LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OK Q& Wtrcis. Received ~fctc4 530 397290 3 i 2000 .0000269 1. 21 *y* x y\ " 626 477465 375000 .OOOO223 i-45 13^ x ft " 725 556400 437000 .OOOOI92 1.70 i^x y a 676 596830 468750 .0000179 1.82 i^ x # " 798 7l62OO 562500 .OOOOI49 2.18 13^ x % " 916 835600 656250 .0000128 2-54 2 x % " 1035 954930 750000 .OOOOII2 2.92 2%xf/ H54 1074300 843750 .OOOOO995 3-27 2^ X X " 1500 I59I550 1250000 .OOOOO672 4.86 2^ X % " 1715 1989440 1562500 .00000537 6.07 2 X^ " No. oooo B. & S. y z in. Round K " K " " j (i u 1222 257 305 426 560 861 1273240 2II6OO 25OOOO 390625 562500 IOOOOOO IOOOOOO .00000840 .0000505 .OOOO428 .OOOO273 .OOOOI9O .OOOOIO7 3.89 .64 .76 1.18 1.71 305 Bus bars are formed by having the copper billet drawn through graduated dies. If these dies are not properly graduated, or are dull, the surface of the copper becomes torn and reduces the use- 34 BUS CONDUCTORS fulness for bus bar work, as a good connection cannot be made on an abraded surface. If the surface of the bus bar is warped it should be straightened, in order to make a good contact. Specifi- cations for bus bars should be drawn so that they can be rejected for any of the above mechanical imperfections. Bus bars are drawn soft, medium or hard, as ordered. Medium is the bus bar usually ordered. Ordinary tools and ordinary tool speeds will work copper satisfactorily. If the tools tear instead of cutting the metal, use milk as a lubricant, and the cutting will be perfectly smooth. COMPOSITIONS In any mixture of other metals with copper, the resultant alloy will be reduced in conductivity below the mean of the different metals forming the mixture. There has been no law yet discovered between the conductivity of the different metals and the resultant alloy, from which the conductivity of the alloy can be predeter- mined. It will be seen in the table on following page that the con- ductivity of these alloys is more rapidly reduced when any quan- tities of tin are added to copper, than with an equal portion of zinc, except in the instance when tin is present in very small quantities, just sufficient to make the metal flow into a mould ; this will give the highest conductivity of metal that casts readily, except in the case of one-half per cent, of silver and ninety-nine and one-half per cent, of copper, which gives a conductivity of eighty-nine per cent. No old metals should be remelted where conductivity is required, as they have very low conductivities, and metal otherwise good may be burned in the pot and seriously affect the resultant com- 35 COMPOSITIONS position. Brass is a mixture of two parts copper and one part zinc, and from the peculiar properties of this mixture, it is probable that there is a chemical combination at this ratio, and not a purely mechanical mixture, as with most alloys. So-called cast copper COPPER PER CENT. ZINC PER CENT. TIN PER CENT. CONDUCTIVITY COM- PARED WITH COP- PER AS 100 PER CENT. CONDUCTIVITY VALUE AS A CON- DUCTOR COMPARED WITH PURE COPPER AT 20 CTS. PER LB. 98.44 94.49 88.89 86.67 82.54 75.00 73-30 67.74 oo.oo 98-59 93-98 90.30 89.70 88.39 87.65 85.09 16.40 I. 5 6 5-51 II. II r 3-33 17-5 25.00 36.70 32.26 100.00 46.88 33-32 25.50 30.90 29.20 22 08 22.27 25.40 27-39 62.46 19.68 12.19 IO.2I 12.10 10.15 8.82 12.76 11-45 42.22 59-20 78.40 64.60 68.40 81.40 89.80 78.60 73-oo 32.00 101.60 164.00 195.80 165.20 197.00 204.00 159.80 1 74.60 cents i i i i i t .1 it it it u Ii u 1 1 II II U , I II 1 I 1.41 6.02 9.70 10.30 ii. 61 12.35 14.91 83.60 IOO.OO varies all the way from eighteen per cent, to eighty-nine per cent, conductivity of pure copper, and a number of methods are used, as well as mixtures, which will make the copper flow into a mould and conform to the pattern. 36 COMPOSITIONS In switchboard construction the current-carrying appliances should be so designed that they can be worked directly out of pure copper stock ; do not use cast metal where the current densities are high, and where the economy of material and labor is to be con- sidered. The bronzes are employed in special cases for their mechanical properties rather than their electrical properties, as their conduc- tivities are low. SWITCHBOARD MATERIAL The actual surface on which the switchboard appliances are assembled should have the physical properties of possessing mechanical strength, insulating, and be fire-proof; besides, it is necessary that it be drilled readily and have a good surface on which to mount the diiferent appliances, which are combined together to form the switchboard. Wood possesses the mechanical strength and insulation when dry, but it is not fire-proof. There have beeri a number of attempts made to impregnate the wood with silicate of soda, or other fire- proof compounds, or even to paint it with fire-proof paint, in order to make it incombustible. Wood has also been covered with asbestos paper, in order to serve the same purpose, but none of these methods have proved satisfactory. The natural stones offer the best material for switchboard sur- faces, and, above all, slate is the most generally used. The insula- ting qualities of slate vary with diiferent mines, and also with dif- ferent parts of the same mine ; but generally speaking, a uniform color, gray or brown slate, without any marked seams or veins, will be found to be a fair insulator. Slates which fracture readily 37 SWITCHBOARD MATERIAL along the veins, and in which the fractured surface shows a semi- metallic color, are always treacherous to use. Slate should have a bright, laminated fracture along the plane of its natural cleavage, and if it has a dull fracture, it is very liable to be too porous, and will absorb moisture, which will reduce its insulating value. As a rule, soapstone is too soft and fragile to be used for switchboard purposes, and does not hold enameling well. Slate surfaces are treated with enamel paint, and different imitations of marble and wood are in this way made, the enamel being burnt in and hardened and polished to a surface. Among the marbles every variety can be found in regard to color and finish, but not many of them possess high insulating qualities. White Vermont is soft and fragile, as well as being too porous to exclude moisture, and a drop of oil will spoil a slab ; for these reasons, it is very rarely used for switchboard purposes. The granites are too hard to drill and holes will drift when hard spots are reached. There are a number of Tennessee marbles, such as the gray and the champion pink, both of which have, as a rule, high insulating qualities and are easily worked ; they also make very pretty com- binations with dull coppered finished appliances. Of the foreign stones, Italian marble and Mexican onyx make very good surfaces, and as a rule are good insulators. The former is probably more extensively used for switchboard construction than any other marble in America. To drill marbles,, use the slow-speeded twist drill ; there will be no trouble in drilling marbles in this way, if the drill is not allowed to choke with the marble dust, because when this happens the drill gets hot and draws the temper. Where large holes are to be cut, 38 SWITCH BOARD MATERIAL the quickest way is to use an iron pipe, the right size outside, with teeth cut on the lower edge ; rotate this in the drill chuck and feed with emery ; in this way the hole can be ground through very quickly. When there is trouble with the holes breaking out in the back, with large size drills, first drill an eighth of an inch centre hole and then drill with a large drill from both faces. TILE CONSTRUCTION Glazed tiles have been built up as a wall, forming a surface for the switchboard, the tiles being laid in cement, and the holes drilled through with hand drills, where required for securing appa- ratus; also cast-iron frames, in which are set porcelain blocks moulded with holes, so that apparatus can be thus secured and insulated. SECURING AND MOUNTING SWITCHBOARDS Natural stones, when secured to wooden structures, are very liable after a time to crack, by the warpage of their supports. In securing marble to iron structures, the only precaution necessary is to support the marble slab under the securing bolt, so that the mar- ble is not sprung to conform to the surface of the iron work to which it is secured. Asbestos washers between the marble and iron, through which the securing bolts pass, form a very good bed- ding for marble slabs, and will support them permanently without danger of fracture. Natural stones can be ground and polished to within one thirty-second of an inch, and when so ordered, all slabs for one board can be cut from one block, so that all veining can be matched up, and the color will be uniform. It is necessary, in 39 SECURING AND MOUNTING SWITCHBOARDS natural stones, to submit them to a test; the test usually made, where only low potentials are used, is by means of a magneto. There are two flat surfaces furnished with the leads to the magneto, and these are pressed on adjacent surfaces, or opposite surfaces of the marble or stone to be tested ; if the magneto does not ring up with this connection, it is passed. All that this test indicates is that there is not a distinct metallic vein on the surface of the slate. It is the veins passing through the slate which form the conductors that render the slate useless as an insulator. The best way to test these veins is to use a sharp-pointed terminal, and stab the vein at two points close together; if, under this condition, you cannot ring the magneto, the veins are probably non-metallic. Where slate or any veined material is to be used for high potential, it should be submitted to the actual potential stress, and should require over fifty volts per mil potential before it breaks down ; no marble should be exposed to potentials over six hundred volts, without the live terminals being separated from the marble itself, by micanite or other equivalent insulator, as marbles and slates leak excessively in moist weather, when they are acted on directly by high poten- tials. This leaking heats the marble, disintegrating it, and in some cases explodes it. 40 SWITCHBOARD APPLIANCES OLTAGE measurements should be made with greater precision than any other electrical measurements in central station work, espe- cially in low potential multiple arc distribu- ting systems ; a constant potential is necessary on the consumption circuits, in order to main- tain an effective service and increase the life of incandescent lamps. The conditions which surround measuring instruments in switchboard work must be taken into consideration in their selec- tion. Those voltmeters having magnetic torque for their indica- tion must be shielded from external magnetic influences when near iron structures or field magnets. This is generally taken care of in their design, either by shielding or working under such intense magnetic conditions that stray fields will not be of suffi- cient magnitude to introduce a commercial error. With a varying voltage, it is essential that the instrument be dead beat in its action, and quickly respond to any impressed elec- tro-motive force at its terminals. The current flow through a voltmeter should be as small as possible, and the temperature coefficient of the resistance, in series with the moving system, should be low, and should give a negligi- ble temperature error for the instrument to be of any real value. An indicating instrument must be theoretically correct in prin- ciple, accurate throughout the whole range, simple in construc- tion, and so proportioned to the work which it has to do that it 41 SWITCHBOARD APPLIANCES will not be eternally getting out of order, and will stay in correct calibration. To check up the accuracy of voltmeters, the temperature error is found by checking two voltmeters against each other when both of them are cold. Then place the voltmeter across the potential at which it operates for a number of hours, until its temperature has attained a maximum. Again check these two voltmeters, the cold against the hot voltmeter, and if the readings now differ from each other more than one per cent., the voltmeter should be rejected. Another source of error in voltmeters is due to pivot friction, which is caused by the pivot wearing against the jewel bearing and abrading the surface, and increasing the friction between these two surfaces ; this error should not be found in new instruments, as it is one which increases with the ageing of the instrument. In order to keep this friction as low as possible, the moving system should be light, and in order to test friction errors, the instrument should be moved quickly, in order to oscillate the index hand note whether the hand always comes back and registers with the zero mark current should be applied to the instrument, and dif- ferent parts of the scale tested in the same way. The important parts of the scale where friction is found largest are near the standard readings, where it is continually used. The voltmeters should always be tested for the friction error in the same position in which they are used. Means are generally provided on the switchboards for checking up the different voltmeters against each other, by means of plugs and a pressure switch. This should be done at stated intervals, in order to maintain the accuracy of these instruments, which are so important to the proper operation of the system. 42 SWITCHBOARD APPLIANCES For alternating currents, the voltmeter should be calibrated at the same frequency as that on which it is used. In some types of voltmeters a change of frequency introduces a considerable error in alternating current instruments ; especially where they are applied to circuits having a large power factor, they should be carefully checked for errors. INSTRUMENT MOVEMENTS The different principles employed in the movements of electrical instruments can, as a rule, be used for both volt and current meas- urements. The magnetizing force, in the case of the voltmeter, is supplied with a great number of turns of fine wire, and, in the case of the ammeter, is supplied with a few turns of coarse wire. The oldest type of a measuring instrument was a permanent magnet pivoted over a conductor, which magnet was deflected by currents passing through the conductor, and these deflections were calibrated. The movements of commercial instruments, as now used for switchboard work and commercial measurements, are only those which will be hereafter described . The solenoid type, in which an iron core is sucked into convolutions, through which the cur- rent circulates, has a pointer attached to the core, and these deflections are calibrated. Fig. 47 shows an instrument employing the solenoid principle; in this case, the core is supported on a knife edge, counterbalanced by the pointer FlG - 47 and an adjustable weight, and can be calibrated to give a fairly uniform scale for equal increments of current. This 43 FIG. 48 INSTRUMENT MOVEMENTS design is one which is used by the Brush Company on their arc circuits. Fig. 48 shows another form of solenoid type; in this case the solenoid is circular and concentric to the curve core which swings around the axis of support, in response to cur- rent changes. By properly balancing this system by weights, a fairly uniform scale can be secured, or, for special purposes, the scale can be expanded at any point desired. This movement was used by the Edison Company. These two movements are specially useful for current indications; they have an inherent error in measuring direct current, due to the iron core not responding readily to slight changes of current, which makes an increased reading lower than it should be and a decreased reading higher than it should be. This magnetic lag is called "hysteresis," and where there is any mass of iron employed in the moving system the accuracy is not sufficient for volt indications, except where alternating currents are measured, and hysteresis is, under this condition, not an appreciable error, but in this case, the precaution must be taken to laminate the core, so that local currents will not be induced in it. Both of the systems above described are naturally heavy in their construction, so that the coefficient of friction of the instru- ment is large, and gives an error which is practically identical with hysteresis. 44 INSTRUMENT MOVEMENTS FIG. 49 Fig. 49 shows still another instrument of the solenoid type, which is used specially for alternating current work, being provided with a laminated core. This movement is used by the Westinghouse Company. The perfecting of devices for the accu- rate commercial measurements of electrical currents and potentials is due to the untir- ing efforts of Mr. Edward Weston, who undertook, in 1880, to seriously develop for the electrical industries instruments by which the electrical quantities involved in electrical engineering could be accurately determined. After having experimented over the whole field of the possible forms of instruments, he determined on the type of instrument shown in Fig. 50, believing it to embody the best possible principles for the measuring systems of commercial instruments. This type is applicable to the measurement of direct currents; the measuring coil consists of a number of turns of fine wire, wound on a rectangular form, and this coil rotates in a concentric annular space, through which passes a permanent magnetic field. When current enters this coil, it tends to deflect it from a fixed position, which is reacted by dif- ferential springs; in this way deflections can be obtained, which are proportional to the current flowing. "A" represents the internal iron core; "B" the moving coil; U C' the springs, and "D" the pointer. FIG. 50 45 INSTRUMENT MOVEMENTS Where this instrument is used as a voltmeter, it has resistance in series with the moving coil. When used as an ammeter, it measures the difference of potential across a shunt, which differ- ence varies with the current flowing. These instruments are made in a number of forms for switchboard work the round dial type for isolated plants, illuminated dial type for central station work, and the edgewise type for heavy current work. All these are shielded by being closed in iron boxes, which form the case. Fig. 51 shows another instrument hav- ing the elements of a moving system rota- ting in a permanent magnetic field, this movement being restrained by springs which also carry the current into the moving systems. The instru- ment shown in this figure is known as the Kennelly Ammeter, manufactured by the Edison Manufacturing Company. This instru- ment consists of a flat permanent horseshoe magnet of semi-circu- lar shape, with its poles brought out into semi-circles, and separated about one-sixteenth of an inch. In this narrow air-gap, and working in a strong magnetic field, is the disc armature "A." The windings are laid radially and symmet- rically over the upper surface of the disc, and when the current passes through these radial lines, a magnetic pull is set up in the plane of the disc, which causes the armature to turn ; the deflections are proportional to the current flowing through the system. Fig. 52 shows another method by which currents are measured by indirect means, due to the expansion of the conductor on being 46 INSTRUMENT MOVEMENTS heated by the current passing through it and the expansion and contraction of this conductor being multiplied and actuating a pointer, which indications are calibrated. This figure shows several strands of wire, through which the current to be measured passes, one strand of which actuates the multiplying device, to which is attached the pointer. A disc is attached to the moving system, which enters a semi-circular air-tight box, and acts as an air dash- pot, which reduces the oscillation of the meter and makes it approximately dead beat. This instrument is known as the Hoyt hot wire type. The Cardew type of instrument has the conductor wound around the spindle of the indicating hand, and rotates this around as it expands or contracts; this movement is again calibrated. These instruments have special uses for shipboard work, as they are not affected in their indications by any external movement; twisted strips of different metals and spiral springs used torsion- ally have been used for the moving devices of measuring instruments. Fig. 53 shows what is known as the Wirt type, and consists of a magnetic field which is unsymmetrical to the moving iron system. The current is so disposed around the moving system that very little iron is used, and the r 1 r i Fir " 53 hysteretic error, by careful treatment of the iron, is reduced to a negligible value. As the current flows through the loop surrounding the system, the iron tends to include a greater number of lines of force, and this moving effort is counteracted by weights or springs, so that the deflections are proportional to the current flowing. Where this system is used for a voltmeter, a 47 INSTRUMENT MOVEMENTS number of turns wound on an elliptical spool, and the moving sys- tem placed concentrically to one of the curved ends, makes this form adaptable to volt indications. Hoffmann & Braum, Thomson - Houston and others use variations of the same principle for indicating movements. ASTATIC VOLTMETERS With high potentials there exists sufficient attraction between surfaces of dissimilar potentials so that a moving system can be operated by these surface charges. Fig. 54 shows a type, originally designed by Sir William Thomson, in which a moving vane enters between two charged surfaces; this sys- tem is pivoted and provided with adjustable weights, so that voltages can be read up to any potential which is only limited by the striking distance between the charged plates. This in- strument requires no flow of current for the indications, and the scale is not proportional. Other arrangements of the same principle have been made, one by Mr. Kennelly, where the system is suspended and consists of a horizontal vane, which carries vertical circular sec- tors of aluminum, which rotate in grooves formed by curved brass plates. Current is carried into a moving vane by a bi-filar suspension. When these adjacent surfaces are charged, they tend to rotate the vane proportional to the charging potentials. FIG. 55 This last arrangement, on account of the fibre suspension, is hardly adaptable to switchboard construction. See Fig. 55 for details. FIG. 54 4 8 ASTATIC VOLTMETERS FIG. 56 The permanent magnet type of instruments is not suitable for the measurement of alternating currents. Mr. Weston devised the instrument shown in Fig. 56, which has, in common with his permanent magnet type of instrument, a rotating coil on which is wound the convolutions carrying the cur- rent to be measured, and the current is carried into the moving system by spiral springs. The magnetic field in which this system rotates is also formed by the current to be measured, and consists of two hollow helixes which enclose the moving system. There is no iron in this instrument, and it is not affected in its readings by changes in frequency. The oscilla- tions of the meter can be damped by a brake which is depressed on pushing down the contact key. This instrument does not give a proportional scale, but one that is expanded in the middle. RECORDING VOLTMETERS In order that a permanent record may be kept of the variation of voltage on any system of potential, it is important that a visual con- tinuous record be kept of the potential, and there are several instruments on the market for this purpose. The one shown in Fig. 57 consists of a voltmeter movement of the solenoid type, in which the plunger is supported on springs, and has an index extension, on the end of which is a pen, by means of which a line of aniline ink can be traced on a dial. FlC. 57 49 RECORDING VOLTMETERS This dial is moved around at a uniform rate by clockwork, and the variations of voltage are in this way registered permanently. The Richard Brothers' indicator records in the same way as the above-described Bristol indicator, but the actuating mechanism con- sists of an iron vane attracted to the poles of an electro-magnet, and the pointer carrying the aniline ink is attached to this system. VOLTMETER RELAYS In order to control voltages where variable speeds are delivered to the dynamos, such as water-power or gas engines, it is necessary that an automatic method be used to regulate the generator thus driven, as compounding will not affect regulation for variable speeds. A voltmeter relay is used for the purpose of actuating the rheostat which controls the field circuits. There are a number of methods by which this relay is operated, but generally by the solenoid and plunger principle, the solenoid being wound with fine wire, which is placed across the potential to be controlled. The plunger is restrained by a calibrated spring, and makes connection with one contact when the voltage is high, and with another contact when the voltage is low. A relay can be constructed so as to regulate within one-half of a volt. The circuit thus controlled by the plunger may operate through the means of a motor or electro-magnet; the arm of the rheostat, cutting in or out resistance in the field circuit, maintains, in this way, a constant potential at the brushes of the generator. Such relays are also used to light signal lamps on the switchboard, to call the attention of the attendant to the fluctuation of voltage from the fixed standard. 5 VOLTMETER RELAYS The central station in Paris, France, has its potential output almost entirely operated by automatic devices, which are controlled by automatic relays. COMPARATIVE PRESSURE INDICATORS In feeder distribution where the network of mains are supplied by feeders whose terminal pressure should be the same throughout the system, the pressure wires are brought back from the feeder ends and can be directly placed across the voltmeter and the potential measured, or the difference of potential may be compared against the selected standard feeder, by means of a comparative pressure indicator. The construction of this indicator is one having a permanent magnet needle pivoted, and is actuated by one solenoid across the standard feeder and one solenoid across the feeder pres- sure, to which it is connected ; the effect on the magnetic system is differential, and the potential read on the instrument is the differ- ence of potential that exists at the terminal of the measured feeder from that of the potential at the terminal of the standard feeder. INDICATING WATTMETERS In order to determine the power on any electrical circuit, it is necessary to multiply the current flowing by the volts pressure. An instrument which records this product is shown in Fig. 58. The main current flows around the moving system, and the potential on this circuit flows through the moving system, and the inter-reaction of these two forces is calibrated, according to their mutual forces, directly into a scale FlG - of watts which is the power element of the circuit being measured. 51 INDICATING WATTMETERS This instrument has special uses in the low potential systems, where the load curve in amperes does not indicate the power out- put of the station; for as the current consumption rises, the external distribution losses increase, which is compensated for by raising the bus pressure, so that an indicating wattmeter is the only indi- cation of output which, when plotted on a curve, is comparable to the station's economical performance. INTEGRATING WATTMETERS In any variable load delivery, to multiply the current by the volts for a limited number of observations during the day, in order to determine the watt output, never leads to reliable results being obtained, unless, of course, the plant happens to be operating under constant load. For these measurements instruments of the inte- grating type have been devised, which operate by the combined effect of the current flow and potential difference ; their rotations vary with the product of these two forces. Their construction is, in all cases, quite similar to an ordinary shunt motor, the conditions of field and armature being reversed. The field is in series with the load; the armature, which is of high resistance and generally of Siemens' construction, with a commutator of a few segments, is placed "in shunt across the line," the shunt being taken off beyond the field coils. An outside resistance is placed in this shunt circuit, to reduce the current in the armature to the necessary small quantity, and to prevent any appreciable waste across the line. Also, a few shunt turns in some types act accumu- latr .ly with the series turns, to compensate for friction of armature rotation. 52 INTEGRATING WATTMETERS Motor meters, as a class, rotate far more rapidly than is allowable in practice. It has been necessary, therefore, to introduce a "drag" or resistance to rotation, to slow the meter to a reasonable speed. This has been done in several ways, and perhaps the most common method is to attach a number of air fans to the shaft. These are quite largely used, and with fair success. The resistance of an air fan to rotation is approximately pro- portional to the square of the speed ; therefore, this device is only fitted for combination with such meters as have a torque increasing with the square of the current. However, since the torque of such meters does not quite reach the square, the retarding effect increases rather too rapidly, and has a tendency, although not always pronounced, to cause the speed of the meter to fall off pro- portionately on high loads. Another method of "drag," which has been used with some success, is the rotation of a small fan in a liquid a method perhaps rather better than the previous one, since resistance to rotation falls below the square of the speed when the liquid itself begins to rotate. Much depends in this case upon the shape of the receptacle containing the fluid. A third method consists in rotating a small inefficient dynamo, generally a mere disc turning between permanent or electro- magnets. This resistance is of course directly proportional to the speed, and there- fore to the torque. Applying this "drag" friction solves the principal difficulty to contend with. 53 INTEGRATING WATTMETERS Fig. 59 shows the type of Thomson integrating wattmeter, which is adapted for both alternating and direct watt indications, and made especially for switchboard work. The main current enters the meter through the "U' turn of copper, which produces the field in which the armature rotates. The potential across the armature varies with the voltage, and the damping effect is pro- duced by a copper disc rotating in a permanent magnetic field. The summation of the revolutions are recorded on a dial. Fig. 60 shows an integrating meter which is specially used to measure alternating current. This meter is essentially an induc- tion meter. The entire current to be measured passes through the primary, and an alternating field of force is developed in the direction of the axis of that coil. At the same time an alternating current is induced into the second- ary, and this induced current develops another field of force in the direction of the axis of the second coil, and therefore at an angle to the primary, which produces a FlG 6o resultant field, which is constantly shifting; this field acts on a disc, and the rotations are calibrated to correspond with the cur- rents flowing, and the indications on the dial will be practically ampere hours. The retarding devices are air vanes. DYNAMO GALVANOMETERS In the control of dynamos, so that they may be thrown into service together, a means must be provided so that it is known when the potential of the generator is the same as that of the sys- tem on which it is to be thrown. In small switchboards, a voltmeter switch is provided so that it can be connected across the terminals of the dynamo, and its 54 DYNAMO GALVANOMETERS potential adjusted until it is the same as the system to which it is to be connected. For this purpose, in the older central station practice, dynamo galvanometers were used which were connected across one pole of the dynamo switch, the other pole being closed ; when the dynamo is at the same potential the galvanometer reads zero and the machine can be thrown in on the circuit. Another zero method which is used for this purpose consists of a differential galvanometer, one winding of which is placed across the bus potential and the other across the open dynamo switch. When the potential on both windings is equal, the hand stands at zero, and the potential of the machine is right for throwing in. The incipient objection to a zero instrument for this purpose is that it gives the same indications for no current as it does for the proper adjustment of the generator; this has led to mistakes being made by the switchboard attendants, which has resulted in these methods being abandoned. Now, each generator is provided with a small direct reading voltmeter, which is calibrated in volts and is provided with a small pilot switch, where there are several potentials used, so that the voltmeter switch will indicate the proper positions in which to throw the main dynamo switches when the dynamo potential is equal to the bus potential. DYNAMO REGULATORS The regulation of dynamos requires a variation of the current strength flowing through the field circuits, in order that they may be thrown into service, and also that the loads may be properly divided between the generator when working in multiple arc, and the proper potential maintained on the consumption circuits. In 55 DYNAMO REGULATORS shunt dynamos their output is varied by a resistance in series with the shunt field, which resistance can be varied to increase or decrease the current flowing through the field circuit. The mechanical device used for varying this field circuit primarily con- sists of a continuous resistance, from which taps are taken at various points and brought to contact blocks, over which the con- tact arm traverses, thus cutting out or in resistance in this circuit. The ordinary form is shown in Fig. 61, which consists of a cir- cle of segments ; the current is introduced through the pivot of the lever, and thence to contact buttons, and through the resistance to the other terminal of the regula- tor. The fault with this device, as usually connec- ted, is that if the lever contact leaves the contact buttons the field circuit is open; if this happens when the machine which is controlled is working in multiple with others, serious damage may result. Again, in large generators many thousand volts may be induced in the field coils on the rupture of the field circuit, tending to break down the field insulation. For this reason the permanent connection should be made in all such regulators from the point "A" to "B," so that the field circuit is always continuously through the regulator, even if the lever is detached. In any case where a field circuit of a generator over 50 K. W. is broken, this should always be done slowly, and the arc drawn in order that a partial circuit is maintained through the arc, so as to prevent the discharge of the field from rising to abnormal potential. In general, the field switches are provided with field circuit con- tacts, and on withdrawing the switch it enters another set of con- tacts, which throws a non-inductive resistance across the field FIG. 61 DYNAMO REGULATORS terminals, so that when the field circuit is broken the discharged potential is suppressed. The Siemens-Halske Company use a carbon auxiliary contact device, which allows the field circuit to be gradually broken between carbon points automatically, and suppresses in this way a sudden surging of dangerous pressure from the field discharges. There has been a tendency for small units especially, to make the dynamo regulator compact. This, in itself, is a very good feature; but with the same watts lost as the size decreases, the tem- perature which the regulator attains, increases and uses the wire nearer its fusing temperature, practically results in too many break- downs. A larger factor of safety should be made in dynamo regulators, and much more than has been allowed in the past. A limiting temperature of ninety degrees Centigrade for enamel or grid con- struction, and fifty degrees Centigrade for open spiral coil construc- tion, should not be exceeded. This latter form of construction has been used largely in central station work, simply because the factor of safety has not been sufficient in other types of regulators. The cost of a regulator does not exceed three per cent, of the cost of the generator it controls in units, of the size of generator used in central station work. To increase the factor of safety of the regulator strengthens the weakest part of the regulating system and greatly insures reliability of service. In regard to the total resistance of a regulator, this should be such that the dynamos' potential can be reduced below the normal at no load, when separately excited at normal potential. This is an important point, for a number of manufacturers obtain their rheostat data from tests on generators which admit of their being 57 DYNAMO REGULATORS self-excited, and with this connection it obviously takes much less resistance to control the generator than when separately excited. In units from one hundred kilowatts up, the field currents become of considerable magnitude, and the regulators to control them have to be of special construction in order to properly carry and control these currents. The contacts and the connections are larger, and generally switchboards employing units of this size neces- sitate compactness; consequently the dial form of regulator is not suitable. Fig. 62 shows a regulator in which the con- tact clips are arranged in two parallel staggered steps with a sliding contact bridging them, which contact is moved by a pinion in the contact head meshing into a rack on the side of the regulator. There is also another form, in which the steps are arranged around in two parallel quadrants, and so staggered that eighty changes of resistance can be effected by moving the regulator arm through forty degrees. Both of the above regulators are connected to their resistance in what is known as a loop connection, which, in effect, is the same as drawing a contact along two legs of a U-shaped resistance, and in both regulators the moving of the contact upward increases the potential or load on the machine. In the quadrant type of regulator, it is also neces- sary to open the field circuit, and to prevent this being opened accidentally when the machine is in operation, an interlocking 58 FIG. 62 FIG. 63 DYNAMO REGULATORS device is used, which prevents the field switch being withdrawn or thrown in unless the regulating lever is at the lowest point (see Fig. 63). AUTOMATIC FIELD REGULATORS Where dynamos are driven at a variable speed, the shunt field has to be brought up for a drop in speed, and down for a rise in speed. There are several automatic regulators which can assist regula- tion considerably, if the variations are not too sudden. They employ an automatic relay which is operated by a given change in voltage, which, in turn, closes a circuit through a solenoid or motor, which actuates the contact lever to throw in or take out resistance ; in this way compensation is made for speed variations. The con- tact lever is usually provided with a dash-pot or other equivalent damping device to prevent hunting of the regulator and surging in the electro-motive force of the generator controlled. Compound- ing will not take care of speed variations in a dynamo. 59 PROTECTIVE DEVICES ROTECTION from abnormal flows of cur- rent, in a circuit which has a limited current- carrying capacity, is necessary for the safety of the system and the structure which con- tains it. In any electrical distribution, there is a fixed consumption circuit, and the conductors are proportioned to the current supplied, and will take care of all normal demands with a predetermined loss. However, as the conductor system depends upon insulation to keep the current in the conductors themselves, and to limit the current in quantity by the consumption devices in that circuit, if the insu- lation fails or the current demand becomes excessive, this circuit then should be automatically severed. The proper method to be employed for the protection of such circuits depends on the potential of the circuit, the current supply methods, and the character of apparatus to be protected, and the different devices which are used for the purpose of protecting cir- cuits each have their own special sphere of usefulness. FUSES Much has been written on this matter, and there is hardly another "example in electrical engineering where so much has been done in the laboratory without comprehending the true practical function of the device and its inherent limitations. 60 FUSES The rating of the fuse is the determination of six variables : its specific resistance, its temperature coefficient, the cooling effect of the terminals, the conditions for dissipating heat by convection and radiation, the specific heat of the metal, and the latent heat required by the fuse metal for its volatilization; the two last have more direct bearing on the time element of the fuse than on its rating. In use, the aging effects on the fuse are found to be the oxidization due to the elevated temperature at which it is used, and also its molecular stability changing under the variations of temperature. These variables have all to be considered in the rating of a fuse ; and to make a fuse for a specific number of amperes, in order that it can be connected with any kind of terminals, be blown in any position and at any external temperature or condition of moisture, has obviously led to the present doubt as to the accuracy of the fuse. In fact, any fuse can be so arranged that by conditions external to the fuse itself, it can be made to carry continuously a current flow one hundred per cent, above its rating. The usefulness of the fuse as an automatic device is only real- ized when adapted to that duty for which it was originally intended, namely, to protect the conductor system from injury. The fuse being made the weakest point in the circuit, it should have such reliability as to not allow such an excessive current to flow through the conductor, so as not to create a fire hazard or injure the insula- tion of the conductor. It would be much more practical to num- ber fuses to correspond with the size of wire which they are designed to protect, and be of such rating that they will blow between those currents above which the wire is allowed normally to carry, and below that current which will injure the conductor or 61 FUSES its insulation, and there is plenty of margin between these two current capacities to allow for all the variables which will alter the current-carrying capacity of the fuse. To send out a fuse marked to blow at a given number of amperes, or even fuse wire sent on spools, rated in amperes has led to the belief that they could be accurately calibrated ; but without fixing the conditions of the length and terminals and holder, they in practice do not give reliable service. It is a physical impossi- bility to be sure that results can be reached in practice between one hundred per cent, of each other; yet to protect the conductors from excessive heating, due to abnormal current flow, is within their legitimate use ; but to suppose that by overloading a fuse ten or twenty per cent, that it will blow, is not within the original intention or the present possibilities of this device. Determining the sphere of usefulness of the fuse is a simple question of cause and effect. On circuits of high or low potential, not carrying currents over thirty amperes in most instances, an effective service can be rendered by the fuse, and it will operate quickly enough to fulfil the ordinary demand of a circuit- rupturing device. At these capacities the resistance of the fuse can be con- siderable without undue loss, as the heating of the fuse increases as the square of the current flowing multiplied by the resistance of the fuse ; also the thermal conduction of the heat and the areas of radiation are low, and the mass of metal to be volatilized small ; so fuses up to these capacities can be given a fairly reliable rating, and are in some measure independent of the variables, which assume large proportions in fuses at higher current-carrying capacities. On low potential systems fuses are used extensively for the reason that they can be of such capacity that they will not operate 62 FUSES unless there is an extraordinary demand on the system, for the current in these systems rises to an abnormal amount when the conductors are either grounded or crossed ; but their use is being abandoned in the large network of underground mains from cen- tral lighting stations and copper strips substituted. It is consid- ered better practice to-day to maintain current when a short-circuit occurs on these mains until it is burned out, rather than hazard the continuity of the service due to fuses blowing. Fuses should not be considered as a reliable protective device, as it is a very important fact that, when the time arises for their action, it should be prompt; for it is evident that, by continuing the condition of short-circuit, excessive strains may be brought on the current-generating machinery and engine, as this strain has to be maintained long enough to raise the temperature of the fuse to the melting point and then supply sufficient energy to volatilize the fuse before the circuit is ruptured. Modern practice indicates that more than the external circuit itself has to be considered, as the reaction on the generating system, which is supplying the ser- vice, becomes a very important factor. In compound generators, where the effect of sudden rise in current demand on the gene- rators is accumulative, it makes it very necessary that the cur- rent be severed quickly, as soon as it has reached a fixed value. In modern central station practice the promptness of action of an automatic circuit -rupturing device becomes its most important function, where protection is to be afforded to the generating apparatus. The distributing system, however, can be subjected to a much greater variation in current flow, and stand the strain for a longer period; so that in this class of protection the time element of circuit-breaking is not so 63 FUSES important. The fuse generally consists of a metal having a low fusing point, the combination of tin, lead and bismuth being those usually employed in the alloy. These are soldered to hard end terminals, usually of copper, the terminals having ears provided so that they may be clamped to the contact blocks. Fuses are also made for high potential service of a number of strands of fuse wire, each enclosed with a rubber tube. Also copper is used in the form of wire, but it has a very large time constant, and has to be maintained at considerable temperature if operated near its rated capacity. Copper fuses have also been used, wound in the form of a spiral, so that in rupturing the circuit the arc is drawn in a mag- netic field, due to the convolutions of the fuse, and in this way extinguished. In order to reduce the radiating effect, fuses are enclosed in glass tubes, and in some cases are surrounded by a chemical which combines with the fuse metal itself on reaching a fixed temperature, and in this way reducing the resultant arc on the breaking of the circuit. In this same class are also fulminate fuses, which have, in close proximity to the fuse, a fulminate which explodes when the fuse reaches a certain temperature, and in this way ruptures the circuit. AUTOMATIC CIRCUIT BREAKERS A great many methods and devices have been employed for the purpose of mechanically rupturing a circuit by its own effect, after it has reached a predetermined point. The magnetic effect of the current itself is generally used to actuate an armature, which in turn releases the switching device. Expansion of conductors has also been used to disconnect the circuit, but the time constant of 64 AUTOMATIC CIRCUIT BREAKERS any heating effect, caused by the current itself, is far too slow to be effective, as is shown in the case of fuses. In order to accomplish the result desired in a circuit breaker, the time between which the abnormal current rises in the cir- cuit to be controlled and the actual opening of the circuit should be as short as possible; in other words, the time of open- ing should become less and less in proportion as the strength of flow increases, for the reason that the circuit which it controls may be short-circuited, and this current can quickly assume large proportions. It is important that any circuit-rupturing device should act as quickly as possible after the current has commenced to rise above the set value, so that the rupturing device can break the circuit before the current flow has attained such volume as would be destructive to any rupturing contact; and the quicker the circuit breaker acts, the greater the advantage to both the generating apparatus and the distribut- ing system. The actual breaking of the circuit should be performed posi- tively and with certainty ; yet to sever a high potential would necessitate drawing an arc which would seriously interfere with the proper action of the contact surfaces. Provision must be made so that this arc will occur where it cannot damage the current- carrying parts of the breaking mechanism. THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER This circuit breaker is the successful issue of many years' extensive research into the problem of automatically severing of 65 THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER electric circuits, and the perfected device as we have it to-day is the outcome of tests made under practical conditions, rather than the product of laboratory experiment. Plate "C' shows the construction of this circuit breaker in side view and in part section. The main current circulates around the solonoidal coil "B" and tends to draw into the solenoid the movable plunger "C." The initial position of this plunger in the solonoid is determined by the adjusting screw "M." When the current is sufficient to overcome the weight of the plunger it is drawn into the coil with constantly increasing velocity, due to intensified magnetic action, as the polar distance or air space is decreased. When nearing the upward limit of its travel, having acquired a high momentum, it impinges upon the trigger U N' through the medium of the push pin " E." The immediate result of this is the release of the switch arm by the displacement of the retaining catch " F." The upper projection "H" of the trigger u N ' is thrust against the striker plate " K," thereby utilizing the energy of the current to start the movement of the switch arm. This movement is intensified and sustained beyond the point of final rupture between the switch contacts by the thrust of the spring "O," which is released from compression by the initial action of the trigger. Thus the contact arm is thrown away from the contact terminal, and the circuit is opened. Plate " D " shows the disposition of the main contacts and of the auxiliary carbon contacts through which the current flows after the copper switch plates have been severed. Upon these carbon surfaces the current is finally ruptured. By this arrangement the metallic contacts are preserved from the deleterious effects of an arc, the circuit being finally ruptured between the auxiliary carbon 66 -U I-T-E Circuit Breakers CUTTER ELECTRICAL AND MFG. PLATE C HJ2 SANSOM ST. PHILADELPHIA, U.S.A. THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER contacts. The efficiency of carbon for a final break is due to the fact that the vapor resultant upon the formation of an arc has a high resistance, and, owing to the refractory nature of this sub- stance, but a relatively small volume is volatilized by the action of the arc, which, in addition, introduces into the partially severed cir- cuit a counter electro- O) motive force, approxi- mating forty volts. Among the impor- tant results attained by the development of the Cutter circuit breaker are : First, the great reduction in the time elapsing between the occur- rence of the excessive current and its final interruption. In the event of a fault or derangement in the distributing system the current tends to rise with extreme rapidity; the prompt interruption of the circuit, breaking the current before it has attained its full abnormal value, thus becomes a matter of the greatest importance. Some recent tests of these instruments show that the circuit breaker responded wathin five one-hundredths of a second after the occurrence of a short-circuit, and the current which would normally reach two hundred amperes was severed before eighty amperes flowed through the circuit breaker, showing that with normal inductance of gener- 69 PLATE D PLATE E I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER STANDARD SWITCHBOARD TVPE. SINGLE POLE. 5 TO 200 AMPERES THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER ating apparatus the circuit breaker acted more quickly than the generators could respond to the demand ; consequently, abundant protection was afforded. The responsiveness of the device upon the occurrence of a gradual overload is no less marked. Friction and the conforma- o tion of the magnetic circuit, if not properly taken care of in the design of a circuit breaker, will allow the current to creep beyond the point at which the device is adjusted to operate before the force of the solenoid is sufficient to actuate the plunger. In this instrument the plunger is free to move without appreciable friction, and, being worked far below the point of its magnetic saturation, it is extremely sensitive to current changes. This, in combination with the structural features alluded to, insures a positiveness of action which altogether precludes the possi- bility of "floating," as it has been termed. It may be hardly necessary to add that the circuit breaker is a very efficient pro- tection against damage by lightning. Plate "E" shows the standard switchboard type of the Cutter circuit breaker, of from five to two hundred amperes capacity, in an open position; Plate U F," a larger instrument of the same type, of from two hundred to twelve hundred and fifty amperes capacity, closed, while Plate U G V shows a still larger circuit breaker of standard switchboard type, single pole, of from fifteen hundred to three thousand amperes. All of these are intended for direct current only and are single pole, for use on circuits of six hundred volts or less, the long, clear break making them peculiarly adapted to the severe conditions incident upon street railway work. They are equally suited for lighting and power circuits, up to and including six hundred volts. 7* PLATE F I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER STANDARD SWITCHBOARD TYPE. SINGLE POLE. 200 TO 1,250 AMPERES PLATE G I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER STANDARD SWITCHBOARD TYPE. SINGLE POLE. 1,500 TO 3,000 AMPERES THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER Plate "H v is a double pole circuit breaker, of a capacity of from thirty to two hundred amperes, for voltages of two hundred and fifty or less. As illustrated, it is intended for front connec- tions, making it suitable for panel board work. For use on switchboards it would be used with back connections. Plate "!'' is a larger instrument of the same type, having a capacity of from two hundred to fifteen hundred amperes, double pole, for use upon circuits having a voltage of two hundred and fifty or less, equally adapted for lighting or power. Plate "J v represents a circuit breaker of from two hundred to six hundred amperes capacity, double pole, double coil. Not only is this instrument designed to open both sides of the circuit, but, having two coils, it will be operated upon the occurrence of an overload upon either side as well as by an overload affecting both sides of the line, thereby insuring absolute protection of the circuit under any and all conditions. Plate U K" represents a type of instrument especially designed to meet the severe condition of opening an alternating current circuit of two thousand volts or less. It is made in single pole only, and has a clean, wide double break of ten inches. In this instrument the coils of the smaller sizes are wound with covered magnet wire, and in the larger sizes the coils are made of open, bare rectangular copper. This type of instrument is made up to a capacity of two hundred amperes. We have in the foregoing treated of the Cutter circuit breaker of an overload type only. With but a small increase in the size, and without in any way affecting the simplicity of the overload instrument, an underload function may be added. A principle analogous to that which insures certainty of action in the overload 74 PLATE H I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER MIDGET SR. TYPE. DOUBLE POLE. 30 TO 200 AMPERES PLATK I I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER STANDARD SWITCHBOARD TVPK. DOUBLE POLE. 250 TO 1,500 AMPERES PLATE J I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER 500 AMPERE. DOUBLE POLE. DOUBLE COIL PLATE K I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER ALTERNATING CURRENT TYPE FOR HIGH VOLTAGE. SINGLE POLE ONLY 5 TO 200 AMPERES PLATE L I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER DIRECT CURRENT, no, 220 AND 500 VOLTS. 5 TO 25 AMPERES PLATE M I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER DIRECT CURRENT, EITHER SINGLE OR DOUBLE POLE. 4,000 TO 8,000 AMPERES THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER is made use of in the underload, the actuation of the trigger upon the occurrence of the underload being effected by the blow of an armature moving under spring pressure. It will be seen that whether the cause of operation be an underload, a "sneak current," or a heavy short-circuit, the trigger will be acted upon with a ham- mer blow, and never, in any case, without a free preliminary movement of the actuating body. The underload device is made in two forms, one of which, operating only upon the interruption of the current supply, is especially suited for motor protection, while the second form, which operates upon the occurrence of a predetermined minimum flow, is peculiarly adapted for use in connection with storage batteries. Plate "L" shows an overload circuit breaker having the under- load function added. The type shown is intended for direct cur- rents of from five to twenty-five amperes, single pole. This form is regarded as the best for storage battery protection. Plate U M." This type of instrument is specially designed for circuits of very large capacity, either single or double pole. The construction is such that the current is carried through laminated contacts in series with the actuating coil of the instrument. The main break is between the laminated contacts, and is followed almost simultaneously by the auxiliary break, which is in shunt with the main contacts, and is protected by a final carbon break of ample capacity. All the features which have made the smaller types so succesvsful are preserved in this device, while the arrangement of the laminated contacts and the general design are so accurately proportioned that the circuit breaker can be set with no greater effort than is required in closing a circuit breaker of fifty amperes. Si PLATE N I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER OVERLOAD AND "No VOLTAGE." 5 TO 25 AMPERES THE CUTTER CIRCUIT BREAKER Plate "N' shows an overload circuit breaker having a "no voltage v function added. This type is intended for direct current of from five to twenty-five amperes, and is regarded as best for motor protection. They are made for one hundred and ten, two hundred and twenty, and also five hundred volts. Plate "O." This instrument has been specially designed for use in connection with Edison three-wire currents, also for three- phase alternating current power circuits. This type of circuit breaker is made of a capacity from five to two hundred amperes, for use on circuits of two hundred and fifty volts or under. I T-H CIRCUIT HKEAKKR FOR USE ON CARS 83 PLATE O I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER STANDARD SWITCHBOARD TYPE. TRIPLE POLE. LIGHTNING ARRESTERS IGHTNING arresters, in their function, bear the same relation to the potential stress of the station as the circuit breaker bears to the cur- rent demand, and their purpose is to offer to a high potential discharge a path to ground where it can pass off, rather than enter the station or the protected consumption devices, and break down their insulation in the effort of this dis- charge reaching the earth. Lightning discharges have peculiar characteristics which make it comparatively easy to divert them. A discharge of lightning is supposed to be a rush of high potential which possesses an enor- mous frequency, and consequently inductive circuits arrest its flow; in this way discharges can be damped back from entering the station, and there will be an accumulation of potential adjacent to the inductive portion of this circuit. If an air gap be connected here, and one side connected to the charged line, and the other side of the gap connected to the ground, the discharge will jump this gap and pass to ground and be equalized, rather than force its way through the throttling inductive circuit. In order to accomplish this result, the conductor is wound into a number of convolutions, not over twenty, on a four-inch diameter mandrel, and these turns are interposed between the lightning arrester and the apparatus to be protected, preferably very near the lightning arrester itself. This protects the station from the discharge ; but when the dis- 85 LIGHTNING ARRESTERS charge passes the air gap, it so reduces the resistance of this gap, that when an active circuit is thus protected, the main current follows to ground and maintains an arc over the gap. For the pur- pose of again rupturing this circuit, several devices are used. THE THOMSON-HOUSTON LIGHTNING ARRESTER Fig. 78 shows type of magnetic lightning arrester. Under nor- mal conditions the current from the generator passes through the electro-magnetic windings to the right hand wing of the arrester, and then to line, the left hand wing being connected to earth. The result of the current flowing through this electro-magnet produces a strong magnetic effect at the ends of the mag- net, which is projected across the air gap ; this forces the arc away along the curving wing edges, until it becomes too attenuated to be maintained by the machine potential. Practi- cally this occurs instantly, and the arrester is then ready for another lightning stroke. Each arrester protects its own side of the line, and FlG 78 therefore two are required for each circuit. The illustration shows the form of arrester usually used on switchboards for central station protection. WESTINGHOUSE TANK ARRESTER The action of this arrester is to maintain an artificial ground of fairly high resistance on the lines to be protected, only when they are hazarded, and this type of leak arrester has been developed in order that there be no actual severance of the ground connection from the circuit to be protected ; for in an arrester possessing an air 86 WESTINGHOUSK TANK ARRESTER + BU53 gap, an abnormal potential must exist before the device operates. Here the systems to be protected are connected to a leak to ground during times of danger, and has electrically the effect of bringing the line to the level of the earth ; for through this leak both line and earth are main- tained at the same potential, and dis- charges pass off to ground through this leak. An inductive circuit is usually interposed between the apparatus to be protected and the external line and leak, in order to force this discharge FIG. 79 to ground. A leak arrester allows the surging of induced potential in the line protected, due to the inductive effects of charged clouds over the line to follow the same potential values as the earth over which they are strung. The type of leak arrester is only suitable to protect circuits where one side of the circuit only is to be protected. Fig. 79 shows this type of arrester, and the tank leak is plugged when the system is threatened. There are generally three tanks employed, having between them inductive circuits, "A," " B," and " C," so that if the discharge passes one, it is restrained still further by the other two. WESTINGHOUSE TANK ARRESTER There are a great number of types of arresters using fuses with air gaps, the fuse being severed by the current following the discharge ; but as discharges follow each other rapidly, continuous protection is desirable. There are also condenser arresters in which the lightning dis- charge passes from one plate to the other ; but these plates being in series, the initial potential of the circuit cannot maintain a dis- continuous arc. THE NON-ARCING LIGHTNING ARRESTER It has been discovered that with certain metals, when they form the surfaces for a spark gap, an alternating current will not main- tain an arc between these surfaces, due to the cooling effect of the terminals and the character of the vapor of the metal in the arc. Fig. 80 shows the type of the Westinghouse Non-Arcing Arrester, which is constructed embodying this principle, and which FIG. 80 consists of a number of cylinders of non-arc- ing metal, forming several gaps between them, which are jumped by the high potential dis- charge ; the alternating current does not follow and maintain an arc across these spaces or gaps, and this form of device is largely used in alternating current switchboards, where it is considered policy to place the arrester on the switchboard itself. FIG. Si 88 THE NON-ARCING LIGHTNING ARRESTER Yet another form of arrester is shown. In Fig. 81, in this case, the current, in its passage to the ground after following the dis- charge through the gaps, actuates an electro-magnet which pulls an arm, and lengthens the air gap until the arc is extinguished. I860 89 THE LOW TENSION SWITCHBOARD F the elements of design, common to both the isolated plant and the large low tension cen- tral station switchboard, both can be treated together. Taking the simpler forms first, and afterwards considering the special conditions necessary to be met by the switchboard, when used to control the more intricate methods of central station operation and distribution- methods recently introduced to give the proper potential supply over the expanding areas of the external network of conductors, and also for working of the storage battery in connection with the generators of the station. The isolated plant usually consists of several generators and a number of feeders to centres of distribution. The actual assembly of the apparatus on the switchboard, and its relative position, is so largely determined by the local conditions to be met, and the con- venience in handling, that to illustrate the different methods of assembly would not be of much value, but the method of connect- ing the different appliances is common to all the systems. Diagram i gives the connections where a shunt dynamo is oper- ated on a simple two-wire system. In this case the two terminals of the dynamo are brought to the switchboard through the dynamo leads to a double-pole switch. The connections are usually made to the switch, so that the dynamo feeds through the fuses and then through the switch 90 THE LOW TENSION SWITCHBOARD mechanism to the bus bar, so that if the switch is pulled, it can be fused when there is no current on the switch. Circuit breakers are usually inserted in the dynamo lead before it is tapped on the dynamo switch ; the main current is here taken, one leg to the bus bar, and the other leg to the shunt dynamo amperemeter "A," and then to the other bus bar. The dynamo regula- tor "R" is connected in series with the shunt field, the field wire being brought from the dynamo for this purpose; one end of the field being connected to one lead at the dynamo, and the other end connected to the other dynamo lead at the switch- board. The voltmeter "V" is connected across the bus bars, and the ground detector "GTL," in one-hundred-and- F d S H ten-volt system, consists of two lamps in series across the bus Diagram No. 1. bar > a middle connection being taken between the two lamps to ground. Generally the ground connection is provided with a plug " P," so that the system is only grounded when the test is being made. In connecting two or more dynamos that are to be worked in multiple, provision has to be made so that these dynamos can be THE LOW TENSION SWITCHBOARD thrown together without any fluctuation to the potential of the system. Diagram 2, Fig. i, shows a method where a dynamo galvano- meter is used for this purpose, and is so connected that the dynamo feeds into the bus bar one side direct, and the other side through the dynamo galvanometer, which usually bridges the open dynamo switch, two single pole switches being used when this method is employed for throwing in dynamos. It is evident that when no current flows, the potential on the dynamo and the bus bar must be the same, when the dynamo can be thrown on the system. Fig. 2 shows another zero method where the potential for the generator and the potential on the buses both act on the same magnetic system differentially; when the currents through them both are equal, the needle of the differ- ential galvanometer " D G ' will point to zero, and the dynamo is ready to be thrown in. Both of these zero methods possess the inherent objection that they give the same indication when there is no current flowing through the instrument as when they are ready to be thrown in, and mistakes have arisen from this cause, and have led to volt- meters being used for this purpose. Each generator is supplied with a pair of contact buttons of a voltmeter switch "V S," which are connected direct to the two leads of the dynamo, and the voltmeter can be connected directly to any machine and its potential raised until it is the same as the bus, when it can be thrown in. In compound generators, where more latitude can be allowed in the potentials of the generators being thrown in, pilot lamps "PL" may be sufficient to give the proper indication when they are con- 92 No. sl s. D. 'l PL D TT G L D. o o o I F.o3. /ww DG. ?v.s. PL D THE LOW TENSION SWITCHBOARD nected across the dynamo leads. These two last connections are shown in Diagram 2, Fig. 3. The above connections show those used for shunt generators, where the rheostat is the only method of regulation ; but isolated plants are usually provided with compound wound machines, and provision has to be made on the switchboard for equalizing connec- tions, as it is the usual practice in isolated plants to have the equal- izing bus on the switchboard. The proper connection of the equalizer plays an important part in compound dynamo regulation, and the resistance of the leads from the dynamos to the switchboard, both equalizing and series leads, should be calculated as follows : In all generators of the same size and having the same com- pounding characteristics, the resistance from the equalizing bus to the bus connected to the series side would be equal for all genera- tors. Where these generators are different sizes, the drop of potential on the equalizer and series leads should be the same for all compound generators, when these generators are working together and carrying their full load. Where the dynamos are not of the same type nor the same compounding characteristics, the resistance of the equalizing circuit will have to be such that the drop from all generators will be the same when they take their maximum load together; but it is hardly possible to compound dynamos of very different characteristics together, so that they will pick up their proportional load equally among themselves, and only the best approximate condition can be obtained, when they will take their full load together. If it is necessary to operate compound generators on two or more potentials, each potential must have its independent equalizing 94 THE LOW TENSION SWITCHBOARD bus, so that the equalizing leads can be shifted to the equalizing bus to correspond with the potential bus, on which that dynamo is to be operated, in order that the proper regulation can be effected by the series field. Diagram 3 gives the connections for two compound generators connec- L -i CJ >-) f . Cwclf th St, Philadelphia 163 CJ ; J E 9 NI 1 lie L-o owitcli IS THE STANDARD FOR HIGH-GRADE WORK. It is the only flush switch with an estab- lished reputation. Recent improvg- ments make it better than ever. HE contact brush- es are of the high- est grade of phos- phor-bronze ; the form of spring has been changed, making breakage of this part impossible, at the same time rendering the "push" easier. The best quality of steel piano wire is used in the spring, and ALL THE INTERIOR WORKING PARTS ARE COPPER-PLATED, thus doill^ with the possibility of rusting. The C-S Switch is made in single pole, double pole, three- wire and four-wire commutation, all of the same size and form. It is encased in a hard, vitreous, non-absorbent porcelain, making it entirely fire-proof. It has the endorsement of all Boards of Fire Underwriters. The body of the switch is recessed into the wall, with only an ornamental face-plate projecting. By the arrangement of the button, the condition ..of a distant lamp, whether lighted or not, may be JtolfLatta -.glance^ ufe Any number of switches, in any combination, may be mounted on a single plate. The switch plate, usually of polished nickel or brass, can also be furnished in bronze, silver, or any of the more elaborate finishes, to match the surrounding hardware. The C-S "Automatic" is a smaller switch, designed to be placed in the jamb of a door. By reason of its construction, the opening of the door turns on the light, or vice versa. It has been brought to our notice that contractors, where flush -witches are specified, frequently use an inferior switch, which does' hot have the characteristics wriicb led to the specification of our switch. In drawing specifications besurecincimentioSCne "C-Sv" which will insure its use and prevent annoyancet-and subsequent expense. A complete catalogue with prices :it upon cquest. THE CUTTER EL, .*&$&&%&& 1 1 12 Sansom Street, 1 Philadelphia 1 20 Liberty Street, New York 175 s ! 'ln/ rl - HHT HO Ayi wa rfeui _ ^K^T^Ii )bs;m ^ ri ,,: ;;;! rti>i ) r r -i .,m n . vino Bib i K m ; }-a7f! yi^rrr. fDOO rfaufl rfoiifw f rfoliwa lo nf i fnisfl ' ' - : f-. !j .f! rn /rj b^Aotjij ' }&' '!/' . ' ynibri ; / ciT r/ iw.v rin*rrjl irnaqo ~^^^HR ^^ -y(i g^r' H 38IJ -.*,' r * ^h-^^f ^*-^ *V^_ - *" ^* ^L * ^ dta rtoxJnam bri 911/2 ad anorxBorirbaqa ^nrwBiD n ad [-H^ si aohq rfjfw swgof> rrnooi CASE THE \UTOMA OFCIRCDITtfKfiMtWtlflTCHgSrfl'E'RE- CE ISAI : nbt ..ling mi to be operated MANUALLY, as opposed to the OO SWM '(TM / T A 1 51 T ' ^ 9T j ff f F 1 T^ tt > e fl b M y T > P revent the sanie from * ^"^ ^^ * ^ firrh v nT" TMJ; * ^ * ?*\ , - * n &R-m eJ n -,, j t=1o V 1 r-i tr. ' iIioY waM nnediii dne device. som Street, Philadelphia OS I . . .THE ONLY. . . INSTANTANEOUS "MAKE and BREAK SAFETY KNIFE SWITCHES tt Extract from the Rules and Requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters RULE 43. SEC. F. Must, for constant potential systems, have a firm and secure contact ; must make and break readily, and not stop when motion has once been imparted by the handle. WE ARE THE ONLY SWITCH-MAKERS WHO FULLY COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE RULE ** Series Circuit Arc Cut-Out MAST ARMS POLE STEPS CABLE CLIPS Four Pole Alternating; Current Cut-Outs Indestructible Arc Lamp Hanger Boards **** HOPE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I., U. S. A. '75 SMITH & CONANT ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS HARPER HOSPITAL DETROIT, MICH. INSTALLED BY MICHIGAN ELECTRIC CO. DETROIT, MICH. Office of Electrical Construction Division of Public Buildings Department, OLD COURT House ROOM 7, FIRST FLOOR. Nov. 8th, 7. Cutter Elec. and Mfg. Co. GentlemenI It gives me great pleasure to notify you that the special "double pole Circuit Breakers, which you built for the Boston City Hospital switchboard, have proved their value under a rather unexpected test. Last Wednesday evening one of our men accidentally dropped his wrench across the bus bars of a large tablet board, completely short-circuiting one side of the three-wire system, which is balanced, by a 5 K. W. Motor Generator. The Circuit Breaker, which was set at 300 amperes, opened instantly, even before a 50 ampere fuse on the 5 K. W. unit could act. Had there been no Circuit Breaker, we should have lost our motor generator, and consequently the whole system. No damage resulted to the 5 K.W. unit, which had to deliver current sufficient to open the Circuit Breaker, and we suffered no interruption of service except on this one feeder. Your Circuit Breaker is ALL RIGHT. Yours truly, Engineer. GEORGE H. PRIDE ENGINEER AND BUILDER EQUITABLE BUILDING NEW YORK CITY HIGH-GRADE SWITCHBOARDS PANEL BOARDS AND SWITCHES QME PLANTS, IN AND NEAR NEW YORK, FURNISHED WITH * OUR APPARATUS * * # * * Proctor's Pleasure Palace, New York City New York Orthopaedic Hospital, New York City Dakota Apartments, New York City Manhattan Electric Light Company, New York City United Bank Building, New York City National Meter Company, New York City Hotel Waldorf, New York City Staten Island Rapid Transit R. R. Station, St. George, S. I. Midland Beach Casino, St. George, S. I. Clarendon Hotel, Brooklyn Pratt Institute, Brooklyn F. Loeser & Co. , Brooklyn Crocker Wheeler Electrical Company, Ampere, N. J. Hudson Electric Light and Power Co., Hoboken, N. J. Jersey City Electric Light and Power Co., Jersey City, N. J. Washington Light, Heat and Power Co., Washington, N. J. Nepera Chemical Co., Nepera Park, N. Y. J. JONES & SON, 67 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK CITY FACT &LYN 179 a o I s 3 5 o 2; x. <: H o w ~ Q O u H c/j H U W o w K W H Z S 3 X w s H u PS y < j ELEXI CONDUIT INSTALLED WITH FLEXIBLE CONDUIT CLIFF HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. MANUrACTURCD fW AMERICAN CIRCULAR LOOM CO. CHELSEA, MASS. 1.8 1 *v^x 0*> THE X tTNIVERSITY 1 o u w w in 2 W as w O U Q H u ROBERT W. BLACKWELL 39 VICTORIA STREET, W. LONDON, ENGLAND Engineer and Contractor for Electric Tramway Construc- tion and Equipment Poles, Trolley Wire, Feeders, Rail-bonds, Insulators, Trolleys, Motor Trucks, Engines, Line Material and Supplies. I-T-E Circuit Breakers. JANUFACTURERS of all classes of bind- ing pests, with screws, nuts and washers for the same ; also magnet cores and all other turned parts for electrical work not requiring stock more than 2> inches in diam- eter. Hexagon, square and round head cap and set screws, from all kinds of material. All small turned parts for bicycles, guns, pistols, clocks, eye-glasses, watches, etc., etc. German silver, silver and gold screws made to order. We are headquarters for automatic machinery for producing all classes of turned work ; also automatic and hand machines for finishing operations. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST flincjiiiiE SCREW co. , Conn., U.S.A. 183 o u u S J < < "d to 2: w a w to O U Q fc > U ^ h I O H.C.ROBERTS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. f * * * The Highest Class Goods at the Right Prices** 831 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA 185 K H w d < z M W > o (9 s Jfe U O W S5 = 5 o M a o w H ^ a y . 5 * M Whitney Instruments STANDARD A. C. SWITCHBOARD Volt- and Ammeter STANDARD D. C. SWITCHBOARD Volt- and Ammeter MAC HA DO & ROLLER, SELLING AGENTS, 2O3 BROADWAY, NEW YORK PORTABLE D. C. Voltmeter PORTABLE D. & A. C. Ammeter PORTABLE D. C. Ammeter PORTABLE TESTING SET With or without Battery Range i to 5.000,000 Ohms. D. & A.C. SWITCHBOARD Indicators D. & A. C. ELECTROMAGNET Switchboard Insts. I8 7 o u =8 a a z J W J (/} 2; a H O o D CO Q ^ 5 H CO w o w o u si W H S 3 s w 2 y D 2 o f-l Modern Switchboards WE HAKE A SPECIALTY OF ALL HODERN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Electric Lighting Electric Railway Electric Power APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES We Build and Equip Complete Electric Light Plants, Electric Railway and Power Plants BIBBER=WHITE COMPANY 49 Federal Street, Boston 189 1517=1523 Clearfield St. Philadelphia, Penna. . . Long Distance Telephone . . MACHINE SHOP AND ENGINEERING . . DEPARTMENT . . We invite correspondence and will cheerfully furnish estimates on Electrical, Steam and Hydraulic Specialties SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIALTIES Injectors, Blowers, Exhausters, Ventilators, The "Old Reliable Steam Trap, Jet Condensers, Syphons and Extra Heavy Globe, Angle and Check Valves J-4 to 20 in. Started, Regulated, Stopped with One Handle Balanced Regulating Valves Automatic Free Exhaust Valves The best for Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers Takes water at a tempera- ture of J50 degrees and requires no adjustment for steam press- ures varying from J 5 to 300 Ibs. TO BOILER WILL UFT WATER 24 FET EYNON=KORTING COMPOUND INJECTOR 190 i5 I 7 =I 5 :2 3 Clearfield St. Philadelphia, Penna. . . Long Distance Telephone . . COPPER, BRASS AND BRONZE FOUNDRY DEPARTMENT PURE COPPER CASTINGS Of highest conductivity, sound and free from blow-holes, easily worked RED and YELLOW BRASS CASTINGS of every description, light or heavy, clean, smooth and accurate to pattern Switchboard Castings a Specialty High-Grade Bearing Metals for Engines, Motors, Dynamos, Etc. PHOSPHOR and MANGANESE BRONZE PATTERN WORK in all its branches WRITE FOR ESTIMATES . 191 THE ELECTRIC PORCELAIN AND MEG. CO. ELCXTROU PORC AIN SOLI: MAKERS Or I-X-L CLEttTS riAIN AND BRANCH CUT-OUTS CEILING AND MOULDING IXXSCTTCS SWITCH RASIlS AND SOCKETS WALL RECEPTACLES HANGER-I5OARD.S SOCKET BUTTONS INSUIJVrOPS SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PORCELAIN SPECIALTIES orricr: AND WORKS TOENTON, MEW JERSEY, tl. 5. 192 3 H d X = c c 's, a: 5: H 5 U W < J P s s. o u Q U W D Di O w w K ^ 2 < H - 1 , 5 . LH u b WARD & Co. 27 THAMES ST. NEW YORK Contractors for the Complete Installation of Electric Light and Power Plants, in accordance with the best practice . . THE . . * e t X IS THE OLDEST AND IS THE LEADING PUBLICATION f DEVOTED TO THE SUBJECT OF ELECTRIC AND STREET RAILWAY PRACTICE IT COVERS THE WHOLE BROAD FIELD OF ELECTRIC TRACTION THE WORLD X OVER, AND IS THE RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY ON THIS SUBJECT . . T SUBSCRIPTIONS : United States, Canada and Mexico, 84.0O per year * All other countries, including postage, $6.OO ** Street Railway Publishing Company A Year of the ... 26 COPJTLA.NDT ST. NEW YORK Street Railwap journal makes two large books of great practical value to every one in- terested in Street Railways. HARB RUBBER ELECTRICAL? MANUFACTURED BY The Columbia Rubber Works Co. 66 AND 68 READE STREET NEW YORK FACTORIES AT AKRON, OHIO 195 j tl GENL. INC. ARC LIGHT CO. BUILDERS "THE DAIKER" [APARTMENT HOUSE] NEW YORK CITY N. Y. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO. CONTRACTORS THE SWITCHES AND SWITCHBOARDS ...OF THE... General Incandescent Arc Light Co. NEW YORK ARE THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE AND WORKMANSHIP AND ARE LOW IN PRICE AS EVIDENCED BY ANY OF THE HUNDREDS OF SWITCHBOARDS BUILT BY THEM AND IN USE EVERYWHERE ...Send for Catalogue... GENERAL INCANDESCENT ARC LIGHT CO. S. BERGMANN, President 572-578 First Avenue, New York CORNER THIRTY-THIRD STREET I 97 o u W J . a w < , u in in j 2 < g * 31 ? DELTA METAL S/l^. CASTINGS, STAMPINGS AND FORCINGS I ORIGINAL AND SOLE MAKERS IN THE U.S. Delta fetal" 199 H Bti S D 2 in " Q O W WOW ^ W S H ^ O < W 55 H - Z* Q z o u as si O OS Q Built by W. S. Hill Electric Co. UTICA STA TE HOSPITAL, UTICA, N. Y. W. S. HILL ELECTRIC Co. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. BUILDERS AND DESIGNERS OF Modern Switchboards Some of our recent installments include New Public Library, Boston Willard State Hospital, Willard, N. Y. Post Office, Boston Manhattan State Hospital, Ward's Island, N. Y. City of Boston (4 Boards), Boston Long Island State Hospital, King's Park, N. Y. Boston Theatre, Boston NOTE. The Switches used on the Switchboard for the Congressional Library, Washington, D. C., shown on opposite page, are of our manufacture. 201 FRONT AND BACK VIEWS OF BUILT AND INSTALLED BY SIX-PANEL RAILWAY SWITCHBOARD WALKER co. CLEVELAND, OHIO Special European Agent for the Cutter Electrical and Mfg. Co/s I-T-E Circuit Breakers WRITE FOR PRICES AND INFORMATION ROBERT W. BLACKWELL 39 VICTORIA STREET, W. London, England The Crescent Shade DIAMETER 10 INCHES This Shade is made of Corru- gated Tin, finished in brilliant green enamel outside, and pure white enamel inside. The enamel is baked on and will not flake off or crack. The Shade is made on dies af- ter our own design, and we have spared no expense to make it the best of its class, and to sell at a price no higher than is asked for inferior goods. NET TRADE PRICES Price per dozen, $1.50 Price per gross, $15.00 Special price for larger quantities. MANUFACTURED BY BROS, st co. 625 KRCH STReeT 203 o u H Z w s D en O' at W O & J O w u as O O g Q J 5 S-fc Cu, CJ o y 5 w w z w S2 Q K O (i. \|I:W YORK ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT COMPANY S. BERGMANN, President P. H. KLEIN, JR., Treasurer OFFICES AND WORKS Cor. 33d Street and First Avenue TELEPHONE 129-38111 MAKE A SPECIALTY OF CARRYING OUT THE SPECIFICATIONS OF ARCHITECTS AND ELEC- TRICAL ENGINEERS FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK, THOROUGHLY AND CORRECTLY, AND WITH A COMPETENT AND COMPLETELY EQUIPPED ESTIMATING DEPARTMENT, FUR- NISHES ESTIMATES WITH THE GREATEST PROMPTNESS AND ACCURACY .-. .-. .-. .-. REFERENCES LEADING ARCHITECTS AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Agents for "ftERGMANN" !S G ARC LAMPS MANUFACTURED BY THE GENERAL INCANDESCENT KM. LIGHT COMPANY 205 >. g n *-> Q K W S H 1/3 _] (_) CO W H J5 -H Q Pi O < u co Pi O w u H CO W SS u o Q OS Q" j a Z J * < < < w z H J - H U h in w W g is ^O J>H E < HjiJ ^ iH ^ m < w c u o u E n: h Cfc O fc, -J h- in < W U u o u o a M Q S5 C/) O U Z O H CO O PQ < W X * S B " The Switchboard shown on the opposite page was made and installed by us at the BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL WM. J. MURDOCK & CO MANUFACTURERS OF SWITCHBOARDS No. 160 CONGRESS STREET BOSTON, MASS. We will be pleased to furnish plans and estimates of Switchboards for electrical purposes, and would solicit your correspondence. WM. J. MURDOCK & CO., 160 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 209 tt a a _j ii "' K H 25 O u W U! C o a! o B ii Two Tablets Worth Reading Get What YOU Fay For You advertise to get results. Results can only be gotten from a paper that reaches the people who buy, or who counsel buying. The buyers are the managers of central lighting stations, elec- tric railway and power plants, supply houses, isolated plants, telephone exchanges, etc. These are the people reached by THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. QUANTITY of circulation counts only when it means QUALITY too. That is what we have QUAN- TITY and QUALITY, and that is why advertising in THE ELEC. TRICAL ENGINEER pays. Weekly Circulation, 10,000 Moral Advertise Judiciously and Boldly in THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Moral Read constantly THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER if you desire to keep abreast of the times. Get What you Fay For You read electrical papers to get news. To get news you want to know the most recent practice in cen- tral station design, the latest types of electric generators, mo- tors, dynamos, telephones, and all kinds of electric appliances. You want to know about the great electrical projects of the day. You want to know the latest electrical supplies on the market, so that whether you may be equip- ping your own plant, or trying to sell again, you are at least posted. THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER does this for its readers m< re thoroughly than any other elec- trical journal, and that is why it is the most widely read. 10 cents a cop}-, $3.00 a year. Weekly Circulation, 10,000 THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 120 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK 211 o > (j O c S W v; ^ J 3 j s 2 $ in w 2 a d Q J O ^ 9d ^ o a < o E O a < u E u 2 o W 1 w 85^? z c ' - " n H O g y