^u. EPITH. TtXetr^opos, ae/uvos, dppjjros, eursodj, aadnjs. , r)s,{j, subst. [(1) oraculum, (2) inopia,] an oracle ; want. v. Apoll. 2; 475. SYN. (1) See Xprjffpos, (2) airiipia, evbeta, wSfw, et ^ojjff/ioXdyfw, v. [vaticinor,] to prophesy. Atdre^/^wr, KCU tiv. Equit. 815. See also Aves 92. ubta, as, /, subst. [vaticinatio,] prophecy. Ev^/3X7?ro$ >/ P. V. 800. SYN. See Xprjapos. s, et xp^o-fioXoyos, ov, 6, subst. [vates,] a soothsayer. Tai> irap . &. R.I 199. See also Pax 1094. SYN. , a, ov, adj. [fatidicus,] prophetic, oracular. TpiTroSd ydp piov. 1 Ion 1319. SYN. Mavre7oi>, tepetoi', xPWs. \pr)ffros, ?/, 6^, adj. [(1) utilis, (2) bonus, (3) stultus, vilis,] useful; good; foolish, abject. Td xP'/ a ^' 7ri/Sews. lpa, dros, ro, a subst. [unguentum,] ointment, unction. Xp//idrd /xurd Call. 5. 16. SYN. "AXeni/ft, dXoty/, aXettyap, fj.\tpov t , v. [(1) appropinquate facio, (2) appropinquo,] to bring near; to ap- proach. X/M/n//e 5' tTretrd u&;>'. Apoll. 3. 1285. SYN. 'E Xp/w, Ion. xpitvKw, v. [unguo, pungo,] to anoint, to besmear, to sting. 'lows Xpiefftiat x^Kn'ipeas. a. 262. See also Apoll. 4. 8/1. SYN. 'Eyxp^'w, dXe/^;w, 7rdXe/^ifa>,>, vvffaio, irapaKtritt). Xpdd, XP O< J et xP ot) 7 fis > >/> subst. [color, corpus,] color, the body. I.Ttyavwv ov fjCia. xpi. Cycl. 514. See also Orest. 1312. SYN. Bd^>j}, xP^A*"* XP^ S ' EPITH. X/fovea, Xevn), eiariKTos. Xptiigw, et xpw^ w > v. [(1) tango, (2) una cubo,] to touch ; to sleep with. "H/3a$ r' epdrov xpt>i'5et. Heracl. 915. SYN. Xpcu'rw, av/Koifiaupat. Xpofjiabus, ov, o, subst. [stridor,] gnashing. Aeu'os c)e xpfy"bos yevvuv. Y. 6'88. SYN. Bpvy^os, ^/0s, n-prs, ^x^- , o/, 6, P. N. [Chromius.] 'AXaoropd re, Xpo/uo>/ rt. A. 295. EpiTH. Ws, 6, P. N. [Chromis.] Mvawv 6e Xpopls 7^- B. 858. in the neuter gender to denote (1) the place where an oracle is delivered, (2) an oracle, and (3) a victim. * See Dr. Blomf, not, A gam. 93. XPON XPYI 923 KptiviSu, v. [(1) longo tempore duro, (2) moror,] to last a long time; to delay. < Alpe1 t xpdi'igwv bun&Twv e^irlds. Med. 624. SYN. Epabvro), blurpiflw. '.Kpdvios, a, 8v, adj. f(l) diutiirnus, (2) longo post tempore, (3) serus,] long; J Jate ; slow. B/3ap/3dpww. Hec. 238. SYN. Katpos, alui>. EPITH. lldrr/^eptos, fjLrjvvrr)S, beKao-TTopos, 7r7r^w^ui'^s, OaXtpos, aKCLfias, S/jpos, oXiyos, TfdXvs, 7rayKp&T>}s, TTO.- L\atos, ETTiKaipos, drepyuw^, ra-^yirovs, yepa))'. pCpovs, vid. Xpws. \Xpwaiutotpos, ov, 6, adj. [an rum alia pecunia mutans,] changing gold with other money. 1 '6 -^pvaapoifto^ b"'Aprjs ffw/jiaTwv. Agam. 426. SYN. 'Apyvpa- vZ, VKOS, et xpvfffjvws, ov, 6 et f/, adj. [aureis fraenis insignis,] adorned with golden reins. 'H fj,ev eTroi-^dfj.evrj ^pvaa.fjnruKas evrvev ITTTTOVS, 0. 382. See also Z. 205. SYN. Xpvao^rprjs. pvcrorravyj/s, et xP Vffav y*l s > *fa t adj. [auro resplendens,] glistening with gold. 'AvOieti>xpvffavTavyij. Ion SSp. See also eyyos. Phoen. 180. , et xP^o^aXXos, ov, 6 et //, adj. [vellus aureum habens,] having a golden fleece. Kepo-e^adv e'x 6 "' w! 10 ^* Eur - El ectr. 725. See also Orest. 993. pvereoj/wros, et ^pvaovwros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [aureum dorsum habens,] having a golden back, gilded. 'ETTI ^vaedvurdv aafriba TO.V. Eur. fr. Antig. 18. 1. See also Aj. Fl. 847. pvo-eo7r/)Xj7^, et ^vaoiriiXri^, rjKos, adj. [auream habens galeam,] having a gol- den helmet. Bptffap/udre, 'xpvaHoifiiXr)^, Horn. Hymn. 7. 1. See also Sept. Theb. 102. pi/ufuTTT/vjyros, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [ex aureis staminibus contextus,] interwoven with gold, \pvff td7rrivriT(jJi> ^dpeun-. Orest. 831. SYN. \pvffe6ffTO\os, XP Vff8 ~ , vid. Xpvaeids. , et xpvffoTreSiXos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [aurea sandala habens,] having golden sandals. To xP va ff ^ LX <> t ' "w s - Orest. 1473. See also Hes. Theog. 454. pvrjtoaTfyavds, et xpvcroffTeQai'ds, ov, o et r/, adj. [aurea redimitus corona,] wearing a golden crown. Tdv xP va ^ oaT ^^- VGV Kdpay. Ion 1085. See also Horn. Hymn. 5. 1. SYN. 'Kpvadfurprjs, eve-fyavos. 1 See Dr. Blomfield's Gloss, in 1. c. 924 XPYS XPYI X.pvffEo0Td\tis, ov, o et >/, adj. [auro ornatus,] ornamented with gold. \pvffEoaToXovs bdpovs. Pers. 104. Xpvo-forevKros, et ^pvaurevKros, ov, o et */, adj. [ex auro factus,] made of f?old, golden. XpvfforevKTo> are(pai'ov irepWeadat. Med. 980. See also Phcen. 