v ' J K UC-NRLF .37 00 o >- i :. GIFT OF of SUjoto Mafc attfc IJJlantatumH ELECTION LAWS OF THE 1914 PROVIDENCE, E. I. E. Ii. FREEMAN COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS 1914 SUPPLEMENTARY ELECTION LAWS OF THE State of Rhode Island 1914 PROVIDENCE, B. I. E. L. FBEEMAN COMPANY, STATE PKINTBRS 1914 CHAPTERS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS PASSED SINCE THE REVIS- ION OF THE GENERAL LAWS, AT THE JANUARY SESSIONS, 19131914. CHAPTER 922. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 14 OF CHAPTER 48 OF Approved THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE QUORUM, GOV- April 15. 1913. ERNMENT AND CONDUCT OF TOWN MEETINGS, AND OF ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT OF WARD MEETINGS." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 14 of Chapter 48 of the General Laws, entitled "Of the quorum, government and conduct of town meetings, and of organization and government of ward meet- ings, "is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 14. The moderator of every town meeting shall Modf-rator, on a motion being made and seconded, relative to any business {} ow * con - . dunt in ease of regularly before such meeting, after having heard all the electors a motlon made - entitled to vote thereon who shall be desirous of being heard, cause the votes of the electors present to be taken thereon. Whenever any question shall be pending in any town meeting involving an expenditure of money, or the incurring of liability by the town, or the disposition of town property, the same shall be taken by ballot, if a ballot be called for and the call be seconded by at least one-fifth of the electors present who are qualified to vote on the pending question." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 293014 4 '-.,..' ELECTION LAWS. CHAPTER 927. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 16 OF CHAPTER 25 OF April 23, 1913. THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE CONSTITUTION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY," AS AMENDED BY SECTION 34 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, APPROVED AUGUST 22, 1910. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 16 of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, entitled "Of the constitution and organization of the general assembly," as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, approved August 22nd, 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 16. WESTERLY. "The town of Westerly is hereby divided into two repre- sentative-districts, bounded and described as follows: westerly, First " (1) The first representative-district shall consist of all Representative . District. that part of said town lying north and west of a line beginning at a point on the bridge over the Pawcatuck river on the Rhode Island-Connecticut boundary line in the center of Broad street, extending southeasterly through the center of Broad street till it comes to a point opposite the centre of the building on said Broad street belonging to the town of Westerly and the State of Rhode Island; thence southerly through the center of said building to the dividing lin_e between the part of said building used by the town of Westerly and the part of said building used by the State of Rhode Island; easterly along said dividing line to the easterly boundary of the lot of land belonging to said town of Westerly and said State of Rhode Island; northerly to the center of Broad street; southeasterly through the center of Broad street to Granite street; northeasterly and northerly through the center of Granite street to Tower street; easterly ELECTION LAWS. 5 and northeasterly through the center of Tower street to Oak street; easterly through the center of Oak street to its junction with the Old Niantic road, so-called; northeasterly through the center of said road to the tracks of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co. ; easterly on said tracks to the brook flowing from Chapman's pond into the Pawcatuck river; through said brook in a general easterly direction to the Hopkinton-Westerly boundary line in the Pawcatuck river; thence following the Hopkinton-Westerly boundary line in a general easterly direction to the Charlestown- Westerly boundary line. " (2) The second representative-district shall consist of all Westerly, Second that part of the town of Westerly not included in the first Representative District. representative-district of said town." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 988. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 475 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED MAY 7, 1909, ENTITLED "AN ACT IN RELA- TION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE TOWN OF BRISTOL." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 3 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws, entitled "An act in relation to the holding of caucuses in the town of Bristol, " is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 3. All caucuses shall be held in said town at the call caucuses, hov of the town committee of the political party holding such caucuses. The call for such caucuses shall be issued not less than five days prior to the day on which they are to be held. It shall state the places where such caucuses are to be held, the O ELECTION LAWS. hour of holding the same, the time during which the polls are to be open, the business to be transacted thereat (and the uni- form size of the ballots to be used in said caucus), and said call shall be posted, at least four days prior to the holding of said caucus, in six or more public places in said town. No two political parties shall hold their caucuses on the same day." SEC. 2. Section 7 of said Chapter 475 of the Public Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : caucus officers "Sec. 7. The caucus chairman appointed, as hereinbefore provided, shall call the caucus of his political party to order, and shall preside thereat, and the caucus clerk and assistant Vacancies, how caucus clerks shall check the voting list. In case a caucus chairman is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus chairman becomes incapacitated during the holding of the caucus, the town committee, or a majority of the members thereof present at such caucus, shall appoint a qualified elector of such party residing in said town as caucus chairman for such caucus. If no member of the town committee is present, the clerk of such caucus, or, hi case of his absence or incapacity, then any qualified elector of such political party shall call the meeting to order, and the electors present shall elect some qualified person as caucus chairman of such caucus. In case a caucus clerk is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caiicus clerk becomes incapacitated from performing his duties as such dur- ing the holding of the caucus, the town committee of said town, or such majority thereof, shall appoint some qualified elector of the town as such caucus clerk. If no member of the town committee is present, the caucus chairman shall appoint some which 8 polls' 18 qualified elector as aforesaid as caucus clerk. All caucuses must remain ^j ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ seven _ thirt y o'clock P. M. All nominations of candidates for office shall be made before the opening of the polls, and no ballot shall be counted for any candidate for office not so nominated. The polls shall be ELECTION LAWS. opened at eight P. M., and the ballot boxes shall be opened and the interior thereof exposed to the view of all present by the chairman before any ballots are cast. Any necessary business not finished at eight P. M. shall be postponed until after the polls are closed and the result of the balloting announced. The polls shall be kept open until ten P. M., and no longer: Pro- vided, however, that in the event of but one nomination for each political office the polls shall be kept open thirty minutes. Except for the filling of vacancies in the office of caucus chairman and caucus clerk, as hereinbefore provided in this section, a ballot shall be required for the choice of all candidates for elec- tive offices, for delegates to conventions, and for members of town committees, to be elected by such caucuses. All ballots Form of caucus ballot. shall be printed or written on white paper, of uniform size to be determined by the town committee of each political party in said town, and no tissue paper shall be used for any caucus ballot. The names of all candidates for which any elector shall vote at any caucus shall be written or printed upon one ballot. " SEC. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect on and after its passage. CHAPTER 1013. AN ACT REGULATING THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF POLLS Approved IN THE TOWN OF WEST WARWICK. April 20. 1913. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. At all elective meetings in the town of West Time of Warwick the polls shall be opened at half -past five in the fore- closing of polls. noon and shall be continuously kept open for voting until five o'clock in the afternoon, and no longer. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect on and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. ELECTION LAWS. CHAPTER 1033. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 11, 12, 13 AND 25 OF April 21, 1914. CHAPTER 10 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE MANNER OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS, " AS AMENDED BY SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1910. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 11 of Chapter 10 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Ballots, how " Sec. 11. The ballots given at any such meeting for electors to be sealed up. of president and vice-president of the United States, senators and representatives in the congress of the Unites States, general officers of the state, senators and representatives in the general assembly, and ballots given in at any such meeting upon any proposed amendment of the constitution, and upon any question or questions submitted to the electors of the state, shall be sealed up in one package, which shall contain no other ballots. In cities and in towns divided into voting-districts the ballot given in at any such meeting for city and town officers, for ward and voting-district officers and for and against any question sub- mitted to the electors of such city or town shall be sealed up in one package containing no ballots given in for any other officers, or for or against any proposition or question sub- mitted to the electors of the state." SEC. 2. Section 12 of Chapter 10 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 6 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Certificate to be "Sec. 12. With each package of ballots there shall be enclosed in baiiotf eof forwarded to the board or council to whom such package is to be delivered, a certificate in ink signed by the moderator ELECTION LAWS. and clerk of the elective meeting, setting forth in regard to said meeting and the ballots enclosed in said package: "First. The number of names checked upon the voting what to set list used at such meeting; "Second, The number of such ballots for each candidate and for what office; " Third, The number of such ballots, if any, cast for and against any proposition of amendment of the constitution; "Fourth, The number of such ballots, if any, cast for and against any question submitted to the electors; "Fifth, That such ballots are all the ballots that were given in at such meeting for such candidates or for and against any such proposition or question; "Sixth, The date of such meeting; "Seventh, The city or town and the number of the repre- sentative-district, ward or voting-district, in which such meeting was held. "Said certificate shall not be enclosed in the package with the ballots, but shall be sealed up in a separate envelope ad- dressed to the board or council to whom the package is to be delivered. The envelope containing such certificate may be opened, and the information contained thereon tabulated for public use, by the secretary or clerk, as the case may be, of the board or council to whom such envelope is addressed, at any time after the receipt thereof." SEC. 3. Section 13 of Chapter 10 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 13. In all cities and towns the packages containing O f the delivery the ballots for electors of president and vice-president, senators state returning board. and representatives in congress, general officers, senators and representatives hi the general assembly, and for or against any proposition of amendment of the constitution or question sub- mitted to the electors of the state, after such ballots have been counted, declared, sealed and endorsed as hereinbefore provided, 10 ELECTION LAWS. shall be delivered in person by the clerk of such meeting, to the state returning-board within forty-eight hours after they have been sealed. Upon the receipt of said packages the secretary of said returning-board shall give to the person so delivering them a certificate of such delivery, on presentation of which to the town or city council such person shall be paid ten cents for each mile's travel to and from the office of the said returning- board, to be computed from the place of voting. " SEC. 4. Section 25 of Chapter 10 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : certain election "Sec. 25. The secretary of state shall at the expense of supplies to be O f the state procure for use at all elective meetings held therein a sufficient supply of suitably strong cord and twine and of paper for enclosing the ballots, and also of adhesive labels not less than four inches hi length and two and one-quarter inches in width, for use in complying with the provisions of Section 9 of this chapter. He shall also for use at all meetings held therein for the election of electors of president and vice- president of the United States, senators and representatives in congress, general officers, and senators and representatives in the general assembly, or for voting upon propositions or ques- tions submitted to the electors of the state, have printed at such expense, upon the paper for enclosing the ballots, or upon adhesive labels not less than six inches in length and four inches in width, a sufficient number of blank forms of the endorsement provided for in Section 10 of this chapter, and upon suitable paper a sufficient supply of blank forms of the certificates provided for hi Section 12 of this chapter, and shall furnish to the city or town clerk of each city and town, at least ten days before the day for holding such meetings, an ample quantity of each of the articles named in this section for use at all meetings to be held in such city or town." SEC. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. ELECTION LAWS. 11 CHAPTER 1034. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 7, 8, 22, 24, 31, 57, 58 Approved 1 Anril 21 1Q14 AND 61 OF CHAPTER 11, OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED - "OF ELECTIONS BY SECRET BALLOT," AS AMENDED BY SECTION 16 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1910. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. For all elections of electors of president and Ballots used at state elections vice-president of the United States, senators and representatives how to be furnished. in the congress of the United States, general officers of the state, and members of the general assembly, the nominations for such officers shall be printed on one ballot, together with any pro- posed amendment to the constitution of the state or other question submitted to the electors of the state. The printing of such ballots and the instruction-sheets hereinafter provided, and the delivery of them to the several cities and towns shall be paid for by the state. The distribution of the ballots to the voters shall be paid for by the cities and towns, respectively." SEC. 2. Section 7 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 7. Wherever the words "political party" are used Words . "political in Sections 4, 5 and 6 of this chapter, they shall be construed to party" defined, mean a political party which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per centum of all the votes cast in the state for that officer. " SEC. 3. Section 8 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 8. Nominations of candidates for any offices to be filled by the voters of the state at large, or of a congressional district, may be made by nomination-papers signed in the aggre- 12 ELECTION LAWS. and'senators 6 gate for each candidate by not less than five hundred qualified in congress may be voters of the state in the case of a state office or senator in nominated by atives congress, and two hundred and fifty in the case of a representa- in congress ,. ., by 250 electors. tlVC in COngreSS. SEC. 4. Section 22 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 16 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SftSn " Sec - 22. AN certificates of nomination and nomination- fnsp^cti'on, how papers and all requests for withdrawal of the name of any long. candidate, and all nominations in substitution of candidates so withdrawing, when filed, shall be open, under proper regula- tions, to public inspection, and the secretary of state, city clerks and town clerks, and boards of canvassers and registration, respectively, shall preserve the same in their respective offices not less than two years." SEC. 5. Section 24 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Ballots, how "Sec. 24. Every ballot printed in accordance with the pro- prepared, and con'tafn. visions of this chapter shall contain the names of all candidates whose nominations for any offices specified in the ballot have been duly made and not withdrawn in accordance herewith, and shall contain no other names except the surnames of candidates for president and vice-president of the United States. The names of all such candidates and the offices for which they are nomi- nated shall be arranged on the ballot in perpendicular columns, one column being assigned to each political party making nomi- nations by convention, caucus or nomination papers in accord- ance with the provisions of this chapter: Provided, however, that in case only a partial list of candidates is nominated by any political party other than the republican or democratic party, two or more such lists may be arranged whenever practicable in the same column. ELECTION LAWS. 13 "The first column on the left-hand side of every ballot Same subject printed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall contain only the names of the nominees of the republican party; the second column only those of the democratic party; and the order of such other nominations as may be made shall be determined by the official whose duty it is to prepare the ballots. At the top of each column or list, immediately above the title of the first office to be voted for, there shall be printed in capital letters not less than one-fourth of an inch in height the name of the political party by which the candidates in such column were nominated. In case a nomination is made by nomination- papers, the words "nom. papers" shall be added to the party name. "Above such party name shall be printed a circle not less same subject, than seven-eights of an inch hi diameter, and such circle shall be surrounded by the following words printed in plain letters: 'For a straight ticket make a cross (X) within the circle.' Above each circle shall be printed an emblem or device designat- ing or distinguishing the political party whose nominations have been assigned to that column. Such emblem or devise of the republican party shall be the representation of an eagle, and such emblem or device of the democratic party shall be the representation of a star. The emblem or device designating or distinguishing any other political party whose nominations may now, or from tune to time, be entitled to be placed upon the ballot shall be selected by the secretary of state and be printed upon the ballot above the column assigned to the nomi- nations of such party: Provided, however, that the emblem or device shall be entirely different for each political party, and may be any appropriate symbol; but neither the coat of arms or seal of any state or of the United States, the national flag, any religious emblem or symbol, the seal of any society, the portrait of any person, or the representation of a coin or of the currency of the United States, shall be chosen as a distinguish- 14 ELECTION LAWS. ing emblem. Whenever any emblem or device has been selected by the secretary of state, and used upon official ballots for any political party, it shall not thereafter be so used for any other political party. Same subject. " In each column the names of the candidates, their residence, together with the street and number if any, shall be placed immediately below the title of the office for which they are nominated, and at the right of the name of each candidate and on the same line there shall be a square so printed as to give the voter an -opportunity to designate by a cross (X) therein his choice of candidates ; except that in case of candidates for electors of president and vice-president of the United States one square shall suffice for each group of such candidates. Above the last or right-hand column of each ballot there shall be no circle or device, but there shall be printed in such column in the regular order the title of each office to be voted for; as 'For governor,' 'For senator,' and the like, and beneath each title there shall be left as many blank lines as there are persons to be elected to such office. Same subject. "On ballots provided for elections mentioned in Section 1 of this chapter the various offices to be voted for shall be arranged in each column in the following order : First, electors of presi- dent and vice-president of the United States; second, senator in the congress of the United States; third, representative in the congress of the United States; fourth, governor; fifth, lieutenant-governor; sixth, secretary of state; seventh, attorney- general; eighth, general treasurer; ninth, senator in the general assembly; tenth, representative or representatives hi the general assembly. On ballots provided for elections mentioned in Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter the offices to be voted for shall be arranged in each column by the city or town clerk. Same subject. " Whenever a constitutional amendment or other question is submitted to the vote of the electors of the state, such amend- ment or question shall, if candidates for office are to be voted for ELECTION LAWS. 15 at the same time, be printed upon the ballot after or beneath the list of candidates, and the same arrangement shall be fol- lowed on ballots used in elections for officers named in Sections 2 and 3 of this chapter, whenever a question is submitted to the electors of a city or town at such elections. The ballots shall be so printed as to give to each voter an opportunity to designate by a cross-mark (X) in a square his answer to the question submitted. "All ballots provided by the secretary of state under the Same 8Ub j" ect . provisions of this chapter shall be printed on plain white paper of a quality approved by him, and there shall be no mark or impression to distinguish one ballot from another. The names of all candidates shall be printed thereon in uniform type. " SEC. 6. Section 31 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 31. The secretary of state shall send the ballots Ballots, provided by him for any election, together with the specimen by secretary of state. ballots and instruction-sheets printed by him as herein provided to the several city and town clerks, so as to be received by them forty-eight hours at least previous to the day of election. The same shall be sent in a sealed package, with marks on the outside clearly designating the polling place for which the pacakge is intended and the number of ballots enclosed ; and the respective city and town clerks shall, on delivery to them of such package, return receipt therefor to the secretary. The secretary shall keep a record of the time when, and the manner in which, the package is sent and shall preserve for the period of two years the receipt of the city and town clerks. " SEC. 7. Section 57 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 57. If at least one-tenth in number of the qualified Towns may electors hi any town, not including cities, shall, twenty the provisions of this chapter days previous to any general election of state officers on the for *? wn elections. Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, file 16 ELECTION LAWS. with the town clerk of such town a petition that the electors may at such general election cast their ballots for or against accepting the provisions of this chapter so far as the same apply to the elections mentioned in Section 3 of this chapter such town clerk shall give notice of the same in his warrant calling the town or district meetings and shall at least eighteen days previous to the day of such election file with the secretary of state a certificate that the question 'Shall the town accept the secret ballot law for towns?' is to be submitted to the vote of the electors in said town. If a majority of the ballots so cast shall be in favor of accepting the provisions of this chapter so far as the same apply as aforesaid, then the said provisions of this chapter shall be in effect in such town; but if a majority of .the ballots so cast shall be against accepting the provisions of this chapter, then the said provisions of this chapter shall not take effect in said town." SEC. 8. Section 58 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : ftate t0 ab^nt his " Sec - 58 Electors of this state who, in time of war, are time 6 o war" absent from the state in the actual military service of the United military service States, being otherwise qualified, shall have a right to vote in of United vote^or^eftain a ^ elections in the state for electors of president and vice- president of the United States, senators and representatives in congress and general officers of the state, in the following manner: every such absent elector on the day of any such election may deliver a written or printed ballot with the names of the persons voted for thereon, and his full Christian and surname, and his voting residence in the state by street and number, written at length on the back thereof, to the officer commanding the regiment or company to which he belongs; and all such ballots, certified by such commanding officer to have been given by the electors whose names are written thereon, shall be by such commanding officer forthwith sealed up, properly endorsed, and returned to the secretary of state, to be by him safely kept and ELECTION LAWS. 17 delivered to the returning board having jurisdiction to determine the result of said election." SEC. 9. Section 61 of Chapter 11 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 61. At least sixty days before any such election whose Secretary of date is fixed by law, and forthwith upon the ordering of any certified copies of sections 58 special election of senators or representatives in congress, the *o ce l rt!dn usive ' secretary of state, in time of war shall send to the several city offiSs S in ned and town clerks, except to the city clerk of Providence, and to United states, town clerks, the clerks of the board of canvassers and registration of the etc - cities of Providence and Pawtucket a certified copy of Sections 58 to 61, inclusive of this chapter, and shall send to each com- missioned officer of every company enlisted in this state in the military service of the United States such certified copy, together with a form of the requirements to be signed by said electors on the back of said ballots, and a form of certificate and endorsement on the package containing the same to be signed by such commanding officer as aforesaid, and such other instructions as he may think proper. " SEC. 10. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1037. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3 OF CHAPTER 47 OF Approved THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF CALLING AND WARN- ^ ril 21 1914 - ING TOWN MEETINGS." It is enacted by the General A ssembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 3 of Chapter 47 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 3. If, on the day of the town meeting for the election of town officers, any town shall fail to make an election of town 18 ELECTION LAWS. Town meeting clerk, town council, justices of the peace or town treasurer, the for election of ^ y n b e fficers meeting may be adjourned for the purpose of completing the when. 6 election of those officers, but of no others, from day to day, not exceeding three days beyond the first day of meeting." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1038. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3 OF CHAPTER 48 OF April 21, 1914. THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE QUORUM, GOV- ERNMENT AND CONDUCT OF TOWN MEETINGS AND OF ORGANIZATION AND GOVERNMENT OF WARD MEETINGS," AS AMENDED BY SECTION 35 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1910, AS AMENDED BY SECTION 1 OF CHAPTER 677 OF THE PUB- LIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. 1911. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 3 of Chapter 48 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 35 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, as amended by Sec- tion 1 of Chapter 677 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Moderators and " Sec. 3. Voting-district moderators and clerks, and moder- div r idedTnto Wns ators and clerks of representative-districts in any city other representative- districts, and than the cities of Providence and Pawtucket, and in any town cities other dence^nTpaw- divided into representative-districts, shall be elected by and from elected. the qualified electors of their respective districts on the day of the election of city or town officers in such city or town; they shall hold their offices as prescribed in the charter of, or special or general law, applicable to such city or town, repectively; and the voting for them shall continue during the whole time limited by law for voting on the day of such election. They ELECTION LAWS. 19 shall be engaged to the faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of their office and to support the constitution and laws of the state and the constitution of the United States. "Whenever voting-district moderators and clerks, and Boards of canvassers moderators and clerks of representative districts have not been may appoint moderators and elected in any city or town, the board of canvassers of said city clerks> when - or town shall appoint such officers, at least ten days before any election, or district or town meeting, and such officers shall hold office until the appointment or election of their successors. "In the cities of Providence and Pawtucket, at least ten TO be ap- pointed in days prior to every election, there shall be appointed by the Providence and Pawtucket, by board of canvassers and registration thereof, respectively, a vase's and an ~ moderator and a clerk for each voting-district who shall be of different political parties; and who shall be qualified electors in the district for which they are appointed. "Such moderatois and clerks shall each be able to read the Qualifications. constitution of the state in the English Ian guage, and to write their names. Every person appointed as aforesaid shall be forthwith notified of his appointment and shall, at least three days before any election at which he shall have been appointed to serve, accept or decline said appointment, and shall be, at least three days prior to said election, sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties by some member of said board making such appointment. In case any person appointed as aforesaid fi^ 110168 ' how shall neglect to qualify or shall be unable or fail to serve, the vacancy shall be filled by the board making such appointment and such appointee shall be of the same political party as the person failing to qualify, and shall, before serving, qualify before some member of said board. " SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 20 ELECTION LAWS. CHAPTER 1039. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 13 AND 15 OF CHAPTER 49 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE ELECTION AND QUALIFICATION OF TOWN OFFICERS." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 13 of Chapter 49 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: offi h c e e'rs a s n h d aiT hat "Sec. 13. In case any town shall, on the day of any such ttectecfby* 5 election for town officers fail to elect any of the officers whom they may lawfully choose, except town clerk, town council, justices of the peace and town treasurer, the said officers shall be elected by the town council of the town at their next meeting : Provided, however, that town councils may postpone the election of any of said officers to some future meeting; and the several towns shall have full power to delegate to their respective town councils the election of any of the officers whom such town may lawfully choose, except town clerk, town council, justices of the peace and town treasurer." SEC. 2. Section 15 of Chapter 49 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Oath of town " Sec. 15. Unless some other form of engagement be specially and city officers. by law prescribed, every person elected to any town or city office, whether by the town, city council, board of aldermen or town council, and every moderator and warden, and ward and district clerk, shall take the following engagement before he shall act therein, before some person authorized to administer oaths: You (naming the person) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will be true and faithful unto this state, and support the laws and constitution thereof, and the constitution of the United States; and that you will well and truly execute the office of (naming the office) for the term for which you have been elected, or until another be engaged hi your place, or until ELECTION LAWS. 21 you be legally discharged therefrom; so help you God (or, this affirmation you make and give upon peril of the penalty of perjury)." SEC. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1041. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 4 OF CHAPTER 51 OF Approved THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE TOWN CLERK. " Apnl 21> 1914 ' It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4 of Chapter 51 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 4. If any town clerk, excepting the town clerk of Towncierk, Little Compton, shall absent himself from his office between 9 : 00 twenty days before election. o'clock hi the forenoon and 12:00 o'clock at noon, or between 2:00 o'clock and 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, of any day except Sunday, within twenty days next preceding any meeting held for the election of state or town officers, senators or repre- sentatives in congress or electors of president and vice-president of the United States, he shall appoint a deputy clerk, whose duty TO appoint deputy. it shall be to attend the office during such absence, and perform all the duties thereof: Provided, that it shall not be necessary ' to appoint a deputy clerk under this section, whenever a deputy has been or shall be appointed under Section 2 of this chapter, and continues competent to act during any period covered by this section." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 22 ELECTION LAWS. Approved April 24, 1914. Elections of representatives in congress, when hoi den. Elections of senators in congress, when holden. Plurality to elect. CHAPTER 1048. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF THE TITLE AND SECTIONS 3, 4, 5, 7 AND 8 OF CHAPTER 16 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTIT- LED "OF THE ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. The title of Chapter 16 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Of the election of senators and representatives in the congress of the United States." SEC. 2. Section 3 of Chapter 16 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 3. The election of representatives in congress shall be holden on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in Novem- ber in the year one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in every second year thereafter. "The election of a senator in congress shall be holden on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, and on the Tuesday next after the first Monday hi November in every sixth year thereafter and on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November hi every sixth year thereafter." SEC. 3. Section 4 of Chapter 16 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 4. In all elections of senators and representatives in congress the voting shall be by ballot, and the person or candi- date receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected." ELECTION LAWS. 23 SEC. 4. Section 5 of Chapter 16 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 5. The ballots given in at any election for senators Baiiotscastto be delivered to and representatives ui congress, after having been counted and state returning board. declared in open meeting by the moderators or wardens and clerks, shall be sealed up and certified in the manner provided by law and be delivered in person, by the respective clerks of the meetings where they were given in, to the state returning board within forty -eight hours after such sealing is done: Provided, that any such clerk may appoint in writing some officer of the town or city where he resides to deliver said ballots in his stead in case of his sickness or absolute inability to deliver them in person." SEC. 5. Section 7 of Chapter 16 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 7. In case no person shall receive a plurality of the New elections, votes cast in said state or in either district at any such election, a new election shall be held in said state or in such district on the fourth Tuesday after the holding of the election at which there was no choice. For such election, any new certificates of nominations. of nomination or nomination-papers shall be filed ten days previous to the date of such election." SEC. 6. Section 8 of Chapter 16 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 8. Whenever any person elected a senator in congress, in case of vacancy new or a representative in congress from either district, shall at any election to be ordered by time between the day of his election and the beginning of his e vernor - term of office refuse to serve and so declare to the secretary of state or die, become insane, remove from the state, or be other- wise incapacitated, or whenever a vacancy shall happen in the representation of this state in congress whether as contemplated in the second section of the first article of the constitution of the United States, or article seventeen of the amendments to the constitution of the United States, or otherwise, the governor 24 ELECTION LAWS. shall forthwith issue his writ of election directed to the several city and town clerks, ordering a new election of senator or representative in congress to be held in the state or in such district or an election to be held to fill such vacancy, as the circumstances shall require, at as early a date, to be stated in said writ, as will admit of compliance with the provisions of law in relation to such elections. No elections provided for by this section shall be held on Saturday. " SEC. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1049. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 AND Anril 24 1914 17 OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE CITIES OF PROVI- DENCE, NEWPORT AND PAWTUCKET," AS AMENDED BY SECTIONS 23, 24, 25, 27 AND 28 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1910. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 23 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Holding of cau- "Section 1. In the cities of Providence, Newport, Pawtucket cuses i n Newport, 06 ' an d Central Falls, the caucuses of all political parties shall be an! Central held in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. For Falls. the purposes of this chapter, a political party is hereby defined to be one which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per centum of all the votes cast in .the state for that office. Caucus and con- vention nominations shall be made only by political parties. " ELECTION LAWS. 25 SEC. 2. Section 2 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 24 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 2. The qualified electors of each political party in Method of each ward of said cities shall, biennially, at the caucus held in and cTty Com- mittees, pow- each ward of said cities to elect delegates to a convention to er a and duties thereof. nominate the mayor and other city officers, elect a ward com- mittee for each ward of said cities : Provided, that in the city of Newport such ward committee shall be elected at a caucus held in each ward thereof after the second Thursday next after the first Monday in September, in the year A. D. 1914, and biennially thereafter. "The members of the several ward committees of each city of the same political party shall constitute the city committee of such political party for that city. Each city committee shall within ten days after its organization file with the secretary of state, a list of its officers and members. In Newport and Central Falls such list shall also be filed with the city clerk, and in the cities of Providence and Pawtucket, with the boards of canvassers and registration. "The general management of the affairs of each political party in each city shall be vested in its city committee, subject to the rules and regulations which the state committee of such political party shall make. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices of a city committee shall be filled by such committee, and any vacancy occurring in the membership of a ward com- mittee shall be filled by the remaining members of such ward committee. A statement of such action of any committee shall be filed as in the case of officers and members first chosen. Ward and city committees shall hold office, respectively, from the date of their election until the next election of such com- mittees and thereafter until their successors shall have organ- ized. City committees may make regulations, not inconsistent 26 ELECTION LAWS. with law, to determine membership in the party so far as the right is concerned to participate in the caucuses of which they have the management and control, and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this chapter charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting-lists in the preparation of such lists, so far as they are not inconsistent with this chapter. Each ward committee shall attend the caucuses of the party to which it belongs, held in the ward from which it was elected, to perform the duties herein imposed upon it. " SEC. 3. Section 3 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 25 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Can for cau- "Sec. 3. All caucuses in said cities shall be held at the call cuses, how to whaTto d con- d ^ the C ^ Y committee of the political party holding such caucuses. No two political parties shall hold their caucuses on the same day. The call for such caucuses shall be issued not less than five days prior to the day on which they are to be held. It shall state the places where such caucuses are to be held, the hour of holding the same, the time during which the polls are to remain open, and the business to -be transacted thereat, and shall be published at least twice in one or more newspapers published in the city hi which such caucuses shall be held, or in some news- paper having general circulation therein: Provided, however, that the call for the city of Central Falls shall be published in one or more newspapers which are circulated in said Central Falls and which are published in either the city of Pawtucket or the city of Providence." SEC. 4. Section 5 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: to a bTheki. when "Sec. 5. No caucus, except a caucus adjourned under the provisions of Section 14 of this chapter, shall be held within ELECTION LAWS. 27 two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificate of the nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on successive days. All caucuses excepting those necessary for a special election shall be held after the second Thursday, next after the first Monday in September in any year, and all caucuses for the nomination of candidates for the city council of either of said cities excepting those necessary for a special election shall be held within twenty- five days of the Tuesday next after the first Monday hi Novem- ber in any year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before nor within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holdidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nominations of such caucuses." SEC. 5. Section 6 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 27 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 6. In said cities the city committee of each political caucus officers to be selected party shall, at least two days prior to holding the first caucus by city com- mittee. next after the first Monday in September, appoint a caucus moderator for each representative-district, and a caucus clerk for each voting-district therein, and a caucus warden for each ward, and a caucus clerk for each voting-district therein. Each of said moderators or wardens and clerks shall be a qualified elector of the representative-district or ward for which he is appointed and a member of such political party. Said com- mittees shall respectively fill all vacancies which occur in such offices for any cause, including that of removal from the ward or representative-district, or voting-district, and as hereinafter provided. "Each committee making such appointment shall file with the boards of canvassers and registration in the cities of Provi- dence and Pawtucket, respectively, and in each of the other cities with the city clerk, at least one day previous to the date 28 ELECTION LAWS. selected by its party for holding any caucus, the names of the persons appointed by them caucus officers as aforesaid; and all caucus officers so appointed shall hold office until the first day of January next succeeding their appointment and thereafter until their successors are appointed, and shall have the same powers and duties, in the conduct of caucuses, as are conferred and imposed by law upon similar officers of elective meetings. "In case of a change of the lines of a representative-district or of a ward in any of said cities, or of a redivision of any representative-district thereof into voting-districts, the city committee of each political party thereof may revoke such appointments by them, respectively, made in the case of all caucus moderators, wardens, and clerks who by reason of such change or redivision become ineligible to serve on account of residence, and appoint others in their stead, and the city com- mittee of each political party shall appoint a caucus moderator, and in each new representative-district or voting-district so created, if necessary, the city committee of each political party shall appoint a caucus warden and caucus clerk in each new representative-district or voting-district so created." SEC. 6. Section 7 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 28 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: caucus officers. "Sec. 7. The caucus moderator or warden appointed as hereinbefore provided, shall call the caucus of his political party to order, and shall preside thereat. Each caucus clerk shall check the voting-list of the district in which he is appointed to serve. In case a caucus moderator or warden is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus moderator or warden becomes incapacitated during the holding of the caucus, the ward committee, or a majority of the members thereof present at such caucus, shall appoint a qualified elector of such party residing in the representative-district as caucus ELECTION LAWS. 29 moderator, or a qualified elector residing in the ward as caucus warden, for such caucus. If no member of the ward committee is present, the clerk of the first district hi such representative- district or ward, or in case of his absence or incapacity, then of the district clerks present the one next in numerical order of the districts, shall call the meeting to order, and the electors present shall elect some qualified person as caucus moderator or warden of such caucus. In case a caucus clerk is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus clerk becomes incapacitated from performing his duties as such during the holding of the caucus, the ward committee of such ward, or such majority thereof, shall appoint some qualified elector of the representative-district or ward, respectively, as such caucus clerk. If no member of the ward committee is present the caucus moderator or warden shall appoint some qualified elector as aforesaid as caucus clerk. All caucuses shall be called to order at seven o'clock P. M. All nominations of candidates Hours during which caucus for office shall be made by filing the names of said candidates in must remain open. writing with said moderator or warden, after seven and before seven-thirty o'clock P. M., and no ballot shall be counted for any candidate for office not so nominated. The polls shall be opened at or before seven-thirty o'clock P. M., and the ballot boxes shall be opened and the interior thereof exposed to the view of all present by the warden before any ballots are cast. Any necessary business not finished at seven-thirty o'clock P. M., shall be postponed until after the polls are closed and the result of the balloting announced. The polls shall be kept open until ten o'clock P. M., and no longer: Provided, however, that the time for closing the polls at the caucuses in said city of Central Falls shall be at nine o'clock P. M.; and provided, further, that in the event of but one nomination for each politi- cal office the polls in each city shall be kept open thirty minutes. Except for the filing of vacancies in the office of caucus modera- tor or warden and caucus clerk, as hereinbefore provided hi this 30 ELECTION LAWS. section, a ballot shall be required for the choice of all candidates for elective office, for delegates to conventions, and for members of ward committees, to be elected by such caucus. All ballots Form of shall be printed or written on white paper, and no tissue paper caucus ballot. shall be used for any caucus ballot. The names of all candidates for which any elector shall vote at any caucus shall be printed or written upon one ballot." SEC. 7. Section 8 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : who may take "Sec. 8. No person shall be entitled to vote or take part part in caucus. in the caucus of any political party who within twenty-six calendar months has voted or taken part in the caucus of any other political party, or has signed nomination-papers of a candidate or candidates for any elective officer, or has voted in any election for the candidates of any other political party or for candidates placed in nomination by nomination -papers, or is debarred from so voting or taking part by the regulations of such party provided for in Section 2 of this chapter. No person who has voted in the caucus of any political party shall be eligible to sign any nomination-paper containing nominations of candidates, within twenty -six calendar months thereafter." SEC. 8. Section 17 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : SreteSTuider "Sec. 17. The city clerks of Newport and Central Falls, voting ihfts? an d the board of canvassers and registration of the cities of period* Providence and Pawtucket shall retain under seal for the period of twenty-six calendar months all of the voting-lists returned to them under the provisions of this chapter: Provided, that such lists may be unsealed for use in the proceedings provided for in Sections 10 and 16 of this chapter, after which they shall be immediately resealed and that the city clerks of Newport and Central Falls, or the board of canvassers and registration in Providence or of Pawtucket, after a check-list has been used at a caucus of a political party held under the provisions of this ELECTION LAWS. 31 chapter, upon written application for a copy of the list as checked, signed by any qualified elector in the city where such list was used, and upon payment or tender of the fees provided by law therefor, may unseal and open the wrapper containing such check-list, and shall furnish to such applicant a certified copy of the list as checked, and shall then reseal the same. " SEC. 9. The provisions of chapter 12 of the General Laws debarring persons who have signed nomination papers from voting or taking part in the caucuses of political parties shall Certain persons not prevent those persons who have signed nomination-papers not to be pre- vented from or who have voted for candidates under the designation of a ^J*^ rtlB political party not then recognized by said chapter from voting or taking part in the caucuses of said political party which has become such under the definition of said chapter. SEC. 10. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1050. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 2, 3, 11, 16 AND 17 OF Approved April 24, 1914. CHAPTER 19 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE - STATE RETURNING BOARD AND DEFINING ITS DUTIES." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2 of Chapter 19 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 2. The ballots cast for electors of president and vice- Ballots oast tor certain president of the United States, senators and representatives to n d ll iountcd c '' in congress, general officers and senators and representatives Aboard 1 ? u in the general assembly, and for and against any proposed amendment of the constitution of the state, or any question submitted to the electors of the state, shall be counted and tabulated by said board." 32 ELECTION LAWS. SEC. 2. Section 3 of Chapter 19 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: baiVote, n when "Sec. 3. Said board shall commence the counting and tabu- lating of such ballots within twenty-four hours after their reception or the reception of any of them, and shall continue and complete the same with all reasonable expedition." SEC. 3. Section 11 of Chapter 19 of the General Laws, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Ballots, when "Sec. 11. When the counting and tabulating of the ballots and how sealed counting. cas * a ^ an y one voting-place or voting-district provided for in this chapter has been completed, such ballots, together with the moderators' or wardens', clerks' and supervisors' returns pertaining to the same, shall be again sealed up before the counting and tabulating of those from another voting-district is commenced, and said board shall not take any recess or adjournment while any of said ballots are unsealed. The sealing herein provided for, shall be done by affixing to the packages containing said ballots adhesive labels sufficient in number to prevent the abstraction of any ballots from or the adding of any ballots to the contents of such packages, and the presiding officer and secretary of said board shall affix their signatures in ink to each of said labels. Whenever both of the officers whose duty it is to sign such labels are of the same political party, they shall allow some elector of another political party to affix his Endorsement of signature in ink to all of such labels. Each package so sealed packages sealed up. shall be endorsed by the secretary of said board with the name of the town or city and the number of the ward or voting- district where, and the date of the election at which, such ballots were given in. Thereafter no such sealed package shall, upon any pretence whatever, be reopened by any person except upon order of the general assembly; but shall be held by said board subject to such order until the first day of January hi the third year after such ballots were cast, when they may be destroyed. " ELECTION LAWS. 33 SEC. 4. Section 16 of Chapter 19 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 16. Said board may employ a secretary, who shall be state return- paid a salary of one thousand dollars per year for and during ^creteT'and* each calendar year in which an election of general officers is held distance. and during every other calendar year such secretary shall be paid in compensation for his services the sum of twenty-five dollars for each day of actual service as secretary of said board, and the state auditor is hereby directed to draw his orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such per diem com- pensation out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon receipt of vouchers therefor approved by a majority of the members of said board. The board may em- ploy such other clerical assistance as may be necessary to enable it to seasonably complete its work at an expense of not exceeding eight hundred dollars per year for and during each calendar year in which an election of general officers is held, and of not exceeding two hundred dollars per year for every other calendar year." SEC. 5. Section 17 of Chapter 19 of the General Laws is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 17. The members of said board shall each receive compensation a salary of five hundred dollars per year for and during each calendar year in which an election of general officers is held, and during every other calendar year said members shall each be paid in compensation, the sum of twenty-five dollars for each day of actual service as members of said board; and the state auditor is hereby directed to draw his orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such per diem compensation to said members, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon receipt of vouchers therefor approved by a majority of the members of said board." SEC. 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 34 ELECTION LAWS. CHAPTER 1051. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 19, 20, 24, 25 AND 26 OF CHAPTER 25 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE CONSTITUTION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY," AS AMENDED BY SECTION 34 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1910. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 19 of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : ^teufpr^. "Sec. 19. The secretary of state shall receive and examine seMtore-dect the certificates of election of senators and representatives to tives-eiect the general assembly returned to his office by the state returning- from certifi- returrin tate board, and shall make separate lists of the persons therein named as elected to the offices of senators and representatives, respectively. In case at nine o'clock in the morning on the first Tuesday of January, A. D. 1915, and on the first Tuesday in January, biennially, thereafter, there shall be no such certifi- cate received by the secretary of state of the election of senator, representative, or representatives, or either or any of them, from any city or town, the secretary of state shall also place on said lists, respectively, the names of the persons then holding the offices for which there is no certificate returned or received as aforesaid of the election of any other person to said office." SEC. 2. Section 20 of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 20. At or before twelve o'clock, noon, on the first Tuesday in January, A. D. 1915, and on the first Tuesday in ELECTION LAWS. 35 / January, biennially, thereafter, the secretary of state shall Secretary of state to deliver certify and deliver to the reading clerk of the house of repre- house^eertified sentatives the list of persons, made up as provided in the preced- gentati^s'Sect. ing section of this chapter, entitled to seats in the house of representatives, and shall certify and retain in his possession the list of persons, made up as aforesaid, entitled to seats in the senate." SEC. 3. Section 24 of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Sec. 24. On the first Tuesday in January, A. D. 1915, at Date of first i-i.i .i^.mi'T , meeting of sen- twelve o clock, noon, and on the first Tuesday in January, at ate and house, biennially. twelve o'clock, noon, biennially, thereafter, the persons whose names are borne on the respective lists aforesaid shall be admitted to take seats as members of the senate and house of representatives, respectively, and such persons shall assemble at said time in their respective chambers at Providence and take their engagement of office before the secretary of state, attorney- general, or some person authorized by law to administer oaths. " SEC. 4. Section 25 of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : " Sec. 25. At the time specified hi Section 24 of this chapter, proceedings to the senate shall be called to order by the lieutenant-governor, organizing the senate. or in his absence by the secretary of state. The roll of members as appears by said list of senators shall then be called by the clerk, and said list shall be corrected by the secretary of state as hereinbefore provided. In the absence of the lieutenant- governor, the senate shall then proceed to elect one of their members to preside. If twenty of the members whose names appear upon said lists are present, but not otherwise, the senate then shall organize by electing a clerk, and shall forthwith 36 ELECTION LAWS. notify said house of representatives that it is duly organized and ready to proceed with the business of the session. Said clerk shall hold office for two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified." SEC. 5. Section 26 of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 26. At the time specified in Section 24 of this chapter the house of representatives shall be called to order by the senior member hi continuous service present from Newport, teobse^edin an d if there be two or more members from Newport of equal hou^oTfeprt seniority of service, then by that one of them who shall be senior sentatives. m age, and, if there is no member present from Newport, by the senior member of said house in continuous service present, and, if there be two or more members of equal seniority of service, then by that one of them who shall be senior in age. The roll of members as appears by said list of representatives shall then be called by the reading clerk, and said list shall be corrected Speaker, how by the reading clerk, as hereinbefore provided. If it shall chosen. appear that fifty-one of the members whose names are upon said list are present, but not otherwise, the member calling the house of representatives to order as hereinbefore provided shall call for nominations for the office of speaker, and shall receive the ballots of the members whose names are on said list for that office, and after said ballots have been counted by him and by the clerks of said house, he shall declare the result and the balloting shall continue until some person shall receive a majority of all the ballots cast, and the person receiving such majority shall be the speaker of said house for the ensuing term of two years. The members so calling said house to order shall Penalty for not receive, entertain, or put to vote, any motion or question violating pro- ^t?on ftbis whatever, or point of order, while acting as presiding officer, and any such member violating any of the foregoing provisions ELECTlCfN LAWS. 37 of this section, or allowing any person whose name is not upon said list to participate in the organization of said house or to cast any ballot for speaker, or who shall allow to be used in the organization of said house any list of members not prepared and corrected as provided in this chapter, shall be imprisoned not less than one year nor more than three years; and any clerk or other person who shall use any such list in the organization of such house, or who shall fraudulently alter, secrete or destroy any list of members, prepared, or prepared and corrected, as hereinbefore provided, shall be punished by like imprisonment. Immediately upon the election of a speaker, the house of cierkstobe elected by representatives shall proceed to elect by ballot a reading clerk house, and sen- ate notified of and a recording clerk, and upon the election of a speaker and r K anization - clerks as herein provided, said house shall be deemed to be organized and shall forthwith notify the senate that it is duly organized and ready to proceed with the business of the session. Said clerks shall hold office for two years, and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified." SEC. 6. Chapter 25 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 34 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following sections to be numbered Sections 35 and 36. "Sec. 35. On the first Tuesday in January, A. D. 1915, President pro tempore to be and on the first Tuesday in January, biennially, thereafter, a elected bien- nially by the president pro tempore of the senate shall be elected for a term of senate - two years." "Sec. 36. In the month of January, A. D. 1915, and in the Committees of house and sen- month of January, biennially, thereafter, the senate shall elect hienniany h sen its committees or provide by rule for their appointment, and the house or representatives shall elect its committees or provide by rule for their appointment." SEC. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 38 ELECTION LAWS. CHAPTER 1060. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18 OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, ENTITLED "OF THE REGISTERING, LISTING AND RETURNING LISTS OF VOTERS AND OF PROOF OF THEIR QUALIFICATION TO VOTE," AS AMENDED BY SECTION 1 OF CHAPTER 640 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE AUGUST SESSION, A. D. 1910. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 18 of Chapter 7 of the General Laws, as amended by Section 1 of Chapter 640 of the Public Laws, passed at the August session, A. D. 1910, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Assessors of "Sec. 18. In the city of Providence, the assessors of taxes Providence to deliver to board shall annually, on or before the fifteenth day of September. of canvassers, oUax a^e C s? y certify and deliver to the board of canvassers and registration of said city a copy of the tax assessment of said city, which copy shall in addition specify the residence by street and number of each person resident in said city by them assessed, or the street location of the land assessed, in case the residence of the owner cannot be ascertained." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed . CHAPTER 1113. Approved AN ACT TRANSFERRING THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF PROVIDENCE RELATIVE TO CAUCUSES AND ELECTIONS TO THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS AND REGISTRATION OF SAID CITY. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. All the duties and powers imposed and conferred upon the city clerk of the city of Providence by general or special ELECTION LAWS. 39 law relative to the issuance of warrants; the calling of ward. Duties of city ' clerk of Prpvi- representative-district, and voting-district meetings for the eiectfon e s at tra e ns- election of officers and giving notice thereof by advertisement oTclnvassere 1 and registra- and posting the same; the receipt of certificates of nomination tion of said city, and nomination-papers and requests for the withdrawal of the names of any candidates, and nominations in substitution of candidates so withdrawing; the preparation and printing of ballots and the distribution of the same; the certification to the secretary of state of the number of voters then qualified to vote in each voting-district ; the preparation and distribution of specimen ballots and instruction sheets and the posting of the same; the furnishing of any supplies necessary for use at any caucus or election; the receipt and delivery of ballots, together with the specimen ballots and instruction sheets prepared and sent by the secretary of state; the delivery to the warden or moderator of each voting place of the ballots prepared, sealed and marked for each such voting-place and the receipt therefor of such delivery from the warden or moderator present; the receipt of the record book of the election officers; the issuance of certificates of election to officers elected; the preparation of ballots in the case of adjourned or secondary elections; the ordering of new elections to fill vacancies in the office of senator or representative in the general assembly, or in the case of a new election for a representative hi congress; and any and all other his duties and powers relative to caucuses, the preparation of ballots and elections in said city of Provi- dence, are hereby transferred to and imposed and conferred upon the board of canvassers and registration of said city of Providence. Said board of canvassers and registration shall perform and execute all such duties and powers according to law and shall each be liable for any and all penalties imposed by law for any failure so to do. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. 40 ELECTION LAWS. CHAPTER 1121. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 2, 5 AND 9 OF CHAP- TER 475 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. 1909, ENTITLED "AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE TOWN OF BRISTOL." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows. SECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws passed at the January session, A. D. 1909, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Section 1. In the town of Bristol, the caucuses of all political parties shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this act, and such provisions shall apply only in said town. Political party For the purpose of this act, a political party is hereby defined to defined. be one which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per cent, of all the votes cast hi the state for that officer. Caucus and con- vention nominations shall be made only by political parties." SEC. 2. Section 2 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1909, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Method of "Sec. 2. The qualified electors of each political party in electing town r J powe^and and said town shall biennially, at the caucus held to elect delegates to the convention to nominate a candidate for governor, elect a town committee for such town. Each town committee shall, within ten days after its organization, file with the secretary of state a list of its officers and members. The general manage- ment of the affairs of each political party in such town shall be vested in its town committee, subject to the rules and regula- tion which the state committee of such political party shall make. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices or in the membership of said town committee shall be filled by such ELECTION LAWS. 41 committee. A statement thereof shall be filed as in the case of officers and members first chosen. Town committees shall hold office from the date of their election until the next biennial election of such committees and thereafter until their successors have organized. Town committees may make regulations, not inconsistent with law, to determine membership in the party and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this act charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting lists in the preparation of such lists, so far as they are not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter. Each town committee shall attend the caucuses of the party to which it belongs, to perform the duties herein imposed upon it. " SEC. 3. Section 5 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1909, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 5. No caucus, except, a caucus adjourned under the caucuses, when provisions of Section 14 of this act, shall be held within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificate of the nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on successive days. All caucuses held to elect delegates to the convention to nominate a candidate for governor and to nominate candidates for the general assembly from said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held after the second Thursday next after the first Monday in September, biennially. All caucuses held to nominate candidates for town officers in said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held within twenty-five days of the second Wednesday in March in each year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before nor within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nominations qf such caucuses." 42 ELECTION LAWS. SEC. 4. Section 9 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1909, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: voting lists, "Sec. 9. The town clerk of said town shall prepare the canvassing of. voting lists for use at all caucuses held in said town, At all caucuses the voting lists as last published or canvassed accord- ing to law by the board of canvassers of said town shall be used, corrected as hereinafter provided. The board of canvassers in said town shall hold a canvass meeting on the twenty-seventh day preceding the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year in which an election of state officers is held and on the twenty-seventh day preceding the second Wednesday in March in each year, and also on a day not more than five days prior to the earliest day lawfully selected by any political party for the holding of caucuses made necessary by a special election in such town, to canvass and correct the voting lists of electors qualified. Notice of said canvass meetings shall be given in such manner as such board of canvas- sers shall respectively prescribe. " SEC. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1132. Approved AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 2 AND 5 OF CHAP- April 28, 1914. TER 746 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. 1911, ENTITLED "AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE TOWN OF EAST PROVIDENCE." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D, 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows; ELECTION LAWS. 43 "Section 1. In the town of East Providence, the caucuses Political party defined. of all political parties shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this act. For the purposes of this act, a political party is hereby denned to be one which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per cent, of all the votes cast in the state for that officer. Caucus and convention nominations shall be made only by political parties." SEC. 2. Section 2 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 2. The qualified electors of each political party in Method of elect- said town shall biennially, at the caucus held to elect delegates ISftteeTand" 1 " . powers and to the convention to nominate a candidate for governor, elect duties thereof, a town committee for such town. Each town committee shall, within ten days after its organization, file with the secretary of state a list of its officers and members. The general manage- ment of the affairs of each political party in such town shall be vested in its town committee, subject to the rules and regula- tions which the state committee of such political party shall make. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices or in the membership of said town committee shall be filled by such committee. A statement thereof shall be filed as in the case of officers and members first chosen. Town committees shall hold office from the date of their election until the next biennial election of such town committees and thereafter until their successors have organized. Town committees may make regu- lations, not inconsistent with law, to determine membership in the party and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this act charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting lists in the preparation of such lists, so far as they are not in conflict with the provisions of this act. Each town committee shall attend 44 ELECTION LAWS. the caucuses of the party to which it belongs, to perform the duties herein imposed upon it." SEC. 3. Section 5 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Caucuses, when "Sec. 5. No caucus, except a caucus adjourned under the to be held. provisions of Section 14 of this act, shall be held within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last days for filing the certificate of the nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on successive days. All cau- cuses, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held after the second Thursday next after the first Monday in September. All caucuses held to nominate candi- dates for town officers in said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held within twenty-five days of the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before, nor within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nominations of such caucuses. " SEC. 4. Section 7 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : Duties of "Sec. 7. The caucus chairman appointed as hereinbefore caucus officers. provided, shall call the caucus of his political party to order, and shall preside thereat. Each caucus clerk shall check the voting-list of the voting-district in which he is appointed to serve. In case a caucus chairman is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus chairman becomes incapacitated during the holding of the caucus, the town com- mittee, or a majority of the members thereof present at such caucus, shall appoint a qualified elector of such party residing in said town or representative-district as caucus chairman for such caucus. If no member of the town committee is present, ELECTION LAWS. 45 the clerk of the first voting-district in such town, or hi case of his absence or incapacity, then of the voting-district clerks present the one next hi numerical order of the districts, shall call the meeting to order, and the electors present shall elect some qualified person as caucus chairman of such caucus. In case a caucus clerk is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or hi case a caucus clerk becomes incapacitated from performing his duties as such during the holding of the caucus, the town committee of said town, or such majority thereof, shall appoint some qualified elector of the town or representative-district as such caucus clerk. If no member of the town committee is present, the caucus chairman shall appoint some qualified elector as aforesaid as caucus clerk. All caucuses shall be called to order at 7 o'clock P. M., the polls shall be open at or before 7:30 P. M., and the ballot boxes shall be opened and the ulterior thereof exposed to the view of all present by the chairman before any ballots are cast. Any necessary business not finished at 7.30 P. M., shall be postponed until after the polls are closed and the result of the balloting announced. The polls shall be kept open until 10 P. M., and no longer : Provided, however, that hi the event of but one nomi- nation for each political office the polls shall be kept open thirty minutes. Except for the filling of vacancies hi the office of caucus chairman and caucus clerk, as hereinbefore provided in this section, a ballot shall be required for the choice of all candidates for elective offices, for delegates to conventions, and for members of town committees, to be elected by such caucuses. All ballots shall be printed or written on white paper, of uniform size, to be determined by the town committee of each political party in said town, and no tissue paper shall be used for any caucus ballot. The names of all candidates for which any elector shall vote at any caucus shall be written or printed upon one ballot." 46 ELECTION LAWS. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1133. Approved AN ACT FIXING THE TIME FOR THE ELECTION OF TOWN April 1, 1914. OFFICERS IN THE TOWN OF JOHNSTON. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: Town of John- SECTION 1. The electors of the town of Johnston, on the ston, certain town officers of, nrs t Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the when and how year 1914, and biennially thereafter, shall by ballot elect a moderator, a town clerk, seven councilmen, a town treasurer and a town sergeant. The electors of said town at the annual election in the year 1914, and every four years thereafter, shall by ballot elect one member of the school committee for the term of four years. At the biennial election in the year 1916, and every four years thereafter, the electors of said town shall elect two members of the school committee for the term of four years. The electors of said town at the annual election in 1914, and every four years thereafter, shall by ballot elect one member of the board of tax assessors for the term of four years, and at the biennial election in 1916, and every four years thereafter, shall by ballot elect two members of the board of tax assessors for the term of four years The electors in each voting-district in said town on the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year 1914, and biennially thereafter, shall by ballot elect a district moderator and a district clerk to hold their respective offices for two years. All the officers whose election is provided for in this section shall be voted for on one ballot and the polls shall be kept open from 6 :30 o'clock in the forenoon until 7 o'clock in the afternoon. In vaclTdel 1 * ^ EC- ^" Upon the expiration of the term of office of any when ' existing officer of said town, who was elected by the people for ELECTION LAWS. 47 a term of more than one year, or of his successor in said office elected or appointed to fill such vacancy, the town council of such town shall elect some person to fill such office until the next biennial election and until his successor is elected and qualified; and the person so elected to such office shall have all the powers and duties of, and be subject to all the limitations provided by law for like officers elected by the people. SEC. 3. The town council of said town shall annually elect Town council to / * elect certain all town officers whose election is not provided for by Section 1 officers, when. of this act, and all such officers so elected shall have all the authority and be subject to all the duties appertaining by law to their several offices. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts and all provisions of any special laws affecting said town inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1135. AN ACT FIXING THE TIME FOR THE ELECTION OF TOWN Approved OFFICERS IN THE TOWN OF LINCOLN. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. The electors of the town of Lincoln on the first Town of Lin- Tuesday in June in the year 1915, and biennially thereafter, town officers of , when and how shall by ballot elect a town clerk, a town treasurer, and five elected - councilmen. The electors of said town on the first Tuesday in June, in the year 1915, and every four years thereafter, shall by ballot elect two members of the school committee and one member of the board of tax assessors, each for the term of four years. At the biennial election of town officers on the first Tuesday in June, in the year 1917, and every four years there- after, the electors of said town shall by ballot elect three mem- bers of the school committee and two members of the board of 48 ELECTION LAWS. tax assessors each for the term of four years. The electors in each voting-district in said town on the first Tuesday in June, in the year 1915, and biennially in June thereafter, shall by ballot elect a district moderator and district clerk to hold their respec- tive offices for the term of two years. Town council g EC . 2. Upon the expiration of the term of office of any to fill vacancies, existing officer of said town, who was elected by the people for a term of more than one year, or of his successor in said office elected or appointed to fill such vacancy, the town council of such town shall elect some person to fill such office until the next biennial election of town officers and until his successor is elected and qualified; and the person so elected to such office shall have all the powers and duties of, and be subject to all the limitations provided by law for like officers elected by the people. SecTcerta'in 1 * SEC - 3 - The town council of said town shall annually elect all town officers whose election is not provided for by Section 1 of this act, and all such officers so elected shall have all the authority and be subject to all the duties appertaining by law to their several offices. Jffectfve whra SEC. 4. This act shall take effect when accepted by a electors. * majority vote of the electors of said town of Lincoln present and voting at the annual election for town officers to be held on the first Tuesday in June, A. D. 1914. The town clerk of said town of Lincoln shall cause to be printed on the official ballots used in the aforesaid election the question, "Shall the town of Lincoln approve and adopt the act, entitled 'An act fixing the time for the election of town officers in the town of Lincoln, ' passed at the January session, A. D. 1914, " and at the right of said question shall be the usual square in which shall be printed the word " Yes," and under the word " Yes," the word "No," and there shall be also in the square at the right of said words "Yes" and "No," a sufficient space in which the voter may indicate his approval by a cross (X) mark at the right of the word "Yes," or his disapproval by the same mark at the ELECTION LAWS. 49 right of the word "No." If a majority of all the qualified electors voting on said question vote "Yes," this act shall be accepted. The votes shall be counted and the result ascertained in the same manner as the votes for town officers are counted and the result ascertained. SEC. 5. Section 4 of this act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 1144. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 2 AND 5 OF CHAPTER Approved 891 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SES- April 28, 1914. SIGN, A. D. 1912, ENTITLED "AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE TOWN OF NORTH SM1THFIELD." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 891 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1912, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. In the town of North Smithfield the caucuses Political party of all political parties shall be held in accordance with the provis- ions of this act. For the purposes of this act, a political party is hereby denned to be one which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per cent, of all the votes cast in the state for that officer. Caucus and convention nominations shall be made only by political parties." SEC. 2. Section 2 of Chapter 891 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1912, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 2. The qualified electors of each political party in Method of electing town said town shall biennially, at the caucus held to elect delegates pow^^Td and to the convention to nominate a, candidate for governor, elect 50 ELECTION LAWS. a town committee for such town. Each town committee shall, within ten days after its organization, file with the secretary of state a list of its officers and members. The general management of the affairs of each political party in such town shall be vested in its town committee, subject to the rules and regulations which the state committee of such political party shall make. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices or in the membership of said town committee shall be filled by such committee. A statement thereof shall be filed as in the case of officers and members first chosen. Town committees shall hold office from the date of their election until the next biennial election of such committees and thereafter until their successors have organized. Town committees may make regulations, not incon- sistent with law, to determine membership in the party and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this act charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting lists in the preparation of such lists, so far as they are not in conflict with the provisions of this act. Each town committee shall attend the caucuses of the party to which it belongs, to perform the duties herein imposed upon it." SEC. 3. Section 5 of Chapter 891 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1912, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : when "Sec. 5. No caucus, except a caucus adjourned under the provisions of Section 14 of this act, shall be held within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificate of the nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on successive days. All caucuses, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held after the second Thursday next after the first Monday in September. All caucuses held to nominate candidates for town officers in said town, excepting those ELECTION LAWS. 51 caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held within twenty-five days of the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before, nor within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nominations of such caucuses. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1149. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 2, 5 AND 9 OF CHAP- Approved TER 762 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY foni 28. 1914. SESSION, A. D. 1911, ENTITLED "AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN THE TOWN OF TIVERTON." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : "Section 1. In the town of Tiverton, the caucuses of all Political party, defined. political parties shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this act. For the purposes of this act, a political party is hereby defined to be one which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per cent . of all the votes cast in the state for that officer. Caucus and convention nominations shall be made only by political parties." SEC. 2. Section 2 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 2. The qualified electors of each political party in Method of electing town said town shall biennially, at the caucus held to elect delegates committee, and powers and to the convention to nominate a candidate for governor, elect duties thereof - 52 ELECTION LAWS. a town committee for such town. Each town committee shall, within ten days after its organization, file with the secretary of state a list of its officers and members. The general manage- ment of the affairs of each political party in such town shall be vested in its town committee, subject to the rules and regu- lations which the state committee of such political party shall Vacancies. make. Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices or in the membership of said town committee shall be filled by such com- mittee. A statement thereof shall be filed as in the case of officers and members, first chosen. Town committees shall hold office from the date of their election until the next biennial election of such committees and thereafter until their successors have organized. Town committees may make regulations, not inconsistent with law, to determine membership in the party and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this act charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting lists in the preparation of such lists, so far as they are not in conflict with the provisions of this act. Each town committee shall attend the caucuses of the party to which it belongs, to perform the duties herein imposed upon it." SEC. 3 Section 5 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: when U tobe "Sec. 5. No caucus, except a caucus adjourned under the provisions of Section 14 of this act, shall be held within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificate of the nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on successive days. All caucuses held to elect delegates to the convention to nominate a candi- date for governor, and to nominate candidates for the general assembly from said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held after the ELECTION LAWS. 53 second Thursday next after the first Monday in September, biennially. All caucuses held to nominate candidates for town officers in said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held within twenty-five days of the first Wednesday in April hi each year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before, nor within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nomina- tions of such caucuses. " SEC. 4. Section 9 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1911, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : " Sec. 9. The town clerk of said town shall prepare the voting p re p ari ng and ,. , . i i i i j 11 canvassing lists for use at all caucuses held m said town. At all caucuses voting lists. the voting lists as last published or canvassed according to law by the boards of canvassers of said town shall be used, corrected as hereinafter provided. The board of canvassers in said town shall hold a canvass meeting on the twenty-seventh day preceding the Tuesday next after the first Monday in No- vember in each year hi which an election of state officers is held and on the twenty-seventh day preceding the first Wednesday in April in each year, and also on a day not more than five days prior to the earliest day lawfully selected by any political party for the holding of caucuses made necessary by a special election in such town, to canvass and correct the voting lists of electors qualified. Notice of said canvass meetings shall be given in such manner as such boards of canvassers shall respectively prescribe." SEC. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 54 ELECTION LAWS. Approved May 4, 1914. Town officers in town of War- Town officers elected by town council. Certain town officers con- timied in office. CHAPTER 1152. AN ACT FIXING THE TIME FOR THE ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS IN THE TOWN OF WARWICK. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. The electors of the town of Warwick on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year 1914, and biennially thereafter, shall in district meetings as now provided by law, by ballot elect five district moderators, five district clerks, a town clerk, a council of five members, a town treasurer, a town sergeant and an overseer of the poor, each to serve for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The electors of said town at the annual election in the year 1914, and quadrennially thereafter, shall by ballot elect a member of the school committee, a member of the board of tax assessors, and a member of the board of police commis- sioners, each for the term of four years, and until their successors are elected and qualified ; and at the biennial election in the year 1916, and quadrennially thereafter, shall in like manner, elect two members of the school committee, two members of the board of tax assessors and two members of the board of police commis- sioners, each for a term of four years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. All officers whose election is provided for in this section shall be voted for on one ballot. SEC. 2. The town council of said town at its first meeting held after election, shall for a term'of two years elect town officers whose election is not provided for by Section 1 of this act, and all said officers so elected shall have all the authority and be subject to all the duties appertaining by law to their several offices. SEC. 3. The members of the school committee, the members of the board of tax assessors, and the member of the board of police commissioners elected by the people in the year 1913 for the ELECTION LAWS. 55 term of two years, or their successors in office, are hereby continued in office until the Tuesday next after the first Monday hi November, A. D. 1916, and thereafter until their successors are elected and qualified, with all the powers and duties and sub- ject to all the limitations and liabilities provided by law for like officers elected by the people, and shall receive a pro rata compensation for their increased term of service, based upon their compensation provided by law. All other officers of said town who were elected by the people in the year 1913 and not otherwise provided for in this act, shall hold office during the respective terms for which they were elected and thereafter until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 4. All provisions of any special laws in relation to said town inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect upon its passage. CHAPTER 1154. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 1109 OF THE PUBLIC Approved LAWS, ENTITLED "AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE ELEC- M^. 4 - 1914 -_ TION OF TOWN OFFICERS IN THE TOWN OF WEST GREENWICH," PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. 1892, AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 1394 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS, PASSED AT THE JANUARY SESSION, A. D. 1906. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 1109 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1892, entitled "An act in relation to the election of town officers in the town of West Greenwich," as amended by Chapter 1394 of the Public Laws, passed at the January session, A. D. 1906, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : 56 ELECTION LAWS. Town election "Section 1. The electors of the town of West Greenwich m West Green- wich, when on ^g g rg j. Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year 1914, and biennially thereafter, shall by ballot, elect a moderator, a town clerk, a town treasurer, a town sergeant, five councilmen, three justices of the peace, three assessors of taxes, and an overseer of the poor. The electors of said town on the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the year 1914, shall by ballot elect one member of the school committee for the term of four years, and at the biennial election in the year 1916, shall in like manner elect two members of the school committee for a term of four years, and thereafter hi like manner and for like terms in each succeeding biennial election as their respective terms shall expire. All officers whose election is provided for in this section shall be voted for on one ballot, Polls open. and the polls shall be kept open from ten o'clock in the forenoon until two o'clock in the afternoon. toelect c'ertain "Sec. 2. The town council of said town at its first meeting ers, when. ^^ a ^ er y. g e i ec ti O n or at any time to which said meeting shall be adjourned, shall elect town officers whose election is not pro- vided for by Section 1 of this act, and all town officers who for any reason fail to be elected at said town meeting, and all such officers so elected shall have all the authority and be subject to all the duties appertaining by law to their several offices. dutiS conferred " Sec - 3 - The powers and duties conferred by Chapter 49 GeiSrai P Laws ' of the General Laws, upon towns which hold elections for town town of west officers on the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in No- Greenwich. vember, annually, are hereby conferred upon the town of West Greenwich for the biennial elections herein provided for, and the town council may elect an assistant moderator to act until the electors shall elect a person to fill such office. c^nti^ued^rT 8 "Sec. 4. The officers of said town who were elected by the people in the year 1913 for the term of one year, or their succes- sors hi office, are hereby continued in office until the, first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1914; ELECTION LAWS. 57 and the member of the school committee who was elected by the people in the year 1911 for the term of three years is hereby continued in office until the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1914, and thereafter until his successor is elected and qualified ; and the member of the school committee who was elected by the people in the year 1912 for the term of three years is hereby continued in office until the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1916, and thereafter until his successor is elected and qualified; and the member of the school committee who was elected by the people in the year 1913 for the term of three years is hereby continued in office until the first Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, A. D. 1916, and thereafter until his successor is elected and qualified." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 1156. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE HOLDING OF CAUCUSES IN Approved THE TOWN OF WEST WARWICK. May 6 ' 1914 ' It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. In the town of West Warwick the caucuses political party defined. of all political parties shall be held in accordance with the provisions of this act. For the purposes of this act, a political party is hereby defined to be one which at the next preceding election of state officers cast for its candidate for governor at least two per cent of all the votes cast in the state for that officer. Caucus and convention nominations shall be made only by political parties. SEC. 2. The qualified electors of each political party hi District com- mittee, how each representative-district of said town shall, annually, at elected - 58 ELECTION LAWS. Town com- mittee, how constituted. Powers and duties of. Vacancies. Committees, term of office of members of. Further powers and duties of committees. the caucus held in each representative-district of said town to elect delegates to a convention to nominate a town council and other town officers, elect a district committee for each represen- tative-district of said town. The members of the several district committees of the same political party shall constitute the town committee of such political party for that town. Each town committee shall within ten days after its organization file with the secretary of state a list of its officers and members. They shall also file a like list with the town clerk of said town. The general management of the affairs of each political party in said town shall be vested in its town committee, subject to the rules and regulations which the state committee of such political party shall make. Any vacancies occurring in any of the offices or in the membership of said town committtee shall be filled by such committee, and any vacancy occurring in the membership of a district committee shall be filled by the remaining members of such district committee. A statement of such action of any committee thereof shall be filed as in the case of officers and members first chosen. District and town committees shall hold office from the date of their election until the next annual election of such committees and thereafter until their successors shall have organized. Town committees may make regulations, not inconsistent with law, to determine membership in the party and to restrain those not entitled to vote at caucuses called by them from taking part therein, and such regulations shall be furnished to and shall govern the officers by this act charged with the duty of preparing caucus voting lists in the preparation of such lists so far as they are not incon- sistent with the provisions of this act. Each district committee shall attend the caucuses of the party to which it belongs held in the district from which it was elected to perform the duties herein imposed upon it, ELECTION LAWS. 59 SEC. 3. All caucuses shall be held in said town at the call of Caucuses, how called. the town committee of the political party holding such caucuses. The call for such caucuses shall be issued not less than five days prior to the day on which they are to be held. It shall state the places where such caucuses are to be held, the hour of holding the same, the time during which the polls are to be open, the business to be transacted thereat and the uniform size of the ballots to be used at said caucus and copies of said call shall be posted at least four days prior to the holding of said caucus in six or more public places in said town. No two political parties shall hold their caucuses on the same day. SEC. 4. At least ten days previous to the date on which a Town clerk to political party desires to hold its caucus in said town the chair- datTof caucus and to furnish man of the town committee of such political party shall notify polling places therefor. in writing, the town clerk of the date selected for such caucus, by said committee and the political party first making such selec- tion and notification for a certain date shall be entitled to hold its caucus on that date, if such date is one on which caucuses may lawfully be held. If such date be one previously so selected and notified by some other political party, or is one on which a caucus may not lawfully be held, such chairman shall be immediately notified in writing, of the fact by the town clerk, and such chairman shall select and make notification of another date. It shall be the duty of said town clerk, in and at the expense of said town to provide polling places as are necessary in said town for said caucuses, and to notify in writing such chair- man as to the place so provided at least seven days prior to the date of such caucuses. SEC. 5. No caucus, except a caucus adjourned under the CaucuseS] when provisions of Section 16 of this act, shall be held within two days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificate of nominations of such caucus, nor shall any political party hold caucuses on successive days. All caucuses excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall 60 ELECTION LAWS. be held after the second Thursday next after the first Monday in September in each year. All caucuses held to nominate candi- dates for town officers in said town, excepting those caucuses necessary for a special election, shall be held within twenty-five days of the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year. Caucuses necessary for a special election shall be held not more than ten days before, nor within two days, exclusive, of Sundays and legal holidays, of the last day for filing the certificates of the nominations of such caucuses. Caucus officers SEC. 6. The town committee of each political party in said to be selected by town commit- town shall, at least two days prior to holding the first caucus tCC. next after the first Monday in September, appoint a caucus moderator and a caucus clerk for each representative-district, who shall be qualified electors of such district and members of such political party: Provided, however, that the moderator and clerk of the representative-district shall perform the duties of caucus moderator and clerk at the caucuses of their own political party. Each committee making such appointment shall file with the town clerk at least one day previous to the date selected by its party for holding any caucus, the names of the persons appointed by them caucus officers as aforesaid; and all caucus officers so appointed shall hold office until the first day in January next succeeding their appointment and thereafter until their succes- sors are appointed and shall have the same powers and duties, in the conduct of caucuses as are conferred and imposed by law upon similar officers of elective meetings. Town com- In case of a change of the lines of a representative-district, or revoke such of a redivision of any representative-district thereof into voting appointments, when. districts, the town committee of each political party thereof may revoke such appointments by them respectively made in the case of all caucus moderators and clerks who by reason of such change or redivision become ineligible to serve on account of residence and appoint others in their stead, and the town com. ELECTION LAWS. 61 mittee of each political party shall appoint a caucus moderator, and in each new representative-district or voting-district so created, if necessary, the town committee of each political party shall appoint a caucus moderator and clerk. SEC. 7. The caucus moderator appointed or acting as herein- Dutie8of before provided, shall call the caucus of his political party to order, and shall preside thereat. Each caucus clerk shall check the voting list of the district in which he serves In case a cau- cus moderator is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called, or in case a caucus moderator becomes incapacitated during the holding of the caucus, the district committee or a majority of the members thereof present at such caucus, shall appoint a qualified elector of such party residing hi the rep- resentative-district as caucus moderator for such caucus. If no member of the district committee is present the clerk shall call the meeting to order, and the electors present shall elect some qualified person as caucus moderator of such caucus. In case a caucus clerk is absent at the time at which the caucus has been called or in case a caucus clerk becomes incapacitated from per- forming his duties as such during the holding of the caucus, the district committee of such district, or such majority thereof, shall appoint some qualified elector of the representative- district as such caucus clerk. If no member of the district committee be present, the caucus moderator shall appoint some qualified elector as aforesaid as caucus clerk. All caucuses shall be called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. 'M. The polls shall be S d pon!f opened at or before 7:30 o'clock P. M., and the ballot boxes shall be opened and the interior thereof exposed to the view of all present by the moderator before any ballots are cast. Any necessary business not finished at 7:30 P. M., shall be postponed until after the polls are closed and the result of the balloting announced. The polls shall be kept open until 10: 00 o'clock P. M., and no longer: Provided, however, that in the event of but one nominated for each political office the polls 62 ELECTION LAWS. shall be kept open thirty minutes. Except for the filling of vacancies in the office of caucus moderator and caucus clerk as hereinbefore provided in this section, a ballot shall be required for the choice of all candidates for elective offices, for delegates to convention, and for members of district committee to be Form of caucus elected by such caucus. All ballots shall be printed on white ballot. paper, of uniform size, to be determined by the town committee of each political party in said town, and no tissue paper shall be used for any caucus ballot. The names of all candidates for which any elector shall vote at any caucus shall be written or printed on one ballot, who may not g EC . 8. No person shall be entitled to vote or take part hi participate in caucus. fae caucus of any political party who within fourteen calendar months has voted or taken part in the caucus of any other political party or has signed nomination-papers of a candidate or Exception. candidates for any elective office: Provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to caucuses which may be held in said town hi the year 1914. No person who has voted in the caucus of any political party shall be eligible to sign any nomination-paper containing nominations of candidates within fourteen calendar months thereafter. Town clerk to SEC. 9. The town clerk of said town shall prepare the voting prepare voting lists for use at all caucuses. A voting list shall be prepared for each representative-district and each voting-district. At all caucuses the voting lists as last published or canvassed accord- ing to law by the board of canvassers of said town shall be used Board of can- as hereafter provided. The board of canvassers in said town vassers to can- voting nd iistr ect sna H hold a canvass meeting on the twenty-seventh day pre- ceding the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each year, and also on a day not more than five days prior to the earliest day lawfully selected by any political party for .the holding of caucuses made necessary by a special election in such town, to canvass and correct the voting lists of electors qualified. ELECTION LAWS. 63 Notice of said canvass meetings shall be given in such manner as such board of canvassers shall prescribe. SEC. 10. In preparing caucus voting lists for the caucuses same subject, of any political party there shall be stricken from the lists speci- fied in Section 9 of this act, the names of all persons shown by the nomination-papers, or copies thereof, and used caucus voting lists in the possession of the town clerk to be debarred from voting in such caucuses by the provisions of Section 8 of this act, or who are shown by the regulations of such town committee adopted under the provisions of Section 2 of this act, to be not entitled to vote in its caucuses. SEC. 11. The town clerk of said town is hereby authorized Town c]erk to and required to furnish, at the expense of said town, suitable box"'* and supplies. ballot boxes, blank forms of certificates, ballots and other election stationery for each polling place at which any caucus is held, and to cause the voting lists and ballots prepared as aforesaid to be delivered at each polling place to the caucus moderator prior to the hour of 7 : 00 o'clock in the evening of the day on which any such caucus is to be held; and it is hereby made the duty of the chief of police of said town to detail such number of police officers to each such polling place, for the preservation of order and to deliver tho voting lists and ballots aforesaid, as may be requested by the town clerk of said town. SEC. 12. The caucus moderator shall receive the ballot of Caucus all persons whose names are upon the lists certified and furnished recel^baiiots. to him, and shall reject the ballots of all other persons. SEC. 13. Immediately on the closing of the polls the caucus T Vote, how moderator and clerk shall in open caucus proceed to count the JSstSrto 8jt. ballots cast in the presence of such representatives as may be appointed in writing, one by each candidate voted for at said caucus; and each candidate receiving a plurality of the ballots cast for the office for which he was a candidate shall be declared by the caucus moderator to be elected or nomi- nated, as the case may be. The ballots and voting lists shall 64 ELECTION LAWS. Return of then be forthwith separately sealed up, together with a state- ballots, voting lists, etc. ment of the result of the balloting, substantially in form required by law in the case of elective meetings, and shall be forthwith delivered in person by the caucus clerk to the town clerk in said town. in case of tie g EC . 14. i n case at any caucus a majority of a delegation vote, etc., what take to ^ * any convention, or of any district committee, are not elected, or in case of a tie vote for an elective office, the caucus shall adjourn to such day as shall be designated at said caucus by the caucus moderator, but not to any day at which a caucus of any political party has been called. In case of a tie vote for a smaller number than a majority of the delegates to a convention, or of the members of a district committee, the elected members of the delegation or of the committee shall fill the vacancies so caused and make notification of their action to the person or officer entitled to receive the same. In all cases the delegates to a convention shall have power to fill vacancies in their number appearing at the hour of the meeting of such convention. Moderator to SEC. 15. The moderator of every caucus shall, within twenty- prepare certifi- anJino^inrtton 1 ^ our nolirs after said caucus is held, deliver or send to each delegate to a political convention, and to each member of a political committee, a certificate of his election, and to each candidate for an elective office a certificate of his nomination, and shall also cause the certificate of nomination required by law in the case of all candidates who are nominated by such caucus for any elective office to be prepared and seasonably filed in the proper public office, unless proceedings for a recount of the ballots at such caucus are inaugurated conformably to the provisions of Section 16 of this act, in which case he shall not deliver, send Verification or cause to be filed any such certificates. Upon the check list of check list IT by clerk. used at such caucus the clerk checking such list shall make a return under oath that the said check list is the identical one used in the caucus of the political party for which it was furnished, and that the names checked were truly and properly ELECTION LAWS. 65 checked at such caucus, and that no alteration or erasure or additional check has been made thereon. SEC. 16. If before five o'clock in the afternoon of the day Provisions for succeeding the day on which any caucus is held under the pro- bLiots. visions of this act a person who has received votes thereat for nomination or election to any elective office, delegation, or political committee shall serve upon the town clerk of said town a statement in writing that the records and returns made by the caucus officers as aforesaid, are erroneous, and specifying wherein the same are erroneous, and claiming an election or nomination by said caucus for the petitioner, and petitioning for a recount of such ballots by the board of canvassers of said town, such town clerk shall retain all the ballots cast at such caucus until such claim is withdrawn or the contest for the nomi- nation or election is fully determined as hereafter provided. The town clerk upon whom such statement is served shall forthwith Notice of recount. notify the members of the board of canvassers of his town of the filing of such petition, and it shall be the duty of said board of canvassers to forthwith convene, and to cause notice in writ- ing to be served in such manner as said board of canvassers shall direct, upon all other candidates for the same office receiv- ing votes at said caucus, at the expense of the petitioner, of the filing of such petitions for a recount, and shall appoint a time and place for the recount of said ballots, within twenty- four hours, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, from the time of ordering s.uch notice. At the time specified by said board Methodof of canvassers said town clerk shall transmit to such board all Leaning thereon. the ballots cast at such caucus and the voting list used thereat, and at the appointed time and place said board of canvassers shall proceed to recount said ballots and to hear and determine all questions raised for or against the counting jof the same or of any thereof, and shall declare, as the result of such recount and determination, what persons, if any, were lawfully elected or nominated at such caucus. Such declaration shall stand as 9 66 ELECTION LAWS. c^dush^nnd the true record and result of the vote cast at such caucus, and be 'prepared 8 the proper officer shall cause the names of the persons so declared accordingly. to be nominated for any elective office to be printed upon the official ballots, in accordance with a certificate of such recount and determination made and filed with him by said board, which certificate shall be deemed to be made and filed as of the day of holding such caucus. Said board shall also furnish to each delegate and member of a committee, so declared to be Candidate or elected, a certificate of his election. Any candidate receiving ti\Vma r y t>e n & votes at such caucus for such nomination or office may be present at re- count, present during such recount, either in person or by an agent duly appointed in writing. Town clerk to g EC . 17. The town clerk of said town shall retain under retain under vofbfg 1 lifts? for sea l f r the period of fourteen calendar months all of the voting lists returned to him under the provisions of this act : Provided, Lists may be that such lists may be unsealed for use in the proceedings pro- unsealed, when. vided for in Sections 10 and 16 of this act, after which they shall be immediately resealed, and that the said town clerk, after a check list has been used at a caucus of a political party held under the provisions of this act upon written application for a copy of the list as checked, signed by any qualified elector hi the said town where such list was used, and upon payment or tender of the fees provided by law therefor, may unseal and open the wrapper containing such check list, and shall furnish to such applicant a certified copy of the list as checked, and shall then reseal the same. Penalties. SEC. 18. Every public officer or officer of a political party who shall wilfully violate any of the provisions of this act, or shall refuse, or wilfully neglect and omit to perform, in the manner and within the time prescribed, any duty imposed upon him by this act, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned in jail for a period not exceeding six months or both. Every person at a caucus who knowing that he is not entitled to vote, votes or ELECTION LAWS. 67 attempts to vote upon any other name than his own, or votes or attempts to vote more than once upon his own name, or deposits or attempts to deposit more than one ballot for any candidate for any elective office or delegate to any convention or member of any political committee at the same balloting, or at any caucus gives a false answer to the caucus clerk or the presiding officer of any caucus relative to his right to vote at such caucus, shall be punished by imprisonment in jail not exceeding six months. Whoever aids or abets a person not entitled to vote at a caucus in voting or attempting to vote under a name other than the voter's own name, or in voting twice upon the voter's own name, or aids or abets a person in deposit- ing or attempting to deposit at a caucus more than one ballot as aforesaid at the same balloting, shall be punished by imprison- ment in jail not exceeding six months. Excepting otherwise herein provided, the penalties imposed by law upon election and other officers and voters who violate the provisions of acts regulating elective meetings are hereby imposed upon the like caucus and other officers and voters for like violations of this act. SEC. 19. It shall be the duty of every police or other peace Arrest without officer or constable to arrest without warrant any person detected hi the act of violating the provisions of this act. SEC. 20. The secretary of state shall make and send to the secretary of town clerk of said town copies of all nomination papers filed copies of certain nomination with him which contain the names of electors of such town. papers. SEC. 21 . The town committee in said town at the time of the p res ent town P , i i ii ,1 committee con- passage of this act shall organize and serve in the same manner tinued in office. and with the same effect as if they had been elected under its provisions. SEC. 22. This act shall take effect on and after June 1, A. D. 1914. INDEX PAGE. Ballot, of election by secret, Sections 1, 7, 8, 22, 24, 31, 57, 58 and 61 of Chapter 11 relative to, amended 11-17 secret, town may vote to adopt 15 Ballots cast at general elections, how to be sealed up 8 cast for certain candidates to be counted by state returning board. . 31 counting of by state returning board, when to begin 32 delivery of by secretary of state 15 how prepared and what to contain 12 of the delivery of, to state returning board 9 packages of, how endorsed, by state returning board 32 used at state elections, how furnished 11 when and how sealed up after counting, by state returning board . . 32 Board of canvassers and registration to assume duties and powers of city clerk of the city of Providence relative to caucuses and elec- tions 38 of the city of Providence to receive annually copy of tax assess- ment from board of assessors of taxes 38 Bristol, holding of caucuses in, Sections 3 and 7 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws relative to, amended . . 5-7 Sections 1, 2, 5 and 9, amended 40-42 Caucuses in the cities of Providence, Newport and Pawtucket (Central Falls), Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17 of Chapter 12 rela- tive to the holding of, amended , 24-31 in the town of Bristol, Sections 3 and 7 of Chapter 475 of the Public Laws relative to holding, amended 5-7 Sections 1, 2, 5 and 9, amended 4CM2 in the town of East Providence, Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws relative to, amended 42-46 70 ELECTION LAWS. PAGE. Caucuses in the town of North Smithfield, Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Chapter 891 of the Public Laws relative to, amended 49-51 in the town of Tiverton, Sections 1, 2, 5 and 9 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws relative to holding of, amended 51-53 in the town of West Warwick 57-67 .Central Falls, Providence, Newport and Pawtucket, cities of, Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17 of Chapter 12 relative to the holding of caucuses in, amended 24-31 Certificate of officers of elective meeting to be enclosed in package of ballots 8 Cities of Providence, Newport and Pawtucket (Central Falls), Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17 of Chapter 12 relative to the holding of caucuses in, amended 24-31 City clerk of city of Providence, duties and powers of, relative to caucuses and elections transferred to the board of canvassers and regis- tration 38 Clerk, city, of city of Providence, duties and powers of, relative to caucuses and elections transferred to the board of canvassers and regis- tration 38 town, Section 4 of Chapter 51 relative to, amended 21 where to be twenty days before election 21 Clerks and moderators, certain, how chosen, etc 18 of senate and house, how chosen 37 Committees of house and senate, to be chosen biennially 37 Congress of the United States, Sections 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Chapter 16 relative to elections of representatives in, amended 22-24 senators and representatives in, number of signatures required for nomination of 12 Constitution and organization of the general assembly, Section 16 of Chapter 25 relative to, amended 4 Sections 19, 20, 24, 25 and 26 amended 34-37 Council, town, may elect what officers 20 Counting of ballots by state returning board, when to begin 32 Deputy, town clerk to appoint 21 East Providence, town of, Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws relative to holding of caucuses in, amended 42-46 Election by secret ballot, Sections 1, 7, 8, 22, 24, 31, 57, 58 and 61 of Chapter 11 relative to, amended 11-17 INDEX. 71 PAGE. Election of president of the senate and speaker of the house of repre- sentatives 36 of representatives in the congress of the United States, Sections 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Chapter 16 relative to, amended 22-24 of town officers in the town of Johnston 46 of town officers in the town of Lincoln 47-49 of town officers in the town of Warwick 54 of town officers in the town of West Greenwich, Chapter 1109, as amended by Chapter 1394 of the Public Laws relative to, amended 55-57 supplies, secretary of state to furnish certain 10 town clerk, where to be twenty days before 21 Elections and caucuses, duties and powers of the city clerk of the city of Providence relative to, transferred to board of canvassers and registration '. 38 ballots used at State, how furnished 11 State, ballots cast at, how to be sealed up 8 moderator and clerk of meetings for to enclose certain certificate in package of ballots 8 of the manner of conducting, Sections 11, 12, 13 and 25 of Chapter 10 relative to, amended 8 Electors, certain, absent from the state may vote how 16 Endorsement of packages of ballots, by state returning board 32 General assembly, of the constitution and organization of r Section 16 of Chapter 25 relative to, amended 4 Sections 19, 20, 24, 25 and 26, amended 34-37 secretary of state to prepare list of members of 34 GENERAL LAWS, AMENDED, REPEALED, ETC. Chap. 7. "Of the registering, listing and returning lists of voters and of proof of their qualification to vote. " 38 10. "Of the manner of conducting elections." 8-10 11. "Of elections by secret ballot. " . . > 11-17 12. " Of the holding of caucuses in the cities of Providence, Newport and Pawtucket. " 24-31 16. " Of the election of representatives in the congress of the United States." 22-24 19. "Of the state returning board and defining its duties. " 31-33 72 ELECTION LAWS. PAGE. GENERAL LAWS, AMENDED, REPEALED, ETC. Concluded. Chap. 25. "Of the constitution and organization of the general assembly. " 4-34 47. "Of calling and warning town meetings." 17 48. "Of the quorum, government and conduct of town meetings, and of organization and government of ward meetings. " 3-18 49. "Of the election and qualification of town officers." ... 20 51. "Of the town clerk." 21 PUBLIC LAWS, AMENDED, REPEALED, ETC. Chap. 475 (January session, 1909) caucuses in town of Bristol. . . 5-^tO 640 (August session, 1910) Sec. 1. Copy of tax assess- ment to be deliv- ered to board of canvassers annu- ally 38 Sec. 6. Certificates to be en- closed in package of ballots 8 Sec. 16. Nominations to be open to public in- spection 12 Sees. 23, 24, 25, 27, 28. Holding caucuses in cities of Providence, Newport, Paw- tucket and Central Falls 24-31 Sec. 34. Organization of gen- eral assembly 34-37 Westerly representa- tive districts 4 Sec. 35. Certain moderators and clerks, how elected 18 677 (January session, 1911) certain moderators and clerks, how elected 18 746 (January session, 1911) caucuses in town of East Providence. . . 42 INDEX. 73 PAOB. PUBLIC LAWS, AMENDED, REPEALED, ETC. Concluded. Chap. 762 (January session, 1911) caucuses in town of Tiverton . . 51 891 (January session, 1912) caucuses in town of North Smithfield 49 1109 (January session, 1892) Election of town officers in town of West Greenwich 55 1394 (January session, 1906) Election of town officers in town of West Greenwich 55 General officers, number of signatures required for nomination of 12 House of representatives and senate, clerks of, how chosen 37 committees of, to be chosen biennially 37 proceedings to be observed in organization of . . 36 speaker of, how chosen 36 Johnston, town of, certain town officers elected, when and how 46 Laws, general, amended, repealed, etc., see page 71-72 of this index public, amended, repealed, etc., see page 72 of this index Lincoln, town of, certain town officers elected, when and how 47^9 List of members of the general assembly, secretary of state to prepare . . 34 Lists of voters, of the registering, listing and returning, and of their quali- fication to vote, Section 18 of Chapter 7 relative to, amended . . 38 Meeting, town, may be adjourned, when 17 Moderator of how to conduct in case of a motion made . 3 Meetings, town, of the quorum, government and conduct of, and of organi- zation and government of ward meetings, Section 14 of Chapter 48 relative to, amended 3 Section 3, amended 18 town, Section 3 of Chapter 47 relative to the calling and warning of, amended 17 Moderator of town meeting, how to conduct in case of a motion made 3 Moderators and clerks, certain, how chosen, etc >. 18 Newport, Providence and Pawtucket (Central Falls), cities of, Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17 of Chapter 12 relative to the holding of caucuses in, amended 24-31 Nomination papers for certain officers, number of signatures required 12 Nominations to be open to public inspection, how long 12 10 74 ELECTION LAWS. PAGE. North Smithfield, town of, Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Chapter 891 of the Public Laws relative to holding of caucuses in, amended 49-51 Oath of engagement for city and town officers, form of 20 Officers, form of oath of engagement for city and town 20 town, Chapter 1109, as amended by Chapter 1394 of the Public Laws relative to election of in the town of West Greenwich, amended 55-57 town council may elect, what 20 town, election of in the town of Johnston 46 town, election of in the town of Lincoln 47-^19 town, election of in the town of Warwick 54 town, of the election and qualification of, Sections 13 and 15 of Chapter 49 relative to, amended 20 Organization and constitution of the general assembly, Section 16 of Chapter 25 relative to, amended 4 Sections 19, 20, 24, 25 and 26, amended 34-37 of house of representatives, proceedings to be observed at . 36 of senate, proceedings to be observed at 35 Packages of ballots, how endorsed, by state returning board 32 "Political Party " words defined 11 Polls in the town of West Warwick, act regulating the opening and closing of 7 President pro tempore of the senate, when to be elected 37 Providence, assessors of, to deliver to board of canvassers, annually, copy of tax assessment 38 city of, act transferring the duties and powers of the city clerk of, relative to caucuses and elections to board of canvassers and registration 38 Newport and Pawtucket (Central Falls), cities of, Sections 1, 2,^3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17 of Chapter 12 relative to the holding of caucuses in, amended 24-31 Public Laws, amended, repealed, etc. See page 72 of this Index. Quorum, government and conduct of town meetings, and of organization and government of ward meetings, Section 14 of Chapter 48 relative to, amended 3 Section 3, amended 18 ** 'INDEX:* 75 PAOB Representative districts, act relative to the division of town of into repre- sentative districts 4 Representatives in the congress of the United States, Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 of Chapter 16 relative to, amended 22-24 in congress, number of signatures required for nomination of 12 Returning board, state, and defining its duties, Sections 2, 3, 11, 16 and 17 of Chapter 19 relative to, amended 31-33 of the delivery of ballots to 9 Sealing up of ballots after counting, by state returning board 32 Secret ballot, election by, Sections 1, 7, 8, 22, 24, 31, 57, 58 and 61 of Chapter 11 relative to, amended 11-17 town may vote to adopt 15 Secretary of state, delivery of ballots by 15 to furnish certain election supplies 10 to prepare list of senators and representatives-elect. . . 34 of state returning board, and clerical assistance 33 Senate and house of representatives, clerks of, how chosen 37 committees of to be chosen bien- nially 37 president pro tempore, when to be elected 37 proceedings to be observed in organization of 35 Senators in congress, number of signatures required for nomination of. . . 12 Speaker of house of representatives, how chosen 36 State returning board, and defining its duties, Sections 2, 3, 11, 16 and 17 of Chapter 19 relative to, amended 31-33 of the delivery of ballots to 9 Supplies, election, secretary of state to furnish certain 10 Tax assessment, board of assessors of taxes of city of Providence to deliver copy of annually to board of canvassers 38 Tiverton, town of, Sections 1, 2, 5 and 9 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws relative to the holding of caucuses in, amended 51-53 Town clerk, Section 4 of Chapter 51 relative to, amended 21 where to be twenty days before election 21 council may elect what officers 20 meeting may be adjourned when 17 moderator of, how to conduct in case of a motion made 3 76 ELECTION LAWS. PAGE. Town meetings, of calling and warning, Section 3 of Chapter 47 relative to, amended 17 of the quorum, government and conduct of, and of organi- zation and government of ward meetings, Section 14 of Chapter 48 relative to, amended 3 Section 3, amended 18 of East Providence, Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Chapter 746 of the Public Laws relative to holding of caucuses in, amended 42-46 of North Smithfield, Sections 1, 2 and 5 of Chapter 891 of the Public Laws relative to holding of caucuses in, amended 49-51 of Tiverton, Sections 1, 2, 5 and 9 of Chapter 762 of the Public Laws relative to the holding of caucuses in, amended 51-53 of West Warwick, caucuses in 57-67 officers, Chapter 1109 as amended by Chapter 1394 of the Public Laws relative to election of, in the town of West Greenwich, amended 55-57 election of in the town of Johnston 46 in the town of Lincoln 47^9 in the town of Warwick 54 of the election and qualification of, Sections 13 and 15 of Chapter 49 relative to, amended 20 Voters, of the registering, listing and returning lists of, and of proof of their qualification to vote, Section 18 of Chapter 7 relative to, amended 38 Warwick, town of, town officers elected, when and how 54 West Greenwich, town of, Chapter 1109, as amended by Chapter 1394 of the Public Laws relative to election of town officers in, amended. 55-57 West Warwick, act regulating the opening and closing of polls in the town of 7 town of, caucuses in 57-67 Westerly, act relative to division of into representative-districts, amended. 4 Bros. Makers Syracuse, X. V. PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 293014 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY