6,6 University of California College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station Berkeley, California STATISTICS PERTAINING TO THE 1946 DEMAND SITUATION FOR CANNING PEACHES By H. R. Wellman and B. H. Schulte June, 1946 Contribution from the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Mimeographed Report No. 87 UgygROTY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY (jmj^CE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS TABLE 1 SUMMARY DATA RELATING TO CANNED PEACHES Year beginning June 1 Packers' domestic shipments for civilian use Packers' carryover, California end of year Exports and war services Distributors' domestic shipments for civilian use Distributors' stocks, end of year Index of consumers' disposable income Indexes of Wholesale Prices Canned Peaches Competing Canned Fruits Indexes of Retail Prices Canned Peaches Canned Pineapple Fruits and vegetables All foods Unit 1,000 Cases Percent of 1936-1940 Av. ii n ii w n Average 1936-1940 2,122* 1,439 10,440 3,060 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1940 953 500 113 89 103 94 96 97 98 1945* 10,491 12,956 13,576 231 700 12,800 13,300 3,300 800 196 164 143 155 121 182 141 "-Excluding 1937-38 *» Preliminary - subject to revision TABLE 2 SUM.IARY DATA RELATING TO CANNED MIXED FRUITS-::- Year be sinning June 1 Unit 1936-1940 1940 1945-:;-::- Packers 1 domestic shipments for civilian use 1,000 Cases 3,510 5,025 6,258 Packers' carryover, end of year ii ii 877 758 110 Exports and war services ii it 733 73 350 Distriuutors 1 domestic shipments for civilian use ii ii 3,340 4,700 6,300 uj.aua.uuoui a dTjOckSj end 01 year ii it 1,020 1,400 200 Index of consumers 1 disposable income Percent of 1936-1940 Av. 100 113 196 Indexes of Wholesale Prices Canned Fruit Cocktail it 100 + 94 169 Canned Apricots » 100 115 152 Canned Peaches tt 100 89 164 Canned Pears it 100 100 170 Canned Pineapple ii 100 100 126 * Includes fruit cocktail, fruits for salad and other mixed fruits. ** Preliminary - subject to revision. + 1938 - 1940 average. TABLE 3 ACREAGE, PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION OF CALIFORNIA CLINGSTONE PEACHES ACREAGE Bearing Non-bearing Total AVERAGE YIELD PER BEARING ACRE PRODUCTION Total Unharvested Harvested UTILIZATION Canned ^ried Other* processed Fresh Unit Acres u n Tons 1,000 Tons 1,000 Tons II Tl Average 1936 - 1940 40,125 12,165 52,291 8.7 349 10 339 282 36 0 21 average 1941 - 1945 42,215 11,975 54,190 9.7 413 20 393 359 14 7 13 1945 45,582 12,207 57,789 10.2 466 26 440 395 16 20 9 Ratio Ratio 1945 19U-45 Av. to 1 to to 1936-40| 1941-45 1936-40 Av. Av.. i Av. PERCENT 105 114 108 98 100 102 104 111 107 111 117 105 118 134 113 200 260 130 116 130 112 127 140 110 39 44 114 286 62 43 69 Source of data: California Cooperative Crop Reporting Service TABUS 4 CANNED P.-.GK OF PEACHES AND OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING FETCHES Ratio 1941-45 av. Ratio 1945 ITEM Average 1936*3.940 xiverage 1941-1945 I945, to 1936-40 av. to 1936*40 Av. to I 1941-45 av. Thousands of cr ses - No. 2-5- can basi3 Per Cent Canned peaches Clingstones, California Freestones, California Total California 10,536 782 11 » 318 11,700 527 12,627 12,24o 520 12,768 Ill 119 112 -1 -1 / lib 66 113 105 56 101 Freestones, other states 395 1,323 1,530 335 387 116 Total, United States 11,713 13,950 14,298 119 122 102 Canned mixed fruits, California 183 106 Fruit cocktail 3,H5 5,696 6,035 194 Fruits for salad 1,165 243 21 Other mixed fruits 161 565 351 Total 4,280 6,100 6,600 143 154 108 Sources of data: Canners League of California and National Canners Association. TABLE 5 SHIPMENTS OF CANNED PEACHES Year b eginning June 1 Average 1936 - 1940 1940 1945 Thousands of Cases — — No. 2| Can Basis Packers' shipients, California Ratio 1945 to to 1936-40 1940 Av. Percent Clingstones Freestones Total 10,766 770 11,536 11,676 1,233 12,909 12,236 510 12,746 114 66 110 105 41 99 Pack, other states 395 547 1,530 387 280 Packers' shipments, United States 11,930 13,454 14,276 120 106 Exports and war services 1,439 500 700 49 140 Packers' domestic shipments for civilian use 10,491 12,956 13,576 129 105 Distributors' domestic shipments for civilian use 10,440 12,800 13,300 127 104 Sources of data: Canners League of California, National Canners Association and U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. TABLE 6 SHIPMENTS OF CANNED MIXED FRUITS Year beginning June 1 Ratio 1945 Average to to 1936-1940 1940 1945 1936 — 10 Av. 1940 Thousands of cases - No»2j- can basis Percent Packers' shipments, California Fruit Cocktail Fruits for salad Other mixed fruits 3,074 1,169 4,521 577 6,046 562 197 134 TOTAL 4,243 5,098 6,608 156 130 Exports and war services 733 73 350 48 479 Packers domestic shipments for civilian use 3,510 5,025 6,258 178 125 Distributors domestic shipments for civilian use 3,340 4,700 6,300 189 134 Sources of data: Canners League of California, National Canners Association and U, S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. M TABLE 7 PACKERS AND DISTRIBUTORS STOCKS OF CANNED PEACHES Average 1937 - 1941 1945 1946 Thousands of cases - No, 2-g- can basis Ratio 1946 to to 1937-41 A v. 1945 Percent California packers' stocks January 1st June 1st 6,063* 2,122* 1,722 209 3,857 231 64 10 224 111 U» S» distributors' sto cks January 1st April 1st June 1st 4,246 3,649 3,060 889 1,906 724 1,400 526 800** 44 38 26 214 193 152 * Excluding I938 ** Preliminary - subject to revision Sources of data: C a nners League of California and U. S» Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. TABLE 8 PACKERS* PRICE QUOTATIONS ON CANNED FRUITS Y ear beginning June 1 ITEM Clingstone peaches, choice halves, Pineapple, fancy sliced, Apricots, choice unpeeled halves, Pears, choice halves, Fruit cocktail, choice, Average 1 936-1940 1940 1945 Dollars per dozen No. 2y cans Rc 1 .a t i " k o a 1940 1945 Percent of 1936-1940 av. 1.40 1.25 2.30 89 164 1.70 1.70 2.15 100 126 1.65 1.90 2.50 115 152 1.65 1.65 2.80 100 170 1.75 1.65 2.95 94 169 Source of datai California Fruit News TABLE 9 INDEX OF RETAIL PRICES OF CERTAIN FOODS ITEM All food Fruits and vegeta ble s Total Fresh Canned Dried Canned poaches Canned pineapple * June - January Source of data: U. S. Bureau Year beginning June 1 Average 1936-1940 194-0 1945* Percent of 1936-1940 av. 100 98 141 100 57 182 100 97 193 100 95 135 100 99 167 100 94 155 100 96 121 if Labor Statistics TABLE 10 4CKEAGE, PRODUCTION AND AVERAGE YIELD FEE ACRE CLINGSTONE PEACHES, CxiLIFORNIA 1536,-1945 Acreage Production YEAR Bearing Non-bearing Total Harvested Unharvostod Total 1 2 i 4 5 6 7 /, acros Thousands of tons Touf? 1936 41,881 8,711 50,592 54,065 337 337 8.0 1537 41,598 12,467 13,556 370 370 8.9 1538 38,362 51,918 292 21 313 8.2 1939 38,724 13,881 52,605 359 13 372 9.6 1940 40,065 38,244 12 ,.209 52,274 338 15 353 3.8 1941 11 j 811 50,055 332 332 8.9 1542 40,356 11,595 51,951 408 16 424 10.5 1943 42 j 356 11,315 53,671 343 7 350 8.3 1944 44,536 45,582 12,947 57,483 57,789 442 50 492 10.6 1945 12,207 440 26 466 10.2 Source of data: California Cooperative Crop Reporting Service t TABLE 11 HARVESTED PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION OF CLINGSTONE PEACHES CALIFORNIA 1936 - 1945 YEAR HARVESTED UTILIZATION PRODUCTION Canned Dried Other Used Processed Fresh 1 2 3 4 5 Thousands of Tons 1936 337 265 50 0 22 1937 370 323 34 0 13 1938 292 242 26 0 24 1939 359 299 30 0 30 1940 338 283 41 0 14 1941 332 312 11 0 9 1942 408 374 21 0 13 1943 343 320 7 3 13 1944 442 396 13 13 20 1945 440 395 16 20 9 Source of data: California Cooperative Crop Reporting Service. TABLE 12 PACK ^ND CARRYOVER QANNBi) CLING ST ONE AND CANNED FREESTONE FETCHES, CAUTOfatTA 19 36-194-5 Jbgi Carr yover June 1 YEAR Clingstones Frees tone s Total Cling stones . Fxeest ones Tctiil X" X. " 3 _±_ ~ ~JZ ~ bj Thci sand cases - No. 2-5- can basis 1936 10.352 475 10,827 1,929 113 2,042 1937 12,317 1,043 13,360 1,498 69 1938 9,471 376 9,847 5,578 435 6,013 1939 10,775 9,765 882 11,657 2,737 2,690 269 3,006 1940 1,134 10.899 273 2^63 1941 10. ,'68 2,152 12,920 779 174 953 1942 12,961 1,089 14,050 792 165 957 1943 .10,203 537 10,740 768 63 831 1944 12,321 339 12,660 12,768 210 2 212 1945 12,248 520 205 4 209 1946 217 14 231 Sources of data: Canners League of California and Canning Foach Advisory Board. Pack figures include canned poaches rernanufactured into fruit salad and fruit cocktail, and spiced clingstone peaches. Carryover figures represent stock in packers' hands, sold and unsold, exclusive of goods sold to tho Government. TABLE 13 PACK, CARRYOVER AND SHIPMENTS OF CANNED CLINGSTONE PEACHES, CALIFORNIA, 1936-1937 to 1945-1946 Carryover at Shipments x ear Vip»c?"i Tin T tip June - May of year I 2 3 Thousands of cases - No. 2j can 1 1936-37 10,352 1,929 10,783 1937-38 12,317 1,498 8,237 1938-39 9,471 5,578 12,312 1939-40 10,775 2,737 10,822 1940-41 9,765 2,690 11,676 1941-42 10,768 779 10,755 1942-43 . 12,961 792 12,985 1943-44 10,203 768 10,761 1944-45 12,321 210 12,326 1945-46 12,248 205 12,236 1946-47 217 Sources of data: Canners League of California and Canning Peach Advisory Board TABLE 14 PACK, CARRYOVER AND SHIPMENTS OF CANNED FREESTONE t.i Shipments Year Pack besg3ruiv<3 June - May of y*:-»r 3 Thousands of cases - No. 2^ can basis 1936- 37 475 113 519 1937- 38 1,043 69 677 1938- 39 376 435 542 1939- 40 882 269 878 1940- 41 1,134 273 1,233 1941- 42 2,152 174 2,161 1942- 43 1,089 165 1,191 1943- 44 537 63 598 1944- 45 339 2 337 1945- 46 520 4 510 1946- 47 14 Source of data: Canners League of California TABLE 15 PACK, CARRYOVER AND SHIPMENTS OF CALIFORNIA CANNED PEACHES, 1936-37 to 1945-46 Carryover Year Pack at Shipments June - Hay- beginning of Year 1 2 3 Thousand cases - No. 2g can basis 1936-37 10,827 2,042 11,302 1937-38 13,360 1,567 8,914 1938-39 9,847 6,013 12,854 1939-40 11,657 3,006 11,700 1940-41 10,899 2,963 12,909 1941-42 12,920 953 12,916 1942-43 14,050 957 14,176 1943-44 10,740 831 11,359 1944-45 12,660 212 12,663 1945-46 12,768 209 12,746 1946-47 231 Source of data: Canners League of California TABLE 16 SHIPMENTS OF GINNED PEaCHES BY PACKERS, UNITED STATES, 1936-37 to 1945-46 Year California Pack other Estimated U. S. Exports and War Domestic civilian June -ivky shipments states shipments Services shipment s 1 2 3 4 Thousa rids of cases - Bo, *—\> VtUi U< — OJLO 1936-37 11,302 232 n,554 1,309 10,245 1937-38 8,914 12,854 277 9,191 1,271 7,920 1938-39 347 13,201 2,160 11,041 1939-40 11,700 550 12,250 1,953 10,297 12,956 1940-41 12,909 547 13,456 500 1941-42 12,916 1,818 14,734 3,300 11,434 1942-43 14,176 1,971 363 16,147 5 ; 770 10,377 1943-44 11,359 12,663 11,722 4,350 7,372 1944-45 934 13,597 9,450 4,147 1945-46 12,746 1,530 14,276 700 13,576 Sources of data s Col. 1 Table 15 Column 3. Col. 2 National Canners Association converted to No. 2^ can basis. Col, 3 Figures as Column 1 plus corresponding figures in Column 2. Col. 4 U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Col. 5 Figures in column 3 minus corresponding figures in Column 4. -. . » . r . TABLE 17 SHIPMENTS OF CANNED PEACHES BY DISTRIBUTORS FOR CIVILIAN CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1936-37 t» 1945-46 Packers Distributors domestic stocks at Year civilian beginning Distributors June -May shipments of year Shipments 1 2 3 Thousands cf cases - No. 2$ can basis 1936-37 10,200 3,100 10,400 1937-38 7,900 2,900 8,100 1938-39 11,000 2,700 10,400 1939-40 10,300 3,300 10,500 1940-41 13,000 3,100 12,800 1941-42 11,400 3,300 9,000 1942-43 10,400 5,700 13.C0C 1943-44 7,400 3,100 9,700 1944-45 4,200 800 4,500 1945-46 13,600 500 13,300 1946-47 800 Sources of data : Col. X. Table 16 Column 5 Col. 2. U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Col. 3. Figures in column 1 minus figures in column 2, for the same year plus figures in cclumn 2 for the following year. ' itu : •W.' < *i .ICJ T ?»? ^b^' '&©*£. fcjwe ; u J; 0 ii 1.C 6 B O 4, > f <- : v.--- . gf CcU'^CC £ TABLE 18 pack ,jmd Carryover canned fruit cocktail, canned fruits for sal^d. and other canned mixed fruits, california, i936-i945 Year 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Pack Fruit Cocktail 2,209 3,306 2,043 3,654 4,361 5,097 5,560 5,621 6,167 6,035 Fruits for salad Thousands Other Mixod Fruits of cases Carryover Juno 1 Total _4 - No Fruit Cocktail 4 5 6 2jr can Basis Other Fruits for Mixod Salad Fruits JL 1,434 1,347 906 1,550 589 644 570 75 167 565 3,643 4,653 2,949 5,204 4,950 5,741 6,130 5,696 6,334 6,600 385 336 1,295 288 747 587 653 239 156 118 107 190 288 441 71 159 171 46 81 Trtal 575 624 1,736 359 906 758 699 320 156 118 110 Source of data: Cannors League of California. 'I ABLE 19 PACK, CARRYOVER AND SHIPMENTS OF CANNED FRUIT COCKTAIL, CALIFORNIA, 1936-1937 to 1945-1946 Carryover at Year lack beginning Shipments June - May of year 12 3 Thousands of cases - No. 2g can basis 1936-37 2,209 385 2,258 1937-38 3,306 336 2,347 1938-39 2,043 1,295 3,050 1939-40 3,654 288 3,195 1940-41 4,361 747 4,521 1941-42 5,097 587 5,031 1942-43 5,560 653 5,974 1943-44 5,621 239 5,704 1944-45 6,167 156 6,205 1945-46 6,035 118 6,046 1946-47 107 Source of data: Canners League of California TABLE 20 PACK, CARRYOVER AND SHIPMENTS OF CANNED FRUITS FOR SILAD, CALIFORNIA, 1936-1937 to 1945-1946 Carryover at Year Pack beginning Shipments June - May of year 12 3 Thousands of cases - No. 2\ can basis 1936-37 1,434 190 1,336 1937-38 1,347 288 1,194 1933-39 906 441 1,276 1939-40 1,550 71 1,462 1940-41 589 159 577 1941-42 644 171 769 1942-43 570 46 535 1943-44 0 81 81 1944-45 0 0 0 1945-46 0 0 0 1946-47 0 Source of data: Canners League of California TABLE 21 PACK, CARRYOVER AND SHIPMENTS OF CANNED MIXED FRUITS,* CALIFORNIA, 1936-37 to 1945-46 Carryover Year Pack at Shipments June - May beginning of year 1 2 3 Thousands of cases-Mo. 2\ can basis 1936-37 3,643 575 3,594 1937-38 4,653 624 3,541 1938-39 2,949 1,736 4,326 1939-40 5,204 359 4,657 1940-41 4,950 906 5,098 1941-42 5,741 758 5,800 1942-43 6,130 699 6,509 1943-44 5,696 320 5,860 6,372 1944-45 6,334 156 1945-46 6,600 118 6,608 1946-47 110 -^Includes fruit cocktail , fruits for salad other mixed fruits. Source of data: Canners League of California. TABLE 22 SHIPMENTS OF CANNED MIXED FRUITS BY PACKERS, CALIFORNIA, 1936-37 to 1945-46 Exports Domestic Year Total and War civilian June - May Shipments Services shipments 1 2 3 Thousands of cases- No. 2g can basis 1936-37 3,594 311 2,783 1937-38 3,541 758 2,783 1938-39 4,326 979 3,347 1939-40 4,657 1,044 3,613 1940-41 5,098 73 5,025 1941-42 5,800 400 5,400 4,189 1942-43 6,509 2,320 1943-44 5,860 2,090 4,030 3,770 1944-45 6,372 2,342 6,258 1945-46 6,608 350 Sources of data: Col. 1 Table 21, Column 3 Col. 2 U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Col. 3 Figures in Column 1 minus corresponding figures in Column 2. TABLE 23 SHIPMENTS OF C/NNED MIXED FRUITS BY DISTRIBUTORS FOR CIVILIAN CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1936-37 to 1945-46 Pc ckers Distributors Distributors Year domestic stocks at Shipments June - May civilian beginning sh ipments of year 12 3 Thousands of cases-No, 2g can basis 1936-37 2,800 600 2.600 1937-38 2,800 800 2. 700 1938-39 3,-300 900 3,300 1939-40 3,600 900 3,400 1940-41 5,000 1,100 4,700 1941-42 5,400 1,400 4,600 1942-43 4,200 2,200 5,600 1943-44 3,800 800 4,200 1944-45 2,300 400 2,500 1945-46 6,300 200 6,300 1946-47 200 * ""Prelimiuary - subject to revision ' Sources of data; Col. 1 Table 22, Column 3- Col. 2 U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Col* 3 Figures in Coluun 1 minus figures in Column 2 for the same year plus figures in Column 2 for the following year. TABLE 24 CONSUMERS' INCOME, UNITED STATES, 1936-1945 Nonagricultura] Disposable Y;ar * income income payments of 3 ncb-victuala 1935- 3 V - 100 Billions of dollars 1936 107 1937 103 69.2 1938 101 6? 9 1939 110 67.7 1940 122 73.2 1941 151 88.7 1942 189 110.6 1943 220 124.6 1944 236 137.5 1945 233 139.6 * Nonagricultural income payments, year bdginning June 1; disposable income of individuals, calendar year. Sources of data: U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.