J \ GIFT OF Benjamin Ide Wheeler <2A* '//?* THE AVESTAN ALPHABET AND ITS TRANSCRIPTION BY A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK CITY WITH APPENDICE STUTTGART W. KOHCHAMMEB 1800 THE AVESTAN ALPHABET AND ITS TRANSCRIPTION BY A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK CITY WITH APPENDICES STUTTGART W. KOHLHAMMER 1890 K(r l&l -J 3 rAfi i a} CONTENTS. Avestan Alphabet and Transcription. Page The Avestan Alphabet : Its Character 5 Lack of Uniformity in Avestan Transliteration 6 A proposed Transcription of Avestan 9 Discussion of the Avestan ^-vowels 10 A Modification in Transliteration suggested 1 1 The Av. Consonants: Germanic Letters as Symbols 13 Diacritical Marks on Letters: Discussion . . 16 Summary of the suggested Transliteration 22 Appendices. Proposed Transcription 26 Suggestions to the Printer 27 Substitute Alphabet 28 Systems of Transcription 29 Bibliography . . . , % 34 411144 * The Avestan Alphabet and its Transcription. What the original alphabet was in which the Avesta was written we do not know. The alphabet in which our texts are now preserved bears the stamp of a much later age than the language it presents. The question of the origin of this alphabet in which our MSS. are written has difficulties ; but there is little doubt that it is derived from the Pahlavi alphabet of the Sassanian times ; it is closely- related to the book-Pahlavi. This point must be con- stantly borne in mind in discussing the letters. The ques- tion, moreover, of the transcription of this Avestan alpha- bet as we now possess it has long been and is still a very vexed one. This is the question, in particular, that forms the chief subject of inquiry in the present paper; but all investigations into the matter of transcription imply a more or less extended study of the alphabet from the standpoint of palaeography, phonetics and philology. The lack of uniformity in the system of transliterating the Avestan characters is confusing to those pursuing philo- logical studies; it has doubtless also in some degree re- tarded the advancement of the Avestan cause. From the standpoint of philology, the present necessity of some accordance in the method of transcribing this language is apparent. The time is not far distant, it seems, when scholars should and will tend toward adopting some uni- form system. Geldner's new edition of the Avestan texts has practically fixed the number of characters to be tran- scribed, and should Iranian students now agree — and it is hoped that those in America may perhaps set the example — in adopting some uniform method of transliteration, that shall be practical as well as scientific, an additional impetus would be given to these studies. Such adoption would be a grateful service to all, particularly to those interested in the linguistic importance of the Avesta to Philology. To write on the subject may not be a thankless task ; if some suggestion or hint thrown out lead but a step in the right direction as a guide to others for finding a better way, the labor will be quite repaid. To the linguist, moreover, the comparative table of the various systems of transcrip- tion, appended for reference (see Appendix), may not be unacceptable. In regard to the method of Avestan transliterations, the number of systems is almost legion. Many of them, however, differ from one another only in some minor points; in fact, on most of the ordinary details there is a growing tendency more and more toward uniformity. It is chiefly in a certain few respects — but these points are important ones — that Avestan scholars still mainly disagree. Some of these differences have been due to variations in the Avestan characters of some of the MSS. or to diffe- rent forms adopted in the editions; but since the new edition has set up a standard, the question of the actual Avestan characters to be transcribed has become practi- cally settled , and it seems as if greater agreement might be brought about. Of course those who have to deal with palaeographic questions of the MSS. will be compelled to add other signs in transliterating, but this need not con- cern philologists generally. By a few mutual concessions, uniformity and concord in rendering the symbols of the Avestan texts might soon result. The transcription here offered is presented in a ten- tative way, in the hope that some of the hints may prove useful for the future. It has been based on personal ad- vice and suggestions upon various points, from names of no less authority -linguistic , palaeographic , philological, and phonetic — than Professors Brugmann, Geldner, Pischel, and Sievers. To these was added weight from the stand- point of epigraphy — Professor Andreas. Practical sugges- tions have also been received from Professors Delbriick, Collitz, Hopkins, and Lanman. The marshalling of such names is of itself not without significance; the question is one that really is of interest to many scholars. The opinions on the subject of course varied. The translitera- tion, which I here suggest, is given as a sort of com- promise and concession both to the radical and to the conservative side of the question. The system has en- deavored to be at the same time strictly scientific and yet as far as possible practical. With a little good will, per- haps out of this system some uniformity of method might be developed and adopted. In America at least we have now the opportunity of uniting; if a few will take the lead, others will follow. In preparation of this system the various methods of transliteration (Bartholomae, Hubschmann, Justi, de Harlez, Sacred Books, etc.) have been examined : the aim through- out has been to hold the mediant viam. — The main fea- tures of the system are (i) that it shall be scientific and at the same time fairly practical. (2) Single characters as far as possible are represented by single signs. This latter is far more practicable, and at the same time more requisite, in Avestan than it is in Sanskrit. (3) It makes concessions as far as possible to existing systems, and as far as may be avoids radical alterations and intro- ductions. — The particular points characterising the system are: (1) a remodelling in transcription of the 8 a * i > u * d »o e ^> o a i u (e) (e) o Long -»" a y 2 ^^ 5^ ^ ^ > J p«<^ ^^ « ? £ (i) i d (do) (a) B. Consonants. Guttural ^ k fa fy ? g ^ j k (kh) g (gh) Palatal y C — ^J _ c J Dental y> t 6 }> _j d ^d £ / t (thj d (dh) (t) Labial («) y (t) * ^ V Is (») V (u) 2 y r v Sibilant <&S -v s \& $ s rv $' d f z <&) Z (() (0 (**) (sk) ■ z (zh) Aspiration . . . . C. },? g$us (Justi 0£/*0, »^ £^). The sound $ * is the corresponding long to j * and is therefore to be represented (9~) in accordance. It is found chiefly in GAv. 1 answering to YAv. 1 9, a, 3, q. 2 3. Av. fo e, ^ e (Justi e). GAv. ^>*>$-»w>yazaite, YAv. y^^y^yazaite (Justi yazaite). These two, to «, correspond to each other in the MSS., as short and long. They are therefore to be distinguished. Justi etc. in accordance with the first editions gave both as e. Later it became customary, as was proper, to dis- tinguish them from one another and a subscript point (thus e e) was used to differentiate them from e e which were adopted for j j. This now is no longer necessary; as we have 9 9 for $ j, the simple e e for to (o may be adopted. That brings them in direct accord with their parallels"^ 0, > o. z 4. Av. r*> m (Justi do). Av. ^^3/-"^ mazdm (Justi mazddo). Palaeogmpjikally, p« is evidently a combination of t~>d9. Phonologically, it seems to have denoted an in- 1 GAv. = Gatha Avesta, all that is written in the Gatha dialect— YAv. = Younger Avesta. 2 Phonetically \ 3 probably resembled the long drawn English pro- nunciation of 'w^rd' (waard i. e. or), Varth' (aarth i. e. er), 't«rf (taarf i. e. ur), 'f/'rst' (faarst i. e. ir) etc., cf. Sweet, Hist, of Eng. Sounds p. 276. 3 If "^ "r 3 are universally rendered o, consistency requires that to (0 should likewise be given without the subscript point. Perhaps both sets, however, would orthographically better be given by some diacritical mark e. g. 0, 5, e, e (though (.) generally denotes a lingual letter). They are not pure sounds. This is shown, for example, by vohu, cor a £, yesnc, and such MSS. interchanges e, a, i etc. It must be remembered that Av. o, e = Skt. d, e only when final. Ordinarily Skt. 0, e are represented in Av. by ao, ae. A fuller discussion must be reserved for some future time. 13 definite ^-shading of *» a. It fluctuates in the MSS. on the one hand with ■*« a e. g. -«^/-»^ mazda as variant to ^/-"-G mazdm; on the other hand it is found as a variant for )-»« au e. g. ^ro-"V»- lp'atc& for >^ro^^ fyratdu. The palaeo- graphic and phonetic character of the letter, then, are thus given ^ ( iM ) = & (da). In printing, <^ if not provided, may be mechanically made by uniting a a under the macron cm. 5. Av. )c a (Justi a). Av. -foc j> A *.- All scientific work in Avestan implies extensive com- parison with Sanskrit ; on this account the Av. translitera- 1 Strictly the L should be varied somewhat from the 'tag' below re- ferred to, in order to show that it represents a somewhat different modi- fication. H tion is always to be brought into closest symmetry with the Skt. transcription. This is practical and it is necessary. It is necessary, however, on the other hand to avoid con- fusion with the Sanskrit. Confusion sometimes arises from using a symbol in Av. with a different value from that which it familiarly has in Skt., or the same sign for sounds that differ enough in Skt. and Av. to require a distinction to be made between them. A striking point, for instance, in which differentiation between the two may be made is in the matter of the Av. spirants. The possession of spirants as contrasted with the Skt. aspirates is one of the characteristic phonetic features of Avestan. For scien- tific purposes, then, these Av. spirants should be distin- guished from the Skt. kit, gh, th, dh. Nor is this to be done alone of account of the difference of sound — the symbol having a spirant value in transcribing the one language and an aspirate value in transliterating the other — but also, it might be added , because confusion in Av. may sometimes thus arise from the fact that gh in this way should have to stand for the single character 9 Q) and for the double letters , d, j if not actually on hand are always easy to obtain whenever scientific tran- scription is needed ; and ^ can be supplied by an Old Eng- lish or German long h (fy). Almost all philological type- fonts contain the former two, at any rate, of these signs. They possibly are open to some objection from the Romance side; but the substitutions offered under each should be considered. These spirants may now be taken up in detail. 6. Av. b> // (Justi kh). Av. *oyf<>*tyy //rateus (Justi khrate'ns). Palaeographically the A v. character ly (kh) is derived by the upward 'derivation stroke' from the Pahlavi -» h. A good transliteration % was suggested for it by Pischel (B.B. vi. p. 275). The character 7/ is somewhat similarly derived from the long Gothic h. It may always be given by setting an ordinary Old English or German long h (fy). 7- Av. ^j (Justi gh). Av. -fo\> ujram (Justi ughreni). For the spirant ^the symbol/ — the ordinary roughened g. of the Anglo-Saxon — is used, as often. It is on hand generally in philological type-fonts. If not, it can possibly be given by the long j of 03 , or better the compositor may set a simple Old English or German g (9 g g). 8. Av. 6 p (Justi th). Av. -ufo-i*^ ]?rdta (Justi thratdy The dental spirant 6 is derived from the Av. sign for t by the upward derivation stroke. It is represented, as often, by the common A. S. 'thorn' ; this is certainly found in all type-fonts that do linguistic work. i6 9. Av. ^ ^ (Justi dh)} Av. -"^ zVfrz (Justi idhci). The symbol <£ or which is used by some scholars in Gothic transcription , would perhaps well represent it orthographically, but here strict conservativism seems preferable. 2 On } w, tf y, p" h see below. 3 Scientifically, however, visarga in Skt. seems better transliterated by h or the like , the subscript point ( % ) being reserved for the Unguals {, (h, d, dh, V . 4 For many interesting particulars connected with the MSS. in this respect especially, and for valuable hints I am deeply indebted to the kindness of Prof. K. F. Geldner. *7 Thus \> h, to gh or 6-, <> £, -o i£ etc. — the dotted line denoting 'derivation stroke'. 1 Systematic treatment suggests that we should adopt some similar method to differentiate the Latin letters whenever it is necessary to designate such modification in transcribing Avestan charac- ters. At the excellent suggestion of Dr. Geldner, a 'tag' (J has been adopted to be used somewhat in conformity with the 'derivation stroke' whenever it is necessary and possible thus to differentiate. Practical grounds favor such adoption: when the types are cast the 'tag' breaks oft less easily; furthermore, it may always be mechanically constructed by an inverted spiritus lenis ( c ) set close or even by the turned apostrophe (J. The plan, therefore, is thoroughly practical; the tag will also serve somewhat in recalling the palaeo- graphic character of the letter it is used to designate. 2 To prove that the tag as modification can be readily em- ployed, reference may be made to some Avesta Notes by the present writer in the American Journal of Philology 1889—90. The letters diacritically marked by the 'tag' either as sign of differentiation or as a representative of the Av. 'derivation stroke' may now be taken up in detail. 10. Av. jo / (Justi /). Av. jojAmj bar at (Justi bar at). The Av. letter ^ is one whose phonetic nature is un- certain. Justi employed / to transcribe it. This is open to objection; the subscript point (.) brings in confusion with the Skt. lingual /. Various other devices have been used to represent it — see Appendix p. 31. Whatever the 1 See also Rask, Echtheit p. 57, 50, 'Zug', ' Aspirationszug' ; Spiegel, Gram. p. 17 'durch Anfiigung eines Striches' ; Hubschmann , K.Z. xxiv. p. 339 etc. 2 A 'tag' as modification sign is elsewhere in use, cf., for instance, Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader ; Sievers-Cook's Grammar of Old English, et al. 2 1 8 phonetic value of the letter may have been, its palaeo- graphic character is clear; ^ is formed by the 'derivation stroke' directly from ro t. It may therefore be consistently represented by t-\- £ , thus: Observe that / is mechanically to be made as before by means of the inverted comma shaved off and set close, or by the turned apostrophe. Nasals. Av. } , -u, i, ^. v, ty, n, 7%. ii. Av. \ 10 (Justi n). Av. g^oyi-" awhaf (Justi anhaf). For the guttural nasal ? (Justi n) the symbol p derived from the old long tailed Germanic n has been adopted. This is the common designation for the guttural nasal in linguistic works. 1 In short articles where scientific trans- literation is required, the symbol P may be produced mechanically by inverting a (v) and opening the bottom with a penknife, thus v. 12. Av. -i/ ig (Justi n). Av. t))j s > $> § — z - 14. Av. 13 s (Justi c). Av. -vou-" asti, ^(yy-" aspd (Justi agti, agpo). The letter « shares the nature both of the palatal and of the dental sibilant. It is now universally given by s; this is therefore adopted. 2 15. Av. -o ( e , n)) s (f, $), Justi s (sh, sk). Av. -ojro-^ ratus. j vy^> i$us, ■^\6 / ^ M * j yv §yaopna (Justi ratns, ishus, skyaothna). From a palaeographic standpoint it is evident at a glance that -0 forms the basis of the three ^//-sounds. The sign s must therefore likewise form the basis of the three transliterations. It is customary thus to transcribe -o by s rather than by $, in order to avoid confusion with the Skt. 1 Justi's ri is open to the objection that scientifically the acute (') should be reserved for designating accent. . - For the palatal -s in Skt. (Whitney 4) it seems preferable to use s when comparisons between Av. and Skt. are to be made. 20 lingual s noted above. Justi's s for -v has had of course to be abandoned. Now since ^ is a composite character made by the derivation stroke, it may be consistently rendered by use of the modification tag, thus & (U + -o) = $ C e + & In like manner yo is palaeographically a modification of -o before y. This differentiation by means of the > turned in the other direction may be indicated by the reversed tag §. The threefold differentiation of s, $, / is n o tjnecessary except in transcribing a text for scientific purposes where it is desired to reproduce the differences of the original. For practical purposes, the sharp distinction may be quite disregarded ; -o is final (except before t, c) , ^ initial and internal, yv only before -». The simple s will therefore practically suffice i. e. or all simply s. The sign i is on hand in all linguistic type-fonts. The differentiation if found necessary, may of course easily be made as before by means of the subscript tag. 1 This concludes the sibilants. 2 Aspiration. Av. or-, £, \». h, k, hr. The fundamental aspirate is h/a- (Justi £#-). The letter ^ is a ligature of Pahlavi -" h and 1 v. It interchanges at times with »"mroro yesnyo, ^^)^ vidvw (Justi yepiyo, vidhvdo). The characters ro £,), as is familiarly known, occur when initial; the forms *> » are found when internal. The simple transcription y, v for both the initial and the internal forms has been retained on conservative grounds. The same are retained likewise by Brugmann, Grundriss der indogerm. Sprachen. Confusion can hardly arise; the exceptions to 22 the law of the initial-internal forms need scarcely be noticed. Scientifically, however, it is more accurate to adopt i u for » » as has been done by others. Thus : ™ y \ , , , or both simply y. " k \ b V I or both simply v. » u \ * J Palatals. Av. P c (Justi c), i j (Justi j\ A v. -&M j h ciprzm, »to**we jasaiti (Justi clthrem , jacaiti). The voiced palatal ^ is palaeographically a derivative from v. In transcribing y ^ it seems best to be conserva- tive; Justi's c, J are retained; they are likewise kept by Brugmann, Grimdriss. The same is almost universally the case in transcribing Sanskrit. Those who wish to be more scientific in this respect are welcome of course to the palatal point over k, g, thus k, g. Resume. Such in the main are the characteristics, palaeographic and phonetic, of the letters in the Avestan alphabet upon which there is most discussion ; such likewise is the system of transliteration proposed. I have adopted it for my Avesta Series: i. Grammar, ii. Texts, shortly to appear. Many of the points in regard to the alphabet are, to be sure, more or less familiar ; in such cases the transcription adopted has merely followed what it seems the general tendency to adopt. May these points become more and more universally agreed upon! The new points in the transliteration are suggestions toward uniformity or toward improvement by remodelling. On the latter, compare for instance the discussion of the ^--vowels. 23 The principal features of the transcription suggested may now, therefore, be recalled. They are the consistent use of the 'tag' as a diacritical mark, instead of points or accents. This 'tag', let it be remembered, answers in general to the 'derivation stroke' by which palaeographi- cally so many of the Av. characters are formed or modified. Furthermore, the system marks clearly the orthographic distinction of the three sibilants i, f, $, when necessary, also of the nasals p, y, n, n, and of the aspirate h, J{, h. A practical transcription of the much-discussed % / (Justi /) is suggested. An innovation is made by remodelling the ^-vowels, using b, 9 as an apt representation of the un- certain ? {, and thus bringing k> e ^ e 3 ^» o > 5 into closer relationship — however the latter be rendered. With re- ference' to y c, ^j, w w, ro » y, 1} » v, conservativism has been used. The Germanic characters Jf } d, etc. have been adopted for the spirants according to what seems to be the apparent tendency of the present. In conclusion I would like once more to renew my cordial thanks to each of the scholars mentioned at the beginning of the paper. Their courtesy, their suggestions and their advice are cordially appreciated. To Professor Geldner, as always, is my gratitude due for the interest that he personally took in discussing the various sides of the question of Avestan sounds and of their transcription, as well as for the trouble he went to, not alone in giving me valuable points in regard to palaeography, but also for making accurate copies of many letters and styles of MS. writing. To these obligations may be added my in- debtedness to the publisher, Herrn W. Kohlhammer, and to the compositor, Herrn Sauberlich, for the form and for the accuracy with which the paper is presented. It remains alone to repeat the hope that Avestan scholars may strive more toward union in transliteration. 24 The above system represents in most points what seems to be the general drift in regard to scientific transcription of the Avesta; it has only added or modified where altera- tions seemed necessary; and the practical side of the question , withal , has been kept as much as possible in view. If its main points should receive the sanction only of certain scholars, how many there would be would follow these! A. V. Williams Jackson July 1890. Columbia College New York City. Appendices. Appendix I. Proposed Transcription of Avestan. (Compared with Justi, Handbuch der Zendsprache)} A. Voxels. Short M a * i i * ? ' ? \u e ^> d a i u (e) (e) o Long *» d t* t * u \d ^e > r» m j? q a i u (e) S o (do) (a) B. Consonants. Guttural 9 k b fy C g i, J k (kh) g (gh) Palatal \> C — % j — c J Dental r» t p _J d ^d £ / / (th) d (dh) (() Labial iS ty I « #U 4 M (h) (ri) n (n) m Semivowel and Liquid ro (*») y (i) 2 ^ r tj (») s> r«; 2 y r V Sibilant 13 S *v S g}/ S TO $ fB OJO^ (0 (s) (sh) (sk) z (zh) Aspiration . . . . •p I S K) « -s > f*» )C Proposed Transcription a a I t u u 3 9 e e CO % Anquetil du Perron a,e a e i 021 d / i e do an Rask a a I 71 U ce[ci\ e a? e e do % Burnouf a a i i 21 U e e e 3 do a Spiegel a a i i U u (e)e e (e)e (to do (an)d Haug . a (7 7 i 7/ a e e e e do a Lepsius a d i l ?/ u e e e e o a a Justi a d i 7 11 u e j e c do a Roth a d i 7 1/ u e 4 e e do a Fr. Muller a a i i U u »/ w/ e e o, o d a Hubschmann .... a a i i u ii e e e e d (a)q Pischel a a i l u 11 e e e e o a 4 de Harlez a a i I u u e J e e d) a Sacred Books .... a a i i u u e e e e o 6 au a Geldner a _ . a j i z \u u e w (e)e e do a Bartholomae .... a a i Z 11 ft e e e e (do)d (d)q Brugmann a a i I u it e e e e o i d a Proposed Transcription a a i I u u $ d e e (V 4 3i Transcription. temporarily used by an Author.) 9 b c* i V i r=> 6 J t, 5 k i g J c J t J> d d / k,C kh g gh tch dj t th d d d k 2 g \ c j t P d d i k kh g gh tch dj t th d dh t k kh g gh (ch) c j t th d dh {0 4 k kh g gh (cli) c ii)j t th d dh (t, t) 4 k m L g [£\ T {k)c [g\j t [/] 6 d i k k g g c j t t' d d' t k kh S gh k g t th d dh t k k kh (kh r/j x)}i g g gh c (k, c) k (g)j (gj) g t t th d d dh (dh,l)d (0/ k X g T c j t } d d J> i k t g J c j t P d d t 32 Systems of (Parentheses denote forms Proposed Transcription Q) & p f b w TO y y Anquetil du Perron Rask Burnouf Spiegel Haug Lepsius Justi Roth Fr. Muller Hubschmann . . . . Pischel . de Harlez Sacred Books . . . . Geldner Bartholomae . . . . Brugmann ...... Proposed Transcription P f P f P f P f P f p[P'¥ P f P f p f p f p f P f p f p f P (?)/ p f P f b v b v b w b w b w b [b ( ]v b w b w b (w)v {p)w b w b ' w b w b iv b (p)w b w b w y y y y y y j j y y y y U)y J{y) y i y y y y y y j j y Mi y y U)y Mi y V IV V V V V V V v)w V V V V V ou w V V V w V V (v)w V (v)u V V V [y)u g (n) 7t it it n n n in) w n ng n Iftj n) v n ng i {ii) n, n n n n n (if) n (it) n n N n n V 33 Transcription. temporarily used by an Author.) & <> i) "O gj W / OJU or £ K" -6 n m s s tf)i Cfl * ~ z h h fo 'fn an m s sch sch sch z j h kh kh km N to Q s > s sk z ■> z b X X M ft to C s ch sk z j h q q hm ft m, w (s) sh (sh) s (sk) shk z (j')zh h q q, hv htn ft tn «* (s) sh sh (sk) shk z (z) zh h q q — [d] ft in [i\s s s sk [i] l*\* z h V V 'm it to C s sh sk z zh h q q — ft to f s sh sk z zh h q q — ft to s s sh sk z z h q q — ft to s s s (sk, s) s z z h (#)* (hf)xw hm(m) a in s s s — z z h h- (*)* — n in C s s sh sk z zh h fo> hv hm n m s s sh sk z zh h hv hv — (n) ft to to* (s,s,sh)s (sh)s (sk, sh) s z (zh)z h (fl* q hv — (ft, ft) n to s (i s) * (sh,s)s (sk,s,s)s z (z,z)z h (q,h')h (q,hv)h tn n to s s s s z z h X xw — n to s s to? w * z z h h hr m Appendix V. Partial Bibliography. Writings on the Avestan Alphabet and its Transcription. Anquetil du Perron — Zend-Avesta, Ouvrage de Zoroastre, ii. p, 425. — Paris 1 771 . R. Rask — Ueber das Alter und Echtheit der Zend-Sprache, iibersetzt von F. H. v. d. Hagen, pp. 46 — 81. — Berlin 1826. E. Burnouf — Commentaire sur le Yafna; L' Alphabet Zend, pp. xxxii — cliii. — Paris 1833. H. Brockhaus — Vendidad Sade, p. xii. [Alphabet.] — Leipzig 1850. — in Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Ge- sellschaft, xvii. p. 539. C. Arendt — Phonetische Bemerkungen (Kuhn's Beitrage ii. p. 429). — 1 861. M. Haug — Essays on the Parsis (1 ed. p. 52 — 57; 3 ed. West, p. x). — Bombay, London 1862 — 1884. — Zand-Pahlavi Glossary p. 81. [Alphabet.] — Bombay, London 1867. Lepsius — Das urspriingliche Zendalphabet (in philolog. u. histor. Abhandlungen d. kgl. Ak. der Wissenschaften zu Berl. 31. Marz u. 14. Juli 1862). — Berlin 1863. F. Justi — Handbiich der Zendsprache p. x seq. — Leipzig 1 864. Fr. Spiegel — Gramm. der altbaktr. Sprache. — Leipzig 1867. — Vergleichende Gramm. der alteranischen Sprachen. — Leipzig 1882. — Znr Geschichte des Avesta Alphabets (Bezzenberger's Beitrage, ix. p. 173).— 1885. 35 Kuhn & Schleicher — Umschreibung des altindischen und altbaktrischen Alphabets (Kuhn u. Schleicher's Bei- trage z. vergl. Sprachforschung v. p. 144). — 1868. Fr. Muller — Zendstudien iv: Ueber die Zischlaute des Alt- backtrischen. (Sitzb. d. k. Akademie d. Wissensch. —Mai 1877.) — Wien 1877. H. Hubschmann — Iranische Studien i : Ueber den lautwerth des Zendalphabet. — Mit 3 Tafeln. (Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxiv. p. 323 — 427.) — Berlin 1878 — 9. — Die Umschreibung der iranischen Sprachen und des Armenischen. — Leipzig 1882. C, Salemann— Ueber eine Parse?ihandschrift der kaiser/, offentl. Bibliothek zu St. Petersburg. — Leyden 1879. [Could not consult.] C. de Harlez — De V Alphabet avestique et de sa Transcrip- tion. — Paris 1880. [Could not consult.] — De la Transcription de V Alphabet avestique (Bezzen- berger's Beitrage vii. pp. 127 — 139). — 1883. Sacred Books of the East — Transliteration of Oriental Al- phabets (see end of each volume). — London 1880 seq. R. Pischel — Die Umschreibung des Baktrischen (Bezzen- berger's Beitrage iv. pp. 272 — 282). — Gottingen 1881. — Recension von Bartholomae' s 'Arischen Forschungen i ' (Gotting. gel. Anz. 14. Juni 1882 p. 737 seq.). Kirste — Die constitutionellen Verschiedenheiten der Ver- schlusslaute im Indogermanischen p. 7 seq. — Graz 188 1 . [Could not consult.] K. F. Geldner — Metrik des jiingeren Avesta p. xiv. |Mere mention.] — Tubingen 1877. — Studien ztim Avesta i. p. 4. [Mere mention.] — Strass- burg 1882. — Miscellen aus dem Avesta. [On e, ».] (Kuhn's Zeit- schrift xxvii. p. 257 seq.) — 1883. — Drei Yasht aus dem Zendavesta pp. vi — xv. [On the sibilants.]— Stuttgart 1884. Chr. Bartholomae — Das altiranische Verbum p. ii. [Alpha- bet.]— Mtinchen 1878. — Die Gdthds: Metrum, Text u. s. w. p. 3.— Halle 1879. — Arise he Forschungen i: Anhang pp. 155 — 163.— Halle 1879. — Ar. Forsch. ii — iii Vorwort. — Halle 1886 — 7. Beitrage zur altiranischen Graimnatik i. [On sibilants and nasals.] (Bezzenberger's Beitrage vii. pp. 188 — 195.) -1883. — Handbuch der altiranischen Dialekte. — Leipzig 1883. E. Dillon — Die Umschreibung der eranischen Sprachen pp. 1 — 16. — Leipzig 1883. D. Peshotan Sanjana — Civilization of the Eastern Iranians Vol. ii. pp. 273 — 286 (The Iranian Alphabets, transl. from Spiegel's Eranische Alterthumskunde iii. pp. 759—771). — London 1886. P. de Lagarde — Mittheilungen ii. Bemerkungen iiber die Awesta-Schrift pp. 38—48. — Gottingen 1887. K. Brugmann — Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der indogerm. Sprachen Bd. i. p. vii, 25 ; Bd. ii. Vor- wort pp. vii — viii. — Strassburg 1886 — 1889. — English translation 1888. 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