851 .5 D1G7 x Sir Francis Drake Description of his landing at Drake's Bay, Marin County, California X June 17, 1579 Being an exact copy of parts of the original report of this VOYAGE, in his caravel the "GOLDEN HIND," including a description of the first religious service in English ever held in AMERICA, and also the date of his departure for ENGLAND, JULY 25th, 1579. MARIN COUNTY THE NARRATIVE "In 38 Deg. 30 min. we fell with a conuenient and fit harborough and June 17 came to anchor therein. * The next day, after our coming to anchor in the aforesaid harbour, the people of the countrey shewed themselues, sending off a man with great expedition to vs in a canow. * The 3 day following, uiz., the 21, our ship hauing receiued a leake at sea, was brought to anchor neerer the shoare, that, her goods being landed, she might be repaired; but for that we were to preuent any danger that might chance against our safety, our generall first of all landed his men, with all necessary prouision. CALIFORNIA 1579 to build tents and make a fort for the defense of our selues and goods; and that wee might vnder the shelter of it with more safety (what euer should befall) end our businesse; which when the people of the countrey perceiued vs do ing, they came down to vs, and yet with no hostile meaning or intent to hurt vs. * * * Their men for the most part goe naked; the women take a kinde of bulrushes, and kembing it after the manner of hemp, make them- selues thereof a loose garment, which being knitte about their middles, hanges downe a b out their hippes, and so affordes to them a couering. They are very obedient to their husbands. MARIN COUNTY and exceeding ready in all seruices. * Against the end of three daies more (the newes hauing the while spread itself e farther, and as it seemed a great way vp into the countrie), were assembled the greatest number of people which wee could reasonably imagine to dwell within any conuenient dis tance round about. Amongst the rest the king himselfe, a man of goodly stature and comely person age, attended with his guard of about 100 tall and warlike men, this day, uiz., June 26, came downe to see vs. * * * In the meane time the women remaining on the hill, tormented themselues lamentably, tearing CALIFORNIA 1S79 their flesh from their cheekes, whereby we perceiued that they were about a sacrifice. In the meane time our generall, with his companie, WENT TO PRAYER, AND TO READING OF THE SCRIPTURES, AT WHICH EX ERCISE THEY WERE ATTEN- TIUE, and seemed greatly to be affected with it. * * * This one thing was obserued to bee generall amongst them all, that euery one had his face painted, some with white, some blacke, and some with other col ours, euery man also bringing in his hand one thing or other for a gift or present. * * * Few were the dayes, wherein they were absent from vs, during MAR1N COUNTY CALIF. 1579 and kingdome, both by the king and people, into her majesties hands; together with her high- nesse picture and armes, i n a piece of sixpense currant English monie, showing itself e by a hole made of purpose through the plate; vnderneath was likewise engrauen the name of our gener- all, etc. * * * And now, as the time of our de parture was perceiued by them to draw nigh, so did the sorrowes and miseries of this people seeme to themselues to increase vpon them. The 23 of July they tooke a sorrowfull farewell of vs, but be ing loath to leaue vs, they pres ently ranne to the top of the hils MARIN COUNTY CALIF. 1570 to keepe vs in their sight a* long as they could, making fires before and behind, and on each side of them, burning therein (as is to be supposed) sacrifices at our depart ure. * * * Not farre without this har bor ough did lye certaine ilands (we called them the ilands of Saint James), hauing on them plentifull and great store of seales and birds, with one of which wee fell July 24, whereon we found such prouision as might competently serue our turne for a while. We departed againe the day next fol lowing, uiz., July 25, 1579. * * MARIN COUNTY THEN AND NOW "The 23 of July they toake a sorrowful farewell of us, making fires before and behind and on each side of them (as is supposed) sacrifices at our departure." So wrote the ancient chronicler of the Drake expedition and sank to slumber while the Golden Hind plowed its way homeward. In a second (for in the great calendar) three centuries are but as seconds) those people who tormented themselves lamentably have van ished and the goodly country which Drake foresaw has come into its own. Home estates, farms and bungalows crowd its hills and valleys, and the spot has become a principality, tributary to a me tropolis whose spires have risen CALIFORNIA 