FOOD for TRAVELER OVER 100 MENUS for three meals per day PRICE 25 CENTS 3D SPECIAL COLLECTIONS COMB FOOI re Set wit Order thrc THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 5D1NG DAY :ors IENT :ERY Prepa ; } $ 10 paid 85 C LJER -$3.00 Prer. id .$2.75 Pre; ; '. ;thor. ^ *^^wwSBsB ii f "" ts and children I have seen. The large ffiBfffi|PSBP.3ffS|iBHR in size, wide in scope, logi ^H . . . 5wj I find ;y a great book; A copy iv s how hen "-at v: : ;-je : them. '^ ^^-'-'OKD, Louisville, Ky. '<': book for nurses. PENLAND, : rkeley. Gal. aid to every housewiiR. McDAKTEL, Oakland, Gal. - ; -:;:,:; through proper eating and without ^^^^^H^5S^^^R^M^| ' rHK BOSTON 3 requiremeir . , .g notice. . f its 267 P: th - MAGAZINE. -.veil was it : . ' ';-. 1SS MARY FAIRBBOT11EU, : Women'g Political Clob What to Eat and Why Dora C. C. L. Roper, D.O. 1916 Copyrighted 1916 by DORA C. C. L. ROPER All Right* Krtervd FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER Man is composed of what he has assimilated from his spiritual, mental and physical food INTRODUCTION These pages are dedicated to those who are seeking light on the question of rational living and to all who are suffering from the effects of wrong living. Thought along this line expresses growth and progress, and with it comes knowledge. Common sense and judgment, following a natural instinct, will go a long way toward attaining better health. But those who, through the constant use of cooked, or highly spiced and fermented food, have lost their natural instincts and intuitions, will find the study of the science of dietetical chemistry of inestimable value toward a better understanding of natural laws, and be enabled to make the selections and combinations of foods more suitable to their temperament. Before the question as to meat eating and vegetarianism can be solved, we must consider the first principle of nature, which is the law of self preservation. Thereafter we may be able to think and strive to save the lives of animals, now cruelly sacrificed largely for the sense gratification of man. The artificial preparation of food is a fine art, and no doubt has helped much toward the development of our central nervous system. The ordinary mixed diet with the addition of meat two or three times per week is the safest method for most people who are compelled to work eight, ten, or twelve hours out of every twenty-four and have to deprive themselves of the proper amount of fresh air, sunshine and physical exercise, which brings all the muscles and organs of the body into proper action. Inharmony, disease, and misfortune are largely caused by living a life con- trary to the laws of nature. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER The fulfillment of high ideals must be accompanied by common sense and judgment, so it becomes an evolution instead of revolution. The evolving of man from the stage of a jelly fish to a being possessed of a bony framework in an upright position by the eating of animals has developed a higher self. After having reached this stage of evolution the nature of some people has become so highly sensitized that meat, as a food, becomes repugnant to them. What they need is a stepping stone. The very food which has produced this state of over refinement or destruction must be used for construction and minimized by degrees. In examining the claims of the disciples of vegetarianism it is well to con- sider those nations whose constitution and customs of work and education resemble our own. And in doing so we find that while nearly all European nations, as well as many of the Orient practice moderation in meat eating, still they are for the most part only "near vegetarians," and therefore should not be used as examples in an argument for vegetarianism. It is possible for normal individuals under fairly normal conditions of life to nourish perfectly their bodies on a vegetarian diet, provided they are willing to live mainly on sun-kissed foods instead of on a mass of sloppily-cooked, devitalized, starchy vegetables, and soft nitrogenous foods that burden the digestive organs and produce obesity and slow consumption. I hope that the menus on the following pages will be a help to all who seek simplicity from a standpoint of health as well as economy. Note: For preparation of foods, consult Scientific Feeding. Some people think that we become like the food we eat. This is true when the vibra- tions of what we eat are stronger than the vibrations in our bodies. All food consumed has a vibration of its own and unless the vital force within can change the rate of vibration of the food eaten and tune it to the vibration of the body itself, one cannot become nour- ished, or in other words "he becomes like the food he eats." There is but one force or energy in the body, which is life or "spirit." Under normal conditions this force has in itself all the power to harmonize with the vibrations of the foods taken into the body. Provided there is a demand for food in the form of true hunger. Natural diet, deep rythmic breathing with corresponding exercises awaken latent talents within us and rapid mental and spiritual unfoldment takes place. Inharmony, disease and pain are caused by living a life contrary to the laws of God and Nature. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER HOW TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN. Adopting a vegetarian diet should be done with great care, and not in a hurry, especially when the person is not in perfect health. The best time to begin is the Spring. People who have lived on excess- ive meat should cut it down to two and three times per week, substituting cured meat and fish part of the time. It may take months, or even years to educate the cells of the stomach to act upon nuts, legumes, and other heavy protein foods, so as to be properly nourished. An individual with great adaptability may make this change with- out much discomfort, but many people who desire to leave off meat, do so because they are already sick from wrong eating. If they feel benefited by the change for a while it is generally because their system is eliminating the toxins which are the result of excessive meat eating. After this has taken place, the body requires food, properly combined and proportioned, or else nerve starvation and obesity are the result. To those who for various reasons desire to adopt a vegetarian diet I would say, do not substitute bread and vegetables for meat. Do not spend your energy making new and complex dishes as advocated in fashionable vegetarian cook books. Compounds containing several soft proteins such as beans, nuts, eggs and cream, besides starches, are a burden to the liver and alimentary canal and lay the foundation for new diseases. If cooked foods are required, study carefully the preparation of nutritious soups, well boiled cereals, salads, and add as many raw foods as possible. Exercise more in the open air, live and work in sunny well ventilated rooms, retire early and live as close to nature as you can. I hope that the following pages may serve as a stepping stone for all who desire to eat less meat, as well as for those who wish to become vegetarians. In adopting a raw food diet, or in reducing heat-giving elements, such as artificial sugars and hot drinks, it is important to apply more external heat to the body for a while, or else have the morning meal served in a sunny room. Plenty of outdoor exercise is necessary to properly utilize a vegetarian diet. FOOD REQUIREMENTS. It is important that the diet should contain the proper amount of protein, starches and fats, suitable to the individual needs. Age, weight, height, occupa- tion, season and climate must all be considered. Numerous and careful re- searches regarding food requirements made during the last fifty years have led to the realization that the majority of civilized men and women consume from two to three times the amount of food necessary. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER FOOD FOR THE AGED. Many people at the ages of sixty and seventy still lead an active life, while others retire from activity at forty-five or fifty. Therefore, the food should conform to the persons' mental and physical requirements. If the teeth are poor and the digestive powers weak, the food should be light, consisting mainly of well cooked cereals, baked potatoes, rice, cooked greens, a small amount of meat, raw fruits and raw greens in combination with fatty foods, as salads, milk and buttermilk, toasted breads and soups. The total fuel requirement depends upon whether the individual leads a quiet or active existence. For a person who lives mainly indoors, and makes little use of the muscles of the arms, shoulders and trunk, 1000 to 1200 calories is sufficient for twenty-four hours. If more food is eaten than the body requires, the excess will manifest itself by the development of chronic ailments and obesity, or feeble-mindedness. The morning and evening meals should consist of fluid and semi-fluid foods, or of toasted breads and salads. Meats, eggs (except the yolks), cheese, beans, peas and nuts should be eaten only during the middle of the day in small quantities. One can cut down his amount of food greatly by thoroughly chewing each morsel. The demand for protein at this period is small, while the amount of fat should be increased. WHAT SHALL WE DRINK WITH OUR MEALS? This question is often asked. It depends entirely on the quality and com- bination of food which is eaten. A diet consisting of a variety of solids and vegetables with excessive fluids gives the stomach nothing to do; the contents pass at once into the intestines. Such mixtures are ingested instead of being digested; they cannot be fully utilized because stimulation upon the drainage of the body is lacking. If dry foods are eaten, such as sandwiches, rice, macaroni, potatoes or dry cereals, without the addition of fruits, vegetables or soups, a small amount of liquid should be taken. Such simple foods do not form a perfect meal, there- fore milk or broths are preferable to water. Water is best taken from five to fifteen minutes before the meal or from one to two hours after meals. Note: These pages are not a perfected plan of right eating to be slavishly followed. Each man is a law unto himself, and with a little self-study and practical application this book may be worth iu weight in gold to the true student of natural laws. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER RIGHT AND WRONG FOOD MIXTURES. DO NOT MIX Fat Pork and Cucumbers. Pork and Sweet Fruits. Pork and Fancy Fruits. Pork, Corn, Cucumbers. Meat and Fish and Legumes. Milk and Meat. Cooked Vegetables and Nuts. Boiled Eggs and Fresh Pork. Bananas and Pork. Boiled Eggs and Cheese. Cherries and Raw Milk. Fancy Fruits and Onions. Fancy Fruits and Cucumbers. Nuts, excess of Starchy Foods. Potatoes, Tomatoes or Acid Fruits. Potatoes, Fresh Yeast Bread. Potatoes and White Bread. Potatoes, Underground Vegetables. Cooked and Raw Greens. Cucumber, Sago and Pork. Strawberries and Tomatoes. Strawberries and Beans. Bananas and Corn. Raw Fruits, Cooked Vegetables. Milk and Cooked Vegetables. Raw Fruits and Cooked Cereals. Cheese (except Cottage) and Nuts. Boiled Eggs and Nuts. Boiled Eggs and Canned Corn. Boiled Eggs and Bananas. Boiled Eggs and Cheese. Bananas and Cucumbers. Skim-Milk and Fruit. Cheese and Bananas. Beans and Bananas. GOOD COMBINATIONS Raw Greens and Meat or Eggs. Boiled Greens and Meat or Eggs. Meats and Acids. Eggs and Salted Meats. Raw Fruits and Raw Cereals. Raw Fruits, Raw Cereals and Nuts. Raw Fruits, Raw Greens and Nuts. Raw Cereals and Nuts. Raw Cereals and Raw Milk. Raw Cereals, Raw Vegetables. Boiled Cereals and Boiled Milk. Boiled Cereals and Boiled Cream. Raw Greens, Eggs and Acid Fruits. Boiled Greens, Eggs, Acid Fruits. Fats and Acids. Rye and Butter and Honey. Rye and Cream and Honey. Cream, Sweet or Acid Fruits. Eggs or Nuts, Apples, Green Leaves. Popcorn, Tomatoes and Lettuce. Cucumbers, Milk, Cereal Food. Cheese, Apples and Green Leaves. Cheese and Rye and Apples. Eggs and Pickled Vegetables. Eggs, Acid Fruits, Leaf Vegetables. Eggs and Greens and Rye. Nuts, Apples, Sweet or Acid Fruits. Nuts, Bananas, Sweet or Acid Fruits. Almonds, Rice and Green Leaves. Nuts, Raisins and Green Leaves. Boiled Cereals and Raw Nuts. The harmony and inharmony between the different foods as mentioned above are only stated in a general way. Certain combinations are absolutely harmful to every individual, others are either harmful to certain temperaments, or, to mix them means a waste in the animal economy of the body. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER MENUS FOR BREAKFAST. People who feel the need of laxative foods during the spring season will find here a number of suitable breakfast menus to choose from: 1. Cooked spinach or mustard greens, with rye or biscuit. 2. Finely mashed boiled beets or turnips or carrots with parsley and bacon. 3. Mushroom salad, lettuce, French dressing, bread and butter. 4. Bacon with string beans, bread and butter, stewed prunes. 5. Lettuce with dressing, baked potatoes, creamed beef. 6. Celery with French dressing, fried sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce. 7. Corned beef hash with eggs and buttered triscuits. 8. Lettuce with syrup dressing and buckwheat cakes. 9. Grated carrots with lettuce, unfired bread with nut-cream. 10. Buttered toast with apple or apricot sauce, cheese. 11. Cooked cereals with hot cream and dried sweet fruits. 12. Baked apples with cream, toast and cream cheese. 13. Rice with prunes, bacon, black crusts. 14. Cooked cereal with hot cream or butter, cucumbers cut in halves. 15. Sliced bananas and grapefruit with nut or mayonnaise dressing. 16. Cabbage salad, hard boiled eggs, bread and butter. 17. Strained canned tomato juice and bananas with lettuce. 18. Fish cakes, steamed potatoes, parsley and butter, black crusts. 19. Baked or plain boiled cauliflower with chipped beef. 20. Boiled cauliflower with tomato sauce, bread, butter and cheese. 21. Tomato puree with fried parsnips, black toast with butter. 22. Radishes, green onions, whole wheat bread and butter. 23. Asparagus salad with ham hash, bread and butter. 24. Salted mackerel with creamed potatoes, milk. 25. Pineapple with grapefruit, fish, apple salad, lettuce. 26. Cherries with water eggnog, triscuit with chipped beef. 27. Cherries with pineapple, cream cheese, egg food or fish. 28. Bananas with tomato, cranberry or rhubarb compote. 29. Apple or apricot sauce with Imperial Sticks or fruit toast. People who have difficulty in digesting eergs will find it more agreeable to eat the yolks and whites at different times of the day; the former prepared in salad dressing or boiled custards; the latter in the form of baked eggs with lemon and green vegetables. Learn by experience to select the kinds of food which yield nourishment and avoid those which disagree. MENUS FOR DINNER. 1. Apple salad, lettuce, broiled steak, shredded wheat with butter. 2. Cream of pea soup, beef or roast pork, potatoes, stewed prunes. 3. Broiled chops, young peas, creamed potatoes, oranges. 4. Tomato salad, lettuce, veal with mushrooms and rice. 5. Cream of tomato soup, veal chops with peas, stewed prunes. 6. Sweet potatoes with roast beef, tomato puree, celery, nuts. 7. Lettuce salad, mashed carrots, baked beans with lemon, bacon. 8. Beefsteak with eggs and potatoes, celery, prunes. 9. Pea soup with crackers, fish with apple salad, celery. 10. Sour roast with potato dumplings, lettuce salad, prunes. 11. Broth with egg, apple salad and lettuce, pork chops. 12. Pea soup with toast, fish with apple rice, coffee and crusts. 13. Game or pork with sauerkraut and potato dumplings. 14. Tongue with mushroom sauce and potatoes, crusts and coffee. 15. Boiled beef with string beans, potatoes with white sauce. 16. Baked oatmeal with cranberry sauce and celery, nuts. 17. Fish with potato salad and lettuce, grapes or pie. 18. Roast mutton with peas and baked potatoes, celery. 19. Bean soup with raw carrots, bread and butter. 20. Barley soup with crackers, Swiss cheese and apple salad. 21. Lettuce salad with omelet, stewed prunes or cranberries. 22. Tomato and lettuce salad with pork tenderloin, oranges. 23. Mashed carrots or beets with fat or lean meat, green grapes. 24. Pea soup with fried bread, calves' liver with apple salad. 25. Lentil soup, fried bread, codfish balls with apple sauce. 26. Roast beef, greens, apples or potatoes, gelatine. 27. Chicken soup, asparagus or peas, potatoes, meat. 28. Spinach or lettuce, macaroni, cheese, pea or tomato puree. 29. Tomato soup or salad, baked beans, lettuce, prunes. Drink sufficient pure natural water between your meals. There is danger in over- drinking as well as in under-drinking. All who are in the habit of eating more than their systems require and especially those who indulge in large amounts of bread at dinner, would do well to begin their meal with a soup. Legume and cream soups will furnish a satisfactory meal by themselves. Take toast or sun-dried bread at the end of the meal, with black coffee or postum. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER LIGHT LUNCHES FOR CHILDREN, STUDENTS AT COLLEGE AND PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO TOIL INDOORS. 1. Corn and tomato soup with crusts or raw greens. 2. Cream of tomato soup with zwieback or raw greens. 3. Green pea soup with zwieback and celery, pie or pudding. 4. Broth with egg, sandwiches with bologna or cold meat. 5. Buttermilk with graham toast, stewed prunes with cream. 6. Fresh milk with tomato toast, stewed prunes with cream. 7. Fruit gruel with white of eggs, and buttered toast. 8. Strained tomato juice with whole wheat toast and butter, celery. 9. Orange juice, cooked leaf vegetable with fried bacon and eggs, toast. 10. Pineapple salad with whipped cream and toast or triscuit. 11. Apple or banana salad, lettuce, orange juice, nuts. 12. Potato salad with lettuce and soft boiled eggs, ham or bacon. 13. Strawberries or raspberries with rich milk and zwieback. 14. Cherries and egg food, fish or nut foods, lettuce. 15. Cream cheese with apples and sandwiches, lettuce salad. 16. Fig or date butter with ryenuts and rich fresh milk. 17. Raw huckleberries (% cupful) with bread and butter or zwieback. 18. Lettuce, bananas, one glass of cranberry or tomato juice. 19. Apple salad with lettuce and almond cream or almonds. 20. Apples, raisins, six to twelve nuts, lettuce, celery. 21. Gelatine of fruit, or bread and bran with cream and toast. 22. Clam broth or cream soup with toast and raw celery. 23. Muskmelon with lemon and berries or cherries. 24. Baked apples in gelatine with fish salad, lettuce. 25. Ambrosia or apple sauce with whites of eggs and toast, malted milk. MENUS FOR SUPPER. 1. Rice with milk, black toast with fig butter or honey. 2. Pea broth, tripe with tomato sauce and toast with butter. 3. Melon, berries, codfish cakes with bread and butter. 4. Cream of corn soup, tomato toast with milk. 5. Rice flour with hot cream or milk, toast with eggs. 6. Milk rice, soda crackers or toast or cake, coffee. 7. Apple salad, puffed wheat with butter and fried bacon. 8. Broth with egg, cracker, sprouts, lamb, toast, butter, oranges. 9. Apple and celery salad, fruit cake with coffee or milk. 10. Raspberries or strawberries, shredded wheat or cake, rich milk. 11. Tomato or blackberry toast, one or two glasses of rich milk. 12. Fruit gelatine with cream, sandwiches or cake, coffee or milk. 13. Sterilized blackberry juice with zwieback, omelet, fruit sauce. 14. Clabber milk with cream and dry toast, nuts if desired. 15. Lemon pie with fresh milk, or sand tart with fruit salad. 16. Raw huckleberries and zwieback with sweet butter, nuts. For those who require a liberal nmount of food, add cream cheese, cottage cheese, Swiss cheese, fish, lamb chops, meat cakes, eggs, egg-toast, legume soups, etc. Apples, tomatoes and prunes combine well with many of the above-mentioned foods. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER MENUS FOR DINNER (WITHOUT MEAT). 1. Asparagus or celery root salad with lettuce, pea loaf. 2. Young peas, mashed potatoes, fried egg-plant. 3. Mushroom salad with lettuce, Imperial Sticks, rice, nuts. 4. Legume cheese or croquettes, carrot puree, celery, olives. 5. Radishes, water cress salad, stuffed peppers and tomato puree. 6. Apple pie or black bread, grated Swiss cheese, grapes or oranges. 7. Spinach, eggs or omelet with tomato puree, olives. 8. Raw soaked oats or wheat with dried soaked fruit and cream, nuts. 9. Tomato cream soup or tomato salad, eggs, shredded wheat. 10. Vegetable pudding or legume roast, string beans, carrots. 11. Polenta with apricot or cranberry sauce and cheese. 12. Boiled wheat with butter or hot cream and fruit, nuts. 13. Baked rolled oats with cranberry sauce, celery, nuts. 14. String beans, lima beans or cow beans with green salad. 15. Asparagus salad, pea cheese with tomato sauce, prunes. 16. Cherry soup, German pancakes with lettuce and syrup dressing. 17. Blackberry soup, cereal or bread omelet, lettuce, honey dressing. 18. Milk soup with sago, German pancakes, gooseberry compote. 19. Cabbage, salad or stewed, steamed or plain bread pudding. 20. Bread soup with apples, rice pudding with dried fruit. 21. Bran or bread soup, apple salad with grated cheese, lettuce. 22. Milk or huckleberry soup, unleavened apple pancakes. 23. Clabber milk with cream and grapenuts or stale bread, nuts. 24. Corn bread with apple salad and lettuce, nuts. 25. Plain milk rice with currants, nuts or cheese. 26. Bread dumplings with stewed prunes or pears, celery, nuts. 27. Buttermilk soup with dried fruit, nuts or eggs. 28. Peas with mashed carrots and lettuce salad. 29. Rice and tomato soup, cabbage, plum pudding. For people of a bilious temperament eggs should not be mixed with milk or sweet foods at the same meal. Tomatoes, tart apples or green leaves, raw or cooked, are anti-bilious foods. If certain foods do not agree, or produce indigestion, study their combination and prepara- tion carefully, also the proportion and time of the day when most suitable. If this does not prove satisfactory leave them alone. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER MENUS SUITABLE FOR ANY MEAL. (WITHOUT MEAT) 1. Cereal salad of rye with bananas or carrots, milk, green leaves. 2. Raw or cooked lima beans with tomatoes or carrots, leaf salad. 3. Apple and lettuce salad, fruit cake or fruit pie, Swiss cheese. 4. Plain cake, gelatine, cream or green salad, milk or lemonade. 5. Bananas with strained tomato juice and raw green peas. 6. Plum salad, lettuce, mayonnaise dressing, walnuts. 7. Strawberries, lettuce and oil or mayonnaise dressing, almonds. 8. Apple or tomato salad, cheese and raw bread. 9. Clabber milk, triscuits or zwieback, dried fruits, nuts. 10. Raw blackberries or lemonade, zwieback, or raw bread. 11. Raspberries or strawberries, rich milk, raw bread or nuts. 12. Banana salad, lettuce, cherries or sweet fruits, almonds. 13. Fruit pie or fruit toast, a glass of milk, pecans. 14. Green grapes, black bread, Swiss or cream cheese. 15. Cereal or fruit salad and lettuce, nuts. 16. Fruit butter with cream or toast and almonds. 17. Cherries with eggs or omelet or corn bread. 18. Melon with lemon, banana salad, pecans or almonds. 19. Bean salad with lettuce and raw carrots. 20. Potato or carrot salad, lettuce, walnuts. 21. Fruit soup (warm or cold) eggs or nuts. 22. Pear salad with cranberries and celery, raw bread. 23. Buttermilk or sweet milk with toast or raw bread. 24. Raw rolled oats, plain or with fruit and cream. 25. Mixed rylax and wheat with cream and fruit. 26. Cabbage salad with hard boiled eggs, bread and butter. 27. Peach or apricot salad, wheat or rye and nuts. 28. Soaked whole wheat with cream, prunes or dates. 29. Raw corn or bananas and strained tomato juice. 30. Cooked pea or string bean salad and raw carrots. 31. Baked apples with cream, toast with cheese. 32. Carrot or tomato salad, olives, lettuce, legumes any style. 33. Sweet potatoes, baked or boiled, buttermilk. 34. Raw huckleberries, zwieback or raw wheat, butter, cream, nuts. 35. Green pea soup, celery, bananas or sweet potatoes,_cranberries. 36. Bananas with berries and lettuce. Laxative foods: Fruit juices, plums, tomatoes, apples, penrs, grapes, figs, fruit-soups, fruit-gruels, raisins, gelatines, corn, oats, spinach, oranges, carrots, parsnips, bran, oil, butter, cream, olives, yolks of eggs, pecans, wajnuts, Brazil nuts, cucumbers, onions, greens, butter sauces. Constipating Poods : Skim-milk, liquid foods, fine flour bread, potatoes, tapioca, white of eggs, gluten, mush, cheese made from skim-milk. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER DIET AND HYGIENE FOR BRAIN WORKERS. Proper growth and activity of the brain and nervous system are prompted by a healthy flow of blood. Pure air and sufficient food properly combined and proportioned are essential. Choose more of the lighter forms of protein and starchy foods, as fish, eggs, almonds, green peas, bacon, a moderate amount of lamb and beef, rice, sago, wheat, and vegetable gelatines. Foods rich in minerals are celery, apples, tomatoes, greens, oranges, and practically all the fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the small berries. Melons and starchy vegetables in large quantities are suitable for muscular workers. Use as little as possible of so-called pure chemical substances, such as refined sugar and flour. Avoid poisonous beverages, tobacco and all forms of drugs. Sleep at least nine hours in a well ventilated room, facing east or south. Avoid constipation. Combine mental work with moderate amounts of useful and enjoyable exercise and physical work. Protect the eyes from strong artificial light. Keep the feet warm. Relax before and after meals. A certain amount of manual labor is absolutely necessary for the brain-worker. It favors deep breathing and creates a demand for more air and water, and thus improves digestion, oxida- tion and nutrition. The body poisons are carried off quicker and nervous headaches and despondency are avoided. Short walks out of doors before retiring are very beneficial for people who suffer with cold hands and feet. Dress by an open fire or in a sunny room. A chill before breakfast produces indigestion and a desire for unnecessary hot foods. Never sleep by night lamps or any other artificial light. They are injurious to the eyes and absorb oxygen. Avoid fresh breads, inferior cakes and pastry. Do not eat unless you are hungry. Do not over-indulge in athletic or any other kind of exercise. Remember that natural feeding, pure air and sufficient s.leep call for natural breathing and natural exercise. Unnatural feeding and late hours create disease or nervousness. "THE IMMIGRANT." All who leave the land of their birth should make themselves acquainted with the art of living and the peculiarities of the new country in which they intend to live. To depart entirely from their old customs and habits is as dangerous as to neglect the study of the new environment or the failure to adopt necessary changes. In some portions of the United States the climatic conditions are very changeable; we have extreme heat and cold, an excess of rain with wind storms and dryness alternating within a short time. West of the Rocky Mountains we have a mild sea air. In the Southern States and near the Pacific Coast we have low districts where malaria and catarrhal conditions are easily acquired. Tropical fruits and vegetables which are looked upon as luxuries in North- ern Europe are necessary articles of food in the country where they grow, therefore the stranger should make himself acquainted with such foods, and by degrees learn to eat them. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER TRAINING CHILDREN IN CORRECT HABITS OF EATING. A child should have his face and hands washed before and after each meal. He should not be allowed to carry foodstuffs and candy about the house, or touch carpets and furniture with sticky and greasy fingers. If he requires food between meals, give him four or five meals per day, but have him eat his food in the proper place. The breeding of flies, mosquitoes and other disease carriers is greatly favored by allowing children to eat at any and all times without napkins, or special preservation of their dress, or without cleaning their hands before and after eating, or before and after playing with animals and pets. The American child is given too much consideration at the table. There is a great difference between the saying "I don't like a certain food" and "I don't want it," because there are things which taste better. To leave one's plate half full of foodstuffs and ask for, or acccept, other food is customary, but before the law of our Creator it is unclean and dis- respectful, wasteful and dangerous. The physiological laws of our bodies are based on very economical plans: nature utilizes everything and wastes nothing. Cooked foodstuffs, whether they are wasted within our bodies by over-indulgence, or in the garbage can, create decomposition and germs. MENUS FOR DINNER FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. 1. One-half orange, one ounce boiled fish, one-half of an apple, toast. 2. One-half of an apple, one or two eggs, one to t\vo tablespoons raw rylax. 3. Cereal salad with carrots and fish. 4. Legume soup, butter and bread, raw carrots. 5. Well boiled macaroni, two tablespoons of cold grated cheese. 6. Light rice with cold grated Swiss cheese. 7. Cereal salad with apple and eggs. 8. Lettuce, baked potatoes, beachnut bacon and one egg. 9. Mashed carrots, two tablespoons of young peas, bacon. 10. String beans with stale bread and butter, bacon and egg. 11. Finely chopped spinach, bacon, egg, stale bread, butter. 12. Three to five cherries, light omelet, lettuce. 13. Cereal salad with apples, two to three tablespoons of cottage cheese. 14. Baked oats with prunes or cranberry sauce and bacon. 15. Whole wheat with sterilized cream and celery. 16. Peach and cereal salad, beachnut bacon and one egg. 17. Baked potato greens, meat, egg or fish. 18. Legume puree or soup, carrots, bacon. Legumes are a very important food for young children, and their use should begin during the second year. They are easily digested if prepared in the form of soups and purees, and combined as directed in the different menus. They should not be given at night. Mothers of girls should think it more important to furnish healthful exercise, wholesome food and restful sleep during the years of budding womanhood, than to worry about lessons in music and art, or a business education. All these can be taken up with much greater benefit after maturity. Arrested development of the organs of reproduction will lay the foundation for many years of unhappiness and suffering. Many parents, are impressed with the idea that their children require a large amount of sweets, in order to make them grow. We cannot force nature without paying the penalty. At maturity, we reap what has been sown for us, or what we have sown for ourselves. FOOD FOR THE TRAVELER MEMORANDUM is f Prevention of Disease, Insanity and Crime 'EXT Price 15 Cents The Epicure of Medicine The Key to successful treatment of chronic, so-called incurable diseases, 153 Pages. Cloth, $1.25; postpaid, $1.35. Paper, $1.00; postpaid, $1.10 EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS AND LETTERS DR. DORA C. C. L. ROPER DIETETIC EXPERT NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES OBESITY A SPECIALTY Dietetic Instructions by Mail Accommodations for Patients For terms, state case and enclose addressed stamped envelope. R. F. D. 1, Box 188, Oakland, Cal. Courses in Dietetic Chemistry given to nurses; in classes and by correspondence.