Town X jx Tohos-CSrane <& (Sllen Houohton o - LONDON MARCUS WARD Zc < & AT BELFAST i NEW YORK THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Bequest of Professor Warner Brown T : >.. ^ O3 ,.> (j 7 C'-Tif' ' A (/ v2->-C? s-S^~>-^ O/V FOOT UP fIND ONE FOOT DOWN THAT'S THE way TO ONDON TOWN / COME CHILDREN ALL, BOTH GREAT AND SMALL, WITH EAGER EYE AND EAR, WHO DWELL AFAR OR NEAR IN HOPE THAT SOME DAY YOU'LL CONTRIVE TO VIEW GREAT LONDON'S BUSY HIVE, AND HEAR THE MIGHTY HUM OF BEES AT WORK ALIKE IN SUN OR SHOWER, WHILE BUTTERFLIES BENEATH THE TREES FLIT IDLY BY FROM FLOWER TO FLOWER IN PARKS AND GARDENS BRIGHT AND GAY: COME, CLIMB SAINT PAUL'S WITH us TO-DAY, AND WITH THIS BOOK IN HAND, UPON THE DOME WE'LL STAND, AND THENCE LOOK DOWN O'ER LONDON TOWN. Designed and Illustrated -i - _n_r Ixcoiwucw au<-i n voiianciu wi| Shos-Cranp 5j Cllpn Houghfon LONDON BELFAST I MARCUS WARD Zc CO I NEW YORK EDUC.' PSYCH. LIBRARY SAINT \pirct >r CONTENTS THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL THE TOWER OF LONDON THE OMNIBUS THE PENNY-ICE MAN COVENT GARDEN .. THE PENNY-TOY MAN THE ORANGE GIRL THE FIRST OF MAY ST. JAMES' PARK WESTMINSTER ABBEY .. CHARITY GIRLS THE BRITISH MUSEUM THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY THE ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS THE MILK WOMAN THE MUFFIN MAN .. THE SHOEBLACKS .. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL GUILDHALL-GOG AND MAGOG THE CAT'S-MEAT MAN THE NIGHT WATCH THE FOUNDLING HOSPITAL THE FLOWER WOMAN .. CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE THE CHESTNUT WOMAN THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL THE HAPPY FAMILY THE CROSSING SWEEPER PUNCH AND JUDY .. THE LOWTHER ARCADE THE DUSTMAN IS COMING GOOD BYE AMONG the sights of London Town Which little visitors wish to view, The Tower stands first, and its great renown Has, you will notice, attracted Prue. At a well-known spot, to Miss Prue's surprise, Some fine old ravens are strutting about. If upon the picture a glance you cast, You will know the ravens next time, no doubt. The red-coated guard who's watching here Is called a Beefeater fancy that ! And Prue discovers, as she draws near, A child by his side who is round and fat. " Father and Mother, pray come here," In tones so pleasant, laughs lively Prue : "You've shown me things that are odd and queer, A Beefeater's baby I'll show you/" r RUE has wandered high and wandered low Through Norman chapel and dungeon cell; The grand Crown Jewels that sparkle so, And the Traitor's Gate, she has seen as well. She has looked from the walls on the River, too, And spent in the Armouries nearly an hour : Ah! holiday folks like our Miss Prue Eujoy themselves when they come to the Tower ! But the Tower was a prison, in days of old, And few who got into it ever came out, Though now we can visit the grim stronghold Any day of the week, without fear or doubt. II TE>he Omnibus JiVERY day along the streets of mighty London Town Nine hundred omnibuses rumble up and down. When you're tired of walking, call "Hi! Conductor, stop!" And he'll give you such a jolly ride, for twopence, on the top. Sometimes by the 'bus's side small boys will run a mile, Turning round just like the wheels, and hungry all the while: "We've not had any breakfast, won't you toss us down a brown ?"- That's what they call a penny in the streets of London Town. 12 Ghe Inner Cloisters Westminster 21 IN all the land A pile so grand Is scarcely found As this. Around Its old grey walls The shadow falls Of bygone years, And so one fears To raise one's tone, When one is shown Some ancient tomb, Half hid in gloom. Beneath such stones There rest the bones Of monarchs bold, Whose story's told For you and me In history. DDOO 22 r ROM kings of men We wander ; then We're quickly brought To kings of thought, For poets lie Interred hard by. Here, too, repose The bones of those Who fought the foe Long, long ago. Brave knights were they ; And in the fray They kept from shame The English name, And proved in fight Great Britain's might. Where they are laid Their rest is made As sweet as prayer By music rare : Over their head The sleeping dead Can daily hear The anthem clear Floating along Like angel's song, Until it dies Like angel's sighs. On the uuai] to the British ffluseum JN OT far from the British Museum there stands An apple stall, painted bright green, Whence a penny may buy from the stall-keeper's hands Three apples, all rosy and clean. Now the girls of St. George's great Charity School Very often are passing that way, For their governors wise make this very good rule They must go for a walk every day. How wistful the glances they cast as they pass, How they long for an apple to eat ; But their pockets are quite without pennies, alas ! To purchase so dainty a treat. These maidens have cheeks that are rosy and sweet As the choicest of fruit on the stall, And the very next time that we meet in this street, I'll buy apples enough for them all. BRITISH MUStJM BA8IES IM ARMS NOT A.DMIfTEO GOODNESS gracious! What a noise Baby Bunting's bent on making ; It is quite enough to set All the heads around him aching. Still we're sure that Baby has Many griefs if we could see 'em, For with other babes he's come Miles and miles to the Museum. Baby Bunting thought, of course, When he said good bye to mother, That he'd pass in through the gates With big sister and big brother. But poor Baby finds, alas, That his little hopes have flitted, For the nasty notice says "Babes in arms are not admitted." In ftp BriMsh Muspum-S '1== NORTH WEST EDIFICE NIMROUD 26 In thp BriHsh Muspum IF you want to see all sorts of wonderful things, Stuffed crocodiles, mammoths, and sloths, Hairy ducks with four feet, and fishes with wings, Fat beetles, and strange spotted moths ; And enormous winged bulls with long beards, carved in stone, Dug up from Assyria's sand, And old blackened mummies as dry as a bone, Discovered in Egypt's lone land, And beautiful statues from Greece and from Rome, And other fine things without end, You will find you can see half the world here at home, If a day in this place you will spend. Underground Railuuaij WHO is this in the Weighing Chair? Why, little Dot, I do declare! Three stone five ! " So much as that ? " Calls out Miss Dot; "then I must be fat!" Wonderful trains ! From morn till night, Clattering through tunnels without daylight, Hither and thither they run, up and down, Beneath the streets of London Town. On this and the opposite page you see Many prefer these trains instead Dot's mother, and brother, and sisters three. Of the cabs and " Busses " overhead, They wait for an underground train to come For they run much faster than horses can. And carry them swiftly back to their home. Miss Dot's papa is a busy man, And goes to the City every day By the " Underground," the quickest way : And One Hundred Millions of people, 'tis found, Are carried each year by the " Underground." 28 |(5hp Zoological Gardpns AWAY we go to the famous Zoo' With Bertie, and Nellie, and Dick, and Sue. And we feel quite ready to jump for glee When the wonderful birds and beasts we see. The pelican solemn with monster beak, And the plump little penguin round and sleek, Have set us laughing Ha, ha! Ho! ho! And you'll laugh too, if you look below. To the monkey-house then we make our way, Where the monkeys chatter, and climb, and play ; At the snakes we peep, then onward stroll, To talk to the parrots, and " scratch a poll." And after all that, there will still be time On the patient elephant's back to climb. DON'T forget at the Zoo' To take a good view Of the funny old bear, Who climbs out of his lair Up a pole Look, he's here, With his figure so queer, And his thick clumsy paws, And his bun-seeking jaws. On the end of a stick Place a bun "Now quick, Master Bertie" and, snap! What an awful red trap ! The bun's out of sight, But one more will delight Father Bruin up there, For his appetite's rare, And he never says "No" To a dozen or so. 3 2 (She U/oman MILK oi Milk or Each morn she cries, And little sleepers Ope their eyes, And wonder if pure milk is sold By Betty here, for they've been told That London milk (How people talk !) Is only water Mixed with chalk ! MILK O! 33 GW muffin Qf?an YOU'VE heard about the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man, You've heard about the muffin man who lives in Drury Lane ? Well, here you see that muffin man that celebrated muffin man, And if you try his muffins, you'll be sure to buy again M Shoeblack Brigade IF you wanted a boy to polish your shoes, Which of these two, do you think, you would choose ? They were once " Street Arabs," hungry, ill-clad, And in very sore danger of going to the bad ; But now ! one might think that their fortunes were made, They're so proud to belong to the Shoeblack Brigade. 35 Blue-Coal- Boqs IF you should pass through Newgate Street, Bareheaded boys with coats of blue, Among the crowd you're sure to meet And all with yellow stockings too. Their coats are long as well as blue, And when at football they do play, They find them rather heavy too, So tuck them up out of the way. In Christchurch passage will be found The entrance to the School ; and though It looks so quiet, all around We hear the crowd go to and fro. Above the doorway there you see The Boy King's statue : Would you know Who founded this great school ? 'Twas he, More than three hundred years ago. 36 37 & iN the famous Guildhall Mayor and Alderman all Meet to banquet and feast, And it's whispered that they Aren't inclined in the least From the table to stray: For they're fond of good cheer, And they meet with it here, Where the wine Is so fine, And still better than that, Where the turtle's rich fat Tempts the guests when they dine. Turtle soup 's very good, And a favourite food, With the banqueters all Who frequent the Guildhall. Two giants so tall Guard the famous Guildhall. (Gog is one, and the other Is Magog his brother.) Well, these giants so tall Watch the feast, but can't call For a crumb, As they're dumb, And not living at all ! Else 'twould seem scarcely fair, That when good things were by, Gog and Magog should stare From their pedestals high, For if placed at a table At least they'd look able, To dine there and then Like two live Aldermen ! She Cars-meal- Hlan JJT\ H E calls " Meat, meat ! ' All down the street ; And dogs "bow-wow," And cats "mi-ow," While kittens sly Come purring by, As if to say " Do serve us, pray, The first of all, For we're so small." The man throws bits Of meat to kits, And cats, and dogs; Then on he jogs, And down the street Still cries " Meat, meat ! " 40 POLICEMAN A, Policeman B, Tohp Likewise Policemen C and D ^ t } \ f \ All in a row, sedate and slow, I I I CJ Hi LU 3 I C M Away to their beats, tramp ! tramp ! they go. Now the first is beloved by Ann the cook, And his manly face has a bashful look, As he thinks, with a sigh, of the beer and the pie He has had from those area steps close by. And here are three housemaids trim and slim; Mr. B. knows Betty is fond of him ; But Policeman C loves Cicely, And Dolly's engaged to Policeman D. THE FOUNDLING IN Guildford Street, great London Town, Is a Nursery, bigger than ever has been : When each child grows up and leaves its walls, Another new baby that day is seen In the Foundling cots. Each little babe Has no baby sister or baby brother, And never shall know the anxious care And tender touch of a loving mother. But " Our Father," who gives their " daily bread " To all of His creatures, caused kindly men To build this home for famishing babes From many a poverty-stricken den : And here they are fed, and clothed, and taught, And lift their voices in prayer and praise; And here every Sunday the people flock To hear the Anthem the Foundlings raise. AFTER CHAPEL, See them all Assembled in The DINING HALL. The bugle sounds E'er grace is sung, Then fork and spoon And lip and tongue Clatter, chatter, Such a noise ! Oh ! such happy Girls and boys. 43 tohe Flouuer U/oman Cleopatra's Heedle FLOWERS sweet and fair, Sir, Flowers that any Princess might wear, Sir A bunch for a penny!" Many a bunch Must the flower-woman sell, To buy food for herself, And her children as well. UPON the broad Embankment You'll find a curious sight, The children play around it From morning until night ; And crowds of grown-up people Come here to see it too, 'Tis Cleopatra's Needle Folks gather thus to view. In Mother's pretty work-box There's no such needle shown ; This needle, brought from Egypt, Is nothing but a stone. How silently it watches Old Thames go gliding by ! " You're very old," the River says, "But not so old as I." Think you it longs for Egypt. This wondrous solemn stone, That stands and gazes at us Each day so sad and lone ? Ah yes ! when London's sleeping, If monuments can dream, It longs for Egypt's palm-trees, And Nile's slow murmuring stream. 44 45 She Chestnut U/oman ALL hot ! all hot ! come buy ! Ten a penny is the price, And if you my chestnuts try, You'll declare they're very nice. See how brightly burns my fire ! Hear the chestnuts hiss and crack! Better nuts you can't desire Than these beauties, big and black. " All hot ! if you are cold, Have a pennyworth of heat, Something nice and warm to hold, Something nice and warm to eat. Munch your chestnuts up, and then, If your toes want warming too, Say, Til have another ten, Just to warm me through and through!" So the cheerful chestnut dame To each chilly passer calls, As she roasts above the flame Fine round nuts like floury balls. Hungry children soon draw near, If a penny they have got, And with warmth and food to cheer, They become "all hot! all hot!" (She 5lti of 1 HE fifth of November they bid you remember, These bright little boys with the funny old Guy. In his chair up and down he'll be borne through the town, Then burned in a bonfire he'll be by-and-by. All those who remember the fifth of November Some money will give to the boys with the Guy. If all gave a penny, I wonder how many* Wheels, crackers, and squibs they'd be able to buy ? Faiukes 47 n rhp Childrpn's Hospita LITTLE sick Tommy, What trouble he's had Medicine and blisters ! His cough was so bad ! Now he is better : He soon will be well, And go back to Mother, With stories to tell, Of softly reclining On pillows of down, Of Mary his nurse In her pretty blue gown, Of the doctor so gentle, The other sick boys, I And oh ! a whole shopful Of beautiful toys ! 48 (She Happq Famili| f HERE'S my Happy Family, Little folks, as you may see : Cats who fight, but just in fun. Mice who up the flag-staff run, Paroquet, canaries too, Now, my dears, 'twixt me and you, Girls and boys who scold and tease, Might a lesson learn from these Birds and beasts who all agree In my Happy Family. 49 C rossing Sweeper H E is weak and old, and he feels the cold, But a nice clean path he keeps, For passengers all, both great and small, As the mud to each side he sweeps. The people stare, in London Town, At his turban rare, and his face so brown, But the poor old Hindoo does not mind, So long as a coin for him they find. And he nods and smiles, as he sweeps away, As if to the passer-by he 'd say, " Think of your shining boots and shoes, And a copper to me you can't refuse. For each penny I get I sweep the faster Ah! thank you, Thank you, Kind young master!" 5 PURCM FI n D -J UD HAVE you a penny ? well then, stay ! Haven't you any ? don't go away ! Punch holds receptions all through the day, Squeaking aloud to gather a crowd, Scolding at Toby, beating his Wife, Frightening the Constable out of his life, And making jokes in a terrible passion, As is Mr. Punch's peculiar fashion ; For this is his old, delightful plan Of getting as many pence as he can. Then away he'll jog, With his Wife and his Dog, New folks to meet In the very next street. ilouurher vlrcade TELL me, rosy little boy, Listen, little maiden, too, Do you love a fine new toy ? Yes, you say, of course you do. Then your thought to Mother tell, And she'll take her little maid, And her little boy as well, To this wonderful Arcade. Active apes that climb up sticks, Swords and guns and trumpets bright, Wooden horses, wooden bricks, Big fat lambs with fleeces white, Dolls that smile and dolls that cry, Soldiers ready for parade, All are here for you to buy, In this wonderful Arcade. Toys are hanging up on strings, Toys are laid in tempting rows, And each shop with pretty things Is so crammed it overflows. Little girls and little boys Oft are puzzled, we're afraid, Which to choose of all the toys In this wonderful Arcade. 53 usfman is coming OFF to bed the pets must flock. Look! it's nearly eight o'clock. Baby's sleepy, so is Claire " Ah ! " says Mother on the stair, To little folks that yawn and blink, "The dustman's coming, I should think." Mother's right, for sure enough Here's the dustman, strong and bluff. "Dust ho! dust ho!" hear his cry, As the dust-cart rumbles by. The dustman home is going soon, For there you see the rising moon. And sleepy Claire, in cot so white, Thinks that his cry must mean "Good Night. 55 GOOD-BYE 56 il^D 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION - PSYCHOLOGY 3ti LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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