^ THE AMERICAN HOUSE CARPENTER. A TREATISE ON THE ART OF BUILDING. COMPRISING STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE, STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, B D THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF FLOORS, FRAMED GIRDERS, ROOF TRUSSES, ROLLED-IRON BEAMS, TUBULAR-IRON GIRDKRS, CAST-IRON GIRDERS, STAIRS, DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, AND CORNICES; A COMPEND OF MATHEMATICS. A MANUAL FOR THE PRACTICAL USE OF ARCHITECTS, CARPENTERS, STAIR-BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. EIGHTH EDITION, REWRITTEN AND ENLARGED. BY R. G. HATFIELD, ARCHITECT, l\ LATE FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, ETC. AUTHOR OF "TRANSVERSE STRAINS." EDITED BY O. P. HATFIELD, F.A.I.A., ARCHITECT. NINTH EDITION. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 15 ASTOR PLACE 1883. ^/.o \ COPYRIGHT 1880, BY THE ESTATE OF R. G. HAITI ELD. PREFACE. SINCE the publication of the first edition of this work, six subsequent editions have been issued ; but, although from time to time many additions to its pages and revisions of its subject-matter have been made, still its sev- eral issues have always been printed substantially from the original stereotype plates. In this edition, however, the book has been extensively remodelled and expanded, the greater portion of it rewritten, and the whole put in a new dress by being newly set up in type uniform in style with that of the late author's recent work, Transverse Strains. To this revision a labor of love to him he devoted all the time he could spare from his other pressing engage- ments for a year or more, and by close and arduous application brought the book to a successful termination, notwithstanding the engrossing nature of his customary business avocations. Although essentially an elementary work, and intended originally for a class of minds not generally favored with oppor- tunities for securing a very extended form of education, either in the store of * een divided viz., Civil, Military, and Naval the first is that which refers to the construction of edifices known as dwellings, churches, and other public buildings, bridges, etc., for the accommodation of civilized man and is the subject of the remarks which follow. . 2. Antique Buildings; Tower of Babel. Building is one of the most ancient of the arts : the Scriptures inform us of its existence at a very early period. Cain, the son of Adam, " builded a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch ;" but of the peculiar style or manner of building we are not informed. It is presumed that it was not remarkable for beauty, but that utility and perhaps stability were its characteristics. Soon after the deluge that memorable event, which removed from ex- istence all traces of the works of man the Tower of Babel 6 ARCHITECTURE. was commenced. This was a work of such magnitude that the gathering of the materials, according to some writers, occupied three years; the period from its commencement until the work was abandoned was twenty-two years ; and the bricks were like blocks of stone, being twenty feet long, fifteen broad, and seven thick. Learned men have given it as their opinion that the tower in the temple of Belus at Babylon was the same as that which in the Scriptures is called the Tower of Babel. The tower of the temple of Belus was square at its base, each side measuring one furlong, and consequently half a mile in circumference. Its form was that of a pyramid, and its height was 660 feet. It had a winding passage on the outside from the base to the summit, which was wide enough for two carriages. 3. Ancient Cities and Monuments. Historical accounts of ancient cities, such as Babylon, Palmyra, and Nineveh of the Assyrians ; Sidon, Tyre, Aradus, and Serepta of the Phoenicians; and Jerusalem, with its splendid temple, of the Israelites show that architecture among them had made great advances. Ancient monuments of the art are found also among other nations ; the subterraneous temples of the Hindoos upon the islands Elephanta and Salsetta ; the ruins of Persepolis in Persia ; pyramids, obelisks, tem- ples, palaces, and sepulchres in Egypt all prove that the architects of those early times were possessed of skill and judgment highly cultivated. The principal characteristics of their works are gigantic dimensions, immovable solidity, and, in some instances, harmonious splendor. The extra- ordinary size of some is illustrated in the pyramids of Egypt. The largest of these stands not far from the city of Cairo : its base, which is square, covers about ir acres, and its height is nearly 500 feet. The stones of which it is built are immense the smallest being full thirty feet long. 4. Architecture in Greece. Among the Greeks, archi- tecture was cultivated as a fine art. Dignity and grace were added to stability and magnificence. In the Doric order, their first style of building, this is fully exemplified. Phidias, Ictinus, and Calicrates are spoken of as masters in GRECIAN AND ROMAN BUILDINGS. 7 the art at this period : the encouragement and support of Pericles stimulated them to a noble emulation. The beauti- ful temple of Minerva, called the Parthenon, erected upon the acropolis of Athens, the Propyleum, the Odeum, and others, were lasting monuments of their success. The Ionic and Corinthian orders were added to the Doric, and many magnificent edifices arose. These exemplified, in their chaste proportions, the elegant refinement of Grecian taste. Improvement in Grecian architecture continued to advance until perfection seems to have been attained. The speci- mens which have been partially preserved exhibit a com- bination of elegant proportion, dignified simplicity, and majestic grandeur. Architecture among the Greeks was at the height of its glory at the period immediately preceding the Peloponnesian war ; after which the art declined. An excess of enrichment succeeded its former simple grandeur ; yet a strict regularity was maintained amid the profusion of ornament. After the death of Alexander, 323 B.C., a love of gaudy splendor increased : the consequent decline of the art was visible, and the Greeks afterwards paid but little attention to the science. 5. Architecture in Rome. While the Greeks illustrated their knowledge of architecture in the erection of their temples and other public buildings, the Romans gave their attention to the science in the construction of the many aqueducts and sewers with which Rome abounded ; build- ing no such splendid edifices as adorned Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus, until about 200 years B.C., when their inter- course with the Greeks became more extended. Grecian architecture was introduced into Rome by Sylla ; by whom, as also by Marius and Caesar, many large edifices were erected in various cities of Italy. But under Csesar Augus- tus, at about the beginning of the Christian era, the art arose to the greatest perfection it ever attained in Italy. Under his patronage Grecian artists were encouraged, and many emigrated to Rome. It was at about this time that Solomon's temple at Jerusalem was rebuilt by Herod a Roman. This was 46 years in the erection, and was most probably of ' the Grecian style of building perhaps of the CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE THE GOTHS AND VANDALS. 9 provement ; but very soon after his reign the art began rapidly to decline, as particularly evidenced in the mean and trifling character of the ornaments. 7. Architecture Debased. The Goths and Vandals overran Italy, Greece, Asia, and Africa, destroying most of their works of ancient architecture. Cultivating no art but that of war, these savage hordes could not be expected to take any interest in the beautiful forms and proportions of their habitations. From this time architecture assumed an entirely different aspect. The celebrated styles of Greece were unappreciated and forgotten ; and modern architec- ture made its first appearance on the stage of existence. The Goths, in their conquering invasions, gradually ex- tended it over Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Ger- many, into England. From the reign of Galienus may be reckoned the total extinction of the arts among the Romans. From this time until the sixth or seventh century, architec- ture was almost entirely neglected. The buildings which were erected during this suspension of the arts were very rude. Being constructed of the fragments of the edifices which had been demolished by the Visigoths in their unre- strained fury, and the builders being destitute of a proper knowledge of architecture, many sad blunders and exten- sive patch-work might have been seen in their construction entablatures inverted, columns standing on their wrong ends, and other ridiculous arrangements characterized their clumsy work. The vast number of columns which the ruins around them afforded they used as piers in the construction of arcades which by some is thought, after having passed through various changes, to have been the origin of the plan of the Gothic cathedral. Buildings generally, which are not of the classical styles, and which were erected after the fall of the Roman empire, have by some been indiscrim- inately included under the term Gothic. But the changes which architecture underwent during the Mediaeval age show that there were then several distinct modes of building. 8. The Otrogoths. Theodoric, a friend of the arts, who reigned in Italy from A.D. 493 to 525, endeavored to 10 ARCHITECTURE. restore and preserve some of the ancient buildings; and erected others, the ruins of which are still seen at Verona and Ravenna. Simplicity and strength are the character- istics of the structures erected by him ; they are, however, devoid of grandeur and elegance, or fine proportions. These are properly of the GOTHIC style ; by some called the old Gothic, to distinguish it from the pointed Gothic. 9. The Lombard*, who ruled in Italy from A.D. 568, had no taste for architecture nor respect for antiquities. Accordingly, they pulled down the splendid monuments of classic architecture which they found standing, and erected in their stead huge buildings of stone which were greatly destitute of proportion, elegance, or utility their charac- teristics being scarcely anything more than stability and immensity combined with ornaments of a puerile character. Their churches were decorated with rows of small columns along the cornice of the pediment, small doors and win- dows with circular heads, roofs supported by arches having arched buttresses to resist their thrust, and a lavish display of incongruous ornaments. This kind of architecture is called the LOMBARD style, and was employed in the seventh century in Pavia, the chief city of the Lombards ; at which city, as also at many other places, a great many edifices were erected in accordance with its peculiar forms. 10. Tlic Byzantine Architects, of Byzantium, Constan- tinople, erected many spacious edifices; among which are included the cathedrals of Bamberg, Worms, and Mentz, and the most ancient part of the minster at Strassburg ; in all of these they combined the classic styles with the crude Lombardian. This style is called the LOMBARD-BYZANTINE. To the last style there were afterwards added cupolas sim- ilar to those used in the East, together with numerous slen- der pillars with elaborate capitals, and the many minarets which are the characteristics of the proper Byzantine, or Oriental style. H. The Moor*. When the Arabs and Moors destroyed the kingdom of the Goths, the arts and sciences were mostly E LI DIVERSITY) >, ^ K / MOSQUE AT CAIRO. THE MEDLEVAL STYLES. II in possession of the Musselmen-conquerors ; at which time there were three kinds of architecture practised ; viz. : the Arabian, the Moorish, and the Lombardian. The ARABIAN style was formed from Greek models, having circular arches added, and towers which terminated with globes and mina- rets. The MOORISH is very similar to the Arabian, being distinguished from it by arches in the form of a horseshoe. It originated in Spain in the erection of buildings with the ruins of Roman architecture, and is seen in all its splendor in the ancient palace of the Mohammedan monarchs at Grenada, called the Alhambra, or red-house. The style which was originated by the Visigoths in Spain by a combination of the Arabian and Moorish styles, was introduced by Charle- magne into Germany. On account of the changes and im- provements it there underwent, it Was, at about the I3th or I4th century, termed the German or romantic style. It is ex- hibited in great perfection in the towers of the minster of Strassburg, the cathedral of Cologne and other edifices. The most remarkable features of this lofty and aspiring style are the lancet or pointed arch, clustered pillars, lofty towers, and flying buttresses. It was principally employed in eccle- siastical architecture, and in this capacity introduced into France, Italy, Spain, and England. 12. Ttie Architecture of England: is divided into the Norman, the Early-English, the Decorated, and the Perpendic- ular styles. The Norman is principally distinguished by the character of its ornaments the chevron, or zigzag, being the most common. Buildings in this style were erected in the 1 2th century. The Early-English is celebrated for the beauty of its edifices, the chaste simplicity and purity of design which they display, and the peculiarly graceful char- acter of its foliage. This style is of the isth century. The Decorated style, as its name implies, is characterized by a great profusion of enrichment, which consists principally of the crocket, or feathered-ornament, and ball-flower. It was mostly in use in the Hth century. The Perpendicular style, which dates from the I5th century, is distinguished by its high towers, and parapets surmounted with spires similar in number and grouping to oriental minarets. 12 ARCHITECTURE. 13. Architecture Progresiiive. The styles erroneously termed Gothic were distinguished by peculiar characteris- tics as well as by different names. The first symptoms of a desire to return to a pure style in architecture, after the ruin caused by the Goths, was manifested in the character of the art as displayed in the church of St. Sophia at Con- stantinople, which was erected by Justinian in the 6th century. The church of St. Mark at Venice, which arose in the loth or nth century, is a most remarkable building; a compound of many of the forms of ancient architecture. The cathedral at Pisa, a wonderful structure for the age, was erected by a Grecian architect in 1016. The marble with which the walls of this building were faced, and of which the four rows of columns that support the roof are composed, is said to be of an excellent character. The Campanile, or leaning-tower as it is usually called, was erected near the cathedral in the I2th century. Its inclina- tion is generally supposed to have arisen from a poor foun- dation ; although by some it is said to have been thus con- structed originally, in order to inspire in the minds of the beholder sensations of sublimity and awe. In the I3th cen- tury, the science in Italy was slowly progressing ; many fine churches were erected, the style of which displayed a de- cided advance in the progress towards pure classical archi- tecture. In other parts of Europe, the Gothic, or pointed style was prevalent. The cathedral at Strassburg, designed by Irwin Steinbeck, was erected in the I3th and I4th cen- turies. In France and England during the I4th century, many very superior edifices were erected in this style. 14-. Architecture in Italy. In the I4th and 1 5th cen- turies, architecture in Italy was greatly revived. The mas- ters began to study the remains of ancient Roman edifices ; and many splendid buildings were erected, which displayed a purer taste in the science. Among others, St. Peter's of Rome, which was built about this time, is a lasting monu- ment of the architectural skill of the age. Giocondo, Mi- chael Angelo, Palladio, Vignola, and other celebrated archi- tects, each in their turn, did much to restore the art to its INTERIOR OF ST SOPHIA, CONSTANTINOPLE. -gjpl Lift Y^ UNIVERSITY] ORIGIN OF STYLES. 13 former excellence. In the edifices which were erected under their direction, however, it is plainly to be seen that they studied not from the pure models of Greece, but from the remains of the deteriorated architecture of Rome. The high pedestal, the coupled columns, the rounded pediment, the many curved-and-twisted enrichments, and the convex frieze, were unknown to pure Grecian architecture. Yet their efforts were serviceable in correcting, to a good de- gree, the very impure taste that had prevailed since the over- throw of the Roman empire. 15. The Renaissance. The Italian masters and numer- ous artists who had visited Italy for the purpose, spread the Roman style over various countries of Europe; which was gradually received into favor in place of the pointed Gothic. This fell into disuse ; although it has of late years been again cultivated. It requires a building of great magnitude and complexity for a perfect display of its beauties. In America, the pure Grecian style was at first more or less studied ; and perhaps the simplicity of its principles would be better adapted to a republican country than the more intricate mediaeval styles ; yet these, during the last quarter of a century, have been extensively studied, and now wholly supersede the Grecian styles. 16. Style of Arehiteeture. It is generally acknowl- edged that the various styles in architecture were the results of necessity, and originated in accordance with the different pursuits of the early inhabitants of the earth ; and were brought by their descendants to their present state of per- fection, through the propensity for imitation and desire of emulation which are found more or less among- all nations. Those that followed agricultural pursuits, from being em- ployed constantly upon the same piece of land, needed a permanent residence, and the wooden hut was the offspring of their wants ; while the shepherd, who followed his flocks and was compelled to traverse large tracts of country for pasture, found the tent to be the most portable habitation ; again, the man devoted to hunting and fishing an idle and vagabond way of living is naturally supposed to have been 14 ARCHITECTURE. content with the cavern as a place of shelter. .The latter is said to have been the origin of'the Egyptian style; while the curved roof of Chinese structures gives a strong indica- tion of their having had the tent for their model ; and the simplicity of the original style of the Greeks (the Doric) shows quite conclusively, as is generally conceded, that its original was of wood. The pointed, or ecclesiastical style, is said to have originated in an attempt to imitate the bower, or grove of trees, in which the ancients performed their idol- worship. But it is more probably the result of repeated scientific attempts to secure real strength with apparent lightness ; thus giving a graceful, aspiring effect. 17. Order: or styles, in architecture are numerous; and a knowledge of the peculiarities of each is important to the student in the art. An ORDER, in architecture, is com- posed of three principal parts, viz. : the Stylobate, the Col- umn, and the Entablature. This appertains chiefly to the classic styles. 18. The Stylobate: is the substructure, or basement, upon which the columns of an order are arranged. In Roman architecture especially in the interior of an edi- fice it frequently occurs that each column has a separate substructure ; this is called a pedestal. If possible, the ped- estal should be avoided in all cases ; because it gives to the column the appearance of having been originally designed for a small building, and afterwards pieced out to make it long enough for a larger one. 19. The Column : is composed of the base, shaft, and capital. 20. Tlie Entablature: above and supported by the columns, is horizontal ; and is composed of the architrave, frieze, and cornice. These principal parts are again divided into various members and mouldings. 21. The Base: of a column is so called from basis, a foundation or footing. ^t ^"4j>2\ 7A > UNIVERSITY) INTERIOR OF ST. STEPHENS, PARIS. PARTS OF AN ORDER. 15 22. The Shaft: the upright part of a column standing upon the base and crowned with the capital, is from shafto, to dig in the manner of a well, whose inside is not unlike the form of a column. 23. The Capital : from kephale or caput, the head, is the uppermost and crowning part of the column. 24. The Architrave : from archi, chief or principal, and trabs, a beam, is that part of the entablature which lies in immediate connection with the column. 25. The Frieze: from fibron, a fringe or border, is that part of the entablature which is immediately above the architrave and beneath the cornice. It was called by some of the ancients zophorus, because it was usually enriched with sculptured animals. 26. The Corniee: from corona, a crown, is the upper and projecting part of the entablature being also the upper- most and crowning part of the whole order. 27. The Pediment: above the entablature, is the tri- angular portion which is formed by the inclined edges of the roof at the end of the building. In Gothic architecture, the pediment is called a gable. 28. The Tympanum: is the perpendicular triangular surface which is enclosed by the cornice of the pediment. 29. The Attic : is a small order, consisting of pilasters and entablature, raised above a larger order, instead of a pediment. An attic story is the upper story, its windows being usually square. 30. Proportions in an Order. An order has its several members proportioned to one another by a scale of 60 equal parts, which are called minutes. If the height of buildings were always the same, the scale of equal parts would be a fixed quantity an exact number of feet and inches. But as buildings are erected of different heights, the column and 1 6 ARCHITECTURE. its accompaniments are required to be of different dimen- sions. To ascertain the scale of equal parts, it is necessary to know the height to which the whole order is to be erected. This must be divided by the number of diameters which is directed for the order under consideration. Then the quotient obtained by such division is the length of the scale of equal parts and is, also, the diameter of the column next above the base. For instance, in the Grecian Doric order the whole height, including column and entablature, is 8 diameters. Suppose now it were desirable to construct an example of this order, forty feet high. Then 40 feet divided by 8 gives 5 feet for the length of the scale ; and this being divided by 60, the scale is completed. The up- right columns of figures, marked H and P, by the side of the drawings illustrating the orders, designate the height and the projection of the members. The projection of each member is reckoned from a line passing through the axis of the column, and extending above it to the top of the entab- lature. The figures represent minutes, or 6oths, of the major diameter of the shaft of the column. 31. Grecian Styles. The original method of building among the Greeks was in what is called the Doric order : to this were afterwards added the Ionic and the Corinthian. These three were the only styles known among them. Each is distinguished from the other two by not only a peculiar- ity of some one or more of its principal parts, but also by a particular destination. The character of the Doric is robust, manly, and Herculean-like ; that of the Ionic is more deli- cate, feminine, matronly; while that of the Corinthian is extremely delicate, youthful, and virgin-like. However they may differ in their general character, they are alike famous for grace and dignity, elegance and grandeur, to a high degree of perfection. 32 The Doric Order: (Fig. 2,) is so ancient that its origin is unknown although some have pretended to have discovered it. But the most general opinion is, that it is an improvement upon the original wooden buildings of the FANCIFUL ORIGIN OF THE DORIC. I/ Grecians. These no doubt were very rude, and perhaps not unlike the following figure. FIG i. SUPPOSED ORIGIN OF DORIC TEMPLE. The trunks of trees, set perpendicularly to support the roof, may be taken for columns ; the tree laid upon the tops of the perpendicular ones, the architrave ; the ends of the cross-beams which rest upon the architrave, the triglyphs ; the tree laid on the cross-beams as a support for the ends of the rafters, the bed-moulding of the cornice ; the ends of the rafters which project beyond the bed-moulding, the mutules ; and perhaps the projection of the roof in front, to screen the entrance from the weather, gave origin to the portico. The peculiarities of the Doric order are the triglyphs those parts of the frieze which have perpendicular channels cut in their surface ; the absence of a base to the column as also of fillets between the flutings of the column ; and the plainness of the capital. The triglyphs should be so dis- posed that the width of the metopes the space between the triglyphs shall be equal to their height. 33. The Intercolumniation : or space between the col- umns, is regulated by placing the centres of the columns under the centres of the triglyphs except at the angle of the building ; where, as may be seen in Fig. 2, one edge of 18 ARCHITECTURE. FIG. 2. GRECIAN DORIC. PECULIARITIES OF THE DORIC. 19 the triglyph must be over the centre of the column.* Where the columns are so disposed that one of them stands beneath every other triglyph, the arrangement is called mono-triglyph and is most common. When a column is placed beneath every third triglyph, the arrangement is called diastyle ; and when beneath every fourth, arceostyle. This last style is the worst, and is seldom adopted. 34-. The Doric Order: is suitable for buildings that are destined for national purposes, for banking-houses, etc. Its appearance, though massive and grand, is nevertheless rich and graceful. The Patent Office at Washington, and the Treasury at New York, are good specimens of this order. 35. The Ionic Order. (Fig. 3.) The Doric was for some time the only order in use among the Greeks. They gave their attention to the cultivation of it, until perfection seems to have been attained. Their temples were the prin- * GRECIAN DORIC ORDER. When the width to be occupied by the whole front is limited, to determine the diameter of the column. The relation between the parts may be expressed thus : _ 60 a ~~ ~d(b '+ c) + (60 c) Where a equals the width in feet occupied by the columns, and their inter- columniations taken collectively, measured at the base ; b equals the width of the metope, in minutes ; c equals the width of the triglyphs in minutes ; d equals the number of metopes, and x equals the diameter in feet. Example. A front of six columns hexastyle 61 feet wide ; the frieze having one triglyph over each intercolumniation, or mono-triglyph. In this case, there being five intercolumniations and two metopes over each, therefore there are 5 x 2 = 10 metopes. Let the metope equal 42 minutes and the triglyph equal 28. Then a = 61 ; b = 42 ; c = 28 ; and d = 10 ; and the formula above becomes 60 x 61 60 x 61 3660 x . --- - - -- - - ST = - = - = 5 feet = the d lameter 10(42 + 28) + (60 28) 10x70 + 32 732 required. Example. An octastyle front, 8 columns, 184 feet wide, three metopes over each, intercolumniation, 21 in all, and the metope and triglyph 42 and 28, as before. Then l84 - = H212 = 7.35-rigir feet = the diameter required. 21 (42 + 28) + (60 - 28) 1502 20 ARCHITECTURE. cipal objects upon which their skill in the art was displayed ; and as the Doric order seems to have been well fitted, by its massive proportions, to represent the character of their male deities rather than the female, there seems to have been a necessity for another style which should be emble- matical of feminine graces, and with which they might decorate such temples as were dedicated to the goddesses. Hence the origin of the Ionic order. This was invented, according to historians, by Hermogenes of Alabanda ; and he being a native of Caria, then in the possession of the lonians, the order was called the Ionic. The distinguishing features of this order are* the volutes or spirals of the capital ; and the dentils among the bed- mouldings of the cornice: although in some instances dentils are wanting. The volutes are said to have been designed as a representation of curls of hair on the head of a matron, of whom the whole column is taken as a sem- blance. The Ionic order is appropriate for churches, colleges, seminaries, libraries, all edifices dedicated to literature and the arts, and all places of peace and tranquillity. The front of the Custom-House, New York City, is a good specimen of this order. 36. The Intercolumniation : of this and the other orders both Roman and Grecian, with the exception of the Doric are distinguished as follows. When the interval is one and a half diameters, it is called pycnostyle, or columns thick-set; when two diameters, systyle ; when two and a quarter diameters, eustyle ; when three diameters, diastyle ; and when more than three diameters, arceostyle, or columns thin-set. In all the orders, when there are four columns in one row, the arrangement is called tetrastyle ; when there are six in a row, hcxastyle ; and when eight, octastyle. 37. To Describe the Ionic Volute. Draw a perpen- dicular from a to s (Fig. 4), and make a s equal to 20 min. or to $ of the whole height, a c ; draw s o at right angles to s a, and equal to I min. ; upon o, with 2^ min. for radius, PROPORTIONS OF GRECIAN IONIC. v FIG. 3. GRECIAN IONIC. 22 ARCHITECTURE. describe the eye of the volute ; about o, the centre of the eye, draw the square, r t i 2, with sides equal to half the diameter of the eye, viz. 2j min., and divide it into 144 equal parts, as shown at Fig. 5. The several centres in rotation are at the angles formed by the heavy lines, as figured, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. The position of these angles is determined by commencing at the point, i, and making each heavy line one part less in length than the preceding one. No. i is the FIG. 4. IONIC VOLUTE. THE IONIC VOLUTE. 23 centre for the arc a b (Fig. 4 ;) 2 is the centre for the arc be; and so on to the last. The inside spiral line is to be described from the centres, x, x, x, etc. (Fig. 5), being the centre of the first small square towards the middle of the eye from the centre for the outside arc. The breadth of the fillet at aj is to be made equal to 2 T 3 min. This is for a spiral of three revolutions ; but one of any number of revolutions, as 4 or 6, may be drawn, by dividing of (Fig. 5) into a cor- responding number of equal parts. Then divide the part nearest the centre, o, into two parts, as at h ; join o and i, also o and 2 ; draw h 3 parallel to o i, and h 4 parallel to o FIG. 5. EYE OF VOLUTE. 2 ; then the lines o i, o 2, // 3, h 4 will determine the length of the heavy lines, and the place of the centres. (See Art. 288.) 38. The Corinthian Order : (Fig. /,) is in general like the Ionic, though the proportions are lighter. The Corin- thian displays a more airy elegance, a richer appearance ; but its distinguishing feature is its beautiful capital, is generally supposed to have had its origin in the capitals 24 ARCHITECTURE. of the columns of Egyptian temples, which, though not ap- proaching it in elegance, have yet a similarity of form with the Corinthian. The oft-repeated story of its origin which is told by Vitruvius an architect who flourished in Rome in the days of Augustus Caesar though pretty generally considered to be fabu- lous, is nevertheless worthy of be- ing again recited. It is this : A young lady of Corinth was sick, and finally died. Her nurse gathered , into a deep basket such trinkets and keepsakes as the lady had been fond of when alive, and placed them upon her grave, cover- ing the basket with a flat stone or tile, that its contents might not be disturbed. The basket was placed accident- ally upon the stem of an acanthus plant, which, shooting forth, enclosed the basket with its foliage, some of which, reaching the tile, turned gracefully over in the form of a volute. A celebrated sculptor, Calimachus, saw the basket thus decorated, and from the hint which it suggested conceived and constructed a capital for a column. This was called Corinthian, from the fact that it was invented and first made use of at Corinth. The Corinthian being the gayest, the richest, the most lovely of all the orders, it is appropriate for edifices which are dedicated to amusement, banqueting, and festivity for all places where delicacy, gavety, and splendor are desir- able. 39. Pcrian and Caryatides. In addition to the three regular orders of architecture, it was customary among the Greeks and other nations to employ representations of the human form, instead of columns, to support entablatures ; these were called Persians and Caryatides. 40. Persian* : are statues of men, and are so called in commemoration of a victory gained over the Persians by Pausanias. The Persian prisoners were brought to Athens PROPORTIONS OF GRECIAN CORINTHIAN. x s l - J FIG. "j. GRECIAN CORINTHIAN. 26 ARCHITECTURE. and condemned to abject slavery ; and in order to represent . them in the lowest state of servitude and degradation, the statues were loaded with the heaviest entablature, the Doric. 41. Caryatides: are statues of women dressed in long robes after the Asiatic manner. Their origin is as follows : In a war between the Greeks and the Caryans, the latter were totally vanquished, their male population extinguished, and their females carried to Athens. To perpetuate the memory of this event, statues of females, having the form and dress of the Caryans, were erected, and crowned with the Ionic or Corinthian entablature. The caryatides were generally formed of about the human size, but the persians much larger, in order to produce the greater awe and astonishment in the beholder. The entablatures were pro- portioned to a statue in like manner as to a column of the same height. These semblances of slavery have been in frequent use among moderns as well as ancients ; and, as a relief from the stateliness and formality of the regular orders, are capa- ble of forming a thousand varieties ; yet in a land of liberty such marks of human degradation ought not to be perpetu- ated. 42. Roman Styles. Strictly speaking, Rome had no architecture of her own ; all she possessed was borrowed from other nations. Before the Romans exchanged inter- course with the Greeks, they possessed some edifices of considerable extent and merit, which were erected by archi- tects from Etruria ; but Rome was principally indebted to Greece for what she acquired of the art. Although there is no such thing as an architecture of Roman invention, yet no nation, perhaps, ever was so devoted to the cultivation of the art as the Roman. Whether we consider the number and extent of their structures, or the lavish richness and splendor with which they were adorned, we are compelled to yield to them our admiration and praise. At one time, under the consuls and emperors, Rome employed 400 ar- chitects. The public works such as theatres, circuses, baths, aqueducts, etc. were, in extent and grandeur, be- PORTICO OF THE ERECTHEUM, ATHENS. CHANGE OF STYLES BY THE ROMANS. 2? yond anything- attempted in modern times. Aqueducts were built to convey water from a distance of 60 miles or more. In the prosecution of this work rocks and mountains were tunnelled, and valleys bridged. Some of the latter descended 200 feet below the level of the water; and. in passing them the canals were supported by an arcade, or succession of arches. Public baths are spoken of as large as cities, being fitted up with numerous conveniences for ex- ercise and amusement. Their decorations were most splen- did ; indeed, the exuberance of the ornaments alone was offensive to good taste. So overloaded with enrichments were the baths of Diocletian that on one occasion of public festivity great quantities of sculpture fell from the ceilings and entablatures, killing many of the people. 43. Grecian Order modified by the Romans. The orders of Greece were introduced into Rome in all their perfection. But the luxurious Romans, not satisfied with the simple elegance of their refined proportions, sought to improve upon them by lavish displays of ornament. They transformed in many instances the true elegance of the Grecian art into a gaudy splendor, better suited to their less refined taste. The Romans remodelled each of the orders : the Doric (Fig. 8) was modified by increasing the height of the column to 8 diameters ; by changing the echinus of the capital for an ovolo, or quarter-round, and adding an astragal and neck below it ; by placing the centre, instead of one edge, of the first triglyph over the centre of the column ; and introducing horizontal instead of inclined mutules in the cornice, and in some instances dispensing with them altogether. The Ionic was modified by diminish- ing the size of the volutes, and, in some specimens, intro- ducing a new capital in which the volutes were diagonally arranged (Fig. 9). This new capital has been termed modern Ionic. The favorite order at Rome and her colonies was the Corinthian (Fig. 10). But this order the Roman artists, in their search for novelty, subjected to many alterations especially in the foliage of its capital. Into the upper part of this they introduced the modified Ionic capital ; thus 28 ARCHITECTURE. combining the two in one. This change was dignified with the importance of an order, and received the appellation + [29. Vft ' j^'* n >L->xL FIG. 8. ROMAN DORIC. of COMPOSITE, or Roman : the best specimen of which is found in the Arch of Titus (Fig. n). This style was not PROPORTIONS OF THE ROMAN IONIC. 2 9 If 4 .-._ aygpg^^ ]^>34&*^&&1&1>S<1&1&Z> wmm: FIG, 9. ROMAN IONIC. 30 ARCHITECTURE. much used among the Romans themselves, and is but slightly appreciated now. 44. Tlie Tuscan Order: is said to have been intro- duced to the Romans by the Etruscan architects, and to have been the only style used in Italy before the introduc- tion of the Grecian orders. However this may be, its simi- larity to the Doric order gives strong indications of its having been a rude imitation of that style : this is very prob- able, since history informs us that the Etruscans held inter- course with the Greeks at a remote period. The rudeness of this order prevented its extensive use in Italy. All that is known concerning it is from Vitruvius, no remains of buildings in this style being found among ancient ruins. For mills, factories, markets, barns, stables, etc., where utility and strength are of more importance than beauty, the improved modification of this order, called the modern Tuscan (Fig. 12), will be useful; and its simplicity recom- mends it where economy is desirable. 45. Egyptian Style. The architecture of the ancient Egyptians to which that of the ancient Hindoos bears some resemblance is characterized by boldness of outline, solidity, and grandeur. The amazing labyrinths and exten- sive artificial lakes, the splendid palaces and gloomy ceme- teries, the gigantic pyramids and towering obelisks, of the Egyptians were works of immensity and durability ; and their extensive remains are enduring proofs of the enlight- ened skill of this once-powerful but long since extinct na- tion. The principal features of the Egyptian style of archi- tecture are uniformity of plan, never deviating from right lines and angles ; thick walls, having the outer surface slightly deviating inwardly from the perpendicular ; the whole building low ; roof flat, composed of stones reaching in one piece from pier to pier, these being supported by enormous columns, very stout in proportion to their height ; the shaft sometimes polygonal, having no base but with a great variety of handsome capitals, the foliage of these being of the palm, lotus, and other leaves ; entablatures having simply an architrave, crowned with a huge cavetto orna- PROPORTIONS OF THE ROMAN CORINTHIAN. UNIVERSITY FIG. io. ROMAN CORINTHIAN. ARCHITECTURE. * WMWKM^-Q^WW&AWW^^ Fie. ii. COMPOSITE ORDER ARCH OF TITUS. MASSIVENESS OF EGYPTIAN STRUCTURES. 33 mented with sculpture ; and the intercolumniation very nar- row, usually i diameters and seldom exceeding 2^. In the remains of a temple the walls were found to be 24 feet thick ; and at the gates of Thebes, the walls at the foundation were 50 feet thick and perfectly solid. The immense stones of which these, as well as Egyptian walls generally, were built, had both their inside and outside surfaces faced, and the oints throughout the body of the wall as perfectly close as upon the outer surface. For this reason, as well as that the buildings generally partake of the pyramidal form, arise their great solidity and durability. The dimensions and ex- tent of the buildings may be judged from the temple of Jupiter at Thebes, which was 1400 feet long and 300 feet wide exclusive of the porticos, of which there was a great number. It is estimated by Mr. Gliddon, U. S. Consul in Egypt, that not less than 25,000,000 tons of hewn stone were em- ployed in the erection of the Pyramids of Memphis alone or enough to construct 3000 Bunker Hill monuments. Some of the blocks are 40 feet long, and polished with emery to a surprising degree. It is conjectured that the stone for these pyramids was brought, by rafts and canals, from a distance of six or seven hundred miles. The general appearance of the Egyptian style of archi- tecture is that of solemn grandeur amounting sometimes to sepulchral gloom. For this reason it is appropriate for cem- eteries, prisons, etc. ; and being adopted for these purposes, it is gradually gaining favor. A great dissimilarity exists in the proportion, form, and general features of Egyptian columns. In some instances, there is no uniformity even in those of the same building, each differing from the others either in its shaft or capital. For practical use in this country, Fig. 13 may be taken as a standard of this style. The Halls of Justice in Centre Street, New York City, is a building in general accordance with the principles of Egyptian architecture. 46. Buildings in General. In selecting a style for an edifice, its peculiar requirements must be allowed to govern. 34 ARCHITECTURE. 736* in ir, 41 Fu;. 12. MODIFIED TUSCAN ORDER. FITNESS OF STYLES. 35 That style of architecture is to be preferred in which utility, stability, and regularity are gracefully blended with gran- deur and elegance. But as an arrangement designed for a warm country would be inappropriate for a colder climate, it would seem that the style of building ought to be modified to suit the wants of the people for whom it is. designed. High roofs to resist the pressure of heavy snows, and ar- rangements for artificial heat, are indispensable in northern climes ; while they would be regarded as entirely out of place in buildings at the equator. Among the Greeks, architecture was employed chiefly upon their temples and other large buildings ; and the pro- portions of the orders, as determined by them, when execu- ted to such large dimensions, have the happiest effect. But when used for small buildings, porticos, porches, etc., espe- cially in country places, they are rather heavy and clumsy ; in such cases, more slender proportions will be found to pro- duce a better effect. The English cottage-style is rather more appropriate, and is becoming extensively practised for small buildings in the country. 47. Expression. Every building should manifest its destination. If it be intended for national purposes, it should be magnificent grand ; for a private residence, neat and modest ; for a banqueting-house, gay and splendid ; for a monument or cemetery, gloomy melancholy ; or, if for a church, majestic and graceful by some it has been said, " somewhat dark and gloomy, as being favorable to a devo- tional state of feeling ;" but such impressions can only re- sult from a misapprehension of the nature of true devotion. " Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace." The church should rather be a type of that brighter world to which it leads. Simply for purposes of contemplation, however, the glare of the noonday light should be excluded, that the worshipper may, with Milton "Love the high, embowed roof, With antique pillars massy pr*f, And storied windows richlyjj^ght, Casting a dim, religious ligHt." ARCHITECTURE. H.P. PREVALENCE OF WOODEN DWELLINGS. 37 However happily the several parts of an edifice may be disposed, and however pleasing it may appear as a whole, yet much depends upon its site, as also upon the character and style of the structures in its immediate vicinity, and the degree of cultivation of the adjacent country. A splendid country-seat should have the out-houses and fences in the same style with itself, the trees and shrubbery neatly trimmed, and the grounds well cultivated. 48. Durability. Europeans express surprise that we build so much with wood. And yet, in a new country, where wood is plenty, that this should be so is no cause for wonder. Still the practice should not be encouraged. Build- ings erected with brick or stone are far preferable to those of wood : they are more durable ; not so liable to injury by fire, nor to need repairs ; and will be found in the end quite as economical. A wooden house is suitable for a temporary residence only ; and those who would bequeath a dwelling to their children will endeavor to build with a more dura- ble material. Wooden cornices and gutters, attached to brick houses, are objectionable not only on account of their frail nature, but also because they render the building liable to destruction by fire. 4-9. Dwelling-Houses : are built of various dimensions and styles, according to their destination ; and to give de- signs and directions for their erection, it is necessary to know their situation and object. A dwelling intended for a gar- dener would require very different dimensions and arrange- ments from one intended for a retired gentleman with his servants, horses, etc. ; nor would a house designed for the city be appropriate for the country. For city houses, ar- rangements that would be convenient for one family might be very inconvenient for two or more. Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17, 1 8, and 19 represent the icJinograpJiical projection, or ground- plan, of the floors of an ordinary city house, designed to be occupied by one family only. Fig. 21 is an elevation, or front view, of the same house. All these plans are drawn at the same scale which is that at the bottom of 38 ARCHITECTURE. Fig. 14 is a Plan of the Under-Cellar. a, is the coal-vault, 6 by 10 feet. b, is the furnace for heating the house. <:, d, are front and rear areas. Fig. 15 is a Plan of the Basement. a, is the library, or ordinary dining-room, 15 by 20 feet. by is the kitchen, 15 by 22 feet. c, is the store-room, 6 by 9 feet. d, is the pantry, 4 by 7 feet. e, is the china closet, 4 by 7 feet. fj is the servants' water-closet. g, is a closet. //, is a closet with a dumb-waiter to the first story above. i, is an ash closet under the front stoop. j, is the kitchen-range. k, is the sink for washing and drawing water. /, are wash-trays. Fig. 1 6 is a Plan of the First Story. a, is the parlor, 1 5 by 34 feet. b, is the dining-room, 16 by 23 feet. c, is the vestibule. <, is the closet containing the dumb-waiter from the base- ment. /, is the closet containing butler's sink. g, gy are closets. //, is a closet for hats and cloaks. iyjy are front and rear balconies. Fig. 17 is the Second Story. a, forty (0-40 inch). Now, if it be supposed that the vertical pressure, or the weight suspended below b d, is equal to 55 pounds, then the pressure on A will equal 50 pounds, and that on B will equal 40 pounds ; for, by the proportion above stated, b d: W-.-.b e:P, 55 : 55 :: 50: 50; and so of the other pressure. If a scale cannot be had of equal proportions with the forces, the arithmetical process will be shortened somewhat by making the line of the triangle that represents the known weight equal to unity of a decimally divided scale, then the other lines will be measured in tenths or hundredths ; and in the numerical statement of the proportions between the lines and forces, the first term being unity, the fourth term will be ascertained simply by multiplying the second and third terms together. For example, if the three lines are i, 0-7, and 1-3, and the known weight is 6 tons, then b d : W : : b e : P becomes I : 6 : : 0-7 : P 4-2, equals four and two tenths tons. Again bd\ W : : e d : Q becomes I :6:: 1-3: Q = 7-8, equals seven and eight tenths tons. 78. Horizontal Thrust. In Fig. 24, the weight ^presses the struts in the direction of their length ; their feet, n n, therefore, tend to move in the direction n o, and would so move were they not opposed by a sufficient resistance from the blocks, A and A. If a piece of each block be cut off at 64 CONSTRUCTION. the horizontal line, a n, the feet of the struts would slide away from each other along that line, in the direction na; but if, instead of these, two pieces were cut off at the verti- cal line, nb, then the struts would descend vertically. To estimate the horizontal and the vertical pressures exerted by the struts, let n o be made equal (upon any scale of equal parts) to the number of tons with which the strut is pressed ; FIG. 24. construct the parallelogram of forces by drawing o c parallel to an, and of parallel to bn; then nf (by the same scale) shows the number of tons pressure that is exerted by the strut in the direction n a, and n e shows the amount exerted in the direction n b. By constructing designs similar to this, giving various and dissimilar positions to the struts, and then estimating the pressures, it will be found in every case that the horizontal pressure of one strut is exactly equal to that of the other, however much one strut may be inclined more than the other; and also, that the united vertical pressure of the two struts is exactly equal to the weight W. (In this calculation the weight of the timbers has not been taken into consideration, simply to avoid complication to the learner. In practice it is requisite to include the weight of the framing with the load upon the framing.) Suppose that the two 1 struts, B and B (Fig. 24), were rafters of a roof, and that instead of the blocks, A and A, the walls of a building were the supports: then, to prevent TIES DESIRABLE IN ROOFS. 65 the walls from being thrown over by the thrust of B and B, it would be desirable to remove the horizontal pressure. Tnis may be done by uniting- the feet of the rafters with a u FIG. 25. rope, iron rod, or piece of timber, as in Fig. 25. This figure is similar to the truss of a roof. The horizontal strains on the tie-beam, tending to pull it asunder in the direction of its length, may be measured at the foot of the rafter, as was shown at Fig* 24 ; but, it can be more readily and as accu- rately measured by drawing from f and e horizontal lines to the vertical line, b d, meeting it in o and o ; then/0 will be the horizontal thrust at B, and co at A ; these will be found to equal one another. When the rafters of a roof are thus connected, all tendency to thrust out the walls horizontally is removed, the only pressure on them is in a vertical direc- tion, being equal to the weight of the roof and whatever it has to support. This pressure is beneficial rather than otherwise, as a roof having trusses thus formed, and the trusses well braced to each other, tends to steady the walls. 79. Position of Supports./^. 26 and 27 exhibit two methods of supporting the equal weights, W and W. Let it be required to measure and compare the strains produced on the pieces, A B and A C. Construct the parallelogram of forces, ebfd, according to Art. 71. Then 3/will show the 66 CONSTRUCTION. strain on A B, and b e the strain on A C. By comparing the figures, bd being equal in each, it will be seen that the strains in Fig. 26 are about three times as great as those in B FIG. 27. Fig. 27 ; the position of the pieces, A B and A C, in Fig. 27, is therefore far preferable. FIG. 28. 80. The Composition of Force : consists in ascertain- ing the direction and amount of one force which shall be just capable of balancing tivo or more given forces, acting in different directions. This is only the reverse of the resolu- STRAINS INVOLVED IN CRANE. tion of forces ; and the two are founded on one and the same principle, and may be solved in the same manner. For example, let A and B (Fig. 28) be two pieces of timber* pressed in the direction of their length towards b A by a force equal to 6 tons weight, and B 9 tons. To find the direction and amount of pressure they would unitedly exert, draw the lines b e and b f in a line with the axes of the timbers, and make b e equal to the pressure exerted by B, viz., 9 ; also make b f equal to the pressure on A, viz., 6, and complete the parallelogram of forces ebfd; then bd, the diagonal of the parallelogram, will be the direction, and its length, 9-25, will be the amount, of the united pressures of A and of B. The line b d is termed the resultant of the two forces b f and be. If A and B are to be supported by one post, C t the best position for that post will be in the direc- tion of the diagonal bd\ and it will require to be sufficiently strong to support the united pressures of A and of B, which are equal to 9-25 or 9^ tons. FIG. 29. 81. Another Example. Let Fig. 29 represent a piece of Laming commonly called a crane, which is used for hoist- ing heavy weights by means of the rope, B bf, which passes over a pulley at b. This, though similar to Figs. 26 and 27, is, however, still materially different. In those figures, the strain is in one direction only, viz., from b to d\ but in this there are two strains, from A to B and from A to W. ^ The strain in the direction A B is evidently equal to that in the 68 CONSTRUCTION. direction A W. To ascertain the best position for the strut A C, make b e equal to bf, and complete the parallelogram of forces ebfd; then draw the diagonal bd, and it will be the position required. Should the foot, C, of the strut be placed either higher or lower, the strain on A C would be in- creased. In constructing cranes, it is advisable, in order that the piece B A may be under a gentle pressure, to place the foot of the. strut a trifle lower than where the diagonal bd would indicate, but never higher. W FIG. 30. 82. Tie and Strut. Timbers in a state of tension are called ties, while such as are in a state of compression are termed struts. This subject can be illustrated in the follow- ing manner : Let A and B (Fig. 30) represent beams of timber sup- porting the weights W, W, and W ' ; A having but one sup- port, which is in the middle of its length, and B two, one at each end. To show the nature of the strains, let each beam be sawed in the middle from a to b. The effects are obvious: the cut in the beam A will open, whereas that in B will close. If the weights are heavy enough, the beam A will break at b ; while the cut in B will be closed perfectly tight at a, and the beam be very little injured by it. But if, on the other hand, the cuts be made in the bottom edge of the timbers, from c to b, B will be seriously injured, while A will scarcely be affected. . By this it appears evident that, in a piece of timber subject to a pressure across the direction of its length, the fibres are exposed to contrary strains. If the timber is supported at both ends, as at B, those from the top edge down to the middle are compressed in the direction TIES AND STRUTS. 69 of their length, while those from the middle to the bottom edge are in a state of tension ; but if the beam is supported as at A, the contrary effect is produced ; while the fibres at the middle of either beam are not at all strained. The strains in a framed truss are of the same nature as those in a single beam. The truss for a roof, being supported at each end, has its tie-beam in a state of tension, while its rafters are compressed in the direction of their length. By this, it appears highly important that pieces in a state of tension should be distinguished from such as are compressed, in order that the former may be preserved continuous. A strut may be constructed of two or more pieces ; yet, where there are many joints, it will not resist compression so well. 83. To Distinguish Ties from Struts. This may be done by the following rule. In Fig. 22-B, the timbers C and D are the sustaining forces, and the weight Fis the straining force ; and if the support be removed, the straining force would move from the point of support b towards d. Let it be required to ascertain whether the sustaining forces arc stretched or pressed by the straining force. Rule : Upon the direction of the straining force b d, as a diagonal, construct a parallelogram ebfd whose sides shall be parallel with the direction of the sustaining forces C and D\ through the point b draw a line parallel to the diagonal ef\ this may then be called the dividing line between ties and struts. Because all those supports which are on that side of the dividing line which the straining force would occupy if unresisted are compressed, while those on the other side of the dividing line are stretched. In Fig. 22-B, the supports are both compressed, being on that side of the dividing line which the straining force would occupy if unresisted. In Figs. 26 and 27, in which A B and A C are the sustaining forces, A C is compressed, whereas A B is in a state of tension ; A C being on that side of the line h i which the straining force would occupy if unresisted, and A B on the opposite side. The place of the latter might be supplied by a chain or rope. In Fig. 25, the foot of the rafter at A is sustained by two forces, the wall and the tie- 70 CONSTRUCTION. beam, one perpendicular and the other horizontal: the direction of the straining force is indicated by the line b a. The dividing line h i, ascertained by the rule, shows that the wall is pressed and the tie-beam stretched. FIG. 31. 84. Another Example. Let E A B F (Fig. 31) represent a gate, supported by hinges at A and E. In this case, the straining force is the weight of the materials, and the direc- tion of course vertical. Ascertain the dividing line at the several points, G, B, /, J, H, and F. It will then appear that the force at G is sustained by A G and G E, and the dividing line shows that th'e former is stretched and the latter com- pressed. The force at H is supported by A H and HE the former stretched and the latter compressed. The force at B is opposed by H B and A B, one pressed, the other stretched. The force at F is sustained by G F and FE, G F being stretched and F E pressed. By this it appears that A B is in a state of tension, and E F of compression ; also, that A H and G F are stretched, while B H and G E are compressed : which shows the necessity of having A H and G F each in one whole length, while B H and G E may be, as they are shown, each in two pieces. The force at J is sustained by GJ and J H, the former stretched and the latter compressed. The piece C D is neither stretched nor pressed, and could be dispensed with if the joinings at J and / could be made TO FIND THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 71 as effectually without it. In case A B should fail, then C D would be in a state of tension. 85. Centre of Gravity. The centre of gravity of a uni- form prism or cylinder is in its axis, at the middle of its length ; that of a triangle is in a line drawn from one angle to the middle of the opposite side, and at one third of the length of the line from that side ; that of a right-angled tri- angle, at a point distant from the perpendicular equal to one third of the base, and distant from the base equal to one third of the perpendicular ; that of a pyramid or cone, in the axis and at one quarter of the height from the base. The centre of gravity of a trapezoid (a four-sided, figure having only two of its sides parallel) is in a line joining the centres of the two parallel sides, and at a distance from the longest of the parallel sides equal to the product of the length in the sum of twice the shorter added to the longer of the parallel sides, divided by three times the sum of the two parallel sides. Algebraically thus : ,_'_(2_ - 3 ( + where d equals the distance from the longest of the parallel sides, / the length of the line joining the two parallel sides, and a the shorter and b the longer of the parallel sides. Example. A rafter 25 feet long has the larger end 14 inches wide, and the smaller end 10 inches wide: how far from the larger end is the centre of gravity located ? Here / = 25, a |f, and b = |f, - _ . 25_x_ = 25x34, " WP) ' 3(W + ) " 3xff 3x24 - =11-8 = 11 feet 9! inches nearly. In irregular bodies with plain sides, the centre of gravity may be found by balancing them upon the edge of a prism upon the edge of a table in two positions, making a line each time upon the body in a line with the edge of the prism, and the intersection of those lines will indicate the point re- 72 CONSTRUCTION. quired. Or suspend the article by a cord or thread attached to one corner or edge ; also from the same point of suspen- sion hang a plumb-line, and mark its position on the face of the article; again, suspend the article from another corner or side (nearly at right angles to its former position), and mark the position of the plumb-line upon its face ; then the intersection of the two lines will be the centre of gravity. FIG. 32. 86. Effect of the Weight of Inclined Beam. An in- clined post or strut supporting some heavy pressure applied at its upper end, as at Fig. 25, exerts a pressure at its foot in the direction of its length, or nearly so. But when such a beam is loaded uniformly over its whole length, as the rafter of a roof, the pressure at its foot varies considerably from the direction of its length. For example, let A B (Fig. 32) be a beam leaning against the wall B c, and supported at its foot by the abutment A, in the beam A c, and let o be the centre of gravity of the beam. Through o draw the verti- cal line b d y and from B draw the horizontal line B b, cutting b dm b\ join b and A, and b A will be the direction of the thrust. To prevent the beam from loosing its footing, the joint at A should be made at right angles to b A. The amount of pressure will be found thus : Let b d (by any scale of equal parts) equal the number of tons upon the beam A B\ draw d e parallel to B b ; then /; c (by the same scale) equals the pressure in the direction b A ; and e d the pres- sure against the wall at B and also the horizontal thrust at A^ as these are always equal in a construction of this kind. The horizontal thrust of an inclined beam (Fig. 32) the effect of its own weight may be calculated thus : Rule. Multiply the weight of the beam in pounds by THRUST OF INCLINED BEAMS. 73 its base, A C, in feet, and by the distance in feet of its centre of gravity, o (see Art. 85), from the lower end, at A, and divide this product by the product of the length, A B, into the height, B C, and the quotient will be the horizontal thrust in pounds. This may be stated thus : H = , where d equals the distance of the centre of gravity, 0, from the lower end ; b equals the base, A C ; iv equals the weight of the beam ; h equals the height, D C ; /equals the length of the beam ; and H equals the horizontal thrust. Example. A beam 20 feet long weighs 300 pounds; its centre of gravity is at 9 feet from its lower end ; it is so in- clined that its base is 16 feet and its height 12 feet : what is the horizontal thrust ? TT d b w , o x 16 x 300 Q x 4 x 25 Here becomes - 0x4x5 hi 12x20 5 = 180 =H =. the horizontal thrust. This rule is for cases where the centre of gravity does not occur at the middle of the length of the beam, although it is applicable when it does occur at the middle ; yet a shorter rule will suffice in this case, and it is thus: Rule. Multiply the weight of the rafter in pounds by the base, A C (Fig. 32), in feet, and divide the product by twice the height, B C, in feet, and the quotient will be the horizontal thrust, when the centre of gravity occurs at the middle of the beam. If the inclined beam is loaded with an equally distributed load, add this load to the weight of the beam, and use this total weight in the rule instead of the weight of the beam. And generally, if the centre of gravity of the combined weights of the beam and load does not occur at the centre of the length of the beam, then the former rule is to be used. In Fig. 33, two equal beams are supported at their feet by the abutments in the tie-beam. This case is similar to the last ; for it is obvious that each beam is in precisely the position of the beam in Fig. 32. The horizontal pressures at B, being equal and opposite, balance one another ; and their horizontal thrusts at the tie-beam are also equal. (See Art. CONSTRUCTION. 78 Fig. 25.) When the height of a roof (Fig. 33) is one fourth of the span, or of a shed (Fig. 32) is one halt the span, the horizontal thrust of a rafter, whose centre of grav- FIG. 33. ity is at the middle of its length, is exactly equal to the weight distributed uniformly over its surface. In shed or lean-to roofs, as Fig. 32, the horizontal pressure will be entirely removed if the bearings of the rafters, as A and B (Fig. 34), are made horizontal provided, however, FIG. 34. that the rafters and other framing do not bend between the points of support. If a beam or rafter have a natural curve, the convex or rounding edge should be laid uppermost. 87. Effect of Load 011 Beam. The strain in a uniformly loaded beam, supported at each end, is greatest at the middle of its length. Hence mortices, large knots, and other defects should be kept as far as possible from that point ; and in resting a load upon a beam, as a partition upon a floor-beam, the weight should be so adjusted, if possible, that it will bear at or near the ends. Twice the weight that will break a beam, acting at the centre of its length, is required to break it when equally VARYING PRESSURE ON BEARINGS. 75 distributed over its length ; and precisely the same deflec- tion or .rag- 'will be produced on a beam by a load equally distributed that five eighths ot the load will produce if act- ing at the centre of its length. 88. Effect 011 Bern-ings. When a uniformly loaded beam is supported at each end on level bearings (the beam itself being either horizontal or inclined), the amount of pressure caused by the load on each point of support is equal to one half the load ; and this is also the ase when the load is concentrated at the middle of the beam, or has its centre of gravity at the middle of the beam ; but when the load is unequally distributed, or concentrated so that its centre of gravity occurs at some other point than the middle of the beam, then the amount of pressure caused by the load on one of the points of support is unequal to that on the other. The precise amount on each may be ascertained by the following rule. Rule. Multiply the weight W (Fig. 35) by its distance, C B, from its nearest point of support, B y and divide the pro-, duct by the length, A B, of the beam, and the quotient will FIG 35. be the amount of pressure on the remote point of support, A. Again, deduct this amount from the weight W, and the re- mainder will be the amount of pressure on the near point of support, B ; or, multiply the weight W by its distance, A C, from the remote point of support, A, and divide the pro- duct by the length, A B, and the quotient will be the amount of pressure on the near point of support, B. When / equals the length between the bearings A and B, n AC, m C B, and W the load ; then 7 g CONSTRUCTION. v/ I JL_/- A = the amount of pressure at A, and . ? = ,5 = the amount of pressure at ^?. Example. A beam 20 feet long between the bearings has a load of 100 pounds concentrated at 3 feet from one of the bearings : what is the portion of this weight sustained by each bearing ? Here W 100 ; , 17 ; m, 3 ; and /, 20. W m Hence A=-j- Load on A = 15 pounds. Load on ^ = 85 pounds, Total weight = 100 pounds. RESISTANCE OF MATERIALS. 89. Weight Strength. Preliminary to designing a roof- truss or other piece of framing, a knowledge of two subjects is essential : one is, the effect of gravity acting upon the various parts of the intended structure ; the other, the power of resistance possessed by the materials of which the framing is to be constructed. The former subject having been treated of in the preceding pages, it remains now to call at- tention to the latter. 90. Quality of Materials. Materials used in construc- tion are constituted in their structure either of fibres (threads) or of grains, and are termed, the former fibrous, the latter granular. All woods and wrought metals are fibrous, while cast iron, stone, glass, etc., are granular. The strength of a granular material lies in the power of attrac- tion acting among the grains of matter of which the mate- rial is composed, by which it resists any attempt to separate its grains or particles of matter. A fibre of wood or ot UNIVERSITY THE THREE KINDS OF ST wrought metal has a strength by which it resists being com- pressed or shortened, and finally crushed ; also a strength by which it resists being extended or made longer, and finally sundered. There is another kind of strength in a fibrous material : it is the adhesion of one fibre to another along their sides, or the lateral adhesion of the fibres. 91. Manner of Rcisting. In the strain applied to a post supporting a weight imposed upon it (Fig. 36), we have an instance of an essay to shorten the fibres of which the timber is composed. The strength of the timber in this case is termed the resistance to compression. In the strain on a piece of timber like a king-post or suspending piece (A, Fig. 37), we have an instance of an essay to extend or lengthen the fibres of the material. The strength here ex- hibited is termed the resistance to tension. When a piece of timber is strained like a floor-beam or any horizontal piece FIG 37. FIG 38. carrying a load (Fig. 38). we have an instance in which the two strains of compression and tension are both brought into action ; the fibres of the upper portion of the beam be- ing compressed, and those of the under part being stretched. 78 CONSTRUCTION. This kind of strength of timber is termed resistance to cross- strains. In each of these three kinds of strain to which tim- ber is subjected, the power of resistance is in a measure due to the lateral adhesion of the fibres, not so much perhaps in the simple tensile strain, yet to a considerable degree in the compressive and cross strains. But the power of timber, by which it resists -a pressure acting compressively in the direction of the length of the fibres, tending to separate the timber by splitting off a part, as in the case of the end of a tie-beam, against which the foot of the rafter presses, is wholly due to the lateral adhesion of the fibres. 92. Strength and Stiffne. The strengtJi of materials is their power to resist fracture, while the stiffness of mate- rials is their capability to resist deflection or sagging. A knowledge of their strengtJi is useful, in order to determine their limits of size to sustain given weights safely ; but a knowledge of their stiffness is more important, as in almost all constructions it is desirable not only that the load be safely sustained, but that no appearance of weakness be manifested by any sensible deflection or sagging. 93. Experiments : Constants In the investigation of the laws applicable to the resistance of materials, it is found that the dimensions length, breadth, and thickness bear certain relations to the weight or pressure to which the piece is subjected. These relations are general ; they exist quite independently of the peculiarities of any specific piece of material. These proportions between the dimensions and the load are found to exist alike in wood, metal, stone, and glass, or other material. One law applies alike to all materials ; but the capability of materials to resist differs in accordance with the compactness and cohesion of particles, and the tenacity and adhesion of fibres, those qualities upon which depends the superiority of one kind of material over another. The capability of each particular kind of material is ascertained by experiments, made upon several specimens, and an average of the results thus obtained is taken as an index of the capability of that material, and is introduced in the rules as a constant number, each specific kind of ma- VALUES OF WOODS FOR COMPRESSION. 79 terial having- its own special constant, obtained by ex- perimenting- on specimens of that peculiar material. The results of experiments made to test the resistance of various materials useful in construction their capability to resist the three strains before named will now be introduced. 94. Resistance to Compression. The following table exhibits the results of experiments made to test the resist- ance to compression of such woods as are in common use in this country for the purposes of construction. TABLE I. RESISTANCE TO COMPRESSION. MATERIAL. >, "> Z O u te 1 To crush fibres ~ longitudinally. To separate fibres by sliding. fS To crush fibres trans- versely 3^ inch deep. Value of .Pin Rules. Sensible Impres- ^ sion. Georgia Pine 0-611 Pounds per inch. 95OO Pounds per inch. 840 Pounds per inch. 225O QOO 0-762 II7OO 1160 28OO 1 1 2O White Oak O- 774 8000 I25O 2650 IO6O Spruce 0-360 7850 540 650 26O White Pine O-^88 6650 480 800 32O Hemlock O-423 57OO 370 800 32O White Wood o- 307 3400 800 320 Chestnut O-4QI 6700 1250 5OO Ash o- 517 5850 3'OO 1240 Maple O-574 8450 2700 I080 Hickory O-877 13750 4100 1640 Cherry O*4Q4 QO5O 2500 IOOO Black Walnut O-42I 7800 2IOO 840 Mahogany (St. Domingo) (Bay Wood) 0-837 O-43Q Il6oO 4900 5700 I7OO 2280 680 Live Oak o 016 IIIOO 6800 2720 Lignum Vita? . . \J yj.w 1-282 I2IOO 7700 3080 The resistance of timber of the same name varies much ; depending as it obviously must on the soil in which it grew on its age before and after cutting, on the time of year when cut, and on the manner in which it has been kept since it was cut. And of wood from the same tree much depends upon its location, whether at the butt or towards the limbs, and whether at the heart or of the sap, or at a point mid- way from the centre to the circumference of the tree. The 8O CONSTRUCTION. pieces submitted to experiment were of ordinary good quality, such as would be deemed proper to be used in framing. The prisms crushed were generally small, about 2 inches long, and from I inch to i-J inches square ; some were wider one way than the other, but all containing in area of cross section from I to 2 inches. The weight given in the table is the average weight per superficial inch. Of the first six woods named, there were nine specimens of each tested ; of the others, generally three specimens. The results for the first six woods named are taken from the author's work on Transverse Strains, published by John Wiley & Sons, New York. The results for these six woods, as well as those for all the others named in the table, were obtained by experiments carefully made by the author. The first six woods named were tested in 1874 and 1876, and upon a testing machine, in which the power is transmitted to the pieces tested, by levers acting upon knife-edges. For a description of this machine, see Transverse Strains, Art. 704. The woods named in the table, other than the first six, were tested some twenty years since, and upon a hydraulic press, which, owing to friction, gave results too low. The results, as thus ascertained, were given to the public in the 7th edition of this work, in 1857. I n the present edi- tion, the figures in Table I., for these woods, are those which have resulted by adding to the results given by the hydraulic press a certain quantity thought to be requisite to compensate for the loss by friction. Thus corrected, the figures in the table may be taken as sufficiently near approx- imations for use in the rules, although not so trustworthy as the results given for the first six woods named, as these were obtained upon a superior testing machine, as above stated. In the preceding table, the second column contains the specific gravity of the several kinds of wood, showing their comparative density. The weight in pounds of a cubic foot of any kind of wood or other material is equal to its specific gravity multiplied by 62-5, this number being the weight in pounds of a cubic foot of water. The third column EXPLANATION OF TABLE I. 8 1 contains the weight in pounds required to crush a prism having a base of one inch square ; the pressure applied to the fibres longitudinally. In practice, it is usual never to load material exposed to compression with more than one fourth of the crushing weight, and generally with from one sixth to one tenth only. The fourth column contains the weight in pounds w r hich, applied in line with the length of the fibres, is required to force off a part of the piece, causing the fibres to separate by sliding, the surface separated being one inch square. The fifth column contains the weight in pounds required to crush the piece when the pressure is applied to the fibres transversely, the piece being one inch thick, and the surface crushed being one inch square, and depressed one twentieth of an inch deep. The sixth column contains the value of P in the rules ; P being the weight in pounds, ap- plied to the fibres transversely, which is required to make a sensible impression one inch square on the side of the piece, this being the greatest weight that would be proper for a post to be loaded with per inch surface of bearing, resting on the side of the kind of wood set opposite in the table. A greater weight would, in proportion to the excess, crush the side of the wood under the post, and proportionably derange the framing, if not cause a total failure. It will be observed that the measure of this resistance is useful in limiting the load on a post according to the kind of material contained, not in the post, but in the timber upon which the post presses. 95. Heitance to Tension. The resistance of materials to the force of stretching, as exemplified in the case of a rope from which a weight is suspended, is termed the resist- ance to tension. In fibrous materials, this force will be differ- ent in the same specimen, in accordance \vith the direction in which the force acts, whether in the direction of the length of the fibres or at right angles to the direction of their length. It has been found that, in hard woods, the resistance in the former direction is about eight to ten times what it is in the latter; and in soft woods, straight, grained, such as white pine, the resistance is from sixteen to twenty times. A knowledge of the resistance in the direction of the 1 the most useful in practice. 82 CONSTRUCTION. In the following table are recorded the results of ex- periments made to test this resistance in some of the woods in common use, and also in iron, cast and wrought. Each specimen of the woods was turned cylindrical, and about 2 inches diameter, and then the middle part reduced to about f of an inch diameter, at the middle of the reduced part, and thence gradually increased toward each end, where it was considerably larger at its junction with the enlarged end. The results, in the case of the iron and of the first six woods named, are taken from the author's work, Trans- verse Strains, Table XX. Experiments were made upon the other three woods named by a hydraulic press, some twenty years since, and the results were first published in the 7th edition of this work, in 1857. These results, owing to friction, were too low. Adding to them what is supposed to be the loss by friction of the machine, the results thus corrected are what are given for these three woods in the following table, and may be taken as fair approximations, but are not so trustworthy as the figures given for the other six woods and for the metals. TABLE II. RESISTANCE TO TENSION. MATERIAL. Specific Gravity. T. Pounds re- quired to rup- ture one inch square. Georgia Pine O-6^ 16000 Locust O'7Q4 24800 White Oak O 77J. IQCQO O 4^2 TOCOO White Pine Q. 4^8 I2OCO Hemlock f o 402 87OO Hickory O- 7^1 26OCO Maple O- 6o4 2OOOO Ash O-6o8 I5OOO Cast Iron, American ) from 6 Q44 English f to 7 c84 1 7OOO Wrought Iron, American ) from 7 6OO English y to 7 7Q2 5OOOO The figures in the table denote the ultimate capability of a bar one inch square, or the weight in pounds required to VALUES OF MATERIALS FOR CROSS-STRAINS. produce rupture. Just what portion of this should be taken as the safe capability will depend upon the nature of the strain to which the material is to be exposed. In practice it is found that, through defects in workmanship, the attach- ments may be so made as to cause the strain to act along one side of the piece, instead of through its axis; and that in this case fracture will be produced with one third of the strain that can be sustained through the axis. Due to this and other contingencies, it is usual to subject materials exposed to tensile strain with only from one sixth to one tenth of the breaking weight. 96. Resistance to Transverse Strains. In the follow- ing table are recorded the results of experiments made to test the capability of the various materials named to resist the effects of transverse strain. The figures are taken from the author's work, Transverse Strains, before referred to. TABLE III. TRANSVERSE STRAINS. MATERIAL. * Resistance to Rupture. F. Resistance to Flexure. e. Extension of Fibres. a, Margin for Safety. Georgia. Pine 850 5QOO 00109 I-8 4 I2OO 505 OOI5 2-20 White Oak 6"iO 3IOO 00086 3'39 55 35OO 00098 2-23 White Pine 500 2900 0014 I-7I Hemlock 450 2800 00095 2-35 White Wood 600 3450 00096 2-52 480 2550 00103 2-54 A*h QOO 4OOO OOIII 2 82 Maple IIOO 5I5 0014 2-12 1050 3850 0013 2-QI Cherry 650 2850 001563 2-03 Black Walnut 750 3900 00104 2-57 Mahogany (St Domingo) .... 650 3600 00116 2-16 (Bay Wood) 850 475 00109 2-28 Cast Iron, American . . " English 2500 2IOO 50000 40000 26OO 62000 " English iqoo 60000 Steel in Bars 6000 70000 1 200 59 33 ' ' pressed 37 Marble East Chester 147 84 CONSTRUCTION. The figures in the second column, headed B, denote the weight in pounds required to break a unit of the material named when suspended from the middle, the piece being supported at each end. The unit of material is a bar one inch square and one foot long between the bearings. The third column, headed F, contains the values of the several mate- rials named as to their resistance to flexure, as explained in Arts. 302-305, Transverse Strains. These values of F, as constants, are used in the rules. The fourth column, headed ^, contains the values of the several materials named, denot- ing the elasticity of the fibres, as explained in Art. 312, Transverse Strains. These values of e, as constants, are used in the rules. The fifth column, headed a y contains for the several ma- terials named the ratio of the resistance to flexure as com- pared with that to rupture, and which, as constants used in the rules, indicate the margin of safety to be given for each kind of material. The figures given in each case show the smallest possible value that may be safely given to a, the factor of safety, x In practice it is generally taken higher than the amount given in the table. For example, in the table the value of B, the constant for rupture by transverse strain for spruce, is 550. Now, if the dimensions of a spruce beam to carry a given weight be computed by the rules, using the constant B, at 550, the beam will be of such a size that the given weight will just break it. But if, in the computation, instead of taking the full value of B, only a part of it be taken, then the beam will not break immediately; and if the part taken be so small that its effect upon the fibres shall not be sufficient to strain them beyond their limit of elasticity, the beam will be capable of sustaining the weight for an indefinite period ; in this case the beam will be loaded by what is termed the safe weight. Or, since the value of a for spruce is 2-23 in the table, if, in- stead of taking B at 550, its full value, only the quotient arising from a division of B by a be taken or 550 divided by 2-23, which equals 246-6 then the beam will be of suffi- cient size to carry the load safely. Therefore, while the con- THE VARIOUS CLASSES OF PRESSURES. 85 slant B is to be used for a breaking weight, for a safe load n the quotient of - is to be used. But, again, if a be taken at its value as given in the table, the computed beam will be loaded up to its limit of safety. So loaded that, if the load be increased only in a small degree, the limit of safety will be passed, and the beam liable, in time, to fail by rupture. Therefore, as the values of a, in the table, are the smallest possible, it is prudent in practice always to take a larger than the table value. For example, the table value of a for spruce is 2-23, but in practice let it be taken at 3 or 4. 97. Resistance to Compression. The resistance of ma- terials to the force of compression may be considered in several ways. Posts having their heights less than ten times their least sides will crush before bending ; these belong to one class : another class is that which com- prises all posts the height of which is equal to ten times their least sides, or more than ten times ; these will bend before crushing. Then there remains to be considered the manner in which the pressure is applied : whether in line with the fibres, or transversely to them ; and, again, whether the pressure tends to crush the fibres, or simply to force off a part of the piece by splitting. The various pressures may be comprised in the four classes following, namely : ist. When the pressure is applied to the fibres trans- versely. 2d. When the pressure is applied to the fibres longi- tudinally, and so as to split off the part pressed against, causing the fibres to separate by sliding. 3d. When the pressure is applied to the fibres longi- tudinally, and on short pieces. 4th. When the pressure is applied to the fibres longi- tudinally, and on long pieces. These four classes will now be considered in their reg- ular order. 86 CONSTRUCTION. 98. Compression Transversely to the Fibres. In this first class of compression, experiment has shown that the resistance is in proportion to the number of fibres pressed, that is, in proportion to the area. For example, if 5000 pounds is required to crush a prism with a base i inch square, it will require 20,000 pounds to crush a prism having a base of 2 by 2 inches, equal to 4 inches area ; because 4 times 5000 equals 20000. Therefore, if any given surface pressed be multiplied by the pressure per inch which the kind of material pressed may be safely trusted with, the product will be the total pressure which may with safety be put upon the given sur- face. Now, the capability for this kind of resistance is given in column P, in Table I., for each kind of material named in the table. Therefore, to find the limit of weight, proceed as follows: 99. The Limit of Weight. To ascertain what weight a post may be loaded with, so as not to crush the surface against which it presses, we have Rule 1. Multiply the area of the post in inches by the value of P, Table I., and the product will be the weight re- quired in pounds ; or W=AP. (i.) Example. A post, 8 by 10 inches, stands upon a white- pine girder; the area equals 8 x 10 = 80 inches. This being multiplied by 320, the value of P, Table I., set opposite white pine, the product, 25600, is the required weight in pounds. 100. Area of Post. To ascertain what area a post must have in order to prevent the post, loaded with a given weight, from crushing the surface against which it presses, we have Rule II. Divide the given weight in pounds by the value of P, Table I., and the quotient will be the area required in inches ; or-- RESISTANCE TO RUPTURE BY SLIDING. 87 Example. A post standing on a Georgia-pine girder is loaded with 100,000 pounds: what must be its area? The weight, 100000, divided by 900, the value of /> Table I., set opposite Georgia pine, the quotient, in- 11, is the required area in inches. The post may be 10 by ii|, or 10 by 11 inches; or if square each side will be 10-54 inches, or II T ' inches diameter if round. 101. Rupture by Sliding. In this the second class of rupture by compression, it has been ascertained by ex- periment that the resistance is in proportion to the area of the surface separated without regard to the form of the sur- face. Now, in Table I., column //, we have the ultimate resistance to this strain of the several materials named. But to obtain the safe load per inch, the ultimate resist- ance of the table is to be divided by a factor of safety, of such value as circumstances may seem to require. Gener- ally this factor may be taken at 3. Then to obtain the safe load for any given case, we have but to multiply the given surface by the ultimate resistance, and divide by the factor of safety ; therefore, proceed as follows : 102. Tle Limit of Weight. To ascertain what weight may be sustained safely by the resistance of a given area of surface, when the weight tends to split off the part pressed against by causing, in case of fracture, one surface to slide on the other, we have Rule III. Multiply the area of the surface by the value of Hi in Table I. divide by the factor of safety, and the quotient will be the weight required in pounds ; or W = -*-Z (3-) Example. The foot of a rafter is framed into the end of its tie-beam, so that the uncut substance of the tie-beam is 1 5 inches long from the end of the tie-beam to the joint of the rafter; the tie-beam is of white pine, and is 6 inches thick: what amount of horizontal thrust will this end of the tie-beam sustain, without danger of having the end oi 88 CONSTRUCTION. the tie-beam split off? Here the area of surface that sus- tains the pressure is 6 by 15 inches, equal to 90 inches. This multiplied by 480, the value of H, set opposite to white pine, Table I., and divided by 3, as a factor of safety, gives a quotient of 14400, and this is the required weight in pounds. 103. Area of Surface. To ascertain the area of surface that is required to sustain a given weight safely, when the weight tends to split off the part pressed against, by causing, in case of fracture, one 'surface to slide on the other, we have Rule IV. Divide the given weight in pounds by the value of H, Table I. ; multiply the quotient by the factor of safety, and the product will be the required area in inches ; or (40 Example. The load on a rafter causes a horizontal thrust at its foot of 40,000 pounds, tending to split off the end of the tie-beam : what must be the length of the tie-beam be- yond the line where the foot of the rafter is framed into it, the tie-beam being of Georgia pine, and 9 inches thick ? The weight, or horizontal thrust, 40000, divided by 840, the value of //, Table I., set opposite Georgia pine, gives a quo- tient of 47-619, and this multiplied by 3, as a factor of safety, gives a product of 142-857. This, the area of surface in inches, divided by 9, the breadth of the surface strained (equal to the thickness of the tie-beam), the quotient, 15.87, is the length in inches from the end of the tie-beam to the rafter joint, say 16 inches. I04.-Tcnon and Splices.- A knowledge of this kind of resistance of materials is useful, also, in ascertaining the length of framed tenons, so as to prevent the pin, or key, with which they are fastened from tearing out ; and, also, in cases where tie-beams, or other timber under a tensile strain, CRUSHING STRENGTH OF STOUT POSTS. 89 are spliced, this rule gives the length of the joggle at each end of the splice. 105. Stout Post. These comprise the third class of ob- jects subject to compression (Art. 97), and include all posts which are less than ten diameters high. The resistance to compression, in this class, is ascertained to be directly in pro- portion to the area of cross-section of the post. Now in Table I., column C y the ultimate resistance to crushing is given for the several kinds of materials named ; from which the safe resistance per inch may be obtained by dividing it by a proper factor of safety. Having the safe resistance per inch, the resistance of any given post may be determined by multiplying it by the area of the cross-section of the post. Therefore, proceed as follows : 106. TBie Limit of Weight. To find the weight that can be safely sustained by a post, when the height of the post is less than ten times the diameter if round, or ten times the thickness if rectangular, and the direction of the pressure coinciding with the axis, we have R H l e V. Multiply the area of the cross-section of the post in inches by the value of C, in Table I. ; divide the pro- duct by the factor of safety, and the quotient will be the re- quired weight in pounds ; or W= ^-. (5.) Example. A Georgia-pine post is 6 feet high, and in cross-section 8 x 12 inches: what weight will it safely sus- tain? The height of this post, 12 x 6 = 72 inches, which is less than lox 8 (the size of the narrowest side) 80 inches ; it therefore belongs to the class coming under this rule. The area = 8 x 12 = 96 inches ; this multiplied by 9500, the value of C, in the table, set opposite Georgia pine, and divided by 6, as a factor of safety, the quotient, 152000, is the weight in pounds required. It will be observed that the weight would be the same for a Georgia-pine post of any height less than 90 CONSTRUCTION. 10 times 8 inches = So inches = 6 feet 8 inches, provided its breadth and thickness remain the same, 12 and 8 inches. 107. Area of Post. To find the area of the cross-sec- tion of a post to sustain a given weight safely, the height of the post being less than ten times the diameter if round, or ten times the least side if rectangular, the pressure coinciding with the axis, we have Rule VI. Divide the given weight in pounds by the value of C, in Table I. -, multiply the quotient by the factor of safety, and the product will be the required area in inches ; or (6.) Example. A weight of 40,000 pounds is to be sustained by a white-pine post 4 feet high : what must be its area of section to sustain the weight safely ? Here, 40000 divided by 6650, the value of C, in Table I., set opposite white pine, and the quotient multiplied by 6, as a factor of safety, the pro- duct is 36 ; this, therefore, is the required area, and such a post may be 6 x 6 inches. To find the least side, so that it shall not be less than one tenth of the height, divide the height, reduced to inches, by 10, and make the least side to exceed this quotient. The area divided by the least side so determined will give the wide side. If, however, by this process, the first side found should prove to be the greatest, then the size of the post is to be found by Rule IX., X., or XI. 108. Area of Round Pot. In case the post is to be round, its diameter may be found by reference to the Table of Circles in the Appendix, in the column of diameters, op- posite to the area of the post to be found in the column of areas, or opposite to the next nearest area. For example, suppose the required area, as just found by the example under Rule VI., is 36 : by reference to the column of areas, 35.78 is the nearest to 36, and the diameter set opposite is CRUSHING STRENGTH OF SLENDER POSTS. 9! 6.75, which is a trifle too small. The post may therefore be, say, 6| inches diameter. 109. Slender Posts. When the height of a post is less than ten times its diameter, the resistance of the post to crushing is approximately in proportion to its area of cross- section. But when the height is equal to or more than ten diameters, the resistance per square inch is diminished. The resistance diminishes as the height is increased, the diameter remaining the same (Transverse Strains, Art. 643). The strength of a slender post consists in a combination of the resistances of the material to bending and to crushing, and is represented in the following rule : 110. The Limit of Weight. To ascertain the weight that can be sustained safely by a post the height of which is at least ten times its least side if rectangular, or ten times its diameter if round, the direction of the pressure coincid- ing with the axis, we have Rule VII. Divide the height of the post in inches by the diameter, or least side, in inches ; multiply the quotient by itself, or take its square ; multiply the square by the value of e, in Table III., set opposite the kind of material of which the post is made ; to the product add the half of itself ; to the sum add unity (or one) ; multiply this sum by the factor of safety, and reserve the product for use, as below. Now multiply the area of cross-section of the post in inches by the value of C, in Table I., set opposite the material of the post, and divide the product by the above reserved product; the quotient will be the required weight in pounds ; or (7.) Example : A Round Post. What weight may be safely placed upon a post of Georgia pine 10 inches diameter and 10 feet high, the pressure coinciding with the axis of the post? The height of the post, dox 12 =) 120 inches, divided by 10, its diameter, gives a quotient of 12; this multiplied 92 CONSTRUCTION. by itself gives 144, its square; and this by -00109, the value of e for Georgia pine, in Table III., gives 15696 ; to which adding its half, the sum is 0-23544; to which adding unity, the sum is 1-23544 ; and this multiplied by 7, as a factor of safety, the product is 8 -648, the reserved divisor. Now the area of the post is (see Table of Areas of Circles, in the Ap- pendix, opposite its diameter, 10) 78-54; this multiplied by 9500, the value of C for Georgia pine, in Table I., gives a product of 746130; which divided by 8-648, the above re- served divisor, gives a quotient of 86278, the required weight in pounds. Anotlier Example : A Rectangular Post. What weight may be safely placed upon a white-pine post lox 12 inches, and 15 feet high, the pressure coinciding with the axis of the post? Proceeding according to the rule, we find the height of the post to be 180 inches, which divided by 10, the least side of the post, gives 18 ; this multiplied by itself gives 324* its square ; which multiplied by -0014, the value of e for white pine, in Table III., gives -4536; to which adding its half, the sum is -6804; to which adding unity, the sum is i -6804 ; and this multiplied by 8, as a factor of safety, the pro- duct is 13-4432, the reserved divisor. Now the area of the post, ( 10 x 12 =) 120 inches, multiplied by 6650, the value of C for white pine, in Table I., gives a product of 798,000, and this divided by 13-4432, the above reserved divisor, the quo- tient, 59360, is the required weight in pounds. III. Diameter of the Post: when Round. To ascertain the size of a round post to sustain safely a given weight, when the height of the post is at least ten times the diameter ; the direction of the pressure coinciding with the axis of the post; we have Rule VIII. Multiply the given weight by the factor of safety, and divide the product by 1-5708 times the value of C for the material of the post, found in Table I. ; reserve the quotient, calling its value G. Now multiply 432 times the value of c for the material of the post, found in Table III., by the square of the height in feet, and by the above quo- tient G ; to the product add the square of G : extract the SIZE OF POST FOR GIVEN WEIGHT. 93 square root of the sum, and to it add the value of G ; then the square root of this sum will be the required diameter; or r Wa Cr nzr ,5708 L d =4 / . / At? (T~f / 8 O. f^ 4- /C * (90 Example. What should be the diameter of a locust post 10 feet high to sustain safely 40,000 pounds, the pressure coinciding with the axis ? Proceeding by the rule, the given weight multiplied by 6, taken as a factor of safety, equals 240000. Dividing this by 1-5708 times 11700, the value of C for locust, in Table I., the quotient, 13-06, is the value of G, the square of which is 170-53. Now, the value of e for locust, in Table III., is -0015. This multiplied by 432, by 100, the square of the height, and by the above value of G, gives a product of 846-2 ; which added to 170-53, the above square of G, gives the sum of 1016-73. To 31-89, the square root of this, add the above value of G ; then 6-7, the square root of this sum, is the required diameter of the post. The post therefore requires to be 6-7, say 6- inches diameter. 112. Side of tlic Post: when Square. To ascertain the side of a square post to sustain safely a given weight, when the height of the post is at least ten times the side ; the pres- sure coinciding with the axis ; we have Rule IX. Multiply the given weight by the factor of safety, and divide the product by twice the value of C for the material of the post, found in Table I. ; reserve the quo- tient, calling its value G.. Now multiply 432 times the value of e for the material of the post, found in Table III., by the square of the height in feet, and by the above quotient G\ to the product add the square of G ; extract the square root of the sum, and to it add the value of G ; then the square root of this sum will be the required side of the post ; or . Co-) 2 C 94 CONSTRUCTION. S =4/ 4/432 Ge I * + G' 2 + G. Example. What should be the side of a Georgia-pine square post 1 5 feet high to sustain safely 50,000 pounds, the pressure coinciding with the axis of the post? Proceeding by the rule, 50,000 pounds multiplied by 6, as a factor of safety, gives 300000 ; this divided by 2 x 9500 (the value of )= 19000, the quotient, 15-789, is the value of G. The value of e for Georgia pine is -00109; tne square of the height is 225 ; then, 432 times -00109 by 225 and by 15-789 (the above value of G) gives a product of 1672 - 86 ; the square of equals 249-31 ; this added to 1672-86 gives a sum of 1922- 17, the square root of which is 43-843 ; which added* to 15-789, the value of G, gives 59-632, the square root of which is 7-722, the required side of the post. The post, therefore, requires to be, say, 7f inches square. 113. Thickness of a Rectangular Post. This may be definitely ascertained when the proportion which the thick- ness shall bear to the breadth shall have been previously determined. For example, when the proportion is as 6 to 8, then i J times 6 equals 8, and the proportion is as 1 to i; again, when the proportion is as 8 to 10, then ij times 8 equals 10, and in this case the proportion is as i to ij. Let the latter figure of the ratio i to ij, i to ij, etc., be called n, or so that the proportion shall be as i to n y then To ascertain the thickness of a post to sustain safely a given weight, when the height is at least ten times the thick- ness ; the action of the weight coinciding with the axis ; we have Rule X. Multiply the given weight by the factor of safety, and divide the product by twice the value of C for the material of the post, found in Table I., multiplied by ;/, as above explained ; reserve the quotient, calling it G. Now multiply 432 times the value of e for the material of the post, . found in Table III., by the square of the height in feet, and by the above quotient G ; to the product add the square of G ; extract the square root of the sum, and to it add th value BREADTH OF POST FOR GIVEN THICKNESS. 95 of G ; then the square root of this sum will be the required thickness of the post ; or Wa G-~ TT- -. (12.) 2 C n v ' t = V 1/432 G (130 Example. What should be the thickness of a white-pine rectangular post 20 feet high to sustain safely 30,000 pounds, the pressure coinciding with the axis, and the proportion between the thickness and breadth to be as 10 to 12, or as I to i -2 ? Proceeding according to the rule, we have the pro- duct of 30000, the given weight, by 6, as a factor of safety, equals 180000 ; this divided by twice Cx n, or 2 x 6650 x i -2, (=15960) gives a quotient of 11-278, the value of G. Then, we have c= -0014, the square of the height equals 400; therefore, 432 x -0014x400x11.278 = 2728-43. Tothisadd- ing 127-2, the square of , we have 2855 63, the square root of which is 53-438; and this added to G gives 64-716, the square root of which is 8-045, tne required thickness of the post. Now, since the thickness is in proportion to the breadth as i to 1-2, therefore 8-045 x 1-2 = 9-654, the re- quired width. The post, therefore, may be made 8x9! inches. 114-. Breadth of a Rectangular Post. When the thick- ness of a post is fixed, and the breadth required ; then, to ascertain the breadth of a rectangular post to sustain safely a given weight, the direction of the pressure of which coin- cides with the axis of the post, we have Rule XI. Divide the height in inches by the given thick- ness, and multiply the quotient by itself, or take its square ; multiply this square by the value of e for the material of the post, found in Table 111. ; to the product add its half, and to the sum add unity ; multiply this sum by the given weight, and by the factor of safety ; divide the product by the pro- duct of the given thickness multiplied by the value of C for 96 CONSTRUCTION. the material of the post, found in Table I., and the quotient will be the required breadth ; or Example. What should be the breadth of a spruce post 1 8 feet high and 6 inches thick to sustain safely 25,000 pounds, the pressure coinciding with the axis of the post ? According to the rule, 216 (= 12 x 18), the height in inches, divided by 6, the given thickness, gives a quotient of 36, the square of which is 1296; the value of e for spruce is -00098 ; this multiplied by 1296, the above square, equals i -27 ; which increased by -635, its half, amounts to 1-905 ; this increased by unity, the sum is 2-905 ; which multiplied by the given weight, and by the factor of safety, gives a product of 435749; and this divided by 6 (the given thickness) times 7850 (the value of C for spruce) = 47 1 oo, gives a quotient of 9 2 5 1 6, the required breadth of the post. The post, therefore, re- quires to be 6 x 9^ inches. Observe that when the breadth obtained by the rule is less than the given thickness, the result shows that the con- ditions of the case are incompatible with the rule, and that a new computation must be made ; taking now for the breadth what was before understood to be the thickness, and proceeding in this case, by Rule X., to find the thickness. 115. Resistance to Tenion. In Art. 95 are recorded the results of experiments made to test the resistance of vari- ous materials to tensile strain, showing in each case the ca- pability to such resistance per square inch of sectional area. The action of materials in resisting a tensile strain is quite simple ; their resistance is found to be directly as their sec- tional area. Hence 116. The rim it of Weight. To ascertain the weight or pressure that may be safely applied to a beam or rod as a tensile strain, we have Rule XII. Multiply the area of the cross-section of the beam or rod in inches by the value of 'T, Table II. ; divide AREA OF BEAM FOR TENSILE STRAIN. 97 the product by the factor of safety, and the quotient will be the required weight in pounds ; or (150 The cross-section here intended is that taken at the small- est part of the beam or rod. A beam, in framing, is usually cut with mortices ; the area will probably be smallest at the severest cutting ; the area used in the rule must be that of the uncut fibres only. Example. The tie-beam of a roof-truss is of white pine, 6 x 10 inches ; the cutting for the foot of the rafter reduces the uncut area to 40 inches : what amount of horizontal thrust from the foot of the rafter will this tie-beam safely sustain ? Here 40 times 12000, the value of T, equals 480000; this divided by 6, as a factor of safety, gives 80000, the required weight in pounds. (17. Sectional Area. To ascertain the sectional area of a beam or rod that will sustain a given weight safely, when applied as a tensile strain, we have Rule XIII. Multiply the given weight in pounds by the factor of safety ; divide the product by the value of T, Table II., and the quotient will be the area required in inches; or A=^. (16.) This is the area of uncut fibres. If the piece is to be cut for mortices, or for any other purpose, then for this an adequate addition is to be made to the result found by the rule. Example. A rafter produces a thrust horizontally of 80,000 pounds ; the tie-beam is to be of oak : what must be the area of the cross-section of the tie-beam in order to sustain the rafter safely ? The given weight, 80000, multiplied by 10, as a factor of safety, gives 800000; this divided by 19500, the value of 7", Table II., the quotient, 41, is the area of uncut fibres. This should have usually one half of its amount 98 CONSTRUCTION. added to it as an allowance for cutting; therefore, 41+21 = 62. The tie-beam may be 6 x loj inches. Another Example. A tie-rod of American refined wrought iron is required to sustain safely 36,000 pounds : what should be its area of cross-section ? Taking 7 as the factor of safety, 7x36000= 252000; and this divided by 60000, the value of 7", Table II., gives a quotient of 4- 2 inches, the required area of the rod. 118. Weight of the Suspending Piece Included. Pieces subjected to a tensile strain are frequently suspended verti- cally. In this case, at the upper end, ,the strain is due not only to the weight attached at the lower end, but also to the weight of the rod itself. Usually, in timber, this is small in comparison with the load, and may be neglected ; although in very long timbers, and where accuracy is decid- edly essential, as, also, when the rod is of iron, it may form a part of the rule. Taking the effect of the weight of the beam into account, the relation existing between the weights and the beam requires that the rule for the weight should be as follows : Rule XIV. Divide the value of T for the material of the beam or rod, Table II., by the factor of safety ; from the quotient subtract 0-434 times the specific gravity of the ma- terial in the beam or rod multiplied by the length of the beam or rod in feet ; multiply the remainder by the area of cross-section in inches, and the product will be the required weight in pounds ; or W=A -0-434 N. B. This rule is based upon the condition that the sus- pending piece be not cut by mortices or in any other way. Example. What weight may be safely sustained by a white-pine rod 4x6 inches, 40 feet long, suspended verti- cally? For white pine the value of T is 12000; this divid- ed by 8, as a factor of safety, gives 1 500 ; from which sub- tracting 0-434 times 0-458 (the specific gravity of white pine, Table II.) multiplied by 40, the length in feet, the remainder RESISTANCE TO TRANSVERSE STRAINS. 99 is 1492-049; which multiplied by 24 ( = 4x6, the area of cross-section) equals 35,761 pounds, the required weight to be carried. The weight which the rule would give, neglecting the weight of the rod, would have been 36000; ordinarily, so slight a difference would be quite unimportant. 119. Area of Suspending Piece. To ascertain the area of a suspended rod to sustain safely a given. weight, when the^ weight of the suspending piece is regarded, we have Rule XV. Multiply 0-434 times the specific gravity of the suspending piece by the length in feet ; deduct the pro- duct from the quotient arising from a division of the value of T, Table II., by the factor of safety, and with the remain- der divide the given weight in pounds ; the quotient will be the required area in inches ; or A = T , ' (18.) o-434/.y a' N.B. This rule is based upon the condition that the rod be not injured in anywise by cutting. Example. What should be the area of a bar of English cast iron 20 feet long to sustain safely, suspended from its lower end, a weight of 5000 pounds ? Taking the factor of safety at 7-0, and the specific gravity also at 7, and the value of T, Table II., at 17000, we have the product of 0-434 x 7-0 x 20 = 60-76; then 17000 divided by 7 gives a quotient of 2428-57; from which deducting the above 60-76, there remains 2367-81 ; dividing 5000, the given weight, by this remainder, we have the quotient, 2-11, which is the required area in inches. RESISTANCE TO TRANSVERSE STRAINS. 120. Tranvere Strains: Rupture. A load placed upon a beam, laid horizontally or inclined, will bend it, and, if the weight be proportionally large, will break it. The power in the material that resists this bending or breaking is termed the resistance to cross-strains, or transverse strains. 100 CONSTRUCTION. While in posts or struts the material is compressed or short- ened, and in ties and suspending pieces it is extended or lengthened, in beams subjected to cross-strains the material is both compressed and extended. (See Art. 91.) When the beam is bent the fibres on the concave side are compressed, while those on the convex side are extended. The line where these two portions of the beam meet that is, the portion compressed and the portion extended the hori- zontal line of juncture, is termed the neutral line or plane. It is so called because at this line the fibres are neither com- pressed nor extended, and hence are under no strain what- ever. The location of this line or plane is not far from the middle of the depth of the beam, when the strain is not suf- ficient to injure the elasticity of the material ; but it re- moves towards the concave or convex side of the beam as the strain is increased, until, at the period of rupture, its distance from the top of the beam is in proportion to its dis- tance from the bottom of the beam as the tensile strength of the material is to its compressive strength. 121. Location of Mortices. In order that the diminution of the strength of a beam by framing be as small as possible, all mortices should be located at or near the middle of the depth. There is a prevalent idea with some, who are aware that the upper fibres of a beam are compressed when sub- ject to cross-strains, that it is not injurious to cut these top fibres, provided that the cutting be for the insertion of an- other piece of timber as in the case of gaining the ends of beams into the side of a girder. They suppose that the piece filled in will as effectually resist the compression as the part removed would have done, had it not been taken out. Now, besides the effect of shrinkage, which of itself is quite suf- ficient to prevent the proper resistance to the strain, there is the mechanical difficulty of fitting the joints perfectly throughout ; and, also, a great loss in the power of resist- ance, as the material is so much less capable of resistance when pressed at right angles to the direction of the fibres than when directly with them, as the results of the experi- ments in the tables show. STRENGTH OF BEAMS FOR CROSS-STRAINS. IOI 122. Transverse Strains : Relation of Weight to Di- mensions. The strength of various materials, in their re- sistance to cross-strains, is given in Table III., Art. 96. The second column of the table contains the results of experi- ments made to test their resistance to rupture. In the case of each material, the figures given and represented by B indicate the pounds at the middle required to break a unit of the material, or a piece i inch square and i foot long between the bearings upon which the piece rests. To be able to use these indices of strength, in the computation of the strength of large beams, it is requisite, first, to establish the relation between the unit of material and the larger beam. Now, it may be easily comprehended that the strength of beams will be in proportion to their breadth ; that is, when the length and depth remain the same, the strength will be directly as the breadth ; lor it is evident that a beam 2 inches broad will bear twice as much as one which is only i inch broad, or that one which is 6 inches broad will bear three times as much as one which is 2 inches broad. This establishes the relation of the weight to the breadth. With the depth, however, the relation is different ; the strength is greater than simply in proportion to the depth. If the boards cut from a squared piece of timber be piled up in the order in which they came from the timber, and be loaded with a heavy weight at the middle, the boards will deflect or sag much more than they would have done in the timber before sawing. The greater strength of the material when in a solid piece of timber is due to the cohesion of the fibres at the line of separation, by which the several boards, before sawing, are prevented from sliding upon each other, and thus the resistance to compression and tension is made to contribute to the strength. This resistance is found to be in proportion to the depth. Thus the strength due to the depth is, first, that which arises from the quantity of the material (the greater the depth, the more the material), which is in proportion to the depth ; then, that which en- sues from the cohesion of the fibres in such a manner as to prevent sliding ; this is also as the depth. Combining the two, we have, as the total result, the resistance in proportion 102 CONSTRUCTION. to the square of the depth. The relation between the weight and the length is such that the longer the beam is, the less it will resist ; a beam which is 20 feet long will sus- tain only half as much as one which is 10 feet long ; the breadth and depth each being the same in the two beams. From this it results that the resistance is inversely in pro- portion to the length. To obtain, therefore, the relation between the strength of the unit of material and that of a larger beam, we have these facts, namely : the strength of the unit is the value of B, as recorded in Table III. ; and the strength of the larger beam, represented . by W, the weight required to break it, is the product of the breadth into the square of the depth, divided by the length ; or, while for the unit we have the ratio B\ i, we have for the larger beam the ratio Therefore, putting these ratios in an expressed proportion, we have From which (the product of the means equalling the pro- duct of the extremes ; see Art. 373) we have w = In which W represents the pounds required to break a beam, when acting at the middle between the two supports upon which the beam is laid ; of which beam b represents the breadth and d the depth, both in inches, and / the length in feet between the supports ; and B is from Table III., and represents the pounds required to break a unit of material like that contained in the larger beam. fuinvERsm LIMIT OF WEIGHT AT MIDDLE. ?&&,>' 123. Safe Weight: Load at Middle. The relation established, in the last article, between the weight and the dimensions is that which exists at the moment of rupture. The rule (19.) derived therefrom is not, therefore, directly practicable for computing the dimensions of beams for buildings. From it, however, one may readily be deduced which shall be practicable. In the fifth column of Table III. are given the least values of a, the factor of safety, explained in Art. 96. Now, if in place of B y the symbol for the break- ing weight, the quotient of B divided by a be substituted, then the rule at once becomes practicable ; the results now being in consonance with the requirements for materials used in buildings. Thus, with this modification, we have Therefore, to ascertain the weight which a beam may be safely loaded with at the centre, we have Rule XVI. Multiply the value of B, Table HI., for the kind of material in the beam by the breadth and by the square of the depth of the beam in inches ; divide the pro- duct by the product of the factor of safety into the length of the beam between bearings in feet, and the quotient will be the weight in pounds that the beam will safely sustain at the middle of its length. Example. What weight in pounds can be suspended safely from the middle of a Georgia-pine beam 4x 10 inches, and 20 feet long between the bearings ? For Georgia pine the value of B, in Table III., is 850, and the least value of a is 1-84. For reasons given in Art. 96, let a be taken as high as 4; then, in this case, the value of b is 4, and that of d is 10,' while that of/ is 20. Therefore, proceeding by the rule, 850 x 4 x io 2 = 340000 ; this divided by 4 x 20 ( 80) gives a quotient of 4250 pounds, the required weight. Observe that, had the value of a been taken at 3, instead of 4, the result by the rule would have been a load of 5667 pounds, instead of 4250, and the larger amount would be none too much for a safe load upon such a beam ; although, 104 CONSTRUCTION. with it, the deflection would be one third greater than with the lesser load. The value of a should always be assigned higher than the figures of the table, which show it at its least value ; but just how much higher must depend upon the firmness required and the conditions of each particular case. 124. Breadth of Beam willi Safe Load. By a simple transposition of the factors in equation (20.), we obtain a rule for the breadth of the beam. Therefore, to ascertain what should be the breadth of a beam of given depth and length to safely sustain at the middle a given weight, we have Rule XVII. Multiply the given weight in pounds by the factor of safety, and by the length in feet, and divide the product by the square of the depth multiplied by the value of B for the material in the beam, in Table III. ; the quotient will be the required breadth. Example. What should be the breadth of a white-pine beam 8 inches deep and 10 feet long between bearings to sustain safely 2400 pounds at the middle ? For white pine the value of B, in Table III., is 500. Taking the value of a at 4, and proceeding by the rule, we have 2400 x4x 10 = 96000 ; this divided by (8 a x 500 =) 32000 gives a quotient of 3, the required breadth of the beam. 125. Depth of Beam with Safe Load. A transposition of the factors in equation (21.), and marking it for extraction of the square root, gives a rule for the depth of a beam. Therefore, to ascertain what should be the depth of a beam of given breadth and length to safely sustain a given weight at the middle, we have WEIGHT AT ANY POINT. 105 Rule XVIIL Multiply the given weight by the factor of safety, and by the length in feet ; divide the product by the product of the breadth into the value of B for the kind of wood, Table III. ; then the square root of the quotient will be the required depth. Example. What should be the depth of a spruce beam 5 inches broad and lofeet long between bearings to sustain safely, at middle, 4500 pounds ? The value of B from the table is 550; taking a at 4, and proceeding by the rule, we have 4500 x 4 x 15 = 270000; this divided by (550 x 5 =) 2750 gives a quotient of 98-18, the square root of which is 9-909, the required depth of the beam. The beam should be 5 x 10 inches. 126. Safe Load at any Point. When the load is at the middle of a beam it exerts the greatest possible strain ; at any other point the strain would be less. The strain de- creases gradually as it approaches one of the bearings, and when arrived at the bearing its effect upon the beam as a cross-strain is zero. The effect of a weight upon a beam is in proportion to its distance from one of the bearings, mul- tiplied by the portion of the load borne by that bearing. The load upon a beam is divided upon the two bearings, as shown at Art. 88. The weight which is required to rup- ture a beam is in proportion to the breadth and square of the depth, b d*, as before shown, and also in proportion to the length divided by 4 times the rectangle of the two parts into which the load divides the length, or (see Fig. 35). 4 MI 11 This, when the load is at the middle, may be put as = i a result coinciding with the relation before 4x|./xi/ / given in Art. 122, viz. : "The resistance is inversely in pro- portion to the length." The total resistance, therefore, put- b d* I ting the two statements together, is in proportion to - A /// / 7727 There are, therefore, these two ratios, viz., W \ - - and 4 m i* B : I, from which we have the proportion 106 CONSTRUCTION. 4 m n from which we have 4 ; n (23 . } r> This is the relation at the point of rupture, and when is used instead of B, the expression gives the safe weight. Therefore (24.) 4 a m n is an expression for the safe weight. Now, to ascertain the weight which may be safely borne by a beam at any point in its length, we have Rule XIX. Multiply the breadth by the square of the depth, by the length in feet, and by the value of B for the material of the beam, in Table III. ; divide the product by the product of four times the factor of safety into the rec- tangle of the two parts into which the centre of gravity of the weight divides the beam, and the quotient will be the required weight in pounds. Example. What weight may be safely sustained at 3 feet from one end of a Georgia-pine beam which is 4 x 10 inches, and 20 feet long? The value of B for Georgia pine, in Table III., is 850 ; therefore, by the rule, 4 x io a x 20 x 850 = 6800000. Taking the factor of safety at 4, we have 4x4x3x17=816. Using this as a divisor with which to divide the former product, we have as a quotient 8333 pounds, the required weight. 127. Breadth or Depth: Load at any Point. By a proper transposition of the factors of (24.) we obtain , , a 4 W a in 11 an expression showing- the product of the breadth into the square of the depth ; hence, to ascertain the breadth or DISTRIBUTED WEIGHT. IO/ depth of a beam to sustain safely a given weight located at any point on the beam, we have Rule XX. Multiply four times the given weight by the factor of safety, and by the rectangle of the two parts into which the load divides the length ; divide the product by the product of the length into the value of B for the mate- rial of the beam, found in Table III., and the quotient will be equal to the product of the breadth into the square of the depth. Now, to obtain the breadth, divide this product by the square of the depth, and the quotient will be the required breadth. But if, instead of the breadth, the depth be de- sired, divide the said product by the breadth ; then the square root of the quotient will be the required depth. Example. What should be the breadth (the depth being 8) of a white-pine beam 12 feet long to safely sustain 3500 pounds at 3 feet from one end ? Also, what should oe its depth when the breadth is 3 inches? By the rule, taking the factor of safety at 4, 4 x 3500 x 4 x 3 x 9 = 1512000. The value of B for white pine, in Table III., is 500 ; there- fore, 500 x 12 = 6000; with this as divisor, dividing 1512000, the quotient is 252. Now, to obtain the breadth when the depth is 8, 252 divided by (8 x 8 =) 64 gives a quotient of 3-9375, the required breadth ; or the beam may be, say, 4 x 8. Again, when the breadth is 3 inches, we have for the quotient of 252 divided by 3 = 84, and the square root of 84 is 9- 165, or 9^ inches. For this case, therefore, the beam should be, say, 3 x 9 J inches. 128. Weight Uniformly Distributed. When the load is spread out uniformly over the length of a beam, the beam will require just twice the weight to break it that would be required if the weight were concentrated at the centre. Therefore, we have W , where U represents the dis- tributed load. Substituting this value of W in equation (20.), we have U__Bbd\ 2 ~~ ' a I ' U= 2 -*** (26 .) - a I IOS CONSTRUCTION. Therefore, to ascertain the weight which may be safely sus- tained, when uniformly distributed over the length of a beam, we have Rule XXI. Multiply twice the breadth by the square of the depth, and by the value of B for the material of the beam, in Table III., and divide the product by the product of the length in feet by the factor of safety, and the quotient will be the required weight in pounds. Example. What weight uniformly distributed may be safely sustained upon a hemlock beam 4x9 inches, and 20 feet long? The value of B for hemlock, in Table III., is 450 ; therefore, by the rule, 2 x 4 x 9' x 450 = 291600. Tak- ing the factor of safety at 4, we have 4 x 20 80, the pro- duct by which the former product is to be divided. This division produces a quotient of 3645, the required weight. 129. Breadth or Depth : Load Uniformly Distributed. By a proper transposition of factors in (26.), we obtain an expression giving the value of the breadth into the square of the depth. From this, therefore, to ascertain the breadth or the depth of a beam to sustain safely a given weight uni- formly distributed over the length of a beam, we have Rule XXII. Multiply the given weight by the factor of safety, and by the length ; divide the product by the pro- duct of twice the value of B for the material of the beam, in Table III., and the quotient will be equal to the breadth into the square of the depth. Now, to find the breadth, divide the said quotient by the square of the depth ; but if, instead of the breadth, the depth be required, then divide said quotient by the breadth, and the square root of this quotient will be the required depth. Example. What should be the size of a white-pine beam 20 feet long to sustain safely 10,000 pounds uniformly distributed over its length ? The value of B for white pine, in Table III., is 500. Let the factor of safety be taken at 4. Then, by the rule, loooo x 4 x 20 = 800000 ; this divided by (2 x 500 =) WEIGHT PER BEAM IN FLOORS. 109 1000 gives a quotient of 800. Now, if the depth be fixed at 12, then the said quotient, 800, divided by (12 x 12=) 144 gives 5-5-, the required breadth of beam ; and the beam may be, say, 5! x 12. Again, if the breadth is fixed, say, at 6, and the depth is required, then the said quotient, 8co, divided by 6 gives 133^, the square root of which, 1 1 - 55, is the required depth. The beam in this case should therefore be, say, 6 x I if inches. 130. [Load per Foot Superficial. When several^beams are laid in a tier, placed at equal distances apart, as in a tier of floor-beams, it is desirable to know what should be their size in order to sustain a load equally distributed over the floor. If the distance apart at which they are placed, measured from the centres of the beams, be multiplied by the length of the beams between bearings, the product will equal the area of the floor sustained by one beam ; and if this area be multiplied by the weight upon a superficial foot of the floor, the product will equal the total load uniformly distributed over the length of the beam ; or, if c be put to represent the distance apart between the centres of the beams in feet, and / represent the length in feet of the beam between bearings, and/ equal the pounds per superficial foot on the floor, then the product of these, or c f I, will represent the uni- formly distributed load on a beam ; but this load was before represented by U (Art. 128); therefore, we have cfl= U, and they may be substituted for it in (26.) and (27.). Thus we have b d* = cflal or (28.) Therefore, to ascertain the size of floor-beams to sustain safely a given load per superficial foot, we have Rule XXIII. Multiply the given weight per superficial foot by the factor of safety, by the distance between the HO CONSTRUCTION. centres of the beams in feet, and by the square of the length in feet; divide the product by twice the value of B for the material of the beams, in Table III., and the quotient will be equal to the breadth into the square of the depth. Now, to obtain the breadth, divide said quotient by the square of the depth, and this quotient will be the required breadth. But if, instead of the breadth, the depth be required, divide the aforesaid quotient by the breadth ; then the square root of this quotient will be the required depth. Example. What should be the size of white-pine floor- beams 20 feet long, placed i# inches from centres, to sustain safely 90 pounds per superficial foot, including the weight of the materials of construction the beams, flooring, plas- tering, etc. ? The value of B for white pine is 500 ; the factor of safety may be put at 5. Then, by the rule, we have 90 x 5 x -ff x 2O 2 = 240000. This divided by (2 x 500 =) 1000 gives 240. Now, for the breadth, if the depth be fixed at 9 inches, then 240 divided by (9* = ) 8 1 gives a quotient of 2-963. The beams therefore should be, say, 3x9. But if the breadth be fixed, say, at 2-5 inches, then 240 divided by 2-5 gives a quotient of 96, the square root of which is 9-8 nearly. The beams in this case would require therefore to be, say, 2^ x 10 inches. N. B. It is well to observe that the question decided by Rule XXII. is simply that of strcngtli only. Floor-beams computed by it will be quite safe against rupture, but they will in most cases deflect much more than would be consist- ent with their good appearance. Floor-beams should be computed by the rules which include the effect of deflection. (See Art. 152.) 131. Levers: Load at One End. The beams so far con- sidered as being exposed to transverse strains have been supposed to be supported at each end. When a piece is held firmly at one end only, and loaded at the other, it is termed a lever ; and the load which a piece so held and loaded will sustain is equal to one fourth that which the same piece would sustain if it were supported at each end and loaded at the middle. Or, the strain in a beam sup- LEVERS TO SUSTAIN GIVEN WEIGHTS. Ill ported at each end caused by a given weight located at the middle is equal to that in a lever of the same breadth and depth, when the length of the latter is equal to on6 half that of the beam, and the load at its end is equal to one half of that at the middle of the beam. Or, when P represents the load at the end of the lever, and n its length, then W2P, and l2n. Substituting these values of W and / in equa- tion (20.), we have 4 2an from which p-Bbd* T^P Hence, to ascertain the weight which may be safely sus- tained at the end of a lever, we have Rule XXIV. Multiply the breadth of the lever by the square of its depth, and by the value of B for the material of the lever, in Table III. ; divide the product by the pro- duct of four times the length in feet into the factor of safety, and the quotient will be the required weight in pounds. Example. What weight can be safely sustained at the end of a maple lever of which the breadth is 2 inches, the depth is 4 inches, and the length is 6 feet ? The value of B for maple, in Table III., is uoo; therefore, by the rule, 2 x4 2 x i TOO = 35200. And, taking the factor of safety at 5, 4x5x6= 1 20, and 35200 divided by 120 gives a quotient of 2 93 '33> or 293^- pounds. N. B. When a lever is loaded with a weight uniformly distributed over its length, it will sustain just twice the load which can be sustained at the end. 132. Levers: Breadth or Depth. By a proper trans- position of the factors in (29.), we obtain L (30.) Z> Hence, to ascertain the breadth or depth of a lever to sus- tain safely a given weight, we have I I2 CONSTRUCTION. Rule XXV. Multiply four times the given weight by the length of the lever, and by the factor of safety ; divide the product by the value of B for the material of the lever, in Table III., and the quotient will be equal to the breadth multiplied by the square of the depth. Now, if the breadth be required, divide said quotient by the square of the depth, and this quotient will be the required breadth ; but if, instead of the breadth, the depth be required, divide the said quotient by the breadth ; then the square root of this quotient will be the required depth. Example. What should be the size of a cherry lever 5 feet long to sustain safely 250 pounds at its end? Proceed- ing by the rule, taking the factor of safety at 5, we have 4x250x5x5 = 25000. The value of B for cherry, in Table III., is 650 ; and 25000 divided by 650 gives a quotient of 38-46. Now, if the depth be fixed at 4, then 38-46 divided by (4x4 =) 16 gives a quotient of 2-4, the required breadth. But if the breadth be fixed at 2, then 38-46 divided by 2 gives a quotient of 19-23, the square root of which is 4-38, the required depth. Therefore, the lever maybe 2-4x4, or 2 x 4-f- inches. 133. Deflection: Relation to Weight. When a load is placed upon a beam supported at each end, the beam bends more or less ; the distance that the beam descends under the operation of the load, measured at the middle of .its length, is termed its deflection. In an investigation of the laws of deflection it has been demonstrated, and experiments have confirmed it, that while the elasticity of the material remains uninjured by the pressure, or is injured in but a small degree, the amount of deflection is directly in propor- tion to the weight producing it ; for example, if 1000 pounds laid upon a beam is found to cause it to deflect or descend at the middle a quarter of an inch, then 2000 pounds will cause it to deflect half an inch, 3000 pounds will deflect it three fourths of an inch, and so on. 134. Deflection : Relation to Dimensions. In Table III. are recorded the results of experiments made to test the THE LAW OF DEFLECTION. 113 resistance of the materials named to deflection. The fig- ures in the third column designated by the letter F (for flex- ure) show the number of pounds required to deflect a unit of material one inch. This is an extreme state of the case, for in most kinds of material this amount of depression would exceed the limits of elasticity ; and hence the rule would here fail to give the correct relation as between the dimensions and pressure. For the law of deflection as above stated (the deflections being in proportion to the weights) is true only while the depressions are small in comparison with the length. Nothing useful is, therefore, derived from this position of the question, except to give an idea of the nature of the quantity represented by the constant F\ it being in reality an index of the stiffness of the kind of mate- rial used in comparing one material with another. Whatever be the dimensions of the beam, F will always be the same quantity for the same material ; but among various materials /''will vary according to the flexibility or stiffness of each particular material. For example, F will be much greater for iron than for wood ; and again, among the various kinds of wood, it will be larger for the stiff woods than for those that are flexible. The value of F, therefore, is the weight which would deflect the unit of material one inch, upon the supposition that the deflections, from zero to the depth of one inch, continue regularly in proportion to the increments of weight producing the deflections, or, for each deflection F : I : : W : : ' :: T ' b -r-- : which gives W _Fbd* 6 ~ T ' from which we have W= F -^-. (31.) 135. Deflection : Weight when at MidklQc. In equation (31.) we have a rule by which to ascertain what weight is required to deflect a given beam to a given depth of deflec- tion ; this, in words at length, is Rule XXVI. Multiply the breadth of the beam by the cube of its depth, and by the given deflection, all in inches, and by the value of .Ffor the material of the beam, in Table III.; divide the product by the cube of the length in feet, and the quotient will be the required weight in pounds. Example. What weight is required at the middle of a 4x12 inch Georgia-pine beam 20 feet long to deflect it three quarters of an inch ? The value of F for Georgia pine, in Table III., is 5900; therefore, by the rule, we have 4 x i2 3 x 0-75 x 5900 = 30585600, which divided by (20x20 x 20 =) 8000 gives a quotient of 3823-2, the required weight in pounds. 136. Deflection: Breadth or Depth, Weight at middle. By a transposition of equation (31.), we obtain SIZE FOR A GIVEN DEFLECTION. 115 a rule by which may be found the breadth or depth of a beam, with a given load at middle and with a given deflec- tion ; this, in words at length, is Rule XXVII. Multiply the given load by the cube of the length in feet, and divide the product by the product of the deflection into the value of F for the material of the beam, in Table III. ; then the quotient will be equal to the breadth of the beam multiplied by the cube of its depth, both in inches. Now, to obtain the breadth, divide the said quotient by the cube of the depth, and this quotient will be the required breadth. But if, instead of the breadth, the depth be re- quired, then divide the said quotient by the breadth, and the cube root of this quotient will be the required depth. But if neither breadth nor depth be previously fixed, but it be required that they bear a certain proportion to each other ; such that d : b : : i : r, r being a decimal, then b = rd, and b d* r d* ; then, to find the depth, divide the aforesaid quotient by the decimal r, and the fourth root (or the square root of the square root) will be the required depth, and this multiplied by the decimal r will give the breadth. Example. What should be the size of a spruce beam 20 feet long between bearings, sustaining 2000 pounds at the middle, with a deflection of one inch ? By the rule, the weight into the cube of the length is 2000 x 8000 = 16000000. The value of Ffor spruce, in Table III., is 3500; this by the deflection = i gives 3500, which used as a divisor in divid- ing the above 16000000 gives a quotient of 4571 -43. Now, if the breadth be required, the depth being fixed, say, at 10, then 4571-43 divided by (lox lox 10 =) 1000 gives 4-57, the required breadth. The beam should be, say, 4$ by 10 inches. But if the depth be required, the breadth being fixed, say, at 4, then 4571-43 divided by 4 gives 1142-86, the cube root of which is 10-46; so in this case, therefore, the beam is required to be 4 x io inches. Again, if the breadth is to bear a certain proportion to the depth, or that the ratio be- tween them is to be, say, 0-6 to i, then let r = 0-6, and then 457i. 4 3 = o-6^ 4 , and dividing by 0-6, we have 7619-05 = d\ This equals d*xd*\ therefore the square root of 7619 1 16 CONSTRUCTION. is 87-29, and the square root of this is 9-343, the required depth in inches. Now 9-343x0-6 equals the breadth, or 9.343x0-6=5-6; therefore the beam is required to be 5 -6 x 9- 34 inches, or, say, 5f x 9^ inches. 137. Deflection : when Weight i at Middle. By a trans- position of the factors in (32.), we obtain a rule by which the deflection of any given beam may be as- certained, and which, in words at length, is Rule XXVIIL Multiply the given weight by the cube of the length in feet ; divide the product by the product of the breadth into the cube of the depth in inches, multiplied by the value of Fior the material of the beam, in Table III., and the quotient will be the required deflection in inches! Example. To what depth will 1000 pounds deflect a 3x10 inch white-pine beam 20 feet long, the weight being at the middle of the beam ? By the rule, we have 1000 x 2o 3 = 8000000; then, since the value of F for white pine, in Table III., is 2900, we have 3 x io 3 x 2900 = 8700000 ; using this product as a divisor and by it dividing the former pro- duct, we obtain a quotient of 0.9195, the required deflection in inches. 138. Deflection: Load . Uniformly Distributed. In two beams of equal capacity, suppose the one loaded at the middle, and the other with its load uniformly distributed over its length, and so loaded that the deflection in one beam shall equal that in the other ; then the weight at the middle of the former beam will be equal to five eighths of that on the latter. This proportion between the two has been de- monstrated by writers on the strength of materials. (See p. 484, Mechanics of Eng. and Arch., by Prof. Mosely, Am. eel. by Prof. Mahan, 1856.) Hence, when /is put to represent the uniformly distributed load, we have DEFLECTION FOR LOAD EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED. 1 17 or, when an equally distributed load deflects a beam to a certain depth, five eighths of that load, if concentrated at the middle, would cause an equal deflection. This value of W may therefore be substituted for it in equation (31.), and give from which we obtain i- u = -- JT -- > (34-) a rule for a uniformly distributed load. 139. Deflection: Weight when Uniformly Distributed. In equation (34.) we have a rule by which we may ascertain what weight is required to deflect to a given depth any given beam. This, in words at length, is Rule XXIX. Multiply 1-6 times the deflection by the breadth of the beam, and by the cube of its depth, all in inches, and by the value of Ffor the material of the beam, in Table III. ; divide the product by the cube of the length in feet, and the quotient will be the required weight in pounds. Example. What weight, uniformly distributed over the length of a spruce beam, will be required to deflect it to the depth ot 0-5 ot an inch, the beam being 3 x 10 inches and 10 feet long? The value of F ior spruce, in Table III., is 3500. Therefore, by the rule, we have j -6x0-5 x 3 x io 3 x 3500 = 8400000, and this divided by (10x10x10=) 1000 gives 8400, the required weight in pounds. (40, __ Deflection: Breadth or Depth, Load Uniformly Distributed. By transposition of the factors in equation (54.), we obtain a rule for the dimensions, which, in words at length, is Il8 CONSTRUCTION. Rule XXX. Multiply the given weight by the cube of the length of the beam ; divide the product by i -6 times the given deflection in inches, multiplied by the value of F for the material of the beam, in Table III., and the quotient will equal the breadth into the cube of the depth. Now, to ob- tain the breadth, divide this quotient by the cube of the depth, and the resulting quotient will be the required breadth in inches. But if, instead of the breadth, the depth be required, then divide the aforesaid quotient by the breadth, and the cube root of the resulting quotient will be the required depth in inches. Again, if neither breadth nor depth be previously determined, but to be in proportion to each other at a given ratio, as r to i, r being a decimal fixed at pleasure, then di- vide the aforesaid quotient by the value of r, and take the square root of the quotient; then the square root of this square root will be the required depth in inches. The breadth will equal the depth multiplied by the value of the deci- mal r. Example. What should be the size of a locust beam 10 feet long which is to be loaded with 6000 pounds equally distributed over the length, and with which the beam is to be deflected of an inch ? The value of F for locust, in Table 1 1 1., is 5050. By the rule, we have 6000 x(io x 10 x 10 =) 1000 = 6000000, which is to be divided by (i -6xo- 75 x 5050 =) 6060, giving a quotient of 990-1. Now, if the depth be, say, 6 inches, then 990- 1 divided by (6x6x6) 216 gives a quo- tient of 4-584, the required breadth in inches, say 4^. But if the breadth be assumed at 4 inches, then 990- 1 divided by 4.gives a quotient of 247- 5 2 5, the cube root of which is 6-279, the required depth in inches, or, say, 6J. And, again, if the ratio between the breadth and depth be as o- 7 to i, then 990- 1 divided by 0-7 gives a quotient of 1414-43, the square root of which is 37-609, of which the square root is 6-1326, the required depth in inches, or, say, 6J- ; and then 6-1326x0-7 = 4-293, the required breadth in inches; or, the beam shoujd be 4 T \ x 6J- inches. 14-1. Deflection : when Weight is Uniformly Distributed. By a transposition of the factors of equation (35.), we ob- tain DEFLECTION OF LEVERS AND BEAMS. 119 a result nearly the same as that in equation (33.), which is a rule for deflection by a weight at middle, and which by slight modifications may be used for deflection by an equally distributed load. Thus by Rule XXXI. Proceed as directed in Rule XXVIII. (Art. 137), using the equally distributed weight instead of a con- centrated weight, and then divide the result there obtained for deflection by I -6 ; then the quotient will be the required deflection in inches. Example. Taking the example given under Rule XX VI 1 1., \uArt. 137, and assuming that the 1000 pounds load with which the beam is loaded be equally distributed, then 0-9195, the result for deflection as there found, divided by i -6, as by the above rule, gives 0-5747, the required deflection. This result is just five eighths of 0-9195, the deflection by the load at middle. N.B. The deflection by a uniformly distributed load is just five eighths of that produced by the same load when concentrated at the middle of the beam; therefore, five eighths of the deflection obtained by Rule XXVIII. will be the deflection of the same beam when the same weight is uniformly distributed. 142. Deflection of Levers. The deflection of a lever is the same as that of a beam of the same breadth and depth, but of twice the length, and loaded at the middle with a load equal to twice that which is at the end of the lever. There- fore, if P represents the weight at the end of a lever, and n the length of the lever in feet, then 2 P= W smd 2 n = t, and if these values of Wand /be substituted for those in equa- tion (33.), we obtain 2 P x 2 n 3 which reduces to -.,,., (37-) Fbd" 120 CONSTRUCTION. a result 16 times that in equation (33.), which is the deflection in a beam. Therefore, when a beam and a lever equal in sectional area and in length be loaded by equal weights, the one at the middle, the other at one end, the deflection of the lever will be 16 times that of the beam. This proportion is based upon the condition that neither the beam nor the lever shall be deflected beyond the limits of elasticity. 14-3. Deflection of a Lever: Load at End. Equation (37.), in words at length, is Ride XXXII. Multiply 16 times the given weight by the cube of the length in feet ; divide the product by the product of the breadth into the cube of the depth multiplied by the value of .Ffor the material of the lever, in Table III., and the quotient will be the required deflection. Example. What would be the deflection of a bar of American wrought iron one inch broad, two inches deep, loaded with 150 pounds at a point 5 feet distant from the wall in which the bar is imbedded ? The value of F for American wrought iron, in Table III., is 62000. Therefore, by the rule, 16 x 150 x 5" = 300000. This divided by (i x 2 3 x 62000 =) 496000 gives 0-6048, the required deflec- tion nearly f of an inch. (4-4-. Deflection of a Lever: Weight when at End. By a transposition of the factors in equation (37.), we obtain This result is equal to one sixteenth of that shown in equa- tion (31.), a rule for the weight at the middle. Therefore, for Rule XXXIII. Proceed as directed in Rule XXVII.; divide the quotient there obtained by 16, and the resulting quotient will be the required weight in pounds. Example. What weight is required at the end of a 4 x 12 inch Georgia-pine lever 20 feet long to deflect it three quarters of an inch? Proceeding by Rule XXVII., we ob- tain a quotient of 3823-2; this divided by 16 gives say 239, the required weight in pounds. DEFLECTION OF LEVERS WITH UNIFORM LOAD. 121 145. Deflection of a Lever : Breadth or Depth, Load at End. A transposition of the factors of equation (38.) gives , 73 i6Pn* a rule by which to obtain the sectional area of the lever. By comparison with equation (32.) it is seen that the result in (39.) is 16 times that found by (32.). Therefore, the dimen- sions for a lever loaded at the end may be found by Rule XXXIV. Multiply by 16 the first quotient found by Rule XXVII., and then proceed as farther directed in Rule XXVII., using the product of 16 times the quotient, instead of the said quotient. Example. What should be the size of a spruce lever 20 feet long, between weight and wall, to sustain 2000 pounds at the end with a deflection of I inch? Proceeding by Rule XXVII., we obtain a first quotient of 4571-43. By Rule XXXIV., 4571-43 x 16 73144-88. Now, if the depth be fixed, say, at 20, then 73144-88 divided by (20 x 20 x 20 =) 8000 gives 9- 143, the required breadth. But to obtain the depth, fixing the breadth, say, at 9, we have for 73144-88 di- vided by 9 = 8127-21, the cube root of which is- 20- 1055, the required depth. Again, if the breadth and depth are to be in proportion, say, as 0-7 to i-o, then 73144-88 divided by 0-7 gives 104492-7, the square root of which is 323-254, of which the square root is 17-98, the required depth in inches ; and 17-98 x 0-7 = 12-586, the required breadth in inches. The lever, therefore, should be, say, I2f x 18 inches. 146. Deflection of Levers: Weight Uniformly Distrib- uted. A comparison of the effects of loads upon levers shows (Transverse Strains, Art. 347) that the deflection by a uniformly distributed load is equal to that which would be produced by three eighths of that load if suspended from the end of the lever. Or, P f U. Substituting this value of P, in equation (37.), gives 16 x | Un* Fb sav > I2 inches, is the depth required. But if the breadth and depth are to be in a given pro- portion, say 0-35 to i-o, the 4966-92 aforesaid divided by 0-35, the value of r, equals 14191, the square root of which is 119-13, and the square root of this square root is 10-91, or, say, n inches, the required depth. And 10-91 multiplied by 0-35, the value of r, equals 3-82, the required breadth, say 3^ inches. I55 Floor -Beams: Distance from Centres. It is sometimes desirable, when the breadth and depth of the beams are fixed, or when the beams have been sawed and are now ready for use, to know the distance from cen- tres at which such beams should be placed in order that the floor be sufficiently stiff. By a transposition of the factors in equation (44.), we obtain bd* In like manner, equation (45.) produces _bd* (470 These, in words at length, are as follows : Rule XL. Multiply the cube of the depth by the breadth, both in inches, and divide the product by the cube of the length in feet multiplied by the value of /, for dwellings and for ordinary stores, or by k, for first-class stores, and the quotient will be the distance apart from centres in feet. Example. K span of 17 feet, in a dwelling, is to be cov- ered by white-pine beams 3x12 inches: at what distance apart from centres should they be placed? By the rule, 1728, the cube of the depth, multiplied by 3, the breadth, equals 5184. The cube of 17 is 4913 ; this by 0-65, the value of j for white pine, equals 3193-45- The aforesaid 5184 divided by this 3193-45 equals 1-6233 feet, or, say, 20 inches. CONSTRUCTION. 156. Framed Openings for Chimney* and Stairs. Where chimneys, flues, stairs, etc., occur to interrupt the bearing, the beams are framed into a piece, b (Fig. 42), called a header. The beams, a a, into which the header is framed are called trimmers or carriage-beams. These framed beams require to be made thicker than the common beams. The header must be strong enough to sustain one half of the weight that is sustained upon the &w7-beams, c c (the wall at the opposite end or another header there sustaining the other half), and the trimmers must each sustain one half of the weight sustained by the header in addition to the weight it supports as a common beam. It is usual in practice to make these framed beams one inch thicker than the common beams for dwellings, and two inches thicker for heavy stores. This practice in ordinary cases answers very well, but in extreme cases these dimensions are not proper. Rules applicable generally must be deduced from the conditions of the case the load to be sustained and the strength of the material. 157. Breadth of Headers. The load sustained by. a header is equally distributed, and is equal to the superficial area of the floor supported by the header multiplied by the load on every superficial foot of the floor. This is equal to the length of the header multiplied by half the length of the tail-beams, and by the load per superficial foot. Putting g DIMENSIONS OF HEADERS. Ijl for the length of the header, n for the length of the tail- beams, and / for the load per superficial foot ; U, the uni- formly distributed load carried by the header, will equal f n g. By substituting for /, in equation (35.), this value of it, we obtain The symbols g and / here both represent the same thing, the length of the header ; combining these, and for # putting its value gr y we obtain . 3-2 Fr To allow for the weakening of the header by the mor- tices for the tail-beams (which should be cut as near the middle of the depth of the header as practicable), the depth should be taken at, say, one inch less than the actual depth. With this modification, we obtain If /be taken at 90, and r at 0-03, we have, by reducing h _ 937- 5 "g* ( 4Q .) -~' which is a rule for the breadth of headers for dwellings and for ordinary stores. This, in words, is as follows : Rule XLL Multiply 937-5 times the length of the tail- beams by the cube of the'length of the header, both in feet. The product divided by the cube of one less than the depth multiplied by the value of F, Table III., will equal the breadth of the header in inches for dwellings or ordinary stores. Example. K header of white pine, for a dwelling, is 10 feet long, and sustains tail-beams 20 feet long ; its depth is \2 inches: what must be its breadth? By the rule, 937. 5x20x10*= 18750000.' This divided by (12- i) 3 x 2900^ CONSTRUCTION. 3859900, equals 4-858, say 5 inches, the required breadth. F or first-class stores,/ should be taken at 275, and r at 0-04. With these values the constants in equation (48.) reduce to 2I48-4375, or, say, 2150. This gives a rule for the breadth of a header for first-class stores. It is the same as that for dwellings, except that the constant 2150 is to be used in place of 937-5. Taking the same ex- ample, and using the constant 2150 instead of 937-5, we obtain 1 1 14 as the required breadth of the header for a first- class store. Modifying the question by using Georgia pine instead of white pine, we obtain 5 -476 as the required thick- ness, say 5^ inches. 158. Breadth of Carriage-Beams. A carriage-beam or trimmer, in addition to its load as a common beam, carries one half of the load on the header, which, as has been seen in the last article, is equal to one half of the superficial area of the floor supported by the tail-beams multiplied by the weight per superficial foot of the load upon the floor ; therefore, when the length of the header in feet is repre- sented by g, and the length of the tail-beams by n, w equals - x - x /, equals f g n* For a load not at middle, we have (25.) 4 W ' amn b d = BJ *The load from the header, instead of being \fg n, is, more accurately, i/(g c) : because the surface of floor carried by the header is only that which occurs between the surfaces carried by the carriage-beams, each of which carries so much of the floor as extends half way to the first tail-beam from it, or the distance - ; therefore, the width of the surface carried equals the length of the header less ( 2 x - = W, or g c. When, however, it is con- sidered that the carriage-beam is liable to receive some weight from a stairs or other article in the well-hole, the small additional load above referred to is not only not objectionable, but is really quite necessary to be included in the calculation. THICKNESS OF CARRIAGE-BEAMS. 133 This is a rule based upon resistance to rupture. By substi- 7? / tuting for a, the factor of safety, -p-j-, its value in terms of resistance to flexure {Transverse Strains, (154.)), we have h j* 4 W B Im n __ 4 Wm n . BIFdr Fdr In this expression, W is a concentrated weight at the dis- tances m and n from the two ends of the beam. Taking the load upon a carriage-beam due to the load from the header, as above found, and substituting it for W, we obtain ,,* __ fgmn* bd = -- This is the expression required for the concentrated load. To this is to be added the uniformly distributed load upon the carriage-beam ; this is given in equation (35.). Substi- tuting for U of this equation its value, fc /, gives , ,, -T67^" Fr Combining these two equations, we have for the total load r r If, in this equation, /be taken at 90, and r at 0-03, these reduce to 3000 ; therefore, with this value of -, we have / N This rule for the breadth of carriage-beams with one header, for dwellings and for ordinary stores, is put in words as follows : 134 CONSTRUCTION. Rule XLII. Multiply the length of the framed opening by its breadth, and by the square of the length of the tail- beams ; to this product add f of the cube of the length into the distance of the common beams from centres all in feet ; divide 3000 times the sum by the cube of the depth in inches multiplied by the value of F for the material of the beam, in Table III., and the quotient will be the breadth in inches. Example. In a tier of 3 x 10 inch beams, placed 14 inches from centres, what should be the breadth of a Georgia-pine carriage-beam 20 feet long, carrying a header 12 feet long, .having tail-beams 1 5 feet long? Here the framed opening is 5-x 1 2 feet. Therefore, according to the rule, 12 x 5 x 15' = 13500; to which add(|x2o 3 x jf =)5833i; the sum is 19333^, and this by 3000= 58000000. The value of F for Georgia pine, in Table III., is 5900; the cube of the depth is 1000; the product of these two is 5900000; therefore, dividing the above 58000000 by 5900000 gives a quotient of 9.83, the required breadth in inches. If, in equation (51.), f be taken at 275, and r at 0-04, then - becomes 6875, and the equation becomes , ~~ Fd* a rule for the breadth of carriage-beams for first-c lass stores ; the same as that for dwellings, except that the constant is 6875 instead of 3000. fl59. Breadth of Carriage-Beams Carrying Two Sets of Tail-Beams. r-A rule for this is the same as that for a car- riage-beam carrying one set of tail-beams, if to it there be added the effect of the second set of tail-beams. Equation (51.) with the additibn named becomes , , (54 in which n is the length of one set of tail-beams, and s the length of the other set ; and m + n = I. CARRIAGE-BEAMS WITH TWO HEADERS. 135 If / be taken at 90, and r at 0-03, these two reduce to 3000, and we have _ 3000 [,;/ (;;?;; -Kr 2 )-f | r/ 3 ] Pd*~ 9 a rule for the breadth of a carriage-beam carrying two sets of headers, for dwellings and for ordinary stores. It may be stated in words as follows : Rule XLIII. Multiply the length of the longer set of tail-beams by the difference between this length and the length of the carriage-beam, and to the product add the square of the length of the shorter set of tail-beams ; mul- tiply the sum by the length of the longer set of tail-beams, and by the length of the header ; to this product add f of the product of the cube of the length of the carriage- beam into the distance apart from centres of the common beams ; multiply this sum by 3000 ; divide this product by the product of the cube of the depth in inches into the value of F ior the material of the carriage-beam, in Table III., and the quotient will be the required breadth. Example. In a tier of 3 x 12 inch beams, placed 14 inches from centres, what should be the breadth of a spruce car- riage-beam 20 feet long in the clear of the bearings, carry- ing two sets of tail-beams, one of them 9 feet long, the other 5 feet ; the headers being 15 feet long ? The difference between the longer set of tail-beams and the carriage-beam is (20 9 =) 1 1 feet. Therefore, by the rule, 9 x 1 1 + 5* = 124; then (124x9x15=) 16740 + (f x 20 3 x |f ) 5833^- = 22 573i; then 22573^x3000 = 67720000. Now the value of F for spruce, Table III., is 3500; this by I2 3 , the cube of the depth, equals 6048000; by this dividing the aforesaid 67720000, we obtain a quotient of 11-197, the required breadth of the carriage-beam. If, in equation (54.), / be taken at 275, and > at 0-04, these reduce to 6875, and we obtain a rule for the breadth of carriage -beams carrying two sets CONSTRUCTION. of tail-beams, in the floors of first-class stores. -This is like the rule for dwellings, except that the constant is 6875 in- stead of 3000. 160. _ Breadth o Carriage - Beam willi Well-Hole at middle. When the framed opening between the two sets of tail-beams occurs at the middle, or when the lengths of the two sets of tail-beams are equal, then equation (54.) reduces to and if /be taken at 90, and r at 0-03, these reduce to 3000, and we have a rule for the breadth of a carriage-beam carrying two sets of tail-beams of equal length, in the floor of a dwelling or of an ordinary store ; and which in words is as follows: Rule XLIV. Multiply the length of the header by the square of the length of the tail-beams, and to the product add | of the product of the square of the length of the car- riage-beam by the distance apart from centres of the com- mon beams; multiply the sum by 3000 times the length of the carriage-beam ; divide the product by the product of the cube of the depth into the value of F for the material of the carriage-beam, in Table III., and the quotient will be the required breadth. Example. In a tier of 3x12 inch beams, placed 12 inches from centres, what must be the thickness of a hemlock car- riage-beam 20 feet long, carrying two sets of tail-beams, each 8 feet long, with headers 10 feet long? By the rule, 10 x 8" + x i x 20* 890 ; 890 x 3000 x 20 = 53400000. Now, the value of F, in Table III., for hemlock is 2800 ; this by the cube of the depth, 1728, equals 4838400; by this dividing the former product, 53400000, and the quotient, 11-0367, is the required breadth of the carriage-beam. CROSS-BRIDGING. If, in equation (57.), /be taken at 275, and rat 0.04, these will reduce, to 6875, and we shall have 6875 (59-) a result the same as in equation (58.), except that the constant is 6875 instead of 3000. Equation (59.) is a rule for the breadth of carriage-beams carrying two sets of tail-beams of equal length, in the floor of a first-class store. In words at length, it is the same as Rule XLI V., except that the con- stant 6875 is to be used in place of 3000. 161. ro-Bridgiiig, or Herring-Bone Bridging. The diagonal struts set between floor-beams, as in Fig. 43, are known as cross- bridging, or herring- bone bridging. By connecting the beams thus at intervals, say, of from 5 to 8 feet, the stiffness of the floor is greatly increased. The absolute strength of a tier of beams to resist a weight uniformly distributed over the whole tier is augmented but lit- tle by cross-bridging ; but the power of any one beam in the tier to re- sist a concentrated load upon it, as a heavy article of fur- niture or an iron safe, is greatly increased by the cross- bridging; for this device, by connecting the loaded beam with the adjacent beams on each side, causes these beams to assist in carrying the load. To secure the full benefit of the diagonal struts, it is very important that the beams be well secured from separating laterally, by having strips, such as cross-furring, firmly nailed to the under edges of the beams. The tie thus made, together with that of the floor-plank on the top edges, will prevent the thrust of the struts from sep- arating the beams. 162. Bridging: Value to Resit Concentrated L,oad. A rule for determining the additional load which any one beam connected by bridging will be capable of sustaining, by the assistance derived from the other beams, through the FIG. 43. 138 CONSTRUCTION. bridging, may be found in Chapter XVIII., Transverse Strains. This rule may be stated thus : * R = -(1 + 22 + 3V 4 2 + etc.) ; (60.) in which R is the increased resistance, equal to the addi- tional load which may be put upon the loaded beam ; c is the distance from centres in feet at which the beams in the tier are placed ; /is the load in pounds per superficial foot upon the floor ; / is the length of the beams in feet ; and d is the depth of the beams in inches. The squares within the bracket are to be extended to as many places as there are beams on each side which contribute assistance through the bridging. The rule given in the work referred to, for ascer- taining the number of spaces between the beams, is d f ,- \ = 7 r; (61.) or, the depth of the beam in inches divided by the square of the distance from centres, in leet, at which the beams are placed will give the number of spaces between the beams which contribute on each side in sustaining the concentrated load. The nearest whole number, minus unity, will equal the required number of beams. The value of c for beams in floors of dwellings is given in equation (46.), and lor those in first-class stores in equation (47.). By a modification of equation (34.), putting c f I for U, we have and- c = = (6 3 .) These equations give general rules for the value of c. INCREASED LOAD BY CROSS-BRIDGING. 139 Now, the rule, in words at length, for the resistance offered by the adjoining beams to a weight concentrated upon one of the beams sustained by cross-bridging to the others, is Rule XLV. Divide the depth of the beam in inches by the square of the distance apart from centres in feet at which the floor-beams are placed ; from the quotient deduct unity, and call the whole number nearest to the remainder the First Result. Take the sum of the squares of the con- secutive numbers from unity to as many places as shall equal the above first result ; multiply this sum by 5 times the length in feet, by the load per foot superficial upon the floor, and by the fifth power of the distance apart from centres in feet at which the beams are placed ; divide the product by 4 times the square of the depth in inches, and the quotient will be the weight in pounds required. Example. In a tier of 3 x 12 inch floor-beams 20 feet long, placed in a dwelling 16 inches from centres and well bridged, what load maybe uniformly distributed upon one of the beams, additional to the load which that beam is capable of sustaining safely when unassisted by bridging? Here, according to the rule, 12 divided by (ij+ ij = ) i-J equals 6f ; 6J i 5|, the nearest whole number to which is 6, the first result. The sum of the square of the first 6 numbers equals (i + 2 2 + 3' + 4* + 5 + 6 2 =) I +4 + 9+ 16 + 25 + 36 = 91. Therefore, 91 x 5 x 20 x 90 x (|-) r ' = 345 1266.* The square of the depth (12 x 12 = ) H4x4 = 576; by this dividing the above 3451266, we have the quotient 5991-78, say 5992 pounds, the required weight. This is the additional load which may be placed upon the beam. At 90 pounds per superficial foot, the common load on each beam, we have * The value of c, 16 inches, equals feet. The fifth power of this, or () 6 , is obtained by involving both numerator and denominator to the fifth power, and dividing the fifth power of the former by the fifth power of the latter ; for (i) 5 = i_. For the numerator we have 4x4x4x4x4=1024, and for the de- 3 5 nominator 3x3x3x3x3 = 243. The former divided by the latter gives as a quotient 4-214, the value of (j) 5 . The process of involving a number to a high power, or the reverse operation of extracting high roots, may be performed by logarithms with great facility. (See Art. 427.) I4O CONSTRUCTION. 90 x 20 x | = 2400 as the common load. To this add 5992, the load sustained through the bridging by the other beams, and the sum, 8392 pounds, will be the total load which may be safely sustained, uniformly distributed, upon one beam nearly 3^ times the common load. 163. Crirclers. When the distance between the walls of a building is greater than that which would be the limit for the length of ordinary single beams, it becomes requisite to introduce one or more additional supports. Where sup- ports are needed for a floor and partitions are not desirable, it is usual to use a large piece of timber called a girder, sus- tained by posts set at intervals of from 8 to 1 5 feet ; or, when posts are objectionable, a framed construction called a framed girder (Art. 196) ; or an iron box called a tubular iron girder (Art. 182). When a simple timber girder is used it is advisable, if it be large, to divide it vertically from end to end and reverse the two pieces, exposing the heart of the timber to the aii in order that it may dry quickly, and also to detect decay at the heart. When the halves are bolted together, thin slips of wood should be inserted between them at the several points at which they are bolted, in order to leave sufficient space for the air to circulate freely in the space thus formed between them. This tends to prevent decay, which will be found first at such parts as are not exactly tight, nor yet far enough apart to permit the escape of moisture. When girders are required for a long bear- ing, it is usual to truss them ; that is, to insert between the halves two pieces of oak which are inclined towards each other, and which meet at the centre of the length of the girder like the rafters of a roof-truss, though nearly if not quite concealed within the girder. This and many similar methods, though extensively practised, are generally worse than useless ; since it has been ascertained that, in nearly all such cases, the operation has positively weakened the girder. A girder may be strengthened by mechanical contrivance, when its depth is required to be greater than any one piece of timber will allow. Fig. 44 shows a very simple yet invalu- able method of doing this. The two pieces of which the gir- CONSTRUCTION OF GIRDERS. 14! der is composed are bolted or pinned together,, having keys inserted between to prevent the pieces from sliding. The keys should be of hard wood, well seasoned. The two pieces should be about equal in depth, in order that the joint between them may be in the neutral line. (See Arts. 120, 121.) The thickness of the keys should be about half their breadth, and the amount of their united thickness should be equal to a trifle over the depth and one third of the depth of the girder. Instead of bolts orpins, iron hoops are sometimes used ; and when they can be procured, they are far preferable. In this case, the girder is diminished at the ends, and the hoops driven from each end towards the middle. A girder may be spliced if timber of a sufficient length cannot be obtained ; though not at or near the mid- FIG. 44- die, if it can be avoided. (See Art. 87.) Girders should rest from 9 to 12 inches on each wall, and a space should be left for the air to circulate around the ends, that the damp- ness may evaporate. 164. Girders : IMmeniions. The size of a girder, for any special case, may be determined by equations (21.), (22.), (25,), (27.), and (28.), to resist rupture ; and to resist deflection, by equations (32.) and (35.). For girders in dwellings, equa- tion (44.) may be used. In this case, the value of c is to be taken equal to the width of floor supported by the girder, which is equal to the sum of the distances half way to the wall or next bearing on each side. When there is but one 142 CONSTRUCTION. girder between the two walls, the value of c is equal to half the distance between the walls. The rule for girders for dwellings, in words, is Rule XLVL Multiply the cube of the length of the gir- der by the sum of the distances from the girder half way to the next bearing on each side, and by the value of j for the material of the girder, in Art. 152; the product -will equal the product of the breadth of the girder into the cube of the depth. To obtain the breadth, divide this product by the cube of the depth ; the quotient will be the breadth. To obtain the depth, divide the said product by the breadth ; the cube root of the quotient will be the depth. If the breadth and depth are to be in a given proportion, say as r : i-o, then divide the aforesaid quotient by the value of r ; take the square root of the quotient; then the square root of this square root will be the depth, and the depth multi- plied by the value of r will be. the breadth. Example. In the floor of a dwelling, what should be the size of a Georgia-pine girder 14 feet long between posts, placed at 10 feet from one wall and 20 feet from the other? The value of c here is V~ + % = J 5- The value of j for Georgia pine (Art. 152) is 0-32. By the rule, 14' x 15 x 0-32 = 13171-2. Now, to find the breadth when the depth is 12 inches ; 13171 -2 divided by the cube of 12, or by 1728, gives a quotient of 7-622, or 7$, the required breadth. Again,, to find the depth, when the breadth is 8 inches : 13171-2 divided by 8 gives 1646-4, the cube root of which is 1 1 -808, or, say, uj inches, the required depth. But if neither breadth nor depth have been previously determined, except as to their proportion, say as 0-7 to i-o, then 13171-2 divided by 0-7 gives 18816, of which the square root is 137-171, and of this the square root is 11-712, or, say, I if inches, the required depth. For the breadth, we have 11-712 by 0-7 equals 8-198, or, say, 8J, the required breadth. Thus the girder is required to be 7$- x 12, 8 x iij, or 8J xi if inches. This example is one in a dwelling or ordinary store ; (or first-class stores the rule for girders is the same as the last, except that the value of k is to be taken instead ofy, in Art. 152. FIRE-PROOF TIMBER FLOORS. 143 165. Solid Timber Floors. Floors constructed with rolled-iron beams and brick arches are proof against fire only to a limited degree ; for experience has shown that the heat, in an extensive conflagration, is sufficiently intense to deprive the iron of its rigidity, and consequently of its strength. Singular as it may seem, it is nevertheless true that wood, under certain circumstances, has a greater fire- resisting quality than iron. Floors of timber constructed, as is usual, with the beams set apart, have but little power to resist fire, but if the spaces between the beams be filled up solid with other beams, which thus close the openings against the passage of the flames, and the under surface be coated with plastering mortar containing a large portion of plaster of Paris, and finished smooth, then this wooden floor will resist the action of fire longer than a floor of iron beams and brick arches. The wooden beams should be se- cured to each other by dowels or spikes. 166. Solid Timber Floors for Dwellings and Assem- bly-Rooms. From Transverse Strains, Art. 702, we have which may be modified so as to take this form : which is a rule for the depth or thickness of solid timber floors for dwellings, assembly-rooms, or office buildings, and in which y and h are constants depending upon the mate- rial ; thus, for Georgia Pine ................ y 4 and h = Spruce ...................... ^ = 2i, " // = 0-365 White Pine .................. y = 2j, " // = 0-389 Hemlock ..................... y = 2, ' 7*=o-39 The rule may be stated in words thus : Rule XLVIL Multiply the length by the value of 144 CONSTRUCTION. and by the value of /i, as above given ; to the product add 82 ; multiply the sum by the cube of the length ; divide this product by 0-576 times the value of F, in Table III. ; then the cube root of the quotient will be the required depth in inches. Example. What depth is required for a solid Georgia- pine floor to cover a span of 20 feet ? For Georgia pine F= 5900 ; y, as above given, equals 4, and h equals 0-314 ; therefore, by the rule d - _ = 6.318; 0-576x5900 339 8 '4 or, the depth required is, say, 6-32 or 6^ inches. 167. Solid Timber Floors for First-Clas Si ores. The equation given for first-class stores, in Transverse Strains, Art. 702, is -(263 which may be changed to this form : in which y is as before, and k for Georgia Pine equals 0-4 Spruce equals o 472 White Pine equals 0-502 Hemlock equals o 506 This rule may be put in words the same as Rule XLVIL, except as to the constants, which require that 263 be used in place of 82, that k be used in place of /*, and that 0-768 be used in place of 0-576. Table XXI. of Transverse Strains contains the results of computation showing the depths of solid timber floors for dwellings and assembly-rooms and for first-class stores, in floors of spans varying from 8 to 30 feet, and for the four kinds of timber before named. IRON FLOOR-BEAMS. 145 I6ff. Rolled - Iron Beam*. The dimensions of iron beams, whether Avrought or cast, are to be ascertained by the rules already given, when the beams are of rectangular form in their cross-section; these rules are applicable alike to wood and iron (Art. 93), and may be used for any mate- rial, provided the constant appropriate to the given mate- rial be used. But when the form of cross- section is such as that which is usual for rolled-iron beams (Fig. 45), the rules need modifying. Without' attempting to explain these modifications (referring for this to Transverse Strains, Art. 457 and following article), it may be re- marked that the elements of resistance to flexure in a beam constitute what is termed the Moment of Inertia. This, in . FIG. 45. a beam of rectangular cross-section, is equal to -J^ of the breadth into the cube of the depth ; or I=^bd\ (66.) This would be appropriate to rolled-iron beams if the hollow on each side were filled with metal, so as to complete the form of cross-section into a rectangle. The proper ex- pression for them may be obtained by taking first the moment for the beam as if it were a solid rectangle, and from this deducting the moment for the part which on each side is wanting, or for the rectangles of the hollows. In accordance with this view of the case, we have b,d^; (67.) in which b is the breadth of the beam or width of the flanges ; b, is the breadth of the two hollows, or is equal to# less the thickness of the web or stem ; d is the depth includ- ing top and bottom flanges ; and d t is the depth in the clear between the top and bottom flanges. Now, if equation (32.) be divided by 12, we shall have 146 CONSTRUCTION. and since -^ b d* represents the moment of inertia, we have- (68.) 12 Fd This gives the value of / for a beam of any form in cross- section loaded at the middle. By this equation the values of / have been computed for rolled -iron beams of many sizes, and the results recorded in Table XVII., Transverse Strains. A few of these are included in Table IV., as follows : TABLE IV. ROLLED- IRON BEAMS. NAME. Depth. Weight per yard. / = NAME. Depth. Weight per yard. / = Trenton qo 7-8d Buffalo QO 109- 1 17 Paterson . . Phoenix 5 t 3 36 12-082 I 4'3 I 7 Phoenix Buffalo T?* 150 QO 190-63 151 -436 Trenton 6 -1O v 761 Buffalo ioi IO^ 17^ -6-1^ Phoenix . . Trenton . . Buffalo 7 7 8 55 60 65 42-43 46-012 64- 526 Trenton iBuffalo Paterson. . . . 1 loj 12$ I2 135 125 125 241-478 286-OI9 292-05 Paterson. . . Phoenix ... . Phoenix . . . 8 9 9 So ?o 84 84-735 92-207 107-793 Paterson. ... iBuffalo Trenton 12* 12* !5fV 170 1 80 150 398-93^ 418-945 528-223 169. Rolled -Iron Beams: Diiuciitioii* ; Weight at middle. If, in equation (68.), there be substituted for F its value for wrought iron, as in Table TIL, we shall have or " 1 2 x 62000 requires to be lettered as shown ; having one letter within each panel and outside the frame, and one between every two weights or strains. Then, in Fig. 55, mark the vertical line K V at L, M, N, V, 1 72 CONSTRUCTION. and P t dividing it by scale into equal parts, corresponding with the weights on the top chord represented by the ar- rows. For example, if the load at each arrow equals 6J tons, make K L, L M, M N, etc., each equal to 6^ parts of the scale. Then K P will equal the total load on the top flange. Make the distance P V equal to the sum of the loads on the bottom chord. Then K V equals the total load on the gir- der. Bisect K Fin U\ then K U or U Fequals half the total load ; consequently, equals the reaction of the bearing at K or P of Fig. 54. Now, to obtain the polygon of forces converging at K A U, Fig. 54, we have one of these forces, K U, or the re- action of the bearing at KA U, equal to K U, Fig. 55. From f/draw UA parallel with U A of Fig. 54, and from 1C draw KA parallel with the strut KA, Fig. 54, and intersecting the line UA at A, a point which marks the limit of K A and UA, and closes the polygon K A UK, the sides of which are in proportion respectively to the three strains which converge at the point A UK, Fig. 54. For example, since the line K U by scale measures the vertical reaction, K U, of the bearing at A UK, Fig. 54, therefore the line K A of the diagram of forces by the same scale measures the strain in the strut KA, Fig. 54, and the line A U of the diagram by the same scale measures the strain in the bottom chord at A U, Fig. 54. For the strains converging at K A B L, Fig. 54, of which two, KA and K L, are already known, we draw from A the line A B parallel with the line A B, Fig. 54, and from L draw L B parallel with L B, Fig. 54, meeting A B at B, a point which limits the two lines and closes the polygon K A B L K, the lines of which are in proportion respectively to the strains converging at the point KA B L, Fig. 54, as before explained. Of the five strains converging at U A B C T, we already have three T U, UA,and AB* to obtain the other two, make UQ equal to PV, equal to the total load upon the lower flange ; divide U Q into four equal parts, QR, RS, S T, and T U, corresponding with the four weights on the lower chord, and represented by the four balls, Fig. 54. Now, from T, the point marking the first of these divisions, draw TC parallel with T C, Fig. 54, and from B draw B C paral- VARIOUS STRAINS IN FRAMED GIRDERS. 1/3 lei with the strut EC, Fig. 54, meeting TC in C, a point which limits the lines B C and TC and closes the polygon T U A B C T, the sides of which are in proportion respectively to the strains converging in the point T U A B C T, Fig. 54. Of the five forces converging at MLB CD, we already have three ML, LB, and B C\ to obtain the other two, from M draw M D parallel with M D, Fig. 54, and from C draw CD parallel with CD, Fig. 54, meeting MD at D, a point limit- ing the lines M D and CD and closing the polygon MLBCDM,i\\Q sides of which are in proportion to the strains converging at the point MLB CD, Fig. 54. Of the five forces converging at the point 5 TCD E, three S T, T C, and CD are known; to obtain the other two, from 5 draw SE parallel with SE, Fig. 54, and from D draw D E, parallel with the strut D E, Fig. 54, meeting the line SE in E t a point limiting the two lines S E and D E and closing the polygon 5 TCD E S, the sides of which are in proportion to the strains converging at 5 TCDE, Fig. 54. One half of the strains in Fig. 54 are now shown in its diagram of forces, Fig. 55 ; and since the two halves of the girder are symmetrical, the forces in one half corresponding to those in the other, hence the lines of the diagram for one half of the forces may be used for the corresponding forces of the other half. 199. Framed Girders : Dimensions of Parl. The parts of a framed girder are the two horizontal chords (top and bottom) and the diagonals the struts and ties. The top chord is in a state of compression, while the bottom chord experiences a tensile strain. Those of the diagonal pieces which have a direction from the top to the bottom chord, and from the middle towards one of the bearings of the girder, as KA, B C, or D E, Fig. 54, are struts, and are sub- jected to compression. The diagonal pieces which have a direction from the bottom to the top chord, and from the middle towards one of the supports, as A B or CD, Fig. 54. are ties, and are subjected to extension, (Art. 83). The amount of strain in each piece in a framed girder having been ascertained in a diagram of forces, as shown in Arts. 197 and 198, the dimensions of each piece may be obtained 174 CONST RUCTION. by rules already given. The dimensions of the pieces in a state of compression are to be ascertained by the rules for posts in Arts. 107 to 114, and those in a state of tension by A: m ts. 117 to 119 (see Arts. 226 to 229). Care is required, in obtaining the size of the lower chord, to allow for the joints which necessarily occur in long ties, for the reason that tim- ber is not readily obtained sufficiently long without splicing. Usually, in cases where the length of the girder is too great to obtain a bottom chord in one piece, the chord is made up of vertical lamina, and in as long lengths as practicable, and secured with bolts. A chord thus made will usually require about twice the material ; or, its sectional area of cross-sec- tion will require to be twice the size of a chord which is in one whole piece ; and in this chord it is usual to put the fac- tor of safety at from 8 to 10. The diagonal ties are usually made of wrought iron, and it is well to secure the struts, especially the end ones, with iron stirrups and bolts. And, to prevent the evil effects of shrinkage, it is well to provide iron bearings extending through the depth of each chord, so shaped that the struts and rods may have their bearings upon it, instead of upon the wood. PARTITIONS. 200 Partitions Such partitions as are required for the divisions in ordinary houses are usually formed by tim- ber of small size, termed studs or joists. These are placed upright at 12 or 16 inches from centres, and Avell nailed. Upon these studs lath are nailed, and these are covered with plastering. The strength of the plastering depends in a great measure upon the clinch iormed by the mortar which has been pressed through between the lath. That this clinch may be interfered with in the least possible degree, it is proper that the edges of the partition-joists which are presented to receive the lath should be as narrow as prac- ticable ; those which are necessarily large should be reduced by chamfering the corners. The derangements in floors, plastering, and doors which too frequently disfigure the interior of pretentious houses with gaping cracks in the FRAMED PARTITIONS. 175 plastering and in the door-casings are due in nearly all cases to defective partitions, and to the shrinkage of floor-timbers. A plastered partition is too heavy to be trusted upon an ordi- nary tier of beams, unless so braced as to prevent its weight from pressing upon the beams. This precaution becomes es- pecially important when, in addition to its own weight, the partition serves as a girder to carry the weight of the floor- beams next above it. In order to reduce to the smallest practicable degree the derangements named, it is important that the studs in a partition should be trussed or braced so as to throw the weight upon firmly sustained points in the construction beneath, and that the timber in both partitions and floors should be well seasoned and carefully framed. To avoid the settlement due to the shrinkage of a tier of beams, it is important, in a partition standing over one in the story below or over a girder, that the studs pass between the beams to the plate of the lower partition, or to the girder ; and, to be able to do this, it is also important to ar- range the partitions of the several stories vertically over each other. All principal partitions should be of brick, especially such as are required to assist in sustaining the floors of the building. FIG. 56. 201. Examples of Partition &.Fig. 56 represents a par- tition having a door in the middle. Its construction is simple but effective. Fig. 57 shows the manner of constructing a I 7 6 CONSTRUCTION. partition having- doors near the ends. The truss is formed above the door-heads, and the lower parts are suspended from it. The posts a and b are halved, and nailed to the tie c d and the sill ef. The braces in a trussed partition r a b FIG 57- should be placed so as to form, as near as possible, an angle of 40 degrees with the horizon. The braces in a partition should be so placed as to discharge the weight upon the FIG. 58. points of support. All oblique pieces that fail to do this should be omitted. When the principal timbers of a partition require to be large for the purpose of greater strength, it is a good plan WEIGHT UPON PARTITIONS. 177 to omit the upright filling-in pieces, and in their stead to place a few horizontal pieces, as in Fig. 58, in order that upon these and the principal timbers upright battens may be nailed at the proper distances for lathing. A partition thus constructed requires a little more space than others ; but it has the advantage of insuring greater stability to the plas- tering, and also of preventing to a good degree the conver- sation of one room from being overheard in the adjoining one. Ordinary partitions are constructed with 3x4, 3x5, or 4x6 inch joists, for the principal pieces, and with 2x4, 2x5, or 2x6 filling-in studs, well strutted at intervals of about 5 feet. When a partition is required to support, in addition to its own weight, that of a floor or some other burden resting upon it, the dimensions of the timbers should be ascertained, by applying the principles which regulate the laws of pressure and those of the resistance of timber, as explained in the first part of this section, and in Arts. 196 to 199 for framed girders. The following data may assist in calculating the amount of pressure upon partitions : White-pine timber weighs from 22 to 32 pounds per cubic loot, varying in accordance with the amount of seasoning it has had. Assuming it to weigh 30 pounds, the weight of the beams and floor-plank in every superficial foot of the flooring will be 6 pounds when the beams are 3 x 8 inches, and placed 20 inches from centres 7\ " " " 3 x 10 " " 18 9 " " 3 x 12 " " 16 II " 3 XI2 " 12 I 3 " " " 4X12 " " 12 I 3 4x14 " 14 In addition to the beams and plank, there is generally the plastering, of the ceiling of the apartments beneath, and some- times the deafening. Plastering may be assumed to weigh 9 pounds per superficial foot, and deafening 1 1 pounds. Hemlock weighs about the same as white pine. A parti- tion of 3x4 joists of hemlock, set 12 inches from centres, therefore, will weigh about 2j pounds per foot superficial and when plastered on both sides, 2o pounds. CONSTRUCTION. ROOFS. 202. Roof*. In ancient Norman and Gothic buildings, the walls and buttresses were erected so massive and firm that it was customary to construct their roofs without a tie- beam, the walls being abundantly capable of resisting the lateral pressure exerted by the rafters. But in modern buildings, usually the walls are so slightly built as to be in- capable of resisting much if any oblique pressure ; hence the necessity of care in constructing the roof so as to avoid oblique and lateral strains. The roof so constructed, instead of tending to separate the walls, will bind and steady them. FIG. 59. FIG. 60. FIG. 61. FIG. 62. FIG. 63. FIG. 64, FIG. 65. FIG. 66. FIG. 67. 203. Comparison of Roof-Truses. Designs for roof- trusses, illustrating various principles of roof construction, are herewith presented. The designs at Figs. 59 to 63 are distinguished from those at Figs. 64 to 67 by having a horizontal tie-beam. In the latter group, and in all designs similarly destitute of the horizontal tie at the foot of the rafters,- the strains are much greater than in those having the tie, unless the truss be pro- VARIOUS FORMS OF ROOF-TRUSSES. 179 tected by exterior resistance, such as may be afforded by competent buttresses. To the uninitiated it may appear preferable, in Fig. 64, to extend the inclined ties to the rafters, as shown by the dotted lines. But this would not be beneficial ; on the con- trary, it would be injurious. The point of the rafter where the tie would be attached is near the middle of its length, and consequently is a point the least capable of resisting transverse strains. The weight of the roofing itself tends to bend the rafter ; and the inclined tie, were it attached to the rafter, would, by its tension, have a tendency to increase this bending. As a necessary consequence, the feet of the rafters would separate, and the ridge descend. In Fig. 65 the inclined ties are extended to the rafters ; but here the horizontal strut or straining beam, located at the points of contact between the ties and rafters, counteracts the bending tendency of the rafters and renders these points stable. In this design, therefore, and only in such designs, it is permissible to extend the ties through to the rafters. Even here it is not advisable to do so, because of the in- creased strain produced. (See Figs. 77 and 79.) The design in Fig. 64, 66, or 67 is to be preferred to that in Fig. 65. 204. Force Diagram : L,oacl upon Each Support. By a comparison of the force diagrams hereinafter given, of each of the foregoing designs, we* may see that the strains in the trusses without horizontal tie-beams at the feet of the rafters are greatly in excess of those having the tie. In constructing these diagrams, the first step is to ascertain the reaction of, or load carried by, each of the supports at the ends of the truss. In symmetrically loaded trusses, the weight upon each support is always just one half of the whole load. 205. Force Diagram for Trus in Fig. 59. To obtain the force diagram appropriate to the design in Fig. 59, first letter the figure as directed in Art. 195, and as in Fig. 68. Then draw a vertical line, EF (Fig. 69), equal to the weight W at the apex of roof ; or (which is the same thing in effect) equal to the sum of the two loads of the roof, one extending on each side of W half-way to the foot of the rafter. Di- 1 8o CONSTRUCTION. vide E F into two equal parts at G. Make G C and G D eacTi equal to one half of the weight N. Now, since G is equal to one half of the upper load, and G D to one half of the low- er load, therefore their sum, E G + G D ED, is equal to one half of the total load, or to the reaction of each support, E or F. From D draw DA parallel with DA of Fig. 68, and from E draw EA parallel with EA of Fig. 68. The three lines of the triangle A E D represent the strains, respectively, in the three lines converging at the point A D E of Fig. 68. Draw the other lines of the diagram parallel with the lines of c- FIG. 69. Fig. 68, and as directed in Arts. 195 and 197. The various lines of Fig. 69 will represent the forces in the corresponding lines of Fig. 68 ; bearing in mind (Art. 195.) that while a line in the force diagram is designated in the usual manner by the letters at the two ends of it, a line of the frame diagram is designated by the two letters between which it passes. Thus, the horizontal lines A D, the vertical lines A B, and the in- clined lines A E have these letters at their ends in Fig. 69, while they pass between these letters in Fig. 68. 206. Force Diagram for Truss in Fig. 60. For this truss we have, in Fig. 70, a like design, repeated and lettered as required. We here have one load on the tie-beam, and three loads above the truss: one on each rafter and one at the ridge. In the force diagram, Fig. 71, make G H, H J, and J K, by any convenient scale, equal respectively to the weights GH, HJ, and J K oi Fig. 70. Divide G K into two equal parts at L. Make LE and ZFeach equal to one half the weight E F (Fig. 70). Then G Fis equal to one half the FORCE DIAGRAMS OF TRUSSES. jgl total load, or to the load upon the support G (Art. 205). Complete the diagram by drawing its several lines parallel with the lines of Fig. 70, as indicated by the letters (see Art. 205), commencing with G F, the load on the support G (Fig. 70). Draw from F and G the two lines FA and GA paral- lel with these lines in Fig. 70. Their point of intersection defines the point A. From this the several points B, C, and D are developed, and the figure completed. Then the lines m Fig. 71 will represent the forces in the corresponding lines of Fig. 70, as indicated by the lettering. (See Art. 195.) K A FIG. 70. FIG. 71. 207. Force Diagram for Tru in Fig 61. For this truss we have, in Fig. 72, a similar design, properly prepared by weights and lettering ; and in Fig. 73 the force diagram ap- propriate to it. In the construction of this diagram, proceed as directed in the previous example, by first constructing N S, the ver- tical line of weights ; in which line NO y OP,PQ,QR, and R S are made respectively equal to the several weights above the truss in Fig. 72. Then divide NS into two equal parts at T. Make 7^ and TL each equal to the half of the weight K L. Make J K and L M equal to the weights J K and L M of Fig. 72. Now, since M " N is equal to one half of the weights above the truss plus one half of the weights below the truss, or half of the whole weight, it is therefore the weight upon the support N (Fig. 72), and represents the reaction of that support. A horizontal line drawn from M will meet the inclined line drawn from N, parallel with the rafter A N (Fig. 72), in the 1-82 CONSTRUCTION. point^, and the three sides of the triangle A MN, Fig. 73, will give the strains in the three corresponding lines meeting at the point A MN, Fig. 72. The sides of the triangle HJ 5, Fig. FIG. 72. 73, give likewise the strains in the three corresponding lines meeting at the point H J 5, Fig. 72. Continuing the con- struction, draw all the other lines of the force diagram parallel FIG. 73. with the corresponding lines of Fig. 72, and as directed in Art. 195. The completed diagram will measure the strains in all the lines of Fig. 72. FORCE DIAGRAMS CONTINUED. 183 208, Force Diagram for Truss in Fig. 63. The roof truss indicated at Fig. 63 is repeated in Fig. 74, with the ad FIG. 74. FIG. 75- dition of the lettering required for the construction of force diagram, Fig. 75. 1 84 CONSTRUCTION. . In this case there are seven weights, or loads, above the truss, and three below. Divide the vertical line O V at W into two equal parts, and place the lower loads in two equal parts on each side of W. Owing to the middle one of these loads not being on the tie-beam with the other two, but on the upper tie-beam, the line G H, its representative in the force diagram, has to be removed to the vertical BJ, and the letter M is duplicated. The line NO equals half the whole weight of the truss, or 3^ of the upper loads, plus one of the lower loads, plus half of the load at the upper tie- beam. It is, therefore, the true reaction of the support NO, and A N is the horizontal strain in the beam there. It will be observed also that while H ' M and G M (Fig. 75), which are equal lines, show the strain in the lower tie-beam at the middle of the truss, the lines C H and FG, also equal 'but considerably shorter lines, show the strains in the upper tie-beam. Ordinarily, in a truss of this design, the strain in the upper beam would be equal to that in the lower one, which becomes true when the rafters and braces above the upper beam are omitted. In the present case, the thrusts of the upper rafters produce tension in the upper beam equal to C M or F M of Fig. 75, and thus, by counteracting the compression in the beam, reduce it to C H or FG of the force diagram, as shown. 209. Force Diagram for Truss in Fig. 64. The force diagram for the roof-truss at Fig. 64 is given in Fig". 77, while Fig. 78 is the truss reproduced, with the lettering requisite for the construction of Fig. 77. The vertical E F (Fig. 77) represents the load at the ridge. Divide this equally at W, and place half the lower weight each side of W, so that CD equals the lower weight. Then ED is equal to half the whole load, and equal to the reaction of the support E (Fig. 76). The lines in the triangle A D E give the strains in the corresponding lines converging at the point A D E of Fig. 76. The other lines, according to the lettering, give the strains in the cor- responding lines of the truss. (See Art. 195.) FORCE DIAGRAMS CONTINUED. i8 5 210. Force Diagram for Trus in Fig. 65. This truss is reproduced in Fig. 78, with the letters proper for use in the force diagram, Fig. 79. < FIG. 79. Here the vertical G K, containing the three upper loads GH, HJ, and J K, is divided equally at W, and the lower 1 86 CONSTRUCTION. load E F is placed half on each side of W, and extends from E to F. Then FG represents one half of the whole load of the truss, and therefore the reaction of the support G (Fig. 78). Drawing the several lines of Fig. 79 parallel with the corre- sponding lines of Fig. 78, the force diagram is complete, and the strains in the several lines of 78 are measured by the cor- responding lines of 79. (See Art. 195.) A comparison of the force diagram of the truss in Fig. 76 with that of the truss in Fig. 78 shows much greater strains in the latter, and we thus see that Fig. 76 or 64 is the more economical form. FIG. 80. 211. Force Diagram for Truss in Fig. 66. This truss is reproduced and prepared by proper lettering in Fig. 80, and its force diagram is given in Fig. 81. Here the vertical J M contains the three upper loads JK, KL, and LM. Divide 7 J/ into two equal parts at G, and make FG and G H respectively equal to the two loads FG and GH of Fig.Zo. Then HJ represents one half of the whole weight of the truss, and therefore the reac- tion of the support J. From H and J draw lines par- allel with A H and A J of Fig. 80, and the sides of the tri- angle A H J will give the strains in the three lines concen- trating in the point A H J (Fig. 80). The other lines of Fig, EFFECT OF ELEVATING THE TIE-BEAM. 187 8 1 are all drawn parallel with their corresponding lines in Fig. 80, as indicated by the lettering. (See Art. 195.) FIG. 81. 212 Roof-Truss: Effect of Elevating tbe Tie-Beam. From Arts. 670, 671, Transverse Strains, it appears that the FIG. 83 effect of substituting inclined ties for the horizontal tie at feet of rafters is 1 88 CONSTRUCTION. in which P represents half the weight of the whole truss and the load upon it ; a + & = height of the truss at middle above a horizontal line drawn at the feet of the rafters ; a equals the height from this line to the point where the two inclined ties meet ; b, the height thence to the top of the truss ; and F, the additional vertical strain at the middle of the truss due to elevating the tie from a horizontal line. Examples are given to show that when the elevation of the tie equals i of the whole height, the vertical strain there- by induced is equal to a weight which equals \ of half the whole load ; and that when the elevation equals half the whole height, the vertical strain is equal to half the whole load. This is the strain in the vertical rod at middle. The strains in the rafters and inclined ties are proportionately increased. 213. Planning a Roof. In designing a roof for a build- ing, the first point requiring attention is the location of the trusses. These should be so placed as to secure solid bear- ings upon the walls ; care being taken not to place either of the trusses over an opening, such as those for windows or doors, in the wall below. Ordinarily, trusses are placed so as to be centrally over the piers between the windows ; the number of windows consequently ruling in determining the number of trusses and their distances from centres. This distance should be from ten to twenty feet ; fifteen feet apart being a suitable medium distance. The farther apart the trusses are placed, the more they will have to carry ; not only in having a larger surface to support, but also in that the roof-timbers will be heavier ; for the size and weight, of the roof-beams will increase with the span over which they have to reach. In the roof-covering itself, the roof-planking may be laid upon jack-rafters, carried by purlins supported by the trusses ; or upon roof-beams laid directly upon the back of the principal rafters in the trusses. In either case, proper LOAD UPON ROOFS. 189 struts should be provided, and set at proper intervals to re- sist the bending of the rafter. Jn case purlins are used, one of these struts should be placed at the location of each purlin. The number of these points of support rules largely in determining the design for the truss, thus : For a short span, where the rafter will not require sup- port at an intermediate point, Fig. 59 or 64 will be proper. For a span in which the rafter requires supporting at one intermediate point, take Fig. 60, 65, or 66. For a span with two intermediate points of support for the rafter, take Fig. 61 or 67. For a span with three intermediate points, take Fig. 63. Generally, it is found convenient to locate these points of support at nine to twelve feet apart. They should be suffi- ciently close to make it certain that the rafter will not be sub- ject to the possibility of bending. 214. Load upon Roof-Tru. In constructing the force diagram for any truss, it is requisite to determine the points of the truss which are to serve as points of support (see Figs. 70, 72, etc.), and to ascertain the amount of strain, or loading, which will occur at every such point. The points of support along the rafters will be required to sustain the roofing timbers, the planking, the slating, the snow, and the force of the wind. The points along the tie- beam will have to sustain the weight of the ceiling and the flooring of a loft within the roof, if there be one, together with the loading upon this floor. The weight of the truss itself must be added to the weight of roof and ceiling. 215,-lLoacl on Roof per Superficial Foot In any im- portant work, each of the items in Art. 214 should be care- fully estimated, in making up the load to be carried. For ordinary roofs, the weights may be taken per foot superficial, as follows : Slate, about 7-0 pounds. Roof-plank, Roof-beams or jack-rafters, 2 - 3 In all, I2 pounds. CONSTRUCTION. This is for the superficial foot of the inclined roof. For the foot horizontal, the augmentation of load due to the angle of the roof will be in proportion to its steepness. In ordinary cases, the twelve pounds of the inclined surface will not be far from fifteen pounds upon the horizontal foot. For the roof-load we may take as follows : Roofing, about 15 pounds. Roof-truss, " 5 Snow, " 20 " Wind, " 10 . Total on roof, 50 pounds per square foot horizontal. This estimate is for a roof of moderate inclination, say one in which the height does not exceed J of the span. Upon a steeper roof the snow would not gather so heavily, but the wind, on the contrary, would exert a greater force. Again, the wind acting on one side of a roof may drift the snow from that side, and perhaps add it to that already lodged upon the opposite side. These two, the wind and the snow, are compensating forces. The action of the snow is vertical : that of the wind is horizontal, or nearly so. The power of the wind in this latitude is not more than thirty pounds upon a superficial foot of a vertical surface ; except, perhaps, on elevated places, as mountain-tops for example, where it should be taken as high as fifty pounds per foot of vertical surface. 216. Load upon Tic-Beam. The load upon the tie- beam must of course be estimated according to the require- ments of each case. If the timber is to be exposed to view, the load to be carried will be that only of the tie-beam and the timber struts resting upon it. If there is to be a ceiling attached to the tie-beam, the weight to be added will be in accordance with the material composing the ceiling. If of wood, it need not weigh more than two or three pounds per foot. If of lath and plaster, it will weigh about nine pounds ; and if of iron, from ten to fifteen pounds, according to the WEIGHT UPON ROOFS, IN DETAIL. 191 thickness of the metal. Again, if there is to be a loft in the roof, the requisite flooring may be taken at five pounds, and the load upon the floor at from twenty-five to seventy pounds, according to the purpose for which it is to be used. 217 Roof- Weights in Beta51. The load to be sustained by a roof-truss has been referred to in the previous three articles in general terms. It will now be treated more in detail. But first a few words regarding fehe slope of the roof. In a severe climate, roofs ought to be constructed steeper than in a milder one, in order that snow may have a tendency to slide off before it becomes of sufficient weight to endanger the safety of the roof. In selecting the material with which -the roof is to be covered, regard should be had to the requirements of the inclination : slate and shingles cannot be used safely on roofs of small rise. The smallest inclination of the various kinds of covering is here given, together with the weight per superficial foot of each. MATERIAL. Least Inclination. Weight upon a square foot. Tin ; F se i inch to a f c or 1 to ii 1 3S. CopDcr i " i to i^ v^uppci Lead .... . . 2 inches 4 to 7 < Zinc 3 " i to 2 M Short pine shingles 5 " l tO 2 w Long cypress shingles . . ' 6 " 2 to 3 Slate 6 " 5 to 9 < The weight of the covering as here estimated includes the weight of whatever is used to fix it in place, such as nails, etc. The weight of that which the covering is laid upon, such as plank, boards, or lath, is not included. The weight of plank is about 3 pounds per foot superficial ; of boards, 2 pounds ; and lath, about half a pound. Generally, for a slate roof, the weight of the covering, in- cluding plank and jack-rafters, amounts to about 12 pounds, as stated in Art. 215 ; but in every case, the weight of each article of the covering should be estimated, and the full load ascertained by summing up these weights. 1 92 CONSTRUCTION. 218. Load per Foot Horizontal. The weight ot the covering as referred to in the last article is the weight per foot on the inclined surface ; but it is desirable to know how much per foot, measured horizontally, this is equal to. The horizontal measure of one foot of the inclined surface is equal to the cosine of the angle of inclination. Then, to ob- tain the inclined measure corresponding to one foot horizon- tal, we have cos. : I : : p : C = cos. where / represents the pressure on a foot of the inclined surface, and C the weight of so much of the inclined cover- ing as corresponds to one foot horizontal. The cosine of an angle is equal to the base of the right-angled triangle divided by the hypothenuse (see Trigonometrical Terms, Art. 474), which in this case is half the span divided by the length of the rafter, or -. , where s is the span, and / the length of the rafter. Hence, the load per foot horizontal equals p p _2 Ip ^c^sT^T 1 ~T~ (92.) 2/ or, twice the pressure per foot of inclined surface multiplied by the length of the rafter and divided by the span, both in feet, will give the weight per foot measured horizontally. 219. WeigBit of Tru. The weight of the framed truss will be in proportion to the load and to the span. This, for the weight upon a foot horizontal, will about equal T 0-077 Cs\ which equals the weight in pounds per foot horizontal to be allowed for a wooden truss with iron suspension-rods and a horizontal tie-beam, near enough for the requirements of our present purpose ; where s- equals the length or span -of the EFFECT OF WIND ON ROOFS. 193 truss, and C the weight per foot horizontal of the roof cover- ing, as in equation (92.). Substituting for Cits value, as in (92.), we have T= 0-0077^; or T = 0-0154 lp\ (93.) which equals the weight in pounds per foot horizontal to be allowed for the truss. 220. Weight of Snow on Rooffc. The weight of snow will be in proportion to the depth it acquires, which will be in proportion to the rigor of the climate of the place where the building is to be erected. Upon roofs of ordinary incli- nation, snow, if deposited in the absence, of wind, will not slide off ; at least until after it has acquired some depth, and then the tendency to slide will be in proportion to the angle of inclination. The weight of snow may be taken, therefore, at its weight per cubic foot (8 pounds) multiplied by the depth it is usual for it to acquire. This, in the latitude of New York, may be taken at about 2-J- feet. Its. weight would, therefore, be 20 pounds per foot superficial, meas- ured horizontally. 221. Effect of Wind on Roof*. The direction of wind is horizontal, or nearly so, when unobstructed. Precipitous mountains or tall buildings deflect the wind considerably from its usual horizontal direction. Its power usually does not exceed 30 pounds per superficial foot except on ele- vated places, where it sometimes reaches 50 pounds or more. This is the pressure upon a vertical surface ; roofs, however, generally present to the wind an inclined surface. The ef- fect of a horizontal force on an inclined surface is in pro- portion to the sine of the angle of inclination ; the direction of this effect being at right angles to the inclined surface. The force thus acting may be resolved into forces acting in two directions the one horizontal, the other vertical ; the former tending, in the case of a roof, to thrust aside the walls 194 CONSTRUCTION. on which the roof rests, and the latter acting directly on the materials of which the roof is constructed this latter force being in proportion to the sine of the angle of inclination multiplied by the cosine. This will be made clear by the following explanation. Re- ferring to Fig. 83, let D KE be the angle of inclination of the roof, D E being equal to one foot. Bisect DK at A ; draw A L parallel with FIG. 83. EK\ make A L equal to the horizontal pressure of the wind upon one foot superficial of a vertical plane. Draw A C perpendicular to D K, and LF parallel with A C from F draw FC parallel with EK\ draw A B parallel with D E. The sides of the triangle LA F rep- resent the three several forces in equilibrium : LA is the force of the wind ; L F is the pressure upon the roof ; and A F is the force with which the wind moves on up the roof towards D. Now, to find the relation of the force of the wind to the strain produced by it in the direction A C, we have rad. rad. : sin. \\FC\AC\ F C = LA; therefore : sin. : : L A : A C L A sin. ; AC = Fsin.- t or, the strain perpendicular to the surface of the roof equals the force of the wind multiplied by the sine of the angle of inclination. When A C represents this strain, then, of the two forces referred to above, B C represents the horizontal force, and A B the vertical force. To obtain this last force, we have rad. : cos. \\AC\AB. Putting for A C its value as above, we have rad. : cos. : : /^sin. : A B = F sin. cos.; V = F sin. cos. ; FORCE OF THE WIND. 195 or, the vertical effect is equal to the product of the force of the wind upon a superficial foot into the sine and the cosine of the angle of inclination. This result is that which is due to the pressure of the wind upon so much of the inclined surface as is covered by one square foot of a vertical sur- face. The wind, acting horizontally through one foot super- ficial of vertical section, acts on an area of inclined surface equal to the reciprocal of the sine of inclination, and the horizontal measurement of this inclined surface is equal to the cosine of the angle of inclination divided by the sine. This may be illustrated from Fig. 83, thus sin. : rad. \\DE\DK. D E equals I foot ; therefore .+. sin. : rad. : : I : D K = ! ; sin. or, the surface acted upon by one square foot of sectional area equals the reciprocal of the sine of the angle of incli- nation. Again, the horizontal measure of this inclined sur- face may be obtained thus cos. sin. : cos. : : D E : K E = ; sin. or, KE, the horizontal measurement, equals the cosine of the angle of inclination divided by the sine. In tile figure, make K G equal to one foot ; then we have K E : KG : : V '. W\ in which V, as above, represents the vertical pressure due to the wind acting upon the surface KD, and W the vertical pressure due to the wind acting upon the surface KH, or so much as covers KG, one foot horizontal. Now we have, as above, K E equal to - , K. G = i, and 196 CONSTRUCTION. V F sin. cos. Substituting these values, we have, instead of the above proportion- cos. _ . : i : : F sin. cos. : W\ sin. from which 'f? (94.) sn. or, the vertical effect of the wind upon so much of the roof as covers each square foot horizontal, is equal to the pro- duct of the force of the wind per square foot into the square of the sine of the angle of inclination. Example. When the force of the wind upon a square foot of vertical surface is 30 pounds, what will be the verti- cal effect per square foot horizontal upon a roof the inclina- tion of which is 26 33', or 6 inches to the foot? Here we have F = 30, and the sine of 26 33' is 0-44698 ; therefore W 30 x 0-44698 2 = 5-9937- This is conveniently solved by logarithms ; thus log. 30 = 1^-4771213 0-44698 = 9-6502868 0-44698 = 9^-6502868 5-9937 = 0-7776949 or, the vertical effect is (5 -9937, or) 6 pounds. The form of equation (94.) may be changed ; for, in a right- angled triangle, the sine of the angle at the base is equal to the perpendicular divided by the hypothenuse ; which, in the case of a roof, is the height divided by the length of the rafter; or height h Sme = TaTteF = 2 LOAD UPON ROOFS. 197 Therefore, equation (94.) may be changed to (950 or, the vertical effect upon each square foot of a roof is equal to the product of the force of the wind per foot into the square of the height of the roof at the ridge, divided by the square of the length of the rafter (the height and length both in feet.) Example. When the force of the wind is 30 pounds, the height of the roof 10 feet, and the length of the rafter 22-36 feet, what will be the vertical effect of the wind ? Here we have F ~ 30, h = 10, and / = 22-36 ; and 222. Total Load per Foot Horizontal. The various items comprising the total load upon a roof are the cover- ing, the truss, the wind, snow, the plastering or other kind of ceiling, and the load which may be deposited upon a floor formed in the roof ; or, the total load M= C+T + W+S + P+L. The value per foot horizontal for these has been found as follows: C=^; T= 0-0154 //; W=F^. For 5 the value must be taken according to circumstances, as in Art. 220. So, also, the value of P and L are to be assigned as required for each particular case, as in Art. 216. The total load, therefore, with these substitutions, will be M = which reduces to M = lp (- + 0-0154) + F^ t \-S + P+L; (96.) * S / l> 198 CONSTRUCTION. in which / is the length of the rafter ; / is the weight of the covering per foot superficial, including the roof boards or slats, the jack-rafters, etc. ; s is the span of the roof ; ~h is the vertical height above a horizontal line passing through the feet of the rafters ; F is the force of the wind per square foot against a vertical surface ; 5 is the weight of snow per square foot horizontal ; P is the weight per superficial foot of the ceiling at the tie-beam ; and L, the load per superficial foot in the roof, including weight of flooring and floor- timbers. The dimensions, s, /, and /i, are each in feet ; the weight of /, F, 5, P, and L are each in pounds. The value of/ is for a square foot of the inclined surface. 223. Strain in Roof-Timbers Computed. The graphic method of obtaining the strains, as shown in Arts. 205 to 211, is, for its conciseness and simplicity, to be preferred to any other method ; yet, on some accounts, the method of obtain- ing the strains by the parallelogram of forces and by arith- metical computations will be found useful, and will now be referred to. By the parallelogram of forces, the weight of the roof is in proportion to the oblique thrust or pressure in the axis of the rafter as twice the height of the roof is to the length of the rafter ; or R: F:: 2 A: /; or, transposing 2&:i::R:Y=j; (97-) where F equals the pressure in the axis of the rafter, and R the weight of one truss and its load. Again, the weight of the roof is in proportion to the horizontal thrust in the tie- beam as twice the height of the roof is to half the span ; or 2 or, transposing 2/i: S -::R:H=~', (98.) THE STRAINS SHOWN GEOMETRICALLY. 199 where H equals the horizontal thrust in the tie-beam. To obtain R, the weight of the roof, multiply M, the load per foot, as in equation (96.), by s, the span, and by c, the dis- tance from centres at which the trusses are placed ; or R = M c s. With this value of R substituted for it, we have K= ' and TT M c s* , . H = T ; (loo.) 4 It in which F equals the strain in the axis of the rafter, and H the strain in the tie-beam. These are the greatest strains in the rafter and tie-beam. At certain parts of these pieces the strains are less, as will be shown in the next article. 224. Strains in Roof-Timber Shown Geometrically. The pressure in each timber may be obtained as shown in Fig. 84, where A B represents the axis of the tie-beam, A C the axis of the rafter, D E and F B the axes of the braces, and DG, FE, and C B the axes of the suspension-rods. In this design for a truss, the distance A B is divided into three equal parts, and the rods located at the two points of division, G and E. By this arrangement the rafter A 7 is supported at equidistant points, D and F. The point D supports the rafter for a distance extending half-way to A and half-way to F, and the point F sustains half-way to D and half-way to C. Also, the point C sustains half-way to F, and, on the other rafter, half-way to the corresponding point to F. And because these points of support are located at equal distances apart, there- fore the load on each is the same in amount. On D G make Da equal by any decimally divided scale to the number of hundreds of pounds in the load on D, and draw the parallel- ogram abDc. Then, by the same scale, Db represents (Art. 71) the pressure in the axis of the rafter by the load at 2OO CONSTRUCTION, FIG. 84. STRAINS IN A. TRUSS. 2OI D\ also, DC the pressure in the brace D E. Draw cd hori- zontal ; then D d is the vertical pressure exerted by the brace D E at E. The point F sustains, besides the common load represented by D a, also the vertical pressure exerted by the brace D E ; therefore, make Fe equal to the sum of D a and Dd, and draw the parallelogram F gef. Then Fg, meas- ured by the scale, is the pressure in the axis of the rafter caused by the load at F, and F f is the load in the axis of the brace FB. Draw fh horizontal ; then Fh is the vertical pressure exerted by the brace Ffiat B. The point C, besides the common load represented by D a, sustains the vertical pressure Fh caused by, the brace FB, and a like amount from the corresponding brace on the opposite side. There- fore, make Cj equal to the sum of Da and twice Fit, and draw jk parallel to the opposite rafter. Then Ck is the pressure in the axis of the rafter at C. This is not the only pressure in the rafter, although it is the total pressure at its head C. At the point F, besides the pressure C k, there is F g. At the point D, besides these two pressures, there is the pressure D b. At the foot, at A, there is still an addi- tional pressure ; for while the point D sustains the load half- way to F and half-way to A, the point A sustains the load half-way to D. This load is, in this case, just half the load at D. Therefore draw A m vertical, and equal, by the scale, to half of Da. Extend CA to/; draw ml horizontal. Then A I is the pressure in the rafter at A caused by the weight of the roof from A half-way to D. Now the total of the pressures in the rafter is equal to the sum of A 1+ D b + Fg added to C k. Therefore make kn equal to the sum of A l+Db + F g, and draw no parallel with the opposite raf- ter, and nj horizontal. Then Co, measured by the same scale, will be found equal to the total weight of the roof on both sides of C B. Since Da represents s, the portion of the weight borne by the point D, therefore Co, representing the whole weight of the roof, should equal six times Da, as it does, because D supports just one sixth of the whole load. Since C n is the total oblique thrust in the axis of the rafter at its foot, therefore nj is the horizontal thrust in the tie- beam at A. 2O2 CONSTRUCTION. 225. Application of the Geometrical System of Strains. The strains in a roof-truss can be ascertained geometrically, as shown in Art. 224. To make a practical application of the results, in any particular case, it is requisite first to as- certain the load at the head of each brace, as represented by the line D a, Fig. 84. The load corresponding to any part of the roof is equal to the product of the superficial area of that particular part (measured horizontally) multiplied by the weight per square foot of the roof. Or, when M equals the weight per square foot, c the distance from centres at which the trusses are placed, and n the horizontal distance between the heads of the braces, then the total load at the head of a brace is represented by NMcn. (101.) The value of M is given in general terms in equation (96.). To show its actual value, let it be required to find the weight per square foot upon a root 52 feet span and 13 feet high at middle ; or (Fig. 84), where A B equals half the space, or 26 feet, and C B 13 feet, then ^4 C, the length of the rafter, will be 26-069, nearly. And where the weight of covering per square foot, on the inclination, is 12 pounds, the force of the wind against a vertical plane is 30 pounds ; the weight of snow per foot horizontal is 20 pounds ; the weight of the plastering forming the ceiling at the tie-beam is 9 pounds ; and the load in the roof is nothing ; with these quantities substituted, equation (96.) becomes M 2Q'o6gx 12 (-- 4- 0-0154) 4- 30 1^ + 20 49 4-0 ; \52 / 29-069' M = (29-069 X 12 X 0-05386) 4 (30 x 0-2) + 20 4- 9; M = 18-788 4-6 + 29 = 53-788; or, say, 53-8 pounds. Then if d, d are braces, and c is a straining beam. In Fig. 89, pur- out S the pressure will have a tendency to burst the dome outwards at about one third of its height. Therefore, when this form is used in the construction of an extensive dome, an iron band should be placed around the framework at that height ; and whatever may be the form of the curve, a band or tie of some kind is necessary around or across the base. o/ / /I 1 of \ A s f FIG. 97. If the framing be of a form less convex than the curve of equilibrium, the weight will have a tendency to crush the ribs inwards, but this pressure may be effectually overcome by strutting between the ribs ; and hence it is important that the struts be so placed as to form continuous horizontal circles. 238. Cubic Parabola Computed. Let a b (Fig. 97) be the base, and b c the height. Bisect a b at d, and divide a d into 100 equal parts ; of these give d e 26, ef \%\,fg i&,gh \2\, h i lof, ij 9^, and the balance, 8j, to/# ; divide be into 8 equal parts, and from the points of division draw lines parallel to a b, to meet perpendiculars from the several points 22O CONSTRUCTION. of division in a b, at the points o, o, o y etc. Then a curve traced through these points will be the one required. 239. Small Domes over Stairways : are frequently made elliptical in both plan and section ; and as no two of the ribs in one quarter of the dome are alike in form, a method for obtaining the curves may be useful. FIG. 99, To find the curves for the ribs of an elliptical dome, let abed (Fig. 98) be the plan of a dome, and ef the seat of one of the ribs, Then take c /for the transverse axis and twice the rise, og> of the dome for the conjugate, and de- COVERING OF DOMES. 221 scribe (according to Arts. 548, 549, etc.) the semi-ellipse e gf, which will be the curve required for the rib e gf. The other ribs are found in the same manner. 240. Covering for a Spherical Dome. To find the shape, let^4 C^T-99) be the plan, and B the section, of a given dome. From a draw a c at right angles to a b ; find the stretch-out (Art. 524) of o b, and make dc equal to it; divide the arc o b and the line d c each into a like number of equal parts, as 5 (a large number will insure greater accuracy than a small one) ; upon c, through the several points of division in cd, describe the arcs o do, i e I, 2/2, etc. ; make do equal to half the width of one of the boards, and draw o s parallel to a c ; join s and #, and from the points of division in the arc g k z, and ij\ make gk and gl each equal to half the width of the rail, and through k and /, parallel to the centre- line, draw lines for the convex and the concave sides of the rail ; tangical to the convex side of the rail, and parallel to k m, draw ;/ o ; obtain the stretch-out, q r, of the semicircle, k p m, according to Art. 524; extend a b to /, and k m to s; make c s equal to the length of the steps, and i u equal to 18 inches, and parallel to m p describe the arcs s t and u 6 ; from / draw / w, tending to the centre of the cylinder ; from 6, and on the line 6 u x, run off the regular tread, as at 5, 4, 3, 2, i, and v\ make ' u x equal to half the arc u 6, and make the point of division nearest to x, as v, the limit of the par- allel steps, or flyers ; make r o equal to m z; from o draw o a** at right angles to ;/ o, and equal to one riser; from a 2 draw a* s parallel to n o, and equal to one tread; from s, through o, draw s b*. Then from w draw w c 2 at right angles to ;/ o, and set up on the line w c^ the same number of risers that the floor, A, is above the first winder, B, as at i, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ; through 5 (on the arc 6 u) draw d* e*, tending to the centre of the cylinder; from e*~ draw erf* at right angles to 110, and through 5 (on the line w c*} draw g* f 2 parallel to n o\ through 6 (on the line zu c 2 ) and/ 2 draw the line h* b*\ make 6 c~ equal to half a riser, and from c* and 6 draw c' 2 i' 2 and 6/ 2 parallel to n o\ make h* i* equal to 7/ 2 / 2 ; from i- draw i* k* at right angles to i* h-, and from f~ draw / 2 k* at right angles to / 2 /* 2 ; upon k~, with 2 / 2 for radius, de- scribe the arc / 2 * 2 ; make b~ / 2 equal to 2 / 2 , and ease oft the angle at b* by the curve/ 2 / 2 . In the figure, the curve is described from a centre, but as this might be imprac- ticable in a full-size plan, the curve may be obtained accord- * In the references a 2 , />', etc., a new form is introduced for the first time. During the time taken to refer to the figure, the memory of the form of these may pass from the mind, while that of the sound alone remains; they may then be mistaken for a 2, b 2, etc. This can be avoided in reading by giving them a sound corresponding to their meaning, which is a second, b second, etc. MOULDS FOR QUARTER-CIRCLE STAIRS. 2 55 ing to Art. 521. Then from i, 2, 3, and 4 (on the line w c~) draw lines parallel to n o, meeting the curve in w 2 , n~, o 2 , and / 2 ; from these points draw lines at right angles to ;/ o, and meeting it in jr 2 , r 2 , s z , and / 2 ; from x~ and r 2 draw FIG. 135. lines tending to z/ 2 , and meeting the convex side of the rail in j/ 2 and 2 ; make m ?> 2 equal to r s~, and m w* equal to rt*-, fromj/ W 2 , and w 2 , through 4, 3, 2, and i, draw lines meeting the line of the wall-string in a 3 , 3 , c\ and rt 78 ; from 256 STAIRS. e 3 , where the centre-line of the rail crosses the line of the floor, draw e 3 / 3 at right angles to n o, and from/ 3 , through 6, draw f*g~\ then the heavy lines f*g\ e* d\ y* a*, Z* b\ v*c 3 , w 2 d 3 , and z y will be the lines for the risers, which, being extended to the line of the front-string, b e c d, will give the dimensions of the winders and the grading of the front-string, as was required. HAND-RAILING. 263. Hand-Railing for Stairs. A piece of hand-rail- ' ing intended for the curved part of a stairs, when properly shaped, has a twisted form, deviating widely from plane sur- faces. If laid upon a table it may easily be rocked to and fro, and can be made to coincide with the surface of the table in only three points. And yet it is usual to cut such twisted pieces from ordinary parallel-faced plank ; and to cut the plank in form according to a face-mould, previously formed from given dimensions obtained from the plan of the stairs. The shape of the finished wreath differs so widely from the piece when first cut from the plank as to make it appear to a novice a matter of exceeding difficulty, if not an impossibility, to design a face-mould which shall cover accu- rately the form of the completed wreath. But he will find, as he progresses in a study of the subject, that it is not only a possibility, but that the science has been reduced to such a system that all necessary moulds may be obtained with great facility. To attain to this proficiency, however, re- quires close attention and continued persistent study, yet no more than this important science deserves. The young car- penter may entertain a less worthy ambition than that of desiring to be able to form from planks of black-walnut or mahogany those pieces of hand-railing which, when secured together with rail-screws, shall, on applying them over the stairs for which they are intended, be found to fit their places exactly, and to form graceful curves at the cylinders. That railing which requires to be placed upon the stairs before cutting the joints, or which requires the curves or butt-joints to be refitted after leaving the shop, is discredit- PRINCIPLES OF HAND-RAILING. 257 able to the workman who makes it. No true mechanic will be content until he shall be proved able to form the curves and cut the joints in the shop, and so accurately that no altera- tion shall be needed when the railing is brought to its place on the stairs. The science of hand-railing requires some knowledge of descriptive geometry that branch of geometry which has for its object the solution of problems involving three dimensions by means of intersecting planes. The method of obtaining the lengths and bevils of hip and valley rafters, etc., as in Art. 233, is a practical example of descrip- tive geometry. The lines and angles to be developed in problems of hand-railing are to be obtained by methods dependent upon like principles. 264. Hand-Railing: Definitions; Planes and Solids. Preliminary to an exposition of the method for drawing the face-moulds of a hand-rail wreath, certain terms used in descriptive geometry need to be denned. Among the tools used by a carpenter are those well-known implements called planes, such as the jack-plane, fore-plane, smoothing-plane, etc. These enable the workman to straighten and smooth the faces of boards and plank, and to dress them out of wind, or so that their surfaces shall be true and unwinding. The term plane, as used in descriptive geometry, however, refers not to the implement aforesaid, but to the unwinding surface formed by these implements. A plane in geometry is defined to be such a surface that if any two points in it be joined by a straight line, this line will be in contact with the surface at every point in its length. With like results lines may be drawn in all possible directions upon such a sur- face. This can be done only upon an unwinding surface ; therefore, a plane is an unwinding surface. Planes are understood to be unlimited in their extent, and to pass freely through other planes encountered. The science of stair-building has to do with prisms and cylinders, examples of which are shown in Figs. 136, 137, and 138. A right prism (Figs. 136 and 137) is a solid standing upon a horizontal plane, and with faces each of which is a plane. Two of these faces top and bottom are horizontal 2 5 8 STAIRS. and are equal polygons, having their corresponding sides parallel. The other faces of the prism are parallelograms, each of which -is a vertical plane. When the vertical sides of a prism are of equal width, and in number increased indefi- nitely, the two polygonal faces of the prism do not differ essentially from circles, and thence the prism becomes a cylinder. Thus a right cylinder may be defined to be a prism, with circles for the horizontal faces (Fig. 138). FIG. 136. FIG. 137- FIG. 138. 265. Hand - Railing : Preliminary Considerations. If within the well-hole, or stair-opening, of a circular stairs a solid cylinder be constructed of such diameter as shall fill the well-hole completely, touching the hand-railing at all points, and then if the top of this cylinder be cut off on a line with the top of the hand-railing, the upper end of the cylinder would present a winding surface. But if, instead of cutting the cylinder as suggested, it be cut by several planes, each of which shall extend so as to cover only one of the wreaths of the railing, and be so inclined as to touch its top in three points, then the form of each of these planes, at its intersec- tion with the vertical sides of the cylinder, would present the shape of the concave edge of the face-mould for that particular piece of hand - railing covered by the plane. Again, if a hollow cylinder be constructed so as to be in contact with the outer edge of the hand-railing throughout its length, and this cylinder be also cut by the aforesaid FACE-MOULDS FOR HAND-RAILS. 259 planes, then each of said planes at its intersection with this latter cylinder would present the form of the convex edge of the said face-mould. A plank of proper thickness may now have marked upon it the shape of this face-mould, and the piece covered by the face-mould, when cut from the plank, will evidently contain a wreath like that over which the face-mould was formed, and which, by cutting away the surplus material above and below, may be gradually wrought into the graceful form of the required wreath. By the considerations here presented some general idea may be had of the method pursued, by which the form of a face-mould for hand-railing is obtained. A little reflection upon what has been advanced will show that the problem to be solved is to pass a plane obliquely through a cylinder at certain given points, and find its shape at its intersection with the vertical surface of \he cylinder. Peter Nicholson was the first to show how this might be done, and for the invention was rewarded, by a scientific society of London, with a gold medal. Other writers have suggested some slight improvements on Nicholson's methods. The method to which preference is now given, for its simplicity ot work- ing and certainty of results, is that which deals with the tangents to the curves, instead of with the curves themselves; so we do not pass a plane through a cylinder, but through a prism the vertical sides of which are tangent to the cylinder, and contain the controlling tangents of the face-moulds. The task, therefore, is confined principally to finding the tangents upon the face-mould. This accomplished, the rest is easy, as will be seen. The method by which is found the form of the top of a prism cut by an oblique plane will now be shown. 266. A Prim Cut toy an Oblique Plane A prism is shown in perspective at Fig. 139, cut by an oblique plane. The points abed are the angles of the horizontal base, and abg, bcf, cdcf, and adeg are the vertical sides; while efbg is the top, the form of which is to be shown. 267. Form of Top of Prim In Fig. 139 the form of the top of the prism is shown as it appears in perspective.. 26o STAIRS. not in its real shape ; this is now to be developed. In Fig. 140, let the sauare a b c d represent by scale the actual form FIG. 139. and size of the base, a b cd, of the prism shown in Fig. 1 39. Make c c, and dd t respectively equal to the actual heights at FIG. 140. cf and de, Fig. 139 ; the lines dd t and c c, being set up per- pendicular to the line dc. Extend the lines dc and d t c t until ILLUSTRATION BY PLANES. 26 1 they meet in h ; join b and h. Now this line b h is the inter- section of two planes : one, the base, or horizontal plane upon which the prism stands ; the other, the cutting plane, or the plane which, passing- obliquely through the prism, cuts it so as to produce, by intersecting the vertical sides of the prism, the form b fe g, Fig. 139. To show that b k is the line of intersection of these two planes, let the paper on which the triangle dhd t is drawn (designated by the letter B) be lifted by the point d t and revolved on the line dk until d t stands vertically over d, and c t over c\ then B will be a plane standing on the line dh, vertical to the base-plane A. The point h being in the line cd extended, and the line cd being in the base-plane A, there- fore h is in the base-plane A. Now the line d t c t represents the line cf of Fig. 139, and is therefore in the cutting plane ; consequently the point //, being also in the line d t c, ex- tended, is also in the cutting plane. By reference to Fig. 139 it will be seen that the point b is in both the cutting and base planes ; we must therefore conclude that, since the two points b and h are in both the cutting and base planes, a line joining these two points must be the intersection of these two planes. The determination of the line of intersection of the base and cutting planes is very important, as it is a control- ling line ; as will be seen in denning the lines upon which the form of the face-mould depends. Care should therefore be taken that the method of obtaining it be clearly under- stood. It will be observed that the intersecting line bh, being in the horizontal plane A, is therefore a horizontal line. Also, that this horizontal line b h being a line in the cutting plane, therefore all lines upon the cutting plane which are drawn parallel to b h must also be horizontal lines. The import- ance of this will shortly be seen. Through a, perpendicular to bh, draw the line b n d^ and parallel with this line draw dd ini ; on d as centre describe the arc d t d ltil ; draw d ltll d v parallel with dd tlJ and extend the latter to d tll ; on d {l as centre describe the arc d v d nl ; join b n and d ul . We now have three vertical planes which are to be brought into position around the base-plane A, 'as follows: Revolve B 262 STAIRS. upon dh, E upon dd it , and C upon b n d tn each until it stands perpendicular to the plane -A. Then the points d t and d illt will coincide and be vertically over d\ the points d llt and d v will coincide and stand vertically over d n ; and c t will cover c. These vertical planes will enclose a wedge-shaped figure, lying with one face, b^d^dh, horizontal and coincident with the base-plane A, and three vertical faces, b lt d u d ti/y dd n d^ d jiit , and hdd t . By drawing the figure upon a piece of stout paper, cutting it out at the outer edges, making creases in the lines hd, dd tl , d u b t/J then folding the three planes B, E, and C at right angles to A, the relation of the lines will be readily seen. Now, to obtain the form of the top or cover to the wedge-shaped figure, perpendicular to b n d iti draw b,,h, and d tll e\ on b tl as centre describe the arc hh i ; make d llt e equal to d lt d\ join e and h t . Now the form of the top of the wedge-shaped figure is shown within the bounds d in b i{ h t c. By revolving this plane D on the line b n d llt until it is at a right angle to the plane C, and this while the latter is supposed to be vertical to the plane A, it will be perceived that this movement will place the plane D on top of the wedge-shaped figure, and in such a manner as that the point e will coincide with d lllt d { , and the point h t will fall upon and be coincident with the point h, and the lines of the cover will coincide with the corresponding lines of the top edges of the sides of the figure; for example, the line b li d lll is common to the top and the side C; the line d ltl e equals d tl d, which equals d v d ttil \ therefore, the line d itt e will coincide with d v d i/u of the side E\ the line eh t will coincide with d,h of the side B\ and the line b l ,h l will coincide with the line b tl h. Thus the figure D bounded by b ll d lll ch l will exactly fit as a cover to the wedge-shaped figure. Upon this cover we may now develop the form of the top of the prism. Preliminary thereto, however, it will be observed, as was before remarked, that lines upon the cutting plane which are parallel to the intersecting line b tl h t are horizontal ; and each, therefore, must be of the same length as the line in the base-plane A vertically beneath it. For example, the line d llt e { is a line in the cutting plane D, parallel with the line b lt h t in the same plane, and this line b ll li l will (when the EXPLANATION OF THE DIAGRAMS. 263 cutting plane D is revolved into its proper position) be co- incident with the intersecting line b lt h ; therefore, the line d til e is a line in the cutting plane D, drawn parallel with the intersecting line b u h. Now this line d llt e, when in position, will be coincident with the line d ltll d^ which lies vertically over the line d t ,d-ol the base-plane A ; its length, therefore, is equal to that of the latter. In like manner it may be shown that the length of any line on the plane D parallel to b tl h n is equal in length to the corresponding line upon the plane A vertically beneath it. Therefore, to obtain the form of the top of the prism, we proceed as follows : Perpendicular to b tl d v draw c c lu and aa ttl \ perpendicular to b tl d ni draw c tll f and equal toc,,c; on b lt as centre describe the arc b b t ; join b t a, n , b t f, and a l4l e. Now we have here in plane D the form of the top of the prism, as shown in the figure bounded by the lines a^'fije. This will be readily seen when the plane D is revolved into position. Then the point a tll will be vertically over a ; the point e coincident with d t d ltll and vertically over d; the point / coincident with c / and vertically over c ; while b t will coin- cide with b of the base-plane A. The figure a ni b t fe, therefore, represents correctly both in form and size the top of the prism as it is shown in per- spective at bfeg, Fig. 139. The line ef, Fig. 140, is equal to the line d t c t , and so of the other lines bounding the edges of the figure. The cutting plane b f e g, Fig. 139, may be taken to repre- sent the surface of the plank from which the wreath of hand- railing is to be cut ; the wreath curving around from b to c t as shown in Fig. 141, the lines b g and ge being tangent to the curve in the cutting plane; while ab and ad are tan- gents to the curve on the base plane, or plane of the cylin- der. The location of the cutting plane, however, is usually not at the upper surface of the plank, but midway between the upper and under surfaces. The tangents in the plane are found to be more conveniently located here for deter- mining the position of the butt-joints. For a moulded rail two curved lines, each with a pair of tangents, are required upon the cutting plane, one for the outer edge of the rail, 264 STAIRS. and the other for the inner edge ; but for a round rail only one curve with its tangents is required, as that from b to e in Fig. 141, which is taken to represent the curved line run- ning through the centre of the cross-section of the rail. As an easy application of the principles regarding the prism, just developed, an example will now be given. 268. Face-Mould for Hand-Railing of Platform Stairs. Let/ and / ;;/, Fig. 142, represent the central or axial lines of the hand-rails of the two flights, one above, the other be- low the platform ; and let the semicircle/df/ be the central line of the rail around the cylinder at the platform, the risers at the platform being located at j and /. Vertically over the platform risers draw gg t ; make gr t equal to a riser of the lower flight, and r t g t and ss t each equal to a riser of the upper flight. Draw g t s and gk t horizontal and equal each to a tread of each flight respectively. Through r, draw k, a u , and through g y draw s t t t . Vertically over d draw a t t r Horizontally draw a tl a nll and t t t tl . It is usual to extend the wreath of the cylinder so as to include a part of the straight rail such a part as convenience may require. Let the straight part here to be included ex- tend from / to b on the plan. Vertically over b draw b t c tlli , and horizontally draw b / w- tl ; at any point on b t w tt locate w n , and make w tl w f equal to j I, and bisect it in w; erect the perpendiculars iv t a ltil , w d v/J , and w /7 v ; join t lt and a tlll ; from d vil horizontally draw d vil d v/ ; parallel with r t k t draw dv, c tlll ' We now have the plan and elevations of the prism, FACE-MOULD FOR PLATFORM STAIRS. 265 containing at its angles the tangents required for the wreath extending from b to d on the plan. The elevation F is a view of the cylinder looking in the direction dc. FIG. 142. Comparing Fig. 142 with Fig. 141* the line b, w /t is the trace, upon a vertical plane, of the horizontal plane abed 266 STAIRS. of Fig. 141, or is the ground-line from which the heights of the prism are to be taken. The triangle^ b t a u is represented in Fig. 141 at ab g, and the inclined line b, a tl is the tangent of the rail of the lower flight, and is represented in Fig. 141 at bg ; while a nil t n is the tangent of the railing around the cylinder, and the half of it is represented in Fig. 141 at ge. The height b t c tilJ is shown in Fig. 141 at c f, while the height iv d v , t , or a/d Vl , is shown in Fig. 141 at de. The vertical planes EEC may now be constructed about the prism as in Fig. 140, proceeding thus :. Make c c f equal to b t c iul , and dd t equal to a t d v/ ; through c t draw d i h\ through b draw h b tl ; perpendicular to h b lt through a draw b n d v ; from ^parallel with b n */ v draw d d jiti ; on d as centre describe the arc d t d nil \ draw d itll d v , also d d ltl , parallel with hb n \ on d ti as centre describe the arc d v d tj ; join d w to b jt . Par- allel with b n h draw from each important point of the plan, as shown, an ordinate extending to the line b tl d tji , and thence across plane D draw ordinates perpendicular to b lt d tll , and make them respectively equal to the corresponding ordinates of the plane A, measured from the line b n d v ; join e to/, a ll{ to b^ a ltl to e, and b, to/; also join /, to r t . Then a in b, is the tangent standing over a b, and a lit e is Jthe tangent standing over ad. The line b l l i is the part of the tangent which stands over bl t , the portion of the wreath which is straight. The curve en l p l l l is the trace upon the cutting plane of the quarter circle dnpl, traced through the points /*,/,, and as many more as desirable, found by ordinates as any other point in the plane A. Thus we have complete the line b t I, n t e, the central line of the wreath extending from b to d in the plan. This is the essential part of the face-mould, which is now to be drawn as follows: At Fig. 143 repeat the par- allelogram a tll b t fe of Fig. 142, and, with a radius equal to half the diameter of the rail, describe, from centres taken on the central line, the several circles shown ; and tangent to these circles draw the outer and inner edges of the rail. The joint at b t is to be drawn perpendicular to the tangent b. a in , while that at e is to be perpendicular to the tangent ^a tll . This completes the face-mould for the wreath over WREATHS FOR A ROUND RAIL. 267 bind of the plan. If the pitch-board of the upper flight be the same as that of the lower flight, the face-mould at Fig. 143 will, reversed, serve also for the wreath over the other half of the cylinder. In using this face-mould, place it upon a plank equal in thickness to the diameter of the rail, mark its form upon the plank, and saw square through ; then chamfer the wreath to an octagonal form, after which carefully remove the angles so as to produce the required round form. The joints, as well as the curved edges, are to be cut square through the plank. Many more lines have been used in obtaining this face- mould than were really necessary for so simple a case, but no more than was deemed advisable in order properly to eluci- date the general principles involved. A very simple method FIG. 143. for face-moulds of platform stairs with small cylinders will now be shown. 269. More Simple method for Hand-Rail to Platform Stairs. In Fig. 144, jge represents a pitch-board of the first flight, and d and i the pitch-board of the second flight of a plat- form stairs, the line e f being the top of the platform ; and abc is the plan of a line passing through the centre of the rail around the cylinder. Through i and d draw i k, and through y and e drawy k ; from k draw k I parallel to/e; from b draw bm parallel to gd ; from / draw Ir parallel to kj ; from n draw nt at right Angles toy/6; on the line ob make ot equal to nt ; join c and t ; on the line jc, Fig. 145, make ec equal to en at Fig. 144; from c draw c t at right angles to j c, and make ct equal to c t at Fig. 144; through / draw p I parallel to j c, and make // equal to / / at Fig. 144 ; join /and c, and complete the parallelogram eels ; find the points o, o, o, according to Art. 551 ; upon e, o, o, o, and /, 268 STAIRS. successively, with a radius equal to half the width of the rail, describe the circles shown in the figure ; then a curve traced on both sides of these circles, and just touching them, FIG, 144. Avill give the proper form for the mould, drawn at right angles to c /. The joint at / is FIG. 145. This simple method for obtaining the face-moulds for the hand-rail of a platform stairs appeared first in the early edi- tions of this work. It was invented by a Mr. Kells, an HAND-RAIL TO PLATFORM STAIRS. 269 eminent stair-builder of this city. A comparison with Fig. 142 will explain the use of the few lines introduced. For a full comprehension of it reference is made to Fig. 146, in which the cylinder, for this purpose, is made rectangular FIG. 146. instead of circular. ,The figure gives a perspective view of a part of the upper and of the lower flights, and a part of the platform about the cylinder. The heavy lines, ////, me, and cj, show the direction of the rail, and are supposed to pass through the centre of it. Assuming that the rake of 270 STAIRS. the second flight is the same as that of the first, as is gener- ally the case, the- face-mould for the lower twist will, when reversed, do for the upper flight ; that part of the rail, there- fore, which passes from e to c, and from c to /, is all that will need explanation. Suppose, then, that the parallelogram eaoc represent a plane lying perpendicularly over 'eabf, being inclined in the direction ec, and level in the direction co ; suppose this FIG. 147. plane eaoc be revolved on ec as an axis, in the manner indi- cated by the arcs o n and a x, until it coincides with the plane ertc\ the line ao will then be represented by the line x n ; then add the parallelogram xrtn, and the triangle ctl, deducting the triangle ers\ then the edges of the plane cslc, inclined in the direction ec, and also in the direction c I, will lie perpendicularly over the plane eabf. From this we gather that the line co, being at right angles to ec, must, -in HAND-RAIL FOR LARGE CYLINDER. 2JI order to reach the point /, be lengthened the distance nt, and the right angle ect be made obtuse by the addition to it of the angle tc /. By reference to Fig. 144, it will be seen that this lengthening is performed by forming the right- angled triangle cot, corresponding to the triangle cot in Fig. 146. The line ct is then transferred to Fig. 145, and placed at right angles tov^r; this angle ect is then increased by adding the angle tcl, corresponding to tcl, Fig. 146. Thus the point / is reached, and the proper position and length of the lines ec and ^/obtained. To obtain the face- mould for a rail over a cylindrical well-hole, the same process is necessary to be followed until the length and position of these lines are found ; then, by forming the parallelogram eels, and describing a quarter of an ellipse therein, the proper form will be given. FIG. 148. 270. Hand-Railling for a Larger Cylinder. Fig. 147 represents a plan and a vertical section of a line passing through the centre of the rail as before. From b draw bk parallel to cd\ extend the lines zWandyV until they meet kb in k and /; from ;/ draw nl parallel to ob; through / draw // parallel to j k; from k draw kt at right angles to/; on the line ob make ot equal to kt. Make ec (Fig. 148) equal to ek at Fig. 147 ; from c draw ct at right angles to ec, and equal to ct at Fig. 147 ; from / draw // parallel to ce, and make tl equal to //at Fig. 147 ; complete the parallelogram eels, and find the points o, 0, o, as before ; then describe the circles and complete the mould as in Fig. 145. The difference between this and Case I is that the line ct, instead of being raised and thrown out, is lowered and drawn in. A method of planning a cylinder so as to avoid the necessity of cant- ing the plank, either up or down, will now be shown. 2/2 STAIRS. 271. Faee-moMld without Canting the Plank. Instead of placing the platform-risers at the spring of the cylinder, a more easy and graceful appearance may be given to the rail, and the necessity of canting either of the twists entirely obviated, by fixing the place of the above risers at a certain distance within the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 149 the lines indicating the face of the risers cutting the cylinder at k and /, instead of at / and q, the spring of the cylinder. To ascertain the position of the risers, let abc be the pitch- board of the lower flight, and cde that of the upper flight, these being placed so that b c and cd shall form a right line. Extend a c to cut de in f; draw fg parallel *to db, and of indefinite length ; draw go at right angles to fg, and equal in length to the radius of the circle formed by the centre of the rail in passing around the cylinder ; on o as centre describe the semi- circle /^z'/ through o draw is par- allel to db; make oh equal to the radius of the cylinder, and describe on o the face of the cylinder phq; then extend db across the cylinder, cutting it in / and k giving the position of the face of the risers, as required. To find the face- mould for the twists is simple and obvious : it being merely a quarter of an ellipse, having oj for semi- minor axis, and sf for the semi-major axis; or, at Fig. 151, let dci"be<\. right angle ; make c i equal to oj, Fig. 149, and dc equal to sf, Fig. 149; then draw do parallel to ci, and com- plete the curve as before. 272. Railing for Platform Stair* where the Rake meets the Level. In Fig. 150, abc is the plan of a line pass- ing through the centre of the rail around the cylinder as before, and je is a vertical section of two steps starting from the floor, kg. Bisect eh in d, and through d draw df FIG. 149. HAND-RAIL AT RAKE AND LEVEL. 273 parallel to hg\ bisect /# in /, and from / draw It parallel to nj\ from n draw nt at right angles to jn ; on the line ob make ot equal to nt. Then, to obtain a mould for the twist going up the flight, proceed as at Fig. 145 ; making ec in that figure equal to en in Fig. 150, and the other lines of a length and position such as is indicated by the letters of reference in each figure. To obtain the mould for the level FIG. 150. rail, extend bo (Fig. 150) to i ; make oi equal to //, and join z'andc; vcw&e c i (Fig. 151) equal to civ&Fig. 150; thiough FIG. 151. c draw cd at right angles to ci\ make dc equal to df at Fig. 150, and complete the parallelogram odd; then pro- ceed as in the previous cases to find the mould. 273. Application of Face-lWoiilds to Plank. All the moulds obtained by the preceding examples have been for round rails. For these, the mould may be applied to a plank of the same thickness as the rail is intended to be, and the 274 STAIRS. plank sawed square through, the joints being cut square from the face of the plank. A twist thus cut and truly rounded will hang in a proper position over the plan, and present a perfect and graceful wreath. 274. Face-Moulds for Moulded Rails upon Platform Stairs. In Fig. i$2,abcis the plan of a line passing through FIG. 152. the centre of the rail around the cylinder, as before, and the lines above it are a vertical section of steps, risers, and plat- form, with the lines for the rail obtained as in Fig. 144. Set half the width of the rail from b to / and from b to r, and from / and r draw .fc and rd parallel to ca. At Fig. 153 the centre-lines of the rail jc and cl are obtained as in the previous examples, making jc equal jn of Fig. 152, ct FACE-MOULD APPLIED TO PLANK. 2/5 equal ct of Fig. 152, and tl equal si of Fig. 152. Make ci and ck each equal to <:z at /^. 152, and draw the lines im and /& parallel to cj ; make /oor*. Doors should all be hung so as to open into the principal rooms ; and, in general, no door should be hung to open into the hall, or passage. As to the proper edge of the door on which to affix the hinges, no general rule can be assigned. WINDOWS. 303. Requirement* for Light. A window should be of such dimensions, and in such a position, as to admit a sufficiency of light to that part of the apartment for which it is designed. No definite rule for the size can well be given that will answer in all cases ; yet, as an apprpxima- DOORS AND WINDOWS. tion, the following has been used for general purposes. Multiply together the length and the breadth in feet of the apartment to be lighted, and the product by the height in FIG. 1 80. feet; then the square root of this product will show the required number of square feet of glass. 304. Winclow-Frame. For the size of window-frames, add 4-J inches to the width of the glass for their width, and WIDTH OF .INSIDE SHUTTERS. 319 6 inches to the height of the glass for their height. These give the dimensions, in the clear, of ordinary frames for 12- light windows ; the height being taken at the inside edge of the sill. In a brick wall, the width of the opening is 8 inches more than the width of the glass 4^ for the stiles of the sash, and 3^ for hanging stiles and the height between the stone sill and lintel is about io| inches more than the height of the glass, it being varied according to the thick- ness of the sill of the frame. 305. Inside Shuiter. Inside shutters folding into boxes require to have the box-shutter about one inch wider than the flap, in order that the flap may not interfere when both are folded into the box. The usual margin shown be- tween the face of the shutter when folded into the box and the quirk of the stop-bead, or edge of the casing, is half an inch ; and, in the usual method of letting the whole of the thickness of the butt hinge into the edge of the box-shutter, it is necessary to make allowance for the tlirow of the hinge. This may, in general, be estimated at \ of an inch at each hinging ; which being added to the margin, the entire width of the shutters will be i J inches more than the width of the frame in the clear. Then, to ascertain the width of the box- shutter, add i-J inches to the width of the frame in the clear, between the pulley-stiles ; divide this product by 4, and add half an inch to the quotient, and the last product will be the required width. For example, suppose the window to have 3 lights in width, 1 1 inches each. Then, 3 times 1 1 is 33, and 4^ added for the wood of the sash gives 37^ ; 37^ and 1^ is 39, and 39 divided by 4 gives 9! ; to which add half an inch, and the result will be loj inches, the width required for the box-shutter. 306. Proportion: Width and Height. In disposing and locating windows in the walls of a building, the rules of architectural taste require that they be of different heights in different stories, but generally of the same width. The windows of the upper stories should all range perpendicu- larly over those of the first, or principal, story ; and they 320 DOORS AND WINDOWS. should be disposed so as to exhibit a balance of parts throughout the front of the building. To aid in this it is always proper to place the front door in the middle of the front of the building ; and, where the size of the house will admit of it, this plan should be adopted. (See the latter part of Art. 50.) The proportion that the height should bear to the width may be, in accordance with general usage, as follows : of the width. The height of basement windows, i -J i< principal-story " 2* n second -story " '1 u third-story If fourth-story " I| attic-story " th( the same as the width. But, in determining the height of the windows for the several stories, it is necessary to take into consideration the .height of the story in which the window is to be placed. For, in addition to the height from the floor, which is gen- erally required to be from 28 to 30 inches, room is wanted above the head of the window for the window-trimming and the cornice of the room, besides some respectable space which there ought to be between these. 307. Circular Heads. Doors and windows usually ter- minate in a horizontal line at top. These require no special directions for their trimmings. But circular-headed doors and windows are more difficult of execution, and require some attention. If the jambs of a door or window be placed at right angles to the face of the wall, the edges of the soffit, or surface of the head, would be straight, and its length be found by getting the stretch-out of the circle (Art. 524) ; but when the jambs are placed obliquely to the face of the Avail, occasioned by the demand for light in an oblique direction, the form of the soffit will be obtained by the fol- lowing article ; as also when the face of the wall is circular, as shown in the succeeding figure. OBLIQUE SOFFITS OF WINDOWS. 321 308. Form of Soffit for Circular Window-Heads. When the light is received in an oblique direction, let abed (Fig. 181) be the ground-plan of a given window, and efa a vertical section taken at right angles to the face of the jambs. FIG. 181. From a, through e, draw ag at righ't angles to ab\ obtain the stretch-out of efa, and make eg equal to it; divide eg- and efa each into a like number of equal parts, and drop perpendiculars from the points of division in each ; from the points of intersection, i, 2, 3, etc., in the line ad, FIG. 182. draw horizontal lines to meet corresponding perpendicu- lars from eg\ then those points of intersection will give the curve line dg, which will be the on* 3 required for the edge of the soffit. The other edge, ch t is found in the same manner. 322 DOORS AND WINDOWS. For the form of the soffit for circular window-heads, when the face of the wall is curved, let abed (Fig. 182) be the ground-plan of a given window, and e f a a vertical sec- tion of the head taken at right angles to the face of the jambs. Proceed as in the foregoing article to obtain the line dg\ then that will be the curve required for the edge of the soffit, the other edge being found in the same manner. If the given vertical section be taken in a line with the face of the wall, instead of at right angles to the face of the jambs, place it upon the line cb (Fig. 181), and, having drawn ordinates at right angles to cb, transfer them to efa ; in this way a section at right angles to the jambs can be obtained. SECTION V. MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. MOULDINGS. 3O9, mouldings: are so called because they are of the same determinate shape throughout their length, as though the whole had been cast in the same mould or form. The regular mouldings, as found in remains of classic architec- ture, are eight in number, and are known by the following names : FIG 183. Annulet, band, cincture, fillet, listel or square. FIG. 184. ^ Astragal or bead. Torus or tore. FIG. 185. FIG 186 Scotia, trochilus or mouth. Ovolo, quarter-round or echinus. FIG. 187. Cavetto, cove or hollow. FIG. 188. 324 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. Cymatium, or cyma-recta. FIG. 189. Ogee. Inverted cymatium, or cyma-reversa. FIG. 190. Some of the terms are derived thus : Fillet, from the French word fil, thread. Astragal, from astragalos, a bone of the heel or the curvature of the heel. Bead, because this moulding, when properly carved, resembles a string of beads. Torus, or tore, the Greek for rope, which it resembles when on the base of a column. Scotia, from skotia, darkness, be- cause of the strong shadow which its depth produces, and which is increased by the projection of the torus above it. Ovolo, from ovum, an egg, which this member resembles, when carved, as in the Ionic capital. Cavetto, from cavus, hollow. Cymatium, from kumaton, a wave. 310. Characteristics of Mouldings. Neither of these mouldings is peculiar to any one of the orders of architect- ure ; and although each has its appropriate use, yet it is by no means confined to any certain position in an assemblage of mouldings. The use of the fillet is to bind the parts, as also that of- the astragal and torus, which resemble ropes. The ovolo and cyma-reversa are strong at their upper ex- tremities, and are therefore used to support projecting parts above them. The cyma-recta and cavetto, being weak at their upper extremities, are not used as supporters, but are placed uppermost to cover and shelter the other parts. The scotia is introduced in the base of a column to separate the upper and lower torus, and to produce a pleasing variety and relief. The form of the bead and that of the torus is the same ; the reasons for giving distinct names to them are that the torus, in every order, is always considerably larger than the bead, and is placed among the base mouldings, GRECIAN MOULDINGS. 325 whereas the bead is never placed there, but on the capital or entablature ; the torus, also, is seldom carved, whereas the bead is ; and while the torus among the Greeks is frequently elliptical in its form, the bead retains its circular shape. While the scotia is the reverse of the torus, the cavetto is the re- verse of the ovolo, and the cyma-recta and cyma-reversa are combinations of the ovolo and cavetto. FIG. 191. The curves of mouldings, in Roman architecture, were most generally composed of parts of circles ; while those of the Greeks were almost always elliptical, or of some one of the conic sections, but rarely circular, except in the case of the bead, which was always, among both Greeks and Ro- mans, of the form of a semicircle. Sections of the cone af- ford a greater variety of forms than those of the sphere ; and perhaps this is one reason why the Grecian architecture so 326 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. much excels the Roman. The quick turnings of the ovolo and cyma-reversa, in particular, when exposed to a bright sun, cause those narrow, well-defined streaks of light which give life and splendor to the whole. 311. A Profile: is an assemblage of essential parts and mouldings. That profile produces the happiest effect which FIG, 192. is composed of but few members, varied in form and size, and arranged so that the plane and the curved surfaces suc- ceed each other alternately. 312. The Grecian Torus and Scotia. Join the extremi- ties a and b (Fig. 191), and from /, the given projection of the moulding, draw/0 at right angles to the fillets ; from b FJG. 194. FIG. 195. draw bh at right angles to a b ; bisect a b in c ; join / and c, and upon c, with the radius cf, describe the arc/^, cutting bh'mh', through c draw de parallel with the fillets; make dc and ce each equal to b //; then de and a b will be conju- gate diameters of the required ellipse. To describe the curve by intersection of lines, proceed as directed at Art. THE GRECIAN ECHINUS. 551 and note ; by a trammel, see Art. 549; and to find the foci, in order to describe it with a string, see Art. 548. 313. The Grecian Echinus. Figs. 192 to 199 exhibit, va- riously modified, the Grecian ovolo, or echinus. Figs. 192 to 196 are elliptical, a b and b c being given tangents to the curve ; parallel to which the semi-conjugate diameters, ad and dc, IMG. 196. FIG. 197. are drawn. In Figs. 192 and 193 the lines a d and dc are semi- axes, the tangents, ab and be, being at right angles to each other. To draw the curve, see Art. 551. In Fig. 197 the curve is parabolical, and is drawn according to Art. 560. In Figs. 198 and 199 the curve is hyperbolical, being described according to Art. 561. The length of the transverse ax's, a b y FIG. i FIG. 199. being taken at pleasure in order to flatten the curve, a b should be made short in proportion to ac. 314. The Grecian Cavetto. In order to describe this, Figs. 200 and 201, having the height and projection given, see Art. 551. 315. The Grecian Cynia-Rccta. When the projection is more than the height, as at Fig. 202, make a b equal to the 328 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. height, and divide abed into four equal parallelograms ; then proceed as directed in note to Art. 551. When the projec- tion is less than the height, draw da (Fig. 203) at right angles FIG. 201. FIG. 200. to ab\ complete the rectangle, abed; divide this into four equal rectangles, and proceed according to Art. 551. 316. The Grecian Cyma-Reversa. When the projection FIG. 203. is more than the height, as at Fig. 204, proceed as directed for the last figure ; the curve being the same as that, the position only being changed. When the projection is less FIG. 204. FIG. 205. than the height, draw a d (Fig. 205) at right angles to the fillet ; make a d equal to the projection of the moulding ; then proceed as directed for Fig. 202. FORMS OF ROMAN MOULDINGS. 329 317. Roman Mouldings : are composed pf parts of circles, and have, therefore, less beauty of form than the Grecian. The bead and torus are of the form of the semicircle, and the scotia, also, in some instances ; but the latter is often composed of two quadrants, having different radii, as at Figs. 206 and 207, which resemble the elliptical curve. The ovolo and ca- FIG. 206. FIG. 207. vetto are generally a quadrant, but often less. When they are less, as at Fig. 210, the centre is found thus : join the extrem- ities, a and b, and bisect a b in c ; from c, and at right angles to a b, draw c d, cutting a level line drawn from a in d ; then d will be the centre. This moulding projects less than its height. When the projection is more than the height, as at Fig. 212, extend the line from c until it cuts a perpendicular FIG. 208. FIG. 209. drawn from a, as at d\ and that will be the centre of the curve. In a similar manner, the centres are found for the mouldings at Figs. 2QJ, 211, 213, 216, 217, 218, and 219. The centres for the curves at Figs. 220 and 221 are found thus: bisect the line a b at c ; upon a, c and b successively, with a c or cb for radius, describe arcs intersecting at d and d\ then those intersections will be the centres. 330 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. FIG. 210. FIG. 211. FIG. 212. FIG. 213. FIG. 214. FIG. 215 FIG. 216. FIG. 217. FORMS OF MODERN MOULDINGS. 331 3(8. Modern Mouldings: are represented in Figs. 222 to 229. They have been quite extensively and successfully used in inside finishing. Fig. 222 is appropriate for a bed- moulding under a low projecting shelf, and is frequently used under mantel-shelves. The tangent i h is found thus : bisect the line ab at c, and be at d-, from d draw de at right angles to eb\ from b draw bf parallel to ed\ upon b, FIG. 218. FIG. 219. with b d for radius, describe the arc d f\ divide this arc into 7 equal parts, and set one of the parts from s, the limit of the projection, to o ; make o h equal to o e ; from h, through c, draw the tangent ki\ divide b h, hc,ci, and ia each into a like number of equal parts, and draw the intersecting lines as directed at Art. 521. If a bolder form is desired, draw the tangent, i h, nearer horizontal, and describe an elliptic FIG. 220. FIG. 221. curve as shown in Figs. 191 and 224. Fig. 223 is much used on base, or skirting, of rooms, and in deep panelling. The curve is found in the same manner as that of Fig. 222. In this case, however, where the moulding has so little projec- tion in comparison with its height, the point e being found as in the last figure, h s may be made equal to s e, instead of o e as in the last figure. Fig. 224 is appropriate for a crown 332 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. FIG. 223. FIG. 224. PLAIN MOULDINGS. 333 moulding of a cornice. In this figure the height and pro- jection are given; the direction of the diameter, ab, drawn FIG. 225. FIG. 226. through the middle of the diagonal, ef, is taken at pleasure ; and dc is parallel to ae. To find the length of dc, draw b h FIG. 227. FIG. 228. FIG. 229. at right angles toab; upon 0, with of for radius, describe the arc, ///, cutting bh in h; then make o c and od each 334 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. equal to bh.* To draw the curve, see note to Art. 551. Figs. 22$ to 229 are peculiarly distinct from ancient mouldings, being composed principally of straight lines ; the few curves they possess are quite short and quick. Figs. 230 and 231 are designs for antae caps. The di- ameter of the antas is divided into 20 equal parts, and the height and projection of the members are regulated in ac- cordance with those parts, as denoted under H and P, height and projection. The projection is measured from the mid- dle of the antse. These will be found appropriate for por- ticos, doorways, mantelpieces, door and window trimmings, H.P. n. 15 8l'l4f! *"*i 910J 10 Hi 15 . ^|- H HH~ 910J FIG. 230. FIG. 231. etc. The height of the antae for mantelpieces should be from 5 to 6 diameters, having an entablature of from 2 to 2J- diameters. This is a good proportion, it being similar to the Doric order. But for a portico these proportions are * The manner of ascertaining the length of the conjugate diameter, dc, in this figure, and also in Figs. 191, 241, and 242 is' new, and is important in this application. It is founded upon well-known mathematical principles, viz.: All the parallelograms that may be circumscribed about an ellipsis are equal to one another, and consequently any one is equal to the rectangle of the two axes. And again : The sum of the squares of every pair of conjugate diame- ters is equal to the sum of the squares of the two axes. EAVE CORNICES. 335 much too heavy : ah antse 1 5 diameters high and an entab- lature of 3 diameters will have a better appearance. CORNICES. 319. Idesigns for Cornice. Figs. 232 to 240 are designs for eave cornices, and Figs. 241 and 242 are for stucco cor- nices for the inside finish of rooms. In some of these the projection of the uppermost member from the facia is divided into twenty equal parts, and the various members FIG. 232. are proportioned according to those parts, as figured under //and P. 320. Eave Cornices Proportioned to Height of Build- ing. Draw the line ac (Fig. 243), and make be and ba each equal to 36 inches ; from b draw bdvk right angles to ac, and equal in length to f of a c ; bisect b d in ^, and from a, through >, draw af\ upon a, with ac for radius, describe the arc cf, and upon e, with ef-iwc radius, describe the arc/W; divide the curve dfc, into 7 equal parts, as at IO, 20, 30, etc., and from these points of division draw lines to be 336 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. J J FIG. 233. DDOIfi JLJLILJLILIULILJLILJU JUUUUULI FIG. 234. EXAMPLES OF CORNICES. 337 FIG. 235. FIG. 236. 338 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. FIG. 237. H. P. 10J FIG. 238. VARIOUS DESIGNS OF CORNICES. 339 H. P. 17 716 3*31 FIG. 239. H.P. FIG. 240. 340 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES H. P. FIG. 241. H. P. FIG. 242. PROPORTION OF CORNICES. 341 parallel to db; then the distance b i is the projection of a cornice for a building 10 feet high ; b 2, the projection at 20 feet high ; b 3, the projection at 30 feet, etc. If the projec- tion of a cornice for a building 34 feet high is required, divide the arc between 30 and 40 into 10 equal parts, and V a b i 2 3 4 c FIG. 243. from the fourth point from 30 draw a line to the base, b c, parallel with bd\ then the distance o/ the point at which that line cuts the base from b will be the projection re- quired. So proceed for a cornice of any height within 70 feet. The above is based on the supposition that 36 inches FIG. 244. is the proper projection for a cornice 70 feet high. This, for general purposes, will be found correct ; still, the length of the line be may be varied to suit the judgment of those who think differently. Having obtained the projection of a cornice, divide it into 20 equal parts, and apportion the several members 342 MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. according to its destination as is shown at Figs. 238, 239, and 240. 32 L Cornice Proportioned to a given Cornice. Let the cornice at Fig. 244 be the given cornice. Upon any point in the lowest line of the lowest member, as at #, with the height of the required cornice for radius, describe an intersect- ing arc across the uppermost line, as at b ; join a and b ; then b \ will be the perpendicular height of the upper fillet for the proposed cornice, I 2 the height of the crown mould- ing and so of all the members requiring to be enlarged to the sizes indicated on this line. For the projection of the \ FIG. 245. proposed cornice, draw a d at right angles to a b, and c d at right angles to b c ; parallel with c d draw lines from each projection of the given cornice to the line ad-, then e d \v\\\ be the required projection for the proposed cornice, and the perpendicular lines falling upon c d will indicate the proper projection for the members. To proportion a cornice according to a larger given cor- nice, let A (Fig. 245) be the given cornice. Extend a o to b, and draw c d at right angles to a b ; extend the horizontal lines of the cornice, A, until they touch o d\ place the height of the proposed cornice from o to e, and join /"and e\ upon o, with the projection of the given cornice, o a, for radius, TO FIND THE ANGLE BRACKET. describe the quadrant ad\ from d draw db parallel tofe; upon o t with o b for radius, describe the quadrant b c ; then o c will be the proper projection for the proposed cornice. Join a and c ; draw lines from the projection of the different members of the given cornice to ao parallel to od\ from these divisions on the line ao draw lines to the line oc parallel to a c ; from the divisions on the line of draw lines to the line o e parallel to the line fe\ then the divisions on the lines o e and o c will indicate the proper height and pro- jection for the different members of the proposed cornice. In this process, we have assumed the height, o e, of the pro- posed cornice to be given; but if the projection, o c, alone FIG. 247. be given, we can obtain the same result by a different pro- cess. Thus: upon o, with oc for radius, describe the quad- rant c b ; upon y the Steelyard. To exemplify the principle of the lever, let the bar A B (Fig. 272) be balanced accurately with the scale platform, but without the weights R and P. Then, placing the article R upon the platform, move the weight P along the beam until there is an equilibrium. Suppose the distances A C and B C are found to be 2 and 40 inches respectively, and suppose FIG. 272. the weight P to equal 5 pounds, what at this point will be the weight of R? By trial we shall find that R = 100 pounds. Again, if a portion of R be removed, then the weight P would have to be moved along the bar B C to produce an equilibrium ; suppose it be moved until its distance from C be found to be 20 inches, then the weight of R would be found to be 50 pounds, or R = 50 pounds. Again, suppose a part of the weight taken from R be re- stored, and the weight P, on being moved to a point re- quired for equilibrium, be found to measure 30 inches from C, then we shall find that R = 75 pounds. RATIOS OF THE LEVER. 373 Thus when B C = 40, R = loo ; or, -- = 2 5 ; 40 BC=2o, R = $o> J or, -=2-5; showing an equality of ratios ; or, in general, B C is in pro- portion to R) or BC : R. If, instead of moving P along B C, its position be permanent, and the weight P be reduced as needed to produce equilib- rium with the various articles, R, which in turn may be put upon the scale ; then we shall find that if when the weight P equals 5 pounds the article R equals 100, and there is an equilibrium, then when P- x 5 =4-5, R will equal -^*x 100 =-90; 8 8 P = x 5 = 4, R will equal x 100 = 80; P= -^ x 5 r= 3 5, R will equal x 100 = 70 ; and so on for other proportions; and in every case we shall r> have the ratio - equal 20, thus R 90 -75- = '^ = 20 ' P 4-5 R 80 P=T = 2 ; ^? 70 7 = 3^ = 2 - 374 RATIO, OR PROPORTION. Thus we have an equality of ratios in comparing the weights. Again, if the weight P and the article R be permanent in weight, and the distances A C, B C be made to vary, then if there be an equilibrium when A C is 2 and B C is 40, we shall find that when o O A C = - x 2 = I -6 ; B C will equal x 40 = 32 , A C ' = x 2 = i 2 ; /? C" will equal x 40 = 24 ; AC= ~ x2 = ' 8; BC wil1 ec l ual x 40 = 16 ; and so on for other proportions, and in every case we shall BC have the ratio -jyr = 20 ; thus B C 32 _ - ^ - *}f\ . - _,-, ~ -- v/ ^4 T 1-6 ^C~ 0-8 producing thus an equality of ratios in comparing the arms of the lever. From these experiments we have found, in comparing the article weighed with an arm of the lever, the constant ratio B C : R, and when comparing the weights we have found the constant ratio P : R. Again, in com- paring the arms of the lever, we find the constant ratio A C : B C. Putting two of these couples in proportion, we have A C : B C : : P : R. Hence (Art. 373) we have PRINCIPLE OF THE LEVER DEMONSTRATED. 375 Dividing both members by A C, we have BC*P ~AC In a steelyard the short arm, A C, and the weight, or poise, P, are unvarying ; therefore we have or, when ^ is constant, we have R : B C. 377. The L,cvcr Principle Bcmontrated. The rela- tion between the weights and their arms of leverage may be demonstrated as follows : * FIG. 273. . Let A B G H, Fig. 273, represent a beam of homogeneous material, of equal sectional area throughout, and suspended upon an axle or pin at C, its centre. This beam is evidently in a state of equilibrium. Of the part of the beam A D G K, let E be the centre of gravity ; and of the remaining part, D D K H, let F be the centre of gravity. If the weight of tne material in A D G K\>t concentrated at E, its centre of gravity, and the weight of the material in * The principle upon which this demonstration is based may be found in an article written by the author and published in the Mathematical Monthly, Cam- bridge, U. S., fori8s8, p. 77. 376 RATIO, OR PROPORTION. DBKH be concentrated in F, its centre of gravity, the state of equilibrium will not be interfered with. Therefore let the ball R be equal in weight to the part A D G K, and the ball P equal to the weight of the part D BKH\ and let these two balls be connected by the rod E F. Then these two balls and rod, supported at C, will evidently be in a state of equilibrium (the rod EF being supposed to be with- out weight). Now, it is proposed to show that R is to P as C F is to C E. This can be proved; for, since R equals the area ADGK and P equals the area DBKH, therefore R is in proportion to A D, as P is to D B (Art. 359) ; or, taking the halves of these lines, R is in proportion to A J as P is to LB. Also, J L equals half the length of the beam ; for J D is the half of A D, and D L is the half of DB; thus these two parts (JD + DL) equal the half of the two parts (AD + DB)\ or, y L equals the half of A B\ or, we have Adding these two equations together, we have Now, JD + DL = JL, and AD + DB = AB\ therefore, Thus we have A M = J L. From each of these equals take J M, common to both, then the remainders, A J and ML, will be equal ; therefore, A J = C F. We have also MB = J L. From each of these equals take ML, common to both, and the remainders, J M and L B, will be equal ; therefore, L B = E C. As was above shown RiAy'iiP-iL.9. TO FIND A FOURTH PROPORTIONAL. 377 Substituting for A J and LB their values, as just found, we have R : CF : : P : EC', from which we have (Art. 373) Px CF= R x E C. Thus it is demonstrated that the product of one weight into its arm of leverage, is equal to the product of the other weight into its arm of leverage : a proposition which is known < 3 ~3. 3x3=9' i_x 4= 4^ 3 x 4 = 12 i x 5 =_i_ 3 x 5 =-15 Thus it is shown that when the numerator and denomi- nator of a fraction are each multiplied by the same factor, the product forms a new fraction which is of equal value with the original. In like manner we have, |, , A --, etc., each equal to o 12 It) 2O one fourth; and which may be found by multiplying' the numerator and denominator of - successively by 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. 4 380 FRACTIONS. 381. Form of Fraction Changed by Division. By an operation the reverse of that in the last article, we may re- duce several equal fractions to one of equal value. Thus, if in each we divide the numerator and denominator by the same number, we reduce it to a fraction of equal value, but with smaller factors. For example, taking the fractions of the last article, f , f, iV xV> l e t eacn De divided by a number which will divide both numerator and denominator without a remainder.* Thus, ^"^ 2== I 1~"~3 = l 6 + 2*3' 9-^3 = 3" _4/r-4= l J_^-5 =1 12-4=3' 15-^5 = 3* As these fractions are shown (Art. 380) to be equal, and as the operation of dividing each factor by a common num- ber produces quotients which in each case form the same fraction, -J-, we therefore conclude that the numerator and denominator of a fraction may be divided by a common number without changing the value of the fraction. 382. Improper Fractions. The fractions f , ^, ~, etc., all fractions which have the numerator larger than the de- nominator are termed improper fractions. They are not im- proper arithmetically, but they are so named because it is an improper use of language to call that &part which is greater than the whole. As expressions of this kind, however, are sabject to the same rules as those which are fractions proper, it is custom- ary to include them all under the technical term of fractions. Expressions like these all expressions in which one number is separated by a 'horizontal line from another number below it, or one set of numbers is thus separated from another set below it may be called fractions, and are always to be un- derstood as indicating division, or that the quantity above the line is to be divided by the quantity below the line. Division is indicated by this sign -r-, which is read "divided by." IMPROPER FRACTIONS. 381 Q 17 2A 3x8x4 17x82 Thus, z > > * ^ - > etc., are all fractions, tech- nically, although each may be greater than unity. And it is understood in each case that the operation of division is re- quired. Thus, - = 3, -- 8, = 4. When the divis- 33 % , ion cannot be made without a remainder, then the fraction, by cutting the numerator into two, may be separated into two parts, one of which may be exactly divided, and the other will be a fraction proper. Thus, the fraction -~ is equal to 1 (for 15 + 2 17); and since equals 3, therefore, 17 15 2 22 = + - = 3 + - = 3- So, likewise, the fraction 17x82 __ 1394 := i375 + J9_. .J_9_. J_9_ 125 125 125 125 125 125' 383. Reduction of Mixed Numbers to Fractions By an operation the reverse ot that in the last article, a given mixed number (a whole number and fraction) can be put into the form of an improper fraction. This is done by multiplying the whole number by the de- nominator of the fraction, the product being the numerator of a fraction equal in value to the whole number ; the de- nominator of this fraction being the same as that of the given fraction. The numerator of this fraction being added to the numerator of the given fraction, the sum will be the numera- tor of the required improper fraction, the denominator of which is the same as that of the given fraction. For example, the required numerator for 2 J, is 2 x 3 + I 7. So 2-3- = -J. 2j, is 2 X 4 + I = 9. So 2\ = f. 3i is 3 x 5 +2 = 17. So3f = $. 384. Division Indicated by the Factors put as a Frac- tion. Factors placed in the form of a fraction as , -, - or 382 FRACTIONS. - indicate division (Art. 382) ; the denominator (the fac- tor below the line) being the divisor, and the numerator (the factor above the line) the dividend, while the value of the fraction is the quotient. Thus of the fraction, = 20, 9 41 41 is the divisor, 820 the dividend, and 20 the quotient. From this we learn that division may always be indicated by placing the factors in the form of a fraction, so that the divisor shall form the denominator and the dividend the nu- merator. 385. Addition of Fractions having Like Denomina- tors Let it be required to add the fractions - and -. By referring to Art. 379 we see that ^4 D (Fig. 274), is one of the five parts into which the whole line A B is divided ; it is, therefore, . We also see that D C contains two of the five 2 parts ; it is, therefore, -. We also see that AD + D C ' A C, which contains three of the five parts, or A C = of A B. 12 3 We therefore conclude that + = . In this operation it is seen that the denominator is not changed, and that the resultant fraction has for a numerator a number equal to the sum of the numerators of the fractions which were required to be added. By this it is shown that to add fractions we simply take the sum of the numerators for the new numerator, making the denominator of the resultant fraction the same as that of the fractions to be added. For example : What is the sum of the fractions , and - ? Here we have 14-3+4 8 for the numerator, therefore 999 SUBTRACTION AND ADDITION OF FRACTIONS. 383 386. Subtraction of Fractions O f Like Denominators. Subtraction is the reverse of addition ; therefore, to sub- tract fractions a reverse operation is required to that had in the process of addition ; or simply to subtract instead of adding. 2 ^ For example, if - be required to be su>tracted from we have UNIVERSITY 5 5 " By reference to Fig. 274 an exemplification of^tkis-wiit' ? 2 T seen where we have A C = , A E = , and E C = , and we have 3 _2 = 5 5 5' We therefore have this rule for the substraction of frac- tions : Subtract the less from the greater numerator ; the remain- der will be the numerator of the required fraction. The denom- inator to be the same as that of the given fractions. 387. Dissimilar Denominators Equalized. The rules just given for the addition and subtraction of fractions re- quire that the given fractions have like denominators. When the denominators are unlike it is required, before add- ing or substracting, that the fractions be modified so as to make the denominators equal. For example : Let it be re- quired to find the sum of - and -. By reference to Fig. 2 6 275, we find that on line A B is equal to - on line E F. These being equal, we may therefore substitute for -. Then we have 6 2_ _ 8 9 + 9 " 9 384 FRACTIONS. Now, it will be seen that the fraction - may be had by mul- tiplying both numerator and denominator of the given frac- 2 , 2X^ = 6 tion- by 3, for 3 x - = -; and we have seen (Art. 380) that this operation does not change the value of the fraction. From this we learn that the denominators may be made equal by multiplying the smaller denominator and Its numerator by any number which will effect such a result. For example : ^-+- = + = -^- ; 27 14 7 21 3 ,3 7 12 4 7 23 7 4 + I7 + T6 =: T6 + 7^ + 7^ = ^ z '76' In this example the second fraction is changed by multiply- ing by i j. 388. Reduction of Fraction to tlieir Lowest Terms. The process resorted to in the last article to equalize the denominators, is not always successful. What is needed for a common denominator is to find the smallest number which shall be divisible by each of the given denominators. Before seeking this number, let each given fraction be reduced to its lowest terms, by dividing each factor by a common number. For example: may, by dividing by 5, be reduced to , which is its equivalent. So, also, , by di- 3 2o viding by 7, is reduced to , its lowest terms. 389. Leat Common Denominator. To find the least common denominator ^V&w the several fractions in the order of their denominators, increasing toward the right. If the largest denominator be not divisible by each of the others, double it ; if the division cannot now be performed, treble LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR. 385 it, and so proceed until it is multiplied by some number which will make it divisible by each of the other denomina- tors. This number multiplied by the largest denominator will be the least common denominator. To raise the denominator of each fraction to this, divide the common denominator by the de- nominator of one of the fractions, the quotient will be the number by which that fraction is to be multiplied, both numerator and denominator, and so proceed with each frac- tion. For example : What is the sum of the fractions -, -, , -g? One of these, , may be reduced, by divid- ing by 2, to ^. Therefore, the series is -, -, -| ~. On trial o 2 A. \) o we find that 8, the largest denominator, is divisible by the first and by the second, but not by the third, therefore the largest denominator is to be doubled: 2x8= 16. This is not yet divisible by the third ; therefore 3 x 8 = 24. This now is divisible by the third as well as by the first and the second ; 24 is therefore the least common denominator. Now dividing 24 by 2, the first denominator, the quotient 12 is the factor by which the terms of the first fraction are to be raised, or, - ~ -. For the second we have 24-5-4 6, and - ^ . For the third we have 24 -*- 6 = 4x0 = 24 4, and ~ X 7 J an< ^ f r tne fourth, 24-^-8 = 3, and o x 4 24 7 X 3 -21 ^ ~_ . Thus the fractions in their reduced form are : 12 18 20 21 7i 23 I I I . ... n ^ 24 24 24 24 ~~ 24 ~~ 24* 390. Leat Common Denominator Again. When the denominators are not divisible by one another, then to ob- tain a common denominator, it is requisite to multiply to- gether all of the denominators which will not divide any of the other denominators. For example : What is the sum of the fractions -, -, -, and -? 3 86 FRACTIONS. In this case the first denominator will divide the last, but the others are prime to each other. Therefore, for the common denominator, multiply, together all but the first ; or 5x7x9 = 315 the common denominator ; and 315 _:_ 3 105, common factor for the first fraction ; 315 -=- 5 = 63, common factor for the second fraction ; 315 _i_ 7 =. 45, common factor for the third; . 315-5-9 = 35, common factor for the fourth. And, then i x 105 = 105 t 2 x 63 = 126 3 x 45 = 135 ^ 4 x 35 = 140 1 x 105 = 315 ' "5 x 63 = 3"i~5 ' 7 x 45 - 3^5 ' 9 x 35 = " 105 126 135 140 _ 506 + 315 " h 3i5 * 3i5 ~~ 3^5 191 39(. Fraction multiplied Graphically. Let A B CD (Fig. 276) be a rectangle of equal sides, or A B equal A C and each equal one foot. Then A B multiplied by A C will G C H ( FIG. 276. equal the area A B CD, or i x i = i square foot. Let the line E F be parallel with A B, and midway between -A B and CD. Then A B x A equals half the area of A B CD, or i x J = -J. Again ; let G H be parallel with E C, and mid- way between E C and FD. Then E G x E C = i x equals the area E G C H, which is equal to a quarter of the area MULTIPLICATION OF FRACTIONS. 387 A B C D; or % x % = J; which is a quarter of the superficial area. The product here obtained is less than either of the factors producing it. It must be remembered, however, that while the factors represent lines, the product represents superficial area. The correctness of the result may be recognized by an inspection of the diagram. 392. Fraction multiplied Graphically. In Fig. 277 let A B equal 8 feet and A C equal 5 feet ; then the rect- G FIG. 277. angle A B CD contains 5 x 8 = 40 feet. The interior lines divide the space included within A B CD into 40 equal squares of one foot each. Let A E equal 3 feet or - of A C. Let A G equal 7 feet or ~ of A B. Then the rectangle 3 7 21 E F A G contains x ' , or twenty-one fortieths of the 5 04 <+ *j whole area A B CD. Thus, while the factor fractions -- and -^ 5 o represent lines, it is shown that the product fraction rep- 40 21 . resents surface. Thus is a fraction, E FA G, of the whole 40 surface, CDAB. 393. Rule for Miitiplication of Fraction*, and Exam- ple. In the example given in the last article it will be ob- 388 FRACTIONS. served that the product of the denominators of the two given fractions equals the area of the whole figure (A B C D\ while the product of the numerators equals the area of the rectangle (E 'FA G), the sides of which are equal respec- tively to the given fractions. From this we obtain for the product of fractions this RULE. Multiply together the denominators for the new de- nominator, and the numerators for a new numerator. j ? j For example: what is the product of and ? Here we have 20x21420 for the new denominator, and 7 x 13 = 91 for the new numerator; therefore the product of il x _7 = _L. 21 2O 420 ' or, of a rectangular area divided one way into 20 parts and the other way into 21 parts, thus containing 420 rectangles, 1 3 7 the product of the two fractions and - is equal to 91 of these rectangles, or - of the whole. 394. Fraction Divided Graphically. Division is the reverse of multiplication ; or, while multiplication requires the product of two given factors, division requires one of the factors when the other and the product are given. Or (referring to Fig. 277) in division we have the area of the rectangle, E FA G, and one side, E A; given, to find the other side, A G. Now it is required to find the number of times E A is contained in E FA G. By inspection of the figure we per- ceive the answer to be, A G times ; for E A xAG EFA G, 2 I the given area. Or, when E A F G is given as and E A as -, we have as the given problem ILL.! 40 ' 5* DIVISION OF FRACTIONS. 389 Since division is the reverse of multiplication, instead of multiplying we divide the factors, and have 21 -i- 3 = 7 40 -r- 5 " 8* Thus, to divide one fraction by another, for the numerator of the required factor, divide the numerator of t/ie product by the numerator of the given factor, and for the denominator of the required factor divide the denominator of the product by the denominator of the given factor. For example : 10 . 2 5 Divide ^~ by -. Answer, . o Q >| / Divide - - by . Answer, . 395. Rule for Division of Fractions. The rule just given does not work well when the factors are not commen- 5 2 surable. For example, if it be required to divide by we have by the above rule 7-9 " 7 ' 9. Producing fractional numerators and denominators for the resulting fraction, which require modification in order to reach those composed only of whole numbers. If the nu- merators, 5 and 7, of this compound fraction be multiplied by 9 (the denominator of the denominator fraction), or the compound fraction by 9, we shall have 5 ><9 390 FRACTIONS. And, if these be again multiplied by 2 (the denominator of the numerator fraction), we shall have 5 X 9 2 X 2 = 7x9 7x9x2 ~9~ ~9~ Like figures above and below in each fraction cancel each other (Art. 371), therefore, the result reduces to 5 x 9 7x2' in which we find the factors of the two original fractions. In one fraction we have the factors in position as given, but in the other they are inverted. The fraction in which. the factors are inverted is the divisor. Hence, for division of fractions, we have this RULE. Invert the factors of the divisor, and then, as in multiplication, multiply the numerators together for the numera- tor of the required fraction, and the denominators for the de- nominator of the required fraction. c 2 Thus, as before, if - is required to be divided by -, we have i x 9 45 7x2 14' And, to divide by , we have 23 x 9 _ 207 47 x 7 329 2 8 Again, to divide by , we have 2$ x 9 _ 225 = _25 = _s 45 x 8 "" 360 "40 "8" CANCELLING IN ALGEBRA. 39! This last example has two factors, 9 and 45, one of which measures the other ; also, the first fraction - - is not in its 45 lowest terms; when reduced it is . The question, there- i fore, may be stated thus : 5 x 9 1 . 9 x 8 "" 8 ' for the two 9*8 cancel each other. SECTION IX. ALGEBRA. 396. Algebra Defined. It occurs sometimes that a student familiar only with computation by numerals is needlessly puzzled, in approaching the subject of Algebra, to comprehend how it is possible to multiply letters together, or to divide them. To remove this difficulty, it may be suf- ficient for them to learn that their perplexity arises from a misunderstanding in supposing the letters themselves are ever multiplied or divided. It is true that in treatises on the subject it is usual to speak as though these operations were actually performed upon the letters. It is always un- derstood, however, that it is not the letters, but the quan- tities represented by the letters, which are to be multiplied or divided. For example, in Art. 361 it is shown, in comparing similar sides of homologous triangles, that the bases of the two tri- angles are to each other as the corresponding sides, or, referring to Fig. 269, we have C E : A E : : D E : B E. Now, let the two bases C E and A E be represented respec- tively by a and b, and the two corresponding sides D E and B E by c and d respectively ; or, for CE : AE : : DE : BE, put a : b : : c : d\ and, by Art. 373, we have b x c = a x d, which may be written be = ad\ for x, the sign for multiplication, is not needed between let- ters, as it is between numeral factors. The operation of APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA. 393 multiplication is always understood when letters are placed side by side. Now, here we have an equation in which, as usually read, we have the product of b and c equal to the product of a and d. But the meaning is that the product of the quantities represented by b and c is equal to the product of the quan- tities represented by a and d, and that this equation is in- tended to represent the relation subsisting between the four proportionals, C , A E, D E, and BE, of Fig. 269. In order to secure greater conciseness and clearness, the four small letters are substituted for the four pair of capital letters, which are used to indicate the lines of the figures referred to. 397. Example : Application. It was shown in the last article that the four letters a, , c, and d represent the cor- responding sides of the two triangles of Fig..2g, and that b c = a d. Now, let each member of this equation be divided by a, then (Art. 371)- If now the dimensions of the three sides represented by a, b, and c are known, and it is required to ascertain from these the length of the side represented by d, let the three given dimensions be severally substituted for the letters repre- senting them. For example, let a = 40 feet ; b = 52 feet, and c = 45 feet ; then be 52 x 45 d = = - = -~ = 58 a 40 40 The quantities being here substituted for the letters ; we have but to perform the arithmetical processes indicated to obtain the arithmetical value of d. From this example it is seen that before any practical use can be made of an algebraical formula in computing dimensions, it is requisite to substitute numerals for the letters and actually perform arithmetically such operations as are only indicated by the letters. 394 ALGEBRA. 398. Algebra Useful in Constructing Rules. In all problems to be solved there are certain conditions or quan- tities given, by means of which an unknown quantity is to be evolved. For example, in the problem in Art. 397, there were three certain lines given to find a fourth, based upon the condition that the four lines were four proportionals. Now, it has been found that the relation between quantities and the conditions of a question can better be stated by let- ters than by numerals ; and it is the office of algebra to present by letters a concise statement of a question, and by certain processes of comparison, substitution and elimina- tion, to condense the statement to its smallest compass, and at last to present it in a formula or rule, which exhibits the known quantities on one side as equal to the unknown on the other side. Here algebra ends, at the completion of the rule. To use the rule is the office of arithmetic. For, in using the rule, each quantity in numerals must be substi- tuted for the letter representing it, and the arithmetical processes indicated performed, as was done in Art. 397. 399. Algebraic Rule are General. One advantage derived from algebra is that the rules made are general in their application, For example, the rule of Art. 397, = d, is applicable to all cases of homologous triangles, however they may differ in size or shape from those given in Fig. 269 and not only this, but it is also applicable in all cases where four quantities are in proportion so as to con- stitute four proportionals. For example, the case of the four proportionals constituting the arms of a lever and the weights attached (Arts. 375-378). For, taking the rela- tion as expressed in Art. 377 PxCF= RxEC, we may substitute for C F the letter n, and for E C the letter m, then m will represent the arm of the lever E C (Fig. 262), aid n *he arm of the lever F C. Then we have SYMBOLS CHOSEN AT PLEASURE. 395 and from this, dividing by n (/Irt. 372), we have or, dividing by m, we have (in.) - v ' m which is a rule for computing the weight of R, when P and the two arms of leverage, m and n, are known. For example, let the weight represented by P be 1200 pounds, the length of the arm m be 4 feet, and that of n be 8 feet, then we have Pn 1 200 x 8 R = - - = - = 2400 pounds. m 4 Pn This rule, R =. -, is precisely like that in Art. 397 d in which three quantities are given to find a fourth, the four constituting a set of four proportionals. 400. Symbols hoen at Pleasure. The particular letter assigned to represent a particular quantity is a matter of no consequence. Any letter at will may be taken ; but when taken, it must be firmly adhered to to represent that par- ticular quantity, throughout all the modifications which may be requisite in condensing the statement into which it enters into a formula for use. For example, the two rules named in Art. 399 are precisely alike three quantities given to find a fourth yet they are represented by different letters. In one, R and P represent the two weights, and m and ft the arms of leverage at which they act ; while in the other the letters a, b,c, and ^represent severally the four lines which constitute two similar sides of two homologous triangles. The two rules are alike in working, and they might have been con- stituted with the same letters. And instead of the letters chosen any others might have been taken, which con- venience or mere caprice might have dictated. In some ALGEBRA. questions it is usual to put the first letters, as a, b, c, etc., to represent known quantities, and the last letters, as x, y, z, for the quantities sought. In works on the strength of materials it is customary to represent weights by capital letters, as P, R, U, W, etc., and lines or linear dimensions by the small letters, as b, d, /, for the breadth, depth, and length, respectively, of a beam. Any other letters may be put to represent these quantities, although the initial letter of the word serves to assist the memory in recognizing the partic- ular dimensions intended. 40 1. Arithmetical Processe Indicated by Sign. In algebra, the four processes of addition, subtraction, multi- plication, and division, are frequently required ; and when the required process cannot be actually performed upon the letters themselves, a certain method has been adopted by which the process is indicated. For example, in additon, when it is required to add a to b, the two letters cannot be intermingled as numerals may be, and their sum presented ; but the process of addition is simply indicated by placing between the two letters this sign, +, which is called plus, meaning added to ; therefore, to add a to b we have which is read a plus b, or the sum of a and b. When the quantities represented b}^ a and b are substituted for them and not till tHen they can be condensed into one sum. For example, let a equal 4 and b equal 3, then for a-\-b we have 4+3; and we may at once write their sum 7, instead of 4 + 3. So, likewise, in the process of subtraction, one letter can- not be taken from another letter so as to show how much of this other letter there will be left as a remainder ; but the process of subtraction can be indicated by a sign, as this, , which is called minus, less, meaning subtracted from. For ALGEBRAICAL SIGNS. 397 example, let it be required to subtract b. from a. To do this we have which is read a minus b, and when the values of a and b are substituted for them, we have, when a equals 4, and b equals 3 a-b, or 4-3; and now, instead of 4 3, we may put the value of the which is unity, or i. The algebraic signs most frequently used are as follows : + ,//#.$, signifies addition, and that the two quantities be- tween which it stands are to be added together; as a + b, read a added to b. , minus, signifies subtraction, or that of the two quantities between which it occurs> the latter is to be subtracted from the former ; as a b, read a minus b. X, multiplied by, or the sign of multiplication. It denotes that the two quantities between which it occurs are to be multiplied together ; as a x b, read a multiplied by b, ' or a times b. This sign is usually omitted between symbols or letters, and is then understood, as a b. This has the same meaning as a x b. It is never omitted between arithmetical numbers; as 9x5, read nine times five. -^, divided by, or the sign of division, and denotes that of the two quantities between which it occurs, the former is to be divided by the latter; as a~b, read a divided by b. Division is also represented thus : -, in the form of a fraction. This signifies that a is to be divided by b. When more than one symbol occurs above or below the line, or both, as -- , it denotes that the product of the symbols above the line is to be divided by the product of those below the line. 39^ ALGEBRA. = , is equal to, or sign of equality, and denotes that the quantity or quantities on its left are equal to those on its right ; as a b = c, read a minus b is equal to c y or equals c ; or, 9 5 = 4, read nine minus five equals four. This sign, together with the symbols on each side of it, when spoken of as a whole, is called an equation. a 1 denotes a squared, or a multiplied by a, or the second power of a, and a* denotes a cubed, or a multiplied by a and again multi- plied by a, or the third power of a. The small figure, 2, 3, or 4, etc., is termed the index or exponent of the power. It indicates how many times the symbol is to be taken. Thus, d 1 = a a, a 3 = a a a, a" a a a a. \/ is the radical sign, and denotes that the square root of the quantity following it is to be extracted, and I/ denotes that the cube root of the quantity following it is to be extracted. Thus, 4/9 = 3, and V 2 7 3- The extraction of roots is also denoted by a fractional in- dex or exponent, thus a 1 /* denotes the square root "of a, a* denotes the cube root of a, a* denotes the cube root of the square of a, etc. 402. Example in Addition and Subtraction : Cancel- ling. Let there be some question which requires a state- ment to represent it, like this a-i-d = c b, which indicates that if the quantity represented by a be added to the quantity represented by d, the sum will be equal to the quantity represented by c, after there has been subtracted from it the quantity represented by b ; or, as it is usually read, a plus d equals c minus b ; or the sum of a and d equals the difference between c and b. For illustration, take in place of these four letters, in the order they stand, the numerals 4, 2, 9, 3, and we shall havq by substitution - a + d c b, 4+29 3, or adding and subtracting 6 = 6. TRANSFERRING SYMBOLS. 399 If it be required to add to each member of the equation the quantity represented by b, this will not interfere with the equality of the members. For a + d are equal to c d, and if to each of these two equals a com-mon quantity be added, the sums must be equal ; therefore a + d+ b = c b-^b, or by numerals 4 + 2 + 3 = 9-3 + 3, or 9 = 9- It will be observed that the right hand member contains the quantity b and + b. This shows that the quantity b is to be subtracted and then added. Now, if 3 be subtracted from 9, the remainder will be 6, and then if 3 be added, the sum will be 9, the original quantity. Thus it is seen that when in the same member of an equation a symbol appears as a minus quantity and also as a plus quantity, the two cancel each other, and may be omitted. Therefore, the expression b = c b + b becomes a + d+ b = c. 403. Transferring a Symbol to the Opposite member. In comparing, in the last article, the first equation with the last, it will be seen that the same symbols are contained in each, but differently arranged : that while in the first equa- tion b appears in the right hand member and with a minus or negative sign, in the last equation it appears in the left hand member and with a plus or positive sign. Thus it is seen that in the operation performed b has been made to pass from one member to the other, but in its passage it has been changed. A similar change may be made with another of the symbols. For example, from the last equation, let d be subtracted, or this process indicated, thus a + d+b d = c d. 400 ALGEBRA. The plus and minus d, in the left hand member cancel each other, therefore a + b = c d, or, by numerals 4+3=9 2 - Reducing 7 = 7. By this we learn that any quantity (connected by + or ) may be passed from one member of the equation to the other, pro- vided the sign be changed. 404. Signs of Symbols to be Changed when they are to e Subtracted, As an example in subtraction, let the quantities represented by + b a f+ c, be taken from the quantities represented by + a+b c f. This may be written (+a + b c f) (+b af+c), an expression showing that the quantities enclosed within the second pair of parentheses are to be .subtracted from those included within the first pair. Let the quantities represent- ed in the first pair of parentheses for convenience be repre- sented by A , or, a + b c f A . Now, by the terms of the problem, we are required to subtract from A. the quantities enclosed within the second pair of parentheses. To do this take first the positive quantity, b, and subtract it or indicate the subtraction, thus A-b; we will then subtract the positive quantity c, or indicate the subtraction, thus A-b-c. We have yet to subtract a and /, two negative quanti- ties. The method by which this can be accomplished may be discovered by considering the requirements of the problem. The plus quantities b and , before being subtracted from A, were required to have the two negative quantities # and /de- THE OPERATION TESTED. 40 1 ducted from them. It is evident, therefore, that in subtract- ing b and c, before this deduction was made, too much has been taken from A, and that the excess taken is equal to the sum of a and /. To correct the error, therefore, it is neces- sary to add just the amount of the excess, or to add the sum of a and/, or annex them by the plus sign, thus A b c + a+f. To test the correctness of the operation as here performed, let numerals be substituted for the symbols ; let a = 2, b = 3, c =r i,/= ; then the given quantities to be subtracted, become (+3 -2-i+i), which reduces to (4 - 24) = ij. Thus the quantity to be substracted equals ij. Applying the numerals to the above expression A b+ a +f c becomes A 3 + 2 + -J i =A 4+2% = A i-J. A correct result ; it is the same as before. Restoring now the symbols represented by A> we have for the whole ex- pression which, by cancelling (Art. 403) and by adding like symbols with like signs, reduces to 2 a 2 c. To test this result, let the quantity which was represented by A have the proper numerals substituted, thus : + + b c /, + 2 + 3 ~ i -4=5- i* = 3i- 4O2 ALGEBRA. . The sum of the given quantity required to be subtracted was before found to amount to i^, therefore A -1$ becomes And the result by the symbols as above was 2 a 2 c, which becomes 2X2 2X1, or 4 2 2; a result the same as before, proving the work correct. An examination of the signs in the above expression, which de- notes the problem performed, will show that the sign of each symbol which was required to be subtracted has been changed in the operation of subtraction. Before subtract- ing they were after subtraction they are (-b + a+f-c). By this result we learn, that to subtract a quantity we have but to change its sign and annex it to the quantity from which it was required to be subtracted. Example : Subtract a b from c + d. Answer, c + d a + b. If numerals be substituted, say a = 7, b = 4, c = 5, and d=g, then c+d becomes 5+9=14, a-b " ;_ 4= 3, c + d (a b) 14 3 ii, So, also, c + d a + b becomes + + = ii. FRACTIONS ADDED AND SUBTRACTED. 403 405. Algebraic Fraction*: Added and Subtracted. When algebraic fractions of like denominators are to be added or subtracted, the same rules (Arts. 385 and 386) are to be observed as in the addition or subtraction of numeri- cal fractions namely, add or subtract the numerators for a new numerator, and place beneath the sum or difference the common denominator. For example, what is the sum of T> T T? bob For this we have Subtract -> from -;. For this we have a a b-c d ' What is the algebraical sum of ben r^ - - - - and - 5 ? For these we have b + c n r To exemplify this, let b represent 9, c = 8, n = 2, r = 3, and d 12. Then, for the algebraic sum, we have + 8 2 3 12 = = i. 12 12 Now, taking the positive and negative fractions sep- arately, we have .. *- = !?. 12 " h 12 12 ' and n2 nJ^-I 12 12 12 " 404 ALGEBRA Together 12. -5 _ _^ = 12 12 ~~ 12 ~~ ' as before. 406. The Least Common Denominator. When the denominators of algebraic fractions differ it is necessary be- fore addition or subtraction can be performed to harmonize them, as in the reduction of the denominators of numerical fractions (Arts. 388-390). For example, add together the /7i @ y fractions 7, -7, . In these denominators we perceive oc o ac that they collectively contain the letters a, b and c, and no others. It will be requisite, therefore, that each of the frac- tions be modified so that its denominator shall have these three factors. To effect this it will be seen that it is neces- sary to multiply each fraction by that one of these letters which is lacking in its denominator. Thus, in the first, a is lacking, therefore (Art. 380) T 7. In the second a and c are lacking, therefore T r-, and in the third by,ac-=-abc r x b rb . b is lacking, therefore , _ ^-^> Placing them now together we have aa + acebr a e r t | a b c. be b a c The factor a a may be represented thus # 2 , which means that a occurs twice, the small figure at the top indicating the number of times the letter occurs ; a 2 is called a squared, a a a = a*, and is called a cubed. In order to show that the above fraction, resulting as the sum of the three given fractions, is correct, let a = 2, b 3, c = 4, e = 5, and r = 6. Then the three given fractions are 2 JU 6 =: 1:+ 1 + 1 3x4 3 2x4 6 3 4 FRACTIONS SUBTRACTED. 405 In equalizing these denominators we multiply the second fraction by 2, and the third by i, which will give 5_ x 2 = 10^ 3 x ^i_4i. 3x2= 6 ' 4 x i ~ ' 6 ' then 1 1_ ,44 ij_4 3i _7_ 6 + 6 " 6 ' 6 6 " 12* Now the sum of the fractions i s 2 2 +2 X 4 X 5 + 3 X6 tJi , 2X3X4 4 + 40+ 1 8 __ 62 _ 14 _ 7 24 24 " 2 24 ~ 2 12 ' the same result as before, thus showing that the reduction was rightly made. 407. Algebraic Fractions Subtracted. To exemplify the subtraction of fractions, let it be required to find the algebraic sum of - - -% j. These denominators all dif- fer. The fractions, therefore, require to be modified, so that each denominator shall contain them all. To accom- plish this, the first fraction will need to be thus treated : ax df= adf 7x the second _ b_xcf= _ bcf ~ dXCf= :,. Cdf'' the third e x c d = c d e ~ fxcd= ~ 7d~f The sum of these is adf bcf c de ~Tdf~ ' 406 ALGEBRA. That this is a correct answer, let the result be proved by figures ; thus, for a put 15 ; b, 2 ; c, 3 ; d, 4; e, 5 ; /, 6. Then' we shall have a b e 15 25 ~c~~d~J~- T " 4" 6* It will be observed that these denominators may be equal- ized by multiplying the first fraction by 2, and the second by ij, therefore we have j$o _3 _ 5. 6 " 6 6' To make the required subtraction we are to deduct from 30 (the numerator of the positive fraction), first 3, then 5 ; or, the sum of the numerators of the negative fractions ; or for the numerator of the new fraction we have 30 8 22. The required result, therefore, is -.~, 63 To apply this test to the algebraic sum we have a d f b c f c d e I5x4x6 + 2x 3x64.3x4x5 " ~ cdf 3x4x6 which by multiplication reduces to 360 36 60 _ 264 _ 22_ ri. a ~W '- 72" : : 6 : : 3 : a result the same as before, proving the work correct. An other example : a b c d . e From ----- take -, and - ; n m n m n or. find the algebraic sum of a . b c d_ e_ n m n , m n DENOMINATORS HARMONIZED. 407 The fractions which have the same denominator may be grouped together thus : a c e a c c n n n n and * A ^L b ~ d m m m To harmonize these two denominators, m and n, the first fraction must be multiplied by m and the last by ;/, or m (a c e) n (b d} m (a c e) + n (b d) m n m n mn In the polynomial factor within the parentheses (a c e) we have the positive quantity a, from which is to be taken the two negatives c and e, or their sum is to be taken from #, or (a (c + e) ). With this modification we have for the alge- braic sum of the five given fractions m(a (c +c)) + n (b d) mn To test the accuracy of this result, let the value of the sev- eral letters respectively be as follows : a = n, b =g, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, m = 10, and n 8. Then the sum is 10 (11 -(3 + 5)) + 8 (9-4) __ TO __ 7 10 x 8 "80 8* Now, taking the fractions separately, we have <*__. _Ii (A,l\ ii_ 8 1 n n n ~ 8 V8 + 8/ " 8 8 " 8' ^^945 again- - - = = - == ; or, together we have, as the sum of these two results 8 + lo' 408 ALGEBRA. To harmonize these denominators we may multiply the first fraction by 5, and the second by 4, thus : 8x5=4' io x 4 = 4' and then the sum is Jl - 35. = 1_. 40 + 40 "" 40 8 ' the same result as before, thus the accuracy of the work is established. 408. Graphical Representation of multiplication. In Fig. 278, let A BC D, a rectangle, have its sides A B and A B FIG. 278. A C divided into equal parts. Then the area of the figure will be obtained by multiplying one side by the other, or putting a for the side A B, and b for the side A C, then the area will be a x b, or ab. This will be the correct area of the figure, whatever the length of the sides may be. If, as shown, the area be divided into 4 x 7 = 28 equal rectangles, then a would equal 7, and b equal 4, and a b = 7 x 4 = 28, the area. If A B equal 28 and A C equal 16, then will a 28, and b = 16, and a b = 28 x 16 = 448, the area. 409. Graphical Multiplication : Three Factor. Let A B C D E FG (Fig. 279) represent a rectangular solid which may be supposed divided into numerous small cubes as shown. Now, if a be put for the edge A B, b for the edge A C, and c for the edge CD, then the cubical solidity of the MULTIPLICATION OF A BINOMIAL. 409 whole figure will be represented by a x b x c = a b c. If the edge A B measures 6, the edge A C 3, and the edge CD 4, then abc = 6x3x4 = 72 = the cubic contents of the figure, or the number of small cubes contained in it. D L /G FIG. 279. 410. Graphic Representation: Two and Three Fac- tors Figs. 278 and 279 serve to illustrate the algebraic ex- pressions a b and a b c. In the former it is shown that the multiplication of two lines produces a rectangular surface, or that if a and b represent lines, then a b may represent a rectangular surface (Fig. 278) having sides respectively equal to a and b. And so if a, b, and c represent three sev- eral lines, then a b c may represent a rectangular solid 279) having edges respectively equal to #, , and c. A BE FIG. 280. 4f|. Graphical Multiplication of a Binomial. Let A B CD (Fig. 280) be a rectangular surface, and BED F an- other rectangular surface, adjoining the first. The area of the whole figure is evidently equal to (A B + B E) x A C. 410 ALGEBRA. The area is also equal to ABxA C + BExBD: or, since A C B D, the area equals ABxAC + BExAC; or, if symbols be put to represent the lines; say a for A B, b for B E, and c for A C, then the two representatives of the area, as above shown, become : The first (a + b} x c = area ; and the last (a x c) + (b x c) = area. Hence we have (a + b} c = a c -\- b c. This result exemplifies the algebraic multiplication of a bi- nomial, which is performed thus : Let a + b be multiplied by c. The problem is stated thus : (a + b) c. To perform the multiplication indicated we Droceed thus : a + b c ac + be multiplying each of the factors of the multiplicand sepa- rately and annexing them by the sign for addition. Putting the two together, or showing the problem and its answer in an equation, we have (a + b) c == a c + b c, producing the same result, above shown, as derived from the graphic representation. 412. Graphical Squaring of a Binomial. Let EGCJ (Fig: 281) be a rectangle of equal sides, and within it draw SQUARING OF A BINOMIAL. 411 the two lines, A H and F D, parallel with the lines of the rectangle, and at such a distance from them that the sides, A B and B D, of the rectangle, A B C D, shall be of equal length. We then have in this figure the three squares, E GCJ, AB CD, and FGBH, also the two equal rect- angles, EFA B and BHD J. Let E F be represented by a and F G by b, then the area of ABC D will be axa = a* \ the area of FGBH will be b x b b 2 ; the area of E F A B will be a x b = a b, and that A B C 1 5 FIG. 281. of B H D y will be the same. Putting these areas together thus the sum equals the area of the whole figure equals the prod- uct of EG x E * -equals the product (a + b) x(a + b). So, therefore, we have (a + b) (a + b} = a* + 2a& + &'; (112.) or, in general, the square of a binomial equals the square of the first, plus twice the first by the second, plus the square of the second. This result is obtained graphically. The same re- sult may be obtained by algebraic multiplication, combining 412 ALGEBRA. each factor of the multiplier with each factor of the multi- plicand and adding the products, thus a + b a + b a b The same result as above shown by graphical representa- tion. 413. Graphical Squaring of the Difference of Two Factors. Let the line E C (Fig. 281) be represented by c, and the line A E and A C as before respectively by b and a, then c b a. From this, squaring both sides, we have The area of the square A B C D may be obtained thus : From the square E G C J take the rectangle E G x E A and the rectangle F G x D y, minus the square F G B H, or from c* take the rectangle cb, and the rectangle c b, minus the square, b a , and the remainder will be the square, a 8 ; or, in proper form In deducting from c* the rectangle cb twice, we have taken away the small square twice ; therefore, to correct this error, we have to add the small square, or b*. Then, when reduced, the expression becomes This result is obtained graphically. The result by algebraic PRODUCT OF THE SUM AND DIFFERENCE. 413 process will now be sought. The square of a quantity may be obtained by multiplying the quantity by itself, or (c - ) 2 = - (US-) In this process, as before, each factor of the multiplier is combined with each factor of the multiplicand and the sev- eral products annexed with their proper signs (Art. 415), and thus, by algebraic process, a result is obtained precisely like that obtained graphically. This result is the square of the difference of c and b ; and since c and b may represent any quantities whatever, we have this general RULE. The square of the difference of two quantities is equal to the sum of the squares of the two quantities, minus twice their product. FIG. 282. 4(4. Graphical Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Quantities. Let the rectangle A B C D (Fig. 282) have its sides each equal to a. Let the line E F be parallel with A B and at the distance b from it, also, the line F G made parallel with B D, and at the distance b from it. Then the line E F equals a -f /;, and the line E C equals a b. Therefore the area of the rectangle E F C G equals n + b, 4H ALGEBRA. multiplied by a b. From the figure, for the area of this rectangle, we have ABCD-ABEH+HFDG = RFC G\ or, by substitution of the symbols, a 2 a b + b (a B). Multiply the last quantity thus a-b b ab-b* = b(a-b}. Substituting this in the above we have a* a b + a b b* = ( a T &) x (a b). Two of these like quantities, having contrary signs, cancel each other and disappear, reducing the expression to this The correctness of this result is made manifest by an inspec- tion of the figure, in which it is seen that the rectangle E FC G is equal to the square A BCD minus the square BJHF. For ABEH equals BJDG. Now, if from the square A B CD we take away A B E H, and place it so as to cover BJDG, we shall have the rectangle E FC G plus the square BJHF-, showing that the square A BCD is equal to the rectangle EFC ' G plus the square B J H F '; or a*=(a + b) x (a-b) + b\ The last quantity may be transferred to the first member of the equation by changing its sign (Art. 403). Therefore - + b} x (a - b\ as was before shown. MULTIPLICATION PLUS AND MINUS. 415 The result here obtained is derived from the geometrical figure, or graphically. * Precisely the same result may be obtained algebraically ; thus a + b a- b a* +ab -ab-b* (.114.) Here the two like quantities, having unlike signs, cancel each other and disappear, leaving as the result only the dif- ference of the squares. The result here obtained is general ; hence we have this RuL.E. The product of the sum and difference of two quan- tities equals the difference of their squares. ^ G 1 E J F FIG. 283. 415. PIu and Minus Sign in Multiplication. In pre- vious articles the signs in multiplication have been given to products in accordance with this rule, namely : Like signs give plus ; unlike signs, minus. This rule may be illustrated graphically, thus : In the rectangular Fig. 283, let it be re- quired to show the area of the rectangle A G C H, in terms of the several parts of the whole figure. Thus the area of A GE J equal ABEF-GBJF*n& the area of EJCH equals E FCD - J F H D. And the areas of A G E J -r EJCH equals the area of A G C H. Therefore the sum of the two former expressions equals A G C H. Thus A BF GBJF+ EFCD JFHD = AGCH. Let the several lines now be represented by algebraic symbols ; for example, 416 ALGEBRA. let AB = EF=a; let GB = ?F= l>; let A E = G J = c ; and EC J H = d, and let these symbols be substituted for the lines they represent, thus ABEF- GBJF+EFCD - JFHD = AGCH. ac be + ad b d = (a b) x (c + d). An inspection of the figure shows this to be a correct result. It will now be shown that an algebraical multiplica- tion of. the two binomials, allotting the signs in accordance with the rule given, will produce a like result. For example a-b c + d ac be + ad b d. 416. Equality of Squares on Hj potliemise and Sides of Right-Angled Triangle. The truth of this proposition has been proved geometrically in Art. 353. It will now be shown graphically and proved algebraically. Let A BCD (Fig. 284) be a rectangle of equal sides, and BED the right-angled triangle, the squares upon the sides of which, it is proposed to consider. Extend the side BE to F; parallel with BF draw DG, C K, and A L. Parallel with ED draw A J and L G. These lines produce triangles, AHB, AC?, ALC, CKD, and C G D, each equal to the given triangle BED (Art. 337). Now, if from the square SQUARES ON RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGLE. 417 A B CD we take Afiffand place it at CD G ; and if we take BED and place it at A L C we will modify the square A BCD, so as to produce the figure LGDEHAL, which is made up of two squares, namely, the square D E FG and the square ALFH, and these two squares are evidently equal to the square A B CD. Now, the square D E FG is the square upon ED, the base of the given right-angled triangle, and the square A L F H is the square upon A H = BE, the perpendicular of the given right-angled triangle, while the square A B C D is the square upon B D, the hypothenuse of the given right-angled triangle. Thus, graphically, it is shown that the square upon the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares upon the remaining two sides. To show this algebraically, let B E, the perpendicular of the given right-angled triangle, be represented by a ; E D, the base, by b, and B D, the hypothenuse, by c. Then it is required to show that Now, since D K == B E = a, therefore, E K = E D - D K = b a, and the square E K J H equals (b #) 2 , which (Art. 413) equals This is the value of the square EKJ H which, with the four triangles surrounding it, make up the area of the square A B C D. Placing the triangle A B H of this square outside of it at CD G, and the triangle B E D at A L C, we have the four triangles, grouped two and two, and thus forming the two rectangles C G D K and A L C J. Each of these rect- angles has its shorter side (A L, C G) equal to BE a, and its longer side L C, G D, equal to E D = b ; and the sum of the two rectangles is ab + ab=2ab. This represents the area of the two rectangles, which are equal to the four tri- angles, which, together with the square EKJH, equal the square ABCD\ or ABCD^EKJH+CGDK+ALCJ, ALGEBRA. or c* (b a)* + a b + a b, or c*= (b - tf) 2 + 2ab. Then, substituting for (b #) 2 , its equivalent as above, we have c* = b* 2ab + a*+ 2ab. Remove the two like quantities with unlike signs (Art. 402), and we have c*=b*+a*-, (115.) which was to be proved. 417. Division the Reverse of Multiplication. As di- vision is the reverse of multiplication, so to divide one quan- tity by another is but to retrace the steps taken in multipli- cation. If we have the area ab (Fig. 278), and one of the factors a given to find the other, we have but to remove from a b the factor a, and write the answer b. If we have the cubic contents of a solid abc (Fig. 279), and one of the factors a given to find the area represented by the other two, we have but to remove a, and write the others, b c, as the answer. If there be given the area represented by a (b + c) (see Art. 41 1), and one of the factors a to find the other, we have but to remove a and write the answer b + c. Sometimes, how- ever, a (b + c) is written ab + ac. Then the given factor is to be removed from each monomial and the answer written b + c. If there be given the area represented by a* + 2 ab + b* to find the factors, then we know by Art. 412 that this area is that of a square the sides of which measure a+ b, and that the area is the product of a + b by a + b ; or, that a + b is the square root of a 1 + 2 a b + b*. If there be given the area a~ - 2 ab + b~ to find its fac- tors, then we know by Art. 413 that this area is that of a square whose sides measure a b, or that it is the product of a b bv a b, or the square of a b' PROCESSES IN DIVISION. 419 If there be given the difference, of the squares of two quantities, or the area represented by a* b* y to find its fac- tors, then we know by Art. 414 that this is the area pro- duced by the multiplication of a b by a + b. 4-18. BH vi si on : Statement of Quotient. In any case of division the requirement may be represented as a fraction ; thus : To divide c + d /by a ^ we write the quotient thus c + d-f a- b For example, to illustrate by numerals, let a = 7, b = 3, c = 4, d = 5, and/ = 6. Then the above becomes 7-3 "4* 4 1 9. Division ; Reduction. When each monomial in either the numerator or denominator contains a common quantity, that quantity may be removed and placed outside of parentheses containing the monomials from which it was taken ; thus, in 2 ab -\. ^ ac 8 ad ~T~ we have 2 and a factors common to each monomial of the numerator. Therefore the expression may be reduced to 2 a (b + 2 c 4^) To test this arithmetically we willl put a = 9, b = 7, c 5, d = 4, and / = 6. Then for the first expression we have 2x9x7 + 4x9x5 8x9x4 ~6~~ which equals 126 + 1 80 288 42O ALGEBRA. And for the second expression 2 x 9 (7 + 2 x 5 4 x 4) 6 which equals 18 (17 & 1 6) 18 the same result as before. It will be observed that in this process of removing all common factors algebra furnishes the means of performing the work arithmetically with many less figures. The reduction is greater when the common factors are found in both numerator and denominator. For example, in the expression $ an + 9 fin 15 en 12 dn we have 3 n a factor common to each monomial in the nu- merator and denominator ; therefore the expression reduces to And now, since 3 n is a factor common to both numerator and denominator, these cancel each other ; therefore (Art. 371) the expression reduces to 5 To test these reductions arithmetically, let a = 9, b = 8, c 4, d 6, /= 3, and n = .5. Then the first expression becomes 3x9x5 _+_9_ x 8 x 5 - 15x4x5 12x6x5 18x3x5 which equals 135 + 360-300^ *95 _ i_. 360 - 270 90 6 ' FORMULA OF THE LEVER. 421 and the second expression becomes 9 + 3x8 5x4 4x6 6x3 ' which equals 9 + 24 20 __ ^S __ 1 2418 6 6* The same result, but with many less figures. 420. Proportionals : Analysis. In the formula of the lever (Art. 377), P x CF = R x E C. Let n be put for the arm of leverage 6^and m for E C. Then we have Pn = Rm, from which by division (Art. 372) we have (Art. 399) and ~ (in.) Suppose there be a case in which neither R nor P severally are known, but that their sum is known ; and it is required from this and the m and n to find R and P. Let W = R + P, then W- R = P. (See Art. 403.) The value of P was above found to be Since P = R and also equals W - - R, therefore- 422 ALGEBRA. Transferring R to the opposite member (Art. 403) we hav< Here R appears as a common factor and may be separated by division (Art. 419) ; thus W= I By division the factor ( i + J may be transferred to the opposite member (Art. 371). Thus we have W by which we find the value of R developed. As an example, let W = looo pounds, m = 3 feet and n 7 feet ; then 1000 _ looo ~- i+l = "ToT ' Multiplying the numerator and denominator by 7, we get 7 x 1000 =700 . Since R + P 1000, and R = 700, then P 300. But a process similar to the above develops an expression for the value of P, which is i + n ~Z ("70 Putting this to the test of figures, we have looo looo 3000 r> _ _ __ if _ _ inn i + i - y 10 - 3 - NEGATIVE EXPONENTS. 423 4-21. Raising a Quantity to any Power. When a quantity is required to be multiplied by its equal, the prod- uct is called the square of the quantity. Thus a x a = a* (Art. 412). If the square be multiplied by the original quantity the result is a cube ; or, a 9 x a = a 3 ; or, generally, for- a, a a, a a a, aaaa, aaaaa, we put in which the small number at the upper right-hand cor- ner indicates the number of times the quantity occurs in the expression. Thus, if a 2, then # a = 2 x 2 = 4, a 3 = 4 x 2 = 8, a* = 8 x 2 = 16, a" 16 x 2 = 32 ; any term in the series of powers may be found by multiplying the preceding one by a, or by dividing the succeeding one by a. Thus a* x a = a*, and - a\ a 4-22. Quantities with Negative Exponents. The series of powers, by division, may be extended backward. Thus, a 6 a* 3 a* * a* , a 1 a if we divide = # ; = a ; - = a ; = a ', - = a ; - -a ; a # # a a a f?lW; "-=>, etc. a a In this series we have - = a*. But a quantity divided by its equal gives unity for quotient, or - = i. Therefore, = i, and a i. This result is remarkable, and holds good re- gardless of the value of a. From this and the preceding negative exponents we de- rive the following : 4 2 4 ALGEBRA. . a = = -, a a 3 a~" I I a - 3 =- = -, etc. Showing that # quantity with a negative exponent may have substituted for it the same quantity with a positive exponent, but used as a denominator to a fraction having unity for the numerator. 423. Addition and Subtraction of Exponential Quan- tities. Equal quantities raised to the same power may be added or subtracted; as, 2 + 2 2 = 3# 2 ; but expressions in which the powers differ cannot be reduced ; thus, a* + a a* cannot be condensed. 4-24-. multiplication of Exponential Quantities. It will be observed in Art. 421 that in the series of powers, the index or exponent increases by unity ; thus, a 1 , a\ a\ a\ etc. ; and that this increase is effected by multiplying by the root, or original quantity. From this we learn that to multiply two quantities having equal roots we simply add their exponents. Thus the product of a, a'\ and a 3 is a' x a* x a* a\ The product of a~ 2 , # 3 , and a b is a~* x a* x a* = a*. The exponents here, are : 2 + 3 + 5 8 2 = 6. 425. Division of Exponential Quantities. As division is the reverse of multiplication, to divide equal quantities raised to various powers, we need simply to subtract the expo- nent of the divisor from that of the dividend. Thus, to divide a" by a 9 we have a*"* = a\ That this is correct is manifest ; for the two factors, a* x a\ in their product, a\ produce the dividend. To divide a by a*, we have a^ = a~\ which is equal to - 3 EXPLANATION OF LOGARITHMS. 425 (see Art. 422). The same result may be had by stating the question in the usual form. Thus, to divide a 1 by a" we have 6 , a fraction which is not in the lowest terms, for it may be put thus, - T 5 = , by which it is seen that it has in both its a a a numerator and denominator the quantity a\ which cancel each other (Art. 371). Therefore, - 6 = L ; the same result as before. 426. Extraction of Radicals. We have seen that the square of a is a 1 x a 1 = a* ; of 2 a 3 is 2 a* x 2 a 3 = 4 a 6 ; in each case the square is obtained by doubling the exponent. To obtain the square root the converse follows, namely, take half of the exponent. Thus the square root of a* is a 1 , of a? is a, of a 6 is a 3 . The same rule, when the exponent is an odd number, gives a fractional exponent, thus : the square root of a 3 is cfr ; or, of a b , is a*. So, also, the square root of a, or a 1 , is a*. Therefore, we have then the last term would be represented by / = a + (n i) d. (H9-) For example, in a progression where a, the first term, equals i, d the difference, 2, and n, the number of terms, 90, the last term will be / = a + (n -- i) d = i + (.90 i) 2 = 179. Therefore, to find the last term : To the first term add the product of the common difference into the number of terms less one. By a transposition of the terms in the above expression, so as to give it this form a = / - (n - i) etc -> to infinity. Multiply this by 3, and subtract the first from the last 35=3+1+- + - + + + to infinity. S= i + i + i + ^ + g I f + to infinity. 2 5 = 3 or 5 = if In a decreasing progression let r, the common ratio, be represented by (b less than c), and the first term by a, then ihe sum will be b b 2 b 3 S=a + a- + a- + a- 3 +, etc., to infinity. 438 ALGEBRA. Multiply this by -, and subtract the product from the above ^b b d* b* S- = a- + a- + a-^ + etc., to infinity. c c c c b b* l> 3 =z a + a + a 2 + a-j + to infinity. b b* b 3 S a \- a + <2 -j + to infinity. cere * Or s(i --)*, For example, let the first term of a geometrical progression equal 2, and the ratio equal , then the sum will be From this, therefore, we have this rule for the sum of an in- finite geometrical progression, namely : Divide the first term by unity less the ratio. SECTION X. POLYGONS. 431. Relation of Sum and Difference of Two Lines. Let AB and CD (Fig. 285) be two given lines; make EH -B D E - ] |- H J FIG. 285. equal to A B, and HG equal to CD-, then E G equals the sum of the two lines. Make FG equal to A B, which is equal to EH. Bisect E G in J ; then, also, J bisects HF\ for and EH=FG. Subtract the latter from the former ; then EJ- but E and therefore Now, E J is half the sum of the two lines, and HJ is half the difference ; and Ey-Hy=EH=AB. Or : Half the sum of two quantities, minus half their dif- ference, equals the smaller of the two quantities. 440 POLYGONS. Let the shorter line be designated by a, and the longer by b ; then the proposition is expressed by _a+b b a 2 2 (128.) We also have EJ+JFEF CD\ or, half the mm of two quantities, plus half their difference, equals the larger quantity. 432. Perpendicular, in Triangle of Known Side. Let ABC (Fig. 286) be the given triangle, and CE a perpen- dicular let fall upon A B, the base. Let the several lines of the figure be represented by the symbols a, b, c, d, g, and f, as shown. Then, since A EC and BEC are right-angled triangles, we have (Art. 416) the following two equations, and, by subtracting one fr.om the other, the third Then (Art. 414), by substitution, we have (f + f)(f-e) = ( + *)(-*) By division we obtain _ a- 6) f+g RULE FOR TRIGONS. 441 According to Art. 431, equation (128.), we have In this expression let the value of / g, as above, be substituted, then we will have ~ = f+* (<* + *) (a - b) Multiply the first fraction by (f + g), then join the two fractions, when we will have The lines f and g, in the figure, together equal the line c ; therefore, by substitution f - (a + b) (a - b] g = -^- -i. (129.) This is the value of the line g. It may be expressed in words, thus: The shorter of the two parts into which the base of a triangle is divided by a perpendicular let fall from the apex upon the base, equals the quotient arising from a division by twice the base, of the differ- ence between the square of the base and the product of the sum and difference of the two inclined lines. As an example to show the application of this rule, let a 9, b = 6, and c = 12 ; then equation (129.) becomes 12' - (9 + 6) (9 - 6) 2 X 12 . .144 - iT><"3 - 99- 44 2 POLYGONS. Now, to obtain the length of d, the perpendicular, by the figure, we have -and, extracting the square root or, in words : The altitude of a triangle equals the square root of the difference of the squares of one of the inclined sides and its base. As an example, take the same dimensions as before, then equation (130.) becomes The square of 6 = 36- " 4i = 17-015625 6 2 -4i 2 = 18^984375, the square root of which is 4-44234; therefore d= t-- 4^ = 4. 44234. This may be tested by applying the rule to the other in clined side and its base c = 12 * = 4* /= 71- Then, ^- 9' = 81- ?%*= 62-015625 9' - 7F = ^8-984375. TRIGON RADIUS OF CIRCLES. 443 The same result as before, producing for its square root the same, 4-44234, the value of d\ therefore 433. Trigon : Radiu of ircumcribed and Incribed Circles: Area. Let A B C (Fig. 287) be a given trigon or triangle with its circumscribed and inscribed circles. Draw the lines A D F, DB and D C. The three triangles, A B D, A CD, and B D C, have their apexes converging at D, and form there the three angles, A DB, ADC, and B D C. These three angles together form four right angles (Art. 335), and each of them, therefore, equals f of a right angle. The angles of the triangle BDC together equal two right angles (Art. 345). As above, the angle BDC equals | of a right angle, hence 2 -J = ^^ | of a right angle, equals the sum of the two remaining angles at B and C. The triangle BDC is isoceles (Art. 338); for the two sides B D and D C, being radii, are equal ; therefore the two angles at the base B and C are equal, and as their sum, as above, equals f of a right angle, therefore each angle equals -J of a right angle. Draw the two lines FC and F B. Now, be- 444 POLYGONS. cause Z> C and DF are radii, they are equal, hence DFC is an isoceles triangle. It was before shown that the angle B D C equals | of a right angle; now, since the diameter A F bisects the chord B C, the angles B D E ^nd E D C are equal, and each equals the half of the angle B D C\ or, \ of f of a right angle equals of a right angle. Deducting this from two right angles (the sum of the three angles of the triangle), or 2 f = \\ | of a right angle equals the sum of the angles at F and C', hence each equals the half of f, or f of a right angle; therefore the triangle DFC is equilateral. The triangles DBF and DFC are equal. The angles B D C and B F C are equal; the line BC is perpendicular to D F and bisects it, making DE and EF equal; hence DE equals half D F, or DB, radii of the circumscribing circle. Therefore, putting R to represent B D, the radius of the circumscribing circle, and b = B C, a side of the triangle A B C, by Art. 416, we have + DE Transferring and reducing 4 " 4' 4/ 4 Ijpt^i^ 4 ~4 4 x I^ == i3 == ^ 34 ~3 ~3 ' Or, The Radius of the circumscribing circle of a regular trigon or equilateral triangle, equals a side of the triangle divided by the square root of 3. AREA OF EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE. 445 By reference to Fig. 287 it will be observed, as was above shown, that D E = E F= - = - ; or, D E, the ra- dius of the inscribed circle, equals half the radius of the circumscribed circle; or, again, dividing equation (131.) by 2, we have R _ b 2 " 2 t/y- and, putting r for the radius of the inscribed circle, we have Or: The radius of the inscribed circle of a regular trigon equals the half of a side of the trigon divided by the square root of 3. To obtain the area of a trigon or equilateral triangle ; we have (Art. 408) the area of a parallelogram by multiplying its base into its height ; and (Arts. 341 and 342) the area of a triangle is equal to half that of a parallelogram of equal base and height, therefore, the area of the triangle BD &(Fig. 287) is obtained by multiplying B C, the base, into the half of ED, its height. Or, when A^ is put for the area or _ ,:;/;' *=>*., substituting for R its value (131.)" jr = *x-4= 4 1/3 4^3 This is the area of the triangle BD C. The triangle A B C is compounded of three equal tri- angles, one of which is the triangle B D C ; therefore the area of the triangle ABC equals three times the area of the triangle B DC\ or, when A represents the area 446 POLYGONS. 4 1/3 (1330 Or: The area of a regular /rz^wz or equilateral triangle equals three fourths of the square of a side of the triangle di- vided by the square root of 3. Tetragon ; Radius of Circumscribed and In- scribed Circles: Area. Let A B CD (Fig. 288) be a given tetragon or square, with its circumscribed and inscribed FIG. 288. circles, of which A E is the radius of the former and EF that of the latter. The point F bisects A B, the side of the square. A F equals EF and equals half A B, a side of the square. Putting R for the radius of the circumscribed circle and b for A B, we have (Art. 416) : 7T: <'34-) Or: The radius of the circumscribed circle of a regular tetra- gon equals a side of the square divided by the square root of 2. SIDE AND AREA OF HEXAGON. 447 By referring to the figure it will be seen that the radius of the inscribed circle equals half a side of the square b r (135.) The. area of the square equals the square of a side A = b*. (136.) 435. Hexagon: Radius of Circumscribed and In- scribed Circles: Area. Let A B C D EF(Fig. 289) be an equi- lateral hexagon with its circumscribed and inscribed circles, of which EG is the radius of the former, and G H that of the latter. The three lines, A D, BE, and C F, divide the FIG. 289. hexagon into six equal triangles with their apexes converg- ing at G. The six angles thus formed at G are equal, and since their sum about the point G amounts to four right angles (Art. 335), therefore each angle equals or f of a right angle. The sides of the six triangles radiating from G are the radii of the circle, hence they are equal ; therefore, each of the triangles is isosceles (Art. 338), having equal angles at the base. In the triangle EGD, the sum of the three angles being equal to two right angles (Art. 345), and the angle at G being, as above shown, equal to f of a right angle, therefore the sum of the two angles at E and D equals 2 = J of a right angle ; and, since they equal each other, 44^ POLYGONS. therefore each equals f of a right angle and equals the angle at G ; therefore E G D is an equilateral triangle. Hence ED, a side of a hexagon, equals E G, the radius of the circum- scribing circle R=b. (137.) As to the radius of the inscribed circle, represented by G H, a perpendicular from the centre upon ED, the base; the point H bisects E D. Therefore, E H equals half of a side of the hexagon, equals half the radius of the circumscribing circle. Let R = this radius, and r the radius of the inscribed circle, while b = a side of the hexagon ; then we have (Arts. 353 and 416) i r Now, R =1 b, therefore r =^-- ' (138.) Or : The radius of the inscribed circle of a regular hexagon equals the half of a side of the hexagon, multiplied by the square root of 3. As to the area of the hexagon, it will be observed that the six triangles, A B G, B G C, etc., converging at G, the centre, are together equal to the area of the hexagon. The area of E G D, one of these triangles, is equal to the product of D, the base, into the half of G H, the perpendicular ; or, when N is put to equal the area G H SIDE AND AREA OF OCTAGON. 449 and, since r t as above, equals * 3 , 2 This is the area of one of the six equal triangles ; therefore, when A is put to represent the area of the hexagon, we have A = (139.) Or : The area of a regular hexagon equals three lialves of the square of a side multiplied by the square root of $. FIG. 290. 4-36- Octagon: Radius of Circumscribed and In- icribed Circles: Area. Let C E D B F (Fig. 290) represent a quarter of a regular octagon, in which ^is the centre, ED a side, and CE and DB each half a side, while CF and Fare radii of the inscribed circle, and BF and DF are radii of the circumscribed circle. 450 POLYGONS. Let R represent the latter, and r the former ; also let b represent ED, one of the sides, and n be put for A D, and for A E. Then we have b_ 2~ T * b or- n = r--> Since A D Eis a right-angled triangle (Art. 416), we have T = ED\ n* = b\ b* Placing the value of n, equal to the value before found, we have b b f i i\ -=f - + - ) 2 V 1/2 2 / This coefficient may be reduced by multiplying the first fraction by ^2, thus JL x t5 = .^i V2 X 2 X> RULES FOR OCTAGON. 451 therefore r = Or : The radius of the inscribed circle of a regular octagon equals half a side of the octagon multiplied by the sum of unity plus the square root of 2. In regard to the radius of the cir- cumscribed circle, by Art. 416 we have In this expression substituting for r a , its value as above, we have The square of the coefficient ( t/2 + i ) by Art. 412 equals 21/2+1 =21/2 + 3, then Or : The radius of the circumscribed circle of a regular octagon equals half a side of the octagon multiplied by the square root of the sum of twice the square root of 2 plus 4. In regard to the area of the octagon, the figure shows that one eighth of it is contained in the triangle D E F. 45 2 POLYGONS. The area of D E F, putting it equal to N, is B F N = EDx -, N = b x , AT = ( 1/2" + i) . 4 This is the area of one eighth of the octagon ; the whole area, therefore, is . 4 A = (V~2+i)2b\ (142.) Or : The area of a regular octagon equals twice the square of a side, multiplied by the sum of the square root of 2 added to unity. When a side of the enclosing square, or diameter of the inscribed circle, is given, a side of the octagon may be found ; for from equation (140.), multiplying by two, we have 2 r - ( V~2 + i) b. Dividing by V.2 + i, gives The numerator, 2 r, equals the diameter of the inscribed circle, or a side of the enclosing square ; therefore : The side of a regular octagon, equals a side of the enclosing square divided by the sum of the square root of 2 added to unity. 437. Dodecagon : Radius of Circumscribed and In- scribed Circles: Area. Let A B C (Fig. 291) be an equilat- SIDE AND AREA OF DODECAGON. 453. era! triangle. Bisect A B in F\ draw C FD ; with radius A C describe the arc A D B. Join A and D, also D and B ; bisect A D in E ; with the radius E C describe the arc E G. Then A D and D B are sides of a regular dodecagon, or twelve- sided polygon ; of which A C, D C, and B C are radii of the circumscribing circle, while E C is a radius of the inscribed circle. The line A B is the side of a regular hexagon (Art. 435). Putting R equal to A C the radius of the circumscribing cir- cle ; r, = E C, the radius of the inscribed circle ; , = A D, a side of the dodecagon, and n D F. Then comparing the FIG. 291. homologous triangles, ADF and A EC (the angle ADF equals the angle EA C, and the angles DFA and A E C are right angles); therefore, the two remaining angles DAF and A CE must be equal, and the two triangles homologous (Art. 345). Thus we have DF : DA : : AE : A C, n : b : : : R, **& 454 POLYGONS. In Art. 435 it was shown that FC (Fig. 291), or G H oi Fig. 289, the radius of the inscribed hexagon, equals V~l ~, n and in which its b = R ; Fc VJ . Now ( Fig. 291) = DC - FC, or n = R-^~ Substituting this value of n, in the above expression, we have R- ~ Multiplying by R and reducing, we have R = |_ ^_ b. (144.) Or : The radius of the circumscribed circle of a regular dodec- agon, equals . a side of the dodecagon multiplied by the square root of a fraction, having unity for its numerator and for its denominator 2 minus the square root of 3. Comparing the same triangles, as above, we have FD \ FA : : EA ; EC, or R . b n : 2 : : - : r, Rb Rb ~ 4 n ~ * \R(\ -i|/^ b ('450 RULE FOR DODECAGON. 455 Or : The radius of the inscribed circle of a regular dodecagon equals a side of the dodecagon divided by the difference between 4 and the square root of 3. The area of a dodecagon is equal to twelve times the area of the triangle ADC (Fig. 291). The area of this triangle is equal to half the base by its perpendicular ; or, A E x E C ; or b or, where N equals the area Or, for the area of the whole dodecagon 12 N 6 br, A =6br. Substituting for r its value as above, we have Or : The area of a regular dodecagon equals the square of a side of the dodecagon, multiplied by a fraction having 6 for its numerator, and for its denominator, 4 minus twice the square root of 3. 438. Hecadecagon : Radius of Circumscribed and Iii- cribed Circle : Area. Let A B CD (Fig. 292) be a square enclosing a quarter of a regular octagon C EFB, E F being one of its sides, and C E and FB each half a side, while F D is the radius of the circumscribed circle, and J D the radius of the inscribed circle of the octagon. Draw the diagonal A D ; with DFior radius, describe the circumscribed circle EGF\ join G with F and with E ; then EG and GFvfill each be a side of a regular hecadecagon, or polygon of six- teen sides. An expression for F D, the radius of the circumscribed 456 POLYGONS. circle, may be obtained thus: Putting FD = R] H D = r; G F = b\ GJ n\ and J F - (Art. 416), we have GT = GF* JF\ = - (9- C D FIG. 292. Comparing the two homologous (Art. 361) triangles, GJF and F H D (Art. 374), we have Gy : GF : : HF : FD, n, b :: I : *, Putting this value of n' in an equation against the former value, we have In Art. 436, the value of F D, as the radius of the cir- cumscribed circle of a regular octagon, is given in equation (141.) as b R V2 SIDE AND AREA OF HECADECAGON. 457 in which b represents a side of the octagon, or E F t for which we have put s. Substituting s for b and putting the numerical coefficient under the radical, equal to B, we have Squaring each member gives From which, by transposition, we have 2 Substituting in the above expression for ( ) , this value \2 / of it, gives ^- = t>>-*\ 4^ 2 ~ B . Transposing, we have -*1 + *'=*-. 4R* B Multiplying the first term by B, and the second by we have * Bb* + 4^ 4 _ ^ Transposing, we have 2 = -Bb\ 458 POLYGONS. To complete the square (Art. 428) we proceed thus Taking the square root, we have Restoring B to its value, 2 I/I + 4 as above, we have B I = 2^2 multiply these 2 + 2 i/J, 3 + = 4/2"+ 2. Therefore 2. (147.) RULES FOR HECADECAGON. 459 Or: The radius of the circumscribed circle of a regular hecadecagon equals a side of the hecadecagon multiplied by the square root of the sum of two quantities, one of which is the square root of 2 added to 2, and the other is the square root of the sum of seven halves of the square root of 2 added to 5. To obtain the radius of the inscribed circle we have (Fig. 292) H D* = FD* H F\ Substituting for R a its value as above, we have r a = &* ( B(B} + * B) - , The coefficient of b is the same as in the case above, ex- cept the i; therefore its numericaK value will be i less, or r = b \/ ^S + I V2 + V2 + if. (148). Or: The radius of the inscribed circle of a regular hecadeca- gon equals a side of the hecadecagon multiplied by the square root of two quantities, one of which is the square root of 2 added to if, and the other is the square root of the sum of seven halves of the square root of 2 added to 5. To obtain the area of the hecadecagon it will be observed that the area of the triangle G FD (Fig. 292) equals HD x H F, and that this is the T V part of the polygon ; we there- fore have A = \6HDxHF, A = i6r- = Sr&. 2 460 POLYGONS. The value of r is shown in (148.); therefore we have A = 8 b + 1 . + if. (H9-) Or : The area of a regular hecadecagon equals eight times the square of its side, multiplied by the square root of two qtian- tities, one of which is the square root of 2 added to if, and the other is the square root of the sum of seven halves of the square root of 2 added to 5. 439. Polygon* : Radius of Circumscribed and I u scribed Circles : Area. In Arts. 433 to 438 the relation of the radii to a side in a trigon, tetragon, hexagon, octagon, dodeca- gon and hecadecagon have been shown by methods based upon geometrical proportions. This relation in polygons of seven, nine, ten, eleven, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen sides, cannot be so readily shown by geometry, but can be easily obtained by trigonometry as also said relation of the parts in a regular polygon of any number of sides. The na- ture of trigonometrical tables is discussed in Arts. 473 and 474. So much as is required for the present purpose will here be stated. Let ABC (Fig. 293) represent one of the triangles into which any polygon may be divided, in which B C = b = a side of the polygon ; A C R = the radius of the circum- scribed circle ; and A D = r = the radius of the inscribed circle. GENERAL RULES FOR POLYGONS. 461 Make E C equal unity ; on C as a centre describe the arc E F\ draw FH and E G perpendicular to B C, or parallel to A D ; then for the uses of trigonometry E G is called the tangent of c, or of the angle A C B, and FHis the sine, and H C the cosine of the same angle. These trigonometrical quantities for angles varying from zero up to ninety degrees have been computed and are to be found in trigonometrical tables. Referring now to Fig. 293 we have HC : FC : : DC : AC, b cos. c : I : : : R, (150.) Again E C : E G : : D C : A D, b I : tan. c : : - : r, r = - tan. c. (151.) These two equations give the required radii of the cir- cumscribed and inscribed circles. They may be stated thus : The radius of the circumscribed circle of any regular poly- gon equals a side of the polygon divided by twice the cosine of the angle formed by a side of the polygon and a radius from one end of the side. The radius of the inscribed circle of any regular polygon equals half of a side of the polygon imiltiplied by the tangent of the angle formed by a side of the polygon and a radius from one end of the side. The area of a polygon equals the area of the triangle ABC (Fig. 293), (of which B C is one side of the polygon and A is the centre), multiplied by the number of sides in the polygon ; or, if n be put to represent the number of the sides and A the area, then we have POLYGONS. A = Bn, in which B equals the area of the triangle. The area of A B C (Fig. 293) is equal to AD x B D, or For r substituting its value, as in equation (151.), we have b b i 7 B = - tan. c- = b" tan. c. 2 24 Therefore, by substitution A =-b*n tan.*. (152.) Or : The area of a regular polygon equals the square of a side of the polygon, multiplied by one fourth of the number of its sides, and by the tangent of the angle formed by a side of the polygon, and a radius from one end of the sides. 440. Polygons : Their Angles. Let a line be drawn from each angle of a regular polygon to its centre, then these lines form with each other angles at the centre, which taken together amount to four right angles, or to 360 de- grees (Arts. 327, 335). If this 360 degrees be divided by the number of the sides of the polygon, the quotient will equal the angle at the cen- tre of the polygon, of each triangle formed by a side and two radii drawn from the ends of the side. For example: if ABC (Fig. 293) be one of the triangles referred to, having B C one of the sides of the polygon and the point A the cen- tre of the polygon, then the angle B A (Twill be equal to 360 degrees divided by the number of the sides of the polygon. If the polygon has six sides, then the angle B A C will contain = 60 degrees ; or if there be 10 sides, then the angle at A, the centre, will contain - ---- = 36 degrees. The angle SIDE AND AREA OF PENTAGON. 463 BAD equals half the angle B A C, or, when n equals the number of sides, the angle BAG equals 360 n B A C and the triangle B A D = , equals 360 2 n Now the angles B A D + D B A equal one right angle (Art. 346), or 90 degrees. Hence the angle DBA =90 - BAD,or the angle c equals (1530 2 n For example, if n equal 6, or the polygon have six sides, then Therefore, the angle c, contained in equations (150.), (151.)* and (152.), equals 90 degrees, less the quotient derived from a di- vision of 360 by twice the number of sides to the polygon. 441. Pentagon: Radius of the Circumscribed and In- scribed Circles: Area. The rules for polygons developed in the two former articles will here be exemplified in their application to the case of a regular pentagon, or polygon of five sides. To obtain the angle c (153.), we have n = 5, and ,>= 90- 3g = go- 3 6 = 54. For the radius of the circumscribed circle, we have (150.)- 2 COS. C 464 POLYGONS. b 2 cos. 54 C i 2 cos. 54 Using a table of logarithmic sines and tangents (Art. 427), we have Log. 2 =0-3010300 Cos. 54 = 9-7692187 Their sum = 0-0702487 subtracted from Log. i = o-ooooooo 0-85065 =9-9297513 Therefore , = 0-85065 . Or : The radius of the circumscribed circle of a regular/^ta- gon- equals a side of the pentagon multiplied by the decimal o 8 5065 . For the radius of the inscribed circle, we have (151.) = - tan. c t .tan. 54 r = o For this we have Log. tan. 54 = 0-1387390 Log. 2 = 0-3010300 0-68819 = 9-8377090. Therefore r = 0-68819 b. Or: The ra&usofthe inscribed circle of a regular pentagon equals a side of the pentagon multiplied by the decimal 0-68819. For the area we have (152.) A =%fr*n tan. c, A = J x 5 tan. 54 b\ A =ftan. 54 b\ TABLE FOR REGULAR POLYGONS. 465 For this we have Log. 5. = 0-6989700 Log. tan. 54 =_- o- 1387390 0-8377090 Log. 4 = 0-6020600 1-72048 0-2356490 Therefore A = i- 72048 b \ Or: The area of a regular pentagon equals the square of its side multiplied by I 72048. 1-42. Polygons Table of ontant multipliers. To obtain expressions for the radii of the circumscribed and in- scribed circles, and for the area for polygons of 7, 9, 10, n, 13, 14, and 15 sides/a process would be needed such pre- cisely as that just shown in the last article for a pentagon, except in the value of n and c, which are the only factors which require change for each individual case. No useful purpose, therefore, can be subserved by ex- hibiting the details of the process required for these several polygons. The values of the constants required for the radii and for the areas of these polygons have been com- puted, and the results, together with those for the polygons treated in former articles, gathered in the annexed Table of Regular Polygons. REGULAR POLYGONS. SIDES. R b . r 1> = A b~*~ o Trie-on ^77^ 28868 4TJOI A Tetragon 7O7II 5OOOO I -OOOOO 5 Pentagon .8co6t; 68819 I 72O48 ooooo . 86603 2. cr\So8 152-18 I 03826 3-6T3QI 8 Octagon * 30656 I 2O7 I I 4- 8284^ 4.6 1 QO I 37'374 6- 18182 10 Decagon ... . 61803 i -^884 II. Undecagon 7747^ i 70284 * = 2rb, r - (161.) 470 THE CIRCLE. Or : The radius of a circle equals the sum of the squares of half the chord and the versed sine, divided by twice the 'versed sine. Another expression for the radius may be obtained ; for the two triangles C B D and C E B (Fig. 295) are homologous (Art. 443) and their corresponding lines in proportion. Put- ting/for CB, we have or or and CD : CB : : CB : C E, v :/::/: 2 r, f ' 2 rv, r = 2V (162.) Or : The radius of a circle equals the square of the chord of half the arc divided by twice the versed sine. 4-45. Circle: Segment from Ordinate. When the curve of a segment of a circle is required for which the radius can- not be used, either by reason of its extreme length, or be- FIG. 296. cause the centre of the circle is inaccessible, it is desirable to obtain the curve without the use of the radius. This may be done by calculating ordinates, a rule for which will now be developed. Let DC B (Fig. 296) be a right angle, and A DB a cir- cular arc described from C as a centre, with the radius B C= CD = CP. Draw PM parallel with DC, and A G parallel with C B. Now, in the segment A D G, we have given A G, its chord, and D E, its versed sine, and it is re- RULE FOR ORDINATES. 471 quired to find an expression by which its ordinates, as P F, may be computed. From Art. 416, we have PM*=CP*-CJf*<, or, putting for these lines their usual symbols now we have EC= FM, FM=DCDE, FM =r-b. Then we have or, putting t for P F and substituting for PM and FM their values as above, we have t = y-(r-b\ and for y, substituting its value as above, we have /r* -x* -(r-b). (163.) Or: The ordinate in the segment equals the square root of the difference of the squares of the radius and the abscissa minus the difference of the radius and the versed sine. For example : let the chord A G (Fig. 296) in a given case equal 20 feet, and the versed sine, b, or the rise D E, equal 4 feet ; and let the ordinates be located at every 2 feet along the chord line, A G. In solving this problem we require 'first to find the radius. This is obtained by means of equation 2b 4/2 THE CIRCLE. For a, half the chord, we have 10 feet ; for b, the versed sine, we have 4 feet ; and, substituting these values, we have The radius equals H'5 The versed sine equals 4-0 (r-b}= 10-5 The square of 14-5, the radius, equals 210-25. Now we have, substituting these values in equation (163.) -~- 1210-25 x^ 10-5. The respective values of x, as above required, are o, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 Substituting successively for x one of these values, we shall have, when x o; t -- y 210-25 o 2 10-5 = 4. x - 2 ; /-= |/ 210-25 2 2 10- 5 = 3-8614 4; '=- V 210-2$ 4*-- 10-5 = 3-4374 # = 6; / = |/ 210-25 6 2 10-5 =: 2-7004 * = 8 ; / = 4/ 210-25 8 2 10- 5 = i 5934 r I0 ' * - : 1/210-25 io 2 -- 10-5 = o-o Values for / may be taken at points as numerous as desira- ble for accuracy. In ordinary cases, however, they need not be nearer than in this example. After the points are secured, let a flexible piece of wood be bent so as to coincide with at least four of the points at a time, and then draw the curve against the strip. 446. Circle : Relation of Diameter to Circumference. In Art. 439 it is* shown that the area of a polygon equals the radius of the inscribed circle multiplied by half of a side of the polygon and by the number of the sides ; or, TO FIND THE CIRCUMFERENCE. 473 A = r x n = b n ; or, the area equals half the radius by a 2 2 side into the number of sides ; or, half the radius into the periphery of the polygon. Now, if a polygon have very small sides and many of them, its periphery will approxi- mate the circumference of the circle inscribed within it ; in- deed when the number of sides becomes infinite, and conse- quently infinitely small, the periphery and circumference become equal. Consequently, for the area of the circle, we have A = r --c, (164.) where c represents the circumference. By computing the area of a polygon inscribed within a given circle, and that of one circumscribed about the circle, the area of one will approximate the area of the other in proportion as the number of the sides of the polygon are increased. For example : if polygons of 4 sides be inscribed within and circumscribed about a circle, the radius of which is I, the areas will be respectively 2 and 4. If the polygons have 1 6 sides, the areas are each 3 and a fraction, the fractions being unlike; when they have 128 sides the areas are each 3 14 and with unlike fractions ; when the sides are increased to 2048, the areas each equal 3-1415 and unlike fractions, and when the sides reach 32768 in number the areas are equal each to 3-1415926, having like decimals to seven places. The computations have been continued to 127 places (Gregory's " Math, for Practical Men "), but for all possible uses in building operations seven places will be found to be sufficient. From this result we have the diameter in proportion to the circumference as i : 3- 1415926, or as I : 3 i : 3 1:3- 1416. Of these proportions, that one may be used which will give 474 THE CIRCLE. a result most nearly approximating the degree of accuracy required. For many purposes the last proportion will be sufficiently near the truth. For ordinary purposes the proportion 7 : 22 is very use- ful, and is correct for two places of decimals; it fails in the third place. The proportion 113 : 355 is correct to six places of deci- mals. For the quantity 3-1415926 putting the Greek letter n (called py\ and 2 r = d for the diameter, we have c n d. (165.) To apply this : in a circle of 50 feet diameter, what is the circumference ? c = 3-1416 x 50 c = 1 57-08 ft. If the more accurate value of n be used, we have c = 3-1415926 x 50, c = i 57- 07963. The difference between the two results is 0-00037, which for all ordinary purposes, would be inappreciable. By the rule of 7 : 22, we have c = 5ox- 3 T 2 - _ 157.1428571, an excess over the more accurate result above, of 0-0632271, which is about of an inch. Bv the rule of 113 : 355, we have c = 50 x fff = 157-079646. This result gives an excess of only 0-000016; it is sufficiently near for any use required in building. From these results we have these rules, namely : To obtain the circumference of a circle, multiply its diameter by TO FIND THE AREA. 475 22, and divide the product by 7 ; or, more accurately, multiply the diameter ^355 and divide the product by 113; or, by mul- tiplication only, m ultiply the diameter by 3-1416; or, by 3-14159^; or, by 3-1415926; according to the degree of accuracy required. And conversely: To obtain the diameter from the cir- cumference, multiply the circumference by 7 and divide the product by 22 ; or, multiply by 113 and divide by 355 ; or, di- vide the circumference by 3-1416; or, by 3-14159^; or, by 3-1415926. 4-47. Circle : Length of an Arc. Considering the cir- cle divided into 360, the length of an arc of one degree in a circle the diameter of which is unity may be thus found. The circumference for 360 is 3- 14159265 ; 3. 14159265 = . oo8726fi4625; . which equals an arc of one degree in a circle having unity as its diameter; or, for ordinary use the decimal 0-008727 or 0-0087^ may be taken ; or putting a for the arc and g for the number of degrees, we have a = 0-00872665 dg. (166.) Wherefore : To obtain the length of an arc of a circle, multiply the diameter of the circle by the number of degrees in the arc, and by the decimal 0-0087^, or, instead thereof, by 0-008727. 4.43. Circle: Area. The area of a circle may be ob- tained in a manner similar to that for the area of polygons (Art. 439), in which ABn\ B r , or A = % b n r, where b equals a side of the polygon and n the number of sides ; so that b n equals the perimeter of the polygon. Now, if for the perimeter of the polygon there be sub- 476 THE CIRCLE. stituted the circumference of the circle, we shall have, put- ting for the circumference 3- 1416 d y or, n d (Art. 446) A = \n dr, in which r is the radius. Since 2 r d, the diameter, and r = -, we have d And since ^ = 3.14159265, \7t = 0-78539816, or \ n = 0-7854, nearly. Therefore (167.) Or: The area of a circle equals the square of the diameter mul- tiplied by 0-7854. B As an example, the area of a circle 10 feet in diameter is found thus IOX IO = IOO. 100x0-7854 = 78 -54 feet. 449. Circle: Area of a Sector. The area of A B CD (Fig. 297), a sector of a circle, is proportionate to that of the whole circle. For, as the circumference of the whole circle is to its area, so is the arc A B C to the area of A B C D. AREA OF SECTOR. 477 The circumference of a circle is (165.) C= ir d. The area of a circle is (167.) A = -7854 d*. For the arc ABC put a, and for the area of A B CD put s. Then we have from the above-named proportion 7t d : _ J - * Tt d The coefficient 0-7854 is J - (^4rA 448). 4 Therefore, multiplying the fraction by 4, we have 5- * d \ O - 7 ft 4 TTdf or S = \da = \ra. (168.) Wherefore : To obtain the #raz of a sector of a circle, multiply a quarter of the diameter by the length of the arc. Thus: let A D equal 10; also let A B C = a, equal 12. Then the area of A CD is S =%x lox 12, S = 6o. The length of the arc may be had by the rule in Art. 447. 450. Circle: Area of a Segment. In the last article, A BCD (Fig. 297) is called the sector of a circle. Of this the portion included within A E C B is a segment of a circle. The area of this equals the area of the sector minus the area of the triangle A D C ; or, putting M for the area of the seg- ment, S for the area of the sector, and T for the area of the triangle, then M=S- T. Putting c for A C (Fig. 297) and h for D E, then T = ~ h. In the last article, s ra, in which a = the length of the 478 THE CIRCLE. arc ABC. have Substituting this value of s in the above, we ar Or : When the length of the arc is known, also that of the chord and the perpendicular from the centre of the circle, then the area of the segment equals the difference between the product of half the arc into the radius, aud half the chord into its perpendicular to the centre of the circle. But ordinarily the length of the arc and of the chord are unknown. If in this case the number of degrees contained between the two radii, DA,DC>wz known, then the area of the segment may be found by a rule which will now be de- veloped. In Fig. 298 (a repetition of Fig. 297) upon D as a centre, and with D F = unity for a radius, describe the arc H F. Then GFis the sine of the angle C D B, and D G is the co- sine ; and we have or Again or DF : GF : : DC : EC, I : sin : : r : - = r sin. DF : DG : : DC : D E y i : cos : : r : // = r cos. RULE FOR AREA OF SEGMENT. 479 By equation (166.) we have a = 0-00872665 dg, in which a is the length of the arc ; g the number of degrees contained in the arc ; and d is the diameter of the circle. Since d = 2 r, therefore a = 0-0174533 rg. Putting B for the decimal coefficient, we have a = Br g. The expression (169.), by substitution of values as above, becomes a c M = -r h. 2 2 B rg M = r r sin. x r cos. M \ B gr* sin. cos. r 2 M = r* (%*Bg sin. cos.) M r * (o 00872665 g sin. cos.) ( 1 70.) Or : The area of a segment of a circle equals the square of the radius into the difference between 0-00872665 times the number of degrees contained in the arc of the circle, and the product of the sine and cosine of half the arc. When the number of degrees subtended by the arc is unknown, or tables of sines and cosines are not accessible, then the area may be obtained by equation (169.), provided the chord and versed sine are known ; but before this equa- tion can be used, for this purpose, expressions giving their values in terms of the chord and versed sine must be ob- tained, for a, the arc, r, the radius, and h, the perpendicular to the chord from the centre of the circle. For the value of the arc we have (from " Penny Cycl.," Art. Segment] as a close approximation 480 THE CIRCLE. By equation (162.) we have = 2^' Then h = r v, or h = f--v. 2 V Substituting these values in equation (169.) we have This rule is the rule (169.) expanded. The written rule for equation (169.) may be used, substi- tuting for " half the arc" one sixth of the difference between eight times the chord of half the arc and the chord (or \ of 8 times A >, Fig. 298, minus A C, the chord). Also substitute for " the radius" the square of the chord of half the arc divided by twice the versed sine. Also, tor. "its perpendicular to the centre of the circle" substitute, the quotient of the square of the chord of half the arc divided by twice the versed sine, minus the versed sine. When the arc is small the curve approximates that of a parabola. In this case the equation for the area of the par- abola, which is quite simple, may be used. It is this Or, in segments of circles where the versed sine is small in comparison with the chord, the area equals approximately two thirds of the chord into the versed sine. SECTION XII. THE ELLIPSE. 451. Ellipse : Definitions. Let two lines, PF, PF' (Fig. 299), be drawn from any point P to any two fixed points FF'y and let the point P move in such a manner that the sum of the two lines, PF, PF', shall remain a constant quantity ; then the curve P M KO G A D B P, traced by P, will be an Ellipse ; the two fixed points F, F' , the Foci ; the point C at FIG. 299. the middle of FF', the centre ; the line A M drawn through F F' and terminated by the curve, the Major or Transverse Axis ; the line B O, drawn through C and at right angles to A M, the Minor or Conjugate Axis; the line G P, drawn through Pand C and terminated by the curve, the Diameter to the point P; the line D K drawn through C, parallel with the tangent P T, and terminated by the curve, the diameter Conjugate to P G\ the line EH R drawn parallel with D K is a double ordinate to the abscissas G H "and H Poi the di- ameter GP(EH = HR) ; the line JL drawn through Fat a 482 THE ELLIPSE. right angle to A M and terminated by the curve, the Param- eter, or Latus Rectum. When the point P reaches and coincides with B, the two lines PFand PF' become equal. The proportion between the major and minor axes de- pends upon the relative position of F,F f , the foci ; the nearer these are placed to the extremities of the major axis the smaller will the minor axis be in comparison with the major axis. The nearer F, F' approach C, the centre, the nearer will the minor axis approach the length of the major axis. When F, F' reach and coincide with the centre, the minor axis will equal the major axis, and the ellipse will become a circle. Then we have PF = PF' = B C= A C. From this we \earnPF+PF'=2A C=AM- t also, when PF= PF', thenPF=F=AC. From this we may, with given major and minor axes, find the position of F and F f . To do this, on B, as a centre, with A C for radius, mark the major axis at F and F' . 452. Ellipe : Equations to the Curve. An equation to a curve is an expression containing factors two of which, called co-ordinates, measure the distance to any point in the curve. For example : in a circle it has been shown (Art. 443) that P N is a mean proportional to A A^and N B. Or, putting x A N, y = PN, and a A B, we have AN : PN : : PN : NB y or or x : y : : y : a x, y a X (a X}. EQUATION TO THE ELLIPSE. 483 This is the equation to the circle having the origin of x and y, the co-ordinates at A, the vertex of the curve. It will be observed that the factors are of such nature in this equa- tion, that it may be employed to measure the distance, rect- angularly, to (*, wherever in the curve the point P may be located. By this equation the rectangular distance to any and every point in the curve may be measured ; or, having the curve and one of the lines ;ror y, the other may be com- puted. From this example, the nature and utility of an equation to any curve may be understood. The equation to the ellipse having the origin of co-ordinates at the vertex, is similar to that for the circle. In the form usually given by writers on Conic Sections, it is in which a 'A C (Fig. 299) ; b = B C\ x equals A N, and y = PN. If, as before suggested, the loci be drawn towards the cen- tre and finally made to coincide with it, the minor axis would then become equal to the major axis, changing the ellipse into a circle. In this case, the factors a and b in the equation would become equal; and the fraction 5- would equal , = i,and a a hence the equation would become or y a = x (2 a x) ; precisely the same as in the equation to the circle above shown. The 2 a of this equation is equivalent to a of the circle ; for a in the ellipse represents only half the major axis ; while in the equation to the circle a represents the diameter. The relation between the ellipse and the circle is thus shown ; indeed, the circle has been said to be an ellipse in its extreme conditions. 484 THE ELLIPSE. 453. Ellipse : Relation of Axi to Abscissas of Axe Multiplying equation (173.) by a* we have a* y* = b* (2 ax-x*\ or # 2 j/ 2 = b*x(2 a x). ^ These four factors may be put in a proportion, thus rf a : b* : : x (2 a x) : y\ representing A~C* 7TC NX NM : P N\ Or : The rectangle of the two parts into which the ordinate divides the axis major is in proportion to the square of the ordtnate, as the square of the semi-axis major is to the square of the semi-axis minor. It is shown by writers on Conic Sections that this rela- tion is found to subsist, not only with the axes and ordinate, but also between an ordinate to any diameter and the ab- scissas of that diameter ; for example, referring to Fig. 299 If A B' P'M (Fig. 301) be a semi-circle, then (Art. 443) * = A Substituting this value of A NX N Min TC* : ~B~C* - v^W a : ~PN*> we have A C i BC : : P'N : PN\ RELATION OF TANGENT TO AXIS. 485 Or : The ordinate in the circle is in proportion to its correspond- ing ordinate in the ellipse, as the semi-axis major is to the semi- axis minor, or as the axis major is to the axis minor. 454. Ellipse : Relation of Parameter and Axe. The equation to the ellipse when the origin of the co-ordinates is at the centre is, as shown by writers on Conic Sections, thus a* y* = a *b*-b* x'\ (174.) or a* y" 1 b* (a* x' 2 ). If x' equal C-F (Fig. 299) then the ordinate will be located ^- '^^ 01 THE ^f .'UNIVERSITY Then- This is shown also by the figure. Substituting in the above this value of a* x'*, we have a*y* = &*&* = b\ From which, taking the square root ay = b\ or a : b : : b : y. Now y, located at FJ, is the semi-parameter; hence we have the semi-minor axis a third proportional to the semi- major axis and the semi-parameter. Or : The parameter is a third proportional to the two axes of an ellipse. 455. Cllipe: Relation of Tangent to the Axes. Let T T' (Fig. 301) be a tangent to P, a point in the ellipse ; then, as has been shown by writers on Conic Sections or CM : CT :: CN : CM. 486 THE ELLIPSE. Or : The semi-major axis is a mean proportional between the ab- scissa C N and C T, the part of the axis intercepted between tJie centre and the tangent. This relation is found also to subsist between the similar parts of the minor axis ; for This relation affords an easy rule for finding the point T, or T' ; for from the above we have - CN' or, putting / for C T, we have : ? y ;y / = 75.) or t' = --. (176.) y Since the value of t is not dependent upon y nor upon b, therefore / is constant for all ellipses which may be de- scribed upon the same major axis A M\ and since the circle is an ellipse (Art. 452) with equal major and minor axes, therefore rule (175.) is applicable also to a circle, as shown in Fig. 301. The equation (175.) gives the value of / = C T. From this deducting CN = x' , we have N T, the sub tangent, or CT- CN = NT, t - X > = S ; or, substituting for t its value in (175.), we have Or: The subtangent to an ellipse equals the difference between the quotient of the square of the semi-major axis divided by tlie abscissa, and the abscissa ; the origin of the co-ordinates being at C, the centre. AXES TO CONJUGATE DIAMETER. 487 456. Ellipse : Relation of Tangent witli the Foci. Let the two lines from the foci to P (Fig. 302), any point in the ellipse, be extended beyond P. With the radius P F' de- FIG. 302. scribe from P the arc F' G, and bisect it in H. Then the line P T, drawn through H, will be a tangent to the ellipse Sit P. This has been shown by writers on Conic Sections. The construction here shown affords a ready method of drawing a tangent. And from the principle here given we learn that a tangent makes equal angles with the lines from the tangential point to the two foci. For, because GH= HF', we have the angle F' PH = HPG. The angles H PG and KPF are opposite, and hence (Art. 344) are equal ; and since the two triangles F'PffandKPFare each equal to HPG, therefore F' PH and KPF are equal to each other. Or: A tangent to an ellipse makes equal angles with the tivo lines drawn from the point of tangency to the two foci. Experience shows that light shining from one focus is reflected from the ellipse into the other focus. It is for this reason that the two points F and F' are called foci, the plu- ral oifoczts, a fireplace. 457. Ellipse : Relation of Axes to Conjugate Diame- terParallel with K T (Fig. 302) let D E be drawn through 488 THE ELLIPSE. C, the centre, and L Q through y, one end of the diameter from the point P. Parallel with this diameter PJ draw L K and QR through the extremities of the diameter D E. Then D E is a diameter conjugate to the diameter PJ, and K R, R Q, QL, and L K are tangents at the extremities of these conjugate diameters. Now it is shown by writers on Conic Sections (Fig. 302) that PC*, or Or : The sum of the squares of the two axes equals the sum of the squares of any two conjugate diameters. From this it is also shown that the area of the parallelo- gram K C equals the rectangle A C x B C', or, that a paral- lelogram formed by tangents at the extremities of any two conjugate diameters is equal to the rectangle of the axes. 458. Ellipse ; Area. Let E equal the area of an ellipse ; A the area of a circle, of which the radius a equals the semi- major axis of the ellipse, and let b equal the semi-minor axis. Then it has been shown that E : A : : b : a, E=A b -. a The area of a circle (Art. 448) is A \ n dr = TT r*, and when the radius equals a A = n a 2 , This value of A, substituted in the above equation, gives E = TTtf 2 -, a E = n ab. (178.) PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. 489 Or: The area of an ellipse equals 3- 141 59^ times the product of the semi-axes ; or 0-7854 times the product of the axes. 459. Ellipse : Practical Suggestion*. In order to de- scribe the curve of an ellipse, it is essential to have the two axes ; or, the major axis and the parameter ; or, the major axis and the focal distance. If the two axes are given, then with the semi-major axis for radius, from B (Fig. 299) as centre an arc may be made at F and F' t the foci ; and then the curve may be described by any of the various methods given at Arts. 548 to 552. If the major axis only and the parameter are given, then (Art. 454) since * = ay, we have = Vay. (I79-) Or : The semi-minor axis of an ellipse equals the square root of the product of the semi-major axis into the semi-parameter. Then, having both of the axes, proceed as before. If the major axis and the focal distance are given, or the location of the foci ; then with the semi-major axis for ra- N N FIG. 303. dius and from the focal points as centres, describe arcs cut- ting each other at B and O (Fig. 299). The intersection of the arcs gives the limit to B O, the minor axis. With the two axes proceed as before. Points in the curve may be found by computing the length of the ordinates, and then the curve drawn by the side of a flexible rod bent to coin- cide with the several points.. For example, let it be required to find points in the curve of an ellipse, the axes of which are 12 and 20 feet ; or 490 THE ELLIPSE. the semi-axes 6 and 10 feet, or 6 x 12 = 72 inches, and 10 x 12 = 1 20 inches. Fix the positions of the points N N', etc., along the semi- major axis C ' M (Fig. 303) at any distances apart desirable. It is better to so place them that the ordinates when drawn shall divide the curve B PM'mto parts approximately equal. If CM be divided into eight parts as shown, these parts measured from C will be well graded if made equal severally to the following decimals multiplied by CM. In this case CM= 120; therefore C N 1 20 x 0-3 = 36- = x' C N' 120 x 0-475 = 57- = x' C N ff = 120 x 0-625 = 75 - = x' Etc., = 120x0-75 = 90- x f 120 X 0-85 = 102- = X f 120 x 0-925 = in - = x' 120x0-975 = 117- = _x' 1 2O X I-O = 1 2O- X' . The equation of the ellipse having the origin of co-ordi- nates at the centre (Art. 454) is or, dividing by a*- a or or - y=-\/ a*~x r *; (i go.) in which a and b represent the semi-axes. Substituting for these their values in this case, we have LENGTH OF ORDINATES. 491 Now, substituting in this equation the several values of x* successively, the values of the corresponding ordinates will be obtained. For example, taking 36, the first value of x', as above, we have y = 0-6 ^74400 36* y = 68-684; y =. 0-6 V 14400 57 2 y = 63-359; and so in like manner compute the others. The ordinates for this case are as follows, viz. : When x' o, y 72-0 " x' 36, y 68-684 " n= 57,^ = 63.359 " x ' = 75, y = 56-205 " * = 90, y = 47-624 " X' = 102, J/ = 37-928 " x' = ill, 7 = 27-358 " /=; 117, y = 15-999 " *' = 120, J/ 0-0. The computation of these ordinates is accomplished easv ly by the help of a table of square roots and of logarithms. For example, the work for one ordinate is all comprised within the following, viz. : y 0-6 1/14400 36 2 = 68-684. I2O 2 = I44OO 36 2 = I2Q6 I3I04 = 4-JI74Q39 Half = 2-0587020 0-6 = 9-7781513 68-684 1-8368533. The logarithm of 13104 = 4-1 174039. The half of this is the logarithm of the square root of 13104. To the half log- arithm add the logarithm of c-6; the sum is the logarithm of 68-684 found in the table (see Art. 427). SECTION XIII. THE PARABOLA. 460. Parabola : Definitions. The parabola is one of the most interesting of the curves derived from the sections of a cone. The several curves thus produced are as fol- lows : When cut parallel with its base the outline is a circle ; when the plane passes obliquely through the cone, it is an ellipse ; when the plane is parallel with the axis, but not in the axis, it is a hyperbola ; while that which is produced by FIG. 304. a plane cutting it parallel with one side of the cone is a parabola. Let the lines L M and L N (Fig. 304) be at right angles ; draw CFB parallel with L M\ make LQ LF\ draw QB parallel with LF\ then FB = B Q. Now let the line A L move from F L, but remain parallel with it, and as it moves let it gradually increase in length in such manner that the point A shall constantly be equally distant from the line LM and from the point F. Then A BP, the curve described by the point A, will be a semi-parabola. For example, the lines FB and B Q are equal ; the lines PPand PJ/are equal, and so of lines similarly drawn from any point in the curve A B P. Let PNbe drawn parallel with LM ; then for the EQUATION TO THE CURVE. 493 point P, A Nis the abscissa and N P its ordinate (see Art. 452). The double ordinate C B drawn through F, the focus, is the parameter. A F is the focal distance. A is the vertex of the curve. The line L M is the directrix. 4-6 1. Parabola : Equation to the Curve. In Fig. 304 FPN is a right-angled triangle, therefore = FP* - but- FP = .MP=LN=AN+AL\ and FN= A N A F. Therefore NP* = A N+AL*- A N- A F* ; or- ' = * / being put for the distance LF= FB (see Art. 452). As in Arts. 412 and 413, we have y* = 2px (181.) by subtraction. This is the usual equation to the parabola, in which we have the rule : The square of the ordinate equals the rectangle of the corresponding abscissa with the param- eter. From (181.) we have x : y : : y : 2p, or: 1\\e parameter is a third proportional \.o the abscissa and its corresponding ordinate. 462. Parabola : Tangent. From M, any point in the directrix, draw a line to F t the focus (Fig. 305) ; bisect M F in R, and through R draw U T perpendicular to MF, then the line T U will be a tangent to the curve. For, draw M D 494 THE PARABOLA. perpendicular to L V, and from P, the point of its intersection with the line TU, draw a line to F, the focus ; then, because fiPis a perpendicular from the middle of MF, MPFis an isosceles triangle, and therefore the lines MPand FP are equal, or the point P is equidistant from the focus and from the directrix, and therefore is a point in the curve. To show that the line TU touches the curve but does not pass through it, take 7, any point in the line T U, other than FIG. 305. the point P; join [7 to Mand to F. Then, since U is a point in the line T U, M U F, for reasons above given, is an isosce- les triangle ; from [/draw U F perpendicular to L V. Now, if the point /be also in the curve, the lines Wand U F, by the law of the curve, must be equal ; but U F, as before shown, is equal to U M, a line evidently longer than UV\ therefore, it is evident that the point U is riot in the curve. A similar absurd result will be reached if any other point than the point U in the line U T be assigned, excepting the RULE FOR THE TANGENT. 495 point P. Therefore the line T P touches the curve in only one point, P ; hence it is a tangent. Parallel with L V, from A , draw A S, the vertical tangent. Now A S bisects M F or intersects it in the point R. For the two right-angled triangles FL J/and FA R are homolo- gous ; and because FA = A Z, by construction, therefore FR = RM. Or : The vertical tangent bisects all lines which can be drawn from the focus to the directrix. The lines PFand FT are equal ; for the lines MPand N T being parallel, therefore the alternate angles MPT and N TPare equal (Art. 345) ; and because the line P T bi- sects M F, the base of an isosceles triangle, therefore the angles M P T and FPTafe equal. We thus have the two angles N TP and FP T each equal to the angle MPT-, therefore the two angles N TP and FP T are equal to each other ; hence the triangle P F T is an isosceles triangle, hav- ing the points T and P equidistant from F, the focus. Also because the line MFis perpendicular to P T, there- fore the line M F bisects the tangent PT in the point R. And because TR = R P, therefore, comparing triangles TRFund TPO, TF= F O. The opposite angles MPT and U PD made by the two in- tersecting lines U T and M D (Art. 344) are equal, and since the angles M P T and F P T are equal, as before shown, therefore the angles FP T and U PD are equal. It is because these two angles are equal, that, in reflectors, rays of light and heat proceeding from /% the focus, are re- flected from the parabolic surface in lines parallel with the axis. For an equation expressing the value of the tangent, we have Or : The tangent to a parabola equals the square root of tJie sum of four times the square of the abscissa added to the square of the ordinate. 496 THE PARABOLA. 463. Parabola: Subtangeiit. The line T N (Fig. 305), the portion of the axis intercepted between T, the point of intersection of the tangent, and N, the foot of a perpendicu- lar to the axis from P, the point of contact, is the subtangent. The subtangent is bisected by the vertex, or TA = A N. For, the two triangles TRA and TPNare homologous; and, as shown in the last article, the line M F bisects PTin R-, or TR = R P. Therefore, we have TR : TA : : TP TR x TN = TA x TP, but TR=TP; therefore- J- TP x TN= TA x TP, | TN = TA. Or : The subtangent of z. parabola is bisected by the vertex ; or is equal to twice the abscissa. And because of the similarity of the two triangles TRA and TP N, as above shown, we have NP= 2AR, y = 2 A R. Or : The ordinate equals twice the vertical tangent. 464. Parabola: Normal and Subnormal. The line PO (Fig. 305) perpendicular to P T, is the normal and NO, the part of the axis intercepted between the normal and the ordinate, is the subnormal. For the normal, from similar triangles, we have TN : NP : :. TP : P O, TP 2X DIAMETER AND RECTANGLE OF BASE. 497 Or : The normal equals the rectangle of the ordinate and tan- gent, divided by twice the abscissa. The subnormal equals half the parameter. For (181.) or NP* = 2 FB A N. Dividing by 2 A N gives I FB = ttf (A ' } In the similar triangles (Art. 443) OPNand PT N, we have NO : NP : : NP : NT, NO = N~P\ NT As shown in the previous article, N T 2 A N; therefore (B.) 2AN Comparing equations (A.) and (B.), we have NO = FB. Or : The subnormal of a parabola equals half the parameter, a constant quantity for the subnormal to all points of the curve. 465. Parabola: Diameters. In the parabola BAC (Fig. 306), P D, a diameter (a line parallel with the axis) to the point P, is in proportion to B D x D C, the rectangle of the two parts into which the base of the parabola is divided by the diameter. This may be shown in the following manner : DP=EN=EA-NA. (A.) 498 THE PARABOLA. For EA we have, taking the co-ordinates, for the point C, (i8i.)~ or- = X or EC = EA. C For N A we have, taking the co-ordinates to the point />, (181.)- or = X, NP'- or- (C.) Using these values (B.) and (C.j in (A.), we have =A -NA, ' NP* EC*-NP* If / be put for B C and n for D C, then TO FIND THE CONSTITUENT PARTS. 499 and- then (Art. 413) ft or (Art. 415) 2 P = n(l- n) 2 P Dp _DCxBD ~ Now, since 2 /, the parameter, is constant, we have D P, the diameter, in proportion to D C x B D, the two parts of the base. Putting d for the diameter, we have (183.) 2p Or : The diameter of a parabola equals the quotient obtained by dividing \\\Q rectangle formed by the two parts into which the diameter divides the base by the parameter. It has been shown by writers on Conic Sections that a diameter, P J (Fig. 307), to any point Pin a parabola bisects all chord lines, SG,D, etc., drawn parallel with the tan- gent to the point/*; the diameter being parallel with the axis of the parabola. 466. Parabola : Elements. From any given parabola, to find the axis, tangent, directrix, parameter and focus, draw any two parallel lines or chords, SG and D E (Fig. 307), and bisect them in H and J\ through these points draw JP\ then JP will be a diameter of the parabola a 5oo THE PARABOLA. line parallel with the axis. Perpendicular to P J draw the double ordinate PQ and bisect it in N\ through N and par- allel with PJ draw TO, cutting the curve in A\ then TO will be the axis. Make AT- AN, join T and P\ then TP will be the tangent to the point P\ from P draw PO per- pendicular to P T\ then P O will be the normal, and NO the subnormal. With NO for radius, from N as a centre, describe the quadrant O R ; draw R C parallel with A O, cutting the curve FIG. 307. in C\ from C draw C B perpendicular to A O, cutting A O in F; then ^will be the focus and C B the parameter. Make A L A F; draw L M perpendicular to TO\ then LM will be the directrix. Extend PJ to meet LM at M\ join P and , F\ then, if the work has been properly performed, F P will equal M P. 4-67. Parabola : Described mechanically. With N P (Fig. 308) a given base, and N A a given height, set perpen- THE CURVE DESCRIBED MECHANICALLY. 501 dicularly to the base, extend N A beyond A, and make A T equal to NA ; join T and/*; from P perpendicularly to TP drawP(9; bisect ON in R; make AL and A F each equal to N R ; through L, perpendicular to L O, draw D E, the di- rectrix. Let the ruler CDESbe laid to the line DE, then with J G H, a set-square, the curve may be described in the fol- lowing manner : Placing the square against the ruler and with its edge FIG. 308. J H coincident with the line MP y fasten to it a fine cord on the edge PE, and extend it from P to F y the focus, and se- cure it to a pin fixed in F. The cord FP will equal the edge M P. To describe the curve set the triangle J G H at M P E, slide it gently along the ruler towards D, keeping the edge J G in contact with the ruler, and, as the square is moved, keep the cord stretched tight, holding for this pur- pose a pencil, as at K, against the cord. Thus held, as the square is moved the pencil will describe the curve. That this operation will produce the true curve we have but to 502 THE PARABOLA. consider that at all points the line FK will equal KJ t which is the law of the curve (Art. 460). 468. Parabola : Decribed from Point. With given base, N P (Fig. 309), and given height, A N, to find the points D, F, M, etc., and describe the curve. Make A T equal to A N (Art. 462); join T and P', perpendicular to TP draw FIG. 309. PO ; make A B equal to twice NO ; take G, any point in the axis A O, and bisect B G in J ; on y as a centre describe the semi-circle B C G cutting A L, a perpendicular to BO in C ; on A C and A G complete the rectangle A C DG. Then D is a point in the curve. Take H, another point in the axis ; bisect B H in. K\ on A" as a centre describe the semi-circle B E H cutting A L in E ; this by E F and H F, gives F, an- THE CURVE DESCRIBED FROM ARCS. 503 other point in the curve ; in like manner procure M, and as many other points as may be desired. This simple and accurate method of obtaining points in the curve depends upon two well-established equations ; one, the equation to the parabola, and the other, the equation to the circle. The line G D y an ordinate in the parabola, is equal to A C, an ordinate in the circle B CG; A G, the abscissa of the para- bola, is also the abscissa of the circle ; in which we have (Art. 443)- AG : AC :: AC : A B, x : y : : y : a x, For the parabola, we have (181.) y*=2px. Comparing" these two equations, we have x(a x] = 2px, a x = 2p, or EG A G= 2 p. By construction A B equals 2 NO, or twice the subnor- mal ; the subnormal (Art. 464) equals half the parameter. Hence, twice the subnormal equals the parameter equals 2 p. Therefore, the method shown in Fig. 309 is correct. 469. Parabola: Described from Arcg. Let N P (Fig. 310) be the given base and A TV the given height of the par- abola. Make A T(Art. 462) equal A N. Join TtoP; draw PO perpendicular to PT\ bisect N O in R ; make A L and A F each equal to N R ; then L M, drawn perpendicular to TO, will be the directrix. Parallel to L M draw the lines B D, C E, etc., at discretion. Then with the distance B L for 504 THE PARABOLA. radius, and on F as a centre, mark the line B D with an arc ; the intersection of the arc and the line will be a point in the curve (Art. 460). Again, with C L for radius and on .Fas a centre, mark the line CE with an arc ; this gives another point in the curve. In like manner, mark each horizontal FIG. 310. line from F as a centre by a radius equal to the perpendicu- lar distance between that line and L M, the directrix. Then a curve traced through the points of intersection thus ob- tained will be the required parabola. 4-70. Parabola : Dccribed from Ordinates. With a given base, NP(Fig. 311), and height, A N, a parabola may be drawn through points J, H, G, etc., which are the extrem- ities of the ordinates B J, C H, D G, etc. ; the lengths of the ordinates being computed from the equation to the curve, (181.)- For any given parabola, in base and height, the value of THE CURVE FORMED BY ORDINATES. 505 / may be had by dividing both members of the equation by 2 4;; by which we have y NP* 2AN' (A.) from which, NPand A N being known,/ may be computed. With the value of/, a constant quantity, determined, the equation is rendered practicable. For, taking the square root of each member of equation (181.), we have y = V 2p x. ( B -) which by computation will produce the value of y, for every assigned value of x, as A JS, A C, A D, etc. FIG. 311. As an example : let it be required to compute the ordi- nates in a parabola in which the base, N ' P, equals 8 feet, and the height, A N, equals 10 feet. With these values equation (A.) as above becomes NP* 2AN 8" _64 2 X 10 ~ 2O " ^' * 506 THE PARABOLA. Then, with this value in (B.) as above, we have, for each or- dinate y ' z ' V 6.4*. In order to assign values to x, let A N be divided into any number of parts at B, C, D, etc., say, for convenience in this example, in ten equal parts ; then each part will equal one foot, and we shall have the consecutive values of x = i , 2, 3, 4, etc., to 10, and the corresponding values of y will be as follows. When x = I, y= 4/6. 4 x i = 3= x = 4, y = V6-4X "4 = 1/ 25-6 = 5 -059 6 = ~32~ = 5 -6569 = (etc.), 38-4 = 6- J 9 68 = "^8 = 6>6 933 = = 7-5^95 = With these values of y, respectively, set on the correspond- ing horizontal lines By, C H, DG, E S, etc., points in the curve y, //, G, S, etc., are obtained, through which the curve may be drawn. The decimals above shown are the decimals of a foot ; they may be changed to inches and decimals of an inch by multiplying each by 12. For example: 12x0-5297 = 6-3564 equals 6 inches and the decimal 0-3564 of an inch, which equals nearly | of an inch. Near the top of the curve, owing to its rapid change in direction and to the approximation of the direction of the curve to a parallel with the direction of the ordinates, it is THE CURVE FOUND BY DIAMETERS. SO/ desirable to obtain points in the curve more frequent than those obtained by dividing the axis into equal parts. Instead, therefore, of dividing the axis into equal parts, it is better to divide it into parts made gradually smaller toward the apex of the curve or, to obtain points for this part of the curve as shown in the following article. 471. Parabola: Described from Diameters. Let EC (Fig. 312) be the given base and A E the given height, placed perpendicularly to E C. Divide E C in several parts at pleasure, and from the points of division erect perpendicu- lars to E C. The problem is to compute the length of these diameters, as DP, and thereby obtain points in the curve, as at P. For this purpose we have equation (183.), which gives B \ FIG. 312. the length of the diameters, and in which n equals D C (Fig. 312), / equals twice E C, and / equals half the parameter of the curve. The value of p is given in equation (A.), (Art, 470), in which y equals EC (Fig. 312), and ^equals A E. Substituting these symbols in equation (A.), we have y> EC' _^ p ~~'' 2x ~ 2xAE~ 2 /T' where b EC, the base, and hAE, the height. For substituting this, its value, in equation (183.), we have hn.(2b n) (184.) 508 THE PARABOLA. As an example : let it be required in a parabola in which the base equals 12 feet and the height 8 feet, to compute the length of several diameters, and through their extremities describe the curve. Then h will equal 8, and b 12. If the base be divided into 6 equal parts, as in Fig. 312, each part will equal 2 feet. Then we have h 8 8 i b*~ I2*~~ i44~ 18 ' and _ h . N d -i n (2b-n), In this equation, substituting the consecutive values of #, we have, when 0x24 n= O, d-- -jg- =0 2 X 22 ti z, 18 4X 20 M A /y _...- - . A . A A A , , 6x18 *-; 6, ^-^g- 8x16 n= 8, ^=-73 =7-ni 12 X 12 n= 12, d= -- = 8-0 The several diameters, as P ' D, in Fig. 312, may now be made equal respectively to these computed values of d, and the curve traced through their extremities. AREA EQUALS TWO THIRDS OF RECTANGLE. 509 472. Parabola: Area. From (181.), the equation to the parabola, and by the aid of the calculus, it has been shown that the area of a parabola is equal to two thirds of the circumscribing rectangle. For example : if the height, A E (Fig. 312), equals 8 feet, and EC, the base, equals 12 feet, then the area of the part included within the figure APC E A equals f of 8x 12 = 1x96 = 64 feet; or, it is equal to f of the rectangle A B C E. SECTION XIV. TRIGONOMETRY. 473. Right- Angled Triangle: The Sides. In right- angled triangles, when two sides are given, the third side may be found by the relation of equality which exists of the squares of the sides (Arts. 353 and 416). For example, if the sides a and b (Fig. 313) are given, c y the third side, may be computed from equation (115.) Extracting the square root, we have When the hypothenuse and one side are given, by transposi tion of the factors in (115.), we have (A.) or TWO SIDES GIVEN TO FIND THE THIRD. 511 Owing to the factors being involved to the second power in this expression, the labor of computation is greater than that in a more simple method, which will now be shown. In equation (A.) or (B.) the factors under the radical may be simplified. By equation (i 14.) we have Therefore, equation (A.) becomes a = \( c + ) (V _ fy a form easy of solution. For example : let c equal 29-732 and b equal 13-216, then we have 29-732 13-216 The sum = 42-948 The difference = 16-516 By the use of a table of logarithms (Art. 427) the problem may be easily solved ; thus Log. 42-948 = 1-6329429 16-516 = i -2179049 To get the square root 2)2- 8508478 a 26-6332 = i -4254239 This method is applicable to the sides of a triangle, only ; for the hypothenuse it will not serve. The length of the hypothenuse as well as that of either side may, however, be obtained by proportion ; provided a triangle of known di- mensions and with like angles be also given. For example: in Fig. 314, in which the two sides a and b are known, let it be required to find c, the hypothenuse. Draw the line D E parallel with A C, then the two trian- gles B DE and BAG are homologous; consequently their 512 TRIGONOMETRY. corresponding sides are in proportion (Art. 361). Hence, if d equals unity, we have d : f : : a : c, = */,' from which, when a and / are known, c is obtained by sim- ple multiplication. 474. Right- Angled Triangle: Trigonometrical Ta- bles To render the simple method last named available, the lengths of d, e and f (Fig. 314) have been computed for triangles of all possible angles, and the results arranged in FIG. 314. tables, termed Trigonometrical Tables. The lines d, e, and /, are known as sines, cosine, tangents, cotangents, etc., as shown in Fig. 315 wheVe A B is the radius of the circle B C H. Draw a line A F, from A, through any point, C, of the arc B G. From C draw CD perpendicular to A B ; from B draw BE perpendicular to A B ; and from G draw G F per- pendicular to A G. Then, lor the angle FA B, when the radius A C equals unity, CD is the sine; AD the cosine; DB the versed sine ; BE the tangent; GF the cotangent ; AE the secant; and A Fihe cosecant. But if the angle be larger than one right angle, yet less than two right angles, as BAH, extend HA to K and E B to K, and from H draw H J perpendicular to A J. TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. 513 Then, for the angle BAH, when the radius A H equals unity, HJ is the sine ; A J the cosine; BJ the versed sine ; B K the tangent ; and A K the secant. When the number of degrees contained in a given angle is known, the value of the sine, cosine, etc., corresponding to that angle, may be found in a table of Natural Sines, CO- FIG. 315. sines, etc. Or, the logarithms of the sines, cosines, etc., may be found in logarithmic tables. In the absence of such a table, and when the degrees contained in the given angle are unknown, the values of the sine, cosine, etc., may be found by computation, as fol- lows: Let ABC (Fig. 316) be the given angle. At any distance from B draw b perpendicular to B C. By any scale of equal parts obtain the length of each of the three lines a, b, c. Then for the angle at B we have, by proportion 5M- TRIGONOMETRY. c : b : : i -o : sin. B = . c c : a : : I o : cos. B = . c a : b : : i -o : tan. B = . a b : a : : I -o : cot. B -. a i c : : i -o : sec. B = -. a b : c : : i o : cosec. B --. Or, in any right-angled triangle, for the angle contained between the base and hypothenuse When perp. divided by hyp., the quotient equals the sine. base " " hyp., " " " cosine. " perp. " " base, " " tangent. " base " " perp., " " cotangent. " hyp. " " base, " " " secant. " hyp. " " perp., " " cosecant. To designate the angle to which a trigonometrical term applies, the letter at the intended angle is annexed to the c FIG. 316. name of the trigonometrical term ; thus, in the above exam- ple, for the sine of A B C we write sin. B ; for the cosine, cos. B, etc. EQUATIONS TO RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGLES. 515 By these proportions the two acute angles of a right- angled triangle may be computed, provided two of the sides are known. For when the perpendicular and hypoth- enuse are known, the sine and cosecant may be obtained. When the base and hypothenuse are known, the cosine and secant may be computed. And when the base and perpen- dicular are known, the tangent and cotangent may be com- puted. Either one of these, thus obtained, shows by the trigo- nometrical tables the number of degrees in the angle ; and, deducting the angle thus found from 90, the remainder will be the angle of the other acute angle of the triangle. For M D FIG. 317. example : in a right-angled triangle, of which the base is 8 feet and the perpendicular 6 feet, how many degrees are contained in each of the acute angles ? Having, in this case, the base and perpendicular known, by referring to the above proportions we find that with these two sides we may obtain the tangent ; therefore Referring to the trigonometrical tables, we find that 0-75 is the tangent of 36 52' 12", nearly ; therefore The quadrant equals 90- o- o The angle B equals 36-52-12 The angle A equals 53-07-48 TRIGONOMETRY. 475. Right-Angled Triangle : Trigonometrical Value of Side. In the triangle A B C (Fig. 317), with BP = i for radius, and on B as a centre, describe the arc P D, and from its intersection with the lines A B and B C, draw PM and T D perpendicular to the line B C. Then from homologous triangles we have these proportions for the perpendicular BD : DT : : BC : CA, r : tan. B : : base : perp., I : tan. B : : a : b = a tan. B. ( 1 %S-) Also * - BP : PM \\BA\AC, r : sin. B : : hyp. : perp., I : sin. B : : c : b = c sin. B. (186.) For the base, we have BP : BM : : BA : B C, r : cos. B : : hyp. : base, I : cos. B : : c : a = c cos. B. ( l %7-) Again TD : BD :: AC : B C, tan. B : r : : perp. : base, tan.*:!::*:,^ L_. (.88.) For the hypothenuse, we have PM : PB : : A C : : A B, sin. B : r : : perp. : hyp., RULE FOR THE PERPENDICULAR. 517 sin. B : i : : b : c = -, . (180.) sm. B Again BD \BT\\BC\ BA, r : sec. B : : base : hyp., I : sec. B : : a : c = a sec. B - . (IQO.) cos. B This substitution of the cos. for the sec. is needed because tables of secants are not always accessible. That it is an equivalent is clear ; for we have BM \ BP :-. BD : BT, cos. \r\\r\ sec. = cos. By these equations either side of a right-angled triangle may be computed, provided there are certain parts of the triangle given. As, for example : of the six parts of a tri- angle (the three sides and the three angles), three must be given, and at least one of these must be a side. As an example : let it be required to find two sides of a right-angled triangle of which the base is 100 feet, and the acute angle at the base is 35 degrees. Here we have given one side and two angles (the base, acute angle, and the right angle) to find the other two sides, the perpendicular and the hypothenuse. Among the above rules we have, in equation (185.), for the perpendicular b a tan. B. Or : The perpendicular equals the product of the base into the tangent of the acute angle at the base. 5 1 8 TRIGONOMETRY. Then (Art. 427) The logarithmic tangent of B ( 35) is 9-8452268 Log. of a ( 100) is 2-0000000 Perpendicular, b (= 70-02075) = I -8452268 And for the hypothenuse, taking equation (190.), we have cos. B Or : The hypothenuse equals the quotient of the base divided by the cosine of the acute angle at the base. For this we have- Log, of a (= 100) is 2-0000000 " cos. B (= 35) is 9-9133645 Hypothenuse c(~ 122-0775) = 2-0866355 We thus find that a right-angled triangle, having an angle of 35 degrees at the base, has its three sides, the perpendic- ular, baseband hypothenuse, respectively equal to 70-02075, loo, and 122-0775. N.B. The angle at A (Fig^ij) is obtained by deducting the angle at B from 90 (Art. 346). Thus, 90 35 = 55 ; this is the angle at A, in the above case. If the perpendicular be given, then for the base use equation (188.), and for the hypothenuse use equation (189.). If the hypothenuse be given, then for the base use equation (187.) and for the perpendicular use equation (186.). USEFUL RULE FOR THE SIDES. 519 476. Oblique-Angled Triangle* : Sine* and Side*. In the oblique-angled triangle A BC (Fig. 318) from C and per- pendicular to A B draw CD. This line divides the oblique- angled triangle into two right-angled triangles, the lines and angles of which may be treated by the rules already given ; but there is a still more simple method, as will now be shown. As shown in Art. ^4: " When the perpendicular is di- vided by the hypothenuse the quotient equals the sine." Applying this to Fig. 318, we have jNIVERSITY Let the former be divided by the latter ; then d sin. A __ b_ ~sm7 ~ d ' a or, reducing, we have sin. A or, putting the equation in the form of a proportion- sin. B : sin. A : : b : a ; or ; the sines are in proportion as the sides, respectively op- posite. Or, as commonly stated, the sines are in proportion as the sides which subtend them. This is a rule of great utility ; by it we obtain the follow- ing : Referring to Fig. 318, we have- sin. B : sin. A : : b : a = b *-. - . (191.) 520 TRIGONOMETRY. ~ sin. A sin. C : sin. A : : c : a = c- ~ . (192.) sin. C , sin. B sin. A : sin. B : : a : b a . . (ICH.) sin. A ~ . , sin. B sin. C : sin. B : : c : b = - -. (iQ4.) sin. (7 , . ^ sin. 6" , N sin. A : sin. c : : a : c = a-^ -~ . (iQ5.) sin. A n ' r L 7 Sm - C sin. B : sin. C \ \ b \ c b . sin. B These expressions give the values of the three sides respec- tively ; two expressions for each, one for each of the two remaining sides; that is to be used which contains the given side. From these expressions we derive the values of the sines \ thus sin. A = sin. B a -. ( 1 97-) b sin. A = sin. C . ( 1 9%-) sin. B = sin. A . ( I 99) ci sin. B = sin. C '-. (200.) sin. C sin. A -. (201.) sin. C sin. B C -. (202.) 477. Oblique - Angled Triangles : First Class. The problems arising in the treatment of oblique-angled trian- gles have been divided into four classes, one of which, the TO FIND THE TWO SIDES. 521 first, will here be referred to. The problems of the first class are those in which a side and two angles are given, to find the remaining angle and sides. As to the required angle, since the three angles of every triangle amount to just two right angles (Art. 345), or 180, the third angle may be found simply by deducting the sum of the two given angles from 180. For example : referring to Fig. 318, if angle A = 18 and angle B = 42, then their sum is 18 + 42 = 60, and 180 - 60 = 120 = the angle AC B. To find the two sides : if a be the given side, then to find the side b we have, equation (193.) sin. B b a ~ ; sin. A or, the side b equals the product of the side a into the quo- tient obtained by a division of the sine of the angle opposite b by the sine of the angle opposite a. For example: in a triangle (Fig. 318) in which the angle A = 1 8, the angle B 42 (and, consequently (Art. 345) the angle C= 120), and the given side a equals 43 feet; what are the lengths of the sides b and cl Equation (193.) gives- sin.' B b~a- --. sin. A Performing the problem by logarithms (Art. 427), we have Log. a(= 43)= I -6334685 Sin. B (- 42) = 9-8255109 -4589794 Sin. A (= 1 8) = 9-4899824 Log. b O 93 1 102) = i -9689970. Thus the side b equals 93-1102 feet, or 93 feet I inch and nearly one third of ah inch. 522 TRIGONOMETRY. For the side c, we have, equation (195.) sin. C c = a . ; sin. A or Log. *(= 43) =1-6334685 Sin. C(= 120) = 9-9375306 1' 5 70999 1 Sin. A ( 1 8) = 9-4899824 Log. c(= 120-508) 2-0810167 or, the base c equals 120 feet 6 inches and one tenth of an inch, nearly. But if instead of a the side b be given, then for a use equation (191.), and for c use equation (196.). And, lastly, if c be the given side, then for a use equation (192.), and for b use equation (194.). t 478. Oblique-Angled Triangles: Second Clas. The problems which comprise the second class are those in which .two sides ^ax\& an angle opposite to one of them are given, to find the two remaining angles and the third side. The only requirement really needed here is to find a second angle ; for, with this second angle found, the problem is reduced to one of the firt class ; and the third side may then be found under rules given in Art. 477. To find a second angle, use one of the equations (197.) to (202.). For example : in the triangle ABC (Fig. 318), let a (= 43) and b (= 93 1 1) be the two given sides, and A, the angle op- posite a, be the given angle (= 18). Then to find the angle B, we have equation (199.) (selecting that which in the right hand member contains the given angle and sides) sin. B = sin. A 43 OBLIQUE-ANGLED TRIANGLES. 523 By logarithms (Art. 427), we have Log. sin. A (= 1 8) = 9-4899824 " 93-n = 1.9689970 1-4589794 43 = 1-6334685 " sin. 5 (=42) = 9-8255109 By reference to the log. tables, the last line of figures, as above, is found to be the sine of 42 ; therefore, the required angle B is 42. Then 180 - (18 + 42) = 120 = the angle C. With these angles, or with any two of them, the third side c may be found by rules given in Art. 477. FIG. 319. 479. Oblique-Angled Triangles : Sum and Difference of Two Angles. Preliminary to a consideration of prob- lems in the third class of triangles, it is requisite to show the relation between the sum and difference of two angles. In Fig. 319, let the angle A JM and the angle A JN be the two given angles ; and let A J M be called angle A, and AJN, angle B. Now the sum and difference of the angles may be ascertained by the use of the sum and difference of the sines of the angles, and by the sum and difference of the tangents. In the diagram, in which the radius A J equals 524 TRIGONOMETRY. unity, we have MP, the sine of angle A (= A y M), and NQ = RP, the sine of angle B(= A y N). Then MP- RP= MR equals the difference of the sines of the angles ; and since PM' = PM PM'+RP = RM', equals the sum of the sines of the angles. With the radius JC describe the arc J D E, and tangent to this arc draw FH parallel with MM', or perpendicular to AB. Then FD is the tangent of the angle M C N, and D H is the tangent of the angle NCM'. Now since an angle at the circumference is equal to half the angle at the centre standing on the same arc (Art. 355), therefore the measure of the angle M C N is the half of M N, equals -B). Similarly, we have for the angle NCM'. Therefore we have for the tangent of the angle M C N -B\ and, for the tangent of the angle N C M'- DH = tan. \(A + B). And, because FC D and M C R are homologous triangles, as, also, DCH and R'CM', therefore M' R : MR : : DH : D F, SUM AND DIFFERENCE OF TWO ANGLES. 525 sin. A 4- sin. B : sin. A sin. B : : tan. %(A + B) : tan. (A B), from which we have sin. A sin. B __ tan. % (A B) ,~ . sin. ^4 + sin. ./? . tan. % (A + B)' To obtain a proper substitute for the first member of this expression we have, equation (195.) sin. C / 7 > C- * LI ; ~ . sin. A or c sin. A a sin. C. (M.) We also have, equation (196.) ,sin. C c = b -. , sin. B or c sin. B b sin. C. (N.) These two equations, (M.) and (N.), added, give c sin. A -t- c sin. B a sin. (7 + b sin. C or c (sin. ^ + sin. B) = sin. C( + b). (P.) But, if equation (N.) be subtracted from equation (M.), we have c sin. A c sin. B a sin. C b sin. C, or f(sin. A sin. B) = A sin. C (a ).' (R.) If equation (R.) be divided by equation (P.), we have Jfj (204.) and, again, we also have (Art. 431) B)=A. (205.) 480. Oblique-Angled Triangles; : Third < In**. The third class of problems comprises all those cases in which two sides of a triangle and their included angle are given, to find the other side and angles. In this case, as in the problems of the second class, the only requirement here is to find a second angle ; for then the problem becomes one belonging to the first class. But the finding of the second angle, in problems of the third class, is attended with more computation than it is in prob- lems of the second class. The process is as follows : Hav- ing one angle of a triangle, the sum of the two remaining OBLIQUE-ANGLED TRIANGLES. 527 angles is obtained by subtracting the given angle from 1 80 the sum of the three angles. Then with equation (203.) the difference of the two angles is obtained. And then, having the sum and difference of the two angles, either may be found by one of the equations (204.) and (205.). For example : let Fig. 320 represent the triangle in which a (= 36 feet) and b(= 27 feet) are the given sides ; and C (= 105) the angle included between the given sides, a and b. The sum of the two angles A and B, therefore, will be (A + ) = 180- 105 ^75, and the half of the sum of A and B is -V - 37 30'. The sum of the given sides is 36 + 27 = 63, and their dif- ference is 36 27 = 9. Then from equation (203.) we have . tan. (A-B) = tan. 37 Solving this by logs. (Art. 427), we have- Log. tan. 37 30' = 9-8849805 9 =0-9542425 0-8392230 63 = I-79934Q5 tan. $(A- B)(= 6 15' 20-5") = 9-0398825 Thus half the difference of A and B is 6 15' 20- 5", nearly, 528 TRIGONOMETRY. By equation (204.) 37 30' 6 15' 20- 5" The difference, 31 14' 39'$" and by equation (205.) 37-30 6.15.20-5 The sum, 43.45.20-5 A From above, 31.14.39-5 ^ The given angle, 105. o. o C The three angles, 180. o. o Thus, by adding together the three angles, the work is tested and proved. Having the three angles, the third side may now be found by the rule for problems of the first class. Oblique- Angled Triangles: Fourth Class. The fourth class comprises those problems in which the three sides of the triangle are given, to find the three angles. The method by which the problems of the fourth class are solved is to divide the triangle into two right-angled triangles; then, by the use of equation (129.), to find one side of one of these triangles, and then with this side to find one of the angles, then by rules for the second class prob- lems, obtain the second and third angles. Thus, from equation (129.), we have By the relation of sines to sides (Art. 476), we have (Fig. b : g : : sin. E : sin. F. TRIANGLES FOURTH CLASS. 529 But the angle E is a right angle, of which the sine is unity, therefore^ b : g : : I : sin. F = -. Substituting for g its value as above, we have *sin. F = q- b) 2bc (206.) To illustrate: let a, b, c (Fig. 321) be the three given sides of the triangle ABC, respectively equal to 12,' 8 and 16 feet. With these, equation (206.) becomes I 6 2 -(i2 + 8)(i2-8) sin. F = *-*-< ^ , 2 x 8 x 16 sin. /* = sin. F 176 Solving this by logarithms (Art. 427), we have- Log. 176 = 2-2455127 " 256 = 2-4082400 Log. sin. 43 26' = 9*8372727 or, the angle at F equals 43 26', nearly. Of the triangle 530 TRIGONOMETRY. A C E (Fig. 321), E is a right angle, therefore the sum of F and A, the two remaining angles, equals 90 (Art. 346). Hence, for the angle at A, we have =90 -43 26' = 46 34'- We now have two sides a and b and A, an angle opposite to one of them, to find B, a second angle. For this, equa- tion (199.) is appropriate. Thus sin. B = sin. A . a This may be solved as shown in Art. 478. And, when the second angle is obtained, the third angle is found by subtracting the sum of the first and second an- gles from 1 80. But to test the accuracy of the work, it is well to com- pute the angle 'C from the angle A, and the sides a and c. For this, equation (201.) will be appropriate. 482. Trigonometric Formulae: Right- Angled Trian- gles. For facility of reference the formulas of previous articles are here presented in tabular form. The symbols referred to are those of Fig. 322. FORMULA IN TABULAR FORM. 531 RIGHT-ANGLED TRIANGLES. GIVEN. REQUIRED. FORMULA. a, b, a, c, b, c, ; c = fV+J*. = V(c + *) (c -a). a = V(c + ^) (^ -b). A, A, = 90 -A. A = 90 ^. B, a, *' ^ = tan. ^. rt: " cos. B ' B,b, *, b tan. ^ * b B.,. a, b, a = c cos. B, b c sin. B. 483. Trigonometrical Formulae: First Class, Oblique. C The symbols of the formulae of the following- table indi- cate quantities represented in Fig. 323 by like symbols. 532 TRIGONOMETRY. OBLIQUE-ANGLED TRIANGLES: FIRST CLASS. GIVEN, i REQUIRED. FORMULA. ; A "D /~> fJ. y Jj) O. ^=180 ^+^. A, C, B, B = iSo-A + C. B, C, A, A= 180 - B + C. A B b \ a ..sin. A n. t jj f t/y \ u-, [ A C c \ a sin. B' sin. A JJ.) W', C-, | C*, ' . W- Substituting this for , we have V2 + I The numerical coefficient of / reduces to 1-0823923 or i -0824, nearly. Therefore we have b = a + i -o824/. (207.) Or: The side of a buttressed octagon equals the distance be- tween the buttresses plus \ -0824 times the width of the faced the buttress. For example : let there be an octagon building, which measures between the buttresses, as at M H, 18 feet, and the face of the buttresses, as FG, equals 3 feet ; what, in such a building, is the length of a side B Cl For this, using equa- tion (207.), we have b = 1 8 + I -0824 x 3 = 18 + 3-2472 = 21-2472. Or : The side of the octagon B C equals 21 feet and nearly 3 inches. 530. Within a Given Circle to Incribe any Regular Polygon. Let abc 2 (Figs. 383* 384, and 385) be given circles. Draw the diameter a c ; upon this erect an equilateral trian- gle aec, according to A rt. 525 ; divide ac into as many equal parts as the polygon is to have sides, as at i, 2, 3, 4, etc.; from e, through each even number, as 2, 4, 6, etc., draw lines TO DESCRIBE ANY REGULAR POLYGON. 573 cutting the circle in the points 2, 4, etc.; from these points and at right angles to a c draw lines to the opposite part of the circle ; this will give the remaining points for the polygon, as b, /, etc. In forming a hexagon, the sides of the triangle erected FIG. 383. upon ac (as at Fig. 384) mark the points b and f. This method of locating the angles of a polygon is an approxima- tion sufficiently near for many purposes ; it is based upon the like principle with the method of obtaining a right line nearly equal to a circle (Art. 524). The method shown at Art. 531 is accurate. FIG. 386. FIG. 387.- FIG. 388 531. Upon a Given Line to Decrifoe any Regular Polygon. Let a b (Figs. 386, 387, and 388) be (riven lines, equal to a side of the required figure. From b draw be at right angles to a b ; upon a and &, with a b for radius, describe the arcs acd and feb\ divide ac into as many equal parts 5/4 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. as the polygon is to have sides, and extend those divisions from c towards d\ from the second point of division, count- ing from c towards a, as 3 (Fig. 386), 4 (Fig. 387), and 5 (Fig. 388), draw a line to b ; take the distance from said point of division to a, and set it from b to e ; join e and a ; upon the intersection o with the 'radius oa, describe the circle afdb; then radiating lines, drawn from b through the even numbers on the arc a d, will cut the circle at the several angles of the required figure. In the hexagon (Fig. 387), the divisions on the arc ad are not necessary ; for the point o is at the intersection of the arcs ad and fb, the points f and d are determined by the intersection of those arcs with the circle, and the points above g and h can be found by drawing lines from a and b through the centre o. In polygons of a greater number of sides than the hexagon the intersection o comes above the arcs ; in such case, therefore, the lines a e and b 5 (Fig. 388) have to be extended before they will intersect. This method of describing polygons is founded on correct principles, and is therefore accurate. In the circle equal arcs subtend equal angles (Arts. 357 and 515). Although this method is accurate, yet polygons may be described as accurately and more simply in the following manner. It will be observed that much of the process in this method is for the purpose of ascertaining the centre of a circle that will circumscribe the proposed polygon. By reference to the Table of Poly- gons in Art. 442 it will be seen ho-w this centre may be ob- tained arithmetically. This is the rule : multiply the given side by the tabular radius for polygons of a like number of sides with the proposed figure, and the product will be the radius of the required circumscribing circle. Divide this circle into as many equal parts as the polygon is to have sides, connect the points of division by straight lines, and the figure is complete. For example : It is desired to de- scribe a polygon of 7 sides, and 20 inches a side. The tabu- lar radius is 1-15238. This multiplied by 20, the product, 23-0476 is Ihe required radius in inches. The Rules for the Reduction of Decimals, in the Appendix, show how to change decimals to the fractions of a foot or an inch. From EQUAL FIGURES. 575 this, 23 -0476 is equal to 23 T V inches, nearly. It is not needed to take all the decimals in the table, three or four of them will give a result sufficiently near for all ordinary practice. 532. To ontruct a Triangle whose Side shall be everally Equal to Three Given Lines. Let a, b and c (Fig. 389) be the given lines. Draw the line de and make it equal FIG. 389. c\ upon e, with b for radius, describe an arc at /; upon d, with a for radius, describe an arc intersecting the other at/; join d and /, also f and e ; then dfe will be the triangle required. 533 To Construct a Figure Equal to a Given, Right- lined Figure. Let abed (Fig. 390) be the given figure. Make ef (Fig. 391) equal to cd-, upon /, with da for radius, FIG. 390. FIG. 391. describe an arc at^; upon r, with ca for radius, describe an arc intersecting the other at^; join ^and e,\ upon f and g, with db and ab for radius, describe arcs intersecting at // ; join g and /*, also h and /; then Fig. 391 will every way equal Fig. 390. So, right-lined figures of any number of sides may be copied, by first dividing them into triangles, and then pro- 57 6 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. ceeding as above. The shape of the floor of any room, or of any piece of land, etc., may be accurately laid out by this problem, at a scale upon paper ; and the contents in square feet be ascertained by the next. 534. To Make a Parallelogram equal to a Given Triangle. Let a be (Fig. 392) be the given triangle. From a draw a d at right angles to b c ; bisect a d in e ; through e f FIG. 392. draw fg parallel to be-, from b and c draw b f and eg ^par- allel to de\ then bfgc will be a parallelogram containing a surface exactly equal to that of the triangle a be. Unless the parallelogram is required to be a rectangle, the lines bf and eg need not be drawn parallel to d e. If a rhomboid is desired they may be drawn at an oblique angle, provided they be parallel to one another. To ascertain the area of a triangle, multiply the base be by half the perpen- d FIG. 393. dicular height da. is taken for base. In doing this it matters not which side 535. A Parallelogram being Given, to Construct An- other Equal to it, and Having a Side Equal to a Given Line. Let A (Fig. 393) be the given parallelogram, and B the given line. Produce the sides of the parallelogram, as at SQUARE EQUAL TO TWO OR MORE SQUARES. 577 a, b, c, and d'\ make ed equal to B ; through d draw cf par- allel to gb-, through e draw the diagonal ca\ from a draw af parallel to ed; then C will be equal to A. (See Art. 340.) 536. To Make a Square Equal to two or more Given Squares. Let A and B (Fig. 394) be two given squares. FIG. 394. Place them so as to form a right angle, as at a ; Join b ai will be equal to the three given squares. (See Art. 353.) The usefulness and importance of this problem are pro- verbial. To ascertain the length of braces and of rafters in 578 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. framing, the length of stair-strings, etc., are some of the pur- poses to which it may be applied in carpentry. (See note to Art. 503.) If the lengths of any two sides of a right- angled triangle are known, that of the third can be ascer- tained. Because the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the united squares of the two sides that contain the right angle. (i.) The two sides containing the right angle being known, to find the hypothenuse. Rule. Square each given side, add the squares together, and from the product extract the square root ; this will be the answer. For instance, suppose it were required to find the length of a rafter for a house, 34 feet wide the ridge of the roof to be 9 feet high, above the level of the wall-plates. Then 17 feet, half of the span, is one, and 9 feet, the height, is the other of the sides that contain the right angle. Proceed as directed by the rule : 17 9 17 _9 119 8 1 = square of 9. 17 289 = square of 17. 289 square of 17. 370 Product. i ) 370 ( 19-235 + = square root of 370 ; equal 19 feet 2-J in., i i nearly ; which would be the required 20 )~270 length of the rafter. 9 261 382). -900 _ 2 ^1 3843) 13600 38465)- 207 100 192325 TO FIND THE LENGTH OF A RAFTER. 579 (By reference to the table of square roots in the Appen- dix, the root of almost any number may be found ready calculated ; also, to change the decimals of a foot to inches and parts, see Rules for the Reduction of Decimals in the Appendix.) Again : suppose it be required, in a frame building, to find the length of a brace having a run of three feet each way from the point of the right angle. The length of the sides containing the right angle will be each 3 feet ; then, as before 3 _3 9 = square of one side. 3 times 3 = 9 = square of the other side. 1 8 Product : the square root of which is 4 2426-}- ft., or 4 feet 2 inches and -J full. (2.) The hypothenuse and one side being known, to find the other side. Rule. Subtract the square of the given side from the square of the hypothenuse, and the square root of the prod- uct will be the answer. Suppose it were required to ascertain the greatest per- pendicular height a roof of a given span may have, when pieces of timber of a given length are to be used as rafters. Let the span be 20 feet, and the rafters of 3 x 4 hemlock joist. These come about 13 feet long. The known hy- pothenuse, then, is 13 feet, and the known side, 10 feet that being half the span of the building. 13 13 39 13 169 = square of hypothenuse. 10 times 10 = 100 square of the given side. 69 Product : the square root of which is 580 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 8 3066+ feet, or 8 feet 3 inches and | full. This will be the greatest perpendicular height, as required. Again : suppose that in a story of 8 feet, from floor to floor, a step-ladder is required, the strings of which are to be of plank 12 feet long, and it is desirable to know the greatest run such a length of string will afford. In this case, the two given sides are hypothenuse 12, perpendicular 8 feet. 12 times 12 144 square of hypothenuse, 8 times 8 = 64 = square of perpendicular. 80 Product : the square root of which is 8-9442+ feet, or 8 feet n inches and ^ the answer, as re- quired. Many other cases might be adduced to show the utility of this problem. A practical and ready method of ascer- taining the length of braces, rafters, etc., when not of a great length, is to apply a rule across the carpenters' -square. Suppose, for the length of a rafter, the base be 12 feet and the height 7. Apply the rule diagonally on the square, so that it touches 12 inches from the corner on one side, and 7 inches from the corner on the other. The number of inches on the rule which are intercepted by the sides of the square, 13!-, nearly, wilt be the length of the rafter in feet ; viz., 13 feet and. -J- of a foot. If the dimensions are large, as 30 feet and 20, take the half of each on the sides of the square, viz., 15 and 10 inches; then the length in inches across will be one half the number of feet the rafter is long. This method is just as accurate as the preceding ; but when the length of a very long rafter is sought, it requires great care and pre- cision to ascertain the fractions. For the least variation on the square, or in the length taken on the rule, would make perhaps several inches difference in the length of the rafter. For shorter dimensions, however, the result will be true enough. 537. To Make a Circle Equal to two Given Circles. Let A and B (Fig- 396) be the given circles. In the right- angled triangle abc make ab equal to the diameter of the SIMILAR FIGURES. circle B, and cb equal to the diameter of the cin the hypothenuse a c will be the diameter of a circle C, which will be equal in area to the two circles A and B, added together. FIG. 396. Any polygonal figure, as A (Fig. 397), formed on the hy- pothenuse of a right-angled triangle, will be equal to two similar figures,* as B and C, formed on the two legs of the triangle. FIG. 397. 538. To ontruct a Square Equal to a Given Rect- angle. Let A (Fig. 398) be the given rectangle. Extend the side ab and make be equal to be\ bisect a c in /, and upon /, with the radius fa, describe the semi-circle agc\ extend eb till it cuts the curve in g\ then a square bghd, formed on the line bg, will be equal in area to the rectan- glcA. * Similar figures are such as have their several angles respectively equal, and their sides respectively proportionate. 582 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Another method. Let A (Fig. 399) be the given rectangle. Extend the side a b and make a d equal to a c ; bisect a d in e\ upon e, with the radius ea, describe the semi-circle afd\ extend gb till it cuts the curve in /; join a and f\ then FIG. 398. the square B, formed on the line af, will be equal in area to the rectangle A. (See Arts. 352 and 353.) 539. To Form a Square Equal to a Given Triangle- Let ab (Fig. 398) equal the base of the given triangle, and be equal half its perpendicular height (see Fig. 392) ; then pro- ceed as directed at Art. 538. 540. Two Right Lines being Given, to Find a Third Proportional Thereto. Let A and B (Fig. 400) be the given lines. Make a b equal to A ; from a draw a c at any angle PROPORTIONATE DIVISIONS IN LINES. 583 with ab-, make ac and ad each equal to B; join c and ; from d draw de parallel to c b ; then # e will be the third proportional required. That is, ae bears the same propor- tion to B as B does to A. FIG. 400. 541. Three Right Lines being Given, to Find a Fourth Proportional Thereto. Let A, B, and C (Fig. 401) be the given lines. Make ab equal to A ; from a draw ac at any angle with a b ; make # c equal to j9 and a e equal to (7 ; join c and ; from e draw */ parallel to cb\ then 0/ will be the fourth proportional required. That is, af bears the same proportion to C as B does to A. To apply this problem, suppose the two axes of a given ellipsis and the longer axis of a proposed ellipsis are given. Then, by this problem, the length of the shorter axis to the proposed ellipsis can be found ; so that it will bear the same proportion to the longer axis as the shorter of the given ellipsis does to its longer. (See also Art. 559.) 542. A Line with Certain Divisions being Given, to Divide Another, Longer or Shorter, Given Line in the Same Proportion. Let A (Fig. 402) be the line to be di- vided, and B the line with its divisions. Make a b equal to B with all its divisions, as at i, 2, 3', etc.; from a draw ac at any angle with a b ; make a c equal to A ; join c and b ; from 584 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. the points i, 2, 3, etc., draw lines parallel to cb', then these will divide the line ac in the same proportion as B is divided as was required. This problem will be found useful in proportioning the members of a proposed cornice, in the same proportion as those of a given cornice of another size. (See Art. 321.) So of a pilaster, architrave, etc. 543. Between Two Given Right Lines, to Find a Mean Proportional. Let A and B (Fig. 403) be the given lines. On the line ac make ab equal to A and be equal to B ; bisect ac in e\ upon e, with ea for radius, describe the semi-circle adc\ at b erect b d at right angles to a c ; then bd will be the mean proportional between A and B. That is, ab is to bd as bd is to be. This is usually stated thus: ab : bd : : bd : be, and since the product of the means equals the product of the extremes, therefore, abxbe = bd*- This is shown geometrically at Art. 538. CONIC SECTIONS. 544. Definitions. If a cone, standing upon a base that is at right angles with its axis, be cut by a plane, per- AXIS AND BASE OF PARABOLA. 585 pendicular to its base and passing through its axis, the sec- tion will be an isosceles triangle (as a be, Fig. 404) ; and the base will be a semi-circle. If a cone be cut by a plane in the direction ef the section will be an ellipsis ; if in the direction ml, the section will be a parabola; and if in the direction ro, an hyperbola. (See Art. 499.) If the cutting planes be at right angles with the plane a be, then 545. To Find the Axe of the Ellipsi: bisect ef (Fig. 404) in g\ through g draw h i parallel to ab\ bisect h i in/; FIG. 404. upon j, with jh for radius, describe the semi-circle hki\ from ^-draw gk.at right angles to hi\ then twice gk will be the conjugate axis and ef the transverse. 546. To Find the Axis and Bae of the Parabola. Let ;;/ / (Fig. 404), parallel to ac, be the direction of the cut- ting plane. From ;;/ draw m d at right angles to a b ; then l-m will be the axis and height, and md an ordinate and half the base, as at Figs. 417, 418. 547. To Find the Height, Bae, and Transverse Axis of an Hyperbola. Let o r (Fig. 404) be the direction of the 586 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. cutting plane. Extend or and ac till they meet at w; from o draw op at right angles to a b ; then r o will be the height, n r the transverse axis, and op half the base ; as at Fig. 419. 54-8. The Axes being Given, to Find the Foci, and to Describe an Ellipsis with a String. Let ab (Fig. 405) and cd be the given axes. Upon c, with a e or be for radius, de- scribe the arc //; then / and /, the points at which the arc cuts the transverse axis, will be the foci. At f and f place two pins, and another at c\ tie a string about the three pins, so as to form the triangle ffc ; remove the pin from c and place a pencil in its stead ; keeping the string taut, move the pencil in the direction cga\ it will then describe the required ellipsis. The lines fg and gf show the posi- tion of the string when the pencil arrives at g. This method, when performed correctly, is perfectly ac- curate ; but the string is liable to stretch, and is, therefore, not so good to use as the trammel. In making an ellipse by a string or twine, that kind should be used which has the least tendency to elasticity. For this reason, a cotton cord, such as chalk-lines are commonly made of, is not proper for the purpose ; a linen or flaxen cord is much better. 549. The Axes being Given, to Describe an Ellipsis with a Trammel. Let ab and cd (Fig. 406) be the given axes. Place the trammel so that a line passing through the centre ol the grooves would coincide with the axes ; make ELLIPSE BY TRAMMEL. 587 the distance from the pencil e to the nut/ equal to half c d\ also, from the pencil e to the nut g equal to half a b ; letting the pins under the nuts slide in the grooves, move the tram- mel eg in the direction cbd\ then the pencil at e will de- scribe the required ellipse. A trammel may be constructed thus : take two straight strips of board, and make a groove on their face, in the cen- tre of their width ; join them together, in the middle of their length, at right angles to one another ; as is seen at Fig. 406. A rod is then to be prepared, having two movable nuts made of wood, with a mortise through them of the size of the rod, and pins under them large enough to fill the grooves. Make a hole at one end of the rod, in which to FIG. 406. place a pencil. In the absence of a regular trammel a tem- porary one may be made, which, for any short job, will an- swer every purpose. Fasten two straight-edges at right angles to one another. Lay them so as to coincide with the axes of the proposed ellipse, having the angular point at the centre. Then, in a rod having a hole for the pencil at one end, place two brad-awls at the distances described at Art, 549. While the pencil is moved in the direction of the curve, keep the brad-awls hard against the straight-edges, as directed for using the trammel-rod, and one quarter of the ellipse will be drawn. Then, by shifting the straight- edges, the other three quarters in succession may be drawn. If the required ellipse be not too large, a carpenters'-square may be made use of, in place of the straight-edges. An improved method of constructing the trammel is as 588 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. follows: make the sides of the grooves bevelling from the face of the stuff, or dove-tailing instead of square. Prepare two slips of wood, each about two inches long, which shall be of a shape to just fill the groove when slipped in at the end. These, instead of pins, are to be attached one to each of the movable nuts with a screw, loose enough for the nut to move freely about the screw as an axis. The advantage of this contrivance is, in preventing the nuts from slipping out oftheir places during the operation of describing the curve. 550. To Describe an Ellipsis by Ordiiiute*. Let ab and cd (Fig. 407) be given axes. With c e or ' e d for radius describe the quadrant fgh ; divide f/i, ac, and eb, each into a like number of equal parts, as at I, 2, and 3 ; through these points draw ordinates parallel to cd and -fg\ take the distance I i and place it at i /, transfer 27 to 2 /#, and 3 k to 3 n ; through the points # , n, m, /, and c, trace a curve, and the ellipsis will be completed. The greater the number of divisions on a, e, etc., in this and the following problem, the more points in the curve can be found, and the more accurate the curve can be traced. If pins are placed in the points n, m, /, etc., and a thin slip of wood bent around by them, the curve can be made quite correct. This method is mostly used in tracing face-moulds for stair hand -railing. 551. To Describe an Ellipsis by Intersection of Lines. Let ab and cd (Fig. 408) be given axes. Through c, draw ELLIPSE BY INTERSECTION OF LINES. 589 fg parallel to.ab', from a and b draw af and b g at right angles to a b ; divide fa, gb, ae, and eb, each into a like number of equal parts, as at i, 2, 3, and 0, g,g, and g; then these points of intersection will be in the curve of the ellipsis. The other points, h and i, are found in like manner, viz.: h is found by taking b2 for one radius, and 0,2 for the other ; i is found by taking b 3 for one radius, and a 3 for the other, always using the foci for centres. Then by tracing a curve through the points c, g, //, i, b, etc., the ellipse will be completed. This problem is founded upon the same principle as that of the string. This is obvious, when we reflect that the length of the string is equal to the transverse axis, added to TO DESCRIBE AN OVAL. 591 the distance between the foci. See Fig. 405, in which cf equals ae, the half of the transverse axis. 553. To Describe a Figure Nearly in the Shape of an Ellipsis, by a Pair of Compasses. Let ab and c d (Fig. 41 1) be given axes. From c draw c e parallel to a b ; from a draw ae parallel to cd\ join e and d\ bisect ea in /; join / and c, intersecting edvn. i\ bisect ic in,*?; from o draw og at right, angles to ic, meeting cd extended to g\ join i and g, cutting the transverse axis in r ; make hj equal to Jig, and h k equal to//r; from j, through r and k, draw//;z and/#; also, from g, through /, draw gl; upon g and/, with gc for radius, describe the arcs il and mn\ upon r and , with ?-# for radius, describe the arcs ;;/*and /;/ ; this will complete the figure. When the axes are proportioned to one another, as at 2 to 3, the extremities, c and d, of the shortest axis, will be the centres for describing the arcs il and m n ; and the inter- section of ed with the transverse axis will be the centre for describing the arc m, i, etc. As the elliptic curve is contin- ually changing its course from that of a circle, a true ellipsis cannot be described with a pair of compasses. The above, therefore, is only an approximation. 554. To Draw an Oval in the Proportion Seven by Nine. Let cd (Fig. 412) be the given conjugate axis. Bisect 592 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. cdin o, and through o draw ab at right angles to cd\ bisect co in e ; upon o, with 0^ for radius, describe the circle efgh ; from e, through h and f t draw y a Column and Entablature Standing in Advance of aid Wall. Cast rays from a and b (Fig. 447), and find the point c as in the previous examples ; from d draw the ray de, and from e the horizontal line ef\ tangical to the curve at g and h draw the rays gj and h i, and from i and j erect the per- pendiculars il and/; from m and n draw the rays mf and nk, and trace the curve between and/; cast a ray from o to /, a vertical line from/ to s, and through s draw the horizon- tal line s t ; the shadow as required will then be completed. FIG. 448. Fig. >| /| K is an example of the same kind as the last, with all the shadows filled in, according to the lines obtained in the preceding figure. 585. Shadows on a Cornice. Figs. 449 and 450 are examples of the Tuscan cornice. The manner of obtaining the shadows is evident. 586. Reflected Light. In shading, the finish and life of an object depend much on reflected light. This is seen to advantage in Fig. 446, and on the column in Fig. 448. Re- 6l2 SHADOWS. fleeted rays are thrown in a direction exactly the reverse of direct rays ; therefore, on that part of an object which is subject to reflected light, the shadows are reversed. The FIG. 449. fillet of the ovolo in Fig. 446 is an example of this. On the right hand side of the column, the^ace of the fillet is much darker than the cove directly under it. The reason of this FIG. 450, is, the face of the fillet is deprived both of direct and re- flected light, whereas the cove is subject to the latter. Other instances of the effect of reflected light will be seen in the other examples. CONTENTS. PART I. SECTION I. ARC H ITECTU RE. Art. 1. Building defined, p. 5. 2. Antique Builcings ; Tower of Babel, p. 5. 3. Ancient Cities and Monuments, p. 6. 4. Architecture in Greece, p. 6. 5. Architecture in Rome, p. 7. 6. Rome and Greece, p. 8. 7. Ar- chitecture debased, p. 9. . The Ostrogoths, p. 9. 9. The Lombards, p. 10. 1O. The Byzantine Architects, p. 10. 11. The Moors, p. 10. 12. The Architecture of England, p. n. 13. Architecture Progressive, p. 12. 14. Architecture in Italy, p. 12. 15. The Renaissance, p. 13. 16. Styles of Ar- chitecture, p. 13. 17. Orders, p. 14. 18. The Stylobatc, p. 14. 19. The Column, p. 14. 2O. The Entablature, p. 14. 21. The Base, p. 1422. The Shaft, p. 15. 23. The Capital, p. 15. 24. The Architrave, p. 15. 25. The Frieze, p. 15. 26. The Cornice, p. 15. 27. The Pediment, p. 15. 28. The Tympanum, p. 15. 29. The Attic, p. 15. 3O. Proportions in an Order, p. 15. 31. Grecian Styles, p. 16. 32. The Doric Order, p. 16. 33. The Intercolumniation, p. 17. 34. The Doric Order, p. 19 35. The Ionic Order, p. 19. 36. The Intercolumniation, p. 20. 37. To Describe the Ionic Volute, p. 20. 38. The Corinthian Order, p. 23. 39. Persians and Carya- tides, p. 24. 4O. Persians, p. 24. 41, Caryatides, p. 26. 42. Roman Styles, p. 26. 43. Grecian Orders modified by the Romans, p. 27. 44. The Tuscan Order, p. 30. 45. Egyptian Style, p. 30. 46. Building in General, p. 33. 47. Expression, p. 35. 48. Durability, p. 37. 49. Dwelling- Houses, p. 37. 5O. Arranging the Stairs and Windows, p. 42. 51. Prin- ciples of Architecture, p. 44. 52. Arrangement, p. 44. 53. Ventilation, p. 45. 54. Stability, p. 45. 55. Decoration, p. 46. 56. Elementary Parts of a Building, p. 46. 57. The Foundation, p. 47. 58. The Column, or Pillar, p. 47. 59. The Wall, p. 48. 6O. The Reticulated Walls, p. 49. 61. The Lintel, or Beam, p. 49. 62. The Arch, p. 50. 63. Hookc's Theory of an Arch, p. 50. 64. Gothic Arches, p. 51. 65. Arch : Definitions ; Principles, p. 52. 66. An Arcade, p. 52. 67. The Vault, p. 52. 68. The Dome, p. 53. 69. The Roof, p. 54. 614 CONTENTS. SECTION II. CONSTRUCTION. Art. TO. Construction Essential, p. 56. 71. Laws of Pressure, p. 57. 72. Parallelogram of Forces, p. 59. 73. The Resolution of Forces, p. 59. 74. Inclination of Supports Unequal, p. 60. 75. The Strains Exceed the Weights, p. 61. 76. Minimum Thrust of Rafters, p. 62. 77. Practical Method of Determining Strains, p. 62. 78. Horizontal Thrust, p. 63. 79. Position of Supports, p. 65. 8O. The Composition of Forces, p. 66. 81. Another Example, p. 67. 82. Ties and Struts, p. 68. 83. To Distinguish Ties from Struts, p. 69. 84. Another Example, p. 70. 85. Centre of Gravity, p. 7I ._86. Effect of the Weight of Inclined Beams, p. 72. 87. Effect of Load on Beam, p. 74. 88. Effect on Bearings, p. 75. 89. Weight-Strength, p. 76. 9O. Quality of Materials, p. 76. 91. Manner of Resisting, p. 77. 92. Strength and Stiffness, p. 78. 93. Experiments : Constants, p. 78. 94. Resistance to Compression, p. 79. 95. Resistance to Tension, p. 81. 96. Resistance to Transverse Strains, p. 83. 97. Resistance to Compression, p. 85. 98. Compression Transversely to the Fibres, p. 86. 99. The Limit of Weight, p. 86. 1OO. Area of Post, p. 86. 1O1. Rupture by Sliding, p. 87. 1O2. The Limit of Weight, p. 87. 1O3. Area of Surface, p. 88. 1O4. Tenons and Splices, p. 88. HO5. Stout Posts, p. 89. IO6. The Limit of Weight, p. 89. 17. Area of Post, p. 90. 1O8. Area of Round Posts, p. 90. 1O9. Slender Posts, p. 91. 11O. The Limit of Weight, p. 91. 111. Diameter of the Post; when Round, p. 92. 112. Side of Post: when Square, p. 93. 113. Thickness of a Rectangular Post, p. 95. 114. Breadth of a Rectangular Post, p. 95. 115. Resistance to Tension, p. 96. 116. .The Limit of Weight, p. 96. 117. Sectional Area, p. 97. 118. Weight of the Suspending Piece Included, p. 98. 119. Area of Suspending Piece, p. 99. RESISTANCE TO TRANSVERSE STRAINS. Art. H2O. Transverse Strains: Rupture, p. 99. H21L. Location of Mor- tises, p. 100. 122. Transverse Strains : Relation of Weight to Dimensions, p. loi 123. Safe Weight : Load at Middle, p. 103. 124. Breadth of Beam with Safe Load, p. 104. fl25. Depth of Beam with Safe Load, p. 104. 126. Safe Load at any Point, p. 105. 127. Breadth or Depth : Load at any Point, p. 106. 128. Weight Uniformly Distributed, p. 107. 129. Breadth or Depth: Load Uniformly Distributed, p. 108. 13O. Load per Foot Super- ficial, p. 109. 131. Levers : Load at one End, p. no. 132. Levers : Breadth or Depth, p. in. 133. Deflection: Relation to Weight, p. 112. 134. De- flection: Relation t<) Dimensions, p. 112. 135. Deflection : Weight when at Middle, p. 114. 136. Deflection : Breadth or Depth, Weight at Middle, p. 114. 137. Deflection : When Weight is at Middle, p. 116. 138. Deflection : Load Uniformly Distributed, p. 116. 139. Deflection : Weight when Uni- formly Distributed, p. 117. I4O. Deflection: Breadth or Depth, Load Uni- formly Distributed, p. 117. 14i. Deflection: When Weight is Uniformly Distributed, p. 118. 142. Deflection of Lever, p. 119. 143. Deflection of a Lever: Load at End, p. 120. 144. Deflection of a Lever : Weight when at End, p. 120. 145. Deflection of a Lever : Breadth or Depth, Load at End, CONTENTS. 615 p. i2i. 146. Deflection of Levers: Weight Uniformly Distributed, p. 121. 147. Deflection of Levers with Uniformly Distributed Load, p. 122.. 148. Deflection of Levers: Weight when Uniformly Distributed, p. 122. 149. Deflection of Levers : Breadth or Depth, Load Uniformly Distributed, p. 122. CONSTRUCTION IN GENERAL. Art. 15O. Construction : Object Clearly Denned, p. 123. 151. Floors Described, p. 124. 152. Floor-Beams, p. 125. 153. Floor-Beams for Dwell- ings, p. 127. 154. Floor-Beams for First-Class Stores, p. 128. 155. Floor- Beams : Distance from Centres, p. 129. 156. Framed Openings for Chimneys and Stairs, p. 130. 157. Breadth of Headers, p. 130. 15. Breadth of Carriage-Beams, p. 132. 159. Breadth of Carriage-Beams Carrying Two Sets of Tail-Beams, p. 134. 16O. Breadth of Carriage-Beam with Well-Hole at Middle, p. 136. 161. Cross- Bridging, or Herring-Bone Bridging, p. 137. 162. Bridging : Value to Resist Concentrated Loads, p. 137. 163. Gird- ers, p. 140. 164. Girders : Dimensions, p. 141. FIRE-PROOF TIMBER FLOORS. Art. 165. Solid Timber Floors, p. 143. 166. Solid Timber Floors for Dwellings and Assembly-Rooms, p. 143. 167. Solid Timber Floors for First- Class Stores, p. 144. 168. Rolled-Iron Beams, p. 145. 169. Rolled-Iron Beams: Dimensions; Weight at Middle, p. 146. 17O. Rolled-Iron Beams: Deflection when Weight is at Middle, p. 147. 171. Rolled-Iron Beams: Weight when at Middle, p. 148. 172. Rolled-Iron Beams: Weight at any Point, p. 148. 173. Rolled-Iron Beams: Dimensions ; Weight at any Point, p ^g. B.74. Rolled-Iron Beams : Dimensions ; Weight Uniformly Distrib- uted, p. 149. 175. Rolled-Iron Beams : Deflection ; Weight Uniformly Dis- tributed, p. 150. 176. Rolled-Iron Beams : Weight when Uniformly Distrib- uted, p. 151. 177. Rolled-Iron Beams: Floors of Dwellings or Assembly- Rooms, p. 151. 178. Rolled-Iron Beams : Floors of First-Class Stores, p. 152. 179. Floor-Arches: General Considerations, p. 153. 18O. Floor- Arches: Tie-Rods; Dwellings, p. 153. 181. Floor-Arches: Tie-Rods; First Class Stores, p. 153. TUBULAR IRON GIRDERS. Art. 182. Tubular Iron Girders: Description, p. 154. 183. Tubular Iron Girders : Area of Flanges ; Load at Middle, p. 154. 184. Tubular Iron Girders : Area of Flanges ; Load at any Point, p. 155. 185. Tubular Iron Girders : Area of Flanges ; Load Uniformly Distributed, p. 156. 186. Tu- bular Iron Girders: Shearing Strain, p. 157. 187. Tubular Iron Girders: Thickness of Web, p. 158. 188. Tubular Iron Girders for Floors of Dwell- ings, Assembly-Rooms, and Office Buildings, p. 159. 189. Tubular Iron Girders for Floors of First-Class Stores, p. 160. CAST-IRON GIRDERS. Art. 19O. Cast-Iron Girders: Inferior, p. 161. 191. Cast-Iron Girder: Load at Middle, p. 161. 192. Cast-Iron Girder: Load Uniformly Distributed, 6l6 CONTENTS. p. 163. 193. Cast-Iron Bowstring Girder, p. 163. 194. Substitute for the Bowstring Girder, p. 163. FRAMED GIRDERS. Art. 195. Graphic Representation of Strains, p. 165. 196. Framed Girders, p. 166. 197. Framed Girder and Diagram of Forces, p. 167. 198. Framed Girders : Load on Both Chords, p. 171. 199. Framed Girders: Di- mensions of Parts, p. 173. PARTITIONS. Art. 2OO. Partitions, p. 174. 2O1. Examples of Partitions, p. 175. ROOFS. Art. 2O2. Roofs, p. 178. 2O3. Comparison of Roof-Trusses, p. 178. 2O4. Force Diagram : Load upon Each Support, p. 179. 2O5. Force Dia- gram for Truss in Fig. 59, p. 179. 2O6. Force Diagram for Truss in Fig. 60, p. 180. 2O7. Force Diagram for Truss in JFtg.Gi, p. 181. 2O8. Force Dia- gram for Truss in Fig. 63, p. 183. 299. Force Diagram for Truss in Fig. 64, p. 184. 21O. Forc Diagram for Truss in Fig. 65, p. 185. 211. Force Dia- gram for Truss in Fig. 66, p. 186. 212. Roof-Truss : Effect of Elevating the Tie-Beam, p. 187. 213. Planning a Roof, p. 188. 214. Load upon Roof- Truss, p. 189. 215. Load on Roof per Superficial Foot, p. 189. 216. Load upon Tie-Beam, p. 190. 217. Roof Weights in Detail, p. 191. 21. Load per Foot Horizontal, p. 192. 219. Weight of Truss, p. 192. 22O. Weight of Snow on Roofs, p. 193. 221. Effect of Wind on Roofs, p. 193. 222. Total Load per Foot Horizontal, p. 197. 223. Strains in Roof Timbers Computed, p. 198. 224. Strains in Roof Timbers Shown Geometrically, p. 199. 225. Application of the Geometrical System of Strains, p. 202. 226. Roof Timbers : the Tie-Beam, p. 204. 227. The Rafter, p. 205. 228. The Braces, p. 208. 229. The Suspension Rod, p. 210. 23O. Roof-Beams, Jack-Rafters, and Purlins, p. 211. 231. Five Examples of Roofs, p. 212. 232. Roof-Truss with Elevated Tie-Beam, p. 214. 233. Hip-Roofs : Lines and Bevels, p. 215. 234. The Backing of the Hip-Rafter, p. 216. DOMES. Art. 235. Domes, p. 216. 236. Ribbed Dome, p. 217. 237. Domes: Curve of Equilibrium, p. 218. 238. Cubic Parabola Computed, p. 219. 239. Small Domes over Stairways, p. 220. 24O. Covering for a Spherical Dome, p. 221. 241. Polygonal Dome : Form of Angle-Rib, p. 223. BRIDGES. Art. 242. Bridges, p. 223. 243. Bridges : Built-Rib, p. 224. 244. Bridges : Framed Rib, p. 226. 245. Bridges : Roadway, p. 227. 246. Bridges : Abutments, p. 227. 247. Centres for Stone Bridges, p. 229. 248. Arch Stones : Joints, p. 223. JOINTS. Art. 249. Timber Joints, p. 234. CONTENTS. 6i; SECTION III. STAIRS. Art. 250. Stairs : General Requirements, p. 240. 251. The Grade of Stairs, p. 241. 252. Pitch-Board : Relation of Rise to Tread, p. 242. 253. Dimensions of the Pitch-Board, p. 247. 254. The String of a Stairs, p. 247. 255. Step and Riser Connection, p. 248. PLATFORM STAIRS Art. 256. Platform Stairs : the Cylinder, p. 248. 257. Form of Lower Edge of Cylinder, p. 249. 25. Position of the Balusters, p. 250. 259. Wind- ing Stairs, p. 251. 260. Regular Winding Stairs, p. 251. 261. Winding Stairs : Shape and Position of Timbers, p. 252. 262. Winding Stairs with Flyers: Grade of Front String, p. 253. HAND-RAILING. Art. 263. Hand-Railing for Stairs, p. 256. 264. Hand-Railing : Defini- tions ; Planes and Solids, p. 257. 265. Hand-Railing: Preliminary Consider- ations, p. 258. 266. A Prism Cut by an Oblique Plane, p. 259. 267. Form of Top of Prism, p. 259. 26. Face-Mould for Hand-Railing of Platform Stairs, p. 264. 269. More Simple Method for Hand-Rail to Platform Stairs, p. 267. 27O. Hand-Railing for a Larger Cylinder, p. 271. 271. Face- Mould without Canting the Plank, p. 272. 272. Railing for Platform Stairs where the Rake meets the Level, p. 272. 273. Application of Face-Moulds to Plank, p. 273. 274. Face-Moulds for Moulded Rails upon Platform Stairs, p. 274. 275. Application of Face-Moulds to Plank, p. 275. 276. Hand-Railing for Circular Stairs, p. 278. 277. Face-Moulds for Circular Stairs, p. 282. 27. Face-Moulds, for Circular Stairs, p. 285279. Face- Moulds for Circular Stairs, again, p. 287. 280. Hand-Railing for Winding Stairs, p. 289. 21. Face-Moulds for Windjng Stairs, p. 290. 22. Face- Moulds for Winding Stairs, again, p. 293. 283. Face-Moulds : Test of Accu- racy, p. 295. 284. Application of the Face-Mould, p. 297. 285. Face-Mould Curves are Elliptical, p. 301. 286. Face-Moulds for Round Rails, p. 303. 287. Position of the Butt Joint, p. 303. 288. Scrolls for Hand-Rails: Gen- eral Rule for Size and Position of the Regulating Square, p. 308. 289. Cen- tres in Regulating Square, p. 308. 29O. Scroll for Hand-Rail Over Curtail Step, p. 309. 291. Scroll for Curtail Step, p. 310. 292. Position of Balus- ters Under Scroll, p. 310 293. Falling-Mould for Raking Part of Scroll, p. 310. 294. Face-Mould for the Scroll, p. 311. 295. Form of Newel-Cap from a Section of the Rail, p. 312. 296. Boring for Balusters in a Round Rail before it is Rounded, p. 313. SPLAYED WORK. Art. 297. The Bevels in Splayed Work, p. 314. SECTION IV. DOORS AND WINDOWS. DOORS. Art. 298. General Requirements, p. 315. 299. The Proportion between Width and Height, p. 315. 3OO. Panels, p. 316. 3O1. Trimmings, p. 317. 302. Hanging Doors, p. 317. 6l8 CONTENTS. WINDOWS. Art. 3O3. Requirements for Light, p. 317. 3O4. Window Frames, p. 318. 3O5. Inside Shutters, p. 319. 3O6. Proportion: Width and Height, p. 319. 3O7. Circular Heads, p. 320. 3O8. Form of Soffit for Circular Win- dow Heads, p. 321. SECTION V. MOULDINGS AND CORNICES. MOULDINGS. Art. 309. Mouldings, p. 323. 31 0. Characteristics of Mouldings, p. 324. 311. A Profile, p. 326. 312. The Grecian Torus and Scotia, p. 326. 313. The Grecian Echinus, p. 327. 314. The Grecian Cavetto, p. 327. 315. The Grecian Cyma- Recta, p. 327. 316. The Grecian Cyma-Reversa, p. 328. 3S.7. Roman Mouldings, p. 329. 318. Modern Mouldings, p. 331. CORNICES. Art. 3H9. Designs for Cornices, p. 335. 32O. Eave Cornices Propor- tioned to Height of Building, p. 335. 321. Cornice Proportioned to a given Cornice, p. 342. 322. Angle Bracket in a Built Cornice, p. 343. 323. Rak- ing Mouldings Matched with Level Returns, p. 344. PART II. SECTION VI.-GEOMETRY. Art. 324. Mathematics Essential, p. 347. 325. Elementary Geometry, p. 347. 326. Definition Right Angles, p. 348. 327. Definition Degrees in a Circle, p. 348. 328. Definition Measure of an Angle, p. 348. 329. Corollary Degrees in a Right Angle, p. 348. 33O. Definition Equal Angles, p. 349. 331. Axiom Equal Angles, p. 349. 332. Definition Obtuse and Acute Angles, p. 349. 333. Axiom Right Angles, p. 349. 334. Corollary Two Right Angles, p. 349. 335. Corollary Four Right Angles, p. 349. 336. Proposition Equal Angles, p. 350. 337. Propo- sition Equal Triangles, p. 350. 338. Proposition Angles in Isosceles Triangle, p. 351. 339. Proposition Diagonal of Parallelogram, p. 351- 34O. Proposition Equal Parallelograms, p. 352. 341. Proposition Paral- lelograms Standing on the Same Base, p. 352. 342. Corollary Parallelo- gram and Triangle, p. 353. 343. Proposition Triangle Equal to Quadrangle, p. 353. 344. Proposition Opposite Angles Equal, p. 354. 345. Proposi- tion Three Angles of Triangle Equal to Two Right Angles, p. 354. 346. Corollary Right Angle in Triangle, p. 354. 347. Corollary Half a Right CONTENTS. 619 Angle, p. 355. 348. Corollary Right Angle in a Triangle, p. 355. 349. Corollary Two Angles Equal to Right Angle, p. 355. 35O. Corollary Two Thirds of a Right Angle, p. 355. 351. Corollary Equilateral Triangle, p. 355. 352. Proposition Right Angle in Semi-circle, p. 355. 353. Proposition- The Square of the Hypothenuse Equal to the Squares of the Sides, p. 355. 354. Proposition Equilateral Octagon, p. 357. 355. Proposition Angle at the Circumference of a Circle, p. 358. 356. Proposition Equal Chords give Equal Angles, p. 358. 357. Corollary of Equal Chords, p. 359. 35. Proposition Angle Formed by a Chord and Tangent, p. 359. 359. Propo- sition Areas of Parallelograms, p. 360. 360. Proposition Triangles ot Equal Altitude, p. 361. 361. Proposition Homologous Triangles, p. 362. 362. Proposition Parallelograms of Chords, p. 363. 363. Proposition Sides of Quadrangle, p. 364. SECTION VII. RATIO, OR PROPORTION. Art. 364. Merchandise, p. 366. 365. The Rule of Three, p. 366. 366. Couples: Antecedent, Consequent, p. 367. 367. Equal Couples : an Equation, p. 367. 36. Equality of Ratios, p. 367. 369. Equals Multiplied by Equals Give Equals, p. 367. 37O. Multiplying an Equation, p. 368. 371. Multiplying and Dividing one Member of an Equation : Cancelling, p. 368. 372. Transferring a Factor, p. 369. 373. Equality of Product : Means and Extremes, p. 369. 374. Homologous Triangles Proportionate, p. 370. 375. The Steelyard, p. 371. 376. The Lever Exemplified by the Steelyard, p. 372. 377. The Lever Principle Demonstrated, p. 375. 378. Any One or Four Proportionals may be Found, p. 377. SECTION VIII. FRACTIONS. Art. 379. A Fraction Defined, p. 378. 38O. Graphical Representation of Fractions : Effect of Multiplication, p. 378. 381. Form of Fraction Changed by Division, p. 380. 382. Improper Fractions, p. 380. 383. Re- duction of Mixed Numbers to Fractions, p. 381. 384. Division Indicated by the Factors put as a Fraction, p. 381. 385. Addition of Fractions having Like Denominators, p. 382. 386. Subtraction of Fractions of Like Denominators, p> 383. 387. Dissimilar Denominators Equalized, p. 383. 388. Reduction of Fractions to their Lowest Terms, p. 384. 389. Least Common Denomina- tor, p. 384. 390. Least Common Denominator Again, p. 385. 391. Frac- tions Multiplied Graphically, p. 386. 392. Fractions Multiplied Graphically Again, p. 387. 393. Rule for Multiplication of Fractions, and Example, p. 387. 394. Fractions Divided Graphically, p. 388. 395. Rule for Division of Fractions, p. 389. SECTION IX. ALGEBRA. Art. 396. Algebra Defined, p. 392. 397. Example: Application, p. 393> 398. Algebra Useful in Constructing Rules, p. 394. 399. Algebraic Rules are General, p. 394. 4OO. Symbols Chosen at Pleasure, p. 395. 4O1. Arithmetical Processes Indicated by Signs, p. 396. 4O2. Examples in Addi- C2O CONTENTS. tion and Subtraction : Cancelling, p. 398. 403. Transferring a Symbol to the Opposite Member, p. 399. 4O4. Signs of Symbols to be Changed when they are to be Subtracted, p. 400. 4O5. Algebraic Fractions, Added and Sub- tracted, p. 403. 4O6. The Least Common Denominator., p. 404. 4O7. Alge- braic Fractions Subtracted, p. 405. 4O. Graphical Representation of Multi- plication, p. 408. 4O9. Graphical Multiplication : Three Factors, p. 408. 41O. Graphic Representation : Two and Three Factors, p. 409. 411. Graph- ical Multiplication of a Binomial, p. 409. 412. Graphical Squaring of a Binomial, p. 410. 413. Graphical Squaring of the Difference of Two Fac- tors, p. 412. 414. Graphical Product of the Sum and Difference of Two Quantities, p. 413. 415. Plus and Minus Signs in Multiplication, p. 415, 416. Equality of Squares on Hypothenuse and Sides of Right-Angled Tri- angle, p. 416. 417*. Division the Reverse of Multiplication, p. 418. 418. Division: Statement of Quotient, p. 419. 419. Division: Reduction, p. 419. 420. Proportionals : Analysis, p. 421. 421. Raising a Quantity to any Power, p. 423. 422. Quantities with Negative Exponents, p. 423. 423. Addition and Subtraction of Exponential Quantities, p. 424. 424. Multipli- cation of Exponential Quantities, p. 424. 425. Division of Exponential Quantities, p. 424. 426. Extraction of Radicals, p. 425. 427. Logarithms, p. 425. 428. Completing the Square of a Binomial, p. 429. PROGRESSION. Art. 429. Arithmetical Progression, p. 432. 43O. Geometrical ProgreS' sion, p. 435. SECTION X.--POLYGONS. Art. 431. Relation of Sum and Difference of Two Lines, p. 439. 432. Perpendicular, in Triangle of Known Sides, p. 440. 433. Trigon : Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles : Area, p. 443. 434. Tetragon : Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles: Area, p. 446. 435. Hexagon : Ra- dius ot Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles : Area, p. 447. 436. Octagon : Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles : Area, p. 449. 437. Dodec- agon: Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles: Area, p. 452. 438. Hecadecagon : Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles : Area, p. 455. 439. Polygons : Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles : Area, p. 460. 440. Polygons : Their Angles, p. 462. 441. Pentagon: Radius of the Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles: Area, p. 463. 442. Polygons: Table of Constant Multipliers, p. 465. SECTION XL THE CIRCLE. Art. 443. Circles : Diameter and Perpendicular : Mean Proportional, p. 468. 444. Circle : Radius from Given Chord and Versed Sine, p. 469. 445. Circle : Segment from Ordinates, p. 470. 446. Circle : Relation of Diameter to Circumference, p. 472. 447. Circle : Length of an Arc, p. 475. 448. Circle : Area, p. 475. 449. Circle: Area of a Sector, p. 476. 45O. Circle : Area of a Segment, p. 477. CONTENTS. 621 SECTION XII. THE ELLIPSE. Art. 451. Ellipse: Definitions, p. 481. 452. Ellipse: Equations to the Curve, p. 482. 453. Ellipse : Relation of Axis to Abscissas of Axes, p. 484. 454. Ellipse : Relation of Parameter and Axes, p. 485. 455. Ellipse : Relation of Tangent to the Axes, p. 485. 456. Ellipse: Relation of Tangent with the Foci, p. 487. 457. Ellipse : Relation of Axes to Conjugate Diam- eters, p. 487. 458. Ellipse : Area, p. 488. 459. Ellipse : Practical Sugges- tions, p. 489. SECTION XIII. THE PARABOLA. Art. 46O. Parabola : Definitions, p. 492. 461. Parabola : Equation to the Curve, p. 493. 462. Parabola : Tangent, p. 493. 463. Parabola : Sub- tangent, p. 496. 464. Parabola : Normal and Subnormal, p. 496. 465. Parabola : Diameters, p. 497. 466. Parabola : Elements, p. 499. 467. Parabola : Described Mechanically, p. 500. 468. Parabola : Described from Points, p. 502. 469. Parabola : Described from Arcs, p. 503. 47O. Para- bola : Described from Ordinates, p. 504. 471. Parabola : Described from Diameters, p. 507. 472. Parabola : Area, p. 509. SECTION XIV. TRIGONOMETRY. Art. 473. Right-Angled Triangles: The Sides, p. 510. 474. Right- Angled Triangles : Trigonometrical Tables, p. 512. 475* Right-Angled Triangles: Trigonometrical Value of Sides, p. 516. 476. Oblique- Angled Triangles: Sines and Sides, p. 519. 477. Oblique-Angled Triangles : First Class, p. 520. 478. Oblique-Angled Triangles: Second Class, p. 522. 479. Oblique-Angled Triangles : Sum and Difference of Two Angles, p. 523. 48O. Oblique-Angled Triangles : Third Class, p. 526. 481. Oblique- Angled Triangles : Fourth Class, p. 528. 482* Trigonometrical Formulae : Right-Angled Triangles, p. 530. 483. Trigonometrical Formula; : First Class, Oblique, p. 531. 484. Trigonometrical Formulae: Second Class, Oblique, p. 532. 485. Trigonometrical Formulae : Third Class, Oblique, p. 534. 486. Trigonometrical Formulas : Fourth Class, Oblique, p. 534. SECTION XV. DRAWING Art. 487. General Remarks, p. 536. 488. Articles Required, p. 536. 489. The Drawing-Board, p. 536. 49O. Drawing- Paper, p. 537. 491. To Secure the Paper to the Board, p. 537. 492. The T-Square, p. 539. 493. The Set-Square, p. 539. 494. The Rulers, p. 540. 495. The Instruments, p. 540. 496. The Scale of Equal Parts, p. 540. 497. The Use of the Set- Square, p.. 541. 498. Directions for Drawing, p. 542. 622 CONTENTS. SECTION XVI. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Art. 499. Definitions of Various Terms, p. 544. PROBLEMS. RIGHT LINES AND ANGLES. Art. 5OO. To Bisect a Line, p. 549. 5O1. To Erect a Perpendicular, p. 550. 5O2. To let Fall a Perpendicular, p. 551. 5O3. To Erect a Perpen- dicular at the End of a Line, p. 551. 5O4. To let Fall a Perpendicular near the End of a Line, p. 553. 5O5. To Make an Angle Equal to a Given Angle, p. 553. 5O6. To Bisect an Angle, p. 554. 5O7. To Trisect a Right Angle, p. 554. 5O8. Through a Given Point to Draw a Line Parallel to a Given Line, p. 555. 509. To Divide a Given Line into any Number of Equal Parts, P- 555- THE CIRCLE. Art. 5IO. To Find the Centre of a Circle, p. 556. 511. At a Given Point in a Circle to Draw a Tangent thereto, p. 557. 512. The Same, with- out making use of the Centre of the Circle, p. 557. 513. A Circle and a Tangent Given, to Find the Point of Contact, p. 558. 514. Through any Three Points not in a Straight Line to Draw a Circle, p. 559. 515. Three Points not in a Straight Line being Given, to Find a Fourth that Shall, with the Three, Lie in the Circumference of a Circle, p. 559. 516. To Describe a Segment of a Circle by a Set-Triangle, p. 560. 517. To Find the Radius of an Ate of a Circle when the Chord and Versed Sine are Given, p. 561. 518. To Find the Versed Sine of an Arc of a Circle when the Radius and Chord are Given, p. 561. 519. To Describe the Segment of a Circle by Intersection of Lines, p. 562. 52O. Ordinates, p. 563. 521. In a Given Angle to De- scribe a Tanged Curve, p. 565. 522. To Describe a Circle within any Given Triangle, so that the Sides of the Triangle shall be Tangical, p. 566. 523. About a Given Circle to Describe an Equilateral Triangle, p. 566. 524. To Find a Right Line nearly Equal to the Circumference of a Circle, p. 566. POLYGONS, ETC. Art. 525. Upon a Given Line to Construct an Equilateral Triangle, p. 568. 526. To Describe an Equi'lateral Rectangle, or Square, p. 568. 527. Within a Given Circle to Inscribe an Equilateral Triangle, Hexagon, or Dodec- agon, p. 569. 52. Within a Square to Inscribe an Octagon, p. 570. 529. To Find the Side of a Buttressed Octagon, p. 571. 5ilO. Within a Given Circle to Inscribe any Regular Polygon, p. 572. 531. Upon a Given Line to Describe any Regular Polygon, p. 573. 532. To Construct a Triangle whose Sides shall be severally Equal to Three Given Lines, p. 575. 533. To Con- struct a Figure Equal to a Given Right-lined Figure, p. 575. 534. To Make a Parallelogram Equal to a Given Triangle, p. 576. 535. A Parallelogram being Given, to Construct Another Equal to it, and Having a Side Ecjual to a CONTENTS. 623 Given Line, p. 576. 536. To Make a Square Equal to two or more Given Squares, p. 577. 537. To Make a Circle Equal to two Given Circles, p. 580. 53. To Construct a Square Equal to a Given Rectangle, p. 581. 539. To Form a Square Equal to a Given Triangle, p. 582. 54O. Two Right Lines being Given, to Find a Third Proportional thereto, p. 582. 541. Three Right Lines being Given, to Find a Fourth Proportional thereto, p. 583. 542. A Line with Certain Divisions being Given, to Divide Another, Longer or Shorter, Given Line in the Same Proportion, p. 583. 543. Between Two Given Right Lines to Find a Mean Proportional, p. 584. CONIC SECTIONS. Art. 544. Definitions, p. 584. 545. To Find the Axes of the Ellipsis, p. 585. 546. To Find the Axis and Base of the Parabola, p. 585. 547. To Find the Height, Base, and Transverse Axis of an Hyperbola, p. 585. 54. The Axes being Given, to Find the Foci, and to Describe an Ellipsis with a String, p. 586. 549. The Axes being Given, to Describe an Ellipsis with a Trammel, p. 586. 55O. To Describe an Ellipsis by Ordinates, p. 588. 551. To Describe an Ellipsis by Intersection of Lines, p. 588. 552. To Describe an Ellipsis by Intersecting Arcs, p. 590. 553. To Describe; a Figure Nearly in the Shape of an Ellipsis by a Pair of Compasses, p. 591. 554. To Draw an Oval in the Proportion Seven by Nine, p. 591. 555. To Draw a Tangent to an Ellipsis, p. 592. 556. An Ellipsis with a Tangent Given, to Detect the Point of Contact, p. 593. 557. A Diameter of an Ellipsis Given, to Find its Conjugate, p. 593. 558. Any Diameter and its Conjugate being Given, to Ascertain the Two Axes, and thence to Describe the Ellipsis, p. 593. 559. To Describe an Ellipsis, whence Axes shall be Proportionate to the Axes of a Larger or Smaller Given One, p. 594. 56O. To Describe a Parabola by Intersection of Lines, p. 594. 561. To Describe an Hyperbola by Intersec- tion of Lines, p. 595. SECTION XVII. SHADOWS. Art. 562. The Art of Drawing, p. 596. 563. The Inclination of the Line of Shadow, p. 596. 564. To Find the Line of Shadow on Mouldings and other Horizontally Straight Projections, p. 597. 565. To Find the Line of Shadow Cast by a Shelf, p. 598. 566. To Find the Shadow Cast by a Shelf which is Wider at one End than at the Other, p. 599. 567. To Find the Shadow of a Shelf having one End Acute or Obtuse Angled, p. 600. 56. To Find the Shadow Cast by an Inclined Shelf, p. 600. 569. To Find the Shadow Cast by a Shelf inclined in its Vertical Section either Upward or Downward, p. 601. 57O. To Find the Shadow of a Shelf having its Front Edge or End Curved on the Plan, p. 602. 571. To Find the Shadow of a Shelf Curved in the Elevation, p. 602. 572. To Find the Shadow Cast upon a Cylindrical Wall by a Projection of any Kind, p. 603. 573. To Find the Shadow Cast by a Shelf upon an Inclined Wall. p. 603. 574. To Find the Shadow of a Projecting Horizontal Beam, p 604. 575. To Find the Shadow 624 CONTENTS. in a Recess, p. 604. 576. To Find the Shadow in a Recess, when the Face of the Wall is Inclined, and the Back of the Recess is Vertical, p. 604. 577. To Find the Shadow in a Fireplace, p. 605. 578. To Find the Shadow of a Moulded Window-Lintel, p. 606. 579. To Find the Shadow Cast by the Nosing of a Step, p. 606. 58O. To Find the Shadow Thrown by a Pedestal upon Steps, p. 6c6. 51. To Find the Shadow Thrown on a Column by a Square Abacus, p. 607. 582. To Find the Shadow Thrown on a Column by a Circular Abacus, p. 608. 583. To Find the Shadows on the Capital of a Column, p. 609. 584. To Find the Shadow Thrown on a Vertical Wall by a Column and Entablature Standing in Advance of said Wall, p. 611. 585* Shadows on a Cornice, p. 611. 596. Reflected Light, p. 611. AMERICAN HOUSE CARPENTER. APPENDIX. UNIVERSITY CONTENTS. PAGE. GLOSSARY 627 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS 638 RULES FOR THE REDUCTION OF DECIMALS 647 TABLE OF CIRCLES 649 TABLE SHOWING THE CAPAC T TY OF WELLS, CISTERNS, ETC 653 TABLE OF THE WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS 654 GLOSSARY. Terms not found here can be found in the lists of definitions in other parts of this book, or in common dictionaries. Abacus. The uppermost member of a capital. Abattoir. A slaughter-house. Abbey. The residence of an abbot or abbess. Abutment. That part of a pier from which the arch springs. Acanthus. A plant called in English bear' s-breech. Its leaves are employed for decorating the Corinthian and the Composite capitals. Acropolis. The highest part of a city ; generally the citadel. Acroteria. The small pedestals placed on the extremities and apex of a pediment, originally intended as a base for sculpture. Aisle. Passage to and from the pews of a church. In Gothic architecture, the lean-to wings on the sides of the nave. Alcove. Part of a chamber separated by an estrade, or partition of columns. Recess with seats, etc., in gardens. Altar. A pedestal whereon sacrifice was offered. In modern churches, the area within the railing in front of the pulpit. Alto-relievo. High relief ; sculpture projecting from a surface so as to appear nearly isolated. Amphitheatre. A double theatre, employed by the ancients for the exhibi- tion of gladiatorial fights and other shows. Ancones. Trusses employed as an apparent support to a cornice upon the flanks of the architrave. Annulet. A small square moulding used to separate others ; the fillets in the Doric capital under the ovolo, and those which separate the flutings of col- umns, are known by this term. Antce. A pilaster attached to a wall. Apiary. A place for keeping beehives. Arabesque. A building after the Arabian style. Areostyle. An intercolumniation of from four to five diameters. Arcade. A series of arches. Arch. An arrangement of stones or other material in a curvilinear form, so as to perform the office of a lintel and carry superincumbent weights. Architrave. That part of the entablature which rests upon the capital of a column, and is beneath the frieze. The casing and mouldings about a door or window. Archivolt.The ceiling of a vault ; the under surface of an arch. Area. Superficial measurement. An open space, below the level of the ground, in front of basement windows. 628 APPENDIX. Arsenal. A public establishment for the deposition of arms and warlike stores. Astragal. A small moulding consisting of a half-round with a fillet on each side. Attic. A. low story erected over an order of architecture. A low additional story immediately under the roof of a building. Aviary. A place for keeping and breeding birds. Balcony. An open gallery projecting from the front of a building. Baluster. A small pillar or pilaster supporting a rail. Balustrade. A series of balusters connected by a rail. Barge-course. That part of the covering which projects over the gable of a building. Base. The lowest part of a wall, column, etc. Basement-story. That which is immediately under the principal story, and included within the foundation of the building. Basso-relievo. Low relief ; sculptured figures projecting from a surface one half their thickness or less. See Alto-relievo. Battering. See Talus. Battlement. Indentations on the top of a wall or parapet. Bay-window. A window projecting in two or more planes, and not form- ing the segment of a circle. Bazaar. A species of mart or exchange for the sale of various articles of merchandise. Bead. A circular moulding. Bed-mouldings. Those mouldings which are between the corona and the frieze. Belfry. That part of the steeple in which the bells are hung ; anciently called campanile. Belvedere. An ornamental turret or observatory commanding a pleasant prospect. Bow-window. A window projecting in curved lines. Bressummer. A beam or iron tie supporting a wall over a gateway or other opening. Brick-nogging. The brickwork between studs of partitions. Buttress. A projection from a wall to give additional strength. Cable. A cylindrical moulding placed in flutes at the lower part of the col- umn. Camber. To give a convexity to the upper surface of a beam. Campanile. A tower for the reception of bells, usually, in Italy, separated from the church. Canopy. An ornamental covering over a seat of state. Cantalivers. The ends of rafters under a projecting roof. Pieces of wood or stone supporting the eaves. Capital. The uppermost part of a column included between the shaft and the architrave. Caravansera. In the East, a large public building for the reception of trav- ellers by caravans in the desert. GLOSSARY. 629 Carpentry. (From the Latin carpentum, carved wood.) That department of science and art which treats of the disposition, the construction, and the relative strength of timber. The first is called descriptive, the second con- structive, and the last mechanical carpentry. Caryatides. Figures of women used instead of columns to support an entablature. Casino. A small country-house. Castellated. Built with battlements and turrets in imitation of ancient castles. Castle. A building fortified for military defence. A house with towers, usually encompassed with walls and moats, and having a donjon, or keep, in the centre. Catacombs. Subterraneous places for burying the dead. Cathedral. The principal church of a province or diocese, wherein* the throne of the archbishop or bishop is placed. Cavetto. A concave moulding comprising the quadrant of a circle. Cemetery. An edifice or area where the dead are interred. Cenotaph. A monument erected to the memory of a person buried in another place. Centring. The temporary woodwork, or framing, whereon any vaulted work is constructed. Cesspool. A well under a drain or pavement to receive the waste water and sediment. Chamfer. The bevelled edge of anything originally right angled. Chancel. That part of a Gothic church in which the altar is placed. Chantry. A little chapel in ancient churches, with an endowment for one or more priests to say mass for the relief of souls out of purgatory. Chapel. A building for religious worship, erected separately from a church, and served by a chaplain. Chaplet. A moulding carved into beads, olives, etc. Cincture. The ring, listel, or fillet, at the top and bottom of a column, which divides the shaft of the column from its capital and base. Circus. A straight, long, narrow building used by the Romans for the ex- hibition of public spectacles and chariot races. At the present day, a building enclosing an arena for the exhibition of feats of horsemanship. Clere-story. The upper part of the nave of a church above the roofs of the aisles. Cloister. The square space attached to a regular monastery or large church, having a peristyle or ambulatory around it, covered with a range of buildings. Coffer-dam. A case of piling, water-tight, fixed in the bed of a river, for the purpose of excluding the water while any work, such as a wharf, wall, or the pier of a bridge, is carried up. Collar-beam. A horizontal beam framed between two principal rafters above the tie-beam. Colonnade. A range of columns. Columbarium. A pigeon-house. Column. A vertical cylindrical support under the entablature of an order. Common-rafters. The same as jack-rafters, which see. 630 APPENDIX. Conduit. A long, narrow, walled passage underground, for secret com- munication between different apartments. A canal or pipe for the conveyance of water. Conservatory. A building for preserving curious and rare exotic plants. Consoles. The same as ancones, which see. Contour. The external lines which bound and terminate a figure. Convent. A building for the reception of a society of religious persons. Coping. Stones laid on the top of a wall to defend it from the weather. Corbels. Stones or timbers fixed in a wall to sustain the timbers of a floor or roof. Cornice. Any moulded projection which crowns or finishes the part to which it is affixed. Corona. That part of a cornice which is between the crown-moulding and the bed-mouldings. Cornucopia. The horn of plenty. Corridor. An open gallery or communication to the different apartments of a house. Cove. A concave moulding. Cripple-rafters. The short rafters which are spiked to the hip-rafter of a roof. Crockets. In Gothic architecture, the ornaments placed along the angles of pediments, pinnacles, etc. Crosettes. The same as ancones, which see. Crypt. The under or hidden part of a building. Culvert. An arched channel of masonry or brickwork, built beneath the bed of a canal for the purpose of conducting water under it. Any arched channel for water underground. Cupola. A small building on the top of a dome. Curtail-step. A step with a spiral end, usually the first of the flight. Cusps. The pendants of a pointed arch. Cyma. An ogee. There are two kinds ; the cyma-recta, having the upper part concave and the lower convex, and the cyma-reversa, with the upper part convex and the lower concave. Dado. The die, or part between the base and cornice of a pedestal. Dairy. An apartment or building for the preservation of milk, and the manufacture of it into butter, cheese, etc. Dead-shoar. A piece of timber or stone stood vertically in brickwork, to support a superincumbent weight until the brickwork which is to carry it has set or become hard. Decastyle. A building having ten columns in front. Dentils. (From the Latin, dentes, teeth.) Small rectangular blocks used in the bed-mouldings of some of the orders. Diastyle. An intercolumniation of three, or, as some say, four diameters. Die. That part of a pedestal included between the base and the cornice ; it is also called a dado. Dodecastyle. A building having twelve columns in front. Donjon. A massive tower within ancient castles, to which the garrison might retreat in case of necessity. GLOSSARY. 631 Dcoks. A Scotch name given to wooden brick*. Dormer. A window placed on the roof of a house, the frame being placed vertically on the rafters. Dormitory. A sleeping-room. Dovecote. A building for keeping tarrje pigeons. A columbarium. Echinus. The Grecian ovolo. Elevation. A geometrical projection drawn on a plane at right angles to the horizon. Entablature. That part of an order which is supported by the columns ; consisting of the architrave,lrieze, and cornice. Etistyle.An intercolumniation of two and a quarter diameters. Exchange. A building in which merchants and brokers meet to transact business. Extrados. The exterior curve of an arch. Facade. The principal front of any building. Face-mould. The pattern for marking the plank out of which hand-railing is to be cut for stairs, etc. Facia, or Fascia. A flat member, like a band or broad fillet. Falling-mould. The mould applied to the convex, vertical surface of the rail-piece, in order to form the back and under surface of the rail, and finish the squaring. Festoon. An ornament representing a wreath of flowers and leaves. Fillet. A narrow flat band, listel, or annulet, used for the separation of one moulding from another, and to give breadth and firmness to the edges of mouldings. Fl u t es . Upright channels on the shafts of columns. Flyers. Steps in a flight ot stairs that are parallel to each other. Forum. In ancient architecture a public market ; also, a place where the common courts were held and law pleadings carried on. Foundry. A building in which various metals are cast into moulds or shapes. Fneze. That part of an entablature included between the architrave and the corn.ice. Gable. The vertical, triangular piece of wall at the end of a roof, from the level of the eaves to the summit. Gain. A recess made to receive a tenon or tusk. Gallery. A common passage to several rooms in an upper story. A long room for the reception of pictures. A platform raised on columns, pilasters, or piers. Girder. -rite principal beam in a floor, for supporting the binding and other joists, whereby the bearing or length is lessened. Glyph A vertical, sunken channel. From their number, those in the Doric order are called triglyphs. Granary. A building for storing grain, especially that intended to be kept for a considerable time. 632 APPENDIX. Groin. The line formed by the intersection of two arches, which cross each other at any angle. Gutta. The small cylindrical pendent ornaments, otherwise called drops, used in the Doric order under the triglyphs, and also pendent from the mutult of the cornice. Gymnasium. Originally, a place measured out and covered with sand for the exercise of athletic games ; afterward, spacious buildings devoted to the mental as well as corporeal instruction of youth. Hall. The first large apartment on entering a house. The public room of a corporate body. A manor-house. Ham. A. house or dwelling-place. A street or village : hence Notting- ham, Buckingham, etc. Hamlet, the diminutive of ham, is a small street or village. Helix. The small volute, or twist, under the abacus in the Corinthian capital. Hem. The projecting spiral fillet of the Ionic capital. Hexastyle. A building having six columns in front. Hip-rafter. A piece of timber placed at the angle made by two adjacent inclined roofs. Homestall. A mansion-house, or seat in the country. Hotel, or Hostel. A large inn or place of public entertainment. A large house or palace. Hot-house. A glass building used in gardening. Hovel. An open shed. Hut. A small cottage or hovel, generally constructed of earthy materials, as strong loamy clay, etc. Impost. The capital of a pier or pilaster which supports an arch. Intaglio. Sculpture in which the subject is hollowed out, so that the im- pression from it presents the appearance of a bas-relief. Intercolumniation. The distance between two columns. Intrados. The interior and lower curve of an arch. Jack-rafters. Rafters that fill in between the principal rafters of a roof; called also common-rafters. Jail. A place of legal confinement. Jambs. The vertical sides of an aperture. Joggle-piece. A post to receive struts. Joists. The timbers to which the boards of a floor or the laths of a ceiling are nailed. Keep. The same as donjon, which see. Key-stone. The highest central stone of an arch. Kiln. A building for the accumulation and retention of heat, in order to dry or burn certain materials deposited within it. King-post. The centre-post in a trussed roof. Knee. A convex bend in the back of a hand-rail. See Ramp. GLOSSARY. 633 Lactarium. The same as dairy, which see. Lantern. A cupola having windows in the sides for lighting an apartment beneath. Larmier. The same as corona, which see. Lattice. A reticulated window for the admission of air, rather than light, as in dairies and cellars. Lever-boards. Blind-slats; a set of boards so fastened that they maybe turned at any angle to admit more or less light, or to lap upon each other so as to exclude all air or light through apertures. Lintel. A piece of timber or stone placed horizontally over a door, win- dow, or other opening. Listel. The same asyf//523 12-1243557 5-277632 214 45796 9800344! 146287338! 5-931424 148 21904 3241792 12-1655251 5-289572! 215 46225 99333751 14-6623783! S'%0726 149 22201 3307949 12-2065556 5301459! 216 46656 10077696 14-69693851 6-000000 150 22500 3375000 12-2174487 5-3132931 217 47089 10218313 14-73091991 6-009245 1511 22301 3142951 12-2332057 5-325074 218 47524 10.360232! 14-7648231 6-018462 152i 23104 3511808 12-3238280 5-336803^ 219 47961 10503459! 14-7986486 6-027650 153 23409 3531577 12-3693169 5-348481! 220 48400 10648000 14-8323970 6-036811 154 23710 3652264 12-4096736 5-360108! 221 48341, 10793861 14-8660687 6-045943 155 24025 3723375 12-449899. 5-371685 222 49234 10941048! 14-89 J6044 6-055049 156 24336 37% 416i 12-4399960 5-383213 223 49729 11039567 14-9331845 6-064127 157 24649 3869393 12-5299641 5-394691 224 50176 11239424 149666295 6-073178 153 24964 3944312 12-5698051 5-406120J 225 50625 11390625 15-000000ol 6-082202 159 25281 4019679 12-61)95202 5-417501J 226 51076 11543176 15-0332964 6-091199 160J 25600 4096000 12-6191106 5-428335! 227 51529 11697083 15-05651921 6-100170 161 25921 4173281 12-6385775 5-440122 223 51984 11852352 15-0996639J 6109115 162 26344 4251523 12-7279221 5-451362 229 52441 12008939 15-1327460' 6-118033 163 26569 4330747 12-7671453 5-462556 230 52900 12167000 15-1657509 6-126926 164 26896 4410944 12-8062485 5-473704 231 53361 12326391 151936342 6-135792 165 27225 4492125 12-8452326 5-484807 232 53824 12487168 15-2315462 6-144634 166 87556 4574296! 12-8340987 5-495365 233 54289 12649337 152643375 6-153449 167 27839 4657463 129228480 5-506878! 234 54756 12812904 15-2970585 6-162240 168 23^4 4741632 12-9614814 5-51781H -235 55225 12977875 15-32J70J7 6-171006 169 28561 4826309 13-0000000 5-528775! 236 55696 13144256 153622915 6-179747 170 28'JOO 4913000 13-0331048 5-539658 237 56169 13312053! 15-3J43043I 6-183463 171 2;>2 1 1 5000211 13-0766968 5-550499 233 56644 134812721 154272486 6-197154 172 29581 5083148 13-1143770 5-561293! 239 57121 13651919! 15-4596248 6-205822 173 89929] 5177717 1741 30276 52681)24 13-1529464 13-1909060 5-572055 5 532770 240 241 57600 53031 13324000 15-4919334! 6-214465 139/7521: 155241747 6223084 175 30625 5359375 13-2287565 5-593445' 242 58564 11172433! 15-5563492 6231630 176 30976 5151776 13-2664992 5-604079! 243 59049 14348907 l.V.'.ssif,:;} J6-210J51 177 31329 5515233 13-3041347 31C81 5639752 13-3416541 5-614672! 5-625226 244 245 59536 60025 14526784 14706125 15-6204994 6243300 15-6524753 6-25 7325 179 32041 5735339! 13-3790332 5-635741 246 60516 14836936 15-6343371 6-265327 130 32103 5832000 13-4161071) 5-6462 16 247 61009 15069223 15-7162335; 6-274305 181! 32761] 5921)711 13-4536240 5-656653|| 248 61504 152529J2 15-74801571 6--N2701 182i 33124 6023568 134907376 5-6670511 249 62001 15433249 15-7797333 6-291195 183; 33 kd 6128487 13-5277493! 5-67741 1| 250 62500 15525000 15-8113333! 6-299605 181 33356 6229504 13-5646600! 5-6S7734 251 63001 15313251 15-8429795 6-307994 185 3 1225 6331625 13-6014705J 5-693019 252 63504 16003008 158745079 6316360 18* 34596 613H56 13-63318171 5-70821'.; 253 64009 16194277 -737 6-321704 187 3iy;>'.i 653921)3 13-07 17J 13 5-718 17'J -J.M 64516 16337064 15-9373775 6-333026 IMS 35314 6644672 13-7113092 5-728.-,:,l 255 65025 16581375 159687194 6341326 isj 35721 6751269 13-7477271 5-7337J4 256 65536 16777216 160000000 6-349604 190J 36100 6859000 13-78404831 5-1 18391 257 65049 16.)74593 16-0312195 6-357861 191 36181 192 36864 6967871 7077838 13-S202750 5-758966 13-85640651 5-76-. 253 66564 259 67031 17173312 16-06237S1 17373979 16-0934769 6-366097 6374311 193i 372)9 7189057 13-8924140! 5 -77S.96 200' 67600 l?f>76000 16-1215155 6-382504 194i 37,136 73.H331 13-9283383; 5-783960 261 63121 17779.-.S1 1C,- 1. V.I.I 11 6-390676 195 3302.", 7414875 13-9642400J 5-798390 2621 6S644 17984723 16-1884141 6-398889 196J 38416 7529536 14-0000000! 5-808786 263 69169 18191447 16-2172717 6-406953 197j 33909 7615373 14-0356683 5-818648 264 69696 1SW9711 l:-.2H07t-,< 6-415069 198 392u4 77IWW2 14-0712473 5-S2-U77 265 70225 18609625 16-2738206 (,12315- 199) 39H01 7880599 14- 10673(50 5-833272 265 70756 188210961 16-30.).",. >C, I 6-1312;!- 2XJ' 10000 8000000 14-1421356 5-848035 267 7I-2S9 190341631 16-3401346 6-439277 201 40101 8120601 14-1774469 5-857766 268 71824 19248832, 16 -37070."):) 6-447306 640 APPENDIX. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. CubeRoot. No. Square. Cube. Sq Root. IcubeRnot- 269' 72361 19465109 16-40121951 6-455315 336 1 12896 37933056 18-3303028 6952053 270 72900 19633000 16-43167671 6-463304 337 113569 38272753 183575598 6-958943 271 73441 19902511 16-4620776 6-471274 333 114244 33614472 18-3347763 6-965820 272 73384 20123648 16-4924225! 6-479224 339 114921 38908219 18-4119526 6-972683 273 74529 20346417 16-5227116 6-487154 340 115600 393(UOOO 18-4390889 6-979532 274 75076 20570824 16-5529454 6-495065 341 116281 39651821 184661853 6-986368 275 75625 20796375 16-5331240 6-502357 342 116964 40001638 18-4932420 6-993191 276 76176 21024576 16-6132477 6-510833 343 117649 40353607 18-5202592 7-000000 277 7^729 21253933 16-6433170 6-518634 344 1 18336 40707584 18-5472370 7-006796 278 77234 21484952 16-6733320 6-526519 345 119025 41063625 18-5741756 7-013579 279 77811 21717639 16-7032931 6534335 346 119716 41421736 18-6010752 7-020349 230 78400 21952000 16-7332005 6-542133 347 120409 41781923 18-6279360 7027106 281 78961 22188041 16-7630546 6-549912 343 121104 42144192 18-6547581 7-033850 282 79524 22425763 16-7923556 6-557672 349 121801 42508549 18-8815417 7-040581 233 80089 22665187 16-8226033 6565414 350 122500 42875000 18-7032869 7-047299 284 80656 22906334 16-8522995 6-573139 351 123201 43243551 18-7349940 7-054004 235 81225 23149125 16-8819430 6-530344 352 123904 43614208 18-7616630 7-060697 286 81796 23393656 169115345 6538532 353 124609 43985977 18-7882942 7-067377 287 82369 23639903 16-9410743 6-596202 354 125316 44361864 18-8148877 7-074044 283 82944 23387872 16-9705627 6-603354 355 126025 44738875 18-8414437 7-080699 239 83^.21 24137569 17-0000000 6-611489 356 126736 45118016 18-8679623 7-087341 290 84100, 24389000 17-0293864 6-619106 357 127449 45499293 18-8944436 7-093971 291 84681 24642171 17-0537221 6-626705 358 128164 45882712 18-9208379 7-100588 292 85264 24897083 17-0380075 6634237 359 128881 46268279 18-9472953 7-107194 293 85849 251^3757 17-1172428 6641852 360 129600 46656000 18-9736660 7-113787 294 86 136 25*12184! 17-1464232 6-649400 361 130321 47045381 19-0000000 7-120367 295 87025 25672375 17-1755640 6-656930 352 131044 47437928 19-0262976 7-126936 296 87616 25934336 17-2046505 6-664444 363 131769 47832147 19-0525589 7-133492 297. 83209 26198073 17-2336879 6-671940 354 132496 48228544 19-0787840 7-140037 293 83804 26463592 17-2626765 6-679420 365 133225 48627125 19-1049732 7-146569 299! 89401 26730899 17-2916165 6-686833 366 133956 49027396 19-1311265 7153090 300 90000 27000000 17-3205081 6-694329 367 134689 49430863 19-1572441 7-159599 301 90601 27270901 17-3493516 6-701759 368 135424 49835032 1'.)- 1833261 7-166096 302 91204 27543603 17-3781472 6-709173 369 136161 53243409 192093727 7-172531 303 91809 27818127 17-4068952 6-716570 370 136900 50653000 19-2353341 7-179054 304 92416 28094464J 17-4355953 6-723951 371 137641 51064811 19-2613603 7-185516 305 93025 28372625 17-4642492 6-731316 372 138384 51478848 19-2373015 7-191966 306 93636 23652616 17-4928557! 6-733664 373 139129 51895117 19-3132079 7-198405 307 94249 28934443. 17-5214155 6-745997 374 139876 52313624 19-3390796 7-204832 308 94864 29218112 17-5499288 6-753313 375 140625 52734375 19-3649167 7-211248 309 95481 2951)3629 17-5783953 6-760614 376 141376 53157376 19-3307194 7-217652 310 96100 297910001 17-6068169 6-767899 377 142129 53582633 19-4164878 7-224045 311 96721 30080231 17-6351921 6-775169 378 142884 54010152 19-4422221 7-233427 312 97344 33371328 17-6635217 6-782423 379 143541 54439939 19-4679223 7-236797 313 97969; 30664297 17-6918060 6-789661 380 144400 54872000 19-4935837 7-243156 311 985961 30959144 17-7200451 6-796834 331 145161 55306341 19-5192213 7-249504 315 99225 31255375 17-7482393 6-804092 332 145924 55742968 19-5448203 7-255841 31li 99856 31554496 17-7763383 6-811235 333 146639 56181837 19-5703353 7-262167 317 100489 31855013 17-8044933 6-818462 334 147456 56623104 19-5959179 7-268482 318 101124 32157432 17-8325545 6-825624 335 148225 57066625 19-6214169 7-274786 3191 101761 32461759 17-8605711 6-832771 336 148996 57512456 19-6468327 7-231079 320! 102400 32763000 17-8835438 6-839904 3S7 149769 57960603 19-6723156 7287362 321| 103041 33076161 17-9164729 6847021 338 150544 58411072 19-6977 15f 7-293633 322! 103684 33336248i 17-9443534 6854124 339 151321 53863869 19-7230829 7-299894 323 104329 33598267 17-9722308 6-861212 390 152100 59319000 19-7434177 7-306144 324 104976 34012224 18-0000000 6-868235 391 152831 59776471 19-7737199 7312333 325 105625 34323125 18-0277564 6-875344 392 153664 60236238 19-7989899 7-318611 326 106276 34645976 18-0554701 6-882339 393 154449 60693457 19-8242276 7-324829 327 106929 34965783 18-0831413 6-889419 394 155236 61162984J 19-8494332 7331037 328 107584 35287552 18-1107703 6-896435 395 156025 61623875 19-8746069 7-337234 329 108241 35611239 18-1333571 6903436 396 155816 62099136 19-8997487 7-343420 33C 108900 35937000 18-1659021 6-910423 1 397 157609 62570773 19-9243538 7-349597 331 109561 36264691 18-1934054 6-917396 ! 398 158404 63044792 19-9499373 7-355762 332 110224 365943681 18-2208672 6-924356 399 159201 63521199 19-9749844 7361918 333 110832 36926037 18-248237G 6-93130 400 160000 64000000 20-0030001 7-363063 331 11155fi 37259704 18-2756669 6-933232 401 160801 644H1201 200249844 7-374198 335 112225 37595375 18-3030052 6-945150 ! 402 161604! 64964308 20 049937* 7-330323 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 641 0. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. CubeRoot. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. CubeRoot. 403 1024091 65450327 20-0748599 7336437 470! 22J900! 10332300o| 21-6794334 7-774930 404 405 1632 If 164025 F5939264 C643J125 20-099751-2 20-1246118 7-392542 7-398636 471 221841 1044871111 21-7025344 472 222784! 105154048! 21-7255510 7-780490 7-785993 406 164836 66923416) 20-1494417 7 "104721 473| 2237291 105823817 21 -74850*2 7-79148? 0? 165 49 67419143 20-1742410 7-410795 474J 224676 106496424 21-7715411 7-790974 08 1564641 67917312 20-1990099 7-416859 475! 225625 107171875 21-7944947 7-80245- 409 167281 68417929 20-2237484 7-422914 476 226576 107850176 21-8174242) 7-807925 410 168100! 68921000 20-2484567 7-428959 477 227529 108531333 21 84032 J7 7-313389 411 168921 69426i 31 20-2731349 7-434994 47fc 223484 109215352 21-8632111 7-818846 412 169744 69934J 23 20-2977831 7-441019 47S 229441 109902239 21-8850686 7-82429- 413 411 170569 171396 70444997 70957944 20-3224014 20-3469899 7-447034 7-453040 430 431 230400 231361 1 105920UO 111284641 21-908J023 7-829735 21-9317122! 7-H:16j 415 172225 71178375 20-3715488 7-459035 432 232324 111930168 21-9544934 7-840595 41- 173055 71991296 20-3960781 7-465022 433 233289 112678537 21-9772610 7846013 41? 173389 72511713 20-4205779 7-470999 484 234256 113379J04 22-OOOuOOO 7851424 418 174724 73034632 20-4450483 7-476966 4S5 235225 114084125 y-2'0227155 7-356823 419! 175561 73560059 20-4694895 7-482924 486 236196 114791256 220454077 7-862224 420i 176400 74083000 20-4939015 7-488872 487 237169 115501303) ^-0680765 7-867613 421 177241 74618461 20-5182845 7-494311 488 238144 116214272 22-OJ07220 7-H72994 422 178084 75151448 20-5426336 7-500741 439 239121 116930169 22-1133444 7-878368 423 178929 75636967 20-5669638 7-506661 490 240100 117649000 22 1359435 7-883735 424! 179776 76225024 20-5912603 7-512571 491 241031 118370771! 22-1585193 7-839095 425 180625 76765625 20-6155281 7-518473 492 242064 119095438' 22-1811)730 7-894447 426 181476 77303776 20-6397674 7-524365 493 243049 119823157: 22^035033 7-899792 427t 182329 77854483 20-6639783 7-530248 494 244036 120553784 222251KH 7-905129 428 183184 78402752 20-6881609 7-535122 495 245025! 121287375J 22^35955 7-910460 429 1840 11 78953539 20-7123152 7-541987 4% 246010! 122023936 222710575 7-915733 43li 184900 79507000 20-7364414 7-547842 497 247009 122703473 222934963 7-921099 431 185761 80062991 20-7605395 7-553639 493 243004 1235059 M 22-3159135 7-926403 432 1850*24 80621568! 20-7846097 7-559526 499 249001 124251499) 22^333^79 7-931710 433, 187489 81182737 20-8086520 7565355 500 250000 125000000 22 360o798 7-937005 434 183356 81746504 20-8326667 7571174 501 251001 125751501 22333J293 7-942293 435; 189225 82312875 20-8566536 7'576985 502 252004 126506008 224053505; 7-947574 436 190096 82881856 20-8806130| 7-582786 503 253009 127263527) 22-4270615) 7-952848 437 190969 83453453 20-9045450 7-583579 504 254016 1280^4004 224499443 7953114 433 191844 84027672 20-9284495 7-594363 505 255025 12878702 >i 22-472205 ll 7-963374 439 192721 84604519 20-9523268! 7600133; 506 250036; 129554216 22-4944433 7-968627 440 193600 85184000 20-9761770 7-005905 507 257049 1303233431 22 516651)5 7-973373 441! 194481 8576)121 442; 195364 86350388 21-0000000 7-611663 508 21-0237960) 7-617412 509 253064 131090512! 22 5333553' 259031 131872229) 225510243 7-9791 U 7-934344 443! 196249 86938307 21-0475652! 7-623152 510! 2601001 132651000) 22'5331795| 7-989570 444 197136 87528334 21-0713075! 7-023384 511 261121 133432:131! 22-6053091! 7-994788 445 198025 88121 125 ! 21-0950231 7-63460? 512 202144 134217728 22-0274 17o! 8000000 446! 1939161 88716536 21-1187121 7010321 513 263169 13500569?) 22-6195033 8-00521 * 447 199809; 89314623 21-1423745 7010027)! 514 264190 1357:Mi74l 220; 15531) 448 200704 1 89915392 21-1660105 7-051725! 515 265225 136590875 22-6936 1 1 4 8-0155'JJ 449 2016011 90518349 21-1896201 7657414 510 266256 137333096 227156334 8-020779 450 202500! 91125000 212132034 7-663094 517 2672891 13318*413 22-7376340! 02595? i:-l 203401 91733851 21-2367606 7-663760 5 Is 263324 138991832 22-75J6134) 8-031129 452 204304 92345403 21-2502916 7-071430- 519 269351 S 139?'.K!.-.' 22-7815715 8-03529/ 453 305209) 92959677 21-2837967; 7'080036 520 270400 1406U8000 22-8u350a5 M-041451 454 206116 93576664 21-3072758' 7'685733 521 271441 141420761 228254244 8-040003 4531 207025 94196375 21-3307290 7'69137'2 52'2 272 4^1 142236648 22-847311*3 8-051748 456 21)7936 94818816 21-3541565; 7 6J7002 523 273529 1 UUV.OO; 22-3691933 8 056336 457! 208349 95443993 21-3775533 7'702025 524 274576 143377824 22-89104 63 1 8062018 458; 209764 96071912 21-4009340 7-708239 5J5 2750-25 1417.131,5 2-2-9128785 8-067143 459i 210581 96702579! 21-4242353 7713S15 526 276676 145531570 22-93 10 ^99 8-07-2262 460 211600 97336000 2 1-4 176 UK; 7-719413 5-27 277729 145363183 22-95.i4S.j6 8077374 461 212521 97972181 21-4709 UK") ?-725:>32 528 278784 147197952 22-973^500 8-082430 462 213444 ys.il 1123 21-4941853 7 730014 529 279341 148035339 2300JOJOO, 463 214369 99252347 21-51743J8 77361HH -,30 280900 148877000 23-0217.^9 809267* 464 215296 99897344 21-5406592 7711753 531 281961J 149721291 23(1134372 8-097759 465! 216225 1005! 1625 21-56335871 7'7473lir 532 283024! 150558763 23-065 1 -2 J 2 8-102339 466; 217156) 101194696 21-5370331 7-752861 533 284089 15 14 1'9 i:i7 23080792.3 8-107913 46? 21&J39J 101847563 21-6101828 7-758402 531 285156 152273304 23 1084400 B'ltsfctiO 46S 2190241 102503232 21-0333077 7-703.-30 5!55 286225 153130375 23 13, "0070 8-118041 469 219961 10)161709 21-6564078 7-769462 536 287296 153990656 23 1516738 6 4 2 APPENDIX. No. Square. Cub*. Sq. Root. CuheRoot-' No. Squar,;. Cube. 1 S.]. Rcu. CutijKoot. 537 2333691 154854153 23-1732605' 8-123145J 604 3-4816 220348864 245764115 8 453026 33 239444| 155720872; 23-1948^70 8-133187| 605 3;. 6025 221445125 24-5967478 8-457691 539 2935211 156590819; 23-2163735 8-1332231 606 3<>7236 222545016 24-6170673! 8-462318 540 2916001 157464030; 23-23790011 8-143253 607 368449 223648543 24-63737001 8-467001) 541 292631* 158340421; 23-2594067. 8-148276 608 369664 224755712 24-6576560 8-471647 542 293764', 1592201)881 23-2H03935! 8-153294 609 370881! 225866529 24-6779254 8-476289 543| 294349' 160103007 23-3023604! 8-158305 610 372100] 226981000 246981781 8-480926 544 295936 160939184 23-3233076 8-163310! 611 373321 228099131 24-7184142 8-485558 545 297025 161873625 23-3452351 8-168309 612 374554 229220928 24-7386338 8490185 546 298116 162771336J 23-3665429 8-173302 613 375769 230346397 24-7538358 8-494806 547J 299209 163667323; 23-3330311 8-178239 614 376996 231475544 24-7790234 8-499423 548, 300304 1645665921 23-4093998 8-183269 615 373225 232608375 24-7991935 8-504035 5 19| 301401 .550 302500 165469149 166375000 23-4307490 23-4520788 8-188244 8-193213 616 617 379456 330689 2337448961 24-8193473 234885113 24-8394347 8-508642 8-513243 551 3J3601 1672841511 23-4733392 8-198175) 618 331924 236029032! 24-8596058 8-517840 552 304704! 163196608 23-4946802 8-2031321 619 333161 237176659 24-8797106 8-522432 553 3J5809 16911237.7 23-5159520 8-203032 620 334400 238328UOO] 24-8997992! 8-527019 554 306916 170031464 235372046 8-213027 621 385641 239433061 24-91987161 8-531601 555 303025 170953375 235534333 8-217966 622 386884 240641848 24-9399278 8-535178 556 309136 171879616 23-5/96522 8-222893J 623 38^129 241804367 24-9591679 8-540750 557 310249 172308693 23-6003474 8-227825 i 624 339376 242970624 24-9799920 8'5453l7 558 311364 173741112 23 6220236 8-232746 625 ! 390625 244140625 25-0000000 8-549880 559 312431 174676879! 236431808] 8-237661 626 1 391876 245314376 25-01-99920 8-554437 560 313600 175516000 23-6543191 8-242571 627 393129 246491833 25-0399681 8-553990 561 314721 176553481 23-6854336 8-247474 623 394334 247673152 25-0599282 8-563538 562! 315344 177504328 23-7065392 8-252371 629 395641 248853189 25-0793724 8-568081 563 316969 178453547 23-7276210 8-257263 630 396900 250047000 25-0993003 8-572619 564 318096 17941)6144 23-7481x312 8^62149 631 393161 251239591 25-1197134 8577152 565! 319225 180362125 23769728.1 8-267029! 632 3J9424 252435968 25-1398102 8-581681 566 320356 1813214% 23-7J07515 8-2719041! 633 40068^ 253638137 25-1594913 8-536205 567 321489 182284263 23-81176 18| 8-2767731' 634 401956 254810104 25-1793566 8-530724 568 322624 183250432 23-83275:;6: 8-281635! 635 403225 256047375 25-1992C63J 8'595233 569 323761 184220009 33*537409 8-236493 636 404 96 257259456 25-2190404 8'599748 570 324900 185193000 23-8746728! 8-2 9 1344 637 405769 258474853 25-2333539 8'f>042V2 571 326011! 186169411 238.156063 8-2J6190 638 407044 239694072 25-25366191 8-608753 572 327184 187149248 23-9165215 8-3J1030 639! 408321 260917119 25 2731493 8-613248 573 328329 183132517 23-9374184 8-3J5865 640 409630 262144000 25.2932213! 8-617739 574 3294761 189119224 23-9532 J71 8-310694 641 410381 263374721 25-3179778J 8'622225 575 330625 190109375 239791576 8-315517 642J 412164 264609283 25-3377189 8-626706 576 331776 191102976 24-0000030 8-3203M31 643 413419 265847707 25-35741471 8-631183 577! 332929 192103033 24-0208213 8-325147! 64-1 414736 267089984 25-3771551 8-635655 578 334034 579! 335241 193100552 194104539 21-0416306 24-0524183 8-329954 645 416025 8-33475J;; 616: 417316 268336125 269586136 25-3968502 8.640123 25-41653.il 8-6445S5 580| 336400 195112000 24-0331891 8-339551 ! 647 418509 270340023 25 -4 3,5 1947 8-649044 5811 337581, 196122941 24-1039416 8-344341 648; 419904 272097792 25 '45581411 8-653497 582) 333724! 197137368 24-1246762! 8-349126! 649 421201 2733594491 254751784: 8-657946 533 1 339839 193155237 24-1453929 8-353905i 650i 422500 274625000 25'4950976i 8-662391 534J 341056 199176704 24-1660919 8-353678 65li 423301 275894451 25-5147016: 8-666331 535 342225! 200201625 24-18(57732 83534471 652! 425104 2771(57808 25-53429071 8-671266 586 343395 201230055 242)74359 8-333209! 653 425409! 278445077 25-5533647! 8 675697 587 3445691 202262003 24-2230829 8-372967: 654 427716! 2*79726264! 25'5734237l 8-680124 538 3457441 203297472 242487113 8-377719: 655 4290251 281011375! 25'5929678; 8-68454f 539J 346921 204335469 24-2593222 8-332465 1 656 43,336 282300416 25*6124969 8-683963 590 343100, 20537'JOOOJ 242399156 8-337206 657i 431619! 2835933931 25-6320112 8693376 591 349281 206425071 24-3104916 8-3919421' 658' 432964 234890312 25'6515107 8-697781 *92' 350464: 207474683 213310501 8-3J6673! 659< 4342811 236191179! 25'6709953 8-702188 593! 3516491 208527357 24-3515913 8-4013981 660i 435600! 287496000! 25-6904652; 8-706538 594i 352836 209584584 24-3721152; 840611$,! 661| 436921 288804781 25*7099203 8-710988 595 354025 210644875 24-3926218! 8-410333J 6621 438244 290117528 25-7293607! 8-715373 596 355216! 211703731 24-4131112 8-415542! 663 439569 291434247 25'7487854 8-719760 59? 356409 212776172 24-4335834 8-420246! 664 440896 292754944: 25'7681975 8724141 59$ 357604 213347192 24-45403851 8-424945 665 442225 294079625! 25'7875939 ! 8-728518 59 353801! 21492179ii 21.4744765 8-429633! 666 443556 295408296; 25-8069758' 8-732392 601 360001 216000001 244948974 8-4343271; 667 444889 296740963! 258263431; 8-737260 GO] 361201 217081801 24-5153012 8-439010! i 668 446224 298077632 ; 25 8456 1 J6J! 8741625 60S 362404 21816720? 2 4 -5356 -HI 8-443688!' 669, 447561 299418309 25-8(5503431 8-745985 605 363609; 21925622? 24-5560532 8-448360J 670 448900 300763000! 25 "884 35 821 8-753340 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 643 No, Square. Cube. | Sq. Root. CubeRoot. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Ro87i 471961) 688J 473344 3*4242703 32566(;672 262106848 26-2297541 8-823731 8-823010 754 755 568516 570025 4*^661064 430J68375 2745906o4 27-47/2633 9-l0172b 9-105740 609 474721 327082769 26-2483095 8-832285 756 571536 432084215 27-4^54542 9-109767 690 476100 323509UGO 26-*673511 8-836556 757 573U49 433798093 9-113702 691 477431 329939371 26-2868789 8-840823 758 574564 43551951* 2/-5317yy8 y-l!773 692 478361 331373888 26-3053929 8-845085 759 57608 1 437*45479 275499546 9-121801 693 480249 33*2812557 26-3248932! b'Ws>344ll 760 577600 438976000 2 T -5680975 y- 125805 <94 481636 334255384 26-34387^7 8-853598 761 57^121 440711081 27'53b2234 9-12y8b6 695 483J25 335702U75 26-3628527 8-857849 762 530644 442450728 27-6043475 y-13380b 696 484416 337153536 26-3318119 8-862095 763 532469 444194947 276224546 y- 1377^7 697 485809 338608373 26-4007576 8.866337 764 533696 4459437^4 9-441787 698 48720-i 3400GS392 26-4196896 8-8705761 765 585225 447697425 ^7 'Ojt^o33-i 9- 44577 1 699 488601 341532099 26-4386081 8-874810 766 586756 44*4550b6 27 b7o705b 9-l4975o 700 49UL'00 343000000 26-4575131 8-879040 767 533^09 45121.663 *7'694764o y-45o737 701 491401 344472101 *6-4764046 8-883266 768 589824 452984332 *7-7l23i*y y-.'5/Vi^ 702 492i04 345948408 26-4952826 8-887483 769 591361 454756609 27-730849* y-lblbo/ 703 491209 347428927 26-5141472 8-891706 770 592900 456533000 27-7480739 9-165656 704 495616 348913664 26 5329983 8-895920 771 594441 45334401 1 27-7663860 9'169b2.i 705 497025 b5u40~625 26-5518361 8-900130 772 5J5984 4b009b648 9-17353J 706 498436 351895316 26-57C6605 8-904337 773 597529 46183i)9i7 278023775 9-17/014 707 499849 353393243 26-5394716 8-908539 774 599076 463684824 27 "8200555 y 401500 708 501264 354894912 26-6082694 8-912737 775 600625 465481375 27 -0 33021 8 y 105453 709 502681 356400829 266270539 8-916931 776 602176 4b7*8e5/6 27 o5b776o 9 18940^ 710 504100 357911000 26-6453*52 8-921121 .777 603729 46 1 J097433 27-8747197 y I9b347 711 5U5521 35942543! 266645333 8-925308 778 605284 47U9l09;)2 27'0b26ol4 'j-197~9c. 712 5t6944! 360944128 266833231! 8-929490 779 606841 47V729139 27-9ib57J5 V*0l22 l j 713 500369 362467097 26-7020598 8-9b3669 780 6034 b 4/4552UOO 27-9284801 > j-2Ujlt> 714 5097^6: 353994344 26-7207784 8-937843 781 60^961 47t 37^541 27-y4b3772 y^o^o-Jb 715 511225! 365525375 5T -739483 J 8-942014 782 6115^4 47o^ll768 27-9642629 y-*i3o~o 716 512656 367061696 26-7581763 8-946181 783 613089 40X04060V 27'i821b7*! y-*ibi)Jv, 717 514089 368601813 26-7763557! 8-950344 ; 784 614656 481890^04 23-OCOOObO y-*2O8/o 718 515524 370146232 26-7955220 8-9545o3|: 785 616225 40o/b66*5 28 Ol7o5l5 > j-2l7v-l 719 516%l| 37169495U 26-81447.-)! 8-958653 706 617796 4855o'/b5o 28 "0356 yl 5 y-*2o7^/ 720 518400; 373248UOO 26-8328157 8-962809! 787 61936'J 407443-lob 28-0535*00 .'_. 'Jo i'.. 721 519341 37181)5361 26-8514432 8-966957 i 788 620944 48X)3o3i72 28-071 33 // y-2ot5^6 722 521234 37t.3,'.70v- 26-8700577 8-971101 789 62*521 4yil6906'j 28-089 143^ y-24o4b;> 723 522729 377933i>r>7 26-8886593 8-975241 i 790 6*4100 4y3b3yOoO 23'106y38b 9-*14b3o 724! 524176 379503424 26-9072481 8-979377 i 77 793 628849 4906/7*57 23-1602557 y-^obo2* 727 528529 38424053 2-3-9629375 8-99176^ 7J< 63Ji:-.t} o005b6404 28'170bOJb 9-*j99ll 728! 529984' 38582835:. .6-98 14751 8-995883| : ?y5 6320*5 50*459375 28- 495 i 444 y-*6.uy< 729 531441 3^7420489 27-000(K)00 y-COOOOb ?y6 6336 1<) 5D4353336 20-2134720 y-2b7bOv 730 532900 38^0171-00 27-0185122 9-004113 79. 635*0'J 50626l57> 28-2311004 '.I -. l-'-'v 731 534361; 39C6l7s.ll 270370117: 9-008223 I 798 636oOi 5084bu5* 28'248893o y-^ij4oo 7321 535324 392223168 :.7-c<:>.V;985 9-012329 1 7yy 638401 5iot8*3yy 28*005801 9-i7y3oc 733! 5272*9 39383^837 27-G73V727 9-016431 > 800 64000C 512000000 28-204271* y-2o3i7o 734! 53/7;6 3.i54469i! 27-0924341 'J -02052'. 801 641604J 513922401 28-3019434 y-2a 7o-*- 735 : 540^25 3J7065375 27.1108834 9-021621 802 643204 51534l6bO 20-3 1 1 .* oi.) 9-290.0* 736 541*i> 39'0,s ( su;>(i 271293199 9-0*a7l5 i 803 644809 51778162/ 28-o3/*54b 9-*'j4431t.9 40031555:> 27 147743.* 9-032802 804] 64641b 5197181b4 *tt-354oy30 y-2y8ti*i 644 APPENDIX. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. CubeRootJ No. Square.) Cube. 1 Sq. Root CubeKoot. 805 6430251 52166J125 2837*5219 9-302477 872| 761)334 663.)M348| 29-5296461 9-553712 806 649636 52360G616: 283901391 9-306323 873 762129 665338617! 29-5465734 9-557363 807 651249 525557943; 28-4077454 9-310175 874 763376 667627624 29-5634910 9-561011 808 652864 527514112 28 4253408 9-3140191 875 765625 669921875 29-5303989 9-564656 809 654481 529475129 28-4429253 9-317860; 876 767376 <>?2221376 29-59729721 9-568298 810 656100 531441000 28-4604989 9-321697 877 769129 674526133 29-6141853 9-571938 811 657721 533411731 28-4780617 9-325532 878 770884 676836152 29-6310648 1 9-575574 812 659344 535387328 23-4956137 9-32J363 879 772641 679151439 29-6479342, 9-579208 813 660969 537367797 23-5131549 9-333192 880 774400 681472000 29-6647939! 9-582840 814 662596 539353144 23-5306852 9-347017 b81 776 Hi 1 683797341 29-6816442 9-:86468 815 664225 541343375 23-5482048 93408391 832 777924 686128968 29.6984843 9-590094 816 665356 543338496 23-5657137 9-344657! 883 779689 688465387 29-7153159 9-593717 81? 6l>7489 545333513 28-5832119 9-3:8473 834 781456 690807104 29-7321375' 9-597337 818 669124 547343432 23-6006993 9-352286 8b5j 783225 693154125 29-7439496! 9-600955 819 670761 549353259 28-6181760 9-356095 886 784996 695506456 29-7657521 9-604570 820 672400 551368000 28-6356421 9-359902! 88? 786769 697864103 29-7825452 9-603182 821 674041 553387661 28-6530976 9363705 838 788544 700227072] 29-7993239 9-61*791 822 675684 555412248 28-6705424 9367505: 889 790321 702595369 29-816103:) 9-6153'J'r 823 677329 557441767 23-63797G6 9-371302 890 7 1 J2100 704969000 29-8323678 9-619002 824 678976 559476224 23-7054002 9375096 1 891 793881 707347971 29-8496231 9-622603 825 680625 561515625 28-7228132 9-373387 892 795664 709732288 29-8663690 9-626202 826 632276 563559976 28-740215? 9-382675 893 797449 712121957 29-8831050 9-629797 827 633429 565609283 28-7576077 9-336460 894 799236 714516934 29-8998328 9-633391 823 685584 567663552 28-7749891 9-390242 895 801025 716917375 29-9165506 9-636981 829 687241 569722789 28-7923601 9-394021! 896 802816 719323136 2l ^332591 9-640563 830 6839 >0 571787000 28-8097206 9-3. 7796! 897 804609 721734273 29-9499583 9-644154 831 690561 5?385619l| 28-8270706 9-401569 898 806404 724150792 29-9666481 9-647737 832 833 69i224 693889 5?5930368| 28-8444102; 9-405339 5780095371 28-86173941 9-409105 899 900 808201 726572699 810000| 729000000 29-98332-37 9-65131? 30-0000000! 9-654894 834 695556 530093704 28-8790582! 9-412869 901 811801 731432701 30-0166620 9-658468 835 697225 582182875 28-8963666! 9-416630 902 813604! 733870808 30-0333148 9-662040 836: 698896 584277056 28-9136646 9-420337 903 815409 73631432? 30-0499584 9-665610 837 700569 586376253 28-9309523 9-424142 904 817216 738763264 30-0665923 9-669176 838 i 702244 5^8480472 28-948229? 9-4278J4 905 819025 741217625 30-0332179 9-672740 839 703921 590589719; 23-965496? 9-431642 906 820836 7436774183417 842J 708^64 596947688 29-0172362 9-442370 909 826281 751089429 30-149626'J 9-036970 843 710649 599077107 29-0344622 9-446607 910 828100 753571000 30-1662063 9-690521 844j 712336! 6012 1 1584 29-0516781 9-450341 911 829921 756058031 30-1827765 9-694069 8451 7140251 603351125 29-0688837 9-454072 912 831744 758550528 30-1993377 9-697615 846 1 715716J 605495736 29-0860791 9-457800 913 833S6S 761048497 30-2158393 9-701158 847 717409 607645123 29-1032644 9-461525 914 835396] 763551944 30-232432b 9-704699 84fc 719104 609300192) 29-1204396 9-465247 915 8372251 766060875 30-248966S 9-708237 84 720801 611960049 29-137604f 9-463966 916 839056 768575-296 30-26549 It 9-711772 85C > 72250C 614125000 29-154759= 9-47*682 917 840889 771095213 30-282007L 9-715305 851! 724201 6162950511 29- 17 19042 t 9-476396 918 842724 773620632 3J-2 ( J8514fc 9-718835 852! 725904 618470208! 29 1890390 9-480106 919 8445611 7761515511 30-3150 12b 9-722363 853 72760'j 6206504771 29-2U61637J 9-483814 92u 84640C 1 773683000 30-3315016 9-725388 854 7293 If 622835364 29-2232784 9'48?518 921 848241 781229961 30-347981^ 9-729411 85f 7310^' 625026375 29-2403830 9-491220 922J 850084 78377744ti 3J-364452L 9732931 856 , 73273f 627222016 29-2574777 9-494919 923 851929 786330467 303809151 9-736448 85' ' 73444i 629422793J 29-2745623! 9-498615 924 853776: 78388902-4 30-3J7363? 9-73J963 85 J 736164 631623712! 29'2916370| 9-5U23J8 925 855625! 791453125 30-4138127 9-743476 85i > 737881 633339779 29-3087018! 9-505998 926 857476 79402277f 3J-43J2481) 9-746986 860 73960C 6360560(X)| 29 3257566 9-509685 927 859329 796597982 3J-4466747 9-750493 861 74132] 6382773811 29-3423015J 9-513370 928 861184 79917875. 3U-4630924I 9-753J98 862 743044 640503928 29-3598365 9517051 92'J fc63041 801765031 30-47y5013| 9-757500 863 74476i 6427356471 29-3768616 9-520730 931) 864900 804357000 30-4i/59014| 9-761000 864 1 746496! 644972544! 29-3933769 9-524406 931 866761' 806954491 30-5122926J 9-76449? 865 748225 647214625 1 29-4103823 9-528079 932 868624. 8095575681 30-5285750 9-767992 866 749956 649461896 29-4278779 9-531750 932 87J4*-j 812i6G237| 30-545048? 9-771484 867 75168i > 651714363 29-4448637 9-535417 934 872356; 814780504 30-5:5 14 136! 9-?74i>74 868; 75342^ [ 653972032' 29-4618397 9-539082 933 874225! 817400375 30-67776911 9-778462 869! 75516] 656234909 29-4788059 9-542744 93fc 876096: 820025y5f 30-5;;4Ii71 978194? 87C 1 75690( ) 658503000 29-4957624 9 "5 46403 937 877969: 82265615; 3D-610455?; 9 785429 87 1\ 75864 660776311! 29-51270'Jli 9-55UU5!) 933 H79H44 825293675! 30-6267857 9-736908 TABLE OF SQUARES, CUBES, AND ROOTS. 645 No. 939 Square. 881721 Cube. | Sq. Root. CubeRoot. No. Square. Cube. Sq. Root. CabeRooiJ 827936019: 30-6431069 9-792386 970 940900 912673000 3H448230J 9-838983 1 940 883600 830584000! 33-6594194 9-795861 971 942341 915498611 31-160872'J 9-902333 941 885481 8332376211 30-6757233 9-799334 972 944784 918330048 31-1769145 9-905782 942 837364 835896888 30-6920185 9-802804 973 946729 921167317| 31-1929479 9-909173 943 889249 83856 1807J 30-7083051 9-806271 974 948676 924010424! 31-2039731 9-912571 944 8U1136 8412323341 30-7245830 9-809736 975 950625 926859375J 31-2249900 9-915962 945 893025 843908625 30-7408523 9-813199 976 952576 929714176 31-2409987 9-919351 946 894916 846590536 30-7571130 9-816659 977 954529 932574833 31-2569992! 9-922733 947 896809 849278123 30-7733651 9-820117 978 956484 935441352 31-27299151 9-926122 948 898704 851971392! 30-7896086 9-823572 979 958141 938313739 31-288.^757 9-929504 949 900601 8546703491 30-8058436 9-827025 980 960400 941192000 31-3049517 9-9328S4 950 90:2500 8573750001 30-82207001 9-830476 981 962361 944076141 31-3209195 9-936261 951 904401 860085351 308382879 9'833924 982 964324! 946966168 31-3368792 9-939636 952 906304 862801408: 30-85449721 9-837369 983 966289 949862087 31-3528308 9943009 953 908209 865523177 30-870698l' 9-840813 984 968256! 952763904 31-36877431 9-946380 954 910116 868250664 30-8868904 1 9'844254 985 970225 955671625; 31-3847097! 9-949748 K55 912025 870983875 30-9030743, 9-847692 986! 972196 958535256 31-400H369) 9-953114 956 913936 873722816 30-9192497J 9-851128 987; 974169 961504803 31-4165561 9-956477 957 915849 876467493; 30-9354166! 9-854562 2881 9761441 9644302"2 31-4324673! 9-959839 958 917764 879217912 30-95 15751J 9-857993 989 9781211 967361669 31-4483704 9-963198 959 919681 881974079 30-9f>77251| 9-861422 990 980100 970299000 31-4642654 9-96655. l > 960 921SOO 884736000^ 30-9^36668 9-864848 991 982081 973242271 31-4801525 9-969909 961 923521 887503681 31-OOOOOOOi 9-868272 992 984064 976191488 31-4960315! 9-973262 962 925444 NW277128 31-01612481 9-871694 993i 986049 979146657 31-5119025 9-976612 963 927369 ;< < .:J056347 3l-0322413i 9875113 994 988036 982107784 31-5277655 9-979960 964 929296 S;). r )841344 31-0483494J 9-878530 995 990025 985074875 31-5436206 9-983305 965 931225 898632125 31-0644491 9-881945 9% 992016 988047936 31-5594677 9-986649 966 933156 90M28696 21-08054051 9-885357 9971 994009 991026973J 31-5753068 9-989990 967 935089 104231063 31-0966236 9-888767 998 996004 994011992 31-5911330 9-993329 1 968 937024 907039232 31-1126984 9-892175 999 998001 997002999 31-6069613 9-996666, 969 938961 909853209 31-1287648! 9-895580 1000 1000000 1000000000 31 -6227766 lO-OOOOOOJ The following rules are for finding the squares, cubes, and roots of num- bers exceeding 1000. To find the square of any number divisible without a remainder. Rule. Di- vide the given number by such a number from the foregoing table as will divide it without a remainder ; then the square of the quotient, multiplied by the square of the number found in the table, will give the answer. Examfle.Whzt is the square of 2000 ? 2000, divided by 1000. a number found in the table, gives a quotient of 2, the square of which is 4, and the square of 1000 is 1,000,000, therefore : 4 x 1,000,000 = 4,000,000: the Ans. Another Example. What is the square of 1230? 1230, being divided by 123, the quotient will be 10, the square of which is 100, and the square of 123 is 15,129, therefore : 100 x 15,129= 1,512,900: the Ans. To find the square of any number not divisible without a remainder. Rule. Add together the squares of such two adjoining numbers from the table as shall together equal the given number, and multiply the sum by 2 ; then this product, less i, will be the answer. Example. What is the square of 1487 ? The adjoining numbers, 743 and 744, added together, equal the given number, 1487, and the square of 743 = 552,049, the square of 744 = 553,536, and these added = 1,105,585, therefore : 1,105,585 x 2 2,211,170 i = 2,211,169 : the Ans. To find the ciibc of any number divisible without a remainder. Ritle. Divide the given number by such a number from the foregoing table as will divide 646 APPENDIX. it without a remainder ; then the cube of the quotient, multiplied by the cube of the number found in the table, will give the answer. Example. What is the cube of 2700? 2700, being divided by 900, the quo- tient is 3, the cube of which is 27 and the cube of 900 is 729,000,000, there- fore : 27 x 729,000,000 = 19,683,000,000 : the Ans. To find the square or cztbe root of numbers higher than is found in the table. Rule. Select, in the column of squares or cubes, as the case may require, that number which is nearest the given number ; then the answer, when decimals are not of importance, will be found directly opposite, in the column of num- bers. Example. What is the square root of 87,620? In the column of squares, 87,616 is nearest to the given number ; therefore, 296, immediately opposite in the column of numbers, is the answer, nearly. Another example. What is the cube root of 110,591? In the column of cubes, 110,592 is found to be nearest to the given number ; therefore, 48, the number opposite, is the answer, nearly. To find the cube root more accurately. Rule. Select from the column of cubes that number which is nearest the given number, and add twice the number so selected to the given number ; also, add twice the given number to the number selected from the table. Then, as the former product is to the latter, so is the root of the number selected to the root of the number given. Example. What is the cube root of 9200? The nearest number in the col- umn of cubes is 9261, the root of which is 21, therefore : 9261 9200 2 2 18522 18400 9200 9261 As 27,722 is to '27,661, so is 21 to 20-953 + , the Ans. Thus, 27,661 x 21 = 580,881, and this divided by 27,722 = 20-953 -f . To find the square or cube root of a whole number with decimals. Rule. Sub- tract the root of the whole number from the root of the next higher number, and multiply the remainder by the given decimal ; then the product, added to the root of the given whole number, will give the answer correctly to three places of decimals in the square root, and to seven in the cube root. Example. What is the square root of 11-14? The square root of n is 3-3166, and the square root of the next higher number, 12, is 3-4641 ; the for- mer from the latter, the remainder is 0-1475, and this by 0-14 equals 0-02065. This added to 3-3166, the sum, 3-33725, is the square root of 11-14. To find the roots of decimals by the use of the table. Rule. Seek for the given decimal in the column of numbers, and opposite in the columns of roots will be found the answer, correct as to the figures, but requiring the decimal point to be shifted. The transposition of the decimal point is to be performed thus : For every place the decimal point is removed in the root, remove it in the number t^vo places for the square root and three places for the cube root. THE REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. 647 Examples. By the table, the square root of 86-0 is 9-2736, consequently by the rule the square root of 0-86 is 0-92736. The square root of 9- is 3-, hence the square root of 0-09 is 0-3. For the square root of 0-0657 we have 0*25632, found opposite No. 657. So, also, the square root of 0-000927 is 0-030446, found opposite No. 927. And the square root of 8-73 (whole num- ber with decimals) is 2-9546, found opposite No 873. The cube root of 0-8 is 0-928, found at No. 800 ; the cube root of 0-08 is 0-4308, found opposite No. 80, and the cube root of 0-008 is 0-2, as 2-0 is the cube root of 8-0. So also the cube root of 0-047 ' s 0-36088, found opposite No. 47. RULES FOR THE REDUCTION OF DECIMALS. , To reduce a fraction to its equivalent decimal. Rule. Divide the numerator by the denominator, annexing cyphers as required. Example. What is the decimal of a foot equivalent to three inches ? 3 inches is j\ of a foot, therefore : & . . . 12)3-00 25 Ans. Another example. What is the equivalent decimal of $ of an inch? 1 ... 8)7-000 875 Ans. To reduce a compound fraction to its equivalent decimal. Rule. In accordance with the preceding rule, reduce each fraction, commencing at the lowest, to the decimal of the next higher denomination, to which add the numerator of the next higher fraction, and reduce the sum to the decimal of the next higher denomination, and so proceed to the last ; and the final product will be the answer. Example. What is the decimal of a foot equivalent to five inches, f and T V of an inch ? The fractions in this case are, i of an eighth, | of an inch, and T r v of a foot, therefore : eighths. inches. rV 12)5-437500 -453125 Ans. The process may be condensed, thus : write the numerators of the given 648 APPENDIX. fractions, from the least to the greatest, under each other, and place each de nominator to the left of its numerator, thus : 8 3. CQOO 12 5-437500 453125 Ans. To reduce a decimal to its equivalent in terms of lower denominations. Rule. Multiply the given decimal by the number of parts in the next less denomi- nation, and point off from the product as many figures to the right hand as there are in the given decimal ; then multiply the figures pointed off by the number of parts in the next lower denomination, and point off as before, and so proceed to the end ; then the several figures pointed off to the left will be the answer. Example, What is the expression in inches of 0-390625 feet? Feet 0-390625 12 inches in a foot. Inches 4-687500 8 eighths in an inch. Eighths 5 5000 2 sixteenths in an eighth. Sixteenth i-o Ans., 4 inches, and $. Another example. What is the expression, in fractions of an inch of 0-6875 inches? Inches 0-6875 8 eignths in an inch. Eighths 5-5000 2 sixteenths in an eighth. Sixteenth i-o Ans., f and ^ TABLE OF CIRCLES. (From Gregory's Mathematics.) FROM this table may be found by inspection the area or circumference of a circle of any diameter, and the side of a square equal to the area of any given circle from i to 100 inches, feet, yards, miles, etc. If the given diameter is in inches, the area, circumference, etc., set opposite, will be inches ; if in feet, then feet, etc. Diam. Area. Circum. Side of equal sq. Diam. Area. Circum. Side of equal sq. 25 04908 78539 22155 75 90-7625? 33-7721-2 9-52693 5 19635 1-57079 44311 11- 95-03317 34-55751 9-74S1'.* 75| '44178 235619 66467 25 99-40195 35-34291 9-97005 ] 78539 3-14159 88622 5 103-86890 36-12331 10-19160 25 1-22718 3-92699 1-10778 75 108-43403 36-91371 10-41316 5 1-76714 4-71238 1-32934 12- 11309733 37-69911 10-63472 75 2-40528 5-49778 1-55089 25 117-85831 3848451 10-85627 2- 3-14159 6-28318 1-77245 5 122-71846 3926990 11-07733 25 3-9760? 7-06858 1-99401 75 127-676281 40-05530 11-29939 5 4-90873 7-85393 2-21556 13- 132-73228 40-84070 11-5-2095 75 5-93957 8-63937 2-43712 25 137-88646 41-62610 11-7425;) 3- 7-068581 942477 2-65868 -.-) 14313881 42-41150 11-96406 25 8-29576 10-21017 2-88023 75 148-48934 43-19689 12-1856-2 5 9-62112 10-99557 3-10179 14- 153-93804 43-98229 12-40717 75 11-044661 11-78097 3-32335 25 159-48491 44-76769 12-62S73 4- 12-56637 12-56637 3-54490 5 165-12996 45-55309 12-85029 25 14-186251 13-35176J 3-76646! 75 170-87318 46-33849J 13-07184 5 15-90431 14-13716| 3-98802 15- 176-71458 47-12338! 13-21)340 75 17-72054 14-922561 4-20957! 25 182-65416 47-909281 13-51496 5- 19-63195 15-70796 4-431 13j -. r > 188-69190 48-69468 13-73651 25 21-64753 16-49336 4-65269J 75 194-82783 49-48003 13-95307 5 23-75829 17-27875 4-87424 IS- 201-06192 50-26548 14-17963 75 25-96722 18-06415 5 -095 WO, 25 207-:W4'20 51-05088: 14-101 IS 6- 28-27433 18-84955 5-31736 5 213-82464 51-83027 14-62274 25 30-67961 19-63495! 5-53891 75 220-35327 5262167 14-84430 5 33-18307 20-42035 5-76047 17- 226-98006 53-40707 15-065-5 75 35-78470 21-20575. 5-9S2()3i' -25 233-70504 54-19247 15-28741 7- 33-48456 21-99114 6-20358! ! -5 240-52818 54-97787 15-50897 25 41-28249 27-77654 6-42514 j -75 217-44950 55763261 15-73052 .K 44-17H61 23-56194 6-646701: 18- 254-46900 56-54866! 15-9.V20S 75 47-17297 24-34734 6-86825 25 261-58667 57-33406 16-17361 8- 50-26518 25-13274 7-08981 5 26880252 53-11946 1639519 25 53-45616 25-91813 7-31137 75 27()-llC,54 58-90486 16-61675 5 5S-74501 26-70353 7-53292 19- 2-<3-52873 59-69026 16-8:KH 75 60-13204 27-48893 7754 18 25 291-03910 6047565 17-05986 9- 63617-2") 28-27433 7-976J4 5 i 298-64765 61-26105 17-28 U2 25 07-20063 29-0.'>97* 8-197.')9 75 300-:{513? 62-04645 17-5;-2'J8 5 70-83218 29-84513 8-41915 20- 314-15926 62-83185 17-72453 75 74-66191 30-63052 8-64071 "J.-> 322-00-233 6361725 17-94609 10- 78-53981 31-41592 886226 5 330-06357 64-40264 18-16765 25 82-51589 38*01321 9-08382 75 338-16-299 65-18804 18-38920 5 86-59014 32-986721 9-3i):>33 21- I 346-36059 6 j 97341 18-61076 650 APPENDIX. )iam. Area. Circam. Side of equal sq. Diam. Area. Side of Circum. enual sq. 21-25 354-65635 66-75834 1883232 38- 1134-114941 119-38052! 3367662 5 363-05030 67-54424 19-05337 25 1149-086601 120- 16591 i 33 893 17 75 371-54241 68-32964 19-27543 5 1164-15642 120-95131 34- IS 973 22- 380-13271 69-11503 19-49699 75 1179-32442 121-73671 3434129 25 1 388-82117 69-90043 19-71854 39- 1194-59060 122-52211 34-56285 5 337-60782! 70-68583 19-94010 25 1209-95495 123-30751 34-78440 75 406-49263 71-47123 20-16166 5 1225-41748 124-09290 35-00596 23- 415-475^2 72-25663 20-38321 75 1210-97818 124-878301 35-22752 25 424-55679 73-04202 20-60477 40- 1255-63704! 125-663701 35 44907 5 433-736131 73-82742 20-82633 25 1272-39411 126-449101 35-67063T 75 443-01365| 74-61282 21-04788 5 1288-24933 127-23450 35-89219 24- 452-38934J 75-39822 21-26944 75 : 1304-20273 128-01990 36-11374 25 461-86320 76-18362 21-49100 41- 1320-25431 123-80529J 36-33530 5 471-43524 76-96902 21-71205 25 1336-40406 129-59069 36-55686 75 481-105461 77-75441 2193411 5 1352-65198 1 30-3760') 36-77841 25- 490-87385! 78-53981 22-15567 75 1368-99808 131-16149 36-99997 25 500-740411 79-32521 22-37722 42- 1385-44236 131-94689 37-2*2153 5 . 510-70515! 80-11061 22-59878 25 1401-98480 13273228 37-44308 75 520-76306! 80-89601 22-82034 5 1418-625431 133-51768! 3766464 26- 530-92915 81-68140 23-04190 75 1435-36423 134-303081 37-88620 25 541-18842 82-46680 23-26345 4o- 1452-20120 135-08348 38-10775 5 551-54586 83-25220 23-48501: 25 1469-13635 135-87338 38-32931 75 562-00147 84-03760 2370657 5 1486-16967 136-65928! 38-55087' 27- 572-55526 84-82300 23-92812; 75 1503-30117 137-44467J 33-77242 25 583-20722 85-60839 24-14968 44- 1520-53084 138-83007 38-993^8 5 593-95736 86-39379 24-37124 25 1537-85869 1P9-01547J 39-21554 75 604-80567 87-17919 24-59279; 5 1556-23471 139-80087! 39-43709 28- 615-75216 87-96459 24-81435! 75 1572-80890 140-58627 3965865 25 626-79682 88-74999 25-03591 45- 152043128 141-37166 39-88021 5 637-93965 89-53539 25-25746 25 1608-15182 142-15706 40-10176 75 649-18066 90-32078 25-47'J02 5 1625-97054 142-94246! 40-32332 29- 66051985 9M0613 25-70058 75 164388744 143-727861 4054488 25 671-95721 9 39153 25-92213 46- 1661-90251 14451326! 40-76643 5 683-49275 92-67698 26-14359 25 1680-01575 145'29866l 40-98799 75 695-12646 93-46233 26-36525 5 1698-22717 146-08405 41-20955 30- 706-85834 94-24777 26-58680 75 1716-53677 146-86945 41-43110 25 71868840 9503317 26-80836 47- 1 1734-94454 147-65485 41-65266 5 730-61664 95-81857 27-02992 251 1753-45048 148-44025! 4187422 75 74264305 96-603971 27-25147; 5 1772-05460 149-22565 42-09577 31- 751-76763 97-38937; 27-47303 i -75 1790-75639 150-01104 4231733 25 766-99039" 98-17477 27-69459! 48- i 180955736 150-79644 42-53889 5 779-31132 9896016 27-91614 ; -25 '' 1828-45601 151-58184 42-76044 75 791-73043 99-74556 28-13770 5 1847-45282 152-36724 42-98200 32- 804-24771 100-53096 2S-M3926; -75 1866-54782 153-15264 43-20356 25 816-86317 101-31636 2M/59081I 49-' 1885-74099 153'93804 4342511 5 829-57631 102-10176 28-h0237 ; -25 ! 1905-83233 154-72343 43-64667 75 842-38861 102-887151 2902393 5 1924-42184 155-50883 43-86823 *33- 855-29859 10367255 29-24548 75 1943-90954 156-29423 44-08978 25 868-30675 104-45795 29-46704! 50- 1963-49540 157-07963] 44-31134 5 881-41308 105-24335 29-68860 25 1983-17944 157-96503] 44-53290 75 89461759 106-028751 29-91015 5 2002-96166 153-65042 44-75445 34- 907-92027 106-81415 30-13171 75! 2022-84205 159-43582! 44-97601 25 921-321131 107-59954 30-35327 51- 2042-82062 160-22122 45-19757 5 934-82016 308-33494 30-57482 25 2062-89736 161-00662 45-41912 75 94841736 109-17034 30-796'*8 5 ! 2083-07227 161-79202 45-64068 35- 962-11275 109-95574 31-01794J ! -75 1 210334536 162-57741 43-85224 25 975-90630 110-74114 31-23949 52- 1 2123-71663 163-36281 46-08380 5 989-79803 111-52653! 31-46105 25| 2144-18607 164-14821 46-30535 75 1003-78794 112311931 31-68261 5 1 2164-75368 184-93361 46 52691 36 1017-87601 11309733 31-90416 75! 2185-41947 165-71901 46-74847 25 1032-06227 113-88-273 32-12572 53- 2206-18344 166-50441 46-97002 5 75 1046-34670 11466813 1060-729301 115-45353 32-34728 32-56383 25 2227-04557 5 2248-00589 167-2-8980 168-07520 47-19158 47-41314 37- 1075-21008 116-23892 32-7903J 75 2269-06433 168-86060 47-63469 25 1089-78903 117-024 3-2 33-01195 54- 2290-22104 169-64600 47-85625 5 1104-46616 117-80972 33-23350 25: 2311-475^8 170-43140 48-07781 75 1119-2414 1 - 118-59572 33-45506 5 ! 2332-82889 171-21679 48-29936 TABLE OF CIRCLES. 6 5 I Side of &2092 71-5 4015-1517f> ~1^^23^! ""63-36522 55- 2375-82344 172-78759 48-74248 75 404327833 225-40927 i 63-58678 25 2397-47698! 173-57299 48-96403 72- 4071-50407 226-19467 63-80333 5 2419-22269 174 -3583 J 49-18559 25 4099-82750 226-98006 64-02989 75 2141-0665?! 175-14379 49-40715 5 4128-24909 227-76546 64-25145 56- 246300864! 175-92918 49-62870 75 4156-76886 22855086 64-47300 25 2185-04887' 1732-74225 248-97121 70-23318 75 309255135 197-13493 5561073 5 4963-91274 24975661 70-45504 63 3117-21531 197-92033 55-83229 75 4995-18140 250-34201 70-67659 25 314203444 198-70573 55-053-5 80- 5026-54824 251-32741 70-39815 5 3166-92174 199-49113 56-27510 25 505801325 252-11281 71-11971 75 3191-90722 200-27653 56-49698 5 503957644: 252-89820 71-34126 64- 3*16-99087 201-061^2 5671852 75 5 121 23781 25368360 71-56282 25 3242-17270 201-84732 56-9100? 81- 5152-99735 254*46900 71-78433 5 326745270 20263272 57-16163 25 5184-85506 255-25440 72-00593 ~5 3292 83088 203-41812 57-3 S3 19 5 5216-SI !2^6-()3JSO 72 -22749 ; 35- 3318-30784 204-20352 57-60475 75 5248-86501; 25682579 72-14905 25 334388176 204-98892 57-8263<)| 82- 5281-01725 257-61059 2-67060 5 3369-55447 20577431 5804786' 25 531326766 258-3i)599 72-89216 75 339532534 206-55971 53-26942 5 5345-r.ir.-ji 259-18139 7311372 66- 3421 19439 207-34511 5349097 75 5378-06301 259-96679 ?:<:52? 25 344716162 203-130511 53-712:-):! 83- 541060794 260-75219 ? 3 55633 5 3473 22702 208-915911 58-93 lO'.i 25 :m-2f>K!:i 261-53753 73 77839 75 349939060 209-7013!) 5.H:V>!il 5 r.l?.Vii9234 262-32298 73*99994 67- 3525-65235 210 48670 59-37720 75 5508-83180 263-10338 74-22150 25 3552-01228 211-27210 595;S76 84- 5.') 1 1 ?tV.t 1 1 263-89378 71:14306 5 3573-47033 212-05750 59-821)31 25 55?480f>2:> 264-67918 74-66461 *T5 3505 026i55 212-84290 60-04 I*? 5 5607-US923 265-46457 74-8861? 68- 3631-68110 2i3-r,->>3o r,o-2i;:m 75 5641-17I3J 266-24997 75-10773 25 9658-43373 214-4 Kiy CO-l-il'.tS 85- ."67 1-50 173 267-03537 75'32:'-> 5 S68528453 21.")- 19.109 60-70C,;:! 25 5707-y;{o-j:j 2G7-82077 75-55: iM 75 371!} 23350 2J598449 60-92SIU 5 5741 1 :,r,. -j 268-60617 75-772 li 69- 3^39-28065 216761IS9 C.l-ll.G.") 75 5775-08178 269-3915? 75-99395 25 '576 C -42597 217-f)5;-.29 61-37121 86- :.s(is-H0481. 270-176% 7621551 5 379JJ-66947 21834068 61-59277 25 5Sl262(i<)2 270-96236 764370? 75 332 '01 115 21. 61-81132 5 5876-54540 271-74770 76-65362 70 :MS-|.-,KM) vMH-'jiiis 1 62-03588 75 5.nor,r,29r. 272-53316 76-88018 25 3S7:>-71I 87- :.'J 1 1 67869 27331856 77- 10174 5 3i)03-62522 2 i 1-43228 62-478'J9 25 5978-892C.O 274-10395 77-::*2'. 75 3931-35959 MB-JJCTW 62-70055 5 6013-20468 274-88935 77*54485 71 3959-19214' J-.'^or.WT r>2'J2211 75 604761 J91 27567475 7776641 2? 3987- 12286 223 &i i47 03 1 136l> 88- 6082-12337, 276-16015 77-98796 6 5 2 APPENDIX. Diam. Area. Circum. Side of equal sq. Dinm. Area. Circum. Side ot equal sq. 88-25 6116-729931 277-24555 78-20952 94-25 6976-74097 2-6-09510 83-52688 5 6151-43476 27803094 78-43103 5 7012-80194 296-88050 83-74844 75 6186-23772 278-81634 7865263 75 7050-96109 297-66590 83-97000 89- 6-22M3385 279-60174 78-87419 95- 7083-21842 298-45130 84-19155 35! 6256-13S15I 23033714 79-09575 25 7125-57992 299-23070 84-4131 1 5 6291-23563 231-17254 79-31730 5 7163-02759 300-02209 84-63467 75 63-26-43129 281-95794 79-53386 75 7200-57944 300-80749 84-85622 90- 6361-7-2512 28-2-74333 79-76042 96- 7233-22947 3U 1-59239 85-07778 25 6397-11712 233-52873 79-98198 25 7275-97767 302-37829 85-291)34 5 6432-60730 284-31413 80-20353 5 7313-82404 303-16369 85-52039 75 6463-19586 285-09953 80-42509 75) 7351-76859 303-94908 85-74245 91- 6503-83219 285-83493 80-64669 97- 7389-81131 304-73448 85-96401 .25 653J-66639 286-67032 80-85820 25 7427-95221 305-51988 86-18556 5 6575-54977 237-45572 81-08976 5 7466-19129 306-30523 86-40712 75 6611-53382 288-24112 81-31132 75 7504-52853 307-09068 86-62868 92- 6647-61005 239-02652 81-53287 98- 7542-96396 307-87608 86-85023 25 6683-78745 289-31192 81-75443 25 7581-49755 - 308-66147 87-0717t' 5 6720-06303 2:)0-5 1 J7:)'2 81-975^'J 5 7620-12933 309-44637 87-29335 75 6756-43678 291-33271 82-VJ754 75 7653-85927 310-23227 87-51490 93- 6792-90871 292-16811 82-41910 99- 7697-68739 311-01767 87-73646 25 6829-47831 292-95351 82-04066 25 7736-61369 311-80307 87-95802 5 6866-14709 293-7339} 82-86-221 5 7775-63816 312-58346 88-17957 75 6902-91354 294-52431 83-08377 75 7814-760311 313-37336 88-40113 94- 6939-77317 295-30970, 83 30533 jj 100- 7653-98163| 314-15926 88-62269 The following rules are for extending the use of the above table. To find the area, circumference, or side of equal square, of a circle having a diameter of more than 100 inches, feet, etc. Rule. Divide the given diameter by a number that will give a quotient equal to some one of the diameters in the table ; then the circumference or side of equal square, opposite that diameter, multiplied by that divisor, or the area opposite that diameter, multiplied by the square of the aforesaid divisor, will give the answer. Example. What is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 228 feet ? 228, divided by 3, gives 76, a diameter of the table, the circumference of which is 238-761, therefore : 238-761 3 716 -283 feet. Ans. Another example. What is the area of a circle having a diameter of 150 inches? 150, divided by 10, gives 15, one of the diameters in the table, the area of which is 176-71458, therefore: 176-71458 100 = TO X IO 17,671-45800 inches. Ans. To find the area, circumference, or side of equal square, of a circle having an. intermediate diameter to those in the table. Rule. Multiply the given diameter by a number that will give a product equal to some one of the diameters in the table ; then the circumference or side of equal square opposite that diame- ter, divided by that multiplier, or the area opposite that diameter divided by the square of the aforesaid multiplier, will give the answer. CAPACITY OF WELLS, CISTERNS, ETC. 653 Example. What is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 6J, or 6-125 inches? 6-125, multiplied by 2, gives 12-25, one of the diameters of the table, whose circumference is 38-484, therefore : 2)38-484 19-242 inches. Ans. Another example. Wh?t is the area of a circle, the diameter of which is 3-2 feet? 3-2, multiplied by 5, gives 16, and the area of 16 is 201-0619, therefore : 5 x 5 = 25)201-0619(8-0424 + feet. Ans. 200 106 100 61 50 Note. The diameter of a circle, multiplied by 3-14159, will give its cir- cumference ; the square of the diameter, multiplied by -78539, will give its area; and the diameter, multiplied by -88622, will give the side of a square equal to the area of the circle. TABLE SHOWING THE CAPACITY OF WELLS, CISTERNS, ETC. The gallon of the State of New York, by an act passed April n, 1851, is required to conform to the standard gallon of the United States government. This standard gallon contains 231 cubic inches. In conformity with this standard the following table has been computed. One foot in depth of a cistern of 3 feet diameter will contain ........................ 52 872 gallons. 3* " " ....................... 7I-965 4 " ........................ 93-995 " 4i " ........................ 118-963 5 " " ........................ 146-868 5i " " ........................ 177-710 6 " " ..................... 211-490 " 6 " " ....................... 2*8-207 7 " " ....................... 287-861 " 8 " " ....................... 375-982 9 ....................... 475-852 10 " " ............ : ............ 587-472 12 " " ....................... 845-959 Note. To reduce cubic feet to gallons, multiply by 7-48. The weight of a gallon of water is 8-355 Ibs. To find the contents of a round cistern, multi- ply the square of the diameter by the height, both in feet, and this product by 5-875- 654 APPENDIX. TABLE OF WEIGHTS. MATERIALS USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OR LOADING OF BUILDINGS. WEIGHTS PER CUBIC FOOT. As per Barloiv, Gallier, Jlaswell, Jfurst, Rankine, Tredgold, Wood and tJie AutJwr. MATERIAL. | In AVERAGE. MATERIAL. S K to o H AVERAGE. WOODS. Mahogany, St. Domingo. . . . 45 65 49 55 41 41 51 46 Mulberry 35 55 45 Alder 35 51 38 Oak, Adriatic 62 49 51 5O " Black Bog 60 66 63 Ash 41 57 49 " Canadian 54 Beech 46 47 Birch. 35 49 42 " English .. S 7 54 Box . 59 65 62 Live 57 79 68 83 " Red 47 51 64 " White. 50 Cedar 27 35 31 Olive.. 58 47 52 44 " Palestine u Virginia Red ...... Cherry 30 32 . 38 46 34 40 39 Pear-tree . .' Pine, Georgia (pitch) '* Mar Forest 40 38 \ 42 48 43 Chestnut, Horse 29 35 " Memel and Riga 29 ** 32 Sweet Cork . ... 27 55 41 15 " Red " Scotch 27 37 39 Cypress . 27 34 " White 28 *' Spanish Deal, Christiania. . 40 44 " Yellow 27 4 1 39 33 45 '* English 41 (Norway Spruce). 21 t9 7 Poplar 23 37 30 44 Dogwood 47 23 Ebony 69 8^ 76 45 Elder 43 30 Elm 31 59 46 Satinwood e;5 57 27 oA 30 " (Red Pine) 3 37 36 38 " Riga 47 Teak 61 51 53 Tulip-tree 30 " ' Water 62 Vine. 81 so 37 Walnut Black 26 33 Hemlock 21 26 " White'. eg 49 40 la 49 Whitewood 27 te 52 Yew 50 Larch . ... 31 33 " Red 31 43 METALS. " White 23 Bismuth, Cast 614 41 8 3 62 487 5O6 41 -?6 544 57 k< Plate q2 8 531 35 38 Bronze . 508 516 WEIGHT OF MATERIALS. 655 TABLE OF WEIGHTS. (Continued.) MATERIALS USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OR LOADING OF BUILDINGS. WEIGHTS PER CUBIC FOOT. As per Barlow, Gallier, Jfaswell, Hurst, Rankine, Tredgold, Wood and the Author. MATERIAL. Z 1 o H AVERAGE. MATERIAL. I t* O H AVERAGE. Copper Cast 537 549 543 06 u_ 1O4 556 dry 1OO " Plate 644 44 in Cenfent . 112 Gold 1206 " in Mortar 1 1O 110S Caen Stone 13O 509 81 475 487 481 " Roman, Cast. 100 1 Cast 434 474 454 " Malleable " Wrought 486 475 480 equal parts.. Chalk 116 113 14 * 1 Lead Cast 709 Clay 122 Er^lish Cast 717 " with Gravel 16O " M ficd 713 90 851 ?6 102 83 " " 60 849 8i 79 " " 212 837 85 Nickel Cast 488 Coke ^.6 62 54 I 453 Concrete, Cement 13O 975 1O6 1345 U o n ' Rolled 1379 126 142 " with Gravel 126 636 25O *' ' Pure Cast 655 Feldspar 16O " " " Hammered " Standard ... 658 644 Flagging, Silver Gray. . . . Flint - - 185 163 Steel <86 402 489 l6e 160 Tin Cast !,6 1 < 462 " Flint 183 429 449 439 " Green li; Zinc, Cast ' Plate 163 " White 167 181 174 STONES, EARTHS, ETC. Granite nR Hi 5 161 x6c 180 173 166 156 " Guernsey 185 8O 166 277 Gnvel 9 12O 105 Basalt 187 134 J!-5 i { M 135 1^5 14O t)atn i one..^.. 129 Lime Unslaked 52 r>f c r' 16O 11Q 169 Brick ' 8 5 102 Aubigne 146 138 162 ,i -T TJ h ' d 107 Marble 161 178 17O " " Salmon ' 1OO 166 105 17O 656 APPENDIX. TABLE OF WEIGHTS. (Continued^ MATERIALS USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OR LOADING OF BUILDINGS. WEIGHTS PER CUBIC FOOT. As per BarloTV, Gallier, Haswell, Hurst, Rankine> Tredgold, Wood and the Author. MATERIAL. 1 S AVERAGE. MATERIAL. 6 N CK o H AVERAGE. Marble Enstchester 167 i6 3 IOO 110 178 169 179 140 173 167 166 167 140 125 175 155 98 103 107 9 86 105 1OO 118 83 146 72 8O 180 175 147 56 165 165 124 112 1O5 105 123 1O5 97 172 126 144 133 142 134 141 134 162 150 Serpentine " Chester Pa ... 165 144 152 95 159 167 157 18O 135 151 14O 16O 14O 124 115 170 76 SS 49 59 62 26 2O 58 57 61 17 61 69 114 73 131 559 68 171 133 131 14 8O 62} 64 81 Egyptian " French Shingle 137 181 Marl Slate Mica " Cornwall 109 118 " Welsh 87 83 Stone, Artificial 120 150 " Paving . ,. Stone-work . 120 io " Hair, incl. Lath and Nails, per foot sup. 7 ii " Rubble Sulphur, Melted " Sand 3 and Lime paste 2 " " 3 " " " 2 well beat together. . Peat Hard Trap Rock MISCELLANEOUS. Petrified Wood Pitch Plaster Cast Bark, Peruvian " ' Red 1 3 2 161 17 4 34 25 62 24 66 Charcoal Pumice-stone Cotton, baled. . . Fat 52 JO 56 Rotten-stone Sand, Coarse 92 90 118 ii8 120 128 Gutta-percha Hay baled India Rubber ' Dry Moist Pit 92 101 Quartz Red Lead 158 130 Rock Crystal " Amherst, O. . . . " Belleville, N. J... Berea, O " Dorchester, N. S " Little Falls, N. J. u Marietta, O. . . . " Middletown, Ct.. Salt 20 100 Saltpetre Snow "a 60 Water, Ram " Sea Whalebone INDEX. Abscissas of Axes, Ellipse 484 Abutments, Bridges,. Strength of. 227 Abutments, Houses, Strength of.. 53 Acute Angle Denned 349, 544 Acute-angled Triangle Denned... 545 Acute or Lancet Arch 51 Algebra, Addition 398 Algebra, Application of 393 Algebra, Binomial, Multiplica- tion of , 409 Algebra, Binomial, Square of a... 429 Algebra, Binomial, Squaring a. . . 410 Algebra Defined 392 Algebra, Denominator, Least Common 404 Algebra, Division, the Quotient.. 419 Algebra, Division, Reduction.... 419 Algebra, Division, Reverse of Multiplication 418 Algebra, Factors, Multiplication of Two and Three 409 Algebra, Factors, Multiplication of Three . 408 Algebra, Factors, Squaring Differ- ence of Two 412 Algebra, Fractions Added and Subtracted 403 Algebra, Fractions, Denominators 407 Algebra, Fractions Subtracted... 405 Algebra, Hypothenuse, Equality of Squares on 416 Algebra, Letters, Customary Uses of 396 Algebra, Logarithms Explained.. 425 Algebra, Logarithms, Examples in 426 Algebra, Multiplication, Graphical 408 Algebra, Progression, Arithmeti- cal... 432 Algebra, Progression, Geometrical 435 Algebra, Proportion Essential 347 Algebra, Proportionals, Lever Formula 421 Algebra, Quantities, Addition and Subtraction 424 Algebra, Quantities, Division of. 424 Algebra, Quantities, Multiplica- tion of 424 Algebra, Quantities with Negative Exponents 423 Algebra, Quantity, Raising to any Power 423 Algebra, Radicals, Extraction of.. 425 Algebra, Rules are General 394 Algebra, Rules, Useful Construc- ting 394 Algebra, Signs 397 Algebra, Signs, Arithmetical Pro- cess by 396 Algebra, 'Signs, Changed when Subtracted .... 400 Algebra, Signs, Multiplication of Plus and Minus. .. 415 Algebra, Squares on Right- Angled Triangle 417 Algebra, Subtraction 398 Algebra, Sum and Difference, Pro- duct of 413 Algebra, Symbols Chosen at Pleas- ure 395 Algebra, Symbol, Transferring a.. 399 Algebra, Triangle, Squares on Right-angled 417 658 INDEX. Alhambra, or Red House, Ancient Palace of the n Ancient Cities, Historical Ac- counts of 6 Ancient Monuments, their Archi- tects 6 Angle at Circumference of Circle. 358 Angle Defined 544 Angle to Bracket of Cornice, To Obtain 343 Angle, To Measure a, Geometry.. 348 Angle rib to Polygonal Dome. . . . 223 Angle-rib, Shape of Polygonal Domes 223 Amulet or Fillet, Classic Mould- ing 323 Antae Cap, Modern Moulding. ... 334 Antique Columns, Forms of 48 Antiquity of Building 5 Arabian and Moorish Styles, An- tiquities of ii Araeostyle, Intercolumniations. . . 20 Arc of Circle Defined 547 Arc of Circle, Length, Rule for. . 475 Arc, Radius of, To Find 561 Arc, Versed Sine, To Find (Geom- etry) 561 Arcade 52 Arcade of Arches, Resistance in. . 52 Arcade in Bridges, Strength of Piers 52 Arch 50 Arch, Acute or Lancet 51 Arch, Archivolt in 52 Arch, Bridge, Pressure on 51 Arch, Building, Manner of 50 Arch, Catenary 51 Arch, Construction of 50 Arch, Definitions and Principles of 52 Arch, Extrados of 52 Arch, Form of 50 Arch, Formation in Bridges 51 Arch, Hooke's Theory of an 50 Arch, Horseshoe or Moorish 51 Arch, Impost in 52 Arch, Intrados of 52 Arch, Keystone, Position of 50 Arch, Lateral Thrust in . 52 Arch, Ogee 51 Arch, Rampant 51 Arch, Span of an 52 Arch, Spring in an 52 Arch, Stone Bridges 230 Arch-stones, Bridges, Jointing. .. 233 Arch, Strength of 50 Arch of Titus, Composite Order. . 28 Arch, Uses of 50 Arch, Voussoir in 52 Architect and Builder, Construc- tion Necessary to 56 Architect, Derivation of the Word 5 Architects of Italy, I4th Century. 12 Architecture, Classic Mouldings in 323 Architecture, Ecclesiastical, Origin of 14 Architecture, Egyptian, Character of 33 Architecture, Egyptian, Features of 30 Architecture, English, Ccttage Style 35 Architecture, English, Early n Architecture, Grecian and Roman 8 Architecture, Grecian, History of. 6 Architecture, Hindoo, Character of . 30 Architecture, Order, Three Princi- pal parts of 14 Architecture, Principles of 44 Architecture, Roman, Ruins of... II Architecture in Rome Defined. .. 7 Architecture, Result of Necessity. 13 Architrave Defined 15 Area of Circle, To Find 475 Area of Post, Rule for Finding. . . 90 Area of Round Post, Rule 90 Area of Surface, Sliding Rupture, Rule 88 Arithmetical Progression (Alge- bra) 432 Astragal, or Bead, Classic Mould- ing 323 Athens, Parthenon, Columns of. . 48 Attic, a Small Order, Top of Building 15 INDEX. 659 Attic Story, Upper Story 15 Axes of Ellipse (Geometry) . . 585 Axiom Defined (Geometry) 348 Axis Defined 548 Balusters, Handrailing, Winding Stairs , 310 Baluster, Platform Stairs, Position of 250 Baluster in Round Rail, Winding Stairs 313 Base, Shaft, and Capital Defined . 14 Bathing, Necessary Arrangements for 45 Baths of Diocletian, Splendor of.. 27 Bead, or Astragal, Classic Mould- ings 323 Beams, Bearings of, Rules for Pressure 75 Beams, Breaking Weight on 74 Beams, Framed, Rules for Thick- ness 130 Beams, Framed, Position of Mor- tise 236 Beams, Headers Defined 130 Beams, Horizontal Thrust, Rule.s for 72 Beams, Inclined, Effect of Weight on 72 Beams, Load on, Effect of 74 Beams, Splicing 235 Beams, Tail, Defined 130 Beams, Trimmers or Carriage, De- fined 130 Beams, Weight on, Proportion of. 130 Beams, White Pine, Table of Weights 177 Beams, Wooden, Use of Limited. 154 Bearings for Girders 141 Binomials, Multiplication of (Al- gebra) 409 Binomials, Square of (Algebra). . . 429 Binomials, Squaring (Algebra)... 410 Bisect an Angle (Geometry) 554 Bis'ect a Line (Geometry) 549 Blocking out Rail, Winding Stairs 301 Blondel's Method, Rise and Tread in Stairs 242 Bottom Rail for Doors, Rule for Width 316 Bow, Mr., On Economics and Construction 166 Bowstring Girder, Cast -Iron, Should not be Used 163 Brace, Length of, To Find (Geom- etry) 579 Braces, Rafters, etc., To Find Length 580 Braces in Roof, Rule for, Same as Rafter 208 Breaking Weight Defined 84 Brick or Stone Buildings 37 Brick Walls, Modern 49 Bridge Abutments, Strength of.. . 227 Bridge Arches, Formation of 51 Bridge Arch-stones, Joints of .... 233 Bridges, Construction of Various. 223 Bridge, London, Age of Piles under 229 Bridge Piers, Construction and Sizes 228* Bridge, Rib-built 224 Bridge, Rib, Construction of. . . . 225 Bridge, Rib, Framed, Construction and Distance 226 Bridge, Rib, Radials of 226 Bridge, Rib, Table of Least Rise in 224 Bridge, Rib, Rule for Area of 225 Bridge, Rib, Rule for Depth of. . . 226 Bridge, Roadway, Width of 227 Bridge, Stone, Arch Construction 230 Bridge, Stone, Arch-stones, Table of Pressures on 230 Bridge, Stone, Arch, Centres for, Bad Construction 229 Bridge, Arch, Spring of 247 Bridge, Stone, Strength of Truss- ing 232 Bridge, Weight, Greatest on! 225 Bridge, without Tie-Beam 224 Bridging, Cross-, Additional Strength by 137 Bridging, Cross-, Defined 137 Bridging, Cross-, Resistance by Adjoining Beams 139 66o INDEX. Building, Antiquity of 5 Building, Elementary Parts of a.. 46 Building, Expression in a 35 Building by the Greeks 35 Building, Modes of, Defined 9 Building by the Romans 26 Building, Style of, Selected to Suit Destination 35 Butt-joint on Handrail to Stairs. . 303 Butt-joint, Handrail, Stairs, Posi- tion of 307 Byzantine Style, Lombard 10 Campanile, or Leaning Tower, Twelfth Century 12 Capital, Uppermost Part of a Column 15 Carriage Beam, Well-Hole in Mid- dle, Find Breadth 136 Carriage Beam, One Header, Rule for Breadth 133 Carriage Beam or Trimmer De- fined rso Carriage Beam, Rule for Breadth. 132 Carriage Beam, Two Sets of Tail Beams, Rule for Breadth 134 Caryatides, Description and Ori- . gin of 26 Cast-Iron Bowstring Girder, Should not be Used 163 Cast-Iron Girder, Load at Middle, Size of Flanges. 162 Cast-Iron Girder, Load Uniform, Size of Flanges 163 Cast-iron Girder, Manner of Mak- ing a 161 Cast-Iron Girder, Proper Form... 161 Cast-iron, Tensile Strength of. ... 161 Cast-Iron Untrustworthy 161 Catenary Arch, Hooke's Theory of. 51 Cathedral of Cologne n Cathedrals, Domes of 53 Cathedrals of Pisa, Erection in 1016 12 Cavern, The Original Place of Shelter 13 Cavetto or Cove, Classic Moulding 323 Cavetto, Grecian Moulding 327 Cavetto, Roman Moulding 329 Ceiling, Cracking, How to Pre- vent 125 Centre of Circles, To Find (Ge- ometry).... 556 Centre of Gravity, Position of 71 Centre of Gravity, Rule for Find- ing, Examp^es 71 Chimneys, How Arranged, 42 Chinese Structure, The Tent the Model of . . *. 14 Chord of Circle Defined 547 Chords Giving Equal Rectangles. 363 Circle, Arc, Rule for Length of. . . 475 Circle, Area, Circumference, etc., Examples 652 Circle, Area, Rule for, Length of Arc Given 478 Circle, Area, To Find 475 Circle > Circumference, To Find . . 473 Circle Defined 546 Circle, Describe within Triangle.. 566 Circle, Diameter and Circumfer- ence 472 Circle, Diameter and Perpendicu- lar 468 Circle Equal Given Circles, To Make 580 Circle, Ordinates, Rule for 471 Circle, Radius from Chord and Versed Sine 469 Circle, Sector, Area of 476 Circle, Segment, Area of 477 Circle, Segment from Ordinates. . 470 Circle, Segment, Rule for Area of. 479 Circles, Table of 649-652 Circle through Given Points 559 Circular Headed Doors 320 Circular Headed Doors, To Form Soffit 321 Circular Headed Windows 320 Circular Headed Windows, To Form Soffit 321 Circular Stairs, Face Mould for (i). 282 Circular Stairs, Face Mould for (2). 285 Circular Stairs, Face Mould for (3). -287 Circular Stairs, Face Mould, First Section 283 INDEX. 66l Circular Stairs, Falling Mould for Rail 281 Circular Stairs, Handrailing for . . 278 Circular Stairs, Plan of 279 Circular Stairs, Plumb Bevel De- fined 282 Circular Stairs, Timbers Put in after Erection *. . . 253 Cisterns, Wells, etc., Table of Capacity of 653 City Houses, General Idea of.. ... 42 City Houses, Arrangements for.. . 37 Civil Architecture Defined 5 Classic Architecture, Mouldings in 323 Classic Moulding, Annulet or Fil- let 323 Classic Moulding, Astragal or Bead 323 Classic Moulding, Cavetto or Cove 323 Classic Moulding, Cyma-Recta. . . 324 Classic Moulding, Cyma-Reversa. 324 Classic Moulding, Ogee 324 Classic Moulding, Ovolo 323 Classic Moulding, Scotia 323 Classic Moulding, Torus 323 Coffer Walls 49 Cohesive Strength of Materials. . . 76 Collar Beam in Truss 238 Cologne, Cathedral of u Columns, Antique, Form of 48 Column, Base, Shaft and Capital. 14 Columns, Egyptian, Dimensions, etc 33 Column, Gothic Pillar, Form of.. 48 Column, Outline of. 47 Columns, Parthenon at Athens, Forms of 48 Column or Pillar 47 Column, Resistance of 47 Column, Shaft, Form of. 47 Column, Shaft, Swell of, Called Entasis 48 Complex, or Ground Vault 52 Composite Arch of Titus 28 Composite, Corinthian or Roman Order.. 28 Compression, Resistance to 77 Compression, Resistance to Crush- ing and Bending.*. 85 Compression, Resistance to, Pres- sures Classified 83 Compression, Resistance to, Table of 79 Compression, Resistance to, in Proportion to Depth 101 Compression at Right Angles and Parallel to Length 206 Compression of Stout Posts 89 Compression and Tension, Framed Girders 174 Compression Transversely to Fi- bres 86 Cone Defined 548 Conic Sections 584 Conjugate Axis Defined 548 Conjugate Diameters to Axes of Ellipse 487 Construction Essential 56 Construction of Floors, 'Roof, etc., Economy Important 123 Construction, Framing, Heavy Weight 56 Construction, Joints, Effect of Many 123 Construction, Object of Defined. . 123 Construction, Simplest Form Best. 123 Construction, Superfluous Mate- rial 56 ontents, Table of, General. . .613-624 orinthian Capital, Fanciful Ori- gin of. 24 orinthian Order Appropriate in Buildings.. . . . 24 orinthian Order, Character of.... 16 orinthian Order, Description of. 23 orinthian Order, Elegance of. ... 23 orinthian Order, The Favorite at Rome 27 orinthian Order, Grecian Origin of 16 orinthian Order, Modification of. 27 Cornice, Angle Bracket, To Ob- tain the 343 Cornice, Eaves, To Find Depth of. 335 662 INDEX. Cornice, Mouldings, Depth of. . . . 342 Cornice, Projection, To Find .... 342 Cornice, Projecting Part of En- tablature 15 Cornice, Rake and Level Mould- ings, To Match 344 Cornice, Shading, Rule for . 6n Cornice, Stucco, for Interior, De- signs 340 Corollary Defined (Geometry) 348 Corollary of Triangle and Right Angle 355 Cottage Style, English 35 Country-Seat, Style of a 37 Cross-Bridging, Additional Strength by 137 Cross-Bridging, Furring Impor- tant. .;.. 137 Cross-Bridging, Resistance of Ad- joining Beams ... 139 Cross- or Herring-Bone Bridging Defined 137 Cross-Furring Denned 125 Cross-Strains, Resistance to. . . .77, 99 Crushing and Bending Pressure.. 85 Crushing, Liability of Rafter to. . . 205 Crushing Strength of Stout Posts. 89 Cube Root, Examples in 645 Cubes, Squares and Roots, Table of 638-645 Cubic Feet to Gallons, To Reduce. 653 Cupola or Dome 53 Curb or Mansard Roof 54 Curve Ellipse, Equations to 482 Curve Equilibrium of Dome 218 Cylinder, Defined 549 Cylinder, Platform Stairs 248 Cylinder, Platform Stairs, Lower Edge of 249 Cylinders and Prisms, Stair-Build- ing 257 Cyma-Recta, Classic Moulding... 324 Cyma-Reversa, Classic Moulding. 324 Cyma-Recta, Grecian Moulding . . 327 Cyma-Reversa, Grecian Moulding. 328 Deafening, Weight per Foot 177 Decagon, Defined 546 Decimals, Reduction of, Examples 647 Decorated Style, i4th Century. ... u Decoration, Attention to be given to.. .: 46 Decoration, Roman 27 Deflection, Defined 112 Deflection, Differs in Different Ma- terials 113 Deflection, Elasticity not Dimin- ished by 112 Deflection, Floor-beams, Dwell- ings, Dimensions 127 Deflection, Floor-beams, First- class Stores, Dimensions 128 Deflection, Floor-beams, Ordinary Stores, Dimensions 127 Deflection, Lever, Principle of. . . 119 Deflection, Lever and Beam, Rela- tion Between 119 Deflection, Lever, To Find, Load at End 120 Deflection, Lever, Breadth or Depth, Load at End 121 Deflection, Lever, Load Uniform. 121 Deflection, Lever, Breadth or Depth, Load Uniform 122 Deflection, Lever, for Certain, Load Uniform 122 Deflection, Load Uniform or at Middle, Proportion of 116 Deflection, Load Uniform, Breadth and Depth 117 Deflection, Load Uniform or at Middle, Proportion of 119 Deflection, in Proportion to Weight '. . 112 Deflection, Resistance to, Rule for 113 Deflection, Safe Weight for Pre- vention.. no Deflection, Weight at Middle, Breadth and Depth 114 Deflection, Weight at Middle, for Certain 114 Deflection, Weight at Middle, Cer- tain, for 116 Deflection, Weight Uniform, for Certain , 117 INDEX. Deflection, Weight Uniform, Cer- tain, for Denominator, Least Common (Al- gebra) '. Denominator, Least Common (Fractions) Dentils, Teeth-like Mouldings in Cornice Diagonal Crossing Parallelogram (Geometry) Diagonal of Square Forming Oc- tagon Diagram of Forces, Example.... Diameter, Circle, Denned Diameter, Ellipse, Denned Diastyle, Explanation of the Word Diastyle, Intercolumniation Diocletian, Baths, Splendor of. ... Division, Fractions. Rule for Division, by Factors (Fractions).. Division, Quotient (Algebra) Division, Reduction (Algebra)... Dodecagon, Denned Dodecagon, To Inscribe Dodecagon, Radius of Circles (Polygons) Dodecagon, Side and Area (Poly- gons) Dome, Abutments, Strength of. . . Domes of Cathedrals Dome, Character of '. Dome, Construction and Form 118 404 384 357 1 66 547 549 19 20 27 389 381 419 Dome, Small, over Stairways, Form of 220 Dome, Spherical, To Form 221 Dome, St. Paul's, London 54 Dome, Strains on, Tendencies of. 219 Domes, Wooden 54 Doors, Circular Head 320 Doors, Circular Head, to Form Soffit 321 Doors, Construction of 317 Doors, Folding and Sliding, Pro- portions 316 Doors, Front, Location of 320 Doors, Height, Rule for, Width Given 315 Door Hanging, Manner of 317 Doors, Panel, Bottom and Lock Rail, Width 316 Doors, Panel, Four Necessary. . . 317 Doors, Panel, Mouldings, Width. 317 Doors, Panel, Styles and Muntins, 419 Width 316 546 Doors, Panel, Top Rail, Width. .. 317 569 Doors, Stop for. How to Form... 317 Doors, Single and Double, height 452 of 316 Doors, Trimmings Explained. ... 317 453 I Doors, Uses and Requirements of 315 Doors, Width of 315 of. 216 Dome, Construction and Strength of Dome, Cubic Parabola computed Dome or Cupola, the Dome, Curve of Equilibrium, rule for Dome, Halle du Bled, Paris Dome, Pantheon at Rome Dome, Pendentives of Dome, Polygonal, Shape of An- gle Rib Dome, Ribbed, Form and Con- struction Dome, Scantling for, Table of Thickness 53 219 53 218 54 53 53 223 217 218 Doors, Should not be Winding. .. 317 Doors, Width and Height, Propor- tion of 315 Doors, Width, Rule for, Height Given 316 Doric Order, Character of 16 Doric Order, Grecian Origin of. . 16 Doric Order, Modified by the Ro- mans 27 Doric Order, Used by Greeks only at First 19 Doric Order. Peculiarities of 17 Doric Order, Rudeness of 30 Doric Order, Specimen Buildings in 19 Doric Temples, Fanciful Origin of 17 Doric Temples 19 Drawing, Articles Required 536 664 INDEX. Drawing-board Better without Clamps 537 Drawing-board Liable to Warp, How Remedied 537 Drawing-board, Difficulty in Stretching Paper 539 Drawing-board, Ordinary Size 536 Drawing, Diagrams aid Under- standing 536 Drawing, Inking in 542 Drawing, Laying Out the 541 Drawing, the Paper 537 Drawing in Pencil, To Make Lines 542 Drawing, Secure Paper to Board. 537 Drawing, Shade Lining 543 Drawing, Stretching Paper 537 Durability in a Building 37 Dwelling, Arrangement of Rooms 38 Dwellings, Floor-beams, To Find Dimensions 127 Dwellings, Floor-beams, Safe Weight for 126 Dwelling-houses, Dimensions and Style . 37 Eaves Cornice, Designs for 335 Eaves Cornice, Rule for Depth... 335 Ecclesiastical Architecture, Point- ed Style ii Ecclesiastical Style, Origin of. ... 14 Echinus, Grecian Moulding 327 Economy, Construction Floors, Roofs, Bridges 123 Eddystone and Bell Rock Light House 48 Egyptian Architecture 30 Egyptian Architecture, Appropri- ate Buildings for 33 Egyptian Architecture, Character of. 33 Egyptian Architecture, Origin in Caverns 14 Egyptian Architecture. Principal Features of 30 Egyptian Columns, Dimensions and Proportions 33 Egyptian Walls, Massiveness of. . 33 Egyptian Works of Art 30 Elasticity of Materials 84 Elasticity not Diminished by De- flection 112 Elasticity, Result of Exceeding Limit 120 Elevation, a Front View 37 Elevated Tie-beam Roof Truss Objectionable 214 Ellipse, Area 488 Ellipse, Axes, Two, To Find, Di- ameter and Conjugate Given. .. 593 Ellipse Defined 481 Ellipse, Equations to the Curve. . 482 Ellipse, Major and Minor Axes Defined : .. 481 Ellipse, Ordinates, Length of ... 491 Ellipse, Parameter and Axis, Re- lation of 485 Ellipse, Practical Suggestions.... 489 Ellipse, Semi-major, Axis Defined 486 Ellipse, Subtangent Defined 486 "Ellipse, Tangent to Axes, Rela- tion of 485 Ellipse, Tangent with Foci, Rela- tion of 487 Ellipsis, Axes of, To Find (Geom- etry) 585 Ellipsis, Conjugate Diameters (Ge- ometry) 593 Ellipsis Defined 548, 585 Ellipsis, Diameter Defined 549 Ellipsis, Foci, To Find 586 Ellipsis, by Intersecting Arcs. . . . 590 Ellipsis, by Intersecting Lines... 588 Ellipsis, by Ordinates 588 Ellipsis, Point of Contact with Tangent, To Find 593 Ellipsis, Proportionate Axes, to Describe with 594 Ellipsis, Trammel, to Find, Axes Given 586 Elliptical Arch, Joints, Direction of 233 English Architecture, Early n English Cottage Style Extensive- ly Used 35 j England and France, Fourteenth Century 12 INDEX. 66 5 Entablature, above Columns and Horizontal 14 Entasis, Swell of Shaft of Column 48 Equal Angles Defined 349 Equal Angles, Example in 350 Equal Angles, in Circle 358 Equal Angles (Geometry) 553 Equilateral Rectangle, to De- scribe 568 Equilateral Triangle Defined (Ge ometry) 545 Equilateral Triangle, to Construct (Geometry) 568 Equilateral Triangle, to Describe (Geometry) 566 Eqilateral Triangle, to Inscribe (Geometry) 569 Equilateral Triangle (Polygons).. 445 Eustyle Defined 20 Exponents, Quantities with Nega- tive (Algebra) 423 Extrados of an Arch 52 Face Mould, Accuracy of, Wind- ing Stairs 295 Face Mould, Curves Elliptical, Winding Stairs 301 Face Mould, Drawing of, Winding Stairs 296 Face Mould, Sliding of, Winding Stairs 299 Face Mould, Application of, Plat- form Stairs 275 Face Mould, a Simple, Kell's Method for 268 Factors, Multiplication (Algebra) 409 Factors, Two, Squaring Difference of (Algebra) 412 Fibrous Structure of Materials.. . 76 Figure Equal, Given Figure (Ge- ometry) 575 Figure, Nearly Elliptical, To Make (Geometry) 59 1 Fillet or Amulet, Classic Mould- ing 323 Fire-proof Floors, Action of Fire on JJ3 Flanges, Cast-iron Girder 163 Flanges, Area of, Tubular Iron Girder 155 Flanges, Area of Bottom, Tubular Iron Girder 159 Flanges, Load at Middle of Cast- iron Girder, Sizes 162 Flanges, Load Uniform on Tubu- lar Iron Girder, Sizes 156 Flanges, Proportion of, Tubular Iron Girder 157 Flexure, Compared with Rup- ture 84 Flexureof Rafter 205 Flexure, Resistance to, Defined. . 145 Floor-arches, How Constructed. . 153 Floor-arches, Tie-rods, Dwellings, Sizes 153 Floor-arches, Tie-rods, First-class Stores, Sizes 153 Floor-beams, Distance from Cen- tres, Sizes Fixed 129 Floor-beams, Dwellings, Safe Weight for 126 Floor-beams, Dwellings, Deflec- tion Given, Sizes 127 Floor-beams, First-class Stores, Deflection Given, Sizes 128 Floor-beams, Ordinary Stores, De- flection Given, Sizes 127 Floor-beams, Stores, Safe Weight for 126 Floor-beams, Reference to Rules for Sizes 125 Floor-beams, Reference to Trans- verse Strains 126 Floor-beams, Proportion of Weight on All 130 Floors Constructed, Single or Double 124. Floors, Fire-proof Iron, Action of Fire on 143 Floors, Framed, Seldom Used. .. 124 Floors, Framed, Openings in 130 Floors, Headers, Defined 130 Floofs, Ordinary, Effect of Fire on 143 Floors, Solid Timber, Dwellings and Assembly, Depth 143 666 INDEX. Floors, Solid Timber, First-class Stores, Depth 144 Floors, Solid Timber, to Make Fire-proof 143 Floors, Tail-beams Defined 130 Floors, Trimmers or Carriage- beams Defined 130 Floors, Wooden, More Fire-proof than Iron, Some* Cases 143 Flyers and Winders, Winding Stairs 251 Foci Defined 548 Foci of Ellipsis To Find 586 Foci of Ellipse, Tangent 487 Force Diagram, Load on Each Support 179 Force Diagram, Truss, Figs. 59, 68 and 69 179 Force Diagram, Truss, Figs. 60, 70 and 71 180 Force Diagram, Truss, Figs. 61, 72 and 73 181 Force Diagram Truss, Figs. 63 74 and 75 183 Force Diagram, Truss, Figs. 64, 77 and 78 184 Force Diagram, Truss, Figs. 65, 78 and 79 185 Force Diagram, Truss, Figs. 66, 8oand8i 186 Forces, Parallelogram of 59 Forces, Composition of 66 Forces, Composition, Reverse of Resolution 67 Forces, Resolution of 59 Forces, Resolution of, Oblique Pressure 59 Foundations, Description of 47 . Foundations in Marshes, Timbers Used 47 Fractions, Addition, Like Denom- inators 382 Fractions Added and Subtracted (Algebra) 403 Fractions Changed by Division!. 380 Fractions Defined 378 Fractions, Division, Rule for 389 Fractions, Division by Factors... 381 Fractions Divided Graphically. . . 388 Fractions Graphically Expressed. 378 Fractions, Improper, Defined.... 380 Fractions, Least Common Denom- inator , 384 Fractions, Multiplication, Rule. . . 387 Fractions Multiplied Graphically. 386 Fractions, Numeratorand Denom- inator 378 Fractions, Reduce Mixed Num- bers 381 Fractions, Reduction to Lowest Terms 384 Fractions Subtracted (Algebra). . . 405 Fractions, Subtraction Like De- nominators 383 Fractions, Unlike Denominators Equalized 383 Framed Beams, Thickness of, Rules 130 Framed Girder, Bays Defined 167 Framed Girders, Compression and Tension, Dimensions 174 Framed Girders, Construction and Uses 166 Framed Girders, Height and Depth 167 Framed Girders, Kinds of Pres- sure 173 Framed Girders, Long, Construc- tion of '. 174 Framed Girders, Panels on Under Chord, Table of 167 Framed Girders, Ties and Struts, Effect of 174 Framed Girders, Triangular Pres- sure, Upper Chord 168 Framed Girders, Triangular Pres- sure, Both Chords 171 Framed Openings in Floors 130 Framing Beams, Effect of Splic- ing 235 Framing Roof Truss 237 Framing Roof Truss, Iron Straps, Size of 239 France and England, Fourteenth Century 12 Friction, Effect of 82 INDEX. 667 Frieze between Architrave and Cornice 15 Furring Denned 125 Gable, a Pediment in Gothic Ar- chitecture 15 Gaining a Beam Denned 100 General Contents, Table of 613-624 Geometrical Progression (Alge- bra)- 435 Geometry, Angles of Triangle, Three, Equal Right Angle 354 Geometry Chords Giving Equal Rectangles 363 Geometry Denned 544 Geometry, Divide a Given Line. . 555 Geometry, Divisions in Line Pro- portionate 583 Geometry, Elementary 347 Geometry, Equal Angles 553 Geometry, Equal Angles, Ex- ample 350 Geometry, Figure Equal to Given Figure, Construct 575 Geometry, Figure Nearly Ellipti- cal by Compasses 591 Geometry, Measure an Angle. . . . 348 Geometry Necessary in Handrail- ing, Stairs 257 Geometry, Opposite Angles Equal. 354 Geometry, Parallel Lines 555 Geometry, a Perpendicular, To Erect 550 Geometry.Perpendicular.let Fall a. 551 Geometry, Perpendicular, Erect at End of Line 551 Geometry, Perpendicular, Let Fall Near End of Line 553 Geometry, Plane Denned (Stairs). 257 Geometry, Point of Contact 558 Geometry, Points, Three Given, Find Fourth 559 Geometry, Right Line Equal Cir- cumference 566 Geometry, Right Lines, Propor- tion Between 584 Geometry, Right Lines, Two Given, Find Third 582 Geometry, Square Equal Rec- tangle, To Make 581 Geometry, Square Equal Given Squares, To make 577 Geometry, Square Equal Triangle, To Make .. 582 German or Romantic Style, Thir- teenth and Fourteenth Centuries, n Girder, Bearings, Space Allowed for 141 Girder, Bow-String, Cast-Iron, Should not be Used 163 Girder, Bow-String, Substitute for. 163 Girder, Construction with Long Bearings 140 Girder, Cast-Iron, Load Uniform, Flanges 163 Girder, Cast-Iron, Load at Middle, Flanges 162 Girder, Cast-Iron, Proper Form of 161 Girder Denned, Position and Use of 140 Girder, Different Supports for. . . . 140 Girder, Dwellings, Sizes for 141 Girder, Framed, Bays Denned 167 Girders, Framed, Compression and Tension, Dimensions 174 Girder, Framed, Construction of.. 140 Girder, Framed, Construction and Uses 166 Girder, Framed, Construction of Long 174 Girder, Framed, Kinds of Pres- sure 173 Girders, Framed, Height and Depth 167 Girders, Framed, Panels on Under Chord, Table of. 167 Girders, Framed, Triangular Pres- sure Upper Chord 108 Girders, Framed, Triangular Pres- sure Both Chords 171 Girders, Framed, and Tubular Iron 140 Girders, First-Class Stores, Sizes for 141 Girders, Sizes, To Obtain 141 668 INDEX. Girders, Strengthening, Manner of. 140 Girders, Supports, Length of, Rule. 157 Girders, Tubular Iron, Construc- tion of 154 Girders, Tubular Iron, Area of Flange. Load at Middle 154 Girders, Tubular Iron, Area of Flange, Load at any Point 155 Girders, Tubular Iron, Area of Flange, Load Uniform 156 Girders, Tubular Iron, Dwellings, Area of Bottom Flange 159 Girders, Tubular Iron, First-Class Stores, Area of Bottom Flange.. 160 Girders, Tubular Iron, Rivets, Al- lowance for 157 Girders, Tubular Iron, Flanges, Proportion of 157 Girders, Tubular Iron, Shearing Strain 15? Girders, Tubular Iron.Web, Thick- ness of i5 8 Girders, Weakening, Manner of. . 140 Girders, Wooden, Objectionable. 154 Girders, Wooden, Supporting, Manner of 154 Glossary of Terms 627-637 Gothic Arches 51 Gothic Buildings, Roofs of 55 Gothic and Norman Roofs, Con- struction of 178 Gothic Pillar, Form of 48 Gothic Style, Characteristics of. . . 12 Goths, Ruins Caused by 12 Granular Structure of Materials. . 76 Gravity, Centre of, Position 71 Gravity, Centre of, Examples, and Rule for 71 Grecian Architecture, History of. 6 Grecian Art, Elegance of 27 Grecian Moulding, Cyma-Recta.. 327 Grecian Moulding, Cyma-Re- versa. . . -. 328 Grecian Moulding, Echinus and Cavetto 327 Grecian Moulding, Scotia 326 Grecian Moulding, Torus 326 Grecian Orders Modified by the Romans 27 Grecian Origin of the Doric Or der 16 Grecian Origin of Ionic Order ... 16 Grecian Style in America 13 Grecian Styles, their Different Orders 16 Greek Architecture, Doric Order Used 19 Greek Building 35 Greek Moulding, Form of 325 Greek, Persian, and Caryatides Orders 24 Greek Style Originally in Wood.. 14 Greek Styles Only Known by Them 16 Groined or Complex Vault 52 Halle du Bled, Paris, Dome of. . . 54 Halls of Justice, N. Y. C., Speci- men of Egyptian Architecture. . 8 Handrailing, Circular Stairs 278 Handrailing, Platform Stairs. ... 269 Handrailing, Platform Stairs, Face Mould 264 Handrailing, Platform Stairs, Large Cylinder 271 Handrailing Stairs, Geometry Necessary 257 Handrailing Stairs," Out of Wind" Defined. 257 Handrailing Stairs, Tools Used. . 257 Handrailing, Winding Stairs. .256, 289 Handrailing Winding Stairs, Bal- usters Under Scroll 310 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Centres in Square 308 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Face for Scroll 311 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Fall- ing Mould 310 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Gen- eral Considerations 258 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Scroll for 308 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Scroll at Newel 309 INDEX. 669 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Scroll Over Curtail Step 309 Handrailing, Winding Stairs, Scroll for Curtail Step 310 Headers, Breadth of. 130 Headers Defined 130 Headers, Mortises, Allowance for Weakening by 131 Headers, Stores and Dwellings, Same for Both 132 Hecadecagon, Complete Square (Polygons) 458 Hecadecagon, Radius of Circles (Polygons) 455 Hecadecagon, Rules (Polygons). . 459 Hecadecagon, Side and Area (Polygons) 457 Height and Projection, Numbers of an Order 16 Hemlock, Weight per Foot Super- ficial 177 Heptagon Defined 546 Herring-bone Bridging Defined... 137 Hexagon Defined 546 Hexagon, To Inscribe 569 Hexagons, Radius of Circles 447 Hexastyle, Intercolumniation. . . . 20 Hindoo Architecture, Ancient, Character of 30 Hip-Rafter, Backing of 216 Hip-Roofs, Diagram and Expla- nation 215 History of Architecture 44 Hogged Ridge in Roof Truss 238 Homologous Triangles (Geom- etry) 362 Homologous Triangles (Ratio and Proportion) 370 Hooke's Theory of an Arch 50 Hooke's Theory, Bridge Arch, Pressure on. ... 51 Hooke's Theory, Catenary Arch. . 51 Horizontal and Inclined Roofing, Weight 190 Horizontal Pressure on Roof, To Remove 74 Horizontal Thrust in Beams 72 i Horizontal Thrust, Tendency of. . 88 i Hut, Original Habitation 13 Hydraulic Method, Testing Woods 80 Hyperbola Defined 548, 585 Hyperbola, Height, To Find, Base and Axis Given 585 Hyperbola by Intersecting Lines. 595 Hypothenuse, Equality of Squares (Algebra) 416 Hypothenuse, Formula for (Trig- onometry) 516 Hypothenuse, Side, To Find (Ge- ometry) 579 Hypothenuse, Right Angled Tri- angle (Geometry) 355 Hypothenuse, Triangle (Trigo- nometry) 518 Ichnographic Projection, Ground Plan 37 Improper Fractions Defined 380 India Ink in Drawing 540 Inertia, Moment of, Defined 145 Inking-in Drawing . . 542 Inside Shutters for Windows, Re- quirements 319 Instruments in Drawing 540 Intercolumniation Defined 17 Intercolumniation of Orders 20 Intrados of Arch 52 Ionic Order, Character of. 16 Ionic Order, Grecian Origin of. . . 16 Ionic Order Modified by the Ro- mans. ...i 27 Ionic Order, Origin of 20 Ionic Order, Suitable for What Buildings 20 Ionic Volute, To Describe an. ... 20 Iron Beams, Breaking Weight at Middle 148 Irpn Beams, Deflection, To Find, Weight at Middle 147 Iron Beams, Deflection, To Find, Weight Uniform 150 Iron Beams, Dimensions, To Find, Weight any Point 149 Iron Beams, Dimensions, To Find, Weight Uniform 149 6 ;o INDEX. Iron Beams, Dwellings, Distance from Centres 151 Iron Beams, First-Class Stores, Distance from Centres 152 Iron Beams, Rectangular Cross- Section 145 Iron Beams, Rolled, Sizes 145 Iron Beams, Safe Weight, Load any Point 148 Iron Beams, Safe Weight, Load Uniform 151 Iron Beams, Table IV 146 Iron Beams, Weight at Middle, Deflection Given 146 Iron Fire-Proof Floors, Action of Fire On 143 Iron Straps, Framing, to Prevent Rusting 239 Irregular Polygon, Trigon (Geom- etry) 546 Isosceles Triangle Denned 545, 584 Italian Architecture, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Cen- turies 12 Italian Use of Roman Styles 13 Italy, Tuscan Order the Principal Style 30 Jack-Rafters, Location of 212 jack-Rafters and Purlins in Roof. 211 Jack-Rafters, Weight per Superfi- cial Foot 189 Joists and Studs Defined 174 Jupiter, Temple of, at Thebes, Ex- tent of 33 Kell's Method, Simple Face Mould, Stairs 268 Keystone for Arch, Position of. ... 50 King-Post, Bad Framing, Effect of ... 237 King-Post, Location of 213 King-Post in Roof 54 Lamina in Girders Defined 174 Lancet Arch 51 Lateral Thrust in Arch 52 Laws of Pressure 57 Laws of Pressure, Inclined, Ex- amples 57 Laws of Pressure, Vertical, Exam- ples 57 Leaning Tower or Campanile, Twelfth Century 12 Length, Breadth, or Thickness, Relation to Pressure 78 Lever, Breadth or Depth, To Find in Lever, Deflection as Relating to Beam 1 19 Lever, Deflection, Load at End.. 120 Lever, Deflection, Load Uniform. 121 Lever, Deflection, Breadth or Depth, Load at End 121 Lever, Deflection, Breadth or Depth, Load Uniform 122 Lever, Deflection, Load Required. 122 Lever Formula, Proportionals in (Algebra) 421 Lever Load Uniformly Distrib- uted in Lever, Load at One End no Lever Principle Demonstrated (Ratio) 375 Lever, Support, Relative Strength of One no Light-Houses, Eddystone and Bell Rock 48 Line Defined (Geometry) 544 Lines, Divisions in, Proportionate (Geometry) 583 Lintel, Position of 49 Lintel, Strength of 49 Load, per foot, Horizontal 192 Load on Roof Truss, per Superfi- cial Foot 189 Load on Tie-Beam, Ceiling, etc. . 190 Lock Rail for Doors, Width 316 Logarithms Explained (Algebra).. 425 Logarithms, Examples 426 Logarithms, Sine and Tangents (Polygons) 464 Lombard, Byzantine Style 10 Lombard Style, Seventh Century. 10 London Bridge, Piles, Age of 229 INDEX. 6 7 I Materials, Cohesive Strength of. . 76 Materials, Compression, Resist- ance to. 77 Materials, Cross-strain, Resistance to 77 Materials, Structure of 76 Materials, Tension, Resistance to. 77 Materials Tested, General De- scription 80 Materials, Weights, Table of. . . . 654 Major and Minor Axes of Ellipse Denned 481 Marshes, Foundation for Timbers in 47 Mathematics Essential 347 Maxwell, Prof. I. Clerk, Diagrams of Forces, etc 165 Memphis, Pyramids of, Estimate of Stone in 33 Minster, Tower of Strassburg n Minutes, Sixty Equal Parts, to Proportion an Order 15 Mixed Numbers in Fractions, To Reduce 381 Modern Architecture, First Ap- pearance of 9 Modern Tuscan, Appropriate for Buildings 30 Moment of Inertia Defined 145 Mono-triglyph, Explanation of the Word 19 Monuments, Ancient, Their Archi- tects 6 Moorish and Arabian Styles, An- tiquities of ii Mortises, Proper Location of . 100 Mortising, Beam, Effect on Strength of 100 Mortising Beam at Top, Injurious Effect of 100 Mortising Beam, Effect of 231 Mortising, Beam, Position of 236 Mortising Headers, Allowance for Weakening 131 Moulding, Classic, Astragal or Bead 323 Moulding, Classic, Annulet or Fillet 323 Mouldings, Classic Architecture. 323 Moulding, Classic, Cavctto or Cove 323 Moulding, Classic, Cyma-Recta. . 324 Moulding, Classic, Cyma-Reversa. 324 Moulding, Classic, Ogee 324 Moulding, Classic, Ovolo 323 Moulding, Classic, Scotia 323 Moulding, Classic, Torus 323 Mouldings, Common to all Or- ders 324 Mouldings Defined 323 Mouldings, Diagrams of 330 Mouldings, Doors, Rule for Width. 317 Moulding, Grecian, Cyma-Recta. 327 Moulding, Grecian, Cyma-Rc- versa 328 Moulding, Grecian Echinus and Cavetto 327 Mouldings, Greek, Form of. 325 Mouldings, Grecian Torus and Scotia 326 Mouldings, Modern 331 Moulding, Modern, Antae Cap... 334 Mouldings, Mbdern Interior, Dia- grams 332 Mouldings, Modern, Plain 333 Mouldings,Names, Derivations of. 324 Mouldings, Profile Defined 326 Mouldings, Roman, Forms of. .. . 325 Mouldings, Roman, Comments on. 329 Mouldings, Roman, Ovolo and Cavetto 329 Mouldings,Uses and Positions of. 324 Multiplication (Algebra) 408 Multiplication, Plus and Minus (Algebra) 415 Multiplication, Three Factors (Al- gebra) 408 Multiplication, Fractions 387 Newel Cap, Form of, Winding Stairs 312 Nicholson's Method, Plane Through Cylinder (Stairs) 259 Nicholson's Method, Twists in Stairs 259 Nonagon Defined 546 672 INDEX". Normal and Subnormal in Para- bola 496 Norman and Gothic Construction of Roofs 178 Norman Style, Peculiarities of. . . n Nosing and Tread, Position in Stairs 241 Oblique Angle Defined 544 Oblique Pressure, Resolution of Forces . . . . 59 Oblique Triangle, Difference Two Angles (Trigonometry) 523 Oblique Triangle, First Class (Trigonometry) , 520 Oblique Triangles, First Class, Formulae (Trigonometry) 531 Oblique Triangles, Second Class (Trigonometry) 522 Oblique Triangles, Second Class, Formulae (Trigonometry) 532 Oblique Triangles, Third Class (Trigonometry) 526 Oblique Triangles, Third Class, Formula; (Trigonometry) 534 Oblique Triangles, Fourth Class (Trigonometry) 528 Oblique Triangles, Fourth Class, Formulae (Trigonometry) 534 Oblique Triangles, Two Sides (Trigonometry) 521 Oblique Triangles, Sines and Sides (Trigonometry) 519 Obtuse Angle Denned 349, 544 Obtuse Angled Triangle Denned. 545 Octagon, Buttressed, Find Side (Geometry) 571 Octagon Defined 546 Octagon, Diagonal of Square Forming 357 Octagon, Inscribe a (Geometry). . 570 Octagon, Rules (Polygons) 451 Octagon, Radius of Circles (Poly- gons) 449 Octastyle, Intercolumniation 20 Ogee Mouldings, Classic 324 Opposite Angles Equal (Geome- try) 354 Order of Architecture, Three Principal Parts 14 Orders of Architecture, Persians and Caryatides 24 Ordinates to an Arc (Geometry). . 563 Ordinates, Circle, Rule for 471 Ordinates of Ellipse 491 Ostrogoths, Style of the 9 Oval, To Describe a (Geometry). . 591 Ovolo, Classic Moulding 323 Ovolo, Roman Moulding 329 Paper, The, in Drawing, Secure to Board , . . 537 Pantheon at Rome, Dome of, and Walls 53 Pantheon and Roman Buildings, Walls of 49 Parabola, Arcs Described from... 503 Parabola, Area, Rule for 509 Parabola, Axis and Base, to find (Geometry) 585 Parabola, Curve, Equations to... . 493 Parabola Defined 492 Parabola Defined (Geometry).. 548, 585 Parabola, Diameters 497 Parabola Described from Ordi- nates 504 Parabola Described from Diame- ters 507 Parabola Described from Points.. 502 Parabola of Dome Computed 219 Parabola, General Rules 499 Parabola by Intersecting Lines. . . 594 Parabola Mechanically Described. 500 Parabola, Normal and Subnor- mal 496 Parabola, Ordinate Defined 496 Parabola, Subtangent 496 Parabola, Tangent 493 Parabola, Vertical Tangent De- fined 495 Parabolic Arch, Direction of Joints 234 Parallel Lines Defined 544 Parallel Lines (Geometry) 555 Parallelogram, Construct a 576 Parallelogram Defined 545 INDEX. 673 Parallelogram Equal to Triangles, To Make.. 576 Parallelogram of Forces, Strains by 165 Parallelograms Proportioned to Bases (Geometry) 360 Parallelogram in Quadrangle (Geometry) 364 Parallelogram, Same Base (Geom- etry) 352 Parameter Defined 548 Parameter, Axes (Ellipse) 485 Parthenon at Athens, Columns of. 48 Partitions, Bracing and Trussing. 176 Partitions, How Constructed 174 Partition, Door in Middle, Con- struction 175 Partition, Doors at End, Construc- tion of 176 Partition, Great Strength, Con- struction 176 Partitions, Location and Connec- tion . 175 Partitions, Materials, Quality of. . 175 Partitions, Plastered, Proper Sup- ports for. 175 Partitions, Pressure on. Rules 177 Partitions, Principal, of what Com- posed 175 Partitions, Trussing in, Effects of. 175 Pedestal, a Separate Substruc- ture 14 Pediment, Triangular End of Building 15 Pencil and Rulers, Drawing 540 Pentagon Defined 546 Pentagon, Circumscribed Circles (Polygons) 463 Perpendicular Height of Roof, To find 579 Perpendicular, Erect a 550 Perpendicular, Erect a, at End of Line 551 Perpendicular, Let Fall a 551 Perpendicular, Let Fall a, at End of Line 553 Perpendicular Style, Fifteenth Century 12 Perpendicular in Triangle (Poly- gons) 440 Persians, Origin and Description of 24 Persians and Caryatides, Orders Used by Greeks 24 Piers, Arrangement, in City Front of House 44 Piers, Bridges, Construction and Sizes 228 Piles, London Bridge, Age of. ... 229 Pine, White, Beams, Table of Weights for. 177 Pisa, Cathedral of, Eleventh Cen- tury 12 Pisa, Cathedral of, Erection in 1016 12 Pise Wall of France 49 Pitch Board, To Make, for Stairs. 247 Pitch Board, Winding Stairs 252 Plane Defined 257 Plane Defined (Geometry) 544 Plank.Weightof.on Roof, per foot. 189 Plastering, Defective, To what Due 174 Plastering, Strength of 174 Plastering, Weight per foot 177 Platform Stairs, Baluster, Posi- tion of 250 Platform Stairs Beneficial 240 Platform Stairs, Cylinder of. 248 Platform Stairs, Cylinder, Lower Edge 249 Platform Stairs, Face Mould, Ap- plication of Plank 273 Platform Stairs, Face Mould, Handrailing in 264 Platform Stairs, Face Mould, Sim- ple Method 267 Platform Stairs, Face Mould, Moulded Rails 274 Platform Stairs, Face Mould, Ap- plication of 275 Platform Stairs, Face Mould With- out Canting Plank 272 Platform Stairs, Handrail to 269 Platform Stairs, Handrailing Large Cylinder 271 674 INDEX. PAGE I Platform Stairs, Railing Where Rake Meets Level 272 Platform Stairs, Twist-Rail, Cut- ting of 277 Platform Stairs, Wreath of Round Rail 267 Point of Contact (Geometry) 558 Point Denned (Geometry) 544 Pointed Style, Ecclesiastical Arch- itecture ii Polygons, Angles of 462 Polygons, Circumscribed and In- scribed Circles, Radius of 460 Polygons Defined (Geometry). . . . 546 Polygons, Equilateral Triangle. .. 445 Polygons, General Rules 461 Polygons, Irregular, Trigon (Ge- ometry) 546 Polygons, Perpendicular in Tri- angle 440 Polygon, Regular, Defined (Geom- etry) 546 Polygons, Regular, To Describe (Geometry) 573 Polygons, Regular, To Inscribe in Circle (Geometry) 572 Polygons, Sum and Difference, Two Lines 439 Polygons, Table Explained 466 Polygons, Table of Multipliers. .. 465 Polygons, Triangle, Altitude of.. 442 Polygonal Dome, Shape of Angle- Rib 223 Posts, Area, To Find 86 Posts, Diameter, To Find 92 Posts, Rectangular, Safe Weight.. 92 Posts, Rectangular.To Find Thick- ness 94 Posts, Rectangular, Breadth Less than Thickness 96 Posts, Rectangular, To Find Breadth 95 Posts, To Find Side 93 Posts, Slender, Safe Weight for. . 91 Posts, Stout. Crushing Strength of. 89 Pressures Classified 85 Pressure, Oblique, Resolution of Forces 59 Pressure, Triangular, Framed Girders 171 Pressure, Upper Chord, Triangu- lar Girder 168 Prisms Cut by Oblique Plane 259 Prisms and Cylinders, Stair-Build- ing 257 Prisms Defined (Stairs) 257, 259 Prism, Top, Form of, in Perspec- tive 259 Profile of Mouldings Defined. . . . 326 Progression, Arithmetical (Alge- bra) 432 Progression.Geometrical (Algebra) 435 Projection and Height, Members of Orders of Architecture 16 Protractor, Useful in Drawing. .. 541 Purlins and Jack-Rafters in Roof. 211 Purlins, Location of 212 Pyramids of Memphis, Amount of Stone in 33 Pycnostyle, Explanation of 20 Quadrangle Defined 545 Quadrangle Equal Triangle 353 Quadrant Defined 547 Quantities, Addition and Sub- traction (Algebra) 424 Quantities, Division of (Algebra). 424 Quantities, Multiplication of (Al- gebra) 424 Queen-Post, Location of 213 Queen-Post in Roof 54 Radials of Rib in Bridge 226 Radials of Rib for Wedges 226 Radicals, Extraction of (Algebra). 425 Radius of Arc, To Find 561 Radius of Circle Defined 547 Rafters, Braces, etc., Length, To Find 580 Rafters, Least Thrust, Rule for. . . 62 Rafters, Length of, To Find 578 Rafters, Liability to Crush Other Materials 205 Rafters, Liability to Being Crushed 205 Rafters, Liability to Flexure 205 Rafters, Minimum Thrust of 62 INDEX. 6/5 PAGE Rafters in Roof, Effect of Weight on 179 Rafters in Roof, Strains Subjected to , 205 Rafters and Tie-Beams, Safe Weight 87 Rafters, Uses in Roof 54 Rake in Cornice Matched with Level Mouldings 344 Railing, Platform Stairs Rake Meets Level 272 Ratio or Proportion, Equals Mul- tiplied 367 Ratio or Proportion, Equality of Products 370 Ratio or Proportion, Equality of Ratios 367 Ratio or Proportion Equation, Form of 367 Ratio or Proportion, Examples.. . 366 Ratio or Proportion, Four Propor- tionals, to Find 377 Ratio or Proportion, Homologous Triangles 370 Ratio or Proportion, Lever Prin- ciple in 372 Ratio or Proportion, Lever Prin- ciple Demonstrated 375 Ratio or Proportion, Multiply an Equation 368 Ratio or Proportion, Multiply and Divide One Number 368 Ratio or Proportion, Rule of Three 366 Ratio or Proportion, Steelyard as Example in 371 Ratio or Proportion, Terms of Quantities 367 Ratio or Proportion, Transfer a Factor 369 Rectangle Defined 545 Rectangle, Equilateral, To De- scribe 58 Rectangular Cross-Section, Iron Beams 145 Reduction Cubic Feet to Gallons, Rule 653 Reduction Decimals, Examples.. 647 Reflected Light, Opposite of Shade 611 Regular Polygon in Circle, To In- scribe (Geometry) 572 Regular Polygon Defined (Geom- etry) 546 Regular Polygons, To Describe (Geometry) 573 Resistance, Capability of 86 Resistance to Compression, Ap- plication of Pressure 85 Resistance to Compression, Crushing and Bending 85 Resistance to Compression, Mate- rials 77 Resistance to Compression, Pres- sure Classified 85 Resistance to Compression in Proportion to Depth 101 Resistance to Compression, Stout Posts, Rule 89 Resistance to Compression, Table of Woods 79 Resistance to Cross-Strains 77 Resistance to Cross-Strains De- fined 99 Resistance to Deflection, Rule... . 113 Resistance Depending on Com- pactness and Cohesion 78 Resistance Depending on Loca- tion, Soil, etc 79 Resistance to Flexure Defined. . . 145 Resistance Inversely in Propor- tion to Length 102 Resistance to Oblique Force 206 Resistance, Power of, Hew Ob- tained 78 Resistance, Proportion to Area. . . 86 Resistance, Strains, To What Due. 78 Resistance to Tension Greatest in Direction of Length 81 Resistance to Tension, Proportion in Materials 81 Resistance to Tension, Table of Materials 82 Resistance to Tension, Materials. 77 Resistance to Tension, Results from Transverse Strains . . 82 6;6 INDEX. PAGE Resistance to Transverse Strains, Roman Architecture, Ruins of. . . n Table of. 83 Roman Architecture, Excess of Resistance to Transverse Strains, I Emichment 46 Description of Table 84 Roman Building 26 Resistance Variable in One Ma- Roman Composite and Corinthian terial.... 79 Orders.. . 28 Reticulated Walls . < 49 j Roman Decoration 27 Rhomboid Defined 546 Roman Empire, Overthrow of. ... 13 Romans, Ionic Order Modified by 27 Roman Moulding, Cavetto 329 Roman Mouldings, Comments on. 329 Roman Moulding, Ovolo 329 Rhombus Defined ' . . . . 545 Ribbed Bridge, Area of Rule 225 Ribbed Bridge, Built 224 Ribbed Bridge, Least Rise, Table of 224 Right Angle Defined 348, 544 Right Angle in Semicircle (Ge- ometry) 355 Right Angle, To Trisect a 554 Right Angled Triangle Defined . . 545 Right Angled Triangle, Squares on (Algebra) 417 Right Angled Triangles (Trigo- nometry) 510 Right Angled Triangles, Formula for (Trigonometry) 530 Right Lines (Geometry) 584 Right Line Equal Circumference. 566 Right Lines, Mean Proportionals Between 584 Right Lines, Two Given, Find Third 582 Right Lines, Three Given, Find Fourth 583 Right or Straight Line Defined. . . 544 Right Prism Defined (Stairs) 257 Risers, Number of, Rule to Ob- tain (Stairs) 246 Rise and Tread (Stairs) 241 Rise and Tread, Connection of (Stairs) 248 Rise and Tread, Blondel's Method of Finding (Stairs) 242 Rise and Tread, Table of, for Shops and Dwellings (Stairs). . . 245 Rise and Tread, To Obtain (Wind- ing Stairs) 251 Rolled Iron Beams, Extensive Use Roman Mouldings, Forms of.. ... 325 49 26 13 of. 161 Roman Architecture Defined. .... 7 Roman Pantheon, etc., Walls of. . Roman Styles of Architecture. . . . Roman Styles Spread by the Ital- ians Romantic or German Style, Thir- teenth and Fourteenth Centu- ries ii Rome, Ancient Buildings of. 12 Rome and Greece, Architecture of 8 Roof, The 54 Roofs, Ancient Norman and Gothic, Construction 178 Roof Beams, Weight per Super- ficial Foot 189 Roof, Brace in, Rule Same as for Rafter 208 Roofs, Construction of. 55 Roof Covering, Mode of 188 Roof Covering, Weights, Table of. 191 Roof, Curb or Mansard 54 Roofs, Diagrams and Description of 212 Roof, Gothic Buildings 55 Roofs, Gothic and Norman Puild- ings, Construction 178 Roofs, Hip, Diagram and Exj nation 215 Roof, Hip 54 Roof, Horizontal Pressure, To Re- move from 74 Roof, Jack-Rafters and Purlins.. . 211 Roof, King-Post in 54 Roof, Load per Foot Horizontal, Rule, IQ2 INDEX. 6 77 Roof, Load, Total per Foot Hori- zontal, Rule 197 Roofs, Modern, Trussing Neces- sary 178 Roofs, Norman and Gothic Build- ings, 178 Roof, Pent, To Find 54 Roof, Perpendicular Height, To Find 579 Roof Plank, Weight per Super- ficial Foot 189 Roof, Planning a 188 Roof, Pressure on 55 Roof, Queen-Post in 54 Roof, Rafters in 54 Roof, Sagging, To Prevent. ...... 54 Roof, Slope Should Vary Accord- ing to Climate 191 Roof Supports. Distance between. 189 Roof, Suspension Rods, Safe Weight for 210 Roof, Tie-Beam in 54 Roof, Tie-Beam, Tensile Strain, Rule ,. 204 Roof Timbers, Mortising 55 Roof Timbers, Scarfing of 55 Roof Timbers, Splicing of 55 Roof Timbers, Strains by Parallel- ogram of forces 198 Roof Timbers, Strain Shown Ge- ometrically 199, 202 Roof Truss, Arched Ceiling 214 Roof Truss, Elevated Tie-Beam Objectionable 214 Roof Truss, Elevating Tie-Beam, Effect of 187 Roof Truss, Force Diagram, Figs. 59, 68, and 69 179 Roof Truss, Force Diagram, Figs. 60, 70, and 7 r 180 Roof Truss, Force Diagram, Figs. 61, 72, and 73 181 Roof Truss, Force Diagram, Figs. 63,74, and 75 183 Roof Truss, Force Diagram, Figs. 64, 77, and 78 184 Roof Truss, Force Diagram, Figs. 66, 80, and 81 186 Roof Truss, Load on 189 Roof Trusses, Strains, Effect of, on Different 179 Roof Truss, Weights, Table of, per Superficial Foot 189 Roof Truss, Weight per Superfi- cial Foot 190 Roof, Trussing in 54 Roof Trussing, Designs for 178 Roof Trussing, Framing for 237 Roof Trussing, Hogged Ridge.... 238 Roof Trussing, King-Post, Effect of Bad Framing on 237 Roofs, United States 55 Roof, Vertical Pressure of Wind on, Effect of. 194 Roof, Snow, Weight per Horizon- tal Foot 193 Roof Weight on Rafter, Effect of.. 179 Roof, Wind, Horizontal and Verti- cal Pressure of 193 Roofing, Weight of Horizontal and Inclined 190 Roofing, Weight per Superficial Foot 190 Roots, Cubes, and Squares, Table of 638-645 Round Post, Area of 90 Rubble Walls 48 Rulers and Pencil in Drawing.... 540 Rupture Compared with Flexure. 84 Rupture, Crushing, Safe Weight.. 89 Rupture, Sliding, Safe Weight. ... 87 Rupture, Transverse, Safe Weight. 86 Rusting Iron Framing Straps, To Prevent 239 Safe Load for Material 81 Safe Weight, Allowance for 84 Safe Weight at Any Point, Rule. . 106 Safe Weight, Beam at Middle 103 Safe Weight, Bending 91 Safe Weight, Beam, Breadth of, To Find 104 Safe Weight, Beam, Depth, To Find 104 Safe Weight, Breadth or Depth, To Find, Load at Middle 106 .v.- \ Safe x Aw* $* tit Tv> for ** 1$ 31* .- V ->,- -\- ow xxxx^ ill till Cwwd, IwoUwrvi i Vwt S<- .= .. .- SV-' ,.- ; -,v,- \N J.iV. x . Slk9^^UMAllMMrx ......... $* > . . v;s.- r-J. V-v; ., , ,V;-.....v... 14 Tubular Ito* - -.-, .; /. V-. -x,- '.- ' --'-' -'"- Roof* Wtifht pr Ov sx S -,-u .-- U.-x'i \\ v- .;. ;-,-, S;--,- 1ST 31^ 44 104 loo 00* *t '>' ' ' ' i '.'..' i ' ' ' . . : ***(*, - ' - "''.* f /f >' ,' t > ' / , **** , Vtek fteuti, Jo tt*fc*, , ft** *f, '.,.-.' - - .. \,>. - , '. .,,... :>. ; ,,-.-: .- '.,,. - <.;/. :,- ;, . ..: ; -: ;-, , Vfotform, .'.,.;' .' i ' ' ' ', 444 l^ar r C*t/* fU^tf^ CMM^|, ^ '.-. . ," ;. '. . ,' ; : .",',-, . . . ' ;_> ttttftf, Wnttorm, VT rWorVfr WwfP^F^P^ frltWwf ''' ' ' / * . , ' '.- . : - ; -. . = ^ ,/ .:- ;- > Clrlr, f c MoMt ftoti *1 w ;:,;' r, Pto* :.', -' J7 ltolr^ll^M4TMSMf , 241 *fcw r, ft HM JM! Tr ^, M^w^' > : x *''.' . ' '. . : ' , ft* 68o INDEX. PAGE 247 240 247 Stairs, Space for Timber and Plas- ter Stairs, Stone, Public Building Stairs, String of, To Make Stairs, Tread, To Find, Rise Given 242, 246 Stairs, Tread and Riser Connec- tion 248 Stairs, Width, Rule for 241 Stairs, Winding, Balusters in Round Rail 313 Stairs, Winding, Bevels in Splayed Work ... 314 Stairs, Winding, Blocking Out Rail.. 301 Stairs, Winding, Butt-joint on Handrail 303 Stairs, Winding, Butt-joint, Cor- rect Lines for 307 Stairs, Winding, Diagrams Ex- plained .. 263 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould, Ac- curacy of 295 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould, Application 297 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould, Care in Drawing 295 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould, Curves Elliptical 301 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould for 290, 293 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould, Round Rail 303 Stairs, Winding, Face Mould for Twist \ . . 291 Stairs, Winding, Flyers and Winders 251 Stairs, Winding, Front String, Grade of 253 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing. 256, 289 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Bal- usters Under Scroll 310 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Centres for Square 368 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Face Mould for Scroll 311 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Fall- ing Mould for Raking Scroll. . . 310 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Gen- eral Considerations 258 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Scrolls for 308 Stairs, Winding, Handrailing, Scroll Over Curtail Step 309 Stairs, Winding,, Handrailing, Scroll for Curtail Step 310 Stairs, Winding, Scroll at Newel. 309 Stairs, Winding, Illustrations by Planes 261 Stairs, Winding, Moulds for Quarter Circle 255 Stairs, Winding, Newel Cap, Form of 312 Stairs, Winding, Objectionable. . 240 Stairs, Winding, Pitch Board, To Obtain 252 Stairs, Winding, Rise and Tread, To Obtain 251 Stairs, Winding, Sliding of Face Mould. 299 Stairs, Winding, String, To Ob- tain 252 Stairs, Winding, Timbers, Posi- tion of 252 Stairs and Windows, How. Ar- ranged 42 Stiles of Windows, Allowance for. 319 St. Mark, Tenth or Eleventh Cen- tury 12 Stone Bridge Building, Truss Work 232 Stone Bridge, Building Arch.... 230 Stone Bridge, Centres for, Con- struction 229 Stone Bridge, Pressure on Arch Stones 230 Stop for Doors 317 Stores, Floor Beams, Safe Weight. 126 Stores, Ordinary, Floor-Beams, Sizes, To Find 127 Stores, First-Class, Floor-Beams, Sizes, To Find 128 St. Paul's, London, Dome of 54 St. Peter's, Rome, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 12 Straight or Right Line Defined. . . 544 INDEX. 681 Strains, Cross, Resistance to 77 Strains on Domes, Tendency of. . 219 Strains Exceed Weights 61 Strains, Graphic Representation.. 165 Strain Greatest at Middle of Beam. 105 Strains by Parallelogram of Forces 165 Strains, Practical Method cf De- termining 62 Strains of Rafter in Roof 205 Strains, Resistance, To What Due. 78 | Strain on Roof Timbers Shown Geometrically 190 Strains on Roof Timbers Geomet- rically Applied 202 j Strains on Roof Timbers, Parallel- ogram of Forces 198 ; Strain, Shearing, Tubular Iron Girder 157 Strain Unequal, Cause of 83 Straps, Iron, Roof Truss 239 j Strassburg, Cathedral of 12 j Strassburg, Towers of the Min- ster II I Strength and Stiffness of Mate- rials..- ."... 78 j Structure of Materials 76 | Struts Denned 173 j Struts and Ties 68 i Struts and Ties, Difference Be- tween 69 : St. Sophia, Sixth Century 12 i Stucco Cornice for Interior 340 ; Studs and Joists Defined 174 ' Styles, Grecian, Only Known by Them 16 ! Stylobate, Substructure 'for Col- umns 14 Subnormal and Normal (in Para- bola) 496 I Subtangent, Parabola 496 Subtangent of Ellipse Defined... 486 Subtraction and Addition (Alge- bra) 398 Superficies Defined (Geometry)... 544 Supports, Girders, Length, Rule.. 157 Supports, Position of 65 Supports, Inclination of, Unequal. 60 Suspension Rods, Location in Roof 212 Suspension Rods in Roof, Safe Weight 210 Symbols Chosen at Pleasure (Al- gebra) 395 Symbols, Transferring (Algebra). 399 Systyle, Explanation of 20 Table of Circles 649-652 Table of Contents 6^3-624 Table of Capacity of Wells, Cis- terns, etc 653 Table of Squares, Cubes, and Roots 638-645 Table of Woods, Description of. . 80 Tail-Beams Defined 130 Tanged Curve, To Describe (Ge- ometry) 565 Tangent to Axes, Ellipse . . . . 485 Tangent Defined 547 Tangent with Foci, Ellipse 487 Tangent to Ellipse. To Draw 592 Tangent at Given Point in Cir- cle 557 Tangent at Given Point, Without Centre 557 Tangent of Parabola 493 Tangents and Sines, Logarithms (Polygons) 464 Temples Built in the Doric Style. 19 Temple, Doric, Origin of the 17 Temple of Jupiter at Thebes 33 Tenons and Splices, Knowledge Important 88 Tensile Strain, Area of Piece, To Find 99 Tensile Strain, Compressed Ma- terial ioo Tensile Strain, Condition of Sus- pended Piece 98 Tensile Strain, Safe Weight 96 Tensile Strain, Safe Weight, To Compute 97 Tensile Strain, Sectional Area, To Obtain 97 Tensile Strain, Suspended, Mte- terial Extended ioo 682 INDEX. PAGE Tensile Strain on Tie-Beam in Roof Truss 204 Tensile Strain, Weight of Suspend- ed Piece 98 Tensile Strength of Cast Iron 161 Tension and Compression, Framed Girders 174 Tension, Resistance to 77 Tension, Resistance to, Table of Materials 82 Tension, Resistance to, Results Obtained 82 Tension, Resistance to, Proportion in Materials 81 Tent, Habitation of the Shepherd. 13 Testing Machine, Description in Transverse Strains 80 Testing Materials, Hydraulic Method 80 Testing Materials, Dates of 80 Testing Materials, Manner of. ... 80 Tetragon Defined 546 Tetragon, Radius of Circles (Polygons) 446 Tetrastyle, Intercolumniation 20 Thebes, Thickness of Walls at. . . 33 Thrust, Horizontal 63 Thrust, Horizontal, Examples. ... 64 Thrust, Horizontal, Tendency of.. 88 Tie-Beam in Ceiling, Load on... 190 Tie-Beam and Rafter, Safe Weight. 87 Tie-Beam in Roof 54 Tie-Beam in Roof, Tensile Strain. 204 Tie-Rods, Diameter, To Find 164 Tie-Rods, Floor Arches, Dwell- ings 153 Tie-Reds, Floor Arches, First- Class Stores 153 Tie-Rods, Wrought Iron 164 Ties Defined 173 Ties and Struts, To Distinguish.. 69 Ties and Struts, Framed Girders.. 174 Ties and Struts, Principles of. ... 68 Ties, Timbers in a State of Ten- sion 68 Titus, Composite Arch of 28 Trimme/, Breadth, To Find, Two Sets Tail-Beams 134 Top Rail, Doors, Width, Rule 317 Torus, Classic Moulding 323 Torus, Grecian Moulding. 326 Tower of Babel, History of 5 Towers of the Minster, Strassburg. n Transverse Axis Defined 548 Transverse Strains, Compressed and Extended, Material 100 Transverse Strains, Defined 99 Transverse Strains, Explanation of Table III 101 Transverse Strains, Greater Strength of One Piece 101 Transverse Strains, Neutral Line Defined 100 Transverse Strains, Proportion to Breadth 101 Transverse Strains, Hatfield's, Reference to. .80, 121, 133, 138, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148 Transverse Strains, Resistance to, Table of 83 Transverse Strains, Description of Table 84 Transverse Strains, Strength Di- minished by Division 101 Trapezoid Defined 546 Trapezium Defined 546 Tread, To Find, Rise Given (Stairs) 242,246 Tread and Nosing, Position of (Stairs) 241 Tread and Rise, To Find, Winding Stairs 251 Tread and Rise, To Find, Blon- del's Method 242 Tread and Rfcse, Table for Shops \ and Dwellings 245 Tread and Riser, Connection of (Stairs) 248 Triangle, Altitude of (Polygons). 442 Triangles, Base, Formula for (Trig- onometry) 516 Triangle, Construct a (Geometry). 587 Triangle, Construct Equal-Sided (Geometry) 575 Triangle Defined 545 Triangle, Examples (Geometry).. . 350 INDEX. 68 3 PAGE Triangles, Equal Altitude 361 Triangle Equal Quadrangle 353 Triangles, Equation of (Trigo- nometry) 515 Triangles, Homologous (Geom- etry) 362 Triangles, Hypothenuse, Formula for 516 Triangles, Hypothenuse, To Find (Trigonometry) 518 Triangles, Perpendicular, To Find (Trigonometry) 517 Triangle or Set-Square in Draw- ing 539 Triangle or Set-Square, Use of. . . 541 Triangles, Terms Denned (Trigo- nometry) 512 Triangles, Three Angles Equal Right Angle 354 Triangles, Value of Sides (Trigo- nometry) 516 Trigon, Irregular Polygons (Ge- ometry) 546 Trigon, Radius of Circle (Poly- gons) 443 Trigon, Rule (Polygons) 441 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Two Angles 523 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Two Sides 521 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, First Class 520 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Second Class 522 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Third Class 526 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Fourth Class Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Sines and Sides Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Formula, First Class 531 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Formula, Second Class 532 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Formula, Third Class 534 Trigonometry, Oblique Triangles, Formula, Fourth Class 534 S*\ 519 Trigonometry, Right Angled Tri- angles 510 Trigonometry, Right Angled Tri- angles, Third Side, To Find... 511 Trigonometry, Right Angled Tri- angle, Formula 530 Trigonometry, Tables 513 Trigonometry, Triangles, Base, Formula for 516 Trigonometry, Triangles, Equa- tions of 515 Trigonometry, Triangles, Hypoth- enuse, Formula 516 Trigonometry, Triangles, Hypoth- enuse, To Find 518 Trigonometry, Triangles, Perpen- dicular, To Find 517 Trigonometry, Triangles, Terms Denned 512 Trigonometry, Triangles, Value of Sides 516 Trimmer or Carriage Beam, Breadth, To Find 132 Trimmer or Carriage Beams De- nned 130 Trimmer, One Header, Breadth, To Find, Dwellings and Stores. 133 Trimmer, Well-Hole in Middle, Breadth, To Find 136 Trisect a Right Angle 5^4 Truss, Diagram of. 200 Truss, Force Diagrams, Figs. 59, 68 and 69 179 Figs. 60, 70 and 71 iSo Figs. 61, 72 and 73 181 Figs. 63, 74 and 75 183 Figs. 64, 77 and 78 184 Figs. 65, 78 and 79 185 Figs. 66, 80 and 81 186 Truss, Roof, Framing for 237 Truss, Roof, Iron Straps 239 Truss, Weight, per Horizontal Foot, To Find 192 Truss Work, Stone Bridge Build- ing 232 Trussing and Framing, Gravity and Resistance 76 Trussing Partitions, Effect of 175 684 INDEX. Trussing Roofs, Effect of 178 T-Square, How to Make 539 Tubular Iron Girder, Area of Bot- tom Flange, Dwellings 159 Tubular Iron Girder, Area of Bot- tom Flange, First-Class Stores. 160 Tubular Iron Girder, Arc of Flange, Load at Middle 154 Tubular Iron Girder, Area of Flange, Load Any Point 155 Tubular Iron Girder, Area of Flange, Load Uniform 156 Tubular Iron Girder, Flanges, Proportion of. 157 Tubular Iron Girder, Construction of 154 Tubular Iron Girder, Rivets, Al- lowance for 157 Tubular Iron Girder, Shearing Strain 157 Tubular Iron Girders, Web of. . . 158 Tuscan, Modern, Appropriate for Buildings 30 Tuscan Order, Introduction of the. 30 Tuscan Order, Principal Style in Italy 30 Twelfth Century, Buildings in the. n Twist Rail, Platform Stairs 277 Twists, Stairs, Nicholson's Method for 259 Undecagon Defined United States, Roofs in. Vault, Simple, Groined or Com- plex Ventilation, Proper Arrangement for...!. Versed Sine of Arc, To Find Vertical Pressure of Wind on Roof. Vertical Tangent of Parabola De- fined Volutes, To Describe the Voussoir of an Arch. . , Wall, The... Walls, Coffer. 546 55 52 45 56i 194 495 ! 20 * 52 I | 48 I 49! PAGE Walls, Construction and Forma- tion 48 Walls, Eddystone and Bell Rock Lighthouses 48 Walls, Egyptian, Massiveness of.. 33 Walls, Modern Brick 49 Walls of Pantheon and Roman Buildings 49 Walls of Pantheon at Rome 53 Walls, Pise, of France 49 Walls, Reticulated 49 Walls, Rubble -. ... 48 Walls, Strength of. 48 Walls, Various Kinds 49 Walls, Wooden 49 Weakening Girder, Manner of. . . 140 Web of Tubular Iron Girder, Thickness of 158 Weight of Materials for Building Table of 654-656 Wells, Cisteins, etc., Table of Capacity 653 White Pine, Weights of Beams Table of 177 Wind, Greatest Pressure, per Su- perficial Foot 90 Wind on Roof, Effect of Vertical Pressure 194 Wind on Roof, Horizontal and Vertical Pressure 193 Winders in Stairs, How to Place the 42 Winders and Flyers, Stairs 251 Windows, Arrangement of 44 Windows, Circular Headed 320 Windows, Circular Headed, To Form Soffit 321 Windows, Dimensions, To Find. 318 Window-Frame, Size of 318 Windows, Front of Building, Ef- fect of 320 Windows, Heights, Table of, Width Given 320 Windows, Height from Floor. . . . 320 Windows, Inside Shutters, Re- quirement 319 Windows, Position and Light from.. 317 INDEX. 685 Windows and Stairs, How Ar- ranged 42 Windows, Stiles, Allowance lor.. 319 Windows, Width Uniform, Height Varying . . . : 319 Winding Stairs, Balusters in Round Rail 313 Winding Stairs, Bevels in Splayed Work 314 Winding Stairs, Blocking Out Rail.. 301 Winding Stairs, Butt Joint, Posi- tion of. 303 Winding Stairs, Butt Joint 307 Winding Stairs, |Diagram of, Ex- plained 263 Winding Stairs, Face Mould for 290,293 Winding Stairs, Face Mould, Ac- curacy of. 295 Winding Stairs, Face Mould, Ap- plication of 297 Winding Stairs, Face Mould, Curves Elliptical 301 Winding Stairs, Face Mould, Drawing 296 Winding Stairs, Face Mould, Round Rail 303 Winding Stairs, Face Mould, Slid- ing of. 299 Winding Stairs, Face Mould for Twist 291 Winding Stairs, Flyers and Wind- ers 251 Winding Stairs, Front String, Grade of. 253 Winding Stairs, Handrailing . ; 256, 289 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, nal- usters Under Scroll 310 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Cen- tres in Square 308 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Face Mould for Scroll. .., 311 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Fall- ing Mould. . . 310 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, General Considerations 258 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Scrolls for 308 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Scroll Over Curtail Step 309 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Scroll for Curtail Step 310 Winding Stairs, Handrailing, Scrolls at Newel 309 Winding Stairs, Illustrations by Planes 261 Winding Stairs, Moulds for Quar- ter Circle 255 Winding Stairs, Newel Cap, Form of 312 Winding Stairs Objectionable. . . . 240 Winding Stairs, Pitch Board, To Obtain 252 Winding Stairs, Rise and Tread, To Obtain 251 Winding Stairs, String, To Obtain. 252 Winding Stairs, Timbers, Posi- tion of. 252 Wood, Destruction by Fire 37 Wooden Beams, Use Limited 154 Woods, Hydraulic Method of Testing 80 Wreath for Round Rail, Platform Stairs 267 THE END. 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