z SALE NUMBER 1519 OCTOBER 13, 14, 1920 r-GuLenberg, THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES J.BARNES [PART ONE] AMERICANA (Jo-PausI TO BE SOLD WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTERNOONS, OCTOBER THIRTEENTH AND FOURTEENTH, AT TWO-THIRTY {MITCHELL 48Q PARK AVENU NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALE NUMBER 1517 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY OCTOBER FOURTH THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES J. BARNES [PART ONE] AMERICANA ORDER OF SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 13, LOTS U216 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 14, LOTS 217-431 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY- NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1920 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so re- moved they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. TERMS CASH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. BIDS. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN - " NOTE This portion of the Library of Mr. Barnes is of more than or- dinary interest, containing many rarities relating to the Early Mid- dle West, in addition to what is probably the rarest collection of Mormon items which has been offered in many years. A few of the most notable volumes are: Balestier's Annals of Chicago, one of the rarest of Chicago imprints Carr's Early Times in Middle Tennessee First Chicago Directory Esquemeling 's Buccaniers Northwest Foxe Haywood's Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, NOW VERY BABE Hennepin. Nouvelle Decouverte Hennepin's New Discovery Present State of New England. The Rare Second Edition Johnson's Kentucky Miscellany. VEBY BABE Las Casas' Tracts, 1552-1553 London's Indian Narratives, Vol. I. VEBY BABE McClung's Sketches of Western Adventure M'Nemar's Kentucky Revival. VEBY BABE Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana, with an A. L. 'S. of Cotton Mather inserted Thevenet's Recueil de Voyages, 1681 Welby. Visit to North America Wither 's Chronicles of Border Warfare Mormon Book of Commandments, ONE OF TWO COPIES, AND THE ONLY PEBFECT COPY KNOWN THE LIBRARY OF CHARLES J. BARNES PART ONE - AMERICANA FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-216 1. ADAMS (BROOKS). The Emancipation of Massachusetts. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1887 x 2. AGASSIZ (PROFESSpR AND MRS.). A Journey in Bra- zil. Illustrated. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. Boston, 1869 3. ALVAREZ (DON FRANCISCO). Noticia del Estableci- miento y Poblacion de las Colonias Inglesas en la America Sep- tentrional. Small 4to, limp vellum (title stained). Madrid, 1778 SCARCE. There is an edition of this work falsely dated 1608, and as- signed in the catalogue of the British Museum to the year 1764. 4. AMERICAN MAPS. A Map of Virginia and Maryland, " 2 pp. folio, with text on verso [1610] ; Views of Cuzco and Mexico, 2 pp. folio, with text on verso [1592]. 2 pieces. I- J 5. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. A Speech on some Political Topics, the substance of which was Intended to have been Deliv- ered in the House of Commons, Dec. 14, 1778. [By Henry Good- ricke.] 8vo, sewn. London: T. Cadell, 1779 FIRST EDITION. Contains sections on: ''Concession of Independence, particularly as demanded by the Congress, very undesirable now"; "The withdrawing our Troops from North America, as proposed by Congress, a very pernicious measure," etc. , 6. - - Unanimity in all parts of the British Commonwealth necessary to its Preservation, Interest and Happiness, etc. 8vo, sewn. London, 1778 FIRST EDITION. A most interesting tract on the War mentioning Franklin, and our alliance with France. ,yf 7. The Origin and Principles of the American Revolution, compared with the Origin and Principles of the French Revolu- tion. Translated from the German of Gentz by an American Gen- tleman. 8vo, sewn, uncut. Philadelphia, 1800 8. ANDREWS (ALFRED). Genealogy and Ecclesiastical His- > / tory. To which is added an Appendix, with Explanatory Notes, and a full Index. Mezzotint portrait by Sartain. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Chicago, 1867 FIRST EDITION. , f 9. ARCHAEOLOGY. Tracts for Archaeologists. Being Re- / prints from various Periodicals. By T. H. Lewis. Illustrations. 25 pieces, 8vo, sewn. N. p., 1880-1891 Comprises: Mounds of the Miss. Basin; Effigy Mounds in Iowa; An- cient fireplaces on the Ohio; Cave drawings, etc., etc. 10. ARNOLD (ISAAC N.). Life of Benedict Arnold; his Patriotism and his Treason. Portrait. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1880 FIRST EDITION. 11. ATHERTON (WILLIAM). Narrative of the Suffering & . Defeat of the North- Western Army, under General Winchester; / 1 Massacre of the Prisoners ; Sixteen Months imprisonment of the writer with the Indians and British. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Frankfort, 1842 FINE COPY OF THE VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. Privately printed. 12. BALDWIN (JOHN D.). Ancient America, in Notes on , ~ American Archaeology. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1872 ONE OF THE RAREST OF CHICAGO IMPRINTS 13. BALESTIER (J. N.). The Annals of Chicago. A lecture ^ delivered before the Chicago Lyceum, January 21, 1840. Woodcut \6/^ on title. 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, by Riviere. Chicago, 1840 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION OF WHAT is PERHAPS THE RAREST OF ^CHICAGO IMPRINTS. There is no copy in the Chicago Historical Society Library, AND BUT ONE COPY HAS APPEARED AT AUCTION IN A QUARTER CENTURY. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] f 14. BALL (T. H.). A Glance at the Great South-East; or, Clarke County, Alabama, and its surroundings, from 1540 to 1877. 12mo, half olive morocco, gilt back, gilt top. Grove Hill, Ala., 1882 15. BANCROFT (GEORGE). Joseph Reed. A Historical Es- say. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. New York, 1867 6 j, THE y ANNALS OF CHICAGO; A LECTURE DELIVERED BEFORE THB CHICAGO LYCEUM, January 21, 1840. BY J. .N. BALESTIER. (Saloon Buildings ; Lyceum Hall in tho third rtory. CHICAGO EDWARD H. RUDD, PRINTER MDCCCXL. [ NUMBER THIRTEEN ] . 16. BANCROFT (HUBERT H.). History of Utah. Illustra- tions. Thick 8vo, cloth. "San Francisco, 1890 17. BARNUM (H. L.). The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of Mr. Cooper's tale ,' ' of the neutral ground. Portrait and engravings. Tall 8vo, orig- inal boards, paper label, uncut. New York, 1828 A MATCHLESS COPY OF THE VERY RARE FlRST EDITION. 18. BATTLES and Leaders of the Civil War. Profusely illus- ) * trated. 4 vols. imp. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Choice copy. New York, n. d. 19. BEACH (W. W., Editor). The Indian Miscellany, contain- ing Papers on the History, Antiquities, Arts, Languages, etc., 1 X of the American Aborigines. Royal 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt / top, uncut. Albany, 1877 Fine copy. Scarce. 20. BEAMISH (NORTH LUDLOW). The Discovery of / America by the Northmen, in the Tenth Century, with Notices of / ' the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. Maps. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. FIRST EDITION. London, 1841 21. BIART (LUCIAN). The Aztecs: Their History, Manners, , and Customs. Translated from the French by J. L. Garner. 8vo, half brown calf, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1887 22. Another copy. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. J 'x- Chicago, 1892 23. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliotheca Ratcliffiana. A Catalogue of the Elegant and truly Valuable Library of John Ratcliffe. Priced in ink. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1776 An interesting catalogue on account of the prices secured for Ameri- cana and early English Literature. 24. Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages. Par G. Boucher de la Richarderie. 6 vols. 8vo, mottled sheep (one volume stained, and ~&x Libris stamp of Dr. Maldan on titles). Paris, 1808 25. Catalogue of Books relating to America, in various languages, from 1506 to 1844. 3 vols. 8vo, half green levant mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1832-1846 A SCARCE AND VALUABLE WORK. 26. Catalogue d'Ouvrages sur 1'Histoire de 1'Amerique, et en particulier sur eelle du Canada, etc. In Three Parts. Redige '^' par G. B. Faribault. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut. Quebec, 1837 8 27. - - Bibliotheque Americaine; ou, Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a I'Amerique. Par H. Ternaux. Interleaved copy. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Paris, 1837 28. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1861 A fine collection, with numerous bibliographical notes. 29. Bibliotheque Americaine. Catalogue Raisonne d'une Collection de Livres Precieux sur I'Amerique. Interleaved copy. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Leipzig : Brockhaus, 1861 30. Bibliotheca Americana. Redige par Ch. Leclerc. 8vo, - half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1867 / 31. Bibliotheca Mejicana. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1869. With printed prices and purchasers' names. 32. - - Another copy. 33. Catalogue of Mr. John A. Rice 's Library, sold at auction / March 1870. Priced in ink. 8vo, half dark maroon morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1870 34. Bibliotheca Geographica & Historica. By Henry Ste- vens. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Pratt. London, 1872 A SPECIAL EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY, WITH FACISIMILE TITLE-PAGES ON INTERLEAVES. >T if- 35. - - Catalogue of Books, Maps, Plates on America, and of a remarkable collection of Early Voyages, offered for sale by Fred- erick Muller. Frontispiece. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, un- cut. Amsterdam, 1872 36. An Essay towards an Indian Bibliography. Being a Catalogue of Books relating to the History, Antiquities, Lan- guages, etc., of the American Indians, in the Library of Thomas W. Field. 8vo, full brown morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Fine copy. Scarce. New York, 1873 37. Catalogue of the Library belonging to Thomas W. Field. Priced in ink. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, un- cut. New York, 1875 38. - - Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings belonging to William Menzies. Priced in ink. 8vo, half red mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1875 39. - Catalogue of the Private Library of Samuel Gardner Drake. Sold May, 1876. Portrait. Priced copy. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. Boston, 1876 Lf 40. - Bibliotheca Americana. Histoire, Geographic, Voyages, Archeologie et Linguistique des deux Ameriques et des lies Phil- ippines redigee par Ch. Leclerc. Royal 8vo, half maroon levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. A most valuable and important bibliography. Paris, 1878 f* 41. - Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books and Pamphlets relating to America. 8vo, half dark green morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke, 1878 ,{, 42. -- Catalogue of the American Library of the late Mr. George Brinley. With PRINTED PRICES AND INDEX. 5 vols 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Hartford, 1878-1893 A FINE AND MOST DESIRABLE COPY OF THIS IMPORTANT CATALOGUE. /$ 43. - Bibliotheca Americana. Histoire, Geographic, Voyages, -V Archeologie et Linguistique des deux Ameriques. Supplement No. 1, Nov. 1881 (2 copies), No. 2, 1887. 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers. Paris, 1881-87 Comprises a supplement of Le Clerc's publication of 1878. 44. - Catalogue of the Magnificent Library of the late Henry .[** C. Murphy, consisting almost wholly of Americana. Priced in ink, with buyers' names. 8vo, half crushed black morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1884 FINE COPY. 45. - Catalogue of First Editions of j ! American Authors, Compiled and for Sale by Leon & Brother. 8vo, half brown mo- rocco, gilt edges, original front cover bound in, by Riviere. Fine interleaved copy. New York, 1885 ' 46. - Harrisse (Henry). Excerpta Colombiniana. Bibliog- raphic de Quatre Cents Pieces Gothiques. . . . du commence- ment du XVIe siecle. Frontispiece and facsimiles. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1887 One of 250 copies. Scarce. 47. Catalogue of the American Library of the late S. L. M. .-. - Barlow. Priced in ink. Square 8vo, half green crushed morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1889 FINE COPY. 48. Catalogue of the Collection of the late Bishop John F. 1 Hurst. Facsimiles. 4 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Priced in ink throughout. New York, 1904-5 10 1 49. - Choix de Livres Anciens, Rares et Curieux, en vente a la Librarie Ancienne Leo S. Olschki. Premiere Partie (A-Incu- nabula). Illustrations and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Includes considerable Americana. Florence, 1907 50. - - Catalogue of the First Portion of the Extensive and Varied Collections of Rare Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of America. . . . and Henry Stevens 's Franklin Collection. Facsimile frontispiece, 1881; Bib- liotheca Historica, Boston, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 51. Longman's Catalogue of Old and Rare Books, for 1816 and 1818. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops. London, v. d. Contain numerous Americana items. 2. - Catalogue of the American Library of the late George rinley. Parts 3, 5 and THE RARE INDEX. 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Hartford, v. d. The Index is very scarce and valuable. Part 3 is priced in ink; Part 5 has the printed prices laid in. 53. - - Catalogue of the American Library of the late George Brinley, Vols. 1 and 2. Priced in ink, with some buyers' names. 2 vols. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Hartford, v. d. 54. BILLON (FREDERIC L.). Annals of St. Louis in its Early Days under the French and Spanish Dominations. Portrait, map and illustrations. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. St. Louis, 1886 100 COPIES PRINTED. 55. BISHOP (ROBERT H.). An Outline of the History of the Church in the State of Kentucky, during a period of Forty Years, containing the Memoirs of Rev. David Rice, etc. 12mo, original sheep (pp. stained). Lexington, 1824 FIRST EDITION. Very scarce. Noted by Sabin, but no copy located. \f> 56. BLAKE (WILLIAM J.). The History of Putnam County, N. Y. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1849 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy of this scarce County history. 57. BLANCH ARD (RUFUS). Discovery and Conquests of the /^ North-West, with the History of Chicago. Maps. Thick 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut. Wheaton, 1880 FIRST EDITION. Scarce. 58. - - Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, with the History of Chicago. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols. in the original 12 numbers as issued, 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Chicago, 1898 59. BOGGESS (ARTHUR CLINTON). The Settlement of Illinois, 1778-1830. Maps. 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut and un- opened. Chicago, 1908 Chicago Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. V. 11 , i- 60. BOSWORTH (NEWTON, Editor). Hochelaga Depicta; The early History and present State of the City and Island of Montreal. With numerous illustrative engravings. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Montreal, 1839 THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION, in fairly desirable state, now especially difficult to procure in good condition, and not to be confounded with the cheap reprint. 61. BOURKE (JOHN G.). The Snake Dance of the Moquis of Arizona. Colored plates. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1884 FINE COPY or THE VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. L*)( 62. BO WRING (SIR JOHN). A Visit to the Philippine ** Islands. Illustrated. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1859 FIRST EDITION. 63. BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG (L'ABBE). Popol Vuh. Le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de 1'Antiquite Americaine, avec les I J / Livres Heroiques et Historiques des Quiches. Frontispiece. 8vo, ' v polished blue calf, gilt back, gilt edges. Paris, 1861 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. This important work treats of the ancient races of Central America, and is preceded by a long introduction tending to prove that the ancients were acquainted with the continent. It also contains a resume of all that concerns the divinities of Mexico, Central America and Peru. VERY SCARCE. 64. BREAZEALE (J. W. M.). Life as It Is; or, Matters and / f Things in General. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by < - Riviere. Knoxville, 1842 THE EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION. Contains historical sketches of the exploration and first settlement of the State of Tennessee; manners and customs of the inhabitants; their wars with the Indians; Battle of King's Mountain; History of the Harps (two noted murderers), etc., etc. /- V 65. BRINTON (DANIEL G.). Notes on the Floridian Penin- sula, its Literary History, Indian Tribes and Antiquities. 12nio, cloth. Philadelphia, 1859 FIRST EDITION. Scarce. 66. The Maya Chronicles. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1882 FIRST EDITION. Library of American Aboriginal Literature, No. 1. 67. Another copy. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia, 1882 68. - Aboriginal American Authors and their Productions. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1883 FIRST EDITION. Stamped on title " Compliments of the Author." 69. - - The American Race. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1891 FIRST EDITION. A linguistic classification and ethnographic descrip- tion of the Native Tribes of North and South America. 12 70. - - Studies in South American Native Languages, from MSS. and Rare Printed Sources. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, by Riviere. Philadelphia, 1892 FIRST EDITION. Stamped on title: "Compliments of the Author. " 's 71. - - Nagualism. A Study in Native American Folk-Lore and History. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, boards. Philadelphia, 1894 72. The Myths of the New World. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1896 73. BROTHER MASON, the Circuit Rider; or, Ten Years a Methodist Preacher. Woodcut illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Original covers bound in. Cincinnati, 1856 Scarce. 74. BROWN (ALEXANDER). The Genesis of the United . States. With 100 portraits, maps and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, half ./ 'blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1890 FIRST EDITION. A series of historical manuscripts now first printed, together with a re-issue of rare contemporaneous tracts, accompanied by bibliographical memoranda, Notes, etc. 375. - - The First Republic in America. Frontispiece portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1898 FIRST EDITION. 76. BROWN (SAMUEL R.). Views on Lake Erie, comprising a Minute and Interesting Account of the Conflict on Lake Erie, - Military Anecdotes, Abuses in the Army, Plan of a Military Set- [ /Element, View of the Lake Coast from Buffalo to Detroit. 8vo, ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, UNCUT, in green levant morocco solander case, by Riviere. Troy: Printed by Francis Adancourt, 1814 A SUPERB COPY OF THE VERY RARE FlRST EDITION IN ITS PRISTINE STATE. 77. BROWN (THOMAS). An Account of the People called Shakers, their Faith, Doctrines, and Practice. 12mo, polished sprinkled calf, canary edges. Troy, 1812 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. Scarce. i/- 78. BRYAN (DANIEL). The Mountain Muse: Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone, etc. 12mo, old sheep (one cover loose). Harrisonburg : Printed for the Author, 1813 FIRST EDITION. 79. BUTLER (MANN). A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites, to the Close of the Northwestern Campaign, in 1813. Second Edition, revised and enlarged by the author. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Cincinnati, 1836 Very Fine copy. Scarce. The Introduction contains an account of the settlement in Western Virginia from the first passage of the whites over the mountains of Virginia in 1736, to the Treaty of Camp Charlotte, Ohio, in 1774. Some copies occur with a portrait, but none is called for by Sabin. 13 80. CAMPBELL (JOHN W.). Biographical Sketches, with other Literary Remains. Compiled by his Widow. Portrait. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Columbus, 1838 FIRST EDITION. Contains also biographical sketches of Eufus Putnam, William A. Trimble, Paul Fearing, Eeturn J. Meigs, and George W. Burnet. It has also an essay on Mrs. Tackett, the captive. 181. CANADA. Collection de Manuscripts contenant Lettres, Memoires, et autres Documents Historiques relatifs a la Nouvelle France. 4 vols. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Fine copy of this important collection. Quebec, 1883-85 82. CARR (JOHN). Early Times in Middle Tennessee. 12mo, original cloth, enclosed in a full brown levant morocco solander case, by Riviere. Nashville, 1857 FIRST EDITION, AND ONE OF THE RAREST AND MOST IMPORTANT PUBLICA- TIONS TOUCHING UPON THE HARDSHIPS OF THE EARLY SETTLERS OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE. Although printed little more than 60 years ago, this work is so scarce that a search of more than ten years by Mr. Barnes brought to light only one other copy. No COPY APPEARS TO HAVE OCCURRED AT AUC- TION IN A QUARTER CENTURY. Accounts are given of the sufferings and privations of the pioneers, their troubles with the Indians. Special sketches are given of Kasper Mansker, Thomas Spencer, Gen. James Winchester, and others. 83. CAS WALL (HENRY). The Prophet of the Nineteenth y\ Century; or, the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Mor- mons. To which is appended, an Analysis of the Book of Mormon. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. London, 1843 84. CAXTON CLUB. Joutel's Journal of La Salle 's Last Voy- I /j f age. With the map of the original French Edition, Paris, 1713, in facsimile. 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. Chicago, 1896 A reprint page for page and line for 1 tion with Notes by Melville B. Anderson. A reprint page for page and line for line of the first English transla- ~ "elville ~ 85. Some Letters of Edgar Allan Poe to E. H. N. Patterson *> of Oquawka, Illinois, with Comments by Eugene Field. Facsimiles J of the original letters. 4to, buckram, paper labels on sides, uncut. One of 186 copies. Chicago, 1898 86. Relation of the Discovery of the Mississippi River. "Written from the Narrative of Nicolas de la Salle, etc. Trans- I / lated by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, parchment back, un- cut. Chicago, 1898 One of 266 copies on hand-made paper. - 87. Relation of Henri de Tonty concerning the Explora- tions of La Salle from 1678 to 1683. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. Chicago, 1898 One of 194 copies on hand-made paper. 88. Relation of the Discoveries and Voyages of Cavelier de La Salle from 1679' to 1681. The Official Narrative. Translated I/ by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. One of 224 copies on American hand-made paper. Chicago, 1901 14 89. CHARNAY (DESIR6). The Ancient Cities of the New World, being Voyages and Explorations in Mexico and Central America, from 1857-1882. Translated from the French. Map and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1888 90. CHATFIELD-TAYLOR (H. C.). Chicago. Colored fron- tispiece and numerous illustrations. Eoyal 8vo, pictorial boards, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1917 FIRST EDITION. 91. [CHETWOOD (W. R.).] The Voyage, Shipwrack, and Miraculous Escape of Richard Castelman, Gent. With a Descrip- tion of Pensylvania, and the City of Philadelphia, &c. Engraved frontispiece by Vander Gucht. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges. Printed in the Year 1726 This is the Second Part of ' ' The Voyages and Adventures of Robert Boyle," pagination [333] to 374. THE FIRST CHICAGO DIRECTORY 92. CHICAGO, ILL. General Directory and Business Adver- tiser of the City of Chicago for the Year 1844; together with a Historical Sketch and Statistical Account to the present time. By J. W. Norris. 8vo, original cloth, in green straight-grain morocco solander case. Chicago, 1844 THE EXTREMELY RARE FlRST CHICAGO DIRECTORY, WITH ALL THE AD- VERTISEMENTS. )' 93. - - The Social Evil in Chicago. 8vo, cloth. Chicago, 1911 94. CHIPPEWA NEW TESTAMENT. Kekitchemanitome- nahn Gahbemahjeinnunk Jesus Christ Otoashke Wawweendum- mahgawin. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. VERY FINE COPY. Albany, 1833 95. CIST (CHARLES). The Cincinnati Miscellany; or, Antiqui- ties of the West, and Pioneer History and General and Local Sta- tistics, compiled from the Western General Advertiser, from October 1, 1844 to April 1, 1846. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Cincinnati, 1845-46 FINE COPY OF THIS VERY SCARCE PERIODICAL, of which only these two volumes were issued. - 96. CLARK (W. P.). The Indian Sign Language, with brief Explanatory Notes of the Gestures taught Deaf -Mutes. 8vo, half olive levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Philadelphia, 1885 FIRST EDITION. With 2 A. L 's. S. of the author inserted. 97. CLAVIGERO (FRANCESCO S.). The History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians ; together with the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, etc. Translated from the original 15 Italian by Charles Cullen. Illustrated with numerous fine maps and plates. 3 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs, gilt edges, by Riviere. Philadelphia, 1817 A MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THE AMEEICAN EDITION OF CLAVIGEEO'S FAMOUS WORK. 98. CLEMENS (S. L.). Life on the Mississippi. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1883 FIRST EDITION, Second issue. Fine copy. 99. COLQUHOUN (ARCHIBALD R.). The Mastery of the Pacific. With special maps, frontispiece and over 100 illustrations from photographs. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1902 FIRST EDITION. 100. COLTON (CALVIN). The Life and Times of Henry * Clay. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1846 S 101. CON ANT (A. J.). Foot-prints of Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth. St. Louis, 1879 FIRST EDITION. 102. CONDUCT of the Ministry Impartially Examined. In a Letter to the Merchants of London. 8vo, sewn. . f London: Printed for S. Bladon, 1756 FIRST EDITION. An important tract relating to the imprisonment of some British subjects for trading on the Ohio Eiver. 103. CONFEDERATE. First Book in Composition, applying the principles of Grammar to the Art of Composing. Designed for the use of 'Southern Schools. By L. Branson. 12mo, original printed boards. Raleigh, 1863 Scarce. 104. - The Geographical Reader for the Dixie Children. By Mrs. M. B. Moore. Illustrated with double-page colored maps. Small 4to, boards, rough edges. Raleigh, 1863 SCABCE. 105. - - Rifle and Infantry Tactics, revised and improved. By / Lieut. W. J. Hardee. Plates. 2 vols. 18mo, original wall-paper boards, cloth backs, paper labels. Mobile, 1863 Scarce. 106. The First Reader for Southern Schools. 12mo, original ', wrappers. Raleigh, 1864 Scarce. 107. - - An Elementary Arithmetic, designed for Beginners. By L. Johnson. 12mo, original printed boards. Raleigh, 1864 Scarce. 108. CONNECTICUT. Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Eng- < lish Colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America. Folio, -" 16 ; polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, two leaves deckle-edged, by Riviere. Reprinted and Sold by Thomas and Samuel Green, in New Haven, 1769 A CHOICE COPY. BARE. 109. CRANTZ (DAVID). The History of Greenland: Con- taining a Description of the Country and its Inhabitants. Trans- lated from the High Dutch. Illustrated with 2 maps and 7 en- graved plates (linen-backed). 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1767 THE FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE BEST HISTORY OF GREENLAND. 110. D'ACUGNA (CHRISTOPHER). Voyages and Discov- eries in South America. The First up the River of Amazons to Quito in Peru, and back again to Brazil ; The Second up the River of Plata, and thence by Land to the Mines of Potosi. By Mons. Acarete; The Third, from Cayenne into Guiana, in search of the Lake of Parima, reputed the richest Place in the World. By M. Grillet and Bechamel. Done into English from the Originals. 2 Maps. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, 1698 A NARRATIVE OF THE FIRST EXPLORATION OF THE TERRITORY ALONG THE AMAZON RIVER. Largely devoted to a description of the Indian Tribes. BARE. 111. DARBY (JOHN F.). Personal Recollections of many J prominent people whom I have known, and of events especially of those relating to the History of St. Louis, etc. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. St. Louis, 1880 FIRST EDITION. 112. DAVIS (WILLIAM T.). Ancient Landmarks of Ply- mouth. Maps. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887 Filled with important genealogical data. 113. DAVIS (W. W. H.). The Spanish Conquest of New Mex- i I ' ico. Portrait. Tall 8vo, half gray levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Doylestown, 1869 FINE LARGE COPY OF THE VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. 114. DAVIDSON (ROBERT). History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky, with a preliminary sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Virginia. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1847 FIRST EDITION and a very fine copy of this important historical work, containing data not to be found elsewhere. 1 115. - - Another copy. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1847 FIRST EDITION. A 116. DE BRY. A Bibliographical Description of the Collection of ' ' Grands Voyages " of De Bry, translated from Brunet 's ' ' Man- 17 uel du Libraire." By Charles A. Cutter. Royal 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York : Privately printed, 1869 ONE OF 25 COPIES. Inscribed "Henry C. Murphy, Esq., with compli- ments of Wm. Menzies. " 117. - - A Description and Collation of the Series of "De Bry's ]' Voyages" contained in the Library of Mr. Henry Huth. Imp. 8vo, boards, uncut. Privately printed, 1880 ONE OF 50 COPIES. 118. DE COSTA (B. F.). The Pre-Columbian Discovery of +* America by the Northmen, illustrated by Translations from the Icelandic Sagas. Frontispiece map. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Albany: Munsell, 1868 119. - - Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson, prepared for his use in 1608, from the old Danish of Ivar Bardsden. Introduction and Notes. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1869 120. - - The Northmen in Maine. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1870 121. [DE FONTAINE (F. G.).] Marginalia; or, Gleanings from an Army Note-Book. By "Personne." 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. Columbia, S. C., 1864 A scarce and interesting Confederate account of personal experiences during the Civil War. 122. DESMOND (HARRY W.) and CROLY (HERBERT). Stately Homes in America from Colonial Times to the Present Day. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. FIRST EDITION. New York, 1903 123. [DICKINSON (JOHN).] Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Boston: Edes and Gill, 1768 THE VERY SCARCE ORIGINAL EDITION. This important piece ran through the colonies like wildfire, furnishing a common fighting ground to all, and so leading the way to victory. A few paginations have been cut into by a binder. .(* 124. DORMAN (RUSHTON M.). The Origin of Primitive 6 ^ Superstitions, and their development into the Worship of Spirits and the Doctrine of Spiritual Agency among the Aborigines of America. With 26 illustrations, some in color. 8vo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. Philadelphia, 1881 125. [DRAKE (SIR FRANCIS).] Le Voyage de 1'Illvstre Seignevr et Cheualier Francois Drach, Admiral d 'Angleterre, a 7 ' 1 'entour du monde. Augmentee de la Seconde partie. A Monsieur 18 de S. Simon. 8vo, boards, salmon morocco back (inner margin of title strengthened), rough edges. A Paris: Chez lean Gesselin, 1627 THE FIRST EDITION OF THE SECOND PART. The first part was first pub- lished in 1613. VERY SCARCE. 126. DRAKE (SAMUEL G.). Indian Captivities; or, Life in the Wigwam. Illustrations. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Auburn, 1851 Contains narratives of captives who have been carried away by the Indians from the frontier settlements. 127. The Witchcraft Delusion in New England, its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, etc., with a Preface, Introduction, and Notes. 3 vols., 1866 ; Annals of Witchcraft in New England, and elsewhere in the United States, from their First Settlement, 1869. Together 4 vols., small 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Roxbury and Boston, v. d. Woodward's Historical Series. Limited Editions. a 128. DU CHAILLU (PAUL B.). The Viking Age. Numerous ^ illustrations and a map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1889 Fine copy. 129. ELLIOTT (JOSEPH P.). A History of Evansville and Vanderburgh County, Indiana. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. Evansville, 1897 A complete and concise account from the earliest times to the present. 130. EMORY (W. H.). Notes of a Military Reconnoi^sance from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to San Diego, in California. Lithographed plates (no map). 8vo t half red morocco, gilt top. Washington, 1848 131. ESQUEMELING (JOHN). Bucaniers of America; or, a true Account of the Most remarkable Assaults Committed of late years upon the Coasts of the West Indies, By the Bucaniers of Jamaica and, Tortuga. Wherein are contained more especially, The unparallel'd Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan. Double-page map, portraits of Sir Henry Morgan, Bartolomew Portugues, Rock Brasiliano, and Francis Lolonois, and 4 plates. 4to, old calf. London, 1684 FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE FIRST THREE PARTS. Nice copy. The frontispiece and title had been removed, but have been neatly re- placed. 132. FAIRCHILD (DAVID AND MARIAN). Book of Mon- sters. Numerous illustrations from photographs. 8vo, cloth. Washington, 1914 An interesting volume on the inhabitants of woodland and meadow. 133. FAMOUS ADVENTURES and Prison Escapes of the Civil War. Illustrations. 12mo, half maroon morocco, gilt top. New York, 1893 19 f * n / 143. FOXE (LUKE). North- West Foxe; or, Fox from the North-west passage. Beginning with King Arthur, Malga, Octhur. . . Together with the Courses, Distances, etc. Mr. James Hall's three Voyages to Groynland, with a Topographical descrip- tion of the Countries, the Salvages lives and Treacheries. . . . With the Author his owne Voyage, being the XVIth. Sphere plate and woodcut map at page 237 (folding map wanting, said to be in but few copies). Small 4to, old calf (wormed in lower margin throughout, no text affected). London : Printed by B. Alsop and Tho. Fawcet, 1635 THE VERY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION, with the TWO CANCELLED LEAVES. There are also many pagination errors, indicating one of the early issues. 144. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Life, including a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the War of Independence, and of the various Negotiations at Paris for Peace; with the History of his Political and other Writings. Lithographed portrait after Land- seer. 12mo, boards, calf back (a little worn). London, 1826 FIRST EDITION. 145. FREEMAN (FREDERICK). The History of Cape Cod: The Annals of Barnstable County, including the District of Mash- pee. Portraits. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Boston : Printed for the Author, 1858-62 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. 146. FREEMAN AND CUSTIS. An Account of the Red River , in Louisiana, drawn up from the Returns of Messrs. Freeman and Custis, to the War Office of the United States, who explored the same, in the Year 1806. 8vo, half dark blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. p., n. d. FIRST EDITION. Contains accounts of the flora and natural history of the country. The folding tables mentioned by Sabin are wanting. 147. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. A Fair Representation of His Majesty's Right to Nova-Scotia or Acadie. Briefly stated f /j' from the Memorials of the English Commissaries. With an An- swer to the Objections contained in the French Memorials, etc. 8vo, sewn. London : Printed by Edward Owen, 1756 FIRST EDITION. This is the English side of the discussion issued "to obviate the wrong impressions" created by the "unjustifiable preten- sions" of the French. 148. GALE (EDWIN O.). Reminiscences of Early Chicago, s and Vicinity. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, ' uncut. Chicago, 1902 149. GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. The Royal Commentaries of Peru. In Two Parts. Rendred into English by Sir Paul Rycaut. Fine portrait of the translator by White, and numerous fine plates. 2 vols. folio, polished Cambridge calf, gilt backs, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by Miles Flesher, 1688 An unusually choice copy of the FIRST EDITION of Bycaut's translation. Scarce. 21 150. GARDEN (ALEXANDER). Anecdotes of the Revolu- tionary War in America. Fair copy only. Charleston, 1822; In- dustries of Indiana. Illustrated. Evansville, 1880; The Constitu- tions of the several States of the Union. N. Y., n. d. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth and sheep. 151. GAYARRE (CHARLES). Louisiana: its History as a French Colony. New York, 1852; History of Louisiana. The French Domination. Vol. 1. New York, 1854. Together 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1852-54 FIRST EDITIONS. Each volume is complete in itself, and, have been in- correctly lettered on the backs as Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. Scarce. 152. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. Ill, Part I. 8vo, wrappers (a few corners water-stained). Savannah, 1848 Contains "The Creek Confederacy" by Benjamin Hawkins. 153. GIHON (JpHN H.). Geary and Kansas. Governor L Geary's Administration in Kansas, with a complete History of the Territory until July, 1857. 12mo, polished red calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Philadelphia, 1857 FIRST EDITION. Very fine copy. Scarce. 154. GOLNITZ (ABRAHAM). Compendivm Geographicvm (/ succincta methodo adornatum Opera & Studio. Engraved title. Small 12mo, boards, red morocco back. Amstelodami : Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1649 Fine copy. Scarce. The latter pages of the book are devoted to America. il- : 155. GOULD (JAY). History of Delaware County, and Bor- der Wars of New York. Containing a sketch of the Early Settle- ments in the County and a History of the late anti-rent difficulties in Delaware, etc. Portrait of A. J. Parker (some copies have por- trait of Z. Pratt). 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, by Riviere. Roxbury, 1856 THE VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. 156. GRAHAM (J. A.). A Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. Portrait, and woodcuts by Bewick. 8vo, con- temporary marbled calf. London : Printed and sold by the Author, 1797 FIRST EDITION. Very scarce. The author, at the time this work was published, was in England, as agent from the Episcopal Church in Ver- mont to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 157. GRUNDY CO., IOWA. A History of Grundy County from the Earliest Records up to July 4, 1876. By B. H. Beckman. 8vo, wrappers. Grundy Center, Iowa, [1876] 158. GUEST (MOSES). Poems on Several Occasions, to which are annexed, Extracts from a Journal kept by the Author while 22 THE HISTORY UP TO THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS THEREIN BY THE IN THE YEAR 1768. BY JOHN HAYWOQD, 0? XHE COUWrr Or DAYIDSOS, IS THE STATE Ot TBffXSSSIS. NASHVILLE: PRINTED BY GEOHGE 18S3. [ NUMBER 165 ] < he followed the Sea, and during a Journey from New-Brunswick, in New Jersey, to Montreal and Quebec. Second Edition. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt top. Cincinnati, 1824 SCARCE. 159. HALL (JAMES.). The Romance of Western History; or, Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West. Portrait. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869 Fine copy. Scarce. 160. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). Eulogy of, pronounced ly' at the request of the Citizens of Boston, July 26, 1804. By the Hon. Harrison G. Otis. 8vo, boards, roan back, gilt top, uncut. FINE COPY. SCARCE. Albany, 1804 161. - - A Letter to Aaron Burr, Vice-President of the United /States of America, on the Barbarous origin, the criminal nature, and the baneful effects of duels; occasioned by his late fatal inter- view with the deceased and much lamented General Alexander Hamilton. By Philanthropes. 8vo, boards, roan back, gilt top, uncut (margin of title strengthened). SCARCE. New York : Printed for the Author, 1804 162. - - A Discourse delivered in the North Dutch Church, . ^ in the City of Albany, occasioned by the ever to be lamented Death of General Alexander Hamilton. 8vo, boards, roan back. Albany, 1804 163. [HARRISSE (HENRY).] Bibliotheca Americana Vetus- Sf tissima. A Description of Works relating to America published \\~ between the Years 1492 and 1551. Thick 4to, half red morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. New York, 1866 LARGE PAPER COPY or THIS IMPORTANT WORK, OF WHICH ONLY 99 COPIES WERE ISSUED. This work will always be regarded as one of the monuments of American Bibliography. 164. Notes pour servir a 1'Histoire a la Bibliographic et a T la Cartographic de la Nouvelle-France et des Pays adjacent, 1545- 1700. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Fine copy of this important bibliographical work. Paris, 1872 itr- 165. HAYWOOD (JOHN). The Natural and Aboriginal His- tory of Tennessee, up to the First Settlements therein by the White People, in the Year 1768. 8vo, original sheep, enclosed in a full brown levant morocco solander case, by Riviere. Nashville, 1823 ORIGINAL AND ONLY EDITION OF ONE OF THE RAREST OF THE EARLY BOOKS ON THE AMERICAN ABORIGINES. The present copy, though time-stained in portions is, nevertheless, A MOST DESIRABLE ONE, IN VERY CRISP CONDITION, AND PERFECT, HAVING THE HALF-TITLE AND THE LEAF OF ERRATA AT THE END. Inscribed on half-title: "By John McNaury to his friend J. E. Skiles. ' ' [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 24 70 166. HECKE WELDER (JOHN). An Account of the History, Manners, and Customs, of the Indian Nations, who once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Philadelphia, 1819 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. Scarce in this state. This is Vol. 1 of the Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society. 167. -- A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its Commence- ment, in the Year 1740, to the close of the Year 1808. Portrait of Zeisberger. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Philadelphia, 1820 A SUPURB COPY OF THE RARE FlRST EDITION, IN UNCUT CONDITION. 168. [HELPS (ARTHUR).] The Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen. 2 vols. 12mo, polished calf, gilt backs, ^ gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London : Pickering, 1848 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. A narrative of the principal events which led to negro slavery in the West Indies and America. In the second volume are numerous marginal notes in the hand of the author. , ^ 169. - - The Spanish Conquest in America. 4 vols. 8vo, pol- ished green calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. CHOICE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. London, 1855-1861 170. - - The Life of Las Casas "The Apostle of the Indies." 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1868 FIRST EDITION. With two A. L's. S. of the author inserted. 171. HENNEPIN (L.). Nouvelle Decouverte d'uii tres grand Pays situe dans 1'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la Mer Glaciale. 2 large folding maps, plates of Niagara Falls, and the Buffalo, and engraved title. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Utrecht: Guillaume Broedelet, 1697 THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION OF THE * ' Nouvelle Decouverte" dedi- cated by Hennepin to William III. The maps and plates are each in ITS EARLIEST STATE, that of Niagara Falls, BEING THE FIRST ENGRAVED VIEW. The present copy has the 5 leaves *313. A MOST DESIRABLE COPY. 172. - - A New Discovery of a vast country in America, ex- tending above four thousand miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, etc. With a Continuation giving an account of the attempts of the 'Sieur de la Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, the taking of Quebec by the English, etc., etc. Engraved frontispiece, six plates, and two large folding maps. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. London : Printed for M. Bentley, etc., 1698 A CHOICE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION ("Bon" issue), with the folding maps linen-backed. The Lefferts-Ives copy, with bookplates of each. 173. HERNDON AND GIBBON. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon. Illustrated with numerous lithographed plates. No separate atlas of maps. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, by Bradstreet. Washington, 1853-54 25 174. HERRERA (ANTONIO DE). The General History of the vast Continent and Islands of America, Commonly call'd, The West Indies, from the First Discovery thereof. Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. Illustrated with 2 maps and 16 plates. 6 vols. 8vo, Cambridge calf, gilt backs, carmine edges, by Bedford. London, 1725-6 A SUPERB COPY OF THIS RARE EDITION IN ENGLISH. Field styles Herrera the ' ' Prince of Historians ' ' and this is THE BEST TRANSLATION. 175. [HEW ATT (ALEXANDER).] An Historical Account fof the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and iv ^ Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1779 VERY RARE, and a splendid clean copy, except that the Preface is want- ing (2 leaves). The author, during his several years' stay in South Caro- lina, collected many valuable papers and manuscripts, which form the basis of the present volume. 176. HICKMAN (BILL). Brigham's Destroying Angel; being /"^ the Life, Confession, and Startling Disclosures of the Notorious Bill Hickman, the Danite Chief of Utah. Written by Himself, with explanatory Notes by J. H. Beadle. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. FIRST EDITION. New York, 1872 177. HORNIUS (G.). Area Noae. Engraved title ly Wingen- dorp. 12mo, bound in fine old slate-colored morocco, gilt and blind tooling on sides, gilt edges. Lugd. Batav. et Roterod. : Ex Officina Hackiana, 1666 A CHOICE CRISP COPY. Pages 455 to the end (548) relate to America. 178. HOWE (HENRY). Historical Collections of Virginia. Colored frontispiece and numerous engravings. 8vo, original sheep. Charleston, S. G., 1845 179. HUGGINS (J. R. D.). Hugginiana; or, Huggins' Fantasy. Frontispiece. 7 plates, and woodcuts (lower margin of one plate repaired). 12mo, full red polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1808 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy of this scarce and curious work. f 180. [HUNT (FREEMAN).] American Anecdotes, original and selected. By an American. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Matthews. Boston, 1830 FIRST EDITION. Very scarce. 181. HUNT (GAILLARD). Life in America One Hundred Years Ago. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1914 FIRST EDITION. 182. HUTCHINSON (THOMAS). The Witchcraft Delusion of 1692. With Notes by William Frederick Poole. 4to, half dark green morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Boston: Privately printed, 1870 LARGE PAPER COPY. With autograph of W. F. Poole on title. 26 THE PRESENT STATE O F New - England, With Refpe boards. Philadelphia, 1836 , - 190. JAMES (GEORGE WHARTON). In and Out of the California Missions. 142 illustrations from photographs. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1912 28 I li- 191. JAMES (WILLIAM DOBEIN). A Sketch of the Life of Brig. Gen. Francis Marion and a History of his Brigade, from its Rise in June, 1780, until disbanded in December, 1782, with descriptions of Characters and Scenes not heretofore published. Tall 8vo, red levant morocco, back and sides handsomely gold- tooled, gilt top, uncut, by David. In case. Charleston, S. C., 1821 THE EXTREMELY RARE FlRST EDITION, AND A MOST DESIRABLE COPY IN UNUSUAL UNCUT CONDITION IN A HANDSOME binding. There are a few contemporary marginal notations. The last leaf has been laid down. From the author's family, having been purchased by Mr. Barnes from Mr. James' grandson. 192. JESUITS. The Travels of several Learned Missioners of the Society of Jesus into Divers Parts of the Archipelago, India, China, and America. Translated from the French Original pub- lished at Paris in 1713. 2 plates (one slightly torn). 8vo, half russia, gilt back. London, 1714 FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Contains an account of the country of Acadia, written in 1710, and various references to the Indians. 193. JOGUES (ISAAC). Novum Belgium: An Account of New Netherland in 1643-4. With a facsimile of the original man- uscript, his portrait, a map and Notes by John Gilmary Shea. 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York: Privately printed, 1862 This work forms Vol. XVI of Shea's "Cramoisy Series," and is ONE OP 100 COPIES ON LARGE PAPER. 194. JOHNSON (THOMAS, JR.). The Kentucky Miscellany. Fourth Edition. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Lexington : Printed at the Advertiser Office, 1821 OF EXCESSIVE RARITY, NO COPY BEING RECORDED AS HAVING OCCURRED AT AUCTION. THIS WORK WAS VIGOROUSLY SUPPRESSED on account of one of the ribald poems, "The Wedding Night.'-' While designated on the title as the ' ' Fourth Edition " it is not improbable that this is THE FIRST AND SOLE EDITION. We are unable to locate this rarity in any of the bibliog- raphies consulted, and the only mention found is in Davidson's "History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky," and this same edition is the one cited. On account of the ephemeral nature of the work it is not surprising that the present copy should have been repaired in some of the leaves, with a few words affected, but it is nevertheless in REMARKABLE UNCUT CONDITION, and not improbably the only copy which may appear for many years. 195. JOHNSTON (CHARLES). A Narrative of the Inci- dents attending the Capture, Detention, and Ransom of Charles Johnston of Botetourt County, Virginia, who was made Prisoner by the Indians, on the River Ohio, in the Year 1790 ; Together with an interesting account of the fate of his companions, five in num- ber, one of whom suffered at the stake. To which are added, 'Sketches of Indian Character and Manners, etc. 12mo, polished Cambridge calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. 'FINE COPY OF THE EXTREMELY RARE FlRST EDITION. NeW York, 1827 29 196. JONES (CHARLES C., JR.). Antiquities of the South- fa ern Indians, particularly of the Georgia Tribes. Illustrated with ' li J /. lithographed plates. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, un- cut, by Riviere. New York, 1873 FIRST EDITION. 197. Another copy. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1873 198. - - The Dead Towns of Georgia. 8vo, half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Savannah, 1878 FIRST EDITION. 199. JONES (JAMES ATHEARN). Traditions of the North American Indian. Plates. 3 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt )- tops, uncut. London, 1830 The Second Edition, revised, of " Tales of an Indian Camp." Very Scarce . 200._KANE (ELISHA K.). Arctic Explorations in the Years 4 1853-55. Illustrated with numerous fine engraved plates and wood- ^- cuts. 2 vols. 8vo, half olive levant morocco, gilt tops. 'Philadelphia, 1856 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. The engravings of Polar scenes are among the finest ever presented. 201. KENNEDY (JAMES). Essays Ethnological and Lin- i ^guistic. Edited by C. M. Kennedy. 8vo, boards, cloth back. London, 1861 Contains Ethnological Notices of the Philippine Islands; On the prob- able Origin of the American Indians; Supplementary Notices of the Mayas, Caribs, etc., etc. 202. KENTUCKY. A Collection of all the Public and Perma- nent Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky which are now in force . . . together with Acts of Virginia, relating to Land Titles, etc., etc. By Harry Toulmin. 12mo, original sheep. Frankfort, 1802 EXTREMELY SCARCE. The early Acts of Kentucky are very infrequently met with, being noticeably absent from the Americana collections dis- persed in late years. 203. " Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty- Seventh General Assembly for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, begun and held in the Town of Frankfort, on Monday the Seventh day of December, 1818. Gabriel Slaughter, Acting Governor. 8vo, original boards, sheep back (one hinge weak). Frankfort, 1819 Scarce. 204. KENTUCKY IMPRINT. Collection of Sacred Hymns for the use of the Catholic Churches, in Kentucky: Intended as a Supplement to the Prayer-Book, entitled True Piety. 16mo, old boards (worn and some pp. foxed). VERY SCARCE. Bardstown: Bard & Edrington, 1815 30 205. KINZIE (MRS. JOHN H.). Wau-Bun, the "Early Day" in the North-West. Lithographed plates. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, by Riviere. New York, 1856 FINE COPY OF THE SCARCE FlRST EDITION. 206. - Another copy. New Edition, with an Introduction and Notes by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago : The Caxton Club, 1901 One of 256 copies on hand-made paper. 207. LAFAYETTE. Visit of General La Fayette to Louisiana, I containing the Speeches addressed to him, with his Answers. Fron- tispiece of the Triumphal Arch. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top. New Orleans, 1825 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. Sabin merely lists the title, without locating any copy. Inscribed on title: "With respects of Dr. Heermann. to Danl. T. Patterson Esqr. Captain of the Fleet. Mediterranean.' f Ibf 208. LAMSON (DAVID R.). Two Years' Experience among $ ~ the Shakers. Woodcuts. 12mo, cloth. West Boylston, 1848 FIRST EDITION. Privately printed. A description of the manners and customs of the people of the Society founded by Ann Lee. ro 209. LA SALLE. Relation of the Discovery of the Mississippi River. Written from the Narrative of Nicolas de La Salle, other- wise known as the little M. de La Salle. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut and unopened. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1898 One of 236 copies on hand-made paper. ft 210. - Relation of Henri de Tonty Concerning the Explora- ) ^ tions of La Salle from 1678 to 1683. Translated by Melville B. Anderson. 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut and unopened. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1898 One of 194 copies on hand-made paper. 1 ^ 211. - Relation of the Discoveries and Voyages of Cavelier de La Salle from 1679 to 1681. The Official Narrative. Translated by Melville. 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut and unopened. Chicago: The Caxton Club, 1901 One of 224 copies on hand-made paper. 212. LAS CASAS (BARTHOLOME DE). Entre los reme- dies que don fray Bartolome de Las Casas, etc. Gothic character title in red and black, within an ornamental woodcut border. [Seville: Jacome Cromberger, 1552] THE RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF LAS CASAS' THIRD TRACT, AND THE VERY EARLIEST WORK EVER ISSUED ADVOCATING THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY IN AMERICA, in which are given "twenty reasons which prove that the Indians ought not to be given to the Spaniards in commanderies, IN FEUDAL BONDAGE OR IN VASSALAGE OR IN ANY OTHER MANNER." The Author, THE FIRST PRIEST EVER ORDAINED IN THE NEW WORLD, ac- companied Columbus on his third voyage, and his name is second in emi- nence only to that of the great discoverer. 31 Aqui se cotiene vna disputa, o controuersia : entro el Obispo don fray Bartholome de las Casas, etc. Gothic character, title in red and black, within ornamental woodcut border. [Colophon] Sevilla: Sebastian Trugillo, 1552 THE FIRST EDITION OF THE FIFTH TREATISE. This work is divided into three sections, of which the first is a summary of the motives which have given rise to the contradictory opinions of Las Casas and Sepulveda. Article II contains the objections of Sepulveda to the reasons of Las Casas, and Article III is the rejoinder of Las Casas. Tratado copro batorio del Imperio soberano y principado universal que los Reyes de Castella y Loen tienan sobre las indias ; compusto por el obispo don fray Bartholomeo las Casas, etc. Gothic characters, title in red and black, within an ornamental woodcut border, the Arms of Spain above the title. [Colophon] 'Sevilla: Sebastia Trugillo, 1553 THE FIRST EDITION OF THE NINTH TREATISE, with 80 leaves, the second issue having 84 leaves. This is the largest of the series, and was written to prove the sovereignty and universal dominion which the King of Cas- tella and Leon had over the Indians. THESE THREE RARE PIECES bound in one volume, small 4to, orig- inal vellum. Bookplate, "M. A. Principis Burghesii." 213. LEWIS AND CLARKE. Message of the President of the United States communicating Discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clarke. 8vo, sewn, uncut. [Washington, 1806] THIS " MESSAGE" FORMS THE FIRST PUBLISHED ACCOUNT OF THE EX- PLORATIONS OF LEWIS AND CLARKE. It contains a letter from Merriwether Lewis to Thomas Jefferson, dated Fort Mandan, April 17, 1805, and a Statistical View of the Indian Nations inhabiting the Territory of Louis- iana. The title is wanting, but this scarce piece is otherwise perfect, and in fine uncut condition. 214. LITTELL (WILLIAM). Festoons of Fancy, consisting of Composition Amatory, Sentimental and Humorous. 12mo, orig- inal sheep, leather label. x Louisville, Ky. : From the Press of William Farquar, 1814 AN EXTREMELY RARE LITTLE VOLUME, with Kentucky imprint, TWO YEARS EARLIER THAN THAT LISTED BY WEGELIN. Not in Sabin. The Epistle to the People of the Realm of Kentucky treats of the Re- peal of the Lexington Bank f Charters, the Ohio Canal, the Trial of Mor- gan, etc., and is written in Scriptural style. The characters include Felix Grundy, Henry Clay, Christopher Greenup, William Logan, and others. 215. LOOMIS (CHESTER A.). A Journey on Horseback through the Great West in 1825. Small 4to, stitched, uncut. Bath : Plaindealer Press, n. d. A scarce account of early travel in the West, visiting Allegany towns, Pittsburg, Columbus, Zanesville, Sandusky, etc. 216. LOSSING (BENSON J.). The Pictorial Field Book of x the War of 1812. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, half dark blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1868 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION, IN UNUSUAL UNCUT STATE. 32 SECOND SESSION LOTS 217-431 217. LOUDON (ACHIBALD). A Selection of some of the most Interesting Narratives, of Outrages, committed by the In- dians, in Their Wars, with the White People, etc. Vol 1 only. 12mo, original sheep. Carlisle, 1808 EXCESSIVELY RARE. Owing to its wide popularity, its constant perusal, the time elapsed between the publication of the first and second volumes, this work is seldom found complete. Unfortunately, Vol. 2 of this set was destroyed by the fire which consumed the greater portion of Mr. Barnes' splendid collection of Americana. 218. LOUISIANA TERRITORY. A Collection of 11 Koyal 4 l^ Patents and Documents relating to Early French Settlements in Louisiana, etc. 11 pieces, small 4to, sewn. A Grenoble, 1711, etc. A scarce collection. 219. LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). II Pesceballo. Opera in One Act. Italian words by F. J. Child, English version by Lowell. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago : Caxton Club, 1899 One of 210 copies. 220. [LOWELL (JOHN).] The Impartial Inquirer; being a jL Candid Examination of the Conduct of the President of the United States in execution of the powers vested in him, by the Act of Congress of May 1, 1810, to which is added, some Reflections upon the Invasion of the Spanish Territory of West Florida. By a Citi- zen of Massachusetts. Folding map inserted. 8vo, sewn. [Boston] 1811 Scarce. This comprises the XVIII numbers, originally published in the "(Columbian Centinel." 221. LYDSTON (G. FRANK). Panama and the Sierras. A Doctor's Wander Days. Illustrated from photographs. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1900 FIEST EDITION. 222. [LYSTER (A. T.).] A Diary of Two Years and Two ,{l' Days. By A. T. L. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Wexford, 1834 FIRST EDITION of this scarce and unusual volume of American travel. The author's own copy, with his name on fly-leaf, and corrections through- out the volume, probably in his hand. This work was evidently printed for private circulation, as indicated by a space on the title for the filling in of names. A 223. MC CHORD (JAMES). National Safety: A Sermon de- ^V livered before the Legislature of Kentucky, Jan. 12, 1815, observed by them as a day of National Fasting. 8vo, original printed wrap- pers (worn and pp. time-stained). Lexington, Ky., 1815 FIRST EDITION. Very Scarce. No copy of this interesting Kentucky imprint appears to have been offered in many years. 33 224. MC COOK (HENRY C.). The Natural History of the Agricultural Ant of Texas. Illustrated with 24 plates. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1880 225. M'CLUNG (JOHN A.). Sketches of Western Adventure; containing an Account of the most interesting Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794; together with an Appendix. 12mo, original sheep. Maysville, Ky. : L. Collind, 1832 THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. The most complete collection of cap- tivities and early adventures ever published in one volume. Most of the celebrities mentioned were personal acquaintances of the author, who therefore got his information at first hand. 226. MACKENNA (B. VICUNA). Francisco Moyen; or, The Inquisition as it was in South America. Translated from the Span- ish by James W. Duffy. Portrait. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1869 227. MAC LEAN (J. P.). The Mound Builders. Illustrated. 12mo, half olive morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. Cincinnati, 1887 A r ' 228. A Critical Examination of the Evidences adduced to establish the theory of the Norse Discovery of America. Woodcuts. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Riviere. Chicago, 1892 FIRST EDITION limited to 500 copies. 229. M'NEMAR (RICHARD). The Kentucky Revival; or, a Short History of the late Extraordinary Out-pouring of the Spirit of God in the Western States of America . . . with a brief account of ... Shakerism. 12mo, red crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Cincinnati printed: Albany, reprinted, 1808 AN EXCEEDINGLY CHOICE COPY OF THE SECOND EDITION, EQUAL IN RARITY WITH THE FIRST, which was printed the previous year. At the end, in the Appendix, is an account of the religious labors among the neighboring Indians. There is also bound in, with a separate title and pagination, ''Observations on Church Government by the Presbytery of Springfield, to which is added, their Last Will and Testament. } ' Imprint the same as the above. The slip of errata is pasted on the last leaf. 230. MC QUADE (JAMES). The Cruise of the Montauk to Bermuda, the West Indies and Florida. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1885 FIRST EDITION, with the black -bordered insert announcing the death of Commodore Platt, not usually found with the work. '' 231. MAGAZINE OF AMERICAN HISTORY. Illustrated. -Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2; Vol. 2, Parts 1 and 2; Vol. 4, Parts 1 and 2; Vols. 6 and 7. Together 8 vols. 4to, full red straight-grain mo- rocco, gilt tops. New York, 1877-1881 L 232. MAHAN (A.). A Critical History of the late American . 8vo, cloth. New York, 1877 FIRST EDITION. 34 233. MARCO Y (PAUL). Travels in South America, from the fs Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Ifaps and illustrations. % vols. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. New York, 1875 234. MARMONTEL (M.) Les Incas, ou, La Destruction de 1'Empire du Perou. Illustrated with frontispiece and 10 beautiful / ' plates after Moreau. 2 vols. in one. 12mo, full vellum. A Berne & a Lausanne, 1777 FINE COPY OF THE RARE FlRST EDITION. 235. MARTINEAU (HARRIET). Retrospect of Western x Travel. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1838 Fine copy. p. 236. MASON (EDWARD G.). Chapters from Illinois His- tory. Illustrations. 8vo, white parchment boards, gilt top, uncut. ONE OF 100 COPIES. Chicago, 1901 WITH AUTOGRAPH LETTER OF THE AUTHOR 237. MATHER (COTTON). Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England, from its First Planting in the Year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord, 1698. In ! i / Seven Books. Fine copy of the folding map. Portrait of Mather inserted. Folio, polished Cambridge calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Thomas Parkhurst, 1702 FINE COPY OF THE RARE FIRST EDITION, with the leaf of advertisements at the end. Inserted, is AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER OF COTTON MATHER, 1 p. folio, inlaid. 238. MATSON (N.). French and Indians of Illinois River. Photograph portrait. 12mo, cloth. Princeton, 111., 1874 FIRST EDITION. Scarce. 239. MATTHEWS (WASHINGTON). Navaho Legends. Collected and translated. Illustrations, some in color. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1897 FIRST EDITION. One of 500 copies. 240. MAYER (BRANTZ). Mexico as it Was and as it Is. With numerous illustrations on wood. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1844 FIRST EDITION. 241. MEEK (A. B.). Romantic Passages in Southwestern His- iiv tory; including Orations, Sketches, and Essays. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top. New York, 1857 FIRST EDITION. Scarce. Over 100 pages are occupied with a biography of Wetherford, the Creek chief, massacre of Fort Minims, and other sketches of Indian history, bearing marks of personal research. 242. MERCATOR. Historia Mundi; or, Mercator's Atlas, con- taining his Cosmographicall Description of the Fabricke and Figure of the World. Lately rectified in divers places, as also beautified and enlarged with new Mappes and Tables; By the studious in- 35 1 1 dustry of Ivdocvs Hondi. Engraved title and maps. Folio, old calf (two maps slightly damaged). London: Printed for Michaell Sparke, 1637 The imprint given above is that of the engraved title; the printed title reads 1635. The maps of American interest comprise: The West Indies; Cuba, etc.; Virginia and Florida; Hispania Nova (in duplicate); The Firme Land; Peru; The Summer Islands; Southern America; The Straits of Magellan. The Explanation of the frontispiece is present. 243. METCALF (SAMUEL L.). A Collection of some of the ' ' most Interesting Narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, con- taining an account of the Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone . . . to which is added, an Account of the Expeditions of Genl's. Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair, & Wayne. 8vo, half red mo- rocco, gilt top (some pp. a little time-stained). Lexington, 1821 DESIBABLE COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE COLLECTION OF INDIAN NAR- RATIVES, including those of Daniel Boone, Knight and Slover, Col. James Smith, etc., etc. The five lines of errata are wanting, as usual. 244. MICHIGAN. Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michi- gan. 12mo, original cloth, in full olive levant morocco solander case, by Zaehnsdorf. Detroit, 1834 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. A series of discourses delivered before the Historical Society of Michigan and other interesting papers, by Lewis Cass, Henry R. Schoolcraft, Henry Whiting, and John Biddle. 245. MILLER (ANDREW). New States and Territories; or, the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, North-Western, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, in their real characters, in 1818. Small 16mo, polished calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. N. p., 1819 A VERY SCARCE LITTLE WORK, printed for the benefit of emigrants and others. Sabin mentions a folding table which does not appear to be in this copy, unless the tables pp. 93-96 are the ones mentioned by him. (\> 246. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Directory, for the Years 1847-48. V By Julius P. Bolivar MacCabe. 12mo, full roan. In green straight- grain morocco slip-case. Milwaukee, 1847 THE FIRST DIRECTORY OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE. Contains an epit- omized history of the city. RARE. 247. - - Directory, for the Years 1848-49. 8vo, original printed I ' boards, roan back. Milwaukee, 1848 Second Milwaukee Directory. Scarce. / 248. MONTULE (E.). A Voyage to North America and the J ' West Indies in 1817. Plates. 8vo, half cloth and boards. London, 1821 fl) * 249. MOOREHEAD (WARREN K.). Fort Ancient: The Great Prehistoric Earthwork of Warren County, Ohio. Compiled from a careful survey, with an Account of its Mounds and Graves. Map and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, Cincinnati, 1890 36 I BOOK * *FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF # 1 Church of Christ, f & ORGANIZED ACCORDING TO LAW, ON THE , * * * * * 6th of April, 1830. Z/OJV: PUBLISHED BY W. W PHELPS & co. 1833. | SABIN SAYS f< ONLY TWO COPIES ARE KNOWN. [ NUMBER 253 ] THE FOLLOWING COLLECTION OF MORMON ITEMS COMPRISES MANY UNUSUAL PIECES, INCLUDING FIRST AND SECOND READ- ERS, AND OTHER OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS, PUBLISHED BY THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS, AND PRINTED AT THE DESERET NEWS ES- TABLISHMENT AND THE JUVENILE INSTRUCTOR OFFICE. 250. BOOK OF MORMON (THE). The Account written by the hand of Mormon, upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi. By Joseph Smith, Jr. 12mo, original sheep. Palmyra, 1830 THE VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. FINE COPY. Laid in is an Alpha- betical Concordance, or Index to the Second and Third editions of the Book of Mormon. t* v '-< 251. Another copy. 252. MORMONS. Campbell (Alexander). Delusions. Analysis of the Book of Mormon, with an Examination of its Internal and ^ External Evidences, and a Refutation of its Pretences to Divine Authority. With Prefatory Remarks by Joshua V. Himes. 8vo, boards. Boston, 1832 FIRST EDITION. VERY RARE. THE EXCESSIVELY RARE MORMON "BOOK OF COMMANDMENTS" 253. A Book of Commandments, for the Government of the Church of Christ, organized according to Law, on the 6th of s April, 1830. 18mo, full stamped black morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Zion : Published by W. W. Phelps & Co., 1833 OF EXCESSIVE RARITY. Sabin says : * ' This book was never published, nor even completed, and ONLY TWO COPIES ARE KNOWN. If this statement is correct, then THIS is THE ONLY PERFECT COPY KNOWN, as the other copy is described in Woodward J s ' ' Bibliotheca Scallawagiana ' ' as being slight- ly imperfect and in poor condition. THE SHEETS OF THIS WORK WERE DESTROYED BY A MISSOURI MOB, and in the above mentioned catalogue, a copy of which appears in the present collection is a long descriptive note regarding this rarity, as well as of the Book of Mormon. i [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 254. Howe (E. D.). Mormonism Unveiled; or, a faithful account of that singular imposition and delusion . . . and a full detail of the manner in which the famous Golden Bible was --brought before the World, etc. Woodcut frontispiece. 12mo, orig- inal cloth. Painesville, (Ohio) : Printed by the Author, 1834 THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. It contains also, Inquiries into the probability that the historical part of the Mormon Bible was written by Solomon Spalding about 1814, and by him intended to have been pub- lished as a romance. One leaf has two tears in it, but it is perfect. 255. Pratt (P. P.). A Voice of Warning and Instruction to all People, containing a Declaration of the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, commonly called Mormons. 12mo, original cloth. New York : W. Sandf ord, 1837 THE VERY SCARCE FIRST EDITION. 38 J' 256. - - Greene (John P.). Facts relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons or, Latter Day Saints, from the State of Missouri, under the "Exterminating Order." 8vo, original wrappers, in cloth covers. Cincinati, 1839 FINE COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE PAMPHLET. This volume was for- merly owned by H. E. Robinson of Maryville, Mo., and bound up with it are several letters from Charles L. Woodward, regarding Mormon litera- ture. There are also two pages of notes in Mr. Robinson's hand. 257. - - Pratt (P. P.). Late Persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Ten thousand American Citi- zens robbed, plundered, and banished; others imprisoned, and ) ^ others martyred for their religion. With a Sketch of their Rise, Progress, and Doctrine. 16mo, original cloth. New York, 1840 SCABCE. 258. The Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star. Vol. 1. 8vo, . - 'half calf. Manchester, 1841 VERY SCARCE. Orson Pratt 's copy, with his name label on front cover, and inscription on fly-leaf: "Presented, to Orson Pratt, Jr., by his Father, April 10, 1856." 259. - - The same. Vol. 1. 8vo, half morocco. Manchester, 1841 260. - - The same. Vols. 1-11, 13-17, 19-22, 32-39 (1840-1877). 28 vols. in 21. 8vo, mainly half calf (not uniform). VERY SCARCE. V. p., 1840-1877 281. The same. Vols. 1, 5, 7-9, 14. 6 vols. in five. 8vo, half roan and half calf. V. p., 1840-1852 262. - - Thompson (Charles). Evidences in Proof of the Book of Mormon, being a Divinely Inspired Kecord, written by the Forefathers of the Natives whom we call Indians, etc. 16mo, orig- inal cloth (worn). Batavia, N. Y., 1841 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. 263. - - Three RARE TRACTS, bound in one volume, 16mo, half sheep. New York and Philadelphia, 1842-43 THESE THREE RARE PIECES ARE: "A Treatise on the Fulness of the Everlasting Gospel" by Elder Moses Martin, N. Y., 1842; "Mormonism Unveiled: Zion's Watchman unmasked, and its Editor, Mr. La Eoy Sunderland, exposed: Truth Vindicated. The Devil Mad, and Priest- craft in Danger! ! ! By P. P. Pratt. New York, 1842; "A History of the Priesthood. Written in Defence of the Doctrine and Position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints." By B. Winchester. Phila. 1843. y 264. - - Gleanings by the Way. By Rev. John A. Clark. 12mo, Philadelphia, 1842 FIRST EDITION. Contains accounts of travels in the Western States, 13 of the chapters relating to the Mormons. ' x cloth 265. - - Bennett (John C.). The History of the Saints; or, an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1842 FIRST EDITION. Scarce. The author was one of their first Presidents, and so had access to all their secret lodges and societies, which enabled him to become familiar with the doings of the whole Church. 39 v/- A COLLECTION OF RARE MORMON ADDRESSES 266. An Address by a Minister of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 2 leaves ; A Few Important Questions for the Reverend Clergy to Answer, being a Scale to Weigh Priest- craft and Sectarianism in. By William I. Appleby. Phila., 1843 ; An Interesting Account of several Remarkable Visions and of the late Discovery of Ancient American Records. By O. Pratt. New York, 1842; A Voice from Jerusalem; or a 'Sketch of the Travels and Ministry of Elder Orson Hyde. Boston, 1842. In one volume, 12mo, half sheep. Bound in with the foregoing, are the two following RARE PIECES PRINTED IN OHIO IN 1826 and 1827: "Last Wills and Testaments of Thirteen Patriarchs, and Gospel of Nicodemus, the Believing Jew. ' ' By Moses Henkle. Urbana, O. x 1827; and "Gospel of Nicodemus, the Believing Jew. ' ' By Moses Henkle, Columbus, O., 1826. 267. - Winchester (B.). Synopsis of the Holy Scriptures and Concordance . . . chiefly designed to illustrate the Doc- trine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 18mo, original sheep (hinges weak). Philadelphia, 1842 Scarce. Inscribed on fly -leaf: "A. II. Wright. Reed, from Elder McEenzie in 1850, Springfield, 0. ' ' 268. Hunt (James H.). Mormonism : Embracing the Ori- gin, Rise, and Progress of the Sect, with an Examination of the Book of Mormon ; also, their Troubles in Missouri, and final Expul- sion from the State. 12mo, original cloth (some pp. foxed). St. Louis, 1844 FIRST EDITION. VERY SCARCE. In the Appendix is an account of the disturbances in Illinois, which resulted in the death of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. 269. Times and Seasons. Vol. V. No. 2-24. 8vo, half sheep. Nauvoo, 1844 VERY SCARCE. Contains the History of Joseph Smith. Bound in with this volume are various Circulars and Proclamations of the Mormon Church; also, "An Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York," by Parley P. Pratt, Nauvoo, n. d. 270. Smith (Joseph). The Doctrines and Covenants of the s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, carefully selected from the Revelations of God. 12mo, dark blue polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Nauvoo, 111. : Printed by John Taylor, 1845 AN IMMACULATE COPY OF THE RARE THIRD EDITION, officially printed by the Mormons at Nauvoo, 111. Laid down on one of the fly-leaves is an autograph signature of Brigham Young, which Mr. Barnes has noted was written for Mrs. Barnes in 1876. 271. The same. FOURTH AMERICAN EDITION. 12mo, orig- inal sheep. Nauvoo, 111. : Printed by John Taylor, 1846 272. The same. SECOND EUROPEAN EDITION. 12mo, green morocco, gilt borders on sides, gilt edges. Liverpool: Orson Pratt, 1849 ORSON PRATT, JR'S., copy, with his autograph on fly-leaf. 40 273. - - Pratt (Parley P.). A Voice of Warning and Instruc- ' ^ tion to all People; or, an Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-Day Saints. 12mo, maroon morocco, gilt tooled sides, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1847 With the autograph of Orson Pratt, Jr., on fly-leaf. 274. - - Spencer (Orson). Letters exhibiting the most Promi- / ' nent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 16mo, old morocco (a little spotted), gilt edges. Liverpool, 1848 With the autograph of Orson Pratt, Jr., on fly-leaf. 275. Pratt (Orson). A Series of SEVEN TRACTS, written for the Propagation of the Mormon Faith. 7 vols. 8vo, boards. / ^ [At End] Liverpool, 1848-49 Comprising: "Divine Authority, or the Question, Was Joseph Smith sent of God?"; "The Kingdom of God" 4 Parts; "Kemarkable Visions"; "New Jerusalem." SCARCE. 276. The "Endowment"; or, Peculiar Ceremonies of the / ^ Mormons in Initiating a Spiritual Husband and Wife into the Mysteries of the Temple. Woodc^s. 8vo, sewn. New York, 1850 VEBY SCARCE. These disclosures are by I. M'Gee Van Dusen and his wife. Laid in, is a silk badge of the celebration of the Ninetieth Anni- versary of President Woodruff's birth. / 277. - - Pratt (Orson). A Series of Pamphlets, by Orson Pratt. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Liverpool, 1851 278. - - Another copy. 8vo, half calf, (a little stained). 279. - - Another copy. 8vo, half calf (rubbed, and portrait stained). Bound in this copy, are: "General Epistle from the Council of the . s- Twelve Apostles," [1847]; "An Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York." By Parley P. Pratt, Nauvoo, [1841]. BARE; "The Mormons. A Discourse before the Hist. Soc. of Penn. " By Thomas L. Kane, Phila, 1850; "A Dialogue between Josh. Smith and the Devil", n. d. ; and two other pieces. A RARE COLLECTION. 280. - - The Mormons : or, Latter-Day Saints. With Memoirs fl) of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith, the "American Mahomet." "f Illustrated. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt back, gilt top. London, [1851] - Another copy. 12mo, pictorial boards, worn. ^ London, n. d. On the title of this edition, the work is accredited to Charles Mackay. 282. - - The Government of God. By John Taylor, one of the s Twelve Apostles. 8vo, original limp boards/ Liverpool, 1852 283. - - Patriarchal Order ; or, Plurality of Wives. By Elder Orson Spencer; The Only Way to be Saved. By Lorenzo Snow, ,^ London, 1851 ; The Voice of Joseph. By Lorenzo Snow. Liverpool, 1852; The Pearl of Great Price. By Joseph Smith. Liverpool, 1851 ; The Government of God. By John Taylor. Liverpool, 1852. In one volume. 8vo, half sheep. 41 t 284. - Smith (Lucy). Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and his Progenitors for many Generations. 12mo, contemporary stamped morocco, gilt edges. Liverpool, 1853 A VERY SCARCE BIOGRAPHY BY THE MOTHER OF THE MORMON PROPHET. Inscribed on fly-leaf: "Presented to Orson Pratt, Jr., Toy his Father Orson Pratt, Senior, October 2nd, 1854." 285. - - Pratt (Parley P.). Key to the Science of Theology: Designed as an Introduction to the first principles of Spiritual Philosophy, etc. 12mo, scored calf. Liverpool, 1855 I x 286. - - Young (Brigham). Journal of Discourses, by Brigham t Young, his Two Counsellors, the Twelve Apostles, and others. Re- ported by G. D. Watt. Vols. 2 and 3, with a duplicate of Vol. 3. 3 vols. 8vo, half and full calf. Liverpool, 1855-56 Scarce. , 287. Gunnison (J. W.). The Mormons; or, Latter-Day *\ Saints. A History of their Rise and Progress. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856 288. - - The Mormon's Own Book. By T. W. P. Tayleer. 12mo, original covers, with a portrait of Joseph Smith (rubbed). Scarce. Contains a life of Joseph Smith. London, 1857 289. The City of the Saints, and across the Rocky Moun- tains to California. By Richard F. Burton. Illustrated. 8vo, half black morocco, gilt top. New York, 1862 /v 290. - The Book of Mormon. In Mormon characters. 8vo, .- V cloth. New York : Pub. for the Deseret University, 1869 Very Scarce. 291. - - The same. Vol. 1, only. 8vo, boards, roan back. New York: Published for the Deseret University, 1869 292. - - The Mormon Question, being a Speech of Vice-Presi- dent Schuyler Coif ax at Salt Lake City : A Reply thereto by Elder John Taylor, etc. 8vo, wrappers. Scarce. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Office, 1870 293. A Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Newman, on Plural Mar- riage, to which is added an Answer by Elder Orson Pratt. 8vo, sewn. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Co., 1870 Very Scarce. 294. The Rise, Progress and Travels of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, being a series of Answers to Questions, including the Revelation of Celestial Marriage. By President George A. Smith. 8vo, original wrappers (a few leaves water- stained). Salt Lake City: Deseret News Office, 1872 Very Scarce. Contains a brief account of the settlement of Salt Lake Valley, with interesting statistics. 42 I x f / 295. The Bible & Polygamy. A Discussion between Orson Pratt and Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman, in the new Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, August 12-14, 1870. With added Sermons. 8vo, wrap- pers. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Est., 1874 296. Pratt (Parley P.). Key to the Science of Theology. 12mo, cloth. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Est., 1874 097. _ _ Pratt (Parley P.). A Voice of Warning and Instruc- ;, tion to all People; or, an Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 12mo, cloth. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Est., 1874 298. Spencer (Elder Orson). Letters Exhibiting the most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 12mo, cloth. Salt Lake City: Deseret News. Est, 1874 299. The Resurrection. A Discourse by Brigham Young. Delivered in the New Tabernacle, October 8th, 1875. 8vo, stitched. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Est., [1875] 300. Circular of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the Presidency of the various States of Zion, etc. 8vo, 10 pp. stitched. Salt Lake City, 1877 Extremely Scarce. The circular is signed by Brigham Young, John W. Young, and Daniel H. Wells. ji> 301. - - Another copy. 302. - - Cathechism for Children, exhibiting the Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. By Elder John Jaques. 12mo," original limp boards. Salt Lake City, 1877 Very Scarce. Fine copy. Contains a series of questions and answers at the end relating to the discovery of the gold plates and the subsequent translation and publication of the Book of Mormon in 1830. 303. - - Death of 'President Brigham Young. Brief Sketch of his Life and Labors. Funeral Ceremonies, etc. 8vo, wrappers, ** black-bordered (a little damp-stained). Scarce. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Co., 1877 304. - - The Fruits of ' ' Mormonism. ' ' By Non-" Mormon" if witnesses. Compiled and written by Elder A. Milton Musser. 8vo, 'S wrappers. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Est., 1878 305. - - Another copy. 306. - - The Pearl of Great Price, being a Choice Selection from the Revelations, Translations, and Narrations of Joseph Smith. Facsimile from the Book of Abraham. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City: Latter-Day Saints' Printing Est., 1878 307. - - Circular of the Academical Department of the Uni- versity of Deseret for the Years 1878-79. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City, 1878 43 308. The Book of Abraham. Its authenticity established as a Divine and Ancient Record. By Elder Geo. Reynolds. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Co., 1879 1 309. Bibliotheca Scallawagiana. Catalogue of a Matchless Collection of Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating to Mormonism and the Mormons. Priced in ink. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in. New York, 1880 Very Scarce. Filled with the unique notes of Charles L. Woodward, the bookseller, who owned the collection. 310. Deseret Sunday School Reader. Second Book for our little Friends. Illustrations. 12mo, stitched, uncut. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1880 Very Scarce. 311. Items on Priesthood, presented to the Latter-Day * Saints by President John Taylor. 8vo, original wrappers. Salt Lake City, 1881 , P 312. - - Deseret Sunday School Reader. First Book for our little Friends. Illustrations. 12mo, stitched, uncut. Very scarce. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881 xj 313. Platform of Principles of the Pretended Reformers of i^Utah. 8vo, 7 pp. uncut. [Salt Lake City, 1881] An anti-Mormon editorial, with a rejoinder by "A Mormon. f > 314. Utah and Its People. Facts and Statistics bearing on the ''Mormon" Problem. By a Gentile (an ex U. S. official). 8vo, wrappers. New York, 1881 315. Jacob Hamblin. A Narrative of his Personal Experi- I s ence as a Frontiersman, Missionary to the Indians, and Explorer. ]\f> 12mo, stitched, entirely uncut. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881 Very Scarce. The Fifth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. 316. Gems for the Young Folks. Fourth Book of the Faith- Promoting Series. 12mo, stitched, entirely uncut. Very Scarce. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881 317. " Mormon" Doctrine, Plain and Simple; or, Leaves from the Tree of Life. By Charles W. Penrose. 12mo, stitched, entirely uncut. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 A 318. Leaves from my Journal. By President W. Woodruff. 12mo, stitched, entirely uncut. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 Very Scarce. Third Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. i /' 319. A String of Pearls. 12mo, sheets, uncut. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 Very Scarce. The Second Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. 44 - 320. - My First Mission. By George Q. Cannon. 12mo, sheets, entirely uncut. 'Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 Very Scarce. The First Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. f x ' 321. Early Scenes in Church History. 12mo, sheets, en- tirely uncut. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 Very Scarce. The Eighth Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. 322. The Constitutional and Legal Aspect of the Mormon Question. Speech of James W. Stillman in Boston, April 2, 1882. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1882 yf 323. On Marriage. By John Taylor. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Co., 1882 324. - Utah : Her Attractions and Resources. By Robert W. Sloan. (The Meears Prize Essay.) With companion Essays. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City [1882] 325. Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? By Robert Pat- terson. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Philadelphia, 1882 326. 2 more copies. : 327. - A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel. By 'v Franklin D. Richards and Elder James A. Little. 12mo, sheets, > uncut. Salt Lake City : Deseret News Co., 1882 Very Scarce. 328. Memorial to Congress by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah. 8vo, wrappers. 1882 329. - - Constitution of the State of Utah. Adopted by the Convention, April 27, 1882. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Co., 1882 330. - The Mormon Problem. A Letter to the Massachusetts f * Members of Congress on Plural Marriage : Its Morality and Law- fulness. By a Citizen of Massachusetts. 8vo, wrappers. A pro-Mormon pamphlet. Boston, 1882 331. - - President Heber C. Kimball's Journal. Seventh book of the Faith-Promoting Series. 12mo, sheets, uncut. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 Very Scarce. /! 332. Defence of the Constitutional and Religious Rights of the People of Utah. 8vo, wrappers. N. p., 1882 Speeches of Senators Vest, Morgan, Call, Brown, Pendleton, and Lamar. 333. - - Fragments of Experience. Sixth book of the Faith- Promoting Series. 12mo, sheets, uncut. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 Designed for the instruction of young Latter-Day Saints. Scarce. 45 334. The Martyrs. A Sketch of the Lives and a full ac- count of the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. By Lyman 0. Littlefield. Portraits. 12mo, sheets, uncut and unopened. Scarce. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 335. - Questions and Answers on the Life and Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 12mo, limp cloth. Salt Lake City : Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882 DESERET SUNDAY SCHOOL CATECHISM No. 1, published by the Deseret Sunday School Union. Scarce. 336. Public Discussion of the Issues between the reorgan- / .x" ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Church of Christ [Disciples] held in Kirtland, Ohio, Feb.-March, 1884. 8vo, cloth. St. Louis, 1884 337. - - U. S. A. Uncle Sam's Abscess, or Hell upon Earth <* for U. S. Uncle Sam. By W. Jarman. 12mo, original wrappers. y* Exeter, 1884 Very Scarce. The author "suffered twelve years in the Mormon Hell on Earth, as one of the ' Virgins without Guile' and a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek, where polygamy, incest, and murder are taught and practised as religion. ' ' 338. - - The "Manuscript Found"; or "Manuscript Story," Jr *' of the late Rev. Solomon Spaulding, from a verbatim copy of the Original, etc. 12mo, limp cloth. Lamoni, Iowa, 1885 Very Scarce. 339. - - An Address to all Believers in Christ. By a Witness to the Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon. 8vo, wrappers. Richmond, Mo. ; David Whitmer, 1887 Very Scarce. 340. - An Address. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- L /T>Day Saints to the World. 8vo, wrappers. Salt Lake City, 1907 Inscribed on wrapper: "With compliments of James Dwyer." The Address is signed by Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund. 341. Epistle of the Twelve Apostles and Counselors to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in all the World. 8vo, 4 pp. N. p., n. d. 342. - - Another copy. 343. A Collection of Anti-Mormon Tracts. 16mo, full calf. V. p, v. d. THIS COLLECTION COMPRISES MANY SCARCE AND UNUSUAL PIECES, and contains: Zimri and Cozbi. By a Clergyman, London, n. d.; Who Shall See God. London, n. d.; Matrimonial: Being the Life of Jane New- hammer. By a Friend of the People. London, 1854; Christ or Barabbas? A Word on Mormonism. Weston-super-Mare, n. d. ; The Latter-Day Saints, or, Mormonites. By Charles Day. London, n. d. ; The Claims of the Book of Mormon to be a Divine Revelation, Examined, and Proved to be False. By Henry T. Johnson. Brighton, n. d. ; Mormonism, a De- lusion. By E. Boteler Chalmer, Jr., London, 1852, and many others. With bookplate of John Harward, and Autograph signature of Brigham Young. 46 344. MUTINY. Seizure of the Ship Industry, by a Conspiracy, and the consequent Sufferings of Capt. James Fox and his Com- panions; their Captivity among the Esquimaux Indians in North America, etc. 12mo, sewn. London, n. d. 345. NEWTON (A. EDWARD). The Amenities of Book-Col- lecting and Kindred Affections. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1918 FIRST EDITION. The numerous subsequent editions contain many changes and omissions. 346. NEW YORK. Notes of a Merchant of New York upon the Commercial Connexions of the said City, etc. 8vo, original wrappers. London, 1802 Text in French and English. Scarce. 347. NEW YORK WEEKLY POST BOY for Feb. 24, 1745/ 46. 4 pp. folio (a little worn in folds. Scarce. New York : James Parker, 1745/46 348. O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.). A List of Editions of the Holy J/0.~ Scriptures and parts thereof, Printed in America previous to 1860. With Introduction and Bibliographical Notes. Imp. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Albany, 1861 FIRST EDITION. One of 150 copies printed. Fine copy. ^ 349. OCHINUS (BERNARD). A Dialogue of Polygamy, ^Written Originally in Italian: Rendred into English by a Person of Quality. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges. VERY SCARCE. Bookplate of Alfred Braithwaite. London, 1657 350. [O'CONNOR (THOMAS).] An Impartial and Correct History of the War between the United States of America and Great Britain. Frontispiece. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. New York, 1815 FIRST EDITION. Fine copy. Scarce. Contains a long list of American prizes, with the names of the Privateers, and the number captured by each vessel during the war. Also, a complete list of the vessels compris- ing the American Navy at the close of the war, with the names of the commanders, where stationed, etc., etc. , 351. ORRIO (P. FRANCISCO XAVIER ALEXO). Solucion yy del gran problema acerca de la poblacion de las Americas, en que sobre el fundamento de los libros santos se descubre facil camino a la transmigracion de los hombres del uno al otro continente; y como pudieron pasar a Nuevo Mundo, no solamente las bestias de servicio, sino tambien las fieras, y nocivas. Small 4to, limp vel- lum. Mexico: Imprenta Real, 1763 Fine copy. Scarce. 352. PATTERSON (A. W.). History of the Backwoods; or, the Region of the Ohio, authentic, from the Earliest Accounts, em- bracing many events, notices of prominent pioneers, sketches of 47 ' early settlements, etc., etc., NOT HERETOFORE PUBLISHED. Folding map. 8vo, green polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Pittsburgh : Published by the Author, 1843 FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION. Privately printed. Very scarce. 353. PAYNE (E. J.). Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1880 Comprises 13 original narratives from the collection of Hakluyt, edited with historical notes. 354. PECK (GEORGE). Wyoming; its History, Stirring In- cidents, and Romantic Adventures. Illustrated. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1858 FIRST EDITION. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 16 fine plates. 355. PELLETREAU (WILLIAM S.). Kecords of the Town of 'Smithtown, L. I. With other Antient Documents of Historic Value. Maps and plates (some corners stained). Thick 8vo, cloth. N. p., 1898 fo 356. PORY (JOHN). John Pory's Lost Description of Ply- mouth Colony in the Earliest Days of the Pilgrim Fathers, etc. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by Champlin Burrage. Facsimile maps and illustrations. Eoyal 8vo, cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston: Riverside Press, 1918 One of 365 copies. 356A. POWELL (J. W., and others). The Physiography of the United States. Numerous illustrations. Imp. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. New York, 1896 / 357. PRIEST (JOSIAH). Bible Defence of Slavery; or, the