1915 like magic on what was the deso late sand spit to the south. The ancient chronicler was a worthy prophet. "A goodly country." No more beautiful spot than Marin County can be found in all the world lying so close to a metrop olis. Neither London, Paris, Ber lin, New York nor any other com mercial center of which we know, has within one hour of the busy city streets such a variety of hills, mountains, valleys, cascades, streams and wooded trails as Marin County offers to San Fran cisco. In fact, here at one's very door is a mountain fastness pos sessing all of the beauties that an indulgent nature and climate has to offer. MARIN COUNTY Take boat from San Francisco and in half an hour one lands upon the selfsame peninsula where landed Drake. Explore inland as did he; but not as painfully as did he. Electric roads add to the pleasure and accessibility of this garden spot. The boat itself lands one at Sausalito, a city of beautiful homes upon terraced hills and looking out across the great bay. Before it, in the waters of Tiburon, rests Belvedere, a dream island of homes. Across the hills a vigorous walk lands one on Point Bonita where a picturesque lighthouse looks across the sea to China and Japan and sees close at hand that island CALIFORNIA 1915 which the brave voyagers of Drake called the "Hand of Saint James," "having on them plentiful and great store of seals and birds." Again an electric train front Sausalito and one is at the foot of Mt. Tamalpais amidst the pines and redwoods. Trails wind through the woods up and up until one gains the crest of the divide. Far away one sees the silver of the Pacific; below, at one's very feet, the green of the Muir Woods where stand the forest monarchs which stood when Drake landed, and even in that day they were hoary veterans: along the crest lies West Point; and further still, at the summit of Mt. Tamalpais, the Tavern from which the whole MARIN COUNTY CALIF. 1915 country lies spread out like a map. One sees the gleam of San Fran cisco Bay, the dark green of the forests, the lighter green of the valleys and farms, the glitter of the nestling towns, the slow crawl ing trains, a picturesque panorama covering nine counties; and far away, above the clouds Mt. Diablo peering across the open to its neighbor; the Sierra Nevadas further to the east stately with its crown of perpetual snow; and Mt. Hamilton on whose summit the Lick Observatory, that outpost of Science watching with unerring eye the procession of the Heaven ly Hosts. Again the electric line to San Rafael, the ideal city of homes and rich of woods. MARIN COUNTY passing on the way station after station where happy throngs wait the returning city traveler and happy homes peer out from the green of the woods. Here no snow falls nor winter chills; nature is kindly and like a kindly mother gathers to herself the laughing children giving them their birth right of sunshine and fresh air. Who would shut within bricks and mortar these tender shoots when such a climate and country lies so close at hand? Or, if one can spare the time, press even further. The railroad runs through farms and valleys, past bungalows and wooded slopes beside the ever changing streams till it comes to rest at last CALIFORNIA 1915 into the heart of the woods. Take a motor stage. S wi n g through the hills where nature rests silent and undisturbed till at last you break forth upon a wide sweep of majestic ocean. It is the Pacific. Hour after hour you may skirt the cliffs; the restless ocean tosses far below you, its white fangs gleam ing upon the dripping rocks while the stately forests stand upon the hills gazing calmly down upon this giant who would eat his way into their sanctuary. Along the rock- bound shore busy fisheries thrive, their industry supplying a ready market close at hand. "A goodly country and fruitful! soyle, stored with many blessings fit for the use of man." MARIN COUNTY We have been hearing the roar of cannon and the call to arms as Christian man springs like a wier wolf at the throat of Christian man; from the city comes the cry of travail as the wheels of toil and care grind on and ever on. Are you weary of all this? Does it rest as a burden on your soul? Take boat with Drake. Plunge into this goodly country. The sweet air will bring you solace. The hills and forests will look upon you with so deep a calm that you will wonder at your restless ness. The seemingly great things of the city will shrink to littleness while mother nature rocks you on her bosom. The Land of Drake will welcome you. And when CALIFORNIA 1915 you leave, it will be you that will take sorrowful farewell, not those blessed inhabitants who stand watching on the hills.