UBRARY VivoisitV of Calrtomia IRVINt ^545 Edmonds (G.) A Universal Grammar '^d Language : comprising a Scientific Classi- fication of the Radical Elements of Discourse and Illustrative Translations from the Holy Scriptures and Principal British Classics ; to which is added a Dictionary of the Language (1855). 4w £1 Is With bookplate of E. Heron-AllLn, F.R.S. /\ very interesting forerunner of Ogden and Hogben. V < ' yc? UNIVERSAL ALPHABET, GRAMMAR, AND, LANaUAGE, UNIVERSAL ALPHABET, GRAMMAR, AND LANGUAGE : COMPRISING A SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE RADICAL ELEMENTS OF DISCOURSE: AND ILLUSTRATIVE TRANSLATIONS FKOM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND THE PRINCIPAL BRITISH CLASSICS TO WHICH IS ADDED, A DICTIONARY OF THE LANGUAGE. BY GEORGE EDMONDS. " Tor then v.ill I turn to the people a pure language, tliat they may all call on the name of tlie Lord, to serve him witli one consent." — Zepiianiau. "And here I desu-e it may be considered and carefully exammed, whether the gieatest part of disputes in the world are not merely verbal, ami about the meaning of words ; and whether, if the terms in which they are expressed were defined, &c. those disputes would not end of themselves, and immediately vanish." — Locke. LONDON AND GLASGOW : EICHARD GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. The Autlior reserves the right of Translatlnij the Work. p'^. THE PilBFACE. The Public may reasonably expect, at least, a short sketch of the origin and progress of the subject to which its attention is now respectfully invited :— that of a Universal Language. I am not aware of any practical attempt to realize a Universal Language before the year 1668, when Dr. Wilkins, then Dean of Kipon, and afterwards Bishop of Chester, published his justly celebrated work, entitled "An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language." The high honor of originating this grand conception is due, and most honorably is attributed, by Dr. Wilkins to Dr. Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury, respecting whom he says, " It was from this suggestion of his that I first had any distinct apprehension of the proper course to be observed in such an undertaking." It has been said by Antony a Wood, tliat "One George Dalgarno, a Scot, wrote a book entitled ' Ars Signorum, &c. London 1661' which, before it went to press, the author commimicated to Dr. Wilkins, who took from it a liint of his great work ' The Essay.' " I have not seen the " Ars Signorum.'" If it contains the principles on which Dr. Wilkins's classification of the radical substantives of language is founded, the name of Dalgarno ought to be enrolled among the benefactors of mankind. But, after Dr. Wilkins's solemn disclamation of the honor of this invention, and his ascription of it to Dr. Seth Ward, there appears to me to bo no justice in the imputation cast on Dr. Wilkins, in the "Supplement to the Encyclopedia Brittanica," vol iii. p. 466. which assails him in the following harsh language. "It is highly discreditable to Wilkins, that he takes no notice whatever of the name of Dalgarno." It is incredible that a Bishop of the Church of England, having emphatically denuded himself of the honor of the invention, would state a 2>ublia falsehood in favor of Dr. Ward, who himself must have known that it was a falsehood. Again, Dalgarno lived many years after the Essay was published by Dr. Wilkins ; he could, therefore, have contradicted the latter, and have done himself full justice. He was absolutely silent : the Laferenee, therefore, is plain : — Dr. Wilkins did not derive " the suggestion" or " hint" from Dalgarno, but from Dr. Ward. There Is a natural curiosity to trace a great river to its source : — we feel a like curiosity with regard to any great achievement of mankind. In the present case, Wilkins's Essay arose, as we have said, out of a conversation with a college friend, — Dr. Ward. " I* had frequent occasion," says Dr. Wilkins, " of conferring with him concerning the various desiderata proposed by learned men," &c. " (among which, this of the Universal Character was one of the principal), most of which he had more deeply considered than any other person that I hnew. And in reference to this particular, he would say, — that as it was one of the most useful, so he judged it to be one of the most feasible among all the rest, if prosecuted in a regular way. But for all such attempts for this purpose, which he had either seen or heard of, the authors of them did generally mistake in their first foundations, whilst they did propose to themselves the framing of such a character from a dictionary of words, according to some partlculai- language, without reference to the nature of things, and that common notion of them wherein mankind does agree." A b u. PREFACE. Here are several important truths, originatmg with Dr. Ward :, — first, his opinion that a Philo- sophic Language, to accomplish its main purpose, must consist of words not derived from any particular lan u'udi. u'ndri, u'mbi, u'ndi, u'nzi. u'nzi, u'mvi. u'nji. Observe : — Five Initial vowels, and eight single or double consonants, with n or m between them, constitute the forty generic Substantives of the language. These are converted Into generic Adverbs, merely by changing the final vowel i Into u. II. ALL THE GENERIC ADVERBS NEUTRAL. o'ndu. o'ndru. o'mbu. o'ndu. o'nzu, o'nzu, o'mvu, o'nji. , a'ndu. a'ndru. a'mbu, a'ndu. a'nzu. a'nzu, a'mvu, a'nju. endu. e'ndru. e'mbu. e'udu, e'nzu. e'nzu, • e'mvu. e'nju, I'ndu, I'ndru, I'nibu, I'ndu, I'nzu, i'nzu. i'ravu. I'nju, u'ndu. u'udru. u'mbu, u'ndu, u'nzu, u'nzu. u'mvu. u'nju. * Neutral as distinguished from Active and Passive. 7. G 26 INTRODUCTION. The generic Substantives neutral are converted into Verbs neutral, by merely changing the grave consonants into their corresponding acute ones : that is to say, by changing d into t ; dr into tr ; mh 'mX.Q) mp ; nd into wf y nz intowsy and, lastly, nj intone/ as follows: III. ALL THE GENERIC VERBS NEUTRAL. o'nti, a'nti, e'nti, i'nti, u'nti. o'ntu, a'ntu, e'ntu, i'ntu, u'ntu, o'ntri, a'ntri, e'ntri, i'ntri, u'ntri, IV. on'tru, a'ntru, e'ntru, i'ntru, u'ntru. o'mpi, a'mpi, e'mpi, i'mpi, u'mpi, o'nti, a'nti, e'nti, i'nti, o'nsi, a'nsi. e'nsi. u'nsi, o'nsi, a'nsi, e'nsi, i'nsi, u'nsi. o'mfi, a'mfi, e'mfi, i'mfi, u'mfi. ALL THE GENERIC ADJECTIVES NEUTRAL. o'mpu, a'mpu, e'mpu, i'mpu, u'mpu, o'ntu, a'ntu, e'ntu, I'ntu, ii'ntu, onsu, a'nsu, e'nsu, u'nsu. o'nsu, a'nsu, e'nsu, i'nsu. ii'nsu. o'mfu, a'mfu, e'mfu, I'mfii, u'mfii, o'nci, a'nci, e'nci, i'nci, u'nci, o'ncu, a'ncu, q'ti e'ncu, i'ncu, u'ncu. The above four tables contain the roots of all the generic neutral Substantives, Adverbs, Verbs, and Adjectives of the language, of the present tense. THE SIX DIFFERENCES. NEUTRAL PRESENT. Each word of the preceding table of generic tabulars, varies its termination to express the six differences of the neutral present tense. Take the four words o'ndi, o'ndu, o'nti, o'ntu, as follows : Differences. I. DIFFERENTIAL SUBSTANTIVES, NEUTRAL, PRESENT. I. o'ndoo. o'ndroo. o'mboo, o'ndoo. o'nzoo, o'nzoo. o'mvoo. o'njoo. 2. o'ndoi, o'ndroi. o'mboi, o'ndoi. o'nzoi. o'nzoi, o'mvoi. o'njoi, 3. o'ndo, o'ndro. o'mbo, o'ndo. o'nzo. o'nzo, o'mvo, o'njo. 4. o'nda, o'ndra. o'mba, o'nda. o'nza, o'nza, o'mva. o'nja. 5. o'ndil. o'ndi-il, o'mbil. o'ndil, o'nzil. o'nzil, o'mvil, o'njil. 6. o'ndis, o'ndris, o'mbis. o'ndis, o'nzis. o'nzis. o'mvis, o'njis. Differences. 11. DIFFERENTIAL ADVERBS, NEUTRAL, PRESENT. 1. o'ndur, o'ndrur,* o'mbur. o'ndm'. o'nzur. o'nzur. o'mvm-, o'njur. 2. o'ndou. o'ndrou, o'mbou. o'ndou. o'nzou. o'nzou. o'mvo u, o'njou, 3. o'ndi. o'ndri, o'mbi, o'ndi, o'nzi, o'nzi, o'mvi, o'lyi, 4. o'ndun. o'ndi-un, o'mbun. o'ndun. o'nzun, o'nzun, o'mvun, o'njun. 5. o'ndul, o'udrul. o'mbul, o'udul, o'nzul, o'nzul. o'mvul, o'njul. 6. o'ndus, o'ndrus, o'mbus. o'ndus. o'nzus. on'zus. o'mvus. o'njus, * If two rez come together, the first is sounded like le. INTRODUCTION. 27 III. DIFFERENTIAL VERBS, NEUTRAL, PRESENT. 1. o'ntoo, o'ntroo, o'mpoo, o'ntoo, o'nsoo, o'nsoo. o'mfoo, o'ncoo, 2. o'ntoi, o'ntrol, o'mpoi. o'ntoi, o'nsoi. o'nsoi, o'mfoi, o'ncoi, 3. o'nto, o'ntro, o'mpfj, o'nto, o'nso. o'nso, o'mfo. o'nco, 4. o'ntin, o'utrin, o'nipin, o'ntin, o'nsin. o'nsin. o'mfin. o'ncin. 5. o'ntll, o'ntrll, o'mpil. o'ntil, o'nsil, o'nsil. o'mfil. o'noil, 6. o'ntis, o'ntris, o'mpis, o'ntis, o'nsis. o'nsis, o'mfis, o'ncis, IV. DIFFERENTIAL ADJECTIVES, NEUTRAL, PRESENT. 1. o'utur, o'ntrur, o'mpur, o'ntur. o'nsur, o'nsur. o'mfur, o'ncur, 2. o'ntou, o'utrou, o'mpou, o'ntou, o'nsou. o'nsou. o'mfou. o'ncou. 3. o'nti, o'ntri, o'mpi, o'nti, o'nsi. o'nsi, o'mfi, o'nci. 4. o'nta, o'ntra, o'mpa, o'nta, o'nsa. o'nsa. o'mfa. o'nca, 5. o'ntul, o'ntrul, o'mpul, o'ntul, o'nsul. o'nsul, o'niful, o'ncul, 6. o'utus, o'ntrus, o'mpus. o'ntus, o'nsus. o'nsus. o'mfus, o'ncus. Observe. — The third table, at page 25, consists of generic verbs neutral. Now except the above tables, of the neutral present tense, all the Verbs of the language are formed from the table of Verbs at page 25 ;— we say all the Assertive Verbs of the language, whether neutral, active, or passive, whether indefinite, conclusive, or progressive, according to the followmg table. VERBS DIFFERENTIAL. Generic Verbs. Neutral. Active. Passive. Differential Pres. Past. Fut. Pres. Past. Fut. Pres. Past. Fuf. Verbs. 1. O'nti- -* -pil, -pin. -po, -pel, -pen. -poo. -pool. -poon. No. 1. 2. I'nsi- -* -fil, -fin. -fo, -fel, -fen. -foo. -fool, -foon. No. 2. 3. Uncl- -* -til, -tin. -to, -tel, -ten. -too. -tool. -toon. No. 3. 4. O'mfi- -* -nil, -nin. -no, -nel, -nen. -noo. -nool. -noon. No. 4. 5. O'nti- -* -lil, -lin. -lo, -lei, -len. -loo, -lool. -loon. No. 5. 6. O'mpi- -* -sil, -sin. -so, -sel, -sen. -soo, -sool, -soon. No. 6. Observations on the above Table- First. The six Differences are distinguished from each other by the following consonants : pe, fe_, te, ne, fe,t and se ; so that, throughout the language, pe, denotes the first difference ; fe, the second ; te, the third ; rie, the fourtli ; le, the fifth ; and se, the sixth. Fix this, beyond doubt or hesitation, in the memory. Second. The above letters, ^jp, fe, tr, ne, le, and se, are always found in words of three syllables, and always in the last. Third. The only dissyllabic tabulars (i. e. such as are to be found in the tables) are neutral present verbs, substantives, adjectives, or adverbs. * The asterisk denotes the absence of the terminations of the Present tense, which are to be found in the immediately preceding Table, III. t We here except a class of words, called Causals and Co^nparalives. See pages 56 to 60 inclusive. 28 INTRODUCTION. VEEBS SPECIAL. Boots of Neutral, Active. Passive. Differences of Special Verbs. Pres. Past. Put. Pres. Past. Put. Pres. Past. Fut. Special Verbs. 1. Po'nti- -* -pil, -pin. -po, -pel, -pen. -poo, -pool, -poon. No. \. 2. Pi'nsi- -* -fil, -fin. -fo, -fel, -fen. -foo, -fool, -foon. No. 2. 3. Pu'nci- -* -til. -tin. -1(2, -tel, -ten. -too, -tool, -toon. No. 3. 4. Po'mfi- -* -nil. -nin. -no, -nel, -nen. -noo, -nool, -noon. No. 4. 5. Po'nti- -* -kil. -km. -ko, -kel, -ken. -koo, -kool, -koon. No. 5. 6. Po'mpi- -* -sil. -sin. -so, -sel, -sen. -soo, -sool, -soon. No. 6. VERBS CAUSAL. Differential and Special.* Generic Neutro-active. Actlvo-active. Passivo-active. Differences Verbs. Pres. Past. Put. Pres. Past. Fut. Pres. Past. Fut. 1. Onti - -post, -polt, -pont. -past, -palt, -pant. -pest, -pelt, -pent , No. 1. 2. I'nsi - -fost, -folt. -font. -fast, -fait, -fant. -fest, -felt, -fent No. 2. 3. U'nci- -tost, -tolt. -tont. -tast, -talt, -tant. -test, -telt, -tent No. 3. 4. O'mfi- r -nost, -nolt, l -most,| -mot, -nont. -mont. -nast,' -nalt, -uant. -mast, -mat, -mant. -nest, -nelt, -nent. -» -mest, -met, -ment J No. 4. 5. O'nti - -bost, -bolt. -bont. -bast, -bait, -bant. -best, -belt, -bent . No. 5. (3. O'mpi- -gost, -golt. -gont. -gast, -gait, -gant. -gest, -gelt, -gent No. 6. VERBS COMPARATIVE :— NEUTRAL. Differential and Special. Differences. No. L No. 2. No. S. No. 4. No. .5. No. 6. Observe. — The differential consonants, ^e, fe, te, and se, are liable to be exchanged for ve, accord- ing to the following Rule 1. — Whenever two pez, fez, te.z, or ses, occur in the same final syllable, the latter is trans- formed into ve. Thus, o'mpipil becomes o'mpiyil ; o'mfifil becomes o'mfiyil ; o'ntitil becomes o'ntivil ; and o'nsisil becomes o'nsivil ; and so also o'mpipin becomes o'mpivui ; o'mfifin becomes o'mfiviu ; o'ntitin becomes o'ntivin ; and o'nsisin becomes o'nsivin. Rule 2. — When two lez occur in the same final syllable, the fist of the two is transformed into re. Thus, o'mpilil is o'mpi?-il ; o'mfilil is omliril ; o'ntilil is o'ntiril ; o'nsilil is onsiril. Rule 3. — When two rez come together in the same final syllable, the frst re is changed into l<^, as «l twi pensive"p(m Wi'lyum. Here, "walked with," is denoted by one word in the Philosopliic, the Preposition being put in the final syllable of the verbs, "pe'nsivel" and pe'nsiven ;" that is, before the le and the ne. Examples: He lived in Paris: — Wai da'nsipe'Wtl Pa'ris. He fought with Sir Peter: — Wai denti-ipe'^jwl Sur Peter. They entered St. Paul's : — Ar pre'ntisc"»a(l Sunt Paidz ; i. e. went into. AVe passed through Loudon : — Aur entise"r/(!l Lu'udun. This is much more euphonic than — da'nsipel too Paris : de'ntripel poo Sur Pe'tur ; or prc'ntisel onoo Sunt Paulz. INTRODUCTION. :)! UNDERIVED ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, &c. Adverbs and Conjunctions ai-e usually denoted by monosyllables which cannot euphonically succeed one another. In such cases, the vowel i is placed betwixt the two monosyllabic words, and then they sound pleasantly. Thus kel signifies therefore, and gil, noiv. To express the words, '^now therefore," we sav, keli'gil, and not gil kel. So now, "for behold," is denoted by pooli'vi'u, and not by pool vru. So tuli'gil consists of gil, tww ; and tul, if; and the i unites them into one pleasant word, much pleasanter than sounding them as sepai'ate words, such as, gil kel, or vroo pool, or gil tul. COPULATIVES CONCLUSIVES. See page 101. Where the emphasis is upon have, use the Copulatives Possessive, as follows: Examples. 1. I have been there : — au o'm ut kro'tu. 2. I had finished it :— au o'l d'entivai"es. 3. I shaU have written the letter : — au o"n da'nsutoo fri'ndi. 4. Have I been there ? — a;«eau" ut kro'tu ? 5. Had you been assaulted? — ofea" ut te'ntmpoo? Zo"m, yes, I had. 6. To have spoken so rashly, was wrong: — To'm pa'nsutoo pra'mbunas ge'ntivi. 7. To have foinnerly been so rich, and now so poor: — Tol" ut fa'mpufas go'sukwi fra'mpufas, &c. DUPLICATES POTENTIAL. See page 113. Able. 1. I can write : — au pi'u daSisitai. 2. I couM speak : — au pU'u pa'nsitai. 3. To-morrow I can go: — ca'pil au pri'u pre'ntisai. Free. 1. I «ja_y not come: — nau Ji'u pe'ntisai. 2. I might do it: — au Jli'u pintipai"es. I 7nay hereafter do it: — au fri'u pintipai"es. Predictive. 1. I shall go to day: — au ti'u pre'ntisai ca'seo. 2. You will go to-morrow: — a tri'u pre'ntisai ca'pin. Promissive. 1. I ivill go to day : — au vrfu pre'ntisai ca'seo. 2. I will do it to-morrow : — au vri'u pre'ntisai ca'pin. Authoritative. 1. You shall obey my commands: — a vai'u gLi'su de'mpLkai ponze'toz. 2. You shall do it to- morrow: — a vrai'u pintipai"es ca'pin. Duty : — Obhgatory. 1. You ought to speak immediately : — a Mu pa'nsitai fa'ndun. 2. You ought to have spoken yesterday : — a Idiju pa'nsitai ca'pil. 3. You ought to work to morrow : — a h-hi i'nsikai ca'pin. Conditional. 1. I ivould noio go, if I could: — an di'u go'su pre'ntisai, tul au pli'u. 2. 1 would see you to- moiTOW, if I could: — au driu pompItai"as ca'pin, tul au pri'u. Necessary. 1. I must go now: — au bi'u pre'ntisai. 2. I must have gone yesterday: — au bli'u pre'ntisai ca'pil. 3. I mttst go tomorrow: — au bri'u pre'ntisai ca'pin. 32 INTRODUCTION. NUMBERS. We particularly invite attention to our mode of expressing Numbers, in words, as contrasted with any language in the world. Its simplicity brings it within the capacity of young children. It is an immense improvement upon Dr. Wilkins's scheme: — (see his work page 420). He translates the year 1666, Into — Poba'um, po'boor, po'bool, pob'oo. Our translation is— Au'peo veva'vin. Lastly : — We are compelled to finish this tliird part for want of space, and therefore only invite attention to the column of Nouns, beginning with po'ndo, truth. We shall give at one view, the whole of this table, with its Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs, all neutral ; i. e. neither active nor passive. And, as our last act, shall give another table of actives and passives. Substantives. Po'ndo, truth. Pro'ndo, falsity Fo'ndo, goodness. Fro'ndo, badness. To'ndo, posltiveness. Tro'ndo, privatlveness. Ko'ndo, genuineness. Kro'ndo, spurlousness. Bo'ndo, actualuess. Bro'ndo, potentialness. Vo'ndo, finlteness. Vro'ndo, infiniteness. Do'ndo, naturalness. Dro'ndo, artificialness. Go'ndo, simplicity. Gro'ndo, mixedness. To'ndo, perfection. Tro'ndo, Imperfection. TABLE- See Adjectives. Po'nti, true. Pro'ntI, false. Fo'nti, good. Fro'nti, bad. To'nti, positive. Tro'nti, privative. Ko'nti, genuine. Kro'nti, spurious. Bo'nti, actual. Bro'nti, potential. Vo'nti, finite. Vro'nti, infinite. Do'nti, natural. Dro'ntI, artificial. Go'nti, simple. Gro'nti, mixed. To'nti, perfect. Tro'nti, imperfect. NEUTRALS, page 5. Verbs. Po'nto, it is true. Pro'nto, it is false. Fo'nto, it Is good. Fro'nto, it is bad. To'nto, it is positive. Tro'nto, It is privative.* Ko'nto, it is genuine. Kro'nto, it is spurious. it is actual. it is potential. It is finite. It Is Infinite. it is natural. it Is artificial. it is simple. Gro'nto, it is mixed. To'nto, it is perfect. Tro'nto, it is imperfect. Bo'nto, Bro'nto, Vo'nto, Vro'nto Do'nto, Dro'nto Go'nto, Adverbs. Po'ndi, truly. Pro'ndi, untruly. Fo'ndi, well. Fro'ndi, ill, badly. To'ndi, positively. Tro'ndi, privatively. Ko'ndi, genuinely. Kro'ndi, spuriously. Bo'ndi, actually. Bro'ndi, potentially. Vo'ndi, finitely. Vro'ndi, infinitely. Do'ndi, naturally. Dro'ndi, artificially. Go'ndi, simply. Gro'ndi, mixedly. To'ndi, perfectly. Tro'ndi, imperfectly. Substantives. Po'nzoi, thought. Pro'nzoi, meditation. Fo'nzoi, inquisition. Fro'nzoi, discovery. To'nzoi, assent. Tro'nzol, dissent. Ko'nzoi, belief. TABLE ; See Adjectives. Po'usiifo, thinking. Pro'nsufo, meditating. Fo'nsufo, inquiring. Fro'nsufo, discovering. To'nsufo, assenting. Tro'nsufo, dissenting. Ko'nsufo, believing. —ACTIVES, page 35. Verbs. Po'nslfo, it thmks. Pro'nsifo, Fo'nsifo, Fro'nslfo, To'nsifo, Tro'usLfo, Ko'nsifo, it meditates, it enquires, it discovers. it assents. it dissents, it believes. Adverbs. Po'nzufo, thoughtfully. Pro'nzufo, meditatively. Fo'nzufo, enquiringly. Fro'nzufo, discoverlngly. To'nzufo, assenting] y. Tro'nzufo, dissentingly. Ko'nzufo, believmgly. * In a state of privation. INTRODUCTION. 33 Substantive. Kro'nzoi, disbelief. Bo'nzoi, knowledge. Bro'nzoi, doubt. Vo'nzoi, certainty. Vro'nzoi, opinion. Do'nzoi, argumentation. Dro'nzoi, conjecture. Go'nzoi, esteem. Gro'nzoi, contempt. TABLE:— ACTIVES. Continued. Adjictii'e. Kro'nsufo, Bo'nsufo, disbelieving. knowing. Bro'nsufo, doubting. Vo'usufo, certifying. Vro'nsufo, thinking so. Do'nsufo, reasoning. Dro'nsufo, conjecturing. Go'nsufo, esteeming. Gro'nsufo, despising. Verb. Kro'nsltb. disbelieves. Bo'nsifo, Bro'nsifo, Vo'nsifo, Vro'nsifii, Dro'nsifo, Go'nsifo, knows, doubts, certifies, thinks so. reasons. conjectures. esteems. Gro'nsifo, despises. Adverb. Kro'nzufo, disbelievinglj. Bo'nzufo, knowingly. Bro'nziifo, doubtingly. Vo'nzufo, assuringlj. Vro'nziifo, like one wlio has an opinion. Do'nzufo, argumentatively. Dro'iizufo, conjecturingly. Goiizufo, esteemingly, re- spectfully. Gro'nzufo, contemptuously. Substantives. Pe'ndipoo, the being put. Pre'ndipoo, the being altered. Fe'ndipoo, the being appropriated Fre'ndipoo, the being alienated. Te'ndipoo, the being claimed. Tre'ndipoo, the being abdicated. Ke'ndipoo, the being taken. Krendipoo, the being left. Be'ndipoo, the being had. Bre'ndipoo, the being wanted. Ve'ndipoo, the being held. Vre'udipoo, the being let go. De'udipoo, the being sought. Dre'ndipoo, the being found. Ge'ndipoo, the being shewn. Te'ndipoo, the being manifested TABLE— PASSIVES. See page 7. Adjectives. Pe'ntupoo, put. Pi'e'ntupoo, altered. Fe'ntupoo, appropriated Fre'ntupoo, alienated. Te'ntupoo, claimed. Tre'ntupoo, abdicated. Ke'ntupoo, taken. Kre'ntupoo, left. Be'ntupoo, had. Bre'ntupoo, wanted. Ve'ntupoo, held. Vre'ntupoo, let go. De'ntupoOj sought. Dre'ntupoo, found. Ge'ntupoo, shewn. Te'ntupoo, manifest. Verbs. Pe'ntipoo, it is put. Pre'ntipoo, it is altered. Fe'ntipoo, it is appropriated. Fre'ntlpoo, it is alienated. Te'ntipoo, it is claimed. Tr'entipoo, it is abdicated. Ke'ntipoo, it is taken. Kre'utipoo, It is left. Be'ntipoo, it is had. Bre'ntlpoo, it is wanted. Ve'ntipoo, it is held. Vre'ntipoo, it is let go. De'ntipoo, it is souglit. Dre'ntipoo, it is found. Ge'ntipoo, it is shewn. Te'ntipoo, it is manifest. Adverbs. Pe'ndupoo, Pre'ndupoo, Fe'ndupoo, Fre'ndupoo Te'ndupoo, Tre'ndupoo, Ke'ndupoo, Kre'ndupoo, Be'ndupoo, Bre'ndupoo, Ve'ndupoo, Vre'ndupoo, De'ndupoo, Dre'ndupoo, Ge'ndupoo, Te'ndupno, FURTHER EXAMPLES OF NEUTRALS, ACTIVES, AND PASSIVES. Neutrals. Po'nto, it is true. Fro'nto, it is bad. Au po'nsifo, I think. Au poi'nsifo, I have thought. Au po'nsifo, I am thinking. Au fro'nsitoo, I am discovered. Prai'ntipoo, it has been altered. Pra'ntipoo, it is being altered. 19 Po'ntlviii, It will he true. Fro'ntivin, it will be bad. Ar po'nsifen, they will think. Au pol'nsifen, I shall have thought. Au po'nsifen, I shall be thinking. a o o o I 9? Po'ntlvil, it was true. Fro'ntivil, it was bad. Actives. A po'nsifel, you thought. Au poi'nsifel, I had thought. Au po'nsifel, I was thinking. Passives, Au fro'nsitool, I was discovered. Fro'nsitoon, I shall be discovered Prai'ntipool, it had been altered. Praintipoon; It will have been altered. Pra'ntipool. it was being altered. Pra'utlpoon, it will be being altereJ. 34 ' INTRODUCTION. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Slau'tu or slo'tu; Sla'tu or sla'tu; Slai'tu or sle'tu ; Slu'rtu; Slu'ntu; Slau'rtu; Slartu; Sla'rtu; i. e. iu what — I; thou; it; he; she; we; ye; they. 2. Twau'tu or two'tu ; Twa'tu or twa'tu; Twai'tu or twe'tu; Twu'rtu; Twu'ntu; Twau'rtu; Twa'rtu; Twa'rtu, i. e. in which — I ; thou ; it ; he ; she ; we ; ye ; they. 3. Dwau'tu or dwo'tu ; Dwa'tu or dwa'tu; Dwai'tu or dwe'tu; Dwu'rtu; Dwu'ntu; Dwau'rtu; Dwa'rtu; Dwa'rtu ; of whom I ; of whom thou ; &c. &c. 4. Kyau'su or kyo'su; Kya'su or kya'su; Kyai'au or kye'su ; Kyu'rsu; Kyu'nsu; Kya'ursu; Kya'rsn; Ka'rsu ; i. e. in which place — I ; thou ; it ; he ; she ; we ; ye ; they. 5. Gyau'su or gyo'su ; Gya'su or gya'su ; Gyai'su or gyc'su ; GWrsu; Gyu'nsu; Gyau'rsu; Gya'rsu; Gya'rsu ; i. e. when I ; when thou ; when it ; when he ; when she ; when we ; when ye ; when they. 6. Kwau; Kwa; Kwai ; Kwur; Kwu'n; Kwaur; Kwar; Kwar; i. e. how much I ; how much thou ; how much it ; how much he ; how much she ; how much we ; how much ye ; how much they. 7. How do you write? — Vyoo'tu da'nsitea? How beautiful she is!— Jyoo'tu yai vo'mpi ! What effect followed ? — Dyoo ve'ntiseleu ? How far did she walk ? — Cyoo'nu i'leait pe'nslfai ?. When will he return "? — Gyoo'su ti'iaid droope'ntisai '? Where is your friend ?— Kyoo'su i'meu ponza'tas ? Whither shall I fly? — Kyoo'nu ti'iau fe'nsipai? What kind of man do you expect? — Fyoo binze'tu i'meu dro'nsitai? What do you want? — Sloo i'mea bre'ntipai? or SI' i'mea bre'ntipai? BOOK I. THE ALPHABET, CLASSIFICATION OF RADICALS AND GEAMMAE, OF THE PHILOSOPHIC LANGUAGE. PART I. THE PHIL OSOPILIG ALPHABET. The riiilosophic as well as the English language consists of forty elementary sounds. In the latter, these forty sounds are most absurdly represented by twenty six characters; in the former, each sound has a distinct character by which, and liy which alone, it is always represented. Observe. — The attention should be chiefly directed to acquiring the true sounds of those letters which have the horizontal stroke mider them ; for the other letters arc to be sounded exactly according to their usual English Alphabetic somid. TJie Philosophic Alphabet. A, a is sotmded like a in An, at, as, apple, ant, act. A, a ... ... a in Art, ask, after, dark, lark. ^, a ... ... a in Area, pare, care, dare, stare. Ai, ai ... ... aiin Pain, rain, stain, gain, main. Au, au ... ... auiu ... Author, autocrat, laud, automaton. B, b b in Baby, bat, rob, bubble, bore, bet. C, c chin ... Church, child, cheap, lurch, teach. D, d dm Do, dead, dear, led, bed, sad. I)) d thin ... That, those, their, they, then, thee. E, e ... ... e in Let, fret, get, set, bet, wet, E, e ... ... ein Me, we, ye, be, he. F, f ... ... fin File, fee, four, five, fate. G, g g m ... Give, go, gape, gi-eat, goose. H, h ... ... h in, Horse, hound, ''arp, hand. I, i ... ... i in Pin, fin, tin, sin, win, lip. I, i ... ... i in Idle, wife, life, time, fine. - GENUS XXXV. E'NZI. GENUS XXXVI. O'NDRI. GENUS XXXVI. ONDRI Ge'nzo, stratify, gre'nzo, lard. Te'nzo, pickling, tre'nzo, conditing. The fourth difference. E'NZA, clothing. KE'NZA, tackle. The ten species under i\ Pe'nza, woollen, pre'nza, hairy. Fe'nza, leather. Tc'nza, silk. Ke'nza, linen, kre'nza, cotton. Be'nza, lace, bre'nza, purl. Ve'nza, ribband, vre'nza, scarf. De'nza, thi-ead. di'e'nza, cord. Ge'nza, thong, gre'nza, buckle. Te'nza, facing, tre'nza, lining. De'nza, net-work. The fifth difference. E'NZILZ, vessels. The nine species under it. Pe'nzi, bag, pre'nzi, case. Fe'nzi, box, fre'nzi, basket. Te'nzi, barrel, tre'nzi, tub. Ke'nzi, dish, kre'nzi, tray. Bc'nzi, pot, bre'nzi, bottle. Ve'nzi, kettle, vre'nzi, skillet. De'nzi, faucet, dre'nzi, tap. Ge'nzi, spoon, gre'nzi, scoop, Te'nzi, trencher, trenzi, cup. The sixth difference. E'NZAIZ, common mixed mate- rials. The nine species under it. Pe'nzai, hay, pre'nzai, straw. Fe'nzai, fuel. Te'nzai, candle, tre'nzai, lamp, twe'nzai, gas-light. Ke'nzai, salve, kre'nzai, plaister. Be'nzai, soap, bre'nzai, starch. Ve'nzai, pen, vre'nzai, ink. De'nzai, paper, dre'nzai, book. Ge'nzai, picture, gr'cnzai, image. Te'nzai, looking glass, mirror. ONDRI XXXVI Civil Relation. O'MBRI, Anarchy. The six differences under this Genus. The first difference. O'NDKOOZ, degrees, O'MBROO, parity, equality. The nine species under it. Po'ndroo, magistrate, po'mbroo, subject. Fo'ndi'oo, king, fo'mbroo, prince. To'ndroo, lord, to'mbroo, gentleman. Ko'ndroQ, graduate, ko'rabroo, candidate. Bo'ndroo, people. Vo'ndroo, citizen, vo'mbroo, yeoman. Do'ndroo, rabble. Go'ndroo, villain, go'mbroo, beggar. To'ndroo, freeman, to'mbroo, slave. O'NDKOOZ, degrees. O'MBROO, parity O'NDKOI, profession. O'MBROI, practice O'NDRO, convention. O'MBRO, society. O'NDRAZ, rights and liberties. O'NDRIL, contract. \ O'MBRIL, exchange. J ON'DRAI, obhgation. O'MBRAI, paction. 42 ees. "> on. ■> ' } } The second difference. O'NDROI, profession. O'MBROI, practice. The nine species under it. Po'ndroi, divine, po'mbroi, philosopher. Fo'ndroi, lawyer, fo'mbroi, civil lawyer, flo'ndroi, common lawyer. To'ndroi, physician, to'mbroi, surgeon. Ko'ndroi, philologer, ko'mbroi, poet. Bo'ndroi, merchant, bo'mbroi, mechanic, Vo'ndroi, husbandman, vo'mbroi, herdsman. Do'ndroi, huntsman. Go'ndi-oi, mariner, go'mbroi, carrier. To'ndroi, player, to'mbroi, prestigiator. OENUS XXXVI. O'NDRI. GENUS XXXVII. A'NDEI. GENUS XXXVIL A'NDItf. T The third difference. O'NDRO, convention. O'MBRO, society. The eight s;pecies under it. Po'ndro, nation, po'mbro, colony. Fo'ndro, country, fo'nibro, town. To'nclr(2, province, to'mbi'o, city. Ko'ndrij, shire, ko'mbro, parish. Bo'ndro, court, bo'mbro, council. Vo'ndro, university, vo'mbro, school. Do'ndro, corporation, do'mbro, college. Go'ndro, league, go'mbro, faction. The fourth difference. O'NDRAZ, rights and liberties. The nine species under it. Po'ndi-a, nature, po'mbra, custom. Fo'ndra, election, fo'mbra, succession. To'ndra, law, to'mbra, edict. Ko'ndi-a, patent, ko'mbra, commission. Bo'ndra, proprietary, bo'mbra, usus-fructus. Vo'ndi-a, authority, vo'mbra, office. Do'ndra, prerogative, do'mbra, privilege. Go'ndi-a, dispensation, go'mbra, licence. To'ndra, toleration, to'mbra, immimity. The nine species under it. Po'ndi-i, assigning, po'mbri, depositing. Fo'ndri, bequeathing, fo'mbri, inheriting. To'ndri, selling, to'mbri, buying. Ko'ndri, lending, ko'mbri, borrowing. Bo'ndri, demising, bo'mbri, hireing. Vo'ndri, earning, vo'mbri, wages. Do'ndii, price, do'mbri, earnest. Go'ndri, bargain, go'mbri, seisin, To'ndri, tribute, to'mbri, tax. The sixth difference. O'NDRAI, obligation. O'MBRAI, paction. The eight species under it. Po'ndi-ai, bespeaking, po'mbrai, treating. Fo'ndrai, bid, fo'nibrai, demand. To'ndrai, promise, to'mbrai, protestation. Ko'ndi-ai, swearing, ko'mbral, imprecation. Bo'ndrai, signing, bo'mbrai, sealing. Vo'ndrai, sponsion, vo'mbrai, intercession. Do'ndrai, pawn, do'mbrai, mortgage. Go'ndi'ai, wager, go'mbrai, bet. The jifth difference. O'NDRIL, contract. U'MBRIL, exchaiige. A'NDBL XXXVIL The six differences under this Genus. A'NDROOZ, persons. 43 } A'NDROIZ, proceedings. A'MBROI, suit. A'NDROZ, offences generally. ") A'MBROZ, capital offences. j A'NDRAZ, offences not capital A'NDRILZ, punishments, (cap ital.) A'MBRIL, forfeitm-e. A'NDRAIZ, punislmients not cap ital. The first difference. A'NDROOZ, persons. The seven species under it. Pa'ndroo, judge, pa'mbroo, assessor. Fa'ndroo, arbitrator, fa'mbroo, mediator. Ta'ndroo, accuser, ta'mbroo, prisoner. Ka'ndroo, plaintiff, ka'mbroo, defendant. Ba'ndroo, notary, ba'mbroo, crier. Va'ndroo, catcli-pole, va'mbroo, marshal. Da'ndroo, advocate, da'mbroo, witness. The second difference. A'NDROIZ, proceedings. A'MBOI, suit. The nine spiex^ies under it. Pa'ndroi, citation, pa'mbroi, arrest. Fa'ndroi, bail, fa'nibroi, appearance. Ta'ndroi, action, ta'mbroi, plea. Ka'ndi-oi, cognizance, ka'mbroi, examination. Ba'ndroi, joining issue, ba'mbrol, sentencing, Va'ndroi, innocent, va'mbroi, guilty. <}ENUS XXXVII. A'NDRI. GENUS XXXVIL A'NDRL GENUS XXXVIIL E'NDRL Da'ndroi, acqiiitting, da'mbroi, coudemning. Ga'ndroi, protesting, ga'mbroi, appealing. Ta'ndroi, executing, ta'mbroi, pardoning. Ta'ndra, reviling, ta'mbra, mocking. The third difference. A'NDROZ offences generally. A'MBROZ, capital offences. Tlie eight species under it. Pa'ndro, witchcraft, pa'mbro, wizarding. Fa'ndro, treason, fa'mbnj, conspiracy. Ta'ndro, rebellion, ta'mbro. sedition. Ka'ndro, felony. Ba'ndi'o, murder. Va'ndro, beastiality, va'mbro, sodomy. Da'ndro, robbery, da'mbro, theft. Ga'ndro, house burning, ga'mbro, burglary. The fourth difference. A'NDRAZ, offences not capital. The nine species under it. Pa'ndi-a, injury, pa'mbra, affront. Fa'ndra, fornication, fa'mbra, adultery. Ta'ndra, usurpation, ta'mbra, detention. Ka'ndra, fi-aud, ka'mbra, forgery. Ba'ndra, oppression, ba'mbra, extortion. Va'ndra, bribery, va'mbra, subornation. Da'ndra, calumny, dam'br , backbiting. Ga'ndra, reproaching, ga'mbra, upbraiding. The fifth difference. A'NDRILZ, capital punishments. A'MBRIL, forfeiture. The nine S2)ecies under it. Pa'ndri, beheading, pa'mbri, quartering. Fa'ndi-i, stoning, fa'mbri, shooting. Ta'ndrl, pressing, ta'mbri, precipitating. Ka'ndi-i, stabbing, ka'mbri, impaling. Ba'ndri, starving, ba'mbri, poisoning. Va'ndrl, stifling, va'mbri, burying alive. Ga'ndrl, drowning, ga'mbrl, burning alive. Da'ndri, hanging, da'mbri, strangling. Ta'ndrl, crucifying, ta'mbri, breaking on the wheel. Ihe sixth difference. A'NDRAIZ, punlslnnents not cap- ital. The eight species under it. Pa'ndrai, torture. Fa'ndrai, whipping, fa'mbrai, cudgellmg. Ta'ndrai, rack, ta'mbrai, strappado. Ka'ndi-ai, imprisonment, ka'mbral, bunds. Ba'ndral, exile, ba'mbral, relegation, transportation. Va'ndrai, Infamation, va'mbrai, stigmatizatlon. Da'ndi-al, mulct, da'mbral, confiscation. Ga'ndrai, degrading, ga'mbrai, incapacitating. 44 E'NDRL XXXVIIL The six differences under this Genus. E'NDEOOZ, actions. E'NDROIZ, events. E'NDROZ, persons segregate, i ^ E'NDRAZ, ditto aggregate. J E'NDRIL, ammunition. E'MBRIL, baggage. E'NDRAIZ, military places. " E'MBRAI, sepiment. \ } The first difference. E'NDROOZ, military actions. The nine species under it. Pe'ndroo, offending, pe'mbroo, defending. Fe'ndroo, provoking, fe'mbroo, defying. Te'ndroo, assaulting, te'mbroo, resisting. Ke'ndroo, beseiging, ke'mbroo, relieving. Be'ndroo, mining, be'mbroo, countermining. Ve'ndi'oo, storming, ve'mbroo, sallying. De'ndi-oo, fighting, de'mbroo, duelling. Ge'ndroo, skirmishing, ge'mbroo, battling. Te'ndroo, stratagem, te'mbroo, ambush. The second difference. E'NDROIZ, military events. The eight species under it. Pe'ndroi, coming off upon equal terms pe'mbroi, victor, ple'mbroi, overthrown. Fe'ndi-oi, stand his ground, fe'mbrol, advance, fle'mbrol, retire. GENUS XXXVIII. E'NDRL GENUS XXXVIIL E'NDRL GENUS XXXIX. TNDRL Te'ndroi, keep the field, te'mbroi, piu'sue, twe'ndroi, fly. Ke'udroi, hold out, ke'mbroi, take, kle'ndroi, lose. Be'ndroi, save ones own. be'inbroi, booty, ble'ndroi, spoil. Ve'ndroi, escape, ve'mbroi, captivity, vle'ndroi, yield. De'ndroi, save, de'mbroi, conquer, dwe'ndroi, submit. Ge'ndroi, triumph, ge'mbroi, trophy. The third difference. E'NDEO, soldier. E'MBRO, commander in chief. LE'NDRO, general. LE'MBRO, lieutenant general. TJie nine species under it. Pe'ndro, footman, pe'mbro, horseman. Fe'ndro, ensign, fe'mbr(2, comet. Te'ndro, drummer, te'mbro, trumpeter. Ke'ndro, sergeant, ke'mbro, adjutant. Be'udro, scout, be'mbro, spy. Ve'ndro, guard, ve'mbro, watch. De'ndro, sentinel, de'mbro, perdue. Ge'ndro, pioneer, ge'mbro, calo. Te'ndro, champion, te'mbnj, duellist. Tlie fourth difference. E'NDRAZ, military persons ag- gregate. The Pe'ndra, Fe'ndra, fe'mbra, Te'ndra, te'mbra, Ke'ndra, kc'mbra, Bc'udra, vancourier, be'mbra, Ve'ndra, ve'mbra, De'ndra, seven species under it. army. brigade, regiment. company, squadron. rank, file. reserve. forlorn hope, commanded party. train. The fifth difference. E'NDRIL, ammunition. E'MBRIL, baggage. The nine species under it. Pe'ndri, weapon, pe'mbri, armour. Fe'ndri, club, fe'mbri, sword. Te'ndri, pike, tc'mbri, halbert. Ke'ndri, bow, ke'mbri, cross bow. Be'ndri, dart, be'mbri, aiTow. Ve'ndri, gini, ve'mbri, ordnance. De'ndri, match, de'mbri, powder. nc'ndri, bullet, ge'mbri, granado. Te'ndri, buckler. The sixth difference. E'NDRAIZ, military places. E'MBRAI, sepiment. The nine sjiecies under it. Pe'ndrai, camp, pe'rabrai, garrison. Fe'ndrai, sconce, f^'mbrai, block-house. 45 Te'ndrai, te'mbrai, rampart, ditch. Ke'ndrai ke'mbrai Be'ndrai, be'mbrai. vaumure, lining. half-moon, horn-work. Vc'ndrai, ve'mbrai, redoubt, flanker. De'ndrai, de'mbrai, pallisado, funiace-hole. Ge'ndrai ge'mbrai Te'ndrai, te'mbrai. turnpike, portcullis. parapet, gabion. TNDRI XXXIX. The six differences under this Genus. I'NDROOZ, kinds of vessels. I'NDROI, hull. I'NDROZ, parts for progressive motion or staying. I'NDRA, rigging. I'NDRILZ, naval persons. I'NDRAIZ, naval actions. Tlie first difference. I'NDROOZ, kinds of vessels. The nine species under it. Pi'ndroo, boat, pi'mbroo, barge. Fi'ndroo, ship, (sails, not steam.) Ti'ndroo, galley. Ki'ndroo, carrack, (for burden.) Bi'udroo, merchantman, (fortraflic.) Vi'ndroo,man of war, (forfightlng.) Di'ndroo, packet, (for passage.) Steam, nnth sails. Gi'ndroo, steam vessel, gi'mbroo, steam ship, gw'indroo, steam boat. Steam, im'thout sails. Ti'ndroo, steam vessel, ti'mbroo, steam ship, (wi'ndroo, steam boat. GENUS XXXIX. I'NDRL GENUS XXXIX. TNDRI GENUS XL. UNDRL The second difference. I'NDROI, hull. The nine species under it. Pi'ndroi, keel, pi'mbroi, rung. Fi'ndroi, stem, fi'mbroi, stern. Ti'ndroi, capstain, ti'nibroi, rudder. Ki'ndroi, forcastle, ki'mbroi, round-house. Bi'ndroi, waist, bi'mbroi, half-deck. Vi'ndroi, hatch, vi'mbroi, scuttle. Di'ndroi, port-hole, di'mbroi, scupper. Gi'ndroi, seam, gi'mbroi, spurket. Ti'ndroi, rake of post, timbroi, rake of stem. The fourth difference. I'NDRA, rigging. The eight species under it. Pi'ndra, shroud, pi'rabra, sta}'. Fi'ndra, ratling. Ti'ndra, parrel, ti'mbra, jear. Ki'ndra, brace, ki'mbra, lift. Bi'ndra, robin, bi'mbra, sheet. Vi'ndra, brale, vi'mbra, bmitline. Gi'ndraz, tacks, gi'mbra, bowline. Ti'ndra, cable, ti'mbra, hawser. The third difference. TNDEOZ, parts for progressive motion or staying. Tlie nine species under it. Pi'ndi'o, mast, pi'mbro, top. Fi'ndro, yard, fi'mbrc;), boom. Ti'ndro, oar, ti'mbrii, pole. Ki'ndro, bowsprit, ki'mbro, fore-mast. Bi'ndro, main-mast, bi'mbnj, inizzen-mast. Vi'ndrij, sail, vi'mbro, bonnet. Di'ndi-o, flag, di'rabro, ancient. Gi'ndi-o, streamer, gi'mbro, jack. Ti'ndro, anchor, ti'mbro, grapple. The fifth difference. I'NDEILZ, naval persons. Tlie nine species under it. PI'ndri, lord high admiral, pi'mbri, admiral of the fleet, pli'ndri, vice-admiral, pi'lbri, rear admiral. Fi'ndri, captain, fi'mbri, lieutenant. Ti'ndri, quarter-master, ti'mbri, corjjoral. Ki'ndi-i, gmmer. Bi'ndrl, master, bi'mbri, pilot. Vi'ndri, cape-merchant, vi'mbri, purser. D'indri, boatswain, di'mbri, cockswain. Gi'ndri, swabber. Ti'ndriz, sailors, ti'mbriz, yonkers. Di'ndriz, marines. The sixth difference. I'NDRAIZ, naval actions. 46 The seven species under it. Pi'ndrai, calking, pi'mbrai, parsling. Fi'ndrai, brooming, fi'mbrai, graving. Tl'ndrai, sheathing, ti'mbrai, furring. Ki'ndrai, careening, ki'mbrai, trimming. Bi'ndrai, riding at anchor, bi'mbrai, hulling. Vi'ndrai, keeping-a-wind, vi'mbrai, griping, vli'ndrai, falling to the leeward. Di'ndrai, heeling, di'mbrai, rolling. U'NDRL XL. The six differences under this Genus. U'NDROO, religion. -» U'MBROO, atheism, j U'NDROIZ, ecclesiastical per- sons. } „} U'MBROI, laity. U'NDROZ, persons according to their religous states. U'NDRA, worship. U'MBRA, superstition. LU'NDRA, profaneness. U'NDRIL, ecclesiastical discipline. U'NDRAIZ, mstitutions. The first difference. U'NDROO, religion. U'MBROO, atheism. The five species under it. Pu'ndi'oo, Natural religion. Fu'ndroo, Paganism. Tu'ndroo, Judaism. Ku'ndroo, Christianity. Bu'ndx-oo, Moha'mmedaulsm. GENUS XL. U'NDRI. GENUS XL. UNDRL GENUS XL. UNDRL The second difference. U'NDROIZ, ecclesiastical persons. U'MBROI, laity. The seven species under it. Pu'ndroi, patriarch, (Jewish,) pu'mbroi, prophet. Fu'ndi'oi, priest, fu'rabroi, levite. Tu'ndroi, apostle, tu'mbroi, evangelist. Ku'ndroi, pope, ku'mbroi, cardinal. Bu'ndroi, patriarch, (of Constanti- nople, &c.) Vu'ndroi, primate, vu'mbroi, bishop. Du'ndroi, presbyter, du'mbroi, deacon. Gn'ndroi, regular, gu'mbroi, penitent. Tu'ndroi, monk or mm, tu'mbroi, hermit. The third difference. U'NDROZ, persons according to their religious states. Tlie six sjjecies under it. Pu'ndro, orthodox, pu'mbro, heretic. Fu'ndi'o, catholic, fu'mbro, schismatic. Tu'ndro, confessor. Ku'ndro, martyr, ku'mbru, persecutor. Bu'ndro, saint, bu'mbro, scandalous person. Vu'ndroj convert, vu'mbro, apostate. The fourth difference. U'NDRA, worship. U'MBRA, superstition. LU'NDRA, profaneness. The nine sjiecies under it. Pu'ndra, prayer, pu'mbra, vow. Fu'udra, confession, fu'mbra, petition. Tu'ndi-a, thanksgiving, tu'mbra, psalm. Ku'ndra, preaching, ku'mbra, catechising. Bu'ndra, festivity, bu'mbra, fasting. Vu'ndra, marriage, vu'mbra, divorce. Du'ndi-a, churchmg. Gu'ndra, confirmation. Tu'ndra, burial, tu'mbra, burial in the earth, twu'ndra, entombing, twu'mbra, embahuing. Tlie Jlftk difference. U'NDRIL, ecclesiastical discipline. The five species under it. Pu'ndri, consecration, pu'mbri, profanation. Fu'ndri, ordination, fu'mbri, deprivation. Tu'ndri, censure. Ku'ndri, suspension. Bu'ndri, excommimlcation, bu'mbri, absolution. Tlie sixth difference. U'NDRAIZ, institutions. The six species under it. Pu'ndrai, scriptm'c, pu'mbrai, tradition. Fu'udi'ai, oblation. Tu'ndrai, sacrifice, tu'mbrai, incense. Ku'ndrai, sacrament. Bu'ndrai, circumcision, bu'mbrai, passover. Vu'ndi-ai, baptism, vu'mbrai, eucharist. 47 GRAMMAR. Part two, commencing at page 3 and ending at page 47, esliibits all the Elementary Substantives* of the Philosophic Language, whether generic, differential, or special. These are the Roots from which all the other parts of speech spring. Now there are forti/ generic nouns at page 4, namely, I. O'NDI, II. A'NDI, &c. Each of these forty words, is subject to variation in its form, to express number, gender, case, and many other accidents of words ; and the student will now, once for all observe, that every one of the forty Genera is subject to the same law of vicissitude as every other; so that if he carefully considers the model of the first genus, O'NDI, he may, with ease, apply the law to every other genus. The small figures which rise above the text, ( such as "and'," " now'," &c, ) refer always to the sec- tional numbers between brackets. See below : [ § 1 ] [ § 2 ]. PART III. GENERIC FORMS. We now propose, to conjugate the first generic noun, O'NDI: that is, to exhibit the changes of termination to which this word is subject, informing from it, adverbs, verbs, and adjectives; and in express- ing tense, nmnber, gender, &c., &c. CHAPTER I. THE GENERIC FORMS. ABSOLUTE. DEPENDENT. Genus I.— O'NDI. Genus I.— O'NDIKI. [§1] The Four Parts of Speech : — [§2] The Four Parts of Speech : — Noun , Adverb, Verb, Adjective. Noun. Adverb. l^erb. Adjective. O'ndi O'n Present, du. O'nti, ( Future. 3'ntu. O'ndiki, O'ndi Present, iki, 'ntiki, Future. ntuki. Past, Past, Noun, o'ndi. o'ndikil. o'ndikin. Noun, o'ndiki. o'ndikil, o'ndikin. Adverb, Verb, o'ndu, o'nti. o'ndukil, o'ntikil. o'ndukin. o'ntikin. > Neutral. Adverb, Verb, _ o'nduki, o'ntiki. o'ndukil, o'ntikil, o'ndukin, o'ntikin, ■ Neutral. Adjective. o'ntu, o'ntukil. o'ntukin.| Adjective. o'ntidii, o'ntukil. o'ntukin, ^ Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Noun, o'ndiko o'ndikel. o'ndiken, Noun, o'ndikai, o'ndikail, o'ndikain. Adverb, T erb. o'nduko, o'ntiko. o'ndukel, o'ntikel. o'nduken, o'ntiken, ■ Active. Adverb, Verb, o'ndukai, o'ntikai. o'ndukail o'ntikai], o'ndukain, o'ntikain. ■ Active. Adjective. o'ntuko. o'ntukel. o'ntuken. Adjective. o'ntukai, o'ntulcaii, o'ntukain. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. No'un, o'ndikoo, o'ndikool, o'ndikoon. Noun, o'ndikoi, o'ndikoil, o'ndikoin, Adverb, Verb, _ o'ndukoo, o'ntikoo. o'ndukool o'ntikool, , o'ndukoon, o'ntikoon, ■ Passive. Adverb, Verb, ^ o'ndukoi, o'ntikoi. o'ndukoii o'ntikoil, o'ndukoin, o'ntikoin. ■ Passive. Adjective. o'ntukoo. o'ntukool. o'ntukoon. Adjective. o'ntukoi. o'ntukoil, o'ntukoin. * See Note A. 48 CHAPTER 11. GENERIC FORMS.— COMPARA TIVE .■—Neutral ABSOLUTE. Genus I.— O'NDI. [ § 3 ] Comparatives of Equality : — Noun, Adverb, Verb, Adjective. [§5] Noun, Adverb, Verb, Adjective. Present, o'udika, o'nduiva, o'utika, o'ntuka, Past, o'ndikal, o'ndakal, o'utikal, o'ntukal, Comparatives of Equality ; Present, o'ndikas, o'ndukas, outikas, o'ntukas, Past, ondika'lis, onduka'lis, ontlka'lis, outuka'lis, As, &c. Future. o'lidikan, o'udukan, o'ntikau, o'utid?an. — So, &c. Future. ondika'nis, ouduka'nis, ontika'uis, ontuka'nis. [ § 7 ] Comparatives of Superiority : — More, (fee. Present, Noun, o'ndikou, Adverb, o'ndukou, Vei'b, o'ntikou, Adjective, o'ntukou, Past, o'ndikoul, ondukoul, o'ntikoul, o'ntukoul, Future. o'ndikoun, o'udukouu, o'litikoun, o'utukoim. [ § 9 ] Comparatives of Superiority :- Noun, Adverb, Verb, Adjective. Present, o'ndlkous, o'ndukous, o'ntikous, o'ntukous, Past, ondikou'lls, oudukou'lis, oiitikou'lis, outukou'lis, -Most, &c. Future. ondikou'nis, oudukou'uis, ontikou'nis, outukou'uis. [§11] Noun, Adverb, Verb, Adjective. Comparatives of Inferiority : — Less, More, &c. Adjective. o'ntupou, o'ntupoiil, o'ntupoim, o'ntuprou, o'utuproiil, o'ntuprouu, Ver-b, o'ntipous, ontipou'lis, ontipou'nis, o'ntiprous, ontiprou'lis, ontiprou'nis, >Most, &c. Adjective. o'ntupous, ontupou'lis, ontupou'nls, o'ntuprous, ontuprou'lis, ontuprou'nis. [§51] Comparatives of Inferiority . Pi-esent, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ o'utipau, o'ntipaul, o'ntipaun, o'ntiprau, o'utipraul, o'ntipraun, >Less, &c. Adjective. o'utupau, o'ntupaul, o'ntupaim, o'ntuprau, o'ntupraul, o'ntupraim. V>'rb, o'ntipaus, ontipau'lis, ontipau'nls, o'ntipraus, ontiprau'lis, ontlprau'uis, > Least, &c. Adjective. o'ntupaiis, ontupaulis, ontupau'uis, o'litupraus, ontuprau'lis, ontuprau'uis. SECOND DIFFERENCE* ABSOLUTE. DEPENDENT. [§52] Corapai'ativc s of Equality. Present, Past, Future. PreseiU, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'ntifa, o'ntufa, o'ntifal, o'ntufal, o'ntifan, o'ntufan, o'ntifra, o'utufra, o'ntifral, o'ntufral, o'ntifran, o'ntufi-an. >As, &c. Verb, o'ntifas, ontifa'lis, o'ntifa'nis, o'ntifras, ontifra'lis, ontifra'nis, \So, &c. Adjective. o'ntufas, ontuta'lis, ontufa'uis, o'ntufras, ontufra'lis, ontufra'nis. [§53] Comparatii res of Superiority. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, o'ntitbu, o'ntifoiil, o'ntifoim, o'ntift-ou, o'ntift'oul, o'ntifroun, V More, &c. Adjective. o'utufou, o'ntufoul, o'ntufouu, o'ntufrou, o'ntufroul, o'utufi-oim. Verb, Adjective. o'ntifous, o'ntufous, ontifou'lis, outufou'lis, oiitifou'nis, ontufou'nis, o'ntifrous, o'ntufrous, ontifrou'lis, o'ntufrou'lis, ontifrou'nis, outufrou'nis. ^rMost, &r.. [§54] Comparative s of Inferiority. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, o'ntifau, o'ntifaul, o'ntifann, o'ntifrau, o'ntifraul, o'ntifraun, vLess, &c. Adjective. o'litufau, o'ntufaul, o'ntufaun, o'utufrau, o'ntufraul, o'ntufraun. Verb, o'ntifaus, ontlfau'Hs, ontifau'nis, o'ntifraus, ontifrau'lis, ontifrau'nis, y Least, d-c Adjective. o'ntufaiis, ontufau'lis, ontufau'nis, o'ntufraus, ontufrau'lis, ontufrau'nis. * We have here given examples of Verbs and Adjectives orily. 56 THIKD DIFFEEENCE. ABSOLUTE - DEPEXDENT. [§55 [ Comparatives of Equality. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'mplta,* o'mputa, o'lnpital, o'mputal, o'uipitan, o'mputau, o'mpitra, o'mputra, o'nipitral, o'mputral, o'mpitrau, o'mputrau. >-As, cCr. Verb, Adjective. o'mpitas, o'mputas, ompita'lis, oniputa'Iis, omplta'iiis, ouipiita'nis, o'mpitras, o'mputras, ompitra'lis, omputra'lis, ompitra'uis, omputra'nis. \So, &c. [§56] Comparatives of Superiority. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'mpitou, o'mputou, o'mpitoul, o'mputoul, o'mpitoun, o'lnputouu, o'mpitrou, o'mputrou, o'nipitroul, o'mputroul, o'rapitroun, o'mputroun. )-More, <£-c Verb, Adjective. o'mpltous, o'mputous, ompitou'lis, oiuputou'lis, ompitou'nis, omputou'uis, o'mpitrous, o'mputrous, onipitrou'lis. omputrou'lis, orapitrou'nis, omputrou'nls. ^Most, ctr. [§57] . Comparative, ? of Inferiority . Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'mpitau, o'niputau, o'mpitaiil, o'liiputaul, o'mpitaun, o'mputaun, o'mpitrau, o'mputrau, o'mpltraul, o'mputraul, o'mpitrauu, o'mputraun. VLess, dr. Verb, Adjective. o'mpitans, o'mputaus, ompitau'lis, omputau'lis, ompitau'nis, omputau'uis, o'mpitrauf?, o'mputraus, ompitrau'lis, omputrau'Iis, ompitrau'nis, omputrau'nis. y Least, &c [§58] Verb, Adjective. Verb, Adjective. [§59] Verb, Adjective. Verb, Adjective. [§60] Verb, Adjective. Verb, _ Adjective. ABSOLUTE. Present, o'utina, o'ntuua, o'ntinas, o'ntuuas, Past, o'ntinal, o'utunal, outiua'lis, ontuna'lis, Present, Fast, o'ntinou, o'ntiuoul, o'ntimou, o'ntunoul, o'ntinous, outinou'lis, o'utuuous, outunou'lis, Present, o'ntinau, o'ntimau, o'ntiuaus, o'ntunaus. Past, o'ntinaul, o'utuuaul, outiuau'Iis, outuuau'lis, FOURTH DIFFERENCE. Comparatives of Equality. Future. Present, . DEPENDENT. o'utinan, o'utiuian, ontiua'nis, outuua'nis, o'ntuiia, o'utuma, o'ntimas, o'utumas, Past, o'ntimal, o'utumal, Future. o'ntimau, o'ntmnau. ontima'lis, outima'nis, outuma'lis, outuma'nis. Comparatives of Superiority. Future. o'utiuoun, o'utimoun, outiuou'nis, o'ntuuou'nis. Future. Present, Past, o'ntlmou, o'utimoul, o'utimoun, o'utumou, o'ntumoul, o'ntumouu. o'utimous, outimou'lis, ontimou'uis, o'utumous, outmuou'lls, outumou'uis. Comparatives of Inferiority. Future. Present, Past, Future. o'ntinaim, o'ntimau, o'utimaul, o'utimaun, o'ntunaun, | o'ntimiau, o'ntumaul, o'utumauu ontluau'nis, outunau'ms, o'ntimaus, ontimau'lis, ontimau'nis, o'ntumaus, outumau'lis, ontumau'nis. \As, &c. > So, d:c. VMore, dr. \-2Iost, (ice. >Less, dr. > Least, &c. Q * See Note, page 54. 57 FIFTH DIFFEREXCE. [§61] ABSOLUTE. Present, Past, DEPENDENT. Comparatives of Equality. Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'ntiba, o'utuba, o'ntlbal, o'ntubal, o'ntiban, o'ntuban, o'ntibra, o'litlbral, o'ntubra, o'ntubral, o'ntibran, o'utubraii. \As, &c. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntibas, o'ntubas, ontiba'lis, ontuba'lis, ontiba'nis, outuba'nis, o'ntibras, ontibva'lis, o'litubras, ontubra'lls, ontibra'nis, oiitubra'nis. XSo,d:c. i:§62] Present, Past, Comparatives Future. of Superiority. Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntiboii, o'utubon, o'litibonl, o'ntuboiil, o'ntibomi, o'litiiboun, o'ntibrou, o'ntibroul, o'utubrou, o'ntubroul, o'utibroim, o'ntubroun. > More, dr. nrb, Adjective. o'ntlbous, o'ntuboiis, outibou'lii5, outubou'lis, ontiboii'nis, outubou'uis, o'litibrous, ontibrou'lis, o'litubrous, outubrou'lis, ontibrou'nis, oiitubrou'nis. > Blast, &c. [§63] Present, Past, Comparatives of Inferiority. Future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibau, o'utubau, o'ntlbaul, o'ntubaul, o'ntibaim, o'ntubaun, o'ntibrau, o'ntibranl, o'ntubrau, o'litubraul, o'ntibraun, o'utubraun. > Less, dr. Verb, Adjective. o'utlbaiis, o'utubaus, ontlbau'lis, ontubaiiiis, ontibau'nis, ontubau'nis, ! o'ntibraus, ontibran'lls, 1 o'ntubraus, ontubraulis, ontibrau'nis, ontubrau'uis. V Least, dr. SIXTH DIFFERENCE. [§64] ABSOLUTE. Present, Past, Comparatives of Equality. Future. Present, DEPENDENT. Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntlga, o'ntuga, o'ntigal, o'utugal, o'utigan, o'litugau, o'ntigra, o'ntugra, o'ntigral, o'ntugra 1, o'ntigran, o'ntugran. Verb, Adjective. o'ntigas, o'litugas, ontiga'lis, ontuga'lis, ontiga'nis, oiituga'nis, o'ntigras, o'ntugras, ontigra'lis, ontugra'lis, ontigra'nis, ontugra'nis. [§65] Present, Past, Comparatives Future. of Superiorit} Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntigou, o'litugou, o'ntigoul, o'utiigoul, o'utigouii, o'ntugoun, o'ntigrou, o'ntugrou, o'ntigroul, o'ntugroul, o'ntigroun, o'ntugroun. Verb, Adjective. o'ntigous, o'ntugous, ontigou'lis, outugou'lis, ontigou'nis, outugou'nis, o'ntlgrous, o'litugruus, ontigi-ou'lis, outugrou'lis, ontigrou'nis, outugrou'nis [§66] Present, Past, Comparative Future. 3 of Inferlorltj Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'ntigau, o'ntiigau, o'ntigau], o'ntugaul, o'ntigaun, o'ntugaun, ! o'ntigrau,, 1 o'utugrau, o'ntigraul, o'ntugraul, o'ntigraun. o'ntugraun, Verb, Adjective. o'ntigaus, o'ntugaus, ontigau'lis, outugau'lis, ontigau'nis, oiitugau'uls, o'utigi-aus, o'ntugraus, ontigrau'lis, outugrau'lis, outlgrau'nis, ontugrau'nis > As, diC. > So, dc. > More, dc. I Most, dc. >Lcss, dc > Least, d-c. 58 CHAPTER Y. DIFFERENTIAL FORMS.— CAUSAL. The six Differences vary theii terminations not only to express comparison, as in the preceding chapter, jut also to express causation. See page 50. ABSOLUTE. FIE ST DIFFEKENCE DEPENDENT. [§67] Present, Past, p f . Neutro-active. Present, Past, Future.. Verb, _ o'ntipost, o'ntipolt. o'ntipont, Verb, _ o'ntiprost. o'ntiprot * o'ntipront, Adjective. o'utupost, o'ntupolt. o'utupout. Adjective. o'ntuprost, o'ntuprot, o'ntupront. [§68] Neuti'o-passive. Verb, o'ntipaust, o'ntipault, o'ntipaunt, . Verb. _ o'ntipraust, o'ntipraut. o'ntipraunt, Adjective. o'ntupaust, o'ntupault. o'ntupaunt. Adjective. o'ntupraust. o'ntupraut. o'ntupraunt. [§69] Present, Past, 7-, , Activo-activc. r uture. Present, Past, Future. Vfrb, o'ntipast, o'ntipalt, o'ntipant. Verb, o'ntiprast, o'ntitprat, o'ntipraut, Adjective. o'ntupast, o'ntupalt, o'ntupant. Adjective. o'ntuprast. o'utuprat. o'ntupraut. [§70] Activo-passive. Verb, o'ntipast, o'ntipalt, o'ntipant. Verb, _ ^ o'ntiprast. o'ntiprat, o'ntipraut, Adjective. o'ntupast, o'ntupalt. o'ntupant. Adjective. o'ntuprast. o'ntuprat. o'ntupraut. [§71] Present, Past, 7-, , Passivo-active. I< uture. Present, Past, Future. Verb, o'utipest. o'ntipelt, o'ntipent, , Verb, o'ntiprest, o'ntipret. o'ntiprent. Adjective. o'ntupest. o'utupelt, o'ntupent. Adjective. o'ntuprest, o'ntupret, o'ntuprent. [§72] Passivo-passive. lerj, o'ntipaist, o'ntipailt, o'ntipaint. Verb, o'ntipraist, o'ntiprait. o'ntipraint. -4 i. t> i Future. Present, Past, o'mpitant, Verb, o'rapitrast, o'mpitrat, o'mputant. Adjective, o'mputrast, o'mputrat. Active-passive. o'mpitant, o'mputant. Verb, Adjective. o'mpitrast, o'mpitrat, o'mputrast, o'mputrat. Future. o'mpitrant, o'mputrant. o'mpitrant, o'mputrant. [§83] Verb, _ Adjective. [§84] Verb, Adjective. Present, Past, Futvre. o'mpitest, o'mpitelt, o'mpitent, o'mputest, o'mputelt, o'mputent. Passivo-active. Verb, Adjective. Passivo-passive. o'mpitaist, o'mpitailt, o'mpitaint, o'mputaist, o'mputailt, o'mputaint. Verb, Adjective. Present, Past, o'mpitrest, o'mpitret, o'mputrest, o'mputret, o'mpitraist, o'rapiti-ait, o'mputraist, o'mputrait. Future. o'mpitrent, o'mputrent. o'mpitraint, o'mputraint. [§85] ABSOLUTE. Present, Past, FOURTH DIFFERENCE. DEPENDENT. „ , Neutro-active. „ ^„ , p^„, Future. Preseyit, 1 ast, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntinost, o'utimost, o'ntinolt, o'ntimolt. o'ntinont, o'utimont. Vei-b, Adjective. o'utimost, o'utnmost, o'ntimot, o'ntumot. o'utimont, o'ntiunont. [§86] Verb, Adjective. o'ntlnaust, o'ntimaust, o'ntinault, o'ntiuiault, Neutro o'ntinaiuit, o'utimaimt. -passive. Verb, Adjective. o'ntimaust, o'ntumaust, o'ntimaut, o'ntmnaut, o'ntimaunt, o'utumaunt. [§87] Present, Past, J-, , Activo-active. luiture. Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntinast, o'utunast, o'ntlnalt, o'ntimalt, o'ntinant, o'ntunant. Verb, Adjective. o'ntimast, o'ntumast, o'ntimat, o'ntiunat, o'ntimaut, o'ntumaut. [§88] Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntinast, o'ntuiiast, o'ntinalt, o'utuualt, Active o'ntinant, o'utuuaut. -passive. Verb, Adjective. o'ntimast, o'ntumast, o'ntimat, o'ntumat. o'ntimaut, o'ntumant. [§89] Present, Past, I, , Passivo-active. ruture. Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntiuest, o'ntunest, o'ntinelt, o'ntunelt, o'ntinent, o'utiment. Verb, Adjective. o'ntimest, o'ntumest, o'ntimet, o'ntumet. o'ntlment, o'ntument. [§90] Vrb, _ Adjective. o'ntinaist, o'utunaist, o'ntinailt, o'ntunailt, Passivo-passive. o'ntlnalnt. Verb, o'ntunaint. Adjective. o'ntimaist, o'ntiuoialst, o'ntimalt, o'ntumait, o'ntimaint, o'ntumaint. * See Note, page 54. t See Note, page 59. 60 FIFTH DIFFERENCE. ABSOLUTE. DEPENDENT. [§91] Present, Past, T-, , Neutro-active. rut (ire. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibost,* o'ntubost, o'ntlbolt,t o'utubolt, o'ntibont, o'ntubont. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibrost, o'utubrost, o'ntibrot,J oiitubrot, o'ntibrent, o'ntubront. [§92] Verb, Adjective. o'ntlbaiist, o'ntubaust, o'ntibanlt, o'utubault, Neutro o'ntibaunt, o'ntubaimt. -passive. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntlbraust, o'ntubraust, o'ntibraut, o'ntubraut, o'ntibraunt, o'ntubraunt. [§93] Present, Past, 7-, ^ Actlvo-active. future. Present, Past, Future. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibast, o'ntubast, o'ntibalt, o'ntubalt. o'litibant, o'ntubaut. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibrast, o'utubrast. o'ntibrat, o'ntubrat, o'ntibrant, o'ntubraut. [§94] Verb, Adjective. o'ntibast, o'utubast, o'ntibalt, o'ntubalt, Active o'ntibant, o'ntubaut. -passive. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibrast, o'ntubrast, o'ntibrat, o'ntubrat. o'ntibrant, o'ntubrant. [§95] Present, Past, „ , Passivo-active. r uture. Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntibest, o'ntubest, o'ntibelt, o'ntubelt, o'ntibent. Verb, o'ntubent. Adjective. o'ntibrest, o'ntubrest, o'ntibret, o'utubret. o'ntibrent, o'ntubreut. [§96] Verb, Adjective. o'ntibaist, o'ntubaist, o'ntibailt, o'ntubailt, Passiv o'ntibaint, o'ntubalut. D-passlve. Verb, Adjective. o'ntibraist, o'ntubraist, o'ntibrait, o'ntubrait, o'ntibraint, o'ntubraint. [§97] ABSOLUTE. Present, Past, SIXTH DIFFERENCE. j,j,pj,^rnENT. Future. Neutro-active. ^^^^^^^^^ p^^^^ Future. Verb, _ Adjective. '[§98] Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntlgost, o'utugost, o'ntigaust, o'ntugaust, o'ntigolt, o'ntugolt, o'litigault, o'ntugault, o'ntigont, o'ntugont. Neutr o'ntigaunt, o'ntugaiuit. Verb, Adjective. o-passive. Verb, _ Adjective. o'ntigrost, o'ntugrost, o'ntigraust, o'ntugraust, o'ntigrot, o'utugrot, o'ntlgraut, o'ntugraut, o'utigront, o'utugront. o'ntigraunt, o'ntugraunt. [§99] Present, Past, ■n , Active-active. t uture. Present, Past, Future. Verb, _ Adjective. [§100] Fer&, _ Adjective. o'ntigast, o'ntugast, o'ntigast, o'ntugast, o'ntigalt, o'utugalt, o'ntigalt, o'ntugalt, o'ntigant, o'ntugaut. Neutr o'ntigant, o'ntugaut. Verb, Adjective. o-passlve. Verb, ^ Adjective. o'utigrast, o'ntugrast, o'ntigrast, o'ntugrast, o'ntigrat, o'utugrat, o'ntigrat, o'ntugrat. o'ntigrant. o'ntugraut. o'ntigrant, o'ntugrant. [§101] Present, Past, J'M^Mre.I'assivo-actlve. Present, Past, Future. Adjective. o'ntigest, o'ntugest, o'ntlgelt, o'ntugelt. o'ntigcnt, Verb, o'utugcut. Adjective. o'ntigrest, o'ntugrest, o'ntigret, o'utugret, o'ntigrent, o'ntugreut. [§102 1 Fer6, ^ Adjective. o'ntigaist, o'ntugaist, o'ntigailt, o'ntugailt, Passive-passive. o'ntigaint. Verb, o'ntugaiut. Adjective. o'ntigraist, o'utugraist, o'ntigrait, o'ntugrait, o'ntlgraint, o'ntugi-aiut. * The letter k is used throughout the Generic foi-ras: and these same generic fonns are used to denote all the Species under the Jifth Difference: — for as all the species have an initial consonant, they cannot be mistaken for genera, which begin with a vowel ; although the generic part of the word is the same in the genus as in the species. But when the fifth difference is to be expressed, we arc compelled to change the consonant from h to b, to distinguish it from the genus. t The I may be omitted where no pronoun follows in these past tenses. \ See Note, page 59. R 61 CHAPTER YL SUPPLEMENTAL DIFFERENCES. The Philosophic generally consists of only six differences ; bnt in the classification of Herbs, Insects, &c, there are as many as nine differences. It therefore became necessary, though these are exceptional cases, to provide for them by suitable and euphonous Verbal forms. ■ [ § 103 ] Now the rule for the formation of Supplemental Differences is, to insert, immediately after the posterior consonant, the syllable in. 1st. Six Differences. o'mvoo, o'mvoi, o'mvo, o'mva, o'mvil, o'mvai, 2nd Six Differences. omvj'woo, omv«woI, omv/»o, o'mv///a, oimv/»il, o'mv«;aI. It will be well here just to remark, that these Supplemental Differences, as well as Species, (hereafter to be noticed) only occur among the names of herbs, insects, &c. ; which are rarely required to be varied for any grammatical purposes, except to be converted occasionally Into adjectives; which would be done accordmg to the general rule. PART Y. SPECIAL FORMS, and SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIES. SPECIAL FORMS. We have seen how adverbs, verbs, and adjectives, generic and differential, are derived from generic and differential iwuns; we have also seen how the tenses of tabulars, generic as well as differential, are formed by certain changes in the termination of tabulars of the present tense : but it must have been noticed, that none of the generic or differential tabulars are preceded by any of the following special consonants; namely, ^j, 1; /J 2; /, 3; A:, 4; S, 5; r, 6; d,7; ff,S; or f, 9. They all begin with voivels. Now, by prefixing to any one genus or difference seriatim, these nine consonants, we form nine distinct species; and with this great advantage; that all the variations which are made in the genus or diffei'cnce to express grammatical tense, or any other relation, become subservient, for the same purposes, to the species, as weU as the genus. Take the verb e'ntivai, to transact business. This is the third difference of the third genus : (see Wilklns, 40). We will now, to the tenses of this difference, prefix each of the above nine consonants, and thereby we shall obtain the nine species mider this difference. [ § 104 ] DIFFERENCE III au e'ntlvo,* I transact business: au e'ntivel, I transacted husiness: au entiven, I sJiaU transact business. 1st. Species, avipe^ntivq, I design: sMp'entivel, I desig7ied: &\\ p)G!niiven, I shall design. 2nd. Species, au/e'ntivo, I prepare: auye'ntivel, I prepared: auye'ntlvcn, / sliall prepare. ?>rd. Species. au /e'ntivo, I begin: au ^e'ntivel, I began: au te\\tiveTaj I siiail begin. * These two words ' au e'ntivo,' must be pronoimced and read as if the letter z were placed betwixt them ; thus as if written au-z-e'ntivo. In all cases z comes betwixt two vowels, if necessary to pleasant pronunciation. 62 4th. Species. au K-e'utivo, I endeavour: an /ic'iitivel, I endeavoured : an /b-e'ntivcn, I sliall endeavour, ^tth. Species. au ?*c'ntlvo, I dispatch: au Z/e'ntivel, I dispatched: au Wntiven, I shall dispatch. Gth. Sjiecies. an ce'utivo, I perform: au cc'iitivel, I j^erformed: an re'iitiveii, I sliall perform. 7th. Species. au f/c'iitivo, Ifinisli: aa dc'ntivv}, I f niched: au f/e'ntiv™, I shall finish. Sth. Species. an ge'ntiyq, I err : au^e'ntivel, I erred: an ^c'ntiven, I shall err. dth. Species. au /c'utivo, I ^^r event: an ^e'utivel, I prevented: an /e'ntivon, I shall prevent. [§105] One remark only is necessary here: — tliat, tlirougliout tlie lang-uaj^e, the species are formed Ijy these nine initial consonants, which, (as will more particularly appear when we come to treat of nume- rical words) have not only the fmictiou of denoting the order and number of species, but are also employed to denote the nine diyits, 1, 2, 3, &c. SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIES. [ § 106 ] As above laid down, the language generally consists of nine species or less; but rarely of more than nine. There are, however, among the three genera of Herbs, Insects, &c. some differences that are subdivided into more than nine species. In that case, the tenth species always begins with the consonant d; asd'omvo, meadow grass, (seepages 11 and 12); do'mva, shalot; dro'mva, cives; do'mvoo, duckweed ; &c. [ § 107 ] After the tenth species, a new series commences which begins with p, f, t, &c. the same as the first nine species; and the sitjn of its being a second series of species is, that, if the trumpet* of the word in the first ten species is m, then, in the second species, it will be n, and vice versa; if the first trimipet of the first ten is «, then in the second it will be m. [ § 108 ] The student will not fail to remember, that all the following letters, viz. m, n, v and /, when forming part of any generic radix, have the same meaning, (except only with regard to these supplemental species), and, indeed, vary their forms, merely to promote the euphony of the tabular word: thus before J) and h, f and v, m ought to be used; and before k and g, n ought always to be used; but n is appli- cable to any of the other luigual or palatal consonants. PART YI. SUB-SPECIAL FORMS. The previous tables consist, almost entirely, of Genera, Diflferences, and Species. These ai-e made by Dr. Wilkins (but very lamely) to meet the demands of discourse in expressing still more complex ideas : — I say lamely, because, although he ver}' successfully expresses those more complex ideas, It is necessarily accomplished by such long, clumsy, and complicate expressions, as would hardly be tolerated In daily dis- course. Thus a duke would be called by Dr. WlUilns (usmg our alphabet) u tlondroo tu ki/antufous o'ndroo, I. e. a nobleman of the highest rank or degree. This expression contains five words to denote the same thing as the word duhe. Now If we take the dissyllabic word t'ondroo, which signifies nobleman, of any rank, and insert on after the syllable t'on (in t'ondroo,) we obtain the trissgllahic word touo'ndroo, du?<:e; then tyono'ndroo %vill signify the duke, and twono'ndroo, a duke. So we can Insert the syllables an, en, in, &c. in the same word to'ndroo, and obtain tona'ndroo, tone'ndroo, &c. * The trumpet is one of these letters: — m, n, n or 1. 63 [§109] Now we have invented the snb-species to enable ns to abridge speech, and yet to superin- duce these sub-special notions upon some common general idea. Here to'ndroo signifies nobleman. On, an, en in, and un, d;c. denote, in their due order, the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth kinds or degrees of noblemen. Thus to'ndroo, is nobleman (generally): — 1. tono'ndroo, is Duke: 2. tona'ndi-oo, is Marquess : 3. tone'ndroo, is Earl : 4. toni'ndroo, is Viscount : 5. tonu'ndroo, is Baron. Now tono'ndroo signifies duke, i. e. a nobleman of the first degree; ton'androo, marquess, a nobleman of the second degree; tone'ndi'oo, an earl, or nobleman of the third degree; toni'ndi'oo, viscount, or nobleman of the fourth degree ; and lastly, tonu'ndi-oo, baron, or a nobleman of the fifth and lowest degree. Each of the species is subdivisible by the successive insertion of the following syllables (called iflixes), into as many sub-species as there are different syllables; indeed they are indefinite, not to say infinite; althou"-h the following table contains only the form and order of these iffixes up to a suificiently high number. Rarely will these be required in actual use; still, it is desirable that we should shew an almsot illimitable expansibility in the language, to meet any more perfect classification of elementary substantives as science advances. Column 1 on an en in im ol al el il 10 ul 11 opi 12 api 13 epi 14 ipi 1.5 upi 16 oti 17 ati 18 eti 19 iti 20 uti Column 2 po'n'doo po'ndoo po'n'doo po'n |doo po'n doo po'n po'n doo doo po'n'doo po'n|doo po'n doo po'n'doo po'njdoo po'n doo po'ndoo po'n doo po'n doo po'n po'n po'n po'n doo doo loo loo Column 3 pon-o'n-doo pon-a'n-doo pon-e'n-doo pon-i'n-doo pon-u'n-doo pon-o'l-dcio pon-al-doo pon-e'1-doo pon-il-doo pon-u'1-doo pon-o'pi-doo pon-a'pi-doo pon-e'pi-doo pon-i'pi-doo pon-'upi-doo. po'n-o'ti-doo pon-a'tl-doo pon-e'ti-doo pou-i'ti-doo pon-u'ti-doo Column 4 pono'ndoo. pona'ndoo. pone'ndoo. poni'ndoo. ponu'ndoo. pono'ldoo. pona'ldoo. pone'kloo. ponildoo, ponu'ldoo. pono'pidoo. pona'pidoo. pone'pidoo. poni'pldoo. ponu'pidoo. ponot'idoo. pona'tidoo. pone'tidoo. poui'tidoo. ponu'tidoo. Column 1 21 obi 22 abi 23 ebi 24 ibi 25 ubi 26 odi 27 adi 28 edc 29 idi 30 udi 1 31 oki 32 akl 33 eki 34 iki 3.5 uki 36 ogi 37 agi 38 eg! 39 igi 40 Ugl Column 2 po'njdoo po'n doo po'Ujdoo po'njdoo po'ndoo po'n doo po'ndoo po'n'doo po'ndoo po'n'doo po'n doo pon I loo po'n'doo po'n doo po'n doo po'n po'n po'n doo doo doo po'ndoo po'n;doo Column 3 pon-o'bi-doo pon-a'bi-doo pon-e'bi-doo pon-i'bi-doo pon-u'bl-doo pon-o'di-doo pen-a'di-doo pen-e'di-doo pen-1'di-doo peu-u'di-doo pen-o'ki-doo pen-a'ki-doo pen-e'ki-doo pen-i'ki-doo pen-u'ki-doo pen-o'gi-doo pen-a'gi-doo pen-e'gi-doo l^en-I'gi-doo pen-u'gi-doo Column 4 ponobi'doo. pona'bidoo. pone'bidoo. ponibidoo. ponu'bidoo. pono'didoo.* pena'didoo. pene'didoo. peni'didoo. penu'didoo. peno'kidoo. pena'kidoo. pcne'kidoo. peni'kidoo. penu'kidoo. peno'gidoo. pena'gidoo. pene'gidoo. peni'gidoo. penu'gidoo. Let us now di-aw the student's attention to the foregomg table, consisting of four coliunns. The first contains forty syllables to be inserted in the centre of the species, immediately after the trumpet of the woi-d. The second column consists of a tabular word divided into two parts : — the third column consists of those two parts, placed at such a distance as to admit betwixt them one of the syllables of the first column: — ■ and the fourth column shews the three pai'ts, of column three, imited into entire words. * When two consonants of the same name (as two Jes, two tez &c.) are in immediate succession, the letter v is substituted for the second of the two ; as o'mpii-il for o'mpipil, o'ndiiil for o'ndidil, &c. 64 PART yii. COLLATEBAL TABULAR S. [§110] There are not nnfrequently several forms derived from the same rjemis, difference^ species^ and sub-species. Thus we have, (Genus 21,) E'ndi, magnitude, and Re'ndi, extent; so of the first difference, (Genus 1, Ondi) we have four forms, viz. o'udoo, ro'ndoo, lo'udoo, and o'ldoo; and lastly, almost every species has two forms, and sometimes _/»«<;•; as pe'mboo, pre'mboo, ple'mboo, and pe'lboo.. The additional fonns are called Collateral; but the first of the said forms is, p)ar eminence, called the direct genus, difference, species, or sub-species. The direct are those which form an essential part of the system of classification, consisting of genera, differences, species, and sub-species. These collateral forms arc not a direct logical part of the system, but are a sort of convenient digres- sion from the direct tabulars. They are formed from the latter by means of the consonants, r, I, or u: When the letter r is prefixed to a genus or difference, it denotes either an opposite idea, as e'nzi, motion; re'nzi, rest: a'mboo, reward; ra'mboo, punishment: pi'ndoi, presence; pri'ndoi, absence. Or, it denotes an idea which is very nearly related to tlie direct tabular; as a'ndo, head; ra'ndo, body: a'ndll, limb; ra'ndil, joint: &c. Wiiether conjoined as opposite or as connate, the letters r and lo always occupy a position immediately before the generic portion of any tabular, as in the above examples. A reference to the previous tables will fully illustrate this rule. (See tables.) Dr. Wilkins distinguishes betwixt opposite and cocjnate tabulars. We do not; for in many cases it is difficult to say which most prevails, opposition or cognation : and as every word must be individually acquii'ed and remembered, there is not so much gained in maintaining the distinction, as lost by the superfluous use and permanent obtrusion of a distinct sign. [§ HI ] Where the special consonant is p^ b, f, v, />-, or g, the following collateral model may be imitated. MODEL. Pe'mboo, Pre'mboo, Ple'mboo, Pe'lboo. If the special consonant is t or d; f or d; the following is the collateral model. T'ondoo, Tro'ndoo, Two'ndoo, To'ldoo. PART yiii. ANTERIOR MODES. Turn to page 4, — the forty genera. Each of the forty genera begins with a rowel. As these vowels immediately precede n or m, which is the first radical consonant of each genus, they are called Anterior Vowels. This should be remembered: — Anterior Voicels. [§112] Now there' are fifteen Anterior Vowels: five arc called Indefinite; five are called Conclusive; and five others are called Progressive. [ § 113 ] TABLE of ANTEEIOES. Lidefinite Vowels: o; a; e; i; u. Conclusive Vowels: oi; ou; ai; e; oo. Progressive Vowels o; a; a; i; u. S 65" ~ ' " [§114] Now whenever a tabular, whether generic, differential, special, or sub-special, has for its anterior vowel any one of the five following vowels, o, a, e, i, or u, such tabular is to be considered INDEFINITE. [§115] \Mienever a tabular has for its anterior any one of the five following vowels, oi ou, m e, or 00.^ such tabular is always to be considered CONGL USIVE. ■ [§116 ] Lastly, whenever a tabular has for its anterior any one of the following five vowels, o, o, a i, or u, it is always to be considered PROGRESSIVE. [§117] All the forty genera, from page 4 to 48, are Lidcfiniie Modes: — and when converted into adverbs, verbs, or adjectives, they are still indefinite throughout the language. [§118] We give the following Tables as specimens of Nouns, Adverbs, Verbs, and Adjectives, CONCLUSIVE and PROGRESSIVE. Observe.— All the previous tables are indefinite. CONCLUSB^S.* 'have,'" as " I have loved." Nouns. Adverbs. Verbs. oi'ndi, oi'udu, oi'nti. ou'ndi, ou'ndu. ou'nti, ai'ndi. ai'ndu, . ai'nti. e'ndi. e'udu, e'nti. oo'ndi, oo'ndu, oo'nti, PEOGRESSIVES.t '''ing^ as '^ I am loving." Voiois. Adverbs. Verbs. Adjectives o'ndi. o'ndu. o'nti, o'ntu. a'ndi. a'ndu. a'nti, a'utu. f a'ndi. a'ndu, .I'nti, a'ntu. t i'udi. i'ndu, i'nti, i'ntu. u'ndi, u'ndu, u'uti, u'utu. Adjectives. oi'utu. o'lmtu. ai'ntu. e'ntu. oo'utu, [§119] The above anterior vowels apply equally to genera, differences, species, or sub-species; for as the sjyecies are denoted by a consonant 2}refijced to the difference, and the differences are denoted by the syllable suffixed to them, no changes in the begmning or end of the word can affect the anterior vowel, which is neither at the begmning nor end of the genera, differences, species, or sub-species. Specimen of an English VERB carried through all the Verbal Forms of INDEFINITE, CON^CL USIVE, and PROGRESSIVE. Pres, Past. Fut. Pres. Past, Fut. Pres. Past, Fut. INDEFINITE— Neutral. Di'nsoi, it is full: Di'nsifil, it was full: Di'nsifin, it loill be full: Indefinite — Active. Di'nsifo, it fills : Di'nsifel, it filled:) Di'nsifen, it icill fill. Indefinite — Passive. Di'nsifoo, it is filled by Di'nsifool, it was filled by Di'nsifoon, itioillbefilledby CONCLUSIVE— Neutral. de'nsoi, it has been full: de'nsLfil, it had been full: de'nsifin, it will have been full : Conclusive — Active, de'usifo, it has filled: de'nsifel, it had filled: de'nsifen, it will have filled. Conclusive — Passive, de'nslfoo, it has been filled by dc'nsifool, it had been filled by de'nsifoou, it tcill have been filled by PEOGRESSIYE— Neutral. di'nsoi, it continues full. di'nsifil, it continued full. di'nsifin, it will continue full. Progressive — Active. di'nsifo, it is filling. di'nsifel, it was filling. di'nsifen, it tcill be filling. Progressive — Passive. di'nsifoo, it is being filled by di'nsifool, it was being filled by di'nsifoon, it icill be being filled by * Commonly called perfect tenses. t These are characterized by what is called the present participle, (in English) ending in '■'ing." \ After the vowel a, or a, the letter r is to be slightly soimded, for the sake of avoiding a hiatus. 66 PART IX. CONCRETE and ABSTEA CT SUBSTANTIVES. A Concrete Substantim Is one which denotes a thing which occupies some place in the universe, with all its qualities, -whQth.QV known ov unknown: as angel, man; a tree; a house; water, salt, sponge, stone, insect. An Abstract Substantive is a name given to one quality, or to one aggi'egate of qualities, of sonic kind of thing; or that collectively which distinguishes It fi'om all other things, and makes it what // is called. Thus divinity is the abstract of God; humanity, of man; aqueousness, of water; saltness, of salt; sponginess of sponge; and stonj-ness of stone. [ § 120 ] Where a Concrete Substantive ends in the short vowel i or «, these vowels are lengthened into p or oo; and then the syllable rit Is added to denote the Abstract of such Concrete. EXAMPLES. GENERIC. Concrete. o'ndi, a'ndi, e'ndl. i'ndl, u'ndi, Abstract. o'nderit, a'nderit, e'nderit, i'nderit, u'nderit, Concrete. o'ndu, a'ndu, e'udu, i'ndu, u'ndu, Abstract. o'ndoorit. a'ndoorit. e'ndoorit. i'ndoorit. u'ndoorit. DIFFERENTIAL. Concrete. Abstract. o'ndoo, o'ndoi, o'ndo, o'nda, o'ndil, o'ndai. ondyoo'rit.* ondoi'rit. ■ ondo'rit. ouda'rit. ondile'rit. ondai'rit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ENGLISH EXAMPLES. Tunjoo'rit tmijoo'tu : — tlte fiintiness of flint. Krimjoo'rit krunjoo'tu : — the glassiness of glass. Funjo'rit fimjo'tu: — the jjearliness o/" ^;ea»7. Punjai'rit punjai'tu: — the chalkiness of chalk. Punzoi'rit punzoi'tu : — the brassi'ness of brass. Kimza'rit kunza'tu : — the. rustiness of rust. [ § 121 ] All these Abstracts may be found in other Concrete Substantives. EXAMPLES. 1. Tunjoor'it tyai'tu fa'ndis: — the flintiness of her heart. 2. Krunjoo'rit twai'tu fa'ndo: — the glassiness of his eye. * 3. Fmijo'rit tyai'tu kran'doz: — the pearliness of her teeth. 4. Pimjai'rit twai'tu ra'ndilz: — the chalkiness of his joints. 5. Punzoi'rit twai'tu pa'ndo: — the brassiness of his face. 6. Kunza'rit vunzoo'tu: — the ruMi)iess of the iron. * Observe. — When Cndu, Is converted Into an abstract, the u becomes oo, and is so sounded; but O'ndoo, concrete, becomes O'ndi/oo, the letter i/ bemg used to distinguish the f/enus Ondoo'rit, from the difference Ondyoo'rit. 67 PART X. OF THE GENDER AND NUMBER OF NOUNS. CHAPTER I. GENDER. [ § 122 ] There are four terminations to denote sex, namely, ed and et; iir and un. Tliese are suffixed to neuter* tabulars as follows. po'nzoo, ancestor, male or female, po'nzipur, ancestor, male, po'nzipim, ancestress. pro'nzoo, descendant, male or female, jiro'nzipur, male descendant, pro'nzipnn, female descendant. fo'nzoo, parent, male or female, fo'nzipur, father, fo'nzipnn, mother. to'nzoo, uncle or aunt, to'uzipur, uncle, to'nzipun, aunt. ko'nzoo, brother or sister, ko'nzipur, brother, ko'nzipun, sister. bo'nzoo, cousin, bo'nzipur, male cousin, bo'nzipun, female cousin. Observe. — The above form is used where the sign of sex is followed by another syllable, as Iwi, or tin 1 bus we can say ponzoo'kwi, ponzipu'rkwi, ponzipu'ntwi, ponzlpu'nkwi, &c. Observe. — Ed and et are used when they are ih^ final syllable of the word. Neuter, ' Masculine, Feminine. Neuter.^ Masculine, 1. Po'nzoo, 2. Fo'nzoo, 3. Bo'nzoo, po'nziped, fo'nziped, bo'uziped. po'nzipct, fo'nzipet, bo'nzipet. 4. To'nzoo, 6. Ko'nzoo, 6. Pi'njoo, to'nziped, ko'nziped, pi'njiped. Feminine. to'nzipet. ko'nzipet. pi'njipet. Observe. — We cannot conveniently say ponzipe'dlcwi or pet'kwi, ; pe'dtwi or pe'ttwi. CHAPTEE II. NUMBER. [ § 12,3 ] Do not forget that the letter s is the universal sign of plurality of nouns throughout the language. Singtdar. Po'nzipur, ancestor, Pi'njoo, horse, Tu'ndroi, apostle, Po'ndi-o, nation, Plural. Po'nzipurz, ancestors. Pi'njooz, horses. Tu'ndroiz, apostles. Po'ndroz, nations. Singular. Plural. I'ndoi, word, I'ndoiz, words. Pi'nzoo, angel, Pi'nzooz, angels. Go'nzi, praise, Go'nziz, pi'aises. 1, * Where we are speaking of the absence of sex we vise the word neuter., but neutral to denote that a word is neither active or passive. GS CHAPTER III. OF MASCULINE AND FEMININE TEKMINATIONS. [ § 124 ] Tlie differential consonants are ;;, / t, n, k, and s; so that Sex is denoted by each difference, as follows: by the final syllable ur for the masculine, and un for the feminine gender; these syllables being Immediately preceded by ;>, for the first difference ; f, for the second ; i, for the third ; 71, for the fourth ; k, for the fifth ; and s for the sixth :— namely, pur, fur, tur, nur, kur, sur. See the differential consonants from page 52 to 56, and the note at page 55. Examples of Masculine and Feminine Terminations Po'nzoo, ancestor or ancestress, po'nzi/jitr, ancestor, Pr'onzol, bachelor or virgin, Po'nzo, godfather or godmother, Po'nza, friend., Pi'njI, dog or bitch, Te'njaj, wren, First Difference. Second Difference. Third, Difference. Fourth Difference. Fifth Difference. .Sixth Difference. po'nzIp?<«, ancestress. pro'nzi/i(ft, virgin. po'nzI<«?i, godmother. po'nziwttr, male friend, po'nzi/M»;, female friend. pl'njiA:Mr, dog, i)i'nji/,'i(», bitch. te'njis?«-, cock wren, tc'ujis«n, hen wren. pr'onzI/«r, bachelor, po'nzltor, godfather, PART XI. CASES OF NOUNS CHAPTER 1. OF THE NOMINATIVE CASE. [ § 125 ] All the tabular noims of the language contained betwixt page 4 and page 48, are in what grammarians commonly call the Nominative Case, but what is here called the Absolute Case of the. noun; that Is to say, which noim has no antecedent to which it Is grammatically refered by some relative verb or preposition: therefore absolute and nominative as, applied to nouns, mean the same thing; — as, God created the world. Here, in the chain of words, " God" Is the first, and "world" the last; and the word "world" is, as it were, tied to the antecedent noim by the relative verb "created." OF THE GENITIVE CASE. [ § 126 ] The Genitive Case is formed from the nominative or absolute, ending in a vowel, by suffixing i to express the singular, and zis to express the plural genitive. In the plural, the accent is advanced one syllable. Genitives, Singidar, Genitives, Plural. po'ndroos,* of the magistrate; pondi-oo'zis, of the magistrates. to'mljros, of the city; tombro'zis, of the cities. fo'nzoos, of the parent; fonzoo'zis, of tM parents. pro'nzas, of the enemy; pronza'zis, of the enemies. po'mbroos, of die subject; pombroo'zis, of the subjects. fo'ndroos, of the king ; to'ndroos, of the lord; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Absolute Nouns, Po'ndi'oo, the magistrate ; To'mbro, the city ; Fo'nzoo, the parent; Pro'nza, the enemy ; Po'mbroo, the subject; Fo'ndroo, the king ; To'ndroo, the lord; fondi'oo'zls, of the kings. tondroo'zis, of the lords. 7. [ § 127 ] The foregoing personal examples, are neither masculine nor femmme, but may denote either; they are therefore called neuter.'\ Give the hissing sound to s. T t Say, — Neuter, Masculuie, Feminine : — Neutral, Active, Passive. 69 [ § 128 ] The foUowmg examples are all masculine. 1. Po'ndripiir, the magistrate; po'ndi-ipurs * of the magistrate; pondi-ipu'rzis, of the magistrates. 2. Fo'nzipiir, the father; fo'nzipurs, of the father, fonzipu'rzis, of the fathers. 3. Po'nzinur, the male friend; po'uzinurs, of the male friend; ponzinu'rzis, of the male friends. 4. Toiizipiir, the uncle; to'nzlpurs, of the uncle; tonzipu'rzis, of the uncles. 5. Ko'nzipm-, the h-other; ko'uzipurs, cf the brother; konzipu'rzis, of the Irothers. [ § 129 ] Examples Feminine. 1. Fo'ndripim, the queen; fo'ndripims * of the queen; fondripii'nzis, cf the queens. 2. Fo'nzipun, the mother; fo'iizipuns, of the mother; fonzipu'nzis, of the mothers. 8. Ko'uzipun, the sister; ko'nzipnns, of the sister; konzipn'nzis, of the sisters. 4. Po'nzimm, the finale friend, po'nziniins, of the female friend; pouzinu'nzis, of the female fiends. The above English Genitive ^j/(?-«sfs might have been rendered as single icords, thus: po'ndi'oos, magis- trates ; pondj'oo'zis, magistrates' ; but the sounds are the same, and the meaning ambiguous. CHAPTER 11. OF DEPENDENT OR ACCUSATIVE NOUNS. [ § 130 ] All the Absolute Substantives are converted into Dependent or Accusative Substantives, merely by attending to the Table at page 48. There we see that the Absolute Substantives or Nouns in the pre- sent tense are, — O'ndi, o'ndiko, o'ndikoo ; and the Dependent or Accusative — O'ndiki, o'ndikai, o'ndikoi. [ § 131 ] The Accusative is rarely used ; because, as it follows its regimen, the mere order of subse- quence indicates that very dependence which, in the learned languages, is denoted by the form called a Case. [ § 132 ] Prepositions are usually connected, as suffixes, with the substantive they govern, so that the relation betwixt them is simple and obvious; as po'ndo, truth; pondo'pi, without truth; ko'ndi, facility; konde'pu, tcith facility : vo'nzi, hope; vonze'pi, without hope : U'ndi, God; Unde'pikwi, and without God : di'nzoi, world; dinzoi'tu, in the world. We have, in the learned languages, six cases; in the Philosophic wc have ffty cases: for we have a distinct case for every scTpavaXe preposition ; and as these prepositions are suffixed to the nouns they govern, they really become terminations denoting the same kind of relations as those of the Genitive, Dative, and Ablative, &c. Thus we have — Dra'nzoi, the way, (Nominative) via, Dra'nzifi, the icay, ...(Accusative) viani. Dra'nzois,t of //(e erson? (dep)endent) 16. Tyoo'.? u-hat catise or reason ? 7. Byoo.? w/iose .? referring to persona. 17. Dyoo'.? lohat effect? 8. Kyoo.? what place.? 18. Cyoo? lohat distamx? 9. 'K.vf 00? how much? what quantity? (general) \d. Syoo? what degree? 10. Kloo ? how much ? {lineal) 76 [§ 167 ] Except 2^yoo and hyoo, all the words of the above table are mere nouns; but our English words, hoio, why, token, where, &c. include not only the sense of a substantive but also of a preposition ; where, therefore, we express the compoimd, we are compelled to suffix a preposition to the noun. How ? i. e. in what manner f ... Vyoo'fu ? How ? i. e. in what degree ? ... Jyoo'tu ? Why ? i. e. for what reason ? ... Tyoodi? With what eifect ? Dyoo'pu ? How far? i. e. to what distance? Qyoo'nu? Wlien? i. e. at what time^ ... Gyoo'sii,? {Where? i.e. a,i -ffhaX, place ? ... Kyoo'su? Where ? i. e. in what place ? ... Kyodtu ? Whence? i. e. from what jjZace.?... Kyodni? Whither ? i. e. to what place ? ... Kyoo'nu ? 0( what kmd? Fyoo'tuf How long.? i. e. through what time? Gyoddu? How? i. e. bv what means? {singular) Slodti? How ? i. e. by what means.? (plural) Slooluti? [ § 168 ] The above Interrogatives, as well as Subjunctives, are rendered emphatically universal by suffixing to each of them, the syllable un. TABLE. Sloo'un,* ivJiatsoever. Dwoo'un, whomsoever. Skyoo'un, ditto (superficial.) Tyoo'un, whatsoever cause. Tyoo'un, whichsoever. Byoo'un, whosesoever. Skwoo'un, ditto solid. Dyoo'un, 'whatsoever effect. Twoo'un, whichsoever. Kyoo'un, whatsoever place. Gyoo'im, whatsoever time. Cyoo'un, whatsoever distance. Pyoo'un, whosesoever. Kwoo'un, how much soever. Fyoo'un, whatsoever kind. Jyoo'un, whatsoever degree. Dyoo'un, who'soever. Kloo'un, ditto (lineal.) Vyoo'un, tohatsoever mode. [ § 169 ] When Noims Interrogative and Subjunctive are governed by prepositions, those preposi- tions are inserted immediately before the final syllable un, and betwixt that syllable and the preceding Interrogative or Subjunctive. EXAMPLES. — Sloo'tuun, in whatever. — Twoo'puun, ivith whichever. Sloo, what ; tu, m ; un, ever ; Twoo, ichich ; pu, with ; un, ever ; Pyoo, whose ; nu, to ; un, ever ; Dwoo, lohom ; pu, with ; un, ever ; Hyoo, whose ; mx, to ; un, ever ; Kyoo, ivhatjjlace; nu, to; un, ever ; Kwoo, how much ; un, ever ; (generally) Kloo, what length y nu, to ; un, ever ; Skyoo, what area ; tu, of ; un, ever / . . . Skwoo, what content ; tu, of ; un, ever ; Gyoo, what time ; ci, after ; un, ever ;... Fyoo, tvhat kind; ni, from ; un, ever ;... Vyoo, lohat mode ; tu, in ; un, ever ; ... Tyoo, what cause ; ni, from ; un, ever ; Pyoo'nvum, to whoseever. Dwoo'puun, with whomsoever. Byoo'nuun, to whoseever. Kyoo'nuun, to whatever place. Kwoo'puun dre'mba, wiVA how muxih soever flattery. Kloo'nuun, to whatever length. Skyoo'tuun, of lohatever area. Skwoo'tuun, of whatever content. Gyoo'ciun, after whatsoever time. Fyoo'tuun, of whatever kind. Vyoo'tuuii, in whatever manner. Tyoo'niun, from whatever cause. Dyoo'puun, with whatever effect. Dyoo, what effect ; pu, tvith ; un, ever ; Gyoo, vjhat distance ; nu, to ; un, ever ; — Cyoo'nuuii, to ivhatever distance. Jyoo, what degree ; nu, to; un, ever; ... — Jyoo'nuun, to whatever degree. * Sound z before un, as, Kyoosu'sun, Tyoo'sun, Swoo'sun, &c. 77 [§170] The personal pronouns, an, a, ai, ur,^ iin, au7; ar, and c/r, arc combined with preceding Interrogatives and Subjunctives ; and, when practicable, these pronouns are inserted in the place of the vowel 00, as follows: Separated. Tmited. Separated. United. Sloo, au slau what I Gyoo ar gyar ^L1hat time ye. Twoo a twa which thou Fyoo ar fyar what kind they Dwoo ai dwai whom it Vyoo au vyau tohat manner I Kyoo aur kyaur tohat place we Tyoo a tya ichy thou Kwoo un kwvm how much she (general) Dyoo ar dyar what effect you Kloo ur klur ditto he (linenl) Cyoo ar Cyar how far they Skyoo ai skyai ditto it (superficial) ! Jyoo un jywn what degree slie Skwoo ar skwar ditto they (solid) [§171] AVhen the Subjimctive is governed by a preposition, that preposition follows the personal pronovui. EXAMPLES. SkwffVtu pa'nsitel, ofiohat cubical quantity you sjwke. Slaw'tu pa'nsitel, in lohat Isjjolce. Twain pa'nsitel, against xvhich thou spohest. Dwailju de'ntripel, for whom it fought. KyawVtu po'ntoo, where, (in what place) we are. Kw?«';-pu ve'nsikel, with how much he struggled. Kl'it'rdu prentisel, through what length he went. Gy«'»'su pe'ntisel, tchen, (at lohat time) you came. FywVtu pa'nsitel, of what hind they spoke. VyaVtu do'ntipel, in what manner they acted. Tya'di pintipe'leeSjf why thou didst it. CyaVsu po'ntipil, at what distance they were. Skyai'tu re'ntrisool, within what area it was enclosed. Jyw'ntu vo'mpikil ! how beautiful she was ! [§172 ] The Interrogative Nomas are usually abridged before a word commencing with a vowel, by cutting off the final syllable, oo. EXAMPLES. fi'Zu'meu kondoo'tas? what is your name? Tyu'meu ponza'tur ? which is his friend ? Twi'leaid nas ke'ntinai? lohich did he give to you? DyincvL kentinai'nu punti'nupii" kondoo'tes ? Who will give to the infant its name? Z'wilear pa'mprinai? whom did they insuWi /v!oi'mea fre'ntinai? how much dost thou demand? KkA&a dr'enza? what length was the cord? Sky\:\cvi fya'nzooz ke'ntifai? what area did the fields contain ? ^'A'zci'meu ro te'nzis ke'ntifai? ichat (cubical) quantity does that barrel contain ? C'l/in'ear pi'entisai'nu ? what distance will they go to? {better) Cyoofim prentise'near? or i'near pre'ntisai. CHAPTER 11. SUBJUNCTIVE SUBSTANTIVES. [ § 173 ] The Interrogatives are converted uito Subjunctives by depriving them of their interrogative power ; and that is done by making them parts of the matter of a sentence which has its own previous governing characteristic : J as, " This is the man who did it." The whole sentence is an assertion,— and no * Ur and Un are both absolute and dependent in form; the context determining the fact. t The e followmg the I, is introduced merely for the sake of euphony, by> universal rule, to be hereafter furnished. t See Charateristic. 78 part of It is interrogatu'e. But tlic word "who," wlieu taking tlic lead in a sentence, becomes tlic charac- teristic interrogative, and makes the sentence a question. Here the sentence is pre-occupied with the charac- teristic asser^tVe, which thereby reduces '' loho" to a mere part of the tldng asserted, and deprives it of its interrogative power. EXAMPLES OF SUBJUNCTIVE NOUNS. 1. SZu'meai? An bo'nsifo sfai po'ntoo, or fslaium.j What is it? I know toJiat it is. 2. Tw'meaAt dre'ntipai? Au bo'nsifo twim dre'ntipen. Which will she find? I know ivhich she will find. 3. T^u'meu fonzipu'rtos ? A bo'nsifo ^_y'um fonzipu'rtos. Which is my father ? You know tohich is my father. 4. Dghien nur kentinai'es ? Au bo'nsifo dwn'rnu kentlne'nees. Who will to him give it ? I know to whom he will give it. 5. i>yune'u panzoi'tu? Au bo'nsifo dgun panzoi'tu. Who will be in the house? I know icho will be In the house. PART XVI. PBEPOSITIONS. [§174] The followmg Table contains a list of the Prepositions. These are of two denommations: long and shoi-t. The first column contains all long/ the second, short. The long and short have the same absolute meaning, and express the same relation. Thus the single word of is denoted by too, and also by til : the former being used chiefly for emphasis ; the latter always unemphatical, and most frequently Incorporated with, and suffixed to, the noun which governs it. Wlille the long prepositions are constructed to receive the continued force of the emphasis, the short, (being only small links in the catenation of words,) are passed over lightly, and almost disappear as parts of more Important substantive words. It must not be forgotten, that whenever the whole of the preposition is expressed, the Table of Pro- nouns, No. 1. at page 75 must always be used, and never No. 2 : the latter table being only employed where the preposition is a mere single consonant. CHAPTER I. 1. Too, tu, 2. Te, tl, 3. Doo,* du, 4. De, di, 5. Foo, fu. 6. Fe, fi, TABLE OF PREPOSITIONS. Of: as, Too'os, of me. Binziku'r^it, of the man. With; hy means of: as, Te'os, hy means of me. Fembre ti, loith or hy means of a, sword. By; before the agent : as, Doo'os, by me. T>woo'dti rou'u fo'ndooz po'nsipool, by whom all things were created. Tyoo'du, by which. For; on account of: as, De Jon, for John. Dr Saru, for Sarah. Tau'di ko'nzipur, for my brother. Out of: as, Au pouitlfo'es rundooy«, I have made It out of wood. Of; concerning ; ahout: as, Fondripu';?r, nau trai gra'nsito, concerning the King, I say not any thing (nothing). SIoo^* u'lear pa'nsuto? what were they speaking about? I. e. concerning what were they speaking? This word, doo or du, is never used except for emphatical distinction. 79 7. Yoo, vn. 8. Vo, vi, 9. Poo, pu, 10. Pe, F> 11. Boo, blL 12. Be, bl, 13. Noo, nil. 14. No, ni, 15. Soo, sn, vn, Accordiitg to: as, Tnmpronr'i roo Jon, or, tumprou'i-!«ri John, tlic go>i])i-l accord I'vff to John. Twai'i-M to'udi'is, according to his promise. Instead of: as, Fonzipn'r?;zz vri'a trus vra'nsipai fro'nzooz, instead of the fathers shall upwards grow the (■liildren. With; in company tcith : as, Wal pre'ntisel^Wen, bcl dnis pe'ntisel jje^en, he went with, but came back icitliout them. Poo'os or ^)os, icith me ; pr-'os or «ans, without thee. Witlwut ; not icith : as, Twai^jt ko'nzipet, ?f?Y/;oi{< his sister, ^onz^pi, icithouthoT^e,. Pondo^j«, ivith truth, — Unde^/i', witlwut God. i^c()'/ on f/ie part of: as, Wai de'ntripel twai'i?* po'ndro, he fought for his nation. Boo'os, no'kwi ie'os, for, and not against me. bl. Against : as, Pronza'Z-/, against the enemy. Pondo'Jj, against the truth. Jo." as, Tombro';(«<, to the city. Prinzo'?i?(z, to the mountains. i\Wos or «os; woo'as or mas ; woo'es or nes ; to me, to thee, to it, &c. From : as, iVf'os or jzaus ; wf'as or «as ; «f;'on or »aurs, &c ; from me ; from thee ; from us, &c. At: as, Soo'os, at me. Soo'es, at it. Soo'cm, at us. An pontipi's^l Pa'ris, I was at Paris. Taii's« po'nzas, at my friend's. Panzoi'.s« tau'tu po'nzn, at the house of my friend. 16. Se, si. Off; not on ; (denoting rest :) as, Wai po'ntipil se' pi'njoi, no'kwi Joo'es, he was o^' the horse, and not mj;o« it. Wai pra'nsivel pinjoo's*', he stood off' the horse. 17. Seni, sini. From off'; (denoting motion :) as, Wai pe'ntisel twai's»i«' pi'njoo, he cmwq from off' his horse. is. Zoo, zu, Over ; across : as, Dinza'sw, across the river, ^oo Jaur'dun, ow?- Jordan. 19. Ze, zi, About; (wandering:) as, Wai pre'utisel tombro's;', he went ahout the city. 20. Moo, mu. Into; (motion:) as, Ar pre'utisel tombro'»»(, they went into the City. Modes into it. 21. Me, mi, Out of; (motion:) as, Wai pe'ntisel tombro';;»', he came out of the city, jl/f-'es, out of it. 22. Too, tu. Within; (rest:) as, Jbo'os, within me; /e'os, outside of mc. Tau^'^f panzoi, within my house. 23. Te, ti. Outside of: as, Panzoi'/(', outside of the house. Fanzoi^i, out of the palace. Te'os, outside of me. Te'as, outside of thee. 24. Doo, du, TJirough ; throxtghout ; during : as, Fe'mbri e'ntisel twai'rZ?* rando, the sword passed through his body. Wai ba'nsivel kro'tu yantai'c/it bu'ndis, he sat there during tlie whole day. -•"'• I^i!) ll') Beside; hi/ the side of: as, Dinsimo'A' ii'nzoz, beside the i-unning waters. I^e'os, f/e'as, de'ea ; beside me, beside thee, beside it ; i. e. bg the side of me, &c. 26. Troo, till, Ip : as, Vr'mxq'tru, up the mountain. Vanz^tru, npi the stairs. 27. Tre, tri, Domi : as, Prinzo'f)-/, down the momitain, panza'^ri", doicn the stairs. 28. Droo, dru, Above : as, Taur^dru a'ndoz, above our heads. Droo'os or dros ; droo'ns or dra,s ; droo'on or dron : above me ; above thee ; above it. 80 29. Div, (Iri, Beneal/i ; heloie : as, Wai pra'nsivrl tau'tZri ponza, lie stood ic?o!t' my friend. Drr'os or Jraus ; dre'as or dras ; dr^cs or (7;-ai.s ; beneath me, heneath thee, beneath it. oO. Ooo, cu, Before: in front of : as, A'bruham ka'nsikel bondroo'cw fondrotu, Abraham bowed before the people of the coimtry. Coo'os or ros ; roo'as or ras ; roo'es or res ; before me ; before tlice ; before it. 31. Cr, ci, -After; behind: as, Bi'iizikiirz i'litlfool yooju fcndoo, ya'pin roIW' too'ci, the men were placed upon a line, the one after the other of them. 32. Joo, jii, Ujjon : as, kanzaiy« or Joo kan'zis, vjjon the table. 33. Je, ji, Underneath; iinder : as, Wai pra'nsivel yoo'j'i vi'mvi, he stood undei'neath a tree. Ya'nzil po'ntoo yoqy* kinsufo'ri, the carriage is under cover, i. e. a covering thing. 34. Goo, gu, On this side of: as, PrinzoV/jt, on this side (f the mountain. Au pr'ansivcl kau- zoi^^M, no'kwi kanzol'r//, I was standing on this side of the temple, and not be- yond, (or on the other side of) the temple. 35. Ge, gi, Beyond; on the other side of: as, Ge ! ge ! pyinsou inzoiz, beyond! beyond! the starry skies. 6^^'os, ^r;'an, ^p'en, beyond me, beyond you, beyond them. 36. Koo, ku, Betwixt: as, Au hodnm Si'lu kwi Kyurib'dis, I am betwixt Scylla and Charybdis. A'oo'en, betwixt them. KWku a^h-wi, betwixt me and thee. Pondo7i7« prondo'- kwi, kwa'um u pra'ntur ki'nza, betwixt truth and falsehood there is a great gulf. 37. iSkoo, sku, Among : as, Bondi'Oo'sZ.», among the people. 38. Ke, ki, Over-against ; (opposite in place.^ face to face^ vis a vis): as, Fo'ndroo Carlz, pautri- koo'/.;?'! Withau'l ; King Charles was beheaded over-against Whitehall. 39. Proo, pru. Near to : as, Kanzoi^jret, near to the church. Wai pra'nsivel proo'os, jyroo'as, 2)roo'es; he stood ?iear to me, 7iear to thee, near to it. 40. Pre, pri, Far from: as, Vnde'j^ri, fi"' f''(»ii God. Use's j«r'os ^rfa'skwi, let it he far from me, and fir from thee. 41. Broo, bru, Like: .as, JJnd^bru, like God. Twai'/*r« fo'n^ipur, ///.'e his father. 42. Bre, bri, Unlike: as, Tau'Zirz' ponza', t«j?(7i.'e my friend. Bre^oi, ov brsx\s, nnlilce mc. 43. Sproo, spru, At the beginning of: as, Dendroo's^rjt, at the beginning of the fight. Sproo'ca, at the beginning of it. 44. Stroo, stru. In the midst of: as, 'DenAroo'stru, in the midst of tlxcBi^ht Sfroo'cs, in the niidst of it. 45. Strc, stri. At the end of: as, Dcndroo'sf;-/, at the end of the fight. Stre'cs, at the end of it. ExcejH: fe.vclusivej : as, Rou'u tau'/i-j-w konzipu'ntos, all excejjt my sister. A'roo'os, except me. Kroo'cn, except them. kri, Besides ; (inclusive): as, AVfoslcwi, kwa po'ntipil ko'nzipurtos; and /^esAfe me there was my brother. In favor of: as, Wai pa'nsitel twai'^;-M po'nza, he spoke 2K_/afo«;-(^' his friend. Trod- os or ^/''os, in favour of me. In spite of: as, Ar dampinel antal'^rt ko'nzi, ye persisted in spite of aW advice. Tre'os or /raus, in spate of me. 81 4G. Kroo, kru. 47. Kre, kri, 48. Troo, tru. 49. Tre, ti-i, 50. GIoo, gin, 51. Gle, 52. Snoo, 53. Sne, 54. Spoo, 55. Spe, gli, snu. spu, spi, Along ; through the length of: as, Ye'ndroz te'utisel gloo dra'nzoi or dranzoi'^?«, the soldiers travelled along the road. Roundabout: as, Tomhvi^gli, round about Xh& ciiy. Until: as, o's>m gn'ndi ;?<«?/? this hour. Ko's«!« bun'dis, ««?i7 that day. Observe. The preposition woo applied to time has the same meanbg ; as, O'wM gu'ndis, to ( i. e. untU) this hour. O'nu pu'ndis, to this year. Since; (both lyreposition and conjunction.) : as, ros'wi bu'ndis, s/«ce that day. Toioards : as, >^^oo'os, towards me. Tombro'spw, towards the city. Fromwards; in a direction from : as, Aur te'ntisel tombro'spi tu Bristul, we travelled in a direction from the city of Bristol. CHAPTER II. TABULAES WITH PEEPOSITIOXS. [§175] All the Tabulars which end in a vowel, admit of the suffixing of anyone of the short Prepositions: with this only remark, that the previous accent upon the Tabular must be advanced one syllable. EXAMPLES. First D{£ erences. Second Differences. Third Di fferences. 1. Do'ndoo, dondoo'^M. 13. Po'ndoi, pondoI'Kir. 25. Po'ndo, pondo'?/-e<. 2. Do'ndoo, donioo'ti. 14. Po'ndoi, pondoi';«'. 26. Po'ndo, pondo'fr*', 3. Do'ndoo, ionioo'dii. 15. Po'ndoi, pondoi'sM. 27. Po'ndo, pondocZrw. 4. Do'ndoo, dondoo't^i'. 16. Po'ndoi, pondol'st 28. Po'ndo, pondo'fZrj', 5. Do'ndoo, dondooy^. 17. Po'ndoi, pondoi'sM, 29. Po'ndo, pondo'oM. 6. Do'ndoo, doondooyi', 18. Po'ndoi, pondoi'zi 30. Po'ndo, pondo'c?'. 7. Do'ndoo, dondoo'vM, 19. Po'ndoi, pondoi'mi*. 31. Po'ndo, pondo|yV, 8. Do'ndoo, dondoo'wi', 20. Po'ndoi, pondoi'mt. 32. Po'ndo, pondo|/j'. 9. Do'ndoo, dondoo^M, 21. Po'ndoi, poudol'fi*. 33. Po'ndo, pondo'^M. 10. Do'ndoo, dondoo^x", 22. Po'ndoi, pondoi'^e. 34. Po'ndo, pondo'^?'. 11. Do'ndoo, dondoo'^M. 23. Po'ndoi, pondoi't^M. 35. Po'ndo, pondo^rzi. 12. Do'ndoo, dondoo'St. 24. Po'ndoi, pondoi'tZt'. 36. Po'ndo, pondo^;re'. Fourth Differences. Fifth Differences. Sixth Di fferences. 37. Po'nda, ponda'Jrw. 44. Po'ndi, ponde'/>7<. 51. Po'ndai, pondal'swM. 38. Po'nda, ponda'&rt'. 45. Po'ndi, ponde'^r?. 55. Po'ndai, pondai'5?»'. 39. Po'nda, ])onda}sjmc, 46. Po'ndi, ponde'^^M. 56. Po'ndai, pondaI's;;!<. 40. Po'nda, ponda'^y?*. 47: Po'ndi, ponde'^?^ 57. Po'ndai, pondal'.s^j;". 41. Po'nda, ponda's^ri, 48. Po'ndi, ponde'Z>?v<. 58. Po'ndai, pondaI'7j«. 42. Po'nda, ponda'^Ti/, 49. Po'ndi, pondei/^'. 59. Po'ndai, pondai'wi. 43. Po'nda, ponda'/i,vj'. 50. Po'ndi, ponde^rM. 60. Po'ndai, pondal^rj*. 82 CHAPTER III. PLURAL TABULARS AND PREPOSITIONS. [ § 176 ] \^Tien a Preposition Is applied to a plural Tabular, (of course ending In z), the sliori prepo- sition must be iffixed immediately before the plural z. The Prepositions are in Italics. EXAMPLES. First Differences. Second Differences. Tliird Differences. 1. Do'ndooz, dondoo'iars, out of them ; &c. Within: as, Tos, ivifhinme; tan, within ihee; fes, loithin 'it; fur, wMj/i him ; toi, &c. Outside of: as, fans, outside of me ; fas, outside of thee ; fais, outside of it ; furs, &c. Through :■[ as, T^ur, through liim; r7un, through her; f7on, through us; r7an, through you; &c-. ^esw;?e / J^ f/«e siVZe o// as, f/as, Jestc/c thee ; r7ars, beside you ; dms, beside him ; Jars, &c. Q^.- as, fros, tqj me; fras, ?(/? thee; fres, uj) it; fren, m^j) them; fran, iij) you; fron, &c. Down: as, fraus, f?o(™ me; rals, below it; fZrurs, Jefow him; drnns, beloio her; (?raurs, Je?ow us; &c. Before : as, C'os, before me ; cas, before thee ; ces, Jc/ore it ; cur, before him ; cim, con, &c. After: as, C'aus, after me; cas, after thee; cais, a/fer it; curs, after him; cuns, caurs; &c. UjMn : as, Jen, vjmh them; _;'an, lyjow you; Jon, u^on us, jun, M_poM her; jiir, iqwn him ; &c. Underneath: as, Jaus; underneath me; jas, underneath thee; jais, underneath it; jurs, &c. O/i fArs st(?e o/.- as, (?os, on f/a's siV^e o/" me ; S/;ros, af fAe beginning of me ; s^jres, «f f7;e beginning of it ; &c. Stroo, stru, /;* fAe wiifsf of: as, /Sfz-en, ?h rtc midst of them ; sfron, in the midst of us ; sfran, &e. Stre, stri, At the end of: as, Strars, at the end of them ; sfraurs, at the end of us ; sfrars, &c. Kroo, kru, Excejjt ; (exclusive:) as, A'ros, excejytme; kr&3, ea;ccpf thee ; kres, except it; Z,-rur, &c. Kre, kri. Besides; (inclusive:) as, Kratus, besides me; kr&s, besides thee; krais, besides 'it; &c. Troo, tru, In favor of: as Tan, in favor of you; fen, in favour of them; fon, in favour of us; &c. * Sn, of (S/iaus, snars, &c. consists of s signifying se, pff; and n signifying ne, from; and together, from off. t Througli time as well as place and thing, as, through or during the week. 85 Too, 1", Te, tl, Doo, du. De, di, Troo, tri. Trc, tru, Droo, di'U Dre, di-i. Coo, £", Qh £.h Joo, j"> Je, ji. Goo, g»> Ge, gi' Koo, ku. Tre, ij'h Gloo, gli, Gle, gli, Skroo. , skru. Skre, ski-i, Spoo, spii, Spe, spi, III sj)ite of: as, Trars, in sjnte of you; ^rars, in spite of them ; ^raurs, in spite of us; &c. Along ; (through the length of:) as, (7?os, along me; ghs, along it; ^?un, afo»^ her; &c. Bound about: as, GIsms, round about me; ^/als, roundabout it; y^uns, roundabout her; &c. Until: as, Ro'sA-?v( i'ndoo, j(«?(7 that time. Since: as, Ro'sAvi Lndoo, sjHce that time. Towards: as, iVas, towards thee; nur, toicards him; Jiun, towards us; jzes, towards it; &c. Fronwards ; (in a direction from :) as, waus, in a direction from vae; was, wais, wars, &c. PART XYII. ADVEBBS UNDEBIVED. By reference to the tables of genera, differences, species, and sub-species, it will be seen that from every tabular substantive a tabular adverb is derived, by a certain rule of formation. Our present subject regards such adverbs as are not derived from tabular substantives ; but such as are formed on principles peculiar to themselves. [ § 179 ] Now it may be laid down as a general rule, that an adverb comprehends within it the sense of a preposition and its object ; which object is either a substantive, or, phrase having all the force and effect of a substantive, considered logically. CHAPTER I. DEMONSTRATIVE ADVERBS. These are divided into ten classes, according to their initial consonant as follows: 1. Fuial, 2. Instrumental, 3. Special, 4. Modal, 5. Real, 6. Personal, 7. Local, 8. Temporal, 9. Causal, 10. Consequential. [§180] Singular, Po'nu, to this end: Pro'nu, to that end: Poi'nu, to the same end: Proi'nu, to the other end : Pi'uu, to a certain end: I. DEMONSTRATIVES,— FINAL : beginning with P. signifying end (With the Preposition Nu, to.) Plural. Singular, Po'unu, to these ends. Pri'nu, to some end: Pro'unu, to those ends. Pou'nu, to every end: Poi'unu, to the same ends. Prou'nu, to each end: Proi'imu, to other ends. Prai'nu, to any end: Pi'unu, to certain ends. Plural. Pri'imu, to some ends. No plural. Prou'unu, to all the ends. Prai'unu, to any ends. [§181 II. DEMONSTRATIVES,— AFFIRMATIVE : begmning with B. signifying fact or truth (With the Preposition Tu, of.) Plural. Singidar, Bo'utu, of these facts. Bri'tu, of some fact: Bro'utu, of those facts. Bou'tu, of every fact. Boi'tu, of the same fact : Boi'utu, of the same facts. Brou'tu, of each fact Broi'tu, of another fact : Brol'utu, of other facts. Brai'tu, of any fact : Bi'tu, of a certain fact : Bhitu, of certain facts. 86 Singular, Bo'tu, of this fact : Bro'tu, of that fact: Plural. Bri'utu, of some facts. No plural. Brou'utu, of all the facts. Brai'utu, of any facts. [ § 182 ] III. DEMONSTRATIVES —SPECIAL : beginning with F. signifying kind. (AVIth the Preposition Tu, of.) Singular, Fo'tu, of this kind; Fro'tu, of that kind; Fol'tu, of the same kind ; Froi'tu, ofanotlicr kind ; Fi'tu, of a certain kind; Plural. Fg'utu, of these kinds. Fro'utu, of those kinds. Fol'utu, of the same kinds. Frol'utu, of other kinds. ri'utu, of certain kinds. Singular^ FrI'tu, of some kind ; Fou'tii, of every kind; Frou'tu, of each kind; Frai'tu, of any kind ; Plural. Fri'utu, of some kinds. No plural. Fron'utu, of all the kinds. Fral'utu, of any kinds. [ § 183 ] IV. DEMONSTRATIVES —MODAL : beginning with V. signifying mode. (With the Pi-eposltlon Tu, in.) Singular, Plural. Singular, Vg'tu, in this manner ; Vo'utn, in these modes. Vii'tu, in some manner ; Vro'tu, in that manner ; Vro'utu, in those modes. Vou'tu, in every mode; Vol'tu, in the same mode; Vol'utu, in the same modes. Vrou'tu, in each way ; Vroi'tu. in another mode; Vrol'utu, in other modes. Vral'tu, in any way ; Vi'tu, in a certain mode; Vi'utu, in certain modes. » English Adverbs Modal Translated. Tliiis, vo'tu. So, vro'tu. Not at all, vrai'tuno or vrale'tu. Just so, tcvro'tu. Uniformly, vol'tu Otherwise, vroi'tu. Like, In the same manner as, vol'tukyu. In what manner, vyootu. Plural. Vrlu'tu, in some manners. No 2}lural. Vrou'utu, in all the modes. Vi'al'utu, in any ways. [ § 184 ] V. DEMONSTRATIVES,— REAL : beginning with T. signlfjbg thing. Singular, To, this thing ; Tro, that thing ; Toi, the same thing ; Trol, another thing ; Ti, a certain thing ; Plural. To'u, these things. Tro'u, those things. Toi'u, the same things. Troi'u, other tilings. Ti'u, certain things. Singular^ Tri, some thing ; Toil, every thing ; Trou, each thing ; Tral, any thing; Plural. Tri'u, some things. No plural. Trou'u, all things. Trai'u, any things. [ § 185 ] VI. DEMONSTRATIVES,-PERSONAL : beginning with D. signifying person. Singular, Do, this person; Dro, that person ; Dol, the same pjerson ; Droi, another person ; Di, a certain person ; Plural. Do'u, these persons. Dr(2'ii, those piersons. Doi'u, the same persons. Droi'ii, other persons. Di'u, certain persons. Singular, DrI, some person ; Dou, every person ; Drou, each person ; Dral, any person; Plural. Dri'ii, some j}ersons. No plural. Drou'u, all jiersons. Drai'u, any persons. [ § 186 ] VII. DEMONSTRATIVES,— LOCAL: beginning with A', signifying place. (With the Preposition Tu, in.) Singular, Plural. Ko'tu, in this place ; Ko'utu, in these places. Kro'tu, in that place ; Kro'utu, in those places. Koi'tu, in the same place; Kol'utu, in the same places, Kroi'tu, in another place ; Krol'utu, in other places. Ki'tu, in a certain place ; Kl'utu, in certain places. 2 A 87 Singular, KrI'tu, in some place ; Kcu'tu, in every place ; Krou'tu, in each place; Kral'tu, in any place ; Plural. Kri'utu, ill some places. No plural. Krou'utu, in all the places. Krai'utu, in any places. English x\dverbs Local Translated. Any where, kraitu. Some whore, lu-itu. No where, kraie'tu or kraino'tu. Thence, kroni. There, at that place, krg'su. There, in that place, kro'tu. Hence, from this place, koni. Elsewhere, kroi'tu. To- wards this place, ko'spu. "V\liere, in what place, kyoo'tu. Where, at what place, kyoo'su. Whither, kyoo'nu. Whence, kyoo'ni. Together, koi'tu. Together, i. e. joined, tyool. [ § 187 ] Vlir. DEMONSTEATIVES,— TEMPOKAL : beghming with G. signifying time, (With the Preposition Su, at.) Singular, Plural. Go'su, at this time; Go'usu, at these times. Gro'su, at that time; Gro'nsu, at those times. Goi'su, at the sam^ time ; Goi'usu, at the same times, Groi'su, at another time ; Groi'usu, at other times. Gi'su, at a certain time; Gi'iisu, at certain times. Singular,, Gri'su, at some time ; Gou'su, at every time ; Grou'su, at each time ; Grai'su, at any time ; Plural. Gri'usu at some times. No plural. Groii'iisu, at all the times. Grai'usu, at any times. English Adverbs Temporal Translated. Ever, always, at all times, grou'usu. Yet, still, even now, gosubool, go'nubool. Henceforth, gonlbool. Even then, gro'subool. In a short time, pegwi'tu. After a long time, begwi'ci. During a long time, be- gwl'du. For a short time, pegwi'dn. From what time, gyoo'ni. At this very time, tego'su. At that very time, tegro'su. Long after that time, begro'ci. Lately, a little before this time, pego'cu. No knger, Pre\'iously, gocu. After this time, go'ci. Soon after this time, peg'oci. [ § 188 ] IX. DEMONSTRATIVES,— CAUSAL : beginning with T. signifying cause. (With the Preposition DI, for.) Singular, Plural. Singular, To'di, for this cause ; To'udi, for these causes. Tri'di, for some cause; Tro'di, for that cause ; Tro'udi, for those causes. Ton'dl, for every cause ; Toi'di, for the same cause; To'i^nii, for the same causes. Trou'dl, for each cause ; Troi'di, for another cause; Troi'udi, for other causes. Tral'dl, for any cause ; Ti'dl, for a certain cause; Ti'udi, for certain causes. Plural. Tri'udi, for some causes. Ao 2)^u,ral. Trou'udi, for all causes. Trai'udi, for any causes^. de'ed. For the reason or cause that, tyidi'kwin. Why, for what cause or reason? tyoodi. Because of him, [ § 189 ] X. DEMONSTRATIVES,— CONSEQUENTIAL : beginning with Z». signifying effect. Singular, Do, this effect : Dro, that effect : Doi, the same effect , Droi, another effect: Di, a certain effect : Plural. Do'u, these effects. Dro'u, those effects. Dol'u, the same effects. Drol'u, other effects. Di'u, certain effects. Singular, Dri, some effect : Dou, every effect : Drou, each effect: Drai, any effect: Plural. Dri'u. some effects. No pdural. Drou'u, all the effects. Drai'u, any effects. 88 f § 190 ] To any of the above Demonstratives, each of the prepositions may be suffixed, as follows : 1. (p) End or object. Prn'mi, proi'tu, pi'pii, prai'utn, prai'utu, pou'di, &c. 2. (b) Fact. Bi'dn, brou'iipu, brai'pu, bo'du, bri'uti, &c. 3. (f) Kind. Fo'tu, fro'tu foit'ii, frou'utu, tVai'pu. &c. 4. (v) jMode. V<2'tu, vroi'tu, vrai'tu, vou'tu, vo'bi, &c. 5. (t) Thing. T(2'tu, to'ti, to'pu, to'bi, to'mu, to'su, &c. G. (d) Person. Don'u, dro'bi, doi'ti. dou'bi, drai'bi, &c. 7. (k) Place. Ko'su, ko'di, kroi'su, krou'usu, krai'di, &c. 8. (g) Time. Go'su, gg'tu, go'pu, groi'di, gou'pu, &c. 9. (t) Cause. Totu, trotu, toi'tu, titu, tro'mu, tro'nu, &c. 10. (d) Effect. Do'su, M'su, Drou'uni, Drou'utu, Drai'tu, &c. CHAPTER 11. ADVERBS OF QUANTITY. A great quantity, has. A smal> quantity, pas. As much, ba. As little, pa. As much as, ba'kyu. As little as, pa'kyu. So much that, ba'skwin. So little that, pa'skwin. How much ? kwoo. At least, su pla'ntupous. At most, su pra'ntupous. Not at all, jirai'tuno, i. e. not in any degree. In a certain degree, jui'tu or ju.situ. In some degree, ju'ritu. CHAPTER III. ADVERBS OF NUMBER. This will more properly come under the head of Numbers. See Numbers. We shall, however, give a small space to a few examples in anticipation. [§191 ] C and ci, s^s prefixes^ severally signify day ; j and /*' signify week ; s and -si signify montli . and lastly, z and zi signify year. They are combmed with number^ as follows : TABLE. Present Tense. Ca'seo, to day. Past. ca'pil, yesterday, i. e. 1st cipa'sil, 10th past day, cifa'sil, 20th past day, cita'sil, 30th past day, cita'pil, 31st past day, cita'fil, 32nd past day, cita'til, 33rd past day, cita'kil, 34th past day, cita'bil, 35th past dav, cita'vil, 36th past dav, cita'dil, 37th past day, cita'gil, 38th past day, cita'til, 39th past day, 89 past day, cipa'pil, 11th past day, cifa'pll, 21st past day. ca'fil, 2nd past day, cipa'fil. 12th past day, cifa'fil. 22nd past day, ca'til. 3rd past day. cipa'til. 13th past day, cifa'til. 23rd past day, ca'kil. 4th past day. cipa'kil. 14th past day, cifa'kil, 24th past day, ca'bil. 5th past day. cipa'bil, 15th past day, cifa'bil, 25th past day. ca'vil. 6th past day, cipa'vil. 16th past day. cifa'vil, 26th past day. ca'dil, 7th past day. cipa'dil, 17th past day. cifa'dil, 27th past day, ea'gil. 8th past day, cipa'gil, 18th past day, cifa'gil, 28th past day, ea'til, 9th past day. cipa'til, 19th past day, cifa'til, 29th past day, cika'sil, cika'pil, cika'fil, cika'til, cika'kil, cika'bil, cika'vil, cika'dil, cika'gU, cika'til, ciba'sil, ciba'pil, ciba'fil, ciba'til, ciba'kil, ciba'bil, ciba'vil, ca'pin, 40th past day, 41st past day, 42iid past day, 43rd past day, 44th past day, 45th past day, 46th past day, 47th past day, 48th past day, 49th past day, 50th past day, 51st past day, 52nd past day, 53rd past day, 54th past day, 55th past day, 56th past day, tomorrow, i. e. 1st. future day, ca'fin, 2nd future day, ca'tin, 8rd future day, ca'kin, 4th future day, ca'bin, 5th future day, ciba'dil, ciba'gil, ciba'til, civa'sil, civa'pil, civa'lil, civa'til, civa'kil, civa'bil civa'vil, civa'dil, civa'gil, civa'til, cida'sil, cida'pil, cida'fil, cida'til. 57th past day, 58th past day, 59th past day, 60th past day, 61st past day, 62ud. past day, 63rd past day, 64th past day, 65th past day, 66th past day, 67th past day, 68th past day, 69th past day, 70th past day, 71st past day, 72nd past day, 73rd past day, cida'kil, cida'bil, cida'vil, cida'dil, cida'gil, cida'til, ciga'sil, ciga'pil, ciga'fil, ci'ga'til, ciga'kil, ciga'bll, ciga'vil, ciga'dil, ciga'gil, ciga'til, cita'sil,, 74th past day, 75th past day, 76th past day, 77th past day, 87th past day, 79th past day, 80th past day, 81st past day, 82nd past day, 83rd past day, 84th past day, 85th past day, 86th past day, 87th past day, 88th past day, 89th past day, 90th. past day. cita'pil, 91st past day, cita'fil, 92nd past day, cita'til, 93rd past day, citakil, 94th past day, cita'bil, 95th past day, cita'vil, 96th past day, cita'dil, 97th past day, cita'gil, 98th past day, cita'til, 99th past day, cipe'sil, 100th past day, cipea'pil, 101st past day, cipepa'sil, 110th past day, cipepa'pil, 1 1 1th past day, cife'sil, 200th past day, cau'po pe'sil, 1100th p. day cipoopau'sg pepa'pil, 110,111th past day. Future. 7th future day, cipa'kin, 14th futm-e day, 8th futm-e day, cipa'bin, 15th future day, 9th future day, cipa'vin, 16th future day, 10th future day, cipa'din, 17th future day, cipa'pin, 11th future day, cipa'gin, 18th futm-e day, cipa'fin, 12th future day, cipa'tin, 19th future day, ca'din. ca'gin, ca'tin, cipa'sii ca'vm, 6th future day, cipa'tin, I3th future day, cifa'sin, 20th future day cifa'pin, 21st future day, cifa'fin, 22nd future day, cifa'tin, 23rd future day, cifa'kin, 24th future day, cifa'bin, 25th futm-e day, cifa'vLn, 26th future day, &c. TABLE II. Present Tense. Ja'seo, this week. Sa'seo, this month. Past, ja'pil, last week, ja'fil, 2nd. week past, ja'til, 3rd week past, ja'kil 4th past week, j.ibil, 5th week past. Future. Past, ja'pm, next week, §a'pil, last month, ja'fin, 2nd. week future, sa'fil, 2nd month past, ja'tin, 3rd week future. sa'til, 3rd month past, ja'kin, 4th futm-e day. sa'kil, 4th month past, ja'biu, 5th week future. sa'bil, 5th month past, Future. sa'pin, next month. sa'fin,^ 2nd month future. sa'tiu, 3rd month future, sa'kin, 4th month future, sa'bin, 5th month future. TABLE III. Present Tense. Za'seo, this year. Past, Future. za'pil, last year, za'til, 3rd. year past, za'pin, next year, za'tin, 3rd. year future, za'fil, 2nd. year past, za'kil, 4th. year past, za'fin, 2nd. year future, zakin, 4th. year future. 90 CHAPTER ly. ADVERBS OF NEGATION. [ § 192 ] These are certain letters, words, or syllables, which are used In sentences, for the purpose of denial. They are divided into Tabular, Copulative, and Potential. SECTION I. NEGATIVES TABULAR. [ § 193 ] These are universally Iffixed In the middle of Tabulars, immediately after the trumpet, i. e. after m, n, or n, according to the following Tables. Positives, Po'nsifai, to thiak, Pro'nsifal, to meditate, Fo'nsifal, to enqune, Fro'nsifal, to discover, To'nsifal, to assent, Tro'nslfal, to dissent, Ko'nsifal, to believe, Negatives. Pone'slfal, not to think. Prone'sifai, not to meditate. Fone'slfal, not to enquire. Frone'slfal, not to discover. Tone'sifai, not to assent. Trone'sifal, not to dissent. Kone'sifai, not to believe. Positives, Kro'nsifai, to disbelieve, Bo'nslfal, to know, Bro'nslfai, to doubt, Do'nslfai, to reason, Dro'nsifai, to conjecture, Go'nsifai, to esteem, Gro'nsifal, to despise. Negatives. Krone'slfal, not to disbelieve. Bone'slfai, not to know. Brone'sifai, not to doubt. Done'slfal, not to reason. Drone'sifal, not to conjecture. Gone'sifai, not to esteem. Grone'slfai, not to despise. SECTION II. NEGATIVES GOVJJ'LA.TWY, -.—ENTITIVE. [ § 194 ] These are formed by prefixing to the Pronouns, the letter n. Indefinite. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Au um,* I am; Nau mn, I am not. Au ul, I was; Nau ul, I was not. Au un, I shall be; Xau im, I shall not be. Conclusives — Synthetic. Concluslves — Analytic. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Au oom, I have been; Nau oom, I have not been. Au om ut, I have been; Nau om ut, I have not been. Au ool, I had been; Nau ool, I had not been. Au ol ut, I had been; Nau ol ut, I had not been. Auoon, Ishallhavebeen; Nauoon, Ishallnot havebeen. Auonut, IshaUhave been; Nauonut, I shall not have been. Progressives. Positive, Negative. Au ump, I am being ; Nau ump, I am not being. Au ult, I was being ; Nau ult, I was not being. Auunt, I shall be being ; Nauunt, I shall not be being.. Au oomp, I have been being ; Au oolt, I had been being ; Au oont, I shall have been being ; Nau oomp, I have not been being. Nau oolt, I had not been being. Nau oont, I shall not have been being. 2 B * Put z betwixt the vowels; as, Au-a-um, Nau-a-iun, &c. 91 SECTION III. NEGATIVES COPULATIVE :—^ CT/ri:. Indefinite. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. All im, I do; Nau im, I do not. Au il, I did; Nau il, I did not. Au in, I shall do; Nau in, I shall not do. Concluslves — Synthetic. Conclusives — Analytic. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negatire. Au em, I have done; Nau em, I have not done. Au om it, I have done; Nau om it, I have not done. Au el, I had done; Nau el, I had not done. Au ol it, I had done; Nau ol it I had not done. Auen, I shall have done; Nau en, I shall not have done. Au on it, I shall have done;Nau on it, I shall not have done Progressives. Positive, Negative. Au imp, I am doing ; Nau imp, I am not doing. Au ilt, I was doing; Nau ilt, I was not doing. Auint, I shall be doing; Nau int, I shall not be doing. Au emp, I have been domg; Nau emp, I have not been doing. Au elt, I had been doing; Nau elt, I had not been doing. Au ent, I shall have been doing; Nau ent, I shall not have been doing. SECTION IV. NEGATIVES COPULATIVE DIEECTIVE -.—ENTITIVE. [ § 195 ] Here Negation is denoted by n and n. The accents of these verbs vary according to the sense. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Sut, let; Sunt, let not. Suk, let; Sunk, let not. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Uso's, let me be; Nuso's, let me not be; Usu'n, let her be; Nusu'n, let her not be. Usa', be thou; Nusa', be not thou; Uso'n, let us be; Nuso'n, let us not be. Use's, belt; Nuse's, let it not be; Usar, be ye; Nusa'r, be ye not. Usu'r, let hun be; Nusu'r, let him not be; Use'n, let them be; Nuse'n, let them not be. SECTION V. NEGATIVES COPULATIVE DIRECTIVE :—^ Cr/r^-. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. Sit, let; Sint, let not. Sik, let; Sink, let not. Positive, Negative. Positive, Negative. I'sos, let me do; Ni'sos, let me not do. I'sim, let her do; N'isim, let her not do. I'sa, do thou; N'isa, do not thou. Ison, let us do; N'ison, let us not do. I'ses, let it do ; N'ises, let it not do. I'sar, do ye ; N'isar, do not ye. I'sur, let him do ; Ni'sur, let him not do. I'seu, let them do ; N'isen, let them not do. SECTION VI. NEGATIVES POTENTIAL. [ § 196 ] These all end in i'u, and the Negative is expressed by n prefixed to the Pronoun or suffixed to the Verb; as, pi'u, pi'un; fi'u, fi'un; ti'u, ti'uw; ki'u, ki'u« ; bi'u, bi'u«; &c. See Potentials; as, «au pi'u, I cannot ; nau fiu, I may not ; &c. 92 CHAPTER Y. As, {mitial) Yun, As, {final) K}-u, So, Yul, How, Gul, -» So, Gil, J ADVERBS OF COMPARISON. as, Yun pampui', as tappy. More, Yin, as, Painpuva'Z;?/M, as liappy as. Most, Win, as, Fwi pa'mpur, so bappy. Less, Yil, (7«na'mpus, ^('Zbe'mpur, Least, Wil, /jow wise ! so mei'ciful ! as as, Yin pa'mpur, more happy, as, Win pa'mpur, most happy. as, Yil pa'mpur, less happy, as, Wil pa'mpur, least happy. CHAPTER VI. ADVERBS PREPOSITIONAL. [ § 198 ] Some Prepositions are convertible into Adverbs :— this is the case where the Preposition has no expressed Accusative Case: as, he walked about for some time:^ie over slept himself: — he is under valued: — she mj) lifted her voice. [ § 199 ] Now all the Prepositions are turned into Adverbs merely by suffixing to the short Preposi- tions the letter s. EXAMPLES. 1. Wai Ids pe'nsifel, he walked about. 2. Wai gis tra'nsifel, he over slept. 3. Wai dris u'ntibool, he was under valued. CHAPTER YIL ANOMALOUS ADVERBS. [ § 197 ] These are not capable of classification with any advantage, not being divisible into classes of sufficient numbers. Vool, again. Vel, as if. Sool, almost. Sel, scarcely. Sul, exactly. Tyool, only. Tel, alone. Sprus, at the beginning. Strus, in the midst. Stris, at last. Glus, along, away. Dool, namely. Del, for instance. Kyunt, as far. Kyult, so far. Kwel, likexoise, Kyel, a7id so forth. Droo, backwards. Dre, forwards. No'tul, otherwise. Pul, perhaps. Pil, truly. Spin, now. Spen, then, past. Span, then, future. Stul, thereabouts. Yint, too. [Adjectives: — Yink, too much: — Yilk, too little.] Brooz, at most. Brez, at least. Krooz, at first. Krez, at last. Kwi'sin, as follows. Plus, then, consequently. Nis, forth, frontwards. Qus, forth, forwards. Wis, forth, out. VXnslk.el, therefore, consequently. Moo], in (he course. No, not. 93 PART XYIII. CONJUNCTIONS. Conjunctions and Prepositions are of the same general natvu'e : they both express the relation betwixt certain members or parts of a sentence. Where the object of a given relation appears in the form of a tabular noun, the word expressing that relation Is called a Preposition : — where the object of the i-elation is a simple sentence, or an expression consisting of a subject and its predicate, the word is called a Con- junction; although iutrmsically and essentially, the Preposition and its object, may be perfectly identical with the Conjunction and its object. Thus the word "a/ressing; Tr'mzoo^dwus, press; compressing m. Te'nzo, roasting; Tenzcldwus, jack; roastingmachine. Kri'nzo, reaping; KrinzoWwKs, reajjing machine. Habit: — Pus. Dre^vabi, disobedience; Drembe^as, contumacy; habit- De'mbi, obedience; 'Demhe'pas, the habit of obeying. ual disobedience. Ko'nzi, joy; "Konz^pas, the habit of cheerfulness. JJ'n^a., worshipping; Uudra'pos, devotion; the habit Pu'ndi-a, p-a^ery Puiidra|^;«s, habitual prayer. of worshipping. 97 Art:— B as. Vondoo'Ja«, Vondoo'^raw, Ende'?)as, Ende'Jras, Riindoo'ias, Rimdoo'Jrrts, Pinzoi'Sa^, PlnzoMras, Inzo'&os, Inzo'fo-as, Indrooya*, Fendi"ayas, |il/« ?7«e quantity art: the quantity science the magnitude art: "^ ^7 -^ J • r Geometry, themagnitucle science : ) ^ the number art: tlie number science. the star art: the star science: the land art: the land science: tliematics. ithmetic. >Ariti > Astronomy. > Geography. Science : — Bras. Indoo'Jas, Indoo'iras, Timbo'ias, Timbo'Z*?-as, Pombo'Jas, Pombo'ir«s, Kimbe'Z'as, Kimbe'Jras, } the time art: the time science: the harmony art: ■» the harmony science: j the vision art: -j the vision science: J the loeighing art : ■» the weighing science: j Chronology. Music. Optic Statics. Office -Fas. Naval Officer. Major General. Fembr^as, Colonel. Tendi'a^^, Captain. Vondroy«5, Chancellor of University. Vondoo'vos, "> ,^ , ,y I 1 I y Mathematician. \&naoQivras ) Astronomer. Ende'ro*, Ende'was E,undoo'?;a5, Rundoo'w > Geometrician. Artist: — Vas. Vinzaivas, Pirizoi'vras, Inzo'i^flA', Inzo'OTos, -IS, -» Arithmetician. Indoo'yros, } > Geographer. > Chronologist Timbo'iJas, Timbo'«ra.s, Pombo'iYw, Pombo'i)ra«, Kimbe'tJos, Kembe'wrws. } } } Musician. Optician. Stadcian. Rondoo'tos, carpenter, Unje'tos, stone-mason. Mechanic :- Unzoo'to, smith; metal mechanic. -Tas. Punzoo'frt«, goldsmith. Vunzoo'^fls, hlachsmith. BunzooVfts, plumber. Punzoi'tas, brazier. Merchant: Kenzoo'g? Past. Uleai di'nsufoo? was it filled? Oo'leai di'nsufoo? had it been filled? JJ'\tL'a.idi'niiu{oo, was it being filled by? Fut. \Ji\^e_2i\da\\^\xho?willithe filled? Oo^ne3Adi^as\xioo'^willithMve CHAPTER III. TABULAES DIEECTIVE. JSEUTRAL, Dinsoi'zos, let me he full: Dinsoi'za, be thou full: Dinsoi'zes, let it be full: Dinsoi'zed, let him he full: Diusoi'zet, let her he full: Dinsoi'zon, Jet us be full: Dinsoi'zar, do ye he full: Dinsoi'zen, let them he full. Section I. Tabulars Simple. ACTIVE, Dinsifo'zos, let me fill: Dinsifo'za, do thou fill: Dinsifo'zes, let it fill: Dinsifo'zed, let him fill: Dinsifo'zet, let her fill: Dinsifo'zon, let us fill: Dinsifo'zar, do ye fill: Dinsifo'zen, let tliem fill. PASSIVE. Diusifoo'zos, let me be filled by : Diusifoo'za, Dinsifoo'zes, Dinsifoo'zed, Dinsifoo'zet, Dinsifoo'zon, Dinsifoo'zar, Dinsifoo'zen, do thou be filled by : let it be filled by: lei him be filled by : let her be filled by .- let us be filled by : do ye he filled by : let them he filled by. Section II. Tahulars mixed with Duplicates. NEUTRAL U'sos dinsou, U'sa di'nsou, U'ses di'nsou, U'sur di'nsou, U'sun di'nsou, U'son di'nsou, U'sar di'nsou, U'scn di'nsou. let me be full: be tliou fidl: let it be full: let him he full: let her be full: let us be full: he ye full: let them he full: ACTIVE, I'sos di'nsifai, let me fill: I'sa di'nsifai, do thou fill: I'ses di'nsifai, let it fill : I'sur di'nsifai, let him fill: I'sun di'nsifai, let her fill: I'son di'nsifai, let us fill: I'sar di'nsifai, do ye fill: I'seu di'nsifai, let them fill: PASSIVE. U'sos di'nsifoi, let me he filled by: U'sa di'nsifoi, he thou filled by : U'ses di'nsifoi, let it be filled by: U'.sur di'nsifoi, let him he filled by: U'sun di'nsifoi, let her be filled by: U'son di'nsifoi, let us be filled hj : U'sar di'nsifoi, be ye filled by: U'scn di'nsifoi, let them be filled by. lOS CHAPTER lY. TABULARS OPTATIVE. The Optative characteristic is "Ho'kwun!" which, like the two English words "Oh that!" expresses an apparently intense wish, but does not assci-t it. [ § 224 ] The matter of the Optative, i. e. the thing wished, Is expressed by an Infinitive complete, that is, a subject with its Infinitive verb. EXAMPLES. 1. Ho'kwim dro'nzotos lu'mpiki! Oh that my servant were healed! 2. Ho'kwmi dro'nzotos lu'mpikil ! Oh that my servant had before been healed ! 3. Ho'kwun dro'nzotos lumpikin ! Oh that my servant may hereafter be healed ! [ § 225 ] Here the characteristic is of the present tense : — the thing wished in the first example coincides with it; in the second, ])recedes it; and in the third, succeeds it. Further Examples. 1. Ho'kwun ra'mbi tn ra'mpukroz pe'ntisam Oh that the wickedness of the wicked may come yoo'nu tri'ndo ! to an end ! 2. Ho'kwun dyo'nzoo twi'zraielpe'ntisi mi Zi'un! Oh that the salvation of Izrael were now come out of Zion ! 3. Ho'kwun U'ndi fompital'ncas ro'tu bu'ndis ! Oh that God may hear thee in that day ! 4. Ho'kwim to'meos fo'ndiz yoo'broo pe'njo ! Oh that I had wings like a dove ! 5. Ho'kwim kanzal'ten o'kain goora'nzis ! Oh that their table may become a trap ! 6. Ho'kwun kindoi'ten o'kain unra'nsupoo ! Oh that their home may become desolate ! [ § 226 ] The subjects of the above Optatives are all substantives. In the following examples they are all -pronouns. [§227 ] It is a rule that where a pronomi is the siibject of an infinitive, it shall be suffixed to the infinitive; and not, as is usual in English, precede it. EXAMPLES. Present. Past. Oh that I were now wise ! Ho'kwim fampisi'os! Oh that I had before been wise ! Ho'kwun fampisi'leos! Oh that thou wert now wise ! Hcj'kwun fiimpisi'as ! Oh that thou liadst before been wise ! Ho'kwun fampisi'leas ! Oh that it were now wise! Ho'kwim fampisies! Oh that it had before been wise! Ho'kwim fampisi'lees ! Oh that he were now wise! Ho'kwun famplsi'ed! Oh that he had before been wise! Ho'kwun fampisi'leed ! Oh that she were now wise! Ho'kwun fampisi'et! Oh that she had before been wise! Ho'kwun fampisi'leet! Oh that we were now wise! Hokwun fampisi'on! Oh that we had before been wise! Hokwim fa'mpisi'lcon ! Oh that ye were now wise! Ho'kwun fampisi'an! Oh that ye had before been wise! Ho'kwun fampisi'lean ! Oh that they were now wise ! Ho'kwun fampisi'en ! Oh that they had before been wise ! Ho'kwim fampisi'leen ! Future. Oh that I may hereafter be wise ! Ho'kwim fampisi'neos ! Oh that thou mayest hereafter be wise! Ho'kwum fampisi'ncas ! Oh that he may hereafter be wise ! Ho'kwim fampisi'uoen ! 109 CHAPTER V. TABULARS DEPENDENT OR INFINITIVE. [ § 228 ] Those are so deiioiiiinated because they depend upon some prior verb, adjective, or other word : and from the tense of wliich their ow7i time is to be calculated. [ § 229 ] The following Table exhibits, at one view, all the termmations of the Dependent Verbs, wliether Neutral, Active, or Passive. NEUTRAL. Indefinite^ Conclusive, Progressive. D'InsIfi, to be full; De'nsifi, to have noio been full; Dl'nsifi, to continue full; Di'nsifil, heretofore to have been full; De'nsifil, to have been formerly full; Di'nslfil, to have continued full heretofore; Di'nsifin, hereafter to be full; Densiiin, to have been hereafter full; Di'nsifiu, to continue hereafter to be full; ACTIVE. Indefinite, Conclusive, Progressive. Di'nsifai, to fill now; De^nsita,!, to Iiave now filled ; T)h\sit'a,i, to be now filling ; Di'nsifail, to have heretofore filled; De'nsifail, to have heretofore filled; DhisiiaW, to havebeenformerlg filling; Di'nsiMn, to fill hereafter ; De'nsifain, to have filled hereafter; D'Aisifnin, to be hereafter filling ; PASSIVE. Indefinite, Conclusive, Progressive. Dl'nslfoi, to be now filled bg; De'nsitol, to have 7iow been filled bg ; Di'nsifol, to be noiv being filled by; Di'nsifoil, to be heretofore filled by; De'nsifoll, to /jaye heretofore been filled 5?//DI'nsifoil, to be heretofore being filled by; Di'nsifoin, to be hereafter filled by. De'nsifoin, to have been hereafter filled by. Di'nsifoin, to be hereafter being filled by. [ § 230 ] The subject of an Infinitive or Dependent verb is either a pronoun, a tabular, or proper noun. [§231 ] If the subject is a personal pronoun, it Is suffixed to the verb, accordmg to the following MODEL. NEUTRAL. ACTIVE. PASSIVE. Indefinite. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Dinsifi'os, dinsifileos, dinsifi'neos, Dinsifai'os, duisifai'leos, dinsifai'neos, Dinsifoi'os, diusifoi'leos, duisifoi'neos, Conclusive. Densifi'os, denslfi'leos, densifi'neos, Densifai'os, densifai'leos, densifai'neos, Densifoi'os, densifol'leos, densifoi'neos. Progressive. Dinsifi'os, dinsifi'leos, dinsifi'neos, Dinsifai'os, dinsifal'leos, dinsifai'neos, Dinsifoi'os, diusifoi'leos, dinsifoi'neos, [ § 232 ] If the subject Is a tabular or proper name. It precedes the Infinitive verb. MODEL. Neutral. Active. Passive. Pi'njoo dl'nsifi, di'nslfil, di'nsifin, di'nsifai, di'nsifail, di'nslfaln, di'nsifol, di'nsifoil, di'nsifoin, Pi'njoo de'nsifi, de'nsifil, de'nsifin, de'nslfal, de'nsifail, de'nslfan, de'usifoi, de'nsifoil, de'nsifoin, Pi'njoo di'nsifi, di'nsifi_l, di'nsifin, d'insifal, di'nsifail, di'nslfaui, di'nsifol, di'nsifoil, di'nsifoin. 110 [ § 233 ] Wc have seen that Optatives depend on the two words, " Ho kwun," and except that Infini- tives have a different dependence, they follow exactly the same law as optatives; and so do their tenses. Observe. We shall now take the same examples as are given in the previous chapter, to shew their perfect analogy with optatives, only altermg the term of dependence from "Ho'kwun" to some other expression. EXAJIPLES. 1. Wai ga'nsito dronzo'tos lu'mpiki ; He says that my servant is in a state of health. 2. Wai fi'ntiso dro'nzotos lumpikil ; He says my servant was before In a state of healtli. 3. Ar to'ntriso dronzo'tos lu'mpikin; They promise that my servant shall be in a state of health. 4. Wai ga'nsito ra'mbi tu ra'mpukroz pe'ntlsam He says the wickedness of the wicked will come yoo'nu tri'ndo ; to an end. 5. Wai ga'nsito dyo'nzoo tw I'zraiel pe'ntisi ; He says that the salvation of Israel is come. 6. Wai ga'nsito dyo'nzoo tw I'zraiel pe'ntisil ; He says that the salvation of Israel was come. 7. Wai ga'nsito dyo'nzoo tw I'zraiel pe'ntisiu ; He says that the salvation of Israel will be come. 8. Wai ga'nsito to'meos fo'ndiz yoo'bru pe'njo ; He says that I have wings like a dove. 9. Wai ga'nsito to'leos fo'ndiz yoo'bru pe'njo ; He says that I had wmgs like a dove. • 10. Wai ga'nsito to'neos fo'ndiz yoo'bru pe'njo ; He says that I shall have wings like a dove. 11. Wai ga'nsito kanzal'ten o'kain goora'nzis ; He says that their table will become a trap. 12. Wai ga'nsito kindoi'teu o'kain mira'nsupoo ; He says that then- home wiU become desolate. [ § 234 ] At page 109, Sec. 227, the law Is laid down for suffixing 'pronominal subjects to Infinitive or Dependent Verbs : — the law prevails here. EXAMPLES. Absolute Present with Dependent Present. An fi'ntiso pampivi'os ; I affii-m that I am happy. An fi'ntiso pampivi'et ; I affirm that she is happy. Au fi'ntis(2 pampivi'as ; I affirm that thou art happy. Au fi'ntiso pampivi'on; I affirm that we are happy. Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'es ; I affij-m that it is happy. Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'an; I affirm that ye are happy. Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'ed ; I affii-m that he Is happy. Au fi'ntiso pampivi'en ; I affirm that they are happy. [ § 235 ] This is the model for all Neater Verbs which have pronominal subjects : — there being but one substantive connected with the Neuter Verb, there can be no doubt as to that one being the subject of the Verb. Absolute Present with Dependent Past. Au fi'ntiso pampivi'leos; I affii-m that I was happy. Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'lcet; I affii-m that she was happy. Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'leas, I affirm that thou wcrt happy. Au fi'ntiso pampivi'leon; I affirm that we were happy. Au fi'ntiso pamplvilees; I affii-m that it was happy. Au fi'ntiso pampivilean; 1 affirm that ye were happy, Au fi'ntiso pampivileed; I affirm that he was happy. Au fi'ntiso pampivileen; I affirm tliat they were happy. Absolute Present with Dependent Future. Aufi'ntlaopampivi'neos; I affirm that I shall 1 ^ Au fi'ntiso pampi'vineet; I affirm that she will ] ^ Au fi'ntiso pampivi'neas; I affirm that thou wilt I ^ Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'neon ; I affirm that we shall I ^ Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'nees; I affirm that it will [ " '^■- ^'•-'" :™i..^-- t offi,,,, ti,„^ ^„ will t -n Au fi'ntiso pampivi'need; I affirm that he will^ Au fi'ntiso pamplvi'noan; I affirm that ye will Au fi'ntiso pampivi'neen ; I affirm that they will 2 G 111 Absolute Past xoitJi Dependent Present. Au fi'ntisel pampivi'os; I affirmed that I was then Au fi'ntisel pampivi'as; I affirmed that thou wast happy tlien happy, &c. Absolute Past with Dependent Past. Au fi'ntisel pampivi'lcos; I affirmed that I had Au fi'ntisel pampivl'leas ; I affirmed that thou hadst before then been happy. before then been happy, &c. Absolute Past with Dependent Future. Au fi'ntisel pamplvi'neos, I affirmed that I should Au fi'ntisel pampivi'neas ; I affirmed that thou after then be happy. wouldst after then be happy, &c. Absolute Future with Dependent Present. Au fi'ntisen pampivi'os; I shall affirm that I am then Au fi'utisen pampivi'as; I shall affinn that thou art happy. then happy, &c. Absolute Future with Dependent Past. Au fi'ntisen pampivi'leos ; I shall affirm that before Au fi'ntisen pampivi'leas ; I shall affirm that before that time I had been happy. that time thou hadst been happy, &c. Absolute Futxire with Dependent Future. Au fi'ntisen pamplvi'neos; I shall affirm that after- Au fi'ntisen pampivi'neas; I shall affirm that after- wards I shall be happy. wards thou wilt be happy, &c. [ § 236 ] The above examples sufficiently shew the relation In which the Absolute and Dependent Verbs stand to each other. Observe. This is a most important branch of gi-ammar, but our limits prevent our discussing it at large. Section II. ACTIVE Verbs Dependent with Personal Pronouns: — (Subject and Object.) Indejinite. Present, To'nsikaiau"20s, i srw, zes, zed, r That I love myself, -i thee, it, him, Past, To'nsikaIlau"sos, Vzet, zon, zan, < That I loved myself, M^er, ourselves, you, Future. To'nsIkaInau"zo6", J zen. L That I shall love myself, J them. Conclusive. Present, Toi'nsIkaIau"£os, ^ zas, zes, zed, rThat I have loved myself, -i thee, it, him. Past, Toi'nsikailau"sos, Y^et, zon, zan, < That I had loved myself, ["her, ourselves, you, Future, Toi'usikamau"3os, J zen. I That I shall have loved myself) J them. Progressive. 'Preseni, To'nsikalau"3os, -i zas, zes, zed, rThat I am loving myself, -i thee, it, him. Past, To'nsIkailau".:os, ^zet, zon, zan, ^ That I was loving myself, (-her, ourselves, you, Future. To'nsikalnau"sos, J zen. L That I shall be loving myself, J them. 112 Section HI. PASSIVE Verbs Dependent with Personal Pronouns. Present^ Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. Present, Past, Future. To'nsikoiau"5os, t To'nsikoilau"2os, To'nsikoiiiau"30i', Toi'nsikoiau"3os, Toi'nsikoilau"50s, Toi'nsikoinau'lsos, To'nsikoiau"2o«, Tn'iisikoilau"3cis, To'nsikoinau"20«, J Indefinite. zas, zes, zed, rTliat I am loved by myself, ^''t, ztm, zen. thee, it, him, • her, ourselves, them. you, 1 thee, it, him, an, J. That I was loved by myself, [That I shall bo loved by myself. Conclusive, zas, zes, zed, r That I have beeu loved by myself, zet, zon, zan, J. That I had been loved by myself, zen. I That I shall have been loved by myself, J them. Progressive, zas, zes, zed, r That I am beiug loved by myself,* -i thee, it, hhn, zet, zon, zan, \ That I was being loved by myself, I her, ourselves, you, LThat I shall be being loved by myself, J them. Y her, ourselves, you, zen. PART xxiy. D UPLIGA TES PO TENTIAL. [§237 ] The foUowmg Verbs are called Potentials Duplicate, namely, 1, Pi'u, can; 2, Fi'u, may; o, Ti'u, (predictive) shall or will; 4, Vi'u, (promisslve) ivill or wilt; 5, Vai'u, (authoritative) shcdl or shalt; 6, Ki'u, ought; 7, Bi'u, must; 8, Di'u, tvould rather. CHAPTER I. ABSOLUTE.— FV\J, fcanj. DEPENDENT :— VI, ( lo be able J. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. Au pi'u, I can. Au pli'u, I could. Au pri'u, I can hereafter. SECTION II. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependents on the Present. Wai ga'nsito pi'os pre'ntisai, He says that I can now go. Wai ga'nsito pli'os pre'ntisai. He says that I could then go. Wai ga'nsito pri'os pre'ntisai, He says that I can hereafter go. 2. Dependent on the Past. Wai ga'nsltel pi'os pre'ntisai. He said that I could go then. Wai ga'nsitcl pli'os pre'ntisai. He said that I coidd go before then. Wai ga'nsitel pri'os pi-e'ntisai, He said that I could hereafter go. 3. Dependent on the Future. Wai ga'nsiten pi'os pre'ntisai. He will say that I can then go. Wai ga'nsiten pli'os pre'ntisai, He will say that I could go before theti, Wai ga'nsiten prios pre'ntisai, He will say that I can afterwards go. * That I continue to be loved by myself 113 CHAPTER 11. ABSOLUTE.— FW, fmmjj. DEPENDENT .—¥1, (to be free to). SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. Au fi'u, I may now. Au fli'u, I might then. An fri'u, I may hereafter. SECTION II. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Wai ga'nsito fi'os pre'ntisai, He says that I may now go. Wai ga'nsito fli'os pre'ntisai, He says that I might then go. Wai ga'nsito frios pre'ntisai, He says that I may hereafter go. 2. Dependent on the Past. Wai ga'nsitel fi'os pre'ntisai, He said that I might then go. Wai ga'nsitel flios pre'ntisai, He said that I might before then go. Wai ga'nsitel fries pre'ntisai. He said that I may after tfien go. 3. Dependent on the Future. Wai ga'nsiten fi'os pre'ntisai, He will say that I may then go. Wai ga'nsiten flios pre'ntisai, He will say that I might have gone before then. Wai ga'nsiten frios pre'ntisai, He will say that I may go after then. CHAPTER III. ABSOL UTE .— TI'U, f shall cr will). DEPENDENT .— TI, ffuturehjj. Predictive. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. Au ti'u pre'ntisai, I shall now go: An tri'u pre'ntisai, I shall go hereafter. SECTION II. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Au ga'nsito ti'os pre'ntisai, I say that I shall now go. No past. Au ga'nsito tri'os pre'ntisai, I say that I shall hereafter go. 2. Dependent on the Past. Wai ga'nsitel ti'os pre'ntisai, He said I should go then. No past. Wai ga'nsitel tri'os pre'ntisai. He said that I sliould go after then. 3. Dependent on the Future. Wai ga'nsiten ti'os pre'ntisai, He will say that I shall then go. No past. Wai ga'nsiten tri'os pre'ntisai, He will say that I shall go after then. 114 CHAPTEE lY. ABSOLUTE.— ^^W. DEPENDENT: VI. Promissive. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. Au vi'u pre'utlsai, I will go now: Au vli'u pre'ntisai, I would go then: Au vri'u pre'utisai, I will go hereafter. SECTION II. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Au Ga'nsito vi'os pre'ntisai, I say I will go now. Au ga'nsito vri'os pre'ntisai, I say I will go thereafter: i. e. aftei- that time. 2. Dependent on the Past. Au ga'nsitel vi'os pre'ntisai, I said I would go then: Au ga'nsitel vri'os pre'ntisai, I said I would go thereafter: i. e. after that time. 3. Dependent on the Future. Au ga'nsiten vi'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I will go then. Au ga'nsiten vri'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I will go thereafter : i. e. after that time. CHAPTER y. ABSOL UTE.—YAIV. DEPENDENT:— MM. Authoritative. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. A vai'u pre'ntisai, thou shalt go now. ■ A vral'u pre'ntisai, thou shalt go hereof or. SECTION 2. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Au ga'nsito vai'as pre'ntisai, I say thou slialt go now. Au ga'nsito vrai'as pre'ntisai, I say thou shalt go hereafter. 2. Dependent on the Past. Au ga'nsitel vai'as pre'ntisai, I said thou shouldst go then. Au ga'nsitel vrai'as pre'ntisai, I said thou shouldst go thereafter. 3. Dependent on the Future. X\\ ga'nsiten vai'as pre'ntisai, I shall say that thou shalt tJien go. Au ga'nsiten vrai'as pre'ntisai, I shall say that thou shalt go afterwanL 2 H ' 115 CHAPTER VL ABSOL UTE:—KVJ]. DEPENDENT.— Kl. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. All ki'u, I ought: Au kli'u, I oughted: An kri'u, I ought hereafter. SECTION 2. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Au ga'nsito ki'os pre'ntisai, I say that 1 ought noto to go. Au ga'nsito kli'os pre'ntisai, I say that I oughted then to go. Au ga'nsito kri'os pre'ntisai, I say that I ought hereafter to go. 2. Dependent on the Past. Au ga'nsitel ki'os pre'ntisai, I said that I ought to go. Au ga'nsitel kli'os pre'ntisai, I said that I oughted before then to go. Au ga'nsitel kri'os pre'ntisai, I said I ought thereafter to go. 3. Dependent on the Future. Au ga'nsiten ki'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I ought to go. Au ga'nsiten kli'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I ought bfbre to go. Au ga'usiteu kri'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I ought thereafter to go. CHAPTER VIL ABSOLUTE:— mi], f must J. DEPENDENT :— SI. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. All bi'u, I must now: Au bli'u, I must heretofore: Au bri'u, I must hereafter. SECTION II. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Au ga'nsito bi'os pre'ntisai, I say that I must nmo go. Au ga'nsito bli'os pre'ntisai. I say that I must then have gone. Au ga'nsito bri'os pre'ntisai, I say that I must hereafter go. 2. Dependent on the Past. Au ga'nsitel bi'os pre'ntisai, I said that I must then go. Au gansitel bli'os pre'ntisai, I said that I must before hare gone. Au ga'nsitel bri'os pre'ntisai, I said that I must hereafter go, 3. Dependent on the Future. Au ga'nsiten bi'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I must then go. Au ga'nsiten blios pre'ntisai, I shall say that I must before have gone. Au ga'nsiten bri'os pre'ntisai, I shall say that I must thereafter go. 116 CHAPTER VIII. [ § 238 ] Obs. In this Table the absolute time is noon, ('") j — the ^mst^ (") ; — and the future, ('). ABSOLUTE:— mV. DEPENDENT .—Til. Conditional. SECTION I. ABSOLUTES. Au di'u, I would now: Au dwi'u, I would then: Au dri'u, I would hereafter. SECTION 2. DEPENDENTS. 1. Dependent on the Present. Au ga'nsito'" di'os'" pre'ntisai, I say (at 12 o'clock) that I would noio (at 12 o'clock) go. Au ga'nsito" dwi'os" pre'ntisai, I say (at 12 o'clock) thai: I would then (at 11 o'clock) go. Au ga'nsito'^ di-i'os^ pre'ntisai, I say (at 12 o'clock) that I would hereafter (at 1 o'clock) go. 2. Dependent on the Past. Au ga'nsitel'^ di'os'' pre'ntisai, I said (at 12 o'clock) I would then (at 12 o'clock) go, Au ga'nsitel"* dwi'os" pre'ntisai, I said (at 12 o'clock) I would hefore (at 11 o'clock) have gone. Au ga'nsitel'^ dri'os' pre'ntisai, I said (at 12 oclock) I would afterwards (at 1 o'clock) go. 3. Dependent on the Future. Au ga'nsiten'^ di'os''^ pre'ntisai, I shall say (at 12 o'clock) that I would then (at 12 o'clock) go. Au ga'nsiten"' dwi'os" pre'ntisai, I shall say (at 12 o'clock) that I would hefore (at 11 o'clock) have gone. Au ga'nsiten^' dri'os' pre'ntisai, I shall say (at 12 o'clock) that I would thereafter (at 1 o'clock) go. CHAPTER IX. INTEKROGATIVES. [ § 239 ] All the above Potentials end m u, and are Assertive. Now these are made Interrogative merely by clianging this u into i; as, pi'j, fi'i, ti'i, vi'i, vai'i, di'I, &c. &c. EXAMPLES. Pi'Iau?* cani? Fi'ia? mayest thou? Ti'iaid? will he? Bi'iaur ? must we ? Di'iar? would thej Ki'iait? ought she? &c. &c. PART xxy. DUPLICATES CAUSAL. [ § 240 ] These are Active or Passive. CHAPTER L CAUSALS ACTIVE. [ § 241 ] These are Absolute or Dependent. 9 * Sound 3 before each of the pronouns: as if written Pi'Isau, Fi'Iza, Ti'isald, &c. 117 SECTION I. ABSOLUTE OE INDICATIVE. Present. E'os pa'mplvi, It makes me happy. Fast. Le'os or E'leos pa'mpivi, Future. Ne'os or E'neos pa'mpivi, It made me happy. It will make me happy. SECTION 2. DEPENDENT OR INFINITIVE. Present. O'os pa'mpivi, To make me happy now. Past. Lo'os or O'leos pa'mpivi, Heretofore to make me happy. Future. No'os or O'neos pa'mpivi. Hereafter to make me happy. CHAPTER 11. CAUSALS PASSIVE. Present. Past. Future. Present. Past. Future. SECTION I. ABSOLUTE OR INDICATIVE. Oo'os pa'mpivi, It is made happy by me. Loo'os or Oo'leos pa'mpivi, Noo'os or Oo'ueos pa'mpivi, It was made happy by mc. It will be made happy by me. SECTION II OI'os pa'mpivi Loi'os or Oi'lcos pa'mpivi, Noi'os or Oi'neos pa'mpivi. DEPENDENT OR INFINITIVE. To be made happy by me now. Heretofore to be made happy by me. Hereafter to be made happy by me. [ 242 ] The above Tables are applied only to the pronomi as, me : but, as the following Table shews, they may be applied to all the other dependent pronouns. EXAMPLES. E'os, e'as, e'es, e'm-, e'ed, e'un, e'et, e'on, e'an and e'en. Le'os, le'as, le'es, le'ur, le'ed, le'un, le'et, le'on, and le'en. Ne'os, ne'as, ne'es, ne'ur, ne'ed, ne'un, ne'et, ne'on, ne'an, and ne'en. E'leos, e'leas, e'lees, e'leur, e'leed, e'leun, e'leet, e'leon, e'lean, and c'leen. E'neos, e'neas, e'nees, e'neiu*, e'need. e'neun, e'neet, e'neon, e'nean, e'neen. [§243] The same law applies to Dependents. PART XXYI. C OP ULA TI VES E VENT UAL. [§244] These are contractions to denote the transition from one form of existence to another; and, in the Enghsh language, are usually expressed by the word become. [§245] They are Active or Neutral. They are also, like the Copulatives, divided into Asser- tive, Interrogative, Directive, Optative, Dependent, Adjective, or Participial. lis CHAPTEH I. EVENTUALS ACTIVE. SECTION I. EVENTUALS ASSERTIVE. Present, Past, Future. Indefinite. Au o'ko, / become : Au o'kcl, I became : Au o'ken, I shall become. Conclusive. Au oi'kq, I have become: Au ol'kel, I had become: Au oi'ken, I shall have become. Progressive. Kvnjko, I am becoming : Au o'kcl, I was becoming: Au o'ken, I shall be becoming. SECTION II. EVENTUALS INTERROGATIVE. Present, Past, Future. Indefinite. Oke'au '? do I become ? Oke'leau ? did I become ? Okc'neau ? shall I become ? Conclusive. Oike'au, have I become ? Oiko'leau ? had I become ? Oike'neau ? shall I have become ?- Progressive. Oke'au? am I becoming? Oke'leau? was I becoming? Oke'neau? shall I be becoming? Interrogatives with all the accusative Pronouns. Oke'au? oke'a? oke'ai? oke'ald? oke'ait? oke'aur? oke'ar, oke'ar? i. e. do I become? dost thou become? does it become? &c. &c. SECTION III. EVENTUALS DIRECTIVE. Singular : — Iso's o'kai, let me become. Isa' o'kai, do thou become. Ise's o'kai, let it become. Ise'd o'kai, let him become. Ise't o'kai, let her become. Plural: — Iso'n o'kai, let us become.' Isa'r o'kai, do ye become. Ise'n o'kai, let them become. SECTION IV. EVENTUALS OPTATIVE. Present: — Ho'kwun okai'os! oh that I may no20 become/ Past: — Ho'kwun okai'leos! oh that I might heretofore have become ! Future : — Ho'kwim okai'neos ! oh that I may hereafter become ! Optatives with all the Perso7ial Pronouns. Ho'kwun okai'os, okai'as, okai'es, okal'ed, okai'et, okai'on, akai'an, okai'en, oh that I may become; that thou ntayest become ; that it may become, &c. &c. CHAPTER 11. EVENTUALS NEUTRAL. SECTION L NEUTRALS ASSERTIVE. Present, Past, Future. Indefinite. Au o'ki, I am become: Au o'kil, I was become: Au o'kin, I shall be become. Conclusive. Au oi'ki, / have become : Au oi'kil, / had become : Au oi'kin, / shall have become. Progressive. Au o'ki, I am becoming: Au o'kil, I ims becoming: Au o'kin, I shall be becwning. SECTION II. NEUTRALS INTERROGATIVE. Present, Past, Future. *0'kyau ? am I become ? Oki'leau ? icas I become ? Oki'neau, shall I be become ? SECTION III. NEUTRALS INFINITIVE. Present, Past, Future. O'ki, to be become: O'kil, heretofore to be become: O'kin, to be hereafter become. * Oke'au is Active and trissyllabic : o'kyau is Neutral and dissyllabic. 2 1" 119 PART XXVII. PROVERBS. [ § 246 ] There are verbs which merely denote generic action ; and the particular kind of action is denoted by some part of the context. In such cases, the essence of the verb consists in the activiUj of the noun : thus, to blow is to put wind into action ; to stream, is to put water into action ; to bum, is to put fire into action ; to lick, is to put the tongue into action; to bite, to put the teeth into action; to swallow, to put the throat into action; to trample, to put ihefeet into action; to kick, to put the heels into action; and to shoot, is to put the gun into action.* So that the active verb of wind., would signify to blow; of water., to stream ; and so on with the other words. But to say the wind winds; the water waters, is clearly redundant. We therefore have the verb e'ko, e'kel, e'ken; ai'ko, ai'kel, ai'ken, which assume the special meaning of any antecedent word; and, like pronouns, represent that special meaning. EXAMPLES. 1. Ku'nzoi e'ko, e'kel, e'kon; i.e. the wind bloios, blew, toill blow. 2. Di'nza ai'ko, ai'kel, ai'ken; the ivater has streamed, had streamed, will have streamed. 3. U'nzoo e'ko, ekel, e'ken ; the fire burns, burned, will burn. The absolute meanLmg of the verb e'kai, is to act or move ; and it might be said, why not use the verb e'nsikai, to move; or do'ntipai, to act. The reason is, that e'kai is limited to the one act which society has generally associated with such agent or instrument; and, which is its chief and most natural action, as in the above examples. Another advantage of such verbs is, that being, as it were, like pronouns, vacant forms, they are significant only by relation to then- antecedent, whose meaning they adopt. TABLE. E'KAI, to act or move SPECIALLY. INDICATIVE :— ACTIVE. Indefinite. E'ko, it moves: E'kel, it moved: Eke'n, it loill move. Conclusive. Ai'ko, it has moved: Ai'kel, it had moved: , Ai'ken, it will have moved. Progressive. A'1^2> *'* '^ moving: Akel, it was moving: A'^^S^j ''' ^*^^ ^'^ moving. INDICATIVE— PASSIVE. [ § 247 ] Wlien the verb Is passive, it is immediately derived from the cognate noim, and the Proverb is not used. EXAMPLES. INDICATIVE :— PASSIVE. Indefinite. 1. Wai nis ku'nsifool, he was blown away. 2. Wai tro'ndi u'nsipool, he was dangerously burned. 3. Wai vra'ntikool panza'triz, he was kicked down stairs. 4. Wai kra'ntitool pi'nji, he was bitten by the dog. * See Wilkins, page 300. 120 PART XXVIII. NUMBERS. [ § 248 ] These are divided into Cardinal, Ordinal, JIultiplicative, and Proportional. [§249] They are, also, divisible, according to their form or their grammatical application, into Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, and Adverbs. CHAPTER I. CARDINAL NUMBERS. [ § 250 ] The Arabic numerals are the only portion of existing languages, which, as a whole, conform to a perfect theory. If, insted of ten, the theory had been based upon sixteen, it would certainly have been vastly more convenient ; and, we think, there would have been no general or insuperable difficulty in acquiring the multiplication table which would result from it. However, we need not multiply impedi- ments to the progress of our own great object, already sufficiently impeded by the vis inertia of ignorance and prejudice. We have, therefore, adopted the Arabic numeration, to which we have applied what appears to us, a series of more scientific names. [ § 251 ] The Arabic numerals are denoted by the following letters and figures. TABLE. English. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Philosophic. s, p, f, t, k, b, v, d, g, t, CarefuUy leani this Table, and then attend to the following observations. 1. Obs. The following Table gives you the names of the Units of this language. TABLE. A'pin, one; A'kin, four; A'din, seven; A'fin, two; A'bin, five; A'gin, eight; A'tin, three; A'vin, six; A'tin, nine. Notice : — The vowel n, (sounded nr) denotes that the numerical consonant which immediately follows it, represents one or more units. 2. Obs. The following Table furnishes all the Tens of the language. TABLE. Pa'sin, ten; Ka'sm, forty; Da'sin, seventy; Fa'sin, twenty; Ba'sin, fifty; Ga'sm, eighty; Ta'sin, thirty; Va'sm, sixty; Ta'sin, ninety. [ § 252 ] A comes betwixt the units and tens. In relation to the number before it, it signifies tens ; but in relation to the number which follows it, it signifies units. Thus p'apin, signifies eleven; i. e. p before a signifies one ten; after it, one unit or one: fa'fin would signify twenty-two; ta'tin, thirty-three; ka'kin, forty-four; ba'bin, fifty-five; vaVin, sixty-six; da'din, seventy-seven; ga'gm, eighty-eight; and ta'tin, ninety-nine. 121 3. Obs. The following Table furnishes all the Hundreds of this language. TABLE. Pe'sin, one hundred; Ke'sin, four lumdred; De'sm, seven hundred; Fe'sin, two hundred; Be'sin, five hundred; Ge'sm, eight hundred; Te'sin, three himdi-ed; Ve'sin, six lumdred; Te'sin, nme hundi-ed. [ § 253 ] The vowel e gives to every numerical consonant which precedes it, the value of hundreds. 4. Obs. The following Table gives all the Thousands of the language. TABLE. Au'peo, one thousand; Au'keo, four thousand; Au'deo, seven thousand; Aufeo, two thousand ; Au'beo, five thousand ; Au'geo eight thousand ; Au'teo, three thousand; Au'veo, six thousand; Au'teo, nme thousand. [§254] Au before a numerical consonant indicates fJiousands. Observe: — The letter r must be slightly sounded after au, to prevent a disagreeable hiatus. 5. Obs. The following Table gives the Ten-thousands of the language. TABLE. Pan'seo, ten thousand ; Kau'seo, forty thousand ; Dau'seo, seventy thousand. Fau'seg, twenty thousand; Bau'seo, fifty thousand ; Gau'sen, eighty thousand; Tau'seo, thirty thousand ; Vau'seo, sixty thousand ; Tau'sso, ninety thousand. 6. Obs. The following Table gives the Hundred-thousands of this language. TABLE. Poo'seo, one hundred thousand ; Koo'seo, four hundred thousand ; Doo'seo, seven hundi'cd thousand ; Foo'seo, two hundi-ed thousand; Boo'seo, five hundred thousand; Goo'seo, eight himdi-ed thousand; Too'seo, three himdred thousand; Voo'seo, six himdred thousand; Too'seo, nine hundred thousand. [§255] All numbers not exceeding 999,999, (i. e. within sis places), are, with respect to the higher numbers, called Pu'ndooz, i. e. Units: — the second six, Fu'ndooz, millions: — the third six, Tu'ndooz, billions: — next, Ku'ndooz, trillions: — next, Bu'ndooz, quadrillions: — next, Vu'ndooz, quintillions : — next, Du'ndooz, sectillions: — next, Gu'ndooz, septillions: — Tu'ndooz, octillions: — and Du'ndooz, nonnillions. [ § 256 ] The following Table gives the value, in words, of all nimibers fi'om 1 to 999,999. TABLE. All the Values of 1. Poopau'peo pepa'pin, 111,111. All the Values of 6. Voovau'veo veva'vin, 666,666. „ 7. Doodan'deo deda'din. 777,777. ,, 8. Googau'ge(2 gega'gin, 888,888. „ 9. Tootau'tco teta'tin, . . 999,999. FINAL EXAilPLE. Trillions : hillions : millions : units. 713,276 : 416,519 : 812,546 : 347,112- The same, exjjressed in words, at length, according to the above Table. Doopau'teo, feda'vin ku'ndooz : goopau'fco, beka'vin fu'ndooz : koopaix'veo, bepa'tin tu'ndooz : tookau'dco, pepa'fin ku'ndooz. 122 )' V 2. Foofau'feo fefa'fin, ... 222,222. V V „ 3. Tootau'teo teta'tin, . . 333,333. ••) )> V 4. Kookau'ken keka'kin, 444,444. 5' 'J „ 5. Boobau'beo beba'bin, 555,555. CHAPTER 11. ORDINAL NUMBERS. [ § 257 ] These are General or Special. SECTION I. ORDINALS GENERAL. [§258] These are either Adjectives or Adverbs; and they are formed, as will appear from the following Table, from the Cardinal nnmbers, by inserting r after the numerical consonants, for Adjectives; and I or lo after d or t for the Adverbs ; according to the followmg TABLE:— UNITS. Cardinal. Ordinal Numbers. Ordinal Numbers. S^ibstantives or Adjectives. Adjectives. Adverbs. A'pin, one. A'prin, first. A'plln, firstly. A'fiin, two. Afrin, second. A'flin, secondly. A|tin, three. A'trin, third. A'twin, thirdly. A'kin, four. A'krin, fourth. A'klin, fourthly. A'bin, five. A'brin, fifth. A'blin, fifthly. Cardinal. Substantives or Adjectives. Ordinal Numbers. Ordinal Numbers. Adverbs. A'vlin, sixthly. Adjectives. _ ^ A'vi-in, sixth. A'din, seven. A'drin, seventh. A'dwin, seventhly. A'gin, eight. A'grin, eighth. A'glin, eighthly. A'tin, nine. A'trin, ninth. A'twin, ninthl}'. TABLE :— TENS. Cardinal. Ordinal. Pa'sin, ten. Pa'rin, tenth. Fa'sin, twenty. Fa'rin, twentieth. Ta'sin, thirty. Ta'rin, thirtieth. K >1 A'p«7, signifies ~ 1. A'bj-!;7, „ A'tri7, TABLE III. MULTIPLIED BY, BIT. Airit, signifies X 2. Atrit, signifies X 3. A'v;v7, „ X 6. Adrif, ,, X 7. Arit, „ X 0. TABLE IV. DIVIDED BY, BIL. Atril, signifies -^ 3. „ -i- 7. 1. A'f;77, signifies -r- 2. 5. A'vr87, ,, -^6. 9. Aril, „ ^0 Adril, Akrit, signifies X 4. Agrit, „ X 8. A'krj7, signifies -^ 4. A'gr?7, „ -^ 8. Aprint, signifies Ahrint. „ Airint, „ TABLE V. EQUALS, OR IS EQUAL TO, BINT. =z 1. Mrint^ signifies = 2. Atrinf, signfies ^ 3. Akrint, signifies = 4. = 5. Avrint, ]„ = 6. Airirit, „ = 7. Agrint, „ = 8. =z 9. Arint, „ :^ 6. Airi7if, = 0. EXAMPLES. A'kin a'vi'< pa'/'Mi, i. e. 4-f-6=10. Ta'vin a'g;v7 ip^trint, i. e. 96^8=12. A'kin a'ft7 aiVmi", i. e. 4 — 2=2. Pa'kin a'fj« a'kri7 ^krint, i. e. 14-j-2-^4=4. Pafi'u a'f/77 fa'krraf, i. e. 12X2=24. Tc'sin b'arj7 a'fni! pa'fi-mi;, i. e. 300-^50x2=12. Fa'kin pa'f/-i7 ^{rint, i. e. 24-f-12=2 = 4. = 5. = 10. — 2. [ § 267 ] Uf signifies the second Power ; ut, the third Power ; nk/the fonrtb Poiver ; ub, the fifth Power ; uv, the sixth Power ; nd, the seventh Power ; ug, the eighth Power ; ut, the ninth Power • &c. [§268] The Roots take r before them instead of m; as, ef, tlie square root; ot, the cube root : ok the fourth root ; d;c. d'c. [ §269 ] Where the function of the number or quantity is denoted by a Fraction, it is reducible into words, according to the following model. TABLE VI. POWERS AND ROOTS. Powers : Corresponding Boots. 4^ a'kuf, = 16 ... yie pa'vef, 5', a'but, = 125 ... ^'125 pefa'bet, 10*, pa'snk, = 10',000 16,807 ... ^'10,000 pau'sek, r, a'dub, = ... yi 6,807 pauVeo gesa'dcb, 2' a'fuv, = 64 ... ^eT pa'kev, 4^^, = a'kopraf, = 2, root. 8^, = a'goprat, = 2, root. 16% = paVoprak, = 2, root. 32'5', = ta'foprab, = 2, root. 64^, = v'aknprav, = 2, root. 128% = r£%'gopr-ld, = 2, root. 256^, = fobaVoprag, = 2, root. 512^, = bepa'foprat, = 2, root. There arc other modes of expressmg Mathematical Numbers and Quantities, but these must bo 2 L. 127 sufficient. PART XXIX. TABULARS CAUSAL. [§270] All noims, verbs, &c. that is to say, all tabular words, are either neutral, active or j^assive ; and each of these three kinds, may be combined with ihe notion of Cause. At page 59, (see § 67 to 72) is a specimen of the forms into which these compounds are thrown. We propose here to give some Examples illustrating the nature and use of these valuable classes of words: — . JMeutro-Active. I humble him or cause him to be humble; caused him to be humble; and tvUl cause him to be humble; au fempilio' stur ; fem2)ilco''Uur ; femjnlco'ntur. Neutro-Passive. She is caused to be (i. e. made) contemptible by him; teas caused to be contemptible by him; ivill he caused to be contemptible by him ; yai gronsifau!' stur ; gronsifau'ltur ; gronsifau'ntur. Activo-Active. We maJce him walk; did make him walk; shall make him walk; aur prentiga'ster ; prentigd'ltur ; pren- tiga'ntur. Activo-Passive. He, for our sakes, is made poor; was made poor; will he made poor; xoai, don, fa'mpifast; fampifat; fa'mpifcmt. Passivo-Active. He makes himself, made himself, ivill make himself, universally beloved; tvai tra'ndi to'nsikestu'rkroen; to'nsikeltul'rkwen; to'nsikentu'rkicen. Passivo-Passive. He is caused (i. e. made) to be universally obeyed; ^(Jas caused to be vmiversally obeyed; will he caused to be universally obeyed; xvai tra'ndi ddmpikaist; ddmpikait; de'rnpikaint. [§271 ] The following Table exhibits, at one view, the whole of the Causal terminations, whether Neutral, Active, or Passive. TABLE. Ot, caused to he ; Atilt, was cause^Z to he; At, cause^Z to do; At, was causetZ to do; Et, caused to he done; Ait, was causefZ to he done; Ost, causfs to he] Aust, is c&\xsed to he; Ast, causes to do; Ast, is causefZ to do; Est, causes to he done; Alst, is cavxsec? to he done; Ont, ivill cause to he. Aunt, will he causes? to he. Ant, will cause to do. Ant, will he causerZ to do; Ent, will cause to he done. Aint, will he causecZ to he done. PART XXX. CHARACTERISTIC " THERE:' The word " there" in the English language, is employed before neutral verbs, chiefly as a substitute for the subject or nominative, In connection with which it possesses the same power of assertion, mterro- gation, direction, &c. as a substantive would in the same construction. This word "there" performs important duties in Assertives, Interrogatlves, Directives, Optatives Adjectives, and Participles. 128 CHAPTER I. Kwa'um, there is; Kwa'oom, there has been; Kwa'ump, there is being; Sound z after Kwa. ASSEKTIVES. Indefinite. Kwa'ul, there was; Conclusive. Kwa'ool, there had been; Progressive. Kwa'ult, there loas being; CHAPTER II. Kwe'um, is there? Kwe'oom? has there beeni Kwe'ump? is there being? Sound z after Kwe. INTEEROGATIVES. Indefinite. Kwe'ul, was there? Conclusive. Kwe'ool, had there been? Progressive. Kwe'ult, loas there being? CHAPTER III. DIRECTIVES. Kwi'tuin! let there be now! Kwi'tim! let there be hereafter! Kwi'tmn i'mboo! let there be light! CHAPTER lY. Kwa'un, there loill be. Kwa'oon, there will have been. Kwa'unt, there ivill be being. Kwe'un, will there be? Kwe'oon, will there have been? Kwe'unt? will there be being? Kwi pe'ntisai ! let there come ! OPTATIVES. Kwo'tum! oh tliat there were! Kwo'tul! oh that there had fiormei-lg been ! Kwo'tun! oh that there may hereafter be. Kwo pe'ntisi! oh that there were now come! Kwo pe'ntisil! oh that there had come! Kwo pe'n- tisin! oh that there may come ! CHAPTER Y. DEPENDENTS. Kwai'tum, there to be now; Kwai'tul, there formerlg to be; Kwai'tun, there to be hereafter. 129 CHAPTER YL ADJECTIVES AND PARTICIPLES. I. With Copulce. Kwou'un, there being ; Kwou'omut, there having now been ; Kwouo'lut, there havmg formerly been ; Kwouo'nut, there havmg hereafter been. 2. With Talndars. Kwou pe'ntuso, there coming ; Kwou pe'ntuscl, there formerly coming ; Kwou pe'ntusen, there coming hereafter. PART XXXI. EUPHONY. Certain rules are necessary to insure the pleasant sound of words: for although this may, by some, be thought unimjwrtant, it -^vlll be found to be a stVie qua non. "VVilkins's scheme did, in fact, spht on this rock; although there were other fatal ones ahead. There are two short vowels, the shortest and easiest of language, and found, no doubt, in every tongue deserving the name. They are, first, the vowel u in bwll, p»ll, and faitlif»l, as these words are unemphati- cally uttered in educated society; and secondly, the vowel i in sm, ■pin, tVn, ptU, fill, sip, and h'p. Of these two, the vowel, n, is the easier : — faithful is more easily pronounced than faithftl. In all perfect words, though consisting of three, four, and even five syllables, there is such a unify and balancing of the parts, as presents them to the ear perfectly distinct from the context, in a state of unmis- takable integrity and insulation. To accomplish this object in sufficient perfection, there must be one svllable in every word, which is accented; as, di'nzoi, (accent on dinj and dinzoi'tu, (accent on zoij. The force of this accent is sufficient, without interfering \Fith the integrity of the word, to express any two additional syllables, consisting of either u or i. In the English words, ha'pinis, ko'luru, Debura, pau- siti, sivi'liti, su'rtiuti, po'vurti, all the short vowels are either u or i. This kind of words admits of every variety of vowel, if placed under the accent; as, ha'pi, ha'rti, nai'sun, au'tur, fre'tfnl, fe'rsnis, si'nfuli, impi'iti, po'zitivh, so'suli, boisturus, foo'lisli, bou'ntlful, tu'ndurur. These words are perfect; for every word of more than one syllable is accented; and all the miaccented vowels, by their very brevity and levity, indicate that they are mere appendages to some principal syllable, which is under the accent, and which forms, as it were, the centre of gravity about which these lighter syllables are suspended. The accented vowel varies in its force according to the number and difficulty of the unaccented vowels. The number of unaccented syllables which may succeed the one accented, as a rule, are but two: where, however, the short syllables are i or w, it may sometimes admit of a third final syllable; as, po"zitivli, empha'tickuli, inko'ntinnntli. With regard to the number of unaccented syllables which may precede the accent, the law admits of two, where the vowels are i or m, and without any exception ; as, mdiVi'zible, undivi'did, imprMvi'ded, undt- si did, t'mplikai'sun, ti't/lai'sun. But as the accented syllable may, at the pleasure of the speaker, be uttered more or less forcibly, we may use before it vowels of greater force and difficulty of utterance than either u or i, by merely taking 130 care to utter the accented syllable with still greater force than anv of those before it. And althouch such words are per se less elegant and therefore less perfect when other vowels are employed, yet, as they pro- duce a greater variety, like discords in music, they serve to qualify the cloying sweetness of everlasting recurrence to a perfect principle. Indeed, perhaps we ought not to condemn such unaccented syllables, as the extra force of the chief accent is quite sufficient to keep up the insulation aud integrity of the word. Take the following examples of English words : Kontrove'rsul, aplikai"gun, incaude"seut, professo"rcal, tu'rmome'trikuli. Where the accented syllable is followed by more than two, three, or four syllables, the word becomes necessarily a bad one; as, to'lurublnis, di"lituriuis, ko'ntrudi"kturiness. The vowels following the accent are u or i in such instances, or they would become unutterable. Where there are two accents in one word, one must be more forcibly uttered than the other to indicate that the lighter portion of the word still is but an appendage to the heavier; as o'mnipreze"nsul, o'mnipursi'peuns. Were the two accents equal, the expression would become two words, in sound at , least; as, o'mni preze'nsul, o'mni pursi'pcuus; and would, to the car, sound as verbally independent as strai'ujli kunte'nsus, pyoo'rli mistaiken. The sense, then, requires a minor and a major accent. For many years we toiled in vain to produce a s>/stem of euphonic words. It was easy to find indi- vidual words ; existing languages furnished them in abundance. But the great difficulty was to find a whole system of radical substantives, all of which, without exception, should be subject to the same law of vicissitude, in converting them into verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; and also in expressing modes tenses &c. Now the sole principle on which this system turns, consists in the application of the four consonants m, n, n and 1; and the two short vowels u and i. These consonants give to every generic syllable, a ringing musical sound; as, oV?ibi, a'?nbi; o'ndi, a'wdi; o'«go, a'»go; o'Mi, a' Mi, which without them, would be o'bi, a'bi; o'di, a'di, o'go, a'go. The same consonants furnish, in every tabular word, a fulcrum or fixed point on which the other sylla- bles commonly depend, and from which the relation of the other parts of the word may be seen at once. To instance only one advantage, — the letter e immediately following the nasal letter of any tabular word throughout the language, expresses negation; as to'nsikai, to love; tone'sikai, not to love: (see pao-e 91). This is a universal law, applicable to every one of the thousands of tabular substantives, verbs adjectives, and adverbs. So pa'ntur is pane'tur; pran'tur, prano'tur; pla'ntur plane'tur; &c, &c. This is a much more simple and elegant mode of negation than the French 7ie jjas : indeed, the existence of two signs for one simple object, shews its barbarous origin ; like il y a, there is ; &c. PART XXXII. COMPARATIVE NOUNS, VEBBS, ADJECTIVES, AND ADVERBS. Eead over the forms at page 49. We propose to furnish examples of each kind. CHAPTER I. COMPAEATIVE NOUNS. 1. He \s. as great a philosopher a,sl!i(i\\ion. AVal'um u prombif^hju Nyoo'tim. 2. This is not so <7rea( a ^nVosop^er as Newton. O num u promhifn' shyu Nyoo'tuu, '6. That will lie a larger tree than \ours. Eo un u umvikou'kgu last. 2 M ' 131 ' 4. I will o-Ivc you the largest cucumber In tlie garden. Au vri'u nas ke'utinai temvinipous itu ta'nzoo. 5. She has the smallest foot I ever saw. Yai be'ntipo va'ndikaus au'kwin grai'su po'mpitel. 6. She has, also, a smaller hand than her sister. Yal be'ntipo, kwel, u ta'ndikau tyai'kyu ko'nzipun. 1. 2. 8. 4. CHAPTER 11. COMPAEATIVE VERBS. 7. This is as hard as that. Q pli'mpisn ro'kju. 8. This is not so great as that. Q prdnetipas ro'kyu. This tree will be larger than that. O u'mvi pra'ntipoun ro'kyu. 9 CHAPTER III. COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES. Wai'um jjra'ntupa u pro'mboi kyu Nyoo'tun. He is as great a philosopher as Newton. O num pra!ntupqs u pro'mboi kyu Nyoo'tun. This is not so great a philosopher as Newton. Ro un u pra'ntupou iim'vi kyu tast. That will be a larger tree than yours. Au vri'u nas ke'utinai pra!ntupous te'mvinoo itu I will give you the largest cucumber in the ta'nzoo. garden. Yai be'ntipo pla'ntupous va'ndi au'kyu grai'su She has the smallest foot I ever saw. po'mpitel. CHAPTER IV. The park was * brilliantly as brilliantly so brilliantly more brilliantly most bi-Illiantly less brilliantly least brilliantly too brilliantly COMPARATIVE ADVERBS. 1 - illuminated. Branzoo'ul ti'mbur ti'mbuva ti'mbuvas ti'mbuvou ti'mbuvous ti'mbuvau ti'mbuvaus ti'mbuvya impuvoo. The above examples are sufficient to shew the universality of the principles on which the Philosophic is based. PAET XXXIII. SYLLABIC AGGREGATES. The Tabulars are supposed to denote all the necessary elements of a Philosophic language; but were we always to use tabulars to express certain grammatical notions of frequent occurrence, discourse would drag heavily. We have therefore selected certain single letters which have the essential meaning of a 132 tabular; thus I; fj, t, d, &c. have, in composition with other letters or syllables, respectively the meaning of the words which^ who, tiling, and person; and so witli other letters h.aving a specific meaning. So syl- lables have the force of words, and indeed are words when used alone; as o, this ; ro, that, &c. As brevity and speed are of the greatest importance, syllabic aggregates have been invented to enable the speaker to include in one word of two, three, four, or more letters or syllables, the eflfect of so many distinct tabular words. By this contrivance, instead of several distinct words, each having its own accent, we have an amalgamation of these short elements into one word, having only one accent or emphasis; and as onlij one of these elements, out of several, is emphatical, the accent is placed on that element, and the other significant letters or syllables, like the unaccented syllables of any other word, are passed over swiftly and lightly, whereby discourse is greatly abridged of Its tediousness, without the slightest ohscuritij. ■ EXAMPLES. 1. DEMONSTRATIVES, combined with Prepositions, and with the Conjunctions Kwi or Twi. Singulars. O'tukwi, and in this. Rotukwi, and in that. Oi'tutwi, or In the same. Eol'tutwi, or in the other. I'tukwi, and in a certain one. Eitukwl, and iu some one. Ou'tukwi, and in every one. Rou'tukwi, and in each one. Eai^tukwi, and in any one. Plurals. Ou'tulcwi, and In these. Ro'utukwi, and In tliose. Olu'tukviri, and in the same (ones). Eoiu'tutwi, or in others. lu'tutwi, or m certain (ones). Riu'tutwi, or in some (ones). Eaiu'tutwi, and in any (ones). Observe. The above Philosophic words are in the Inverse order of the English; so you translate them from right to left; thus Ro'<«kwI, must be read in English, thus; and, (kwi); in, (tu); {rq), that. Kwi and twi may be suffixed to each of the following examples. 2. PERSONAL PRONOUNS combined with Subjunctives and Demonstratives. (Seepages 78 & Id). Examples. (Read backwards) . Au'ko, this which I; au'kro, that which I; a'ko, this which thou; a'kro, that which thou; ai'ko, this which It; wal'ko, this which he; wai'kro, that which he; yal'ko, this which she; yai'ki'o, that which she; au'rko, this which we; an'rkro, that which we; a'rko, this which ye; a'rkro, that which ye; a'rko, this which they; a'rkro, that which they. 3. IF G, SIGNIFYING WHOM, be inserted in the place of K, in the above examjjles, another useful class of Sijllabic Aggregates icill be formed. (In these examples, the word Person should be used, in English, after the Demonstratives, this, that, these, those, (Lc.J EXAMPLES. Au'go, this person whom I. Au'gro, that person whom I. A'go, this person whom thou. A'gro, that person whom thou. So, ai'go, ai'gro, wai'go, wai'gro, yai'go, yai'gro, au'rgo, au'rgro, a'rgo, a'rgro, a'rgo, and lastly, a'rgro, i. e. this person whom they ; &c. &c. By advancing the accent One syllable, the conjunctions kwi or twi may be subjoined to each of the above Aggregates; as, augo'kwi, and this person whom I; augro'kwi, and that person whom I. Here are fom' words aggregated into one. 4. G SIGNIFIES WHO OR WHOM, when it is prefixed to the Personal Pronouns, an, a, ai, wai, yai, etc. Examples: — Gau, I who or whom. Ga, thou who or whom. Gwai, he who or whom. Gyai, she who or whom. Gaur, we who or whom. Gar, ye who or whom. Gar, they who or whom. Garkwi, and they who or whom. 133 5. SUBJUNCTIVE SUBSTANTIVES combined with Prepositions, Pronouns, d.-c. (See page 76). Slos, what I. Slas, what thou. Sles, wliat it. Slur, what he. Shni, what slie. Slaur, ^\■hat wc iSlar, what ye. Shir, what they. Slot, what my. Slat, what thy, Slet, what its. Slurt, what his. Slunt, what her. Slaurt what our. Slart, what your. Slart, what their. Twos, which I. Twas, which thou. Twos, which it. Twur, which he. Twun, which she. Twaur which we. Twar, which ye. Twar, which they. Twot, which my. Twat, which thy. Twet, whicii its. Twurt, which his. Twuiit, which her. Twaurt, ^vhich our. Twart, which your. Tv/art, which tlicir. Dwos, whom I. Dwas, whom thou. Dwes, whom it. Dwur, whom he Dwun, whom she. Dwaur, whom we. Dwar, whom ye. Dwar, whom they. Dwot, whom my. Dwat, whom thy. Dwet, whom its. Dwurt, whom his. Dwuut, whom her. Dwaurt, whom our. Dwart, whom your. Dwart, whom their. [§272 ] Observe. Prepositions are suffixed to Slot, Twot, and Dwot, by interposing i betwixt the latter and the former; a^, Sloti'tu, of what my; Tivoti'tu, of which my ; Dirothu, of whom my. Kwi or twi may be sufSxed to these expressions; as, Sloti'tukwi, and of what my; &c. [ § 273 ] To unite Prepositions with slos, twos, and dwos, cut oft' the s, and then suffix the Preposi- tion, as follows : — EXAMPLES. Slo'tu, in Avliat I. Slatu, in what thou. Sle'tu, in what it. Slu'rtu, in Avliat he. Slu'ntu, in what she. Slau'rtu, in what we. Sla'rtu, in what ye. Sla'rtu, in what they. Two'tu, in which T. Twa'tu, in which thou. Twe'tu, in wliich it. T\ni'rhT', in which he. Twu'ntu, in which she. Twau'rtu, in which we. Twa'rtu, in which yc. Twa'rtu, in which they. Dwo'tu, in whom I. Dwa'tu, in whom thou. Dwe'tu, in whom it. Dwu'rtu, in whom he. Dwu'ntu, in whom she. Dwau'rtu, in whom we. Dwa'rtu, in whom ye. Dwa'rtu, in whom they. The above examples all admit kwi or tiri to be suffixed ; as, dw'otukwi, and in whom I ; &c. JIany other examples might here be adduced, but these must suffice. 6. SUBJUNCTIVES with DEMONSTRATIVES. Si'nffulnr. Slo, what this. Sln'ru, what that. Sloi, what the same. Sloi'ru, what another. Sli, what a certain one. Sli'ru, what some one. Slou, what every one. Slou'ru, what each one, Slai, what any one. Plural- Slo'u, what these. Slo'uru, what those. Sloi'u, what the same. Sloi'uru, what the other. Sli'ur, what certain ones. Sli'uru, what some ones. Slai'u, what any. Slou'uru, what all. EXAIIPLES. A bo'nsifo slo kro'ndoo ga'nsitel, you know what this person said. A bo'nsifo sloVu Icro'ndoo ga'nsitel, you know v-hat that person said. A bo'nsifo sloi kro'ndoo ga'nsitel, you know what the same person said. A bo'nsifo slo'u kro'ndooz ga'nsitel, you know what these persons said. A bo'nsifo slou'uru kro'udooz ga'nsi- tel, you know what those persons said. A bo'nsifo sloi'u kro'udooz ga'nsitel, you know what the same persons said. &c. &c. 134 PART xxxiy. TRAN8CENDENTALS. (SUPPLEMENTAL). At page 96, (which see) there is a rule for the formation of Transcendental Substantives when they are suffixed to a Tabular. This rule is correct, as far as it goes. As, however, Trausceudentals arc usually prefixed, the following rules will be observed instead. [§274] Eule 1. Transcendental Substantives prefixed, (that is to say, the first Table at page 76) all terminate in n, m, or n, according to the consonant immediately following them, instead of the letter s. EXAMPLES. O'mvi, herb; fino'mvi, herbage; i. e. the kmds of herb. Bo'ndroo, people; fimbo'ndroo, populace; i. e. the kinds of people. Fo'nzoo, parent; fimfo'nzoo, parentage ; i. e. the kuids of parents. So, u'nzi, metal; kinu'nzi, the mine; i. e. the metal place. [ § 275 ] Rule 2. Transcendental YerhB prefixed, are of the form of those in the Table, at page 96, ending in s. EXAMPLES. Ba'ntoi, it is thick; tisba'ntoi, it thickens; i. e. causes to be thick. Pe'nto, it is straight; tispe'nto, it straightens, makes straight. Ve'nsivo, it breaks; tasve'nsivo, it cracks; i. e. begins to break. Ta'ntrino, it usurps; tasta'ntrino, it encroaches; i. e. begins to usurp. Fo'mpito, it hears; twasfo'mpito, it listens; i. e. eudeavom's to hear. Po'mpito, it sees; twaspo'mpito, it peeps; i. e. endeavours to see. U'nsipo, it burns; twasu'nsipo, it endeavours to burn; and drasu'nsipo, it ceases to burn. [§276] Rule 3. Transcendental Adjectives and Adverbs are of the same form; which exactly agree with the Table at the beginning of page 96, only cutting oif the final s. It may excite surprise, that these two different parts of speech are of the same form: that surprise will end when we observe, that Transcendental Adjectives are always necessarily joined to tabular substantives; while Adverbs are always joined to tabular verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. EXAMPLES :— ADJECTIVES. Ko'nzi, joy; pako'nzi, cheerfulness; i. e. habitual joy. De'mbi, obedience; pade'mbi, habitual obedi- ence. Dre'mbi, disobedience; padi'e'mbi, habitual disobedience; i. e. contumacy. EXAMPLES :— ADVERBS. Ko'nsi, it is joyful; pako'nsi, it is habitually joyful ; i. c. cheerful. De'mpi, it is obedient; padc'mpi, it is habitually obedient. Dre'mpi, it is disobedient; padre'mpi, it is habitually disobedient; i. e. it is contumaceous. [ § 277 ] Observe : — All the examples of Transcendentals at pages 96, 97, and 98, may be used as there laid down : we would, however, suggest, that instead of suffixing the Transcendental, as m all those examples, it shpuld be prefixed, according to the rules here laid down. [§278] Observe: — At page 100, §207, the letter y is used to denote the wfinifive or dependent Verb Transcendental; experience has proved that the y is superfluous; and that if the tabular be in tlie form of the infinitive, the context will shew whether the Transcendental is indicative or infinitive, just as the Adjective and Adverb Transcendental, though of the same form, are distinguished by the form of the tabular with which they are connected. 2 N 135 PART XXXY. RE8P0NSIVES. Questions and answers constitute an important part of discourse: but as the question is the speech of one person, and the answer that of another; and as the answer only implies, but does not express, a certain part of the previous question, these assertive answers are elevated into a distinct class, denominated Responsives. Indeed, the peculiar foi-ra of the Responsives, and the rules arising from their relation to antecedent questions, fully justify us in giving them this special name ; just as a syllogism is denominated an Euthymeme, from a similar ellipses : — still, It should not be forgotten, that Responsives are but peculiar forms of the Assertive Sentence. Now one of the great advantages of pronouns, is, not that they stand for nouns, (which is rarely the case,) but because they refer the mind back to the thing which has been before mentioned, and resume that tiling, and shew that the same thing is still before the mind; and thus keep up the connection of all the parts of the sentence. So it is with Responsives; and the following rules are framed expressly to keep the mind aware of the relations in which questions and answers stand to each other. [ § 279 ] Rule 1. Where the answer is yes or no, those two words are denoted by Ham, yes; Nam, no; as, — Are you my friend? Ham, yes; i. e. I am. Did you speak? Ham, yes; I. e. I did. Is the letter written? Ham, yes; i. e. it is. Ham and Nam are used for general objects; but the following Responsives have more special forms, according as they are Neutral, Active, or Passive. RESPONSIVES NEUTRAL. [ § 280 ] Rule 2. Where the principal Verb in the Question is Um, Ul, or Un, i. e. am, was, or shall be; the answer, if yes, will be Zum, ZvA, or Zun; as, — U'mea. ponza'tos? are you my friend? Ans. Zum., yes, I am; or, Ni«»i, no, I am not. U'lea ponza'tos? were you my friend? Ans. Zul, I was; or, NmZ, I was not. D'nea. ponza'tos.? shall you be my friend? Ans. Zun, yes; or, Nm«, no; i. e. I shall or shall not. [ 281 ] Rule 3. Oom, Ool, Oon, have for their Responsives, Zoom, Zool, Zoon; Noom, Nool, Noon; as, Oo'mea ponza'tos? have you been my friend? Ans. Zoom, yes, I have been; or, 'Noom, no, I have not been. Ooo'lea ponza'tos? had you been my friend? Ans. Zaol, yes, I had been; or, Nool, no, I had not beeu. Oo'nea ponza'tos? shall you have been my friend.? Ans. Zoon, yes, I shall have been; or, Noon, no, I shall not have been. [§282] Rule 4. U'mpea, U'ltea, U'ntea, have for their answers,— Zm?«/>, yes, I am being; or, Nump, no, I am not being: — Zult, yes, I was being; or, Nult, no, I was not being; — Zunt, yes, I shall be being ; or, Nunt, no, I shall not be being. RESPONSIVES ACTIVE. [§283] Rule 5. These are perfectly analagous to the foregoing; only signify doing, instead of heing. I'meau? I'leau? I'neau.? have for their Responsives,, — Zim, yes; or, Nim, no: — Zil, yes; or, Nil, no: Zin, yes; or, Ni«, no. 136 [§284] Rule 6. E'mea? E'lea? E'nea? have for their Eesponslves, — Zm, yes; or, Nrm, no: — Z(_7, yes; or, N^?, no; — Z^h, yes; or, Nfn, no. [§285] Rule 7. I'mpe.!,? I'ltea, I'ntea? have for their Responsives, Zimp ov 'Ntmp; Zi'ft or mlt; Ziiit or Ntn^ [§286] Rule 7. The Passive Responsives agree with the Neutral. RESPONSIVES TABULAR— NEUTRAL. [ § 287 ] Rule 8. The Responsives tabular follow the same law as the above Copulatives. Examples: — Indefinite. Interrogatives. Pampoo'a? Pampoo'lea? Pampoo'nea? Mesponsivea. Zum,yesj Nmot, no: — Zul, yes; N«?, no: — Zun, yes; Nm«, no. Examples : — Conclusive. Interrogatives. Poumpoo'a? Poumpoo'lea? Poumpoo'nea? Responsives. Zoom, yes; Nootw, no: — Zool, yes; NooZ, no: — Zoo?«, yes; Noom, no. Examples : — Progressive. Interrogatives. Pampoo'aid? Pampoo'Ieaid ? Pampoo'neaid ? Responsives. Zump, yes; l^ump^ no : — Zult, yes ; "Nult, no : — Ztint, yes : 'Nunt, no. [ § 288 ] Rule. 9. The Passives follow the same rule as the Neutrals. RESPONSIVES TABULAR:— ACTIVE. Examples : — Indefinite. Interrogatives. To'n8ikea"zos ? To'nsikelea"zos ? To'nsikenea"zos? Lovest thou me? Lovedst thou me? Shalt thou love me? Responsives. Zim, yes; i.e. I do: or, Nw«, no, I do not. Zt7, yes, I did; Nj7, no, I did not. Zin, yes, I shall; N«'«, no, I shall not. Examples : — Conclusive. Interrogatives. Toi'nsikea"zos ? Tol'nsikelea"zos ? Toi'nsikenea"zos ? Hast thou hved me? Hadst thou hved me ? Shalt thou have loved tne ? Responsives. Zem or New. Zel or Nf ?. Zen or Nen. Examples — Progressive. Interrogatives. To'nsLkenea"zos,? To'nsikelea"zos ? To'nsikenea"zos ? Art thou contiriuing to love me? Wert thou continuing to love me? SJudt thou be continuing to love me? Responsives. Zimp or ^imp. Zilt or Ni7f. Zint or 'Nint. A question may be raised upon any material member of the sentence, respecting which the speaker demands information. Thus, the speaker may not know 1. 17(6 Suhject or Nominative. Who occupies that house? Ans. I; i. e. I occupy that house. 2. The Accusative or Object. What house do I occupy? Ans. That house ; i. e. I occupy that house. 3. TJie Preposition and its Object. Where do you Uve? Ans. In London; i. e. I live in London. 137 4. The Means. How did he do it? Ans. By means of an iron bar ; i. e. he did it hy means of an iron bar. 5. Tlie Caiise or Reason. Why did he refuse ? Atis. Because he was unable to pay ; i. e. he refused because he was unable to pay. 6. Noun Subjunctive. What did you affirm ? Ans. That the fool said there was no God ; i. e. I affirmed thai the fool said there was no God. 7. The Noun Infinitive. What did you say was too late? Ans. For them to complete their tasks ; i. e. I said it was too late for them to complete their tasks. Obs. In all these cases the Interrogative word denotes the absence of some necessary information: — the Answer supplies that information. PART XXXVI. GBAMMATICALS, ENGLISH AND PHILOSOPHICAL. A. A, article; U, yu, yoo, oo, w. Adding that, conj. Sto'lkwin. After, prep. Ce, Ci. Against, prep. Be, bi. Again, adv. Vool, Along, prep. Gloo, glu. Already, adv. Sprai: tro'su, at that time; to'su, at this time; to'cu, before this time. Alone, adv. Tel : fro'nzvui. Although, conj. Nool. , Almost, adv. Sool. Am, copulative, Um. Ajn being, copul. Ump. Am doing, copul. Imp. Among, prep. Skoo, sku. An, article, U, yu, yoo, oo, w. And, conj. Kwi, kwil, kw. And not, conj. No'kwi. And so forth, &c., adv. Kyel. Any, demonstrative sing. Rai. Any one, demon. Drai, i. e. any person. Any, demon, plural, Rai'u. Anywhere, adv. Krai'tu, in any place : krai'su, at any place. Anywhere else, adv. Kroirai'tu : kroirai'su, at any other place. Art, copul. Um. As, conj. Ful, opposed to fil, so. As little as, conj. Pa'kyu. As much as, conj. Ba'kyu. As much, adv. Ba. As, comparative adverb yun (pre- ceding) ; as, yun pa'mpur, as happy. As, (a suffix), Kyu. As, (suffixed) A; as, pra'ntupa, as great. As being, conj. Fre. As loell as, conj. Zoo'kyu . Ton- duva'kyu, as perfectly as: fambusa'kyu, as wisely as : fonduva'kyu, as properly as ; as good as. As folloivs, adv. Kwi'sin; i. e. all that follow. As if, conj. Yel. 138 At, prep. Soo, su. At first, adv. Krooz. At last, adv. Krez. At most, adv. Brooz. At least, adv. Brez. At this very time, adv. Tegg'su. At that very time, adv. Tegro'su. At this time, adv. Go'su. At that time, adv. Gro'su. Away, adv. Ko'ni, from this place : kroni, from that place. Away! exclam. Nis pre'ntisoz; i. e. go away. Aye, adv. Zum, yes, &c: Zim, yes, &c. Aye, adv. Ti'ndur, i. e. everly. At the beginning of, prep. Sproo, spru. At the end of , prep. Stre, stri; as, Vundai'stri, at the close of the day. B. Backwards, adv. Droo, diii. Being, part. Un. Been, part. Ut. Became, conj. Vre. Because of, prep, do, dl ; i. c. for. Before, prep. Coo, cu. Before, conj. Coo'kwin. Behind, (i. e. after), prep. Ce, ci. Behold! V. Pool! Beside, prep. De, di; as, de'os or f?aus, beside me. Beloio, prep. Dre. dri. Besides, prep. Kre, kri, (inclusive) ; as, Ivre'os or Araiis, besides me. Between or betwixt, prep. Koo, ku. Beyond, prep. Ge, gi. Both, conj. Kwi'fin: kwi'tin, all three: kwi'kin, all four: kwi'b- in, all five, &c. But, conj. Bel, bil. By, prep. Doo, du; as, doo'os, or doi, by me. By means of, prep. Te, tij as, te'es or tois, with or by means of it; (as a sword). c. Can, V. Pi'u, pli'u, pri'u. Cannot, v. Pi'mi, pl'iun, pri'un. Cause, n. O'ndoi. Caiwe, v.E,le,&c. (Seepage 117). Cause, V. tabular. (See page 59). Cause, transcendental, tin, tis, ti. Certain one, (a) adj. I; as, d/, a certain person: ii, a certain thing. Cause, (for the cause thai) conj. Twl'dikwin: de'kwin, for that. Concerning, prep. Fe, fi; as, fe'os or/aus, concerning me. Course of, (in the) prep. Mool, mul; as mool bu'ndis, in the course of the day, or bundai- mul. Consequently, adv. Plus, then. 2 D. D, duplicate noun, signifying per- son; as, do, this person; 6?ro that person; &c. Degree, (not in any) agg. Ju'ai'- tuno. Degree, (in some) agg. Juzi'tu. Degree, (in the same) agg. Jizoi'tu. Degree, (in what I, thou, it, &c.) Ja'utu, ja'tu, jai'tu, &c. (See page 170). Do, does, doest, copulative, Im; as, au im, I do; a im, thou doest ; ai im, it does ; &c. Did, didst, cop. II; as, au il, I did; a il, thou didst; ai il, it did; (S:c. Do, (to) V. dependent. Tim; as, au pi'u ti'mees, I can do it. Done, part. It. Down, prep. Tre, tri; as, wai pe'nsifel panza'^ri", he walked down stairs. E. Each, adj. Eou. (See page 72.) Each other, agg. Rou'roi. Effect, dup. I); as, l:'o'nu, to this effect. Either, (of two) adj. Twi'fin: so twi'tin, either of three : twi'k- in, either of four: twi'biu either of five: &c. Else, i. e. other thing, dup. n. Troi ; as, sloo troi i'mea bo'nsikai? what else do you desire? Else, adv. Tu'lino : i. e. if not. End, agg. P; as, ^o'nu, to this end; ^ro'nu, to that end; &c. Even, adv. Bool; as, U'ndi, bool Fo'nzipur, God, even the Father. Even then, agg. Plusi'bool. 139 Even as, agg. Fuli'bool. Even so, agg. Fili'bool. Even until, agg. Snoo'bool or booli'snu. Ever since, agg. Tindu'rsraz or s?if;ti'ndur. Every, demon. Ou; as, ou bi'nzi- kur, every man : dou, every one, every person: tou, every thing. Every other, agg. Ou'roi : fZou'roi, each other person: tou'roi, each other thing. Exactly, adv. Sul: as, po'ntipil, sul a'vin, it was exactly six. Exact time, (at this) agg. Tego'su : tegro'su, at that exact time. Obs. Te is the transcendental adverb of perfection. Except, conj. Kroo; as, kroo'os or A;ros, except me. Elsewhere, agg. Kroirl'tu, in some other place: kroi'utu, in other places. F. Fact, dup. n. B; as, io'tu, of this fact; Jro'tu, of that fact; &c. For, conj. Vroo, vru. For, on account of, prep. De., di; as, de'os or cZaus, on account of or for me. For, (opposed to against) prep. Boo, bu; as, Boo'os or bos, for me: so, be'os or ba.us, against me. For, during, prep. Doo, du; as, gro'du, during that time. Forth, agg. Krnni, from that place : ko'ni, from this place : kyi'ni, from the place. Forth, adv. Spe, in a direction from, fromwards ; as, wai pre'ntisel pinjoo'spe, he went in a direction from his horse. Forwards, adv. Dr§, d"- For a long time, agg. BegyiKju. Foo, du; as, doo'- es or (ha, through it. Together, adv. Tyel. To, prep. Noo, nu; as, Undc'nu, to God; noo'os or nos, to me. Too, adv. Zai; as, zai pla'mp.a, too rash. Too much, adv. Bra ; as, wai bra po'nsinoo tra'nsifai, he is too much mclined to sleep. Too little, adv. Pra; as, wai ul pra po'nsunoo fo'ntivai ; he was too little inclined to do good. To-day, adv. O bu'ndis; as, o'ju buudis, oil this day. Ca'seo. To-morrow, adv. Ca'pin, i. e. the fii'st future day. Towards, prep. Spoo, spu; as, spoo'os or spos, towards me. Truly, adv. Pil; as, wai, pil, po'ntipil fro'nzoo Undetu ; he truly was the son of God. Po'ndi, (the tabular adverb of po'ndo, truth). Time, n. G; (prefixed, ) as, ^o'su, at this time ; grcisn, at that time. u. Under, prep. Je, ji ; as, je'os or /aus, under me. Unlike, prep. Bre, bri; as, bre'os or Zn'aus, unlike me. Until, prep. Snoo, snu; as, au pla'nsikcn bunendai'.s/m ti'u- tufous, I shall wait until Monday next. Until that, conj. Skroo'kwin; as, au pla'nsikon sliroo'kwin konzipur'tos pe'ntisen, I shall wait until my brother comes. Vpon, prep. Joo, ju; as, joo'os or yos, upon me. Uniformly, adv. Voi'tu, i. e. in the same manner. w. Was, toast, copiil. v. Ul; as, au ul, I was. We, pron. Aur; as, aur biu pra'n- sifai, dansipai'dul, we must eat, in order to live. We, ourselves, emph. pron. Au'r- kwen. With, prep. Poo, pu; as, poo'os or poa, with me. V/ithout, prep. Pe, pi; as, pe'os orjoaus. With, (ly means of) Te, ti; as, te'es or au3, against me. Begrdci^ agg. long or greatly after that time. Bi, infinitive of Must; as, wai ga'n- sito bi'os pre'utisai; he says I must go; i. e. me to be obliged to go. j5/m, potential v. Must; as, aubi'u, I must now ; au bli'u, I hereto- fore must; au bri'u, I must hereafter. Boo or bu, prep. For ; as, boo'os or bos, for me : fondroo'iit, for the king. Bool^ adv. Even. Bos, agg. For me; and bans, against me. Bra, adv. Too much; as, wai bra kro'nsikool ; or, wai kro'nsikyal ; he was too much grieved. Broo, hru, prep. Like; as, broo'os or bros, like me. Byoo, int. or subj. n. "\Yhose; (referring to person). Byoo'un, int. or subj. ii. Whoseso- ever. Bre, hri, prep. Unlike ; as, bre'os or braus, imlike me. C. c. Oq'seo, n. To-day. Cq'pU, n. Yesterday ; &c. : see Table, page 89. Cc^pin, n. To-morrow; page 89. Gill, adv. Eather. Cu'lkyu, adv. Eather than. Cu'lkwin, conj. Eather that. Cyoo, int. or sub. n. What distance ; as, cyoo'nu ti'ia pre'utisai? to what distance (i. e. how far?) shall you go? D. d. D, n. Person.; as, Do, this person; dvo, that person. Daus, agg. For me. Dou, agg. Every one. Drou, agg. Each one. Doo, du, prep. By : sometimes used to denote the agent; as, T)woo^du fo'ndrooz e'ko ; by whom kingsreign: see page 120. Bos, agg. By me; as, doo'os or dos. Droo, dru, prep. Above ; as, droo'os or di-os, above me. Dre, dri, prep. Below; as, dre'os or draus, below me. Dou'roi, agg. Every other. Drou'roi, agg. Each other. Dou'rois, agg. One another's; as, ar bo'ntifel dou'roi; they assisted one another; i. e. every one the other. Bwoo, int. or subj. n. Whom; as, Dwoo bentip'eau inzoi'tu kroo'- as? whom have I in heaven but thee? D. d. D, (prefixed) n. Effect; as, Do'nu, to this effect; doi'uu, to the same effect. Bg, agg. This effect ; see page 88. Bro, agg. That effect. Boo, dii, prep. Through or during; as, wai ba'nsivel gundai'du koi'tu, he sat for an hour in the same place. . Be, (Ji, prep. Beside; as, wai ba'n- sivel dranzoi'^/j', as he sat beside the road; i, e. by the side of the road. Broo, dru, prep. Backwards; as, wai e'nsikel droo dre'kwi, he moved backwards and forwards. Bool, adv. Namely, to wit, viz. Byoo, int or subj. n. What effect? as, dyoo'pu i'leaid pintipai'es? with what effect did he do A? Bel, adv. For instance. Bu'lkwin, conj. In order that. E. e. JEJn, pron. accus. Them; as, au ton'siko'en, I love them. El, pron. accus. Them: the same use as en. Eitner may be used in preference, where the sou7id would be improved. Ed, pron. acciTs. Him ; as, Yai tonsike'leee/, she loved him. Et, pron. accus. Her; as, wai ton- sike'leef, he loved her. E'skwen, pron. emph. Itself. E'nixwen or e'lkwen, pi-on. (plural.) themselves. Es, pron. accus. It ; as, au pinti- pe'lecs, I did it. Es teslcwen, pron. empli. It, itself. Es Usgwe' nkiven, It, its own or very self. E. e. E, article, The ; when inserted in tabulars: as, bi'nzikur, man; bei'nzikur, the man; ke'injoo, the elephant. E, adv. (ifBxed after the generic consonant, that is to say, n, m, n, or 1) signifying Not or no : as, po'ntoo, is; pone'too, is not; do'ntoo, is active; done'too, is not active. So bi'nzi, man; bi'n- czi, no man ; kro'ndoo, person ; kroue'doo, no jjcrson ; fo'nzg, consideration; fone'zo, no con- sideration. E, V. (prefixed to an accus. pron.,) Cause or make; as, c'os, it makes me ; le'os, it made me : see page 118. Em, V. cop. Have done ; as, au eme'es, I have done it. El, V. cop. Had done; as, au elees, I had done it. 146 En, V. cop. Shall have ; as, au e'nees, I shall have done it. Emp, V. cop. Have been doiug; as, au e'mpees, I have been doing it. Elt, V. cop. Had been doing ; as, au elte'es, I had been doing it. Ent, V. cop. Shall have been doing; as, au e'ntees, I shall have been doing it. F. f. F, n. Kind; as,/o'tu, of this kind; yro'tu, of that kind, &c. Fh(, potential v. May. Fi^ poten. V. inf To be free to. Fe, Ji, prep. Concerning; as, fe'os oryaus, concerning me : ta^kwi po'nzoz, and concerning your observations. Fans, agg. Concerning me. Fil, adv. So ; as, Ji'lkyu, so as. Fi'lkzvin, agg. so that. FoOj fu, prep. Out of ; as, po'nti- fool punzoiy«, it was made out of brass. Ful, adv. (opposed to Jil,) as, fu'I- kwi a'pin pa'nsivo, fil roi da'nsivo; as one rises, so the other falls. G. g. G, n. (prefixed,) Time ; as, go'su, at this time : see page 88. Goo, gu, prep. On this side ; as, prinzo'^M, on this side of the mountain : goo'os or ^os, on this side of me. Ge, gi, prep. Beyond ; as, ge, ge yi pi'nsou pi'nzoiz, beyond ! be- yond! the starry heavens : ge'os or ^aus, beyond me. Goal, adv. Whereas; as, goolwai fa'mpifil, nel de'on wai o'kel fra'mpou, whereas he was rich, yet for us he became poor. G(/ci, agg. Hereafter. Gg'cu, agg. Heretofore. 2 Q Grl, adv. Now; now observe; as, gel au bi'u te'ntipai fonzo'tas, now, I must claim your atten- tion : i. e. consideration. Gloo, glu, prep. Along; as, wai pra'ntisel dranzoi'^?M, he was going along the road. Gas, agg. On this side of me. Gc/su, agg. Now ; at this time. Gro'su, Then, at that time. Go'subool, agg. Even now Gg'nu, agg. Hitherto. Go'nibool, agg. Even henceforth. Goi, agg. The same person who. Gwen, adj. Own; as, twai'gwen pa'nzoi, his own house — refer- ring to the subject of the pro- position. Gwon, adj. Own ; as, twai'gwon pa'nzoi : referring not to the subject of the proposition, but to some other person. Gyoo, int. or subj. n. What time ; as, at what time, gyoo'su; gyoo- ni, from what time. Gi/oo'(Ju, agg. During or through what time ; as, gyoo'du i'mea to'nsinai pla'nsinai? how long do you propose to wait ! H. h. H, emphatical sign, as, konzo'tos too'um .ffu'ndi, no'kwi binze'tu, my trust is in God, and not in man. Hdkwun, optative characteristic. Oh that ! see page 109. Ho! ex clam. Oh! as, ho! yi tro'm- bi — yi ka'mboodra'nzipo'tu! oh! the pain — the bliss of dying. I. i. 7, definite art. The; as, i pra'ntu- pous rou'utu vambe'um, the greatest of all, is chai'ity. 147 7;n, cop. V. Do; as, au im tonsi- kai'et ; I do love her. Imji, cop. V. Am doing ; as, au imp da'nsitai tyi'ndi, I am writing the letter. Obs. Here imp sig- nifies am doing, and da'nsitai subjoins the special act, writing. II, cop. V. Did; as, au il gousifartd I did esteem him. In, cop. V. Shall do ; or, Shall, before an active verb; as, au i'nces, I shall do it: au in pe'n- tisai ki'ndur, I shall come soon. Ivi2), cop. V. Am doing ; or. Am, before an active verb; as, au t'mpees, I am doing it : au imp pre'ntisai, I am going. It, participle, Done; as, wai omi't- ces ; or, wai pentipo'es, he has done it. 7, demon, (sing.) A certain; or, A certain one; as, i bi'nzikur pen- tise'nil Jiroo'svdum, a certain man came from Jenisalem. Tu, demon. ( plural, ) as, i'u bl'n- zikurz i'tu vLnfro'ntuvou, certain men of the baser sort. J.j. Ja'seg, n. or adv. This week ; as, au, ja'seo, te'ntivel tau ka'rin pu'ndis, I, this week, began my fortieth year : see page 89. Je, ji, prep. Under ; as, je'os or Jaus, under me. Juijtu, ( pronounced ju5:i'tu, ) In some degree ; as, wai po'ntoo, jui'tu, gro'nsikoi, he is in some degree to be blamed. Jyoo, int. or subj. n. What degree; as, jyoo fiimboo'tu paintiko'aid.-^ what degree of prosperity has ho obtained? Jirai'funo, agg. Not in any degree. Joo, Ju, prep. Upon ; as, joo'os or JOS, upon me. Jyoo'tu! agg. How ! as, jyoo'tu vo'mpu jai po'ntoo! how beau- tiful she is ! K. k. K, n. ( prefixed, ) Place; as, ko'tu, here ; iu this place : kro'tu, there ; in that place. KauSj prep. Over-against me. Kd, conj. Therefore; as, kel, ho! tousukoo'tos ko'uzooz, therefore, oh! my beloved brethren. Ke, hi, prep. Over against; as, ke'os or i'aus, over against me. Ki'u, poten. v. Ought; as, au ki'u pre'ntisai ; I ought to go. Kli'u, poten. verb. Oughted ; i. e. heretofore ought ; as, spen au kli'u gentinai'ed, then I oughtecZ to pay him. Krt'u, poten. v. Ought hereafter ; as, ca'pin au kri'u pre'ntisai ; to- morrow I ought (i. e. it will be my duty) to go. Koo, ku, prep. Betwixt; as, wai kel ba'nsivel, he sat betwixt them : koo'os or Icos, betwixt me. Kroo, kru, prep. Except; as, rou'u tel krg'tuul kroo'os, all of them were there except me. Tur, h-i, Besides; as, rou'u tel kro'tuul kre'os, all of them were there besides me. Kraitunq, agg. Nowhere. Krooz^ adv. At first. Krez, adv. At last; as, krez wai pe'ntisel, at last he came. Kwq, adv. assertive. There; as, Kwa po'ntoo, there is. Kwe^ adv. int. There; as, kwe'um? or, kwe po'ntoo.? is there? Kwi, adv. directive, There; as, kwitum, let there be. Koi'tu, agg. In the same place. Kioq, adv. optative. There; as, kwo'tum, oh that there were ! Kwai, adv. dependent, There; as, kwaitu'm, kwaitu'l, kwaitu'n, there to be now, there to be heretofore, there to be hereafter. Kioou, adv. adj. or part. There ; as, kwou'un, there being; kwou- o'mut, there having been; kwou- o'lut. there havingformerlybceu; kwouo'nut, there having here- after been. Kwen, n. Self; as, tau'kwen, my- self; ta'kwen, thyself; (referring to the nominative). Kwon, n. Self; as, waikwon, him- self; yaikwou, herself; (refer- ring not to the subject but to some ohject). Kioi, conj. And. Kwtlj conj. And. Kio, conj. And; (before a vowel,) as, kw I'ziik, and Isaac. Kwoo? int. How mucli ? Kwoo'u? int. How many? Kwi'fin^ n. Both. Kwi'tuj, n. All three. Kivi'kw, n. All four. Kwibin, n. All five; and through- out all numbers : as, kwi'tin gya'su pa'nsivo ; gya'su ka'ntou bru'ndis pai'ntipo, gya'sukwi da'nsivo, &c; both when thou risest, when high noon hast gained, and when tliou fallest, &c. Obs. Kwi'tin denotes tlu-ee periods : — Milton, from the de- fect of our language, was obliged to use both in referring to these three periods. Kwin, conj. That; as, au bo'nsifo tau'kwin Do'nsupor da'nsipg, I know that my Eedeemer livetli. Kwe^Ucwi, conj. Moreover. US. Kyoo^ int. or subj. n. What place. Kyodlu^ int. or subj. n. Where? i. e. in -what place ? KijpJ, adv. And so forth. Kyu, conj. ('suffixed,^ As; as, wai'- hyu pre'ntisel, as he went. Kyoo'ni, agg. Whence. Kyoo'nu^ agg. Whither. L. 1. Xf , verb. dup. causal, past tense ; as, le'os, it caused me. Loo, V. dup. causal ; as, loo'os, it was caused by me. M. m. Maus, agg. Out of me. Me, prep. Out of. Mi, prep. Out of. Mis, prepositional adv. Out. AIos or moo OS, agg. Into me. Moo, mu, prep. Into ; as panz,oi'- mu, into the house. Mool, prep. In the course of. N. n. JV, adverb, (prefixed to the copu- latives) as, Um, is, num, is not; Ul, was, nul, was not; Uu, will be, nun, will not be. (Prefixed to the personal pronouns); as, nau, I not ; na, thou not, &c. JVf , 711, prep. From ; as, ne'os or «aus, from me : tombro'wj, from the city. Nis, adv. In a direction from. Noo, nu, prep. To ; as, noo'os or nos, to me: tombro'««, to the city. Nel, conj. Yet;- as, nel de'on (or daurs) wai o'kel fra'mpou; yet, for our sakes, he became poor. Nool, conj. Although ; as, nool wai fa'mpifil, altliough he was rich. Nos, agg. To me. Ni'sos, agg. Let me not; (active,) as, nisos pre'ntisai, let me not see go ! Table, page 92. No, adv. Not; as, au no tonsiko'et, (emphatically,) I do not love her. Nnf/cwi, agg. And not ; as, John, no'kwi Edward, John, and not Edward. N'Jkwin, conj. Not that ; as, no'- kwln wai fa'mpinel frampou'c/j- roz, not that he cared for the poor. Nq'twi, conj. Nor ; i. e. not or. Nebo'nsiko, booli'zim ! bu'mpiko tan- zWdiz Unde'iii." fandai'/os tau'^wl va'udoi ko'nsiko i'di da'nsiipo U'ndi. 3. Zim! te'nja drai'ntipo u pa'nzoi, penje'^wi wen- jcV?«« kwenfyai'ii kju'nta fi'u pe'ntipai tyai pefro'n- zooz, bool ki'aiizoiy«z, bo U'ndi peudra'' bloo do'mbi po'ntoo too'os bloo'tu fa'ndis pontoo di-a'nzoiz too'e/, 6. Dyoo, e'ntuso plinzo'^/i* tu Bai'ku, pontipo'stes u ti'nza; tu'nzo, kwel, di'nsifo dri'nzaz. 7. Ar pre'ntiso dombe'ni noo do'mbi; dou too'e? too Zi'un fro'ntipo Unde'cu. 8. Ho Fo'ndroo ! U'ndi pendi-a'fttz ! fo'mpitoz pundra'/os : ^wasfo'mpitoz, bo ! U'ndi tu Jai'knb. 9. Fa'ntitoz, ho U'ndi tendre'^os; fantito'zkwi i pa'ndo ta'Qmg present to hear you make the offer (offer it). Gra. I have a wife, whom I protest that I love ; I would (oh that) she tvere in heaven so that she coidd Entreat some power to change this currish Jew. Ner. 'Tis well that you offer it behind her back ; Else (if not) the wish would cause an unpeaceable house. 26 TRANSLATIONS. Si. O'u po'ntoo i ku'ntrur ko'nzifurz : au be'ntipo u fro'nzipet. Ho'kwun drai i'tu fondoo'ltu Ba'rubus Poine'tipai konzifu'rtun cu'lkyn u ku'ntruro. Aur kre'ntiko i'udoo ; au fumprbo'as ke'ntinai ba'mbroi. For. U tu'nda ro'tu ro'nti bo'ndrois va'ndoi po'ntoo tan ; La'ndri bampi-ifo'es ; toudra'kwi kentino'es. Si. Ho pe'mpuvous pa'ndi'oo ! Por. A'kwi bi'u de'ntisai o va'ndoi twal'sini fla'nda; To'ndi'a gompi'ino'es, landre'kwi ba'mprifo"es. Si. Ho ba'mpusous pa'ndroo !. u ba'mbroi ; pe'n- tlsoz, fe'ntivoz. Por. Pepra'mpiuoz ; — kwa po'ntoo ri roi'ri. — o'ndris nas ke'netino a'pin ra'ndisous bandoo'tu; Yi'ndoiz gi'udi po'ntoo, a'pin tu'nda vandoi'tu : Ke'ntipoz, plus, ondrai'tas; kentipoza tunda'tas van- doi'tu ; Bel too dendiso'es, tul a i"m gri'nsifai A'pin pu'nzo kuntru'rtu ba'ndoo, anzoo'taz anzai'kwiz Po'ntoo, tondra'tiz tu Ve'nis da'mprus ondi'e'nu tu Ve'nis. Gra. Ho pe'mpur pa'ndi'oo ! Pre'nsitoz Tu'ntruro; Ho ba'mpus pa'ndroo ! St. U'meu ro" i to'ndra? Por. A, ta'kwen vrai'u po'mpitai i tondra : Vroo, ful a befo'ntifo pe'mboo u'sa vo'nsou, A vrai'u be'ntipai pe'mboo yi'nkyu a bo'nsiko. Gra. Ho ba'mpus pa'ndroo ! Si. Au kre'ntino o fe'nda, plus: ge'ntinoz o'ndris a'trln Si'kwi ku'ntruro pre'ntisai. Bos. Ko'tu po'ntoo i ru'ndil. Por. Pri'mpus ! 1 Tu'ntrm-o vrai'u be'ntipai rous pe'mboo ; pri'mpus ; bebene'do ; Wai vrai'un be'ntipo rai'ri i'kru ra'mboo. Gra. Ho Tu'ntruro ! u pe'mpur pa'ndroo ! u ba'm- pus paudi'oo ! Por. Kel, fe'ntivoa"skwen si'nis de'nsivai i va'ndoi; Grinesifo"za rai ba'ndoo ; no'twi densivo"za pla'ntnpou no'twi pra'ntupou Shy. These are the Christian husbands : / have a daughter : Would (oh that) ani/ one, of the stock of Barrabas, Had been her husband rather than a Christian. We trijle (i. e. squander) time; I pray thee to give the sentence. Por. A pound of that same merchant's Jlesh is thine ; The Court awards it; and the law doth give it. Shy. Most rightful Judge ! Por. And you imist cut this flesh from off his breast ; The law allows it ; and the Court awards it. Shy. Most learned Judge ! a sentence ! come prepare. Por. Tarry a little ; — there is something else (i. e. some other thing). — This bond to thee gives not one jot (smallest part) of blood ; The words expressly are, a pound of flesh : Take, then, thy bond; take thou thy pound of flesh ; But in cutting it, if thou dost shed One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate to the state of Venice. Gra. Oh upright judge ! Mark, Jew ; Oh learned Judge ! Shy. Is that the law? Por. Thou, thyself shalt see the Act: For, as thou urgest justice, be thou assured (certain), Thou shalt have justice more than thou desLrcst. Gra. O learned judge ! Shy. I take this offer, then : pay the bond thrice, And let the Christian go. Bass. Here is the money. Por. Soft! The i/cw shall have dX\. justice; soft; no haste; He shall not have anything but the penalty. Gra. Jew! an upright judge! a learned judge! Pm\ Therefore prepare thee (thyself) to cut off the flesh; Shed not thou any blood ; nor cut thou less nor more TRANSLATIONS. 27 Yoo'kyu tetu'nda vandol'tu, — u'ses tyool bas Ontifoe"skyu ki'mpuki, krimpuki'twi i'tu bo'ndoo, I'twi ta'ndis i'tu fa'sins ra'ndai, Tw a'pin dcflu'nda; pili'tul finsupo'ri fre'utiso Tyool i'tu go'ndis yoo'tu po'ndai, A dra'nsipo, rou'ukwi ta'tu a'nzaiz da'mpris. Gra. W a'friu Da'nyil, u Da'nyil,. Tu'ntruro ! Gel, krampuko'ro, au bentipo'as kandclju. Por. Tyoo'di i'meu Tu'ntruro re'nsitai? Ke'nti- poz dambrai'tas. Si. Nos ke'ntiuoz ru'non(li"ltos iso'skwi pre'ntisai. Bas. Au beutipo'cs das fe'ntuvoo ; ko'tu po'ntoo. Por. Wai broinsino'es i'tu ba'ntu la'ndri ; Wai vrai'u be'ntipai tyool pe'mboo twai'kwi o'ndris ! Gra. U Da'nyil, vool au ga'nsito ; w a'frin Da'nyil ! Au vempivo'as, Tu'ntruro, tonzit(2'di noo'os ro i'ndoi. Si. Ni'neau be'ntipai tyool ru'nondi"ltos ? Por. Na vrai'u be'ntipai trai ta'kru da'mbris, Vro'tu ke'ntipoi ta'su tro'ndi, Tu'ntruro. Si Tyoo'di plus i fri'nzoi nur ke'ntinoz tes po'nda: Nau vri'u re'ntisai yi'ntum pi'ntisoi. Por. Re'ntisoz Tu'ntruro ! To'ndi'a be'ntipo roi vre'ndoo joo'as. Po'ntoo to'ntrumaust too Ve'nis, Tul vi'ntison yoo'bi tro'nza Kwin pe'ntiti, prenti'tvri vro'ndoiz, Wai te'ntripai da'nzoo ralt'u vo'ndroo Zo'ro, dwoo'bi wai do'nsite'n Vrai'u pa'mprifai a'fins twai'tu anzai'z : roi'kwi a'fins, Pe'ntiso lanondre'uu ; Kwil pentrupo'rns dan'zoo dra'nsivo bemboo'tu Tonondroo"tu tyool, ou'bi roi ti'mbo. Twoo'tu ro'ndi, au ga'nsito, a pra'nsivo : Vroo, fro'ntoo tentu'rti fe'ndis, Kwin, pre'ndi, pendi'kwl kwel, A doi'nsito i'bi da'nzoo taikwen Kambroo'tu; a'kwi poi'ntisoa"skwen Tronde'nu, pri'ndui- tintukbo"os. Keli'tris! gomprivo"zkwi be'mboo tonondroo"ni. Than an exact pound of flesh, — be it ( let it be) hut (on,hj) 80 much As causes it to be light or heavy in the substance, Or the division of the twentieth part Of one poor scruple ; nay, if the scale do t urn Put (only) in the estimation (degree) of a hair, Thou diest, and all thy (of thy) goods are confiscate. Ora- A second Daniel ! a Daniel, Jew ! Now infidel, I have thee on the hip. Por. Why does the Sq'w pause? take thy forfeiture. Shy. To me give my principal, and let me go. Bass. I have it for thee ready (prepared) ; here it is. Por. He hath refused it in the open (public) Court : He shall have merely (only) justice and his bond- Gra. A Daniel, again / say; a second Daniel! I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me (to me) that word Shy. Shall not I have merely (only) my bond? Por. Thou not shall have anything but thy forfeiture, So to be taken, at thy peril, Jew. Shy. Why then the Devil to him give, of it, the good (profit) ! / not will stay to be more questioned. Por. Stay, Jew ! The law hath yet another hold on thee. It is enacted (caused to be law), in Venice, If it is (shall be) proved agaiust an alien, That by direct, or indirect, attempts (means), He seek (assail) the life of any citizen: The party (such person) against whom he shall contrive. Shall seize (arrest) one half of his goods : and the other half. Comes to the privy coffer of the state (exchequer) And the offender s life lies in the mercy Of the Duke, only, against every other voice: In which predicament, I say thou standst: For it appears, by ma'nifest proceeding. That indirectly and directly too, Thou hast contrived against the life itself Of the defendant; and thou hast incurred (subjected thyself), To the danger formerly by me rehearsed. Therefore down! and beg mercy of the Duke. 28 TRANSLATIONS. D^ PETER MARK ROGET. YANDO'ITU I'NGLIS I'NDOIZ INDO'KWIZ. "QNTUEOZ e'nti i'tu ta'ntufou fo'nzoi i'tu pomprou'ri rlndoi'tu po'ntipin po'ndou bo'n- tufoi bendipo'ti pia'nzoo dars vo'tu fe'ntuvoo joo'tu fli'ntur ki'nda kwil o'ldipost tau'tu to'ndooz zoo'vru oldipost tondoo'tuz ponti'um ka'nzo tyoo|ju i'ndoiz, tyoo'um bondal'tenz, ki'ii o'ltipraust. Zum o'ti ki'nda tyool au'rkwin pi'u pe'ntisal yoo'su ti'nti po'mboi i'tu go'ndoo twoo g'u bo'ndaiz be'ntipo ta'niu vo'ntu to'ndooz, pi'utwi pe'ntikai u po'nti pa'mbis i'tu u'nziz tyoo o'ko gro'nti to'ndooz, i'tukwi kre'ndoiz twaii'rti pe'ntiso findoi'suz gi'ndupas nus pre'ntusoo fendai'tu vindino'tu, too'kwi bo'nzifest tau'rtu po'nzoiz. Kri'ndupous, zo ki'nda tyool, pi'u vi'mpisai pi'ndiz twooju u ple'mbur po'mprou ri'ndoi ii'u ra'nsifoi. Gavrintusoo ro'ndoi i'tu a'nzoi z'otu u ri'ndoi dri'utum ye'ntu fo'nzipest ou e'mpa po'ndro ; vo'tu fo'ntupost ro ti'mpur bonze'itu tono'nsuroz, vi'mbigost voo'tu kra'nti ri'ndoi Vyoo'tuun Yooto'pean ( kavene'tuvoo) zo u pe'ndo fi'u fro'ntipal i'nu pi'ntur ru'ndls, vyootuu'nkwl tra'nsur fi'u poi'ntipo i fri'ntur ke'ndgz vumbroi'tu Wi'lkinz roi'ukwi, plontlpro'stes, tai plo'ndipast vonzou'um brone'tifoo pra'ntupou kro'ndiz brointl- fg'kyu i fe'ndis panti'nu rol'u po'nta fo'ndaiz tyoo'u pli'ndur fro'ntlpel pomi'pi plane'tupou kavenetuvoo tyoo'ukwl nel fa'mbur ve'ntivool kri'ntupou"tu u'ndaiz vl'ntupoo'tl dampa'kwl ke'ndoz blnsu'rtu o'mboo. THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. " JJ^jTETAPHYSICIANS engaged in the more profound investigation of the Philosophy of language, will be materially (efficiently) assisted hy having the ground for them, thus prepared in a previous analysis and classification of ojtr Ideas; for such classification of ideas is the true basis on which words, which are their symbols (signs), should be (ought to be) classified (i. e. caused to be a class). It is by such analysis only that we can arrive (come) at a clear (perfect) perception of the relation which these (symbols) signs bear (have) to their corresponding (congruous) ideas, or can obtain a correct (true) knowledge of the elements which enter into the formation of (i. e. become compound) ideas, and of the exclusions by which we arrive (come) at abstracts so perpetually resorted to (gone to) In the process of reasoning (arguing), and In the commu- nication (i. e. causing to be known) of our thoughts. Lastly, such analysis alone can determine the principles (propositions) on which a strictly philoso- phical language might be constructed (be built). The probable (apt to be inferred) result of the construction of such a language would be the even- tual adoption by (i. e. causing to be fathered by) every civilized nation ; thus realizing that splendid (bright) aspiration of (desire of) philantrophists — the estab- lishment of a universal language. However Utopian (unable to be performed) such a project (design) may appear to the present gene- ration, and however abortive may have been the former endeavours of Bishop Wllkins and others to realize It (cause it to exist), its accomplisliment (being caused to exist) is surely not beset by (I. e. not obstructed by) greater difficulties than have impeded the progress to many other beneficial (pro- fitable) objects which in former times (formerly) appeared to be not less visionary (unable to be performed) , and which yet prosperously were achieved in later ages, by the continued and persevering (con- stant) exertions (endeavours) of the human intellect (mind). TRANSLATIONS. 29 Kwe'um, plus pintu'rsu I'ndoo, rai o'ndoi gron- ze'di, kwin ri'su bi'ndipin ro'tu ka'utufou einba twau'mu ko'nsitg di'nzoi go'ndus ri'ntito, ri ti'ntur go'usukou'kwi ke'ndo viuo'mbivou"stu i'spu bri'ndai o'tu pra'ntur ve'ntuvoo"ritum, fi'u fono'ntripoo fam- boo'pu pentikaitwi u fo'ndis zo'tu bi'ntou ka'ntu- fou'skwi ve'ndi? Raino'ri, po'ndi di'u bo'ntifai gre'ndiifou plo'n- tiprast u pu'nsur ru'ndis pendoi'tu timbo'kwi, i'sku o'nti po'ndroz oldoo'kwiz binsu'rtuvin, i'kju nis pe'nzis ro'tu bro'ndoi i'nu di'o'ntus o'mbril ponzoi'tu ponza'kwirit binze'ku binze'kwi tyoo pi'ndur kus- i'ntifoo i'ti o'ndo ta'rtu ta'nti ri'ndoi." Is tliere, then, at the present time, any ground (cause) for despair, that at some future stage (date) of that higher civilization to which we trust tJie zcorld gradually is tending, some new and bolder effort of genius (the highest kind of intellect) towards the solution of this great prohlem (thing to he peiformed) , may be crowned with success, and obtain an object of such vast and paramount ( highest ) utility ? Nothing, indeed, would conduce (aid) more directly to bring about (cause to exist) a golden age of union and harmony among the several nations and races (kinds) of mankind, than the removal of that barrier (obstruction) to the interchange (mutual exchange) of thought and mutual good understanding Cand friendshij)^ betwixt mau and man, which 7iow is interposed bi/ the diversity of their respective (par- ticular) language. JOHN LOCKE. ESSAY CONCERNING THE Book III. Chap. (tgTELKWIN fo'mba fombolkwi dre'ntipo ko'n- tukou tre'nda dinzoi'tu fll'mpukyu po'ndo fontu'rkwl pa'mbis, vri'nti pa'nzolz trinda'kwi rin- dol'tu, tiu, kro'ndu, tri'ntisol yoo'tum tro'ndo, deve"ndikwl too'es. Au tri'ntiso, mdg'tuz, kyau'rsu cul de'utipo ta'mboi be'kwi ta'mbol tintu'rkyu pa'mbis trandoo'- kwi, zo vantuko'riz komprlkoo'kyu ne'en, pi'u ko'ndu fo'nsitol frouti'riz. Neli'bel, tul aur di'u pa'nsitai fondoo'fiz ol'kyu po'ntooz, aur bi'u tri'ntisal, rou'skwin pano'nzo fande'kri tondo'kwi, rou'skwl dro'nti vrinti'kwl te'ndoi indoi'tuz tyoo pano'nzo frol'nsito, plondoo'im yi'nkyu musvre'nsipai ge'nti to'ndooz, e'nsikal yo'n- ziz, ro'tlkwl pro'nsisai i fo'mboo ; vro'tukwl, po'ndi, po'ntooz tekantra"niz ; ke'lkwi jyoo'dlun gago'nsukoo gaprone'sukoo"twI fi'ndiko, fi'u pontipro'stel finde'tuz bontru"rtukwi fa'uziz, ar po'ntooz vo'nzou, rou'utu i'ndiz tyoo'u tre'ntipas bo'usifrest tousitai'twi, a'ndus H h HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. X. Sec. XXXIV. " GINCE wit and fancy fnd easier reception (entertainment) In the world than dry truth and real knowledge, figurative speeches, and allu- sion in language will scarcely (with difficulty) be admitted as an (to be an) imperfection or abuse (corruptive use) of it. I confess (concede), in discourses where toe rather seek pleasure and delight (and great pleasure) than new knowledge (information) and improvement (em- endationj such ornaments as are borrowed from them, can hardly (icith difficulty) b'e considered (pass for) faults (bad things). But yet, if we would speak of things as (the same as) they are, we mtist allow, (concede) that all rhetoric except order and clearness, and all artificial and figurative application of words which eloquence (rhetoric) hath Invented, does nothing more than insinuate (into wriggle) wrong (eiToneous) ideas, move the passions, and thereby (by that means) mislead (seduce) the judgment; and so indeed (and therefore truly) are perfect cheats (defrauding indi- viduals) ; and therefore however laudable (apt to 30 TEANSLATIONS. dre'ntisoi ; kyoo'sukwl po'ndo pambi'skwi ba'ntin, pi'u tyool fo'nsitoi u pra'ntur ge'ndo, twi'fiu riu- doi'tu kroiidoo'twi dyoo ventiko'el. Sloo, jyoo'tukwi o'nti ar po'ntooz, tra'ntipin ko'tu, pro'nsitai; dre'nzaiz pa'iionzo"tu tyoo'u fi-a'ntoo i'tu di'nzoi to'nsiten go'u bre'ntipai to'nsitoo. Tyool au bi'u pro'nsitai, jyoo'tu pla'ntur ko'nzoo trandoo- kwi pondo'tu pambi'skwi po'ntoo fa'mba tramboo'kwi binze'turit; skre'kwin ta'mbaiz kandi-a'tu vro'ntipaist cu'lkwi bo'nsinoo. To'nto binze'kwinz beto'nsiko ka'ntrinai kan- trinoi'kwi; ski'e'kwin pano'nzo, ro o'mpu pro'ndoi gendo'tu kandra'kwi be'ntipo tai to'nsimoo tonsix- to'i'oz, ba'ndu to'nsitoo kwll gron'usu; bekou'mpifoo nau'kwi bro'nsifo ti'ukwin po'nsifol yoo'tum tos u pra'ntur go'nzi, tu'lino bizi'ncuri gou'usitai ba be'es. Pano'nzo, i'bru vo'mpu po'mbis, be'ntipo tes pe'mprufya vo'mbiz drontipaie'skwen ti'ndur bispa'n- sltoi. Bronti'ukwi tre'mpivai ro'u tambaiz kandra'tu tyoo'utu bi'nzlz dre'ntipo ta'mboi ka'adi-Inoo'tu." be praised) or allowable (apt not to le forbidden) oratory (orationing) may render them (cause them to be) in harangues (orationsj and in popular addresses^ they are certainly in all discourses which pretend (are made to seem) to inform (cause to l-nowj or to teach, wlwlly to bo avoided ; and wltere truth and Icnowledge are concerned, (ai-e pertinent) can only he tliouglit (considered) a great fault, either in the language or the person who uses them. What and Jioio various they are, it will he. superfluous (excessive) here to take notice; the books of rhetoric which abound in the world will instnict (teach) those who want to he informed (taught). Only I cannot but (must) observe, how little the preservation a7id imjn-ovement of truth and Icnow- ledge is the care and concern (anxiety) of manJcind ; since (that) the arts of fraud are endowed (caused to he qualified) and prefered (and rather known). It is evident (plain) hoio much [tJiaf^ men gi'eatly love to defraud and to be defrauded, sin^ce (since that) rhetoric, tJiat powerful instrument of eiTor and deceit, (f7-aud) has its established (ap- pointed) 2^'>'ofessors, (teachers), publicly is taught, and at all times has been had in great reputation (has been greatly reputed) ; and I not doubt that it will be thought to he in me a great boldness, if not a bmtal thing (brute- like) to have said so much against it. Ehetoric (eloquence) lihe the fair (beautiful) sex has in it too prevalent beauties to suffer itself ever to be spoken against. And it is vain to find fault with (to censure) those arts of fraud in which (whei-ein) men ^wA pleasure of being deceived." '• pANZO'UN pra'ntur pinsufo'ri tyoo tyel ve'n- tipo o'ndri, i'kwi vra'uta te'udi tyoo'ti tra'udooz pambi'stu be'ntisoo ne a'pin bi'nzl rundaikwi roi'nu, di'utum bepra'ndur vo'nta tau'rtu ta'mputous po'nzoiz fo'nsitai sloo tre'ndoz pi'u dre'ntipoi o'udi dro'udiz. 2. Nau bro'ntina ponsifai'kyu grai'kwin pi'u ke'ntivai to'ndi do'usisai ri'ndoiz i'tu di'nzoi, nam no ba'skyu twai'gweu pondro pe po'ndipostu'i-kwen sua ta'nsunoo. " GPEECH being the great bond which together holds society, and the common conduit (pipe) by which the improvements of knowledge are con- veyed (conducted ) from one_ man and generation to another, it would he very well worthy of our most serious (sober) thoughts to consider what reme- dies can he found for these inconveniences. 2. 1 not am so vain as to think that any one can endeavour perfectly to reform the languages of the world, no, not so much as his own cau7itry, without rendering himself (causing himself to be) at-laughcd. TRANSLATIONS. 31 3, Nuli'bel kimbo'ntrufo bonondroi'kwl bi'u fre'n- tifoo gweuta'rnu dra'uzoiz Indiko'tu brcmbbo'kwiz, nul vo'mbroz binze'kwiz vinda'tu di'u, pul, pe'ntripoo be'ntipai trai fe'ntinoi pra'iitifai dwantipai'twi ru'ndoo ta'rtu vi'ndaz; nel, au po'nsifo, go'ukwin tre'ntipas- te'nkwen ta'mbi disde'ntipai konsisai'twi po'udoj ki'u pousifaie'nkweii tro'iisinoi fo'nsitai vya'rtu pl'iu giu- tivaie'nkwen trindo'pl, bro'nzoi, prludatwi, &c. 4. Gwai t'iu befo'nsito g'endoz trindo'kwi, di'e'n- doz frande'kwi, tyoo'u fra'nsivoo dinzoi'tu yoo'ti deve'ndi indoi'tuz, ti'u di-e'ntipai ri o'udoiz bro'nsifai; swi'fin rl'ndoi voo'kyix vai'ntikoo, boi'ntifo yiii i ti-a'n- doo brondoi'twi pamlM'stu binze'skuz. 5. Rmdoi"un i pra'ntur te'ndi tyoo'ti bl'nziz be'ntiso tar fro'nsutoo"rIz, vi'ndaz, pambi'skwi, ne a'pin roi'nu, gwai deventivo'es, nul wai fi-ome'piko tii'nzaz pambi'stu tyoo'uum fondoo'tuz tai'kwen, nel wai i'm [ba'kyu wai pi'u] ve'nsivai rentigre'skwi te'ndiz tyoo'udu ke'ntisoo idi ba'ntu ve'ndi pouda'kwi binze'tuz. Gwai ve'ntiko i'ndoiz rai'pi ti'nti vim- pu'skwi I'l'ndoi, sli'meaid, bentisal"kra twai'kwen di'oi'ukwi gendo'muz? Gwai'kwi pe'ndi pintipo'esk, ki'u fo'nsitoi yoo'tum pro'nza pondo'nu pambi'skwi. 6. Usol fa'ntitai drenzai'muz vinda'tu rai'tu o'Idoo; kro'tu aur ti'u po'mpitai i'kwin ro'ndoi triiitl'tu vimepu'skwi printa'twi i'ndiiz, pone'too trai bezirabo"- kru intou'kwi te'lba imb(2'fiz, grindiso"pi vrandipo"twi 11 bi'nzes po'mboo. Vroo, tul to'ndoo pone'too dro'ntus nus to'nsufoo wc'ku pa'usuto"ro fomputn"- kwiro twoo'di i'ndoiz pra'nsivo, vi'nda pone'too fondoo'fiz, bel kondoo'fiz. * * « * 7. Ko'tukwi au bo'nsino fi'u fo'nsitoi fambu'iikwi fo'nsifoi, swi'fin i pra'ntupous ruiidoo vinda'tuz din- 3. But although the inarl-et and exchange must be left (abandoned) to thiir oicn ways of talking (discoursing) and gossipings, (loquacity) al- tliougli the schools and the men of argument would, perhaps, iaJce it amiss (he offended) to have anything offered to aJmte the length (sliorlen) or lessen the number of their arguments; yet, met'n'nJcs (/think), that those loho pretend (make themselves seem) seri- ously to search for or maintain tnith, should (ought to) think themselves obliged to study (consider) how they might deliver (express) themselves without obscu- rity, doubtfulness, or equivocation, &c. 4. He who shall weU consider the errors and obscurity, mistalces (miscarriages ) and confusion, which are spread in the world by an ill use (abuse) of words, will find some reasons (causes) to doubt, whetlier language, as (according as) it has been employed (used), has assisted more the improvement or the hmderance of knoioledge among men. 5. Language being the great conduit whereby men convey their discoveries, reasonings, and know- ledge, from one to another, he who abuses it (makes an ill use of it), although he does not corrupt the fountains of knowledge ichich are in tilings tliem- selves, yet he does as much as In him lies [«s much as he can] to break and stop (cause to be stoppiedj the pipes whereby (through ivhich) it is distributed (sent) for the public use and advantage of mankind (men). He who rises words without any clear (plain) and steady meaning, what does he, except lead himself and others into errors? He who designedly does it, ought to be considered as an (to be an) enemy to truth and knowledge. 6. Let us look into the books of controversy of any kind; there we shall see that the effect of obscure or unsteady or equivocal terms (phrases) is not anything hut (except) noise and verbal dixpute concerning sounds, without cmwincing or bettering a man's understanding. For, if the idea is not mutually assented to betwixt the speaker and the hearer for which the words stand, the argument is not about things, but about names. * * * « 7. And here I desire it may be considered and carefully examined, whether the greatest part (num- 32 TRANSLATIONS. zoi'tu pone'too tyool i'ntou, fe'kwi li'ndoi mdoi'tuz; swifiukwi, tul jl'ndoz tyar'tu gl'ntivoo, tintinool, &c. ro'u vi'ndaz di'uu twi'ntitai kwenta'rtu, fandu'iikwi umfro'ntipal. " ber) of disputes in the 'world are not merely (only) verbal, and about (concerning) the meaning of words; and whether, if the terms (phrases) in which they are expressed, were defined^ d;e. — those disputes would not end of themselves, and immediately vanish (disappear)." The Remedies suggested hy Loche for the Imperfections of Language are as follows: — 8. Aplin, vene'tlkal rai i'ndoi yoo'pi to'ndoo. U bi'nzi ki'u fa'mpini vene'tikai rai i'ndoi yoo'pi u ri'ndoi, no'kwi rai ko'ndoo yoo'pi to'ndoo tyu'rdi pransiva"stes. 9. A'flin, Tane'too yoo'kwin bi'nzi ve'ntiko in- doi'turz bondal'friz ri'iitu to'ndooz, ro'u tyur ueu pe'ntifo, tul ar go'ntoz bi'u, ti'utivi pinta'kwi; tul gro'ntoz, bi'u teti'ntini; ro'um, bi'u ri'ntifai, to'ndi, i vra'ndo gonti'tu to'ndooz plo'ntupo omboo'tu, ro'pu i'mbo nea pe'ntufoo, i'fri bo'ndis ro'tu teti'ntimoo vra'ndo. O bego'nti kondoo'tuz ondai'kwiz, ka'ndimou e'mper i'ndoiz, tyoo, bene'tupo rai vi'mpus fo'ndaiz inze'tu kyoo'ni tondoo'tenz ke'ntipoo tar'fri, kri'ndol ra'mpi befi'a'ntiki. Pe'mboo yoo'um i|ndoi ou'tu bi'nzes ta'ndo, bel win vra'ndun yoo'pu tra'ntur umpi'nta kwil umvl'm- pus ri'ndoi. 10. I'tu ko'ndooz bondoo'tuz, yoo'di fo'nti ve'ndi too'el, tri yin fre'ntmoo flandu'rkyu pi'nta to'ndooz : o'utu, i ko'ndooz bi'u, kwel, vo'ntiki fondoo'puz ful ar plo'ntipo. O te'vondi a'ndus go'nti fonzoi'tuz pomprou'fi pa'mbis too'kwi vi'ndaz pondo'fi. Bo'ndroiz fonzol'kwiz, pre'nsutoroz tanenza"- kwiz, be'ntipo i'ndoiz ve'ntikai ta'rtu vra'nta e'ndoz; voi'tukwi, au po'nslfo, pli'u pomprou'r(2Z vl'ntunoro"- kwiz, kwel, tul ar po'nsLail po'mplvai pomplvoo'kwi ti'ndl. 8. Firstly, Not to use any word without an idea. A man should (ought to) take care (he careful) not to use any word loithout a meaning, nor any name without an idea for which he makes it (causes it) to stand. 9. Secondly, It is not sufficient that a inan use Ms imrds as signs of some Ideas ; those which he to them joins, if they are simple.^ must he clear (plain) and distinct; if they are complex, must be perfectly detennlnate (definite) ; that is, must signify, perfectly, the aggregate of simjyle Ideas existing in the mmd, with that sound to them joined, as being the sign of that perfectly defined aggregate. This is very necessary In names and modes, especially (more principally) moral words, which not having any steady objects in nature (In the universe) tchence (from which place) their ideas are taken as their original, are apt (disposed) to he very confused. Justice is a word in every man's mouth, but most commonly with a very Indefinite and loose (unsteady) meaning. 10. In the names of substances, for a right (good) use of them, something more is required (demanded) than barely (scarcely) determined (defi- nite) Ideas; in these the names must also, he conform- able (congruous) with things as they exist. This exactness (perfect congruity) absolutely (wholly) is necessary In enquiries concerning philosopihic know- ledge and in arguments concerning truth. Merchants and lovers., cooks and tailors, have words wherewithal to dispatch (i. e. use) in their common businesses ; and so (and In the same manner) / think, might philosophers and disputants., (and arguing persons) also, if they had a mind (i. e. were inclined) to understand and to be understood clearly. TRANSLATIONS. 33 11. Tane'too binze'kwinz be'utipo to'ndooz, tya'rdi o'ntifo o'u bo'ndaiz pra'nsivai; bel ar bi'u (or bi'uz), kwel, fa'rapini te'ntifai indoi'tenz tmdnfa"kyu fi'iitum, zo'nu to'ndooz vranta'kyu ve'ndi uen pai'utifo. 13. Nul, ti'ndiuo fi'u po'nsifoi ponti'tum o'ndis bo'nsifrest I po'uti ri'ndoi iadoi'tuz, nel, kwa po'utooz ri'u i'ndoiz tyoo vri'im ti'ntinoi, ful kwa po'ntoo roi'u ploo to'uti ri'ndoi pi'im bo'nslfraist kroo tinda'ti; pu'lkwi u a'trin tyoo bo'nsino kwifi'ntu roi'utu." page 378. « * * « E'mbi pi'u tevi'ntisoi ponduva'kyu vondoo'bas : sne'kwin i to'nti fo'ntur dro'ndoi fondoo'tuz tyoo e'mper i'ndoiz ge'ntifo, fi'u tebo'nsifol; voi'tukwi i vo'ndi, vronde'twi I'tu fo'ndooz ta'rkwen fi'u tefi'o'n- sifoi tyoo'tu plo'ntipo tepa'mbls. page 344. * * * * Indol'krlz tyoo'u po'ntoo ko'ndooz tondoo'tuz pomboo'tu, kwa po'ntooz, bepa'nti roi'u tyoou ve'n- tlkoo ri'ntifai pe'ndoi tyoo po'mboo po'ntifo tondoo'- tuz pinde'twiz. Po'mboo tendino'tu ponzoi'tez roi'unu, tyooli'no bre'ntlpo bo'ndaiz I'tu to'ndooz tyoo'u ai be'ntipo gro'su, coo'es, bel roi'u bo'ndaiz kwel ge'ntipE^ dronslfai'twi ri ta'nti do'ndoo gwentai'tu, gro'su go'n- tupo ro'unu to'ndooz. Pi'ntlpo o'rl onti'tu o'ndalz ; zo'kyu, pdntoo ponftoo"kwi, tyoo'uum kra'nti bo'ndaiz i'tu o'mboos fi'ndlso fruidiso'kwi. Bel findai'kri frindai'twl, tyoo'upl kwa pone'too indol'tuz ral po'ndo prondo'twl, po'mboo i"m findiso'tu roi'unu ponzoi'tes tyooli'no po'ntifo ra'ndalz pin- de'tuz, bel a'ntus pri'ndoz rouroi'nu, ta'rpu o'nti go'ndooz trand'akwiz, po'ntifai u vo'ntu i'ndi. 11. It is not sufficient that men have ideas for which they caitse these signs to stand ; hut tliey must, also, take care (be careful) to apply their words as nearly as may he to such ideas as common use to thcni has annexed (joined). 13. Tliough defining may he thought to he the proper (true) way (mode) to make Imown the proper signification of loords ; yet there are some words which will not he defined, as there are others whose exaxit (perfect) meaning cannot be made known except by definition; and, perhaps, a third which partakes of both the others. « page 378. * « « ft Morality can be perfectly demonstrated as well as mathematics: since the exact (jjerfect) real essence of things which moral words represent, may be perfectly known ; and so the congruity or Incongruitv of the things themselves may be certainly discovered in which exists perfect knowledge. page 344. * « * * Except the words which are names of Ideas in the mind there are very many others which are made use of (used) to signify the connexion which the m,ind makes of ideas or propositions. The mind in communicating (delivering) its thoughts to others, not only requires signs of the Ideas which It has at that time before it, but other signs also, to shew or intimate (suggest) some par- ticular action of its oion at that time relating to those ideas. It does this in difierent ways ; such as, it is and it is not, which are the general signs of the mindJs affirming and denying. But besides affirmation or negation tcithout which there is not in words any truth or falsehood the mind does in declaring its sentiments to others not only connect the parts of propositions, hut whole sentences to one another (i. e. mutually), icith their several relations and dependences, to make a coherent (congruous) discourse. I i 34 TRANSLATIONS. RICHARD WHATELEY, D. D. ESSAY on LOaiC,, Page 8 " A PIN kanta'tu bro'ndoiz pende'nu yoo'tu to'nti bo'nzoi vrondoo'tuz fondai'kwi Vinta'^wbas po'ntoo tepo'mebivo no'twi ta'ndur to'mblfo I rdndq i'tu Vi'ntuno i'nzi rou'uju kro'ndoiz. Tul, twoo ta'ntu o'ndis panzito'tu di'u trc'ntipai ge'ntipai, Vinda'kwin Vondoo'vubras, Unde'vubras, Onde'vu- bras, Ondre'vubra"skwi, kyel, po'ntipilz dro'ndou o'nti rouroi'ni, ro'um, o'nti o'ldooz vindino'tu, di'u ve'ntisai, kwin tintuso kwa pli'u turn jyoorai'tu rai zo pa'mbis au'rkyu tre'ntino Vinta'bas, kwa bi'utum pa'ntuvas o'nti lo'ndooz, soo'twi pla'ntupous o'nti to'ndooz Vinta'tubas. Zo'kwi, po'ntoo, pul, vra'ntu- nous to'ndoo. No'twi po'ntoo o'ri pra'ndur [ondoi'tum ponze'tu] ; sne'kwin ti'nto drou'unu dri'ukwin re'm- piko danslto'kwi yoo'tu vi'ijtuno o'ndis beto'ndi fe a'pin po'ndis, begendi'kwi roi'fi twoo'tu tel droi'u kra'ntoo, dyoo dre'ntivai fli'ntupou"tu. O ge'ndo fi'utum tw a'pin rl'ndoo ti'ntivraust ni'skwike'ntipoi, fonzIto"ti i de'ntou to'ndoi Ru'n- tupo"tubas, twoo'tu drou bo'nsifo fendai'kwin yoo'tu ve'nda prene'tipoo vro'ndooz fondai'tuz ploo ru'ndooz cooo'lum: kwini'bel i ga'ndis yoo'tu ru'ndoo pontoo tero'nti inzi, swifin po'ntoo u ru'ndoo binzik"urtuz, duudoiz, tunda'twiz ; nool kro'ndooz fiu, pul, dre'n- tipoi dyoo to'nto venda'tuz go'ntur Dondo'jiwbras genti'kwi ro'utu Ronze'tu, ta'rni o'nti go'ndaiz tam- bai'tu i'tu po'ndaiz o'utu a'fin Pa'mbaiz ; vone'zou kool kwa po'ntoo o'ntu ta'mbaiz E,u'ntupo"tubas kate'ntufoo rou'nu o'utu pre'ndou. Droi'u, vool, dyoo pro'usito gonti'kwin vri'ndi vinta'iwbas fi'u te'utifoi rou'unu pondaiz sloo'un, nel po'nsin Ibnsitai'es yoo- tum va'nta o'ndis vinda'tu, no'kwi (tyoo po'ntoo) u ondis tw umbinzlko kiudluo'kwi taurVi'nda: twoo'ni, pa'nti oi'ntifoi i'ntikai bendifo'fi di'nta Yi'uda pa'me- " /~\NE of the chief impediments to the attainment of a perfect knowledge of the nature^ (qualities) and object of Logic (i. e. of the arguing art), is the not perfectly understanding, or not sufficiently keeping in mind [remembering) , the sameness of the Reason- ing process (operation) upon all occasions. If, as (which) the ordinary mode of speaking would seem to shew that the Reasoning according to Mathematics, Theology, Metaphysics, and Politics, &c., were essentially different fi'om each other, that is, different kinds of reasoning (arguing) it would follow, that, supposing there could be at all (in any degree) any such science as we have described. Logic, there must be so many different spqcies, or at the least, different branches of Logic. And such is, perhaps, the most prevailing (common) notion. Nor is this much (greatly) [to be wondered at] (i. e. to be the cause of loonder) ; since [that] it is evident (plain) to all persons that some (men, omitted) converse and write in an argumentative (arguing) way (mode) very justly (perfectly) on (concerning) one subject, and very eroneously upon (concerning) another, in which again others (other persons) excel (are excellent), who fail (miscarry) in the former. This error may be in one Instant illustrated (caused to be plain) and removed, (and from taken) by considering the parallel instance (precedent) of Arithmetic, in which every one is awai'e (foreknows) that the process of a calculation is not affected by (altered by) the nature (qualities) of the objects xchose numbers are before us : but that the multiplication of a number is the very same ojjeration, whether it be a number of men, miles, or pounds ; although men (persons) may, perhaps, be found who are accurate (perfect) in calculations relative to Natural Philosophy, and incorrect (erroneous) in those of Political Econo- my, from their different degrees of skill in the subjects of these two Sciences ; not sm-ely because there are different arts of Arithmetic (i. e. the Numbering Art) applicable (able to be apjjlied) to each of these res~ • pectivcly (severally). Others, again, tvho are aware TEANSLATIONS. 35 pai"pu Vinda, ke'iitipaie'skwi trintusoo'fri kwin ko'n- tin vi'ntinai fo'ndi vindino'pi Vinda' vubas; tyoo po'n- too, po'ndi, pra'ntupa u ge'ndo vel drai deke'ntipcl Rinde'bas yoo'di va'nta ri'udi detintise'lkwi kro'ntini tcpa'usltai panzito"pi Rmde'iiitbas. Ai", pra'ntifi, foi'nsito Vinda'bas yoo'ir'i ta'mbis Vinda'tubas, gool, pa'ntufas ai'kyu po'ntoo u Ta'mbis, pontoo ye" Ta'mbis vinda'tu; fo'ndis i'tu Vinta"van pontiir, fine'tisai bi'ndaz twoo'ti aur Ji"u vi'ntinai, twoo'tibel drou'u bi'u vi'ntinai, uooli'bool nar pl'ndun bonsifo'el: no ponti'fai bi'ndaz, tyoo'u fi'u ve'ntisoi ponda'pu, tyoo'ubel no pi'u nis prcne'tisoi ponti'tn vi'nda." (i. e. observe) that the simple system (epitome) of Logic may he applied to all subjects whatever, yet are disposed to view it (consider it) as a (to be a) peculiar method (order) of reasoning^ and not, as it is (i. e. which it is)., a method (order) of unfolding and analysing our Reasoning : whence many have been led (been caused) to talk of comparing syllogistic Reasoning with unscientific Reasoning, and to take it as being granted that it is possible to reason well (correctly), without reasoning Ijo^ks&j (according to Logic) ; which is in fact (truly) as great an error as if any one ivere to mistake (lake badly) Grammar for a peculiar language., and supposed (erroneously supposed) it to he possible to speak correctly (pei'fectly to speak) ivithout speaking Grammatically (according to Grammar). They, in short (to be short)., have considered Logic as being an Art of Reasoning, whereas, so far (so long) as it is «» Art, it is the Art of Reasoning : the object of the Logician being not to lay down (affirm) principles by which we may reason, but by which all must reason, even although they not dis. tinctly know them ; not to lay down (i. e. to make) nUes ivhich may he followed with advantage, (profit) hit which not can be departed (gone) from in sound (i. e. true) reasoning (argument)." JOHN FOSTER. Essays, (Thii-teenth Edition), Page 35. " AU vii'u fo'mpifai tyool a'pin kondai'ro va'ntus twa'fi di'u gi'ndur gi'ntivo di-onzai'tas, nool dis a'rpin wi'ntu de'mpuroz inze'tu, u gronsufo'ro Unde'tu, dyoo misbre'ntiso tondra'turz frindiso'ti plondoo'tur. TrI'ntisnz tu'meas pla'mpusas too binf^u'vin zo'- kwin u klo'ndoo fl['u b'ousifraist noo'as yoo'fri vri'ntou tra'ntutwi fro'ndoo, di'onzoi'taz, snoo'kwin a po'mpitel fompite'lkwi I bi'nzikur, dri'u be'ntisoi tri'nu tra'ntu: kwil a fli'u po'nsifai indoo'kwin ro'tu o'nzil bi'u toom bepa'ntou ; sne'kwin u to'mpu da'ndo pompu'rtu i'nziz, — u pra'ntou da'ndo po'mpui'tu gon- daiz, i'tu prantou i'ndoo yoo'tu pra'uti ku'ndaiz " T will imagine only one case (state of a person) moi-e (i. e. additional) on ichich you (conc£rning which you) would emiihatically express your com- passion, though for one of the most daring beings of the universe, a contemner of God ; who explodes (drives out) his latvs by denying his existence. If (i. e. concede) you were (i. e. you to he) so imacquainted with (so ignorant of ) mankind (of human hind) that such an individual might be announced to you as being a rare or extraordinary phenomenon, your conjectures, until you saw and heard the man, would be lead to something eadra- ordinary: and you miglit think, that the time of that discipline (education) must have been very long ; 36 TRANSLATIONS. piuiJai'kwiz di'iin tre'ntipai ta'utur koi'mpisai u piuonda"rit cusbo'ntusas. Vo'nzou ponsupoo'rl tyoo vo'tu pi'nslpo timbo'- tes femprivo'kwi rous kapome'putoo o'mbi finda'tuz vrondo'tu, fe'ntrupo sloo'un u'mbonsufoo"ru fi'u fo'm- pitai'ed, fi'ukwi fe'ntipai ro kondoo'itu Omo'mpuro tyoo tri'mpitoo fro'nzus, ge'ntlpai plondoo'tur, tul wai vri'u, twal'tl tro'nzi, pono'tipil tyool ca'pil u pla'ntur puntinupftu tyoo di'u bra'nsinai tmdifo'su yoo'tu pla'ntur vensupo'ri. Bel, po'ndi, pone'too gemboo'rit pli'ndur ral'tu go'ndis, tul wai hd'nsifq kwa'kwin pone'too rai U'ndi. I po'uzi, plus, pive'nsino i^u pra'ntur fe'ndis twoo'ti u bl'nzikur pli"u vra'nsipai i'nu vro'nti po'ra- boo tyoo pi'u bo'nsifai kwa'kwin pone'too rai U'ndi. Sloo'u ru'ndaiz sloo'ukwi primbooz brentipoo d'di pe'ndi ! O po'mboo ke'ntifo i ko'nti bri'ntufoo"riz tw Unde'rit gyoo'Ju Wu'ndi fri'ntisoo. Vroo tel o bi'nzikui- po'ntoo o'su ri'ndoo kou'tu inze'tu, wai [«o" pi'u] bo'nsifai kwa'kwui fiu'ntum te'udooz yoo'tu U'ndi twtt'/ti hool dri"u ple'mprifoi. Tul wai [no tebo'nsifo] ou do'ntupo"ro inze'tu ro a'piu tyur pone'too, fi'utum U'ndi. Tul wai pone'too twai'kwen ka'nta do'ntrupo"ru inze'tu, [no'kwi bo'nsifo] sloo pontoo, sloo pontoo ii'utum U'ndi. Tul wai pone'too te'tu be'ndoo rou'utu i pi'ndiz tyoo'u ke'ntifo tra'nti po'ndo, ro a'pin twur bre'ntipo fi'utum, kwai'tum Wu'ndi. Tid wai pi'un vo'nzou fintisai o'ndoi rou'utu twur po'mpifai plo'ntipai, ro" o"ndoi fi'utum Wu'ndi. Tul, wai nim bo'nsifai tou tyoo doi'ntipoo i'tu [kazune'tukoo rundis'ilz] tri'u fi'u doi'nsipoi Wu'ndi. Keli'tel wai bo'nsifo trou'u, — ro'um, misbre'ntiso since (that) a quick series of intellectual operations, — a sJiort series of intellectual gradations, in the short time of a feio months and years, would not seem enough to have matured a heroism so portentous. Surely the creature which thus lifts its voice and defies all invisible (unable to be seen) power within the limits of infinity, challenging whatever unknown being may hear him, and may appropriate that name of Almighty which is uttered in scorn to shew his existence, if he will, hy his vengence was not, only yesterday, a little child, which would tremble at the approach of a diminutive reptile. But, indeed, it is not heroism any longer, (futurely in any degree), if he knows that there is not any God. The wonder, then, turns (hinges) upon the great process hy which a man could grow to the infinite intelligence which can know that thei'e is not any God. What ages and what lights are requisite (wanted) for this attainment (obtaiiunent) ! This intelligence involves (comprehends) the very (genuine) attributes (predicated tilings) of Deity, while a God is denied. For, unless this man is at this moment in every place in the imiverse, he cannot know that there may not be in some place manifestations of a God, by which he even would be overpowered. K he [does not perfectly know] every agent in the universe, that one which he does not know, may be God. If he is not himself the chief agent in the universe \and does not know] what is, wliat is, may be God. If he is not in perfect possession of all the propositions which comprehend imiversal truth, that one which he wants, may be, that there is (there to be) a God. If he cannot with certainty assign (declare) the cause of all which he perceives to exist, that cause may be a God. If he does not know every thing which has been done in the immeasurable [ages which are past] [t. e. past ages] some things may have been done by a God. Thus, imless he knows all things, — that is, TRANSLATIONS. 37 roi U'ndi, pondipi'ti Wu'ndi twai'kwen, wai pi'un bo'nsifai kwin klo'ndoo ploo plo'ndoo wai fri'utiso, nim plo'ntipal. Bel wai bi'u hofnsifai, yoo'kwin U'ndi nim plo'ntipai; notu'ltwi, wai vo'ntin bantu'rtu gro'uzoi dronzai'kwi i'di pla'mba, twu'rpu vi'mbus fiutiso fri'nda'itur dontipo'kwi vo'ndu. Ne'lkwi u binziku'ritu ta'ntu u'udis pambai'kwi fi'u nas fe'ntinaiu"i'kwen i'pu fi'ndis pondipi'tu vo'tu pi'ntunoo i'ni panti'roz; tu'lkwi wai dri'u tri'ntlnai vyu'rtu pai'ntiso o'nu kantou'kin, a dri'u bo'mpltai u kro'nsu tra'mboo pronzlfo'tu ro'fi fe'ndis twoo'tu twi'udrt bono"ntisas." precludes (drives out) another God, by being a Ood himself, he cannot know that the heimj whose existence he rejects, (denies) does not exist. But he must know that a God does not const; else (or if not) he deserves (is worthy) of cqiuil contempt and compassion for the temerity with which he firmly avows (affirms) his rejection (denial) and acts accordinglij (congruously). And yet, a man of ordinary age and intelliycnce, may to you present (oifor) himself, with the avowal (declai'ation) of being thus distinguished from the crowd, (multitude) ; and if he would describe how he (i. e. in what manner he) has attained (has come to) tliis eminence (high place), you would feel a melancholy (sorrowful) interest (anxiety) in con- templating (meditating) concerning that process, of which the result (the end) is so portentous." GEORGE GILFILLAN. YI'NDI I'JU PRI'NZO. fast year ; pu'n- disiu, future year. 4. Preposition and Pronoun. De'an or dan, for you : — dan comes before, and de^an, after the verb. 5. Pronouns, (accusative). These include all the Personal Pronouns ; as, pontipi'leos, — pil'cfw, — pi'lccs pilewr, — pi'lgim, — pi'leo?i, — pi'leaw, — pi'lee« .- i. e. it was not I, thou, it, he, she, we, ye, they. This is good English, but bad Phibsophic, and also, bad French; in as much as the above pronouns stand related only secondarily to the principal verb : the primary subject, being it (understood). 6. When two rez follow each other consecutively, with merely a vowel between them, the first of the two rez is to be sounded as if it were le. 7. Prepositions, — 1. Simply affixed to nouns, govern them; as, hmz^tu, of the man ; iamh^pi, with- out holiness; pronga'Ji', against the enemy. 2. But for the sake of euphony, before Proper Names, the Preposition, which governs the Proper Name, is suffixed to the immediately preceding tabular noun ; but the vowel u or i intervenes betwixt such preposition and the noun to which it is so suffixed, to distinguish it: «*, when the Preposition ends in u; and u, when it ends in i: as, "u fro'nzipu"rz'nu Faru," a father to Pharaoh. In the above cases, the accent is advanced one syllable ; but these forms are used to avoid a cacophony. 8. Here the fii-st tu governs ri'nzo, and the second tu governs Go'sim. This form is good. 9. Transcendental. Here dioim. signifies aggregate ; fi'njoiz, sheep ; and pi'njoiz, kine : so that dwim- fi'njoiz, \B flocks; and c^mVwpi'njoiz, herds: aggregates of sheep, aggregates of kinc. M m u. NOTES TO THE TRANSLATIONS. 10. Demonstratives. Krow'skwi* signifies and all ivhich: sec page 72, Grammar. We can say, k'okwi, kro'kwi, koj'kwi, kroj'kwi, kow'kwi, kroie'kwi. kmi'kwi, and klou'kwi, i. e. and tin's tchicfi, and that which, and the same lohich, and the other which, and every one which, and each one which, and any one which, and all which (singular). 11. Syllabic aggregates. Ro'cikwi, translate backwards: Kwi — ci — ro ; i.e. and — after — that. So, the word twai'wwkwi, and to his. 12. Prepositions and Pronouns. See page 80, Grammar. Poo, with ; and j^jf, without : — ^ur signifies, with him, jBurs, without him. Thus we have pos, with me; pS' prefixed : — thus, Sto, this thing which ; Stro, that thing which ; and so tluroughout the Table. Section 187. Insert — Spur, mean time; at the end of the Table. Between Nos. 14 and 15 insert, — Twis, or; (explicative). No. 36. After In 2ohat degree that, insert, — How- Section 138. Insert, — 10. Lou, all; (singular) S, suffixed to the Concrete Ordinals, forms a Class of Adverbs, of Time ; — namely, a'prins, the first time; a'frlns, tJie second time; &c, cfcc. ADDENDA. lii. Book I. Page 45. Sixth Difference of E'mbri. After E'mhmi, s^iment; insei-t, — Le'mbrai, breech. Book I. Page 68. Section 123. After sign of plurality of Noutis, add, — and Verbs. Book I. Page 82. After number 55, insert — No. 56, i\Iool, m the course of. Book I. Page 95. After number 47, insert, — 48, Sto'lkwin, adding that. Book I. Page 103. Section 213. MiQV f ampul stum! insert, — orfa'mpisi! aiter fampu'stid! insert, — or fampisi'l ! after emim'rtun ! insert, — or empuvi'n ! after pampvlrtun ! insert — or pa'mpivin! after hjtutum! insert, — or po'ntipi ko'tu ! after dansu'rtul .' insert, — or dansipil ! after ditisou'tun^ insert, — or di'nsifi. Book I. Page 104. Chapter V. At foot of the chapter, insert, — Negatives : — Trum, trul, trun, &c. Book II. Page 6. Verse 25. After is come, insert, — that thing. Book II. Page 13. Verse 50. Before brethren, insert, — mi/. Book III. Letter C. Insert Cataract, n. Dino'nza. Book III. Letter T. Tide f owing, (towards landj n. Dina'nza. 2, Dine'nza, (towards the sea). ADDENDA TO GEAMMAR. INTERROGATIVES TABULAE BEFORE SUBSTANTIVES. The Tabulars Interrogative, at page 107, are made to tennmate in the pronoun ai, (it). Tlicse forms are used only where the pronoun it is eraphatical. Instead of the pronoun ai, all these forms ought to terminate in the vowel u, ; thus, — Dlnsoi'i«, dinsifilcif, dinsifi'new y — Dinsife'w, dinsife'lew, dinsife'nei/ / — Dinsifoo'w, dinsifoole'u, dinsifoo'new. These are the forms which are to be employed before Substantive Subjects. Examples. Is the well full? Dinsoi'M tri'nza? i. e. Is it full — the well? or, Is the well full? Dinsifi'lg!* tri'nza? Was it full— the well? or, Was the well full- Dinsifi'neu tri'nza? Will it be full?— the well? or, Will the well be lull? Z CORRIGENDA. INTRODUCTION^ line 15 from the bottom, instead of g'entl i'nzoo^ write te^ntii, i'nzoo. ,, instead of djJn^ write dri'u. top, insert exclaimer^ after dlrecter. ' bottom, dele mene, and insert Mene. „ instead of Infinitive substantives^ insert accusative substantives. „ instead of guttcral, insert guttural. top, instead of Interrogative, insert Subjunctive. \ge 3 line 15 from tl 3 » 1 8 )) 17 9 w 5 12 )j 2 » 19 '> 13 j> 30 }» 14 BOOK I. RADICAL SUBSTANTIVES OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR. Page 9 Genns U'ndi, for A^ti- Christ, read Anti- Christ. „ 24 First Difference under I'nji, for Pe'njoo, Fefnjoo, Fre'njoo, Tefnjoo, and Ke'njoo, insert Pi'njoo, Ft'njoo, Fri'njoo, Ti'njoo^ and Kivjoj. ,, 28 Second Difference of E'ndi, instead of section, write secant. „ 33 Second Difference of I'mbi, instead of TMBOIZ, insert TMBOIZ. „ 43 Second Difference of Andri, instead of A'mboi, write A'mbroi. ,, 43 Fourth Difference of O'ndri, instead of Cndraz, rights and liberties ; insert O'ndraz, rights; and O'mbraz, liberties. „ 55 line 5 from the bottom, instead of Ontis, insert O'ntu^. ,„ 67 Section 120, No. 2, msiea.i.oiKrunjoo'rithrunjou'tu^'mse.v^Krunjoi'rit'krunjoi'tu. ., 67 Sec. 120. cancel all the words after — [§120], as far as — such concrete. Also cancel all the middle column of Concrete and Abstract ending in u, there being no such substan- tives in the language. Cancel also the observation at the foot of the page. „ G9 Chapter III. read Chapter III. after Chapter II. ; and read Chapter II. after Chapter III. „ 70 line 5 from the bottom, instead of Oh! way, insert 0! way. ,. 74 Sec. 152. instead of t_ongw(inkwen, tangwdnhwen, and fengirc'nkwen, insert tongwe'nlcicen, tangwenjcwen, & ^ngwenkwen. „ 74 Sec. 156, first line, instead of adding, put ])rcfixing. )' ') V CORRIGENDA. v. 74 Examples, line 2, instead of Ira'ntinil, insert blampiml- 76 line 4 fi"om the top, instead of Pefaus or pmis, insei't Pe^os or 2)aus. 78 Section 171, instead of rdnlrisool, insert rdmprisool. 78 Section 172 instead of kentinainu, insert keniinatinu. 78 Sec. 172, instead of punfi'nu2)n; insert inmlinujiro. 79 Part XVI, line 5, instead of which governs it, insert which it governs. 79 line 3 from the bottom, instead of Fondripu'fir, insert Fondripu rfi. 81 „ 8 „ „ instead of konzipu'nk)s, insert kdnzipun. 84 No. 25. instead of dmitoddru., insert, dontoo'dru. 85 line 2 from the top, instead of snurs, off her^ insert snuiis, off her. 85 line 1 from the bottom, instead of Tan, fen^ fan, insert Tran, fren, iron. 85 „ 11 „ „ instead of /cos wi'itc /itaMS.* instead of Aes wi'ite /;ats/ instead of ken^ write kfin. 85 .,11 „ top, instead of Troo, tri, insert Troo, tru. 85 „ 12 „ „ instead of Tre, int, insert Trp, tri. 86 „ 2 „ „ instead of Gloo, gli, insert Gloo, glu. 86 „ 4 „ „ instead of Skroo, skru, insert Snoo, snu, 86 „ 6 „ „ instead of Nas, towards thee; ma; towards him; nun, towards us; nes, towards it; insert sjjas, towards thee; spur, towards him; spun, towards her ; sjies, towards it. 86 „ 7 „ „ instead of Naus, nas, tuiis, nqrs, tCc, insert Spaus, spqs, spais, spars, &c. 88 „ 5 „ „ instead of Together, i. e. joined, ti/ool, insert Together, i. e. joined, tyel. 88 Sec. 187, line 7, instead of pegwi'fu, insert pegyvitu Instead of hegici'du, insert hegyu'du. instead of pegioidu, insert pegyu'du. instead of tyi'dikioin, insert twi'dikwin. instead of in the course, insert in the course of. instead of Tyel, insert Tyool: instead of he'ntipai, insert hdntipq. instead of konzipu'ntur insert konzipu'nfur. instead of honsipxJol, insert lonsipai'ol. instead of tonsiptdleet insert tonsikdleet. instead of ti'mpitos, insert ti'mpitns. instead of hretheren, insert brethren. instead of hundai'turs, insert hundai'twz. instead of pinfipe'lees, insert p)intjpdl2es. Instead of yinkyu, insert yinkyu. instead of Skroo'kwin, insert Snoo'kicin. instead of SkrW;win, insert Sndkwin. instead of PART XIX, insert PART XXI. instead of rdmpukrqz, insert roimpidcrq::. instead of aikai'an, inseii okaian. ') 88 V "'^? v 88 Sec. 188, line G, ') 93 line 2 fi"om the bottom, )' 94 No. 9, )' 94 No. 14, >J 95 No. 19, )> 95 No. 22, J) 95 No. 23, 35 95 No. 24, JJ 95 No. 25, :) 95 No. 33, ?? 95 No. 38, >' 95 No. 43. >) 95 No. 44, i) 104 line 6 from the bottom. )' 111 line 9 from the top, )) 119 Sec. 4. VI. CORRIGENDA. J) 120 Sec. 246, first word, >J 122 line 1 from the bottom, 3> 122 bottom line, » 133 Sec. 1, Plurals, !I 140 (Its) J) 142 (Out of J )> 142 (Rather that) 5) 143 (Such) !) 143 (Shortly) )J 143 (Their) )) 147 (Im) 55 147 (II) . 5) 147 (In) » 147 (It) 5' 147 (Jut{Uy 150 (Rous) instead of There, insert These. Transpose 7cooj)au'veo bepa'tin tu!ndooz: to follow Doopau'teq feddvin hu'ndooz. instead of hu'ndooz, insert pu'ndooz. instead of R<2' ufuhwi, insert Rqult.uhwu instead of vo'mhetur, insert vomhe^tur. instead of fe'os, insert t^es. instead of tiu, insert tr^u. instead of fe?, insert tal. instead of pompite^leed, insert pomptte'need. instead of fo'mhrq^ insert fo'mbra. instead of au im, alter to au im' instead of au il, alter to au iV. instead of au in pdntisai^ alter to au in' pe'ntisai. instead of omite^es, insert om i'tees. instead of in some degree, insert in a certain degree ; instead of he is in some degree to he hiamed, inrsert he is in a certain degree to be blamed. instead of Rous, insert Lou. ige 1 )) 2 !I 2 )> 2 J5 3 J' 3 !) 4 5' 4 }) 5 j; 5 p V 7 5J 7 J) 7 >^ 8 >' 8 J' 8 ?) S Verse 4, Verse 10, line 4 Verse 11, line 3, Verse 13, line 2, Verse 21, Verse 24, Verse 21, line 5, Verse 21, Verse 11, line 2 BOOK IL TRANSLATIONS. instead of tinfifelee' nhiven, insert ti'ntifel. instead of hrou'skwi, insert hlou'kici. instead of hro'uskwi, insert hlou'kwi. instead of hrou'skwi, insert klou'hci. instead of ta'rdi, insert fa'rdi. instead of Konzipu'rturs, insert konzipu'rfurs, instead of vloome'sool, insert vloom^prisool. instead of zum, insert zid. instead of gyau'su, insert gyo'su. Verse 18, line 1, from top, instead of tyool, insert tyel. Psalm II. verse 4, Psalm II. verse 7, Psalm XI. verse 6, line 1 Psalm XI. verse G, instead of who (in italic), insert who, (in roman letters). instead of pounsipai'as, insert pounsipdas. instead of tu!nsinai, insert tu'nsitai. instead of vri'u, insert ti'u; instead of o vri'utum, insert g vrai'utum. Psalm LXXXIV. vei'se 2, instead of da'nsupq, insert da'nsupq. Psalm LXXXIV. verse 9, instead of vrinsukoo"ro, insert vlumpusoo'rq. Psalm LXXXIV. v. 10, 1. 2, instead of to'nzunou, insert fo'nzunou. „ verse 11, instead o? frinzi, imert fri'nzoi: instead of tinomboo'ktoi, insert timpmhodkwi,: for vre'ntipai, put ve'ntipai CORRIGENDA. vu. Page 8 Psalm LXXXIV. verse 12, )? 8 Psalm XCI. verse 2, line )' 8 Psalm XCI. verse 3, )? 9 Vcrac 13, )I 9 Verso 4, line 2, )> 9 Verses 9 and 10, lines 2, J) 9 Verse 15, line 1, )) 10 Verse 9, » 10 Verse 10, line 2, )> 10 Verse 14, line 2, 3? 10 I. Corintliians, verse 3, )) 11 Verse 11, » 11 Verse 12, » 12 Verse 24, » 12 Verse 24, J) 12 Verse 24, '5 12 Verse 26, J) 12 Verse 27, » 12 Verse 28, 5J 12 Verse 28, Ime 3, ') 12 Verse 29, 'J 12 Verse 31, )' 12 Verse 35, line 2, 51 12 Verse 37, ') 13 Verse 39, )J 13 Verse 43, ') 13 Vci'se 44, ') 13 Verse 45, )5 13 Verse 46, >> 13 Verse 47, lines 1 and 2, >> 13 Verse 51, »J 14 Verse 53, line 1, 5> 14 Revelations IV. 5? 14 Verse 1, line 2, 5' 14 Verse 2, J> 14 Verse 3, )) 15 Verse 8, 15 Verse 10, instead of hi'mi, insert hinzi. instead of flenzai'tos., insert flenzoo'fp.i. instead of (jlanzai'ni, insert glanzuini. instead of ta'ndis, insert 'va'ndtz. instead of ponddhir^ insert jjonddfur. instead of hinralnsujioo, insert ralnzoo. instead of vraHu, insert ti'u. instead of gou'u, insert gou. instead of pcmesifeleed, insert honesifdhed. instead of tinomhodlur^ insert U'momboo'tur ; instead of tin- c/mhoOj insert tUmomhoo; instead of iira'nsupoo^ Insert palnsupoo. instead of a'prin, insert giprins: instead of tMildi, put taiilrdi. instead of (jlrtwi^ insert qlrtiol ; instead of or, insert qr. instead of hoa'trum, insert hiuchrum; instead of galnsiten, gansitdu. instead of Rous, insert ha. instead of trin!(h, insert tioHirlr). instead of rous and rouskwi, insert lou and louhicL instead of dranzodum, insert dranzoo'wn. instead of rou'ii fdndooz read trou'u. instead of lydmimvoon, insert ■pdmprivin; instead of fdm- privin, insert pdmpi-ivin. instead of rous, todrous, insert hu lou'fu. instead of u'mera; insert u'mrar. instead of fau'di, insert fau'rdi. instead of u'neqr, insert inenr: instead of rdnzoi, insert ri'nzjo. instead of Rous, insert Lou. instead of romljdtu, insert droml<_f.u. instead of kioa'kwi, insert kwn. instead of ya'prin, insert yijlpirins. instead of glprin, insert alprins. instead of ya'prin and yr^friii, insert yaprins and yn'fn'ns. instead of t)-i'ntj'n\ insert tri'ntu-i; instead of vrdatifai, insert vre'ntifoo. instead of cnmnoUpu, insert emnnoi'ipu. instead of Revalations, insert Eevelations. instead of tyau, insert twos. instead of pdntipil, insert pdntipil. instead oi pa'niivil. insert palntikil. instead of vundai'tu, insert vundai'du; instead of pldntipil, insert pldntipil; instead of uriaidai'tici, insert vrundai'twi. instead of tetjlntur, insert te/Jndur. Z z 2 Till. COEEIGENDA. Pao-e 16 top line, instead of Mmpus and uno'nzoo, insert vimpus and ino'nzqi. 16 line 2, from tlio top, instead of a'ndus-tre'nsivool, insert a'ndus-fre'nsiv/^I. 16 line 5 from the top, instead of tyur, insert twur. 16 line 7 „ ,, instead of rous and rous, insert hu and hu. 16 line 18 „ „ instead of tronsiipoo'zuruz and rous, insert tronsupoozurqz and hu. „ 16 line 6 from the bottom, instead of hel, insert hd. ., 16 line 10 „ „ instead of fwM, insert i'ni. „ 16 line 11 from the top, instead of mighy^ insert mighty. J, 17 line 2 ,, top, instead of karun, adv. Fintu'rpu to'nza. 4, adv. To'nzim. 5, Vo'ndu. Acceyrdingly, adv. Vo'ndu. 2, Yun, according as. 3, Voo or vu, prep. according to. Accost, V. a. TIn'tifi-ost. 2, Fa'n- sikrast. 3, Ta'nsikai. Accotmting, n. Ve'nda. 2, v. Go'n- sifai. Accoutered, part. En'sunoo. 2, Re'nsunoo. Accrue, v. Eo'ntifi. 2, E'ntiki. Accumulate, v. Vi'nsifrost. Accurate, adj. To'nti. Accurse, v. a. Tro'nsipai 2, Ks Accuse, V. a. Ta'ntripai. tripai. 3, Da'ntrinai. Accustom, V. Po'mprinai. 2, Dapi'n- tipai, i. e. frequently to do. Ace, n. A'pin. 2, Pe'ndoo, i. e. jot. Acerbity, n. Tri'mba. Ache, IVo'mbi. Achieve, v. a. To'ntivai. 2, Ven'- tivai. 3, Do'utipai. Acid, n. Ki'mba. Arknouiledge, v. a. To'nsifai. 2, Tri'ntisai. 3, Ti'ntisai. Aconite, n. To'mvoo. Acorn, n. Ko'ndo pumve'tu. Acquaint, v. Bo'nsifrast. Acquaintance, n. Ko'nza. Acquiesce, v. Re'nsiki. 2, Tampivi. Acquire, v. a. Pe'ntikai. 2, Fcntikai. Acquit, V. a. Te'ntinai, of debt. 2, Da'ntrifai. Acre, n. Teno'ndoo. A A D JI Acrimoivi, n. Fri'mba. Act, n. Do'ndoo. 2, Tl'ndo, i. e. act of a play. 3, To'ndi-a. 4, To'mbra. 5, Bo'ndo, i. c. actu- abiess. 6, Do'ntipai. 7, To'ii- trivai. Action, n. Do'ndoo. Action of God, n. O'nzoo. 2, O'n- zoi. 3, O'nzo. 4, O'nza. 5, A'uzi. 6, A'nzoo. 7, A'nzoi. 8, A'nzo. 9, A'mbroi, action at law. 10, A'uzis, gesture. Active, adj. Gado'ntur. 2, Ga- ze'nti. 3, Go'mpu. Actualness, n. Bo'ndo. Acus Aristoteles, n. Ba'njinoi. Acute, adj. Gade'nsivai, apt to cut. 2, Gra'ntur. 3, Fo'mpa, spright- ly. 4, Pa'mpi, sagacious. Acute angle, n. Tre'ndn. Acute sound, n. Pri'mbo. Adage, n. Pri'udi. Adamant, n. Pu'nja, i. e. diamond. Adapt, V. a. Teru'ntikai. 2, Vo'u- tikrost. Add, V. a. Nus pe'ntipai. 2, Tel- pe'ntipai. 3, Vra'ntigrost. 4, Fro'nsifai vra'ndo. 5, Ve'ntiuai vran'do. Adder, n. Dri'njis. Adders holt, n. Do'nja. 2, Adder's tongue, Tro'mvoo. Adz, n. U de'nsuvo fra'nzis. 2, U de'nsuvo pa'nzis. Addict, V. a. Don'di po'nsinai. 2. A'rabu po'nsidai. Addition, n. Va'ndis. Addle, adj. Fro'mpu. Address, v. a. Fa'nsikai. Adequate, adj. Teta'ntur. Adhere, v. a. Fe'ntifai. Adherent, adj. Fe'ntufo, whicli ad- heres. 2, Gafe'ntufo. 3, Kra'nta. Adjacent, adj. Nus da'nsuvo. 2, Nus ti'ntou. Adjective, n Tri'ndoi. Adieu, V. Gra'nsikoz, i. e. farewell. Adjoin, V. Nus pe'ntifai. 2, Sus kri'ntiti, to be at the margin. 3, Ti'ntifai, to approach. Adjudge, v. Ba'mprifai. Adjourn, v. Pli'ntiprost, postpone. 2, Dri'ntifai, yoo'skru, bu'ndisin. Adjunct, n. Pro'ndis. Adjure, v. a. Bis ko'ntrigrast. 2, To'nsikai unde'di. 3, Po'nsikai undedi. Adjust, V. a. Ba'ntiiprost. 2, Vo'n- tikrost. 3, Vre'ntinai, balance. Adjutant, n. Ke'mbro. Adjuvant, n. Bo'ndoi. Administer, v. a. Vo'mprinai, to officiate. 2, Dro'nsitai, to serve. 3, Ke'ntinai, to give. Admiral, n. I'ntrufas. 2, Pi'ndri, Lord High Admiral. 3, Pi'mbri, Admiral of the Fleet. 4, Plin'dri, Vice-admiral. 5, Pi'lbri, Eoar- admiral. A F F Admiration, n. Po'nzi. Admit, V. Pe'ntinai mus pre'ntisai. 2, Prone'sikai mus pre'ntisai. 3, Tri'ntisai. Admonish, v. a. Kro'nsikai. Adolescence, n. Tu'ndinoo. Adonis-Jloioer, n. Ba'mvino. Adoo, n. Ke'ndo. ■ Adopt, V. a. Frona'nsiprost. Adore, V. U'ntrinai. Adorn, V. a. Va'ntikai. Advance, v. a. Pre'ntisai gi'ndi. 2. Fe'ntisai. 3. Ge'ntifrost. 4, Pi'nsipai, to lift. 5, Bi'ntitrost. 6, Bra'ntiprost. 7, Ka'ntifrost. 8. Ba'mpifrost, to dignify. Advantage, n. Bra'ndoo. 2 Fe'ndi. 3, Kro'ndoi. Advent, n. Pe'ndis. Adventitious, adj. Tone'sunoo 2. Drone'sutoo. 3, Kra'nta. Adventure, n. Dro'ndi. 2, Flo'nzoo. 3, Kre'ndo. 4, Tro'ndi. Adventure, the, n. Eno'uda, the com- mercial thing sent out. At a venture, adv. Eno'ndu. Adverb, n. Ki'ndoi, adverb derived. 2. Ti'ndoi, adverb imderived. Adverse, adj. To'ntus. 2, Bro'ntu. 3, Pro'nsa, inimical. 4, Fra'mpur. Adversary, n. Pro'nza. Adversity, n. Fra'mboo. Advert, v. a. Pro'nsitai. Advertise, v. a. Bo'nsifrast. 2, Kro'nsikai. Advise, v. a. Ko'nslkai. Advised, part. Ko'nsukoo. 2, Pa'm- punoo. 3, Fa'mpunoo. Adulation, n. Dre'mba. Adult, n. Tu'ntunoor. Adulterate, v. a. Fro'ntivrost gron- do'ti. 2, Frono'ntivai. Adultery, n. Fa'mbra. Adumbrate, v. Fri'mpivai. ^4(^yocafe, n. Da'ndroo. 2, U fa'm- broo. Advowson, n. Ono'ndra. Adust, adj. Oo'nsupoo, whicli lias been burnt. Afar, adv. Tri'ndou. Affable, adj. Te'mpus. 2, De'mpa. Affair, n. Upi'ntupoon, a thing which is to be done hereafter. 2. E'ndo. 3, Fo'ndoo. Affect, V. Tra'mpiti. 2, Tra'mpitai. to act conceitedly. Affected, adj. Ousuloo, excited. 2, Do'nsuuoo. Affectation, n. Tra'mbo. 2, Twe'm- bo, an ambitious manner. Affection, n. O'nzil. 2, Bo'nzi. 3, To'nzi. Affivnce, n. To'nzifo. 2, Do'nzi. Affidavit, n. Ko'ntrusoo dampru- p(2'ri. 2, Kono'ntnisoo (sub-spe- cies) oath in writhig. Affinity, n. O'nzoi. Affirmation, n. Fi'ndis. Aiffix, V. a. Nus vri'mpifrost. 2. Nus pe'ntipai. ALA Afflict, V. a. Fra'mpivai. Affluence, n. Fra'ndoo. Afford, V. Prc'ntinai bcntipai. 2. Pe'ntinai. 3, Ke'ntinai. 4, To'n- trikai. .5, Tri'ntisai, to grant. Afraid, adj. Vo'nsu. Affront, V. P'amprinai. Afresh, adv. Ti'ndur ; 2, Ve'ndou. 3, Vooh After, prep. Ce or ci. 2, Flin'dur. 3, Ye'ndus. 4, Vo'ndu. Afterbirth, n. Dro'ndis. Afternoon, n. Blu'ndisil. Aftertimes, in ; adv. PHn'dupin. Again, adv. Tool . 2, Ve'ndou. ve'ndufo, like that which repeats. Against, prep. Be or bi. 2, Ko or ki. Agate, n. Pru'njoi. Age, n. U'ndinoo. 2, SI u'meu undinoo'tas '? what is thy age ? Age (under J ad}. Kro'nsitu un'dinoo. Age, fqffull) adj. Unkro'nsutoo u'ndinoo. 2. Tunti'nupil. Age-middle, n. Ku'ndinoo. Age-old, n. Bu'ndiuoo. Age (declining) n. Vundinoo. Agent, n. Do'ntupor. 2, Vis e'n- tuvor, i. e. the instead business person. 3, Vis entuvo'tas. Aggravate, v. a. Yin pra'ntiprost. 2, Yin gra'ntiprost. Aggregate (an) n. Vra'ndo. Agility, n. Go'mbi. 2, To'mbi. Agitate, v. a. Daze'nsikal. Bre'u- tisai. 3, Te'nsivai. Agnus castus, n. VrI'mvoo. Agony, n. Go'nzis. 2, Bekro'nzi. ^^0, adv. Pli'ndur. 2, Bepli'ndur. Agree, v. Vo'ntiki. 2, On'trikai. 3. To'nsitai. 4, Tri'ntisai. 5, Te'mpini. Agreeable, adj. Vo'ntu. 2, Do'ntu. Agriculture, n. I'nzo. Agrimony, n. Ta'nivinoi. Aground, adv. Diuzoiju. Fintou'tu dinzoi'pu. Ague, n. Pru'mboi. ^4/« .' Characteristic exclamative ; Ha ! Its meaning depends on the tone of the speaker's voice, signi- fying sometimes sorrow, some- times pity, sometimes, iS:c. &c. Aye, adv. Ti'ndur. Aid, n. Bo'ndoi. Ail, V. Fo'ntitai, to move, excite. Aim, n. Fo'ndis. 2. Ve'ndoi. Air, n. U'nzoi. 2. Pu'nzoi, what fills the spaces beyond the atmos- phere. 3, Pru'nzoi. 4, Panti'vis, the countenance. 5, v. U'nsifai, to air, i. e. warm. Airy, adj. U'nsou. 2, Tro'mpa. 3. Tra'mpi. Ache, v. Da'nsifai. Acorn, n. Ko'ndo pimvo'tu. Alabaster, n. Pu'njoi. Alacrity, n. Ta'niba. Alarm, u. Tronde'dis. 2, Pcutru- ko'dis. ALL ^/ n. Ka'mva. Altsander, J Alijehra, n. Vondoo'pas, the quan- tityart. 2, Vondoo'bras, the quan- tity science. 3, Yo'utur bondoo- bra3 or bas. Alien, n. Tro'nza. Alienate, v. Fre'ntipai. 2, Tro'nsi- most, to estrange. Alight, V. Unde'nsifai. 2, Um- be'nsivai. 3, Tris pre'ntisai. 4, Tris pe'ntlsai. Alike, adv. Pa'ndu. 2 Ba'ndur. Aliment, adj. Vansn'rtis. Alimony, n. Krono'nzis, allowance to woman legally separated from her husband. Alive, adv. Da'nzur. 2, U'usupoo fe'nzis, live coal. Alkanet, n. Fo'mvino. All, n. A'ndis tri'tu, the lohole of something. 2, Rou'u, all, plural. At all, adv. Frai'tu. All one, adj. Ba'ntur. Already, adv. Tro'su. 2, To'.ni. 3, To'cu. Altogether, adv. Andas. 2, Vra'ndi. 3, To'ndi. Always, adv. Tl'ndur. 2, Grou'usu. 3, Grou'utu. 4, Grou'usu to'nt^i Alliy, V. Gfa'atlpai. 2, Yil pla'nti- prost. 3, Yil gla'ntiprost. Alleje, V. a. Vi'ntinal. 2, Ti'ntiuai. Allegiance, u. Ve'mbi. 2, Be'mbi. Allegory, n. Vrino'ndo, a series of metaphors, or tropes. ^&?/,n.Fran'touda'nzoi,dranzoi'twi. All heal, n. Ga'ravinoi. All heal, Hercules, Da'mva. Alligator, n. Ti'njis. Alliance, n. Go'udro. 2, O'nzoi. Alloy, n. Ono'nzi, metal mixed with an inferior metal. A Jl E Allot, V. To'nsinai Yu'ndi. 2, To'n- sinai ru'ndi. 3, Pe'ntinai yu'ndi, rundc'twi. 4, Kro'nsivai. .'), Ke'n- tinai. 6, Pe'ntinai. 7, Tri'ntisai. S, To'nsitai. 9, To'nsifai. Allowcnce, n. To'nsunoo u'ndi, or ru'ndi. 2, Pe'ntunoo u'ndi, run- de'twi. 3, Ko'nzis. Allude, V. Tri'ntinai. Allure, V. Bo'nsikai. Allusion, n. Tri'nda. Almanack, n. Puno'ndis, a table of the days of the week, and months of the j'car. Almsgiving, n. (the virtue) Be'mbo. 2, Be'mbiko. Alms, n. Bembu'koo'ri. Almicantur, n. Dri'nzis. Almighty, adj. Vro'nti o'mpu. Almoner, n. Bempuk(2'fas. Almond, n. Pru'mva, the tree. Prumva'sit the fruit. 3, Dandoi. (glandule) 4, Tra'udo, place of almonds of the ear. Almost adv. Sool. Aloe, n. Pro'ravinoi. 2, Pu'mvinoi. Aloft, adv. Ka'ndou. Alone, adv. Fro'nzun. 2, Tyel. Along, prep. Goo or gu. 2, Do or di. 3, Gloo. All along, adv. Dra'nzus. Aloof, adv. ^^•l'nllou. Aloud, adv. Be'zimbi. Alphabet, n. Pino'ndoo. Also, conj. Kwel. Altar, n. Kra'nzoi. Alter, V. Vre'ntifai. Altercation, n. Twe'mba. Alternation, n. Do'ndis. Althea, n. Da'mvlno. Altitude, n. Ka'ndoi. Alum, n. Fu'nji. Am, entitive verb, (tabular) Po'n- too. 2, Um ; as au uui, I am. Amain, adv. Gra'ndur. Amalgam, n. Una'nzi, metal mixed with quicksilver. Amaranth, n. Bra'nvoo, prince's feather. Amass, V. a. Vi'nsifrost. Amaze, v. Gro'nslvrost. 2, Pro'm- pifrost. 3, Bepo'nsikrost. ^;«/>'i(7fiA', n. Zispa'nzoz. 2, Frl'nda. Ambient, adj. Vrino'nti. 2, Fe'ntitai, to encircle. Ambiguous, adj. Pri'nta. 2, Gabro'n- sufoo, apt to be doubled. Ambition, n. Tre'nibo. Ambling, n. Fe'nzoi. Ambidexter, n. Do'nontupo"ro, any one treacherously acting for op- posite parties, a double dealer. Ambulatory, adj. Krape'nsifai. Ambush, n. Te'mbroo. Amen, v. Use's vro ! or Vro use's. Amend, V. a. Tra'ntiprost. Amends, n. Dre'ndoi. 2, Dre'ntisai, to compensate. Amerce, v. a. Uantrisai. A N G Amethyst, n. Vu'nja. Amia, n, Pa'nja. Amiable, adv. Gato'nsukoo. Amicable, adj. Bipo'nsa. Amiss, adj. Tro'ndi. 2, Gc'ndi. 3, Des, transcendental, signifying corruptive. Amity, n. Ponz'arit. Ammi, n. Bishop's weed, Kra'mvi. Ammunition, n. En'dril. Among, prep. Skoo and Sku. Amorous, adj. Gato'nsukn. Amort, adj. Dwakro'nsu, in a state of impetuous grief. Amount, n. Vrantusoo'ri. Amphilfious, adj. Rano'nsur. Aviphiholy, n. Prino'nda. Amphitheatre, n.U pe'nti tontrou'tus. Ample, adj. Bi'ntou. 2, Pra'ntur. 3, Fa'ntou. Amplification, n. Fri'nda. Amplify, V. Fri'ntinai. Amulet, n. Rene'nza, a thing worn to preserve from disease, witch- craft, &c. An. article, Y. 2. I. 3, We. 4, E. (see Gi'amraar §. 135.) Anacardium, n. Gru'mva. Anagram, n. Rino'nzi, a new word formed from another. Analem, n. Rino'nzis, a projection of the sphere. Analogy, n, Pa'nondi, generic like- ness betwixt or among things which ditfcr. 2, Ru'ndi. Analysis, n. Preno'ndoi, the separa- tion of a thing into its constituent parts. 2, Prena'ndoi, the speaking of, or considering those parts. Anarchy, n. O'mbri. Anas Campestris Bellonii, n. Kre'njoi. Anathema, n. Bundri. Anatomy, n Rino'nzoo, art of dis- secting bodies. Ancestor., n. Po'nzoo, Anchor, n. Ti'ndro. Anehwet, n. Du'mbroi Anchovy, n. Pa'mijo. Ancient, adj. Tri'ntur. 2, Bu'ntiinir. 3, Fe'ndro, ensign. 4, Di'nibro. Ankle, n. Bane'ndi. And, conj. kw. 2, Kwi. 3, Kwe. Andiron, n. Feno'nxis. Anemone n. Ta'mvino. Aneurism, n. Gru'mbo. Anew, adv. Tin'dur. 2, Ve'ndou. 3, Vool, again. Angel, n. Pi'nzoo. 2, Fi'nzoo. 3, Fri'nzoo. 4, Ba'njoi, scate. Angelica, n. Ba'mva. Anger, n. To'nzi. 2, Twe'niboo. Angle, n. Fre'ndo. 2, Te'ndci, riglit angle. 3, Tre'ndo, obtuse angle. 4, Twe'ndo, acute angle. Angle, v. Dono'utrifai, to fish with rod and line. Anguvih, n. Tra'mboo, anxietv. 2, Betroinbi, pain. 3, Bckro uzi, in- ANT tense grief. 4, Betre'ndi, intense trouble. Anijiilar^ adj. Fre'nti. Amj^ Demonstrative, Eai, sing. 2, Kai'n, plural. 3, Kyoo'nu, whither. 4, Kyoo'tu. Animadtersion, n. Pro'nzo. Animal, n. Ki'nzi. Animate parts of the worJd, n. I'uxiz. Animate, v. Fo'nsisai.. Animosity, n. Tono'nzi, old anger. 2. Tona'nzi, perverse anger. Aniseed, n. Pa'mva. AnnoJs, n. Puno'ndaiz, clu'onological naming of facts. Annats, n. To'ndro ge'ntunoo fon- droo'nu, kundroi'kwi. Annex, v. Pe'ntifai nu. Annihilate, v. a. Pro'nsipai. Anniversary, n. Puna'ndai, annual solemnity. Annoy, v. a. Pro'ntinai. 2, Tre'n- tikai. , Annotations, n. Vi'ndiz. Annual, adj. Pu'ntai or pu'ntus. Annuity, n. Pu'ntus gc'nda. 2, Pu'n- tairi. 3, Bo'mprakori, rent. 4, Kroususoo'ri. Annul, V. a. Plo'ntiprost. 2, Pro'n- sipai. 3, Umpi'ntipai. Annulet, n. Pefe'ndi. Annunciation, n. Ti'ndi. Anoint, v. a. Vri'nsikai, to smear. Anomalous, adj. Bisbi'nta. Jnow, adv. Pll'ndur. Anonymous, adj. Unko'ntupoo. Another, demon. Eui, singular. 2, Kol'u, plural. Answer, n. Pri'udis. Answerable, adj. Vo'ntu. 2, Ve'n- tunast, who will be made to reekon. Ant, n. Bo'uja. Ant-hear n. Bi'nji. Antagonist,^. Pro'nza. 2, adj. Tro'n- tus or tro'ntai. Antarctic, circle, n. Bri'nzis. Antarctic jwh', n. Printi pre'ndoi. Antecedent, adj. Fri'ntur. Antedate, n. Cusbi'ntipai, or Bi'n- tipai cu. Anthem, n. Fu'mbra. St. Anthonys Fire, n. Dru'mboi, Erysipelas. Antkhriat, n. Ku'ndoi. Amticipate, v. a. Tcn'tivai. 2, Kri'n- tipi. Antidote, n. Bla'mbri. 2, Bike'n- tunoo'ri. Anfihpe, n. Fli'njoi, goat with straight wreathed horns. Antimony, n. Fu'uzo. Antipathy, u. Bro'nzi. Antipodes, n. Dri'nzoi. Antiquary, n. Trino'ndoo. Antiquated, adj. Plo'utuprost m- doo'ti. Antique, adj. Twi'ntur. A P P Antiquity, n. Twi'ndoo. 2, Bu'n- dinoo, old age. Antithesis, n. Trontai'ri. Antitype, n. Trontufoo'ri. Anmi, n. Fla'uzis. Anxiety, n. Tra'mboo. Apace, adv. To'mbu. Apart, adv. Vra'ndi. ^^c, n. Pri'njo. ^^o', n. Tra'nja. Aphorism, n. U pra'ntou bi'nda. Aphia gohites, n, Ta'njo. Apocrap)hal, adj. Bronsou'tu vo'ndra. Ajjologue, n, U tro'ntur ti'ndi. Apology, n. Ta'mbroi. Apothcgne, n. U fa'mpus pri'ndo. Apop>lexy, n. Tru'mba. Aporrhais, n. Tro'njinoo. Apostasy, n. Vumbro'rit. Aposteme, n. Vu'mboo. Ajiostle n. Tu'ndroi. Apothecary, n. lli'nsaii'o, or Ein- sai'dis. Appal, V. O'kai tra'nsa. 2, Bu'm- pikai, to faint. 3, Vro'nsikai vronsiki'twi. Apparel, n. E'nza. Appearanee, n. Tre'ndoo. 2, Fa'm- broi, i. e. at law. 3, Fro'ndoo, ens apparens. Apparent, adj. Fro'utupo, which appears, or fro'ntur. 2, Te'ntur. Apparition, n.. Pomputoo'ri i'nsur. 2, Pomputoo'ri. Aprparitor, Pantrufo'ro, or fo'fas summoning oiBeer. Apartment, n. Fa'uzo. 2, Fanz'otwis. Appeal, n. Ga'mbroi. 2, v. Ga'm- prifai, to appeal. Appear, v. fro'ntipai. ' 2, To'ntipai. 3, Tro'ntipai. 4, Fa'mprifai, i. e. at law. App)earing, Meteor, U'nzil. Apjiease, v. Unto'nsikai, to tm- angcr. Appendage, n. Ukranta'ri, an ac- cessary thing. Appertain, v. Ba'ntini, to be perti- nent. Appetite, n. Ko'mboi. Applaud, V. Di'dousikai, to signify commendation. 2, Bego'nsikai, greatly to praise. Apple, n. Pumvoo'sit, i. e. the frait of the apple ; sit signifies fruit. 2, Po'nd(2, fruit. 3, Dre'mvinoo, the thorn apple. 4, Fe'mvino, the apple of love. 5, Dru'mvoo, Adam's apple. 6, Fre'mvinol, mad apple. 7, Frano'ndo, pupil of the eye. Apply, V. Te'ntifai. 2, Pe'ntipai. Appoint, V. To'nsiuai, to intend. 2, re'ntivai, to design. 3, Po'usikai, to command. Apposite, adj. Bo'ntu, congruous. 2, Ba'nta, pertinent. Apprehend, v. Po'mpivai, to under- stand. 2, Po'mpifai, to perceive. A R T 3, Vro'nsifai, to be of opinion, think. 4, Pa'mprifai, to arrest. Apprentice, n. Tonsuto'rtj, a learner. 2, Tonansuto'ro, learner of a trade. Approach, v. Ti'ntivai. Approbation, n. To'nzo. Apjpropriate, Fe'ntipai, to put to your own use. Appropriate, adj. Va'ntimost. Approve, v. To'nsitai. Appurtenance, n. Ba'nda. 2, Kra'nda. Apricot, n. Fu'mvoi. Apiril, n. Kune'ndis (see months). Apn-on, n. Vano'nda, a vest hanging before the belly. Apititude, n. Bo'ndi, eongrnity. 2, Fa'mbo, sagacity. 3, Ta'mba, alacrity. 4, Tonzo'rit, the essence of a learner. Ap>t, adj. Gas or ga, the trans. particle, as Gaton'sitai, apt to teach. 2, the tabular adj. Bo'ntu. 3, Ea'mpukoo, disposed. Aquarius, n. Ukwa'reus, a proper name. Aqueduct, n. Gre'nzoi. Aquila, n. Pra'njoi. Aquosity, n. Unzo'rit, wateriness. Array, n. Fa'ndi, order. Arbalist, n. Ke'mpuro. Arbitrary, adj. Go'nsa, dependent wholly on the will. Arbitrator, n. Fa'ndroo. Arbitrate, v. Fa'ntripai. Arbor, n. Tuzu'mviz, house of trees. Arbutus, n. Ki'mvo, strawberry tree. Arch, n. Vro'nzo. Arch, n. Dwefe'ndo, part of circle. Archangel, n. Kanta pi'nzoo. 2, Da'mvinoi, dead nettle. Archbishop, n. Vu'ndi'oi. Archdeacon, n. Vu'mbrois vrontai'rn. Archer, n. Kentruko'ro, the bowing person. Architecture, n. Anzoi'ubas. Architrave, n. Ka'nta bra'nzo, chief beam. Archives, n. Keno'ntnkis, store place for ancient writings. Arctic, adj. F'mti, i. e. northern. Arctic circle, n. Bi'nzis. Artie pole, n. Bi'nsou pre'ndoi, north pole. Ardent, adj. U'nsur, fiery. 2, Bep- ri'mpu. 3, Po'nsus or po'nsai, zealous. Area, n. Te'ndoo. Argent, n. Funsu'rtu i'mboi, of sil- very color. Argue, v. Vi'ntinai. Argument, n. Do'ndoi,- the matter. 2, Fo'ndis, the object. 3, Vin- tuno'ri. Arid, adj. Fli'mpu. Aries, n. A'reez, a proper name. Aright, n. Fo'ndi. 2, Des, trans. denoting perfection. Arise, v. Pa'nsivai. 2, Pi'pansivai, to rise like the sun. A S Aristocracy, n. Tono'ndroo. Arithmetic, n. Ruiitupu'bas, tlie numbering art. Ark, n. Fe'uzi, box. Arm human, n. Pa'ndi. Arm of the sea, n. Ki'nza. Arm of tree, n. To'nJoo. Arm, V. Pe'iitikai pe'udinz. Armada, n. Peii'dra viudroo'tuz. Armadillo n. Bri'nji. Armament, n. Re'uza. Army, n. Pe'ndra. Armor, n. Pe'nibri. Armorer, n. Tape'ndriz, I. e. me- chanic of arms. Armory, n. Kinpe'ndriz. Arms generally, n. Pe'ndriz. Arms offensive, n. Pe'mbriz. Arms defensive, u. Ple'mbriz. Arms (man at), n. To'udi pentru- koo"ro. Arms (family arms), Ondi'oo'udis, i. e. tlie rank or degrees sign. Aromatic, n. Ke'nsou. Arquebus, n. Beve'ndri. Araign, v. Ta'ntrifai, to indict. Arrant, adj. De'ka'mpou, notorious in a bad sense. Arras, n. Fla'nzo. Arrogance, n. Fre'mbi, pride. 2, Gle'mba,niagisterialuess.3,Tre'm- bis, superciliousness. Arrogate, v. Te'ntipai, to claim. Arrow, u. Be'mbri. Arrotvhead, n. Pre'mvis. A7-se, n. Va'nda. Arsenal, n. Kize'ndi'Il. Arsenic, n. Kru'njis. Arsesmart, n. Va'mvinoi. Arsesmart (codded), n. Te'mvinoi. Art, n. Ta'mbis or ta'mbai. Artery, n. Kra'udoi. 2, Pra'ndis, the windpipe. Artichoke, n. Pra'mvo. Article, n. Fri'ndo, section. 2, O'm- bris, contract. 6, Tiutra'ntur. 4, Gri'ndoi, the article a or the. Articulate, v. Tri'mpitai, to utter, mention, or pronounce, syllables or words. Artificer, n. Bo'mbroi. Artificial, adj. Ta'mpus, pertaining to art. 2, Dro'nti, factitious, i. e. made. Artillery, n. Dwinve'mbri. Artist, n. Tampai'ro. Artisan, n. Bo'mbroi. As, adv. of equality, Yun : as, yun pa'mpur, as happy ; yim fa'mpus, as wise, &c. As, conj.i^M?, (as followed by so); as Fi/l fri'nzoo pansivo,_^Z pri'mboo dra'nsipo. As, conj. incoi-porated with the ta- bular, as follows: — Tri'ntifa, as far ; tri'ntifas, so far : pra'ntupa, as great ; pra'utupas, so great ; fa'rapusa, as wise; fa'mpusas, so wLse, &c. &c. B ASS As for, prep. Fo'os, as for me, fe'as; as for thee ; pondnj'fi, as for truth : i. e. coucernlug me, thee ; concerning truth. As for example, conj. Del. As if, i . ' J ' f w z ?-coui. vel. As though, j ■' Asarahaca, n. Vo'mvis. Ascarides, n. To'njoo. Ascend, v. Trus E'ntisai. Ascertain, v. Vo'nsifrost, make cer- tain. Ascribe, v. Brintifai. Ash, n. Bu'mvis or bu'mvai. Ash-color, n. Bitu'nsa. 2, Tu'nsa i'mboi. Ashamed, adj. Fro'nsus, in a state of shame. 2,Fro'nsivai,tofeel shame. Ashes, u. Tu'nza. Ashore, adv. Vindo'ju. Aside, adv. Pre'ndufoo, in a sepa- rated state. .2, Fro'nzun, alone. Aside, as lay aside, v. Vro'nsinai, i. e. to desist from. 2, Di'utifrest, to cause to be discontinued. Asilus, n. Kro'njoo. Ask, V. Pi'ntisai, to enquire. 2, Fu'm- prinai, to petition. 3, Fre'ntmai, to demand. 4, Go'ntikrost. 6, Do'utikrost. 6, To'nsikai. 7, Go'mpripai, to beg. Askew, adv. Ge'ndou. Asleep, adv. Tranz'ou, in a state of sleep. 2, Pro'mpou, benumbed. Aslope, adj. Ge'ntou. 2, adv. Ge'ndou. Asp, u. Dri'njis, viper. 2, Dru'mvis, white poplar tree. Asparagus, n. Vo'mvino. Aspect, n. Pa'ndovis, countenance; face-manner. Asperity, n. Fli'mbis, roughness. 2, Gre'mbis, austereness. Aspei-sion, n. Da'ndra, calumny. Asphodel, n. Po'mvi, kiiig's-spear. Aspiration, n. Uwafe'nzo, violent breathing. Aspire, V. Tre'mpiti, to be ambitious. Asquint, adj. Geno'nti, in a state of oblique vision. Ass, n. Fi'njoo. Assay, v. Kre'ntivai, to essay. 2, Ke'ntivai, to endeavour. Assail, V. Te'ntrinai, to assault. Assassin, n. Ka'ndi-o, murderer. 2, Ka'ndr(2 undroo'di, murderer for religion. Assault, n. Te'ndroo. Assemble, v. O'ntrivai. Assent, v. To'nsifai. Assentation, n. Grc'mba, fawning. Assertion, n. Fi'ndis. Assess, V. To'mprikai, to tax. 2, Eu'ndu to'mprikai. Assessor, n. Pa'mbroo, assistant judge. 2, Tompurkofas, taxing officer. Asseveration, n. Befi'ndis, solemn assertion. Assiduity, n. Ba'mba, diligence. ATT Assign, v. Po'nti'ikai, to transfer a right. Assimilate, v. Pa'ntikrost, to cause to be like. Assist, V. Bo'ntifai. 2, Pa'mprivai, to act as assessor. Assizes, u. Kono'ndro, the County Court; specially the Court of As- sizes — a law term. 2, To'ntra u'ndi, a legal measure. 8, Vo'n- trunoo u'ndi, authorised mea- sure. Associate, v. Fo'nsimost, to cause to be a companion. Assoil, V. Da'ntrifai, to acquit. Assume, v. Ke'ntipai. 2, Be'ntiprast, to cause to possess or have. Assure, v. Vo'nsifrost, to make cer- tain. 2, Vo'nsitai, to assm'e. Assuage, v. Gla'ntipai. Asterisk, n. Vre'nda. Asthma, n. Fu'mbi. Astonish, V. Po'nsikrast, to cause to wonder. 2, Gro'nsivrost, to cause to be in a state of extasy. ."J, Pro'mpifrost ponze'ti. 4, Pro'm- pifrost vro'nzc'ti. Astray, adj. Tre'ntuso. 2, Ge'ntuvo, erring. Astride, adj. Tre'nsou. 2, v. Tren- si'fai, to stride. Astringent, adj. Re'nsa, constipative. 2, Tri'mba, harsh taste. Astrolabe, n. Pino'nzoi. Astrology, n. Drono'nzoi, from dr'on- zoi, conjecture. Astronomy, n. Ino'nzoi, from i'nzoi, heaven. Asunder, adj. Pre'utou, in a state of separation. 2, adv. Pre'udou, separately. At, prep. Soo or su. At all, adv. Jirai'tu, in any degree. 2, Vrai'tu, in any manner. S, Jirai'tuno, not in any degree. 4, Vrai'tuno, not in any manner. At length, adv. Vloo, at last. At last, adv. Kri'ndupous. At least, adv. Pla'ndupous. At most, adv. Pra'ndupous. At once, adv. A'poii (see numbers), a'fon, twice; a'ton, thrice; a'kou; four times, &c. Achieve, v. Do'ntipai, to act. 2, Ve'ntivai, to perform. 3, To'n- tivrost, to perfect. Atheism, n. Ru'mbroo. Atmosphere, n. Pru'nzoi. Atom, n. Flo'ndoo, a thing so small as to be indivlsiljle. Atone, V. Ilmpro'nsinai, to reconcile, i. e. unenemy. 2, Po'nsimost, to cause to be a finend. Attack, V. Kc'ntripai, to besiege. 2, Te'mprivai, to assault. Attcu'di, V. Fa'ntrifai, to arrest. Attagen, n. Tri'ujoi. Attain, V. Pe'ntikai, to obtain. Attaint, v. Ta'ntripai, to accuse. 2, A U D Unto'ntriprest, to cause to be un- nobled. Attempt, V. Kre'ntivai, to essay. Attend, v. Trasdo'nsitai, to continue expecting. 2, Pla'nsikai, to wait. 3, Twasfo'mpitai. 4, Pro'nsitai, to attend to, observe, &c. Attention, n. Fa'mba, heedfulness. 2, Ba'mba, diligence. Attenuate, v. Twi'mpikrost, to rarifv. Attest, V. Da'mprivai. to witness. 2, To'mprisai, to protest. Attire, n. E'nza, clothing. 2, v. E'nsinai, to clothe. Attorney, n. Dono'ndoo, one person appointed to act for another. 2, Fo'ndroi. Attract, V. Ki'nsipai,todi-aw,pu]l, &c. Attribute, n, Bri'ndoi. 2, v. Bri'n- tifai, to ascribe, attribute. Attrition, v. Gi'nsikai. 2, Fi'nsinai, to grind upon a body. 3, Pi'nsi- vai, to grind between bodies. 4, Krono'mpikai, to decay, or waste, or wear away, by use. Avail, V. Bo'utifai, to help, aid, &c. 2, Po'ntini, to be profitable. Avaunt! v. imperative. Pre'ntisoz! Avarice, n. Ple'mbo. Audacity, n. Go'nzi, boldness. Audible, adj. Ga'fomputo, apt to hear. Audience, n. To'mbo, hearing. 2, Ono'ndro, convention for hearing. 3, Fomputo'dwas, the hearing aggregate. 4, Fomputo'rz, the hearers. Audit, n. Ona'ndi'o. 2, v. Fe'ntmai, to reckon. A U T Auditor, n. Fo'mputor. 2, Yentuno'- fas, the reckoning officer. Auditory, (see audience). Avenge, v. Tro'nsikai, to revenge. Avens, V. Pra'raviuo. Avenue, n. Dra'nzoi noo, the way to. Aver, V. Fi'ntisai, to affinn. Aversation, n. Bro'nzi. Aversion, n. Pro'nza, the opposite to inclination. Avert, V. Fre'ntisai ne. Augur, n. Betmsuno'tus, great bor- ing instriunent. Augment, v. Dra'utipai, to increase. 2, Pra'ntiprost, to make great. 3, Gra'ntiprost, to make intense. 4, Yin pra'ntiprost, to make greater. 5, Yin gra'ntiprost, to make more intense. Augury, n. Puno'mprifai, to fore- tell by the flight or chattering of birds. August, n. Kuna'ldis, the eighth month. Aunt, n. To'zipct, or to'nzipun. Avocetta, n. Ple'njino. Avoid, V. Dre'ntisai. 2, Bro'nsinai, to detest. Avouch, V. Befi'ntisai. 2, Tro'ndus fi'ntisai. Axirelia, n. Yro'ndi. Auricidar, adj. Fra'nti, pertaining to the ear. Auspicious, adj. Fa'mpur, pros- perous. Austerity, n. Ti'mba, harsluiess of taste. 2, Gre'mbis, sternness. Authentic, adj. Vo'ntra. Author, n. Po'ndoi. A Z U Authority, n. Vo'ndra. 2, Vlo'mbra, i. e. credible testimony. Auticmn, n. Tu'ndai. Auxiliary, adj. Bo'ntufo, which 2, Te'mbi, rever- Gavro'nsikrost. helps. Aive, n. Vro'nzi. ence. 3, adj awful. Away, adv. Nis, i. e. from some place. 2, Se'ni or si'ni, from off opposed to on. 3, Pri'ntou, ab- sent, as he is away. 4, Go, im- perative ; as Away to the moun- tains ! i. e. go to, &c. 5, Denoted also by off, as off with you, i. e. away with you. Awal:e, v. Ka'nsifai, 2. Untra'nsi- pai, to unsleep. Aivard, n. Bra'njoi fandroo'tuz. Aware, adj. Cusbo'usufo, knowing before. 2, Fa'mpa, heedful. Awkward, adj. Tame'pus, not skil- ful. 2, Gro'mpu. 3, Pro'mpa, perverse. Aivl, n. Tinsuno'tus, boring instru- ment. 2, Tino'nza, a small steel boring instrument. Awry, adj. Ge'ntou. 2, Pre'nti. Axe, n. Keno'nzis, a carpenter's axe. 2, Fe'nondri, battle axe. 3, Bren- o'nzis, a pickaxe. Axiom, n. Prino'ndo, a self-evident assertion. 2, Bi'nda, an autho- rised principle. Axis, n. Bre'ndoi. 2, Vra'nzi, axle- tree. Azimuth, n. Kri'nzis Azure, adj. Tri'mpou. Azure, n. Tru'njoi, the lazul. BAG Babble, v. Bre'mpinai. Babe, n. Puutlnu'rdis, infant person. Bauble, n. Bro'nta'ri. Baboon, n. Pi'njo. Bachelor, n. Ponsufu'rdis. Bachelor of Arts, n. Ko'mbroo. Bachelor s button, n. Fe'mvi, campion. Back, n. Gri'ndo, back part of the body. 2, Ta'nda, i. e. of animal. Bach, adv. Un (a prefixed sylla- ble), as unpi'ntipai, to undo. 2, Droo or dru, as di'oo pre'ntisai, to go back. Back, prep. Ne or ni, from. Back, V. Kra'ntinai. 2, Fo'nsisai. 3, Bo'nsifai. Back, V. Vre'ntikai, i. e. to abstain. 2, Drus ve'ntipai, to hold one back. 3, Fre'ntifai. 4, Bro'ntifai. Back-door, n. Fano'nza. Back-friend, n. Ponza'des, friend in a bad sense. Backbite, v. Dra'ncinai. 5acfo?icfe, v.Vu'mpritai to apostatise. B B A I Backward, adj. Bro'nsu. 2, Pepro'n- sa, disinclined. Bacon, n. Vano'ndoi, condited hogs- flesh. Bad, adj. Fro'nti. Badge, n. Bo'ndis, sign. Badger, n. Fri'nji. 2, Debo'ndi'oi, fensu'rtu vo'ndo. Bag, n. Pen'zi. Bagpipe, n. Peno'nzi. Baggage, n. E'mbril. Bay tree. n. Bu'mvo, laurel. Bay color, n. Biku'mfa. 2, Ku'mfa i'mboi. Bay n. Ki'nza. 2, Ra'nzo. Bay, V. Pino'ncikai, to bark at. Bail, n. Fa'ndroi. Bailiff, n. Po'udroo. 2, Pandroj'^fs, sunmionlng officer. 3, Pambroi^as, an-estlng officer. 4, 1'nsi di'o'nzo. Bait, V. Pe'nsipai, to take a meal. 2, Ge'ntikai, to refresh (ones-self) 3, Bonsikai, enzoo'ti. 4, Fe'n- tripai, to provoke. B A L Bake, u. Bre'nsitai. Baker, ■a.^veasviic^as, or Bre'nsutor. 3, Brensuto'tos. Ballad, n. Bo'ntrur banutoo'ri. 2, Buno'ndi'oo, ballad. Balance, n. Fiiisupo'twus 2, Fi'n- sipai. 3, Ba'ntipi, to equal. 4, Ba'ntiprost, to make equal. 5, 5, Vre'ntinai, to balance ac- counts. Ballast, n. VIno'mbis, heavy matter in a ship to steady it. Balcony, n. Frano'nza, a projection before the window of a house to stand on. Bald, adj. Umpa'ntus, destitute of hair. 2, Umva'ntukoo, unadorned. 3, Vone'tu, not congruous. Bale, n. Bino'nzoi, a heap bound together. 2, Vrano'ndo, an aggre- gate bound together. Balk, V. Gre'ntivai, to omit. 2, Fro'nsisai, to discourage. Ball, n. Ki-ensuko'ri, to ball with. BAR 2, Pebe'ndg, a Buiall sphere. 3, O'ndivj benze'di. BaUottinij, n. Tono'nzoi. 2. v. Tono'iisifai, to vote. Balm, n. Fa'mvinoo, a herb. 2, Ta'mvhioo, Assyrian balm. 3, Dro'nrloo, balsam. Balsam, n. Dro'iidoo. 2, Remvinoo, male balsam. 3, PI'mvo, true balsam. 4, Tru'mvmoi, balsamum pcruvianum. Ban, n. Tro'nzoo. 2, Dre'nda, ban- role, i. e. flag. Band or bond, n. Pinsiifo'ri. 2, O'n- dris, obligation. 3, Bo'ndi'is, deed. 4, Te'ndra, a military party. Bandy, v. Do'ndus fe'nsivai, mutu- ally to cast — as bandy words. Bandit, u. Unto'ntrunoor, unlawed person. 2, Da'ntruvor, robber. Bandog, n. Bepi'nji. Bane., n. Bampruko'ri, poison. 2, Kro'nzoo. 3, Kra'njis, rat's-bane. Bans, n. Ba'ndi vundri'uetun. 2, Vuno'ndra, bans of marriage. Bang, v. Ive'nsivai. Banish, v. Ba'ntrisai. Bank, n. Bli'nzo, high ground. 2, De'ndi, ridge. 3, Yi'nza, shore. 4, Bri'nzo, shelf. 5, Dwiru'ndil, mo- ney aggregate. Banker, n. Runo'ndil. Banquet, n. Pre'nzoi. Bankrupt, n, Gre'ntunor. 2, Gren- o'nda, one unable to pay just debts. Banner, n. Fentri'ri, colours of foot soldiers. 2, Fempri'ri, colours of horse-soldiers. Baptism, n. Vu'ndris. Bar, u. Bc'nza, bolt. 2, Veno'ndo, bar of wood. 3, Vena'ndo, of iron. 4, Vrene'ndo, a prism of, &c 6, Brontou'ri. 7, Dantru'rkis. Bar, V. Bro'ntifai, to impede. 2, Pro'nsikai, to forbid. Barh, v. Pa'nontisai, to dress the hair. 2, Pi'nsinai, to di'ess the beard. Barbarous, adj. Re'mba. 2, Tre'mpa, rustic. 3, Kro'mpa, fierce. 4, Bre'mpur. Barber, n. Pano'ndis. Barberry, n. Kri'mvoo. Barbel, n. Ga'njiuo. Bard, n. Kono'mbroi, ancient kind of poets and singers among the CeUs. Bare, adj. Enc'simoo, not clothed. 2, Bro'mpu, lean. 3, Fla'ntur. Bare, v. Une'nsmai, to miclotlie. Bargain, v. O'ntrilai, 2, Go'ndri, the thing bargained for. Barge, n. Pi'mbroo. Bark, n. Bo'udoo, rind. 2, I'ndroo, naval vessel. Bark, v. Umbo'ntipai, to unpeel. 2, Pino'ncinai, to bark as a dog. 3, Prino'ueinai, to bark as a fox. Barley, n. To'mvoi. 2, Kro'mvo, wild barley. BAT Barm, n. Brinsuvo'ri, the ferment- ing thing. Barn, n. Pre'nonzai"tus, straw'housc. Barnacle, n. To'njinoi. 2, Pre'non- jiuo, a kind of goose. Baron, n. Tonu'udroo. Baron, n. Pa'ndroo tw eksoc'kur- Baronet, n. Tono'mbroo, gentleman of tlio first dcgi'ee. Barrel, n. Te'nzi, vessel. 2, Du'ndo, a measure- Barrenness, n. Tro'mbis. Barrcnwort, n. Dc'ravis. Barrator, n. Ano'mbroi, one who illegally promotes suits at law. Barricade, n. Brono'ndoi, a fortifi- cation made in haste of trees, waggons, &c &c. Barricade, v. Brono'ntifai, to stop up any way. 5«rrter,n, Brono'ndoi (see barricade). Barrister, n. Da'ndroo. Barrow, n. Gino'njoi, an imtesticled hog. 2, Tre'nzi. Base, n. Dri'ndo banzn'tu. Base, n. (in music), Pli'mbo, grave. Base, adj. Kra'ntou. 2, Tome'ur, not noble. 3, Do'ntrur, vulgar. 4, Go'ntrur, without dignity. 5, Kra'nti, spurious. 6, Re'mpur, vicious. 7, Gle'mpi, pusilani- mous. 8, Kle'mpi, sorded. Bashful, adj. Pafro'nsus, habitual shame. 2, Tre'mpi. Basil, n, Ba'mvinoo. 2, Bra'mvinoo, stone basil. 3, Ve'mvi, cow basil. Basilisk, n. Vino'njis, serpent killing by seeing. Basket, n. Fre'nzi. Bason, n. Ke'nzi, deep dish. Bass, n. Dra'nzis fi'onvo'tuz. Bastard, adj. Kra'nti, spurious. 2, Krano'nti, begotten of unmarried parents. Baste, V. Fa'ntrisai, to whip. 2, Fa'mprisai, to cudgel. 3, Vo'nsi- sai, to coiTCct. 4, De'usitai, to baste or moisten meat. Baston, or Baloon, n. Ko'ndoo. 2, Fe'ndri, a club. Bastinade, u. Fa'mprisai. Bat, n. Fe'ndi'i. 2, Dwi'nzo, flying mouse- Batting, n. Dono'ndroi, hunting birds by night. Batch, n. Feno'nzoo, one baking of bread. Bath, n. Bra'nzoi. Bathing, n. Bri'nzo. Battalia, n. Fa'ndo gembroo'tu. Battle axe, n.Ge'mbroo. 2,Feno'ndri, cuttingclub. 3, Fla'nonzis, cuttnig hammer. Batter, v. Pri'nza kenzai'ti, bruise by striking. 2, Pri'nza krenzai'ti. Battery, n. De'ndroo vembre'tuz. Battledore, n. U kende'tus kenzai'di. Battlements, n. Tre'nda. 2, Gano'n- zo, battlement of building. B !■: C Batvd, n. Fandra'das, furuication- mcrchant. Bawdy, ailj. Dre'mpou. Bairl, V. Tra'nsitai. Bdellium, n. Du'mvinoi. Beach, Fri'mva. Beacon, n, Unzoo'dis, the fire|]signal. 2, Bino'ndo, bored sphere. Bead, n. Brino'ndo, bored cube. Bede-tree, n. Tru'mvo. Beadle, n. Coope'nsuf jr. 2, Pa'ntru- for. 3, Pa'mprufor. 4, Fa'n- trusor. Beagle, n. Pina'nji, a dog hunting by the smell. Beak, n. Ko'ndi, beak of bird. Beaker, n. Tre'nzi. Beam, n. Bra'nzo. 2, Bre'nzi. 3, Fino'nzoo, beam of a balance. 4, Fino'nzi, weaver's beam. 5, Ku'n- zoo, sunbeam. Beam-tree, (white), n. Tri'mvoi. Bean, n. Tc'mvo. 2, Pe'mvoi tu Franse. 3, Fe'mvoi, bean of the ancients. 4, Vi'mva, bmding beau tree- Sai'':.:t.iiJ Bear, n. Pri'nja. Bears foot (sea), n. Fo'njis. 2, Ge'mvinoi, beai-'s-brecch. 3,Fe'm- vinoi, bear's-ear. 4, Te'mvnioi, bear's-ear sanicle. Bear, v. Pre'nsivai. 2, Pe'nsivai, to carry. 3, Ta'usipai, to bring forth. 4, Dro'ntipai, to suifer. .5, Ge'mpivi, to be patient. 6, Trisda'nsivrost, to bear down. 7, Twadro'ntipai, to endeavour to bear. 8, To'ntikrost, to bear out. 9, Trasdro'ntipai, to bear up against. 10, Traste'mprivai, to continue resisting. Bear-with, n. Gc'mpivai, to be pa- tient. 2, Fe'mpisai, to condescend. Bear ones self, v. Ansilaiu'rkwen to demean. Beard, n. Ko'ndis, i. e. of animal. 2, Tro'ndoi, i. e. of corn. Bearded creeper, n. Ba'mvo. Beast, n. I'nji. Beastly, adj. Pizi'ncu, metaphori- cally like a beast. Beat, V. Kre'nsivai, to knock. 2, Kre'nsivai, to strike. 3, Pe'ni- prifai, to overcome. 4, Droo bre'ntisai, to beat back. 5, Droo- pe'ntipai. 6, Droode'ntripai. Beating down the 2>rice, n. Po'mbris, i. e. treating. Beatitude, n. Pa'mboo. 2, To'nzoo. Beaver, n. Gi'nja, castor. Beauty n. Vo'mbi. Becalm, v. Tc'ntikai. Because, conj. Vre or vri. Beccafigo, n. Vi'nji. Beckon, v. Ano'ntitai, to beckon. Become, v. O'kai, as o'ko, it becomes, o'kcl, it became ; o'krn, it will become, &c. 2, Tapo'ntoo, it begins to be, &c. 3, Do'utipoo, B E H it is done. 4, Po'utifoo, it is made. 5, Fo'nti, it is decent. Bed.1 n. Dra'nzi. 2, Da'uzi, bedstead. 3, Drano'nsikai, unable to get out of bed. 4, Te'ndoo dinzoi'tu, bed of earth. Ladies bed-straw, n. Vro'mvino. Bedaub J v. Dra'ntikai. Bedding^ n. Drausutiz, i. e. bed things. Bedewed^ v. Tru'nsitrest, to cause to be covered with dew. 2, Pitrun- sitrest, to be metap. be-dewed. Bedlam^ n. Puno'mba, the prison for mad people. J?ee, n. Po'nja. 2, Pro'nja, humble bee. 3, To'uja, bee-like fly. 4, Ti'njo. 5, Go'mva, orchis, bee- flower. i?e, V. po'ntipi, to be. Beech, n. Kru'mva. Beef, n. Pino'njoi, flesh of kiue. Being n. Po'ndoo. 2, couj. Fre or or fri, as being. Beer, n. Deno'nzoo, dena'nzoo, i. e. ale of an inferior quality, (see ale). Bier, n. Drano'nzoo, sedan to carry the dead. Beastings, n. Twa'udoo, fii'st milk after parturition. Beet, n. Da'mvoo. O'nji. 2 Beetle, n, Ko'nji, common beetle. 3, Kro'nji, dung insect. 4, Tro'nji, knobbed homed beetle. Beetle, n. Bekre'ndis rondoo'tu. Befall, V. E'ntilal, to happen. Befool V. Pro'mpivrost, to cause to be a fool. Before, Coo or cu, in place. 2, Yi'ukyu, more than ; as yi'nkyu ba'slu, more than fifty. 3, adv. Fri'ndur, preceding. Before hand, adj. Fe'utukoo, gained. 2, Fe'ntuvoo, prepared. 3, Te'ntu- koo, prevented. Beg, V. Go'mpripai. 2, Beto'nsikai, to entreat much. Beggar, n. Go'mbroo. Beget, v. Pa'nsipai. 2, Po'ntifai, to make. Begin, v. Te'ntivai. 2, Trans, tas ; as toba'nsitai, to begin to sing. Beginning, n. Ti'ndo. Beguile, v. Ka'ntrinai. Behave, v. Re'mpikai, to converse with. 2, A'nsilai, to demean himself. Behead, v. Pa'utrikai. Behind, prep. Ce or ci, i. e. after. 2, adv. Gri'ndi, i. e. at the hinder part. 3, Dre'ndun, i. e. in arrears. 4, adj. Bla'ntur, inferior. 5, Frai'ntuko, having lost. 6, Faine - tuvoo, not havmg prepared. 7, Te'ntukoo, having been prevented. Behold, V. Fa'ntitai, to eye. 2, Po'ra- pitai, to see. 3, Pro'nsitai, to ob- serve. BEN Beholden, Groin'suto, i. e. having re- ceived benefits. Beholding, v. Dre'ntinai, to owe thanks. Behove, v. Vo'ntlki, to be expedient. Behoved, v. To'utin, it is the duty ; as, tos to'utin, it is the duty of me; tas tontin, it is the duty of thee ; tes to'ntin, it is the duty of it &c. Bell, n. Fimputo'tus. Belfry, n. Fa'nzo tu fi'mputorz. Bell flower, n. Tra'mvinoo. Belching, n. Feuza. Beldame, n. Vu'nondi'nupuu, i. e. a hag, or ugly old female. Beleaguer, v. Ke'ntripai, to besiege. Bely, V. Da'ntrinai, calumniate. Believe, v. Ko'nsifai. Belly, n. Va'nda. 2, Pro'nja, belly worm. Bellis, n. Tra'mvoi, daisy. Bellow, V. Pma'ncifai. Bellows, n. kuusufo'tus, the blowing instrument. Belong, v. Ba'ntini, to pertain. Beloved, adj. To'nsukoo. 2, Beto'n- sukoo. Below, prep. Dre or di-i. Below, adj. Bla'ntur, mferior. Belt, n. Beno'uza, a weapon belt. 2, Pinsufo'bas, a binding arma- ment. Bemoaning, n. Ino'mbo, expressmg intense grief with the voice. Bench, n. Bansuvo'twus, a seat or sitting jugament. 2, Pantru'rkis, the place of the judge. 3, Pan- droo'dwis, the aggregate of judge. Bencher, n. Dauo'ndi'oo, an mner bai'rister. Bend, v. DrI'nsipai. 2, Pren'titrost, to make crooked. 3, Ta'nsivai, to shrink. 4, Tra'nsivai, to crumple. 5, Ge'ntifrost, to make oblique. 6, Tano'ntifrost, to make a fist, infold the hand. Beneath, adj. Blantur. 2, Dre, or di-i. Benediction, n. To'nzoo. Benefactor, n. Go'nzo. Benefice, n. Kidu'udroi, place of presbyter. Beneflcence, n. Ke'mboo, goodness. 2, Go'nzito, the acting benefi- cently. Beneficial, adj. Go'nsi. Beneficiary, n. Gro'nzo. Benefit, n. Gonsuko'ri. Benevolence, n. Fo'nzi. Benjamin, n. Bru'mvinoi. Benighted, adj. Vru'ntugrost, to be caused to be in the night. Benignity, n. Fo'nzi favor. 2, De'm- ba. 3, Pe'mbis, graciousness. Bent, adj. Dri'nsupoo. 2, Toi'nsuno, having purposed. 3, Kro'ndoi, trinze'tu. Benumb, v. Pro'mpifai. V. Jus te'nsinai, to vomit B E W Bequeath, v. Fo'ntrikai. Bewray, v. Dra'ntikai, to defile. Barberry, n. Ki'mvo. Berry, n. Frondo, one berry. 2, Bremvino, herb, true love. Beseech, v. To'nsikai. Besiege, v. Kentripai. Beseem, adj. Fo'ntu, decent. Beset, v. Glis ve'ntrivai. 2, Ke'n- tripai, besiege. Beshreio, v. imperative, To'nsikooz ! be accursed ! Beside, prep. De or di. 2, No'nu, not to. 3, IS'o'su, not at. Beside the mark, adj. Ge'ntuvo, er- ring. 2, Tre'ntuso, wandering. Beside himself, adj. Pru'mpa, mad. Besides, conj. Kro or kri. Besmear, v. Dran'tikai, to defile. Besom, n. Tinsukg'tus, sweeping in- strument. Besot, V. Fro'mpifrost. 2, Frono'm- pifrost, to besot with love. 2, Frona'mpifi'ost, to besot with drunkenness. Besjxucl, V. Drano'ntikai, to defile with spitting upon. Bespeak, v. Po'ntrisai. Besprinkle, Puno'ngitai Besjjue, upon. Best, adj. sup. Fro'ntuvous. 2, n. Pa'ndis, best part. Best (to do one^sj v. Win ke'ntivai. Bestiality, n, Va'ndro. Bestir, v. Beze'nsikai. 2, Ke'ntivai. 3, Ba'mpinai, to jact diligently. Bestow, V. Ke'ntmai,. 2, Be'utinai, to disburse. 3, Tre'ntikai, to spend. Bet, V. Go'mprisai. Betake, v. Nus pre'ntisai, to go to; 2, Nus e'ntisai, to pass to. Bethink, v. Po'nsifai. 2, Fo'nsitai, to consider. Betide, v. E'ntilai. Betime, adv. Ki'ndur. 2, Du'ndus. Betoken, v. Coobo'ntisai. Betony, n. Ba'uvinoo. Betray, Fle'mpikai. 2, Vrempikai, to act perfidiously. 3, Fa'ntrivai, to act treasonably. 4, Ge'ntipai, to shew. 5, Te'ntipai, to manifest. Betroth, v. To'nsifai. Better, adj. Fo'ntuvou. 2, Bra'ntu- pou, superior. Betters, n. O'nzoz. Between, prep. Koo or ku. Between themselves, adv. Ba'ndu, privately. 2, Ti'ndotu. Bever, n. Pre'nzoo. 2, Gi'nja, castor. 3, Peno'mbri, head armour. Beverage, n. Vre'nzoi. Bevey, n. Vra'ndo. Bewail, v. Krono'nsikai, loudly to express grief. Beware, v. Fa'mpinai. Bewitch, v. Pa'ntrlfrest, to cause to be witched. BIS Bewray, v. Gcntipai. 2, Tre'ntipai. Beymid, prep. Ge or gi. 2, Bra'ntur. Bezoar, u. Bisb'amhrl, antidote. By the bye, v.Triiitikai'ilul,todif^ress. 2, Krantiiii'dul, tii be accessary. 3, Kane'ta, not principal. 4, Ban- e'ta, not pertinent. .5, Bane'tu, not public. 6, Tano'tu, not ordinary. By, prep. Doo or du, denoting the efficient. 2, Te or ti, by, or by means of. 3, Do or di, for, by reason of. 4, Coo, before, as by or before God. 5, Pe'ntikai, to obtain, come by. 6, Pegi^ri, by and by. 7, Gri'ndu, digressively. 8, Vra'ndi, ag-grcgately. 9, Va'n- di, segregatel)'. 10, Fro'nznn, solitarily. 11, Bimdai'twis, day by day. 12, Panzoi'twis, house by house. 13, Pundai'twis, year by year. Bib, n. Fanda'fus. 2, Fransifai'das, V. to di'ink frequently. Bibh, n. Fu'ndris. Bicker, n. Peda'ndroo, a little fight, 2, Twe'mpinai, to contend. Bid, V. Po'nsikai. 2, Pa'nsikai, to invite. 3, Vuno'ntrinai, to publish the bans. 4, Buuo'ntrinai, to pub- lish a feast, &c. Bid a price, v. Fo'ntrisai. Biennicd, adj. Doo a'fin pu'ndaiz. 2, Droope'ntisai, ouju a'fin pu'ndaiz. Bi(], adj. Pra'ntur. 2, Fa'nsur, preg- nant. 3, To'nsikai. 4, Fre'nipikai. Bigamy, n. Be'ntupo a'fin ko'nzifunz. Bilberry, n. Fi'mvoi. Bile, n. Tru'mbo. Bill, n. Ko'udi, bill of bird. 2, Gen- o'uda, cutting hook. 3, Dra'ndn, catalogue. 4, Ta'ndroi, bill of indictment. 5, Bo'ndris ombri'ltu, bill of exchange. Billet, n. Kude'nzis, sheet of paper. 2, Beko'ndoo fe'nzaidi. Billow, n. Bepri'nza. Bi7i, n. Fe'nzi. Bind, V. Pi'nsifai. 2, Ka'mprisai. 3, Re'nsimost. 4, O'ntrisai. 5, Bo'ntrisai. 6, Dreno'nsisai, to bind book. Bindweed, n. Ve'mvinoo. 2, Tro'nvis. 3, Tra'mvoo. 4, De'mvino. Biographer, n. Tine'nturo. Bipartite, adj. Tw a'fin ra'udaiz, of parts. Birch, n. Du'mvis. Birdlime, n. Krimpai'i'i kendoo'di anje'tuz. 2,Gi'mvoi, bird'scherry. 3, Fre'mvinoi, bird's eye. 4.Te'm- vo, bird's foot. 5, Do'mvi, bird's nest. Birth, n. Ponsupoo'rit, extraction. 2, Ta'nzipoo, nativity. 3,Ta'nzipo, child-bearing. 4, Dro'ndis, after- birth. Birthwort, n. Be'mvinoi. Biscuit, n. Fena'nzoo, hard baked bread, for keeping. C B L Bishop, n. Vu'mbroi. Bismuth, n. Tu'nzo. Bissextile, n. Puno'ndis. Bistort, n. To'nivinoo, snake weed. Bit, n. Pcra'ndis. Bit, n. Pinjoo'bus fi'ondoi'di, horse armament for restraining. Bitch, n. I'i'njitun. Biting, n. Kra'ndito. 2, v. Kra'nti- tai, to bite. 3, n. Fri'mba. Bitter, adj. Tri'mpa. 2, Gre'mpus, austere. Bittern, n. Ba'njinoi. 2, Bra'njinoi. Bitumen, n. Gn'nji. Blab, V. Bre'mpinai. Black, adj. Pli'mpou. 2, Pa'ndro, black-art. 3, Fro'ndo primvoo'tu, black-berry. 4, Ve'njo, blackbird. Black-and-blue, adj.I'mboi pi'inza'tu. Black-thm-n, n. Vru'mvoo. Bladder, n. Dra'ndis. 2, Bo'nda, swimming bladder. 3, Dru'mva, bladder nut. Blade,n. Ke'ndi. 2,Bro'ndoi,bladeof plant. 3, Prano'ndi, shoulder blade. Blain, n. Tru'mbo. Blame, v. Bri'ntifai, ge'ndo. 2, Br'in- tifai gre'ndo. 3, Bri'ntifai fro'udito. Blameless, adj. Va'ntrou. Blanch, V. Pri'mpifrost. Bhmdishment, adj. Dre'mbino, fawn- ing. Bla7ik, adj. Jusdane'sutoo. Blanket, v. Di'ana'nzis. Blaspheme, v. Pano'nsitai, to speak evil of God. Blast, V. Kro'mpikrast. 2, Bu'nsisai, to blast, 3, Dwaku'nsifai. Blaze, V. Pu'nsipai. Blazing star, n. Fu'nzoo, meteor. Blazon, v. Ba'ntikrost. 2, Ono'ntri- prost, to make a coat of anns. 3, Ki'ntinai, wono'ndroo. Bleak, n. Da'njino, a small river fish. 2, Gra'ntur pli'mbi. Bleared, adj. Kru'mboo fand'otuz. Bleat, V. Kefi'ncifai, to make the sheep voice. 2, Kefri'ncifai, to make the goat voice. Bleed, v. Ba'ntipai, as, he bleeds. 2, Ve'nsinai, opening a blood ves- sel by cutting. Blemish, V. Bri'mpivrost. Blend, v. Gro'ntivai. Blenn, n. Ka'mijo, a fish. Blessedness, n. Pa'mboo. Blessing, n. To'nzoo. Blight, V. Bu'nsisai. 2, Kro'mpikrast. Blind, adj. Pr'ompi. Blinking, n. Bra'nza fando'tuz. Bliss, n. Pa'mboo. Blissom, Ba'nsifai, to lust; caterwall, applied to sheep. Blister, u. De'nza. Elite, n. Ba'nvoo, a herb. Blithe, adj. Ko'nsu, in a state of joy. Block, n. Fo'ndoo, stock. 2, Beva'n- dis, rondoo'tu. Blockhead, n. Pramp'iro. BOG Blockhouse, n. Fe'mbris. Block up, V. Ke'ntripai tri'ndou. Bloom, n. Po'ndoi. Blossom, n. Po'ndoi. Blot, n. Brimpu'rik, a spotted thing. Blot out, V. Ki'o'nsipai danzn. i*, Plo'ntiprost. Bloated, v. Tentu'nost, swelled. Blood, n. Ba'ndoo. 2, ^'a'ndoo. Bloodhound, n. Pino'nji, a dog wliich liunts by scent. Bloodshot, adj. Bri'mpur bandoo'ti. Bloodstone, n. Tu'njo. Bloodthirsty, adj. Gaba'ntrlvai. 2, Gadra'nsiprast. Blood, (to let), Ve'nsinai. Blood, n. Fipro'nzoo, one of the same blood. 2, O'nzoo, a relation by blood. Blood, (one of the whole by both pa- rents), n. Fono'nzoo. Blood, (one of the half blood) u. Fona'nzoo. Bloody flux, Vru'mbis. Blow, n. Ke'nzis, a stroke. 2, Kre'n- zis, a knock. Bloio, v. Te'nsitai, i. c. with the breath. Bloic, V. Ku'nsivai, as the wind. Blow a horn, v. I'mpikrast vooo'ndis. Blow the nose, v. Kre'nsinai. Blow, v. Po'ntifixi, i. e. to flower. Blubber, n. Bo'njino, fat of whale. Blubber, v. Fri'mpiki tra'nzapi, to be wet with weeping. Blue, n. Tri'mpou. 2, Fa'mvo, blue- bottle. Blunder, v. Ti'a'mpisi. 2, Datre'nsi- fai. 3, Fra'ntikrost. Blunt, adj. Fro'mpa, dull. 2, Twe'm- pa, rustic. 3, Gavene'sivai, not apt to cut. 4, Tre'nti, obtuse. Blur, n. Brimpu'rik, spotted thing. Blur, V. Bri'mpivrest, to cause to be spotted. Blush, V. Ta'nsinai. Blush, fat tlie first), adv. Soo a'prin fro'ndoo. 2, Soo a'prin po'mbitoo. Bluster, V. Beku'nsifai. Boar, n. Gi'njlfur, male hog. Board, n. Ruudoo'kus. Board, v. Vo'nsitai, to act as a host, i. e. to entertain. Boarder, n. Vro'nzo, guest. Boast, V. Pro'nsivai, to glory. 2, Pre'mpinal, to oversay. Boat, n. Pi'ndi'oo. Boatswain, n. Vi'ndin. Bob, v. Peke'nsivai tande'pu. 2, Pc- ta'mprinai. Bode, V. Ge'ntipai, to shew. 2, Cns- gc'ntipai, to foreshew. 3, Cus- bo'ntisai. Body, n. E-inzoo. 2, Ke'ndoo, solid body. 3, Ra'ndo, opposite to the head. 4, A'nda, the trimk. 5, Fon- doo, stock of tree. Bodkin, Tinsimo'tus. Bog, n. Tra'nzoo. B T Boy, n. Fundi'nipur. Boil, V. Fe'nsitai. 2, ii. Tru'mbo. Boisterous, aclj . Dri'nsus. 2, Krompa. 3, Devo'mpa. Boldness, u. Go'nzi. 2, Vo'mba. 3, De'mboo, fortitude. Boh, n. Ka'ndis. Bolster, n. Pedra'nzis ando'di. Bolster up, v.Frehxsivai. 2, Fo'nt;isai. Bolt, n. Ba'nza, bar. Bolt, (to shoot one's), v. Plbe'mprikai, the active of bolt, to declare one's opinions. Bolt upright, adj. Grc'ntou, direct. 2, Tegre'ntou, perfectly upright. Bolt, V. Pri'nsivai, to sift. Bombast, n. Tra'mpi i'ndoiz. Bond, n. Bo'ndi-is, obligation. Bonds, n. Ka'mbraiz. Bondage, n. Tombroo'rit, slavery. Bondman, n. To'mbroo. Bone, n. Pa'ndoi. Bonfire, n. Uno'nzoo. Bonnet, n. U kra'ntou ando'fus. Bonnet of sail, n. Vi'mbro. Book, n. Dre'nzis. Book (loithout), adv. To'mbou. Bookbinder, n. Drenzai'tas. Bookseller, n. Dreuzai'das. 5oo/f, n. Tri'ndo. ^oo«, n. Fumprunoo'ri, the peti- tioned thing. Boojjs, n. Fra'miji.' Boot, n. Bano'ndi, leather vest for leg and foot. Boots it, ivhat? Sli'meai po'ntinai? what does it profit i* Booth, n. Pra'nzoi. Booty, n. Be'mbroi. 2, v. Ke'ntipai bembroi'di. Borax, n. Vru'nji. Bordel, n. Frautra'tus, brothel Border, n. Krindo, margin. Born, adj. Ta'nsupoo. Borne, part. Pre'nsuvoo. Borough, n. Fo'mbro. 2, To'mbro. Borrow, v. Ko'mprikai. i?ore, V. Ti'usinai. Bosom, n. Fa'uda, the breast. 2, Fano'nda, space betwixt the clothes and the breast. 3, Faua'n- da, space betwixt the dugs. Boss, n. Te'nda, protuberance. Botanic, n. Fi'nsu, of plants. Botany, n. Brafi'nzi, science of plants. Botargo, n. Tre'nsutoo gro'nda vanja'tu. Botch, n. U'mputoo du'mboo, swollen ulcer. 2, v. Tra'mbus te'ntifai. 3, Tra'mpisi, to be imskilful. Both, n. Kwi'fin. Both, adj. Ki'fin: as,kwifin os,a'skwi; both me and thee. Both, s.Ay (all three), Kwi'tin: as, '■^hoth when thou risest, when high noon hast gained, and when thou tallest,"— i!/(7to?i. The Philoso- phic extends this principle to any nunber of things, as kwi'fin, kwi'- B R A tin, kwlkin, kwi'bin, kwi'vin, &c. All the two, the three, the four, the five, the six, &c. Bots, n. Tro'njoo. Bottle, n. Bre'nzi. Bottle, v. Bre'nsikai. 2, part. Bre'n- siikoo. Bottle-form, n. Fe'ndis. Bottom, n. Dri'ndo, lowest part. 2, Ka'nzo. 3, De'ndis denza'tu. Budget, n. U fe'nsa Pepe'nzai. Bough, n. To'ndoo. Bought, V. To'mprikel. Bought, part. To'mprukoo. Boirl, n. Vre'ndis. 2, Kensuko'tus, a bowling instrument. Bounce, v. Dwakre'nsivai.. 2, Dwa- zi'mpitai Bound, adj. Pi'nsufoo. 2, Fl'ntinai, to limit. Bounds, n. Kri'ndo. 2, Trinti'kis. 3, Trinti'tis. 4, Trinti'dis. Bound, V. Te'ntifoi, to be reflected. Bounty, n. Pe'mbo, liberality. Bourn, n. Fi'nda, limit. Burn, n. (Scotch), Pedi'nza. Bout, n. Do'ndis, tuni. Bow, V. Dri'nsipai, to bend. 2, Pre'ntitrost, to crook. Boio, n. Ke'ndi-i. 2, Ke'mbrI, cross bow. Bow-figure, n. Te'ndi. Bowel, n. Kra'ndis, gut. Bower, n. Pra'nzoi brondol'tuz, tondoo'kwiz. Bowl, n. Vren'dis, figure. Bowl, V. Kensikai. Bowl, n. U fa'ntou tre'nzi. Bowline, n. Di'mbra. Bowesprit, n. Ki'ndro. i?o H'_;/e7',n.Ke'ntrutas,bowmechanic. Box, n. Du'mvo, tree. 2, Fe'nzi. Box, V. Ke'nsivai kye'ntupu ta'udi. Brabble, v. Twe'mpinai, to contend. Brace, v. Tyool fi'nsifai. 2, Pe'ntifai a'fin kro'ndooz, fondoo'twiz. Braces of a ship, n. Ki'ndra. Bracelet, n. Trauo'ndi, a wiist onia- nient. Brach, n. Pina'njikim. Brachy graph y,n. Pra'ntou danzo'bas. Bracket, n. Trusprensuvo'ri. Brackishness, n. Bi'mba. Brag, v. Pro'nsivai, boast. Bray, v. Be'nsivai, to poimd. Bray, v. Kefi'ncipai, as an ass. Braid, v. Fi'nsikai dande'tiz. Brail, n. Vi'ndi'a. Brain, n. Ga'ndoo. Brainpan, n. Gano'ndoo. Brainsick, n. U'mpu fo'mboi, dis- eased fancy. 2, Vefo'mboi. 3, Pru'mba, madness. Brake, n. Ko'mvoo. 2, Veko'mvoo, a great quantity of fern. Bramble, n. Pri'mvoo. Brambling, n. Dre'njis, a bird. Bran, n. Tono'ndoi, husk of corn. Branch, n. To'ndoo. B R E i?ronJ, n.U'nsur ro'ndoo, fire-woud. Brand, n. Vambrai'dis. Brand, v. Va'mprisai. Brandy, n. Dre'nzoi. Brandish, v. Te'nsivai. Brangle, n. Twemba'kes, a conten- tious voice. 2, Twe'mpinai. Brank, n. Ta'mvoo. Brankursine, n. Ge'mvinoi, bear's breech. Brant goose, n. Preno'njino. Brasil, n. Bu'mvinoo. B)-ass, n. Pu'nzoi. Bravado, n. Prono'nzis, boasting of future achievements. Brave, adj. Bekra'ntur, very excel- lent. 2, Go'nsu. 3, De'mpur. 4, Ke'mpi. 5, Beva'utu, magnificent. Brawl, V. Twe'mpinai. Brawn, n. Vran'andoi, hard muscle part. 2, Vauu'ndoi, hard flesh part. 3, Gino'njoi. Brase, v. Ki'nsinai punzoi'ti. Brazier, n. Punzoi'tas, brass me- chanic. Bread, n. Fe'nzoo. Breadth, n. Fa'ndol. Break, v. Ve'nsivai. Break one's neck, v. Ta'mprikai. Break on the ivheel, v. Ta'mprilvai. Break, to tear, v. Vre'nsivai. Break ones wind, v. Fu'mpilcrost, to cause to be asthmatic. Brcah (the laicj, v. Vre'ntlvai (to'n- dra.) Break (a horse), v. Unkra'mpikrcst u pi'njoo, to cause to be unfierced. Break, (as a trader), v. Gre'ntinai, tail. Break up (as the constitution), n. Kro'mpikai, decay. 2, Kro'mpikai midinoo'ti, ki'onze'twi. Break up) land, v. Pi'nsitai, prinsi- tai'twi a'nzoo. Break out, v. Fro'ntipai, appear. Break wind, v. Fre'nsinai, to fart. Breakfast, n. Peno'nzoo, first meal. Bream, n. Ta'njino. 2, Pa'nji, sea- bream. Breast, n. Fa'nda. Fra'nda, dug. Breast plate, n. Fanda'vus. Breath, n. Fensutoo'ri, the breathed thing. Breech, n. Ka'nda, the loms. 2, Kanda'fus, breeches. Breed, v. Pa'nsipai. 2, O'nsisai, to educate. Breed, n. Ol'doo. 2, Dwipro'uzoo, aggregate of descendants. Brief, adj. Pra'ntou. 2, Di'ntukoo, epitomized. Brief n. To'ndi-a, law. 2, To'mbra, edict. 3, Ko'mbra, commission. Breez, n. O'nji. Breeze, n. Vu'nzis, gentle gale. Bret, n. Tra'njinoo. Breve, n. Bmo'mbo, the assumed musical integer of length of soimd, according to the following B R I scale : 2, Breve, Bmo'mbo. 3, Semlbreve, Bina'mbo. 4, Minim, Bine'mbo. 5, Crotclict, Bini'mbo. 6, Quaver, Binu'mbo. 7, Semi- quaver, Bino'lbo. 8, Demi semi- quaver, Biua'lbo. Breviary^ n. Di'ndi, epitome. Breviature, n. Pra'ndito, shortening. 2, Ta'nziso, shrinking. Brevity^ n. Pra'ndoi. Brew, V. De'nsiprost, to make ale or beer. 2, Gro'utivai, to mingle. Bribe, v. Va'ntrinai. Brick, u. Pru'ujoo. Bride, n. Vu'utruno"et, the female now being in the course of mar- rying. 2, Vu'ntrunoo"et, the new married female. Bridegroom, n. Vu'ntruiio"ed. 2, Vu'ntruuoo'ed. Bridemaid, n. Fro'nzinet vu'ntru- nou"ntu. Brideman, n. Fro'nzined vu'ntiimo- u"rtu. Bridal, n. Vu'ntra tro'ndis. Bridewell, n. Ba'ntu vunsai'tus. Bridge, n. Va'nzoi. Bridle, n. Ta'nzi. Bridle, v. Fro'ntifai. Brier, n. Fri'mvoo. Brigade, n. Fe'ndra. Brightness, n. Ti'mboo. Brim, n. Kri'ndo, margin. Brimstone, n. Ku'nji. Brine, n. Fl'nsuvoo pu'nji. Briny taste, n. Bi'mba. Bring, v. Preno'ntisai, to cause to go with. 2, Peno'ntisai, to cause to come with. 3, Pe'nsivai, to carry. 4, Brc'ntisai, to drive. 5, Be'n- tisai, to lead. 6, Po'ntiprost, to cause to be. 7, Pre'ntigrost, to cause to go. 8, Pe'ntigrost, to cause to come. Bring doion, v. Kra'ntifrost, to abase. 2, Yin ki'a'ntifrost, to make lower. Bring forth, v. Ta'nsipai. Bring to nought, v. Ra'nsifrest, to cause to be ruined. 2, Kro'nsi- pai, to cause to be destroyed. , 3, Pro'nsipai. Bring to pass, v. O'ntifai. 2, Po'nti- fai, to make. Bring under, v. Pe'mprifai, to over- come. 2, De'mprifai, to conquer. Bring up, v. O'nsisai, educate. Bring in the ioay, v. Fo'nsinai ten- dai'tu. Bring to bed, v. Bo'ntifai tanzipo'tu. Bring word, v. Pe'ntisai tinde'pu, to come with narration. Brink, n. Kri'ndo. Briony (white), n. Ve'mvino. 2, Vre'mvino, black briony. Brisk, adj. Fo'mpa. Bristle, n. Fo'ndis. Bristle, v. Fono'ntigrast, to cause bristles to become direct. Bristoio non-such, n. Kre'mvi. BUD Brittleness, n. Bli'mbis. Broach, (a spit), n. U tensuto'tus. Broach, v. Ta'sunte"nsisai, to begin to imbarrel. Broad, adj. Fa'ntou. Broad awake, adj. Teka'nsou. Badger, n. Fri'nji. Brocket, n. Trino'njoi, a hart two years old. Broil, V. Krc'nsitai. Broils, n. Twe'mbaz. 2, Tre'ndiz. Broken-winded, adj. Fu'mpukrost. Broker, n. Visbo'ndroi. 2, Bono'n- droi, merchant of old things. Brooch, n. Vano'ndi, a gemmed ornament. Brood, n. Dwifro'nzoo. 2, Vran- do'twes. Brood, V. Juska'nsipai. Brook, n. Pedi'nza. Brooklime, n. De'mvis. Brook, V. Ge'mpivai. 2, Vege'mpi- vai, to be excessively patient. Broom, n. Gi'mva, Butcher s broom, n. Gi'mvo. 2, Fri'mva, thorny broom. 3, Go'm- vi, broomrape. Broom, n. U tinsuko'tus, brush. Brooming, n. Fi'ndris. Broth, n. Be'nzoo. Brothel, n. Fantra'tus. Brother, n. Ko'nzipur. 2, Kro'nzi- pur, half brother. Brother in law, n. Ko'nzipur onzoi'ti, brother by affinity. Brotherhood, n. abstract, Konzoo'rit. 2, Do'ndro, corporation. Brow, n. Va'ndo. 2, Pra'nza, moving the brows. 3, Te'nda prinzo'tu. Brown, adj. Pepll'mpur. 2, Pepli'm- pou. Browzing, n. Be'nzlto tondoo'tuz. Bruise, v. Pri'nsinai. Bruise, n. Pru'mboo. Brunt, n. Gro'ndis, impetuosity. Brushwood, n. Peto'ndooz. Brush, n. Tinsuko'tus. Brush, V, Ti'nsikai. Brute, n. Ti'nzi. Bruit, ii. Tri'udi, rumour, Brutish, n. Bizincu, beastlike. Bubble, n. Pru'nzo. Bubble, v. Pru'nsitai. Buck, n. Ki'njoi. Buck, n. Grinzis, liquor in which clothes are washed. 2, Grino'n- zis, the clothes soaked or washed. Buckshorn, n. Fro'mvinoi. Buckthorn, n. Di'mvoo. Buckmast, n. Ko'ndo krumva'tu. Bucket, n. Treno'nzi, tub apt to be carried by the handle. Buckle, n. Gre'nza. Buckler, n. Te'ndri, shield. Bucksome, adj. Ko'mpu vipa'ndo. Bud, n. Bo'ndoi. Buckram, n. Keno'nza vli'mpukoo. Budget, n. Pepe'nzis fenza'tu. 2, Pepe'nzis. BUR Budge, v. peze'nsikai. Buff, n. Ta'ndoi pine'njoitu, skin of buffalo. Buffet, V. Kc'nsivai tano'ndipu, to strike witli the fist. Buffoon, n. Trcmpa'ro. Bug, n. Two'njoi. Bug bear, n. Trono'ndoo, a fictitious thing apt to terriiy. Buggery, n. Bra'njo. Bugle, n. Kni'ncou bcno'ndo. 2,Vo'n- dis imbito'di. 3, Vra'nvinoo. Bugloss, n. Pro'mvino. 2, Fro'mvino. Buy, v. To'mprikai. Building, n. A'nzoi. 2, A'nzoz, greater parts of building. 3, A'n- z-^z, less parts of buildings. Build 7q)on, v. Dro'nsitai, expect. 2, Do'nsikai. Bulbonach, n.. Fe'mvis. Bulbous, n. O'mva. Bullfincli, n. Te'nja. Bulge, V. Twe'ntifai tri'nzipodi. Bulk, n. Ple'ndis. 2, A'ndis. 3, 3, Vra'ndo. Bull. n. Pi'njifor. i?«?^,n.To'mbra kuudroi'tu, the edict of the Pope. Bull-fly-beetle, n. Fro'nji. Bullhead, n. Famijino. Bidlrush, n. Befro'nvo. Bullace, n. Kumvoo'sit, fruit of blackthorn. Bullet, n. Ge'ndii. Bullion, n. Eune tubrost pu'nzoo, un- coined gold. Bullock, n. Pini'njoi, gelded kine. Bulwark, n. Te'ndris. Bunch, n. Te'nda. 2, Ko'ndoi. Bundle, n. Vranti'ri fi'nsufoo tel. Bung, n. Bedre'uzi, large stopper. Bunghole or tap, n. Teno'nzi. Bungling, n. Tra'mbis. Buntline, n. Vi'mbra. Bunting, n. Pe'nja. i?«<0!/, n. Be'ndis. 2, Tindro'dis. ^Mr, n. Ka'nta dra'ndoi frando'tu. Butter reed, n. Bro'nvo. Bur, (great), n. Fo'mvis. Bur, (little), n. Fro'mvis. Burden, n. Ra'nzi. 2, Ra'nsikai, to burden some one. Burgeon, n. Bo'ndoi. Burgess, n. Vo'ndroo. Burglary, n. Ga'mbro. ^m;-?/, v. Tu'ntrinai. 2, Va'mprikai, to bury alive. Burly, adj. Bi'ntou, ample. 2, Be- bo'mpu, fat. Burnet, n. Ka'mvinoi. Burnet, {thorny), n. Pri'mvo. Burning, n. U'nzipo. 2, Da'ndro, house burning. 3, Da'mbri, burn- ing alive. 4, Va'ndi-iso tande'tu. 5. Pu'mboi, burning fever. 6, Dezi'mpufoo frinze'ti. Burnish, v. Ti'mpivrost, to make bright. 2, Fri'mpigrost, to make smooth. BUS Burrage, n. Po'mvlno. Burrow, n. Tre'nda dluzoi'tu. 2, Kinjo'tus. Burser, n. Benda'fas. Burt, n. Fa'nji. Bush, n. Imve'dwis, aggregate of shrubs. 2, Ponilai'dwis. Bus/i, (silver), n. Vri'mvis. Bushell, n. Kiino'ndo. 2, A'gin ku'n- doz. Busy, adj. E'nti. 2, Bra'mpa. Busybody, n. De'bampa"ro. Business, n. E'ndo. Busk, n. U ke'udi yoo'di bl'nzikurs fanda'fus. BUT Buslcin, n. Baiidc'fus. Bustard, n. Ka'iijoi. But, conj. Bel, bil. But, adv. Tyol: as, tyol pa'nsitai, only to speak. But, {the), 11. Ba'ntoii ti'ldo. 2, Ba'n- tou ti'ldo fondoo'tu. But, (to), V. Kre'nsivai krinsupo. 2, Kre'nsivai kri'nsupo ando'ti. Butcher, n. Pensuto'tas. Butchering, n. Pe'nzo. Butcher bird, n. Tre'njoo. Butcher s broom, n. Gi'mvo. Butler, n. E'nzifas pransufoo'ditis. Butter, n. Te'nzoo. BUZ Buttermilk, n. Teno'nzoo, millt left after making butter. Butter-bur, n. Pro'mvis. Butterfly, n. To'nja, Butterfly, (liawl-J, n. Uo'iija. Buttery, n. Franzoi'dus. Buttock, n. Ga'uda. Button, u. Fe'ndis. Button hole, n. Fre'ndi. Button fish, n. Fo'njinoi. Batchelor s-hdton, n Fe'mvi. Buttress, n. Dra'nzo. i?M3, 11. Ponja'kes. 2. v. Kepo'ncinai, to buz. Buzzard, n. Fre'njoo. c C A L Cabala, n. Pu'mbris. Cabbage, n. Ve'mva. Cabbage tree, n. Gu'mvlnoo. Cabin, n. Pefa'nzo. 2, Pefa'nzoo in- droo'tu. Cabinet, n. Fe'nzi, box. 2, Feno'nzi, box for precious things. Cable, 11. Giu'dra. Chocolate, n. Du'inva, the chocolate tree. 2, Dumva'sit, the cake com- pound, chiefly of the ground ker- nels of the cocao nut. Carkling, n. Enje'kes. 2, v. Kcze'n- cikai, to cackle. Cacocliymia, n. Tru'mboo. Caded, adj. Ki'nsupoo. 2, Ki'nsupoo finjoi'twes. Cadence, n. Tri'ntuto i'mbo, cnduig sound. Cadet, n. To'nzo, dependent. Cadew, n. Kro'njo. Cage, n. Kantruso'tus, specially for bu'ds. Cayman, n. Ti'njis, crocodile. Cajole, V. Fo'usikai fi'ambai'ti. 2, Fo'usikai di-emba'ti. Caitiff, n. Ra'mpulor, a wicked per- .son. 2, Pra'mpuvor, a miserable person. Cake, n. Ke'ntu fe'nzoo, flat bread. Calaminaris, n. Dr'unjoi. Calamint, n. Fra'mviuoo. Calamity, n, Pra'mboo. Calcine, v. Gi'nsivai. Calculate, v. Ve'ntinai, Calendar, n. Da'nondo, almanac. Calender, v. Fii'mpisai, specially to smooth cloth. Calender, n. Frimpuso'tas. Calends, n. Ya'pirin bu'ndaiz ku'n- dai'tu. Calenture, n. Bepu'mboi, fever. Ca7f, n. Punjoi'twes. Calfs snout, n. Ve'mvinoi. Ca?^ n. Trinjifur ya'pirin pu'ndis, male hart of the first year. Calf,(seaJ n. Tri'njl. CAN Calf, (of the leg), u. Bana'ndi. Caliph, n. Voutai'r(2 tu jUaho'met. Calk, V. Pi'ntrisai. Call, V. I'mpitai, to invoke. 2, Ko'ntipai, to call by name. 3, Pa'ntrifai, to summon. 4, Reto'm- pifai, to call to mind. 5, Da'mpi- vrast, to call to witness. Call in,v. Umba'ntikai. 2, Ko'ntipai, call upon. 3, n. O'ndi-oi, calling, i. e. profession. Callous, adj. Pli'mpus, hard. 2, Bri'mpus, tough. Callosity, ii. Pli'mbis, hardness. 2, Bri'mbis, toughness. Callow, adj.Fro'utus. 2, Umpo'utus, unfeathered. Calm, adj. Vru'nsus. 2, Te'mpa, peaceable. 3, Te'mpur, meek. Calo, 11. Ge'mbro. Caltrops, n. Twe'mbri, a military instrument consisting of four sharp points, to wound the feet of horses. Land caltrops, n. Tre'mbo. Water caltroj)s, n. Gro'mvinoo. Calunmy, n. Da'ndra. Camel, n. Ti'ujoo. CameVs hay, n. Pro'nvo. Canieleopard, n. Di'njoi. Camerade, n. Fa'nsi fo'nza. Cammock, n. Ke'nvo. Camomile, n. Ga'mvoi. Camp), n. Pe'ndi-is. Camp-master, n. Pendrai'fas. CamjMign, n. Eno'ndroo, the whole period of employment out of winter quarters. Campihor tree, n. Vu'mvinoi. Camphor tree, (gum of), n. Vo'ndoo vumvinoi'tu. Campion, n. Fe'mvo. Can, V. Au pi'u, pli'u, pn'u, I can, now; could, heretofore ; can, here- after. Can, n. U tre'nzi yoo'pi va'ndi. Canary, n. Vre'nja. CAP Canary-grass, n. Po'mvo. Cancel, v. Pro'nsipai. 2, Tre'udoi, spoiling. Cancer, n. Kn'mbo, ulcer. 2, Vo'njis, the constellation. 3, Bi'nzis, the tropic of Cancer. Candy, n. Tre'nsutoo te'nzoL Candid, adj. Te'mpur. Candidate, n. Ko'mbroo. Candle, n. Te'nzis. Candlestick, n. Teno'nzis. Candor, n. Te'mboo. Cane, n. To'nvo. Cannel tree, n. Gu'mvinoi. Cannibal, n. Kron'ondoo, a man eat- er, i. e. eater of persons. Cants major, n. Pra'ntupou pi'nji. Canis minor, n. Pla'ntupou pi'nji. Canker, n. Du'mboo ta'ndijtu. 2, Bii'nza punzoi'tu. Canker icorni, n. Vo'njo, caterpillar. Cannon, n. Bev'embri. Canons, n. Pa'mbrooz vumbroi'tu. Canons, n. U'ntni to'ndraz. Canonize, v. Buntrivrost, to make a saint. 2, Ba'mprifai, di yoo'tnm bu'ndro. 3, Ba'ntikai di yoo'tuni bu'ndi'o. Canoe, n. U pi'ndroo foo a'pin u'mvi. Canopy, n. U frimpu'rik ando'dru. 2, U Kinsufo'ri a'ndo'rdru. Canorous, v. Gaba'nsitai. Cantliarides, n. To'nji. Cantharus, n. Fa'nji. Canticle, n. Bansutoo'ri. 2, Peba'n- sutoo"ri, a little song. Cantle, u. Bra'ndis. Canto, n. Pri'mbo yoo'tu bansutoo'ri. Cantonize, v. Ta'ntisai prantu'rmu o'udi'iz. Canvas, n. Tri'mpus te'nza. Canvas, v. Fo'nsifai tononzoi'di, to sue for a vote. 2, Twe'mpinai tononzoi'di. 3, Befo'usifai, dili- gently to examuie. Ca.p, n. Ando'fas, head vest. 2, v. ap, n. 1 Unc'ns inai a'udo. CAR Cap-a-pie, adv. Ando'ni vaiiilc'nu. Capable, adj. Katre'ntisai, able to receive. 2, Kakc'ntifai, alilc to contain. O'mpii, able; as, able to judge. Capacity, n. Kanke'ntifai, ability to contain. 2, n. Ke'ndoi, compro- hcnsion. 3, n. Trentinai'kas. able to receive. 4, Pontipi'kas, ability to be or to do. 5, Drontipi'kas. passive ability; tbat is ability to sufier. Caparison, n. U kinsufo'ri ganze'di. 2, U va'ntukoo"ri ganze'di. Cape of cloak, n. Pauta'fiis, (see kinds of dress) . Cape, n. Kin'zo, promontory. 2, Bi'ndri, Cape mercliaut. Caper, v. Be'nsipai, to leap. Caper, n. Fimva'sit, fruit of the caper. Capital, adj. A'nti. Capital, adj. Kara'nipivoo danzoo'ti. Capital, adj. Ka'nta, chief. Capitulate, v. Po'mprisai kondoi'fiz. Capon, n. Peno'njoi, untesticled cock. Capira saltans, n. Bu'nzoo. Capricious, adj Dcfo'mpou. Capricorn, (tropic of), n. Bi'nzis. Cipriscus, n. Ta'nja. Capstain, n, Tilidroi. Captain of foot, n. Tentra'fas. Captain of horse, u. Twentra'fas. Cajjtain of ship, n. Introo'fas. Captious, adj. Tre'mpur. 2, Ga- twe'mpa. ?>, Gadro'nsunoo. Captivate, v.Vc'mprifai, i. e. capture. Captive, n. Vemprufoo'ro. Cajiiit mort, n Trauo'ndis, .sediment of distilled thing. Car, n. Fra'nzi, cart. Caraguya, n. (scmivulp)es) , Vi'nji. Caramosd, n. Kl'ndroo. Caranna, n. Bumvi'uoi. Caravan, n. Boua'ndnii, a travel- ling company of merchants. Caravel, n. Fizi'ndi'oo. Caraway, n- Da'mvi. Carbine, n. Veno'ndii, a large horse- man's giva. CarbonaJo, adj. Kre'nsutoo. Carbuncle, n. Kru'mbo. 2, Be'funja. Card, n. Deno'nzis, thick stiff paper. 2, Deno'nzis rinze'di, card for Card, V. Umfrl'nsifai trinze'ti. Cardialgia, n. Pa'mbis. Cardinal, adj. Ka'nta. Cardinal, n. Ku'mbroi, chief clergy of Rome. Cardinal p)oints, n. Pi'ndo, pri'ndo, fi'ndo, frindo'kwi. Care, n. Bepo'nzoi. Carefulness, n. Fa'mba. 2, Fa'niba trende'pu. 3, Fa'mba framboo'pu. 4, Ba'mba. Carelessness, n. Fla'mba. 2, Vro'm- ba. 3, Kre'mboi. Caressing, n. Trempuvo'dis touze'tu. D C A S Cargo, n. I'ndroos bontrufoo"ri. Carine, v. Ki'ntrisai. (\irk, n. Fra'mba. Carkan/'t, n. Uujij'dwiz. Carcass, n. Dra'nsupi ri'nzoo. Carnal, adj. Va'ntou. 2, Do'nti, natural. 3, Di'nsur. 4, Ba'nsou. .5, Ra'mpu. Carnation, adj. Va'ntou i'mboi. 2, Biva'utou, floshlike. Carnosity, n. Vandoi'rit, fleshiness. 2, U va'ntou ro'ndo. Caroh, n Pu'mvis. Carol, n. Ko'nsu bansutoo'ri. Carouse, v. Befra'nsifai. Carp, n. Da'njino. Carp), V. Vepla'ntripai, to criticise excessively. 2, Tra'mpivi, to be censorious. 3, Da'ntrinai, calum- niate. Carj)e7iter, n. Ro'ndootas. Carjiet, n. Kranzo'fiis. Carraioay, n. Da'mvi. Career, n. Dwapre'uzoi, impetuous running. Carrot, n. Va'mvi. Carrot fwihlj, n. Vra'mvi. Carry, v. Pe'nsivai. Carrier, n. Go'mbroi. Carriage, n. A'nzi. 2, Re'mbi. 3, Pre'nzi. Carrick, n. Ki'ndroo. Carrion, n. Dra'nsiii- ri'nzoo. 2, Fro'mpu ri'nzoo. Cart, n. Fra'nzi. 2, Kra'nzi. Cartilage, n. Pra'ndoi, gristle. Carve, v. Vi'nsinai e'nzoo. 2, Unra'n- tikai, to unjoiut. 3, Prc'ntifai a'ndiz. Case, n.We'ndi, an event. 2, Kono'n- dis, the question, or state of facts. 3, O'mbroi, the suit in coui-t. 4, Ko'ndis, state. Casement, n. Fa'nza franza'tu. Cash, n. Ru'nda be'ntupoo, money in possession. Cash keeper, n. Ru'nda ventupo'ro. 2, Runda ventupo'fas. Cashier, v. Uno'ntrivai ra'mbur, to unsoldier penally. 2, Ga'mprisai, specially a soldier. Cask, n. E'nzi, vessel. 2, specially Te'nzi, barrel. Casket, n. Peze'nzi. 2, Fe'nzi bedo'n- trutu. Cassowary, n. Tre'njoi. Cassia, n. Fu'mvis, tree. 2, Pri'nvoi, shrub. Cassidony, n. Bra'mvis. Cassock, 11. U bi'nti fintou'fus. Cast, V. Fc'usivai. Cast metal, v. Bri'nsinai. 2, Da'm- prifai, to condemn. Cast about, v. Po'nsifiii, think. 2, Fo'nsitai, consider. 3, Do'nsitai, contrive. Cast down, adj. Kro'nsu, sorrowful. 2 , Kro'nsukrost. 3, Tagro'nsikrost, to make despondent. C A V • Cast in ones teeth, v. Ga'mprinai, Cast into sleep, v. Tra'nsifrast. Cast (if, V. Bro'iisikai, reject. 2, Tre'ntipai, abandon, 3, I're'ntifai, abandon. 4, Bro'nsipai, abandon by God. Cast 7ip, V. Vi'nsifrost, heap. 2, Vra'ntigrost, to sum. Cast clothes, n. Vcne'tukoon ansun- o'riz. Cast dice, v. Prensikai. Cast lots, V. Pe'nsikai. Cast the skin, v. Yre'ntipai ta'ndoi. 2, Vrc'utifai ta'ndoi. Cast water, v. Ka'mprifai u'nzo. Cast young, v.Tra'nsipai,l)ring forth prematurely. Castk, n. Fra'nzoo. Castor, n. Gi'nja. Castrate, v. Ungra'ntisai, to geld. Casual, adj. Flo'nsur. Casuist, n, U bri'ntusor cmpu'rtu bro'nzoiz. 2, To'nsutor, a teacher of morality. Cat, n. Ki'nja. 2, Kri'nja, civet cat. 3, Tro'mvoi, cat's tail. Catalogue, n. Dra'ndo. Catamite, n. Va'mprutoor. Cataplasm, n. Kre'nzis. Cataract, n. Diuo'nza, direct fall of river. Cataract, n. Kuno'njoi, opacity of the cry Stalin e lens. Catarrh, n. Ku'mba. Catastrophe, u. Tri'nti e'ndi, final event. Catch, V. Keno'ntipai, to take with the hand suddenly. 2, Fre'nsivai. 3, Pa'mprifai, arrest. Catch-pole, n. Pamprufo'fas. 2, Va'ndi-oo. Catch fire, v. Tazu'nsipai. Catch infiction, v. Pu'mpivoi, to be infected. 2, Ke'ntipai, take. CatcJi at, V. Tvvape'utikai. 2, Twa- ke'ntipai. 3, Twafre'nsivai. 4, Bo'nsikai pe'ntikai. 5, Ke'ntipai. 6, Fre'nsivai"twi. 7, Fe'nsiuai pe'ntikai. 8, Ke'ntipai freusivai- twi. 9, Vre'ntisai. Cates n. E'nzoiz. Catechizing, n. Tu'mbra. Category, n. Ro'ndi. Categorical, adj. Ro'ntu. Cater, (to), To'mpriko c'nziz. Caterpillar, n. Vo'njo. Caterpillar, n. Fre'nvo, herb. Cathi'dral, n. Kano'nzol, temple of bishop's jurisdiction. Catholic, n. Fu'ndi-o. Catmint, n. Pra'mvinoo. Cattle, n. I'njiz. 2, I'njoiz, cloven footed beasts. Cavalry, n. Pembro'fis. 2, Pembro'- dwis. Caudle, n. Be'nzoo n'mpuro"diz, broth for the sick. Cave, n. Pre'ndis dinzoi'tu, room under ground. 2, Fa'uzo dinzoiji. C E N 3, P.a'nzoi diuzo'iji. 4, Tre'iiJa dinzoiji. Caviare, n. Tre'nsutoo gro'nda anje'- tuz. Caveat, n. Fampa'dis, caution sign. Cavern, n. (see cave). Caught, adj. Fre'nsuvoo. Cavils^ n. Pebi'iidaiz, frivolous ob- jections. 2, Twe'mpa bi'odaiz, contentious objections, o, Twem- ba'des, disputes which ought not to exist. Cavity^ n. Prentai'kis. Cauli n. Vra'ndis. Caul (for the head), n. Ando'fus. Cauldron, n. Beve'nzi, great kettle. Cause, n. O'ndoi. 2, Po'ndoi, the efficient. 3, Fo'udoi, the impul- sive. 4, Kro'ndoi, the occasion. 5, Vo'ndoi, the end or final cause. Cause or reason, n. Viiituno'ri, the arguing thing. Cause of suit, n. A'mbroi. Causey or Causeway, n. Dra'nonzoi, a raised foot path. Caustic, n. U'nsupo tontrou'ri, burn- ing medicine. 2, Ti'nsuvo ton- trou'ri, corroding medicine. Cautelousness, u. Fa'mba. Caution money, n. Vo'ntrusoo ru'nda cusge'ntunoo, stipulated money pi-e-paid. Cautiousness, n. Fa'mba. Cease, v. Dri'ntifai, to discontinue. 2, Vro'nsinai, to desist. Cedar, n. Ku'mvi. Cell, n. Fauzn'pes. 2, Gmidroi'dus, Regular or monk's room. Celandine, n. Dre'mva. Celebrate, v. Tro'ntisai. Cailebs, n. Po'nzoi. 2, Po'nzifur, bachelor. 3, Po'nzifun, virgin. Celerity, n. To'mbi, swiftness. 2, Be'ndo, despatch. Celestial, n. I'nsou. Celebate, n. Po'nzoi'rit. Cellar, n. E'nsudus dinzoiji, speci- ally for ale, wine, &c. Cement, n. Krinsun(2'ri unje'tuz. Censer, n. Unsup(2'dus timdri'stu. Censorious, adj. Tre'mpur. Censor, n. Pla'ndoo, judge literary and moral. Censure, v. Pa'ntripai, to adjudge. 2, Ba'mprifai, to sentence. 3, Pla'ntripai, to criticise. 4, Tu'n- trikai, ecclesiastically to censm'e. Centaur, n. Tro'ntur re'ndo, ra'ndis binzipm- raudi'skwi pi'njoo. Centre, n. Pe'ndoi. Center fish, n. Pro'njinoi. Centon, n. Vrano'ndo, an aggregate consisting of the parts of other things. Centory, (greater), n. Tra'mvo. Centmy, (lessor), n. Be'mvi. Century, n. Pcsl'udwis. 2, Pe'sin pu'ndaiz. C H A Centurion, n. Tendi'a'fas. Cere cloth, n. Ensimo'ri krondoo'diz tu'ntriuioon. Ceremony, n. To'ndis. 2, Tro'ndis. Certain, adj. Vo'nsou. Certify, v.Vo'nsifrost. 2, Bo'nsifrast. Ceruse, n. Bru'nza. Cess, n. To'mbri ru'ntur. Cessation, n. Dri'ndoi. 2, Vro'nza. Chaff, n. Pra'ndis brinsutoo tu vo'n- do. 2, To'niloiz brinsutoo'tu vro'ndo. Chafe, V. Pri'mpikai ginze'ti. Chafer, (goat), n. To'nji. 2, Bro'nji, green goat chafer. Chaffer, v. Po'mprisai dondi'e'fi. 2, O'mprikai, to exchange. Chaffinch, n. De'uja. Chain, n. Udre'nza frende'tuz. Chair, n. Va'nzis. Chcdcedony, n. Vii'nji. Chalces, n. Fa'mijo, subspecies. Chaldron, n. Te'vin kuno'udoz. Challenge, v. Te'ntipai. 2, Fe'ntri- pai. 3, Ta'ntripai. Chalice, n. Va'ntukoo fransou'dus. Chalk, n. Pu'nji's. Chama, n. Vo'njlnoi. Chamher, n. Transuno'dus. Chamherlain, n. Vompra'ro tu tran- suno'dus, 2, To'mpri runta'fas. Chameleon, n. Kri'njis. Chamfer, n. Pevre'ndi. Chamomile, n. Ga'mvoi. Champ, v. Be'nsitai, masticate. Champaign, n. Pi'nzo. Champion, n. Vi'spentrupo"r(), an instead of — fighting person. Chance, n. Flo'nzoo. Chancel, n. Ka'nta duka'nzoi, chief room of the temple. Chancellor, n. Pa'ndroo femboo'tu. Chancery, n. La'mbri femboo'tu. Chandler, n. Tenzai'tas. 2, Ten- zai'das. Chanel, n. Bri'nza. Change, n. Pre'ntipai, alter. Change of the moon, n. Vreno'ndol ginzoi'tu. 2, O'mbri, exchange. Changeable, adj. Gavi'e'ntufai. 2, Bri'mpou, of divers colors. Changeling, n. Vi'spentupoo"ro. 2, Prompu'rpro, idiotic person. Channa, n. Fa'miji. Chant, V. Ba'nsitai. Chanter, n. Ka'nta bansuto'ro. Chantry, n. U'ntru bansuto'kis. Chaos, n. Rene'tutoo ri'nzoo. Chap, n. Ta'ndo, jaw. Chap, n. Kre'ndi. Chajie, n. Vrentupo'ri fembre'tu. Chajjlain, n. O'usu du'ndroi, family presbyter. 2, Bra'ntu du'uckoi, private presbyter. Chaplct, n. U brinsukoo'ri, a curled thing. 2, U pinsukoo'ri, a twisted thing. Chaj)man, n. Tompruko'ro, a buying person. CHE Chapel, n. Pcka'nzoi kra'nta. Chapter, n. Ti'ndo, of book. 2, Vu'mbrois pa'mbrooz, Bishop's assessors. 3, Ondro'tu Vu'mbrois pa'mbrooz. Chapter-house, n. Ondro'kis tu vu'm- brois pa'mbrooz. Chapter of pillar, n. Di'ndo banzo'tu. Character, n. Trinda, description. Characteristic,'^. Trino'nda kro tri'n- tinai. 2, Kro po'ntifo tri'iida. Charcoal,-!!. Di'nsuvoo ro'udoo. Char, n. Kro'ntou i'nzi. Charge, v. Ra'nsivai, to load. 2, E'ntrikrest, to cause to be ammu- nitioned. 3, O'nsikai. 4, Po'm- prikai, to entrust. 5, Po'mprikoi, to be entrusted. Charge, n. Trentukoo'ri. 2, Do'ndi'i. Charge, v. Ta'ntripai. Charge, n. Pe'ndroo. Charger, n. Beke'nzi. Chary, adj. Pe'mpus. 2, Dre'mpus. 3, Disfa'mpa. 4, Bo'nsu one'tifai tro'mbi. Chariot, n. Fa'nzi. Charity, n. Va'mbi. ' Chark, V. Di'nsivai. Charles teain, n. Pinzoi'dwis. Charlock, n. Tre'mva. Charm, n. Pa'ndi'ito, bewitching. 2, pa'mbrlto, bewizarding. 3, Pi- pa'mpritai, metaphorically to chann. Charnel, adj.Kenontufo'kis, contain- ing dead bodies: as, keno'ntufo pa'nzoi, fanzo'twi. Charr, n. Tra'njmo. Charring, n. Di'nziso. Charter, n. Ko'ndra ke'ntuno o'n- draz. Chase, n. IPnomvi, a treey country for deer. 2, Fra'nzoo. Chase, V. Do'ntrifai. 2, Bre'ntisai. 3, Te'mprifai, pursue. Chasm, n. Drinsufi'kis, an empty place. 2, Bu'nzi. Chaste, adj. De'mpou. Chaste-tree, n. Pi'mvi. Chastise, v. Vo'nsisai. Chat, n. Bre'mba. Chattels, n. Ano'nziz, uninhabitable possessions. Chattering, n. Panje'kes, swallow's voice. 2, Genjoo'kcs. 3, Bramba. Cheap, adj. Pedo'ntra. 2, Pezu'nta 3, Kla'ntur, sorry. Cheapen, v. Po'mprisai dondre'fi. Cheat, V. Ka'ntiinai, to defraud. Check, V. Dwadri'ntitai e'nzi. 2, Bro'ntifai. 3, Fro'ntifai. 4, Dro'n- sikai. Chequered, adj. Di'mpou. Chief adj. Ka'nta. Cheek, n. Da'udo. 2, Ki'ndo, side. Cheer, n. Vo'udoo enzoo'tu. 2, E'n- ziz. Cheer, v. Fo'nsisai. 2, Ko'nsikrost. 3, Ta'mpimost. C H Cheese n. Tre'nzoo. Checiilip^ u. To'nja. Cheese-running, n. Vro'mvino. Cheiish, V. Ka'usipai. 2, Drc'mbus ' ko'nsipai. Cherry, n. Tu'mvoi. 2, Bi'mvoi. 3, Gc'mvinoo. 4, Brimvoi. Cherub, n. Pi'nzoi. 2, Bepi'nzoi. Chervil, u. Cira'mvi. Chisel, n. Vreiido densuvo'di. 2, Vre'ndo viiisimo'di. Chess, (to play at) v. Tc'usikai. Clmf, n. Fc'nzi. 2, A'nda, chest of the human body, especially the cavity of it. Chestnut, n. Ku'mva. Cheverel, u. Fe'nza tu frinjoi'tT^es. Cheveron, n. Bikra'nti fe'ndooz. Chevin, n. Gra'njino, chub. Chew, V. Be'nsitai. Chew the cud, v. Bre'nsitai. Chickling, n. Be'mvoi. 2, De'mvoi, inider-gTOuiid chickliug. Chid; n. Paujoi'twes. Chickweed, n. Tre'mvi. Chickweed, (bastard), n. De'nivi. Chickweed, (berry hearing) , ii. Gre'm- viuo. Chide, r. Bedi-o'nzi. Chill, adj. PrI'mpu. Chilhlain, u. Du'mbo. C/;j7(/, u. Fro'uzoo. Child, (to be with), v. Fra'nsipai. Child, (in the womb,) u. Do'iidis. Childbirth, n. Ta'uzoo. Child, (foster), n. Fo'nzo. Child, (godchild,), n. Pro'nzo. C/;i7(/, (a icard), n. Kro'iizo. Child, (an infant), n. Pu'ntuuur. Child, (a lad,), n. Fii'ntanur. Childhood, n. Pu'ndiuoo. 2, Fu'u- dinoo, boy's age. Childish, adj. Bipu'ntimur. Childless, adj. Froue'snr, having no child. 2, Umfro'nsur, unchilded. Chime, n. Vi'mbo pix fimputo'tus. 2, Fi'mbotwi'mpi,melodiousringuig. Chimera, n. Trontu'rtis. Chemist, n. Insai'tas. Chimney, n. Tre'uzo. Chin, n. Gra'ndo. Chine, n. Pa'ndoi tanda'tu. Chin-cough, n. Wu'mbi. Chink, (chap)n. Kri'udi. C7/!i)j, n. Ba'ndis. Chij), V. De'nsivai ba'ndaiz. 2, De'n- sivai vrindo'ni. Chirp, V. Bra'usitai. 2,Ti'mboanje'- tuz. 3, Tanca'kes. Chirurgeon, (surgeon), n. To'mbroi. Chit, n. Kiuja'twes. Chitterling, n. Kla'ndaiz, smallest guts. Chivalry, n. Embe'pas, art of war. 2, Embe'pas p'empri, especially of horsemen. Chocolate, n. Du'mva. Choice, n. Fo'ndi-a, election. 2, 0'n- do. 3, Pa'nti o'ntitu oldooz vro'ii- C I X dootuz, unda'twiz. 4,adj. km ntur, excellent. Choke, V. Go'ntrikai. Choler, n. Vra'ndoo. Choleric, adj. Vra'ntur. 2, v. Gato'n- sinai. Choose, V. Bo'nsinai, i. e. to choose to do something. 2, Fo'ntrinai, to elect to an office. Choose, (may), v. Go'nsiii, is free. Choose, (cannot hut act), v. Gro'usi- noo do'ntipai. Chop, v. Vreu'sitai, mince. Chopping knife, n. Vrensuto'tus. Chop, n. o'mbri. Chord, n. Vre'ndoi. Chorister, ii. Bansuto'fas. Chorus, n. Bano'nzo. Chough, n. Vra'njoo. Chrism, n. Vri'nzi. Christ, n. Krist, a proper name. 2, U'ndoi, the second person in the holy Trinity. 3, Yriusukoo'ro, the anointed. Christen, v. Vu'ntrisai. Christendom, n. Di'nzoi tu kuntru'- proz. Christianity, n. Ku'ndroo. Christmas, n.Buno'ndi-a, thefestival of the birth of Christ. Christmas day, n. Bmio'ntra bu'ndis Chromis, n. Da'nji. Chronicle, n. Tine'ldi, nan-ative of facts, m their natural order. Chronology, n. Tindi indoo'tuz. Chronology, n. Venda'vas indoo'tuz, the art of reckoning the times of events. Chrysolite, n. Yr'andi. Chub, n. Gra'njino. Chuckle, V. Beta'nsinai. 2, Bet'an- sinai vi'ndi. Church, n. Undi-e'dwis. 2, Ka'nzoi, temple. Chirchwarden, n. Kanzoi'fas. Churchyard, n. Ta'nzo kanzoi'tu. Churching, n. Vu'ndi'a. Churl, n. Twempa'ro, churlish per- son. 2, Dwempa'ro, morose person. 3, Blempa'ro, one who is not ac- customed to give alms. Churn, V. Dare'nsikai do'ndus, fre- quently and alternately to move. Churn, V. Tcno'usipai, to agitate cream and produce butter. Chur-worm, n. Fro'ujoi. Chyle, n. Ta'udoo. Chyniical operation, n. I'nzis. Cicada, n. Vo'nja. Cicada, aquatica, n. Kro'njoi. Cicely, (sweet), n. Ta'mva. Cicely, (wild) n. Tra'mva. Cider, n. Ve'nzoi tu pumvoo'sidz, wine of apples. Cimex, n. Vro'njoi. Cimex sylvestris, n. To'njoi. Cinders, n. U'nsa. Tu'nza. Cinnabar, n. Bu'nzo. Cinnamon, n. Gu'mvinoo. C L A Ciphd; n. Gre'ntupo pri'ndooz. 2) 2, Umba'ntukoo, pri'ndooz. Cipher, n. Plondoo'dis, the sign of nothing. Cinquefoil, n. Fa'mvino. Cipher, V. Baru'iitipai, to practice the numbering art, i. e. to cipher. Cypress, n. Vu'mvi. Circle, n. Fc'ndo. 2, Inz'is, circle by whic-h the world is divided; as, horizon, equator, iS:c. Circuit, n. liinzo. 2, Kri'ndo feu- d'otu, margin of circle. Circular, adj. Fe'nti. Circulate, v. Glife'ntltai, to go round a circle. Circumcision, n. Bu'ndris. Circumference, n. Kri ndo fend'otu. Circumlocution, n. Fri'nda, am[)lifi- cation. 2, Bri'ndi, parajjhrase. Circumscribe, v. Tuske'ntifai fi'ndaz. Circumspect, adj. Fa'mpa. Circumstance, n. To'ndis. Circumvent, v. Ka'ntruiai, defraud. Cistern, n. uno'nzo, a ve.'^scl for preserving water. Citadel, n. Fe'nzoi. Citation, n. Pa'ndi'oi. 2, Ti'iida. City, n. To'mbro. Citizen, n. Vo'ndroo. Citrine, n. I'mboi tu gumvoo'sit. Citrinella, n. Fa'njis. Citron, n. Gu'mvoo. Citrul, (pumpion), n. Fre'mvinoo. Cithern, n. Timpi'tus. Citysus, n. Vri'mvoi. Chives, n. Dro'mva. Civet, n. Ki-ino'nja perfume of the Civet cat. Civet cat, n. Kri'nja. Civil, adj. De'mpa. 2, Ge'mpa. Civil, adj. To'mpri, pertaining to city. 2, O'ntru, political social. Civil lawyer, n. Fo'ndi'oi. Civil war, n. Eno'ndri, war betwixt men of the same community. Civility, n. De'mba. 2, Ge'mba. Clack, V. I'mbo ne krinzai'das, sound from frequent knocking. Clack, n. krinsai'dwus. Clad, part. E'nsunoo. Clay, n. Ki'nza. Claim, n. Te'ndoo. Clamber, v. Ve'nsifai kronde'pu. 2, Vensifai'des, to climb badly. Clamminess, n. Kri'mbis. Clamor, n. Tra'nzg. 2, Betra'nzo. Clandestine, adj. Gre'ntur, secret Clapping, n. Ba'nzi. Claj} up, n. Dwade'ntivai. 2, Ka'n- trisai, to imprison. 3, Dwaka'n- trisai. Clap of thunder, n. Dwazi'mbo tnm- zoo'tu. Clapper, n. Kensuvo'dwes tu fim- puto'tus. Claret, n. Fi'mpou ve'nzoi tu Frans. Clary, n. Da'mvinoo. 2, Dra'mvinoo, wild clary. C L I njarlfij, V. Da'ntikrost. Clash, V. Bikausivai. 2, Dro'ndiis bika'iisivai. 8, Twc'rapinal. Clasjjcr, n. Dro'ncloi. C'lasj)^ V. Gc'iitinai. 2, Va'nsikai, to embrace. Class, u. Do'nclo, series. 2, Oldoo, kind. Classic, n. Dra'nonsuto"ro, an author of the first rank. 2, LI tri'ntnr, to'nsutoo Ro'miin twi Grek da'n- suto"ro. Clatter, n. Twi'mbo. Clause, n. Pi'ndo. Claw, n. Bro'ndis, nail. 2, To'ndi, claw, o, Do'nda, claw of shell fish. 4, Vra'nsifai, to claw or scratch. Clean, adj. Da'ntu. Clean, adv. To'ndi. 2, Tcs, the tran- scendental ; as, Tejjrentu'soo, clean gone. Cleanliness, n. Ve'mboi. Cleanse, v. Da'ntikrost. 2, Va'ntrl- frost. 3, Va'nipikrost. Clear, adj. A'ntus, whole, entire, Clearly, adv. A'ndus, wholly. 2, adj. Go'nti, clear, not mixed with other things. 3, Da'ntu, clear. Clear, adj. To'nti, perfect; as, te- po'mboo, clear understanding ; te- po'mbo, clear sight. Clear loeatker, n. Pu'nzis. Clear, (unsjtotted) , adj. Bi'mpur. Clear sound, n, Di'mbo. Clear from debt, adj. Ti'nta. Clear from guilt, adj. Da'ntron. Clear, adj. Ti'nti, plain. Clear, adj. To'ntur, manifest. Cleaver, n. Tinsufo'tus. Cleavers, n. Tro'mvino. Cleave, v. Fe'ntifai, to adhere. Cleave, (to) v. Kri'mpisi, to be clammy. Chapped, adj. Kre'ntikoo, to be in rucks or chinks. Chop, V. Ti'nsipai. Cleft, adj. Kre'ntukoo. Clematis, n. Di'mvi. Clemency, n. Ge'mbis. Clerejy, w. U'ndroi. Clerk, n. Dansuto'fas tw undre'twis. Clerk, n. Untrou'ro, clerical person. Clerk, n. Du'ndrois blantu'rfas. Clew, n. De'ndis, bottom. Click,n. Bitwa'nsns i'mbo, watchlike sound. Clicket, n. Ba'nzoi, lust, specially of rabbits. Client, n. Tro'nzo, dependent. Client, n. Dantrupoo'ro. Cliff, n. Tri'nzg. Climacteric, n. Vreua'ndoi. Climate, n. IT ri'nzo yoo'tu ka'nti o'ldoo o'ntuvo roi'ni. Climb, V. Be'nsifai. Climber of Viryinia, n. Gi'mvi. Clinch, v. Rokreno'nsivai. Clinch the fist, v. Ki'nsifai ta'ndi. 2, Tusbinsikai, ta'ndi. C O A Clink, V. T'nipitai dreuonzabruz, to sound like chains. Cling, V. Ta'nslvai. Clip, V. Kri'nsikai, cutting cloth. 2, va'nsikai. Clock, n. Tra'nzis. 2, Petra'nzis or Twa'nzis, watch. 3, Slunie'ai tranzai'vu, what is it according to the clock? Clod, n. Ka'ndis, lump. Cloy, V. Bro'ntifai. Cloy, V. O'kai tra'ntur. 2, Pro'nsi- krast fra'ndooti, to cause to loathe from abundance. Cloister, n. Tu'ndroi, house of moidv or nun. Cloister, n. Ga'nsutoo pensufij'kis. Cloke, 11. Fa'ntou vrintifus. Cloke, v. Ki'nsifai. Cloke, n. Te'ntnpro"stik, the making to seem, pretence. Cloke, V. Gre'ntipai. Cloke bag, v. Fe'nzi fi'nsufoo ganze'cl Closeness, n. Ti'ndoi randai'tuz fon- doo'tuz. 2, Tyoo pi'un eno'ntisoo, impenetrability. 3, Kro'ndi enon- dai'tu, difficulty of penetration. Close, adj. Ti'nsufoo. 2, Fi'ntou, In contact. Closet, n. Fa'nzo di bra'ntu vendi. Chth, E nsunori. 2, Kn cotton. 3, Pre'nza, hair. 4, Ke'n- za, linen. 5, Pe'nza, woollen. 0, Ensuno'ritas. clothwoi'ker. Clothe, V. E'nsinai. Clothing, n. E'nza. Clotter, V. Frl'nsivai. Clottered, adj. Fri'nsuvoo. Cloud, n. Fu'nzo. Clove, n. O'mva, bnlb. Clove-tree, n. Tu'mv(2. Clout, n. Wenonsuno'ri, a cloth used for mean purposes. 2, U bra'ndis tu ensuno'ri. Clout, V. Tra'ntipai ri^'ti va'ndis. 2, Do'mpikai ri'ti va'ndis. C'own, n. Twempa'ro. Clownishness, n. Twe'mba. Cleio, n. De'ndis Club, n. Fe'ndri. 2, O'mbro. CluckjY. Pena'ncifai, to call as a hen. Cling, V. Ta'nsival. 2, Fre'ntifai. Cluster, n. Ko'ndoi. 2, Vrantuvoo'ri. Clutch, V. To'ntikai. 2, Ta'ntikai. 3, Ve'ntipai. 4, Tusbl'nsitai. 5, Ventipai'des, to hold clumsily. Clutter, n. Fra'ntu e'nzi. 2, Fi'a'ntu i'mbo. Clyster, n. Vrlno'nzoo, a clyster; in- jection into the anus. Coach, n. Pa'nzi. Coachman, n. Panzo'fas. Coachbox, n. Bausuvoo'kis panzi- fa'stu. Coaction, n. Tro'nza, compulsion. Coadjutor, n. Pibontufo'ro. Coagulation, n. Fri'nzis. Coalition, n. Pe'ndis, junction. 2, Vra'ndito. ("; I Coarctation, n. Tyel tro'nsinai, to force togethei'. 2, Ta'nzis. Coas.', n.Re'nza. 2, Vi'nzo, sea-coast. Coat, n. Eno'nza. Coat of mail, n. Fi'nsukoo pe'mbri. Coat of arms, n. Ono'mbroo. Cottage, n. Pepa'nzoi. 2, U twempa pepa'nzoi. Cobble, V. Detra'ntlpai, to mend badly. 2, Tra'mplsai, to act un- skilfully. Cobbler, n. Enenza'tas. Cobweb, n. Bono'njoi, spider's wel). Cock or hen, n. Pe'njoi. 2 Pe'njifin-, male. 3, Pe'njifun, female. Cock.s comb, u. D'emvinoi. Codes head, n. Bre'mvo. Cock, (heath), n. Bre'njoi. Cock, (sea), n. Vro'njis. Cockroo.ches, n. Dro'njooz. Cock, (ivingedj, n. Tro'njoi. Cock of dial, n. Pe'nda tu tiino'mboo. Cock-weather, n. Kuno'nzoi. Cockhoai, n. Pepi'ndroo. Cocker, v. Ka'nsipai, tenderly to nurse. 2, Dre'mpisai. Cocket, n. Dansntoo'ri trendo'tu. Cockle, n. Bro'njinoi. 2, Vre'mvi. Cocoa, n. Vu'mva. Cocothraustes, n. Ka'nja. Cocothraustes Cristabes, n. Kra'nja. Cod, n. Pa'njo. 2, Bro'ndo. Codicil, n. Va'ntusoo da'nzo. Coequal, adj. Ba'ntur. Coerce, v. Fro'ntifai. Coessential, adj. Be'ntupo ro'nti di'o'ndoi. Coetaneous, aelj. Eonti'tu n'ndinoo. Coeternal, adj. Tyel ti'ntur. Coexistent, adj. Tyel plo'utur. Coffee, n. Drnmva'sit, the fruit of the coflfce-tree. Coffin, n. h'e'nzi dansu'rdiz. 2, Rai trentnno'dus. Cog, n. Kra'ndo trende'tu. Cog, V .Dre'mpinai, fawn. 2, Kra'n- tmai, to defraud. Cogitation, n. Po'uzoi. Cognation of things, n. Tro'ndis. Cognizance, n. A'ntru pro'nzo. 2, A'ndroi. 3, Dronsi'dis, service sign. Coheir, n. Tyel fontruko'ro. Coherent, adj. Tyel fre'ntufo. 2, Tyel pe'ntufo. 3, Vo'utu. Cause cohibitive, n. Fro'ndoi. Cohobation, n. Revi'nzo. Cohort, n. Te'ndra. Co//, adj. (labro'nsu. Cuf 11. U ti'ntou anti'fus. Coil, 11. Fia'utu e'nzi. 2, Fra'ntu i'lnho. Coil, V. Te'ntitai. Coin, n. Fie 11 do, external angle of a wall. 2, Fre'ndo, internal of a room. Coin, n. Ru'nda. Cain, V. Ru'ntimost, to cause to be money. c :si Coin, V. Karapri'nai, to forge. CoiriciJent, adj. rcuoatur. 2, Riu- tu'to oi'nu vo'ndoi. Coincidence, n. Pcno'ndoo, tlic fall- ing on the same point or line. 2, Ki'ndo oi'ini vo'ncloi. Coif, n, Ke'ndi gafo'nsuvoo. Coition, n. Bra'nzoi. Colander, n. Kinsuvo'dus. Coa?, n.Tru'nzis, mineral. 2, Twu'n- jis, charcoal. Coal, (live), n. U'nsnpoo tru'nzis. Coal-black, adj. Bepli'mpou. Coalralce, u. Trunzai'dus. Coahnouse, u. Dra'nzis. Coleicort, n. Ve'mva, cabbage. Cold, adj. Pli'mpu. Cold, n. U'mbi plimbe'ti. Colet of a ring, n. Unji^'kis, gem place. 2, Kruido'kis, concave place. Colic, n. Bu'mbis. Collar, n. Eni'nza. Collateral, adj. Kane'ta, not princi- pal. 2, Plo'nsur, of lateral descent. Collation, n. Ke'nda. 3, Kcno'nda, the right to give. 3, Pre'nzoo, repast. 4, Bc'ndoi, comparison. Collect, n. Vri'ntu pu'ndi'a. Collection, n. Bi'nzoi. 2, Binsnfoo'ri, Collective, adj. Tyelbi'nsufo. 2,Vra'u- ti, aggregate. Collector, n. Binsufo'ro. 2, Binsu- fo'fas. College, n. Do'mbro, specially of scholar. Colleague, n. Fo'nza. 2, Tyel gon- truvoo'ro. 3, Tyel do'niprutoo'ro. 4, Tye'l vu'mpruuoo"ro. Collier, n. Fenzai'das. 2, Fenzai'tas. Cauliflower, n. Veno'mva, a cabbage having a delicate white flower. Collision, n. Tyel ke'nzis. 2, Dro'n- dus ke'nzis. Collogue, V. Dre'mpinai. Collop, n.Ba'ndis. 2, Vensutoo'dwes, sliced part. Colloquy, n. Tyel i'ntikai. Collusion, n. To'nzoi ka'ntrinai. Colon, n. Gra'nta ki'a'udis. 2, Vi'n- doo, a point. Colonel, 11. Fembra'fas. Colony, n. Po'mbro. Coloquiiitida, n. Ke'mvinoo. Colour, n. I'mboi. 2, Trentupo'ri, a seeming thing. Colours, n. Fentri'ri, ensign-thing. 2, Frenti'ri, cornet-thing. Collosse, ) u. Begre'nzis, a great Colossus, j image. (7o?<, n. Pinjoo'twes. 2, Finjoo'twcs. Coltsfoot, n. Po'mvis. mountain coltsfoot. Columbine, n. Fro'mvoo. Column, n. Ba'nzo. Colure, n. Ki'nzis, meridian. Go?)i?', n. Trinsuko'tus. ft'/K^', v. Tri'nsikai. E 2, To'mvis, C O .M Comh, (crest), n. Do'ndi. Coxcomb, n. Flanipai'ro. 2, Vrem- pa'ro. Comb, (honey), n. Po'njas fa'nzoz. Combat, V. De'iidroo. Cumber, v. Ilaii'sinai. 2, Tre'ntikai. 3, Broutifai. Combine, v Tyel pe'ntifai. 2, Tyel go'ntrivai. 3, Tyel go'mprivai. Combustion, n. Un'zipo. 2, Twc'niba. 3, Tambro. Come, V. Pe'ntisai. 2, Spupe'ntisai. 3, Nuspe'ntisai. 4, Ve'ntisai, come after. 5, Pjroope'ntisai, come again. 6, Pe'utlkai, come at. 7, Pe'ntikai, come by. 8, O'kai ka- po'mputoo. 9, 0'kaibo'nsufoo. 10, Te'ntipoi. 11, Fe'ntisai, come forward. 12,Dra'ntipoi. 13,Pre'n- tinai, come in. 14, E'ntikoi, come off. 15, Pe'ntrlfai, to come off on equal terms. 16, Pe'mprlfai, to come off victorious. 17, Ple'ra- prifai, to come off loser. 18, Fe'n- tisai, come on. 19, Vu'ntrivai, come over, to be proselyted. 20, Kantrinai'ed, come over a person. 21, Okai kapo'mputoo, come out. 22, O'kai kabo'usufoo. 23, Te'n- tipoi. Comedy, n. Tono'ndrol. Comely, adj. Fo'ntu. 2, Vo'mpu. Comet, n. Tri'nzoi. Comfit, n. Trensutoo'ri trenzoi'ti. Comfort, V. To'nsisai. Comfrey, n. Ko'invino. Comical, adj. Tono'ntrou. 2, Ko'nsu. Comity, n. De'mba. Comma, n. Bi'ndoo. Command, V. Po'nsikai. 2,Do'nsitai, Po'ntripal. Commanded party, n. Ve'ndra. Commander,n. Ponauko'ro. 2, Po'n- suko'fas. Commemorate, v. Rcto'inpifrast, to cause to be remembered. 2, Tro'n- dus, solemnly. Commence, v. Te'ntivai. 2, Po'nti- praust kwono'ndroo, to be caused to be a graduate of the highest or first degree. Commence an action, v. A'mprifai- Commend, v. Do'nsikai. 2, Go'nsi- kai. 3, Po'inprikai, to entrust. Commensurate, adj. Tyel ru'ntukoo. Tanon'tus, reducible to the same common measure. Comment, n. \ I'ndi?, Commenttiry, n. Vi'ndls. Commerce, n. E'nda. Commination, n. Vro'nzi, threat. Commisserate, v. Dra'nsivai. Commissary, n. Voinpra'ro. 2, Vis u'ntru pa'ndroo. 3, En'tru e'nsufas. Commissioner, n. Kompra'ro. Commit, V. Pi'ntipai. 2, Pino'ntipai, to commit a fault. 3, Ka'ntri- grest. to cause to be imprisoned. C () M Committee, n. Vontra'dwiroz. 2, Pebo'm1)ro. Commodious, adj. Vo'ntu. 2, Do'utu. 3, Po'nta. Commodity, n. O'ndn, convenience. 2, Po'nda. 3, Tontrukoo'ri. Common, adj. llou, all. 2, On, every. 3, Pa'nti. 4, Vra'uta. b, Ba'ntu. G, Bu'ntrur. Commonwealth, n. O'ntrutis. 2, Vra'nta fa'mboo. Comnumwealth, n. Pondroo'rit bon- droo'ti. Common, adj. Vi'ntou. 2, Di'ntm*. 3, Po'nipra. 4, Pune'tru, not con- secrated. Commonality, n. Fibo'ndroo. Commons, (House of), n. Pana'nzoi. Commons, (victuals), n. llu'ntukoo c'nzoo. 2, Ru'ntukoo e'nzlz. Commons, ff>r cattle), n. Vra'nta ba'nzoo. 2, Bo'ndroos ba'nzoo. Commotion, n. E'nzi. 2, Ta'mbro. 3, Tre'udi. Commune, v. Dra'nsikai, to confer. Communicate, v. Vra'ntimost. 2, Bo'nsimost. 3, Bo'nsifrest. Communication, n. Ee'mbi. 2, Dra'u- zi. 3, I'ndi. Communion, n. Tyel pe'ndoi. 2, Tyel- bo'nza. Communion, n. Vu'mbris, the Lord's supper. Community, n. Vra'nta be'ndoo. Commutation, n. E'nda. 2, A'mbri, exchange. Compact, adj. Bepe'ntufoo. 2, Be- fi'nton, very close. 3, n. O'mbris. 4, Tyel go'ntruvoo. Company, n. Tyel po'ndoo. 2, Ty(_l pre'ndis. 3, Tvel te'ndis. 4, Vran- ti'ro. 5, O'mbro. 6, O'ndi-o. 7, Uo'ndro. 8, Te'ndra. Companion, n. Fo'iiza. 2, Krauta'ro. 4, Tenipa'ro. Compare, v. Be'ntifai. Compass, V. Zispre'ntlsai. 2, Clis- ])re'ntisai. 3, Pre'ntisai pleii^, feteh a circuit. 4, Ziske'ntrisai. •"), Fe'utlvai. 6, Feno'ndo. 7, Duu- joi'twus. 8, Dmijoi'dus. Compasses, n. Feno'ndo. Compass, V. Ken'tifai, comprehend. 2, Pe'ntikai, to obtain. Compassion, n. Dro'nzls. Comjyatible, adj. Tyel vo'ntu. Comjxer, n. Fo'nza. Comp)el, V. Tro'nslnai. Comjjellation, n. Ko'ndoo. Comjiendious, adj. Pra'ntou. 2, Vri'n- tu, of the nature of an epitome. Compendium, n. Vrindi. Comj)ensate., v. Drc'ntlfai. Competent, adj, Ta'ntur. Competitor, n. Fro'nzol. Compile, V. Tyel pe'utipai. 2, Dre'n- slgrost. Co'nplaccnce, n. Do'nzn. 2, Genili.ii, civility. CON Complain, v. Diskro'nsikai. 2, Ta'ii- tnpai. Complaisance, n. Ge'mba. Complimenting, n. Da'iizi. Complete, adj. To'uti. 2, Te'ntuvoo. Complexion, n. Rino'nzoo. 2, Vra'n- do. 8, O'mbi. Comply, V. Yo'ntiki. 2, Ve'ntisai. 3, Gre'ntifai. Comjilicated, adj. Tyel vra'ntuvoo. 2, Fri'iisufoo. 3, Gro'nti. Cotnplices, n. Tyel go'ntruvoo'roz. 2, Fo'nzaz. 3, Kranta'TOz. Comportment, n. A'nzis. 2, A'nzi. 3, Kembe'vis, conversation manner. Compose, V. Tyel pe'ntipai. Compose, y.\.e.\i\2ik&: as, compose a book, Di-e'nsigrost. 2, Tefa'n- tikai, perfectly to arrange. 3, Umfra'ntikal, to unconfuse. 4, Te'mpimost, to cause to agree. 5, Te'ntikrost, to cause to be qniet. Compound ^\JY J e\. pe'ntipai. 2,Tyel- pe'ntifai. 3, Klo'ntiprost outi'riz, to make one thing out of several. 4, Gro'ntikai, to mix. 5, O'mpri- sai ge'ntiuai yi'lkyu tou pe'mpur drenta'riz. Compression, n. Tri'nzoo. Comprehend, v. Ke'ntifai. 2, Poin- pitai rou'u, to understand all. 3, Po'mpitai to'ndi. 4, Po'mpitai a'ndus. Comprise, v. (vide comprebend). Comp)romise, v. Pre'ntinai tandroo'- nmit, to submit to arbitration. Compulsion.^ n. Tro'nza. Comp)imction,n. Ko'nzis. 2,Taki-o'n- zis. Compurcjation, n. Diva'ntrifai dam- broo'ti. Comp>utation, n. Ve'nda. 2, Ru'ndipo. Con-over, v. Da'ventLfai. Concatenation, n. Tyel di'eno'nzino. Concave, adj. Kle'nti. Conceal, v. Gre'ntipai. Conceit, n. Fo'mboi, fancy. 2, Vro'n- zoi, opinion. 3, Fompou'ri. Conceitedness, n. Twa'mbo. Conceiving, n. Po'mboi, common sense. 2, Fo'mboi, fancy. 3, Po'm- boo, understanding. 4, Po'nzoi, thought. Conceiving, (a child), n. Fra'nzoo. Concentrate, v. Peno'ntifai, to put in the same centre. Conception, n. Fra'nzoo Concern, v. Ba'ntini, pertinent. 2, Va'ntini, proper. 3, Po'ntini, pro- fitable. Concerning, adj. Ba'nta. Concerning, prep. Fe or fi. Concession, n. Tri'ndis. Conciliator, n. U'mpronsuno"ro, an unenemying person. 2, Tj'nti- vempuno"ro, an uncontentious- making person. 3, U tempumo's- turo. Concise, adj. Prantou. 2, Gi'mbo, CON Concitation, n. Fondoi'rit. Conclave, n. Fa'nzo gre'ntur. 2, O'n- dro gre'ntur. Conclude, v. Tri'ntitai. 2, De'ntivai, to finish. 3, Gro'nsinai, to malic up one's mmd. 4, ^'ri'ntinai, to infer. Concoct, V. Bi'nsivai, to digest. Comcamitant, adj. Fi'nti. 2, Tyel po'ntur. Concord, n. To'nzol symphony. Concordance, n. Drono'ndo, catalo- gue of words. 2, Drona'ndo, cata- logue of tilings. Concorporate, v. Tyel ri'nsipai. Concourse, n. Tyel pe'ndis. 2, Bezo'n- di'o, great convention. Concrete, adj. Fri'ntou. Concrete, n. Fri'udoi. Concuhine,n. Fe'ntupoo fantruno'ret. 2, Visko'nzifet. Concupicence, n. Ko'mboi. 2, Bo'nzi. 3, Ba'nzoi. 4, Dedo'ndo. 5, Pa'n- ta fi-o'udito, original sin. Concur, V. Ve'ntisai, to meet. 2, Tyel po'ntipi. 3, Tyel pe'ntisai. Concussion, n. Tre'nzis, shaking. Condemn, v. Da'mprifai, to sentence. 2, Ta'ntripai. 3, Tro'nsitai. Condense, v. Tri'mpikrost. Condescend, v. Fe'mpisai. 2, Prone'- sikai,notto forbid. 3, Brone'tifai, not to hinder. 4, Pe'ntinai, to yield. 5, Go'mprinai, to exempt from doing. Condescension, n. Fe'mbis. Condign, adj. Yo'nta, worthy, de- sei"ving. Conditing, n. Tre'nzo. Condition, n. Ko'ndoi. 2, Vo'ndoo. 3, Ra'mbi. 4, Kendoi, capacity or comprehension. 5, Ko'ndis, state. 6, Ti'ndis, supposition. 7, O'mbris, covenant. Condole, v. Tyel kro'nsikai. Conduce, v. Bo'utifai, to help. Conduct, V. Be'ntisai. 2, Vo'mprLnai, to officiate. Cmiduct, (safe), n. Ton'ondi, a safe conduct through an enemy's country. Conduit, n. Gra'nzoi. Cone, n. De'ndo. 2, Bo'nd(_), fruit. Confection, n. Fre'nzoi. Confederacy, n. Go'ndro. Confer, v. Ke'ntinai. 2. Be'ntifai. 3, Dra'nsikai. Confess, V. Tri'ndis, conditional owning the tnith. 2, Ti'ntisai, renimciation of error. Confessor, n. Funo'ndroi, the priest who hears the confession. 2, Tu'ndi-o. Confidence, n. Do'nzi. 2, Vo'nzo. Confident, adj. Do'nsu. Confident, (ones), n. Ko'nsnko po'n- za. 2, Po'mprukoo po'nza. Confines, n. Kri'ud(jz rinzo'tuz. C N Coiifine, V. Vo'ntivai, to limit. 2, Fro'ntifai. 3, Ka'ntrisai. Confirm, v. Do'mpikai. 2, Yindo'm- plkai. 3, Yinvo'nsitai. 4, Da'm- prisai. Confirmation, n. Yii'ndis. 2, Gu'n- dra, religious rite. Confiscation, n. Da'mbiis. Confiict, V. De'ntripai. 2, Twe'mpi- nai, to contend. Confluence, n. Bepe'ndis tyel. 2, lyel o'ndrito. Conform, v. Vo'ndu pi'utipai. 2, Yrotu pi'ntipai. 3, De'mpikai. Confound, v. Fra'ntikrost. 2, Gro'n- tivai, to mix. 3, Fro'nsigrest, to cause to be ashamed. 4, Gi'ntisai. 5, Kro'nsipai. Confraternity, n. Do'mbro, college. 2, Do'ndro, corporation. 3, Gum- broi'dwis, aggregate of penitents. Confront, v. Pano'ntitai, to face. Confused, adj. Fra'utu. Confusion, u. Fra'ndi. 2, Befro'nzis. 3, Kro'nzoo. Confutation, n. Di'ndis. Confute, V. Di'ntisai. Congeal, v. Fri'nsivai, to coagulate. 2, Bre'nsiprost, jellify. 3, Ku'nsi- trost, to convert into ice. Conjee, n. Ka'nzi. Cmiger, n. Pa'njis. Conglutinate, v. Tyel kri'nsimost. 2, Tyel pe'ntifai. Congratulate, v. Yo'nsivai. Congregation, n. O'ndro. Congruous, adj. Vo'ntu. Conic, adj. De'nti. Conjecture, v. Dro'nsifai. Conjugal, adj. Y'u'ntra, mati-imonial. Conjugate, v. Tyel pra'ntinai. Conjugation, n. Tro'ndoiz kmdoi'tuz, patterns of verbs. Connection, n. A'ipe'ndoi, joiutng manner. Connive, v. Gre'ndur to'ntrinai. 2, Brone'tifai. 3, Eame'pivai. Conquer, v. De'mprifai. Consanguity, n. O'nzoo. Conscience, n. To'mboo. 2, Tr'om- boo, stupidity of conscience. Conscientious, adj. Teto'mpur. Conscionalile, adj. Toniboo'vu. 2, F'empur, equitable. Conscious, adj. Bo'nsou, in a state of knowledge. 2, Kra'nta. Consecration, n. Pu'ndii. Consecration of Bishop, v. Yu'mbri- krost. Consecrate Bisho]),Y. Yu'mprikrost. Consectary, n. Ya'ntus vri'nda. 2, Kra'nta vri'nda. Consent, v. Tyel to'nsifai. Consequence, n. Vri'nda. 2, Bo'nda. 3, Bo'ndinin, specially of future importance. Consequent, n. Yri'nda. Cotiserve, n. Fre'nzoi. Conserve, v. Ko'nsipai. C N Consider^ v. Po'iisifai. 2, Drc'iitifai. Considering, n. Fo'nzn. Considering that, (lohereasj, coiij. Gool. Considerable, adj. Bo'nta. Considerateness, n. Pa'mba. Consideration, n. Fo'ndoi. 2, Ko'ni- bi, 3, Drc'ndoi. Consign, v. Po'ntrikai. Consist, V. Fi'ntiprost. 2, O'mprisai, to agree. Consistence, n. Bi'iiibi. Consistory, n. Bo'iubro. 2, Bo'mbro- kis. 3, specially, U'ntru bombro'- kis. 4, specially, Bombro'kis vumbroi'tiiz. Consolation, n. To'nzis. Consolidate, v. A'ntigrost. 2, Fi'nti- frost, to put in close contiguity. Consonant, adj. Vo'ntu. Consonant, n. Fri'udoo. Consort, n. Fo'uza. 2, TI'mbo. 3, Vri^bo. Conspicuous, adj. Gapo'mputoo. 2, Bete'ntur, very manifest. Conspiracy, n. Go'mbro. Conspire, v. Gompritai. Constable, n. Teniba'fas, a peace of- ficer: or, petempa'fas, a subordi- nate peace officer. Constancy, n. Da'mba. 2, v. Dam- pinai, to persevere. Constellation, n. Pinzoi'dwi. Consternation, n. Bevro'nzi. 2, Gro'nzis. 3, specially, Gro'nzis vronze'ti. Constipation, n. Tyel lu'i'nzoo. 2, adj. Befi'ntou. Constitute, v. Po'ntifai. 2, O'ntifai. Ccmstitution, n. Po'ndifo. 2, Tu'nzi- no. 3, To'ndra. 4, To'mbra. 5, Gro'ndo. 6, lia'mba. 7, O'mba, temper of mind. 8, O'mbil, tem- per of body. Constrain, v. Tro'nsinai. Construction, n. Po'ndifo. 2, Ki'ndi. Consul, n. Pono'udroo, an officer commissioned in foreign parts to judge betwixt the merchants of his own nation. Consult, v. Tyel pa'mplnai. 2, Tyel ko'nsikai. 3, Fre'ntinai ko'nzi. 4, Pe'ntikai ko'nzi. Consume, v. Kro'mpikrast. 2, Dwa'n- tipai. 3, Twa'ntipai. 4, Kro'nsi- pai. 5, Pra'nsipai. Consumption, n. Kro'mbikrost. 2, 2, Dwa'ndipo. 3, Twa'ndipo. 4. Kro'nzipo. 5, Pra'nzipo. ConsumjJtion, n. Fru'mboi, wasting. Tu'mbi, disease of the Imigs. Consummate, v. To'ntivai, to perfect. De'ntivai, to finish. CoHtoc<,n.Po'mbo, touch. 2, Fl'ndoi. Contagion, n. Pu'mboo. Contaminate, v. Dra'ntikai, to defile. Contain, v. Ke'ntifai. 2, Ko'nsipai de'mboi. Contemn, v. Gro'nsifai. C O N ContemjAate, v. Pronsi'fai. Contemporary, adj. Fi'ntur. Contemptible, adj. Gagro'nsufuo. Contend, V. Twe'mpiuai. Content, adj. Ta'nipur. Content, n. Ku'ndoi. 2, Ta'mboo. 3, Bo'nzo, satisfaction. Contentiousness, n. Twe'mba. Contest, n. Twe'mba indoi'tuz. Contexture, n. Tyel fi'nziko. 2, Tyel pe'ndifo. Contignation, n. Tyel pe'ndifo kra'n- zo'tuz. Contiguity, n. F'indoi. Continence, n. De'mboi. Continent, adj. De'mpou. 2, Fi'nzo. Contingent, adj. Gro'ntu. Continue, v. Yi'utipai. 2, Ru'ntilai, to endure. 3, Ke'ntisai, to stay. 4, A'mboi, continued quantity. Continual, adj. Vi'ntur 2, Gi'ntur, Continuance, n. Di'ndoi, continuance of things in place. 2, Vindoo, continuance in time. Contraband, adj. Prono'nsukoo, for- bidden to be imported. Contract, v. Tyel ki'nsipai. 2, O'n- trilai, to bargain. 3, To'usifai, betroth. 4, Pe'ntikai, obtain. Contract adisease, v. O'kaiu'mpvdcoo. Contradiction, n. Kri'ndis. Contradictory, adj. Kri'ntus or kri'n- tai. Contrary, adj. Vro'ntu. Contribution, n. Ke'nda. 2, Ke'nda ru'ndu. 3, To'nzun ke'ntinai. 4, To'mprikai. Contrition, n. Ko'nzis, remorse. Contrive, v. Do'nsitai. Controul, V. Pro'nsitai fro'nditoz. 2, Ta'ntrifai fro'nditotuz, accuse of faults. 3,Dro'nsikai, to reprehend. 4, Fro'ntifai, cohibit. Controversy, n, Vi'uda, argumenta- tion. 2, O'mbroi, suit. Contumacy, n. Dra'mba, pertinacity. 2, Gre'mbi. Contumely, n. Pa'mbra. Contusion, n. Pri'nza. 2, Pru'mba, bruise. Convey, v. Be'ntisai, lead. 2, Pc'nsi- vai, carry. 3, Ke'ntisai, send. Conveyance, n. A'nza, carriage. 2, Ke'ndis, sending. 3, Do'nzo. 4, Frc'ntur bo'ndi-is, deed of aliena- tion. Convene, v. Pa'ntrifai. 2, O'ntrivo, to convene. Convenience, n. Ro'nda, agreeablc- ness. 2. Vo'ndi, congruity. 3, Do'ndi, expedience. Convenient, adj. Vo'ntu. 2, Do'ntu. Conventicle, n. Degre'ntur o'ndro. Convention, n. 0'ndr(2. Convergence, n. Dwe'ndoi. Conversant, adj. Re'mpu. 2, Pom- bravu. 3, Ka'mpus, expert. Conversation, n. Re'mbi. Convex, adj. Kre'nti. COR Conversation, (qualification for), n. E'mba. Convert, v. Te'ntifai, ap])lv. 2, Vii'u- trivrost. 3, Vu'mprifai. 4, Do'n- sisai. Conviction, Gri'iidis. 2, Va'mbrifoo, found guilty (at law). Convocation, n. U'ntru o'ndro. Convoy, n. Tc'ntiiso vc'ndro. Convulsion, n. Du'mba. Cook, n. Pre'nsutotas. Cookery, n. Pre'nzo. Cool, adj. Pcpli'mpur, a little cold. 2, V. Pli'mpikrost, to cool. Coop, V. Ka'ntrisai, imprison. 2, Glipo'ntipai, to be about. 3, GlI- pe'ntipai, to put about. Cooper, n. Te'nzitas, barrel mechanic. Cooperate, v. Tyel i'usikai. Coordinate, adj. Ka'ntufa, as high. 2, O'ntrupa, of equal rank. Coot, n. Ga'njinoi. Copal, n. Kru'mvinoi. Copartner, n. Bo'nz.a, partner. 2, Kra'nda, accessary. Cope, n. Ando'fus, head vest. 2, De'ntripai, to fight. Copiy, n. To'ndoi, precedent; origi- nal. 2, Tro'ndoi, transcript. Cop)y, v. To'ntifai, to set a copy. Cojyy out, V. Tro'ntifai. Copyhold, n. O'ndra d'anzoo"du. 2, Bomprukoo'ri da'nzoo"du. Copious, adj. Fra'ntur, abundant. Copped, adj. I^vendi di'ntutoo. 2, Pe'ntupoo. Copper, n. Ku'nzoo. 2, Vc'nzi, ket- tle. 3, Veno'nzi, a kettle in-built. Copperas, n. Fru'nji, vitriol. Coppice, n. Umve'kis. Copula, n. Vi'ndoi. Copulation, n. Bra'nzoi. Copulative, adj. Pe'ntufo. Coracinus, n. Fa'nja. CoraZ, n. Vu'njoi. Cb?'^, n. Dre'nza. Cordage, n. Fidre'nza. Cordial, adj. Fa'ntus. Cordial, n. Fano'ndis, a medicine strengthening the heart. Cordial, adj. Ka'mpa, sincere. Cordylis, n. Kino'njis, a creature of the lizard kind, havmg a tail an- nulated with scales. Core, 2. n. Bifaiitai'dwcs. 2, Tinti- dwes. 3, Wi'uplinipai"dwes. Coriander, n. Pra'mvn. Carle, n. Fru'mvi, a tree. 2, Tinsu- fo'gus frumve'tu. 3, Fru'mfutu ro'udoo. Cormorant, n. Ba'njino. Corn, n. Fino'nzi. Corn, (standing), n. Po'mvol krine'- sutoo. Cornfield, n. Fa'nzoo piravoi'tu. Cwn-fiag, n. Vro'mva. Cor«, n. Yo'ndo, seed for bread. Corn, V. Kra'ntisai, to pulverize. 2, Dre'nsitai punjc'ti. C u Coi-n, (on the toe), n. Vi-u'mbo. Cornel tree, n. Tru'mvoi. Cornelian, n. Tu'njo, sardiuf5. Corner, n. Fre'ndo, internal angle. Fle'iKlo, external angle. 3, Fe'u- da, tooth. 4, Fre'ncla, notch. Corner, n. Grentn'rkis. Cornet,n. Fe'mbro. 2, Hi'rabi twe'nill. Corollary, n. Va'ntiis vri'nda. Coronation, n. Fouo'ndripo"rest. Coroner, n. Fono'nsuf()"fas, the officer euqnirhig into the cause of death. Coronet, n. Tono'ndroo. Corjwral, n. Vempri'fas. 2, Fi'mbri. Corj)oration, n. Do'ndn). Corporeal, adj. Ri'nsur. Corpse, u. Ri'nsur dra'nsur. Corjjs du garcl, n. Ve'mbro'dwis. Corjnilcnt, adj. Beri'nsnr, having a great body. 2, Bo'mpu. 3, Be- bo'mpu. Correct, v. Te'ntifai, repair. 2, To'n- ta, due; as it ought to be. 3, Tra'ntipal, mend. 4, Do'nsisai, reform. 5, Dro'nsikai, reprehend. 6, Ra'mplvai, pmiish. 7, Vo'nsisai, chastise. Correlative, adj. Dro'ndus go'ntur. Corresj)ond, v. Vo'ntiki, to be con- gruous. 2, Dro'ntisi, to be recipro- cal. 3, Dro'ndus vo'ntiki. 4, Dro'n- dus po'nsa. 5, Dro'ndus bo'nsifrest, mutually to be made known. Corrival, n. To'nzoi. Corroborate, v. Yi'n do'mpikrost, to strengthen. 2, Vo'usitrost, make sure. 3, Yin vo'usitrost, make more sure. Corrode, v. Ti'nslvai. Corrosive, adj. Gati'nsuvo. Corrupt, V. Fro'ntivrost, make evil. 2, Yin fro'ntivrost, make worse; or Twa'ntiprost. 3, Dra'ntikrost, make impure. 4, Kro'nsipai, de- stroy. 5, Tre'ntifrost, spoil. 6, Pu'mpivai, infect. 7, Kro'mpikrost, to cause to decay. Corrupt, adj. Fra'mpu, unholy. 2, Pre'mpur, unjust. 3, Dre'mpou, rmchaste. Corruption, n. Ya'udra, bribery. Corslet, n. A'ntuvus. Corruscation, n. Punzoo'dwas. 2, Ti'mboo, brightness. 3, Bra'usa pu'nzoo, treniljllng flame. Cosmorfraphy, n. Inze'bras, science of the universe. Cost, n. Be'nda, disbm'sement. 2, Do'ndri, price. Costive, adj. Bi'usufoo. Costly, adj. Belre'ntu, very expen- sive. Costniary, n. Ka'mvoi. Cottage, n. Pepa'uzoi. 2 Twe'mpa pa'nzoi. Cotton tree, n. Gu'mva. Cotton cloth, n. Krc'nza. Cotton toeed, n. Bra'mvoi. Couch, V. Yra'nsivai, to lie. 2, Ta'u- sivai, shi'ink. C O U Couch, n. Yrc'nzis, Covenant, n. O'mbris. Coventry-hell, n. De'mvinoo. Convent, n. Tundroi'tus. Cover, V. Unto'mpitrest, cause to be unseen. 2, Ki'nsivai, cover. 3, E'nsinai, clothe. 4, Bra'nsifai, copulate with. 5,Umpro'mpitrest, cause to be unseen. 6, Gre'ntipai. Coverlet, n. Bi'uti kinsufo'ri dranzai'- tu. 2, Bintl'fus di'anzai'tu. Covert, n. Kempuso'kis, protection place. 2,Grentupo'kis, concealing place. 3,Pemprupo'kis, defending place. Coverture, n. Pe'mbroo. 2, Ke'mbis. Covet, V. Bo'nsikai, desire. Covetuousness, n. Ple'mbo. Cough, V. Be'nsinai. Covey, n. Anje'dwis. Cowl, n. Tu'ndrifurs ando'fus. Could, V. Pi'u, can; pli'u, could, pri'u, can hereafter. Coulter, n. Priuo'nzo, coulter of plough. Conned, n. Bo'mbro. Counsel, n. Kro'nzi. 2, v. Be'mpini, keep counsel, be taciturn. Count, 11. Tone'ndi'oo, earl, 4th de- gree of nobility. Count, V. Go'usifai, esteem. 2,AVn- tiuai, reckon. 3, Yra'ntinai, sum. Countenance, n. Pando'pas, face habit. 2, Pando'vis, face manner. Countenance, (out of), adj. Befro'u- suvoo, greatly ashamed. 2, Gi'n- suvoo, posed. 3, Fro'usuvoo. Countenance, v. Fo'nsisai. 2, Ka'm- pifrest, cause to be reputed. Counter, n. Biru'nda, imitation of money. 2, Kantruso'tus. Counter, adv. A'ro'ndu. Counterfeit, v. Pa'ntikrost, to liken. 2, Gre'ntifai, imitate. 3, Ka'n- drun gre'ntifai. 4, Tre'ntiprost, cause to seem. .5, Tro'ntiprai, feign. 6, Ka'mprinai, forge. 7, Kra'mpinai, to act hvpocritically. Countermand, v. Po'nsikai tro'ndis, command the contrary. Countermine, v. Bc'mprivai. Counterpane, n. (see covei'let). Counterpart, n. Koi ton'doi, other precedent. 2, Roi tro'ndoi, other copy. Counterpoise, v, Gro'ndus ru'ntinai, oppositely to weigh. Counter tenor, n. Pri'mbo. Counter caU, v. Dre'ntifai, compen- sate. 2, Tedre'ntifai, perfectly to compensate. Cmntess, n. Toui'udripun. County, n. Ko'ndi'o, shire. Country, n. Fo'mbro, not the town. 2, Ri'nzo. 3, Po'udro, nation. Countryman, n. Fompri'ro, one re- siding in the country. Couple, u. Afi'ndwis, an aggregate of two. Courage, n. De'mboo, fortitude. C R A Couple, V. Pe'ntifai afi'u fo'udooz, to join two things. 2, Bra'nsifai, to copulate. Courier, n. Keno'ndis bendo'di, mes- senger for despatch. Course, n. Dra'nzoi, way. 2, Di'nza, water course. 3, Tc'ndis, journey. 4, Pre'nzoi, running. 5, Do'ndroi, himting. 6, Te'mbroi, pursuit. 7, Fa'ndi, order. 8, Da'udo, series. 9, Do'ndis, turn. Course of life, n. Danzoo'vis, man- ner of life. 2, Dondoo'vis, course of action. Coarse, adj. Twi'mpus. 2, Kla'nter, sorry, Courser n. Pino'i horse for njoo, runnmg. Courses, n. Kra'ndoo. Court yard, n. Ta'nzo. Court, n. Bo'ndro, king's family. 2, Fo'udroos pa'nzoi. 3, A'ntrukis, place where justice is administered. 4, A'ntru o'ncko, judicial conven- tion. Court days, n. Bu'ndaiz antru'tu o'ndro. Court, V. Fo'nsifai, to court. Courteous, adj. De'mpa. Courtesan, n. Fa'ntruimn vra'nta. 2, Yra'nta fa'utrunun. Courtesy, n. De'mba. 2, Tc'mbis, affability. 3, Gonsi'ri, act of be- nefactor. 4, Kra'nzi, salutation. Courtier, n. Fo'ndroos bro'nzo, king's domestic. 2, Bedempa'rci. 3, Be- da'nsuro, a very comphmentary person. Courtliness, n. abs. Danze'rit. Courtship, n. Fo'nsifai, to act as a suitor. Cousin, (generally), n. Bro'nzo. Cousin, (Jirst), n. Bo'nzoo. Cozen, y. Ka'utrinai. Cow, n. Pi'ujifun. Cow, (with calf), n. Fansur pi'njifun. Cowherd, n. Pinjoo'fas. Cow, V. Dwe'nipivrost. Cowardice, n. Dwe'mboo. Cucumber, n. Te'mvinoo. Cucumber, (wild), n. Kre'mvinoo. Cowring, n. Ka'nzis. Cowslip, n. Prc'ravinoi. Cow-ivhcat, n. Gre'mviuoi. Coxeomh, n. Yrempa'ro- Crahfish, n. Vonjis. Crah, (molucca), n. Dro'njis. Crab louse, n. Yono'njis. Crah tree, u. Pmio'mvoo, sour apple tree. Crabbed, n. Grembai'vis, austere manner. Crabbed, adj. Dwe'mpa. 2, Ki'o'ntu, difficult. Crack, V. Tate'ntivai, begin to break. Cracl; n. Krendi, chuik Crack, V. Ino'mb(\ sound like breal boast. breaking. 2, Pro'uslvai, glory, C R E Crack-brained, adj. Pcpru'mpa. Crackle, v. lua'mpifai, to souiul like a number of little breakings. Cradle, n. Drano'nzis. Cray fish, fcraw finlij, n. To'njis. Craft, n. Fra'nibis, cuuniug. Craft, u. Tata'nibis. Crag, u- U fli'iupns pri'nzo. 2, Prin- o'nz<2z, the rugged protuberances of rocks. Cram, v. Di'nsifai, fill. 2, Bedi'n- sifai krinzoo'ti. Cramp, n. Dru'mba, a disease. Cramp fish, n. Ka'njoi. Cramp iron, n. Geno'uda, iron hooks for joining bodies together. Crane, n. Pe'njinoi, a bird. Crane fill, n. Go'nja. Crane s hill, n. Be'mvoo. Crane, n. Be'pinsupo"dwus, great lifting machine. Crank, adj. Ko'mpn, vigorous. 2, Ko'i I PJ ful. Cranny, n. Ki'e'ndi, chink. Crash, V. Ve'nsival. 2, Ino'mpitai, sound like breaking. Crassitude, n. Ba'ndoi, thiclaiess. 2, Tri'mbi. 3, Tri'mbis. Cratch, n. Pine'nzo, the palisaded frame in which hay is put for cattle. Crave, v. Bo'nsiuai, desire. 2, To'n- sikai, entreat. 3, Fu'mprivai, petition. Craven, n. Dwempu'kro, a coward. Cravinnness, n. Ple'mbo, covetous- ness. 2, Fre'mbo, sci-apingness. Craw, n. Ka'ndis, stomach of bird. Crawling, n. Ye'uzoo, creeping. 2, Vre'nzoo, wriggling. Craze, v. Pri'nsinai. Crazy, adj. Kro'mpu, in a state of decay. 2, Tre'ntufoo, spoiled. 3, Ea'nsou, in a state of ruin. Creak, v. Lie'mplfai, to make an acute sound like that of solid vui- lubricated bodies mutually rub- buig together. Cream, n. Pa'ndis, the best part of anything. Cream, n. Twa'ndoo, cream, best part of milk. Create, v. Po'nsipai. 2, Po'ntifai, make. Creature, n. Ponsupoo'ri, created thing. Credence, n. Ko'nzoi. Credible, adj. Kako'nsufoo, able to be believed. Credit, v. Ko'nslfai, believe. Credit, n. Go'nzoi. 2, Ka'mboi, re- putation. 3, Ko'uzo, trust. Creditor, n. De'nda. Credulity, n. Fra'mbo. Credidity in religion, n. Kra'mbi. Creed, n. Konsufoo'ri. 2, Kono'nzoi, epitome of what Christians ought to believe. Creek, n. Peki'uza, a little bav. C R O Crccj), v. Ve'nsipai. 2, Vre'nsipai, wriggle. 3, Pive'nsipai, mc^tapho- rically to creep like ivy. 4, Dre'mpinai, to fawn. Creep in, v. Jluspre'ntisai gre'ndur, to get in secretly. 2, Gro'ndus. Crescent, adj. Dra'ntur. Crescent, n. (jli'nzoi, the figure of the moon, in her early uicreasiug state. Cresses, n. Be'mvis, garden cress. 2, Fo'nvis, Indian cress. 3, Bre'mvis, sciatica-cress. 4, Vrem- vis, swine's cress. 5, Be'nva, water cress. 6, Dre'mva, winter cress. Crescet, n. Tano'nzoi, a great light set on a beacon, lighthouse, or watch-tower. Crest, n. Do'udi, comb on bird's head. Crest fallen, adj. Befi'o'nsusoo. 2, Peno'mbri, the plume of feathers on the top of a helmet. 3, Pena'm- bri, the ornament, the helmet, in heraldry. 4, Kro'ndis, mane. Crevis,n. Kra'ndi, chink. 2, To'njis. Crew, n. Fonza'dwis, aggregate of companions. Cruet, n. U'ncube'nzi. Cry, n. Kro'nzi, grief. 2, Tra'nza, weeping. Cry out, V. Ta'nsitai, exclaim. 2, Ta'ntripai ba'ndu. 3, Gro'nsikai ta'ndu. Cry mercy, v. To'nsitai bambroo'di. Cry, V. Ba'mpripai or ba'mprivai, to proclaim. Crib, n. Pine'nzo, (see cratch). Cribbed, adj. Bri'ntufoo. Crick, n. Da'nzoi, pricking sensa- tion, specially fi-om a cold. Cricket, n. Fo'njoi. Cricket, (fen), Fro'njoi. Crier, n. Ba'mbroo. Grime, n. A'ndrcj. Crime, (capital), n. A'mbro. Crime, (not capital), n. A'mbra. Crimson, adj. Blba'ntur, blood-like. 2, Fi mpou, ed. Cringe, v. Beka'nsikai. 2, Daka'n- sikai. 3, Dre'mpinai. Cripple, n. Ro'mbi ande'tuz. Crisis, n. Gibambroi, the deciding or judgment time. 2, l)iba'mbroi, the sign of decision or judgment. Crisping, n. Bri'nzi, curling. Critic, n. Bano'mbroo, literary judge. Critical, adj. Bano'mprur. Crotchet, n. Bini'mbo, one eighth of the tune ot a breve. Crocodile, n. Ti'njis. Crocus, n. Dro'mva. Croft, n. Pefa'nzoo. Croak, V. Kefri'ncisai, like a frog. 2, Keba'ncipai, croak like a ra- ven. Crook, V. dri'uslpai, to bend. C R U Crook, n. U prc'ntiri, crooked thing. 2, Ge'nda, hook. Crooked, adj. pas. Dri'nsupoo, bent. 2, Ge'ntumaust, hooked. Crookedness, n. f re'ndo. Crone, n. Vuntinu'rpro, a decrepit person. Crop, n. E'njes ka'ndis, bird's stomach. Crop of corn, n. BInsufoo'dwis fin- o'nzitu, heaped aggregate of corn. Crop, V. Siniki'nsipai, to pull off. 2, Sinidre'nsivai, tear off. 3, Sini- de'nsivai, break off. Crosier, n. Vu'mbrois ko'ndoo, bishop's staff. Cross, across, adj. Ge'ntou, oblique. 2, Gre'ntou, transverse. Cross, V. Pre'ntisai dinza'zu, to go over the river. Cross himself v. Krentime'stur, to cause himself to be crossed. 2, Dyikrentime'stur, to cause him- self to be signed with a cross. Cross, n. U tantruk(2'twus, or Tan- a'ndri, a crucifying jugaracnt. Cross, n. Tano'ndi-i, an image of Christ upon the cross. Cross bow, n. Ke'mbri. Crossway, u. Krenta di'a'nzoi. Cross, adj. Vro'ntu, contrarv. 2, Tro'ntus, opposite. 3, Twe'mpa, contentious. 4, Drcmpa, morose. 5, Dre'mpu, disobedient. Cross event, n. Fra'mboo. Cross, V. Pre'ntikai, frustrate. 2, Tre'ntifai grenton'ti fe'ndoo. Cross bill, n. Bra'nja. Gross teort, n. Gro'mvino. Crotchet, n. Pege'nda. Crotchet, n. Defo'mboi, a bad fancy ; whim. Crouch, V. Ka'nsivai, stoop. Crouching, n. Undra'dis, the attitude and manner of adoration. 2, Dre'mba, fawning. Crowd, n. Tyel krinsupoo'dwis. Crow, n. Bre'njoo. 2, Ka'mviuo. 3, Pinsupo'tus, a lever. Crow, v. Kepe'ncifai, to crow like a cock. 2, Kege'utrifai, to express triumph. 3, Depro'nsivai, to glory as he ought not. Grown, n. Fono'ndroo. Grown of the head, n. Di'ndo ando'tu. Grown imperial, n. Po'mva. Grown, (money), A'viu glu'ndaz; or, gluna'vin. Crucible, n. Fuisuvo'tus, melting vessel. 2, E'uzi fiusuvo'di u'nziz unzoo'ti. Crucifix, n. Grenzai'tu Krist iju ga'ndri. Crude, adj. Re'nsi, raw. 2, Fene'si, unboiled. 3, Ene'si, unprepared or micooked. 4, Blne'sus or Bino;'- sai, not digested. Crucify, v, Ga'ntrikai. Cruelty, n. Bre'mboo. CUM Cruet, 11. U pla'ntur Venzoo'(]us. Crumb, (of bread) n. Feue'nzoo. Crumlile, v. Fcne'nsiprast. Crupi^r, 11. Go'ndi, rump. 2, Gri'titi ventupo'ri ganzc'tu. 3, Gondc'bus. Cruise, n. Pcpe'iizi u'licu. 2, v. Bc'ii- trivai, to play the scout ; spccially tbr booty. Crushing, n. Pri'nza. Cnist, (of shell fsli), ii. Fro'iiJa. Crust, (of bread },Yr!^nAo fenzoo'tu, specially hard. Crustaceous, adj. Fro'nta. Crutch, n. Ke'nda, (figure like T). 2, Ko'ndoo preiisu'rturo. Cr}iptograj)hy,-a-. Gre'ntur danzo'bas. Crijstal, n. Ku'njoi. Cue, 11. Bo'udis, sign. 2, Teiido'dis. Cub, n. Prinja'twes. 2, Finje'twos. Cube, n. Bre'ndo. Cubit, 11 Fa'ndi a limb. 2, Pa'iidoi fra'ndeiii dande'iiuzis di'nd(2. Cuckold, n. Ku'iizifur fampra'tu ku'nzifun. Cuckoo, n. Ta'njoo. Cuckoo-flower, n. Be'nva. Cucumber, n. Te'mvliioo. Cud, n. Kra'ndis, first stomach. Cud, n. Kla'ndis, thing remasticated. Cheuj the cud, v. Kla'utisai. Cudgel, n. Ko'ndoo, staff. 2, Be- ko'ndoo. 3, Fampruso'tus. Cudwort, 11. Bra'mvol. Cuff, 11. Tra'ntu vantiiko'ri. Cuff, V. Ke'nsivai binsulvoo'ti ta'ndi. Cuirass, n. Anda'vus, tiiink armour. CuU, V. Bo'nsinai, to choose. Culpable, adj. Gadro'nsukoo, apt to be blamed. Ta'utrupoo, accused. Cultivate, v. Ti'nsitai. Culture, 11. Tinon'zo, cultivation; special means and care. Cumber, v. Ra'nsinai, to burden. 2, Tre'ntikai, to trouble. 3, Bro'iiti- fai, to hinder. Cummin, n. Dra'mvl. Cunctation, n. Pra'mba. D A Y Dahble, v. Daze'nsikai fi'mputu fo'ndoo. Dabchick, n. De'njinoi, dydapper. Dace, 11. Da'njino. Daffodil, 11. Ko'mva. Dagger, n. Pra'ntou fe'mbri. Daggle, v. a. Fu'nsimost, to cause to be dirty. Daggle, v. n. Po'ntipi fu'nzatu. Day, (natural), n. Bu'ndai, 24 hours. Day, (holy-day) , n. Bu'ntra bu'ndi. Day, (to day), n. Ca'seo, this day. Day, (artificial), n. Vu'ndai, the period of daylight. Daytime, ii. Buudai'gis, time of day. (^ U E Cony, n. Ki'njo. Cunning, n. Ta'mbls, art. 2, Fra'm- bis, craft. Cupi, 11, Tre'nzi. Cupbearer, n. Trenze'fas. Cw^^ of a flower, n. Go'ndoi. Ci^j, V. Dre'nsinai, to bleed by cupping. Cupboard, n. Fe'iizi kranzai'pur trenze'diz. Cur, 11. Pi'nji. Cuirassier, ii. E'ntrukoo pe'mbro, armed horseman. Curate, n. Bla'ntur fu'ndroi. 2, Vis- fu'ndroi. 3, Visdu'ndroi. Curb, 11. Tano'nzi, the cohlbiting part of a bridle. 2, Befro'ntufo ta'nzi. Curb, V. Fro'ntifai, to cohibit. Curdle, V. Fri'nsivai, to coagulate. Cure, V. Ru'mpikrost, to cause to be healthy. Curiosity, n. Pra'mbis. 2, Bevo'mbi, great beauty. 3, Beba'mba, great diligence. 4, Yre'mboi, uiceuess. Curlew, 11. Ta'njinoi. Curling, n. Bri'nzi. Currants, n. Primvoo'sidz, fruit of the currant tree. Current, n. Di'nza, stream. Current, adj. Ko'nti, genuine. 2, To'nti, perfect. 3, To'nsutoo, ap- proved. 4, Po'mpra, customary. 5, Vra'nta common. 6, Ta'ntu, ordinary. Current year, n. O pu'ndis, the pre- sent year. Curry, \. Tri'nsikai, to comb a horse. Carry-comb, n. Trmsuko'tus pinje'di. Curry, v. Fe'ndo fenza'tu, prepar- ing of leather. Curry favor, v. Dre'mpikai de. 2, Deke'ndo de. Currish, BIpi'nji. Curse, n. Tra'nzoo, act of God. Curse,Y. Bu'ntrikal, excommunicate. 2, ko'mprisai, imprecate. D DAL Daybreak, n. Bundai'tas, beginning of day. Broad day, Tebu'ndai. 2, Te'ntiu" bu'ndai, manifest day. Day, (as, gained the day,) Pe'mbroi, victory. Days man, n. Fa'ndroo, arbitrator. Daily, adj. Bmitai'twis, on each se- parate day. Dainty, adj. Vre'mpou, nice. Dainties, n. E'nzoi, sustentation ex- traordinary. Dairy, n. Trantu'rfis, the kinds of milk. 2, Trandoo'tus, milk room. Dale, n. Pll'nzo, valley. C Y N Curcky, v. Kra'nsikai. Cursory, adj. To'mpu, swift. 2, Bla'mpa, rash. 3, Kra'mpi, slight, indifferent. Curst, adj. Pro'mpa, disingenuous. 2, Kre'mpur, maligniant. 3, Dwe'mpa, morose. Curtain, v. Frino'mboo, a shading or shadowing. 2, Ensuuo'ri, spe- cially about a bed. Curtal, adj. Pra'ntou, short. Curtle-axe, n. Pra'ntou fe'mbri, short sword. Curve, n, Pre'nti, crooked. Curvet, V. Pre'ntisai be'nsupo, go leaping. Cushion, n. Bra'nzis. Cnsj), n. Fe'nda, tooth. Custard, n. Kre'nzoo tre'ndoo'tu, vo'ndiz, ky el, pie of milk, eggs, &c. Custody, n. Be'ndi, keeping. 2, Ve'n- drito, guarding. 3, Ka'ndi'is, im- prisonment. Custom, n. Po'mbra. 2, A'mbi, habit. 3, E'mbi. 4, To'ndi-i, bontrufoo'- juri, tribute on merchandise. Cut, V. De'nsivai. Cut off, V. Pre'ntlfal, separate. 2, Bu'ntrikal, excommunicate. Cuticle, n. Ta'ndoi, outward skin. Cutler, n. Fembre'tas. 2, Insa'tas dansuvo'tuz. Cutter, n. Da'ndi'o, robber. 2, Pro'n- suvo'ro. Cuttle-flsh, n. Fo'njino. 2, Fro'njlno, lesser cuttle fish. Cycle (of the sun), n. Ino'ndoo, 28 years. Cycle, (of the moon), n, Ina'ndoo, 19 years. Cygnet, n. Penjlno'twes. Cylinder, n. Ve'ndo. dylindroides, n. To'njinoo. Cymbal, n. Fe'nti pu'nsou dr'cnsutus. Cynical, adj. Bipi'ncu, dog-like. 2, Dwe'mpa, morose. DAM Dally, V. Ei'nsikal, to play. 2, Dre'mplsai, to fondle. 3, Tro'm- pinai, to act wantonly. 4, Bre'ii- tikai, to delay. Dain, n. Fo'nzipun, female parent. 2, Kc'ntigrost, u di'nza yoo'tl de'n- di, to stop water by means of a ridge. Dame, n. To'ntrupun, a noble female. 2, To'mprupun, a lady. 3, Dro'n- sutun, a master female. Damage, n. Fre'ndi, loss. 2, Pro'nda, da, hurt. Damask, n. TwI'mpus ke'nza tu Dima'skus. D E A Damson^ n. Fo'ikJo tii Duma'skns. Damri, v. Kra'iii])ivai, tlie act of God. 2, Da'raprifai, to condemn. Damni'f'/, v. Pro'ntimcst, to cause to be injured. Damsel, n. Po'nzifet, coelebs femi- nine. Damp, n. Du'nzoo, fire damp. 2, Bru'nzoi, aqueous damp, o, Pe- fi'mpu, moist. Dancinq, n. Be'nzi. Dandelion, n. Fra'nvo. Dandiprat, n. Pebi'nzikur. Dandle, v. Petre'nsivai, tri yoo'tu klon'doos pa'ndiz. Dandruf, n.' Vi'mbroi ando'tu, scurf on the head. Daneswort, n. Te'mvino. Danger, d. Tro'ndi. Dangle, v. Tra'nsivai te'nsuvo. Dank, n. Fi'mpu. Dapper, adj. Pegompu, a little agile. Dace, n. Da'njino, dace. Dare, v. To'ltikai, to be so bold as. 2, Yul de'mpiki, to be so stout, sturdy, resolute. 3, Yul go'nsiki, to be so bold. 4, Yul goue'siki, not to be so bold ; to fear. 5, Fe'n- tripai, to challenge. Darkness, n. Pli'mboo. Darkness, u. Tri'ndo, i. e. to the mind. Dorllng, adj. To'nsukous, or yin to'nsukoo, most beloved. Darn, v. Ki'iisikai bifri'nzu, to sew knitting-like. Darnel, n. Bo'mvo. Dart,n. Be'udri. 2, Kra'nzoo, meteor. Dash, V. Dwaze'nsikai. 2, Fe'nsivai, to cast. 3, Ke'usivai, to strike. 4, Dwada'nsitai, to write a dashing hand- 5, Pegro'ntivai, to mix a small quantity. Dastard, n. U dwe'mpuvro, a cow- ardly person. Date, n. Krumvoi'sit, the fruit. 2, Bi'ndo, date. 3, Vetri'ntur, out of date ; excessively old. 4, Vekri'n- tur, excessively late. Daucus, n. Vr'amvi, wild carrot. Daughter, n. Fron'zipun. Daughter in law, n. Fro'nzipun on- zoi'ti. 2, Ko'nzipurs fro'nzipun. 3, Ko'nzifuns fro'nzipun. 4, Fi-o'n- zipurs ko'nzifun. Daunt, V. Vro'nslkrast, make fear. 2, Fro'nsisai, discourage. Dav), n. Va'njoo. Daivb, V. Brunsinai, plaster. 2, Vri'nsikai, smear. 3, Dra'ntikai yri'nze'ti. 4, Vra'ntinai, to bribe. Dawn, n. Tavu'ntisai, to begin, the morning. Daisy, n. Tra'uivoi. 2, Ta'mvo, great daisy. 3, Ka'nvoi, blue daisy. Dazzle, v. Pino'mpitai, to dull witli excess of light. Deacon, n. Du'mbroi. Deafness, adj. Fro'nibo.' DEC Dead, adj. Um])o'ntur, dcjirivcd of being. 2, Uuo'mj)u, destitute of power. 3, Dra'nsupi, in a state of deatli. 4, Daue'suto, not living. De.adhj, adj. Dra'nsuprast, causing to die. 2, Drano'nsuprast, wliieh cannot end till death; as deadly malice. Deal, (as to deal in something), v. Do'ntipai, to act in. 2, Re'mpikai, to converse with. 3, E'ntivai, to deal witli in business. 4, Fa'mpri- vai, to deal betwixt, mediate. 5, Twike'ntinai, to deal out, dis- tribute. Deal, n. U vo'ndoo, a quantity. 2 Bumve'kus, a deal. Dean, Pano'mbroo, chief of tlic bishop's assessors. 2, Dombro'fas, college officer. Dear, adj. Beto'usukoo. 2, Bedo'n- trukoo. Dearth, n. Fla'udoo, scarcity. Death, n. Dra'nzoo. Death, (put to), v. Dra'nsiprast. 2, A'ntrikai, to punish capitally. Deathwatch, n. Vo'uji. Debar, v. Bro'ntifai. Debase, v. Uno'ntripai, to midegrce. 2, Umba'mpifai, midignify. 3, Bra'mpifrost, to cause to be mean. Debate, v. Dwe'mpinai. 2, Vi'ntinai, to argue. DebaucJk, v. E,e'mpivrost, make vi- cious. 2, Pre'mpifrost, to make sensual. 3, Kre'mpitrost, to make profuse. Debilitate, v. Dro'mpikrogt, to make weak. Debonair, adj. Tezo'mpa, of perfect temper or disposition. 2, Fo'mpa, sprightly. 3, Ko'nsu, merry. Debt, n. Dre'nda, debt, a state of debt. Decade, n. Dwipa'sin, an aggregate of ten, as a decade of years. Decalogue, n. Pono'nziz, the ten commandments of God. Decay, n. Kro'mbi. Decease, n. Dra'nzoo. Deceive, v. Ka'ntrinai, to defraud. 2, Ge'ntivrast, to make to err. 3, Pre'ntikai, to frustrate. 4, Pren- o'ntikai, to frustrate one's expec- tations. December, n. Kunti'ldis. Decent, adj. Fo'ntu. Deception, n. Kaudra'rit. Decide, v. Da'mprifai, to sentence. 2, Te'ntlvai, finish. 3, Te'ntivai wo'mbroi. Decimation, v. Bo'nsiuai a'pin ou'nii pa'sin. Decipher, v. Ki'ntikai tro'nti pri'n- dooz. 2, Ti'ntivrost tro'nti^ pri'n- dooz. 3, Ka'nsitai tro'nti pri'ndooz. 4, Ungre'ntipai tro'nti j)ri'udooz. Deck, n. Kra'uzo findroo'tu- 1) ]•: F Deck, v. Va'ntikai, to adorn. Declaim, v. Fi'ntikrost de. 2, Fi'n- tiki-ost be. Declare, v. Ki'ntikai, to interpret. 2, Ge'ntipai, to conceal. 3, Te'n- tipai, manifest. 4, Ba'ntikrost, to make public. Declension, n. Tino'udoi, final sylla- bles of nouns. Decline, V. Tino'ntifai, as a noun. 2, Dre'ntifai, to diverge. 2, Dre'nti- sai, avoid. 3, Kro'mpikai. Declining age, n. Yii'ndinoo. Declivity, n. Ge'ndoi. 2, Tris ge'ndoi, a declivity vei'ging do\vnwards. Decoction, n. Fe'nzo. 2, Fensufoo'ri, boiled thing, specially by Infusion. Decoy, v. Vra'nsipai. Decorum, n. Fo'ndi, decency. Decrease, v. Dwa'ntipai. Decree, n. To'nza, purpose. 2, Dra'mboi, sentence. 3, To'mbra, edict. Decrement, n. Dwa'ndoo, dimmition. 2, Fre'ndi, loss. Decrepit, adj. Ka'nsuvo undinoo'ni, stooping from age. 2, Vu'ndinoo, decrepitude. Decretal, adj. To'nsa. 2, Da'mprou. 3, To'mpra. Decuple, adj. Fipas'in, tenfold. Decussation, n. Kre'nda, figure of cross. Dedicate, v. Pu'ndri, consecration, as, to God. 2, Ke'utinai kyamboi'- nu tu, give to the reputation of. 3, or Ba'mboi, dignit}'. 4, or Tonzg'rit, patronage. Deduce, v. Vri'ntinai, to infer. Deduct, V. Da'ntisai. Deed, n. Do'ndoo, action. Deed, (in very), adj. Po'ndi. 2, Bo'ndris, writing. Deem, v. Vo'nsifai. 2, Po'nsifai, think. Deep, adj. Ta'ntou. Deep), (the) n. lli'uza, sea. Z)eer, n. Ki'njoi, (fallow). 2, Ti'njoi, red deer. Deface, v. Unre'ntitai. 2, Tre'utifai, spoil. 3, Vro'mpikrost, to deform. 4, Kro'nsipai, to destroy. Defalk, v. Da'ntisai, to take away.' 2, Dwa'ntipai, to diminish. Defame, v. Va'iitrisai, to infamize. 2, Da'ntinai, to calumniate. Default, n. Fame'broi, non a])peai'- anee. 2, Prc'ndi, frustration. 3, Ple'mbroi, overthrow. Defecation, v. Da'ntikrost, make pure. 2, Umpra'utisai, to unworst something. Defect, n. Twa'ndoo. Defection, n. Vu'mbro, an apostasy. Defend, v. Pe'mprivai, with arms. 2, Pe'mpisai, to protect, as a su- perior. 3, Bo'nsisai, defend from danger. 4, Kanipripai, as a d(^- feudent. 5, Da'utripai, as advocate. DEL Defendent, n. Ka'mbroo. Defensive, adj. Pe'mpruvo, which defends. Defensive arms, u. Pa'nibriz. Defer, v. Kri'ntlprost, to make late. 2, Bre'ntivai doudoo'cu, respite. 3, Bre'ntivai dondoo'tu, protract. Deference, n. Ke'mbi, respect. Defi/, V. Fe'mprivai. Deficient, adj. Twa'utur. Defile, V. Dra'ntikrost, make impure. 2, E'mpivrost, make vicioiis. 3, Dre'mpifrost, make michaste. Define, v. Ti'utinai. 2, Ba'mprifai, sentence. Definite, adj. Vo'uti, bounded. 2, Gi'nti, express. Definition, n. Ti'nda. Definitive, adj. Gi'uti, express. 2, De'ntuvo, finishing. Deflower, v. Fa'ntrinai. 2, Ump'on- sifai, to unvirgiu. Defiuxion, n. Vi'nzis, distillation. 2, Ku'mba, catarrh. Deformitij, n. Vro'mbi. Defray, v. Be'ntinai, disburse. 2, Ge'ntinai, to pay. Defraud, v. Ka'ntrinai. Defunct, adj. Drou'nsupo, having died. 2, Dra'nsupi, being dead : — a state. Degenerate, adj. Bepone'sur, unlike ancestor. 2, Kro'nti, spurious. Degrade, v. Ga'ntrisai. Degree, n. Go'ndis. Degree, (of j;e?-sonJ, n. O'ndroo, rank. Degree, (of University), n. Ko'n- tru'tis. Deliort, V. Tro'nsikai, dissuade. Deject, or dejected, adj. Ko'nsukn, grieving. 2, Fra'mpur, afflicted. 3, Gro'nsuko, despairing. Deify, v. Il'ntikrost, to cause to be a God. Deign, v. Fe'mpisai, to condescend. Deity, n. Unde'rit. Delay, (see defer.) Delectation, n. Do'nza. Delegate, n. Vrontai'ro, substitute. 2, Kentusoo'ro, sent person. 3, Vontrunoo'ro, authorised person. Deliberate, v. Po'nsitai. Deliberateness, n. Pa'mba. 2, Tro'm- bi, slowness. Delicate, adj. Gado'nsinai, apt to delight. 2, E'nsou. 3, Dro'mpa, tender. 4, Vre'mpou, over neat. Delicacies, n. Ensou'riz. Delicious, adj. Bedo'nsmio. 2, Bo- ta'rapou. Delight, n. Do'nza. Delineate, v. Pe'ntipai, to line. 2, Ti'ntinai, describe, specially by lines. Delinquent, adj. Va'mprou. 2, Ta'm- broo, prisoner. Delirium, n. Fro'mboi. 2, Pa'mba, frenzy. D E P Deliver, v. Te'ntinai, to pass the possession. 2, Po'mprikai, to de- posit. 3, Ge'ntinai, to pay. 4, Tre'ntipai, disclaim. .5, Ti'ntikai, to narrate. 6, Pa'nsitai, to speak. 7, Da'nsitai, write. 8, Pu'mprisai, by tradition. 9, Bro'nsipai, by God. 10, Pe'ntinai, yield. 11, Twe'mpinai, betray. 12, Bo'nsipai, deliver from evil. 13, Umve'm- prifai, uncaptivate. 14, Unto'm- pripai, or vai, to unslave. 15, Unka'ntrisai, unimprison. 16, Ta'nsiprast, to be put to bed. 17, Do'nsipai. Delve, V. Pi'nsitai, to dig. Delude, V. Ka'ntrinai, deceive. Deluge, V. Zusdi'nsinai, to overflow. Delusion, n. Kantruno'ri. Demand, v. Pi'ntisai, demand to know. 2, Fre'ntinai, demand to have. 3, Fo'mprisai, to demand the price. Demean, n. Pra'nzoo, manner. Demean, v. A'nsikai. Demeanor, n. A'nzi. Demerit, n. Vonda'rit. Demigod, n. Pezu'ndi, duniuutlve of God. Demise, n. Bo'ndri. Democracy, n. Pondroo'rit boudroo'ti. Demolish, v. Ea'nsifai, ruin. Demon, n. I'nzoo. 2, Fri'nzoo, devil. Demoniac, adj. Ra'nsupoo frinzoo'tiz. Demonstrate, v. Ge'ntipai, shew. 2, Vo'nsifrost vinde'ti, make sure by argument. Demur, v. Tro'usinai. 2, Trono'nsi- nai, to demand more time before answering. Demure, adj. Ve'mpa, grave. 2, Vre'mpa, formal. Den, n. Preno'ndis, underground cavity. 2, Pinja'tus, lion's house. 3, Pinja'dus, lion's room. Deny, v. Fri'ntisai. Denial, (self), n. Ta'mbi. Denizen, n. To'ndroo. Denominate, v. Ko'ntipai. Denote, v. Ri'ntifai, to mean. Denounce, v. Ba'ntikai, publish. 2, Vro'nsikai, to threaten. Density, n. Tri'mbi. Dent, n. Tre'nda. Dentex, n. Bra'nji. Dentifrice, n. U dantuko'ri i'di kra'n- doz, specially a powder. Deodand, n. U kentimoo'ri Unde'nu. Depart, v. Pre'ntisai. 2, Nis prenti- sai. 3, Dra'nsipai, to die. Dependent, adj. Tra'nta. 2, Bro'nsi. Deplorable, adj. Gakro'nsuko, apt to grieve. 2, Bepra'mpur. Deplore, v. Bekro'nsikai de. 2, Ge'ntipai bekro'nzi de. Depopidate, v. Umbo'ntripai, un- people. Deportation, n. Ba'ndris, exile. Deportment, n. A'nzi, demeanor. D E S Depose, v. Trispe'ntipai. 2, Fu'mpri- kai, deprive. 3, Ga'ntrisai, de- gradmg. 4, Ga'mprisai, to inca- pacitate. 5, Ko'ntrisai pondi-oo'cu, swear before a magistrate. Deposit, V. Po'mprikai. Deprave, v. Fro'ntivrost, make bad. Deprecate, v. Tro'nsikai. Depreciate, v. Yil u'ntimost. Depression, v. Pri'nsipai, forcing down. Deprive, v. Tro'ntikai, to deprive. 2, Umbe'ntipai, to unpossess. 3, Bu'ntrikai, depiive of orders. Depth, n. Ta'ndoi. Depuration, n. Da'ntilu'ost. 2, Ta'n- tisai, scum. 3, Tra'ntisai. Deputy, n. Vrontai'ro, substitute person. Dereliction, Fre'ndoi. 2, Bro'nzoo. Deride, v. Ta'mprinai, to mock. Derision, n. Ta'mbra, mockery. Derive, v. Pra'ntinai. Derogate, v. Niske'ntipai, take from. 2, Dwa'utipai, dimmish. 3, Nis- ke'ntipai kamboi'ni. 4, Niske'nti- nai, gonze'ni. Descant, v. Bri'ntikai, paraplirase. Descend, v. Tris pre'ntisai. Descendent, n. Pro'nzoo. Descent, n. Tris pre'ndiso. Descent, n. Pronzoo'rit, the essence of descendent. Descent, n. Pronsii'rfis, extraction. Descry, v. Tyapo'mpitai, begin to see. 2, Dre'utipai pombo'ti, to find by sight, specially from afar Describe, v. Trintinai. Desert, n. Vo'ntari, worthy thing. 2, Vonda'rit. 3, Vontrukoo'ri, earned thing. Desert, n. La'nzoo. 2, Ranesupoo'kis, 3, Karane'supoori, iminhabitable. Desert, n. Pre'nzoi, banquet. Desert, v. Bro'nsipai. Deserve, v. Vo'ntini, to be worthy. 2, Vo'ntrikai, earn. . Designing, n. Pe'ndo, internal. 2, To'nsinai, appoint, external. Desire, n. Bo'nzi. 2, To'nsikai, en- treat. Desist, V. Vro'nsinai. Desk, n. Tano'nzis, a jugament for supporting a book. 2, Fe'nzi jus- dansitai, a box to write upon. Desolate, adj. Befro'nsa, solitary. 2,, Eane'supoo. 3, Bekro'nsu, much grieved. Despair, n. Gro'nzi. 2, Bra'mbi. Desperate, adj. Begro'nsu. 2, Be- bra'mpu. Desperation, n. Gro'nzi, affection. 2, Bra'mbi, despair. Despicable, adj. Gagro'nsufoo, apt to be despised. 2, Kla'ntm", poor, sorry, &c. Despise, v. Gi'o'nsifai. Despondency, n. Tago'nzi. 2, Pe- go'nzi, a degree of despair. D E V Despite^ n. Gro'nzoi, contempt. 2, Kre'mboo, malij^nity. 3, Krcii- o'mboo, done (tliiiij?) to excite auger. 4, Pa'mbra, affront. Destine^ v. To'nsinai, purpose. 2, Fro'nsipai, to fix the fate. Destiny, n. Fro'nzoo, fate. Destroy, v. Kro'nsipai. Destitute, adj. Bre'ntiu-, wanting. 2, Fla'ntm- deficient. 3, Bro'nsur, in a state of abandonment. Destroy, v. Kro'nsipai. Destruction, n. Ki'o'nzoo. 2, Twe'n- doo. Disuetude, n. Unto'mprunoo, lui- ciistomed. Detect, V. Fro'nsifai, discover. 2, Ungc'ntipai, nnconceal. 3, Un- te'utipai, unmanitest. Detain, v. Ve'ntipai, hold. 2, Ta'm- prinai, illegally to liold. 3, E'nti- grast. Determine, v. De'ntivai, finish. 2, Vro'nsinai, desist. 3, Gro'nsinai, determine the liberty of the will. 4, To'nsinai, to do it one's self. 5, hj another, Ba'mprifai, sentence. Deter, v. Bro'nsisai. Detest, V. Betro'nsikai. 2, Bepro'n- sikai, loath. 3, Bebro'nsikai, to feel great antipathy. Detract,^. Dano'ntrinai, slander, filch reputation. 2, Ple'mpinai, to un- der speak of another's reputation. 3, Divntriuai, calumniate. Detriment, n. Fre'ndi, loss. 2, Dwa'ndoo, decrease. Devastation, n. Kro'nzoo, destruc- tion. 2, Twe'ndoo, marring. 3, Tre'udoi, spoiling. Devest, v. tJne'nsinai, unclothe. Deviate, v. Tre'utisai, wander. 2, Ge'ntivai, err. Devil, n. Fri'nzoo. DeviVs bit, n. Tra'nvinoi. DeviVs milk, n. Fe'mvi. Devilish, adj. Fri'nsur. Devise, v. Fro'usitai. 2, Do'nsitai, contrive. Devise, (by will), v. Fo'utrikai, be- queath. Devise, v. Tre'ntipai, seem. 2, Kra'mpinai, to play the hypocrite. 3, Kra'utinai, forge. Device, n. Flampai'ri. 2, Tc'n- di'oo, stratagem. 3, Po'ndoidwis, aggregate of flowers, posey. Devoir, n. Ke'ndo. 2, Tronta'ri, duty. Devolve, v. Brino'nsipai, successively to roll from one to another. 2, Ena'ntisai, successively to pass from one to another. Devoted, adj. Pu'mpnmoo. 2, Pu'n- trukoo, consecrated. 3, Po'nsus or po'nsai. Devotion, Pazu'ndra, habitual wor- ship. 2, Po'nzis. G DIG Devour, v. Bro'nipinal. 2, Fle'mpi- fai, gluttonizc. 3, A'udus praii- sifai. Devout, adj. Pazu'ntra. Dew, u. Tru'nzo. Dew-grass, n. Tro'mvo. Dewlaj), n. Vane'ndoi. Dexterity, n. Go'mbi. 2, Teta'mbis, pcifect skill. Die, V. Dra'nsipai. 3, Tri'nsikai, to colour by dymg. Die, (a), n. U preusuko'tus, a dicing instrument. Diabetes, n. Twu'mbis. Diabolical, adj. Fri'nsur. Diadem, n. Fono'ndroo, crown. Diagonal, n. Te'ndoi. Diagram, n. U re'ndo fendoo'tuz, a figure of lines, dootuz. 2, Gre'nzis fcn- language Dial, n. Frino'mboo. Dialect, n. Einde'vis, manner. Dialogue, n. Do'ntus i'ndi, alternate discourse. 2, Do'ntus dra'nzi, alternate conference. Diameter, n. Be'ndoi. Diamond, n. Pu'nja. 2, Pre'ndi, square. 3, Preno'ndi, square not of right angles. Diaper, n. Ke'nza, linen. Diuplwnous, adj. Ki'mpur, trans- parent. Diaplwretic, v. Pi'mpimost, sweeten. Diaphragm, n. Ta'ndis. Diary, n. Twiti'ndi bundai'tuz, se- gregate nan-ative of days. Diarrhea, n. Vu'mbis. Dibble, n. Vrinsi'tus. Dicacity, n. Bre'mba, loquacity. Dice, n. Pre'nsutus. 2, v. Pre'nsitai, to play at dice. Dichotomy, n. Ta'ndis moo afi'n, division into two. Dictate, v. Va'nsitai, Dictator, n. Ka'nta vontra'fas, chief authority otficcr. Dictionary, n. U dre'nzis yindoi'tuz u'tu ri'ndi, a book of the words of a language. Didapper, (Dab-chich,) n. Da'njinoi. Dyer, n. Trinsuko'vas, a dying-artist. Dyers'-weed, n. Pa'nvoo. Diet, n. Kya'ntukoo ensu'rvis, regu- lated victual manner. 2, Ba'mbro, a council. Difer, V. O'ntivi. Difference, n. O'nda, relating to the end. 2, O'udo, diversity. 3, Twe'mba, contending. 4, Pi'nda, distinction. .5, Vra'mba, partiality. Difficult, adj. Kro'ntu. Diffident, adj. Dro'nsu. Diffuse, V. Fra'nsivai, to spread. 2, Pu'mpivrost, infect. Dig, V. ri'nsitai. Digest, V. Bra'nsipai: (natural). Digest, V. Bi'nsivai: (chemical). Digest, v. Fa'ntikai, to arrange. D 1 S DigJit, n. Ensuno'ri, clotliiiig. Dight, v. Va'ntikost, adorn. Digit, n. Tin, a'krin u'tu fu'ndoi, three fourths of an inch. Digit, n. I'in pa'frin i'tu be'ndoi frin- zoitu gin;^oi'kwi, one twelfth of the diameter of the sun and moon. Dignify, v. Ba'mpifrost. Dignity, n. Vo'nda, worthiness. 2, Ba'mboi, high rank. Digression, n Tri'ndi. Dike, n. Dre'iidi n'nzodi, a furrow for water. 2, Vreiidi, gutter. Dill, n. Pra'mvi, (flower.) Dilacerate, v. Dre'nsivai, tear. Dibrpidate, v. Ka'nsifai, ruin. 2, Brono'tifai krombe'ni. Dilate, V. Ymfa'ntifost, to widen. 2, Bi'ntifai, amplify. Dilatory, adj. Pra'mpa. Dilemma, n. Vi'nonda, false on either positive or negative supposition. Diligence, n. Ba'mba. 2, Bra'mba, excessive diligence. Dilucidation, n. K'indi, interpre- tation. Dilute, V. Yilgra'ntiprost, to make less intense. 2, Yinbli'mpikrost, to make more fluid, Hquify. Dim, adj. Pepro'mpi, a little blind. 2, Pcpli'mjnn-, a little dark. Dimness, n. Pombo'des. 2, Pombo- pes. 3, Tri'mboo, opposite to brightness. Dimension, n. E'ndoo. Diminish, v. Pla'ntiprost. 2, Gla'h- tiprost, make less intense. 3, Pla'ntivTost, make few. 4, Dwa'n- tiprost, diminish. 5, Ymgla'uti- prost. 6, Yinpla'ntivrost. Diminutive, adj. Pla'ntur, little. Dimple, n. Dre'ndi, furrow. 2, Tre'n- da, dent. Din, n. Bezi'mbo. great sound. Dine, V. Pena'nsipai, to dine. Dinner, n. Pen'auzoo. Ding, v. Fe'nsivai, cast. Dint, n. Bro'ndi, violence. 2, Gro'n- dis, impetus. Diocess, n. Vumbroi'kis. Dip, V. Musu'nsitai, to put into water. 2, Jisu'nsitai, to put under water. Dipthotig, n. Tri'ndoo. Dire, adj. Kro'mpa, fierce. 2, Bre'm- pur, cruel. Direct, V. Po'nsisai. Direct, adj. Pe'nti, straight- 2, Grc'ntou, upright. Dirge, n. Pu'ndra dransupi'diroz, prayer for dead persons. Dirt, n. Fu'nza. Disable, v. Uno'mpikrost, to make unable. 2, Ro'mpikrost, impotent. 3, Dro'mpikrost, weaken. 4, Ga'mprisai, incapacitate. Disabuse, v. Gcno'tivrost, to cause not to be m error. 2, Ti'ntivrost, to explain. D I S Disadvantage, n. Bro'ucloi. 2, Fre'n- di. 3, Pro'nda, liurtt'ulncss. Disagree, v. Tro'nsifai, dissent. 2, Te'lpiuai, to act uiipoaceabl3% Disallow, V. Tro'iisitai, disapprove. Disannul, (annul), v. Pro'usipai, annihilate. 2, Tra'ntipal, to mar. 3, Tre'ntifai, to spoil. Disappoint, v. Dnto'nsLnai, unap- poiiit. 2, Pre'ntikai, frustrate. Disapjrrove, v. Tro'nsitai. Disarm, v. Umpe'ntrikai, unarm. 2, Umpie'mprikai, to unarmovu'. Disaster, n. Fra'mboo. Disavow, V. Tro'nsitai. 2, Fri'ntisai, deny. 3, Tre'ntipai, disclaim. Disband, v. (see disaiTn). 2, Une'n- trivrost, to unsoldier. Disbelieve, v. Kro'nsifai. Disburse, v. Be'ntinai. Disburden, v. Unra'nsinai, imload. Discamp, v. Umpe'ntrisai, imcamp. Discard, v. TJmfe'nsikai, to uncard. 2, Ga'mprisai, to incapacitate. Discern, v. Pono'mpitai, to see the difference. 2, Po'mpitai, see. 3, Po'mpifai, perceive. 4, 0'ntunost, to make a difference. Dischai-ge, v. Une'ntrikrost, unload gun, &c. 2, Uno'ntrisai, release from duty. 3, To'mprmai, dis- charge from burden, &c. Disciple, n. To'uzo, learner. Discipline, v. To'nsitai, teach. Discipline, n. Be'mbis. 2, U'ndril, ecclesiastical discipline. 3, Vo'nzis, correction. Disclaim, v. Tre'ntipai, abdicate. Disclose, V. Ungre'ntipai, unconceal. 2, Vo'usipai, reveal. 3, Tri'nsifai, imcover, 4, Kri'nsifai, open. Discolour, v. Dezi'mpifai. Discomfit, V. Ple'mpifai. Discomfort, n. Tro'nzis. Discommend,^. Gro'nsikai, dispraise. Discommodity, n. Dro'ndi. 2, Pro'nda. Disconsolate, adj. Tro'usus. 2, Be- kro'nsu. Discontent, v. Tra'mpisi, to be dis- content. Tame'pisi, not to be content. Discontinue, v. Di'ntifai. 2, O'kal unto'mpnmoo. Discontinued quantity, A'ndo. Discontinued, adj. Dri'utou or dr'in- tufoo, here and there. 2, Dr'mtur or di'i'ntupoo, now and then. Discordant, adj. Vro'ntu, incon- gruous. Discord, n. Gri'mbo, (in music.) 2, Tro'uzoi, dissent. 3, Te'lba. 4, Tw'embino. Discover, v. Fro'nsifai. 2, Ungi-'en- tipai. 3, Vo'nsipai, reveal. 4, Ta- po'mpifai, begin to perceive. 5, Tri'nsifai, micover. 6, Ge'ntipai, shew. Discountenance, v. Unka'mpifrost, to deprive of reputation. D I S Discourage, v. Fro'nsisai. Disco^irse, n. I'ndi. 2, 1'ndooz, ele- ments of discourse. 3, I'ndoiz, words. 4, I'ndoz, grammatical parts of discourse. 5, 1'ndaz, logi- cal parts of discourse. 6, 1'ndils, grammatical and logical parts of discourse. 7, I'ndaiz, modes of discourse. Discourtesy, n. Dre'mba. 2, Kre'm- boo. Discredit, v. Kro'nsifai, disbelieve. 2, Va'ntrisai, infamize. Discreet, adj. Fa'mpus. 2, Ve'mpa, grave. 3, Ta'mpi, sober minded. Discrepant, adj. O'nta, different. 2, Vro'ntu, incongruous. Discretion, n. Fa'mbis. 2, Ve'mba. 3, Ta'mbo. Discretion, n. Fana'mbis, the being at the will of any one; as, "at his discretion." Discriminate, v. Pi'utinai, distin- guish. Discuss, V. Bri'nsifai, scatter. 2, Fo'nsifai, enquire, examine. 3, Nistre'nsivai, to shake off. Disdain, v. Bro'nsivai. Disease, n. U'mbi. i)isease,v.U'mpikrost. 2,n.Tr'ombi, pain. 3, Tre'ndi. Disengage, v. Uno'ntrisai, release from obligation. 2, Untri'nsifai, to disentangle. Disentangle, v. (see disengage). Disesteem, v. Tego'nsifai. Disfavor, n. Umfo'nzi. Disfigure, v. Teze'ntitai. 2, Vro'm- pikrost. Disfranchise, v. Undo'mprinai, to luiprivilege. Disgorge, v. Te'nsinai. Disgrace, v. Va'ntrisai. 2, Ga'ntrisai, degrade. Disguise, v. Ti'e'utiprast, cause to seem. Disgust, V. Kano'ntigrost, to cause sickness or loathing in the stomach. Dish, n. Ke'nzi. Dish-clout, n. Enza'ri dandi'ilco'di ke'nziz, a cloth for cleansing dishes. Dish-washer, n. Gra'njo. Dishearten, v. Fro'nsinai. Disheveled, a,dj. Fra'ntukoo; (applied to hair). Dishonest, adj. Ee'mpur. 2, Dre'm- pou, unchaste. Dishonor, n. Va'ndris, infamation. 2, Kre'mbi, disrespect. Disembark, v. Umfi'ntripai, to un- ship. 2, Pre'ntisai findroo'mi. 3, Ke'ntipai findroo'mi. Disenchant, v. Umpa'ntrlvai, to un- witchcraft. Disingcnuity, n. Pro'mba. Disinherit, v. Umfro'mprikai, to uninherit. Disjoin, V. Umpe'ntifai. 2, Pre'ntifai. D I S Disjoint, V. Uni'a'utikal, unjoint. Disjunctive, adj. Pre'ntou, which separates. Dislike, V. Tro'nsitai, disapprove. 2, Bro'nsinai, to feel antipathy. Dislocate, V. Uni'ntifai, to implace. 2, Dczuni'utifai, to unplace as ought not to be. Dislodge, v. Unrano'nsipai, Disloyal, adj. Vre'mpu. Dismay, v. Vro'nsikrast, cause to fear. Dismal, adj. Befra'mpur. Dismantle, v. Une'ntrisai. Dismember, v. Pre'ntifai a'ndi a'nde- ni. 2, Vre'nsivai, tear. Dismiss, v. Niske'utisai, send from. 2, Pre'ntinai nispre'utisai, permit to depart. Dismount, v. Undc'nsifai, to unride. Disobedience, n. Dre'mbi. Disobey, v. Dre'mpikai. Disoblige, v. Pa'mpriuai, affront. 2, Umpo'nsinai, to act unfriendly. Disorder, n. Fra'ndi. 2, Unda'ntivai, to nnseries ; to throw the series out of its proper order. 3, Kra'n- di, irregularness. Disown, V. Tre'ntipai, disclaim, ab- dicate. Disparage, v. Va'ntrisai, infamize. 2, Da'ntrinai, calumniate. Dispiarity, n. Ba'ldoo, inequality. Dispark, v. Umbra'nsipai, unpark. Dispatch, v. De'utivai, finish. 2, Tede'ntivai, perfectly to finish. 3. Be'ntivai, hasten. 4, Ve'ntivai, perform. 5, Dra'nsiprast, kill. 6, Kro'nsipai, destroy. Dispense, v. Ke'ntinai, give. 2, Hu'ndu ke'ntinai. 3, Ku'ntikai, to proportion. Dispense, v. Go'ntrinai. 2, Go'm- prinai, to license. Dispensatory, n. Dre'nzis twondroi'- tuz. Dispeople, v. Umbo'ntripai, to rm- people. DisjJerse, v. Bri'nsifai, to scatter. Displace, v. Uni'ntifai. Display, v. Unbi'nsikai, unfold. 2, Kri'nsifai, to open. Dtspkmt, V. Umvi'nsitai, unplant. 2, Nise'nsikai. Displease, v. Dro'nsinai. Displeasure, n. Pa'mbra, affront. 2, Pe'ndripoo, the being offended. Dispose, V. Fa'ntivai, to put in order. 2, Ka'ntivai, to regulate. 3, Ke'n- tinai, give. 4, Po'nsinai, incline. Dispossess, v. Una'nsiprast, to cause to unpossess. Dispraise, v. Gro'nsikai. Disproportion, v. Dcru'ntikai. 2, Ba'ldoo. Disprove, v. Bisvi'ntisai. 2, Di'nti- sai, confute. Disquiet, v. Tra'mbi. 2, Tre'ndi, trouble. D I S Dispute, V. Vi'utinai. Disquisition, n. Bcfo'uzoi, elaborate examination. Disregard, v. Gone'sifai, not to esteem. Disrespect, n. Kre'nibi. Dissatisfy, v. Bon'esitai, not to satisfy. 2, Bro'nsitrest, cause to be dissatisfied. Dissect, V. Deno'nsivai, to dissect animal bodies as a surgeon. 2, Prentifai dcnzai'ti or deuzi'sti. ?>, Twide'nsitai. Disseize, v. Una'nsikrcst, cause to be unpossessed. Dissemble, v. Gre'ntipai, conceal. 2, Kra'mpinai, act hypocritically. Dissention, n. Twe'mba. Disscntinff, n. Tro'nzoi. Dissertation, n. U vi'nta dre'nzis, argumentative book. Disservice, n. Dedro'nsitai, to serve improperly. 2, Pa'mprinai. 3, Pro'ntinai, hurt. Dissever, v. Pre'ntifai, separate. 2, Va'ntivai, to segregate. Dissimilar, adj. Pra'ntu, unlike. Dissimulation, n. Tra'mba. Dissipate, v. Bri'nsifai, scatter. Dissolve, V. Vli'mpisai, to loosen. 2, Bli'mpikai, to iluidizc. 3, Fi'nsi- vai, to melt. 4, Pre'ntifai, to sepa- rate. 5, Uno'ntrivai, uucouvene; (a meeting.) Dissolute, adj. Pla'mpa, careless. 2, Pre'mpou, sensual. Dissonance, adj. Fri'mbo, jarring. 2, Di-i'mbo, hoarseness, harshness. 3, Gri'mbo, discord. Dissuade, v. Fro'nsikai. Dissyllable, n. Wi'ndoi tw a'fin ti'n- dooz. Distance, n. Fri'ndoo, distance of time. 2, Fri'ndoi, distance of place. Distaste, n. Deti'mba. 2, Bro'nza, aversion. Distemper, n. Kn'mboo. 2, Dezo'mba. Distention, n. Fa'nzis, stretching. Distich, n. U va'ndo tw afin fi'ndoz. Distillation, n. Vi'nzis. Distinct, adj. Tcpl'utunoo. 2, Pre'n- tufoo, separated. 3, Ti'nti, plain. Distinction, n. Pi'nda. Distinijuisii, v. Pi'ntinai. 2, Pre'n- tifai. Distortion, n. Pi'nzi. 2, Dezi'ntifai, place wrong. 3, Vro'mpikai, dis- figure. Distract, v. Kino'nsipai, to pull in opposite directions. 2, Kri'nsi- mast, make to waver. Distribute, v. Twike'ntinai, give separately. 2, Twite'ntinai. 3, Ta'ntisai, divide. 4, Kri'ntinai, division of discourse. 5. Twizo'l- tipai, to classify into kinds. 6, Twiza'ntisai, to divide into parts. 7, Va'ntivai, to segregate. DOC Distrain, X. Pa'mprifai, to arrest.' 2, specially goods. Distress, n. Fra'mboo, adversity. 2, Betrc'ndi, trouble. 3, Pa'nibroi, attaching goods. 4, E'nzis pa'm- prufoo, goods attached. District, n. Ei'nzo, region. 2, O'ndri, government. Distrust, n. Kro'nzo. 2, Dro'nzi, diffidence. Disturb, V. Tre'ntikai. 2, Bro'ntifai, impede. Disunite, v. Umpe'ntifai, imjoin. 2, Pre'ntifai, separate. Z)w!(«e, v Unto'mprlnai, tonncustom. 2, Dri'ntifai i ve'udi. 3, Dri'usifai u to'mbra. Ditch, n. Drc'ndi, furrow. Vre'ndi, gutter. Dittany, n. Va'mvinoo. Dittany, (bastard), n. Pre'mvoo, fraxinclla. Ditty, n. U komprou'ri ba'nsitoi. Divaricate, v. Tre'nsifrast, cause to straddle. 2, Pre'ntifai. Dive, V. Tre'nsipai. Diver, n. Ga'njinn. Diverging, n. Dre'ndoi. Diverse, adj. O'nti, various. 2, Pa'n- tifis, manifold. 3, Pra'ntu unlike. Diversify, v. O'ntivrost, make dif- ferent. Divert, V. Fre'ntigrost, cause to turn. 2, Gri'ntikai, digress. 3, E'nsikai, to sport, divert one's self. Diversity, n. O'ndo. Divide, v. Ta'ntisai. Dividend, n. Ti'^'iitusoori, divided thing. Divine, adj. U'ntu, adjective of God. Divine, (a) U pontrouivi. 2, U po'ndroi. Divine, (to) v. Pa'mpritai, to wizard. 2, Do'nsifal, to conjecture. Divinity, n. Unde'rit, essence of God. 2, Pontou'bras, the science of religion. Division, n. Ki'nda, exact classifica- tion. 2, Kri'nda, more Imperfect classification ; description. Division, v. Ra'ntisai, to divide Into parts. 2. Va'ntivai, to segregate. Division, n. Uno'mbro, division Into parties. 2, Dwembi'most. Division, n. Pre'ndoi, division into places. 2, Tri'ntlfrost, separate by distance. Divide, v. Ta'ntisai, In arltlunetic. Divisor, n. Ta'ndls. Divorce, v. Vu'mprlnal. Diuretic, adj. Ge'nsumast, causing to urine. Diurnal, adj. Bu'ntus or bu'ntai. Divulge, v. Ba'ntikrost, make public. Dizzy, adj, Bu'mpa, giddy. Do, v. Pi'ntlpai. Doe, n. Ki'njifun, female deer. Docile, adj. Gatro'nsital, apt to learn. 2, Pa'mpi, sagacious. DON Docl; n. Tre'nda, dent. 2, Pekl'nza, small haven for ships. 3, Ino'n- droo, place for building sea vessels. 4, Vro'ndis, tail. Doch, V. Umvro'ntlsai, untail. 2, Pra'ntifrost, make short. 3, Yiii- pra'ntifrost, make shorter. Dock, n. i'ra'mvoo. 2 Fo'mvis, groat burdock. Fro'mvls, little burdock. Docket, n. Pe'dansutoo"ri, a small written thing. 2, Pe'dansutoo"ri kra'nta. Doctor, n. Kono'ndroo, highest graduate. Doctrine, n. Tyo'nsutoo"ri, the taught thing. Document, n. U da'nsutoo vintuso'ri. 2, U da'nsutoo po'nsuso"ri, a written directing thing. 3, U da'nsutoo"ri pro'nsitol, a written thing to be observed. Dodder, n, Da'nvinoo. Dodge, v. Dra'mpuiai, to waver, act unsteadily. Doings, n. Do'ndooz. 2, Fe'ndoz, preparations. Dog, u. Pi'nji. Dogs -bane, n. Ke'nva. Dog-berry, n. Ki'mvoi. Dogs -grass, u. Bro'mvo. Dog s-tongue, n. Kro'mvino. Dog^s-tooth, n. Fo'mvl. Dog, V. Ve'ntlsai bra'ndu, follow privately. Dog-fish, (greater,) n. Va'njoo. 2, (the lesser) Vra'njoo. Dog-star, n. (a proper name). Dog-days, n. Byu'ndaiz gyoo'su Sire'us frino'ntifai frina'ntifai'kwl frinzoi'pu, the days when Syrlus rises and sets with the sim. Dogged, adj. Pre'nti, perverse. 2, Dwe'mpa. 3, Pro'mpa, disingen- uous. Doggrel, adj. Kla'ntur, sorry, bad. Dole, n. Be'mputoo"ri, thing given as alms. Doleful, adj. Bekro'nsu, greatly grievous. Dolor, n. Kro'nzl, grief. 2, Tro'mbi, pain. Dolphin, n. Pra'njoo. Dolt, n. Pra'mpiro, dull person. Domestic, adj. Pa'nsou, adj. of house. 2, O'nsu, relating to a family. 3, Bro'nzo, subordinate member ot the family. Domineer, v. Fre'mplsal, to act inso- lently. Dominion, n. Ka'mboi. 2, Vo'ndi'a, authority. Donation, n. Ke'nda, the act of giving. Donative, n. Kwentunoo"rI, a given thing. Done, part. Pi'ntupoo. 2, Ve'ntuvoo, performed. 3, Dc'ntuvoo, finished. Donor, n. Kai'ntuuo''ro, the having given person. D R A Dogmatical, adj. Kla'mpi. Boom, V. Pa'ntrlpai, to adjudge, adjudicate. 2, Da'mprifai, to sentence. Door., n. Fa'nza. Door-keeper, n. Ve'udro fanza'su, guard at the door. Dor-beetle^ n. Ba'nji. Dormant^ adj. Tra'nsoiL 2, Done'- tupo, not acting as donnant partner. 3,Gene'tupoo,uotshewn. 4, Bra'nzo, a sleeper or beam. Dormouse, n. Di'ljoi, sleeping mouse. Dory, n. Ta'mija. Dorychnium, n. Tri'mva. Dose., n. Ru'ndi twondi'oi'tu. Dotage, n, Fro'mboi. Dotard, n. Fro'mpufo"ro, doting person. Dote, V. Fro'mpifai, to dote. Dotterel, n. Ta'njinoo. Double, adj. A'frit, multiplied by 2: see Table; a'rtrit, a'krit, a'brit, &c. Double-leaved, adj. On wa'frit bro'n- doi, having a double leaf. Double tongue, \ rp , i Double heart, J "-' Doublet, n. U Kra'mpa ii'nji, a coun- terfeit gem. Doubt, n. Bro'nzoi. Doubtful, adj. Gabro'nsifoi, apt to be doubted. Doubtless, adj. Vo'nsou, certain. Dove,n. Pe'njo. 2, Pre'njo, ringdove. 3, Fe'njo, stock dove. Doughty, adj. De'mpur. Dozen, n. Pafi'ndwis, aggregate of twelve. DouKiger, n. Bo'nzifim, widow. Dough, n. Untr'ensutoo fe'nzoo. Dower, n. Ko'nzifuns ra'nzis, wife's revenue. Down, adj. Tris, downward. 2, v. Brindo'spu, towards the underside. 3, Drindcj'spu, towards the bottom. 4, Trispri'nsipai, to bear down. 5, Trisve'nsivai, to break down. 6, Trispre'ntisai, to go down. 7, Triski'nsipai, to puU down. 8, Trisba'usivai, to set down. 9, Trisfa'ntitai, to look down. 10, Trisva'mprifai, to look guilty. Doicnright, adj. Ka'mpa, sincere. Down, Ba'nzoo kantouju a'nzoo, pastm-e on high land. Down, n. To'mvoo pontai'twi, moss or hair. Doicry, n. Ko'nzifims a'nziz, the wife's possessions. Doxy, n. Fa'ntrunun, fornication female. Doxology, n. Twa'nti pri'udo gonze'- tu Unde'nu, a particular sentence of praise to God. Drab, n. U ra'mpudes. 2, U drem- pou'des. Draco volans, n. Kubizoo, beam. Dracuncidns, n. Gi'a'njcj. Dray.) n. U fra'nzi, a cart. D R Y Draff, n. Pra'ndis, worst part. 2, E'nzoo glnjoi'diz or ginjoi'dlfis, 3, Dantuk(j'ri. Drag, V. Ki'nsipai. Drag-net, n. Grano'nzis, net ; an instnmientfor catching fish, fowls, or wild beasts, made of twine or thread, &c. Draggle, v. Kmo'nsipai, to become wet or dirted by being drawn in the mire. Draggletail, n. \'lempou'des, slut or sluttish female. Dragonfly, n. Do'nja. Dragon tree, n. Gni'mvo. Dragon-wofft, n. To'mvi. Dragon, (Snajj-dragon) , n. Ve'm- vinoi. Dragon, (Fire-dragon), n. Ku'nzoo. Drain, n. U vre udi unzo'di, a gutter for water. 2, U dre'ndi mizo'di, a fun-ow for water. Drain, v. Unu'nsitai a'nzoo, to im- water land; that is, carry it away. Drake, n. Frenji"nitur, the male duck. 2, Frenji'nitim, the female duck. Drake, (Fire-drake), n. Ku'nzoo, beam. Dram, n. Pu'nda. Draper, n. Enza'das, cloth merchant. Draught, n. Ki'nzoo, the act of drawing. 2, Ki'nsupoo"ri,thethiug di-aAvn. 3, To'ndoi, a precedent, (mental). 4, Tro'ndoi, a pattern, (material). 5, Ge'nzis, picture. Draught, (ship^s), n. Ta'ndoi fin- di'oo'tu unzoji, depth of ship under water. Draughts, n. Tre'nzi, game of di-aughts. Draw, v. E'nslkai, to move. 2, E'n- o'nsikai, to move towards the mover. 3, Twase'nsikai, to en- deavour to move towards the mover. Draiver, n. Enonsuko"ro. Draicer, n. U fe'nzi miski'nsipoi mus krinsipoikwi. Drawers, n. Vi'nti ka'ntufuz. Drecid, n. Vro'nzi. 2, Bevro'nzi. Dream, n. Kla'nzoi. Dream, v. Kra'nsifai. Dreaminess, n. Pra'mbo, dulness. 2, Bla'mba, sloth. Dregs, n. Pi'a'ndis, worst part. 2, Tra'ndis, sediment. Drench, n. Two'ntrou fra'nsufoo"ri. medicinal drunk thing. Drench, (to), v. Fra'usifrost ginzi- foti tande'mu, to cause to ch'uik by pom'ing into the mouth. Dress, V. E'nsitai e'uzoo. 2, Pe'nsi- tai, to slaughter. 3, Pre'nsitai, to cook. Dresser, n. Pre'nsutoVos ka'nzai, the cook's prepaiing table. Dry, adj. Fli'mpu, diy. 2, Fa'nsou, thu'sty. 3, Kle'mpa, resei"ved. DUG Dry Jest, n. Gre'ntupoo te'mba, con- cealed urbanity. Driblet, n. Pedra'ndis, small sum. 2, Pera'ndis, a small part. Drift, n. Breutusoo'ri, the driven thing. Drift, of snow, n. Bwi'nzol knmzo'tu tyel ku'nsufoo, a heap of snow blown together. Drill, V. Ti'nsinai, to bore. Drill, n. U tri'nsunotus. Drill, n. Pi'njo, baboon. Drink, n. I fra'nsufoo"ri, the diomk thing. Drinking, n. Fi'a'nzoi. Drip, V. Pu'nsitai, to di'op. Drive,Y. Bre'ntisai. 2, Nisbre'ntisai, drive from. 3, Fle'mpifi-ast, make retreat. Drive, V. To'nsinai, force, co-act.' 2, Bre'ntlvai, di-ive off, protract. 3, Bri'usifai, scatter. Drivel, v. Kle'nsinai, to allow the saliva to escape out of the mouth. Drizzle, n. Pepu'nzoz tmizo'tu, drops of rain. Droll, V. Te'mpa, urbane. Dromedary, n Ti'njoo. Drone, n. Pronja'tes. male bee. 2, Blampa'ro, an idle person. Droop, V. Kro'mpikai, decay. 2, Tafro'nsisoi, to begin to be dis- couraged. Drop, n. Pu'nzo. Dropsy, n. Tu'mvis or tu'mvai. Drop-icort, n. Dra'mvi. 2, Ka'nvi, water drop-wort. Dross, n. Pra'ndis, worst part. 2, Prano'ndis, specially worst part of metal. Drove, n. PinjoI'dwis bre'ntusoo, an aggregate of di'iven cattle. Drover, n. Bre'ntuso"ro pinjoi'tuz. Drouth, n. Fli'mbi, dryness. 2, Flin- o'mbi, specially di-yness of the weather. Droirn, v. Da'ncinai. 2, Ti'nsifai unzo'ti, cover with water. Droiosiness, n. Ta'nzoi. Drudge, n. Bezi'usuko"ro, a very hard working person. 2, Bezi'n- suko di'o'nzo. Drug, n. Rinsai'n. apothecai'v thing. 2, U kla'ntiu-ik, a sorry thing. 3, Rmo'nzal, unprepared drugs. Druggist, n. Bwo'ndroi rhasai'tm-iz, merchant of drugs. Drug merchant, n. Ri'nonzai"das. Drum, n. Tentri'tus. Drum of the ear, n. Bite'ntri'tus. Drummer, n. Te'ndro. Drunk, adj. Twe'mpou. Drunkard, n. Twempou'ro. Drunkenness, n. Twemboi. Due, adj. To'nta. Dub, V. Kre'nsivai, to knock. 2, Kre'nsivai tanonde'ti. Dubious, adj. Bro'nsou, doubtftil. Duchy, n. To'nontru'rkis. D U L Ditches.'!, n. Touo'ndi-ipxin, female duke. Duck, n. Fra'njino, male or female. 2, Frenji'nitur, drake. 3, Frcii- ji'uitmi, female duck. Diiclcs-meat, n. Do'mvoo. Duck, V. Bifra'ucinai, to bow the head like a duck. 2, Beka'nsikai congee, (aug.) 3, Tre'nsipai, to dive. Dactil, adj. Kyabe'ntusoo, which can be led. 2, Fano'nsus, able to be extended by beating or drawing, as gold. 3, Gafo'nsukoo, apt to be persuaded. Diidgeon, n. Bo'nzis, indignation. 2, To'nzi, anger. 3, Kre'mboo, malignity. 4, Ta'ntukoo"dwes, the handle or handed part. Dud, n. De'mbroo. Dug, n. Fra'uda. Duke, u. Tono'ndripur, nobleman of the highest degree. Dull, adj. Pitre'nti, metaphorically obtuse. 2, Fro'mpa, uusprightly. 3, Vro'mpa, lazy. 4, Tro'mpu, EAR Each, demonstrative, Rou. Each other, dem. Rous. Eager, adj. Kla'mpi. 2, Dwabo'nsu, very desirous. 3, Dwapa'nsou, very hungry. 4, Dwaki'mpa, very acid. 5, Gra'ntur, intense. Eagle, n. Pe'njoo. Eaglet, n. Penjoo'dwes. Eagret, u. Penjoo'fis, eagle kind. Ean, i. e. yean, Ta'nsipai. Ear, n. Fra'ndo. Ear, (give ear) v. Twafo'mpitai. 2, Twapro'nsitai, endeavour to ob- serve. Ear of plant, n. Kra'ndoi. Ear, V. Kra'ntifai, to become filled specially, as corn. Ear, (Sea-ear), n. Go'njinoo. Ear-ioig, n. Dro'nji. Earl, u. Tone'ndroo. Early, adj. Ki'ntiu-. 2, Vu'ntus or Vu'ntai, matutine or matutinal. Earn, v. Vo'ntrikai. Earnest, adj. Ve'mpa, grave. 2, Gra'ntur, intense. 3, Ba'mpa, diligent. 4, Po'nsus or po'nsai, zealous. Earnest, n. Do'mbri. Earnest, (in), adv. Gra'ndur, in- tensely. 2, Ka'mpa, sincere. 3, Va'mpa, honest. Earth, n. Di'nzoi, globe. 2, U'nza, elemental earth. Earth-nut, n. Da'mvi. Earthquake, n. Bu'nzoi. Earthworm, n. Po'njoo. II DUN slow. 5, Gro'mpu, lumpish. G, Pra'mpi, unsagacious. 7, CJaden- e'suvoo, not apt to cut. 8, Gla'n- tur, remiss. Dulcimer, u. U de'nsutus. Dumb, adj. Pra'nsi. 2, Pane's!, speechless, not speaking. Dumj>s, u. Bekro'nzi, intense grief. 2, Betra'mbi, intense anxiety. 3, Befra'mba, intense carking care. Dun, adj. Bigri'ncou, mouse-like in color. Dun, V. Dapra'nsikai, frequently to visit. 2, Dafre'ntinai, frequently to demand. Dunce, n. Fi-ampi'ro, an unsagacious person. Dung, n. Trenza'ri, excrement; the dimged thing. Dung-^y, n. Kro'nja. Dung, V. Ti-e'usinai. Dung, (to dung land), v. Ti'usitai, to manure with dung. Dungeon, n. U pll'mpur kantruso'kis, a dark Imprisoning place. E. E D G Earthen vessel, n. Rinsa'dus. Ease, n. To'mba. 2, Re'nzi, I'est. 3, Te'ndi, quiet. 4, Re'ndo, leisure. Easy, adj. Ko'ntu. Easiness, n. Ko'ndi. 2, Ti'ndo, plain- ness. 3, Fra'mbo, credulity. East, n. Pi'ndo. Easter, n. Bumpral'gis, passover time. Eat, V. Pra'nsifai, to eat. 2, Ti'nsi- vai, to coiTode. Eaves, n. Kri'ndg ga'nzotu. Eaves-drojjper, n. U grentupoo'ro twafo'mpnto. Ebb, n. Dina'nza. Ebony, n. Vu'mvinoi. Ebullition, n. Fe'nz(2, boiling. Eccentric, adj. Pene'tou, notcentrical. 2, Kra'ntu, irregular, anomolous. Ecclesiastical, adj. U'ntru. Ecclesiastic relation, n. U'ndri. Ecclesiastical officers, n. U'ndi'oiz. Ecclesiastical discijiUne, n. U'ndril. Ecclesiastical institutions, n. U'ndraiz. Echo, n. Te'ntufoo i'mbo, reflected sound. Eclipse, V. Pli'mpivrost pendi'stikus or pendai'ti. 2, Frine'nzoi, eclipse of sun. 3, Gine'nzoi, of moon. 4, Tine'nzoi, of planet. Ecliptic, n. Ti'nzis. £c?oy!(e,n.Bano'nzo, a pastoral song. 2, Bana'nzo, chonis. Edacity, n. Fle'mboi, gluttony. Edge, n. Kri'ndo, margin. 2, Ve'ndi, ridge. 3, adj. Gade'nsuvoo, apt to cut. D Y S Duplicate, n. Te'drontai"ri, a per- fectly reciprocal thing, as in form, colour, design, &c. 2, Tcvo'nturi, a perfectly congruous thing. 3, Twetro'ndoi, a perfect pattern. Durable, adj, Vi'ntur. Durance, n. Ka'ndi-is, imprisonment. Duration, n. Ru'ndil. Duress, n. Fra'mboo rinzoo'tu. Dirt, n. Fu'nza. Dirty, adj. Fu'nsa. Dusk, adj. Pepli'mpur, rather dark. Dust, n. Pu'nza. 2, Kra'ndis, powder. Duty, n. Konta'ri, due thing. Dutifulness, n. Pc'mbi. Dwarf, n. Plantu'rpro, a little person. Dwarf elder, n. Te'mvino. Dwell, v. Ra'nsipai. Dynasty, n. Pono'ndi'oo, series of governors of one kind. 2, Pon- a'ndroo, ditto of one nation. '.', Pone'ndroo, of one family. Dysentry, n. Vru'mbis. Dysury, n. Twuno'mbis, deficient discharge of urine. E F F Eddy, n. Redi'nza, reflux. Edgewise, adv. Ki'ndi, sideways. Edible, ,a,dj. Gapra'nsufoo, apt to be eaten. Edict, n. To'rabra. Edify, V. Piza'nsifai, metaphorically to build up. Edifice, n. Wa'nzoi, Edit, V. Fe'ntivai bandiko'di, pre- pare for publication. Edition, n. Ba'ndiko, publication. 2, Bano'ndi, all the books published at once. Education, n. Kano'nzoo, the foster- ing and preparing the body, mind, and manners, for the duties of future life. Education by words, n. O'nzi. Education by acts, n. O'nzis. Eel, n. Da'njis. Eel, (Sand-eel,) n. Ki-a'njis. Eel-pout, n. Vra'njis. Effable, adj. Kapa'nsutoo, which can be spoken or uttered. Effect, n. Ro'ndoi. Effect, {to this), adv. Do'nu. Effect, (of no), adv. Draino'tu. Effect, (to), V. Po'ntifi, to become an effect. Effect, (to take), v. Teze'ntibai. Effectual, adj. Gapo'ntou, apt to be efficient. 2, Po'ntou, efficient. Effeminate, adj. Bifro'mpus, femi- nine, female-Uke. 2, Dro'mpa, de- licate, nice. 3, Vre'mpou, too nicely clean, finical. E L E Efficacy^ n. Pondol'rit. Efficient, (maker), Po'ndoi. Effigies^ n. Ge'nzaiz, pictures. Effluvium^ 11. Funsutbo'ri, exhaled thing. Efoi-t, n. Ke'ndo, endeavour. 2, Dwake'ndt], impetuous eiFort. Effusion, n. Misgi'nzifo, out pom-ing. 2, Nisgi'nzifo, pouring from. Eftsoon, adv. Gri'ndur. Egg, n. Vo'ndi. Egg, (zvithj, Fa'nsupoo fo'ndeti, pregnant with egg. Egg, (to), V. Fo'ntifai, to incite. Eglantine, n. Fimvoo'fis, kind of rose. Egregious^ adj. Tra'ntu extraordi- nary. 2, Befra'ntu, very extra- ordinary. 3, Beti'o'nti, very bad. Egress^ v. Mispre'ntisai, to go out. 2, n. Misdi-a'nzoi, the way out. Eighty n. A'gin. Eighteen, n. Fa'gin. Eighty, n. Ga'sin. Eight hundred^ n. Ge'siu. Eight thousand, n. Au'go. Eighty thousand, n. Gau'so. Eight hundred thousand, n. Goo'sin. Either of two, adj. Twi'fin. Either of three, adj. Twi'tin. Either of four, adj. Twi'kin. Either of five, n. Twi'bin, &c. &c. Ejaculation, n. Pepu'ndra, short prayer. 2, Dwapu'ndra, sudden impetuous prayer. Eject, V. Misfe'nsivai, cast out. Eke, conj. Kwel. Eke out, V. Yinp'antifrost, to make longer by addition. Eke out, V. Yinpra'ntiprost, to en- large. Elaborate, v. Beba'mpinoo, to be done with great diligence. 2, Besl'nsikai, to labor, to do with great labor. Elate, adj. Gre'mpi, Insolent, aiTO- gant. 2, Bepro'iisus, very boast- ful. 3, Bepre'mpa, boastful in words. Elbow, n. Fra'ndi. 2, Fre'ndo, angle. Elder, adj. Unti'nupou, comparative of old. 2, n. Fu'ndroi, priest. 3, Po'nzoo, forefather. Elder tree, n. Fu'mvo. Elder, (Water-elder), n. Fri'nvoi. ElecamjMne, n. Vra'mvo. Election, (todo something) ,r\. Bo'nza. 2. Fo'ndra, election to office. Electricity, n. Twu'nzoo, a very subtle and powerful fluid which is diffused through most bodies: remarkable for the rapidity of its motion. Electricity, (the science of), u. Twun- zoo'bras. Eleemosynary, adj. Be'mpi, given in alms. Elegance, Vo'mbi, beauty. 2,Va'ndi, adornedness. E M E Elegy, adj. Dwikri'ndo kro'nsu. Element, n. U'lizl. 2, PIzu'nzi, prm- clple. 3, I'ndooz, elements of discourse. Elephant, n. Kl'njoo. Elevate, v. Pi'nsipai, to lift. Eleven, n. Pa'pin. Elf, n. U tre'ntuso i'nzoo, a wander- ing spu'it. Eligible, adj, Gabo'nsunoo, apt to be elected. Elixer, n. Pa'ndis, best part, quint- essence. 2, Vena'nzoo, wme containing medicinal substances in solution. 3, Deno'nzoo, spirits containing animal substances in solution. Elhe, n. Ti'njol. Ellipsis, n. Gwe'ndo. Elm, n Ku'mvls. Elocution, u Pla'nzo, speaking man- ner. 2, Twi'mbo, articulation manner. Eloquence, n. Planzl'tous, the most perfect and persuasive kind of discourse. Else, adv. Krus, besides. 2, E.oi, other; roi'u, others. Elsewhere, adv. Kroi'tu, in another place. 2, Krol'su, at another place. Elucidate, v. Ki'ntikal, interpret. 2, Ti'utlvai, to express. Elude, V. Dre'ntlsai, 2, Pre'ntlkai, frustrate. Emaciate, v. Yro'mplkrost, make lean. 2, O'kai brompu, become lean. Emanation, n. MIsdI'nsinal, out-flow. Emancipate, v. Unto'mprlvai, un- slave. Embalm, v. Twe'nsital. Embargo, n. Pa'mbroi, findroo'tuz. 2, Pa'mbroi tontrukoo'turiz. Embarh; v. IMIsI'ntripai, to go into the ship. 2, Pe'ntrisai findi'oo'mu. Embassador, n. Kle'ndis, a person commissioned and sent from one government to another. Embellish, v. Va'ntimost, to adom. Ember-iveek, n. Fundre'gis, ordina- tion time. Embers, n. U'nsupoo tu'nza. Endieszle, v. Da'mbro ch-onzo'tu a'nziz tentu'noo twai'dl do'nzo, stealing, by servant, goods deli- vered for his master. Emblem, n. Bwo'ntus grc'nzis, a significant picture. 2, Two'nsuto gre'nzis, a teaching picture. Embody, v. Iti'nsiprost, cause to be a body. Ihibolden, v. Go'nslkrost, make bold. Emboss, V. Va'ntimost tenda'tlz. Emboioel, v. Uuki-a'ntlsal. Embrace, v. Va'nsikai. Emhrew, v. Di'nslkai, soak. Embroider, v. Bi'niplfal kinze'ti. Emendation, n. Tra'ndoo, 2, Te'n- tifai, repair. END Embryo, n. Da'ndls. Emergent, adj. Pa'nzis tri'mi, rising out of something. 2, Befo'ntou, very urgent. Emerods, n. U'mboz granda'su. Emeic, (the Cassowary), n. Tre'njoi. Eminence, n. Kra'ndoo, excellence. Emissary, n. Kentusoo'ro. 2, Be'm- bro,_spy. Emission, n. MIske'ndis, out sending. Emmet, (ant), n. Bo'nja. Emolument, n. Po'nda. Empale, v. Ka'mprikal. Empannel, v. Dra'ntivrost. Empeach, (impeach), y. Ta'ntrlpai. Emperor, n. Pono'ndroo, highest degree of governor. Emphasis, n. Gi'ndoo. Emjn're, n. Ponondroo'kis. 2. Pon- oudroo'rit, that which constitutes an Emperor. Empiric, n. Deto'ndi'oi. Employ, V. E'ntlval, transact busi- ness. 2, Ve'ntivai, to use. Ehnpoverish, v. Fra'mpifrost. Empress, n. Pono'ndrlpun. Empty, V. Dri'nsifai. Emery, n. Dru'njoo. Empyema, n. Tru'mbi. Emulation, n. To'nzls. Emulgenf, adj. Kra'nsipai. Emulsion, n. Bltra'nti two'ndi'oi. Emunctory, n. Dra'ndol. Enable, v. O'mplkrost, to make able. Enact, V. To'ntrlmost, to law make. Encnncl, v. Gl'nsinai finsal'ti i'mboiz, paint with melted colors. Enamoured, adj. Beto'nsikrost. 2, Beto'nsikai. Encamp, v. Pe'ntrisai. Enchant, v. Pa'ntrivai indoi'tiz. Encircle, v. Gllspe'ntltal. Enclose, v. Ki'nsifal, shut. 2, Ke'n- tifal. Enclosure, n. Kinzoi. 2, Ke'ndoi. 3, E'mbrls, seplment. 4, E'ndris, fortification. Encomium, n. Go'nzi. 2, Go'nsuko fi'ndl. Encompass, v. Glispe'ntipai, put about. 2, Gllse'ntisal, go about. Encounter, v. Dro'ndus te'ntripai. 2, De'ntisal. Encourage, v. Fo'nslsai, Encroach, v. Tata'ntrmal. 2, Pe- ta'ntrinai. Encumber, v. Bro'ntifai raiizmo'tl. 2, Tre'ntikai fra'ntuti pa'ndo. End, n. Tri'ndo. End, (final cause), n. Vo'ndoi. Endless, adj. Ti'ntur. 2, Vo'nti. Endamage, v. Fe'ntlvi'ast, cause to lose. 2, Pro'ntinai. Endanger, v. Tro'ntlkrest, cause to be endangered. Endeavour, n. Ke'ndo. Endoxcment, n. Vro'ndoo, quality. 2,0'mbi, natural power. 3, A'mhi. 4, Ea'nzl. E N T Endive^ n. Va'uvoi. Endue, v. Vro'utiprcst, to cause to be qualified with. 2, Ke'ntinai, as, Ke'ntinai fa'mbis, to endue with, or give wisdom. Endure, v. Dro'ntipai. 2, Ge'mpivi. 3, Pro'nsinai, not to eudiure. 4, Ku'ntisai, to last. Enemy, n. Pro'uza. Enerqy, n. Po'utou o'mbi. 2, Po'ntou do'ndoo. Enervate, v. Dro'mpikrost. Enfeeble, v. Dro'mpikrost. Enfeoff, V. O'ntriuai. 2, Po'mprikai. Enflame, v. Pu'nsiprast. 2,Vepri'm- pikrost. Enforce, v. Tro'nsinai. Enfranchise, v. Do'mprinai. Engage, v. O'ntrisai. 2, Vo'ntrisai. 3, Do'ntrisai. 4, Do'mprisai. 5, Dre'utimost. 6, E'ntivrest. Engender, v. Pa'nsipai. Engine, n. Ga'nzis. Engraft, v. Di'nsitai. Engrave, v. Vri'nsinai. Engross, v. Teda'usitai. 2, To'mpri- kai rou'u tontrukoo'turiz, to buy all. 3, Fe'ntipai, appropriate. Enhance, v. Gra'ntiprost, to inten- sify. 2, Dr'antipai, increase. Enigmatical, adj. Tri'nti. 2, Gabon- e'sufoo, imknowable; not apt to be known. Enjoying, adj.De'ntuko. 2,Be'ntupu. Enjoin, v. Po'nsikai. Enlarge, v. Yinpra'ntiprost, to make larger. 2, Fri'ntinai. 3, Pra'ntiprost. 4, Dra'ntipai. Enlighten, v. I'mpivrost. Enmity, n. Pronza'rit. Ennoble, v. To'ntriprost. Enormity, n. Twapa'ndra. 2, Re'm- boorit. 3, Beza'mbro. Enough, adj. Ta'ntur. Enough and to spare, adj. Fra'ntur. Enquiring, n. Fo'nzifo, Enrage, v. To'nsikrost Eirich, V. Fa'mpifrost. Enroll V. Drautivai, to catalogue. 2, Ba'ntripai, to register. Ensign, n. Bo'ndis. 2, Fe'ndi'o, mili- tary colours. Ensnare, v. Fri'nsifiii frambi'sti. 2, Ke'ntipai frambi'sti. 3, Fri'nsifai tendi-oo'ti. 4, Ke'ntipai trendoo'ti. Ensue, v. Ve'ntisai. 2, E'ntikai, eventuate, come to an end. Entail, v. Fo'mpikrost do'ndi, to cause to inherit serially, i. e. in a certain series or order. Entangle, v. Fri'nsifai. Enter, v. Muse'ntisai. 2, Jluspe'nti- pai. 3, Musda'nsitai, as in a book. 4, Te'ntivai, to begin. Enter upon, v. Tabe'ntipai. Enierprize, n. Kre'ndo, essaying. Entertain, v. Tre'ntinai, receive. 2, Vo'nsitai, to act as host. 3, Fra'n- sikai. E Q U Enthrall, v. To'mpri\Tost. Enthrone, v. Tusfona'ntripai. Enthusiasm,!!. Plonzis. 2,Bepo'nzis, intense zeal. 3, Vlo'nzis, feigned inspiration. Enthymeme, n. Dri'nda. Entice, v. Bo'nsikai, allure. Entire, adj. A'ntus. 2, Po'mpu. 3, Va'mpa, perfectly honest. Entity, n. Plondoo'rit. Entity, (an), n. Fwo'ndoo, thing. Entitle, v. To'ntrimest, cause to be righted. 2, Ko'ntipai, to name. Entomb, v. Tu'ntrinai. Entrails, n- Kra'ndaiz, guts. Entrance, n. Muse'ndis. Entrap, v. Gra'nsisai. Entreat, v. To'nsikai. 2, Fra'nsikai, to entertain. Entrench, v. Drentikrost, make ditch. 2, Ta'ntrinai, usurp. Entry, n, Musendai'kis, entrance place. 2, Tra'nzo, entrance into house, &c. Entrust, v. Po'mprikai. Envelop, v. Tebi'nsikai. Envenom, v. Ba'mprikest, cause to be poisoned. Envy, n. Vro'nzis. Environ, v. Glispo'ntipi. 2, Glis- plo'ntipi. 3, Glispe'ntipai. Enumerate, v. Ru'ntipai, to number. Enunciate, v. Pi'ntikai, to express in a proposition. Enure, v. Po'mprinai, to accustom. Emvraj), v. Tusbi'nsikai. Epact, n. Yo'ndo fri'nsukur, ginsu'r- kwi pu'ndis, the difference betwixt the solar and lunar year. Ephemeris, n. U bu'ntus e'nti dre'n- zis, a daily busmess book. Ephialte^, n. Fru'mba. Epicene, adj. Kwifi'ntu po'mbaiz, of both sexes. 2, Vra'nta, kwifi'nnu po'mbaiz, common to both sexes. Epicure, n. U prempou'ro. Epicycle, Feno'ndo, a small circle whose centre is in the circumfer- ence of a larger. Epidemic, adj. Po'ntri, national- 2, U bevra'nta umbi. 3, Bevra'nta, very common. Epigram, n. U pra'ntou pomprou'ri, a short poem. Epilepsy, n. Bru'mba. Epilogue, n. Dri'ndi. Epiphany, n. Pino'nzoi. Episcopal, adj. Vu'mprou. Epistle, n. Fri'ndi. Epitaph, n. Dwansutoo'ri tumpra'- jukis. EpitliaJamimn, n. Vwu'ntra bansu- too'ri. Epithet, n. Tri'ndoi krindoi'twi. Epitomy, n. Ui'ndi. Epoch, n. Bri'ndoo. Equal, adj. Ba'ntur. Equality, n. Ba'ndoo. 2, Fe'mboo, equity. ESS Equals, (among relations) , n. O'nzaz. Equal terms, (coming off on), n. Pe'ndroi. Equanimity, n. Ta'mboo, content- ment. 2, Vrunonzis, mental serenity. Equanimous, adj. Vnino'nsus. Equator, u. Fi'nzis. Equilateral, adj. Bantu'rtu ki'ndnz. Equinoctial time, n. Ba'ntur vu'ndai vrundai'kwi. Equinoctial circle, n. Fri'nzis. EquipioUence, n. Vro'ndoo pinde'tuz ri'ntufo toi, the quality of propo- sitions which are synonymous. Equipjollent, adj. Bantu'i-tu o'mbi. 2, synonymous, applied to propo- sitions. Equipage, n. Rena'nzi, attendance, retinue, carriages, &c. Equitable, adj. Fe'mpur. Equity, n. Fe'mboo. Equivalent, n. Va'ntur. Equivocation, n. Pri'uda. Equor, n. Pi'nza, (smooth sea). Eradicate, v. Umpo'ntipai. Ere, prep. Coo or cu. Ere long, adv. Peprindur, a little future. Ere lohile, adv. PepU'ndur, a little past. Erect, adj. Gre'ntou, perpendicular. 2, A'nsifai, build. Eringo, n. Pra'mvinoi. Eringo, (Umbelliferous), u. Fra'nva. Ermine, n. Di'nja, stoat. 2, To'ndis dinja'tu, fiu- of stoat. Erring, n. Ge'ndo. Errant, adj. Ko'nti. 2, Tre'ntuso. Errand, n. Keutu'soori. 2, Kentu- soo'ri po'mprukoo. Erroneous, adj. Ge'nti. 2, Pro'nti. Eriqjtion, n. Misve'nzis. 2, Bro'ntu misve'ndis. Erysipelas, n. Gm'mbo: Escajie, v. Ve'ntrifai. prone'sutoo, pass imobsei'ved. Escheat, n. Da'mbris, confiscation. Escheio, v. Dre'ntisai, to avoid. 2, Bro'nsinai, to feel antipathy. Especial, adj. Ka'nta, principal. Espy, V. Be'mpritai, to spy out. 2, Po'mpitai, to see. Espouse, V. To'nsifai. 2, Ko'nsifai. 3, Vu'ntrinai. Esquire, n. Tona'mbro, Gentleman of the second degree; thus, Pon- ombro. Baronet: 2, Pona'mbro, Esquire : 3, Pone'mbro, Gentle- man. Essay, v, Kre'ntivai. Essence, n. Dro'udoi, that quality or aggregate of qualities which constitute a thing what it's name signifies. 2, Pa'ndis, best part. Essoign, n. Vi'nda tamprufo'di rea- son for pardoning. 2, Yo'ndoi- dis fame'broi, reason for nou aji- pearance. 2, E'ntisai E V I Es.ientiaJ, adj. Dro'ntou. 2, Bo'uta, important. Establish, v. VI'mpigrost, to cause to l)e steady. 2, Do'mpikrost, &c. (see confirm). Estate, V. Ko'ndis, state. 2, Kro'n- doi, coudition. 3, U'ndinoo, age; 4, O'ndroo, degree. 5, Ba'mboi, dignity. 6, Ranze'dwiz, aggregate of revenues. 7, To'ndra. 8, A'nzi, possession. ■Esteem, >v. Po'nsifai, to think. 2, Pa'ntripai. 3, Go'nslfai. 4, Ke'm- pikai, respect. Estimation, n. Go'nzoi, esteem. Estival, adj. Pri'ntai, adj. summer. Estrange, v. Fre'ntipai, to alienate. 2, Ko'nsimost, to cause to be a stranger to some one. Estridge, n. Te'njoi, ostrich. Estuate, v. Fe'nsitai, to boil. 2, Be- ze'nsikai, move violently. Etching, n. Tino'nzis, a kind of en- graving by corrosion instead of cutting. Eternal, adj. Ti'ntur. Eternity, n. Ti'ndoo, evemess. Ether, n. Pu'nzoi. Ethics, n. To'nsutoo'riz embe'tu, the doctrines of moraUty. EtkLi, }_^^y- ^'^P^' '^°"^^- Ethnic, adj. Fu'ntrur, pagan, hea- thenish. Etymology, n. Pra'nda indoi'tuz, de- rivation of words. 2, Pra'nda'bas, derivation art. Eucharist, n. Vu'mbris. Evacuate, v. Dri'nslfai, to empty. 2, E'n'sinai, to purge. Evade, v. Dre'ntisai, to avoid. 2, Ve'ntrifai, to escape. Evangelist, n. Tu'ndroi. Evaporate, v. Misfru'nsifai. Evasion, n. Dre'ndis. Eve, n. Drimo'ndai, evenmg before a festival. Evechurr, n. Fro'njoi. Even, adj. Ba'ntur. 1, Oitu vo'ndoo. 2, Oitu ru'ndoo. 3, Oi'tu do'mbi. Evenness, n. Ba'ndo. Even as, adv. Boo'lkyu. Even now, adv. Go'subool. Evening, n. Dru'ndi. Event, u. E'ndi. 2, Ro'ndoi, effect. 3, E'ndroi, event of war. Ever, adv. Gi'ndur, at all times. Ever since, adv. Gro'nibool. Everlasting, adj. Vro'ntur u'ndis. Ever and anon, adv. Dl'ndur. Ever, for ever), conj. Coo'kwin, be- fore that. Every, demonstrative. Ou. Every where, adv. Kou'tu. Every whit, adv. A'ndus. Evet, n. Bi'njis. Evidence, n. Damprupo'ri. 2, Bon- trusoo'ri. Evil, n. Fro'ndo. E X C Evil, (King's), n. Tu'mbo. Evict, V. Umbe'ntipai, to unpossess. Una'nsilai, to dispossess. Evident, adj. Te'ntur, manifest. 2, Ti'nti. 3, Vo'nsou. 4, Vi'ntus. Evince, v. Vi'ntisai. 2, To'ndi vi'n- tisai. Eunuch, n. Umbi'nzikur. 2, Un- grantusoo'ro. Euphony, n. Tezi'mbo. Eioe, n. Pi'njifun. Ewer, n. Vwe'nzi gmzifo'di u'nzo tande'juz. Exact, adj. Pe'mpur. 2, To'nti. Exact, V. Fre'ntinai pre'mbur. 2, Fre'ntiuai bre'mbur. 3, Ba'ntrisai, to oppress. Exaggerate, v. Pra'ntiprost, make great. 2, Gra'ntiprost, to make intense. 3, Beto'nsikai. 4, Yin- to'nsikai. Exalt, V. Pi'nsipal, lift. 2, Bego'nsl- kai, praise. 3, Ba'mpifrost, dignify. Examine, v. Fo'nsifai, enquire. 2, Pi'ntisai, question. 3, Bre'ntifai, try. 4, Ka'mprifai, judicially try. Example, n. To'udoi. 2, Gri'nda, Instance. Example (as for example), conj. Del. Exanguious animal, n. O'uji. Exanimate, v. Fro'nsisai, discourage. Exasperate, v. Gra'ntiprost, iutensify . 2, Ylnto'nsikrost, make more angry. Exanthorize, v. Umvo'ntrinai. Exceed, v. Kra'ntlpi, be excellent. 2, Fra'ntlpi, to be abimdant. 3, Dra'ntipai, to increase. 4, Gra'n- tiprost, intensity. 5. Tra'ntipi, to be excessive. Excel, V. Kra'ntlpi. 2, Bra'ntipi, to be superior. 3, Pe'mprifai, to vanquish. Excellent, adj. Kra'ntur. Except, prep. & conj. Kroo, kru. 2, Tel, or til, unless. Exception, n. Bri'nda. Exception, (to take), v. Dro'nslni, to be displeased. Excess, n. Tra'ndoo. 2, Re'mboi, sensuality. 3, Fle'mboi, gluttony. 4, Tre'mboi, diamkenness. Exchange, n. O'mbri. 2, Bondroi'zis ondi-o'kis, merchants' convention place. Exchequer, n. Y Eksce'kur. Excise, n. To'ndri, tribute. Excite, V. Fo'ntifai. Exclaim, v. Tra'nsitai. Exclude, V. Tistinsifai. 2, Ke'ntifai, exempt. 3, Bri'ntinai, except from the rule. Exclusive, adj. K'entufo ti'ldoz i. e. excluding the extremes. Excogitate, v. Fro'nsitai, invent. Excommimicate, v. Bu'ntrikai. Excoriate, v. Unta'ntlfai, to unskin. Excrement, n. Misensimoo"ri. 2, Trensunoo'ri, dunged thing. EXP Excreation, n. Bre'nza, hawking. Excressence, n. Teno'nda, growing out of something else preterm naturally. 2, Ro'ndo, fruit-like part of plants. Excruciate, v. Pa'ntrisal, tortm-e. Excursion, n. Tre'ndis, ramble. 2, Grindi, digression. 3, Te'ndis u'nu tri'ntou i'ndoi, jouniey to a distant place. Excuse, n. Ka'mprupro, defendant thing. Execrable, adj. Gatro'nsupoo, apt to be cursed. 2, Gatro'usukoo, apt to be hated. 3, Tyoo ki'u re'm- pivoi. Execrate, v. Tro'nsikai, curse. 2, Tre'ntipal tronzoo'puz. 3, Bro'nsl- nai tronzoo'puz. Execution, n. Ve'ndo, performance. 2, Ta'udroi. 3, A'ndri, capital pmiishment. 4, A'ndris, pimisli- ment, not capital. Executioner, n. Tandroi'fas. Executor, n. Pomprukoo'ro fontru- ko'pl dansutoo'ri. Exemplar, n. To'udoi. Exemplify, v. Ke'ntmal u tro'ndoi, give a copy. 2, Ke'utinai u gri'n- da, give an instance. Exempt,v . Kre'ntifai. 2, To'mprinai, to relieve from burdens. Exercise, n. Pado'ndoo, habitual action. 2, O'mbrol, practice. 3, PI'udipo, doing. 4, Po'mbra pi'n- tipai. 5, Ka'mbis, experience. 6, Ve'ndi, use. 7, E'uzi, motion. 8, E'nzil, recreation. Exercitation, n. (see exercise). Exhalation, n. Fu'nzoi. 2, Fru'nzol, vapor. 3, Tu'nzoi, fume. Exhaust, v. Dri'nslfai, to empty. Exhibit, V. Ge'ntifai, to represent. 2, Fe'ntinai, to offer. 3, Ke'ntinai. Exhibition, n. Ge'ndoo, shewing. 2, Kronsusoo'ri, stipend, allowance. Exhilarate, Ko'uslkrost, cause to be joyful. 2, Ta'mplmost, make cheerful. Exhort, V. Fo'nsikai, persuade. Exhortation, n. Fo'nzi, persuasion. Exsiccate, v. Fle'mplmost, to dry. Exigence, n. Kro'ndoi, occasion. 2, Vo'ndi, expedience. 3, Go'ndi, necessity. Exile, v. Ba'ntrisai. Eximius, adj. Kra'ntur, excellent. Existence, n. Plo'ndoo, Exonerate, v. Unra'nslnai, to unload. Exorable, adj. Kato'nsukoo, able to be entreated. Exorbitance, n. Kra'mbi. Exorcist, n. Unfrinsupo'fas, the im- deviling officer. Exotic, adj. Tro'nsa, foreign. Expansion, u. Fa'nzis, stretching. 2, Fra'nzis, spreading. 3, Kri'nzoi. opening. Expect, v. Dro'nsltai. EXP Expatiafe,v.ZistTe'iit[sa.{. 2, Zispcn- sifai. 3, Fri'ntinai, to amplify. Expedient, adj. Vo'ntu. Expedition, n. Be'udo. 2, Te'ndis, travel. 3, Entrut te'udis, military expedition. Exjjel, V. Slisbre'ntlsai, to di-ive out. Expense, n. Trentukoo'ri, spcut thing. Expend, v. Tre'ntikai. 2, Be'ntinai, disbm'se. Experience, n. Ka'mbis. 2, Kre'ndo, essay. Experiment, n. Twanka'mpisai, the endeavour to experience. 2, Krentuvoo'ri, the thing essayed. Expert, adj. Kra'mpnsoo. Expiate, v. Umplo'nsinai, atone for sin. 2, Uinva'mprifrost, to cause to be miguilty. 3, specially by sacrifice. Expire, v. Dra'nsipai, to die. 2, Tri'ntitai, to end. 2, De'ntivai, finish. Explain, v. Ti'ntivost, make plain. Explicate, v. Gi'ntivai, express. Explode, V. Bezi'mbi gi'ntivai tro'nzo. 2, Bezi'mbi bro'nsiuai. Exploit, n. Bedo'ndoo, great action. 2, Ventuvoo'ri. Explore, v. Fo'nsifai, to enquire. 2, Twasfro'usifai, to endeavour to discover. Exjwse, v. Tispe'utipai, out put. 2, Unti'nsifai, xmcover. 3, Tro'nti- krest, to cause to be endangered. Exposition, n. Ti'nditrost, explain- ing. 2, Ki'ndi, interpretation. Expostulate, v. Vi'ntinai ta'ndrur, to argue accusingly. 2, Ta'ntripai, to accuse. Express, v. Gi'ntivai. Expression, n. Panzo'vis, mode of speaking. Exprobrate, v. Ga'mprinai, upbraid. F A C Fable, n. Tro'ntur ti'ndi, fictitious narrative. 2, Pe'lba, a lie. Fabric, n. A'nzoi, building. Fabrile operation, I'nza. Fabulous, adj. Tro'ntur, fictitious. Face, n. Pa'ndo. Faces, (make) v. Vre'ntifai pa'ndo' vis, change-face manner. Face, (to) v. Kispra'nsitai, to stand over against. 2, Te'nsinai, to tlicc a garment. Face-about, Fre'ntisai, to turn. Facetiousness, n. Te'mba, vn-banity. Facile, adj. Ko'nti, easy. 2, Fra'mpi, credulous. 3, Ta'mbis, aff'ablllty. Facinorous, adj. A'ntri, criminal. 2, Beza'nti, greatly criminal. EXT Expulsion, u. Misbre'ndis, drive out. Expunge, v. Undi'a'nsltai, uuwritc. Exquisite, adj. Blo'mpi, of delicate sensibility. 2, To'"ti) perfect. Extant, adj. Po'utur, being. 2, Plo'ntur, which exists. 3, Bo'nti, actual. 4, Diiispra'nsuvo, stand- ing above. 3, Tispransuvo, standing out. Extacy, u. Gro'nzis. Extempore, ") Cusfrone'sufoo, not Extemporary, ^- y^^fo, -meditated. tixtemporal, ) Extend, v. Fa'nsivai, to stretch. Extension, n. Re'udi, extent. Extemiate, v. Bro'mpikrost, to make lean or thin. 2, Gla'ntlprost, to mitigate. 3, Pla'ntlprost, to make little. 3, Wynpla'ntlprost, to make less. 5. Ra'ndus ka'mprlvai, or ka'mprlvai, to excuse in part. Exterior, adj. Vri'nti, outside. Exterminate, v. Kro'nsipai, to de- stroy. 2, Ba'ntrisai, to banish, drive out of the boimdary. External, adj. (see exterior). Extinguish, v. Unu'nsipai, to unfirc. 2, Pro'nsipai, to anuihllate. Extirpate, v. Umpo'ntipai, to un- root. 2, Mispo'utlpai, to out root. 3, Ti-uspo'ntlpal, uproot. Extol, V. Bego'nsikai, greatly to praise. 2, Bedo'usikai, greatly to commend. Extort, V. Pe'ntikal bronde'tine, to obtain from by violence. 2, Ba'm- pruiai, a crime. Extract, v. MIsto'nsinai, to force out. 2, Mispe'ntigrast, to cause to come out. 3, Nisfe'ntlgrast, to cause to proceed from; specially by chemical operation. Extraneous, adj. Drone'tou, not part of the essence; not essential. 2, Tro'nsa, foreign. • F. FAD Facilitate, v. Ko'ntivrost, make easy. Fact, n. U po'ndo, a truth. 2, U po'nti fi'ndis, a true assertion. 3, U po'ndi fintusoo'ri, a truly asser- ted thing. Factitious, adj. Dro'nti, artificial. Factious, adj. Gago'mpri, apt to be factious. 2, Gata'mpri, apt to be seditious. Factor, n. Visbo'ndroi, agent to a merchant. Factor, n. Ga'ndis gra'ndlstwi, the multiplier or multiplicand. Faction, n. Go'mbro. Fade, v. O'kai vrl'ntur, to become transitory. 2, Vrl'ntipi, to be tran- sitory. 3, Kro'mpikal, to decay. EYE Extract, (an), n. Tooro'ndoi. 2, U vri'ndi, an epitome. Extraction, adj. Pronsu'rfis, descen- dent kind. Extra-judicial, adj. Ane'tni, not judicial. Extraordinary, adj. Tra'ntu. Extravagant, adj. Kra'ntu. 2, Bra'n- ta, irrelevant. 3, Gri'ntu, digres- sive. Extreme, adj. Ti'lti, either end. 2, Fra'ntur, extreme abundance. 3, Tra'ntiu', excessive. 4, Pra'n- tupous, most great. 5. Ple'mpin-, rigorous. Extremity, n. Tri'ndo, end. 2, Pra'm- boo, misery. 3, Betre'ndi, gi'eat trouble. Extricate, v. Dnfri'nsifai, imtangle. Extrinsic, adj. Vri'nti, outer. Extrude, n. iliskri'nslpal, to thrust out. Extrusion, n. Mislai'nzoo, out thi-ust- ing. Exuberant, adj. Frantur, abundant. Exudation, n. Mlste'nsinai, to out- sweat. Exulcerate, v. Du'mpivraust, to be caused to be ulcerous. Exidtation, n. Ge'ndrifo, triumphing. Eye, n. Fa'ndo. Eye, (blear-eyed) adj. Be'ntupo wu'mpurkoo fa'ndo. Eye, (goggle-eyed) adj. Be'ntupo u te'nta fa'ndo. Eye, (phik-eyed) adj. Be'ntupo fri'ntou fa'ndo. Eyebrow, n. Vra'ndg. Eyelid, n. Vrano'ndo. Eye-service, u. Twatre'ntipai dro'n- sital, endeavouring to seem to serve. Eye-briglit, n. Dre'mvinoi. Eye, n. Fi-e'ndl, loop. F A I Faculty, u. O'mbi. 2, Go'mbra, license. Fagot, n. Konondoo'dwiz, aggregate or bimdle of sticks. Fail, V. Pre'ntikoo, to be frustrated, 2, Dre'ntivai, to miscarry. 3, Gre'ntivai, omit. 4, Twa'ntipi, to be deficient. 5, Bu'mplkai, to faint. 6, Gre'ntmai, to become insolvent. Faint-hearted, adj. Dwe'mpur, cow- ardly. 2, Dro'nslki, to be diffident. Fair, adj. Vo'mpu, beautiful. 2. Da'ntu, clean. 3, Pu'nsus, clear as to the weather. Fair dealing, adj. Fa'mpur. 2, Ta'm- pur, candid. 11. Pu'iizis, clearness. F A M Fdin, ailv. Ko'nzu, gladly. Fiimt, V. Bu'mpikai. 2, Gre'utikai, to weary. ;>, Dro'mpiki, to be weak. 4, Gla'iitipi, to be in a state of remission or relaxation. 5, Kra'mpiti, to be slight. Fair demeanour, n. De'inba, courtesy. 2, Te'mbis, aftability. Fair ireathe.r, 2, Tune'si, not rainy. 3, Fune'si, not cloudy. Fair, n. O'ndro enda'di, convention for commerce. Fairing, n. Two'mprukoo"ri ondro'su enda'di. Fair I/, n. U tro'ntur klo'ndo.o, a fic- titious individual. Fait//, n. Fa'mbo, natural belief. 2, Ka'mbi, religious faith, an infused habit. Faithful, adj. Fe'mpa. 2, Ka'mpu, believing as a Christian. Faithless, adj. Fe'lpa, mifaithful. 2, Fle'mpa, treacherous. 3,Kame'pu, faithless. Falchion, n. U pra'ntoupre'ntife'm- bri. Falcon, n. Fenjoo'fis, a bird of the hawk kind. Falcotier, n. Feujoo'fas. Falling doicn, n. Trisda'nzis. 2, Da'nzis, falling. 3, Ya'nzis, falling on knees. A, Vra'nzis, the being on the knees. 5, Dra'nzis, prostra- tion, the being at length. Falling star, n. Fru'nzoo. Fallacy, n. Umpro'nsutoo ge'ndo, an unobserved error. 2,Cie'nti vi'iida, erroneous argument. 3, U pro'n- 8US vi'nda, a seductive or mislead- ing argument. Fallible, adj. Kage'ntuko. Falloic, adj. Prine'sutoo, unploughed. Fallow deer, n. Ki'njoi. False, adj. Pro'uti. 2, U pro'ntiri, a falsehood, a lie. 3, Fro'nti, bad, ill, wrong. 4, Kro'nti, spurious. .5, Ka'mprunoo, forged. G, Fel'pa, treacherous. Falsehood, n. Pro'iido. Falsify, V. Pro'ntivrost. Falter, v. Fa'nsitai, stammer. 2, Bre'nsifai, to stumble. 3, Ge'n- tlvai, to err. 4, Vro'nsuial fe'lbun, to desist treacherously. 5, Gre'n- tivai fe'lbun, to omit treacher- ously. 6, Bro'nsipai fe'lbun, to forsake treacherously. Fame, n. Ka'mboi, reputation. 2, Vra'nta ti'ndi, common narrative. 3, Vra'nta tri'ndi, common ru- mour. 4, Vra'nta bego'nzi, uni- versal great praise. .5, Vra'nta ka'mboi, common reputation. Family, n. O'nzi, blood relations. '2, (J'nzooz, relations by affinity. 3, Onze'dwis, household. Famish, v. Ba'ntrikai, to starve to death. FAS Famom, adj. Ka'mpufoo, reputed. Familiar, adj. Ko'usa. 2, Po'mpra, customary. 3, Ko'nsa fri'nzoo, familiar spirit, fiimiliar devil. Famine, n. Fe'iisur twa'ndoo, bread deficiency. 2, Bre'ndoo enzoo'tu. 3, Pa'nzoi, hunger. Fan,n. Kunzoi'twus, wind jugament. 2, U brinsuto'twus, a winnowing jugament. Fanaticism, n. BeprI'mpulcoo, fo'm- boi. 2, Dekla'mbo undre'tu. Fancy, n. Fo'mboi. 2, Fo'mpulcoo ge'ndoiz, representations of the fancy. Fancy, n. Fo'mboi. 2, Vro'nzoi, opinion. 3, Defo'mboi, irrational fancy. 4, Po'nzoiz, thoughts. .5, Ba'mbi. 6, Dera'mbi, bad taste. 7, Tc'nzi, love. Fane, n. Bontuso'tus kunzo'tu. 2, Ka'nzol, temple. Fang, n. Pwa'ntou Kra'nzo, long (see 2, E'ndi. 3, Ka'm- tooth. Fantasy, (see fancy). Fantasm, n. Fo'mpufoo'ri phantasm) Fantastic, adj. Defo'mpou. 2, Dre'm- buso fo'mpou. 3, Ve'nduso fo'm- pou. 4, Tra'mpi, conceited. Far, adj. Fri'ntou. 2, Tri'ntou, remote. Far, adj. Trintufa'kyu, as far as. 2, Trintufa'skyu, so far that. Farce, n. U tre'mpa toiitrou'ri Farcy, n. AVu'mboi pinjoo'tuz. Fard, V. Gi'nsinai, to paint. Fardle, n. Pino'uzoi, a bundle. Fare, n. E'nzoo bis, experience, Farewell, v. Gra'nsikoz, or gransi- ko'za, may you prosper ! Fare, n. Do'ndri anza'tu. 2, A'nsu- noo'roz, the persons carried. Farm, n. Pa'nzoo. Farm, v. Bo'mprikai, to take to fai-m. 2, Bo'ntrikai, to let a fami. Farm, n. Ba'njino. Farrier, n. To'ndroi pi'ujoodiz. Farrow,Y. Ta'nsipai, specially swine. Farce, v. Drino'usifai, v. fill by in- thrusting. Fart, V. Tre'nsinai. Farther, adv. Tri'ndufou. Farthermost, adj. Tri'ntufous. Farthing, n. Pu'ndi. Fascinate, v. Pipa'ntrivai, metapho- rically bewitch. 2, Pa'ntrifai, be- witch. Fashion, n. Re'ndo. 2, O'udis, man- ner. S, Vra'nta po'mbra enza'tuz. Fast, adj. Vri'mpus, fixed. 2, Bi'm- pus, firm. Fast and loose, adj. Dwa'mpa. Fast asleep, adj. Tctra'iisou. Fast, (hold) V. Teve'ntipai. Fast, (tie) V. Tefi'nsifai. Fast, V. Fc'mpifai enzoo'ui. 2,Bu'm- priiiai. FEE Fast, adj. To'mpu, swift. Fastness, n. E'ndris, fortification. Fasten, v. Bi'mpigrost. 2, Vri'mpi- grost. Fastidious, adj. Gapro'nsukai. 2, Gagro'nsifai. 3, Gafro'nsivai. Fat, (of animal) n. Da'udoi. 2, 2, Bo'mbi, general fatness. 3, Fi'mba, (of taste or smell). Fate, n. Fro'nzoo. Fatal, adj. Fro'nsur; (of fate). 2, n. Dra'nziprost, causing death. 3, Kro'nziprost, causing destruction. Fatherly, adj. Fo'nsupur. Fatherless, adj. Umfo'nsupoo. Father-in-law, n. Fo'nzipur onzoi'tu. Father, (fore) n. Po'nzoo or po'nzipur. Father, (foster) n. Fo'nzn. Father, (god) n. Po'nzo. Father, (God, the father,) n. U'ndoo. Fathom, n. A'vin tu'ndoiz. Fatigue, n. Grende'rit. Faucet, n. Drc'uzi. Faulchion, n. Fa'ntou pra'ntou fe'mbri. Fault, n. Detwa'ndoo, corrupt defect. 3, A'mbro, crime capital. 4, A'n- dr.a, crime not capital. Fault, (find fault) v. Tra'mpivai. 2, Do'nsisai, to reprehend. 3, Bri'n- tifai a'ndra. Faulter, v. Fa'nsitai, stutter. 2, Bre'nsivai, stumble. 3, Ge'ntivai, to err. 4, Gre'ntlfai, to fail. Faulty, adj. Ge'nti. 2, Fro'nti, bad. Fawn, V. Dre'mpinai. Faivn, n. KInjoi'twes. Favor, v. Fo'nsikai. 2, Pa'ndovis, countenance. Favorite, n. Fo'nsukoo'ro. Fealty, n. Fe'mba. 2, Femba'tis, loyalty sign. Fea?; n. Vro'nzi. For fear that, conj. No'kwin, lest that. 2, Nodu'lkwin, in order that not : — as, Nodu'lkwin wai fliu pre'ntisai, in order that he might not go. Fearfdness, n. Gavro'nsuki, apt to be afi-aid. 2, Gavi-o'nsukrost, apt to cause fear. Fern, n. Ko'mvoo. Fern, (Oak-fern) n. Kro'mvoo. Feast, n. Pre'nzoi. Feast, n. Bu'ndra. Feat, n. Ventuvoo'ri, achievement. Feather, n. Po'ndi. 2, Dwinpo'ndi vondiko'di, plume. Feature, n. Rendo'vis, figure man- ner. 2, Rendo'vis pando'tu. February, n. Kuna'ndis. Feasible, adj. Kapi'ntupoo. 2, Ko'n- da, possibiUty. Feculant, adj. Tra'ntus. Fecundity, n. To'mbis. Fee, n. Ea'nziz vumbra'tu, fees of oflSice. 2, Vo'mbri, wages, 3, Kronsusoo'ri, stipend. Feebleness, n. Dro'mbi. F E V Fee-simple, n. Fo'mpruko to'iulrn. 2, Ta'nta to'ndra, absolute right. Feed, v. Ba'nsipai. Fee-farm, n. Fompnikoo'ri po'ntus boutruko'nuri, iiiheritaiice subject to rent; (tlie demising- thing). Feed upon, v. Ba'nsipooti. Fech'nq, n. Bo'mbo, the sensation. Feel for, v. Disde'ntipai bombo'ti. Fellow-feeling, n. Dro'nzis. Feelers, n, Ko'ndaz. Feign, v. Fo'mpifai, fancy. 2, Tre'n- tipai, seem. 3, Kra'mpinai, act hypoeritieall}'. 3, Bebo'nsikai. Fell, adj. Kro'mpa, fierce. Fell, (to) V. Gri'nsitai, to cut down trees. 2, Da'usivrast, specially Ke'nzaiti. Fellmongei; n. Tandol'tas. 2, Tau- doi'das. Fellwort, n. Vom'vinoo. Fellow, adj. Pa'ntu. 2, Ba'ntur. 3, Onsa'ro, an equal in rank, &c. Fellow, n. Klantn'pro. Fellowship, n. Fonza'rit, companion- ship. 2, 0'mbro, society. 3, Tyel- pe'ndoi. 4, Tyelbonza. Felony, n. Ka'ndro. Felon, n. Kautri'ro. Felt, adj. Bo'mpntoo. Female, n. Fro'mbis. Fen, n. Ga'nzoo. Fence, n. Kinsufo'ri. 2, Kentufo'ri. 3, Entrusoo'ri. 4. Pempmvoo'kis. Fence, v. Vre'nsikai. Fenegreeh, n. Tre'nvo. Fennel, n. Pa'mvl. Fennel, (Hogs) n. Fa'mvi. Fennel, (Giant) n. Ta'mvi. Fennel, (Scortching) n. Pra'nvi. Fennel flower, n. Pre'nvi. Fermenting, n. Bri'nzis. Ferret, n. Bi'nja. Ferret, v. Dwasge'ntipai. Ferret out, v. Dwasbre'ntisai me. Ferry, n. Pi'mbroo diuza'di. Ferry (the place), Pimpruvoo'kis di'nza'zu. Fertility, n. To'mbis. Fervent, adj. Gra'ntur. 2. Po'nsus, zealous. Fesse, (in heraldry) n, Gre'nton Ke- no'udi, a band or girdle possessing the third part of the escutcheon. Fester, v. Fro'mpiki-ost. Festival, n. Buntra'gis. Festivity, n. Bu'ndra. Fetch, V. Kre'ntisai. i^efcA breath, v. Tuske'ntipai fensu- too'ri. jPefcA 0M<, V. Mispe'ntigrast. i^efcA ?, V. Ki'nslvai. 2, Kl'nsivai yoo'ti vri'mpu ke'ndi. Flash, V. Gro'ntisai, act suddenly. Flash of fire, n. Dwapu'nsipai. Flash of loater, n. Dwadi'nza. Flashy, adj. Bizu'nsi, waterish. 2, Vle'mpa, flashy discourse. Flask, n. Fe'nzi dembre'di, box for gimdowder. 2, A'nza vembrc'di. Flasket, u. Pwa'ntou fre'nzi unti'n- sufoo. Flat, adj. Pwi'nzo. Flat, adj. Ke'ntu. 2, Tra'ntou. 3, Kra'ntou. 4, Dra'nsus. Flatfoot, n. Tro'ndi. ' i^/ai, adj. Te'mpm-, as, te'mpur klo'm- bis, fiat perjury. Flat, n. Blimbo, (in music). Flattery, n. Dre'mba. 2, Gre'mba. Flatulent, adj. Ku'nsiki. 2, Bru'm- pivrost, to cause to be inflated. Flaunt, V. Beva'utukoo, to be exces- sively adorned. Flaw, n. Vensuvoo'dwes, broken part. 2, Pe vensuvoo'dwes, a small broken part. 3, Tro'nd(2, imper- fection. 4, U ve'nsuvoo vri'ndo, a broken outer part. 5, Fre'nda notch. Flaw of loind, n. Dwakl'nzoi. Flax, n. Fe'nvi. Flay, v. Unta'ntifai. Flea, n. Gro'njoo. Flea-bane, n. Pra'mvo. Flea-ioort, n. Kro'mviiioo. Fleet, (Sea-flea) n. Fro'iijoi. Flay, V. Uiita'ntifai. Fleam, n. Vensa'tus. Fledge, adj. Po'ntukoo. Flee, V. Pife'nsipai, metaphorically to fly. Fleece, n. To'ndis. Fleece, (to) v. Unto'ntisai, unfleece. i^'Z^ef, adj. To'mpu. Flit, v. Nispre'ntisai. Fleet, 11. Dwinfi'iidroo. Fhih, n. Va'ndoi. Fleshly, adj. Va'ntou. 2, Do'uti, 3, Di'nsou. 4, Fre'mpi. 5, Ka'mpu. 6,Tra'mpu. 7,Ple'mpi. 8,Ba'nsou. 2, Be'ntupo FLO Fleshy, adj. Va'ntou. bas vandoi'tu. Flexible, adj. Vi'mpu. 2, Gafa'nsu- koo, apt to be persuaded. Fly, V. Fe'nsipai. 2, Twe'mprifai, to fly; routed. Fly Old, V. Ti-a'ntipai or tra'ntipi. 2, Kre'ntikai, squander. Fly, (let fly) v. Pre'ntinai fe'nsipai. 2, Ve'ntrikai. 3, Suske'nsivai, strike at. Fly, (a) n. Fe'nsupo o'nji. Fly, (Crane-fly) u. Go'nja. Fly, (Bung-fly) n. Kro'uja. Fly, (Flesh-fly) n. Ko'nja. Fly, ( Shepherd' s-fly) n. Go'nja. Fly, (Spanish-fly) n. To'nji, can- tharides. Fly, (catch fly), n. Fre'mvi. Flicker, v. Twasfe'nsipai. Flight, n. Fe'nzoo. Flinch, V. Ba'nsinai, start. 2, Dwe'm- pivai, act cowardly. 3, Fle'mplnai, act treacherously. 4, Fre'ntifai dwe'mber. 5, Fre'ntifai fle'mbun. Fling, v. Pe'nsivai. -PYnig' aioay, v. Nispre'ntisai gro'ndus. Flint, n. Tu'njoo. i^iVi, V. Di'ndm* Zise'nsikai, to move about frequently. Flirt, n. U fo'mpa tunti'nupet, a sprightly young gbl. Flit, V. Nise'nsikai. 2, Nispre'ntisai. Flitter, n. Vre'nsuvoo bra'ndis. Flitter-mouse, n. Dwi'njo, bat. Flix-weed, n. Pe'nva spe'nda. Flock, n. Vra'udo. -F/ocA together, v. O'ntrivai, i^foo^-, f ' ■ " ■ ^ ■ Fluke, j of anchor Floor, n. Kra'nzo. Florid, adj. Vo'mpu. 2, Ko'mpa. 3, Va'ntu, ornamental. Float, V, Te'nsipai. i^Zoa<, n. Pmo'uch-oo, a boat-like thing consisting of timber tied together. Fhod, u. Di'nza. 2, Bezu'nzo, excess of water. 3, Tedi'nslnai doo, per- fectly to flow throughout. 4, Te- di'nslnai zoo, perfectly to flow over. Flood-gate, n. Fa'nza dinza'di. 2, Fra'nzo tiski'nsifal u'nzo. Flounder, n. Bra'njinoo. Floioer, n. Pa'ndis, quintessence. Floicer, n. Po'ndoi. Flower, (bulbous) n. Vo'mva. Flower, (tuberous) n. Tro'mvi. Flower, (to) v. Po'ntifai, to blossom. 2, Dre'nsitai, to powder. Flour, 11. Pi'nsuvoo vo'ndo. Flourish, v. Po'ntifai. 2,Ko'mpikai, to do vigorously. 3, Fra'mpivai, to prosper. 4, I'ntikai va'ndu, discourse adomedly. 4,Pro'nsivai, boast. 6, Fe'ntuvo dre'nzi, prepa- ratory music. Flout, V. Ta'mprinai. n. Ge'nda tindi-g'tu, hook FOG Flow, V. Di'nsinai. 2, Fra'ntipai, to aboimd. Flow, n. Tnis vri'nza, upward tide. Flue, n. Fro'ndis Kiiijii'tu. Fluctuate, v. Pri'nsinai, to act wave- like. 2, Kjo'nsiuai, to act irre- solutely. Fluellin, n. Tre'mvinoi. Fluent, adj. Di'nsimo. 2, Fra'ntur. 3, Gazi'utikai, aptly to discourse. Fluent, n. Dinsuno'ri, the variable quantity in fluxions. Fluidness, \ -ni-i v^- Fluidity, f Fluke, n. Ko'nja. Flung, V. Fe'nsivel, did fling. Flush, adj. Fra'ntur. 2, Ko'mpus, mellow, ripe. 3, Bita'ntinai, to blush-like. Flute, n. Te'ndi di-enze'di, pipe for music. Flutter, V. Twasfe'nsipai, to endea- vom- to fly. Flux, V. Di'nsinai, stream, 2, Fi'nsi- vai, melt. 3, E'nsinai, pm'ge. Fluxions, n. U ra'ndai vondoo'tu- bras. 2, Di'nzino. 3, Fi'nzivo. 4, E'uzino. Foe, n. Pro'nza. Fodder, Pe'nzis, gapra'nsufoo. 2, Pre'uzis gapra'nsufoo. Fog, n. Fu'nzo ba'ntou. Foggy, adj. Fu'nsi. Foil, V. Peple'mprlvai. Foil, (a) 11. Kra'nta vo'mbi. 2, Tono'ndis, contrast. Foin, V. Kri'nsipai. Foist, V. Tusda'nsitai ka'mbrun. 2, Va'ntisai gre'ndur. 3, Va'ntisai ka'ndi-un. 4, Va'ntisai ka'mbrim. Fold, n. Bwi'nzi. 2, Puupi'njoi, sheep fold. Fold, V. Ki'nsifai. Foal, 11. Twe'upinjoo, young of horse. Foal, V. Ta'nsipai. Foliage, n. Brondoi'fis. Folio, n. Pra'ntupous drenzai'fis. 2, Keno'ndi, page of paper, &c. Folks, n. Kondoo'fiz, a number of the person kind. 2, Binze'dwis, aggregate of human beings. Folly, n. Fla'mbis. Follow, V. Ve'ntisai. 2, Te'mprifai, pm-sue. 3, Do'ntrifai, to hunt. 4, Bro'nsitai, to follow as a defend- ant. 5, Pla'nsikai, wait. 6, De'm- pikai, obey. 7, Greiitifai, imitate. Foam, 11. Pnmzo'dwis. Foment, v. Ka'nsipai primbe'ti. 2, Fo'usisai, to encourage. Fondness, n. Dwe'mpisai, indulge. 2, Vre'mba, vanity. 3, Dwe'rabis. Font, n. Vimtruso'dus. Food, n. E'nzoo. Fool, n. Flempai'ro. Foolhardy, adj. Dre'mpur. Fool, (natural) n. Pronipu'ro. Fool, V. Ka'htrinai. FOR FooJ^ (tofol loitli) V. Tro'uipinai. Ford, u. Tentusoo'dwes diii/n'tu. FmI^ n. Va'ndi. Football, n. Ki-ensuko'tus. Footstep, n. Vande'dis. Footstool, n. Prensuvo'ri vande'di. Foot, V. Va'utikai, as, "foot it." Foot, 11. Tu'udoi, twelve inches. Foot, (of a verse) u. Kriudo'dwes. Footing, n. Vando'kis. Foppery, n. Vrc'mba. 2, Fla'mbis, folly. For, pvcp. De or dl, for, because of. 2, Fe or fi, concerning, o, Ye or vi, instead of. For a time, adv. Yrl'ndur, transi- torily. For ever, adv. Tri'ndnr. For, conj. Vroo or vrn. For all that, conj. Nool or mil, although, notwitlistandlng. For fear that, couj. No'kwin, nodu'l- kwin, lest. For as much as, conj. Gool, whereas. For example,-) ^^^^ Del. Jlor instance, i — Forage, n. E'nziz puijoo'diz. 2, Be'mbroi, booty. Forage, v. Pe'ntinai c'uziz. 2, Be'm- prifai, to obtain booty. Forbear, v. Vre'ntivai, abstain. 2, Gre'ntivai. 3, Vro'usinai. 4, Te'n- tikai. 5, Ge'mpivai, to act pati- ently. Forbid, v. Pro'nsikai. " Sint U'ndi pro'nsikai," God forbid. 2, " Nuse's kwiu," let it not be that. Force, n. Tro'nza, co-action. 2, Bro'ndi, violence. 3, Do'mbi, strength. 4, O'mbi, natural force. 5, Bondoi'rit, efficiency. 6,Bo'nda, importance. Fore, i. c. before, prep. Coo or cu. Fore-appoint, v. Custo'nsinai. Fore-arm, v. Cuspe'ntrikai. Fore-cast, v. Cusfa'mpinai. 2, Cus- do'usitai. 3, Fo'usipai, to provide for. Fore-castle, n. Ki'ndroi. Fore-conceived, adj. Cuspo'mpiifoo. 2, Cusfro'nsufoo. Fore-deem, v. Cuspa'ntripai. 2, Te'n- di pa'ntripai. Front door, n. Gi'nti fa'nza. Forefather, n. Po'uzoo. Fore-foot, n. Gl'ututous va'ndi. Fore-front, adj. Gi'ntutous, most fi'ont. 2, Frl'ntur, preceding. Forehead, n. Va'ndij. Forejudge, v. Cuspa'ntripai. 2, Te'n- di cuspa'ntripai. Foreknow, v. Cusbo'nsifai. Foreland, n. Kl'nzo, promontory. Foreman, n. Ya'priu kro'ndoo. 2, Kanta'ro, principal person. Foremast, n. Ki'mbrn. Forenoon, n. Gri'ndcj bundai'tu. Fore-run, v. Cuspre'ntisai. 2, Ciis- pre'iisifai. K FOR Fore-ordain, v. Custo'nsinai. 2, Casto'ntrinai. 3, Custo'mprhiai. 4, Cusu'ntrikai. Fore2)art, n. Gi'ndo. Fore-runner, n. Be'ndi'a. Fore sail, n. Vli'mbr(2, niizzen sail. Foresee, v. Cuspo'mpitai. 2, Cus- bo'nsifai. Foreshew, v. Cusge'ntipai. Foresight, n. Cuspo'mbito. 2, Fo'n- zoo or Pifo'iizoo. Foreskin, n. Ga'ndis. Forespeak, v. Cuspa'nsitai. 2, Pa'n- trimcst indol'tiz, to cause to be witched with words. Forestall, v. Custo'mprLkai. 2, Te'n- di to'mprikai. Foreteeth, n. Gi'nti kra'ndoz. Foretell, v. Pu'mprifai. 2, Pispu'm- prifai. Forethink, v. Cuspo'nsifai. 2, Cus- pro'nsifai. Foretoken, n. Cusbo'ndis. Forelock, n. Gi'nti po'ndis. Forewarn, v. Cuskro'nsikai. i^o;;/ei<,v.Unontrinoi, to be unright- ed; i. e. deprived of one's right to something. 2, Fre'ntikai o'ndra. 3, Fre'ntikai o'ndi'a a'mbrar, i. e. penally. 4, Fre'ntikai da'mbristi or dambrai'ti, confiscation. Forge, v. Bi'nsiuai, fabricate. 2, Ka'mprinai. 3,Tro'ntipai, to feign, act fictitiously. Forge, (a) n. Vuno'nzoo, shop of iron mechanic. Forget, v. Tro'mpifai. Forgetfulness, n. Tro'mboi. Forgive, (as crime) v. Ta'mprifal. Forgive, (as debt) v. Tre'ntinai. Forego, v. Una'usikai. Forego, voluntarilg, v. Vre'ntipai, let go. 2, Bro'nsipoi, left to evil. 3, Fre'ntifai, abandon. 4, Fre'n- tikai. Fork, (the figure) Gre'nda. 2, (instrument) Grenta'tus. Fork, (pitch) n. Grenta'tus penzi'sti. Forlorn, adj. Kro'nsupoo. 2, Gro'n- sukoo. 3, Bro'nsupoo. Forlorn hope, n. Va'mbra. Form, n. Dro'ndoi, (essence). 2, O'ndis, mode-manner. Form, n. T'injos di'a'nzis. 2, Tinjo'- kis. 3, Gwe'ndi, a form, i. e. a a seat. Formed cause, n. Dro'ndoi (essence). Formality, n. Rendo'vis, form-man- ner. 2, Vre'mba. Former, adj. Fri'ntur. Formerly, adv. Pli'ndur. Formidable, adj Gavro'nsukoo, apt to be feared. Foremost, adj. A'prin. Formulani, n. To'nsunoo re'ndo. 2, Yri'udi. Fornication, n. Fa'ndra. Foreign, adj. Tro'nsa. Foreigner, n Tro'nza. F U Forest, n. Fra'nzoo. Forsake, v. Bro'nsipai, (by God.) 2, Fre'ntifai, (by man). 3, Tre'ntl- pai, abdicate, disclaim. 4, Forego, (see it). 5, Yu'mpritai, to apos- tatize. Forsooth, adv. Po'ndi, truly. 2, (interjection,) Gri'ntur. Forswear, v. Bisko'iitrisai, swear against. 2, Fri'ntisai krontusoo'- puri, deny with an oath. 3, Tre'n- tipai kroutusoo'puri. 4, Bro'nsinai kroiitusoo'puri. 5, Kro'ntisai pro'ndi. Fort, 11. Fa'ndris. Forth, prep. Me or mi. 2, Too or tu. Forthcoming, n. Kakre'ntusoo. 2, Fe'iituvoo pe'ntisai. Forthwith, adv. Ki'ndur. Forty, n. Ka'sin. Fortify, v. Do'mpikai. 2, E'ntrisai. Fortitude, n. De'mboo. Fortress, n. Fe'iidris. Fortuituous, adj. Flo'nsur, happen- ing by chance. Fortunateness, n. Teflo'nzoo, perfect fortime. 2, Fa'mboo. Fortune, n. Flo'nzoo. Fortune-teller, n. Cu'sgansiito"ro cn- de'fiz. Forward, adv. Gi'nti. 2, Ta'mpra. 3, Bepo'nsa or bepo'nsunoo. 4, Tefe'ntuvoo. 5, Tete'ntuvoo. Forward, (to) v. Bo'ntifai. 2, Fe'n- tigrast. 3, Be'ntivai. Forward, (to egg forward) v. Fo'n- tifai. Forward, adv. Dre. 2, Droo di-o- kwi, backwai'ds and fonvards. Forward, (going) n. E'ndis gi'nrU. 2, Fe'ndi's. Foss, 11. Dre'ndi. ■ Fosset, (fawcet) n. Dre'nzi. Foster father or mother, n. Fo'nzo. Foster father, u. Fo'nzitur. Foster mother, n. Fo'nzitun. Foster child, Fro'nzitur, (male). 2, Fro'nzitun, (female). 3, Fro'nzoo, (either). Foster brother, Tyel fro'nzo. Fotion, n. Ka'uzoo, education. Foul, adj. Dra'ntukoo. 2, Yro'mpu. 3, Re'mpur, 4, Ylc'mpou. Fowls, n. E'njiz. Foul, (to) V. Vra'utimost. 2, Do'ntri- fai e'njiz. Found, V. Ka'nsitai 2, Bri'nsinai. Foundation, n. Ka'uzo. Founder, n. Kausuto'ro. 2, Kaiisu- to'tas. Founder, (to) v. O'kai pre'nsm-. 2, Gapre'nsiipo. Foundling, n. Grentupoo'ro. Fountain, n. Tri'nza. i^o«;-, n. A'kin. Fo«r/b?c/, adj. A'krit, I. e. multiplied by four. Fourscore, n. Ga'siu. FEE Fox^ n. Fi'nji. Fox-Jish, n. Di-a'njoo. Foxglove, n. De'nivinoo. Fox-tail^ n. Fo'mvo. Fraction., n. Ve'nzis. 2, Vcno'nzis, in arithmetic, any number divided by another, as \ 1. e. two divided by one. Fracture, v. Ve'nsivai. Fragment, n. Bra'ndis. Fray, n. Ge'ndroo. 2, Pede'ndroo. Fray, v. Vro'nsikrast, (affray). Freight, n. Ea'nza findroo'tu. 2, Vo'mbri anza'di. Frail, adj. BU'mpus,brittle. 2, Vri'n- tur. Frail, (a) n. Be'nti fre'nzl fronvo'tuz. Frame, n. Pa'nzo. Frame, n. Ga'uzis, machine. 2, Ta'n- zis, jngament. Frame, (in a) adj. Tefa'ntukoo. Frame, (out of) adj. Tefra'ntnkoo. Frame, (to) v. Po'ntifai, make. 2, Tro'utipai, act fictitiously. 3,Do'n- sitai, contrive. 4, A'usifai. 5, Vo'ntikrost, make congruous. Franchise, n. Do'mbra. Frank, adj. Ke'mpa. Frankincense,i\. Tu'mvinoi (the tree). 2, Vro'ndoo tumvinoi'tu. Frantic, adj. Pu'nipa. Fraternity, n. Do'udi'o. Fraud, n. Ka'ndra. Fraudulent, adj. Ka'ntra. Fraught, adj. Ea'nsunoo, loaded. 2, Diiisou, full. Fraxinella, n. Pre'mvoo. Freak, n. Trampi'ri. 2, Vlempa'ri. Freckle, n. Pebri'mpuri fri'mpou (contracted). 2, Brino'mboo, a little yellow spot. Free, adj. Pa'mpou, personally free. 2, Go'nsa, free as to the will. 3, Tame'broo. 4,Tome'broo. 5,Bo'n- supoo. Free from, prep. Pe or Pi. Free, adj. To'nsa, spontaneous. 2, Ta'mpa. 3, Undre'ntou. 4, Pe'm- pi. 5, Ke'mpa fra'mbi. Freebooter, n. Bemprou'ro. Freehold, n. Umbo'ntrukoo o'ndra. Freeman, n. Gone'droo, not a villain. 2,'Vo'ndi'oo, citizen. 3, Tompra'ro. 4, Dompra'ro. Freedom, n. Pa'mboi. 2, To'mbra. 3, Do'mbra. Freemason, n. Uno'nji, one of the fraternity of Masous. Freestone, n. Pu'njoo. Frieze, n. Pi'mboi (gray colour). Freeze, v. Ku'nsitai. Freight, n. Ea'nza findroo'tu. Frenzy, n. Pu'mba. Frequent, v. Di'ndiu- pe'ntisai pren- tisai'twi. FEU Frequent, adj. Dl'ntur. Fresh, adj. Ti'ntur. 2, Ko'mpu. Freshen, v. Ti'ntiprost. Freshman, n. Ti'ntur tro'nzo. 2, Ti'n- dur peutusi'ro, new comer. 3, U'iikampusoo"ro, an inexperienced person. Fresh taste, adj. Yi'mpa. 2, Bri'mpa. Fret, V. Gi'nsikai, rub. 2, Ti'nsivai, corrode. 3, Unta'ntifai ginziko'ti. 4, Unta'ntifai tinzivo'ti. 5, Tro'm- pikai ginziko'ti. 6, Tro'mpikai tin- zivo'ti. 7, To'nsikai. Freshwater soldier, n. Pe'mvis. Fresh, (afresh) adv. Ve'ndou, with repetition. Fretum, n. Bi'nza. Fry, n. Fronzoo'dwis, specially an- je'tuz. Fry, V. Ke'nsitai. Fricasse, n. Kensutoo'ri. Friction, n. Gi'nzi. Friday, n. Buna'ldis. Friend, n. Po'nza. Friendshij), n. Ponza'rit. Friar, n. Tu'ndroi, monk. Friar's cowl, ( broad-leaved) n. Do'm- vi. 2, (narrow-leaved) Dro'mvi. Fright, n. U vro'nzikrast, a causing to fear. Frigate, n. Fwi'ndroo. Frigid, adj. Pli'mpu. 2, Kra'mpi. Fringe, n. Ve'ntunoo fe'ndoo. Frippery, n. Kla'nturi. Frisk, adj. Dabe'nsipai. 2, Go'mbu be'nsipai. Fritter, n. Ke'nsutoo bifre'nzoo. Frittillary, n. Tro'mva. Frivolousness, n. Bro'uda. Frizzle, v. Bri'nsitai. -PVo, (see from). Frock, n. Vrinti'fus. -f/-o^, n. Fi'njis. Frolic, n. Ko'nzi. 2, Beko'nzi. From, prep. Ne or ni. From henceforth, adv. go'ni. Front, n. Va'ndo. 2, Gi"ndo, fore- part. Frontier, n. Kri'ndo. Frontisjnece, n. Gi'ndo, fore-part. Frontlet, n. Vando'fus. Frost, n. Ku'nzo. Froth, n. Prunzo'dwis. Froivardness, n. Pro'mba, disingenu- ousness. 2, Dwe'mba, moroseness. Frown, n. Fra'nza. Frozen, adj. Ku'nsutoo. Fructify, v. To'mpigrost, to make fruitful. Frugality, n. Te'mbo. i^;-««'<, n. O'ndo. 2, Eon'doi, effect. 3, E'ndi, event. 4, Po'nda, profit. Fruitfulness, n. Trombis. Fruitless, adj. Umpro'nta. 2,Bro'nta. F U Z Fruiterer, n. Oudo'das, Fruition, n. Tede'ndi. Frumenty, n. Be'nzoo pomvoi'tulit, pottage of wheat seed. Frustration, n. Pre'ndi. Fuddle, V. Vetre'mpifai. -Fwe?, n. Fe'nzis. Fugitive, (a) Twemprufo'ro, flying from danger. 2, Telprufo'ro, one flying from duty. 3, Frentufo'ro, aba'ndonmg. 4, Vu'mbro. apos- tacy. _ Fxdl, adj. Di'nsou. 2, A'ntus, whole. 3, Ta'ntur. 4, To'nti. Fidl moon, n. Gine'nzoi. Full, (to full cloth) Ti'nsikai. Fulfil, v.'Ve'ntivai. 2, De'ntivai. Fuliginous, adj. Tru'nsa. Fuller, n. Tinsuko'ro. Fulsome, adj. Vepi'mpou. 2, Kro'm- pufrost. Fumble, v. Deta'ntitai, grope. Fume, n. Tu'uzoi. 2, Fu'nzoi. 3, Bo'nzis, indigestion. Fumigation, n. Tru'nzoi. Fumitory, n. Kre'mvo. Function, n. O'ndroi. calling. 2, Vo'ucba, office, duty. 3, Va'ntu do'ndooz, as the functions of the brain, nerves, heart, &c. Fundament, n. Gr'anda. Fundamental, adj. Ka'nsi. 2, Kra'nta. 3, Go'ntu. Fu7ieral, n. Tu'ndra, burial. 2, Tu'n- tra tro'ndis. Fungous, adj. Eo'nti. 2, Pe'ntus. 3, Po'nfur, spongy. Funnel, n. Ue'ntidus jus grinzifo'di. Fur, n. Tondis. Furring, n. Ti'mbris. Furbish, v. Ti'mpivrost. Fury, n. Bet'onzi. Furies, (the) n. Fri'nzipunz, female devils. Furl, V. Vino'ntrivai, to wrap the sail close to the yard-stay or mast. Furnace, n. Finsuvo'kis unze'di. Furnace, u. Befensuto'kis imzo'di. Furnace-hole, n. De'mbris. Furnish, v. Fre'ntivai. Furniture, n. Frentuvo'ri. 2, E'nziz, 3, Ee'nza, 4, A'nzaiz. Furrier, n. Tondai'tas. 2, Tondai'das, Furrow, n. Dre'ndi. Furthernwre, conj. Kwel or Kwe'l- kwi. Further, (to) v. Bo'ntifai, help. Furz, n. Gri'mva. Fusil, n. Ve'ndi'i, firelock. Fusty, adj. Di'mpa, musty. Fustian, n. Wo'ldoo krensa'turi. Fustian, u. Wi'mputoo o'ndis inde'tu. Future, adj. Pr'intur. Fuzball, n. Fro'mvoo. a. GAP Gahardin, n. Klantu'ifns. Gabble, u. Uuri'ntiifoo bre'mba. Gable, n. To'ndri, tribute. Gabion, n. Te'mbris. Gable end, n. Tri'udo ganzo'tu. Gad, n. Pe'nda. Gad, V. Tre'ntisai. Gag, V. Krino'nzoo, an instrument thrust into the mouth to prevent speaking or shouting. Gage, n. Do'ndris, pledge. Gage, v. Kre'ntivai ta'ndoi. 2, Kre'ntlvai ru'ndoi. 3, Fo'nsiftii ta'ndoi rundoi'twi. Gaggle, v. Keprenci'uital Gay, adj. Veva'ntukoo. Gain, n. Fe'ndi. Gain, v. Pe'ntikai, obtain. 2, Dra'n- tipai, increase. Gainsay, v. Bispa'usitai. 2, Fri'nti- sai. 3, Kri'ntisai. Galades, n. Tro'njinoi. Galangal, n. Fo'uvo. Galbula, n. Ge'njo. Gentle gale, n. Vu'nzis. G^rtfe, (^s<{2^ n. Du'nzis. Galiot, n. Ki'ndroo. GalingaU, n. Fo'nvo. Ga/^, n Vra'ndoo. 2, Dra'ndis vTa'n- dootu. 3, Ro'ndo pumve'tu. Gall, V. Unta'ntifai. 2, Pa'ntrinai. 3, Pro'ntinai. 4, To'nsikai. 5, specially glnze'ti vende'twi. Gallant, adj. Veva'ntukoo. 2, Ve- ge'ntur, excessively shewy. 3, Kra'ntur. Galley, n. Ti'ndroo. Gallipot, n. Pebe'nzi kendifo'di two'ndi'oi. Gallery, n. Pwensufoo'dus. 2, Vro'ntu gro'ndo. GalUnida serica, n. Tre'njinoi. Galliot, n. Peti'udroo ; (see galley). Galoche, n. Vri'ntutous vande'fus. Gallon, n. Ku'ndo. Galloping, v. Preuo'nzoi, moving bv leaps, as a horse. Gallows, n. Gantruko'twus. Galls, n. Bu'mvi. Gambadoes, n. Bande'bus de'nzoidi. Gambol, n. Dondoo'rit. 2, Dondoo- rit bande'puz. 3, Trompa'ri. 4, Bronta'ri. Game, n. Pie'nzi. Gamester, n. Renza'tas. Gamesome, adj. Tro'mpa. Gammon, n. Ba'ndi ginjoi'tu, speci- ally smoked. Ganch, V. Twa'mprlkai. Gander, n. Prenji'nltur, male goose. 6*an^, n. O'ndroo. 2, To'mbro. Ganglion, n. Tu'mbo. Gangrene, n. Gu'mboo. (?ap, n. Fre'nda. GEN (7(7/9, n. Ki-insou'kis po'ntufoo vc'n- ziso'ti. Gape, V. Bekri'nsifai, specially the mouth. Gape after, v. Bedro'nsitai. 2, Dwa- dro'nsitai. 3, Ve'nsitai, to yawn. Garb, n. O'udis enza'tu. 2, O'ndis anze'tu- Garbage, n. Kra'ndaiz. 2, Pra'ndls. Garble, v. Umpra'ntisai. 2, Um- pra'ntisai priuzai'ti; as, Umpra'n- tisai ke'nzoiz. Garden, n. Ta'nzoo. Gargle, v. Pano'ntisai, to wash the top of the gullet or windpipe. Garnish, adj. Veva'ntikai. Garland, n. Ano'ndo, wreath of flowers, feathers, or other orna- ments, round the brows. Garlicl; n. Po'nva. Garment, n. Wansa'ri, a vest thing. Garner, n. Bentuko'dus vondn'di. Garnish, v. Va'ntlkai. Garret, n. Duka'ntufous. Garrison, n. Pe'mbris. Garrulity, n. Bre'mba. Garter, n. Ve'nza bande'dl. 2, Pin- sufo'fus. Gash, V. Bre'nsltai. Gasp, V. Vle'nsitai, gape for breath. Gastly, adj. Vro'nsukrost. 2, Be- tra'nsa, very pale. Gate, n. Fra'nza. Gait, n. Penzoo'vis. Gather, v. Bi'nsifai, collect. 2, Pran'tivrost. 3, 0'ntrivai. 4, Fri'n- sivai. Gaud, n. Bronta'i'i. Gaudy, adj. Veva'ntukoo. Gaudy, (a) u. U pe'nzoi. Gaimtlet, n. Tande'vus. Gavelkind, v. Ea'ntisai fomprukoo'ri ba'ndur. Gaunt, adj. Bebro'mpu, very lean. 6^a3e, V. Dwafa'ntitai. Gazehound, n. Pi'nji do'ntrufo po'm- boti. Gazel, n. Wo'ldoo prinjoi'tu. Gazette, n. T'intur ti'nturi, new- narration thing. Gear, n. Fentukoo'riz. Geese, n. Pre'njinoz. Gelder rose, n. Fu'uvoi. Gelly, n. Bre'nzoo. Gem, n. U'njo. Gander, n. Po'mbis. Gender, v. Pa'nsipai. General, adj. Kranti. 2, O'ntur, generic. 3, A'ntus, all, whole. 4, Vra'nt>2, common. 5, Tra'nti, universal. G, U Ic'ndro, a general (of army) 7, Tu'ndrois Kanta'fas. Generative powers, n. O'mbiz pan- zoo'tu. G I G Generation, n. Pa'nzoo. 2, Pronzoo'- dwis. 3, Ivu'ndinoo, age. Genealogy, n. Dro'ndo ponzoo'tuz. Generosity, n. Ke'mbo. Genesis, (the) n. Py'anzoo. Genet, n. Pi'njoo tu Spain. Genial, adj. Piu'ntra. Genitals, n. Ga'ndaiz. Genius, n. O'mba omboo'tu 2, Ea'm- bi, disposition. 3, Va'nta fi'nzoo. 4, Va'nta fri'uzoo. Gentian, n. Vo'mvinoo. Gentian, (Dwarf-gentian) n. Vro'm- vinoo. Gentile, n. Fni'ntupro. Gentle, n. Bro'iijoo, maggot. Genteel, adj. To'mprur. Gentle, adj. Bo'ntu. 2, Ko'mpa. 3, De'mpa. 4, Ge'mpus. 5, Pe'mpus. 6,Te'mpus. 7, Ko'ntu. 8,Gla'ntur. Gentleman, n. To'mbroo. Gentlewoman, n. To'mbripini. Gentry, u. Tombroo'fis. 2, Tom- broo'dwis. Genuflexion, n. Va'nzis. 2, v. Vra'n- sivai, to kneel. Genuine, adj. Ko'nti. Genus, n. O'ndoo. Geography, u. Dinzoi'bras. Geometra, n. Do'njo. Geometry, n. Ende'bras. Georgia, adj. lu'si. German, (cousin) n. Bo'nzoo. Germander, n. Fa'mvis. Germander, (Tree-germander) n . Fra'mvis. Germander, (Water-germander,) n. Ta'nivinoo. Germinate, v. Bo'ntifai. Gerund, n. Ti'ndoi do'ntur, dron- tu'rkwi. Gesticulation, n. Beza'nziso. 2, Vez- a'nziso. Gesture, n. A'nzis. G^e<, V. Fe'ntikai. 2. Pe'ntikai. Gewgaw, n. Bronta'ri. Ghost, n. I'nzoo. Ghost, (to give up the) v. Dra'nsipai. r//Ms<, ('/(o///; n. U'ndo. Giant, n. Bekro'ndoo. Gibberish, n. Unri'utufo pa'nzo. Gibbet, n. Gantruko'twus. Gibbous, adj. Te'nta. Criir, V. Ta'mprinai. Giblets, n. A'udaiz. 2, Gapra'nsufoo a'ndaiz. Giddy, adj Bu'mpa. 2, Defo'rapou, perverted fancy. 3, Tro'mjia. 4, Tra'mpi. 5, Dra'mpa, inconstant. Giddiness, n. Bu'mba. (j^//-?, n. Kentunoo'ri. 6'/"/> , little expression. Iterate, v. Ve'ntifai, to repeat. Itinerant, adj. Te'utuso. Itinerary, adj. Te'ntus. Ition, u. E'ndis, passing. J E S Jargon, n. Kapome'puvoo ri'ndi, unintelligible language. Jasmine, ("see Jessamiue). Jasper, n. Tu'njoi. Javelin, n. Be'udro, dart. Jaundice, n. Fru'mbis. Jaunt, V. Tre'ntisai, wander. Jaw, n. Ta'ndo. Jealousy, n. Tro'nzis. Jet, n, Tu'njis. Jeer, v. Ta'mprinai. Jejeune, adj. Bre'ntur, wanting. 2, Dri'nsou, empty. Jelly, n. Bre'nzoo. Jennet, n. U Spa'nis go'mpu pi'njoo, a Spanish nimble horse. Jeopardy, n. Ivi'o'ndi, danger. Jerk, V. Dwaze'nsikai, suddenly to move. 2, Fa'ntrisai, to whip. Jerkin, n. Anda'fus or fusa'uda. Jessamine, n. Ti'mvi. J I Jessamine, fyelloio) n. Ti'nvoi. Jesses, n. Va'ntu pLasufo'riz fenjoo'- dlz, foot bonds for hawks. Jest^ n. Tame'bo. Jest^ (to) V. Tame'pitai. Jesuit's powder, n. Tu'invinoo. Jet, n. Tu'njis. Jew, n. Tu'ntiiipro, {rg signifies person). Jewel, n. U'njo, gem. 2, Pezu'nji, precious thing, a metaphorical gem. Jewry, n. Ransupo'kis tmitrupro'diz, dweUiug place for Jews. Jig, V. Fwo'mpa be'nzi, a sprightly dance. Jingle, v. Pefi'mpitai. Job, n. Pezl'nzi, a little operation or business. 2, Pwekre'usivai, a small knocking. JoVs tears, n. Dro'mvo. Jocular, adj. Te'mpa, urbane. % Te' mpa Jocund, adj. Ko'nsu. urbane. Jog, V. Tre'nsivai, to shake. 2, Dwatre'nsivai, impetuously to shake. 3, Vo'ntus fo'ndoiz, suc- cessive impulses. Jogging, (be) v. imperative, Nis pre'ntisoz! go away! Johns wort, (St. Johns wort) n. De'mvi. Johns bread, (St. Johns bread) (Carob) n. Pu'mvis or Pu'mval. John, (Poor John) (Haah) n. Tra'njo. Join, V. Pe'ntifai. 2, Ti'ntifrost, to cause to be neai-. 3, Fl'ntifrost, to cause to touch. 4, Di'ntifrost, to cause to be continuous. 5, Fo'nsimost, to cause to be com- panions. 6, Bo'nsimost, to cause to be partners. 7, Go'utrivai, to league together. Joiner, n. Insa'tas rontu'rtu a'nzaiz, fabrile mechanic of wooden utensils. Joint, n. Pentufoo'ri. 2, Tyel, toge- ther, i. e. jointly. 3, Ka'ndi, joint. Joint, (out of) adj. Umpe'nsufoo, i. e. unjoined. K E E Kalend, n. A'prin bu'ndis kyu'ndai'- tu, the first day of the month. Katlcin, (Catkin) n. Pro'ndoi. Kedger, n. Pcti'ndi'o. Keel, n. Piiidroi. 2, Frl'mpa, acrimonious. 3, Grra'n- tur, intense. iTeep in a proper state, v. o'nsiKpai, to preserve. 2, Ko'nsisai, to maintain. Keep at the same quantity, v. Ta'n- tipai. JUG Jointure, n. Bo'nzifuns ra'nzi, the widow's revenue. Jole, n. A'ndo, the head, specially the cheek. Jolly, adj. Ko'nzi. Jolt, V. Dwaze'nsikai, to move sud- denly or impetuously. 2, E'nsikai bize'nzur, to move like leaping. Jot, n. Pe'ndoo. 2, Pwefo'ndoo, a little thing. Jovial, adj, Ko'nsu. Journal, n. Tmo'ndi, narrative of daily things. Journey, n. Te'ndls, travel. Journeyman, n. Bomprukoo'tas, hired mechanic. 2, Bomprukoo'- das, (hired salesman). 3, Blantur dro'nzo, subordinate servant. Joy, n. Ko'nzi. Joy for the good of others, n. Vo'nzis. Joy for the evil of others, n. Do'nzis. Joy for the good of any one, (to ex- press) V. Vo'nsivai, i. e. to con- gratulate any one. Jubilee, n. Bu'ntra pu'ndis, festive year. excessive mirth. Jucca, n. Kro'mvi. Judaism, n. Tu'ndroo. Judas tree, n. Tu'mvis. Judge, n. Pa'ndroo. Judgment, n. Fo'mboo, the faculty of judgmg. 2, Vro'nzoi, opinion. 3, Antru'ri, judicial thing. 4, Ba'mbrol, sentence. Judgment of God, n. Ea'mbi Unde'ni, pmiishment from God. 6, Tro'n- zoo, cursing. Judicatory, .n. Antru'kis, the court or judicatory place. Judicial relation, n. A'ndri. Judicial persons, n. A'ndi'ooz. Judicial proceedings, n. A'ndroiz. Judicious, adj. Tefo'mpur, of perfect judgment. Jug, n. Bwe'nzi frantou'tu pa'nda, a pot of narrow neck. Jugament, n. Ta'nzis. '^'^"J'J^^i ^- Ta'mpritai. K. KEG Keep out of evil, v. Bo'nsipai, to deliver. 2, Pe'mprifai or vai, to defend. Keep) dry, v. Vi'ntipai fli'mpu, to continue dry. 2, Vi'ntipai pi'mpu, to continue warm. Keeper, n. Bentuko'fas, keeping officer. 2, Pemprafo'ro, defender. 3, Kempuso'ro, protector. 4, Branzoo'fas, the park officer. Keen, adj. Gade'nsuvo, apt to cut. Keg, n. Pete'nzi, small barrel. J U V Juggler, n. Ta'mhro. Jugular, adj. Ba'nti. Juice, n. Do'ndoo. Jujube, (common) n. Vu'mvoi. Jujube, (white) n. Vru'mvoi. Julap, n. Pli'mpuvrost ka'franesu- foo"ri, cooling potion, i. e. drink- able thing. July, u. Kunol'dis. Julis, n. Tra'nji. Jumble, adj. Fra'ntu, confused. Jump), V. Dwabe'usivai, impetuously to leap. Junto, n. To'ndi'o, faction. Juncture, n. Pi'ntur Ko'ndis fondoo'- tuz, the present state of things. Jmie, n. Kunti'ndis. Juniper, n. Di'mvo. Junket, n. Gre'ntur pe'nzoi, secret feasting. Jupiter, n. Kri'nzoi. Jury, n. Pa'fin pa'ndi'ooz pondo'tu kontriTsoo'turiz, twelve judges of the trvith of sworn things. Jurisdiction, n. Pandi'oo'kis, judges' place. 2, Pombroo'kis, magis- trates' place- Just, adj. Pe'mpur. 2, To'nti. Just temp)er, n. Ga'ndoo. Just so, adv. Tevi'o'tu, perfectly in that manner. Justice, n. Pe'mboo. Justice of pieace, n. Po'ndroo magis- trate. 2, Ko'ntri po'ndi'oo, county magistrate. 3, Tampe'mboo, otfi- cer of justice. Justify, v. Ge'ntipai pe'mpivi, shew to be just. 2, Ge'ntipai va'ntrifi, to shew to be innocent. 3, Fi'nti- sai pe'mpivi, declare to be just. 4, Fi'ntisai va'ntrifi, affu'm to be innocent. Justle, or Jostle, v. Bispre'nsifai, to run against. 2, Kri'nsipai, to thrust. 3, Dwakri'nsipai, impetu- ously to push. Jut out, V. Te'ntifrost, to cause to be protuberant. Juvenile, adj. Tu'ntinur. KEN Kell, (caul) u. Vra'ndis. Kembowing the arms, n. Da'nza. Ken, V. Po'mpitai, to see. Kennel, n. Prinje'tus, dog's house. 2, Pinje'dwis, pack or aggregate of dogs. Kennel, n. Tra'nzoi, drain. 2, Vrc'n- di drantudl'riz, gutter for filtjiy things. Kern, n. Twempa'ro, rustic person. Kernel, (fruit) n. Vro'jMlo. 2, Dra'n- doi, glandule. K I N Kestrel^ n. Fre'nsupo fe'njoo, hover- ing liawk. Ketch, n. Fi'mbroo. Kettle, n. Ve'iizi. Kei/, ft. e. fndi) n. Kro'ndo. Key, (of door) n. Kre'nza. Key, (of music) n. Ka'uta bi'mbo, principal note. Kibe, n. Du'mbo, cbilblain. Kick, V. Ke'iisivai vande'ti, to strike with the foot. 2, Ke'nsivai vran- de'ti, strike with the heel. Kid, n. Triujoi'twes, the young of goat. Kidney, n. Da'ndis. Kiln,u. Vra'nsutoo unzoo'kis, arched fire place. Kill, V. Dra'nslprast, to cause to die. Kilderkin, u. Pente'uzi, a little barrel. Kin or Kindred, n. O'nzooz, rela- ons of consanguinity. 2, O'nzoiz, relations of affinity. Kine, n. Pi'njoi. King, n. Fo'ndi'oo, monarch. Kind, (generally) n. O'ldoo. 2, O'n- doo, genus. 3, Ro'ndoo, species. Kiiul, (out of) n. Fro'ntuvou, tai'kyu po'nzooz, worse than it's ancestors. 2, Fro'ntuvou ai'kyu po'ntipil, gro'cu, worse than it was before that time. 3, Po'mbis, sex. 4, O'ndis, manner. Kind, adj. Fo'nsu. Kindly, adv. as, " eat kindly." Tez i'mpinai, to taste pei-feetly. 2, Te- ko'mpisai, to ripen perfectly. LAC Label, n. Kweno'ndi, a lamin for being written upon. Labor, V. I'nsikai. 2, Beke'utivai, greatly to endeavour. Labor, n. Ba'mba, diligence. Labor, (to he in) v. Ta'nsipai, to be bringing forth. 2, Tano'nsipai, to feel the pains of labor. Laborer, n. Insuko'ro.. Laborious, adj. Beke'ntuvo, which or who intensely labors. Labyrinth, n. Fri'nsufoo a'nzoi, ta'n- gled buildings. 2, Fri'nsufoo dra'nzoi, tangled way. Lac, n. Dru'uzo bonza'tuz, wax of ants. Lace, n. Be'nza. Lace, V. Pi'nsifai tyel benza'ti. 2, Ti'nsifai benza'ti, cover with lace. Laceration, n. Vre'nzis. Lack, V. Bene'tipai, not to have. 2, Bre'ntipai, to want. 3,Fla'ntipi, to be scarce. 4, Twa'utipi, to be deficient. Lackey, n. Va'ntu dro'nzo, foot servant. O K N E Kindness, n. Fo'nzi, favor. 2, De'm- ba, courtesy. 3, Pe'mbis, graci- ousuess. Kindle, v. Tazu'nsipai, begin to burn. 2, Tato'nsikrost, to begin to cause to be angry. Kindred, u. O'nzooz, blood relations. 2, O'nzoiz, relations by marriage. Kingdom, n. Flo'ndroo. King's evil, n. Tu'mby. King at arms, n. Ka'nta oudroo'fas, principal herald. King-fisher, n. Tre'njo. King-spear, n. Po'mvi, asphodel. Kiss, V. Vi'a'nsikai. Kitchen, n. Preusuto'kin, cookery mechanic. Kite, n. Fre'njoo. Kite fish, n. Va'nj(2. Kitten, (kitling) n. Kmja'twes, youug of cat. Knack, n. Vo'ndi, congraity, apti- tude. 2, Bronta'ri, a trifle, gaud. 3, Fa'mbo, sagacity. Knag, n. Pro'ndoo, knot in wood. Knapsack, n. Pwe'nzi cndi-o'diz, a bag for soldiers. Knapweed, n. Ka'mvo. Knap, (silver) Kra'mvo. Knarled, (gnarled) adj. Pro'ntupoo, knotted. Knave, n. Frampai'ro, crafty person. 2, Kwantruno'ro, a cheating per- son. Kneepan, n. Pya'ndoi pe'mprufo bra'ntu ra'ndi, the bone defending the knee joint. LAY Lactation, n. Kra'nzoo. Laconic, adj. Pra'ntou, short. 2, Pepri'nti, briefly sententious. Lad, n. Tunti'nurpro. Laudanum, n. Von'doo kemvai'tu, juice of poppy. Ladder, n. Pre'nza. Lade, v. Re'nsiuai, to burden. Lading, n. RensmKj'ri, the burden- ing thing. Lady, n. To'ntrupun, noble female. 2, To'mprufun, gentle female. Lady-cow, n. Vro'nji. Ladys bed-straw, n. Vra'mvinoo. Lady s-glove, n. To'mvinoi. Lady s-mantle, n. Tro'mvis. Lady s-smock, n. Bre'nva. Ladle, n. Bege'nzi, great spoon. Lag, V. Cisre'ntisai. 2, Bre'ntivai, to protract or delay Lagopus, n. Dre'njoi. Lay, n. Ba'nzoo, pasture. Lay about, v. Bezi'nsikai, industri- ously to work. 2, Beba'mpinai, to act diligently. Lay aside, v. Vro'nsinai, to desist. K N U Knee, n. Bra'ndi. Knees, (being on) n. Vra'nzis or vra'nzai. Kneel, v. Va'usivai. Kneading, (moulding) n. Di'nza. Knell, n. Fi'mbo bo'utiaai dri'tu dra'nzoo, ringing to signify (of some person) the death. Knife, n. Fe'nzis. Knight, n. Tono'mbroo, the first degree of gentility. Knit a knot, n. Pi'nzoi, binding. 2, Fri'nzoi, tying. 3, Fri'nzi, knit- ting, as in making stockings. Knob, n. Tenta'ri, a protuberant * thing. Knock, n. Kre'nzis. Knoll, n. Pepri'nz(2, a little hill. Knopt, n. Vwe'ntunoo di'ndo, a tufted top. Knot, n. Frinsukoo'ri, knitted part. 2, Viuza'dwis fin'sufoo va'ndodi, aggregate of ribbands, tied for ornament. Knot, n. Pro'ndoo. Knot-grass, n. Ka'mvoo. Knot, n. Ve'njinoo, a bird. Knot, n. Pidro'ndoo, a metaphorical knot, a difficulty. Know, {mentally,) v. Bo'nsifiii. 2, Know, (carnally), Bra'nsifai, to couple. Knoioledge, n. Bo'nzoi. 2, Pa'mbis or pa'mbai, scientific knowledge. 3, Ta'mbis or ta'mbai, expcrieuee. Knuckle, n. Dra'ndi. LAN Lay on, v. Juspe'ntipai. Lay out for, v. Twak'entipai, cudea- vour to take. 2, Twape'ntikai, endeavour to obtain. 3, Be'ntinai de, disburse for. Lay egg, v. Ta'nsipai. Layman, n. Unipi-u'ro, lay person. Laic, adj. U'mpru. Lair, n. Tri'njois vran'suvgkis, deers lymg place. Ijttke, n. Fri'nza. Lake, (lucca) n. Gu'mvinoi. Lamb, n. Finjoi'twes. Lamb, V. Ta'nsipai, to bring forth. Lame, adj. Pro'mpu, mutilated. 2, Gapre'nsupai, apt to halt. _ Lament, v. Bekro'usikai, intense grief Lamentation, n. Dinkro'nzi, grief Lamin, n. Ke'ndi. Lamp, n. Tre'nzis. Lamprey, n. Ba'njis. Lampril, n. Bra'njis. Lance, n. (Burning-lance) n. Kru'n- zoo, dart. Lance, n. Pete'ndri, short pike. L A R Lance^ v. Vre'nsinai, to scarify. 2, De'nsival, to cut. 3, Tri'nsifai denzi'sti, to open by cuttlufif. Lancea aniens, n. Kru'nzoo, dart. Lance Icnight, n. Pe'ndrcj, foot soldier. Lance presado, n. Entru'fas droo pasin. Lancet, n. Yoorensuno'tus, a scarify- ing iii.strnment. Land, u. Di'uzoi, the earth. 2, Fwa'uzoo, a field. Land, (arable) n. Ka'nzoo. Landloper, n. Toorentu'soro, a wan- derer. Landmarlc, n. Kri'ntidis, marginal sign. • Land, v. Pe'ntisai vinzo|ju. Landlord, n. Byintruko'ro, the de- mising person, (opposed to tenant, by irapruko'ro, the hiring person) . 2, Vo'uzo, host. Landscajie, n. A'ndis dinzoi'tu ka- po'mputoo goi'su, the whole of the earth which can be seen at the same time. Lane, n. Foora'ntou da'nzoi, a nar- row street. 2, Tentusoo'kis, a travelled road. Lane, (lijje) n. Undi'ntukoo dra'nzoi. Languar/e, n. Ri'ndi. Languid, adj. Dro'mpu, weak. Languish, v. Kro'mbi dombe'tii, decay of strength. 2, Kro'mbi fomba'tii, decay of sprightliness. Lanh, adj. Bro'mpa, in a state of leanness. 2, Driiisou, empty. 3, Vri'mpu, limber. Lantern, n. Tyenzai'tus, the candle room. Laj}, (of garment) n. Feldo'fus, cor- ner of garment. 2, Krmdo'fus, margin of garment. Laj), n. I'ndi brandejuz, space on the knees. La2), V. Pra'nslfai denzo'ti, to di'ink by licking. Lap-dog, n. Pwepinji kanzoo'di, a little dog f r nui sing. Lap vp warm, v. Bi'nsikai timbe'di, to fold for warmth. 2, E'nsinai timbe'di, to clothe for warmth. Lapidary, n. Unjo'das, a dealer in gems. 2, Unjo'tas, a gem me- chanic. Lapse, n. Pebri'nzoi, a small stum- ble. 2, Da'nzis, falling. 3, Fre'ndi grendo'ti, loss by omission. Lapwing, n. Pe'njinoo. Larboard, n. Tri'ndo, the left side. Larceny, n. Da'mbro, theft. Larch-tree, n. Tru'mvi. Lard, n. Fi'nsufool bo'mbi ginjoi'tuz, fat of swine which has been be- fore melted. Jjard, V. Ge'nsitai, to apply lard. Larder, n. Vandoi'dus, flesh room. Larix-tree, n. Tru'mvi. Largess, n. Beke'utunoo"ri, a liberal donation. LAV Large, adj. Pra'ntur, great. 2, Bi'n- tou, ample. 3, Fa'nton, broad. 4, Fra'ntur, abundant. 5, Pc'mpi, liberal. 6, Frone'tufoo, not cohi- bited. 7, Kane'trusoo, not impri- soned. 8, Pa'mpou, free. Lark, n. Ke'nji. Larli, f Sea-lark) n. Tre'njinoo. Lark, (Titlark) n. Kre'nji. LarF s-heel, n. Fe'mvoo. Lasciviousness, n. Tre'mba. 2, Dre'mboi, unehasteuess. Lash, n. De'nda, whip. Lash out, v. Kra'ntikai, to act irre- gularly. 2,Tra'ntipai,to squander. 3, Pre'mpitai, to act profusely. 4, Kre'mpital, to act with riotous luxuriousness. I^ascrwort, n. Va'mva. Lax, n. Vu'mbis. Lass, n. Tmiti'nupun. Lassitude, n. Dro'mbi, weakness. 2, Fre'mba, dulness. 3, Gre'ndi, weariness. Last, adj. Ti'ntupous, newest. 2, Krmtu'poiis, the latest. 3, Tri'n- tufous, the remotest. 4, Gri'ntu- tous, the most behind. Last, n. Tro'ndoi vande'tu, model of the foot. Last, V. Unti'nipai, to endure. 2, Vi'ntipi, to be permanent. Latch, n. Bra'nza. Latchet, n. Finsufo'ri vandc'difus, binding thing for foot-vest. Late, adj. Kri'ntur. 2, Tl'ntur, new, opposite to old. Latent, adj. Gre'ntur, concealed. 2, Ti'nsufoo, covered. Lath, n. Ke'ndi rondoo'tu, lamin of wood. Lathe, n. Dooiinsuno'twus, a turning jugament. Latin, n. Ri'ndi tu E.o'munz, the language of the Romans. Latitude, n. Fa'ndoi, breadth. 2, Kino'nzis, latitude ; distance counted on the meridian from the equator. Latter, adj. Fli'ntur, succeeding. La.ttin, n. Vunsu'rkus tu'nsupoo, iron lamin tinned. Lattice, n. Kreno'nda, any work of wood or iron made by crossing lathes, rods, or bars, and forming open squares like net work. Laundress, n. Vinsuko'tas, the washing mechanic. 2, Vinsuko- n'ntas, washing female mechanic. Launch, v. Tadre'nsifrast, to cause to begin to sail. Laudable, adj. Gago'nsukoo, apt to be praised. Laurel, n. Bru'mvo. 2, Di'mvo, Alexandrian laurel. Laugh, v. Ta'nsinai. Laugh to scorn, v. Gro'nsifai, con- teuni. 2, Ta'mprinai, to mock. Lavarettus, n. Bra'ujino, (fish). LEA Lave, V. Dri'nsifai de grenziko'ti, to empty by out-scooping. Lavender, n. Ba'mvis. Lavender, (French) n. Bra'mvis, cassidony. Lavender cotton, q. Dra'mvoi. Lavender, (Sea-lavender) n. Tre'm- vls. Laver, n. Vinsuko'dus, washing vessel. Lavish, v. Pre'mpitai, to act prodi- gally in spending. Law, n. To'ndi-a, i. e. positive law. 2, Po'ndra, law of nature. Laio, (civil) n. Fomprou'ri. La^o, ('father in) n. Fo'nzipur on- zoi'ti, father by affinity. Law (to go to) v. A'mprifai, to sue. Lauful, adj. Po'ntu. Lawless, adj. Tondra'pi, without law. 2, Depa'mpou, injuriouslv free. 3, Vepa'mpou, fi-ee to excess or abuse. Laioyer, (generally) n. Fo'ndi'oi. Lawyer, (civil) n. Fo'mbroi. Lawyer, (common) n. Flo'ndroi. Lawn, n. BetwI'mpus ke'nza, veiy fine Imen. Lawn, n. Wu'mfu ba'nzoo, a treey pastm-e. Lax, adj. Pefi'nsufoo, a little tied. 2, Vli'mpus, loose. Laxative, adj. Unre'nsuko, unbind- ing. 2, Tre'nsimast, which causes dunging. Lazar, n. Vu'mpou'ro, person infect- ed with leprosy. Laserole, n. Trn'mvoo. Lazy, adj. Vro'mpa. 2, Bla'mpa, slotliful. Lazul stone, n. Tru'njoi. Lead, n. Bu'nzoo, metal. Ijcad, (black) n. Vu'nzo. Lead, (white) n. Vu'nza. Leads, (of a house) n. Byu'nsur ga'nzo pwanzoi'tu, the leaden roof of a house. Lead, v. Be'ntisai, (go before). 2, Te'ntivai, to begin. 3, Po'nsisai. 4, Bo'nsikai, to allure Leading case, n. Gi'nda. Lead aside, v. Debe'ntisai. 2, Ge'n- tivrast, to cause to err. 3, Pro'n- sisai, seduce. Lead a life, v. Re'mpikai, to have intercourse, &c. 2, Da'nsipai, to live. Leaf n. Bro'ndoi. 2, Ke'ndi denzai'- tu, lamin of paper. Leaf (cffat) n. Da'ndol kranda'tuz, fat of the ribs, (specially of hogs). League, n. Go'ndro. 2, Gu'ndoi, a measm-e about tlu'ee English miles. Leak, v. T,Iustre'ntinai u'nzo, to receive water into, as into a ship. Leaguer, n. Ke'ndroo, siege. Leam, n. Ke'ndi puuzoo'tu, the la- min of flame. LEE ieo/, (of gold) w. Tva'nili pimzoo'tn. Ijeah, n. Xoorc'ntli cnzo'clu, a crack through a vessel. 2, Yc'u'- km, a place for defence. 4, Tin- sufo'kin ini kunzoi, a covering from the wmd Leeivard, (fall to) v. Vli'utrisai kunzoi'nu. Leet, n. O'ndro a'ntru, judicial convention. Leer, v. Fantitai ge'ndou, to look obliquely. 2, Fa'ntitai fra'mbus, kandi-u'ntwi, to look craftily or fraudulently. L E S Leech, n. Fo'nja. Jjcek, n. Tro'mva. Left, V. Fre'ntifool, it was left. 2, Fro'ntifel, it left. 3, part. Fre'n- tufool, left. Left, adj. Tri'ntur, a thing on the left hand. Leg, n. Ba'ndi, the shank. Leg of mutton, n. Ka'ndi finjol'tu, thigh of mutton. Legacy, u. Fontrukoo'ri, bequeathed thing. Legal, adj. To'ntra, relating to law. 2, Po'ntu, lawful, i. e. according to law. Legends, n. Twi'ndi, bundro'tuz, lives of saints. 2, Kwakone'sufoo ti'ndi, an incredible story. 3, I'n- doiz rundaju, words on money. Ijcgerdemain, n. Tomprou'ri. Legible, adj. Kaka'nsutoo, which can be i-ead. I-iegion, n. Fo'mbro, regiment. Legislate, v. To'utrimost, to make law. Legitimate, adj. Po'ndi pa'nsupoo, lawfully begotten. 2, Po'ndi ta'n- supoo. 3, Ko'nti, genuine. Legitimate, v. Umflo'nsiprost, to unbastardize. Legumen, n. O'ndo ke'ntufoo bron- do'tuz, the fruit contained in pods or cods, i. e. pulse, peas, beans, &c. — abridged, ono'ndo. Leisure, n. Re'ndo. Leisurely, adv. Tro'mbu, slowly. 2, Go'ndus, gradually. Lemon, n. Grumvoo'sit, fruit of the lemon tree. Lend, v. Ko'ntrikai. Length, n. Pa'ndoi. Length, (at) adv. Stris; as, " Sti-is wai pe'ntisel," at length he came. 2, O'uci, after these things. Lengthen, v. Yinpa'ntifrost, to cause to be longer. 2, Bro'ntivai, to protract. Lenity, n. Te'mboo, meekness. 2, Ge'mbis, clemency. Lenitive, adj. Ga'zunto"mpukrost, apt to cause to be unpained. Lent, adj. Ko'ntrukoo. 2, Fempo'u- gis, fasting time. Lentils, n. Tre'mvoi. Lentish, n. Gu'mvo, (mastic tree). Lentitudc, n. Tre'mboo. Leo, n. Le'o. 2, Fli'nzoi, constel- lation. Leopard, n. Fri'nja. Leoiiard^s hane, n. Va'mvo. Leper, adj. Vumpou'ro. Leprosy, n. Vu'mboi. Less, adj. Pla'ntupou, more little. Lessen, v. Yinpla'ntiprost, to cause to be less. Lesson, u. Ka'nsutoo'ri, the thing read. 2, Tousutoo'ri, the thing taught. Jjessee, n. BomprukoVo. LIB Lessor, n. Bontruko'ri, tlie person demising. Let, imperative verb. f'Sce Grammar). Netitrals. Hut, > before any letter except >Sunt, J t or d. Suk, 1 before any letter except Sunk, j k or //. Actives. Sit, ") before any letter except Sint, j" t or d. Sik, 1 before any letter except Sijjk, J k or g. Let, V. Go'mprinai, to licence. 2, Pe'ntinai, yield or suffer, i. c. not to hinder. 3, Vc'nsinai, to let blood. 4, Truspre'ntigrast, to cause to descend. .5, Bo'ntifai trispre'ntisai, help to go down. 6, Pe'ntinai trispre'ntisai, suffer to go down. 7, Vre'ntipai, let go. 8, Pe'ntinai muspre'ntisai, to suf- fer to go In. 9, Pe'ntmal mispre'n- tlsal, to suffer to go out. 10, Gre'ntivai, let pass, let slip, i. e. omit. 11, Bro'ntlfai, to hinder. 12, Bo'ntrikai, to demise. Jjethargy, n. Tu'mba. Jjetter n. Pi'ndoo. 2, Fri'ndi, epistle. Letters patent, n. Kwo'ndra, a patent. Lettuce, n. Pa'nvo. Level, adj. Da'nsuvo, lying. 2, Ke'n* ti, plain. 3, Fi'mpus, even. 4, PI'nsi, champaign. .5, Ba'ntur, equal. 6, Gri'nti, direct. 7, O'm- pri, without rank or degree. Level, n. Kwe'udo boorentufo'tus, a plainness trying instrument. Leveret, u. Tinjo'twes. Leviathan, n. Ti'nja. Levy, V. Bri'nsifai. Levity, n. Kli'mbi. 2, Dwa'mba, hghtness. 3, Vle'mba, vanity. Levite, n. Fu'mbroi. Lewd, adj. Fro'nti. 2, Re'mpur, vicious. 3, Dre'mpou, unchaste. Lexicon, n. Dra'ndo kintnkoo'tu i'ndoiz, catalogue of interpreted words. Lie, V. Da'nsivai. 2, I'ntiti, to be situate. 3, Ti'ntlli, to be near, to be next. 4, Dra'nsivi, to be pros- trate. 5, Vrono'nsiti, to be a guest all night from home. 6, Bra'nsifai, to lie together, or to lie with. 7, Pvg'nsikai, to lie still, rest. Lie, V. Pre'mpinai, to tell a lie. Lie, fa J Pre'mba. Lie, n. Griusai'ri, lixiviation thing. Liable, adj. Kafo'ntusoo, which can be made an object. Libel, n. Da'nsutoo da'mbra, written calumny. Libella v'orm, n. Bo'njo. Liberality, n. Pe'mbo. L I G Liberal, adj. To'ntrui-, free as opposed to enslaved. Liberal sciences,^. Ba'mbis, learning. Liberty, n. O'mbra. ' Liberty of the 2oill, n. Go'nza, Liberty fat) adj. Pa'mpou, free. Liberty, (set at) v. Unto'mprifai to un-slave. 2, Unka'nti'isai, to im- prison. Libertine, n. Frone'tufoo re'mpuro, an imrestaincd vicious person. Libidinous, adj. Gaba'nsufo, apt to lust. Libra, n. Fooli'nzoo, a constellation. Library, n. Drenzai'dwis, aggregate of booljs. 2, Drenzai'tus, book- house. 3, Drenzai'dus, book-room. Libration, n. Fi'uzoo. Lice, n. Go'njooz, plural of louse. Licence, n. Go'mbra. Licentiousness, n. Vepe'mboi, exces- sive liberty. 2, Depe'mboi, liberty in a bad sense. 3, Frone'tufoo re'mboo, uncobibited vice. Lick, V. De'usitai, with the tongue. Lickerish, adj. Pre'mpou, sensual. 2, E'nsou, fond of delicate food. Licorice', n. Bi'mva. 2, Te'mvo, wild licorice. Lid, n. Tinsufo'tus a covering instrument. Lid, (eyelid) n. Fa'ldo. Liege, adj. Po'ntu, lawfi.il. Liegehrd, n. Va'uta fo'ndroo, own king, or lord paramount. Liegeman, n. Va'nta po'mbroo, own subject. Lien, n. Po'ntu te'ndoo trai'nu, legal claim to any thing. 2, Kwo'ntou o'ndi'a ve'ntipai, a conditional right to hold oi- detain. Lieu, n. Yro'ndis, substitute. 2, pre. Ve or vi, instead of. ■ Lieutenant, n. Vrontai'fas, substitute (officer). 2, Yrontai'i-o, substitute (person). Lieutenant, {of ship) n. PI'mbri. Life, n. Da'nzoo. Life, (to the) adv. Bida'nzoo, like Hfe. Life, (tree of) n. Vri'mva. Lifetime, n. Undi'noo. Life and death, (of) adj. A'mpri. Life, n. (see Vigor). Lift, V. Truse'nsikai, move upwards. Lift, (exalt) V. Ka'ntifrost, make high. 2, Yinka'ntikrost, to make higher. Lift up ones voice^ v. Ta'nsipai. Lift of a ship, n. Ki'mbra. Ligament, u. Fa'ndoi. Light, n. Pri'mboo. 2, Fi'mboo, light as opposed to shade. 3, Ti'mboo, brightness. Light, (a) n. Primpuvo'tus. Light a fire, (to J v. Tasii'nsipai, to begin to bum. Light-headed, adj. Bi'nsupi, verti- ginous. L I M Light, adj. Go'mpu. Light, adj. Tro'mpa, opposed to serious. 2, Dw'ampa, opposed to constant. 3, Ve'mpa, opposed to grace. 4, Dre'mpou, opposed to chaste. 5, Fra'mpi, credulous, (easiness of belief.) 6, Bro'nta frivolous. 7, Gla'ntur, opposed to intense. Light, (to make light of) v. Gro'nsi- fai, to contemn. • Light, (to) v. Trispre'ntisai joo, to come down upon (as a bird). Light, (to alight) as from a horse, V. Trispre'ntisai pentisai'twi pi'n- joo'ni kyel. Light, (to light upon something) v. Dre'ntipai, tri. Lighten, v. pli'mpifrost, enlighten. Lighten,y. Unra'nsikai, to unburden. Lighten pain, v. Untro'mplkai, to impain. Lightness n. Kli'mbi. Lightning, n. Tu'nzoo. Lighter, n. Pwi'udi'oo prantu'rdi ranziz, a boat for great bm-dens. Lights, n. Fra'njiz, the lungs. Lightsome, adj. Pri'mpur. Lignum nephriticum, n. Kii'mvinoo. Ligurinus, n. Pe'njis. Like, adj. Pa'ntu. Like as, Yoi'tiikyu, in the same manner as. Likewise, adv. Kwel, i. e. also. Like, v. Tonsitai'es, to approve it. 2, Tonsikaies, to love it. Likely, adj. Bipo'uti, true-like. 2, Gavi'ntus, apt to prove. Likeness, n. Pa'ndi. Liking, n. Ko'ndoi, condition, as in condition. 2, Ko'ndis, state, as in a good state. 3, To'nzo, appro- bation, as upon approval. 4, To'n- zoo, love; as, my likings and dis- likes. Lilac, n. Pu'nva. Lily, n. Fom'va. Lily, (Day-lily) n. To'mvi. Lily, (Water-lily) n. Ko'mvis. Lily of the valley, n. Dro'mviuoo. Limb, n. A'ndi. 2, A'ndis, part. > Limbec, (alembic) n. We'nzi pri'm- piirdi vi'nzis, a vessel for hot distillation. Limbernes's n. Yri'mbi. Limbus, n. Kri'ndo, margin. Lime, n. Bu'nza. Lime, (Birdlime) n. Krinsuno'ri kentipai'dul e'njiz, glue to take birds: frinsifai'dul e'njiz, or to entangle birds. 2, Fe'ntuvoo do'n- doo fi-invo'tu, prepared juice of mistletoe. Lime-tree, n. D^i'mvis. Limit, n. Tinvou'tuvo, the finishing sign. 2,Tinvou'tuvo, the finishing thing. 3, Kinvou'tuno, the finish- ing place. 4, Kyi'ndo, the side, 5, Kri'ndo, margin. LIT Limit, v. Fi'ntinai. 2, De'ntivo, to finish. 3, Gro'usinai, (must) to be necessitated. 4, Pro'nsikai, to prohibit. 5, Teto'nsinai, to ap- point exactly. Limitation, n. Fi'uda. Limn, v. Gi'nsmai. 2, Gre'ntifai ginza'ti, to imitate by painting. Limp, V. Pre'nsipai, to halt. Limpet, n. Po'njinoi. Lineage, n. Dwipro'nzooz, aggregate of desceudents. Line, n. Pe'ndoo. Line, (the) Fyi'nzis, the equator. 2, Poou'ndoi, the twelfth of an inch. 3, Pooru'ndoi, the sixth of an inch 4, Poolu'ndoi, the eighth of an inch, &c. Line, (a) n. De'nza, thread. Line,^ (as of ancestors) n. Dan'do, series. Line, v. Te'nsmai, as to line cloth- mg. Line, v. Ke'mprisai, (in fortification). Lineal, adj. Pe'utur. Lineament, n. Ee'ndo, figure. Ling, n. Ta'ujo. Ling, (heath J n. Di'mvis. Linger, v. Bre'ntivai, to protract. 2, Pra'mpinai, to loiter. Linguist, n. Kinde'vas, language artist. Link together, v. Fri'nsikai, to knit. 2, Pe'ntifai, to join. Linen, n. Ke'nza. Linen-draper, n. Kenza'das, Linnet, n. Ge'nja. Linnet, (red) n. Gri'nja. Linseed, n. Yo'ndo fenvet'u, seed of flax. Linsey-woolsey, n. Fwinsukoo'ri kenza'tu penza'kwi, a thing woven of linen and woollen. 2, Degro'n- do, an inferior mixture. Lint, n. Keno'nza, the scrapings from the surface of linen. Lintel, n. Tra'nza. Lion, n. Pi'nja. Lip, n. Ga'ndo. Liquid, adj. Fi'mpu, moist. Liquid amber, u. Tu'mvinoi. Liquor, n. Fimpoo'tis, liquid thing. 2, Frimpoo'tis, wet tiling. Lisping, n. Fra'nzo. List, n. Dra'ndo, catalogue. List, (of cloth) n. Kri'ndo. List, V. O'nsiuai, to will. Listen, v. Twasfo'mpitai, to endea- vour to hear. 2, Pro'nsitai fra'n doti, to observe with the ear. Listlessness, n. Kro'mboo, having no will or motive to action. Litany, n. Pimo'ndi'a, solemn pub- He prayer. Literal, adj. Pi'ntur. Literature, n. Ba'mbis, learning. Litharge, n. Pu'nza. Lithe, adj. Yri'mpu, limber. Litigious, adj. Twe'mpa. 3, Vro'nsitai, to act LOG Little^ adj. Pla'utur. lAttU-^ ( little Jiy little) adv. Pcgo'n- dus, by small dL'_^recs. Litter, n. DwitVo'uzoo, aggregate of offspring at one parturition. 2, Pi'ujoozis da'nzis, (straw). Liturgy, n. Uno'ndi-a, form of public worship. Lice, V. Da'nsipai. Live in exile, v. Ba'ntrisai. Live on, v. Ba'usipai. Lioehj, adj. Fo'mpa. 2, Ko'mpu, vigorous. Livelihood, n. Ko'nzis or ko'nzai. Live long, adj. A'utus, total. Liver, n. Ba'ndis. Liver-woii, n. Tro'mvoo. Livery, u. Drons'idls, sign of servi- tude. 2, Te'nda anze'tu, delivery of possession. 3, Go'mbri, livery and seisin. Livery (Iwrse at) n. Pi'ujoo bo'mpru- koo'su vro'nsuto. Lixiviation, n. Gi'nzis or gi'nzai. Lizard, n. Ki'njis. Lof imperative, Fa'ntitoz, present; fiuititonz, future. Loach, D. Pram'ijino. Loaf, n. Fe'nzoo. Loath, adj. Fro'nsa, reluctant. Loathe, V. Kro'mpifai, opposed to appetite. 2, Bro'usiki, to be strongly averse to. 3, Pro'nsiki, to be cloyed with. Loathsome, adj. Gakro'mpufoo, apt to be loathed. Lobby, u. Pevi'nti fa'nzo, a little outer room. Lobe, u. Tenta'dwes, protuberant part. Lobster, n. Po'njis. Local, adj. I'ntou. Loch, n. Ki'nsufotwus. Loch, (on doors, &c.) n. Ka'uza. Loch, (of watercourse) n. Dinon'za, a place constructed for narrowing and impounding a stream. Lock, (as of hair) n. Ve'nda, tuft. Locher, n. Fe'nzi, box or chest. Locomotion, n. E'ndis indoi'ui indoi'- nu, passage from place to place. Locust, n. Po'njoi. Locust tree, n. Vri'nja. Lode, n. Ra'nza, burden. Load, V. Ea'nslnai. Lode-star, n. Prc'ntou pl'nzoi. 2, Po'nsuso pl'nzoi, directing star. Loadstone, u. Du'njoi. Lodge, v. Rc'usilai. 2, Ee'nsilai vrundai'du, as a guest. Loft, u. Binti'tus, upper room. Lofty, adj. Ivan'tou. 2, Beka'ntou, very high. 3, Frc'mpn, proud. Log, n. Bra'ntou ro'ndoo, thick wood. 2, Ra'ndis fondoo'tu, part of trunk. Loggerhead, n. Depra'ntur a'ndo, great head. 2. Pra'mrsi, dull. P L Q Logic, n. Yi'ntmio'bas, the arguing art. Logical parts of discourse, n. I'ndaz. Logic, (chop) V. Devi'utinai, to ar- gue badly. Logwood, n. Bru'mviuoo. Loyal, adj. Ve'mpu. Loin, n. Ka'nda. Loiter, v. Pre'mpinai. Loitering, n. Pj'nibo indoo'tu. Lolling, n. Dckra'uzis, bad mode of leaning. Loam, n. Kru'nza, mortar. London tuft, n. Ke'mvi. Loan, n. Ko'ndri, lending. Lonesome, adj. Fro'nsa, solitary. Lo7ig, adj. Pa'ntou. 2, U'ndis or u'ndai, duration. Long suffering, u. Te'mboo, meek- ness. Long time, adv. Yl'ndur, perma- nently. Long, V. Bo'nsinai, to desire. 2, Be- ko'mpifai, greatly to long or lust for. Long oyster, n. Pro'njis. Longevity, n. Pa'ntou dan'zoo, long life. 2, Bevi'ndoo, great perma- nence. Longitude, n. Tino'nzis, distance counted on the ecliptic from the first meridian. Longitude, n. Pa'ndou, length. 2, Tii'ndoi nis a'prin kinzis, the dis- tance from the first meridian. Looby, n. Depra'utupro. Looh, V. Fa'ntitai, to eye. Looh, n. Pa'uti ko'ndis. 2, Pa'ntivis; face manner. Looh about, (to) v. Fa'mpinai, to be heedful. Looh for, (to) V. Dri'nsitai, to expect. Looh on, (to) V. Fa'ntitai, to eye. Looh to, (to) V. Fa'mpinai, to be heedful. 2, Pro'usitai, to observe. Loohing-glass, n. Po'mbo tentufo'- tus, sight reflecting instrument. Loom, n. Finsufo'twus, weaving ju- garaeut. Loop, n. Fre'ndi. Loop-hole, n. Kro'ndi, chink. Loose, adj. Vli'mjnis or vrime'pus. 2, Frono'tou or frone'tufoo, not in a state of cohibition or not co- hibited. 3, Kra'ntu, irregular. 4, Gla'ntur, remiss, relaxed. 5, Fra'mpa, negligent. 6, Rc'mpur, vicious. 7, Vu'mpusoo, afflicted with diarrhaja. Loose, v. Umfi'nsifai, to untie. 2, Bu'mprikai, to absolve. Loose-strife, (codded) n. Te'mva. Loose-strife, (hooded) n. Pro'nvinoo. Loose-strife, (purple) n. Bro'nvinoo. Loose-strife, (yellow) n. Fre'nvi. Lop, v. NIsde'nsivai to'ndooz, to cut off branches. 2, Uuto'ntipai, to unbranch. Lontacity, n. Ble'mvls. L U M Lord, n. To'ndroo, baron. 2, Uro'n- zo, master. Lordly, adj. To'ntru))i, lord-like. 2, Frc'mpu, proud. 3, Gle'mpa, ma- gisterial. Lose, v. Fre'ntikai, opposite to gain. 2, Vrc'ntipai, let go. 3, Bre'nti- kai, opposite to keep. 4, Klcm- prifai, to surrender (a town). Lost, adj. Fre'utukoo. 2', Kro'usupoo, destroyed. Lot, adj. Pensukn'tis, the lotting thing. 2, V. Pe'nsikai, to cast lots. Lotion, n. Yinsukoin, the vrashing thing. Lotus, u. Te'nvo. Lavage, n. Kro'mva. Love, n. To'nzi. Love, (in) adj. To'nsu, in a state of loving. Love, (mahe) v. Fo'nsifai, to act as a suitor. Lovely, adj. Vo'mpu, beautiful. Lour, n. Fra'nsinai. Lout, n. Twempa'ro, a nistic. Loud, adj. Bezi'mpi. Lozo, V. Pina'ucifai, to low, bellow, &c. Low, adj. Kra'ntou. 2, Bla'ntur, in- terior. 3, Bra'mpou, mean. 4, Bri'nti. 5, Dri'nti, bottom. Low water, Tra'ntou u'nzo, shallow water. Low sound, n. Pli'mbo. Jjoivermost, adj. Kra'ntufous. Lowly, adj. Fe'mpu, humble. Louse, n. Go'njoo. 2, To'njoi, hog- louse. 3, Po'mijoi, sea-louse. 4, Vro'njoi, wall-louse. Lozenge, n. Tenc'ti pre'ndi, a square not having a I'iglit angle. Lozel, Lubricity, n. L i'mba. Lucid, adj. PrI'mpar. Luch, n. Flo'nzoo, fortune. 2, E'ndi, event. 3, Fa'mboo, good luck, prosperity. 4, Fra'mboo, ill luck, adversity. Lucre, n. Fe'udi, gain. Lucubration, n. Vni'ntr.s pro'nzoi, nocturnal study. 2, Vru'ntus i'nzi, nocturnal operation. Lug, V. Ki'nsipai, to pull. Luggage, n. Ka'nzil. 2, Bro'ndoi, impediment. 3, E mbril, baggage. Lugubrious, adj. Kro'nsu, afliicted. Luhewarm, adj. Twilino primpu no'twi pli'mpu, neither hot nor cold. 2, Pi'mpu, temperate. Lull, V. Bo'nsikai renze'nu, allure to rest. Lull to sleep, v. Bo'usikai tranzol'nu, allure to slee]). Lumber, (see luggage). Luminary, r. Primpuvo'ri, enliglit- ening thing. Lump, n. Ka'ndis. Lozel, \\\. Poora'ntur gro'mpurn, Lubber, J a great lumpish person. L U R Lump-fish, n. Vre'njoi. Lumpish, adj. Gro'mpu. Lunar, adj. Gri'nsou. Lunatic, adj. Pru'mpa, mad. Luncheon, n. Bebra'ndis, great frag- ment. Lunc/s, n. Fra'ndis or fra'ndai. Lupin, n. Bre'mvo. Lupus, n. Ta'nja. Lupus marinus schonfeldii, n. Va'mijo. Lurcher, n. Pluo'nji, dog hmiting lesser beasts by swiftness. Lure, n. Bonzuko'ri, allui-ing thing. M A H Mace, n. Kono'ndoo, a sign of au- thority borne before magistrates. 2, To'ndoi viunvi-a'tusit, husk of the nutmeg. Mace, (Reed-mace) n. Bo'nvo. Maccaph, n. Kri'ndoo, (hyphen) Macerate, v. Di'usikai, soak. 2, Dii'nsikai, infuse. 3, Fre'mpifai, excessively abstain. Machine, n. Ga'nzis or ga'nzai. Machinate, v. Pe'ntivai, to design. 2, Do'nsitai, contrive. Macilent, adj. Bro'mpu, lean. Mackerel, n. Ba'njo. Madness, n. Pru'mba. 2, Pu'mba, frenzy. 3, To'nzi, anger. Madwort, n. Fre'mvis. Madder, n. Go'mvino. 2, To'mvino, bastard madder. 3Iade, v. Po'ntifel. 2, adj. Dro'nti, artificial. Madrigal, n. Tanfi'iijois bansutoo'- ritwi, shepherd's song. Manas, n. Fa'miji. Magazine, n. Poora'nti ke'ndiz dra'n- sutoo'tu de'nzis, kinsukoo tyel, a few leaves of printed paper sewed together. Magazine, n. Entru'tus, ammimition house. 2, Entru'dus, ammunition room. 3, Endi-e'dwis, aggregate of ammimition. Maggot, n. Po'njo. 2, Fo'njo, bee- maggot. 3, Tro'njo, wasp-fly maggot. Magic, n. Pa'mbis tinti'turiz, science of mysteries. 2, Pa'ndi'o, witch- craft. Magisterialness, n. Gle'mba. Magistrate, n. Po'ndi-oo. Magnammitjj, n. Ge'mbo. Magnet, n. Du'njoi. Magnify, v. Bego'nsikai. 2, Pra'nti- prost. 3, Fro'ntiprost pra'ntipou- tum, to cause to appear to be greater. Magnificence, n. Ke'mbo, generosity. 2, Bepra'ndoo frondoo'tu. ^fagnitude, n. E'ndi. Magpie, n. Ge'njoo. Mahometanism, n. Bu'ndroo. L U S Lurk, V. Dra'nsivai gre'ndur, to be in a state of concealment. 2, Te'mpripai, to lie in ambush. Luscious, adj. Vepi'mpou, excessive- ly sweet. Lust, n. Kro'mboi, appetite. 2, Bo'nzi, desire. 3, Bo'nzi branzoi'tu, desire of coition. Luster, n. Wi'ndi tus abin pu'ndaiz, a space of five years. Lustration, n. Unlu'mpriuai, to im- profane. 2, Unlu'mprinai tundi'ai- ti, to improfane by sacrifice. M M A L May, n. Kuni'ndis, the fifth month. May-fly, n. Dro'nja. May-weed, n. Gra'mvoi. May, V. Fi'u. 2, Fi, to have ability; to have liberty. Maid, n. Po'nzifet. 2, Dro'nzitun. Maid, n. Ta'njoi, (a fishj. Maiden-hair, (black) n. Bro'mvoo. 2, Do'mvoo, English black mai- den-hair. 3, Bo'mvoo, white mai- den-hair. Majesty, n. Fondroo'rit, the majesty of a king, the essence which be- longs to all kings. Majestic, adj. Foutru'rbis. Mail, n. Bifinsukoo'vus, woven-like armour. Maim, adj. Pro'mpikai. Main, adj. Pra'ntur. Mainland, n. Fi'nzo, continent. Main-sea, n. Fi'nza, ocean. Mainmast, n. Bi'ndi'o. Main, adj. Ka'nta, principal. Main chance, n. Ka'nta e'ndo, chief business. Maintain, v. Ko'nsisai. 2, Bo'nsisai, to defend. 3, Da'ntripai, to advo- cate. Major, adj. Pra'ntupou, greater. Majority, n. Ku'ndinoo, manhood. 2, Pra'ntupou ru'ndoo, the greater number. Mayor, n. Dono'ndi'o, chief officer of corporation. Maize, n. Fo'mvoi. Make, n. Ee'ndo, the make. Make, v. O'ntifai, to cause. 2, Po'n- tifai, to make. 3, Po'nsipai, to create. 4, Po'ntiprost, to cause to be ; to change into. 5, Fro'nsifai, to invent. 6, Tro'ntipai, to feign. Malady, n. U'mbi. Mal-administration, n. Bre'mbis. Malapert, adj. Tre'mpu, irreverent. 2, Dwe'mpi, impudent. 3, Dego'n- su, bold improperly. Male, n. Fo'mbis. 2, De'nsufo pc'uzi, riding bag. Malco7ite7it, adj. Tame'pnr, not con- tent. Malediction, n. Tro'nzoo, cursing. L Y R Lusty, adj. Ko'mpu, vigorous. Lustre, n. Ti'mboo, brightness. Lute, n. Dre'nsutus, musical instnx- ment. Licte, V. Ki'nsifai pentifai'twi kinza'- ti, to shut or join by soldering. Luxation, n. Vli'mbis or vli'mbai. Luxury, n. Kreinbo. Luxuriant, adj. Tra'ntur, excessive. Lixuriousness, n. Kre'mbo. Lynx, n. Ti'nja. Lyra altera rondeletii, n. Bra'nja. MAN Malefactor, n. U frontuvo'ro, an evil doer. 2, Wantri'ro, a criminal person. Maleficence, n. Fro'nzi. Malice, n. Fro'nzi. 2, Kre'mboo, malignity. 3, Tro'nzi, hatred. Malign, v. Kre'mpivi, to be malig- nant. 2, Vro'nsivai, to envy. Malignant fever, n. Tu'mboi. Malignity, n. Fron'zi. Maul, n. Befra'nzis rondoo'tu, a great hammer of wood. Maul,Y. Beke'nsivai, to beat greatly. Mallard, n. Franji'niter, male duck. Malleable, adj. Kakre'nsuvoo, which can be beaten. 2, Kare'ntitoo, krenzai'ti, which can be figured by beating. 3, Kafa'nsivoo ken- zai'ti, which may be stretched by beating. 4, Kare'ntikoo krenzai'- ti, which may be extended by beating. Mallet, n. Fra'nzis rondoo'tu, a ham- mer of wood. Mallet, (figure) n. Kre'ndis. Mallow, n. Va'mvino. 2, Da'mvino, marsh-mallow. 3, Ki'mvi, slu'ub- mallow. 4, Dra'mvino, tree mal- low. 5, Ga'mvino, vervain mallow. Malt, n. Bre'nsuvoo, to'mvoi, fer- mented barley. Mammock, n. Ka'ndis, lump. 2, Bra'ndis, fragment. Man, n. Bwi'nzi, a human being, a person. 2, Bwi'nzikur, a male human being. 3, Bwi'nzikun, a female human being. 4, Dro'nzi- tur, a man servant. 5, Dro'nzitun, a maid servant. 6, Vi'ndroo, a man of war. Manacles, n. Pinsufo'riz tande'diz, bonds or binding things for the hands. Manage, v. E'ntivai, to transact bu- siness. 2, Ve'ntikai, to use. 3, Po'nsisai, to direct. 4, Po'ntripai, to govern. Mancijjle, n. Fonsupo'ro enzoo'tuz, the provider of victuals. Mandate, n. Po'nzi, command. 2, Ke'ntusoo po'nzi, sent command. JI A £ Mandible, n. Pa'ndoi tando'tu, bone of the jaw. Mandrake, n. Kre'mvino. Mane, n. Kra'ntlis. Manful, adj. De'mpur, valorous. 2, Vo'mpa, stout. Mange, n. Fu'mbo, a kind of itch. Manger, n. Piujoo'zis cn^oo'dus, horses' food vessel. Mangy, adj. Fu'mpi, itchy. Mangle, v. Pro'mpikai, to mutilate. 2, Twibra'utisai, to separate into fragments. Manhood, n. De'mboo. Multitude, n. Pa'ndo, i. e. manynesa. Many, adj. Pa'nti panti'riz, manv things : panti'r(2Z) many persons. Manifest, v. Te'mpivai. Manifesto, n. Bwa'ntu ti'ndi, a pub- lic narrative. Manifold, adj. Panti'vis, i. e. of many kinds. Manly, adj. Binsu'rbis, man-like. 2, Vo'mpa, stout. 3, De'mpur, val- orous. Manna, n. Vu'nzo. 2, Do'ndoo bum- vi'stu, the juice of the ash. Manner, n. O'ndis, mode. Mannerly, adj. De'mpa, courteous. 2, Ge'mpa, complaisant. 3, Ke'm- pu, respectfid. Mansion, n. Eansupoo'kis, dwelling place. 2, Rentuso'kis, the slaying place. 3, Pya'nzoi, the house. Manslaughter, n. Bi'nzi di'a'nzipo, man killing. 2, Dra'nzupo yoo'tu bi'nzi, the killing of a human being. Mantle, n. We'nza glis fe'nsivai, a garment to cast round about. 2, Bwi'nti vli'mpus e'nza, an upper loose vest. Mantle, v. Plu'nsitai, to froth. Mantis, u. Pro'njoi. Manual, adj. Ta'ntu, pertaining to the hand. 2, Pedre'nzis, a little book. Manududion, n. Be'ndis, leading. Manufacture, n. Bomprufoo'ri, the thing made by the mechanic. Manumit, v. Unto'mprivai, to un- slave. Manure, n. Ti'nsitai. Manuscript, n. Da'nsutoo dre'nzis, written book. Map, n. Gwe'nzis ri'tu ra'ndis din- zoi'tu, a picture of some part of the earth. Maple, n. Vu'mvis. Mar, v. Twa'ntipai. Marble, n. Pu'njoi. March, n. Kunta'ndis, the third month. March, V. Te'ntisai, to travel, .speci- ally for soldiers. Marches, u. Kri'ndnz, margins. 2, Kri'uti, I'i'nzo, the marginal re- gion. Marchasite, n. Tru'njoo. MAS Marchioness, n. To'ndrijnm. Mare, n. Pi'njifun. 2, Fi'u'mba, niglitmarc. Margin, n. Kri'ndo. Marigold, n. Fa'mvoi. 2, Da'mvoi, African marigold. 3, Va'mvoi, corn marigold. 4, Kro'mvis, marsh marigold. Marine, adj. Ki'nsa, adj. of sea, i. e. relating to the sea. 2, I'ntru e'n- di'oz, marines. Mariner, n. Go'ndroi. 2, I'ndril, seaman. Marjoram, n. Ka'mvinoo. 2, Tra'm- vis, goat's marjoram. 3, Kra'm- vinoo, wild marjoram. Marsh, n. Gra'nzoo. Maritime, adj. Ki'nsa, (see marine). Mark, n. Bo'ndis, sign. 2, Bwa'm- bral'tis, a brand mark or sign. 3, Krinti'tis, boundary sign. 4, Fontusoo'kis, goal, object-ed place. 5, Fontusoo'ri or tis, object-ed thing. Mark, V. Bo'ntisai. 2, Ba'mprisai, to stigmatize. 3, Pro'nsitai, to observe. Market, n. Bontrufo'kis, merchant- ing place. Marl, n. Bu'nsa a'nzin or a'nza, calcarious earth. Marmalade, n. We'nsuri tu fe'nsu- too frumvoo'sit, a preparation of boiled quince. Marmoset, n. Pefi'njo. Marmot, n. Kri'njo. Marquess, n. Tona'ndroo. Marring, u. Twa'ndoo. Marry, v. Vu'ntrlnai. Married person, n. Ko'nzol. Marrow, n. Gra'ndoo. Mars, (planet) n. Bi'uzoi. Marshal, fjn'ovost) n. Va'mbroo. Marshal, v. Fa'ntikai, to order. Mart, n. O'ndro dis bo'ndrifo, con- vention for merchanting. Martagon, n. Fro'mva. Martial, adj. E'utra. Martin, n. Vi'nja, fbeast). Martin, n. Fe'nji, (bii'd). 2, Fre'nji, sand martin. Martingale, n. Frontufo'bus pinjoo'- tuz, cohibiting armament for horses. Martlet, n. Pre'nji, the swift. Martyr, n. Ku'ndro. Martyrology, n. Ti'ndi kundro'tuz, narrative of martyrs. Marvel, v. Po'nsikai, to wonder. Masquerade, n. O'ndro krondoo'tuz mitre'ntupraist anza'ti, a conven- tion of persons disguised by dress. Mash, n. Gro'udo. 2, Gro'ndo fi'm- putu bi'mbi, mixture of moist consistence. Mask, n. Goorcntupo'fus pando'di, a concealing vest for the face. Mason, n. Unje'tas, stone mechanic. 2, Vanzo'tas, wall mechanic. MAT Masculine, adj. Fo'mpus or fo'mpai. Mass, n. Beri'nzoo, a great body. 2, Ya'ntus ri'nzoo, the whole body. 3, Iva'ndis, lump. Mass, n. Vu'mbris, cucharist. Massacre, n. Gro'ntuvoo dwa'nzoo, mixed killing. 2, Kra'nti dwa'n- zoo, general killing. Massy, adj. Ple'ntus or ple'ntai. 2, Ki'mpu, weighty. Massiness, n. Ple'ndis or ple'ndai. Mast, n. Ko'ndo. Mastofshi2),Ti. Pi'ndro. 2, Ki'mbro. foremast. 3, Bi'ndro, mainmast. 4, Bi'mbro, middle-mast. .5, Ka'n- tufous pi'ndro, topmast, highest mast. Master, n. Vonti'a'ro, person of au- thority. 2, Vwampou'ro, a person of power. 3, Kyanta'ro, the chief person. Master of servant, n. Do'nzo. Master of family, n. Bo'nzo. Master of ship, n. Ki'ndi-i. Master, (teacher) n. To'nzo. Master of arts, n. Kwo'ndroo we'tu ta'mbaiz, a graduate in the arts. Master, v. Pe'mprifai, to vanquish. 2, Fro'ntifai, coerce. 3, Po'ntripai, to govern. Masterless, adj. Dre'mpu. 2, Vepa'm- pou, excessively free. 3, Depa'm- pou, mischievously free. 4, IJm- fro'ndufoo rc'mpur, unrestrainedly vicious. Masterly, adj. Beto'nti, very perfect. Masterwort, n. Bra'mva. Mastic, n. Vo'ndoo gumvo'tu, gum of the mastic tree. Mastic-tree, n. Gu'mvo. Mastication, n. Benzo. Mastiff, n. Poora'ntur pi'nji. Mat, n. Finsukoo'ri fronvo'tuz pren- zal'twiz, a woven thing of rushes or straw. Matweed, n. Ko'mvo. ' Match, n. Bwantu'rtis, an equal thing. 2, Fro'nza. 3, O'ndri, con- tract. 4, O'mbris, paction. 5, Vu'ndra, marriage. 6, De'ndri, match for gun. Mate, n. Fo'nza, companion. 2, Ko'nzoi. Material, adj. Ei'nsur. 2, Ba'nta, pertinent. 3, Bo'nta, important. Maternal, n. Fonsu'pun. Mathematic, n. Vondoo'bras, tJK! quantity science. Matriculate, n. Dra'ntivai, to cata- logue. 2, Tre'ntinai vondi-o'mu, to receive into the university. Matrimony, n. Vu'ndra. Matrix, n. Ta'ndis, womb. Matter, n. Do'nzoi. 2, Po'ndis or Po'ndai, subject. 3, Fro'ndis or fro'ndai, object. 4, Fondoo, thing. .0, E'ndo, business. 6, Ba'ndoo frompu'koo vandoi'tu, blood rotted in the flcsl!. MED Matron, u. Ko'nzifet. 2, Yempa'uet, grave female. 3, Bonsi'tet, a female housekeeper. Matins, n. Vu'ntrai u'udra or vii'u- trus u'udra, morning worship. •Mattock, n. Kriuo'ndis, a mallet figured pecking instrument. Mattress, n. Dwa'nzis, a bed made stiff with much sewing. Maturity, n. Ko'mbis or ko'mbai, ripeness. 2, To'udo, perfection. Maugre, pre. Tre or tri. Mavis, n. Tre'uj(2, thrash. Maund, n. Foore'nzi, a basket. Maunder, n. Trampa'kes, grudging voice, — grumble. Maio, n. Ka'ndis, stomach. Maxim, n. Bi'nda. rule. Maze, n. Tro'nzi, extasy. 2, Fri'u- sufoo anzoi, tangled buikling. 3, Fri'nsufoo dra'nzoi, tangled way. (see labyrinth). Mazer, n. Tre'nzi, cup. Me, prou. Os. 2, O'skwen, myself. 3, Os to'skwen, me, myself. 4, Tosgwe'nkwen, my own self. Mead, n. Kra'nzoo, meadow. 2, Ve'nzoi drunzo'tu, wme of honey. Meagre, adj. Bro'mpa, lean. Meal, n. Pi'nsuvoo vo'ndo, ground corn. 2. Pe'nzoo, eating. 3, Bro'njoo, meal worm. Mean, adj. Fa'ntur, neither abun- dant nor scarce. 2, Bamboi'pi, without dignity. 3, Bontru'rvis, of the people-kind. Mean, n. Vompruso'ro, mediator. 2, Pi'mbo, the mean among sounds. Means, n, Vro'ndoi. Means, n. Fa'mboi, riches ; as, " lie lives on his means." Meaning, n. Ri'ndoi, signification. 2, To'nza, purpose. Measure, n. U'ndi. 2, U'udooz, mea- sures of multitude. 3, U'ndoiz, measures of magnitude. 4, U'n- doz, measures of capacity. 5, U'ndaz, measures of gravity, No. 1. 6, Eu'ndaz, measures of gra- vity, No. 2. 7, Lu'ndaz, measures of gravity, No. 3. 8, U'ndilz, measures of value. 9, U'ndaiz. measures of time. 10, IJ'ndinooz, measures of animal life. Meat, n. E'nzoo, sustenance. 2, Pransufoo'ri, the eaten thing. Meats, (sweetmeats) n. E'uzoiz. Meazks, n. Kru'mboi. Mechanic, (operations) w. I'nzooz. Mechanical -profession, n. Bwo'mbi'oi, a mechanic. Medal, n. Tri'ntur ru'nda, old money. 2, Birunta'tis, money-like thing. Meddle, v. Gro'ntivai, to mix. 2, Do'ntipai, to act. 3, E'ntivai, to , transact business. 4, Deba'mpinai, to be injurioixsly diligent. Meddle icith, v. Fo'ntivrost, to make something an object. M E R Mediastine, n. Tra'ndi. Mediateness, n. Fra'nda. Mediator, n. Fa'mhroo. 2, Vo'mpru- so'ro, intercessor. Medicine, n. Two'ndroi. Mediocrity, n. Fa'ndoo. Meditation, n. Fro'nzoi. 2[cdley, n. Gro'ndij. Medler tree, n. Bu'mvoo. 2, Bu'm- voo'sit, medler fruit. Meadow, n. Kra'nzoo. Meadow-sioeet, n. Gra'mva. Meed, n. Vo'ndi-i, the skill and labor bestowed. 2, A'mboo, reward. Meekness, n. Te'mboo. Meer, u. Go'nti, simple. 2, Fri'nza, lake, 3, Krinti'dis, the boundary sign. _ Meet, adj. Vo'ntur, congruous, suit- able. 2, Uo'ntu, expedient. Meet, V. De'ntisai. Meeting, n. O'ndi'o. Meter, n. Bi'ndo. Melancholy, n. Pako'nzi, habitual grief. 2, Beko'nzi, great grief. 3, Gra'ntur tra'mbi, intense anx- iety. 4, Betre'ndi, great trouble. Melanurus, n. Ba'nji. Melilot, n. De'mvo. Mellifluous, adj. Bepi'mpa, extreme- ly sweet. Mellow, adj. Ko'mpus, ripe. Melody, n. Twi'mbo, pleasant suc- cession of musical sounds. Melon, n. Pre'mvinoo. Melt, v. Fi'nsivai. Member, n. A'ndi, limb. 2, Ra'ndis, part. Membrane, n. Tra'ndoi. Memorable, adj. Gato'mpufoo, apt to be remembered. Memorandum, n. Fomputoi'tis. Memory, n. To'mboi. Memorial, n. Tonpufra'stik, the thing causing to remember. 2, Tompou'dis, the memory sign. Menace, v.'Vro'nsikai. Mend, v. Ge'ntifai, repair. 2, Tw'an- tipai, to mend, improve. Mendacity, n. Pre'mba, lying. Me7idicant, n. Go'mbroo. Menial, n. Bro'nzo, domestic. Menstrua, n. Kra'ndoo, the courses. Mental, n. Po'mpur, pertaining to the understanding. 2, O'mpm-, rational. Mention, v. Fispa'nsitai, speak con- cerning. 2, Gi'ntivai, to express. Mercenary, adj. Bomprukoo'ro, a hired person. Mercer, n. Tensa'das, silk merchant. Merchandise, adj. Bontrufoo'ri, mer- chanted thing. Mercury, n. Vi'nzoi, the planet. 2, Pu'nzo, metal. 3, Va'mvoo, herb mercury. 4, Vra'mvoo, childing mercury. 5. Da'mvoo, dog's mei-- eury. 6, Ga'mvoo, English mer- cury. M I G Merchant, n. Bo'ndroi. Merchantman, (ship) n. Bi'ndroo. Mercy, n. Be'niboo. Mercurial, adj. Pu'nsi. 2, Gompu, nimble. 3, Fo'mpa, sprightly. Mere, adv. Go'udi, simply. 2, Tyool, only. Meridian, n. Ki'nzis. Meridional, adj. Ki'nsus, pertaining to the meridian. Merit, n. Vontrakoo'ri, the thing earned. 2, Kra'ndoo, excellence. 3, Vonta'ri, the worthy thing. Mermaid's head, n. Fro'njinoi. Merry, adj. Ko'nsu. 2, Te'mpa, urbaue. Marvel, v. Po'nsikai, to wonder. 2, Ge'mvinoo, marvel of Peru. Merida Montana, u. Dre'njo. Merula saxatilis, n. Ke'njo. Merula torquata, n. De'njo. Mesentery, n. Va'ndis. Mesh, n. Pre'nda, hole. Meslin, n. Gro'ntuvoo vo'ndo. Mess, n. Runtukoo'ri ; specially en- zoo'tu. Message, n. Ke'ntusoo ri'ndoi. Messenger, n. Kentusoo'ro, sent person. 2, Kentusoo'fas, sent ofKcer. Jlessiah, n. Vrinsukoo'ro. Messuage, n. Pa'nzoi, house. 2, Pa'nzoo, fann. Metal, u. U'nzi. 2, U'nzoo, natural metal. 3, U'nzoi, factitious metal, 4, U'nzo, impeiiect metal. Metamorpi'Osis, n. Pre'ndoo oldoo'tu yoo'tu fo'ndoo, the alteration of the kind of a thing. Metaphor, n. Vri'ndo. Metaphysic, n. Onde'bras, science ot transccndentals. Mete, V. Unti'kai, to measure. Metempsychosis, n. Tino'nzoo. Meteor, n. Ru'nzi. Metheglin, n. Ve'nzoi, dunzo'tu, wine of honey. Method, n. Fa'ndi, order. Metonomy, n. Pre'ndoo indoi'tuz. Metrical, adj. Bi'nti. Metropolitan, adj. Tono'mpri, rela- ting to the chief city. Metropolitan, n. Vu'udi'oi. Mew, n. Te'ujino. Mezereon, n. Di'mvoi. My, pron. Tau; tos; my. Tau'- kwen, myself. To'skwen, myself. Taugwe'nkwin, my own self. Iih'crocosm, n. Pezi'nzi. Microscope, n. Knnio'njoi, glass for seeing very little things. 2, Krmia'rijoi, telescope, glass for seemg remote things. Midwife, n. Tanzoo'fas, parturition officer. 2, Tansoo'tas, parturition mechanic. Might, u. Do'mbi, strength. 2, Va'mboi, power acquired. 3, O'mbi, natural power. ]il I N MnhUc, 11. Ti'ii(lo. MiJrIjf] 11. Taiidis. J\Ii(fJih/, adj. Bcdo'mpu, very strong. 2, Bczo'iiipii, very powerful. Mikh, adj. Tra'iitur. Mildness, n. Bo'iidi, gentleness. 2, Te'mboo, meekness. 3, Pe'mbis, gracloiisness. 4, Ge'mbis, clem- ency. 5, Uudwe'mba, immorose- ness. Mile, n. Du'ndoi. MUitary relation, n. E'ndri. Militari/ persons segregate, n. E'udrnz. 2Iilitary persons aggregate, n. E'udi'az. Military actions, n. E'ndi-ooz. Military events, n. E'ucb-oiz. Military ammunition, n. E'ndiil. Military 2)laces, n. E'ndi'alz. Militia, n. Eiitroo'ri. J/iV/i,-, n. Ta'ndoo. Milkwort, n. Pe'nvo. J/«7/, n. Te'nzis or te'nzai. Millefoil, n. Fa'nvoi. 2, Ta'nvi, wa- ter millefoil. 3, Dro'mvino, horn- ed millefoil. Miller s thumb, n. Fa'njino. Millet, n. Vro'mvoi. 2, Vo'mvoi, Indian millet. Million, n. Fu'udoo. Milt. n. Bro'nda, spleen. Miltwort, n. Dro'udoo, spleenwort. J/jV^, n. Go'nda, sperm of male fishes. Milter, n. Anje'tes. Mimic, adj. To'ntroii, player-like. 2, Gre'ntifai, to imitate. Mimicry, n. Gre'ndoi rinsu'rtu do'n- dooz, a'nzaiz ranzai'kwiz, imita- tion of corporeal actions, ges- tures, and postures. 2Iince, v. Vre'nsitai. Mincing, n. Pedi'o'mpu a'nzis, rather wanton gesture. 2, Petra'mpi a'nzis. 3, Tra'mpi e'nzoi, conceited mode of going. Mind, n. Tl'uzoo, soul. 2, O'mboo, rational soul. 3, Po'mboo, under- standing. 4, Vro'nzoi, opinion. 5, Pro'nzo, observing. 6, Fa'mba, heedfulness. Mindful, adj. To'mpou. Mine, pron. Tost. Mine, n. Punzoo'kin, metal place. Mine, v. Be'ntripai, to mine. 2, Be'mprivai, to countemiine. 2Iien, n- Pandci'vin, face-manner. Mineral, n. Pi'nzi. Mingle, v. Gro'ntivai. Minion, n. Betonsukoo'ro, much loved person. Minister, n. Dro'nzo, servant. 2, Fu'ndroi, priest. 3, Du'ndroi, presbyter. Minister, v. Dro'iisitai, to serve. 2, Bo'ntifai, to help. 3, Nuske'ntinai, to give to. Minnow, n. Tamijino. Q ' JI I S Miniver, n. Tono'ndis, fur of squir- rel's bellies. Minis, n. Tra'mpurtim or tet, con- ceited female. Minority, n. Kro'nsi u'ndinoo, pupil- lary age. Minster, II. Tundroi'zis do'nibro, monk's college. 2, Tundi'oi'zis panzoi, monk's house. Minstrel, n. Drenzai'tas, music mechanic. Mint, n. Pa'mvinoo. 2, Pra'mvinoo, catmint. 3, I'ndoi tus runda'tas, the place of money mechanic. 2[int., V. Ru'ntimost, to coin money. Minute, adj. Bepla'ntur, very small. 2, Gru'ndi, the sixtieth part of an hour. Miracle, n. Eo'nzoo. Mire, n. Fu'nza. 2, Tr'anzoo, quag- mire. Mirobalan, n. Bu'mvoi. Mirror, n. Po'mbo tentufotus. Mirth, n. Ko'nzi. Miss, n. Diske'nsivai, to strike beside. 2, Kene'sivai, not to strHce. Misadwnture, n. Deflo'nzoo. 2, Fra'mboo, adversity. Misapply, V. Dete'ntifai. Misbecoming, adj. Fro'ntu, indecent, Mishegot, adj. Pane'supoo vundi-a'tu, not begotten in man-iage. Misbehave, v. Deza'nsikai, to demean itself badly. Misbelief, n. Deko'nzoi. Miscall, V. Dekontipai. Miscarry, v. Dre'ntivai. 2, Tra'nsi- pai, prematurely to' bring forth. Miscellany, n. Gro'ndo. Mischance, n. Deze'ndi. 2, Frampu'r- tis, something adverse. 3, Tra'n- zoo, abortion. Mischief, n. Kre'mboo. 2, Pro'nda, hurt. 3, Pa'ndi'a, injury. Mischievousness, n. Kremboo. Misconstrue, v. Depo'mpivai. 2, Deki'ntikai, misinterpret. Miscreant, n. Deko'nsuforo, misbe- lieving person. 2, Pu'mbro, here- tic. 3,Wampu'bro, an ungracious person. 4, Fra'nipulo, an unholy person. Misdeed, n. Dedo'ndoo, evil action. Misdemeanor, n. Deza'nzi, misbe- haviour. Misdoing, n. (see misdeed). Misdoubt, V. Kro'nsitai, to suspect, distrust. 2, Dro'nsikai, to be diffi- dent of. 3, Tro'nsivai, to be jea- lous of. Miser, n. Trempi'ro, penurious person. Misery, n. Pra'mboo. Misfortune, n. Fra'mboo, adversity. 2, Deflo'nzoo, ill fortune. Misgive, v. Debro'nsifai. Misgovern, v. Depo'ntripai. Mishap, n. Fra'mbo. 2, Deflo'nzoo, ill fortune. MOD Misinterpret, v. Deki'ntikai. 2, De- po'mpivai, misunderstand. Mislead, v: Debc'ntisai. 2, Pro'nsi- sai, seduce. Mislike, v. Tro'nsitai, disapprove. Misname, v. Deko'ntipai. 2, Pro'ndi ko'ntipai, to name untruly. Misplace, V. Dezi'ntifai. Misprision, n. Tro'nzo, distnist. 2, \ eko'nzoo, imperfect bchef. Misreckon, n. Deve'ntinai. Missal, n. Vu'mpai dre'nzis, the mass or eucharist book. Misshape, v. Dre'ntikai, to mis- figure. 2, Vro'mpu, ugly, de- formed. Mission, n. Ke'ndis, act of sending. Missive, n. Kentusoo'ri, sent thing. Mis-sjjend, v. Detre'ntLkai. Mist, n. Fru'nzo. Mistake, n. Tro'ndo, imperfection. 2, Ge'ndo, eiTor. 3, Devro'nzoi, wrong opinion. Mistle thrush, n. Te'njo. Mistletoe, n. Fri'nvo. Mistress, n. Dro'nzitet. 2, Fonsufoo- et, courted female. Mistrust, V. Bro'nsifai, to doubt. 2, Tronsitai, to distrust. Misuse,!!. Deve'ntikai, to use wrongly Mite, n. Do'njoi. J/iVr(?,n. Vu'mbrois ando'fus, bishop's head vest. Mitigate, v. Dwa'ntiprost, to cause to be less. 2, Gla'ntiprost, to dimi- nish the intensity. 3, Unto'nsikai, to uu-anger. Mittens, n. Pe'nza tande'fus, woollen hand vest. Mix, V. Gro'ntivai. Mixen, n. Trensuno'kin dunging place. 2, Bi'usufoo treusukoo'ri, heaped dung. Mixture, n. Gro'ndo. Mizen-mast, n. Ti'mbro. Mizzle, V. Fu'nsisai. Moa7i, V. Tiskro'nsikai, to express grief. 2, Keskro'nsikai, to utter a grievous sound. Mobility, n. Enze'rit, essence of mo- tion. 2, Dre'mba, inconstancy. Mock, V. Ta'mprinai, to scoff'. 2, Ka'ntrinai, to deceive. J\[ode of a thing, n. O'ndis. Model, n. Ki'nda fendoo'tiz, descrip- tion by lines. 2, Petroiidoi, a pattern on a reduced scale. 3, Vri'ndi, epitome. Moderation, n. Fa'ndoo, mediocrity. 2, Ka'mbo, moderation m opinions. 3, Be'mbo, moderation in recrea- tions. Moderator, n. Pa'ndroo. 2, Ontri'ro, the chainnan or governor of a meeting or convention. 3, Fron- tufo'ro, the cohibiting person. Modern, adj. Ti'ntur, new. Modicum, n. Pla'utur vo'ndoo, small quantity. M 0. R Modesty^ n. De'mbg, from fear of disgrace. 2, Te'mbo, modesty in seeking honors. Modulation^ n. Bla'nzo, warbling. Moil, n. Bezl'nzi, hard work. Moil, V. Dra'ntikai, to defile. Moistness, n. Ti'mbi. Moiety, n. A'pin a'fril, one half. Mole, n. Dro'nti bri'nzo, artificial bank. 2, Pebo'ndis, small mark. 3, Pera'udis, a small part. Mole^ n. Gi'njo. 2, Va'njoi, (fish). Molest, V. Tre'ntikai. Molle, (Indian) Dru'mvo. Mollify, V. Pri'mpigrost, to malce soft. Molten, adj. Fi'nsufoo, dissolved. 2, Bri'nsunoo, cast, Moly, n. Pi-o'nva. Moment, n. Ri'ndoo, instant. Momentous, adj. Bo'nta, important. Monarch, n. P'o'ndi-oo, governor. 2, Fo'ndi-oo, king. Monastery, n. Do'mbro tundroi'tuz, college of monks. Monastic, adj Tu'ntrou. Money, n. Ru'nda. Money wort, n. Pro'nvis. Month, n. Ku'ndis. Mongrel, n. Gronti'fin, mixed kind. 2, Kro'nti, spurious. Monition, u. Kro'nzi, warning. Monk, n. Tu'ndroi. Monkey, n. Kri'nja. Monoceros clusii, n. Dra'nja. Monopoly, n. Fro'nsa do'mbra ton- dre'tu, the sole privilege of selling. Monosyllable, n. Wi'ndoi tus a'p'B ti'ndoo, a word of one syllable. Monster, n. Bisdo'nti fa'ndi, agamst natural order Monument, n. Tompou'dis, memory sign. 2, Tuntruno'ri, burying place. Mood, fmodej n. O'ndis. 2, Ra'mbi, disposition. Moon, n. Gl'nzoi, the planet. Moon, (new) n. Gyi'nzoi gyu'nsu te'ntivo tyai ku'ntai te'ndis, the moon when she begins her month- ly course. Moon-wort, n. To'mvoo. Moon, {half) n. Be'ndris, (military). Moor, n. A'nzoo, land. Moor, n. Twansnpoo'ro sus rauro'ku, a person born at Morocco. Moor-hen, n. Tenjinoi. Mont, adj. I'ntukoo, discoursed, i. e. discussed. Moral, adj. E'mpu. Moral philosophy, n. Pompro|uri embe'fi, philosophy concerning morals. Moral, (a) n. E'mpu bi'nda. Moralize, v. Te'ntifai embe'nuz, to apply to morals. More, adv. Yin. 2,Bra'ntur, superior. Moreover, conj. Kwelkwi. Mortgage, n. Do'ndris or do'ndrai. MOV Mormylus, n. Tra'nji. Morning, n. Vru'ndis or Vru'ndai. Moroseness, n. Dwe'mba. Morrow, n. ca'pin, the first futm-e day. Morrow, {good) n. Vu'ntus ta'uzi, a good morrow. Morrow, (good) v. Au tansiko'as, I salute you. Morse, n. Ti'nji. Morsel, n. Bra'ndis. Mortal, adj. Kadra'nsupo, which can die. 2, Gadra'nsupo, apt to die. Mortality, n. Kadra'nzoo, ability to die. 2, Gadra'nzoo, aptness to die. Mortality, n. Pu'mboo tyoo dra'nsi- prast, an infection which kills. Mortar, n. Kru'nza. Mortar, n. Prinsuno'tus, the vessel for pounding things. Mortify, V. Dra'nsiprast, to cause to die. 2, Fempikrost, to humble. 3, Umfre'mpikrost, to unpride. 4, Umba'nsifrost, to unlust, spe- cially by voluntary maceration, &c. 5, Pa'mpikai, to repent. Mortise, n. Ple'nda, hole cut in tim- ber to receive the tenon. Mortuary, n. Ge'nda dis drounsupo'- roz, payment for the dead. Mosque, n. Xra'nzoi bu'ntrur, Ma- hometan temple. Moss, n. To'mvoo. Most, adv. Win; as, "win pampur," most happy :^or by varying the form of the tabular; as, " pa'mpu- vous," most happy. Mostly, adv. Ka'ndun, chiefly, il/ote, n. Bwedren'di, a great ditch. Mote, n. Pekra'ndis, small powder. Moth, n. Go'njoi. 2, Tro'nja. Moth midlein, n. Kre'mvinoi. Mother, n. Fo'nzlpun, female parent. Mother-tongue, n. Rl'ndi di*algwe'ntu po'ndro, the language of any per- son's own nation. Mother of pearl, n. To'njinoi. Mother, n. Ta'ndis. 2, Du'mbis, a disease. 3, Tra'ndls, sediment. Mother-wort, n. Ta'nvinoo. Motion, n. E'nzi, locomotion. Motion, (animal progression) n. E'nzoo. Motion of animal parts, n. E'nzo. Motion, (violent) n. E'nzis or e'nzai. Motion, (mental) n. Pa'nza. Motive, adj. Gazeiisuko, apt to move. 2, Gaze'nsikrast, apt to cause to move, as ''motive power." 3, Fro'ntou, impulsive. Motley, adj. Bi'mpou, variegated. Motto, n. Fwe'ntupoo pri'ndo, an appropriated sentence. Move, V. E'nslkai. Move the brows, v. Pra'nsinai. Move, V. Fre'ntinai, to offer. 2, Fro'ntlfal, to impel. 3, Fo'nslkai, to persuade. 4, Bo'nsikai, to allure. 5, To'nsikrost, tj make angry. MUD Move the head, v. Kra'nza. Moveable, adj. Kaze'nsukoo, to be able to be moved. 2,Gaze'nsukoo, apt to be moved. Movables, n. A'nzaiz. Mould, n. Un'za. Mould, n. Tro'udoi kre'nti, convex type. 2, Tro'ndoi kle'nti, concave type, i. e. the mould into which molten metal is poured In casting. Mould, V. Dl'nsmai, to kneed. 2, Tro'ntlfrost, to make into a pat- tern, or cause to be a pattern. Moulder, v. Kra'ntlvraust krombe'ti, to be reduced to powder by decay. Moulder-away, v. Kro'mplkai. Mouldiness, n. Pro'mvoo. 2, DI'mba, mustlness. Moulter, v. Umpo'ntlkraust, to be caused to be unfeathered. Mound, n. E'mbris. 2, Bri'nzo, bank. 3, Te'ndrls, rampart. Mount, n. PrI'nzo. 2, Bepri'nzo. 3, Dro'nti pri'nzo, artificial hill. Mount, V. Truspre'ntlsai, to up-go. Mount a horse, v. Pino'ncipal, to put one's self upon a horse. Mountain, n. (see mount^. Mountehank, n. Tre'ntuso to'ndroi. 2, To'mprufo to'ndi'oi, juggling physician. Mourn, v. Kro'nsikal. 2, Ge'ntipai kro'nzi, to shew grief 3, Dikro'n- slkai, to signify or shew grief. Mourning, n. Dikro'nsuko e'nza, clothing Indicating grief. Mouse,n. Dri'njo. 2, Di'ljo, dormouse, (apt to sleep mouse). 3, Dino'njo, field mouse. Mouse-ear, n. Tra'nvo. 2, Fre'nva, codded mouse-ear. Mousetail, n. Vo'nvo. Mouth, n. Ta'ndo. Mouthed, (foul) adj. Gapa'nsutai fro'ndu, apt to speak indecently. 2, Gata'ntrunal, apt to revile. Mouthed, (mealy) adj. Gapa'nsutai te'mbim, apt so speak urbanely. Mouthe, V. Ta'ntrinai, to revile. Mow, n. Ginsufoo'ri, heaped thing, specially of barley, &c. Mow, V. Ta'ntrinai anza'tiz, to mock with signs of passion. Mow, V. Kii'nsitai. Mew, V. Ka'ntrisai, to imprison. Much, n. Bevo'ndoo tus, a great quantity of. 2, Pa'nti, many. Much, (as much) adv. Bevo'ndupa, as much. 2, Pa'ntuva, as many. Much, (for as much as) conj. Gool, whereas. Make much of, v. Bede'mpinai, to act courteously to. Much, (too) adj. Bevo'ntupas, or, yint bevo'ntur. Much, (very) adj. Fra'ntur, abundant. Mucilaginous, adj. KI'mpus, slimy. Mud, n. Dl'nsukoo fu'nza, soaked dirt. M U M Muck., n. Treusunoo'ri, dunged thing. 2, Krensunoo'ri, the thing blown out of the nose,— snot, snivel. 3, mis ensunoo'ri, the out-purged thing. Muff, n. Twe'ntufus dis pri'mbiko ta'ndiz, tubular vest for warming the hands. Muffle, u. Pa'ndo gentupo'fus, a face concealing vest. Muffler, n. Twa'ntifus, a mouth vest. Mufty, n. Ka'nta vii'ndroi buntni'rtu, chief mahometan primate. Mug, n. Be'nzi pranzifo'di, pot for drinking. Murjicort, n. Pra'nvoi. Mulberry, n. Pu'mvo. Mule, n. Fri'njoo. Mule-fern, n. Go'mvoo. Muleteer, n. Frincur'fas. Mullein, n. Ke'mvinoi. 2, Kre'mvi- noi, moth mullein. 3, Kru'mvis, sage mullein. Mullet, n. Va'nja. Mullet, (English) n. Tra'nja. Mullet, (lesser English) n. Vra'nja. Mulct V. Da'ntrisai, to fine. Multifarious, adj. Vipa'nti, of many kinds. Multifidous leasts of the larger kind, n. I'njoz. Multifidous beasts of the middle size, n. I'njaz. Multifidous beasts of the least size, D. I'njilz. Multiply, V. Pa'ntivrost, to cause to be numerous. 2, Dra'ntipai, to increase. 3, Ga'ntisai, to multiply (arithmetically). Multiplicity, n. Pa'ndo, multitude, manyness. Multitude, n. Pa'ndo. Mumble, v. Debe'mpitai, to masti- cate badly. 2, Ti'mpitai fra'ndu, to utter confusedly. 3, Pa'usitai fra'ndu, to speak confusedly. Mumps, n. U'mbi, (a disease). NAP Nadir, n. Plno'nzis or pino'nzai. Nag, n. Pepi'njoo; specially ungra'n- tusoo, untestlcled Nail, (of animal) n. Bra'ndis. Nail, n. Peno'uda, a metal pin to knock into wood, &c. Naked, adj. Ene'sunoo, not clothed. 2, Une'nsimoo, unclothed. Name, n. Ko'ndoo, a word. Namely, adv. Dool. Nick-name, n. Deko'ndoo, corruptive of name. 2, Ka'mboi, i-eputation. Nap, n. Ve'ntunoo te'ndoo, tufted surface. 2, Petra'nzoi, a little ' sleep. Napheio, n. Kre'mva. M U S Mummers, n. Ri'mpi ansuvo'rnz, silent gesturing persons. Mummy, n. Dro'unsupo ri'nsur twc'n- sutoo, a dead body embalmed. Mump, V. Deze'nsikal ta'ndo, badly to move the mouth. Monday, n. Buna'ndis, second day of the week. Mundane, adj. Di'nsou. Municipal, adj. To'mpri. 2, Do'ntri, corporate. Munificence, n. Pe'mbo, liberality in giving. Muniment, n. Ba'ndris or ba'ndrai. Munition, n. E'ndris, fortification. 2, E'ndri, ammunition. Murosna, n. Pa'njis. Mural, adj. Va'nsi. Murder, n. Ka'ndro. Murex, n. Fo'njinoo. Murmur, v. Pa'nsitai tra'mbun, to speak grudgingly. 2, Pa'nsitai tra'mbur, to speak discontentedly. 3, Pa'nsitai bo'nzus, to speak in- dignantly. Murrain, n. Pu'mpur u'mbi binje'tuz, an infectious disease of beasts. 2, Tru'mboi, plague. Murrey, adj. Pli'mpur fi'mboi, dark red. Muscle, n. Vra'ndoi. 2, Dro'njinoi, fish. Muscular, adj. Vra'ntou. Muse, n. U'ndikun tus komprou'ri, the goddess of poetry. Muse, V. Fro'nsifai, to meditate. Music, n. Dre'nzi, (general). 2, Ti'mbo, harmonious or melodious sounds. 3, Tri'mbo, harmony, simultaneous pleasant sounds. 4, Twi'mbo, melody, successive pleasant sounds. 5, Dre'usubas, the art of music. 6, Dre'nsubras, the science of music. Musk, n. Krino'nja, a strong scented substance from a bag near the navel of the Thibet musk. NAT Nape, n. Gri'ndo panda'tu, hinder part of the neck. Naptha, n. Bru'nji. Napkin, n. Grino'nzi, a linen wiper. Narcissus, n. Ko'mva, daffodil. Nairotic, adj. Tra'nzoi. 2, Pro'mboi, stupor. Narration, n. Ti'ndi. Narroicness, n. Fra'ndoi. 2, Bri'ndoi, cribbedness. 3, adv. Pa'mbun, heedfully. Nastiness, n. Bedr'andi, extreme filthincss. 2, Bevi-e'mboi, extreme slovcnhness. Nation, n. Po'ndro. Native, adj. Ta'nsur. 51 Y T Mushroom, n. Po'mvoo. Musket, n. Wo'ldoo fenjoo'tu, a kind of hawk. 2, Woldoo vendro'tu, a kind of gun. Must, V. Go'ntin, it must. 2, Do'nti, it is necessary. Mustache, n. Pa'ntou po'ndia bi'nHju ga'ndo, long hair upon the upper lip. - Mustard, n. Te'mva,. 2, Fe'nzoi tc'mvatu, sauce of mustard. 3, Fe'nva, towermustard. 4,Trc'nva, yellow Arabian mustard. Muster, v. Ru'ntipai, to number. 2, Dra'ntivai, to catalogue. Mustiness, n. Di'mba. Mutable, V. Gapre'ntupo, apt to alter. 2, Dwa'mpa, light, inconstant. Muteness, n. Pra'nzo. Muting, n. Trc'nzino, dunging. Mutilous, adj. Pro'mpu. Mutiny, n. Ta'mbro. Mutter, V. Pa'nsitai umpi'ndun, to speak un-distlnctly. 2, Pa'nsitai fra'ndu, to speak confusedly. 3, Pa'nsitai tra'mbim, to speak grudgingly. Mutton, n. Va'ndoi finjoi'tuz, flesh of sheep. Mutual, adj. Dro'ntus, reciprocal. Mutually, adv. Dro'ndus, recipro- cally. Muzzle, n. Pinsufo'riz tando'tu, bonds of the mouth. 2, Ri'mpu- trost, to make silent. Myriad, n. Pau'sin, ten thousand. Myrrh, n. Pu'mvinoi. Myrtle, n. Pu'uvo. Mystery, n. Trinti'ri, an obscure thing. 2, Greutupoo'ri. concealed thing. 3, O'ndroi, trade or mys- tery. 4, Bame'pus, not learned. Mythology, n. Ki'ndi tro'nturtu ti'n- dis, interpretation of feigned narratives. N A V Nativity, n. Ta'nzoo. 2, Tansu'rgis, birth time. Natural, adj. Do'nti. Naturally, adv. Do'ndi, spontane- ously. Natural fool, n. Prompu'ro, idiotic person. Natural power, n. O'mbi. Naturalist, n. Pyomprou'ro donti'- turiz, the philosopher of natural things. Naturalize, v.Trono'nsinai, to endow a foreigner with the privileges of a native. Naval, adj. Fi'ntrur, pertaining to ships. NEE Nature, n. Do'ndo. 2, Po'ndi'a, law of nature. 3, O'mbaz, natural habitudes of the soul. 4, 0'mbilz, corporeal habitudes. 5, Ra'mbi, disposition. Nave (of church) n. Kana'uzoi, the greatest temple room. Nave, (of cart, &c.J n. De'nzi. Navel, n. Vra'nda. Navel-ioort, n. Vo'mvinoi. 2, Pr'on- voo, sea navel-wort. Navew, n. Kre'mva. Naught, n. Po'ldoo. Naught, (come to) v. Pro'nsipoo, to be annihilated. Naught, (set at) v. Dri'nsifai, to contemn. Naught, adj. Fro'nti, bad. Navy, n. Dwinfindroo, aggregate of ships. 2, Pe'ndi-o findi'oo'tuz, army of ships. Navigation, n. Dre'nzoi. Nauseate, v. Pro'nsinai, to feel aver- sion. Nauseousness, n. Kro'mboi, loathing. Nautical, adj. Fi'ntrur. Nautilus, n. Po'njinoo. Nay, adv. Num, nul, nun; noom, nool, noon; nump, nult, nuut. Examjiles. U'meaid? Is he"? Au ga'nsito num, i. e. I say he is not; — nul, he was not ; — nmi, he will not be ; — noom, he has not been; — nool, he had not been; — noon, he will not have been, &c. Neap-tide, n. Tra'ntufous vri'nza, the shallowest tide. Neat, n. Pi'njoi, (beast). 2, Dra'ntu, pure. 3, Ve'mpou, clean. 4, Be- fo'ntu, very decent. 5, Vra'ntu, adorned. Neb, n. Fe'nda. Nebulous, adj. Fru'nsi. Necessary, adj. Go'ntu. Necessity, n. Bre'ndoo. 2, Fra'mboi, poverty. 3, Gro'nza, determina- tion. Necessitous, adj. Fra'mpou. Neck, n. Pa'nda. Neck of land, n. Bi'nzo, isthmus. ' Necromancy, n. Pa'ndro dis di'ounsu- poroz, or drounsupo'diroz. Nectar, n. Pransufoo'ri trontur'tu u'ndiz, di'ink of the fictitious Gods. Nectarine, n. Pru'mvoi. Neice, n. Tro'nzipmi. Need, n. Bre'ndoo, want. Needfulness, n. Go'ndi. 2, Do'ndi, expedience- Neediness, n. Fra'mboi. Needle, n. Ki'nsuktj pe'nda, sewing pin. Needle-fish, n. Ta'mijo. Needle, n. Duuo'njoi, the mariner's compass. Needless, adj. Gonde'pi, without necessity. N E X Needle, (shepherd'' s) n. Bra'mvoo. Near, adj. Ti'ntou. 2, Ti'ndou, near or nearly. 3, adv. Sool, well nigh or near. Nearness, n. Ti'ndoi. 2, Te'mbo, frugality. 2, Tre'mbo, peuurious- ness. Neeze, v. Pe'nsinai, to sneeze. Neezing-wort, n. Po'mvinoo. Nefarious, adj. Bere'mpur. Negation, n. Fri'udis. Neglect, n. Fla'mba, heedlessness. 2, Gre'ndo, omission. 3, Ble'mba, sloth. Negociate, v. E'ntivai, to transact business. 2, E'ntikai, to transact commercial affairs, Negro, n. Pllmpou'ro, black man. Neigh, v. Kepi'ncipai, to utter the sound used by horses.. Neighbour, n. To'nza. Neither, adv. Twifi'no, not either of the two; — twiti'no, not either of the three: — twi'kino, not either of the four: — twib'ino, not either of the five, &c. Neither, adv, No'twi, nor. Neophyte, n. Petro'nzo, young disci- ple; or, ti'nturtro'nzo, new disciple. Neoteric, adj. Ti'ntur, new. 2, Pu'u- tinur, young. Nephew, u. Tro'nzoo. Nerites, n. Kro'njmoo. Nerve, n. Ba'ndoi. Nest, n. Enje'stus, bird's house. 2, Enje'dus, bird's room. Note. The genitive sign (s,) is omitted, eu- phonsE gratia. Nestling, n. Eno'nji, a bird not hav- ing left it's nest. Net, n. Gla'nzls. Nether, adj. BrI'ntutou, lower. 2, Bla'ntnr, inferior. Nethermost, adj. Bri'ntutous, the lowest. Nettle, n. Ka'uvoo. Nettle, (Dead-nettle) n. Pa'nvmoo, archangel. 2, Ku'mvo, nettle tree. 3, Vro'njino, sea-nettle. Never, adv. Tri'ndur. Never so much, adv. Kwoo'un, how- ever much. Nevertheless, conj. Nel or nil. Neuter, adj. Twifi'no fo'mpus from- pu'stwi, neither male or female. Neutnd, adj. Twifi'no do'ntur di'o'n- tu'rtwi, neither active nor passive. Neutrality, n. Eno'ndi'i, neutrality in war. 2, Gono'mbro, adhesion to neither faction. New, adj. Ti'ntur. New moon, n. Regi'nzol, the begin- ning of the moon's monthly course. News, n. Ti'ntur ti'ndl, new narra- tion. Next, adj. Ti'ntufous, nearest. 2, Fri'ntur. 3, Fli'ntur, succeeding. 4, F.a'nta NOB Newt, n. Bi'njis, lizard. Nibble, V. Pebe'nsitai, to masticate a httle. Niceness, n. Vre'mboi. 2, Dro'mba, opposite to hardiness. Niche, n. Tre'nda. Nick, n. Fre'nila, notch. Nickname, n. Deko'ndoo dronzoi'pu, corruptive of name with contempt. Nick of time, (in the) adv. Feri'ndu, exactly momentarily. Nick or notch, (to) v. Fre'ntinai. Nigella, n. Tre'nvi. Niggard, n. Trempi'ro, penurious person. Nigh, adj. Ti'ntou, near. Night, n. Vru'ndls or Vni'ndai. Nightmare, n. Fru'mba. Nightshade, n. Ke'mvino. 2, Tra'm- vinoi, enchanter's nightshade. Nightingale, n. Te'nji. Nightly, adv. Vru'ndus. Nilling, n. Kro'mboo. 2, Eo'nza, willing not to do. Nimbleness, n. Go'mbi. Ni7ie, n. A'tin, 9. Ninety, n. Ta'sin, 90. Nine hundred, n. Te'sin, 900. Nine thousand, n. Au'to, 9,000. Ninety thousand, n. Tau'so, 90,000. Nine hundred thousand, n. Too'sin, 900,000. Ninny, n. Pro'mpuro, fool. Nij}, v. Tri'nsipai dindo'kiiz dande'-- tuz, to compress betwixt the tops of the fingers. 2, Pefe'ntinai, to bite a httle. Nipjile, n. Pete'nda fanda'tu. Nipple-icort, n. Ki-a'nvo. Nit, n. Vo'ndi gonjoo'tu, egg of louse. Nitre, n. Pru'njl. No, adv. Nam, general negative. No : — Special Negatives. Neutrals. Nu'm, nul, nun : noom, nool, noon ; niunp, nult, nunt. Actives. Nim, nil, nin; nem, nel, nen; nimp, nilt, nint. Passives. The same as the nei;trals. (See Grammar : " Responslves." Observe. These forms demand some attention, but not much. Their excellencies consist in keeping up an exact correspondence betwixt the question and the answer. No, adv. Eai'no, not any, as, "Drai- no or rai'uo kro'ndoo," no person. Nobody, n. Drai'no. No-u'herc, adv. Krai'tuno, not in any place, i. e. no, not; tu, in; rai, any; k, place. Nobility, abs. n. Tondi-oo'rit, the essence of nobleman. N S Nohh, adj. To'ntrur. Nocent, adj. Va'mprou, guilty. 2, Pro'uta, hurtfid. Nocturnal, adj. Vru'ntus or vru'ntai. Nod, V. Kra'nsiuai, to move the head. Noddy, n. Pro'mpuvro, fuel. Noddle, n. Deza'iido, famihar use of the word head. Node, n. Te'uda, protuberance. 2, U'mbo, tumour. Noggin, n. Bebc'nzi pranzoi'di. Noise, n. Bezi'mbo, great sound. 2, Betri'ndi, great rumour. Noisome, adj. Pro'iita. 2, Pa'ntra, injiu'ious. Nolleity, 11. Fro'nza. Nomenclator, n. Kjontupo'ro, the naming person. Nominate, v. Ko'utipai, to name. 2, To'nsinai, to appoint. Nonage, abs. n. Kronzo'rit, essence ■ of pupil, i. e. that which makes any one a pupil. None, n. Drai'no. 2, Trai'no, not any thing, nothing. Nones, n. Bu'ndaiz ve'ntuso a'prin bu'ndis kundai'tu. Non-2}lus, n. Gi'ndis or gi'ndai. Non-resident, adj. Kane'supo. Nonsuch, n. Fe'mvo. Nonsuit, n. Fame'broi kandroo'tu gyoo'su pa'iitrut'oo, the non ap- pearance of plaintiff when called. Nooh, u. Fre'ndo, angle. Noon, n. Tu'ndai. Noose, n. Fre'ndi. 2, Gra'nsal fre'n- di, an ensnarmg loop. Nope, n. Be'nja. Nor, conj. Ncj'twi. North, n. Fi'ndo. Nose, n. Tra'ndo. Nosegay, n. Dwipo'ndoi. B L Oakum, n. Umpi'nsukoo ba'mfur dre'nzaz, untwisted hempen ropes. Oar, (of ship) n. Ti'ndro. Ore, n. Umfe'ntuvoo u'nzoo tai'tu do'nti ko'ndis, unprepared metal in its natural state. Oath, n. Ko'ndi-is or kondrai, swearing. Oats, n. Ko'mvoi. Obdurate, n. Pli'mpus, hard. 2, Pra'mpu, impenitent. Obedience, n. Dc'mbi. Obey, V. De'mpikai. Obelisk, n. Dre'ndn, pyramid. Object, n. Fo'ndis. Objection, n. Bi'ndis. Obit, n. Dra'nzoo, death. 2, Tu'ntra tro'ndis, burial solenmity. Oblation, n. Fu'ndris or di-ai. R N U Note, n. Bo'ndis. 2, Pri'ndoo, cha- racter. 3. Vi'ndi, commentary or comment. 4, Bi'mbo, tone, musi- cal note. 5, Tra'ndi, extraordi- nariness. 6, adj. Tra'ntu, of note. Note, (toj V. Pro'nsitai, to observe. Nothing, 11. Poldoo. Notice, n. Bo'nzoi, knowing. 2, Pa'mbis, knowledge. 3, Kro'nzi, admonition, warning. , Notice, (to give) v. Bo'nsifrast, cause to know. 2, Kro'nsikai, to warn. 3, Pro'nsitai, to observe. Notify, V. Bo'nsifrcst, to cause to be known. 2, Kro'nsikai, to warn. Notion, n. To'udoo. Nostril, n. Twa'ndi. Not, (see no). Notwithstanding, conj. Nel or nil. Not, (if not) conj. No'tul or tuli'no. Notable, adj. Tra'ntu, extraordinary. 2, Kra'ntur, excellent. Notary, n. Ba'ndroo. Notation, n. Dansutoo'dis. 2, Ri'ndoi, meaning. Notch, n. Fre'nda. Notorious, adj. Tra'ntu, extraordi- nary. 2, Te'mpur, manifest. 3, Bandu bo'nsufoo, publicly known. Novacula, n. Bra'mijo. Novel, n. Ti'ntur. Novel, (a) n. Tro'ntur ti'ndi, ficti- tious narrative. Novelty, Ti'ndoo, newness. November, n. Kuni'ldis. Novice, n. Ti'ntur tro'nzo. 2, Twam- c'pairo, an inexpert person. Noun, n. Ti'ndoi, the absolute name of a thing. 2, Ko'ndoo, name. 3, Pi'ndoi, integral: — the expression denoting an entu'e notion and nothing more. o. O B S Obligation, (civil) n. O'ndris. 2, Da'nsutoo o'ndris, written obli- gation. Ohligue, adj. Gc'ntou. Obliterate, v. Unda'nsitai. Oblivion, n. Tro'mboi, forgetfulness. Oblong, adj. Pano'ntou, more long than broad. Obloquy, n. Ga'ndra, reproach. Obnoxious, adj. Gafo'ntusoo. 2, Ga- fo'ntugraust, apt to be made an object. Obnubilate, v. Fu'nsitai, to cloud. 2, Pli'mpivrost, to make dark. Obscure, adj. Pli'mpur, dark. 2, Pipli'mpur, mysterious, metapho- rically obscure. 3, Trl'nti, obscure as to language. 4, Bontru'rfis, plebiau, of the people-kmd. N Y M Nourish, V. Va'nsipai. Nutrition, n. Vansupo'ri. Now, adv. Go'su, at this time. Now a days, adv. Go'utu, in these times. Now and then, adv. Gn'usu, at some times. No.rious, adj. Pro'nta, hurtfid. Nuisance, n. Proiita ri. Nullity, n. Pre'ndi, frustration. Number, n. Ku'nduo. Numerous, adj. Pa'iiti. Ahimbness, n. Bro'mbo. 2, Vru'mba, disease. Nun, n. Tu'ndrifun, female monk. 2, De'njis, titmouse. Nuiichion, n. Prena'nzoo, lunch after dinner. Nuncupative, adj. Pa'nsutoo, spoken. 2, Dane'sutoo, not written. Nuptuul, adj. Vu'ntra. Nurse, n. Fo'nzo. Nurse-child, Fro'nzo. Nursery, n. Kansu'rkis, fronzoo'diz, the place for tender care of young children. 2, Kansu'rkis umve'tuz, fiuze'tuz. Nut, n. To'ndo. 2, Buinva, bladder nut. 3, Ku'mva, chestnut. 4, Da'mvi, earth nut. /), Fu'mva, fistic nut, pistachea nut. 6, Tru'm- va, hazel nut, small nut. 7, Pu'in- va, wall nut. Nut cracker, n. Puno'mva. Nuthatch, n. Tre'njoo. Nutmeg, n. Vrumvas'it. Nutmeg tree, n. Vru'mva. Nutriment, n. Vansupo'ri. Nourishing, n. Va'nzoo. Nymph, n. Tro'ntur u'ndikun dan- zoo'tuz, dinzaz, kyel, fictitious goddess of woods, rivers, &c. Obsecration, n. Beto'nsikal, greatly to entreat. Obscene, adj. Dre'mpou, unchaste. Obsequies, n. Tu'ntra tro'ndis, fune- ral solemnity. Obsequious, adj. Bede'mpu, very obedient. 2, Yint de'mpu, too obedient. 3, Dre'mpa, fawning. Observe, v. Pro'nsitai. 2, Ve'ntivai, to perform. 3, Ke'mpikai, to respect. Observant, adj. Pro'nsi. 2, Ke'mpur, respectful. 3, De'mpu, obedient. Obsolete, adj. Umpo'mpraor umpo'm- prunoo. Obstacle, n. Brontou'ri, impedient thing. Obstetrication, n. Bo'ntrifai ta'nzoo, to assist in bringing forth. OFF Oite^t, V. Beto'nsikai. Obstinate, adj. Gre'mpur or begrc'm- pur, of excessive ciidurauce. 2, Dra'mpa, pertinacious. Obstruction, n. Bro'ndoi. 2, Ki'uzoi, shutting up. 2, Ku'mboo, disease. Obtain, v. Pe'ntikai. Obtrude, V. Muskri'nsipai, to thrust into. 2, ]\Iusprc'ntisai umpa'nsu- koo umbousukoo'kwi, to enter luiinvitcd and undcsired. Obtuse, adj. Fro'mpa, dull. 2, Tre'n- ti, more than a right angle. Obvious, adj. Vi'ntou. Obumbration, n. Fri'mbivo, shadow- mg._ Occasion, n. Kro'ndoi. Occidental, adj. Pri'nti, westem. Occult, adj. Gre'ntur, hi a state of concealment. 2, Grentu'poo, con- cealed. Occupation, n. E'ndo, business.' 2, O'ndroi, profession. Occupy/, (one's self.) v. E'ntivai, to transact business. 2, Be'ntipai, to have. 3, A'nsikai, to possess. Occur, V. Nuspe'utisai, to come to, as, " occur to the mind." 2, De'n- tisai, to meet. Ocean, n. Fi'nza. Octave, n. Ya'grin bu'ndis cis, the eighth day after. Octavo, n. Ya'trin re'ndo drenzai'tuz, the third figure of books. October, n. Kune'ldis, the tenth month. Ocular, adj. Fa'nti, pertaining to the eye. Odds and ends, n. Dra'ndis, residue. Odds, n. Bra'ndoo, superiority. Odds, (to be at) v. Po'ntipi pro'n- zaz, to be enemies. 3, Twe'mplti, to be in a state of contention. Ode, n. Bwansutoo'ri, a song. Odious, n. Tro'nsukoo, hated. 2, Gatro'nsukoo, apt to be hated. Oddness, n. Bra'ndo, not evenness. 2, Tra'ndi, extraordinariness. Odour, n. Tomputoo'ri, the thing smelt, i. e. th'at which innue- diately produces the sensation: not the remoter cause. Odoriferous, adj. Pi'mpa, sweet. Qllconomic relation, n. O'nzi. CEcumenicul, adj. Di'nsou, relating to the world. 2, Tra'nti, universal. Of, prep. Too, tii, or tus. OJf, adv. Se or si, not on.- freM). Of, adv. So'ni or si'ni, from oiF: (motion-) Offal, n. Pra'ndis or dai, worst part. 2,I)ra'ntus pra'ndis, residual worst part. Offend, V. Dro'nsinai, displease. 2, Pro'ntinai, to hurt. 3, Ea'mpikai, to sin, act gracelessly. 4, Fra'mpi- kai, to sin, act unholily. 5, Re'm- pivai, to act viciously. 6, Fro'n- tivai, to act wrongly, badly. OLE Offend, (infighting) v. Pc'ntripai. Offensive, adj. Gadro'nsuno, apt to displease. 2, Dro'nsuno, which offends, o, Pro'nta, hurtful. Offer, v. Tre'ntivai, offer to do. 2, Fe'ntinai, offer to give. 3, Fo'n- trisai, to bid, haggle, &c. Offer, (to God) V. Ke'ntinai Unde'- nu. 2, Fu'ntrisai, offer to God. 3, Tu'ntrisai, offer food. 4, Tu'm- prisai, offer incense. Office, n. Vo'mbra. 2, E'ndo, employ- ment business.. 3, Gonsi'ri, bene- fit, benefactor (thing). Officer, n. Vompra'ro. Officer, f ecclesiastical) n. U'ndroi. Official, n. U'ntru pa'ndroo, ecclesi- astical judge. Officious, adj. Fre'nipa. 2, Ge'mpa, complaisant. Offspring, n. Dwinpro'nzoo, aggre- gate of descendents. Often, adv. Dindur, frequently. Oh/ inter. Ho! Oil, n. Ve'nzoo. Oil box (of bird] n. Gro'ndl. Oilet, n. Pre'nda fendai'di, hole cut for button. Ointment, n. Vrinsuko'ri, anointing thin '5- salve. 9., Kc'nzis or Ke'nzai, What is her age ? What is our age? What is your age? What is their age?< , Slu'meu un- dinoo'tun? Slu'meu im- dinoo'ton ? Slu'meu un- dinoo'tan ? nipu un- inoo'ten ? Old, (decrepitude) n. Yu'ndinoo. Old, adj. Ti'ntur, as opposed to new. Old clothes, n. Kro'mpu a'nzaz. Old fashion, n. Umpo'mpra o'udis. Old soldier, n. Ka'mpus e'ndro. Old-time, n. Bezl'ndipil, i. e. time long past. Oleander, n. Pi'mvis. Oak, n. Pu'mvi. 2, Pru'mvi, bitter oak. 3, Fu'mvi, holm oak. 4, Vra'mvino, holy oak. 5, Kro'm- voo, oak fern, (i, Tra'nvoo, oak of Cappadocia. 7, Ta'nvoo, oak of Jerusalem. Oker, n. Fu'njis, yellow oker. 2, Fru'njis, red okei\ Old age, n. Bu'ndinoo. Of the age of adj. U'ntinur: as, "a person aged twenty," kooro'n- doo u'ntinur fa'sin. Examples. How old are you ? f Slu'meu un- i. e, what is thy age?"! dinoo'tas? ^,n i • of Slu'meu un- What IS my age? | aboo'tos? -■^r, ^ ■ ■., r, f Slu'meu un- W hat IS Its age .^ j dinoo'tes? ■tun i • 1 • of Slu'meu un- What ishisage? -j ai^oo'tur? ONE OWmnum, n. Tu'mvinoi. Oligarchy, n. Po'ndroorit yoo'tu go'mbro. Olive, n. Ku'mvoi. Ominous, adj. Cusbo'ntuso, signify- ing before. Omitting, n. Gre'ndo. Omnipotence, n. Vro'nti o'mbi, infi- nite power. Omnipresence, n. Gi'ndoi, ubiquity. Omniscience, n. Vro'nti bo'nzoi, infi- nite knowledge. 2, Tra'nti bo'nzoi, universal knowledge. On, prep. Joo or ju. Oh the contrary, adv. Vro'ndu, oppo- site to congruously. On fire, adj. U'nsupoo, which is fired, i. e. on fire. On the left hand, adj. Truido'spu, towai'ds the left hand. On the right hand, adj. Tindo'spu, towards the right hand. Once, adv. A'prin. Once, (all at) adv. Rou'utyel, alto- gether. 2, Trou'utyel, all things together. One, adj. or n. A'pin, 1. One ten, adj. or n. Pa'sin, 10. One hundred, adj. or n. Pe'sin, 100. One thousand, adj. or n. Au'po. One ten thousand, adj. or n. Pau'so. One hundred thousand, adj. or n. Poo'so. One million, adj. or n. Pu'ndoo, One billion, adj. or n. Fu'ndoo. One trillion, adj. or n. Tu'ndoo. One quadrillion, adj. or n. Ku'udoo. One quintillion, adj. or n. Bu'ndoo. One sectillion, adj. or n. Vu'ndoo. Owe septillion, adj. or n. Du'ndoo. One octillion, adj. or n. Gu'ndoo. One nonnillion, adj. or n. Tu'ndoo. One by one, adv. Va'ndi, segregately. One another, adv. Dro'ndus. One for another, n. Dre'ndoi, compensation : as, " to give one for another," — ke'ntinai di-e'ndoi. One loith another, n. Gro'ndi, mix- edly: as, "to reckon them one with another," — ventinal'el gro'n- di. 2, Tino'ndo, average, as, " to pay them, as an average, a cer- tain sum per week," — gentinai'el yoo'ful tina'ndo i vra'ndai km'ndus. One with another, adv. Fra'ndu, con- fusedly. One, (any) pron. Eai, (singular) : — Rai'u, (plural), any or any ones. One, (some) pron. Hi, (singular) : — Ri'u, (plural), some or some ones. One, (a certain) pron. I, (singular) : — I'u, (plural), certain ones. One, (every) pron. Ou. Only, adj. Tyool. 2, Fro'nzun, soli- tarily, alone. One, pron. Oi, the same : as, " all one:" — Oi'u, (plural), the same ones. One-blade, n. Bo'mvinoo. P P Onerate, v. Ra'nsiiiai, to load. 2, Unra'nsinai, exonerate. Onion, n. To'mva. Onset, V. Tentripai, to assault. Onslaught, n. Ve'udi'oo, stomiiiig. Onyx, n. Ku'njo. OpacHi/, n. Kri'raboo. Opal stone, n. Pii'njo. Ope7i, adv. Kri'nzoii, in an opened state; as " it stands open." Open, V. Kri'nsifai. 2, U'nkinsifai, to unshut. S, Uuti'nsifai, to unco- ver. 4, Umbi'nsikai, luifold: i. c. fra'nsivai, to spread. 5, Umbo'm- prigrest, to cause to be unsealed. 6, Umbro'ntitVest, to cause to be unimpeded. 7, Ungre'ntiprest, to cause to be luiconcealed ; i. e. vo'nsipai, to reveal; or te'mpivai, to manifest. 8, Umba'ntikrost, to cause to be un-publlc; or Bra'n- tikrost, to cause to be private. 9, Untri'ntivrost, to make imobscure; i. e tri'ntivrost. 10, Ungri"nti- vrest, to make uuimplied; i. e. gi'ntivai, to express. Open-air, Pu'usus u'nzoi, clear air. Open handed, adj. Pe'mpi, liberal. Open-hearted, adj. Ke'mpa, frank. 2, Kre'mpa, too frank. Open-house, n. Ve'mbo rou'udi pe'n- tuso'roz, bospitality for all comers; i. e. all coming persons. Open-war, n. Te'mpur e'ndri, mani- fest war. Open weather, n. Fune'si u'nzis, not frosty weather. Operations, (mechanic) I'nzooz. 2, I'nzoiz, ditto in general. 3, 1'nzoz, ditto agricultural. 4, 1'nzaz, ditto fabrile. 5, I'nzilz, ditto sartorian. 6, 1'nzaiz, ditto chemical. 7, Ri'n- zaiz, ditto pharmaceutical. 8, Po'ndoi. Ophidion plimii, n. Kra'njis. Opinion, n. Vro'uzoi. Opium, n. Fra'nsufrost do'ndoi kem- vai'tuz, sleep producing juice of poppies. Opopanax, n. Vo'ntiu" do'ndoi pon- doo'tu domva'tu, gummy juice of the root of Hercules, (all-heal). Oppilation, n. Bu'mboo, obstruction. Opponent, n. Trontai'ro, opposition pei-son. Opportunity, n. Tezi'ndoo, the right time. 2, Krontou'gis, the occasi- onal time. 3, Vo'ntugin, the con- gruous time or Gi'nvontii, the congruous time. Oppose, V. Tro'ntisai. Opposition, n. Tro'ndis. Opposition of a piroposition, n. Ki'n- dis. Opposition, (iji) adj. Tri'ntou apr.a'- fo poora'ntur fe'ndo, distant one half a great circle. Oppression, n. Ba'udra. Opprobrium, n. Ga'ndia, reproach. R D Oppugn; V. Tro'ntisai. Optic, adj. Po'mpi, pertaining to sight. Optics, n. Pombo'bras, the science of seeing. 2, Pombo'bas, the art of seeuig. Optative, adj. Bonsoo'dis, expressing desire. 2, Ansa'dis, expressing will. 3, Fo'nsa, which would if. Option, n. Bo'nza, election. 2, O'mbi bonza'tu, power to choose. 3, Bo'nzi, desire. Opitimacy, n. Pondroo'rit tondroo'- tiz, govennnent by the nobles. Optimism, n. Tonsutoo'ri tou'kwin fo'ntivous, the doctrine that every thing is the best. Opulent, adj. Fa'mpou. 2, Fra'ntou, abiuidant. Or, eonj. Tw, before a vowel. 2, Twi, before a consonant, or at the end of a word; as, "twi pi'njoo," or the horse: — " pinjoo'twi," or the horse. 3, Twil, when empha- tical; as, "John twil Edward," John or Edward. Or ehe, adv. Ondi'twi, or on the other hand. 2, Tuli'no, or if not ; as, "Jolmttili'no Edward," John, or if not, Edward. Oracle, n. Pa'nsutoo vo'uzoo, spoken revelation. Orage, n. Ta'mvoo. Oral, adj. Ta'ntu, (adj. of mouth). Orange tree, n. Dru'mvoo. 2. Drum- ■ voo'sit, orange-fruit. Oration, n. Fi'ndi. Orator, n. Fi'ntm'o, the oration per- son. 2, To'nsuro, the entreaty person. Oratory, n. Finde'bas, findibra'stwi, the oration art or science. Oratory, n. Pundi-a'kis, the praying place. Orb, n. Be'ndo, sphere. 2, Ri'nzis, orb imaginary. Orbicular, adj. Be'nti. Orbis echinatus, n. Fra'njinoi. 2, Pra'njinoi, orbis hirsutus. 3, Fa'n- jinoi, orbis maricatus. 4, Pa'nji- noi orbis scutatus. Orchard, n. Tra'nzoo. Orchis, n. Go'mva. Ordain, v. To'nsinai. 2, U'ntrisai, institute. 3, Fu'ntrikai, to ordain. Order, n. Fa'ndi. 2, O'ndri, govern- ment. 3, Ba'mbroi, sentence- 4, To'mbra, edict. Orderly, adj. Fa'ntu. 2, Fandij'vu, according to order. 3, E'mpa, social, homiletic. 4, Bc'mpii, in a state of subjection. Orders, n. Fa'ndiz. 2, Funtroo'ri, ordination thing. Ordination, n. Fu'ndi'i. Ordinance, n. To'nza. 2, To'ndra, law. 3, To'mbra, edict. 4, ll'ndris, institution. Ordinary, n. Vu'mbroi, bishop. V E Ordinary, adj. Ta'ntu. 2, Ti'mpus, neither coarse nor fine. Ordure, n. Trensunoo'ri, the dunged thing. 2, Vrantoo'ri, the unclean thing. Ordnance, n. Ve'mbri. Ore, n. Unfc'ntukoo unzi. Organ, n. I'nViuloi, instrument. 2, Densoo'tus, musical instrument. Organy, n. Kra'mvinoo. Orient, adj. Pi'nti. 2, Ti'nipur, bright. Orifice, n. Pre'nda. 2, Bita'nturi, mouth-like thing. Origany, n. Kra'mvinoo. Original, n. Panta'ri, original thing. 2, A'prin, the first. 3, Te'ndo, the beginning. 4, Kri'ndoi, rise. 5, Tro'ndoi, pattern. Orison, n. Pu'ndra, prayer. Ornament, n. Vantuko'ri, the orna- menting thing. Ornateness, n. Va'ndi. Orphan, n. Umfonsupoo'ro. Orpiment, n. Ku'njis. Orjiin, n. Fo'mvinoi. Orrage, n. Ta'mvoo. Orf, n. Bra'ntus dra'ndis, fragmental residue. Orthodox, adj. Pu'ntri. Orthography,^. Kra'nzo. 2,Kranzo'- bas, the art of spelling. 3, Te- kra'nzo, perfect spelling. Orthopnea, n. Fru'mbi. Oscitation, n. Ve'nzo, yawning. 2, Fla'mba, carelessness. Osprey, n. Pwenjoo'fis. a kind of eagle. Ostentation, n. Pre'mba, oversaying. 2, Pro'nzis, glorying. Ostler, n. Vra'nta pinjoo'fas, common horse officer. Ostrich, n. Te'njoi. Oats, n. Ko'mvoi. Oath, n. Ko'ndris. Other, adj. Onti, diverse. 2, pron. Eoi, (singular): — lioi'u, (plural). Otherwise, adv. O'ndi. Other, (every) demon. Ou a'fi-in, every second. Other, {the) n. Dra'ndis, the residue. Otter, n. Gri'nja. Over, adj. Bra'ntur, superior. 2, O'mpu, powerful. 3, Vo'ntra, of authority. 4; Fra'ntur, abundant. 5, Trantur, excessive. 6, Gonsu'- ves, over-bold. 7, Tra'ntur, over- much. 8, Fra'ntus, (adj. of sur- plus, i, e. over and above). 9, Kwe'lkwi, moreover. 10, Droo or di'u, above- 11, Zoo or zu, over, across. 12, L)oo or du, through, throughout. 13, Doo'es vool, through it again 14, Doo rou or rou'u all through, tlu'ough all. 15, Ge or gi, beyond 16, Ko or ki, over against. Oven, n. Trcnsuto'kis, the baking place. O V E Oval, n. Ve'ndis. Overawe, v. Vro'usikrast, to cause to fear. 2, Tro'iisinai ^Tonze'ti, to co-act or compel by fear. Overbear, v. Pre'ntimast, to cause to submit. 2, Gle'mpiiiai, to act magisterially. Overbid, V. Fo'utrisai yl'nkyu, to bid more tbau, &c. 2, Vesfro'n- tisai, to be excessively. Overbold, adj. Bego'nsu. Overburden, v. Vera'nsinai, exces- sively to burden. Overbuy, v. Bedo'ndni to'mprlkal, to purchase at an excessive price. Overcast, v. Ti'nsifai, to cover. 2, Fri'mpivai, to shadow. Overcharge, v. Vera'nsiuai. Overcome,\ . Pe'mprifai, to vanquish. Overfill, V. Vedi'nsifai, to fill exces- sively. Overflow, V. Di'nsinai rouju te'ndoo, to flow upon the whole suiface. 2, Fra'ntipi, to be abundant. Over glut, v. Ved'insifai, to fill exces- sively. Overgrow, v. Vra a'nsipai, yi'nkyu. 2, Vevra'nsipai, to grow excessively. 3, Ti'nsifai vranzoo'ti, to cover by growing. Overhasty, adj. Veple'mpa, exces- sively rash. Overhear, v. Gre'ndur fo'mpitai, to hear in a state of concealment. Overheavy, adj. Vekri'mpu. Overlay, v. Veti'nsifai, excessively to cover. 2, Dra'nsiprast tinzoi'ti, to kill by covering. Overload, v. Vera'nsiuai. Overlong, adj. Vepa'ntou. Overlook, v. Fa'ntitai di'ois pi'ndip(2, to eye another's doing. 2, Pro'u- sitai fo'ndipoo, to observe the thing done. 3, Pro'nsitai fyo'ndi- po, to observe the thing doing. 4, Fa'ntitai yiut kantou, to look too high. 5, Gre'ntivai, to omit. Overmaster, v. Pe'mprifai, to act victoriously, to vanquish. Overmatch, v. Bra'ntipi, to be supe- rior to. Overmeasure, n. Tra'ndoo, excess. Overmuch, n. Tra'ndoo, excess. Overpass or pass over, v. Gre'ntivai, to orait. 2, Kra'utipai, to excel. Overjjlus,!!. Trantu'rpri. 2, Fra'ndis, surplus. 3, Dra'ndis, residue. Overt, adj. Te'mpur, manifest. Overrate, v. To'mprikai yi'nkyu ru'ndi, to tax more than propor- tion. Overreach, v. Vre'ntisai. 2, Ka'ntri- sai, to defraud. Overreckon, v. Veve'ntinai. Overripe, adj. Vekro'mpus. Overrule, v. O'usitai, to be superior. 2, Pentikrast, to cause to yield, f specially by authority). 3, Pre'mpifai, to vanquish. OUT Overrun, v. Vedi'nsifai, to fill exces- sively. 2, Di'nsifai pando'ti, to cover with multitude. Oversaying, n. Pre'mba. Oversee, v. Vano'mpriuai, oiEcially to observe what others do in their ofBces. Overshadow, v. Ti'nsifai frimboo'ti, to cover with shadow. Overshoot, v. GIsve'mprikai, to shoot beyond. 2, GIspre'ntisai, to go beyoud. Overshoot himself, v. Trantipaiu'r- kwen, to exceed himself. Oversight, n. Vano'mbra. 2, Ge'ndo, error. Overskij), v. Gre'ntivai, omit. 2, Fre'ntivai, specially by neglect. Overslij), v. Greiido. 2, Fle'mpinai, to neglect. 3,Tro'mpifai, to forget. Overtake, v. Vre'ntisai. Overtaken with wine, adj. Tre'mpou, dnmk. Overthrown, v. Gle'ntlfrost, cause to be transverse. 2, Pre'mpifai, to vanquish. 3, Ple'mprifai, to re- ceive an overthi'ow. Overthwart, prep, zoo or zu, across. 2, adj. Gle'ntou, transverse. Overtoil, n. Vezi'nzi, excessive labor- Overture, n. Di'ndi, prologue. 2, Dre'nsu di'ndi, musical prologue. 3, Fe'ntunoo pi'ndl, offered pro- position. Overturn, v. Fre'mpifai, vanquish. 2, Gle'ntifrost, to cause to be transverse. Overva lue,\. Vezu'ntilai, excessively to value. Overween, v. Fre'mpikai, to act proudly. 2, Gle'mplnal, to act magisterially. 3, Tre'mpisai, to act superciliously. Overweigh, v. Fi'nsipai yi'nkyu, to weigh more than. Overweight, n. Yi'nkyu ki'mbi, more than weight. Overwhelm, v. Teti'nsifai, perfectly to cover. 2, Bepre'mpii'ai, per- fectly to subdue. Ought, X. Ki'u, ought now. 2, Kli'n, ought heretofore. 3, Kri'u, ought hereafter. 4, To'ntini, to be due. 5, Trai, any thing. Ounce, n. Fu'nda, an ounce avoidu- pois. 2, Krun'da, an ounce troy. 3, Klu'nda, an apothecary's omice weight Ounce, n. Ti'nja. Our, pron. adj. Tau, before its noun ; as, " Taur fo'nzoo," our father. 2, Tos, suffixed to it's noun; as, ''Fonzoo'tos, our fa- tlier." Ours, pron adj. Ton, separated from and after its noun, — as, " that is your father and this is mine." ro'uni fonzoo'tan ozu'mkwi^o7«." Outcry, n. Ta'nzo, exclamation. OUT Out of, prep. Foo or fu, as, " made us of clay," pontufoo'ol kimza'fu, i. e. out of clay. Out of prep, denoting motion: — Me or mi, as, " he came out of the house," wal pe'ntisel panzoi'wt Out of, (get) V. Pe'ntikai foo or fu i. e. to obtain out of; as, "I got out of that bargain, ten shillings," au pe'ntikel rofu go'ndi-i pa'sin tu'udiz. Out, adj. Ba'ntu, public, as, " all is out:" — "a'ndis ba'nti," i. e. all is public. 2, Fro'nsufoo, discovered, as, " all is discovered," a'ndis fro'nsufoo. Out, V. Ge'ntivai, to err; as, "he is out in his reckoning," wai ge'n- tivo twai'tu ve'nda. Out, n. Pro'nzaz, enemies; as, "they are out," ar um pro'nzaz, i. e. they are enemies. Out of date, part. Umpo'mprunoo, imcustomed, or umpo'mpra, un- customary; as, "out of date." Out of fashion, (the same as out of date). Out of heart, adj. Fro'nsusoo, dis- couraged. Out of joint, adj. Umpe'ntufoo, un- joined. 2, Unrantu'koo, uujoiuted. Out of sight, adj. Kapome'putoo, unable to be seen. Out of use, adj. Vene'tukoo, not used. Out of wits, adj. Pru'mpa, mad. Outcast, adj. Bro'usunoo. 2, Ba'n- trusoo, banished. Out-go, V. Pre'ntisai to'mpukou, to go faster. 2, Prentisai go or gi, to go beyond. 3, Bra'ntipi, to be superior. Outlandish, adj. Tro'nsa, foreign. Outlawed, adj. Katane'trufoo, not able to be impleaded. 2, Tetro'n- tuvoo ponti-a'tu ke'mbis, perfectly deprived of legal protection. 2, Da'mprufoo andi-e'nu, sentenced to capital punishment. Outlet, n. Misentaikis, the out-ition place. Outlive,^ V. Da'nsipai pantufu'kyu, to live longer than. 2, Da'nsipai ce or ci. Outmost, adj. Vri'ntuvous, most outward. Outpass, V. Bra'ntipi, to be superior. Oxitrage, n. Bepra'nda, great injuiy. Outrageous, adj. Betra'ntur, very excessive. 2, Betrandm- to'nsu, very excessively angry. Outside, n. Vri'ndo. Outstand, n. U'ndinoo ce or ci, du- ration after. Outstrip,\. Pre'usifai tombukou'kyu, to run faster than. Outwork, n. Vri'nti e'udi'aiz, outer military places. 2, Te'ndi-is, ra'm- pier. W N Owl, u. Ke'ujoo, homed owl. 2, Ivi-e'njoo, iin-honied owl. Own, adj. Gwe'u. Examjjifs. Taugwe'n, my own. Tagwe'n, thy own. Tal'gwen, it's own. Twai'gwen, his own. Tyai'gwen, her own. Tau'rgweu, our own. Ta'rgwen, youi- own. Ta'rgwen, their own. PAD Pace, n. PenzooVis, mode of going. 2, Pe'nzoo, step, single act of going. 3, A'bin tu'ndoiz, five feet length. 4, Twanto'mbi, de- gi'ee of swiftness. Pacing, n. Fe'nzoi, ambling. Pacify, V. Te'mpimost, cause to be peaceable. 2, Unto'nsikai, to un-anger. 3, Umpro'nsinai, to mi-enemy. Pack, n. Voora'ndo, an aggregate, a-s, "a pack of cards," voora'ndo fenze'tuz : or, " a flock of sheep," voora'ndij fiujoi'tnz; the parts of the aggregate being of the same kind. Pack, n. Pwinsufoo'ri, a bundle. Pack-horse, Pi'njoo penzai'di pwin- sufoo'riz, horse for carrying bun- dles. Pack-saddle, n. Ge'nzi, penzai'di pwmsufoo'ri, saddle-bundle. Pack-thread, u. Tri'mpus de'nza, coarse thread. Pa£k, (to) V. Vra'ntival finzoi'di tyel, to aggregate by tying toge- ther. 2, Vi'nsifai pinsifai'kwi, to heap and bind. Pack cards, (to) v. Fa'ntikai fe'nziz ka'ndnm, to order cards fraudu- lently. Pack of cards, n. Ga'ndo fenze'tuz, suit of cards. Pack a jury, (to) v. Ka'ndrun bo'n- sinai poola'ndroo, fraudulently, to choose a jury. Packing, (to set J v. Pre'ntigrast, to cause to go. PacJcet, n. Pebinsufoo'ri, a little package. 2, Pebinsufoo'ri finsufoo. Packet boat, n. Dwi'ndroo. Paction, n. Ro'ndi'is. Pad, n. Pege'nzi, a little saddle. Padlock, n. Tra'nsuvoo ke'nza, a lock which is suspended. Paddle, n. Ke'nta ko'ndoo. 2, Pepin- sut(2'ri, a small digguig stalf. Paddle, V. Data'ntikai, frequently to handle or paw. 2, Specially in water. Paddock, n. Pwebra'nzoo, a little park. s X Outward, adj. Vri'nti, outer. Owe, V. Trc'ntiuai, to act like a debtor, i. e. to owe. 2 To'ntiuai, to owe a duty. One's own man, adj. Tezo'mpur, perfectly rational. Owner, n. Bontra'ro, one standing in the relation of owner. 2, Bo'u- tiinio'ro, the owning person. Ox, n. Pina'njoi, untesticled bull. P. PAL Pcedobaptism, n. Vu'ndris, tuspu'n- tinuz, baptism of infants. Paganellus, n. Dra'njo. Paganism, n. Fu'ndroo. Page, n. Dooro'nzo planze'di, a ser- vant for waiting. Page of paper, n. A'pin te'ndoo den- zai'tu. 2, Ki'ud<2 denzai'tu, side of paper. Pageant, n. Vra'nzo denze'tu, an arch for sights or spectacles. Pagrus, n. Ka'nji. Pay, n. Gyentuno'ri tlie paying thing. I'aymaster, n. Gyentuno'ro, the pay- ing person. 2, Gyentuno'fas, the paying officer. Paying, n. Ge'uda. 2, Dre'ndoi, compensating. Paigle, n. Pre'mvinoi. Pail, n. Pete'nzi tantuko'pudwes, a little tub with handle, or hand- ing part. Pain, n. Tro'mbi. 2, Ra'mbi, pimisli- ment. 3, Pa'njis, u wo'ndis ra'm- boo'tu tro'nsinai, amode of pmii.sh- ment to force answers. 4, Da'n- zoi, achuig. 5, Tra'mboi, unplea- santness. 6, Kro'uzi, grief. Pains, n. I'nzi, operation. 2, Ba'm- ba, diligence. Painfiihiess, n. Gantro'mpikai, apt- ness to cause pain. Palniin, n. Fu'ntrupro, pagan per- son. Painting, n. Gi'nza. Pair, n. Vra'ndo tus a'fin pa'nturiz,' aggegate of two like things. 2, Fo'nza, companion. 3, A'fin, two. Pair of bellows, n. Kunsufo'tus, a winding instrument. Palace, n. Fa'nzoi. Palate, n. Ba'ndg. 2, I'mba, taste. Palatine, adj. Fa'nsou, palatial. Paleness, n. Tra'nza. Pale, (a) n. Kunro'udoo, a lamin of wood. Pales, n. We'mbris grentou'tu ke'n- uiz, a sepiment of erect lamins. Palinody, n. Tri'ndis, recantation. Palisade, n. De'ndris. Pallet, n. Pedra'nzis, a little bed. Z I Ow7i, (to) V. Fe'ntipai, to appro- priate. 2, Tc'ntipai, to claim. Oooze, n. Dri'nzo, soft mud. Oxey, n. Vra'mvoi, herb. 2, Tre'njoo, bird. 3 Te'njiuo, woodpecker- kind. Oyster, n. Ko'njinoi. Oyster-weed, n. Tro'nvoo. O.zier, n. Tru'mvis or tru'mvai, sallow. PAN Palliate, v. Tre'utiprast, cause to seem. 2, Detre'ntipai, seem in a bad sense. I'alm of the hand, n. Klenti'dwes taudc'tu, the concave part of the hand. Palm, n, Kru'mvoi. 2, Fu'mvo, dwarf palm. 3, Pi'o'ndoi, catkin. Palmer^ n. Tenontuso'ro, a vowed traveller for religion, — a pil- grim. Palmer-worm, n. Vo'njo, caterpillar. Palmetto royal, n. Du'mvinoo, the cabbage-tree. Palmistry, n. Pa'mbro tande'ti, wizarding by the hand. Palpable, adj. Gabo'mputoo, apt to be felt. 2, Bete'mpm", very mani- fest. Palpitation, n. Ku'mbi. Palsy, n. Vu'mba. Palter, v. Ge'ntivi'ast, to cause to err. 2, Pro'nsisai. to seduce. Paltry, adj. Kla'ntu, sorry. Pamj)er, v. Bo'mpikrost, to fatten. 2, Dre'mpisai, to indulge. Pamphlet, n. Pedi'e'nzis, to'mprukoo unti'nsufoo fenza'pu, a little book sold uncovered with leather. Pan, n. Kre'nzl. 2, Pra'udo, brain- pan. 3. Bra'ntu pa'ndoi, knee- pan, the knee bone. 4, Pimpuko'- dus, warming vessel. 5, Ke'nsu- todus, frying vessel. Pancake, n. Ke'nsutoo fre'nzoo, fried pudding. Panade, n. Be'nzoo fensutoo'tu fl 'n- zoo, broth of boiled bread. Paunch, n. Ka'ndis, stomach. 2, Va'nda, belly. 3, Kre'nzi, dish, tray. Pander, n. Faudra'das, fornication- merchant. Pandiculation, n. Vre'nzo. Panegyric, n. Gwo'nsuko fi'ndi, praising oration. Panel, n. Peke'ndi, little lamin. 2, Dra'ndo koudoo'tuz, catalogue of of names. 3, Ga'nzi ranza'diz, saddle for burdens. Pang, n. Dwatro'mbi, impetuous pain. PAR Pane^ ii. lamln. Panic, 11. Bo'mvoi. 2, Pro'mvo, panic g-rass. 3, Uno'ntufoo tra'nti vro'uzi, causeless universal fear. Paiiier, n. Fre'nzi. 2, Fre'iizi anzi- no'du pinjoo'ju, basket for carry- ing on a horse. Pannage, n. To'mbri enza^ju, tax on cloth. Pannicle, n. Tra'ndoi. Pansy, n. Bro'mvis. Pant, V. Pu'rapikai. Panther, n. Fri'iija. Pantler, n. Fenzoo'fas, bread officer. Pantqfle, n. Vli'mpus vandc'fus, loose foot vest. Pantn/, n. Fenzoo'dus, bread room. 2, Enzoo'tus, victuals room. Paj), u. U'nzo bi'mpukoo fenzoo'pu, water made consistent with bread. 2, Fra'nda, dug, nipple. Papal, adj. Ku'ntrou. Paper, n. De'nzis de'nzai. 2, Do'mvo, reed. Papilionaceous-fly, n. Vro'nja. Papist, n. Kooro'ndoo nndre'tu tu vu'mbroi, a person of the religion of the pope. Parable, n. Vri'nti ti'ndi, tralatitious narrative. 2, Tro'ntur ti'ndi, ficti- tious narrative. Parabola, n. Ge'ndo. Parade, n. Endro'kinz, soldiers' place. 2, Ge'ndoo, shew. 3, Fe'n- do, preparation. Paradise, n. Tamboo'kin, pleasure place. Paradise, (bird of) n. Enje"tu Pa'ru- dis. Paradise, (fooVs) n. Ka'ntra vo'nzi, deceptive hope. 2, Ka'ntra do'nza, deceptive delight. Paradox, n. Frono'ndoo, apparent contradiction, but real truth. 2, Vranta'bi vo'nzoi, against com- mon opinion. Paragraph, n. Fri'ndo, section. Paragon, n. Bekra'nturi, a very ex- cellent thing. Parallax, n. Treno'ndoo, the differ- ences betwixt the true and the seeming place. Parallel, adj. De'ntou. Parallels, n. Di'nzis driuzi'stwi, i. e. parallel to the equator, or to the horizon. Parallelogram, n. Poore'ndi pyoo ki'ndoz de'ntoi, a quadi'angle whose opposite sides are parallel. Paralogism, n. Dwi'nda, an imper- fect syllogism. Paralytic, adj. Vu'mpa. Paramour, n. Fo'nzoi, suitor. 2, I'^o'nzifed, male smtor. 3, Fo'nzi- fet, female suitor. 4, Fantra'ro, fornication person. Paramount, adj. Bra'ntupous, the highest in degree. Parapiet, n. Te'ndris. PAR Paraphrase, n. Bri'ndi. Paraquet, n. Dre'njoo. Paraselene, n. Tru'nzi. Parasite, n. Dre'mparo. Parathesis, n. Dri'ndoo. Parboil, v. Pefe'nsitai, to boil a little. Parhreak, v. Te'nsinai, vomit. Parcel, n. Ra'ndis, part. 2, Pcvra'n- do, small aggregate. Parcel out, v. Va'ntivai, segregate. Parch, V. Befli'mpikai, to dry exces- sively. 2, specially by heating. Parchment, ii. Ta'ndoiz fe'ntuvoo dijus da'nzito, skins prepared for writing upon. 2, De'nzis tan- doi'fu, paper made out of skin. (See definition of paper). Parsimony, n. Te'mbo, frugality. Parcity, n. Te'iidi. Pard, n. Fi'i'nja. Pardon, v. Ta'mbroi. 2, B'umprikai, to absolve. 3, Tre'ntinai, to for- give a debt. Pare, v. Teno'ntipai, to scrape from the surface. 2, Trino'ntita, to cut from the extremity, as the nails. Parelius, n. Tu'nzi. Parenchymatous, adj. Va'ntou, fleshy. 2, Pe'ntus, spongy, porous. Parent, n. Fo'nzoo. Parentage, n. Finfo'nzoo, all the kind of parents. Pa7-enthesis, n. Di'ndoo. Parget, n. Bru'nza, plaster. Parish, n. Ko'mbro. Parity, n. Ba'ndoo equality. 2, Ba'ndo, evenness. 3, O'mbroo, equality of rank in society. Park, n. Bra'iizoo. Park-leaves, n. Ge'mvl, tutsan. Parliament, n. Po'ntrl bo'mbro, na- tional council. Parly, v. Dra'nsikai, to confer. 2, Po'mprisai, to treat with. Parlour, n. Intuko'dus, discoursing room. Parching, n. Pi'mbris. Parochial, adj. Ko'mpri. Parole, n. I'ndoi, word. 2, To'ndris, promise. Paroxysm, n. Gro'ndis, impetus. Parricide, n. Ba'ndro yoo'tu o'nzoo, murder of a blood relation. 2, Ba'ndr(2 yoo'tu o'nzo, murder of a superior to whom reverence is due. Parrot, n. De'njoo. Parsimony, n. Te'mbo, frugality. Parsley, n. Te'mva. 2, Fra'nvi, bas- tard parsley. 3, Tra'nvi, millvy parsley. 4, Fa'mva, stone parsley. Parsnip, n. Pa'nva. 2, Ba'nva, cow- parsnip. 3, Bra'nva, waterparsnip. Parsmi, n. Ko'mpri fu'ndroi, parish priest. Part, n. Ea'ndis. 2, Runtur'dwes, proportional part. 3, Pa'ndis, best part. 4, Pra'ndis, worst part. PAS Part, (my, ifs, &c.J n. Fe'os, con- cerning me; fe'es, concerning it, &c. i. e. concerning my person, my interest. Part, (for the most) adv. Fis pra'n- tupo'uroz, concerning most per- sons. Parts, (on all) adv. Drou'utI, by all persons. 2, Drou'udu, by the agency of all persons. Part, (to take ones) v. Bo'ntifai drai, to assist any one. Parts, (excellent) n. Krantu'rdwez. Part, (to) V. Ta'ntisai, to divide. 2, Kri'utinai, to divide discourse. 3, Va'ntivai, to segregate. 4, Ki'nsi- vai, to open. 6, Pre'ntifai, sepa- rate. 7, Nis pre'ntisai, to go away. Part a fray, (to) v. Unte'lpimost, to cause to be uncontentious. Partake, v. Bo'nsinai, to act as a partner, share the profits. 2, Kra'ntiiiai, to be accessary. Party, n. Kro'ndoo, person. 2, Go'mbro, faction. 3, Vra'ndo en- dro'tuz, an aggregate of soldiers. Party, (a commanded) n. Vi'ndra. Party-coloured, adj. O'ndi i'mpufoo, differently coloured. Party, n. Kranta'ro. Partiality, n. Vra'mbis. Participate, (see partake). Participle, n. Tri'ndoi. Particle, n. Pera'ndis. -2, (a word), Pri'ndoi. Particular, adj. Ta'nti, opposite to universal. 2, Ka'nti, opposite to general. Particular, (a) n. Dra'ndo. Particularize, v. Gi'ntinai. 2, Gri'n- tinai, to exemplify. Partizan, n. Bo'nza. 2, Te'mbri, halbert. Partition, (in a hirilding), n. Pra'n- zo. 2, (partition in a discourse) Kri'nda. Partner, n. Bo'nza. Partridge, n. Ve'njoi. 2, Yre'njoi, red partridge. Parturition, n. Ta'nzoo. Paru, n. Da'mij(2. Pasch, 11. Bu'mbris or bu'mbrai. Pasch floicer, n. Tra'mvino, Pulsa- tilla. Paschall, adj. Bu'mprus or bu'mprai. Pasquil, n. Ta'mpra dansutoo'ri, a mocking writing. Pass, 11. E'ndis, ition. 2, Pe'ndis, coming. 3, Pre'ndis, going. 4, Fe'ndis, proceeding. 5, Te'ndis, travelling. 6, E'ndis dis, zus, gi'stwi, to pass beside, over, or beyond. Pass by it, v. Gre'ntivai, to err. 2, Prone'sitai, 'unobserve. Pass one's life, v. Da'nsipai, to live. Pass ones loord, v. To'ntrisai, to promise. PAT Passing-heU, n. DansiipoVJis fimbo'di, the signifying death by ringing. Past, n. Pl'indoo, the time past. Fast, adj. PU'ntur. Pass ones right, v. Fre'ntinai, to alienate. Pass, (come to) v. E'ntikoi, to be caused to eventuate. Pass, (a) n. Dra'nzoi. 2, Ko'ndis or to that ko'ndai; as, "brought pass," i. e. that state. Passable, adj. Ka'ntui', neither ex- cellent nor sorry. Passage, n. Pre'ndis. 2, Dra'nzoi, way. 3, Museudai'kis, the going into place. 4, Tra'nzo, entrance place in buildings. Passage-boat, n. Pi'ndroo cndo'di, boat for business. Passage, n. E'ndivo. 2, Pi'ndo, clause. Passenger; n. Tentuso'ro. Passer solitarius, n. Vre'njo. Passion, n. Dro'ndoo, state of suf- fering as opposed to action. 2, To'nzi, anger; as, to be "in a passion." 3, A'nzaz to'nzetu, the corporeal signs of anger. Passive, adj. Dro'ntm*. Passover, n. Vu'mbris or Vn'mbrai. Passjjort, n. Da'usutoo go'mbra tendai'di, written licence for tra- velling. Paste, n. Re'nsi fe'nzoo, raw bread. 2, Krinza'fus, pi'usuvoo vro'udoj glue of ground corn. Pasteler, n. Krenzoo'tas, the pie mechanic. Pastern, n. Pre'ndis or pre'ndai va'ndc'tu, hollowness of the heel. Pasty, u. Bekre'nzoo, a great pie. Pastime, n. E'nzi, recreation. 2, Ko'nzi, mirth. Pastinaca, n. Pa'njoi. Pastor, n. Vo'mbroi finjoi'tuz, herds- man of sheep. 2, Fu'ndroi, priest. Pastry, n. Enze'dus, the provisions room. 2, Krenzoo'bas, the art of pie making. Pasture, n. Ba'nzoo. Pat, adj. Vo'ntu, congruous; as, '' vo'ntukas," so pat, so suitable. Patch, n. Bra'ndis, fragment. Patch, V. Te'ntifai brandai'tiz, to repair with fragments. Pate, n. Pra'ndo. Patent, n. Ko'ndra. Paternal, adj. Fo'nsur, parental. 2, Fo'ngupur, paternal. 3, Fo'nsu- pun, maternal. Paternity, abs. n. Fonzoo'rit. Path, n. Pensufoo'kin, wallced place. Pathetic, adj. Gazo'nsukrost, apt to cause passion or emotion. Patience, n. Ge'mboo, (the virtue). Patient, n. Dontnpoo'ro. 2, Drontu'r- pr(2, the passive person. 3, Ton- trufoo'ro, the physicianed person, or physicked person. PEC Patin, n. Fwa'ntou trantou'kwi ke'n- zi, a wide and shallow dish. 2, Tinsufo'ri trenze'tu, the covering of a cup. Patriarch, n. Pu'ndroi. 2, Vu'ndroi, primate. Patrician, n. To'ndroo. Patrician, adj. To'ntrur. Patrimony, n. Fomprukoo'ri. Patriot, n. Twonsuko'ro twai'tu po'ndro, a lover of his nation. 2, Gwo'nzo twai'tu po'ndro. Patron, n. To'nzo. Patron of slave, n. Do'nzo, master. Patron of church living, n. Ka'ken- tunn"ro, the person able to confer it, &c. Patronage, n. To'nzito. Patronize, v. To'nsitai. 2, Ke'mpisai, to protect. Patronymic, n. Yo'nsu ko'ndoo, the family name. Pattern,n. To'ndoi, example, — men- tal. 2, Tro'ndoi, physical-type. Patlins, n. .Jis vande'twus orvande'- jitwus, under-foot jugament. Paucity, n. Pra'ndo, fewness. Pave, fa floor) n. Kra'nsitrest unje'- tiz, to floor with stones. Pavement, n. U'ncu kra'nzo, stone floor. Pamllion, n. Bepra'nzoi, n great tent. Paw, n. Vano'ncli. Paron, v. Do'ntrisal. Paunch, n. Va'nda, belly. 2, Dwi- kra'ndis, aggregate of guts. Paunch, v. tJnkra'ntisai, to un- bowel. Pause, V. Dri'ntifai, to discontinue. 2, Re'ntisai. 3, Re'nsikai, to rest, as opposed to motion. Pause, fa) n. Doori'ndoi, a discon- tinuance. Peace, n. E'mbri, opposite to war. Peaceableness, n. Te'mba. Peace, fto hold one's) v. Be'mpinai, to conceal what ought not to be revealed. 2, Ri'mpiti, to be silent. ' Peach tree, n. Pu'mvoi. Peach, fto J v. Ta'ntripai, to accuse, to peach. Peacock, n. Fe'njifur, (the male). 2, Fe'ujifun, peahen, (the female). Peal, n. Twi'mpi fi'mbo, melodious ringing. Peasant, n. Twempa'ro, rustic per- son. 2, Gontru'rpro, a villain- person. Pease, n. Fre'mvoi. 2, Fe'mvo, chick pease. 3, Bre'mvoi, winged wild pease. 4, Dre'mvoi, pease earth- ni\ts. 5, Bro'ndo fremvoi'tuz, cod of pease, peasecod. Peccadillo, n. Pefi'o'ndito, a small sin. Peccant, adj. Fro'ntuvo. 2, Va'm- prou, guilty. PEN Pear tree, n. Fn'mvoo. Peck, n. A'fin, ku'ndoz, two gallons. Peel-, V. Bre'nsivai, to peck. JWJoral, adj. Fa'ntcT,. Peculiar, adj. Va'nta, proper. Pecuniary, adj. Eu'nta. Pedal, n. Dre'nsu beto'ndi, musical large tube. Pedant, n. Deto'nzo, corruptive of toaclier. Pedantry, n. Dege'ndoo bambi'stu, the improper exhibition of learn- ing. Pedee, n. Ge'mbro. Pedigree, n. Dwa'ndo ponzoo'tuz, a series of ancestors. Pedestal, n. Tc'ndi. Pedler, n. Tre'ntuso dcbo'ndroi, a wandering inferior merchant. Peddling, adj. Pekla'ntur, rather sorry. 2, Depla'ntur. Pebble, n. Fu'njoo. Piece, n. Ra'ndis, part. 2, Ba'ndis, chip. 3, Bra'ndis, fragment. Piecemecd, adv. Randai'tuz. Pieces, fall to) adv. Randai'tuz. 2, A'ntus, whole. Piece, fof one) adj. A'ntus. 2, Di'n- tou, in a state of continuance, i. e. without separation of parts. Piece, fto) V. Te'ntifai, to repair. 2, Te'ntifai vandai'ti, to repair by addition. 3, Tyel pe'ntifai. Peel, V. Umbo'ntipai, to un-rind, — strip. 2, Unre'nsinai, to unclothe. 3, Da'ntritai or vai, to rob. Peep, V. Twaspo'mpitai, to endea- vour to see. Peel, fa baker s) n. Kona'ndoo, a staff with lamin at the end. Peej) of day, n. Tanbu'ndis, begin- ning of day. Peep), V. Ti'mpitai brus twena'nji, to voice, (i. e. use the voice,) like the young of bird. Peer, adj. Ba'ntur, equal. Peerless, adj. Kabane'tupoo, not able to be efinalled. Peer, n. To'ndroo, nobleman. Peevish, adj. Dwe'mpa, morose. Peg, n. Pe'nda, pin. 2, Pe'nda dis vre'mbigrost, a pin for fastenmg. Peony or piony, n. Pe'mvoo, (herb). Pelamis, n. Kra'njo. Pelf, n. Fa'mboi, riches. 2, Defa'm- boi, riches M'itli some bad associa- tion. Pelican, n. Kre'njino. Pellet, n. Bige'ndri, a bullet-like thing. Pellitory of Spain, n. Pa'nvi. 2, Va'mivoo, pellitory of the wall. Pellucid, adj. Ki'mpur, transparent. Pelt, n. Fi'njois ta'ndoi. 2, Finjoi'fus, shepherd's vest. Pelt, fto) V. Fe'nsivai u'nje"suz, to cast stones at. Pen, n. Danzo'tun, writing instru- ment. PEP Pew, V. Ka'ntrisai, to imprisoi:. 2, E'mprisai. to sepiraent, i. e. en- close. 3, Da'nsitai, to WTite ; as, to " pen a letter." Penman, n. Dausutn'ro, -writing person. 2, Dansuto'fas, writing officer. Penknife, n. Pefre'nzis, a small knife, specially for pen making. Penal, adj. Ea'mpur. Penance, n. Ka'mboo. 2, Pa'mbi, repentance. Pence, n. Fu'ndiz, plural of penny. Pencil, n. Ginsuno'tus, painting in- strument. Pendant, n. Transuvoo'ri, himg thing. 2, Dre'nda, flag. Pendulous, adj. Tre'nsuvo. 2, Bro'n- sus, in a state of doubt, doubtful. Penetrate, v. Muse'ntisai, to pass into. 2, Duse'ntisai, to pass through. 3, Mise'ntisai, to pass out of. Penguin, n. Vre'njino. Pene-isle, (peninsidar) n. Kri'nzo. Penitent, adj. Pa'mpur, in a state of repentance. Penitent, (a) n. Pa'mpukro, penitent person. Penny, n. Fu'ndi. Pennyworth, n. Dondre'vis, price- manner. Pennyroyal, n. Ga'mvinoo. Pennywort, fioall) n. Vo'mvinoi. Pennon, n. Pedre'nda, small flag. Pension, n. Kronsuso'ri, the stipen- diating thing, i. c. stipend. Pensioner, n. Kronsukoo'ro, the sti- pendiated person. Pensive, adj. Gako'nsuko, apt to grieve. 2, Gapo'nsufai gre'ndur, apt to think intensely. Pent, part. E'mprusoo, sepimented, (enclosed). Pentagon, n. Re'ndo tw a'binfre'ndoz, figure of five angles. Penticost, n. Byundi'a'tu trispe'ndis Undo'tu, the festival of the down- coming of the Holy Ghost. Pent-house, n. Te'nta kri'ndo ganzo- tu, protuberant margin of roof. Penuriousness, n. Tre'mbo, iUiberal- ity in getting, keeping, or spend- ing. 2, Kle'mbo, sordidness in public expenditure. Penury, n. Fra'mboi, poverty. 2, Twa'ndoo, deficiency, opposed to sufficiency. 3, Fla'ndoo. scarcity, opposed to abundance. People, n. Bo'ndroo, commonalty. 2, Po'ndro, nation. People, (to) V. Di'nsifai binze'tiz, to fill with human beings. 2, Fre'n- tivai binze'tiz, to furnish with human beings. Pepper, n. Ti'mvoi. Pepper-wort, n. Ve'mvis. 2,Gre'mva, gumea pcpper-woi-t. 3, Bro'mvi- noi, wall guinea-wort. PER Peradvcnture, adv. Flo'nzur. 2, Gro'ndu, contingently. Peramhidation, n. Glispe'nsifai, to walk about. 2, Duspe'nsifai, to walii through. Perceive, v. Taspo'mpifai, to begin to be conscious of. 2, Po'mpifai, to be conscious of. 3, Taspo'mpi- fai, to begin to see. 4. Taspo'm- pivai, to begin to understand. Perceptible, adj. Kapo'mpufoo, cog- nizable by sense, i. e. able to be pei'ceived by sense. Perch, n. Gle'ntou ko'ndoo, trans- verse stick. Perch, V. Ba'nsivai kwondooju bi- ze'nju, to sit on a stick bird-like. 2, Bwu'ndoi, a perch measure. Perch, fa Jish) n. Vwa'njino. 2, Da'nji, sea-perch. Percolation, n. Krl'nzis, straining. Percussion, n. Ke'nzis. Perdition, n. Kro'nzoo, destruction. 2, Fre'udi, loss. Perdue, n. De'mbro. Perigrination, n. Te'ndis. 2, Te'ndis tro'nsa, foreign travel. Peregrine, adj. Tro'nsa. Peremptory, adj. Gro'ntur, irrespec- tive. 2, Dra'mpa, obstinate. Perennial, adj. Doopu'ndis, tlu"ough- out the year. Perfect, adj. To'nti. 2, De'ntuvoo, finished. 3, Va'mpa, possessing perfect integrity. 4, Ta'mpus, skilful. 5, Ka'mpus, expert, Perjidious, a,dj. Fle'mpa, treacherous. Perforate, v. Tuspre'ntimost, to make hole in. 2, Puspre'ntimost, to make hole through. Perforce, adv. Tro'nzuu, compulso- rily, by force. Perform, v. Ve'ntivai. Perfume, n. Pwimpou'ri, a sweet thing. Perfunctory, adj.Dwa'mpa. 2,Fla'm- pa, heedless. 3, Bla'mpa, sloth, negligence. Perhaps, adv. Flo'nzur, by chance. 2, Gro'ndu, contiguity. 3, Pul, perhaps. Periacantha, n. Bi'mva. Perianthiurn, n. Go'ndoi. Pericardium, n. Ta'ndoi fandai'gli, the skin round about the licart. Pericarpium, n. Gro'ndoi. Pericranium, n. Ta'ndoi prando'gli, skin about the skull. Peril, n. Kro'ndi, danger. Perineum, n. .Jisgandai'dwes, the part under the privities. Period, n. Re'ndis, staying. 2, Re'n- zi, rest. 3, Trindo, end. 4, Pri'n- do, sentence. 5, Vri'ndoo, a point. 6, Ki'ndoo, interpunction. Periodical, adj. Repe'ntuso gi'usu, returning at certain times. Periphrasis, n. Bri'ndi, paraphrase. Periploca, n. Dri'mvoo. PER Periphery, n. Fe'ndoo tildo'gli, line about the extremity. 2, Fe'ndo, circle. Perish, y. Krompikai. 2, Kro'nsipoi, to be destroyed. Peristaltic motion, n. Pre'nzo. Peritoneum, n. Tra'ndoi vanda'tu, membrane of the belly. Perjury, n. Klo'mbris. Periwig, n. Dro'nti pondai"tudwin, factitious hair, (aggregate). Periwinkle, n. De'mvinoi, (herb). 2, Vro'njinoo, (fish). Perk, V. Fre'mbu pinsipaiu'rkwcn, proudly to lift himself. Pearl, n. Fu'njo. 2, Fyo'nda funci'tu ko'njinoi, mother of pearl, shell of pearl oyster. Permanent, adj. Vi'ntur. Permit, v. Prone'sikai, not forbid. 2, Brone'tifai, not to hinder. 3, Pe'ntinai, to yield. 4, Go'mprinai, to licence. Permutation, n. Vro'ndoi, change. Pernicious, adj. Kro'nsupo, destroy- ing, 2, Kronsupi, destructive. Peroration, n. Triuti'dwen finde'tu, the final (part of) oration. Perpetidicular, adj. Gre'ntou, direct. Perpetrate, v. Pi'ntipai, to do. 2, Ve'ntivai, to perform. Perpetual, adj. Gi'ntur. Perpetuity, n. Gindoo. Perpjlex, v. Fri'ntifai, to tangle. Perp)le.rity, n. Tra'mboo. 2, Frintu- soo kro'ndi, a tangled difficulty. Perquisite, n. Kro'mpur ke'nda, vo- luntary gift. 2, Fra'ntus ke'nda, surplus gift. P rry, n. Venzol'tu fumvoo'sidz, wine of pears. Persecute, v. Ku'mpritai, (for reli- gion). 2, Te'mprifai, to pursue. 3, Pra'mpivrost, to cause to be in a state of affliction. Persevere, v. Da'mpinai, to act con- stantly. Perseverance, n. Da'mba Persian shell, n. Dro'njinoo. Persist, v. Da'mpinai, persevere. Person, n. Kro'ndoo. 2. A'ndroo, judicial person. 3, E'ndro, mili- tary person. 4, O'ndrooz, degrees of persons. Personable, adj. Tere'ntutoo, pei-- fectly figured. Personage, n. Kro'ndoo, person. 2, Bekro'ndoo, an important person. Personal presence, n. Pi'ndoi. Personate, v. Gre'ntifai. 2, Gre'ntifai drai, yoo'bru to'ndroi, to imitate any person, like player. Perspective, n. Dreno'nzi, the pic- turing of solid bodies on a plain surface. 2, Di'eno'nzibas, the art of picturing solid bodies on a plain surface. Perspicacity, n. Pa'mbo, sagacity. Perspicuity, n. Ti'ndo. PHI Perspective, fcpri'alj n. Drcna'nzi, the laws of liglit, shade, and co- lor in picturing; i. e. tyo'ndraz fimboo'tu fri'mboo, imboikwi tus de'nziso. Perspiration, n. Trenza. Persuade, n. Fo'nsisai. Pert, adj. Fo'mpa. 2, Ko'mpu, vigo- rous. 3, Do'nsu, confident. Pertain, v. Ba'ntinai, belong to. Pertinacity, v. Dra'mba. Pertinence, n. Ba'nda. Perturbation, n. Bete'ndi o'mpur, mental trouble. 2, Betra'mboo, anxiety. 3, Bete'nzis, great vibra- tion. Perverseness, n. Pro'mba. Pervert, v. Pro'nsisai. 2, Tro'nsinai, compel, force. 3, n. Dcki'ndi, bad intei"pretation. Pervicacity, n. Dra'mba. Peruse, v. Dunsfo'nsitai. 2, Koufo'nsi- tai, to consider all. Pest, n. Tru'mboi. Pester, v. Date'ntikai, frequently to molest. Pestiferous, adj. Tru'mpou, infected with plague; or tru'mpufrost, which causes plague. Pestilence, n. Tru'mboi. Pestle, n. Bensuvo'tus, specially cylindrical. Pet, n. Dwato'nzi. Petard, n. Bive'mpru ga'nzis, ord- nance-like machine. Peter s fish, (Saint Peter s fish) ii. Fa'mija, the dory. Peter s ( Saint Peters wort) n. Dre'mvi. Petition, n. To'nzi, entreaty. 2, Fu'mbra, religious petition. Petrify, v. U'ncikrost, to cause to be stone. Petronel, n. Pe'mbnis ve'mbri, horse- man's gun. Petty, adj. Pla'ntur. 2, Kla'ntur, sorry. Petticoat, n. Vli'mpus kantoo'vus, loose thigh vest. Pettyfogger, n. Defo'ndroi. Pettishness,^. Dwe'mba, moroseness. Petulence, n. Detra'mpi o'mba, bad fantastical temper. 2, Dato'nzi, frequent anger. 3, Gatonzi, apti- tude for anger. Pew, n. Banonsuvoo'twus, a sepi- mented or enclosed seat. Pewter, n. Fu'nzoi. Phantasy, n. Fono'mboi, a seemed thing appearing to a corrupted fancy. Pharmaceutical operation, n. Ri'nzis. Phenicopter, n. Fe'njinoi. Pheasant, n. Te'njoi. Phyllyrea, n. Ti'ravo. Philologer, n. Ko'ndroi. Philosopher, n. Po'mbroi. Philter, n. U to'nsukrast two'ndroi, a love causing medicine. T PIG Phlebotomy, n. Ve'nza. Phlegm, n. Da'ndoo. Pholas, n. Go'njhioi. Phrase, n. Vintri'mbo, manner of sentence; or trimpi'vin. Phrenetic, adj. Pu'mpa, adj. of phrenzy. Phylactary, n. Dwansutoo'kin tis a'nsinoi, a written lamin to be worn, i. e. clothed with. Physic, n. Two'ndi'oi, medicine. Physician, n. To'ndroi. Physiognomy, n. Pana'ndo, the art or science of discovering the cliai-acter of the mind from the features of the face. Physis, n. Pa'miji. Pie, n. Kre'uzoo. 2, Ge'njoo, mag- pie. 3, Ge'ujiuoo, sea magpie, sea mew. Piacular, n. Tuno'ntrisai, which ought to be expiated by sacrifice. Piazza, n. Pwensufoo'kin ti'nsufoo, a walked place, covered. Pebble, n. Ku'njoo. Pick, V. Bre'nsivai, to peck. 2, Ki'n- sipai, to pull. 3, Krl'nsifai, to open, as '' pick a lock." Pick out, V. Fro'nsifai, discover. 2, Bo'nsinai, to choose. Pick lip, V. Bi'nsifai. Pick out of one, v. Fe'ntikai drai'ni, to gain from any one. Pick a quarrel, v. Twastwe'mpinai, to endeavour to quarrel Pickthank, n. Twantrupo'ro, an ac- cuser: specially to obtain thanks by accusation. Pickpocket, V. Da'mpritai pelze'ni, pe'nzi, to steal from the pocket. Pickaxe, n. Boore'nsuvo fra'nzis, a pecking hammer. Picked, adj. Fe'ntunoo. Pickerel, n. Pepa'njino. Pickeroon, n. Be'mprufo fi'ndi'oo, a pkmdering ship. Pickle, n. Tensuto'rl, that which pickles. 2, Deko'ndls. a bad state. Pickle, V. Te'nsitai. Picture, n. Ge'nzis. Pied, adj. Bi'mpou, which is ui a state of variegation. Pied, part. BI'mpufoo, variegated by some one. Pierce, v. Muse'ntisai, to pass into. 2, Muskrl'nsipai, to thrust into. 3, Ti'nslnal, to bore. 4, Tazun- te"nsikai, to broach, i. e. to begin to unbarrel. 5, Dra'nslfai, to feel a pricking sensation. 6, Gra'nsifai, to feel a smarting sensation. Piercer, fa) n. Twinsuno'tus, a bor- ing instrument. Piety, (to God) n. Pazu'ndroo, ha- bitual religion. Piety, (to parents) n. Ve'mboo. Pig, n. Gi'njoi, hog. Pig, (of lead) n. Brinsunoo'ri bim- zoo'tu. P I Pigeon, n. Pe'njo. Piggin, n. Petrc'uzi, little tub. Pike, n. Te'ndrl. Pike, (fish) n. Pa'njino. Pilchard, u. Dra'njo. . Piles, n. Ba'nzoz rondoo'tu, columns of wood. 2, Vi'nzoiz, heaps. 3, Gru'mbis, (disease). Pib'wort, n. Kra'mvlno. Pilfer, V. Peda'mpritai. Pilfering, n. Poda'mbro, petty theft. Pilgrim, n. Punomprunoo'ro, a vowed traveller for religion. Pill, n. I'cbe'ndo, a small sphere. 2, Bo'nddo, rind. Pill, V. Umbo'ntipai, to unrlud. 2, Una'uslnai, to unclothe. Pillage, u. Da'ndro, robbery. 2, Be'mbroi, booty. Pillar, n. Ba'nzo. Pillaster, n. Peba'nzo, small pillar. Pillion (a) n. Bwl'nzlkuns de'nsufo bra'nzis, a woman's riding cusli- ion. Pillory, n. Kwantruso'twus ando'dl, tande'kwiz, an imprisoning juga- ment for head and hands. Pillow, n. Bra'nzis ando'dl, cushion for the head. Pilot, n. KI'mbrl. Pimpternel, n. Dre'mvi. Pimple, n. Pu'mbo, pustule. Pin, n. Pe'nda, (without head). 2, Fre'ndls, (with head). Pin-fish, n. Fra'njis. Pinfold, n. Ka'ntruso e'ndris inje'tuz. Imprisoning sepiment for beasts. Pin, V. Ba'nslnai. 2, Ki'nsifai, to shut. Pin a house, v. JIs di'nslfal ka'nzo, to underfill the foundation. Pincers, n. Trinsupo'twus, compres- smg jugament. Pinch, V. Ta'usifal, to twitch. 2, Fra'ntifrost, to narrow, i. e. cause to be narrower. Pinch-penny, n. Tre'mpiro. Pinch, n. Ira'mboo, anxiety. Pine, n. Kru'mvl. Pine-apple, n. Krumve'slt. Pine, V. Kro'mpikai. 2, O'kai be- bro'mpu, to become very fat. Pink, u. Pre'mvi. Pink, (to) v. Be'nsitai. Pink-eyed, adj. Frantou'tu fa'ndoz, of narrow eyes. Pinna, n. Do'njinol. Pinnace, n. Pefi'ndroo. Pinnacle, n. Pefa'nzoi vantu'di, tur- ret for ornament. Pinion, n. Bre'ndl, figure. Pinion, (of wing) n. Fra'ndi fon- de'tu, elbow of wing. Pinion, v. Pi'nsifai pa'ndiz, to pinion the arms. Pioneer, n. Ge'ndro. Piony, n. Pe'mvoo, (see peony). Pious, (toward pcvrentsj adj. Ve'm- pur, gratdiil. PIT Pious, adj. Pazu'ntnir. Pip, n. Pe'ndoo fenzo'jus, a spot on cards. 2, Wxi'mbi enje'tuz, a dis- ease of fowls. Pip, (see peep). Pipe, n. Tc'inji, tube, (general). 2, Tre'ndi, square tube. 3, Twe'ndi, round tube. 4, Te'nzi, ban-el. Pipe, (wind-pipe) n. Pra'ndis. Pipe tree, n. Pi'mva. Pipe, ficMte pipe) n. Tri'mvi. I*ipe, V. Dre'nsikrost tende'ti,' to make music with pipe. 2, Pri'mpitrost, to make an acute sound. Piper, n. Ba'nja, (tub-fish). Pipkin, n. Ri'nsa pez'enzi fe'nzn'di, earthen little vessel for boiling. Pique, n. Kre'mboo, malignity. 2, Tro'nzi, hatred; specially secret hatred. Pirate, n. Ei'nsa da'ndro, sea robber. Pisces, n. Dwinpi'nzoi, "constellation; aggregate of stars. Piscis-triangularis, n. Ta'njinoi. Piscis-eornutus, n. Tra'njinoi. Pish! inter. Pis, expressing con- tempt or hatred. Pismire, n. Bo'nja, ant. Piss, V. Ge'nsinai. Pistach, n. Fu'mva. Pistol, n. Peve'ndri tande'di, a small gun for the hand. Pit, n. Tre'nda, dent. 2, Klentu'dwen Iji pa'ndi, the concave part under the arm ; the armpit. Pitfall, n. Kleutu'kin dinzoi'tu gran- zaidi enje'tuz, a concave place in the earth for trapping birds, &c. Pitch, fofa kill) n. Pege'ndoi prin- zo'tu, the incipient obliquity of a hill. 2, Tepe'ndoo, the exact point. Pitch, n. Vro'ndoo krmnve'tu, the resin of the pine tree. Pitch, v. Vri'nsikai vrondoo'ti krum- ve'tu, to smear with pitch. Pitch camp, v. I'ntifai pe'ndris, to place camp. Piich net, v. Po'nsisai gla'nzis, to direct net. Pitch tent, v. Vri'mpisai pra'nzo. Pitcher, n. Ri'nsa be'nzi. Pitchfork, n. Gre'nda, fork. Piteous, adj. Gadro'nsuvai, apt to pity. 2, Gadro'nsuvoi, apt to be pitied. Pith, n. Bro'ndoo. Pithy, n. Bro'ntur. 2, Bo'nta, im- portant. Pittance, n. Pera'ndis, small part. 2, Peru'ndi, small proportion. Pity, V. Dro'nsivai. Pitiful, adj. Gadro'nsuvai, apt to pity. 2, Gadro'nsuvoi, apt to be pitied. Pitiless, adj. Dronzai'pi, without pity. 2, Drone'suvo, not pitying. 3, Bre'mpur, cruel. P L A Pituitous, adj. Da'ntur, phlegmy. Pizzle, n. Tega'ndis, the male privities. Placable, adj. Gazimto'nsikai, apt to bei^vm-angered. Placard, u. Vano'nzo, a written or printed paper, posted in a public place, usually on the walls. Place, n. I'ndoi. 2, E'ndris, a mili- tary place. 3, Bepa'nzoi, great house. 4, Fa'ndi, order; as, "fan- detu," in order. 5, Ba'mboi, dig- nity. 6, 0'ndroo, degree. 7,Vu'm- bra, office. 8, Vro'ndis, stead. Place, V. I'ntifai. 2, Pe'ntipai, to put. Place, (choose in ones) v. Vro'nti- grost, to substitute. 2, Vo'nti- grost, cause to be successor. Place, (to give) v. Pe'ntLnai bran- doodin, to yield the superiority sign. Place, (to take) v. Ke'ntinai bran- doo'din, to take the superiority sign. Placid, adj. Te'mpur. Plagiary, n. Da'mbrito dansutoo'riz droi'utu, stealing the writings of other persons. Plague, n. Tru'mboi. 2, Befra'mboo, great adversity. Plague, v. Befra'mpivai, greatly to afflict. 2, Bera'mpivai, greatly to punish. Play, n. Rl'nzi, opposite to work. Playfelloiv, n. Fo'nza enze'tu, com- panion In play. Play with, v. Tyele'nslkai, to play together. Play fast and loose, v. Dwa'mpinai, to act with levity, inconstancy. Play the coward, v. Dwe'mpivai. Play the fool, v. Pro'mpivai. Play the hypocrite, v. Kra'mpinai. Play the truant, v. Tre'ntlsai. 2, Bla'mpinai. Play the wanton, v. Tro'mpinai. Player, n. To'ndroi. Play, (stage) n. Tontrqu'ri, the play- er thing. Play, V. E'nsikai, to recreate. 2, Re'nsikai, to game. Play at a game, v. Re'nsikai. Play at dice, v. Pre'nsikai. Play at cards, v. Fe'nsikai. Play on instrument, n. Dre'nsinai. Play on any one, v. Ta'mprinai, to mock. Play on with guns, v. Fe'ntriljai, to gun. Place, n. Ka'njinoo. Plain, adj. Ke'nti. 2, Fi'mpus, even. 3, Pi'nsi, champaign-level. Plain, adj. Ti'ndo. 2, Te'ntur, mani- fest. 3, Go'nti, simple. 4, Bra'm- pou, mean. .5, Vra'ntu, homely. 6, Ka'nta, sincere. 7, Ke'mpa, frank. Plaintiff n. Ka'ndroo. Po'mprltai, to P L E Plaint, n. T}ikro'nzi, the sign of grief. 2, Didi-o'nza, sign of dis- pleasure. 3, Taritrufori. accusing thing, or accusation. Plaice, n. Ka'njinoo. Plait, V. Bi'nsikai plantu'rtu dri'nzis, to fold in small i-idges. Plane, n. Diu'mvis, a tree. 2, Fi'm- puso'tus, leveling instniment. Planet, n. Ti'nzoo. Planisphere, n. De'nzis bendo'tus kendoju, picture of sphere on plain. Plank, n. Ba'ntou rintu'rkun, thick laminous wood. Plank, V. Kra'nsitrest bantou'ti run- tu'i-kunz, to cause to be floor- ed by means of thick wooden lamins. Plant, n. Fi'nzi. Plant, V. Vi'nsitai. Plant a country, v. colonize. Plantain, n. Fomvinoo. 2, Ko'mvi- noo, sea plantain. 3, Tu'mvoo, the plantain tree. Plantation, n. Vi'nzo. 2, Vinsutoo'- kin, planted place. 3, Po'mbro, colony. Plash, n. Pevi'a'nti unzo'tu, a small aggregate of water. 2, Pefri'nza, a small lake. Plashy, adj. Pefri'nsur. Plash, V. Tono'ndoo, the branch of a tree partly cut or lopped and bound to other branches. Plaster, n. Kre'nzis. 2, Bru'nza, mortar. Plasterer, n. Brunza'tas mortar me- chanic. Plastic, adj. Gare'ntitai, apt to figure. 2, Kadi'nsuno, able to mould or knead. 3, Gadi'nsuno, apt to mould. Plate, n. Ke'ndi, lamin. 2, Ke'ndi unze'tu, lamin of metal. Plate, n. E'nziz punzoo'tu funzoo'twi, vessels of gold or silver. Plate, n. Betra'ntou kc'nzi, a very shallow dish. Platform, n. Pina'nzis, sketch of anything liorizontally delineated. 2, To'ndoi, exemplar. 3, Fe'n- dris, sconce. Platter, n. Betra'ntou ke'nzi, a very shallow dish. Plaudit, u. Gonzc'kcn, the voice of praise. 2, Konze'ken the voice of joy. Plausible, adj. Gago'usukoo, apt to be praised. 2, Tre'mpur, seeming. 3, Dre'mpa, obsequious. Plea, Ta'ndroi. Pleader, [advocate) n. Da'ndroo. Pleasant, adj. Po'uta. 2, Gado'nsinai, apt to delight. 3, Ko'nsu, mirth- ful. 4, Te'mpa, urbane, polite. Pleasing, adj. Donsa. 2, Unto'nsuko, appeasing. P L U Pleasure, n. Ko'mboo, will ; as, "what is your will, i. e. pleasure," slu'mcu komboo'tas? Pleasure, fat one's) adv. Komboo'vii drai'tu, according to the will of any person. Pleasure one, (to) v. Go'nsikai, to act as a benefactor. 2, Ge'mpinai, to act complacently. Plebean, adj. Finbo'ntrur, of tbe peo- ple kind. 2, Bibo'ntrur, like the people. Pledge, v. Do'utrisai, to pa-wm. Pledge one, v. Pri'ntisai franzoi'tu, to answer in drinking'. Plenary, adj. Di'nsou, full. 2, A'htus, total. 3, To'nti, perfect. Plenipotentiary, n. Tevontrunoo'ro, a perfectly authorised person. 2, Keno'ndris, ambassador. Plenty, n. Fra'udoo, abundance. Pleonasm, n. Vezi'ndoi, excess of words. Plethory, Tu'mboo. Pleurisy, n. Vu'mbi. Ply, V. Ba'mpinai, to act diligently. 2, Bczi'nsikai, to labor. Pliable, adj. Vi'mpi, flexible. 2, Gade'mpu, obedient. 3, Gafo'nsu- koo, apt to be persuaded. Pliant, (see pliable). PligJit, V. O'ntrisai. Plight, n. Ko'ndls, state. 2, Ko'mpu, in good plight, vigorous. P/ot, n. Te'ndoo, area surface. 2, Trl'nda fendoo'tiz, desci-iption by lines. 3,v. Go'mprifai, to conspire, to act as a faction. Pkwer, n. Fe'njinoo, (green). 2, Fre'njinoo, (grey). I'louyh, V. Pri'nsitai. Plough, (a) n. Prinsuto'twiis, the ploughing jugament. Pluck, V. Ki'nsipai, to pull. 2, Um- pontikai, to unfeather. Pluck, (sliee.ps) n. A'udis finjoi'tu, inwards of sheep. Plug, n. Dre'nzi, spiggot- 2, Ro'u- tur di'ensuko'ri, wooden stopping thing. Plum, n. Fo'ndo. 2, Frumvoi'sit, (sids, plural,) the fruit or fruits of the plum tree. Plumh, adj. Gre'ntou, perpendicular. Plumb rule, n. Gre'ndoi untuko'tus, perpendicularness measuring in- strument. 2, Gle'ndoi untulio'tus, transverseness measuring instru- ment. Plummet, (rarpenter s) n. Rondoo'- tans peki'mpuri undino'di gre'ndoi glendoi'twi, wood mechanic's little weight for measuring pei-pindicu- lamess or transverseness: sub- special, greno'ndoi, Pltrnqj, adj. Bo'mpu. 2, Tekre'nti, bombe'ti, perfectly convex from fatness. Plume, V. Umpo'ntlkai, to unfeather. lead nic- Pekl'mpuri a ami all POT Plume, n. Dwinpo'ndi, aggregate of feathers. Plumber, n. Bimzoo'tan chanic. Plummet, n heavy thing. Plunder, n. Be'mbroi. Plunge, V. Tre'nsiprast, to cause to dive. 2, Dwake'ntivai, to make a sudden or violent cifort. Plural, adj. Fra'nti. Plurality, n. Fra'ndo. Pluff, n. Te'nza tentu'poo pantou'ti ve'ndaz, silk sm'faccd with lung tufts. Poach, V. Dedo'ntrifai, corruptive of hunting. Poach egg, Vwo'ndi bi'mpikrost fen- zo'ti, egg made consistent by boil- ing, specially without the shell. Pock, n. Ku'mboi, disease. Pock-hole, n. Kle'nti kiimboi'din, concave pock sign. Pock, (French) n. Vu'mboi, disease. Pockwood, n. Fumvinoo, guaiacum. Pocket, n. Pe'bzi, a bag. Pod, n. Bro'ndo, cod. Poem, n. Kyomprufoo'rl, the thing done by poet. Poet, n. Koiubrol. Poetry, n. Kyumprou'pas, the poet art. Poma7-d, n. Upe'mbri gadi'e'nsuvo, a sword apt to prick. Point, n. Pc'ndoo, mathematical point. Point blank, adj. Gle'ntou, trans- verse. Point, (full) Vi'i'ndoo, (grammar). Point, n. Ri'ndoo, instant ; as, " ri'ndoo dranzoo'tu," point of death. Point, n. Fe'nda, tooth. Point of the compass, ap ta'frin I'tu fe'ndo, one thirty-second part of the circle. Point of land, n. Ki'nzo, promon- tory. Point, n. Ra'ndis, as, "ou'tu ra'ndis," in every point. '' It is a jwint of importance," i. e. po'ntoo bwo'nta ra'ndis. Point, n. Ko'ndis, state, " as it is come to that point," pe'ntis ro'nu ra'ndis. Point, n. Pi'ndi, proposition ; or, pri'ndi, question: as, "what is the jioint in dispute." Point, V. Oe'ntipai dande'ti, to shew with the finger. Point, V. Ki'ntipai, to distinguish with a point. Poise, V. Bre'ntifai kri'mbi, to try the weight. 2, Ba'ntipi krimbe'tu, to be equal in weight. Poleaxe, n. De'nsuvo fra'nzis, cutting hammer. 2, De'nsuvo fe'ndri, cut- tnig club. Poison^ v. Ba'mprikai, to poi.?on. P O N Poke, n. Pe'nzi, bag. Pole, n. Beko'ndoo, gi'cat staff. 2, Brc'nzi, pole of cart. .'{, Ti'mbro, pole of ship. 4, Pre'ndoi, ])(ile of globe, f), Be'ndoo, percii. Pole, n. Fe'njinoo. Polecat, n. Bi'nja. Polemic, adj. E'ntru, adjective of war. 2, Vi'nta, argumentative. 3, Dro'udus vi'nta. 4, Pize'ntru, me- taphorically belligerent. Policy, n. Fa'mbis, wisdom. 2, Po'h- droo'rit, abs. n. magistracy. .'!, Ontru'pas or ontroo'pas, the art of civil government. Policy of assurance, n. Bo'mbris frende'bl, bond agamst loss. Polypus, n. Po'njino. 2, Pi'o'njino, sweet polypus. Polish, V. Fi'mpigrost. 2, Ti'mpi- vrost, to brighten. Polite, adj. Yo'mpu. 2, Vc'ntukoo, adorned. Political relation, n. O'ndri. Poll, n. Gi'ndo panda'tu, hind part of the neck. Poll, (by the) adv. Krondu'rtwiii, persons taken segregately. Poll, (to) V. To'mprikai, to tax. 2, Tede'nsivai po'ndis, perfective of cutting the hair. 3, Fra'mpifrost tombre'tiz, to impoverish by taxes. 4, Kre'nibis, tp'anny. 5, Ba'ndra, oppression. Pollard, n. Ki'njifur vrai'ntupoo vondai'tiu", a male doer having let go his horns. Pollard, n. Unto'ntupoo u'mvi, un- branched tree. Pollute, V. Vra'ntilirost, to cause to be defiled. Poltroon, n. Dwe'mpuro, coward. Polygamy, n. Be'ndoo pa'nti ko'nzi- funz, the having a multitude of wives. Polygon, n. Be'ndoo pwa'ndo fre'ndn- tuz, the having many angles. Polymountain, u. Va'mvis. PoJypodi, n. Vo'mvoo. Polysyllable, n. Be'ndoo pa'ndo t'in- dooz, the having many syllables. Pomander, n. Bwe'ndo pi'mpumaust, a perfumed ball or sphere. Pomecitron, n. Gu'mvoo, citron tree. 2, Gumvoo'sit, the fi'uit of the citron tree. Pomegranate tree, n. Vu'mvoo. 2, Vimivoo'sit, pomegranate fruit. Pommel, n. Tenta'ri, protuberant thing. Pommel, v. Beke'nsivai, to beat. Pomp, n. Tro'ndis, solemnity. Pompholox, n. Fru'aza. Pompousness, n. Betr'ondis. 2, Be- kembo, magnificence. Pond, n. Fre'nza, lake. 2, Va'nzoo, fish pond. Pond weed, n. Go'mvinoo. 2, Vra'm- vinoi, narroTV-leaved pond-weed. P E Pompion^ u. Pe'mvinoo. Ponder, n. Po'nsitai, to deliberate. 2, Pi'o'nsitai to meditate. 3, Fo'u- sital, to consider as to the means. 4, Ba'mpinai, to consider as to the advantages. Ponderous, adj. Ki'mpii. Pontage, n. To'mbri vanzoi'di, tax of bridge. Pontifical, adj. Yn'mprou. 2, Yu'n- trou, relating to archbishop. Pool, n. Fri'nza, lake. Poop, n. Ori'ndo fiudroo'tii, hind- part of ship. Poor, adj. Fra'mpou, 2, Bre'ntupo, needy, i. e. wantmg. o, Bro'mpii, lean. 4, Pla'ntnr, little. 5, Kla'n- tur, worthless, sorry. 6, Ga- do'nsuvoo, apt to be pitied. Poorness, n. Fra'mboi. Pop, n. I'mbo deuzi'stu tu dra'nzis, sound of breaking of bladder. Pop-gun, n. Blve'ntru twe'ndi, gun- like 'roimd tube. Pope, n. Ku'ndroi, bishop of Komc. Poppinjai/, n. De'njoo, parrot. Poplar, n. Gu'mvis, (black). 2, Gi^u'ravis, (white). Poppet, n. Pegre'nzis, a small image. Poppy, n. Ke'mvis. 2, Kre'mvis, bastard poppy. 3, Demva, homed poppy. Populace, n. Flnbo'ndroo, the whole kmd of people. Popular^ adj. Bo'ntrur. 2, To'nsu- koo bo'ndroo, beloved by the people. Populous, adj. Bebo'ntrupoo, much populated. Pm-celain, n. Firi'nsa e'nzi, a kind of earthen vessel. Porcellane, n. To'mvinoi. Porch, n. Fanza'dus, door-room. Porcupine, u. Bi'njo. Pore, n. Pe'ndis. Purblind, adj. Pepo'mpi. 2, Onbe- kre'nti, fa'ndo, having a very convex eye. Pork, n. Gi'ncou va'ndoi, hog flesh. Porker, n. Vunti'nur gi'njoi, yoimg hog. Porphyry, n. Pefi'mpou fu'njol, red- djsh marble. Porpoise, n. Pra'njoo. Porridge, n. Be'nzoo, broth. Porringer, n. Ke'nzi benzoo'di, dish for broth. Port, n, Ki'nza, bay. 2, Fra'nzoo, gate. Porthole, n. Di'ndi-oi. Portable, adj. Kape'nsuvoo, able to be carried. 2, Gape'nsuvoo, apt to be carried. Portage or porterage, n. Ge'nda ve'n- zai'di, payment for carriage. Portal, (porch) n. Fanza'dun, door- room. Portentious, n. Bono'ntus, fore-sig- nitying some great evil. POT Porfcidlis, n. Ge'mbris. Porter, n. Fansa'fas or fan, door ofBcer. Port-hole, n. Di'ndroi. Portion, n. Ka'ndis, part. 2, Runt'u- dwes, proportional part. Portion, (wifes) n. Ko'nzifuns ra'n- dal'tu fyomprukoo'ri, wife's part of the inheritance. Portmanteau, n. De'nsou pe'nzi, ri- ding bag. Pon-tray, v. Tri'ntinai. 2, Ge'nsisai, to picture. Posy, n. Pondoi'dwin, aggregate of flowers. 2, Pepri'ndo, a short sentence. Pose, V. Bre'ntifai pindai'tiz, pose by questions. 2, Gi'ntisai, to non- plus. Position, n. Pi'ndi. 2, Fi'ndis, affir- mation. 3, I'ndo, site, situation. 4, Ri'nd(2, posture. Positive, adj. To'nti. Possess, V. Be'ntipai, to have. 2, Ve'ntipai, to hold. 3, A'nsikai, to possess. Possession, n. A'nzi. Prescripition, n. Po'mbra anze'tu, custom of possession. Possession, (to take) v. Tasa'nsilcai, to begin to possess. Posset, n. Be'nzoo brinsuvoo'tu kra'u- (loo, broth of coagulated milk. Possibility, n. KO|nda. Post, n. Ko'utur ba'nzo, wooden pillar. 2, To'mpi pensuvo'ro, swift carrier. 3, To'mpi kentu- soo'ro, svrift messenger, i. e. sent person. Post, (to ride) v. De'nsifai ontiju pi'njooz vo'udus, to ride on diifer- ent horses successively. Post, (to ride) v. To'mbu e'ntisai, specially denzoi'di, to pass swiftfy by riding. Post accounts, v. Dano'nsitai, to post accounts to another book page. Postdate, v. Cisbi'ntipai, to after- date. Posteriority, abs. n. Vondai'rit. Posterity, n. Dwinpro'nzoo. Postern, n. Gri'ndo fanza'tu, hinder part of door. Posthumous, adj. Ta'nsupoo'ci fo'n- zipurs dra'nzoo, bom after father's death. Postilion, n. Cusde'nsuvo'dis, before- riding person. Postpone, V. Pego'nsifai, to esteem little. 2, Pintipain, to do at a fu- ture time. 3, Po'ntipraust, to cause to be at a future time. Postscript, n. Cisdansutoo'ri, after- written thing. 2, Jisdansutoo'ri, under-written thing. Postulation, n. Frenda, demand. Posture, n. Ra'nzis. Pot-companions, n. Tre'mpou fo'n- zaz, drunken companions. P R A Pot, n. Be'nzi. Pot-hooks or hangers, n. Transai'- twuz benze'di, hanging jugament for pot. Pot-herb, n. Ti'nzi, herb for broth. Pot-lid, n. Tmsufo'ri, benze'di, covering thing for pot. Potshred, n. Bra'ndis rinsa'tu e'nzi, fragment of earthen vessel. Pottage, n. Be'nzoo, broth. Potter, n. Rinsa'tas, pottery me- chanic. Porringer, n. Ke'nzi benzoo'di, dish for broth. Pottle, n. A'fin tu'ndiz. Potulent, adj. Gafra'nsiifoo, apt to be drimk. Pouch, n. Pepe'nzi, small bag, 2, Ka'ndis, stomach. Pouch, V. Dre'nsitai, to swallow. Powder, n. Kra'ndis. 2, De'mbri, gunpowder. Powder, (pulverise) v. Kra'ntigrost, to cause to be powder. Powder, (to) v. Dre'nsitai, to sprin- kle; specially, di-e'nsitai puuje'ti, to sprinkle with salt. Poverty, n. Fra'mboi. Poult, n. Bre'njoi, grouse. Poultice, n. Pri'mpus kre'uzis, soft plaster. Poultry, n. Fipe'njoi. Pounce, V. Ke'ntipal tonde'ti, to take by means of the clavv-. 2, Be'nsi- tai, to pink. Pound, Bu'nda, (Troy weight). 2, Tn'nda, (Avoirdupoise weight). 3, Blu'nda, Apothecaiy's weight. Pound, n. Bru'ndi, (money) : — fa'sin tu'ndiz, twenty shillings. Pound, n. Kantruso'pus inje'diz, imprisoning sepiment for beasts. Pound, V. Ka'ntrlsai. 2, Be'nsivai vendo'tl, to pound with cylinder. Poundage, n. Ru'ntudwes rou'tu bru'ndi, proportional part of each pomid. 2, To'mbri rouju bru'ndi, tax upon each pound. Pourcontrel, n. Po'njlno. Pouring, n. Gi'nzoi. Portraiture, n. Ge'nzls, picture. Pout, V. Fra'nsinai, to lour. Felpout, n. Vra'njis. Pout, n. Be'njoi, heathcock. Power, u. O'mbi, natural power. 2, Va'mboi, might, authority. Powerful, adj. O'mpu, naturally powerful. 2, Ya'mpou, possessing acquired power. 3, O'mpukoo, vampufoo'twi, made subject to power; — "in one's power." Po.v, n. Vu'mboi, (French). 2, Ku'mboi, fsmall-pox). Practised, adj. Ka'mpus, as, "a prac- tised hand," ka'mpus ta'ndi. Pragmatical, adj. Deba'mpa, diligent in a bad sense. Prayer, n. Pimti'a'ri. Praise, n. Go'nzi. P R E Practice, O'nibroi, (in the law oi- in physic, &c.) 2, Do'ndoo, action. 8, Ke'ndo, endeavour to do. 4, Kre'ndo, endeavouring to know how. 5, Pi'ndoo, doing: (generic). 6, Po'mbra pi'ntipai, custom to do. 7, Ka'mliis, experience. S, Ve'ndi, use. 9, E'nzil, motion. 10, Enza, recreation. Prance, v. Pe'nsipai fre'nibu. to go proudly, fas a horse). 2, Fre'nsi- t'ai, to trot. Prank, n. Tra'ntu do'ndoo, an extra- ordinary action. Prank, v. ^'a'utikrost, to cause to be ornamented. Prate or Frattle, v. Bre'mpiuai, to act loquaciously, to chatter. Pravity, n. Ero'ndo, evilness. Prawn, n. Ko'njis, shrimp. Preach, v. Ku'ntrinai. Preamlile, n. Di'ndi, prologue. Prebendary, n. Pa'mbroo klanzoi'tu, assessor of cathedral. Prrcmition, n. Kro'nzi, warning. 2, Fo'uzo, consideration. 3, Pa'mba, forethouglit. Precedence^ n. Fri'ndoo, antecedence. Precedent, adj. To'ntou. 2, Fri'ntar. Precept^ n. Po'nzi, command. Precinct^ n. Vuntra'kin or kis. Precious, adj. Bedo'ntru, of great price. Precious stone, n. U'njo. Precipice, n. Pegentoukis, a place a little oblique, i. e. almost perpen- dicular. Precijntate, v. Tri'nsivai, to settle. 2, Ta'mprikai, to cast down from a precipice as a capital punish- ment. Precipitation, n. Bebe'ndo, excessive dispatch. 2, Pla'mba, rashness, without consideration. 3, Dreta- ba, foolhardiness. Precise, adj. Beto'nti, very perfect. 2, Bekantu, very regular. 3, Br'onsi, scrupulous. Precocity, n. Beki'ntur ko'mbi, very soon ripeness. Precocious, adj. Beki'udur ko'mpu, very soon ripe. Precognition, n. Cusbo'nzoi, fore- knowledge. Precontract, n. Cuso'ndri, before contract. Predatory, adj. Be'mprou, of booty. Predecessor, n. Frintu'rdis, preced- ing person. Predestinate, v. Custo'nsinai, to be- fore appoint. Predicable, adj. Gabri'ntufoo, apt to be predicated. 2, Kabri'ntufoo, which can be predicated. Predicament, n. O'ndi. Predicate, n. Bri'ndoi. Predicate, v. Bri'ntifai. Prediction, n. (Jusga'uzo. 2, Pu'm- prifai, to prophecy. P Pt E Predominant, adj. Vainpufnu, more powei-tul. 2, Pe'mprou, victorious. Pre-election, n. Cusbo'nza. Pre-eminence, n. Bra'ndoo. 2, Kran- doo, excellence. 3, Ba'mboi, dig- nity. 4, Do'mbra, privilege. Pre-emption, n. Custo'mbri, before purchase. 2, A'prin to'mbri, first purchase. Pre-existence, n. Cusbo'ndo, before actualness. 2, Cusdo'nti ta'nzoo omu di'nzoi, before natural birth into this world. Preface, n. Di'ndi, prologue. Prefect, n. Vontra'ro, authority pcl'- son. 2, Vompra'ro, official person, i. e. officer. Prefecture, n. Vo'ndi-a, authority. 2, Vo'mbra, office. Prefer, v. Yin go'nsifai, more to esteem. 2, Yinbo'nsinai, more to choose. 3, Cusgo'nsifai, Ijcfore to esteem. 4, Cusbo'nsinai, before to choose. Prefer a person, (to) v. Ba'mpifrost, to dignify. 2, Va'mpikrost, to make powerful. Prefer a bill, (to) v. Ta'ntrifrost, to accuse of an offence. Prefigure, v. Custro'ntifai. Prefix, Y.. Cusvrl'mpigrost, to fix before. 2, Custo'nsinai, to fore- appoint. Preijnant, adj. Fa'nsupoo, impreg- nated. 2, Bo'uta, important. Prey, n. Be'mbroi, booty. Prejudice, u. Cusdevro'uzoi, before opinion. Prejudicial, adj. Pro'nta, hurtful. 2, Bro'ntou, impedient. Prejudicate, v. Cusba'mprifai, before to sentence, before to condemn Preke, n. Po'njino, ponrcontrel. Prelate, n. Vu'mbroi, liishop. Prelude, n. Fe'nti di-e'nzi. Premeditate, v. Cusfro'nsifai. Premise, v. Cuspe'ntlpai, before put. 2, Custi'ntisai, before suppose. Premonish, v. Cuskro'nsikai, before warn. Premunire, n. Da'mbris anze'tuz frende'kwi pamboi'tu, forfeiture of goods and loss of liberty. Prentice, (an appentice) n. Tronzo'- tas, merchant disciple. 2, Tron- zodas, mechanic disciple. Pre-occupation'fi. Cusbe'udoo, previ- ous possession. Pre-ordain, v. Cusfu'ntrikai. Prepare, v. Fe'ntivai. Prejxiration of food, n. E'nzo. Preponderate, v. Yiulvi'mpikai, more to weigh. Preposterous, adj. Pro'mpur, irrati- onal. 2, Fro'ntu, indecent. Prepuce, n. Ta'ndoi nisde'nsuvoo bundi-ai'tu, skin cut off in cir- cumcision. 2, Cusda'mprifai, P 11 !•] Prcpositiim, n. (li'ndoi. PreriKjdtive, n. Do'ndra. Presage, v. Cusbo'nsivai, lo fore- signify. Presbyter, n. Du'ndroi. Prescience, v. ('usbo'nzoi. Prescribe, n. (Justo'nsiuai. 2, To'n- triufii, to prescribe by law. ."., Cusfo'ntivrost vus pombinil, to make good according to past custom. • Presence, n. Pi'ndoi, (in place). Presence-chamber, n. Fa'nzo disfo'n- droos pindoi, the room for the king's presence. Presence, (in time) n. PI'n(]^()o. Present, adj. Pi'ntou. Present, v. Ge'ntifai, to represent. 2, Ta'ntripai, to accuse, (at law), Present, (a) n. Kwentunoo'ri, a given thing. Presentation, n. Funo'ndroi, right of giving priest's place, (existing in the patron). 2, Funa'ndroi, the gi\'ing the right (to the priest). Presently, adv. Pi'ndur. 2, Pepri'n- dur, very soon, a little future. Preserve, v. Ko'nsipai. 2, Pe'mpripai, to defend. 3, Tre'nsitai, to con- dite. Preservative, n. Konsupn'ri, a pre- serving thing. President, n. Vuntra'ro, authorized person. 2, Vumpra'ro, officer. Press. V. Kri'nsipai, to thrust. 2, Tri'nsipai, to compress, squeeze. Press, (to death) v. Ta'ntrikai. Press, (a) n. Dransuto'twus, print- ing press. 2, Venzoi'twus, wine press. Press, v. Ti'mpikrost, to make dense. 2, Vi'mpigrost, to make fast. 3, Brl'mpikrost, to make , hard, opposite to fluid. 4, Pri'm- pigrost, to make unyielding. 5, Pri'mpikrost, to make heavy. 6, Go'ntikrost, to make necessary. 7, Tro'nsinai, to compel, co-act. Press soldiers, (to) v. E'ntrivrost tonza'ti, to make a soldier by compulsion. Press, V. Befo'nsikai, greatly to persuade. 2, Befo'nsikai, greatly to entreat. P7-ess, (a) n. Tri'mpu pa'ndo, dense multitude. 2, Tri'mpu vra'ndo, dense aggregate. 3, Fe'nzi, (for clothes, books, &c). Pressure, n. Tri'nzoo. 2, Go'ndi, necessity. 3, Fra'mboo, adversity. Presume, v. Go'nsinai, to act boldly. 2, Do'nsinai, to act confidently. 3, Devo'nzi, hope in a bad sense, i. e. presumption. Presumption, n. Devo'nzi. 2, Gri'n- tus vi'nda, convincing argument. 3, Dro'nsou vi'nda, conjectural argument. 4,Bipo'nti vi'nda, truth- like argument. P R I Pri'siiinptuoiisiiess, n. Devo'nzi, liopo, ill a bad souse. 2, Pla'inba, rash- ness. 3, Tre'mba, irreverence. 4, Ge'mbo, arrogance. Prestigiator, n. To'mbroi. Pre-sujjpose^ v. Custi'ntisai. Pretence, n. Trentu'rtin, soemiiig cause. 2, Troiitu'rtiii, fictitious cause. Pretend^ v. Tre'ntiprast, cause to seem. 2, Kra'mpinai, to dissemble, act hypocriticall}'. 3, Gre'ntipai, to conceal. Preterttton, n. Gri'iido, omission. Pretermit, v. Gri'ntivai, to omit. Pretext, n. Trentu'rtin, seeming cause. 2, Trontu'rtin, fictitious cause. Pretfif, adj. Pevo'mpu, rather beau- tiful. Prevail^ v. Pe'mprifai, to subdue, conquer. 2. Bra'ntipi, to be su- perior. 3, Pe'ntikai, to obtain. Prevarication, n. Po'ntra fle'mba, legal treachery. 2, Fle'mba dan- droo'tu, treachery of advocate. 3, Ka'ntra do'ndoo, deceitful ac- tion. 4, Ka'ntra panzo, deceitful speech. Prevent, v. Te'ntivai. Previous, adj. Fr'intur, preceding. Pry, V. Twaspo'mpitai, to endeavour to see. 2, Ce'mpritai, to spy. Price, n. Do'udri. Prick, n. Ki'ndoo, iiiterpunction. 2, Fwontusoo'ri, mark, objected tiling. 3, Fe'nda, tooth. 4, Tro'n- doo, thorn. Pricking, n. Dre'nzis. Pricking 2}ain, n. Dra'nzoi. Prick forward, or 2)rick on, v. Fo'n- tifai, to act impulsively. Prick in, v. Vi'nsitai, to plant. Prick iq}, v. O'kai gre'ntou, to be- come perpendicular or direct. Prickioood, n. Kri'mvoo. Pricket, n. Vinjoi'tu a'frin pu'ndis, a buck of the second year. Prickle, n. Kro'ndoo, tliorn. Pride, n. Fre'mbi. Priest, n. Fu'ndroi. 2, Du'ndroi, christian priest. Primarij, adj. Ka'nta, chief. Primate, n. Vu'ndroi. Prime, adj. A'prin, first. 2, Ka'nta, chief. Primitive, adj. Pa'nta. Primogeniture, n. A'prin ta'nzoo, the first birth. Primrose, n. Pe'mvinoi. Prince, n. Fo'mbroo. 2, Fo'ndroos fonzipur, king's son. Prince s feather, n. Bra'nvinoo. Pritic£s loood, 11. Vru'mvinoo. Principal, adj. Ka'nta. 2, Po'ndroo, governor. Principal, n. Bo'ntrukoo ru'nda, riimsed monev. 2, Be'ntunoo di'nda, disbursed monev. , n. Pone'di'oo, not a PRO Principalness, n. Ka'nda. Principalit)/, n. Vu'mbra twombroo'- tu, authority of a prince. Principle, n. O'ndoi, cause. 2, Bi'n- da, rule. 3, Pizu'nzi, metaphori- cal element. Print. V. Bo'ntisai, to sign or signify. 2, Da'nsitai, to print. Prior, n. Donombro'fas, abbey officer. Prioritj, n. Frindoo'rit. Prism, n. Yre'ndo. Prison, n. Kantruno'ki. Prisoner, n. Fa'mbro, accused cri- minal. 2, Vro'nsufoo vamprou'ro, reputed criminal. 3, Kantrusoo'ro, imprisoned person. Pristine, adj. A'prin, first. 2, Fri'n- tur, former. ;?, Tri'ntur, old. Private, adj. Bra'ntu, (kou-kous). 2, Gre'ntupoo, concealed. Private man magistrate. Privateer, n. Bra'ntu vi'ndr(2, private man of war. Privation, n. Tro'ndivo or to, i. e. depriving. Privet, n. Pi'nvoi. 2, Tri'mvo, ever- green. 3, Ti'mvo, mock privet. Privii, adj. Bo'nsufo. 2, Kra'nta, accessory. 3, Gre'ntupoo, hidden, secret. 4, Ti'nsufoo, covered. Pr,ivy parts, n. Ga'ndis. Privy, n. Brano'ndi, dunging room. 2, (moi'e literal), Trensuno'dus. Privilege, n. Do'mbra. Privileged place, n. Tompra'ki. Privities, n. Ga'ndis. Prize, n. Be'mbroi. 2, A'mboo pem- broi'tu, revrard of victory. Prize-fight, n. De'ndroo gondrai'di, fighting for wager. 2, Re'nzi gondrai'di, gaming for wager. Prize, V. Do'ntrikai. 2, U'ntibai, to value. 3, Go'nsifai, to esteem. Prohahility, n. Gavro'nzoi, aptitude of opinion. 2, Gavi'ndis, aptness to be proved. Probation, n. Vi'ndis. Probationer, n. Krentuvoo'ro, assay- person, i. e. subjected to an assay. Probe, 11. Tvva'ndifi untuko'gus, a depth measuring pin. Problem, n. Pwi'ndi twoo'tu tri ve'n- tivro'mbis, a proposition in which something is to be performed. 2, Rai pi'ndi vintimo'mbis, any pro- position to be disputed. Proboscis, n. Kro'ndi, trunk. Proceed, v. Fe'ntisai. Proceed from, v. O'ntifoi, to be caused. 2, Tanslpoi'tus, to be born of Proceedings, n. Da'ndo dondoo'tuz, series of actions. 2, A'ndroi, judi- cial proceedings. Proceeds, n. Fe'ndi, gain. 2, Ra'nzi, revenue. Proclivity, n. Po'nza, inclination. PRO Process, n. Fe'ndis or fe'ndiso. % Da'ndo, series. Process of bone, n. Tenta'tin pan- doi'tu, protuberant part of bone. Process of time, n. Gri'ei, some time after. 2, Gri'du, through some time. 3, Gri'tu, within some time. 4, Bezindoo'ei, after much time. Process in law, n. Da'nsutoo pa'n- droi, written citation. 2, Pandi-oo, citation. Procession, n. Tro'ntus penzoi'gli, solemn about-walking. 2, Fe'ndis, proceeding. Proclaim, v. Tro'ndus ba'ntikai, so- lemnly to publish. Proclamation, n. Ba'nda. 2, To'm- bra, edict. Procrastinate, v. Pra'mpinai snoo ca'pin, to delay until the next future day. 2, Bre'ntivai, to pro- tract. Procreate, v. Pa'nslpai, generate. Proctor, n. Vontai'ro, a substitute person. 2, Da'ndroo, advocate. Procuration, n. Vo'ntigrost, to make a proctor, specially by writing. 2, Pa'udi or Pa'ndiko, obtaining. Procure, v. O'ntifai, cause. 2, Fre'n- tivai, to furnish. 3, Pe'ntikai, to obtain. Prodigality, n. Pre'mbn. Prodigy, n. Tyantoo'gi fii'ndi do'n- ti'riz, beyond the ordinary (course or) order of natural things. 2, Toora'nturi, an extraordinary thing. 3, Cusbo'ntu'sn, fra'mboo, specially fore-signifying adver- sity. Prodigious, adj. Tra'ntu, extraor- dinary. 2, Bepra'ntur, very great. Produce, v. Fro'ntiprast, cause to appear. 2, Pi'ntifrost, cause to be present. 3, Ke'ntipai misgren- tnpo'kis, to take out of conceal- ing place. Produce, (fruit) v. O'ntitai. Produce, { by multiplication ) v. Gra'ntisai. 2, Bo'nsifrest, to cause to be known. 3, Re'ntikai, to extend. 4, Pa'ntifrost, to length- en. 5, Yinpa'ntifrost, to make longer. (i, Vintipai, to continue. Product, n. Gra'ndis. Proem, n. Di'ndi, prologue. Profane, v. Pu'mprikai. Profane, adj. Lu'mpra, irreligious. 2, Pnne'trukoo, not consecrated. Profess, V. A'ntrifai, to declare yourself as of a particular pro- fission. 2, Tri'ntisai, to acknow- ledge. Profession, n. A'ndroi. Proficient, aiy Kra'ntur. 2,Ta'ntus, skilful. 3, Pa'ntus, possessing science. 4, Ka'ntus, expert. Profit, n. Ponta'ri, profit thing. 2, Fe'ndi. 3, Ra'nzi, revenue. p 11 () P)-ofitaUe, adj. Po'nta. Profit, (to) V. Po'ntliuii. Profit in lerirniiig, v. Dra'ntipai kambai'tu, to increase in learning. Proffer, v. Fe'ntrinai, to offer. Profligate, adj. Bere'niper, exces- sively vicious. 2, Ba'ndii re'nipur. 3, Fre'ntufoo frentou'twi remboo'- nu, abandoned to vice. Profound, adj. Ta'ntou, deep. 2, Tro'nti, obscure. 3, Pli'mpur, dark. Profundili/, n. Ta'ndoi. 2, Tro'ndo, obscurity. Profuse, adj. Pre'mpi, prodigal. 2, Twe'mpi, squandering. Progeny, u. Fipro'nzooz, the kind of descendents. 2, Dwipro'nzoo, aggregate of descendents. Progenitor, n. Po'nzoo. Prognosticate, v. Cusbo'nsifai, to foreknow. 2, Cusga'usitai, to foretell. Progress, n. Fe'ndis. 2, Te'ndis, travelling journey. 3, Dra'ndoo, increase. Progression, n. Fe'ndis. Progress of animals, n. E'nzoo. Progress, n. Vi'ndoo, continuing. 2, U'ndis, duration. Prohibit, v. Pro'nsikai. 2, Bro'ntifai, to impede, hinder. Projecting, n. Pe'ndo, designing. 2, Do'nzo, contriving. Projection, i. e. chemical projection, n. Pu'nziprost, the making gold. Projection of the sphere, n. Ge'ndifo bwe'ndo kwendoju, representing a sphere upon a plain. Prolation, n. Tri'mbo, articulation. Prowl, V. Tre'ntisai de'ntupo, to wander seeking. Prolific, adj. To'mpus, fniitful. Prolix, adj. Bepa'utou, very long. 2, Gre'nti, wearisome. 3, Bi'ntou, ample. Prolocutor, n. Pyansuto'fas, the speaking officer. 2, Ya'pins pan- suto'ro, the first speaker. 3, Kya'ntu pansuto'ro, the chief speaker. Prologue, n. Di'ndi. Prolong, v. Pa'ntifrost, to lengthen. 2, Yin pa'ntifrost, to make longer. 3, Pra'mpinai, to delay. 4, Bre'n- tivai, to protract. Prominent, adj. Te'uta, protuberant. Promiscuous, adj. Gro'nti grontu- voo'twi, in a state of mixture or mixed by some one. 2, Fra'ntu frantukoo'twi, in a state of con- fusion or confused. Promise, v. Vo'nsisai. 2, Pu'mprinai, promise to God, to vow. 3, To'n- trisai, promise in contracting. 4, Vo'ntrisai, promise for another, stipulate. .5, To'nsifai, to espouse. Promoter, n. Tantrupofas, the accu- sing officer. , PEG Premote, v. Bo'ntifai, help. 2, Ba'in- pifrost, to dignify. Promontorg, n. Ki'nzo. Prompt, v. i5c'ntivai, dispatch. Prompt, adj. Ta'mpa, ready pre- pared, cheerful. 2, Gatro'nsitrest, apt to be taught. 3, Pa'mpi, saga- cious. Prompt, v. Va'nsitai gre'ndur, to dictate secretly. Promptuaiy, n. Kentuko'kin, a lay- ing-up place. Promulgate, v. Ba'ntikai, to publish. Prone, adj. Ra'mpu, disposed to. 2, Po'asukoo, inclined. Prong, n. Gadre'nsuvo gre'nda, a fork apt to prick. Pronoun, n. Di'udoi. Pronounce, v. Tri'mpitai, arti(;ulate, litter. Proof, n. Vi'ndis, probation. 2, Kre'ndo, essay, trial, experiment, as, '' the proof of the quality of spirits." Pi-oof, (of) adj. Kre'ntuvoo, essayed. 2, Drene'sivoi, not to be pierced. 3, Jlusprene'tisoi, not to be en- tered. Prove. V. Vi'ntisai. 2, Kre'ntivai. 3, Vri'ntisai, to confirm. 4, O'kai, to become; as, "it proved a tree," okel wu'mvi. Prop), (a) n. Da'nzo. Propagate, v. Pa'nsipai, to beget. 2, Findra'ntipai, to increase the kind. Propensity, n. Ta'mba, readiness. 2, Gapo'nza, aptness to incline. Proper, adj. Va'nta, opposed to common. 2, Vi'nti, literal, op- poi-ed to figurative. 3, Ka'ntou, high. Property, n. Bo'ndra. 2, Dro'ntou vro'ndoo, essential quality. Prophesy, v. Pu'mprifai, to enact the prophet. Prophet, n. Pu'mbroi. Propinquity, n. Ti'ndoi. Propjitiate, v. Umpro'nsinal, to un- enemy. 2, Unto'nsikai, to un- anger, specially by sacrifice. Propitious, adj. Fo'nsuko, favoring. Propmtion, n. Ru'ndi. Proportion, (arithmetical) n. Ba'ndoo di'andai'tuz, equality of residues. Proportioned, (well) adj. Tere'ntu- too, well figured. Propose, V. Pi'ntikai. 2, Fc'ntinai, to offer. Proposition, n. Pi'ndi. Propound, v. Pi'ntikai, propose. Proprietor, n. Va'nta bontra'ro, proper owner. Propriety, n. Bo'ndra. Proscarab, n. Vo'njoo. Proscribe, v. Ba'ntikai po'nzi dra'n- siprast, to publish command to kill: or, gu'mbriuai dra'nsiprast, licence to kill. P 11 () Prorogue^ v. lie'ntisai groi'snu, to stay until another time. Pro.ie, n. Ki'ndo. Prosecute, v. Vo'nsinai. Prosecute, ^judicially) v. Vi'ntipai ta'ntripai, to continue to accuse. Proselyte, n. Vu'ndro. Prosody, n. Untukn'bas vo'ndoo tindoo'tuz, the art of measuring the quantity of syllables. Prospccf, n. Pwoniputoo'kin, the seen place. 2, Kapwoniputoo'kin, the visible place, i. e. able to be seen place. Prospectice, adj. Cusfa'ntutn, look- ing forward. Prosperity, n. Fa'mboo. Prostitute, v. Vra'ndun fo'ntigrest, commonly to be made an object. Prostitute, n. Vra'ndun fo'ntugrest frompai'ro, a commonly prosti- tuted female. Prostrate, adj. Dra'nsus, in a lying state. Protect, v. Ka'mpisai. 2, Ko'nsipai, to protect. 3, Pe'mpripai or vai, to defend. Protest, V. To'mprisai. Protest against, v. Ga'ntrifai. Prothonotary, n. A'pins ba'ndroo, first notary. 2, Ka'nta ba'ndroo, chief notary. PrototyjX, n. A'pins tro'ndoi, first type. 2, Ka'nta tro'ndoi, chief type. Protract, v. Bre'ntivai. Protuberance, n. Te'nda. Projid, adj. Fre'mpu. 2, Gabra'n- sufo. 3, Ba'nsou. Provender, n. Vo'ndo pinjoo'diz, corn for horses. Proverb, n. Pri'ndi, adage. Provide, v. Fo'nsipai. 2, Fre'ntivai, to furnish. Provide for, v. Fa'mba or bis, heed- fuhiess against. Provided that, conj. Tool or tul, if. 2, Kondou'kwin, conditionally that. Providence of God, n. Fo'nzoo. Providence of man, n. Fe'mbo. Provident, adj. Uyoo fo'nsipo. Province, n. To'ndi-o. 2, Vimdroi'kin, ecclesiastical province, primate's place. Provincial, adj. To'ntri. Provincial, (a) n. Kanta'fas tondi-o'- tu. Provision, n. Fo'nzipo, i. e. provid- ing. Provisions, n. Enzi, necessaries. Provoke, v. O'ntifai, cause. 2, Fo'n- tifai, to excite, impel. 3, To'nsi- krost, to make angry. 4, Fe'ntri- pai, to challenge. ♦ Provost, n. Yontra'ro. 2, Vompra'rn, officer. Prow, n. Gi'ndo findroo'tu, fore-part of ship. PUN Proicess, n. De'mboo, fortitude. Proviso, n. Ko'ndoi, condition. Proxy, n. Vontrusoo'ro, substituted person. Proximity, n. Ti'ndoi, nearness. Prudence, n. Fa'mbis, wisdom. Prune, n. Frumvoi'sit, plum. Prune, v. Gi'nsitai. Psalm, n. Tu'mbra. Psalter, u. Dre'nzis tumbra'tuz, book of psalms. Publican, n. Tomp'ruro. Publicness, u. Ba'ndi. Publish, V. Ba'ntimost, make public. « Pucker, v. Umfi'mpigrost, tanzivo'ti, to make imeven by sbrinlciug. Puckfist, n. Fro'myoo, fuzball. Pudding, n. Fre'nzoo. Puddincj grass, n. Ga'mvinoo, pen- ny royal. Puddle, n. Dri'nza, stagnum. 2, Fu'nsa u'nzo. Puddle, V. Fu'nsimost, to make dirty. Pewet, n. Pe'njLnoo, lapwing. PuJ^, V. Dwaku'nsifrastj suddenly to make tbe wind blow, i. c. put it in action. 2, Dwafe'nsivai. 3, Bu'mpivai kunzoi'ti, to swell, specially with wind. 4, Fre'mpi- lu'ost, to make proud. Puffin, n. Ve'njinn. Pug, n. Vi'njo. Puissance, n. O'mbi. 2, Ta'mboi, power natural or acquired. Puke, V. Te'nsinai, to vomit. Pulcrilude, n. Yo'mbi, beauty. Pule, V. Tri'mpitai gra'ntm* kro'nzis, to utter acute grief. Pull, y. Ki'nsipai. Pull, (abirdj v. Umpo'ntlkai we'nji, to unfeather a bird. Pull down, y. Pla'ntipi'ost, to make less. 2, Dro'mpikrost, to weaken. Pull in pieces, y. Vre'nsivai brau- dai'muz, to tear into pieces. Pullet, n. Pwunti'nur pe'njii'et, a yovmg hen. Pully, n. Tinsupo'twus, pulling ju- gament. Pullulate, V. Tasbo'ntlfai, to begin to sprout. Pulp, u. Fo'ndoi. Pulpit, n. Kyuntruno'kis, the preaching place. Pulse, n. Pe'nzo. 2, Po'ndo, cod, pod. 3, Dre'myinoo, oily purging pulse. Pulverize, y. Kra'ntigrost, to cause to be powder. Pumice, n. Du'njo. Pamp, n. Trauzis. 2, Vano'ndi, . tight shoe, 3, Vana'ndi, a limber shoe. 4, Vane'ndi, a short boot. 5, Vaui'mji, a high boot. Punch, V. Twakri'nsipai, impetuous- ly to thi-ust. 2, Ki'nsiyai, to strike. 3, Pe'ntimost kinziyo'ti, to hole-make bv strikins:. PUR Punch, n. Gla'ntuprest dre'nzoi, diluted brandy. 2, Gla'ntuprest dwe'nzoi, diluted mm. Punaise, n. Vro'njoi. Punctilio, n. Pwepe'ndoo, a little point. Punctual, adj. Po'nti indoi'fi, tnie concerning time. 2, Fe'mpa ton- drai'nu, faithful to promise. Pungent, adj. Dra'nsou, which .pricks. 2, Gra'ntur, intense. Puny, (puisnej adj. Tintur (yoo'kyu tro'nsutor), new (as a learner). 2, Tra'mpus, inexperienced. Punishment, n. Ra'mboo. 2, A'ndri, capital punishment. 3, A'ndi'a, punishment not capital. Punk, n. Dre'mpufet, unchaste fe- male. Pupil, n. Kro'nzo. Puppet, n. (See poppet). Puppy, n. Punti'nur pl'nji, young dog; Purblind, adj. (See poreblind) ; Ka- pome'puto trintou'riz, not able to see distant things. Purchase, y. To'mprikai. Pure, adj. Go'nti simple. 2, Da'ntu, clean. 3, Fa'mpu, holy. Purgation, n. E'uza. Purgatory, n. E.ampu'rkin enzinoVli fro'uditoni, punishment for pur- ging from sin. Purge, y. E'nsinai. 2, Tre'nsinai twondroi'ti, to dung, specially by means of medicine. 3, Da'ntikai, to cleanse. 4, Go'ntiyrost, to pu- rify, i. e. make simple. 5, Um- ya'mprlfrost, i. e. expiate. 6, Da'ntrifai, to acquit. 7, Umbu'n- trikai, to un-excommunicate. Purge fa) n. Tre'nsuno two'ndi'oi, dunging medicine. Purity, n. Da'ndi. Purl of lace, n. Bre'nza. Parle, n. Gro'ndo frausufoo'riz tim- ye'pu, mixture of drimk-things with wormwood. Purloin, y. Da'mpritai, to steal. Purlieu, n. Kj-i'ndoz franzoo'tuz je'ni fra'nsm" to'ndraz, margins of forests, from imder the forest laws. 2, Kri'ndoz, ("generally). Purpile, adj. Ki'mpou. 2, Fre'njinoo, (tish). Purples, n. Tu'mboi, disease. Purpose, n. To'nza. 2, Pe'ndo, de- sign. 3, Konza, fidl pm-pose, i. e. resolution. 4, Bra'nda, imperti- nence, irreleyance. Purpose, (of or on) ady. Pe'ndi, designedly. Purpose, (to the) adv. Vo'ndu, con- gruously. 2, Ba'ndim, pertinent- ly. 3, To'ndi, perfectly. Purpose, (to no) adv. Pre'ndu, frus- tratLngly. 2, Bro'ndmi, in vain. Purpose, (to what?) Sloo'divo'ndoi"? for what end? PUT Purport, n. Ei'ndoi, meaning. Purpura, n. Fro'ujinoo. Purse, n. Pe'nzi runda'di, bag for money, or ru'nta pe'nzi, money bag. Purser, n. Bri'ndi, naval officer. Purse, (shepherdi's) n. Tre'mvis. Pursuivant, n. Va'njoo. Pursy, adj. Vebo'mpu, excessively fat. 2, Debo'mpu, injuriously fat. 3, Fu'mpu, asthmatical. Purslane, n. To'nivinoi. 2, Vu'mvis, purslane tree, halimus. Pursue, v. Ye'ntisai. 2, Te'mprifai, to pursue the enemy. Purvey, y. Fo'nsipai. Purulent, adj. Vla'ndoi, mattery. — of rotten flesh. Push, V. Dwalu-i'nsipai, impetuously to thrust. Pusillanimity, n. Gle'mbo. Puss, n. Kyinja, the cat. Pustule, n. Pu'mbo. Put, y. Pe'ntipai. 2, I'ntifai, to place. 3, O'ntifai, to cause. Put away, v. Tre'ntipai. Put back, V. Droopre'ntigrast, to cause to go back. Put by, v. Pre'ntikai, to fiiistrate. Put doicn, y. Umo'mpikai. 2, U'm- va'mpifai, to unpower. 3, Unvu'n- trinai, to miauthorise. 4, Unvu'm- prinai, to un-ofnce. Put forth, y. Ba'ntikai or ba'ntikrost, to pubHsh. 2, Bo'ntifai, to bud. Put in, y. Vi'ntltrost, to cause to be written. Put in bail, v. Vo'ntrisai, to stipu- late for, be answerable for. Put into a box, v. ilusfe'nsLkrost, to cause to be in a box. Put in execution, v. Ta'ntrifai, to execute (the sentence of the law) . 2, Ve'ntivai, to perform. Put in fear, y. Vro'nsikrast,' to cause to fear. 2, Vro'nsikrost, to cause to be afraid, i. e. in a state of terror. Put in one's head, v. Po'nsifrast, cause to think. Put in hope, v. Vo'nsikrast, cause to hope. Put in mind, v. To'mpifrast, cause- to remember. Put in order, v. Fa'ntikai, to arrange. Put in practice, v. to practice, (see practice). Put in print, v. Dra'nsitai, to print. 2, Dra'nsitrest, to cause to be printed. Put in remembrance, y. To'mpifiast, to cause to remember. Put into meriting, v. Da'nsitai, to write. Put off, v. Pra'mpinai, to delay. 2, To'mprikai, to sell. Put off' one's clothes, v. Une'nsinai. Put on, v. Be'ntivai, to dispatch. 2, Fo'ntifai, to impell. P U T Put on ones clothes, v. A'nginai. Pat out, V. Uuu'nsipai, to iin-fire, i. e. quench. 2. Pro'usipai, to an- nihilate. 3, Ba'utikrost, to make public. Put out of doors, v. Ba'ntrisai, to exile. Put out of office, V. Umvo'mprmai, to un-office. Put out of order, v. Tra'ntimest, to cause to be confused. Put out one's eyes, v. Umfa'ntitrest, to cause to be destitute of eyes. 2, Bro'mpitrost, to make blind. Put to, V. Va'ntisai, to add. 2, Te'n- tifai, to apply. 3, Ki'nsifai, to shut. Put to he done, v. To'nsinai pi'ntipoi. Put to he kept, v. To'nsinai be'ntikoi. Put to death, v. Dra'nsiprast, cause to die, i. e. kill. 2, A'mprikrest, to cause to be capitally punished. QUA Quacksalver, n. Deto'ndroi, physi- cian in a bad sense. Quadrangle, n. A'kin fre'ntu'too te'ndoo, four-angled area. Quadrant, n. Apra'ko fendo'tu, one fourth of circle. Quadrate, n. Pre'ndi, square. 2, Twe'ndoo on a'kin ba'utur de'n- tou'kwi ki'nd(2z, a surface having four equal and pai'allel sides. Quadrature, n. Pre'ndiko, squarmg. Quadripartit£, adj. Tantusoo'mii a'kin ra'udiz, divided into four parts. Quadruple, adj. Fiza'kin, four fold or four kind. Quaff, V. Befra'nsifai, to drink much. 2, Vefra'nsifai, to drink excessively. Quagmire, n. Tra'nzoo. Quail, n. Ge'njoi. Quail, V. Fro'nsisoo, to be discou- raged. Quaint, adj. Vre'mbou vo'mpu, over nicely beautiful. 2, Veva'ntukoo, excessively adorned. 3, To'nti, perfect. Quake, v. Bra'nsinai, to tremble. Qualify, v. Vro'ntiprest, to cause to be quahfied. 2, Gla'utiprost, to cause to be less intense : — relaxed, diluted. 3, Te'ntilcai, to quiet. Quality, n. Vro'ndoo. 2, A'ndi, transcendental relation of qua- lity. 3, I'mbi, sensible quality. 4, 1'mboo, visible quality. 5, 1'm- bo, audible quahty, sound. 6, I'mba, quality of taste. 7, Ri'mba, quality of smell. 8, I'mbi, tactile quality, more active. 9, I'mbis, tactile quality, passive. PUT Put to flight, v. Fe'nsiprast, to cause to fly. Put to shame, v. Fro'nsivai or fro'n- sivrest, to shame or cause to be ashamed. Put to shifts or put to it, v. Mus- kro'ntikraust, to be caused to be in difficulty. Put to the sword, v. Fe'mprikoi, sworded, i. e. killed by the sword. Put to venture, v. Kre'ntivoi, to be essayed. Put out to use, V. Blo'mprikai. Put up a hare, v. E'nsikrast, to cause to move. Put up petition, v. Fu'mprinai, to petition. Put up sword, V. Impre'nsikrest fe'mbri, to cause the sword to be ensheathed. Put up with 'lorong, v. Trone'slval pa'udi-a, not to revenge wrong. Q. QUA Qualification, n. Vro'ndoo, quality. 2, Ko'ndoi, condition. Quality, n. Ra'mbi, disposition. 2, A'mbi, habit. 3, E'mbi, manners, i. e. morals. 4, Ko'ndis, state. 5, O'ndroo, degree. Qualm, n. Dwakro'mboi, a parox- ysm of loathing. 2, Dwabro'nza, opposite of desire, disgust. 3, Dwabu'mbi, fainting fit. Quandary, n. Bro'nzol, doubt. 2, Pro'nzoi, meditation. Quantity, n. Vo'ndoo. 2. A'ndoo, relation of quantity general. 3, A'ndoi, relation of continued quantity. 4, A'ndo, relation of discontinued quantity. Quarrel, v. Twe'mba, contention. Quarry, n. Unje'kis stone place. 2, Be'mbroi, booty. Quart, n. Tu'ndo. Quartan, n. Pru'mboi cii'oope'ntuso ou a'krun bu'ndis, ague returning every fourth day. Quarter, n. Apra'ko, one fourth. 2, Apra'ko ra'ndis, one fourth part. Quarter, (of the moon) Apra'ko ra'ndis, tu Gi'nzois te'ndis, one fom'th part of the moon's travel. Quarter, (one) u. Vu'nda, i. e. Fa'- gin tu'ndaz, twenty eight poimds. Quarter of wheat, n. Va'kin ku'n- doz, sixty four gallons. Quarter, V, Pa'mprikai, to cut into four parts, (capital pimishment.) 2, Vro'nsitrost to quarter one's self, i. e. cause one's self to be a guest. Quarter, (to give) v. To'mprimost pro'nza'nu, to cause immunity to PYX Put together, v. Tyel pe'utipai. Put upon, (doing) v. Fo'ntifal, to impel. Put case, V. Ti'ntisai, to suppose. Put an end to, v. Kri'ntitraist, to be caused to be ended. Put a trick on, v. Pa'mprinai, to affront. 2, Ta'mprlnai, mock. Putrifacfion, n. Fro'mbi, rottenness. Putrify, v. Fro'mpikrost, to cause to be rotten. Putrid, adj. Fro'mpu, rotten. Puttock, n. Fuifrc'njoo, one of the kite kind. Punzle, V. Gi'ntisai, to pose. Pigmy, n. Pebi'nzi, diminutive of man. Pyramid, n. Dre'ndo. Pyromancy, n. Pa'mbro imzoo'ti, wizarding by means of fire. Pyx, n. Pe'nzi, box. QUE Quarter, (of the world) n. Rl'nzo. Quartermaster, n. Fi'ndi'i. Quarlilc, n. Frindoi'tu apra'ko prantu'rtu fe'ndo, distance of one fourth of great circle. Quarto, n. A'frin re'ndo di'enzai'tuz, second figure of books. Quash, V. Po'ltlprost, to amiul, i. e. cause to be nothuig. 2, Fro'nsi- vrest, to cause to be ashamed, i!, Gro'nsikrast, to cause to despair. Quash, n. Pe'mvinoo, pumpion. Quaver, v. Bra'nsinai, to tremble. 2, Ba'lsinai, to warble, i. e. sing with a trembling-like voice. Quean, n. Drempa'des, an unchaste female, Queen, n. Fo'ndi'ipet or fo'ndi'ipun. 2, Fo'ndripurs ko'nzipet, king's- wife. Que.est, n. Pe'njo. Quell, V. Pc'mprifai, to conquer. Quench, v. Unu'nsipai, to un-fire. 2, Umfa'nsifai, to un-thu'st. Querist, n. Pintuso'ro, questioning person. Quern, n. Pi'nsuvo ga'nzis, grinding machine. Querulous, adj. Gata'mprunai, to grudge. 2, Gata'ntrupai, apt to accuse. 3, Gadlskro'nsukai, apt to signify grief. Question, (to call in) v. Tasta'ntri- pai, to begin to accuse. 2, Tas- kro'nsitai, to begin to distrust. 3, Tasdi'o'nsinai, to begin to be dif- fident of, i. e. loose confidence. 4, Tastro'nsivi, to begin to be jealoxis of. 5, Tre'mpivi, to be censorious. 6, Kro'nsitrest, to cause to be suspected. Q U I Quest, n. De'iidoo, searcli. _ Question, n. Pi'ndis. Question, fa) n. U bronsufoo'ri, as, " it is a doubted tliin< j." 2, Viii- tunoo'ri, as, " it is a disputed thing." Quibble, n. Kwa'ntra vi'nda, a fraudulent argument. 2, Devl'n- da, an argument in a bad sense. Quick, adj. Da'nsur, alive, In a state of life. 2, Fo'mpa, sprightly. 3, Ko'mpu, vigorous, vegete. Quick of apprehension, adj. Pa'mpi, sagacious. Quick, adj. Go'mpu, nimble. 2, To'mpu, swift. 3, Be'nti, dis- patchful. Quickly, adv. Beki'ndur, very soon. 2, Bevri'udiu", in a very short time. Quicksands, n. Di'nzo. Quicken, v. (See the various words and make them causal; as, " Da'nsiprost," to make alive, &c.) Quick, n. Da'nsur i'mviz umve'twlz, living shrubs or trees. Quicken-tree, n. Tu'mvo. Quill, n. Pro'ndi. E A G Rabbit, n. Ki'njo. Rabbin, n. Twu'ntrur To'nzo, a Jewish teacher. 2, Twu'ntrur ko'ndi-oo, a Jewish graduate. Rabble, n. Do'ndroo. Race, n. Pre'nzoi, running. 2, Da'n- do. 3, Dwinpro'nzooz, aggregate of descendents. Rack, n. Tra'nsuv(2 Kra'nzis, a hanging shelf. 2, Tantrai'twus, the racking jugament. Rack, V. Re'ntikai kro'ndu, to extend violently. 2, Ta'ntrisai, to torment with the rack. Rack icine, v. Pre'ntifal ve'nzoi tai'ni tra'ndls, to separate wine from its sediment. Racket, n. Fra'ntukoo pa'ndo, con- fused multitude- Radiation, n. Ble'ndifo imboo'tu, the radiating of light. Radical, n. Po'ntur. Radicate, v. Po'ntipai, to root itself. Radish, n. Be'mva. Raff, n. Pra'ndis, worst part. Raft, n. Fino'ndroo, raft, a ship-like thing of timliers tied together. Rafter, n. Peba'nzo rondoo'tu, a little column of wood. Riif/, u. !Sis vre'nsuvoo bra'iadis, an off torn fragment. Ragstone, n. Tu'njoo. Rage, n. Bebro'ndi tonze'tu, great violence of anger. Q U I Quiddity, n. Dwivro'ndoo tyoo I'ai ko'ndoo ri'ntifai, the aggregate of qualities which the name denotes. 2, Dra'ndis yoo'tu fri'ntou tl'ndoi findifo'ci drontou'tes vro'ndooz, the residue of a concrete substan- tive after abstracting it's essential qnalltles. 3, Apine'rit, miity : the act of the mind by which any cjuallty or number of qualities are remembered together, or repre- sented by a name of the singular number. Quiet, adj. Enesuko, not motion or motionless. 2, Ri'mpi, silent, without sound. 3, Te'mpa, adj. peaceable. 4, Te'ntu, quiet, (posi- tive). 5, Trene'tu, not molested, (negative). 6, Framba'pi, without care. Quillet, n. Bebronta'rl a very frivo- lous thing. Quilt, n. Bwa'ntou dra'nsus tinsufo- ri, a thick bed covering thing. Quilt, V. Vli'mpikrest kinze'ti, to cause to be stiffened by sewing. Quip, n. Gre'ntupoo di'o'nzi tambra- twi, concealed reproof or scoffing-. E A I Ragged, adj. Fll'mpuvraust vrenzi- vo'di, made rough by tearing. Ragwort, n. Da'mvo. Ray a oxyrinchos, n. Te'njoi. Radius, n. Ble'ndoi. Ray, (of light) i. e. radius of light, ble'ndoi imboo'tu. 2, Fe'ndoo i'm- boo'tu, line of light. Ray, (array) n. Fantukoo'ri gem- broo'di, ordered (thing) for battle. Ray, (of fish,) n. Vro'nda. Ray weed, n. Bo'mvo, darnel. Rail, n. Ve'ndo rondoo'tu, vunzoo'tu, &c. cylinder of wood, iron, &c. 2, Ve'ndo rondoo'tu, prism of wood. Rail, n. Gre'njoi. Rail, V. Ta'ntrinai, to revile. Raillery, n. Te'mba, urbanity. Raiment, n. E'nza, clothing. Rain, n. Tu'nzo. Rainbow, n. Pu'nzl. Raise, V. PI'nsIpai, lift. 2, Pinsi- prast, cause to rise. 3, Ka'ntifi'ost, to cause to be high. 4, Ba'mpi- frost, to cause to be in a state of dignity. 5, O'ntlfai, to cause, as "to raise a quarrel." Raise from sleepi, v. Ka'nsifai, to waken. Raise siege, v. Unke'ntrlpai, to nn- seige. Raise up, v. Truspi'nsipai, to uplift. 2, Truspi'nsiprast, to cause to rise up. Q U Quince, n. Frn'mvoo. Quintessence, n. Drontou'dwes, the essential part. 2, Pa'ndis, the best part. Quire, (of church) n. Ka'nta kan- zol'dwes, chief temple part. Quire, (of people) n. Dwinba'nsu- torz, aggregate of people. Quire, (of paper) n. Fa'kin ke'ndiz denzai'tu, twenty four sheets of paper: — abridged, Deno'nzis. Quirk, n. Pebronta'ri, a little frivo- lous thing Quit, V. Fre'ntlfai, to forsake. Quilch, n. Bro'mvo, dog's grass. Quite, adv. A'ndus, wholly, totallv. Quittance, n. Tentumj'ri, the acquit- ting thing, specially in writing. Quiver, n. Pi-e'uzi, bembre'diz, case for arrows. Quiver, v. Bra'nslnal, to tremble. Quoit, n. Wu'nji fensuvo'mbis ren- ze'tu, a stone intended to be throvsTi in gaming. Quotation, n. Ti'nda. Quoth, V. Ga'nsitq, salth. Quotidian, adj. Bu'ntus, daily. Quotient, n. Tra'ndis. E A M Raise a bank, v. BrI'nsitrost, to make a bank. Raise men, v. Bi'nsifai bi'nzikurs, to gather men. Rai^e money, v. Bi'nsifai ru'nda, to gather money. Raise war, v. E'ntrikrost, to make war. Raise, v. YIngra'ntiprost, to make more intense ; as, '' to raise one's courage, spirits, &c." Raise ones voice, v. Yinti'mpitai, to voice louder. Raisin, n. Fll'mpukrost pimvoi'sit, dried fruit of the vine, i. e. grape. Rake of ship, n. Ti'mbroi. Rake-hell, n. Bere'mpuro. Rake, n. Bwinsufo'twus, a gathering jugament. Rake, V. Tyel bi'nsifai, to gather together. Rally, v. Vool bi'nsifai, to collect again. 2, Vool fa'ntikal, to put in order again. Ram, V. Tri'mpikrost, to make dense. 2, Yinti'mpikrost, to make more dense. 3, VrI'mpigrost, to make fast; specially krinzivo'di, i. e. by knocking. Rampy, (pronounced romp) v. Be'n- sipai, to leap. Rampant, adj. Pra'nsuvo grintiju ba'ndiz, standing upon the hinder legs. EAR jBam, n. Fi'njifiir, male sliccp. Bomp, (a) U tro'mparet, a wanton female. Rampart^ n. Te'ndi-is. Bampicm, n. De'mvlnoo. Mamson, n. Fo'nva. 2, Fro'nva, mountain ramson. Eana jjiscatrix, n. Kra'njoi, toad fish. Eancor, n. Betro'nzi, intense hatred, or betro'nzi tl'utm-, old and in- tense hatred. Hand, n. Kri'ndo, margin. Random, adj. Tre'ntus, rambling, wandering. 2, Dra'mpa, incon- stant. 3, Umvi'mpus, unsteady. 4, Pondai'ti, without object. 5, Pone'tuso, not having an object. Range, v. Fa'ntikrost, to put in order. 2, Fe'ntiprost, to put in a line. 3, Da'ntivi'ost, to put in a series. 4, Ki'ntinai, to classify according to their kinds syste- matically. 5, Kri'ntinai, to classi- fy less perfectly. 6, Tre'ntisai, to ramble. Rank, adj. Tra'ntur, excessive. 2, Bebro'nsufoo excessively leafed. 3, Ba'nsou, lustful. Rank, n. O'ndi'oo, degree. 2, Fa'ndi, order. 3, Da'ndo, series. 4, Fe'n- doo, line. Rank, n. Ke'ndra, side to side, oppo- site to file, i. e. face to face. Rankle, v. Fi-o'mpikai, to become rotten. 2, Pifro'mpikai, metapho- rically mortified, inflamed, &c. Ransack, v. Be'mbrifai, to plunder. 2, Bede'ntipai, to search strictly, Ra7isom, n. Do'nzoo rede'mption. 2, Do'ndi'i tombripo'tu, the price of unslavlng. 3, Do'ndrl umvembri- fo'tu, the price of imcaptivating. Ransom, v. Unto'mpriprost, to un- slave. 2, Umve'mprifrost, to un- captivate. Rap, v. Pekre'nsivai, to knock a little. Rapacity, n. Bo'mba, greediness. 2, Fre'mbo, scraping. Rape, n. Ke'ndoo bronde'ti, seizing by violence. 2, Bra'nzoi bronde'ti, coition by violence. 3, Tro'nsu- noo fa'ndra, forced fornication. Rapid, adj. Beto'mpu, very swift. Rapier, n. Fe'mbri gadre'nsuvo, a sword apt to prick. Rapine, n. Fre'mbo, scraping. 2, Fr'embo bronde'ti, scraping by violence. 3, Fre'mbo bambra'ti, scraping by extortion. Rare, adj. Twi'mpu, opposite to dense. 2, Bra'ntou, thin. 3, Dri'n- tur, seldom. 4, Kra'ntur, excel- lent. Rarify, v. Twi'mpikrost, to make rare. Rarity, n. Dri'ndur, seldomness, 2, Kra'ndoo, excellence. 3, Twi'mbi. R £ A Raj)turc, n. Gro'nzis, extasy. Raspherry, n. Pi'mvoo. Rascal, n. Koola'nturo. Rasher, n. Kre'usutoo ke'ndi, a broiled slice. Rashness, n. Dre'mbo, opposite to fortitude. 2, Pla'mba, opposite to consideration. Ras2}, n. Frinsuno'tus, a filing instu- ment. Rat, n. Di'njo. Rafs-bane, n. Kru'njis, arsenic. Rate, n. Ru'udi, proportion. 2, Do'ndri, price. 3, To'mbri, tax. Rate, V. Dro'nsikai, to reprehend. Rather, adv. Cul. 2, Ki'ndur bo'nsi- nai, sooner choose. Rather than, adv. Cu'lkyu. Ratify, V. Teda'mpripai, perfectly to testify. 2, Tevo'ntrinai, per- fectly to authorize. 3, Tedo'mpi- krost, perfectly to strengthen. Ratiocination',n. Vi'ndino, reasoning. 2, Do'ndoo viuda'tu, the act of reasoning. 3, I'ndi, discourse. Rational, adj. O'mpui". Rational potcer, n. O'mboo. Rational sold, n. Vi'nzoo. Rattle, V. Keno'nsivai, to make a noise by mutual striking of small solid bodies. Rattle, n. Keno'nzis. Rattling, {of ship) n. Fi'ndra. Ravage, v. Be'mprifai, to plunder. Rave, V. Pru'mpinai. Ravel, V. Fri'nsifai, to tangle. 2, Fra'ntikrest, to cause to be con- fused. Raveline, n. Ble'ndrls, — in fortifica- tion, a detached work with two faces which make a salient angle without any flanks, and raised before the counterscarp of the place. Raven, n. Be'njoo. Raven, V. Bro'mpinai, to act rapaci- ously. 2, Fre'mpital, to act scrap- ingly. 3, Ba'mprinai, to extort. 4, Be'mprifai, to plunder. Raving, n. Pru'mba, (disease). Ravish, V. Ke'utipai bro'ndu, to take violently. 2, Tro'nsunoo faiidr.;i, compulsory fornication. 3, Tro'nsunoo bra'nzoi, compul- sory coition. Ravished, adj. Gro'nsuvi, in a state of extasy. Raw, adj. Unta'ntufoo, unskinned. 2, Rene'sutoo, uncooked. 3, Tam- e'pus, inexpert or inexperienced. Raze, V. Ranstfrost, to ruin. 2, Kro'nsipai, to destroy. 3, Tre'n- tifai, to spoil. Razor, n. Pinsuno'tus, shaving in- strument. 2, Fa'nzis pinzino'di, knife for shaving. Razor fish, n. Gro'njinoi. Razor-hill, Dc'njino. Reach, v. Fa'nsivai, to stretch. R E A Re, adv. Re, denoting repetition; the same syllable in both lan- guages, as, ge'ntinai, to pay; re- gentinai, to repav. Reach out, v. Fa'nsivai pa'ndi, to extend the anii. 2, Bo'nsipai fansuvoo'di pa'ndi, to deliver with extended ami. Reach, v. Vrc'nsitai. to retch. 2, Twaste'nsinai, to endeavour to vomit. 3, Ke'utipai, to take. 4, Pen'tikai, to obtain. Reach after, v. Twaske'ntipai, to endeavour to take. 5, Po'mpivai, to understand. Reach of a river, n. Plenti'dwes diura'tu, tiie curved part of a stream. Reach, n. Vo'ndoi, the end. 2, Pe'n- do, the design. Read, V. Ka'nsitai. Ready, adj. Pi'ntou, present. 2, Kl'nt\u-, soon. 3, Ti'ntou, near. 4, Ko'ntu, easy. 5, Ta'mpa, with alacrity, willingly. 6, Po'usunoo, inclined. 7, Fe'ntuvoo, prepared. 8, Fre'nsuvoo, furnished. Ready to die, v. Sool dra'nsur, i. e. almost in a state of death. Obs. neutrals denote state. Re-admit, v. Rego'mprinai, tusc'nti- sai, again to permit to enter. Reality, n. Fondoo'rit, absolute of thing. 2, Ka'mba, sincerity. Realm, n, Flo'ndroo, kingdom. 2, Fondroo'skm, king's place. Ream, n. Dena'nzis. Reap, V. Kri'usitai. Rear, v. Pa'nsivrast, to cause to rise. 2, Gre'utifrost, to cause to be perpendicular. 3, A'nsifai, to erect, build. Reason, n. Fo'ndoi, the motive or inducement. 2, Vo'ndoi, the end, object, or final cause. 3, Al'nda, the argument. 4, O'mboo, tlie faculty of reason. ;3, Ka'mbo, moderation. 6, Fe'mboo, equity. Reason, v. Vi'ntinai, to argue. 2, Intikai drai'pu, to discourse (reason) with any person. 3, Twasvi'ntisai, to endeavoiu- to prove. 4, Twasdi'nsifai, to endea- voiu- to disprove. Reason, (in) adv. Fe'mbiu*, reason- ably. Reason, foul of all) adj. A'ndus ro'mpur, wholly unreasonable. Reasonable, adj. Ompur. 2, F'an- tur, adj. neither abundant nor scarce. 3, Ga'ntur, adj. neither intense nor remiss. 4, Pa'ntui", adj. neiiher great nor little. .5, Ka'ntur, adj. neither excellent nor sorry. Rensonabk, fin commandingj adj. Ve'mpus. Reason of (by) prep. Do, di, for. Re-assemble, v. Reo'ntrivai. EEC Be-baptize, v. Eevu'ntiisai, to re- baptize. Rebate^ v. Ku'ntu dwa'ndoo, propor- tional diminution. Rebellion, n. Bre'mbi. 2, Ta'ndi-o, rebellion, (crime). Rebound^ v. Droobe'nsipai, to leap back. 2, Droodi'usipai, to spring back. 3, Te'ntitbo, to rebound, i. e. be reflected. Rebuff", V. Drooke'nsivai, to strike back. Re-build, v. Eea'nsifai. Rebuke, v. Dro'nsisai, to repreliend. Recall, V. Drooti'mpitai, to invoke or call back. 2, Tri'ntisai, to recant. Recantation, n. Tri'udis. Recapitulate, v. Ve'ntlfai vra'ndis, to repeat the sum. Recede, v. Droopr'entisai. Retire, v. Is'ispre'ntisai, go from. 2, Pre'ntisai brande'mu, go into a state of privateness or privacj. Receipt, n. Tre'nda. Receiptt, n. Po'nzis twondroi'tu, direction of medicine. Receipt, n. Tenta'ri, acquitting thing. 2, Te'ntari da'nsutoo, acquitting thing written. Receive, v. Tre'ntinai. 2, Kre'ntinai, accept. 3, Fra'nsikai, to entertain. Receiver, n. Tre'ntunor, receiving person. Received, adj. Tre'ntunoo, 3, Po'm- pra, customary, as, " commonly received opinion." Receiving, n. Tre'ndino. Receptacle, n. Trentuno'ri,"reccivlng thing. 2, Untufo'dns, containing vessel. Recess, n. Droopren'dis, recession. 2, Grentupo'kis or kin. Reciprocation, n. Dro'ndis. Recite, v. Ve'ntifai, to repeat. 2, Eega'nsitai, to say again. 3, Ti'n- tikai, to narrate. Reckon, v. Go'nsifai, to esteem. 2, Euntifai, to number. 3, Ve'ntinai, to account. Reckon up, v. Eu'ntifai, to number. Reckon, (to over) v. Veru'ntifai. Reckoning, (the) adj. Tyoo to'ntin gentinoi, which ought to be paid. Reclaim, v. Ko'ntimost, to make gentle. 2, Vu'ntrivai, to convert, to tuni fi-ora vice. 3, Pa'mpikrast, to cause to repent, turn from vice. Recline, v. Kra'nsiva gri'ndi. to lean backwards. 2, Kra'nslvai ki'ndi, to lean to one side. Recluse, n. Bebra'ntulo, a very pri- vate person. 2, Goorantupoo'ro, a concealed person. 3, Betuntou'- ro, a monk-like person. 4, Bitu'm- prou'rg, a hermit-like person, 5, Pafronsa'ro, habitually solitary person. Reconquer, v. Eepe'mprifal. E E D Recognize, v. Bebo'nsifai, to know again. 2, Eepro'nsitai, to observe again. 3, Ti'ntisai, to admit or acknowledge. Rec •ogmzance, n. O'udris ti'ntusoo pondroo'ki, bond acknowledged before a magistrate. Recoil, v. Drooba'nsifai, to start back. 2, Drooe'nsikai, to move back. 3, Droodi'usipai, to spring back. 4, Te'ntifoi, to be reflected. 5, Droope'ntisai, to come back. Reconunend, v. Fe'ntinai, to oflfer. 2, Go'n^isai, to praise. 3, Do'usi- sai, to commend. Recompense, v. Dre'ntifai, to com- pensate. 2, A'mpivai, to reward. Reconcile, v. Umpro'nsinai, to nn- enemy. 2, Untwe'mpimost, to cause to be uncontentious. 3, Te'mpimost, to cause to be peace- able. Record, v. To'mpifai, to remember. 2, Ba'ntripai, to note, write down. Recorder, n. To'mpri pa'ndroo, city judge. 2, Dona'ndro, corporation ■judge. _ _ Recorder, n. Dre'nsu te'ndi, musical pipe. Recover, v. Eepe'ntikai, to obtam again. 2, Droope'ntisai, to come baclv. 3, Eefe'ntikai, to gain again. 4, Eebe'ntipai, to possess again. 5, Te'ntifai, to repair. 6, Ecru'mpikai, to recover health. Recount, v. Ti'ntikai, to relate, to narrate. 2, Fo'nsitai, to consider. Recourse, n. Nuspe'ndis, to-coming. 2, Nuspe'ndis di'ntur, frequent coming to. Recreant, adj. Fe'lpa, perfidious. 2, Fe'lpa dwemboo'ni, perfidious from cowardice. Recreation, n. E'nzi. 2, Be'mboi, moderateness in recreation. 3, Bre'mboi, immoderateness in re- creation. Recrement, n. Pra'ndis. 2, U'uza, recrement of metals. Recriminate, v. Dri'ntisai ta'ndroo, to retort accusation. Recruit, v. Eedo'mpikai, to strength- en. 2, Eedi'nsifai, to refill. Rectangle, n. A'kin tentutoo'ri, four right angled thing. Rectifging, n. To'ndivrost, the mak- ing true. 2, Pe'mbivrost, the making just. 3, Fo'ndi^^•ost, the making good, &c. 4, Vri'nzis, chemical rectification. Rector, n. Po'ndi'oo, governor. 2, Bezu'ntrufas kwombro'tu, the chief church officer of a parish. Recumbent, adj. Kra'nsus, leaning. 2, Ko'nzito, trusting. Recusant, n. Fri'ntusor, denying person. 2, Fu'mbro, schismatic. Red, adj. Fi'mpou. E E F Redbreast, n. Bc'nji, bird. Red-lead, n. Bu'nzo, cinnabar. Red-start, n. Bre'nji. Redeem, v. Do'nsipai. 2, Drootom, prikai, to buy back. 3, To'mpri- kai pa'mboi, to buy liberty. 4, Umve'mpritai, to uncaptivate. 5, Unto'mprivai, to unslave. Re-deliver, v. Eetre'ntinai, to deliver back. 2, Eedo'nsipai, to redeem again. Re-demand, v. Eefre'ntinai. Redemption, n. Do'nzoo. Redolent, adj. Pi'mpa, sweet. Pie-double, v. A'finkrost. (See Table, a'tinkrost, to treble, &c.) 2, Ve'n- tifai, to repeat. Redoubt, n. Ve'ndris. Redoubted, adj. Kra'ntur, excellent. 2, Kra'ntur kamboi'tu, excellent in reputation. 3, Kra'ntur dem- boo'tu, excellent' in courage. Redound, v. Entikai, to eventuate. Redress, v. Tre'ntivai, to remedy. 2, Tre'ntipai, to mend. 3, Dre'n- tifai, to compensate. Redshank, n. Ke'njinoo. Redstart, n. Bre'nji. Redwing, n. Bre'njo. Reduce, v. O'utifai, to cause. 2, Po'ntifai, to make. 3, Eepo'ntifai, to make again. Redundant, adj. Tra'ntur, excessive. 2, Vefra'ntur, over abundant. Reduplicate, v. A'finkrost, to double. 2, ve'ntifai, to repeat. Reed, n. Do'mvo. 2, Bro'nvo, burr reed. 3, Ko'mvi, flowering reed. 4, Po'nvo, sweet smelling reed. Reed mace, n. Bo'nvo. Re-edify, v. Eea'nsifai, rebuild. Reek, (rick) n. Binsufoo'ri. 2, Fru'n- zoi, vapour. Reel, V. Ki'e'nsifai, to stagger. 2, Dre'ntigrost, to cause to be a skein. Reel, (a) n. U drentuso'tus, a skeui- ing instrument. 2, U di-entuso- twus, a skeining jugament. Re-entry, v. Vool tuse'utisai, to pass in again. Re-establish, v. Eevi'mpigrost, to cause to be steady again. Refection, n. Gentuko'ri, refresh- ment. 2, Pre'nzoo, meal. Refectory, n. Preusu'rkin, the meal place. Refer, v. Go'ntipi, to be in state of relation. 2, Go'ntipai, to express relation to some thing. 3, To'nsi- nai fwa'ndi'oo, to appoint an arbi- tra*:or. Reference, To'nza yoo'tu fa'ndroo, the appointment of an arbitrator. Refine, v. Go'ntikrost, to make sim- ple. 2, Da'ntikrost, to make pure. 3, Uutra'utisai, to un-scdiment. Reflect, V. Droofa'ntitai, to look back. 2 Eefo'nsitai, to reconsider. R E PI Reflected^ adj. Te'ntutbo. BeficctloH, u. Fo'nzo. 2, Pa'iiiba, cousideration. 3, Da'ndra, calum- ny. 4, Ga'udra, re)3roac!iing. Reflux, n. Dina'uza, down tide. Reform, v. Do'nsisai. Refracted, adj. Tre'ntufoo. Refractoriness, n. Pro'mba, disin- genuousness. 2, Gre'mbi, contu- macy. 3, Bedi-e'mba, excessive obstinacy. Refrain, v. Vre'ntikai, to abstain. Refrain, n. Ventufoo'dwcs yoo'tu bansufoo'ri, the repeated part of a song. Refresh, v. Ge'ntikai. 2, Tra'ntipai, to mend. 3, Ti'utiprost, to cause to be new. 4, Reti'ntiprost. to make new again. Refrigerate, v. Pli'mpigrost, to cause to be cold. 2, Peplimpikrost, to cause to be rather cold, — cool. Refuge, n. Twontu'kis, a safe place specially to fly or go to. 2, Kem- pai'kis, a place of protection. Refulgent, adj. Ti'mpur, shining. Refund, v. Bre'ntiuai. Refuse, v. Fri'utisai, to deny. 2, Bro'nsinai, to reject. 3, Tre'nti- pai, to disclaim. Refuse, n. O'ndro a'plin to'mprikai, the right firstly to purchase. Refuse, u. Pra'ndis, worst part. Refute, V. Di'ntisai, to confute. Regal, adj. Fo'ntrur, royal; — pro- nounced fo'ntlur, there being two rez. Regard, n. Go'ndoo, relation. Regard, (in that) couj. Kel, there- fore. Regard, n. Do'nzoi, esteem. 2, Ke'mbi, respect. Regard, v. Pro'nsitai, to observe. Regardless, adj. Fla'mpa. Regenerate, adj. Repa'nsipai, to re- beget. 2, A'mpilai, to infuse divine grace. Regent, n. U visfo'ndroo, a substi- tute king. Regiment, n. Fem'bra, (soldiers). Region, n. Ri'nzo, country. Registrar, n. Ba'ndroo. Regrate, v. Deto'mprikai tontrikai'- dul, to buy to sell, (in a bad sense). Regress, u. Re'pendis. Regret, n. Tra'mba, grudging. 2, Fro'nza, noUcity, reluctance. 3, Bro'nzi, opposite to desire, aver- sation. Regular, n. Gu'ndroi. Regular, adj. Ka'ntu. Regulate, v. Bi'ntimost, to make regular. Regulus Cristatus, n. Ke'njis. Regulus nan Cristatus, Kre'njis. Rehearse, v. Ve'ntifai, to repeat. 2, Regausltai, to say again. 3, Ti'u- tisai, to narrate. Y R E L Regularity, n. Ka'ndi. Reject, v. Bro'nsinai. 2, Trc'ntipai, to disclaim, abdicate. Reign, v. Fo'ntripai, to act the king. Reign, n. Fj-o'ndroos i'ndoo, the king's time. Re-imbark, v. Retufi'utripai, to again in-ship. Reimburse, v. Gen'tinai, to pay. Rein, (of horse) n. Frontufo'bus pinjoo'di, cohibiting armament (tackle) for horse. 2, Dre'nza tanze'tu, cord of bridle. Reins, n. Da'ndaiz, kiihieys. Reindeer, n. Kri'njoi. Re-inforce, v. Re'dompikai. Re-invest, v. Tro'ndus revu'ntrimest, solemnly to cause to be reautho- rized. 2, Tro'ndus revu'mprimest, solemnly to be re-officed. Rejoice, v. Ko'nsikai. Rejoinder, n. U repri'ndis. Rejoin, V. repri'ntisai. Reiterate, v. Ve'ntifai, to repeat. Relapse, v. Reda'nsivai, to fall again. 2, Drooda'nsivai, to fall back. 3, Reu'mpikrust, to become sick again. 4, Revu'mpritai, to re- apostatize. Relate, v. Go'utlpi, to be in a state of relation. 2, Go'ntipai, to refer to. 3, Ga'usitai, to tell. 4, Ba'ntl- nai, to pertain. Relation, u. Go'ndoo. 2, O'nzi, rela- tion economic. 3, O'nzoo, relation of consanguinity. 4, O'nzoi, rela- tion of affinity. 5, O'nzo, relati- ons of superiority and inferiority. . 6, O'nza, relations of equality. 7, O'ndri, relation civil. 8, A'ndri, relation judicial. 9, E'ndri, rela- tion military. 10, I'ndi-i, relation naval. 11, U'ndri, relation eccle- siastical. Relation, n. Ti'ndi, narration. Report, n. Tri'ndi, rumour. Relative, adj. Go'ntur. Relaxation, n. Gla'ndoo, remission. 2, Tro'mpikrost, to cause to be indolent, i. e. painless. 3, Ge'nti- kai, to refresh. 4, Te'ntikai, to quiet. Release, v. Pa'mpifi-ost, make free. 2, Fri'nsifai, to untie. 3, Unka'n- trisai,to un-imprison. 4,Umve'm- prifai, to uu-capturc. 5, Da'utri- fai, to acquit. Relief, n. Bete'nda, high protuber- ance. 2, Pete'nda, low protuber- ance. Relegation, ii. Ba'rabris. Relent, v. Pri'mpikrust to become soft. 2, Tadi'o'nsivai, to begin to pity. 3, Tapa'mpikrost, to begin to repent. Rely, V. Do'nsikai, to confide. Relic, n. Dra'ndis, residue. Relict, n. Bo'nzifun. Relieve a town, v. Kc'mprivai. REN Relieve, v. Bo'ntifai, to lielp. 2, Ge'ntikai, to rcfresli. 3, lie'mpitai , to give alms. Relieve guard, v. Ti'utiprost vc'mbro, to renew the guard. Religion, n. U'ndroo. 2, Pu'iidroo, natural religion. 3, Fu'ndroo, pagan religion. 4, Tu'ndroo, Jew- ish religion. 5, Ku'ndroo, (jhris- tian religion. 0, Bu'ndroo, I\laho- metan religion. Religious, adj. Pazu'ntrur, habitually religious. 2, Gu'ndroi, an ecclesi- astical person, a regular. Relinquish, v. Fre'ntifai, leave. 2, Vre'utipai, to let go. 3, Bronsipai, to abandon, (act of God). Relish, v. Ko'mpltai, to taste. Reluctance, n. Fro'nza, noUeity. 2, Bro'nzi, aversation. Remain, v. Vi'ntipi, to be perma- nent. 2, Dra'nsikrust, to become a residue. 3, Rc'ntisai, to stay. Remainder, n. Dra'ndis, residue. Remark, v. Pro'nsitai, to observe. Remarkable, adj. Gapro'nsutoo, apt to be observed. 2, Gakra'ntupi, apt to be excellent. Remedy, n. Ti'e'ndo. Remember, v. To'mpifai. 2, Gi'ntivai, to express. Remission, (of fault) n. Tu'mbroi, pardoning. Remission, (of debt) u. Tre'nda, forgiving. Remissness, n. Gle'ndoo, opposite to intensity. 2, Kra'mbo, slightness. 3, Bla'mba, sloth. 4, Plc'mboo, oversparing. Remit, V. Drooke'ntlsai, to send back. 2, Ke'utisai, to send. Remissness, n. Gla'ndoo. Remnant, n. Dra'ndis, residue. Remonstrance, n. Gra'ntur di'nkro'n- zi pendj-oo'twi, intense-signifying of grief, or defence. 2, Gra'ntur ki'ndis, krindi'stwi. 3, Gra'ntur bi'ndis dindi'stwi, intense objection and confutation. Remorse, n. Ko'nzis. Remoteness, n. Tri'ndou. Remove from, v. Nise'ntisai, to pass from. Remunerate, v. Drc'ntifai, compen- sate. 2, A'mpivai, reward. Rencontre, v. De'ntisai undro'nzj, to meet unexpectedly; especially to meet an enemy. Rend, v. Vre'nsivai, to tear. Render, v. Po'ntifai, to make ; as, '' to render him miserable." 2, Pe'ntinai, to yield. 3, Vle'mprifai, to surrender, (in battle). 4, Ke'n- tinai, to give; as, "surrender all)." 5, Drooke'ntiuai, to give back. 6, Ve'ntifai, to repeat, 7, Drc'ntifai, to compensate. J^, Bi'ntikai, to translate; as, "to render into another language." E E P Render account, v. Ve'ntinai, to ac- count. Render a reason, v. Ge'ntipai vwi'n- da, shew a reason. Render thanks, v. Tu'ntrinai, to give thanks. 2, Ve'mpivai, to act gratefully. Rendesvous, n. Dentuso'kin, meetmg place. 2, E'ntru o'ndro, military convention. Renegade, n. Vu'mbrg, apostate. 2, Fre'ntufor, a deserter. 3, Tre'n- tusor, wanderer. 4, Pane'zoi, houseless, not having house. Renew, v. Tintiprost, to cause to be new. 2, Te'ntifai, to repair. 3, Ve'ntifai, to repeat. Rennet, n. Fri'nsuvoo tra'ndoo ki'n- zai'tu yoo'tu pinjoi'twes, coagu- lated milk of the stomach of a calf, (young kine). Renovation, n. Ti'ndiprost, causing to be new. Renown, n. Beka'mboi, great repute. 2, Bego'nzi, great praise. 3, Be- ba'ntu go'nzi, very public praise. Renounce, v. Tre'ntipai, to disclaim. 2, Bro'nsiuai, to reject. Rent, part. Vre'nsuvoo, torn. Rent, n. Ra'nzi. 2, Bompniko'ri, the hiring thing. Repay, v. Umbe'ntinai, to un-dis- burse; the opposite of emptying a purse. 2, Drooge'ntinai, to pay back. Repair, v. Te'ntifai. Restore, v. De'utifai. 2, Dre'ntifai, to compensate. Repair, (tea place) v. Prentisai'unu, goto. Repair, (in good) adv. Fonti'tu ko'ndis, in good state. Reparation, n. Te'ndoi. Reparation, (to givej v. Dre'ntifai, compensate. Repast, n. Pra'nzoi, eating. 2, Pe'n- zoo, meal. 3, Pre'nzoo, refresh- ment, lunch. Repeal, v. Unto'ntrinai, to unlaw. Repeat, v. Ve'ntifai. Repeat lesson, v. Gansitai'es, to say it. Repel, V. Droobre'ntisai, to drive back. Repentance, n. Pa'mbi, infused repentance. 2, Kro'uzis, natural I'epentance. Re-^jeopjU, v. Rebo'ntriprost, to cause to be again peopled. Re-percussion, n. Drooke'nzis. 2, Te'ntifai, to reflect. Repetition, n. Vc'ndoi. Repine, v, Tra'mpinai, to grudge. 2, Bebro'nsinai, greatly to dislike, i. e. shrink from. Replenish, v. Di'nsifai, to fill. Repletion, n. Di'nzoi, fullness. Replevy, V. Umpa'mprifai, to un- arrest. RES Reply, V. Eepri'utisai, to answer again. Fieport, n. Tri'ndi, nimour. 2, Ti'n- di, narration. 3, Ka'mboi, repu- tation. Report, (of a gun) n. I'mbo vembre'- tu, sound of gun. Repose, v. Pe'ntipai, to put. 2, vro'nsinai, to desist. 3,Re'nsikai, to r(!st. 4, Do'nsinai, to confide. Repository, n. Teutuko'kis or kin, laying-up place. Reprehension, n. Dro'nzi. Represent, v. Ve'ntifai. Rep7-ess, v. Fro'ntifai, to restrain. 2, Pe'mprifai, to vanquish, subdue. Reprieve, v. Bre'ntikai ta'ndroi, to delay the execution. 2, Prl'uti- prost ta'ndroi, to cause execution to be future. Reprize, n. Dwa'ndoo genda'tu, diminution of payment. Reprohate, adj. Bro'nsunoo, rejected. Reproach, v. Ga'ntrinai. Reproving, n. Dro'nzi, reprehension. Reptile, n. Vensupo'ri, creeping thing. Republic, n. O'ntruri or ontroo'ri, the civil thing. Repudiate, v. Bro'nsinai, reject. 2, Tre'ntipai, disclaim. 3, Unko'nsi- fai, to im-marry. Rejmgnanf, adj. Tro'ntus, opposite. 2, Vro'ntu, incongruous. Repulse, v. Droobre'ntisai, to drive back. 2, Fri'ntisai, to deny. Reputation, n. Ka'mboi. Repute, n. (See reputation). Reputed, adj. Go'nsufoo, esteemed. Request, v. Prum'pinai, to petition. Requiem, n. Te'ndi, quietness. Require, v. Fre'ntinai, to demand. 2, Po'nsikai, to command. Requisite, adj. Bre'ntupoo, wanted. 2, Go'ntu, necessary. 3, Do'ntu, expedient. Requite, V. Dre'ntifai, to compensate. Rear, n. Gri'ndo, hinder part. Rearboil, v. Pefe'nsitai, to under- boil. Rearmouse, n. Dwi'njo, bat. Rearward, n. Gri'ndo pendra'tu, hinder part of army. Rescind, v. Tre'ntipai, to mar. 2, Trentifai, to spoil. Rescript, n. To'mbra, edict. Rescue, v. Bo'nsipai, to deliver. 2, Umve'mprifai, to uncaptive. 3, Uiikan'trisai, to unprison. Resemble, v. Pa'ntiki, to be like. 2, Be'ntifai, to liken, to compare. Resent, v. To'nsiki, to feel anger. 2, Dri'ntisai to'nzu, to retort an- grily. 3, Pri'ntisai to'nzu, to reply angrily. Research, n. Fo'nzoi, inquisition. 2, Befo'nzoi, dihgent research. Reside, v. Ra'nsipai, to dwell. 2, Pi'ntifi, to be present. RES Reserve, v. Be'ntikai, to keep. 2, Vrene'tipai, not to let go. 3, Be'n- tikai ra'ndis, keep a part. 4, Bri'ntinai, to except. 5, Ke'ntifai, to exempt. Reserve, (of soldier?,) n. Be'mbra. Reservedness, n. Kle'mba, opposed to frankness. Residue, n. Dra'ndis. Resign, v. Vre'ntipai, to let go. 2, Po'ntrikai, to assign. 3, Pe'ntinai, to yield. 4, Te'ntinai, to deliver, (the possession). 5, Ta'mphiai, to exercise self denial. Resin, n. Vro'ndoo. Resisting, n. Te'mbroo. Resolve, v. Umbro'nsifrost, to cause to be without doubt, as, "to re- solve doubts". 2, Bri'ntisai, to solve, solve doubts. 3, Pri'ntisai, to answer. 4, To'nsinai, to pur- pose. 5, E'ntivai, to eventuate, to result; as, "to resolve itself into." Resolute, adj. Toi'nsuno, having re- solved. 2, De'mpa, constant. 3, De'mpur, courageous. Resolution, n. Bri'ndis, solution. 2, To'nza, purpose. 3, De'mboo, constancy. 4, Dre'mboo, courage. Resort, n. Nispe'ntisai di'ndur, to come to frequently. 2, Nispre'n- tisai di'ndur, to go to frequently. Resound, v. Bezi'mpitai, greatly to sound. 2, Te'ntifai i'mbo, to reflect sound. Resource, n. Bo'ndoi, assistance, aid. 2, Bre'ntupoo bo'ndoi, required support. Respect, n. Ke'mbi, deference. 2, Go'ndoo, relation; as, "having respect to." Respect of, (in) adj. De or di, for. 2, Go'ndur, relatively; as, "rela- tively to." Respiration, n. Fe'nzo. Respite, n. Kusi'ndi, space betwixt; interval. 2, Di'ndoi, discontinu- ance. 3, Vro'nza, desistence from. 4, Gla'ndoo, instigation. ,5, Gr'in- dooz, intervals. 6, Tro'mbi gri'n- dur, ease at intervals. Respite, v. Bre'ntivai, to protract. Resplendent, adj. Ti'mpur. Respond, v. Priutisai, to answer. Responsible, adj. Kage'ntuno, able to pay. 2, Pontaiunu ge'ndinen, subject to future payment. 2, Pontai'utu ronditenz, subject to future effects. Rest, n. Re'nzi, opposite to motion. 2, Re'ndis, opposite to passing. 3, Vro'nza, cessation, desistence. 4, Vri'ndoo, period. 5, Dinri'mbo, the sign of silence in music. 6, Te'ntiki, to be in a state of rest. 7, Te'ntikrost, to cause to be quiot. Resty, (See restive). E E T Best upon, v. Juskra'nslvai, to lean upon. 2, Do'usinai, to confide. 3, Ko'nsitai, to trust. Best of them, (the) n. Dra'ndis too'el or ten dra'ndis. Ih'storatioii, n. De'ndoi. 2, Tre'ndoo, mending. Restharrow, n. Ke'nvo, the cam- mock. Restitution, n. De'ndoi. 2, Dre'ndoi, compensating. Restiveness, n. Pro'mba, disengenii- ousness, bad tempered. 2. Drem- bi, disobedience. 3, Gre'mbi, con- tumacy. Restorative, adj. Gade'ntufo two'n- droi, apt-to-restore medicine. Restore, v. De'ntifai, to itstore. Restore to estate, v. Rea'nsikrest. Restore to favor, v. Refo'nsikrest Restore to health, v. Revu'mpikrest. Restore to liberty, v. Repa'mplfrest. Restore to life, Reda'nsiprest. Restrain, v. Fro'ntipai, cohibit. 2, Pra'mpifai, to restrain. 3, Bro'n- tifai, to impede. 4, Pra'ntifrost, to shorten. .5, Tra'ntifrost, to narrow. 6, Ve'ntipai, to hold. 7, Kre'ntifai, to exempt. S, Fi'ntiiiai, to limit. 9, Bri'ntinai, to except. Restraint, n. Fro'ndifo, restraming. 2, Fro'ndifoo, being restrained. Restrain,v. Pekra'ntinai, to imprison a little. Restriction, n. Fi'nda, limitation. Restringent, adj. Ee'nsmio, binding, constipating. Result, n. E'ndi, event. 2, Vra'ndis, sum. 3, Vrl'nda, inference, conse- quence. Resume, v. Reke'ntipai, to take again. 2, Drooke'ntipai, to take back agani. 3, Rete'ntivai to begin again. 4, Ve'ntifai, to re- peat. Resurrection, n. Reda'nzoo, living again. Retail, v. Twito'mprikai, to sell segregately. Retaliation, n. Dre'ndoi^ compensa- tion. Retard, v. Bre'ntivai, to protract. 2, Tr'intiprost, to cause to be late. 3, Tro'mpikrost, to cause to be slow. Retching, n. Fa'nsivai, to stretch. 2, Vre'nsitai, pandiculate, stretch. 3, Twaste'nsinai, to endeavour to vomit. Retchlessness, n. Fre'mbo, scraping- ness. 2, Fle'mba, carelessness. 3, Ble'mba, sloth. Retain, v. Ve'ntipai, to hold. 2, Be'ntikai, to keep. 3, Po'ntri.ir.i, to bespeak. 4, Po'ntrisai fo'ndroi, to retain an attorney. Retainer, n- Tro'nzo, dependent. Retention, n. Ve'ndoo, holding. 2, Be'ndi, keeping. REV Retentive faculty, n. Kave'ndoo, pow- er to liold. 2, Kabe'ntikai, power to keep. Retinue, n. Dwindro'nzoz, aggregate of servants. 2, Dwinpla'nsukorz, aggregate of waiters, i. e. waiting persons. 3, Dwinfo'nzaz, aggre- gate of companions. 4, Uwi'n- tro'nzoz, aggregate of dependents. Retire, v. Droopre'ntisai, to go back. 2, Pre'ntisai, to go. Retire for safety, v. Fle'ntrifai. Retire for concealment, v. Pre'ntisai tonde'di, go for safety. Retire for jyrivacy, v. Pi'e'ntisai brandc'di, go for privacy. Retire for solitude, v. Pre'ntisai fronza'dirit, go for solitude. Retired, adj. Fro'nsa, solitary. Retirement, n. Pre'ndis, going. 2, Pre'ndis fronza'mm-it, going into solitude. Retort, V. Dri'ntisai, to retort. Retort, fa) n. Intai'dus, a chemical vessel. Retract, v. Drooki'ntipai, to di'aw back. 2, Tri'ntisai, to recant. Retreat, v, Droopre'ntisai, to go back. Retreat, n. prentisal'imu bra'ndi, to go into privacy. Retrench, v. Nisdi'nsivai, to cut from. 2, De'nsivai randai'uni, to cut part from. 3, Da'ntisai, to take away. 4, Dwa'ntipai, to diminish. Retribution, n. Dre'ndoi, compensa- tion. 2, A'ntru ra'mboo, judicial punishment. Retrieve, v. Redre'ntipai, to find again. 2, Vool»dre'utipai, again to find. Retrograde, v. Drooe'nsikai, to move back. 2, Repre'ntisai, to go back. Retrospection, n. Pe'mba tu fo'ndipil, consideration of past thing. Return, v. Repo'ntipi, to be again. 2, Repe'ntisai, to re-come. 3, Re- pre'ntisai, to re-go. 4, Pa'mpikai, to repent. 5, Droope'ntipi, to be again. 6, Droope'ntisai, to come back. 7, Droopre'ntisai, to go back. Return, n. Pri'ndis, answer .2, Dri'n- dis, retortion. 3, Ve'ndoi, repeti- tion. 4, De'ndoi, restoration. 5, Dre'ndoi, compensation. 6, Bre'n- da, i-efunding. 7, Ge'nda, paying. Reveal, v. Vo'nsipai. 2, Ge'ntipai, to shew. Revel, V. Bre'mpifi, to be immode- rate in recreation. 2, Vepre'mpi- fai, to indulge in excessive intem- perance. 3, Ki'e'mpitai, to act riotonsly. Revel-rout, n. Bei'mbo yoo'tu ta'm- bro, a great noise of a sedition. Revels, n. Vru'ntus, bre'mboiz, noc- turnal immoderate recreation. 2, Vru'ntus e'nzilz. R H E Revenge, n. Tro'nzi. Revemie, n. Ra'nzi. Reverberate, v. Reki'nsivai. 2, Te'n- tifrast, to cause to reflect. 3, Te'ntifrest, to cause to be re- flected. RevererKe, n. Te'mbi. Reverence, (Sir) n. Trensunoo'ri, the dunged thing. Reverend, adj. Gate'mpukoo. Reverse, v. Un; as, 1. Unto'ntrinai, to imlaw. 2, Unto'mprinai, to un-decree. 3, Umba'mprifai, to un-sentence ; i. e. reverse law, reverse decree, reverse sentence. 4, Gra'nsivai, to reverse. Reverse, n. Gri'ndo. Reversion, n. O'ndra anziki'ntu Cfuture tense of the noun A'nzi), right to future possession. 2, Bro'ndo, potentialness. 3, Dra'n- dis, residue, remainder. Revert, Droopre'ntisai, to come back. 2, O'ntrini anziki'ntu, to be the right of future possession. 3, O'ntrimust anziki'ntu, to become the right of future possession. Revie, v. Go'mprisou, to engage 7nore for the event of a thing as an accessory : — Go'ntrisou, wager relating to the principal. Review, v. Repo'mpitai, to see again. 2, Rcto'nsitai, to recon- sider. 3, Refo'nsifai, to examine. Revile, n. Ta'ntrinai. Revise, v. (See review). Repo'mpitai. 2, Reto'nsitai. 3, Refo'nsifai. Revive, v. Reda'nsipai, to relieve. 2, Reko'mpikrust, to become again vigorous. Re-unite, Rea'pinkrust, to become one again, (a'pin, one). Revoke, v. Reti'mpitai, to recall. 2, Repa'ntrifai, to resummon. 3, Unga'nsitai, to say back, or un- say. 4, Poltiprost, to make or reduce to nothing, i. e. annul. Revoke law, v. Unto'ntrinai, to un- law. Revoke sentence, v. Umba'mprifai, to im-sentencc. Revolve, Dafo'nsitai, frequently to consider. 2, Befo'nsitai, to con- sider much. Reward, n. A'mboo. Rhetorician, n. Tampai'ro vantu- koo'tu i'ndi, ornamented discourse artist. 2, Tampai'ro vantukoo'tu ri'ndi, the ornamented language artist. 3, Tampai'ro vantukoo'tu pa'nzo, the oi'namented speech artist. Special 7iouns. Ino'ndivas, the teaching artist of ornamented discom'se. 2, Rino'n- divas, the teaching artist of orna- mented language. 3, Pano'nzn- vas, the teaching artist of orna- mented speech. E I D Bevolution, n. Bi'nzoo, vertigiuation, turning round. 2, Bi'nzoo a'pin, specially turning roimd once. 3, Pre'ndoo, alteration. Bhetm-t'c, n. Inde'bau va'ntukoo, the ornamented language art. 3, Panzo'bas va'ntukoo, the orna- mented speech art. Rhapsodif, n. Fra'ntukoo gvo'ndo. Revolt, V. Vu'mpritai, to apostatise. 2, Ta'ntrivai, to rebel. Revulsion, n. Ki'nzooiuii, pulling from. R/mbarb, n. Pa'mvoo. Rheum, n. Ku'mba, catarrh. Rheumatic, adj. Ku'mpa, catarrhal. 2, Kru'mpa. Rheumatism, n. Kni'mba. Rhinoceros, n. Vi'njoi. Rhinoceros fij], n. Po'nji. Rhomb, n. Fe'ndoo rindo'tu, line of vergency. 2, U pre'ndi rou'upu tai ki'ndoz ba'ntur, pe'bel rai'u te'ndoz, a square with all its sides equal, but without any right angles. Rhomboid, n. U pre'ndi tai'pu twi'nti frc'ndoz ba'ntur, bel ri'u tai'tu ki'ndoz, ba'ltur, a square with its opposite angles equal, but some of its sides unequal. Rye, n. Pro'mvoi. Rih, (of animal) n. Kra'nda. Rib, (of ship) n. Gre'ntou bra'ndo findi'oo'tu, perpendicular beam of ship. Ribaldry, n. Dre'mboi, unchastity. Riband, n. Ve'nza. Rice, n. Tro'mvoi. Rich, adj. Fa'mpou. Rich, (of hay), n. Vinsukoo'ri. Rickets, n. Gu'mba. Rid, (past tense of ride), v. De'nsifel. Rid, V. Dri'nsifai, to empty; as, " to rid a place." 2, Unra'nsiuai, to unburden. 3, Unfri'nsifai, to untangle. 4, Pa'mpifrost, to cause to be free. 5, Bo'nsipai, to deliver. Rid of, (get) v. Ventrifai'uni, to escape from. 2, Pe'ntlkai pa'mboi. Rid, (ImsinessJ v. Be'ntivai cn'd>2, to dispatch business. Riddance, (See rid), n. Dri'nzifo, emptying. 2, Unra'nzino, unbur- dening. 3, Urafri'nzifo, untan- gluig. 4, Pa'mbivost, causing to be free. 5, Bo'nzipo, delivering. 6, Vendrifo'uni, escaping from. 7, Pe'ndiko pa'mboi, obtaining liberty. 8, Bc'ndivo e'ndo, dis- patching business. Ridden, adj. Veutrufoo'um, escaped from, &c. &c. Riddle, n. Pa'nzo tri'ntuvoo vrindo'- ti, speech obscured by metaphor. Ride, (on horse) v. De'nsifai. Rider, (of horse, ti'c.) n. Densufo'ro. 2, Bla'ntupous dciisufo'fas, lowest riding officer. RID Ride, (at anchor) v. Bi'ntrisai. Ridge, (a hank) n. De'ndi. Ridiculous, adj. Gatansimoo"su, apt to be laughed at. Rid/jel or Ridyeling, n. Apra'fo im- grantusoo, half imtesticled. Riding, n. Koudro'dwes, part of comity. Rife, adj. Di'ntur, frequent. 2, Vi'n- tou, obvious, (oecuring in many places) . Riffraff, n. Pra'ndis, worst part. 2, Kla'ntur i'ndi, sorry discourse. Rifle, V. Be'mprifai, to spoil. Rifle, V. Pentisai'uni, to carry away ; as, " to ride of beauty." 2, Ton- tivai'utu, to deprive of. 3, Dre'n- tikai te'ndi, to groove spirally; as, " to rifle a gun." Rift, n. Krendi o'ntufoo tinzoo'ti, a chink caused by cleaving. Rigging, n. I'ndra. Right, n. O'ndra, (civil right). Right, adj. Pe'nti, straight, as, "straight forward." 2, Pe'mpur, just. 3, Fe'mpur, equitable, — reasonable. 4, Po'nti, true, op- posed to false. 5, Fo'nti, good, opposed to bad. 6, Ko'uti, genuine, opposed to spurious. 7, Do'nti, natural, opposed to artificial. 8, Go'nti, simple, opposed to mixed. 9, To'nti, perfect, opposed to imperfect. 10, To'nta, due, i. e. which ought to be. 11, Vo'uta, worthy, opposed to imworthy. 12, To'ntra, accoi'ding to law. 13, Vo'ntu, congruous. 14, Ka'n- tu, regular. Right angle, n. Te'ndo. Right hand, n. Tiuti ta'ndi, the right side hand. Right side, n. Ti'ndo. Right, (to make or to set) v. Te'ntlfal, to repair. Right, adv. To'ndi, perfectly; as, " right in the nick," i. e. exactly. Righteousness, n. Ta'mbi, holiness. 2, E'mboo, moral virtue. 3, Pe'm- boo, justice. 4, Fe'raboo, equity. Rightful, adj. Pe'mpur, just. 2, Fe'mpm-, equitable. Rigid, Ple'mpur. Rigor, f stiffness J n. Bla'nza. Rigor, n. Ple'mboo, opposite to justice and equity. 2, Pre'mbis, liarshness. 3, Gre'mbis, austere, stern, &c. Rill, n. Pedi'nza. Rim, n. Kri'ndo. Rivi, (of the belly) n. Tra'ndoi van- da'tu, membrane of the belly. Rhyme, n. Bri'ndo. Rime, n. Bru'nzo, mist that fi-eezes in falling Peviiisikai, to wash a Rinse, v, little. Rind, n. Bo'ndoo. Ridge-bone, n. Ta'mbra. R I V Rings, v. n. Fi'mpi; as, "the bell rings;" i. e. is in a state of ring- ing. 2, v. a. Fi'mpito, rings ; as, " wai fim'pito, fimputootus," he rings the bell. Ring all in, v. Fi'mpitai kri'ntupous i'ndoo, to ring the latest time. Ring in peel, v. Fi'mpitai tri'mbi, to rmg harmoniously. Ring out, v. Befi'mpitai, to ring much. Ring of hells, (a) n. Gwa'ndo tu fimputoo'riz, a suit or set of bells. Ring, (a) n. Fe'ndi, (figure). Ring-dove, n. Pre'njo. Ring-finger, n. A'ki-m de'ndi, fourth finger. Ringleader, n. Kant'arn, the chief. Ringtail, n. Fre'njoo, (kite), buz- zard having a white streak in his tail. Ring-worm, v. Fru'mbo, tetter. Riot, V. Kre'mpitai, to act riotously. 2, Tra'mpitai, to act seditiously. Riotousness, n. Kre'mbo. Rip, V. Unki'nsikai, to un-sew. 2, Krl'nsifai denzivo'ti, to open by cutting. Rijxness, n. Ko'mbis. Ripier, n. Pensuvo'ro auje'tuz, car- rier of fish. Rise, n. Kri'ndoi, the source. Rise, Pa'nsivai. 2, Truspre'ntisai, to go upwards. 3, Pre'ntisai ka'ntufou, to go higher, i. e. to a higher place. Rise, V. Ta'nsipoo, to be bom. 2, Te'ntivai, to begin. 3, Po'ntipi, to be. 4, Dra'utipai, to iuc'rease. .5, Vra'nsipai, to grow. 6, Trus- grentifi, to be upwardly oblique, as a hill. 7, Tri'nsiuai, to spring- as a fountain. Rise, (as the sun) Frino'nsifai. Rising, n. Te'nda, protuberance. 2, Di'ndo, the top. Rising of hill, n. Gentou'dwes prin- zo'tu, the oblique part of the hill. Rising, n. Peprinzo, hill. 2, U'mbo, tumour. 3, Bru'mboo, inflation. Rising, u. Brinsuvo'ri, fermenting thing. Rising, n. Ta'ndra, rebellion. 2, Tata'ndra, incipient rebellion, in- smTcction. Rising, n. Eeda'nzoo, re-life. Risk, n. Krc'udo, essaying. 2, Tro'n- di, danger. Rite, n. To'ndis, circumstance. 2, To'mpra to'ndis, customary cir- cumstance. 3, Tro'ndis, solemnity. Ritual, n. Dre'nzis trondai'tuz, book of solemnities. Rival, n. Fo'nzoi. Rive, v. Ti'nsifai, to cleave. Rivel, V. Dre'ntikai, wrinkle. 2, Dentikrost, to cause to be in ridges. Rivn; n. Di'nza- E, O L Eivet, V. Frino'ntigrost, to fasten a piu, by flatteuing its point. (Sec Frfndis). Rivulet, n. Pedi'nza, small river. Road^ V. Ba'utu dra'nzoi, public wav. Road, Cfor ships) n. Ki'nza, bay. Rob, V. Da'ntrivai. Robe, n. U vli'mpns vinti'fus, a loose upper vest. 2, U tro'ntus vlim- pu'skwi vintifus, a solemn, loose, upper vest. Robin red breast, n. Be'nji. Robins, u. Bi'ndra. Robust, adj. Do'mpu, strong. 2, Do'mpa, hardy. Rock, n. Pri'nzo. Rock, (to) V. Bri'nsipai. Roach, n. Tra'iijino. Rock alum, n. Fu'nji prtnzo'tu, alum of the rock. Rochet, n. Fii'ndi'ois vi'ntur kensa'- fus, priest's upper linen vest. Rocket, n. De'mva. 2, Pro'nvoo, base rocket. 3, Fe'mva, dames' violet. Rod, n. Kro'ndoo, taper wand. Rod, n. 16|- tu'ndoiz, i. e. pa'vin tu'ndoiz kwil apra'fo, sixteen feet and one half. Rod, n. Tondo'ndoo, a rod consisting of small branches tied together and used for flogging. Rodomontade, n. Bepre'mba, over- saying. 2, Pro'nzls, boasting. Roe, n. Bi'njoi. Roe, (of fish) n. Go'nda, roe, either milt or spawn. 2, Gro'nda, milt, 3, Glo'uda, spawn. Rogation, n. Kru'ndis pe'nzoi'di krindo'gliz, week for perambu- lating the bounds. Rogue, n. Go'mbroo, beggar. 2, Trentuso'ro, wandering person. 3, Re'nipur(2, vicious person. 4, Kantra'r(2, fraudulent person. 5, Tre'mparo, a scurrilous person. Royal, adj. Fo'utrur, pronounced fo'ntlur. Royalty, abs. n. Fondroo'rit, the nominal essence of a king. Roll, V. Bi'nsipai. Roll land, v. Fri'nsitai. Roll a swathe about one, v. E'nsinai tre'ndi, to clothe heliacally, spi- rally. Roll, (bachioarJs and Jorirards) v. Bri'nsipai, the active of volutation. Roll, (like a ship) v. Di'mprisai. Roll, (a) n. U frinsuto'tus, a rolling instrmuent. 2, U frinsutoo'ri, a rolled thing. 3, Ve'ndo, cylinder. 4, Bri'nzoo, volutation. 5, Dra'u- do, catalogue. Roller, n. Ve'ndo, 2, Ve'ndo ga'bin- supoo, a cylinder apt to be rolled. 3, Ve'ndo frinzo'di, a cylinder for rolling. Rolling, n. Bi'nzipo. R P Rolling, adj. Bi'nsupo. Rolling ei/e n. Gaze'nsuko fa'nd(2. Rollirg press, n. Binsupo'dwus da'u- zito'di, rolling machine for print- ing. Rolling tongue, n. Gaze'nsuko ka'ndo. Rolls, n. Dra'ndo, antroo'tu o'ndroiz ombroi'kwiz, catalogue of judicial causes and proceedings. 2, Ba'n- truriz, notarial things. 3, Ba'ntu- kiz, notarial places. Romance, n. Tro'ntur ti'ndiz, fictiti- ous narratives. Roam, V. Tre'ntisai. Rood, n. Ko'ndoo. 2, U'ndi tu pa'sin tu'ndoiz kw apra'fo, measure of sixteen feet and one half. '.], Ro'ntu gre'nzis, tu krist ta'ntru- koo, wooden image of Christ crucified. Roof, (of house) Ga'uzo. Roof-frees, n. Ro'ntur pebanzoz pre'nsuvo gya'nzo, Avooden (small) pillars supporting the roof. ■^'■"iA ('if owuth) n. Ba'ndo, the palate. Rook, V. Ka'ntrinai, to defraud. Rook, n. U bre'njoo tyoo ba'nslpo vondoju, a crow which feeds upon corn, (grain). Room, n. I'ndi, space. 2, Twantu'r- kis, a sufficient place. Room, (to make) v. Fe'ntivai wi'ndoi, to prepare a place. Room, (in a house) n. Fa'nzo. Room, (of predecessor) n. Vo'ndis. Rooxt, v. Transuuii'kls, enje'tuz, sleeping place for birds. Root, n. Po'ndoo. Root, V. Po'ntipal, to root itself, i. e. take root. Rot out, V. Miski'nsipai po'ndooz, to out-pluck roots. Root, (of a number) n. Pona'udoo. Ro ru'ndoo tyoo ga'ntusoo kwen- tal'ti, gra'ntiso ro roi ru'mloo, that number which multiplied by Itself pi'oduces that other number. Root, (ex'raction of) n. Ro i'uzi tu rundoo'bastyoo'tl pona'ndoo yoo'tu ru'ndoo fro'usifoo, that operation of arithmetic by which the root of a nimiber Is discovered. Root, (Hebrew) n. Pwa'nta tu'ntrur ri'ndoi, a primitive Jewish word. Rope, n. Bwedre'nza, a great cord. Ro2)e of onions, n. Tomva'dwes, ag- gregate of onions. Rope, (to) V. Ki'mpigrust, to become slimy. Roar, V. Bezi'mpitai, to make a great soiuid. 2, Beta'usltai, loudly to exclaim. Rosiiry, n. Pebenzo'dwis di pu'ntru- noro, aggregate of beads for praying person. Rose-water, n. Vi'nsuvoo u'nzo fim- voo'tuz, distilled water of roses. Ropy, adj. KI'mpus. 11 () U Rose, n. Fi'mvoo. 2, Fi'nvoi, guel- der rose. 3, Pi'mvoo, holy rose. 4, Gi'mvis, our Lady's rose. 5, Bri'mvis, sweet mountain rose. Rose-bay, n. Pri'mvis, oleander. Jlose campion, n. Fi'mvo. Rose of Jericn, n. Gi'mvis. Rosemary, n. Ki'mvis. Rosewood, n. Kru'mvinoo. Rosewort, n. Fi'o'mvinoi. Rosy, adj. Fi'mfiir. Rosin, n. Vro'ndoo. Roasting, n. Te'nzo. Rule the roast, v. O'mpikal, to exer- cise power. 2, Vu'ntriiiai, to exercise authority. Rot, V. Fro'mpikrust, to become rotten. Rotation, n. Bi'nzoo, vertlgination. Rote, [by) adv. Binda'piz, without rules. 2, Vindino'pi, without rea- soning. Rottenness, n. Fro'mbi. 2, Dri'mba, rottenness. Rotundity, n. Umfre'nti, mi-angled. 2, Ple'nti, curved. Rough, adj. FU'mpus, rough to feeling; having unequal surface. Rough cast, adj. Fli'mbus bra'usu- noo, roughly plastered. Rough draft, n. Ya'prin fe'ntuvo ge'nziso danzito'twi, the first pre- paratory picturing or writing. 2, Ya'prin unde'ntuvoo ge'nziso dan- zito'twi, the first unfinished pic- turmg or writma:. Rough hew, v. Fli'mbus de'ntisai ke'nzus, roughly to cut strikingly. 2, Ya'plln de'ntisai ke'nzus, firstly cut strikingly. Rough sea, n. Bepri'nsunoo ri'nza, greatly waved sea. Rough, adj. Po'ntus, hairy. Rough, (to the taste) adj. Ti'mpa, sour, (as gooseberries J. 2, Tri'm- pa, (resembling the taste of galls). Rough, (moral quality) adj. Kro'm- pa, fierce. 2, Ple'mpur, rigorous. 3, Bre'mpi, churlish. 4, Gle'mpa, magisterial. 5, Twe'mpa, rustic, 6, Gre'mpi, insolent. 7, Pre'mpus. harsh. 8, Gre'mpus, austere. 9, To'nsu, angry. 10, Fro'nta, un- plea.sant, 11, Bro'ntu, violent. 12, Uui'usutoo, im-wrought. 13, Undontusoo, mifinlshed. 14, Vrantu, homely Round, adj. Umfi'e'ntl, un-angled. 2, Ple'nti, curved. 3, Be'nti, spherical, (figure). 4, Ve'ntus, oval, (figure). 5, Vre'ntus, bowl, (figure). Round hill, n. Pri'nzo be'ntipu, ve'n- tus, vrentu'stwi dlndo, hill with spherical, oval, or bowl-like top. Round about, adv. Ouju ki'ndo, on every side. Round, (to turn) v. Bi'nsipai, to vertigmatc. RUB Round, adj. Yc'nti, cylindrical. 2, De'ntu, conical. 3, Fe'nti, circu- lar. 4, Fe'ntu, like a ring, t"), Tre'ntu, like a wheel. 6, Te'nti, spiral. 7, Tc'ntu, tubular. 8, Tre'nti, heliacal. 9, Prc'nti, crook- ed. 10, Te'ntu, like a bow. 11, Ge'nti, parabolic. 12, Gre'nti, hyperbolic. 13, Gle'nti, elliptical. Round a pJace^ v. Glispre'ntisai, to go round. Round blow, n. Bekre'nzis, gi'eat blow. Round number, n. Ba'ntur a'piuz, pa'sinz, pe'sinz, au'pinz, &c ; equal units, tens, hundi'eds, thou- sands, &c, 2, Beru'udoo, great number. Round sum, n. Bevra'ndis, great sum. Round!?/, adv, Ti'ndi, plainly; as, " tell him roundly," i; e. plainly. 2, Umbro'nzou, unhesitatingly. Round, (in music, a) n. Dwi'ntufoo bife'nti bausutoo'ri, a continued circular-like song. Rouml of ladder, u. Pla'nza. Round-house, n. Ki'mbroi. Roundish, adj. Peple'nti. Rouse, V. Pau'sigrast, cause to rise. 2, Fo'ntifai, to impel. Rout, n. Franti'dwis, confused mul- titude. 2, Ple'mboi,the overthrow. Rout, V. Fe'nsiprast, to cause to fly. 2, Umfra'ntikrest, to cause to be un-ordered, i. e. thrown mto disorder. 3, Tre'nsitai, to snore or snort. Rout, (like a hog) v. Umpo'ntipai fi'nziz, to unroot plants. Row of things, (a) n. Dwa'ndo fon- doo'tuz. 2, Ke'ndra, i-ank. 3, Ke'mbra, file. Roto, [to) V. Ti'ntrivai, row with oar. 2, Ti'mprivai, to row with pole. Rowel, n. Fe'nti drensuvo'twus, a circular pricking jugament. Rowen, n. Ya'frin kri'nzo penzis'tu, the second harvest of hay. Rue, n. Te'nvi. 2, Ge'mvo, goat's rue. 3, Fo'nvoo, meadow rue. Rue, V. Pa'mpikai, to repent. 2, Bo'nsikai tri luupi'utipoi, to desire something to be undone- Rub, n. Bro'ntouri, an impedient thing. 2, Penta'ri, protuberant thing. Rub, V. Gi'nsikai, to scrub. Rub along, v. Fe'utisai kro'ndu, to proceed difficultly. Rub-off, V. Nisgi'nsikai, to from-rub. Rubbers, n. A'fin re'nziz, two games. Rubbish or rubble, n. Fra'ntu ra'n- zoiz, confused ruins. 2, Pra'udis, worst part. Rulirick, n. Bi'ndaz ponzai'di fim- pou'tu pi'ndooz, rules for direction, in red letters. R U M Rhubarb, n. Pa'mvoo. Rubellio, n. Ki-a'nji, (fish). Rudder, n. Ti'mbroi. Rubi/, n. Fu'nja. Ruddy, adj. Pefi'mpou. Ruddle, n. Fru'njis, red ochre. 2, Bu'uzo, cinnabar. Ruddock, n. Be'nji. Rude, adj. Vra'nta. 2, Tone'sutoo, not taught. 3, Bra'mpus, unlearn- ed. 4, Pla'mpus, ignorant. 5, Tra'mpus, unskilful. 6, Dwe'mpa, morose. 7, Twe'mpa, rustic. Rudiment, n. I'ndoo, element. 2, A'prin tonsutoo'riz, first taught things. Ruff, n. E'nza, vest. 2, Kre'njinoo, (bird.) 3, Vra'njlno, (fish). Ruffian, n. Bezimpi'ro, a noisy fel- low. 2, Depronsai'ro, a swagger- ing boastful person. 3, Dwa'mbro, a robber. 4, Da'mpruro one of the rabble. 4, Fautr.a'das, the bully of a brothel. 5, Grcmpi'ro, . an insolent person. 6, Bezantri'ro, a great criminal. Ruffe, V. Fli'mpigrost, to cause to be rough. 2, Fra'ntikrest, to cause to be confused. 3, I'mpitai, yoo'bru tensa'fus, to somid like a silk vest. Rueful, V. Diskro'nsikai, to shew grief. 2, Disdro'nsigrost, to shew pity. Rug, n. Vwe'ntunoo dransai'fus, a tufted bed vest. Rugged, adj. Fli'mpus. Ruin, V. Ra'usifai, to ruin. 2, Kro'n- sipai, to destroy. 3, Fra'mpifrost, to make poor. Ruinous, adj. Ra'nsifrost, causing ruin. Rule, n. Bi'nda. 2, To'ndra, law. 3, To'mbra, edict. 4, Va'mboi, power. 5, Vo'ndra, authority. Rule, (according to) adv. Ka'nta, regular. Rule, V. Po'nsisai, to direct. 2, Po'n- tripai, to govern. 3, Fo'ntripai, to rule over. Rule, n. Untuko'tus, measuring in- strument. Rule, V. Fe'ntiprost yoo'ti, untuko'- tus, to make line by means of a measuring instrument. Rider, n. Po'ndroo, magistrate. Ruler, n. Untuko'tus, measuring instrument. Rumble, n. Fra'ntukoo i'mbo, con- fused noise. 2, Fra'ntukoo i'mbo briuzoo'bru, a confused noise like rolling. -'1 Ruminate, v. Bre'nsitai. 2, Fo'nsitai, to consider. Rummage, v. E'nsilai fo'ndooz den- dipo'tu, to move things in search- ing. 2, De'ntipai enziko'ti fo'n- dooz, to seek by moving things. Rumj}, (of bird) n. Go'udi. R O V Rump, n. Twauda, the bone at the end of the Vertebra. Rumple, v. Umfr'impisai, to im- smooth. 2,Drc'ntikrost, to furrow, i. e. to cause to be in furrows. Run, V. To'mpu e'ndis, swift ition or moving. 2, To'mpu e'ndis kin- ze'tu, swift ition of animal. 3, Pre'nsifai, to run. 4, Twe'mpri- fai, to fly from the enemy. Run the risk, v. De'ntisai tro'ndi, to meet the danger. 2, Vo'nsinai tronde'tri, to prosecute in spite of danger. 3, Kre'utivai kronde'tri, to essay in spite of danger. 4, Pe'ntinai kronde'tri, to yield in spite of danger. Run mad, v. Pru'mpimust, to be- come mad. Run his course, v. Vi'ntipai dran- zoi'tur, to continue his way. Running, n. Di'nzino, streaming. Running eye, n. Tra'nzino, weeping. Running nose, n. Pu'nzito trande'ni, dropping of the nose. Run, (as run through) v. Dwakri'n- sipai, to thrust impetuously. Run about, (like water) v. Fra'nsivai finze'ti finzitoo'ti, to spread, by being dissolved. Run after, v. Cuse'ntisai, go after. 2, Beve'ntisai, to follow much. 3, Custe'mprifai, Runagate or renegade, n. Vu'mbro, apostate. Runaivay, n. Fensu'poro flying pei'son. Rundle, n. Plenti'ro, round thing. 2, specially, Fe'ndo, circle. 3, Fe'ndi, ring. Rundlet, n. Pete'nzi, a little barrel. Runt, n. Pepi'njifur, a little bull. Rujyture, n. Ve'nzai, breaking. Rupture, (a) n. Gu'mbis. Rupture-wort, n. Da'nvoo. Rural, adj. Twe'mpa, nistic. 2, Fo'ntrou, country. Rush, n. Fro'nvoi. 2, Vo'mvi, flow- ering rush. Russet, adj. Pi'mpou, grey. Rust, n. Ku'uza. Rustic, adj. Fu'ntrou, country. 2, Twe'mpa, rustic. Rustici'y, n. Twe'mba. Ruthful, adj. Gakro'nsuko, apt to grieve. 2, Gadronsigrost, apt to be pitiful. Rut, n. De'ndi. 2, specially De'ndi o'utufoo wansoo'ti va'nziz, furrow caused by means of carriage wheels. Rutting, n. Bra'nzoi, coition. Rove, V. Tre'ntisai, to wander. Rover, n. Tre'ntusoro, wandering person. Rovers, (at) adv. Frone'tus, not having any object, objectless. 2, Ri'nsa dampruto'ro, a sea robbing person. s. SAG Sahhath, n. Bu'ndis rendo'ni, day of leisure. 2, Bu'ndis te'nde'tu, day of quietude. 3, Bu'ndis iuzo'pi. 4, Kru'ntus bu'ndra, weekly fes- tivity. 5, Buno'udis, the first day of the week, the Christian sabbath. 6, Bune'ldis, the Jewish sabbath. Sabbatical year, n. Ya'drin pu'udis, the seventh year. Sahh, n. Vi'nja, black martin. 2, Ta'ndoi vinja'tu, skin of martin. 3, adj. Pli'mpou, black. Sacerdotal, adj. Fu'ntrou, priestly. Sack, n. Bepe'nzi, large bag. Sack-chth, n. Tri'mpus pontn'skwi ensa'ri, coarse and hairy cloth. Sack, n. Spa'nis ve'nzoi, i. e. Span- ish wine. Sack, (to) v. Ble'ntrifai, to ransack. Sackhut, n. Drensoo'tus, (musical instrument.) Satchel, n. Pepe'nzi, small bag. Sachettus, n. Dra'nji, (fish). Sacrament, n. Ku'ndi-is. 2, Vu'mbris, the eucharist, — Lord's supper. Sacred, adj. Fa'mpu, holy. 2, Pu'u- trukoo, consecrated. Sacrifice, n. Tu'ndiis. Sacrilege, n. Dano'ndro, theft of sa- cred things. 2, Dano'mbro, rob- bery of sacred thmgs. Sad, adj. Pakro'uzi, habitual grief. 2, Dra'ntur, of adust, choleric humours. 3, Ta'mpa, serious. 4, Fra'mpa, dull. 5, Gro'mpu, lump- ish. 6, Kro'nsu, in a state of grief. Sad color, n. Pepli'mpu, ratlier dark. 2, Pepll'mpou, rather black. Sad bread, n. Vetri'mpur, excessively dense bread. Saddle, n. Ga'nzi. Saddle-backed, adj. On poore'ntus ta'nda, having a hollow back. Saddle-tree, n. Eo'nturi ganze'tu, the wooden part of saddle. Saddle, fjxickj n. Ga'nzi prantu'rdi ra'nziz, saddle for great burdens. Saddler, n. Ganze'tas saddle-me- chanic. Safe, adj. To'ntii. Safe and sound, adj. Teto'ntu tcru'm- pukwi, perfectly safe and healthy. Stfe-conduet, n. O'mbris tontoo'di droope'ndis, compact for safe return. 2, Go'mbra tontoo'di endis, licence for safe passing. Safeguard, n. To'udi, safety. Safe, (a) n. Fwe'nzi, a box. Safety, n. To'ndi. Safron, n. Dro'mva, crocus. 2, Ba'mvo, bastard saffron, 3, iJo'm- va, meadow saffron. Sagacity, n. Pa'mbn. SAL Sag, V. Droopez'ensikai, to move a little backwards. Sage, n. Pa'mvis. 2, To'mvino, sage of Jerusalem. 3, Tra'mviudi), wood-sage. Sage, Fa'mpus, wise. 2, Ta'mpi, sober. Sagitarius, n. A'pin i'tu pa'fin flin- zooz, one of the twelve constel- lations: — a proper name. Say, V. Ga'nsitai, to say the follow- ing things; as, "he said he was happy," wai ga'nsitel pa'mpivil- eur. 2, Gra'nsitai, to say the fol- lowing words ; " Wai gra'nsitel au pa'mpivil," he said I am happy. 3, Pa'nsitai' to'mbou, to say by heart, i. e. speak memori- ally. 4, Pe'lplnai, to say less than is true, imder-say, detract. 5, Ple'mpinai, to over-say. 6, Fri'ntisai, to say nay, i. e. deny. 7, Ri'mpiti, to say nothing, i. e. be silent. Say, (that is to say) conj. Dool. Say (a) n. Pri'ndi, adage. Say, n. Fa'ndis, sample. Saying, n. Pansutoo'ri, spoken thing. 2, Pri'ndo, sentence. Sail, (oj- shif) n, Vi'ndi'oi. 2, Fi'n- di'o, sail-yard. 3, Ka'nta vi'ndroi findroo'tu, main sail. 4, Vi'ndroi grindcj'tu findroo'tu, mizzeu sail, sail of hinder part of ship. 5, Vi'ndroi gindo'tu findroo'tu, sprit sail, sail of fore part of ship. 6, Kya'ntufous vi'ndroi findroo'tu, top sail, highest sail of ship. Sail, (to hoist) v. Truspi'nsipai vi'n- droi, to uplift sail. Sail, (to strike) v. Da'nsivrast vi'n- droi, cause the sail to fall. Sa/il, V. Dre'nsivai. Sailor, n. Gi'ndri. Sainfoin, n. Bre'mvo. Saint, n. Bu'ndro. Sake, n. Vo'ndoi, end, final cause or object. Sake of, (for the) prep. De or di, for. Saker, n. Fe'njoo, (kite). 2, Ve'mbri, ordnance. Sal ammoniac, n. Vu'njis. Sal gemmm, n. Fru'nji. Saleable, adj. Gato'mprukoo, apt to be sold. Salacity, n. Ba'nzoi, lust. Salad, n. Fe'uzoi tinze'tuz, sauce of herbs. Salad, n. Anti'bus, head armour. Salamander, n. Bi'njis, land sala- mander. 2, Bri'njis, water sala- mander. SAN Sidnry, n. Vo'mbri, wages. Sale, n. To'mbri. Saleable, adj. Gato'mprukoo, apt to be sold. Saline, adj. Pu'ncu. Saltishness, n. Bi'mba. Salt, adj. Bi'mpa. Salivate, v. Ke'nsimast, cause to spit. 2, Kla'nsimast, to cause to drivel. Sallet, (See salad). Sally, n. Ve'mbroo. Sallow tree, n. Tru'mvis. Sallow, (color) n. Pefrl'mpou, a little yellow. 2, Bitru'mpus, like the sallow tree. Salmon, n. Fe'njino. Solomons seal, n. Do'mvinoo. Salpa, n. Fra'uji. Salt, n. Pu'nji. Saltpetre, n. Pru'nji, nitre. Salt-wort, n. Do'mvinoi, (glasswort). Salt, (bay) n. Tri'mpusous o'ldoo punje'tu, the coarsest kind of salt. Salt, (urinous) n. Bu'nji. Saltcellar, n, Punje'dus, vessel for salt. Salve, n. Ke'nzis. Salve, V. Fo'mpikrost, to make sound. Salvation, n. Bo'nzoo, deliverance. 2, To'ndi, safety. 3, Kainboo, everlasting bliss. Salvediction, n. Ga'nzi. Salvo, n. Kre'ndoi, exemption. 2, Bri'uda, exception. Salutation, n. Ta'nzi. Salute, (at meeting) n. (xa'nsitai. Salute, (at imrting) n. Gra'nsitai. Same, adj. Oi, singular number; as, " Oi bi'nzi," the same man. 2, Oi'u, plural; as, " Oi'u bi'nziz," the same men. Same person, (tfie) n. Droi. Same persons, (the) n. Droi'u. Same thing, (the) n. Troi. Same things, (the) n. Troi'u. Sameness, n. Ro'ndoi, identity. Same time, (at the) adv. Fi'ndur, simultaneously. Samphire, n. Fra'mvi. 2, Dra'mvo, golden flowered samphire. Sample, n. To'ndoi example. 2, Fa'ndis, say, scantlmg. Sana munda, n. Fi'mvis. Sanctif//,v. Fa'mpukrost, make holy. 2, Pu'ntrikai, to consecrate. Sanction, n. To'ndra. 2, To'mbra, edict. Sanctity, n. Fa'rabi. Sand eels, n. Kra'njaiz. Sands, (the) n. Vi'nzo, the strand. S A T Sanctuary^ n. Ka'nzoi, temple. 2, Vi'ndg kaiizoi'tu, inner part of temple. 3, Two'atukln autri'di- roz, place of safety for criminals. Sand, i\. Gu'nji. Sand^, (quicksands) n. Di'nzo. _ Sandal, n. Kwe'nili wmile'di, a lamin for the foot. Sandarac, n. Bu'nji. Sanders, n. Tu'nivinoo, (red). 2, Tru'mvinooo, (yellow). Sandiver^ n. Ta'ndis kaujoi'tn, scum of glass. Sanguine adj. Ba'ntur, relating to blood. 2, Va'nUir, of a sanguine- ous temperament. 3, Kro'nsu, merry. Sanguinary, adj. Bre'mpur, cruel. 2, Gadra'nsupo, apt to kill. 3, Gaba'ntruvo, murderous, apt to murder. Sanhedrim, n. Bo'mbro. Sanicle, n. To'mvis. 2, Te'mvlnoi, bear s car sanicle. 3, Ko'mvinoi, spotted sanicle. 4, Do'mvis, York- shire sanicle, butterwort. Satiity, n. llu'mbi. 2, Fo'mbi, sound- ness. Sap, n. Do'ndoo, juice. 2, Dontu'r- dwes umve'tu, sap of tree, i. e. juicy part of tree. Sap, V. Be'ntripai, to undermine. 2, Fe'lpinai, to act treacherously. Scqdiena vein, n. Ka'udoi vlande'su, vein at the ankle. Saphire, n. Bu'nja. 2, Pru'nja, white saphire. Sapience, n. Fa'mbis. Sarcas7n, n. U ta'mpra pa'ndo, a mocking speech. SarcacoUa, u. Fru'mvinoi, (tree). Sarda, n. Fra'mijo. Sardius, n. Tu'njo. Sargus, n. Ta'nji SnrsnpariUa, n. Yle'mvinoo, (resem- bling pricking bindweed root). Sate, n. v. past. Bra'nsivil, i. e. was in a sitting state. 2, ac. v. Ba'nsivel, did sit, i. e. did seat hunself. Suted, part. Bedi'ftsufi, very full. 2, adj. Vedi'nsufi, excessively full, denoting a state. SutcJ himself, v. a. _( absolute), _ Be- di'nsifel. 2, Vedl'nsifel, excessively filled himself. Satellite, n. Gri'nzoi. Saturday, n. Bnnelilis. Satiate himself, v. \'epraiisifai pan- sifai'twi, to eat or drink e.xces- sivelv. 2, Yi'nkyu bonsitaiur- kwen, to more than satisfy him- felf. Satisfaction, n. Bo'nzo, (O'mpur te'ndi, mental quiet). 2, Ta'ndoo, sufficiency. 3, GrI'ndis, conviction (of mind). 4, Gi'nda, jiayment. 5, De'ndoi, restoring. 6, Drc'udoi, compensating. •SAW Satisfy, v. Bo'nsital. Sartarian operation, n. I'nzil. Sassafras, n. Du'mvo. Satan, n. Fri'nzoo, the devil. Satin, n. Tri'mpus ti'mpur tc'nza, smooth shining silk. Sattin, n. Fe'mvis, bubonach. Saturn, n. Ki'nzoi. Satire, n. Twa'mpra dwmfi'ndo, a mocking aggregate of verses. 2, Dro'nsu dwinfi'ndo, a reproving aggregate of verses. Satyr, n. Pi'njo, baboon. Safyrion, n. Go'mva, orchis. Savage, adj. Krompa, fierce. 2, Brempur, cruel. Sauce, n. Fe'nzoi. Sauce alone, n. Ge'inva. Saucer, n. Toora'ntur ke'nzi, a shal- low dish. Saucy, n. Dwe'rnpi, impudent. 2, Tre'mpur, irreverent. Sausage, n. Fre'uzoo vrensutoo'tu va'ndol, puddmg of minced flesh. Save, v. To'ntivai, to save' from danger. 2, Ko'nsipai, to preserve from loss or hurt. 3, Bo'nsipai, to deliver from incumbent evil. 4, Te'ntivai, to prevent, i. e. save fi-om imminent evil, by prevent- ing it. 5, Bo'usisai, to defend from imminent evil by defending hi7n. (), Kempisai, to protect from im- minent evil, by protecting him; 7, Ke'ntikai, to (See Wilkins.) lay up, relating to saving estate. 8, Be'ntikai, to keep, relating to saving estate. 9, Be'ntrifai, to keep from spoiling. 10, Te'nti- kai, to keep from spending. 11, De'ntrifai, to save, (at the end of the war). 12, Do'nsipai, to save soul from sin. 13, Ka'm- pivai, to save from hell. 14, Kre'nlifai, to exempt. 15, Bri'n- tinai, to except. Save that, eonj. Tel or til. Save, prep. Kre and Kri, besides. Savin, u. Dritavo. S'.ivingness, n. Te'mbo, frugality. Saviour, n. Tontuvo'ro. 2, Bonsupo- ro, 3, Bonsuso'ro. 4, Kampuso'ro, 5, Donsupo'ro. 6, Kempuvo'ro. (See the fifteen examples of " (Save)." Savour, n. I'mba, taste. 2, Ri'mba, smell. Savoury, adj. Tezi'mpa, having a perfect savour. 2, Teriiupa, hav- ing a perfect smell. Savory, (winter) n. Dra'mvis. Saurus, n. Dra'nja. Saic, V. Tri'nsinai, to saw. Saivdust, n. Kra'ndis po'ntufoo trin- za'ti, powder made by means of sawing. Saw, (a) n. Toorinsuno'tus, a saw- ing instrument. Saw, (an old) n. Pri'ndi, adage. S C A Saw-wort, n. Ta'mvo. 2, Fa'njoo. Saw, V. past tense, as, " au po'm- pitel," I saw. Sawyer, n. Trinsuno'tas, sawing mechanic. Saxifrage, n. Fa'nva, buniel saxi- frage. 2, Dro'mvis, golden saxi- frage. 3, Do'mvis, white saxifrage. S--ab, n. Pru'mbo. Scahbard, n. Prenzi fembre'di, case for sword. Scabious, n. Ta'nvoi. Scaffold, n. Vra'nzoi. Scalardo, n. Ve'udripo pranza'tiz, storming by means of ladders. Scald, V. Vepri'mpikai blimbe'ti, to excessively heat with fluid. 2, Untaiitifai primpoo'ti bli'mbi, to unskin by means of hot fluid. 3, 3, Umpo'ntikai primpoo'ti bli'mbi, to uufeather by means of hot fluid. 4, Uinpo'nti.e'os, or autfj, for me. Side, V. To'mpritai, to act factiously. 2, To'utrlvai, to league with, o, Kra'utinai, to act accessorily. Sidesmen, n. Bontufo'roz kanzoi'tu- fanz, assistants of temple officers. Siege, n. Ke'ndroo, leager. 2, Tre'n- za, dunging. Sift, V. Pri'nsivai, scarce. 2, Fo'nsi- fai, to examine. Sft out, V. Dre'ntipai fonzoi'di, to find out by Examining. Sif/h, V. Vrausinai. Sight, n. Po'mbo, (sense). Sight, n. active. Po'mbito, seeing. Sight of tJie eye, n. Pomputo'dwes fando'tu, seeing part of the eye. Seeing sights, n. De'nzi. Sigil, n. Bonipruso'tus. Signature, n. Bo'udrlso. Sign, n. Bo'ndis, mark. Sign of affection, n. A'uza. Sign, (constellation) n. Dwinpi'nzoi. Signing, n. Bo'udiso. Sign, V. Bo'ntisai. Signet, n. Pebo'mpruso'ri, small sealing thing. Signify, v. Bo'ntisai. 2, Ri'ntifai, to mean. 3, Ti'ntisai, to narrate. Silence, n. Ri'mbo. 2, Be'mba, taci- turnity. Silk, n. Tdnza. SdJc merchant, n. Tenza'das. Silkworm, n. Vro'njo. Silk grass, n. Tre'mva. Sill, n. Kanzo'dwes, the lowest part of a thing. 2, specially Ka'usi bra'nzo, the foundation beam. Syllabub, n. Tra'ndoo fri'nsuvoo vcnzoi'ti dwenzoo'twi, milk co- agidated with wine or cider. Silly, adj. Fla'mpus. Silver, n. Funzoo, (matal). 2, Pu'n- zo, quicksilver. Silver weed, n. tansey. Silurus, n. Va'njis. Similar, adj. Foi'tu, of the same kind. Simile, n. Pa'ndi, likeness. 2, Vrin- ti'ri, tralatitious thing. Similitude, n. Pa'ndi. Simony, n. Detombri untru'rturi. Simjxr, n. Fa'nza, smiling. Simple, adj. Go'nti. Simple figure, n. E'ndo. Pa'mvino, wild S I N Simple (a) n. Gwo'nti twontrou'ri, a simple medicinal thing. 2, Gwo'nti two'ntrou ti'nzi, a simple medicinal herb. • Simpling, n. Bi'nzifo fi'nziz tinze'- kwiz twontrou'di ve'ndi, gather- ing plants and herbs for medicinal use. Simpleness or simplicity, n. Fa'ndo, singularity. 2, Pa'nda, primitive- ness. 3, Go'ndi, opposed to mix- edness. 4, Da'ndi, purity. 5, Vra'ndi, homeliness. 6, Kla'ndoo, sorriness. 7, Dwi'ndo, a simple word, opposed to a figure of speech. 8, Ka'mba, sincerity. 9, Fla'mbis, folly. 10, Tra'mbis, un- skilfulness. ll,"Bra'mbis, unleam- edness. 12, Kra'mbis, inexpert- ness. Simulation, n. Kra'mba, hypocrisy. Simultaneous, adj. Fi'ntur. Sin, n. Ea'mbil, gracelessness. 2, Fra'mbI, luiholiness. 3, Ee'mboo, vice. 4, Fro'ndito, malefaction. Since, conj. Stelkwen, seeing that. 2, Slu'e'kwin, since; as, " Skre'- kwin ail pe'ntisel," since I came. Since, prep. Sne or sni; as, "Ro'sni bu'ndis," since that day. Sincerity, n. Ka'mba. Sine, n. Ve'ndoi. Sinew, n. Ba'ndoi. Sinful, adj. Ea'mpul. 2, Fra'mpu, unholy. 3, Ke'mpur, vicious. Sing, V. Ba'nsitai. Singing in the ears, n. Bifi'mbo. Singe, v. Tazu'nsipai, to begin to bum. 2, Vi'ndm- u'nsipai, exter- nally to bum. 3, U'nsipai po'udis, to bum hair. Single, adj. Api'ukur. (See nume- rals). 2, Go'nti, simple. 3, Fa'nti, singular, (not plural). 4, Fro'nsa, solitary, alone, only. Single combat, n. De'mbroo, duelling. Single person, n. Po'nzoi, (neuter). 2, Po'uzifur, (masculine). 3, Po'u- zifun, (feminine). Single, (a) n. Vro'ndis tinjoi'tu, tail of deer. Singular, adj. Kra'ntur. 2, Pra'ntu rou'u ontiriz, imlike all other things. Singularity, n. Tira'mbo, pondoo'tu pran'tu droi'u, the conceit of being imlike others. 2, Tra'mbo, conceitedness. Siiiister, adj. Tri'nti, Yeit sided. 2, Kre'mpur, malign. 3, Tre'nipur, censorious. 4, Fra'mpur, unfor- tunate. Siiik, V. Trise'ntisai unzo'mu, to go down into water. Sink, V. Di'usikai, to soak. Sink, (into the mind) v. Vri'mpifrost omboo'mu, to be fixed in the mind. 2, Vri'mpifrost tomboi'mu, to be fixed in the memoiy. S I Z Sinking, (as water) adj. Dwa'ntupn, decreasing. Sinking paper, n. Pe'ntai de'nzis, porous paper. Sunk, (under hirdcn) v. De'nsivai, fall. 2, Tasde'nsivai, begin to fall. Sunk, (ground) adj. Tentn, (kran- zo) i. e. dented. Sinking, adj. Tasa'nsufoo, begimiing to be ruined. Sirk, (for superfluous tcater) n. Tra'nzoi. Sinnet, n. A'prin tw a'tin dre'nziz tyel pinsu'koo, one of three cords twisted together. Sinoper or sinojjle, n. Bu'nzo, cinna- bar. Sinople, adj. Ti'mpou, green. Sip, V. Pefra'nsifai, to drink little. 2, Tre'nsitai, to suck. Sippet, n. Fe'nsukus gadi'nsukoo, bread-lamin apt to be soaked. Sir! voc. Bampou'reo! oh! dignified person! Obs. The vocative may be expressed by ho before a noun, or by eo suffixed to an adjective or noun. Sire! n. Ho! fo'nziped! oh! male parent! Sirname, n. Fo'nsur ko'ndoo, parent- name. Sirrah! Ho! kla'nturo! or .klan- tu'reo ! oh ! sorry person ! Siskin, n. Ve'nja, (the green fiiicli bird). Sister, n. Ko'nzipun. Sisterhood, n. Do'ndre'tun, corpora- tion of females. Sitting, n. Ba'nzis, (gesture). 2, Bra'nzis, in a sitting posture. Sitting, (as an aggregate) n. Tyel ba'nzo, sitting together. Sitting, (as a hen) n. Ka'uzoo, incu- bation. Sitting up), n. Vi'ndoo dranzai'u, permanence out of bed. Sit, (as a bird) v. Ee'nsikai, to rest. 2, Pra'nsivai, to stand. Site or situation, n. I'ndo. Sith that or ivhereas, conj. Gool; as, "gool au pro'mpitil," whereas I was blind. Sythe, n. Krinsuto'tus, a reaping insti-ument. Sieve, n. Prinsuvo'tus, a sifting instrument. Six, n. A'vm. Sixfold, adj. A'viiikur. (See gram- mar). Sixth, adj. A'vrin. Sixteen, adj. Pa'vin. Sixteenth, adj. Pa'vriu. Sixty, adj. Pa'sin. Sixtieth, adj. Pa'rm. Size, n. Eu'udi, proportion. 2, U'ndi, measure. Size, n. Grinsuno'ri fcnsutoo'fu fe'n- za, the varuishing thing of leather. SLA Stze^ (assize) u. Ko'iitri o'uclro an- troo'cli e'lulo, county convention for judicial business. Scissors, n. Krinsuko'tus, clipping- instrument. Skein, n. Dre'ndis. Skeleton, n. Re'ndo pandoi'tuz, a frame of bones. 2, Pipa'nzo pan- doi'tuz, a metaphorical frame of bones. Ski/, n. Pi'nzoi. 2, I'nzoi, heaven. Skill, n. Ta'mbis, art. 2, Pa'mbis, science. 3, Bam'bis, learning. Skillet, n. Vre'nzi. Ski7i, V. Unta'ntisai, to un-scura. 2, Unta'ntifai, to un-skin. Skin, u. Ta'ndoi. 2, Tra'ndoi, mem- brane. 3, To'ndoi, husk. Skin over, (to) v. Ti'usifai tandoi'pu, to cover with skin. Skink, n. Poola'ntur a'ntutoo fin- ki'njis, a kind of small headed lizard. Skinner, n. Tandoi'das, skin mer- chant. Skip, V. Be'nsipai, to leap. Skip, V. Gre'ntivai, to omit. Skipper, ta. Gi'ndri. 2, Ki'ndri, mas- ter. Skirmish, n. Gi'ndroo. Skirret, n. Pra'nva. Skirt, n. Kri'ndo. Skittish, adj. Gabe'nsupai, apt to leap. 2, Gavra'ntikai, apt to kick. 3, Pro'mpa, adj. disingenuous. 4, To'mpa, adj. wanton. Skreen, (for corn) n. Poorentufg'- twun, a separating jugament. Screen, (hetioixt rooms) n. Pooren- tufo'pus, a dividing sepiment. Slahhy, adj. Ki'mpus, slimy. 2, Kri'mpus, clammy, very slimy. 3, Fri'mpu, very moist. 4, Ta'n- sur, plashy, like a moor. 5, Tra'n- sur, boggy. Slabber, v. Kle'nsinai, to drivel. 2, Vrentipai ke'nza, to let go spittle. 3, Defri'mpisai, to wet in some bad sense. 4, Dra'ntikai, to defile. Slack, adj. Vli'mpus. Slacken, v. Vli'mpifrost. 2, adj. Fri'mpu, limber. Slack, Gla'ntur, adj. relaxed, un- bent. 2, Dwa'ntur, in a state of diminution. Slack, adj. Kra'mpi. 2, Gadi'e'nti, apt to omit. 3, Bla'mpa, slothful, uot diligent. Slack, adj. Gabre'nti, apt to pro- • tract. 2, Tro'mpu, slow. 3, Gap- ra'mpa, apt to loiter. Slay, V. Dra'nsiprast. Slake, fmy thirst) v. Gla'ntiprost fanzoi'tos, to mitigate, lessen my thirst. 2, Unfa'nsifrosto"skweu, to unthirst myself. Slake the fire, v. Pezu'nsipai, to diminish lower the fire a little. Slander, v. Da'ntrinai, calumniate. S L I Slank, n. Ko'mvoo, herb wrack. Slant, adj. Ge'ntou, oblique. Slap), V. Ke'nsivai. 2, E^a'raprisai, to cudgel. 3, Ke'nsivai taudc'ti, to strike with the hand. Slash, v. De'nsivai panti'tu i'ndoiz, to cut in many places. 2, De'nsi- vai tan'dou, to cut deep. 3, Fa'n- trisai, to whip. Slate, n. Bu'njoo. Slattering, n. Kra'mbo. 2, Fla'mba, carelessness. 3, Fle'mbo, impro- vidence. Slave, n. To'mbroo. Slaver, n. (See slabber.) Slaughter, v. Dra'nsiprast. Slaughter house, n. Pensuto'tus or pensuto'dus, the house or room for slaughtering. Sleeve, (silk) adj. Prine'sukoo te'nza, not spun silk. Sleeve fish, n. To'njino. 2, Tro'n- jino, red sleeve fish. Sled, n. Ka'nzi. Sledge, n. Befra'nzis, great hammer. Sleek, adj. Fri'mpus. Sleekstone, n. Fru'mpuso u'hji. Pro'mboi, smoothing stone. Sleep), n. Tra'nzai. 2, stupor, numbness. Sleepy, adj. Gatr'ansufo, apt to sleep. 2, Bra'mpa, adj. slothful. Shet, n. Kru'nzis. Sleeve, n. Pa'ntufus or pantoofus, arm vest. Sleeveless, adj. Pantoopi'fus, without a sleeve. 2, Trentupo'pitus, with- out a seeming cause, i. e. a pre- text. Slender, adj. Bra'ntou, thin. 2, Gla'utur, remiss. 3, Tane'tur, insuthcient, i. e. not sufficient. Sly, adj. Fra'mpus, crafty. 2, Kle'mpa, reserved. Slice, V. Ve'nsitai. Slice, (a) n. Ni'svensutoo"dwes, a part, sliced from. 2, Ba'ndis, chip. 3, Bwa'ntou ba'ndis, a thin chip. Sliding, n. E'nzi ploo ra'ndaiz pon- e'too po'mputoi, motion whose parts are not to be seen. 2, Be'n- zoi, proper. Sliding knot, n. Fooli'nzoi gazun- fine'sufoo kiuzoo'ti, a knot, not apt to be untied by pulling Sliding, (like water) n. Di'uzino rlm'bi, streaming silently. Sliding aioay, n. Nise'ndis ri'mbi greudu'rtwi, from-passing silently or latently. Sliding back, n. Drooe'ndis ri'mbi greudu'rtwi, back-passing silently or latently. Sliding by, n. Dise'ndis ri'mbi greu- du'rtwi, passing beside silently and latently. Sliding over, n. Zuse'ndis ri'mbi greudu'rtwi, to pass across silently and latently. S L Slight, adj. Ba'ntou, thin. 2, Pla'n- tur, little. 3, Twa'ntur, deficient. 4, Vli'mpus, loose. 5, Kla'ntur, sorry. (J, Gla'ntu, remiss, 7, Bro'nta, frivolus, vain. 8,Vra'ntu, homely. 9, Kra'mpi, negligent. 10, Fla'mpa, careless. Slight, V. Gro'nslfal, to despise. 2, Kre'mpikai, to act disrespectfidly. Slim, adj. Bra'ntou kantou'kwl, thin and tall. Slime, n. Kimpal'ri, slimy thing. Sliminess, n. Ki'mbls. Sling, n. Fensuvo'tus, casting in- strument. Slings, (pair of) n. Pinsupo'tus wanze'tu, lifting Insti'ument for a carriage; specially for a barrel, i. e. twanze'di. Slink away, v. Nis e'ntisai gre'ndur, to pass away concealedly. Slink back, v. Drooe'ntlsai, gre'ndur, to pass back concealedly. Slip, V. Pebe'nslfal, to stumble a little. 2, Bre'nslfal'yoo'du pebe'n- zoi, to stumble through a little sliding. 3, Ge'ntlkai, to err. 4, Gre'utikai, to omit. Slip away, v. Nise'ntisai gre'ndur, to pass from concealedly. 2, Drooe'ntlsai gre'ndur, to pass back concealedly. 3, DIse'ntlsal, gre'ndur, to pass by concealedly. 4, SIse'ntisai gre'ndur, to pass off concealedly. 5, Juse'ntisai gre'n- dur, to pass on concealedly. Slip on, (clothes) v. E'nsimest, to cause to be clothed. 2, Une'nsi- mest, to cause to be unclothed. Slij), (to give the) v. Nise'ntisai, gre'ndur tombu'rtwi, to pass from secretly or swiftly. Slip, (to let) V. Gre'ntikal, to omit. 2, Vre'ntipai, to let go. 3, Fre'n- tikai fla'mbati, to loose through carelessness. Slij}, (of plant) n. To'ndoo, branch. Slip, V. Nisde'uslvai, to cut from. 2, Niski'nsivai, to pull from. Slij], (a) n. Dooi-e'nza frende'pu twindo'tu, a cord with loop in the extreme end. Slipper, n. Vande'fus, kafine'sufoo, foot vest not able to be tied. Slipperiness, n. Fri'mbis. 2, Kll'm- bls, unctuousncss. 3, Ganvre'nti- pal. 4, Dwa'mba, lightness. Slit, n. Kre'ndi, chink. Slit, adj. Ti'nsupoo, cleft. Slit, Ti nsipai. to cleave. 2, Kre'ntikal, to make a chlnli. Slive, n. Ba'ndis. Sloe, n. KI'mvoo, (the tree). 2, Kimvoo'sit, (the fruit). Slop, n. Vli'mpus kantu'fus, loose thigh vest. Sloping, adj. Ge'ntou, oblique. Slot, n. Vantoo'dis truijoi'tu, the foot-sign of stag. S T A Squat, V. Ba'nsivai, to sit. Squat, adj. Bra'nsivi, to be in a squattiii!^ position or state ; as, "squat like a toad he sat,"&c. Squat, f applied to the bocf>/), adj. Bra'ntou prautou'kwi, tliick and short. Squatino raia, n. Tr'anjoi. Squeak or squeal, v. Pri'mpi ta'nzo, acute exclamation. Squeamish, adj. Gapo'nsuko, apt to loath. 2, Gadre'ntu, apt to be sick of. o, Vre'mpou, nice. SqueeziiKj, n. Tri'uzipo, compress- ing. 2, Gra'utiprost, to cause to be intense. Squib, n. De'mprntus inib'odi, a gunpowder instrument fur sound. 2, Twempa'ri, a jest, an urbane thing. Squill, n. To'nva. Squilla mantis, n. Kro'njis. Squiivniri/, n. Tu'mba, quinsey. S'piinanf., u. Pro'nvi), herb. Squint, n. BKi'mba. Squire, (Esquire) n. Tono'mbroo, the highest distinction of gentle- man. Squirrel, n. Vi'njo. Squirt, v. Vri'nsipai, to syringe. ^ St! 1st, (characteristic) be silent. Stab, V. Ka'ncikai. Stability, n. Vi'mbis, steadiness. 2, Vri'mbis, fastness. 3, Da'mba, constancy. Stable, adj. Vi'mpus, vrl'mpns, da'mpa. Stable (for horses) n. Pinjoo'dun. Stablish, (establish) v. Vi'mpigrost, to steady. 2, Vri'mpigrost, to make fast. 3, Dampimost, to make constant. 4, Vrintisai, to confirm. Staclx-, n. Binsufoo'ri, heap. Staechas, (golden) n. Ba'mvoi. Stajf, n. Ko'ndoo. Sta(j, n. Tri'ujoi. Staff beetle, n. Pro'nji. Stat/e, n. Vra'nzoi, scaffold. Stage, (of theatre) n. Tontrou'dmi or dus, player room. Stage play, u. To'ntrou de'nzi, player sight. Stage, n. Te'ndis, travel, journey. 2, Eentai'kin, staying place. Staggering, n. Kre'nzoi. 2, Bro'n- zoi, douijting. 3, Kro'nza, waver- Staggers, n. U'mbi, pinjoo'tuz, dis- ease of horses. Staggerwort, n. Da'mvo, ragwort. Stagnate, v. Dri'nsimast. to cause to be stagnant. Stay, n. Fe'ndroi, the standing his ground. Stay, n. Te'ndroi, the keeping the field. Stay, n. Ki'ndoi, home. 2, Ra'nzoo, dwelling. 3, Re'nzi, rest. * D 2 S T A Stay, V. Tle'ntisai. 2, Trarc'nsikai, to continue at rest. 3, Draze'nsi- kai, to discontinue motion. 4, Itun'tisai, to continue to endure. 5, Vri'ntipi, to be transitory — to stay a little while. 6, Vi'ntipi, to be permanent, to continue a long time. 7, Gi'ntipi, to stay for ever. Stay, n. Da'ndoo, the being the same as to quantity. 2, Gandoo, the being of the same degree or quality. 3, Ta'ndoo, the possess- ing the same degree of goodness. 4, Re'ndis, the continuing in the same place. Stay, V. Dri'ntifai, to discontinue (in its course). Staying, n. Fro'ndifo, cohibitmg. 2, Bro'ndifo, impeding. Stay, V. Ve'ntipai, to hold. 2, Be'n- iikai, to keep. 3, Tainprinai, to detain. 4, Bren'tivai, to protract. 5, Vro'nsinai, to desist — leave of}". Stay by, v. Fe'ntifai, to adhere to. 2, Da'mpini, to be constant. Stay for, v. Pla'nsikai, to wait for, expecting. Stay up, v. Pre'nsivai, to bear. 2, Da'nsitai, to prop, support. Stay upon, v. Juskra'nsivai, to lean upon. Stay, (a) n. Dwa'nzo, a prop. Stay to one, (a great) n. Bo'ndoi, adjuva'nt. 2, Ge'ndi, refreshment. Stay, (bring to that) v. Ko'ntigrost, to cause to be in a certain state. Staid, adj. Tom'pa, serious, 2, Ta'mpi, sober. 3, Ve'mpa, grave. Stays, (of a ship) n. Pi'mbra. Stain, V. Tri'nsikai, to dye. 2, Bri'mpivai, to spot. 3, Dezi'mpi- fai, to discolour. 4, Dra'ntikai, to defile. 5, Va'ntrisai, to infamize. Stairs, n. Pa'nza. Stake, n. Ko'ndoo, stick. 2, Go'm- bris, wager. Stake, V. Go'mprisai, to pay down the money staked. Stale, adj. Tri'ntur, old. 2, Detri'n- tur, old and bad. Stale, n. Gyensunoo'ri, in-ine. Stalk, v. Te'nsifai. Stalk, (deer) v. Pre'ntisai ti'nsufoo, to go covered. 2, Pre'ntisai gre'n- tupoo, to go concealed. Stalk, (of plant) n. Fo'ndoo. Stalk, (of leaf or Jlotoer) n. Do'ndoi, Stall, n. Fa'nzo. 2, Kwa'nzis, ton- dre'di fondoo'tuz, a table for the sale of things. Stall, (head) n. Andn'dwes tanze'tu, the head part of bridle. Stallion, n. Pwo'mpu pi'njoo, an en- tire horse. Stamp, V. Be'nsivai vande'ti, to stamp with the foot. 2, Pri'nsi- vai, to contend — to break into small parts by percussion. S T A Stamen, n. Vro'ndoi. Slammer, v. Fa'nsitai, to stutter. Stauip, V. Dra'nsitai. to print. 2, Kiintibrost kinzai'ti, to make money by striking. Staneh, v. Fro'ntifai, to cohibit. 2, Pro'nsimost, to cause to desist ; specially, Pu'nzito dinzino'twi, i.e. dropping or streaming. Stanch, V. Be'mpini, to be taciturn. 2, Kle'mpini, to be reserved. Stand, V. Pra'nsivai, to be for some time unmoved in a direct posture. Stand, n. Po'ndoo, being. 2, liu'n- dis or ru'iidai, duration. Stand a I it fie ivliile, v. Vri'ntipi, to be transitory. Stand a long while, v. Vi'ntipi, to be permanent. Stand still, n. Re'nzi, rest. Stand one s ground, v. Fe'ntrifai. Standing loater, n. Dri'n;^n, stag- num. Stand, V. Bi'mpiki, to be consistent. Stand, n, I'ndoi, as he took his stand. 2, 1'ndo, situation. 3, Ra'n- zis, posture. 4, Gre'ndoi, perpen- dicularity. Standing icheat, n. Unkri'nsuteo po'mvoi, unreaped wheat. Stand against, v, Te'mprivai, to re- sist. Stand by, v. Bo'ntifai, to help. 2, Pe'mprivai, to defend. Stand for child, v. Po'nsitai, to stand as godfather. Stand for academical degree, v. Ko'mprivai, to stand as candi- date. Stand in doubt, v. Bro'nsifai, to doubt. Stand in fear, v. Vro'nsikai, to fear. Stand in good stead, v. Bo'ntifai, to help. 2, Ve'ntivi, to be useful. Stand in the way, v. Bro'ntifai, to impede. Stand off, V. Pro'nsini, to be averse from. 2, Tro'nsinai,. to demur. Stand out, v. Pene'tinai, not to yield. 2, Ke'ntrifai, to hold out. 3, Te'ntini, to be protuberant. Stand to, V. Da'mpini, to be con- stant. 2, Bo'ntifai, to assist. 3, Pe'mprivai, to defend. 4, Dre'n- tifai, to compensate. 5, Brenti- fai, to refimd. Stand under, v. Pre'nsivai, to bear or support. Stand lip, V. Pra'nsivai, to stand. 2, Pa'nsivai, to rise. Stand ujion, v. Go'nsifai, to esteem. 2, U'ntibai, to value. 3, Vi'ndur vintinai, permanently to dispute, argue. Stand, n. Kinpra'nsuvo, standing- place. Stand, (of pikes) n. E'ncb'a ten- dretuz. Stand, (be at a) v. Da'ntipi. S T A Stand, ( keep at a) v. Ta'ntifai. /Standard, n. Fo'ntrur fentr'iri, the royal military colours. 2, Vl'ntui- u'ndoo, permanent measure. Standard bearer, n. Fe'ndro. Stander grass, n. Go'mva, satyrian. Stannery, n. Tu'nsurkin, tin place. Stanza, n. Fri'ndo komprou'turiz, section of poem; i.e., (poetical things). Staphylinus, n. Do'nji. Staple, (for holt, d:c.) n. Yra'nza. Sta2)le, n. Be'nda, figure. 2, Ba'nta to'ndri, public sale. Star, u. Pi'nzoi. Star, (fixed) n. Fi'nzoi. Star, (wandering) n. Ti'nzoi. Star, (day, morning, or evening) n. Bri'nzoi, Venus. Star, (blazing) n. Tri'nzoi. 2, Fu'n- zoo, meteor. 3, Fru'uzoo, falling star. Star of Bethlehem, n. Flu'nzoo. Starwort, n. Ta'mvo. Sea star,n. Da'mvo. Star fish, n. Va'njiuoi. Starboard, u. Ti'ndo, right side. Starch, n. Bre'nzis. Stare, n. Ke'njo. Stai-e, V. Pa'nsinai. Starling, n. Ke'njo. Stark, adj. Vli'm'pus, stiff. 2, Be- vli'mpus, very stiff. Stark dead, adj. A'ndus dra'nsur, wholly dead. Start, V. Ba'nslnai, suddenly to move through fear or admira- tion. 2, Dwaze'nsikai, suddenly to move. 3, Taspre'nsifai, to be- gin to run. Start aside or start back, Vle'mpi- nai, the active of levity. Start, V. Fre'ntifai, to forsake. 2, Bro'nsipai, to abandon. Start ujy, V. Gro'ndus truspa'nsivai, suddenly to rise up. Starter, (a) Vlempa'ro, a light, fri- volous, trifling person. Startle, v. Dwavro'nsikroft, sud- denly to cause to be afraid. Starve, v. Ba'utrikai. Starveling, adj. Bro'mpu, or Bc- bro'mpu, i.e., lean, or very lean. Starwort, n. Ta'mvo. Sea starwort, n. Da'mvo. State, n. Vro'ndoo, quality. 2, Ko'n- doi, condition. 3, To'ndaiz, cir- cumstances. 4, Tro'ndis, solemni- ty, d, Ko'jidis, state, tout en- semble. State, n. Ra'mbi, disposition. 2, O'm- ba, temperament. State, n. Ba'mboi, dignity. 2, On- droo, rank, degree. 3, specially, O'ndroo tondi'oo'turit, degree of nobility. 4, specially On'droo tombroo'tm-it, degree of gentility, jgfjaie, (to take upon himself) v. Te'ntipai, to claim, i. e. to arro- S T E State, n. Dwinra'nziz, aggregate of revenue. 2, On'dra, right. 3, Be'ndoo, possession. 4, Ve'ndoo, holding. 5, Anzi, possession. B, On'dri, civil relation, social posi- tion. States, (the) n. Dwinpo'ndrooz, ag- gregate of magistrates. States, (the specially) Ka'nta dwin- po'ndrooz, chief aggregate of ma- gistrates. State, (ecclesiastical) U'ndrl, estab- lishment. States of religion, n. U'ndro. Stately, adj. To'ntrur, adj. of lord. 2, Tro'ntus, adj. of solemnity. 3, Ke'mpi, generous in jiublic ex- penditure. 4, Fre'mpu, proud. 5, Tre'mpns, supercilious. Static, n. Unde'bas, measuring art. Statics, n. Ro to'ndoo inzoo'tubras tyoo ba'ntin rinzoo'nuz e'nsuko, that branch of the mechanic science which pertains to bodies in motion. Station, n. Re'nsukui, resting place, 2, Rentai'kin, staying place. 3, Pransuvo'kin, standing place. Stationary, adj. Pra'nsuvi, in a standing state. Stationer, n. Denzai'das, merchant of paper. 2, Drenzai'das, mer- chant of books. Statue, n. Gre'nzis, image. Statuary, n. Granzai'tas, image me- chanic. Stature, n. Kandoi'vin, height man- ner. Statute, n. To'ndra,law. Stave, (a barrel) v. Unbri'ntitai, tenzi, to unbottom a barrel. Stave ojf, V. Tri'ntifost kondoo'ti, to keep at a distance with a staff. 2, Trintifrost, to keep at a distance. Stave-sacre, n. Kre'mvoo. Stead, n. Vo'ndis, as successor. 2, Vro'ndis, as substitute. Stead (in- of) prep. Voo or Vu. Stedfast, adj. Vi'mpus, steady. 2, Vri'mpus, fast. Steadily, (to look,) v. Fa'utitai vi'm- bus, to eye steadily. Steadfast, adj. Da'mpa, constant. Steady, adj. Vi'mpus. 2, Vlime'pus, not loose. Steadily, (go) v. Ke'nsifai. Steak, n. Kwe'usutoo ke'ndi van- doi'tu, a fried slice (lamin) of flesh. Steal, V. Da'mpritai, to steal. 2, Pe'ntisai gre'ndur, to come con- cealedly. 3, Pre'ntisai gre'ndur, go concealedly. Stealth (by, J adv. Bida'mbri, thief- like. Steam, n. Fu'nzoi, exhalation. Steed, n. Tepi'njoo, perfect horse. Steel, n. Tu'nzoi. Steel, (a) n. Fwa'nzai delsuvo'tus, a knife shai'pener. S T I Steep), adj. Pege'ntou, rather oblique. 2, Sool gre'ntou, almost perpen- dicular. Sleep, (to) V. Di'nsikai, to soak. Ste/ple, n. Tra'nzoi. Steeple figure, n. De'ndo, cone. 2, Dre'ndo, pyramid. Steer, n. Pinjifu'rtwes, young male kine. Steer a ship, v. Po'nsisai timbroi'ti, to direct with rudder. Steerage, n. Timbroi'dus, rudder- room. Stellion, n. Bi'njis. Stem, (of plant) n. Fo'ndoo. Stem, (of ship) n. Fi'ndroi. Stem, n. Dwiupro'nzooz, aggregate of descendants. 2, Finpro'nzooz, kind of descendants. Stench, n. Bepri'mboi, great imsa- vouriness. Step, V. E'nsikai, to move. 2, Pe'n- sipai, to go, (as an animal). Step in, V. Dwaspe'ntisai, suddenly to come. 2, Dwaspe'ntisai gro'ndus, to come in suddenly. Step, (footstep)) n. Vande'dls, foot sign. Step, (a figure) n. Gre'ndi. Stejfather, n. Fo'nzipuns ko'nzifed, mother's husband. 2, Fo'nzipur onzoi'ti, father by affinity. Stejmiother, n. Fo'nzipurs ko'nzifet, father's wife. 2, Fo'nzipun on- zoi'ti, mother by affinity. Sterility, n. Tro'mbis. Sterling, adj. Vo'ntrunoo to'udra, authorised by law. Stern, adj. Gre'mpus, austere. 2, Gre'mpus pando'vin, austere face- manner. Stern of ship, n. Fi'mbroi. Stew, n. Fre'nzo. Steitt, (a) n. Bransou'dus. 2, Bwen- tuko'ri anje'diz, a keeping place for fish. Steivard, n. Ra'nsufas, officer of revenues. Stews, n, house". Sty, n. Ginjoi'tus, hog-house. 2, Pwu'mbo fa'idotu, a pustule with- in the eye-lid. Stick, V. Ki'mpisal. 2, Kri'nsivai, to glue. Stick at, V. Bro'nsifai, to doubt. 2, Tro'nsinai, to demur. Stick in, v. Muspe'ntipai, to put into. 2, JIusvi'mpisi, to be fast in. 3, Tnsvi'mpigrost, to cause to be fast in. Stick out, V. Te'ntini, to be protu- berant. Stick through, v. Dre'nsivai, to prick. 2, Ka'ntrikai, to stab, (ju- dicially). Slick to, V. Fre'ntifai, adhere. 2, Da'mpini, to be constant. Fantra'tus, fornication S T Stick loith, V. Grc'nsitai, to lard. SticJc, (a) n. Ko'iujoo. SticJi-adove, n. Bra'mvis, Cassidonv. Stickle for, v. Bebo'ntitai, greatly to aid. 2, Kuspc'ntisai, to come lietwixt.' 3, Yo'nijjrisai, to inter- cede. Stic/ilehack, n. Tra'iijiiio. Stijf, adj. Vli'mpu, opposite to limber. Str^' gale of wiiul, n. Tu'nzis. Stiffs adj. Ple'mpur, rigorous. 2, Vo'mpa. 3, Po'nsus or po'nsai, zealous. 3, Dra'mpa, pertinacious, obstinate. Stiff-necked, adj. Dre'mpu, disobe- dient. 2, Gre'mpu, contumacious- Stifle, V. Va'ntrikai. Stigmatize, v. Va'mprisai. Stile, n. Le'ndris, the part of a fence which is made for egress and ingress. Still, adj. Vru'nsus. 2, Bo'ntu, gen- tle. 3, Ri'mpi, silent. 4, Bi'mpa, taciturn. 5, Te'mpa, peaceable. 6, Te'ntu, quiet. Still, conj. Nel or nil. Still, (a) n. Vinsuvo'twun. Stillborn, adj. Tra'nsupoo, prema- turely bom. 2, Ta'usupoodra'nsur. Stilts, n. Bani'ndiz, stilts; i. e. ba'n- di pa'ntufrast ko'ndooz, leg lengthening stick. Stimulate, v. Fo'ntipai, to impel. Sting, n. Bo'ndi. Stink, n. Pri'mba, unsavoriness. Stint, V. Fro'utifai, cohibit. 2, Fi'n- tinai, to limit. 3, Gla'ntipai, to remit. 4, Dri'ntifai, to discon- tinue. 5, Bro'nsinai, to desist. Stint, n. Vre'njinoo, (bird). Stipend, n. Vo'mbri, wages. Stijjendiate, v. Kro'nsisai. Stipulate, v. Vo'ntrisai. Stir, V. E'nsikai, to move. 2, Ke'n- tlvai, to endeavour. 3, Fe'ntripai, to provoke. Stir up, V, Fo'ntifai, to impel. Stirrup, n. Gra'nzi. Stick, n. Dru'mba, cramp. 2, Dra'n- zoi, pricking. Stitch, V. Ki'nsikai, to sew. Stitch, fthorougk-stiic/ij adv. A'ndus, wholly. 2, To'ndi, perfectly. Stitchwort, n. Te'mvi. Stithy, n. Preno'nzis, anvil stithy, i. e. supporting iron instrument of hammered thing. Stoat, n. Di'nja. Stock, (of plants n. Fo'ndoo, 2, Dwinpro'nzooz, aggregate of de- scendants. 2, Vinpro'nzooz, kind of descendants. Stock, n. Ka'nta ra'nziz. 2, Ka'nta a'nziz, chief possessions. Stock, n. Fentuko'ri, the gaining thing, the capital. Stock, (laughing) n. Tansunoo'ri, the laughed thing. S T R Stockdove, n. Fe'njo. Stock-gilliflower, n. Pe'mva. Stockings, n. Bande'faz. Stocks, n. Kantruso'twus vande'diz, imprisoning jugament for feet. Stole, V. Da'mpritel, did steal. 2, Pwa'utou vlimpai'fus, a long loose vest. Stolidity, n. Fla'mbis, folly. Stolen, part. Da'mprutoo. Stomach, n. Ka'ndis, ventricle. 2, Ko'mboi, appetite. 3, To'nzi, anger. 4, Uc'mboo, courage. Stomacher, n. Fauda'fus, vest for the breast. Stone, n. U'nji. 2, U'njoo, common stone. 3, U'ujoi, middle sort of stone. 4, U'njo, precious stone, less transparent. 5, U'nja, preci- ous stone, more transparent. Stone fa) n. Bwu'nda, a measure. Stone, (the) n. Du'mbis, disease. Stone (of a plum, &c.) n. Fro'ndoi. Stone, n. Gra'ndis, testicle. Stone, (to) V. U'ncibai, to cast stones. 2, Fa'nickai, to stone to death. Stonebow, n. Peke'mbri, small cross bow. Stonecrop, n. Bo'mvinoi. Stonesmiche, n. Ge'nji. Stool, n. Be'nzis seat. Stool, (close) n. Bena'nzis. Stool, (going to) n. Tre'nzino. S'ool, (to go to) V. Tre'nsinai. Stoop, V. Ka'nsivai. Stoop, (a bmrel, to) v. Ge'ntlfrost, to cause to be oblique. Stop, V. Re'ntisai, to stay. 2, Bro'u- tifai, to impede. 3, Pi'nsifai, to bind. 4, Di'nsifai, to till. Sto^) up, V. Ki'nsifai, to shut. Stop, (at end of sentence) v. Vri'nti- pai, to make a full stop. Stop, (to make a) v. Re'ntigrast. 2, Bro'ntifai, to hinder. Stopple, n. Dre'nzi, tap. 3, Kinsu- fo'gus, the stopple, i. e. the stop- ping or shutting pin. Storax, n. Fru'mva. Store, n. E'nzi, provisions. 2, Pa'n- do, multitude. 3, Fra'ndoo, abun- dance. Store, (to) V. Ke'ntikai, to lay up. Story, n. Twintukoo'ri, a narrated thing. Story, (in architecture) n. Gwo'ndis fanzo'tuz, a degree of rooms. Stork, n. Pre'njinoi. Storm, n. Ku'nzis or zai. Storm, (to) V. Beto'nsiki, to be very angry. 2, Kesto'nsikai, vocally to express anger. Storm, (to) V. Ve'ntripai, to assault. Stote, n. Di'nja. Strangle, v. Tre'ntisai, to wander. Stoiv, V. Ke'ntikai, to lay up. 2, Bi'nsifai, to heap. Straddle, v. Tre'nsifai. S T R Stove, n. Ba'nzoi. 2, v. Fe'nzi primbi- ko'di, box for heating. .■}, Fe'nzi fliiu))ik(_)'(li, box for drying. Stout, adj. Vo'mpa, active. 2, Do'm- pu, strong. 3, De'niiiur, courage- ous. 4, Do'mpa, hardy, in endur- ing; (passive), o, Dra'mpa, obsti- nate. 6, Pro'mpa, disengenuous, perverse. 7, Fi-e'mpu, proud. 8, Gre'mpu, contumacious. Straight, adj. Pc'nti. 2, v. Beke'ntl- vrost, to make a great effoi't. Strand, n. Vi'nzo, shore. Strange, adj. Pome'pra, not custom- ary. 2, Tra'ntu, extraordinary ..3, Dri'ntur, seldom. 4, Drone'sutoo, not expected. 5, Ti'ntm-, new, 6, Kro'nsa, strange. Stranger, n. Kro'nza. Strangle, v. Ga'mprikai. Strangury, n. Dru'mbu. Strap, n. Fe'nsa ge'nza, leathern thing. Strappado, n. Ta'mbris. Stratagem, n. Te'ndroo. Sratifying, n. Ge'nzo. Str Pre 2, Fra'ntou, or ki, Scatter, v. Bri'nsitai. 2, Fra'nsivai, to spread. Strawberry, n. Pe'mvino. Strawberry tree, n. Ki'nivo. Streaks of light in the sky, n. Ku'nzi. Stream, n. Di'nza. Streamer, n. Gi'nch'o. Street, n. Da'nzoi. Straight, adj. Pe'nti. narrow. Straight against, prep. Ke over-against. Straight forward, adj. Fe'ntos. Strict, adj. Ple'mpur, rigorous. Straight way, adv. Fa'ndun, imme- diately. 2, Fra'mba'pi, without delay. Straight (a) n. Kooi'o'ndi, a difK- culty. 2, U fri'nsufoo kro'ndi, a tangled difficulty. 3, Go'ndi, ne- cessity. 4, Fra'mboo, adversity. 5, Tre'ndi, trouble. 6, Bi'nza, fretum, sound, narrows. Strain., v. Fa'nsivai, to stretch. 2 Beke'ntivai, greatly to endeavour to stretch. 3, Pro'ntinai beken- do'ti, to hurt by greatly endea- vouring. 4, Bepri'nsipai, greatly to depress. 5, Bctri'nsipai, to compress. 6, Ki'nsivai, to perco- late. Strain, (a) n. Pego'ndis, a small degree ; as, '' Pego'ndis drcn- ze'tu," a strain of music. Strength of body, n. Do'mbi. 2, Ko'mbi, vigor. Strength of mind, n. Fo'mba, sprightliness. 2, Vo'mba, stout- ness, boldness. Strength, n. Bo'nda. S T R Stray, v. Trentisai, to ■\vaiider. 2, De'ntivai, to err. Strength, f null tar 1/ forcesj En'draz, 2, Eiidraiz, (military places). Strength, 11. (Jra'iidoo, intensity. Strength, n Bezi'mba, power of taste: — sensible qnality. 2, Be- rimba, power of smell: — great odorousness. Strenuous, adj. Vo'nipa, stout. 2, Ba'mpa, diligent. 3, Do'mpu, strong. 4, De'mpnr, valiant. Stress, n. Beke'ndo, great endeavour. 2, Pri'nzoo, depression. 3, Ki-i'mbi, gravity. Stretch, V. Fa'nsivai. 2, Vre'nsitai, yawning; or stretching of the body from the same cause. Stretch, V. Pa'ntifrost, to lengthen. 2, Fa'ntifrost, to make broad. 3, Bi'ntifrost, to amplify, make am- ple. 3, Tro'nsinai, to compel. 5, Tro'nsinai pinziko'di, to wrest, compel by twisting. Strew, V. Bi'nsifai, to scatter. 2, Dre'nsitai, to flour or powder. Striated, adj. Yri'mpou or vrim- pufoo. Stricken, part. Ke'nsuvoo. Stricken in age, adj. Bu'ntinur. Stricken in love, adj. Beto'nsu, much in love. Stricken in years, adj. Bebu'ntinur. Stricken with amazement, adj. Tro'n- suvraust, caused to be in a state of extacy. Strict, adj. To'nti, perfect. 2; Be- ka'ntu, very regular. 3, Ple'mpur, rigorous. 4, De'mpus, severe. Stricture, n. Pekre'ndo, a slight essay. 2, Pebre'ndoi, slight trial. 3, Pefi'ndoi, slight contact. 4, Pevi'ndi, slight commentary. Stride, v. Te'nsifai, to straddle. Strife, n. Plc'mba, contention. 2, To'nzis, emulation. Strife, (yelloio loose) n. Fre'nvi, (herb). Strike, V. Ke'nsivai. 2, Kre'nslvai, to knock. 3, Be'nsivai, to pound. 4, Bre'nsivai, pecking. 5, Ka'n- trikai, to stab. G, I'a'raprisai, to cudgel. 7, Dwazo'ntifai, suddenly to cause. 8, Dwaze'nsikai, sud- denly to move. Strike sail, v. Trida'nsivrast, down- ward to cause to fall. Strike a bargain, v. O'mprisai. Strike blind, v. Pro'mpitrost, to cause to be blind. Strike, (colour) v. I'mblfrost, to cause a colour. Strike fire, v. Pru'nsipai, to sparkle. Strike off account, v. Vre'utinai, to balance. 2, Te'ntinai, to acquit. Strike off head, v. I'antrikai, to behead. Strike out, v. Tre'ntifai, to spoil. 2, Undra'nsitai, to unwrite. S T U Strike up, {music) v. Te'ntivai, to begin. Strike uj) ones heels, v. Da'nsivrast, cause to fall, specially by wrest- ling. Strike (a) n. Vwo'ndoo ba'ntur noo a'gin ku'ud(2r, eight gallons. String, n. De'nza, thread. 2, Dre'u- za, cord. 3, Bra'ndoi, fibre. Strip, V. Unta'ntiiai, to unskin. 2, Une'nsinai, to unclothe. 3, Tro'n- tivrost, to deprive, i. e. to cause to be in a state of privation. Stripe, (See stroke). Striped, adj. Bi'mpou fendoo'tuz, variegated with lines. Stripling, n. Fwnntlnu'rtes, an ado- lescent male. Strive, V. Twe'mplnai, to contend. 2, To'nsivai, to emulate. 3, Be- ke'ntivai, greatly to endeavour. 4, Ba'mpinai, to act diligently. Strive for, v. Twaspe'ntikai, to en- deavour to obtain. Strive against, v. Vro'nsinai, to re- sist. Stroke, (a) n. Kwi'nzis. Stroke, (to) V. Grinsikal tande'tl, to wipe with the hand. Stromateous, n. Ba'mijo. Strong, adj. Do'mpu. Stronghold, n. E'udris. Straw, (strexo) v. Bi'nsifai, to scatter. Struck, part. Ke'nsuvoo. Structure, n. A'nzoi, building. Struggle, v. Ye'nslkai, to wrestle. 2, Twaspe'ntikai, to endeavour to obtain. Strumpet, n. Fantra'des, a fornica- tion female. Strut, V. Te'nsifai, to stalk. 2, Pre'n- tisai fre'mbu, to go proudly. Stub, n. Drindo'dwes fondoo'tu, the bottom part of the stock. 2, Bra'n- dis kondoo'tu, fragment of stick. Stubble, n. Dra'ndis krinzo'ci, resi- due after reaping. Stubble goose, n. Tu'ntus bo'mpukoo pre'njino, an autumnal fatted goose. Stubborn, adj. Gre'mpu, contuma- cious. 2, Dra'mpa, obstinate. 3, Pro'mpa, perverse, disingenuous. Stuck, (see stick). Stud, n. Petenda'ri, small protuber- ant thing. Student, n. Twasbampuso'ro, one endeavouring to acquire learning. Study, V. Ke'ntivai, to endeavour. 2, Ba'mpinai, to act diligently. 3, Pro'nsifai, to meditate. 4, PampLnai, to act with considcr- atcuess. Study, (a) n. Pwefa'nzo banda'di, a small room for privacy. 2, Pwefa'nzo pronzoi'di, a small room for meditation. Studious, adj. Gapro'usifai, apt to meditate. SUB Stuff] u. Do'udoi, matter. Stuff, (woollen) Pe'nza. Stuff] (hairy) n. Pre'nza. Stuff, n. Dinsufo'ri, the filling thing, i. e. the thing with which anything is stuffed or filled. Stuff] (to) V. Di'nsifai krinzifo'ti mu, to fill hj thrusting into. Stumble, V. Bre'nsifai. Stump, n. Dra'ndis denzivo'ci, resi- due after cutting. 2, Dra'ndis umve'tu grinzo'di, residue of tree after felling. Stimidity, n. Tra'mbo, dulness. 2, Bro'mbo, numbness, stupor. 3, Pro'mboi, stupor of internal sense. Stupify, V. Tra'mpitrost, to make dull. 2, Bro'mpitrost, to benumb. 3, Pro'mpitrost, to make dull of apprehension. Stujwr, n. Pro'mboi. Stup7-ate, V. Fa'ntriuai, to fornicate. Sturdy, adj. Vo'mpa, stout. 2, D'em- pur, bold. 3, Dra'mpa, obstinate. 4, Do'mpu, strong. Sturgeon, n. Ga'njoo. Stutter, V. Fa'nsitai. Stygian, adj. Ri'nsou, infernal. Style, n. Vini'ndi, manner of dis- course. 2, Vinda'nsltai, manner of writing. 3, Vinpri'ndi, man- ner of sentence. Style, n. Ko'ndoo trinda'kwi, name and description. Style, (to) V. Ko'utipai, to name. Style, n. Vo'ndoi. Styptic, adj. lie'nsuno, binding. 2, Trimpa, bitter like galls. Sue, V. To'nwikai, to entreat. 2, Fu'mprinal, to petition. Sue, ( for marriage) v. Fo'nslfal. Sue, (for preferment) v. Ko'mprivai, to act as candidate. Sue, (at law) v. To'ntrifal, to bring action. Suasory, adj. Fo'nslkal, to persuade. 2, Gafonsuko, apt to persuade. Subaltern, adj. Bla'ntur, Inferior. Subdeacon, n. Jisdu'mbroi, under deacon. Subdivide, v. Kintlnal ra'ndiz, to divide parts. 2, Kl'ntinai lo'n- dooz, to divide species. Subdue, V. Pe'mprifai, to vanquish in a particular fight. 2, De'mpri- fai, to conquer ; final event of war. Sabduction, n. Da'ndls, ablatum. Subject, n. Bindol, opposite to pre- dicate. 2, Po'ndis, subject, op- posite to adjunct. Subject, adj. Kapo'ntusoo, able to be subjected ; I. e. which may be made the subject of. Subject, adj. Be'mpu, in a state of subjection to authority. 2, De'm- pu, obedient. 3, Ge'mpu, submis- sive to punishment. sue Subjoin, V. CIspc'ntifai, to join after. Subjunctive, adj. Cispe'ntiifoo, after- wards joined. Subject, n. Po'mbroo, opposite to governor. Subjection, n. Be'mbi. Suhliminc/ or Sublimation, v. Di'nzis. Sublime, adj. Ka'ntou indoi'tu, high in place. 2, Kaiitoii krandoo'tu, high in excellence. 3, Ka'ntou vinlnde'tu, high in discourse man- ner. 4, Ba'mpou indoiz pouzoi'- twiz. Siiblimiti/, n. Pika'ndoi, height. Submission, n. Fe'mbi, humility. 2, Be'mbi, subjection to authority. 3, Dwe'mbroi, submission, oppo- sed to conquest. Submission, n. Pre'nda, opposite to resistance. 2, Ge'mbi, submission, opposed to contumacy. Submissive, adj. Gagc'mpiiko, apt to submit. Submit, V. Ge'nipikai. Subordinate, adj. Bla'ntur, inferior. 2, Bla'ntur dando'tu, inferior in a series. Suborn, v. Ya'mprlnai. Subptena, v. Pa'ndroi ginti'pu vro'n- zi, citation with express threat. Subscribe, v. Jisda'nsitai, to write under. 2, Bo'ntrisai, to sign. Subsidy, n. To'mbri, tax. Subsidiary, adj. Bo'ntou, which assists. 2, Kra'nta, accessory. Subsist, V. Plo'ntipi, to exist, be in a state of existence. 2, Trasplo'n- tipai, to continue to exist. 3, Ko'nsisal, to maintain. 4, Kro'n- slsai, to stipendiate. 5, Vi'ntipi, to be permanent, fi, Bo'ntipi, to be, or be considered in a state of absolute separation. Substance, n. Bo'ndoo, tliat quality or aggregate of qualities which is denoted by a name, i. e. essence. Substance, n. Do'ndoi, the matter out of which any tiling is made. 2, A'nzi, possessions ; as, " a man of substance." Substantial, adj. Dro'ntou, essential. 2, Do'ntou, real, not imaginary. 3, Tantu'rtu a'nzi, of sufficient possessions. 4, Trantu'tu fa'mbis, of sufficient wisdom. Substitute, n. Vrontai'ro, one person instead of another. Subtract, v. Da'ntisai. 2, Dwa'ntlpai, to decrease. Substructure, n. Ka'nzo. 2, Jiza'n- zoi, under-building. Subterfuge, n. Ve'ndroi. 2, Debri'n- dis, a bad solution. Subterraneous, adj. Jidl'nsou, which is under the sm-face of the earth. Suck in, V. Tre'nsitai, i. e. s-^-allow. E 2 S U F SucJc vp the hreath. v. Vla'nsinai. Subtil, adj. Twi'mpu, rare, thin. 2, Fla'mpus, crafty. Subvert, v. Kro'nsipai, to dcsti'oy. 2, Ra'nsifai, to ruin. Suburb, n. Tombro'dwes vanzo'tiz, the part of the city without the walls. Suckle, V. Kra'nsipai, to give suck. Succedaneous, adj. Vro'ntusoo, sub- stituted. 2, Fi'Itur, which suc- ceeds. Succeed, v. Fi'ltipi, to be after. 2, Vo'ntisi, to be successor. 3, Fo'm- prinai, to come by succession. 4, E'ntiki, to be an event, to eventu- ate. 5, Fa'mpivi, to turn out well, to be prosperous. Success, n. Ro'ndoi, effect. 2, E'ndi, event. 3, De'mbroi, conquest, final success of war. 4, E'udroi, event of war. 5, Fa'uiboo, pros- perity. Succession, n. Fo'mbra. Successive, adj. Fi'Itur dando'tu, to be after in series. Successor, n. Vontal'ro, succeeding person. Succinct, adj. Tepra'ntou, perfectly short. 2, Vrl'ntukoo or vri'ntu, in the state of an epitomy : — epito- mized. Succour, n. Bo'ndoi, adjuvant. 2, Be'mbo, alms giving. Succory, n. Vra'nvoi. 2, Pra'nvo, gum succory. Succulent, adj. Do'ntur, juicy. Succus nutritious, n. Fra'ndoo. Such, adj. Zo, of that kind. 2, Eo'tu vo'ndoo, of that quantity. 3, Ro'tu vro'ndoo, of that quality. 4, Oi'tu vo'ndoo, of the same quantity. 5, Ui'tu vro'ndoo, qua- lity. Such as it is, adv. Fyoo'tuuu, of whatever kind. Sucker, n. Fro'ndoo. Sucker of pumj), n. Trensuto'd^ye3 tranzai'tu or tranzi'stu, sucking part of pump, (according to popu- lar notions). Suckle, V. Kra'nsipai. Suction, n. Tre'nzo. Sudi, n. Plu'nzo, froth. Suds, (sinp) n. Plu'nzo benzis'tu un- kwi, froth of soap and water. Sudden, adj. Ki'ntur, soon, 2, To'm- pu, swift. 3, Be'ntu, dispatchful. 4, Ki'ntur undronsutoo'kwi, soon and unexpected, b, Dwas, dwan, dwa, transcendentals denoting the comparatively sudden and short fit of an action ; as, " Dwa- k'antipai," to seize, suddenly to take. Sudorific, adj. Te'nsumast, causing to sweat. Suffer affiction, v. Fra'mpivoi, to be afllicted. S U M Suet, n. Pli'mpus da'ndoi, hard fat. Suffer persecution, v. Kunqiritol, to be persecuted. Suffer punishment, v. Re'mpivoi, to be punished. Suffer execution, v. Ta'ntrifoi, to be executed. Suffer, V. Go'mprinai, to licence. 2, To'ntrinai, to tok'rate, (not to punish). 3, Brone'tifai, not t j hin- der. Suffer to take, v. Pe'ntinai, to yield. Suffer to do, V. Pre'ntinai, to submit. Sufferance, n. Go'mbri, licence. 2, To'ndri, toleration. Suffice, V. Taiitipi, to be sufficient. Sufficiency, n. Ta'udoo. Sufficient, adj. Ta'ntur. Suffocate, v. Va'nti'ikai, to stifle. 2, Ga'mprikai, to strangle. Suffocation of the ivond), u. Tru'm- bis. Suffragan n. Koora'nta vu'mbroi, an accessorv bishop. Suffrage, n. iJinto'nsow, consent sign. Suff'umigafion, n. Tu'nzifo, fumiga- Suffusion, n. Fra'nzivo, spreading. Siig, n. Pro'mijoi, sea-flea. Sugar, n. Te'nzoi. Suggest, v. Po'nsifrast, cause to think. 2, To'mpi frost, cause to remember. 3, Va'nsitai, to dic- tate. Suit. n. To'nzi, entreaty. 2, Fu'm- bi'a, petition. Suit at law, n. To'ndroi, action. Suit, (of cards) n. Ga'ndn. Suit with, (to) V. Vo'ntiki, to be congruous. Suitable, adj. Vo'ntu, congruous. 2, O'nta, convenient, suitable. Suitor, n. Twonsuko'ro, an entreat- ing person. 2, Fwijmpruno'ro, a petitioning person. Suitor, (for marriage) n. Fo'nzoi. Suitor, (for preferment) n. Ko'm- broo, candidate. Sullen, n. • Pro'mpa, disingenuous, perverse. 2, iKve'mpa, morose. 3, Gre'mpu, contumacious. Sully, V. Dezimpifai, badly to color. 2, Drantikai, to defile. Sulphur, n. Du'nji. Sultan, n. Fo'ndroo, king. Sultry, adj. Vepri'mpu, excessively hot. Sum, (of money) n. Dwinru'ndil, aggregate of money. Sum, n. Vra'ndis, total money. Sumach, n. Fru'mvo. 2, Bri'mvi, red sumach. Summary, n. Vri'ndi, epitome. Summarily, adv. V'ri'ndu, briefly. 2, Pra'ndou, shortly. Summary, adj. Pra'nton, short. Sumuier, n. Ka'uta bra'nzo, princi- pal beam. SUP Summer, n. Fru'n(lis. Summerset, n. Bc'nzoo, leaping. 2, Bre'nzl, vaulting. Summon,, v. Pa'ntrifai, to cite. Sumum jus, n. Fre'mboo. Sumner, n. Pantrou'fas, citing officer. Sui»pter,n. We'mprii pi'njootirnjoo'- twi, a baggage horse or mule. Sumptuary, adj. Tre'ntu, i. e. which relates to expenditure ; as, "Tre'ntu to'ndraz," sumptuary- laws. Sumptuous, adj. Be'tre'ntu, very- expensive. 2, Bedo'ntru, of great price. 3, Ke'mpi, generous. Sun, n. Fri'nzoi. Sunshine, n. Fri'nsur i'mboo, sun- light. Sun, fap23earentj n. Tu'nzi, pare- lius. Sunday, n. Buno'ndis, first day of the week. Sunder, v. Pre'ntifai, to separate. Sundeio, n. Gro'mvis. Sundry, adj. O'nti, diverse. Sunflower, u. Pa'mvoi. Sung, V. past, Ba'nsitel, did sing. Sung, part. Ba'nsutoo. Sunk, .part. Kri'nsupoo. Sup, V. Te'nsitai. 2, Fra'nsifai te'nzi, to drink, suckingly. Supper, i\. Peni'nzoo, evening meal. Superdbundance, n. Befra'ndoo. 2, Fra'ndipou, greater abundance. Superabound, v. Fra'ntipou, to be more abundant. Superciliou.sness, n. Tre'rabis. Supercminence, n. Bra'ndoo, superi- ority. Suj^ererogation, n. Veko'nda, exces- sive duty. Supererogatory, adj. Yi'nkyu ko'nta, more than due. Superfetalioii n. Roi fra'nzoo fans'ur- tu frampai'rci, another conception of pregnant female. Superficial, adj. Te'ntur. 2, Kra'mpi, slight. 3, Fla'mpa, careless. Superficies, n. Te'ndoo. 2, Vri'ndo, outside. Superfine,^ adj. Betwi'mpus, very fine. Superfluity, n. Ta'ndoo, excess. 2, Fra'ndoo, abundance. Superintend, v. Po'nsisai pronsitai'- kwi di'o'nzoz, to direct and ob- serve servants. 2, Pro'nsisai pron- sitai'kwi vompra'roz, to direct and observe officers. Superintendent, n. Ka'nta vompra'ro, chief officer. Superlative, adj. Pra'utupous, gi'eat- est. 2, Kra'ntupous, the most excellent. 3, Ka'nta, chief. Supernal, adj. Bi'nti, of the upper side. 2, Di'nti, at the top. Supernatation, n. Te'nzoo dindo'su, floating at the top. Superiority, u. Bra'ndoo. SUE Superiority, (relations of) n. O'nzoz. Supernatural, adj. Gis bo'nsufoo to'ndraz inze'tu, beyond the known laws of the universe. 2, Eo'nsur, miraculous. Supernumerary, adj. Yi'nkyu to'nta ru'ndoo, beyond the due number. Superscription, n. Jusdansutoo'ri, the upon wiitten thing. Supersede, v. Tro'ntivai ombe'tu, to deprive of power. 2, Vro'nsi- most, to desist. 3, Gre'utikai, to omit. Superstition, n. U'mbra. Superstructure, n. Jusa'nzoi, upon- building. Supervene, v. O'kai kra'nta, to be- come accessory. 2, Flo'nsipai kra'ndun, to happen accessorily. Supine, adj Fla'mpa, careless. Supim-, (Lord's) n. Vu'mbris or vu'mbrai, eucharist. Supplant, V. Ka'ntrinai, to defraud. 2, Umbe'ntipai, to unpossess by fraiid. 3, Una'nsilai kandj-a'ti, to dispossess by fraud. Supple, adj. Pri'mpus, soft. 2, Vri'm- pu, limber. Suppliment, n. Bontou'ri, the adju- vant thing. 2, Tontuvci'ri, the perfecting thing. 3, U'ntwantu- pro"sturi, the thing causing to be im-deficient. Supply, V. Eedi'nsifai, to fill again. 2, Bo'ntifai, to help. 3, To'ntivai, to perfect. 4, Untwa'ntiprost, to make un-deficient. 5, Eedi'nsifai, to refill. 6, Be'mpitai, to relieve by giving alms. 7, Dre'ntitai, to compensate. 8, Te'ntlfai, to re- pair. 9, Vo'ntisai, to supply the place of another. Suppliant, n. U fumpruno'ro, a petitioning person. Supplicate, v. Fu'mprinai, to peti- tion. 2, To'nsikai, to entreat. Support, V. Pre'nsivai, to bear. 2, Bo'ntifai, to help. 3, To'nsitai, to patronize. 4, Ko'nsisai, to main- tain. SupjMsing, part. Po'nsufo, thinking. 2, Vro'nsufo, being of opinion. 3, Ti'ntuso. Supposition, n. Ti'ndis. Supposititious, adj. Ka'mprunoo, forged. 2, Ka'ndrun vro'ntusoo roi'di, fraudulently substituted for another. 3, Kro'nti, spurious. Suppository, n. Pwa'ntou, te'ndi ve'ntukoo to'ndi'oiz, a long tube used by surgeons. Supp)ress, V. Pe'mprifai, to vanquish. 2, Demprifai, to conquer. 3, Gre'ntipai, to conceal. Supremacy, n. Kyano'ndra ; i. e. wo'ndra pondoo'tu kya'ntunous, the right of being the most prm- cipal. Surcease, v. Vro'nsinai. SUE Suppuration, n. Ko'mbiso frompu'tu fo'ndoo, maturing of rotten thing. Supreme, adj. Ka'ntunous. Surhate, v. Uuta'ntifai enze'ti, to uuskin by motion. 2, Pri'nsinai enze'ti, to bruise specially the soles of the feet. Surcharge, v. Vera'nsinai, exces- sively to burden. 2, Veto'ntrikai, excessively to exact tribute. 3, Veto'mprikai, excessively to tax. Surcingle, n. Glispintuso'ri pinjoo- diz, about-binding thing for horses. Surcoat, n, Binti'fus upper vest. Surd, adj. Fro'mpi, deaf. Surd, fnuniberj n. Kagi'netuvoo rundoo'tiz, not expressible by numbers. Sure, adj. Vo'nsou, certain. 2, Vo'n- tuvoo, assured. 3, Da'mpa, con- stant. 4, Ka'mpu, faithful. 5, Vri'mpus, fast. 6, To'ntu, safe. Surely, adv. Po'ndi, truly. Surety, n. Vontrai'ro, the person becoming responsible for another. Surface, n. Te'ndoo. 2, Vri'ndo, outside. Surfeit, V. U'mbi vepranzifo'ni, sick- ness from excessive eating. 2, U'mbi vefranzifo'ni, excessive drinking. 3, U'mbi vezinsiko'ni, excessive labour. 4, Tra'ndoo, excess. 5, Fle'mboi, gluttony. Surge, n. Bepri'nza, great wave. Surgeon, n. To'ndroi. Surly, adj. Kro'mpa, fierce. 2, Dwe'mpa, morose. 3, Tre'mpus or tre'mpai, supercilious. Surmise, v. Vro'nsifai, to form an opinion. 2, Dro'nsifai, to conjec- tm-e. 3, Kro'nsifai, to distrust. 4, Tro'nsi-vi, to be jealous. Surmount, v. Bra'ntipraust, to be caused to be superior. Surname, n. O'nsu ko'ndoo, family name. Surpass, V. Tra'ntipai, to exceed. 2, Kra'ntiprou, to be more excel- lent. 3, Bra'ntiprou, to be superior. 4, Fo'ntivrou, to be better. Surplice, n. Kwensa'fus. a linen vest, specially for clergyman. Surplus, n. Dra'udis, residue. 2, Fra'ndis, vantage. Surjmse, v. Dwake'ntipai, suddenly to take. 2, Dwapa'mprifai, sud- denly to arrest. 3, Po'usiJa-ost, to cause to wonder. Surrender, v. Vre'ntipai, to let go. 2, Pe'ntinai, to yield. 3, Pre'nti- nai, to submit. 4, Bo'nsipai, to deliver. Surreptitious, adj. Da'mpri, finlive. 2, Bida'mpri, tliief-like. 2, Ka'm- pnmoo, forged. Surrogate, n. Vrontusoo'ro, substi- tute. SEA Surrmmd, v. Glispre'ntisai, to go round. 2, Fe'ntitai, to encircle. Survey, v. Fa'ntitai, to eye, to behold. 2, Fa'mpina, to take heed, act heedt'ully. Surveyor, n. Papronsuto'ro, 2, Pronsuto'ro anzoi'tuz, observer of buildings. 3, Untuko'ban, measuring artist. Survive, V. Cisda'nsipai, to live after; as, " he survived his brother," wai cisdra'nsipel konzipu'rh"" or wai dra'nsipcl twai'ci ko'nzipur. 2, Cisvintipai; as, ''his example survives him," tondoi'tur cisvi'n- tipncd; or curs vi'ntipo; i. e. after him continues. Suspect, V. Kro'nsitai, to distrast. 2, Dro'nsini, to be diffident of. 3, Tro'nsivi, to be jealous of. 4,_ Tre'mpivi, to be censorious. Suspeiise, n. Bro'nsou di'o'uzo, doubt- ful expectation. 2, Tro'nza, de- murring. 3, Ki-o'nza, wavering, irresolution. Suspend, v. Ku'ntrikai. Sustain, V. Pre'nsivai, to bear. 2, Ko'nsisai, to maintain. 3, Dro'n- tipai, to suffer, endure. 4, Gem- pivi, to be patient. Sustenance or sustentafion, n. Van- supo'ri, nourishing thing. Sustentation, (ordinary) n. E'nzoo, 2, (extraordinary,) E'nzoi. Suitable, adj. Vo'ntu, congruous. Suture, n. Ki'nsukoo da'ndo, sewed series. 2, Ki'nsukoo pe'ndoo, sew- ed line. Swahher, n. Di'ndri. Swaddle, v. Deno'ntisai, to bind about like a bottom of thread, &c. Swag, V. Ge'ntifraust, to be made oblique. 2, Geno'ntifraust, speci- ally by sudden shaking. Swage, (see assuage). Swagger, v. Gre'mpitai, to act inso- lently, arrogantly. 2, Z)epro'nsi- vai, to glory ostentatiously, i. e. corrnptively. Sway, n. Va'mboi, power. 2, Vo'n- di-a, authority. 3, Do'nzis, direc- tion. Sway, V. Po'ntripai, to govern as a magistrate. 2, Ge'ntifrost, to cause to be oblique. Swain, n. Twontri'ro, a country person. Swallow, n. Pe'nji. Swallowioort, n. Kre'nva. Swallow, (sea) n. Tre'njino. TAB Tabernacle, n. Pra'nzoi. Tablebooh, n. Kenendi, a book of blank leaves or lamins. s w o Small oio-fish, n. Vre'njo. Swallow, V. Dre'nsitai. Swan, n. Pe'njlno. Swap, V, O'mprilai, to exchange. Swarm, n. Vranti'ri. aggregate thing. 2, Pauti'ri, multitudinous thing. Swart, adj. Bepli'mpur. Swarth, n. Dwe'ndi krinsutoo'tu trinzi kyel, a ridge of mown grass, &c. Swathe, (See swaddle). Swear, v. Ko'ntrisai. Sweat, V. Te'nsinai. Sweejjing, n. Ti'nziko, brushing. Sweet, adj. Pi'mpa. Sweetbread, n. Dra'ndoi, glandule. Sweetmeats, n. Pre'nsou'ri, banquet thing. Sweet, adj. Beto'nsukoo, much loved. 2, Donsu'no, delighting, i. e. delightful. Sweetheart, n. Fo'nzoi, suitor. Sweet, adj. Ta'mpufo, giving plea- sure. 2, De'mpa, courteous. Swell, V. U'mpitrast, i. e. to be caused to swell. 2, O'kai te'nta, to become protuberant. Swelter, V. Fe'mprifoi primbe'ti, to be overcome with heat. 2, Fe'mprifai, to overcome with heat. Swerve, v. Ge'ntivai, to err. Swift, adj. To'mpu.' Sivift, n. Ke'miji, (a bird). Swiftness, n. To'mbi. Swill, V. Befra'nsifai, to drink much. 2, Vefra'nsifai, to drink excessively. Swimming, n. Ke'nzoo. 2, Bu'mba, vertigo, (disease). Swine, n. Fingi'njoi, hog kind. Sicines bread, n. Vro'mvis. Swine's grass, n. Ka'mvoo. Swine-pijje, n. Bre'njo. Swing, V. Te'nsivai. Swinging, adj- Pra'ntur, 2, De'mpus, severe. 3, Tra'ntur, excessive. Switch, n. Kro'ndoo, wand. Switch, V. Fa'mprisai krondoo'ti, to cudgel with wand. Swivel, n. Fwe'ndi tyoo bi'nsipai, a ring which turns round. 2, Bwe'nda tyoo bi'nsipai, a staple which tunis roimd. Swoln, part. U'mputoo. S'voon, n. Bru'mbi. Sward, (green) n. Tri'nsu a'uzoo, grassy land Sword, n. Fc'mbri. Sword-Jish, u. Fra'njoo. T. T A B Table of the Lord, n. Vu'mbris, eucharist. Table, n. Dra'udo, catalogue. SYS Strord, (^put to the) v. Dra'nsiprast fembre'ti, cause to die by the sword. Sword of bacon, n. n^a'ndoi trensu- too'tu gi'njois va'ndoi, skin of condited hog's flesh. Sworn, part. Ko'ntrusoo. Swum, V. Ki'nsitel, did swim. Swung, V. Te'nsivel, did swing. Sycamore, n. Vru'mvis. Sycophant, n. Drempa'ro, a fawning person. Syllable, n. Ti'ndoo. Syllogism, n. Di'nda. Sylvan, adj. Da'nsur, pertaining to woods. Symbol, n. Bo'ndis, sign. 2, Bra'n- tu bo'ndis, private sign. 3, Pli'm- pur bo'ndis, dark sign. 4, Gre'n- tupoo bo'ndis, concealed sign. Symbolise, v. Vo'ntuki, to be con- gruous with. Symmetry, n. Teru'ndi, perfect pro- portion. Synqmthy, n. Vo'ndi, congruity. 2, Ponza'rit, friendship. 3, Do'ntus ta'mboi tramboi'twi, mutual plea- sure or pain. 4, Dro'nzis, pitv. 5, Vo'nzis, congratulation. G, Gre'ntupoo vo'nzis, concealed congratulation. Symjihony, n. Twi'mbo, melody. 2, Tri'nibo, ha'rmony. 3, Gi'mbo, concord. Symjitom, n. Fi'ntur bo'ndis, simul- taneous sign. 2, Fi ntur debo'ndis, simultaneous bad sign. '*> " Synagogue, n. Tyu'ndroos ka'nzoi, the Jew's temple. 2, Tyu'ndroos n'ntru o'ndi'o, the Jews 'ecclesias- tical convention. 3, Tyu'ndroo-! dwinu'utru, the Jew's ecclesiasti- cal aggi'egatc. Synchronism, n. Ti'ndi fintu'rturiz, narrative of simultaneous things. Syndic, n. Po'ndroos pa'mbroo, magistrate's assessor. Synod, n. U'ntru bo'mbro, ecclesias- tical council. Synonyme, n. Kwo'ndoo indui'twi oi'on ri'ndoi, a name or wurd having the same meaning. Synopsis, n. Vri'ndi, epitome. Syntax, n. Pendoibras indoi'tuz, the junction science of words. Syringe, n. Vrinsupo'ri, syringing thing. Syrt, n. Di'nzo, quicksands. Syrrup, n. Tre'nzoi. System, n. Vri'ndi, epitome. TAB Tables, n. Vri'ndiz randoo'tuz, .^y.-;- teras of numbers; as, ''the mul- tiplication table," &c. T A K Tahle, n. Ke'ndi, lamin, flat surface. 2, Ka'nzis, table. 3, Ke'ndi dis danzitojus, lamin for writing upon. Tables, (fo play at) v. Fre'nsikai. -Tabid, adj. Fru'mpoii, adj. consump- tive; "in a waste." 2, Tu'mpu, consumption from ulcerated lungs. Tabler, n. Vro'nzo, guest. Tablet, n. Ke'nti u'njo, flat gem. 2\ibor or Tahret, n. Petentruvo'ri, little drum. Taca maliaca, n. Dni'mvinoi. TdclnjgrajjJiy, n. To'mpu dansuto- bas, swift wi'iting art. Tach, n. Ge'nda, hook. 2, Frc'ndi, loop. Tacit, adj. Ei'mpi, silent. 2, Grln'- tuvoo, understood. , Taciturnity, n. Be'mba. Tach, n. repe'nda, little pin, Trtc/i', V. Vri'mpivrost penda'ti, to make fast witli a pin. 3, Pre'uti- sai, to turn. Tads, f of ship) n. Di'ndra. Tackling, n. Re'nza, armament. Tackling^ (of ship) n. I'ndi'a, rig- ging- Tactics, n. Endre'bas, war art. 2, Tambis fandik(2'tu e'ndraz, art of ordering military persons aggre- gate. Tactil, adj. Bo'mpi, pertaining to the sense of feeling. Tactil quality, n. I'mbi. Tadpole, n. Friujai'twes, young toad. Twdium, n. Pro'nzi, opposite to admiration. Tcrnia major, n. Ta'njis. Tcpnia minor, n. Tra'njis. Taffety, n. Wo'ldoo tenza'tu, a kind of silk. Tag, n. Pj'e'nda denza'tu, the pin of string. Tag-rag, n. Do'ndi'oo, rabble. Tail, n. Vro'ndis. Tailor, n. Yansuno'tan, the clothing mechanic. Taint, v. Pu'mpivai, to infect by contact. 2, Fro'mpikrost, to rot, i. e. cause to be rotten. 3, Dra'n- tikai, to defile. Take, v. Po'ntiprost roi'mi kro'ndoos be'ndoo too'kwi twai'gwen, to cause to be out of anuther per- son's possession and in his own. Take (without consent) v. Keiitipai. Take, (person or goods) v. Pa'mpri- fai. Take, (the person) Plamp'rifai, to take into custody. Take, (goods) v. Pla'ntrifai, to at- tacli goods. Take part for the iuhole, v. Go'mpri- kai, to take sesin. Take, (unlaufidly) v. Ta'ntrinai, to usurp. T A K Taking, (a soldier) v. Ve'raprifai, to take capture. Tcdce, (a place — a town) v. Ke'm- prifai. Take goods, Y. Bre'mpifai, (military). Take, (with consent) v. Tre'ntinai, to receiye. 2, Kre'ntiuai, to accept. Take, v. Pre'ntivai, to undertake. 2, Po'nsifai, to think. 3, Go'nsi- fai, to esteem. 4, Bo'nsinai, to elect. .5, Dre'ntipai, to find. 6, Muse'ntisai, to pass into. 7, Pe'n- tikai, to obtain. 8, Pe'ntikai yo'n- doi, to obtain the end. 9, Do'nsi- nai, to please. 10, Be'ntipai, to haye. 11, Ve'ntiyai, to use. 12, Ve'ntimest, to cause to be rec- koned. Take the air, v. (s. s.) Uno'nisfai, to go into the open air. Take breath, v. Fe'nsitai, to breathe. Take exception, v. Bri'ntinai, to except. Take fire, y. Tasu'nsipai, to begin to bum. Take head, v. Tasdi'e'mpikai, to begin to disobey. Take heart, v. Fo'nslsoi, to be encoiu'aged. Take heavily, v. Bekro'nsikal, gi-eat- ly to grieye. Take heed, v. Fa'mpinai. 2, Pro'n- sitai, to obsei'ye. Take to heels, v. Pife'nsipai, to fly, (metaphorically). 2, Pre'nsifai, to run. Take the height, y. U'ntikai ka'udoi, to measure the height. Take hold, v. Tata'nt'ikai. Take horse, v. Pina'ncipai, to mount. Take horse, v. Bra'nsifoo, to be covered. Take ill, y. Bro'nsinai, to feel aver- sion. 2, Go'nsifai drai poneza'tum, to esteem any person not to be a friend. Take leave, v. Ga'nsikai. Take notice, v. Pro'nsitai. Take oath, v. Ko'ntrisai. Take jKiins, v. Ba'mpinai, to act diligently. 2, Bezi'nsikai, greatly to toil or operate. Take place, (of another) v. Fli'ntipai. Take a pride, v. Pro'nsivai, to glory. 2, Bepro'nsivai, greatly to boast. Take prisoner, v. Ve'mprifai, to capture. Take a purse, v. Da'mpritai u pe- pe'nzi, to steal a purse. 2, Da'u- trivai ru'ndil, to rob (money). Take root, v. Po'ntipai, to root itself. Take ship, v. Musfi'ntripai, to iu- ship. Take warning, v. Pro'nsitai kro'nzi, to observe the warning. 2, Kro'n- sikoo, to be warned. 3, Fa'mpini, to be heedful. Take, (a town) \. Ke'mprifai, win. T A M Take irater, v. Fra'nsifai. 2, Mus- unsitai, to into-water, i. e. go. 3, Tasdi-e'nsifai, to begin to sail — to begin to navigate. Take loell, v. Do'nsinoi, to be delighted. 2, To'nsifai, to consent. Take aivay, v. To'ntivai, to deprive. 2, Dwa'ntipai, to diminish. 3, Pla'ntiprost, to make less. 4, Da'ntisai, to take away. Take in hand, v. Pre'ntivai, to undertake. 2, Ke'ntivai, to endea- vour. 3, Kre'ntivai, to essay. Take in pieces, v. Pre'ntifai va'ndaiz, to separate the parts. Take, (by writing) v. Da'nsitai, to write. Take off, y. Gre'ntifai, to imitate. Take on, v. Diskro'nsikai, signified or shewed grief. 2, Disto'nsikai, to express anger. Take mercy on, v. Nusbe'mpivi, to be merciful to. Take to wife, v. Vu'ntrinai, to marry. Take vp, V. Ke'utipai pi'nsupo, to take lifting. Take up, v. Dro'nsikai, to reprehend. Take vp, (money) v. Ko'mprikai, to borrow. Take rest, v. Re'nsikai, to rest. Take time, v. Tre'ntikai i'ndoo, to spend time. Take upon him, v. Te'ntipai, to claim. Taken, part. Ke'ntnpoo. Taken, verb. Ke'ntipel, did take. Taken for, part. Po'nsufoo turn, thought to be. 2, Pantru'poo turn, judged to be. Taken ivith sickness, adj. U'mpu, sick. Talc, n. Bru'njoi. Tale, n. Ti'ndi, narrative. 2, Tro'n- tur ti'ndi, fictitious narrative. Tale. n. Ru'ndoo, number; as, " in full tale," i. e. in full number. Tale bearer, n. Dwampruno'r, a backbiting person. Talent, n. O'mbi, natural power. 2, A'mbi, acquired habit. Talisman, n. Pa'mpruto gre'nzis, wizarding image. Talk, n. Pa'uzo, speech. 2, Dra'nzi, conferring. 3, I'ndi, discourse. Talkative, adj. Bre'mpa, loquacious. Tall, adj. Ka'ntou, high. Tally, n. Fre'ntunoo ko'ndoo ven- da'di, notched stick for reckoning. Tallow, n. Pli'mpus da'ndoi, hard fat. 2, Pli'mpus da'ndoi tenazi'diz, hard fat for candles. Talon, n. To'ndi, claw. Tamarind, n. Fru'mvis. Tamarisk, n. Fi'mvi. Tan, V. Tano'ntifai. Tame, adj. Ko'mpa, opposed tofierce. Tame, v. Ko'mjiimost, to cause to be tame. 2, Ve'mprifai, to con- quer. T A S Tameness, n. Bo'ndi, j^entleness. 2, Dwe'mboo, cowardice. 3, Tc'mba, peaceablencss. Tan, n. Tano'udoi, tlin art of con- verting animal skins into leather. Tang, n. Pwezi'mba, a slight taste of any thing. Tangent, n. Ke'njoi. Tangihh, adj. Fake'ntufoo, able to be touched. Tarujle, v. Fri'nsifai. Tankard, n. Bwe'nzi tinsnfo'puri, a pot with covering thing, i. e. lid. Tanner, n. Tanontulo'tas, tanning mechanic. Tansy, n. FauVoi. 2, Kra'mvoi, maudlin tansy. 3, Pa'mvino, wild tansy. Tap, n. Peke'nzis, slight stroke. Tap, fto) V. Peke'nsivai, to strike slightly. Tap, n. Dre'nzi, spiggot. Tap, (to) V. De'urtikai, the active of faucet, i. e. the causing to stream by thrusting in the faucet. Tape, n. Fra'ntou ve'nza, narrow ribband. Taper, n. Dru'nsi te'nzis, wax can- dle. 2, De'nti, conical. Tapestry, n. Fansi'fun, room vest. Tapster, n. Tontruko'fan denzoo'tu drenzoo'twi, the selling officer of ale or beer, &c. Tar, n. Vrono'ndoo, a thick resin- ous substance of a darlc brown or black colour, obtained from pine and fir trees, by burning- wood with a close, smothering heat. Tarantula, n. Poora'ntur ba'mpruko bo'njoi, a great poisoning spider. Tardy, adj. Tro'mpu, slow. 2, Tri'ntnr,'late. Tare, n. Pra'ndis, worst part. Tares, n. Bo'mvo. Target, n. Te'ndri, buckler. Tarragon, n. Dra'mvoi. Terrace, n. Pensufo'kin anzoiju, walking place on a building. Tarras, n. Trimpai'fur brunza'tu, coarse kind of plaister. Tarry, v. Re'ntisai, to stay. 2, Pla'nslkai, to tarry for, wait for. 3, Pra'mpinai, to delay. 4, Bre'n- tivai, to protract. Tart, adj. Ti'mpa, austere in taste. Tart, ( ai n. Koore'nzoo ondo'tuz, a pie of fruits. 2, Koore'nzoo tim- pa'tu o'ndoz, a pie of sour fruits. Tart, adj. De'mpus or de'mpai, severe. 2, Gre'mpus or gre'mpai, austere. Tartar, n. Ku'nji. Task, n. To'nsunoo i'nzi, appointed operation. 2, Pre'ntuvoo i'nzi, undertaken operation. 3, To'nsu- noo e'ndo, appointed business. 4, Pre'ntuvoo e'ndo, undertaken business. F 2 TEL Tassel, n. Ve'nda, tuft. 2, Ve'ntnnoo fe'ndis, tufted button. Taste, n. Ko'mbo, the faculty of taste. 2, I'mba, the quality of bodies which produces the sensa- tion. Taste, V. Ko'mpitai, the act of the faculty. 2, Kre'ntivai, kombito'ti, to essay by tasting. Taster, n. Komputo'fan, the tasting officer. Tattered, part. Vre'nsuvi, in a torn state. 2, Vre'nsuvoo pa'ntimu ra'ndaiz, torn into many parts. Tattle, V. Bre'mpiuai, to act loqua- ciously. 2, Bre'mpini to be loqua- cious. Tavern, n. Dave'nsou pa'nzoi, wine merchant house. Taught, V. To'nsitel, did teach. 2, To'ngutoo, (participle). Taunt, n. Ta'mprinai, to mock. 2, Ga'niprinai, to reproach. 3, Dro'n- sikai ta'mbrun, to reprehend mockingly. 4, Dro'nsikai ga'm- brun, to reprehend reproachingly. Taurus, n. Dwinpi'nzoiz, aggregate of stars, constellation. Tautology, n. Ve'ndoi Indoi'tuz, repetition of words. 2, Bro'nta ve'ndoi indoi'tuz, vain repetition of words. Taw, (leather) v. Fe'ntivai ta'ndoiz, to prepare skins. Tawny, adj. Pli'mpur fri'mboi, dark yellow color. Tax, n. Ru'ndi, proportion. Tax, V. To'mprikai. Tax, n. Do'ndri, price. Tax, V, Ta'ntripai, to accuse. 2, Ga'mpriiiai, to reproach. Teach, V. To'nsitai. Teacher, n. To'nzo. Teal, n. Tre'njino, bird. Team, n. Da'ndo. 2, Da'ndo injo'tuz, series of beasts. 3, Di'nfrenjino"- twez, a team of young ducks, i. e. an aggregate of yoimg ducks. Tear, n. Twa'nza. Taring, n. Vre'nzivo. Tear, (to) v. Vre'nsivai. Teat, n. Fra'nda. 2, Frano'nda, nipple. Teazle, n. Pa'mvinoi. Technical, adj. Ta'mpu. Tedio?(s, adj. Gapro'nsuki, apt to be irksome. 2, Gagre'ntuko, apt to weary. 3, Vepa'ntou, excessively long. 4, Vetro'mpu, excessively slow. Teem, v. Ta'nsipai, to bring forth. Teeming, ]iart. Ta'nsupo. Teeth, n. Kra'ndoz. Telescope, n. Kruna'njoi, tube for seeing remote things. Tell, V. Ti'utisai, to narrate. Tell, (cannot) v. meaning, " bonc'- sifo," do not know. Tell, V. Ru'ntipai, to nimiber. TEN Tell, V. Ge'ntipai, to shew. 2, Fro'n" sifai, to discover. Tell tales, v. Bra'mpinai, to blab, to act loquaciously. 2, Gronsikai, to admonish, reprehend. 3, Kro'nsi- kai, to warn. Tellina, n. Vro'njinoi. Temerity, n. I'le'mba, rashness, without consideration. 2, Re'm- boo, rashness, foolhardincss. Temper, n O'rabi, natural power generally. Temjyer of mind, n. O'mba. Temper of body respecting the propa- gation of the species, n. O'mbis. Temper of body respecting the indi- vidual, n. Ombil. Temper, (just) n. Ga'ndoo. 2, Ra'mbi, disposition. Temper, (to) v. Gro'utivai, to mix. 2, Fa'ntiprost, to cause to be neither abundant nor scarce. 3, Ka'mpitai, to moderate. Temperament, n. (See temper). Temperance, n. Pc'mboi. Temperate, adj. Pe'mpou. 2, Fa'n- tur, neither too much nor too little. 3, Ka'mpi, moderate. Temperate heat, n. Pi'mbi. Tempest, n. Dru'nzis. Temple, n. Ka'nzoi. Temp)les, (of the head) n. Dra'ndoz. Temporal, adj. U'mpru, secular. 2, Vrl'ntur, transitory. Temporize, v. Pre'ntinai tondai'nuz, to submit to circumstances. 2, Vo'ntiki ende'puz, vro'nzoiz, to'm- braz. krondoi'twiz, to be congru- ous with events, opinions, cus- toms, or occasions. 3, Pre'ntipui indoo'pnz, to alter with the times. Tempt, V. Bre'ntifai, or debre'ntifai. 2, Bro'nsikai, to allure. 3, Pro'ii- sisai, to seduce, misdirect. Ten, n. or adj. Pa'sin. Tenfold, n. Pasi'ngi, the tenfold. Tenfold, adj. Pasi'nkur. Tenfold, adv. Pasingur; as, "ten- fold greater." TenorAousntss, n. Gabe'ntikai, apt to keep. Tenacity, n. Fcndoi'rit, adhesiveness. Tenant, n. Bompruko'r panzoo'tu, pa'nzoi, anzoo'twi, the hirer of farm, house, or land. Tench, n. Dra'njino, 2, Ka'njis, sea tench. Tender, adj. Pri'mpus, soft, yielding. 2, Bli'mpus, brittle. 3, Gapro'n- tunoo, apt to be hurt. 4, Bo'ntu, gentle. 5, Vre'nipou, nice, over- clean. 6, Dron'sus, compassionate . 7, Be'mpur, merciful. 8, Bede'm- pa, very courteous. 9, Ge'mpus, clement. 10, Dre'mpus, fond. 11, Bro'nsu pandrino'ni pe'ndripo- twi, averse from hurting or offending. Tendency, n. Ri'ndo, direction. T E R Tender, (to) v. Fe'utinai, to offer. Tend, V. Ri'ntitai. 2, Pla'usikai, to wait. 3, Ve'ntrlvai, to watch, pro- tect. Tendon, n. Fra'ndoi. Tendril, n. Dra'ndoi. Tenement, n. Pauzoo, fann. 2, Pa'n- zoi, house. 3, >SVoo'im li'u to'ndrun ve'ntipoi, whatever may legally be held. Tenant, u. Gwai to'ndrun ve'ntipo a'nzi, he who legally holds pro- perty. Tinon, n. Petene'nda twindo'su tu bra'nzo, small protuberance at the end of a beam. Tenor, n. Kra'uti to'nza, general purpose, specially of writer or , speaker. 2, Kra'nti ri'ndoi, gene- ral meaning. Tenor, n. Pli'mbo, nest part above the base in music. Tent, n. Pra'nzoi. Tent-ioork, n. Bo'mvoo, (herb, white maiden-hair). Tent, n. Pwe'nda po'ntufoo kenzafu ki'nsifai fu'mboo, a pin made out of linen to stop a wound. Tenter, n. Gwe'ntunoo pe'nda, a ■ hooked pin. Tenth, adj. Pa'rin. Tenthly, adv. P'alin. Tenuity, n. Bra'ndoi, thinness. 2, Twi'mbi, rarity, rareness. Tenure, n. O'ndxa be'ntipai venti- paikwi, the right to have and to hold. Tepid, adj. Pi'mpu. Tergiversation, n. Ganvre'ndoi, the habit of change. 2, Vro'ndi rcm- be'tu, incongruity of conduct, i. e. of customary actions. 3, Dwa'm- ba, inconstancy. 4,rre'mpa fri'n- dis, unfaithful denial. 5, Fre'nipa fre'mboi, unfaithful abandonment. 6, Dwe'rapiu* fre'mboi, cowardly abandonment. 7, Dwe'mpur fri'n- dis, cowardly denial. Term, n. Vontuvo'ri, the Uniting thing. 2, Vo'ntuvo'din, the finit- ing sign. 3, Vontuvo'kin, iinitmg place. Term, n. I'ndoo, time ; specially Vo'ntuvoo i'ndoo, limited time. 2, A'ntrn i'ndoo, judicial time. 3, I'ndoi, word. 4, Ko'ndoo, name. Terms, n. Ko'ndoiz, conditions. Terms, (coming off tqjoti equal) n. Pe ndi'oi. Terminate, v. Vro'nsinai, to desist. . 2, Twi'ntitai, to end. Termination, n. Twintuto'dwes, ending part. Terrestrial or terrene, adj. Di'nsou, pertainuig to the earth. Tcrreous, adj. U'nsa, pertaining to elemental earth. Territory, n. Vontra'kin, authority place. T H A Terrible, adj. Vro'usukrast, causing to fear. 2, Ti'mvis, the shrub terrible. Terrier, n. Dra'ndo anzoo'tuz, cata- logue of lands. 2, Fiupi'nji, a kind of dog. Terrific, adj. Vro'nsukrast. Terse, adj. Gri'nsukoo, wiped. 2, Da'ntu, clean. 3, Fi'mpus, smooth. 4, Vrane'tukoo vi'mboi, imadorn- ed neatness. Tertian, adj. Droozentisel o'uju afrin bu'ndls, returning every second day. Test, n. Bre'ndoi. Testaceous, adj. Fo'nta. Testament, n. Fontruko'ri, the be- queathing thing. 2, Fo'utridvo dansutoo'ri, the bequeathing writing. Testament, n. Pu'ndris. 2, Tri'ntur pu'ndi'is, old testament. 3, Ti'ntm* pundi'is, new testament. Testator, n. Fontniko'ro, the be- queathing person. Testy, adj. Dwe'mpa. Testicle, n. Gra'ndis. Testify, V. Da'mprivai, to act as a witness. Testimony, n. Dampruvo'rl, the wit- nessing thing. 2, Dampruvoo'ri, the witnessed thing. Testimonial, n. Da'nsutoo dampru- vo'rl, written witnessing thing. Tester, n. Tiusufo'twan danzai'tu, the covering jugament of bed- stead. Tether, n. Finsufo'ri bande'di, the tying thing for the leg. Tethya, n. Vo'njino. Tetter, n. Fru'mbo. Text, n. Po'ndis danzo'tu panzo'twi, the subject of wi'Itiug or speech. 2, Pu'ntrai pri'nda, scriptm'al sentence. Tejcture, n. Fi'nzi, weaving. 2, Vin- fi'nzi, weaving manner. Thankfulness, n. Ve'mboo. Thank, v. Ve'mpivai, to express gratitude. Thanks, (give) v. Vempivai. Thanksgiving to God, n. Tu'ndra. Thanks to God, (to give) v. Tu'n- triuai. That, subj. subs. Dyoo, who ; as, " the man that hath no music in his sold, &c," byiiUzi dyoo bene'ti- po rai di-e'nzi twai'tu ti'nzoo, kyel. T/iat, sub. subs. Tyoo, which; as, " the tree which yielded such beautiful fruit, &c," yu'mvi tyoo ta'nsipel zo vo'rapu o'ndo, kyel. That, conj. Kwin; as, "I know that my Eedeemer liveth," au bo'nsifo tnukwin donsupo'ro da'nsipo. That, demonstrative pro. Ivo; as, " that displeased my friend," I'o di'o'nsiuel ponza'tos. Thatch, (to) n. Ga'nsitai prenzis'pu. THE Those, demon, plural, Ro'u; as, " those houses are mine," . ro'u pa'nzoiz to'stum. Tliatch, n. Pre'nsus ga'nzo, straw roof. Thaumaturgic, adj. Pono'nsu, the art of performing things apt to excite wonder. Ihaw, V. Unku'nsitai to un-frost. 2, Fi'nsivai, to dissolve. The, article : Y before a vowel ; as, u'mvi, tree; yum'vi, the tree. 2, The is denoted by y, after the initial consonant, as fu'ndroi, priest; fyu'ndi-oi, the priest. 3, Tlie, is denoted by i before a consonant; as, Bi'nzikur, man; i bi'nzikur, the man. 4, The is denoted when emphatical by ue before a vowel or consonant. 6, The, when emphatical, is some- times denoted by e after the ini- tial consonant; as, bi'nzikm', man; be'inzikur, the man. Theatre, n. Dye'nsukLn, the specta- cle place. 2, Tontrou'kin, the player place. Thee, pron. As; as, " BInsifai'as i tyool po'nti U'ndi," to know the only true God. Thief, n. Da'mbrg. Theft or thievery, n. Da'mbrito. Tliey, pron. Ar. Them, pron. En or el. Theme, n. Po'ndis pa'nsutoo, subject spoken. 2, Po'ndis dansutoo, sub- ject written. Than, adv. Kyu; as, '' greater than me," pra'ntupou o'skjii. '' Greater than my friend," pra'ntupou ta'u- kyu po'nza. Obs. In these in- stances, the object of the relative Kyu, is a pronoim or noun. 2, " She is more beautiful than I imagined," yai vo'mpikou aukirin fdmpifel. Obs. Here a whole proposition is the object, and therefore tlie conjunction Kicin, is used, and not Kyu. Then, adv. past; Gro'su. 2, Span, at that past time; as, '' then Joseph could not restrain him- self," span (or gro'su) Jozif pli'uu froutifaiu'rkweu. Then, adv. futui-e, Spen; as, "I shall then see him as he is," au ti'u spen pompitai'ed oi'kyu wai po'ntoo. Then, ( therefore) conj. Kcl; as, ''however, then can I do it?" vyoo'tuun, kel, pi'iau pintipai'esV Tlience, adv. Tro'ui, from that thing. 2, Gro'ni, from that time. 3, Kro'ni, from that place. Tlieology, n. Unde'bras, the science of God. 2, Undoo'bras, science of religion. Theorem, n. O'nsou bi'nda, theoretic rale. T H I Tkeologue, n. Po'uJi-oi, divine. Theory, u. O'nzoi, speculation as opposed to practice. 2, Po'nzoi, meditation. 3, Fo'nzoi, inquisi- tion. 4, adj. Gapa'mpus, apt to be scientific. There, adv. Kro'tu, in that place. 2, Tr'<_)tu, in that thing. Thereabout, adv. Kro'pru, near that place. Therefore.! conj. Kel. Therein, adv. Ko'tu, in that. 2, Tes or too'es, in it. Thermf, adv. Ko'tu, of that. 2, R'gti, concerning that. 3, Fais, or fe'es, concerning it. Thereupon, adv. Jes or joo'es. 2, Roju, upon that. Thesis, n. Pi'ndi, proposition. 2, Fi'ntus pi'ndi, affiimative propo- sition. Thine, adj. pron. Tast. (See gram- mar, page 75 ; Table — tost, tast, test, twest, tyest, tout, tant, tent, twent, tyent). Tliich, adj. (as to magnitude) Pa'n- tou. 2, Pa'nti, thick, (as to num- bei's.) 3, Di'ntur, frequent, (as to time), — ''thick coming fancies." 4, Vi'ntou, obvious, (as to place, i. e. in many places) — " thick on the gromid." 5, Tri'mpus, coarse, (as to the parts). 6, Tri'mpu, dense, (as to nearness of parts). 7, Ti'usu, fulled, (as cloth thick- ened as in acids, &c.). 8, Fri'nsus, coagulated, (thickened as in fluids, curds,) &c. 2, KrI'mpur, opake, (as to our sensations). 10, Fro'm- pi, deaf, (thick of hearing.) Thicket, n, Dvvini'mvi, aggregate of shj'ubs. 2, Dwiuu'mvi, aggre- gate of trees. Thigh, n. Ka'ndi. Thill, n. Ba'nziz, shafts. Thiller, n. Pyi'njoo banze'kuz, the horse betwixt the shafts. Thimble, n. Dyantu'bus kinze'di, the finger armament for sewing. 2, Dyautu'vus kinze'di, the finger armour for sewing. Tldn, [See the corresponding mean- ings of the word thick] 1, Bra'n- tou, thin, lean. 2, Pra'nti, few. 3, Dri'ntur, seldom. 4, Vri'ntou, not thick on the gromid, 5, Twi'mpus, fine. 6, Ti'mpu, rare. 7, Tme'su, unfuUed. 8, Fi'nsus, in a state of dissolution. 9, Kl'm- pur, transparent. 10, Po'mpi, possessing the faculty of sight. Thy, adj. pron. Ta or tas. Thyself, pron. A'kwen, (emphatical) . 2, A, ta'kwen, thou, thyself. 3, A, tagwe'nkwen, thou, thy own self. Obs. Gwen signifies own. Thing, n. Fo'ndoo. Think toell of, v. Go'nslfai befo'ntu, to esteem good. T H O Think, v. Po'nsivai, to cogitate. 2, Vro'nsifi, to be of opinion. 3, Fo'nsiki, to be persuaded, i. e. in the state of persuasion. 4, Pa'm- pinai, to consider, to exercise the moral virtue of consideration. 5, Fo'nsitai, the act of considering the means to some end'; revolve; premeditate. (J, Pro'nsifai, to meditate. 7, Gro'nsifai, to esteem. Tliink good, v. To'nsitai, to approve. 2, To'nsifai, to assent, consent. Think much of his pains, dL'c, v. Fro'nsinai, i. e. act reluctantly, grudgingly. Third, adj. A'trin; as, "Y.VtrIn bu'ndls," the third day. Thirsting, n. Fa'nzoi. Tliirst, V. Fa'nsifai. Tliirteen, adj. Pa'tin, Thirty, adj. Ta'sin. Thirty one, adj. Ta'pin. Thirty-two, adj. Ta'fin. This, demonstrative, 0; Plural, O'u, these. Thistle, n. Pa'mvo. 2, Pa'mvinoi, fuller's thistle. 3, Fa'mvinoi, globe thistle. 4, Ka'nvo, sow- thistle. Thither, adv. Kro'nu:— Nu, to; ro, that; and k, place. Thitherward, adv. Kro'spu : — Spu, towards; ro, that; k, place. Thlaspi, n. Te'mvis. Tliong, n. Ge'nza. Thorn, n. Tro'ndoo, prickle. 2, Ki'mvoo, blackthorn. 3, Vri'm- voo, boxthorn. 4, Vi'mvoo, Chrlst's-thorn. 5, Ki'mvo, ever- green-thorn. 6, Ti'mva, goat's thorn. 7, Bi'mvoo, purging thorn. 8, Tri'mvoo, white thorn. Thorn-apple, n. Dre'mvinoo. Thornback, n. Fra'njoi. Thornhack dog, n. Ba'njoo. TJior-pe, n. Dwinpa'nzoi, village. Those, demonstrative : — Ro'u, those, plural : ro, that, singular. Thou, pron. A. Thou, thyself, pron. A'kwen. 2, A, ta'kwen, thou, thyself. 3, A, ta- gwe'nkwen, thou, thine ownself. Thought, n. Po'nzoi. Thought, (taking) n. Tra'mboo. 2, Fa'mba, heedfulness. Thoughtfulness, n. Bepo'nzoi, intense thought. 2, Fa'mba, heedfulness. 3, Fa'mba, carking. Thousand, adj. Au'peo. Thousandth, adj. Au'prie. 2, Aprau'- peo. Ubs. r comes betwixt the numerator and the denominator in expressing Fractions. Where, however, the number is one, the denominator alone is expressed by the ordinal, as in the first example, by putting r after the last consonant. Though, conj, Nul, although. T H Thrall, n. 'To'nibroo, slave. Thrasonic, adj. Pro'iisuvo voobrii dw'i impure boastin" like coward. Thrave, n. Fa'kin dwinfenl'nzooz, twentyfour sheaves, i. e. aggre- gates of com. Thred, v. Duspc'ntipai di'nza, to through-put thread. Threadbare, adj. Frono'ntuvou, the worse for use. 2, Umpe'nsuuoo vende'ti, un-wooUed by use. Threat, (a) n. Vro'nzi. Threat, v. Vro'nslkai, to tlireaten. Three, adj. A'tin. Threefold, adj. Atl'nkur. Triple, (the) n. A'rtingi. Third, adj. A'trin. Threescore, adj. Va'sin, 60. Tliresh, V. Bi'nsitai. Tlireshold, n. Ta'nza. Thrice, adv. A'ton. (See Table). Thrill, V. Ti'nsifai, to bore, drill. 2, Dre'nsivai, to pierce. TliriU, v. Dre'nonsivai, an internal, sharp, trembling sensation, spreading through the body. Thrift, n. Te'mbo. Thrift, n. Kra'nvoi, (herb). TJirifty, adj. Tc'mpi. Thrive, V. Fa'mpivi, to be prospe- rous. 2, O'kai fa'mpur, to become prosperous. 3, Dra'ntipai, to increase. 4, O'kai fa'mpou, to become rich. .5, Vra'nsipai, to grow. 6, O'kai ko'mpu, to become vigorous. Throb, V. Pe'nzo fandai'tu, pulse of the heart. 2, Bepe'nzo fandai'tu, great pulsation of the heart. Throne, n. Fo'ntrur va'nzis, royal seat. 2, Fo'ndi'oos vanzis, speci- ally the throne. Tlirong, n. Tri'mpu pa'ndo, dense multitude. 2, Tri'mpu vra'udo, dense aggregate. Throng, v. Krl'usipai, to thrust. 2, Tri'mpiki, to be dense. Throstle, n. Tre'njo. Throat, n. Bra'ndo. Throatwort, n. Dre'mvinoi. Throttle, n. Te'nda prandai'tu, pro- tuberance of wind pipe. T/trottle, V. Ga'mprikai, to strangle. 2, specially Ga'mprikai trinzooti brando'tu, to strangle by compres- sion of the thi'oat. Through and through, prep. To'ndi doo, perfectly through. Thorough, adj. To'nti, perfect. 2, A'ntus, total. 3, Fi'o'nsa, alone or only. Thoroughfare, u. Dwa'nzoi dran- zoi'twi to'ndi doo, a street or way perfectly through. 2, Unki'nsu- foo dwa'nzoi dranzoi'twi. Thorough-paced, adj. Tefebisufo, thoroughly ambling. Thorough-stitch, adj. To'nti, perfect. T I D Through, prep. Poo or (lu. 2, De or dl, for. 3, Te or ti, by means of. 4, Zoo or zu, over. .5, Doo or du, by, before tlie agent. Thorotigh-ucu; n. Ka'nva. 2, Vre'm- va, (codded). Throio^ V. Fe'nsivai, to cast. Throw a dart, v. Be'ntrikai, to dart, i. e. cast a dart. Throto down, v. Dansivrast, to cause to fall. Throw down a building, v. Ra'iisifai, to ruiu or throw into ruins. Throw down ajierson, v. Ta'mprivai. Tlirow out or throw forth, Uiia'nsi- pai, toun-possess. 2, Bene'tiprast, to cause not to have. Thrum, n. Ve'nda, tuft. Thrush, n. Tre'njo, (bird). 2, Ta'nji, sea thrush. Thrusting, n. Kri'nzoo. Thrusting out, n. Una'nzipo, un-pos- sessing, or dispossessing. Thrusting himself in, ii. Ta'udra, usurpation. Thrusting into, n. Dre'nzis, prickmg. 2, Ka'ndii, stabbing. Thrust through, v. iJuska'ntrikai, to stab through. 2, Dusfu'mpivai, to vround through. Thumb, n. Da'ndi, thumb or finger. 2, Dano'ndi, the thumb. 3, Dan- a'ndi, the finger next the thumb. 4, Dane'ndi, the second finger from the thumb. 5, Dani'ndi, the third finger from the thumb. 6, Danu'ndi, the fourth finger from the thumb. Thump, V. Ke'nsivai trenti'tiri, to strike with obtuse thing. 2, Ken- sivai. Thump, n. I'mbo kenzai'tu, the ROimd of striking ; as, "I heard the thump." Thunder, n. Tru'nzoo. Thursday, n. Buue'ndis, (see days of the week). Thus^ adv. Vo'tu, in this manner. Thus far, adv. Go'nu, to this time. 2, Ko'nu, to this place. Thwack, V. Ke'nsivai, to strike. 2, Fa'mprisai, to cudgel. Thwart, adj. Gle'ntou, transverse. 2, Kre'uta, adjective of cross. 3, Vro'ntu, contrary, incongruous. 4, Pro'mpa, disingenuous. Thwart, (to) v. Tro'ntisai, to oppose. 2, Ki'ntisai, to oppose. 3, Kri'u- tisai, to contradict. Tie, V. Fi'usifal. 2, Pi'nsifai, to bind. Tice, (entice) v. Bo'nslkai. Ticket, n. Pedansutoo'ri, a small written thing. Tickling, n. Ga'nzoi. Tide, n. Vrinza, motion of the sea. 2, Vo'ntugin, season, i. e. congru- ous time. 3, Tezi'ndoo, perfect time. T II Y Tiercel, n. Fe'njipur, male hawk. Tidings, n. Ti'ndi, narration. 2, Ti'ndi tintu'rturiz, narrative of new things. Tight, adj. A'utus, whfle. 2, Vli'mpu, stiff. 3, Befintou, very close or contiguous, as clothes, which fit tightly. 4, Pi'nsufo, binding. Tike, n. Fontri'ro, country person. 2, Twempa'r(2, rustic person. Tick, n. Vo'njoi, sheep tick (insect). 2, Pre'nzi dranzal'tu, bed-tick, i. e. case of bed. Tile, n. Bru'njoo. Till, n. Pefe'nzi mis gaki'nsupoo mu'stwi gakrinsupoo, a small box out-of apt to be di'awn : — or, into apt to be thrust. Till, (until) conj. Snoo or snu. '' Snoo'kwin byu'ndis pi'mpivai, until (that) the day dawn. Till, (to) v. Da'nsitai, to prop. 2, Ba'nsikai, to allure. 3, 1'nsitai, to till land. 4, Pri'nsitai, to plough. Tillage, n. I'nzo. Tilt, (a) n. Gwa'nzo ansuno'turi, a roof of cloth. Tilt, (to) V. Vre'nsikai tendre'ti, to fence with a spear. Tilth, n. Ko'ndis anzoo'tu, state of land. Tilth, (land in) n. A'nzoo tekon- dai'tu inzo'tu, land in a perfect state of agricultm-e. Timber, n. Ko'ndoo anzoi'di, wood for building. Timbrel, n. Drensu'tus or drensoo'- tus, musical instrument. Time, n. I'ndoo. Time to come, n. I'ndipin, future tense of the word time: so Shakspeare speaks of '' leaping the life to come," i. e. be'nzipo ddnzipin, leaping the future life, as da'mipil is the past lije. Times, (at) adv. Gri'ndur. Times, (at all) adv. Gri'ndur, per- petually. Times, (oft) adv. Di'ndur, fre- quently. Times, (some) adv. Gri'usu, at some times. Time, (the particular) n. Bi'ndoo, date. Time, (the length of) n. U'ndis, duration. Time, (length of life) n. U'ndinoo, age. Time, (for a) through or during a certain time, 2, Vri'ndur, transi- torily. Time, (long) adv. Vi'udur, perma- nently. Time, (measure of) n. U'ndi 2, Ee'ndo, leisure, time to spare. 3, Vo'ntugin, opportmiity, i. e. con- venient time. Thyme, u. Ka'mvis, herb. TIT Time, (in : — in good) Tezi'nuur, at the perfect time. Time, (out of) adv. Dezi'udur, at the wrong time. Tlie times, (i. e. the time-things) n. I'nturizi, — temporal things. Timely, adv. Tezi'ndur, at the right or perfect time. 2, Vontoo'sugin, at the congruous or suitable time. 3, Kiudur, soon, early. Time-serving, adj. (See teniporiz- _ing). Timidity, n. Dwe'mboo, cowardice. 2, Ganvro'nsikai, aptness to fear. Timorous, adj. Gavro'usuko. 2, Dwe'mpur, cowardly. Tin, n. Tu'nzoo, metal. Tin-glass, n. Tu'nzo. Tin, (to) V. Ti'nsifai te'ndoo unzoo'tu timsiu-pu'kin to cover the surface of metal with tin lamia. Tinea m,arina, n. Ka'njis. Tincture, v. Tri'nsikai, to dye. 2, I'mpifai timpoo'ti trimpoo'ritwiz, to colour moist or wet things, i. e. liquor, 3, I'mpifai to colour. Tind, v. Tasu'nsipai, to begin to burn. Tinder, n. Di'nsuvoo ke'nza, charred linen. Tine, Fentunoo'gim, toothed pin. Ting, V. Pefi'mpitai, to ling a little. 2, Pri'mbi pefi'mpitai, acutely to ring a little. Tingle, n. Tra'nslfai. Tinker, u. Tre'ntuso unze'tas, wan- dering metal-mechanic. Tinsel, n. adj. Vevantukoo, exces- sively adorned. 2, Vegc'utur, excessively showy. 3, Wo'ldoo timpu'rtu ansuuo'ri, a kind of shining cloth. Tip, (top) V. Diiititai, as to tip with gold, i. e. to top with gold. Tip'^ fover) V. Da'nsivai, to fall. Tippet, n. Panda'fus, neck vest. Tippliug, n. Dafra'nsifai, frequently to drink. 2, Datre'mpiti, fre- queutly to be di-unk. 3, Datre'm- pltai, frequently to get drunk. Tipstaff, n. Va'mbroo, marshall. Tiring, n. Grendi, wearymg. Tiring icoman, n. Po'ndis fantuko'- tas, hair ordering mechanic. 2, Po'ndis vantulcci'tas, hair adorning mechanic. Tisic, n. Fu'mbi, consumption. Tisical, adj. Fu'mpu. Tissue, u. Puno'nzoo, cloth inter- woven with gold. 2, Funo'nzo, interwoven with silver, &c. Tit, n. De'njis, (See titmouse). 2, Gre'njis, crested titmouse. 3, Ge'njis, long tailed titmouse. Tit, n. Pepi'njoo, a httle horse. Tithe, n. Ripa'so, the tenth part. See Table — Fractions — Numbeitj Tithymal, n. Pe'nvi, spurge. Titilation, u. Ga'uzoi, tickling. T L Title, n. Ko'ndoo. 2, Ko'ndoo bam- boi'tii, name of dignity. 3, O'ndi-a, right. Titmouse, n. De'njis. 2, Ye'nji.-<, great titmouse. Rinle, n. Pe'ndoo. 2, Plantupou'ris, most little tiling. Tittk tattle, n. Brempa'ri, loquacity thing. Titular, adj. Ko'ntur. To, prep, moo or mu. To the end that, conj. Du'lkwin, in order that. To-day adv. Go'su, at this time. 2, O'tu bu'ndis, in this day. 3, Ca'- sen, to-day. To-morrow, adv. Ca'pln, the first future day. To, (according) prep. Voo or vu. To, (in-) prep, moo or mu. To, (un-J prep. (See " to"). _ To and fro, adv. Onti'nukinz, to different places. 2, Onti'spurkinz, towards diiferent places. Towards, prep. Spoo or spu, in the direction of. Toe, n. Dwa'ndi, finger of feet. 2, Dwano'ndi, toe, great finger. 3, Dwana'ndi, second toe. 4, Dwan- e'ndi, third toe. 5, Dwani'ndi, fom-th. toe. 6, Dwanu'ndi, fifth toe. To, a word, in English, prefixed to a verb, to denote its dependence on some other verb; as the pre- position to denotes dependence of a noun on some preceding word. A mere sign of general relation. Toad, n. Fri'njis. Toad's flax, n. Vre'mvinoi. Toadstool, n. Pro'mvoo. Toad-fish, n. Kra'njoi. Tobacco, n. Pe'nvinoo. Tobacco pifpe, n. Penfi'nur te'ndi. Tobacco-fish, n. Tra'mijo. Tod, n. Fa'gin tu'ndaz, twenty eight pounds. Together, adv. Tyel, (wi-ongly printed tyool, at page 88) i. e. in a state of association. Together with, prep, poo or pu ; as, '' he stood with his father," wai pra'nsitel twai'pu fo'nzipur. Toy, n. Bronta'ri, vain thing. 2, Pede'mpm-i, a thing of little value. Toy, (to) V. Tro'mpinai, to act wantonly. Toil, n. Gla'nzis, net. 2, Bezi'nzi, great operation or labour. Token, n. Bo'ndis. 2, Damproo'din, witness sign. 3, Do'ndris, pawn- ing. 4, Kentunoo'ri, gift. 5, Ke'n- tusoo kentunoo'ri, a sent gift. Told, V. Ga'nsitel, said, (followed by things). 2, Gra'nsitel, said, (followed by and refeiTiug to words quoted). Toll,n. To'ndii. G2 TOO Told, part. Ga'nsutoo. 2, Gra'n- sutoo. Toll, V. Dwengc'ntunoo mis pi'nsu- voo'ri, part paid out of ground tiling. Toll, V. Fi'mpita!, to ring. 2, Pefim- pitai, to ring a little. Tolerable, adj. Kapre'nsuvoo, able to be borne. 2, Gage'mpuvoo, apt to be endured. 3, Ka'ntur, neither excellent nor sorry, i. e. indifterent. Toleration, n. To'ndra. Tomb, n. Tumpruno'kin,the entomb- ing place. Tome, n. Tri'ndo, book. Tone, n. Vinti'mbo, manner of voice. 2, Tri'ndoi kus a'fin bi'mboz, distance betwixt two notes. Tongue, n. Ka'ndo. Tongue-tied, adj. Kane'nsikai ka'ndo, inability to move the tongue. Tongue, (dog's) n. Ko'mvino. Tongue, n. Ri'ndi, language. Tongs, n. Twunke'ntuno unsu'rdiriz, taking jugament for fii'e things. Tonsils, n. Tra'ndoz, glandules. 2, Twa'ndo, place of tonsils. Too, adv. Vint; as, "Vint tro'mpu," too slow. 2, Y, placed before the syllable au, in comparatives; as, '"tro'mpukyau," too slow; "bo'm- pukyau," too fat, &c. 3, conj. Kwel, also; as, "Vu'ndis vrun- dai'kwi kwel," the day and the night also. Tool, n. Bro'ndoi, instrament. Tooth, n. Kra'ndo. Tooth, n. Ea-a'ndo, generally. 2, Krano'ndo, the first right hand tooth of the two centre teeth. 3, Krana'ndo, the second right hand tooth. 4, Krane'ndo, the third right hand tooth. 5, Krani'ndo, the fourth right hand tooth. 6, Kranu'ndo, the fifth right hand tooth. 7, Krano'ldo, the sixth right hand tooth. 8, Kranal'do, the seventh right hand tooth. 9, Krane'ldo, the eighth right hand tooth. 2nd. Table. 2, Kranso'ndo. 3, Kransa'ndo. 4, Kranse'ndo. 5, Kransi'ndo. 6, Kransu'ndo. 7, Krauso'ldo. 8, Kransa'ldo. 9, Kranse'ldo. The coiTesponding left hand teeth. Obs. The adjective superior or inferior will determine whether the teeth of the upper or lower jaw arc denoted. Tooth, n. Fe'nda, figure. Toothsome, adj. Pi'mpa, sweet, plea- sant. 2, Tezi'mpa, perfect taste. 3, Teri'mpa, perfect eniell. Tooth, (eye-) n. Pa'ntufous ki'a'ndo, the longest tooth. Toothwort, n. Fre'mva. 2, Gre'mvi, without leaves. T U Top, n. Di'ndo. Top of ship, n. Pi'mbro. 2, Pa'ndis, the best part. Top, (to) V. Nisde'nsivai, di'ndo, to from-cut the top. 2, Bra'ntiprou, to be superior. Obs. The second r is the sign of dependence, or of the infinitive mood. Topaz, n. Bu'njoo. Topic, n. Bi'ndoi, subject. '' Rai fo'ndoo tyoo'nu rai bri'ndoi go'n- too," any thing to wliich any .predicate refers; as, "God is just." Who is just? God. There- fore '' God" is the subject of the predicate ''is just." 2, Rai i'ntou te'ndoi rinzoo'nu two'ndrotu, any local application, to the body, of medicine. 3, Fronso'ukin vinda'- tu, invention place of argument. 4, Bika'nsi vi'uda, foundation-like argument. Topsey-turvey, adv. Dindo'pu bri'n- tutous, with top undermost. Torch, n. Dru'nsi bete'nzis, great wax candle, great pitch candle. 2, Vrono'ntur betenzis. Torment, n. Betro'mbi, great pain. 2, Pa'ndi'is, torture. Tormentil, u. Fra'mvino, (herb). Torn, part. Vre'nsuvoo. Tornado, n. Beku'nzoi, gi'cat wind. Torpedo, n, Pranjoi. Torpid, adj. Prompou, benumbed. 2, Fro'mpa, dull. Torrent, n. Bedi'nza, great stream. 2, Bedi'nza vri'ntur, gi-eat but transitory stream. Torrid, adj. Bepri'mpu, very hot. Toriion, n. Pi'nzi, twisting. Tortoise, n. Pi'njis. 'lorture, n. Pa'ndi'is or pa'ndrai. 2, Betro'mbi, great pain. Toss, V. Trusfe'nsivai, to cast up- wards. 2, Bri'nsipai, to roll, volutate. Toast, V. Te'nsitai, to roast. 2, Te'nsitai brinzoo'pi, to roast with- out vertigination. Total, adj. A'ntus, whole, entu-e. 2, Vra'utus, which results from ad- dition. Totter. V. Tre'nsivai, to shake. 2, Kre'nsifai, to stagger. Touch, 11. Bo'mbo, the faculty. 2, O'mboz, external senses. 3, O'm- boiz, internal senses. 4, To'nzi, anger. 5, I'mbi, tactil quality active. 6, I'mbis, tactil quality passive. 7, Fo'ndoi, contiguity, contact. 8, Kre'ntivai, to essay, attempt. 9, Ka'mpisai, to experi- ence, 10, Bre'ntifai, to test or try. Touchstone, (the) n. Kyampusoo'ri, the experienced thing. 2, Vru'n- joo. Touches, v. Ba'ntm, is pertinent; relates. TEA ToucJnng, prep. Fe or fi, concerning. Touch, (a) n. Poola'nturdwes, a little part. 2, Fa'ndis, say, sample. Touch upon, (to) V. Pa'nsitai pla'u- doo fe, to speak little concerning. 2, Pefo'ntivrost, to make a little object of. Touc/nvood, n. Kro'mpukoo ro'ndoo, decayed wood. Touchy, adj. Dwe'mpa, morose. Toughness, n. Bri'mbis. Tousel, V. Ki'nslpai frande'mu, to pull into disorder. Towards, prep. Spoo or spu; as, "pindo'spu, towards the east." Towardly, adj. Gratro'usitai, apt to learn. Toward, fun-J adj. Bre'mpu, di-e'm- pu, gre'mputwi, rebellious, diso- bedient, or contumacious- Tow, n. Ba'mvoo fe'ntuvoo pri'nzi- koo'di, hemp prepared for being spun. Tow, (to) V. Pi'nsipai drenza'ti, to pull by means of a rope. Towel, n. Tensa'ri griuze'di, linen thing for wiping. Tower, n. Ta'nzoi. Town, n. Fo'mbro. Toionsman, n. Fompri'ro, town per- son. 2, Tompri'ro, citizen, city person. Tower, v. Pa'nsivai beka'ntou, to rise very high. Trahs, n. Ku'nzoo. Trace, n. Tra'nzi. Trace, (to) v. Ve'ntisai vande'tidiz, to follow by foot signs. 2, Ve'nti- sai trende'tidis, to follow by wheel sign. Track, n. Vande'dis, foot sign. 2, Trende'dis, wheel sign. Tract, n. Ri'nzo, region. 2, Da'nsu- too i'ndi, written discom-se. Tractable, adj. Bo'ntu, gentle. 2, De'mpa, courteous. 3, Gapo'n- trupoo, apt to be governed. Trade, n. O'ndi'oi, profession. 2, Umba'mpusoo o'ndi'oi, unlearned profession. 3, Umba'mpuso ta'm- bi, unlearned art. Trade, (to) v. Bo'ntrifai, to act as a merchant. Trade-wind, n. Da'mpa ku'nzoi. Tradition, n. Ti'ndi. 2, Vo'ntus ti'ndi, successive narrative. 3, Pu'mbris, ecclesiastical tradition. Traduce,, v. Ga'ntrinai, to reproach. 2, Da'utrinai, to calumniate. Traffic, V. Bo'ntrifai, to act as merchant. 2, E'ntiuai, to inter- change. Tragedy, n. Two'ntrou'ri de'ntuvo kro'nzu, a play ending fatally. Tragical, adj. De'ntuvo kro'nzu, ending fatally. Tragi-comedy, n. Kooro'nsukrost, tontrou'ri do'nsuvo ko'nzu, a grief causing play ending merrily. T R A Tray, n. Kre'nzi. Trail, v. Ki'nsipai dlnzoi'glu, speci- ally to make a scent. Train, (of garment) n. Pya'ntou gri'ndo ensuno'turi, the long liind- er part of garment. Train, (bird's) n. Fro'ndi. Train, n. Da'ndo, series. Train, (of poioder) n. Da'ndo dem- bre'tu, series of powder. Train, n. Vra'ndo plansuko'turoz, aggregate of waiters, i. e. wait- ing persons. Train, (of army) n. De'ndra. Train, (to) v. To'nsitai, to teach. 2, O'nsikal, to educate. 3, Bo'nsi- kai, to allin-e, entice. Traitor, n. Fwelpa'ro, a treacherous person. 2, Fwantri'ro, a traitorous person. Tralatitioiis, adj. Vri'nti. Train-net, '(a) n. Goola'nzis gape'n- suvoo kus a'fin kro'ndooz, a net apt to be carried betwixt two persons. Trample, v. Jusvra'ntikai, to on-foot. Trampling noise, n. Bezi'mpitai be- vaniliko'ti, to make a great noise by much footing. Trance, n. Tro'nzis, extacy. Tranquility, n. Tende'rit, (fi-om te'ndi). 2, Ta'mboo, content. Transaction, n. E'ndivo, the tran- sacting of business. Transact business, v. E'ntivai. Transcendent, adj. O'ntru. 2, Kra'n- tur, excellent. Transcribe, v. Tro'ntifai, to copy. Transfer, v. E'ntlvrast, to cause to pass,- as, " to transfer property," &c. 2, Te'ntinai, to deliver. 3, Fre'ntipai, to alienate. Transfigure, v. Pre'ntipal re'ndo, to alter the foina or figure. Transgress, v. Vre'ntivai, to violate. 2, Tra'ntipai, to exceed. 3, Dre'm- pikai, to disobey. 4, Fro'ntivai, to do evil, sin. Transient, adj. Vrin'tur, transitory. Transition, n. Ti'ndi. Transitory, adj. Vri'ntm*. Translation, n. Bi'ndi. Transmarine, adj. Rinza'gi, beyond the sea. Transmigration, n. Ena'ndis, i. e. the passing from one person, place, or thing, to another. Transmit, v. Ke'ntisai, to send. 2, E'ntlvrast krondoo'ni krondoo'nu, to cause to pass from person to person. Transmute, v. Pre'ntipai, to alter. Transom, n. Gle'ntou bra'nzo, trans- verse beam. Transjmrent, adj. Ki'mpur. Transpiration, n. Tre'nza. Transplant, v. E'nsikai fwo'ndoo nis a'pin I'ndoi roi'nu, to move a thing from one place to another. T R E Transport, n. Tro'nzis, extacy. Transp>ort, v. Ba'mprisai, send from one country to another. Transpose, v. O'mprlkai yi'ndol, to exchange the place. 2, O'mprikai, fya'ndi, to exchange the order. 3, Pre'ntipai yi'ndoi fyande'twi, to alter the place or order. Transubstantiation, n. Pre'ndipo bo'ndoo, altering the substance. Transverse, adj. Gle'ntou. Trap, n. Gra'nzis. Trap door, n. Fwa'nza kri'nsufoo pinzoo'di, a door opened by lifting. Trapipings, n. Vantuno'buuz, orna- menting armaments. Trash, n. Kla'nturiz, sorry things. 2, Pra'ndis, worst part. 3, Dra'n- di, filth, impui'ity. Travel, n. Te'ndis, journey. Travel, v. Te'ntisai. 2, Insikai, to labor, operate. 3, Ta'nzoo, par- turition, — bringing forth. Travellers joy, n. Dri'mvi. Traverse, v. Gle'ntifai, to pass- transversely or across. Traverse suit, v. Fri'ntisai ta'ndroi, to deny the action. Treachery, n. Fe|lba, opposed to fidelity. 2, Vre'mbi, disloyalty. Treacle, n. Ta'ndis tenzoi'tu, the scum of sugar. Tread, v. Va'ntikai. Tread down, v. Dre'nsivrost jus vandiko'ti, to prostrate by upon- treading. 2, Bra'nsifai, specially as a male bird. Treason, n. Fa'ndro. Treasure, n. Runtu'ldwin, moncv aggregate- 2, Runtu'lkin, money place. 3, Fampou'kin, riches' place. 4, Fampou'dwin, riches' aggregate. Treasurer, n. Bentukofas rundi'Itu, the keeping officer of money. Treat, v. Fontivrost, to cause to be an object. 2, Fra'nsikai, to enter- tain. 3, Po'mprisai, to treat in order to a bargain. Treaty, n. Endiko'rit, the act of businessing — negociating. Treaty, n. O'ndri, contract. TreMise, n. Da'nsutoo i'ndi, wiitten discourse. 2, Di*a'nsutoo i'ndi, printed discourse. Treble, adj. Ati'ukur, threefold. Treble, (in music) n. Prl'mbo. Tree, n. U'mvi. Tree of life, n. Vru'mvi. Trefoil, n. Ti'mva, bean trefoil. 2, Bre'nvo, hedgehog trefoil. 3, Tri'mva, shrub trefoil. 4, Be'nvo, snail trefoil headed trefoil. Trembling, n. Bra'nza. Trench, n. Dre'ndi, furrow. Trencher friend, n. Drempa'ro enzoo'di, fawning person for victuals. 5, Bra'mvinoi, star T R I Trencher, n. Tre'iizi. Trencherman, 11. Pransufn'ro. Trepan, v. Ti'nsiuai pra'nilo, to bore the skull. Trepan, v. Bo'nsikai pronda'rau, to allure into hurt. 2, Bo'nsikai tronde'mu, to allure into daus^er. Trepidation, u. Bra'nza, trembling;. 2, Bra'nza vi-onze'ti, trembling for fear. Trespass, v. Tra'ntlpai, to exceed. 2, Dre'mpikai, to disobey. 3, Vre'ntivai, to violate. 4, Fro'nti- vi, to do ill, to sin. 5, Pa'ntrinai, to injure. 6, Pro'ntinai, to hurt. Tress, n. Vwe'nda pondaltu, a lock of hair. 2, Bive'nda, tassel-like. Tressel, n. Be'ndi. Trevet, n. Bwa'nzis on a'tin va'ndiz, a stool having three legs. T/v,', V. Fo'nsitai, to consider. 2, Fo'nsifai, to examine. Try at law, v. Ko'mprifai. 2, Bre'n- tifai, to prove, i. e. test. 3, Kre'n- tivai, to essaj. 4, Ta'mpisai, to experiment. 5, Da'ntikrost, to purity. 6, Unta'ntisai, to unscum. 7, Untra'ntisai, imsedimeut. Triangle, n. Pe'ndi. Tribe, n. Da'ndo panzoo'tuz, series of descendants. Tribulation, n. Fra'mboo, adversity. 2, Pra'mboo, miseiy Tribunal, n. Ba'nzis pandroo'tu, scat of judge. Tribune, u. Pwo'ndroo bo'nsunoo bo'ndroo ta'rdi ke'mbis, a magis- trate chosen by the people for their protection. Tribute, n. To'ndri. Trice, n. Ri'ndoo, instant. Trick, n. Frampai'ri, crafty thing. 2, Tomprou'ri, the act of a pres- tigiator. 3, Pedo'ndoo, a little action. 4, Dedo'udoo, a bad ac- tion. 5, Pefo'ndoo, a little thing. G, Defo'ndoo, a bad thing. Trick out, (to) V. Va'ntiuai, to adorn. Trickle, v. Pu'nsitai, to drop. 2, Pu'nsitai da'ndi, to drop serially, i. e. in a series. Trident, n. IVe'mbri pus a'tin te'nilaz, a halberd with three teeth. Trifle, n. Bronta'ri. 2, Fwo'ndoo rai'tuno u'ndil, a thing not of any value. Trifling, adj. Tro'mpa, wanton. 2, Dwa'mpa, light, inconstant. 3, Pi-a'mpa, inattention. Trigger, n. Brontou'rl trende'tu ansuno'turi, the Impedient thing of carriage, — a drag. 2, Bron- tou ensiko'ritwi ventroo'tu kc'nza, the impedient or moving thing of gun cock. Trill, V. Vibra'nsinai timbo'pi, to tremble like with the voice. Trim, adj. Va'ntukoo, adorned. T R Trimming, fa boat) n. Fi'nzipo, balancing. Trimming, (a ship) n. Ki'nibris. Trine, n. Tri'ndoi rato u'tu pra'utur fe'ndi, distance one third of a great circle. Tringi r major, n. Be'njinoo. Tringcr minor, n. Bre'njinoo. Trinity, n. Kro'utur ati'nirit Undc'- tu, the personal tripliclty (three- ness) of God. Trinkets, n. Fo'ndooz plantu'rtu, o'ndil, things of little value. 2, Kla'nturiz, sorry things. 3, Klan- tu'rfunz, sorry instruments. 4, Klantur a'nziz, sorry utensils. Tri2} tip, V. Be'nsifrast, to cause to slide. Trip, V. Bre'uslfai, to stumble. Trip along, v. Pe'nsifai to'mbu, to walk nimbly. Tripe, n. Fe'ntuvoo ka'ndis pinjoi'tu prepared stomach of kine. Tripartite, adj. Ati'nkur, triple. Tripple, adj. Ati'nkur. threefold. Trivial, adj. Ta'ntu, ordinary. 2, Vra'nta, common. 3, Bone'ta, not important. 4, Kla'ntur, sorry. 5, Lo'ntur, specific. Triumpih, n. Gendi'oi. Jriumverate, n. Pondroo'rit, govern- ment. 2, Pono'ndi'oo, govern- ment by one. 3, Pona'ndroo, go- vernment by two- 4, Pone'ndroo, government by three. 5, Poni'n- droo, government by five, &c. (See subspecials, page 64). Trochus, n. Yo'njiuoo. Trod, V. Ya'ntikel, did tread. Trod, part. Va'ntukoo. Troy weight, n. Ru'nda. Troll, V. E'ntisai fri'mbus, smoothly to pass. Troll, V. Do'ntrifai a'njiz binsupo'- pvidwus, to hunt fish with verti- ginating machine. Troop, n. Ti'ndra. 2, Vra'ndo, ag- gregate. Trooper, n. Pl'mbro, horseman. Trope, n. Vri'ndo, metaphor. Trophy, n. Gi'mbroi. Tropic of Cancer, n. Vi'nzis. Tropic of Capricorn, n. Vri'nzis. Trot, (a) n, Vwuntl'nupun, a decre- pit female. Trot, (to) V. Fre'nsifai. Trotter, n. Va'ndi, foot. 2, specially Va'ndi finjoi'tuz, foot of sheep. Trouble, n. Tre'ndi, molestation. Trouble, (in) adj. Trentu'koo, trou- bled. Trouble, n. Fra'mboo, adversity. 2, Pa'mboo, miseiy. 3, Kro'nzi, grief. 4, Ko'nzis, remorse. 5, Tra'mboo, anxiety. Troubled waters, adj. Unte'ntukoo, unquiet. Troublesome, adj. Gatre'ntuko, apt to molest. 2, Te'lpa, contentious. T U F Trough, n. Pa'ntou krc'nzi, long tray. Trout, n. Ta'njinn. 'Trowel, n. Frausuvo'tus krunza'di. Sub.special noun, Frauo'nzis, trowel. True, adj. Po'nti. Truant, adj. Tre'ntuso. Trubs, n. Fo'mvoo. Truce, n. Vri'mpur re'mbi, transltorj' peace. Truchman, n. Kintuko'ro, interpret- ing person. Truck, n. O'mbri. Truckle, V. Jispo'ntipai, to be under. 2, Jisdra'usivai, to underlie. Truculent, adj. Bekro'mi)a, very fierce. 2, Bebre'mpur, very cnicl. Truffle, n. (See trubs). Truly, adv. Po'ndi. Trull, n. Vra'nta fantroo'nun, com- mon fornication female. Trump), n. Trempi'tus, trumpet. 2, Pwemprou'fin fenzaitu, a victori- ous kmd of card. Trumpery, n. Kla'ntuliz, sorry things. 2, Pra'ndis, worse part. Trumpet, n. Trempi'tus. Trumpeter, n. Tre'mbo. Trumpet-fish, n. Da'nja. Truncheon, n. Pra'ntou bantou'kwl ko'ndoo, shoi't thick stick. 2, Fa'm- prus(2'tus, cudgelling instrument. Trundle, v. E'nsikai trendejuz, to move upon wheels. 2, E'nsikai bl'nzm', to move vertigiuatlngly. Trunk, n. Fo'ndoo, stock. 2, A'nd-t, body of animal. 3, Fe'nzi, box. 4, Fe'nzi krenti'pu tinsufo'ri, bo.K with convex lid. Trunk, (of elephant) n. Kra'ndi. Truss, V. Tyel fi'nsifai, to tie to- gether. 2, Trusfinslfai, to tie up. 3, Vra'utlval finzoi'ti, to aggre- gate by tying. Truss of hay, n. Pinsufoo'dwin pen- zi'stu, bound aggregate of hay. Trust, n. Ko'nzo, confidence. 2, v. Ko'uslfal, to believe. Trust with, V. Po'mprikai, to deposit. Trusty, adj. Fe'mpa, faithful. Truth, n. Po'ndo. Truth, (in) adv. Po'ndi. Tub, n. Tre'nzi. Tub-fish, n. Ba'nja. Tube, n. Te'ndi, general. 2, Tre'ndi, tube square. 3, Twe'ndi, tube round. Tuberous, adj. Date'nta, protuberant. Tuck, n. Pa'ntou fe'mbri gadre'nsivai, a long sword apt to prick. 2, Ti'ndroi, rake of post. Tuck, (to) V. Vi'mpigrost tusi'tis binziko, to make fast by in-fold- ing. Tuesday, n. Bune'ndis. Tuft, (tassel) n. Ve'nda. Tuft, ((f flower J n. Vo'ndoi, stamen. 2, Vraudo, aggregate. T U R Turj, V. Beki'nsipa!, ptill much. 2, Dwakl'usipai, to pull earnestly, intensely. Tuition^ n. To'nzito, tcacliing. 2, Ko'nzito, the acting as guardian. Tulip, V. To'mva. Tumbling, n. Yre'nzoi. Tumbler, n. To'mbroi, prestigiator. 2, Kruncou'dus pransufo'di, glass vessel for di'inking. 3, Pinje'fin, kind of dog. Tumbrel, n. Tra'nzi, cart. Tumour, u. U'mbo. Tu7nult, n. Ta'mbro, sedition. 2, Fra'ntu pa'ndo, confused multi- tude. Tumultuary,^ adj. Fra'ntu, in a confused state. 2, Ta'mpri, sedi- tious. Tun, n. Bete'nzi, large barrel. Tun, n. Fa'bin ku'ndoz, twenty five gallons. 2, Gu'nda, ton, twenty hundred weight. Tune, n. Vi'mbo. Tune, (to) Tefe'ntlvai, perfectly to prepare, (as a musical instrument, Tunable, adj. Dre'nsu, musical. Tunhoqf, n. Po'nvis, ground ivy. Tunicle, n. Tra'ndoi, membrane. Tonnage, n. To'ndri, tribute. Tunnel, n. Kre'nti de'udo, concave cone 2, Jisdi'nsou da'nzoi de'nsu- voo prinzo'du, subterranean way cut through a hill. Tunnel of chimney, n. Krenti'dwes tranzo'tu, the concave part of chimney. Tunny, n. Ka'njo. Turban, n. Ando'fus. Turbinated, adj. Glite'ntutoo de|ndo, round about spiralled cone. Turbitk, n. Pru'uvis. Turho, n. Bro'njinoo. Turbulent, adj. Ta'mpri, seditious. 2, Te'lpa, contentious. Turbot, n. Ta'njinoo. Turcois, u. Bu'njo. Turdus, n. Ta'nji. Turf, n. Tri'nsu ka'ndis, grassy lump or clod. Turgid, adj. U'mpi, tumid. 2, Te'n- ta, protuberant. 3, Bedi'nsou, very full. Tarlis cap, n. Fro'mva. Turkey, n. Fre'njoi. Turmoil, n. Betre'ndi. 2, Bezi'nzi, great toil. 3, Beze'ndo, much business. Turn, V. Fre'ndls. Turner, n. Drinsuno'ro. U B I Ubiquitary, adj. Gin'tou, omnipre- sent. Ubiquity, n. Gi'ndoi, omnipresence. TUT Turn, (obliquely) Ga'nsivai. 2, Gra'nsivai, to reverse; as, ''turn the captivity," &c. Turn inside out, v. Tisgra'nsivai. Turn up?.ide down, v. Trisgra'nsivai. Turn down, v. Trisga'nsivai. Turn up, v. Trusga'nsivai. Turn up, (the ground) v. Truspi'u- sitai, to dig up, or truspri'nsitai ; to plough up. Turn, v. Di'nsipai, to bend. 2, Ple'ntitai, to curve. 3, Te'ntitai, to wind spirally. 4, Tre'ntitai, to wind cylindrically. Turn round, v. Bi'nsipai, vertiginate. Turn about, v. Bri'nsipai, to roll backwards and forwards, wallow. Turn loith a lathe, v. Dri'nsinai. Turn into, v. Musvre'ntifai, to change into. Turned into, (to be) v. O'kai, to become. Turn from had to good, v. Vu'ntri- vai, to be converted. Turn from good to bad, v. Vu'mpri- vai, to apostatise. Turn, V. Bintikai, translate. Turn away, v. Nisfre'utisai, to turn from. Turn back, v. Droofre'ntisai. Turn out, v. Misfre'ntisai. Turn, (a J n. Fre'ndis. Turn, n. Pre'udoo, alteration; as, " at every turn." Turn, n. Do'ndoo, action ; as, '• a good turn, " a good action, i. e. a benefit. So a bad tm'n — a bad action, an injmy. Turn, n. Do'ndis, course. Turns, (by) adv. Do'ndus, one after the other. Turnip, n. Ke'mva. Turnpike, n. Gi'ndris. Turpentine, n. Bli'mpu vro'ndoo, liquid resin. Turpentine tree, n. Tru'mvo. Turpitude, n. Befro'ndi, great Inde- cency. Turnstile or turnpike, n. Gle'ntou kre'nda gabi'nsnpoo, a transverse cross, apt to be vertiginated. Turret, n. Peta'nzoi, a small tower. 2, Tre'ndis, (figure) pinnacle, tower. Turtle, n. Fre'njo, (bird). Turtle, n. Pri'njis, (beast). Tush! characteristic, Ri'mpitoz! be silent! Tusk, n. Pwa'ntou kra'ndo. Tut! characteristic, be silent! u. U G L Ugly, adj. Vro'mpu. 2, Derc'nti, disfigured. 3, Dri'nzuno vro'mpu, disgustingly ugly. T Y R Tutelary, adj. Ke'mpuso, protecting. 2, Pe'mpruvo, defending. 3, To'ntukrost, making safe. Tutor, n. Ko'nzo, guardian. 2, To'n- zo, teacher. Tutsan, n. Ge'mvi. Tutty, adj. Ko'ndu pe'ntiiipoo. Twayblade, or twiblade, n. Bro'm- vinoo. Twain, adj. A'fon, two. Twang, v. Fi'mpitai, to ring. Tweezers, n. Petrinsupo'tus, a small pinching instrument. Twelve, adj. Pa'fin. Twibil, n. Brensuvo'tus, pecking instrument. Twice, adv. A'fins, two times. Twig, n. Kro'ndoo, wand. Twilight, n. Pi'mboo. Twins, n. A'fin tyel ta'nsupoo, two bom together. Twine, v. Dro'ndus pl'nsikai. 2, Dro'ndus va'nsikal, to embrace mutually. Twinge, n. Daki'nzoo, sudden pluck- ing. 2, Datro'mbi, sudden pain. Twinkle, v. Umfro'ntipai, di'ndur, frequently to im-appear. Twirl, V. i)abi'nsipai, impetuously to vertiginate or turn round. Ticist, n. Dra'nda, the share. Twist, fto) V. Pi'nsikai. Twit, V. Ga'mprinai, to upbraid. Twitch, V. Ta'nsifai. 2, Ljaki'nsipai, impetuously to pull. Twittle, V. Pebra'nsitai. Two, adj. A'fin. Twofold, adj. Afi'nkur. (See gram- mar) . Tiger, n. FInja. Tympany, n. Tru'mbis, (disease'). Type, n. Tro'ndoi. 2, Pi'ndoo dra'n- suto'tus, letter printing uistru- ment. Typography, n. Dransi'bas, the ai't of printing. Typographic, adj. Dra'nsuto, relat- nig to the act of printing. 2, Dra'nsi, relating to the art of printing. Typographer, n. Dra'nsutor. Typographically, adv. Dran'zuto, in the manner of printing. Tyranny, n. Kre'mbis, opposite to protection. Tyrant, n. Ta'ntninor, "'usurper. 2, Kre'mpusor, one who invades the rights of others. 3, Fondroo'- rit tautruno'ro, usurper of king- ship. U L C Udder, n. Fra'nda, the dug. Ulcer, n. Du'mboo. Ulcerate, v. Du'mpivai. UNA Ulterior, adj. comparative, Fri'ntu- fou, further, more distant. Ultimate, adj. Frl'iitufous, further- most. 2, Kri'ntupous, latest. Ultoneous, adj. Ta'usa, spontaneous. Umber, n. Kra'iijino. ITvihilical, adj. Vra'nta, relating to the navel. Unibles, n. A'ndis, inwards. Umbra, n. Tra'nja, (fish). Umbrage, n. Frlmpuv(2'ri, shading thing. 2, Fri'mboo, shadow. 3, Kro'nzo, distrust. 4, Tro'nzis, jealousy. Umbrageous, adj. Bcfri'mpur, exces- sively shady, obscure. UmbreUa, n. Frimpuvo'twan, sha- dowing jugament. Umpire, n. Fro'nsa fa'ndi'oo, sole arbitrator. Un, Um, un, or nn. This syllable the same meaning in English and Philosophic; as, unfi'nsifai, to untie; unti'nsifai, to imcover; unki'usifai, to unshut, i. e. to open. 2, Un signifies not in En- glish; as, unspeakable, kapane- sutoo, not able to be spoken; dene'tufoo, not finished, unfin- ished. Unable, adj. Eo'mpu, impotent. 2, Ome'pu, not able. Unacceptable, adj. Done'svmo, not pleasing. 2, Gakrene'tunoo, not apt to be received. 3, Dro'nsuno, displeasing. Unaccessible, Nuspene'tusoo, not to be come to. ITnnccustomed, adj. Pome'pnmoo, not accustomed. Unacquainted, adj. Kro'nsa, strange. Unadvised, adj. Pame'punoo, not advised. 2, Pla'mpa, rash. Unanimous, adj. Ko'ndi vro'nsufoo, similarly opinioned. 2, Ro'ndi to'nsun(2, similarly purposing. 3, Ro'ndi ko'nsunoo, similarly re- solved. 4, Eonti'tu vro'nzoi, of the same opinion. 5, Tevo'ntu, perfectly congruous. Unanimously, adv. Antai'pu vo'ndi pomboo'tu, with entire agreement of the understanding. 2, Antai'pu vo'ndi komboo'tu, with entire congruity of the will. Unappeasable, adj. Kateme'pumaust, not able to be pacified, i. e. caused to be peaceable. 2, Tyoo pi'im unto'nsukoo, which cannot be uuangered. Unapt, adj. Vone'tu, not congruous. 2, Eame'pu, indisposed. Unapproachable, adj. Katine'tufoo, not able to be approached. Unarmed, adj. Pene'trukoo, not armed. 2, Umpe'ntnikoo, dis- armed or unarmed; anus taken away. Unassured, adj. Vone'sutoo, H 2 UNO Unallou-ed, adj. Gomc'pruuoo, not licensed. 2, Fri'ntusoo, denied, refused. Unassuaged, adj. Glane'tupoo, not mitigated or made less intense. 2, Pole'puvoo, not mitigated nor made less severe. Unavoidable, adj. Kavene'trufoo, not able to be escaped. Unauthorise, v. Umvu'ntriuai, to deprive of authoritj'. Unawares, adj. Fanie'puno, not heeding. 2, Drone'suto, not ex- pecting. Unhar, v. Umba'nsinai, to unbar. Unbelief, n. Kro'nzoi. 2, Pla'mbo, incredulitj'. 3,Kra'mbi, infidelity. Unbend, v. Undri'nsipai. Unbenumb, v. Umpro'mpifai, to im- stupor or vmstupify. Unbeseeming, adj. P^-o'ntu, indecent. Unbesot, V. Unfro'mpifai, to cure of dotage, to rectify a depraved fancy. Unbewitcli, v. Umpa'ntrivai. Unbidden, v. Pone'sukoo, not bid- den. 2, Pane'sukoo, not invited. 3, To'nzu, spontaneously. Unbind, v. Umpi'nsifai. Unblameable, adj. Kafane'trupoo, i. e. unaccusable. 2, Va'utrou, mnocent. Unbllnd, v. Po'mpikrast, cause to see. Unboiled, adj. Fene'sutoo, not boiled. Unbolt, v. Unba'nsinai. Unbound, adj. Pine'sufoo, not bound. Unbounded, adj. Fine'tunoo, not limited. 2, Vro'ntuvoo, fiuited; i. e. limited within a boundary. Unbowel, v. Unkra'ntisai. Unbrace, v. Unfinsifai, to unbrace, i. e. to untie. Unbridle, v. Unta'nsikai. Unbridled, v. Unka'ntukoo, unregu- lated. 2, Umfro'ntufoo, mire- strained. Unbroken, adj. Vene'suvoo, not broken. Unbuckle, v. Ungre'nsinai. Unburden, v. Unra'nsinai, to un- burden. Unburied, adj. Tune'trunoo, not buried. Unbutton, v. Umfe'ntisai. UncaUed,adj. Time'puvoo, unvoiced, i. e. uninvoked. 2, Fane'sukoo, not addi'essed. Uncapable, adj. Ome'pu, unable. Uncase, v. Umpre'nsikai, to uncase. Uncauglit, adj. Frene'suvoo, not caught. Uncertain, adj. Vrone'sou, not cer- tain. 2, Gabro'nsufoo, apt to be doubted. 3, Kro'nsa, in-esolutc, wavering. Unchain, v. Undwe'nsinai. Unchangeable, adj. Kavene'tufoo, unable to be changed. UNO Uncharitable, adj. Vra'mpu. Uncliaritdbleness, n. \'rainl)i. Uncharm, v. Umpa'ntrivai, to un- wizard. Unchasteness, n. Dre'mboi. Unchrtste, n. Dre'mpou. Unchewed, adj. Benes'utoo, unmas- tieated. Uncircumcision, n. Bune'dris, the negative of circumcision. Uncircumspect, adj. Fla'mpa. Uncivil, adj. Uwe'mpa, careless, morose. 2, Twe'mpa, rustic. Uncle, n. To'nzipur, uncle. 2, To'n- zipun, aunt. 3, To'nzoo, uncle or aunt. Unclasp, Y. Unge'ntinai, to unhook. 2, Umva'nsikai, to uuembraee. Unclean, adj. Dra'ntu, impure. 2, Dre'mpou, unchaste. Unclose, v. Unti'nsifai, to imcover. 2, Ungre'ntipai, to unconceal. Unclothed, adj. Ene'sunoo, not clothed. 2, Une'nsunoo, divested of clothes. Uncomely, adj. Fro'ntu, indecent. Uncomfo-rtable, adj. Pro'nsus, in a state of discomfort. Uncompounded, adj. Go'nti. Unconceivable, adj. Kapome'pufoo, imable to be conceived. Uncondemned, adj. Dame'prufoo, not condemned. Unconquerable, adj. Kapeme'prufoo, unable to be conquered. Unconscionable, adj. Tro'mpur. Unconstant, adj. Dame'pa, not con- stant. Unconstrained, adj. Frone'tufoo, not cohibited. 2, Trone'sunoo, not compelled. Uncorded, adj. Drene'sunoo, not corded. Uncorrected, adj. Vone'susoo. UncorrujJt, adj. Freme'pu, not un- holy. 2, Reme'pur, not corrupt, not vicious. 3, Ka'mpa, sincere. 4, Va'mpa, impartial, of perfect integrity. 5, Vrame'pa, not par- tial. Uncover, v. Unti'nsifai. Uncouple, V. Umpe'ntifai, unjoin. Uneourteous, adj. Ueme'pa. 2, Treme'pa, rustic. Uncouth, adj. Prome'pa, not custom- ary. 2, Kro'nsa, strange, adjec- tive of stranger. 3, Dcti'ntur, new in a bad sense. 4, Tra'ntu, extraordinary. Unction, n. Vri'nziko, anointing. Unctuousness, (to the feeling) n. Klimbi. Uncurable, adj. Karumc'pukaust. not able to be made healthy. 2, Tyoo pi'un ru'mpikraust, which cannot be made healthy. 3, Tyoo pi'un roru'mpikraust, which cannot be restored to health — re- healthed. U N D Unctuous, adj. Kll'nipu. Unctuousness, (to the taste) u. Fi'm- ba, adj. of fi'mpa, fatty. Undaunted, adj. Kavi-one'sukrast, which cannot be caused to fear: (active). 2, Kavrone'sukraust, which cannot be caused to be afraid, i. e. in a state of fear: (neutral). Undecent, adj. Fro'ntu: (positive). 2, Fone'tu, not decent: (negative). Undecided^ adj. Bame'pmfoo, not sentenced. 2, Dene'tuvoo, unfin- ished. 3, Grone'sunoo, undeter- mined. Undefiled, adj. Drane'tukoo, not defiled. 2, Reme'puvraust, not made vicious. 3, Dreme'pou, not unchaste. 4, Da'ntii, pure. Undefrayed,, adj. Gene'tunoo. 2, Brene'tnnoo, not refunded. Under ^ prep. Je or ji. Underhand, adj. Bra'ntu, private. 2, Gre'ntupoo, concealed. Under hand and seal, adj. Da'nsu- too brontusoo'kwi, written and sealed. Under age, adj. Kro'nsu, in a state of minority, a minor. 2, Pla'utu- pou, less; as, "she is twenty years of age, or under," i. e. plantupou'twi. 3, Pla'ntupya, too little; as, "under-boiled," pla'n- tupya fe'nsutoo, or jisfe'nsutoo. So we have jisfo'ntrisai, to under bid; jisdondri, underprice; jis to'ntrikai, to undersell ; jisu'ntibai, to undervalue. So denoting infe- riority of degi'fee, jisdro'nzo, under servant; jisvumpra'ro, under offi- cer; jiskontri'fas, under sheriff. Under^ (to bring) v. Po'ntigrost, to subject, i. e. cause to be in the state of a subject. Obs. The neu- tral form denotes state or relation, excluding action. 2, Pe'mprifai, to vanquish. Underlay, v. Jis pe'ntipai, to put under. Under-leather, n. Jis fe'nza. This will do; — though to make a pre- position do the duty of an adjec- tive is a violation of principle. Ellipses frequently are. Underling, n. Ro'nzo. Undermine, v. Be'ntripai. Undermost, adj. Brintu'tous. Underneath, prep. Je or ji. Underpart, n. Bri'ndo. Underpin, v. Viskansitrost, to sub- stitute a foundation. Underprop, v. Jisda'nsitai. Undersay, v. Pe'lpinai, to detract. Undersell, v. Jisto'nti-ikai. Here is an ellipsis of the object of the preposition, i. e. the market price. Underset, v. Da'nsitai, to prop. Under sheriff, n. Jisko'ntrifas, the under coimty officer. U N E Underside, n. Bri'ndo. Understand, v. Po'mpivai. Understand, (give to) v. Ti'ntikai, to narrate. 2, Bo'nsifrast, cause to know. 3, Gino'tivai, not to express, omit. 4, Ti'ntisai, to suppose. Understanding, n. Po'mboo. Understanding, (speculative action of) n. O'nzoi. Understanding, (practical action of the) n. O'nzo. Understood, adj. Gine'tuvoo, not expressed. 2, Gre'ntuvoo, adj. omitted. Undertake, v. Pre'ntivai. Undertake for, v. Vo'ntrisai, to con- sent to be responsible for some one. Undertake to do, v. O'ntrisai, to engage to do. 2, To'ntrisai, to bind himself, promise, covenant. Undervalue, v. Unti'bai kra'ntufya, to value too low. 2, Gro'nsifai, to contemn. Underwood, n. Pla'ntur u'mviz vra'n- sup(2 prantu'rskn u'mviz, small trees growing among large trees. Undeserved, adj. Vone'tu, not wor- thy of. Undeserving, adj. Vro'ntu, unworthy. Undetermined, adj. Pa'mpou, free. 2, Grone'simoo, adj. not deter- mined. Undigested, adj. Brane'supoo. Undischarged, adj. Unone'trusoo, not unobligated. Undiscreet, adj. Pro'mpur, indis- creet. Undivided, adj. Tanc'tusoo, (arith- metically). 2, Prene'tufoo, not se- parated. 3, A'ntns, whole, entire. Undo, V. Umpi'ntipai. 2, Unfi'nsifai, to untie. 3, Vli'mpisai, to loosen. 4, Tre'ntifai, to spoil. Undone, adj. Umpi'utupoo. 2, Pin- e'tupoo, not done. Undoubted, adj. Brone'sufoo, not doubted. ZTndress, v. Une'nsinai, to unclothe. Undue, adj. Tro'nta, what ought not to be, or be done. Undulation, n. Te'nda, waved figure. 2, Pri'nsinai, to undulate, i. e. move like wave. Undutiful, adj. Pre'mpu. Uneasy, adj. Kone'tu, not easy. 2, Tro'mpu, painful, (neutral, denot- ing a state of pain). 3, Gato'm- pukrost, apt to cause pain. Unequal, adj. Bane'tur, not equal. 2, Feme'pur, not equitable. Uneven, adj. Bano'ti, not even. 2, Bra'nti, odd. Unexpected, adj. Drone'sutoo, not expected. Unexecuted, adj. Tane'trufoo. Unexpert, adj. Krame'pusoo, inex- perienced, inexpert. U N H Unfaithful, adj. Fre'mpa. Unfashioned, adj. Renc'tutoo, not figured. 2, Dere'ntutoo, badly figured. Unfastened, adj. Vrimc'puvi-ost, not caused to be fast. 2, Umvi'mpi- vrost, to luifasten. Unfeathered, Pone'tukoo, not fea- thered. (A rather un-principled class of words). 2, Umpo'ntukoo, unfeathered; i. e. deprived of feathers. Unfeigned, adj. Krame'pa. 2, Tren- e'tupo, not seeming. 3, Ka'mpa, sincere. Unfettered, adj. Kame'prusoo, not bound, not fettered. Unfetter, v. Unka'mprisai. Unfinished, adj. Dene'tuvoo, not finished. Unfit, adj. Vone'tu, not congruous. Unfitting, adj. Fro'ntu, indecent. Unfix, V. Umvri'mpisai, to unfasten. 2, Vli'mpisai, to loosen. 3, Nis ensikai, to remove. Uifold, V. Umbi'nsikai. 2, Ti'nti- krost, to make plain, explain. Unfjrmed, adj. liene'tutoo, not figured. Unfortified, adj. Undo'mpukoo, un- strengthened. 2, Ene'trusoo, not fortified; (a military term). Unfortunate, adj. Deflo'nsupi, in a state of bad fortune: (neutral). 2, Fra'mpur, in a state of adver- sity: (neutral). Unfriendly, adj. Pone'sa, not in the relation of a friend. 2, Pro'nsa, inimical. Unfruitfulness, n. Tro'mbis, barren- ness. 2, Pone'da, unprofitableness. Unfurnished, adj. Frene'tuvoo, not furnished. Unfathomable, adj. Kazune'tukoo, which cannot be measured; spe- cially as to depth. Ungainful, adj. Gafene'tuko, not apt to gain. UngarnisJied, adj. Vane'tukoo, not adorned. Ungentle, adj. Kome'pa, not gentle. Ungirt, or ungirded, adj. Pine'sufoo, not bound. 2, Umpi'nsufoo, un- bound. Unglue, v. Unkri'nsinai. Ungodly, adj. Una'mpu, graceless, destitute of divine grace. 2, Ra'rapu, wicked. 3, Fra'mpu, unholy. Ungraciousness, n. Ra'mbi. Unguent, n. Vrinsuko'ri, anointing thing. 2, Ke'nzis, salve. Unhallowed, adj. Pu'inpi-ukoo, pro- faned. 2, Pune'trukoo, not conse- crated. 3, Fra'mpu, unholy. Unhandsome, adj. (negative) vome'- pu, not beautiful. 2, Fone'tu, not decent. 3, (positive) Dere'ntutoo, defonned. 4, Fro'ntu, indecent. UNI Unhappmess, n. Pra'mboo, misery. Unliarness,v. Unre'nsuBOO, deprived of harness. Unhealthy, adj. Rinue'pu. Unheard, adj. Fume'putoo, not heard. Unheeded, adj. Fame'pukoo, not heeded. Unholy, adj. Fra'mpu. Unhorsed, adj. Umpi'ucupoo. This word is Hke luifeathered, hut rather worse; — it is the horse that is iimnauned rather than the man that is unhorsed. Still it is better than a large circumlocu- tion: and rather better than sin- cere, (sine cera). 2, Undene'su- frast, to cause to unride. Unhurt, adj. Prone'tunoo, not hurt. Paue'trunoo, imiujured. Unhtsbanded, adj. Ine'sutoo, not cultivated. Unicorn, n. Vri'njoi. Uniform, adj. Vo'ntu, congruous, consistent. Uniformly, adv. Vo'ndu, congru- ously, consistently. 2, Voi'tu, in the same manner. 3, Foi'tu, of the same kind. Uniformity, n. E.o'ndo randai'tuz, similarity of parts; as, the xmi- formity of the sides of a polygon. Unimaginable, adj. Kaflome'pufoo, not able to be imagined. See fancy and imagination; the for- mer denoting caprice, the latter fixed purpose of the mind. (See Trench on the study of words, page 147). Uninhabitablo, adj. Karane'supoo. Union, n. Pe'ndoi, junction. 2, Fan- tivrost, to cause to be one. 3, Te'mba, peaceableness. 4, Go'n- di-o, league. 5, Ple'ndoi, imme- diate junction of the parts spo- ken of. 6, Pe'ldoi, only mediate junction of the parts or things spoken of. Unismi, n. Eo'ndo imbo'tu, identity of sound. Unit, n. A'piu, one. Any word which by its form does not refer to the parts or integers which it, in fact, represents. Thus the word constellation denotes a unit, but the word stars, a plurality: yet both, on definition, are equal- ly plural: and while the plm-al word stars may denote only ttco, the singular word constellation may denote twenty: so that the grammatically singular word may turn out, as to the things signified, to be more plural than the grammatically plural. Unite, V. Pe'ntifai, to join. 2, Onti- fai'tum a'pin, to cause to be one. Universal, adj. Tra'nti. 2, A'ntus, whole. U N M Unity, abstract n. Ape'rit, oneness ; afo'rit, twoness; ate'rit, thi-eencssj &c. Universe, n. I'nzi. Universality, n. Tra'ndo. University, n. Vo'ndi'o. Univocal, adj. Tus a'pin ri'ndoi, of one meaning. Subspecial, liino'n- tou. Unjoin, V. Umpe'ntifai. 2, Pre'ntifai, to separate. Unjoint, V. Unra'ntikai. Unjust, adj. Pre'mpur. Unkennel, v. Undra'usisai, to unbed. 2, Unfa'nsitai, to unhouse. Unkind, adj. Gafone'sikai, not apt to favor. 2, Deme'pa, not courteous. 3, Pemc'pus, not gracious. 4, I)we'mp,2, morose. 5, Vra'mpu, uncharitable. 6, Pone'sa, un- friendly; the state of one not a friend. Unknit, v. Umfi'nsifai. Unknown, adj. Bone'sufoo. Unlace, v. Umbe'nsinai. Unlaced, adj. Bene'suuoo, not laced. 2, Unde'nsunoo, unstrimg. 3, Dene'simoo, not sti-ung. Unladen, adj. Unra'nsunoo. Unlawful, adj. Pro'ntu. Unlearn, v. Unto'nsitai. Unlearned, adj. Brame'pusoo, not learned. Unleavened, adj. adj. Brine'suvoo, not fermented. Unless, conj. Tel or til. Unlike, adj. Pra'ntu. Unlikely, adj. Bipone'ti, not true- like. 2, Bipro'nti, false-like. Unlimited, adj. Fine'tunoo, not limited. 2, Frone'tufoo, not cohi- bited. 3, Vro'nti, infinite. Unlined, adj. Trene'simoo, not lined. 2, Untre'nsunoo, deprived of its lining. Unload, V. Unra'nsinai. Unlock, V. Unka'nsitai. 2, Kri'nsifai kranzo'ti, to open with key. Unlooked for, part. Drone'sutoo, not expected. Unlovely, adj. Gatone'sukoo, not apt to be loved. Unlucky, adj. Deflo'nsur, unfortu- nate. 2, Deze'ntu, which eventu- ates badly. Unmake, v. Umpo'ntifai. 2, Umpo'n- sipai, to uncreate. Unmannerly, adj. Twe'mpa, rustic. Ki'c'mpu, disrespectful. Unmanly, adj. Bine'sukur, not manly. 2, Bibi'nsukur, which is contrary to that which is manly. Unmanured, adj. Tine'si, not ma- nured. Unmarried, adj. Kone'sufoo, not married. 2, Vime'trimoo, not married. 3, Vu'mprunoo, divor- ced. 4, Po'nsou, single, who is a bachelor or vii'giu. U N P Unloose, v. Vli'mpisai, to loose. Unmask, v. Untri'nsifai pya'udo, to uncover the face. Umnafchahle, adj. Kabane'tupoo, wiiicli caunot be equalled. Unnwasurahle, adj. Kazu'ntukoo, wliicii caunot be measured. 2, Vro'nti, infinite. Unmeet, adj. Fro'ntu. Unmerciful, adj. Brc'mpur, cruel. Unmindful, adj. Gatome'pifai, apt not to remember. Unmingled, adj. Grone'tuvoo, not mixed. 2, Ua'ntu, pure. Unmovable, adj. Kazene'sukoo, which cannot be moved. Unnailcd, adj. Penone'tmioo, not nailed. 2, Umpcno'ntuuoo, un- nailcd. Unnatural, adj. Bisdo'nti, against what is natural. Unnecessary, adj. Gone'tu, not ne- cessary. Unnoble, adj. Tone'trur, not noble. Unoccupied, adj. Ene'ti, not busy. 2, Vene'tukoo, not used. Unpacked, adj. Umpi'nsufoo, un- bound. 2, Umvra'ntuvoo, unag- gregated. 3, Pine'sid"oo, not packed. 4, Vrane'tuvoo, not ag- gregated. Unpaid, adj. Gene'tunoo, not paid. Unpainted, adj. Gine'sunoo, not painted. Unpaired, adj. Fone'sunoo, not com- panioned. Unpardonable, adj. Kata'mprufoo, not able to be pardoned. Unpeaceable, adj. Tre'mpa. Unpeople, v. Umbo'ntnpai, to de- prive of people. Unperformed, adj. Vene'tuvoo, not performed. Unpinned, adj. Pene'tunoo, not pinned. Unpin, V. Umpe'ntinai, to unpin. Unplanted, adj. Vine'sutoo, not planted. Unplant, v. Umvi'nsitai. Unpleasant, adj. Fone'ta, not plea- sant: (negative). 2, Tra'mpou, opposite to pleasiu"c. 3, Fro'nta, unpleasant. Unpleasing, adj. Dron'suno, which displeases. Unpolished, adj. Frime'pusoo, not polished. Unpolluted, adj. Drane'tukoo, not polluted. Unprejiared, adj. Fene'tuvoo, not prepared. Unjn-qfifable, adj. Pone'ta, not pro- fitable. Unprosperous, adj. Fame'pur, not prosperous. 2, Fra'mpur, adverse. Unproved, adj. Vine'tusoo, uot pro- ved. Unprovided, adj. Fone'supoo, not provided. U N E Unpunished, adj. Rame'puvoo, not punished. Unquenchable, adj. Kanine'supoo, not able to be extinguished. Unquiet, adj. Tene'tu, not quiet. 2, Te'ntuko, which troubles or molests. Unranked, adj. Fane'tukoo, not arranged. 2, One'trupoo, not ranked, not placed according to its degree or rank. 3, Dane'tu- TTOst, not reduced into a series, not arranged. Unranh, v. Uno'ntripai, to unrank, deprive of rank. 2, Umfa'ntikai, to disorder, disarrange. 3, Fra'n- tikrost, to cause to be In a state of confusion. Unravel, v. Unfri'nsifai. Unready, adj. Fene'tuvoo, unpre- pared. Unreasonable, adj. Eo'mpur, irrati- onal. 2, Feme'pur, not equitable. 3, Fre'mpur, lawful iniquity. 4, Vre'mpus, unreasonable in com- manding. 5, Ka'ntu, irregular. 6, Tra'ntur, excessive. Unreclaimed, adj. Kome'pumaust, not caused to be gentle, not tamed. Unrecompensed, adj. Ame'puvoo, not recompensed. 2, Drene'tufoo, not compensated. Unreconcileable, adj. Kaplone'sunoo, not able to be reconciled. Unrecoverable, adj. Karepene'tukoo, not able to be obtained again. 2, Karcbene'tupoo, not able to be bad again. 3, Karezane'sukoo not able to be possessed again. Unredeemable, adj. Ka'done'supoo, not able to be redeemed. Unregarded, adj. Prone'sutoo, not regarded. Unremedied, adj. Trene'tuvoo, not remedied. Unrepaired, adj. Tene'tufoo, not repaired. Unreproved, adj. Drone'sul^ioo, not reproved. Unrestored, adj. Dene'tnfoo, not re- stored. Unrevealed, adj. Vone'supoo, not revealed. Unrevenged, adj. Trone'sukoo, not revenged. Unrewarded, adj. Ame'puvoo, not rewarded. Unrighteous, adj. Pre'mpur, unjust. 2, Fra'mpu, unholy. Unripe, adj. Kro'mpus, immature. Unrivet, v. Untwi'nsinai. Unriveted, adj. Twine'simoo, not riveted. Unrooted, adj. Pone'tupoo, not rooted. Unruly, adj. Ka'ntu, irregular. 2, Bre'mpur, rebellious. 3, Dre'm- pur, disobedient. U N S Unroot, V. Umpo'ntipai. Unroll, V. Urapli'nsifai. Unstopped, adj. Kri'nsufoo, opened. Unsaddled, adj. Gane'sukoo, not saddled. Unsaddle, v. Unga'nsikai. Unsafe, adj. Tone'tu, not safe. 2, Tro'ntu, dangerous. Unsaid, adj. Gane'sutoo, not said. Unsay, v. Tri'ntisai, to recant. Unsaltcd, adj. Pune'cukoo, not salted. Unsatiated, adj. Krome'pufraust, not caused to loathe. Unsavoriness, n. Pri'mba. Unsealed, adj. Bome'prusoo, not sealed. Unsearchable, adj. Drene'tupoo, which cannot be fouud. 2, Un- drene'tupoo, which cannot be found. 3, Kabone'sufoo, which caimot be known. Unseasonable, adj. Dezi'ntur, at a bad or wrong time. Unseemly, adj. Fro'ntu, indecent. Unseen, adj. Pome'putoo, not seen. Unserviceable, adj. Kavene'tukoo, not able to be used. 2, Gavene'- tiikoo, not apt to be iised. 3, Pro'netu, (adj. of unprofitable). Unsettled, adj. Vrime'pus, not fast. 2, Vli'mpus, loose. 3, Dwa'mpa, light, inconstant. Unsheathe, v. Umpre'nsikai, to un- case. Unshod, adj. Vanane'tukoo, not shod. Unshorn, adj. Krine'sukoo, not shorn. Unskilfidness, n. Tra'mbis. Unskilful, adj. Tra'mpus. 2, Bram- e'pus, unlearned. 3, Krame'pus, inexpert. Unsociable, adj. Re'mpa. Unsound, adj. Fome'pu, not sound. 2, Fro'mpu, rotten. Utisewed, adj. Kinc'sukoo, not stitched. Unsolved, adj. Kine'sutoo, not sowed. Unspeakable, adj. Kapane'sutoo, not able to be spoken. Unspent, adj. Trene'tukoo, not spent. Unspotted, adj. Brime'puvoo, not spotted. 2, Bi'mpur, clear. Unstable, adj. Dame'pa, not constant. 2, Dwa'mpa, light, inconstant. Unstaid, adj. Dwa'mpa, light. Unstained, adj. Drane'tukoo, not defiled. 2, Desime'pufoo, discoloured. not Unsteadfast or unsteady, adj. Pime'- pus, not steady. Unstirred, adj. Ene'sukoo, not mov- ed. 2, Fene'trupoo, not provoked. Unstitched, adj. Kine'sukoo, not sewed. Unstring, v. Unde'nsinai, to deprive of strings. 2, Gla'ntiprost, to cause to be relaxed. U N V Unstrung, adj. Gla'ntur, relaxed. Unstuffed, adj. Dinone'sufoo, not stuffed. Unstuff, V. DrI'nsifai, to empty. Unsidulued, adj. Pemc'prufoo, not subdued. Unsufferable, adj. Kadrone'tupoo, not able to be suffered. Unsure or uncertain, adj. Vone'sou, not certain. 2, Tone'tu, not safe. Unsuitable, adj. Vone'tu, not con- gruous. Unsioathe, v. Umpll'nsifai. Unsivathed, adj. Pllne'sufoo, not swathed. Unsivorn, adj. Kone'trusoo. Untamed, adj. Kome'pukraust, not caused to be gentle. Untangle, v. Umfri'nsifai. Untaught, adj. Tone'sutoo, not taught. Unteachable, adj. Katone'sutoo, not able to bo taught. 2, Pra'mpi, dull. 3, Tre'nti, obtuse; or Pi- tre'nti, metaphorically obtuse. Unthmtk fulness, n. Vre'mboo. Unthought of, adj. Po'nesou"tu, not thought of. Unthriftiness, n. Twe'mbo, squan- dering. United, adj. Fine'sufoo, not tied. Untie, V. Umfi'nsifai. Until, prep. Snoo or snu, ro'snu bu'ndis, imtil that day. Until, conj. Snoo'kwinwai pe'ntlsel, until he came. Untilled, adj. Ine'sutoo, not tilled. Untimely, adj. Te'zine"tupoo, not perfectly timed. 2, Kome'pu, not mature. Untimely birth, n. Tra'nzoo, abor- tion. Unto, prep. Noo or nu. Untold, adj. Gane'sutoo, not told. 2, TLne'tukoo, not nan-ated. 3, Pane'sutoo, not spoken. 4, Rim- e'tupoo, not numbered. Untouched, adj. FIne'tufoo, not touched. Untractable or untoward, adj. Fra'm- pi, incredulous. 2, Gre'mpu, con- tumacious. 3, Prom'pa, disingen- uous. . 4, Tra'mpi, dull. 5, Kro'm- pa, fierce. 6, Dra'mpa, pertina- cious. 7, Pre'mpu, undutlful. 8, Dre'mpu, disobedient. Untrimmed, adj. Vane'tu, not adorn- ed. 2, Vra'ntu, homely. Untrue, adj. Pone'ti, not true. 2, Pro'nti, false. Untrusty, adj. Fe'lpa, treacherous. Untruth, n. Pro'ndo, untrue propo- sition. Untwined or untwisted, adj. Pine'su- koo, not twisted. Unvaluable, (invaluable) adj. Ka- rune'tuboo, what cannot be val- ued. 2, Kadone'trukoo, which cannot be priced. U P Untunable, adj. Time'pi, iinmusioal. 2, Katiuc'putraust, wlilcli cauuot be made musical. Unvanquixhed, adj. Pcm(''prutbo, not vanquished. Unvaried, adj. Onetuvoo, not diflcr- enced. 2, Preuc'tupoo, not altered. Unveil, v. Unti'nsifai, uncover. 2, Ungrc'ntipai, to unconceal. Unversed, adj. Tame'pusoo, not versed. Unusual, adj. Tra'ntu, extraordin- ary. 2, Pome'pra, not customary. 3, Dri'ntur, seldom. 4, Vrane'ta, not common. Unutterable, adj. Kagine'tuvoo, not able to be expressed. Umoalled, adj. Vane'sutoo. Unwall, V. Umva'nsitai. Unwary, adj. Fra'mpa, careless. Unwashed, adj. Vine'sukoo, not washed. Unwasted, adj. Krene'tukoo, not squandered. Unwearied, adj. Grene'tukoo, not wearied. 2, De'mpa, constant. Umceaved or uniooven, adj. Finesu- koo, not woven. Unwelcome, adj. Donesuno, not pleasing. 2, Dro'nsmio, displeas- ing. Unwieldy, adj. Gro'mpu, lumpish. 2, Tro'mpu, slow. 3, Gazene'su- koo, not apt to be moved. Unwholesome, adj. Gazu'mpukrest, apt to cause to be diseased. 'Unwilling, adj. Fro'nsa, reluctant. 2, Bro'nsa, averse, imwilling. Unwind, • v. Undene'ntisai, to un- bottom. 2, Undre'ntisai, unskein. Unwise, adj. Fame'pus, not wise. Unwished for, Bone'sunoo. Unwitting, adj. Bone'sufo. 2, Pla'm- pus, ignorant. Unwonted, adj. Pome'prulioo, not accustomed. Unworthy, adj. Vro'nta. Unwrap, v. Umbi'nsikai, to unfold. Unwreathe, v. Umpi'nsikai. Unwrinlde, v. Unde'ntikai, to un- ridge. 2, Undi'e'ntikai, to unfur- row. Unwritten, adj. Dane'sutoo. Unwrought, adj. Ine'sukoo, not wrought. Unyoke, v. Umpla'ntinai. 2, Pre'n- tital, to separate. Upbraid, v. Ga'mprinai. Uphold, V. Pre'nsivai. 2, Va'nsltai, to prop. Upholster, n. D)-anzai'tan. Upland, adj. Bi'ntutou. 2, Pri'usi, mountainous, hilly. Ujwn, (grow) v. Ta'ntrinai, to usurp. Upon, f agree) v.^ Fivo'ntiki, to bo congruous, or in a state of agree- ment concerning. 2, Ontrlliai'ii, to contract concerning. I 2 a s u Upon, prep. Joo or ju. Upon, (look) V. Fa'ntitai, to eye. Upon that hand, adv. lloju ki'udo, on that side. Upon, (come) v. Te'ntripai, to assault, assail. Upon, (run) v. Te'ntripai, assail. 2, Ve'ntripai, storm. Upon this, adv. O'ci, after this. Upon word, (word) adv. I'ndoi in- doi'ci, word after word. Upper end, n. Di'ndo, top. Upper side, n. Bi'ndo. Upper, adj. Bra'ntur, superior. Upper hand, n. Bampou'kin, dignity place. Uj)per hand, (get the) v. Pe'mpri- fai, to act victoriously, to bo victorious. Upright, adj. Gre'ntou, pei-pendicu- lar, direct. U2)right, adj. Ka'mpa, sincere. 2, Va'mpa, honest — of integrity. Upright dealing, n. Pe'mboo, justice. 2, Fe'mboo, equity. Ujwising, n. Pa'nzivo, rising. Uproar, n. Ta'mbro, sedition. Upshot, n. E'ndi, event. Upside, n. Bi'ndo. Upside down, adv. Bi'ndo tris ga'n- suvoo, the upper part tm'ned down. Upsitting, n. Ba'nzivo gre'ntou, sit- ting direct, i. e. perpendicular. Upstart, (an) Deti'nturo, a new person, (used disparagingly). Upward, (up) prep. Troo or tm. Upward, adv. Trus, in an upward direction. Uranoscopus, n. Pa'mija, (fish). Urbanity, n. Te'mba. Urchin, n. Brinjo, hedgehog. Urchin, n. Pla'utm- kla'ntm'o, little sorry person. Ure, n. Po'mbra, custom. Ureters, n. Kla'ndoiz dranzoi'un gen^unoo'turi dandai'niz, tubes being the way of the urine from the kidneys, i. e. Klano'ndoiz. Urge, v. Befo'ntifai, greatly to im- pell. 2, Kro'mpinai, to act fierce- ly. 3, Beto'nsikai, greatly to entreat. 4, To'nsikrost, to make angry. Urgent, adj. Gra'ntur. 2, Ki'o'mpa. Urine, n. Gensunoo'ri, pissed thing. Urinal, n. Ki-unjoitus gensunoo'diri, a glass vessel for mine. Urinous salt, n. Bu'njoo. Urn, n. Ri'nsa be'uzi kendifo'di tu'n- za dransu'rtm'oz, a figulatory pot for containing ashes of persons in a state of death. Subspccial noun, Beno'nzi. Urtica, n. Vro'njino, insect- Urus, n. Kome'punoo pi'njifur, the imtamed bull; i. e. wild. Usury, n. Bo'mbri riindi'ltu, the hire of money. U T T Us, pron. On; as, tonsiko'o«, loves us; tronsikai'oH, to hate us. 2, Preceded by and suffixed to a preposition; as, poo'o/(, with us; peon, without us; joo'o«, upon us ; ce'oM, after us; &c. 3, The vowel 00 of prepositions may bo cut oft" before the personal pro- nouns; as, poo'o;t into \wn, with us; joo'on, into jo«, upon its; too'on, into ton, in us. ( See Grammar, page 84). Usage, n. Vende'vin, manner of the use. 2, Bompruko'ri mndi'ltu, the rent of money, i. c. hiring thing. 3, O'ndis, manner, mode; specially Pro'mpa on'dis, custom- ary manner. 4, adj. Pro'mpa, in use, customary. .5, adj. Prome'pa out of use, not customary. 6, A'mbi, habit. 7, 0'mbroi, practice of professions. Use, V. Ve'utikal, to use. 2, Te'nti- fai, to apply. 3, Fra'nsikai, to entertain. 4, Pro'mpimost, to accustom, to cause to be custom- ary. 5, O'mprifai, to practice. Usher, n. Flintupo'fas, the preceding officer. Usher, V. Fli'ntipai, to precede. Usher 'in, v. ]Mu'sprentisai"pu, to go into with. 2, Musili'ntipai to pre- cede into. Usher (of a school) n. Kra'nta to'n- zo, accessory teacher. Usual, adj. Da'ventukoo, used fre- quently. 2, Pro'mpa, customary. 3, Vra'nta, common. 4, Ta'ntu, ordinary. Usurp, V. Ta'ntrinai. Usury, n. Bo'mbri nmdiltu, the hire of money. 2, Bombra, usus fructus. Usufructuary, n. Bro'mparo, the iisus fructus person. Utensil, n. A'nzis. Uterine, adj. Ta'ntus, relating to the womb. Utility, n. Po'nda, profitableness. Utmost, adj. Vri'ntutous, the outer- most. 2, Trintutous, most ex- treme. 3, adv. Win, most. 4, A'ntus, whole. Utopia, n. Tooro'ntur po'ndro on tepo'ndraz, a fictitious nation, having perfect laws, i. e. Tron- o'ndoo. Utter, adj. Vri'ttto, external. 2, Tri'nti, extreme. 3, A'ntus, whole. Utter, (to) V. Te'ntiuai, to deliver, specially as money. 2, Ge'ntipai, to shew. 3, Pa'nsitai, to speak. 4, Gi'ntivai, to express. 5, Ti'n- tikai, to naiTate, relate. 6, Tre n- tipai, to alienate. 7, To'ntrikai, to sell. Utterance, n. Kapa'nzo, ability to speak. 2, Vinpa'nzo, mode of speaking. U T T Uttermost^ adj. Vri'ntutous, most outside. 2, Tri'ntufous, most re- mote. VAN Vacant, adj. Dri'nsou, empty. 2, Frene'tuvoo, not furnislied. 3, Vene'tiikoo, not used. 4, Re'nti, at leisure. Vacation, n. Re'ntigin, leisure time. 2, Ane'trugin, not judicial time. Vacillation, n. Kre'nzoi, staggering. Vacuity, n. Drinzoi'rit, emptiness. Vagabond, n. Trentuso'ro, wander- ing person. Vagary, n. Trampou'ri, a conceited or fantastical thing. 2, Tre'ndis, rambling. Vails, n. Fra'ntus po'nda, surplus advantage. 2, Fra'ntus ra'nzi, surplus revenue. 3, Fra'ntus vo'mbriz, surplus wages. Vain, adj. Bro'nta. Vain glory, n. Devro'nzis, glorying in a bad manner. Vallens, n. Dano'uzis, about hanging vest of the upper margin of bedstead. Vale, n. Pli'nzo. Vhlediction, n. Gra'nzi. Valerian, n. Ga'mva. Valet, n. Plansuko'fas, waiting officer. Valiant, adj. De'mpur. Validity, n. Ton'tra ta'ndoo, legal sufficiency. Valid, adj. To'ndrun ta'ntur, legally sufficient. 2, Po'ntou, efficient. 3, Gapo'ntou, apt to be effectual. Valley, n. PIi'nz(2. Valour, n. De'raboo. Value, n. U'ndil. Value, (to) V. Go'nsifai, to esteem. 2, U'ntibai, to value. 3, Go'ntri- kai, to set a price on. Vamp, V. Te'ntifai vandis'ti, to repair by addition. 2, Te'ntifai'di ti'udiprost rooa'ndis, to repair by causing a part to bo new. Sub- special noun, — Teno'ndoi, vamp- ing. Van, n. Gi'ndo, forepart. 2, Gi'ndo pendra'tu, forepart of army. 3, Brinzo'twun, winnowing juga- ment. Vanish, v. Umfro'ntipai, to un- appear. Vanity, n. Bro'nda. 2, Ponc'da, not profitableness: — that which is not profitable. 3, Prenda'rit, frustra- tion, disappointment. 4, Tro'mba, wantonness. 5, Tra'mbo, fantas- ticahiess. 6, Ve'lba, levity, oppos- ed to solemuity of manner. U V U Uvula, n. Vya'ntou peve'ndo, tinzi- foVli pra'ndis, the fleshy little cy- linder for shutting the windpipe. y. V E I Vane, n. De'nda gendipo'di ri'ndo kunzoi'tu, flag for shewing the direction of the wind. Sub-special noun, Deno'nda. Vanquish, v. Pe'mprifai. 2, Dre'm- pifai, to conquer. Vantage, n. Fra'ndis. Vantcourier, n. Be'ndra. Vanfguard, n. Gi'ndo pendra'tu, forepart of army. Vapor, V. Pro'nsivai, to glory. 2, Depro'nsivai, to swagger. Vajjor, n. Fru'nzoi. Vary, v. O'ntivai, to differ. 2, Pre'ntipai, to alter. Variable, adj. Gaprc'ntupo, apt to alter. 2, Dwa'mpa, inconstant. Variance, n. Te'lba. Variegated, adj. Bi'mpou. Variety, n. O'ndo, diversity. Varix, n. Gu'mbo. Varlet, n. Kla'nturo, sorry person. Varnish, (to) v. Gri'nsinai. Vassal, n. Po'mbroo, subject. 2, Go'ndroo, tenant in villcnage. Vast, adj. Bi'ntotx or bebi'ntou, am- ple, very ample. Vat, n. Bete'nzi, great barrel. 2, Betre'nzi, a gi'cat tub. Vault, n. Ga'nzoi. Vault, (to) V. Bre'nsikai, leap. Vaunt, V. Pro'nsivai, to glory. 2, Depro'nsivai, to swagger, boast indecently. 3, Gre'mpitai, to act insolently, presumptuotisly. Vanioard, "(See vantguard). Vaumure, n. Ke'ndris. Veal, n, Vandoi'tu pinjoi'twes. Veer, v. Fre'ntisai, to turn. 2, Vre'n- tipai yin vl'ndro drenza'twi, to let go more sail or cord. 3, Mis- pe'ntipai yin vi'ndrj) drenza'twi, to put out more sail or cord. Vegetable, n. Fi'nzi, plant. Vegetation, n. Ki'nzoo, the soul or principle of growth in plants. Vegetate, v. Kri'nsipai, to vegetate or grow. Vegetative, adj. Fi'nsu, which per- tains to plants. Vegetative actions, n. A'nzooz. Vegetous, adj. Ko'mpu. Vehemence, n. Gra'ndoo, vigorous, intensity. 2, Kro'mba, fierceness. Vehicle, n. Pensuvo'ri, the carrying thing. Veil, n. Tlnsufo'ri, covering thing. 2, Bra'ntou tinsufo'ri, thin cover- ing thing. U X Uicorious, adj. Dre'mpus konzifu'ntu, fond of wife. V E N Vein, (of animal) n. Ka'ndoi, Veil, (to) V. Diske'mpikai, to sig- nify respect. Vein, (opening a) n. Ve'nzino, bleeding. Vein, (of metal in the earth) n. Un- o'nzi. Vein, (of stone in the earth) n. Uno'nji. Vein, n. O'mba, temper of mind. 2, Ra'mbi, disposition. 3, Vini'ndi, discovirse manner. 4, VLmpri'ndo, sentence manner. Vellum, n. De'nzis tandoi'tu. Velleity, n. Fo'nza. Vellication, n. Daki'nzoo, fi-equent plucking. 2, Ta'nzoi, twitching. Velvet, (silk) n. Teno'nza. 2, Kren- o'nza, cotton velvet. Venal, adj. Katro'nsukoo, able to be sold. 2, Gatro'nsukoo, apt to be sold. Vendable, n. (See venal). Veneration, n. Te'mbi, reverence. 2, U'ndi-a, worship. Venery, n. Bra'nzoi, coition. 2, Do'ndiifo, hunting. Vengeance, n. Tro'nzi, revenge, pun- ishment involving ilhvill. 2, Two'nzi, vengeance like that ot the almighty, merely vmdicatory. 3, Tro'nsikai, to avenge an injury. 4, Two'nsikai, to avenge a crime. Venial, adj. Gata'mprufoo, apt to be forgiven. 2, Kata'mprufoo, able to be pardoned. Venison, n. Vandoi'tu do'ntrufoo i'ujiz, flesh of lumted beasts. Venom, n. Bwampniko'ri, poison, i. e. the poisoning thing-. Vent, n. Ku'nzoi, wind. 2, Fu'nzoi, exhalation. 3, Pre'ncla"di raiskun- zifo, hole for out winding. 2, Pre'nda"di misfu'nzifo, hole for out-exhaling. Venting, v. Misgi'nzifo, out pouring. Vent, V. Misgi'nsifai, to pour out. Ventiduct, n. Kunsufo'twiis, wind- ing jugament. 2, Ku'nsufo te'ndi winding tube. Ventricle, n. Prentu'skin, hollow place. 2, Specially in animal bodies. Venture, n. Trono'ndi, acting in spite of danger. 2, Bono'nzoi, acting in spite of doubt. 3, Den- o'mboo, to have courage to act in spite of danger, chance, or diffi- ci,ilty. y E R Venfilat'oii, n. Bl'iizo, winnowing. Ventosity, abs. n. Kunzoi'rit. Venture, (to) v. Trono'ntikai, to act in spite of dannjcr. 2, Brono'n- sifai, to act in spite of doubt. 3, Dcno'mpivai, to act in spite of danger, chance, or difficnlty. Venture, v. Kre'ntivai, to essay. 2, Kre'ntivai tro'ndi, to essay the danger. ?>, Kre'ntivai flouzoo'tur, to essay his fortune. Venturous, adj. De'mpur. 2, Ga- krentuvo tro'ndi, apt to essay danger. 3, Dre'mpur, rash. Venus, n. Bri'nzoi, the planet. Venus s comh, n. Brc'nivoo. Venus s looking glass, n. Tc'mvi. Venus s sJieU, n. Do'njinoo. Veracity, n. Pe'mba. Verb, n. Ti'ndoi. Verbal, adj. I'nton. Verbatim, adv. Twizi'ndon, in the manner of separate words. Verbosity, n. Veni'ndoi, excess of words. 2, Bre'mba, lorpiacity. Verderer, n. Fafra'nsiir fa'ndroo, assessor of forest officer. Verdict, n. Ba'mbi'oi glaiidroo'tn, sentence of jury. 2, Vro'nzoi, opinion. Verdrire, n. Ti'mboi, greenness. 2, Ko'mbi, vigor. Verge, n. Kri'ndii, margin. 2 Ko'n- doo. Verging, n. Ei'ndo. Verger, n. Cuspenzifo'fan, before- walking officer, i. e. who walks before. Very, transcendental. Be; as, befo'n- ti, very good; bcfa'mpur, very prosperous; bepro'ntou, very in- strumental; bepo'nti, very true. 2, Very, adv. emphatically, Gwen; as, au^?';cHkwen, my very self, i e. my own self: taugwe'ngwen, my very own. 3, True; as, tau- gwen fro'nzipur, my own son; i. e. my true son. 4, Genuine; as, tau'gweu fro'nzipur, my own son, i. e. my genuine son. Verily, adv. Po'ndi, truly. Verify, v. Po'ntivrost, cause to be true. 2, Vi'nsivai, to prove. 3, Vrl'nsivai, to confirm. Verity, n. Po'ndo, truth. Verjuice, n. Bre'nzoi. Vermillion, n. Bni'nzo. Vermin, n. O'njiz, insects. 2, Pro'nta o'njiz, hurtful insects. 3, Pro'nta kl'nziz, hurtful animals. Vernacular, adj. Ba'nta pondro'nu di-ai'tu, pertaining to the nation of any person. Vernal, adj. Fu'ntus, adj. of spring. Varnish, n. Griusuno'ri, the varnish- ing thing. Varnishing, n. Gri'nzino. Verse, n. Fi'udo, division of book. 2, KrI'ndo, opposed to prose. V I G Vcrsicle, n. Pefi'ndo, small verse. Versify, V. Kri'ntivrost, to make verse. Version, n. Bi'ndi, translation. Vertebra, n. Tra'ndfi. Vertical, adj. Di'nti, relating to tlie top. 2, Fe'ntou. Vertical point, n. Preno'ndoi, zenith. Vertiginous, adj. Bu'mpa. Vertiginous motion, n. Bi'nzoo. Vertigo, n. Bu'mba. Verveu, n. Tc'mvi. Vesicle, n. Pedra'ndis, little bladder. Vespers, n. Dru'ntus u'ndra, evening worship. Vessel, n. E'nzi, (general). 2, En- o'nzi, vessel of animal bodv, apt to contain hollow parts. 3, A'ndis, heterogeneous vessel. 4, A'ndoi, homogeneous vessel. 5, Fi'ndroo, ship. Vestment, n. Ensunn'rl, garment, clothing thing. Vestry, n. Eusuno'dus, clothing room. Vetch, n. Te'mvoi. 2, Kc'mvoi, bit- ter vetch. 3, De'mvo, crimson grass vetch. 4, Ve'invo, hatched vetch. 5, Tre'mvo, milk vetch. 6, Ve'mvoi, yellow wild vetch. Veturnus, n. Fu'mba, disease. Vex, V. To'nsikrost, to make angry. 2, Kro'usikrest, to cause to be grieved. 3, Tre'ntikai, to molest. 4, Tra'mpivrest, to cause to be vexed. Vie, V. To'nsivai, to act emulously. 2, Fe'ntripai, to provoke. Vial, n. Pekru'ncou bre'nzi, small glass bottle. Viands, n. Pre'nsutoo va'ndoi. Vibrate, v. Te'nsivai. Viburnum, n. Bi'mvoo. Vicar, n. Vrontai'ro, substitute per- son. Vicar, n. Duno'ndroi, a presbyter, entitled oul_y to the smaller tythcs. Vice, n. Re'mboo. Vice, n. Ventupo'dwus. Vicegerent, n. ^^rontai'ro. Viceroy, n. Vinfo'udi-oo, substitute king. Vitiate, v. Ke'mpivrost, to make vicious. 2, Fro'ntivrost, to de- prave. 3, Dre'mpifrost, to de- bauch. 4, Twa'utipai, to mar. Vicinity, n. Tono'nza, neighbour- hood. 2, Ti'ndoi, proximity. Vicount, n. Toni'udi-oo. Vicissitude, n. Go'udlso, tuming. 2, Vre'ndol, change. Victim, n. Tu'ndrls, sacrifice. Victor, n. Pemprufo'r. Victory, n. Pemprou'ri. Victory, (to get tlic) v. Pe'mprifai, to overcome. Victualler, n. E'nsufas, victuals offi- cer. 2, Ensu'das, victuals mer- chant. V I R Victualler, n. Dcno'nzoo, one licens- ed to sell ale, beer, and spirits. Victualling house, n. Pa'nzoi' tu dcu- o'nsurdas, house of ale and seller ordinary. Victuals, n. E'nzoo, sustcntatioii ordinary. View, V. Fa'ntitai, to eye. 2, Pro'n- sitai, 1o observe. 3, Fo'usifai, to enquire into, examine. Vigilance, n. Ke'mboi. 2, Fa'mba, heedfulness. Vigils, n. Kc'mbifo, watching. 2, Bu'ndls bundra'cu, the day before festival. Vigor, n. Ko'mbi. Vile, adj. Kla'ntur. 2, Pezu'ntul, of little value. 3, Rc'mpur, vicious. Vilify, V. Krc'mpikai, to treat witii disrespect. 2, Gro'nsifai, to con- temn, despise. Village, n. Dwinpa'nzoi, aggregate of houses. 2, Ko'mbro, parish. Villain, n. Go'ndroo. 2, Kla'nturo, sorry person. 3, Bezanti'ro, a very criminal person. 4, Ra'm- pulo, a wicked person. Vindicate, v. Ka'mprivai, to defend, as defendant. 2, Da'ntripal, to defend, as advocate. 3, Va'ntri- frost, to cause or shew to Ijc innocent. Vindictiveness, n. Gatro'nslkai, apt to revenge maliciously. Vine, n. Pu'mvoi. Vinegar, u. Be'nzoi. Vintage, n. Binzoi"tu pumvoi'sldz, the gathering of grapes, i. c. vine fruits. 2, Ve'nzlfrost, the wine making. Vintner, n. Venzoi'das. 2, Twlven- zoi"das, the retail wine merchant. Vineyard, n. Tra'nzoo pumvoi'tuz. orchard of vmes. Violate, v. Vre'ntivai. Violence, n. Bro'ndi. Violent motion, n. E'nzis. 2, Tro'n- slnai, to compel. 3, Kle'mbo, fierceness. Violet, n. Bo'mvis. 2, Bro'mva, bul- bous violet. 3, Fe'mva, dames' violet. Violin, n. De'nsunoo drensoo'tus, stringed musical instrument. Viorna, n. Di'mvoo, travellers' joy. Viper, n. Drl'njls. Virago, n. Blno'nzikun, a bold, im- pudent, turbulent woman. Virgw, n. Ku'nzi, meteor. Virgin, n. Po'nzlfun, unmarried female. Virgin, n. Pro'nzifun, female — chaste and unmarried. 2, Pro'n- zlfur, male — chaste and unmar- ried; bachelor. 3, A'prin, first; as, "Virgin fancies," a'prin fo'ni- boiz, first fancies. Virgin, adj. Dranr'tukoo, not defiled. Virginity, abst. n. Pronzoi'rit. V I V Virgin honey, a'prin du'nzo ponja'tuz, the first honey of bees. Virgin s boiver^ n. Di'iuvi, the cle- matis. Virgo^ n. Vwinpl'nzoi, an aggregate of stars, (a proper name). Virilitij, n. Kuudi'noo, the age of maiJiood. 2, Fombai'rit, perfect sexual power. Virtue, n. Teza'mbi, perfect habit. 2, A'mbil, infused habit. 3, A'm- bls, acquired intellectual habit. Virtue, (moral hah it) n. E'mboo. .2, E'mboi, moral habits respecting the body. 3, E'mbo, moral habits respecting estate and dignity. 4, E'mba, homiletical and common virtues. 5, E mbi, the same relat- ing to superiors. 6, E'mbis, the same relating to inferiors. 7, A'mboi, instruments of virtue. 8, A'mbo, atiections of intellectual virtue. 9, A'mba, affections of moral virtue. . Virtue, (efficacy) n. Pondoi'rit, the efficacy of the efficient. Virulent, adj. Ba'mpruko, poisoning. 2, Gaba'mpruko, apt to poison. 3, Ki-e'mpur, malignant. Visage, n. Pa'ndo. 2, Yinpa'ndo, face manner. Vizard, (mask) n. Dro'nti pa'ndo, factitious face. Viscous, adj. Kr'impus, clammy. Visible, adj. Kapo'mputoo able to be seen. Vision, n. Po'mbito, seeing. 2, Fro'ntm-i, apparent thing. 3, Pomputoo vo'nzi, seen i-evelation. Visit, n. Pra'nzi. Visiting, n. Pra'nziko. Vital, adj. Da'nsur, relating to life. Vitrify, v. KruncLfi-ost, to cause to be glass. Vivacity, n. Ganda'nsipai pa'ndou, aptuess to live long. 2, Fo'mba, sprightliness. WAD W. This letter, like the letter y, is here called a Positional, because it denotes not a sound, but a po- sition; namely, the position of go: but it has no length, — It is merely the startmg point of a sound from which the organs in- sensibly expand till they arrive at the position in which the next vowel is completed: as, wa, wa, ■we, wi, wo, &c. &c. Wabble, v. Debi'nsipai, to vertiginate badly. Wad, n. Vrantuvoo'ri, an aggre- gated thing. VOL Vitriol, n. Tu'nji. Vivify, V. Da'usiprast, to cause to live. 2, Ko'mpikrost, to invigo- rate, cause to be vigorous. Vivi2xa-ous, adj. Ta'usupo dansu'ri, to bring forth a livin"; thinjc. Vocal, adj. Ti'mpi. 2, Kagi'ntuvoo timbo'ti, expressible by the voice. Vocation, n. O'ndi'oi, profession. Vocative, adj. Twi'mpur; that form in which a noim or pronoun is placed when the person or thing- is addi-essed; as, " Domine," oh! Lord. 2, Ti'mputo, which calls. 3, Ko'ntupo, which names. Vogue, n. Ka'mboi, reputation. 2, Tri'ndi, nimour. Voice, n. Ti'mbo; any sound pro- duced by the breath; as, '-the trumpet's voice." Voice, (articulate) n. Tri'mbo, when letters are expressed. Voice, n. Tinto'nzoi, suffrage, con- sent sign. Void, adj. Dri'nsou, empty. Void of, adj. Bene'tupo. 2, Pe or pi; as, ''void of principle," em- boo'pi, i. e. without virtue. 3, Pre'ntu, adj. of frustrate, in a state of fi-ustration. 4, Bro'nta, adj. of vain. 5, Plo'netm-, in a state of non-existence. Void, (to) V. Fre'ntifai, to leave; as, '' bid them come down " or void the field." Shakespear. 2, Miske'ntisai, to emit, send out, evacuate. 3, E'nsinai, to purge. 4, Tre'nsinai, to dmig. shit. Void, adj. Pone'tou, ineffectual. Voidable, adj. Kaponetufraust, which can be made ineffectual. Voidance, n. Dri'nzoi, the act of emptying. Volatile, adj. Te'nsupo, flying, or which flies. 2, Gafe'nsupo, apt to fly. 3, Gafu'nsufo, apt to exhale. w. WAG Waddle, n. Pe'nsifai fi'e'njini, to walk duck-like. 2, Pe'nsifai vri'n- zur, to walk in a rolHng manner. Wade, V. Pe'nsifai dinza'tu, &c. Wafer, n. Bompruso'ri, sealing thing. Waft, V. Pe'nsivai imzo'ku, to carry over water. Wag, V. Peze'nsikai, to move a little. 2, Petre'nsivai, to shake a little. Wag, (a) n. Twempa'ro, an urbane person. Wage, v. Vo'nsinai, to prosecute; as, "to wage war." 2, Go'ntrisai, . to bet. V U L Volley, n. Dwinkle'mbri, an aggre- gate of simultaneous shootings. Voluble, adj. Gabri'nsupo, apt to roll. 2, Go'mpu, nimble, agde. Volubility, n. Gabri'nzipo, aptness to roll. 2, Go'mbi kando'tu, agi- lity of tongue. Volume, n. Drenzis, book; as, "the vokunes of a library." 2 Dren- o'lzis, one book of a series; as, '• vol. 1, 2, 3," &c. Voluntary, adj. Ko'mpur; as, " Kwumpur tu'ndi'is," a volun- tary sacrifice. 2, To'nsa, sponta- neous. Voluptuousness, n. Pre'mboi, sensu- ality._ Volutation, n. Bri'nzoo. Vomiting, n Te'nza. Voracity, n. Bro'mba, rapacity. 2, Fle'mboi, gluttony. Vorage, n. Pii'nza, whii-lpool. Voraginous, adj. Pli'nsa, full of whirlpools. Votary, n. Pumpiimoo'ro, a vowed person. Vote, n. Dinto'nzoi, consent sign. 2, Dintouzoi panzo'ti, consent sign by speech. Vouch, V. To'mprisai, to protest. 2, Vo'ntrisai, to give bail, to imder- take with penalty. Vouchsafe, v. Fa'mpisai, to conde- scend. Vow, V. Pu'mprinai. Vowel, n. Fi'ndoo. Voyage, n. Drenzoi, sailing. 2, Te'ndis i-inzaju, travelling on the sea. Vulgar, adj. Vra'nta, common. 2, Fro'ntu, mdecent. Vulgar persons, n. Do'ndroo, the rabble. Vulnerary, adj. Fimo'mpur, apt to heal wounds. 2, Fu'mpur, relat- ing to wounds. Vulture, n. Pre'njoo. W A I Wager, n Go'ndris. Wages, n. Vo'mbri. Waggle, (See wag). Waggon, n. Pra'nzi, wain. Wagtail, n. De'nji. 2, Dre'nji, yel- low wagtail. Waif, n. Frentufoo'ri, abandoned thing. Wail, V. Bezo'mbi tra'nsinai. 2, Bezo'mbi diskro'nsikai, loudly to express grief. Waits, n. Tra'nsuno dre'nzi, waken- ing music. Wainscot, n. Ro'ntur tre'nza yoo'tu fa'nzo, wooden linmg of a room. WAN Waiji, n. Pra'nzl. Waist, n. Ti'ndo fondoo'tu, middle part of trunk. 2, Ti'ndo anda'tu, middle part of the human trunk ; as, "a lady's waist.'' Waist, (of shijij n. Bi'ndroi. Wait, V. Pla'nsikai, to stay by, with, or for. 2, Pla'nsikai fo'nsu- no, to stay by, with, or for, accompanying. 3, Pla'nsikai tro'nsuto, to stay by, with, or for, depending. 4, Pla'nsikai dro'nsuto, to stay by, with, or for, serving. Wait, (lay, or lie in) v. Te'mprivai, to lie in ambush. Wake, (ones self J v. Ka'nsifai, to end sleep. Wake, (awake anotJierJ adj. Ka'nsi- frost, to cause another to be awake. Wake, (to begin to) v. Taska'nsifai. Wake, n. Twe'mpa bu'udi-a, rustic festival. Wakerohin, n. Tro'mvi, Wakeful, adj, Gatrane'sufo, not apt to sleep. 2, Trane'sufo, not sleep- ing. 3, Ke'mpou, vigilant. B alk, V. Pe'nsifai. Walk, (a) n. Pensufo'kin, a walk- ing place. Walk, (as a ghost) v. Fro'utipai. Wale, n. Pede'ndi, small ridge, spe- cially in cloth. 2, Dinfa'ndris, the whipping sign. 2, Dinfa'mbris, the cudgelling sign. Wall, n. Va'nzo. 2, E'mbris, sepi- ment. 3, Te'ndiis, rampier. Wall-creeper, n, Te'njino, wood- pecker. Wall-eyed, adj. Primpou fa'ntutoo, white eyed. Wallflower, n. Pre'mva. Wall-louse, n. Va'nsi go'nju. Wall nut, u. Pru'mva. Wall-nie, n. Bo'mvoo, white maiden hair. Wallwort, n. Te'mvino Daneswort. Wallet, n. De'nsufo pe'nzi, walking bag. Walnut tree, n. Pu'mva. Walmit, n. Pumv'asit. Walloiring, n. Bri'nzoo, volutation. Wambling, adj. Ki-o'mpou, loathing. 2, Pro'nsa, in a state of aversion, disgust. Wa?i, adj. Tra'nsa, pale. 2, Beda'u- sui', deathly, dead-like. Wand, n. Kro'ndoo. Wander, v. Tre'ntisai. Want, n. Twa'ndoo, deficiency. 2, Go'ndi, necessity, that which must be had. 3, Bre'ndoo, not hav- ing. 4, Bene'dipo twa'ndoo, the not having a sufficiency. 5, Twa'ndoo, scarcity. 6, Fra'm- boi, poverty. 7, Bre'ndipo pas, wanting a little, i. e. almost. (See grammar, page 89). K 2 WAS Wane, v. Dwa'ntipai, to decrease. Wantonness, n. Tro'mba, playward- ness. 2, Dre'mbou, imchastity. Wapentake, n. Klo'mbro, hundix'd. War, n. E'ndri. War, (man of J n. E'ndro, soldier. 2, Vi'ndroo, ship for fighting. Warbling, n. Bla'uzo. Warble, v. Blansitai. 2, Bibra'nsu- no ti'mbo, tre'mbling-like voice. Ward, V. Pe'mprivai, to defend. 2, Ke'mpisai, to protect. Wardo^, V. Peinprivai"ni, to defend from. 3, Ve'ntrivai, to watch. 4, Ye'mprivai, to guard. Ward, n. Kan tral kin, the imprison- ment place. Ward, n. Kru'nzo, pupil. Ward, (of lock) n. Kla'nza. Wai-d, (of key) n. Kwa'nza. Warden, n. V'a'mbroo. 2, Vwum- pra'ro dvoo be'ntiko ventrikcj'twi, an officer who keeps or guards. Warden-tree, n. Vinfu'mvoo, a kind of pear tree. Warder, n. Bentuko'fas, keeping officer. 2, Yentruvo'fan, the guard, — guarding officer. 3, Ye'mpruvo fan, watch, — watching officer. J\ ardrobe, n. Bentuko'kin enza'diz, the keeping room for clothes. Ware, n. Tomprakoo'ri, sold thing. Warfare, n. Endri. Wariness, n. Fa'mba, heedfulness. 2, Kle'mba, reservedness. WareJiouse, n. Bentuko'tus tontni- koo'diriz, a keeping house for goods. 2, Bentuko'dus tontpru- koo'diriz, a keeping room for wares. Warlike, adj. Bize'ntru. Warm, adj. Pi'mpu, tempei-ate, nei- ther hot nor cold. 2, Kla'mpi, fierce, opposed to moderate. 3, Po'nsus or po'nsai, zealous. Warn, v. Kro'nsisai. Warn to appear, v. Pa'ntrifai. Warp, (of cloth) n. Gre'ntou de'n- zaz finsukoo'f«rI, direct threads of woven thing opposed to woof. Woof n. Gle'ntou de'nzaz finsukoo- tiii'i, transverse thi-eads of woven thing. Warj), V. DrI'nsipai, to bend. Warrant, n. Da'usutoo po'nzi, writ- ten command. Warrant, v. Yu'ntrinai, to author- ise. 2, Yo'ntrisai, to undertake for. Warranty, n. Vo'ndi'a, authority. Warren, n. Bra'nzoo kiujn'diz, park for rabbits. Warrener. n. Branzoo'fan kinjodiz, park officer for rabbits. Warrior, n. E'ndi'o. Wart, n. Bn'mbcj. Was, V. Po'ntipil, (tabular). 2, Ul, was, (copulative). W A T Wash, V. Yi'nsikai. Washes, n. Vri'nzo. Wash, 0iog-) n. Be'nzoo ginjoi'diz, broth for hogs. Wasp, n. Eoiija. Waspish, adj. Twe'mpa, morose. Wasp-like fy, n. Tro'nja. Wassail, n. Twe'mba. 2, Pre'nzoi, banquet. Waste, (to) V. Kro'mpikai, to decay. 2, Dwa'ntipai, to decrease. 3, Bemprlfai, to plunder, pillage. 4, Twantipai, to mar. o, Kro'nsi- pai, to destroy. 6, Ka'nsifai, to ruin. 7, Destre'ntikai, to spend in some bad way. 8, Krentikai, to squander. Waistcoat, n. Anta'fiin, trunk vest. Wastful, adj. Krentukcj. Watch, V. Kansiti, to be awake. 2, Traska'nsifi, to continue awake. 3, Ke'mpifai, to act vigilantly. 4, Fampini, to be heedful. .5, Pro'n- sitai, to observe. 6, Ye'ntrivai, to guard. 7, Ye'mpritai, to watch. Watchman, n. Yempruto'ro, watch- ing person 2, Yemprutofan, watching officer. Watchman, (for custody of jiersons) n. Ye'ndi-o. 2, Yembro, ditto of places. Watchicord, n. Dini'ndoi vembro'tu, word-sign of watch. 2, l)iui ndoo indoi'ti, the time-sign by word. Watch, n. Twa'nzis, a very small clock for the pocket. Watchet, adj. Tri'mpou, blue. Watchfulness, n. Kemboi, vigilance. 2, Fa'mba, heedfulness. 3, Ba'm- ba, diligence. Water, n. U'nzo,. Waters, (of the world, i. e. seas, lakes, &c.) n. Rizaz. Waters, (runningj n. Dinzaz, streams. Waters, (standing) n. Dri'nzaz, pools, &c. Water, (by) adj. Ke'nsupo, swim- ming. 2, Dri'nsufo, sailing. Water-beetle, n. Go'nji. Watercourse, u. Diuza, stream. 2, Ta'nzoi, aqueduct. Water furrow, n. Dre'ndi unzn'di, furrow for water. Water-hen, u. Te'ujinoi, moor-hen. Waterman, n. Twi'ndi'o. 2, Twi'n- tritai, v. to row a boat, &c. Water-scorpion, n. To'njoo. Water-stiail , n. Pronjiuoo. Water-spider, n. Ko'njoo. Water, (cattle, to) v. Fra'nsifi-ast i'njoiz, to cause cattle to drink. Water the garden, (to) v. Uusitai tya'nzoo. Vi^ater, (to make) v. Ge'nsinai. Watery, adj. U'nsi. Waterish, adj. Pezu'nsi, rather wa- tery. Watery blood, n. Fa'ntur ba'ndoo. Wattle, n. Dra'ndi, gill of fish. W E A Wattle, n. Finsukoo'ri koniloo'tuz, woven thing of sticks, — hurdle. Wave, n. Pi-i'uza. Waving, n. Te'nda, undulation. 2, Petre'nsivo, a little shaking. 3, Dre'ntivo, avoiding. Waver, v. Kro'nsmai, to act irreso- lutely. Wax, V. Du'nsitai, to apply wax or smear with wax. Wax, transcendental, Ta, tas, tan; as, " ^aspansitai," to begin to speak." 2, Tanpa'nzito, begin- ning to speak. 3, participle, Ta- ta'ntruno, beginning to encroach ; as, ''wai, tata'ntruno, pe'ntripot," he, beginning to encroach, gave oiFence. Wax, V. Dra'ntipai, to increase. 2, O'kai, to become; as, "O'kai va'mpou, fa'mpou, &c," to become powerful, rich, &c. Wa^, n. Entai'km, the place for passage. 2, Dra'nzoi, factitious way. Wayfaring, n. Te'ndis, travelling. Wayfaring man, n. Trentuso'r, travelling person. Wayfaring tree, n. Ti'mvoi. Waylay, v. Te'mprivai, to be In ambush. Way, (give) v. Nispre'ntisai, to go from. 2, Droopre'ntisai, to go backward. 3, Teme'privai. not to resist. 4, Kine'tisai, not to oppose. 6, Pre'ntinai, to submit. Way, (go his) v. Pre'ntisai, go. 2, Nis pre'ntisai, go from. Way, ( had the j v. Be'ntisai, to lead. 2, Cuspre'ntlsai, to go before. Way, (make) v. Fe'ntivai di'a'nzoi, prepare the way. Way, (by the) adv. Kra'ndun, acces- sorily. 2, Gri'ndu, digressively. Way, (to be in the) adj. Bro'ntifai, to hinder. Way, (set, or put in the) v. Po'nsi- sai, to direct. Way, (bring on the) v. Pefo'nsmai, to accompany a little way. Way, (go on his) v Fe'ntisai, to proceed. Way, (out of the) adj. Vondoi'di, beside the end. 2, Fondai'di, beside the object. 3, Ge'ntuvo, erring. 4, Tre'ntuso, wandering. Way, (go out of the) v. Tre'ntisai. Way off, (to be a great) adj. Betri'u- tou, very remote. Wayward, n. Pro'mpa, disingenu- ous. 2, Dwe'mpa, morose. Weakness, n. Dro'mbi, feebleness. 2, Ro'mpu, impotent. 3, Gla'ntur, remiss. 4, Twa'ntur, deficient. Wear, v. Dwa'ntipai vende'ti, to lessen by use. 2, Twa'ntipal ven- de'ti, to mar by use. 3, Kro'mpi- kai vende'ti, to decay by use. WEE Weal, n. Teplo'ndoo, perfect being. 2, Pa'mboo, happiness. Wealth, n. Fa'mboi. Wealth, (common-) Ontroo'ri, the state, the civil polity, &c. 2, Vra'nta fa'mboo, common prospe- rity. 3, Pondi'oo'rit boudroo'ti, government by the people. Wean, v. To'nsitai vre'ndi, to teach abstinence. 2, Unkra'nsipai, to unsuckle. Weapon, n. Pe'ndrl. Wear out, v. Tre'ntifai vende'ti, to spoil by use. Wear clothes, v. E'nsinoi, to be clothed. Wear, (in the pocket) v. Pe'nsivai i'tu pe'nzi. Wear, (a ring) v. Pe'nsivai dandeju, to carry on the finger. Wear, n. A'ncu gra'uzis, fish trap. Weary, v. Gre'ntikai. Weary of v. Dre'ntikai. Weasand, n. Pra'ndis. Wether, n. Fino'njoi, guelt sheep. Weather, n. U'nzis, state of the atmosphere. . Weather-cock, n. Uno'nzis, shewing jugameut of the direction of the wind. Weather glass, n. Una'nzis, glass instrument for shewing the heat or cold of the air. Weave, v. Fi'nsikai. Weaver, n. Finsuko'tas, weaving mechanic. Weaver jish, n. Ga'nja. Web, n. Finsukoo'ri, woven thing. 2, Finsukoori bonjoi'tu, woven thing of spider, I. e. cobweb. Wed, v. Vu'ntrlnal, to marry. Wedding, n. Vu'ntra tro'ndis, mar- riage solemnity. Wedge, n. Vre'udci tinzoo'di, prism for cleaving. Wedge in, (to) v. Bekrmsipai"mu, to thrust in forcibly. Wedge, (to) v. Krino'nsipai, to compress by wedges thrust in about it. Wedlock, n. Vu'ndra, marriage. Wednesday, n. Bunte'ndis, the fourth day of the week. We, prou. Aur; as, "aur to'nsiko," we love. Weed, n. Kla'ntufuu, sorry vest. 2, Pro'nt.T, ti'nzi, hurtful herb. 2, 3, Pone'ta ti'nzi, not profitable, 1. e. unprofitable herb. Weeding, n. TrI'nzo. 2, v. Tri'nsltal, to weed. Week, n. Kni'ndis. Weel n. Ancu gra'uzis, fish trap. Ween, n. Vro'nzoi, opinion: — v. au vi'o'nsoi, I am of opinion. 2, Ti'ndis, supposition : — v. au ti'n- tlso, I suppose. Ween, (over-) adj. Fre'mpu, proud. 2, Bcfre'mpu, excessively proud. WEN Weep, V. Tra'nsinal. Weazel, n. Dri'nja. Weevel, n. Pro'nji. Weigh, (to) v. Fl'nsipai, to use the balance. 2, Ki'mpiki, to be heavy. Weigh anchor, v. Pi'nsipai ti'ndro, to lift anchor. Weighs doivn, v. Pri'nsipai, (literal); or, (metaphorical) Piprl'nsipai, applied to the spirits. 2, Fonsitai, ponder, consider. Weight, n. Kri'mbI, gravity, the tendency of bodies to descend. 2, U'nd(2z, measures of gravity. * 3, Undo'tus, instrument for weighing, as scales, steelyard, &c. Weighty, adj. Kri'ntu, (literal). 2, Bo'uta, important, (metaphorical). Welk, n. Vro'njinoo, periwinkle. Welkin, n. Pu'nzol, either. 2, 1'nzol, heaven. Well, adv. Fo'ndi, in a good man- ner. 2, Kandu, regularly, 3, Ta'ndur, sufficiently. Well a day! interjection of grief or sympathy, like oh! ah! Well advised, adj. Teko'nsukoo. 2, Tefo'nsutoo, well considered. Well-beloved, adj. Beto'nsidioo. Well born, adj. To'ntrur, noble. 2, To'mpriu', gentle. Pronounced to'utlur and to'mplm*. (See rule for two rez). Welcome, adj. Tekre'ntunoo, per- fectly accepted. 2, Tedo'nsa, per- fectly agreeable; or, simply, do'nsa, pleasing. Welcome any one, (to) v. Vo'nslval twai'di pe'ndis, to wish joy (con- gratulate) for his coming. 2, Fra'nslkai, to entertain, or tefra'n- sikai, perfectly to entertain. Welfare, adj. Teplo'ndoo, perfect being. Wellfavored, adj. Pevo'mpu, rather beautiful. Well in health, adj. Ru'mpu. Well in years, adj. Pebu'ntlnur, ra- ther old. Wellnigh, adv. Sool. Well now! Fo'nti! good! Well then! Fo'nti kel! good then! These are short exclamations of satisfaction at the progress of the subject; but the former expresses satisfaction up to the present, as a fact; the second as an Inference. Well to pass, adj. Pefa'mpou, rather rich. Well trish, v. Fo'nsikai, to favor. Well, (as) adv. Fondu'ta fonduta'- kyu, as well as. Well, (a) n. Twi'nza. Wench, n. Puuti'nupun; female in- fant. 2, Funti'nupuu, female child. 3, Tuntin'upun, adolescent female. 4, Kla'ntupun, sorry female. Welter, v. Bri'nsipai. Wen, n. Bu'mbo. W 11 E Welt^ n. Kri'ndo, margin. 2, Kri'n- (lo po'ntufoo kinziko'ti, margin made by sewing. Wench, (to) v. Fa'utrinai, to forni- cate. Wenf^ V. past, Pe'ntisel. Wept, V. past, Tra'iisinel. Were, v. Po'ntipii, tabular. 2, Ul, copulative. Were, (as ?V, or as if J adv. vel. West, D. Pri'ndo. Wet, adj. Fri'mpu. Whale, n. Pa'njoo. Whale of the river, n. Va'ujls, sheat- fisii. Wharf, n. Di'nsa kri'nza, river haven,^ — landing place. Wharfinger, n. Kri'nza'fan, wharf officer. What? interrogative, Sloo? as, what hope is there? Sloo vo'nzi kwe'um? 2, SI, before the copu- lative ; as, Slu!meu? what is? Slule'u? what was? Slu'neu? what will be ? 3, SI, before the personal pronouns; as, Slim? what I? Sla? what thou.? Slai? what it? (See grammar, page 76). Whatever or whatsoever, subj. subs. Sloo'un, pronounced sloozun. Wheal, n. Pu'mbo. 2, Dro'njoi, wheal worm. Wheat, n. Po'mvoi. 2, Ta'mvoo, buck-wheat. 3, Fo'mvoi, indian- wheat, maize. Wheat-ear, n. Vre'nji. Wheat grass, n. To'mvo. Wheedle, v. Ka'ndnm di'e'mpinai, fraudulently to fawn. Wheel, n. Tre'ndi, (figure). Wheel, (to) v. Bi'nsipai, to vertigi- nate. Wheel about, v. Fre'ntisai, to turn. 2, Pre'ntisai yoo'tu fren'ti fe'ndoo, to go in a crooked line. Wheel, (of cart) n. Va'nzi. Wheelbarroiv, n. Twa'nzi. Wheel, (break on the) v. Ta'mprikai. Wheeze, v. Pumpikai"pu bezi'mbo. Sub-special, Puno'mpikai. Whey, n. Fa'ndoo, serum. Whelk, n. Pu'mbo, pustule. Whelm, V. Ti'nsif'ai. Whelp, n. Piuje'twen, young of dog. 2, Pinja'twen, young of lion, &c. When, subj. subs. Goo'su, at what time. Whenever, subj. subs. Gyoo'suun, at whatever time. Where, subj. subs. Kyoo'tu, in what place. 2, Kyoo'su, at what place. Wherever, subj. siibs. Kyoo'suun, wheresoever, or, Kyoo'tuun. 2, Kyoo'niuii, from whatever place. Whereby, Tyoo'ti, subj. subf. by means of which. Wherein, subj. subs. Tyoo'tu, in which. W II I Whereof, subj. subs. Tyoo'tu, of which. 2, Tyoo'fi, concerning which. Whereunto, subj. subs. Tyoo'nu, to which. Whereas, conj. Gool. Wherefore, subj. subs. Tyoo'di, for which reason. Where, (any) adv. Krai'tn, in any place. Where, (every-) adv. Kou'tu, in every place. Where, (no-) adv. Kraie'tu or Krai- no'tu, not in any place. Where, (else-)ja.dv. Kroi'tu, in ano- ther place. Whither, adv. Kyoo'nu, to what place. Whence, adv. Kooo'ni, from what place. Whirl, V. Bebi'nsiprast, to cause to turn round rapidly. 2, Bebi'nsi- prast, to be made to turn round rapidly. 3, Bebi'nsi])ai, simply to turn round, i. e. be in a state of vertigination. Whirl, (a) n. Bwi'nzoo, i. e. a whirling. 2, Bwinsupo'twan, a whirling jugament. Wherret, v. Trastre'ntikai, to con- tinue to molest. Wherry, n. Pino'ndroo, a boat apt to be rowed with two oars. Whether of two, subj. subs. Stwi'fin, which of the two. 2, Stwi'tin, which of three. 3, Stwi'kin, which of four. 4, Stwi'biii, which of five. 5, Stwi'vin, which of the six. 6, Stwi'din, which of seven. 7, Stwi'gin, which of eight. 8, Stwi'tin, which of nine. 9, Stwi- pa'sin, which of ten, &c. Whether yea? v. U'meu? is? 2, LT'meaiV is it? Whether nay? Nu'meu, is not? 2, Nume'ai? is it not? Whet, (make sharp) v. De'Isivai, generally apt to bite, pi-ick, or cut. 2, Fe'ntimest, to cause to be toothed. 3, Gape'ntiprost, to cause to be apt to prick, — from point. 4, Gade'nsivrast, apt to cause to cut. Whet-stone, n. Vu'njoo. Wherefore, subj. subs. Tyoo'di, for what reason. Whig, n. Fransufoo'ri kimpa'tu fa'ndoo, di'ink of acid whey. While, subj. subs. Gyoo'du, through or during what time. While, (a good) adv. Begwi'du. This word consists of du, through; wi, the article a; g, signifying time; and be, signifying much or long ; collectively through a time, long. While, (a little or a short) adv. Pe- gwidu; i. e. du, through; wi, a; g, time; pe, little. W II I While ago, (a great or a long) adv. (See a good while). While, (after some, or after or with- in a time) adv. Gri'ci. While, (in the mean) adv. Spur. While, (after a little) adv. Pegwi'ci. Ci, after; wi, a; pc, little; g, time. While, (afier a long) adv. Bcgwi'ci. Within a little time, adv. Pegwi'tu. Tu, within; wc, a; pe, little; g, time: — ki'ndur, soon. WJiile off, (something to) v. Pra'm- pinai, to take too much time for consideration. 2, Bre'ntivai, to protract. 3, Tro'mpikai, to act tardily. 4, Tro'mpiki, to be slow. Whilst, (See while). Whimper, v. sub-sp. Tmo'mpitai, to utter a small, acute, grief-voice. 2, sub-sp. Tinampitai, to utter a small, acute, desire-voice. Whine, (Sec whimper). Whimsy, n. Defo'mboi, fancy, badly acting. 2, Trampi'ri, fantastical thing. Whip, n. Fantruso'tus, whipping instrument. 2, De'nda, whip fi- gure. Whip, (to J V. Fa'ntrisai, i. e. punish. Whipsaw, n. Petrinsuncj'tus, small saw, i. e. sawing instrument. Whirlbone, n. Bra'utu pa'ndoi, knee bone. W hirljjool, n. Pli'nza. Whirlwind, n. Kru'uzoi. Whirl, (to) V, Bebi'usipai. Whirtle or ichor tie, n. Tri'mvo. Whortlebe7-ry, n. Trimvo'sit, the fruit of the whortle. 2, Vri'mvoi, sweet whortle. Whisk, V. Dwaze'nsikai, to move impetuously. 2, Gi'nsikai ke'nzi- vo'ti, to brush by striking. Whisker, n. Pa'ntou po'ndis dando'- ju, long hair upon the cheek. Whisper, n. Ta'nzo. Whispierer, n. Tansuto'ro, whisper- ing person. 2, Dampruno'ro, backbiting person. Whist I or hist! interj. Ei'mpitoz, silence! emphatically uttered; be silent ! Whistle, v. Kri'mpitai. 2, Kri'mpitai tende'ti, to whistle with a tube. Whistle, (a) n. Kruuputo'tus, a whistling instrument. Whit, B. Pla'ntupous, the least; as, "not the least." Whit, (every) adv. A'ndus, entirely. B hite, (a color) n. Pri'mboi, white- ness. White, adj. Pri'mpou. White lead, n. Bru'nza, ceruse. White-livered, adj. Dwe'mpur, cow- ardly. White-meats, n. Tra'ntur e'nzoo, milk victuals. Whiten, v. Pri'mpifrost. W I D Wkithio, n. Tru'mbo dandeju, boil on the finger. Whither, adv. Kyoo'nu, to what place. Whithersoever, adv. Kyoonu'un. Whitsuntide, n. Bimo'ndra, the feast of Pe'ntecost, i. e. Trispe'ndis undo'tu, the descent of the Holy- Ghost. Whittle, n. Pla'ntur pe'lsu fa'nzis, small pocket knife. Whiz, V. Ti'mpitai ki'mbi, to voice hissingly. Interrogative or Suhjunctive Substantive^f — Personal. Who, Dyoo. Whose, Byoo. Whom, Dwoo. Whoso, whoever, whosoever, Dyoo'un. Whomever, Dwoo'un. Whosesoever, Byoo'un. Interrogative or Suhjunctive Substantives : — Real, Which, (absolute) Tyoo. Wliich, (dependent), Twoo; as, "the flower which I, &c." IVJiichever, Tyoo'un. 2, (depen- dent), Twoo'im. Whose, (real), Pyoo; as, "the tree whose — " Whosever, Pyoo'iin- Whole, n. A'ndis. Whole, adj. A'utus; as, "the whole subject." 2, Fo'rapu, not sick, sound. 3, Vra'ndis, sum, the total; as, "the whole of the ac- count, — or particulars added." Wholesale, adj. To'ndriko vra'ndi, selling aggregately, opposed to To'ndrilio va'ndi, selling segre- gately, or by retail : — abridged, Dwitro'ndiko, selling by whole- sale, or Twitro'ndiko, selling by retail. Wholly, adv. A'ndus, entirely. _ Wholesome, adj. Fo'nti, specially for food. 2, Prone'tu, not hurtful. 3, Ru'mpukrost, which causes or conduces to health. Whoop, V. Betra'nsipai, loudly to exclaim. Whore, n. Fantra'des, fornication female. Whoredom, n. Fa'ndra, fornication. Whoremonger, n. Fantrates, forni- cation male. Why? subj. subs. (See wherefore). Wicked, adj. Ra'mpu, graceless. 2, Fra'mpu, vmholy. 3, Ke'mpur, vicious. Wicker, n. Finsukoo'ri krondoo'tuz, twisted thing of wands. 2, Fi'n- sukoo'ri trumvai'tu or trumvi'stu, woven thmg of oziers. Wide, adv. Tr'indou, remote; as, " wide asunder." W I L Wicket, n. Pefa'nza, small door. Wide open, adj. Tetri'nsou, perfect- ly open. Wide, adj. Bi'ntou, ample. Wide from the matter, adj. Bra'nta, irrelevant, impertinent. Widgeon, n. Te'njino. Widow, n. Bo'nzifet. 2, Bo'nzoi, widow or widower. 3, Bo'nzifed, widower. Widow-ivail, n. Vri'mvo. Wield, V. Ta'ntikai, to handle. 2, Ve'ntikai tandc'ti, to use by means of the hand. 3, Po'ntripai, to govern. 4, Po'nsisai, to direct. Wife or husband, n. Ko'nzoi. 2, Ko'nzifet, wife. 3, Ko'uzifed. 4, Bo'nzo, master or mistress of the family. 5, Bo'nzifet, mistress of the family. 6, Bo'nzifed, master of the family. Wife, (good-Jn. Fe'mputun, provi- dent female. 2, Te'mputun, frugal female. Wight, n. Kro'ndoo, person. Wildness, n. Tro'mba. 2, Kla'mbo, fierceness. 3, Tra'mbo, fantasti- calness. 4, Dwa'mba, lightness. 5, Kre'mbo, riotousness. 6, Re'm- ba, barbarous, uncivilized. 7, Kra'ndi, irregularness. 8, Be- vranda, great krelevance, utter wideness of the mark. Wild plant, n. Fwi'nzi do'ndi vra'n- supo, a plant naturally growing. Wilderness, n. La'nzoo, undweit country. Wiles, n. Frampai'riz, crafty things. Wihj, adj. Fra'mpus. Will and shall, (simple future tense, merely predictive), v. Au ti'u, I shall now: au tri'u, I shall here- after. Will, ( promissive) v. Au vi'u, I will: a vi'u, you shall: ai vli'u, it should. TT7?/, n. Ko'mboo, the wlll._ Willing, n. A'nzino, resolving, de- termining, purposing, &c. 2, Po'nza, inclination. 3, Fo'nza, velleity. 4, To'nza, purposing. 5, Bo'nzi, desire. 6, Po'nzi, com- mand. 7, Fo'nzi, goodwill. 8, Ta'mba, acting with good will. 9, adv. Ta'mbun, with a good will. 10, adv. Tra'mbun, with an ill will, grudgingly. 11, Fro'nzi, ill will, malignity. Will, n, Fo'ndri, testament. 2, Dreno'nzis, the Bible, i. e. the old and new Testaments. 3, Drena'nzis, the old Testament. 4, Dreno'nzis, the new Testament. Wilful, adj. Kla'mpi, fierce. 2, Dra'mpa, pertinacious, obstinate. 3, Gadi-e'mpu, apt to be disobe- dient. 4, Gafone'susoo, not apt to be persuaded. 5, Gafrone'su- soo, not apt to be dissuaded. WIN Willingness, n. Komboo'rit. 2, To'nza, spontaneity. 3, Ta'mba, alacrity. Willoiv, n. Tu'mvis. 2, Te'mva, codded willow herb. 3, Pri'mvi, spiked willow of Theophrastus. Wimble, n. Tinsuno'tus. TFm, V. Pe'ntikai, to obtain. 2, Fc'ntikai, to gain. 3, Pe'mprifai, to vanquish. 4, Ke'ntipai, to take. 5, De'mprikai, to conquer. 6, Fo'nsisai, to persuade. 7, Bo'nsi- sai, to allure. Wince, v. Ba'nsinai, to start. 2, Vra'ntikai, to kick, i. e. to heel. Winch, V. Bino'nzoo, pulHng or screwing instrument. Wind, n. Ku'nzoi. 2, Bezu'nzoi. 3, Kru'nzo, whirlwind. 4, Ge'ntou ku'nzo, side wind. Windfall, n. Grone'sutoo fontru- koo'ri, an unexpected legacy, i. e. a bequeathed thing. Wind foiver, n. Ta'mvino, anemone. Windmill, n. Da'nzis. Watermill, n. Dra'nzis. Windpipe, n. Pra'ndis. Wind (in the bowels) n. Bu'mbis, colic. Wind a horn, (to) v. I'mpitai va'n- dis. Wind about, (to) v. Ple'ndi e'nsikai, to move curvilinearly. 2, Ge'ndi e'nsikai, parabolically to move. 3, Gle'ndi e'nsikai, to move ellip- tically. 4, Gre'ndi e'nsikai, to move hyperbolically. 5, Fre'nti- sai, to turn. Winding sheet, n. Kene'nza. Wind in and, out, v. O'ndi tre'ntisai. 2, O'ndi vre'nsipai, diversely to wriggle. Wind up and down, v. Vre'nsipai. 2, Te'ndi e'nsikai, spirally to move. 3, Tre'ndi e'nsikai, helia- cally to move. Wind up, V. De'ntivai, to finish. 2, Bi'nsipai, to vertiginate. Wind a bottom, v. De'ntisai. Wind a skein, v. Dre'ntisai. Windle, n. Bre'nda. Windlass, n. Kwinsupo'ri, a pulley, i. e. puUuig thing. Window, n. Fra'uza. Wine, n. Ve'nzoi. Wing, n. Fo'ndi. Wi7ig of army, n. Ki'ndo pendra'tu, the side of an army, ll'm^-, V. Ki'nsifai fa'ndo, to shut the e^-e. 2, Bo'ntisai fando'ti, to signify by means of the eye. Wink at, (faults) v. Prone'sitai, not to observe. 2, Eame'pivai, not to punish. 3, Vone'sisai, not to correct. Winnow, v. Bi'i'nsitai. Winter, n. Tru'ndis. Winter cherry, n. Ge'mvino. Winter gilliflower, n. Pe'mvi. W I T Winter^ (to) v. Vi'ntipi trundai'du. 2, Ra'nsipai truudai'du, to dwell through the wiutei-. B inter grecn^ n. Go'mvis. Wipe, V. Gri'nsikai. Wipe clean, v. Dra'ntikai grinzi- ko'di, to cleau by wiping. 2, Pro'nsipai griuziko'di, clean out. 2, Tre'ndifai grinziko'di. Wire, n. U'nsu de'nza, metal thread. Wise, adj. Fa'mpus or fii'mpai. 2, O'ndis, manner. 3, Vi, vin, vis, (transcendental). Wisdom, n. Fa'mbis. Wish, V. Komboo, the wish. 2, Bo'nzi, desire. Wish one to do, v. Ko'nsisai, advise. 2, Po'nsisai, command. Wish ivcll, V. Fo'nsikai, favor. Wishy v. Fo'nsinai, conditionally to favor. Wisp, n. Pinsukoo'ri prenzai'tu, a wreathed thing of straw. Wist, V. past tense, Bo'nsifel, knew. Wit, n. Po'mboo, understanding. 2, Fo'mba, sprightliness. 3, Fa'm- bis, wisdom. 4, Ta'mbis, art. Wit, (a) Fompou'ro, a person pos- sessing fancy. 2, Fro'nsiro, a person of invention. Witless, adj. Pomboo'pi. Wits, (in ones) adj. O'mpur, rati- onal. Wits, (out of ones) adj. Ro'mpur, irrational. 2, Pru'mpa, mad, without fever. 3, Pu'mpa, in a state of frenzy, with fever. Wit, (of a pleasant) adj. Te'mpa, facetious. Wit, (of a searching) adj. Pa'mpi, sagacious. Wit, (to) adv. Dool, namely. Witch, n. Pantri'ro, a witching person. With, prep. Poo or pu; as, poo'os, with me; poo'as, with thee. 2, Te or ti, by means of; as, Te'os, by means of me; fembre'<«, by means of (i. e. with) a sword. Without, prep. Pe or pi; as, Pe'os, without me; Youz^pi, without hope; Twai'pi ko'nzipur, without his brother. 2, Te or ti; as, pan- zoi'ti, without the house, i. e. outside of the house. With, prep. Be or bi, against; as, "to fight with;" i. e. fight against. With much j^ain, adv. Betro'mbu, painfully. Withe, (a) n. Tu'mfus to'ndoo, a willow branch. 2, Pwi'nsukoo kro'ndoo. Withdraiv, n. Vre'ndiko kenda'ni, abstaining frbm giving ; as, " withdi'awing assistance." 2, Drake'ndino, ceasing from giv- ing. 3, Niske'ndipn, taking away. 4, Pi'e'ndiso, to go. L 2 WOO Witchcraft, n. Pa'ndro. Withal, conj. Kwel, also. Withdrawing room, n. Vinti'dim, an inner room. Wither, V. Kro'inpikai, to decay. 2, Krompikai"ti fcva'nzoo, to decay through deficient nutrition. 3, Krompikai'ti feti'mbi, to decay through deficient moisture. Withers, (of horse) n. Prano'ndi, the convex part between the shoulders of a horse. Withhold, V. Droove'ntipai. 2, Re'n- tivrast, to cause to stay. With;/, n. Tu'mva. 2, Tru'mva, sallow. Within, prep. Goo or gu, on this side of 2, Too or tu, in; as Pa'n- zoi'tu, in the house; or, too pa'n- zoi, within (i. e. in) the house. Within a little, adv. Sool, almost. Without doubt, adv. Vo'nzou, cer- tainly. Without, prep. Ge or gi; as, ''he lives without the city," i. e. beyond the city, i. e. tombrn'gi. Withstand, v. Ki'ntisai, to oppose. 2, Te'mprivai, to resist. 3, Twas- bro'ntifai, to endeavour to impede. Witness, n. Da'mbroo. Wittol, n. Kono'nzifed, a cuckold, a husband who submits to his wife's adultery. Witty, adj. Fo'mpou, of fancy. 2, Fro'nsi, inventive. 3, Ta'mpi, sagacious. 4, Te'mpa, facetious. Wilting, n. Bo'nzifo, knowmg. Wittingly, n. Bo'ndufo, knowingly. Witwall, n. Te'njino, woodpecker or woodspite. Wisarding, n. Pa'mbrito. Woe, n. Pra'mboo, misery. 2, Kro'nzi, grief. Wolf n. Pr'bji. Wolvesbane, n. Te'mvoo. 2, Be'm- vino, berry bearing wolvesbane, herb Christopher. 3, Tre'mvoo, wholesome wolvesbane. 4, Ke'm- voo, winter wolvesbane. Wolf n. Tu'mbo, cancer, (disease). Woman, n. Bi'nzikun. Woman s age or woman s estate, u. Tu'ndinoo. Woman s sex, n. Fro'mbis. Womb, n. Ta'ndis.l Wonder, n. To'nzi, admiration. Wont, n. Po'mbra. Woo, V. Fo'nsifai, to sue as a lover. Wood, n. Ro'ndoo, part of tree. 2, Da'nzoo, place of trees. 3, Dwin- u'mviz, aggregate of trees. Woodman, u. Dansu'rfas. Woodward, n. Dansu'rfas. Woodbind, n. Gi'mvoi. 2, Gri'mvoi, upright woodbind. Woodcock, n. Dre'njinoo. Wood, adj. Beto'nzi. 2, Pru'mpa, mad. Woodlarh, n. Pre'nja. small wood-buring W R Woodlouse, n. Glo'iijoo. Woodpile, n. Dwinro'ndoo gi'nsufoo M'oodroof n. Do'nivino. Woodspite, n. Te'njino. Woodworm, n. Pla'ntur ro'ndoo-tl'n suno o'nji, insect. Woof n. Dcna'nza. JVarp, n. Deno'nza. I loo?, n. Pro'ndis. Wojllen cloth, n. Pe'nza. Word, n. I'ndoi. Word, (at or in a) adv. Pra'ndou, shortly, briefly. Word only, (in) adv. Kra'mbun, hypocritically. Word of mouth, (by) adv. Pindar pa'nzito, presently speaking. Word, (a bye) n. U Deprl'ndi, an adage in a bad sense. Worh, V. Do'ntipai, to act. 2, Po'n- tifi, to be efficient; as, "it works well." 3, I'nsikai, to operate. 4, Po'ntifrost, to cause to be efficient. 5, Bo'mprifai, to work as a me- chanic. 6, Bimpifai kinziko'ti, to variegate by sewing. 7, Bri'nsi- vai, to work, ferment. Worli, (a) n. Pontnfoo'ri, a worked thing. 2, Winsukoo'ri, an ope- rated thing. 3, Dre'nzis, book. Workman, n. Insuko'r, a working person. 2, Bo'mbroi, mechanic. Workman, (a) n. Tezinsuko'ro, a perfect workman. 2, Tebo'mbroi, a perfect mechanic. Workmanship, n. Winsukoo'ri, a worked thing. 2, U tezi'usukoo'ri. World, n. I'nzi, universe. 2, Di'n- zoi, the globe on which we live. World of (a) n. Bepa'ndo, a great multitude. Worldly, adj. Di'nsou. 2, Fre'mpi, scraping, rapacious. Worldling, n. Rampulo, graceless person. 2, U tra'mpulo, a selfish person. 3, U plempi'ro, a covetous person. Worm, n. O'nji, insect. 2, Gro'njo, bear worm. 3, Pro'njoo, belly worm. 4, Fro'njoi, chur worm, evechur. 5, Po'njoo, earth worm. 6, Gro'njo, palmer worm. 7, Vro'njo, silkworm. 8, Do'njo, skipping worm. 9, Dro'njoi, wheal woi-m. 10, Te'nva, treacle worm. Worn, (See the various forms of wear). Worry, v. Tre'nsivai drai krando'tiz, to shake any one with the teeth. Worse, adj. Uwa'ntur. 2, Fro'ntu- pou, worse, more bad. 3, v. Fro'ntiprou, to be worse. Worse and worse, adv. Dwa'ntur, continuing to get worse. Worship, n. Ba'mboi, dignity. 2, 2, Te'mbi, reverence. 3, U'ndi-a, adoration. W u Wormwood, n. Ti'mvi. Wwshipful, adj. Ba'mpou. 2, To'm- pra'i-fin, of the gentleman kind of dignity. Worst, adj. Fro'ntuvous, most bad. Worst part, n. Pra'ndis. Worsted, (to be) v. Pe'mprifai. Worsted, n. De'nza pi-ondai'tu, thread of wool. Worth, n. Vo'nda, worthiness. 2, Kla'ndoo, excellence. 3, Eu'ndil, value. 4, Do'ndi'i, price. 5, Faiu- boi, riches. Worthiness, n. Vo'nda. Would God that, optative, Hg'kwun IJ'ndi, dri tamprifai'os, oh that God would pardon me ! Ho'kwun U'ndi dri tamprifai'as, oh that God would pardon thee! Ho'- kwun U'udi dri tamprifai'es, oh that God would pardon it! Ho'- k^vun U'ndi dri taraprifai'ed or tamprifai'ur, oh that God would pardon him! Ho'kwun U'ndi d]-i tamprifai'et or tamprifai'un, oh that God would pardon her! Ho'- kwun U'ndi di'i tamprlfai'on, oh that God would pardon us! Ho'- kwun U'ndi dri tamprifai'an, oh that God would pardon you! Hokwun U'ndi dri tamprifai'en, oh that God would pardon them. Obs. Dr. WiUcuis says, ''would to God," is equivalent to " I would." He did not descriminate betwixt a deliberate assertion and an involuntary cry of what by its name is revealed, and in- deed, expressed in such a form and with such emphasis, as, like tears, to denote a u-ish; but not to affirm it. If any one says, " oh that I could save you," he stands before the world in a very different po- sition from the man who delibe- rately says, without any accom- paniug emphasis or emotion, ''I wish I could save you." To an assertion, two things ai'e essential ; the subject and at- tribute: to the Optative, only the attribute, with attending circum- stance denoting emotion. X A N X, this letter is expressed in the Philosophic, by the two letters, ks; so that the word vex, would be spelled veks. Xanthogene, n. Kino'mba. W R E Wvrt, n. Ti'nzi. 2, Brine'suvoo de'n- zoo, not fermented ale. 2, Brin- e'suvoo dre'nzoo, not fermented beer. Would, V. DI'u; as, " Au di'u pre'n- tisai tul, &c.," I would go, if, &c. Would, (a sign of relative, i. e. past futurity) v. as, " I say he will come to-morrow," au ga'nsito ti'ur pe'ntisai ca'pin. Here t'iur is future with relation to ga'nsito the absolute present. But ''au ga'usitel tri'ur pe'ntisai," — here ti'i is future with relation to g'ansitel, the past. Wound, n. Fu'mboo. Wound round, v. Glisvi'nsikel, folded roimd. 2, Glisvi'nsukoo, part, being wound round. Worthless, adj. Kla'ntur. Wot, V. Bo'nsifai, to know. Woven, part. Fi'nsukoo. Wrack, (to go to) v. Ra'nsipoi, to be ruined. 2, Dasransifai, to be going to ruin. Wrack, n. Ko'nvoo. Wrangle, v. Te'lpinai, to act con- tentiously, specially in words. Wrap, V. Bi'nsikai, to fold. 2, Ti'n- slfai biuze'di, to cover by folding. Wrap about, v. Glisbi'nzikai, fold about. Wrap up, V. Tyelbi'nsikai, fold together. 2, Ti'nsifal binze'di, to cover by folding. 3, Fri'usifai, to tangle. 4, Tri'ntivai, to obscure. Wrath, n. To'nzi. 2, Beto'nzi, great anger. Wreath, v. Pi'nsikai, to twist. 2, Pino'nsikai, to twist spirally about some cyliudj'ical body : — " and with thy winding ivy wreaths her lance." Wreck, (of ship) n. Ble'mboi (fin- droo'tu). 2, Ra'nzoi (findroo'tu), ruin (of ship). Wren, n. Te'njis. Wrench, v. Bro'ndu fa'nsivai, to stretch violently. 2, Bro'ndu kri'nsifai, violently to open, spe- cially by lifting : — pinzipo'ti. V>^rench, v. Pro'ntinai brondu'ti fa'n- zivn, to hm-t by violently stretch- mg. X. X E B Xanthid or Xanthide, n. Kinomba"- tu unze'kwi gri'udo. Xtbec, n. Fino'udi-oo, a kind of ship, of three masts, formerly used in the Mediterancan. WRY Wrest, V. Tro'nsinai, to compel. 2, Tro'nsinai pinze'tl, to compel by twisting. 3, Deki'ntikai, corruptly to interpret. Wrest from, v. Niske'ntipai tron- ze'ti, to take by force. 2, Ba'm- prinai, to extort. Wrestle, v. Ve'nsOiai. Wretch, n. Pra'mpuro, a wretch, a miserable person. 2, U betrem- pi'ro, a penurious person. 3, Koola'nturo, a sorry bad person. Wriggle, v. Ve'nsipai. 2, Ka'nsinai, to wriggle to denote affection. Wriggle out, v. Mispre'ntlsai vin- zoo'di, to go out by wriggling. 2, Vrl'ntitrost u"rkwen, to cause himself to pass out. Wringing from one, n. Niske'ndipo pinzol'ti, to from-take by twisting. 2, Ba'mbrino, extorting. Wringing pain, n. Tro'mbi vel pin- ze'ti, pain as if by twisting. Wringing, v. Tri'nzipo, compress- ing. 2, Tri'nzipo pinze'ti, to compress by twisting. Wrist, n. Tra'ndi. Writ, n. Ko'mbroi, the wi-itten in- strument confering a legal right to do something as to arrest, summon, &c. Writ, n. Dreno'nzis, the Bible con- sisting of the old and new testa- ment. Writing, n. Da'nzo, scription. 2, Da'nzito, the participial noun. Writing, (a) n. Dwausutoo'ri, a written thing. 2, Bwo'ndi-is, a deed. Writhing, n. Pi'nzoi trombe'ni, twisting from pain. Wrong, adj. Kra'ntu, irregular. 2, Fro'nti, bad. 3, Pre'mboo, injus- tice. 4, Pa'ndra, mjury. Wrong, (in the) adj. Ge'ntuvo, erring. Wroth, adj. To'nsu, in a state of anger. Wrought, v. I'nsikel, did work. 2, I'nsukoo, being wrought. Wrung, v. Pi'nsifel, did wi-ing. 2, Pi'nsufoo, being twisted. Wry, (awry) adj. Ge'ntou, oblique. 2, Pre'nti, crooked. X E B Xylography, n. Vri'nza rondooju, engraving on wood. 2, Vi'nza rondooju, carving on wood. Xystus, n. Pwa'ndoi pinsimo'tus, a bone scraping instrument. Y. Y E Y, this letter denotes the position of {, but represents no actual sound. It is the starting point from which the organs change, until they repose in the position of the next vowel letter. Yard^ n. Ko'ndoo. 2, Fi'ndro, sail- yard. 3, A'tin tu'udoiz, three feet. 4, Ta'nzo, court. 5, Ga'ndis, male privities. Yarn, n. Gafi'nsukoo de'nza, apt to be woven thread. Yari-ow, n. Fa'nvoi, millefoil. Yaion, V. Ve'nsitai. Ye, plural pron. Ar. 2, Arkwe'n, yourselves. (See Table, page 73). Yeast, n. Brinsuvo'ri denzoo'tu drenzoo'twi, fennenting thing of ale or beer. Year, n. Pu'ndis or pu'ndai. Years, (in) adj. Bunti'nur, old. YelJ, V. Beti'a'nsipai, loudly to exclaim. Yelloio, adj. Fri'mpou. Yellow-hammer, n. Fe'nja. Yelp, V. Pini'ncipai. (Sub-special). Yern, v. Tro'mpikoi, to be pained. 2, Kro'nsikrast, to be caused to grieve. 3, Dro'nsikrost, to feel love and grief for another. 4, E'nsikoi dronzai'ti, to be moved with pity. 5, E'nsikoi bonze'ti, to be moved with desire. Yesterday, n. C^i'pilj the first past day. Yet, adv. Go'su, at this time; as, " it is not finished yet," dene'tivo go'su. Yeoman, n. Vo'mbroo. Y K "•■I '■■} Neutral. Active. Yes or yea, adv. Zum, zul, zui zoom, zool, zoon ; zump, zult, zunt; zim, zil, zin; zem, zel, zen; zimp, zilt, zint; To keep up the connection of the parts of a sentence, each of these forms is used when it refers to a verb, like that contained in itself minus the letter z. ( See Grammar). Examjyles. U'meau ? zum : am I ? yes. U'leau ? zul : was I ? yes. U'ncau ? zun : shall I be ? yes. By substituting the letter 71 for z, we obtain all the fonus of no. Yet, conj, Nel or nil, nevertheless; as, "nool wai fa'mpifil, nel de'on, wai o'kail fa'mpou," although he wa^ rich, yet for us he became poor. Yew, n. Fi'njifun, female sheep. Yeui tree, n. Tu'mvi. Yield fruit, v. O'ntitai, to produce fruit. Yield account, v. Ke'ntinal ve'nda, to give an account. Yield tip the ghost, v. Dra'nsipai, to die. Yieldingness, n. Pi'mbis. 2, Gam- pi'mbis, aptness to yield. 3, Pri'mbis, softness. Yield, V. Pentinai, to sufiier to take. Yoke, n. Panda pinsufoo'twus, neck binding jugament. Yoke, V. Pe'ntifai, to join. YOU Yield himself, v. Be'mpiki, to be- come siibject. 2, Ge'mpikai, to submit. .3, Tri'ntisai, to concede. 4, To'nsifai, to assent or consent. 5, Ti'ntisai, to confess. 6, Kle'm- prifai, to yield as a garrison. 7, Vle'mprifai, to y ield as a captive. 8, Dwe'mprifai, to yield as con- quered. Yolk, n. Vono'ndi, yellow part of egg. 2, Vona'ndi, white part of the egg. Young, adj. Pu'ntinur, fu'ntinur, timtinu'rtwi, of the age of infan- cy, childhood, or adolescence. Yonker, n. Punti'nuro, infant. 2, Funti'nuro, child, boy, girl. 3, Tunti'nuro, lad, lass. Yonker, (of ship) n. Gi'mbri. Yore, n. Bepl'indoo, long past time. You, pron. A, thou, (singular). 2, Ar, you or ye, (plural). Young ones, n. Fro'nzooz. Young beginner, n. Ti'ntur tro'nzo, a new learner. 2, Ti'ntur tentu- voro, a new beginner. Your, adj. pron. Ta, thy, (singu- lar). 2, Tar, yom-, (plural). Youth, n. Pu'ndinoo, fu'ndinoo, tun- dinoo'twi, either of these tlu-ee periods of animal life are called youth. 2, Unkro'nzo, majority, any period after the expiration of pupillage. Youthful, (according to the three periods of infancy, childhood, and adolescence, ) adj. Bipu'ntinur, in- fantine. 2, Befu'utinur, child-like. 3, Bitu'ntinur, adolescent. ZOO Zany, n. Twempa'ro, a scurril per- son. Zeal, n. Po'nzis. Zedoary tree, n. Pu'nvis. Zedoary (herb) De'mvino. Zealot, n. Dwepo'nsai'ro, a zealous person in a corrupt sense. Zenith, n. Bi'nti pre'ndcT, pinzi'stu or pinzai'tu, upper pole of the horizon. Zinc, n. Ku'nzo, metal. Zinky, adj. Ku'nsi. Zodiac, n. Tri'nzis. Zodiacal, adj. Tri'nsus or tri'nsai. Zoographical, adj. Friki'nsu. z. zoo Zone, n. Gri'nzis. 2, GIno'nzis, tor- rid zone. 3, Gina'nzis, temperate zone. 4, Grina'nzis, north tem- perate zone. 5, Ghna'nzis, south temperate zone. 6, Gine'nzis, the frigid zone. 7, Giine'nzis, the north frigid zone. 8, Gline'uzis, the south frigid zone. Zoography, n. Frinki'nzi, descrip- tion of animals. Zoographer, n. Friuki'nsuro, desriber of animals. Zoology, n. Branki'nzi, the science of animals. Zoological, adj. Braki'nsu. ZUM Zoologer, n. Braki'nsuro. Zoologically, adv. Braki'nzu. Zoologist, (See zoologer). Zoonic, adj. Ki'nsu. Zoophile, n. Kino'nzi. Zoophile, adj. Kmo'nsu, pertaining to zoophites. Zootomy, n. Kina'nzi. Zootomist, n. Kina'nsuro. Zuniology, n. Brambri'nzis, the sci- ence of fermentation. Zumologist, n. Brabri'nsuro. Zumological, adj. Brabri'nsu. ADDENDA TO DICTIONARY A. Abjum, V. Frino'ntisai. 2, Bisko'n- trisai. Adopt, V. Fro'nsiprost. Adulterate, v. Dra'ntikrost. Alderman, n. Donu'ndro. Ale, n. De'nzoo. 2, Deno'nzoo, ale of the best quality. 3, Den- a'nzoo, ale of the second quality. 4, Dene'nzoo, ale of the third quality: — &c. &c. Almighty, n. Omo'mpuro. Alinwny, n. Krono'nzis. Amphibious, adj. Uni'nsi. Amphihiousness, n. Uni'nzo. Anatomy, n. Rina'nzoo. Analogy, n. Pano'ndi. Ancient history, n. Tino'ndi. Angle, n. Fre'ndo, (internal) 2, Fle'ndo, (external). Animosity, n. Tono'nzi. Anniversary, n. Puno'ndai. Apparatus, n. Prono'ndoi. 2, Gan- o'ndo, set of instruments. Arch, n. Fe'ldo. Armour, (for the head J n. Peno'm- bri. Arms, (offensive or defensive), n. Pe'ndi-i*. 2, Pe'ldi-i, (offensive). 3, Ple'ndri, (defensive). Arrest, n. Pa'mbroi, (the person) 2, Pla'mbroi, (goods). Ascension, n. Pano'nzis. Assessor, (of Corporation), n. Dona'ldi'o. Avalanche, n. Kruno'nzo. Avocetta, n. Ple'njinoo. M 2 Bans of marriage, n. Vuno'ndra. Barber, n. Pono'ndis. Bark, V. Pinje'kes. i?a.ss, (^?'m 7nusic) n. Pi'lbo. J5a<, n. Drine'njo. Bead, n. Ble'ndo. 2, Pebe'ndo. Bead (bored) n. Pebre'ndo. Bedstead, n. Da'nzis. iJee/j (hines jlesh) n. Pino'njoi. Bellow (to), V. Pina'ncifai. Bellowing, n. Pma'njoi, bull voice. Bible, n. Pu'ndris, scripture. i?ier, n. Drano'nzoo. i?«w<^ fa book) V. Dreno'nsisai. Biography, n. Tine'ndi. Bishopric diocese, n. Vnmbroi'kis. Blaspheme, v. Pano'nsitai. ^00^, n. Dre'nzis. 2, Dreno'nzis, (folio). 3, Drena'nzis, (quarto). 4, Drene'nzis, (octavo.) 5, Dren- i'nzis, (twelvemo). Boot, n. Bano'ndi. Breech, (of tvall) n. Emo'mbrai. Bristle (to), v. Fono'ntigrast. Bu^alo, n. Pine'njoi. Bug, n. Glo'njoo. Bundle, n. Pino'nzoi. Busk, n. Keno'ndi, (for stays). Buttermilk, n. Ta'ldoo. Buckler, n. Te'ndi-i. c. Calmness, (mental) n. Vruno'nzis. Cannibal, n. Krono'ndoo. CapM4 wior<, n. Trano'ndis. Case, n. Kono'udis, state of facts. Chain, n. Dwe'nza. Chaos, n. Ino'nzi. Charcoal, n. Twu'njis. Chattels, n. Ano'nzis. Christmas, n. Buno'ndra. Church, n. Uno'ndri. Classic writers, n. Danonsuto'roz. Clerk of the Peace, n. Doni'ndro. Clinch, V. Pe'ltinai. Clothes soaking, n. Grino'nzis. Close-stool, n. Bano'uzis. Coa< o/ arms, n. Onondroo. Commandments, (the) n. Ponzipa'- sinz. Common Coitncillor, n. Dono'ldro. Compass, (mariner s), n. Fena'ndo. Compasses, n. Feno'ndo. Complexion, n. Rina'nzoo. Concejjtion, n. Ro'mboi, remaining internal effect on the conscious- ness when the external cause is absent. Confessor, (to priest) n. Tuno'ndroi. Confessor, (sufferer for opinion gen- erally), Twu'ndro. Confront, v. Pano'ntitai. Contrast, n. Ono'ndo, extraordinary difference. 2, Trono'ndis, extra- ordinary opposition. Coptila active, n. Vri'ndoi. Copulative entitive, n. Vi'ndoi. Cordial, n. Fano'ndis, iicart- strengthcner. Corn, n. Fino'nzi, any kind of seed for bread. Court, (place) n. A'mbri. Court, (persons) u. La'mbri. DICTIONARY ADDENDA. Creed, n. Kono'nzoi, epitome of what Christians ought to believe. Critic^ n. Pano'ndroo. Crime, (capital) n. A'mbro. Crime, (general) n. A'ndro. Crown, 11. Fono'ndroo. Crystal, (chemicalj n. Khi'njoi. Crumb of bread, n. Fene'nzoo. Cubical bead, n. Breno'ndo. Cud, n. Kla'ndis. Cultivate, v. Ti'nsitai. Curtain, n. Frino'mboo. Curvedness, n. Ple'ndo. Cutting hook, n. Geno'nda. Days of the u-rcl-, n. Bimo'ndis. Sunday. 2, Buna'ndis, Monday. 3, Biuie'ndis, Tuesday. 4, Bun- te'ndis, Wednesday. 5, Buno'ldis, Thursday. 6, Buna'Idis, Friday. 7, Bunel'dis, [Saturday. Deadly, adj. Drano'nsuprast, which ends not till death. Descendant, (lateral) n. Plo'nzoo. Devolution, n. Brino'iizoo. Devolve, v. Brino'nsipai, to devolve successively. Dialogue, n. Ino'ndi. Discretion, (as at the) n. Fana'mbis. Dissection, n. Rino'iizoo. Druggist, n. Riiin'nzis. Dry xoeather, n. Fliiio'mbi. Ductile, adj. Frano'nsus. Duodecimo, n. Dreui'nzis. JIj. ^?)5, f'o/' the sea) n. Dine'nza. Education, generally, n. Tono'uzo. Electricity, n. Twu'nzoo. Empyrean, n. Uno'nzoi. Equality, (of rank) n. Lo'mbroo. Erase, V. Gli'iisikai, to rub out. Exchequer, u. Lamo'mbri. Exchange, n. Bono'ndroi. Explode, V. Gro'nsifai, loudly to express coutempt. 2, Ino'mpitai, to produce a burst of sound. 3, Trono'iisitai, loudly to express disapprobation. 4, Truno'nsipai, to sound like thunder. Exquisite feeling or Sensibility, n. Blo'niboi. F. Father in law, n. Fone'uzoo. Fish, to, (i. e. to angle loith rod and line) V. Dono'ntrifai. Fitch of Bacon, n. Gino'njoi. Floiv of the tide, n. Dina'nza. Folio, n. Dreno'nzis. Foot-]}ath, n. Drano'nzoi. Freckle, ii. Vino'mboi. Froth, n. Plu'nzo. a Garland, n. Ano'ndo. Ganch, n. Twa'mbri, precipitating upon hooks. Genius, n. Vino'nibivous. Glair, n. Vona'ndi, white of cg^. Government, n. Pona'ndroo. H. Harmony, n. Ti'mbo. Harp, n. Dreuo'nzi. Hero, n. Pino'uda, a person greatly superior to the ma,iority of human beings, in character, con- duct, and magnanimity. Horror, n. Vlo'nzi. HorrUile, adj. Vlo'nsu. Hound, n. Pine'ljI. House of Lords, n. Pano'nzol. House of Commons, n. Pana'nzol. I. Imposture, ii. Kano'ndra, under a false representation. Inauguration, n. Vonono'mbra Inferiority of rank, n. O'ldroo. Ink, n. Vre'nzis, Inner barrister, n. Dano'ndroo. Interest, (of money, &c) n.Runa'ndil. Interval, n. luondoo, (time). 2, Ino'ndoi, (place). Invade, v. Teno'ntrlpal, to enter and assail. Invasion, n. Teno'ndi'oo. Issue, (question) n. Kona'ndls, state of facts to be decided pro or con. Jury, (grand) n. Ga'ndroo. Jury, (petit) n. Ga'mbroo. Jury, (generally) u, Gla'ndi'oo. K. Knot, n. Vlno'nza, aggregate of ribbands. L. Label, n. Kena'ndl. Lateral descendant, n. Plo'nzoo. Leap-year, n. Puno'ndis. Lint, n. Keno'nza, scraped linen. M. Madhouse, ii. Pruno'mba. Mariner s coinpass, n. Fena'ndo. Match, u. Fre'nzis, lighting instru- ment. Melody, n. Tl'lbo. Mental calmness, n. Vruuo'nzis. Mental fhilosophy, n. Tino'ldi. Metallic dross, n. Prano'ndls. Mirror, n. Pono'mbo. Modern history, ii TIna'ndl. Moon-rise, n. Gino'nzoi. Moon-set, ii. Gina'nzoi. Moon-fuU, n. GIne'nzoI. Moon (first quarter) n. GInl'nzoi. 2, Ginu'nzol, second (quarter). 3, Gino'lzoi, (third quarter.) 4, Gina'lzoi, fom'th quarter. Months of the year, n. Kuno'ndis, January. 2, Kuna'ndis, Febru- ary. 3, Kunta'udis, March, third month. 4, Kune'ndls, April. 5, Kuni'ndis, May. 6, Kuntl'ndls, June, sixth month. 7, Kuno'ldis, July. 8, Kuna'ldls, August. 9, Kunta'ldis, September, ninth month. 10, Kuue'ldls, October. 11, Kuni'ldis, November. 12, Kunti'ldis, December, twelfth month. Moral philosophy, n. Tlnaldl. Mortice, n. Ple'nda. Music, n. TwI'mbo, melodious or harmonious, — general. 2, Tl'lbo, melodious sounds,— melody. 3, Ti'mbo, harmonious successive soimds, — harmony. N. _ _ Natural history, n. Tini'ndi. Natural philosophy, n. Tinu'ndi. Nave of church, n. Kana'nzol. New tcstwnent, n. Puna'ndiis. DICTIONARY ADDENDA. 0. Octavo, n. Drcne'nzis. Old testament, n. Puno'nclris. Omnipotent, adj. (Jmo'mpur. Opposite side, n. Ti'ldo. 2, Trindo, right side. 3, Twi'ndo, left side. P. Pantheism, n. Pii'mbroo. Pastoral son;), n. Bana'nzo. Pen, n. Ve'nzis. Pencil, (hair) n. Vlc'nzis. Pencil, (injhxible) n. Vc'lzis. Perception, n. Ro'rabo, immediate effect of external objects ou the senses. Permit, v. Plo'nsikai. Pil'irim, n. Pumo'mbri^ or pimo'm- bra, a devoted traveller. Political economij, n. Ro'nzi. Portent, n. Bono'ndis. Post accounts, (to) v. Dano'usitai. Prescription, n. Pono'azis. Principal, n. Runo'ndil, 2, Runa'n- dil, interest. Pu7'se, n. Pepe'nzi, little bag. Qiwrfo, n. Drena'nzis. Question put in ■issue, n Kona'ndis. Race-horse, n. Pino'njoo. Radius, n. Ble'ndoi. Raio food, n. Re'nzo. Reconcile, v. Umpro'nsinai. Rhetoric, n. Pano'nzo. Rivet, n. Pe'lda, a double headed pin. Refuge, n. Fle'nzoo. Roaring, n. Tinio'mbo. Rod, (for punishment) n. Kron- o'ndoo. Row a lioat, V. Ti'utritai. 2, Ti'mpritai, to move a boat by pole. Royal arms, n. Fonu'ndroo. Royal role, n. Foni'ndroo. s. Safe conduct, u. Tono'ndi, seciu'ity for safe return. 2, Tona'ndi, security in going. Sceptre, n, Fone'ndroo. Season, n. Ino'ndoo. Sequence, n. Dano'ndo. Sharpen, v. Dc'lsivai. Sheet, (for bed) n. Drano'nzis. Shepherd, n. Fino'njoi. Shoe, n. Vauo'ndi, foot vest. 2, Vana'ndi, sock. 3,Vane'ndi, shoe. 4, Vani'ndi, galosh. Shoot, to, (toith any kind of instru- ment) V. Kle'mprikai. Shoulder hlade^ n. Prano'ndi. Sleeping room, n. Fla'nzo. Slipper, n. Vanu'ndi. Snarling, n. Twi^mbo. Spherical bead, u. Beno'ndo. Spider s web, n. Bono'njoi. /Sfi'fe, n. Le'ndris. Stjcking, n. Baiio'ndi. Stomach, (second stomach) n. Kan- o'ndis. Stuff, V. Dino'nsifai, to stuff by thrusting. Subordination, n. Ro'mbroo. Sunrise, n. Frino'nzoi. Sunset, n. Frina'nzoi. Tcwor, n. Pll'mbo. 2, PH'mbo, counter tenor. 7^ DATE DUE CAVLORD PttlNTEO IN U 9 A ! 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