227. SYN. Xpvero^jur/ros, vpvffeos, ypuali'os, ^pvffi'iprjs. XpvfffoYuTrds, ov, o et r/, adj. [ex auro confectus,] made of beaten gold. "Eire 'XpvctoTVTru) fcpdvet. Eur. Electr. 470. SYN. See Xpv<7os. Xpvffrj, rjs, r/, P. N. [Chrysa,] a city in Phrygia. "Os Xpvo-r/v afjupif A. 37. Xpvo-qts, ibos, >/, P. N. [Chrysei's.J Xpva^tSwv fteiXiyfta. T&V vif 'iX^w. Agam, 1414* EPITH. Koupr/, JkaXXiTrdprjos. Xpvo-tyXdKdros, ov, 6 et rjf, adj. [aureas habens sagittas,] having golden arrows. 'E> "xopui 'AprfjutSos, xpvtrijXttKdroi/. II. 183. EXP. Xpvaoro^os. Xpv/, adj. [ex auro ducttis,] wrought of beaten gold, golden. s 7rop7rai<7. Plioen. 60. >, vid. Xpvora/iTrv^. ?, cos, adj. [ex auro fabricatus,] made of gold, golden. "ApKros arrjoe- r' ovpala ^pvfffjpet TroXw. Ion 1154. SYN. See Xpvcreios. Xpvo-/;s, 01;, 6, P. N. [Chryses.] Tov Xpvtr^y firip.rjff aprjTijpa, A. 11. EPITH. itpevs 'ATroXXwroy, yfpwv. * Xpvator, dim. a Xpvcros, q. v. Xpvois, t^)6s, //, subst. [aurea vestis, patera, crepida,] a golden robe, cup, slipper. 'JE vaXivuv e*C7rw/zdrwc Kat ^vtrtSwv. Acharn. 74- SYN. Xpvfffa Xpv<7d/3wXos, ov, oetr/, adj. [auri glebas habens,] having golden soil. "Or* ijXddfjiev yijs yjpvaofiuiXdv els Xeiras. Rhes. 918. Xpvffoyoj?;, rjs, //, P. N. [Chrysogone.] Ovpavmr, ctyvas avdepa Theocr. Ep. 13. 2. \pvffdbaibci\ds, et xpv ^ufXTj/id. Ec- cles. ^65. See also Iph. A. 219. \pvcdberos, ov, 6 et rj, adj. [auro ligatus,] bound with gold. "I awparos aXui'iv. Rhes. 379- SYN. See Xpu<7os. Xpvt7oci>yos, ov, o et >/, adj. [aureum jugum habens,] having a yoke of gold. Xpu/, adj. [aureum thronum habens,] having a golden throne. XpvaoKapr)vos, ov, 6 et ^, adj. [aureum caput habens,] golden-headed. Toy re 'XpvaoKapavov. Here. F. 375. XpucroKpws, /, adj. [auream cristam habens,] golden-crested. 'E oiff7Tp, w vpvoroXod)d. Lysistr. 344. XpvvoXvpr)s, ov, adj. [auream habens lyram,] having a golden lyre. Zv /ttyd- ?, 'XpvadXvpa. re. Tliesm. 315. f, vid. Xpv/, adj. [deauratus, auro pictus,] gilded. Elov -a -^pvau- TTttord 5' e-adXu. Again. 749. Xpvero/rt&Xos, vid. Xpvffeoerav&aXos. , ov, 6 et >/, adj. [aurea veste indutus,] clad in golden robe. Tjjf , Movaa. Anacr. 150. ', vid. s, vid. ov, o et r/, adj. [aureas alas iiabens,] golden-winged. *Iptv 5' orpvve xpVGOKTepdv. 0. 398. jov<7opoos, et -xpvaoppiiTos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [aurifluus,] flowing with gold. Tjuw- Xou xpvaopdov. Bacch. 154. See also P. V. 830. Xpvaos, ov, 6, et dimio. ^valHv, ov, ro, subst. [aurnm,] gold. IloXv^ be tyv sfiol xpvaov eKTrep-n-et Xuflpd. Hec. 10. See also Acliarn. 1199. EPITH. "ATrupos, e%diffrds, eplriyus, Ttfii'iets, evepyqs, d^)etSr/s, ^detvos, epvdpus, ayXaos, boXoeis t KiJ3>r]Xos t Trarcd^uttrwa, Tnicpos. PHR. Ae^tWjUa KaXXicrrov /3jOoro7s. \pvcr oarefyav as, vid. Xpvo-oor0dj'ds. pv/, adj. [qui auro torquetnr,] twisted or bent with gold. A.VKCI dva^' ret re aa ^pvo-ocrrpo^wv. CE. R. 203. os, vid. XpvaeorevKTOs. \ j)s, cos, adj. [aureis armis indutus,] clad in golden armor. '6 -^pvao- rjs 6' ovVe*;' ayyeXov Xoyw'. Rhes. 336. pvaoro^ds, oy, 6 et ?/, adj. [arcum aureum habens,] having a golden bow. Xpvaoroo>' Oepevat. Olyrap. 14. 15. Xpvvorpiaivos, ov, o et ^, adj. [tridentem aureurn habens,] having a golden trident. Aei/p' e'XO'es %opd^, w "xjpvaorpiaive. Equit. 556. Xpvffoaevv(i)v Trrepi/yw^. Anacr. 83. See also Hipp. 1270. and 10. 1. Xpvcrd(j)dXapds, ov, o et fj, adj. [aureas phaleras habens,] having golden trap- pings. Bpe^uoi/rd, xpvotyaXapov, fvo-irXov. Troad. 522. pvcrtyopos, ov, o et //, adj. [aurum gestaus,] wearing gold. 'E*c betprjs. Hec. 150. Xpvao(j)vXa, O.KOS, o, subst. [auri custos,] gold-keeper, AeX^>o/ o-' Wevro vXaKa TOV 6fov. Ion 54. r}s, vid. Xpvo-dfco/iTjs. ivds, ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [aurenm fraenum habens,] golden-bitted. Xpvp>> et XPUTiZw, v. [(1) tango, (2) coloro, (3)polluo,] to touch, to color, to pollute. Tomm ^u>) xpwceti/e/xd. Phoen. 1635. See also Nub. 5l6. SYN. MoXv^w, a?rrd/xat, 926 xpftM xnn Xpw/m, drfls, ro, subst. [color,] color. Et XP&fJia. TavrSs Kovptpr)s &rrai rplyos. Eur. Electr. 521. SYN. Xpoa, xpo*- Xpws, wros, et xP o5s XP^ S 6, subst. [(1) cutis, (2)corpus,(3) color,] skin ; body; color. Ti yap aov op^a \pus re avvrlrri^ o<5e; Med. 687* See also H. 207' SYN. A<0ftfpa, ffwpa. EPITH. MaX0d*;ds, yepwv, 06>tos, XeTrros. Xi/Xds, ou, o, subst. [succus,] juice. $?Xias \ v ^> Ka * $Wt***1 x 9 t ^ ax 997' Xv/u/e?, v. [sapid um reddo,] to render tasty or agreeable. OiVep Thesm. l69 , ews, ^, subst. [effusio, effusum,] a pouring forth, a stream. K-^ovffa yairoTQv \volv. Choeph. Q\. SYN."EfCx#0-ts, Kpovvos, airoppu)^. Xvr\ab>, et 'xyrhow, v. [(1) effundo, (2) perfundo oleo aqua mixto, lavo,] to pour out, to bathe with oil and water, to wash. 'Yypov ^rXd^ov oeavrdv. Vesp. 1208. See also Apoll.4. 1311. SYN. Am^w, aX0w, ytVrw, e^tw, eK^via. XvrXoK, ov, TO, subst. [(1) aqua ad lavandiim,(2)oleum aqua mixtum,(3) iiba- tio,] water to wash in, oil and water, a libation. XyrXd re o< x e ^ orr5 - ApolL. 2. 928. SYN. 'Evayiopa, ^dti, vbptXaiov. Xi)ros, et xwffTos, rj, bv, adj. [fusus, adgestus,] poured, piled up. 'AXXd jue TeQveiufTa, "xvrrj Kara, yaid xaXvitToi. Z. 464. See also lilies. 414. Xvrpa, 1 as, f), yfirpos, ov, yvrpOTrovs, Ttobos, o, dimin. ^vrplbiov, et ^y~pWv f ov f ro, subst. [olla,] a pot, a pitcher. 'ETTI ri]v -^vrpay eXdwv. Pint. 686. See also Acharn. 1078, 462, 1 174, and Hes. Op. 746. SYN. AoTrds, ayyeiov. Xvrpeios, a, ov, et -xyrpovs, ov, adj. [fictilis,] of pots. Kat narayov ^yrpeiov. Lysistr. 329- SYN. Keod^//roj. Xvr/ooi, vid. Xvrpa, not. vid. "xyrpa. , v. [(1) claudus sum, (2) claudum facio,] to be lame; to make lame. , vnd ov. Hec. 221. SYN. Flpoo-xw/^d, x^ s ^"^pos, , f. x^^a;, v. [a^gerem duco, sepelio,] to heap up, to bury. 'ETTC/ /zot rvfjifios ov x Hqvetov aepvav x^joav. Troad. 2l6. SYN. Xwpos, y7, TreSov. El'ITH. 'lepci, evSa/yuwv, ewtTTTros, d/5dros, vriaaia, w, v. [(1) eo, (2) cedo, (3) capio,] to go; to retire ; to contain. Xwpelre v\>v . Orest. 1695. SYN. npoax^^j dvdxwpfw, Tropevojuat, wp/5w, v. [secerno,] to separate. Xwpto-as reia'aw ptivov. Hec. 7-57. SYN. '' Xwptov, vid. Xwpds. Xwpts, adj. et praep. [(l) seorsim, (2) sine,] apart ; without. "A/J^s x w P^ s $ Kl ~ (TTO.L 6eu>v. Hec. 2. SYN.'A/z^is,d^ev, UTravevQe. XtDpds, ov, v, et dittiin. -^wp/idv, ov, ro, subst. [locus, ager,] a place, ground, a land. Md/rpat be -^wpos tor' eKel KKXyfffjiet>os. Ion 286. See also Pax 282. SYN. Xwpa, roTros, 6u>Kos, TreSov, dypos. EPITH. "Ep^yuos, ctTepTrrjs, epdros, f7rtrep7r)s, i/X/es, ^/d/^d0a5^s, dptoros, Kara Kpr) pros, oXiyos, Xevpos, 5va7os. Xwaros, vid. Xvros. XrJw, vid. XfiXow. 1 Xvrpou and X5rpoi was the name of a part of the Athenian festival called ya5, and celebrated on the aame day as the X/, adj. [forcipem in ore habens,] having a mouth armed with scissars. TdXr^doro^tot, ocrTpaKdleppot. Batrach. 2S6. TdXt'eJw, f. w, \. [forcipe reseco,] to clip. 0eXeis Xd/3wv ^/dX/^w; Anacr. 12. 3. SYN. Te^urw, Kcipta. TdXiov, ov, ro, subst. [fraenum,] a bridle. See in 'Kpvad^aXtvds. SYN. XdXi- ros. EPITH. IIpd^e, u, ov, adj. [sturni colore, varius,] of the color of the starling, variegated. Tov ^apov '/TTTTOV ; b, 'iTTTrov ; OVK ctKovere, Nub. 1225. SYN. IlocciXtfc. Tai/w, v. [tango,] to touch. "E^/averd 7r;/y^s. Pers. 207- SYN. Tdw, a. /iT/V etdfjievev. Horn. Hymn. 18. 32. , Ion. ^/d^gpos, d, ov, adj. [squalidus, siccus,] squalid, dry. ffTrdby. Sept. Theb. 312. SYN. H^pos, av^T/pos, avdXeos, Td0dpo"xpoos, oy, 6 et r/, adj. [qui squalida est cute,] having a parched skin. Td^dpo^povv fcdpa TrovXvTrires r' X wl/< Rhes. 712. Tdw, v. [(1) attingo, (2) tergo, (3) in tenues paries comminuo, (4) mulceo,] to touch ; to wipe, graze ; to break to pieces ; to stroke, soothe. Kai \^fj KO.T' aKpas o-TrtXdSos. Trach. 680. SYN. Tauw, ^^X^* ^^P *) Trpoor^/av y/5w, XeTrryvw, Giyydvw, x^r/Xd^dw. Ttytos, vid. Toyepos. , v. [reprehendo, vilupero,] (o reprove, censure, disparage. Ff/pas 1 ^aos, aSw, 6, is a P. N. Acharn. 1149. 2 On the orthography of t|/fy> and jj%>, see A. Cell. lib. 13. c. 19. 928 YEAN YETA icai fjciKpov "%p6vuv /3tov. Alcest. 6S6. SYN. Mwyudoyuai, Xoiopw, ppi^oj, dr/cw. , >}, e/v, adj. [raros habens pilos,] thin-haired, nearly bald, bare. Yec) aX 1 ' 7 ?' B. 21 9. SYN. YiXos. s, et i^tdvpos, a, or, adj. [fallax,] fallacious. YecJvpat rp//3oi T cpwrwj/. . Suppl. 1050. YeKac?a>, v. [stillo,] to drop, to rain. *H fipovTwutv, T) ^cKdcfyccy. Nub. 580. SYN. 2rdXd<7ffw, /3ptx<>. YcKos, idem quod Yams, q. v. 1 YeXXos, ?), ay, adj. [(l)balbus t (2) obscurus,] stammering ; obscure. Twi> S' et rt aoi i//eXXo> re fcai bvcrevpsrov. P. V. 841. SYN. Avcryvwaros, et ^/evSayyeXos, ov, 6 et //, subst. [nuncius mendax,] a lying messenger. "EoiKei/ oi -^evSayyeX^s ely' ayyeXds. Aves 1340. See also O. 159. SYN. See Ye;oT?js. s, vos, adj. [falsa crepans,] falsely crackling. 2eX-Xov, rovn^ roy pv. Vesp. 325. , ov, 6, P. N. [Pseudartabas.] Ka/ j/vv dyorrls ^KOJJLCV YevSaprd- /3ar. Acharn. 91. Yev^arpd^ats, Ids, ?;, subst. [vox ab Aristophane confecta,] " false orrache ; met. a calumny." Sanxay. 'Eyem? VTT' auroD ^/evSdrpd^a^os TrXfa. Equit. 630. Yeu^yoptw, vid. YeivSw. Yei//)s, et \f,ttOns, eos, adj. [falsus,] false. HvrQaXTre, pvGois \jsevbeotv' yap. P. V. 706. See also Agam. 1056. , vxtis, o, subst. [falsus pra?co,] a false herald. Tovs rw*' , KUKOVS. Philoct. 1306. SYN. ^fevaTrjs. , vid. Yewar^s. , ews, 6 et /, subst. [falsus vales,] a false prophet, 'fis CE. C. 1097. SYN. Yei^oTrpo^rTjs. :, ou, o et >;, adj. [falso uitro mixtus,] mixed with adulterated nitre. Kovtas. Ran. 712. s, ov, o et >/, adj. [non re ipsa junctus in nuptiis,] not really married. Awprjjud Kv7rp<5o$ \fsevbdvv fievrovs naOrj. Helen. 883. drwp, ira-opos, b, subst. [falsus pater,] a false father. Yevo7rdr&p, Se Tlov rptrov. Call. 6. 99. ;, v. [falso jmo, perjuro,] to s\v r ear falsely. Kai pfi Ka-aOels ^/evSop- . Eccles. 601. /cos, ov, o et ?/, adj. [qui falso jurat,] perjured. Tov ^/ev^opfcov, /cat 4 et ' / - dTrdra. Med. 1389. SYN. 'ETriopvos. ei)6ds, et \jsv8os, cos, TO, subst. [rnendacium,] a lie. FIo'XX' av yevotro Kal &ia \Levbwv enr). Helen. 308. See also Agam. 970. SYN. 'Amirrj, TrXctvr/. EPJTH. w, vid. Yei/Sw. , ov, o et //, adj. [falsam famam adferens,] false-reporting. Kai . GE. C. 1517.' SYN. See Yevo-n/s. w, i//evco/^ai, ^/ei/ortw, ^eiSjjyopa, et ^evboorujJitit), V, [mentior,] to lie, to deceive. IIoXX' eXTr^es ^evkovci KuXoyot fiporovs. Eur. fr. Protes. 6. See also T. 107. P. V. 106"8. CE. C. 1127. SYN. 'ATrdrdw, ^dyrdrdw, os, ov, o et fj, adj. [falso nominatus,] wrongly named. "Heis b' OTafjiov ov ^ev^wi'V^ov. P. V. 742. , adv. [false; nomine,] by a wrong name. YevSw^vjuo-'s , adj. [obscurus,] obscure, dark. "O$ be dni/p. Find. Nem. 3. 71. SYN. 'S.Koretvos, ufdvrjs, dsj ro, subst. [ramentum,] a splinter, dust. Hep-Tret (3pa^y ov. Agam. 429- , as, ^, subst. [strigil,] a curry-comb. ^iiKrpatatv "WKUV eKrev ds. Hipp. 1169' SYN. SrXeyyis, KTCIS, tyvrpov. rL't)\a(f>a, vid. Tap. JYi/j-T-a, ??s, r/, Att. pro ^crora, subst. [(1) rhombus, (2) anas,] (l)aturbot, (2) a duck. Kai> wo-vrepet ^rjrrav &OK&. Lysistr. 113. >"Yr)(j)iri^)iffp.vovs. Heracl. 142. SYN. Aoy/cjfyeni, ava.Tidrifj.i f ts, ibds, ^, subst. [(l)lapillus, (2) deeretum,] a pebble ; a decree. 'YTTO es aTraaai. $. 260. SYN. Yijtyos. i Try^tcr^d, aros, ro, subst. [decretum,] a decree. MeTpotai, Kal araQfjioiol, xat \pr)f d \l/fj(Jtov &piaav tyovov. Hec. 259. SYN. T^^Js, XWos, \Wa^ KpoKaXr], s, \^r)(pia/j.a. EPITH. AVCT/J*'?/S, 0oi'ta, oa/u7rikoi/ beprjv. Helen. 1566. SYN. Kdrav//r/^w, ^/dw, rp'/3w, ^Iw s, Ion. tyZQds, ov, ?/, subst. [storea, teges,] a mat, a rug. Horn \^id6os ; ^ 'juo/ye. Lysistr. 922* SYN. Qoputis. , vid. Td/cds. Ti0vp/(5w, v. [susurro,] to whisper. 'OTr^ra^ TrXdrd^os TrreXep \^idvpi8r]. Nub. 1008. SYN. Ta/pw. Tt^upier^d, drds, ro, subst. [susurrus,] a whisper, a murmur. 'A5v ri ro ^t0i)- picr/zd. Theocr. 1.1. Tifltfpos, a, dv, adj. [susurrans, vituperaus,] whispering, calumnious. Tolovabe Xdyovs tyQvpovs irXaffffw. Aj. Fl. 148. SYN. YiQvpigwv, i//c^pos, Xotbopos. TtXos, ?), or, adj. [tenuis, merus, niidus, lev^erarmatus,] slender, pure, naked, bare, light-armed. TtXov* &U>K be oi aKrJTTTpov Kal deiKed mjprjv. v. 437. SYN. ^l/ju^os, x//ech'os, XeTrros, dovrXos. '"YlfjLijQwv, ov, ro, subst. [eerussa,] white paint. 'Eyw be KdrdTreTrXaffyutK^ ^t/iv- 0tw. Eccles. 8?8. Tt'rrd, vide Tvrrd. , dyds, 6, [nornen muris,] the name of a mouse. Tlarpos bvarrivov . Batrach. 104. , et ^lylos, a, 6v. adj. [ad reprehensionem proclivis,] censorious. T^- 'ApxiXoxov j8dpvXo-yots. Pyth. 2. 100. See also Nem. 7. 102. , ov, 6, subst. [reprehensio,] blame, censure. Koyioi /if v e\6y ^avXos, ws , ^/oyos. Phoen. 92. SYN."yjcX^d, iteptyis, oveibfa, fcdr^yopta. EPITH. Mtyds, TroXws, ffK&Tetvos. Pros. Lex. 6 B 930 TOAO YftMO YdXtieis, effffa, tv t adj. [(l)ardens, (2) fumidus,] burning; smoking. a^iei \^6\dVTa Kepavvov. ft. 538. SYN. KoWw^s, aidaXoets. YoXek"o//7ria, as, r/, subst. [fumosa seu vana jactatio,] 'EyeXatra \JSO\OKO f Equit. 693. SYN. MeydXqyopia, dXac?o>eid, aXaZovevfjia. T"d0ew, v. [(l)strepituni edo, (2) pulso (portam),] (1) to make a noise, (2) to knock (at the door.) "Grav irvXat ^tytiot. Here. F. 78. SYN. '%<>, , ov, 6, subst. [strepitus,] a noise. 'Ev TroXet \^d/, P. N. [Psyria,] an island in the ^gean sea. N^erou em Tfyfys. y. 171. trrd, (rectius ^Vrd. Vid. Schol. Theocr. 4. 44. and Hesych. v. i//irracW.) interj. [heus,] ho! YVTT' ov rdS' ovy, ov rdSc ve^>? ; Cycl. 49. SYN. 2/rra. i/xaywyew, v. [(l) animas duco, (2) animam flecto, (3)animam ago,] to con- duct souls; to charm; to be in the last agony. Ov ^v^aywyei Swfc/ourT/s. Aves 1554. SYN. YlapafjivOtdfjiai, repirup-ai. vxayutySs, ov, o et >/, adj. [animas defunctos ducens, (Mercurius,) animam eliciens, recreans,] leading the souls of the deceased, bringing forth a ghost, refreshing. Kai i//vxdywyo7s 6p6taoi>Ts yoois. Pers. 693. vx?), ijs, rj, s.ubst. [spiritus, anima,] breath, the soul, life, a ghost. Eu^os t/zot bwaetv, ^v^fivb^Aibt fcXvroTrwXw. A. 445. SYN. Tlvevjjia, vovs, dvuds, $vais, Kijp. EPITH. "Itydtfius, (f>l\r] t TrapQet'dSj biKata, crwfypwv, ayaOt), deia, ' eyuav. P. V. 717. SYN. 'Ai/a^vx^' TTCtpa^VXW, 0V(Tdw, TTVtW. YwX), ^s, r/, subst. [mentula,] the foreskin. Ilept rrjv ^wXrivTreplfiatr). Lysistr. 979. ov, 6, subst. [(1) verpus, (2)titio,l one that is circumcised ; a firebrand. 4/wXoi irtblovte. Aves 507. , v. [pasco,] to fted. 'H 5' eXoi/alv, ^ 6' tywfuffev. Lysistr. 19. SYN. , 6, subst. [frustum,] a piece, a crumb. &yio/ r' Mpo^ot. i. 374. J1API ftKTM 931 , vid. 'ftptwv. , a, oV, adj. [ad Orionem pertinens,] of Orion. Ov yap Mlaptw-veiar. Isthm. 4. 83. [lyvyia, as, fj, P. N. [Ogygia,] an island in the Mediterranean. Ni/os. e, et wS/, adv. [(l)sic, (2)hic,] so, thus ; here. Kai TO irpayfjC OVK dp' i\v Jo'. Equit. 385. See also Plut. 291. Qioe7oV, ov, TO, subst. [Odeum,] a musical theatre built by Pericles. Oi & ev , vid. '1 ^w, v. [dico O !] to cry oh ! to lament. "n5w ot Bearai. Vesp. 1527. SYN. et uffTigw, v. [trudo,] to thrust, to urge. 5 ft0e7 alfypdv. Phosn. 1472. See also Plut. 330. ioj/, vid. 'fldy. ca, superl. &KLOTCL, adv. [celeriter,] quickly. "Oovra 6' ap' ayye\os KU Kara irro\lv w^tTo TraiT?/. w. 412. See also ^. 77- SYN. Ta^a, Ta^fws, ra^KTTu. fcaXto, as, ^, P. N. [Ocalea,] a town in Bosotia. Kat 'IkaXe^ TroXinrvpyov. Horn. Apoll. 243. keawVi/, T;S, et 'flKedius, tos, /, patronym. [Oceani filia,] a daughter of Ocea- nus. Tpe7s yap ^/Xtaieteri ravvo-^vpot 'Hceav7vat. Hes. Theog. 364. See also Apoll. 2. 1243. , ov, 6, subst. [Oceanus,] Oceanus, the ocean. Ildrpos 'fticedvov. S^p- ju', te<70'. P. V. 143. SYN. 0dXa<7<7a, TTOI/TOS, 'A/i^trp/nj. EPITH. , dfcdXappe/T/js, a^oppoos, fiadvppeiTrjs, flaOvppoos, ftadvbtvrjs, Kvd- veos, TtXr/ets, fj.Eyu.Kr']Trjs t evpvs, fcXvros, a^/oppoos, evpvTroptis. , 1 oi/, 6 et r/, adj. [velox in mari,] swift-sailing. Tas ov Xd0e . 182. SYN. no^rdTropds, wKVTropos. s, ou, o et r/, adj. [celeriter feriens,] swiftly striking. ITXi/v . Philoct. 710. , ov, 6 et ?/, adj. [velociter se inovens,] rapidly moving. Tots tv d/wtX-Xattrt. Isthm. 5. 6. '!kv0dos, ?;, /, adj. [celeriter vehens,] rapidly-conveying. Ol b' (U TTOI/S eXir' els TTOVTOV TrXdras. Iph. T. 1428. 'ftfcvTropos, ov, 6 et r/, adj. [celeriter transiens,] quickly-passing. \effioi-Kot>. Sept. Theb. 717- T ftX, fcos, pro (5Xa^, avXa, O.KOS, %, subst. [sulcusj a furrow. Ei <5Xk-a birjreKea 7rporayuo//z7>. tr. 374. 'ft//^yri)s. ^jJLo^ayoSy w/io<7iros, ajud^ay^s, ov, 6 et 77, et w//o/3pws, oiros, adj. [(l)crudivorus, (2) saevus,] feeding on raw flesh ; cruel. M/0' VTT' wprjvrwv KVVW. Antig. 697- See also H. 256\ Bacch. 338. Here. F. 883. and E. 782. SYN. 'H/^oSaKJjs, a?r7V>)s, aypios, ^aXeTros, w/zo0v^os, MfJidbaKrjs. /, OVTOS, adj. [cui cruda et viridis est senectus,] vigorous though old. be ftiv 0av trpoTrupoi-dev. Sept. Theb. 324. , v. [crudum impono,] to place raw. 'ETr'avrdiv b' ^nodtrrfffdv. B. 424. s, ov, 6 et //, et a)fj.o(j)pwy t tivtisy adj. [animo crudeli,] cruel-minded. v el. Aj. Fl. 885. See also Aj. Fl. 931. SYN. See T SVos. , tds, adj. [( 1 ) qui validis humeris est, (2) robustus,] strong-shouldered ; robust. Nvv ydp o betvos, fjieyds, w^o/cpdr^s. Aj. Fl. 205. SYN. Kpdrfpoi, yevvcuos. lM07rXdr>7, >js, r/, subst. [armus, scapula,] the broad part of the shoulder, the bhoulder-blade. 'Ii/w b' UVT epprffi avv w/ioa-Xdr^ ptyav wyuo>. Thcocr. 26". 22. SYN/'JiTrw/uts. is here scanned as an. antibaccliius. npui 933 , ), o>, adj. [crudus, immaturus, rudis,] raw, unripe, premature, cruel. OVK eis oov irdtba bvcrrv^ovr^ evei. Hipp. 1259* SYN. "Awptis, )}s, W^TJOTJ/S, albrjpotypdtv, w^o^pwv, wfto6vp.os, )s, fiplapus, Kvpros, XevKos. 'Q/notTirds, vid. 'lfj.r]ffrr)s. ^1/wtfTrapa.KTds, ov, o et r/, adj. [qui crudus ad hue discerpitur,] torn to pieces raw. 'QfjioarTrapaKTOv TrdpuXa/Gwy. Equit. 344. , rjros, ?/, subst. [(1) cruditas, (2) crudelitas,] rawness ; cruelty. Our^ w/Ltorrj-a. Ion 47. SYN. SfcX^jOor^s. , o^, 6 et r/, adj. [immaturus, immature pariens,] premature, mis- carrying. 'H/uorofCoiys wblvas cnrrjpeiaavTO \eaivat. Call. 4. 120. , vid. '{^uT/rrn/s. , adv. [crudeliter,] cruelly, 'fis w;ud0poj/ws baijjiwi' evlfir). Pers. 908. i', vid. ' , v. [emo,] to buy. See in 'flKi/romos. SYN. 'E^wveo/xai, dyo- ;), r7s, ^f, subst. [emtio,] a purchase. Fev/id r^ wi/>}v /cdXel. Cycl. 150. >}, of, adj. [emtus, venalis,] purchased, to be sold. T Hv SouXds, ov*c , v 6 rvpus ev Botwrols &vifa' t Equit. 480. Slvds, ov, o, subst. [pretium,] value, price. 7 lvov vTrta-^opevat. o. 462. SYN. T//*!?, wj/jy. EPITH. 'Afros, aa^ros, fiiorrialds. ftoi', dim. &lov y et dieo^, ov, ro, subst. [ovum,] an egg. 'AXX', wa/rep wov, vj) At', aTToXtyavTu xp>'/. Aves 6/3. See also Sapph. fr. 44. and Arat. 956. fiTn), >/, r/, subst. [(l)adspectus, (2) color,] sight, color. K Trpdffo^is. ilpa, as, r/, subst. [cura,] care. "ftpai> rtv' e^eiv, tl/i^, ?roXi;y^0/}s, j^pvrrdpTrv^^ etd Tpa/AOptyos, ^apieffaa, juaXaKcuTrovs, evKatpus, 7ro0etv>7, PHR. Kfipv^AtypobtTTis d/i/3poo-iwv ^tXor^rwv. , wpiKos, et /, P. N. [Orilhyia,] one of the Nereids. OVSTTOT-' 'Epe^0?/ls 'floc/ewta. Apoll. 1.212. * 'ftpeos, ou, ^, P. N. [Oreus,] a city in Eubcea. Avros ye TTOV 'ad' Xoyts ou^'lipeov; Pax 1047. * 'ilpt/uds, a, oi/, adj. [Oricius,] of Oricum, a city of Epirus. ' 7rep0 Se. Ion 1153. See also e. 121. and Call. 3. 264. EPITH. , Opacrvs, drjpoKTovos, 934 ftPOM 'flpo/uW, bovrfa, 6, P. N. [Oromedon.] Tg\e & wrel\-nals, vid. 'ftyeXem. )(pdw, et oxpmw, v. [palleo,] to become pale. Ovr' ^prjaai/ra X. 528. See also Ran. 308. lxptisi "> ^ v > ac ^.i' [pallidus,] pale, wan. Xpotdr w^pdv, ^ovs piKpovs. Nub. 1016. SYN. XXwpos, irtXiS^s. xP^> ov > ^> subst. [pallor,] paleness. r ft^pos 5e /;t^ elXe Trdpetds. F. 35. SYN. XXoos. , 6, subst. [(1) oculus, (2) vultus,] an eye; the countenance, look. addvarrjai dtrjs els WTrd HOIKEV. T. 158. SYN."O////d, o^/ts, 1 The second and third syllables of tvvtApoio are here scanned as one long syllable. TH 0Eft AOHA. I'llINTED BY A. J. VALPV, HED LION COURT, FLEKT S1HEKI, New Works printed by Mr. Valpy, and may be had of all Booksellers. GREEK TESTAMENT, with ENGLISH Notes; Second Edition. 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GREEK SEPTUAGINT, with the APOCRYPHA; from the Oxford edit, of Bos and Holmes. II. 8s. bds. This Edition is hot-pressed, and handsomely printed in one volume, 8vo. FOR USE IN CHURCHES AND CHAPELS, as well as the Library. *^* The Peptuagint and Testament may be had uniformly bound in four handsome volumes. This elegantly executed volume is very correctly printed, and (which cannot but recommend it to students in preference to the incorrect Cambridge and Amsterdam reprints of the Vatican text) its price is so reasonable as to place it within the reach of almost every one. Home's Introduction to the Bible. GRADUS AD PARNASSUM ; a New Edition, omitting the Verses and Phrases; the English of the words is given, with their formation. Many new words are added, and other Improvements, duod. Third Ed. 7s. 6d. The present Edition is printed at the suggestion of several Schoolmasters, who have long objected to the old Gradus, as being greatly injurious to the progress of rising genius. It is only necessary to refer to the senti- ments of Dr. VICESIMUS KNOX on the old Gradus to establish the utility of the present plan. The FUNDAMENTAL WORDS of the GREEK LANGUAGE, adapted to the Memory of the. Student hy means of derivations and derivatives, passages from the Classi- cal writers, and other associations. By the Rev. F. VALPY, M.A. 8vo. 10s. Oof. GREEK GRAMMAR. By R. VALPY, D.D. F.A.S. A new Edition. Pr. Gs. 6d. bds. 8vo. GREEK EXERCISES ; or, an Introduction to Greek Composition ; so arranged as to lead the Student from the elements of Grammar to the highest parts of Syntax. In this work the Greek of the Words is not appended to the Text, but referred to an Index at the end. By the Rev. F. VALPY, M.A. Trin.Coll. Camb., and one of the Under Masters of Reading School. Pr. 5s. 6d. 12mo. A KEY will speedily be published. Pr. 2s. 6d. This woik ev'nces so much talent, learning, and laborious industry, and is, in our opinion, so calculated to facilitate the progress of Students in acquiring a thorough knowledge of the Greek Language, that we think we shall be conferring a general benefit by exciting our utmost endeavors to bring it into public notice. As to the original portion of the work, Mr. Valpy claims attention to his illustratiou of the ' radical force and meanings' of the Greek prepositions; this is done with considerable ability and ingenuity. The department of the book which treats of syntax merits our unqualified approbation, both for its learning, correctness, and clearness. tit. Chron. Dec. 1826. The ETYMOLOGY of the LATIN LANGUAGE. By the Same. ROBINSON'S ANTIQUITIES OF GREECE; being an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Greeks, designed to illustrate the GREEK CLASSICS, by explaining Words and Phrases according to the Rites and Qustoms to which they refer. To which are pre- fixed, a brief History of the Grecian States, and Biographical Sketches of the principal Greek Writers. Archbishop POTTER, LAKEMACHER, and Bos contain nothing which is not in this Edition, which has also much useful matter not to be found in those works. The Second Edition, considerably enlarged and improved, and illustrated with Plates. 8vo. Pr. 17s. bds. ** This work has been intirely re-written, and has been so much enlarged by extracts from Potter, Lake- macher, and others who have treated on Grecian antiquities, as to be rendered more valuable, to the student than in the state in which it first appeared. Indeed it is apprehended, that the works of Archbishop Potter, Lakemacher, and Lambert Eos, on the subject, contain nothing which will not be found in the present pub- lication; and that the present work contains much useful matter which is not to be found in these writers, nor, as far as the author knows, iu any other single publication on Grecian antiquities. The classical authorities, which, in the former edition, were incorporated with the text, are placed at the foot of each page. This, it is expected, will be found an improvement, inasmuch as it will render the book mote uniform, as well as more easy to the student, by obviating the difficulties which a frequent recurrence to the authorities must necessaiily occasion, and by preventing his attention from being drawn to them rather than directed to the subject-matter itself. At the same time, he can notice the authorities, with at least as much facility as if they had been placed at the end of the passages to which they refer ; and, if requisite, they will still enable him to consult the authors themselves, to whom the refernces are given. DICTIONARY OF LATIN PHRASES ; comprehending a methodical digest of phrases from the best authors, which have been collected in all phraseological works hitherto published j for the more speedy progress of students in Latin Composition. By W. ROBERTSON, A.M. of Cambridge. A new Edition, with considerable additions, alterations, and corrections. For the use of the Middle and Upper Classes in Schools. Pr. 15s. royal duod. bds. consisting of more than 1000 pages. * * The present Edition has this advantage over its predecessors, that it is enriched with many hundred phrases which have hitherto been unrecorded ; and these have been drawn from the purest fountains, by actual perusal ; from Cicero, Tacitus, Terence , Plautus, &c. The valuable assistance which it will afford to the Student and School-boy in Latin Composition can scarcely fail to obtain for it a distinguished place in the list of School Books. Class. Journ. No. 57. If the work in its ' first estate ' was a favorite treatise at our schools, it can have nothing to fear in its leno- vated form, where its barbarisms have been expunged, and some thousand phraes, drawn from the purest sources, have been added. We shall merely observe that it is an excellent key to Latin Composition. Literary Chronicle. The utility of the work to Students in Latin Composition is too evident to need pointing out; and we doubt not that it will readily find a due place in the list of School Books. Gentleman's Magazine, May, 1824. ANALECTA LATINA MAJORA ; containing selections from the best Latin Prose Authors, with English Notes, &c. on the plan of DALZELL'S Analecta Grteca. 1vol. 8vo. Pr. 10s. Gd. TIRONIS THESAURUS; or, A New and Improved Classical LATIN and ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By the Rev. J. W. NIBLOCK, D.D., M.R.S.L., and Master of Hitchin School, Herts. Pr. 6s. To this Edition have been added the Roman Calendar; Table of Weights, Measures, and Coins; "Numerals, Ordinals, &c. ; on Poetical Feet and Metrical Combinations; Horatian Metres and Odes, &c. &c. The Dictionary has been compiled entirely new, and is enriched by the addition of many words and phrases of the purest Latinity; (1000 of which, at the. hast, are not in any other Dictionary;) whilst unclassical words and phrases have been carefully excluded, and all antiquated phraseology modernised. Considerable alteration has been madein the English renderings of the Latin words, and the meanings have been greatly increased. The quantity of each vowel has been accurately marked ; omissions have been supplied, am' vulgarism 1 ? avoided. Due notice, has been taken of all such words as are deficient, as in preterites and supines of verbs, and the number and cases of nouns ; and all the irregular tenses of verbs, and the cases of heteroclite nouns, are introduced, The deficiencies in denoting by figures the declension of nouns and the conjugation of verbs are supplied. The whole forms a complete and correct Guide to the Latin Tongue. ELEGANTI^E LATINS; or Rules and Exercises, illustrative of Elegant Latin Style. Intended for the use of the middle and higher Classes of Grammar Schools. By the Rev. E. VALPY, B.D. Head Master of Norwich School. Nintft Edition. Improved and made easier, Pr. 4s. Gd. A general List of Phrases, as used in the original, and an Index, are also added. A KEY to the Latin may be had by a private written application to the Author through the Printer. Pr. 2s. SECOND EXERCISES, adapted to every Grammar, and intended as an Introduction to Valpy's Elegantiae Latina?. Pr. 2s. Gd. STEPHENS' GREEK THESAURUS: The Editors of the GREEK THESAURUS are happy to announce the termination of their labors. The LEXICON, GLOSSARIES, and H. STEPHENS' COMMENTARY ON THE DIALECTS, &c. are now completed ; and as the INDEX will refer directly to every word, it will be evident that the printing of it could not be commenced until the whole of the Lexicon should be finished: it is however expected that the No. containing it will be published in January next. The copies of some deceased Subscribers may be had, II. 5s. Small, and 21. 12s. 6d. Large Paper. The Work con- tains about 16,000 words omitted by STEPHENS. Total original Subscribers, 1080. The copies printed are limited to that number. The CLASSICAL JOURNAL, No. LXXI. for September, 1827. Pr. 6s. [Continued Quarterly.] Containing a variety of Classical, Biblical and Oriental Literature, with several Greek, Latin, English, and French Tracts interspersed. At least 30 pages of each No. of the ClassicalJournal are devoted to the Purposes of Education, and it is hoped that such will be found convenient to the Master as well as useful to the Student. It is also intended in future to make the republication of SCARCE AND VALUABLE TRACTS a prominent feature, by which the Scholar and Student will have a ready and most economical access to what they can now with difficulty procure. 344 .1 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIB