ETERNAL CONFLICT FREDERIC ARNOLD RUMMER THE ETERNAL CONFLICT vitAx/u^, ^i^H^ta^/L^^i. . OF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS MGELES ETERNAL CONFLICT FREDERIC ARNOLD RUMMER COPYRIGHT IQ07 PUBLISHED BY A. W. ERICKSON. 127 DUANE ST.. NEW YORK To YOU" New York January First 1907 2130678 THE ETERNAL CONFLICT. In Thy circling arms of green On Thy breasts, O sullen Queen, Sinuous and serpentine Lie the Hills. Unshaken They, Though Thou wastest Them away, All are They Thou canst not be, Treacherous and cruel Sea, Grim they stand, defying Thee, Steadfast to Eternity. In Thy arms I lie, O Sea, Hating Thee and Loving Thee, Wanton jade in green and blue, Treacherous in every hue. Back I push Thee from my shore Evermore and evermore ; Yet God wedded Thee and me. Hold me closer closer, Sea, I shall die in loving Thee. THE LOSER WINS. The loser wins ; the down-turned thumb, The world forever shows, Yet he who, smiling, breaks the sword, A greater victory knows. The fight is cruel, bloody, long, Yelp, curs, and take your toll. The loser wins, who keeps through all An undefiled soul. THE HYMN OF THE ELECT. We thank Thee, Lord, oh God of Hosts, Loud may our praises sound ; In every ill Thou sendest us A blessing may be found. We thank Thee, Lord, for many fools If thus a few be wise; If all the world had equal wit, How could we hope to rise? We thank Thee, Lord, for many poor, If thus some rich may be; For thus may we assist them with Our blessed charity. We thank Thee, Lord, that sinners are As sands upon a beach; For thus may we, a chosen band, Thy Gospel to them teach. In other words, we thank Thee, Lord, That they are not as we ; For only that they thus are not Enables us to be. HEREDITY. I saw a small and clumsy boat Strained on by ceaseless toil and pain, Of one who failed and failed and failed, Yet strove and strove again. I saw a canvas-clouded ship, With lofty spars, sail swiftly by; I heard the toiler in the boat Ask piteously Why? LIFE. I saw a ship upon a mighty sea; "Whence comest thou," I hailed ; they answered me, "The port from which we sailed we do not know; "We left it far behind us, long ago." Again I hailed, "Where goest thou?" I cried; The hoary captain wearily replied,