tz 691 F3 'amphlets and Clippings in a Business Library VIRGINIA FAIRFAX Pamphlets and Clippings in a Business Library By VIRGINIA FAIRFAX, Librarian CarnatioB Milk Products Company, Chicago JOURNAL OF ELECTRICITY AND WESTERN INDUSTRY San Francisco 1921 k. ubrarY SCHOOL • « •<■ FOREWORD This series of articles, published first in the Journal of Electricity, and now in pamphlet form, was written in answer to persistent requests for definite and reliable details of how best to arrange pamphlets, leaflets, etc., in a business library in order to make their valuable contents quickly available. The subject of this pamphlet is based on the course of instruction given by the author at the Riverside Library Service School, Riverside, Calif. It is not theoretical ; it is the result of the author's experience in working out a practical method of filing pamphlets and clippings, based on approved principles of Library Science; it is operating with most satisfactory results in her own and other busi- ness libraries. It is hoped, therefore, that the information con- tained herein may serve as a guide to business librarians in organizing alphabetic subject files, and also may be of service to teachers who are giving instruction on this subject. V. F. Chicago, Illinois, February, 1921. 434152 Copyright by Journal of Electricity and Western Industry 1921 CONTENTS Page Chapter 1 — Their Value When Organized for Ready Reference 7 Where to obtain business facts How to make pamphlet material valuable The value of proper filing Chapter 2 — Sources and Selection of Material 14 Periodicals and national commercial organizations Pamphlets issued by banks Chambers of commerce at home and abroad Pamphlets from the United States Government State publications Miscellaneous sources Selection of material Chapter 3 — Filing Equipment Needed 30 Vertical unit cabinets Style and quality of folders Envelopes for clippings Gummed name labels Files, with and without guides Cards and card tray cabinets Chapter 4 — How Information Is Classified . 41 Systems of classification Chapter 5 — The Alphabetic Subject File 45 Preparation of material Subject headings Marking of material Cutter numbers Miscellaneous folders The catalog or card index Filing and arrangement in folders Elimination or discard of old material PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS IN A BUSINESS LIBRARY CHAPTER I THEIR VALUE WHEN ORGANIZED FOR READY REFERENCE A New York bank, in one of its recent advertise- ments said: "Business judgment involving millions must be founded on facts. . . . Hasty judgment based on insufficient knowledge may cause wide- spread disaster." The most successful business men of today are those who study the facts of their business, who study their trade papers and learn what other people are doing. It is the absence of accurate data, of complete knowledge, of planning supported by facts that cause disaster to enterprises that are launched without sufficient knowledge and not founded on facts. Any action is a gamble unless reinforced by exhaustive information and that information must consist, not only of precedent, but also of the experi- ences, experiments and discoveries of others in the specific field under consideration. A successful busi- ness man must gather these facts from original sources. The entire available field of information must be raked for facts applicable to the business needs of the individual business man or organization. 8 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS Where to Obtain Business Facts How is the business man to obtain his facts? Where will he obtain the latest and most authentic information in order that he may have complete knowledge and avoid ''hasty judgments"? Years ago the business man depended on books for practically all of his facts. Scientific, industrial and financial problems were fewer than today. He had more time to read. He had more time to study and obtain the few facts that were needed for his business enterprises and these facts did not alter from hour to hour and become obsolete, as it were, over night. However, in the present day of swift growth and rapid changes and when manufacturing and commercial organizations are conducting business in all parts of the world, the success of many enter- prises hinges upon the character of the facts fur- nished for guidance; and books alone, as sources of information, cannot be depended upon because many of them are out of date before they are printed. Tn fact, some of them are out of date before their authors have finished writing them. The value of books should not, however, be depreciated, because undoubtedly many of them are most necessary in business; but the attention of the business man is emphatically directed to the value of a great Niagara of printed information that ought to be read because it contains the advance information from which books are made and in which will be found the accu- rate data and the last word on business facts. THEIR VALUE 9 Tf not throiig-h books, how is this flood of valu- able information being spread? It comes in the form of pamphlets, brochures, reprints, reports, leaflets and letters. It is to be found in the scientific and technical journals, in the trade periodicals and in the newspapers. There are hundreds of technical asso- ciations, banks and commercial organizations, soci- eties, clubs and private individuals printing and dis- tributing information of great value on technical, economic, financial, industrial and sociological sub- jects that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Even in that class of printed matter which is designed pri- marily for advertising purposes, such as house organs and trade catalogs, may be found valuable experimental data, descriptions of tests and appara- tus with diagrams and tables, that will not be found in books. The many and varied departments of the Fed- eral Government are printing and distributing valu- able information. Also the departments of the various states and municipalities of our own and foreign countries are printing and distributing infor- mation on specific subjects, all of which may be had free of cost, or for a very nominal price. Most of this printed matter comes in pamphlet or mimeo- graphed form. It records reliable facts and statis- tics, summarizes laws and furnishes up-to-date infor- mation that is needed day by day in business offices and for which the business man cannot wait until it gets into book form. 10 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS How to Make Pamphlet Material Valuable Is this mass of printed material really of value ? Most emphatically, yes, but not all of it to all busi- ness men. Bulletins, reprints, abstracts, periodicals and many newspapers specialize and that is what the busy man of today requires. It is not a very rare occurrence for a man to find in a single issue of a trade paper an idea that is worth many times all that he could pay for trade papers in a whole life- time. By way of illustration: The librarian of an engineering firm noted in a trade paper an item of three or four lines that stated that the Geological Survey of a certain state had issued a pamphlet on the manufacture of water gas from bituminous coals. With the idea that it might possibly be helpful to one of the engineers who made a specialty of gas engi- neering problems, he wrote to the State Geological Survey asking for a copy of this pamphlet. When it arrived it was sent to the engineer's desk with a note calling his attention to it as something new that might contain some original ideas. After exam- ining the pamphlet, he remarked that if certain ideas in it could be applied to a property on which he was working, and he saw no reason why they could not, it would mean a saving of many thousand dollars a year. Every business man needs to have in his organ- ization, as this business man had, a news gatherer who knows the interests and needs of that business organization, and who can classify the gathered news and make it available promptly, .while it is THEIR VALUE 11 news, or file the facts where they can be gotten quickly when needed. The Value of Proper Filing Government documents, miscellaneous pam- phlets, clippings from newspapers, technical and trade periodicals, to be of use and of value must be properly classified and filed. It is a well known fact that many business men endeavor to keep mis- cellaneous pamphlets, reprints and clippings in their desk drawers, or stacked on book shelves, and when some special facts are needed, waste much valuable time hunting through this mass of dusty material for the information that they think they have stored away, or have a vague recollection that they saw somewhere, ''not sure just where." Business facts to be effective must be readily ac- cessible and in such form as to be quickly compre- hensible. This collection of informative data, these business facts, which so often clutter up a business man's desk, or through lack of appreciation of their value have been thrown away, could be effective and available on a moment's notice if correctly classified and properly filed. The value of a file of reference material, or business facts, made from a careful selection of the pamphlets, reprints and leaflets that are sent to every business man, either unsolicited or by special request, and a judicious selection of clippings from newspapers and periodicals, cannot be over esti- mated. In private offices where such files have been established they have become one of the most essen- 12 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS tial and satisfactory tools of the business man. They give him the facts pertinent to his business interests in handy form, easy to consult, easy to carry about and study, in addition to the assurance that he has the last word on these subjects. The organization of files of this character requires careful planning, based on a knowledge of classification and indexing, a knowledge of sources for collecting facts pertaining to the task in hand and a wise discrimination in soliciting and discarding material. To be effective they cannot be managed in a haphazard way. Every one in the organization should cooperate. These files must be organized and maintained by some one who knows and who can give them the attention that is necessary to make them function properly. What is the best method of filing this material, that is, what method is most economical of time and labor, making at the same time every little bit of information immediately available or useful, and also making possible the quick elimination of such ma- terial as may be supplanted by later knowledge or discovery ? Binding, boxes and scrapbooks have been used in past years with more or less success. Space does not permit of a discussion of the various advantages and disadvantages of these methods, especially since the vertical file is now generally recognized as the ideal way of handling pamphlets, clippings and office records in general. What is a vertical file? A vertical file is made up of folders and guides standing upright in a drawer, or set of drawers, and arranged in some pre- THEIR VALUE 13 determined order. The folders are marked by num- ber, subject or name to indicate their contents, and in them is dropped the printed material pertaining to that subject or name, according to the method of classification chosen. The advantages of the vertical file are that they keep the contents clean, free from dust, accommodate all sizes and shapes of pamphlets and manuscripts, are easy to consult, provide for speedy re-filing and "a place for everything," and from it out-of-date material is easily and quickly dis- carded. Such files of pamphlets and clippings are variously designated as, "Information," ''Reference," "Data" and "Subject Files." CHAPTER II THE SOURCES AND SELECTION OF MATERIAL Every progressive business organization aims not only to avoid hasty judgments but also to expand and develop its business on a permanent basis, explore new commercial avenues and detect the course of competition. In order to accomplish this end, a systematic collection of accurate business facts must be made and intelligently used. Periodicals and National Commercial Organizations Every business man should keep himself in- formed and up to date on matters that pertain to his special business interests by reading his local newspapers, possibly one or more out of town finan- cial and commercial papers, and by reading the peri- odicals of his specific trade, business, or profession. The engineer, be he civil, electrical or mechanical, receives the various periodicals that pertain to his special calling; the lumber man, the oil man, the coal man, the export man, the banker, each has his -•special journals as do all other lines of business. In addition to the newspapers, financial, trade and technical periodicals, the clipping and filing of which will be discussed in subsequent chapters, each of these special classes of business men receives from 14 SOURCES AND SELECTION 15 the technical, trade or commercial organizations to which he belongs, bulletins, monographs and re- prints written by authorities, and containing the last word on processes, surveys, investigations, laws, results reached in the thousand activities of the world's work, and without which sources of informa- tion the workers of today could not keep sufficiently informed. For example, the electrical engineer in business reads, or his librarian reads for him, some, if not all, of the following periodicals: the Electrical World, the Journal of Electricity, the Electric Journal, the General Electric Review, the Electric Railway Journal, and the journal of his technical society, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. From the national commercial association of his industry, the National Electric Light Association, he receives a monthly bulletin containing up-to-date facts and figures on the electrical industry. He may also avail himself of the small periodical entitled "Rate Re- search," published weekly by the National Electric Light Association, which gives all the latest commis- sion decisions with extracts from articles on subjects which bear upon electric rates. The National Elec- tric Light Association also issues for his benefit the "N. E. L. A. Rate Book," with three quarterly sup- plements, which give him electric light and power rates in force in all cities of 25,000 population or over. He also receives in pamphlet form from this association the important papers and reports of com- mittees which are presented at the annual meetings of the Association and which later appear in bound 16 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS volumes. All other special classes of business men are aided in their special industries by their period- icals and commercial associations just as the elec- trical man is aided in his particular industry. A fairly complete list of ''Commercial and Indus- trial Organizations of the United States" with data about each organization, including the address of the secretary, revised to November 1, 1919, has been issued by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce (Miscellaneous Series No. 99). It may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, D. C, for 15 cents, or may be obtained from the local office of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, established in some of the larger cities of the United States. References to some of the most valuable ma- terial to be obtained for the information files is scat- tered here and there in the text of periodicals. Lists of pamphlets under such headings as ''New Trade Publications" and lists of advertisers and classified lists found among the advertising pages should not be neglected as possible sources of value. It is essential in a business house that the information files be administered by a trained librarian who knows how and where to look for material of inter- est, and who watches for announcements of new publications when reading periodicals and news- papers in search of business facts. Pamphlets Issued by Banks Many of the banks of the United States issue regularly very valuable bulletins containing trade SOURCES AND SELECTION 17 and financial information, and are most generous in Rending their publications gratis to business houses requesting them. Some of these banks are the fol- lowing : The National City Bank of New York The National Bank of Commerce in New York The Irving National Bank, New York The Guaranty Trust Company of New York The National Shawmut Bank of Boston The National Bank of San Francisco Most of these banks print a list of their publi- cations which they will send to business houses from which a selection may be made. Other banks, such as the Continental and Commercial Banks, Chicago, print their publications only occasionally and these will be noted in reading the newspapers and peri- odicals. Chambers of Commerce at Home and Abroad The Chambers of Commerce in various cities of 'the United States, organized to promote commerce and advertise their communities, are excellent sources of information. Foremost among these is the Chamber of Commerce of the United States at Washington, D. C, which has an exceptionally fine information bureau. Any business organization interested in foreign trade will find valuable sources of information in the American Chambers of Commerce established in for- eign countries, a list of which with addresses can be had from the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce, Washington, D. C, or from the branch offices 18 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS of that bureau in various cities of the United States. These Chambers of Commerce will furnish data pertaining to their foreign localities. There are also foreign Chambers of Commerce or Associations with offices in the United States, such as, The Argentine-American Chamber of Com- merce, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the American-Asiatic Association, the French Chamber of Commerce, and many others, which are prepared to furnish trade information of their respective countries. A list of the foreign Chambers of Com- merce established in this country may be obtained, with their addresses, from the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The International Chamber of Commerce, formed in Paris in June, 1920, plans a complete and reliable information and statistical bureau for inter- national trade available for all interests and coun- tries. Pamphlets From the United States Government The departments of the United States Govern- ment operating through their various specialized bureaus publish in pamphlet form or mimeograph sheets, information that every business man should obtain and use. To become familiar with this large amount of pamphlet material which has been issued and is constantly being issued is not an easy task, and to select the pamphlets applying to a particular business, requires a large knowledge of Government resources, which the trained librarian can supply to the business house. SOUECES AXP SELECTION 19 The best method of keeping posted on what the Government is "■;" "■'^rang is to obtain the printed catalogs of pul.-.„:-.ns that have been issued by the various departments and bureaus, and supple- ment these by subscribing to the "Monthly Catalog of Government Documents" obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents. Wasiiington. D. C, price 50 cents per yeai\ which records all pamphlets issued each month by all depaiiments and commis- sions of the Federal Government. The following is a select list of the piinted catalogs of the pan"iphlet material issued by the vaii- ous depaitments and bui^eaus of the Govei-nment which ai'e especially useful in business, and which will guide in selecting pamphlets and tell which ones are free for the asking and which ones must be paid for. Department af C W V« 1 APRIL. 1*15 NUMBER 4 Live Stock Sanitation Law ,.4mj^r*Kr Af^u )•■ mt) HOWARD E WILLIAMS CofnmlMloDcr Fig. 6. Illustrates marking of pamphlets, with the subject heading in the title underscored. Note the position of the Cutter number. Cutter Numbers There are on the market three Cutter tables to be purchased from the Library Bureau : the Cutter two-figure alphabetic-order table, and the Cutter three-figure table, which is an enlargement of the two-figure table ; and the Cutter-Sanborn three-figure alphabetic-order table. These three tables were de- signed for keeping books of a class in alphabetic order on library shelves according to the author's surname. By means of the initial letter of the sur- 50 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS name, combined with certain numbers, an alphabetic and numeric sequence is provided. Consequently since these tables were designed for surnames rather than for subjects, and are the best to be had until someone works out a Cutter table for subjects, care must be exercised in the selection of the numbers and the building up of numbers for subdivisions of a subject. For example, the word ''petroleum," in strict accordance with the rules of the Cutter three- figure table, would be assigned P449, which leaves no extra numbers within that numeric division for expanding the subject. Therefore, by moving the word ''petroleum" up to the beginning of the 44 divis- ion, namely Pet44, the following expansion may be worked out. Petroleum — P44 " — Distillation F44D " — Laws & regulations P44Lr " — Measurements P44M " — Transportation P44T Petroleum as fuel — P441 Petroleum industry — P442 Petroleum sampling — P448 This assignment leaves the numbers between 2 and 8 for insertion of other subdivisions of the subject "petroleum" when need arises. This general principle of moving a subject that will need expansion from its proper assigned Cutter number up to the head of its numeric division may be followed with safety because the alphabetic com- binations in subject names do not occur in as close sequence as do the alphabetic combinations in proper names. ALPHABETIC SUBJECT FILE 51 It should be emphasized at this point that the assignment of Cutter numbers should not be at- tempted by a novice; it should be done only by an experienced librarian. The main consideration in assigning Cutter numbers is to anticipate the probable expansion of the subject and allow sufficient numbers. For exam- ple, in the Industrial Arts Index the subject Automo- biles and its allied subjects make an extensive list, and a business library interested specially in this subject would need to allow for a greater expansion than libraries interested only incidentally in auto- mobiles. After the number for the subject has been selected the folder is marked with the Cutter number followed by the subject heading and this marking is placed on the upper left hand margin of a straight edge folder or on the tab of tab folders. See Figures 7 and 8. The Cutter three-figure table is preferable. If the collection is small two figures only need be used, but it is advisable to have the three figures for ex- pansion and growth. Miscellaneous Folders In any collection of pamphlets and clippings there will be on some subjects but one or two articles, not enough to warrant an individual folder. Filing space is too valuable to fill it with folders holding- only a pamphlet or two, therefore, there may be used what in correspondence filing systems are called ''miscellaneous folders." However, too strong em- phasis cannot be given to the warning to use miscel- laneous folders with ofreat discretion. 52 . PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS There are two methods of using miscellaneous folders depending on the amount of material or ex- tent of the files. / Fig. 7. Information file made \ap with straight edge pressboard folders without guides. Illustrates alphabetic arrangement of subjects with Cutter numbers. In a small collection a miscellaneous folder may follow a subject and its subdivision, and would con- tain pamphlets and clippings that are subdivisions ALPHABETIC SUBJECT FILE 53 of the main subject, but on which only one or two pieces have been collected. The pamphlets and folder should be marked the same and have an identifying mark for ''miscellany." For example, M59X — Milk — Miscellaneous, is marked on the folder in red, or in any distinguishing color. See Fig. 7. a^ """^"^^ lnijlv.l foUtr for wbj^ctl I pampKlf t^ Of elipptn^i ot£upi»i lU fourth m. Fig. 8. Illustrates a Library Bureau set-up. Information file made up with tab folders and gTiides and miscellaneous folders. If the method of using Cutter numbers as explained in the text is adopted they would be substituted for the numerals shown on these folders. 54 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS and the pamphlet is marked M59X, with the crayon pencil used on all pamphlets. When the collection of material on any one of the several subjects that have been filed in this miscellaneous folder grows sufficient to warrant an individual folder, that ma- terial is removed, the mark on the pamphlet is changed and the material filed in an individual folder appropriately marked. For example, the library may have one pamphlet to which has been assigned the subject Milk — Laws. This has been filed in the miscellaneous folder and marked M59X. When more material on this subject is gathered, remove it from the miscellaneous folder, rub out the ''X," substitute an "L" and file it in a folder marked M59L — Milk — Laws. In this same small collection, besides having a miscellaneous folder following a subject and its sub- divisions, there also may be used a general miscel- laneous folder filed in its alphabetical place and assigned a Cutter number from word "miscellan- eous" M681 — Miscellaneous, printed in red or any other distinguishing color, or on a different colored gummed label. In this folder may be dropped pam- phlets and clippings on subjects that are not expected to grow and are of a general nature. The second method is used in information files made up with guides and tab folders. The miscel- laneous folders, with tab in third position marked similarly to each guide but in a different color, are filed after the subject folders and just in front of the next guide, as shown in Figure 8. These mis- cellaneous folders will hold pamphlets and clippings ALPHABETIC SUBJECT FILE 55 on subjects that, if given individual folders, would be filed between these guides. For example, the first guide is marked "A," printed in black, as are all guides; the miscellaneous folder is marked *'A," printed in red, as are all miscellaneous folders in this **set up," the second guide is marked "An." Following the guide "A" have been filed individual subject fold- ers marked Ac25 — Accidents; Ad96 — Advertising; Am35 — Americanization. There is one pamphlet on Alfalfa which is marked A128X and filed in the mis- cellaneous folder "A" which stands behind the last subject folder, in this case, Am35 — Americanization, and just in front of the next guide marked ''An." When the collection of material on the subject alfalfa has increased, remove the pamphlets so marked, rub out the ''X" and place them in folder marked A128 — Alfalfa, and file in alphabetical place. The Catalog or Card Index In Chapter Four it was stated that in a business library the bulk of the material placed in the ver- tical files will have permanent value, and that under these circumstances, it is wise to have some record of possession or receipt of the most important con- tents of such files. It is necessary to have, at least, what corresponds to a main entry or author card, and to a series card that will furnish a check on the contents of the files. For example, series cards made for the publications of the various state agricultural experiment stations will indicate the bulletins re- ceived and the subjects under which they are filed. There are occasions also when a business man asks 56 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS for a pamphlet by the name of the author or firm or commission issuing the pubHcation and does not rememl)er its specific subject. In such instances the autlior entry is a valuable guide, as it also is when material is not found in a subject folder and the index shows either that it has been received and is loaned, or that the library has never possessed it. Main entry or author cards are made only for material that is important — not for every leaflet and booklet that may possess only temporary inter- est or value. Library rules for cataloging are fol- lowed, omitting imprint that this class of material does not require. On the main entry or author card will be written, on the first line in the upper left hand corner, the Cu.tter number chosen from the sub- ject of the pamphlet, the name of the author, or source issuing the publication, on the first line begin- ning at first vertical line at the left, with brief title on the second line beginning at second vertical line. and date of publication. (See Fig. 9.) No subject card is made. The Cutter number W381 indicates that the pamphlet is filed in a folder marked W381 — Webb-Pomerene law. If a pamphlet received is to be analyzed, make main entry card as shown in Fig. 9 and indicate on lower part of face of card the subject or subjects of the analyticals. (See Fig. 10.) The pamphlet thus analyzed is filed in folder marked M59G — Milk indus- try & trade, and the analytical card is written as shown in Fig. 11, the subject of the analytical, "Milk- Standards-Foreign countries" written in red and the remainder of the record in black, giving page on ALPHABETIC SUBJECT FILE 57 ^ 3 " -ago o o tU Li t ^^§ o .B ■C o ••^ C! X! 4) -^ +-) O) l-i t> cS o O >> ^ 2 3 <; o «J r-l h/i •-< S 73 h/ Pi flH * O 0\ c V» O iH O, « X = 'H -ts » ii vH a: X o o -c O X M o E O O CO M T) ■r^ X ^ (NJ -1 e r- ♦> :>«<-> .H S u a « CT- v< (■ 0. f* E M iH tM O : > e8 o o '^ ♦J •o 3 a; o It J5 S C I 1) c ^ ■rt(CC-i»j^-i>,oai < ♦•Vifit, 0T30C 41 rH t, a ti O O rHai^O,OO^gtt N-4 rH Vl a <" V> fc. rt C X (n<«>os&in!0[n a E r- >> - r O o! ^o m rH o 5t •^ UN vo O^CJ ^ r-( r-l rH Oi O •^ a: Vi o >< » d L. 2 ♦J c >3 a o <-> It - X u H a rt ■^ o i; I-! c c- •-t 4, It ' ii ^ Q) U 1. « *> «> a *> 3 O T o E " •« o V o 6 c i> -r-l c ♦» e V ^ j; k. ■r^ *-> o t. c o o o 1 c o Jk o u c ^ Ci c -. ID a E U 4. * c t/) li. ' (- a >f c \1 a a cS S si o -M « >i o c4 C c4 tn 58 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS which that information is to be found. This card would indicate to the searcher that information on milk standards in various foreign countries can be found in this pamphlet filed in folder marked M596. This is easily located even should the searcher not know the meaning of Cutter number M596. Series cards are also made according to library rules with the omission of the classification numbers. (See Fig. 12.) To locate any of the pamphlets thus listed consult the back of this card, which will show series number of bulletin and its Cutter number for subject of pamphlet. (See Fig. 13.) Some librarians prefer to put all the notations, or tracings, on the face of the cards, in which case the card would be written as shown in Fig. 14. The only objection to this form of record is that the face of the card is apt to be too crowded with the notations. If a folder for general miscellaneous material is used as previously described, a subject card must be made for each piece placed in it, because there is no subject folder to indicate the position of this material in the file. For example, a library has a copy of the pamphlet giving the Diplomatic and Con- sular service of the United States and there will be but one copy of this pamphlet until superseded by a later issue. It is not necessary to put this one pam- phlet in a folder under its subject. Drop it in the Miscellaneous folder and make a subject card. Diplo- matic & consular service, which directs the inquirer to M681 — which is the Cutter number for Miscel- laneous. (See Fig. 15.) ALPHABETIC SUBJECT FILE 59 o A 4-> Vl o a> ♦» Cl c V > On •fi VirH ♦J oav u E H s liVO u « «C\J « ■a 3 P» « e r-( C 3 d o>-> ':J x-N u ^ f 1 Cfi o fi V ^ «*' o on u s •r* « t *> ♦> OS d o al E V 4J O V, 1-* tt r^ t- Q.O c _ O 0) 1— 1 ^ b? cS 03 l^ C L_ O Xi p ■n 0) ;h < C! •^ Tl 0) rH p. >. w ^ o V. o tJJ rH r-l C — 0) to © CM t-) -H o e ; aj ^ T-i o <-« p « > a E 01 I V. e a *> I r-< ?> o a; <« I c o > •;: ♦» O C rH J3 o rt o c H O u o 0) b! +-> 4-1 +J s o hr r/! C 01 ^ -C o a 4= to t3 £ rrl Q) ^ w X. X 4> e*-l -M o c 0) o r/) 4-1 o t*H 0) o •^ .T! TI 1—1 3 rrl m 0> w u fiK o .s 60 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS If the files are equipped with miscellaneous fold- ers for each guide, or division of the alphabet, as in Fig. 8, then this pamphlet, ''Diplomatic and Consular Service," would be filed in the Miscellaneous folder whose guide is marked nearest to the spelling of the first word of this subject, namely, ''Diplo- matic," guide marked "D" or "Di," and no subject card need be made. r "See" and "See also" references may be made either in the catalog or in the file itself, preferably in both. A "See" reference in the files should be made on a single sheet of stiff manila board, similar to the material of the folders and of same height, referring from the name not used to the one used, as Powdered milk See D-831-Driedmilk. (See Fig. 7.) "See also" references may be made on the folder, and will obviate the need of consulting the card index in which, however, "See also" cards should be inserted at the end of the references. For example, on folder marked In2L — Industrial laws & legislation is added. See also W892 — Workmen's compensation, and if there are any subject cards in the card index headed "Industrial laws & legislation" a card should follow reading "See also W892 — Workmen's compensation." If the files are extensive and there is also a large collection of books that have been cataloged or indexed, in other words, if the card index is a large one, covering references to books, periodicals, and the information files, time and effort will be saved by inserting in the card index, or catalog, subject refer- ence cards to the main subjects in the information files. It will be recalled that main subject cards are ALPHABETIC SUBJECT FILE 61 not made for the material placed in the information files, the subject folders taking* the place of such cards, but one card, a subject reference card for each main subject folder, may be placed in the index, which on many occasions will save time and prevent the assumption that there is no material in the library on the specific subject being looked up. For example, one card in the index marked Patents & trade marks See V.F. (vertical files) F272 indicates that a folder containing information on this subject will be found in the vertical files. (See illustration No. 16.) Of course, this subject reference card is not necessary if the library's principal source of infor- mation is the material in the vertical files, because, under these circumstances, they will be consulted first or cannot be overlooked when searching for in- formation. Filing and Arrangement in Folders When a collection of material has been made ready to be placed in the files, arrange it alphabet- ically according to subjects before proceeding to the files. First locate the correct guide, if guides are used, and then the subject folder. Lift the folder up a little to assure placing the material in the folder and not between folders or in the wrong folder, and always verify or check the marking on each pamphlet with the marking on the folder. No attempt is made to alphabetize the material in the folders, but some order should be kept. For instance, all maps, photographs, pictures and large 62 PAMPHLETS AND CLIPPINGS pamphlets should be placed at the back, and smaller pamphlets in front, standing upright side by side so that when the drawer is pulled out and folder opened the titles of the pamphlets are readily seen and read. Large pamphlets lie crosswise in the folders. Elimination or Discard of Old Material In some large public libraries very specific ar- rangements are made for the discarding of material at specified times. This is not necessary in a busi- ness library, since only a small proportion of the material is discarded. The elimination is made as the new material is filed ; the old that is being super- seded is discarded. It is advisable to take stock, at least once a year, and go through the files systemat- ically, making room for new material by removing folders with subjects in which the firm no longer has any interest and pamphlets and clippings that were only of current value. The amount of discard- ing depends entirely on the interests and demands of the business house, also on the resources of the public library or other library facilities in the city in which the business library is located. At the same time, it is not wise to eliminate or discard material and statistics, though they may be old, that may be required some day by the business house because the information may not be available from other sources at the time it is most needed. It must be remem- bered, of course, to remove from the index all cards main entry and analyticals, that refer to the material that is discarded. TURN LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY 2 South Hall 642-2253 AN PERIOD 1 2 3 5 6 ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW AliU . DAA K\r\ nn iq ai;.,^ a'va UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELE H5M-\52. "3 THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY t