-"\V\c-univck.va o y 0AavHaiB^ ^AavaaiH^ ^TiTO-SO^ ^BAINd]^ ^t-LIBRARY^ ^UBRARYQ^ ^/OJITVOJO^ ^i/OJITVJJO^ ^\El)N!VER% ^lOSANCElfr> o y ^/HHAINMVtV- ^OdllVD-JO^ ^OdllVJdO^ s ^UIBRARYQr ^LIBRARYQr 3 ^fOJITYHO^ %dl!V3J0^ \\\EUNIVER% w ^TJldDNVSOl^ .^vlOS-ANCElfj> 3 -< ^UIBRARYQ^ ^UIBRARYQ? %0dlTV3JO^ ^ o * %adAiNn3\\v ^0F-CALIF0fc ^OF-CALIFOfl^. y 0AavuaiB^ y 0AHvaaiH^ . \WE -UNIVERS/a. ^lOSANCElfj> ^UIBRARYQr ^UIBRARYQr o %3AINn-3WV .^E-UKIVERi//) ^lOSANCElfX/ ^OFCALIFOfi^ .SjOF-CAllFOftfc *WE-UNIVERS//> ^lOSANCELfj> l^I liCfct <\^t VP> iirfl IrTtl rf s i iaii# ^Anwaru^- o "%13AINfl3W . v^^,^ ^ v . w^ ^AavaaiR^ y tfAHvaarB^ v$aOSANGELfj> ^UIBRARY^ ^UIBRARYQ^ V-SOl^ %a3MNa-3Wv ^OJUVOJO^ ^OJIIVDJO^ AWEUNIVERy/A o o "%3AIM3WV & n -n ^lOSANGElfj> "%3AINH3\W ^OFCALIFOM^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^AHvaarn^ ^AavaaiH^ ^E-UNIVERto vvlOS ANGELfj> o Li. DC , IARY0/- ^LIBRARY^ VD-30^ ^OJIIVDJO^ AVtfUNIVERS//, ^lOSANGElfj> o ^HBRARYQc ^LIBRARYQr , - AME-UNIVERJ/a vvlOSANCELfj> o - Vr o I? V-SOV^ ^vlOSANCElfj> s^s *% %a3AiNa-3\\v ^LIBRARYQ^ <5$HIBRARY0yr ? 1 ir~" it. ^/OJIWDJO^ ^fojnva-jo^ 5WE-UNIVER5//) ^lOSANGFlfj> 5 ^OFCALIFOfiV ^Aavaan^- 3? , >P I, $ y %a3AIN03\W 6> ARY0X. -# LIBRARY^ / ' t I i* " it \mm$^ \WE-UNIVERS/a o ^TJUDNV-SOV^ ^lOSANGEtj> 3 r >r i ^3AIN(l-3WV ^vtLIBRARYQ^ <$t LIBRARY^ ^OJIIVJ-JO^ %0JllV>JO v ^^ IIFO/?^ ^OFCALiFO/?^ ^WE UNIVER5/A ^lOSANCElfj> ^0F-CAUF0% ^OFCALIFO^ >- vai $\st irrti i 6 ^)! ivai i^ 7 t( /& THE jy>/J MONTAGU COLLECTION OF COINS. CATALOGUE . OF THE (SECOND AND FINAL PORTION.) TOGETHER WITH A SMALL SEEIES OF ROMAN SILVER & BRONZE COINS AND MEDALLIONS. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSES. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Jltrxtioneers of f^iterarg ^propcrtg & ^Storks illustratitre of tljc JFitte JUts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 15th of MABCH, 1897, and Four following Days, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE,* LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re- sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters a,t this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London. PREFATORY NOTE. ON account of the great extent of the Greek section of the Montagu Collection it was deemed advisable not to include all in the first sale, but to reserve a certain portion for a second sale. This portion, which is now offered, completes the Greek section of the Collection. To it has been added a small Series of Roman Silver and Copper Coins and Medallions, which had been formed by Mr. Montagu. In the Greek portion of this Catalogue we have not that succession of rare and brilliant pieces, which were to be found in the first sale, yet there are not a few which are far above the average either for rarity or for preservation. Notably the following: 42, Tetradrachm of Agri- gentum ; 55, Tetradrachm of Messana ; 58, Didrachm of Naxos, by Prokles ; 76, Decadrachm of Syracuse ; 86, N Drachm of Agathocles ; 105, Tetradrachm of Chalcidice ; 115, Double Stater of Alexander the Great ; 120, The excessively rare Tetradrachm of the same king ; 167, Stater of Panticapaeum ; 181, Drachm of Alexander of Pherae ; 215, Tetradrachm of Lacedsenion ; 217, M of Antinoiis, struck at Mantineia ; 235, M Stater with Frog, unpublished ; 382, Tetradrachm of Tripolis ; 421, Stater of Ptolemy Soter ; 427, Decadrachm of Arsinoe II ; 448, Tetradrachm of Carthage. And in the Roman Series, 499, Denarius of the Junia Family, fy eid. mar. ; 520, Denarius of Domitia ; 524, Denarius of Pescennius Niger ; 531, Denarius of Gordianus Africanus Senr. ; 535, Denarius of Tranquillina ; 537, Dena- rius of Cornelia Supera ; 538, Denarius of Dryantilla ; 543, Denarius of Carausius, unpublished ; 567, M Medallion of Claudius, V de britannis ; 600, Large Brass of Galba, with beautiful patina ; Large Brass of Vespasian, " Judaea Capta ; " 654, M Medallion of Commodus, unpublished ; &c. * * * * As to the disposal of further portions of Mr. Montagu's Collection we are requested to state that it is proposed to sell at this House in May next the extensive Collection of English Medals. In June next will be offered for sale the Series of English Copper Coins and Patterns, together with the Anglo-Gallic and Irish sections, and in the following November the dispersion of this Collection will be brought to an end by the sale of the reserved portion of the English Series. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. 3037474 317 > Sizes of the Coins. Scale of Mionnet. CATALOGUE OF THE VEEY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF GREEK COINS, TOGETHER WITH a Small Series of IRoman Silver ant) Broti3e Coins, THE PROPERTY OP THE LATE HYMAN MONTAGU, ESQ. F.S.A. Vice-President of the Numismatic Society. SECOND AND FINAL PORTION. FIRST DAY'S SALE. HISPANIA. LOT 1 M llipa, Ear of corn within dotted border; ], ILIPENSE, Fish to right ; above, crescent, and Below, A., size 9. Emporiae, Head of Pallas to right; $1 EMPOR., Pegasos to right, size 7. Murgis, /I t J Diademed head to right, behind palm branch ; $1 Horseman to ' A j right ; below, legend, size 6. JR. Emporiae, Head of Persephone ; Kneeling figure holding sow, between four warriors ; in the exergue, I 7 // C. Paapi C. very fine ' 1 J 1 ) ''j/ *** From the Bompois collection. /-^w both mre ft Lt->~ t^^ 2 6" Laureate head of Italia to left, With legend VITELIV. / N /) ^ Helmeted figure with lance and sword, standing by recumbent bull ; ^ ' flUA^ ^ wo examples, one has L| in exergue, the other the numeral (?) I., both fine and scarce 2 i- / {7/ Laureate head to right ; beneath chin, X. ; $k Victory crowning Italia I \P * seated left; in field, IT I, and in the exergue, ITALIA. (2), Head of Dioscuris to right ; $k Pallas in biga ; beneath, .*. , fine 3 / 1 . /- laureate head to right; behind, ITALIA, and in front, XVI. ; $ Vic- / tory crowning Italia, seated left ; in exergue, I. ; another with head fio.left, and the legend ITALIA ; $t Kneeling figure with sow and J' * ~ ^standard between eight soldiers ; in field, A X., rare 2 9a. Female head to left ; $k as second piece in preceding lot, two examples, / . ^L (faf one has I A in the exergue, and the other Mil., the first very fine 2 10 Campania. Cales. ^11 Didrachm, Head of Pallas to left; behind, /n cornucopiae ; $ CALENO., Nike in biga, wt. 41| grs. Cumae. If ill Didrachm, Female head to right ; > KYM A I ON, Mussel shell * I IP and corn grain, wt. 110 grs. Hyria. M Didrachm, Head of A) Pallas to right; , YDINA., Man-headed bull, wt. 110 grs. / r/ 2 rt /} /} ^UeSLjpoVis. M Didrachm, Head of Dia-Hebe to right; beneath, XAPIAEI2; behind, astragalos; $ NEAIIOAITHZ (in / / exergue), Man-headed bull to right, wt. 108 grs. 4 11 Neapolis. Head of water nymph, to right; in front, two dolphins ; 9> Man-headed bull to right; beneath bull, OYIA, wt. 106 grs. . Obol, M, Head of water nymph to right; $1 Man-headed bull. // Piece of Two litrae, M, Head of Apollo; $> Cock. Nola, M Di- drachm, Head of nymph to right; $k NI2AAIOZ (in exergue), Man-headed bull, wt. 107 grs. Another with head of Pallas, the helmet decorated with an owl ; 51 NOAAII2N, Man-headed bull to right; beneath, /E., wt. 109 grs. ; and an Obol of Phistelia 5 2 ^ 12 JE of Aesernia (Samnii), VOLCANOM., Head of Vulcan ; $ AIZER NINO, Victory in biga. Larinum (Frentani), Quincunx head of Pallas; > LADINOD., Galloping warrior. Cales (Campania), Head of Pallas; > CALENO., Cock to right; in field, star. Capua, Uncia (2), Head of Zeus ; $fc> KAPU (in Oscan letters), Victory crowning trophy ; another, size 4, without mark of value, Head of Apollo to right; $1 KAPU., Lyre, very fine. Compul- teria, Head of Apollo; 9> Man-headed bull with Victory above. Neapolis, 3 varied. Teanum, Head of Apollo to left; $> Man- headed bull with Victory above. Arpi, Head of Zeus; $k API~I- ANX1N., Calydonian boar ; spear head above. Luceria(Apuliae), Quincunx, Head of Pallas ; LOVCERI within the spokes of a wheel. Rubi, Head of Pallas; Jk Owl. Teate, Quincunx, Head of Pallas to right; $k Owl on capital. Venusia, Quincunx, Head of Zeus to left; |l VE-, Eagle on fulmen, some fine and scarce 16 Tarentum, M Didrachms (2), B.C. 500-473. Taras on dolphin; 'fl / / pecten below; $> Archaic head in plain circle, wt. 199 grs., rare. \y L yi Another, B.C. 212-209. Female head to left ; $> Horseman crowning hCI Q @*^ n * s steed; below, dolphin; in field, TA. and crescent, wt. 114 grs., J () fmr 2 14 Tarentum, M Didrachm, B.C. 212-209. Female head to left; 9> similar to second piece in preceding lot, but with lion beneath horse, and dolphin in field, wt. 106 grs. Drachm, B.C. 212-209. TAPAZ., Taras on dolphin, with cornucopia and Victory ; $> Eider crowning his horse; below, ZOTENHZ.; in field, IjQ., wt. 51 grs., fine and scarce. Bronze of Orra (Quincunx), Head of Aphrodite ; V ORRA, Cupid with lyre. Graxa, Head of Zeus ; $> Two eagles on fulmen. Brundusium, Head of Poseidon ; fy BRVN., Taras on dolphin. Tarentum, Taras on dolphin ; $> Pecten, fine 6 15 Tarentum, M Didrachms, Horseman type. Taras on dolphin, holding 4T 9 Q _ kantharos and trident, distaff, trident and shield, oinochoe Victory, varied symbols beneath horse, some fine 5 7 ,>y & Tarentum^ ^ Didrachms, Horseman type, varied, some fine /- 17 ^Tarentum, JsAl /Z idrachms, Horseman type, varied, some fine 18 Tarentum, M Drachms. Head of Pallas; $1 TAR., Owl. Diobols, Hippocamp ; 9> Dolphin and pecten. Head of Pallas ; $1 Herakles ^ contending with lion ; and Obols, &c. of various types 14 B 2 i* i Heraclea, M Didrachm, B.C. 300-208. Head of Pallas ; above, AA. and behind neck EY. ; V Herakles holding bow and club ; in field, an owl flying. Diobols (2), Head of Pallas ; $ Herakles and lion. g &- ^fl Metapontum, Head of Pallas ; $> M ETA., Ear of corn. Diobol ? C-i^** Head of Demeter ; $> Two ears of corn 5 20 Metapontum, M Distater, B.C. 350-330. Head of Leukippos in /// 111 riP Corinthian helmet ; behind, AriH and forepart of lion 7' /^57^yA>^[M]ETAnONTINnN., Ear of corn, Ml. and club in field (J wt. 188 grs. (plated), fine and very rare [PI. I] ^**"^^^y . AL\ Metapontum, M Stater, B.C. 350-330. Head of Leukippos ; B> M E ( l / $ Jn0.d^f ^ ar * corn ' fi ne ' ^ wo otners ' BC - 33 -300, w ^h heads of Demeter ; *! {(fi^ $rM ETA., Ear of corn, wt. 120 grs., fine 3 22 Poseidonia, M Staters (2), B.C. 480-400. nOZEIAAN., Poseidon W y wielding trident ; 9> IIOZEI AAN, Bull to right ; one has, behind // /v/"^V^bnil, a column with shiekjj, fine 2 ^X 0OYPII2N. ZIM-, Bull rushing to right; in exergue, lighted 1 Head of Pallas to right, the torch, wt. 212^ grs., fine 25 ThuHum, M Tetradrachm, B.C. 390-350. U< \,~ w ./fj / helmet adorned with griffin /^WfaeA*^. 0OYPII2N., Bull rushing g to right ; in exergue, EY., Tortoise, P., lot. 239 grs., fine [PI. I] 1 26 Thurium, M Didrachm, B.C. 420-390. Head of Pallas, helmet deco- rated with wreath of olive ; Jjl 0OYPIHN., Bull to left ; dolphin in exergue. Another, the helmet adorned with figure of Skylla ; #> Bull to right, and on exergual line, MOAOZZ[OZ]. Sybanis, Sixths of Stater. Poseidon ; #> Bull, &c. (3). Twelfth, Bull with M Ifead reverted ; 9> \l ; and Diobols of Thurium (2), one with head of Pallas, the helmet adorned with wreath of olive ; 9> Bull to left 8 J v 27 Thurium, M Didrachm, B.C. 390-350. Head of Pallas to right, helmet ^ crested helmet > inscribed KAEYAI2POY. ; & VEAHTI2N. (in ' i / / exergue), Lion devouring prey. Obols of Velia, Heraclea, &c. (7) 8 H ''h. I /* *&L 29 Bruttii, ^l Octobol, B.C. 282-203. Head of Thetis veiled ; ft BPET- TIX2N.-) Poseidon standing to left, his foot on capital of column, y a wt. 66 grs., fine. Bronze of Bruttium, Head of bearded Ares; J (j ft Nike crowning trophy. Others ; ft Pallas fighting (3) ; Head of Herakles ; ft Pallas fighting ; Head of Zeus ; ft Ares fighting, Eagle, &c. Mesma, Head of Persephone facing; ft MEZ- MAII2N., Head of Apollo, very rare. Vibo Valentia, Triens, Head of Pallas ; ft Owl. Quadrans, Head of Herakles ; ft Two clubs, all very fine 12 30 Cau Ionia, M Stater, B.C. 550480. KAVA., Naked figure with branch (^ VC / . / (f in right hand, and running figure on extended left arm ; in front, a - '?% jQe^ /./> ,Mr t yjh stag ; dotted cable border /J?/^ ~ /* Vyf / I yv ^ ft same type, but legend not shewn, id. 124.1 grs. } very fine 1 ' , 31 Caulonia, M Stater, B.C. 550-480. Similar to last, not so fine ; and /I ~s> / ifej/? another of smaller module, reading KA VAO (retrograde) on obv. J ^7 OLC44 an( j reverse, wt. 119 grs., fine 2 ^82 Ooton, M Stater, B.C. 550-480. 9 PO-, Tripod, the whole within &f / ' // f % /vC/t&td cable border ; ft same type incuse, but legend not shewn, wt. 1 1 3| grs., &/(l * fine ; and three Diobols, varied, and a Hemiobol 5 /r. /i Croton, ^l Stater, B.C. 550-480. <|>PO., Tripod, stork to left; the S^. . whole within dotted border; ft Tripod incuse, wt. 123 grs., very // fine; and another, similar, not so fine 2 Ooton, M Staters, B.C. 480-420, and later. Eagle with antelope's skull on pediment ; ft ? PO-, Tripod, olive spray to left ; Eagle on * branch, wings spread; ft KPO-, Tripod; and another, Head of Apollo to right; ft KPO-, Tripod, branch to left, ./me ; and a Third of Stater, Young male head (river Aesarus) ; ft KPO-, Owl on corn ear 4 Locri Epizephyrii, M Stater, B.C. 326-300. Head of Zeus to right ; [AO]KPI2N., Eagle devouring hare, wt. 118 grs., fine 1 Bronze of Locri, Head of Zeus ; ft Eagle on fulmen ; Head of Pallas ; ft Pegasos ; Head of Pallas ; ft Bunch of grapes. Nuceria, Head of Apollo ; ft Horse standing, pentagon below. Petelia (Sextans), tUl**^ Head of Apollo; ft Artemis with torch. Rhegium, Head of ^ Apollo ; ft Lion's scalp facing ; others, ft Tripod, &c, mostly fine 13 -^ 37/ Rhegium, M Tetradrachm, B.C. 466-415. Lion's head facing ; in field ^ / f / ^Z ts ' <)? \/) right, a small figure of a running hare o * ^J& yV? /^V\Iic PEC I NO., Semi-draped male figure seated to right, holding kan- /_,/// /jrfi {/ *-^i~^ " tharos and staff ; behind seat, a crow ; the whole within wreath of olive, wt. 265 grs., fine, hut rev. not well struck 1 38 Rhegium, ^t Tetradrachm, B.C. 415-387. Lion's head facing A / ft PHTINOZ., Laureate head of Apollo, sprig of olive behind, >V. * t wt. 267 grs., very well preserved 1 fix l< J 39 Rhegium, M Drachms (2), B.C. 466-415. Lion's head facing; & PE- CINO-, Male figure seated, holding staff, wt. 65^ and 63 grs.,fine. . PHTINON., Head ' jof Apollo, wt. 64| grs.,fine; and two Obols of early issue 5 Terina, M Stater, B.C. 440-400. TEPINAIOIM., Head of nymph left ; $k Winged female figure seated on cippus, holding wreath ; in field, n., wt. 116^ grs. (Weber collection). Another of later style, Head of nymph to right in wreath of olive ; R Winged female gure seated on stool, holding wreath, wt. 117 grs. A Third and Sixfch-Stater, similar types 4 SICILY. Agrigentum, B.C. 415-406. A r Dilitron, Eagle devouring serpent; below, marks of value . . Crab; below, name of magistrate, Z I A AN OZ. (Boustrophedon), wt. 21 grs. (B. M. Guide, pi. XVI, 14), very fine and scarce [PI. I] 1 Agrigentum, M Tetradrachm, B.C. 415-406. AKPA-, Two eagles standing on supine hare ; one with head raised j $> Quadriga to right ; above, Victory crowning charioteer ; in exergue, a crab, wt. 264 grs., fine and very rare [PI. I] ^ /^L ~l#1V 1 %* From the Weber collection. J *y J grigentum, M Drachms (3), B.C. 472-415. Eagle with closed wings ; $1 Crab ; one has male head below crab and the letters A-Z. Litrae (2) ; &c. . 6 Camarina, Litrae (2), varied. Catana, Obols (2), varied, Head of Silenos; $> Fulmen. Geia, Litrae (2). Himera, Obol, Cock; L ^l^^^ incuse, with mill-sail divisions. Leontini, Litrae (2) ; and two yy Hemilitra of same, Lion's head; 1& Corn grain, some fine 11 Catana, M Tetradrachm, B.C. 461-415. KATANAION., Head of polio to right j m J j My^r H^uadriga going slowly to right ; above, Nike flying, wt. 265 grs. 1 Catana, M Drachm, B.C. 415-403. Head of Amenanus, horned and diademed, to left ; around, two river fishes and a cray fish ; above, - AMENANOZ. ^ /-//' >**^ ^7? $> Quadriga going to right, driven by female charioteer who is crowned by Nike ; in exergue, KATAN AlilN., wt. 63^ grs., rare 1 Gela, B.c. 415-405. N, ZOZI nOAIS., Female head to left, wearing necklace and sphendone grs., very 1 44 V K. Cii- tf y 47 / n V necklace and sphendone JcU lit /!&/'" ^A[Z]., Forepart of man-headed bull to left, wt. 171 grs. X ^Tfi/J^^fine and rare [PL I] * j / ^L^ /&^r -/g* **>/ f 48 Gela, before B.C. 466. M Tetradrachm, CEAAZ. in line above fore- part of man-headed bull to left f /f / ^ Q ua, driga, horses walking to right ; in background, meta, ^Jyl^yp^.MtJi^f^'grs., fine and scarce 1 49 Gela, B.c. 415-405. M Tetradrachm, .ZAA3 T in line above forepart of man-headed bull to right ; above, corn grain l fy Traces of legend |~E. Afl. III., Fast quadriga driven to right by &jrt 0">> rffl Nike; above, eagle flying holding serpent in its talons, wt. 207 grs. f*>J * f \^- fCC^^iB. M. Cat. Sicily, no. 57, p. 72), a rare variety 1 50 Gela, before B.C. 466. JR Didrachms (2), CEAAZ below forepart^ofy\ man-headed bull to right ^ ' #> Bearded horseman to right, wearing only crested helmet and holding ^35rca~short spear, wt. 130^ and 128^ grs., one very fine 2 *>/H. Heraclea-Minoa, B.C. 409-241. M Tetradrachm, Head of Perse- phone, copied from the coins of Syracuse, Avearing necklace and earring, and crowned with corn leaves ; around, four dolphins f 9= Quadriga to right, horses galloping, the charioteer crowned by flying J //" . " " Nike j in exergue, Punic legend (Besh Melkarth) (B. M. Cat. Sicily, 'fyfyt^ P- ^> n0, ^) w ^ ^3 9 rs '> ver y fi ne an d scarce 1 ' 52 Leontini, b.c. 466-422. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to .. . | right, border of dots // Jy yft AEONTINON. retrograde, Lion's head, open jaws, to right; / - //- *v-/ around, four corn grains, wt. 265 \ grs., very fine 1 53 Leontini, B.C. 500-466. JR Didrachm, AEONTINON., Lion's head / //J^ to right ; around, four grains of corn s/%/0 * s V Horseman cantering to right, wt. 126^ grs., very fine 1 54 Leontini, B.C. 466-422, early fine style. M Didrachm, Laureate head i / of Apollo; > AEON., Lion's head with open jaws to right ; in J t / L? field, three grains of corn, vet. 63^ grs. Litra. AEON., Lion's f head to right; $> River god holding patera over altar, id. 13 grs. ^A^U*^wnera, before B.C. 482. M Drachm, Cock to left; , Hen in incuse square, wtSQfi grs. ; and three Obols of Messana, varied 6 55 Messana, B.C. 420-396. \R Tetradrachm, M EZZAN A., Messana in / j mule-car to right ; in exergue, two dolphins facing, dotted border %OfoS& M EZZAN ION, Hare to right; below, dolphin, wt. 263 grs., < J (j very fine, and a scarce variety [PI. I] 1 // %jf %.* From the Sim collection. ?r* 8 56 M i-fc 57 Z{ l/r* 58 Ot^ Messana, B.C. 480-420. M Tetradrachro, Messana driving mule-car to left ; in exergue, two dolphins facing 9> MEZZANII2N. (in exergue), Hare running to left; beneath, wheat ear ; above, dove flying, wt. 259 grs. 1 Zancle, before B.C. 493. M Drachm, DANKLE, Dolphin within a sickle ; Ik Escallop shell in centre of incuse of peculiar form (Hist. Num. Jig. 81). Messana, B.C. 480-420, M Drachm, MEZZA- N ION, Hare to right, within wreath of olive ; > Mule-car ; above, Nike ; and in exergue, olive leaf and bud, wt. 63 grs. 2 Naxos, B.C. 415-403. M Didrachm, Head of Apollo, the hair turned up at back ; behind, olive leaf and bud C ^ $> Silenos kneeling on left knee, holding thyrsos and kantharos ; to A/ 7 right a vine plant, and to left a Priapic term; on exergual line, the signature of the artist, PPOKABZ-, wi. 125 grs., of the highest rarity [PI. I] 1 Naxos, B.C. 415-403. M Hemidrachm, . AZZINOZ, Head of young river god; |> NAZI 1 12 N, Silenos seated, holding kantharos and thyrsos, wt. 30 grs., fine. Obols (2), 461-415, Head of bearded '^^/3^'1/Dionysos ; Jfc N AXIO[N]., Bunch of grapes ; the second specimen A is varied and has NAXI in front of head of Dionysos, and no legend on rev. Motya, Obol, B.C. 420-397, Gorgon head ; $> Palm tree and Punic legend, wt. 10 grs., fine 4 60 Segesta, circa B.C. 415-409. M Didrachm, Head of the nymph Segesta / a* ^ / wearing earring, necklace and sphendone ornamented with stars ; ^r j' *t * 10 around, three barley corns ; $k Hound going to right ; behind, three ears of barley, wt. 117 grs., fine. An Obol, B.C. 500-480, ZETEZ- TAHIB-, Head of nymph facing ; I^Dog ; above, wheel, wt. 12 grs., fine and rare ; and an Obol of Selinus, B.C. 466-415, Nymph seated with serpent; 9> Z E A I N O EZ., Man-headed bull to right, wt. 1 1 grs. 3 Selinus, B.C. 466-415. M Tetradrachm, ZEAINOZ, Young river- god Selinus sacrificing at altar, before which is a cock, indicating I J. it as sacred to Asklepius, in the left hand of Selinus is the lustral 5 .,i fyr y P> ZEAINONTION, Apollo and Artemis in quadriga, Apollo dis 61 branch ; behind him, a selinon-leaf and an image of a bull standing on a base 62 I 4 tU*i charging arrows ; in exergue, grain of corn, wt. 265 grs., fine 1 Syracuse, circa B.C. 480. M Tetradrachms (3), Head of Goddess to right surrounded by dolphins, she wears necklace of pearls ; the hair is delineated by dots and is turned up at back, the ends passing under beaded cord ; the third has the hair descending below truncation fy Quadriga to right ; above, Nike flying to right, about to crown the horses (the two first are similar to Head, pi. I, 6), fine 3 X 63 Syracuse, circa B.C. 480. M Didrachm, ZYPAKOZION., Head of goddess to right, hair waved over forehead and turned up at ^ , back over pearl diadem ; |SL Bearded horseman going to right, flit. 123 grs. (fourrde). Drachm, Litra, and Obols (as Head, pi. I, nos. 7, 8, 9) 5 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZYPAKOZION-, / Or/7 Female head to right, wearing earring and necklace, hair turned up ' ' (/fe^-rt anc * ro ^ e( ^ at Dac ^ rfj j * / / #> Quadriga to right, Victory flying right with fillet, wt. 266| grs. 3 J (for style compare Head, pi. II, 6 and 8). very fine although the obv. '^ x '/ shows flaw in the die 1 ^65 Syracuse, B.C. 479-466. A\ Tetradrachm, ZVP A KOZ I ON., Female head to right, wearing earring and necklace with pendant, hair P bound with a double cord passing three times round head and once round back hair, which descends to line of truncation ; around, Osftf^Ls four dolphins 9> Quadriga going slowly to right, the charioteer holds a long goad in right hand and the reins in both ; above, Nike flying right about to crown horses ; in exergue, pistrix (Read, pi. II, 10), wt. 265 grs., very fine [PI. I] 1 66 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. ^l Tetradrachm, ZYPAKOZION., V v Female head to right, wearing earring and necklace, the hair waved sf* ,, /J at sides, turned up at back, and bound with pearled cord passing jn^s once round the head ; around, four dolphins fyth*^~ ^ Quadriga going slowly to right ; above, Nike flying right, about to o Mwj crown the horses; in exergue, pistrix (Read, pi. II, 9), wt. 261 grs., / fine J^ t^ ^* ** 1 67 Syracuse, b.c. 479-466. M Tetradrachm, ZY PA KOZ I ON, Female head to right, wearing earring and necklace, the hair bound with sphendone, the long ends of which are wound three times round the head ; around, four dolphins Jk Quadriga, horses walking to right; above, Nike (Read pi. in, 1), wt. 256 grs. [PI. I] ^///^*w f* 1 Syracuse, b.c. 466-406. Al Tetradrachm, ZY-PAKOZION., Female head to right wearing earring, necklace, and ampyx adorned with olive wreath ; the hair enclosed in sakkos, drawn f/ ^k^%^- together at top, and ornamented with a band of maeander, and dentated patterns ; around, dolphins & Quadriga to right, above, Nike flying right with fillet, wt. 265^ grs. f ^fflead. pi. Ill, 3), fine [PL I] 1 # M 10 fa 69-, Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. M Tetradrachm, somewhat similar to the /' (1/ t>C//-'^preceding, wt. 264 grs., fair condition 1 70 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. JR Tetradrachm, ZYP A KOZ I O, Female / head wearing earring and necklace, the hair bound with a cord < // passing around four times, and terminating in a knot at back of ' J tyf**' head h lOi/H^ Jl Quadriga, horses walking to right crowned by flying Nike, wt. AS 252 grs. (Head, pi. ill, iv) 1 71 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. M Tetradrachm, by Eumenes, ZYPAK [OZION]-, Female head wearing earring, necklace, hair rolled, across front of head ampyx ; around, four dolphins $ Quadriga to right, horses galloping in step ; above, Nike with untied wreath about to crown charioteer, wt. 260 grs. (comp. Head, jpl. in, 12), a scarce type 1 Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. M Tetradrachm by Euainetos, ZY- P A KOZ I ON., Female head to left wearing earring and necklace, . hair bound with sphendone ornamented with star ; around, four . IL i/fC t C^jiolphins 9> Quadriga to right ; above, Nike flying, holding wreath, and tablet inscribed ; in exergue, two dolphins meeting, wt. 235| grs. 1 73 Syracuse, B.C. 415-404. Tetradrachm, by Kimon, Head of Arethusa, nearly facing, wearing two necklaces, upper one plain, the lower formed of pearls, dolphins darting in and out among her flowing locks J 9> ZYPAK[OZION]., Quadriga, horses prancing; Nike alighting on r .their heads, is about to crown the charioteer, the horses have over- y 'i^w^-^^Li y ( J LI turned the meta, and the driver looks back as if at a rival chariot is close behind him ; in exergue, ear of barley, wt. 259| grs. [PI. I] 1 74 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. iR, Tetradrachm, traces of legend, Female head to right wearing earring, necklace, and sphendone tied above, and ornamented behind with stars ; around, four dolphins 9> Quadriga going to left ; above, Nike flying to right, about to crown charioteer ; in exergue, ear of barley, wt. 262 grs., fine [PI. I] 1 75 Syracuse, B.C. 415-405. M Drachm, by Eumenes, ZYPAK- OXION., Female head to right, hair waved and bound by diadem crossed; beneath, EYMENOY. ; around, four dolphins 9> AEY K A Z PIZ., Leukaspis advancing right in attitude of attack, wearing crested helmet, and armed with sword and oval shield, wt. 6l grs. (Head, pi. ill, 15) 1 ///' 11 *% ^^-rt'.0~^, 33C~^A V^ /**^ <^/v^ ^f'**' * Syracuse, B.C. 405-335. /R Dekadrachm, by Euainetos, without signa- ture, ZYPAKOSII2N-, Head of Persephone to left wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves around, four dolphins // Q jfc H^. - driven to left, horses in high action ; above, flying Nike crown charioteer ; in exergue, suit of defensive armour ; "'- v and below, A0AA-, wt. 656^ grs., a very fine and exceedingly well spread medallion [PI. I] . 1 Syracuse, B.C. 405-335. M Dekadrachm or Medallion, by Euainetos, without signature, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring and _^^ necklace, hair turned up at back, arranged in wavy curls and bound with wreath of corn leaves ; around, four dolphins $> Quadriga driven to left, horses in high action, above flying Nike about to crown charioteer, in exergue, suit of defensive armour, wt. 659 grs., very fine [PI. I] 1 'Syracuse, B.C. 466-406. N Head of young Herakles clad in lion's skin ^Sg^ 5> ZYPA- in the angles of quadripartite incuse square with SwHIft^fra^yg^^ head in circular indent in centre {Read, pi. in, 9), wt. 1 7^grs., very fine \J?~*. -rf* ^v^ *^-^-**; _ y j^CR Aegis with Gorgon head, wt. 10J grs., very fine [PI. I] 1 ^yn^c jg, v^. y; Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. El. Piece of 50 Litra, Laureate, Head of Apollo to left ; behind, bow (^ "v^ ZYPAKOZIX2N., Tripod, wt. 5Syrs., very fine [PI. I] 1 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. El. Piece of 50 TtTra^Laureate Head of Apollo to left ; behind, lamp tj * $ ZYPAK[OXION]., Tripod, wt. 564 grs. (B. M. Guide,pl. xxvi,r 34), very fine 1 Syracuse, B.C. 345-317. El. Laureate head of Apollo to left, hair long //> /$ffAfi&> ZYPAKOZII2N., Lyre with five cords (Head, pi. vi, 5), wt. // 28f grs., fine 1 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, , V (S wreathed with leaves of barley ; around, three dolphins, two in front y ^ of head and one behind ; beneath neck N I ^^^^^jy^ZYPAKOZIHN. (in exergue), Quadriga to left, horses in high action; above, triskelis ; in exergue, below legend, Al. (mon.), wt. 266 grs., extremely fine [PI. I] 1 84 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310 (Agathocles, 1st period). A 7 " Drachm, j~ Laureate head of Ares or young Herakles to left ; behind, ear of barley ^ZYPAKOZIUN., Biga to right, beneath the horses, triskelis (Head, pi. vm, 1), wt. 67 grs., very fine [PI. I] 1 i .{^JJ^ V 82 I) li M 12 85 Syracuse, B.C. 317-310. N Drachm, Head of Ares or young Herakles 1/U tj A+J jL/ t0 left $ ZYPAKOZII2N., Biga to right, below horses, triskelis (Head, fZ ~^*-k***s*' pi. viii, 1), wt. 66J grs.,fine 1 86 Syracuse. Agathocles, b.c. 307-289. N Drachm, Head of Pallas ^^^^^g ,jj^.jjjf~r to ri s ht *S*- *** - ^L..y> ArAGOKAEOS. BAZIAEOZ-, Thunderbolt, wt. 89 flvs., ~&~*. **- 6 1 jT/icIji/ * ArAGOKAEOZ. B ,/ jf t^Ldi/ very fine and rare \~E1. I] 87 Syracuse. Agathocles, b.c. 310-307. i5t Tetradrachm, KOPAZ-, *^$r:J-j\J&* Head of Persephone crowned with corn to right 3^ _ 4 $o ATA0OKAEIOZ., in exergue, Nike erecting trophy, in Mif^J^f / triskelion, and, A I. (mon.), wt. 26 hjir^/wrii fine [PI. I] 1 (3c^/i ^ rAj^-~~- f(/A*\ C * - - -~^*y ^ ^t~ * ^ e '~ 88 Syracuse. Agathocles, b.c. 307-289. M Didrachm, Hea$ of Pallas j^.^ / in Corinthian helmet to right L ' fy Pegasos to left ; above, star (Head, pi. IX, 12), wt. 104 grty very fine 1-^* ^j*% 89 Syracuse. Hicetas, b.c. 287-278. AT Drachm, ZYP A KOZIUN., ^ v>? Head of Persephone, corn wreath in hair ; behind head, cornucopia / ^ * ^*~ /^ ^(UB^ICM/^ EH I. I KETA., in exergue, Biga driven by winged Nike to right, sf (Head, pi. x, 1), wt. 65| #rs., very fine [PI. I] 1 90' Syracuse. Hieron II, b.c. 275-216. N Head of Persephone to left gA^^ t ] y wearing necklace and earring, hair bound with wreath of barley ; &yi . J7?; IEPI2NOZ., Biga tojlft driven by female charioteer, wt. 66 grs., "^g /*' very -fine and scarce [PI. I] 1 '[/ (As S''(ff^ ti(j 91 Syracuse. Gelon II, b.c. 275-216. M Piece of 8 Litra, Head of ^g^-^*^ Gelon diademed to left *^&tv'> * ZYPAKOZIOI. rEAHNOZ., Biga driven by Nike going. ^/^^ ^ slowly to right, in front of horses M (cf. Head, pi. xi, 4), wt. 104| grs., very fine [PI. I] ^_1 63 S}2 Syracuse. Hieronymus, b.c. 216-215. M Piece of 5 Litra, Dia- .^w._ ^ demed head of Hieronymus to left L4y^y~ *>i JT*Si ft^BAZIAEOZ. I EPHNYMOY., Thunderbolt above Ml (Head, ^ZSX^ pl./Zii, 12), wt. 66 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. I] . 1 ^^/^ ^/ 93 Syracuse, B.C. 215-212. ^l Piece of 12 Litr< Head of Pallas to lett, plain helmet 9> ZYPAKOZIUN., Artemis huntress with hound, in field to left, Zfl., wt. 156^ grs., fine tj } x 1 ^*< y?-. c -f&c. 13 f- 4-1 94 Syracuse, B.C. 215-212. Democracy, M Piece of 8 Litra, Helmeted ~^&i^rz^ ^> ^ head of Pallas to left, the helmet plain v &?* -&pr~^-&'& rg^< * "^4^ ZYPAKOZII2N., Fulmen, in field, HA. (Head, pi. xm, 4), wt. 164 1 grs., very fine 1 Syracuse, B.C. 405-345. M Stater, Corinthian type, Obol, ZYPA- KOZION., Female head to left, hair in sphendone; behind, dolphin; 9> Sepia, wt. 12 grs., very fine. Piece of 2| Litrae, B.C. 345-317, ZYPAKO > Head of Pallas, nearly facing, wearing crested helmet; 5k Horseman to right; below, N. ; above, wheat ear, wt. 27^ grs., fine. Another, Head of Persephone to left ; $1 Pore- part of Pegasos, wt. 19 grs. ; and another, same period, ZYPA- KOZION., Janiform female head laureate ; Jl Horse ; below, N. ; above, wheat* ear, wt. 23| grs. Four Obols, early type 9 c^ N Piece of 15 Litra, Laureate head 1 lureate of Apollo to left ; behind, club P &j TAYPOME NITAN-, Tripod-lebes, wt. 16 grs.,fifte J 96 Tauromenium, b.c. 275-210 Y. ,97 Tauromenium, B.C. 275-210. M Piece of 4 Litra, Laureate head of C /fl/?A^f ^P ^ ^ right? s ^ ar behind ^^ ~ . -O QKjW^ TAY poM EN I TAN., Tripod-lebes (B. M. Guide^pl^Nii, 40), ^~J^f / 1 1 h/l * 50 grs., very fine and scarce / lr 1 Bronze of Cent uripae. Head of Zeus; ^ Fulmen, size 7. Hybla Magna. Veiled female head wearing modius ; $k Dionysos with panther, size 5. Mamertini. Head of young Ares; t Eagle, size 7. Messana (2). Head of Pelorius; $> Pheraemon in fighting attitude, size 5. Head of Demeter ; $> Zeus, size 5. Syracuse. Eleven varieties as Head, pi. vn, 1, vii, 2, ix, 3, ix, 13, x, 5, x, 7, x, 11, xi, 1, all very fine 16 MACEDON, THRACE, AND THE EUROPEAN COASTS OF THE EUXINE. 99 Orrescii, before B.C. 480. M Stater, Centaur kneeling on one knee S to right, carrying in his arms a female clad in long chiton (9 9> Quadripartite incuse, wt. 136 grs., very fine and rare 100 Lete, B.C. 500-480. Dumpy fabric M Staters (2), Naked ithyphallic Satyr, with horse's feet, &c, seizing by the wrist a woman clad in sleeveless talaric chiton with diplois, pellets in field ; the second example is of fiat fabric 9? Quadripartite square, wt. 151 and 140 grs., very fine 2 14 101 c/7 Lete, B.C. 500-480. M One-and-Half Obols (2), Satyr kneeling; 9= Incuse. Aegae, M Obols (2), Goat kneeling ; 9> Incuse. Acan- thus, JR Tetrobol, Forepart of bull, head reverted; R Incuse, ler, Forepart of lion ; R Incuse square. Diobols (2), of same, "Archaic head of Pallas; R Incuse. Terone, JR Tetrobol, T. E. at sides of an oinochoe ; 9> Incuse square. C hale id ice, M Tetro- bol, Head of Apollo to right; R XAAXIAE12N around a lyre, the whole within shallow incuse square. Amphipolis, M Obol, Youthful head with taenia; R AMI, Dolphin. Philippi, M Drachm, Head of Herakles ; R 1 J&r^? ~ 103 /Acanthus, after B.c. 424. M Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull; ^^_^ _^ / above, ivy leaf C^z^^f. R AKAN0ION. around shallow incuse, in centre square, divided j u >\^T " into four parts, wt. 262 grs., very fine ' .,..- 1 ^^g^^J 104 Acanthus, B.C. 424-400. ^R Tetradrachm, Lion attacking bull, bor- > der of dots fl^lfrvy>/ 5 ^fe R AKAN0ION. around shallow incuse, the centre divided in four quarters, raised and granulated, wt 220 grs., very fine and rare [PLITL 1 Chajcidice, Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-379. M Tetradrachm, ^6^/ ^ j t ^Laureate head of Apollo to left r\j\ V_-J" 6^t/^. /'s 4 XAA. KIA. E.QN., Lyre with seven chords, w. 22ty grs., very fine \ &j^a and rare [PL II] 1 c&^jZf Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-379. M Tetradrachm, y Head of Apollo to right R XAA KIA EX2N., Lyre with seven chords; below, Ell I OAY [MniO-]> wl" 224 grs., very fine and rare [PI. II] n 4 <3/ r-'t 107 Philippi, circa B.C. 358. N Stater, Head of Herakles wearing lion's skin to right R <|>|AIPPf2N., Tripod; to right, Head of ibex, wt 132 grs., very f ,\ -Xf fine and scarce [PI. II] 1 15 KINGS OF MACEDON. Archelaus I, B.C. 413-399. M Stater, Young male head to right, '^i.j.3~ s&i*./. incuse square, wt. 147 grs.,fine and scarce 1 c^^L~*< ^yy<^- wearing taenia X O -?fe [A]PXEA[A]0 he Horse walking to right with trailing rein, in 109 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. N Double Stater, Laureate head of Apollo^^ to right ; beneath, I ysr- j s^VL^ fy |- AIPPOY. across the field, between a bow and club; beneath the latter a trident, head to right, wt. 33| grs., very fine. N~ Eighth of Stater, Head of young Herakles to right, wearing lion's skin ; B> 4>IAIPPOY., a trident, wt. 16 grs., very fine 2 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Zeus to right '*% #> | A I P POY., Bearded Macedonian horseman wearing kausia and ^ ^pYJ/ls&vfa r ~ chlamys going to left, the right hand raised ; beneath horse, mono- 114 Philip II, B.C. 359-336. JR Tetradrachms (2), Laureate head of Zeus to right B> Macedonian horseman ; the second specimen of barbarous workman- ship, fine . 2 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. AT Double Stater, Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with serpent J* j,\ * 9> AAEZANAPOY., Winged Nike holding trophy, stand and j^^/r ^t fl& .-- va-v-^-e^. & 'S>_ ^^ffii&L&A*- wreath; infield to left, kantharos, wt. 265 grs., very fine [PI. II] 1 " 116 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. AT Stater, Head of Pallas, 'the j- / helmet adorned with coiled snake QiJPi'L 9> AAEEANAPOY.; in field left, palm branch and Zl. (Sidon), wt^L3l grs., very fine [PI. II] 1 &bi ^w 16 117 Alexander the Great, b.c. 334. N Stater, Head of Pallas, helmet A _ /) -4tT adorned with griffin J * 9. AAEZANAPOY., Nike with wreath, &c. ; in field to left, 1 ^fulmen, wt. 132 grs., fine 1 J/ 118 Alexander the Great. Circular Medallion, Head of Alexander the Great , plain, size 5, wt. 107 J grs., fine [PI. II] 1 i j, / 9 plain, size 5, wt. lU/ grs.,Jine [PI. 11] '^/M&CAs**^ From the " Tresor de Tarse," probably about the time of Caracalla 119 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. N Quarter f Stater, Head of / / / Pallas, the helmet adorned with coiled serpent /lu^cC V?? . *,, k A A EH AN A POY., Bow and club, wt. 33 grs., scarce t ' / 1 120 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. Tetradrachm of the first issue, Laureate head of Zeus, as on the coins of Philip AAEHAN APOY, Eagle on fulmen, head turned to left; in field right, a prow, and to left, olive spray, wt. 222^ grs., very fine 1. II]" -v^-W, \ 1 This interesting and remarkable Tetradrachm is of the highest rarity, there being, it is presumed, only two other examples known, one in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, a variety of the one here described, and another, similar to the present, now in the British Museum, see notice by W. Wroth, Num. Chron., 1891, and also Dr. F. Imhoof-Blumer, " Monnaies Grecques," 1883. J 121 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. M Didrachm, early fabric, ""' Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right V AAEHAN APOY., Zeus ^Etophorus to left; in front, M ; under throne, mon., wt. 127 grs., very fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 / 122 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. M Didrachm, later fabric, rf Al Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right 9> AAEHANAPOY., Zeus ^tophorus to left ; in front forepart of griffin ; under throne, mon., wt. 127 grs., may fine and very rare 1 123 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. M Drachm of first coinage, yj /7 Head of young Herakles to right in lion's skin; B> AAEHAN A" a^ - U POY., Eagle standing; in front, caduceus, wt. 63 grs., fine and rare ; and a Diobol of same coinage, Head of young Herakles ; G^Usuyr- Bj AAEHAN A POY, Two eagles, facing, standing on fulmen, - 4 ** fine 2 124 Alexander the Great, B.C. 336-323. M, Tetradrachms (3), early fabric. Head of young Herakles in lion's skin f / 3 ^ AAEHANAPOY., Zeus ^Etophorus seated to left; (a) in front, (y ' f A A AYP (mon.) in circle, legs of throne ornamented ; (b) in front, flA ~~tL ANHZ. ; (b) and w ' 'J* /? (c) struck at Miletus, in field, M I and lion ; one specimen has a ( '^w^/fsA+ iS ho rizontal club under throne, all fine 3 126 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. JR Tetradrachms (3); (a) BAZIAE12Z AAEEANAPOY. HAA. (Halicarnassus), mono- sj J gram under throne, and EYflPO in exergue; (b) AAEEAN- C?C y ./y s? APOY. TA. (mon.) under throne, and flower in front of Zeus; {"t^/fa^) AAEEANAPOY. K0 in front of Zeus, all fine 3 127 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. M Tetradrachms (3); (a) AAEEANAPOY, Aramaic legend under extended arm of Zeus; (b) AAEEANAPOY, K B. in front of Zeus, and <|> under throne ; (c) AAEEANAPOY. AZ (Ascalon), and I, in front of Zeus, \J ' J all fine 3 128 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. M Tetradrachms (3); (a) AAEEANAPOY. (Cilicia), rudder in front of Zeus, under S *2 A* / 18 Alexander the Great, b.c. 336-323. JR Hemidrachms (3), Obols (3), one of early coinage ; 9> AAEEANAPOY, Fulmen, fine and 'scarce 6 Philip III (Aridaeus), B.C. 323-316. N One-twelfth Stater, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right ' '&Oa4V a rA | n n o Y, Fulmen, wt. 1 grs., fine and scarce 1 136 Philip III (Aridaeus), B.C. 323-316. ^l Tetradrachms (3), Head of young Herakles in lion's skin to right; $> | AIPPOY. BAZI- AEX2Z., title under throne, Zeus seated to left; (a) has monogram y , in field to left, and X under throne ; (b) has AY over prow in front, /Z/'jr/^**^ and H under throne ; (c) with two monograms in front, and I rone, fine and somewhat scarce 3 H Philip III (Aridaeus), B.C. 323-316. M Drachms (2), Hemidrachms (3). \^*0/t Demetrius Poliorcetes, Hemidrachm 6 138 Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. M Tetradrachm, Head of, / Demetrius, horned, and wearing plain fillet, to right If & BAZI AEI2Z. AHMHTPIOY., Poseidon, with one foot resting y on rock, holding long trident in left handj in, field, star, and 139 //7. I . fo A I, wt. 26 i grs., very fine [PI. II] Demetrius Poliorcetes, b.c. 306-283. M Tetradrachm, Head of Demetrius, horned, and wearing plain fillet, to right ^ $> BAZIAEI2Z. AHMHTPIOY., Poseidon, with one foot resting on rock, holding long trident in left hand ; one monogram to left, wt. 267 grs., fine 1 140 Antigonus Gonatas, B.C. 277-239. M Tetradrachm, Macedonian shield, in the centre of which a head of Pan, horned ; behind his head, pedum V BAZIAEJQZ. ANTITONOY., Athena Alkis hurling thunder- bolt ; in field to left a helmet, to right H P (mon.), wt. 260 grs., very fine 1 141 Philip V, B.C. 220-178. M Drachm, Head of Philip to right, wearing ^ ^__ plain diadem, to right I V BAZIAEI2Z IAinnOY divided by club; in field, three monograms ; the whole in oak wreath ; outside wreath, fulmen, _ 4/*J>9^ grs., very fine [PI. II] 1 142 Philip V, B.C. 220-178. M Didrachm, Drachm, and Hemidrachm, / { Head of Philip to right, wearing plain diadem ^L**f A $ BAZIAEftZ. 4>IAinnOY., Club, three monograms in fieldf^^I,^/ / the whole within oak wreath, wt. 121 grs. and 64 grs., the first piece ^v />, 4 CUjfi 5 P oor > ^ e secon d fi ne > an d the third in good condition 3 jL / T **' 19 Mil Philip V, B.C. 220-178. M Tetrad rachm, Macedonian shield ; in the centre of which head of Perseus to left, wearing winged helmet surmounted by griffin's head ; at his shoulder, harpa yhf V- BAZIAEX2Z. <1>IAI nnOY., Club in oak wreath ; three mono- grams in field, vet. 264 grs., very fine and rare [PI. II] 1 M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Perseus 144 C& Perseus, b.c. 178-168. / to right f~* & BAZIAEX22. P EPZEI2Z., Eagle on fulmen, above pi (mon.), 1 (fl/7/to J 1111 ^ ^ )etweeQ tne legs of eagle EY (mon.) ; the whole withki a wreath w^r o | ^^ below tie of wreath a plough, vet. 256 grs., very fine [PL II] 1 145 Perseus, B.C. 178-168. ^l Drachm, Diademed head of Perseus to right - , y / fy BAZIAEX1S. PEPXE12E. divided by horizontal club, in field fj W Jfc re e monograms ; the whole within a wreath of oak, vet. 63^ grs., preserved and excessively rare [PI. II] 1 c 2 I -3 20 SECOND DAY'S SALE. KINGS OF PAEONIA. r. s 359-340. M Tetradrachm (debased Macedonian "^U/^*^ weight), Head of Apollo, laureate, to left Lycceius, B.C. [AYKKEIOY], Hercules contending with lion ; in field, club and /Z- ^^"Tf^rpent, wt. 193| grs. (chisel cut on rev.), fine and rare 1 $7 Patraus, B.C. 340-315. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, to right; fy IIATPAOY., Horseman spearing prostrate foe, wt. 196| grs., very fine (Hist. Num., fig. 151); and a Drachm, Head of ^- Apollo ; 9> Forepart of wild boar, tut. 49 grs., fine 2 '% "/t4^- r 150 fi 151 Audoleon, circa B.C. 315-286. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas ^ 3 / AYAftAEONTOZ., Free horse walking to right; in field, ffjj pellet, wt. 191^ grs., very fine (Hist. Num., fig. 152) [PI. II] 1 Macedonia, under the Eomans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Diademed bust of Artemis in high relief in centre of Macedonian "^ <^^~/i shield > LEG- M AKEAONI2N., Club ; above, hand with sprig of olive ; outside wreath, 0H (mon.) ; the whole within wreath of oak with acorns, wt. 256| grs., very fine and very rare [PI. II] 1 Macedonia, under the Romans, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, MAKEAON12N., Head of Alexander the Great, hair long and flowing; behind head, 0. 9> AESILLAS Q-, Quaestorial insignia, the whole within wreath, wt. 25 7 grs., very fine condition (Hist. Num., fig. 155) 1 Macedonia, under the Eomans, after B.C. 146. M Tetrobols (5), o and club displayed on Macedonian shield ; Jt Helmet, Shield with wheelornament ; $k MAKEAON., Prow, Head of Bacchante; Prow, all very fine; and three Obols (?) of Eion 8 21 152 /r 153 155 THRACE. Aenus, circa B.C. 450400. JR Tetradrachm, Head of Mercury to left, ^f, wearing close fitting petasos with dotted border, the hair on fore- # ^ M ,, JS>t head delineated by straight lines and at back of head by straight 3fs 6 ?7^ lines and plait R^AIN., Goat to right; crescent and ivy leaf; the whole within square incuse, wt. 253| grs., very fine [PL II] 1 Maroneia, b.c. 450-400. M Tetradrachm, M API2NHITEI2N. above, Prancing horse with trailing rein to left R MHTPOAOTO. around shallow incuse; in centre, within linear jjumare, grape vine, wt. 216 grs., fine (B. M. Cat., no. 14) 1 Maroneia, before B.C. 400. ^R Didrachm, Forepart of horse to left ; R M A PEX2NIT[I2N]. around shallow incuse; in centre, linear square divided into four parts, wt. 106 grs., pierced. Aenus, B.C. 400-350. M Four Obols, Head of Hermes nearly facing, inclined to left, wearing petasos, with beaded ornament around ; R AINION-j Goat ; in front, tripod, wt. 38 grs., very fine 2 Abdera, B.C. 450-430. M Tetradrachm, Griffin with pointed wings ^^ ^r/* /g g j rearing to left; above, kantharos ?&>?, x,& v : e~ " En I. M EAAN I n nO around shallow incuse ; in centre, square 7 ivided into four parts, wt. 228 grs., fine [PI. II] \<^ZZ%*~~s. ^^s^ &3 /3 era, B.C. 500-450. JR Drachm, AEO, Griffin with curled wings, paw raised ; R Shallow incuse square, wt. 49 J grs. Diobol, Recumbent griffin; R nPXlTHZ, Bull's head. Maroneia Hemidrachms (2), 7 Forepart of horse ; R Incuse square. A po 1 1 n i a Hemidrachm, Lion's scalp; R APOA in corners of square. JR of the Thracian Cher- sonesus (5). Drachm of Chersonesus, Head of turreted Artemis ; RXEP, Stag 11 / / 157 Thasos, B.C. 550-465. M Staters, naked ithyphallic Satyr kneeling ' ^ sisT on one knee, anc ^ carrying in his arms a nymph ^CyiA^r*^% Quadripartite incuse square, wts. 143 grs. and 137| grs., fine 2 158 Thasos, B.C. 465-411. ^R Stater, Naked ithyphallic Satyr with long rn ears and horse's tail kneeling on one knee to right and carrying in <]/*' / h' s arm s a nymph ; in field to right, dolphin ; R Quadripartite incuse 'y^^^--yfi / ^% % ^ square, wt. 135 grs. ; and another, of early style, with below figures, wt. 131 grs. 2 yi j. 159 Thasos, B.C. 465-311. M Drachm, Naked ithyphallic Silenos, with ^. * ^ * horse's tail, kneeling on one knee, carrying in his arms a nymph R Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 56*5 grs., very fine 1 \ > /J < / %^(^ &L 6 22 160 Thasos, B.C. 411-350. M Drachms (2), Head of bearded Dionysos, ivy crowned ' fp^v^^y' s '; B> 0AZION, Hearakles kneeling, shooting with bow and arrow '2 Thasos, after B.C. 146. M Tetradrachm, Head of young Dionysos, crowned with ivy to left; $ HPAKAEOYZ. ZHTHPOZ. 0AZII2N., Herakles naked, standing with club and lion's skin, wt. 258J grs. (Hist. Num. Jig. 166). Hemidrachm, Head of bearded I)ionysos ; !, 0AZII2N, and club within wreath. Quarter Drachm, Silenos kneeling, holding kantharos; fy 0AZII2N, Amphora. Obol, Two dolphins ; fy Incuse 4 \ $* U^ Byzantium, B.C. 350. M Tetradrachm, YIYy, Bull standing on dolphin to left, offside foot raised ^fU^f / } Incuse of shallow mill-sail pattern, each division garnished with dots, wt. 231 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 167), fine and scarce 1 I/O 163 Byzantium, B.C. 350. JR Tetradrachm, Y1Y., Bull standing on dolphin to right, offside foot raised ; in fmnt in ypat-.h 9> Mill-sail pattern incuse, each division garnished with dots, ivt. 233 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. 167, var.),fine and scarce 1 Byzantium, B.C. 277-270. M Tetradrachm, Head of veiled Demeter ^ ^y. S2-, ' wearing corn wreath 7 Ji T ^^**y ~ . Poseidon seated on rock to right, holding trident and aplustre ; in^^ *^ 198 grs. S* vzs~. ^ 1 ?'%/&, s. Odessus, after circa B.C. 146. JR Tetradrachms (3) of the Alexandriner^^ jzj?./i type. Head of young Herakles in lion's skin AAKI2, and in exergue, OAH, very fine; the others, 0E under ^ * 3 field, Y1Y.; and in exergue, EI1I. MENIZKOY., wt. (Hist. Num., fig. 168), very rare [PI. Ill] ' * 165 > BAZIAEI2Z. AAEEANAPOY., Zeus seated; (a) in front, AAKI2, and in exergue, OAH, very fine arm of Zeus, and mon. under throne, fine V / % Mesembria, B.C. 450-350. M Diobol, Crested helmet facing y /"/> 9> M ETA in the quarters of a radiate wheel, wt. 20 grs., very fine ; M, J? same type, size 4, very fine. And a Diobol of Sparadocus, King ^ a _^$i^^ of Thrace, b.c. 430. in incuse square ZPA, Forepart of horse; Ji> Eagle flying, 3 167 Panticapaeum, b.c. 350. N Stater, Head of Pan in profile to left, v . // wearing wreath of ivy .*? y/^j. j[ (J * B> n AN., Lion headed gryphon, horned and winged, standing on stalk ^&Lu */ ' wli&vtisi/^ * Parley and holding in his mouth a javelin, wt. 139 grs., very fine Sy j^ nANTI-, Forepart of horse, wt. 28f grs. ; B.C. 400-300, Lion's scalp; #> nANTI., Kam's head, id. 10 grs. ; Head of Pan, facing; $ PAN-, Bull's head; M, Head of Pan; Bj nANTI, Bow and arrow, size 8, fine; Head of Pan ; Jo Lion's head ; Head of Pan ; #> Forepart of griffin 7 pac Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. ^R Tetradrachm, Head of the deified Alexander, with the horn of Amnion BAZIAEI2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated; in front, Caduceus monogram; and behind, monogram, wt. 264 grs., fine, and of fine style 1 rk. 170 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm, Head J'^ A of deified Alexander, with horn of Ammon to right ^-~7j/f / $ BAZIAEI2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated, to left; in front, rfh^^yC^*^^ monogram, id. 263 grs., very fine style and in fine condition 1 171 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm, Head X /V of the deified Alexander, with the horn of Ammon . V-~wv/ / Jk BAZIAEttZ. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas Nikephoros seated; in /^^^^exergue, I, wt. 260 grs., fine 1 Lysimachus, King of Thrace, B.C. 323-281. M Tetradrachm, the deified Alexander, with the horn of Ammon $ BAZIAEX2Z. AYZIMAXOY., Pallas seated to left ; in front, TE (mon.); on throne, K- ; in exergue, ear of barley, wt. 259 grs., fine ; and two Drachms, one with Alexandrine type, and the other with deified head of Alexander 3 173 Bronze. Beroea, AA6EAN A POY., Helmeted head of Alexander the Great to right jjjf % //~~ & KOIN. MAK6. B. Neil BePAiniM., Male figure semi-draped, ^ y j y sacrificing at an altar, beyond is a table with two urns, each/*/ >sw containing a palm ; in background a column surmounted by a vase ; in the field, OC=275 of the Actian era=A.D. 245 (size 7), (Mionnet, tome I, p. 469, no. 164 ; Hist. Num. p. 211), very fine and / { rare [PL II] 1 174 Cossea, N, B.C. 42 (coined by Brutus for payment of the troops ^ y tf before the battle of Philippi). KOZI2N (in exergue), Brutus / . / walking to left, between two lictors ; in front, BR (mon.) RvEagle on sceptre, holding a wreath, wt. 128 grs., very fine [PL III] 1 175 Cossea, N, B.C. 42. Similar to last, but without monogram on O, 4 } 24 176 Bronze. Macedonia. Philip II (3), Head of Apollo; ft Horseman. Alexander the Great (5 var.) Thrace Byzantium. Julia Domna, IOYAIA. DOMNA., Bust to right; R. BYHANTII2N., Crescent and star (size 4), fine. Maroneia. Horse to right; 9> MAPI2NITHN., Grape vine in linear square (size 4), fine. lesembria. Female head to right ; ftMEXA. MBPIANI2N-, Athena Alkis (size 6), fine. Gordian III and Tranquillina, AYTK, * MA rOPAIANOC AVr. CEB. TPANKYAAINA-, C Busts facing; R, MECAM- BPIANI2N-, Concord standing, holding patera and cornucopia (size 7), very fine. Lysimachia. Veiled head of Demeter; ft Nike (size 5), fine. Samothrace. Head of Pallas; ft ZAMO. APIAN., Cybele seated. 14 THESSALY. \ * u tt 1 177 /R Obols, &c. of Heracleia (2), Lion's head to right; $ HPA , Club (/ and ivy leaf. Lamia, Head of young Dionysos ; ft AAMIEI2N., \ '/ Amphora. Larissa, Horse to right; ft AA-, Nymph playing ball. ^ __, Oetaei, Lion's head with spear in mouth; ft OITA, Bow and / ^ quiver (much chipped). Pharcadon, Horse to right; ft 4>APKA- \ -*> AON ION., Pallas standing. Pharsalus, Head of Pallas to right ; ' ft <|>A... Horse's head ; and a Diobol of same, Head of Pallas in crested helmet, three quarter face to left; ft <|>APZ., Horseman brandishing weapon 8 178 Larissa, circa B.C. 450-400. M Drachms (2), Youth restraining bull, to left, he wears chlamys which is flying behind, and in field- hi v petasos which has fallen from his head ; border of dots; ft A A PI }- * V ZAI A., Horse galloping to right, within incuse square, wt. 92 grs., Is very fine. B.C. 400-344. Head of the fountain nymph Larissa three- quarter face to right, wearing sphendone ; border of dots ; ft AAPI., Horse drinking, wt. 93 grs., fine 2 179 Larissa, B.C. 400-344. M Drachms (2), Head of the fountain nymph Larissa nearly facing, from a different dies ft AAPIZ AlilN. in exergue, Horse drinking to right, wt. 92 grs., fine; the second piece has the inscription AAPIZAI in exergue 2 180 Magnetes, B.C. 197-146. M Drachm, Head of Zeus crowned with ^^ y^r -> A , oak to right ; behind head, H. f- 2 ft [MATNHTflN]., Artemis with bow seated on prow to left; in *-i&^< 'Vi front, a dolphin ; in field to right, monogram and E ; and to left, a ^-e*"*^**- star, wt. 64 grs., very fine and rare [PL III] , . y 1 c^^ jf S 179 u 'It s 25 181 Pherae. Alexander, Tyrant, B.C. 369-357. M Drachm, Head of Artemis Pheraea in profile to right ; in front, torch . 7 m rt Artemis Pheraea m prohle to right ; in front, torch / iP Iiu6t$t*& AAE[EANAPEIA]., Lion's head to right with open jaws, J^r ^^,/&: Q- wt. 90 grs., very fine and very rare [PL III] 1 ^ 182 Pherae, B.C. 480-400. M Hemidrachm, Forepart of horse to right ; . / R*E TA, Grain of corn, wt. 42| grs. Obol of same, Horse's /") j 7v V sijAizsA bridled; $> 4>E TA (retrograde), Ear of corn, wt. \1\ grs. t tfr<~ Tricca, B.C. 480-400. M Hemidrachm, Thessalian restraining forepart of bull ; border of dots ; R TPI KK[A]ION., Forepart of \ ? S fyf , ty \y horse with trailing rein, wt. 43 grs., very fine; the last from the jr Wigan collection 3 j /* l&L Thessalian League, b.c. 196-146. M Double Victoriatus, Head of j 'l*~^t^ Zeus crowned with oak; JjL 0EZZA AI2N., The Thessalian \ '//j /? Athena Itonia in fighting attitude, id. 91 grs. Attic Drachms (3), \ / ' z o Head of Apollo; P* 0EZZA AI2N., Athena Itonia; and another with head of Athena Itonia; P 0EZZAAX2N., Horse \ r i walking to right, wt. 58 grs., all fine 5 Oh ' 1/ ILLYRIA, EPIRUS, ACARNANIA, AETOLIA, &c. 184 Dyrrhacii, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Cow to right suckling calf; R AYP, Double floral design in double linear square, with pellet at each corner, wt. 167| grs., fine. B.C. 229-100. New Series of //j Dyrrhacian coins adjusted to the weight of the Roman Victoriatus r (3), Cow to right suckling calf ; R Double floral ornament in double linear square, fine ; and a Half Drachm of Damastium, Head of Apollo ; R AAMAXTINON, Miner's pick, wt. 29| grs. 5 yo /.,A85 Damastium, circa B.C. 300. M Stater, Head of Apollo laureate to right I /*+-l-, wt. 206| grs., very fine 1 tyy 186 Pyrrhus, B.C. 295-272. M Drachm (1), Head of Persephone, with flowing hair crowned with corn, to left ; behind the head, torch and Jt^^^i yy letter A. / / ~ 1T eflfiyBAZlAEnZ. PYPPOY., Pallas, left, in fighting attitude, -^-"'holding spear and shield ; in field, fulmen, wt. 88 grs. (Hist. Num., fig. \8Q),fine and scarce 1 in 26 187 P m 187 Ambracia, B.C. 400-342. M Didrachmof the Corinthian type, Head of Pallas, the helmet surmounted with a bull ; the whole in shallow rv* * incuse ; $> Pegasos to right ; in front, A ; and below, crab, f wt. 125| grs., rare (Merlin collection). Acarnania, Federal Coin- age, B.C. 250-167. . . OYPrOZ., Head of Achelous to right ; ~W ^/i? & AKAPNANI2N, Apollo Aktios seated to left ; in front, AP ^iUs^j?^, (mon.), wt. 75- grs., fine ^Mt%AjA**v^6u.-^ 2 v^-tp* 188 Stratus, B.C. 400-300. M Triobol, Head of Achelous ; $ Fin incuse^^^ square; around, KAAAIPOA-, wt. 34 grs. (pierced). Aetolia, B.C. 279-168. Tetrobol (?), Head of Aetolia wearing kausia ; 9> A I THAI! N, Clydonian boar; spear head in exergue, *^*-i wt. 36|- grs. Locri, B.C. 300-280. Obol, AO, Eagle; & Fulmen \ - between two annulets. Delphi, B.C. 421. M Trihemiobol, Eam's /'< head to left ; beneath, dolphin ; $> Eam's head between two dolphins, in incuse square 4 189 Aetolian League, B.C. 279-168. M Stater, Head of Aetolos laureate, -eg. to right ; below truncation, <|> | . #> A I Til AD. N, Aetolos standing to left, one foot on rock, and y ^,^ ^Jiolding spear, he wears chlamys wound round left arm and the ' y /c^^w*" kausia slung at back of neck ; in field, left, AYT. (mon.), wt. 162. prs., ^ very fine [PI. Ill] i^g^/-^^ LOCRIS. **J#. -3 190 Locri Opuntii, circa B.C. 369-338. M Stater, Head of Persephone ~^Ia/P y wearing earring and necklace, hair bound with wreath of corn //- 'f ji^Meaves, to left ^ V* OflON TII2N., Ajax naked, armed with sword and shield and t crested Corinthian helmet, in fighting attitude, to right, inside t^ shield, a serpent ; in field, between the legs, a Phrygian helmet,^ wt. 187 grs., very fine [PI. Ill] 1 191 Locri Opuntii, after B.C. 338. M Hemidrachms (2), Head of Perse- phone, to right, as on the JR Stater /] V $> OPONTII2N., Ajax in fighting attitude; between his legs, YPOK in monogram, wt. 40 grs., fine /& <+'~* ~ fyR 2 BOEOTIA. Boeotian League, circa B.C. 400. M Drachm, Boeotian shield ; N -^r- 5> A I at sides of amphora ; the whole in incuse square, wt. 84 grs., M - ' fine. Hemidrachm, same type, wt. 39| grs. Drachm, same type, but without A. I., wt. 83^ grs., very fine. B.C. 338-315. Triobol, Shield ; BOI, Kantharos. B.C. 179-146. Third of Tetradrachm, ^/ Head of Poseidon; , BOIHTI2N., Nike with wreath, wt. Itygrs., "f s very fine 5 27 193 Tanagra, B.C. 387-374. M Trihemiobols (3), Boeotian shield ; R TA. beneath fore-part of horse to right, wt. about 15 grs., very fine. Thebes, b.c. 379-358. Triobol, Boeotian shield ; > 0E. BH, Kan-' j n tharos, club above, wt. 42 grs., very fine. JR Obol, Boeotian shield, / /(Y upon which club; k 0E, Head of young Herakles, vet. 10 grs., fine. Quarter Obol (?) Boeotian shield ; ^ and bunch of grapes, wt. 3 grs. / Another, O Shield; R 0, Club and ivy leaf. Thespiae, "b.c. 387-374. M Obol, Boeotian shield; R 0EZ in crescent, wt. 13 grs.. fine. Orchomenus, B.C. 387-374. M Obol, Grain of corn ; $> Incuse of the Aeginetan pattern. Half Obol, Bell 1 ; 5> Ear of corn in incuse square, wt. 6| grs., fine 10 EUBOEA. 194 Carystus, B.C. 411-336. ^RDiobol, Head of Herakles; R KA PY ' / ' / divided by palm tree, wt. 26^ grs. Chalcis, B.C. 700-480, ^H Drachm, \ / / \ Wheel with four spokes; $> Incuse. Obol, same type, wt. 11 grs. (fCi^ B.C. 369-336. ^l Drachm (?), Female head ; & XAA, Flying eagle 1 ^ tt^f with serpent ; in field, trophy, wt. 54f grs., fine. EretPia, yf B.C. 480-445. JR Diobols (2), Cow scratching herself ; $d Sepia in 'J incuse square, wt. 21 grs. 6 ATTICA. 195 Athens, B.C. 590-525. JR Tetradrachms, one of dumpy fabric, Head '//) of Pallas to right; *$> A0E-, Owl in incuse square, wt. 264 grs. ' ' r-tr\r+-rl/ B - c - 525-430. Head of Pallas; A0[E]., Owl; crescent and pentagon in field, wt. 242 grs. ; and two others, varied 4 1 96 Athens, B.C. 525-430. ^l Tetradrachms (2), Head of Pallas to right, helmet adorned with volute and three olive leaves / $k A0E, Owl, &c. in incuse square (Hist. Num. 211), both fine 2 197 Athens, B.C. 430-350. Drachm, Head of Athena; R A0E, Owl, wt. 651 grs . B .c. 590-525. Triobol, Head of Athena; R, A0E (retrograde), Female head in incuse square, wt. 31 J grs. Another, $1 Owl facing in wreath of olive. B.C. 525-430. Obols (3), Head of Athena; R A0E, Owl, wt. 10 grs., fine. B.C. 430-350. Trite- morion, Head of Athena; J> A0E in three crescents, wt. 7 grs. Tetartemoria (2), Head of Athena ; $> A0E, Crescent, ui. 2| grs., fine ; and a Drachm, B.C. 322-220. Head of Athena; &> A0E, Owl, on amphora, MENE EPI <|>IAO. and staff of Asklepios in field, /**- ' wt. 63i grs., fine 11 28 Athens, b.c. 220-197. M Tetradrachms (2), Head of Athena Par- thenos, wearing earring, necklace and close fitting triple crested helmet adorned with the foreparts of four horses and a pegasos, on the back portion a scroll resembling an aplustre ; border of dots ; Tfc Owl with closed wing standing on amphora which lies upon its side ; in field on either side a monogram ; on amphora, A- ; the whole within a wreath of olive, wt. 257| grs. Another, B.C. 196-186 ; & A0E., Two names in field, AH ME IEPI2, wt. 251 grs. 2 Athens, B.C. 186-146. M Tetradrachms (2), Head of Athena Par- thenos to right, the triple crested helmet adorned with pegasos; B> A0E., Owl on amphora on which H-, Magistrates METPO- AI2POZ AHMOZ0EN. in field, bunch of grapes; and /\^$ below, amphora n E. ; the whole within olive wreath, wt. 258 grs., very fine ; on the second specimen; magistrates' names, N I KHTHZ. A I ONYX I OZ A El ; in field, head of Medusa, fine 2 199 MEGARIS, AEGINA, CORINTHIA, &c. j, it 3 ^y / 200 Megara, before B.C. 338. M Tetrobol, Head of Apollo; R MErA- J^t, If) H. between five crescents, wt. 45 grs. Aegina, B.C. 700-550. 7 M Stater, Tortoise; 9> Deep incuse divided into eight divisions. B.C. 480-456. M Staters (2), Tortoise ; $> Incuse square divided into five parts, fine 4 Corinth, M Staters, all with varied symbols; Half Drachm, early Type ; and an Obol, &c. 6 Corinth, JR Staters (2), with varied symbols ; Hemidrachms (3), Head of Aphrodite ; $> Pegasos 5 /)2Q3# Colonies of Corinth, .51 Staters, Corinthian type, of Anaetorhim, u U- Hpy\/(y^ Leucas (3), and Locri Epizephyrii 5 ill // ,*. v ^ 1 205 W PELOPONNESUS. SICYONIA, &c. Sicyon, B.C. 400-322. M Stater, ZE., Chimaera at bay; fy Dove flying, in olive wreath ; in field, wt. 184 grs. Drachm, same type, riobol, before B.C. 400. Forepart of Chimaera ; 9> X. T-, Dove flying, in incuse square, wt. 44| grs. ; and Third of Obol, Chi- maera ; 9> Dove in wreath, wt. 4 grs. 4 Achaean League, before circa b.c. 330. Dyme, M Hemidrachms (2), Head of Zeus; #> Monogram AX in wreath. Laced ae mo n, B.C. 330. M Tetrobols (2), Head of Herakles ; 9> AA, Amphora between the pilei of the Dioscuri 4 I * \ .' 29 ELIS. v/f 206 El is, B.C. 471-421. M Stater and Hemistater, Eagle flying left carry- ing hare ; in field, circular countermark ; Jfc F. A-, Fulmen with wings and volutes in shallow circular incuse, wt. 178 and 86| grs. ; jr and a Stater, Eagle attacking ram ; the whole on circular shield ; JZ 'v ' 9> F. A. (the A incuse), Fulmen with wings and volutes, wt. 183| grs.{ ^ ' ~ x " rare, but not fine 3 Elis, B.C. 421-365. JR Stater, Head of Hera wearing lofty Stephanos ^ti^^cs *y.<*r- ^ adorned with conventional flowers <^- -^^^ $1 F. A-, Fulmen in wreath of wild olive, wt. 182 grs., very. fine (Hist. ^A- -* **'* ^ \Sc '//;& S 2Q9 in wreath of wild olive, wt. 182 grs., veryfine (Hist. Num. fig. 231) [PI. Ill] ^ 1 Elis, B.C. 365-322. M Stater, F. [A.], Head of Hera to right wearing earring, necklace, and Stephanos adorned with wreath of wild olive, ^>^*r^ ^7. hair turned up at back / ^< < + ' tS ** $k Eagle with closed wings to right, head reverted, within wreath of olive, wt. 183 grs., fine and scarce [PI. Ill] 1 "%* From the Photiades collection. Elis, B.C. 365-322. ^R, Stater, Head of Zeus to right c J%Z^_^> Eagle, with closed wings, standing looking to right; the whole ithin wreath of wild olive, wt. 184 grs., fine I Elis, B.C. 312-221. JR Stater (struck under the despot Aristotimus), Head of Zeus to right A., Eagle with closed wings standing on rock to right ; in field, API. and fulmen, wt. 183 grs., fine 1 Elis, b.c. 271-191. M Stater, Head of Zeus to right S *c- AaaiS^ F. A, Eagle to , right, standing on serpent; in field, A^/S., ' '/!< 10 /^p : ^lSd grs., fine ^U^ <*_- Q frf/lS?' 7 213 F 1 K i&^o /./ 214 Elis, B.C. 400 1 M Hemistater, Eagle with hare; $> F. A-, Fulmen, wt. 73 grs., very fine. Triobols, varied (4) ; Obols (2) ; &c. ; and an Obol of Cranii, b.c. 500-430. ^ KAP., Animal's hoof, wt. 14 grs., fine and rare _ * 10 MESSENIA, LACONIA, ARGOS, ARCADIA, &c. Messene, B.C. 280. JR Tetrobol, Head of Zeus; fy MEZ-, Tripod within wreath, wt. 35^ grs., veryfine. Copone, B.C. 184, JR Tetro- bol, Head of Athena to right ; R KO P, Bunch of grapes, the whole within wreath of ivy, wt. 37 grs., ine. Argos, Tetrobols (5), Obols (2), and an Obol, fine 10 /x, i A A-, Archaic agalma of the Apollo of Amy else helmeted, holding -^^ <^f^ c X spear and bow ; to right of statue, a goat ; and to left, a wreath, ^& <*~&- KAH-, Bull butting, wt. 40 grs., fine. Herdea, B.C. 420-370, M Diobol (?), Head of Artemis; $ E and HPA retrograde, in circular incuse,^. 12 grs. Zacyn- thus, B.C. 431, M Obol, Amphora ; $ Tripod in incuse square, wt. 9 grs. 6 217/- Mantineia, M, Hadrian, a.d. 76-138. BETOYPIOC, Bust of Antinoiis to right 9> TOIC APKACI, Horse stepping to right, size 6, very fine and very rare ; from the Belfort collection [PI. Ill] 1 * See Dr. Head, " Hist. Num.," y. 373, for note in reference to this interesting piece. / A 218 Tegea, after B.C. 370. M Triobol, Head of Athena Alea ; $ TETE ATAN., Kepheus advancing to right, armed with shield and sword, wt. 4H grs., fine and scarce ; and an Obol of same, B.C. 400-370, Helmet; ^ T in incuse square, wt. 10 grs. Thelpusa, B.C. 400-370, ^l Obol, Head of Demeter Erinys; fi EPIj ^N 0, Prancing horse, wt. \\\ grs., very good condition and rare * 3 CRETE. Cnossus, B.C. 400-350. M Stater, Head of Demeter (?) to right; $> Labyrinth, wt. 169 grs. Drachm, Head of Hera wearing stepha- <5 nos; 51 KNX2ZI. A- P., Labyrinth, wt. 83 grs., fine. B.C. 116-67, M Drachm, Bearded head of Zeus Ammon ; 9> KN.QZI.QN.,' Square labyrinth, wt. 74 grs. 3 Cydonia, B.C. 350-300. M Stater, Dionysiac head to right; > KYAI2N-, Kydon as naked archer stringing his bow, wt. 174^ grs., and rare. Trihemiobol, Head of Apollo to left ; ^ Three cres- nts, pellet in centre, wt. 17| grs. Another, B.C. 350-300, Head of Kydon to left ; > KY, Hound seated, wt. 20 grs. ; and an Obol 4 Elyrus, B.C. 400-300. M Hemidrachm, Head of young Herakles wearing lion's skin to right ; $1 A (?), A bee, wt. 40| grs. Gor- ty/na, B.C. 480-400, M Hemidrachm, Bull couchant ; #> Lion's head linear square, within shallow incuse, wt. 41 grs. 2 I k Ai~J" 4 f i y^K i / u (//f / 227 31 222 Gortyna, B.C. 431-300. M Drachm, Head of Demeter, wearing earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves, border of dots y~ Bull looking back, wt. 8S grs., very fine 1 223 Gortyna, B.C. 431-300. M Drachm, Head of Demeter to right J j 1/ ////?/ 9> Head and neck of bull to right, wt. 84| grs., fine 1 "* ' / y \ lEPAIlY NEflN., same type as the preceding piece, wt. 55 grs. Itanus, B.C. 400-300, Hemidrachm, Head of Athena Salmonia ; B> ^^fjJ^TANlD.N., Eagle looking back, wt. 38| grs. ; and two Obols of same, Head of Athena Salmonia ; $ An eight-pointed star, fine 4 Lappa, B.C. 200-67. ^R Hemidrachm, Head of Apollo to right ; $> AAnnAI., magistrate ZYAI2KOX., Apollo standing, playing lyre, wt. 46 grs. Lyttus, B.C. 450-330, M Stater, Eagle flying ; Bj AVTTION, Boar's head in dotted square, within square incuse, "^ wt. 174 grs., fine. B.C. 550 (?), /R Drachms (2), Boar's head ; R- irregular incuse, wt. 64^ grs., fine 4 Phaestus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Herakles, nude, facing, holding club.and bow ; to right, tree and serpent; to left, lion's skin lull to left within wreath, wt. 183 grs., fine **%* ^"~* 1 Phaestus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Herakles, nude, facing, holding 9 S? club ; in field to left, lion's skin ^ / C\ ^/j^"^i^Head of bull facing, in circular incuse, wt. 182 grs., rev. fine 1 r ty>^/ ^^230 Phalarsana, B.C. 400-300. M Drachm, Head of Diktynna, hair rolled ; / Bj <|). A- between the prongs of upright trident head, volutes below, /y wt. 84^ grs., very fine and rare ; and a Hemidrachm, same type, - / ; /fcc* 1 wt. 39 grs. 2 Polyrhenium, b.c. 350-300. M Drachm, nOA. YPHN. IftlM., Bull's head facing bound with sacrificial fillets ; R- FIOAY. PHNL, Spearhead of broad leaf-shaped type, wt. 77f grs., fine. A Hemi- drachm, B.C. 200-67, Diademed head of Diktynna ; Ipk Bull's head facing, wt. 33 grs. An Obol, similar type ; and a Hemidrachm of Praesus, Head of Demeter ; R- PPA., A bee, wt. 38 grs. 4 o&Z*/~ &T9+ te i /?%- />^ wrc / 231 M IS rv J 6 32 Priansus, B.C. 430-300. M Stater, Female figure wearing chiton, and peplos over lower limbs, seated on throne to left; her right hand < => ^*7f ^SV^ caresses a serpent by her side ; date palm on right (Persephone and ^^k^^ ^ Zeus in form of serpent %) ^^^/^st, 9> nPIANZIEX2N.. Poseidon wearing himation wound round left ^^b&Lu' arm and lower limbs, standing to left, in right hand he holds a Incuse, wt. 92| grs., fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 ASIA. BOSPORUS, COLCHIS, PONTUS, PAPHLAGONIA, BITHYNIA, &c. 238 Bronze. Agrippia Caesareia, Veiled head of Livia; Bo ArPIIT riEHN. H., Prow, size 5, very fine and rare. Phanagoria, Head of Dionysos ; Bo Bow, case, &c, size 8, fine. Amasia, Head of Dionysos; Bo Cista and thyrsos, size 6, fine. Amisus, Head of Zeus to right ; Bo Eagle on fulmen, size 5, fine. Pharnacia, Head of Zeus; $1 Eagle on fulmen, size 5, fine. Rhoemetalces, Bust of King to right ; Bo Trophy, size 7 ; Khoemetalces and his Queen, jugate busts to right ; Bo Head of Augustus, size 7 ; another with Rhoemetalces alone ; Bo Head of Augustus, size 6, fine 8 >' 33 239 Amastris, B.C. 302. M Stater, Head of Mithras in Persian head ,wi/^^' dress, laureate and ornamented at side with a star -^jS *f~ T C-" fy> AM AZT PI EI2 N., Seated female figure wearing modius and hold- yft^c^ y* xsf / ing Nike and sceptre; in field, a rose, wt. 158 grs., fine, but ^V^y\ ' ' unfortunately a portion of the coin has been broken off, rare 1 240 Bronze. Gerrnanicopolis. Caracalla, a.d. 188-217, AYT. K. M. ^^ f AYP ANTHNINOC, Bust of Caracalla to right, laureate, and f/fs* -~*^ ^*s&? m armour *tc^+ $ TEPMANIKOnOAe. 6CTIA. nC, Bull to right, size 8, ^&U very fine [PL III] 1 241 Bronze. Pylaemenes, King of Paphlagonia, after B.C. 300. Bull's q j sj head facing $-/& $ [B]AZIAEI2Z. nYAAIMENO[Y] [EY]EPrETO[Y], ( Ay Winged caduceus, size 4, very fine [PI. Ill] 1 242 Sinope, B.C. 306-290. ^t Triobols ? (2), Head of Sinope turreted; x //v^ 5&> ZIN., Prow; the second piece $> Spread eagle. Cius, Hemi- drachms (2), and a Quarter Drachm, Head of Apollo ; J$> Prow. Heracleia Pontica, B.C. 394-353, One and Half Obol, Head of ' T~ Herakles ; $o Club. Diobol and Obols (3), varied, of same, Head ^ < ^ /" of City-. /> ^n/t^- of City-Nymph in turreted Stephanos ; 5o Bow in case, fine 9 243 Calchedon, B.C. 400. M Tetradrachm, KAAX-, Bull to left, in ^^ ^y?^ ?/ - / front A s ~^tfL~~ /~^rfvt A/& ^^ sa ^ ^ ncuse ' tne sur face covered with small dots, wt. 232 grs., I * ^t^mjw and rare [PI. Ill] 1 244 Bronze. Heracleia Pontica. Gordian III, M. ANT l~OP- ^ f) AIANOC KAIC, Draped bust of Gordian to right -/ ^ 7 /B> HPAKA6I2TAN. IIONTXl, Young Herakles with lion's skin and club, size 4^, very fine and finely patinated 1 245 Nicomedes II, B.C. 149-91. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of *^c f-~ ^^ / King to right ^ / ^ & ^BAZIAEXIZ. EniANOYZ. N I KOMHAOY., Zeus stand .^r~S-'*^*Z-*. ** n ing, holding spear and wreath ; in field, eagle on fulmen, mon. and ^^Z^ ' ^ , ^ ? /Vi/ 246 247 til 248 A e/ 34 MYSIA. Apollonia ad Rhyndacum, b.c. 450-330. M Tetrobols (?) (4), Anchor with A. and symbol ; $1 Gorgoneion. Diobol, Head of Apollo facing ; $k Anchor and A. Cyzicus, B.C. 400-330, M Hemi- drachm, Head of Persephone; > KYHI-, Lion's head and tunny fish, wt. 49| grs. Trihemiohols 1 (3), Forepart of boar, with tunny behind ; > Lion's head in incuse square. Lampsacus, B.C. 412- 350, Trihemiohols (2), Janiform head; > AAM, Head of Pallas, fine. Pari urn, B.C. 500-400, JR Triobol (attributed to Selge by M. Six), Gorgoneion ; Jfc Incuse of cruciform design, wt. 48 grs. ; two others, later issue, Head of Gorgoneion ; > fl API, Bull 14 Pergamum, B.C. 300-283. M Trihemiohols (2), Head of Herakles ;' $> Palladium, wt. 19| grs. Proconnesus, B.C. 330-283, M Tri- hemiobol, Head of Aphrodite; $> Forepart of stag, wt. 16 grs., fine. Bronze, Prusias II, King of Bithynia, Head of Young Dionysos; #> BAZIAEI2Z. IIPOYZIOY., Centaur Cheiron playing lyre, size 6, very fine. Attaea, Head of Augustus ; ATAITI2N., Head of Senate, size 3|, very fine. Cyzicus, Bull butting ; ] KYI I KH HI2IM., Torch, fine and well patinated, size 6 ; and three others of Cyzicus, all varied and all very fine 9 KINGS OF PERGAMUM. Eumenes I, B.C. 263-241. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right 9> <|>IAETAIPOY., Pallas enthroned, holding shield in front; ivy leaf in field, and bow behind king's name ; A on throne, wt. 262 grs., fine and scarce 1 04j) Attalus I, B.C. 241-197. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right #> IAETAIPOY., Pallas enthroned crowning name, behind shield d bow ; in field, ivy-leaf and A., wt. 261 grs., fine 1 Eumenes II, B.C. 197-159. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of the King to right & Gorgoneion in shallow incuse square, wt. 57| grs., rare. ' r/O/t 7 * / /? Diobol (1), B.C. 600-500, Eagle to left; > Incuse square quartered, ^S.r^ ^-yfyfrt//l+*^v;L 23 J grs. B.C. 400-300, Tetrobols (3), Head of Apollo ; # A BY, /U~ 4 ^ Eagle and magistrate's name, fine 5 253 Cebrennia, B.C. 480. M Trihemiobol, KEB?, Ram's head ; $ Incuse x J*/i square quartered, wt. 17| grs. One-and-a-half Obol, KE, Forepart of ram; 1^, Incuse square quartered, wt. 8 grs. Scepsis, circa \ . , _/, B.C. 480, M Triobol, ZKHS'ION., Forepart of Pegasos; & 3. V\. ^J\~ Palm tree in square incuse, with dotted border, wt. 29| grs. , , Tenedos, circa B.C. 500, M Hemidrachm, Janiform head of \ ft ''rf /I AU /"" /A archaic style; $oTENE Bipennis in incuse square, wt. 26f grs. P ' * Obolof same period, and Two Drachms of later style. Methymna, \ . circa B.C. 500, Tetrobol, Hop lite kneeling to left ; 9> Forepart of >y ^p horse with rider, in incuse square, wt. 43 grs. Diobol, Gorgoneion ; V $k Head of Pallas in incuse square, wt. 1 9| grs. M ity lene, B.C. 400, \ / ///~ Triobols (2), Head of Apollo ; Jl Lyre in incuse square 11 / 254 Bronze. Alexandria Troas (2), Head of Apollo, facing ; fy Lyre in wreath, size 4. Another, Head of Gallienus ; $> COL. A VG. TRO. jf+/4r Horse, size 5. Cyme, Head of Cyme ; $k Horse, size 5. Head of /Q > y Artemis ; 9> One-handled vase, size 3. Forepart of horse ; $c Bow ls / f' (f \A ^~"~~ and ( l uiver ' size 2 - IEPACVN. KAHTOC , Bust of the Senate; * > KVMAII2N-, Pallas sacrificing at altar, size 8. Mytilene, ^^ fjL&S'^ Head of Apollo ; . Lyre, size 4, all very fine 8 255 Gargana, b.c. 420-400. JR Tetrobol (1), Head of Apollo laureate to right '9= TAPT., Bull grazing, in shallow circular incuse, wt. 46 grs., fine and very rare [PI. XV] 1 fit i LESBOS. ELECTRUM COINAGE OF MYTILENE. (Weight averaging about 40 grs.) Hec, b.c. 480-440. References to Catalogue of the British Museum " Troas, Aeolis, Lesbos," by W. Warwick Wroth, 1895. 256 Ram's head to right ; below, cock feeding ; ljo Lion's head to left, SZ*- incuse, fine (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxi, 11). Head of lion, with open mouth to right; AE, behind; 5c Calf's head, incuse, fine / /^ (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxi, 20) 2 ft ( Calf s head, incuse (B. M. Cat. pi. xxxi, 22). Forepart of lion holding spear head (1) in mouth ; $1 Lion's head incuse, fourrie 2 258 Forepart of goat, head reverted ; Bo Owl facing, in incuse square J (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxii, 2). Forepart of boar to right. $> Lion's head in incuse square (B. M. Cat. pi. XXXII, 3), fine 2 259 Forepart of winged lion to left ; Bj Sphinx seated to right, in incuse square (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxii, 7). Head of Young Dionysos; r*f^^. 9> Satyr's head facing, in incuse square (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxm, 20), fine 2 260 Head of Young Dionysos wreathed with ivy ; $> Female head within linear square, in incuse square (B. M. Cat., pi. XXXin, 24), fine. Youthful male head bound with taenia ; B; Female head (B. M. & /-I ^L-r--*""""""* ' Q ai -> pi- xxxm, 27), fine 2 261 Head of Apollo laureate to right; > Female head, hair tied up at /back, in linear square (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxiv, 6). Beardless male /?*y head wearing pileus decorated with wreath, one of the Dioscuri ; * T /)/ 9> Female head in linear square (B. M. Cat., pi. xxxiv, 13), both (JljU^fine 2 2 IONIA. t-r H ,264 265 Clazomene, b.c. 500-394. M Drachm, Winged boar to right; Bj Lion's head facing, incuse square, wt. 52| grs.,fine. M Hemi- drachm, b.c. 387-300, Head of Apollo facing; 9> KAA. MA[NA- PONA]E, wt. 311 grs . Erythrae, b.c. 480. M Drachm (?), Horseman to right ; fy Irregular incuse square, wt. 79| grs., fine ; two others, later issues, Male figure restraining horse ; $> E. P. Y0, in corners of square, incuse, in centre of which a flower, wt. 70^ and 66| grs. 5 Erythrae (1), El. Hecta, Head of Herakles in lion's skin Quadripartite square, wt. 40 grs., very fine 1 Miletus ?, B.C. 600-490. Lion's head to right; beneath, O. 9> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 186 grs., fine Miletus, B.C. 478-390. M Trihemiobols (3), Lion's head with open jaws to left; $> Floral design in incuse square, wt. 16 grs. B.C. 350-190, M Drachm, Head of Apollo; $ 4>AIAIMOZ., Lion ; above, star. A Diobol, same type. Triobol, Lion to right ; Bj Floral design in incuse square, wt. 33f grs. Drachm, B.C. 350-334, Head of Apollo ; $> Lion, wt. 53 grs. ; and a Triobol, Head of Helios to right; $> Lion to right; star above, unpub- lished, wt. 30| grs. 8 , -// ^fc^ 37 ! Teos, B.C. 5Q0. M Hemidrachm, Griffin sejant to right ; $> Quadri- partite incuse square, wt. 45 grs., very fine. Trihemiobol, B.C. 400, Head of Apollo; $1 THION, Griffin to right with paw raised, wt. 20 grs., unpublished, ? 2 267 ^Phocaea. El. Hectae (2), Female head; & Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 40 grs. Head of Omphale wearing lion's skin ; club, at shoulder ; $> Incuse, wt. 39 grs., fine 2 2j9*P Smyrna, B.C. 190-133. M, Tetradrachm, Head .of Cybele wearing ^^^^ ^ >o, the whole withm wreath, t - jr ' ' 1 V turreted crown & IMYPNAII2N. wt. 230J below, monogram, 11 ^4^/ wi. 'idv% grs. 2/9 Smyrna, b.c. 190-133. ^l Tetradrachm, IMYPNAI12N-, Lion to right; below, A I ONYX I OZ., the whole within wreath, wt. 256 grs., fine ^^fj?f r^ f^T^ ISLANDS OF IONIA, CARIA, &c. 270 Chios, B.C. 600-490. ^t Didrachm, Sphinx seated; in front, an amphora; #> Quadripartite incuse square, wt. 121% grs. Another of same- date and similar type ; but with flower beneath sphinx. wt. 120 grs. Drachm, B.C. 478-412, Sphinx; B; Quadripartite incuse square. B.C. 412-350, Sphinx with curled wing; #> Incuse /Zspty&TQ crossed by two broad bands, one of which is inscribed IZXIMA, wt. 56 grs.; and another, B.C. 84, Sphinx seated, unch of grapes in front; 9> XIOX AEPKYAOZ-, Amphora, 35 grs. 5 Samos, B.C. 494-439. M Drachm, Forepart of winged boar ; Jt Lion's scalp in incuse square with dotted border. B.C. 322-205, M. Drachm, Lion's scalp; Bj ZAMII2N-, Forepart of bull, wt. 46 grs., fine, Samos (1), Diobol, Bulls' heads facing; B^ Forepart of bull in incuse square, wt. 29-^ grs. Cnidus, B.C. 600-480, M Drachms (2), Lion's head to right ; Bj Head of Aphrodite in incuse square, one v specimen has KNI., both fine. Hemidrachm, Forepart of lion; $t Incuse, wt. 46 grs. ; and Two Diobols, varied 8 272 Alabanda, under the name of Antiochia, B.C. 280-260. M Tetra- drachm, Head of Apollo, laureate, to left $> ANTIOXEI2N., Pegasos galloping to right; below, name of magistrate, XPYZOTONOZ., wt. 260 grs., rev.-vexy-fine, obv. not well struck, very rare 1 Cnidus 1 B.C. 650. M Stater, Forepart of lion to left ; O- on shoulder 9> Incuse square divided into two parts, wt. 170 grs., very fine 1 L k,-u -' $& 'z^y-s c^ [/ l~- > AAIKAP , Bust of Pallas to right, wt. 49| grs. Myndus, B.C. 200, M Drachm, Head of Zeus to right; 9> MYNAItUN., v ~~'- Head dress of Isis, wt. 53 grs. Hemidrachm of same, Head of young Dionysos; > MYNAIX2[N] KAAAIKAH, Winged-^-^^ fulmen, wt. 38^ grs., all scarce Z 7^ ***}? StPatonicea, Second or First Century B.C. M Hemidrachms (2), /Zr^-fa /j Head of Hecate, surmounted by a star ; 9> Victory to right, in shallow incuse square, wt. 29 grs. Diobol, Head of Zeus ; $t Eagle, n ^iT/v c. M, Head of Zeus; $, XTPATO-., Eagle, size 3. M of * Taba, Julia Domna, IOV- AOMNA. C6B, Bust to right; B, TABHNX2N., Fortune standing, size 7. M, Cos, Head of Asklepios to right; B, KI2II2N. I1Y0OKAHZ., Coiled serpent, size 7, fine. M, Rhodes, O and ^ Rose, size \\,fine 7 Dynasts of Caria, Mausolus, b.c. 377-353. M Drachm, Laureate head of Apollo facing; B> MAYZXjQAAO-, Zeus Stratios, wt. 55\ 9 rs - Pixodarus, B.C. 341-335, M Drachms (2), Head of Apollo as on preceding; Bj niZflAAPOY., Zeus Stratios, wt. 56 grs., fine 3 ISLANDS OFF CARIA. 550-450 fL i # M Stater, Two dolphins in ^,3/^.4/^ broad band into two oblom 0\ I uJia* foseidion Carpathi, b.c. different directions Incuse square divided by wt. 214 grs., fine and rare Cos, B.C. 400-300. M Didrachm, Head of bearded Herakles ; $1 Veiled ^^^female head, wt. 100 grs. B.C. 300-200, M Didrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin ; #> Kill ON. EMPPEPI2N, Crab parts, 1 and an Obol, B.c. 200-88, Head of ynnng^g; -,^y /". 279 in incuse, wt. 98 J grs. Herakles ; B> Crab, wt. 22 grs. 3. Cos, B.C. 300-200. M Didrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion' skin, three-quarter face to right B, KI2ION MIK12N., Crab in dotted border, wt. 100 grs., fine and rare [PI. Ill] 1 "%.* From the Carfrae collection. //$? Camirus Rhodi, circa B.C. 500. M Stater, Fig leaf y / ) v /*> "'S* 7-S. w { square with dotted border ; B^ Forepart of horse, wt. 23| grs. , P O. divided by rose with bud ; to left, figure of Diana Lucifera; *" above, rose traces of magistrate's name, ATHZIAAMOZ.,, id. 131 \ grs., very fine and very rare [PL III] \Jf W ^- Rhodes, B.C. 400-304. JR Didrachm, Head of Helios, fine style; $ POAION, Rose with bunch of grapefc to left; in field, E Y., m wt. 96 grs. ; and a Drachm of similar style, very fine 2 Rhodes, b.c. 304-168. Didrachms (2), Head of Helios; # Rose, /?^(_ &c, varied; and two Drachms, all fine 4 ' V / 2 %2 Rhodes > B ' C ' 304 " 168, M Didr a chm s (3), Head of Helios facing; R Y / ^L <^7r^it5Full blown rose ; and a Drachm, Head of Helios in profile, all fine 4 ^ *y 287 Rhodes, b.c. 408-400. ^R Hemidrachm, Head of Helios, without rays, three-quarter face to right ; P O., Head of nymph in incuse square, wt. 27 grs. Hemidrachm, B.C. 304-168, Head of Helios, without rays, nearly facing, with eagle to left of head ; R T?nso irt, 34.2. nrs T}moY\m TTpmirlra^lim anrl TVinViol ncnnl tstioc * Rose, wt. 34 grs. Drachm, Hemidrachm, and Triobol, usual types ; and a Drachm, Head of Helios in profile, fine 6 LYDIA, PHRYGIA, LYCIA, &c, /l/*~ if 288 Lydia, El. Sixth of Stater, B.C. 700-637 (time of Gyges and Ardys). Rough markings ; 9= Two rough incuse squares of different sizes, wt. 36 grs., rare. A Hecta N , B.C. 568-554 (Euboic standard), Foreparts of a lion and a bull facing one another ; $ Incuse, wt. 20 grs., very fine. A Hemistater, JR, Babylonic standard, same type, wt. 80 grs. ; and a Hemistater of poor El, Lion's head; R Oblong incuse divided into two parts, in each of which, two crescent shaped ornaments in relief, wt. 67 grs. 4 289 Apameia, b.c. 100-50. Cistophori (2), usual type, magistrates ATTAAOY TIMX1, and ZX2KPATOY., both fine ; and a Drachm of Cibyra, Helmeted head to right ; KIBYPAT[I2N], Horseman galloping to right; in field, an eagle, id. ib\ grs., fine and scarce 3 290 Lycia, Uncertain Dynast, JR Tetrobol, Wild boar to right; Triskelis terminating in cocks' heads {type Bab. xn, 1), wt. 42 grs. Lycian League, b.c. 167-43, Oagus. Hemidrachms (2), Head of Apollo; 9> K. P., Lyre; the second specimen reads AYKII2N. KPAT; and a Quarter Drachm of Masicytes, Head of Artemis *-^-g^ to right ; 9= m A' Q uiver > wL l2 h 9 rs - 4 ^ 4s >[/ 40 THIRD DAY'S SALE. ^ LYDIA, PHRYGIA, LYCIA, &c continued. LOT 291 Aspendus, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Two wrestlers engaged;- > EXTFEAIIYZ., Slinger to right; between his legs, P, and in field, triskelis ; the whole within dotted square in shallow incuse, ~ 'Z3? wt. 167 grs. Perga, B.C. 190, M Hemidrachnr, Head of Artemis ; 'fast / 2 * J $ APTEM IAOZ. riEPrAI AS, Artemis and doe, wt. 35f grs. 2 */Z^ 292 Side, B.C. 400-300. M Stater, Pallas, standing to left, with spear and . , t / s^6/b ^shield, holding on right hand, figure of Victory with crown ; in field /y ^^ / mo if^ ^v$>, a pomegranate 9> Aramaic legend (?) to right, Apollo standing left before altar, hold- s&~4 /* ing patera (?) and a bow, and at his feet a bird ; countermarked on >* rev., wt. 159 grs., rare 1 / y// Mft) Side, B.C. 190-36,^31 Drachm, Head of Pallas ; $> Victory. B.C. 500- x !r" l*' 400, Quarter Obol (?), Pomegranate ; $t> Incuse square, wt. 4 grs. Selge, B.C. 400-300, M Diobols (3), Gorgon head ; , Head of * ~ Pallas, wt. 21 grs. Stater of same, Wrestlers; 1> [ZJEATE.QN., Slinger, wt. 126 grs., poor. M of Baris of Gordian III, AYT. ( KAI. MA. rOPAIANOC, Bust to right; $ BAPHNI2N., Hermes seated on cuirass, size 7, fine. Isinda, Head of Zeus.^ I IZIN., Horseman to right, size 3|, fine. Termessusf H^NsT of Zeus ; fy TEP., Free horse galloping to left, size 4, fine 9 CILICIA. ;y , 294 Celendris, circa B.C. 400-350. M Stater, Naked horseman with whip,^^^. / M , * seated sideways, prancing to right, border of dots /^i-J^ /^/aMav^ 1 KEA., Goat kneeling on one knee, to left, head reverted ; dotted^:, ., yYI/W'^^ exergual line, wt. 164 grs., fine 1 ^^ vy ( 295 Nagidus, B.C. 400-380. JR Stater, Aphrodite enthroned, holding- patera ; behind her, figure of Eros ^SJ?jr I R NAriAEI2[N]., Dionysos half draped standing to left, holding "V*** &<& I Q thyrsos and vine branch, wt. 165| grs., fine and rare , 1 " 4 *** fc ~J?* 41 296 Nagidus, B.C. 380-333. M Staters (2), Aphrodite seated left, on throne with curved back, on which her left arm rests, holding in extended \ right hand a patera, and crowned by flying Eros ; in field, rose with Goat kneeling to right, head reverted, wt. 28J grs., fine and rare 3 297 Tarsus, a.d. 76-138. M Tetradrachm, AYT. KAI. 0E. TPA. ^ nAP Yl 0E. NEPYI. TPAI. AAPIANOC CE., BustT^ j/ t 7/ laureate of Hadrian to right , /7 9, TAPCEX2N. MHTPOnOAEHC-, Lion attacking bull, wt. 0/UI&- tf'&isPiS^tt grs., fine and scarce 1 KINGS OR SATRAPS OF CILICIA. The References are to Babelon, Les Perses AchdmSnides. 298^ .Pharnabazus, B.C. 379-374, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, nnfe, X^ y^Z^f ^,-iC^ / ' / O /^<^Baaltars half draped, seated left on throne without back, and j 6 .- / S *f~) ^ /J , ~ holding before him a long sceptre /V V */ $k "1T3Q19 "f'PD- Bearded head of Ares in crested Athenian helmet to left, chlamys fastened under chin, wt. 170 grs. (Bab. pi. IV, 6), fine and rare 1 L 299 Datames, B.C. 378-372, struck in Cilicia, Head of Arethusa nearly f&L^^S / /? facing, the hair flowing, wearing earring, and necklace with . 7 c^ ^r pendants, border of dots S3 /Q \ 3- S~- ' ' /V RlDTl/l- (to right), Bearded head of Ares wearing crested Athenian s .^ y helmet, to right, chlamys fastened around neck, wt. 164 J grs. (Bab. pi. IV, 11), obv. not well struck, rev. very fine, and scarce 1 300 Datames, B.C. 378-372, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, Head of ^%^/ S? s: f- nt Arethusa as on preceding piece _ Bd Legend similar to last, Helmeted head of Ares to left, wt. 164| grs. " / 3.a~ ^ g /* y. Arethusa as on preceding piece g ^ w * \^ ^9> Legend similar to last, Helmeted head of Ares to left, wt. 164| grs. " " *~ /p J~ K % ^ % ^ i s X ^t^P~^Cs*%' (Bab. pi. iv, 12), rev. very fine, the obv. not so well struck up, scarce 1 *^*V &/S~-~ V> r^ f 301 Mazaios, b.c. 361-333, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, nj"6yi., Baaltars, half-draped, seated on throne without back, holding vine ^/^^ branch and lotos-headed sceptre ; beneath throne, 8 $k "HID., Lion attacking stag ; the whole within shallow incuse square, //-7 uu'^ w *" ^^2 9 rSi (Bab- pl> V, 2), three chisel cuts on rev., scarce /^~ ' r 42 fc.k 304 / it / -] 302 Mazaios, B.C. 361-363, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, n.Tl'OT., Baaltars seated to left, head and body facing, he holds in left hand a long sceptre, and in extended right hand, bunch of grapes and ear of corn upon which is perched an eagle ; and in the field to left, S ; the whole within dotted border $> >T7Q., Lion devouring a bull ; in field below, Q. ; the whole within plain border, wt. 168 grs. (Bab. pi. V, 10 var.), very fine and scarce (chisel cut on rev.) 1 303 Mazaios, B.C. 361-363, struck in Cilicia. M Stater, nJ"6jQ., Baaltars seated to left, head and body facing, he holds in left hand & a long sceptre, and in extended right hand, bunch of grapes and i/ ear of corn upon which is perched an eagle ; and in the field to left, 'r/y fl \ ; the whole within dotted border /t^^^-fy HlQ,, Lion devouring a bull ; in field below, ftQ. ; the whole within plain border, wt. 168 grs. (Bab.pl. V, 10 var.), very fine and scarce 1 Mazaios, B.C. 361-333, struck at Tarsus. M Stater, Bust of Athena, three-quarter face to left, wearing triple crested Athenian helmet, earring and necklace, the bust draped > Baaltars semi-draped, seated on throne to left, holding a bird (T) ; in field to left, bunch of grapes and stalk of corn, to right, a pome- granate and 9. ; beneath throne, T., wt. 165| grs. (Bab. pi. vi, 4 ^t^^var.), fine and scarce ^-~~ t J< ]>* /s. 'P---J 1 305 Mazaios, B.C. 349-332, struck in Cilicia or f Syria. M Stater J1FP5Q.J Baaltars seated to left on throne without back, the upper part of body nude, the chlamys wrapped around legs and left arm ; in right hand, a sceptre ; under the chair, 8 HT3-> Lion P assant to left* w t. 166^ grs. (Bab.pl. VI, 17) 1 Mazaios, B.C. 361-333, struck in Babylonia. JR Stater, nj"6}D., Baaltars seated on throne without back, upper portion of body nude, the chlamys wrapped around legs and left arm, in right | hand a long sceptre Jfc '"pQ., Lion passant to left, wt. 265 grs. (Bab. pi. vi, 21) ly Seleucus, Satrap of Babylon, B.C. 321-306. Didrachm, Baaltars seated to left, right hand resting on sceptre ; in front, horned horse's head (emblem of Seleucus) ; B; Lion passant to left ; above, hori- zontal anchor, wt. 97 grs., apparently unpublished and rare. Tiri- baze, struck at Issus, M Obol, B.C. 386-380, Bearded head with turreted diadem ; $> Zeus Aetophoros ; in front, crux ansata, ict. 11 grs. (Bab. pi. m, 18); an Obol of Orontas, B.C. 362, Bearded head with turreted crown ; B> Forepart of winged Pegasos with curled wing, wt. 11 grs. (Bab. pi. ix, 14) ; and a Half Obol of Mazaios, Head of Mercury ; Ijt Baaltars, wt. 8 grs. (Bab. pi. VI, 8) 4 v Ram's head in incuse square with dotted border ; in angle, a small neuron, id. 13 grs., very fine, unpublished ? 3 44 CITIUM. 313 Baalmelek I, B.C. 479-449. JR Stater, Hercules advancing to right, holding club and bow ; $1 Traces of the legend, lbo^l^> Lion with open jaws, seated to right, in dotted border, within incuse square, wt. 166| grs. (type of Bab. pi. xvin, 5 ; B. M. Guide, pi. xi, 42); and a Half Obol of same king (Bab. pi. xvni, 12), wLJLgis^ 2 * 314 Azbaal, circa B.C. 449-425. M Stater, Hercules with bow and club ^^ ^ advancing to right ; 9> byi\)h"> Lion attacking stag, to right, in dotted border within incuse square, wt. 166J grs. (Bab. pi. xvin, 13). Baalmelek II, circa B.C. 425-400. JR Diobol, Hercules with club and bow, advancing to right ; Bo Lion attacking stag, wt. 25| grs. (Bab. pi. xvin, 18), fine. And Two Obols of same, Head of Herakles ; Bj Lion attacking stag, wt. 13^ grs. (Bab. pi. xvin, 20), fine 4 315 Pumiaton, B.C. 361-312. N Hemistater, Herakles wearing lion's ~^%f #Cp skin, the body nude, walking to right, holding bow and brandishing club, in field ; right, crux ansata ; border of dots V 1jV!23 "fifth-. Lion attacking stag, in field ; to right, date X=year 20 ; the whole within incuse square with dotted border, ivt. 63 grs. (Bab. pi. xix, 11-17), very fine and scarce 1 Pumiaton, B.C. 361-312. N Hemistater. Herakles wearing lion's skin, the body nude, walking to right, holding bow and brandishing club, in field ; right, crux ansata ; border of dots 5^ WDD "\bf2ib; Lion attacking stag, in field ; to right, date III III =year 26 ; the Avhole within incuse square with dotted border, w*^ wt. 63 grs. (Bab. pi. xix, 11-17), very fine and scarce 1 ir- /V *-**y Pumiaton, B.C. 361-312. N One Tenth Stater, Beardless head of Herakles wearing lion's skin ; Bo Lion attacking stag, within incuse square with dotted border, wt. 12| grs. (Bab. pi. xix, no. 6), fine and rare, but pierced. A math us, Rhoicos, circa B.C. 375. M Tetrobols (2), Lion's head to left ; Bo ft. Forepart of lion with paws extended, wt. 29f grs. (Bab. pi. xx, 8). Paphos. Stasan- dros, circa B.C. 440-420. JR Diobol, Bull to left; above, solar disc ; Bo Eagle with closed wings to left ; in field, a vase and an ivy leaf, wt. 24 grs. (Bab. pi. xx, 19). And a Trihemiobol of Pnytos % circa B.C. 460. Winged boar to right ; Bo Head of eagle to left, in dotted border within incuse square, wt. 12 grs., fine, unpublished 1 5 45 GALATIA & CAPPADOCIA. 318 Amyntas, b.c. 36-25. M Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet A / 9= BAZIAEI2Z. AMYNTOY-, Nike, wearing head-dress formed /ft \? 77 of an elephant's trunk, &c, advancingyleft, carrying sceptre bound ^^^^^^^w^diadem, wt. 244 grs., fine ' c 1 319 xftfiU Amyntas, B.C. 36-25. ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Pallas to right, ^g^ ^ . 3 / -v wearing crested Corinthian helmet -y y J^J^f / $ BAZIAEI2Z. AMYNTOY., Nike, advancing left, carrying /Vy^^^^Mseptre bound with diadem, wt. 246 grs., fine 1 320 Kings of Cappadocia. M Drachms of Ariarathes IV, B.C. 220-163. Ariarathes IX, B.C. 96-84. Bust of king ; 9> Pallas Nicephoros. Ariobarzanes I, b.c. 93-59. Same type. And Ariobarzanes III, b.c. 51-42. Same type, all fine 4 Caesareia, Imperial Coinage. M, Vespasian and Titus, O Bust of Vespasian; $> Titus (Mionnet, Suppt. no. 23), fine. Nerva, G Bust of Nerva; $t Bust of Apollo carrying bipennis, rare, but poor. Trajan, Bust to right ; 9> Bust of female, holding spear 3 Caesareia. M, Hadrian, Bust to right ; 9> Club. M. Aurelius ; $1 Mons Argaeus. Commodus ; 1^ similar, all fine 3 KINGS OF SYRIA. The Eeferences are to Babelon, Bois de Syrie. Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. M Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's^^^, 3 . skin to right -^-^ -^-k^. V BAZIAEI2Z ZEAEYKOY-, Zeus Aetophorus seated on throne ~**r>^. sj> without back ; in field to left, dolphin {compare Bab. pi. I, 4), \ ~^/p y& wt. 259^ grs., fine 1 Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. M Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin to right 9> BAZIAEI2Z. ZEAEKOY, Zeus Aetophorus as on preceding; f in field left, mon. 251, and under throne, no. 22, wt. 262| grs., very fine " 1 Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. M Tetradrachm, Head of Herakles in lion's skin to right fy ZEAEYKOY BAZIAEI2Z., Zeus Nikephoros seated on throne with back ; in field to left, mon. 290, but in cartouche ; under throne, mon. 88 (Type of pi. I, 8), wt. 265| grs., very fine 1 Y // 323 324 6 M jd-i M 46 326 Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. M Tetradrachm, Head of Zeus laureate to <-^/fe,.f*?j- right l/L */ C BAZIAE12Z ZEAEYKOY., Quadriga of elephants in which J^ stands Pallas fighting; in the field, the ^eleu^id/ancjior, M, and 4**/**, , the Seleupid/anchor, bee, wt. 266 grs. (pi. m, 3), fine **& fy W 1 327 Seleucus I, B.C. 312-280. M Drachms (2) (a) Head of Zeus laureate; \ C ty 9> Pallas in quadriga of elephants, wt. 58 grs. (b) Bust of Seleucus wearing lion's skin around neck, and helmet adorned with bull's i . horns ; I> Victory erecting trophy ; in field, H and AX, wt. 64 grs. Hemidrachms (2), Head of Zeus, laureate ; $> Pallas in quadriga of elephants, wts. respectively 32| and Tl\ grs. Diobol, Head of bridled / Srse; $ B AZ I A EI2Z " ZEAEYKOY., Bow and quiver, J ~* wt. 20 grs. Obols (2), Tripod ; $ Anchor, fine and some scarce 7 . Antiochus I, Soter, B.C. 281-261. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus I / & BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated left on omphalos, f/~* (ll&O^j^ ^lding an arrow in right hand, the left resting on a bow; in field, v __ Q mons. 70 and 72, wt. 262^ grs., very fine 1 330/ Antiochus I, Soter, B.C. 281-261. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus I to right .1 BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated left, on omphalos, Li A / hiding an arrow in right hand, the left resting on a bow; in field jffl to right, mons. 72 and 158, wt. 264 grs., fine 1 331 Antiochus II, Theos, B.C. 261-246. ^l Tetradrachm, Head of Antiochus II to right, wearing diadem ornamented with wing at side / ^ / BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos hold- V^^- 'fyf frPbty/ ing arrow in right hand, the left resting on bow ; in exergue, horse jf (j grazing (struck at Alexandria Troas) (pi. vil,11), wt. 262 grs., very w?/*^ fine and rare y&~*. &* **-**&** *Jy \ ^ ^ 332 Antiochus HteraXrB.c. 227. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus 9 BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated on omphalos, hold- ing arrow in right hand, the left resting on a bow ; in field left, M I. mon. and , wt. 258 grs., very fine and rare / 1 47 333 Antiochus Hierax, B.C. 227. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus, with slight whisker to right Vc BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated, as on preceding ^tfofafiece^wt. 26 1 grs., very fine 1 33r %eleucus III, Ceraun us, B.C. 226-222. ^l Tetradrachm, Diademed j&^. ^/^3j& head of Seleucus III to right ; border of dots j^iS /^~ //] & BAZI AEftZ ZEAEYKOY., Apollo seated on omphalos to left, ^^p/"^^ y y A^ in/extended right hand he holds an arrow, the left rests upon bow ffjj ./neld behind the omphalos ; in field left, the mon. 242 and to right 1/1 /[P^j^^*^ a second mon., wt. 259 grs. (no. 297 var.), very fine and very rare 1 335 Antiochus, Son of Seleucus III, B.C. 222. .1 Tetradrachm, Infantile head, diademed, of Antiochus, to right ; fillet border $ BAZIAEI2Z ANTIXOY, Apollo seated to left on omphalos, ^JJr~^ -f holding in right hand an arrow, the left resting on bow placed ' r* V**^ behind omphalos ; in field to left, a tripod ; and in the exergue, A, "wt. 263^ grs., fine and rare 1 336 Antiochus III, Magnus, b.c. 222-187. IT Stater, Head of Anti -^^v jZfse Af. chus III, diademed, to right - f 'j^^tpff /? BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo, seated on omphalos, hold-* 5 ^^^ ^ l/rl/ * I/*. y j n g j n right hand an arrow, the left resting on a bow placed behind "^***^ Wc?-^*' ' omphalos; in field to left, lyre and the mon. 156j^ahove, star, , ~k-429 grs., very fine and rare [PI. Ill] ' /^^SS 337 Antiochus III, Magnus, B.C. 222-187. M Tetradrachm, Young head of Antiochus diademed, to right, high relief >^^t*v^^. X r/' BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos, hold- ///gf- ^^i^vl6 / t^ / ^ v ^ * n S arrow ^ n right hand, the left resting on a bow ; in field to left, bow in case, wt. 262 grs. (pi. IX, 13), very fine and scarce 1 /P"** Antiochus III, Magnus, B.C. 222-187. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus at a more advanced age, fillet border 9> BAZI AEX2Z ANTIOXOY., Apollo seated on omphalos, hold- ing in right hand an arrow, the left resting on a bow near omphalos ; in field, mon. 40, wt. 26 1J grs., fine and scarce 1 Antiochus III, Magnus, B.C. 222-187. Jk, Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus, hair short, neck long 9> BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY, Apollo seated on omphalos; in 2f / "'(jxergue, AL, wt. 264 grs. (B.,pl. IX, 8), very fine 1 Antiochus III, Magnus, B.C. 228-187. ^R, Drachm, Diademed head of Antiochus to right, high relief $> BAZIAEI2Z. ANTIOXOY, Elephant to right, wt. 63#rs., 48 341 Seleucus IV, Philopator, B.C. 187-188. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed / / / fa Yj/s/j */* head of Seleucus IV to right ; dotted border ; behind head, a wreath 1 " / / f/tffSVjw*^ B AZ I A EI2Z ZEAZY KOY, Apollo seated on omphalos holding " an arrow in right hand, the left resting on bow ; in exergue, mon. 294, wt. 264 grs., fine and rare 1 s 342 Antiochus IV, Epiphanes, b.c. 175-164. M Diademed head of Antiochus, within fillet border {tAJ*^ $ BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY 0EOY EPIANOYZ, Jf^. ^^^^^--Nicephoros enthroned ; wt. 11\ grs., very fine and scarce Tetradrachm, 4> - 343 fi& S Antiochus IV, Epiphanes, b.c. 175-164. M *f Diademed head of Antiochus, within fillet border BAZIAEX2Z ANTIOXOY 0EOY EPIANOYZ NIKE- 1&A&\>%/ OPOY, Zeus enthroned as on preceding piece; to left, a palm {/ ^ branch ; and in exergue, AZ., wt. 260J grs, 344 TetradrachmX'^"?^,. /. & Zeus 1 Antiochus V, Eupator, b.c. 164-162. M Tetradrachm, Youthful / gft i ^ ^.* io / head of Antiochus V, diademed, to right, within fillet border /V 'ft $> BAZIAEftZ ANTIOXOY EYI1ATOPOZ., Zeus semi- Ih/Wfl* draped, seated to left, holding small statuette of Victory and spear ; r * p* / V\/ j n exergue, mon. 199, wt. 254 grs., fine and rare 1 345 Antiochus V, Eupator, B.C. 164-162. M Tetradrachm, Youthful head of Antiochus V, diademed, to right 9> BAZIAE11Z ANTIOXOY EYIHATOPOZ., Zeus semi- draped, seated to left, holding small statuette of Victory and spear ; in field to left, |A (mon.), (B. M. Cat, p. 44, no. 3), wt. 257f grs., v^ry fine and rare 1 Diademed jg^t , c Demetrius I, Soter, b.c. 162-150. M Tetradrachm, head of Demetrius ; laurel border & BAZIAEI1Z AHMHTPIOY., Figure of Fortune seated to^J^^^ c left, holding an arrow and cornucopise ; in field to left, monogram , S 347 3 /# W^ no. 203 U>Lxyi S\ ivt. 255 grs., fine ^ft*~/ -??/// OL- 1 Demetrius I, Soter, b.c. 12- 150. M Tetradrachm,^malrheaaof Demetrius, diademed, to right ^*V '^<1 9> BAZIAEI2Z. AHMHTPIOY., Apollo seated on omphalos <^~SJ's olding an arrow in right hand, the left resting on bow ; in front, mon., and behind, ZE. (mon.), wt. 260J grs., fine \ ^ /Ho 1 348 Demetrius I, Soter, b.c. 162-150. M Drachms (3), (a) Head of Demetrius ; lfc> Apollo on omphalos, wt. 60 grs. (b and c) Head to right, in fillet border ; $, Cornucopia?, wt. 62 and bl^grs. respectively, fine 3 %/ \72-*. (J z I 49 3d9 Alexander I, Bala, B.C. 152-144. yll Tetradrachm, Diademed head ^c^_ As* - 6>*^ A $ BAZIAEI1Z AAEHANAPOY EOIIATOPOZ EYEP- *^^ ^ " C y - '-J -^ tf r TETOY., Zeus Nicephoros semi-draped, enthroned, to left; in ;" / , exergue, EH P. =165 ; and mon. 100, wt. 253 grs., scarce 1 Alexander I, Bala, B.C. 150-145. Al Diademed head of Alexander / iaj&H6A . J to right, within dotted border C/' s AAEHANAPOY BAZIAEHZ, Eagle to left; in front, ptyfos^ EHP. = 165, and behind eagle, ZIA.Q, and aplustre, wt. 211 grs., hmOY NIKA- -^^f TOPOZ., Figure of Fortune seated on throne to left, holding an J** / '<# arrow, and a cornucopiae ; in exergue, mon. 233 var., wt. 244 grs., very fine and scarce 1 352 Drachms. Demetrius I, Soter. Head diademed to right ; fy Apollo ^ /^/S/ on omphalos, wt. 60 grs., fine. Alexander I, Bala, Head diademed f flJL+J/ to right ; > Apollo on omphalos; in exergue, A. Demetrius II, Ipflfrfld+MlcaXor .(First reign), Young head diademed to right; $1 Zeus / (J Aetophoros, wt. 51 grs., fine. Antiochus VII, Diademed head, \f/y/~~ fillet border ; $1 Apollo on omphalos, wt. 60 grs. 4 353 Antiochus VI, Dionysos, B.C. 145-142. M Drachms (2), Diademed and radiate head of Antiochus VI to right, within dotted border ; % 6 /// BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY EniANOYZ AIONY- \ ,-/ S, //r J. 3 'P ZOY., Apollo on omphalos ; one has in exergue, O P=l 70, TPY. \J^ ^r^C^T:^/ W%&ls4T-A. ; and a Hemidrachm, O same head ; Rj^an ther with palm ^^Y- (f branch to left ; in field, ZTA-, wt. 28 J grs., all very fine 3 354 Tryphon, B.C. 142-139. M Drachm, Diademed head of Tryphon to <&s j.j right &%.Sss . i 9> BAZIAEX2Z TPYnNOZ AYTOKPATOPOZ., Spiked y ^ ^ pelmet, .with ibex horn; in front, I PI (mon.), wt. 59 grs., fine and \ ' rare ; and one M, similar type 2 355 Antiochus VII, Euergetes, B.C. 138-129. M Didrachm, struck at Tyre, Draped and diademed bust of Antiochus VII to right, within dotted border; ANTIOXOY BAZIAEI2Z., Eagle on spur of galley, palm branch near right wing ; in field to left, monogram of Tyre, and r>p ; to right, AZK (mon.), and HOP. =178 ; between legs of eagle, Z., wt. 120 grs. Another, struck at Sidon ; $ ANTIOXOY B AZI AEI2Z-, Eagle on spur of galley, ^X i <^ c J^. ^^ p\ ' palm branch near right wing; in field to left, EOP.=175, and ... ^"^ <^&*Jj mon. ; to right, Zl Afl and aplustre, wt. 107 grs., very fine and rare 2 I / lis A 3 t- 50 I JJ- Antiochus VII, B.C. 138-129. M Drachm, Diademed head of Anti- ochus to right, fillet border; > BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY EYEPTETOY, Nike with crown walking to right, wt. 59| grs. ^ /? (B. xxi, 15), very scarce. Demetrius II (Second reign), Diademed $jZ a,/ * /%y and bearded bust of Demetrius to right ; > Zeus Nicephoros, wt. 56 grs. ; and a Hemidrachm of Antiochus VIII, Diademed head to right; $t Nike with wreath, ivt. 29 grs., fine and rare 3 Demetrius II, Nicator, B.C. 130-125, second reign, Bearded and diademed head of Demetrius II to right, fillet border 9>BAZIAEf2Z AHMHTPIOY 0EOY NIKATOPOZ., Zeus, semi-draped, enthroned to left ; in right hand, figure of flying Nike, and in left hand lotos headed sceptre ; in field to left, mon. 259; and under throne, mon. 265; and in exergue, EnP.=185, wt. 250 grs., very fine and scarce 1 358 Demetrius II, Nicator, B.C. 146-138. M Tetradrachm, Young bust of Demetrius II wearing chlamys; diademed to right, dotted border $ AHMHTPIOY. BAZIAEHZ., Eagle to left standing on spur of galley ; in field right, AZK, and the date ^nP.=186 ; to left, j5t, and monogram of Tyre on club, between legs of eagle, mon. 231, wt. 217 grs., very fine 1 \ _ *jL*. */"~* Demetrius II, Nicator, B.C. 146-138. M Didrachm, same type as t f -but date OP=170, wt. 105| grs., very fine and rare 1 Mt-ni. Demetrius II, Nicator, B.C. 146-138. M Drachm, Diademed bust of Demetrius wearing chlamys, border of dots AHMHTPIOY. BAZIAEI2Z., Eagle with palm branch at ^isjioulder, standing to left on spur of galley ; in field right, AZK. and the date Sn P=186 ; to left, &L and the monogram of Tyre ; nd between the legs of eagle, mon. 231, wt. 54 grs., very fine and rare 1 361 Alexs M Drachm, Diademed head Alexander II, Zebina, b.c. 128-123 Alexander to right, fillet border BAZIAEftZ AAEEANAPOY, Zeus Dolichenos standing on back of fantastic animal ; in field right, a club, and to left, two <&/. lonograms, wt. 61| grs. (B., pi. xvm, 6), fine and rare X^f^^^ Cleopatra, Thea, and Antiochus VIII, Grypus, b.c. 127-121. JR Tetradrachm, Jugate busts of Cleopatra diademed and veiled, ^^^Z^^ and Antiochus diademed, to right ^//^^- $BAZIAIZZHZ KAEOIT-ATPAZ BAZIAEI2Z ANTI -/> 3 ^ tCi A/ OXOY., Eagle on fulmen ; in field, date BS P. - 192, wt. 202 grs., Cj^7 ' / ' /LL/l / * > very rare, obv. very poor, rev. good 1 'jp rKi t> {T* 1J 51 i) 363 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, B.C. 125-96. M Tetradrachm, Diademed ^s&*^ ~^& sfsr . head of Antiochus Grypus to right ^ S. ^^ ^ >/(f $ BAZIAEftZ ANTIOXOY EnWANOYZ., Nude figure -^ -^> JJ> , ^_^- of Zeus standing to left, holding long sceptre and star ; in field ^^^>y^^ ^^-~* . ^t^Jeffc*-M> tne whole within laurel border, wt. 247| grs., very fine 1 """"/ My Antiochus VIII, Grypus, b.c. 125-96. M Tetradrachm, Diademed /head of Antiochus Grypus within fillet border &BAZIAEX2Z ANTIOXOY En WANOYZ., Semi-draped , , figure of Zeus standing to left, head surmounted by a crescent, he ^p . ^y^holds in right hand a long spear, and in the left a star ; in field left p two monograms; and in exergue, SSP = 196, the whole within laurel border, wt. 25 5| grs., fine 1 365 Antiochus VIII, Grypus, B.C. 125-96. JR Tetradrachm, Diademed ^. *^ ^.yCs- head of Antiochus VIII to right, within fillet border <*P > ~~'*^7^ /L* 7' Jfc BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY EmANOYZ., Zeus Nicephoros ^ _ Jf* ^^^_^^ BAZIAEX2Z. ANTIOXOY Ell WANOYZ., Zeus Dolichenos ^^^^ standing on back of fantastic animal, struck at Tarsus, 1 wt. 55 grs. t~B. no. 1427, var.),fine and excessively rare $^ m ~~ " * 367 Antiochus IX, Cyzicenus, B.C. 116-95. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus IX, filleted border -2%^f*^ ^^ $ BAZIAEI2Z. ANTIOXOY. 4>IAOnATOPOZ., Zeus Nice- ^L^^ff-^u- phoros enthroned to left ; in field to left, \, the whole within laurel ^ <^-r^ ->* - border, wt. 242 grs., very fine A <4/ 1 V jR/ft., Antiochus IX, Cyzicenus, B.C. 116-95. M Tetradrachm, Diademed ^ A J head of Antiochus with slight whisker, fillet border ^BAZIAEHZ. ANTIOXOY 4>IAOnATOPOZ, Pallas Nice ^j^ ** /s phoros to right; in front, mon. 277, the whole within laurel \ y# s, ,/y^> border, wt. 242| grs., fine s / 369 Antiochus IX, Cyzicenus, B.C. 116-95. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Antiochus IX, with slight beard, to right, within filleted border . c~ $ BAZIAEI2Z ANTIOXOY BAZIAEHZ ZEAEYKOY EIIKfrANOYZ NIKATO- <* POZ., Pallas standing with lance and shield, holding a statuette of Victory, who is presenting a wreath ; in field, NEI. (moil.), and fi^ /Z^je^tside legend, a lotus flower, vet. 231 grs. (B., pi. xxvn, 2), fine and intiochus X, Eusebes, B.C. 94-83. M Tetradrachm, Diademed /J^y y head of Antiochus to right, within filleted border ' BAZIAEHZ ANTIOXOY EYZEBOYZ IAOnA- s Victory, who is presenting him with a wreath ) in field to left, A., N f?*^ under throne, monogram no. 47, the whole within wreath of laurel, 249 grs., very fine i - 372 Philippus, Philadelphus, b.c. 92-83. M Tetradrachm, Diademed head of Philippus to right, within fillet border 5LBAZIAEHZ \AinnOY EnWANOYZ OY-, Zeus, semi-riude, seated to left, holding figure of Nike and a long sceptre; the whole within a wreath of laurel, wt. 243| grs., fine 1 > Philippus, Philadelphus, B.C. 92-83. M Tetradrachm, Small head of Philippus diademed, to right, fillet border ^BAZIAEftZ 4>IAinnOY EIIWANOYZ 4>IAAAEA- <|>OY., Zeus, semi-nude, seated to left, holding figure of Nike and a long sceptre ; the whole within a wreath of laurel, wL 227 grs^i (J fi ne 1 /u&> 374 Tigranes, B.C. 97-56, of Armenia, M Drachm, Head of Tigranes ^ __ wearing the Armenian tiara to right, the top of the tiara is dentated/^.gg^ ^fr. , and is ornamented with one star ; > BAZI AEI2Z Tl TPANOY., * rtv***^ "" Tyche of Antioch seated to left on rock, the right hand outstretched GvJ^f^nd holding in left hand cornucopiae; at her feet, half length figure, jT the Orontes, swimming; in field to right EA and B0 ; wt. 59 grs., exceedingly rare ; a Drachm of Antiochus VIII, Head o right; $ Tripod ; and another of Seleucus II, Head to right; 9> Apollo standing by tripod 3 4/y /? 53 S/0 SELEUCIS AND PIERIA. 375 Antioch. Vespasian, M Tetradrachm, AYTOKPATOP. OYECnACIANOC KAICAP CEBACTOC, Laureate bust of Vespasian to left: ETOYZ. NEOY. IEPOY. A=4, Eagle upon altar, holding in its beak caduceus, wt. 234| grs., very fine. Nero, M Tetradrachm, KAIZAPOZ. ZEBAZTOY., S *" Laureate bust of Nero to right ; 1}> Eagle on fulmen ; to left, palm branch, wt. 225 grs. And one of Trajan us Decius, Bust to right ; $1 Eagle, fine 3 376 Seleucia, B.C. 104-82. M Tetradrachm, Head of Tyche, tauTeted,_ ^ ^ ^ jl-j veiled and wearing necklace ; fillet border *^!>*w, 2 _ ZEAEYKEHN THZ IEPAZ KAI AYTONOMOY, Ful- ^ ^ men on throne ; between legs of throne A I =14, and KAI ; to right, SH ; the whole within laurel border, wt. 222^ grs., fine and rare rsTV] 1 PHOENICIA. 377 Aradus, B.C. 350-332. M Stater, Bearded and laureate head of Melkarth to right ; B> Nft., Phoenician galley to right ; the whole within shallow incuse with dotted border, wt. Ibigrs. {Bab. pi. XXII, J? 20), fine. Tetrobol, similar in type to the preceding, wt. 54 grs. ' V '(Bab. pi. xxn, 18), fine; and Two OboLs 4 378 Aradus, B.C. 350-332. M Stater, Bearded and laureate head of y rf Melkarth to right ; $k Nft., Phoenician galley to right ; the whole / 'lbs y within shallow incuse with dotted border, wt. 164 grs. (Bab. pi. XXII, ^/ Of /l^^m),fine. Two Obols ; and a Tetrobol, Head of Zeus ; Galley 4 Aradus, B.C. 350-332. M Stater, Bearded and laureate head of Mel- karth to right ; $1 "]NQ-, Phoenician galley to right ; the whole in shallow incuse with dotted border. M Tetrobol, N., Dagon holding in each hand a dolphin ; $> Winged hippocamp to right ; above, galley ; the whole within dotted border in incuse square (Bab. pi. xxn, 2), wt. 49 grs. Another, Head of Melkarth; $> Galley (Bab. pi. xxn, 17), very fine. A Drachm, Bee ; $k [A]PAAIX2N, Stag in front of palm tree (Bab. pi. XXIV, 12). And a Triobol of Elpaal, King of Byblos, circa B.C. 360. Galley with warriors ; below, winged hippocamp ; ^ Legend indistinct, Lion attacking bull, wt. 55 grs. (Bab. pi. xxvi, 13) 5 The King Artaxerxes II, Memnon, seizing by the mane a lion, which stands erect before him, and holding poignard in right hand; the whole in shallow incuse square, wt. 104^ grs. (Bab. pi. xxix, 24), fine. Sidon, B.C. Ill, A.d. 117. M Didrachm, Head of the city turreted and veiled ///>- Za/) &ZIAftNlftN THZ IEPAZ KAI AZYAOY., Eagle with palm, standing on rudder; in field, monogram and date, AN P=153, sl*^^ w ^" 94tj<7?'s., rare, but not fine; and Seven Obols, various dates, type, O Galley, $1 King attacking lion 9 Tripolis, after circa B.c. 200. M Tetradrachm, Bust of the Dioskuri ^y yr - draped and laureate, surmounted by stars ; within fillet border & TPinOAITftN THZ IEPAZ KAI AYTONOMOY., Figure of City, right hand resting on rudder bar, and holding cornu- copiae ; in field, left, ^, and in exergue, HI, the whole within fy/l*/ wreath, wt. 233 grs. (Bab. pi. xxxiii, 13), extremely fine and rare [PI. HI] 1 382 z A hfj*~ 384 " 383 Tripolis, after circa B.C. 200. M Tetradrachm, Bust of the Dioskuri draped and laureate, surmounted by stars ; within fillet border > TPinOAITftN THZ IEPAZ KAI AYTONOMOY., Figure of City, right hand resting on rudder bar, and holding cornu- J J copiae ; in field, left, H, and ear of corn in exergue < 56 *t JUDAEA. ^ih 391 Gaza. M Drachm, Athenian type, Janiform diademed male and female heads ; fy> J")[ty]-> Owl in incuse square, tot. 58| grs. (Bab. * p. vill, 6) ; and another, Bearded male head to right ; $k JR., **ji Forepart of horse to right in beaded square within incuse, wt. 55 grs. (Bab. pi. viii, 11), fine and scarce 2 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. Al Shekel, Struck during the Second Revolt, M Tetradrachm, B urnt yw r, n^Dltf* a tetrastyle temple ; border of dots Ofae-fa- #> Laceruth Jerushalem. Ethrog and Lulab, wt. 228| grs. (Madden, P p. 239, no. 19), fine and very rare [PI. Ill] i, / W^^*3 1 *^ ^^ Simon Maccabaeus, b.c. 143-135. Half Shekel, Chatzi ha-Shekel, Chalice with date above, 2ttf=year 2 f Ifc Jeruslialaim ha-kedoshah, branch with three buds, wt. 104 grs. ^ /?) (Madden, p. 68), very fine and rare 1 394 Simon Barcochab, a.d. 132-135. M Struck during the Second jj / Revolt, (a) Bunch of grapes ; $c Lyre, pierced, (b) Bunch of \ $. <&> grapes ; 9> Two trumpets, (struck over a Denarius of Trajan), very M JJU& _ 2 Bronze of Judaea. Half Shekel, SixTn of"~Shekel (2), Alexander Jannaeus, Alexander II, Herod Agrippa I, Tiberius, ClaTrdius, and Ne ro, stru e k sby the Procurators? First Revolt, &.. some fine 21 395 ' =t 4 iS 4 4^ yj<" / ARARIA 396 Another lot, similar, some fine l*ss> 20 y/*tf\. to.5?- &~y/'~ u < o<.lC^ ARABIA. A\ Drachms (3), Laureate head to left, within Himyarite Coinage. wreath of laurel 9> Owl rtpon an amphora, monograms on either side, the whole within a border of reeds and beads ; one has legend above owl, wt. about 84^ grs. (see Num. Chron., 1878, pi. xm, nos. 11, 11), fine and scarce 3 Himyarite Coinage. M Drachms (3), similar to the preceding, but with head to right, wt. about 84| grs. (Num. Chron., 1878, pi. XIII, nos. 5, 6, 7), all fine and scarce 3 %* The above are from the San'a hoard. Himyarite Coinage. A\ Drachm, Head to right, the hair in ringlets, the whole within a serpent border fy Himyarite legend and monograms, small head similar in treatment to that on 0, wt. 24 grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 57 PARTHIA, &c. KINGS OF PARTHIA. Arsaces VI (Mithradates I), b.c. 174-136. M Tetradrachm, Drapedand diademed head of Mithradates to right AZIAEI2S MErAAOY APZAKOY King before fire-altar ; to right, a standard. Drachm of Phraataces and Mousa. Obols of /2,/^rsaces VI, *"> & c -> an d Drachm of Ardashir I. Obol of Shahpur I. Hemidrachm of Shah pur 1 II. Obol of Varahran II, &c. 15 \ //.// PERSIA. 02 Darius 111, Codoman, b.c. 337-330. ^Double Daric, The king ^ kneeling right, wearing candys and dentated crown, holding in right ^^J^ hand bow, and in the left a javelin, the butt terminating in a knob ; in field left, monogram 30 9> Incuse with wavy lines in relief, wt. 259 grs. (Bab. pi. II, 19), very d rare [PL III] 1 403 pari us III, Codoman, b.c. 337-330. N Daric, The king kneeling to right, wearing candys and dentated crown, holding in right hand a bow, and in left hand a short sword ; $> Incuse, wt. 128 grs., very fine and scarce; and a Twelfth Daric, The king kneeling to* right ; Incuse, wt. 12^ grs., fine and rare 2 >* Darius III, &c. M Sigli (6), King as archer ; $> Incuse (Sab. n, 26). Another, with half-length figure of the king with bow (Sidon ?), wt averaging 83 grs., fine ; and a Diobol, similar type, wt. 12 grs. 7 KINGS OF BACTRIA AND INDIA. 405 DiodotUS, circa b.c. 250. -AT Stater, Diademed head of Diodotus |^/x?.>2 *~^ right "-"* * -&* & BAZIAEI2Z. AIOAOTOY., Zeus striding to left about to X/^c^ hurl thunderbolt, aegis over left arm, at his feet an eagle, and in **4&j field, wreath, wt. 128| grs., fine and rare, chisel cut on obv. [PI. IV] 1 /^^w J&W+-/&* 58 406 Diodotus, circa B.C. 250. N Stater, Diademed head of Diodotus to right AZIAEftZ. AIOAOTOY., Zeus striding to left about to hurl thunderbolt, aegis over left arm, at his feet an eagle, and in field, wreath, wt. 128^ grs., fine and rare, chisel cut, which has been repaired, on obv. 1 ipvt*C' Diodotus, circa B.C. 250. N Stater, Diademed head of Diodotus to right 9> BAZIAEftZ. AIOAOTOY., Zeus striding to left about to hurl thunderbolt, aegis over left arm, at his feet an eagle, and in field, wreath, wt. 128^ grs. 1 40&-- Euttiydemus I, Successor of DiodotusTl, circa B.C. 220-189. N Stater, Head of the king wearing diadem to right ^*^C & BAZIAEI2Z. EY0YAHMOY., Herakles bearded, naked, seated left on rock, holding in right hand a club, which rests on k " * " rock in front of him, wt. 129 J grs., fine and very rare 1 409 Eucratides, B.C. 200-150. M Tetradrachm, Draped bust of Eucra-^^. ^ tides to right, wearing crested helmet, adorned at sides with bull's, y *,_ horn and ear \*^/J' ffl^ZP*^ 1>BAZIAEHZ. MErAAOY. around, EYKPATIAOY. in^^ #^ (j exergue, the Dioscuri on horseback with couched lances ; in field, ' monogram, wt. 258^ grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 \ J* 410 Eucratides, B.C. 200-150. M Drachm, Draped bust of Eucratides to right, wearing crested helmet, adorned at sides with bull's horn and ear BAZIAEI2Z. MErAAOY. around, EYKPATIAOY. in exergue, the Dioscuri on horseback with couched lances ; in field, ^ M4f/H, wt. 64 grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 411 Agathocles. JR Drachm, Draped and diademed bust of Agatho- y a cles to right; & BAZIAE12Z ArAGOKAEOYZ., Zeusstand- iKi jtkJh^ i n g> holding long sceptre and figure of Hecate carrying two torches, ^YtW*^ w ^ 55 ^ g rs ^ ^ n obol of Demetrius, Bust of king wearing elephant's skin head dress; #> Herakles; and two Obols of Eucra- tides, varied heads 4 tt *><*- Vl\ 412 Maues, circa B.C. 100. M Tetradrachm, BAZIAEX2Z BAZI- . AEI2N MErAAOY MAYOY, Zeus standing holding long ****** sceptre "ww^^-,*^ ]fc Pali inscription, Nike to right holding palm and wreath, wt. 139 ^ - U /jib*" grs., very fine and scarce [PI. IV] 1 -J 59 ' 413 Azes. M Tetradrachm, BAZIAEI2Z BAZIAEI2N MErAAOY ^WjJ^-~vi /q ri/7 AZOY., King on horseback carrying lance ^ J 2 * ~ <^e tff/)* 9> Pali inscription, Pallas Promachos to left ; in field, monogram, "-u*-**^ ^. ^j tetf. 144 grs., very fine 1 ^ " x -j- V Azes. M Tetradrachm, similar to last, but not quite so fine, wt. 137 grs. 1 Antialcidas, circa B.C. 135. M Drachm, Bust of king helmeted; $1 Zeus seated. And Drachms of Azes, King on horseback ; 9> Zeus standing. Apollodotus, circa B.C. 110 (square Drachm), Ele- phant ; $> Bull. Menander, circa B.C. 110 (5), Diademed bust to right ; > Pallas Promachos. Bust to left with spear (2) ; R> Pallas. * And two with helmeted bust. Antimachus II, Nike ; $> Horse- man. Others of Hermaeus, &c, principally very fine 13 416 Hooerkes, circa a.d. 90-120. IT Stater, PA0NANO PAOO. hKIKOPANO, Half-length bust of king, diademed and nimbate, holding spear and sceptre PAOXPO-, Female deity holding cornucopiae ; in field right, monogram, wt. 123 grs., very fine 1 417 Kushan King, circa a.d. 200. Blundered legend, King standing to ^ ~ ^?j* left before altar, &c. V OK PC, Siva standing before bull, holding trident and wreath, wt. 142| grs., very fine 1 EGYPT. U 418 Alexander IV, Aegos, b.c. 323-311 (struck under Ptolemy I). Youthful head of Alexander to right, wearing diadem, and covered with the elephant's skin AAEEANAPOY., Athena Alkis to right with shield, hurling javelin ; in front, Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt ; in field, mon., wt. 241 grs., very fine and scarce [PI. IV] 1 419 Alexander IV, B.C. 323-311 (struck under Ptolemy I). M Tetra- drachm, Youthful head of Alexander to right, wearing diadem, and covered with the elephant's skin & AAEEANAPOY., Athena Alkis to right with shield, hurling \a}* / javelin ; in front, Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt ; in the field, two *jC&rh* S i m onograms and a rhyton, wt. 241 grs., fine 1 420 Alexander IV, B.C. 323-311 (struck under Ptolemy I), M Tetra- drachm, Youthful head of Alexander to right, wearing diadem, and covered with the elephant's skin ; 9> AAEEANAPOY., Athena .y * Is Alkis to right with shield, hurling javelin ; in front Ptolemaic eagle on thunderbolt; monogram, star and helmet, wt. 237 grs. ; and a Drachm of same type as the preceding, wt. 58 grs., very scarce 2 /. if fm**. / 60 421 Ptolemy Soter, B.C. 305-284. N Stater, Diademed head of Ptolemy, the aegis knotted around neck \L m** & [njTOAEMAIOY. BAZI AEftZ., Ptolemy driving biga of ele- phants to right, and holding fulmen ; in exergue, I n n O K PA. (mon. ) h and KE., wt. 110 grs., in brilliant condition and very rare [PI. IV] 1 Ptolemy Soter, B.C. 305-285. N Pentadrachm, Diademed head of ^*~*^ Ptolemy Soter to right fvsf/r*" /'//^ $ FITOAEMAIOY. BAZIAEHZ., Eagle to left on thunderbolt; Jr ' J /~ ~ in field to left H and club, wt. 273 grs., very fine and rare [PI. IV] 1 *^w'^'* x^f^ 423^ Ptolemy Soter, B.C. 305-285. N Quarter Stater, legend and types 2-2 ^^^alpreceding piece ; in field of > n Y (mon.), wt. 26 grs., fine 1 * '//* 424 ''Ptolemy Soter, B.C. 305-285. JR Tetradrachms (3), nTOAE- MAIOY. BAZIAEI2Z., Eagle on fulmen; in field, Ml. (mon.) and P. ; the two other pieces are without monograms but have X. between legs of eagle and read flTOAEMAlOY ZflTHPOZ. *? A A I r , V ^^-^fe^te^y II, ^, Tetradrachm, similar type, cornucopiae in field on ^lA^^^ rev., fine 4 425 Ptolemy II, Philadelphia, B.C. 285-244. N Octadrachm, ^Ly ytf* ^ AAEAf2N., Jugate busts of Philadelphus diademed and draped, '^^V^ m a and Arsinoe diademed and veiled, behind shield s#^y,yfc 0EI2N., Deified heads of Ptolemy Soter diademed and draped, Siir^'* and Berenice diademed and veiled, wt. 429 grs., very fine [PL IV] 1 j^l 426 Ptolemy II, Philadelphus, b.c. 285-244. N Tetradrachm, r^tW/fcA. AAEAI2N., Jugate busts of Philadelphus and Arsinoe, as on \ w/ / j the preceding A*'/*/ m ' J V X)0y (^ 9> 0EI2N., Jugate busts of Ptolemy Soter diademed and draped, A J fas*" an d Berenice diademed and veiled, wt. 213^ grs., very fine 1 / j Arsinoe II, B.C. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). M Deca- yrfjy yd drachm, Veiled and diademed head of Arsinoe to right, behind EE. , ^> &APZINOHZ. OY., Double cornucopiae, with ^ pendant taenia, wt. 548 grs., very fine [PI. IV] -* ./*; 1 ^ . ss r 28/ Arsinoe II, B.C. 285-247 (wife of Ptolemy Philadelphus). ^fl Tetrad - ^^ drachm, Veiled and diademed head of Arsinoe to right, B behind t ^^>-^ **** c & APZINOHZ. IAAAEA4>OY., Eagle on thunderbolt to left, V ~+ between legs X., wt. 206 grs., very fine although chipped at edge, and ^s^* very rare [PI. IV] 1 Berenice 1 1 (wife of Euergetes), B.C. 247-222. & Octadrachm, Veiled ^^y j^ bust of Berenice to right _, j#>y / V* BEPENIKHZ BAZIAIZZHZ., Single cornucopiae, with pen- ' *&C' dant taenia, wt. 428 grs., in fair condition and very rare l^v^C />i2j 1 ' W<*V y 61 430 k f 431 11 -it 433 Berenice II, B.C. 247-222. M Didrachm, Diademed head of Berenice to right; border of dots; > BEPENIKHZ BAZIAIZZHZ., Legend divided by a club ; above, trident ; and below, monogram, wt. 110 grs., rare. Ptolemy IV, Philopator, M Didrachm, Bust of Ptolemy draped, wearing aegis, and crowned with ivy to right, ^Ihyrsos at shoulder; $ IITOAEMAIOY. BAXIAEI2Z-, Eagle on fulmen to left, wt. 101 grs., fine and scarce 2 Tetradrachms of Ptolemy V ; R- Club and ear of corn in field, L|0 (year 19), and Kl (Citium). Ptolemy VI, dated LA (year 39), riA (Paphos) ; and Ptolemy X, dated LA (year 4) riA (Paphos), all fine 3 \ *e*. s?~^ 432 Tetradrachms of the Ptolemies, varied, some fine Bronze. Nomes. Hadrian, Hermopolites, AYT KAI TPA AYC- TINA C6B 6YC6B 0YI~., Bust of Faustina Junior to right; R Winged griffin to right, off side fore-paw placed on a wheel of seven spokes, L|A=(year 14), all fine 9 a. 62 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. CYRENAICA. LOT 434 */ 54 * Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. N Stater, KYPANAION (on tablet in exergue), Victorious quadriga driven to left by Kyrene *^>tr ^.^ 9> 0EYEI(AEYZ), Zeus seated, left, on throne with back; the^g^ *a > ; right hand holds a, long sceptre; in field, an eagle, ui. 131 grs., a ?$r sjv scarce type c^&p*^ ^f*^ ^^ ^ 1 7* y > 435 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. N Stater, ^YPANAION, Zeus Amnion \ t $ Q semi-draped, with long sceptre, standing to right, in front of ram to / ^~* , f ; 3 l.f right SU C S * S^)]A^S f)\ %s^ APIZTATOPA (in exergue), Kyrene driving Victorious quadriga + r^ to left, at. 131 grs. 1 7 / ff ^2^ 6 C y pene ' B - c - 321 - & Stater, similar in type to last, but the O reads J' "' / /{C** KYPANAIXIN.,^. 132^5. J^^/U 1 437 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. N Stater, KYPANAION., Victorious quad- J~- r~ riga driven by Kyrene to right ; over horses, sun with rays * y A > KYAIPIOZ., Zeus Ammon, semi-draped, seated to left, holding J^ ^A- <^-*tfp / &4/fr+*' an eagle, before him a thymiateriomtcL-4 33 grs., finp . 1 438 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. N Hemistaters (2), Horseman^o' right; on ^Sjjfi^"^* mS *y / one example the horse is galloping, on the other walking t) ^ 4 r^ '/ 3 j *4+^ > I / V rfj^ ^ P A Silphium plant, on the first specimen ; to left, a cicada, - / 4? v 1 tfixyy^S and on the second ; to right, a jerboa, ui. about 65| grs. 2 439 Cyrene, B.c. 321-308. N Third of Stater, Youthful rider to right," V / his kausia slung at back of neck ; in field, right, a star ; > KYPA., t V ~" A - f A " Wi Silphium plant, in field to left, P E monogram, wt. 44 grs., very fine and scarce ; and a Tenth of Stater, Head of Zeus Ammon ; $ Head of Kyrene, fine 2 440 Cyrene, B.C. 321-308. N Tenth of Stater (4) (a) Head of young * -*/ / Ammon ; E in front ; |k Head of Kyrene. (b) Head of young L .. f* J V Ammon ; KY behind ; $> Head of Kyrene. (c) Head of young / ^j /fi Ammon; IA behind; R Head of Kyrene. (d) Bearded head of I A behind; $> Head of Kyrene. (d) Bearded head of Zeus Amm -/> ' all very fine //si / l ^ eus Ammon to left ; $t KY, Head of Kyrene, wt. averaging 13 grs., 63 441 Cyrene, B.C. 320. M Tetradrachm, Bearded head of Zeus Amnion >- /*= to right *-* /$/Z&6& 9> p a Silphium plant, wt. 208 grs., _/me [PL 442 Cyrene, B.C. 431-321. M Drachm, Head of Zeus Ammon in dotted circle in incuse square, in the corners of which KYPA- ; i& Silphium 7 / /fy plant, wt. 50 grs., very fine. Hemidrachm, KY., Head of Zeus Or / Ammon in dotted circle in circular incuse ; $> Silphium plant, ^C t^f -r< wt. 25| grs., very fine. And a Didrachm, B.C. 321-308, Young male head with ram's horn, to left ; t KY PA, Silphium plant ; in field, star and monogram, wt. 120| grs., fine 3 443 Cyrene, M Quinarius of Trajan, AYT KAIX NEP TPAIAN ZEB TEPM, Head of Trajan, laureate to right; fy AHMAPX. y J*** EZ YnAT J", Head of Zeus Ammon to right, fine. Libya, circa $ /! B.C. 200, 1 Didrachm, Head of young Herakles in lion's skin; ^^ ^^ 9> [AIB]YX2N (in exergue), Lion passant right; above, a, /w wt. 117 grs., fine and scarce 2 444 Barce, B.C. 480-431. M Tetradrachms (2), qA9, Head of Zeus /& & ^. ^ J2 /A Ammori to right in circular incuse with dotted border ; Silphium ^^r _ V j * / plant, wt. 243 grs. Another, B.C. 431-321, Head of Zeus Ammon ^^ l p k A.I ZEUGITANA. OjM$ Carthage, B.C. 410-310. JR Tetradrachm, Forepart of bridled horse ^^ below > Punic le s end Jj~ fc /&s/L ^~~* ^-(^5% I / > Date-palm tree, Punic legend on either side, wt. 266 grs., scarce 1 446 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves ; around, four dolphins -^-fs/f -fl y P un ic legend, Bust of Horse, with palm tree behind, wt. 260^ grs., 3-/ 1 very fine [PI. IV] 447 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone, wearing triple earring, wreath of corn leaves ; copy of the coin of j Euainetos, with escallop shell under chin ; around, four dolphins /J-jls&JkMo legend, horse walking to right, before palm tree, wt. 263 \ grs., \F*T I very fine [PI. IV] 1 448 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone, wearing triple earring, necklace, and wreath of corn leaves, and two ears of corn projecting in front; Punic inscription behind head and without the usual dolphins around #> Horse before palm tree, wt. 262| grs., very fine and of good style [PL IV] 1 .A 449 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone, wearing triple earring, necklace, and wreath of corn leaves, and two ears of corn projecting in front ; Punic inscription behind head and without the usual dolphins around 9> Horse before palm tree, wt. 270 grs., in good state 1 450 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. M Tetradrachm, Head of the Tyrian Herakles, Melkarth, in lion's skin, to right Jt Punic legend below bust of horse to left ; in front, astragalus, and behind, a date-palm, wt. 264| grs., very fine 1 < 4 ^ frit Punic legend below bust of horse to left ; behind, a date-palm, wt. 258^ grs., very fine 1 X&~ J 52 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. Head of Persephone, wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves, to right ; around, four dolphins ^ 9> Free horse prancing, to right, before palm tree, wt. 265 grs., very (JJ~-^ fine 1 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. Head of Persephone, wearing triple earring, necklace and wreath of corn leaves, to left ; around, four dolphins Bust of horse to left ; behind, palm tree, and below, ft, wt. 26 2 grs.,. very fine [PI. IV] 1 Carthage, B.C. 410-310. ^51 Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to right ; $k Horse standing before palm tree ; in front, an upright caduceus, wt. 257 grs., rev., very fine. Another, Head of Persephone to left ; in front, upright caduceus ; fy Bust of horse with palm tree behind, wt. 26 1 grs. 2 455 Carthage, B.C. 241-218. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone to left, wearing triple earring, necklace with pendants, and wreath composed of ears of corn ; behind head a dolphin 9> Horse standing to right, before palm tree ; in field left, a crescent, wt. 260| grs., fine and scarce 1 & /A /?4s /I 3 y'l ^ $L-^ 65 45 6 Carthage, B.C. 340-242. El. Stater, Head of Persephone to left, wearing earring, and necklace with pendants 7" y. /n $ Horse to right; in exergue, three pellets v, wt. 113| grs., very fine 457 Carthage, b.c. 340-242. El. Quarter Staters (2), similar in type to h y ~S? last piece; and an Eighth of Stater, B.C. 410-310, Date palm; ft* /(/ Bust of horse, all fine 3 458 Carthage, b.c. 410-310. N Sixth of Stater, Head of Persephone to /y, /fl left; ^= Horse galloping to right; above, v, wt. 23 grs., fine; and a Quarter Stater? B.C. 218-146, Head of Persephone, of flat style, to left ; Bj Horse to right, fine 2 Carthage, B.C. 241-218. M Tetradrachm, Head of Persephone wearing triple earring, necklace with pendants, and corn wreath in hair 9> Horse standing to right ; above, star, wt. 225^ grs., fine and scarce [PL IV] 1 Carthage, B.C. 241-218. M Tetradrachm 1, Head of Persephone of poor style ; Bj Horse walking ; under raised foreleg a pellet, edge dentated, wt. 220 grs., fine. Didrachm, B.C. 241-218, Head of Persephone; Bo Horse, head reverted, standing before palm tree; star in front. Another of Hispano-Carthaginian work, Head of Persephone; $> Horse; above, Mill H. ; and two smaller pieces of Siculo Punic issue 4 2- /// 460 3 <& f~C-~^ Vh /j NUMIDIA AND MAURETANIA. 461 Micipsa, B.C. 148-118. M Didrachm, Drachm and Hemidrachm, ^g/^2 ?jz. Beardless head to left 9) Horse to right (on the Didrachm, palm tree in background), wis. respectively 110| grs., 52| grs., 27 grs. (Miiller, Num. VAncienne Afrique, p. 17) 3 Jugurtha, B.C. 118-106. M Drachm, Diademed head to left jc^/vA^v & ^ ^ 9= Elephant; in exergue, tf, wt. 47| grs. (Miiller, p. 17), fine. Hiempsal 1 1, B.C. 106-60. M Drachm, Male head to right crowned with corn wreath ; Bo Horse galloping to right ; below 17 ; the whole within wreath of laurel, wt. 47| grs. (Miiller, p. 38), fine 2 Juba I, b.c. 60? 46. M Drachm (2), REX JVBA., Bust of King to right ; & Temple, Punic legend (Hist. Num. p. 744). Triobol, Bust of King to right ; Bo Horse galloping to right, fine and scarce 3 F 464 4 66 Juba II, B.C. 25, A.D. 23. JR REX JVBA, Diademed bust to right ; N ^ Jo Cornucopiae and sceptre (Milller, 25). REX JVBA, Bust of ^ -^ young Herakles in lion's skin, club at shoulder; $ RXXXXIf Capricorn with globe, rudder, and cornucopia (unpublished), fine, but portion of the coin wanting [EX JV BA, Head 465 Juba and Cleopatra, b.c. 254.D. 23. ' R right; $ R XXX, Bust of Cleopatra. Another, REX JVBA, Dia- g/cUmedhead to right ; B, BACIAICCA KAEOnATPA, Head Q rfir'*/* dress of Isis and sistrum, both very fine 2 ' 466 Ptolemy, son of Juba and Cleopatra, REX PTOLEMAEVS, Bust v J ( 'A to right ; $> R.A.X, Curule chair and sceptre ; and two others, O / ' v n J / {t/ . i^wnilar type and legend; (a) R.A.V, Cornucopiae and sceptre; (b) (SWAT R.A.VI, Capricorn, fine \" *J& 3 /^^ |,/7 467 GREEK BRONZE COINS, &c. Thessali, Head of Zeus ; 9> Pallas Itonia, size 4. Epinus (3), Head of Artemis ; > Spear-head in wreath, size 3. Head of Zeus ; Bj A. P., Fulmen, size 6. Ambracia (2), Head of Dione ; Bo Obelisk, size 5. Head of Apollo ; B> Tripod, size 4. Cassope, Head of Aphro- dite; B> Dove in wreath, size 5. Epirus, Head of Artemis; Bj Head of Zeus, size 7 (Hist. Num. p. 275). Molossi, Shield with fulmen displayed ; B> Fulmen in wreath, size 4. Eleusis (2), Triptolemus in car; 9> Pig> * 3 - Athens (4), varied types. Megara, Prow of ship ; > MET., Two dolphins, size 3 ; &c, &c, all very fine and many finely patinated 468 Cebrennia, Head of Apollo; > Ram's head, size 1. Phygela, Female head ; B. YI"A, Bull butting, size 2. Smyrna, Victory ; Bj River god, size 5. Another, Head of Apollo ; B> Homer seated, size 5 ; and two others. Sam OS, Head of Hera ; B> Lion's scalp, size 3. Philadelphia (Lydia), AHMOC-; 9> Draped female figure holding an apple, size 6. Ancyra, Bust of the Senate; Bo Inscription in wreath, size 5. Laodicea (Phrygia), Bust of Pallas; 9> Victory, size 4. Hieropolis (Cilicia), Head of City; B> River god swimming, size 5. Antioch (2), Seleucis and Pieria, Head of Zeus ; Bo Fulmen, size 5. Oea, Head of Apollo ; B> Head of Tiberius, size 9. Carthage, Head of Persephone ; 9> Horse, size 4. M el it a, Head of Isis ; Bo Winged figure with sceptre and flail, size 7. Polemon, struck at Olba (Cilicia), size 5. Alex- ander II, of Syria; &c, principally very fine 25 67 (/ 469 Salamis, Head of Salamis; R Shield, size 4. Aegium, Head of * / Dionysos ; R Eagle, size 5. Tegea (3), Head of Pallas ; R Infant /^ /* Telephos suckled by hind, Owl, Cock, sizes 3, 4 and 2. Polyr- A r rhenium, Bull's head; R Spear-head, size 4. Serphos (Insula), Head of Perseus ; R Harpa, size 3. Assos, Head of Pallas ; R Bull's head, size 2. Phocaea, Head of City ; R Dog attacking dolphin, size 5. Erythrae (4), varied, sizes 6 and 3, principally IAIPPOY., Zeus seated, wt. 264| grs., fine 2 472 Abacemum, B.C. 450-400. M Litra, Bearded male head to right; R ABA, Boar to right; in front, an acorn, wt. Yl\ grs. Heca- tomnos, Dynast of Caria, b.c. 385-350, M Drachm, EKA-, Head of lion to left ; R Star, wt. 64 grs., fine; and a Quinarius of Vespasian, struck at Caesareia (Cappadocia), Head to right; R Victory, very fine and rare 3 &,% c% 1 J j>f] 473 Panormus (1), 466-415. M Obol, Female head, hair long, bound with broad diadem ; around, four dolphins ; R Poseidon seated, holding trident and dolphin, wt. 9 grs. (B. M. Cat. Sicily, p. 246), fine and scarce. Small M of Pordosilene ?, Bee; R Dolphin. Lydia, One-Sixth Stater, usual type; &c. 8 G reek M, principally of small denominations, some unattributed, &c. 65 Miletus (?), circa B.C. 700-494. El. Trite, Lion's head with open jaw, star above; R Oblong incuse, divided into two parts, wt. 71| grs. Uncertain, El., wt. 41f grs., punch mark in relief; R similar type incuse. Another, similar, wt. 10 J grs. ; and five other small electrum coins . 8 ft#- ^ c^ F 2 68 ROMAN COINS. i ROMANO-CAM PAN IAN SERIES. Silver. The nos. refer to Babelon, " Monnaies de la BdpuUique Bomaine." 476 Head of Mars, spray of oak behind ; R romano, Bust of horse to right ; behind, ear of corn (n^A). Head of Apollo, ROMANO in front ; R Horse galloping to right ; above, star (A^_ g). Head of Pallas wearing helmet of Perseus, surmounted by arfeagle ; behind head, yj~S a dog; R ROMANO., Victory attaching wreath to palm branch (nQy!Q=> Another, similar, having a rudder behind head on O, and aa in field on R (no. 7). Head of young Herakles ; R ROMANO., Wolf and twins (m_8_X some fine 5 Head of Pallas, with shield behind ; R romano., Victory (no. 7 var.), two examples with different symbols. Head of Mars helmeted to right ; behind, a club ; R ROMA, Horse galloping to right ; above, club (wfliJyy*- Head of Mars, similar, but helmet decorated with a griffin ; R ROMA, Bust of horse to right (naJSgfc- Head of Apollo, laureate, to right; R roma, Horse prancing to left (noJH), all fine 5 4 kt^ / 478 Denarii, Beardless and laureate head of Janus ; R ROMA (incuse letter- ing on tablet), Zeus in quadriga bearing thunderbolt ( mo . JT S)-. I I Another, similar to last, but the inscription roma is in relief (woJ24)^- / JTUv^ Quinarius, Head of Janus as on preceding ; R similar, but the quad- riga is to left (no. 2&\ Denarius, Head of goddess Rome to right; behind, x; R roma., The Dioscuri to right (no. 1, page^Z&r Quinarius and Sestertius of same type (%os._JL#ttdJtl all very jme 479 Others (as Bab. nos.JL% 6},_all with mark of value. Three Quinarii (as noJ&r- A Sestertius (no.J^- Denarius, B.C. 104, roma, Head of goddess ; R Roma seated ; in front, wolf and twins (no. lZfi). Victoriatus, Head of Zeus ; R Victory crowning trophy, &c, ^all very fine 12 * / Lr*-' h 69 ROMAN FAMILY COINS. 480 Aburia, gem., Head of Koma; fy m. abvri. roma., Phoebus in quad- Accoleia, p. accoleivs lariscolvs., Bust of Acca Acilia, salvtis., Head of riga (nji^). Laurentia ; 1$> Three Cariatidse ( no. 1) . NV. ACiLivs in VIR valetv., Salus feeding serpent (noJS). Aemilia (4 examples), roma., Bust of Koma; $> nv aemilio., Horseman on triumphal arch, inscribed LEP (ngJL). M. SCAVR. AED. cvr. ex sc rex aretas., The king Aretas kneeUng ; $k p. hypsae, &c, Jupiter in quadriga (we^-S.). pavllvs lepidvs concordia., Veiled head of Concordia; > pavllvs ter., Lucius Aemilius, Paulus and Perseus (no^AQ), O as preceding, fy pvteal scribon. liro., Well (bo_H). Antestia, c. antestl, Head of Koma; > roma., The Dioscuri (no^V^all very fine 8 Annia, c. annivs. t. f. t. n. procos. ex. sc, Bust of Anna Perenna ; 9> L. fabi. l. f. hisp., Victory in quadriga (no. 4). Antestia, i yAifiSAK. avuvstvs, neau. oi Augustus to rigirt ; yo v. ajntistiv ^ nvs in. vir., Lituus, simpulum, tripod, &c. (n&Jg). Anton i Head of Jupiter to right ; ^ Q. ANTO. balb. PR., Victory in q QAESAR. avgvstvs, Head of Augustus to right ; fy c. antistivs. regi- ia, s. c, quadriga ^^00-^^\no. 1) ; and a Quinarius of Antonia (?io._42), all very fine 4 Antonia, Bare head of M. Antony; > c. vibivs. varvs, Fortune standing holding figure of Victory and cornucopiae (wc^Jifi), in bril- liant condition, ant. AVG. imp. hi. V. R. p. C., Bare head of M. Antony to right ; $1 PIETAS. COS., Piety standing holding cornucopiae and rudder, at her feet a stork (*?f? 44) M. antonivs. imp. hi. vir. r p C, Head of M. Antony to right ; lituus behind ; ^ pietas COS., Piety holding lighted altar and cornucopiae (m_4fi% very fine 3 Antonia, m. ant. imp. avg. hi. vir. r. p. c. m. barbat. q. p., Head of M. Anthony to right ; I> CAESAR imp. PONT III. VIR. R. P. C, Head of Octavius (n magn. pro. cos, , Prow to right (nojtfti. Carisia, imp. caesar. avgvst., Head of "Augustus to left; # i\ carisivs. leg. propr., Trophy upon a pile, of Spanish arms (no. VQ, all very fine . 3 f)/j <\/ H 70 485 /-?>- 486 *v* trie 487 Aquillia, Head of Sun; Bo nv aqvil. roma., Diana in biga to right ( n0 - Vfk > Aurelia, Head of Vulcan ; Bo l. cot., Eagle (no. 21), plated. Caecffia, roma., Head of Roma; Bo c. metellvs, Jupiter in biga of elephants ; Victory above (no. 14^_l. metel. a. ALB. S. F., Head of Apollo ; Bo C. mal. roma, Eome seated, crowned by Victory (no. 45)/ Calpurnia (2), Head of Apollo; Bo l. piso frvgl, Horse- man with palm branch (no. 12 var.) Caesia, Bust of Apollo Vejovis ; Bo l. caesi., Two Lares (no. 1)..- Cassia, Head of Liber, ivy crowned ; p) L cassi. Q. r, Head of Libera, crowned with vine leaves and grapes (nn>f>), Q. cassivs libert, Head of Liberty to right ; Bo Temple giV esta (no^Jt^L Head of Bonus Eventus to right; Bo Q. CASSIVS, Eagle on thunderbolt, all very fine 10 3-i 488 / & Cassia, Veiled head of Vesta ; Bo longin. iiiv., Roman citizen placing his voting paper in urn (no. 10J/_p. cassi. imp. leibertas, Head of Liberty veiled; Bo lentvlvs spint., Praefericulum and lituus (no. 18]/^j3ipia, m.cip.M:f, Head of Roma; Bo ROMA., Victory in biga (no. 1). Claudia, s.c, Bust of Diana ; Bo ti. clavd. ti. f. ap. n. lviil, Victory in biga (no. 5). marcellinvs., Head of the Con- sul Marcellus; Bo marcellvs cos qvinq., The Consul Marcellus before temple, &c. (no. ll)/ .Head of Apollo; Bo p - clodivs. m. f., Diana Lucif era (no. 15)/_Head of Sun to right; fy P. clodivs. M. f., Crescent and five stars (no. 17)/__Coelia, c coel. caldvs COS., Head of the Consul Caldus to right ; Bo caldvs hi. vir., Head of Sun (no : _^yjoM very fine 8 Considia, c. considi. noniani. s. c, Head of Venus Erycina to right ; 9> Temple on mound behind rampart, ERVC. (no. 1\< Head of Apollo to right ; Bo c. CONSIDI. paetl, Wreath on curule chair (no. 2V^CoiPnelia, sisena. roma. Head of Roma to right, c. n. cor- nel, l.f., Jupiter in Quadriga ; beneath horses, the giant Typhon (no. 17]/^ roma. e., Bust of Hercules draped in lion's skin and carrying club ; Bo lent. mar. f., Rome and genius populi (no. 25L^> _ Another, reading on 0- PE. S. C. (no. 26)/ipiademed head of Venus to right ; Bo Cornucopiae, Q in field (no. 32)__Bust of youthful Mars ; Bo cn. lentvl., Victory in biga (no. 50)/ favstvs, Bust of Diana to right ; Bo felix., The king Bocchus offering branch of olive to Sylla, seated on estrade ; behind him, kneeling figure of Jugurtha captive (no. 59Vfr 11 very fine 8 Cornelia, Bearded head of Jupiter Pluvius to right Bo l. lentvlvs c. mar cos., Diana of Ephesus with her attributes (no. Q7)/veryfine and very rare 1 7*9s 71 o 489 Aft Cornelia, feelix., Diademed head of Jugurtha to right ; B; favstvs., Diana in biga (no. 60^ favstvs. S.C., Faustus in monogram, bust of young Hercules to right ; Bo Globe between crowns, &c. (no. 61)/y. __ Another, similar, but with S. C. only on O (no. 62\z, L. lent. c. MARC. COS., Young head of Jupiter to right ; Bo Jupiter standing, holding eagle and thunderbolt (no. 65V^ Cossutia, sabvla., Head of Medusa ; Bo L- COSSVTI. c. f., Bellerophon on Pegasus ; xii in field (no. 1^-Cnepusia, Head of Apollo j B> P. crepvsi. cxiii, Horseman with lance to right (no. lVLDidia, p. fonteivs capito hi vir CONCORDIA., Veiled head of Concordia to right ; Bo T. Dim. imp. vil. pvb., Villa Publica (no. lj/^Fabia, ex. a. pv., Head of Cybele; Bo c. fabi. c. f, Victory in biga (no. lilfall very fine 8 Domitia, ahenobar., Head of Ahenobarbus to right C N. domitivs. imp., Prow of galley to right, surmounted by trophy (no. 21) An brilliant condition 1 Durmia (2), honori. m. dvrmivs. hi vir, Head of Honor to right; Bo CAESAR AVGVSTVS., Augustus in biga of elephants to left (no. fyfer- CAESAR AVGVSTVS., Head Of Augustus to right J Bo M. DVRMIVS. III. * VIR., Lion devouring stag (no. 9\fboth extremely fine and scarce 2 Fonteia, Heads of the Dioscuri ; Bo M - fontei., Galley with pilot to right (no. 7i^M, fontei. C. F., Head of Apollo Vejovis to right; Bo Cupid on goat, &c. (no. IIY^/.e. fonteivs. p. f. capito. hi. vir, Bust of Mars with trophy. Bo n - PONT. TR. mil., Horseman riding over Gaul, who is attacking kneeling captive (no. 17^/^Furia, M. FOVRI. L. F., Laureate head of Janus; Bo PHILI. y ROMA., Roma crowning trophy (no. 18^_brocchi. hi. VIR., Head of Ceres; Bo l. fvri. cn. f, Curule chair, &c. (no. 2Zy$ Herennia, pietas., Head of Piety ; Bj M. HERENNL, Amphinomus or Anapius carrying his father (no. 1\/ Hosidia, geta. hi. vir., Bust of Diana to right ; Bo C. HOSIDI. C. f., Calydonian boar to right (no. l^Another, Bust of Diana; $1 similar to last (no. 2VjHostilia, Head of Pavor; behind a carnyx; Bo L.HOSTILIVS. SASERNA., Diana of Ephesus (no. r-ry^/ 9 VL- % all very fine 9 493 Julia, all with heads of Julius Caesar, caesar. imper. ; Bo m. mettivs., Venus holding sceptre and Victory (no. 33^-CAESAR. im. p. m. ; Bo l. AEMILIVS. BVCA., Venus holding Victory and sceptre (no. 341^ CAESAR. DICT. perpetvo. ; Bo L. BVCA., Caduceus, fasces, &c. (no. 37\/^j-~ CAESAR PARENS. PATRIA. ; Bo C. COSSVTIVS. MARIDIANVS. A. A. A F. F., Legend forming cross (no. 4:3)/the three first are very fine, and the last piece is in brilliant condition 4 72 494 Julia, Head of Roma; behind, xvi. ; $1 L. ivli. ROMA., The Dioscuri (no. 1)/ Head of Roma, two wheat ears behind ; $1 L. IVLI., Victory in biga (no. S)/? Head of Apollo Vejovis ; Rl. ivli. bvrsio., Victory in quadriga (no. hV (two examples varied). CAESAR., Elephant to right trampling German standard under foot ; $t Pontifical attri- butes (no. 9\/}ioo examples). Diademed head of Venus ; $1 caesar., /// Aeneas carrying Anchises and palladium (no. lOVicos. TERT. DICT. (j 'f*f iter, Head of Ceres ; fy avgvr. pont. max., Simpulum, lituus, &c. 'J/*>- ^>^ (no. I6V2. IIT -> Head of Piety to right j Jfc caesar., Trophy (no. 26]/^ X\* yfr'X, caesar. dict. perpetvo, Veiled and laureate head of Julius Caesar to right, no $t (type of no. 50), principally very fine and interesting types 10 Julia, Head of Venus; $> caesar. Divi. f., Octavius as a legionary (no. 107V^_The three following are all with head of Octavius to ight; $> CAESAR DIVI. F, Apollo playing lyre x (jio. 116j/^g IMP. 'caesar on front of temple (no. 161\/4^> imp caesar., Triumphal [/ vL arch surmounted by quadriga (no. 162\/^-Head of Octavius as Apollo ; $1 imp caesar, Pontiff driving two bulls attached to plough (no. 15Q) /all extremely fine 5 496 Junia, Head of Roma; R d. silanvs l. f roma., Victory in biga ss (no. 15V^_brvtvs., Head of L. J. Brutus to right; $1 ahala, Head of S. Ahala to right (no. 30)^libertas., Head of Liberty to right ; P> brvtvs., Brutus and lictors (no. 31)/dwo specimens, the second as no. 32). leibertas., Head of Liberty ; $1 Rudder and anchor in saltire (Quinarius, jio. 33j^LOSTA LEG., Head of Liberty ; 9> IMP brvtvs, Trophy (no. 42\^Livineia, Head of L. Regulus; {tL. livineivs regvlvs, Curule chair (no. ll)/and another as (no. VSV L. SVLLA. im., Sulla in quadriga (no. 4) /some very fine 12 Livineia, regvlvs. p. r., Head of L. Regulus ; fy livineivs, &c, Curule chair (no. 10^-Junia, brvtvs., Axe, simpulum, &c. ; lentvlvs spint, Praefericulum and lituus (no. 41)/' casca /^ longvs., Head of Neptune; $1 brvtvs imp., Victory to right (no. 4:i)/aU in brilliant condition 3 498 Junia, l sesti. pro. q, Head of Liberty to right ; $t q. caepio. brvtvs J-~f pro cos, Tripod, &c. (no. 37)/jk plaet. cest., Veiled female head * ./ with modius ; $ brvtvs. iMP.^Axe and simpulum (no._2), both ft < J/L extremely fine /?* % V 73 a ,-y 499 J u nia, brvt. imp. l. PL aet cest., Head of Brutus to right si $> EID. MAR., Cap of Liberty between two daggers (no. 52)/a very rare 3SV- /Jz * O qcj^und interes ting piece, fine 500 Manlia, ser. roma.. Head of Roma ; $> a. manli. q. f., Suu in quad- riga (no. lj^Marcia, Head of Roma ; $ Q. pilipvs. roma., Philip of Macedon on horseback to right (no. 1 l]^_Head of Philip V ; B> l. philippvs., Horseman, &c. (no. 12j^jHead of Roma; R. C. F. L. R. Q. M. ROMA., Victory in quadriga (no. 171A.JL. CENSORIN., Head of Venus ; > P. crepvs &c. (no. 25\^ancvs., Head of Ancus Marcius to right; B> philippvs. AQVAM, Horseman on aqueduct (nos. 28 and 29J_Head of Apollo ; $> L. CENSOR, Satyr Marsyas (no. $ft/ Mam ilia, Bust of Mercury; R- c. mamil limetan, Ulysses recognised by his dog (no. 6)^Jv1emmia, c. memmi c. f, Head of Ceres ; $> c. memmivs. imperator, Trophy and captive (no. 10]/_C. memmi. C. F. qvirinvs., Head of Romulus ; Bj MEMMIVS aed &c, Ceres seated (no. 9)yall very fine 11 501 Minucia, Head of Roma ; $> ti. minvci. avgvrini. roma., L. Minucius and M. M. Faesius standing by column (no. 9V/^Bust of Roma to right; 9) q. therm, m. f, Combat (wo. 19)^v1ussidia, concordia., Head of Concordia ; Bo L. mvssidivs longvs, Joined hands holding caduceus (no. 5\fe CONCORDIA., Bust of Concordia ; > L mvssidivs longvs. CLOACIN on side of boat (no. 6^Awo specimens) bust of the Sun ; $> l. mvssidivs. longvs., rev. as prece Naevia, s. c, Head of Venus; #> c. nae. balb., Victory in triga (no. )/aM extremely fine 7 502 Nasidia, neptvnl, Head of Pompey to right ; Bo q. nasidivs., Galley (no. l)ZhLonia, svfenas s. a, Head of Saturn; Bj sex. noni. pr. l. v. p.f., Victory crowning Roma (m n^Norbana(2),cxx.c norbanvs, Head of Venus ; Bo Fasces, &c. (no. 84). Papia, Head of Juno Sospita; Bo L - papl, Griffin (no. lV^Petillia, capitolinvs, Head of Jupiter ; Bo petillivs., Temple (no. 1). petillivs capitolinvs, Eagle on fulmen ; B> Temple (no. 2)/ another, similar, with s. F at sides of temple (no. 3) A / 8 503 Petronia, tvrpilianvs. hi. vir. feron., Bust of the goddess Feronia ; Bj caesar avgvstvs sign, rece, Parthian soldier kneeling with standard (mo. 9Y^tvrpilianvs. hi. vir., Head of Liber ; Bo caesar. avgvstvs sign rece., Parthian kneeling, &c. (no. IO^^avgvstvs caesar, Head of Augustus to right; Bo tvrpillianvs. hi. vir. Tarpeia (no. 19)^11 very fine and scarce 3 % : Radiated preceding (no. l)./^y " m. PLAETORI. &c., Praefericulum and torch (no. 7^Plancia, C. N. PLANCivs. aed. cvr. s. C, Head of Diana Planciana ; > Cretan buck, &c. (no. \)U J^lautia, p. ypsae. s. a, Head of Neptune ; #, C. ypsae. cos. PRIV. CEPIT, Jupiter in quadriga (no. H)A Another varied, as no. 12/ m. plavtivs. aed. cvr. s. c, Headof Cybele; B> bacchivs jvdaevs., Bacchius kneeling by camel (no. 13)^ L. plav- tivs, Mask facing ; B^PLANCVS, Aurora, &c. (no. 14) (2VPoblicia, Head of Mars; $> Hero (no. 8\^_roma., Head of Eoma; Tfc C. poblici. Q. F, Hercules and lion (no. 9V/^r_Pompeia, m. poblici. leg. pro. PR., Head of Eoma; Jt c. N. magnvs., Pompey, &c. (no. ) /all very fine 13 505 Pompeia, mag. pivs. imp. iter., Head of Neptune; Ijk praef. clas. et. orae. marit. ex s. c, Naval trophy (no. 21]^mag. pivs. imp. iter., Bust of Pompey ; 9> PRAK clas. &c, Anapius and Amphi- ( nomus (nos. lyand 1T)f, all very fine and rare 3 Pomponia, Head of Apollo; 9> Q. pomponl, Clio (no. 1 1 Vf-Another, Bj Euterpe (no. 13j/jPorcia, m. cato. pro. pr. roma., Head of Liberty ; $> VICTRIX, Victory seated (no. 10)jymd a Quinarius (no. ll)/j?ostum ia, Head of Diana ; > a. post. a. f. s. n. albin., yP Priestr and bull before altar (no. 7Y^_hispan., Head of Spain ; ' Q 9> A. post. A. f. s. N. albin., Priestf &c. (no. 8]fa Bust of Diana ; B> c. postvml, Dog to right (no. 9)^pietas., Head of Piety; > albinvs. brvti. f., Two hands holding caduceus (no. 10j/ albinvs. brvti. f. in wreath (no. 14^_Saufeia, Head of Eoma to right ; $L l. savf. roma., Victory in biga (no. I)/! Scribonia, Libo. bon. event., Head of Bonus Eventus ; $fc> pvteal. scribon., Well (no. 8)/^ all very fine 12 50? Sulpicia, caesar. avgvstvs., Head of Augustus to right jtf? , 9 m. agrippa. platorinvs. in vir., Head of Agrippa (no. VSytsv* Jr (Cohen 1), very fine and rare 1 508 Sanquinia, m. sanqvinivs. in. vir., Head of Julius Caesar to right ; comet above ; Bj avgvstvs. divi. f., Head of Augustus to right (no. Z)A%mic\2L, s. P. Q. R. imp. caes., Equestrian statue of IstUS {% L. VINICIVS. L. F. Ill VIR. &C on ciDDUS (no. 3lJw/A (/y * L Tfn^ jfrt r- M Augustus f% l. vinicivs. l. f. in vir. &c. on cippus (no,2i M& very fine and scarce Jf*' 2 75 509 Sergia, roma. ex. s. c, Head of Eoma ; $> m. sergi. silvs. q., Horse- man (no. 1). Sicinia, Q. sicinivs. hi. vir, Head of Apollo; $> c. coponivs. p. R. s. c, Club of Hercules, &c. (no. U/gThoria, I. s. M. R., Head of Juno Lanuvienne ; 9> h. THORVS. BALBVS.. Bull to right (no. 1). Tituria, sabin. ta., Head of Tatius ; Bj l. titvri., Rape of Sabines (no. 1). Vettia, Head of Tatius ; Bj ivdex. t. vettfvs., S. Vettius in biga (no. 2U^/eturia, ti. vet., Head of Mars ; Bj roma., Two warriors and kneeling figure holding pig (no. Vs/jVxbxQL, pansa., Head of Apollo; > C. vibivs. c. f., Pallas in quadriga (no. 1 var.) PANSA., Head of Apollo ; Bj as last (no. 2). Head of Bacchus ; $t 0. VIBIVS. VARVS., Panther and altar (no. 24)/^ Bust of Pallas ; 9> 0. vibivs. VARVS., Hercules with club, &c. (no. 26j^yolteia, Head of Corybas; $1 M - voltei. m. f., Cybele in biga of lions (no. il/all very fine 11 510 ROMAN IMPERIAL DENARII. The iVbs. refer to Cohen, second edition. Augustus, avgvstvs. caesar., Head to right ; #> s. p. q. r signis. RECEPTIS., Shield inscribed CL. v between standard and eagle (no. 264)<_avgvstvs. caesar., Head to left; $k as preceding (no. 267)/^ . _ CAESARI AVGVSTO., Head to right, laureate; Bj Car in temple S. P. Q.R (no. 279)/^caesari. avgvsto., Quadriga; $> s. P. Q R. parent s svo., Eagle, Imperial mantle and crown (no. 78)/hU extremely r\3^ ^ - ^ 4 c < Augustus, avgvstvs., Head of Augustus to right , $1 signis parthicis receptis, in three lines across field (no. 255L^ 5:7 _ / * (J in brilliant condition and very rare ; from the Belfort collection _ 1 *>"* r 512 Caius Caesar, caesar., Youthful head in oak wreath; 9> avgvst., Candelabrum in wreath (no^^yjine and scarce. Tiberius, ti. CAESAR. Divi. AVG. F. AVGVSTVS de germanis on front of Triumphal arch (no. 3]/^?_ very fine. Germanicus and Caligula, germanicvs. caes. p. V. CAES. AVG. GERM, Head of Germanicus to right ; 9> C. CAESAR AVG germ pm tr pot, Head of Caligula laureate to right (no^^jmry fine and scarce >^~^ 2 L 76 Agrippina and Claudius, agrippinae avgvstae, Bust of Agrippina to right wearing crown of wheat ears ft TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM PM TRIB POT PP, Head of Claudius, laureate, to right (no. oth very fine 3 Vespasian, Radiated head of the sun facing VESPASIAN VS., Vespasian in military costume, standing to left, theeC "* Of right hand raised ; and holding with left hand a spear (no. 57L/^/^, quoting this specimen), extremely fine and of the highest rarity ; from the Wigan collection [PI. V] ^}V / * 1 Vitellius, A. vitellivs germ imp avgtrp, Head laureate to right; ft LIBERTAS restitvta., Liberty standing, holding cap and sceptre (no. 4:7)Avery fine. Trajan, Laureate head to right; ft cos. V. p. P. S. P. q. R. OPTIMO PRINC, Dacian trophy (no. 100y_Another ; ft p. m. t. r. p. cos. in. p. p., Vesta seated (no. 229)^ Hadrian, HADRIANVS. AVG. COS. ill. P. P., Head laureate to right ; ft resti- tvtori galliae, Emperor raising kneeling figure (no. \2tf)J&- Aelius Caesar, l. aelivs caesar., Bust to left; ft t. r. pot\ COS. ii. concord, Concord seated (no. 5)/all very fine 5 Domitilla, diva, domitilla avgvsta, Bust draped, to right lix^"^ ^T/ ft fortvna avgvst., Fortuna standing to left, holding rudder and 'faf/^" ' cornucopiae (no. 3)/vervfine and exceedingly rare 1 Domitia, domitia. avg. imp. domitian. avg. germ., Bust in very high relief to right, draped, and hair arranged in queue ft CONCORDIA AVGVSTI, Peacock to right, unpublished and in extremely /&//# ftl fine condition (Btlfort collection) [PI. V] ^l^-V/^ 7 ^^ t i 4L*d *-~-^ / W 7/f V 77 521 Quinarii. Nero, nero clavd. divi. clavd. f. caesar avg germani, Head laureate to right; Bo Victory inscribing shield (no. 351]/^- Domitian, caesar. divi. f. domitianvs. cos. vii, Head laureate to right ; Bo victoria avgvst., Victory seated (no. 624 wryZZ IMP. TRAIANO AVG. GER DAC, &C, Bust to left ; Bo COS. p. Q. R. optimo princ, Victory to right (no. 429 varX/fc. imp. caesar. traian. hadrianvs. avg. Bust laureate to to right ; fl Trajan, i H r' v. p. p. s. J/a. _ * Hadrian, // right : B> I right; Bo P. M. TR. P. COS ill., Victory to right (no. 1130^^nother,//>^/ yf^. fyMj<'YktoYy seated to left (no. mGV^Constantine I -the Great, f j'W 522 (j(j IMP. CONSTANTINVS. p.f. AVG., Bust laureate and in armour to right; 523 I A *)/all extremely fine /3 U SECVRIT 10 /# I' 525 / ^ 78 Pescennlus Niger, imp. caes. peso. Niger, ivst. avg., Head laureate to right 9> ivstitia avg., Equity standing to left, holding scales and^ sceptre (no. ii)/very fine and very rare *fa^<*'Cs Z^^"/ 1 Pert in ax, imp. caes. p. helv. pertin. avg., Bust laureate to right; 9> OPI. DiviN. tr. P. COS II., Ceres seated to left, holding two ears of corn (no. ttx/kyiejind scarce. Mac pin us, imp. c. m. opel. sev. MACRINVS.^Avg., Bust laureate, and with cuirajss, to right; '^>-^tf -- 5 k ^ LE Q VITAS AVG -> Equity standing to left (no. 2)_and another, $t eides. militvm., Fidelity holding military standards (no. 26L/^. both extremely fine ?> 526 Diadumenian, m. opel. ant. diadvmenian. caes., Bust draped and f in armour to right ; > PRINC. IWENTVTIS, Diadumenian to left, C^/^ holding standard and sceptre, &c. (no. 3\Am) fine. Julia Paula, ivlia pavla. avg., Bust to right ; $ c0ncordia., Concordia seated, &c. (no. 6) Aery fine. Julia Maesa, ivlia. maesa. avg. Bust to right; J^IVNO, Juno standing with sceptre and patera (no. 16Y/._ Alexander Severus, 9> iovi. propvgnatorl, Jupiter holding eagle and hurling thunderbolt (no. 76 Vu Another, $ mars, vltor., Mars with spear and shield to right (no. 161)/^Orbiana, sall BARBIA. ORBIANA. AVG, Bust to right; B> CONCORDIA AVG,, Con- cordia seated, &c. (no. 1)/^? 6 Julia Mamaea, ivlia mamaea., Bust to right; 9> ivno. conserva- trix, Juno standing (no. 35V/^A Quinarius of same, IVLIA MAMAEA AVG, Bust to right; Ijk IVNO CONSERVATRix, Juno standing (no. 37)- rare. Maxim in us, maximinvs pivs. avg germ., Bust to right- ly pax avgvstl, Peace to left (no. 37)/all in brilliant condition 3 528 Maxim us (2), ivl. vervs. maximvs. caes., Young bust draped to right ; &> pietas. AVG., Sacrificial implements (no. 1)A maximvs q.k if0- >!&- 10)/ both A-2 caes. germ., Bust to right ; 9> PRINC ivventvtis, Maximus to left, holding spear and baton ; behind, two standards (no. 'ztremely fine and scarce Paulina, diva, pavltna., Veiled bust to right $k consecratio., Peacock (no. I), fine and rare/jip^. 1 Paulina, diva pavlina., Veiled bust to right $> consecratio, Empress on eagle (no. 2), very fine and scarce /ST>_ 1 Gordianus African us I, imp. m. ant. gordianvs. afr. avg., Bust laureate and draped to right 9> p. m. tr. p. cos. p. p., Emperor to left, holding sceptre and branch (no. 2\/in brilliant condition and very rare [PI. VJ 1 0* M 79 532 Gordianus Africanus I, imp. m. ant. gordianvs. afr. avg., Bust n // laureate and draped to right Vjj v JAsfe SECVRITAS AVG -> Security seated to left holding sceptre (no. 10)^^,^, m ^^t' very fine and very rare 1 Gordianus African us II, imp. ant. gordianvs. afr. avg, Bust laureate and draped to right providentia. deorvm., Providence to left, &c. (no. 23V^p fl l^ very fine. Pupienus, imp. caes. pvpien. maximvs. avg., Bust with k ' radiated crown, draped, to right ; $> AMOR MVTVVS AVGG., Clasped |-/yy hands (no. \\Aeryfine. Gord i an III, Caesar, m. ant. gordianvs ^ CAES. Yourig bust of Gordian III Caesar draped to right j $fc> PIETAS. AVGG., Sacrificial implements (no. 182\/very fine and rare 3 535 Tranquillina, sabinia tranqvillina avg, diademed and draped bust to right, with crescent below C & / / ^ S*- *$> CONCORDIA AVGG., Concordia seated to left, holding patera and, /)./*}& cornucopiae (no. 1), very fine and of the highest rarity [PI. V] ^ 1 /J*S& j7V 536 Tratfiq u i 1 1 i na, sabinia. tranqvillina., Diademed and draped bust to right, with crescent below Jt /^ 9> CONCORDIA. AVGG., Gordian III and Tranquillina standing hand in ^^^C hand (no. 4), very fine and of the highest xwUy (from the Be Quelen /fa/'d'/ffi collection) {//r r/ ^ftt x / M~ 537 Cornelia Supera, wife of Aemilianus, c. cornel, svpera. avg., Dia- . /rf / J / demed bust with crescent to right ^^y ^ff^^ &f' I /9> vesta., Vesta standing to left, holding patera and sceptre (no. 5), ^^^y^Z^c fine and excessively rare {/tytn? 4% -v^o^ L ^v* "^ *** Dryantilla, [svlp] dryantilla. avg., Diademed bust to right, with crescent 9> [ivnoni] redine., Juno holding sceptre, &c. (struck over a Denarius of Sev. Alexander), excessively rare (from the Be Quelen collection, 'i/*^-"^. no. 1746) 4- 7/ ^ - 3 ^> 1 * /J * Z* 539 Macrianus (Billon), imp. c. fvl. macrianvs. p. f. avg., Kadiated bust draped and in armour to right ; $> SOL invicto., Sun standing to left holding globe (no. 12)^Gluietus, imp. c. fvl. qvletvs. p. f. avg., Eadiated bust draped to right ; Jt AEQVITAS AVGG., Equity standing, scales and cornucopia; in field, a star (no. \)A>oth very fine and scarce /3e>^ 2 *4 80 540 I h Maximianus Hercules, maximianvs. avg., Head laureate to right ; 9> F. advent, avgg. nn. ; in exergue s, Africa standing to left, holding standard and elephant's tusk (no. 92^//me (from the De Quelen collection), maximianvs. avg., Laurea"Ce bust in armour to left ; #> virtvs. militvm., Four soldiers sacrificing before gate of camp; club in exergue (no. 624\/very fine. Another, Laureate bust to right ; 9> similar, A in exergue, very fine. MAXIMIANVS. P. r. AVG, Laureate bust to right ; $> virtvs. militvm., Gate of camp with open doors (no. Z>\)Joery fine 4 ** M \ 541 Car>aus Car>ausius, imp. caravsivs. p. f. in. avg, Laureate draped bust to " right virtvs. inv. avg., Emperor standing to right, holding spear and ^*^y , y** globe; L in exergue (unpublished var. of no. 401, see note in reference to the piece there described, p. 41), fine and very rare 1 $A. - '^M JS'S-t^ <* -3&> ^ 54 f/t 543 545 546 Carausius, imp. caravsivs. p. f. avg., Laureate bust draped to right 9. voto. pvblico. around a lighted altar inscribed, mvltis. xx. imp. ; and in exergue, R. s. R. (no. iO^ffin excellent condition and very rare 1 Carausius, imp. caravsivs. p. f. avg., Laureate bust draped to right salvs. avg., Fidelity standing to left, holding in each hand a mili- tary standard, very fini aVidunpublished'[i > l. V] pi ^ J 1 Constantius Chlorus, constantivs. caesar., Laureate bust to right ; > xcvi in wreath (wo. M5Xeptremelyfine. Constantine I, constantinvs. NOB. C, Laureate bust of his father to right ; Ijl virtvs. militvm., Gate of camp with three towers ; A Q in exergue (no. 705)/very fine 2 Constantine I, constantinvs. nob. c, Laureate bust to right, simi- lar to one in last lot ; & virtvs militvm., Gate of camp without door, surmounted by three towers ; in exergue, RT. (no. 705 )/y^> and two others, same legend, but with young head to right ; $> vra- TVfe. militvm., Gate of camp with open doors, surmounted by four wers ; in exergue, PTR (no. 706)/all extremely fine 3 Constans, fl. ivl constans. p. f avg., Diademed bust draped to right & constans. avg., Three palms erect; above, star ; and in exergue, sis. and crescent with pellet (no. 1), in brilliant condition (from the De Quelen collection) Yj av^ j J- fi ' /* 1 % M 711 81 i 547 Constans, constans P: f. avg., Draped and diademed bust to right; $> VICTORIA DD. NN. AVGG., Victory going to left, holding wreath and trophy; in exergue, tes. (no. \\w?ryjine. Constantius II (no legend), Diademed head to righ^l^voTis. xx. mvltis. xxx., within wreath ; below, ant. (unpublished J^ lvn. constantivs. p. f. avg., Draped and diademed bust to right; I^votis. xxx. mvltis xxxx. within wreath; below, sirm. (no. 341)^\julian II, dn. fl. n cl. ivlianvs. p. f. avg, Bust diademed ^d^dfaped to right ; 9> Li/7 VOT. x. MVLT. xx in wreath; below, s LVG. (no. likY/fary fine. O Another, with bearded bust, and const on B> (no. 148\/very fine 5 548 Magnentius, imp. cae. magnentivs. avg, Draped bust to right; $> VIRTVS exercitl, Valor to left, holding lance and shield ; in exer- gue, tr. (no. 81J/W?/ fine. Valens, dn. valens. p. f. avg., Diademed and draped bust to right ; Bo VOT x. MVLT. XX. in wreath ; '-HSeTow, c. S divided by Christian monogram ; to left, palm branch (no. 96j/yTheodosius I, dn. theodosivs. p. f. avg., Bust to right j'S vrbs ROMA, Rome seated ; in exergue, R*Q (no. 71 wr.L fine I It (y / '3 Procopius, D. N. PROCOPIVS. P. F. AVG., Diademed and draped bust to right P> vot. v. within wreath ; below, c re (fft*/%>~^ F,(no. \i)/very fine and excessively u s VRBS ROMA., Roma seated ; in exergue, TRPS. (no. 86 V< Magnus Maxim us, d. n. mag. maximvs. p. f. avg., Bust diademed and draped to right ; $> virtvs. romanorvm., Rome seated, facing with globe and sceptre (no. 20 varj/^.jx. mag. maximvs p. f. avg., Bust to right ; fy VIRTVS. ROMANORVM., Roma seated, facing, holding globe and sceptre ; in exergue, trps. (no. 20 varj A Quinarius of Severus III, lib. severvs. p. f. a., Diademed bust to right; $1 Christian monogram in wreath (no. 16VgJHalf Siliquia of Justin I (Sabatier, pi. ix, 26); and another of He radius (Sabatier, pi. xxviii, 18), all very fine 7 Theodosius I, d. n. theodosivs. p. f. avg., Bust diademed and draped to right B> PERPEtvetas., Phoenix to left upon a globe ; below, trps (no. 26), Cf, If very fine and excessively rare, perhaps unique (from the collections of M. Charles Robert and M. 16, Vicomte Be Quelen) f PI. VI , *. *&**-A V \M 552 553 555 $w^ 82 Restoration Coinage, by Gallienus, of Augustus, divo. avgvsto., Kadiated head to right j R. consecratio., Eagle. Two others, > Altar. Titus, divo tito., Radiated bust to right ; B> consecratio., Lighted altar. Another, 9> Eagle. Trajan, divo traiano., Eadiated bust to right ; $> consecratio., Lighted altar. H ad r ian, divo. hadriano., Radiated bust to right ; $1 consecratio., Eagle. Antoninus, divo no., Radiated bust to right; & consecratio, Lighted altar. Another, B> Eagle. Alexander Severus, divo ALEXANDRO., Radiated bust to right ; #> CONSECRATIO., Eagle ; and another, "$> Lighted altar, all very fine and an interesting series 1 1 Byzantine M. Constantine VI and Irene, constAntmo. s. s. mini. e. C oey dasilis. in five lines ; $> ihsys xpistys niCA., Cross on steps (Sabatier, pi. xli, 10), rare. Michael and Theopilos, mixahl. s eeoFiL eceey bASiLis ROccAion, in five lines j fy ihsys. XPiSTys niCA, Cross on steps (Sab.pl. xlii, 21), pierced but very fine 2 Theopilos, + eeonLos. eceey pistos. BASiLEqs ROccAion., in five lines; 9> insijs xpistqs, &c, Cross on steps (Sab.pl. xliii, 11), very fine. Basil I and Constantine IX, + dasilios. ce. constAntm. pis-cv. bASiLis. rocdco., in six lines; $k ihsijs XPistqs, &c, Cross on steps, globe beneath (Sab. pi. xlv, 1), very fine 2 r Romanus I, Christopher and Constantine, + ROCDAnor - -' xpistofor ce constAn enxooevs. eb. bASiL. r. in five lines; #> ihsijs &c, Cross on steps (Sab. pi. xlvi, 14). Constantinus X and Romanus II, consT. t. noRFYROS ce. ROCDAno. &c. ; fy ihvs, &c, Cross (Sab. pi. xlvii, 1). Basil II and Constantine XI, en tovtco. niKAr. bASiLei. c. cconsr., Busts of the two emperors on either side of cross; > + bASiL &c. in five lines (Sab. pi. xlviii, 15) 3 SILVER MEDALLIONS. /!*k &W4A 556 Octaviaand Mark Antony, m. antonivs. imp. cos. desig. iter. et. TERT, Bust of M. Antony, ivy crowned, to right, the whole within wreath of ivy ; 5t ni. ViR. R. P. c, Bust of Octavia, to right, over cista mystica (no. 2\dint^ Another, same legend, jugate busts of M. Antony and Octavia to right ; R- in VIR. R P. c, Bacchus stand- ing on cista mystica (no. 3)jAne 2 Augustus, imp. caesar., Head of Augustus to right 9> avgvstvs., Capricorn with cornucopiae to right, the whole within /f/l*^ wreath of olive (no. \6)/extremely fine ._ 1 558 Augustus, imp caesar., Head of Augustus to right /t ( 9> avgvstvs, Capricorn with cornucopiae to right, the whole within c Ifl j wreath of olive (no. \)jt)ery fine I I 83 55JL Augustus, imp caesar., Head of Augustus to right (legend behind / 9 y head) //y*^ avgVstvs., Six ears of corn (no. 32\4xtremely fine 1 45160 Augustus, imp. caesar., Head of Augustus to right (legend below *//'/*' $ avgvstvs., Six ears of corn (no. 32 mrl very fine 1 561 Augustus, imp. caesar., Head of Augustus to right /r //* 9> avgvstvs., Altar with garlands, and decorated with two stags, ' f <7 P&&^~ struck at Ephesus (no. 33) y/ery fine 1 Ko&b Augustus, IMP. IX. TR. P/v., Bust of Augustus to right i-y, 563 M 564 mart, vlto., Circular temple enclosing military standard (7^20?), ^"^T ^ a - jitrfffine -Z^P* 1 ^**-"v^ AugUStUS, IMP. CAESAR DIVI. F COS. VI. LIBERTATIS. P. R. VINDEX., Laureate bust of Augustus to right fy PAX., Peace standing to left, upon a sword, and holding caduceus; behind her, cista mystica ; the whole within olive wreath (mj218), very fine ?>-\ AugUStUS, IMP. CAESAR DIVI. F COS. VI. LIBERTATIS. P. R. VINDEX., Laureate bust of Augustus to right PAX., Peace standing to left, upon a sword, and holding caduceus ; behind her, cista mystica ; the whole within olive wreath (no^JUS), fine ***- ^565 Au 566 CI h As Augustus, imp. ix tr. po. v., Head of Augustus to right IMP. ix. tr. POT. V. inscribed on triumphal arch j beneath, S. P. R. signis. receptis. (no 1 29S^ t fine 1 Claudius, ti. clavd. caes. avg., Bust of Claudius to right $t com. asi. on either side of temple, in the centre of which, Claudius crowned by Peace ; on the frieze of temple, ROM. et. avg (no. 3 ',ne and scarce ^^\ ty <4Z*^~tSL <3* iG7 i- H f , ' 5 4 <1J&^^ Claudius, ti. clavd. caesar. avg. germ. p. m. tr. p., Head of Claudius laureate to left 9> DE britannis, Emperor in quadriga, to right, holding sceptre y (no. \5\ffine and excessively rare [PI. V] 1 / J2e?c> Claudius, ti. clavd. caes. avg., Head to left ephe, Temple of Diana at Ephesus, with statue of the goddess 30)/veryfine 1 Agrippina and Claudius, agrippina. avgvsta. caesaris. avg., Draped bust of Agrippina to right $L ti. clavd. caesar. avg. pm. tr. p. x. imp. xiix., Head of Claudius laureate to right (no. 2)sm good condition and mm *? , 1 / jfSfir suY*** v^r/r-' 84 r-/ 570 571 I 1 ? y<~- < t y.ifr DIVOS. CLAVD. A ^^.^X laureate, to right 573 / Ne 1 /TS&. Agrippina and Nero, agrippina. avgvsta. mater, avgvsti, Veiled and diademed bust of Agrippina to right ], NERO. CLAVD. DIVI. CLAVD. F. CAESAR. AVG. GERMANL, Head of Nero, laureate, to right (no. fyfvery fine and rare \z from the Be Quelen collection [PL Y] '**- *&&M* 1 Nero and Claudius7 *nero. clavd. divi. clavd. f. caesar. avg. germ., Head of Nero, laureate, to right DIVOS. CLAVD. AVGVST. GERMANIC. PATER AVG., Head of Claudius, aureate to right (no. Xyvery.fine and scarce [PI. V] 1 A J"? Nero and Claudius, nero. clavd. divi. clavd. f. caesar. avg. germa, Head of Nero, laureate, to right $k DIVOS. CLAVD. AVGVST. GERMANIC. PATER. AVG., Head of Claudius, (no. 3 varXnine 1 Nero and Claudius, nero. clavd. divi. clavd. f. caesa. avg. germani, Head of Nero, laureate, to right JBTtfOsT CLAVD. AVGVST. GERMANIC. PATER. AVG., Head of Claudius, laureate, to right (no. 3 var.Vfine 1 , 57^ Domitian,iMP. caes. domitian. avg. p. m. cos. vm, Head of Domitian, L laureate, to right *\/ 9> Roman eagle between two military standards (no. 7\/fine and scarce ?6& 1 Domitia, domitia. avgvsta., Draped bust of Domitia to right 9> venvs avg., Venus, semi-draped, leaning on column, to right, holding spear and helmet (no. 19\/rare Lv^* - ^ 1 Hadrian, imp. caes. tra. hadriano. avg. p. p., Laureate bust of Hadrian to right Ijl COM. bit, Emperor crowned by Pallas, standing in temple with four columns, the frieze of which bears the inscription ROM. s. P. AVG.7 unpublished, fine and very rare ^- ~* ~~ ^*%s* \ Hadrian, hadrianvs. avgvstvs. p. p., Bust of Hadrian to right #> COS. in., Laodicean Jupiter, holding eagle, to left ; an unpublished variety of no. 275,(|truck over a medallion of M. Antony), fine and rare / S^ 1 Mamaea, Alexander Severus and Orbiana, ivlia. mamaea. avg mat AVGVST., Draped bust of Julia Mamaea to left & IMP. SEV. ALEXANDER. AVG. SALL. BARBIA. ORBIANA. AVG, Busts of Alexander Severus and Orbiana facing one another, wt. 82| grs. (no. Vyfine andjvery rare, from the De Quelen collection [PL V] 85 571 J? // Constans, fl. ivl. constans. pf. avg, Bust diademed and draped to right $k trivmfator. GENTIVM. barbarum., Constans in military costume, Jfl/ij v i 4 580 ^^^Inscribed vox xx. mvlt xxx ; in exergue, tr / ' / r9 fine and rare ^c^O-i4. t *J/' lf~ ty~ f ff ^ ^ gavdivm. romanorvm., Two captives seated at foot of standard, a (no. 8)y>4ize 7, very 581 Julian II, dn. cl. ivlianvs. nob. caes., Youthfurhead of Julian II to Q right 6 CyM^i^o virtvs. exercitvs, Three standards^in exergue, tes., size 'L/utf- i ' published, fine and excessively rare /**-***& /?*>* /f^y^'\ 582 Valentinianus I, d. n. valentinianvs. p. f. avg., Draped and diademed bust of Valentinianus to right VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM., Victory to right inscribing shield VOT. X. MVLT. XV. ; in exergue, s. M. K. A. P. (no. 5Z\Aery fine and scarce 1 Valens (2), d. n. valens. p. f. avg., Diademed'bustfto right ; $1 gloria ROMANORVM, Valens and Valentinianus standing facing, each holding labarum-and globe; in exergue, *SIS#. (no. i&fcMfrJ, fine. D. N. VALENS. P. F. AVG, Diademed, draped and armoured bust to right ; 9> VICTORIA AVGVSTORUM, Victory inscribing on shield VOT. v. MVLT X j in exergue, R.Q. (no. QQ)JsizeJ}, fine 2 Valens, D. n. valens. p. f. avg., Draped and diademed bust to right ^"[y li $k virtvs. exercitvs, Emperor standing to left holding labarum and shield ; in exergue, SISCP. (no. llYd^ 6, very fine and scarce 1 Valens, d. n. valens. p. f. avg., DrapedlTnd diademed bust to right , 9> VIRTVS. exercitvs, Emperor standing to left holding standard and shield; in exergue, TRP. s (no. l\)Akel, fine 1 G rati an, d. n. gratianvs p. f. avg., DrapeclancTdiademed bust to right $> VIRTVS. exercitvm., Emperor standing to left holding standard and shield; in exergue, trps. (no. 52\/size 6, very fine 1 583 V- 4 *s4fa*^~ Vt 7fo_ 86 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. LOT 587 Z- II- - hli, - 1>TL 588 589 590 //* 591 2 /! 2 t 592 IMPERIAL LARGE BRASS. Augustus (restored by Nerva;, DIVVS. avgvstvs., Laureate head to . right ; 9> imp. nerva. caesar avgvstvs. rest. s.c. (no. 570)/^*-^- Drusus Senior, nero clavdivs. drvsvs. germanicvs. imp. Bare head to left j 9> ti. clavdivs caesar avg. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p. s. c, Claudius seated left, on curule chair amidst arms (no. 8)/fine and well patinated //<(? 2 P. M. TR. P. IMP. P. P., S. C. in 1 Livia (2), S. p. q. R. IVLIAE avgvsta, Carpentum drawn by two mules $> TI. CAESAR. DIVI. AVG. F. AVG VST. P. M. TR. POT. XXIIIL, S. C. in centre (no. )/botlifine 2 /rs-- Agrippina Senior, agrippina. m. f. germanici. caesaris., Bust to right Bo TI. CLAVDIVS. CAESAR. AVG. GERM, centre (no. 3 var.)/very fine Agrippina Senior, agrippina. m. f. mat. c. caesaris. avgvstl, Bust to right ; Bo memoriae agrippinae, Carpentum drawn by two mules to left j above, s. p. q. r. (no. \)Arie. Caligula, c. caesar. avg. germanicvs. pon. M. tr. pot., Head laureate to left; 9> adlocvt. coh., Emperor addressing five soldiers (no. Vj/fine 2 Caligula (2), c. caesar. divi. avg. p. m. tr. p. iiii. p. p, Laureate head to left; Bj adlocvt. coh, Emperor addressing five soldiers c. caesar. divi. avg. pro. n. avg. pm. tr. p. hi. p. p., 'head to left ; & s. p. Q. R. p. P. ob. cives. servatos. in oak wreath (no. 23 varJf, very fine 2 Drusus, Busts of two children of Drusus in two cornucopise, between them upright caduceus 9. DRVSVS. CAESAR. TI. AVG. F. DIVI AVG. N. PONT. TR. POT II., S. C. in centre (no. IV very fine and rare, lightly patinated 1 % - c# fc fa 87 593 Claudius (3), ti. clavdivs. caesar. avg. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p., Laureate head to right ; R ex. s. c. p. p. ob cives servatos within J . . <-* wreath of oak (no. 38L^ Another as (no. 39)/ And a restoration by O/) Titus, ti. claudivs.'caesar. avg. pm. tr. p. imp. pp. Laureate head L^rt. to left; > imp. t. vesp. avg. rest. s. a, Spes to left (no. 104V all fine /*"* 594 Nero, nero. clavd. caesar. avg. ger. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p., Laureate dt A^ head to right 9> IANVM. CLVSIT. PACE. PR. TERRA. MARIQ. PARTA, The temple of JanUS with closed doors (no. 145 var.)yvery fine, dark patina 1 595 Nero, imp. nero. caesar. avg, pont. max. tr. pot. p. p. Laureate './ . ~ head to left, with globe below . jJOf R> adlocvt. coh. s. c. Emperor addressing soldiers (no. 6)Jjine 1 ^ * & adlocvt. coh. s. c, Emperor addressing soldiers (no. G)yfine 596 Nero, nero. clavdivs. caesar. avg. ger. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p., j , , Laureate bust with aegis to right ^ $k decvrsio. S. C, Nero on horseback galloping to right accompanied y [A, by soldier also on horseback carrying a standard (no. 83)ywry fine 1 597 Nero, nero. clavd. caesar. avg. ger. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p., Laureate bust to left with globe beneath A . _ . B> roma (in exergue) s. c, Eome seated to left upon cuirass holding figure of Victory (no. 2G2)/very fine, dark green patina 1 598 Nero, nero. clavd. caesar. avg. ger. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p. Bust to right ; $1 ROMA (in exergue) S-C, Rome seated, as on preceding ^ /~) J'- J~- ~~ piece (no. 269v_And another of the Decursio type, Nero on horse-,/ [y back attendeff by two foot soldiers, one carrying standard (no. 9jjf2 599 Galba, ser. svlpi. galba. imp. caesar. avg. tr. p., Laureate and * draped bust to right t A& > honos et virtvs. s. c, Honor and Valor standing facing one another (no. S9)/very fine 1 600 Galba, ser. galba. imp. caes. avg. tr. p., Laureate and draped bust of Galba to right j f. /J~ $ roma (in exergue), Rome seated to left on cuirass, &c, holding /,/"/} spear in right hand, the left arm resting on shield (no. lQ9)/veryfine, smooth patina of emerald green tone [PI. V] " 1 601 Vespasian, imp. caes.vespasian. avg p. m. tr. p. p. p. cos hi, Laureate head to right #> FORTVNAE redvci. S. c, Fortune standing to left holding rudder, p (? palm branch and cornucopise (no. 192 varjffvery fine and well patinated 1 88 602 Vespasian, imp. caes. vespasian. avg. p. m. tr. p. cos. hi, Head, laureate, to right Q. I^.L #> ivdaea. capta. s. C., Palm tree ; to right, captive Jewess seated on cuirass ; in front, two shields ; to left, captive Jew with hands tied behind his back (no. 23i)yu'n extremely fine example of this historically interesting type [PI. "VJ ^ * 603 Vespasian, imp. caes. vespasian. avg. pm. te. p. p. p. cos hi, Head of Vespasian laureate to right 2.x,- 9> ivdea. capta., Judsea seated to right of palm tree ; to left, the emperor standing with one foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium ; in exergue, s.c. (no. 239)/fine and scarce 1 604 Vespasian, imp. caes. vespasian avg. p. m. tr. p. p. p. cos. hi, Head, %to pt r laureate, to right hA i $ victoria avgvsti. s. C, Victory ; to right, inscribing shield attached , Jfl to palm tree; at foot, seated figure of Judaea (no. 239) /very fine, dark patina SS-Z- 1 605 Vespasian (struck by Titus), divo avg. vespas., Vespasian wearing *\4 ^ tf\, radiated crown holding spear, and figure of Victory seated on car drawn by four elephants ; s. P. Q. R. in exergue /'/?'" ^ IMP . t. CAES. DIVI. VESP. AVG. P. M. TR. P. P. P. COS. VIII. S. C. (no. 206)^^-^ good condition and scarce / l 606 Domitilla, domitillae. imp. caes. ves. avg, Car ornamented with Jomitilla, domitillae. imp. caes. ves. avg, Uar ornamented witn five figures, drawn by two mules, to right ; in exergue, spqe. u yj 9, IMP. T. CAES. DIVI VESP. F. AVG. PM. TR. P. P. P. COS. VIII. (no. 3)J)ery^J/^ fine and rare ' ""1 607 Titus, imp. t. caes. vesp. avg P. M. tr. P. p. p. cos. viii, Head laureate to right y. - 9> PAX - AVGVST. s. c, Peace standing to left, holding olive branch and cornucopiae (no. \39)^ery fine and well patinated 1 608 Titus, imp. titvs. vesp. avg. pm. tr, p. P. p. cos. viii, Head laureate /, //. t0 ri ht // 9= s. c, Spes holding flower, walking to left (no. 22\)y/ery fine 1 609 Titus, imp. t. caes. vesp. avg. p. M. tr. P. p. P. COS. viii., Laureate head of Titus to left A <4i f Z-C V s. c, Two cornucopiae with winged caduceus between (no. 2iS)/^^/ ^*yi^ extremely fine and very rare [PI. V] 1 610 Titus, imp. t. caes. vesp. avg. p. m. tr. p. p. p. cos. viii., Laureate , o _ head to left QP 9> victoria avg. s. c, Victory to left, holding palm branch and s. c. (in exergue), The emperor in military costume to left, holding C /jf f*/f spear and thunderbolt, crowned by Victory (no. h\^\/very fine and J *"* well spread 1 612 Nerva, imp. nerva caes. avg. p. m. tr. p. cos hi. p. p., Head laureate to right <# //. 9> fisci. ivdaici. calvmnia. svblata, Palm tree with s. c. at sides f * ^ (no. 57)/afine specimen of this interesting and rare piece 1 613 Nerva, imp. jTerva caes. avg. germ p. m. tr. p. ii., Head laureate to right f, /A t __ R, imp. ii. COS mi. P. P., Two hands clasped and holding a standard placed on prow of vessel (type of no. 97 ^but unpublished in this metal), fine and rare s^"^ 1 614 Trajan, imp. caes nervae. traiano avg. ger. da c. p. m. tr. p. COS. V. P. P., Laureate bust with aegis to right / / x , /J t , s. P. Q. R. optimo. principi. s. c, Peace with olive branch and cornu- /^u* copiee standing to left, the right foot placed on bust of Dacian (no. 406)yvm/ fine 1 < 3 3 - ^- -- J // - 618 2-6- 615 Trajan, imp. caes. nervae traiano. avg. ger. dac. p.m. tr. p. COS. v. P. P., Bust laureate and lightly draped to right 9> s. P. Q. R. optimo. principi, Emperor on horseback with spear riding over semi-prostrate enemy (no. 503V very fine 1 616 Trajan, imp. caes. nervae train avg. germ. p. m., Laureate bust to right 9> tr. POT. COS. mi. P. P ; s. c. in exergue, Peace seated to left, holding olive branch and sceptre (no. 636\/very fine and finely patinated 1 617 Hadrian (2), hadrianvs. avg. cos. hi. p. p., Bust laureate and draped to right ; $t adventvs. avg. s. c, Eome and the Emperor standing hand in hand (no. 85V^ J iM p - Caesar, traian. hadrianvs. avg., /} Laureate bust drapea and in armour to right ; $> P. mtr. p. cos. hi. / tsjf S. C, Rome, standing to left, burning incense in flame of candelabra (no. 10QQ)yvery fine 2 Hadrian, hadrianvs. avgvstvs., Bust laureate and draped to right j/J^d 9> cos. hi, Rome seated on cuirass to left, holding statuette of Victory ^____- and cornucopise; in exergue, s. c. (no. 33)/very fine 1 619 Hadrian, imp. caesar traian. hadrianvs. avg., Laureate bust 2 & . -*- draped and in armour to right 9> p. m. t. r. p. cos in. sc, Ceres standing to left, holding two ears of J ' *\* corn and a long torch (no. 107 5]/^ery fine 1 90. 620 Sabina, sabina. avgvsta. hadriani avg. p. p., Diademed and draped bust to right ''/'"" $1 s. c. (in exergue), Vesta seated to left holding palladium and ' sceptre (no. Q5)/very fine, dark patina 1 621 Antoninus Pius, antoninvs. avg pivs p. p. tr. p., Laureate head to right * ' ' ' V ]fc cos in. s. c, Emperor in military costume and with nimbus, stand- ing to left, holdiog olive branch and spear (no. 3l8yveryfine 1 m s^ 74' 622 Antoninus Pius (2), antoninvs avg. pivs p. p. tr. p. xxiiii., Laureate head to right ; > pietati. avg. cos. iiil, Piety standing * *.. between two children and holding two children in her arms; s. C. 2 623 Antoninus Pius, antoninvs. avg. pivs. p. p., Laureate head to right TR. POT. COS iil, Wolf and twins ; in exerj from the collection of M. le Comte Tysckiewicz \ntoninus Pius, antoninvs. avg. pivs. p. p., Laureate head to right a , $t tr. pot. cos in., Wolf and twins; in exergue s. c. (dl7\/very fine ; J /lv - I from the collection of M. le Comte TyscJciewicz ' 1 X-iH #4 624 Anton i n us Pius, antoninvs. avg. pivs. p. p. tr. p. cos iiil, Laureate yJ ^ head to right ; & s. c, Spes walking to left (no. Ibiyfine. Divvs. /// lr-- avtoninvs, Bare head to right ; Ijt> diws Pio. s. c^ Column (no. 35 iV 'very fine 2 625 Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius, antoninvs. avg. pivs p. P. tr. p. cos in., Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right > avrelivs. caesar avg. ph. F. cos., Young head of Marcus Aurelius o'A'U- to left ; below, s. c. (no. 28), a very fine and exceedingly well spread j//% ' -*r & coin / > ' . 1 C_- 626 Faustina Senr., diva, favstina., Bust draped to right; 9> conse- cratio. s. c, Vesta, to left, before lighted altar holding patera and ^ lighted torch (wo. 162), /m^^JVIarcus Aurelius Caesar, ''*' ~* avrelivs. caesar. AVG. PH. F., Bare head of M. Aurelius to right; #> tr. pot. cos. 11. s. c, Pallas to right holding spear and resting on shield (710. 596^Jne and well patinated 2 627 Marcus Aurelius Caesar, avrelivs. caesar. avg. pii. f., Bust - draped and cuirassed to right Vo tr. POT. XV. COS. iil s. c, Piety standing between two children and carrying two others in her arms ; in field, s. c. (no. 775 varj^ very fine, well patinated / 1 t4L AST- fa ?. - __ AYf. - .91 628 Marcus Aurelius, divvs. m. antoninvs. pivs., Bare head of M. Aurelius to right ; $> CONSECRATIO. S. 0., Eagle carrying emperor (no. 93)<>Lucius Venus, l. avrel. vervs. avg. armeniacvs., Laureate bust, draped and cuirassed to right ; Bj tr - p > nn. IMP. II. COS. II. s. C, Victory inscribing VIC. AVG. on shield (no. 24%' very fine consecratio. s. c, Eagle on altar decorated with garlands (no. 87)^_ extremely fine and finely paiinated 1 630 Faustina Junior, favstina. avgvsta., Bust draped to right ~ 9> fecvnd. AVGVSTAE. s. c, Fecundity standing between two children /Qt/^ 1 and carrying two children in her arms (no. 9&)/very fine 631 Lucius Verus, imp. caes. l. avrel. vervs. avg., Laureate bust, slightly draped, to right /. /J- - 9> concord, avgvstor. tr. p. (cos. II in exergue), Lucius Verus and /y ^ L^ Marcus Aurelius hand in hand ; in field, S. C. (no. 27 Vvery fine, dark green patina * 1 s ~< - 632 Commodus, m. commod. ant. p. felix avg brit. p. p., Laureate head to right git - fjL R MART. PACAT. P. M. TR. P. XIIII. IMP. VIII. COS. V. DES. VI. S. C, Mars standing, to left, holding olive branch and spear (no. 353)f very fine 1 633 Pertinax, imp. caes. p. helv. pertinax. avg., Laureate head of Pertinax to right /<4> /- 1 63^"Clodius Albinus, d. clod. sep. albin. caes., Barrhead of Albjnus to right t A.//C < /' #> CONCORDIA, s. c, Concord seated to left, holding patera and double * cornucopiae (no. 7)/jine 1 635 Julia Domna, ivlia. pia. felix. avg., Draped bust to right ,y ? / Bj ivnonem. S. C, Juno standing to left holding sceptre and patera, /^^V / ' " at her feet a peacock (no. 85b45en/ fine, dark green patina ; from the Roller collection [PI. V] '^ 1 /-^- -*" 636 Julia Domna, similar to last (no. 85)/jine 1 y / C 637 Julia Domna, ivlia. avgvsta., Draped bust to right $t IVNONI LVCINAE s. C, Juno seated holding flower and child (no. fyp //y\j extremely fine and finely patinakd ; from the Esterhazy collection 1 ~^<^ J* X 6. $/k. 92 638 Caracal la, m. avrel. antoninvs. pivs. avg. brit., Bust to right . * laureate, draped and cuirassed /J ^ */ '' J ' $, p. m. tr. P. xvi. imp. ii. cos mi pp s. c, Circus of Caracalla (no. 236)/fine and rare 1 639 Caracal la, m. avrel antoninvs. avg. germ., Laureate bust draped to right k'X' " V P- M. tr. p. xviii. imp. in cos. mi. pp., Aesculapius and Telesphorus, s. c. in field (no. SOfySpervfine 1 640 Caracalla, m. avrel. antoninvs. pivs. avg., Laureate head to right /,/, fy PONTIF. TR. P. xin. COS. in., Mars going to left holding laurel branch and trophy (no. 474)/w?/ fine and well patinated 1 641 Caracalla, m. avreZ/ antoninvs. pivs. avg. brit., Laureate head to //? - light /' / J ' $> providentiae deorvm., Providence standing to left, in field s. c. (no. 53l)/vpry fine and finely patinated 1 642 Diadumemian, m. opel antoninus. diadvmenianvs caes., Young bare-headed bust, draped and in armour to right J''"' ~~ , PRINC. IWENTVTIS, Diadumenianus holding standard and sceptre, s. c. in exergue (no. l)/fine and rare ; Moore collection 1 643 Elagabalus, imp. caes. m. avr. antoninvs. pivs. avg. Laureate bust ./I draped to right; |jc P. M. TR. P. in. COS. III. P. P., Sol going to leftf ~T\ in field, a star and s.-c (no. \yfim. Alexander Severus, imp. ALEXANDER. PIVS. AVG., Laureate oust draped to right; Ifc MARS. vltor. s. c, Mars to right (no. 163VW?/ fine 2 644 Julia Paula, ivlia. paula. avg., Diademed and draped bust to right //:,_,_ 9> concordia. avg. s. c, Concordia seated to left holding patera and double cornucopia? (no. ^)Joery fine, well patinated and rare 1 645 Julia Maesa, ivlia. maesa. avg., Diademed and draped bust to right . /$. - 9> saecvli. felicitas., Felicitas to left before altar holding patera and caduceus (no. il)^ery fine 1 646 Alexander Severus (2), imp. Alexander, pivs. avg., Bust to right ., Jl mars, vltor. s. c, Mars with shield and spear to right (no. 168L Another; #> providentia avg. s. c. (no. 503yioth very fine and the second piece finely patinated ' " 2 647 Orbiana, sall. barbia orbiana. avg., Diademed bust to right / /f' fy concordia. avgvstorum. s. c, Concordia seated to left holding patera and double cornucopiae, very fine and rare &wK f^/* 1 648 Julia Mamaea, ivlia. mamaea. avgvsta., Diademed bust to right $1 vesta, s. c, Vesta to right holding the palladium and sceptre (no. S3)/an exceedingly well spread piece in very fine condition and finely patinaftd '/* 1 93 649 Gordianus AtVicanus, Senior, imp. caes. m. ant. gordianvs. afr. avg., Laureate bust draped to right J/ ' /?. J . 9> victoria, avggs. c., Victory going to left with wreath and palm " ^" (no. \i)/very fine and rare 1 650 Maximus, maximvs. caes. germ., Young bust bare-headed to right; $1 principi. ivventvtis. s. c. (no. 12>^Goi"dianus III, imp. GORDIANVS PIVS. FEL. AVG., Laureate bust draped to right; fy p. m. Jf. jT, , tr. pii. cos. p. p. s c, Emperor sacrificing (wo. 21lV^Philip Junior (2), imp. m. ivl. philppvs avg., Bust to right; ^ liberalitas. AVGG in. S. C, Philip and his father seated to left (no. 18)^ And another ; fy PAX. AETERNA S C (no. 25\/yfry fine 4 651 Otacilia Severa, marcia. otacil. severa. avg., Diademed bust to right $1 Concordia. AVGG. s. c, Concordia seated to left holding patera and double cornucopias (no. \0\/very fine, and with patina of pale emerald green tone 1 Q/^i 3 3 - 652 Trajanus Decius, imp. caes. c. mess. q. decio trai avg., Laureate bust draped and cuirassed to right; 9> PAX. AVGVSTI. S. C, Peace holding branch and sceptre (no. 95V WV fi ne - Postumus, imp. c. . holding branch and sceptre (no. doyveryjine. Postumus, imp. c. ' ' postvmvs. P. f. avg., Laureate bust to left, the right hand raised ; K/ *4l*~;/rf~* 7 9> P. M. tr. p. cos. ii. pp., Emperor in military costume to left holding spear and globe (no. 255)/fine 2 653 Etruscilla, herennia. etrvscilla. avg., Diademed bust to right $k pvdicitia. s. c, Pudicitia seated to left (no. 22)y$ery fine and well ' -^Z/ patinated /J^"" * BRONZE MEDALLIONS. 654 Com mod us, m. commodvs. antoninvs. avg. pivs. brit., Laureate bust, draped and in armour, to right 9) p. M. tr. P. x. imp. vn. COS mi P. P., Commodus in pontifical robes, , / f? attended by priest, sacrificing at lighted altar ; in front, Mars with spear and shield, accompanied by Victory carrying palm, and a wreath which she offers to the Emperor, unpublished, size 12, fine and very rare &* ^^^^ ^"" - #>- -y <*^^.r^ < x ^^^- 655 Severus Alexander, imp. sev. Alexander avg., Laureate bust $ f draped and cuirassed to right ' * ft adlocvtio. avgvsti. s c, The Emperor, on estrade, attended by J'f^f two officials, addressing three soldiers, &c. (no. 4) (size 10, struck on ^*^^ , thick flan and unpublished of this module), very fine and very rare 1 - *P*?ei_- 94 656 Maxim in us I, maximinvs. pivs. avg germ., Laureate bust draped to f*l ^ righfc j/> ^y *'&' 9> aeq vitas. AVG., the Three Monetae, each holding scales and covmi-f" , **y- / copiae (no. 4, from " Vailhnt "), size 9, on very thick flan and *~~ ' \, weighing 635 grs. ilip Senior, 01 PHILIPPVS. AVG., Laureate bust, draped and cuirassed to right 657 Philip Senior, Otacilia and Philip Junior, imp. caes. m. iVLy J , 9 7- IX* 4- ^ PIETAS AVGVSTORVM., Busts of Philip Junior and Otacilia facing one tky^o^ ' I I another (no. 6, quoting this specimen which is from the collection of ^^ M. le Comte TysTciewicz), fine and very rare [PI. Vl/^^, ^*-- 659 Trajan us Decius, imp. c. m. q. traianvs decivs. avg., Bust as on preceding Z'fX>~ 9> victoria AVG. s. c, Victory going to left, carrying wreath and palm (no. \\^)Aize 10, very fine ; from the Dup-6 collection 1 660 Probus, imp. probvs. p. f. avg., Three-quarter bustlaureate, with ^ , r spear and shield AT%r *- J * ^~ ? ty '/I'C- moneta. avg., the Three Monetae with their attributes (no. 376)^^^ size 10, pierced and plugged in ancient times, very fine 1 661 Constantius II, d. n. constantivs. p. f. avg., Half-length bust of the Emperor, laureate, to left, the right hand raised r *7 / ' 9> victoria avgvstorvm., Victory going to left, and leading the Emperor, who is clad in military costume and carries spear (no. 238V^* "f size 10, very fine 1 "" 662 CONTORNIATES. Alexander, alixander., Bust of Alexander the Great, the head covered with lion's skin, palm in front ; $1 View a it of Circus (no. 45) (Sabatier ill, 3). Nero, imp. nero caesar. avg. " ' ' p. max., Laureate head of Nero to right; J> plain (no. 1) (Sabatier xi, 11), both fine 2 663 Nero, imp. nero caesar. avg. p. max., Laureate head of Nero to _ w ^, right ; Ufa Female figure seated in attitude of contemplation before ^ 1. l\.~~ term j to right, half-length female figure (wo. 112) (Sabatier xix, 9). J^Cv~~y^ NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR. AVG. GERM. TR. P. IMP. P. P., Laureate, . A lT head of Nero to right ; $> Coiled serpent, with head erect, before \ ^ // altar with fruits (no. 117), (Sabatier xm, 15), both fine 2 95 SECOND BRASS. ight: 9> TI. CAESAR. DIVI. AVG. F. AVG. P. M. TR. POT. 4)^__Tiberius (restored by Titus), ti. caesar. divi. TI. CAESAR. xxiiii (no. 4 avg. f. avgvst. imp. vin, Head to left ; 9> imp. t. caes. divi. f, avg. rest. s. c, Caduceus (no. 72^? ___ 3 665 Agrippa, m. agrippa. l. f. cos hi., Head of Agrippa with rostral crown to left 9> s. c in large letters, Neptune with trident and rudder going to left and placing right foot on tail of dolphin ; in field, right, crescent and star, and to left, sliiTand star, unpublished by Cohen and probably unique (see Hobler, vol. 1, p. 60, no. 115), very fine 1 666 Livia, pietas., Veiled and diademed bust of Livia to right -^ ^y^ *JJ '/ 7/" ^ ^. 9> drvsvs caesar. ti. avgvsti. f. tr. pot. iter., s. c. in centre (no. 1)4L* tZ/sfC extremely fine and well patinated [PI. V] Y*^ 667 Antonia,- antonia. avgvsta., Bust draped to right ^-7, . Ijk Ti. CLAVDIVS CAESAR. AVG. P. M. tr. P. IMP. P. P. S. C, Emperor in 6 pontifical costume, standing to left, and holding simpulum (no. 6]/v 4 __ extremely fine and rare in this condition; from the flEste collection 1 668 Germanicus, germanicvs. caesar., Emperor in quadriga to right ; 9> signis receptis. devictis germ., Emperor in military costume to left holding sceptre (no. 7\^_Another (struck under Claudius), GERMANICVS. CAESAR. TI. AVG. DIVI. AVG N., Head to right ; $> TI. clavdivs. caesar. &c. s. c. (no. 9\/^jClaudius (2), TI. CLAVDIVS CAESAR. AVG. PM. TR. P. IMP. P. P., Head to left; $> LIBERTAS. avgvsta. s. c, Liberty standing (no. 47)y^C_aligula, c caesar AVG. GERMANICVS. PON. M. TR. POT., Head to left; > VESTA. S. C, Vesta seated to left (no. Tl)yall very fine 5 669 Caligula, c. caesar. avg. germanicvs. pon. m. tr. pot., Head to left 9> VESTA. S. C, Vesta seated, to left, holding patera and sceptre, type of no. 27, but struck on a large brass flan (module 10% fine and rare 1 670 Nero (5), Various types of head and with the following reverses, genio avgvsti. s. c. (no. 108)/^pontif. max. tr. pot. imp. p. p. S. C (no. 201\^_Another, similar type (no. 203)^Victory with shield inscribed s. p. q. r. (no. 288)^secvritas. avgvsti. s. c (no. 321^/Titus, fy Spes (no. 2l9\/6,ll very fine 6 it 96 671 Vespasian, imp. caes. vespasian. avg. cos. hi, Laureate head to left 9, ivdea capta., Judaea seated at foot of trophy ; in exergue s. c, a very fine example of this interesting piece and apparently unpublished 1 672 Julia Titi, ivlia. imp. t. avg. f. avgvsta., Bust to right ^ $c Concordia avg., Concordia seated to left, holding patera and cornucopia? (no. 2>}fa very fine example ; from the Sim collection, rare [PI. V] ^ 1 673 Trajan, Head to right with radiate crown ; > s. p. Q. R. optimo. principi. s. c. (no. 513) A Had rian, Bare head to right > annona. avg. (no. 166V^Hadrian, Bust with radiate crown to right; 9> pont. max (annona. avg in exergue) (no. 175)^Antoninus Pius, Head with radiate crown to right; > int>vlgentia. (no. 453)^._ Marcus Aurelius, R Jupiter seated (no. 2iYall very fine 5 /"- 674 Pertinax, imp. caes. l. helv. pertin. avg., Head to right with /? A radiate crown /J //u R providentiae deorvm. cos. ii., .Providentia standing to left, raising both hands towards a radiate globe (no. 51)/fine and rare 1 675 Crispina (2), Bust to right ; R concordia. s. c. (no. 7V/|nd ivno lvcina s. c (no. 24yjulia Domna, R lvna lvch^era. s. c. (no. 109v-Caraca1la, R fort, red &c, Fortuna seated (no. 87)/e Maxim us, R pietas., Sacrificial implements^#r6), all very fine and some well patinated ^&~/* J^^^y-y^ 5 676 Geta, Head laureate to right; R pontif. tr. p. ii. cos ii, Mars /f/f*/s crowning trophy (no. 134V^-Diadumenian, Young bust draped to right; R princ. ivventvtis (no. )Zf$wrce. Valerianus I, R viRTVs.AVGG. (no. 270lX Gal lien u^R victoria avgg. (no. 1145)/^,^ Diocletian (no. ll4Vand Romulus, son of Maxentius, imp. maxentivs divo. romvlcTnv. filio., Head to right ; R aeterna. memoria., Temple (no. 1)./ Maximianus Hercules, Mag- nentius, &c. 10 THIRD BRASS, &c. 677 Claudius (no. 71). Nero (6) (as nos. 48 var., 52 var., Ill, 179, 182, 185). Vespasian (343 var.) Domitian, as nos. 526, 527, 543, 545, 674 (2), 675. Domitia (no. 15). Nerva (no. 135, 139). Trajan (no. 341). Hadrian (no. 443). Antoninus Pius (no. 176) ; &c, all very fine and interesting 25 fji < victoria, avg., Victory to right (no. 5). Numerianus (Quinarius), imp. nvmerianvs. avg, Bust to right ; 9> virtvs. avg., Hercules leaning on club (no. 101). Magnia ' Urbica, magniae vrbicae avg., Diademed bust with crescent to right ; $> venvs. genetrix, Venus and Cupid ; in exergue, sms. xxi., all very fine and rare 3 681 Nigrinianus (2Vprvo. nigriniano., Head with radiate crown to right ; $> coN^EeRATio ; in exergue, kaa. (no. 2). Obverse similar to preceding ; 9> consecratio, Lighted altar; in exergue, KAA., both fine and rare 2 682 Diocletian (Quinarius), diocletianvs. avg., Bust to right; 9> vtilitas. pvblica., Female figure to left; in exergue, T. (no. 547). Maxi- mianus Hercules, imp. maximianvs. p. f. avg., Bust in armour and radiate crown to right ; $1 virtvs. avg., Hercules in Garden of Hesperides ; in exergue, xxit. (no. b&i/auotirw example in the Muse"e Waldeck). Vet ran io, d. n. vetranioT-fTfVavg., Bust to right; in front, star, and behind, A. ; > HOC. SIGNO. VICTOR ERIS., Emperor crowned by Victory ; in field A. (no. 4). Carausius (3), all of the pax avg. type, varied. Allectus, Jb virtvs. avg. Maxentius, MAXENTIVS. P. F. AVG., Bust to right ; 9> VOT. Q ! Q. MVLT. XX. in wreath (no. 138). lovianus, 9> vot. v. &c. in wreath 9 683 Martinianus, d. n. martiniano. p. f. avg., Radiate bust draped and cuirassed to right 9> iovi. conservatorl, Jupiter standing to right holding Victory and t / sceptre ; at his feet, to right, a seated captive, and to left an eagle holding in its beak a wreath ; in field xiii and in exergue SMNT. (no. ^^nJ^illiant condition and of the highest rarity ; from the Be c^J /5 7^ 684 Large Brass omitted. Vespasian (3); 9> Fortuna, Pax and Mars, all in excellent condition 3 H w 685 Nerva; $, Libertas. Trajan (3), all varied and fine 4 686 Hadrian (2); Ji> Concordia, and Liberalitas. Antoninus Pius, $1 /$/ Wolf and twins. Verus, Bo Mars 4 s L^ 687 BRONZE OF THE ROMAN REPUBLIC. Antonia, m. ant. IMP. TER. [COS. DES. ITER ET. TER. III. VIR. R. P. C.], Busts facing One another of Marc Antony and Octavia; $> L. ATRATINVS. AVGVR. COS. DESIG. H<=., Mark Antony in quadriga of Hippocamps ; below, /- y altar and a (Babelon no. J^f^rare. Gallia, or. civis. servatos, C-<^t Crown of oak between two laurel branches ; Bo c - GALLIVS. C F, &c. (Babelon no. 1^,_J ulia, divi. p., Head of Octavius to right ; 9> divos. rvLrvs. in laurel wreath (Babelon no. 101^> 691 688 Romano Campanian Series in Bronze" including examples as ^ /" Babelon 18, 35, 39, 42, 43, &c, principally fine 20 689 Becker's Forgeries in Gold of Seleucus II (Binder no. 109). ^fr^ +~ Antonia (P. 154). Visigothic Kings of Spain (5); and a Stater of Panticapaeum 8 690 Becker's Forgeries in Silver, as Pinder nos. 2, 3, 5, 13, 19, 21, 22, 34, 38, 65, 69, 71, 74, 103, 109, 110, 111, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126; ^/ *>- and other forgeries of Greek JR and M 39 Cinque Cento Medallion (after the Antique), of M. Aurelius; Jv\ #> Victory, and another of Faustina Jr.; Bo Vestals sacrificing^ "~^f %MAINn-3V\V vlOS ANCELFj> '/HI3AINIHWV fcHIBRARYQr ^IOJI1V3-JO V ^FCAEIFO/?^ < sir I ^31 \W >- # J y 0. >- ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MAY 2 6 1982 41584 S 5 O ^mwm j\\v ^HIBRARYtf/- ^UIBRARYfl/- ^OJIIVDJO ^OJIIVO-JO^ jtfxi uwuan.iV^ jfo-iiivjiam^ \WEUNIVER% _ o ^OFCAUFOfiV ^OFCALIF0% ^WEUNIVER^ ^lOSANGElfj> o '0- %a3AiNa3\w ^clOS-ANCELfj^ ^rjinuvcm^ "V/OnAIKIfUUV ^UIBRARYQ^ ^OJIIVDJO^ ^OF-CALIFO/?^ J&-AHV8I1-1^ 6> ^ 1=^1 SVfci I tm mi \m ^udnvsoi^ %a3AiNa-3\\v N y ^/ e ^UIBRARYQ^ ^ttlBRARYQ^ ^flOJITCHO^ ^OFCALIF(%, <* ^ ^ ^ ^AHvaain^ ,^EUNIVER% ^Aavaan^ ^lOSANGElfj^ WtfUNIVERSy/, ^OJIIVD-JO^ %0JllV>JO^ ^0F-CAIIF(%. ^0FCALIF(%, UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY do^ \V\E-UNIVERS//> - ^EUNIVER% ^lOS-ANCElfj^ ^OF-CALIFO/?^ ^OF-CALIFORfc VAJAINa-3V\V Jft-AHVUfln-^ ,^EUNIVER% ^ o