RLF SB g? 7146 GIFT OF Qgeffer TOotfb Bg &ute (Kicarbo f afeto COPYRIGHT, PHOTOQRAPHISCHE OE8ELLSCHAFT OF THE BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, NEW YORK QDaff eg of f 0e ^Ijabotw of eaf ft Jtifffear noetjtf." (J)aufciranb ^an S r anc t sc o 1010 Bg $auf (Bfter anb Company an Srancteco 3 10 no* fitting 3 e, 3 ttefcomc greet a frienfc. (gni> Sinbfter 10 mp ^o Because meanng, not Boon op conferred comprejenb 302341 0, Being efore mp 010$ a forcer, 0unb* " (Brim QUapet," a (gngee^ ; 00, 3 feared to fooft upon tfy face of one On f0om ^% Jano ta0 Caib. 3 0|)unneb to mV& 6'en near ^e 6nn8, fo ba^ a futs: t>e gfance of 3 o fono; 0aoe prapeb come fo eno Of pain, unenbing ftOP refiet>eb 3 Jaoe wife ?eb 6e0tbe ije 6eb of one tere man^, anb t^0e Butneb t beep tw^in tf tocfirf ' appeareb ije 0jabot of a ffome. net?6orn baj 3 0af Jim gnet>e Because ^5^ tarings Jab not Been fofbeb o'er coucl) one wed moment tfyn renetoeb, taearp epint Borne 6p ^ee afar Co o^er torfb0, ano $opeo for, @nb 3 flat* 0een ^ee foft> in emBrace form 00 fair, mp toro0 couCo oeecriBe a 0ea r0 a^eab, t^en 0at tfy bream of ftfe tna; Qlnb 0$ranft to Breacrf tfy. b f , 3 ce, erfect peace; in cafm Of 0ouf ; ttjHfe no^ rejoicing ae Bofb not?, 00 i^en, flje One arf, ^o feab we open Of i gere enbs $e poem &t$f fer a ^atnftn0 6g Safcro. ^fber fir ComjHmg anb ^rinf eb f ot f 0em mo^ ^pteBB unber f^ bireciion of 3. f. Qtafi^, in <3e ^ttg of an Stancifico, in i^e QJlonf of QJlaB' (Jtinef een gunbreb fir en UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 50m-7,'27 L/CX-XU UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY